Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1928 December 13

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fu GEN E ee eae




aoe the past dosraee| years: all the Coninieuonere of ee
ure of the several states. of the Union have been holding
nnual Convention in Chicago the. first week in December

ik over their many problems. [ just returned from Chica-

0 this week. There were thirty-six of the Commissioners ,
om different states present. We held the meeting in the Audi-.
My seat was between Commissioner Lewis of |

ium Hotel...
ode Island and Commissioner Duffy of Wisconsin. Al-

hough Commissioner Lewis represents the state of only:
y-six miles by twenty- seven miles , and half of it coveredin
er, he is the largest man in avoirdupois of the whole bunch. 2S
reat many interesting talks were made by different ones:
resent. They all agreed that farming conditions were acute
enerally over the United States and. had not received the
e protection from the Government that other big business

ndustries had received. The next Convention of the Com-
nissioners will be held at Washington, D. 6. The President

ind the Secretary of Agriculture will be asked to attend this
1 ting. The idea for the change was to try to interest CoN

ess in the. necessity for some immediate relief measures.

I was very much impressed with a talk from Commission-

rx Heckie, of California. When called upon, he stated. that

a country where you have a protective tariff it can become
ry dangerous to a certain section or state unless they think
yperly before they take a decided stand on the tariff Bite, =

tion. He further stated that California was neutral so far
the tariff was concerned. He further stated that at the
eting of the state Legislature the question of tariff was al-

ways discussed and the different articles grown or manufac- se
tured : in ies state of Cantona on which oe wished 3 a t tanitt


_ was tea up by the. State Legislature and thoroughly dis-
-eussed and the information assembled on them, and. they
went before Congress with the State solidly behind them ask-
ing for tariff on articles which they wished protected. It
would not be amiss for the Legislature of Georgia to follow
this? wise example. ae is
After the faghees meeting some of us attended the Nat- ;
ional Stock Exposition, also held at Chicago at the same time. |
The exhibits were great. I saw some sheep that weighed
over three hundred pounds each. I met the man, Rome Work-
men, of Waverly, Illinois, who won the prize for the best corn
exhibit. It was Reads Yellow Dent. On sixty-three acres
without any fertilizer this mam made a little over 5 ,000 bush-
els of corn. I bought a peck from him and decided I would try
some of it in Georgia. I was very happy to see the prize for
the Cotton Exhibit won by Georgia. This was taken down by.
Chattooga County. The grand champion steer prize went to a
elub boy. I saw the steer and he was some steer; a Hereford

= about thirteen months old and weighing slightly over 1,200

pounds. The little boy that owned Dick was so. overcome _
when he won the prize that he could not come out and lead him

_around, and his little sister was called on to lead the grand

champion steer of the world around the ring, which was about
two acres. We can raise some good steers here in Georgia as
well as we can raise cotton. I would like to see some more of
the Georgia boys going into the five-acre cotton contest and

- also getting them a registered steer and meet me at the Nation-

al Stock show in Chicago next winter. We might bring some :
of that ae OR, Las to pepe:




Prevailing Wholesale Prices, Dee. 8, 1928. Always subject to yarltion.


pbage, (green) reid: 100 a. ee
BS, Ga. Extra, ae ie

Field Peas, mixed, bu. sce. : .
ield Peas, not mixed, bu. ae ee S


$195 oe

= B20 $125 Se ee
Oa ee
BOO Se eR BRO A oat


"Poultry for Sale and



5 Ancona hens, $1 ea., and 1! Silver
Spangled Hamburg hen, $1, or the 6
Mrs. C. D. Coursey, East-

for $5.
man. Ga., RFD 8.

200 Sheppard strain Ancona April
pullets, $1.25 ea., and 200 Sheppard
1 1-2 yr. old hens, $1 ea. C.E. Bish-

op, Acworth, Ga., Rt. 2.

5 Golden Sebright bantam cocker-
J. T. Owens, Covington.

els, $1 ea.
Ga., Rt. 2.

4 pure bred Barred Rock cockerels.
Mrs. C. D. Coursey, Eastman,

$1 ea.
Ga., RFD 8.

5 Barred Rock roosters, 2 yrs. old
Sell or exch. for same

age roosters to keep from _ inbreed-
ing. Barred Rocks only. R. W. Lamb,

in February.

Jackson, Ga., Rt. 1.

Parks strain Barred Plymouth Rock
April cockerels, $2.50 ea., Reg. Per-
Mrs. C. T. Ivey, Ca-

~ mit, 28 C-177.
milla. Ga.

2 large English Barred Rock roost-
ers: 1 S. C. and other Rose Comb,
$1.50 ea. or exch. for 3 S. C. R. I.
Kimsey McVey, Blue

Red _pullets.
Ridge, Ga.

Spring hatch B. R. Thompson Ring-
let. well marked cockerels, $1.50 ea.

Mrs. A. J. Collins, Demorest, Ga.

1 Plymouth Rock rooster, Full stock
W. J. Morgan, Still-

8 mos. old, $3-
more, Ga., Rt. 3.

-. }] Thompson Imp. strain second di-
- rect 1926 cock, $1.50 FOB. Cash with
Mrs. C. A. Wilbanks, Com-

merce, Ga., Rt. 29.

20 Thompson Ringlet B.\R. 1927
(March) hens, trapnested and records
for this yr., $2 ea.. FOB crated. N.

D. Norris, Wrightsville, Ga.

9 Blue Ribbon. Thompson strain
Sell or exch. for B.
R. (Thompson strain, March hatch)

: pullets. Mrs. J. Rodgers, Ellijay, Ga.
ee 13 Barred Rock pullets and 1 cock-
erel. Thompson strain. May: hatch.
$15 for lot FOB Cornelia. Mrs. L. C.

. B. R. cockerels.

Kimsey, Cornelia, Ga.


10 yr. old Buff Rock hens, 1 yr. old
rooster, and 1 cockerelj March hatch-.
ed. $18 for lot. Mrs. R. D. Jackson,

Dalton. Ga., Rt. 1.

_ 8 young thoroughbred Partridge
- Rock hens, $1.50 ea., not including
del. charges. Mrs. Lue Hatton, Jack-

sonville, Ga.

oo. 15 pure bred White Rock -pullets
Mrs. M. V.

and 1 cockerel, $2 ea..
Brush, Climax, Ga.


- $ April hateh Dark Cornish Game
pullets and 1 cockerel, $5 del. H. W.

Thurmond, Greshamville, Ga.


prices on lots from 50 to
J. T. Gammage, Pineview, Ga.

or exch. Write. Mrs. T. A. Mallory,
Madison, Ga. :

2 J. B. Giant cockerels, $2.50 ea., 13 |.

All same age and

pullets, $1.25 ea.
G. M. Baldwin,

well grown for age.
Douglasville, Ga.


140 W. Leghorn, Ferris strain Ap-
ri] 15th pullets, in good healthy cond.
and some laying, $1.50 ea., 65 hens.
Apri] 16, 1927 hatch, same breed, $1.-
25 ea., FOB. Early M. Gibbs, Canton,
Ga., Rt. 2.

25 White Leghorn yr. old now lay-
ing Kerlin quality, $1.25 ea., 1 yr. old
cockerel, $1.50; $30 for lot, FOB. W.
V. Rogers, Cochran, Ga., Rt. 3.

4 pure bred White Leghorn March
cockerels, from trapnested Hollywood
strain, mated for extra large size and
eggs, $2 ea., del. J. T. Russell, Jr.,
Woodland, Ga.

5 prize winning Everlay White
Leghorn pullets, from 297 egg record
producing stock, $1.25 ea. Mrs. W
H. Douglas, Soperton, Ga., Rt. 4.

White Leghorn hens, 1 and 2 yrs
old, also 2 cocks, 2 yrs. old, $1.50
ea. Mrs. J. K. Davis, Rebecca, Ga.

40 Tancred White Leghorn 18 mos
old heas, $1 ea. C. R. Black, Lavon-
ia, Ga. 4

English strain S. C. White Leghorr

hens and pullets, $1.25 ea. Mrs-

Christine McLeod, College Park, Ga.
Rt. 2, Care Ga. Poultry Farm.

22 heavy laying Tanered S. C
White Leghorns: 7 April pullets, 15
hens, 1927 hatch, $19.80 for lot. A
1927 cock free. Mrs. Fred C. Saw-
yer. Sulphur Springs, Ga. | :

S. C. White Leghorn pullets, $1 ea.
or $10 doz. April hatch. Lauren No-
ble, Trenton, Ga. . os

28 young, laying S. C. White Leg-
horn hens and 2 cocks, $1.25 ea., or
exch. for laying Brown Leghorn pull
ets, or for small Spanish peanuts. J.
N. Carson, Griffin, Ga.

3 pure bred Tancred White Leghorn
cocks, in their second yr., $1.50 ea.,
or the 3 for $3.25. From high egg
strain. Mrs. R. J. Fleming, Lincoln-
ton, Ga. :

White Leghorn April roosters
(bought when chicks from the River-
side Poultry Farm, Knoxville, Tenn.)
Tancred strain, $1.50 ea. Send mon-
ey order or express order-with order.
ne A. Harrison, Mineral Bluff, Ga.,


9 White Leghorn yr. old hens, 85c
ea., FOB. Mrs. Esther Lewis, Rydal,
Ga. Rt Sh. aoe =

20 mos. old
strain rooster, $2, Mrs. M. V. Brush.
Climax, Ga.

_ 29 March and April hatch, now lay-
ing Brown Leghorn hens, and 3 cock-
erels, $1 ea. Cash with order. Ear-
nest Tharpe, Unadilla, Ga.. RFD 3.

