Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1941 October 1






ast: eek I told you that der the isw the Soar is

ed to fifty per cent of the retail price of milk.
1 also told you that I was. asking the Board ot. Control: to
ke immediate steps to see that the earn res received fifty
cent for their milk.

Last Sunday morning in Augusta, Gharue. inspectors from

is Department intercepted a truck load of milk from a plant
Lexington, North Carolina.
ming to Augusta to a member of the Milk Control Board.

: 8.
~The inspectors, in accordanc with instructions, put Cisse
the truck load of milk so that it would be unmarketable.

cA delegation from Augusta came to. Atlanta Monday to ~
otest to Gevernor Talmadge against the s seizure. and Ce es -

of this milk.
Governor Talmadge agreed wi me ak ihe milk law

This truck load of milk was

ld be enforced and the Georgia producers protected in so "

ras possible from a flood of outside milk coming into the state. :

run the prices down.

This truck load of milk represented about 3, 500 gallons

skimmed milk.

Te had been condensed to thirty per cent, so that there was

ly about 1,140 gallons of the condensed milk, but it repre-
ented 3,500 gallons of skimmed milk as it came. from the cream

fe The IDSPECCOrS: of this Department went to ihe plant at


: Prices prev ailing at foowing State Farmers Markets: /
September 26, 1941

pies Boxes, Fey. med. to large =$1.60-1.75
Beans (Lima), bulk, per bu. 1.65-1.85
Beans (Snap), per bu. MUS Be a 1.50-2.00
ollards, per dozen : .90-1.00
ggplant, per bu. hprs. 1.00-1.50

kra, ordinary quality, per bu. ae 1.50-1.75.
ars, bulk, per? Bose = hom 38D

Pegs Pil, per Ou. f6 oo .75-1.00
1.00-1. 25

e ae :

Potatoes, Cobblers, per 180 hs
Squash; per bu. =
Sweet Potatoes, Porto Ricans, per bu. baskets Bee
Tomatoes, 8- sah baskets. ge oh ee ee

'80- .90
.40- .50

180= 90:
85- 90 _


Lavihees North Carolina, and spent about four hours among
the truck drivers there. :

The inspectors posed as hitchhiker ieoxiee: for. ee
they were obtain a lot of. valuable information fron
truck drivers. They found that milk was coming to this p
in Lexington, North Carolina, from as. far away as Milwauke
Wisconsin; Missouri, and from every distant. pomt, wie
could be obtained at a very cheap price.

The law against | flooding the state with cheap ntilk - il
be rigidly enforced in Augusta and throughout the state. a

The Milk Control Board is separate and independent of
Department of Agriculture. The Commissioner of Agricultu
has no control over the Milk Control Board or its Director. a

Governor Talmadge agreed with me that the
should have not less than Oe per cent of the retail p

Governor. Talmadge. Sapoitted a. committes consis *
the Director of the Milk Control Board, the Commissioner
Agriculture, a plant man and some dairymen, to report th
matter at 1:30 Pe M. the same day.

We held a meeting of this. committee in my office an

- recommended that the price of milk to the producer be put a

thirty cents per gallon for 4. 3 milk throughout the: state,

- This recommendation was accepted by the Director of th
Milk Control Board and he informs me that they will ee i

(Continued On Pane Two)

Livestock Sales mae Georgia Auction Markets

Reports received at this office show following average prices p id
108 No. 1 hogs as the Live Stock Auction Markets named:

September 26, A94de .

17Rome: =
September 19Cordele
September 22-Sylvester
September 23
- September 25Americus





September 25-Americus


Pi valling Wholesale Prices (FOB- Points Mentioned)

Eggs quoted below are for GEORGIA, GRADE A, WHITE EGGS. Grade B and Grade

. eggs are quoted 2 t0e5e DEN these a OIA ORS.

Atlanta | |
.33- .39
.25- .28
.18-, .20
500 1h
li-, 12
A12- d


10- .
ADs 45





acs, Large, Ww Bite, Grade A, doz.
Eggs, Medium, Grade A, doz
Eggs, Small, Grade A, doz
4% Ibs. up., lb
Leghorn, Ib
Db. :











September 24. 1941 _ Always subject to variation,

Flowers and Seed
Plants for Sale
Seed for Sale
Second Hand Machinery
Fruit and Butter for Sale
Beans and Peas for Sale

Syrup for Sale .
Honey Bees and Bee Supplies


+ .20=

untry Butter, best. table, tb. ate
eld peas; mixed, bu... =
Field Peas, not mixed, bu.
Ear Corn, (80 lbs. to bu.).
Shelled Corn, bu

Cabbage, (Green), per 100 Ibs.

Corn and Seed Corn for Sale

evs for Sale. = a ee ears
Tobacco for: Sale
Potatoes and Vegetables for Sale se
Fresh and Dried Fruits

Peanuts and Pecans for Sale

Farms for Rent & Sale
Want-to-Rent Parms ot 2 3s 5
Livestock, Cattle, Hogs

Horses and. Mutles* 2222575

E Cabbage (White), per 100 lbs,
~ Peavine Hay, No. 1, per ton

eanut Hay, No. 1, per ton
Spanish Peanuts, No. 1, per ton
(Del. Shelling Plant.)

}14:00-15.00 |

10. 00-12.00
7.00- 8.00





Sheep and Goats for Sale

Incubators and Brooders

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs for Sale _ 6
Poultry for Sale & Wanted

Farm Help Wanted

Positions Wanted

Wednesday, October 1


Notices of farm produce and appurtenances admissable under
postage regulations inserted one time on each request and re-

peated only when request is accompanied by new copy of notice.

Limited Space wiil not permit insertion of notices containing
more than 30 words including name and address.

Under Legislative Act the Georgia Market Bulletin does not
assume any responsibility for any notice appearing in the

; Published Weekly at

au- 122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.
By Department of Agriculture
Yom Linder, Commissioner |
Executive Office, State Capitol,
Atlanta, Ga.

. Publication Office
114-212 Pace St., Covington, Ga.
litorial and Executive Offices
_ State Capitel, Atlanta. Ga.

Notify on FORM 3578Bureau of
_ Market, 222 State Capitol,
2 Atlanta, Ga.

Entered. as second class matter
August 1, 1937, at the Post Office
Covington, Georgia, under Act
of June 6, 1900. Accepted for
mailing at special rate of postage
provided for in Section 1163, Act
of etober 8. 1917.


| Sirty Cents Per Gallon For Milk
fo All Georgia Producers Oct. 1

(Continued From Page One)

nto effect in all the milk sheds in Georgia on Wed-
1esday, October 1, 1941.
I have now in my files reports where the plants
nave settled with dairymen all over Georgia for milk
m twenty-six cents per gallon down to as low as
leven cents per gallon. All this milk will bring
ty cents beginning October 1.

It was agreed that there would be no classes of


Heretofore it has been customary to settle with
e producer on a basis of Number 1, Number 2, Num-
x 3 and Number 4 milk, but it was agreed that in
future payments would be made to the producer
n one class only and that the price for that class is
nirty cents per gallon for 4.3 milk.

Milk that runs better than 4.3 in butter fat will
eceive a correspondingly higher price. Milk that
uns less than 4.3 in butter fat will receive a cor-
sspondingly lower price.

It is my purpose to have representatives of the
spartment of Agriculture check butterfat tests at

roperly protected on their butterfat tests.

'{ was also agreed that bona fide applicants to
into the dairy business should receive permits to
At ihe present time the city of Augers. Georgia,
ceiving about forty per cent of its fresh milk
pply_ from farmers who live across the river in
uth Carolina.

f these farmers were prohibited to sell their
in Augusta overnight, there would be an acute
tage of whole milk for people in Augusta.

have instructed Mr. Howard, Chief Dairy In-
ctor, to go to Augusta and make a survey of the
de farmers who live just across the river from
usta who are supplying a pertion of the Augusta

Those farmers will be permitted. to continue to

rmen on the Georgia side of the river are able
roduce a milk supply for Augusta.


"The Committee of Commissioners of Agriculture
pointed in Memphis, Tennessee, sometime ago met
Vashington Thursday, September 25; :
This committee is presenting facts to the Con-
nal Committee now cOneer ne price , control

uring thirty-one years from 1910 to 1940 in-
e the income of people on the farms in terms
money has been almost stationary.

During the same thirty-one years the income of
ple who do not live on farms has made a tre-
dous advance.

In 1910 thirty-two million people living on farms
ived $139 each.

n 1940 thirty wives people living on farms

01 t fourteen per eent in dueouic to the farm
ation. in thirty-one years.

In 1910 fifty-nine million people ber living on
farms received an annual income of $482 each.
1940 one hundred and one million people not
g on farms received an annual income of $700
is is an increase in income to those. who
ve on the farms of forty-three per cent.

plants as fast as possible so that all producers will]

g their milk into Augusta until such time as}
ing oxalis, bulbs, 27c doz. Post-

| flowering mosg

jea.; butter eggs. bulbs,

income really is it must be

Fememberad that while the

income of the one hundred and one million who do
not live on farms averaged $700 per year, that this
includes all unemployed and children.

In 1910 thirty-two million people on the farms
received $139 each to produce food and clothing for
fifty-nine million people who do not live on the farms.

In 1940 thirty million people received $161 each
to produce food and clothing for one hundred and
one million people who do not live on the farms.


Commissioner of Agriculture,




Paper white narcissus, 15e Ce
$5.00 M.; purple. itis. 75. C;
$5.00 M.; junipers, large and
small siz, 1-9 ft. high; lily
bushes, cactus cuttings. $1.00
Oe Mrs. Martha Gilstrap, Alto.

Blooming size white Easter
lily bulbs, 50c per 6: 75c per
doz. Add postage, no stamps.
_ Rahn, Guyton, R.. 1, Box


red. cream, purple, yellow vine.

mixed, -25, 35c: white, pink,
weiglia) pink, spirea, bridal
wreathe, purple lilac, golden

bell Keria Japonica, Forsythia,
8, 50c. Mrs. os Eller, Elli-
jay: BR: 3:

Magnolias Mtn. laurel. aza-
lea, crabapple. sweet bay. red
and white dogwood, long leaf
pine, black hall, gallberry. red
nud, 1 tt: 10:2 3: fe. 25 Plus
postage, no stamps. or chks.
Mrs. Albert Harrison, Dublin,
Re 5:

10 to 20,000 M. mixed jon-
quils, narcissus, daffodils. but-
tercups, butter and eggs $2.50
M., if all or half or taken. Mrs.
Will Smith, Warm Springs.

Narcissus bulbs, jonquils. 20c
doz.;~ 200, $1.00; privet hedge.
well rooted 25: $2. 00; Junipers,
3 ft. -75c: Xmas vine, 20c ea.
Add postage. Miss Margie
White. Temple. R. 1.

Small palms, 3, $1.00: 7, $2.:
16, $4.00: Century plants. 50c;
Banana plants, $1.00. S, M. Sea-
born, Brunswick.

Spirea; English dogwood;
crepe Myrtle: weigelia: ever-
green; althea, dbl. aand single;
Abelia. Mrs. Thomas Lamb, At-
ee R. 4, Box 220, Veltre Cir-

About 25 white like bushes
from 1-3 ft., 10c ea.: $1.00 doz.:
Blue Iris, 2 or 3 other COb:? 10
doz.. 12 doz. $1.00: jonquils,
same price. Add postage, No
chks. Mrs. Thos. J. Key, Waco,
Re 1.2 Box 141,

Long trumpet jonquil bulbs,
50c C.: $4.00 M. mixed with
nareissus, same price: rooted
lilae, flowering almond, crepe
Myrtle, cream running month-
ly roses, 10c ea., $1.00 doz. Add
postage. Mrs. Geo. M. Foster.
Waco, R. 1.

Fine Iris, 25c ea., 5, $1.00.
labeled. postpaid: Blue velvet.
Sir Knight, pink opal, Happy
Days. Desert Gold, Sierra Blue.
aoe J. 188 Kilgore. Stone Mtn.


Crepe Myrtle, 15c ea.; Cedar
10c: $1.00 ea.; holly $1. 00 ea.:
Four OClock seed, 25c table-
spoonful; Pumpkin seed 25c
tablespoonful. W. H. McMillon,
Ochlocknee, R. 1.

Blooming size Madona lily
bulbs, $1.00 doz.; Long stem,
large, rich deep red Taips, 2
doz. $1.00. Send postage. Mrs.
A. B. Prickett, Maysville.

Large yeilow winter bloom-

age paid. Mrs.
Baxley, Ro. 1s ;
Wild Se. $1.00; bu;
Comfere 20c ea.- aro 00; Cat-
nip 25 doz. ia Oe McCon-
nell, Demorest, R. 1.
Lavender iris, 4 doz. 99e;
orange iris 20c doz.; white nar-
cissus 50c C.; jonquils 40c C:;
orange lilies lde.-doz: 3 dex.
40c; red geranium 10c; spireas,.
Wweigelia. winter honewsuckle,
crepe Myrile, English dogwood,
quince, others, 10c ea., $1.00 doz.
Add postage. Mrs. J. C. Mize,

Large trumpet yellow daffo-
dil, pearl narcissus bulbs. oran-
ge day lily, 25c doz.; $1.00 Co.
$6.00 M.; small var: garlic, star
bethlehem, blue flowering box-
vine evergreen 50c C.: unrooted
hedge cuttings $3.00 M.; Pink
locust. wild
shrubbery. , 75c. Mrs. Emma
Clayton, Roy.

Blue iris, privet hedge, nar-
cissus. spider lilies, violets, $1.00
C.; lemon lilies 35 doz.: Brown
day lilies, yellow iris, 25c doz.
i R. C. Stembridge, Ellijay,
12 boxwoods, 28 in. high, 72
in. around, $3.50 ea.; bloom-
ing size gardenia, 2 ft. high, 50c
blue Roman single hya-

Corrie Mims,


o wets a eaue picture of how low the farmers


/einths, ali bulbs 25c doz. Mrs.

White narcissus 40c C. yellow
daffodils. 30c C.: - Blue hlac
bushes, well rooted 40c ea.;
yollow rose bushes, 3, 30c:
Crepe Myrtle bushes. well root-
ed. 2 40c. Mrs. L. W. Henry,
Temple. R. 2.

to 12 $1.00 C.: 24 to 36 $3.00
to $3.50 C.: beautiful, deep
pink, rooted cuttings. 3, $1.00;
2 yr. plants, 75c; Rare var. Mrs.
John S. Clark. Jacksonville.

Gardinias, 2 ft. high, 50c;
Single req cannas, 25c doz.;
Snowball, well rooted 25c ea.;
Narcissus, Jonquils, 50 doz.:
Pink running rose, purple crepe
Myrtle. purple lilac; wisteria,
10c ea.; Postage added. Mrs. S.
L. Hendrix, Douglasville. R. 1.

Blooming azaleas, all col., 45c
doz.; Rhododendrons, Mtn. lau-
rels, dogwood. white pine,
spruce pine. 60c doz.; crabapple.
sweet shrubs, 40c doz.: White
altheas, 2. 25c: Mtn. ferns 15
doz. All well rooted. Add post-
age. Mrs. L. F. Adams, Ellijay,
Re 2: :

38 yr. old cape jasmine in
potS, 65c: red peonies 25c ea.
Add postage. Miss Bessie Mar-
tin. Gainesville. R. 5,

Yellow jonquil, yellow butter
and egg, white narcissus bulbs,
$1.10 C.; Blue grape hyacinths
bulbs. 35 -doz.; $1.50 C.; Sweet
Williams 50c doz.; Catnip pep-
permint, spearmint plants, 35
doz. Mrs. T. H. McCurley. Hart-

Mixed Iris 50c doz.; Quaker
lady Iris, 10c ea.; rooted white
wisteria 15c ea.: 2 var. Eng-
lish dogwood: quantities Mtn.
laurel, cheap. Come after. Ele-
agnus (Silver thorn) cuttings,

15 doz. Mrs. E.* . Heaton.
Hartwell, R. 3... s

Gladiolas bulbs, blooming
size. Orange color, 10c _ doz.;

Add postage. Mrs. J. G. Cald-
well, Jackson. R. 3.

2 large standerd boxwood,
$6.00; 2 smaller, $4.00; uniform
in size. Mrs. W. A. Cosper, Bow-
don. Star Rt. g

Unrooted cuttings of white,
rose. and 2 kinds of pink, dbl.
petunias, 6 cuttings, 25c: dbi.
Geraniums, Red. orange seven
sisters, 6. cuttings, 25c; Un-
rooted cuttings of maple be-
gonia, 6, 25c: Mrs. J. W. Rob-
erts. Tallapoosa eee.

Yellow jonquils, yellow nar-
cissi bulbs 75c .: Pink coral
vine 15c ea.: Orange Lantanas
10e ea. All del, Mrs: H. D: Burt,
Americus, R. 2. B. 136.

Small Easter lily bulbs, Ic ea.
Add postage. Mrs.. W. E. Tyler.

Ferns, Geraniums, Amaryllis,
blooming size, assorted, 4 -60c;
daffodils, fine named gladiolas.
$1.25 C. P. P.: Persean Lilac,
Dbl. pink Althea, 35<50C Exe.
for other values. M. Pace, Tem-
ple, Ret.

Pink rhododendrons, redbud,
Mt. laurel, crabapple, holly, red
maple, all col. dogweod, azaleas,
white pine, cherokee rose. cor-
alberry, butterfly, 4 ft. Well
rooted, $1.00 doz. Glen Wilson,
Blue Ridge.

Large King Alfred daffodils
60c C.; White Narcissus 75c C.
Postpaid. No chks. Mrs ho A.
Gray, Rockmart, RR. .2.

Iris, 10 labeled, 50 for $1. 155
mixed. $1.20: Japanese, $1. 10
doz.3 Beardless 25, 60c; .Jon-
quils, datfodils, & kinds, 300,
$1.20; Narcissi, 60c C. Mrs. J.
M. Hall. Calhoun, R. 1.
75 Arbovitaes or Cedars
from 2-3% ft. high, oe

price. Janie Frasier. Re oe Ox
119. Buford.

Ambassador, Bee. Iris,
75e doz.; Small sacred Lily In-

dia, 20c: Large red Amaryllis,

White August lilies 40c ea.:
Weeping Willow, privet, Ligus-
rum cuttings. yellow Humbert
Cannas, $1.25 C. Add postage.
Mrs. Ruth Head Bremen.

Large size Easter lily bulbs,
75e doz.; Large Amaryllis, 50c
ea.: Red. white, purple, ver-
pena 25 doz.: Coral vines. 5,
D0c) P.-P. on 50c orders. Ne
stamps, or chks. Mrs. Ida Tay-
lor, Arlington, R. 2.

Mixed col. Iris bulbs, 25 doz.
Bulbs originally cost $1.00 ea.
Add postage. Mrs. L. R. Pier-

E. L. Roberts, Suwanee, R. 1.

son, Lilly Mill Ra., Doraville.

Camelia Japonicas, 80 var. 8.


Easter lily bulbs, 75c
$5.00 C. Add _ postage,
narcissus bulbs 25 C.; Butter
cup. bulbs: 35c Co Mrss Se)
Rahn, Rincon, Rov.

2 White Cream blue i iris,
doz.; White peonies, 3, 5
Well rooted boxwoods. dwa i
and tree kind. Come after, no
letters answered. Miss Mary
Grindle, Danlonega, R. 1.

