Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1927 November 1


of + Agriculture


markets all over the country have been


ing toward a new crop basis during the past


: eorgia -ecorh are about 10c per bushel under

ions at the middle of the month, This has

, about more interest in local supplies and
g of corn from outside sources although

w corn from southeastern | Missouri and

is still arriving for use by mixed feed

me white corn from South and Middle
gia, however, was also being used in mixed
s at Atlanta, and corn from that source was

ng all requirements for corn meal purposes.
ck shipments outside the state have been made
ring the past week to points in North Carolina -

Tennessee, where new crop local corn is not
, dry enough to market.

ew crop supplies from South and Middle Geor=-
are abundant, especially at Augusta, where mills
been unable to absorb all offerings. However,
derable corn still remains to be gathered as
st attention has been given to cotton picking
most areas and rains have interfered with

TV sting and marketing during the past week or

here is a reluctance on the part of producers
sell their corn at current prices, and considerable
is being used on farms for hog feeding pur-
Se Corn from the North ee Section and




MOULTRIE, Ga., Oct. 29. - Soft hog market
wer: No. 1, 180 to 240 Ibs. $7.75; No. 2, 150 to
, $7.25; No.. 8, 130 to 150, $6:25; No. 4, 110 to
, $5.25; No. 5, 60 to 110, $4. 78; Roughs, $6.25;
&s,: $5. 25; Heavies, $7.25.


ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 29 -These prices quoted as
irnished by the White Provision Company are on
ndard hogs and are changed daily: No. 1; 180
0 240 Ibs., 8.00; No. 2, 150 to 180, $7.50: No. 3,
an 150, "$6. 50; No. 4, 110 to 130, $5.50; No. 5, 60
co $5.00; SOU EHS, $6.50; Stags, $5.50; Heavies
Cattle: Few fat beef type steers and heifers
ringing $5.50 to $7.00; majority fat native steers,
50 to $5.00; medium, $4.25 to $4.50; common,
3:75 to $4.25; fat cows mostly, $4.50 to $5.00;
rf diura and common, $3.75 to $4.25; canners and
itters, $2.50 to $3.25: good heavy bulls, $4.50 to
; light bulls, $3. 50. to $4.00; good calves, $6.50
Apes ee $5.00 to $6.00; cPnpngn, $3.00 to


The average price being paid by Georgia Sure
ions 2 No. 1 pavier fat is 27.

or hree weeks, but declines on western corn .
ed at Atlanta have been slight while ,prices

from the territory iecueaistls adjacent to Atlanta

has not yet begun to move into trade channels.

Georgia corn was quoted at Atlanta on October
27 at 70c per bushel, shelled, while quotations at
Augusta were 60c for shelled and 50c in the ear.
Last year at the close of October, shelled Georgia
corn was bringing ground $1.05-1.10 at Atlanta, $1

at Augusta and 95c-$1.00 at Macon, with ear corn

at the latter two markets 80c and 85c respectively.
This years prices are just slightly under quota-

tions two years ago when Georgia corn at Atlanta

averaged 75c for October.

No. 2 Yellow corn from the Central West was
quoted at Atlanta on October 27 at 80-83c per
bushel, compared with the October average of about is

$1.23 last year and 99 two years back.


Due to the extremely cold wave that visited bal:

Georgia and extended deep into Florida on the night
of the 23rd, many truck farmers in the Macon area
have suffered losses due to the destruction of their
snap beans, lima beans, field. peas, squash and

Okra. Thousands of dollars have been lost by the

lima bean growers alone, to say nothing of those

growing other fall crops. Turnips,. collards, cabbage |

and mustard are about all that is left in the way of

green vegetables until the Florida crop begins to- :

Sweet potatoes have been coming on the market

slowly and the price has held well up to now and it.

is possible that the price will slowly advance some

as the weather grows colder. We have been able to ~

load only a few trucks with potatoes for other
markets as the local trade has been able to consume
prackiGeny au that have been offered.

J. N. RAINES, Manager.


Truck Seegandy for Sweet Potatoes have. pen
fair in these sections for the past few weeks. Frost.
this year has come almost a month earlier than
the average first killingfrost in South Georgia and

has killed the vines in the late Potato patches. whic!

is causing immediate harvesting of this crop. it.

believed that the demand and marketing offerin.
of Sweet Potatoes will increase within the next few

days. y

Large quantities of Slip Shuck Corn is aflees
for sale through these markets, while only limited
amounts are being : marketed locally because the de=
mand for ear corn is limited, however, these markets
have been getting offers on truck and-car lot quan
tities, but the growers are holding their supply a>
an advancement in price.

These markets also have large quantities. of 1936
crop Georgia Ribbon Cane Syrup and P. O. Js

Syrup in No. 10 cans listed for sale, We have been
getting inquiries for 1936 crop Georgia Ribbon Cane

Syrup in bulk. New crop Syrup is beginning to be

made and these markets are expecting to be in &

position to supply a tremendous volume in the very
near future.

Turnips and other vegetables are being marketed

Growers or buyers wanting information may con= :

~tact these markets in the. days and, places listed
below of each week:

County Agents Office, Lyons, Ga., Monday and

~ Tuesday.

Glennville State oe Market, Glenville, Gas

: Wednesday and Thursday.

Claxton State Farmers Market, Claxton, Ga. 4 Wis 4
day and Saturday. a
Field Representative
tree: of oe .


Prevailing on State Farmers Market,
Atlanta, Today, Oct. 29, 1937

Apples, U. 8S. No. 1, per bu. package =$ .75$1.10
Apples, bulk, per bushel ; ~3D .50
Beans, Lima, per bushel

Beans, Snap, per bushel

Cabbage, perewti 22a u oe eS as 00 1.25.
Collards, per. dozen 65
Corn, green, per dozen ears : ; oL5
Field Peas, per bushel (bulk) 0
Mustard Grens, per dozen bunches . = .60
Pepper, Bell, per bushel .15 1.00
Squash, per bushel 2.00
Sweet Potatoes, per cwt. : pas
Turnips, bunched, per dozen bunches .35 .50
Turnip Salad, per bushel 5 50
Tomatoes, per crate a, 00 2.25

These and other quotations on all farm products
will be broadcast over W.G.S.T. every week day
morning at 6:00 a. m. oclock.


Schleys, 18c per 1b.; Stewarts, 1240;

eee ;
Makers, 10c; mixed varieties, 9c. :


Oct. 9, 1937.Atlanta spot etter was ae
today at 8.50c for middling 7-8 ineh staple. . On,
the futures market New York Dec. was 8.13.

The average price of middling: 7-8 inch staple
on 10 southern markets today was 8.18c per pound.

Staple premium paid on 10 southern markets --
October 29th averaged 42 points on for middling |
15-16 inch cotton and 80 points on for-
1 inch and better. i


Washed wool, 40c; free from burs, 35C; light
burry, 33c; medium burry, 27c; heavy burry, 20,


Prevailing Wholesale Prices (F.0.B. Points Mentioned). Subject to Change.

. Kae Mt. Lake-
Fayette | Vernon Jand


Oct. 30, 1937

aS Hawkins.
Metter - ville ville

Sanders- | Villa

| Atlanta | Ashburn commerce] Dawson [ Glenn

002-,03% 200 30 :
20-28 00 30 x See 24
22.40 28 _ 028 at
oA8-.22 28 028

S, Unclassified 28ote= 224
ee Heavy Breed o15-.16 ol | old Sa 4s 14
Leghorns 13 oc = 08 ell 13 Ai
o10-.11 008 OF gk2 06
16-.17 15} 12 08 ae
f 14 x LT

sao OF
; g 07


apons z aor ah
yuntry Butter, best table <- } . : eh
ield Peas, mixed
Meld Peas, not mixed
ar Corn (80 Ibs. to bu.) u_-.
weet Potatoes, per 100 Ibs. mt
abbage (green, per 100 lbs.) :
bbage @vhite, per 100 lbs)
avine Hay, No. 1, ton
eanut Hay, No. i, ton
jpanish Peanuts, No. 1
Yotton Seed (Prime): .
otton | Seed Meal, oe :
m Seed Meal, 7%


Established by J. J. Brown, Commissioner of Agriculture,
aS March 1, 1917.

2 Published Semi-Monthly by _

. COLUMBUS ROBERTS, Commissioner
Executive Office: State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia
ae Publishing Office Covington, Ga.

Entered as second class matter August 1, 1937, at the Post],

Office at Covington, Georgia, under the Act of June 8, 1930,, Ac-

cepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in See- |.
' Pig.

tion 1103, Act of October 8, 1917.

Notices of farm produce and appurtenances admissable under. |
- postage regulations inserted one time on each request and re-
peated only when request is accompanied by new: copy of notice.

Limited space will not permit insertions of notices containing
more than 30 words including name and address:

Under Legislative Act the Georgia Market Bulletin does not

sume any responsibility for any notice appearing in the Bulletin: |


Frost in- this section over the week-end of the 22nd, last,
avy enough to kill sweet potato vines and all the farmers
ho Have any are planning to sell as soon as dug and are

ting them with me for sale. Late vine potatoes were cut |

off a little too soon to make their best yield but several
farmers are putting some in the curing houses now for sale
during the winter. Due to the present prices of yams, farm-
ers are putting more than usual up. Prices are running
around forty cents per bushel (40c) now. Quality continues
good. ah

Pecans are moving now. The prices on seedling varieties
are satisfactory at around 6c per pound, but the budded
varieties such ay Stewarts, etc. seem rather weak at around

nine cents. A good many of the nuts are really dry and in. |.

good condition now. The crop is fairly good and the nuts
are good -quality. :

_ New syrup will be on the market now within a week in
both gallon and half gallon cans, labeled and guaranteed
No. ao 2 at ae st ; / i f
_I have orders for several hundred bushels of inspeeted
seed potatoes of Red or Pink Skin Porto Rican variety which
cannot supply so if any other market man or individual

has any, would like to hear from them. Most of the inspect-

ed potatoes in this section have been condemned, _
ia HARRELL W. LONG, Manager.


Hon. ; Columbus Roberts,
Commissioner of Agriculture

- The enclosed letter will be self-explanatory and we are
iting you this additional letter to make an earnest en-
deavor to get your active support in this fight through the
channels of your very valuable Market Bulletin and also
in your talks over this part of the State.
' Our farmers have very great faith in your work as Come

missioner of Agriculture and any publicity you may be |

able to give this matter will have very great weight with
~ all of them. We feel sure that you can be of great help in
this matter. Ace
_ We really think
and presented to our farmers in every way possible, it would
io much towards clarifying the situation.
We want to enlist your most active aid and vigorous sup-
port to help stamp out an erroneous and dangerous idea that
_is spreading like wild-fire through this part of Georgia and
which threatens to destroy all the wide advances we have
ade in the last few years in the matter of forest-fire con-
ol and modern forestry. This idea is that the woods and
branches must be burned-off in order to kill the weevils
and that the reason for such great weevil damage this season
is the fact that our woods have not been burned for the last
several years. ; a
Emanuel County was the first county in the State to buy
for its TPO a fully-equipped fire truck fo fight forest. fires
and we have helped to contribute funds to keep our four
lookout towers manned for the full twelve months. We
ave spent quite a sum of money in advertising the Georgia
_ Fire Laws in regard to the burning of the woods and in
helping educate our citizens as to the losses brought on the
whole county by indiscriminate forest fires, but the above~
mentioned false idea has become so widespread until we are
arful that we will lose most of our advances along this
ne unless we can get started at once some strong edu-
ational campaign to show our folks the fallacy of this argu-
_ ment and to teach them the real facts of the case.

To our minds the whole future of modern forestry in. this
part of Georgia rests on the outcome of this campaign and

e feel that some definite campaign should be started at
once. After the warmest winter on record and almost in-
_ @essent rains from July on, the boll weevils did do great
damage to our cotton crop and from this has sprung the

ove false notion. z
_ We feel that all the facts of the case should be assembled
and presented to our farmers at once, such as the amount

of emergence of live weevils at the experiment stations after

the mild winter; the amount of rainfall and the number of

days of rain during the danger period of June, July and |

August; the real hiding place of the weevil for winter hiber-
_ mation, such as corn cribs; under shingles on houses, around
tumps covered with grass, trash, etc., but. not out in the
oods in the wire grass and under the bark of trees, ete.

_ We feel that the Agricultural Extension Service, through

its many County Agents and their letters to the farmers -

an be of great service in this fight: that the State Board
f Entomology can help us, and many others. Dr. Herty has

1 consulted in regard to the matter and is helping us

. - a8 most scholarly and commonsense discussion of the
down at once and raked into piles where the fires cannot
Spread to the woods and burned before the weevils begin
to hibernate.
hink this matter over and help us get this fight started.
oo . V. E. DURDEN, Chairman, _
wainsboro, Ga., Oct. 8th, 1937. ee

if all the facts in the case were assembled |

He suggests that all the old cotton stalks be cut _


- Jess than last year, but :
- in the foreign carry-over, and this years United States crop. |
- is nearly 3,700,000 more than the 1936 crop.
_ The lower prices of American cotton are favorable to an v

increase in export sales, but the supply of foreign grown

cotton will probably be larger than last season: and develop=
ments in the Orient have materially reduced cotton con=
- sumption in China.

|. In this way you can raise

which will last. : es
| _ Then later there will be nuts and the nuts will sell; thus |
helping out ic Fatma ECO ee




A Fat Hog Show and Sale will be held at Glennville,

| Georgia on November 17th, which is being sponsored by

- the Glenville Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of this

' show is to stimulate the Livestock Industry. and to encour=-
. age the production of better blooded livestock. . \

There will be prizes offered for the best individual hogs,
and the best pens of hogs in the different weight. classes.

Judging will be based on the quality and type of hogs with | "

respect to highest valued meat products. There will be an.
adult show, a show for 4-H Club Boys, and Vocational Boys,
the prize for the Champion of both the Adult.and. Junior
show will be a Pure Bred Registered Poland China Male

The judging will begin at One (1) oclock, and the sale
will immediately folow the judging of the hogs, at which
time any one may enter hogs for sale that has not been

entered. It is expected that approximately four or five car |
- loads of hogs will be sold at this sale.

Every body is invited to attend this show and sale, and
would like to request that all buyers have a representative
at this sale. |

WALTER BRITTINGHAM, Field Representative.


In their monthly summary of agricultural conditions, the
Bureau. of Agricultural Economics of the Department. of
Agriculture, Washington, D. C. brings out some interesting

facts regarding domestic and world conditions. Facts which

point the way to what we may expect for coming market

' eonditions and prices. We will try to give you a brief out-
' line of these facts. CaN

GENERAL CONDITION: Not only have we a big crop

of cotton in this country but they state The worlds supply

of cotton is the largest on record. \
Crop production, that is of all major crops, is the largest.
in nine years and despite the decline in prices. Farm income

- the country over is expected to top 1936 levels. Consumer
_ demand continues good and the purchasing power of those

- not engaged in agriculture is above par. |

General business activity has slackened in recent weeks

'-as new orders have been slow in coming in, especially in
_ the textile industry. With sales having run below production:

since last March. Because of the larger crops of cotton, wheat

- and some other products which result in low prices, exports. t
_ are expected to increase during the fall months. 3

COTTON: The big American crop, lessened mill activity,

| unsettled world conditions and prospects of the biggest world
| supply in history have broken cotton prices to the lowest
| point in several years. fora!

The carry-over of American cotton on August, Ist was
is was partly offset by an increase

TOBACCO: The tobacco crop is about 25 per cent larger
than last year, but stocks are being reduced. so that supplies
of most types are insmaller supply. Good domestic demand

for cigarette antl cigar types and a significant increase in |

exports of flu cured tobacco are in prospect during. the next
12 months. ee

CATTLE: A marked shortage of grain fed cattle carried
prices to new top figures during September. Prices of lower

- grades also strengthened. It is estimated that larger supplies

of grain-fed cattle will not be available until next winter
or spring. i ;

| bus

A factor in the continued good demand for slaughter

cattle has been the reduced supply. of hogs, a situation which
is not expected to change much for the next two years. |
HOGS: The slaughter supply of hogs will increase season-
ally but the total supply for fall and winter is expected to
be less than that of last year. Consumer demand for meats
is expected to continue fairly high and prices should be

maintained fully as high this fall and winter as last season.

DAIRY PRODUCTS: The lower price of feed and the
continued good consumer demand for milk cream and butter
has worked around to a point where the dairy industry is
in the best position in several years.

A long period of comparatively heavy milk production and
inereasing dairy products manufacture is in prospect but.
supplies will not prove burdensome: In fact with the con-
tinued good consumers demand prices of butter are expect-
ed to average higher than last year, and during the coming
period, December to May, may average the highest, in 8

POULTRY AND EGGS: While the price of eggs has ad=-

~ vanced, this increase in price has not been as great as usual

at this season of the year. This is largely due to the unusu-
ally large stock of storage eggs. The movement of these eggs

| to marekt has been slow and unless it shows considerable

increase it is doubtful if the farm price of eggs this fall an
winter will top those of a year ago.

On the other hand the price of poultry continues at the | :
| highest point since the spring of 1936. This is attributed to

the reduced marketing of poultry due to the light hatch and

the tendency of farmers to save laying flocks.

The high price of beef and pork naturally has its effect
on poultry prices which are expected to continue relatively
high during the winter and spring. 2

TURKEYS: There has been a 10 per cent reduction in the

production of turkeys this year which carries the size of the

crop back to 1932-1933 levels.

Turkey growers in practically all sections report a smaller
crop this year. Stocks of turkeys in storage have been great-
ly reduced and ducks should be well cleared for the new

crop of birds long before the Thanksgiving holidays,


Speaking of fence posts it has been suggested the thing

- to do is to take a crobar and a basket of Black Walnuts, then

go around your pasture fence and punch a hole between
each post and drop in a nut. Do this in the fall of the year.
yourself some live fence posts

Po seal ai aT se Oe


Farmers Golden T
Scripture: Lev. 26:3, 4, |
If ye walk in my statu

and keep my commandme

and do them; a
Then I will give you ra
due season, and the land
yield. her increase, and
trees of the field shall yi
their fruits. es
And your threshing

|-reach unte. the vintage,

the vintage shall reach
_ the sowing time; and ye
eat. your bread to the full,

where the cabbage are

ary. ;

| fore seem advisable

| found well adapted: to on

- Farmers Market,
~ eontinued,


dwell in your land safely.


CABBAGE: During the
season a strong preference

-shown for a variety such as

Copenhagen Market wh

seemed to be a favorit

the Wakefield, a Pointed
sort.. A
Our vegetable growers

grown and then _ fertili.
heavily with a top eo
high grade fertilizer in Fe

A fertilizer for cabbag

: carry about 10 per cent ni

gen, 6 per cent to 8.

. phosphovic acid and 4 to |

- eent potash. An 8-6-6 fertil
now: prepared by most ferti
- factories, supplemented by

_ trogen of Soda as a top |

ing to bring up the ni

- demonstrated that Nitra
- Soda:and Sulphate of Ammon:

mixed half and half will pro
duce totter and harder hea

| cabbage.

earliest varieties, such as Ale

| are somewhat more hardy

can be planted when land i
cold for the wrinkled varietie

at the same time the pods a1
so: small. and short that they-
- not meet.a ready sale and 1

growers of these early smoot!

. seeded. varieties were
/ pointed last spring becau

had: to be sold for at least 40
per bushel less than larg
rieties, such as Thomas La
and Telephone. It weuld ther
to pl
the larger sorts.

