Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1932 September 29


Poultry For Sale

8 March hatch pullets and 4
sters, $22.50 for lot. Ancon-
rect from Boonville, Mo.
. Jackson, Vidalia, R 1.


Australorp cockerels, 5 mos.
Bertelsmeir str. and_ sire
. 4, A. Carver hen No. 84

ure bred Golden Sebrights,
, or $2.50 per trio. C. Bow-
Guann, Clyo.
ure Japanese Black tail ban-
ms, $1 pr., $1.25 per trio; pure

_I. Red pullets, Donaldson str.

a. Exc. for pure bred Bronze
keys. Mrs.
oss, Box 125.
10 Black Leghorn bantam pul-
5 and 8 cockerels, 30c each,

; about 2 bu. red pop corn,
bu. FOB. No less than 1-2 bu.
ld. Doyle Spann, Adrian, R 1.

i pure bred March

Cochin bantams
om unrelated parent stock, $1

h. Mrs. F. S. Sconyers, Dub-

1S. Jefferson St.

genuine Buff Cochins, $5;

ockerels, about ready for

ice, $2 ea.; eggs, $1.50 per 15;
w Giant Black Minorea cock-
els, $2.50 ea. O. H.. Wright,
lanta, 515 Peters Bldg.

5 fine B. R. cockerels and 20
lets, May 4 hatch. Parks

5 nice W. Leghorn, John-

r, May cockerels, for sale.

Lilla Wright, Marietta, R 1.

pure bred 18 mos old Buff
ck cocks, $1.50 each, $2.75 for
nh; fine young cockerels, ear-
hatch, 70c to $1 ea.; eggs, 75c

15. Mrs. C. R. Sorrells, Mon-

a i,

2 . R. pullets, 50c ea. Mrs.
. Herrington, Daisy, R 1.>

2 B. R. cockerels, March hch,

to $2 each; 8 Cornish 1931

h hens and 7 pullets, 2 Ap-

J. L. Berry, Nor-:


Poultry For Sale

ril cockerels, $1 ea. J. F. Ty-
son, Tennille.

AAA Buff Rock 2 mos. old pul-
lets, 40c ea., free cockerel with
ea.10 pullets; 3 mos. old pullets,
60c each. Mrs, W. D. Bryant,
(address not given),

3 pure Thompson Ringlet B.

R. Feb. cockerels, 1 large March

1931 cock, $1.25 each, FOB; good,

| tender, streaked Half Runner

bean seed, 40c pt. del.
R. Wilson, Canon, R 2.

Pure bred B. R.. cockerels,
Parks str. Foundation stock,
Cream Grade, Reg, Per. 200-C-
32; extra fine, 4-5 mos. old, $1
and $1.50 ea. Mrs. Henry J.
Colson, Daisy, R 1.

Reg. Per. 10-D1-32. 10 wks. old
pullets, 60c each, $6.50 per doz.;
4 mos. old, 75c ea. $8 doz. EXc.
in equal value for cock, same
breed, with Reg. Per. Mrs. John
A. Watson, Graymont.

Pure bred White Rocks, 1st
yr. from Fischels Best. April
hatch pullets and cockerels, $1
ea. Mrs. Z. L. Scott, Concord.

Parks str. Reg. Per, 125-C-32.
Foundation stock, Cream Grade
direct. Pullets and cockerels, 3
mos. old, 60c ea. Mrs. Mammie
Roach Plyler, Manassas.

Mrs, N.


Pure bred Dark Cornish, Ber-
ry str., 5 pullets, 1 rooster, $5, or
$1 ea. Day old biddies, 10c ea.
Eggs, 5c each. Party pay post-
age. Mrs. D. E. Williams, Ty
As) Ee. or

3 pure bred Dark Cornish
cockerels, 6 - 7 Ibs. $1 each; 3
smaller ones, about 4 lbs. ea. 75c
ea. Gordon Strickland, Roy-

Sev. Dark Cornish Mar. cock-
erels, '75 ea: or 4 for $2; FOB
here. Ed Bacon, Doerun.

1 April hatch Indian Cornish
cockerel, 75c cash, exp.* chgs.
collect. Exc. for B. R. pullets.
Claude W. Davis, Calhoun, R 5.

2 pure bred Dark Cornish roos-
ters, $1.50 ea. $2.25 for both; late
spring hatch pullets, 75c ea.; 6


/pr. Sat. guar.

Poultry For Sale

pullets, 1 cockerel, $5 FOB; eggs,
$1 per 16, del. Miss Leona Simp-
son, Culverton.

Hen and rooster,-15 mos. old,
pure Bacon Warhorse, $3 for the
A. W. Callaway,

Calhoun, R 5.

Royal Chanticleer pit games.
Never known to run, $1.50 -to $10
each. G. W. Price, Atlanta, 1678
Emory Road.

Pure Bacon Warhorse pit
games, stags and pullets, $2 ea.;
also 1 cock, 1931 hatch, $5. Tom
Weaver, Bowersville.

Game rooster for sale. F. K.
Singleton, Clarkesville, Box 61.

Pure bred Walker Mugwumps,
early 1932 hatch, 4 to 5 lb. stags
excellent. cond. $1 each; pull-
ets, same age, 5c ea. C. J.
Cleveland, Hartwell.

6 lb. pit game cock, $2 or exc.
for 2 Muff or Dom hens. Carl
Griffin, Gainesville, 85 Oak St.

_ White Jersey Giant cockerel
and pullet, frier size, $1 each.
Miss Jessie Richardson, Ivey.

4 J. B. Giant cockerels, about
(3 lbs. ea. 50c each FOB, or exc.
for 4 pullets of same breed and
wt.-Ea. pay postage. Homer
Martin, Talking Rock, R 3.


25 Light Brown Yr. old hens,
75c each, FOB; 15 June hatch,
35c ea. FOB. No chks. Mrs. J.
H. Horton, Cochran, R 3.

65 W. L. pure bred May Ist
hatch pullets; 75 pure College
str. W. L. yearling hens, now
laying, 75c each; pure bred ent.
to reg. Jersey heifer, $15 for
heifer. I. C. Smith, Jackson, R 1.

100 of the very best str. of W.
L. hens, March, April 1932 hch.,
now laying. Sell very reasonably.
F. W. Huddleston, Atlanta, 1023
West Peachtree St. N. E.

3 Buff L. 6 mos. old cockerels,
75c ea. Mrs. Maggie Hodnette,

S. C. W. L. cockerels from

Poultry For Sale
Mrs. J. W. Wooten, Broxton
2. )

Poultry For Sale

Roselawns Best AA mating of
imported Tom Barron str. Of-
ficial contest matings, 280-305
egg record. 75c each. Graham
Simpson, Culverton.

5 Kerlin Quality W. L. hens,

$1 each. $5 for lot, FOB. H. A.
Sheridan, Gainesville, 21 W.
High St.
_ W. L. 2 mos. old roosters, AAA
trapnest quality, direct from
Booths. 5 for $2. Dick Scott,
Adairsville, R 3.

40 W. L. pullets, 1 1-4 to 1 3-4
Ibs, 40c each; also want laying
pullets and: hens to raise on
shares, and Fancy eggs.. Quote
del. prices. Lewis Beers, New-

10 W. L. hens and cockerel, $8
or exc. for Grade Jersey weaned
calf; 12 W. Wyandotte hens and
cock, $10 or exc. for farm pro-
duce. Mrs. W. M. Cook, Brox-

12 Ferris Best Ege str. White
Leghorn pullets, April hatch, 50c
each, FOB here. Gordon Powell,


Cock and 5 hens, 2 yrs: old,
Booth str. White Minorcas for
sale or trade for Turkens. These
are prize winning birds with no
disqualifications. Mrs... Je C8:
West, Cuthbert.

10 AAA Golden Buff Minorca
cockerels from trapnest, Ped.
stock direct from Rusk. July
hatch. Fine to mate with R. L
Reds, $1 each. H. P. Merrell,
Atlanta, 570 Middle St.

Pure Pape str. Black Minorca
cockerels, selected for breeding.
April hatch, 75c ea. 3 for $2. Mrs.
G. W. Wilson, Martin, R 2.

Pure bred Pape str. Black Mi-
norcas, cocks, cockerels, $1 ea. or
exc. for honey; scallion buttons,
old time kind, 50c gal. or exc.
for cabbage plants. Mrs. H. B.
Ford, Lavonia.

