Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1931 February 19











The Bacchanalialt

ei. _ In the last presidential campaign, both parties vociferously prom-

You could read it in every paper, saw it on billboards, could not
get a decent piece of music over the radio for some party talking about
2 how his condidate was going to RELIEVE ihe farmer, if he was elect-
=> .ed President. - ; oo

Well, we final'y had the election, and Mr. Hoover won. A special

- session of Congress was caled specifically by the President, to RE-.
LIEVE the farmer. What they really did in this Congre-s was to take
up and revise the Tariff Bill. ae

The Southern Commissioners of Agriculture thought that the best

thing for the South was to secure a prohibitive tariff on jute, and a
tariff on vegetable oils, sugar, and other farm prcducts. We did quite

~ @ little lobbying before the Ways and Means Commiitee in Washingtcn

on this subject. The tariff bill finally passed the Senate by a margin

- of two votes. te

This Tariff Bill hiked the rates on all manufactured products.
They seemed to think that the high tariff rate was a good thing for

- manufacturers. I think the manufacturers aso began to believe that

- it was essential to have cheap raw products along with this high tar-

$ff rate, so that the spread would be larger.

be You know that this revision of tariff always comes after the presi-
dential election. Big business must be paid fcr. It is paid off in the

_ form of a tariff that cuts out competition. This competition applies

- solely to America. Thece people here in America buy the manufac-
tured artic es of big businecs and pay a price in a great many instances -

_ doube of what the same articles are shipped abroad and e'l for. Farm

- machinery is the principal item where farmers are hit in this p'an. |
X If we could have secured a seven-cent tariff on jute and a 5-cent
per pound rate on all vegetable oils, we would have had aneadded con-

- sumption of 3.000.000 bales of cotton here in the United States, and
would have cut out so much competition with our cottonseed and pea-
nut ois. : aoe

Congress, however, knew that farm relief had been promised. Big |
business knew that it had been promised. They knew that they had
cs to do something, so they created the Federal Farm Board. They first

voted this Federal Farm Board $250,000,000. Since then, they have

- yoted them $150000009 additional. iY ok
The law creating the Federa! Farm Board limited its dealings in |
farm products throuch Co-operatives.

_ The first big thing that the Federal Farm Board did was to pay
up the gamb'ing debts of some of the Co-operatives of this country
with the stock exchanges. Last April, at Milledgeville, I asked Mr.
Alexander. Legge, Chairman of the Farm Board about this. He ad-

mitted it, said that it did not amount to very muchonly a few mill-

_ion dellarsand that they were not going to do it any more.

a '. The Federal Farm Board alco sanctioned the policies of the Co-

operatives in shipping their cotton to the mils, and shipping the grain.

on to the flour manufacturers, and gambling in the future market for
the protection of the individual shippers. Of course, this policy could


have but one effect on the marketthat is, to depress it, to make raw
products cheap. It is to the advantage of the manufacturers for raw
products to be cheap. The manufacturers realized that this Farm
Board had been created, and they also realized that they are to only
deal with Co-cperatives. They know that $400 000,000 is going to cut
one way or the other. They were on the job day and night. "Like all
good business men, they took special pains to see that it did not curv
against them.

The cotton that the mills are receiving now is going to make a lot
of milionaires out of manufacturers and brokers. It is making mill-
ions of paupers out of farmers who are producing the cotton..

The Wheat that the manufacturers have been receiving at recent
prices will make millionaires out of the flour and feed manufacturers.
It will make milions of paupers out of the wheat and grain farmers
of this country.

_I noticed last week where Senator George protested against the
policy of the Federal Farm Board in allowing the: Co-operatives to sell
the spot cotton and then gamble on the future market with the gov-
ernments money. A Senator from South Caroina interrupted Senator ;
George in his spech and stated that the practice of selline spot -cotton
by the Co-operatives as soon as it is shipped to them and then gamb-
line on the future market was depressing the price. and instead of it -
beine a help was proving to be the farmers bitterest enemy. Senator
Georee agreed with him. nee Y : - i x

Has the thought ever occurred to the Senators that as lone as we
have a Federal Farm Board with mi'lions of dollars. to spend, big bus-
iness will make it their agent? It is inescapable. Big business is on .

. the job. It is at the door of the Federal Farm Board. It is going to

dinner with them. It hires high-pressure lawyers to argue its side
before them. ;

The farmers are at. home in the field at work. thinking that their

interest is being looked after. Thev must stay at home and work, i :
thev are farmers. The hect aid that the sovernment can give the/.. jh

farmer is to take its WITHERING HAND out of business:

I would Jike to know how many United States Senators and Con-
eressmen have been approached to recommend their friends and con-
stituents for these jobs with the Federal Farm Board?

. The hotels in Atlanta have about four or five agents of the Fed-
eral Farm Board here all the time. They are doing nothing but talking -
acreaze reduction. Then the colees and experiment stations come
out and tell us how to make more. Then, come other fellow comes

alone and tells us. how to borrow more monev from the sovernment

to buv more seed and fertilizer, thereby makine more. B!owing hot
and h'owine cold. all with the genvernments money. Ske
Where does the monev come from? It comes out of the man who
must sweat to make a living. It could not come from anywhere else. ,
Dont you svpposre that a rreat manv of our Senators and Ccn-
presmen are embarrassed by the requests that are made of them to
put some of their constituents on the Federal Farm Boards payro!l?
(Continued on page four)





_ Prevailing Wholesale Prices Feb. 17, 1931. Always Subject to Variation



ee Re Atlanta
Sweet Potatoes, 100 Ibs. ............ = $1.25
Ga xtra, 807. 22.0.5.
Standard, -d0Z. : ccs 2.2-<s0- as
Ga., trade, doz. ..... eae

$100 $1.25.

_ Turkeys, lb. :

ee ODORS. De: oe essiecneee pee se
Field Peas, mixed, bu. ......-...-...--- 1.60
*. field Peas, not mixed. bu: ........ 1.75

, \ Country Butter. Best Table, Ib... .30
Ear Corn (80 lbs. to bu.) bu. .: |

-Peavine Hay, No. 1, per ton .

_. Peanut Hay. No. 1, per ton ....
- Soy Beans, Otootan, bu. .............. 3.00
- Soy Beans, Biloxi, Du. .........-..0 2.00


Aususta Savannah Columbus



- Baby Chicks For Sale
. k Eggs For Sae
$1.50 $1.00
18 Ga. Products For Sale Dyin,
8, 16, 17, 18, 3
_ Ga. Products Wanted 2

Live Stock Wanted ..............:. 15,
Miscellaneous For Sale .... 14, 19,

Miscellaneous Wanted

_Pou'try For Sale

. Poultry Wanted .............. eeeeas ys 11
Positions Wanted 20

| Plants For Sale vnicc:. cc. <6; 9; 20
Plants Wanted .... cece Ot 20
Seed For Sale .

Seed Wanted

Flowers & Seed For Sale

Second Hand Machinery

Hogs Sold During Week Beginning February 9. 1931, at Cooperative Sales Brought 6.30 per cwt. Basis No. 1.
- No 1 Grade Spanish Peanuts, $80.09 per ton Delivered, Subject to Correction.


a, . February 19, 1931.
Seed For Sale

Nice select Dixie Belle watermelon
ed, shade dried, 14 lbs. 65c Ib del.
ash with order. Also No. 1, N. GC.
raised runner peanuts at 4c _ Jb.
or 4 1-2c del. Cash with order.
_G, Broome, Tifton, Ga. Rt. 6.
100 Ibs. Thurmond Gray melon seed
el. from 30 to 40 ib. melons, 50c per
not prepaid. J. B. Hanner, Bue-
Vista, Ga. Rt. 4.
A few lbs. good Stone Mtn. water-
elon seed saved from good melons,
60c per lb. Mrs. J. B. Bradford, Rt. 6,
ifton, Ga.
Calif beer seed for sale or exch for
mato seed or any garden seed. Mrs.
C. Graham, Rt. 1, Norman Park,

Tom Watson melon seed from large
ielons 50c lb. postpaid sample on re-
uest. Tilden Johnson, Rt. 2, Cool-

e, Ga.-

Cantaloupe seed Hales best, first. yr
om Condon Bros. (two weeks earlier
han Rocky Fords, slightly larger
mi one and more delicious); oz. 15c or
a, Re. 1.
Clements Imp. triumph watermelon
ed, grow to weight 75 to 150 lbs. fin-
watermelon in America. The

grow round, oblong, sweet, juicy.

Ww last yr. 18 on 1 vine, weighed 620
around 300 seed to oz. Seed $1 oz,
r $10 lb. E. T. Clements, Tennille,

White nest onions, 40c gal. del in
a. J. D. Puckett, Rt. 1, Lawrence-

Wonder watermelon seed at $5 Ib.
is melon can be grown from 75 to
00 lbs. shaped very much <ke Excel,

green rind, meat red, tender and
eet, can be shipped. Scott Hart, Rt.
Americus, Ga. ee
5 Ib. Watson melon seed, grown 1
from Assn. 50c Ib. or exch for

a del. R. L. Reid, Zebulon,

' beans or field peas. H. B. Har-
, Wray, Ga. :
Genuine Rocky Ford cantaloupe

sed 25c per cup, or two for 45c del.
Honey Dew melon seed a good
5; npr will keep for weeks after
5 d, 35c per cup del. no stamps.
yY May Edwards, Rt. B, Cordele, Ga.
ld fashioned half bu. lard gourd
for sale. 1 generous pack, 10c.
n with order. Mrs. J. J. Knowles,
_1, Patterson, Ga.
zeiple hull table peas 20c Ib. or 40c
d fashioned tender cornfield
im seed 25c per teacup; early June

rm, make two crops in one season,
teacup; Stone Mtn. melon seed,
35 teacup or 75c 1b; Jumbo melon

ed, a good shipper, $1.25 per Jb. del.


y drip cane seed hand
eshed, 4c lb. FOB, Winston,
h_ with order, or exch. for Otoo-
_ beans. Horace Darnell, Winston,

29 bu. blue ribbon cane seed, $2 bu.
OB. H. C. Ledford, Rt. 3, Jeffer-

lew Stone Mt. melon seed 40c Ib.
F exch for Laredo soy peas, or N. C
sanuts. H. B. Harper, Wray, Ga.
Cu seed, better than potatoes
tor custards, 20c teacupful. Add post-
ge. No stamps accepted. Rocky Ford
aloupe seed, 20c teacupful, true
fame. Add postage. No stamps ac-.
spted. a Tom Haynie, Rt. 1, La-
5 ree a
_ About

2 bu. nice multiplying onion
for 40c gal. COD. Mrs. Jep Bond
t. 3, Elberton, Ga.

Pure Stone Mt. hand cleaned float-
8d watermelon seed from 5 to 10 lb.
tots, 60c; 10 to 25 lb. lots 55c; from
50 to 100 Ib. lots, 50e FOB Ty Ty, Ga.

. W. Eady, Rt. 3, Ty Ty, Ga.

_3 Ibs. pure select Monte Cristo wa-
melon seed hand saved cleaned and
in fine cond. $1.50 per lb; 3 lbs. Lip-
Sey melon seed, hand saved and cured
1 shade 80c per lb. 2 lbs. orange
eart yellow meated watermelon seed,

50 lb; all prices FOB Cash with or-
as George Brice, Rt. 5, Cumming,
Hastings syrup cane seed, 1st yr.

1 cleaned, $2.50 bu. or exch. for
an beans, ribbon cane _ syrup,
potatoes, pigs, cotton seed.
. English, Rt. 1,. Barnesville

y. Hank and St. Mt. wa-
seed from selected melons,
d in shade, 50c per lb. Eden Gem
nd old fashioned banana or quill
1eion seed, '25c per cupful. Mrs. J. M.
Sessions, Rt. 6, Rome, Ga.
Pimento pepper seed, 10 spoonful;
tron. seed, extra large, striped, good
reserves, 10c spoonful, Mrs. J. J:.
initions, Clermont, Ga.


Buckbees earliest market tomato
seed 1 Ib. $2.75. half Ib. $1.50, 1-4 lb.
80c, 2 oz. 40c. 3 pkt. 25c. Earliana to-
mato seed half Ib, $1.50, 1-4 Ib. 80c;
2 oz. 40c. 3 pkts. 25c. No orders fill-
ed for less than 25c. Prefer P. O,
money order. Mrs. S. lL. Jackson,
Chatsworth, Ga.

Beat-the-bee syrup cane seed hand
thrashed and winded gathered with-
out rain, sound and bright, 15c lb. 8
lb. $ Idel. Also pure Rucker cotton
seed ginned 45 per cent of 7-8 in. lint
last season, 75 bu. FOB. Whatleys
red cob seed corn. selected, nubbed
and hand shelled, 75c per pk. $2.25 bu
FOB. Or will exch. any or some of
all for Otootan beans, apples or Ful-
ghum seed oats. Calif. black-eyed peas
or white sugar crowder peas, each to
pay charges. C. R. Smith, Rt. 3, Bu-
ford, Ga.

Thurmond Gray watermelon -seed
from selected melons, 1930 crop. 54c
lb postpaid, 40c not postpaid, lots 5
to 10 lbs. 35c Ib. 50 Ib. $15. Pat Mont-
gomery, Tifton, Ga. Rt. 2.

Old fashioned half runner garden
beans for seed and tender hull white
cornfield beans for seed 30c cup 60c
La lb. Mrs. J. M. Hall, Calhoun, Ga.
ebb 55 )

seed 50c, 1-4 lb. or $1.75 per Jb. grown
from large select melons. Grown from
select melons; Mrs. J. S. Brown, Ed-
ison, Ga. Rt. 4.

About 40 lb. bright 1930 Watson
melon seed at 50c per lb. Sample on
request. . J. J. Chambliss, Alapaha,

3 Ibs. good stone tomato from fine
tomatoes 20c per oz. J. J. Chambliss,
Alapaha, Ga. oe

300 lbs. Watson seed, from ~- good
melons, 100 lb. lots, 35c lb. 10 to 25
Ib. lots 50c Ib. Can give best of ref.
|W. A. Cone, Metcalfe, Ga.. 2

Japanese cane seed $2.50 per bu. or
will exch. some for 1 bu. Imp. Spanish
peanuts. Lee Brooks, Compton,. Ga.
Rt. 1.

Ky. Wonder bean seed, sound and
well matured 20c common cupful del.
Mrs. Perry Fitzgerald, Forest Glenn,
Ga. ;
Stringless green pod bean seed,
sound and clean, 20c per large cup-
ful, I pay postage; Ky. Wonder bean
seed, sound and clean, same _ price.
Mrs. W. L. Stonecypher, Rt. 1, For-
est Glen, Ga. i

A few more of the Worlds famous
gourd seed for sale, gourds that hold
from 7 to 9 gallons 15c per doz. and
postage added. W .F. Walden, Rt. 2,
Tarrytown, Ga.

.250 lbs. very fine Stone Mtn. melon
seed hand _ selected from melons
weighing from 30 to 40 Ibs. from field
of 20 acres that produce an average
of 1 car per acre last yr. 75c per lb.
in large or small amts. Post office
money order with orders. John T.
Jones, Register, Ga. ee

Hastings Mammoth white. bush
squash and. early yellow bush squash
seed mixed 10c per tablespoon post-
paid. Miss Lucile M. Brown, Rt. 6,
Box 34, Macon, Ga.

3 Ib. improved Jumbo watermelon
seed (Melons sold on market this sea-
son $1 each) 1-4 lb. $1 half lb. $2, 1
lb. $4 cash with order. C. C. Burell,
Buford, Ga. Rt. 2. :

- 20 lbs. white multiplying onions, 10c
lb. del. Cash with order. C. C. Bu-
rell, Buford, Ga. Rt. 2. |

Absolutely pure, undiseased Stone
Mtn. melon seed hand saved and field
selected from most perfect seed spec-
imens, 75c lb. 10 Ib. up 65c postpaid.
Best salmon flesh cantaloupe seed
from perfect type fruits, 75c lb. del.
C. F. Maddox, Buford, Ga. :

Pure hand saved Stone Mt. water-
melon seed from largest best develop-
ed seed, specimens new seed of high
germination, 75c 1b; 10 lb. $6.50 post-
paid. Write for quantity prices. E. A.
Hayes, Buford, Ga.

Half gal. white mush pea -seed, 60c
del. Write first as only have half gal.
Carl Watson, Dawson, Ga. Rt. 2. |

Deep rib pink meat cantaloupe seed
price 10c pkt. White velvet. okra seed,
price 25c lb. Bermuda grass roots, 50c
bushel. Miss Annie E. Jones, Rt. 3,
Fayetteville, Ga. eS

Calif. beer or moss seed in
cond. 10c per start prepaid. Geo.
Floyd; Rockinart,-Gai =

75 lbs. Thurmond Gray melon seed
from choice melons 50c lb..J. M. Kim-
berly, Empire, Ga...

Selected Tom Watson melon seed,

50c Ib. del. J. N. Ousley, Morven, Ga.

Hastings Eden cantaloupe seed 25c
teacup full del. Mrs. C. T. Hunt, Cum-
ming, Ga. Rt. 4. .

Pure and clean honey drip cane

Hastings New Stone Mt. watermelon ,


hand picked from shipping melons, |

seed 5c lb. Mrs. C. T.-Hunt, Cumming,
Ga. Rt. 4. ;

White black-eye and speckled crow-
ders and little cream mush peas all
20c lb. or 6 Ibs. for $1 prepaid. Old
time red multiplying onion buttons
and white nest onions, all 60c a gal.
2 Barred Rock hens, gone ee str.,
$1.10 each or 2 for $2. P. B. Brown,
Rt. 1, Ball Ground, Ga.

Want to exch. collard seed for 1 Ib.
of bunch butter bean seed or 1 Ib,
Valentine seed bean or 1 Jb. stringless
green pod or 1 lb. Ky. Wonder pole
bean, each Ib. for lb. Each to pay pos-
eee Sallie Norton, Douglasville

a. wok

Good nice, white orange cane seed
for syrup or forage for sale at $1.25
per bu. FOB or 8c per Ib. del. in ist
and 2nd zones; also a few lbs. of La-

-|redo beans at 15c del. in some zones.

A. J. Miller, Rt. 4, Dahlonega, Ga.

Seed cane for sale; 10M stalks red
seed sugar cane for sale $1 per hun.
stalks, FOB Leslie, Ga. B. T.. Hart,
Leslie, Ga. ; E

_ 50 Ibs. pure Irish ey watermelon
seed 50c per lb. FOB. + H. McMul-
lan, Rentz, Ga.
Limited amt. of sun, moon and star
watermelon seed, extra quality 15c ta-
blespoonful. Add postage. H. L. Camp,
Alvaton, Ga.
Several lbs. Lipsey melon seed for

sale at 30c per lb. and have a 16

shot 22 Remington hammerless rifle
as good as new and is a real good gun
and practically new, price $13, cash
with order. Want to hear from some
one that has got a 1 horse Oliver for
sale cheap or in fair cond. Write me
what you -have. Ransom Stubbs,
Charing, Ga. Rt. 1.

Pure Dixie Bell melon seed careful-
ly selected from well shaped sere
melons, 60c lb. postage paid. J.
Brown, Macon, Ga. Rt. 6.

Cane seed for sale, Texas Ribbon
cane seed extra fine for syrup, 50c

| gal. or 2 for 90c postpaid $3 bu. FOB

co C. R. Burell, Auburn, Ga. Rt.

- Stone Mtn: watermelon seed 1930
crop 25c teacupfull; nice sundried ap-
ples, free from worms, 6 lb. $1; Klon-
dike strawberry plants, $1 per 500, $1.-
75 per M. Lady Thompson, $2 M Eth-
el Crow, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Multiplying nest onions, . 60c
White running and bunch butter

beans, 15c cupful or 2 cups 25c all del

Mrs. Roy D. Tankersley, Appling, Ga.
I have for sale 25 lbs. pure Thur-
man Grey Melon seed saved from 50

lbs. melon and nothing under 50 Ibs. |:

Free of disease. $1 lb. postpaid. A. Ab-
bott, Pinehurst, Ga. Rt. 2. ;

5 lbs. absolutely pure undiseased
Stone Mtn. melon seed, hand saved
and dried in shade from large nice
Sa 75c lb. T. G. Self, Vienna, Ga.

Want to get in touch with someone
who has Blue Rose seed rice send
sample and price. F. N. Smith, Rt.
A, Glennville, Ga.

Cal. beer seed, 10c start, enclose 2c
postage, no stamps accepted. Miss Ida
Wright, Rome, Ga., Rt. 1, Box 73.

Fresh selected seed eestiniee speck~
led bunch butter beans 30c lb. garden
bunch beans, 25c lb; velvet okra, 25c
lb; Golden Queen pop corn, 20c pt;
del. for cash or exch. for pure Ga.
Blue Stem collard seed, Willets eng.
pea or crookneck squash seed. Miss
Josephine Roberts, Buford, Ga. Rt. 2.

Biue ribbon cane seed, $1.50 bu. or
50c pk. or exch for chickens, market
price. Tom Sims, Star Rt., Lula, Ga.

2 or 3M old time. seeded cane for
sale, $1 per 100. O. C. Robinson, Rt.
1, Box 17, Naylor, Ga.

Large red multiplying onions, 50c
gal. Lottie McCluney, Rydal, Ga.

Striped half runner bean seed 30c
lb. white spine cucumber seed 1 oz
15c; Perkins Mammoth green pod
okra 1-4 lb. 20c; Summer Yellow
crooked neck squash 1-4 lb. 30c; Cash
del. Mrs. C. A. Wilbanks, Commerce,
Ga. Rt. 5. :

Thurmond Gray and Dixie Bell
melon seed FOB. A. W. Tabor, Pow-
ersville, Ga. Bess

Otootan Soy beans, No. 1, $3.50 and
No, 2, $2.50 per bu. A. W. Tabor, Pow-~
ersville, Ga.

Jumbo pumpkin seed 10 for 30
fashioned pumpkin

seed; also. old :
seed, 10c for 30 seed; catnip, 25c for

3 bunches. Will exchange what have
you? Mrs. F. W. Adams, Buchanan,
Rt. 2.

Stone Mtn. watermelon and mixed
cantaloupe seed shade cured ea... 75c
lb. Ky Wonder. and Little Black pole
ih White: bush apa Rpg! butter
lb. e bu an ung Ou
beans, ea. 20c lb. Dill seed and mixed

jons. Mrs. P.


hot pepper seed 5c tbls. Mrs. A. E.
Biggers, Rebecca, Ga. Rt. 1. A ai
Chufa seed, good and sound, $4 per
ae FOB. J. S. Strickland, Manor,
a. : be

Eden Gem cantaloupe seed, salmon
flesh, land selected: from the finest .
and most: perfect melons, 65c per half
lb; $1 per Ib. or $4.50 for 5 lbs. post-
paid. Would exch half lb. for pure
unmixed honey drip sorghum _ seed;
also half lb. for 1 gal. sound nest. on-

R. Maddox, Griffin, Ga.
Rt. B. Me

Rice seed 10 lb. postpaid cotton
seed, 65c. bu. del. or exchange. A. B.
Taylor, Rt. 1, Box 90, Rochelle, Ga.

Wht. half run. bean seed free from
weevil 20c per cup or two cups for 35c
green tender pod okra seed 10c spoon-
ful 20c half cup. Also Lipsey water-
melon seed 35c per lb. Add postage.
Mrs. A. G. Clarke, Abbeville, Ga. RFD i.

Cal. beer seed or moss plant fresh
Nash variety, 25c per start, hasnt
been frozen. Mrs. L. E. Green, 864
Central Hapeville, Ga.

Genuine Watson melon seed 60c per
lb. 10 lbs. or more 50c 1b. Also Porto
Rico potato plants in season. J. H.
Chapman, Chula, Ga. tee

, Sweet Ss seed or exch. for
okra seed; Stone Mtn. watermelon >
seed, 25c cup or exch. for cabbage
pee ee Z. EH. Brock, Bowdon,

a. oe Se ee

Pure Watson watermelon seed, 60c
ond lb. del. W. T. White, Sumner,

a. = ba
Stone Mtn. watermelon seed, strict-
a Ist class in every respect. Taken
rom melons with an average wt. of
45 lbs. 50c per lb. FOB. Ty Ty, Ga. |
Harrell Plant Oo., Ty: Ty, Gaz .3
White velvet and long green pod
okra, English peas, (telephone varie-
ty) of extra quality, 20c pt. 35c qt.
postpaid. Will exch. for sugar crow-
der peas up to 10 lbs. Alvin D. Todd, |
Gaddistown, Ga. ee
Calif. moss beer seed enough f
start 15c prepaid. Ruth Fowler, Su
rency, Ga. Rt. 2. ci. Sea
Texas Ribbon cane seed, $3.50 per
Ib. Pumpkin old fashioned hog pota-
toes pumpkin 25c cup full; rice for
table use 2 lbs. FOB, 25c. good rice
1930 crop. Mrs. Mae Turner, Cleve-
land, Ga. Rt. 4. . i c
Tobacco seed, hair left and bread
leaf 20c tablespoonful,. postpaid. Mrs.
Nelson Miller, Cleveland, Ga. Rt. 4.

Fischel strain, White Rocks, Cornish,

Seed Wanted

Want Texas seeded Ribbon cane.
Quote lowest price on 5 or 10 lb. lots
del. at Nicholson. B. B. Pace, Nich-
olson, Ga. Rt. 2. B

Stone Mtn. water melon seed, can-
taloupe seed, garden bean seed, rape
seed, any Kind of pea seed or soy bean
seed. Will exch. thorobred eggs for
same. I have aristocrat, Barred Rocks

Indian Games and Indian Runner.

ducks. All pure bred prize winning
stock. Miss Nellie Puckett, Rt. B,
Cordele. ee ea

Want one-half bu. of pure orange
cane seed, hand shelled prferred. R. :
J. Carson, Maysville, Ga. ae

Wanted, 10 or 15 bus. Otootan soy
beans, sound and suitable for plant-
ing, make best price. Jack Jones, Ri
1, Empire, Ga. | j -

Want B. onion plants, 5 C cabbage
plants, Eng. pea seeds, running, rae
Stringless green pod bean seed, lg
red peanuts, 1-2 bu., will exch. othe
plants for J. B. Giant eggs, $1.50 per
setting. Mrs. J. S. Weatherly, Hosch-
ton, Ga. - ; et

Want garden pea seed, will .exch
white velvet okra seed for same. |
have 2 lbs. of okra seed. W. B. Hen-
derson, Rt. 2, Fitzgerald, Ga.

Wanted about 50 stalks of Blue
gar cane for planting. Give best p:
D. B. Gates, Rt. 2, Lithonia, Ga.

Want 1M stalks of seed sugar cane.
Make best offer FOB or del. at my
farm. G. J. Davis, Milner, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want Texas Ribbon cane or honey
drip sorghum, at 2 1-4c lb. Early Am-
ber at 2c lb. cattail millet, 7 or 8c lb.
in 100 lots, or less. Mrs. Addie Wad-
delle, Pearson, Ga.. cei

Want 2 lbs. Hastings white bunch
butter bean: seed, 1 lb. running white
butter bean. seed, 1-2 peck of Early
Sugar crowders sound and free from
weevils; 1 lb. running late garden pea
seed (that grows from 3 to 6 ft. hig
2 qts. mammoth sunflower seed, 4 or
5 lbs. sound chicken corn seed. Exch >
P 6 bred W. L. Tancred str. eggs at.

3 per 100 and other value for same.
Mrs. Cleon Cowart, Summit, Ga. Rt.
2, Box 89. gen



= Georgia...
_ Market Bulletin

- Published Weekly By The
Arthur D. Jones, Director

- Department Of

_ Agriculture
Eugene Talmadge, Commissioner

-. THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 1931.

_ Entered as second class matter
I} February 15, 1922, at the Post
' Office at Atlanta, Georgia; un-
der the act of June 8, 1900. Ac-
cepted for mailing at special
rate of postage provided for in
oo 1103. Act of October 8, .

Notice of farm produce and ap-
purtenances, admissible under
postal regulations, inserted one
time on each request, and re-
peated only when request is ac- |
aaa by new copy of no-
ce.. 7

Second-Hand Farm Machinery,
Flowers and Seed, Incubator and
Ornamental Nursery Stock no-
tices are published in Monthly
Supplement which appears on
the first Thursday of each

Farm Land for sale editions are
published at intervals during the
year. Advance notices of these
editions appear from time to
time advising advertisers when
to mail us these types of. notice.

Limited space will not permit
insertion of- unimportant no-
ices. Under Legislative act the
Market Bulletin does not as-

me any. responsibility for any
notice appearing in the Bulletin
or transaction resulting there-


The Georgia Experiment Station, at
ts Mountain Branch Station at
Blairsville, has secured some inter-
esting results and made important
progress in the first years work of
ting crop varieties on mountain
ils. In addition to successful devel-
ment of some standard varieties of
ield crops by proper methods of cul-
tivation, several species of oriental
ettuce, radishes, turnips and other
eens, which have failed to grow as
ecessful'y in other sections of Geor-
ia, Rave given admirable results in
their first trials near Blairsville.
The rapid succulent growth was
cterized by crispness and de-
1 flavor. The root crops, con-
ng of several varieties of turnips
radishes, were particularly suc-
cessful in spite of the unusual dry
season, their growth being character-
d by smooth skin and a firmness
of tissue. a ee
These first trials suggest the feas-
bility of introducing a wide range of
egetab'e crops not yet grown in the
ntain section, vegetables that. wil!

esent garden crops and may be ex-
yected to provide new commercial
.erops for the rich bottom lands of
the Georgia mountains. =

2 is Mountain Experiment Station
will continue to try out new varieties
hat may be grown commercially. Re-
ds are also being kept of the most
promising local varieties for increas-
ing cash crops, and many of the
s and berries which have been
veloped at the Experiment Station
near Griffin are being tried out at
the Mountain. Branch Station with
great promise of success. Rage

rove to be welcome additions to the


The advent of paved roads and the
automobile reaching back into the
most remote mountain valleys indi-
cate great possibiities in growing
summer crops to be marketed in
South: Georgia markets and Fiorida.
The cool nights, soil and abundance
of-rain insure a good flavor to the
products of mountain soils. One ex-
amp.e of special local interest is the
successful growing of Honey Dew mel-
on the past season and several farm-
ars have indicated their intention to
grow this melon and form coopera-
tive plans for marketing it next sea-

The few failures recorded of the
oriental vegetables tried this past sea-
son are evidently accounted for by
the extremely dry weather, but a list
of the successful varieties include the

Chinese Cabbage: Chee-Hoo, Chos-
en. Hakusai (Korean Specy), Giant
Shantung (Half-Headed), Crepe Ha-
kusai (Loose-Leaved), Takiis Spring
Pioneer (New Earliest Round-Head-
ed), Yellow Shantung (Loose Leav-

Japanese Greens: Iezoh-Tsai, Tas-
sel Chard (Switsai), Early White Rib-
bed, Sanhowtao-Tsai, Kan-Tao-Tsai.

Japanese Turnip: Saiins Fire
Frame, All Season (Yorii Summer),
Shogoin (Fliage Turnip), Extra Early
White Ball. ,
Japanese Radish: Shogoin Mam-

moth Globe No. 1, New Foliage Rad-

sh, Miyashige Stump Rooted, Mino
Early Giant, All Scarlet, White Giant
Improved White-Neck Miyashige).
Georgia Mountain Experi-
ment Station.


- The fame of George Washington as

a soldier and statesman has always
yvershadowed his other achievements.
3y nature George Washington was
essentially a farmera . high grade
armer. This information is con-
ained in a statement issued by the
Division: of Information and Publica-
tion of the George Washington Bi-
centennial Celebration.
Farming was Washingtons first
love and it was always with reuc-
tance that he left his farm to answe-
the call of his country. Washingt >

himself described his love for faim-

ing when he wrote, in 1778:

I think * * that the life of hus-
bandry of all others is the mast de-
lectable. It is honorable, it is amus-
ing, and, with judicious management,
it is profitable. To see plants rise
from the earth and flourish by the
-uperior skill and bounty of the la-
borer fills a contemplative mind with
ideas which are more easy to be con-
ceived than expressed. ae

When Washington was away
home he was never too busy for
thoughts on farming. We. find him
writing to his superintendent at
Mount Vernon giving minute direct-
ions on the various problems which
arose. In 1789, when Washington

_was making his gocd will tour of New
| England, he made copious notes
states. Whenever a tract on agricul-

farming methods in the
ture came his way, Washington made
time to read and study it.

As.soon as the Revolutionary War |
was over Washington rushed back to |

his farm. His lands were run down
because of poor management; but
soon the celebrated general. got down
to work, and before long ~ George

Washington was recognized as: one

_) of the: best: farmers in the country;

from -


a scientific farmer in every sense of
the word. Ses

Washington loved his land. His was

an active farm. -His roads were con-
stantly repaid, he built the largest
brick barn in America; and he was
one of the first farmers to build an
ice house. On his farm could be found
-killed carpenters, millwrights, brick-
ayers and painters as well as trained

_ Washington was very proud of his|
trees and flowers.
seeds from all parts of the world. At}
Mount Vernon was to be found a@

Friends sent him

large assortment of trees: cherry,
pear, peach and apple trees of many
varieties; also walnut, magnolia, oak
and elm trees. His flower garden was
a place of beauty with its exotic flow-
ers from every corner of the globe.
To preserve these flowers Washing-
ton built one of the first hot houses
in America.

Washington was always. planning
ahead. On December 2, 1799, just
twelve days before his death, Wash-
ington completed plans for a_ five-.
year program on his farm at Mount
Vernon. Those plans were never to
materialize, . :

A fine tribute is paid to George
Washington, the farmer, by his biog-
rapher, Paul Leland Haworth, when
he says; :

If he were alive today we may be
sure that he would be an active work-
er in farmers institutes, an eager
visitor to agriculture colleges, a lead-
er of scientific laborers and an en-
thusiastic promoter of: anything tend-
ing to better American farmers and
farm living. - Fie


Thursday. February 19. 1931.




The condition of the brood sows up-
on the average farm will decide large- .
ly the number of pigs that will be far-
rowed in the average litter next spring,

It,yhas been consistenttly demon-
strated that a brood sow that is in
a thrifty, healthy condition at the
time of breeding will usually farrow a
larger number of pigs during the
spring season. Be

By good condition, however, in the
case of a breeding animal, one doe- .
n't intimat just a fat hog. The brood
sow that is smooth, carrying a reason-
able quantity of flesh, that has been
fed upon a rtion properly balanced :
with a reasonable amount of protein,
is usually in the most healthy condition
and in the best condition to conceive
for a large litter of pigs the following _
spring. : he
If brood sows have been carried
largely upon the waste feed in the
fields during the past few months, the
good hogman, will certainly find it de- :
sirable to add a resaonable amount of =
protein to his ration during the next
few weeks and he will find that his
sows will breed. more uniformly and -
will be in better condition to produce

a large litter of pigs. [Re

Continuing the feeding of this pro-~
tein during the gestation period has
also been demonstrated to be extreme-
ly desirable and it has been shown that
practically twice as many pigs are at
the sides of brood sows at weaning
time as where no protein supplement
is fed during the gestation period

Allied News Service. e oa

/ Did you ever think about the type
stay after these jobs.

ernment payro'l.

terested in holding their jobs.

the inewmpetents and the cerelicts

Land values went to nothing.

lish lansuage today.


orgy of snendines.
The Bacchanalia wrecked

the better it
a living. ;


8: 4 sae hx


(Continued from page one)

appointive government job? Fe does not have time to do anything but
t Of course, his brother-in-law, or his uncle,
would not give him a job in his business, but they would ca] on their
U. S. Senator or Congressman to get him a job with the government. .
_I will venture to say that three-fourths of the employees of the Fed-
eral Farm Board are derelic's, incompetents, and could not make a liv-
ing to save their lives on a two-horse farm. Of course, they have to
_stav dressed up. and look nice and dignified. because they are RE-
SPECTABLE. They cannot afford to work. Therefore, they worry the
life out of everyone to give them a job, and their kin, not wanting them
to go to the almshouse, worry their influential friends higher up, and
they finally set on the old government band wagon and on the gov-

The above is what government running business means. Of course
these re pectable, dressed up fellows who have authority are only in-
; They are going to listen to big business.

They think that big business can help them hold a job better than that
poor litte fellow who does not have time to leave the field.
This is why I sav that whenever the
degee ae A (Peete HEE ake ; eat
. Lets loo ack over the paves of -history. Is the present Farm _
Board the only venture of this kind that government hae ever made?

No. :

When the Roman Empire stretched out to the Atlantic Ocean n ,
ene side and buit the Appian Way and acquired all Gaul, she hed a
great class of farming people to deal with. The Roman Empire was
synonymous of what was ereat, what was prosperous, and what every :
one of its citizens was proud of. Until it established the BACCHA-. a
NALTA. The Patchanalia was the farm board of the Reman Empire. |}
It tried to regulate prices. It furnished jobs fer the down-and-ouls, _

the Roman Senators. These incempetents tried to handle th
that it took the real working peopl: of the Roman Empire to ao
Chaos developed. Fonest tril did not mean anything. : ce
Everyone tried fo move to the cities. Ther could no Inver ee
a living in the country, for The Bacchanalia "Saw to it that the die
business squeezed al of the profits cut of evervthing., Look in vour
dictionarv and see what this word Bacchanalia means in the Eng-

It has come Jpping down through the ages to us as a, drunken ; > F

the Roman Empire.
But, we have a little pleasant news at Jast. I see whe SS
Leone 35 zoitie to resien as Chairman of the Bonra +: ales oye ne
; cKelvie is goine to res rom | , je
ce Se ee ee not fill ee ene ik coe
er, course, they will have thousands of appli a
sooner this government takessits WITHERING HAND otto pe Me
will be for the man who works and sweats in the sun for

of fellow who is always after an :

government takes hold of

who happened to have the air of

places, thines will certainly be



Thursday, February 19, 1931,

_ If the early baby chicks develop
bowel trouble during the first three
weeks, you may be sure that they have
been chilled or over-heated about
five chances of chilling to one of over-

If, during the first three weeks, the
chicks are weak but do not show much
signs of bowel trouble, you can be quite

gure that you waited too long before
feeding them, or that they have not
had enough to eat. Lack of enough
feeding boxes and no feed in these
boxes are the most common causes of
this trouble.

After the third week, crowding is
_robably the most common trouble. This
condition shows up in several sizes of
chicks, and results*in toe and tail pick-
ins and weak chicks. A crowded house
never has enouzh hopper space.

- Over-heating shows up more after

the third week than ever before. As

_the chicks grow and get feathers, more

ventilation and a lower temperature
_ should be allowed.

_ Rickets or leg weakness will show up
in a flock in three to five weeks if cod
liver oil is not fed or if the birds are

not allowed to get out into the sun-

- light. Most poultrymen neglect the
feeding of green feed and this helps
to develop unthrifty flocks,

_ The above mi.takes develop a weak-
ened condition in the flock which re-
sults in disease germs getting a hold

' on the bords. Coccidiosis is present in
all fiocks. It can be prevented from
doing much damaze by gocd manage-
-ment.Allied News Service.

Georgia Products For Sale

Imp,, tree irom wee-
vils, $3 bu. 91.15 per 1-2 bu. $1 per 1-4
bu. or 2c qt. s R. Bowen, Rucking-
ee Ga. Rt.

_. Conch peas, : Ths. 50c postpaid. Ear)
5. Redwine, Madras, Ga.

- Running velvets, aboui 85 per cent

: sound, (se for 15 ibs. del. Money or-
oper with order. C. P. Smith, Enigma,

as Old tachionsa streaked garden
_beans, 25c lb. or exch. for vaiue in

_ Sugar crowders. ib. of beans for 2 lbs,
_Of peas. Or exch. .b. for a lb. of gooa

Clean teatners. C. M. PAVIEsON, Alito,
Ga.-Rt. 1.

- Bioxi beans, $2 bu. FOB Milledge-
ville. H. B. Peeler, Devereux, Ga.

8 bu. brown, sound, unmixed Whip
peas. Make offer at barn. No checks.
_C. L. Bradford, Lithonia, Ga. Rt. 1.

200 bu. sugar crowders, good and
a 12c lb. L. H. Burt, Juno, Ga.
~ 1 -bu. each, Clays, Brabs, $2 and $3
bu. a few ibs. o7 white, black-eyed
peas, 10c lb. Will exch. 1 lb. for 2 lbs
peanuts; 15 ibs. for 30 lbs. peanuts.
_ Milton Patierson, Calhoun, Ga. Rt. 5.

15 lbs. speck ed bunch butter beans
_ 25 Ib. del. 5 Ibs. $1. W. M. Thorn-
- ton, Jesup, Ga.

50 bu. 90-day speckled velvets, re-
Cleaned and in good bags, $2 bu. W.
L. Stone, Hazlehurst, Ga.

White lady peas, 10c Ib. $1 plus pos-
tage. Mrs. J. C. Chappelear, Lavon-
fia, Ga. Rt. 3..

90. day Freckled Running _ velvets,
$1.75 bu. FOB. J. D. Duke, Ft. Val-
ley, Ga.

Sugar crowders, 6 lbs. PP. $1 or exch
a few for tender bean seed. 1 1-2 Ib.
_for 1 !b. eating bean seed; Blue speck-
led Texas Whips, sev. bu. 10c lb. or
_ write your best offer for sev. bu. lot.
-Zenas Sanders, Felton, Ga. Rt. 1.
_ Hastings Jackson Wonder butter-
bean seed: Sound and free of wee-
_Vils. Mrs. Fred F Johnson, Dawson,
Ga. Rt. 6.

20 bu. Tillman prolific, 1930 crop
-_ Sound, $1.75 bu. FOB Macon. Milton
- Minshew, Walden, Ga.

a 100 bu. good, sound recleaned O-
_ too-tan beans, eae $4 bu. Biloxi,
$2.50; Laredos, $3. . P. Couch, Lu-
-thersvil e, Ga. :
~--Genuine ~Otootans, new crop, re-
Cleaned and in new, even wt. bags,


$3. 50. bu. FOB. G:; A. Ware, Marshall-

Ville, Ga.

60 bu. Otootans, 1930 crop. Sound.
In good sacks, $4 bu FOB. UD. K. Nah
Gui hersville, Ga.

5 bu. 2 crop Clays, $4 bu. Del. in
Ga. or 5 bu FOB Douglasville, $3 bu.
also 10 bu. Mulberry cotton seed, $1.-
25 bu.. FOB. W. B.. Cochran, Doug-
lasvile, Ga. Rt. 1.

Cream crowders, i:0c lb. $5 bu.
Same var. slightly stained by rain, 8c
ib. $3.90 bu. Sent COD. W. C. Pet ty,
Varne_l, Ga. Rt. 2.

75 bu. Otootans, recleaned, in good
sacks, $3.75 bu. FOB. R. B. Turner,
Luthersville, Ga.

Mung beans, del. 35c lb. 2 lbs. 60c;
4 Ibs. (enough to plant 1 acre) $1.
Cash with order. J. D.* Cotton,
Georgetown, Ga.

10 bu. yellow crowder peas, $4 bu.
Gathered without rain on them. T. R.
Peacock, Ashburn, Ga. Rt. 2.

200 bu. genuine Otootan beans, $4
bu. recleaned FOB. Grown on own
farm. R. M. Turner, Royston, Ga.

Good, .tender streaked haf runner
garden bean seed, free from weevils,
25c per cup full, postpaid. Mrs. N. R.

| Wilson, Canon, Ga. Rt

Bunch and running colored butter-
bean seed, 20c Ib. Mrs. J. A. Warnock,
Ama, Ga.

Nice firm butter, 3 or 4 lbs. ea. wk.
Cows T. B. tesi ed, 30c Ib. prepaid.
Mrs. Tom Henson, Mize, Ga.
2 lbs. fresh J. butter ea. week, 40c
lb. postpaid. Sat. guar. Mrs. Maude
Murphy, Fairmount, Ga. Rt. 2.

Whatleys. Ist yr. $2.50 bu. G.. A.
Ware, Marshallville, Ga.