4 pure bred Everlay Brown Leg:

horn April cockerels, $1 ea. Mrs. O.

G. Smoak, Graymont, Ga., Rt. 1.

Pure, bred. 1927 J. B. cockerel, $5 ree

Sept. 1st hatch, nice and fat, 75c ea..

C. pigs.

erels, $1 ea., 1 extra nice cock, $1.25.

pure bred Panered

wockarsig She ea. Mra. M. V. Brush.
Climax, Ga. ees
50 Donaldson R. I. Red March 192%
hens, trapnested and records for this
year, $2 ea. N. D. Norris, Wrights-
ville, Ga.

1 pure bred R. I. Red cock, about
1 yr. old, $1.50. Mrs. S. E. Shep-
pard, Gibson, Ga. a

1 . C. R. I. Red March rooster,
$1.50 FOB Climax. Mrs. M. Bar-
wiek, Climax, Ga.

R. L. Reds: roosters, $1.25 a., pull-
ets, $1 ea. Mrs. T. J. Thorne, Per-
kins, Ga.

12 pure bred R. I. Red ready to lay
March pullets, $1.50 ea., $18. for lot
on car Cornelia. Mrs. L. C. Kimsey,
Cornelia, Ga. oe

The dark cherry red S. C. R. IL.
Red hens, $2 ea., May pullets, $1 ea.,
April hatch, $1.25 ea., young cocker-
els, $1 and $1.50; 2 yr. old roosters,
$1.50 ea. All full bred. FOB Senoia.
Mrs. R. L. Arnall, Woolsey, Ga., Rt.


40 Owens strain R. I. Red hens and
3 roosters (came from Owens farm
hens 1927 hatch) $60 for lot. Mrs.
M. A. Cooper, Crawfordville, Ga., Rt.

10 pure bred S. C. R. I. Red fryers.

1 $750 for lot; cockerels and pull-
ts. FOB. Cash with order. Mrs. L.
. Kimbrel. Baxley, Ga., Rt. 3.

Quisenberry AAA quality, March
hach S. C. R. I. Red cockerels, of trap-
nested eggs, laid by hens of 300 anc
pward record, $5 ea. FOB, J. J
Dixon, Camilla, Ga., Rt. C.

Guaranteed pure bred March hatch
Nonaldson R. I. Reds: 18 pullets, $1.-
25 ea., 4 cockerels, $1.50 ea. Mrs.
W. H. Douglas, Soperton, Ga.

10 nice R. I. Red cockerels. wt
ahout 7 lbs. ea. for sale, or exch. for
turkeys, New Zealand rabbits or P
Mrs. Elmo Patton, Macon.
Ga.; Rt. 5... > gc

2S. C. R. I. Red (dark red) cock-

Mrs. J. W. Ford, Dawson, Ga.

25 Owen Farm March and April
pullets, $1.50 ea., 1 cockerel, same
age and 1 cock, 2 yrs. old. $2. Mrs.
Grady Atkinson, Madison, Ga. _

7 pure bred R. I. Red 18 mos. old
hens, $2 ea., or lot for $13.50. Mrs
D. Youmans, Stillmore, Ga., Rt. 1.
Thoroughbred R. I. Red cocks, 7
mos. old (big. fine birds) $2 to $5 ea.
Mrs. C. O. Sikes, Sylvester, Ga.


5 pure bred Columbian Wyandotte
March cockerels. $2 ea., also 10 pull-
ets, $1 ea. Mrs. J. T. Owens, Cov-
ington, Ga., Rt. :2.

Pure bred 1 yr. old Partridge Wy-
andotte hens, $2 ea. Berry. strain.
Mrs. L. M. Dunn, Chauncey, Ga.

25 Silver Lace Wyandotte hens and
vullets, and 2 rosters. Tarbox strain
$40 for lot. N. R. Mooney, Quill, Ga

2 yr. old, $1. ea.

) 9.
8 pure African White Guineas.
Z. L. Scott, Cunco:

1 July hatched Bronze turkey to
large size to age, $5 or will exch. fo
budded Schley pecan, True to Nar
apple trees, seed runner peanut
oats for seed. Mrs. G. Theus, B
ler, Ga., Rt. 1.

2 yr. old M. B. turkey hens, $7 ea,
one 2 yr. old mixed hens, $5. one
yr. old M. B. hen, $5; 1 May pu
$2.50; 2 April hatch M. B. pullets,
50 ea., 1 April gobbler, M. B. stra
$5. Mrs. R. L. Arnall, Woolsey, G
Rt. 1. 2 Sa

Golden and Lady Amhearst phe:
ants, 1928 hatch. Birds fully grow
and in juvenile plumage. Extra.
Goldens, $15 pr., Lady Amhearst, $1
pr. L. J. Barrow, West Point, Ga.

8 fine April toms: parent stock :
toms at 10 mos. old, 30 lbs., and hens,
20 Ibs. Sell or exch. for pure bred
Goldbank strain hens. J. G. Buyers,
Whitesburg, Ga. ER

Narrangansett turkeys: toms,
hens, $6 pair, $12 trio, $16. W.
Bargeron, Sardis, Ga. as

15 M. B. turkeys, 1928 hatch, $70

| for lot, or $5 ea., in trios and pairs,

FOB Alto. Cash with order. Eli
Dodd, Alto, Ga., Rt. 1. ee

Half Big Bone turkey toms, 1
when 5 yrs. old, 60 lbs., $8 ea., (

a few for sale) also, 12 Guineas, must.

y all hens, a few roosters, 4Uc ea. All

FOB. Mrs. Esther Lewis, Rydal,
Ri. 2. '

25 Mammoth Bronze pullets. |
select of 600 March hatched turkeys:
wt. 11 to 13 Ibs., ea., $6.50 ea., 5 toms
of same hatch, 16 to 20 lbs., ea. $9
ea., FOB. Special price on lots of
Hilary McEntyre, Athens, Ga., U.
Ga., Co-op. 261. eae i.

Pure bred Mammoth Bronzes: 1927
hatch tom, wts. 37 lIbs., 1928 stock,

from 10 to 25 Ibs., 40c Ib., gross FOB

Barnesville. Mrs.
Barnesville, Ga.
Bourbon Red turkeys from fine
stock, 50c Ib. Jas. W. Nash, Sm
na, Ga. oa :

Want M. B. turkey tom. March 1928
hatch from stock which wt. toms
above 30 lbs., and hens, from 18 to
24 Ibs. from big stock. Miss~-Loa
Bryan, Reynolds, Ga. ce.
Want peafowls, wild ducks, geese,
and white guineas, also a small
eng. Paul J. Spence, Gentry, Misso
ri. f . - 5
Want pure bred Big Bone Bronze
turkey. 20 or 24 lbs. hatch tom,
2 or mere hens, from 14 to 18 fb
hes hatch, Mrs. J. E. Sikes, Cheste
Want prices on 1-2 doz. turkeys, wt
from 10 to 15 Ibs., del. to me in F

White Wyandottes, 1927 hatch: 10.
hens and 1 rooster. $15; 1928 hatch:
$1.25 ea., or 10 hens and 1 rooster.
$12.50. L. E. Williams, Ty Ty, Ga.

Silver Lace Wyandotte pullets or
voung hens, $1 ea. Mrs. T. J. Thorne.
Perkins, Ga.


20 White Leghorn hens. Sel] or ex-
change for 18 Barred Rock hens
(must be good stock) or exch. 4 hens
for &5 M Bermuda onion or cabbage
plants, or 3 W. L. cocks, for 3 M
plants or English peas, also have 1
R. I. Red rooster to exch. for 2 M
Bermuda onion plants. Lizzie Tom-
lison, Pearson, Ga.

Myers, Fla. V. G. Howard, Ft. My-
ers, Fla., 1142 Franklin St. i
Want 1 doz. geese. Write what
have to offer and price. F. S. Bailey,
Sect.. Oak Terrace Farm, Atlanta,
Ga., 35 Linden Ave., NE. ss
Want to hear from shippers who
will have turkeys and geese for
for the holiday trade. Seaside F

2 Dark Cornish Game Fall - 1927
hatch rvusters, $3 ea., or $5 pr., 1
Dark Cornish Game Spring rooster,
$1.50. Mrs. C. A. Patterson, Ty Ty.

- 4 Dark Cornish Game April roost-
ers, $1.25 ea., FOB here, or exch. for

5 Ib. young hens, prepaid, also one
- White Leghorn, 1927 hatch. Same
way. E. F. Shelnut, College Park, Ga.

. 206 E. Columbia Ave.


_ J. B. Giants, pure Marcy strain, $5
trio, also a few nice pullets. Sell or
Prefer Big
Mrs. I. G. Joiner, So-

exch. for pure bred pigs.
- - Bone Guinea.
2 perton, Ga., Rt.

10 April hatch pullets, $2.50 ea., 1

_ @oekerel, $5 or lot for $25 FOB ecra-
+. ted; also 3 March eockerels, $5 ea. All
pure J. B. Giants, Marcy strain. di-
rect this year. Good color and _ size.

s N. D. Norris, Wrightsville, Ga.
Le Reyal Purple strain J.

April natch; choice selected cockerels,
$5 om. pallets, $2.60 ea. Write fur! Miluer, Ga. Rt I.

~ \


B. Giant

Thoroughbred Black Minorca cock-
erels, direet from Chas. G. Pape, $1
ea. Mrs. J. M. Robinson, Calhoun, Ga..