White R. I. cockerels, June
hatch, direct from Ken Roy.
Bloodtested. 75c ea. 3 for $2.

Few Buff Orp. cockerels, Ap
hatch, well dev. 75c ea. or e
for White Pekin ducks. F.
Barford, Atlanta, 200 Trini
Ave. S. W. Phone Wal. 6647. |
Husky Buff Orp. cockerels,
rect from Booths AAA Trap
stock, Lady Egg-a-Day strai
Wt. about 5 Ibs. 5 mos. old,

roosters, April hatch, $1 ea
2 for $1.50. Mrs. William No

3 pure bred Byers str. s.
Buff Orp. hens, now laying,
not del. Forrest Martin, Fl
ery Branch.

Pure bred Buff Orp. hens,
each. No less than 5 del. or ex
for meat hogs. Ea. to del.
bert Miller, Chipley, R 2. |


Kings, Carneaux and Hom
mixed. Excellent squabb
heavy squabs, 40c pr. or
Marshall Booth, Waycross,
Owens St. |

Muff Tumblers, Priest, Bi
ingham Rollers, Owls, Ori
Frills, Turbits. All $1 pr. Hei
man Mize, Americus.

8 pr. White Kings and 7 }
Silver Kings, 1931 birds. Ma
banded and working. Excel
breeders, $2. pr. $22.50 for
taken immediately. J. D, Pai
more, Bainbridge, Box 353.

Fine Red and Splashed
neaux pigeons, 50c ea. Mrs. F.
Field, Atlanta, 1814 aoe

Pure bred White Kings, $
pr. prepaid in my zone. Have
pr. Leon Boyd, Ringgold.

20 Homers, $5.50 for the bu
J. M. Marsh, LaFayette,
Chattanooga St:

7 Buff Carneaux (3 mated |
and odd cock), 50c each i
are taken; also Mondaines
Magpies, 50c ea. Ed Smith
lanta, 20 Gertrude Place.

, extra, doz.

Georgia trade, doz.
3 yard run, doz.
Stags, lb.
Hens, lb.

_Friers, Ib.

_ Capons, Ib.
Field Peas, mixed, bu.

Sig ape a Be
; standard, QOZ ce see :



Prevailing Wholesale Prices, Sept. 26, 1932. Always Subject +6 Variation.



$ .25

Field Peas, not mixed, DU os see
Country Butter, best table, IDS
_Ear Corn (80 lb. to bu.), pu oe
Sweet Potatoes, per 100 lbs. ----------

Peavine Hay, No. 1, ton
Peanut Hay, No. 1, ton

Savannah Augusta
$420 $ .23
ao 21
wt 19
ao 21
15 la
.08 08
18 7

de 2 18

12 10 10

14 i






$ .24


Poultry For Sale

Poultry Wanted

Baby Chicks For Sale ---
Baby Chicks Wanted
Eggs For Sale

Eggs Wanted

Live Steck For Sale

Live Stock Wanted

Grain and Hay For Sale
Grain and Hay Wanted
Positions Wanted

Farm Help Wanted
Plants For Sale

Seed For Sale

Seed Wanted
Miscellaneous For Sale
Miscellaneous Wanted
Tobacco For Sale .
Georgia Products For Sale
Georgia Products Wanted

Market Bulletin
Published Weekly by the

Nees D. Jones, Director

Department Of
Agriculture |

- Commissioner -

DAY, SEPT. 29, 1932.

Hesca. as second class mat-
February 15, 1922, at the
st Office at Atlanta, Geor-
under the act of June 8,
L9 930. Accepted for mailing at

ecial rate of postage pro-
ded for in Section 1103, Act
October 8, 1917.

otice of farm produce and
ypurtenances, admissible un-
postage regulations, insert-
me time on each request,

md-hand farm machinery,
ywers and seed, incubator
id ornamental nursery stock
ces are published in
onthly Supplement which
ears on the first Thursday
ach month. 3

arm land for sale editions
published at intervals dur-
the year. Advance notices
these editions appear from
ie; to time advising, adver-
ers when to mail us pec?
es of notice.

ited space will not permit
sertions of notices contain-
more than 30 words, in-
iding name and address. We
rve the right to cut down
notices of more than 30 words,
oviding that this reduction
es not destroy the meaning
f the notice. When notices
not be cut down they will
returned to the writer for

ted space will not permit
rtion of unimportant no-
; Under legislative act the
Mi eet Bulletin does not as-
me any. responsibility for
y notice appearing in the
tletin or transaction hae

it to get in touch with
aving, or knowing where

1@ Staple Cotton Seed, at
. J, A. Kimberly, Empire.

ed pigeons, 25c per_ pair.
nee ueogrem Culberson, N.

es T. Atkinson, Jackson:
ee R. i Red hens, 1-2

aoe 50 a.; eggs, $1 per 15.

Tew extra Dark Red hens,
maldson str. and rigidly cull-
$1. 50 each; eggs, from best
ers, $1 per 15. Exc. for dried
lit or honey. Mrs. H. G.
, Stone Mtn., R 2.

I5 Ss. : Re 1, Red hens and
cerel, $12 del. Also green to-
9e8, 50c pk. Mrs. B. L. Rob-
son, Greenville.

(00 Donaldson str. Reds, 30
and friers, 1 1-2 to 2 1-2
$65 for lot. Mrs. W. A.
dall, Greensboro, R 1, Box

March hatch - Red pullets,
be laying, and 1 cock, $6.50
Owen Farm rich Reds; M.
bler, 2 yrs. old, $5; also lg.
oung toms. Mrs. R. B.
y. Adairsville, Pde


d Feb

| Poultry For Sale

hatch cockerels, $1 each. Mrs.
R. S. Attaway, Matthews.



5 turkey hens, April hatch,
and 1 tom, Ellis str. from sire}.
wt. 40 lbs. $12 for lot. Mrs, F.
Cowart, Summit. |

Bronze turkeys, 1931 hatch, 21
lb. tom, $4; 1932 hatch, $2.25
each; trio, $6.. B. C. Pope, Tal-
lapoosa, R 3.

18 Indian Runner 6


| mos. old, 5 drakes and 13 ducks,

$10 for Jot. Mrs. H. M. Adams,

6 young ducks and 3 drakes,
full grown, 75 ea. or exc. for 3
good feeder pigs. Mrs. R. J.
Purvis, Dallas.

Exe. for fresh in cow, or well

|} bred heifer, soon to freshen. Jas.

M. Massey, Waycross, R 4.

11 geese for sale reasonably
for spot cash. A, E. Wilkie, Ma-
rietta, R, 1.

Pure Muscovey drakes, Black
with White markings, ready to
lay, $5; also White Minorca
cockerels, 11 mos. old, $1.75 ea.
$3 for 2. E. Maynard, Newton.

3 Big Blue geese and i gan-
der, 80c each. Write. Mrs. H. L.
Ray, Union Point.

8 head White Pekin ducks, $6
for lot; 15 B. R. pullets. April
hatch, $7 FOB. Mrs. W. O. Her-
rington, Daisy, R 1.

Pr. of White Muscovey ducks,
with 5 small ducks. Sell or trade
for pigeons, or other value; 2 big
bone Guinea hogs, $15 or trade
for Red chickens. W. A. Biggers,
Greenville, RFD.

12 full grown young White Pe-
kin ducks, 10 more than half
grown, young turkeys. Make best |
offer; also want trio March hch.
Pape str. Black Minorcas. Mrs.
Cc. L. Gaulding, Fitzgerald, R 2,
Box 48-A.

12 White Pekin ducks 10 about

40c each. $7 for lot. Cash. Mrs.
Cora Cofer, Lawrenceville, R 3.

5 Silver Lace R. C. Wyandotte
cockerels, April hatch. Very fine
75c ea. Cash with order. Mrs.
Otis McAfee, Wrightsville, R 2.

Poultry Wanted

Exe. R. I. Red 2 yr. old roos-
ter, direct from Mrs. Donaldson,

s. old, $2. 50 ea: young cock- |

for Light Brahma or Buff Rock
pullets. Mrs. I. F. Barnes, At-
lanta, 1816 Wade Ave., N. E.