Marlboro prolific and Whatleys and
other kinds. Seed bought last yr. Nub-
bed and shelled. $2.50 bu. exp. collect,
or 6c lb. Postage paid on $1 worth or
more. Genie Sanders, Felton, Ga. Rt.

Woods imp. Hastings prolific. Es-
pecially selected. $2.50 bu. Jas. B.
Wocds, Brooks, Ga.

- Whatleys. Grown on my own farm

from certified seed. $2 bu. FOB. R. M.

Turner, Royston, Ga. .

Tennessee red cob and Yellow Dent.
In good strong sacks, 50c peck FOB.
Any quantity. B. F. Cheek, Lavonia,

Pure red cob Whatleys prolific. Care-
fully selected, $2.50 bu. $1.50 per 1-2
bu. $1 peck. FOB. J. E. Eubanks, Au-
gusta, Ga. 920 Heard Ave.

Whatleys red cob. Field selected
and nubbed and sheled. $2.50 bu. in
gocd bags. FOB. J. L: Thomas, Madi-
me Ga. RFD 1.

astinzs seed corn. Ist. yr. Selected.
180 oe $1. 25 per 1-2 bu. $2.25 bu. FOB
Milledgeville. H. B. Peeler, Devereux,

200 bu. good, recleaned Ruckers, Ist.
yr. 85c bu. F. K. Duncan, Dougias-
ville, Ga.
Extra fine imp. Ruckers, selected
Wannamakers Cleveland big boll, and

Piedmont~ Cleveland. Special prices. |

Jas. B. Woods, Brooks, Ga.

175 bu. Piedmont Ped. Cleveland big
boll, recleaned, sacked, $1.50 bu. or $5
per cwt. FOB. Cash with order. H.

H. Hardin, Forsyth, Ga.

Mo bu. King imp. cotton seed. $1. bu.
Money order. C. M. Cantreil, Tate,

200 bu. pure Ruckers.. 1st yr. $1 bul
or exch 25 or 50 bu. lots for good ear
corn. I to pay del. chgs. on seed;
other party on corn. W.A . Henderson,
Norcross, Ga.

Piedmont Cleveland. 75c bu. FOB.
Grown on my own farm. R. M. Tur-
ner, Royston, Ga.

Cokers No. 5, $1 bu. or exch for
shelled corn. Bu. for bu. Or for oats.
W. T. Adams, Lavonia, Ga. Box 381.

35 bu. big boll Toole wilt resistant,
$1 bu. or exch. for corn, hay peas, or

J chickens. R. F. Sikes, Sylvester, Ga.

Lee Wilsons big boll. Cokers Cleve-
land No. 5, Wannamaker Cleveland.
All 1st. yr. Recleaned~and ginned on
my private gin. Any of above seed, $1
bu. FOB. J. L. Thomas, Madison, Ga.
RFD 1.

Pure Lee Wilson. 1st. yr. Sound and
unmixed. $2.50 per cwt. G. A. Ware,
Marchallville, Ga. ;

Recleaned, genuine Wannamaker
Cleveland. $1 bu. N. J. White, Hart-
well, Ga: Rt. -

Good, Wanmymakers 1st. ved 75e bu.

FOB. W. T. Chandler,
Ga. RFD 5.

Vandivers heavy fruiter, $1 bu. 10
bu. or more, 95c bu. Cash with order.
Clayton A. Roberson, Jesup, Ga.

Cokers long staple, 19 bu, 75c bu. $15
for lot, FOB. Joe A
woody, Ga.

600 bu. puce certinied bancroft seed
oats, 70c bu. FOB. Grown on own
iarm. RK. M. Turner, Royston, Ga.

Thre.heq O-too-tan Soy bean hay.
Weauner. staineu and darx, but baied
d.y, an Boou lignt caean pgs. $16 ton,
car lols, OB were. UO. K. vwavid, Mar-

sualiviae, Ga.


Bee supplies. kverytning for the

beesceptr anu the wees. Wrie tor

ew ioW prices. hh. FP. xurK, veoup, Ga.


Yellow alu auup. mop. rorvo Rico
Seu ald Caving pOldvwes, pi DU. ae
duty LAL, OF BU aN. sdvbou Ald Uta. Av
SassPpaiig Pualle. f4-2 Vise BluWwal Aalu
wave dalSpo da. AcPalwadl, Nvse veil,


d0abs. sound seeding nuts, luc Iv.
Or XCal, LOY Ovilley OL Ovuaru- Nuuacu
wees. JMits. 1. A. 4uUKINS, - VieNua, Ud,

Govt insp. budded pecan trees, lead
var. At. SizeS, UF sa.c or excn, '. ev.
veager, Fluntside, Ga.

Cuerry buses: May, Deekioart. and
Ja dasss0NeCd Val. duc Cdval. Vito. JVC
ai, McWuiulrter, bOwWu0u, Ga. mo. 1.

Wuute scuppeinong cut. and Kudzu,
yvC @aCil, OF CACO. lur permiuua ollie
pants Or wWalve 1eea Sacks. Ka. to pay
pusvage. Mus. B.S. uaud, Gaunesvine
ua. bl. 1.

Prickley pears, 10c -per start, 3 lots,
25c PP. Exch. for okra seed. Send in
.irst letter as have plenty to exch.
uweneva Sanuers. Felton, Ga. Rt. 1.

State insp. budded Sch-ey and Stu-
art pecan trees, 6 to. % It. 40c eacn;
v25 @ 100; $200 M. FOB. Excn. some
.or 10 to 25 bu. Jerusaiem artichokes.
1, G. Wiiliams, Cordele, Ga.

Apple, 102 to 25c ea. peach, 5c to.

25c; pear, 20c to 50c each; cherry
ind, 50c each; grape "vines, 5c
10 25c each. Standard var. Pecans,

2 to $1 each; biack wa-nuts, 25c tu
Be each. James Cureton, Austell, Ga.


200 1-2 gal. cans of pure Ga. Cane
syrup, $4.50 per cs. 6 Bal. per cs. FOB.

T. J. Orbie, Cairo, Ga.

150 gal. extra good thick syrup, 75c
gal. or exch, syrup cane seed for O-too-
tan beans. M. F. Lewis, Adairsville,
Ga. |
Nice, bright home made syrup, $1 gal.
also yellow root, 40c lb. Mrs. J. B.
Phillips, Hartwell, Ga. Rt. 5.

Jerusalem artichokes, $1 bu. No
checks. W. E. Goodwin, Wadley, Ga.

i Gectgis Products Wanted

. Whitlock, Dun- |

. PAGE |]
J. B. Giant eggs for Porto Rico

potatoes and seed squaw corn. Mrs
T. Lamberth, Arabi, Ga.

Seed For Sale

Hastings Florida Favorite me mn,
seed, 75c lb. extra early green bunch

|snap beans, 20c lb. also hot pepp :

seed, 10c this. No. stamps. W._

Goodwin, Wadley, Ga.

00 Ibs. Thurmond Gray waterm
on seed, 1 to. 25 Ibs. 30c 1b.. 25 Ibs. an
up, 25 lb. 600 lbs. Dixie Belle and
Lifsey, 1 to 25 Ibs. 35c Ib. 25 Ibs.:
25 lb. 100 lbs. Watson, 40c Ib. F
Will ship COD or cash with order.

E. Baldwin, Montezuma,|\ Ga.

Large white nest onions, 45c_ gal
Mrs. Grady Ragland, Roopville, G
Rt. 3. i %

Texas orange sorghum cane seed
bu. not prepaid, 10c lb. PP on 5 or
more. Ibs. Winter pene collard seed
3 tbls. 10; good muskmelon and Cox's
and Stone Mtn. melon seed, 1-2.
full, 10c; pumpkin, and bunch or sal *
ad Eng. pea seed, 15c cup full; sun-
flower seed, 15c per 1-2 pt. also sc
bark hickory nut seed, 1 1-2 doz.
for 15; black sreitiaiey same pr
Exch. some for tender cornfied po
or half runner bean seed, or peanuts,
pecans, St. insp. apricot, Damson_ or
other large plum, or pecan trees. J.
Sanders, Fe'ton, Ga. Rt. 1. ig

Bermuda and Crystal Wax onion sets

25 qt. 2qts. or over 20c qt. PP. Sankey

Tyson, Sparks, Ga.

12 lbs. Rocky Ford cantaloup. Ist. yr.
from Hastings. 60c lb. Hastings pag
Sugar Pumpkin seed, 15c per 1-2 tea-
cup full; Big Jumbo pumpkin seed, 3c.
doz. M. J. Tarpley, Cordele, Ga. Rt.

50 bu. sorghum cane seed, $1.50 per
bu. FOB. Ro M.. Turner; Royston, .

Tender hull cornfield bean seed, 3

lb. pop corn, 10c lb. Spanish peariu

10 lb. Miss Jessie Cash, ble
Branch, Ga. Rt. 3.

15-bu. of the famous Jones cane set
(fine for syrup), $1.60 bu. FOB. M
Lewis, Adairsville, Ga. ee

Curley Leaf mustard (stands -
winter) and pumpkin seed, large size,
deep yellow and thick meat, both, 25
per cup full. Postpaid. Exch, Mrs.
Maud Murphy, Fairmount, Ga. Rt.

15 lbs. Thurmond Grey melon seed,
for sale, or exch. for velvet beans, or
75 chicks, day old. A. L. Fowler Os! e-
thorpe; Ga. Rt. 1.

The Jones watermelon Pe 50c

| 10 lbs. $3.50 del; Rocky Ford cantale

75c lb. 10. Ibs. "$4. Del. HB: Peeler

Devereux, Ga.

Hastings long green pod okra | eC
35c lb. 2 lbs. 50c del. Harold Smi
Baxley, Ga. Rt. 4. Box 135. .

Make best offer on 500 lbs. S
Dixie Belle, ee Stone Mtn. waterm:
- seed, J. R. Hadaway, Warm Spri


Stone Mtn. meton seed, Write
quantity prices. Blewett ee Ive;
Ga. Re, 4:

' Gourd seed, 10 per pkt. 3 for 25
hot pepper seed, 10c pkt. Sold.
in packets. Also martin Fe! pr
according to size. Mrs. T. B. a
tacos ocndia Ga.


Want to exch. smoked meat, or 100-
day velvet beans for 1 bu. 1930 Otoo-
tan bean seed, free from obnoxious
weed seed and must be sound. J. Le-
vin Pafford, Stockton, Ga.

Want 2 bu. gocd, sound 90- day vel-
vet beans. Will pay cash. C. Cc. Lump-
kin, Charing, Ga.

Want velvet beans, field peas, feed

Jats, Will on Kudzu plants, or-Ma- |

hod sir. R. I. Red eggs. L. T. Long,
Bremen, a

Want to exch. 2 1-2 bu. pure Half
and Half cotton seed, good and sound

for 1 bu. Brabham pee J. W. Beck-

worth, Baxey,:Ga. Rt. 2, Box 22.
Want 500 or 600 lbs. Lady peas at

102 lb. del. Atlanta. Mrs. O. S. Ton-

ey, Atlanta, Ga. 118 Piedmont Ave.

Want 1 ton of good peavine or pea-

nut hay with crabgrass in it, cheap for | .
mated and banded, on eggs no

cash, or will exch pure bred W. L. pul-
lets, April 1930 hatch, at 90c each. O-
wen K. Herrin, Winokur, Ga.

Want to exch. pure bred Marcy str.

| price per bu.

|las; Silver Martins, N. Z.

- Seed Wanted

Exch. 10 or 12 bu. Okro cotton
slizlasly mixed to exch. for pean
seed or velvet bean seed. Sol. ath
Jesup, Ga. Rt. A. Box 68. ae

Want artichokes for planting. | te

E, T. Boswell, siloam

Want 2 or 3 bu. big brown chufa :
Write best del.- ree: Cc. E,
Statenville, Ga...

A few pr. selected Plymouth.
Homers, $2.50 pr. also want squabs.

Will pay $4 doz. Exp. to be paid by

shipper. Roy Thompson, Atlanta, Ga.
929 Puliam St., S. W.. j
100 Plymouth Rock Homers, mate

and banded, 50c each. J. W.

phenson, College Park, Ga.
1 pr. Red and Splashed Carn

sale. or exch. 1 pr. rabbits: ae
Belgium. Must be 6 mos or olde:
to pay exp.on his own. Fred Br,
Omega, Ga. Rt. 1.

- Plants For Sale
Re and Black raspberries, $1 per 10;
me cherry sprouts, 3 for 25c; ever-
pearing strawberry, 20c a 100, Add
stage. Tom Hix, Ella Gap, Ga.
Frost proof E. J. and Chas. W. $1 M.

600 del. 5 M. $3. e FOB. C. W.
okes, Macon, Ga. Rt.

abbage plants, 75c aL Bermuda
onion plants by express in 6 M.
.90; Porto Rico and Big Stem J. po-
ato and Marglobe tomato 650 M in
ason. Money order. D. M . Barber,
Baxley, Ga.

Chas. W. and Bermuda onion, 60c,
; $1 M. postpaid in Ga. A. E. Rein-
1ardt, Ashburn, Ga.

All var. potato plants, insp. treated
and vine gal Bacon County Plant
Growers; members. 10M. bu. bed-
ded. oo members. Paul Hayden, Mgr.


500" Lucretia dewberry, $4 del; Eldo-
rado blackberry, same price; also 50
Ibs. American early prolific Eng. pea

eed, = FOB. Maude Hamby, Green-

e, Ga.

has. W., E. Flat Dutch and Copen-

en, and Ga. collard, postaid, $1.25

or 90c M. FOB. Booking orders for
fomato. pepper, Egg plant, and sweet
tato plants for early spring del. John

'. Berryhill, Lakeland, Ga.

Cabbage, collard and Bermuda onion,

40c, 300; 65c, 500; $1.10 M. Bermuda
onion sets, $1 gal. del. Guy Crow,

inesville, Ga.

Cabbage, collard and Seen onion
40c, 300; 65c, 500; $1.10 M. del. Bill

w, Gainesville, "Rt. 2.

Frost proof cabbage plants, 65c, 500;

.25 M. by ins. mail. $1 M. by express.

r. H. Weaver, Ocilla, Ga.

Bermuda onion, 75c, 500; $1. 25 M.;
frost proof cabbage, 65c, 500; $1 M. All
FOB. J. E. Drew, Valdosta, Ga. Rt. 4.
~ Cuthbert and St. Regis (red) ever-

ing raspberry, 50c doz. $1.50, 50;
$2.25, 100; 500,$8; Blowers blackberry,
75c doz. $2, 50; $3.50 a 100; Lucretia

ewberry, 45c doz. $1.45, 50; $2, C.- All
prepaid. Exch. for farm products. E.
J. Hart, College Park, Ga.

Frost proof E. J. Chas. W. and Suc-
cession, 85c M. Bermuda onion, 80c M.
Bea J. C. Moon, Chattahoochee,

= Crystal Wax Bermuda, 20c a . $1.50
aM. Lead. var. cabbage, same price.
a del.

me, rooted, sev. yrs. old Kudzu

oo J. W. Toole, Macon, Ga. Rt. 2.
Frost proof EB. J. and Chas. W. 60c,
500; 90c M. del. 5 M. and up, 70c M.
FOB. E. Y. Stokes, Macon, Ga. Rt. 3.
_ _ Frost proof E. J. me Chas. W. 60e,
none 90c M. del. E. H. Stokes, Macon,

Fresh, 1931 raised E. J. and Chas. W.
and. Copenhagen M. 50c, 500; 90c M.
Iceberg lettuce, 40c per 200; 500, 80c.
$1.50 M. Del. E. L. Durham, Mt. Marys,

E. J. Dutch, Wakefield, frost proof,
C, 500; 90c M. Bermuda onion, post-
paid, 500, 65c; $1.10 M. Certified red
and yellow Porto Ricans, Apr and May
del. $1.50 M. FOB, or $1.75 M. post-
paid. John B. Pope, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Cabbage and Bermude onion plants,
price 500, 75c, 1000, i 25 postpaid.
Minia Welch, Sylvester, Ga :
Improved Porto Rican inspected and
pped red skin, April, May del. $1.60
Del. in Ga. Money orders acce) :
only. Lees Lightsey, Odum,

runner peanuts, $1. 25 bu. Hach pay
pad on arrival. P. M. Hurst, Cairo,

Frostproof cabbage plants, Chas. Wa.
Copenhagen M,. Early Jersey, Flat D.,
all well rooted large size $1 M, 60c,
500 postpaid prompt oe Roscoe

, Fitzgerald, Rt. 4

: ousands of E. J. and Long Island
Wakefield, Copenhagen Market cab-
plants, ready for immediate ship-
ment. Good strong ones. Also cabbage
collard plants, all $1.25 M. del. Mrs.
=H. V. Franklin, Register, Ga. Rt. 1.
Will exch. ca
or Sorghum cane seed. Cabbage plants
$1.25 M. del. Quote price of seed for

h. Mrs. H. V. Franklin, Rt. 1. Reg-

ir, Ga.
have for sale progressive everbear-

strawberry plants 35c saa 100; 300
$1, horseradish 4 bun
for 50c, ee Se ak t, 6 a 25
jpermint 10c per doz. re , ne
as fo less than 25.

. White feed sacks in good con-

-$4 for 500 del.

Mrs. W. N. Lott, Braselton, |

plants for peanuts

es for 25c,

SS ra


dition. Write name and address plain-

lly, will exch. for W. Rock or W. Wyan-

dott eggs for hatching, must be pure
bred. Mrs. Sarah Grindle, Dahlonega,
Ga. Rt. I.

Missionary and Klondike strawberry
plants at 50c per 100 or $3.50 per M.
Genuine progressive everbearing at 75c
per 100, $5 per M will exchange for
garden bean seed, all are Gov. ely
Mrs. = Head, Cleveland, Ga. Rt.

Frostproof cabbage plants, extra ear-
ly Jersey and Chas. W. Succession
Sure Head and Flat. Dutch large fresh
grown, well rooted. 500, 55c; 90c per
M. 2 M. $1.70, del. by PP. postpaid,
prompt shipment. F. F. Stokes, Fitz-
gerald, Ga.

Redfield Beauty tomato plants $1.25
M. Del. about April 15. W. T. White,
Sumner, Ga.

Certified Porto Rico potato plants,
first April del. $1.50 M. FOB, book
your orders early for prompt del. E. C.
Pope, Ocilla, Ga.

Kudzu rooted. joints $4.50 per M. 2
to 3 yrs. rooted crowns $10 per M. FOB.
Es G. Sanders, Dewey Rose, Ga. Rt. 2.

Crystal wax Bermuda onion plants
for sale: 500 for 50c, 85c per M. or 75c
M. in 5M lots or more. Postage paid.
Send postal money order for plants. J.
D. McLeod, Jr., Altamaha, Ga.

Frost proof cabbage and onion plants
$1 M. COD. Write for special price and
free. offer on tomato, pepper, beet, let-
tuce and potato plants. Andrew Clark,
Thomasville, Ga.

Porto Rican potato Gov. ins. $1 15 M.
five M. or. more $1.50. Booking orders
now. Plants ready April 20. Zonnie
Carter, Surrency, Ga. Box 154.

Red and black raspberries $1 per doz.
Lady Thompson strawberries, 40c, 100;
White Eng. peach tree old fashioned,
red seeded plum, peaches old fashion-
ed clingstone Eng, horse apple, each
20c apiece, blue damson plums, 20c ea.
Hazlenut bushes, $1.60 per doz; red and
yellow maple, 15c ea; Lucretia dewber-
ries $1 per doz. blue huckleberries $1
per 100, add postage on small order.
Mrs. Mae Turner, Cleveland, Ga. Rt. 4.

Lucretia dewberry plants $1 per 100,
Choice clingstone peach
trees, 6 trees for 50c each. Mrs. B. L.
Robinson, Greenville, Ga.

Millions of frost proof Jersey and

Chas. Wakefields and Flat Dutch cab-

bage plants for prompt shipment. 500,
65c; 1M. 95c; over 8 M. at 60c M. First
class plants, full count, prompt ship-
ments guar. B. J. Head, Alma, Ga.

Am now booking orders for certified
Early Triumph and Porto Rico potato
plants, April and May del. Cobb Co.
grown. Write for prices. W. T. Kelly,
Rt. 5, Marietta, Ga.

Chas. and Jersey Wakefield and
Flat D. cabbage head. var. and Ga. col-
lards 25c 100. $1.25 M. del. 5 M or
more 75e M. Express collect. Lady
Thompson and Klondike strawberry
plants 25c hundred, $2 M. del. 5M and
up 75c M. Express collect. Guaranteed

full count and prompt shipments. Ovie_

Crowe Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Lucretia dewberry nes Moneyma-
ker 10c plants 7 for 50c or 15 well root-
ed plants $1 postpaid. Mrs. C. R. Sor-
rell, Rt. 1. Monroe, Ga.

Lady Thompson strawberry plants
25c per 100, 65c per 300, $1.10, 500; $2
M. Will exchange for comb honey or
new duck feathers, Mrs. J. M. Hall,
Calhoun, Ga. Rt. 5.

Fros aes flat Dutch cabbage plants
15c, 100 or $1.50 M, or will exch. for
onion plants or tender garden beans or
Laredo beans. Mrs. Vie Bennett, Cum-
ming, Ga. Rt. 4.

Earliest Imp. large Klondike well
rooted strawberry plants, 30c per 100,
$2.25 per M. everbearing strawberry
plants, 40e per 100. Major Crowe,
Cumming, Ga. Rt. 4.

ee var. imp, Klondike straw-

yh aia all well rooted plants, 25c
oe 10 $1.25, 500; $2 per M. del. Mrs.
J. &. Crowe, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 4.

Wanted to exe. strong oo lants
not damaged by cold at $1 for
Petty Toole cotton seed at T mae bu.
Jack Bower, Dixie, Ga.

ao oe strawberry plants for sale
$1.50 M. Taos blackberry
plants aie 50 a M; Dewberry plants,
Same price, will a for any kind
a fruit. Mys. . R. Moore, Nicholls,


Tame blackberry, the berries are
very large and delicious 8 for 25c very
large and long bearing strawberries 1
M. plants e ae Ora Thornton,

cowberry, plants 35 per doz.

$1 per 100, del. or exch. for butter
beans, peas or potato plants. May
Queen tomato seed best and earliest
-known, 60c oz. or exch. for butter beans
peas or potato plants. Mrs. R. F. Ter-
rell, Greenville, Ga. Rt. 3.

- Open bed E. J. W. cabbage plants
ready to ship 500, 60c; M $1, shipped
day order received. J. G. Walker, Wray,
Ga. Box 65.

Nice cabbage plants 70c M. J. Jd.
Harper, Osierfield, Ga.

Pure red skinned Porto Rico ghd
Nancy Hall potato plants, Gov. insp.
and treated at $1.50 M. FOB Pelham,
April del. no personal checks. C. R.
Redmond, Pelham, Ga.

Frostproof cabbage plants early Jer-
sey, Chas. W. and Succession $1 M.
Bermuda onions, $1 M. all plants del.
B. F. Mallard, Brooklet, Ga.

Chas. W. and E. J. cabbage plants
now ready $1.15 M. 5.M. or more 85c
M. del. G. E. Waldrip, Flowery
Branch, Ga. Rt. 1.

Chas. Wakefield cabbage plants 25c
100 or 75c, 500 or $1.25 M. Guar full
count, prompt shipment in ventilated
boxes postpaid; also white multiplying
onions, everybodys favorite, for spring
planting clean and in good condition,
50c gal. del.- J. B. Bennett, Flowery
Branch, Ga. Rt. 1.

Booking orders for April del. Porto
Rico potatoes Gov. insp. and shipped
by express collect $1.50 per M. By par-
cel post del. $2 per. M. anywhere in Ga.
Mail me money order for what you
want and you will be the first to re-
ceive plants full count guaranteed. J.
BE. Scruggs, Bristol, Ga.

Booking orders for April del. Porto
Rico potato plants Gov. ins. and dip-
ped, by express collect $1.50 per M, by
parcel post del. $2 per M any where in
Ga. Mail me money order for what
you want and you will he first to re-
ceive plants. Full count guar. L. E.
Byrd, Bristol, Ga. |

Booking orders for April del. Porto
Rico potato plants Gov. insp. and dip-
ped, by express collect-$1.50 per M. by
parcel post del. $2 M. anywhere in Ga,
Mail me money order for what you
want and you will be first to receive
plants, full count Suaranteed. Vivian
Scruggs, Bristol, Ga.

Early Jersey, Chas. W. and all head
cabbage plants 300, 60c; 500, 75c 1 M.

$1.20 postpaid, prompt shipments. Ee

D. Salter, Pitts, Ga.

Frostproof cabbage plants and Ber-
muda onion. Chas. W. Jersey W. and
Flat Dutch postpaid 200, 60c; 500, 90c;
1 M. $1.80 express collect $1 per M. W.
C. Hamby, Valdosta, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want to exchange cabbage plants at
$1 per M. and early Porto Rico potato
plants at $1.50 per M. for Iron, Brab-
ham or Whip peas, at $2.10 per bu.
Jack Bower, Dixie, Ga.

Market and Succession cabbage
plants not damaged by cold $1 per M,
In M. lots 90 M. Will .contract 500
M. pink skin Porto Rico potato plants
for March and April del. booking or-
ders now. Jack Bowers, Dixie, Ga.

Large Jerusalem: artichokes, 8c Ib. or
exch. for Bermuda onion plants or
multiplying onions. Mrs. J. E. Lewis,
Machen, Ga. Rt. 1.

Klondike strawberry plants, $2 Aus
Mrs, J. E. Lewis, Machen, Ga. Rt.

E. J. and Chas. Wakefield ie
plants 500, 60c; 90c M. Bermuda onion
plants 500, 65c; $1 M. All delivered PP.
prepaid. Cash with order. Mrs. Geo,
Gafiney, Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt.

Frostproof cabbage plants, E. Jersey
and Chas. Wakefield, Open field grown
now ready full count, Oc for 200, 60c
for 500, $1 M. del. by. prepaid PP, J. O.
Stokes, Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt. 3.

Tomato plants, New Stone Gr. Balti-
more, Red Rock, Matchless and Fav-
orite Open field: Grown full count rea-
dy April 1, 40c for 200, 75c. for 500,
$1.25 M. del. by prepaid PRU dO;

Early Jersey and Chas. frostproof
cabbage plants now ready, 500, 65e; $1
per M. postage paid prompt shipments,

Chanclor, Seville, Ga.

Ene Wakefield cabbage plants 90
M. del. Bermuda plants, 15 100 or $1
M. del. Sarak Baker, Norman Park,
Ga. Rt. 1.

BK. J: and Chas. W. 60c M. All par-
cel post orders, 85 del. also Chufa, seed,
$1.25 pk. $4 bu. GL. Steedley, Bax-
ley, Ga.

Nice var, strawberry. plants (large
berries), 40c a 100 del. or exch. for a
pure pred hatching eggs. Mrs. A,
Lee, Gardi, Ga. Rt. 1. Box 40.

Guar. pure Porto Rican, from Gov.
insp. vine seed. Extra early Hot Bed

| Stokes, Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt. 3,

Thmsday, February 19, 1931.

del. $2.50 M. Later, $2.25 del. Jas. A
Chauncey, Screven, Ga.

Frost proof Dutch, Extra early J. and
Chas. W. prepaid, 500, soem $1.15 M,
By express collect, 75c "M. . S; Bur
gess, Pembroke, Ga.

Bermuda jointed roots, 1 ft. or more,
$1 M. or exch. some for Kudzu roots.
Olin Seago, Pinehurst, Ga.

Booking orders for genuine red and
pink skin Imp. Porto Ricans Gov't
insp. for del. March 20th to April 15th.
$1.50 M. 5 M. or over, $1.40 M. 1-3
cash with order, bal. COD. Sat. guar,
G. H. Lord, Graham, Ga.

Lead. var. cabbage and Prize Take
onion, 500, 70c; $1.20 M. PP. T..G
Crenshaw, Pitts, Gaanu

Frost proof Wakefields and Copen
hagen Market cabbage, White Bermuda
onion; $1 M. $2.50, 3 M. Mail or exp.
chg. collect on del. = L. McRee, |

$1.25 M. PP. Mrs. Etta Durham, Sal
City, Ga.

Collard and cabbage plants, $1.50. M
and postage. W. J. Morgan, Stillmore
Ga. Rt. 1.

Kudzu plants, $2 a 100 PP. $15
COD. Exch. for oats, velvet beans or
field peas. L. T. Long, Bremen, Ga.

Crystal Wax and Yellow Bermuda
onion, J. and Chas. W., 20c a 100
500, 75; $1.25 M. postpaid; booking
orders for early tomato, pepper, and
Egg plants. Write for price. Walte
W. McEver, Braselton, Ga. ee

Cabbage plants, $1 M. 5 M. lots,
75c M. Porto Ricans, April and May
del. $2 M. 5 M and up, $1.50 M.
C. N. Strickland, Mershon, Ga.

Sev. M. Lady Thompson and Klon :

strawberry plants 25c per 100,
Himalaya blackberry plants with roots
20c doz. Evergreen running sage root
ed 3 for 25c. Postage added. Mrs. J
L. Phillips, Flowery Branch, Ga. Rt. 2

About 1M. Washington asparagu
roots 1 yr. old grown from Hasting
Washington asparagus seed 50c per 100
Add postage. Miss Susie Mae Brady,
Oglethorpe, Ga. RFD 2. ne

Cabbage or collard plants $1.50 per
M. add postage. Will exch. for Red
Bliss or Cobblers Irish potatoes. W.
J. Morgan, Stillmore, Ga. Rt. 1. Box 46

Cabbage plants for sale $1 M, or ex
change for any kind of field or garden
seed. Mrs. L. Pitts, Leesburg, Ga. Rt.
4, Box 60.

Missionary strawberry plants $2 per
M; Rhubarb plants 50c doz. yellow
root $1 lb. Barefoot 50c pound. Queen
of the Meadow $1 lb. Red pepper 50c
lb. Yellow meat watermelon seed 10c_
doz. Miss Mattie McCurley, Hartwell,
Ga. RFD 2. :

Am now booking orders for Imp. and

old type Pink skin Porto Rico potatoes,

Gov. insp. for April, May and June del
at $2 up 5M; over 56 M. $1.75 per M,
cash with order. A. J.-Williams, P: O.
Box 54, Alma, Ga.

Okra, muskmelon or cantatoup see
such as Hastings, Rockford, Burre
Gen and Eden Gem, insect proof, ea.
to pay postage. Mrs. Ettie Whitfield,
Ashland, Ga. Rt. 1. ~

A few hundred Mastodon everbear-
ing strawberry plants 40c per 100 add
postage. Mrs. Pearl Turner, Rt. 4. Box.
32, Cleveland, Ga. ~ :

Sage plants 8c each or 30c per doz.
del. six or more. Mrs. W. A. Moon, Wa-
co, Ga.

Himalaya blackberry plants 20c doz.
3 doz 50c or $1 for 7 doz. Orders for 3
doz or more oe Red raspberr
plants, 35 doz. 2 doz $1, $2 per 100
prepaid, on orders of 3 doz or more. 1
rooted currant sprout with $1 order.
Mrs. S. T. Smith, Rt. 2. Austell, Ga.
Box 90. :

Pure Porto Rican potato plants $1.50
M. or $1.75 M. del. tomato plants $1.25,
M, all ready to ship about April ist, I
can give better service this year than
ever. Good plants and good count. J.
P. Mullis, Baxley Ga. Rt. 4.

Several M. Lady Thompson straw-.
berry plants for sale at $1.50 M. or exc.
1 M. strawberry plants for 1 M. cab--
bage plants. Mrs. H. O. Lowery, RFD

Frostproof cabbage and Bermuda on-
ion plants 75 per M. Prompt ship-
ment. J. O. Lewis, Valdosta, Ga.

White rice popcorn 25c Ib. 5 Ib. $1
lady -peas 20c lb. 6 lb. $1, cabbage seed
10c pct. not less than 50 worth sold,

collard plants 75c per M, cabbage
plants $1.50 per M, Bermuda onion
sets 75c gal. red, yellow and brown on-
ion sets 50c gal. FOB. Cader - _
ens, Flowery Branch, Ga.

_ SORRRI TEE on ene nine)


butier beans. Mrs.

- Georgia Products For Sale


Ss =


Thursday, February 19, 1981.

1930 crop Otootan beans hana

: threshed and cleaned, $3 per bu. FOB.

Williamson, Ga. G. D. Hutchison, Rt.
1, Williamson, Ga.

50 lbs. Henderson bush lima beans;
also Little White Lady peas, 20c per
Ib. or 2 lbs. for 35c. Wil exchange
a few for bunch beans running beans
or seed Irisn potatoes. Mrs. A. W.
Atkinson, RF'D. Madison, Ga.

Cream Crowder peas; 12 1-2 ibs.
Brown Crowders, 10c ib. in 50 Ib. lots
Or more, have about 600 lbs. each leit.
Jack Bower, Dixie, Ga.

50 lb. White Sugar Crowders, the
vine grows 10 or 12 feet long. Very
prolific, 20c lb. or 6 lbs. $1 postpaid,
the lot $6 FOB. C. R. Burrell, Rt. 1,
Auburn, Ga.

~ Velvet beans and Biloxi Soy beans

at $3 per bu. FOB here. A. C. Price,
Bronwood, Ga.

6 bu. sound Clay peas, 3
hams, slightly mixed, $2.25 bu. each.
4 bu. mixed Clay and Brabs. $2 FUOs
K. &. Smith, Thomson, Ga.

10 bu. new crop extra good SBrab
peas, $2.50 bu. FOB. Cashiers or
certified check. C. R. Ray, Rt. 3, El-

lijay, Ga. 2

A tew. pounds of mixed cornfiela
beans, three or four difterent coors,
White, biack, brown and striped, 25c
lb. add pusiage. Mrs. C. H. Davis,
Rt. 1, Ciarkesville, Ga.

15 lb. or more bunch iima beans
20c per ib. 8 or 10 ibs. mixed beans,
-20c lb. Mrs, C. J. Pnoihips, Soperion.
Ga. Rt. 3. es

Want to excnange little Black pole
or white 2ush or white running but-
ter beans for white nest onions. Dill
or hot mixed pepper seed, tor dbi.
dahha seed. Either one tor Fordhook

A. B. Biggers, Re-
becca, Ga.

hastings brown sugar crowder peas
25c per io. 5 lb. $1; also biack sugar
crowuers 20c per ib. 6 lbs. $1 Casn.
Will exchange tew ibs. for white su-
gar crowders., Mrs. C. A. Wubanks,
kt. 5, Commerce, Ga, ~

90-day. Freckled running velvet

. beans at $1.75 per ou. rOB, Fort Val-

dey, Ga. L. P, Singleton, Fort Vauey,

90 day Freckled running velvet

beans at $1.75 per bu. FOB Fort Val-

ley, Ga. J. D. Duke, Fort Valley, Ga.
_bBrown speckied crowaer peas, re-

cleaned ana sound, $4.50 per bu. P. R.
'Mauaox, Griliin, Ga. Rt. -B.

Vesvet beans, runner vasiety, $2.50
per bu. del: or excuange ior peas, ou.
for bu. unknown. or Waippoorwul. A.
B. Taylor, Rt. 1, Rochele, Ga.

. White bunch and wuhive runner but-

< ter beans 20c lb. postpaid, or wu] ex-

fie.d peas. Write first.

2, Sparta, Ga.


~ Cash with order.

_ _ Hastings large yellow prolific crow-

Tennille, Ga. Rt. 2.


change tor cabbage or collard seed or
A. B. Tay-

lor, KoUute 1, Rochelle, Ga.

2 bu. Laredo soy beans, $4 per bu.

the biack rat bean. S. S. Elder, Rt.

Purp.e hull, white table peas, 25c
per ib. also Hastings sugar crowder
peas 2oc per ip. -Mrs. J. P. Grittin,
bremen, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 122,
_ Specklea crowder peas, 6 Ibs. $1.
Clara Bell Pettit, Pike, Ga.

I stiil have a few bu. good sound
mixed pea for sale at $2.10 per bu.
or will exchange 3 bu. peas [or ten
10 lb. buckets pure sugar cane syrup,
no sorghum wanted, each to deliver.
Write beiore sending. W. L. Avant,

Witet Wonder Eng. peas 25 per Ib.
Scuilious plants 20c per 100. Not post-
Last chance. Webster Callo-
way, Farmington, Ga. ;

- Bright, sound field peas, $2.50 per
bu. del. H. W. Thurmond, Gresham-
ville, Ga. >

White unch butter beans for seed
25c per Ib. del. No orders filled for
less than 1 Jb. Mrs. A. J. Collins, Dem-
orest, Ga. Rt. 1. :

Iron clad peas not mixed $2 bu. A.
J. Collins, Demorest, Ga.

Calif. Blackeye crowder peas, Whip-
poorwill d Lady pea. 12 1-2c Ib; in
10 lb. iots and more 10e lb. del Ovie
Crow, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Running var. large cream crowders,
recleaned and very prolific, 6 Ib. $I,
$2.50 pk. No. 1 mush peas same price.

Cc. C. Burell. Buford
Ga. Rt. 2.

1M lbs, genuine. runner Crowder
peas; Hastings large cream, pure wht
and spotted. Dbl. recleaned, screened,

sound, unmixed, weevil free, 5 lbs. up,

14c lb. del. 35: Ibs. up, 12 lb. FOB.
Extra good lady and mush peas, same
price. C. F. Maddox, Buford, Ga.

bu. Brab-.


der peas, Hand cleanea, souna, un-
mixed carly and free fron weevils.
3 Ibs. 75c; 15 Ibs. $2.10, postpaid. 50
to 100 ibs. 12c Ib. FOB. Lady and
mush peas, choice, clean, seed stock

. $1 del. E. A. Hayes, Buford, Ga.

13 bu. New Era field peas for sale.
will take $25 for lot. PF M. Thompson
Scott, Ga. Rt. 1.

Cream sugar crowder peas to:
Planting and eating, $1.50 peck, or ut
per bu H. S. Muliins, Muner, Ga

White bunch everbearing butte:
oe 2&c lb Mrs, V. D. Harris. Lwa

Little white rice or mush peas 25c
teacupful, long handle dipper gourd
seed, 20c pk. Castor ou 01 pasa
Christi bean seed, keep moles away
20c pk. del. No stamps. Mrs. A. H
Price, Locust Grove, Ga. 2

30 lbs. Ladv peas, 15c ib. or the io.
for $4.25, no stamps ac pt nothin;
but P O. money order, all small or-
ders add postage. E. J. Billups, Ri
4, Box 12%, Swainsboro, Ga.

10 bu. Ironciad peas $3.25 pu. FOL
my station. J. M. Masters, Mt. Airy
ae bes 1.

u_No. 1 Clay peas at $2 per pu
fOB Gordon, cash with ie
10rd Birdsong, Gordon, Ga.

Peas, souud irons or unknown, [rt
paid tO your depot, $2.25 bu. Tillman
crop peas $2.20 bu. dei. Sound Ouvo-
tans, $3.00 bu. sound Oscevias, $1.d0
orabs and Lespeueza seed del. R. M
vain, Springieid, Ga,

3 bu. Bbrabuam ana 8 bu. Lron peas
$2.15 vu. FOB guaranteed sound. Wu.
seli the Brabham and iron im separ-
ate lots it party doesnt want buth
xinds, but this price is for the entire
iot of each variety. Will sell smr er
quantities at $2 it party cames to my
pes for them. R. A. Stovall, Walden

A few bu. Tillman two crop peas
tor sale.
v0 -per bu. FUs Soperton, Ga. Cash
with oraer. on request. Jno.

.u. Claxton, Superton, Ga.

White and red speckied crowders 25
per ib. aiso a tew ios waite Calif. blk
eyed peas 20c per lb. Miss Birtie
Boh 2 Ga. Rt. 1. ;

OXi SOy ans bright and sound
$3 bu FOB $5 bu. del. Yellow sugar
crowder peas bright and sound, 15c
lb. Will del. in 10 lb. lot; wiil exch.

for half lb. Stone Mtn. watermelon.

seed. inez Averett, Cnipley, Ga.

About 75 lbs. Fordnook lima beans
10c lb. Slightly damaged exch tor
soy beans or tield peas. H. B. Har-
per, Wray, Ga.

Best variety cream sugar crowder
peas gathei. without rain 25c per Ib.
under half bu. lots 20c per tb. for half
bu & bu lots for more than bu lots
write for prices. All lots PP. Money
order or casniers cneck must accom-
any all orders. In 1930 . raised from
75_to $100 worth of peas per acre.
J. S. Bar*'ey, West Point, Ga.

25 lbs. white bunch butter beans 20c
per lb. or exch. for peanuts. H. G.

Samples, Wheeler Co., Alamo, Ga.

I have bu. of good sound unknown
peas slightiy mixed at $2.50 bu. or
$4.50 for lot, FOB my station. G. 7.
McCoy, Warrenton. Ga. Rt. 1.

25 bu-unknown peas, sound and al-
most pure, picked before rain. Robert
Humber; Richland, Ga.

White and colored running butter
beans 20c per half lb. or 35 per lb;
Pridget salad pea. 1 of the best type
of table pea, tender and sweet. pods
about 10 or 12 in. long, 30c per half
ee or 50c lb. C. D. Williamson. Plains,

a. :

Half bu. or more 9 in. peas, pure,
$1 pk 1 bu. or more bunch speckled
peas at market price. Mrs. W. S. Mur-
phey, Chipley, Ga. Rt. 1. |

Want to exch. 2 bu. extra good
Brab peas, unmixed, for 4 bu. running
or Spanish peanuts. G. W. Williams,
Oglethorpe, Ga.

Sound, White California Black eye
peas for sale, 20c lb. postpaid. W. L.
Clark Flowery Branch, Ga.

Smal] white running butter beans,
25c per lb. del. Mrs. Ola Jones. Gray-
son, Ga.

8 bu. mixed peas at $1.50 bu. FOB.
Mrs. W. M. Arrington. Wadley. Ga.
Rt. 2

5 Ib. White bunch butter beans, 12
1-2c per lb. or exch. for white feed
sacks; also few lbs. bunch snap beans
green pods, 15c teacup full or exch.
for feed sacks. Mrs. Lewis Law, Les-
lie, Ga. Rt. 2. |

100 bu. mixed peas $1.60 bu; 10 bu.
Brabs. $2 bu. Several bu. Clays, Til-
mans and Whips, all to go at $1.60 bu
G. C. Hawkins, Dublin, Ga.

Good clean, sound field peas $1.90;

Slightly damaged, price 3$z.-


souna muixea peas $1.65 bu, Mush ta-
ble peas, $4.50; yellow crowder table
peas, very slightly mixed with purple
hull, speckled table peas, $2.40 bu;

small samples through the mail Mrs
Lula B. Cook, Milan, Ga.

Matthews improved Mammoth yei-
1ow -beans that produce three to fi.e
times aS much as otner soy beans ana
make a very ilne teed ai $1.50 per pk.
or $5 per bu. FOB Grutiin. Buoxi
oeans that grow tine ieed $3 per ou
Oxs Griliin. Speckied peas with a
.eW mixed never nad aly rain at ma:
vuring time, very pretty at 92 per bu.
Os Grittin = W. Bolton, Gru-
sin, Ga. "0x 436.

Brown sugar crowder peas, 15c pei
ib. 2 or more lbs. postpaid, stamps 0:
a order. A. A. Fuqua. Jackson

a. ;

Mung beans 20c lb. postpaid, stamps
e money order. A. A. Fuqua, Jackson


Cream sugar crowder peas, piani
soon as fi ost is over, make 3 crops per
yr., 5 lbs. $1. Miss Kate Lancaster,
oylvester, Ga. :

15 lbs. bunch speckied putter beans
for seed, 2oc per ib. del. or 5 lbs. for
ba wv. Tnornton, Rt. 2, Jesup,

a. ;

Nice, clean dry 90 day running vei-
vel beans, picked without being rain-
ed on, good and sound, 65c pk. a:
92.50 bu. Now ready. .or shipment
oy exp. cash with order. A. J. Ad-
ams, Kt: 4, Ashburn, Ga.