Rt. '1, Box 168. ;

Pape strain direct, S.C. Black Mi-
norca April cockerels, $3.50 ea., or
2 for $6. Mrs. L. E. Suder, Jones-
boro, Ga., Rt. 2:

3 S.C. Black Minorca, Pape strain
1 1-2 yr. eld roosters; 1 rooster, (Pape
S.C. B. M.) 2 1-2 yrs. old. Sell or
exch. for hens or pullets. Mrs. C. &.
Vinson, Macon, Ga., Rt. 8. -

Extra fine large B. M. reoster. Pure

Pape atrain, $2. Mrs. W. H. Rucker,

Guaranteed pure bred Bourbon Red
turkeys: 2 hens and | tom, 18 mos.
old, $20 or exch. fer 20. White or
Rrown Leghorn pullets; also have 2
hens and 1 tom, 18 mos. old, $18 or
exch. for Leghorns; 1 young tom. Ap-
ril hatch, $8 ea., hens, 18 mos. old.
$6.50 ea. No personal check accept-
ed. L. E. Powell, Wrightsville, Ga.

Pure Bourbon Red turkeys, 45e lb.
a R. L. Greene, Cuthbert, Ga., Rt.

A few M. B. Giant 1928 (May)
hatch turkeys: toms. $8 to $10; kens,
- -to $8. N. D. Norris, Wrightsville.

a. ;

20 turkeys, 35c lb. or $60 for lot.

Co., Charleston, S.-C.

Want to exch. 10 hens and a roo
of Wyandottes, Regal Dorcas str
for 2 turkey hens and 1 tom. B
bon Reds preferred. Mrs. J. J.
vis, Thomasville, Ga., Rt. 3.

Want peafowls, all ages and se
also pheasants. Advise what you hav
on hand and best wholesale prices
promptly. C.J. Yancey, Atlanta, G5)
294 Peachtree St. | 2

Want M. B. turkeys to raise on
halves: 2 or 3 hens and 1.tom. Mrs.
G. W. Beasley, Kite, Ga. Rt. 2

_ Want to pay $10 each for peafowl,
single or in pairs. 2 yrs. or olden

Mrs. 4. A. Goodwin, Louisville, Ga.,


B. R. Weodliff, Flowery Branch, @

young pure white Emden geese,
Seathered, $7/for lot. Mrs. Carl-
Sims, Commerce, Ga., RFD 12.
pr. pure bred White Pekin ducks,

ockerel, ready for service. Mrs.
. Coursey, Eastman, Ga., RFD 8.
Muscovie drake and 2 ducks, light
dark mixed. July hatch. Very
2, $5 or exch. for seed runner pea-
seed oats, good true to name
or budded Schley pecan trees;
duck and 1 drake, same as
to exch. for 2 Indian Runner
s. Mrs. G. Theus, Butler, Ga.

uscovey ducks, 3 to 4 mos. old,
a. L. E. Williams, Ty Ty, Ga.

L. baby chicks from 2 yr. old
yed strain hens. Cockerels or-
from Tancreds Imp. grade. 254
ggs per yr., with pedigrees,
a 100, or $65 for 5vuU, any time
sbruary or March. $3 down to
order. 9 yrs. exp. every chick
tet Mrs. F. Cowart, Summit,


Want 30 day old chicks: Silver Lace
ndottes, White Leghorns, R. I.
or. Barred Plymouth Rocks.
be pure bred. Will exch. or pay
if not over $15 a 100. Want
by Dec. 15th. Write what you
W.~ A. Vandiver, Martin, Ga.,

fant to raise baby ehicks on halves
wks. old. Take them. any time.
Mary Allen, Cairo, Ga., Rt. A.

ant to raise baby chicks | on halves
or 10 wks. Want White Leghorns.
take them trom February Ist to
st. Ref. furnished on request.
H. C. Parker, Bainbridge, Ga.


Silver Spangied Hamburg hens

| rooster, 21 mos. old, and 2 pull-

7 mos. old. Pure bred. The lot

$10. FOB for quick sale. O. L.

hy, Jasper, Ga.

ant heavy breed hens and fry-
I.-Baker, Columbus, Ga.. Rt. 2.
t Buff Leghorn pullets or
hens and 1 rvoster. Send price
h. J. S. Hyers, Mershon,
ani heavy breed fryers and hens
resh eggs. F. I. Baker, Co-
, Ga. Rt. 2

Vill exch. to keep from inbreed-
Will exch. 6 one and 2 yr. old.
s. A. D. Summer, Adrian, Ga.

ant 10 or 12 thoroughbred Black
ngshan pullets or young hens. Mrs.
Dillard, Hahira, Ga., Kt. 1,

t about 25 fryers at once. Wt.
1 1-2 lbs. Can use more later.
se best price, kind and wt. A.
esiegs South Miami, Fla., P. oO.
ant 12 young White Roek or R.
hens. Geod color and plump
Mrs. C. G. Bonner, Macon, Ga.

Want to exch. 4 high egg bred Eng-
White Leghorn Apri roosters tor
lark S. C. Red roosters, ready for
Write what you have: B. T.
Savannah, Ga., Norwood Ave.
t to exch. 3 full blood S. C. R.
March pullets for 3 Silver or
id Lace Wyandotte pullets (same

younger) or for 1 rooster and
let (S. or G. L. Wyandotte). Ea.
ay express. Mrs. J. T. Daniels,
er, Ga., Rt. 3.

1 Black breasted Red games.
ull description and price in first
Robt. Barron, Zebulon, Ga.
Want 50 pullets, 3 mos. old. Pay
a. Pure stock Brown Leghorns
nconas. Either or some of both
ds. Write. W. N. Balden, Ellijay,

. RFD 4.

t 100 Ferris White Lerhors
Must lay 253 to 293 eggs per
pail: W. J. C. Hodges, Dora-

nt from 10 to 25 each, mature
9 or young hens and 2 cocks,


r exch. for J. B. Giant or Barred |- .

WwW t S. C. Brown Leghorn roost- |

noreas. Give full description and bes

Hage Mrs. J. T. Thornhill, Barwick

Pure bred Thompson strain Barred
Rock eggs, $1 for 15, $3 for 50. Mrs.
A. A. Sumner, Poulan, Ga.

Thompson prize stock strain Bar-
red Rock eggs, $1 for 15. Carton tu
be returned. Mrs. Milton Sumner, Sy)-
vester, Ga., Rt. 3.

Hatching eggs from pure bred pens:
S. C. Reds, Star pen, $5 for 15
straight; No. 2 pen, $3 for 15; No.
3, $1.50 for 15; Martin Regal Dor-
cas White Wyandottes, $1.50 and $2
for 15; Hogans Buff Rocks, $1.50 fo:
15. Write for prices on incubator
ie Mrs. R. J. Fleming, Lincolnton,


Hatching eggs from superior Buff
Orpingtons, that wt., lay and pay, also
Columbian Wyandottes, either kind,

$1.50 for 16 postpaid. O. A. Kennedy,

Glennville, Ga.

Pure bred large White Pekin duck
eggs for hatching, $1.50 seiting del.
: T. Byrd, Savannah, Ga., Norwood



Want 40 to 50 cases of fresh, in-
fertile eggs ea. week. Our price will
be based on the highest price queted
from the Georgia Market Bulletin of
ea. week. Certified Egg Co., Miami,
Fla., 136 S: W. 9th Ave.

Want from 30 tu Yu doz. fresh white
eggs per week. F. I. Baker, Colum-
bus, Ga., Rt. 2.

Want Lb pure bred Plymouth Rock
eggs. Do not want Barred Rocks. Mrs.
G. W. Beasley, Kite, Ga., Rt. 2.


-Thin shell Scaiey bark and hickory
nuts, for eating and cake, 4c lb. Mrs.
C. G. Bonner, Macon, Ga., Rt. 1.

6 bu. nice black walnuts, hulled, $1.-
25 bu., 30 lbs., selected Mountain Dew
watermelon seed, 65c lb. Ross An-

urews, Haddock, Ga., Ri'D z, Box 43.

2 bu. large size walnuts, not hulled,
$1 bu. Robt. J. Landrum, Adairs-

ville, Ga.

Black walnuts, $1. 50 bu., also okra
seed, long green, 4Uc lb. Send P. O.
money order with order. 8. F. Stev-
ens, Bairdstown, Ga.

25 lbs. nice clean geese feathers,
in good ticking, 6dc lb. Mrs. W. Don-
aldson, Register, Ga.

Z bu. biack wainuts, 50 lbs., per bu.
$1 bu., FUB Buford. Olivia Hansara,
Cumming, Ga., kt. 6.

Nice broom straw, 15 ea., broom.
or $1.50 doz., FOB or exch. for any-
thing can use. Mrs. Jas. A. Wylie,
Suwanee, Ga., Rt. 1.

Nice, long straw brooms, wrapped
with twine, $1 doz., prepaid; also dry
sage, 10e teacupful, 1-2 tb., 35c, 1 Ib.
65c paid or exch. for pecans or pea-
nuts; and popcorn, selected, to pop
or for seed, from Vollraths Prolific,
shelled, 18 gt., 1-2 gal, 3Uc, 55c gal.
L. J. Vollrath, Winston, Ga,

Hickory. nuts, 3c !b., rOB here.
Ralph Sanders, Deweyrose, Ga., Rt. 2.

New geese feathers, 6 lbs;, $5.10.
Mrs. W. V. Robbs, Flowery Branch,
Ga., Rt. 1. =

Nice, large black walnuts, 50c bu.
in hull, FOB, or exch. for any variety
of papershell pecan trees; hulled wal-
nuts, $2 bu. FOB Avera. Lucile
Harden, Avera, Ga., Rt. 2, Box 19.

Ground oyster shell for chickens, $1
per 100 tbs. FOB Savannah. W. A.
smith, Savannah, Ge, 102 Bay St.,

Good, nice straw bonis, 10 ea.,
$1 doz., plus postage. J. W. Fordham,
Toomsboro, Ga, Rt. 2.