ONIONS: While Bermud

- onion seed should have

planted in October, they ma

stil! be scwn up to the middl

or last of this month. e
Where plants are transplan

ed in January, it 1s suggested

that they pe set not ov
inches apart in, the row,

rows two feet wide, so as ta

keep them from growing
many jumbo onions. T

large onions did not se

readily as those of more medi.
size and those which cs
under the U. S. grade of two t
three and a half inches in |
ameter. oe
Furthermore, many of
South Georgia onions

_affected by soft end ret whi

hurt their sale. This may, in

measure, have been due to_
method of harvesting the cro

and it may have been cause

| from the fertilizer. It is sug:
. gested that to overcome thi
more potash be used in th

fertilizer and less nitrogen.

1,000 pounds per acre has bee

In talking to Mr. Ralis ab

these South Georgia grown
| muda onions, he said,
| trouble with our Georgia gro
} onions is they are brough
- market right green out of
. field without any curing what
' ever. They often heat in
|. bags resulting in
- Quality that it \is impossible
- make more than one sale t


customer. ES

T was down on the Stat
when. they W
grading out a lot of these slic
slimy onions. I put some of the:

_ in a paper sack and took th
' home and spread them out

a shelf in a cool airy place
the back porch. And do
know those onions dried

good shape and are still in

condition. here _ the
October. a J.

with small family |

alf crop: or goed job.
ife time experience _ on

ve 12, years experience
bacco. Prefer within 20
Tifton. W. E. White,

\ pally, sober, hotest. wants

water and garden free, also

40 acres for family to cul-
te on halves. Have 6 work-
E. C. McDaniel, 25 Gould St.
. tlanta.

year old man wants job
Christian people on farm,
Je, sober, honest and a will.
orker: Can drive and know

do anything that can be |

on a farm. $12.00 a month

poard. Go anywhere and can

t now. Richard McMullan.
a 2 horse farm,
and buildings, near
Can handle tobacco farm-
Am white, age 45. No drink-
f. Li. Crosby, Willacoochee.
ent 1 or 2 horse farm on 50-
basis. Can furnish self. E. B.
qJuahart, Rt 1, Dawson.
t a light 2 horse farm on
4th. Good land and pas-
pe ds, J: Ledbetter; = 2 Jas-


ant a job overseeing and
aging a 10 or 12 horse farm.

perienced in tobacco and gen- |

farming. Would consider a
or 2 horse farm on share bas-
Can arrange to move any
_after Nov. ist. Best of ref-
ve all particulars.
. Rt. 2, Surrency.
farried man with. family
ts job for rest of year and
Wants house with wood

water. Wife wants work al-,

easonable wages. John Pat-
son, Rt 2, Jasper.

ant job as corn or wheat

Vest, 2208 17th Ave. |
: ant 1 horse farm on shares, }:

ob of looking after. Small
nily, $4 yrs. old. Exp. Ref. An-
l.. Pierce, East Point. 313

ht farm no field work. nor
vilking, for home and smali
cys Lillouise Smith, Sharon.
amily of good workers, 4 can
ik, want job on dairy; also
are crop, 8 large enough to
+k. Have to be moved.Experi-
ced in both.

Want 2 horse farm, with good
use, outbuildings, and tobacco
n. Prefer in Thomas County.
A. Wiseins, Thomasville. Rt.

sant place as Farm Super-_

ndent. Life time exp. R. J.
Atlanta, 292 Gordon

NN: 1. |

ant job as miller. Life time

State salary paid. H. S.

son, Vaidasta. Rt.


oy wants work on farm with
sd party. 16 yrs. old, raised on

. Willing worker. No drunk-
d. $15.00 mo. and home. Ern-

Milhollan, Suches.

7 yr. old man with wife and

13, wants job on farm, tur-
entine or other work for 1938,
egin aS soon as possible.
job. Experienced. Good

rs. Want wage job, to be

4g Rt. 1 care J. C. Bennett.

Ga. Fruit Growers: Expert

iner, 15 yrs. exp., in Calif.,

nis job. John F. Copenhaver,

lanta, 629 No. Highland Ave.
. Apt. 9-A.

t a job on 2 horse farm

38. Answer at once. J. W.

r, Colbert.

board: <-~an want eit
horse truck farm on halves.
| Stone, Alma, RFD 2. SR
Vant 2 horse farm for 1938.
cotton; plant anything else.
nty help. Make good crops.

if required. Tobe Milner,

yr. old white woman wants
doing light farm work, no
work, for home and $3.00
: salary, Mara Miller, Car-
He Rt.\2.

yr. old woman wants job |

ng light farm work, no #ield

Country raised, good

ker. Honest. Small salary

ss rooms and board. Ref.

lie a. Atlanta, 673

Vant job on dairy. Exp. milk-

ant regular pay and board.
Carroll, Bremen, Rt. 2.
Vant about 25-30 acre farm
tanding rent in Henry coun-
ith good land and good
se. Write or see me at once.
[.. Harvell, McDonough, Rt.

foreman at.

Lake- | over mi. town.

Jas; A.

Ge K. Phipps, |}:

| power corn

Want 1 heres: erop on 50-50 bat at
Sis for 1988 or part crop andj

hire rest of time.
small child. Bartow or Polk
county. Life time exp. farming.
Have to b moved and furnished.
Clarence Herbree, Rockmart, Rt.

Wife and 1]


Want job driving truck - for

gen. farm. Exp. Ray Philli 8,
Royston, Rt. 1. .

45 yr. old, single |; man wants
job driving truck and tractor for
farmer. Good ref. G. W. Dougias,
Valdosta, 203 Frier St.

White Christian woman wants

Place doing light farm work for |

good home and small
Exp. in poultry: and gen. light
farm work. Mrs. I. T, Phillips,
Washington, Rt. 2.

Want dob looking after 5 or

6 horse farm for reasonable sal-
ary, Or a wage job on large farm,

1 $20.00 per mo. and 1 acre Jand,

good house, wood and water, not
At once. S. T.
Taylor, Valdosta, Rt. 2, Box 4,

All round repair man and
horse shoer in blacksmith shop
wants immediate employment. P.

.C. Davis, 1054 Ridge Ave., At-

Want position as an experi- |

enced dairyman, truck farmer,
orchard and nurseryman and
plant grower. J. = Crib, Wares-

Boy 1$ years old wants job on
milk dairy or good farm. Prefer
somewhere near Griffin. \ Have
had some good experience in
milk dairying. Salary and board.
Valjean; (Buck) Yeomans, Milner.

Single man .age 54 wants work

. With good honest man doing
dairy or light farm work. I am

honest and do not deal with
liquer or other bad habits: Work
for board and small salary. S.
M. McCalla, RFD 4, care F. B.
McCook, Waycross.

Want 2 horse farm standing
rent in Thomas Co. Must be good
house and outbuildings, tobacco
barn and fence. C. H. Wiggins,
Rt 4, Thomasville.

Young man wants home: on
farm year round. Am experienc-
ed. No bad habits. Will work for
board and little spending money
during winter, but expect. more
during summer months. James
Williams, 374 Cherokee Ave. SE,

Want job as a | share cropper,
truck farming or cattte raiser,
15 years experience. J. J. Hill,
428 Formall St., Atlanta.

Want i horse farm on 590-50
basis for next year. Must be
furnished. Married, 2 children
ages 2 and 7; or would take a
good dairy job milking, and driv-
ing truck. Clark Kilgore, 124
Rawson St., Atlanta.

Want a gocd 1 horse, crop on
50-50 basis. Good house 8 in fam-

ily 6 to. work; or will take a job

on truck farm with reliable
party. Prefer near Waycross or
Blackshear. Write W. J. Metal,
Rt 2, Homerville.

Refined, middie-aged - woman
of clean habits and quiet disposi-
tion wants job with nice reliable
people doing light farm work.
Mrs. J. W. Corley, Rt 1, Bx 314,

Want job on poultry farm. Am
practical and experienced
poultry business. Single. Prefer
near Atlanta. P. BE. Parker, Rt
1, Conyers.

Want to rent cr lease water
and wheat mill.

Would like a gin-also if plenty

lof power. J. H. Payton, Rt Zz

Want 1 horse farm preferably
in No. Ga. with two

and 6 rooms, lights preferred,

near school and church. Stand- |

ing rent. State location, descrip-
tion and price in letter. Must be
reasonable. C. E. Hall, RFD 5,

Want a.2 horse crop on 50- 50
basis, good land where I can
have a cultivator to plow with.
Good habeesiGes: F. BF. Bing, Rt
1, Kennesaw.

23 year old woman wants job
doing light farm work. Well ex-
perienced. Have 3 yr. old child.
Write Lucille Gee, Talmo.

Want to correspond with some-
one who will furnish financial
aid to truck farm, you furnish
Jand and equipment and I_ the
labor and selling. Prefer in mnar-
keting distance of Atlanta. J. ag
Wood, RED 2, Cave Spring.

Single middle aged man wants
place on dairy or truck farm
(not milking or general
keeping up buildings, fencing
and other repairing and caving
for steck. Write at once. F. A.
Oglesby, 415 HE. Sultana Drive

Want smali farm for sure
rent. Will take it to improve for
its use. Can give very best ref-
erences. Write to G. P. Thomas,
Rt 2, Hartsfield.

around farm.

_near high school and
' Prefer

Prefer South of Atlanta.


houses 5 |

| children. R. L. Gauiltney,

farm) |

unning ae mill,
Thomas P. Mason,511 Orange St.,
Fort Valley.

Want large 2 horse. crop or
medium 3 or 4 horse crop, 200d
Jand, stock and tools, near
church and school and in geod

white community and healthy

place. Have farmed all my life.
Good references. Have plenty of
force. B. F. ae Rt 1 Bruns-

Married man wants job with
dairy. Am stout and _ willing
worker. Can give references.
Move now. Write at once. Char-
lie Willis, Jr.. Rt. 1, Talking

Single boy wants job in dairy.
Can milk, drive cars or do any
kind of work. References. Coy
Willis, Rt 1, Talking Rock.

67 year old farmer would tike
work with reliable man-as car2-
taker of livestock and things
Want pasturage
for 1 milk cow and small plat
for cane, potatoes and vege-
tables for home use. Must be
; church.
between Ashburn ani
Quitman. J. W. Smith, Rt 2. Asn-

Want job on farm, A-1 truck!
driver, 5 years experience. G9

anywhere any time. James Kim-

bell, Rt 3, Forsyth.
Want good 2 horse farm for

1938. Standing rent. Good house

W. A. Roberts, Rt 2, Hampton.

Want job doing . light farm
work for myself, age 46, and also
for my 14 year old boy. Emma

near good school and

Hood, 406 Pullman St., Atlanta. | ~
Widow desires place with cou-

ple to do light farm work and
care for chickens. Mrs. Maitie
Brenizer Gen.

Young white man wants job on

farm, 24 years old, want year

round job. No bad habits. $12.00
a month, board and laundry.
Royce Hencely, care S. T. ee

Want a1 or 2 horse crop on

shares for 1938. Must have good
stock and land. Will need a little
help about making crop. Can
start working now. Write
come see L. T. Turner, Rt 1,
Hardee St., Chamblee.

Middle aged white man wants
farm blacksmith job for wages
in good location, also about i0
acres for my folks to tend.
Please state full particulars in
first letter. Can furnish ref2r-
ences. C. M. Morgan, Ree ie
Adrian. :

Man 33 years old wants work
on truck farm at once by month
or day. Can drive truck or traz-
tor and keep them up. Will
have to be moved. Frank =

Want a crop on 50-50 -basis.
Good farmers. No bad habits. 9

in family. Boy large enough to.

plow. Want a crop in North Ga.

| but will go anywhere. Will an-

swer all mail. Mrs. Minnie Elt-
ott, RED 3, Ellijay.

Good Christian widow woman.

wants a 1 horse crop on 5059
basis. Mrs. L. IT. Phillips, Rt 2,

White man and wife: tao chit:
dren) want work looking afier
chickens and poultry yard: Some
experience in chickens. Prefer
around Macon or Atlanta. Can
move at once. Bud Bone, Rt 3,
care John Bone, Macon.

Exp. carpenter wants to get in
touch with Jarge farmer any-
where in State to repair bldgs.,

jand other work, for reasonable

wages. Reply at once, R. C.

Moore, Rockmart. Rt. 38.

45 yr. old man wants job on
farm for rest of this yr. and for
next for home and rc@sonable
salary. Paul Bennett, Bremen.
Rt 2. Dae

Want job with good man on
farm, looking after and keeping
in repair all farm machinery.

| Best of ref. Honest, sober, Chris-

tian. Have wife, son and his 3
con. 105 Cleveland St., South.
Want job on 1 horse farm on
50-50. basis. Widower and _ son.
Exp. and can do any kind farm
work. Want extra work to do
during winter. W. I. Sims, At-
lanta. 369 Ga. Ave., S. E
Young widow wants job doing
light farm work for reliable
family for home and small pay.

Mrs. Frank Adams, Gainesville.

Rt. 4.
Widow with aged father and 2

girls wants work on farm for)

1938, for wages. Mrs. Sarah
Jones, Gainesville. Rt. 4.

Want 2 horse farm in Bartow

or Floyd county on 3rd and 4ths

or for standisg rent.
Lance, Kingston. Rt. 1.

Want a small 1 horse crop,
for standing rent, also a Grist
Mill. Write. Walter / Tucker,
Newnan. Rt. 4.


| school. Write best offer.

igen. farm. Exp. Ray
Royston. Rt. 1.

Del. Greensboro.

or |

Want farm on. See Qe or a6

horse, with 2 houses, not over aj
Plenty of,4:

quarter: mile apart.
force. Raised on farm. - Want
work to do during Gintes for
self and 3 or 4 boys. Can furnish
ref, C. L. Addison, ref cecal bos
Rt. 2:

Want work throughout the
winter (day work) and a 1 horse
crop for 1938. Good house, gar-
den, etc. Have to be moved and
furnished. Haye wife and small

child. Can furnish ref. (Have a

crop to finish gathering.) Elmer
Maner, Temple. Rt. 2.

Want small 1 horse crop for
1938 on 50-50 basis or by month.
Must be handy to high school

and church, and have a _ fairly

good house with water handy. T.
Cc. Justuc, Tiger. :

16 yr. old Christian girl (or-
phan) with good health and no
bad habits, wants to do light

farm work for elderly couple for

a good home and be able go to
Turnage, Cairo. 417 Ist Ave. S.

Want job as overseer of a good
farm. Over 30 yrs. of successful
experience in farming; equipped
to act intelligently and satisfac-
torily. Not motivated from pure
necessity, but interest in life
time study and work. R. iL.
Swearingen, Pinehurst. Care F.
M. Wilson, Cashier Bank of

Want job driving truck for

45 yr. eld, single man wants

job driving truck and tractor for |

farmer. Good ref. G. W. Douglas,
Valdosta. 203 Frier St.

White, Christian woman wants

place doing light farm work for
good home and small family.
Exp. in poultry and gen. light
farm work. Mrs. L. T. Phillips,
Washington. Rt. 2.

Want job looking after 5 or
6 horse farm for reasonable sal-
ary, or a wage job on large farm,
$20.00 per mo. and 1 acre land,
good house, wood and water, not
over 5 mi. town. At once. S. T.
Taylor, Valdosta. Rt. 2, Box 4.


Want good man for a good 1
horse farm, 4 room house, good
orchard and water, near school
and church, in Pauling county.
Standing rent only. Tenant can
pay rent with work, making re-
pairs on place. W. J. Lyle, At-
Janta. 430 Moreland Ave. N. E.

Want unencumbered white wo-
man, 30-40 yrs. of age to do light
farm work, no field work, but
milk one cow, Home and reason-
able salary. Mrs. S. oe Posey,
Bremen. Rt. 2.

E Want man for 65 acre farm,
about 45 a. in cultivation, near

good city schools and in a good
settlement. 5 room house, good
waier and good orchard. Stand-
ing rent. See. Mrs. J. B. Shef-
field, Duluth. Rt. 1. Care Emmett

Want unencumbered woman,
30 to 45 yrs. old, to do light farm

work in exchange for home and

small salary. No field work.
Write at once. Mrs. M. C. HEw-
ing, Americus. 219 Furlow St.

Want healthy, young or mid-
dleaged coupl, who know how
to farm and who wants a good
home and farm, to live with us
and farm. Good proposition to
right couple. Must be clean, hon-
est and dependable. J. T. Collier,
Talbotton. Rt. 4.

Several farms, .2 Sais:
pers or more, standing
First class land, houses, barns
and community, 8 mi. No. New-
nan. Apply. Wayne P.. Sewell,
Atlanta. Ponce de Leon Apts.

Want middieaged couple to
live with old couple and do gen.
light farm work around place.
Mrs .Dona Bradshaw, Fortson.
Rt. 4s

Want to get in Gach with
party who can tan hides. Haye
6 or & to be tanned. Write at
once. S. lu. Calfee, Brunswick.

Want good, honest man for a
2 horse farm, standing
Good house, running water, some
branch. bottoms, just off Roose-
velt Highway, 15 mi. Atlanta.
Mrs. M. F. Baker, College Park.
Bie 13

Want white woman, middie-
aged, reliable for. light farm
work for good home and some
vay. Write. Jchu T. cee
Statesko. 0.

Wart man with stock and force
enough to tend a light 2 horse
crop and can furnish self. Lo-
cated in edge of Gordon county,
3 mi. N. W. Adairsville. R. B.
Mooney, Adairsville.

Want man for good 2 horse
crop. Good 6-room house, tenant
house and good barn; within a


quarter mile of Suwanee school. |

Mrs. KE. OL Reese, Lawrenceville.


J. Grier,

| Decatur.


Will help with


rent. |

and school bus at door.

Brooklet, Rt. 4.

aaa tthe. Cc. A. "MoBurnett,
2, Rockmart.

Want a settled white: woman
to live in home and help wit
light farm work, no field werk.
Small salary and board age he-
tween 35 and 45 years. Apply
Mrs. J. W. Gerard, Rt = _ Sas
vannah. Da

Want farmer , for 105, au
farm, new 5 room ceiled house
and. barn, located 3 miles nor
of Jefferson. Place huis good pas-

rture, plenty of wood. 8rds and

4ths. Mrs. T. W. Farmer, 5
Hithel St., NW, Atlanta. <

Want white or colored man :
help gather erop. Core at once,
State. what wages eapected ain
first letters te Ds Zipperer, eet
Bx 68, Marlow. =

Want big family to nick cuttom,
house and wood furnished,
per hundred. Come at once.
Clermont. ee

Want healthy indusirious woe
man not afraid to work to | B.
light farm work and tend to one
cow., $2.00, a week, board
room. Mrs, C. F. Sexten Rt

Want. middle-aged man
wife of good character ..
health, willing workers, to
with work on farm. Only -
and son in family. Room, | :
and salary paid. A permanent
place for right party. Mrs
Amanda Kennemur, Jasper. -

Want reliable: industrious stor

fer to make crop on halves |

Pauling County 8 miles west. of
Dallas. Good building, fire land.
Howard Parrish, 4 E 17th

Apt. 7, Atlanta.

Want a good, practical, truck
gardener with thorough knowl-
edge of growing vegetables and
willing to work. H. G. ee
Mt. Berry.

Want good man for 2 anduset
farm near Roswell, land for farms
ing for gardening. Have eve
thing on it necessary with geod
barn and. garage. Onl
honest, sober people need app
Address J. B. Lockin, 10th St

4Gen. Del. Atlanta.