Want to hear from party hav-
ing W. L. hens, also Feeder hogs
Must be cheap for cash. G. H.
Watson, Bogart, R 1.
Want 30 W. L. pullets, March
or April hatch, 1932 hatch. A.

| J. Weldon, Gabbettville.

Want W. L. hens. Will exc.
good mare for same, also 11 head.
turkeys for same.. W. E. Mullis,
Alma, R 4.

Want 25 W. L. pullets, Feb.
hatch. Must be ready to lay

|soon and priced well. A. M. Ai-

ken, Newborn, R 1.

Want 25 pure bred Buff Orp.
pullets. No culls. Must be cheap
for cash, exp. prepaid. Mrs. J.
W. Slaton, Gainesville, R 9.

Want information and _ prices
on @ small number of Ringneck
Pheasant hens. Ga. points pre-
aes Geo. E. Callihan, Mc-

Want best price on pair >of
Bourbon Reqd turkeys, Spring
1931 hatch. Mrs. B. G. Lee, Ma-
con, R 2, Forsyth Ra.
Want White Pekin ducks. Exc.
large March | hatch Regal Dor-

-|Mrs, J. R. Bachman,

| 30. White Mammoth | Pekin]
ducks, $1 each, or $22.50 for lot.

grown 65c ea. 2 about half grown

Poulter Wanted:

2646 Alston Drive. |

Want 1. Toulouse Gander,
cheap. State. what you have, and
price. C. C. _ Vincent, Greens-

Baby Chicks For Sale

Pape str. S. C. Black Minorca
baby chicks from heavy layers,
$7.75. per Cs $3.85,-505 $2 Tor 25;
eggs, 4c ea. del. Mrs. C. L.
Rehberg, Cairo,

60 chicks, 4 wks. old, $7.50, not
prepaid. No chks. Mrs. J. M.
Myrick, Hawkinsville, R 2.

40 heavy, mixed 7 wks. old
chicks, 20c each; 10 or more B.
L. same age, 20c ea. Exp. col-
lect.. Gladys Harrell, Hawkins-
ville, R 2, Box 25.

S. C. W. L. baby chicks, 5 1-2c

ach; B. R., 6 1-2c ea.; Hatch
ae week; eggs from pure bred
healthy stock of high production.
100 per cent live del. guar. D.
P. Martin, Cobbtown.

Gaskins Better baby chicks,
Buff Leghorns and other: light

breeds; and all heavy breeds.
Live del. H. R. Gaskins, Fitz-
gerald, R 1.

Pure bred White, Barred

Rocks, Reds, Eng. Leghorns, from
well culled flocks, $6.50 C; heavy
assorted, $5.95 C. Lots less. 100,
add ic per chick. Prepaid. Live
del. A. H. Fechtel, Waycross.

Thoroughbred healthy and vig-
orous chicks, B. Rocks, Reds, W.
Rocks and Wyandottes, $6.75 C;
assorted heavies, $6.50 C; less 100
add 1c per chick. R. H. Fechtel,

Thousands of pure bred chicks
every Tuesday and Friday. Hea-
vy breeds, 6 1-2c each; light
breeds, 6c ea. del. E. R. Adling-
ton, Atlanta, 510 Piedmont Ave.

Baby Chicks Wanted

Want 100 baby chicks te raise |:

on halves to 12 wks. old. Reds
for Buff Orp. I furnish feed;
other party pay postage. Mrs.
Annie Mack, Bartow, R Be BOX

Want 500 baby chicks to raise
on halves to 8 wks. old. Prefer
mixed breed of any kind. Party
to pay postage both ways; I fur-
nish feed. Mrs. A. M, Jarrell,

Want 200 chicks to raise on
halves to 8 wks. old. Will fur-

nish feed; party pay postage.
Write. Mrs. E, L. Tingle, Locust
Grove, R 2.

Want 300 chicks, day old to
raise on halves. Reds preferred.

-| shares,

Also for sale or exch. Strawber-
ry plants. Mrs. W. G. McPlung,
Juniper. :

Want 100 chicks to raise. on
halves to 8 wks. old. Any large
breeds, but prefer R. I. Reds or
Buffs. Want by October 15th.
E. D. Snell, Wrightsville.

Want 100 or more baby chicks,
to raise on halves to 8 wks. old.
Any breed except Bantams. I
furnish feed; other party pay
postage. Mrs. B. F. Johnson,
Dawson, R 3.

Want from 200 - 500 baby
chicks to raise 50-50 basis to 16
wks. old. Prefer Wyandottes,
but will accept most any large
breed. Mrs. L. S. Denton, Mt.
Vernon, R 1. :

Want 300 heavy mixed breed
baby chicks at $5 per C. Mrs.
M. B. Scroggs, Alto.

Want 100 hen hatched heavy
or mixed, chicks to raise on
Also apples to can and
dry on halves. Mary Lee Rogers,

Eggs For Sale

Prize Winning Dark Cornish
eggs, 75c per 15; $2 for 50, pre-
paid; 7 mos. old cocks, $1 each,
Beg Mrs. C. O. Sikes, Sylves-

30 doz. eggs per week. Pure R.
I. Red stock. Also 10 R. I. Red
cockerels, Dunlap str. Feb. 17th
hatch, 6 - 8 lbs. ea. $1.40 ea. or

lay for $2. 50, crated. Willie Dow-
me a Z


|pigs, for sale.

- Eggs Wanted :

want 6 to 10 doz. sesh, coun~
try eggs weekly. J. R. Holt, Ma-
con, 202 Clisby Place.

Live Stock For Sale

40 thoroughbred Hereford bulls
all ages, from our famous Co-
lonial Plantation herd. Reg. in
buyers name at farmers prices.
W: B. Hutchinson, Leesburg.

17 high grade milch cows for
Sale... J. o. Moore, Buckhead,
Bin dos

Jersey cow with 4th calf, 2
wks. old, gentle, no bad habits;
good milker, also butter, $30.00
without calf; $32.50 with calf.
George Mayo, Riverdale, R 1.

For sale, poth sex the best in
Reg. Herefords and all cattle
produced in Ga. J. J. Cum-
mings, Donalsonville.

Reg. Jerseys: 3 1-2 yr. old
bull, $100: cow with 3rd. calf,
$75; cow with 1st calf, $50;. also
Duroc sow with first litter, 12


Cow, giving 3 gal. milk per day
without any dry feed, calf 1 mo.
old, $25 cash at barn. Loy Les-
ter, Rockmart, R 3. :

4 gal. Holstein-Jersey, cross,
cow, fresh in December 1st. H.
L. Counts, Gibson.

Hereford males: $25 and $75
respectively. L. LL. Holloway,
Monticello, RFD 7. .

4 Jersey cows, freshen in Oc-
tober. Mrs. R. L. Greene, Cuth-
bert, R 4.

Thoroughbred Jersey bull, 2
young, fresh in, or freshen soon,
cow. .No jumper nor kicker. P.
M. Johnson, Meigs.

5 dairy cows, 15 gal. per day
when fresh; 4 to freshen by De-
cember; others in March, $160.
T. U, Smith, Covington, Box 6.
Several grade and reg. cows,
some fresh, cheap, also some
heifers. Reducing herd. All re-
cently T. B. tested and sound.
S. . Candler, Covington.

2 reg. Jersey cows, 1 fresh,
other freshen November, $75 ea.
2 Jersey heifers, ent. to reg. $20
each; Reg. J. 3 yr. old male, $25.
H. E. Ozburn, Rutledge.

2 small cream color Jersey
cows, both 4 years old. Have
black tongue and switch; 1 with
young calf; other freshen Dec.
Ist. Will price at barn. Mrs. S.
P. Jones, Lula, Star Rt.

Good, fresh in milch cow,
cheap. M. G. Vanzant, Abbe-
ville. ka

1 grade J. milch cow with first
calf; bred for 2nd calf. Sell or
exc. for March-April pullets.
Dont write, come see cow. Two
miles Tignall. Mrs. T. W. Hill,

3 yr. old, reg. douey bull, from
State College Agriculture. No
bad habits. $35 cash at barn,
or exc. for young heifers or
goats. D. J. Harrison, Black-

25 fat steers, 15 milk fed calves
5 cows and 5 heifers: Wm.- T.
McKee, Midland.

Small, Grade Jersey fine but-
ter, 4 yr. old cow, fresh last May,
$30. Trade for healthy, large
breed hens at market price, or
cow to freshen about Xmas, Mrs.
J. A. Wylie, Suwanee, R, 1.