2 yr. old Arborvitae for s
or will exc..1 for 25 King
fred or Emperor daffodil bull
Dbl. pink or Roman Hyacint
All bulbs to be large bloomi
size. Ea. pay postage. W. Ke

Magnolia, tea olive, gr
peard, sweet shrub. cedar, lon
straw pine, evergieen, 0:
crabapple, 1 ft. 10c; 3 ft. 2
fit. 35: Mrs. 0. W. Co.
Toomsbore. Funes

Plant iris now, 125 var,
labeled, $1.00; Many ki;
some named 25 doz.; Lem
lilies 25c doz.; 8 kinds label
Hemorcallis 25 ea. 5 pink
tree with $1.00 order. Mrs,
G. Robertson, Carrollton. :

White peonies, 20c ea.; Wh:
Apr. narcissus, 50c ce ;
postage. Ethel. Sullivan. Mai
etia, RR. 2: y

Yellow daffodil bulbs, 50
1 yr. old sweet pomegranat
25c ea. del. A. J. Stanton. Ney

Shrubberies, crabapple. dc
wood, Myrtle. holly, magno
oak. sweet shrub, rich blue qa:
red morning glory -seed.
postage. Mrs. B. S,.
Toomsboro, R. 2.

Watermelon red crepe My
tle, pink almond, 35c ea.: 4 En
er boxwoods, 18 ing $e

Trumpet daffodils, Oran
Le lilies, $1.25 C.; Rose. Ww.
Oxalis, 25c doz. Mrs. Beis
rison, Bremen. )

Olympia daff@dil, butter.
epes; 80c C., 200. $1.50:
blooming Narcissus, 200, -
Peonies, white and pin
root; Shasta daisies, 3 doz.
Mrs. Christine McLeod, R
Box 166. College Park.

Dwarf boxwood, 2-8 in, ta
10 ea.; $7.50 C.; Seedling he
ly, 4- 8 in. tall, 10 ea.,
C.; Star Bethlehem $1. 00
Sage plants, 10c to 50c
E. Eason, Atlanta, 1361 _
Ave. -S. W.

Blue Roman hyacinths, $
C.; Yellow and pink tulips, $
C.; Baby breath spirea 25c
Sage bushes, 30c ea. Mrs. J
Brannan, McDonough, R.-2. 3

Extra large paper white
and yellow dbl. narcissus,
spider lilies, 35e doz.: : King
fred daffodils, odorus rug
jonquils, Aspasia Narcissus, $
Co Mrs. Cher c. Dye, Middle
ton; R. 1:

Wild birdfoot, -voilets,
iris, lilies? blood root, yello
roots, $1.50 C. Shasta daisies.
red verbena, yellow jasmine
$1.00 doz.; Wilg ferns, $2.50 C
Add postage. Mrs. Clara Bell,
Carey, Royston, R. 1.

Long Trumpet daffodils, ye
low jonquils, white nar SSI
50c C.: Water lilies 15c e
25c. Add postage. Miss
Lee Crump. Hartwell, R.

Purple butterfly Rhodod
dron. All Col. Azaleas, La
white pine, Cherokee rose,
ly, 3-4 ft... $1.00 doz. Pink
chid. per phlox, large yello
daffodils. ties and whi
jonquils, $1.00. C. Sadie
son, Morganton. :
Mixed Darwin tulip b
all large var. Many col. in
ed. All blooming size. $1.00
Blue Grape Tyacinths, 35 do:
Gladys Duran, Cummings, R

Winter pinks, Shasta daisie
purple iris, 25c doz.: Pi
mond. purple lilac,


_ 10c eax Boxwoods, 3
ea. Well rooted. Add postag
Miss Madge Cochran, Talk
ROCK. sR 2.
4 col. Iris, blue bicolor ye
low with. bronze. falls, w

with lavender, smokey blue, I
25c; $1.00 C. mixed, Mrs.
E. Spence, Carrollton, R, 5.

Tulip popular. dogwoods

col. azaleas. white pine, holly

bush. Cherokee roses, Mt. la
rel, Rhododendrons, coralbe!
redbuds, well rooted. Postp.
3-4 ft. high. $1.00 doz. Mrs
cile Millhollan, Morganton

Jonquils, narcissus, daffo
bulbs, 45c C.: $4.00 M. P.
Req Canadian, white regal lilie
25 ea. Many kinds of iris

doz. Shrubbery cheap. A
postage under $1.00. Betty
Kinsey, Young Harris.

Queen Annes lace seed an
big and pink dbl. poppy see
10c pkg.; yellow oxalis bu.

25e doz. Make erders at

25. Mrs. _ Atkinson,

October 1, 1941



rooted Cape Jasmine blooms,
ite. 10 12 in., 30 and 40c e2.;
All col. snapdragons. seed, 10c
easpoonful. Plus postage. Mrs.
N. Minish. Commerce. R. 4.

Vhite and pink thrift plants.
C. del. Carefully packed in
s. Cash or money orders.
postage. Mrs. Herbert L.
ry. Statham. ;
d Spider lilies. butter and
: litle vellow Narcissus, 25c
: Jonquils 15c doz.: But-
ios. 20 doz: Ferns. 50c
Et ponderona lemon bush.
yrs. old 3 small lemons on
$5.00. Come and get it. Mrs.
Ff, Jarrell Butler. R.. 25
jue. purple. yellow flags,
; Jonquils, blackberry

Jemina Crump. Talking

\bout 25 roses and orchid
gle Althea plants, 4-5 ft.. 10
: 3. 25c. Mrs. H. G. Harris.
ixed jonquils, Orange day
. 25c doz. Mrs. J. E. Sor-
s. Royston .R. 1.
ellow winter jasmine. pink
pe Myrtle, purple lilac. bri-
wreath yellow Easter rose,
> ea.; Var. Gladiolas. Easter
25c doz.: Blue grape hya-
inths 35 doz.; Mixed col. tu-
; (bulbs) $1.00 doz.: Paper
ite narcissi 25c doz.: $1.50
attie Duran. Cumming. R.

Norlds wonder picardy pink
-minuet lavender Gladiolas
bs: Also a fine name mix-
e of Gladiolas. 25c doz. Add
stage, under $1.00. Cheaper
large lots. Mrs. Carl Kimsey,
ung Harris.
ar. yard honeysuckle. blue,
d verbena. blue ageratum,
mon verbena, Gold button
ms. Humbert Cannas, 25
.. $1.25 C.: Purple, viclets,
l i i 50c
Add postage. Mrs.
ht. Bremen.
fine Hydrangeas, 3-4 ft.
3 to 4 ft. wide. In open
und 5 yrs. Can be col. Blue
nk. J. T. Van Horne. Mon-

drangeas 15c ea.; 2. 25c,
ted. Add postage. Mrs. W.
Glass. Jackson.

lips, mixed col. 40c doz.
postpaid. Pink Cactus 35c
. Exc. for peonies, any col.
te what you want. Dora A.

Harbin, Cumming. R. 5.

mperor and dbl. daffodils,
C.: White Narcissu, 300.
00: Purple Wisteria. Forsy-
a. purple Althea. Waterer

a, Winter Jasmine, good

. 10. $1.00; Nandina, 4,

. Postpaid. Mrs. Dick Pow-
College Park. R. 2.
3looming size and Easter lily,
lbs 20c ea. postpaid. Miss
udia Bennett Gardi.
hododendron, azaleas. lau-

ns, gaylax, others. Wet moss
*ked. Gordon Hunnicutt, Tal-
ah Falls.

Mt. Laurel. Rhwdodendrons,
- 100 doz.; 20c ea.; Red Spi-
_ Red, Yellow Japonica, Star
hlehem 20c ea.: mixed col.
aleas, White Dogwood, Crab-
le. white and spruce pink.
eet shrub. 45c doz. Add post-
. Mrs. J B. Williams, Elli-

em. 2,

Ithea, Forsythia, Azalia,
ace. laurel, Dogwood, ever-
oming, yellow thornless rose,
$1.00; $1.75 doz.; Enperior
odils. poeticus Narcissus.
ik Anemones, Shasta Daisy.

Per. Phlox, 3 doz. $1.00;
C. Mrs. J. H. Penland, El-

trong young delphinium
ts, trilliums, ladys slipper.
acinths, Jack-in-the-Pulpit.,
ichmans breeches, hardy
Schias. bleeding hearts or
dy water lilies. Mrs. J.
tram, Lithonia, R. 3.
Purple Iris. April Narcissi
bs 75c C.: Hedge cuttings 75e
400 iris and 300 other mix-
bulbs. $5.00: Money Order

gonia for 25c: unrooted.

._| beauty bush. 6 var.

E. |

ferred. Mrs. G. L. Tallant.

ft col. Azaleas 50c doz.;
Laurel, white pines, spruce |
, Dogwoods, Rhododen- |
ms 75c doz. Add_ postage. |
Mnie Shepard, Ellijay.

oxwood, 12-14 in. high, 25c:
ol., blooming size, azaleas |
-doz.; Snowball. dbl. yellow
onicas 25c ea.; White Lilac |
Laurels,Mtn. Rhododen- ,
White pines, Hemlock.
0z.; Pink Phlox, blue iris. '
doz. Add postage. Linda
ans, Ellijay. R. 2.

ea, Jonquils, butter and
-yellow cluster narcissus ,
. $5.00 M. FOB. cash with
Mrs. E, G. Fountain, Ft.



Daffodils, orange day lilies,|
violets. 50c C.; dbl. pink peony.

bulbs. 25 ea.; Snowball, For-
sythia. weeping Linda, bride-
wreathe. old fashioned lillie
bus. Al) well rooted, 2, 25c. Add
postage. Mrs. Mollie Henderson,
Eliiiay. R. 3.

Old fashioned snowball, 12-
18 in. 35 ea.: Boxwood cut-
tings 5c ea.: $1.00 ea. rooted:
Large old fashioned flags. pur-
ple iris. Orange day lilies, $1.00
C, Mrs. Bessie Henson, Fair-
mount. R.~1.

12-15 in Waxleaf Abelia, well
branched, blooming size. $2.00
doz.: $15.00 C. del. Beautiful
bordering boxwood plants. Old
Eng. dwarf and semperviren.
$1.00 doz. 1.000 for sale. Water-
melon red and white crepe
Cyrtle, 2-3 ft. $2.00 doz. Mrs.
B. L. Robinson. Greenville.

Roman single blue Hyacinth,
$5.00 C.: Millions Jonquils. Daf-
fodils. Narcissus. Write for
prices on: large or small quan-
tities. Chinese Sacred lilies 10c
ea.: $1.00 doz.: blue and yellow
Iris 25c doz. Miss Mary C.
Florence. Durand.

Magnolia. tea olive, cedar.
sweet Myrtle, sweet shrub, wat-
ermelon req crepe Myrtle. yel-
low Jasmine, short leaf pine.
sweet bay. water oak. grancy
gsreybeard, dogwood, 1 ft. 10c; 3
ft. 25c: 4 ft. 35c. Add postage.
Exec. for white feed sacks. Mrs.
D. F. Colson. Toomsboro, R. 3.

Rooted, one each. Spungul,
hydrangea, oxalis, cactuc, be-
each, pink double petunia. fu-
chsia, silver spotted begonia.
three colors Lantana, germiums,
cactus all for 25c. Add postage.
Mrs. Lona Blackwell, Dahlone-
ga. Rt. 1.

Magnolias, Laurels.
holly, everblooming
roses: Altheas, dbl.
crepe Myrtles, coral



butterfly bush, wisteris, 15c ea.
Exc. for sacks. printed sacks
preferred. Mrs. Wavy Lewis,
Toomsboro. ee

Iris. huge rhizomes 20c: <3,
50c: Rameses 40 in. pink; Pres.
pilkington 44 in.. buff blue:
Legend 44 in cardinal: Indian
Chief-red, ambassadeur, smoky
red. violet. unlabeled. 10, $1.00
Mrs. Marvin Farrar. Jenkins-

Azaleas 50c doz.; M. Laurel,
Rhododendrons, hemlock. white
dogwood. white pines. oe
ple. 75c doz.; dbl. yellow Jap-
onicas, Althea. dbl. pink al-
mond. snowball 25c: pink, rose.
Per. Phlox: Iris 20c doz.
postage. B. L. Eller, Ellijay, sa
4. :

Jonquils, long trumpet. Ic ea.,
$8.00 M. No samples. Small
grape hyacinths 50c C. Add
postage. Cash with order. Mrs.
C. Taylor. Buchanan, R. i

Dbl. Japonica. 4 yr. old. well
rooted, 50c ea.: Dogwood, 4.
$1.00: White, purple. yellow
iris 35c doz.: Jonquils 40c d0Z.:
Hardy Phlox. 40c doz.; Honey
suckles 50c ea. Miss Etta Bar-
rett. Ellijay. R. 3.

Stocky boxwood.
rooted. $1.00 doz.;
size Gafdinas. 50c ea.. $5.00
doz.: 2-3 tt. well formed Abelia
bushes. $20.00 C.: crepe Myrtle.
$2.00 doz.: $10.00 C.:- Blackber-
ry ily bulbs $1.00 doz. Add
postage. Mrs. C. M. Robinson,
Greenville. :

Yellow jonquil sweet scented
narcissus bulbs 15 doz.; 2, 25e:
Rooted pink oleandet, Ccut-
tings), 10c Red Conch Geran-
iums rooted. 3. 25c: add post-
ape, on orders less than 50c.
Mrs. F. Happoldt. Lewiston.

Magnolia, tea olive, pink and
red crepe Myrtle. dogwood.


tevergreen oak, yellow jasmine.

red holly, red mavle. sweet bay.
1 ft... 10c: 3 ft. 25c:.4 ft. 35c.
Exc. for white feed sacks. But-
ter and eggs bulbs. 15c doz.
Add postage. Mrs. Nellie Pitts.
Dublin, R. 1. :

Paper white Narcissus bulbs.
$9.50 C. Colors on request.
Hordv Phlox, assorted col. $1.25
doz Postage exira or C. O.-B.
D. W. Nichols, Kingston.

Blue Roman Hyacinths, 25c
doz.: 5 doz. $1.; iris, many beau-
viful col., 25c doz. Mrs. W. S.
Wiley, Auburn.

Blue grape hyacinths bulbs
30c C.. 500, $2.00; very large
Fonduus oe C2. er. trailing
moss. 10c doz.: 3 doz. 25c. Miss
Vena Brown, Hartwell.

50 asst. iris, $1.00: 18 labeled
iris, $1.00: Mixed jonquils, $1.

C.: Fragrant lemon lilies, 25c |
Lucojum 35c doz.; 2 Vt.
lrooted chaste tree 20c: 10 pink
iris, free with $1.00 order. Mrs.


Sue Summerlin. Carrollton.

Large Emperor daffodil bulbs,
4 doz.. $1.00: 500, $7.50. Mary
L. Willis, Jefferson.

Add -


ish Javender



Rhododendrons, red, yellow,
orange and white azaleas: white
and spruce pines: red and white
dogwood; Mtn. laurel and sweet
shrubs. 75c doz. Add postage.
Mrs. Ben Lee, Dahlonega. R. 4.

_ Dbl. large, white, pink peon-
ies 30c ea.: Lemon lilies. old-
fashion blue iris. $1.00 C.:
Easter blooming white _ Iris,
$1.50 C.: blue with yellow strip
Iris White Narcisssi $1.00 C.
ea. dbl. daffodils $1.50 C.: Mrs.
res Hughey. Fairmount, R.
Ligustrums. cape Jasmine, li-
lacs. Japonica, altheas,. privet
hedge. Spirea and others, 15c
ea.. $1.25 doz.- 15 box plants.
cutting of ea., 40c: large mums
8 col. 20c doz.; Pink Thrift 15c
doz. Mrs. Ada M. Rice. Max-

Mimosa trees, deep pink
klcoms. 6-10 in. high 3. $1.00:
Zephryantes, fairy or rain lilies

pink, 50c doz. postpaid. Mrs.

G. R. Thigpen. St. Marys.

Blooming size bulbs; white
fragrant Easter lilies 10 ea., 3.
25c: 15. $1.00. Mrs. Jesse Jack-
son. Austell. R. 2.

Royal purple. Iris 40c doz.;
Fever Few. red and pink Ver-
bena, 25c doz.: Grandmothers
jonauils. Apr. narcissus 50c C.
del. Free dbl. poppy seed with
50c orders. No chks. Mrs. An-
nie Pattillo. LaGrange, R. 4,
Box. 79.

Red and pink Geranium cut-
tings, Red and pink begonia
cuttings. 4. 25c del. Wont acc.
stamps. Ida Wright, Alto R. 1.

White and pink thrift. garden-
ias. Thumbergi, Coral berry.
pink waterer spirea and others
for sale or exc. for nandinas,
firethorn, camelias, white crepe
Myrtle. Mrs. Lewis P. Gunn.

40 rooted white crepe Myr-
tles, 2% yrs. old. $10.00; Ali in
one order. No single orders.
Send P, O. Money order. Paul-
ine Crozier. Fort Gaines, R. 2.

Large white and purple iris:
Dbl. day lilies 25c doz.: Black-
berry lilies 20c doz.: red can-

nas, orange and lemon with red

spots 30c doz.; bird of Paradise
seed, 10c pkg. Add postage.
Mrs. J. H:. Carrington, Le-
Grange R. 1.

Few doz. Easter lily bulbs,
large and small; large ones 50c
doz.: Small ones 20c doz. Add
postage. Mrs. Thelma Burkett,
West Green.

Peonies, all col: choice and
standard var., sure to bloom.
$2.50 doz. Iris, light and dark
col. $1.59 C. Ageratum, dwarf,
pink, white and blue. 3. 30c.

Mrs. S. W Sloan, Auburn.

Bulbs of twin sisters. large
and carefully sel. 15e doz. plus
postage: Also 1 pedigreed R. C.
S. L. Wyandotte rocster, 3 yrs.
old $1.00 exp. col. Mrs. E. B.

| MeLeroy, Eatonton, R. 1.

Pink, yellow. sky blue, pur-
ple. white, Iris: lemon lilies, 5
doz. mixed anyway you pre-
fer. $1.00. 25c order or more
del. Mrs. H. O. Padgett, At-
lanta. 160 Howard St. S. E.

Madonna lilies $1.00 doz. Add
postage. Mrs. C. J. Meadors.

Have cactus and other box
plants cheap; Catalpa plants.
Scotch bloom, 10c ea. This year
round, Mrs. L. H. Coe, Eastan-
ollee. ;

Blue flag lilies 15c doz.; lady
of the lake, 10c doz.; jonquils
20c doz: hydrangeas old fash-
ioned pinks 10c doz.: tiger liles
5c ea. Plus postage. Gertrude
Meeks. Bremen. R. 2.

Wild Easter lily, jonquil, daf-
fodil bulbs, 15 doz.; grandflora
magnolia. teaolives. dif. col.
crepe Myrtles. sweet bay, red
holly. umbrella china, red
woodbine, 1 ft. 10c; 3 ft. 20;
4 ft. 30c. Plus postage. Mrs.
Thomas Womack, Dublin. R. 1.

Dbl. white. pink Altheas;
white, red crepe Myrtle. blue
hydrangeas. pink almonds.
white lilac 25c ea.; pink crepe
Myrtle sweet shrubs. 75c doz.;
nareissus, jonquils, Apr. nar-
cissus $1.00 C.: Camelia Jap.
cuttings. $3.50 C. Mrs.
Smith, Wadley.