Waht colored woman, not over
40, to help with light field. work,
$8.00 month, board and lodging.
Mrs. J. W. a Rt 2, ae

| ington. ;

Want young married | man
with small family to work en
farm. Must be well experienced
in farm work, hard worker and
sober. W. H. Clough
shear. ; 6

Want nice unencumbered wo-
man 25 and 45 years oid to live

in home and do. light far

| work. No field work. Small -sa

ary, room and board. Mrs. A, 5

Watts, Toomsboro. :
Want a healthy, honest, -

white man who was reared on

farm to do farm work. Will pay

$2.00 a week, board and lau

Bs os. obets, Rt. A,


Want farmer for 1938, tier dad:
or single, with or without stock
to tend 25 acres of fine land.
50-50, basis. I have 3 rcom house
located 6 miles north of wa
cross on Federal Highway No. 4
Don J. Cason, Rt. 1, Waycross.

Middle aged unencumbered

work, milking, attending chick-
ens and take care of place for a
couple 60 years of age. Room
small salary. <A. L. Dorsey, Or-
dinary, White County, Clevlan

Want good colored man and
wife to live on farm, experienc
in dairy work. Give age, e
perience and good references.
Chas. E. Shepard, 2020: Rhodes,
Haverty Bldg., Atlanta. :

Want woman 25 to 35 years.
old for light farm work, no fiela
work. $10.00 per month end
board. Must be healthy. All let:
ters answered. Mrs. J. G. Espy,
Rts 2,-Be ai, Summerville. 4

Want white family to. live in
house with me and tend patches.
Live on state highway and schoo:
bus 8 miles to cotton mills. Let
me hear at once. Taft Parker,
Rt. 1, Conyers. ao ;

Want 2 families with 2 mules
ecah for, 1 farm near Hlienwood:
and 1 six miles west of Fayette:
ville, standing rent. R. C. 7?
Rt. 2, Ocifla, ee

Want family large enough to.
tend a 3 horse crop, standing
rent or 50-50 basis; plenty of good
uplands and 50 a. rich bottom
land; also want girl or woman
for light farm work for board,
clothes and little spending mone
ey. W. V. Wilson, Monticello. Rt

Want a farmer. to raise ole
co, little etton corn, ete. Church

land and house. Y. lL. Latzak;

Want -setiled, relic pie young
~voman of good character to live
- In home and help with light farm

work, no field work, for room,
- board and $1.50 per week. State
~ particulars. Mrs. M. R. Edmond-
* gon, Quitman, Rt. 2. Box 97.

Want reliable parties to raise

$0me game chickens on shares;

have a few stags and pullets io

Jet out, 1 stg to the walk. For

next season. G.. ats

Want a white man that will
work for C. Eth-
ridge, Columbus. Rt. Buena Vista

Want good man for a 10 h.
in, 4 houses. Very fine land,
convenient to bus and. train.

canding rent. Mrs. L, McFarlin,
Blakely, RL oe

Want farmer for 65 A. farm
40 A. in cultivation, 5 room
house, good orchard, near high
school and churches. Good set-
tlement. Standing rent. See. Mrs.
. B. Sheffield or Emmett Tram-
-gmell, Duluth. Rt. 1.
_ Want a farmer with 2 or 3
hands to share crop River stock
farm. Good 6 room house. Good
barn and pastures, level rich
bottom; good spring close. Must
be of good habits, no drinker. E.
_E. Bass, Milledgeville.

ee ie Want. honest, _ sober,
man with wife (mo children)
~ live in part of house and work
erop on halves and will pay to
tend to stock. Mrs. M. oO
Stuckey. e
Want colored woman Seiwben
48 and 45 years of age to do
aie farm. work for home,
clothes, board and room, No
1d work, 3 in family. Must be
lean and healthy. References.
3s. Joe: Charles, Turnerville.

3 Good home, board and lodging
and $8. 00 per month to colored
girl or woman not over 40 to do
light farm work. Will help with
_ transportation. Mrs. R. O. Alex-
ander, Rt 2; Covington.
: Want colored man and wife to
arm on 50-50 basis for 1988, or
will pay small salary and part of
rop. A good place for industri-
ous couple. Write at once giving
references, and full details re-
gar din; self. C. H. Bell, Rt
sRessville,,-. =. %.

fase Elli-


Want white woman to do gen-

ennally Bldg, Atlanta: -
Want, gz00d. man for a 20 acre
m- with. good buildings and
Two miles from .Folks-

Apply. to H. G. Gibson, POs:

85, Folkston.
nt good man for a good 176
cre farm | 4 miles on paved road
Albany. Good house. Mrs.
ne TEE peighignd See oA

Vant good man for one horse

arm, standing rent, or 8rds and |

Good 5 room house and
arn. In Gwinnett Co. 8 miles
n Dacula on Lawrenceville

ant a. as foliable man for

ood farm near Jackson, Ga. 70; 5
ss with wood, water and pas-; &

ne Can cultivate from 40 to
acres. Some bottom land,
some level.

Six room

-d relling, good out houses. See or

04 N. Semmes St., East je

Girl for: light: farm work,
ie or milking, Good Hoke;
rood board, congenial people and:
lary to begin $3.00 a week. Dx
Busby Summerville.
Want good man for 2 horse
3. good house and barn;
eek bottoms; good pasture.
Halves.or standing rent. 5 miles
om College Park or 1 mile from:
onewall on Stonewall-Tell Rd.
n old Campbell Co.

ees Atlanta,

Want 2 pure bred Thompson
mp. Ringlet B. R. cockerels, Feb.
ar. hatch. Mrs. W. EL FLO}:
300d, Meigs.
; Want 2 pure bred partridge
ock. roosters. Write first stating
rice. Mrs. 3B. oe. Waban Res
oramerce, Rt. 4

Want pure bred Lundie round:

d> game cecks, I yr. 8 mos; 2}:
Ringlet B. R. Apr.

s 6 mos old, $2.00 ea. All
0. E.Wiggins, Fieine

- brown red evoke 45

310. 00. Will exchange

ler, Gainesville, Rt. 4.


Small. type.

black breasted red old
games, and a few B. B. red mod-

41 erels, .

(Now Ful. :
a .B. Smith, 16 N. a


Want 100 W. L. pullets. . State
price. W. G. Hulme, Danville.

Want 100 AAA W. L. pullets
beginning to lay. Will pay 75c
ea. del. to Douglasville. No culls
wanted. J. E. Hudson, Douglas-
ville, Rt. 2.

Want pure bred W. L. hens,
1-2 yrs. old; also 2 A grade An-
cona hens, 1-2 yrs. old and I A
grade Ancona roosters, Sheppard
str. L. Bigbee, Buffton.

Want 25 to 50 W. L. pullets,
1937 hatch now laying. No culls.
Must be cheap for cash. J. L.
Hulsey, Bremen, Rt. 1, Box 121.

Want 1 AAA grade Buff Mi-
norea cock or cockerel. Will ex-
change 1 dark cornish cockerel
or 1 white wyandotte cock or 1
turken (not turkey) cockerel for
same. Each to pay express
charges. John Crowe, Carters-
_ Want peacock and peafowl.
Willing to pay reasonable price
for pair. F. L. Bartholomew,
Want SER. Oe Re Red
roosters, early Mar. hatch. Rea-
sonable price. Mrs. R\B. Mooney.


Want One 1 yr. old M. B. pure
bred turkey tom for breeding
purposes. Mrs. Eloise Palmer,
Sale City. Rt. :
Want 30 laying hens, any breed.

Want to-swap wellow bees in
old fashion gum for 2 good hens

and 1 rooster of some good breed.
W. D.~. BEB ew, Midland, Rt.

Want baby chicks. Prefer
White Leghorns. Mrs. R. lL.
Smith, Commerce. :



Pure black
single comb

comb and

white bantams.
Good layers. $1.00
ea.; trio, $2.50. Sidney J. Her-
ring, Hartwell Rt. 1.

Golden Seabright prize win-
ning young birds, $1.00 ea.; first
prize hen, $3.00. R. B. Scarbo,
Childress Dr., Rt. 4, Box 346,


: Atlanta.

Buff cochins and dark cornish
bantams. ' Winners in Southeast- ;

-ern fair. Will exchange few pr.
for pecans.

W. K. Henndous: 1109
Adrian St.; Augusta, -

Black cornish black cochins,


ern game bantams. Bred from

stock show and shipped on ap-

proval. Z, E. FOU Box 910; Au-


5 half grown Javanese Silkie

bantams from pure show type

birds, $1.00 ea.; 1 beautiful Sea-
bright cock, $1. 00 for exchange
for Silver Seabright hen. Also 2
beautiful Golden Seabright cock-
$1.25 a. Cc. T. Gaines,

3 March hatch ined Ban-
tam roosters, all alike, 15e ea.

Clara Henderson. Garfield.

% small mixed Bantam pullets
and 1 cockerel, March hatch, now
laying, 50c ea., 8 for $3.00. Mrs.
L.A Rs Williams, 72 Temple =
Newnan. 5


Thompsons Imperial Ringlet B.
R. cockerels, Apr. hatch, -$1.00 ea.
Cash with order. Mrs. J. A. Wil-
son, Martin.

3 bloodtested Parks a oh,
roosters, 18 mos. old, $1.75 ea.;
5 Mar. hatch eecre Mrs, G. c.
Clifton. |

2 bloodtested, 18 mos. old Parks
str. roosters, $2.00 ea; also 4 mos.
old roosters, $1.75 ea. Bloodtest-
ed eggs, 15 for 85c. George Clif-
ton, Millen.

8 bloodtested Parks str. roos-
fee: $2.00 ea.; also 4 mos. old
roosters, $1.75 ea, Bloodtested
eggs, 15 for 85c, George Clifton,
| Millen.

3 fine pure bred Thmopson |

$1.50 ea., 3 for $4. 00, f. 0. b. Mrs..

N. R. Wilson, Canon, Rta.

10 BOR: cockerels, Mar. and ies
r roundhead cock, white |
k, 15 mos old, $2.50. C.|

_hatch. $1.25 and | $1, 50. ea.

| paid on lots; also fine one and
| two year old Light Brown Leg- |
horn hens, $1. 00 ea.
express paid on lots.

No culls,
Mrs. J.B.

Conir, Cochran,

W. West, 316 Peters St.,_

; ) Bldg. Atlanta, ;


Parks B. R. pullets, Mar.
hatch and 25 Parks
hens going into segeond laying
year, $1.00 ea. No culls. Mrs.
H. M. Waters, Hilltonia.

25 AAA B. R. pullets in good
condition, 7 mos, old, some now
laving, $1.25 ea. James Ray, 401
Wilcox St., Elberton.

Parks Str. Pedigreed cockerels,
first of Apr: hatch, $1.75 ea. or
$3.00 pr.; 1 cock direct from
Parks: <1. 1-2 yr. old, $1.50, all
shipped f. 0. b. Daisy- in 8 days
after order is received. Coops re-
turned by insured P. P. Mrs. H.
L. Odum, Daisy,

100 young B. R. hens, Parks
and Wallace str. Mrs. J. G. Rock-
ware, R. EF. D. 2, Decatur, DE

Buff Rock, Buff . Orpington,
Buff Minorcas, Bu Leghorns and
Anconas, . $1.00 ea. Benjamin
Hicks Adel, Rt. 1.

2B. R. roosters, Thompson str..
April hatch, now in service, $2.00.
Cash with order. Mrs. C. S. Brad-
shaw, Wrightsville.

20 nice B. R. puilets, 5 mes. old,
Thompson str. $1.00 ea. cash.
Mrs. C. R. ferreli, Wrightsville,

4 pure bred Barred Plymouth
Rock cockerels, Mar. hatch $1.25
ea. f. o. b. Bishop; also nice dried
peaches, 15c per 1b. f. 0. b. Bishop
Mrs. B. L. Ashe, Bishop.


2 nice Round Head cocks, 2 yr.
old, never been fought; 2 for
$5.00. C, H, Camp, 193 Pond St.,

4 Dark Cornish cockerels, bull-
dog type, fine coloring and
healthy. $2.00 ea. a. Cc. C. Hud-
son, Glennville,

_2 pr. Dark Cornish Mar. hatch
pullets, $2.50 f. 0. b, Exchange
coeckerel or white wyandotte
cock, 1 yr. old for AAA Buff
Minorca cockerel or cock or $1.25
ea., f. 0. b.j also: I red Turken
(not turkey) cockerel, $1.50. John-
son Crowe, Cartersville.

Fine Warhorse hens, $2.00;
roosters, $3.00; pullets, $1.50; 15
eges for $2.00. .C. Deforest Deck-
er, Brunswick. j

Pure bred Apr. hatch Dark
Cornish game rooster, $1.25 ea.,
$1.00 ea. for as many as three.
No checks. Mrs. A. G. .Clarke,
Abbeville Rt. 2

Brown-Red Lepords,
and young cock, $9.00. Several
blue-grey crosses, hens, $2.00,
pullets, $1.50, E. E, Smith, No.
16, Elizabeth Place, Atlanta.

8 pure bred large type, dark
cornish cockerels, weigh 4 or 5
Ibs. ea., $1.25 ea.3 $8.00 for lot.
Will not ship less than two f. o.
b. H.W. Thurmond, Rt. 1, Box
BER Greensboro.


12 May hatch, Bagby str.
White Jersey Giant hens, $1.00
ea. One roster free with lot P.
B. Brown, Ball Ground, Rt. 1.-

and Apr.

Jersey Giant cockerels, $1.50 ea.
del. Allen Bearden, Temple.

AAA grade,
Giant pullets and cockerels, 3
mos. old, 75c ea. 5 or more, 65c
ea. Not prepaid. ae WwW. W.
Gable, Haralson,

Royal Purple J.B. Giant
roosters and cockerels, $1.00,
$1.25, and $1.50; pullets.and hens,
same price; also fine large pe-
cans 20e per Ib.; smaller ones,
12 1-2c and i15c. Mrs. M. M.
Simpson, Waverly Hall.

2 May hatch Jersey White

$900 0. BT. Se Franklin


100 single comb B. L. pullets,
some now laying, all in healthy
condition, $1.00 ea. f. 0. b. J. By
Clowdis, Lyerly.

150 1936 hatch pure Tormahien
everlay str. B. L. hens, 75c ea.
Mrs. J. F. Newman, Cochran.

25 Apr. hatch W. L. pullets,
$1.00 ea. Mrs. J. G. Ginn, Wash-
ington, Rt. 4..

12 nice May hatch B. L. cock-
-erels, $6.00 for lot; 75c ea. post-
paid. Mrs. George Poole, Jasper,
Rt 2 Box 27,

7 Mar. hatch W. L. chickens;
$5.50 or $6.00 del. G. W. Martin,
Talking Rock.

50 young AAA Tancord str. W.
ty, hens in excellent condition.
Now laying, $1.00 ea, f. o. b.
Lenox. Mrs. G. ae Shannon,
Lenox. : 2



Dubois AAA Buff Minoreas, 5
-mos. old, 30 pullets and 20 cock-
erels, $1.00. ea. Crates free. Fur-
ther information for stamp. C.
A Roose, Louisville, Rt 4h

'2 Giant Black. Minerca cock-
Jerels. - (Will lay Lie oz. per doz.
eges.) O. H. Vents Peters


hens :

6 Apr. hatch AAA grade White |

Jersey White |

Giant cockerels from AAA str., |

18th, $75.00.

; cow.


2 May hatch Jersey White
Giant cockerels from AAA sstr.,
$2.00 f. 0. b. T. Oliver, Frank-
lin Springs.


Exhibition Buff Orpingtons, 20
yrs. breding; Morgan Stay-Buff-
Orpington cock and
Mrs. Ed, Morgan, Americus.


10 pr. tame pheasants and
quail; also show type bantams in
Buff Black and Seabright. Mrs.
G. Hartley, Rays Road on
old Stone Mt, Road, Clarkston, |

Pheasants, quail, ducks, geese,
pigeons, doves, bantams, guineas,
chickens, turkeys. All bargains.
Oakmont Game Farm, Stone
Mountain Highway just beyond
Glen Echo. J. H. Street, P. QO:
Box 443, Atlanta.

56-60 pr. fancy white . kings.
Mrs. H., Cannon, 968 Rosedale
Rd., Atlanta. HE 9511. (Sie


6 large Apr. hatch N. H, pul-
Jets, ready to lay, $1.25 ea. Mrs.
R. E. Whatley, 1061 Moreland
Ave., S. E., Atlanta.

1.19387 Mar. hatch pure bred
N. H. cockerel and 1 pure bred
Buff Rock Mar. 1937 grown
cockerel, Reasonable prices.
Mrs. C. R. Sorrels, Monroe, Rt. 1.

Hubbards N. H. reds,
2 yrs. old, $1.75 ea.; also Don-
aldson R. I. Red cocks, i yr. old,
$1.75 ea. Mrs. R. J. Fleming,
Lincolnton, Rt. 2.

10 N. H. red hens, 1 yr. old,
$1.00 ea. f. 0. b, Bowdon, Please
send coop. Mrs. P. WwW, Wyatt,

6 white R. I. pullets, Apr.
hatch, pure bred, 75c ea., also
10 Buff leghorn, 1 yr. old hens,
75c ea..Mrs. Francis Wood, oe
yers, Rt. 2.


6 last of Avr. hatch R. I. Reds,
$5.50 cash with order,
order preferred. Mrs.
Griffis, Tifton, Box 266,

-10 R.. I. Red hens, $i. 00 ea


$8.00 for lot; 4 June hatch pul-

lets, 75c ea.; large mixed hens,
75c -ea: f. o. b. in light~- crates.
Vera Duggar, Sylvester.

1 fine 8 mos. old S. C. R. I. Red

rooster, $1.25.
ferred. Mrs. P. E. Wallace, Col-

lege Park.

Fine Mar. hatch S.C; R. i.
Red chickens; 5 pullets and 1
cockerel, $1.00 ea. Mrs. J. F.
Trawick, Tennille, :

$3.00; pullets of
$1.00: hens, $1.00.
Mooney, Adairsville.

R. B.


75 full blooded R. I, Red pul-
lets, $1.00 ea. at my place. Mrs,

J. A, Ayers, Carroliton, Rt, 3.

5 speckled Sussex: 4 hens, 1

rooster, Dave Duvall, Warne; N..

C., Rt. (Res. of Georgia).

Turkeys, Guineas, Geese |

Ducks, Etc. For Sale


Apr. big bone giant

; bronze turkeys. Well marked and

fine breeders. $15.00 pr., $20.00
trio. Li J. Ellis, Cumming, Rt, 5.

5 bronze Apr. hatch turkey
gobblers, $5.50 ea. or $25.00 for
lot. Mrs. Jesse D. Tyson, Ocilla;
Rt. Box 114.

Giant bronze turkeys,
pions at S, E. fair since 1930,
$6.50 up; hens, $5.00 up. 4, U.
Lee, Red Oak, A

' Pure Bourbon turkeys; Toms,
$5.00; hens, $4.00. oes Re De
Greene, Rt. 4, :

2 big bone giant bronze tur-
keys; hen weighs 17 lbs., $10.00;

tom weighs 32 Ibs.,- $5.00; $14.00

pr. H. I. Brock, Rockmart.

50 large M. B.. turkeys, Apr.
toms, $5.00 ea.; Apr. hens, $3.75;
trio, $11.50. Less price if more
are taken; also 2 Apr. B. R. tom
and hen, $10.00$5.00 ea. Mrs.
J. E. Sikes, Cochran, Rt. 2.