From 1 to 5 bu., yellow meated wal-

nuts, $1 bu., FOB or exch. for dried

fruit. W. M. May, Gibson, Ga., Rt. B.

A few bu. black walnuts, medium
size, $1 bu., and party to pay express.
E. W.- Jackson, Lawrenceville, Ga.,
Rt. 1.

Black walnuts, hulled and dried, $1.-
75 bu., del. Mrs. Hugh G. Forester,
Head River, Ga.

Pure bred Buff Rocks and Buff Mi-

Several bu. black walnuts, new crop
hulled, $1.50 bu. W. A. Wilsen, Thom-
on, Ga., RFD 2.

Brooms, made of broom corn, wrap-

| ped in wire (2 will last 1 yr.) 2 for

90c and 5e postage. Mrs. L. M. Ad-
erhold, Lavonia, Ga.

1 bu. walnuts, hulled; 1 bu. hick-
vry nuts, $1.25 bu., ea. also long,
straw brooms, 80c doz. All FOB here,
sr exch. for chickens. Mrs. O. S. EI-
lenburge. Royston, Ga., Rt. 3.


Want old fashioned corn brooms.
Advise price, ete. Sarah NN. Ball.
Thomasville, Ga.

Want apples, peanuts, pecans and
other Ga. products in large or small
quantities. Quote prices. A. J. Brett,
Brunswick, Ga., 2301 Ellis St.

Want to exch. value $65 for good
peavine hay, cows, or corn. E. W.
Holton, Tifton, Ga., Rt. 4


600 cap. coal! burning brooder, used
1 season. Sell or exch. for 10 Black
Minorca or White Leghorn pullets. L.
L. Wallace, Atlanta, Ga., a7 No.
Highland Ave., NE.

I Imp. coal burner benedare 500
cap., good as new, used 1 season.
Brooder, 3 smoke pipes and roof sad-
dle, cost $14.21. Sell, $9; 1 Big Grey
Hen incubator, 100 cap., good cond.,
$6, or exch. for any large breed hens
a pullets. E. S. Cox, Cass Station,

a. she a
2 Buckeye incubators, 110 eap., $20;
2 rolls 5 ft., used poultry wire, in
good cond., $3.50. R. H .Kent, Daw-
son, Ga.

2 Radio Blue Flame brooders, 500
cap., used 1 season, good cond., $7
ea., FOB. Mrs. Lovic Higginbotham,
Elberton, Ga., Rt. 2.

1 Buckye incubator, 4608 cap.,
good shape; about $50 worth of equip-

| ment that will go with sale of ma-

chine, including 1 set of extra trays,
a turning rack and testing machine.
Write if interested. W. C. Hillhouse,
Waynesboro, Ga.

600 cap. Buckeye hicubeion self-
turning trays, good cond., only used

11 season. Sell or exch. for shoats,

or anything usable of equal value.

Write what you have. A. J. Lovelady, |

Jee, Ball Ground, Ga.

1 Ironclad incubator, with instruc-
tion book, good cond., all parts in-
eluded, $8 for quick sale. Remit by
money order. Miss Virginia Hollis,
Baxley, Ga. Rt. 1.

1 Ideal incubator, 400 cap., every
part in good cond., egg turning trays,
2-wick lamp, egg tester. all ready for
use, $25 FOB well crated. Mrs. E. A.
Sanders, Baxley, Ga.

Want an electric brooder. 150 chick
size. Must be in A-1] cond., and reas-
onable price. Mrs. W. E. Culver, Sa-
vannah, Ga., Box 491.

Want to exch. $30 value for a 350
or 400 cap., Buckeye incubator, with
copper water system, automatic trays
and with instruction book. Must be
mn good cond. Mrs. G. H. Eley, White
Plains, Ga.

Honey of finest quality: ehunk or

extracted. Sel] or exch. for anything

can use of equal value. Carl W.
Southwell, Pineora, Ga.

Nice, bright new chunk honey, &
Ib. paid, 75; 10 Ib. $1.00. Add post-

age. Cash with order. Will hav-

honey throughout season. L. G. HR.

Scott, Ludowici, Ga., Rt. A.

Chunk honey, in No. 10 buckets,
$1.85 del. bv parcel post, in 75 tb.
tin, 15c Ib. del by exp. L. H. Eden-
field, Stillmore, Ga., Rt. 3.

70 lbs. nice, chunk honey in 10
Ib. pails, 2 grades, 15 and 20 Ib.
Mrs. M. F. Gaddis, Quitman, Ga.

Pure extraeted honey, packed in
5 and 10 lb. pails, FOB Doctortown:
12 5 lb. $7.25; 6 10 Ibs. $6.60; 1 10
lb. postpaid and insured, $1.50; Sev-
eral 50 gal. bbis. Prices on request.


Prompt shipment. Jno. A. Cramney,
Dectortown, Ga.

Fancy Gallberry honey, in 60 tb.
eans, 12 1-2e lb. also other grade
amber honey, 10c Ib. All FOB here,
Marcus D. May, Hinesville, Ga.

Christmas honey in extracted form,
fine flavor and quality, 10c lb. FOB.
D.. F. Thomas, Odum, Ga., Box 27.


Want lL.oney, either comb or strain-
ed. Will pay cash. Send samples and
prices. New containers. R. L. Trib-
ble, Atlanta, Ga., 1135 Ponee de
Leon Ave. NE.

White shelled pop corn, 10c Ib.
postpaid on 5 lbs. or more. Mrs. Lo-
gan Beach, Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 1.
Field seected large ear ae
King seed corn. Heavy produein
upland, $3 bu., $1.25 peck, FOB

Jesup. Cash with etear, . B. Smith,
Jesup, Ga.
Sound yellow opie 25e qt

FOB: Annie Maud Morrison, Gaines-

ville, Ga., Rt. 8.
Selected extra fine vellew pope

corn, 50c qt., $1.75 gal. Sidney Hev-

ling, Hartwell, Ga.. Rt. .

*1928 erop white shelled popcorn, .

10c Ib. G. Y. Yeomans, Vidalia; Ga.,
Rt. 1.

11 qts. mixed color shelled
corn, 25c qt. Add postage. Mrs.
Pearl] McDonald. Stapleton, Ga.


Want shelled and ear corn, del my

barn less ear lots; at shelled $1; in
ear 90c bu. also bright | hay, less car
lots. W. H. Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.

Want about 30 or 40 bu. of good
sound slip shucked corn. Will furnish
sacks. J. Harvey Archer, Sparta, Ga,

Want 40 or 50 bu. shelled corn,
white or yellow. Miss Mamie Roach,
Daisy. Ga., Rt. 1.


Red hot pepper, 25e Ib. Mrs. Hen-.

ry Eller, Ellijay, Ga., Re 3.

Several Ibs. red hot pepper. reas-_

onable. Make best offer. ts C. And-
erson, Rov. Ga.

Hot, dried pepper, new and sound,
35 lb. No stamps. Mrs. J. T. _Lam-
bert, Forest Park. Ga.

2 or 800 Ibs. winter head'ng col-

lards, wt. 3 1-4 Ib. per head. Sell by.

the head or by the 100 ths Make
best cash offer. Mrs. J. A. Goodwin,
Louisville, Ga., Rt. 1. Box 19.

1 Ib. red pepper. ready for use,
50c; also 1 lb. nice new sage. 5fec tb.
{and 20 elean, 48 Ib.

flour sacks. Se
ea. Mrs. O. P. Wall, Fort Valley,
Ga., Rt. 3.-


artichokes, selected for

pickling. 10c lb. 3 for 25e. Add post-

age. Mrs. R. 3 Wright, Middleton,
Ge,, Ri 1.
Jerusalem artichokes. 6@e pk.,

$1.50 bu. FOB here. Any quantity,
Ed Ellison. Adrian, Ga.


Want beets. carrots. green headed |

cabbage. all kinds of fresh vegetables
F. I. Baker, Columbns. Ga., Rt 2.


Fresh, home-made pork sausage,
35e tb. del. any amount;
and cracklins, 25 Ib. each. del Large
lots cheaper. Made fresh each week,


Irish cobbler potatoes. grown from
certified seed. $1.15 per bu. in 10

bu. lots or more. FOB Blue Ridge.

B. M Wise, Morgantown. Ga.

Irish cobblers and Green Mtn.,
irish potatoes. $2 per 10@ Ibs. Porto
Rico sweet potatoes. $1.75 per 100
Ibs. also Green Mtn. seed irish. smail
tubers for planting whole, $1.50 bu.
Be 4 Wm. Nupa, manana Ga..


press meat, |

R. H. McEver. ees ei Rr


~ tion 1103.

Published weekly by The

Arthur D. Jones, Director

"Bacene Talmadge, Commissioner
Thursday, December 18, 1928

_ Entered as second class matter Febru-
ary 15, 1922, at the Post Office at At-

- lanta, Georgia, under the act of June|
= ~6,-1900. Accepted for mailing at spe-~

cial rate of postageprovided for in see-
Act of October 3, 1917.

Advertisements of farm produce and
appurtenances, admissible under pos-
tal regulations, inserted one time on
each request, and repeated only when
request is accompanied Oy new copy
of advertisement.

: Limited space wil not permit insertion.
of unimportant advertisements. Under.
legislative act the Market Bulletin does

- not assume any responsibility for any
advertisement appearing in the Bulle-
tin or transaction resulting therefrom.


- 500 bu. 90-day Velvet beans, $1.25
bu. FOB Bartow. M. W. Meadows,
Bartow, Ga.