Verbena, Indica, glossy dark
green foliage hidden by pink-
blooms in Apr..
50c doz.: Boxwood, waxy round
leaf var.. 2 yr. plants. $1.25 doz.
All postpaid. Mrs. Jennie De-
Loach, Townsend. R. 1.

will grow on shares; Glad-
iolis, peonies, Jap. Azaleas, Ca-
melias snapdragons. poinset-
tias Delphiniums, Shasta dais-
ies. any herbacious plants and
evergreens. Unlimited supplies
of Peat Humus. Time to-plant,
now, Write. Charles A. Stone,
Sylvania, R. 3.

Jonquils bulbs, 40 Cc. Will

exc. for chickens or pecans, |
Mrs. S. N. Camp, Eastanollee. M rth



| shrub. coral berry. all,

| white conks:

Cuttings of single Althea in
lavender. red. white, with red
center, and all white. 2 doz.
30c: dbl. Altheas red. pink 25c
doz. postpaid: Exc. large bloom
oxalis buibs. Leah Rose Grubbs,
Demorest R. 1:

White Wisteria, well rooted,
25c ea.: White Hibiscus, rooted,
20c ea. Exe. for lilies. regal.
Madona, or white Thrift. Add
postage.. Mrs. James Pearson,
Coosa. R= 1. .

Privet hedge. purple iris,
orange day lillies, pink sweet
Williams. $1.00 C.; blue tame
violets 50e C.: Yellow cannas.
$1.00 doz. All postpaid. Mary
Jane Eller Ella Gap. |
250 Ibs. old time seedling
peach seed 3c lb.; 5 qt. Gran-
cey gry beard for shrubbery

25ce qt. $1.00 FOB. Magnolia

seeds 25c at. Mrs. R.S. Allgood.


4-6 m Eng. Boxwoods. $3.00
C.; $5.00. 200: dwarf bushes
(broad or high). 6-8 in.. heavy.
$3.00 doz.. $190.00 M.: Bird of
Paradise. 60e ea.: $1.00. 2.
Maude Hamby. Greenville.

Grandmeothers Jonquil bulbs.
sweet scented deep yellow jon-
qiul. growing 18 tall, have. nar-
row reed like foliage. having
as many as 5 flowers on one
stem. 75 doz.: $5.00 C, Feather
Hyacinth bulbs. $1.00 doz.: $8.
C. Mrs. Raymond Bobinson.
Greenville. :

Azaleas 3. col.
drons. Mtn. Laurels, Red and
white dogwood. spruce and
white pines, blooming locust,
sweet shrubs, 75c doz, Exc. for
clothes. Add postage. Mrs. G.
W. Blackwell. Dahlonega, R. 4.

Pink primroses. butter and
eggs. blue foxgloves. hardy
phlox, purple Easter and oran-
ge day lilies, violets. mixed col.

iris 35e doz.: yellow and white}Tr

Jonaquils, (bulbs). 50c C. del.
in Ga. Mrs. R. M. Holloway,
Dahlonega. R. 1.

Pink Cherokee roses. agaleas,
Mtn laarels.
blooming hemlock, sweet shrub,
dogwood, coralberry, strawber-
ry, bush. tulin popular. Syca-
more trees. 3 ft. high, $1.00 doz.
Rink per. phlox: Cream _narcis-
sus. Calif. blue violets $1.00 C.
Bonnie Abercrombie. Mineral
Bluff. 2

Rhododendrons, Mtn. laurels,
blooming hemlock. red and yel-
low azaleas cream white dog-
wood. tulip poplars. a,
high, $1.00 doz.; Cream narcis-
sus, blue and gray violets. daf-
fadoils, snowdrops. all %1.00 C.
Gladys Robinson, Mineral Bluff.

Azaleamunes, 35c doz.; Pink
and bronze col.; Dbl. white al-
theas. 3 ft. high, 75c ea.; 4 ft.
high $1.00. Postpaid. in Ga.

Evelyn W. Seago, Pinehurst.

Snowdrop bulbs. 50c C.; Pa-
per white Narcissus $2.00 C.;
Dbl. yellow daffodils, Golden-
glow. snow on Mtn. dbl, Orange
day lilies, 25c doz: Sweet
scented yellow jondauils
doz.: Blue Roman MHyacinths
60c doz. Add postave on or-
ders under $1.00. Mrs. Jas.
Heaton. Mineral Bluff.

Apr. blooming Narcissus 50c
C.. $4.50 M: hollyhock seed, 10c
pack; white Hibiscus 10c pack.
Mrs. John Weaver. Temple, R.
2 ;

5 named. varieties gladioli
pichardy. gay hussar. W. P: Sis-
sons, $1.25.C. P. P.; White and
yellow daffodils. $1.00 C. Exc.
for pure honey or other values.
Myrtle Pace. Temple R. 1.

Cuttings, red geraniums;: pink
red salmon _ sul-
tanas; assorted coleus. 3. 10c:
Fairy liiies, orange amaryllis
10c: Cockscomb seed. and oth-
ers. Mrs. C. Lynch, Rome. 5. mi.
Summerville. Rd.

Heavy, 4 yr. old Eng. dwarf

boxwoods 6-8 in., $15.09 C.; 1.
yr., 4-6 in., $3.50 C.: Common |

boxwoods 1 yr., 4-6 in.. $3.50
C.: Hardy. strong, nandinas $1.
doz., $4.00 C. Blanche Wood-
ruff, Greenville.

Grancy greybeard, water oak,
sweet bay. black haw, water-

L.; melon red crepe Myrtle, mag-

nolia, tea olive. cedar. honey-
suckles, dogwood, sweet Myrtle,
short leaf oak, yellow jasmine,
1-4 ft. 10c to 35c. Add postage.
Exe. for white sacks. Mes.
James Connell, Toomsboro, R.

McCartney and Cherokee
reses, semesan treated,
C.- $15.00 M. postpaid. Exe. foi

Bantam or Regd hens. J.


Privet hedge, $1.00 C.; tame!

blue violets 30c C.; Brown day
lilies. 30c doz.; Boston fern,
weeping willows. grape begon-
ia 15, ea.; 2, 25c. All rooted, and

del. on orders of 25c or more.

alston, Ella G

~Rhododen- |

Rhododendrons., .

IL de
Mrs. R. Q. Miller. Acworth

30 |

$2.00 |

Toole. R. 33 Burton Ave., Ma-_

1,200 Abelia plants. 25c to
Gas 2. and. 3. yrs. Gide
Cureton Austell, ee

Rooted. 1 ea. Lantan
drangia, cactus, oxalis, |
geranium, hen and bid
bage geranium. Fu
petunia. maple or grape
ver spotted Begonia.
50c. Postage added. Mrs
Grindle. Dahlonega R

Cuttings: crepe Myrtle:
pink, white mauve, fles
theas: dwarf pollyantha
25c doz.: Old fashioned
and red carnation pinks, Sp:
lily bulbs, 25c doz.: Butterc
$1.00 . Postage or exp.
Mrs. G. R. Slappey, Marsh
ville. pao

1 yr. old sweet pomegr
25c ea. del.; daffodil bul
C. A. J. Stanton. Newborn.

White narcissus and
bulbs 50c C. or exc. for >
multiplying onions. Mrs. B
Ashe. Bishop. Ee

King Humbert cannas, |
C.; Watermelon crepe My


/20c ea.; Jap. quince 25c ea

5, $1.00: dbl. and baby br:
Spirea 20c ea. Add_ post
ea Lorena Smith, Buchana
Rhododendrons, Mt. Lat
red. yellow azaleas. white pin
Hemlock Pussey willow,. r
bud crabapple. pink Chero

Mineral Bluff.
Pure paper. white Nar
Red spider or (Guernse

\ See:

nyacinths 75c doz. Mrs.
Garren Morganton.
Paper white Narcissus,

low daffodils 50c C.; blue

Per. Phlox 25c doz. singl
acinth, Golden glow 15c |
Plus postage, Mrs. J. W. Stric
land, Bremen, R. :2.,.Box 67

Dwarf Boxwood, 4-12 ir
various prices; blue hyacint
25e doz.: Small yellow daffod
very fragrant, 2 doz. 50c: Sca
let red, deep pink Verbena, Pe
2 doz. 50c; $2.00 C. Mrs.
Smith, Greenville. |

Jonquils, Narcissus, m
$1.00 C.; 4 Col. tris. $2.0
White peonies 25c ea. Al

2. ; aa
Snowdrops, Shasta dais
Col. violets, $1.00 C.; pink an
mones, 50, $1.00: spruce, d
woods, azaleas, Cherokee r
barberries, laurels, rhoded
drons $1.00 doz. P. P.; Empe
Narcissi, Maiden Hair fern
low Jasmine. 3 doz,, $1.0
die Wilson, Morganton.
Star of Bethlehem bulbs


e3.; . poppy. seed 10c thin
bleful: Exe. poppy seed
Pansy and Phlox seed; L
Spengeri, Ostrick plume, m
en Hair fern, 20c ea. Postpai
ner Mamie Stone, Adairsvi

Granny-grey beard, Aza
Rhododendrons, 75c doz.
Dogwood seed, 20c lb. . L
Star Jasmine, Kerria Japoni
Red Trumpet. EY St
Oak Hydrangea, Snowballs
50c; Azalea seed, 10c cupful. |
P. Mrs. M. L. Eaton, Dahlone
Ba. Roh ee

Pink Oleander plants, 1
15. in. 25e e4.:*4,30e:
lilies (bulbs), blooming size
10c- 25c doz. Add postage. I
Emma Dugger, Oliver, R. 2.

Pink Almonds 25, 25c; bloon
ing size jonquils 50c C.:
furnish as many as wanted;
Blue Iris 35 doz.: Golden bell

Clayton. Ellijay. R. 2.
Azaleas. 35c doz.; Japoni
25e ea; Iris, 30c doz.; White an
spruce pink: Forsythia: Rho
dendron, Laurel. 2, 25c; Sw
lets, Sweet shrubs, a
Jonquils, 65c C. Add posta
Inez Roberson. Ellijay, R. 2.

large blooming size, $1.00 per
25 bulbs: Every bulb guar.,

age. Mrs. Hubert E. Hill.
merce. tt: 1: 3

Large Easter lily bulbs
ea.: $1.00 doz.; Smaller size 5e
ea.; 5@c doz.- No order filte
under 50c Daffodils, Anr. Na
cissus 75 C. Add postage. No
stamps, or checks. Mrs. M
Tanner, Sandersville. |


postage. Mrs. W. A,
ifton, R. 2.




Bird of Paradise sprouts.
4-2 ft. high: Blooms red
and yellow, $1.00 ea.: Walnuts
outs. 1 ft: high 50c ea.: glad-
las bulbs. pink, 25c doz. Miss
wuline Crump- Hartwell. R. 2.
Red. Crawling verbena 50c
dozer rooted cuttings. blue blos-
water. lilies '15 ea. 2. 25C;
ik and white peonia roses
) a rooted cutting. Mrs. C. Ee
Crump, Hartwell. R. 1.

Lange blooming size tiger lily
Sp, Cs yellow Narcissus
Tbs, -25 doz.: Blue Iris bulbs
a. All postage. Mrs. [lah
gins. Flowery Branch, R: 1.

Hardy Phlox. - lilies. Lu-

ting. eecerecn vine. -50c
: Peonies, velvet roses. Hi-
us 25c ea.; 4 yr. Boxwoods.
-ea. Add postage, stamps
Tamar Teen. Talking Rock

.. White. spruce
>s, Laurels, Rnododendrons
doz.: white lilac. snowball.
_ yellow. red Japonicas 20c:
: Tris 20c doz. Add post-
Martha Eller. Ellijay. R. 2.
Japonica. 6 yrs. old well
cooted. 50c ea.: Dogwood, 4,
-00; Hardy Phlox 40 doz.:
ey suckles 50c-ea = lris,
te, blue, yellow 40 doz.
_ Kar] Keener, Ellijay. R. 3.

from ground. nice speci-
~ $8.00 doz.: 4-6 rooted
gs, $4.00 C.: 1-2 ft. field
wh nandina $3.00 doz.: 2-3

rrell, Greenville, R. 3.
iow Jonquil bulbs. $1.00

ok doz.: dbl. pink flower-
Almond, . '50c ea.: White Li-
$1.00 ea. Mrs. Clara Prince,
1orest. R. 1. Box 14.

- Easter lily, daffodil,
ii, Narcissus bulbs 15c
Teaolive, grandflora, mag-
_ sweet bay. red holly.
odbine. all kinds crepe Myr-
logwoods, and umbrella

4 At., 10c: 3 ft. 20c: 4 ft.
Add postage. Mrs. a
ck, Dublin, eke :
bapples, azaleas. ~ white
black pines, silver maple.
mtain laurel.. Rhododendron.

te dogwood. $1.00 doz.:
ellow and bronze crys-
mums 25c doz.: lilacs,

roses. 4, 25c. Add post-
irs. A 3 Nichols, Mineral

aie daffodils, white
us. bulbs. $1.00 C.: Star
em 50c C. Mrs. Clotee
Buchanan. =

yellow. daffodils. white
sus bulbs. $1.00 C.: Oran-
a _ lilies: Blue Iris lilies,
Mrs. AG, McElroy.

ey any quantity. 100.
lots, any size. but. true
Ne. KL No Soe, Com-

eosin. 3-5 in., , a1. 50 C.:
boxwood $6.00: 3- 5 in. cher-
500. $3.50. Lois Wood- |
reenville. Reb


ield grown dwarf boxwood. |

elia $4.00 doz. del. Mrs. R. |

Orange . Day lilies. Purple |.

Gainesville. Rt. 7.

blue Lupine seed. Be Ib.
od | Cordele. eee |
day lilies. violets,

sus. hae ce dbl. pink |
ond. red Indian arrow, aza~
se bell, Altheas. li-
: dbl. yellow Japcn- |
50 Red Jap Quince, weep- |
BK: for
iss Geneva Richards,
- Rock. R. eit

fairy a
25e doz.; x Lemon
ing, Alfred daffodils.
hedge. $1.00 C.; Justicia.
rooted, 15c ea.: Hib scus
O5e ea. White with crim-
~. Add_ postage. Mrs.


day |.

conner, puchenan, R.A...


ae EWinomine Bee
ie one with green leaf

Grice ye
ile e Box Po

E witie. eye eeuens

plants, for snapdrag-

ice Jarge plants. Mrs.
bs Washington.

r eXc.: White and
cissi for: butter -and
owdrops. or will sell
per gal. Mrs. i. G.

bra grass. King Hone
a ~ milk and wine
all extra large. for dai-
tiger lilies. per phlox.


red blooms. Will buy |.
. | falls Clingstone peach seed 10c

mon coy lilies. bloom- |
pay - _ postage.
th, Kin

Anyone havimg Iee Plant.
would like to get % or % a lb
ef leaves at once. Mrs. Mattie
aden Valdosta 402 Floyd


Want one or two English box-
wood plants. about 5 ft high.
Give circumference of plant and
if symetrical. and fine . good
healthv condition. Mrs. Arthur
Booth. 175 Dearing St... Athens.

Exc. white narcissi for snow-
drops and butter and eggs. or
sell narcissi for $1.00 gal. Mrs.

H G Powell Fitzgerald. ~ = -

Want white. Roman hya-
einths. pink butter-cups and
some seediing pecan trees.

Quote prices at your. door. or
FOB. December del.

Want to hear from someone
having Rhodendodrons: and
and Mountain dry. Must be
root pruned previous yr. Give
crice. location and quan
titv Tee. W. E.. Hancock.
Jr.. Atlanta. R. 4. Hogan Rd.

oe tc exc Day lilies: white
Aug.:. Red Amaryllis. -
Gladiolas. different col.: vel-
lew jJonquils for dbl. pink hya-
cinths or blue Roman or blue
grape hyacinths: or Regal li'ies.
blooming. size bulbs, Mrs: Alice
Harrison. Bremen.

Wanted. rooted geraniums.
nutrres. spice. or apple Miss
Lee Bennet. Hawkinsville.
_ Want white Roman
cinths. any quantity. Mrs.
W Shealy. Oglethorpe.



Force fresh extra das as and
Chas. W. cabbage plants, now
ready. 500. 70c: $1.15.M. Del.

| postpaid. Prompt shipment: Sat-

fuar. F.F. Stokes,. Fitzgerald.

~ Mastoden everbearing straw-
berry plants $2.50 M. del.: 30
C. del Guar, true to name.
Sat. or money back. Amoor
River privet. strong. well root
ed. 2. yr. plants. Toc C= Pearl}
Hudgins. Flowery Branch.

- Primer. early - Seek
plants $3.50 M.: Red Gold.
doz. $1.00: less lots. 50c te
Thornless red raspberry, same
as Red Gold: also 3 pecks peach
seed $3.00. W. B. Allan. Alto,
Rte 2. ;

Ga. and. gabbaseccollards 30
Coc 5002156: 9 195 NES Mars
todon and Klondike everbear-
ing strawberry 500. $1.10: $2.00
M. All del. ou ee

Wakefield and Dutch caggage.
-Ga: and heading collards, 500.
80c: $1.25 M. del.:. everbearing
and Mastodon strawberry. moe
C.: 500, $1.20: $2.00 M- del. Cal-
vin Garrett. Gainesville. Rt. 7.

Everbearing strawberry plants.
35c C.: $2.50 M. mailed. L. A.
Crow Gainesville: Rt ds

250.000 drumhead. Savoy and

| Chas. Wakefield cabbage plants,

for October del. Orders booked
now. $1.25 M. Junan io
Rochelle. <

Ccllard plants. Bbc cs $1.55
MM. Everbearing strawberrv.
oe C.: $2.50, M. all pos'paid.

ao. Crow. Gainesv: He. Rt. a

Strawberry plants. Jargea va-
riety: 25c C.: $2.00 M. oi WwW.
MeRae. Jefferson. ee

Leading yar: - cabbage and
collard plants 25-C.=$1 15M
Everbearing strawberry plants,
30c C.: $2.25 M.. All mailed.
i. A. Crow. Gainesville. R. z

Dutch and - Wakefield -cab-
bage:. Collard plants, 26c ..C.
$1.102 Everbearing -straw-
berry. plants. 30c C.: $2. 15 M.

All mailed. Azzie Crow, Cnes:

ville. AR. Dis

Shiaberty plants. Creinvion
var High quality giant berries.
early and heavy croppers. 25c
90c 500: $1.75 M.
Duran. Cumming, R. 1. |


Fine var. of this summers

doz., $1.00 C. seed, postpaid.
Also: old fashioned white large
Scailion onion buttons. 50c gal.
Mrs. C..R. Sorrells. Monroe, R.
one wi 5 >

| Few white and red multiply --
ing onions, 50c gal. P. P. pre-

paid. Mrs. J. J. Ferrell, Cairo.

Be 3 Box 2574 oo
Ga.. collard seed. 15c_ Ib. in
100 Tbs: lots. 20c Jb., less than

100 lots. High germination test
and out of nice lot of seed.
James R. Nix, Climax.

5 fine bu. small.
seedling -peach _ seed, all
aS crop.

this |:



sclean dry |

at Ru -or $3.00}.