Black crowaer peas silghtly mixea
$3.00 per bu. FOB. O. H. Scott, Jes-
up, Ga., Rt, 2. Sy

Fieid peas for hay or table use or
exch for N. C. runner peanuts if wish
to exchange send sample, will send
sample of peas, peas slightly muxed.
= F. Rowelu. Rt. 1, Box 21, Winokur,


Brabham peas, pure and sound, $3
per bu. No personal checks accepted.
W. M. Hooks, Rt. 2, Unadilla, Ga.

Whip peas, $2 per bu, rOs shipping
point, J. &. Sims, Rt. 1, Ehabele, Ga.

7 bu. ro. peas, good and sound,
$2.25 bu, FOB Jasper, Ga. or $15 tor
ail of them, Jesse Odum, Rt. 4, Jas-
per, Ga. ;

Little red peas, extra early, very
prolific, fine eating 10c teacupful,.
white mustard seed, 5c tablespoontul,
an postage A. L. Heape, Nashville,

. ;

100 su. Otootan beans $4 bu. W. P.
Couch, Luthersville, Ga. - i

5 lbs. rice peas 20c lb. or exch. for
Bermuda onion plants, 1 tbh. peas tor
100 plants, 5 ibs. peas fo. 500 onion
piants, or will exch. the5 bu. for 1
celtung 15 Whole ock eggs. Victoi
Crump, KLijay, Ga. Rt. 3. d

20 bu. Ovooian oeaus, good @ can
be tound in Middle Ga., 4. per bu
rQOB. (NO Mame or address). :

Matthews imiprovea Mammoth jsei-
iow beans that. make three or four
times aS mU 1 as other soy oveans,
tiuied from bottom to top with beans.
Fine for hogs, mules and cows, very
tine for land too. Price $5 per bu.
FUB Griliin. Speckied peas, with .a
few mixed, clean and. oright without
any rain at ripening. Price $2.10 per

pu. FOB Grifiin: Buloxi beans thai

grow 5 ft. high and make a very fine
teed for hogs and stock and a great
land fertilizer at $3 per bu FOB. Grit-
oe W. H. Bolton, Gritfin. Ga. Box

For Sale: I have approximately 100
bu. Whippoorwill peas yet to sell. J.
E. Sims, Ellabelle, Ga. Rt. 1.

13 bu. New Era Field peas for sale,
will take $25 for lot. H. M. Thomp-
son, Scott, Ga. Rt. 1.

20 bu. Otootan beans, good as can
be found in middle Ga. $3 per bu.
FOB. White rice foo 6c r Ib.
on cob FOB. D. L. Patrick. Griffin.
Ga. Rt. C. Se

75 bu mixed field peas in 10 bu. lots
or more, 98c bu. FOB. Tom T. John-
son, Warrenton, Ga. Rt. 2.

Otootans, $4; Biloxis, $2.50; Math-
ews, $3.50; Clays, Purple Hull speck-
led and bunch specklea peas, $2.25
bu. Alj) 1930 crop. FOB. No COD nor
checks. Geo. T. Trawick, Linton, Ga.

Brabhams, $2.25; Speckled, "$1.95.
Clays. _$1:70; Mixed. $1.55 bu. FOB
Good peas and in new 2 1-2 bu. bags
ae Rubie .Willingham, Thomson.


White bunch butter beans, 20c ib 5
ibs. $1 prepaid; white, brown-eyed
sugar crowders, 20c not prepaid; Ky
Wonder pole beans, 25c lb. not pre-
paid; rown crowders, the 2 crop kind,
20c Ib. 6. lbs. $1; also yellow neck
squash se.4, 25e cupful; collard seed,
7 this 25c; Exch. either for lint cot-
ton, good white feed sacks, or large
stock baby chicks. Mrs. R. W. Dow-

dy. Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt. 2


Cream crowders, 10c ib. 35 bu.
var. slightly stained, 8c ib. $3
Not del. W. C. Petty. Varne
Rt. 2. es

Black crowders, 10 ib. and W!
Spanish, Tom Houston Jumbo
nuts, 6c lb. Limited supply. .
Chauncey, Screven. Ga.

Imp. old tashionea Pet Se
field beans, 40c: lb not prepaid
3. C. isrunnon, Cumming, Ga. RB

Brown sugar crowders, 15c ib.
per 10 lbs) White peas with
eyes, free trom weevils, 7c lb. $
Clays, 6c ib $3 pu. Red pea: tor
free from weevils, 6c lb $3 bu.
xed and Whippoorwills, 6c ib. $
Exch. some for Eng. strain WL.
sets. Lauren Nobie, Trenton, Ga,

Hastings brown sugar crowder
io. postpaid; Blue Whips, 5c lb.
Carson, Hampton, Ga. . PSs

Black Crowders for seed, 25c [|
fashioned runners, snap beans, 35:
postpaid. Limited amt. Mrs. At
McCleilon, Doerun, Ga Rt. 3.

Hastings pure brown sugar
ers, 25c lb. 5 lbs. $1; also black |
crowders, 20c lb. 6 lbs. $1. Cas
order. Exch a few lbs. for wh
gar crowders.
merce, .Ga, Rt. 5

250 bu. Clays, mixea, $2 bu; 5
each, Brabhams and 90-day ve
(90 per cent germination) each,
bu, All FOB. J. L. Alien, Dublin
Rt. 4. eee

Little Rice peas, 75c _
postage. - No checks, Mrs. Ida

C. A. Wibanks, Com

theriand, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 3, Box 48.

Stringless green d, bunch -t
20c per tea cup full; Eiack Cro
for table also hay (a kind b
not bother) 12c ib. and little
everbearing peas, 15c lb. Add posi
Cash with order. Mrs C. R. Sand
Adrian, Ga. Rt 1. tte

40 bu. Black peas, und 6 bu. Cl:
each, $2 bu. 60 lbs. sugar crowd
mixed -.reams, Clays. speckied. 8c
separated, 10c ib. 75 or 80 lbs. .
son Wonder butter beans, 10c ib.
lbs. little mush peas, 10c lb. -
Calif. white peas, 10c ib. also |
nice sundried applies, peeled,
5 or 6 bu. med size turnips, 1 1
All FOB. H. R. Wright. Talkin
Ga. Rt. 2, CRN ie

Old fashioned cornfield bean
white and striped half runne
per cuptul:, cream sugar and sp
crowders, white limas, 15c-cup tu
cups, 25c; a few biack peas, 5c
checks. Mrs. Henry Elier. J
Rt. 3. ;

60 bu. Victor peas,
proot than any known pea Make

ter on lo or on what you nee

new 2 1-2 bu. sacks. Exch. 2
o bu runner Ga peanuts. E
on wuat he ships. R. H.
Marshallvil Ga.

_ 150 uv. good. sound Brabhams,
new 2 1-2 bi jute bags. Sam
request. $2 bu. FOB W. A S&x
Andersonville, Ga. $5

15 bu. creat crowders for sale.
vin Johnson. McDonough, Ga RI

Lady ey peas, 15 lb. 26 lbs 1
seli in, 1 lot or less. Add _ postag
Money orders only. Mrs. R.
worth. McIntyre. Ga. Rt. 1. |

Iron Clad peas, not mixed.


Brabhams, $2.25; Clays, $1.75;
kled $2 bul In new sacks an
peas. C. H. Crawford. Thomson,

Ky. Wonders for seed, 20c cup
prepaid, or 15c not prepaid Mrs.
ry Fitzgerald. Forest Glen, Ga

Brown sugar crowder peas

lb. in small quantities, 10c per lb D1

the bu. or would exch. for |
Soy beans, one bu. peas for 2

beans, or or knuckling peanuts.

Gable, Raymond, Ga.

A few bu. pure Brabham a
ed before rain, cleaned by hand |
pure bred both cockerels an
just_beginning to lay, $1 ea at
N. F. Jordan, Fitzgerald, Ga. Ri

Sugar Crowder peas. 20c Ib.
Lima beans running variety, :
1 1-2 lbs for same amt bunch li
white; want to exch 1 pk Brabl
peas for same amt alifornia
eyed or lady finger peas, suita
eating Mrs J C. Goolsby.

Ga. Rt. 1 ee

Sweet cream crowder peas 4 |
8 Ibs. $1; large white brown ey
lb. 50c; 10 Ib. $1; California
black eyes, 6 Ib. 50c; :
postpaid Prompt shipment and
from weevils, clean: i680 Ib
oe ee eyes Suigh 5c
postage. Grady * ur
Ga. Rt. 1. ;

orgia Products For Sale

bu. pure iron peas, sound $20 for
ot. B. F. Fagan, Martin, Ga.
bu. W) peas about 90 per cent
10 bu. New Era $2 per bu FOB.
. Callaway, Washington, Ga.
White peas with brown eye, the best
table and market; also colored and
butter beans mixed, 20c lb. Wil-
ng to exch. for brooder 500 capacity
| good cond. Mrs, W. T. Allen, Mon-
. RFD 3.
ch velvet beans, $2.50 per bu.
LL. T. Harrison, Rt. 2, Kite, Ga.

bu. pure New Era peas $3 per bu
J. F> Haygood, Watkinsville,

eas, red, Clay, Whippoorwill, sell
Ib. or $2.50 bu. FOB. Peas, white
black eyes, $3 bu. or exch. for
hite Leghorn pullets, English strain.
wuren Noble, Trenton, Ga. Sugar
wder peas, brown, $5 bu. or exch.
uren Noble, Trenton, Ga.
llow crowder peas, $2.50 per bu.
of for ribbon cane syrup or lg.
inish peanuts. J. EH. McBride, Rt.
ataula, Ga.
fant to sell about 80 lbs. White
ith black-eye peas, got wet before
cking, but make good seed, price 8c
Pearl Griffin, Chickamauga, Ga.
lays, purple hull speckled and
speckled peas, sound, clean and
damaged, $2.25 per bu. Otootan
$4 per bu. Biloxi soys, $2.50 bu.
930 crop fully matured, clean and
from damage. Prices for Miull-
eville, Ga. Cash or equivalent with
. No COD. Geo. T. Trawick,
mn, Ga; : oe
Ibs. Hastings brown sugar crowd-
ound and clean, 12 1-2c lb. del.
2. Mrs. Captain Walker, Dah-
nega, Ga. Rt. 4, Box 35.
Brabs, $1.85 bu. Irons $1.75 bu;
ps, $1.65, Mixed slightly damaged
5 bu. 1H the above FOB Mauk,
A few cream sugar crowders, 7c
ew little white black eyed Tc
hite vith brown eye, 6c ib. big
Speckled goose peas, 5c lb. Add
ge for small amount. E. C. Lan-
r, Juniper, Ga.
or 10. bu. mixed Clay and Red
$2 bu. also a tew bu. speckled
rab peas, not mixed $2.25 bu.
. Lady peas, slightly. weevily.

out 5 bu. Red Rippers, $1.75 bu.
t 5 bu. Clays, $2 bu; 2 bu. slight-
xed, $1.50 bu. All guar. sound.
Cle . Cash with order.
A. Myers, Cleveland, Ga. Rt. 1.,
ood var. Unknown peas, $2. bu:


i Soys, $2.50 bu. 1930 crop.

. J. H. Swan, Wrens, Ga.

nderson white bunch limas, 4 lbs

lst and.2nd zones, 50c. No less
W. H. Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.

redo Soys, $2.75 bu. FOB. S. E.

n, Palmetto, a. .

0-day running speckled velvets, $2

ee a T. E. Wise, Pitts, Ga. Rt. 1,


teacups full bunch garden beans.

per cup; little bunch butter beans,
cups, 39c. Cash with order. Mrs.
Woodward, Ranger, Ga. Rt. 1.
. yellow crowders, $5 bu. | bu.
sk crowders, $4 bu. 2 bu. Speckled,
bu. 2 bu Big Blue Goose peas, $6
or in small lots, 10c lb. for all

ept Blue Goose, 12 1-2c lb. E. M.
nn, Omega, Ga. Rt. 2.

00 bu. each, Brabhams, $2.10;
sckied $1.70; Clays, $1.75 bu. All

leaned, W. R. Bush, Richland, Ga..

u. bright Brabs, $2.86 bu. FOB.

Windham, Butler, Ga.

ck Crowders, 10c lb. $1.25 peck,
Speckled bunch butter beans,

. $2 gal, $3.50 peck, 1-2 bu. $6.50.

OB. J. . Crutchfield, Montrose,

or 3 lks. fresh butter per wk. 35c

= o W. Manghon, Covington,
bout 6 lbs. fresh butter ea. week,
lb. or 40c lb. prepaid: Mrs. Joe

pman, Murrayville, Ga. Rt. 2.
to 21 lbs. fresh butter ea. week.
. de:. 3rd zone. Cows T. B.
Mrs. Bob Sosby. Carnesville,

hh butter, 30c lb. Cooking butter
. Mrs. B. H Osborn, Roy, Ga
bs. fresh butter per week, 25 in

ee ae

Blue Ridge. R. F. Rogers, Young.


HA Duran, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 4, Box

2 Ibs. fresh J. butter ea. week, 30c
Ib. del. Mrs. C. T. Hunt, Cumming,
Ga. Rt. 4.

2 to 8 lbs. fresh butter ea. week, 40c
Ib. Del. any day. Covs T. B. tested.
Sample on request. Mrs. Gussie God-
frey Tallant, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 1.

2 lbs. butter ea. week. Fresh and
free from coloring. Mrs. Parry Fitz-
gerald, Forest Glen, Ga.

Best grade butter, 50c lb. del. Miss
Annie E. Jones, Fayetteville, Ga. Rt.

4 lbs. fresh butter a week, 25c lb.
Add postage. Mrs. T. P. Childers,
Flowery: Branch, Ga. Rt. 1. *

4 lbs. fresh butter ea. week, 30e lb.
postpaid. Mrs. Alice Roper, Flowery
Branch, Ga. Rt. 1.

2 or 3 lbs. best grade butter each
week, 35c lb. postpaid. Cash with or-
der. Exch. for garden seed or plants

or 100 capacity white feed sacks in
good cond. o: clean Spanish peanuts.
Write best postpaid prices. Mrs. L. H.
Cantrell, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 9.

4 lbs. Jersey butter ea. week, 35c lb.
Mrs. D. A. Sosebee, Blairsville, Ga.

Hastings seed corn crossed with
Sparks prolific, 70c pk. $2.50 bu. R. L.
Shiflet, Elberton, Ga. Rt. 6.

Pure Mariboro prolific, shelled.
Guar. sat. $3.50 bu. $1.80 per 1-2 bu.
$1 pk. FOB. CC. N. Adams, Sociai
Circle, Ga.

Gregorys 2 in 1 seea corn, $1 fe
$4 bu. J. N. Gregory, Mouitrie, Ga.
RFD 5.

Shelled white corn, tree of weevils,
80c bu. at my farm. Buyer to furnish
sacks. Will sack and del. 75 mi. 95c
bu. in 70 bu, lots or more; also a hard
white, prolific, 12 row, small cob corn.
Have been carefully ser this
corn in field for 10 yrs. and have
tested it with sev. other varieties and
it has always out-yieided them under
same cond. $2.50 bu. on cob, or. shell-
ed. J. W. Swan, Wrens, Ga. .

Hastings prolific, Ist yr. $2.90 bu.
$1.50 per 1-2 bu..FOB. Exch. _ for
clean, sound, large Spanish or Run-
er peanuts for seed. J. B. Proctor,
Eastman, Ga.

Genuine 8 row little cob corn, $1 pk
$3 bu. Exch. for anything I need.
Starling Yawn, Vienna, Ga. Rt. 2.

- Prolific seed corn. 10 yrs. selection
in field trying to improve, 3c lb. any
amt. Nubbed and shelled. Exch. some
for good sound peanuts at 4c lb. O. H.
Bond, Bowman, Ga. Rt. 2.
Pop corn, small amts. 6c Ib. large

| orders, 5c in ear. Exch. some for sweet

potato (Porto Rico or Nancy Hall)
slips, del. real early in the spring. 2 or
3M wanted. Also exch. some for cab-
bage plants. Willard Rowland, Can-
on, Ga. Rt. 3. :
Whatleys prolific, 75c pk. $1.25 per
1-2 peck, $2.50 bu. FOB. C. L. What-
ley, Cuthbert, Ga. Rt. 3.
Small amt. yellow Dent (90-day),
1930 crop, 75c gal. $1.25 per pk. Exch.
1 gal. tor. set. of pure Everlay B. L.
eggs. Also will exch. a peck for six

key eggs. Ea. paying chgs. Write first.
nt H. H. Sullivan, Carrollton, Ga.

Whatleys prolific, Certified by Crop
Imp. Assn. $2.75 bu. 75c pk. FOB.
Fourth Dist. A. & M. School, Car-
rollton; Ga. .

Mexican June corn, Blue.and White
mixed Write: for sampie and price.
S. B. Kinard, Jackson, Ga.

Little cob seed corn, 1 pk $3 bu.
J. D. Taylor, Vienna, Ga.

Hickory King (the best white corn)
African Black or d corn (best corn
for any time of yr.) pure Mexi-
can June, White and Blue, all pure,
65c peck, $1.25 per 1-2 bu. Exch. for
Velvet beans, cane seed, or pigs. Write
ee G. T. Maxwell, Washington, Ga.

Cuban yellow flint. Ist yr. from
Hastings $1.25 per pk. by insured PP
in Ga. or exch for Otootan soy beans.
Y. M. Patterson, Homer, Ga. Rt. 2.

Little white cob, 8 rows. Very pro-
lific. Clear of weevils. $3.25 bu. $1.65
per 1-2 bu. 85c peck. All FOB. G. F.
Smith, Dawson, Ga. Rt. 6. :


Well cured country hams, 23c Ib.
sides, 18c; shoulders, 16c and pure
country lard. 12 1-2c lb. Jack Bower.
Dixie, +a. : (

Home-made meat in fine cond. 18
lb. by the whole hog, hams, should-
ers and sides. Cash with order. W. L.
Bennett, Screven, Ga. Rt.-2, Box 26.

200 Ibs. cured meat: 6 shoulders and
5 hams, 20c lb. FOB. A. 8B, Taylor,

Rochelle, Ga. Rt, 1, Box 60,

pure bred M. B. or Bourbon Red tur-*


2 country cured hams, wt. about 10
Ibs. each, also larger ones, 35c lb. del.
Mrs. T. W. Hagood, Marietta, Ga. Rt.


Country cured Hickory smoked sau-
sage, 35c lb. hams, 25c lb. Riley Cc.
Couch, Turin, Ga.

Country cured ham, wt. about 40
lbs. 20c Ib. Will take hens for part
pay. Eula Denmon, Temple, Ga. Rt.

Country cured oak smoked meat,
sides or shoulders, $17 a 100; hams,
$25 per 100 lbs. Malvin Collins, Whig-
ham, Ga.

Hams, wt. 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14 lbs.
25c lb. del. Sides, 20c; shoulders, 22c.
J. R. Elliott, Cairo, Ga.

100 lbs. nice small and med. size
home cured oak smoked hams, $25;
sides (of same hogs) $18 del. in Ga.
Cash with order. No personal checks.
W. J. Joiner, Garfield, Ga. Rt. 2, Box

All pork sausage, smoked with hick-
ory, 3 lbs. $1; small hams, 25c lb. FOB.
C. L. McMickle, Charing, Ga.

Hickory smoked hams, 6 to 12 lbs.
sugar self cured mixed, 30c lb. shoul-
ders, 23c; dried smoked sausage, 3 lbs
$1; 5 lbs. $1.60. All del. to and in-
cluding 3rd zone. Money order or
cashiers check. . HH. Waddelle,
Pearson, Ga. |

Brooks county smoked hams, 25c Ib.
10 to 20 Ibs; targer, 24c lb; pure hog
lard, 12 1-2c lb. in 50 lb. Cans. All
FOB. Lee Patrick, Quitman, Ga.

30 lbs. nice, country cured smoked
side meat, 15c lb. Cash with _ order.
Miss Cleon Cowart, Summit, Ga. Rt.
2, Box 89.

Dried apples and peaches, for sale
or exch. for peanuts, white bunch
butter bean seed, or what have you?
Sain C. H. Rhodes, Royston, Ga, Rt.

Very bright sundried apples from
acid fruit, 5 lbs. $1 del. Sat. guar. C.
F. Maddox, Buford, Ga.

Nice sundried apples, 15c Ib. and
sailag, 3 Write first, Mrs. G. V. Schu-
al ula, Ga. Rt. 1, Care W. C. Wi-

15 lbs. extra. good sundried peach-
es, 12c lb. and postage. Mrs. J. L.
Phillips, Flowerv Branch. Ga. =:

25 lbs. each, bright applies, 15c lb.
and pcstage. Sell separately. Manda
Qsborne, Clermont, Ga. Rt. 1.

Sundried apples, 10 and 12 1-2c tb.
in 10 and 20 lbs. lots. Mrs. B. H. Os-
born, Roy, Ga.

Nice, sun dried apples, 12c lb. or
exch. 12 Ibs. fruit for 1 bu. irish cob-

land, Ga. Rt. 4. 2s

10 Ibs. dried apples, 6 Ibs. $1 del..or
10 Ibs. $1.75 del. Exch. for pure string-
less green pod seed. Lb. for lb. Each
to pay postage. Mrs. R. C. Moore,
| Rockmart, Ga. Rt. 3.

Nice, bright home dried peaches,
20c Ib. or exch. for white chicken feed
sacks, 100 lb. size, at 10c each. Ea. to

pay postage. Mrs. M. I. Conner,
Farmington, Ga. Rt. 3. My
_ Sundried peaches, 20c lb. del. No
checks. Mrs. A. H. Price, Locust

Grove, Ga. : :

G. Oliver, Barnesville, Ga. Rt. 2.
7 lbs. extra good sundried June ap-

12 lbs. nice unpeeled peaches, same
price. Cash with order. C. C. Burell,
Buford, Ga. Rt. 2.

Fulghuni: seed oats, recleaned, in
good sacks, 10:bu. lots at 80c bu. Seed

rye, recleaned Abruzzi, $2.10 bu. All
FOB. J. F. Lowe, Jr., Ft. alley, Ga.
Box 1565.

Hastings 100 bu Fulghum and Co-
kers Cold Proof oats, 85c bu. All

own from seed direet from Orig.
and carefully recleaned. Texas Rust
Proof oats, 75c bu. R. W. Stembridge,
Milledgeville, Ga. 5


About 25 Ibs. good peanut hay, $15
ton. G. H.: Lamb, Adel, Ga. Rt. 2.

5 tons Kudzu hay, 1 car ef cut corn.
eured. bright and well baled, 15 bu.
sorghum seed for sale. J. B. Spinks.
Junction City, Ga. ; : :

Bright peavine ar-1 crab grass hay,
$18 ton. Cash with order. Jack Bow-

Good peanut hay, 1 ear

er, Dixie, Ga.
load, $12

ton. FOB. . QO, Lindsey, Fort 9

- qhuraday, February 19, 1931,

Few Ibs. beeswax for sale or exch.
for garden or melon seed. Charlie H.
Smith, Roopville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Bee gums, frames and other sup-
plies, at half price. Used 1 or 2 seae
sons, but are as good as new. Miss
Clara Perry, Madison, Ga.

Pure Strained or Ext. honey, 5 and
10 lb. pails, del. 25 or 50 lb. cans, 15
lb. FOB. Comb honey, same price.-
Exch. some for corn, peas, pigs or
shoats, at market price. C. G. Oliver,
Barnesville, Ga. Rt. 2.

1200 Ibs. 1930 crop honey in tin cans
25 to 75 lbs. to can, I4c lb. FOB. Cash
with order. A. G. Oliver, Meansville, -

17 1-2 Ibs. pure beeswax, $5 del. in
Ga. also pure fancy honey in 16 oz,
jars, $4.25 per crate of 24 del. in Ga.
ash. Taylor Hooks, Unadilla, Ga, Rt,


75 gal. Texas seeded wztibbon cane
sorghum, 75c, 10 lb. buckets, or exch
for anything I need to use on farm,
G. J. Davis, Milner, Ga., Rt. 2.

10 bbls. heavy A-1 sugar cane sy-
rup in good 2nd hand bbls. 40c gal
Same in cans, $3.30 cs. of 6 No. 10
cans, or $3.60 cs. of 12 No. 5s: Quality
guar. Few bbls. No 1 grade in new
bbis. 40c gal. All FOB. Lee Pat-
rick, Quitman, Ga.

Georgia Products Wanted

r . Exch. 10

Nice, dried peaches and apples, 15c
p oe J. A. Wilson, in, Ga.

bler potatoes. Mrs. J. Nelson, Cleve-

Sundried apples, 20c lb. postpaid. C. |

ples, 3 lbs. 60c; 6 lbs. $1 postpaid. also

Ga. Rt. 2.


Want to exch. 10 white feed sacks
for 1 peck of Brabham peas, sound
and unnjixed. S. F. Bohanan, Conyers,

Want to buy or exch for 20 bu. Brab
or Iron peas and 10 bu. Otootans.
Mitchel W. Wuliiford, Ashburn, Ga.

Want cow peas and Soy beans. Exch
choice paper shell pecan trees, at. 50
each. B. Lloyd Woodall, Milner, Ga.

Want 1 bu. Otootan Soys, at not
over $3.75 bu. Exch. nice, cured and

smoked hams at 25c lb. Renner Da~

vis, Summit, Ga. Rt. 2.

bu. seed Spanish peanuts

for 5 bu. Biloxi Soy beans. A. A. Dick-

enson, Jakin, Ga.
Want barge white -rowders (that

has a white rind when green). State

best price. W. C. Brooks,. Fairburn,

. Rt. oes iy al

Want to exch. 2 lbs white seed
bunch butter beans for same amt. col-
ored running butter beans. Ea. to pay
postage. C. L. Bradford, Lithonia,
Ga. Rt. 1.
_ Want 20 bu. Otootans, Quote best
price, FOB shipping point. J. M. Levie
Montezuma, Ga. 329 No. Dooly St.

Want 1 pk. Mammoth Yellow Soy
beans. Will exch. peas for same. Paul
Anthony, Buena Vista, Ga. Rt. 4.

Exch. pure Sugar Cane syrup, three
10 lb. buckets, for 1 bu. pure Brab-
ham peas. Want 5. bu. only. Ea. par-
ty to pay chg. on receipt. B. R. Hart-
ley, Alamo, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want seed peas and hay of all kinds
and peanuts. Send sample and quote
best price del. Rocky Ford. C. L.
Daughtry, Rocky Ford, Ga.

Want some white sugar crowders,
large kind. Send sample and _ best

price in first letter. J. S. Peters, Ber-
lin, Ga.

Exch. Porto Ricans potatoes for vel-
vet bean seed, or field peas. Ben
Roberson, Wellston, Ga.

_ Want 2 ats. Calif. black-eyed peas.

Exch. 1 cup of fine watermelon seed

for same. Mrs. G. V. Cato, Bowdon,
Want few lbs. Jackson Wonder bush
limas, also few lbs. white bunch limas.:
Send sample and quote price, or will
exch. Hastings prolific corn selected
for seed, Ist yr. from Hastings. J.
He. Beasley, Lavonia, Ga. ;
Want velvets in hull. Will exchange
P. C. shoat or pure B R hatching eggs
Want any amt. up to 1 ton of beans.
Mrs, Wiley White, Sylvester, Ga.
-15 bu. Half and Half cotton seed,
1 yr. from seed breeder, 46 per cent
lint for 5 bu. Brabham peas, sound
= Aue A. V. Hartley, Alamo, Ga.

Want Eng. peas, cabbage and onion .
plants, peanuts, butter beans, peas or
corn. Wil} exch. garden sage, at i0c
bunch, $1 doz. and other value for
same. R. W. Hudson, Lorane,
Ga. Rt. 1.

Want to exch. Wannamaker big -
boll cotton seed for 2 bu. running
velvet ae 2 bag North C. Run-
ner peanu . C. James, Homerv.
Ga. RFD 2, Box 83. me

(Continued on page thirtean)

nursday, February 19, 1931.
Plants For Sale

' Continued from page six)
Early Jerseys and Chas. W. cabbage
lants, 500, 65c; 1M. $1, postage collect
M. or more by express collect, 5c

per M, Now ready canship day order
rec. Genuine Porto. Rico potato
lants State insp. Apr. May and June
. $2 M, postage prepaid $1.50 col.
M. $2.50.M. or more by express col-
t $1.25 per M, prices subject to
aange, Place your order now, save
oney, get plants date wanted, Want
to contract to grow tomatoes and pep-
per plants, make best offer. W. H.
Boatright, Alma, Ga.
Large Valencia peanuts, free from
ps and trash, 10c lb. FOB. 12 1-2c
. H. W. Thurmond, Greshamville,

aspberries 6 for $1; May cherry
prouts, 12 for $1; apricot sprouts, 12
or $1; plum sprouts, 12 for $1; horse-
Gish 50c doz. tansy, 25c doz. dewber-
s, 50 doz. Pawpaw bushes 12: for


are Jas. Heaton, Mineral Bluff, Ga.
Black walnut trees 1 to 3 ft. high
5c each, horse apple trees 2 to 3 ft.

gh 25c each; purple lilacs 20c each,

k crepe myrtle sprouts 20c each, will
xch. 1 of trees for 1 paper shell pecan
ree add postage, money order with

der. Mrs. E. B. Dollar, Buford, Ga.

White Eng. peach 15c, old fashioned
Jum peach trees 10c each, and clear
tone same price, damson. blue plums

5e each, all true to name, postage |

ded. Mrs. J. L.. Phillips, Flowery

ranch, Ga. i

Brown Cal. fig bushes 10c each or $1

er doz. del. six or mare, White scup-

ynong vines 10c each or $1 per doz.

el. six or more, or exch. 1c doz. for 1
M. Porto Rican potato plants for as
many as 2 M. plants. W. A. Moon, Wa-
co, Ga,

Will exch. any of named below for
good var. apple trees 1 to 2 years old,
: also want to hear from some one who
has Quince Adonia plants will exch. 3

nds of good fig sprouts well rooted

long bearing var. strawherry plants,
istarian blackberry cutting 1 doz. for
plant, or 50 strawberry plants for
2 or 1 of each kind figs for 2 -plants
or will pay 25c for 2 plants; also will
exchange any of above plants for
unch lima beans, cornfield beans or
hy garden beans some running and
some bunch turnip, collard heading
kind cabbage and eng. peas.. Mrs. R.
Wilkerson, Rt. 1. Dixie, Ga.

Gov. insp. and true to name Stuart
and Schley pecan trees 3 to 10 ft. 300
Alberta peach 2-3 1 yr. $6 hun; 300 Al-
berta peach 1 yr. 8-4 ft, $7 hun; 300
18-24 in. $5 hun; 500 12 -18 1 yr. $4
hun; 500Era Rose 12-181 yr. $4 hun;
500 Red June plum 1 yr. 2-4 ft. $8 hun;

500 six weeks plum 2-5 ft. $8 hun; 100
-Boton $7 hun, red and white dbl. flow-

ring peach 30c ea. $2 doz; leading
var, apples $2.50 doz. special home or-

hard 25 trees 25 var. apple, pear,
peach, plum, grape, scuppernong, $5.50,
50 trees $10, eng. walnut trees, $1 ea.

black walnuts 5-8 ft. 50c; all FOB Ma-

con, Ga, R. L. Wheeler, Clinton Road,
t. 5, Macon, Ga.
All leading var. of two and three yr.
old apple trees at 20c each, 1 yr. old
10c each, peach trees at 15c Keefer and

Garber pearfrom 4 to 7 ft. 40c each,

@arly Richmond cherry, 40c each, red
June plum 25c each, Cuthbert rasp-
erry, 10c, each two yr. old well rooted
concord and Niagara grape vines 10c
each all true to name and Gov. insp.
will exch. for honey or anything of val-
ue. Mrs. Lee Head, Cleveland, Ga. Rt.
1. Box 1.
Small purple figs, 5 to 7 ft., 50c ea.
3 for $1.25. 1 doz for $4; 3 to 5 ft. 3
for $1. 1 doz. $2.75. Also large yellow
figs, 4 to 6 ft. 60c ea, 3 for $1.50 1 doz.
d, 2 to 4 ft. 45 ea. 3 for $1. 1 doz,
$2.25, cash with order, exp. chgs. col.
on less than 1 doz. W. A: Thornton,
Greeenville, Ga. Rt. 2.
State insp. true to name apple trees,
all lead. var. 2 yr. 3 to 4 ft. 15c ea. lyr.
2 to 3 ft. 10c. White Eng. each trees
2 to 3 ft. 10c 1 to 2 ft. 5c ea. Early
Harvest, Keiffer and Pineapple pears,
4 to 5 ft. 40c ea. Grape vines, 2 yr.
No. 1, Concord Niagara, 10c ea. $7.50
per C. All PP. or will exch. any of
above for meat, lard, honey, corn or
es. W. H. Alexander, Cleveland,
Fa >
Sev. nice old fashtoned seedling
yg ee $1.25 doz. $6.50 per C. $11
vt :

~ | order. 1
|25 per pt, send money order. Mrs.

C. C. Lindsay, |

vines, 1.35 per doz, $7 per . or $12 per

2 C. del. by PP. or express. Cash with
Also seed grass, nuts or chufas.

Nora Nix, Alto, Ga. Rt. 1.

Large kind of purple fig bushes 25c
ea. Mrs. A. R. Brannon, 217 Duncan
Ave., Macon, Ga,

Cedar sprouts, 1 to 3 ft. high, 7 1-2c,
FOB. Crabapple sprouts, 7 1-2c FOB.
May cherry sprouts, 10c FOB. Cur-
rant sprouts, 10c FOB. Will exch any
for anything I can use. W. L. Walls,
Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 12.

White Eng peach trees 10c ea. also
yellow open stone peach trees and old
fash. plum peach trees 10c ea, other
party to pay charges. All trees are of
good var. of peaches, 1 yr. old only.
Would exch. trees for large size white
feed sacks, at 10c ea. and I pay chgs.
on trees and other party to pay chgs.
on sacks. Mrs. Pearl Turner, Rt. 4,
Box 32, Cleveland, Ga. \

Fig trees 3 to 5 ft. high 50c ea. or $5
per doz. cash with order, or will exch..
for anything of equal value. Mrs. D. 8S.
Daniel, Helena, Ga. Rt. 1.

800 nice large 2 yr. old Yates apple
trees, $18 per C. Red, delicious, one
hundred. One hundred Stayman, $18,
all nice clean, true to name, state insp.
trees. First $35 gets the 5 C. T. M.
Webb, Ellijay, Ga. . \

Plants Wanted

Wanted, few thousand Porto Rican
potato plants, exch. for same. J. H.
Beaseley, Lavonia, Ga. RFD.

Wnted, pure govt insp. 50 M. Porto
Rico potato plants, 10 M. Burbank to-
mato plants, all plants must be pure.
J. O. Dennis, Columbus, G. Rt. 2.

Want 500 Bermuda onions, 500 pota-
to plants by March 15. Will pay cash
or exch. Old fashioned garden peas,
both large and small, long pod pepper
or Hastings long pod. (No name or
address). -

I want cabbage plants, tomato plants
beet plants, potato plants. will exch.
thorobred eggs for same. Mrs. Nellie
Puckett. Rt. B. Cordele, Ga.

Want 1 M. strawberry plants of any
good long bearing var. of large berries
and healthy plants. Will exch. lemon
sprouts for the plants. The lemon
plants are for flower gardens, parks,
also brakes and lanwland, and are per-
fect landholders and dont sap the
land. 50c doz. del. J. W. Garrett; Atco,
Ga Box sla | .

Want 1 M. fine Porto Rico potato
plants to be del. April 20, wil) pay
cash or exch. lemon sprouts for them.
The lemon srouts are for ornamental
use and for brakes and hbottomlands.
Dont sap land but are substantial
brakes. 50c doz. del. first of May. J.
W. Garrett, Atco, Ga. Box 81.

Wanted 8 M. big stem Jersey potato
plants by the last week in March or
not later than the first week in April,
state price. R. A. Whitlock, Uvalda,
Gas ae

Want prices on 25 M. Bermuda onion
plants, give lowest price. J. K. Ken-
nedy, Menlo, Ga.

Wanted: to exch. brown sugar crow-
der peas for white Bermuda onion and
cabbage plants. Mrs. Maurice Edwards,
Lavonia, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 2 M. or more Kudzu plants,
must be strong, well-rooted plants,
make best offer. J. K. Truelove, Mur-
rayville, Ga, Rt. 2.

Want to contract Porto Rico potato
plants, $1 M. FOB Quitman. April and
May. Mrs. M. F. Gaddis, Quitman, Ga.

Want to exch. early strawberry
plants for early cabbage, or Bermuda
onion plants. Mrs. H. W. Terry, Cum-
ming, Ga. Rt. 6. ae

Want sweet pepper plants. Pay cash,
er exch. other plants, Miss Doris
Swann, Lithonia, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want 10 M. Porto Rican plants Apr.
1st. del. State best cash price. Mrs.
R. F. Terrell, Greenville, Ga. Rt. 3.

Poultry For Sale

38 Ancona hens and 3 __ roosters,
Sheppard str. $38. Mrs. &. E. Jones,
Jeffersonville, Ga. =e
4 Sheppard str. Aneona cockerels,
11 mos, old, 95c each. Mrs. Jeptha
Pullin, McDonough, Ga.


C. nice well rooted muscadine | cockerel,

50 Sheppard str. April hatch An-
cona pullets (aying 30 to 40 eggs dai-
} 1 each. No checks. Mrs. . M.
-ook, Boston, Ga.

30 pure bred Ancona hens and one
80c each, FOB. Sell part or

all E. P. Arnold, Waycross, Ga. Rt. 5.
Box 22-A,

75 young Ancona hens, now laying
and 7 roosters, 75c each at my & ace.
1 mi. of Keysville. Mrs. W. A. Gunn,
Keysville, Ga. Rt. 2.


2 fine Australorp cockerels, March
hatch, 225-ege str. Direct from breed-
er. F. B. Felker, Hapeville, Ga. 3351
Stewart Ave.

Australorps, Osborne stra. Official
World Champion layers, 352 to 364 egg
records, 6 1-2 mos old cockerel, $3;
8 cockerels, 3 1-2 mos, old, $1.75 ea.
eal 8; J. C. Moore, Buford, Ga.


3 pr. Golden Sebrights, 6 mos old,
$2.50: pre Eges; $1.75-doz;: FOB: O..B:
Moore, Madras, Ga.

2 Golden Sebright cockerels, $1.25
each. Mrs. Milton Sumner, Sylvester
Ga. Rt. 3. :

1R. C. bantam rooster and, 3 hens
(healthy, good layers and mothers),
mixed breed, 50c each. Georgia F.
pele Tallapoosa, Ga. Rt. 8, Box

1. pr. full grown pure Buff Cochin
hen and rooster (from prize winning
stock) $2.25 FOB. No exch. Annie
Grace Jones, Lula, Ga. Star Rt.

1 Japanese Silkie hen, thoroughbred
stock, $4 or exch. for 5 hens or five
young pullets. Prefer R. I. Reds, but
will take any pure breed except Leg-
horns. Mrs. Gertrude Edwards, Plain-
ville, Ga. :

8 pure Buff Cochin roosters, April
1980 hatch, from prize winning birds
50c each. Mrs. J. H. Mills, Jenkins-
burg, Gav :

1 pr. White Leghorn bantams, $1.50,
also. 1 Red Bantam rooster, 75c. Mon-
ey order with order. Edw. Riggins,
Blackshear, Ga. Box 62. |

S. L. Bantam 6 mos _ old _ rooster,
ready for service,-$1. Also eggs, 75c.
per 15. Guy Stovall, McRae, Ga. RFD
2. g
3 W. L. small type bantam 10 mos
old cockerels, $1.25 for the 3 or exch.
for 1 bu. Red Spanish peanuts, del.
here. Clement Smith, Austell, Ga.,

1 trio Brahma bantams, 1929 hatch
$4.50; 2 pr. April 1930 hatch, $3 pr. or
a del. $10. L. E. Williams, Ty Ty,

Bantams: eggs from choicest pens
of line-bred Natnl. Winners, Golden
Sebrights, now, $3 per 15; Cornish
game bantam.eggs, $5 per doz. Robt.
Clark, Macon, Ga. 177 Boulevard Ave.


5 pure bred extra fine Barred Rock
pullets 10 mo. old, 5 Barred Rock
hens, 20 mos. old, extra fine $1.50 ea.
lot for $14, money with order. Mrs.
Pearl Nelson, Calhoun, Ga., Rt. 5.

A Light Brahma rooster, $1.50 or
exch. for hatching eggs of any thor-
ough breed. Mrs, A. T. Lee, Gardi,
Ga., Rt. 1,,Box 40.

Pure bred Giant strain Light Brah-
ma cockerels, $1.50 each; 2 cocks, 20
mos. old, $2 each. Mrs. Bob Sosby,

Ryby -L

| Carnesville, Ga.

10 Giant str. Light Brahma hens
and 1 roosters, 1 yr. old, $10. Mrs. J.
D. Mulligan, Washington, Ga. Rt. 1.

1 Light Brahma cockerel, $2. Char-
ley Davidson, Alto, Ga. Rt. 1.

4 pure bred Giant str, Light Brah-
ma hens and 1 cockerel, $7 for lot.
Exch, for same number of Buff Rocks
or Buff Orpingtons. Mrs. Boyd Kes-
ler, Nicholson, Ga. Rt. 1.

Light Brahma coeckerels, from ex-

tra large Northern Bred stock. $1.50
each, Mrs. C. W. Evans, Wrightsville

Ga. Rt. 1. :

Pure Giant str. Light Brahma cock
$3; eggs, $2 per 15. Exch. cock for
pure bred pig, 6 wks. old, Mrs. J. R.
woe Milledgeville, Ga. Rt. 1, Box


Games, 1 cock and 4 hens, $5 for
lot. G. R. Baldwin, Douglasville, Ga.

Pure Black Jones Roundhead stags,
$3 each; pullets, $2.50; plenty of eggs
from above strain and from pure
Knob Comb Blues, imported stock di-
rect this season from B. Skelton. Eggs
from Blues, $3 a set. Also 1 pure bred
very fine Hulsey cock, 2 yrs. old, $3.
Exch. him for a pure yellow legged
Allen Roundhead. G. W. Logan, El-
lijay, Ga. Rt. 2.

White Cornish rooster, $2. Mrs, H.
W. Law, Ocilla, Ga. Rt. 3.

Pure bred dark Cornish Inian, Web-
ber strain pullets, at your own price.
Mrs. J. T. Holland, Lenox, Ga.

A few dark Cornish hens and ful-

| order with order.

lets, now laying, $2 each; 4 hens a
1 cock, 18 mos old, $10 and 3 pulle
with them for $15 for the 8.
Mary Griffin, Sparks, Ga. Rt. 1.

erel, March hatch, $2.50. | O1
der with order. Edw. Riggins, Black.
shear, Ga. Box 62.

March 1930 hatch Cornish roost
$1.50 or exch for 2 pullets of sam
breed, or the value in Otootan So
beans, or anything can use. G.
Sammons, Soperton, Ga. Se

15 Black Gamie hens, $1 each, roos
ter, $2. W. J. Morgan, Stillmore, Ga
Rt. 1, Box 46. Sa

Grist Gradies, Warhorse and Ga.
Shawineck pit games: H. Roquemore-
Mansfield, Ga. ans

Ga. Shawlnecks, 2 2 yr. old blac
breasted cockerels, $5 each. E. C. Cu
reton, Jr., Moreland, Ga.. Box 55,

2 pure bred Bacon Warhorse Ap
Til hatch, 4 1-2 to 6 Ib. fowl, $1.5

1 Warhorse and Mug crossed,
5 1-2 lb. April hatch, $1.50. 1 Caro
lina Blue, 2 1-2 yr. old, 6 1-2 Ibs. $2.5
Guar. to sat. H. H. Hawkins, M
chell, Ga: At


1 Black Giant 14 mos old rooster
$2 or exch. for cream speckled suga
crowder peas. W. S. Pinkerton, Mad:
ison, Ga. Rt. 3.