2 M. B. gobblers, $7.50 ea.: 1
hen, $3.00; 3 Red Bourbon hens,
$3.00 ea. Excellent stock, Chas.
M. Powell, Macon, Rt. 2. a4



Good saddle horse, (plows bet-

ter than a mule,) in good cond.,

$75.00. Francis Wood,
RED 2.

Bay ores colt, 2 yrs. old April
Jim Lewis, Adairs-


ville, Rt. 2.

geod mules, we 4 AE Ibs, |
$150. 00 each. W. J. Morgan, Still-|_

more. .

Some as but good oo
for sale. Will trade one for fresh

Geo. 2

2; Box 183, Se ees



4 and.

Money |

Money order pre- |

: ing.


imy barn.

| for sale or exch.

A very Bente Hone
or exc. for a mule, L. D
Dunwoody, Rt. nt :

5, wt. 1300 lbs, First pr.
ner at Carroll county Fair.
see at farm, 4 miles So.

ton. C. Ll. Gray, SS


1 blocky, fat mare m
about 850 Ibs. Works well,
B. B. Cheek, Dunwody,

2 young mares, wt. ab
Ibs, at a bargain. G
mour, Summerville, Rt 2

2 mare mules,
the pair, smooth mou
and good workers for
exe. for a good size m
good work and brood m
i. North Franklin

Jin, = RE. 2s

Good plug mule, $35.00 or
for cow, hogs or yearli
ers. B. D. McLeod, eaten
tua <

Good farm mare mu
M. lbs., 12 yrs. old, perfe
work single or dbl; also se
ers and 1 male; 1 heifer
milk. Cheap for cash,
Stonewall. W. R.
Stonewall, RFD 1.

Bay mare, good Bee
rides good, 9: yrs. old. Ri
able or exc. for good m

1 mi. this side Red Oa fon:
L. Adams, College Park. Wa
ington Rd. Ries.



Want any reg.
breed cattle.

oughbred bull calf;
pop corn, peanuts t
M. Gunnin, Marietta, :

Want about 20 cows.
what you have and. price
S. Freeman, Macon, 504 Wal
St. =

Will winter 30 head | 0 eatt
this winter at $1. 25 per mon
Ready Nov. ist. Write f
formation. Dennie B.. Clen
Cornelia, : :

SG: Red pullete, YY.

_ Jersey bull calf or~ Cok

21936 S. C. R. I. Ras. fogatera!

L. T. Long, Brem


2 reg, Hereford bulls 18
old. Anxiety and Domino
In perfect cond. C

2 fresh Jersey mich: cows
2nd calves; will aie 4 ga

ducing dam... $26.0 00 FO!
Ridge. Fred Caldwell, Blue

8 or 10 nice grade w
heifers about 14 months o
bred, one cow about 3 ye
marked Hereford
heavy springer. .
ford steers about 500 Ib
sey steers same weight.


| Waldrep, Rt. 1, Forsyth.

A 6. vr. old Jersev- Gue
sow; calf 3 1-2 months ;
quite 2 gallons now; would
3 with good feed; $25.00 cash
Come. Miss. $
Free, Rt. 1, Nicholson.

One yoke, 5 years ok
broke cattle, work sing:
double in fine shane. Weigh |
lbs. Good matches. Price $10
If interested come at once.

: lar Garland, Waleska.

A fine yoke of good oxen,
good workers. Se or wi
H. McVeigh, Waynesville.

Two nice yokes oxen for
good size and well trained.
C. Studstill, Abbeville.

Purebred Jersey male
dropped March of this year
unteer and Sultan breeding:
id color. $25.00 FOB re;
buyer. Ned Ss. Bond, Wa

| Ville,

One reg. double Standore
2 years old, 9 female he: er
thoroughbreds not reg. - Ra.

|. M. Biggers, 630 Lee 8


One pure bred Guerk ey
J oneet OS
cheson, Buchanan. :

months old reg. he er
5 year old reg. bull, bot
type and best breeding H,

| Fowler Hoschton.
Also want a stalk cutter. |.

also two heifers

a a Nene x

4 miles

9.4 Jersey, with ist
es. Southeast Acworth at
ghams farm; also Blue
ks coming 2 yrs. old,

+ stags and

blooded. Holstein heifers
oung mal, also Hampshire
and Fischel _ str,
- Dr. 1, B. Cade, Wash-

nite Face oe. 15. ordi-
jl feeders, av. 750 Ibs. M.

high meoduriie! Guern-
Cows $150.00 and $125.00
stively; 2 heifers, 15 mos.
75.00 ea; bull, 4 mos. old,
All reg. Come, dont
-. M. Cason, Sanders-


xc. 30 Ibs., nice, bright, sun-|
pples for a 25 lb. pig.
y chgs. M. G. Cheatham,

up to 15 hogs to fatten

es, Have plenty of feed,

hi in 25 miles. Fields now

y. Write at once. a a
tter AR. 2.

reg. S. P. Cc. poar pig.
exe, reg. Hssex gilt; would
corn .or Essex hogs for 3
gal.; milch cow with young
if, not over 75 miles. Lyman |
erstreet, Jnenox. :


purebred Duroc J. sows 2 1-2
i cholera immune, bred
ioe male. Can be made

400 Ibs each, $27.50 each
barn; also pecans, Schleys
and Stewarts ibe. W.O.

s , pigs for sale, thrifty.
le treated. and registered in
rs name. _/Both our herd
. sired . a World Grand

: Crated. FOB $10.00; at ot
eee Ly Thornton, Rte
rose. :

d Quinea pigs. See J. H.
pint. A. Barnesville.

Hopapsns hogs.

a C pigs out dams. of the
ds best blood lines sired
Terrific, ap half brother to

s. $10.00 each. Double treat-
Papers furnished. L. J.
ington, Rt. 1, Jackson.

7SPC boar pigs and2S PC
2 1-2 months old, double
ed and registered in buyers
FOB here $10.00 each. G.
Burney, Guyton.
e n pigs for sale $4.00 each
ere. They are cross b2-
SPC. and Duroc Jersey;
sow same Breed, weight
(150 Ibs, farrowed Jan. 17,
for $25.00 here. Cant ship
G L. peeks RFD 3,
US. a>
ale little bene. black Afri-
uinea hogs 6 months old,
L kind, $12.50 each, $30.00
e lot FOB here. J. M.


gs $5.00 each, Chester
, Duroc and P. C.: or ex-

Seer for cow. siv-
| C. A. Cabe, 166 Heol-
Rd., Belmont 1769, At-

5 1 brood
4 eight 1M pounds 6 years |
ood worker cheap; Store
and 7 room dwelling for
ood location. H. C. ree

Ss subject to registration far-
Will sacrifice

00 each at my __ barn.

M. Coley, Sr., Fairburn.
O I C sow weight 459
years old with 10 pigs
eeks | old. Price $65.00. J.
rnto, se 1, Box 18, Val-

istered Durocs 4th and 5th
Senior boar pigs at At-
Fair. One March Boar.
pigs: by third prize Senior
od sows, black P. C. far-
irst of December, wt. 200
a. $45.00 ea. W. S. ce
ye: Rt. 1.

yearling boar.

White | cans, $1.50 per can.

Reasonable j

Write for prices. Aubrey Stal-
| lings, Orchard Hill = 3;

Pure bred Duroc boar wie we
60 Ibs., sub. to reg., $10.00 eash,
= Bill Cox Williams, Collins,

Little Black Guinea one: 6
wenke old, $10.00 each. 8 for
| hay or: corn, C, H, Barnes, Sum.

: / mit.
nos. old, $30.00 at farm, }

11 fine pigs, O. I. C., Duroc
and Berkshire, cross, $5.00 ea.

fat 6 weeks. old, Nov. 10th, at my

barn. Not shipped: W. A. Martin,
Gainesville, Rte 4.552%

- Blue boars, 40 to 150 Ibs., 10
iG 15c per pound, del. Xife;
treated; also Comb honey in No.
In bulk,
70 Ib. tin, $8.00 del. Li. H. Eden-
field, Stillmore, Rt. 1, Box 34.

Reg. O. I. C. boar, a little over
yr. old, wt. 250-300 Ibs., $30.00
or exc. for calves or hens. Wal-
ter Rhyne, Smyrna.

A yearling boar, son of 2
Gunfire Reg. No. 178128, . P. @.
wt. 500 Ibs. or rhore, $50.00; male
and female pigs, reg. in buyers
name, $12.50 ea. D. T. go Daw-


4 big bone Guinea pigs, 3 black
boar and 1 sow pig, $7.00 ea. J.
T. Brown, Elberton, Rt. 3.

1 thoroughbred Duroc Jersey |
boar, approximately 20 mos. old,
wt. 200 Ibs., $25.00, at my barn,
Benks Lake, R. T. Berryhill,
Sr., Lakeland. 4 seas

Reg. O. I. C. hogs. service
boars and pigs. S: H. Gardner,
Locust Grove.


_Pimebloodad Nubian a0: milk-
ing at very reasonable. price;
also large, high-grade Saanan.
and Nubian doe, milking and re-
bred, priced right; Toggenburg
bucks to sell or for service, Fee,
$2.00. John Hynds, Atlanta, 93
Warren St., N. E., De 0489 W.

9 fine milk goats now aivine
1. pure bred Saanan, others dry,
start freshening January 15th.
;} Sam Jones, Roswell.

_Pure bred Nubian buck, $30.00

| FOB. Aso, Bulloch,: =



3 N. Z. White grown rabbits,
buck and 2 does with: pedigree,

_| $4.50 ea., or exc. for ee R .M.

Bone, Vidalia,

N. Z. rabbits, $1. 00 ea. or $1. 75.

pair. Exc. for chickens or pigs.
T. .C. Dillard, Rabun Gap.

Gray and white rabbits, 6 wks.

-old, 75 pair; 5 mos. old doe, 75c.
-H. C.. Reid, Hogansville Rt, 2.

2 White does, reg. stock, 75c
eai COD or money order, Marie
Russell, Stephens.

38 N. Z. White grown babbits,

buck and 2 does with pedigree,
$4.50 ea. or exc. for hens, R. M.:

mn and Fury World Cham-| Bone. Vidalia. !

N. Z. rabbits, $1.00 ea. or $1.75
pair. Exc. for chickens or pigs.
tT. Ce BEES Rabun Gap.

: Teubatwr Brooders
7 Etc. For Sale

1 Sok Roebuck 150 ege cap.
Simplex Inc., brooder. Only used
twice. Excellent cond. Hatches
well. $9.00 crated. Mrs. Chas. H.
Cook, Hamilton. Rt. 2. Box 88 A.
. Sears Super Hatch 600 ege
cap. Inc., cheap. Mrs. Ae Con-
nell, Nashville. :

Super Hatch burner Ine., 360
ege cap. .$10.00 cash. A. L.
Holden, Eatonton. : ae :

650 egg. cap. nearly new,
brooder to: match, for sale.. Lottie
Cavender, Dahlonega. Rt. 3.

400 egg. cap. Queen Inc., com-
plete, $20.00. Exe. , for young
hens, pullets or ducks, or good
hogs. All to be in very good
cond. Write or see. Mus. J. R.
Fore, Redland.

Inc., 400 egg cap. gueop for
cash; 35 Ibs. deer tongue, Gried,
6c lb. Mrs. J. C. Allen, Namunta,
Rt. No. 1, Box 52.

Buckeye Mammoth Ince., oil
heat with electric fan, cap. 1008
eggs. Perfect cond., $50.00; sin-
gle horse cutaway harrow, $10.00.

- Chas. M. Powell, Macon. Rt. 1.

1. Old Trusty Inc., 120-cap., in
good cond. $8.00 FOB.
Emma. Heath, Dudley.

1 Sears-Roebuck ker; burning

Blue Flame brooder, 500 cap. and
used 1 time, $6.00. Mrs. Dewey
Weeks, Ochlocknee. Rt.l.

1 M chick cap. and a 500 cap.
coal burner brooders, cast iron
heaters, in good econd., $10.00, or
exe for 10 pure bred, large,
young hens. David M. Moore,
Eastanollee. cere

Also bred gilts. | _

Exe. for bright peanut |

10c ea.

| horehound,

pkegs.; and. over

Miss |

postpaid, No chks.

_ Exc. 2 hens and rooster, pure
bred R. C. Golden. Sebright ban-
tams for a Little Brown Hen in- |

cubator, complete with brooder,
instructions, e@tc., all in | good
cond. Write. Mrs. R. Q. Miller,
oe iets X

Pecans and Other Fruit
Trees For Sale _

~ trees
Write for prices. ue M.i

Some nice June peach
for sale.

| Jones, Molena.

Well rooted Concord and Lutie
grape vines, 2 for 25c; 10c ea. in
lots of 25 or more. Exc. for good
smoking tobacco. J. R. Bram-
lett, Ellijay, Rt, 2. . ee

Nice, 1 yr. old, mountain
srown fruit trees, 12 1-2c each;
large, 2.yr. trees, 20c ea. Limited
amount, T. M. Webb Ellijay,

Genuine Norway (hard) maples,
about 6ft., $1.00; 8 ft. $1.50; 10
ft. $2.00; 12 ft. $3.00 ea. in lots of
3. Select trees. Neal Rosene,.
Atlanta, 126 E. Baker St.

Hiley, Elberta, Carmen, Bell
of Ga., Gov. Hogg peach trees, 1
yr, $10.00 C; $75.00 M; Concord
grape vines, 1 yr., $4.00 C; $30.00
M; Yellow, Red and dark red De-
licious apple trees, 1 yr., $25.00 |
C; 2 yrs. $35.00 C. James Cure-
ton, Austell : ee

1 yr. old Black Walnut ieee.
2-3 ft., 25c @a.; 2 for 40c; 6 for
$1.00; Sage pushes, 2 for 25c, All
nicely rooted. Add postage.
Stamps accepted, oes Leila Tit-
shaw, Monrce, Rt. /

Peach trees, all leading va-
rieties, guaranteed true to name,
state inspected, $40.00 M; $5.00.
C., 80c doz. R. A. Travis. River-

8 sweet. ceene ices! 4 of the
Black and 2: of Pink and 2 of
Red, 5c ea.; also 8 of the May
ee 15c ea. Cora Wade, oes
ihe as

Good size new crop hickory |

nuts, $1.00 bu; late September
plum peach seed, 25c for pkt..
Eugene Gladden, Tallapoosa, Rt.

Miscellaneous For Sale

6 or 6 bu. hullea plack walnuts, ]
f. o. b. or $1.00 bu. pre- |

i5e bu.
paid. Mrs, S. W Cook, =Alto..2:"

100 lb cap. cotton feed packs!
del. or exc. for honey.
Meryl Lee, Red Oka. -

15 bu black walnuts, hulled,
$1.00 bu. f. 0. bo: dO. oe
Woodland: = 2 .) 3

Catnip, green, 15e pint: 2 pints:
25e; plants, 20c doz. Mrs. John |
Weave:, Temple, Rte 2:

22 Ibs. goose feathers, used.
some, cheap. Mrs. Linnie Doles, |
Tifton, Rt. 5. Be
Calamus, horseradish, 6 for
25c; several thousand garlic
bulbs, 50c C; $4.00 M. Miss elewee
Clayton, Roy. |
2 horse wagon in fair cond., for
sale or exe. for good 1 horse.
wagon. Mrs. Mary Le Shabel,
McDonough, Rt. 38. :

Pinte IOS. goose feathers, $10. 00.
Mrs. W. T. Brantley, Harrison,
Reo, Box 27.

Yellow, sassafras, poke root,
wild cherry bark, 20c Ib., 6 Ibs.,
$1.00; catnip, peppermint, balm, |
horsemint, ground
ivy, 20c doz., or doz. ea. for $1.00. :
Sage plants, 10c ea., 3 for- -25c.
Del. in Ga. Miss Lizzie White,
Dahlonega, Rt. 1.

Black Walnut Meats, nice,
clean, bright, 50e Jb, in 2 Ib.
del. M. M.
Cochran, Rolston. ae

8 tons straight goat manure,.
(no litter nor grass seeds), in 100
Ib. bags or ton. lots. Exc. for
corn, oats, W. L. hens.
want a good,; heavy farm mare,
Write. Edwin Simpson, Atlanta
695 Paynes Ave., N. W.

8 lbs. sassafras root bark, dry,
ready to use, $1.00; 3 Ibs. deer
tongue, dry, $1.00. Prepaid mail.
Money order. Chas. McGahee,
Townsend, Rt. 2, Box M.

Some goose feathers 50c Ib. f.

o. b. Mrs. C. R. Gresham, Jack: |

Some slightly. used feathers, 23

Ibs., $8.00 f. 0. b..Cash. No chks. |

Mrs. Arthur W. Smith, Harrison, .
Roof Die at

1937 crop black Saiaut Meats,
nice, clean, 40 Jb. f. 0.. b.; 45c
postpaid to 8rd Zone, No. chks.
Mrs. Lillie Reece, Talking FOr

PRt. 1:

New. white, downy gedtner
50c Ib. Sample fre.
$11.00 del. Mrs, Mary COs
Cordele, Rt. 4.: :

Nice, dry leaf sage, 1937 crop,
50c 1b.3 5 Ib. lots and up, 80c Ib.
Sam Twee- |
dell, ae 2 Rt. 2.: nee

Ga. product. WwW. H. Ginn,

State number and best price,

|B. tested. Minnie


21o Ibs. , broken meats,

-20e II; .

del. or FOB. Charlie D, Tillman,
1870 Murphy Ave. SW., Atlanta,

Want to exchange fig sprouts,
raspberry plants rooted and cut-

tings of wisteria vines for any-

thing I can use. Mrs.
Hinson, Rt. 2, Chester.

Will exchange 10 lbs. dried ap-
ples -peeled and cored for
10 Ibs of good tobacco, each pay
postage. Send sample. M. G. Ca-
viness, Rt. 5, Ballground.


Want some barn cured, not.
steam cured, tobacco. The North

- Want 60 bu. good, sound, pure
Blue Stem or Redhart wheat.
Quote best price. P. . Knox,
Thomson, : :

Want about 10-20 Ibs. chinqua-
pins. State price. Pierce Merry,
Augusta, 2567 Henry St.

Exe. good quality chunk (comb) |
or strained honey in 10 Ib. pails

for fresh cured hog meat, hog
lard; pecans, Spanish peanuts
walnuts, shelled pop corn, sun-
dried apples and chickens. H. I.
Hallman, Nahunta.

-. Exe. nice dried apples, free of

worms and peel for good chew-
ing tobacco. Barn, not flue cur-
ed; 10 Ibs. for 10 lbs fruity Mrs.
Pearl Wilson, Ranger, Rt. 1.

Would exch, Beggar Weed
seed syrup, corn, potatoes, bunch
velvet beans for good seed wheat.
rye and oats. N. TT. Beasley,.

Want prices on 40 bu., pest-
free seed wheat. Gunn and Gool-
sbys or Blue Stem. Je D.: Mc--


; Duffie, Rochelle.

Want 50 to 100 Ibs. Early Mar-
ket Queen watermelon seed, the
60-day variety. Send sample and

quote best price del,
Thornton, Jesup.

Honey Bees. Want | some bees:
from Eastern part of South Ga.

R. N. Harber, Hapeville.
"8 ov 10 Ios. frestt, table but-7

ter ea, week, 20c Ib. del. Cows T.
L. Willies,

Talking Rock, Rt. 2.