2 1-2 yr. old Jersey bull, about
750 Ibs. $20; 5 N. Z. Red doe rab-
bits, from Ped. stock, $3.50 or 75c
ea. All FOB. R. B, Crowder,
Sunny Side, P. O. Box 14.

3. fat pulls, wt. 1800 to 2M lbs.
for sale Geo. A. Thompson,
Swainsboro, R 2.

Reg. 5 yr old Jersey cow, fresh
with 3rd calf, $50. I. L. Britt,

6 Jersey heifers, 2 Holsteins,
all bred, wt. 400-600 Ibs. 3c Ib.;

20 mixed yearlings, $4.25 around.
Del. 100 mi. Atlanta. T. G. Ad-
ams, East Atlanta, 455 East Side
Ave ;

35 head of fat steers, wt. from
700 to 800 lbs. each, 4c Ib. FOB.
J B. Daniel, Jr., Woodland.

Pure bred Jersey bull, gentle,
ine, 2. old, $40 at DAL

Britt M. eats |

1-2 yrs. old, for sale or exc. for

ive Sea F or Sale
Ww. Hodges, Bremen.

Milkers and springers, $20- 4a
each. Car loads or less, goog
grade Jerseys; fat cows and
steers, 600-1200 lbs. 3c Ib; 59 |
fat beef calves, 5c lb. R. 8. Par-

ham Greenville.

Black B. B. African str. Guin-
ea male, 150 lb. Yr. old, $15.00
FOB; 2 gilts, 8 wks. old same
breed, $7 or $4 ea. D. H. Ans
derson, Glenwood, R 2. i
Hampshire | boars and gilts, .
150-175. lbs., from best herd in ~
U. S. Cholera and swine plague
immune. Can reg. $12.50 to $15; |
ee Jersey heifer, $20. SA
. Goodson, Wadley.
nes P. Cc. male, for sale or
exc. for farm produce or calves,
B. O. Fussell, Brunswick.
7 or 8 fine pure bred shoats,
Duroc Reds; some gilts and bar-
rows, 50-60 Ibs. Market price,
Mrs. Harry Brown, Junction
City. eae
16 pigs, Half Berkshire and
half Duroc, $2.50 each, at 6 wks.
old on the 1st October; others on
15th October. Mrs. Atkinson,
Madison, R 2. EY
Reg. Seo: pigs by Plgy-

mate. Male or female. $8.50.
each. Sat. guar. E. M. mane

10 or, 12 shoats, S. P. C. and: ;
B. B. Guinea, mixed, wt. 50 to
75 lbs. fine prowing cond. 6c lb.
at my barn Mrs. J. T. Holland,
Toomsboro, R 2

Duroc sows, 200-225 Ibs. can he.
registered All dbl. treated for
cholera. $12.50 each. J. C. Col-
lier, Barnesville.

Bred Duroc J: gilt, 12 mos. old,
175 Ibs. $15; 6 and 2 1-2 mos. oe
Durocs, sired by Son of Worlds
Junior Champion, $9 and $5 ea.
Reg. J. C. Lumsden, Talbotton.

Duroc J. pigs, 5 to 6 mos. old,
90 to 120 Ibs. Cholera immuned
and reg. Reasonable prices; also _
Light Brahma cockerels. $1.50
ea. L. M. Kennedy, Collins.

Thoroughbred, sub to reg. Blk.
P. C sow, treated for cholera
and swine plague. $12 or exc.
for Jersey heifer; if del. will give
S. P C. boar extra. Mrs. Julia
M. Gibson Waynesville, Box 183.

40 No. 1 corn fed hogs for sale.
Come see them. S. W. Slater,
Elza. cok

Pure bred S. P. C. 8 wks. old |
pigs from large litters; cholera
immuned, $3.50 each. v. David-
son, Irwinton.

8 wks. old thoroughbred P. C.
pigs for breeding, cholera im-
muned, $3 each. E. F. Yar-
brough, Danville.

8 feeder pigs, 2 1-2 mos. old.
$2 each; 3 pure bred B. P. C.
boars, 3 mos. old, $4: 5 mos, old
$6; yr. old, $12 FOB. Miss Kate
Lancaster Sylvester.

Reg. S. P. C. pigs, 8 wks. old,
reg. in buyers name, sat. guar.
$5.50 ea. if taken at once; Reg.
Guernsey 3 yr. old, 1400 Ib. bull, th
$100. T. R. Duggan, Warthen.

25 to 49 Spaid and Barrow a
shoats, 40-50 lb. Life time treat-
ment. Healthy, good order. 6c lb.
Jos. Dawd, Cobbtown. c


1 red horse, 12 yrs old, wi.
1200 Ibs. Good, gentle, work any-
where, $35 cash or exc. for cows
or hogs or corn. Emory Doster, ;
Stephens, R 1. a
Fine milk stock Billy: service,
$1 or sell $5. Exc. for weaned
heifer or chickens. Jennie Jol-
ley, Atlanta, R, 7, Box 279.
Shetland pony, 36 inches high.
Bought from Belle Meade Farms
Virginia. Gentle, well bred. Rea-
sonable price. Write. W. A-
Smith, Eastman, Box 66. ie
2 mules, 8 and 10 yrs. old, ex- j
tra good workers, for sale )or
swap for smaller mule. Austin :
Adams, East Atlanta, 455 East
Side Ave., Care T. G. Adams.
1 good mule, 1 heifer, fresh in
in February, 1 large sow, 5, Pigs,
3 mos. old. W. J. Johnson, |

thonia, R 4, At Rock Chapel.
sen Pa st: my - gol

Reds), hogs, pigs

use on farm,

mule, cheap for cash
ight, Yatesville.

ver Martens, $2 pr.;
pr.; some meat
own, 50c ea., and
ones, 25 ea. J. W.
ite does and two
Sell or exc. for
what have you?
n, Jr., Lindale.
in oes, 2 N. Z. wht.

young hens, any
W. oo

dy for service, $4
y last; Thorough-
rs. old Nubian buck,
nett, Moultrie.
ed Nubian milk goat,
eee billy, Nubian-
, 17 mos. old, $10
ce non-related;
milkers. Mrs. J.
ro, R 3, Box 226.
1d 2 rams for sale
equal value. W. E.
an does, also one
nd 1 1-2 yr. old

$90; 30

ilking Saanan doe,
kids, 50-50 Saa-
ubian, 7 mos. old, 1
ng pred Tog. doe.
hens. Edwin

nta, 695 Paynes

mileh cow. Pay a

good one. A, M..

enton, R 3.
ng steers or heif-

any quantity. J.

20 Feeder cows or 2

sat out 40 A. of peas
beans for a ee of

full blood little
Shoats, no akin,
_ Stay-Fat ees

milch cows, good
Stock. Quote FOB
oa chicks, 100-500
8 wks. old. Julian

3 1-2

- Mrs.T. W. Hill,
in touch with

-| order.

3 | Grain nad Hay For Sale|

Genuine Cokers Abruzzi seed |
rye and Blue Stem seed wheat,
both recleaned, in 2 1-2 bu. bags,
$1.00 bu. FOB. O. K. David,

75 bu. Abruzzi rye, $1 bie Oy
P. Barr, Bowdon.

Velvet bean hay mixed with
peanut vines and crop grass,
priced reasonable. Take in exc.
live stock or farm produce can
use. . S, Duggan, Chester.

100 bu. genuine Fulghum seed
oats, 65c bu. L. O. Gibbs, Pitts,
R 2,. Box 5.

1932 crop Hastings seed oats,
50c bu.; Blue Stem seed wheat,
90c bu. FOB; 4 mixed Bantam
hens, $1.25 for lot. Mrs. W. R.
Chasteen, Locust Grove.

Blue Stem seed. wheat, nice
and clean, $1 bu.; Abruzzi rye,
$1 bu. FOB. C. D. Williamson,

Texas Rust Proof and Ful-
ghum oats, guar to be free of
Johnson and Nut grass. 45c bu.
FOB. J. M. Gaston, Americus.

Fulghum seed oats, . 45 bu.;

| Wheat, $1-bu.; Abruzzi rye, $1.10

bu. All FOB here. J. I. Lowe,
Sr, Ft. Valley, Box 155. . &
300 bu. selected, weevil treat-

,1ed seed wheat, $1 bu. FOB, R.
H. Holmes, Culloden.