1 pure bred Marcy str. J. B.\Gia
21 mos old, 8 1-2 lb. rooster, $1.5
FOB. Mrs. John L. Claxton, Sope:
ton, Ga. Nees
10 hens and 2 roosters. Pure br
J. B. Giants of Marcy str. $1.25 eac.
8B. C. Bynum, Shellman, Ga. ae

3 J. B. Giant roosters, last Mare
hatch, $1.50 ea. or $2.50 for both, Mis

Eila Trimble, Adairsville, Ga.

9 all laying hens and 1 cock, wt
lbs. Pape strain, Black Minorcas, $
for the bunch. Nod Sanford, Ellijay
Ga. Rt. 5. ae
Sev. Golden Buff Minorca yearl
hens, all laying and 2 nice cocker
- bargain. Mrs. T. A. Clark, Blyt
15 Pape str. March hatch now 1
ing Black Minorca hens, $1.25 ea
$15 for lot. Cash with order. Mrs.
Cc. W. Sauls, Shellman, Ga. ye

8. C. White Minorcas. Crystal Whi
strain (First prize winners at Boston,
Chicago and New York. Shows). Ex
pertly bred and carefully bred stoc
Large eggs, $2.50 per 15 del and bloor
tested baby chicks, $18 a 100. J.
Brooks, Atlanta, Ga. Rt. 4, Box 31
Phone Raymond 2991 J.

7 Black Minorca hens now layin
and 1 cock, $12. Exch. for pr. of P..
C. pigs, wt. at least 40 lbs. each. Mrs..
S. C. Lawhorn, Tifton, Ga, Rt 1.


| Anthony, Buena Vista, Ga. Rt. 4. -_

15 friers, wt. 2 lbs. to 2 1-2 Ibs. 25
lb. FOB. Shipped in crate. Part
all. E. B. West, Ocilla, Ga. Rt. 3.

14 fat hens, 5 to 6 1-2 lbs. pure bred
Brahma, Black Giants and Thompson
Ringlet B. R. All laying and in g
health. All in 1 lot, or half at
lb. or 85c each FOB; also a pure
Thompson Ringlet 20 mos. old
same price. Mrs. John Tinsley,
lington, Ga. Rt. 2. ae

10 common size hens, mixed with ]
I. Red, $1 each; 1 Red rooster, mix
ed, $1.50. No checks. Money _orde
only. Mrs. Mollie Henderson, Ellijay
Ga. Rt. 3, Box 44. ae

25 last of March hatch pullets, $
each at my home, near Keysyille
Mrs. W. A. Gunn, Keysville, Ga.

11 pullets and 2 roosters, good sto
cross breed, 85c each. Cash or mone
W. R. Bost, Will
ard, Ga, Rt. 1. a :

150 lbs. mixed breed, fat hens, 20
Ib. del. 18 lb. FOB Augusta or Sa-
vannah; 40 lbs. roosters, mixed b
12c Ib. del. or 10c lb. FOB. Mrs
M. Arrington, Wadley, Ga, Rt. 2

2 Buff Orp. cocks, from eggs di
rect from Byers. 2 yrs. old Feb. 28th
Buff to the skin. 1 cockerel, not.
a yr. old and a tew laying au

Mrs. T. J. Wilkins, Atlanta,
North Ave. N. E.

2 March hateh Golden Buff Ort
roosters, $1.25 each or the 2 for $2.
Exch.. for new lint cotton at 10c Ib.
Ea. to pay postage. Mrs. Elsie Al
man, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 3. ~ free

(Continued on page twelve)

? : Poultry For Sale


_7 young hens and 1 rooster, pure
bred March hatch. Thompson B. R.
Most of them now laying. $8.50 for
ot. FOB. Cash. No exch. No per-
sonal checks uness certified. Mrs. S.
L. Jackson, Chatsworth, Ga.

Pure B. R. Thompson str. cockerels,
ready for service, $1.25 each; Hens
same breed, $1 each. Mrs. J. J. Bond,
Elberton, Ga. Rt. 8.

Parks str. B. R. March and April
930 hatch, $2.50 ea. FOB. Mrs. M. G.

ens and 1 cockerel, Feb. 1930 hatch.
$1.25 each, or $16 for lot. Mrs. W. J.
ohnson, Sparta, Ga.
Barred Rock cockerels pure Thomp-
on str. $1.25 each. Mrs. J. A. Wilson,
artin: Ga. Rt. 2.
10 young B. R. hens and 1 cockerel,
$1 each. Mrs. Pearl Woodward, Ran-
Ga, Rt.1.
r B. R. hens, 20 mos. old, and 6 pul-
lets, $1.50 each; also eggs, $1 per 15;
90 for 2 settings. Mrs. Pearl Nelson,
aihoun, Ga. Rt. 5.
3 pure bred Thompson B. R. 1 yr. old
kKerels, ready for service, $1.25 each.
Sh with order. Mrs. I. E. McArthur,
luffton, Ga.
1 fat, now laying Parks strain B.
hens, 1 to 2 yr. old, and young cock-
el, $15 for lot. M. Y. Arnold, Fitz-
erald, Ga. Rt. 3.
high bred Thompson str. B. R. Apr.
atch roosters, $1.25 each. Cash. J.
. Greene, Thomaston, Ga.
Hens for table use: 1 coop B. R. hens,
ng and fat. 50 lbs. $10 FOB. Mon-
order or cashiers check. Mrs. Da-
Barrett, Calhoun, Ga. Rt. 1.
ark str. June hatch cockerel and 6
pullets, $7. Reg. ker 22-D-31. Money
rder. Mrs. J. S. Edenfield, Summit,

. pullets, $1.50 each, FOB. Cash.
ement Smith, Austell, Ga. Rt. 1.

2 pure bred hompson str. 9 mos. old
ockerels, $1.50 each, $2.50 for the 2
OB. Mrs. L. K. Fryer, Talbotton,

Parks str. Reg. Permit, 64-C-31. Yr.
id cockerels, $2.50 each, $4 for 2. None
or sale ofter March lst. Mrs. Mamie
oach Plyier, Manassas, Ga. Rt. 2.
Thompson B. R. cockerels, extra fine,
1.25 each; and 4 Everlay B. L. now
g pulets and 1 cockerel, $1 each.
i H. A. Wiison, Martin,

ooster, $1.25 each. 1-2 are March 1930
atch, others are 1 yr. old. A. W. Estes,
ipharetta, Ga. Rt. 2. ;

Thompson B. R. early spring cock-
rels, well dev. and ready for service.
1.50 each, FOB. Cash with order.

10 fine yearling hens, Thompson imp.
inglets. $1.50 each. and 1 extra fine
cock, $2.. All FOB. Cash. Mrs. W. L.
Harris, Griffin, Ga. j
1B. R. cockerel, Thompson str. and
; hens, $1.50 each. or $13 for lot. All
March hatch. C. H. Chappelear, La-
ronia, Ga. Rt. 2.
4 fine B. P. R., 6 hens and 1 cock,,
bout 13 mos. old. Part of hens now
laying, $11 or exc for 3 good, 8 wks. old
p.izs of good stock, wt. 30 or 40 lbs. ea.
Mrs. G. S. Bowman, Alto, Ga. Ra. 2.
5 Holterman Aristocrat B. R. 2 yrs.
rom ped. stock.. Early May hatch. 4
_pullets, now laying and 1 cockerel. $10
for pen, FOB. Exch for 3 good pigs,
good stock, wt. 30 or 40 lbs. ea. Mrs.
ra Nix, Alto, Ga. Rt. 1. Bee
Pure Thompson Ringlet March cock-
-erels, extra fine, $1.75 each, FOB. Mrs.
_J. P. Mabry, Canon, Ga.
10 Thompson 1 and 2 yr. old B. R.
peently mixed hens, healthy and now
laying, and 1 fine young cockerel, $1
each. Mrs. A. R. Watts, Canon, Ga.
2 B. R. roosters; $1.10 ea. at yard.
\ristocrat strs. last March hatch. C.
Freeman, Hartwell, Ga. Rt. 1.
Thompson Ringlet imp. cockterels, 4
mos. old, $1 ea. FOB. A. L. Heape,
Nashville, Ga. | ;
1B. R. rooster, September 1st hatch,
$1. Mrs. Lue Hobbs, Chickamauga,
Ga. Rt. 1. ;
1 Aristocrat B. R| blood tested, prize
winner, 1 yr. old rooster, $4, or exch for
white crowder pea seed, or a good run-
ning pea seed that will bear well on
ndy land, del. L. V. Sturm, States-
boro, Ga. Rt. 2.
-B. P..R. Quinesberry AAA quality,
from the 333 egg per hen per yr. Cock-
arels, ready for service, 1 yr. and 18
mos. old, $3 and $5 ea. Prize winning

Mrs. A. J. Collins, Demorest, Ga. Rt. 1. |.

stock. Exch for new feathers, goose,
chicken, or duck, or exch for the White
or Speckled guineas, ducks or turkeys.
Mrs. D. C. Wall, Dudley, Ga. Rt. 1.

Holterman Aristocrat (parent stock
from eggs direct) young hens, last
spring hatch, $1.25 each; 2 fine cocks,
$2.50 each. Exch 10 hens and 1 of these
cocks for 2 thrifty, large bzeed shoats,
wt. around 75 lbs. each. Have 2 pens
for sale or exch. Mrs. J. C. Bryan,
Reynolds, Ga.

2 pens of Parks str. B. Rocks: 10 hens
and 2 roosters, each, 1929 and 1930
hatch, $1.25 each bird. Mrs. L. D.
Hadaway, Gainesville, Ga.

50 hens, pure B. Rocks, and mixed.
Some wt. as high as 6 1-2 lbs. $1 each.
Cashiers check or money order. V. E.
Bentley, Monroe, Ga.

10 fine B. R. hens, Thompson str. $15
for lot. Mrs. B. H. Osborn, Roy, Ga.

3 June hatch Imp. Rinzlet cockerels.
New stock, direct trom Thompson last
yr. $3 each, $7.50 for the 3. Money or-
ae with order. E. C. Garland, Dial,



Pure bred Fiscnel W. R. April cock-
erels, direct, $4.50 each. Mrs. W. C.
Jones, Cuiloden, Ga.

1 pure bred Fischel W. R. 9 mos old
cockerel, $2. Cash with order. No
ete Mrs. C. C. Payne, Titton, Ga.

Buff Rock pullets and hens, now
laying, from trapnested Nugget str.
tor sa.e. Also eggs, $1.50 per 15. Mrs.
G. L. Trimble, Adairsville, Ga.

Fine young White Piymouth Rock
cock and 2 hens, now laying, $5 per
trio. Eva Haynes, Buford, Ga.

10 pure bred March hens, now lay-
ing, $1.50 each, 1 rooster, $2; also
white Rock eggs, $1.50 per 15. Mrs, T.
Dumas, Tifton, Ga. Rt. 7. | :

10 or 12 nice W. Rock hens, pure
bred, heavy wt. and good layers. Mrs.
C. H. Trussell, Warthen, Ga. e
Pure bred Fischei str. W. R. hens,
$1.25; pullets, $1; cockerels, $1.25 ea.
Mrs, Z. L. Scott, Concord, Ga.

5 or 10 Buff Rock hens, $1 each.
W. A. Caldwell, LaFayette, Ga. Rt. 4.
Nice bunch very fine Partridge
Rocks. Pulets and hens now laying,
$1.50 each; cockerels, $2 each. Mrs.
R. J. Roddenberry, Hazlehurst, Ga. |
10 Plymouth Rock hens, 1 yr. old,
now laying, $1.25 FOB. Charks E.
Bailey, Ashburn, Ga.

15 P. Rock hens, now laying, $1 per
nee W. J. Morgan, Stilimore, Ga.
Buff Rock Nuggett strain roost-
er, spring 1930 hatch, $1.25; 4 grown
hens, $1,25 each, and 4 June hitch
pullets, $1 each. Prefer selling at
home but will crate. No checks ac-
cepted. Cash or money order with
order. Do not order after March ist.
Mrs. T. C. Beverly, Ochiocknee, Ga.

S. S. Hamburgs, 1920 and 1930 April
hatch, $10 doz. del. and with lot, Roos-
ter free if wanted; also large mixed
hens, $10 doz. del or exch for Runner
peanuts. L. E. Williams, Ty Ty, Ga.


40 Tancred W. L. bred to lay pull-
ets, March 1930 hatch for best offer,
on all or part. -Simpson Hill, Ran-
ger, Ga. : :

rure bred S. C. W. L. April pullets
Tancred and Eng. str. No culls. Now
laying. $1 each, or 15 hens and fine
cockerel, unrelated, $15; also eggs, $1
per 15 prepaid. Mrs. T. W. Hagood,

Marietta, Ga. Rt. 3.

10 W. L. April 1929 hens, 75c each
or 10 W. L. hens, April 1930 hatch, $1
each. All have been running at large
with pure bred B. R. cockerels since
last Nov. Money order. Mrs. C. W.
Hurst, Buena Vista, Ga. Rt. 8 ,

60 thoroughbred B. L. February and
March hatch, now laying, for sale. W.
L. Kerg, Harlem, Ga.

20 Tancred April 1930 hens, $1.25
each, or exch. for peas, beans, or pigs.
Mrs. J. T. Pannell, Monroe, Ga.

25 B. L. March 1930 pullets. Tor-
mahlen sir. Began laying at 4 1-2
mos. old, $1 each. Mrs. J. F. New-
man, Cochran, Ga. Rt. 3.

300 pure Tancred 2 and 3 yr. old
hens, mated to selected Tancred. cock-
ere's. Hard time prices; als eggs, $4

W. L. Rozier, Alma, G2.

2 yr. old pure bred, S. L. C. L. roost-
ety $1.25. Mrs. D. L. Vanzant, Dial,


10 W. L. Tancred str. W. L. April
hatch pulets, now laying, $8. Miss
Kate Lancaster, Sylvester, Ga.

3 S. C. W. L. cocks, $1 each, or exch
1 for 2 bantam hens and. 1 Murch beh

for lot.

Can use,

a 100. Special price in !arge quantity.-

for another of same age. All direct.

from Berry. Mrs. C. J. Sitchen,

Swainsboro, Ga.

2 Hollywood str. S. C. W. L. cock-
erels. First and Champion prize at
County Fair. Also eggs for hatching,
Very reasonable prices. T. B.
green, Doug.asville, Ga.

20 W. L. hens and 2 roosters. Sell
or exch. for R. I. Reds or Light Brah-
ma hens or pullets. Mrs. Arthur Rice
Dacula, Ga.

75 W. L. hens in 1 lot at 80c each,
or 25 in lot, $1 ea. Good cond. and
are now laying. W. H. Norton, Lus-
omni, Ga. :

5 pure bred dark B. L. hens, 5c
each, not prepaid. Dosey Dunagan,
Alto, Ga. Rt. 1.

8 pure bred W. L. 18 mos old hens
oon Dora Waiker, Fairburn, Ga.
Rt. 4.

25 B. L. Tormahlen April 1920 hatcn
hens, $1.25 eacn or $30 tor lot, FOB.
No checks. J. R. Savage, Lula, Ga.
RFD 1, : ; <

12 W. L. hens and 2 roosters, 8 will
te yr. old in March, and the othr
6 are about 9 mos o.d, $15 for entire
lot. FOB. Julian E. Pace, Clyo, Ga.

40 Kerlin W. L. 8 mos old pullets,
laying, $1.25 each. A. W. Estes, Al-
puaretta, Ga. Rt. 2.

3 Buff L. March cockerels, $1.25 ea.
$3 for lot. C. H. Chappell, Lavonia,
Ga. Rt.'2. x

10 choice W. L. now laying hens,
Direct from Booths Hatcnery, Tan-
cred Official R. O. P. str. $2 each, $1y
Mrs. E. M. Rowland, Canon,
Ga. Rt. 3. :

(5 Lancred pure bred pulets and 10
cockereis, Sacriticing at less than 1-z
price. Excn. for shelled corn, cured
meat, pigs, or pure bred Guinea or S.
P. C. git, brea to breed. M. L. Se-

Point, Ga.

: Thursday, February 19, 1931.

Thoroughbred W. L. 1 yr. old roos-
ter, also 2 red bantam roosters, $1 ea,
Chariie H. Smith, Roopville, Ga. Rt.
2. : - Soe

33 Brown L. pullets and 2 cockerels,
March 1930 hatch. Certified stock, |
$35 for the lot. V. R. Crawtiord, Cal. |
noun, Ga. Rt. 2, Box 138.

Tancred pullets, Feb., Mar. and Ap-
ril hatch, Extra fine cond. 60 per cent
production. At 1-2 their value, 10 to
85c each, according to amount want-
ed.. J: B. Parrisn, Graymcnt, Ga.

2 March 1930 hatch W. L. cockerels,
Ferris str., $1 each. R. &. Morgan,
White Plains, Ga. _ 2

15 W. L. pullets, April hatch, in full
production, and 1 large, fine English
eockerel from trapnested and Ped..
stock. Sell or exch. fcr full blood
Jersey or Guernsey heifer. Ea. to pay
own express. Mrs. L. S. Andrews,

shlocknee, Ga.

900 to 300 Tancred W. L. pulets. In
good cond. and heavy production.
Tom P. Crawford, Athens, Ga. 1520 |
Prince Ave.


Only 1 Ringneck cock and 3 hens, ~
ast Spring hatch, full grown, heal-
thy, well dev. Will start iaying about
April 1st, $20. Cash with order. Wil-
liam B. Solomons, Savannah, Ga. 416
W. Hull St. ;
Lady Amhearst, March hatch, $15
pr. Goldens, 2 yr. old, in_full p'um-
age, $18 pr. March hatc': Goldens, 10
pr. Eng. Ringnecks, $8 pr. All ate old
enough to breed in the spring. Full
instructions. as to care and breeding
with ea. order. L. J. Barrow, West

4 male English Ringnecks, last ~
spring hatch, $3.50 ea. or exch for fe-
male Eng. Ringnecks. J. O. Horton,
Rome, Ga.

groves, Fayetteville, Ga.

Pure bred S. C. B. L. April 1930
puillets, 20c lb. FOs in lots: oi 10. Mrs.
vu. L. Waailey, Cuthbert, Ga. Rt. 3,
Box 50. ;

- ,-e bred Tancred heavy: laying
,vung hens.~ No culls. $1 each. VUasiu
with order. Mrs. Cleon Cowart, Sum-
seavy Wh. aul. 4, 150X-09, :

ferris S. C. W. L. breeders: 15 year-

ing hens and 1 March hatch cocker-
+ glu; alow Aprius naten puilets, 90c
-ach; cockere.s, $1 ea. March hatcn.
Bes J .E. Steadam, Bainbridge, Ga.
_25 pure bred W. L. pullets, some be-
ginning to lay, 55c each, kOB. \Theo
vroson, Sulpnur. Springs, Ga.
10 Tancied cockereis, yl.zo each, or
exch. tor 3 bu. Otoovan Soy beans.
Sam Hartline, Lyeriy, Ga. Rt. 2. ;
25> W. L. 1930 hens, Barron sir. $1
ea. Cuiled and extra large. Mrs. L. D.
Hadaway, Gainesville, Ga.

40 pure bred Wycoif str. W. L. pul-
lets, $1 each, or exch. tor anytiung
ee Mrs. Bob Sosby, Carnesvine

33 B. L. most of them last April
hatch, from indiana as baby chicks.
P.enty of them better layers, than the
tiveriay strain, $1 ea. Mrs. J. J. Fer-
rell, Cairo, Ga. Rt. 3, Box 222.

4 W. L. yr. old cocks, $1.25 each.
Mrs, E. A. P. McCarihy, Waite Oak,


25 W. L. now laying hens, $20 for
lot. Money order witn order. Mrs.
Bertha Ellis, West Green, Ga. Rt. 2.

15 pure bred S. C. B. L. hens and
1 cockerel, $15. Mrs. L. H. Cousins,
Greenville, Ga. :

40 pure bred W. L. now laying pul-
lets and 3 cockerels, 9 mos oid, $40 at
my home or exch. for young, pure
bred milch cow, not fresh, to be del.-to
me and get the chickens. Don J. Ca-
son, Waycross, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 88.

12 pure bred April hatch Tancred
L. hens, all laying, and 1 well dev.
rooster. $15 del. in Ga. Mrs. Ethel
Jones, Lula, Ga. Siar Rt.

15 now iaying April 1930 hatch Tan-
cred pullets, aso 5 cockerels, $80.00.
Money order. Also eggs, $1 per 15, $3
a 100. Mrs. J. W. McGowan, Gray-
mont, Ga. Rt. 1.

109 Booths AAA quality L. hens,
March 1930 hatch, 75 each. Exch for
corn at 75c bu. del. Roy Brooks, New-
ton, Ga... :

10 genuine Ferris Best Egg strain
W. L. pulets at $1 each, a!so 1 cock-
erel, $1.50; $11 for lot. A. F. Darsey,
Cochran, Ga. RFD 3.

Sev. ped. cockerels and cocks, blood
tested. Pure Tancred str. 1 yr. old this
mo. Sat. guar. M. W. Kantala, El-
berton, Ga.

Pure bred Everlay B. L., 1 cock, $1.-
50 and 2 hens, $1 each. FOB. James
T. Holt, Summervile, Ga.-RFD 1.
25 S. C. B. L. young hens, 80c ea.,
aS Russell Morrison, Winterville,

a. \ :

17 Spanish Sussex chickens, $9 each.
Vernan Glaze, Murrayville, Ga. oes


2 big bone Giant M. B. hens, now

ready to lay, $3 each, 1930 hatch. Mrs.

W. E. Williams, Moultrie, Ga. Rt. 4.

6 pure bred Bourbon Red toms, Ap-
ril 1930 hatch, $5 each; 3 hens, $3.50.
each. From unrelated, prize winning ~
stock. Mrs. J. Bond, Elberton, Ga.
Rt. 8.

April hatch tom, pure Mammoth
Bronze, B. B. Goldbank strain, wt.
about 25 lbs. each, from prize win-.
ning stock, $8. Cash with order. G.
H. Eey, White Plains, Ga.
6 White African guineas, 4 hens and
2 roosters, $1.25 each, $7 for the lot.
FOB Clermont. J. R. Savage, Lula,
Ga.- Rt: 4. /

4 pure bred M. B. hens, 1 - 2 yrs. old
$5; 1 early 1930 hatch $4, or $8 for
both. Exch. old hen for a gocd thrif-
ty 6 to 10 wks. old P. C. or Duroc J...
pig. Mrs. J.-M. Hall, Calhoun, Ga.
Rte o. 1

Pure bred Bird Bros. Goldbank str. ~
tom, from unrelated stock, big bone >
Mammoth Bronze, 1930 hatch, 9 mos
old, $7 FOB. Mrs. J. W. Lariscy, Hal- =
cyondale, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure bred Whiie Holland toms, Ap-
ril 1930 hatch, wt. from 15 to 20 ibs.
= each. Lester McCrary, Molena,


Pure bred M. B. turkeys, 1930 hatch
Toms, 22 to 25 lbs. $7; hens, wt. 15.
es $3. Mrs: S. W. Morgan, Vienna, |


2 turkey hens and 1 tom, 1930 hch.,
$6 or exch. for Runner peanuts, Span-
ish peanuts or velvet beans. All must
be sound. L. M. Isler, Morgan, Ga.

Trio young Waite Pekins, $4. Exch:
for trio pure while young Australian
Beas Mrs. J. M. Jones, Grayson,

1 guar. pure M. B. Goldbank 20 mos
old tom, wt. 33 lbs. 30c lb. Exch for
any good var. sound field peas at $2.-
50 bu. Mrs. J. P. Mabry, Canon, Ga.

Pure white Holland young toms and
hens, $5 each, $15 trio. Also booking
orders for eggs, $3 doz. $3.50 for 15 ~
ae Mrs. Jas. B. McCrary, Molena, -


150 lbs. capons, 35c lb. Wt. up to 7 |
Ibs. each Cash. Clement Smith, Aus-
tel, Ga. Rt. 1. ae

Guar. thoroughbred very fine M. B.
Goldbank Bird Bros. April hatch tur-
keys. Father and Grandfather wt. 62 2
Ibs. Toms, $10; hens, $7.50 each; trios
$22.50. Mrs. J. T. Gammage, Pine-
view, Ga.

Pure bred Bourbon Red hens, 1 yr.
old, $4 each, FOB. Mrs. W. N. Lott,
Braselton, Ga.
soe et See geese, 2 each sex

.25 each. . L. Dixon, Blackshear,

Ga. Rt. 1, Box 104, :

Thurcdav. February 19, 1931,
Poultry For Sale


2 turkey hens, now ready to lay, $3
each, $5.00 for pr. Money order. Mrs.
E. M. Rowland, Canon, Ga. Rt. 3.
a ure Bourbon Reds, reduced for

quick sale. Mrs. R. Ts) Greene, Cuin-
bert, Ga. Rt. 4.

* 1 pr. M. B. 1930 hatch, $5 FOB. Exch
for 2 bu. Whipp peas, del, A. B. Tay-

lor, Roche le, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 90.

Bronze Turkeys. The actual prize
winners of the Souths leading Shows.
This includes King Copper Back the
Champion Show Bird of Dixie. Prices
reasonable. Sat. guar. W: S. _ Fricks,
Pendererass, Ga.

1 tom, wt* around 40 lbs. (1st prize
winner) 2 1-2 yr. o!d. Offered $150 for
last season. Sell now at bargain. Also

young toms, last of June 1930 hatch.
Wt. around 15 lbs. Bargain price, or
- exch for chicken hens at market price.

L. J. Ellis, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 5.


S. L. Wyandotte cockerels. ready for
service, 10 mos. old, $2 each, or $1.75
each if 2 or more are taken. Mrs. J.
L. Parrish, Nashvil'e, Ga.

2 Regal Dorcas W. Wyandotte cock-
erels, from e2zs direct from Martin.
$1.25 each; also eggs $1.25 per 15. Mrs.
J. T. Owens, Covington, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure bred R. C. W. Wyandotte, Fis-
chel str. 199 hatch rooster, $1 FOB.
also eggs, same strain, 75c for 15 FOB.
Crate to be ret. Mrs. Will B. James,
Eilijzy, Ga. Rt. 3.

5 W. Wyandotte thoroughbred 7 mos.
old pullets, 95c each. Mrs. I. H. Boles,
Duluth, Ga. -

10 pure bred R. C. S. L. Wyandotte
puliets and 1 cockerel, Mar. hatch, $10
for lot. Cash with order. Mrs. A. J.
Paris, Dallas, Ga. Rt. 1. Box 28.

Pure bred R.C.W.Wyandotte Feb.
hatch roosters, $1.25 each, prize stock;
1 1-2 yr. old rooster, $150; 10 mixed
hens, $11; and 5 puve bred B. R. hens.
$1.25 each. All FOB. Mrs. Mattie B.
-McPherson, Rabun Gap, Ga.

20 S. L. Wyandotte hens, $1.25 each;
2 roosters, $1 each. FOB Sparks; San-

ky Tyson, Sparks, Ga.

10 R. C. W. Wyandotte hens, $1.50
ea. 2 cockerels, about 10 mos. old $1.50
ea. also eggs, $1 a setting, postpaid.
Mrs. B. M. Thomas, Hoboken, Ga.

Poultry Wanted


Want 8 or 10 Ancona hens or Yellow
Buff Orpingtons, or Wyandottes to
raise on. halves. Have a Game roost-
er, but want these breeds of hens.
Party answering must live within 10
Or 12 mi. of Carlton. Mrs. C. B. Brown,
. Carlton, Ga. No. 2.

Want to exch trio N. Z. White rabbits
for pr. of Golden Sebrizht Bantams.
vent. M. McGowan, Kirkland, Ga. Rt.


Want 4 B. R. cockerels, blood tested.
Exch value in sweet potato plants, Gov.
ins. At once. W. C. Douglas, Alma,
Ga. Rte,

Exch 18 W. L. hens for B. Rock hens.
Mrs. Otis F. Hammond, Jackson, Ga.

Exch puve bred W. L. rooster, 1 Buff
Cochin and 1 White Wyandotte cock-
erel for large breeq pure bred dark
Rock rooster and pullets. Mrs. Wm.

proor house, Hawkinsville, Ga. Rt. 1.
Box 28.


Want 7 Cornish game pullets and 1
rooster.. Must be pure bred. Will give
$1 each. James Outlaw, Hahira, Ga.
Box 124.

Want 95 R. C. White Cornish game
April pullets. Quote best price. Miss
kate Lancaster, Sylvester, Ga.

.. Want to exch 1 full blood, direct
from Marcy J. B. Giant 1 yr. old cock
for a cock of same breed to avoid in-
breeding. Ea. to pay chgs. 1 way. Mrs.
T. G. Sanders, Ball Ground, Ga. Rt. 2


Want 1 R. C. Buff L. rooster. State
age and price of rooster. Mrs. oA.
Bostick, Wa'den, Ga.

Exch. value for B. or W. L. hens. W.
L. Baxter, Waco, Ga. RFD 1.

Exch value for W. L: hens. or 2 pigs
or a heifer calf. Write first. Owen
Weatherly, Hoschton, Ga.


Exch now laying W. L. pullets for 3
White L. cockerels, ready for service.
Tancred str.
Ezzell, Rockmart, Ga.

Exch 3 pure bred Buff L. roosters
for 3 other Buff L. roosters. Mrs: Wm.
Corkett, Pearson, Ga. RFD 2. Box 61.

Exch 1 Indian Game cock for 2 Black
Minorca hens, also have some B. L.
aor a at $1.50 ea. Comer Meeks, Al-
0, Gav

Exch 4 R. I. Red pullets for White
Minorca cockerel and pul.ets or hens.
H. L. Farmer, Albany, Ga. 801 3rd Ave.

Want 1 or 2 S. C.Blacx Minorca
cockerels, or 1 yr. old cock birds. Must
ce tandard wt. or beiter and yood
type, at reasonable price. Make best
offer and describe what you have. Pay
cash or exch hens for same. L. S. Mc-
Lean, Atlanta, Ga. 520. Langhorne St.

Want hens of any good breed, or
baby chicks. Will exch value for same.
a Mrs. W. M. Rivers, Jonesboro,

Want 10 large hens. Exch value.
Write. Lee Aixen, Hartwell, Ga.

Exch garden seed for any large breed
of chickens. May Lillie Johnson, Mar-
tin, Ga.

Want friers and tuz keys. Quote what
you have and price. J. J. Rooney,
-erry, Ga.

Want peacocas and-peahens. Will
pay cash. Young and oud, s.ngle or in
p.s. B. R. Woodliff, Flowery Branch,
wa, Rt. 1.

Want R. I. Red hens. Will exch val-
le. Write. G. W. Hami.ton, McDon-
ugh, Ga..


Want 2 zuinca hens. Exch. 12 lbs.
Spanish peanuts. Ea. to pay. shipping
cshgs. D. B. Gates, Lithonia, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want a few turkeys to raise on hal-
ves, also a few baby chicks. Mrs. C. F.
Watson, Dawson, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 1 pure bred large bone M. B.
tom, 1930 hatch, not less than 24 lbs.
or more. Good, healthy anu vigorous
for breeder. State lowest price per Ib.
Mrs. J. &. Sikes, VoOcmraa, Ca. ov. t.

Exch 2 bu. gocd fieid peas for a pr.
of Bronze Black turkeys, or wil] raise
gaby turkeys on halves. Mrs. J. D.
Mullis, Alma, Ga. Rt. 2. Box 96.

Exch 14 B. R. hens for 3 turkeys: 2
hens and 1 tom. Black or Bronze. Good
breeders. Mrs. C. F. Pittman, Homer-
ville, Ga. No. 2.

Want a few geese. Exch farm pro-
duce for same. J. J. Outen, Manassas,
Gas Rt 2:

Want 4 thoroughbreq Indian Run-
ner ducks, now taying. Mrs. S. N.
Brandon, Lithonia, Ga. Rt. 2.


Want 1 R. C. S. L. Wyandotte roost-
er, not over 1 yr. old. Must be pure
gred. Exch 12 May cherry trees from
2 2 1-2 ft. hizh, well rooted for same.
a. C. Wingo, Ga.nesville, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want 6 S. L. Wyandotte 1 yr. old
ouilets and rooster. E. L. Sherling,
Macon, Ga. 2835 Houston Ave.

Baby Chicks For Sale

Baby chicks and hatching eggs from
Booths AAA parentage. Trapnesied
ved. with records of 200-324 eggs.
3aby chicks: $15 a 100; $14 in 100.
of :00 or more. Eggs, $1.25 per 15,
$2.25 for 30. $6.50 a 100. Simon Pe-
cerson, Douglas, Ga.

Baby chicks from high producing
hens, 2 and 3 yrs. od. Tancred W. L.
240 to 300 egg stock. $10 and $12 per
109; custom hatching, 3c an egg. A.
V. Hol. oway, Graymont, Ga. RFD l.

Baby chicks and hatching eggs from
Canadian R. O. P. and Holterman
nun ation B. R. parentage. Trapnest-
ed records of 200-300 egg in 1 yr.
Baby chicks, $15 a 100; $42, 50); egs,
1.25 per 15, $2.25 for <0; $6. 50 a 100.
Mrs. W. A. Tanner, Broxton, Ga.

S: L. Wyandolte baby chicks, Tar-
box str., $12 a 100; Ready to ship Mar.
9nd... Live del. guar. B. M. Logan,
Athens, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pape str. Black Minorcas, from pure
strain of heavy layers. $15 a 100 del.
Mrs. C. L. Rehberg, Cairo, Ga.

State blocd tested B. R.. R. I. Reds
and Tancred-Hollywood W. L.. From

mature, free range parent stock. Very

preferred. Mrs. James

rea onable prices. J. C. Baston, Mil-
ledgevi:le, Ga.

R. I. Reds, R. I. Whites, B. P. Rocks,
each, $13 a 100; English W. L. $12,
Live del. guar. Stanlard otf perfeci-
ion. L. S. Andrews, Ochlocknee, Ga.

High powered chicks -from . heavy:
ayers of pure b ood:-R. I. Reds, B. R.,
Waite Wyandottes, $12 a 100; Tancred

W.-L. Bverlay B. L:. $10 a 100; Mixed

heavy breeds, $10; light mixed, $7.
100~ per cent live del. guar. Sat: as-
oe D. . Thomas, Odum, Ga. Box
qT .

High quality ege bred baby chicks.
Lowe.t prices ever offered for such
blood lines. All chicks from Tancreu
L. 10 each, $9 a-100..5 free chicks
with every 100. Live del. guar. Wxitc
for prices on 8 wks. old pullets, cock-
erels and hatching eggs, aiso hens. M.
L. Ccrdle, Armuchee, Ga.

Healthy chicks from heathy par--

entage, that when mature wil con-
form to sensible standard require-
ments. Ens. Waite L. $10 a 100 del.

B. F. Mauldin, Lavonia, Ga. Rt. 2.

High grade Reds, $11 a 100, $50 for
509 when ordered in advance; W. L.
sired by cockerels with not le-s than
} generations of 309 eggs a yr. hen:
back of them. $14 a 100, or $65 foi
_0J del. Pei. free on request. A.J.
Bartlett, Valdcsta, Ga.

Pure Tancred chicks from sock di-
ect from Tancreds 254-312 egg rec-
ord stock. Free from B. W. D. D2:
19 t any time. $12 a 109, or $10 where
50) or more are wanted. Money crdci
wits. FL Cowart, Summit, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure Tancred W. L. from heavy 60
per. cent winter layers, $10 a 100; also
weds, $12 a 100. O-ders must be bcok-
ed in advance. D. F. Ogden, Odum,
ea. UUs As

Pure bred Parks str. bred to lay B.
R. now ready. Only Green grade and
setter maiured iieas, maved ty. imdi-
vidually ped. and pen ped. maes di-
ect. All B. W. D. tested, $146 a 100.
Reg. Per. 23-C-21; aso highly breu
ail Gold Buff Rocks, $16 a 100; stari-
ed chicks, add $3 per 10) per. week.
, W. Voight, Blackshear, Ga.

W. L. and mixed cnicks.. March del
lic each, or exch for bacon or lard.
Mrs: James Sirmans, Homervil-e, Ga.

Donaldson Reds, from fine flock,
some pens headed by maies direct,
i5 each or exch. for. sorghum seed,
field peas, or other vaue can use.
Mrs. H. G. Brown, Stone Mtn. Ga.,

Thoroughbred chicks from well cul-
ed tiocxs, Parks Kecks, Dona dson

Reds, $10.50 a 100; Eeavy mixed, $9.50
4Jts less tian 100 add lic per chick.

Prepaid live del. guar. ieee crders

.or quality W. L. chicks. C.J. Fech-
el, Waycross, Ga.

High grade cuicks frcm thorough-
xred, clo. eiy cul.ed b.eeders: Barred,
Buff and White Rocks, R. I. Reds, W.
u., $10 a 100; from blood tested stock
211; heavy mixed, $9. re Postpaid. 100
per cent live de:. W. C. Ailen, Albany,
Ga. Box 471.

Quality chicks from bood tested
flocks: Donalason Reds, Tacmpson
B. R., Fischel White Rocks, $12 a 100,
fancred W. L. 9; heavy mixed, $10
light and heavy mixed, $9 del. All ar-
rival guar. W. S. Saields, Tnomson,

B. L., R. I: Reds, Buff Thorough-
breds, $10. 00 per 100; mixed, $9.50.

Free and live del. guar. K. C. West,
Ashburn, Ga.

B. RK. Reds, and W. L. culled and
selected by experts, Rocks and Reds,
512. a 100; Leghorns, $11. Haiches ev-
ery week. Jas. B. Woods, Brooks, Ga.

Pure Tancred L. from 2 and 3 yr.
old egg record breeders. $13 a 100;- $60
per 00 postpaid. W. B. Wi l_amson,
Bremen, Ga.

pay od biddies, all large stock, mix-
ed, B. R. and R. I. Reds, Feb. 27th.
Mrs. J. E.. Newman, Empire, Ga, At
Bailes Park.

Mixed baby chicks, $8 a 100; Rocks
and Reds, $11; W. and B. L. $9. Del.
Sankey Tyson, Sparks, Ga.

Pure bred B. R. Reds, $10.50 a 100;
White Rocks, W. Wyandottes, Buff
Orso. Wyandottes, $11.50; Light

Brahmas, J. . Giants, oe heavy
breeds mixed, $9.59; W. L, L. and
Anconas, $9.50; Certified Penta

Tancred W. L. 259 to 300 egg blood.
$15. Add 50 to-orders. under 100
catehes every week. Also custom
satchine. Prompt cet. Chicks del. pre-
paid. Sat. guar. $4 per tray of 132 eggs.
=. R Adlington Atianta, Ga. 510 Pied-
mont Ave.
Giant str. Licht Brahma and Mar-
tins: Regal Dorcas W. Wyandotte, all
blood tested chicks. Mrs. W. M. Riv-
ers, Jonesboro, Ga, Box 175.

NAivad reds:
March and April del. Also baby duck-

$11. :a:-100;. $6 for 50.-

lings, $20 a 100; $10 per 50;
Zoe each. Mammoth
Indian Runners and. Mallards. March
and Apr- dei. Booking orders. Mrs. J.
D. Smith, Savannah, Ga. Rt. 3, Cof-
fee Bluff.


Donaldson Reds from good.

any.-] ie

-- 50 per 100. Hatch every. week. Mrs, %

. J. Ray, Stone Mtn., Ga. Rt. 1:
rote Sheppard Anconas, $14 a 100.

5 per cent discount on all orders for

500 or more. Miss Emeline Jones,

Blackshear, Ga. Rt. 3.

Blood tested, certified chicks. Better
Ribbon chicks. 10 chicks free with ea,
100 ordered during February. Prices
ray down. J. I. Hosford, AUAUER) 221
Forsyth St. S. W.

Rocks and Reds, $10 a 100; $5 25, 50;
32.75 for 25. Mixed heavy, le per
shick less; custom hatching, 2c an egg.
Mail chicks free on 100 egzs or more,
set every Tuesday in mammoth ine:

tive del. guar. Postpaid. Send 10c in
stamps for box holding 50 eggs, 15 for

) boxes, 20c for 3. E.R.
em, Ga: Ritu I.

Tancred:S. C. W. L. chicks, with rec-
5rd back of them as high as 350 eggs
n 1 yr. and all stock came from hens
with over 300 egg records. 10 each.
39 a 10. Better price on 1 M or more,
an furnish any amt. Also 8 wks. old

-oullets, Mar. April and May hatch. 10

er cent books order and ba] COD. - Mz
L. Cordle, Armuchee, Ga. F

3500 chicks for next Tuesday: B. Ry
Reds, $10 a 109; White L. $10. Post-
oaid. Live del. Wi 1 ship collect. Trade
for Ga. Cane syrup, peas, or shelled
velvet. beans. G. D. Fain, Edison, Ga.

Fure Sneppard Anconas, $14 a 100. 5
ver cent: discount on all orders of 500.
Miss Emeline Jones, Blackshear, Ga.

Pape str. S.-C. B. Minorcas. $15 e
109,:$7.50 for-50, $3.75 for 25, Del. Mrs.
C. L. Rahberg, Cairo, Ga.

Pure Donaldson Red chicks, tested
for white diarrhea. 13c each, $12 50 a

100.. Order early with 1-2 cash, bal.
COD. Mrs. J. L. Peuzh, Barnesville,
Ga. i he

W. L. $11 a 100; B. Orp. $14; Black
Ciants, $16. Exch for pure bred eggs.
85. per cent fertile at 25c doz. -W. 8.
Mixon, Griffin, Ga.

209 pure bred Tancred W. L. free
from B. W. D. $10 a 100, or $25 for lot.
$2 down on the hundred. 100 per cent
live del.
mit, Ga. Rt. 2.

Qu2lity, blood tested S. C. pure Tan-
cred W. L. at reasonable prices. Guar.
to be free from any disease. 109 per
sent live del.. Orders taken now for
March and April del. M. W. Kantala,
Hlberton, Ga.

Chicks of quality and guar. to live:
W. L., B. R..and Reds. Write for prices.
Also custom hatchinz, 100 eggs hatch-
ed. -$4: 300, $10.50; 1 M $30. Eustace
J. McKinney, Jr., Blackshear, Ga.

White Perkins,

greater profits with Blue .

Bailey, Har- :

Mrs. Lundy Sutton, sum=





Tancred W. L. $9 a 100. Now book= > ~

ing orders; aiso custom hatching, 2c an
ege, Set any time up to 750 cap. Mrs,
W..H. Durden, Stillmore, Ga. RFD 2..

Dunlap and Don2ldson. Reds, Cates
B. R., and a few Royal Purple Black
Giants. All at $10 per 100 this season.
lc more per chick in less quantity.
Guar. to re good cond. upon. arrival.
Postage prepaid. A. A. Bennett, San-
dersvinie, Ga

Tancred or Barron W, L. $10 a 100;:
Brown L. and Anconas, Reds, or B. R.
$11 a 100. Guar. 100 per cent live del,
Also custom hatching. set every Wed-
nesday in mammoth Buckeye inc. 3 an:
egg. Trays hold 110 eggs. S. P. Howe,
Hapeville, Ga. y

Donaldson Reds, every Wednesday.
del. in Ga. at 12 1-2c each. Miss Lize
zie Sumner, Sylvester, Ga. 907 No: Isa:
bella St.

Reds or B. R., $11 a 100; Leghorns:
and Anconas, $10.

Hatched twice ea.

week from healthy, bloodtested flocks ~

in mammoth Buckeye. 100 per cent
live del. J. L. Hurst, Atlanta, Ga. 316
Whitehall St. S. W.

Eggs Wanted

Want set. of big bone turkey ezgs,
sheap for cash.- Miss Doris Swann,
Lithonia, Ga. RFD 1. e

Want 1 set. of dark Cornish game.

eggs, Exch. 1 qt. of Calif. beer seed; or ~
0 Ibs. Honey Drip cane seed. AL AL

Nach Riverdale, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want turkey eggs to hatch on buivens 4

Will raise to 8 wks, old. for 2-3 of.

hatch, for 5c per egg in lots of 3. or 6:

doz. Mrs. A. T. Lee, Gardi, Ga. Rt. 1
Box 40.