38 or 4 lbs., nice, fresh butter
per week, 30c lb. postpaid. Mrs.
Fred Mosley, Bremen. Rt. 2.

Honey Bees and Bee:
- Supplies For Sale

40 hives honey bees in straight

gums (most of them new guns)

not having been robbed this yr.)

/ $12.00 for lot. Good working bees.

Hardee Thigpin, Adrian. RFD 1.

Pure Ext. honey No. 2 grade,
in 5 and 10 Ib. pails: 2 5 Ib., post-
paid and insured, $1.25; 1- "10 Ib.
postpaid and ins., $1. 20: sev. 50

gal. barrels, 75c gal. by the \bar-

rel. John A. Cranes Jesup.


New Gallberry honey, Comb or
Wrxt.,5- lbs.,. Thc 10 -lbs:, $4. ae
del. 12:- 5 1b. cans to case, $7.
FOB. Guaranteed. D. F. alee
Oduni = F
= 23 colonies bees in modern
hives with supers and some hon-
ey ,for sale. T. L. Cooper, Ash-

4 burn. Rt.. oe

Good Palmetto honey for table
use, 60 Ib. cans, strained, 8 Ib.
FOB. Ds P. Green, Winder. ~

Bee swarm catcher for sale. I.
A. Manley, Decatur. (222 Lock-
wood Terrace. ; Z

Fancy, . delicious combs honey,

$1 50 per. 10 Ibs. postpaid to 4th.


zone. Special prices on
orders. J. 0. : Hallman,


- Large papershell seedling pe- |


cans, 12 1-2c Ib; Extra
Stewarts, 15c lb. FOB. Mrs.
T,. Tanner, Sandersville.

Pecans, Stewarts and Van
Demans, 20 Ib; Schleys,. 25e3
smaller ones, 15 Ib. Add post-
age. Mrs. E. T. May, Warthen.

: Pecans, halves from the high-
est priced papershell pecans, as-
sorted, 2 lbs. $1.25; 5 Ibs., $3.00;
large halves from seedlings, 4
Ibs., $2.00; medium, 4 1- 2 Ibs.
$2.00; broken meats, 4 Ibs., $1.50.
Add postage. Cash. -No- chks.
James Henry Gordon, Adel.

2 1-4 Ib. pecan halves, $1.00;
$1. 00.

Add pistage. Cash. No

-1937 graded large papershell

Frotscher and Stewart pecans, |

25 tb. postpaid; 'b Ibs. or more,,
also_ sure crop, . cold-re-
running: English pea,
seed, 25 Ib. Postpaid, Mrs. Ida

ae Be hey Pints: 5

"Please quote lawvest price re,

W. M.'

1 $1.00 madied.

chks. I
Bettie Register, Adel. Rt. 1.
25 lbs. for .

- To truckers: - Marglobe toma
pee sweet potatoes and turnips;
also Schley, Stewart. and. Mahan
papershell pecans from
groves. John. e sen ee Vi
ley. : :

Sweet ~ potatoes. i oe A
Leghorn B. R. and Giant, June
hatch roosters with few mi: ed
March hatch. Miss Lillie M:
Mate, Woodbury. Rt 2.


Good flue cured tobacco =e
smoking and chewing, no trash.
12 Ibs. $1.00 prepaid or 14 q
postage collect. W. \G: oe
Rt 2, Surrency. ;

- Good flue cured Spence ag
ana mellow flavored, ready
use, smoking 20 Ibs. for $1.
chewing 19 Ibs. for $1. 00. Mr. a
ton Taylor, Rt 4, Alma. ;

Good whole leaf flue cured to
bacco, chewing or smoking, a
from trash, 12 lbs. $1,00
Prompt shipment. G. J. Griffis,
Screven. : : :

Good home cured tobacco 100
a 1b. 10 Ibs. $1.00. ah R. Benton

Best grade whole leaf flue cul
ed chewing or smoking tobacec
free from trash 12 lbs. $1.00 dele
L. D. nee Scr 2ven. | :

ing or Se 12 tbs. :
Will send sample if

sent to cover same. Mrs..
Lightsey, Rt 2, Surrency.

Good grade whole leaf flue
cured long red chewing tobacco
7c per Ib. not prepaid. Ce
Beck, Rt. 2, Wrightsville. _

Good flue cured tobacco,
and yeliow leaf, flavored
ready to use, chewing i
$1.60, smoking 13 Ibs. roe


a bacco 10 Ibs $1.00,

Tanner, Alma.
. Bright yellow aged ana co

low whole leaf chewing tobace
12 Ibs $1.00 prepaid. Feue Light

sey, Screven.

Barn and flue eure: best.
glade for smoking and chawi
bright whole leaf, free from
an@ trash. Every packag2 I shi
is guaranteed to be good. 12 ib
$1.00 del. H. . cee a
Screven. :



Nice: sundried anole: si
fruit, free from peelings a
core, 100 Ibe ots, 8 bs: 10 lbs
ioe cats Woodlifty
Flowery Branch, Rte :

Small apples | (Yates) by the
barrel, $1.50; 5 M. bu. bulk Yate
apples now ready for truckers;
Thousands of bu. fancy boxe
apples at market Price: Co M

Miller, Cornelia.

About 1 M.. Ibs. dr led * wolene
free of core, peel and worms. in
50 Ib. cotton bags, 7c lb., FOB.
Write. 8. R. es. Gainegviller
RFD 6. - :

Nice sundried ites tree. ; of.
core and peel, 15c Ib. hee Le
Ruby Neal, Aska. se

Nice, new crop sundried ap

ples, free from worms, core and

peel, 10c Ib. in 10 Ib. lots or more
or 12c lb. in 5 Ib. lots. del. in Ga.
Mrs. J. B. Goss, Jasper, Rt. 2,

pers; 5c qt. plus postage.:
W. M. Taylor, Clarkesvi

10 Ibs. 1937 select hors
sundried on screen, no peel,
or: worms, 15c Ib. prepaid in
scuppernong vines, 10c ea., $1.00
doz, rooted. Mrs. R. M.. Lea ue
MERE. Rt. 2. : :

Nice, bright, sundried ieliches

: yet Gee, 15e Ib. del. in 10 Ib

lots; also 8 bu. small seedling
peach seed, new, dry and clean,
$1.25 bu.; 40 Ibs. beeswax, 20c Ib.
Mrs. Pe W. Rylee, M nes Rt.

Kinnards choice anne clea
and culled, 50c bu. at orchard in
bulk. J. 8. Tankersley, Bllijay.

Nice, sundried apples, free of
core, peel and worms, 10c Ib;
old fashioned white multiplying:
onions, mild flavored, 45c gal.
All del. 8rd zone. Mrs. CGC. T.
Hunt, Gainesville. Rt. 1.

- Nice, sundried apples, free of

worms, lic Ib. del. also old fash-

ioned scallion buttons, 45 gal.
Mrs. A. P. Gladden, a

Rt. 2

Nice, sundried es 1981

crop, worm, core and peel free

12 Ib. Add postage..
Earle, Clarkesville. -

Nice sundried apples, 10c tb. t
10'Yb, lots. del. in Ga. Mrs, c. a

_ Mrs

Etris, | Dahlonega. Rt. 1.

'\ Apples, Yates, Bl
and,other varieties Exc.
amount for other farm com

ties, onions, ete. J. B

Ge cant. Rt. (Be

2 100.

Pure Abruzzi seed rye,
bu. Cheslie Rooks, Stapleton.

Genuine Texas rust- proof seed
oats, free from obnoxieus weed

~ or :yrass seed, abundant producer,

Taree erain, T5e bu. f. 0. b. cars
Molena. Prompt service and ac-
curate wt. in 5 bu. bags.
B. Willis, Molena.

Bright, baled wheat straw, 25c
' per bale, $8.00 ton, at barn; want
a few well bred beef type 1 yr.
old heifers. T. L. Lang, Bremen,
ats 1

Hastings 100-bu. oats, free of:
Johnsongrass seed and bright. |

_60c bu.; also pair nice mules, j
mares, 12 yrs. old, $200.00. W. H.
Bolton, Griffin.

Seed rye, recleaned, sacked in
, 21-2 bu. to the bag. $1.25 bu. .
0. b. H. P. Osborne, Dillard.

500 bundles fodder and a ton
of hay for sale. Mrs. E. I. Reese,
Lawr eneeville,

. id ton bright whenk straw, well

baled, $12.00 ton at barn, also 1-2
ton good oat straw. E. T. Over-
by, Lithonia.

80 bu. Cokers Fulgrain seed
Sais. smut and cold-resistant, 90

-bu.; 200 bu. Cokers 100 cotton }.

seed, ist yr. privately ginned,
_ November and December del.,
$1.00 bu. f. 0. bh. = B. F. Fagan,

Cokers Fulgrain seed oats, 5 |

bu. lots, $1.25 bu.; 25 bu. tots,.
$1.10 bu.; 50 bu. lots, $1.00 bu. f.
6. b.. Cc. R. Morgan, Americus.

3 M Ibs. good fodder, $1.25 per
Hauled and stacked in barn
(not in field), no rotten tops nor
bottoms. D. J. Woolbright, Daw-

1 M Improved Appler and 200
bu Hastings 100-bu. Good Heavy
seed oats, 60c bu. f. 0. b. J. I.

Martin, Bowersville.

- Pure, sound, treated Hastings
100-Bu. oats, 70c cae Riley C.
Couch, Turin.

30 bu. pure, bright, clean Ful-|

ghum seed oats, 75e bu. FOB. J.
M. Lewis, Warthen. ;

: Fulghum and Apple oats, Te
bu. respectively. Recleaned. May
Blue Stem Wheat, $1.75 bu. All
n even wt. bags FOB. J. F.
Lowe, Sr. Ft. aay: Whitstone


a 40 ee bbl. ribbon cane syrup,
35c gal. or exc. for corn. 12 miles
McRae on Jacksonville-Fitzger-
ald Highway. Mrs. T. J. Wil-
. Milan. R 1.


- qts. little bunch Eng. peas,
$0c qt., Add postage. A. J. Clarke,
Stapleton. RFD 1.

25 Ibs. + White running butter-
se beans, hand picked and shelled,

5c Ib. Also nice, clean, hulled
black walnuts, 2c lb. FOB. M. F.
Norman, Richland.


FOR nee

=o 0) bu. Wannamaker Dixie
Triumph Wonderwilt str., 6 cot-
tem seed. Ist: yr: 11-16" in.
_ staple, 38-40 percent lint. Pro-
duced bale per A. Ginned pure.
$4.00 per 100 Ib. even wt. bag.
FOB. No personal chks. C. K.
Brown, Eastman. Rt. 4.

Miatcyr oD. P, ti INo. Tt cotton
seed, $1.50 bu. J. W. Moore, Car-
-rollton. Rt 4. ;

100 bu. Ruckers cotton seed,
saved |

latest improved, ist yr...
pure at gin, $1.00 bu. T. B. pete
linger, - Maxeyes.
_ Half and Half cotton seed, Tic
: bu. FOB my shipping point; 65c
bu. my barn. Luther
_ Harrison.


Lady T. strawberry plants, 500:

$1.00; $1.50 M 5 M $1.25 M del.
Miss Pauline Scroggs, Alto, Rt
Lady T. strawberry plants, 30c
C. $1.20, 500; $2.00 M; Kiondyke,
25; C 80c; 500, $1. 50 M. Young
plants. Prompt shipment. Clyde
this, Flowery Branch, Rt. 1.
londyke : ea aes plants,
25c C; 80c, 500; $1.50 M; Eiver-
bearing and Lady T., 30c C3
.20, 500; $2.00 M Del. Prompt
shipment. Royce Waldrip, Flow-
@ry,praneh, Rt. 1;

Blackmore strawberry stants.

1 acre. Make an offer for entire

lot in field, Chas.

E. } Cone,
Pibateshara: i


Carey |

| berry plants,
$2.50 M; Lady Thompson, 30e C;

300, 30c; 65c M.

| 500, $1.50 M del.

) plants, 20c C; 500, 50c; 300. 35 ;
5c M, prepaid; 50c per M not

20c GC; $1.50 M; Lady T., 25 C;

Phillips, Royston, Rt. 1.

60c; 90c del; 5 M and 10 M lots;
'65c M exp. col. E. C. Waldrip,


$3.60 express collect; Klondyke

. Crow,


Frost-proof cabbage and col-,)
lard plants, 300, 40c; 85e M. del.
5 M., $3.50, collect. Prompt ship-
ment. No chks. Bonnie Smith,
Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Kudzu crowns, $6.00 M; also 1
yr. rooted Concorn grape vines, |
50c doz.; $3.50 C. Would = set
either on suitable land within my
reach on shares. Y. M. -Ander-
son, Williamson.

Kiondike strawberry,
500, $1.00; extra large, sweet,
firm meat strawberry, 35c C;
$1.50, 500 del. Mrs. L. L. Crowe.
Cumming, It. 1s

E, J., . W., cabbage plants,
-85e M, 500, 50c del. Prompt
shipment. Ready. now. J. P.
Mullis, Baxley, Rt. 4.

Mastodon everbearing straw-
40e C; 500 $1.50;

25e Cy

500, $1.00; $1.75 M; Klondike,
$2.25. M.. Cash. Prompt ship-
ment. Mrs..T: C. Bennett, Flow-
ery. Branch, Rt.. 1.

Kiondike strawberry plants;
25c ; 500, $1.00; also big goose

$1.00. Miss Grace Crowe, Cum-
ming Rt. 1.

Cabbage plants for fall and
winter setting, 300, 35c; 80c M.
Wc collect; collard plants,
50c M Exp. col-
lect. C. W. Smith, Gainesville,
RES 2,

Improved Missionary straw-
berry plants 35c C:;. 300, $1.00;
Mrs. Robert S.
Cuthbert, Rt.. 2.

' Beading var.


new cabbage

Prompt. shipment.
Gainesville, Rt. 1.

_ Mastedon strawberry plants
35e. C; 600, $1:85; $2:50. per MM;
Lady T. strawberry plants, 30c C;
500, $1.00; $1.75 M; Tame dew-
berry, $1.00. doz: Mrs... KE. I
Whitmire,, Gainesville, Rt. 1.

Klondike strawberry plants,

with order.
Major Crow,

$1.75 M del. Full count.. Prompt
shipment. Mr. George L. ee
Gainesville Rt. 2.

Mastodon Eiverbearing straw-.
berry plants, guar. true to name,
25e C; $1.95. M-: del.; Concord
grape vines, 1 yr. old, 10c;.2 yr.
old 12 1-2c. Add postage for
grape vines. Mrs. J. B. Hud-
gins, Flowery Branch.

Early Jersey and Charleston |
cabbage plants, 500, 50c; 75e M;
collard plants, same price; Ber-
muda Onions, 500 60c; 90c M. All
plants postpaid. I. L. Stokes,
Fitzgerald, Rt. 1.

Missionary strawberry plants,
20e Ct $1.50 M del. Minnie Lee

Frost proof early Jersey and
Charleston cabbage plants. 500

Flowery Branch, Rik

Frostproof, Early Jersey and
Charleston cabbage plants, 500,
60c; 90c: M; 75c per 5M; Kion-
dike strawberry plants 500,
$1.00; $1.90 M del. Prompt ship-
Dewey Mathis, Flowery
Branch, Rt. 1.

Eldorado Blackberry and: Lu-
cretia Dewberry plants, $1.00 C;
$7.50 M. del. in Georgia. Maude
Hamby, Greenville.

Wakefield & Flat Dutch cab-
bage, heading collard 20c per C,
300, 40c; 90c per M del.. 5 M

strawberry 300 for $1.00 del. Lee
Rt. 2, Gainesville.

Lady T. strawberry plants 25
per C; 500, $1.00; $1.75 per M;
Klondyke 500, 75c; $1.50 per M;
5 M $6.50 del. Well rooted young
plants. Ethel Crowe, Rt. 2,
Gainesville. 5

Lady T: strawberry plants 25c
per C, 500, $1.00, $1.75 per M;
Klondyke 500, 75c. $1.50 per M
del.; young plants, prompt ship-
ment. Cap; Crow, Rt. 2, Gaines-
ville. ;

Early Impr. Klondyke straw-
berry plants 200. 25c: 500, 50c. All
young plants. Exch. for pecans
or Bermuda onion seed. Rosie
Crowe, Rt. 1, Cumming. ;

Everbearing and Lady T.
strawberry plants 30c per C, 500,
$1.10; $2.00 per M; Klondyke 25c
per C, 80c for 500, $1.50 per M
del. Young plants. Mrs. Ora.

Waldrip, Rt. 1, Flowery Branch.

Mastodon strawberry plants
500, $1.00: $1.75 per M del; Klon-
dyke 500, 75c; $1.50 per M del.
Mrs. M. C. Crowe, Rt 2, Gaines-
ville: =. :

Leading variety cabbage plants
& collard plants 400, 45c; 80e per
M; Klondyke strwaberry 300,
50c; $1.75 per M; vigorvine toma-
to seed 25c for 50 seed. All mail-
ed. Lu A. Crow, Rt 2, Gainesville.

heading varieties frost-proof
cabbage and onion plants 75e per

plums, 30 ea. or 4 sprouts for | Wakefield cabbage plants,

* | Currant,

$1.50 M, over 1,000, $1.25.

}pernong grapes.

r Charleston -Wakefiela,
Dutch, Copenhagen Cabbage and
White Bermuda plants, 500, 50c;

85e M. John B. Pope, Fitzgerald.

Copenhagen and Charleston
Wakefield cabbage plants 300,

M; $2.50 per 5 M; $4.75 per 10M.
Cash with order. John C. Crow,
Rt. 1 Gainesville.

Dutch and Wakefield cabbage
and collard plants, 400, 45c; 85c
per M; Klondike strawberry
plants, 30c C; $1.60 per M; Vigor-
vine tomato seed, 50 for 25c. A.
Crow, Rt. 2, Gainesville.

Lucretia dewberry plants, The
per C; $6.00 per M. Also paper
shell pecans. 20c Ib. del. Mrs. B.
L. Robinson, Greenville.

Copenhagen Market, Charles-
ton Wakefield and Early Jersey,
$1.00 per M del. Satisfaction
guaranteed. J. C. Hdgeton, Bax-

Klondike strawberry plants,
500, 75c; $1.50 M. Full count. No
checks. - Hazel Allen, Rt. 2,
| Gainesville. :

Early Jersey and Charleston
45c: Te per M ec. -o. d. J. O.
Stokes, Fitzgerald, Rt. 3.

Harly Jersey and Charleston
Wakefield cabbage plants, 500,
60c; 90c M; $7.00 per 10 M; Kion-
dike strawberry plants, 500,
$1.00; $1.75 M. W. O. Waldrip,
Flowery Branch.

Mastodon strawberry pds
35c per C; 500, $1.75; $2.50 per M;
Lady Thomnson, 30e C; 500
$1.00; $1.75 per M. Verdie Whit-
mire, Gainesville, Rt. 1.

Latest var. Imp. Kiondike
strawberry plants, 25c C; 500,

75e; $1.50 M. Dorothy Durand,

Flowery Branch, Rt. 1.

All var. cabbage plants, $1.00
per M. Good count. Prompt, de-
pendable del. S. E. Thompscn,
Baxley P. O. Box 14.

strawberry plants, $1.00 M; Red
Goose plums, coral-
berry, $1.00. doz. Add postage.
Enclose stamp: Mrs. Sam Smith,
Austell, Rt. 2.