High grade, Ped. Fulghum
seed oats, Bright, clean, 50c bu.
5 bu. lots up;.
bu. Standard bags. Cash. L. R.
Prator, Ft. Valley.

Peavine hay, well cured and
bright. Price on application, in
car or less lots. Also slipped
shuck corn. Chas, F. Howe, Ft.

Good, Blue Stem seed wheat,
$1 bu. FOB. Arthur Owen, Bar-

Pure Abruzzi rye, grown on
my farm, recleaned, $1 bu.; Blue
Stem wheat, $1 bu. Cash with
L. M. Felton, Marshall-

Cokers Red Heart seed wheat,
135 bu. from 6 acres without top
dressing. $1.50 bu. FOB, in new
sacks. Not less than 2 bu. ship-
ped. .E. H. George, Madison.

1M bu. Fulghum seed oats, 45c
bu. in 5 bu. bags; Blue Stem
seed wheat, 80c bu. in 2 1-2 bu.
bags, FOB Macon, subject un-
sold... C. 3H: Bateman, Macon, P.
O: Box Oi. 7)

Seed rye for sale, $1 bu. 8. P.
Wise, Plains.

Pure Appler seed oats, 40c bu.
Purple straw seed wheat, 75c bu.
Abruzzi rye, $1. All grown on
my own farm FOB. C. L. Mou-
chet, Bowersville.

50 bu. Cokers Ped. Fulghum
seed oats, 60c; new crop, bright,
clean, 50 bu. new crop Blue Stem
seed wheat, $1 bu. No order less

{2 bu. J. H. Palmer, Tennille.

| Grain and Hay Wanted

Want 10 bu. seed rye; 10 bu.
seed wheat; 15 bu. seed oats.
Quote best price for cash. T. A.
Fouche, Poulan.

Exc. new Honey Drip sorghum
syrup for seed oats, rye or wheat.
Write. T. C. Rabun, Bremen, R

Want 100 bu. seed oats, Ful-
| enum preferred. Quote lowest }
cash price, del. to Metter; want
few bu. Kinnards Choice apples
for eating. L. H. Edenfield, Still-
more, R 1, Box 31,

Want small grain, wheat, rye,
oats. Quote best price. H. O.
| Tate, Lula, Box 131.

Positions Wanted

Want job on farm for board
and small wage. Exp. in gen-
eral farming and dairying. Par-
ty will have to furnish trans-
portation. Frank E. McDaniel,
Atlanta, 219 Williams St.

Want 1 horse crop on halves
and work through Fall and win-
ter. J. J. Hulsey, Atlanta, R 4,
2017 Gordon Road.

Want 1 horse crop on shares.
Bun: Peden, aoe 955 ere

f Blue Stem seed |
wheat, $1 bu. Abruzzi rye, $1.10

Povitons Wasted

hens, and other light work. Mrs.
Annie Harsh, Tifton, R. 2.

36 year old man with. family

wants a good 1 horse crop on
halves for1933. If interested,
write at once. E. J. Frey, Mari-
etta, R 2.

Want 1 horse farm with good
Christian people;
furnish stock and. feed;
the work for half of crop; 5 in
family. Mrs. Martha Horton,
Alapaha, R 1.

Exp. farmer with wife wants
place on farm. Not able to fi-
nance selves. (
or live with elderly people and
care for farm, etc. Frank M.
Miller, Atlanta, 156 Crumley St.

Expert wheat and corn miller
wants mill to run. Can handle
2 horse farm in connection with
Mill. Write what you have. T.
L. Johnson, Good Hope, .
Want 1 horse farm on 50-50
basis. Good upland and bottom
land. Raised on farm. Self
and wife. Uunderstand cattle,
hog raising, etc. E. Dunson,
Atlanta, R, 5, Care H. K. Tubbs.

Want 25 or 30 cow dairy near)

Atlanta. Must be well equipped.
Ref. as to ability to handle
same: Give full details in first
letter. J. G. Bullard, Valdosta,
R 3, Box 54-A.

Want work on farm. 6 in fam-
ily, 4 can work. Share crop or
wages. Can drive truck or trac-
tor. Honest, willing workers.
Life exp. on farm. Good ref.
Pearlie Rewis, Poulan, R 1, Care
J. P. Leight.

Want. good 1 ae farm for
1933 and work until then. Wages
or share crop. 3 in family. Exp.
raised on farm and good ref.
Ready to begin any time. J. D.
Odum, Atlanta, 362 Central Ave.

Man, wife (with 3 yr. old child)
want work looking after poul-
try, hogs, feeding stock, etc., at
reasonable wage, good house, wa-
ter and wood, in healthy loca-
tion. S. J. Newton, Marlow, R
1, Box 17.

Want 1 horse farm on shares.
6 in family. Prefer Cobb or
Paulding county. Have to he
moved and furnished. I. M.
Durham, Atlanta, 593 Chestnut
St., N.E.

Want farm for 1933 with good
party, near good church and
school. Will work 1 plow and
look after 8-10 plows for land-
lord. Life time exp. 35 yrs. old,
married, 4 children. Virgil John-
son, Millen, R 4.

Elderly man wents home with
old couple on farm, to raise
chickens, truck, care for hogs
and cows. Life time exp. and
best of ref. E, B. DuBose, Val-
dosta, R 3.

63 yr. old man wants job look-
ing after chickens and hogs for
reasonable wages, board and
lodging; or look after lot and
feed mules. M. A. Newton, Mar-
low, R 1, Box 17.

Want small 2 horse farm;
good land, house and water. Lin-
coln county preferred. Consid-
er crop on halves; party furnish
land and fertilizer; I furnish

stock and work. W. J. Mathews,

Want good 2 horse farm on
shares. C. D. Bartlett, Atlanta,
R 4.

Widow wants home for self
and 2 boys, 9 and 1 yrs. Do light
farm work. Can give ref. Mrs.
Christine Allen, Smyrna, R. 1,
Box 333.

Want 1 horse crop good land
near Atlanta. Prefer standing
rent. W. T. Grimes, Marietta,

Good, honest, sober, young
married man want good 1 horse
farm on halves. Near Atlanta,
Hiram, Villa Rica preferred. 5 in
family, 4 can work. Move in De-
cember. Roy Boynton, Douglas-
ville, R 1.

Want to work poultry farm on
shares, 15 yrs. eXD. all lines; also
hatching and brooding eggs a

pe Must be good busi-
Jness. W. C

Cooper, Carrollton, |

landlord to}
I do

Or will take place |

- Positions Wanted

Want 2 horse farm, 50-50 bas-
is: near church and school. 10
in family, 6 workers. Raised on
farm. Can furnish self. Make
burn, R 1. 4

Want job as turpentine stiller.
Can furnish ref: H. T. Baker,
Hinesville, R 1, Box 48.

Want. by couple, 36 and 26 yrs.
old, position in dairy or as care-
taker of Estate, where service
will be appreciated. Neither
afraid of work. C. A. Sheppard,
Decatur, Ri 2. .

Want for 1933 apout 25 acres of
land to cultivate, with good
house, barn and pasture, in No.

Ga. I to furnish stock, tools and

run self. Milton Patterson, Cal-
houn, R 2.

Want good 1 horse farm for

1933. Standing rent. Near school
and Atlanta. A. T. Cronan, At-
lanta, R 7, Box 568~A.

34 yr. old widow with 4 child-
ren, 5 to 12 yrs. want place with
good people, milking cows and

tending chickens for living wag- |

es and house to self. Mrs. Mar-
tha J. Pruitt, Commerce, R 2.

Man, wife, 1 child, want work
on farm bal. this and for next
yr. Have to be moved. Ref. Exc.
Come-see.or write at once. Gro-
ver Canup, Lilburn, R 1.

Want position on farm. 8 in
family, 5 large enough to work.
I am able to do any kind of
work. Want 2 horse crop on
halves. Good house and pasture.
J. G. Taylor, Commerce R 5.

Want a farm on 50-50 _ basis.
State what you have. D. A.
Moon, Bishop.

Want 4 horse farm or 2 two
horse farms to work. Heff ay
ner, Franklin, R 1.

Want work on farm or Gaity:
4 yrs. exp. on dairy; good dry
hand milker. Work for $5 per
mo., board. and laundry. Rhea
Padgett, Blythe.