Poultry For Sale

(Continued from page nine)

pure Byers str. March Buff Orp
$1250 FOB here, including
ig $1 extra. Mis J. J. O.litt,


Orp. roosters, will sacrifice for

exch. for pecans, feathers,

d apples, etc. of same value. Mrs.
Ir G. Smith, Sharon, Ga.

ng 6 to 7 lb. laying weil hens
rooster, unrelated, $15 for lot,
each for hens and -$2.50 for
Mrs. W. W. Gaines, Atlanta,
Clifton St., S. E. Pnone Dear-

(2844 W.

jure bred Buff Orp. hens and a
ld rooster, $13.15: FOB. No
Mrs, J. F, Rigdon, Summit,

RFD 2.

well, 265 to 315 egg str. also fine
ter, 25 hens and 2 roosters, $30;
osters, $53.5% roosters, $7; Money
ar. KK, Kennedy, Meno, Ga.
u re bred: S. C. Blk. Orp. 14 yrs.
ding. 1 and 2: yr. old hens, $1. -
8 hens and 1, cockerel, $145"
and 1 cockerel, $20. Exch. 6 ake
| cockerel for same number of
in Regal Dorcas S. C. W. Wyan-
es: oR. TT. Lilly, Gainesville, Ga.
. Spring St.
rp: roo.ters, 10 mos old, $1 50 ea.
for both, or exch. for 1 Indian

e. March hatch, $3...
Mt. Airy, Ga. Rt. 1.

pr. Homers, $1.25 pr. or $4 for the
r exch, 2 pr. Yellow Carneaux,
oz. to the pr. Cash-or money
r. T. J. Anderson, Jr., Atlanta,
706 Plum St., N. Ww.

J. M. " Mas- |

hite Kings, $1.75. pr. Homers, $1-

r; Muff Tumblers, $1.50 pr. odd
, Ie and $1 each. Exch. a few
for chickens.. E. E. Smith, At-
ita, Ga. 20 Gertrude Place.
e bred Homers at bargain price.
fea, banded and all working. $2.00
nly a few prs. C. H. Overby, Co-
bus, Ga. 22 lith St. 5
50 prs. White Kings, mated, banded
d working, $2.50 to $5 pr. Exch, for
meat, peanuts, young hens. or
oe A ak or Mrs, W: E. Rumph,
a hive flock of Silver and White
gs and Red Carneaux, at 40c each.
| choice stock not over 3 yrs. old.
f and oe banded and work-
-2 cash with order. Ernest L.
arts, Brunswick, Ga.
A few pr. pigeons, 50c pr. 75c trio.
. Griffin, Sparks, Ga. Box 133.
r. mixed pigeons, 50c pr. also 1
mtam chickens $1. Cash or mon-
rder with order. Will not pay
Buck Brown, Summit, Ga.

4 oe Donaldson str.. feosters.

inition str. March hatch dark
els, $2 each. Mrs. H. V. Lane,
Ville, Ga.
A few pure bred Red roosters, 1 and 2
. Old. Tompkins str. $2 each. J.
Elliott, Lavonia, Ga. Rt. 1.
Red hens and 1 rooster, ete str.
ril hatch, $7. Mrs. J. D. Mulligan,
hington, Gar Ree 1\ nay
aldson pure bred now laying Red
$1.25 each. Exch. for Runner
ts. Mrs. Freq Atkinson, Ray City,

McDonough. J. G. Pullin, McDon-
ish, Ga.
ure bred ee ore b: Reds and 6
cks. Mrs. H. G. Barwick, Soper-
a: Rt. 4. >

ster, 1 yr. old, $5: 2 roosters, 1 yr.
$1.25 each; 2 for $2.25; also Tarbox
RC. S. c Wyandotte 1 and 1 1-2
Mrs. E. L. Corbitt,

ure bred, now laying S..C. R. I
ms, $1.25.each. Money order
L. D. Kimbrel, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 2
Do ae Red COLES), March

Ste Ds Red rooster, $1.50 cash.

wo Griffin, Gainesville, Ga.


@ young, pure bred Red hens
+ $1 0 POR. Cash with or-

old male birds.



Eggs For Sale

der. No checks. Mrs. John L. Ben-
nett, Screven, Ga. Rt. 2. Box 31.

Pure bred Donaldson Red hens, last
spring hatch, $1 each; same age cocks,
Owens strain, $1.50 each. Exch. 12
hens and 1 cock for 2 thrifty large
breed shoats, to wt. not less than 60
lbs. each. Have 2 of these pens for
sale or exch. Mrs. J. C. Bryan, Rey-.
nolds, Ga.

50 ready to may Mahood and Owen
str. Red pullets, $1 each, also 3 Donald-
son str. cocks, $3 each. No culls. Mrs.
S. E. Field, Atlanta, Ga. 1814 Howell
Mill Road.

10 Donaldson str. 7 1-2 or 8 lb. enn

1 pure Tompkins and Owen str. Mar
cockerels and 1 Tompkins dark Red
March pullet, $4, or exch. for 50 mixed
large breed baby chicks by Feb. 25th.
Mrs. Ethel Jones, Lula, Ga.
$1.50 each; 2 cockerels, 7 1-2 mos. old,
the best frade of the Donaldson str.
direct; eggs, $1 a setting, postpaid. Mrs.
B. M. Thomas, Hoboken, Ga.

Donaldson Reds, 5 pullets $1.10 ea;

fine cockerel, $1.75; $6.50 for lot. Mrs.
J. F, Trawick, Tennille, Ga.

Most of my Select first pen of S. C.
R. I. Reds, yr. old hens, $3 to $5 values,
now $1.50 and $2 ea. del. for quick sale.
Pure Donaldson str. direct. A few yr.
old perfect type cocks, also. Mrs. J.
i. Sikes, Cochran; Ga. Rt. 1.

2 yr. old fine Donaldson Red cock,
$3; March cockerels, $2 each; 4 pullets
and cockerel, $6; 2 2 yr. old. hens and
cockerel, $5. Exch 2 of the cockerels
for a thrifty 6 to 10 wks. old pig. P. C.
or Duroc Jersey. Mrs. J. M. Hall, Cal-
| houn, Ga Rt.5.

30 young Red now laying hens, Don-
aldson and Dunlop str. $1 each, FOB.
Mrs. E. L Smith, M.onticello, Ga. Rt. 2

2 Tompkins Red cockerels, ready for
service; Mrs, J.T, . Wilkins, Atlanta,
Ga. 836 North Ave. N. E.

' 80 Donaldson S..C. R. I. Red 1 and 2
yr..old pure bred hens. No culls. $1.50
each, or $40 for lot, FOB. Mrs. HL.
Elliston, Rupert, Ga.

4 Red hens and 1 cockerel, March
1930 hateh, $5 for. lot. Mrs. Gs Hi.
Lord, Graham, Ga.

12 pure bred Red hens and 1 rooster
$1.50 each FOB. Miss Addie Williams,
Woodville, Ga.

Large S. C. me I. Red yr. old cock-
erels, $3 ea. 2 yr. old_cock, $5. Ma-
hoods prize stock. Miss Belle Timmer-
man, Bronwood, Ga. Box 83.

Sev. Red cockerels, $1.50 each, also
Mrs. C. A. Black, The
Rock, Ga. Rt. 1.

4 pure bred Wolfe str. Red cockerels,
2 S$..6.- and. 2 R..-C.. April 28, 1930
hatch, $1.25 each. J. E. Wilkes, Jef-
\ferson, Ga. Rt. 5.

5 pullets (about ready to lay) and 1
cockerel, pure Donaldson str. $6; 6 lay-
ing pullets and 1 cockerel, $1.25 each,
$3 for lot. Mrs. J. L. Peugh, Barnes-

J ville, Ga.

7 dark Red now laying hens and 1
March 1930 hatch. Owens
and Tompkins str. $12.50 for lot. FOB.
Money order. Mrs. Ona Terrell, Alto,

35 hens (will be 2 yrs. old this Mar.)

Good layers. No culls. And 2 cocker-
els, about same age, all $1 each, FOB.
Mrs. Jesse Howze, Boston, Ga.

10 Red pullets, laying and 1 not re-
lated Red rooster, $20. March and
April hatch; roosters, same hatch, $1.50
each. Miss Florence Horne, Grove-
town, Ga. oe!

10 Goldbank M. B. hens, April 1930

hatch. $5 each. Miss Nannie Garner,.

Cedartown, Ga. RFD 1.

1 Toulouse gander. 1930 hatch, $2.

ars. Fred White, Buckhead, Ga. RFD

Poultry Wanted |


Want Black Fantails, Turbits, Hel-
mets, Owls, Baldhead, Tumblers,
Magpies, Parlor Tumblers, Herman
Mize, Americus, Ga.

Want to buy White Pekin ducks and
e drake, cheap for cash. Also would
jbve interested in Peacock at cheap
orice. H. H. Meiton, Thomasville, Ga.
a to . exch. value for turkeys.
[ H. I. Peebles, Lovejoy, Ga.
Want i: white Muscovey drake to
=| Dr. Joe A. Thomas, Valdosta,
a. + ~~ <

Few Rhode Island Red hatching
eggs, 50c per 15. Mrs. J. M. Sess-
jons, t.-6; Rome, Ga:

Pure Tancred -W. L. eggs,
del. Mrs. F. Cowart, Summit,

Pure bred S. C. Buff L. eggs, 85c per
15 del. or 75e if called for $450 a
hundred del. B. L.. Lynn, Waycross,
Ga. Rt.22.

Pure Buff Orp. eggs $4 a 100. Crates
ag Mrs. M. S. Nichols, Rebecca, Ga.

Black Minorca eges, Pure Pape Str.
$1.25 per 15 postpaid; Thompson B. R.
$1 per. set; or $5--a= 1002 Mrs. X,
Wilson, Martin, Ga. RFD 2.

R. I. Red eggs, $3.50 per 100; 752
for 15. Crates. ret. Miss Florence

$4 a 100
Ga. Rt.

Horne, Grovetown, Ga.

Tormahlen str. B. L. eggs, headea
by rooster direct. $1 per 15 del. Mrs.
Get, Whatley, Cuthbert, Ga. Rt. 3,
Box 50.

S. C. Buff L. eggs, from hklood test-

|ed flock, $1 per 15 del Exch 1 set for

1 set. of same breed. Write before
sending. Also exch. for onion plants,
nest onions, Irish potatoes, Porto Ri-
can plants to be del. in April. Mrs. L.
O. Stapler, Roopville, Ga, Rt. 2.

Holterman Aristocrat B. RR. eggs,
$1.25 per set. del. or exch. for best of-
fers. Mrs. Florence Sturm, States-
boro, Ga. Rt. 2.

Eggs: Mammoth White Pekins, $1.-
50 per set. of 13; Indian Runner duck

$1.25 per 15; Wild Mallard duck, $2

per 15. Mrs. J. D. Smith, Savannah,
Ga. Coffee Bluff.

Eggs: Mahood and Donaldson str.
Red, $1 per 14, $6 a 100; Toulouse
goose, 25c each. Mrs. c A. Biack,
The Rock, Ga. Rt. 1.

B. R. eggs, 75c per 14. Send crate.
Exch. some for white chicken feed
sacks. Mrs. Lue Hobbs, Chipsamange
Gao Rt;

Giant. str. Light Brahma eggs, $1.25
per 15.. Mrs. L. E Tatum, Dawson,
Ga. Rt. 3.

Full steck W. L. eggs, Patent stock

dams, direct from State College, sires, |

Booths AAA stock. Roy Brooks, New-
ton, Ga.

Ky. Domineck pit game eggs, $1 per

15 del. Crates ret. This strain has
been on 1 poultry yard in Newton Co.
for 47 yrs. and they are all purerene
colors. Eggs all season. H. O. Loyd,
Covington, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure Tancred W. L. eggs, $3.50 a 100
J. B. Parrish, Graymont, Ga.

Ferris S. C. W. L. eggs, direct pens
$1 per 15, $1.40 per 30; 2nd pens, 85c
per 15; $1 40 per 30 del. Cartons ret
Mrs. J. BE. Steadam, Bainbridge, Ga.
Beis :

$1 per 15 postpaid.
Gaines, Canon, Ga.

: L. Red eggs, Donaldson str.
Mrs. Cleveland

Marcy str. J. B. Giant eggs, $1.25:

per 15 del. Carton ret. or $2.25 per
30 del. Mrs. Belle Joiner, Soperton,
Ga. Rt. 2.

Holterman dark line B. RR. eggs,
$1.50 per 15 del. in Moes boxes; Don-
aldson Red eggs, $1.15 for 15. Mrs.
J. C. Bryan, Reynolds, Ga.

Fine W. Wyandotte eggs, $1 per 15,
$1.75 for 2 set. W. J. Dent, Fort Val-
ley, Ga. Rt.-2.

- Pure bred Regal Dorcas W. Wyan-
dotte eggs, $1.50 per 15. E. L. Coch-
ran, J. P., Lavonia, Ga.

- Turkey eggs, 25c ea. $3 for 12. Pure
bred Bourbon Reds. Mrs. W. N. Lott,
Braselton, Ga. .

Tormahlen B L eggs sired by cocks
ee Charlie E. Smith, . Braselton,

Donelson pure bred &. C, R. I. Red
eges, $1 per 16, a for 36 del. Crates
x be ret. Mrs. H. L. Elliston, Rupert;


Pure bred B Ry eggs, 75c per a Jno.
R. Giddens, Eastman, Ga. Ri. 6.

Light Brahma, Giant str. eggs $1
per 15. Crates to be ret. Mrs, os.
Tribble, Alto, Ga. Rt. 1,

Choice S. L. Wyandotte eggs, $1.50
ics 15. J. J. Stephens, Luthersville,

B. L. eggs, 75e per set. Sired by di-
rect Everlay str. also 1 dark Brown
rooster 1 yr. old $1.50. J. L. Waters,
El wey. ae -

ure bred B. Everla str. $1 per
15, $5 a 100. Money onder. ieee
Holt, Summerville, Ga. RFD 1.

ee Co it. Red eggs, $1.50 per 15,
oe He ee es 100. Carton to be
re rs. Buffington, Gaines-
ville, Ga. Rit. 5: - es

Thompson str B. R. eges, 75c per 15

6 mv home. J. W. Greene, Thomas-
ton, Ga.

Pure bred S. L. Wyandotte eggs, di-

: pass stock from ee Bros. $1:10 per


Thursday, February 19, 1931.
R. B. Williams, Eastman, Ga.

Pure bred Parks B. R. eggs, 85 per
15. Money order. Mrs. J. S. Edenfield,

Summit, Ga. Rt. 2.

Tarbox S. L. Wyandotte eges, $1 per
15 del. also a 2 yr. old cockerel, $1.
Miss Lyda Gibbs, Uvalda, Ga.

Donaldson Red eggs, from stock di- -
rect, $1. 25 per 15 dei. $5 per 100. Mrs. ee
O. L. Craft, Lavonia, Ga.

Special mating Parks B. R. eggs.
individually packed in speciai cartons.
Guar. 80 per eent fertility. $2.50 per
15; $5 per 50. Prepaid. Supply lim-
ited. F. W. Voight, Blackshear, Ga.
- Pure bred R. I. Red eggs, 75c dozen
or 2 dozen $1 FOB. Customers to fur-
nish cartons. Miss Addie Williams,
Woodville, Ga. :
: Thoroughbred Buff Orp. eggs, $1.50
per 15. Mrs. Jas. W. Cagie, Ball

_Fischel str. White Rock eggs, $1. 10
per get. del. Cash with order. Mrs. J.
iL. Wa.lace, Bowersville, Ga. Box 153.

Se str. B. R. eggs. Direct stock:
Cream grade, $2.50 per 15; $4 per 30;
$6 for 50; $8 a 100, Second best mat-
ings, $1 50 per 15; $2.50 per 30; -$4,
50; $6.50 a 100; $12 for 200. Mrs. Ma-
ae Roach Puyler, Manassas, Ga. Rt.

Golden Buff Orp. eggs, $1.25 per 15,
or 50c doz. of 5 doz.-or more. Guar.
ae Mrs. Elsie Aliman, Baxley, Ga.

7B che eggs, $1 per 15. Exch. for Buff
L. pullets or for other breed hatching
eggs at same price, or for turkey eggs
2 hen eggs for 1 turkey eggs. Mrs. A.
T. Lee, Gardi, Ga? Rt. 1, Box 40.

Tompkins str. Red eggs, $2 per 15.
Mrs. H. H. Freeman, Atlanta, Ga. 1499
McLendon Ave.

Select eggs from Mahood prize stock
and heavy layers of S. C. R. I. Reds,
$1.50 per 15 postpaid, $5 a.100 Exp.
Col. Cases to be ret. Miss Belle Tim-
merman, Bronwood, Ga. Box 83. |

7 - Eggs Wanted

Want 150 light Brahma eggs del.
Feb. 25, like amount Mar. 25, for hatch-

| Ground, Ga. Box 175.

ing, must be reasonable and of good

stock. If cannot supply full amount
will take amount you have. Will pay
le per egg above market of Georgi
extras. Want like amount of large

Plymouth Rock (any but the White

strain). F. M. Collins, Route 5, Mari-
etta, Ga.

Eggs wanted for hatching, will do
custom hatching, 120 eggs to ae can
set 440 at a time 3c an egg or hatch
for half chicks. You pay postage on
eggs, I on del. of chicks, must be good
breed, healthy, well fed "flock. Guar-
antee good hatch from fresh fertile
veer Mrs. J. E. Sikes, Cochran, Ga. Rt.

Want 200 to 500 pure Tancred S. C.
White Leghorn eggs to hatch on hal-
ves. Have new Ideal incubator. Par-
ties to call for chicks or I will send
them: arcel post prepaid. Eggs to be
sent prepaid. Want these at once. Mrs.
Beatrice Jones, Turnerville, Ga.

Two settings of Indian Runner Duck
eggs, State best cash price. F. F.
Thompson, Lumpkin, Ga.

Wanted: 3000 or 3600 Black Minorca
eggs pure bred eggs for hatching. San-
key Tyson, Sparks, Ga.

Want twelve or fifteen turkey eggs
to set ad raise on halves, will give tur-
keys at 8 or 10 weeks weekly reports.
he W. M. Ray: Route 1, Port bees

A c

Baby Chicks For Sale

Booking orders for extra quality
day old chicks, blood tested B. R. $7
per 50, $13 per C del. 100 per cent.
live del. foe Feb. 24th hatch.
Mrs. J. Howell, Rt. 1, Meigs, Ga.

Mixed hike chicks $7 per 100; rocks

{and reds $11 per 100; White Leghorns,
$9 per 100; postpaid:

Sankey Tyson
Sparks, Ga.
R. I. Red or B. R. $10 a 100; Leg-

|herns or Anconas, from healthy, blood

tested flocks of mature hens. Hatch-
twice ea. wk. in mammoth Buckeye inc
100 per cent live del. guar. Also cus-
tom hatching; 2 1-ic an egg. Trays
hold 105 eggs. Chicks shipped COD.
= L. Hurst, 316 Whitehall St. Atlanta,
ay 4
_ Blood tested baby chicks: Reds,
Rocks and Leghorns of quality, at rea-
sonable prices. J. H. Wood, Athens,
Ga. 426 Broad St.
W. L. and B. R. High quality and
low prices. Tom P, Crawford, Athens,

(Continued on page fifteen)



Thursday, February 19, 1831.

Georgia Products Wanted
(Continued from page eight)

5 lbs. Valentine or Stringless green
, 5 Ibs Kentucky Wonder, 5 lbs.

- cornfield beans, will exchange Hast-

ings Henderson bunch butier beans
for same, pound for lb. and each pay

postage. Mrs. A. W. Atkinson, Madi-
son, Ga.

Early velvet beans, will exchange
Stone Mtn. watermelon seed or good
sound corn for same. A. L. Reeves,

_ Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want large white lima bean seed
and some Henderson bunch beans,
only white bunch limas wanted. M.
Billings, Tayiors Creek, Ga.

Want a few pounds (10 or 15) Gen-
wine Hastings Mung beans; also 1 or
2 bu. Genuine Mammoth Yellow Soy

- beans. Will exchange field peas. Bi-

-loxi or Otootan beans or Hastings
Prolific seed corn for same. Please
give terms of trade in first letter. Al)
letters ans. Geo. T. Trawick, Linton,

Wanted: 1 1-2 bu. good sound vel-
vet beans for planting any variety,
also 2 bu. N. C. seed peanuts sound
and free of trash; 1 bu. Spanish pea-
nuts, make best offer in first letter.
C. W. Warnock, Soperton, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 1 bu. Otootan beans, sound
and clean, will exch. 4 settings S. L.
R. C. Wyandotte eggs for same or
will pay $2.75 cash. . R. Roper, Or-
ange, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want to buy white crowder peas,
send sample and quote best prices.
-H. N. Thompson, Scott, Ga. Rt. 1.
_ Will exch. Piedmont Cleveland cot-
ton seed for field peas, lb. for lb. ea.
pay freight on what they send. C. H.
Rhodes, Royston, Ga. Rt. 2.
Want 15 bu. good sound genuine
bunch velvet beans thrashed will pay
cash at reasonable price, answer at
once. H. A. Wasden, Midville, Ga.

Want 5 bu. good sound Otootan so
beans for seed. Quote best price del.
and send sample. G. W. Sammons,
Soperton, Ga. ;

Want Otootan beans that are sound
and good for Lea make me your
best price and send small sample. I.
T. Wyatt, Farrar, Ga.

Want few bu. Mammoth yellow sey
beans and some Texas seeded ribbon
eane. C. D. Williamson, Plains, Ga

Want velvet beans in hull, field
peas, potato plants, will exchange
Kudzu plants: or R. I. Red cgs for
same. Longview Farm, Bremen, Ga.

Wanted several bus. Otootan beans
will exch. two bu. sound 1930 crop
Speckle peas FOB Mansfield, Ga., for
1 bu. Otootan beans FOB your ship-
ping point. S. R. Campbell, Mansfield


.. Want to exch. value in Cokers cot-
ton seed for whippoorwill peas or any
other kind. H. H. Fitzpatrick, Jr.,
Madison, Ga.

Want few lbs. Jackson Wonder bush
lima beans, also few lbs. white bunch
lima beans, send sample and quote
price or will exchange Hastings pre-
lific corn selected for seed Ist yr. fron!

| Hastings. J. H. Beasley, Lavonia, Ga.

Want Otootan soy beans, wil] exch
Cochrans prize-winning big boll cot-
ton seed, Will give 3 1-2 bu cotton
seed for 1 bu. Otootan soy beans,
sound anc. recleaned. A, W. Kemp.
_ Marietta, Ga.

Want to buy 25 bu. Brab or Iron
peas, 10 bu. Otootan beans. Mitchell
W. Wi.liford (No address given).

Want to exch. 100 lbs. pure Brab-
ham peas for 100 lbs. 90 day velvet
beans, must be clean and sound and
Shelled, each to pay shipping charges.
~C. E. Vinings, Marshallville, Ga.

Want 120-day or old time Fla. Vel-
vet bean seed. H. M. Dewey, Quitman,
Ga. Rt. 3.

Exch. 5 lbs. red Valencia peanuts
for 5 Ibs. cream sugar peas. Ea. to
Prepay postage J. H. Whitworth,
Martin, Ga. ;

Exch. bunch or running butterbeans
for Ky. Wonder or Half runner, ten-
der, white, snap beans. Mrs. L. E. Ta-
tum, Dawson, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want 50 bu. Brabham seed peas.
Pay cash, or exch. Duroe J. hogs for
Same. L. H. Bdenfield, Stillmore, Ga.
Rt. 1, Bo. 31.

Want the large Texas Whippoorwill
Peas and the large cream crowder
ae State price per gal. Exch. yel-
Ow root or pay cash. Mrs. A. A.
Moore, [ewyrose, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want bunch and running velvet
Want to exch. cotton seed, .Cooks
Blight epee No. 3076, or ee

ns. xeh for or pay cas Mrs.

Addie Waddelle, Ge.


Big Boll for Otootan or Laredo Soy

beans, both variety of cotton as pure

egg Peed C. Kelly, Donalsonville,
a. Rt. 2.

Want Soy beans for planting. State
price per bu. and send sample. Willie
Harrell, Midville, Ga. Box 131.

Eggs For Sale

Mahood S. C. R. I. Red eggs, AAA
stock direct from Booths Farms, with
trapnest record of 300 to 331 eggs
yearly, $1.5C per 15. Crate to be re-
turned. Miss Ruth Thornhill, Bos-
ton, Ga.

Pure bred Thompson strain Barred
Rock eggs $1 for 15. Cartons to be
ee Mrs. I. E. McArthur, Bluff-

n, Ga.

Would like to contract with some
good reliable person or persons to sell
them from 5 to 30 dozen good fresh
country eggs per week at 30c doz. del.
Mrs. Sam Hartline, Lyerly, Ga. Rt. 2.

Silver Lace Wyandotte eggs; Tarbox
strain, 50c a setting, FOB. Mrs. A. L.
Clarkson, Chickamauga, Ga.

_Buff Rock eggs from highly bred
Nugget strains. Sires in my yard from
trapnested stock. $1.50 per 15. Mrs. G.
L. Trimble, Adairsville, Ga.

Pure White Rock eggs, $1 per 15.
You pay postage. Mrs. Bertie Cha-
tham, Colbert, Ga., Rt. 1.

Fine Thompson B. R. eggs for sale
or exch. $1.25 eS 15, prepaid or exch
for most anv kind of vegetable seed.
My chickens have been culed and
are fine layers. Mrs. W. L. Spearman
Villa Rica, Ga. Rt. 2.

Tancred strain 8. C. white Leghorn
eggs selected and graded fdr hatching
$5 per 100. F. C. Payne, Rome. Ga..
Rt. 5, Box 102.

Fresh infertile white eggs graded,
24 ounces to the doz., can furnish 2
cases per wk. Would like to contract
for the year round. F. C. Payne, Rome
Ga. Rt. 5.

Pure bred Donaldson strain R. IL
Red eggs, all eggs selected. $1.50 set-
ing 15 eggs del. Crate to be returned
Charlie Bailey, Vienna, Ga.

Hatching eggs for sale, pure bred
Partridge Rock stock, direct from 3ird
Brothers. . Setting of 15 for $1.50 del.
High percentage of fertility guaran-
teed. Fenton Clifford Harrison, Glynn
County Poultry Parm, RFD 1. Bruns-
wick. Ga.

R. I. Red eggs for sale. "ure Don-
aldson strain R. I. eggs. 5&e doz. de)
Boxes to be returned. .Enclose stam
for information. Mrs. T E. Blanchard.
Appling. Ga Rt. 2, Box 58.

Hatching eggs from Giant strain
Light Brahmas. fresh and fertile, se-
lected shape in hatching egg. carriers
postpaid per 15 eggs, $1.35. Mrs. L. M.
Kennedy, Collins, Ga., Rt. 2.

Pure bred Giant strain light Brah-
mas, eggs, $1.25 per 16. Mrs. Bob Sos-
by, Carnesville, Ga.

Common Bantam eggs, guaranteed
safe arrival and 85 per cent fertile 50c
per 20 eggs prepaid, will exch for pure
bred rabbits. pigeons, or bantams.
about 50 eggs per wk. , James Rice.
Douglasville, Ga. Rt. 4.

S. C. R. I. Red eggs, stock direct
from Mrs. Donaldson. $1.25 del. P.P.
$1 if called for; also 2 pens of 4 hens
and 10 mo. old rooster, pure Donald-
son Reds. each $10 per pen del. Cock-
erels, $3 each. Mrs. R. W. Webb. Bar-
wick. Ga. Box 164.

Fine sorted R. I. d eggs for set-
ting 75c per 15, cash with order please
add postage. no checks accepted. Mrs.
John. Lb. Bennett, Screven. Ga., Rt. 2.
Box 31./ ;

White Cornish eggs 15 for $1 del.
Mrs. H. W. Law. Ocilla, Ga. Rt. 3.

Parks pedigreed Barred Rocks hat-

ching eggs. flock mating. $1.50 per 15,

$7, 100. ven matings from hens with
200 egg records or better headed by
ped. males direct from Parks $3.50 per
15 del. Permit C-158. E. C. Pope. (No
Address given).

Wild Mallard Duck eggs for sale or
exchange. $1 per doz. T. P. Burdett,
Washington, Ga., Rt. 1.

Cornish Game eggs, $1.25 per 15

repaid. gt Roth Fowler, Surrency,

a. Rt. 2.

Pure Donaldson strain Red eggs Sc
each or $1 where sel} 1 setting. Can
furnish 6 or 8 doz. a week. Mrs. J. F.
Trawick, Tennille, Ga.

Hatching eggs for sale. Pure bred
Thompson Ringlet Barred Rock 5c
for 15 , Mrs. S. McMillan, Jr..
Oakwood, Ga.

Hatching eggs from S..C. W. Leg-
horns. 75c per 15 or $4 per 100 PP.

w. J. Carruth, Farmington, Ga.
from fine steck Thompson
Imp. Ringlets, 2nd direct $1 for 15,

gts for 30 del, eesh, Two fine Mar.

cockerels, same strain $1.25 ea. FOB.
Cash. Mrs. C. A. Wilbanks, Com-
merce, Ga. Rt. 5.

Choice hatching eggs from Pure
White Holland turkeys, $5 per dgz.
del. and insured. Breeding toms, $6
and $8. T. W. Dalton, Alto,\ Ga.

Donaldson R. 1. hatching eggs from
healthy vigorous stock, $1 -per 15 del.
Safe del. guaranteed. Geo. T. North-
Sue Jr., 108 Sessions St., Marietta,


Barred Rock eggs, Cate strain, di-
rect, special mating, individual pens,
high official contest blood lines, $1.50
per setting 15 postpaid. Mrs. N. C.
Willoughby, Blackshear, Ga.

Thompson 8. R. hatching eggs from
6 to 8 lbs. hens 85c per 15 or $3.50
per 100, can furnish 250 to 300 eggs
per week, cartons to be returned A.
L. Aligood, Moultrie. Ga. Rt. 4, /

The Worlds Champion R. I. White
Chicken eggs, $2.50 for 15 eggs $4.75
for 30 eggs. These hens are much
better layers than R. I. Reds. Place
order now. All orders shipped PP in
Ga. L. J. Ellis, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 5.

The Worlds Largest and Best Lay-
ers, Big Bone Giant Bronze Turkey
eggs, $12 per doz. prepaid in Ga. from
Toms Wt. 55 to 60 libs. ea. hens 24
27 Ibs. ea. These birds originated in
the Mtns. of Calif. and I paid $60per
doz. for e528 to get the birds I now
Deve. L. J. Ellis, Cumminz. Ga. Rt.

S. C. R. C. Wyandotte hatching eggs
$1 per 15, eggs del., or will exch. val-
ue W. R. Roper, Orange, Ga., Rt.

Pure bred dark Cornish me eggs,
rooster and hens not related, $1.50. per
setting of 15, 30 for $2.50 postpaid. J.
T. Banks, Sylvester, Ga.

Hatching eggs from heavy laying
flocks of pure blooded hens, R. I.
Reds. Barred Rocks, White Wyandotte
Tancred strain White Leghorns Ev-
erlay strain Brown Leghorns, 75c per
15 del., or $3 per 100 FOB. D. F.
Thomas, Box 27, Odum, Ga.

Fresh selected hatching eggs from
pure S. L. Wyandottes, $1 per 15 post-
paid, crates to be returned. Mrs. E. S.
Payton, Alto, Ga. Rt. 2.

R. I. Red Donaldson strain eggs for
sale. Mrs. E. L. Smith, Monticello,
Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure bred Parks strain B. R. eggs
for hatching $1.25 for 15, del. Mrs.
Perry Fitzgerald, Forest Glen. Ga.

Our rine full stock White Wyan-
dotte eggs, $1.25 for 15, cash, crates to
te gabtiss B. W. Cooke, Alto, Ga.

Pure suepvers strain mottled An--

cona egg. from prize winning stock,
$1.50 per 15. all orders promptly fill-
ed, crates to be returned. W. L. Stone-
cypher, Forest Glenn, Ga. Rt. 1.

Jersey Llack Giant eggs for sale,
75c per setting of 15. Del. eggs guar-
anteed to be fresh. Mrs. John L.
Claxton, Soperton, Ga.

Pure t.ed Pape strain black Minor-
ca eggs, $1 per setting of 15, 30 eggs
$1.75. Mrs. J. B. Parham, Shellman,


Pure bred Golden Buff Orp. hatch-
ing eggs reduced prices from Febru-
ary and March, 90c per setting of 16,
crates to be returned. I will exch.
a few for cabbage plants o Bermuda
onion plants. rite. tirst. Mrs. A. L.
Garrison, Ashland, Ga., Rt. 2.

Choice Black Minorca eggs from
extra fine layers slightly mixed 75c
for 15 del. or 50c at my home, only
fresh selected eggs sold. J. Guthrie.
Campton, Ga. Rt. b -

Eggs for hatching, Rouse-Park
Barred Rocks, out of pedigreed stock.
none better, bred to lay, prize win-
ners, $1.50 for 15 eggs. W E. Rouse,
M = 210 EB. Gordon street, Valdos-
ta, Ga.

Ruckers White Leghorn Direct car-
rying the highest record in all con-
tests in U. S. None other quite so
good. Ruckers stand at head of the
best. Eggs $2 for 15. W. E. Rouse,
M. D.. 210 8. Gordon St.. Valdosta.


12 doz. fresh fertile eggs from hea-
vy mixed hens for sale each week. by
parce] post prepaid upon receipt of
$2.75 and crate ret. No_ personal
checks accepted. Mrs. J. B. Cullars.
Claxton, Ga. Rt. 3.

S.-C. R. I. Reds direct from Don-
aldson Farms, select hatching eggs 75c
per 15 eggs 10c extra for carton and
postage. Mrs. Roy Peterson. Vidalia.


Want to furnish some party white
unfertile er zs from 1 to 4 cases per
week. Write if interested and make
best offer, FOB. J. E. Martin, Flow-

B h, Ga., Rt. 3.
Dare bred . i. Red egge for hatch- Ri


ing, $1.25 per 15 del. Would like to
exchange 50 eggs for 2 bu. good sound
clay peas. I to pay postage on eggs
and other party pay char on
- Buford Shannon, Nicholls, Ga,

Light Brahma eggs $1 per re of
15 eggs. Mrs. T. E. Chitwood, Cal-
houn, Ga. Rt. 1.

Sheppard strain Ancona eggs, 65c
per 15. Mrs. J. P. Pullin, McDonough,

Fine S. C. R. 1. Red Donaldson str.
fertile eggs, price $1.25 per 15, or $6
per 100. mrs. G. L. Jones, Bronwood,


Pure bred Donaldson strain R. 1.
Red eggs, direct from Mrs. Donaldson
Star pen. Eggs selected, sate del.
guaranteed, $1 per 15 del. $5 per 100.
H. D. King, Lavonia, Ga. Rt. 3.

S. C. Black Minorcas, Pape strain,
Foundation stock direct from Il. $1
per 15 del. in satety carriers. Mrs. F,
. Harrell, Mitchell, Ga.

R. C. Silver laced Wyandotte Tar-
box sstrain $1 per 15 del. in Ssafet
Se Mrs. F. BE. Harrell, Mitchell,

Pure Sheppard strain Ancona hat-
ching eggs, $1 per 15, $4.50 per 100,
$12.60 per 360 eggs. Miss Emeline
Jones, Blackshear, Ga. Rt. 3.

J. B. Giant eggs thoroughbred stock
carefully selected from larg weil ma-
tured hens mated to fine unrelated
cockerels Royal Purpie strain $1.25
per 15 del crate returned. W. H. Rich-
ardson, Rt. 3, E.berton, Ga. .

hatching eggs and baby cnicks from
Giant Black Minorcas. Also a few
puliets. Quality stock at reasonable
prices. Mrs. B. B. Bianson, Kingston


Selected J. B. Giant eggs trom prize
winning, unrelated parent stock, $1
per 15. M. O. only. Mrs. E. F. Ball-
ard, 309 Zohnson street, Dublin, Ga.

Turkey eggs trom tine Bourbon reds
2 yr. old breeders, it you want eggs.
in quantity cheap write for prices.
Mrs. Juliai. F. Pruitt, Lavonia, Ga.

Light Brahma eggs.from ig hbeau-~
tiful Northern bred stock $1.50 per 15
ae C. W. Evans, Rt. 1, Wrightsville,


8. C. 1 -o\.a Leghorn eggs 60c doz.
eggs for setting trom high stock as
could be. -Mrs. W. A. Summer, Nor-
ristown, Ga.

Ss. L. and S&S. C. R. L. RB. eggs,
$1.50 per 15, hens direct from Dixie
Pou.try rarm. Mrs. J. L. Parrish,
Nashville, Ga.

Eggs from a very high bred blood
tested R. 1. Reds, $1 per 15 or $1.75
for 30 Mrs, W. A. Crawford, Lavon-
1a, Ga.

S. C. R. I. Red eggs selected for
hatching,. Tompkins and ( wens str.,
dark rich plumage splendid layers $1
pe 15. Miss Carlie <emp. Marietta,


Fresh se.ected eggs from Tompkins
strain pure bred R. I. Reds, 75c per
15 postpaid or 50c not dei. Cartons to
be returned. Mrs. L. E. Gayier, Ly-.
erly, Ga., Rt. 3.

Pure bred everlay srown Leghorn
eggs $1 for 15, $2.50 for 50 postpaid.
M. O. with order Mrs. D. L. Meeks,
Marietta, Ga. Rt. 1. ee.

Fresh selected hatching eggs, from
everlay Brown Leghorns, Biood tested
stock from Norman Hatchery, Krox-.
ville, fenn. In lots ot 100 or more,
reasonab.e prices. Mrs. R. L. Seabolt,
Buckhead, Ga. Morgaa county. ,

Want to arrange with some one to,
furnish 5 or 6 doz. big mice clean.
fresh white No. 1 eggs each week,
year roun. Paul Anthony, Buena
Vista, Ga., Rt. 4, :

Thompson Strain Barred Rock eggs
from mature hens, 60c per doz. or lot
of 100 for $4.50 not del. Mrs. S. L.
Morris, Ailey, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure bred Barred Rock eggs, $1 per
setting of 15 from extra fine hens,
Pear: Nelson, Calhoun, Ga. Rt. 5. |

Can furnish 8 or 10 dozen fresh
eggs week to party who will fur-
nish crate and pay postage at 25 per
dozen. Mrs. Pearl Nelson Calhoun,
Ga. Rt. 5. i

B. J. Giant hatching eggs to sell or
exchange for O. I. C. pigs or baby

chicks, $1.50 per setting. Mrs. J. 8.
Weatherly, Hoschton, Ga.
Donaldsv.. strain R. I. reds


85c per : del. in Ga. Cash. Taylor
Hooks, Unadilla, Ga. Rt. 2.

White Rock eggs from pure bred

Fische] strain hens, Cook direet from

Fischel pen. Price $1.25 for 15, crates

ena . Mrs. W. C. Jones Culloden,

eggs, well selected and crated, $3.50

per 100 eggs. Pure R. I. Red eggs well

selected, $4 per 100. A. W. Courzon,
1, 1, Valdosta, Ge,

ee Eggs For Sale

- Thompson Imp. Ringlet B. R. eggs
85c per 15 del. in Ga. Cash. Taylor
Hooks, Jnadilla, Ga. Rt. 2.

- Prize winning aristocrat D. Barred
Rock hatching eggs from special ma-
tings, $1.25 per 15 del. H A. Stahl,
1401 N. Wiiliams St., Valdosta, Ga.

- Pure Tancred W. Leghorn hatching
- Improved strain Indian Runner
duck eggs for saie, 15 tor (5G. Mr. J.
_L. Robe:son, Surrency, Ga, ;
- . L. Wyandotte eggs irom pure
- pred Tarbox strain, sesectea birds, $1
per 15, $1.1. for 30, $4 per 100. W. ta.
Little, Duluth, Ga.

_ Eggs fro.n 5 to 7 ibs. pure bred R.
. Dark Cornish game hens, roosters
9 to il ivs. unrelavea stc k, $1.50 Lor
15 eggs | .tpaid. Mrs. Fred Johnson,
Dawson, Ga., Rt. 6.

- Fancy strain Aristocrat dark Barrea
Rock eggs at $1.20 per setting, carton
to be ret. Will exch. for cabbage or
Bermuda onion piants. G. C. Ed-
-monason, Rt. 2, Lempie, Ga. z
Spencer Turken Wonder Bird eggs,
$1.25 for 15 ael. carton to be return-
ed. Miss Rebecca Campbell, 860 Bou-
-levard, S. EB. Atianta, Ga.

' Pure bred dark Cornish Game eggs
$1 per lo. Choice Game cockereis,
$1.50 each, 3 spiing navched puueis
and 1 cockerel, $6.50. Pure bread Watt.
Cornish ume eggs $1.00 per 15. Mrs.
c. O. Sikes, Sylvester, Ga,

- Booking orders now for M. B. wur-
Key eggs 3 per doz. FOB. Cash with
order, no checks. Mrs. L. Bolt, By-
ron, Ga. Rt. 1. :
White Leghorn eggs, fancred strain
$1 per 15, $1.75 for 30 $5 tor 100, post-
paid. Mrs. H. W. Stephens. Adaurs-
ville, Ga., Rt. 1.

Pure bred White Cornish hatching
eggs at $1.25 per 15 del. by insured
P. P. W. D.. Joyner, Roberta, Ga..
RE. .2;

Pure bred White Rock Fischei str.
hatching eggs, $1.25 for 15, $2.25 for
30, $3 for 50, $4.50 for 100. Cash with
order, no checks. Mrs. C. C. Payne
Rt. 6, Tifton, Ga.
- Pure bred Pape Black
: : i See 1Ore to.
Sauls, Shellman, pi
Pape strain Black Minorca eggs
from pure strain, heavy layers, heal-
thy flock $5 for 100 del. Mrs. C. L.
Rehberg, Cairo, Ga.
Pure bred Golden Buff Orp. eggs
reduced prices for feb. and March
95c rer 1: insured: del. crates to be.
returned. Mrs Hoke Bentley, Mar-
etin, Ga, Rt. 1,
- Pure bred Donaldson strain R. 1.
Red eggs, $1 per 15, postpaid, box to
be returned, $4 per 100, would exch.
-eggs fe < roosters same strain. Mrs.
_ Fred Atkinson, Rt. ? Ray City, Ga.
Selected eggs from pure bred Jer-
sey Black Giants and S. C. R. L reds
$1.25 for 15 prepaid Mrs. Steila
Burke Winterville, Ga.
Barred Rock eggs Thompson strain
prize winners, blood tested for B. W.
D. No. 1 pen $1.50, yard run $1 per
15; no checks received. Mrs. Milton
- Sumner,. Sylvester, Ga. Rt. 3.
-,. White Leghorn eggs for hatching,
- good stock, careiully se.ecteu, can fur-

wlinorca eggs
Mrs. Russell


Bonnell, Valdosta, Ga.

-. Dark Cornish Indian Game chicken
eggs ay strain, 75c for 13 eggs. EB.
GC. Pope, Tallapoosa, Ga. Rt. 3._

- .Selected pure bred Black Minorca
eggs, $1.50 pe: 15, crates to be return-
= Mrs. Mary E. Stubbs, Walden

Eggs for natching from Tompkins
. C. R. IL. Reds, 1 setting $1.50, 2 set-
tings. $2.50, larger lots 5c per egg. Jd.
A. Eiliott, Lavonia, wa. Rt. 1.
- Pure bred dark Cornish Game eggs
- $1.25 per 15 dei. also White Orpington
eggs $1.25 per 15 del. Mrs. Lois Tan-
ner, Dewey Rose, Ga.
Pure bred Buif Rock hatching eggs
for sale, .1 per 15 del. crates to be
returned. Mrs. G. F. Kesler, Nich-
olson, Ga.
&. L Red eggs, pure pred Owen
strain R. L. Red hatching eggs $1 per
15 del. Crates to*be returned. Mrs.
Ruby Kesler, Nicholson, Ga.
Tom Cochran and Quisenberry W
_L. eggs, 75c for 15, high egg produc-
tion. 8 hens to cockerel .i.ght to be
gure hatch. Miss. Laura Morris, Roop-
ville, Ga.
- Large White Pekin duck eggs, $1
per 12 del. Mrs. R. K. Pruitt, La-
yonia, Ga., Rt. 3. :
_ Pure bre


C. B. Walton, Roberta, Ga. Rt. 2.

mated ur~elated hens and roosters,

Nish ca 2 a week, $3.50 per 100. J. J.J}

-Toomsboro. Ga. Rt

White Rocks, Fischel str. |
eggs, $1.50 per 15 del. by insured P P.