Genuine Ga. collard seed: 1
Ib. 30c: larger quantities 25c

lb. T. N. Bussey. Thomasville. |

R. 4.
Collard seed, 30c Ib.: 4 Ibs.
$1.00: 10 Ibs. $2.25: 25 Ibs. $5.00
postpaid. A. Cc. Ponder, Whig

Bur clover seed, 85c meas- |.

ured bushel. sieved, dirt to in-
noculate. FOB. H. C. Reid, Ho-

10 Ibs clean. smooth broad-
ieaf Mustard seed. 10c ounce.

$1.25 Ib. postpaid. DeWitt
Jones. Whigham. ae
Lespedeza serecia seed - for

Dec. del. at the market. L. C.
Chapman. Columbus. R. 1.


One F-12 Farmall tractor, 2

14 bottom plows, 1-5 ft.. dbl. |.

disc harrow with scalloped disc
on front. 2 row planters. ferti-
lizer distributors, 2 row culti-
vators ete all good cond. A.
Roberts: Hazlehurst. Rt. 3.
Corn mill 43 branch run-
ner. complete, 13 J. B. Ham-
mer mill. first class cond.. $250.

112 mi: W. Marietta. on Marieta-

ta-Dallas Hwy. S. N. Waters.
Powder Springs. RFD. 1.

1 steel water wheel. |
shot. 8 ft. high, 8 ft. long. fair
cond. develops 27 h. p. Can be

|seen at Hiram. $145.00 complete.

J.-A; Gilbert. Atlanta. 1617

Lakewood Ave.

Banard and Leas Flour Mill.
complete for sale. Write. L. G.
Hardman. Jr, Commerce.

1 Meadows corn mill 20 rock
and 2 hole sheller, both in good
cond. $100.00. G. M. Gilliams.
Conyers. R. 3. Box 86.

2 h. Mitchell wagon, worth
$35.00: take $15.00 quick sale.
Andrew. J. Bailey, Sharpsburg.

Appleton Corn Shredder.
good cond.. $40.00: Moline 9-
row grain drill, good cond.. with
fertilizer attachment. $50.00. E.
O. Cabaniss Maxeys.

Fordson tractor. with eigae
governors and pulley. excellent

cond, also Handiman Z type. |

4h. Sears Garden tractor with
attachments. first class -eond.
Sell or trade both for late mod-
el tractor. any difference due
will pay cash. J. E. Crittenden.
Royston. Oe z
15h. p. International gas eng..

corn shredder ensilage cutter,

small flour mill, for sale. L. D.

Gray. Griffin.

1 Star pea huller, 1 Little
Giant. bean harvester. good
eond., real bargain. Trade for.
cattle or what have you? F.C.
Sawyer. Sulphur Springs.

8 -hzo. engine and boiler, used
in farming, in good, running
cond.. for sale or exc, for 6 h.

D. Fairbanks-Morse ker. burn-

ing engine. Noah: Smith, Bald-
win. Rt. 1.

sae i pen of mules, ik 1 M.
tbs.. center matches, slick.
fat: ee blocky. no. blemishes
for small tractor, Farmall or.
~\ivce Chalmer peferred. no
junk. B. E. Hole, Chickamauga.
Rte a i i

yd wagon, good cond., John
Deere cultivator, gocd cond.. for
sale. Mrs. J. M. Baldwin, Rock-
mart. Rie 138 ee

ee Corn Mill and parler, Gold-
en. new model, No. 4-3 roller.
J. Rowland. Louisville. Rt.

38 (7 mi. east of Louisville.)

4 Jarge farm bell, 20 in. across
bottom. Almost. good as new.
$2.50: a 2-h. wagon, good cond.,

-$35.00.. All. at my home. Will
\not: ship. Mrs. J. oe Stephens.


Farmall No. 20 tractor. A-1
cond., $500.00: 3 row grain drill,
$15, 00; 1 h. wagon, $30.00. All
good "cond. William _Redding,
Fairburn, Rt. 2.

Fairly good grist mill, cheap
for cash or exc. for hogs, corn,
potatoes, ete. J. J. Jacobs, At-
kinson. 23

3 h. Oliver No. 20 turn. Bue
good cond., for. sale or exc. for
International cultivator, good
vond. Bring cultivator and get
plow. T. M. Sapp, Ludowici.
(8 mi, North).

2-24 vertical corn mill coal
good cond.. $10.00 here: also
12 boxes for shipping bees. like
new, 25c ea. T. L. Cooper, Ash-
burn, Rt. 2.

Farm dinner bell, $4.00 here
come , get it. eee Massey,

; DeLavel cream Se yatos No.
17, $5.00; 1 International No. 3,
Crear separator, $5.00: 1 milk
cooler, $3.00; 2 wash vats, $5.00
all for dairy and in pretty good:
shape. N. G. Barnett, Sharon.

Few) farm implements = for



PHO: he? Bi,



aes WAN ;

Gas. eng. Th h. p. run about
30 hours A-i cond.. apnish am-
ple power for small grist mill
yr tor orchard work. Cost $142.
sell for $50.00. Trade for good
cow preferably with 2nd calf.
Marvin E. Foster Morrow.

-6h p. Fairmont gas eng., 0. k.
-ond., for farm use. for sale or

H. P. Blalock Ohoopee.
2 h. wagon. good shape. for

with cash for difference. Mrs.
Bud Land. Alpharetta. Rt. 1.

1 John Deere Model B. trac-
tor and equipment: 4 dise til-

\ler harrow. row market plant-

ers, guano d stributors. culhot-
ers. Desk Hillers. full set plant-
-er plates for all seed. $1.100.00
FOB. All in good cond. Also 1
Deering Ideal mewing machine
with tractor or mule hitch, $35.
John C. Thomas. Metcalfe.
Large 2-roller power cane
mill: light running and in per-

fect condition. a

gine. Also tire vulcanizing out-
fit with foiler and moulds.
Cheap or will exc. for corn. P.
B. Childs ae


Want 1 Jise plow for a Farm-
all tractor. in A-1 cond. and
cheap for cash, reply at once.
J. W. Sammons. Baxley. Rt. 2.

1 set truck scales. R. B. Robin-
son, Newnan...

row plow. tiller. cultivator
equipment. and combine. good
cond. and running order. Geo.
Houston Decatur. Box 203,

Fnsilage cutter, good cond.
State Price. W. N. Tankersley.
Martinez. =

Want second-hand grain drill
with, fertilizer attachment, also
want 1 hole. hand - operated
corn sheller. All must be good
cond. priced right. Describe ful-
ly E. Gilbert Usbornen. fe any

Want Fordson tractor. gobd
cond.. at right cash price. Give
particulars. S. M. Johnson. At-
lanta 3191 Howell Mill Rd. N.
W. Ch 1959.

Want swap 4 yr. ae mule
for Fordson tractor, equipped
to burn fuel oil also want disc
turning plows tor sale. Good

~cond.. and be reasonably priced.

Theodore Cox, Canton.

Want grain drill with fer-
tilizer attachment hitch or horse

drawn. 1 pr. platform scales in
good cond. Floyd Quarles, El-


- Exc. good 1 ee wagon for
2 h. wagon and pay difference.
Or. sell 1 horse: wagon. W. M.
Chester, Dunwoody. Rt. 1.

Want second hang 5 shovel
esultivator. 1 row compost dis-
tributor. 5 row drill. etc. State

cond. make, lowest cash price.

FOR. R. A. Caldwell. Boston.

' Want a steam boiler. 75 to
for a farmers local
coope rative canning plant,
oeaches oe other farm prod-.
ULIS. Jas,.9: Peters, Manches-

Want 1 set of Satta m seales.
20 M. Ib. cap. pRercr ted. R. A.
Registat, Rentz.

Want a ce tractor, in
good cond. S. Johnson, At-
lanta, 38 Club Drives: =

Want a_terrac ng level. in
sood cond: F..R. Arnold. Philo-
math. . :

Want used combine. In re-
ply. state price. make, model.
and. cond. Hamilton 152 A:

Wani 2 or 3 Cole. 3 row grain
drills, in good shape. George Ww
Potts. Newnan.

Want power cane mill, Chat-
tancoga or I. H. C., No. 44. and
copper pan. near Cornelia. Jas.
M. Collins. Cornelia.

Exc. a 2 h. wagon for 1 h.
wagon. Must be in good cond.
J. W. Vickery. McRae. Rt. 2.

Want good cream separator,
suitable for 10 cow cap. sonh
Lewis, Sparta. ze :

fit a 4 or 6 John Deere Tiller,
must be in good cond. B. F.
Harris. Griffin, P. O. Box 364.

_ Want 10 ft. Reaper and Bind-
er with power hich. prefer John
Deere or McCormick Deering.
Must be good cond., and priced
right for cash. Murrel_ Holder-
by. Valdosta.

Want a Bostrom Farm Level,
buy or will trade a Cole late

trade for good milch cow. See|

sale or exc. for good 1 h. wagon.

R. King. Lake | ang cultivator. State what y

A 5ech sp: Hagan gasoline en-

Want 1 set wagon scales and|

Want late model tractor, har-

Want Smalleys Rorced Feed |.

| repairs need. No junk.

Sewell, Sargent.

size Case (or other good

works anywhere. for Athen


Want John Deere seeder to|

meadow, rhubarb, 25c.

eee 35e, P. P.

Want an Rnsilages :
Claude. A. Smit h, ae -ckbrid

Exe, 1 Oli ver walking
tivator for Pea . and -

row. La:


Want small power gine mil
in -first class cond. and. rea
sonable prie. Robt. L.
ward. Bainbridge Rt. 1.

_ Want 1 large truck scale. us
for werghing trucks ang fa

animals Pierce Cobb. Norcro
%. The Neely Farm.

Want a 60- gal. cap... su:
kettle in good cond. C,_
Deane, Waycross. | AML All

Want good second band
horse. wagon, cheap for ca
-alse want 1 pr. Black Esse
pigs kh. L. Bu Homena
Rt 2 Box 13=

Want farm tractor.

have and price. Henry Bro
Decatur. Box. 203. .

Want 1 med, size power ca
mil] in good cond. State
and price. W. J. Ellis. Hazl
hurst. age

Want late model secong a
tractor plow, tiller and harrov

Want second hand hay:
horse power. cheap for
in good cond. J. A. Parks

cash or exc. 2 he gas. Tn .
tional engine. Interna ms
prain drill. Give full desi Tip-
tion. 2We Ae Strickland. ag .

grain separator. Write fu i
formation. H. R. Brock. _R
gold. 4

Want 1. power ofchard or
on first class cond. State -
model, how long used and

Mays Stockbridge.

Want a grain drill. 10 or *
ft. size. J. N. Lanier. Cobbto

Want large feed mill wi
complete sacking tower. G
size of mill and make. Mu 3
in good cond. vs S: a
Valdosta. :

Want a good useq 1.
wagon, good cond. State:
FOB your shipping point. _
aes Evans. Due Ridge. Ze

Want Bae Copper S Tr
Evaporator. John Hall,

Wanted. 1 set wagon or P trac
scales that will weigh: 10
more tons. Advis ek yo
have and the price. AL J. Fo
som. Barney. |

Want metal aanat wat
wheel. size 12x6. or could
even up to 16 ft., Consider _buy
mg entire ccrn: mill if pric

right. Dr. Emmett Ward. A
Janta, 634 Fiat Soe
Want a- 1934- 1938 mod
John Deere: tractor, also cou
use plow, cultivator, . harr

or other equipment to go
it. Paul Simmons. College Par
Rt. 2, Box 398::Ca 9785. -

Want 1 syrup mill No.
Southern Plow Co. Columbu
Ga make, in good cond. Giv
best cash price or trade. W.c

Want a medium > to .
Thresher that has been co
verted into a Corn-Shuck shel,
er. PW. Ethridge. Milner,

Exc. brood mare, Th yrs or

disc tractor plow, distributo
and planter for model B. i
Chalmers tractor. Y. W. M
com, Madison. Rt. 4, Box 1

Want a used Killefer
Soil plow. J. J. Moore, Gray.

Want a dbl. harrow for 1
tor, also ee grain drill

tachment, an
grain drill with fertilizer
atchment for tractor or mv
Y, A; Oliver, Woodland.

* Want good second hand
h. wagon for cash. John Thom
es, Blairsville, % Pat Haralson


Wild nen Swcel Burn Ja: k
mullen chestnut leaves: yelloy
root, red sassafras. queen

tos.. $1.00: Tansy. Catnip, E
Eaton Dahlonega,
Beeswax, -25e:- tb:

wate combination Planter or)
a Van_ Brunt. Dh. disc grain Ce

0 Ibs

W white. aacny dtherd

yp del-or. 1Ot. of 25 lbs

50 del. Sample free. Mrs.
Coll: ms. Cordele R. 4.
or more white feed gaeiee
-postpaid No orders fill-
r less than $1.00. P.

4 Monticello. .

goose festhess ino Ib.
~Wood- %

elen: Caan

@ bulbs 85c. doz. Miss

Ke bs. me 10 10 nals of
extracted honey Ha. pay
chgs Mrs. E Le ous

io peppermint ates.
horsemint, hoar-
nd yarrow. dbl. and single
; coltsfcet 25c doz.:. yel-
attle. sassafras. aueen of
meadow. roots: wild cherrv
- 10 lbs. $1.00. Del.
Re M. Olea, oe
a }
n. nite unused duck
s. Oc lb, or will trade |
trictly fresh table eggs.
ize and - quantity and
for quant; ty. more than
trade. Leon B. Mayer. Ate
RD eB. O74-A.
e feed bags. 56c ea. 100
ze. Add 9c postage with |
e order. Lg. crocus bags |,
Also. white vekin
s young stock. near Jeving
1.00 ea. either sex. FOB
ewett. Savannah. R. 2.

rds of all kinds all this

erop. 18 var. to choose from.
Millikin. Winder RFD. 3

king orders for pecans.
s Will shin Oct. 15th. Write |
ces. Edw. L. Dinkins. Val-
305 Jones St.
hite poultry feed- sacks.
ap. Clean but unbleach-
od condition. eS sack. M.
o Griffin. R
Paidica gourds of all
_shape. hard and readv
at once. Make offer on
e and amount. Promot
ment. Edwin: Collins. Cor

ant some seen of the- Ae

ioned purple bloom salad |

ish pea. Also some of the

fashioned white bloom . sal-
ee Mrs. E.

ould like fo ear from par
having. Californi Berd seed
State orice. Ms. Eunice
el Rp 2.
t good shade. cured sage:

sample and pr ce. Mrs. MM.

ges. Alto.

dried cage in anv quan-

submit leaf

dvise whether dried or
picked leaves and

: oe aoe syrup for sale, 55 gal, at my

Walter Cc. Williems. Pel-
S S. Se

un. raved Bouee to-
trash. Must be medi-

for right kind of- tobacco.
ork Clayton.


nted a few country: cured.

and some cured side meat.
Griner. Savannah, ae 3:
nt wild ginseng roots.
at price del. Bennie
) _ Atlanta, 2520 Cas

ne pure Brown Leghorn
for Bantam eggs for hatch-
tate. vee price. J. W.

mere R. 33> Burton

sassafras ee Mrs. a:
ambrick, Eastman, R. A.

0 bu. pure Rucker eot-

Must be pure. Lester

, Danielsville R. 3.

Y | AND HAY va eee

at. 15: tons of bright Span-

Highway 41, 13 mi.
Buena Vista. Quote best
price del. ang not del.
Anthon, 21 West 10th

co buy 10 or 15 tons

-runnr peanut hay.

: cash at barn, or del,

est price. J. P. Sanders,




in Ga.

| East. Waycross. Gece OW. Gib-


lfvesh dug. State price per |b.

| Write before sending. Monroe

with price |

| Rd. C.:B. Cook. Buena

| Quitman.


Wank some. N. ae Red REAP
a easonable price. Mrs. ae
S: Rabun. Lyons. Rt. ES

- Want to. buy several u. of}
2000, seed oats: and barley,
near Hazlehurst at. once. Cc. B.
Collins. Hazlehurst. | iS

Want: some pusvded Fallese
Barlev. ar Hf, Good : Cordele. :

Want 3 to 5 tons of. good aes
Quo-e best cash price del.
H. Meeks. Pearson. ~
_ Want parties having velvet
beans in hull to write. Bureau
of. Markets. 222 State Capitol.
- Want 20 bu. mixed peas. W.
E. Mitchell. Cairo. Rie:

Want several truckloads new
white shelleq corn. Gve rice
in Ist. letter. a Callas. Gaines-
Wie ses
Want up to: 500 bu. ear corn:
ye. ow corn preferred. State.
price at farm or del. 30 mi.

son. Reme.

Want to hear from party who
has the old time genuine Chris-
topher Cottonseed. A. J. Wil-
loughby.. Waco. R. 1.. 5s
WANTED: es ies

Want 1 or 2.tons velvet eons
in ped. and 20 or 30 bu. corn
in shueck. Jc PE: WALES Grif-
fin) RieG.

Want some horseradish roots.

ie. Morton. Mediu PO;
| Box 122; es

. FOR oe


Nice bhight sundried apples.
12%% lb. in 10 Jb. lots. postpaid
in Ga.- Also some peaches at
the same price. Mrs. ee
soe _Danlnesa. R. K :


20 ae oe beans in pod,
1940 crop for sale. W. B.
Spearman, Social Circle.

Lady peas. this yr. crop for }
table use: 10 Tbs. white black:
cro dr. 8 lbs. Add postage.
Tamar Teem. Talking Rock.

Hastings Lady finger or Mush_
peas, white Crowder peas. new
crop. free of trash: 10 lbs. $1.00
del. Exc. for new feed sacks.

Reed. Varnell. |
Everbearing English peas 17
lb. Miss Sarah Dewey Alten-



140. ae 200d new Ssardhum
farm..All in 10 gal. cans. 7 mi
E. Buena Vista. Doyle- Tazewell |
Goed grade Syrup in ee
6 No. 10 glass containers or 12;
No. 5: Write for del, price on
quantity wanted. Lee. Patrick:


rong. Send samples. Good:


i No. 2 Extracted, Haney 6-10
Ibs. to_case $4.00; 3-10 tb. pails
$2.19 FOB here; 2 10 lb. pails.
-postpa'd and insured. $1.90:| 8
j-10 Ib. pails. postpaid and in-

hand and ean fill orders
premptly. John A. Crummey,
Jesup, PO. Box 117:

18 hives with bees in them
and 10 empty hives and 58 su-
per bee smokers. Write for
prices Sell cheap. eet Brant-
ley. Soperion, R. ib
- Bright Gallberry strained
honey, 1, 10 lb. pail postpaid.
$1.65: 6. 5 Ib. pails, $3.55- 1,
60 Ik. ean;. $5.95; both exp.
prepaid in Ga. Quality guar.
H. L.. Hallman, Nahunta. P.
O. -Box 25.


600 bu. corn in. ear, 60c bu.
FOB. barn: Also 2 A. sweet
potatces. want best price per



he. H. Red hen eggs. direct.
Hubbard Str. .for, sale. Mrs. W.
A. Tanner, Douglas, R. 2

heme 8 lbs..
+10 Fos.;

| Smoking
pay postage. No orders for less
| than. $1.00. Mack" eevee Sur-
| rency. js

-| from

50c ea. postpaid.