Eiverbearing strawberry plants,
$1.50 M postpaid. Del. in Nov.
Mrs. E. L. Butler, Newnan.

Everbearing strawberry plants.
Will exchange 100 for 2 feed
sacks or 500 for gal. shallot
onions; Klondike strawberry
plants, 20ec C. Norman Mason,
Cleveland, Rt. 2. \

Charleston Wakefield and
Frostproof cabbage plants, 500,
55e3 90c.M. Postpaid. R. Chane:
Tor, Pitts. :

Strawberry slahte. $2.00 M del.
Mimie L. Wallis, Talking Rock,
Rte 2,

Thompson strawberry plants,
30c C; $1.25 per 5M; Earliest Imp.
Klondike strawberry plants, 25
C; 500, $1.00. Well rooted. Mrs.
J. S. Crowe, Cumming, Rt. 1.

Early Jersey, Flat Dutch cab-
bage plants, $1,00 M del.; white
Bermuda onion plants, $1.00 del.
Guar good plants. Prompt ship-
ment. H. C. Buchans, Baxley.

0c C; $2.50 M. del; Lady T.
strawberry plants, 25c C; $2.00 M
del. Mrs. J..H. Smith, Carnegie.

Everbearing strawberry plants;
J. R. Smith, Nicholls, Rt. 3.

Fresh green winter cabbage,
| stocky, Wakefield and Dutch, 90c
M del.; $6.00 per 10 M. EE. B
Wetherford, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Flat. Dutch, Copenhagen cab-
bage plants and collard plants,
20e C, 400 for 45c, 85 M del;
$3.00 5 M col.; Klondike straw-
berry plants, 300 for 60c del.
Lee Crow, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Klondike strawberry plants,
$1.00 M., P. B. pees Gaines-
ville, Rt. 2.

Collard plants, 200 ioc 35e; 300
for 40c; 500 for 45e; 65c M del.;
50 M col. Crystal wax Bermuda
onion sets, 75c gal. W. R. Step-
hens, Gainesville.

Outstanding new varieties for
the South: Thornless:: Young-
berry, Boysenberry, - Brainard
blackberry, dewhberries, straw!
berries, bunch grapes, new scup-
State insp.
Prompt attention. Homer A.
Neal, Ashland.

Eyerbearing strawberry plants,
$1.00 C; muscadine plants, 2-3 ft.
high, $1.00 doz.; crabapple, 25c
ea. Postage or express charges
extra. Mrs. T. R. Morgan,


Frost-proof cabbage plants now
ready. Shipped promptly, 500,
50c; 90c M. prepaid. 50c M. exp.
col. Marcus Williams, Gaines-
ville, Rt. 1. :

Lady Thompson strawberry
plants, 500, $1.00; $1.75 M. del. H.
D. Burt, Americus,, Rt. 2, Box
136. :

Chas. Wakefield cabbage
plants, 75e M. Will exchange for
dried fruit or English pea seed.

M; 5 M $20O postpaid. R. L:
McRee, Meigs. : ;

{Evelyn Lewis,

Baxley, Rt. 4.

oe Plat

80c; 500, 45c; 70c M, mailed; 60c}

| price in quantity. W. A.

Jets. Mrs. Sallie

Eiverbearing and. Klondike.

Missionary strawberry plants,.

| Wilkerson


About 100 bu. good slipped
shuck corn 75c bu., 80 Ibs, to bu.,
at barn. Marion Tillman, Cool-
idge. :

Small grain pop corn white,
the kind that pops, 7c Ib; also
about 15 Ibs. Dynamite pop corn,
large, yellow grain, 10c Ib. Jeff
Marchman, White Plains.

150 to 200 bu. red cob Elkins
slipped shuck corn and 10 bu.
rough rice. Make offer. M. L.
Cox, Marlow.

25 bu. So. American pop. corn,.
1937 crop, shelled, ready to pop,

6c lb. FOB: No orders less 60c.
EK. W. Cornelison, LaFayette.


Have 100 Ibs. Long Pod (guar-
anteed) okra seed. Make best
price for some, FOB. W. L. here
berly, Broxton.

White collard seed 10c pkg.,
20e per oz; Hanover seed same
price; castor oil bean seed 25c

per bunch (kills moles); booking

orders for sugar cane for plant-
ing. C. O. Sikes, Sylvester.

100 Ibs. good clean .
seed. Make best offer; Mastodon
Strawberry plants, good clean
plants for $2:50 per M, a less

Salsify or vegetables oyster 10c
pkt. 20e oz; $1.00 a lb; varsnip,
earrott curled mustard, dill, also
mixed sweet William se21 0c
pkt. All postpaid. R. H. Teng,

Several pounds of old fashion-
ed red English peach sezi 50c
per lb. or exch. for mixed. pul-
Giles, Rt 2,

White and red multiplying
onions for fall planting 385c a
gal. FOB. Mrs. G. N. Hays, Rt.
2, Rockmart.

P. O. J. seed cane red from 4
to 6 ft. high 10,000 or more 60
per hundred at my farm. R. S.

Holland, Pulaski.

Sure crop cold resistant,
lific. medium size pod, running
English pea seed 25c Ib. poste.
paid. Mrs. Ida B. Bailey, Bluff-

White multiplying nest onion
sets sound and free of trash
$7.50 per 100 Ibs FOB; $4.50 per
50 lbs FOB; 10 to 25 pounds 152
per lb postpaid. John W. Mose-
ley, Rt 2, Soperton. ; /

Nice, select bright leaf tobac--

co seed. Order: new before all
are gone. 1 oz. 40c; 3 oz. $1.00;
also pineapple cream strawherry
plants, the largest, sweetest and
most productive of all straw

{berries 100 for 50c. All postpaid.
i Mr. J. P. Knight, Glennville.

French shallots 25c per Ib;
Ga. collard and seven top turrip
seed 25c per lb; Also Early head-

ing winter cabbage 20c per 100 |
) Japonicas. Write in detail. F

plants, $1.65 per M:; collard
plants 20c per C; $1.65 per M.
Mrs. Hugh Murray, Re 230

Early Southern Bur clover
seed 5c per Ib here. Contains
necessary soil to inoculate. S. B.
Kinard, Jackson.

Calif. multiplying beer seed,
10c start plus postage. Mrs. Sallie
Floyd, Rockmart. Rt 2.

Eng. peas, Cert. Willetts Won-
der. Very prolific, stands more
cold. 20c lb. Add postage. In
100 Ib. lots, 15 Ib. f. 0. b.; also
Crystal Wax No. 1 onion sets,
$1.00 per peck postpaid, or $3,00
bu. f. 0. b. E. J. Lavender, Syl-
vester, Rte;

Garden pea seed, ee as the
. Freeze-proof seed,
heavy briitter: 35c. Ib. del. for 30
lbs. or more; white running but-
ter bean seed (3 crops if no early
freeze), 20c lb. for 15 or 20 Ib. del.
Mrs. T. T. Holloway, Cobbtown,
RE. od

Bur clover with sufficient soil
for inoculation, $6.00 per 100 lbs.
f. o. b.

Bur clover with sufficient soil
for innoculation $5.00 per 100
lbs. Exc. for Crimson Clover. V.
H. Carmichael, Jackson.

% Ibs. true heading, old fashion-
ed collard seed, 40clb. 10e thlis., or
$2.75 for lot. I. E. Norsworthy,
McDonough, Rt. 2.

SEED CANE: Genuine P. 0.
J. seed cane, up to Nov. 10th, 50c
per 100 stalks. Party to dig it
up. Will accent cows, hogs, corn
or hay in payment. L. W.
Thompson, Swainsboro. Me

Good collection of sedling
peach seed, ripening through a
period of several weeks, 100 for
25e postpaid; also about 30 Ibs.
feathers, slightly used, 40c Ib. J.
TI. Collier, Talbotton, Rt. 4.

collard |

rooted), Fort

pro- |


Edward Carmichael,

Large rea nest onion;
planting quarter up 4 tin
quarter planted mak 8
in hill 65e a gal. PP Kl
and everbearing str;
plants $2.00 per M. Mrs,
Robbs, Rt 1, Flowery Bran

Giant Ga. grown garl
5c each, 6 for 25e p
scallion onion buttons f
spring eating mild fla
from trash 12c per qt
or exc. for white multiy
onions. Mrs. C. A. .
wanee, =

Nice clean new sage 4
del; hot. pepper green |
red winter multiplyin
buttons, (now time to pla

Kind that makes onions i

25 gal. or exch. for values.
Aaron Hill, Rt 1, May:

Hot red pepper 25e. per

. $2.00 per bu. have 2 1

two year old Scuppernon

from seed 50c each. 12.

vines 25 each, 60 black y
trees 1 ft. 25c each, add po

Money order. W. B. Paen


Calif. multiplying beer s
tablespoonful, 3 for 25

Nolen, ees

postage. Keedie


Exc. 40 large Klondike
berry plants for rhododend
3 ft. bushes; with good ro
for abelia, Mrs. Hugh WU.
wood, Cartersville. Rt. 3.

Will exc. red, yellow, >

} ed, cream and pink cann


orange, physostegi
lardia i

and hollyhock

tulips, iris evergreens
blooming shrubs. Mrs. Cc. D
liams, Buford. Rt. 2.

Exe; red and oi1ange Amar:
1 pink oleander, 3 yrs. old
tanas, and other box flow
kind shrubbery cuttings
den seed, bantam chickens,
anything can use. Mr
Pittman, Maysville. *

Want King Alfred,
Emperor and Olumpia 4d
bulbs, Easter Madonna and
size Shamrock hvlbs.. M
true to name. Will exc. A
is, giant size narcissi, spide
bulbs, rooted abelias, roses
other flowers. Mrs. Dewey
mans, Stillmore. Rt. 1. ~

Will pay $25.00 for 100

trees, well shaped, tru

least 3 in. dia., 10 to 15
rocts protected by ball of
Trees to b del. my place
Northside Drive) about |

| ber ist. Answer. Hugh

son, Atlanta. 160 Peachtre

N. E.

Want Leopard ae
called. Leopard Begon:
butter-cup bulbs.

Mrs. George Nunn, oe

| ville.

Want buy cuttings of Ca:

Conner. Macon. Box. 478.

Want some Red May
and deep red Crepe Myrile.
vise. Mrs. A. J. Grimes, G
wood. j j

Want a scarlet hardy
Write first, send price
scribe. Will buy or exch
ors. Mrs. Clarence:
Cleveland. Star Route.


Purple iris, cream nal
25e doz; yellow regal lil Ss
doz; bridal wreath double
flowers 75c doz; flowering |
& purple lilac 10c each; E
white dogwood 15c each
postage. Miss Lorene ae
Talking Rock. i a

Sweet scent-d . dountal
pinks, plumosus, mixe
200 for 90c; April bloo
cissus, mixed iris 200 for
regal lilies 6 for 50c. Miss Cl
tine Mclecd, mt 25 Bx 1
lege Park.

5000 old fashioned yell
quil bulbs 50e per C, $4.!
or the entire lot or $2
BB Searieh Byrol

50 nice water oaks f.

value. M. G.
150 purple lilacs 6 in. to
well rooted, about 10
shrubbery up to 3 ft.


corn oats, chickens or what
you. Will not ship. G. T.
fin, Rt 1, Bx 3, Monticel

Several Cape Jasmine
well rooted, blooming ~
50c each; several oleander:
tings, well rooted 25c.
postage. No checks. M.

J. Floyd, Chipley. <

all colors 35c doz:

, almond, altheas, bridal
eigelis, Janonicas 15c
rple iris 25e doz; crab-
sprouts 10c each; running
red, white, yellow 20c
vitae well rooted 25c
dd postage. Mrs. J, M.
t 2, Bx 88, Ellijay.
ral lJarge blooming size
amas =saand=ss Thanksgiving
50 to $1.00 according to
Sure to bloom this year.
.. H. Price, Locust Grove.
Oriental noppy seed,
bl., 10c this. Add postage..
A. Brookins, Milledge-

rimson spider lilies, 25c
ffodils, narcissi, 20c doz;
ity of Portland, pink,
Red, 50e doz. Add post-
stamps. Miss Thena Tan-
bulbs: daffodils, jon-
marcissi, 50c C; Grape
hs, Star of. Bethlehem,
temerocallis, Dbl. Kwanso
each; Richard Wallace,
vyania and Gladiater can-
yc doz. Postage paid on
orders; W. R. Thoms,

of junipers, 2-5 ft. Write
rices and samples; narcissi
50e C; Dwarf boxwood,
-10c ea. 12 for $1.00; pur-
75e C.. Not postpaid.

. Gilstrap,\Alio. Rt. 2.
yellow, sweet scented
50e doz; milk and wine

J. M. Middleton,

arcissi bulbs for sale 15
special price in larger
jes or exchg. for shrubs
ther plants. Mrs. John D.
Tifton. a) i
ik crepe myrtle, magnolia,
ood, sweet. bay, tea olive,
een oak, sweet myrtle.
straw pine, umbrella china,
assairas 1 ft. 10c, 3 ft. 25c,
35c or exche. for white feed
ed cannas 25c a doz. Miss
ts, Rt 2, 'Toomsboro.
m ivy 2 rooted cuttings
00; 4 rooted double pink
/50c; cuttings of 3 dif-
colors, dbl. white altheas,
50c; 3 different
clematis. cuttings 6
oc. Mrs. W. lL. Guillebeau,
low daffodils, jonquils, nar-
$1.00 per C; $8.00 per M;
iris, rose perennial sweet

t hedge /rooted $2.00 per C,
per M, cuttings $1.00 per
vergreen, spirea bunch
suckle, rose cuttings {1.00

Add postage. Mrs..J. M.|

on, Tignall, /

yellow fragrant
5; narcissus,
$2.50 per C, paper white
, doz; white yellow center
doz; white iris 60c a doz.,
r and egg 40c doz. All post-

Josephine Raly, Mitchell.
onna and Tiger lilies,
bulbs 25c each 6 for $1.00
postage. Mrs. Geneva

, Rt 2, Bx 25, Toomsboro. |

Jerusalem cherry plants,
Williams 25c doz; larger
Jants 15, 20 and 25e ea.
ted Christmas cactus 10c
5c doz. Mrs. Newt E.
Rt 5, Carrollton.
it 200 deep watermelon
erepe myrtle 2 to 4 ft. tall
15e each;-Also hen and
by chicks mixed heavies 2
old $2.75 for lot not del.
Ww. T. Bryan, Sharpsburg.
3 of narcissi, jonquils,
Ss, hyacinths mixed $4.00
7 colors fine cannas $3.00
nixed or $4.00 for any one
C. Mrs. J. RK. Camp,

and blue Dutch hya-
i5e per doz; gladiolas
ed blooms 30c per doz;
aper white narcissus, very
t 50e per doz; small April
ing narcissus cluster 20c
loz; buttercups 20c per doz.
. P. Reed, Rt 1, Varnell.
juil, yellow and white, nar-

st, $1.00 doz; 25 color iris,
lifies $1.00 per C; gar-
- rooted 25c each. Other

ach; nandinas, 2 yr. old,
Wisteria, 2 yr. 25c each;
palms 2 to 3 yrs old 50c
Pink weigelias 2 yrs. old
cach. Add postage. Mrs.
e Sampson, Sr., 407 N.
on St., Thomasville.
cissus bulbs, red dogwoods,
holly . bushes, white
Nl 85c doz. Miss Opal
mn, Mineral Bluff.
ral colors verbena pink,
red, white, red with
-center 25 doz. plus post-
kinds coleus 5e per cut-
veral kinds cactus reas-

Mrs, A. . Malphins, |



Pink weigelias 20c each; white
Snowball 25c each; purple and

blue iris $1.00 per ; yellow but-

tercup, purple foxgleve i5c doz.
All rooted, Mrs. R, M. Ray, Rt 3
Ellijay. oo : :

Crepe myrtles, magnolia, Jaur-
els, prickly ash, butterfly bush,
dbl. flowering almonds red,
white. Red holly, lemon ever-
green, dbl. & sgl. red; white
Spireas Birdeye 2 yr. sizes 20c,
moss packed. W. C. | Lewis,
Toomsboro. if

Maenolia, sweet - bay, long
straw pine, evergreen oak, wild
Jasmine, crepe myrtle, dogwood,
tea olive, evergreen 1 ft. 10c, 3
for 25, 3 ft. 25c, 4 ft. 35c., Exch.
for white -feed sacks, red cannas
25c doz. Add postage. Miss Grac
Pitts, Toomsboro., :

Large double mixed colored

poppy seed 10c tablespoonful or

will exchange 2 tablespoons full
for any kind of rooted monthly
rose bushes. Add postage. Mrs..
W..A. Fletcher, Rt 2, Tifton.
Magnolia, Tea Olive, red holly,
Eng. dogwood, sweet bay, cu-
cumber tree, Beauty bush, but-
terfly bush, Indian pipe, 3t.
Johns worth, euonymous, box-

shrubs 15c.

Mrs. Mamie Lewis,

Althea, white spirea, red Ja-
ponica, almond, snowball, spruce
pine, all well rooted 15c each;
azaleas all colors 35e doz; run-
ning azaleas; sweet scented flow-
er, red, white, yellow 25c. doz;
red, white running roses 10c :ea;

purple iris 25e doz; Tame. locust

1l6e,each. Add postage. Mrs. Coy
Davis, RED 2, Ellijay. Neue

Dbl. pink oleander 30 and: 35
each; large flowering yellow
Jasmine 15c each; dbl. pink al-
thea, 15c each; forsythia 15 and

Miss Mittie Collins, Rt 1, Smith-
ville. .

Large double marigold seed 10c
pkg; double day lilies 20c doz;
few doz. Dusty plants 15c doz;
large yellow cannas 20c doz.
exch. for calla, Madonna and.
amaryllis lilies. Add postage.
Send stamps. Mrs. Charlie Hayes,
Rt 1, Lilburn.

Lovely boxwood 6 to 8 in. uni-
form sizes $1.00 doz; $6.00 per
C; small boxwood plants $2.75
per \C3; watermelon. red crepe
myrtle 25c each, $2.75 doz; Cy-
donia Japonica red 25c each 5
for $1.00; English dogwood 25c
each; yellow winter Jasmine 10
each, 50c doz. Satisfaction guar.
Mrs. T. J. Robinson, Greenville.

Sweet Bay, magnolia, long
strawed pine evergreen, wild.
yellow Cape Jasmine, dogwood,
te olive, evergreen oak 1 ft. 10c,
8 ft. 25c) 4 ft. 35c; or exchange
for white feed sacks, red cannas
25c doz. Miss Elise Pitts, Tooms-

boro. :

Magnolia, sweet bay, pink and
red crepe myrtle, tea olive, dog-
wood, long straw pine, wild yel-
low Jasmine, sweet myrtle, ever-
green oak, red maple, umbrella
china 1 ft. 10c, 3 ft. 25ce, 4 ft. dae;
eannas red and yellow 25c doz;
or exchg. for white feed sacks.
Add postage. Mrs. Nellie Pitts,
Rt. 2, Toomsboro.


The following Flower
notices were accepted for
publication for Oct. 15th
issue but were omitted by

_ Chinkypen roses 10c each; all
colors azaleas 35c doz; laurels,
rhododendrons 75e doz; pink al-
monds, Rose of Sharon 10 each
3 for 25c; blue iris and daffodils
ide. Exchange for anything of
value. Add postage. Mrs. Irene
Brawner, RFD 1, Ellijay.
Rhododendrons, Mtn.
redbuds, crabapple, red & white
dogwood, white pine coralberry,
red, yellow azaleas, well rooted
$1.00 dozen; red Japonicas 25c

Mineral Bluff. :
Double pink, white, red, yellow

Japonicas, 4 yr. old, well rooted!