J. B. Giants eggs from properly

Marcy strain, 15 select eggs $1.25 par-
cel post - $1 at the yard. Mrs. A. >.
Fain, Howard, Ga.. Box 65.

Giant strain Light Brahma hatching
eggs from culled flock and heavy lay-
ers, $1.25 for 15, $3 for 50, $5.50 per
100, prepaid, cartons to be returned.
Arthur H. Meyer. Winterville. Ga.

Miscellaneous For Sale

Walnut kernels, nice and _ clean,
good and dried, 50c lb.:'5 ibs. of good,
dried apples, to exch. for sugar crow-
der or white lady peas. '0 ibs. of peas
for 5 Ibs. of dried apples. One pk. of
shucked beans to exch. for any kind
of shelled peas, lb. for lb. Or for -
white feed sacks, 100 lb. size. Prickley
pears, 20 per cutting, trumpet vines,
20c ea. Honeysuckle vines, 15c each.
Yellow root plants, calamus plants,
25c doz. 50 lbs. of bone dry _ yellow
roots, 10. 50 lbs. of bone ;dried wild
cherry bark, 0. 50 lbs. o1 dried rat-
tle root, $10 10 lbs of barefoot root
$2. 6 Ibs. of Queen of the Meadow,
$2 Witch hazel bark 25c ib. Mullan
roots, 50c Ib. 7 bark 25c ib Blood-
erass root. 25c lb Or wil] exch. any of
the above for some peas. beans, honey
meat, or Bermuda onion plants. Mrs.
R. o. stover Pisgah Ga.


Yellow root, cleaned and dry. 25c
Ib. seed rice. 60c gal. Exch. for cab-
bage and Bermuda onioy plants. M.
F tris. Dahlonega. Ga RFD 1.

Martin gourds, about 1 gai cap. $1
doz. Exch. 15 for 15 Ibs. ginned cotton.
Party to pay postage on gourds. Mrs.
J. M. Clements. Young Cane. Ga.
Corn beads or Job tears, 15 dczen,
75c a 100 Mrs. D. A. Pope. Tallapoo-
sa, Ga. Rt. 3. : :

. Fine, med. and coarsely ground oy-
ster shell for chickens. $1 per 100 lbs.
FOB: W A. Smith Savannah. Ga..

102 Bay St. L. s
Empty sugar sacks, also peanut

sacks. All in good cond 7c each, $5
fa 100. Bob McCormack, Albany.

Green yellow root, 20c lb. sassafras,
20c lb gooseberry, black walnuts and
crabapple sprouts, 15c each; white
tame muscadine, 20c each; Concord
grape, 3 for 10c, purple fig sprouts,
15c ea 1. Add postage. Mrs. Will
James, Ellijay, Ga. : j ce

Yellow root, 15c lb. catnip. 10 buncn
raspberry, 50 doz. dewberry, 50c a 100
Biack aw roots. 40c lb. Butterfly
roots, 40c lb. Add postage. Mrs. H. B.
Armour. Lula, Ga. Rt. i

Barn cured tobacco. chewing, 10c ib
smoking, 9c lb Add _ postage. Mrs.
Christina Harper. Baxley, Ga. Rt. 4.

Black walnut kernels, 50c Ib. del. Ist
and 2nd zones. John Crone, Philo-
math, Ga. 2

New white feathers, 0c Ib. Mrs.
Henry Mathis, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 9.

Good, clean goose feathers. slight-
ly used. 65c postpaid. No checks.
Sample on request. Mrs. J. S. Doug-
las, Alma, Ga. ; 2

85 cotton seed meal] and hull sacks.
including a few others, $5 FOB. Mrs.
D. Whiddon, Chula, Ga. ;

Yellow root, well dried, 20c lb. and
postage. Mrs. J. B. Fields, Dahlon-
ega, Ga. Wt. 1.

Fine broom straw, 75c for enough
to make .2 brooms. ne B. S. Ward,

Corn beads, old: fashioned ~ sweet
pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, a small
quantity of chufas or grass nuts. All,
large pkg. 10c; dry saze leaves, 10c
cupful. No orders for less than 25c.
eee Sarah Grindle. Dahlonega, Ga.
Rt. 1.

Broom straw aiso butter beans, 20c
lb. Enclose stamp or information.
Mrs. T. %. Blanchard, Appling, Ga.,
Rt. 2, Box 58. oe

Cs. blackberries, 12 qt. also case
beets, $2.50 per cs. Exch. for hens,
pig, sweet pot. plants for April del. or
anything can use. Make offer before
sending. Mrs. E. L. Sterner. Royston,
Ga. Rt. 3.

4 ibs. good dark red tobacco, del. in
Ga. $1. J. Vv. Gay, casper, Ga

Drinking gourds, cleaned, 15c each;
gourd -ed, 25c per cup full; pumpkin
seeds, same price. Add estage on
small orders. -Mrs. A. - Stansell,
Cleveland, C Rt. 4.

Broom straw. 60c doz. 2 doz. $1.00.
Exch. for peas, lady - finger, sugar
crowders, or Mush, white or black-
eyed. Mrs. John Tinsley, Arlington.
Ga. Rt. 2.

1930 crop black walnuts, hulled and

dried, $1 bu. FOB. Mrs. . H. Capel,
Molena, Ga. - :

Hen house fertilizer for garden and

flowers. 8. D on, Kathleen,


j plants, extra large berries,

lacs, strong plants. well rooted,


Yellow root. washed and dried, 3:
lb. red bark, 25c Ib. died pumpkin,
10c lb. Mrs. B. W. Ash, Dahionega,
Ga. Rt. 1, Care Joe James.

75 white bran sacks. Scme 100 and
some 75 Ib. size. Sell or exch for

Soy beans, wheat, oats or corn. Mrs.
A. J. Zollins, Demorest, Ga.
~ Jelly: muscadine, blackberry, Fox

grape, 35c pt. Exch. for pure Thomp-
son str. B. R. eggs. Write first. Mrs.
W. A. J. Swann, Lithonia, Ga. RFD 1.

Kianna fenn. Cane syrup, 50c gal.
Strained honey. 75c gal; Brooks coun-
ty hams, 30c per ib and Petty Toole
and Clevelanc big boll cotton seed, $1
per bu. All FOB Quitman. Mrs.
F. Gaddis, Quitman, Ga. |

Sev. hundred lbs. sassafras roots as
dug from field. Large lots only. Thos.
P. Duckett, Atlanta, Ga. 180 White-
hall St., S. W.

Yellow root, 30c lb, dried apples, 10c
lb. also will furnish 5 doz. eggs 4
week, 20c doz, and party to pay post-
age, also W L. eggs, 50c per 15 Mrs.
Fred Ffeeman,

Winter green, 20c bunch; comfrey
roots, 3 for 15c; Grub root, 40c Ib.
yellow root, 12c lb. Mrs. J. Nelson,
Cleveland, Ga. Rt. 4.

6 clean 4 lb. lard buckets, 50c FOB.
Exch. for ham or side meat, meal or
syrup. Mrs. F M. Webb, Plains. Ga.
P O. tox 76.

Sassafras- roots, 25 Ib. Exch. for
value. Charlie H. Smith. Roopville.
Ga. Rt. 2

100 lb. size white chicken feed sacks.
10c each. Cash. Miss Belle Timmer-
man, Bronwood, Ga. Box 83.

One R. SC. S. L. Wyandotte cock, 17
mo. old, $2; white bunch everbearing
butter beans 25c lb.; bees for sale; 1
cutaway harrow, good solid & disc 18
in. $20, reg. eet calves -anted. Mrs.
V. D. Harris. Lula, Ga.

12 Ibs. Stone Mtn., Lipsey sweet, or
Dixie Belle watermelon seed, hand
saved from best melons. 75c per Ib.
White and cotored running bu'ter
beans. 20c per half Ib or 35c Ib; prid-
get salad pea, one of the best types
of table pea. tender and sweet. pods
about 10 or 12 in. long, 3@c per half
Ib or 50c lb. Want to exch. 5 mo. old
S P. GC. gilt full blood, wt. 60 Ibs. for
a full blood same weight and _ age
Br: C. D. Williamson, Plains,

Want recleaner to run my _ peas
through in order to put them in No.
1 condition to offer the trade. J. E.
Sims, Ellabelle, Ga. Rt. 1.

Good dry country shelled corn which
will make good corn meal, 80c bu.
Mrs. Lula B. Cook. Milan. a.

Yellow Bermuda and crystal wax

onion sets. 1 qt. 25c. 2 qts. or over

20c quart postpaid. Sankey Tyson.

Sparks, Ga,
Blackberry vines, well rooted strong
5c each,
2c postage on each plant: purple rs
each 2c postage on each plant; black-
berry, apple, muscadine and _= grape
jelly, all good firm jelly, 35c pt. Mrs.
Myrtis Swann, Rt. 1. Lithonia. Ga.
White nest onions, 50c per gal;
scu!lion onion sets, 50c per gal; strip-
ed half runner garden beans 15c per

cupful, 2 cupsful, 25c del .Will exch. |

onions for potato plants but want
money for beans. Mis. Joe W. Croft,
Rt. 3. Hartwell, Ga. :
Pure bred Jan. 1930 hatch R. I. Red
pullets $1.25 each or exchange for 1

bbl. No. grade thick ribbon cane
syrup. M,:. J. C. Goolsby, Graham,
Ga., Rt. 1. a

Miscellaneous Wanted

Exch value for corn, hams, eggs,
chickens, or anything eatable. C. W..
Caldwell, Atlanta, Ga.
wood Ave. 8S. E. ,

Exch. $10 value for peas, syrup or
meat. Geo. W. Jackson, Fayetteville,
Ga. Rt. 2. : :

Exch. value for hogs, cows, syrup or
corn. Mrs. Weaver Kent, . Mitchell.
Ga. Rt. I.

Exch. collard plants, at :1 M. for
white feed sacks. 100 at 8c per sack.
Exch up to $30 worth. Also seed, 30c
feathers or for 4 gal. good honey. Ea.
Ib. postpaid Malvin Collins. Whig-
ham, Ga. oe =
St ue ede geese or duck

pay postage. . John Trav
Latagetic, Ge. Bt 3. soe

Exch. value for farm products.

. oe Gaddis, Quitman, Ga. -
xch. value for pigs, hens or s f
so pnie Ollie. Church, Jefferson Ga.

Want 3 bu. water und meal, ex-
tra fine ground, at $1.10 bu. del. W.
H. Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.

M..| Smith, Griffin, Ga. Rt. A.

Cleveland, Ga. Rt. 3. |-

-Red Berkshire cross, or Red pullets

1327 Glenn- |.

Thursday, February 19, t

Exch. value for 60 10U ib. ugar or
short sacks, clean and new, also 1
heavy weave or striped sugar sac
a Cc. G. Wheeler. Cumming, G
Rt. 4. 2B

Exch. value for 15 white wash
feed sacks. 8S. P. Jones, Lula.
Star Rt.

Want few lbs. clean, nice skinless
whole cracklings for table use. Also
good this yrs, smokea bacon; also fa
chickens and turkeys for table use
M. Gaskins, Macon, Ga. 623 Bibb Bldg

Exch. value in large Buff young
hens vr sorghum syrup at 75c zal. fo;
a good 10 or 12 gal bbl churn. Flo

Exch. old fashioned dwarf and run.
ning itter beans for dried. fruit, or
cabbage and Bermuda onion plants,

Mrs. D. L. McLaughlin. He.
lena, Ga.

Exch. 1 gal.-mixed peas for
white chicken feed sacks, free of holes
Mrs. Gladys Dykes, Uvalda, Ga.
1 Box 119.

seed a 7F2 lb. for the following: 101
Ib white feed sacks,
meats at 20c lb. Good setting of tabl
eggs. at 25c doz. honey. irish pota.
toes, also 2M full stamp Porto Ric
potato plants as early as can be grown
any heavy sreed hogs. 1 ur 2 you
gilts, 5 nannie goats and. 1 billy, syr
up fo 30 gal:. and fruit, or anything
e'se_can use. Write Riley Rogers,
Wray, Ga. < .

Georgia Products Wante


Want a 33 or 35 gal. bbl. of syrup
from party in Emanuel or Johnson
county. Must be pure Ribbon can
and wt. 12 lbs. to the gal. Will pay
50c gal. del my home, 7 mi. No. of

Bartow. 7 mi. N. W Wadley. W. H.
McGraw. Bartow. Ga. pee
Want 100 gal Ribbon cane syrup.

Exch choice paper ell pecan trees
ot 50c ea. B. Lioyd Woodall, Milner
Want 35 gal. best grade 1930 crop
Ga Cane syrup. in new cypress bbls
Shipping cn

syrup, thick, best grade.
gilt, 3-4 P. C. and 1-4 Red Berkshire,

baby chicks. G. D. Fain. Edison, Ga
Will give $3 for 10 gal. good syr
del. or exch corn at $1 bu. shelled. or
chickens, at 28c Ib. or wil] exch. for
15 or 20 gal. keg this way. Send
sample. Must be nearby. W. J. .
field, Graymont, Ga. ae
Want 1 bbl. No. 1: est grade suga!
cane syrup. Exch good gilt, P. C. an

J. C. Goolsby, Graham, Ga.
Exch. imp. Porto Rican

plants for good. thick, Ga. cane syruf

or N. C. Runner peanuts, Ivey Camp-

bell. Surrency, Ga. Re. Se ;

Want sev. hundred bu. good,

Porto Ricans. also 100 bu. State insp.
seed potatoes for bedding. State low:
est price and how to reach your pl
ps truck C. A. Dobbs. Gaines

a. , ; =
Want Nigger Killer potato
Mrs. B. E. Dixon. Blackshear Ga
1, Box 104. - ae
Want 1-2 bu. sweet potatoes: Whit
Southern Queen or the old time Yel
low Yam. for bedding. Mrs. Jas.
Wigley, Lyerly, Ga...
Want Irish pot. for planting. Ex
1 set or pure bred B. R.
bu. Mrs. Carrie Owensby.
Ga. Rt. 4. : ieee
Want imp. red skin Porto Rica

Make best offer. W. W. Lane,
becca, Ga. es
Want Porto Rican seed pot.

insp State best price. R. H.
Clermont, Ga. z
Want sweet pot. Gov insp.

own, 2 or 300 bu. for bedding. Stat
apa price EE. T. Clements, Tennille
a. pe


Want 10 tons Pinder vine hay
A. McIntyre Ousley, Ga. ~ :

Want 1 peck Truckers Favorite |

lected seed corn. J. M. Sessions, Rom!

Ga. Rt. 6. aces

Want 1 bu: good corn. J
Davis, Rutledge, Ga, eS

Thursday, February 19, 1931,
__ Baby Chicks For Sale

Continueed from page twelve
- Reds, B. Rocks and W. L. from our
trapnested, rigidly culled flocks, with
males heading these pens from 250 to
300 egigers. Day old chicks, 10 and 12c
each. Write for prices on chicks from
1 to 5 wks old. Our plant is open for
inspection. Bargain week prices. W.
OC. Kutz, Atlanta, Ga. Rt. 2. Box 252.
300 B. L. day old chicks. Ready for
shipment Feb. 25, 10c each. Mrs. J. F.
Newman, Cochran, Ga. Rt. 3. .

R. I. Red or B. R., $10 a 100; Barron
and Tancred W. L., B. L. or Ancona
chicks. From healthy, blood tested
flocks. 100 per cent live del. guar.
Also custom hatching in Mammoth inc.
Tray holds 110 eggs, 3c an egg. Chicks
shipped COD chgs. S. P. Howe, Hape-
ville, Ga. a

Booking orders for special reduced
prices for extra quaiity Parks str.
Bred to lay B. R. day old chicks. Reg.
Per. No. 40-C-31.

Mrs. Orlo D. Thayer, Daisy, Ga..

Donaldson direct R. I. Red chicks,
13c each, $12.50 a 100 del. 1-2 cash, bal.
COD. Cashiers check. Mrs: J. D
-Peugh, Barnesville, Ga.

_ Ferris Best eggs str. W. L. chicks.
Stork direct. $10 a 100 del. 100 per
ent live del guar. Hatch every Wed-
-nesday. Use Buckeye inc. only and
guar. sat. F. B. Flanders, Rockledge,
| Ga.
Large breed day old chicks, $10 a
100 del. Pure bred Ringlet B. R. $12
@ 100 del. Hatch ea. Wednesday. Mrs.
Nettie Elliott, Cochran, Ga.

$18 a 100; Pen No. 2,
$16 a 100; No. 3. $5 a 100. Postpaid.

Baby Chicks Wanted

Want 2000 W. L. or R. I. Reds to
raise on. halves, to 8 wks. old. Party
to furnish 1-2 of feed bill. Mrs. J. S.
Weatherley, Hoschton, Ga. 4
Exch. 1 bu. light tan colored pea
(dont know the name) for 40 baby
chicks, any large breed. Feb. hatched.
_ Christine Jones, Lula, Ga. Star Rt.

Live Stock For Sale

Full blood J. cow with young ealf,

3 wks. old, for sale or sell or: exch.
W. A. Sumner, Norristown, Ga.

4 yr. old pure bred Guernsey bull.
A proven breeder. Good individual,
and a very highly bred animal at an
extremely low price. J. W. Allgood,
Marietta, Ga. Rt. 1.

1 cow, 7-8 Jersey, with 2 wks. old
heifer calf, $50. J. C. Goolsby, Gra-
ham, Ga.

__ High grade 2 1-2 yr. old J cow, now
- fresh with 2 wks. heifer calf (first
calf). $50 for -both. F. C. Garrett,
Sparks, Ga,
lyr. old reg. J. bull, $35 -with papers
_A. A. Fowler, Stone Mtn. Ga. Rt. 3.
Will sell for cash, to desirable party
half interest in 100 head beef type
Cattle on all yr. range. Come and see.
8 O. Fussell, Brunswick, Ga. Blythe
e e. :
Jersey, Grade cow and 8rd calf,
Med. size, fawn color, $75 or $65 with-
out calf. Del. only at my lot. R. P.
Steinheimer, Brooks, Ga.

Reg. J. bull, 26 mos. old, wt. 750
Ibs, W. M. Humbree, Villa Rica,

: Grant Benja-
min, Unadilla, Ga. RFD 2, Box 90.
3 mos old bull and 1 bull cali, 1 mo.

Old. Exch. both or either for peas
or Essex or Duroc pigs. These calves

are from fine milk and butter cows.

Mrs. A. D. Sumner, Norristown, Ga.

_. 12 mos. old J. heifer, $25 and exch

Joe M. Brown, McRae, Ga.

. . Cow giving about 2 gal. milk (calf

3 mos. old) and. will give more with

good feed. T. B. tested. Sell cheap

at my barn. W. A. J. Swann, Li-
thonia, Ga. RFD 1.

eee full blooded J. Milch cow for sale.

. EB. Hutto, Guyton, Ga.

Full blood, not reg. Guernsey 2 yr
Cid male, in good cond. at reasonable
price. W. H. Collins, Collins, Ga.

8 nice young J. heifers, all freshen

_ in February. from good stock. $50 6a.
FOB. Mrs. W. H. Nash, Luthersville,

_..1 grade Guernsey 10 mos old bull
from 4 gal. cow. Well marked and in

good cond. $23 or exch. for brood sow.

.or turkeys. |
Ga, Rt. 2.- :
4 yr. old, 4 gal. fresh in J. milch
cow, fawn col. $75. J. J. Stephens,
uthersville, Ga. Rt. 1.

H. A. Wilson, Martin,

. mos. old reg J. bull calf,. ready


for del. March Ist, Sultan breeding.
$25 reg. In buyers name. C. R. God-
frey, Gillsville, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 55.

7 reg. J. cows, $600; also 3 J. calves
ent. to reg. 3 to 8 mos. old, $25.50 ea.
ti. E. Oxburn, Rutledge, Ga.

3 yr. old reg. J. cow with heifer calf
e day old $90. A. C. Finley, Jackson,


4 reg. J. bull calves, 6 mos. to 1 1-2
yrs. old. Sire: You'll Dos Eminent
Raleigh. $25 to $50 ea. at Nacoo-
eg Dairy. B. C. Minish, Nacoochee,

a. 5

3 fine cows, heavy springers; also
reg. J. bull, 3 yr. old. Prices right.
L. C. Allen, Hoschton, Ga.

Fine J. cow in good cond. Fresh the
first of March. Gives 4 gal. T. B.
tested. $50 at barn.. Mrs. Hetty Jones,
New Holland, Ga. 5 Myrtle St.

1 J. heifer calif, dropped July 31,
1930. Dam Rosemary Handsome
Lady; Sire, Lady Birds Financial
Lad. $50 reg. in buyers name. FOB.
Ned J. Bond, Bogart, Ga. :

Reg. J. buil. No. 285388. Ready for
Service, Also 1 thoroughbred J. but
not reg. bull. Reasonable prices. W.
H. Clark, Gainesville, Ga. RFD 8.

2 mos. old bull calf. 1-4 Holstein
and 3-4 Jersey, $8 or exch. for 2 bu
Otootan beans, Ea. to pay shipping
chgs. Mrs. E. D. Johnson, Newnan,
Ga. Rt= 2. 5

1 and 2 mos old Reg. Guernsey bull
calves. Wawa Beil Founder str. Reas-
abe prices. C. E. Watt, Camiila,


50 good grade Dairy cows. T. B.
tested, 30 to freshen before June.
Now shipping 50 gal. milk. J. J. Davis,
Rutledge, Ga.

Reg. J. heifers, some springing and
some unbred at reasonable prices. I.
T. Wyatt, Farrar, Ga.

Solid red color cow, will give 3 gal
milk and 1 1-2 lbs. butter per day.
Gentle every way. Will give miik Ap-

ril 15th. $3 at barn. Hester Thomas,

Temple, Ga. Rt: 3, Box 155,

5 or 6 yr. old milch cow. Part Jer-
sey and Holstein. Freshen by the 15
of March. Will give 3 gal. or more
and 1 lb. butter when properly fed.
$45 at my barn. O. H. Bond, Bow-
man, Ga. Rt. 2. et

J. bull calf, born Feb. 7th. Full bred

|not reg. Heavy milk and butter stock

$7 or $8 crated. B. C. Pope, Tallapoo-
sa, Ga. Rt. 3.

6 milch cows and several head of
beef cattle. S. M. Golden, Buchanan,
Gao Rt22;

2 beef cows in very good cond. 3 and
6 yrs. old. Cheap at my barn. Mrs. I.

H. Boles, Duluth, Ga.

Grade J. heifers, about 5 and 6 mos
old, in fair cond. $20 each. Money or-
der only. J. A. Dickey, Midville, Ga.
Rt. 2.

6 yr. old reg. J. bull, $50. Papers fur-
nished; J. cows, fresh and heifers to
fresh, $100 down to $25. J. T. Paulk,
Wiliacoochee, Ga.

Grade J. milch cows, fresh, for sale
Q. M. Rogers, Barney, Ga.

18 mos. old J. bull, reg. yc
Snowdrift Sid. $250; 3 J. heifers
around 3 yr. old. All fresh in. calves,
2 to 10 days old. $125 each. Can be

seen at farm, 2 1-2 mi. north Pow-

der Springs. W. W. Boll, Powder
Springs, Ga:
3 J. heifers with calves, freshened

Jan. 9th, Jan. 27th and Feb. 8th. $40

round; entire herd of 10 Grade J. at

reasonable prices. All in good cond.
and either giving good amt. of milk

+or will freshen in early spring. K. D.
Sanders, Eatonton, Ga. Rt. 2.

and pigs, shoats. Mixed
breeds. Sell or exch for seed peas or
pinders. W. J: Morgan, Stillmore, Ga.

1 thoroughbred Duroc hoar, wt.
about 150 lbs. $25. EB. L. Dixon, Black-
shear, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 104.

P. C. sow and Black Hssex sow and
15 pigs. Cheap, or will trade for fair-
ly good horse or mule that will work.
u. J. Harris, Waycross, Ga. Rt. 3, Box

2 Duroc J. boars, 200 lbs. ea. $30 ea.
reg. in buyers name or exch for N. C.
Runner peanuts, Brabhams or Iron
peas, or anything can use. Mail sam-
Je of peanuts and peas. L. H. Eden-
Feld, Stillmore, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 31.

Fine Duroc J. gilt, wt. 100 lbs. $13
or $9 and 1 bu. of Otootan beans. J.
J, Akins, Graymont, Ga.

Pure bred big bone P. C. 6 mos. ald
gilt, thrifty and in good cond. $15.
Riley C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

16 mos. old reg. Black Essex boar,
$20 FOB. A. L. Law, Ocilla, Ga. Rt. 3.

2 Duroc sows (will -wean pigs by
Feb. 20th); litters of 10 and 11 each.
$35 each or $60 for the 2. H. L. Har-
per, Waycross, Ga. Prescott St,


Tycon |.

Tennille, Ga: P. O,

2 Duroc bred sows, $25 each; one
Duroc bred gilt, $15;-1 P; C. sow, $25.
T. W. McAllister, Buena Vista, Ga.

Reg. Duroc service males, 6 mos old
$15; 3 mos. males and gilts, $10.50 ea;
1 large 2 yr. old boar at bargain. All
best Sensation breeding. Z. L. Scott
Concord, Ga.

300 to 350 lb, 11 mos. old, reg. Du->

roc J. gilt, bred to Reg. Duroc boar
for May farrow $50; 3 mos old Reg.
pigs, $15 each. All with World Cham-
pion Ped. Henry T. Lumsden, Talbot-
ton, -Ga,

Biack big bone P. C. pigs of both
sex. Bondsman and Redeemer blood
lines. This is the kind you want to
cross with your herd. Exch. for peas

he Soy beans. C. F. Owens, Albany,

Pure Duroc J. 3 mos. old pigs, ped.
Jee each. E. W. Haralson, Chipley,


Little Bone Guinea gilt (the stay-
tat Kind), $10. Money order. J. C.
Hargroves, Marlow, Ga.

2 brood sows and some shoats, all
mixed breeds, Sell or exch. for seed
runner peanuts. W. J. Morgan, Still-
more, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 46.

Hampshires, 50 head, Sows and pigs
Pigs and shoats, males and females.
Anything you want. Write. K. P. Wal-
den, (No address given).

Reg. big bone Biack Essex, thin
hair, straight nose. Special reduced
price. $10 each. Unrelated pr. $18; 3
for $25. W. J. Bargeron, dis, Ga.
Box 146.

Duroc male of best breeding. Can be
reg. Wt. 225 to 250 lbs. 10 mos old,
$18. Frank Clark, Moultrie, Ga.


1 good horse mule, 9 yr. old, wt. 950
Ips. Good shape in every way. also 1
bay mare, good worker and a good
saddler and safe to drive. Prices rea-
sonable. G. V. Norman, Elberton, Ga.
RFD 5.

1 or 2 mare mules, $30 and $70.00.
Both sound and pleasant to work. H.
-B. Chandler, Luthersville, Ga.

1 pr. black mules, 6 and 7 yrs. old,
about 950 lb. ea. good cond. cheap for
oe E. C. Lewis, Marietta, Ga. Rt.

1 mule, grey and blind but a fairly
good plow mule, also do other work.
Good cond. $20.. Cash. H. L. Harper,
Wayeross, Ga. Prescott St.

1 pr. mules, 10 yrs. old, wt. 900 Ibs.
ea. Gentle, work single or dhl. Good
cond. $70. Cash or exch. for corn at
market price. R. S. Gilbert, Summit,
Ga, Rt<3, :

1 pr. mare mules, 4 and 5 yrs. old,
wt. about 900 Ibs. 1 has made 1 crop,

fand the other 2. Reasonable price for

cash. W. N. Mullinax, Cumming, Ga.
RFD 4.-

Good mule, work anywhere. Wt.
about 1050 lbs. Priced right. H. R.
Staight, Demorest, Ga.

1 Jack, 5 yrs. old $50. J. T. Paulk,
Willacoochee, Ga.

N. Z; Whites,-reg. stock. Both young

and old. Sell or exch. David Jennings, |

Jr., Americus, Ga, P, O. Box 84.

N. Z. Whites. Have some good bar-.
gains. Write for descriptions and pri-
ces. Geo. T. Northcutt Jr., Marietta,
Ga. 108 Sessions St.

3 N. Z. Whites, 1. doe, 2 yrs. old, 2
bucks, 8 mos, old; 4 Black Giants, 2
does and 2 bucks, 8 mos. old, 75c each,
or exch. for nice pullets. R. I. Reds
preferred. Chas. Carmichael, McDon-
ough, Ga. Rt. 3. Box 5:

Ped. Chinchillas. Reg. and sub. to
reg. at 1-3 cost; 5 breeding does and
buck, all reg. 10 young, 3 mos, old, 4
young, 2 mos. old, 2 young, 6 mos.
old, and 10 young, 1 mo. old; also 24
crocks and drinkers and 16 compart-
ment self cleaning hutch. All for $45,
or will sell separately. ee H. Colgate,
x :

N. Z. and Belgiums for sale or exch.
for sweet potatoes or seed peas. Char-
lie H. Smith, Roopville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure bred N. Z. Reds and Chinchil-
las at bargain prices. HE. T. Almon, Mid-
land, Ga. :

14 N, Z. Whites, 10 does and 4 bucks,
$10 for the lot, or exch. for oats, corn,
or anything can use. TT. A. Freeman,
Dallas, Ga. Rt. 1..

Fine, heavy wt. Chinchillas, Ese
and mature breeders. Fully ped. an
papers furnished. Reasonable or exch.
for pure bred chickens. W. O. Dew-
berry, Savannah, Ga. 218 E. Jones St.

N. Z. White doe, $2. Exch. for any-
thing can use. Mrs. O. L. Bush, Doe-
run, Ga.

lpr. White rabbits with brown ears
and nose. Doe bred. $1.50 pr. 2 nice,


large White does (1 has 6 youg, 4
old) and 1 buck. $5 for lot of 9.
Overby, Columbus, Ga. 22 11th S

1 reg. Chinchilla doe, $3; 2 pr.
mos. old, Chinchillas, $2.50 each.
are Stahls Gold Cert. Charles
son, Marietta, Ga.

Chinchillas, ped. does and bucks, $
to $5 ea. A. L Heape, Nashville, Ga.

1 pr. ped. Chinchillas. Silver Cer
18 mos. old doe, direct from St;
Buck, 3 mos. old, not related. $10. E
Riggins, Blaekshear, Ga. Box 62.

1 pink eyed White buck, BC
stock. $1. Chas. A. Coffin, Richla
Ga. : ot

N. Z. rabbits, 1 white, $5 for lot,
$1 each. Thos, McKinney, Armuct
3 fine Chinchilla bucks, about 1
old. Good stock. $1.50 ea. Money o1
der. Mrs. J. H. Rogers, Manassas, Gi

Fine, mature ped. Chinchilla
$2.50 each. W. R. Bartlett, Butler, |
'N. Z. Whites and N. Z. Reds, ped. a
reasonable prices. All from reg
H. H. Melton, Thomasville, Ga,

All stock ped. or reg. Papers
ea. order; 7 mos. old or older does,
each; or more than 11 at time, $
each; same age bucks, $4 each, or
than 1, $3.50 each. These are pi
only. Only a few (11 does and 6 buck
at this age and price. Reg. does, $1
ea; Bucks, $15. Must order at least
does and buck .of these. Price same
Will sell only 5 does and 1 buck at th
price. All from Stahls Gold Ce
stock. D. E., McKinney, Blacksh


20 nannies, 2 billys, kid size an
nannies, kid size. Some hornless
ris J, T. Chapman, Holton, Ga. |

Reg. Tog. buck, 20 mos. old, or
less, waddles under throat, silver
hair about 10 in. long. Gave $100
him at 8 mos. old. Sell for $75. Exc
for reg. Guernsey 4 mos. old heifer, ot
for chickens (good breed hens). L.
Ellis, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 5. ponds

Trio of 1 yr. old close grade Sout
down sheep, consisting of 1 ram
ewes. $42 for the 3, crated. FOB,
D. Sanders, Eatonton, Ga. Rt. 2.

1 M. kids, 50 lambs. C. J. Wooda:
Graymont, Ga. Sai as
About 125 head sheep and lamb
Southdown and Native mixed. $3
W. J. Peacock, Eastmn, Ga. Rt. 5.

Live Stock Wanted

Exch 1 full blood J. male, 1
for Ayrshire or Ayrshire and
sey mixed, heifer, any age.
thur Rice, Dacula, Ga.
Want thoroughbred Hereford

Mrs. A
yearlings, healthy and well grown te

age. Will come after and pay cash
if reasonable price and not more thai
75 mi, from

: eigs, J. T. Vinson, Meigs
Ga. Rt. 2. Ca

Exch. good value for good
cows, E, C. Lewis, Marietta, Ga. R
Want 10 young Hereford heif
State price. J. A. Brown, M. D.,
dy Dale, Ga.
Want to hear from parties who
have 25 to 50 head of cattle to pa
ture on shares, or so much for
wt. put on and owner retain title
cows. Prefer the beef type. A
good pasture for 7 or 8 mos. W
Rasberry, Andersonville, Ga.
Exch a good Black J. cow, now gi
ing milk and a yearling heifer for :
fresh J. cow; or will buy one. Major
Knight, Atlanta, Ga. 316 East L
Drive, N. E. / ee

Want pure bred gilt, ready b

either Guinea or S. P. C. State

particulars and price in first letter
lixch. value for same. M. L. Segroves
Fayetteville, Ga,

Want 2 big bone Guinea, sub. |
reg. wt. 50 lbs. at least each, and will
pay $5 cash each. L. G.
Cartecay, Ga. \ es cae

Want 1 Guinea pig or shoat. Exck
sorghum syrup at 75c gal. Sample
wanted. Mr. M. B. Davis, Fairb
Ga, Rt. 1. Laeead

Want 1 fine, well marked D
(cherry red in color), or big bon
C. gilt pig. ee! cash if price is r
and pig reg. cholera treated, etc.
want 1 male pig, Duroc or P. C.
ther or crossed, in good health ft
feeding use, treated, etc. J. W. Gal
rett, -Ateo, Ga: Box, 81.5 a

Want pigs and meat hogs at
onable price. C. B. Smith, La

eorgia Products For Sale

Frost proof Eng. peas, 2 tea cups

25c or 15c cup. Exch. 1 qt. for
qt. of beans. Add postage. Money
aes C. W. Watkins, Madison, Ga.

60 bu. Brabhams, unmixed, new 1930

hep; 52.00 bu, G. B. Free, - Vienna,
Rt. <2.

Velvet beans for seed, $z.ou bu. or
21. tor NO. 1 N, C. Runner, and pure

ed skin Spanish peanuts and Sum-

merours puce Hai anid Half cotton

eed. . W. Hinson, Jr., Haz-ehurst,

lack Crowders, 10c Ib. also whit'e
Houston Jumbo peanut
seed ~6- Limited :upply, 6c lb. vas. A.
Shauncey, Screven, Ga.
5 bu. New Eras, $2 bu. FOB. Money
der. Exch. 1 bu. for 1 bu. pure bunch
Unknown peas. Ea. to pay postage.
mes T. holt, Summerviie, Ga. RrD

bu. large cream crowders, 10c lb.
+. W W.lLams, Boston, Ga,
13 bu. Irons, brivht ani sound, $2
ce FOB Geneva (C. of Ga. RR) or
auk (AB& UC RR). H. D. Lancaster,
Juniper, Ga.
ere cream sugar crcwders, 15c lb.
del. ey C.ement Smith, Austell, Ga.

40 b.. Lady peas, 2 crops a yr. 30c

0 lbs. of mush or fifteen minute

as; 205 Ib. Miss
aephz.bah: Ga.

Su-ar cr wders, $125 es FOB,
21.0 Blue Whips, $2 25 bu: Fe Ww. Mor-
eer Winterville. Ga.

100 b. nice White Bunch limas, 15
Mos. B.-F.. Jes up; Chester, Ga.
- Buvpees stringless green pod bunch
beans, Roc. Ib; postpaid. ~Mrs. W. N.

Jonson Cordele Ga. Rt. C.

Good, sound Qtootaas, recleaned,
83.75 bu. or exch. for few shcats, 50
Db. C:H. Turner; Luthersvil e,.Ga.

Sounl, so d Oscootans, recleancd

50 bu.: Cash with order. R. B. Tur-
ner, Luthersvile, Ga.

12 bu. Otootan:, rezleaned, $4 bu. or

45 for Ict; also 600 bundles of good
fodder, $1.75 per 100 Marshall Kin-

y. Lincolnton, Ga. Rt. 3.


Whatileys prolific nubbed anJ shell-

eo bn. or foc peck J. N.-. Olds,
Middleton, Ga: Rt. 1

Bx cient corn kept in cribs, wel!

an ed against weevils. slipped shuck
1 bur in: shuck; $1.10 if'-shucked. J.
Dean, Dawson, Ga.

Imp. E astings, $1.75 bu. FOB. T. W.

Mcrrison, Wintervile, Ga.

Woo.'s imp. yellow Dent, 50c gal.
Mrs. C. "F:\ Hunt, Cumming, Ga.

tIev> very pcolific, nubbed and
helled, $2 bu. Can-furnish large amts.

\ khine, Ga.

Genuine What! eys prolific and Mex-
ican June, $2 bu. FOB. or exch. for
sound. cean 90-dav speck:ed velvet

eans or Calif. black-eyed peas. J. T.

mmaze, M. D. Pineview, Ga.

Mexican B ue June, sound and pure

31 peck, $3.50 bu. del. Exch. for! vel-

t beans or peanuts. J. P. Adams,

uniper, Ga.

: . heavy slipped shuck corn,

. O.S Williams, Scctland, Ga.
- Cuban Flint yellow. $2 bu. FOB or
exch. for Bunch velvet beans or Run-
On peanuts. P. J. Wa'son, Nunez,

a. .
'Goov= Gelien Prolific, 2nd. yrs $1

k. $3 bu. J. H. Gocd Corde'e, Ga.

Hendercon yellow 60: pk..$2 bu. J.

Brocme, Hephzibah, Ga.

Woateys ani Ha tings prolific,
pure, 502 pk. sheled, $1.75 bu. also.

slue Ribbon syrup cane seed, 50c gal.

3 bu. Exch. for any var. field peas.
of A. Compton, Comer, Ga. Rt. 4.

~Grlien Beautv yellow, F.eld select-

a, $3. bu. or crib selected, a bu. No

ess than 1 bu. shipped. H. R. Staight,
Demorest, Ga. 7

50 bu. each, Piedmont Cleveland
and Mathis Tooe, for sale or exch.

seed peanuts. Bu.: for bu. J.-E:
ee nay Sti Ga.

Cary Collins,


Wannamakers Cleveand, 1929 crop. | 2.

ES bu. Exca.
semland Ga.
Imp. Toole, Mathis str., Ist yr. for
ale. J. G. Dean, Dawson, Ga.

- Cooks cotton seed for sale or exch.

@ -M. Rogers, Barney, Ga.

hbo $1 bu. Privatelv ginned. Jas.
pees, Screven, Ga.

20 bu
pn. FOB.

some. O. S. Wiliams,

Pure Piedmont ped. Cleveland big. ;


-L. W. Seago, Pinehurst,


Addi ons early big boll. 75c |


Poulnot cotton -seed, $1 bu. - H.
Benson, Hawkinsville, Ga. Rt. d

Pure Addisons extra ear_y, prolific
med. bo.l. 75c bu. FOB. Exch. tor 8 or
10 wks. old pigs. .J. P. Adams, Juni-
per, Ga.

75 bu. Wilson type, 2nd yr. and 50
bu. Cokers No. 5, Ist yr. Both $1 bu.
G. W. Ross, Rhine, Ga: Rt. 2.

Half and Half, $1.50 bu. Exch. a few
for Runner <eed peanuts. W. J. Mor-
gaa, Stilmore, Ga. Rt. 1.

Cooks imp. Guar. to be pure seed.
$1 bu. Cash or money order. No
shecks. J..T. Sills, Ambrcse, Ga.

Wannamaker Cle.e and, recleaned,
2c lb. FOB. J. H. Rooks, Springvale,


Hickory smoked hams, 16 to 28 lbs.
30c lb. del. in 50 lb. lots and over; less
than 50 lbs. 32c lb. shoulders, 10 to 24
lbs. 20c lb. del in 50 Ib. Less, 22c; sides
with ribs and half backbone in ea. side,
20c del. in 50 lb. Less, 22c. Jo Fk,
Gammaze, M. D., Pine View, Ga.


250 bu. Terry Winter 2pples, sound,
polished and graded. 85c and $1.10 bu.
to truck only; Terrys, about 18 doz. to
box, $1.50 per box FOB. H. R. Staizht,
emorest, Ga,

Nice sundried eres, 1930. crop, 20c
lb. del. Mrs. O. L. Craft, Lavonia, Ga.

Sagrain 303, the new grain, hay,
fcrage and silage crop. Ist yr. kept
pure. 5 lbs. $1; $2 pk. $5 bu. H. A.

eal, Carnesville, Ga.

2 or 3 cars clean, brighi, wel] bal-
ed peanut hay, 912.50 ton FOB. Cor-
dele or Roche! e.
J., Pine View, Ga.

About 5 tons bright grass and Les-
pedeza hay, $20 ton FO. O. S. Will-
ams, Scotland, Ga.

75 lbs. strained honey, 10c lb. All in
1 can. W. J. Morgan, Stillmore, Ga.
Bt i

1 doz. bee hives. Old time gums. D.
L. O'Steen, Douglas, Ga. RFD 2,

8 ola fashioned stands of honey bees
$2.50. E. L. Dixon, Blackshear, Ga.
Rt. 1. Box 104. K


Large size peanuis, 60c peck and pos-
tage. C. W. Watkins, Madison, Ga.
RFD 2. ae

lu bu. No. 1 Spanish, 7c lb. 20 Ib.
Running and 20 lbs. Bunch butter
beans, 18c lb. 10 bu. yellow yams at
95c bu. FOB. A. H. Richardson, Ella-
ville, Ga.

50 Ibs. Stuart paper shells, 25c Ib.
ee Mrs. Wilie Ennis, Sylvania, Ga.


Guar. pure, Gov. insp. vine Porto
Ricans seed, $1.50 hamper. Jas., A.
Chauncey, Screven, Ga.

A 1ew ump. Porvo Ricans from vines
for .seed, $0c bu. FOB.: Exch. tor
.ound bunch velvet beans, or N. tv.
Runner peanuts. P. J. Watson, Nu-
neZ, Ga. Rt. 1: ; g

Porto Rico seed potatoes. Sound
field run. 75c bu. FOB. J. H. Rooks,
Springvale, Ga.

Porto Ricans at hill, 75c bu. J) F.
Lovett, Pinehurst, Ga.


Guar. pure, bright, highly flavored
Ga. Cane syrup from Red_ Ribbon
and Green cane. 1-2 gal. cans, label-
ed, 50 can. Cash, Jas. A. Chauncey,
Screven, Ga.

1930 crop good, thick Texas Cane
syrup, 60c per 10 lb bucket. R. B.
Turner, Luthersvi-le, Ga.

Turnips, $3 per 100 lbs.
cabba7e plants or onion sets or runninz
peanuts. J. T. Tailey, Juliette, Ga. Rt.

Jerusalem artichokes, also another
kind $1 bu. in lots of 5 bu. or more.
Small orders, 3c lb. FOB. Exch. for
cornfield peas at market price. Ira C.
Anderson, Roy, Ga.