Pound for pound.
| Collins Cordele. R. 4,

- 1941 crop nice sundried ap- |

-erop, 10 Ib...

sured, $1.00 A large stock on |

bu. FOB farm. J. D. Cowart; ;

(Reccoie ea |


Good. fine cured ~
$1.00: smok ng.
$1.00. Del. Mrs. Lessie,
surrency. =

_ Some good flue cured. to-
bacco; Chewing. 8 lbs. $1.00:
10_ Ibs. $1.00. I: will

Good grade whole Hoar ew.
ing or smoking tobacco. 7 lb.

ae 00 del Prompt shipment. e

D. Lightsey, Sereven: = :

Good chewing or smoking. to-
bacco: Chewing 7 lbs. $1.00:
Smoking. 10 Ibs. $1.00 del. Hi-

ram Lightsey. Screven.

Barn cured tobacco. aged
mellow chewing. 10 Ibs $1.00:
smoking. 14 lbs. $1.00. All pre-
paid to 3rd gone. Mrs.
waliants, Alma. ae fa



Sess FOR ee

Pambkine for amiss 2c
lb. Mrs; RoC. Stover. Pis Beas


Sundried fruit: apples, 15c
ibe; pears 20c lb.: peaches, 15c
lb- Al] 1941 crop. Klondike and
Mostodon strawberry plants. 25c
C.; $1.00 M. Add postage. No
chks. L B. Frye, Dallas, R. 3.

10 lb. dried peaches. $1.25.
Add postage: or 15 lb. Free
worms. Mrs... Bertha
Crowe, Dallas, R: 3.- :
Sweet crabapples.
Also well rooted quince sprouts.
Mrs. J. B,
Stevens, Grantville, R. 1. Box

& Nice bright old fashioned fine

tlavored dried peaches, free
rom worms. 1941 crop, 20 Ib.
del. Mrs. W.-H. Walters. Ses
VONIGs hie. oe

20 lbs. sundried Keitter pears.
15 Jb. or exe for dried apples.
free of core. peel and worms.
Mrs. May

voles, 15c lb. in 10 or more Ibs.

lots Del. in Ga. Cash or M. O.

Hel. :

Nice sundried apples. free
from core and peeling. 1941
in 10 or more Ib..
lots: Nice dried peaches. 15c.
tb. in 5 or more lots. Del. in
Ist. and 2nd. zones. Miss L. M,

M. L. Eaton, Dahlonega.

| White, Dahlonega. R. 1, Box 35.

Good quality sundried ap-

ples, 10 Ib. del. L. Pettit. Pike.

Several Ibs. of nice sundried |

4 cling stone peaches, peeled, 20

Ib. Nelle ted geo oe i


1500 Ibs. . and Froteher_
vecans. Make offer. H.C. Walk-
er Wellston, R. 1...



Small place with 6 R. house.
10 mi. Decatur on McDonough-
Decatur Rd., or Flat Shoals and
Poemola Rd.. $20.00 monih. M.
He Bishop, Lithonia, Rt. 3. Box

7 1.or 2 h. farm, good house,
good water, 1 mi. Vester, for
rent or: will sell. H. Be Bell,
Point Peter.

} {
395 acres, 160 fneeet excel-
tent pasturage or farming. Fur-
nished house, 3 bedrooms. bath,
not and cold water. electricity.


tobacco, |
E bacadaeter fe

' Accredited school:

| Northeast Dublin. Good houses

_| tillable.
-T. Holmes.::Cor~

50c peck: |

by county, suitable for stock.

| South or Central Ga. State ap-

'T. Holmes. Covington.


| by county,.

Accredited school; fine com-

munity. Will lease to gocd ten-!.

ant. Mrs. George W. Bromell.


To a middleaged couple. pare
out children, a 2 h. farm and
good Bermuda pasture: reserv-

ing joint right to use of pas+|

ture: Locateqd 72 mi. Ameiicus.
Comforiable 5 R. nesidence.
good barn, tenant heuse; 3 near-
by churebes. LL. M.- Smith.
Americus 312 W. College St.

For reni, 3 or 4 farms, I mi. |
Northeast Dublin. Good houses
and plenty tenant houses: 1-3
. farm on Orvington paved
highway: 1-4 h. farm on lower
road. Good barns, wood, water,
land. W. P. Lassiter, Waynes-
boro, ;

Small place with 6 R. house:


10 mi Decatur.on McDon: Hees Le ff.

' power line;

| Jand,

| and SS About % million:

Decatur Rd., or Flat Shoals
Fomola. Rd. 00

ie ee es
rx 5 or 2. Be coy oad oie
1 mi. Vester, for
rent or will sell. E 0 Bell.
Point Pter.

395 acres. 160 cieaved. ee
lent. pasturage or farming. Fur-
nished house. 3 bedrooms, bath.
hot and coid water, electricity
fine -com-.-
muniiy. Will lease to good. ten-_

yant. Mrs. George WwW. Bromell.
Clyo. : & aX

LON Middleaged couple.
without children, a 2 h. farm

and. good. bermuda pasture: re-

joint right to use. of

pasture. Located 72 mi.
icus. Comfortable 5 R.-

-ldence gocd barn tenant house:
3 nearby.

churches. L, W
Smith, -Amer.cus. 312 Wz. -Col-
ese: St.

For rent, 3 or 4 oe 1 mi.

and plenty tenant houses: 1-3 h.
tarm on Orvington paved high-
way; 14 h. farm on lower road.
Good bains. wood. water. Jand.
Wee Re Lassiter. Waynesboro.



Want : to rent wath op! jon to
buy. small water power mill in

-|South or Central Ga. Siate ap-
-|prox-mate acreage. of any land

Fayette, Rt. 1.

imprcvements, etc.


Want corn and, wheat mill.
with large lake and adequate.
water supply. Prefer location
within 50 mi. Atlanta. Give tull
particulars. H. R. Hunter. At-
lanta. 561 Lakeshore Dr. N. E.

Want to rent near Adamsville
about 10 or 15 acres for stand-
ing rent, Chas. E. Stantc 1, At-
lanta Rt. 8s Box 205,*

Want to rent next vet (by

responsible man With guarar |.

teed income). for cash rent
small farm about 2 horse. Any-
where in So. Ga. below Vienna.
Good peanut and cotton allot-

ments. On or near paved high-}

way. Can furnish everything.
Exp. tobdcco. Thos. M. Wood.
Chamblee. Rt. 2. Box A- 41.
Want good farm, any size.
standing rent. Berrien or near-

Prefer with option to buy. M.
Sanders _ Nashville.

Want 1 h. farm in or near
Colonitt. Co., preferably on pow-
er line: good bldgs., ang land.
Prefer near church and school
bus line. L. _E. Watson, Pou-|

Want= on fair. share basis,
some well drained. fundown
farm land with good red clay,
no heavy timber. to rebuild to
good producing condition. Ero-

sion or ordinary gullies no ob- |

jection. Prefer within reason-
able working distance of Grif-
fin, but consider elsewhere. Y.
M. Anderson, Williamson.

Want to rent with cption to
buy small water power mill in

proximate acreage, of any land
tillable, improvements, etc. Jd.

Want corn and wheat mill,
wth large lake ang adequate
water supply. Prefer location:
within 50 mi. Alanta. Give full
particulars. H. R. Hunter, At-
Jania. 561 Lakeshore Dr. Ne E.

- Want to rent near Adamsville
about 10 or 15 acres for stand-
ing rent. Chas. E. Stanton. Ate
Janta. Rt. 8 Box 205.

Want to rent next year (by |
responsible man with guaraan-
teed income), for cash rent
small farm about 2 horse. Any-
where in So. Ga., below Vien-
na. Good peanut ang cotton al
lotments. On cr near paved
highway. Can. furnsh every-
thing. Exp. tobacco Thos. M.


Wood. Chamblee. Rt. 2. Box!

Want good farm. any size.
standing rent. Berrien or near-
suitable for stock. |
Prefer with option to buy. M.
Sanders, Nashville.

Want 1 h. farm in or near
Co., preferably on!
good bidgs.,. and
land. Prefer near chureh and
school bus line. L. E, Watson,

Want on fair share basis, some
well drained, rundown farm
with good red clay, no
heavy timber, to. rebu-ld | to
good yrcducing condition. Ero-
sion or ordinary gullies no ob-
jection. Prefer within reason-
yble-working distance of Grif-
fin. but consider elsewhere. Y.
M. Anderson. Williamson.


CORRECTION: 445 A. about
120 in: cultivation,. bal. timber


e. timber, well imp. | e

; old. wt.

or will pay. cash. -
Christian Church. J.
kins College Park

Want buy a real
mele calf2. 300- 350
a vor. of 6 mos. tc -
or white peafowls.
black ewe lambs, 6 j
cld for sale A. H. W


Exe. a Red Duroc male
for black guinea ma
James. Axson.

Want 6 or 8 feeder
125 Ib. to carry until Feban
on halves. Have plen
Also want 8 or 10 feede
ings to winter on share
McKoon. Newnan. Rt. 3

Want O. I. C. gilt at rea
able price: Make hest off
E Morgan. Sr..


Want goat. now
4 qts. ot more. Write ful
ticulars, including pric
oy express to Americus.
esa Americus, 844

Exc 2 pwllets 1 rooser

ist. natch, R. tf. Reds for.

grown rabbits. prefer w ite.
W. Golden. Doerun, RES

eos several grade Holstei

ele and female calves.
sze. and orice Ss. Oden Black.
are see

Want 4 young Jersey mi
cows witn calves from 4-
cld. Cow must be O. K an
good milk and butter cows with
not over 3rd. calf. Must
gentle. no bad habits. W
Moore. Haddock. R. 1. |


Registered Hereford
(Domino breeding), 5 yr.
$100.00. R. C, McCollum, Al
bany 229 Broad Ave.

Fine polled Hereford 5
6 yr. old Reg., wt. around 14
lbs. To sell or exchange. Ww. \
Quinn Washington, Rt. 230%

2 yr. Hereford, horn type, k
not dehorned last spring. Re
fine for breeding. In good
dition. $90.00 FGB. W. M.
trell, Blue Ridge.

1 light Jersey
giving around 2 gal,
pasture. $45.00 cash o
for other cow,.at my barn. -
Tommie Maddox, Ries: ion,
TF Box 3

reg, Aberdeen
$150.00 at farm. HS
McRae. R. 1,

ae RB Ward. Duluth. R. t

1 SUT,

nurebred roan.

| wt. abcut 1200 lbs..

G. Holeomb Clarkesville.
Mature Jersey bull

Hill Noble. No. 386467. r

cheap at $100.00. W. E. Stewart

Swacrds. *

6 mos, - to 2 YES: aa. feo

to $300. A reg. Polled bu
res. oo: PS boars, 3 mo Oy.
$15. 00 ea.. with papers. at tt m.

ee RB. Avery, Crinle.

1 Jersey milch cow,
fresh with 3 wks. old a
giving 3 gal. on pasturage
at my place, 7 mi. North. * :
Gaines. Mrs. Troy A. Hu 1:
ries. Fort Gaines. ee

1 polled Hereford bull, 6 yr ae
1200 Ibs. papers fur
nished $150.00. Changing on ae:
count of inbreeding. W. EF. W

din, Hazlehurst, RFD. 2.

3 reg. Jersey milch x
_ freshen in Oct., Nov. |

| Sell Or exc for

B. F. Lester. Conyers Ri, Ber
Purebred _5 mos. cld Jerse:

, Calf (heifer). Large to age.
_be seen at_Cobb Co. Fair.
, 23-27. E. W. Hendon, JY.

rietta. R= 2:

Gocd Jersey cow. _. whe ad
calf. $50.00 #t- my barn. Otis
Q@. MecCart. Lithonia, R. 1.. (2.
mi. Ns -W. Rose bud). ses

40 head of real nice grade
Jersey heifers, 8c lb. Wt. from
250 to 500 lbs. ea. in lets of ten -
or more. Allow buyer to select.
Also 10 milch cows, grade Jer-
sey. will freshen within next
80 days. WwW. T. Greer, a

1 thoroughbred Guer nse

'20 mos. old best breeding

Spay = and.


Jersey cow giving 2 to 2%
, milk on pasture: 3% gal. on
vod feed. 3rd. calf. Very gen-
ae $50.0@ at barn without calf.
hos. J: Key. Waco. Rt. 1,
Box 141.
- Guernsey bull, born 8- 29- 40.
Sired by Glencairne Champion.
No. 262841. out of Miss Syiph
Fairfield, 558794. See him
t E. M. Lees place. Omaha.

sey. Columbus. Box 199,


Reg Duroc boar,
March 20. 1940 and 1 farrowed
pr. 23, 1941. Both Champion
foodlines. Sell: or exc. S. L.
ornton. Dewyrose, R. 1.

4 purebred big bone black
Poland Chinas, 3 gilts, 1 male,
will sell for cash or exc. for
oy William F. Greene, Cray,

yr ey male black essex
2. $5.00 ea. FOB. Walter H.

cker, Elberton, R. 6.

7. purebred thin-haired Black
pssex boar, 50-60 lbs. Ready
i = 50 FOB. Exc.

C. male, Con-
uest breeding, cholera im-
wuned, reg. in buyers name,
ust ready for light service,
25.00. D. F. Lee, Dawson.
Q..1. C., S. P. C. crossed. both
Si ex a mos. down, wt. 150 lbs.
: ra: $15.00 ea. down to $8:00
a Par my place. J. L. Williams,
pharetta, Star Rt.
Finest cross breed P. C. and
Berkshire, pigs for sale or trade
ar calves. L. R. Pierson, Dora-
le, Lilly Mill Rd,
pigs. 6 wks. old. $5.00 ea.;
tock hog, 8 mos. old, $20.00
my farm, 1% mi. west In-
jan Springs. Matthew Byrd,
ackson. Rt. 2.
ee Berkshire sows and
$12.00 ea. Farrowed
uly at by Advancer Princess.
: 416684, and Advancer
een, No. 417974; both sired
Oakdale Prince, No, 387454.
: Richardson, Lithia springs.

>. I. C. male pig, purebred
UL -reg., 15 mos. old, about
0 pe 275 Ibs., not a bad habit.
iver here at 10c Ib. Will not
e nor ship. Lewis W.
ompson. Swainsboro. Rt, 2.
Essex males, ready for light
vice, $12.50 and $15.00 re-
etively. Both real good
eush not reg. bred and un
gilts, all fine stock, Essex.
ok. Hampshire and Du-
$15.00 at 5-6 mos, old;
00 older: booking orders for
. C. pigs, reg., $10.00 ea.,
reg. $7.50 ea. M. Sanders,

purekred male pig,
ne black Guinea, purebred.
ay-fat kind. 6 wks. old, $5.00.
f . Knowles, Hillsboro. Rt. 1.
hampions blooded, service
gars and wean pigs, spotted
nd China breed, prices rea-
able, F. H. Bunn, Midville.
black P. C. boar pigs, wt.
lbs., 3% mos. old. Can be
in cS name, $12.00 ea.
my place. J. C. M. Bohlen,
ison. R. 3.

wks. old. duroc pigs, both
awe end a


Doolittle. Pie eo

black Essex, thin-hair
ots, wt. about 40-50 lbs. ea.;
ae aes 2 males, 3 fe-
$5.00 ea. at farm =or
30 ea. shipped if 2 more are
es Also 2 fine thin-hair
ck-Essex gilts unbred, 6
old lifetreated for cholera,
e plague, $10.00 ea. All in
ae peop. Exe, for eee

_ purebred black poland
1ina pigs, 8 wks, 4 males, will
whole lot, $35.00 or $5.00.
eorge i. Bennett. Madi-

purebred (not reg.) Berk-
sow. age 18 mos. wt.
325 lbs., $30.00 at lot. C.
Skelton. Lavonia, Re As

big bone and Hampshire
rom 2-5-8 wks. old. Alsc
es for sale. If inter-
_L. Colston, Cor-

ig bone black African Gui-
pigs. 8 wks. old., $8.00 ea.
5.00 pr. 1, 2 yr. old boar,
250 or 300 Ibs.. good. sire

oe or $40.00 crated and ship-
peo PS Prather, Manroe,

i Die: service boars,
3. ce. Stivers, P. O. Box


1 be 6 wks. old Oct.

$10.00 ea..
j yrs. old, works good at any-

gp0d conditioned, $35.00.



Want 1 little bone /Cuinea
gilt (stay fat kind) prefer ready
bred at reasonable price. A. J.
Kent. Midville R. 2.
~ Want a pair of little bone,
purebred Black Poland China
pigs no relation. Will pay cash
or exc, the big bone. Poland
China for same. Brooks Greene
Gray. R. 2.

Want reg. black Essex male
pig for breeding purposes. Pre-
fer 1 about 10 wks. old. W.M.


Good farm mule, wt. about
950 lbs., about 12 yrs. old cheap
for cash. Margaret Easterwood
Tallapoosa, R. 1. |

2 good young mules at my
barn. J. J. Vickers. Willacoo-
chee, R. 2.

2 young heavy work mares,
well broke, for sale. See at my
farm near Emory University.
Walter T. Candler, Candler
Bldg. Atlanta.

1 good plug horse mule, 12
or 15 yrs. old. Wt. 850 or 900
lbs. Sound every way. good
eyes. Work anywhere. $35.00
cash. Trade for hogs yearlings,
or cow and calf. Willis M. Grif-
fis, Sereven: R. 1.

A good work mare, cheap or
trade for calves, pigs or any-
thing of equal value. O. C. Ba-
ker, LaFayette, R. 4.

A good black horse mule, wt.
1,000 lbs, 12 yrs. old, cheap.
een Jones, Gainesville, Rt.

1 good mare mule, $25.00 cash
or trade for corn or pigs at
same value. Sound, never been
sick or crippled. good eyes. All
around good mule. Eric Walker,
Riverdale. (2 mi. W. of River-

1-9 yr. 1100 lbs. Bay
mule: 1, 7 yr. B. mare
l-eyed, very swift: 1 B.
mule above 15 yrs. O. K.:
ed, $150.00 $75.00 and $30. 00.
Want to sell one. W. G. Pevey:

il mare mule. sound, good
cond. work anywhere, about
900 lbs.,.11 yrs. old, strawberry
roan, $65. 00. Mrs. A. R. Curry,
Mt. Pleasant.

Pair mare mules and harness.
7 years old, 1100 lbs. or 1125
lbs., gait good, work anywhere.
Run in pasture with cattle or
other stock $325.00. J. A. Mas-
sengale, Wildwood.

Good mule, about 10 yrs. old


work anywhere. good and gen-

tle. Also good 1-H. wagon, both
$45.00- Also good milch cow.
$45.00. Giving about 2 gal. day.
B. P. Weaver. Dalton. R. 2.

3 good mules. farm tools, feed
stuff. Also 10 brood sows. Will
sell with my farm. J. A. Smith,
Calhoun. R. 3

Fine 13 yr. old fat black mare
mule, $70.00. Good worker wt.
1,300 lbs. Also good one horse
wagon, $30.00. Also 3 rams, 1

yr. old. $6.00 ea. L. P. Single-

ion, Fort Valley
1 Shetland pony, wt. 340 lbs.,

| cheap for cash. Howard Wright.


I good gentle gray mare.
Work anywhere, wt. 1,150 lbs.,
7 yrs. old. Jack Swain, Way-
eress, R. 1. Sunnyside.

1 mare and 2 colts 2 yrs old,
other 5 mos. old: 1 stallion, 5

thing and 2 mules. all for sale
for cash: Also cutaway harrows.
1 spike harrow. 1 cultivator and
other farm tools, for sale. L.
T. Cummings, Roberta. (About
4 mi. S. Roberta.)