14 Ibs. frost proof English peas,
$3.50, or 30e lb. Mrs. O.
Dallas, Gas Rt. 2:

100 Ibs. or more, Willets Winder

_ frost proof English peas, 30c lb. Mrs.
J. E. Nall, Grantville, Ga., Rt. 3.

5 Ibs. little May English pea seed,
. 25e Ib. all in 1 lot. Mrs. J. H. Sla-
ton, Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 9.

New crop field peas: Brabhams,
$2.75.. Mixed $2.50; O-too-tan Soy
beans, $4.50 bu. B. T. Marshall, Ft.
_ Valley, Ga., Care Banner Fruit farm.

Kentucky Wonder Pole and Burpee.
Siriugless Green pod Bush beans, 25c
Ib. add postage; also have 10 Ibs.
pure Stone Mtn. watermelon seed,
selected, 75c lb. del: in Ga. Mrs.

Willie Smith, Lebanon, Ga.
A few Ibs. prolific cold proof
Bunch English pea seed, 30c lb.
Tee Cogburn, Alpharetta, Ga. Ss
bs -
: -Willets Wonder Bunch frostproof
English peas, 30c lb. Mrs. B. B. Sax-
on, Sylvania, Ga.

Bunch Velvet beans for seed, $4

bu. N. T. Beasley, Kite, Ga.

8 pks. of no-name like peas, fine
_ for table use. 10c lb. Cash with order.
M. M. Smith, Ringgold, Ga., Rt. 1,
Box 54.

100 bu. Ooo-teh soy bana Make
- best oats J. W. Bryant, Chipley;
_ Ga, Re

Willets Wonder Frost-proof Eng-
th peas, 25c lb., postpaid. Mrs. J.
_W. Clark, Gay, Ga.

40 Ibs. white N avy beans, clean and
in fine cond. 12c lb. part or whole
FOB. G. E. Smith, Allenhurst, Ga.,
Box 44.

Want 1 pk. white crowder peas,

or white Mush peas. Will exch. Ever-

bearing strawberry plants, at 35c

oS a 100, or will pay -cash. Mrs. J. G.

_ Bray, Ellavilie, Ga, Rt. 3.

- Want all kinds of cow peas, white
peas, butter-beans, pecans and syrup.
Highest prices paid. W. H. Davis,
Savannah, Ga., 312 Montgomery St.

Want about 1 M. Ibs. Velvet beans
in pod. Quote best prices. Will send
sacks for same. H. L. Williams, Bax-.

ley, Ga. .

Want 25 bu. Unknown or Clay peas
* Quote best price FOB shipping point.
Jno. J. Carter, Newborn, Ga.

Want Cow peas, Velvet beans, O-
too-tans, any quantity. Send sample
and state best price FOB your ship-
ping. point. Bennetts Bonded Whse.,
Eastman, Ga. .

_. Want to exch. red or yellow can-

nas for table peas or Lima beans.

del. in trucks to our whse.

Rod armon, |

on : yer
| Mrs, O. D. Woodruff, Greenville, Ga. ;

Want good, sound Velvet beans,
Quote |
your price. Dixie Feed Co., Savannah,

Want 1 bu. long, large white
brown-eyed peas; few bu. Brabhams,

red hull, speckled, and most any va-
riety. Send sample and make lowest:
| price.

W. J. Edenfield, Graymont,
Ga. eee " ey

Want 100 bu. or more,
esville, Ga.

Want to exch, 1 R. I. Red rooster
for 8 lbs. English pea seed. A abEEY
Tomlinson, Pearson, Gas 2

Want Lady peas, any wine
Send sample and price. BS J: Baker,
Columbus, Ga., Rt. 2.

Want Field veas. All Fapietie
Name lowest price and quantity you
have. W. H. Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.

Want about 1 or 2 tons, 1928 crop
Velvet beans. Sound, in pod, at $20
he ton, Geo. Rossoau, dt Hillsboro,


Want 1 Ib. or more Willets Wonder
Frost proof English pea seed, also
about 2 M. White Bermuda onion
plants. Mrs. Jas. A. Wylie, Suwanee,
Ga, Rt. sl.

Want Whippoorwill speckled, cow
white and crowder peas. Advis
quantity and lowest price; also wan
white Spanish peanuts, Velvet beans
in pod and shelled. No lot too larg.
nor too small, C. A. Rowland, Ath-
ens, Ga.

Want 20 lbs. new crop budded pe-
cans. Will exch. 6 4 yr. old roses, 1
ea. pink and white American Beau-
ty, 1 Red Richmond, 1 canary yellow
Isabelle shrub, 2 orange Lillian
Moore. Ea to pay poste: Mrs. W.
M. gone ae :

Want papershell pecans. Quote
prices and amount of ea. variety
and send samples. Sam Carter, Miami
Fla., 746 S. W. 2nd St.

Want | 1 bu. large, long white
brown eyed peas: 6, 8 or 10 bu. red
hull speckled peas. Brabham
mixed peas. Make best price and
send sample, W, J. Edenfield, Gray-
mont, Ga.


Rucker cotton seed (rolls cleaned |
at gin), $1.10 bu. FOB. Mrs. W. A.

Bennett, Adairsville, Ga.

200 bu. Neelys pedigreed cotton
seed. Heavy yeilder, $1 bu. W. A.
Cole, Powder Springs, Ga.

Pure, recleaned Half and Half
cotton seed, in 100 lb. new bags.
$6.50 sack. J. C. Lewis, Eastman, Ga.

Pure Wannamaker cotton seed,
No. 20. Ordered from Wannamaker
& Sons, last year. Big Boll, 5 Lock.
Some run as high as 41 and 3-5 per
ee $1.25 bu. as long as they
ee F. Ballenger, Homer, Ga.,


Piedmont Cleveland Big Boll cot-
ton seed, $1.50 bu. or $4.00 a 100
Ibs. FOB. Cash with order. Second
yr. from originator, just as came
ve gin. Made 2 bales to acre this

M. F. Webb, Jefferson, Ga., Rt.

3 tons Big. Boll cotton seed, sack-
ed from gin. Guaranteed sound. $60
per ton, or $1 bu..T. J. Spillers, But-
ler, Ga.

Limited number of bu. Piedmont
Cleveland Big Boll cotton seed, $1
bu. FOB Apalachee. M. H. Callaway,
Farmington, Ga.

Pure Wannamaker Cleveland cot-
ton seed. strain 21. 50 farmers grow-
ing the variety. Kept pure at gin: In-
spected by representative of Ga.

Crop Improvement Assn., and one
subject to reg. 40 per cent lint, $1.60
10 or more bu. $1.50 bu., also |_

several hundred bu. Coker-Cley2land,
strain 5 same price. T. P. Wooten,
Care Tignall- pon eaaty Center,
Tignall, Ga...

Wannamaker Cleveland coiton
seed, $1.25 bu. Cokers Cleveland,
$1.25 bu. All privately ginned and

from bale an acre, and FOB. a Ao}
Mee eee Gan

sound field yeas O. C. Perdue, Yat-

diver, Lavonia, Ga.

and |


$65. Mrs. J. L. Rodgers, Greenville,

A limited ae of Aythis-
Toole cotton seed (the best Terrell
county cotton), 1 bale per acre this
yr., $1.50 bu. J. G. ae Dawson,

Henvy Fruiter eotton seed: eeera
3 bales acre. Catalog free. A. P. Sex- |.
ton, Royston, Ga.:

"IM. bu. absolutely pure Rucker
cotton seed, $1.25 bu. FOB. At H
Wall, Statham, Ga,

Half and Half cotton ceed. $1. 50
bu., or $4.75 per 100. Grady H. Bran-
tley, Jr., Kite, Ga.

: Rucker cotton seed, $1 bu. FOB
also Sikes cotton sed, $1 bu. All

| first yr. from originator, FOB sta-~

tion. O. T. Moreland, Rover, Ga.

150 bu, pure selected Rucker cot-|-

ton seed for sale. O. T. Moreland,
Rover, Ga. | >

Pure Vandivers Heavy Fruiter cot-|
ton seed, recleaned and in new bags,
$1.50 bu. in 100 bu. lots. S. E. Van-

Pure Wannamaker cotton aubd:
privately grown and recleaned, $1.25

jou. Riley C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

250 bu. Cokers long staple cotton
seed, $1.25 bu. FOB. oe M. Goidin,
Uraketown, Ga.

Early prolific King cotton seed,
51.50 bu., also Wilt Proof cotton
seed, $1.50 bu. F. H. Bunn, Midville,

About 50 bu. Wannamaker cotton
seed, first yr., out, $1 bu. FOB. Cash
with order. a W. Wood, Douglas,
Gas Rte 2,

250 bu. Rucker cotton seed, $1. 25
bu., FOB Bowdon or Tallapoosa. A

G. Styles, Bowdon, Ga., Rt. 3. .

Pure Rucker cotton seed, $1.25 bu.
FOB. Raymond C. Brown, Hartwell,

Ga., Rt. 4.
Pure Rucker cotton seed, Ly

from breeder, linted out 43 per cent]

this yr., $1.50 bu. 10 bu. $1.40, 50
bu, up, $1.25 bu. Shipped promptly.
Major Crow, Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 1.

1 ton Wannamaker | cotton seed,
$1. 25 bu., Lavonia. N. C. Randall,
Martin, Ga., ARG oe ee

Cleveland Big Boll cotton seed, $1
bu. FOB. J. E. Martin, Flowery
Branch, Ga. a

Pure cotton seed of Neelys Wan-
namaker, Summerour and Rucker va-
rieties. Grown from field selected
seed and carefully handled at the
gins. $1 to $1.50 bu. R. L. Vansant,
County Agent, Marietta, Ga., Box 38.