50c each; red, yellow dogwood 25c
each; Black King iris, 35e doz;
peony bulbs $1.25 doz; Boston
ferns 25c each. Miss Sary Lue
Barrett, Rt 3, Ellijay.

Double red, yellow, pink, white
Japonicas 4 yr. old, well rooted
50c, in pots 75e each; red, pink
and yellow dogwood 9 for $1.00;
Dbl. yellow, white peonies $1.00
doz; boxwoods $1.00 each. John-
nie Davis, Rt. 3, Ellijay.

Sweet yellow Jasmine, January
Jasmine, butterfly bush, 2#ypso-
phila Panniculata (baby breath),

pink thrift 50c per C. Prepaid
above 50ec. Mrs. Alma Scott, Con-

cord. s


Azaleas mixed colors 50c doz; |

! dogwood,

woods, coral berry, well rooted }-

20e- each. All rooted PP in Ga.

Igurel, |:

each, 6 for $1.00. Mrs. Joe Henry,}

Christmas honeysuckle $1.00 doz;


All colors azaleas, 35c 4Goz.;
spruce and white pine, laurels,
English dogwood, $1.00 doz.; al-
mond, altheas, 15c;
-phiox, purple and blue iris, 20c
doz. Add postage. Linda Evans,
Eliijay, Rt. 2.

California, violets, chrysanthe-
mums, rose cuttings, snowdrops,
iris, day lilies, ferns, galax, $1.00
C; japonicas, coralberry, . butter-
fly, spirea, roses, dogwood, crab-
apple, spruce, white pine, aza-
leas, mtn, laurel, rhododendron
$1.00 doz. Mrs. J. H. Penland,


20 rose color verbena, well
rooted plants, 25; narcissus
bulbs, 50 or- more ic ea.; Lady
_Thompson strawberry plants,
30e C; everbearing, 25c. Mrs. L.
W. Seago, Pinehurst. i a

Mtn. laurel rhododendrons,

azaleas, redbud and
coralberry bush, white pine,
erabapple sprouts, 3 ft. high,
well rooted, all $1.00 doz. Post-
paid. Lucile Wilson, Morganton.

\ Dwarf cane jasmine 25 and
50e; -sweetheart roses, rooted,
.25e, 85e and 50c ea.; 100 mixed
| Jonquil, daffodil, narcissi, hy-
cinth bulbs, $1.00. Also Red nest
onion 10c Ib. Add postage. Miss
Mary C. Florence, Durand.

Harly shasta daises, 20c doz.,
$1.50 C; golden yellow cannas
lilies, 75c C. Mrs. W. L. Stear-
man, Savannah, Rt. 1.

Tris -blue hycinths, dble. daffo-
dils, arbor-vitae, privet, cedars,
Spirea, weigelia, dogwood, al-
butterfly bush. wisteria, crimson
quince. Send card for description
and. price. Mrs. C, H. Ward;
Adairsville, Rt. 1.

Mixed color azaleas, 12 for
$1.00; red and cream dogwood,
$1.00 doz.; rhododendrens,
laurel, ivy, black, white spruce
pines, 1.25 doz.; sweet shrubs
elders, butterfly bush, pink al-
monds, white and lavender
althea, lilies, $1.00 doz. Hisie
Heaton. Mineral Bluff.

Larkspur, poppy, phiox, ni-
-me-knot, hollyhock seed, 5c pke.
del. Also many kinds of spring
planting zinnias. Marion McCon-|
nell, Cornelia. ;

Pink thrift rooted 40c per C,
or 300 plants for $1.00 plus post-
age. Mrs. J. H. Duke, Wrens.

Large double mixed poppy
seed 10c tablespoon, will exchg.
for monthly blooming rose bush-
es rooted. Add postage. Mrs. W.
A, Fletcher, Rt. 2, Tifton.

Mums, white pink, yellow 25c
a doz; white May narcissi 50e
per C, King Alfred bulbs 75c per
C or $6.00 per M: purple tree
-hollyhocks, well rodted 15 ca.;
August lilies 15c ea. Miss Ruby
Smith, Rt. 2, Buchanan.

Rhododendrons, red dogwoods,
red buds, azaleas, pussy willows
tulip poplar, Cherokee roses 3
for 25c; arbor-vitaes 35 & 5c;
hibiscus, morning bride 2 for
_25e; white jonquils 75c per C. F.
E. Abercrombie, Mineral Bluff.

Flowers, red blooming size
Spider lilies 5c, yellow winter
blooming oxalis bulbs, feverfew
plants 20c a doz; scarlet verbena
and other colors 25c a doz; jon-
quile 50e per -C. All del. to 2nd
zone. Dbl. poppy seed free. Mrs.
KJ. hb. we atillo,. Rist, \Bx To: Ta
Grange. = g

White jonquils 75c per C,
$6.00 per M; purple iris, hemero-
callis, hardy phlox 85e a. doz;
azaleas, rhodedendrons, Mtn.
laurel, red & white dogwood,
tulip poplars, red maples, Chero-
kee roses 3 for 25c. Add postage.
Susie Wilson Loving.

4 large arbor-vitaes $5.00 each.
Several smaller size at a reason-
ble price if you come for them.
Miss Dessie Walker, Rt 4, Blairs-
ville. | Y

Milk & wine lilies, naricssus,
wisteria, red, white & pink clus-
ter roses, hibiscus, Grand Duke,
Fire cracker, garlic, turkey figs
to exchange for Leopard & gol-
den lilies of Japan, Sunset lilies,
hyacinths, tulips, sweet shrubs
or any kind of flower. L. McFar-
lin, Rt 2, Blakely. |

White narcissus (poeticus) and
yellow long trumpet daffodil
bulbs 50e per C blooming = size.
Mrs. Walter R. Perkins, Mt.

Royal Ponciana, spotted leaf
begonia 25c each; grape begonias,
Spengeria ferns, Jerusalem cher-
ries 10c each; all growing plants.
Delivered. Will exchange for
bulbs. Mrs. C. A. Vastellow, 422
Johnson Ave., Macon.

Magnolia, tea olive, red dog-
wood, sweet myrtle, long straw
pine, wild yellow jasmine, sweet
bay, pink crepe myrtle, umbr.lla
china, evergreen oak 1 ft. 10c,
3 ft. 25c, 4 ft. 35c or exch. for
white feed sacks, red cannas 25
a doz. Miss Grace vitts, RFD 2,
Toomsboro, :

Rex Begonia 25c each, sultana
15c each, poppies, sultanas, sweet
pea seeds 10c per pkg. Mrs. Mary
F. Jordan, Rt. 4, Crawford -ille.

Yellow oxalis bulbs for fall

red, pink;

forsythia, pussy willow, |)


gella. California Chinese forget-}

planting 25c.a doz. plus postage. |.



Nice Swedish Junipers v to &
or 10 ft. tall $1.00 each by truck
loads; Trio of N. Z. red rabbits
5 or 6 months old, sell or- exch.
Alice Stokes, Rt. 3, Bx 5, Jasper.

Magnolia, sweet bay, pink
crepe myrtle, dogwood, tea olive
evergreen oak, sweet myrtle, um-
brella china, long straw pine, red.
Sassafras 1 ft. 10c, 3 ft. 25c, 4
ft. 35c -or exch. for white feed
sacks. Mrs. Nellie Pitts, Tooms-
boro. Rt 2, 2

: Large bulbs wh:te May bloom-
ing sweet scented narcissus any
amount. Mrs. M. T. Pirkle, Rt.
8, Gainesville. a

Real large Madonna lily bulbs
$1.25. Postage paid on 1 doz. or.
more. Josie Linderman, 112 E.
Spring St., Gainesville,

Large shaggy daisies much
larger than Shasta 25c. per doz;
Old fashioned double white spice
pinks 25c per doz; pink thrift
20c per doz. Plus postage. Mrs.
T. A. Burkes, Washington.

White Spruce Pines, laurels,
rhododendrons 90c a doz; all col.
azaleas 40c a doz: red Japonicas,
altheas 15c each. Well rooted.
Add postge. Minnie Shepard,
Hast Ellijay.

Red hot poker 25c a clump,
purple iris, cream, 4 colors Ye
per C; orange day lilies, Shasta
daisies 50c per C;
blooming jasmine 10 each by C.
Mrs. E. J. McConnell, Demorest.

Nice jonquii bulbs 35c per C3)

500 $1.00; yellow narcissus 35c
_ber C, 200 %5e. Prepaid. Good
time to plant. Mrs. C. R. Sor-
rells, Rt 1, Monroe. 5

ple running lantana 10c, red
hardy carnations 20c; large size
Evonymusmake offer, Miss
Pat McClanahan, $18 E. Harris
St., Savannah,

Well rooted monthly blooming

Cape Jasmine 3 postpaid for 50c
or 20
Cc. W. Jackson, Rt 3, Bowdon.
. Deep watermelon pink crepe
MIiyrtles 2 to 4 ft; umbrella.
-chinas J. to 3 ft. 10 each plus
del. chgs; also 100 2 yr. seedling
peach sprouts 2 to 4 ft. 10c each.
Mrs. W. T. Bryan, Rt 1, Sharps-

3 arbor vitaes 15 in. $2.00 each

| or $5.75 for lot; 800 more or less:

sage bushes from seed this year
$25.00 for lot, well worth (25
each; 60 Black walnut trees 1 ft.

15 scuppernong vines from seed
this year 25c. Add shipping chgs.
Money order. W. B. Bass, Rt 1,
Swainsboro. d j

Red, white, rose, phlox, w! -:e,
blue, yellow iris, lemon lilies, red,
white, gold dbl. mums 25c doz;
dbl. pink peonies; 20 bulb: tulips
10c each; daffodils, narcissus 20e
doz.; bridal wreath, snowball,
lilac, red myrtle, red Japonica
25 each. No checks. Mrs. C. C.
Vick, Ellijay.

Purple lilac 10c each: lavendar
foxglove 20c doz; 8 in. hedge cut-

tings 2 for 5c; arborvitae, box-
wood cuttings, butterfly cut-
tings, red, white, pink running.
roses 385c doz. cuttings; Rust
Lilies 35 doz. Add postage.
Mrs. B. M. Davis, Rt 2, Ellijay.
Mtn. laurel, rhododendrons,
azaleas 3 colors, red, pink, yel-
low dogwood, redbud & coral-
berry. bush, white pine, Cherokee
roses, crabapple, holly bush 3 ft.
high, well rooted. $1.00 doz. post-
Mrs. Boon Wilson, Morgan-

Double Japonicas, red, white,

poppy, 4 yr. old, well rooted 50c
each; red, yellow dogwood 4 for
$1.00; peonies $1.00 doz. Miss
Etta Barrett, Rt 3, Ellijay, 5
Magnolia, greybeard, tea olive,
Sweet shrub, sweet myrtle dog:
wood, yellow, jasmine, ever-
green oak, holly, crabapple,
sweet y, honeysuckle 1 ft. 10c,
8 ft. 25c. Add postage. Mrs. D. F.
Colson, Rt 3, Toomsboro.

& eggs $1.00 per C;. long trumpet

_doffodils $1.00 per C; blue spider
lilies $1.00 doz; Missionary straw-
berry plants 500 for $1.25, $2.00
per M. Miss Mattie McCurley,
Rt 2, Hartwell.

Purple and lavendar iris 75c

|} per C; pink spirea, bridal wreath,

golden bell, purple lilac, forsy-

thia 6 for 35c; abelia 15c a: cut-

ting; dbl. pink althea, pink and
white weigelia 15c doz. Mrs.
Henry Eller, Rt3, Ellijay.

Magnolia tea olive, greybeard, |

dogwood, sweet bay; sweet sh-ub,
holly, pines, crabapple, myrtle,
yellow jasmine, Birdseye, ever-
green oak 1 ft..10c. 3 for 25c. 3
ft. 25c. Add postage. Mrs. M. C.
Connell, Rt. 2, Toomsboro.

Dwarf boxwood, well rooted,
bunchy tops, cultivated 3 years
$2.50 a doz; Ga. Mrs. E.
A. Smith, Rt 3, Greenville.

Blue Spider lilies, Double
Regal lilies . $1.00 doz; yellow
larkspur roots for planting 35c
doz; yellow, white jonquils $1.00

Mrs, D. H. Vocke, Valdosta,

- | Hartwell.-

per C.. Nora McCurley, Rt 2



dogwood 4 for $1.00;

doz; red dogwood 4

pink 6 years old 50c each: 1


-and. pink monthly rose cut

ach not postpaid. Mrs.|
| shrub, grancy greybeard,

-each; yellow peonies ee
Mrs. Earl\Keener, Rt 8, Ellijay.
25 each or $12.00 for lot; about}.

White, yellow jonquils, butter |

care. NV
| Greenville.


Double red, white, pink Ja.

_ponicas, red, yellow and pink

honeysuckles 50c each; red and
yellow dogwood 25c each; Dbl
yellow peonies $1.00 doz. Well
rooted. M, M. Gentry, Rt 3, Elly
jay. - De te
Double Japonicas, red, pinky
white, yellow, 4 years old 506
each; Dowble Japonicas red and |

white in pots 75c each (4 years ce

old 3; red, white, yellow, pink
Suckles 50c each. Mrs. J. C.
Keener, Rt 3 Ellijay. : cae
Double yellow peonies $1.00
for $1.0

double Japonicas red, white ;

5 de

yellow, pink honeysuckle
each, all well rooted: Mrs
Gentry, Rt 3, ealijay wee
Blue Spider lilies $1.00
yellow & white jonquils, b

'& eggs $1.00 per C; yellow cups

& saucers $1.25 per C; Missionary

| strawberry plants 500 $1.25

per M; peppermint plant )
doz. Miss Cecile McCurley, Rt. 2
Hartwell, Fi Ae Re:

Shrubbery: Boxwoods, January
Jasmine, Flowering quince, ligue
strum, Euonymus, abelia 25 and

50c each; yellow Jasmine. cherry _

laurel 25 each. Plus postage. No |
stamps. Juanita Whigham,
Whigham. ;

| ..35 col. iris, mixed gladiolas _

$1.00 per C, $5.00 per M; blue
calla, lilies 40 each, 3 for
white calla lilies 7 for $1.00; yel-
low .callas 80c each 4 for $1.00.
Mrs. S. M. Gunter, Rt 1, Law

Blue violets bloom in winter

-25e doz; white violets 2 doz 25c:


$1003 2

| renceville. \ as
Rose double oleanders 15c3 pur-:

perennial phlox 3 doz. 35c; red ~~

3 doz. 50e; golden glow 3 for 280
rooted size; sage 45c doz; pie
plants 3 for 25c. Add postage.
Mary Grindle, Dahlonega, Rt.. si
Tea olive, magnolia, sweet.
bay, sweet myrtle, holly, crab-
apple, birdseye, long straw pine,

-evergreen, yellow jasmine\ 1 ti
10c 3 for 25, 3 ft. 25c each. Add ~

postage. Mrs. Freeman Watson,
Rt,:2; Toomsboro. a
Double red, white, pink, yels
low Japonicas 4 years old 50c
each; red, yellow dogwood 4 for
$1.00; pink, red honey. suckle 0c
$1.00 doz

100 large early blooming pur-
ple wisterias already rooted


Bulbs: White Easter, orange,
amaryllis 10e each $1.00 doz; yele
low jonquils, magic lilies, paper
white narcissus white iris,
white tuberose, pink gladiolas




each or 8 for 50c. Lot of 100 for:
$15.00 FOB. Mrs. Harold Brown, ~
Rt 3, Commerce. : SS

25e doz; white fairy, yellow daf- ,

fodils 15 doz. or $1.00 per C. No

stamps. Add postage. Mrs. W. L.

Whigham, Whigham, Fe
Purple iris, yellow, white nar-
cissus, orange lilies $1.00 per C;
white peony 25c; grape begonia,
maiden hair fern 20c, rain box


fern, lavendar wisteria 15c, pink es

oxalis 5e. Addie-Hughey Rt 1,

Royal Blue iris, orange day

ilies $1.00 per .C:; Lilac 15 _achs

Royal blue purple violets 50c per
C; yellow Marchal Neil rambler, >
different colors monthly
cuttings 15c doz. Mr. W. H,
Hughey, Rt 1, Fairmount.

Laurels, rhododendrons, spruce __

and white pines 70c doz; azaleas
mixed colers 35e doz; purple


lilac 15e each 2 for 25c; purple

Javendar iris 15e doz; yellow

flags 15c doz; red Japonicas 10@

each 3 for 25c. Will sell or ex-
change for anything of value.
Add posstage. Jannie
RFD 1, Ellijay.

3 pink monthly rose bushes,
all bloomed this year, 25 each;
white narcissus 20c doz. or 80c
per .C; blue or purple iris 75c per
C; weigelias, spirea and abelia.

ful. Mrs: Bettie Roberts, Rt 2,
Bx 71, Tallapoosa. ae
Monthly roses, wisteria vines,
pea locust shrubs, pink almond,
brides boquet, hollyhocks, 5c ea3
day lilies 50c per C; verbena 25c
doz; Runner rose cuttings 2 for
5c, purple iris 55c per C, 50c per

C for 500 or more. Add postage. .

Lizzie Barnes, Oakman.

Rhododendrons, Mtn.
red bud, azaleas, white



cuttings 10c doz. 50c per C or
exch. for tulips or something uses ~

eoralberry, red dogwood $1.00 a ~ ane

doz; large purple iris $1.00 per C.:

All well rooted. Frank Tienry,

Mineral Bluff.
Nareissi, iris

$1.00 per s<Cs

| thrift 50e doz; Lady of Lake 50c d
per C; travelers delight 2 yr. old

50c each; cannas 50c doz; giant
dbl. tiger lilies 10c each. Exch.
for azaleas. Eva Haynes, Buford.

Rooted dwarf boxwood, nice 4
to 6 in. border plant $3.00 per C;

smaller plants $2.00 per C; or-

ders filled promptly and vith
Mrs. R. F. Terrell, Rt 3,

o. Phosphate deficient crops a

duce poorly nourished animals
_and costly gains in weight, Hu-
mans also suffer from these de-
ficiencies. es
Grass and legumes protect
: aha. enrich the soil, winter and
summer, and require less labor
and expense per: acre than row
Bis ones
Plant cover and fertile soil
make prosperous . farmers, a


beautifil countryside and abun-

a wild oS ;


Wont: a 2 mule crop {|

Will have to pe
to as much as
ands to work, 3
be hands. Do not smoke, chew

rink, Charlie ae Rts

o on 50-50. basis,

ung man with wife and 3.

Idren wants job as dairyman.
Experienced, Can drive truck or
do any kind of farm work.
: ould | like crop on halves for
Z 38. F. O. Brown, Rt 1, Law-
erce vile. : Pi

: Want a panes ehurn, 10 oh
suitable for use with elec-
or, in A-1 cond. _ Make

pe * es _ Wood-

- Osburn, ee Rt. 5.
if es tne a8 :
Want a John acts disc
er in go0d cond., also tanden
arrow. | ALB: Strickland, Edison.

Want Farmall: tractor with cul-
ivator and harrow. Must be in
good cond. G. We Kellar, White-
3 Want ot, power feed. mill for
utting silage, cheap for cash. J.
M. Godwin, Washington. Rt. 2.