1,100 lb: mare mule. about
10: yrs. old. good condition.
Good worker. $100.00. Foster
Prather. Atlanta, 450 Sterling
St. N. E. De8603.

6 yr. old mare, 1 mule, 12
yrs. old sell or trade for any-
thing can use. Accept oats rye,
~rheat, shucks, as part pay. S.
R. Spires, Lincolton.

1 gray mare, 8yrs. old, wt.
1,15@- lbs. Guar. to work any-
where. Good condition and
nothing wrong with her. $75.00.
Floyd Quarles Ellijay.

Black mare mule, good con-
dition, $40.00 or trade for seed
oats. D: HE. Moore, Gray.

3 geod brood mares, cheap for
cash or exc, for cows and hogs.
M. H. Calloway, Bishop. R. 1.

Good mare mule. wt. about
1,250 Ibs. for. sale or swap for
2 small mules. Milton Garner,
Rockmart R. 3.

1 red blaze face horse, 6 yrs.
old. wt. 1,000 Ibs. Gentle, work
anywhere, $130.00. J. E. Pitt-
man, Avera, R. 1.

1 plug mule. work anywhere,
$3000 at my place. D. B. Bel-
knapn. Lizella. R. 1 1, Box, 162.

pric- |


1 fine norse.6 yrs. old. gen-
tle, will work anywhere. Can
be seen at Beason Farm near
Rose Hill $150.00. Mrs. Fannie
Hudson, Hartsfield.

1 red horse mule, 9 or 10
yrs. old sound and fat. work
anywhere, wt. about 1300 or
1400 lbs. Will trade for a good
young work mare with mule
colt. P. H. Woodard, Chaun-
cey R. 1.

Nice saddle horse. work any-
where about 10 or 11 yrs. old,
and 1,g00d plug mare mule for
sale or exc. for milch cows or
young heifers. Milton Bryant.

1 good, gentle horse, worth
anybodys $125.00 will sell for
$75.00 at once. John Mathis.
McBean. Rt. 1. Box 115.

1 horse mule, yrs. old wt.
900 Ibs.
stepper, without a blemish on
him. $90.00. Can be sen at my
farm, near Ben Hill, Mrs. G. O.
reaped Ben Hill. P. O. Box

1 big old mule, walks and
works good: good for road work
or farm. Cash or swap for fat
nog in good cond. Wm. Mid-
dleton, Buford. Rt. 2.

2 good farm mules, 1 about
800 Ibs., other about 1000 Ibs.,
when fat. Sell one or both.
$50.00 ea. or trade for good
stock of heifers, or good milch
cow. Chas. E. Stanton, Atian-
ta. 205 Hemphill School Rd.
(Adamsville District.)

Black horse mule, about 12
yrs. old. wt. 1,000 lbs. or more;
in good condition or will exc.
for yearling heifer or milch
cow. L. T. Chandler, Powder
Springs. R. 2.

1 good mule and 2 plug mules
to sell or exc. for cows, yearl-
ings. and gentle pony or horse
for children. J. H. Smith, Ft.
Valley, R. 1.

1 bay mare, about 8 yrs. old,

foaled one time. Mrs. W. M.
Daniel Atlanta, 1044 Oak St.,
S. W.
Young gentle mule, made 2
crops, $175.00; oxen, work
anywhere. wt. around 900 lbs.,
safe for women to handle, $45.
Dollie Blackwell. Dahlonega.

3 gaited horse, 7 yrs. old, well
trained, solid black, good size,
also 3 gaited mare, 10 yrs. old.
work to wagon or plow; also
purebred, 18 mos. old Holstein
bull, ready for service, 2 heifers,
same age: Reasonable prices. B.
L. Custer, Marietta, Seminole

3 good 1400 Ib, work mules,
and a 1000 lb. horse. Ages from
8 to 12 yrs. All in good cond.
and work good. E. E. Parker,
Atlanta, 26 Ivy St., N. E. Phone
Wa 2341 or Ma 4737.


Want to buy 1 mule of the
blocky type, weighing 850 Ibs.
to 900 lbs, Sound and clear of
blemishes and not past the
smooth mouth age. Cheap for
cash. Not particular about be-
ing fat. B. L. Shelnutt, River-
date Rt. Ay


' For service, Georgia Bill
Reg. No. 63442 in A. M. G. R. A.
Grandson of Ex-Chivas-Sir-
Patrice. No. 52494. Fee, $3.00:
Does, well cared for. J. s John-
ston, Waynesboro.

Purebred, pedigreed and reg.
Toggenburgs exclusviely. Extra
fine assortment of milking does
and doelings to sell reasonable.
Also buck service by Sir Rod-
erick the most outstanding
hornless Toggenburg buck of
the Soutn. Fee $5.00. which is
the same to everyone. John
Hynds, 93 Warren St. N. E:,
Atlanta. De. 5140.

At stud large natural butt-
headed Toggenburg buck. Vig-
orous fertile and blooded milk
stock. Does boarded reasonably.

i Service fee. $2.00.. Mrs. Zaida

McElroy 205 Norwood Ave., N.
E., Atlanta. De. 3710.

At Stud: Purebred Nubian
buck, with attractive appear-
ance and breeding, reg. N-2396
in American Goat Society. Fee
$3.00 for grade does and $5.00
for purebreds. No shipments.
Earl S. Redwine, Madras.

Few good Toggenburgs and
Nubian milk goats, 4-6 ats day.
Come and see them, or write.
C. F. Cochran, Cass Station.

1 Toggenburg, Saanan, cross-
ed milk goat. Fresh, 2 yrs. old,
large size. Now, milking 3 ats.
day..$27.50 for quick sale. Mids.

6 wks. old. Mrs, ames Turner,

work anywhere, good |


yrs old. From excellent stock.
Is not mean and vicious. Chean.

Saanan buck.
bian doe for sale,
goats. $1.00 month. Mrs. J. W.
Easley, Hapeville Landers Dr..
Box-161. Ca... 2598.

goat Society Best blood lines.
$5.00 for purebreds:

ta 349 Murray Hill Ave.. N. E.
De. 6912.
Reg. purebred Nubian

for service. Black. light trim.

the best. Fee $5.00

$3 00 for grades.


F. E. Grubbs. Demorest.
= fresh milk breed goats, $15.
> 30 white leghorn hens 1%
fee old $1. ea. 10 prs. Birming-

J. B. Boyter. Fitzgerald. R. 3.

At stud: Ginger T-1473.
Proven purebred Toggenburg:
short hair. Sire. Canyon Tri-
Avada 53442. 11 imported
breedings and 8 advanced reg-
istered does in pedigree
purbreds. $5.00: Grades $3.00.
Mrs. Ovalene Highland, Martin.
Ro 4.

1 Toggenburg and Saanan
crossed 2 yrs. old, fresh, 3 kids
7 wks. old. 1 gal. day. Last
kidding. $22.50 for quick sale.
Frank Turner Blairsville.

5 grade Nubian Tog. hornless
does freshen Nov. ist. 2 ats.
$15.00 ea. 2 Saanan, bred to
reg. Saanan, $25.00 ea.. 6 mos.
grade hornless' doelings and
bucks. $10:00 ea.: At Stud:
Snow King, No. 66314, blood of
Altas Franz-Juare-Mile High-
Columbine - Honeysuckle. $5.
Mrs. Nort Smith. Arnoldsville.

5. good grade Shropshire ewes,
2 rams and 1 Weather, all in
good condition. $40.00 at my
farm. 5 mi. W. of Hiram. J. T.
McClung, Hiram, R. 1.

Nice clean cut, 18 mos. old
doe with ist. kid. 3 mo. old.
giving almost 3 ats. milk. Brown
in color with no horns. $30.00.
C. T. Gaines, Buford.

At Stud: Purebred Nubian
of finest imported and Amer-
ican blood lines. Fee, $5.00 pure
bred: $3.00 grade. A. S. Herner.
Atlanta. Phone Cherokee 6060.

At Stud. iarge natural butt-
head Toggenburg buck, Vigor-
ous. fertile, and blooded milk
stock. Does boarded reasonable.
Service fee, $2.00. Mrs. Zaida
McElroy. Atlanta. 205 Norwood
Ave., N. E. De. 3710.

l-#pr.. Teggenburg< youns |
goats, buck ready for service;
.doe supposed to freshen first
time first of January, $20.00;
also mowing machine. J. H.
Boleman, Gainesville. Rt. 3.

3 second cross, young Saanan
does, open or bred: 1-100 per
cent pure, reg. Saanan buck,
ready for service; reg.. 18 mos.
old doe, recently bred. also. a
full sister, 6 mos. old and twin
sister of above buck. Sell any 2
of lot. All reg., papers furnish-
ed. 18 mos. old, B. B. Red .ban-
tam cock for sale. Edwin Simp-
son Atlanta, 695 Paynes Ave.
N- Ww.

500 goats; billys, $1.25; nan
nies $1.50 each while they
last. Sam Small, c-o Blue
Springs Farms. Hamilton.

1 milk goat, milking with
first kids, fine grade, $390.00;
1 doe, 6 mos. old, bred, also of
high grade 1 buck, 6 mos. old.
Mrs. wo Duncan, Douglas-

ville, Rt.

15 2 does. and 15 second
cross and better kids. 1 reg.
Saanan buck, will sacrifice. L.
W. Lewis, 131 Beech Ave. Ma-

Purebred pedigreed and reg:
Toggenburgs, exclusively. Ex-
tra nice assortment. of bred
milking does. and bred doel-
ings, reasonable. Also buck
service by Sir Roderick,* the

genburg buck of the South. Fee
$5.00, with the same to every-
one. John Hynds, Atlanta, 93
Warren St., N. E. De. 5140.

At stud, purebred Nubian
buck, reg. N-2396 in American
Goat Society with attractive
sreeding and appearance. Fee
$5.00 for purebred and $3.00 for

grade does. No shipments. Earl
S. Redwine, Madras.

Toggenburg grade buck, 1%

50 big fat mutton goats ready
for market. Raised on my own
farm R. S. Anderson. Hawk-


At stud reg. purebred Tog-
genbure ouck G-Man Joes
Confucius. T-3032, American

from heavy milking stock. Fee
$3.00 for

grades, Warren Rollins. Atlan-


naturally hornless. La Crescen-

ta-Loma Alto-Mile high we


bred grade. few reg: purebred
kids. Reasonably for this qual-
ity 1 reg. purebred milking doe

buck. Naturally hornless and

umph T-629: Dam-Mile high


most outstanding hornless Tog-

"Wednesday, October 1,

For service at my barn, white
fee, $2.00: 1 Nu-
has been

bred giving 1 qt milk. Pasture

Mrs. Nora Smith. Arnoldsville, |


\ first freshening. 1 giving 2

_Mrs. C K. Phipps, Newna
/ 3. oF a


1 French Alpine milk go
ready to breed. $8.00
FOB. Jewell Smith. Ga
ville. R. 7. :

At stud reg. purebred Tog
burg buck. G-man Joes |
fucius, T-3032 in
Goat Society. Best i
for quality breeding and h
mil. production. Fee $5.00
purebreds. $3. for grades.
ren Rollins. 349 Murray
Ave... N. E.. Atlanta. De 6912

Reg. Saanan male at St
Fee $3.00: 1 weeks free b
W. J.:-Sumlin, Atlanta 0
Grand Ave.. N. W.. Center Hilf

7 common natural horn
goats. 2 males. $9.00. Ed 3
Sturdivant West Po'nt R. 1

Habtab 11 reg. purebred
bian sire of La Crescenta-Loy
Alto-Mile high breeding: bla
with light trim: naturally hor
less: very large beautiful bu a
Fee $5.00 cash at service.
shipping. Reg. purebred
kid for sale. F. E. Grubb
morest. a

2. fine nannie goats, 6 m
old, crossed with Toggenbu
and Nubian $15.00 for the |
E. P. Owell, College Park
2. (Live 2 mi. College
in Jones settlement).

10 Spring Ewe lambs for sa
Mrs. D. S. Standard, Danb

2 Toggenburg milk . goa

daily, $18.00 for the 2 for qui a
sale. Rev. James A. Hale, Su
merville. eet


150 cap., Sears-Roebuck bl
flame brooder. $5.00: also
lard. black and white mus
ducks $1.00 ea.; Mallard dra
50c and 75c ea. Buff |
drakes. $1.00 ea: Exc. dr
for fryers. Miss Roberta }
collum, Grantville.

Little brown hen ~ inc.,
twice, good as new, instruct
and all parts. for sale or
that and other value for
C. gilt or cow or heifer, m
ing or soon to milk. Mrs. C
ton Douglas, Alma. Rt. 1. |

Inc., 120 egg Buckeye d
440 egg electric both good cont
$9.00 and $35.00 respectivel:
exc. for good hogs or cow
Sanders. Nashville.

1 Smiths Mother N
brooder and instruction sh
never been used. $4.75.
Hubert L. Sheppard, T
(Mail Ashburn. )

Little brown hen 50 cap.
burner inc.. good as new $
Mrs. L..B. Chases. Kingslan

Brooder, complete. hom
made. cost about $9.00; se
$3.50 (only one left). 50 t
cap., ked. burner. D. P.
wards, Waycross.

1 Cypress inc., 160 egg c
perfect cend., $7.00 FOB Ru
ledge. Mrs. A. A. Wau
Mansfield. Rt. 1. as

Want oil burning or. a
breoder, 250-500 chick ca
, Stribling, Manchester. Bo

Want 6 Broiler finishing
teries and 1-18 hen cap..,
ing batteries, in good s
for cash. M. L. Bowers, Au
ta. 732 Lake Ave.. N. E.

Want 1 Sears-Roebuck e
tric baby chick brooder. s
construction, 3 or 4 deck,
Oliver. Barnesville. 207

5 deck elcetric starting _ b
ery brooder at half price. R.
Fibson, Clarkston.

600 egg Queen inc. hot wa
iL burning; has 4 trays o
299 cap. ea., good as new, 4
Niece Herron, Martin. Rt.

350 egg cap. Super Ha
Inc.. $15.00 or trade for
eoat or meat hogs or cal



Want second hand Fl
Poultry feeders, metal, in
cond. Write size. make |
lowest cash price. R. A. C
well, Boston. RFD. 2.

PIGS (Cavies) FOR SA

3 White N. Z. rabbits, 2
and buck, 1 doe bred, $4
FOB for lot. T. M. Sap

/ 1 young pr. black ~
pigs (cavies), $1.25; 1
white buck, Yr. old, $1.60
same breed, 1 to 1% yrs.
$1.50. No chks. B. H.
back, East Point, 302 Harr
iaNe Zz white, 18 mos.
buck, $2.00; 6 grays and
8 wks. old, $5.00. Exe.
April 1941 hatch B.





AAA June hatched, B. R.
kerels. with Cert. of breed-
on them. 75 ea. Not pre-
d Mrs. Lula H.. Parker,

WR pullets, pure
shel Str. $1.00 ea.: Cockerels,
50 ea.: 10 pullets and 1 un-
Jated cockerel. $10.00: 1. 1941
. R. cock., same .str.. $1.50.
rs. J. L. Wallace. Bowersville.

3 topnot B. R. roosters, wt.
bout 2 lbs. ea., 75c ea. M. O.
Trudie DeFoor.

ullets. 2 aa old. 40c ea. at my
ome. Mrs. A. B. Crow. Flow-
Branch. .R. 2.

} Aristocrat B. R. hens, 1 yr.
: 1 cockerel, 4 mos, old. wt.
os. unrelated. The 6 for
00. Mrs. Willis Smith. Reol-
on. c

Apr. and. May hatched
ets purebred Partridge
ocks. $25.00. Smaller ship-
nents. not less than 4, $1.25
a. M. O. Mrs. Jesse Mixon.
cilla. R. 1. Box 119.

mos. old roosters, purebred
7 HR. foc es. Mrs. C. L, Ben=
ett. Modison:

00. purebred B. AR. -pullets,
ine for layers. 50c ea. at grow-
n se house 9 wks old. Lizzie
tephens. Gainesville. R. 1.

.B. R. cockerels, Apr. hatch-
$1. ees E. W. Hood, Bar-
WwW. L. and 50 B. R. pullets,
h or Apr. hatch. No culls.
best price. Mrs. R,
nm. Sandersville, R. 2.
B. Ply. R. cockerels, $1.00
FOB. Mrs. B. L. Ashe. Bis-

fine pure Thompson Ring-
March hatch, B. R. cock-
$2.50 FOB. Mrs. N. R.
ison, Canon R. 2.
5 purebred W. R. pullets, 5
old> $4.00: Also 2 B. R.
fs; 5) mos old, $1.50: 2
ebred B. L. hens, good lay-
now laying, 75c ea. Entire
$6. 50. You pay exp. R. Shep-

d. Savannah. 509 Barnard:


5 B. R. pullets, Apr.
ut 3% Ibs., $1.00 ea. W.
F000 Carlton.

0. May hatched Cornish pul-
ts and rooster. $10.00 cash.
. Jd. C. Herron, Martin. R. 1.

are. dark Cornish pullets,
and 3 lbs. ea. $1.00 cockerels,
and 5 Ib. ea.. $1.50 ea. H. W.
eee Greensboro, R. 1,
nice pullets. Cornish Indian,
ea. Also 6 pullets later
, (5c ea. FOB. Ellijay. Mrs.
. Osborn, Roy.
spring hatch dark Cornish
kerels. long, yellow _ legs.
dea. to $1.50 ea.; $9.25 for
Hatching eggs. $1. 00 per 15;
per 30 prepaid. C. O.
. Sylvester.
Feb. hatched large heavy
legged type purebred dark
s, 7 and 9 Ibs.
C : Also March and
il hatched 5 and 6 Ibs. $1.50
Satisfaction guar. Mrs. Hu-
E, Hill, Commerce, R. 1.
2 purebred. 9 mos. old dark
nish Indian cockerels, $1.00
Cash with order. Also eggs,
0 per 15. Postpaid. Mrs.
King, Pearson.

eral nice Dark Indian
ish cockerels. the nice long
ow legged type, $1.00 ea.:
Oo 20 Cornish, weighing
d 1 lb. ea.. 50c ea. or $9.00
lot. Mostly pullets. No per-
1 ae Glen Holton, Soper-
ber Lie

ea. dark Cornish hens and
ets $1.00 ea.: 5 cockerels,
Apr. hatch, $1.00 ea, FOB.
dad M. O. Mrs. Ed - Stone.
dairsville R. 2.

e Cornish games. Vacci-
ed, from bloodtested stock,
ce pullets. $1.25: Cockerels,
0. Cash. FOB, Jess Sloan,
Ben. H.. I.

irebred Dark Cornish roost-
$1.75 ea.: Pullets laying
. del. in Ga. Mrs. J. O. King
tVonia. 2:

ullets and 1 rooster, yel-
egged, 5 mos. old. Cornish
es, $5.06 at Ashburn. M. O.
erred. B. H. Bankston, Ash-


games, Warhorse Grist

e Irish Grey Cross: 5 roost-

$2.00 ea.; 12 hens. $1.25 ea.

h 1940 hatched: 10 roost-

$1.25 ea.: 20 hens, $1.00 ea.

1941 hatch. R. EE. Duffey,
ough, Re 2.

; Also Miniature Torzo
$2. 50 trio. David Tr. Jen-

EY Ibs.