Want 2 horse farm for 1933 on
shares. Lowndes, Berrien or
Tift county. Like to hear from
parties interested in truck farm-
ing on small scale. Write. B.
G. Mathis, Ray City, Route.

Want a small farm on 50-50
basis. Interested in raising
chickens or hogs on that basis.
J. K. Fuller, Nacoochee.

Want a good farm on 50-50
basis. Write what you have.
George Pugh, Farmington, R 2;
Box Tish

Want work on truck farm.
Have wife and 3 children. W.C.
Barnhill, Glennville.

27 yr. old married man with
family of 5 wants job on dairy,

milking and del. milk, or over-

seer for large farm, or place to
raise hogs and cattle, and grow
te D. C. Chapman, Barney,


Want job on farm. Best of
ref. Miss Genie Brand, Mariet-
ta, C-o Gen. Del.

Young girl wants job on farm
with elderly couple, assisting
with poultry, dairy and other
light work for home and a rea-
sonable salary. Ref. exch. Miss
M. E. Howell, Meigs, R 1.

Want large 1 horse crop on
50-50 basis; plant grain and
raise hogs, and some truck crop.
6 in family. Have to be fur-
nished some; move early. L. H.
Kersey, Lyons, Rees

Want a Grist Mill to run next
year. Exp, Miller. Ready to take
charge at any time. Good ref.
if necessary. H, E. Cook, Cleve-

Farm Help Wanted

Want farm help for 1 horse
farm; near good schools and
churches; good, 4 room house
and barns, plenty wood, water.
Must be able furnish self and
stock. H. F. Harrell, Tucker.

Want party with own _ stock,

able to run 2 horse farm; good).

house, pasture, etc. on highway;
near churches and schools. 10
acres of good branch bottoms.

pW EA Nash, Luthersville.

Want good farmer for good 4

Memphis McDaniel, Au-|

ore arm Help Woe

Ghinenes, 25 miles northwest

Atlanta; 2 good houses and out-.

bldgs., pasture. Standing rent.
Mrs. C. W. Clonts, Atlanta, ae
Donnelly Ave.

Want farm help for several

farms, 2 - 18 miles of. Atlanta;
schools. .

near churches and
Standing rent. M. George,
Hurt St. Atlanta.

Want 1 or 2 good. farmers

with good working force fora

good farm, for 3 years, 2 houses,

out-bldgs. and land enough for

4 horses, Miss M. F, Crawford,
Dawsonville, R 2. :
Want man with 2 or 3 mules

for a farm on 3rds and 4ths, or

standing rent. 1-2 mile of paved

road. Help finance if needed.

One best farms in Ga.
McPherson, Villa Rica. ;

Want a good farmer able to
furnish self for a very good 20
acre farm. 4 miles Alpharetta.
Good house, out-bldgs., pasture,
pharetta, R 1,

W.. Ww.

Want man and wife for 1 horse

farm. Must be reliable. Board
and small salary. W. L. Mintz,
Savannah. West Broad and River.
Sts., Care M. Silver. :

Want middle aged white wo-.

Write. J. A. Anglin, Al- we

man, good health, to milk cows.

and care for poultry. Ref. Mrs.
Ida Tucker, Stonewall, R 1.

Want good farmer for 8 acres
of truck land; good 4 room house ~
1 1-2 miles Guyton. Share crop. :

Want the right man.
Murphy, Guyton.
Want good farmer for 2 horse.
farm. Shares. Also have pr. good.
mules for sale at $100 FOB.
Write or come see.
Ham, Summit, R 1.
Want farmer, 45-50 yrs.

with me for another year. Must

have a common school educa-

tion. Mrs. Mary Cason, Blythe.
Want good farmer for 1933,
with good stock, and tools, on
8rd and 4ths. Good land and
buildings; near school . and
churches. Guy Osborne, Cler-
mont, Roles
Want single man to live ina

house with me and work on

farm. Must be exp. farmer, so-'
ber, honest, and no bad habits.
Small wage and part of crop. B.
A, Brown, Vienna, R, 6.
Want middle aged,

assist with 2 cows, chickens,
flowers and garden: for small
salary. Good home for right
party. Mrs. J. J. Caudell, Ho-


Want partner with some mon-:
ey to enlarge a nice, established _

pofltry farm. Write for further:
details. S. H. Henderson,
lanta, R 1.

Want partner to furnish 200-

400 hens to start poultry business

on shares. I have exp., land,.
equipment, etc., here. Write. W..
C. Cooper, Carrollton, Reva aa
Want to hear from party in-

terested in a Pigeon Ranch rais-

ing squabs for market on a co-'
operative or profit sharing basis.


Plants For Sale

Missionary, Klondike |
Lady T. strawberry plants,
C: $5.50 M; Everbearing, 75c M.
All lead. var, apple and peach
trees, Fall del. Gov. insp. L. C.
Head, Cleveland, R 1.

Millions cabbage plants,
sey and Chas. W. 500, 50c; 85c.
M; 3M lots 75c M. quality, count,
promptness guar, .Bis J: Head,

Lady Thompson strawberry.

plants, 25c C; $2 M_ postpaid. |

Exc, for dried, acid apples or
peaches. Mrs. L. W. Seago, Binge

Cabbage plants, fresh grown,
300, 40c; 500, 50c; 90c M parcel
postpaid. I. L. Stokes, Fitzeer-
ald, 3. :
McDonalds blackberry. and.

Himalayas, Lucretia, Premo der:

Mrs. C. A.

honest, reliable, healthy, to farm _

fae :
unincumbered woman at once to

At- as




C. E. Stafford, Taylors _

Plants For Sale

Celestrial and Brown Turkey
figs, 7 large, 12 small, $1-post-
paid. J. W. Toole, Macon, R 2.

Mtn. grown, frost proof collard
plants for Fall setting, 25c C;
300, 50c; $1.25 M del. Full count,
prompt shipment. Ernest Wil-
liams, Gainesville, R 2.

Kudzu plants, 2 and 3 yrs. old
$5 M. Eugene Harper, MHart-

Sugar Saver strawberry plants
20c. Exc. for any pure breed
eggs, except Leghorns or Ban-
tams, or pears and dried fruit,
chicken feed, etc. Mrs. Ralph
Lott, Willacoochee, R 2.

Mastodon strawberry plants
$2.50 M. Have 30M; yellow 1004
15c lb. Mrs. Emley Long, Cleve-
land, R 4, Box 13,

Klondike strawberry plants,

Gov. insp. 35c C; $2 M; want:

peach seed. State what you have
and price. H. A. Sneed, East
Point, 600 Center St.

Mastodon Everbearing straw-
berry plants, also Thompson and
Aroma, 80c C3 $2.25. M. Add
postage on less than $1. M. F.
Etris, Dahlonega, R 1.

Sage plants, 2 for 25c. Add
postage. Miss Mamie Sue Gard-
win, Guyton.

E. D. and C. W. cabbage, col-

lard and tomato plants, 20c C;
~90c M del. Klondike strawberry

plants, 25c C. $1.75 M del. L.
A. Crow, Oakwood.

Lead. var. cabbage and collard
plants, 20c C; $1 M, mailed; 5M

paoe. M.. Hxp..Col, H.-P. Crowe,


Gainesville, R 2.

Celery plants, 50c C; add pos-
tage on orders less than 100
plants. Miss Bessie Martin,
Gainesville, R 9.

Cabbage and collard * plants,

postpaid, 500, $1; $1.50 M; $1.00

M collect.
Write for prices.

Fresh J. W. and C. W. cab-
bage plants, $1'M; 500, 65c. All
del. Ready. J. P. Mullis, Bax-
ley 2s:
Mastodon Everbearing and
Lady Thompson strawberry
plants, each, 35c C or 300 for $1.
Add postage. Mrs. Pear] Turner,
Cleveland, R 4. Box 32.
Copenhagen and Chas. cab-
bage plants, 75c M del. 10M and
20M lots, 50c M_ FOB. Ovie

Large lots cheaper.
L. H. Allison,

- Crow, Gainesville, een

W., early Flat Dutch caheee
and collard plants, $1 M; 5M up
75c M; Marglobe tomato, $1 M.
Ready. B. R. Woodliff, Flowery
Branch. as Ul
Chas. W., Early J.; Flat Dutch
and Copenhagen Market cabbage
Ready, 80c M del. 45c,
500. W. H. Morris, Baxley, R 1.