Georgia Products _ Wanted

Want 1 gal. each, white and cream

\crowders and Henderson's baby lima

J. T. Gammage, M.

Exch. for

beans. Exch. value. Mrs. R. F. Ter-
rell, Greenville, Ga. Rt. 3.
Will pay 10c lb. for 3 to 5 bs. Castor ,

Oil beans, 1930 Ga. grown, new seed, |

postpaid. J. L. Ebeores Stone Mtn.


Want 25 bu. ee velvet beans, at
$1.25 del Ellaville. . H. Richardson,
Eallaville, Ga.

Want 25 bu. 90-day running beans or
Velvets. Exch Watson melon seed, at
HOG 1D, CPs, Eno, Thomson, Ga.


Want 1 bu. cf the old fashioned good
seed Yellow seed corn, 1 ear to the
stalk. a cash or exch potatoes for
same. . J. Watson, Nunez, Ga.


Exch. 1 M. Gov't. insp. purple skin
Porto Rico pot. plants at $2 M. April
del for dried apples or peaches, free
from worms. Ea. to pay trans. chgs.
(No name and address given).


Exch. some pure Porto . Rico pot.
plants, State insp. at $1.50 M. for 10
bu. Runner peanuts at 4c lb. also exch
12 bu. Toole cotton seed for 12 bu.
white Spanish peanuts. Bu. for bu.
G. W. Haztsy, Dawsoa, Ga.

Exch. good value for seed Spanish
peanuts. A. N. Wiggins, Preston, Ga.


Exch. 4 or 5 bu. Wannamaker Cleve-
land cotton seed for same number bu.
imp. Porto Rico potatoes for bedding.
S..F. Bohanan, Conyers, Ga, Rt. 2.

Want 6 bbls. No. 2 syrup pure Ga.
cane del. 2, A-1. Quote be.t price. A.
H. Richardson, Ellaville, Gaucss

Seed For Bale.

Tomato. seed, Greaier Ba tiniovre.
New Stone, Red Rock, and Matchuiess.
ol Ib. Mareglobe, $2 ib. Pusipa.d. 3 tz.
pkgs, 25c. R. E. McRee, Meigs, Ga ~

15 lbs. Early Alaska pea. Le.s tian
5 lb. 15 lb. de:. $2 FOB for the lot.
Exch for sweet or irish potatoes. Cash
= order. P. E. Rhodes, Baldwin,


2 bu. Johnson grass seed, for sale.

. S. Bradley, Menio, Ga. Rt. 2.

8 Ibs. Liisey, 50: Ib. 7 ibs- Gleck-


ley Sweet, 50c lb. Clement
White Multip.ying nest Salons 40c

Austell, Ga. Rt. 1.

jal. de. or 30 rO3. Mrs. Len senk- ;

deil, Hartwell, Gao Rt. -2:

5 or 6 lbs. yellow crook neck squash
seed, 50c lb. or exch for N. Ca Runner
poanuts, 90-day beans, field

eas, bunch butterbeans, or cabbage
or onion plants. F. W. Rahn, Ringo.) | -

Ga. Rt 2.

Limited amt. the famous Wonder
melon seed, $2 lb. J. H. Books, Spring-
vale, Ga.

Calif. sorghum cane, 5c lb. FOB.
Exch. for Ribbon Cane to p. ant. L. L.
Story, Clay Lil, Ga.

White multiplying onion bataal!
20c gal. FOB; sev. gal. little white.
mush peas, $1. 25 pk. or $4 bu. white
running butter beans, 25c lb. white
bunch butter beans, 30c lb. aso sev.
bu. Valencia peanuts, lec :b. $3.50 bu
Exch 2 bu. peanuts for 2 bu. N. C.
Runner peanuts, pure for scd, also
ave pink skin Porto Rizo potatoes,
$1.50 bu. All FOB here. H. G. Ker-
2y, Nunez, Ga. Es
Ha-tings syrup cane~ seed, hand
c-eaned, 2nd yr. c lb. or 60c peck del
n Ga. Cash or money order. J. N.
Jlds. Jr.. Middleton, Ga. Rt. 1.

4 Ibs. Dixie Belle watermelon seed,
>and picked from choice melons, 502
lb Ge. Mrs. J. El'iston, Rupert, Ga.

White nest onions, 0: gal. White
Lady peas, 10c lb. brown bunch gar-
den beans, early var. free of weevils,
202 per cup ful. Money order prefer-
red. Alice Hodges, Greenville, Ga.
RE.28; BOX. a9.

Few Ibs. Syrup cane seed, Texas
Blue, 10c Ib. or exch. for turkey eggs.
P, 3 os Nunez, Ga.

ite nest onions, 602 gal. or 2 gal
$1; 1-2 bu. $180. Del Ga. No eheees.
Mrs. E. A. Smith, Greenville, ig Rt.

BY ide Be'le, 402 lb. pc Stpaid, or exch
3 lbs-tor 2 gal. syrup. I to pay post-

-age on seed and other party on syrupe)

J. R. Hal!, Ivey, Ga.

109 lbs. new crop pimiento seed 50.
'b. .Exch for farm products or po-
tato plants at wholesale prices. O. C.
Perdue. Yatesville, Ga.

Calif. beer seed, 10c per oe A.

A. Nash, Riverdale, Ga. Rt.

Chas. Wakefield Sepbage pee $1 25


Thursday, February 19, 1931,
Ib. Bermuda onicn seed, 1-4 lb. 50c;
Stone Mtn. melon seed, Oc Ib.--Ail
del. A. W. Parsons, Abbevi le, Ga:
oc Mtn. 75c Ib. not postpaid,
Sample on request. No personal.
chec Mrs. I. E. Rodgers, TS
Ga. :
Between 2 and 3M Ibs. Stone Mt
20 to 50 lb. lots, 70c lb. 10 to 20 lb
85c; 1 to 10 ib. $1 lb. J. D. Alexander,
McDonough, Ga. Looe
Waite velvet okra, 30c Ib. Mrs. Ww.
4. DeLoach, Spiingiield, Ga. sae
5 bu. good, sound sorghum cane seed a
32 bu. FOB. John P. Cheney, Mari-
atta, Ga. 1012 Whitlock Ave.
Long green pod okra, alco white
ve. vet, 50c-lb. or exch. fcr Spanish .
r Runner peanuts. L J. narris, /

Waycross, Ga. Rt. 3, Box 14.

Thurmond. Greys 50c lb. or exch fo:
thickens, pigs or peanuts. J. E. Horne,
Pinehurst, Ga. a:

Texas cane seed, = bu. or exch. for
peanuts at 4c lb. R. B. Turner, Lu-"
_iersville, Ga. .

Spring turnip and mustard seed,
mixed, 2 tbls. for 10c or 25 per cup
full. "Money order. C. W. Watkins,
Madison, Ga. Rt. 2.

1-2 lb. Ga. Ruffled mustard seed,
30c, or 5c thls. Exch for white table
peas, litte mush peas or cream peas.
Mrs. D. J. Johnson, Ailey, Ga. oo Pie

Watson sound seed, 5 lbs. ~-0c
Ib. A. J. Gilbert, Hawkinsvil e Ga,
Rt. 4.

Broom corn seed, 20c lb. postpaid,
15 Ib. col. or 2-1- 2 bu. for $10. Cash
with order. Buyer to pay trans. chgs,
iugh Pickle .Summerviile, Ga. Rt. 4.

40 lbs. 19350 prop white velvet Be
seed. Less than 5 lbs, 40c Ib. 5 Ibs.
and over, 35c -b. postpaid. Cash or
money order with order. J. G. North,
sharpsburg, Ga.

Vegei able huckleberry seed, 10 tea
po ful ; okra seed 20c on full.

Compton, Comer, Ga. Rt.

D pure red, Green and Ribbon seed
sane. Av. 3 ft. $2 a 100,sacked for |
protection. ae A. Chauncey, Scre-
en, Ga.

Ha. tings syrup cane, 150 Ibs, 15c
ib. up. to 10 lb. Abgve, 10c lb. ist yr
E. B. Adams, Oglethorpe, Ga. Rt. 2.

Seed Wanted

Exch. 1 bu. Java peas for 1 bu. seed
chufas; also exch. 1 bu. of Javas for 1
bu. O-too-tans, if recleaned and suit-
able for planting. Peas are bright and

Rt. 2.
Exch. insp. potato plants for good
Tom Watson o: Stone Mtn. watermelon
seed. 5 lbs. seed for 2 M. plants. R. S.
Wolfe, ; Baxley, Ga. 2

_Second- -Hand Machinery
Wanted oe

Want one or two row Mr. Bil! plan-_
ter with fertilizer attachmen:. state
cond. and cash price. W. A Edge,
Pitts, Ga. ;

Live Stock Wanted

I. G. Thompson, Cummit, Ga.

- Want to eacn, vaiue icr 4 Duroc ade
or Berk_hire shoats, wt. about 50 or
60 lbs. each. Ea. to pay irans chgs.
c. A. Langston, Ashland, Ga.
Exch, 2 bu. Hasvings p.o.ific seed
corn, 3 to 6 ears to sia k, at $2.50 bu.
for a-good Duroc or Hampshire, or
any good breed pigs. Comer Meeks,
Alto, Ga. Rt. 2.
Exch baby chicks or part baby chicks :
aad part cash, for young full biood
Deroe J. Ss: P, C.. Back P, -C... Ab
dampshire. Or young pigs of breed
mentioned above, wt. from 30 to 40
ce Mrs. L. S. Andrews, Ochlochnee,
Exch. value for a hdg or gilt. Write.
T. P. Boatright, Summit, Ga. Rt. 1. |
Want little bone, stay- -fat kind _
nea gilt for breeding purposes. Exch. 1
white boar in good cond. wt. 0 ofr 90
lbs. on foot, or pay cash. Tom Brown,
Rhine, Ga. Rt. 3: ae
Exch. pr. turkeys, wt. 15 Ibs. for 1
S. P. C. git, full blood. or for Duroc
J. gilt. Ea. to pav express. J. L. Mc-

Crea. Alma, Ga RFD

Want pics, shcats, hogs. 20 to 500
head. Quofe best. prices, M. Simmons,
Tucker, Ga.
Exch. 5 gal. nice. home made syrup
for a 6 wks. old Red oe S. P. C.
or ey bone Guinea gilt. J. N. Olds,
.Jr.. Mdtleten. Ga. Rt. 1.

~, Exch 100 S. C. R I. Red eggs, or a

*6 val. exch for pig wt. not. less
40lbs. Mrs. C. R. Black, The Rock,
Ga. Rt. 1.


thursday, February 19, 1931.
2 Live Stock For Sale |


5 good J. milch cows and 5 nice hei-

rs that will freshen this yr. inciud-
ing 2 reg. J. heifers, from Tifton A&M
Co.lege, also 1 bul from A&M col-
lege, about 6 mos. old. Reasonable

age M. Y. Arnold, Fitzgerald, Ga

Reg. Hereford cattle, both sex: also
sey. nice, young bulls. E. T. Bosweli,
Siloam, Ga. . :


. P. C. pigs,. $5 each and up. E.

E swell, Siloam, Ga.

2 brood sows, 7 pigs, P. C. cheap at
my barn; also 2 calves, 2 mo; old, $3
each at my barn; 2 cthers, $5 each

da mae hog, 8 mos old ready for
service. Jess Wilson, Machen, Ga.

Guinea, 6 wks. old pigs, $15 pr. $9
each; 1 pure bred P. C. sow. 18 mos
old. Has raised 1 Jitier of pigs, bred
to Guinea male for April farrow. Ent
to reg. $25 or exch for 25 nannie goats
to my place. R. E. Barnes, Sum-
mit, Ga, ;

A few shoaty pigs, and 16 No. 1

-porkers. H. H. Lake, Lovett, Ga.

__ On March 16th will have some very

high grade reg. Berkshire pies to seil
it $8 each, reg. in buyers name. Ju-

lian Mauldin, Lavonia, Ga. Rt. 2.

6 pigs, 12 wks. old, half B. P. C.
and half S. P. C. Pure stock. Treate4
acvainst cholera. Wt. around 25 or 30
Ibs. each. $5 each, FOB. Mrs. H. A.
Humphrey. Mitchell, Ga. Rt. 1.
2 nice Big Bone P. C. mae pigs, $4
each; male and female pigs, Blue
Guinea and Biz Bone P. C crossed
$4 each. Tom Snider, Gibson, Ga.

N. Z. Whites and N.-Z. Reds

reasonable prices.

H. H. Melton, Thomasvile, Ga.

_A few Silver Marten and Hima'av-

Al from reg. stock.

ans, does and. bucks, at . reas-nable
prices. All from reg. stock. W. M.
peeon, Thomasvi'le, Ga... > 3
A few Ped. Chin. breeders. Reascon-
ble Prices. M. S. Rogers, Thomasvile

2 pr. young rabbits, ready for ser-
Vice. Ent. to ree. $1 pr. Charles Wai-
Son, Marietta. Ga. ~

_.__Nannie milk goat, $25. 2 yrs. old.
Horness. R. S. Gaines, Dewyroze.
Ge. Rt. 2...

a Live Stock Wanted

-_ Want heifer calf, a few days old.
Jersey or Guernsey. Must be reg. 0!
rem extra high producing st*ck, anc
Cheap for cash. R. T. V.
eed or
__ Exch. 1 Duroc J. boar, 3 yrs. old
with papers for 1 Holstein or Guern-
sey bul with papers. Prefer 1 1-2 or
2 yrs. old. Joe Powell, Stockton, Ga.

_ Want 200 head cattle, 6 mvs. to 3
Tod: or

mos. old, to put on pasture.
B. Miller, Dawson, Ga.

_. Want 1 or 2 pigs, 8 to 10 wks. old
of good stock, for making meat thir
fall, Must be good pig and cheap
for cash. State bect price FOB. A.
E. Nelson, Sugar Valley. Ga. Rt. 1.
_Want reg. silts that will farrow a
early date. Prefer P. C. Mrs. Roy
Thornton, Monroe, Ga. RFD .

Want 1 mare mule in good cond.
, ae cheap. Mrs. W. K. Phillips, Bre-

den. Marsha'lville, Ga...

__, Want saddle horse, not over 10 yrs:
Old. Sound: and gentle. wt. not less
ogg 1M ibs. H. A. Aycock, Shellman.

Exch. good vaue for good work

_ mule eear here.. H. I. Peebles, Love-

_ Exch. value for. mule, near Atlanta.
O. S. Payne. Chamblee, Ga. Rt. 1.
On Briar Cliff Read: ~ gi :
.,. Want very smal] mule or pony that
S gentle and walks slow when plow-
ing, suitable for an old man to work.
ve low cash price.

| 29. mi. of bere. G M. Fishback.
Coege Park, Ga. Rt. 1. i

__ Want good saddle horse cheap for
Cash. Must be fast walker. Prefer
bay or black in cclor. .Give full de-
Scription and best price in first let-
ter. L. L. DeLoach, Clyo, Ga.


_f,eggs and half of l'ttle chicks.

Schwal's -

.| ves to 10 wks.
| Acshand, Ga. Rt. 1.. 4

Must be with-


Want to rent 2 good farm mules,
wi. 1M to 1100 lbs. Will pay in ad-
vance for rental. Or would consider
buying 1 and renting one, cr buy botn
if given some time to pay. W. M.
pees, Atlanta, Ga. 712 Kirkwood

ve. Z

Want to rent a mule or horse to
-a-m with at reasonab.e rent. P. C.
Reid. Bremen, Ga.

Want to reni good farm mue: for
this yr. or wil buy on Fall terms or
Ca. value for same.

reston, Ga.

Want to rent good, gentle farm
mule, about March lst to make light
srop. H.R. Clarke, Waleska, Ga.

Want mule for hay. J. H. McClel-
and, Waycross, Ga. RFD.


Want 2 Silver Fox.and 2 Silver Mar-
tin rabbit does, 2 mos. or older. Her-
man Mize, Americus, Ga.

Want 1 pr.. good, healthy rabbits,
about 1 yr. old. Exch. 2 set. of pure
bred R. I. Red eggs. G. T. Kesler,
Nicholson, Ga.


Want sheep for breeding purposes
R. H. Govan, Atlanta, Ga. 510 More-
land Ave., N.E.

Want 1 ccmmon bily goat. Prefer 1
with horns. Exch. fodder. G. B. Ver-
ner, Monroe, Ga. :

Baby Chicks Wanted

Want 500 chicks to raise on halves to
8 wks. old. Guar party 250 chicks if
they will furnish the feed and ship th-
chicks. Must be good stock. T. W.
Roberts, College Park, Ga. 417 E. Mer-

| cer St.

Want baby chicks to raise on halves
to 8 wks. old, or wil take 15 or 20 hens.
feed and best attention and give half
Agnes W2ters, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want from 1 to 200 any large breed
chicks to raise on ha'ves to 10 wks. old.
Will take that number the first of ea
month until the first of May. Mrs.
en-y Welch, Eatonton Ga. .

Want best prices on 200 S. C. R. I.
Red. baby chicks. Mrs. W. T. Allen.
Menroe, Ca RFD 3. :
_ Exch. 10 M frost proof Chas. W. cab-
baze plants for 50 J. B. Giant baby
chicys. Plants now ready. oO. W.
Poctick, Hahira, Ga. oe

Want 150 baby chicks to raise on hal-
ves to 8 wks. Pure bed Rocks or Buffs
or Reds State when can ship. May
Lillie Johnson, Martin, Ga. .

Want 500 chicks, Ginn and . Red

sames to raise on shares. also Ginn

Grey ezgs. Exch value.
sending. D. M.- Moore,
Ga Rte 2a ; :
- Want any amt. of heavy breed chicks
tg raise to 8 wks. on 50-50 or will exch
Stone Mtn. melon seed at 75c Ib. for
them. | Wiley Rogers, Wray. Ga.

Exch W2nnamaker wilt resistant cot-
ton seed at 90c bu. for any large str.

Write before

biddies; also will take 500 W. L. and

raice on halves to 8 wks. old. Mrs. W.

H. Brown, Summit, Ga. :
Want about 200 heavy breed chicks

to raise on halves to 8 wxs. old. Mrs.

MiJton Minshew, Walden. Ga.:

-.Watn baby chicks to raise on halves
in large or small quantities, to any
reasonale length of time. Cornish
Tndian Red games preferred. Write be-
fore sending. Mrs. J. T. Goodrum,
Warwick. Gal RFD 2. | ;

Want 309 chicks to raise on halves to
8 wks. old. Reds preferred. Party to
pay. postage. Not later than Feb. 20th
or March ist. Mrs. Leila Cole, Duluth,
Ga. Box

Want 100 R. I. Reds to raise on hal-|

Mrs. Ettie Whitfield.

Went 50 0- 100 B R. or Red baby
chicks to raise on halves. March or
April hatch. Miss Drucilla Dodd, Sum-
merville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 200 any laree breed chicks to
raise on shares.-until 10 wks. cld Mrs.
W. N. Roberts, Ellabell, Ga. Rt. 1. Box

YeE oS

Want 50 B. L. or Light Brahma day

|old chicks to raise on halves to 8 wks.

old. Charley Davidson. Alto. Ga. Pt. 1.
Exch. B. R. cocevels from 210-260

eve hens. for baby chicks, same b~eed. |

Mrs. C. H. Rhedes. Rovston, Ga. Rt. 2.
Want to buy 20 or 25 White Rock. or

R. J. Red day olf chicks at 10 each.

by March Ist. Will alco pay postage

on them. Mrs. Grady Chapman, But-

lersGa RED 1... = See Air
Want 100 dark Cornish game chicks
and 50 B. R. or other big stock to raise


A. N. Wiggins,

P Adal


PysFFf Qrn. Ares. ey 1
|naid, GN. Pain. -Edison. Ga..

-hefore sendin,

on halves to 6 wks. old. Sender to pay
postage both ways. Mrs. Noah Hutch-
eson, Soperton, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want 2 or 300 Reds to raise on hal-

ves to 8 or 10 wks. old by first of Mar.
Mrs. J. S. Weatherly, Hoschton, Ga.

; Eggs For Sale

_ Pure bred Tancred W. L. eggs, $4-
30 per 100 FOB. Mrs. W. H. Dur-
en, Stilimore, Ga. RFD 2.

Fawn and. White
ducks, Berry str. $2. per <et. of 13,
#OB. Crates ret. Money order. M.
J. Tate, Jefferson, Ga. Rt. 1.

Can furnish 15 down fresh eggs per
week to party that will furnish crate
and pay postage at 25c doz. Mrs. Pearl
Je son, Ca houn, Ga. Rt. 5.

White and S. L. Wyandotte eggs, $1
rer 15 FOB. L. A. Horton, Atlanta,
xa. 1169 Kontz Ave., N. W., Corner W.
4th St.

Dun'ap str. Red eggs, 75c per 15;
Special prices on large orders. Exch.
or a heifer calf. Will have 250 per
veek. Mrs. H. E. Alderman, Wrights-
ille, Ga.

Tancred and Eng. strain W. L. eggs.
ll eggs from 300 stock. guar. 90 per
cent fertile. $1.50 per 15, $2 for 25;
*3.50 per 50 $6 a 100. M. L. Cordle,
\rmuchee, Ga.

Reva] Dorcas Wvandotte eers, 75c
rer 15 prepaid Cartons ret. also Big
Rlue Genre, Sichty mixed with wht..
s~os, $1.25 per doz. Mrs. G. E. Bla-
ek. Lverlv. Ga. Rt. 2.

W. L. eges. carefully selected and
~ted for hatching, 40 doz. FOB:
I-n hatchine eers from large White
ekin ducks. 75 dz. or exch. for peas
yr cane seed. Cash with order. F A.
Hts Washington, Ga. E. Rt. 1, Box

Ferris best eres W. L. eves, 75ce ner
8. Cash with order. No checks. Mrs.
TA. Clark. Dallas. Ga. Rt. 1.

Pure bred Thompson B. R. eges. $1
sor 15. Cartons ret. _Money order
*th order. Mrs. I. E. * McArthur.
Mn FFEAN Ga. i
J. R Giant eros. $1.25 per 15 $2.25
mar 2: 5 gq 191 del Crates ret. Pova
Ourple str W. H. Richardson, Elber-
-_ Ga. Rt. 3. ;

Prive Shernar? str. Anenna ecgs, $1
sar 18 448 gq IMM: $19.FN nor 3A0 eves,
a Emeine Jones, Backshear, Ga..

Bros from evhihition S. CC. Rilack
Tineraas at half price, $2 ner 15. Cor-
-n vot C. N. Bradshaw. Augusta, Ga.
54 West Ave. :

Pars ctr. S C Black Minorca eces
8 9 100: #19 rer 15: del. Mrs, C. L
Mehbhersa, Caira. Ga. ue" gts
Puro hred Pinclet B R. eeas, $1 per.
15 postnaida. Mrs. N. R. Wilson. Can-
a Ga Rt. 25

Prva heed S TT. Wrandotte evrs. $1
sar 1h del Carton vet. W. T. Adams
Tervonia Gas Rox: 381.5

R. R. eros, from verv fine stork
savafiiiv: selected ete; 819A, ner: 16
995 ner 20 ay he the 1N0 Iots, Be an
ave. Also hahv ahieks $14 q 1990. Miict
sanaive ardaer 3 wks, in advance for
Eves cent dav order received.
T RL Rowen, Rockinwham, Ga. Rt. 1

Darke BR PR aerrs 2 ner 1h del, Rex
sor, Non. 195-C-21. Stock. direct from
Parks Jast vr Gream erade. Mrs. W.
Tr Wshcon,; Galhovn Ga Rt. 2.

Thersauehhred Golden Buff Orn
aves 85e ner set. shipped. or 75 at mv
soma. Mrs. A. C. Reese, Mitchel.
fa Rt. 1! es See

Rortkine Ardare far March and An-
41 Ael. of Mammoth Branze turver
aves 282 each. Postase paid on Jdts
sf 19 evog and over, 7. Carter Pat-
+ayn. Alton Park. Tenn., Walker Coun-
tey +qQ : eS

oe Narle Gernich game errs, 1 -
IN nen 18 Nastnaiq. Mrs. Fred F. John-
can TDaweon Ga Rt. 6)

PRorron Rone, W. Te from 286
atanie. Pennevivania Ponltry farm
Eros. 2. ner 50 or $5 a
nN FO Paina Athens. Ca.

Tamnking and Qwen str. Red eros,
1 ner 15 Miss Carlee Kemp. Ma-
wiatiqu(eae fiers eas


Pura head Puff T. eors. *1 py
Aratac: pat. Mec

aan Ga. RFD 2. Rox: 61, fee 3
Wanted ~

Want 2 set. dark. Cornish same
eoog tn praice en chares,


Or will evrh. 1 set of Licht Brakma

ecgs for 1 set. of Game eoe~. Write
Were E. B. Ellington,

Covington, Ga. RFD 1,



Georgia Products For Sa

Indian Runner
| oe. Ga RFD 3

vegas $2? hu

* About 5 bu

e189 ner 19 post-_

g te
per 15]
wm Corbett, Pear-:

ase Rt-3.- 7

Aros met.
he fram nvre bred larve ituna. stork;

i0 bu ure iron peas sound $20
ne lot B F Fagan Martin Ga

White peas with brown eve the
or table and market: also colored
shite butter beans mived Mr Th |
ling to exch. for brooder 500 capa
n gand enone Mrs W T Allen M

Bunch velvet oceans, $2.50 per ot
OR L T Harrison Rt 9 Kite Ga.
Brown sugar eronwder peas 10 pe
b. Plus postage H C Roberts Chip-
ey Ga Rt 1 See


4 bu pure New Era peas $3 per bu
70B J F. Haygood Watkinsville
Ga. os a.

Peas. red Clav Whivpoorwill_ sel
je Ib or $2.50 bu FOB Peas white
with black eves $2 bu fa
White Leehorn nullets English strain,
Lauren Noble. Trenton Ga |
Crowder neas hrown $5 bu or e
Gauren Noble. Trenton. Ga -

Yellow crowder peas $2.59 per hu.
w exch for ribbon eane svrun or lg,
Spanish peanuts J E McBride Ri

> Cataula. Ga

Want to sel) about &80 Ibs

vith black-eve veas got wet hefo
vicking hut make gnnd seed price
h Pearl Griffin. Chickamauga Ga.

Clavs. purvle hull sveckled and
uinch speckled peas sound. clean and
wnt damaged $998 ner bhi Atantan
avs 4 per bu Biloxi sovs $24 hi.
\ll 1930 crop fully matured. clean and
wae fram damage Priree for Mill-
dgeville. Ga. Cash or equivalent wi
vrder No COD Geo T_ Trawick,
Sinton, Gar. Tae
75 Ibs Hastings brown sugar crowd-
rs. sound and clean 12. 1-9 Th

n Ga Mrs Cantain Walker D:
mega. Ga. Rt 4: Box 85 9
Brabs $185 bu Trane $178 bu:
Vhips. $1.65. Mixed slightiv damage
195 by i the above FOB Mauk
a A few cream sngar erowders Te
4 9 few little white black eyed Te
h White vith brown eve 4e tb big

| Tue speckled egnnse peas Add

ostage for small amount
Ga ies
90 or 10) bu mixed Clav and R
also a few hi snecklac
nd. Brah peas not mixed $295 W112.
2 bu. Ladv veas slichtiv weevily,
20v Bassett Juniper Ga Rt 2 _
ye for nlantine use 8e Ib Mrs |
Tills. Brooklet Ga_ 2a
Red Ripners $175 by
\vhont 5 hit Clave \$2 hu: 2 hi slight
v mixed. $1.50 bu. All euar saund
7OR Clermont Cach with order,
Ivn A Mvers Gleveland. Ga Rt
. Good var Tinknown neas $2 bu
70R Rine Ridge R F Rogers. Young
ane. Ga. \
Biloxi Sovs $2.46
ound J H Swan Wrens Ga
Henderson white bunch limas 4 tbs
iol Ist and INA zones 5Ne No Jess
ald. W.H. Waddelle. Pearson Ga
Tareda Sovs $275 bu FOB S &
Tfearn. Palmetto, a. 3
90-dav running speckled eer
0 FOR T E Wise. Pitts Ga Rt 1,
Rox 14 ita
2 teacuns full bunch garden be:
he per cun: little bunch butter be
. euns 35e Cash with order Mrs

aster. Juniper

bn 1930 ~s crop.

& bu vellow crowders $5 hn 1 hu.
2lack crowders $4 hun, 2? bu Sverkled
4% bu 2 bu Rie Rlue Gonse peas
uw or in small tots 19e Ih for
xeept Rilue Gonse 12 1-2 Ib BE
Wnn. Omega .Ga Rt 2.

1mn bu each = Brabhams _ $2.
speckled $170: Clavs $&175 bu
acleaned W R Rush Richland

1K hy bricht Rrahs 9 2" bu

T,. Windham Butler Ga y

Rlack Crowders Ie Ib $125
4 hn Sneckled bunch butter

Ne Ih $9 gal $240 nerk 1-9 bn

W FOR J 7 Crutchfield


2 or 3 Ths fresh butter per wk
h Mrs F W Manghon. Covin

About 6 Ths. fresh ae was '
e Ib or 4c Ib vrepaid Mrs.
hapman. icteveiiie Ga Rt 2

10 to 21 Ibs fresh butter e ve
be Wb de: 8rd zone Cows nia
ested Mrs Bob Sosby Carnesvill

Fresh butter 3c Ib Cooking but.
25 lb, Mrs. B. H. Osborn, Roy, G

. sound eke shuck corn, 90c
. D. Fortner, Bar-

a sshuck.corn, 90c bu. at barn;

FOB Jesup or Odum. O. H.
fesup, Ga. Rt. 2.
leys prolific. $2.50 bu. 5 bu.

ex Barfield, Louisville, Ga. No.

tings pure prolific, Ist yr. 50c pk.
aines, Franklin, Ga. Rt. 1.
tings ist yr. $1. peck.
Canon, Ga.
Mexican June corn, 7c lb. W.
an, Canon, Ga.
an yellow Flint. 2nd yr. Not mix-
white corn. $1 pk. $3 bu. FOB
for field peas or Soy beans.
dy Cook, Pitts, Ga.
stings and Marlboro seed corn,
-and field selected for past 4
7 1-2c lb. del. 10 Ibs. or more.
Moon, Waco, Ga.
ns imp. big white Flint, $1 pk.
bu. J. W. Brown, Helena, Ga.
ms Marlboro prolific. $3 bu.
Ernest Kesler, Nicholson, Ga.
u. slipped shuck white corn, $1
FOB Cairo or Thomasville. tu.
ott, Cairo, Ga.
lected Marlboro, $2 bu. FOB. J.
hirley, Jackson, Ga. Rt. 5. :
atleys prolific. 1st yr. 75c peck,
bu. FOB. Mrs. Ruby Holland,
urst, Ga. Rt. 3.
tings prolific. 1st yr. $3 bu. FOB
ch. for potato plants or bunch
eans. J. H. Beasley, Lavonia,

hatleys red_cob prolific, '75c peck,
bu. pure white Dent, same price.

. Crutchfield, Montrose, Ga.

ellow pop corn, shelled, 7c lb. 10

$3 bu. Harold Morgan, Vi-

sound pop corn, 8c lb. shelled.
umpkin seed, and muskmelon
Sell or exch. sev. cups full for
sacks, some peanuts and pecans.
| postage. Mrs. W. T. Stephens,
sville, Ga. RFD 4.
e Hastings prolific, nubbed and
led, 75c peck, $2.50 bu. F. L. Ra-
deal, Ga.
leys 1st yr. $1 peck, $3 bu. Exch
O-too-tan beans or a good var.
on seed. H. D. Salter, Pitts, Ga.
bu. good slipped shuck corn, 85c
"OB. Robt. Moore, Nichols, Ga.
sh. yellow field Flint. 2 eared
corn, $1 pk. $2.75 bu. FOB. Mil-
umner, Sylvester, Ga. Rt. 3.
hatleys prolific. 1st yr. nubbed

hatleys field selected seed corn,
) bu. 75c pk. J. A.
nt, Ga. RFD 2.
1atleys prolific, $2.50 bu. 2 bu. to
ahs Shorts Golden Queen pop
1-2c lb. 100 lbs. to bag. FOB.
a of Ga. Crop Improvement
. Frank L. Short, Sylvester, Ga.
d selected Barnes Semi Prolific.
k. $3 bu. FOB, or exch. limited
for soy beans, Velvets, peanuts
ae = H. B. Barnes, McRae,
ods Golden Dent, 15c qt. del.
G. Hollomon, Brooklyn, Ga.
Hastings Prolific, nubbed and
ed, $2 bu. or 65c pk. FOB. G. A.
on, Royston, Ga. Rt. 1.
good med. early main crop corn,
om 2-eared field selected. $3.50
. or exch. for 5 lbs. bunch or
g butter beans, Ky. Wonders or
less, 10 Ibs. speckled crowders, or
potato slips, or 1 Ib. Stone Mtn.
elon seed. C. L. Moulder, Bu-
a. Rt. 3.
pu. imp. Truckers favorite, 1st.
day seed corn. 15c pt. 25c qt.
1-2 gal. 50c gal. Money order.
MEE. C. H. Davis, Clarkesville,

Ps pralitio, nubbed and _ shell-
ae FOB. A. W. Tabor, Pow-
eed corn for sale or exch. for
can use; 30 Ibs. seed pop corn
Sell, or exch. for any kind of
eed. Charlie H. Smith, Roop-
S$. Rt,22.
- red cob and Cokers Ellis seed
uar. to please. $1.25 peck, $3.50:
2 bu. del. 2. H. W. Thurmond,
afleys prolific nubbed and
7c peck, oe by. P. H. Wood-

Little eck pow com, nubbed and


Bruce, Fair- |.


shelled. 80c peck, $3 bu. del. or exch.
for syrup, runner or Spanish peanuts.
Ea. to pay chgs. on what they send.
Write first. C. F. Watson, Dawson, Ga.
Rt. 2.

Genuine Whatley, $3 bu. or exch. for
No velvc? beans gr YunNer peanuts.
S. x. Jones, Milan, Ga. Rt. 1.

Whatleys prolific, 200 bu.
FOB. J. H. Perry, Stephens, Ga.

wasver imp. Prize Winner, $1.75
bu T Webb, Ellijay, Ga.

$2 bu.

i980 deop write shelled pop corn, 8c

Cees Yeomans, |

Ib. del. No stamps.
Vidalia, Ga.

300 bu. shelled corn in 140 Ib. bags.
J. F. Lowe, Jr., Ft. Valley, Ga. Box 155.

200 bu. good slipped shuck white
corn, $1 bu. at barn. L. W. Conner,
Abbeville, Ga. phone No. 8002.

Hastings prolific, nubbed and shelled,
$2.50 bu. Hastings Cuban Yellow Flint,
$3 bu. All FOB Milledgeville. Geo.
T. Trawick, Limton, Ga. -

Imp. white pop corn, 10c Ib. in ear.
Add postage. Charley Gowder, Austell,
Ga. RFD 1.

A few bu. pure, 2-eared Mosley seed
corn, $3 bu. or 80c peck. Include pos-
tage with order. Ben F. Powell, Lyler-
ly, Ga..Rt. 2.

Hastings white Rice pop corn, 10c
cup full, also green pod okra seed, 10c
cup full. Add postage. Mrs. O. L. Bush,

Doerun, Ga.

Scotts imp. Marlboro prolific. Big
eared var. 2 we field selection. A
bu. $1.50 per 1-2 bu. $1 peck. Z. L.
Scott, Concord, Ga,

Willets Golden Beauty, carefully se-
lected, nubbed and shelled. $2.75 bu.
Exch. for Brabham peas. Bu. for bu.

E. C. Pope, Ocilla, Ga.

1 car of good, heavy slipped shuck
ear corn, 70c bu. FOB. D. W. Knight,
Dexter, Ga.


Lee Wilson imp. big boll, 1st yr.
from Arkansas, $1 bu. L. L. McCleskey,
Americus, Ga.

Few bu. Covington black root, wilt
resnstant, $1.25 bu. M. D. Mock, Lan-
ier, Ga.

Wannamaker-Cleveland big boll Ist
yr. Grown on my own farm. $2.50 per
100 Ib. bag, FOB. Robt. Davis, Ten-
nille, Ga.

10 bu. imp. Toole, $1 bu. Cash with
ae J. W. Maloney, Sparks, Ga. Rt.

Acala. and Neely, 75c bu. as long as
supply lasts. H. C. Caldwell, Tennille,
Ga, Bt AS. i

50 or 60 bu. imp. prolific Petty-Toole
$1.25 bu. Jerry Jones, Dixie, Ga. RFD

D&PL No. 4 (proved to be the great-
est Upland cotton in existence), $1.25
bu. H. C. Kimbrough, Jr., Chipley, Ga.
Piedmont Cleveland $1 bu. FOB al-
so pure Ruckers. Ist yr. Pure and re-
cleaned. R. C. Temple, Hartwell, Ga.

Piedmont Cleveland big boll. $1 bu.
or exch. for corn. Bu. for bu. Ref.
Bank of Madison. W. E. Stewart,
Buckhead, Ga. Rt. 1.

Neelys Ped. 85c bu. FOB. J. R. Cra-
mer, Carrollton, Ga. Rt. 7.

30 bu. Wannamakers wilt resistant.
2nd yr. also 15 bu. Manleys heavy
fruiter. 75c bu. FOB. Money order or
cashiers check. C. H. Steele, _Bairds-

Half and Half, "5c bu. Exch, for
peas, Velvet beans, or Spanish or N. C.
ae peanuts. J. O. Strom, Milan,


Wilson big poll for sale or exch. for

town, Ga.

Porto Rico potato slips. R. N. Massey,

Nicholson, Ga.

f Genuine, graded and recleaned Wan-.
namakers Cleveland big boll, $1 bu.

N. J. White, Hartwell, Ga. Rt. 1.

50 bu. sound and carefully ginned
Neelys big boll Cleveland, $1 bu. FOB.
P. E. Middlebrooks, Covington, Ga. Rt.
5. Box 92.

150 bu. Wannamaker Cleveland big
boll, ist yr. $1.10 bu. Also..1500. bu.
Wannamakers. 2nd yr. 90c bu. FOB.
Kept pure. Sacked in 100 lb. bags. L.
P. Brandenburg, Senoia, Ga.

Woods extra big boll, $1.10 bu. post-
paid; 100.1bs. by frt. $2.25. Money or-
der. J. H. Davis, Milledgeville, Ga.
Rt: 5. Box 126.

30 bu. of 3 in 1 prize winning cot-
ton seed. $2.50 bu. FOB. Cash (mon-
ey order preferred) with order..
Arah Elliott, Hiram, Ga. \

Cokers .No. 5: 1st: yrs Pure, clean
and henae Make best Pas H. H.

| Fitzpatri

Madison, G
Ruckrs, i bu. frt. paid, oe $2.50 per

Miss |

BU Gi et LN

100 Ibs. 100 lbs. FOB. Cleaned, culled
and sacked. Edgar M. Brown, Hart-
well, Ga. Rt 4.

Pure Coll:ge No. 1. 75c bu. or exch.
for O-toW-tan beat.s, E, N. Hopper,
Ranger, Ga.

Arkansas Rowden 40. 1st yr. Grown
in No. Ga. $1.50 bu. $4 per 100 lbs. FOB.
H. A. Neal, Carnesville, Ga. No. 3.

3 or 4 bu. genuine Wannamakers.
2nd. yr. $3 per 100 ibs I. G. Joiner,
Soperton, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure Wannamakers, 75c bu. or exch.
for Velvet beans or peas, syrup, or Du-
roc J. gilt; also pure Ruckers, 75 bu.
or exch. as above. Sample on request.
Leland E. Adams, Hartwell, Ga. Rt. 2.

40 bu. pure Cokers Cleveland No. 5,
Ist yr. $1 bu. FOB. Y. M. Patterson,
Homer, Ga. Rt. 2.

Mississippi Pine Delta No. 4. $1 bu.
About 20 bu. F. W. Maughon, Coving-
ton, Ga. Rt. 3.

"5 bu. Cokers imp. No. 5, 75c bu. or
exch. for J. heifers, or anything can
G. J. Davis, Milner, Ga. Rt. 2.

Petty Toole wilt resisteant, 75c bu.
J. E. Gregory, Moultrie, Ga. Rt. 5.

About 20 bu. Cokers ped. Super Seven
str. 5, 75c bu. Exch. for full blood big
bone P. C. pigs. W. L. Edwards, Ella-
ville, Ga. Rt. 3.

Piedmonz ped. Cleveland big boll. 1st
yr. 75c bu. FOB. C. L, Ewing, Law-
renceville, Ga. RFD 3. |

About 20 bu. Coker Cleveland No, 5,
ee bu. P. C. Jackson, Fayetteville, Ga.
Re. 2:

Cooks re-imp. 1st. yr. $1 bu. E. L.
Dixon, Blackshear, Ga. Rt. 1. Box 104.

Pure Half and Half. 1st yr. from
Summerour. Limited amt. $4 per 100
lbs. FOB. -Exch. for good, sound Run-
ner or large bunch peanuts. J. B.
Proctor, Eastman, Ga.

Stoneville No. 2. Extremely light
foligae, long staple, Delta & P. L. and
Neelys Cleveland. All guar. C. N.
Adams, Social Circle, Ga.

Half and Half. 1st yr. from Sum-
merour. $1 bu. E. B. Bryant, Coch-
ran, Ga. Rt. 3.

Cotton seed, 75c per cupful. S. D.
Harrison, Kathleen, Ga.

Ruckers. 1st yr. "5c bu. FOB. D. F,
Holcomb, Adairsville, Ga. Rt. 2. = 1s Var, cotton seed. 1st. yr.
Limited amt. $3.50 per bu. FOB. E.
.C. Smith, Ellabell, Ga. :

Ruckers. 1st. yr. 75 bu. FOB. P. M.
Holcomb, Adairsville, Ga. Rt. 2. :

Half and Half, recleaned, $1 bu. exc.

lima beans. J. H. Hardie, Ivey, Ga.
Covington wilt resistant. Cleveland,

| $2.50 per 100. Exch. for white Spanish

peanuts at 4c lb. Also 7 lbs. pure Stone
Mtn. watermelon seed, 50c lb. or exch.
for peanuts. L. B. Law, Leslie, Ga. Rt.

2. Box 106. Be :
Petty-Toole wilt resistant. 2nd yr.

5c bu. Grown on my own farm,
F. Ratliff, Blackshear, Ga. :
Petty Toole. 1st. yr. $2.50 per 100 Jb.

bag, or $1 bu. Also Sikes imp. ped.
a price. J. M. Jones, Omega, Ga.

Heavy Fruiter, Piedmont Cleveland.
Ist yr. each, 75c bu. FOB. W. M. Bry-
ant, Canon, Ga.

Cokers 5 Lock, long staple. 75c bu.
FOB. Cortez Bryan, Canon, Ga.

Good Half and Half, $1 bu. or lot. .of
15 bu. for $13, or 10 bu. $8.75. Exch.
5 bu. for 2 bu. peas, del. Purple Hulls
or Whipps. R. E. Tomberlin, Surren-
cy, Ga.

Petty Toole, Wilson and Cokers No. 5
at-farmers prices. Exch. for peas, -vel-

F. Burch, Jr., Eastman, Ga.

Pure Coker Cleveland, also. Cokers
Super Seven. Ist yr. $1 bu. FOB. W.
H. Moody, Ashburn, Ga.

Mathis Toole, "5c bu. or exch. for 25
|bu. Ga. Runner peanuts. J. E. Horne,
Pinehurst, Ga.

a ee Ped. Cleveland big boll. 1st
e $1 bu. FOB. Clyde Cavin, Menlo,


75 bu. pure Toole, 90c bu. FOB. Exch
for shell corn. Bu for bu. M. L. Moore,
Richland, Ga. Rt. 5.

Wilson type big boll, 150 bu. or exch.
for good, sound white Spanish peanuts
for seed. Bu. for bu. A. L. Law, Ocilla,
Ga. Rt..3.

Silver, Talking Rock, Ga. Rt. 2.