Pure Indian Asils games, from

| Lucknow Rajoh hens, the gam-

est chickens on earth. W. C.
Seth Americus. R. 2., Albany

Pit games: 4 hens $1.25 ea.;
Cock. $2.00: Lot for $6.00. C. H.
as Atlanta, Box 367 B,

2 Cuban Blue and Warhorse
pit game stags. $1.00 ea.; 2
stags, same as above but small-
er 75c ea. Money order. S. O.
Huff. Monticello. R. 4,

1 purebred black Jersey giant
rooster. 2 yrs. old. $2.00 cash.
No exc. Also want 2 purebred
black Jersey giant cockerels,

-|Feb. 1941 hatch, $1.00 ea. Mrs.

B. H. Purvis. Helena. R. 1.

6 Irish Grey Game stags, wt.
around 3% lbs. Sell or exc. T.

S. Visscher, Decatur. 711 Church |


Several nice young crowing
size, Allen roundhead, cocke-
rels $1.00 ea. Or less on 2 or
more. W. A. Caldwell, LaFay-
ette. R. 4.

7 Canadian gray stags, 6 mo.
old. $2.25 ea. or entire lot $15.
Also 1 stag 18 mo. old, $5.00.
A. P. Nichols, Griffin, Chero-
kee Rd.

Pit games, 2 trios young stags.
4 Ibs.: pullets 3 lbs.. $3.00 trio.
.7 8S. Framley. Sylvania. R. 1.

Sniders pure bacon War-
horse hens, $2.50: Stags. and
pullets, $1.50 to $2.00 ea.: Also
S. A. Ginn grays cocks. $3.00;
Pullets, $1.50; Also grist grady
hens, stags, $2.00 ea. Tome
Weaver, Canon, R. 2.

15 bacon warhorse, 3% to 4
$1.50 stags: pullets, $1.25;
hens $1. 50; Old cocks $3.00;
1 trio of white doms, $2.50.
Charlie Wade, Warrenton.


AA Grade S. C. Brown Leg-
-horn > cockerels, 6 wks. old. 4,
$1.00 prepaid; 30c ea. not pre-

paid. Also want a few turkey

hens. must be cheap for cash.
Mrs. B. T. Carithers, Nicholson,

10 AAA grade | Neuberts,
large type, Apr. hatch, W. L.
cockerels, $1.00. ea. FOB. No
chks. Mrs. J. M. Pack, Tunnel
Hi Re.

6 pen Ped No. 1 mating 337
egg str., 7 mo. old, W. L. cock-
erels; Roselawn wingbanded
with breeding cert., $3.50 ea.
3 or more, $3.00 ea. W. R. Las-
siter, Atlanta, 35 Rockyford Rd.,
N. E, Phone De. 2681.

B. L. hen, 1 yr. old, last Mar.
Molted, laying. $1.25 ea. at my
home. 9 mi. W. of Gainesville
on the Brown Bridge Rd. Lis-
bon Allen, Gainesville, R. 2.

Leghorn chicks. non-sexed,
$7.50 C.; Pullets, $15.90; cocks
$3.50; W. P. rocks, unsexed,
$7.85; pullets, $11.85; buff rock
and buff Orpington, same price.
Mrs. W. A. Manry, Edison.

3 AAA Hollywood W. L.
rooster, 5 mos. old, for sale or
exc. for 4 young hens, good and

fat. Mrs. A. B. Busha, Coilege

Park, 522 North Main St. Phone
Cal, - 1259. \

4 W. L. roosters, 3 mo. old,
75 ea.: Also 6 white Wyandotte
hens, 1 yr. old, $1.00 ea. Mrs.
Blain Long, Dial.

50 purebred W. L. pullets, 3
mo. old, now $40.00; also one
White Face Bull, A7 mo. eld,
sell or exc.-for other cattle. Mrs.
Cc. L. Smith, Baxley. R. 4.

100 AAA blk. Leghorn pul-
lets, 6% mo. old, begin laying
at 4% mos., $100.00..Sell all or
none. Mrs. B. T. Thornton, Bow-
don, R. 1.

6 R. C. B. L. roosters, 8 wks.
old, now crowing. 75c ea. Plus
postage. Hugh Villyard, Gaines-
ville, R. 1. Box 167.

Single Comb W. L. Jan. hatch
pullets, now laying. $1.00 ea. at
my farm. Alex Williams, Odum,
R. 1. Box 143.

1 Gold Medal W. L. ecockerel,
fine specimen $1.50; 2 AAA I.
R. cockerels, $1.00 ea.; All Apr.,

1941 hatch, crated. Add postage. |

Mrs. L. R. Pierson, Doraville,
Lilly Mill Rd. i

Purebred W. L.. _young
healthy. well developed, high
grade cockerels, direct from
breeder, 55c ea.: 3, $1.50; 8.
$3.50. Add transportation chgs.
Also B. R. cockerel, 1 large welJ
developed, fine specimen, 80c
ea. plus exp. chgs. J. B. Hick-
man, Barnesville.

60 Eng. W. L. pullets, April
hatch, ready to start laying, no
culls. $1.00 ea. Mrs. H. G.
Parker, Fairburn, R. 1.

92 Ferris W. L.. best egg Sir.
pulleis. May 5th hatch, be lay-
ing soon. Also 1 mare mule, we.
about 1,100 lbs. Reasonable. C.
S. Peek, Atlanta, R. 8.

15 AAA Eng. Str. W. L. pul-
jets, beginning to Jay. $14.00
for lot FOB. Mrs. Fred Cowart,
Summit, R, 2.


400 W. L. hens, 100 N. H. reds
for sale. E. T. Long, Leesburg. |

125 Eng. Str. W. L. pullets.
last of Apr. hatch. Some ready
to start laying. $1.00 ea. for lot.
Come get them. None shipped.
E. C. Pope, Ocilla. 5 mi. East of
Ocilla on Dixie Highway.


About 75 AAA grade White
Minoreas -pullets, and some
AAA grade White Rocks 13
wks. old. 75c ea. Will be laying
in 6 wks. J. L. Gibson, River-

2 young black Minorca roost-
ers. Ist of May 1941 hatch, $1.25
ea. Prefer to exc. for others of
same stock to keep from in-
breeding. Mrs. Geo. H. Crosby,

Savannah. Rt. 4; Ogeechee Rd.


Sears AA Buff Orpington
Cockerels, Apr. hatched, $1.35
ea. FOB. Mrs. B. B. Waters,
Flowery Branch. R. 3.


Golden pheasants: Modern
game bantams, fan tail and
modena pigeons for ale. M. L.
fonau. Savannah, 221 E. 49th

50 pr. white King pigeons,
$1.00 pr. 1 yr. old, mated and

working. Grey Andrews, Ro-

Trio Amherst full Stoninack

$15.00; Trio Golden full plum-|&G

mage $15.00: 2 yr ringneck
pheasants, $4.00 pr.: 9 mos. old.
$3.00 pr. Golden young $4.00
pr. Bob White quail, large fine
birds, $3.00 pr. C. T. Gaines,

Ringneck pheasants, 344 mo.
old, large to age. $1.00 ea.: pure-
bred Buff Cochin bantams, $1.
ea. or $1.50 pr. Amilee Long,

White King pigeons. mated
and working, $2.50 pr. Single
birds, about 5. mos. $1.00 each.
All birds of good stock, and in
good health. C. G. Albright.
Warm Springs.

12 head of geese, $1.00 ea.;
1@ pigeons. $2.50; or 50c ea.
Plus express chg.-on all. Cash
with order. Mrs. W. G. A.
Beckworth. Baxley.

14 pairs banded and working
Hemers and 20 unmated Hom-
ers, about 4 mo. old. $12.00 for
the lot. Good healthy birds. F.
M. Ogiefree, Barnesville.

12 W. K. pigeons to sell or
swap for hens or fryers or what
have you. Charles Morgan, At
lanta, 1712, Browning StS. WwW
Ra. 1475.


S. C. R. I. Red pullets from
prize winning stock, $1.00 ea.,
in lots of 25 to one address and
give 2 roosters free with lot.
Cash with order. Also Penny-
royal plants, 50 for $1.00; $4.00
M. Mrs. W. Hz. Boatwright.
Alma. Rt. 4.

mating $2.00 ea. Bred from
trapnested, heavy layers; eggs
$1.50 per 15 postpaid. Mrs. Don
Donaldson, Decatur. De 2405.

15 roosters, 5 mos. old, weigh-
ing around 7 lbs. From Hard-
ins, good str. of. Reds, $1.50 ea.
G. C. Worsham, Cullcden.

15 AAA grade N. H. Red
hens, 10 mo. old, laying 50%,
$17.00 FOB.
Sandersville. R. 1, Box 8.

1 rooster. half R. I. Red, half
Blue Andalusian, $1.50. Guar.
99% eggs to hatch. Mrs. J. E.
Sorrelis, Royston,

Young March hatched pure-
bred R. I. Reds. cockerels and
partridge rocks, same age, and
price. Exe. for nice pullets,
about same age cockerels; $1.25
ea. Mrs. C. R. Sorrells, Monroe,

300 purebred N. H. Red pul-.

lets, 9 wks. old, fine for lay-
ers. 50c ea. at growing house.
J. A. Whitmire, Gainesville, R.

200 fine N. H. Red pullets, 9
wks. old for layers, 50c ea. at
growing Rouse, W. G. Couch,
Gainesville R. 10.

White Face Black Spanish
cockerels, purebred. Apr. hatch-
ed. $1.00 ea. Mrs. Frank Tread-
away. Adairsville, R. 1.

800 N. H. Red pullets, 8 and
12 wks. old. high quality. Will
sell. cheap. E. L. Colston, Cor-
nelia. Star Route.

N. H. Red pullets, 2 mo. old,
10, $7.50: 1 rooster free with
ea. lot. Birdseys best AAA stock
and fed out for breeders. Vi-
vian Barnes, Graymont.

25 N. H. Red pullets, AAA
grade, pullorum tested flock. 7
wks. old, 1 rooster free, $25.60.
Send M. O. E. H. Mecmicneel,
Buena Vista.

Nice young N. H. stags from
prize winners, $1.00 ea. E. es
Rainwater, Hephaibal.

Chit. T.. Tanner,

Choicest free range, grown
eockerels from direct Hubbard
AAA N. H. Reds. most service-
able age, 41 hatch. 3, $5.00: 6,
$9.00 FOB. M. O. Mrs. E. G.
Wood. Cedartown. R. 2.

AAA pullets, Pine top N. H.
Reds. 5.000 to grade from. Fine
layers, ready to move now. 9
wks old, 60c; 10 wks. old, 65c
ea.- 11 wks. 70c ea. A. O. Bark-
er. Gainesville. R. 7.

Choice R. I. Red cockerels, 5
mo. old Parmenter or Donaid-
son Str., $1.25 to $1.50 while
they last. J. R. Doty. Decatur,
43 Mason Mill Rd.. Phone De.


20 M. B. turkeys, wt. 9 to 15
Ibs. ea. 20c Ib. at my home, 5
mi. west of Oak Park. Sol
Williamson, Oak Park. Rt. 1.

20 young turkeys,.over 2 mo.
old, all strong and _ healthy,
plenty large to age. M. B. type.
Lot for $24.00: $1.25 ea. Won't
ship less than 10. ur Ruth
Chapman. Macon, R. 3. % J. T

9 pure Mallard ducks and
drake, raised this year,. $8.00
or $1.00 ea. also 3 hens and
rooster, full Golden Sebright
apie $3.00 or $1.00 ea. Mrs.

D. A. Pope, Buchanan, Rt.

4 ducks, 2 col. or 2 white; 1
drake or 3 hens, 50c ea. Mrs. H.
G. Harris, Jenkinsburg.

Pure Northwestern broad
breasted bronze turkeys; Wag-
on wheel Str., Apr. Ist. hatch,
Toms, 18-23 lbs.; Hens, 12-16
lbs. Can furnish unrelated
breeding stock; Toms $10.00;
Hens $6.00; Trio $20.00 FOB.
Lester McCrary. Molena.

Mammoth Bronze turkeys.
Toms, $7.50: hens, $5.00 ea.
Apr. hatched. Clara Fleming,
Bronwood, R. 1. Box 72. :

3 white ganders, Apr. hateh,

75c ea. FOB. $1.00 ea. del. De-
witt Buchanan, Baxley, R. 4,
Box 10.
' 17 Mo., big bone iGinut bronze
turkeys, out of eggs costing
$42.00 doz. Hens, $8.00; Toms
$12.00 ea, L. J. Ellis, Cum-

2 blue Toulouse geese. 1 white
gander, $1.00 ea. or exe. for 4
ready to Jay R. I. pullets, no
culls. 1 mi. Marietta on Henry
St., just off Atlanta Hwy. H.
R. Rich, Marietta, P. o Box

18 White Pekin ducks, 1941
hatched, almost grown. $12. ta
for lot; 75c ea. You pay freight.
F. P, Tanner, Gainesville, R. 3.

3 Mallard ducks and 6 mixed
ducks. exc. for 7 March hateh-
ed pullets or sell for $5.00. Her-
bert S. Whitworth, Lavonia, R.

16 full grown guineas, 14
hens and 2 roosters, Blue Spec-
kled Str. $12.00 for lot FOB
my Station. W. H. Wood, Mar-

thin ee ls
Dark red cockerels, ready for |

4 black and white Muscovy
ducks; Mallarqd ducks and
drakes; Buff orp. drakes, $1.00
ea. Few Mallard drakes, 75c ea.
Exe. drakes for hens or fryers.
Buff Orp. eggs, $1.00 per 15.
Miss Roberta McCollum, Grant-

Pair grown puddle ducks; 1
young half grown female, $1.50
for the lot. Exc. for 5 Bantam
hens. Will not ship. Mrs. Lu-
ther Thomas, Roopville.

12M. B. Turkey poults, 8
wks old,. (all healthy), $1.25-ea.
FOB. Exc. for 15 young hens,
any breed if good layers. Mrs.

Ruth Chapman. Macon. R. 3.

1 pr. M. B. turkeys, 4 mo old,
$3.50; Also want a heifer of
good. stock, prefer Guernsey or
Jersey. Exchange value for
same. Mrs. J. T. Prophitt. Chip-
tey RS.

7 White muscovy ducks, $1.00
ea. plus postage. Charles Math-
is. Gainesvile R. 1.

14 Pekin ducks, extra large,
(12 of these this yrs. hatch),
$1.00 ea. M. M. DeBardelaven,
Ellenwood, R. 1.

10 Brown Bronze turkeys,
6144 mo. old. $18.00: 7 pure Carn-
ish game March hatched pul-
lets; 1 rooster. $6.00. Mrs. Jewel
Dominy Eastman.

9 white Muscovy ducks, nice
and large, April hatched. Also
5, just beginning to feather out.
$10.00 for lot; the 9, $8.00; sm.
Snes, 55c ea. Mrs. Sudie Clark
Johnson. Calhoun, 454 W. Line

Mallard ducks, $1.00
quantities of 6, $5.00.
York, Jesup.

25 Chinese Secred White
Ducklings (dont quack). 3 to
4 lbs. ea. Will lay regular like

ea.; In

a Leghorn hen all yr. around.

When grown will oe 5 to 10
Jos.; 75 ea. FOB. B. Bald-

a ae Rome,

/early hatch, B. R

1421, Noxth Broad!


-AAA Rosecomb Ma
white wyandotte roosters.
Ist. hatch; $1.75 ea.
252. a Moore. Temme

White Wyandotte, -
hatch, pullets, $1.00 e
dried apples, free fro
and peel 15c lb. Mrs.
Gibbs: Rochelle. R. 1.

3 full S'lverlace Wye
March 1941 hatched roo:
1, 2-yr. old rooster. $1.50
Exe. 2 for same breed to
from imbreeding. J. He Pu
Ranger. eZ

10 Silver ~ Lace Wyande
hens and 1 yr. old-rooster.
ea.: 3 March hatched roo;
$1. 00 ea.: Rose Comb Tar
Str.. reddy for service. Mrs.
D. Elkins Whigham. R. |

26 purebred White Wyan
pullets, hatched Feb. Ist..
ea. FOB. J. R. Gardener, be

6 yearlen pullets and 1 co
erel. the purebred Silve

Wyandotte Rose comb, |

pr. purebred golden Sebr
Bantams. yr. old, from p
winning stock. $2.50 1

white Pekin Drake, $1.00.
nie G. Jones, Lual, R. 2.



Want at least 50 to We
tam hens, ship in light
C. O. D.; AS many as you
at 25 ea. Samuel C. Boro
Savannah, 108 E. Duffy

Want 8 or 10 common bant
hens and a rooster. R.
Collum. Albany. <

Want several very small b:
tam hens, (red preferred). ay.
re. Tifton, Rode =

- Exe. Chukar partridge
Black and Buff Cochin ban
H.-P. Wood. Hogansville.


Want 25 to 40 Mar. or
hatched, B. R. or R. I. red
lets. Must be clean AAA s 3
@uote priee del. Paul R. Car
Marietta, R. 4, Box 59.

Want 6 or 8 good layi
pullets, re
to start ne not too F
priced. Mrs. W. F. McCorl
Marietta. R. 1.


Want 3 purebred dark
nish hens, 1 purebred Buz
Game roosters. Best prices. WN
W. C. Beck, Decatur, R. 1

Want 15 March or Apr..
yr. Cornish pullet
healthy and pure. Will
value or pay reasonabl
price. Exp. Col. to my towi
Write first. Mrs. I. M. Sulliv

Want from 10 to 50 a:
Cornish pullets. Must be pur
bred and cheap. Also want fror
10 to 50 White Pekin ducks fo
raising purposes. Write. N. I
Palmer, Leesburg. :

- Want 8 purebred March

natch Brown Leghorn he 8,

culls. Quote best prices de
M. Thornton, Jesup. ree

Want 6, #940 fall hatched.
L. hens. Quote best prices,
W. M. Thornton, Jesup.

Want to hear from party av:

ing high grade S. C. W. L.

lets between 4 wks, and 6

old. Any number between 10

and 500. Give particular
_ letter: Math iss Logue,

Want at once AAA Apr. bok it
Hansons and Seidels Str.
L. pullets. Write full particula
in first letter. J. P. MceAf ey.
Ranger, R. 1. Box 78.

Want 20 or 2 W. L.

Str. AAA grade pullets,.
developed. Mar. or Apr. hateh
from bloodtested stock. at low.
- eee J. W. Ham, Sum:
Want 12 B. L.~oullets, Man
hatch. No culls. State price, ete.
M. Rivers, 1529 Gordon Ss

W., Atlanta, ;

Want W. L. pullets. Will
cash for them.Mrs. Steve Fie
Dahlonega. R. 2., Box 104:

Sell or trade for AAA Mar
pullets or 1 yr. old Legh
hens of good Str., about 25 pr
white king pigeons, 30 whit
Pekin ducks, about 8 Ib, ave
age. Grover Sowell, Atlanta
187 Gresham Rd. R. 3.

Want 250 or more big
AAA W. L. pullets. ready
lay. Quote priees. No culls. M
W. L. Duncan. Lyons,

Want 20 or 25 W:
cona pullets, 4 or
well developed. Wri
you have and your
our station. R.-

oe (MARKE:





bec. 15 R. I. Red, May 24
yatch pullets for W. L. pullets.
it. of mine about 2 lbs. ea.
Pay transportation. L. E. Had-
ck. Ft. Valley.

fant any number from 10
, 100

purebred, bloodtested
ff Minorca pullets, up to 1
old. Siate prices and age.
rs, A..L. Dail..Parrott. R. 1.



ou have to offer in Pheasants
nd peafowls. all var. H. Rai-
rd Gaffney. Dunwoods. R. 1.