Pure Wannamaker cotton seed,
grown in No. Ga., last year, $1.50
bu. This yrs. Saulsbury seed, $1.25
bu. C. L. Eubanks, Eastman, Ga.


Want 20 bu. each Petty Toole and
College No. 1, and 5 bu. Poulnot,
cotton seed. Must be pure. Make best
cash offer. T. B. Wideman, Rebecca,

~ Want 10 bu. Poulnot cotton seed,
Must be pure. Quote best price. H. E,
Tomberlin, Abbeville, Ga. |

Want to exch. bu. Wannamaker
cotton seed, gin mixed some, for a
few bu. Big Boll King or Hastings
Bank Account cotton seed; also exch.
-10 bu. for 10 bu. seed wheat. Bcd.
Lake, Wrightsville, Ga., Rt. 4.

Want to exch. cabbage or onion
plants for some good variety of cot-
ton seed. Must be good, fresh seed
ay planting. Bob Lindsey, . Lenox,

Want 8 or 10 bu. pure, genuine
Cleveland Big Boll cotton seed: Clean
and sound. W. a -Edenfield, me
mont, Ga.

Large, fine pecans, 35 lb. Write.
for prices in 100 lb. lots. J. H. Law-
Fenee Middleton, Ga.
Stewart and Mobile pecan: B0e}
Tb., - or exch. ~for White Bermudas
onion, Klondike strawberry or Ice-
berg lettuce plants. A. E. Muilborger
Valdosta, Ga., 204 East Hill Ave.

Small, medium and large pecans,

13; 18 and 25e Ib. or exch. ae PBS

BO bu. Rucker cotton seed (pure) |

bred White Leghorn hens and pu
lets. No culls. Any amount; also

| choice dried apples free from Wo}

peeling and core, or anything |
-ean use at reasonable prices. H,
Parker, Bainbridge, Ga., Rt. 1, Bo

8 or 9 bu. pecans. dovara pr
cipally. Few Schleys. K. P; wa
Louisville, Ga., Rt. 2.

200 Ibs. nice large Schiege 458: Ib

| Mobile, 35c lb. FOB. Mrs, W-.
"| Sorrells,. Macon, Ga., Rt..3..

Stewart pecans, 35e Ib ~ Money
Maker, 30c lb. FOB: Gass
Strange, Swainsboro, Ga.

45. lbs. extra Frotscher pecans, 400
rib. del. by parcel post. Cash wi
order. Mrs. M. G, Smith, Toomsboro
AGES Ree 1, eS
A No. 1 large size papershell Stey
art pecans, 40c lb. del. or postpai
Mrs. T. C. Floyd;.Chipley, Ga. *

' About 200 or 300 lbs. up. Sea
ling pecans, large and soft-she ll 25
ee or exch. Joe M. Brown, McRae


Large size Stewart pecans, 40c Ih.
Mrs. N. Overby, Sandersville.

| Ga., No. 315 So. Harris St.

Nice, large and~ well fille
out seedling pecans, 25c lb. or exch
for nice, dried apples. W. G. Cham
bless, Dawson, Ga.

New crop Stewart papershell p
cans, 50 Ib. also new crop seedlings
20 to 35c Ib. according to size. All
FOB Ft. Gaines. Mrs. Frank G. Hart-
ley, Ft. Gaines, Ga. :

800 Ibs. Mobile pecans. Fancy
stock, 25 lb. FOB. Cash with order,
Mrs. EB. H. Bridges, Lake Park, Ga.

About 60 lbs. large pecans, 35
lb. FOB Tifton. Mrs. George
ton, Tifton, Ga. -

Good, large pecans, 30c Ib., niall
pecans, 20c Ib.. Hey. TGR Roch:
elle, Ga. =
Fancy Stewart pecans, -85 ib.
medium size, 30c Ib. del. 50 Ib. Add
24 lb. for del. by P. P. L. O. Pfeiffer,
Macon, Ga., 421 Duncan, Ave.

Good sound small pecans, 12 lb
Cash with order. Miss Lena Simpson
Culverton, Ga.

About 40 or 50 ibs? very ch ic
Stewart pecans for sale FOB this
point. Best cash offer gets them; al
so new crop Clay peas. Prefer selling
farmers for planting seed. J. Harvey
Archer, Sparta, Ga.

Hastings chufas, or earth almond
830c Ib. or $1.60 pk. 1928 crop. g
Vonnie Garner, Rockmart, Ga., Rt. 3.

10 Ibs. Schley pecans, 40c Ib
papershells, 20c lb. seedlings,
lb. del. in Ga. No less than 5
he M. L. Williams, Ogletho

- 50 Ibs. extra nice papershell
cans, $20 Cash with order. H.
Samples, Alamo, Ga., Rt. A.

Large papershell pecans, 35c
medium, 25c; small seedlings, 15c.
W. &H. Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.

25 Ibs. nice papershell pecans, Be
Ib. FOB. Cash with order. No sampl
534 Mrs. Beulah Thorne, Perki


Stewart: pecans, 35c Ib. Will send
samples. S. M. Timberlake, Jr., I
shallville, Ga.

Sehley, Stewart and Seedling a
eans. C..Q. Norris, Eastman, Ga.
500 Ibs. Frotscher and Stewart
cans, 30 Ib. FOB Eastman. Mrs.

F. Burch, Jr., Eastman, Ga.

75 lbs. fine papershell Stewarts
40c Ib. Will send samples; Also 75
lbs. Seedlings, 20c lb. AL ue Rose
Eatonton, Ga. s

New crop Stewart. pecans, 40c
| FOB. Samples on request. J. T:
| Boon, Good Hope, Ga. ;

Pecans: extra large, 30c 1b.
ium, 25c; small, 20c; a few 1b
Stewart, 40 Ib. Will exch. few Ib
for good eating apples, or sundri
apples. If samples are desired, e
close Be for postage. Mrs, J. B. Co:
Sr., Milledgeville. Ga. Ae

No. 1 Runner seed peanuts, gua
anteed solid, 5c lb. or $1.20 bu. FO#
= D. Sy, ae Ban Reo.


} 75 lbs. nice, full, good flav-
eedling pecans,
1 quantities, 20 Ib. FOB alee

White Sosnish eochais 12

Heard Orr, Orange, Ga. :
few lbs. Schley and Stewart pe-
ey one aD, 40e lb. also

n a: wingire, Ga,

00 lbs. pecans for sale.
Revnolds, Ga.
Ga. raised runner peanuts,

c, Ga

: Good size, well filled.

rop, ready to ship; Stewart,
lbs. 85c 1b., 50: to 100 Ibs.
0 to 2 M. Ibs. 27c Ib. Frots-
and Teche, 10 to 50 Ibs. 32c Ib.
100, 28e lb. 100 to 1 M. 25e
n prices dbl. sacked and FOB
isville. Will sell these nuts with-
the next ten days, so if you want
write at once. W. Hill Hosch,

nty Agt., Louisville, Ga.

od size seedling pecans, 20c lb.

P. Minshew, Walden, Ga, _
rshell pecans. Frotscher, 40
ile and Tesche, 30c lb. del. in
ts and up in Ist and 2nd
G. Oliver, Barnesville, Ga.,

B. P,

bs. shelled pecans, ready to use,
Yb. or 1-2 lb. 55c postpaid. Cash
n order. A. M. Calhoun, Bepertens
Rt. 3, Box 99.

ant. several bags of peanuts per

white or red Spanish ; also 2.

red Speckled crowder peas. Must
nd and clean. Send samples
ote lowest price. W. M. Year-
Jartwell, Ga., Rt. 5,. Box 140.
nt pecans and English walnuts,
rish and Sweet potatoes. Will

or same. Write. Mrs, Esther

Rydal, Ga., Rt. 2.
in: papershell and seedling pe-
Any quantities. Highest cash
aid. Write us now in detail.
samples later. Bobs Candy
Ibany, Ga.
Vant pecans: gecdlings preferred.
sample, state quantity, and we
make best offer. Blish Breland,
hington, Ga.
ant pecans. Any amount, all va-

gs. Neon W. Buchanan, Ameri-/|

_Ga. :

fenuine | and carefully

Mtn., melon seed, $1.25 Ib.

im: ed supply. Order early. Wiley

Collins, Ga.

ite nest onions, 50c Bee ales
lium size papershell pecans, 20
black walnuts, hulled to dry, 4c
hickory nuts, 5c 1b., FOB. Mrs.
McCook, McIntyre, Ga., Rt. 2.
0 or 90 Ibs. choice pimento seed,
> O.-G: Perdue,

esville, Ga.
Fillets wonder English. pea seed,
trash, this yr. grown, 25c teacup-
del. also mammoth sunflower
20c match-box full; Texas
orning glory seed (also colored
nflower), 10c tsp., mixed -colors

ahlia flowered zinnia seed, 20c
other flower seed and plants.


or will exch, for eating apples.

to pay charges. Mrs. H. H. Sulli- Ga.

, Carrollton, Ga., Rt. 5.

ellow popcorn, 1928 crop, nubbed.

for seed, 15 cupful, 40c qt.
mpt shipment. Add feiss oo) Jun-
cP Bee Rt. a Box

y green ches a poled 0c

; 's melon seed, 60c; eabbage,
ee postage. Je L. Williams,

30 Ibs. genuine Tom Wat-
melon si ed, from selected melons.

in large or


Sample On request. C. a Abbott,
Pavo, Ga., Rt. 2.

100 Ibs, choice - selected, genuine
Stone Mtn. melon seed, $75 for lot.

| Cash with order, J. H, Lynn, Collins,

White nest onions, 60c gal. del.
Maud Hamby, Greenville, Ga.
Virginia Bright Leaf, hand selec-
ted tobacco seed, 50c oz., $4 Ib. del.
H. A. Moorhead, Fitzgerald, Ga., Rt.
8, Box 126..