250 bu. 1929 Piedmont Cleveland,
pure) $2.50 per 100 lbs. J. B. Chandler,
Browns Crossing, Ga. :
Half and Half, 80c bu. $2.60 per 100
lbs= Exch: = for -A. ee
Martin, Ga. Rt.

Wilson: type. big boll.. ist il direct.
$3 per'100. J.-H, Tigner, At anta, Ga.
41 i chanas Place.

| white Cornish game chickens

5- bu, for 5 bu. seed oats or for Bunch |

Ithing can use.

vet beans, soy beans, corn or hay. R.|

Pure Ruckers, 75 bu. FOB. D. S.|/H

Thursday, February 19, 1981.

Langford big boll, Wilson big type,
Vandiver heavy fruiter. All pure gin
cleaned. $1.25 bu. Exch. a few bu. of
either var. for cane seed or field peas.
J._A. Bruce, Fairmount, Ga. RFD 2.

Pure Ruckers. ist yr. Recleaned and
graded. $1 bu. FOB. Chas. L. Brown,
Hartwell, Ga. Rt. 4. Box 48.

Wilson type. ist yr. direct. $3 per

100 lbs. E. W. Haralson, Chipley, Ga. _
Genuine Wilson big boll. 1st yr. $3
per 100 lbs. Exch. for Soy beans, Run-
ner Velvet beans, or Brabham peas. H.

B. Barnes, McRae, Ga. No. I.

Imp. Prolific Early King, and Low
Bush wilt resistant, both, 75 bu. or eve.
for Leghorn hens. F. H. Bunn, Mid-
ville, Ga.

Big boll Toole wilt resistant, $1 bu.
or exch. for corn, sound Brab eas, or

Sikes, Sylvester, Ga. ae

Pure Wannamakers. recleaned, 90c
bu. FOB: T. F. Spivey, Harrison, Ga.

Pure Cokers No. 5. $1 bu. 5 or more
bu. 75c bu. Exch. for peas. W. D.
Hardaway, Atlanta, Ga. 15 Hunter &t.
S. E.
Wannamaker Cleveland big boll, 60c
per bu. Exch. for N. C. Runner pea-
nuts, cow peas, and a few velvet beans. :
G. L. Knight, Thomasville, Ga. No. 1.

25 bu. pure Wannamakers. 3rd, yr.
75c bu. FOB. K. R. Smith, Thomson,
Ga. No. 2. =

Cook 307-6 and Toole. Both $1 bu. A.
C. Price, Bronwood, Ga.

Imp. Wannamakers. 2nd yr. No black
seed. $1 bu. Z. L. Scott, Concord, Ga.
Cokers No. 5. $1.25 per bu. FOB.
sips Sago No other var. planted
near. . L. Callaway, Rayle, Ga. ae

eke pure Half and Half, $1 bu. del. _
or exch. for field peas or syrup. A. J.
Carter, Scott, Ga. Rt. 1.

Hoopers early prolific. Very early .

good linter, with 1 in. staple. Price to
be in line with price of cotton. M. J.

Hooper, Cumming, Ga.
Pure Piedmont Cleveland -and pure
Wannamaker Cleveland. $1 bu. Exch.
for Soy beans or peas.
Hoschton, Ga. {
Lee Wilson type, $1 per bu. Mabene
seed, $1 bu. Other seeds, 75c bu. J. H.

Leverett, Parrott, Ga.

- Wannamakers, pure and sound,
cheap for quick sale. Exch. 3 bu. for 9
Success pecan trees, fresh dug. 4 ft._
high. B. F. Fagan, Martin, Ga.

Pure, sound Cokers No. 5. 60c bu. 8.

L. Thornton, Dewyrose, Ga. Rt. 2.
Cooks imp. lst yr. $1 bu. Jesse Gil-

bert, Waynesboro, Ga. Rt. 1.

Ped. Piedmont Cleveland, $1 bu. $3
a 100. Exch. for Brabham ae or N. -
C. Runner peanuts at 4c lb. EB. C. Pope, s
Ocilla, Ga.

75 bu. Cooks, in small lots, $1 bu. B. .
A. Bishop, Fitzeerald, Ga.

Vandiver heavy fruiter. 1st yr. $1. 16 =

bu. or exch. for P. C. shoats or any- .
P. B. Brown,

Ground, Ga. Rt. 1.

Few bu. imp. Ruckers, $1 bu. Charlie ae

H. Smith, Roopville, Ga. Rt. 2.
Raburns imp. Poulnot, $1 bu. F, L.
Raburn, Ideal, Ga.

Rhynes Cook wilt resistant. 1st Vr. ee

$1 bu. C. D. Williamson, Plains, Ga. |

Pure Ruckers, 75c bu. FOB. Jno. &.
Owens, Atlanta, Ga. Arcade Bldg.

1500 lbs. Cokers wilt resistant Light-
ning Express. $2.50 per 100. M. A.
Dixon, Yatesville, Ga.

125 bu. Piedmont ped. and yr. 90c ch
in 5 or more bu; also 126 bu. Coll
No. 1, same price. K..D. Sanders, Bats
anton, Ga: Rt. 2. > 3

Smiths Piedmont Cleveland. 1 a
Exch. some for O-too-tan beans. H. A.
Cole, Carnesville, Ga. Rt. 3.

100 bu. pure Wannamakers, reclean- _

ed, 70c bu. Riley C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

25 bu. Addisons extra early prolific.
ist yr. $1 bu. FOB. Earle Clay,. Glades- oe

ville, RFD 1.

Lee Wilson type big boll. 1st yr. $2 15. e

per 100 lbs. FOB. Arthur H. Meyer,
Winterville, Ga. oo

Covington Toole imp. $2.50 per 100
Ibs. or exch. for running peanuts, or |
seed corn, or anything can use. Joe M.
Brown, McRae, Ga.

Manieys heavy fruiter, $1 bu. Also.

some Acola and Ruckers, same price.
Exch. for dark Cornish game chickens.
H. W. Thurmond, Greshamville,Ga...:
Ruckers long staple, 150--bu. As. dea |
Collins, Demorest, Ga. ey
Lee Wilsons big boll. 2nd yr. 75c pu.

in 10 bu. lots, less, 85 bu. Exch. 5 bu. ms

for *5> bu: Russell big boll (big green:
seed if pure). Ha. to pay chgs. S.
Elder, Sparta, Ga. Rt. 2 ee
50. bu. Wannamakers Cleveland big
boll, recleaned, $1 bu. FOB. 0: Oe.
Bowman, Buford, Ga, Rt. 2.

L. C, Allen,

Ge ee = <
: February 19, 1931. :

eorgia Products For Sale

560 bu, bu Cokers 1 in. staple. $1 bu.
FOB. W. J. Bryant, Buckhead, Ga.

Culpeppers imp. 1 in staple for sale

or exch. for oats, Velvet beans or pigs. -

&. Culpepper, Luthersville, Ga.
50 bu. Petty Toole wilt resistant,

sacked and sound, 90c bu. FOB. Also}

athis imp. wilt resistant, same price.
Mrs. W. E. Godwin, Lenox, Ga.
_ Cleveland 32 wilt resistant, and Dixie
Triumph wilt resistant, $3 per 100, or
exch. for N. C. Runner peanuts or Brab
peas. G. W. McLendon, Soperton, Ga.
. 200 bu. Petty Toole, $1 bu. J. A. Me-
Intyre, Ousley, Ga.

Petty Toole, 90c bu. $2.50 per 100 lbs.
Exch. for N. C. Runner or Spanish pea-
nuts. Bu. for bu. Ea. to pay chgs.
Bartley, Moody,.Screven, Ga. _~

Piedmont ped. Cleveland big boll. 1st
yr. $2.25 per 100. FOB. No checks. Mrs.
J. M. Whitlow, Canon, Ga. RFD 3.

50 bu. or more Half and Half. not
mixed, $1 bu. or exch. bu. for bu. for
20 bu. Ga. raised N. C. pinders. F. M.
Mullis, Pearson, Ga.
25 bu. Cokers Ped. 884 str. Ist yr. $1
bu. Exch. for O-too-tan Soy beans for
a G. W. Sammond, Soperton, Ga.

t. 4.

Neely Cleveland, $1 bu. 125 bu. for

le. FOB. J. H. Perry, Stephens, Ga.
~ About 100 bu. Nicholsons high linter.

t yr. $1 bu. or exch. for pure bred J.
heifers or other value. J. A. Nicholson,
Jasper, Ga. Rt. 2.
-Cokers Super Seven, $1.50 bu. and
Dismukes imp. wilt resistant Toole, $1
bu. All privately ginned and FOB load-

ing point. D. M. Dismukes, Graves, Ga..

_ Spanish peanuts, 5c lb. or exch. for
good var. of knuckling peanuts or O-
too-tan Soy beans. J. R. Gable, Ray-

ond, Ga. =

Bright, well filled Ga. Runners, 4c
ib. Cash with order. 1200 lbs. for sale.
Jack Bower, Dixie, Ga. oe
1 ton Spanish peanut seed, $1.15 bu.
G. H. Lamb, Adel, Ga. Rt. 2.

Schley pecans, 30c lb. Stuarts, Mon-

ey Maker and Frotschers, 20c Ib. here. }-

Mrs. R. L. Greene,-Cuthbert, Ga. Rt, 4.
13 bu. Spanish peanuts, $1 bu. Mrs.
W. M. Watkins, Fitzgerald , Ga. No. 2.
75 lbs. Schleys, Stuarts, Money Mak-
ers, mixed, 20c lb. Exch. J. H. Lever-
ett, Parrott, Ga. Rt. 1. ate

42 lbs. seedlings, 15c Ib. 13 lbs. med.
size pecans, 20c lb. 3 lbs. large Stuarts,

. Miss Belle Timmerman, Bronwood,
Ga. Box 83.

White Spanish in the hull, recleaned,
extra select for planting, 4c Ib. or $1
eae L. P. Singleton, Ft. Valley,

ig :

Sed peanuts: White Spanish in hull.
4c lb. $1 bu. FOB. J. D. Duke, Ft. Val-
ley, Ga. |
-Imp. Spanish, 10c lb. and. postage.
Charley Gowder, Austell, Ga. RFD 1.
_ White Spanish, 4c lb FOB no checks.
Cash or money order with order. G.
W. Wade, Rupert, Ga.

Spanish peanuts, 5c lb. FOB. Samp

mith, Douglas, Ga. =
30 lbs. med. size pecans, 1930 crop.
$3.50 FOB. Exch. for ham or side meat,
meal or syrup.
Plains, Ga. P. O. Box 76.

Genuine N. C. seed peanuts, $1 bu.
FOB, 100 lb. lot or more. J. N. Martin,
Climax, Ga. Rt. 2. Box 24.

_ Med. seedlings pecans. 12c Ib. del in
Ga, lots of 25 lbs. or more; less, 13c Ib.
Miss Minnie L. Williams, Oglethorpe,

1 1-2 bu. oblong and round seedling
ecans, 15 and 10c lb. respectively. Also
2 doz. seedling young trees. Write first.
Mrs. Robt. T. Allen, Riverdale, Ga.
White Spanish for sale or exth. for
Seed potatoes, Porto Rico or other
good var. Charlie H. Smith, Roopville,
Ga: Rt. 2. a zg
- 300 bu. Ga. Runner peanuts, No. 1:
4c lb. FOB. Not less than 100. lbs.
shipped. Money order. L. W. Conner,
Abbeville, Ga. phone No. 8002.
- Paper shell pecans, $15 a 100 Ibs.
Sample if postage is sent. Judson
Hand, Whigham, Ga.
__N. C. Runner seed
100 Ib. lots or more.
check with order.
City, Ga. ~
15 Ibs. nice med. size paper shell pe-
_ cans, 20c Ib. del in 5 lb. lots, or more.
Mrs. M. C. Lanier, Metter, Ga.
8 or 10 bu. large white Spanish pea~
huts, 5c lb. FOB. W: J. English, Sa-
Vannah, Ga. Rt. 3.

peanuts, 4c Ib. in
Money order or

good breed. C. M. Alexander Cleve-

2 to 3 ft. 1%yr. old, 12 1-2c each, 2 to

Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.

ington, Ga..

wood, Ga.

Mrs. F. M. Webb, }

O. M. Grene, Iron .


Ton of No. 1 Little White Spanish,
ae Dees Osten, Douglas, Ge RFD

Large paper shell: pecans, 33c; med.
28c; small, 23c. Del. in 5 Ibs. lots; 3c
less, FOB. Shelled, 70c Ib. 5 lbs. lots,
65c lb. 10 Ib. lots, 60c lb. del. halves
and broken mixed. All halves 5c more.
Money order. Mrs. Addie Waddelle,
Pearson, Ga.

15 bu. Chufas, sound and clean, $4
bu. FOB. J. L. Windham, Butler, Ga.


Cling Stone peach trees, 15 to 20 in.
high, 6 for 50c; 2 doz. $1.50, $5 a 100.
Postpaid. Mrs. L. W. Seago, Pine-
hurst, Ga.

Gooseberry, 10c each, raspberry,
50c doz. Star grass, 50c lb. May cher-
ry, 20c each, dewberry, 50c doz. double
tansy, 10c bunch; Ratsbane, 35c lb.
Add postage. Mrs. J. B. Jones, Dah-
lonega, Ga. Rt. 1.

White Eng. peach trees, 4 to 5 ft.
10c each; large red May cheries, 10c
oe Mrs. Grady Frasier, Gainesville


State insp. budded peach trees:
Chinese Cling, Elberta, May Flower,
Carmen, Hiley Belle, White English,
Stinsons Oct. Early Rose and Red
Bird, 20c ea. del. W. F. White, Gog-
gins, Ga.

Early Harvest and Keiffer pear, 4.
to 6 ft. 40c ea. $4 doz. Concord and
Niagara grape, 10c each; $1 doz. $8 a
100; Apple, all leadg. var. 2 and 1 yr.
old trees, 15 and 10c each. All State
insp and true to name. Postpaid. Exch.
any for hens or baby chicks of any

land, Ga. a
All lead. var. Govt insp. fruit trees,

3 yrs. old, 20c each;.Peach, 3 to 4 ft.
15c each; Concord and Niagara grape
2 yr. old vines, 10c ea; Keiffer pears
4 to 6 ft. 40c ea. $4 doz. I. V. Head,
Cleveland, Ga. ee

State insp. budded pecan trees, 4 ft
30c; 5 ft. 35c; 6 ft. 40c each. Exch.
for runner peanuts for seed. Idus
Johnson, Shellman, Ga.


Porto Rico pot. seed, 75c bu. E. L.
Dixon, Blackshear, Ga. Rt. 1, Box. 104.
Porto Ricans, 1 1-4e lb. FOB. W. H.

75 bu. large, yellow -Porto Ricans,
$1 bu. not prepaid. Joe Collier,.Arl-

15 or 20 bu. Big Stem Jersey seed
pot. $1 bu. FOB. G. M. Mills, Sur-
rency, Ga. Rt. 1. MS

900 bu Govt. insp. Porto Ricans.
Kiln dried R. L. Wheeler, Macon,
Ga. Rt. 5, Clifton Road. :

Pumpkin Yam for seed or eating,
$1 bu. FOB here. A. C, Price, Bron-

Irish Cobbler seed pot. for early
alanting, $2 bu. Lookout Mtn for eat-
ing now, and for late planting, $2 bu.
A. J. Collins, Demorest, Ga.

About 200 bu. Porto Ricans, $1 bu.
at Hill, about 3 mi. east of Midville.
B. B. Bunn, Midville, Ga.

Imp. Gov. insp. red skin Porto Ri-
cans, 2c lb. FOB. Cash with order.
Jas. Roberts? Quitman, Ga. Rt. 1, Box
40 z

No. 1 grade Porto Ricans, $1 bu.
Small size for seed, 75c bu. No per-
sonal checks. W. M. Hooks, Unadilla,
Ga. Rt. 2. : ca

A good grade White Star and irish
cobbler potatoes, $1.40 bu. prepaid PP
G. R.. Harper, Cut Cane, Ga. . :
Imp. Porto Ricans, grown from vine
for seed for sale. S. W. Slater, Elza,

Ga. ad. ;
~ 2 banks purple skin Porto Ricans.
Draws Gov. insp. $1 bu. FOB. W.: A.
Sumner, Norristown, Rt. Be


Ga. Ribbon Cane syrup, 6 gal. to
cs. $5 cs. FOB. J. F. Lowe, Jr., Ft.
Valley, Ga. Box 155. : Bee

Best grade pure Cane syrup, 12 No.
5 cans to cs, $4.25; 6 No. 10 cans to Cs. |
$4. Frt. pd in 10.s. lots. Malvin Col-
lins, Whigham, Ga.

Syrup for sale or exch. for peas. W.
A. Sumner, Norristown, Ga.

30 gal bbl. of new Ga. Cane syrup,
$15 FOB. Cash with order. No per-
sonal checks. W. J. Joiner, Garfield,
Ga. Rt. 2, Box 62. -. - ot

150 gal. bright, thick sorghum in |
new 5 Ib. buckets, 75c gal. H. P. Shell
Palmetto, Ga. ,

bu. artichokes, 75c bu. FOB. Mrs.


w. M. Arrington, Wadley, Ga. Rt. 2.

Georgia Products Wanted


Exch value $10 for 30 bu. cotton seed.
W. B. Vines, Whitesburg, Ga.
~ Exch. 50 Ibs. good, sound Dixie Belle
or Stone Mtn. watermelon ' seed for
Petty Toole or other good cotton seed.
1 lb. for ea. bu. of seed. Oscar Bird-
song, Gordon, Ga.

Exch. 23 bu. Yeargins big boll for
23 bu. of imp. Half and Half seed. C. A.
Jones, Norwood, Ga.

Want to buy bees in pat. hives and
must be on straight combs, within 50
mi. Atianta. H. G. Hester, Atlanta,
Ga. 468 Greenwood Ave., N. E.


Want 2 bu. N. C. Runner eanuts at
$1 bu. Exch. select B. R. hatching eggs
from blood. tested stock at reasonable
price. Mrs. J. A. Howell, Meigs, Ga. Rt.

Exch, 1 bu. Calif. Honey- Drip sor-
ghum cane seed for 1-2 bu. good Span-
ish peanut seed. Ea. to pay postage.
M. L. Whitfield, Ashland, Ga. Rt. 1. |

Want. 400 lbs. Ga. Runner peanuts.
Exch. Brabham peas at $2 bu. or soy
beans at $4 bu. T. H. Hardie, Gordon,
Ga. Rt. 3 .

Want. 125 lbs. imp. Spanish peanuts.
State best. price FOB your station. J.
P. Bobo, Brooklet, Ga.

Want Runner or Spanish peanuts.
Exch. State insp. budded pecan trees.
I. B. Lewis, Aalapaha, Ga.

Cash paid for good seedlings. Send
sample and prices., D. R. Warner,
Barnesville, Ga.-Rt. 2:

Exch. pure Wilson cotton seed for
Spanish peanuts. J. J. Davis, Rut-
ledge, .Ga.

Want 100 lbs. N. C. Runner peanuts.
Exch. Cleveland Wannamaker big boll

cotton seed. Frank Harris, Baxley,Ga.

Exch. value for large red var. pea-
nuts; also exch. value for red hull
speckled crowder, or other good run-
ning Crowder peas. Aline Robertson,
Dalton, Ga. Rt. 3. Box 49.

Want 5 bu. N. C. Long Arm pea-
nuts. ._Exch. Govt. insp. sweet potato
plants. W. C. Douglas, Alma, Ga. Rt.
aL z

Want seedling pecans. Send sample
and amt. you have. Will submit price..
Bob McCormack, Albany, Ga.

Exch. Wannamakers wilt resistant
cotton seed for Spanish or Runner. pea-
nuts. 2 bu. seed for 1 bu. of peanuts.
Jno. .L. Mixon, Ocilla, Ga.

Exch. 1 bu. Red Top sorghum seed
(for forage or syrup) for 2 bu. Span-
ish peanuts suitable for seed. Imp.
var. preferred. S. F.-Bohanon, Con-
yers; Ga.

Want imp. Spanish peanuts at rea-
sonable cash price. Mrs. John Burns,
(address not given).

Want 2 M. lbs. N. C Runner seed
peanuts. Cash or exch. Duroc J. hogs
for same, or both. Mail sample, etc.
L. H. Edenfield, Stillmore, Ga. Rt. 1.
Box 31.

Want peanuts, the red kind with 3
or more in hull, or any good bunch
var. Will exch. good, sound pop corn
at 6c lb. on cob. Willard Rowland,
Canon, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want. N. C. Runners
State price and send sample.
Harrell, Midville, Ga. Box 131.

Want N. C. Ga. raised peanuts at 4c
lb. del. Exch. value. Mrs. Addie Wad-
delle; Pearson, Ga. . .

Want 100 lbs. N. C. peanuts. Will
exch..2 bu. Crowder and little Clay
peas mixed, or 5 bu. Toole cotton seed
for them. J. J. Outen, Manassas, Ga.
Rt. 2 Ki ee
_- -, WANTED |
Want to exch. April del. 2M. insp.

for planting.

| Porto Rico potato slips for 6 pecan

trees, 6 ft. high. Stuart preferred. T.
, Bonner, Hanhira, Ga. i = ae
Want seeding apple trees in. exc).
for butter bean seed, or other value.
Write, Mrs. D.
Ga. RFD 1.


Want 1 or 2 bu: o'd time forked leaf
yam. potatoes to plant. B. P. Bowen,
Guyton, Ga. P. O. Box 125. neue
' Want yellow Porto Ricans seed and
raving potatoes. N. C. Faulkner, Lu-

_ Want 2 to 5 bu. seed irish potatoes.
Exch for same. Mrs. A. Wy Atkin-
son,,Madison, Ga, RFD. a

Want seed potatoes, Exch.

. Dew, Curryvile,


Oughbred chickens. Mrs, Nelli

ett, Cordele, Ga. Rt. B. :
Want 2 bu. old fashioned Red y:

or Patasaw yams, sweet potato s
J. W. Davis, Pearson, Ga. Rt._1.


Want to exch. 1 boar pig, wt. 5
60 lbs. for 10 g 1. good thick Ga.
syrup. or exch. 4 hens, mixed.
tor a 10 lb. can. J. F. Dykes,

Ga. RFD 1, Box 119.

Want to exch. little cob 8 r
corn at $3 bu. for good cane
Ea. to pay charges on what we sen
Will select. nubbed and shelled cor,
Cc. F. Watson, Dawson, Ga. Rt. 2. _

Want. bbl. of 1930 sugar can
A-1 good thick syrup. Pay $12 fo
gal. bb:. Exch. Lee Wilson cotton ed
for same. J. H. Leverett, Parrott, Ge

Exch, 2 cups of fine unknown wa
termelon seed and 1-2 cup of
Ford cantaloupe seed (enough |
plant an acre and a half). 1 half
:ood, home made syrup, and will
1 cup of the watermelon seed an
cup of cantaloupe seed for 1-2
onion sets. Write before
Otis OKelley, Comer, Ga. Rt. 1.

Rhododendrons, mt. laurels, nati
azaleas, mixed colors, 15c ea. or 8
$1. Crabapple sprouts, Cherokee
bushes, white dogwood, .10c ea. or
doz. Trailing arbutus, Shasta dais:
and perennial phlox, 35c doz. Am
can arborvitae, 20c ea or $2 doz. &
Williams, 25c doz. Blue berry bus
30c doz. Red japonicas, 25c ea. M
soon Wilson, Morganton, Ga.

Apri! blooming white narcissi bi
i0c per doz. $1 for 12 doz. Red ca
ilies, small bloom, blue flag lilies
doz. Add post.. Miss Bonnell Brow.
ing, Temple, Ga. Rt. 3. :

White April blooming narciss
per 100. Large type yellow and cr
and yellow and green 25c doz. Ora
liies, 25c per doz, Canna lilies, ye
and variegated, red, 35c per doz.
tetu, blue*and variegated, 25c per
Large iris, lavender and purple
smoky and purpie, 25c per doz.
low and brown, 30c per doz. Cydon
Japonica, red, Kerry japonica yeilow.
lilacs, and snowballs, 25c ea. Mrs. Ri-
ley Ross, Ringgold, Ga. Rt. 1...

6 to 8 in. dwarf boxwood. pla: be
ea. 6 to 8 in. tree boxwood plants, 5
ea. Pink crepe myrtle trees 1+t
ft. 25c ea. White English dogwor
trees, 1 to 4 ft. 25c ea. White ca
jasmine plants 6 to, 15 in. 35c
Weeping willows, 1 to 4 ft. 40c
Magnolia Glaucea trees 1 to 4 ft. 50c
ea. Red cedars 1 to 4 ft. 45 ea. Or:
ental arborvitae, 18 to 24 in. 55c
hite spirea, 6 to 20 in. 25c ea. Lu
ber pines, 6 to 24 in. 20c ea.
iris, 5c ea., 6: to: 12 in> yuccas, Th
White Cherokee roses, wel] rooted,
to 15 in. 5c ea. Blackberry lilies, 10
eA. Henterocallis day lilies, 7c ea.
japonica and cloth of gold rose
tings, 12 in. 5c ea. Bird of Para
10c ea. Orange Wyoming. cannas
ea. 1M crepe myrtle sprouts, 1 to
in. and 1M crabapple sprouts same
$50. ae Maude Hamby, Greenville,
Ga 3. iti Roe gee

Spruce and white pines, $1 to
per doz. Rhododendrons 25c to 5
Azaleas and dogwoods, $1 to
doz. Blue iris and day lilies 75
00.. Kudzu roots $4 per 100. Yon
Walker, Mt. Airy, Ga. Rt. 1.


Miscellaneous For Sal

Black walnuts, -hulled, $1 bu.
orepaid: No -checKs. A: -N..
?raston, Ga. ae
Sassafras root, .dry and. Jerus
Oak root. Both 25 lb. FOB. Mrs.
..DeLgach, Sprinzfield;-Ga. 7
Red rasvberries 20c doz. dbl.
sy, 15 doz. Seedling peach tre
choice var. 25c doz. Pink root, 25
Pumpkin seed, 10c cupful; Ma
vourd seed 10c cup. Add
etover. Anderson. ~Murrayv
RFD 1. a a ae
ee 9907%

teller, Dahlonega, Ga. R
10 car loads of extra
nure. For. full informat on com
eate with J. K. Shippey, Atlant
eee St. N W. Phone Hem
Sweet Leaf flue cured tobaco, .
ing, 15c Ib. Smoking, 12 1-2c 1}
4Cash with order. Exch, some for rf

ood co


thor- |

seed.. D. A. Campbell, Bax]
Ro ve SS

Farm Help Wanted

nt man for farm work. Live as
of family. Will give him a 1 horse
0-50 basis, and will board him
helping me when not in his crop;
ish some money as needed, and
n to self. Must be honest, sober
ot over 40 yrs\old. 4 in family,
rown and.1 boy, 8 yrs. old. J. T.
ler Marietta, Ga. Rt. 4, :

, help for a gocd 2 H. crop in

) Must furnish stock and
8rd and 4ths. Also help for a
, crop. Will-furnish stock and tool
50-50 basis. Good house, well in

D. S. Silver, Talking Rock, Ga.

nt young man, 15 to 20 yrs. to

with farm work. A good home.

be sober, honest and a good, will-

orker. . Will give a good size cot-
ch or other prceducts if prefer-

aundry and board. W. N. Mulli-
umming, Ga. RFD 4.

Ww smart, sober, Christian farm
stout and heaithy, 15 to 18 yrs.
(oO do farm work until Dec. 15th
for part cash and part of crop.
;, ston St.\George, Ga. Rt. 1.

ant young man for gen. farm work,

ive as one of family with aged man, |

and 2 dauzhters.
Tucker, Ga. RFD 1.

Want an honest gentleman to He

house with. me and work 12 or 1

eres of cotton on 50-50 basis, also pay

reasonable amount for board, Must

ood plow hand. B. E. Foster,
arrollton, Ga. Rt. 2.

ant-a good, honest boy about 15 or

rs. old that likes to work, with no

bits, etc. to help with work on

rm. M. F. Lewis, Adairsville,

James Ledbet-

i va
Wa t a sinzle, white man or boy. 16
40 yrs. of age to work on farm; tend
ail 1 h. crop 2nd be able to do any
of work on farm. Must be honest.
, etc. Will pay $8 mo. board and

. Pay at end of eve-y mo.
ackson, Buchanan, Ga. Rt. 1.-

ant man and wife, 40 or 50 yrs. old
ork on farm for salary. Must be

St, sober and reliable: Worx is
farm work, but regular and

ust take an interest in doing

Will pay $150 per year (12 mos.)
ouse, wocd, etc. and will give a garden
and no time taken out for getting
d. Must be within miles or pay.
own moving expenses. Parties

children not considered.
~st. I. M. Collins, Marietta,

& ee % oe

fant a young man to live as one of
wmily and work on farm. Will give
) mo. board and washing. Must be
to plow and not mind any kind of
ork, also be able to drive Ford car.
fae A. Davis, Folkston, Ga. Rt. 2.
ant to furnish sufficient amt. of
edge of city of 3 M inhabitants.

so furnish mule and plow tools,
raise vegetables, potatoes for local
s ipping market. Must be able to

A world war veteran

erred. Dr. McNeel, Helena, Ga.
Vant to contract with party to fur-
1 me a bag of irish potatoes and
0 for a share of the crop.. Geo.

Jackson, Fayetteville, Ga. No. 2.
t a pocd hand to work on farm.
st tbe sober and honest. $10 per
ae oe Chazlie Griffin, Pavo,

*k smith wanted in good farming
e, 4 1-2 mi. of RR. near school.

d urch. Shop equipped with tools.
and grist mill and dwelling house.
B. Webb, Hogansville, Ga. Rt.

- a hand to help me work a 1
live as one of the family and
mo. board and iaundry. Only
_self. Live on Jefferson and
ighway about 1 mi. from the
Heights. J. A. Webb, Athens,

mo x ice \ F
strong, healthy youne woman

yrs. old of good character to }
k after the poultry and do gen,

rm work. $2 a week and board.

be industrious, agreeable, etc.
ddie Waddelie, Pearson, Ga.

man to work farm for 3rd and

is. Good peanut land. Near good

hool and churches, on highway, mail

_ Good freestone water. gocd ; D&
| Stillmore, Ga. Rt. 1. Box 31.

| gocd worxer.

_Good roads near school, church, | 3 room house, in public place and good

eA ante Ga Rt. 4-344



Rt. school bus, etc. A. N. Wiggins,

Preston, Ga.

Want unincumbered elderiy man to
care for chickens, hogs, gardening on
large farm. Will give good home and
some spending money. J. E. Boss, Lo-
ganville, Ga. .

Want a nice, clean young man
(white) raised on farm, that is eacy to
get along with, no bad habits and a
willing worker, to do general farm
work, to live in home with family of
10, Will pay $1. per week board,
bed and. washing. L. H. Edenfield,

Want man and wife for small 1 H.
crop. Must be sober, agreeable and
Must furnish seif. Good

gommunity. V. V. Causey, fempie, Ga.

Colored man wants a young coloved
boy 14 to 15 yrs. old to-he:p farm. Musi
be honest, sober and a good worker
and. nice disposition. Will treat him
tight and let him live as one of famuy.
Wiley Shropshire, Hartwell, Ga. RFD 4.

Want boy 10 or 12 yrs. old to help
with stock and do lizht work on farm.
Gocd home for right boy. Omiy oid
people and girls on the place. S. A.
Kn, Blacxshear, Ga. RFD 3. :

Positions Wanted

Want 2 h. crop in So. Ga. on halves
with party wao will turnish to make
crop. Well exp in tobacco, ah crop.
oruck growing and se-ling. Wil. accepi
wage job ail spare time, or wil: woik
3n dairy or poultry farm. Have to be
moved. Best of ref.. W. E. Herring,
i-bon, Ga. :

Want place as overster, or working

foreman, or place for wages. Honest.
sober, agreeable and know how to
nandle labor. Am not afraid to take
nold and do not have to be told ev-
erything. Always woik for my em-
ployers interest. State wages per wk.
including board. J. M. Cavender,
srooks, Ga. Bt

Want 1 horse farm, 50-50 _ basis.
Life exp. Write or see. J C. Mobey,
Avondale E taes, Ga. P. O: Box 256.

Want: farm work for family of 6. All
able to work and willing. Live on
what we make. Understand - farm
work, thoroughly. Party to move us
and repay in work. At once. W. E.
Fullmore, Claxton, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want. a job on farm. Anything. 34

ges. John Ross Bunch. Macon. -Ga.
315 Columbus, H. Care Clarence Tur-
Aer : a i

Want good 1 or 2 H. farm. Standin=
rent.. Must be good, smoothe land
with good 4 or 5 room h4use and-fair
out-bldgs., also a good pasture. B. T.
Revnolds,. At anta, Ga. 205 Dodd Ave.
S. W. Phone Main 5320.

-Want work in dairy at once. Ref.
and exp. Would consider any kind of
honest work, payine a livin wage.
Write: Roy, Care of Mrs. Rowand,
Canon, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want job with coupte to care for
chickens. garden. etc. Exp. with incu-
bator, etc. Widow. 36 vrs. o!d. No
oe Mrs. Cordie Fowler, Wadley,
a. a

Want a big 1 h. farm on k;alves.
Have to have some he!p. Honest, so-
ber. good character. go01 worker, etc.
and_ref. if wanted. Can move any
time. A eood carpenter and can keep
up and drive car,: tractor, etc. O.:L.

OGameron: Mt... Airv, Ga.- :

Widow with 3. bovs want work of
any kind with reliabe familv. Mrs. R.
cS. Graham. Norman Park. Ga. Rt. 1.

Want job on farm as contractor or
Ise carpenter work, Gord ref. and de
zoc-d wok AL. Branan, Macon, Ga

1? Duncan Ave. .-\ >

Want jicb cn farm for wars, to anv
kind of lieht farm. work. raise hoes

oultrv. do renair work. orchard: prun- |G

ine. plowine. truck farming, etc. Over-
eer. or caretake. etc. with fair nouse

cod water, garden. etc. 51 \vrs. old. |

Wife and 2 smo'l children. O. A. Stone

Want inh on farm with a eood aniet
man. Reasonah'e waves. Am a auiet
Sov, 22 vrs. old. exp. in al kinds of
farm: work. F. E. Lance, Rydal, Ga..
rca. E <

Young man wants job on farm for.
12.50. 4 mo. beard and laundry. Life
fme exp. Doa-not drink -enrce: nar
ther bad habits. Prefer around Mon-
famma, hut anvwhere in Ga: Geo.
Bower, Jittann: Gao Pk 27 Bax PED

19 vr. old man wants*fob on farm.
Life time exp. Sober and do not use


nay out of wages.

rlorgd ta ke the same wav.

bad language, honest .and a good
worker. Will work for $12.50 per mo.,
board and laundry. Prefer around
Ozlethorpe, Ga., but will go anywhere
in Ga. Jol Hines, Sycamore, Ga. Rt.
1; Box 137;

Want job on truck or poultry farm
for 1931. Exp. and good ref. P. C.
Reii, Bremen, Ga.

Young man with a widow mother,
1 sitter, 2 brothers, a!l large enough
to do good work and dont mind it,
wani a place on farm for wages. Wil
take 1-2 in money and other half in
eggs, potatoes, corn, chickens, grocer-
ies, or other produce. C. W. Graham,
Norman Park, Ga. RFD 1, Care Ab-
der: Baker. <~

Younz married man wants 1 horse

farm with reliable party cn 50-50 bas-
is. Emanuel] county preferred. Lave
some financial help to make crop. Ref
axch. L. D. Baggett, Swainsboro, Ga.
Rts 4.

Want dairy job, 4 yrs. exp. milking
sows, 17 yrs. old. Melvin Brown, Vi-

enna, Ga, RFD 6. }

Man with 2 grown boys wants a
farm on halves and work in dairy for
wages. Exp. dry hand milkers. Can
lrive truck or tractor, Honest, sober
and industrious and can give ref. J.
E. Cook, Durand, Ga. Rt. 1.

24 yr. old man with wife and three
small chidren wants job at dairy,
pou try, or stock farm or would take
any kind of job with a gcod, straight
man. Honest. sober, do not curse, and
have nd bad habits except chewing
obacco and am easy to get along
with. Have to be moved but will re-
At once. Noah
Brovks, Canon, Ga. Rt. 2

Exp. farmer with small family

wants work on farm with man who
will furnish and move me, and will |.

furnish work until crop -*time then
share crop. D.C. Lively, Atlanta, Ga.

644 Wels St. Phone Main 2983.

-13 yr. old boy wants work on farm
at $8 mo.. board and laundry. Fred
Harris, bula, Ga.
Christian coupe a
ace wants work. Can

little past middle
furnish very

best of ref. Man to work cn farm and

wife is expert with chickens. A. W.
Kev. Thomasville, Ga. Rt. d..05

Younz man wants home in So. Ga.
with good family. Do not chew,
cmoke, nor drink. Will work for my
clothes and a little spending money
along with board and washin7. Have
warked on farm. before. Jas. Wil iams.

C Atlanta, Ga. 853 St. Charles Ave.,,N.
yrs. old. Raised on farm. Dsnt mind | E a :
work. Can begin at once. Prefer wa-

Woman with 2 children wants place
with some good Christian family on

farm for home and to assist with,

work. Mrs. Mary Judkins,
Park, Ga. Rt. 1.

Man with wife and 2 boys. 10 and
13 yrs. wants farm work for shares or
wages, or dairy work. Exp. in both.
Al of us work. Ebben Lamb, Hazle-
hurst, Ga.. Care C. A. Pope. .

22 yr. old widow with 4 yr. old girl


| wan's job on farm. Can do any kind
-f farm work. Am in good health.
Work for reasonable saary. Best of

Make of-
Mrs. Cara Dane,

ref. and rec>mmendations.
fer-in. firet. letter,
Rovston. Ga. Rt. 3... :

Want job on farm for wages. Can
jo most anv kind of work: cperate
machinery, etc. 25 yrs. old. Raised on
arm. Rof. if necessary. W.G. Sparks.
JOSUD, Ga. Rik 2 eae

Want 2 horse crop on ha'ves with: 2

ouses on place. near Atlana. Mrs.

\. H. Partain, Atlanta, Ga. 656. Shel-
ton Ave, :
Want a good hand for backemith

shep and tools on 50-50 basis, or shop

and tools for monev rent. Can do
anvthing in shen. Wil go anywhere
in Ga. J. F. Wilson, Calhcun, Ga.

. Exp... poultrvman,: married, would

-manace and do a'l work on nant of
~M chickens cr less for small share

-f nrofits. Can finanze livine. or
wovld accept salarv enoueh for plain.
ving wage. H. C. Brantley, Moreland
Ia : s

Want 2 horse farm on 0-50. in
famiv all large enouch to work. Will-
n workers Cut wood, cr anvthine
when not in crop. Bave to have some
ep. Write or cvme see. Jack Sher-
idan. Mavswille. Gav Rt 2a

Want truck work. Halves or waces ;

4yv mo. or dav. Exp. in truckine.

ave to be moved. Reatv any time. |

Mo W. Land. Haralson, Ga,

Man with wife and grown daushter
rants. ] horce.cren to work on halves
wiih eand land. h'dvs..and ahout %40
or $50 furnished besides fertilizer, So-
hor peaceful etc. and want the land-
I have a
shinee mill and eng. and am exp and
can also do repair work when not in

shaies with

Leon Pofford, Stockton, Ga.

a plant. H. B. Peeler,

Thursday, February 19, 1931.
crop. J. M. Brooks, Canon, Ga. Rt.

"91 yr. old young man wants place

on farm, or caring for Gin. Exp. all
kinds of farming. Can give excellent
ref. Not married and can come at.
once. J. W. Brown, Roopville, Ga. Rt.
$= 7 : :
ant a good farm on halves, or |
a r good house. Can handle _
1 or 2 horse farm. At once. John C,
Jackson, C.ark_ton, Ga.
25 yr. o!d widow wants a home with
good people on farm at once. $8 mo. .
Mrs. Donie Clapton, Dublin, Ga. Care
Gen. Del.

Miscellaneous For Sale ; :

Ga. Cane syrup, in 10 lb. cans; 100
day velvet beans, 1930 crop, bright
and sound; shelied corn, or meal;
smoked baccn, for sale or exch, J.

Yellow root, green, 25c Ib. sassa-~
fras, green, 20c lb. cherry bark, 20c. lb. _
Add postage. Mrs.. J. Sy Richards,
Loving, Ga. \ os
Fresh water ground meal, $3.25 per
100 lbs. FOB. M. F. Lewis, Adairs-.
ville; Ga, =

Car load of good wel crated horse

and cow manuie, $350 per ton, FOB.
J. H. Bragg, Hawkinsvil.e, Ga..
Sassafras, about 20 Ibs. green, 20c
lb. about 150 lbs. Honey Drip sor-
ghumi seed, 1.25 bu. -t-alburt meion
-eed, $1 lb. Stone Mtn. melon seed, $l
lb. Talmadge Fogarty, Concord, Ga.,
Pp. O.. Box &4. ; <<
Tobacco, 10 and 15c FOB. Mrs.
Ralph M. Bennett, Surrency, Ga. Rt.

Miscellaneous Wanted

Want to hear from parties having
rye flour. Quote best price prepaid.
W. M: Thornion, Jesup, Ga. e

Values, $150 and $15 to exch for
cattle, hogs, ch.ckens, corn cr peas. Mrs. Lenry Welch, Eaconicn,
Ga. 7

Plants. For Sale |

Mastogon everbearing strawberry
placs, $100 a 10J; St. Regis ever-
wearing raspberry, $2.00 a 100, $20 M.
-yames Cure.on, Austeli, Ga.

- 1M good p.ants, Lucretia dewberry,

$8; 8 wa.nut trees, once \rancpianied,

31.20 del. Fig sprouts, 12 for $1.40 del.
Lois Woodruff, Greenville, Ga. Rt. 1.
~ Kuagzu roots, $4 a 100. Yonge Walk- |
er, Mt. Airy, Ga. Rt. 1. :

E. J. and Chas. W.
500; $1.10 M del. W.
#iowery Branch, Ga.

E. J. and Chas. W. cabbage, 00,
60c; $1 M. Dewey Mathis, Flowery
sranch, Ga. Rt. 1. ae

Good early Dutch cabbage, 75c M.
not postpaid. O. B: Garrett, Gaines-
vile, Ga. Rt. 2. :

Cabbage, Bermuda onion and col-
lard p.ants, $1 M. tomato, $1.25 M,
Porto Rico potato plants, $1.75; Ruby
King pepper, 50c a 100, $4 M. W. W.
Wiliams, Quitman, Ga.. . gee

Frost proof cabbage plants, 500,

cabbage, 60c,
O. Waldrip,

602; $1 M, 3M or more, 75c M. FOB;

crystal Wax white and yellow Bermu-
da onion plants from pure Teneriffe
-eed, 500, 75c; $1.25 M, FOB. H. F.
Stair, Valdosta, Ga. TO ee
E. J. cabbage plants, $1 M del. Wale.
ter Johnson, Baxley, Ga.
Klondike strawberry plants, for
"ave cr exch. for cabbage plants. Pla

a. .

E. J. and Chas. W. cabbage, $1 M,
del. 5M 75 M col. Crystal Wax, Ber-_
muda and Prize Taker onion, $1.20 M
del. $1 col. Harold Smith, Baxley, Ga.

Booking orders for Gov. insp. Porto
Rican and Nancy ' Hall potato plants
April, May and June del. $1.75 M

Over 16M, $1.50. All shipped by par

cel post. Money order with order. I
= Lightsey, Surrency, Ga. Rt. 2, Box

Want some Big Stem Jersey potato

draws to set out the last of March or

first of April. Mrs, W. \H. Brown,
Summit. Ga. e

Give best prices on Ginseng plants.

J. C. Moore. Buford. Ga. Rt. 4.

Want Nigger Killer potato s'ips,
or Spanich pot. slips. and red bunch ~
peanu's 3 or to hull. Mrs, T. J. Wille
jams, Milan, Ga. Rt. 1, ja ee