Want 1. peacock and 1 pea-

en. B. W. Farrar, Summer-
~ Box 212.

ani 10 to 15 Re J: Red or
. rullets. Mar. hatch. Lula
hittle, Barnesville,


940 or 41 hatched: 8 wks. old
ill do, none younger Mrs. Of-
Ackerman, Rincon.

fant 2 young, half grown

105 Dooly St.


ant reliable colored man

wile: no chldren. Both to
rk. Attractive: pEOpes ion to
ao party. a. Roa Webber:

a abe and do light farm

ork | -and yard work.

nd paey- Pyne Se CHy. limits.
ch ONE Douglas.

farm, drive

t and truck farm. Gocd pay.
O. E. Norton, Fairburn.

ld Nat'l Highway). =
nt. man for 4 <h.
ing rent. Must furnish
Level Jand, 21 mi. South
n on 41 Highway. Come
He Smith, Fort ev elley.


fant farmer on gndg ee

tra work for rest of this
- also settled girl or wom-
for Jight farm work, few
ens, no field work. Write
ice if interested. uy OAS
mpson. Rockmart.

ant white woman for light
nm work, no field work, 1
j to milk. Private room,

board |

and $2.50 week. Mrs. R.
Trew, Se es mie pray:

and one in family can plow,
rel and cut with an ax. C.
fackson.. Lawrenceville.

Want woman for light farm
k, no field work. $4.00 week

gers, Gainesville. Rt. 1.

# rent. Cotton and to
cco allotments. 4 R. house,
water, wood; near church
igh school bus. 50 A. cul-
tion. Good stock range. Ira
tright, Alma. Rt. 4. :

d home and salary to set-
a hristian | woman, _ who
drive car, milk cow, other
rt farm work, no field work.

ling worker. Mrs. J. W. Mc-
. Kennesaw. =

ork, No field work, nor wash-
in. family. $4, 00 | abe
Sund ays off. Mrs. WwW.
n, Thomaston. Rt.
Want party to live in home
e of family of 5 and: do


sonable salary. Mrs, Gladys
ing . Cartersville.

oe, boy. 16 or. older,
on small farm and a
al ona place. Private room,
board and reasonable eas
L, Custer, Marietta. :
ant settled woman, white
olored, for light farm work,
ield work. $2.50 week, room


home, fair wages. Mrs.


Want middleaged woman, or

other and son.

large enough to plow. etc., for

: barry ror no field work.

ent girl or middleaged
man to live in home and do
ght farm work, no field work,
mo, and board. Mrs. S.

.' man and wife

Want best prices and what |

Want Blue Speckled Guineas,

WD Hwy.-and RR, 30. mi.
keys. req Bourbon cr white. | iwy. an
ss Effie Caldwell, Hawkins- ,

uck, with family to. helo: on


ifarm 12 mi.

_| standing rent.

hs for 2 h. farm for 1942, also

rant family, hie or Soi6e- f

1] board for good hand, A.|.

t man for 2 h. farm,

Want woman for light farm"

farm work, no field work.

ard. Apply at once. Mrs.
oHendore, Griffin, Rt. C.

Want middleageq woman for
farm work, no field work.

Duncan, West Point.

around 16,

| Blanchard, Thomson. |

ohnson, Atlanta, 3101 ee
Mill Rd. Ch 1950,

Want farm fara consider
than 1. child)
xf house with old couple, and

do farming. W. A. Davis, Nor-

cross. he 4
Want. refined. middleaged,
unencumbered woman, good

health good character for good)

home and reasonable _ salary.
for light farm work. mlik 1 cow.
look after chickens, but . no
tield work. Exc. ref. Mrs. Lee
Clair Clayton. Roy.

Want at once fam:ly to help
gather crop of pecans. and do

other farm work. Pay fair price |

Good house

by day. or month. (

to live in. M. F. Jones.

an for, light farm work, no
field work, family of
3 and salary. Ref. exch. Mrs.
E. S. Scott, os P.O. Box

Want good farmer for 50 A.

farm. Good stock range and
okay. for cotton, corn and to-

baceo. H. P. Blalock, Ohoopee.
Want family with sufficient
force to run a 2 h crop and

furnish good stock to work all
tools,seed, half of fertilizer on
50-50 bass. 5 R. house,
church, consolidated school, on

vannah. No drunkard. M. D.
Mock. Lanier.

Want elderly white. couple
for light work.on smal! poultry
farm 3 R. house, lights, water

lanta Rt.
Ma 0213.-
- Want 1 h. farmer on 50 50
basis. Some bottom land, some


upland, 5 A. cotton allotment.

2 R. house, can give work when
not in crop. Furnish groceries
and move. J. O. Lunsford. Talk-

House , ing Rock. Rt. 1.

Want at once, _ intelligent,
middleaged woman for light
farm work, no field work. Good
home with elderly woman and
$8.00 mo. Dr. J. A. . Thomas,

Want exp. farm * help for
Atlanta, 25 A.
pottomland Chattahoochee Riv-

er, 9K. house, stream, garden

spot, plenty wood; on shares,
(party furnishing himself), or
L. QO. Jockson.
3rd. floor. 160 Peack ntree St.


Want reliable col. man .and |

wife to live on place (vent free).

can keep cow. raise chickens, |

garden, raise corn potatoes,
etc. Write: at once. Oz -D
Wheeler. Darien. rts
Want clean, reliable white
woman, 25-45, healthy, unen-
cumbered for general light

farm work, feed chickens, no

field work nor milking. Room,

BBs and $2.50 week, Mrs. H.
arton, Thomson, es O'Neal]

ek girl or woman for light
farm work, no field
$2.50 week, room and board.
Reply to: Mrs. Kurtz. Adanta,

woman of good character for
light farm work, no field work,
Treat as one of family. Ref.

paha, ~

Want white v woman, 30-45, to}

live as one.of family of man
and wife, and do light farm
work, no field work. Good home
and small salary. Mrs. ee
Baker, Norman Park,

gather crop and crop for 1942.
$10. 00 to $15.00 mo. and room

and board. Can use man and}

wife, no children. Dont write,

come, will treat you_right. 10

North of Villa Rica, near

Roses Gin and store,

home. J. O. Campbell, Dallas.
Rt. 4. : aoe
Want girl or middleaged

woman for light farm work, no
field work. for home with old

0|couple, board & clothes. Would

take girl - (orphan).
Write. Mrs.
cross. Rt. 1. .

Want settled girl

character for light farm work,


no field work. Treat as one of
family. Ref. exch. 4 in family.

Mrs. Jennie Lewis, Alapaha.
- Want reliable colored couple,
not too old, for light farm work,
milk, look after stock. House

and salary for both. Want at

one Mrs. Roy Jackson, Ley-
e x

Want refined, unencumbered,
white woman, middleaged, for
light. farm work, no field work,
for home and salary. J.

Want white woman for light

farm work, no field work. Must

be thoroughly reliable. Ref.
exch, state salary expected,
Mrs. Edgar Bowyer Coles
Park. Rt 2.



Want gettled. white girl or|E

M. E. Davis, Nor-.

of good

(with not more |
to live-in part

-j|farm work no field work. Home
Want giderly Christian wom-.

W.. Sa=} 5

ean lead the hands to work.

exch, Mrs. Jennie Lewis. Ala-|

| learn scientific . horseshoeing.
Want farm hand at once, help.

|way, S. W. Few, Apalachee.

W.| Ardella McWhorter.

:schcol bus route,-
: Brown, Colquitt.

furnished, Grover Sowell. At- |
187 -Grash am RGes

. Join in raising hogs. Communi-
i cate

Want reliable settled woman,
unencumbered, to assist with
light farm work, no field work.
$4.00 week, room and board.
Mrs. L. W. Watson, Atlanta,
1274 Oakdale Rd.

Want 3 or 4 good workers,
who. dont.drink, for 2 h. farm
good land, bottoms and upland,
on Mail Rt..-ang 1-4 mi. Sr.
1igh school. Can give extra good
chance. M. G. Reynolds, Gaines-
Cite - RA. GB:

Want man with small family.
sober, good worker. honest, no
smoker. to work in small dairy
at once. Herbert O. Price. Ce-
dartown Rt. 2.

Want white woman, for light

and $3.00 week. Saturday af-
ternoon and Sundays off if de
sired. J. G. Wilson, Marietta.
Ro -3?

' Want colored couple to work
on small farm, prefer country
R38. S. E; Smith, Atlanta.

Want good man for 42 A.,
farm, 20 A. bottoms on creek. |
3 mi, Lithia Springs and Au-
stell bus for school. 14 mi. At-
ianta 4 R. house, barn, garage,
good well on back porch, lights.
Standing rent. H. G. Miller, At-
Janta. 12 West End Place SW.
Rt. 4. Box 3.

Want a boy or girl-to live in
home with couple as one of
family. and help with _ light
farm chores. Healthy location;
ete. .R. - D:

Want col. couple, sober, in-
dustrious. for sm alrlf mal,8 mi.
Atlanta. Modern conveniences.
Man, caretake and light farm
chores; wife, light farm work,
no field work. C. E. Conkin, At-
Jairta, 115 Rhodes- Haverty
Bide. Ma. 9826.

Want partner with cash


= th. B.? @: Fussell;
lanta, 889 Edgewood Ave.

Want foreman who haag had
experience pruning, spraying |
and p.cking peaches and who


Pay $46.00 to $56.00 mo. house
with electric lights and wood.

Schools, churches, and __ street |
cars nearby. 10 mi. Atlanta. R.
F. Sams, Clarkston.

. Want operator for water mill.
Excellent location. O. L. Avery,
Franklin. | *

Want 1h. cropper for 1942.
one can furnish own stock and
supplies or could use man
alone who could meet with alJ
requirement 1 h. crop. Moun-
tain man preferred. B. F. Ad-
ams, Woodstock, Rt. 1

Want. settled, white woman
to live with elderly woman,
alone and do light farm work,
no field work. Room, board
and $2.00 week. Write. Mrs.
Lizzie Parden, Atlanta. 1703
Defocr Ave.. Be 1056. a

Want white woman, 35-40
yrs, old, for light farm work,
no field work. Live in home.
Room and board, $3.00 wk.
Write or see. Mrs. G. W. King,
Da ae 461 Moreland Ave., N.

Want good, married, truck
farmer to work 2 acres inten-
sively, care for poultry and
small broiler operation, at Bol-
ton, 7 mi. Atlanta. Good well,
3 -R. house; gogd schools and
churches. Must be sober and in-
dustrious. W. L. Inglis, Atlan-
ta, 134 Houston St. sy
_ Want sober young man_ to
One who is not. subject to the
draft within a year. Prefer sin-
gle man, but can use man with
family, having had some exp.
Liberal pay and increase as fast
learning is manifest. J. R. Jack-
son, Decatur, 119 King's High-
way De 2169.

Want colored man ae mid-
dleaged, sober, who wants good
home, clothes and small salary,
to live on place. Gen. yard work
with cows and chickens. G. Dor-
sey Smith, Decatur, a Candler

- Want a tenant, who can work
10 to 20 acres cotton, who can
help milk a herd of cows at
'odd times. Good house; near
school. 2 churches, post office,
stores, RR station, paved high-

_ Want man to operate 350 acre

stock and grain farm. Must be

able to operate. and care for

modern machinery. Ref. re-

cae L. B. Lightfoot, Millen,

Want reliable middleaged

couple to stay in home and help |}


with farm. Write or see.


Want reliable man with
enough help to cultivate 2
crop. With or without ee
stock. For 1942 crop. Must have

good ref. Contact. = Taylor. |
Ringgold, BED y er eee,

Would lke to rais2 hogs.
i shares,.


lary: per month. .Consider job
i for 1942,. Marvin . Joyner.
Wrightsville. Rt. 12, We gee Se
Miller. :

-ife time farming. Plenty force.
Landlord te furnish stock on

Can do any kind farm. work.

ery. Social Circle. RFD 1.

-|Can work im dairy, milk cows,

ily, all healthy, 4 boys, 1 girl.

ville. ED be

Want sober, unencumbered,
healthy couple, white or color-
ed: man exp. caretaker. yard
work: wife light farm . work,
no field work. 12 mi. Atlanta
in modern. new home (all con-
veniences), everything separate.
Salary. H. Raiford Gaffney. |
Dunwoody. Rt. 1..Ch 2835 (eve-
nings) or Ma 0517 (day).

Want middleaged or older
couple without children to oc-
cupy my country home~ near
Americus beginning 1942. Fur-
nish 2 acre patch. also farm
partnership in poultry and cat-
tle. Mrs Nel Thomas, Ameri-,
cus 312 W. College St.

Want man with family. fa-
miliary. with tractor: farming, for
wages or hare of crops. Good
farm, 3 dwellings. Convenient
to school and churches. Ref. re-
quired. J. C. Brednax, Walnut

Want unencumbered man or
boy to work on farm. Must be
reliable, no drinker nor curser.
Most of werk will be tractor
driving. Answer at once. J. R.
Maddox. Watkinsville. Rt. 1.

Want settled, white woman,
strong, healthy. willing worker.
no bad habits, for light farm
work. no. field work. - Prefer
country raisel woman. Private
room board ad $3.00 week to
begin with. Mrs. Lee McWhor-
tere Summerville. Rt. 1.

Want nice, clean. refined
christian white woman for. gen..
light farm work, no field work,
except must be able to. milk if
cow, $4.00 week. rcom ~ and
board. Ref. required. Mrs. Ju-
lian McAlwee, Rockmart. Rt. 14


Want 1 or2.h. crop on 50-50
basis. landlord to furnish stock.
Want good tobacco allotment.
19 yrs. exp. srowing tobacco.
S. F. Hiltes. (Henwood.

> Want Dairy and Truck farm
on 50-50. basis.
land Ww ith some bottoms. C. Hy
Hand. Atlanta. 649 Berne Ste

Want job on navi as over-
Ready begin October Ist.
Like So. Ga. 39 yrs. old. Lite-
time exp. farming. State sal-

Want good 1 or 2 horse farm,
with good tobacco allotment.
20 yrs. exp. growing tobacco;

30-50 basis; also like raise hogs
on- halves. SF ton: ogi

Colored man with one arm
wants 1 h. farm on 50-50 basis.
3 in. family. (wife and sister).

Or. poultry farm. David Stow-

- Want job on fatm, drive trac-
tor and truck, etc: for 1942.

Or k

$7.50 week, board and laundry.

ete. Come at once. Walter Wil

son, Stapleton Rt. 2... |
Want small 2 horse farm on

halves, with good 4-5.

If mean business, answer. Ww.
R.. Harrell, Yatesville.

Middleaged man ath fam-
ily. life time exp., farming, can
drive car, truck and tractor.
do carpenter work, know how
to handle labor, . looking for
good place for 1942. Could ar=

range to start before January | =

ist. Best of ref. L.
Coleman, Rt. 1.

Family of 6 want 2 h. taper
with stock and run-bill fur-
rished, Well exp. farming. When
ceplying, state tobacco and cot-
on acreage. Write at once.
Grooms A. Lane. Racepond,

Want to caretake a country
astate. Raised on the farm. B.
oe Mann, Auanta. 937 Stewart


Man winks light a work,
or dairy work; Can do other
light work. Reasonable salary
and board. Write. J. W. Partee,
Cumming, Rt. 4.

Man, past middleage. no an
ily, honest, sober, lifetime exp.
gen. farming, tobacco, stock,
want job with room, board and
laundry, aS overseer or care-
taker for bal. this and next
year. Best of ref. Write fully.
Jas. A. Ryals, Surrency, R. 2.

~ Want small crop for 1942 on.
8rds and 4ths or 50-50 basis.
Would like to have work when
not in crop. L. D: Haney, Ros-
well, Rt. 1. : :

Want job on farm. 7 in fam-

D. Elerd,

Go anywhere in No. Ga. Have
0 be moved. J. F, Wilson, Keys- ;

| McCorvey. any. Eee

Must -be fertile _

+ work. At once. Mrs:

a Box 84.

. house |-
with: water, wood, meat.. bread.
2 in family, Have to be moved.

| 937 Stewart Ave. _

look after farm and stoc

ticulars. AF

Want light farm work
North Ga. No milking :
work. Ref. exc. Come afte
write first. $3.00 week g
und board. Miss Myrtle Wehur
Gainesville. 540 So. ae
St. :

White boy, 20, wae job
milk dairy. or other wor
sther work. Board and $6
week. Come or write at
Guy Smith. Commerce. R

Waat 1.:h. crop on_ shar
50-50 bas:s. Can work large
h. crop, prefer in So. Ga., wi
tobacco, peanut allotments By

vegetable. oe and I! co
see you. J. _ Adams, Pi
view. %

Want trade fer small
crop, 12 or 15 acres to plan
corn and velvet beans, and
hire my 15 yr. old boy to sc
good man for wages. Want g
house. water in yard, go
ture, good place to rais
ehie ckens not more than
from. shipping point. C
Wade. Warrenton. ee

Want to caretake. a
piace and raise poultry a
stuff. Man and wife, both
to work and experience
V. Mann. Atlanta, 9387 Se
Ave, e

Boy. 1%, maute job. on.
for home and small salary.

work. James Casey, ' Atl
521 Bryant St. S. E.
17 yr. old white girl
light farm work, no field
with good, reliable peopl
week nd private room

after. Miss Louise eee
aesaw. Rt. dare s
Want 1h, farm for: stane

cent. good allotmen
er in Tift or Coiquitt co
yut accent other places. 1]

Young man and w fe
Ob on farm. Life ti
actor ano truck |
dle Ga. preferred.
see in person ask for 1
[or write. Raul Jones, Foi
on Gen Wel oy

Woman with 2 so e
ti, wants job on farm pi
cotton orany. gene al

/ans, . Macon, 130 Roff
Lane, % Mack Da d

Want th: crop on 50-50
o~ 1942: Wife and Self,
Willing workers. Want
qouse and out- bldg
slose to house, plei iS
Have to be moved and furn
ed. es F, a see
ville. REE

Want. eusiom wiow n
equipped to plow and set
-one operation. Prices fre
able. John. Deere Mode
tractor, available for an
tractor work. R. E. B
Oliver. ba

Want 12 mo. job nae
ing for farmer, with |
live in and top salary per
So Cranford. Lyons,

Married man, 40. ex]
farming and dairying,
overseer Ss Bue gen.


Middisaged woma
and refined, _wants
work, no-
Louise Graham, Atl:
tion C.. % Gen, Del.

Man, 37. wants ji
tractor. truck .and. gen
work. Would prefer cr
1942, on 50-50 basis. 3
ily. Earl By Morr Wr
Mtn. Rt d:. i: ?
Country raised anc fae
man and wife; want
take a country ne

nection. T, V. Mann, | AL

Exp. poultryman,. al
attending . chickens. Re
nished. Small salary and
No bad habits. ne tr

live in woe and
stock and light work,

dle labor, truck or tractor
salary . and. - particulars
give ref. Am 1 arm ma
have wife. Both wo
Young, Colquitt. Rt
Freeman. =

any ae ae: bier Tit res
ook .C. preferred |
eeobere in tobacco be
G. Croy. ee Rt. 4,

adjoining co. Give. ft