Lady T. strawberry plants, $1,
500; $2 M del. Mrs. M. B, Scroggs

Everbearing strawberry plants,
goc : $3 M: del. Hi B. Shell;


' lard plants, 300, 50c;

- now ready,

Lady T. strawberry plants, 25c
C; 500, $1; $2 M Klondike, 500,
90c; $1.50 M. Ethel Crow, Gain-
esville, R 2.

Frost proof cabbage and col-
$1 M post-
75c M collect. Any amt.

Marcus Williams,

. Gainesville, R 2.

Klondike strawberry plants,
$1.50 M. Addie Reynolds, Gain-
esville, R 2.

20 Sage plants, $1 Cash. Miss
Emma Chandler, Hull, R 2.

Red Gold Sugar Saver straw-
berry plants. Cost me $75 per M.
Sell $1 C; Hot pepper, 30c gal.;
second-hand duck feathers, 30c
lb. J, R. Bramlett, Ellijay, R 4.

C. W. cabbage plants, fresh
grown, prepaid, $1 M; 500, 60c;
200, 30c; 20c C. Mrs. Allie Wolfe,
Baxley, R 2.

Thousands of W. cabbage
plants, for prompt shipment, 15c
C; $1 M at field, 25c C. $1.25 M
parcel post. Mrs. H. V. Frank-
lin, Register.

Chas. W., E. J. cabbage, 500,
60c; 90c M. postpaid.; 65c M,
Exp. col.; Early Klondike and
Lady T. strawberry, 30c C; $2 a

tpai n0s | Wil

| lor, Atlanta, R 4, Box 165

Plants For Sale -

Early J. cabbage plants, now
ready, 15c C. 65c, 500; $1.10 M
postpaid, or $1 M FOB. Arua
Lee Lewis, Baxley, R 4, Box 40.

W. and Dutch cabbage plants,
Heading collards, 15c C; 300, 30c;
70c M del.; 5M $2.50 collect. Lee
Crow, Oakwood, R 1.

Cabbage and collard plants,
500, 60c, $1 M del. B. Crow,

Extra early J. and Chas. W.
cabbage plants, now ready, 500,
60c; 90c M del, by parcel post,
postpaid. Prompt shipment. F.
F. Stokes, Fitzgerald.

Seed For Sale

Burr clover seed in rough, Ic
lb. FOB. Roy Lewis, Hartwell,

White Bermuda onion sets, 15
qt. 55':gal. $3.75 bu. Del. by
parcel post. W. G. Holloman,

Hastings Big Seven turnip
seed collection, 25c Ib. 5 lbs. $1;
10 lbs. $1.50 del. Senna leaves,
soda-box full, 30c del. C. A.
Wilbanks, Commerce, R 5.

Eaves large prolific yellow
multiplying onions, 10 to 25. to
hill, 80c gal. del.; 20c qt. FOB;
$6 bu. del. Exc. for anything
can use. Joe Norman, Elberton,

Genuine Blue Stem wheat, $1
bu.; Cream Crowder and small
white Lady peas. Sell or exc. for
value in Austrian peas and Bar-
ley. Mrs. E. Spence, Dunwoody.
Sunflower seed, 25c cupful.
Mrs. Belvie Hall, Pierceville.
Black Valentine beans, 30c Ib.
E, J, and Chas. W. cabbage seed
$1 lb.; famous hull crowder peas
$4 bu. All new crop and prepaid.
E. A. Hayes, Buford.

White nest onions, large var.
60c gal. del. New crop broom
corn, 50c bundle. LL. Aderhold,

Red nest onion sets, 20c_ at.
Mrs. J. B. Crane, Dixie.

Burr clover seed, recleaned, 4
1-2c lb. here. Fine for winter
pasture. S. B. Kinard, Jackson.
Australian - Brownie onion
seeds, 4 oz., 50c; $1.75 1b.; also
sweet Spanish-Valencia onion
seeds, 4 oz. 75c; $2.75 lb. del. N.

Rosene, Ft. Valley.

100 Ibs. yellow multiplying
Silver skin, clean onion sets, llc
qt. or 15c lb. or lot of 100 Ibs.
$12 FOB. T..B.. Kelly, West

E. W., Flat Dutch, Copenhagen
cabbage seed, $1.50 lb.; Bermuda
onion seed, $2 Ib. All prepaid.
Shipped promptly. R. L. Mc-
Ree, Meigs.

Seed Wanted

Want to buy 15 bu. Burr
clover seed. Also buy Several
Partridge Wyandotte cockerels,
1932 hatch. J. LL. Kennedy,

Miscellaneous For Sale

Nice, new, white downy fea-
thers, 50c lb. del. Sample upon
receipt of stamps. Mrs. Mary
Collins, Cordele, R 4. -
Peach, apples, plum and cher-
ry trees, $1 doz. Mrs. L. H. Coe,
Green and Red Hot peppers,
35c gal. del; home made pepper
sauce, 15c bottle, 2 for 25c or
exc. for nice dried apples; green
tomatoes, 4c Ib. FOB. Mrs. A.
M. Phillips, Royston, Box 184.
Hot red pepper, dried, 60c Ib.;
Dill switches, 10 for 35c, packed
in damp moss. Limited amount.

der. All prepaid. Mrs. T. B.
Thomas, Thomasboro.

Half million Napier grass roots
and plants on special sale, $2.90
M. Not less than a M to a cus-
tomer. Stock love it; cows give
more and richer milk. S. T.
Smith, Cuthbert.

New, hickory rod poultry coops
for handling and shipping live
poultry. $1 ea. Write for pric-
es on quantity lots. O. B. le

No stamps taken. Cash with or-/|

5 peck crates, correctly made.
Make best offer, any quantity.
Ss. S. Copeland, Jackson.

Dried sage, 50c lb..-Black Haw
roots, 25c lb. Exc. for Green or
Red pepper. Write first. Mollie
Reece, Ball Ground, R 4.

Dry sage, 40c lb. Well rooted
sage plants, 75c doz; collard
seed, 25c lb. W. M. Allen, Car-
rollton, 450.

Nice, fresh sage, 10c Ib.; hot
pepper, 10c gal. Add postage to
all. Cash or money order only.
Mrs. Julia Moulder, Suwanee.

Butter, eggs, chickens, and all
kinds of vegetables for sale,
through remainder of this and
next year. Like to have steady
customer. Mrs. H. G. McGinnis,
Cumming, R. 6.

100 Ib. cap. white feed sacks,
5c each. Exc. for canning apples,
pears, peaches, plums, grapes,
crabapples, or quinces. Ea. pay
postage on what they send. Mrs.
L. S. Andrews, Ochlochnee.

Black walnut seedlings, 1 yr.
old, 25c ea. 5 for $1 postpaid.
Scott M. Pirkle, Buford, R 2.
Black walnut meats in large
pieces, dry and sifted, 35c Ib. del.
in Ga. All orders over 5 lbs., un-
der 5 lbs. add postage. Hoyt
Howington, Commerce, R 3.

Nice Hot pepper, Green and
Red, 25c gal. or exc. for white
feed sacks at 5c ea.; Bunch eng.
pea seed, 20c lb. Miss Eva
Tankersley, Thomson.

Deer Tongue leaves, shade cur-
ed, fine for flavoring, home-
grown smoking tobacco, 1-2 Ib.
9003 1 lbs 35673 Ibs. $l. WM:
Thornton, Jesup. :
All leading var. State insp.
peach trees, $45 M; $5 C; also
want peach seed in lots of 100
lbs. up. E. B. Travis, Riverdale.
10 bu. black walnuts and six
bu. sunflower seed. Sell or exc.
for turkeys or shoats at market
price. J. Whiteman, Adairsville.

Miscellaneous Wanted

Exe. very good value for cot-
ton at 3c above the market price
for limited time only. Of inter-
est to all farmers. B. C. Davis,
330 Rawson St., S. W. Phone Wa.

Good, flue cured tobaced to
exc. for dried peaches, apples, lb.
for lb.; Sell, red Guinea nest on-
ions, 10c qt. or exc. for white
feed 100 Ib, cap. sacks. Mrs. J.
B. Page, Surrency, R 2. ~

Exc. new dried apples for wht.
feed sacks. Make best offer on
10 or 20 lb. lots. Ea. to pay
postage. Mrs. Geo. as Foster,
Carrollton, R 7.