Mrs. S. _Coasins, Greenville, Ga., Rt.

White nest onions, 60c gal. also
Lucretia dewberry plants, 30c doz.

| $1.25 a 100 del. Mrs. B. L. Robinson,

a Ga. ~
6 or 7 lbs. select Stone Mtn. melon

Helena, Ga.
Willets Wonder frost proof Eng-
lish peas, 80c Ib. 4 Ibs. $1, 25 lbs.

merce, Ga., Rt. 29.
Clean pine seed. Write for prices.
F. J. Hale, Buena Vista, Ga., Rt. 5.

10 lbs. $1. 25: 25 lbs. $2. 75; White
Egg yellow Globe, white globe, pur-
ple top, 7 top, cow horn, rutabaga
turnip seed, 5c thls., 6 for 25c, any
variety. 1 lb. or niore of 1 variety,
45c Ib. FOB. W. H. Waddelle, Pear-
son, Ga.

Choice Stone Mtn., and Watson
melon seed, 75c lb. FOB. P. W. Clif-
ton, Stilson, Ga.

Lipsey watermelon seed, 90c Ib.,
pet 100 or more Ib. lots, FOB here.

. A, McLendon, | Jonesboro, ee


Want to exch. okra seed, value 15c
lb. for white nest onions. Mrs. L. N.
Dalton, Homer, Ga., Rt. 2.
. Want>to exch. pennyroyal, catnip,
bunch chrysanthemums for dried sage
or sage plants. Mrs. Minnie Carter,
Nichols, Ga., Rt. 2, Box 103.

English peas, at not more than. 20
Tb. del. also-Bermuda onion and cab-

}bage seed, and plants, earrots, win-

ter Austrian peas, oats, vetch. Make
best offer del. Paul Clark, Baxley,

seed and seedling pecans for plant-

price. R. L. Wheeler, ae Ga.,
Rt. 5.


Nice, sundried fruit, 10 Ibs. $1.56;
25 Ibs., sacks, $3. All del. Mrs. Grace
Webb, Ellijay, Ga.

Crabapple jelley, 50c qt. preserves
45e qt., canned peaches or apples,
35e qt., huckleberries, 50c. qt. and
old fashioned straw brooms, 15c ea.
Add postage. Mrs. W. C. Under-
wood, Blue Ridge, Ga. ~

Sundried Mtn. apples, from selec-
ted fruit, 20c lb. del. Mrs. V. C.
Sprayberry, Blue Ridge, Ga.

melon rind preserves, 50c. qt. large
M. Story, Thomson, Ga.
Terrys, $1.50 bu. ea. All FOB. W.
MeL. Edson, Tiger, Ga.

Yates and Terry apples. Botiad and
fine; tree run, in bu. boxes, FOB to

any point, $1.25 bu. Money order

with order. M F. Merriam, Demorest,

from core, peelings and worms, 12c
Ib. by mail postpaid. Mrs. Ww. A.
Holt, Cartecay, Ga.

- Bright, pealed dried soles free
rou worms or trash, 20c Ib. del.,
also Wonder. cold-proof very prolific
English. pea seed, 35c lb. del. Mrs.

-| A. H. Price, Locust Grove, Ga.

25 lbs. nice sundried apples, free

Lillie Eller, Ella Gap, Ga.

Nice, dried apples, free of worms,
peelings and core, 15 lb. also dried
sage, 10 cupful; dried hot pepper,

z. ee = 10 OR 20e Ib. nee

= Z
2 FS aot EB %

White nest onions, 60 gal. post-|.
-| paid. Cash with order. Now ready.

aed" 75 lb. Mrs. Wm. E. Burch, |
$5.25 del. Mrs. C. A. Wilbanks, Com-|

Rape seed, 2 Ibs. 35c; 5 lbs. 7T5e3]

Want 10 to 50 lb. Winter dwarf

Want Mtn. grown seedling peach

ing, send samples and quote lowest].

Fig, peach, blackberry and water-|
ols apple jelly, '20c ea. Mrs. Z.
Ben Davis apples, $1 bu. Yates and |

Nice, bright sundried apples, free

from worms and peel, 15c Ib. Mrs.


peaches, 20e Jb. dried
with peeling (will cook tender as
any fruit), 10 lb. Mrs..H
Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 7

_- Nice, bright sundried apples, 12c
o FOB, F. L. Ashbury, Clarksville,

Nice, bright ivi free from
worms, 15c 15. dried peaches, 18c
fe rats J. A. Wilson, Martin, Ga.,

Yates and Limbertwig apples,
$1.50 bu. del. R. W. Nichols, Mineral
Bluff, Ga.



Want to exch. value for dried
fruit, dried beans and table peas.
Marsena Hughey, Ranger, Ga., ts de:
Box 68.

Want to exch. pecans for dried
apples or peaches. Send for samples.
D. L. Bledsoe, Iron. City, Ga.

sweet apples for eating. Make best
a W. J. Edenfield, Graymont,

Want to exch, value for apples,
oranges, or peanuts. Write. Mrs. H.
G. Brown, Stone Mtn., Ga., Rt. 1.

Want to exch. from 1 to 5 bu.
Porto Rico potatoes, for eating ap-
ples. Bu. for bu. Will pay express
one way. Cecil Chapman, Sy vacte,
Ga., Rt. 3..

Want to exch. hulled black wat
nuts, bu. for bu. for good eating
apples. Ea. to pay charges. D. L.
Morrison, Barney, Ga., Rt. 2.

Want to exch. black walnuts for
apples. Bu. for bu. Mrs. A. J. Mills,
Thomasville, Ga., Rt. 4.

Want 15 Ibs. sundried sour apples
Will exch. St. Regis everbearing
raspberries, strongly rooted cape jas-
mine, or blooming size mixed glad-
ioli bulbs. Ea to pay postage. Mrs.
W. M. Jones, Lylerly, Ga.

cans for 20 lbs. dried apples, free
from worms, peeling and core. Write
Mrs. George Sutton, Tifton, Ga.


Second-Hand Machin.
ery for Sale & Wanted

One 20 in, Universal grist mill; 1
shaker corn sheller, 1 cob and grain

feed mill, shaftings, etc. All in

some repairs. Grind from 10 to 15 bu.
per hour, $3 cash for all. E. F. Shel-
nutt, College Park, Ga., 206 E. Co-
lumbia Ave.

ie stationary. eng., $800. Charles: EK.
aS Sycamore, Ga., Rt. 1. %

1 Reversible hillside No. 150 Oli-
ver chill turning plow; 1 No. 10 Oli-
ver chill;
Oliver C, 1 No. 10 Oliver and 1 Oli-
ver uber, all in good cond. Sell for

| cash, or exch. equal value for 1 slat-
ed wing 2 horse Chattanooga turner. |

ae Maynard, Gainesville, Ga., RFD

Roderick Lean 24 disc Gacot har-
row in fairly good ee $25. Byey
C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

,1 Economy - King separator, ees 2

both at very low price. Write for par-
ticulars. W. C._ Tennille, Milledge-
Ville; Ga Rt 2.2 3

i ENO 10 DeLaval cream separator,
used 1 yr. with one 10 gal. can,
T. G. Kent, Mitchell, Ga. ;

1 Saltey cream separator, good as
new, used but little, $25, also two 5
gal. shipping cans. Will exch. for
pure bred Donaldson strain R. I. Red
young hens or Spring hatch pullets.
| Miss Mindia McGill, Vidalia, Baie eee

Ore 8 H. P. Mogul eng. in ie 1 con-
dition, 10 H. P. Titan eng., needs only
slight repairs, and other implements
in good repair. Sell cheap for cash,

1or exch. for good wheat or bread
1 corn. Write for pees and make


H. G, Fraser, |

Want 1 bbl. good, sound, mellow, |

Want to exch. 10 lbs. large pe-

| shape except cob and grain mill needs

1 B. Jd. Oliver C; ACC

Hahira, Gao Bt.

mos., also two 5 gal. milk cans. Sell:

Teese Js P. Anderson, Lithonia,


offer.. Robt. rae Adairsville, Ga,

Box 287.

1 Cole conibiiation corn innben: or

cotton, cane seed and peas, and gua-.
no distributor. Sell cheap or exch. for

turkey, ducks, White Wyandotte or
J. B. Giant chickens, full bred = or
field peas or a 75 or 80 Ib. shoat to
fatten (Black Essex or P. C, prefer-
red). Geo. W. Cobb, Ellijay, Ga. ~
36 in. R. D. Cole grist mill, also 52
in. B. F. Star mill and 15 H.-P. In-
ternl, K. oil eng., all in flee eond.,
for sale at bargain. D.
Cobbtown, Ga.

1 A. C. Oliver oe: J. D. Me-
Lendon, Red Oak, Ga. Rt. 1.

Walking cultivator, good as new,
$20; Cole combination planter, good
cond., $15. Mrs. G. C. Duggan, Syi-
vester, Ga. .

DeLaval cream separator, No. 10.

Good cond., $35. M. Ww. Hawkins, Ree 2

chelle, Gas.

8 two horse Moline riding cultiva-

tors; never been used, but slightly
weathered; 1 large size W. W. Ham-
mer type feed mill, used very little.

-Too large for available power, reas-

on for selling. Miss Mamie ee

| Apalachee, Ga.