Want Caterpillar type tractor,
suitable for peach orchard work.

Give description and cond. L. 8.

Sewell, N ewnan,

- Want 1 aernp boiler, 60 gal.
cap. Dee McDaniel, Hazlehurst.

Want set of. Fairbanks
form scales, size 14 x 8 A, G.
Wells, Ashland.

Want a4 or 6 gal. cap. elec-
tric churn. Must be in good cond.
: M. Smith, College Park. aa)
Lyle Ave.

Want a 1 or. 2 h. p. gas motor



r eng ine with pulley. State low-

est ee del. Paul C. Sniith, De-

dnt a grist mill in = good
ond. age cheap for cash. T. D.
2 . Ellijay.

Want secorid: hand 50 or 60 h.
Dp boiler.. State what you have
d price; also have an up-
ight Rocks Meadows corn, com-
>t 1. p. John Deere gas.
Doyle: Ramsey, Toccoa.

ant quick 1 grist mill, 48 in,
ing rock, good. cond. and.

J: E. Chancy, Blakely.

Want. old. fashioned flat corn
mill rocks, in gocd cond., cheap.
m een, Hawkinsville. Rt.

eo ae ae

mill at
price and
Can ~ give

Want a power cane |

nce. State cond.,.

s immediately. -

up in part payment.
Dasher, Marlow.

Want good side plow oe Ford-
cheap for cash.
Hoiner Stanley, Pisgah. .

small upright boiler

pout 15 h. p., for farm use and

oO pull a grist mill, cheap for

cash. M. A. lee Glen-
wood. Rite t.

Want a fertilizer mixer, capa-
of preparing about 200 tons
uano per season; also a culti-
vating type tractor and equip-
ent for same. FF. G. Pedrick,


| ehicken feed. mill,

| Pappa, . Atlanta.


H. | Mrs.


Interostional gas. eng., com-
ri te. with crusher, cheap for
sh. At once. W. J. Whitted,

surrency. Care. L. C. Tyre, Rt. 2.

ll for $75. 00, a geod No. 2 pow-
ane mill; 1 dbl. section drag

harrow, $19. 00.

00; mower and rake,

Second Hand Machinery


Second Mond Machinery

Meadow 20 in. grist mill,
$25. 00 FOB; also want to hear
from party who wants good exp.
man to operate mill for wages

er commission. Write. menmark

King, Pavo. Rt. 2.

30 h. p. return tubler boiler,
20 h. p. eng., also 1 J-Bee feed
mill, 38 in. Cole make grist mill,
also, corn
sheller, all in good shape. Come
see. H. I. Shingler, Ashburn.

1 Cole cotton planter, almost
new, 1 2 horse .wagon, fair
cond., 1 Oliver Turner, 2. iron-
beam plow stocks, 1. dbl. footed.
guano distributor. 2 mi. west of
Royston. Anderson Hill, Royston.

2 5 gal. cream cans at 1-2
price; also corn sheller, turned |
by hand, corn stock and fodder
cutter, turned by hand; Moline
plows and stocks, All cheap. Mrs.
Lessie Crawford. Ila. | y

8 horse reversible disc plow |
without disc, in good cond., for
best offer. C. T. Barnett, Farm-
ington. Rt 2,

Old fashioned corn mill, 48 in.
rocks, Ker. motor, - complete,
ready to run; power corn shell-
er. C. S. Taylor, Fort Valley.

2 Atl. Utility Works 2 row
duster, I Illinois broom corn
scraper, a med. size apple _ cider
grinder . -and press, 1 Meyer
Sprayer and attachments. All
good cond. Priced very low. John
363 7 oe
Drive, N. E:

eit second- hand power eane mill
and 10 ft. copper pan, $60. 00 for
both, or mill, $50.00 and. pan,
$10, 00. In good: running order.
A ieee We Evans Gay. oe

A few farm. tools for cash or
will take part pay in corn. Can-
not: ship. Mrs. W. D. van
Jackson. P, O. Box 183. Save

1 Oliver 24 abl. disc harrow in |.

zood shape, for sale. or trade for

orchard sprayer in good shape;

Avery 4 h. gas eng., for sale or
trade for 3 roller cane mill and
10 ft. copper pan in good cond.
J. F. Cook, Madras.

Friend orchard power gprayer,
200 gal. cap. and Fordson trac-
tor. Ww. M. Strickland, Summer-

Grist mill- outtit, now in oper-
ation. See or _write. R. M. Lov-
vorn. Richland. : E

1 set of tobacco barn tied
only used this season, also 875
sticks, cheap for cash. C. H.
Wiggins, Thomasville. Rt. 4.

1 International eng., 12 h. p.
ker. burner, for sale or swap for
a 6 mo. old, pure bred, Hereford
bull. W. T. Cofield, LaGrange.
eet. fas

1 dbl. unit McCormick: Deering

milking machine, used about 2
yrs. for sale or trade. Consider

beef cattle. J. B. Clecker. Fay-|


14 dise seed drill for cash, or
trade. A. Li. Coffee, Eastman.

15-30 International tractor eng.,
with disc, in good cond., $375.00,
or without disc, $300.00. James
D. Barrett, Calhoun. RED 2,

Cane Mill, 16 by 18 in. 2 roller,
old fashioned recently over-haul-
ed, $30.00 my farm. M. J. Eason,
Alma. Rt. 3.

1 Appomattox No. 3. Jr., pea-
nut sheller, good as new, run

}only 8 wks. for sea ae Ge Rob-

erts, Colquitt.

A small gas engine for sale.
See or write. H. W. Bing, oe
wood. Rt. 1._

3 roller steam cane mill, an.

| Mrs. H. E. Archer, Guyton.

Lynchburg No. 9 turner (ust
the thing for 2 small mules),
good as new, $5.00 cash my barn.
Clarence Pruitt, . Gaimes-
Ville. Rt. 40:

8 row Cole grain drill, good
cond., also 200 gal... cap. bean |:
spray tank, good cond., for sale.
ow Musselwhite, Reynolds,

Avery turn plows, 30 and 31,
good shape, $12.00 for both,
FOB. H. W. Thurmond, Greens-
boro. Rta 1; Box 131, /

No. 10 DeLaval separator, good
cond., $55.00 value for $25.00 and
party pay shipping chgs. Chas.
Sosebee, Cleveland. Rt. 1.

John Deere 2 bottom tractor
plow, little used, $35.00. Wm. J.
Brenn .n, Columbus. 1511-19th St.

6 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse ker.
engine for sale or trade for. eorn
or young, fresh cows. Write W.
T. Pelfrey, Doraville. j

2 second-hand 2 horse wagon
hubs, $1.50 not del, Jeff E. Day-
is, Egypt. Rt. 1, Box 148. a

1 syrup pan furnace about 9
ft. long, only used very little. J.
W. Williams, Wrightsville.
McCormick < Deering tractor,
for sale, H. R. ene: Bairds-
town. J

1 Ideal Mowe ine good ouiae

-cond., $25, co, D. J. Weolbright, |:

oe hprieht! Universal corn mill,
good ~; new, compiete with mo-
tor, etc., cheap. oO. Li se
Carroliton, -

1 horse wagon, 1 Boy Dixie
plow. stock, 8 hoes, 4 scrapes, -5
scooters, 1 pr. post hole diggers
and some other tools for $25. 00
or what have you?: Ww. D.
Stringfellow, Midland. RED fs
(40 miles from Macon. on Colum-
bus Rd.)

No.2. torebued turn plow,
$3. 50 or exc. for Wizard 3 h. turn

plow, or what have you? - Mrs.
Tharon F. _Hicks,. Adel. Rel

8 roller syrup. mill and 9 ft.
evaporator pan for sale. Mrs. B.
E, Clegg, Tifton. : ;

1 eomplete t1- stand Winship
gin, also 1 press to go. with SF)
Cc. F. Hunt, Thomson. ;

1 DeLaval cream separator,
| No. 10, in good cond., been in
use 5 yrs., $25.00. Mrs. Sao
Fleeman, Boston. Rt. 1;

1 cream separator, 3 to 8 sow
cap. Guar. good cond. Write.
Fred Bowles, Rydal, Rt. 2.

Large and small plows, sev.
harrows, planters, some hand
tools for farming, wagons, 1 and
2 horse. Correspondence solicit-
ed. J. R. Roller, College Park.

Chattanooga cane mill with all
fixtures, .$25.00; also sundried.
horse apples, 12 1-2c Ib. dried |
from ripe fruit, Mrs. er A.
Black, | The Rock.

1 good steam engine, Ad
cond., ready to run, cheap. A. E.
Treadwell, Culloden,

Second Fiscd Machinery

The tollowing notices were e
accepted for publication
for Oct. 15th issue but were
omitted by mistake: |

Want garden tractor in good
shape. Will exc. 12 yr. old 950 Ib.
sound,. work anywhere ~ farm

-|mule. Sidney Harfcock, Funston.

Want McCormick- Deering hay
rake, nearly new, in or near At-
Janta. State age, cond., and low-
est cash price. C. <A. Wells, At-
Janta. 365 6th he
He 4886 R. :

Want a stalk Gltter in good

planter. C. R. Ray, Ellijay. Rt. 3.

Want a 22-25 qt. pressure can-
ner in good cond. State particu-
lars and price. J. H. Getzen, Pen-

Want a tractor plow harrow.
Fred UL. White, Buckhead er
gan County). S

Want Farmall 12 or 20 tractor,
with all farm tools for these ma-
chines. W. C.. England. Rome.

Want wind mill and _ tower,
close by. State what you have. B.
. Boatright, Jr., Tennille.

Want 1 good foot dump hay
rake, in good cond., cheap. H. R.
Chappelear, Lavonia. Rt. 1,

- Want 1 upright dairy boiler. G.
C. Alford, Buckhead. _

Want a 40 or 50 h. p. boiler
without engine, in good cond.,
priced cheap. R. D. Hewlett, Con-
yers. RED.

- Want a No. 10 Meadows ham-
mer mill, a No. 2 corn sheller, in
first class and usable cond. F. .

N. EH.

Want stump. puller, Prefer one
operated by hand power. H, K.
Drake, Ellenwood. Rte:

Want a cyclone dusting ma.
chine, Martin make. S. T. Tygart,
Nashville. ; : ;

Want 2 horse power 8 roller
cane mill. Length of roller, 7 1-2

lor 8 inches. Must be reasonable

cash price, and in good cond. W.
W.. Oliff; Register. :

Want 1 small.hand power cider
press. State cond., and cash
price Claude Eubank, Smyrna.

Want at once wind mill, 40-50
ft. tower, in No. 1 cond., within
150 mi., cheap. C. H. Meeks, Pear-
son, Rt 1. ss

Want mule bay press and foot
dump rake, in good cond.
for cash. J. L. Horne; Cochran.

Want good hand power eane
mill and gas. eng., 6 h. p. W. F.
Patten, Adel. :

Want a ee feed mill.
State what you have and price
for cash. Joe M. Hadden, Avera.

Want a second-hand
tractor, CC type. State econd., and
price. Must be bargain. M. q.

| Clark, Donalsonville.

Want good, used power hay
baler, or press. State price and
cond., in first letter. Floyd L.
Norton, Wrens. Phone 74 ~S.

N. W. Phone:

cond., cheap for cash. Also corn |.

-| Bailey, Atlanta... 35 Linden Ave. a

scheap ;

jmiles .


~ Want Hammer feed rfl J umbo
or International preferred, in A-L

Seer Hand Machinery]

Want at once a Grist mill in
No: 1 cond. T. L, Anderson,
Dewey Rose. Rt. 1.

Want a spray machine for or-|

chard. J. J. Martin, Alto,

Want King roller for a cane
mill made by Columbus Iron
Works. C. B. Milner, Shiloh.

Want good tractor, power hay
press and other farm machinery,
cheap, J. H.._Leverett, Parrott.

: Wank ; good, seepnd have trac.
tor, tractor plow and harrow,

cheap. All must be in good cond.}

ready for use. D. B. Savage, De-
COtUre Ros Qaeae

Want to buy a good make sub-
|soil plow for tractor, cheap for
eash. C. O. Ingram, Stone Mtn.

Second Hand Machinery

Niagara. duster, Niagara spray
machine, corn shredder, good set
of scales and other equipment.
Mrs.: A. P. Dickinson, Williamson.

1 good old style John Deere
mowing machine, good running
cond., $25.00 cash my house. C. J.
Atkinson, Madison. Rt. 1.

1 gas. eng., 2 1-2 h. p. in good.
cond.;: $15.00 Co. C: Clements,
Chickamauga. SRt 2

I power cane mill, 175 to 200
gal. syrup a day. Leonard p
Adams, Junction City.

85 h. p. steam eng., with gov-
ernors, all in. good cond., suit-
able for gin. Ww. Elliott Camp.

1 milk Sparator: good cond.,
only used 2 mos., $50. 00. Hinton ;

| Smith, Woodland.

Sede Meadows grist mill, 8 h..
gas. eng., for. sale. Fy Ww. Bryant, |
Macon... Rt. 4,

International riding cultivator,

good cond., sell or exc. for young
pullets or walking cultivator, or
anything can use; also have P; C.
300 Ib. brood sow. Make offer. F.
A. Crowder, Milner.
'46 h. steam eng. and boiler
for sale, or trade for P. O. J.
seed cane and syrup, or young
Leghorns, B. E. Peeners Grear
ville. :

2 hay rakes, $15. 00 ea. 1 Deer-
ing mower, $20.00; 1 Bradley
mower, $50.00; 21 horse wagons
$15.00 ea. Ww. Je Morgan,
more, Rt. 1,

Livermor peanut picker: sae:
tor and baler, cheap. Mrs. T. Be
Stubbs, Americus, Rt. 2.

8 disc grain drill and mower,
both in good shape, $50.00. J.
Vandergriff, Decatur, Rt. 2.

Good feed mill for sale, near
Tucker. C. L. Hopkins, Tucker.

25 bbl. Midget Marvel flour
mill, complete, cheap; also J. I.
Case Thresher 21 X% 33 in. cylin-
der, complete with wind stackers,
hand feed. E. P. Borders, War-

1 Liverman peanut picker, 1
John Deer horse power hay press.
R. S. Anderson, Hawkinsville.

2 Elgin 5 gal. milk cans, A-1
cond., used about 3 wks., $5.00
cash, FOB. Fuller Sturdivant,
Chipley. Rt. 2.

Fordson tractor, running cond.,
$60.00. cash, FOB. Hubert Clark-.
Son, Baconton.

Fordson tractor an disc, 3
roller Chattanooga power syrup

mill and 16 ft. pan, 3 horse re-
versible plow, 2 horse wagon and
new ground scratcher, for sale.
Miss Cora Whitton, Buchanan.

McCormick Deering corn shred-
der and husker, just like new, at
a bargain. J. N. Atchinson, Craw-
- Deering Ideal International
mowing. machine and rake, $25.00;
1 No. 12 Chattanooga cane mil
and 1 Golden 9 ft. copper pan.
Good shape, not used very much.
$35.00 for both. G. C. omond:
son Temple, Rt. 1.

Blacksmith shop tools, 42 ie
top runner grist mill, fine set of
rocks, first class cond., ready to
go, No. 15 J. B. hammer mill.
Sell one or all at. Dareetn. M.
Beasley, Soperton.

1 No. 10 DeLaval cream sepa-
rator in No. 1 cond. $80.00 at my
door. C. LL. McEachin, Hazle-

Stump puller, good cond., with
or without cable, cheap. J: ae.
Bailey, Turin...

40 h. p. Schofield steam eng.,
gcod cond., $50.00, del. within 50
Atlanta. Coley White,

DeLayal cream separator, good
cond. Cost $52.00 sell for $25.00.
Mrs. 4. TT. Gresham, Penfield,

Benthal peanut picker for sale
cheap, F. A. Camp, aoe
Rt. ees

.-Good@ Economy King cream
separator largest Sears. carries),
$25, 00 cash or exc, for laying pul-

B. Stevens,

what have you? sits Te


Still- /

B. Thomas, Thomasbor
Good Ky. 2 horse 3

used 1 season). Bot
class cond. $40.00 at.
Reuben T. ee
Retz 32,

with bolts. $40.00 at eee he
J. Eason, Alma.

A $8 row harvestin
$15.00. FF. . M.
108 Lockwood Terrac

John Deere riding
first class cond., $25.00
Burns, Cochran. Rt. 4

No. 2 cane mill, 3 ro
galvanized pan, $25.00 ox tr
cow or hens. R. W. Sand

ah Columbus Golden mo
1 syrup 2 roller mill and
kettle (kettle nearly new),
A. R. Smith, Butler, Rt. :

1. dairy ice box, Se 10 ga
cap. $25.00. A. J. Anthony

No. 1 Star- corn os

and supper aaeee
idon, 1827 Montgomery St
nah. Gee

3 horses Avery sulke QO
2 horse I. H. C. riding cul
for sale or trade fo
Spreader or Smaulley. fi
with re-cutter attachment
junk Case 22 X 36 thresh
wind | stacker, one is ;
Augusta. : : =

i Sweet potato. ae de

i bu. gs first class
gain. R. P. . Jackson, Bacont

An old fashioned. set of.
i stones, complete, and 1
mick Deering motor. All
shape, ready to run, Cc. Ss. T
Et. Valley. se

and 10 ft copper
ready for use, for bale
for hogs or cattle. J i

Wheels and. ie:

milk goat or heifer ae
good milk stock. Troy
Lumpkin. No. 2-A. >.

re ee outfit, 16:

plete, direct driven fan,
and sacking spouts. No
Laval cream separator. App
T. Boswell, Jr.,. Siloam. |

8 h. International en;
type, mounted, good cond., g
kerosine. Feed mill, Br
make, practically new, At h a
lor steam boiler, Wheeler
pan, fair cond. Cheap fo
J. E. Dopson, Jackconvill

International cultivator,

1 dbl. hopper Cole planter,
distributor, all necessary 1
for a 2 horse farm, inclu
John Deere mower and rake
2 eon farm mules.

20 a corn mill, cylinder
sheller, hammer mill, an
implements and equipment,
class cond. Write we sf
Rydal. Rt. 2.

Chattanooga 2 hors
and potato digger, 1-I. H,
and rake, farm bell, disc
and many other farm impleme
Dan Browning, Helena. Box

No. 10 DeLaval separator 0)
ated by hand or motor, us
than .6 mos. Miss Matic

1 good as new Interna ion
Diagonal riding plow, $4!
FOB my station. R.fus. Re.
fey, Carrollton. Mt. Oak F

18 in. 2 roller cane mill
frame, 2 juice ats about 8
ea. Skimmers and dippers,
evaporator. All for $25.00_
T. J. Fain, Faceville.

20 h. p. Birdsell boiler
eng., fire box style, in good
complete. H. S. we M
Rt. 4.

1 horse International pay D)
used very little, $125. on :
Kidd, Fairburn. Rt. 1.

Garden tractor, No. 1 co:
yrs. old, cost $248.00; sel
$75.00. J. A. Hamby, Conley

Williams 30 in. upright
mill, complete with corn
ete. J. L. Davis, Elko.

Pr. new Stimpson, 30 Ib.
scales, used 3 mos. Cost- $20
sell for $50.00. Mrs. L. C.
Niece, Waycross, Rt. 1,250

2 h. John Deere 3 dise
drill, good cond., $:
Golden No. 1 cane m* I
per pan, good cond 62
W. Brown, Joneshor