Want potatoes, peas, syrup,
butter, eggs, chickens, etc. Will
exc. value. Harry Sunshine, At-
lanta, 61 Georgia Ave., S. E.
Exc. $575 value: want small
mule, fresh, 3 gal. cow, good
breed sow, 75 big breed yearling
hens, 2 nannie goats, few ducks,
guineas, etc. Fred Hicks, Sa-
vannah, R 4.

Want horse for his feed. 5 - 6
wks. light work; good care; Exc.
100 Ib. feed sacks for green to-
matoes, dried fruit, jellies. J. N.
Green, Atlanta, 515 3rd St. N. W.
Exc. 100 Ib. Duroc gilts or
common goats for seed rye, oats,
Burr clover and yearlings. Cash
for onion and cabbage plants. L.
E. Phillips, Colquitt.

Exe. 1100 Ib. mare mule for
1200 lb. blockey Bay horse; want
pair of young peafowls; for sale,
Jersey heifers, and pure bred
Toggenburg billy. J. F. Well-
born, Rock Springs.

Want 25-30 bu. rye, 5 bu. Blue
Stem wheat, 1 M each, cabbage,
white Bermuda onion plants, 5
Ibs. Willetts Wonder Eng. peas,
Exc. Brab peas, Spanish peanuts.
E: D. Hall, Oglethorpe.

Want to buy several car loads
of;:corn shucks. L. D. Hoppe,
Atianta, 99 1-2 Walton St.

Want 20 bu. muscadines. or
scuppernongs; 6 fresh or to
freshen soon cows; and exc. a
Jersey cow for a mule or a nore,

os R F, _ Dewberry, Acworth

on seed

Miscellaneous For Sale|

| buck for 2 Red hens.

| Chewing,

cheap for cash. R. L. Johnson,
Pavo, R 4, Box 68.

Exc. turkeys or pecans for
home cured meat, and Irish po-
tatoes. Mrs, D. F. Eckles, Sum-

Want fruit preserves, strained
honey, horse radish roots. Send
sample and price by gal. lots.
Exc. 1 Stahls S. C. Chinchilla
Mrs. Lucy
Hicks, Savannah, 213 W. 39th St.

Tobacco For Sale

Good, flue cured tobacco, now
ready, 8c lb. FOB; 10c lb. del.
Henry M. Herndon, Surrency.

Best grade, flue cured chewing
and smoking tobacco, 15 Ibs. $1
del. in 3rd zone. L. J. Crosby,
Baxley, R 2. :

Old and mellow, flue cured to-
bacco, Bright or Red, chewing,
10c; smoking, 8c lb. Del. to 3rd
zone No orders less than 50c.
Linnie Burke, Surrency.

Barn cured tobacco, Bright or
Red Leaf, chewing tobacco, 1931
or 1932 crop. 10c lb. del. or 8c
lb. BOB. No chks, nor orders
less than 50c. David Hutto,
Surrency. R. 2.

Good, mellow Red Leaf chew-
ing tobacco, 10c Ib. del.-or 8c
lb. FOB. No orders less than
50c. S. P. Hutto, Surrency.

Ripe and mellow, flue cui%d
tobacco: chewing, 8c lb. smoking,
6c lb. del. in 10 lb. lots. Cash
with order. Miss-Irene Tomber-~
lin, Surrency.

Good, dark Red, flue cured to-
bacco, aged and mellow, stemmed

and twisted and flavored 5 lbs.

75c; 10 lbs. $1.25 prepaid to 3rd
zone. Ellis Williams, Alma. -

Good, Red Leaf chewing to-
baceo, old and mellow, 10c del.
to. 8rd zone, or 8c FOB. Ruby
McLeod, Surrency.

Good grade tobacco, chewing or
smoking, 10c Jb. or exc. for chick-
ens or apples, 13 Ibs. tobacco
for 1 bu. good apples. Other par-
ty pay shipping ches. both ways.
Mrs. Mollie Gamble, Surrency, R
2. ]

Flue cured tobacco, 12 Ibs. $1

del; Want any kind of hides to
tan. Write. F. M. Fowler, Bax-
ley, R 2.
Red or yellow, flue cured to-
bacco, aged and mellow, ready
for use, 18 lbs. 90c. Prepaid in
Ga. David Taylor, Alma, R 3.

Old and mellow, flue cured

tobacco, Red or Bright leaf.
10c; smoking, 8c lb.
del, 8rd zone. Ben Smith, Sur-
Good, old, flue cured. tobacco,
Bright or Red Leaf, aged and
mellow, well pressed, ready for
use: 10: 1bs.;50c,. DE: wa:

Home-made tobacco, athens:
20 lbs., $1; chewing, 16 lbs. $1.
State which desired, chewing or
smoking. Machin White, Alma.

Good, old home made Bright
and Red leaf tobacco, aged and
mellow, well pressed, ready for
use. 10 lbs. 55c. Dorothy Mae
Harris, Mershon.

Tobacco, chewing and smoking,
good and strong, 12 lbs. $1 del.
to 3rd zone. H. H. Herring, Bax-
ley, R 2.

Tobacco, flue cured, mellow
and sweet. Good grade. Ready
for chewing or smoking, 13 lbs.
$1. S. P. Beecher, Baxley.

Georgia Products
For Sale

_ 10 or 12 bu. little Rice peas.
Make best offer for lot. John
H. Worley, Cumming, R 2.

Frost proof Eng, peas, 35c lb.
ao E. B. Warren, Toomsboro,

1932 crop peas, sound and
clean, Rice peas, or 6 other kinds
for table use, 10c lb. Mrs. J. F.
Parker, Talking Rock, R 3.

Velvet beans and peanuts in
the field for hog pasture. Trade
for mule or dairy cows, Farm is

|4 miles N. E. Adrian, in Ga, De-

Miscellaneous Wanted |


10 or 12 Ibs. nice, fre
every week, 25c lb, del.
lis, Talking Rock, R 3,


200 bu. new corn jy
Knighton var. 50c bu.
farm, 5 1-2 mi. east of
TE WW. Martin, Dawson,


Good cooking and eq:
ples, $1 bu. del. G.
Jr., Quill.

Good, sound, eae a
ing apples, 75c bu. FO
good dried fruit, $1 del
Webb, Ellijay.

Marglobe tomatoes, $1
crate, FOB. Frank M
Alto, Box 121.

Fresh, new honey, ma
the White Clover, 5 Ibs,
Ibs. $1.40 del. Italian
50c ea. del. Exc, for oat
F,. Thomas, Odum.
Pure Ext. honey (a bl
lb., any quantity, postpa:
sound Velvet beans, |;
crop, 75c bu. FOB; -
Honey Drip syrup, 50c ga,
Whitfield, Bartow.
_ New Ext. honey, No. |

{2 -. 10 1b. pails, postpai :

1 - 10 1b. postpaid $1,
gals. price on request.
Crummey, Doctortown


2 acres Porto Ricans,
sell at patch; fine crop
for prices if interested.
Ogden, Odum. |

50 bu. Porto Ricans, 50
field. O. Beckworth, Baxly

Porto Ricans, 40c bu.
now for digging. Glen
Ambrose, R 2. ;
1 to 200, bu. nice Pot
sweet potatoes, 50c bu.
near Wrightsville. U. i


market) $10. Send for
Russian sunflower see
Egyptian, 35c peck. All FU
B. Ingram, Waverly Hal
New sorghum syrup, |
FOB. Exc. for seed oats
I pay express on seed.
Goolsby, Graham, R 1.

Ribbon Cane and orgl
rup in cans, for sale, 4
der. O. W. va

Good, 1932 sciehan sytup,
gal. H. B. Dixson, Bowd

Pure Ga. Cane syrup,
gal. cans to case, $3; 12
cans to cs. $3.40. Sat. gu
nest onions for planting
bu. Malvin Collins, Whi


Georgia Produ
Wanted |


Want 2 tons good velv
in the pod for feeding pul
Quote best price sacked |
to shipping point.
Reeve, Calhoun.

Want to buy all var. pe
samples and quote prices
crop, first class stock.
wheat and oats. R. Ne !

Exc. value for cu
apples. Mrs. Jno. BR.
Griffin, R C.