15 H. P. ker. eng., used 10 days.
$300. M. Harm, Savannah, Ga., White
Bluff Road, Care Harms Dairy,

1 Chattanooga cane mill, No. 44.
complete. with full equipment, $100; 2
John Deere riding cultivators, like
new, $25 ea., 1 Williamson stump
puller, complete, $200; 1 Universal 24
in. stone grist or grinding mill for
Ford tractor or other power, $75. All
in first class cond., also a dairy equip-
ment and fixtures; 100 ton silo, 30-

ft. high, 14 ft. diameter, $85; 1 Min- _

netonna Home butter maker, or chura
with motor; used for hand or other
power, cap., 20 gals. or 5 to 40 Ibs,
never . been used, cost $125, sell for
$85. Fred e Geiger, Flintside, Ga.


Martin, -

Want a good side tractor plow. -

Must be in good shape and Sheps
Frank Free, Mt. Airy, Ga.

Want 1 horse turning plow, No. T;
in good shape. E. J. Hart, College

Park, Ga,, Care South Lake Farm.

Want a good second-hand Hemmer |
Feed mill, and hand. power Grain Fan
to fan peas or corn. Cash price paid.
H. A. Wasden & Sons, Midville, Ga,

Want Fordson tractor and dise har-
row in good cond. J. Jd. Hadden, , es

Mitchell, Ga.

Want A-No. 1 Feed mil an good
cond. Will buy. or exch. a Shingle mill.
for it. L. E. Smith, Midville, Ga? >

Want cheap for ash 1 Bevel Edge
Greer for grist mill Sec. H. J.
Harper, Sweet Gum, Gar Sere

Want latest. model Internl. viding
cultivator, with dise and plows. Must
be in first class shape. J. N. Dillard,

- Want to exch. 1 No. 23 Chattanoo-

|ga turn plow for 1 No. 18 Oliver

Goober, or buy for cat. RRs Leo
Spires, Milan, Ga., Rt.

Want 4 second-hand cream separ-

ators, cheap, Will exch. paper. shell _
pecans for separators, either new or

second-hand. L. 0. es MOGHEA

lo, Ga.
- Want 1 wheat binder, Must Ba in

a cond., and, cheap for cash. Ss. oat

Smith, Kensington, | Ga. -

Want 1 Fordson tractor, first po :
cond., with 2 disc harrows and trac-
tor harrow, 6 ft. wide, also want 1 1-2

H. P. eng. hand power, water supply
system, about 220 gals. W. J. C. Hod-
ges, Doraville, Ga. ~

Want to rent a water grist mill and
other machinery. Write for pa:


Box 160.
Want one- 9g in. Myers _ Bulldozer _
pump; one 4 in. to 6 H. P. gas, eng.
must be in first class cond. and cheap _

f 3


for das, CUR: Aceten a Gh


And Wanted

Flowering locust, & to 7 ft., 50 to
76e; deep pink crepe myrtle, tree, 4
te 8 ft., 35 to T5e ea., afl kinds of
shade and other trees. E. J. Hart,
College Park, Ga., Care South Lake

Schley and Stewart peean trees.
Sell er exch. for corn, velvet beans,
field peas, beggarweed seed, kudzu
lants, rye or oats.

ny, Ga.

20 dwarf boxwoods, 2 yrs. old, lg.
to age. Make best cash offer on en-
tire lot. N. R. Mooney. Quill, Ga.

Evergreens and boxwoods for sale.
Write for prices. Miss Mary Jeter,
Pretection, Ga.

Stewart pecan trees, carefully se-
lected buds, good roots, 3 to 6 ft.,
40 to 60c ea., 6 ft. and up, 75c; Con-

12 1-2c; Moores Early, 10c ea., Chi-
nese arbor-vitae, 2 1-2 ft., 50c ea., $4
doz., 3 ft. and over, 60c ea., $5 doz.
Del. anywhere in Ga. except pecan
trees are FOB. Y. M. Anderson,
Williamson, Ga.

ee Stewart, Schley and Success pecan
trees from. Government ~inspected
steck, 4 to 8 ft., 45 to 85c FOB By-
ron, Ga. C. C. Lowe, Byron, Ga.

Arbor-vitae, 1 to 2 ft., 50c; English

dogwood, 3 fe., weeping willows, a
' to 3 ft., 25c ea., Dorothy Perkins and

red Dorothy Perkins roses, 10c ea.,

3 for 25c. Well. rooted. Mrs. L. D.
- Hadaway, Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 1.

Small citrus trifoliata seedlings

(fine for hedges and used to bud)

also Satsuma oranges, $1 for 200, 65c

a 100; 12 at 12c ea., Add postage for

12. Mrs. S. M. Timberlake; Marshall-

ville, Ga.

Grape vine cuttings, Concord and
other varieties, 20c doz., 3 doz., 5Uc;
$1.25 a 100; Himalaya blackberry
plants, 25c doz. 2 yr. old Currant
trees, 25c ea. Add postage, Exch. for

' any kind of spring tlowering bulbs of

~~... blooming size, or for any kind of

/ fiower, bulb, or tuber. Mrs. S. T.
Smith, Austell, Ga., Rt. 2.
: State inspected, True Name,

guaranteed fruit trees: June buds and

. 1 -yr. trees, $45 M. Varieties: Early
- Rose, Uneeda, Red Bird, Mayflower,
_ Elberta. J. H. Hale, Hiley, Belle of
_ Ga., Carmen; apple trees, leading va-
ieties, $65 M, also Concord grape

vines, $35 M, fig trees, $20 100; Ar-

moor River privet, $20 M. KE. B. Tra-
vis, Riverdale, Ga.

Silver lilac hedging, 20 doz., or
exch. for white feed sacks. Write.
Mrs. Cora Broome, Cornelia, Ga., Box
594. =
_ State inspected budded pecan trees,
all leading varieties, 2 to 7 ft. 20
te. 70c ea., in lots of 10 and over. J.
E. Johnson, Shellman, Ga., Rt. 1.

4 large boxwoods, 4 to 6 ft. 150

-. rooted boxwoods. Sell to party call-

ing at my home, 4 mi. north of Al-

pharetta; Okley grange, lavender
erepe myrtles, white cluster bridal
wreath, May cherry and Damson plum
sprouts, all 25c ea. Mrs. Eva Cris-

ler, Alpharetta, Ga., Rt. 2.

State inspected, True to Name bud-
ded peach trees: May Flower, Red
_ Bird, Hiley, Elberta, Ga. Belle, Car-

man, White English, Crawfords late,
ae Krummels October, 2 to 4 ft., 10 and

_ Abe ea., all leading varieties apple

. trees, same size and price; Grape

vines, 2 yrs., No.-1, Concord Blue, Ni-

agara white, -15c ea., $12.50 a 100;

Early Harvest and Keifer pear trees,

4 to 5 ft., and Cherry, 8 to 4 ft., Tex-

as Umbrella shade trees, 8 to 4 ft.,

50c each; also strawberry _ plants:

Klondike, 50c a 100, Progressive, Ev-

erbearing, $1 a 100. All postpaid. C.

M. Alexander, Leaf, Ga., Rt. 1.
Forsythia suspensas, 3 to 5 ft., $4

doz., single altheas, pink, white and

lilac, 1 to 1 1--2 ft., $1 doz., 8 to 5

ft., $1.50 doz.;.Van Houtti spirea, 3

to 5 ft., $5 doz. Further reduction


Migsery Stock For Sale

S. K. Simon, Al-

ord grape vines, 10c ea., Niagara,

ening clingstone peach | trees,

heart leaves, 20c doz., blue iris lilies,

sap and Romanite apple trees, 15e ea.

tomer; Alse Barberry, citrus trifol-
iatas, buddleas, Philadelphus, 25 ea.,
dbl. altheas, crepe myrtles,. deutzias,
lilacs, abelias, flowering almonds,
gardenias, 50c ea. Do not del. Come
and get them. Miss Emily Prather,
Brookhaven, Ga. (Suburb of Atlanta)
Rose Lane Cottage.

_Red June and Christmas eactus,
large plants, 10e to 50c del., Jerusa-
lem or ornamental cherry plants.
good size (will have eherries by
Amas) hardy, 20c ea. Mrs. A. H.
Price, Locust Grove, Ga.

State inspected True to Name ap-
ple and peach trees. All leading va-
rieties. 2 to & ft., from 10 to 20;
Early Harvest and Kiefer pear and
cherry, 50c ea., 2 yr. Lo and
Niagara grape vines, 15c ea. Straw-
berry plants: Progressive Everbear-
ing, $1 a 100; Klondike, 5Uc a 100.
W. 4H. Alexander, Leaf, Ga. .

-Old fashioned white English. An-
nie Laurie, Red Indian, white and
yellow lemon seedling peach trees,
free from disease; large fruit and
guaranteed True to Name. 12_ ea.
del... B.-L. Crittenden, Lovejoy, Ga.

Yellow August and September rip-
Damson, Blue plum, June cherry,, Mo-
gul plum, all 10 to 20c ea. 12 10c
trees, $1; 12 15 trees, $1. 50; 12 20c
trees, $2; Umbrella China, 10 to 25
ea., white scuppernong, rooted, 25c
ea. Add postage. Orders filled some
time during winter. Will sel] some
cheaper at home. Mrs. C. R. Sorrells,
Monroe, Ga., Rt. 1.

Cedar tree, 16 ft. wide and 18 ft.
high, $15 del. in Atlanta. J. B. Tuck-
er, Lithia Springs, Ga.

Azaleas, crabapple, dogwood, 15c
ea., trailing, dusty miller,

45c doz.
Bluff, Ga.

White Willow peach and large May
cherry trees, 2 yrs. old; and blue li-
lac sprouts, 10c ea., red monthly ros-
es, 10c doz. cuttings; evergreen hedge
cuttings 25 a 100; pink flowering al-
monds, 10c ea. red and yellow canna
bulbs, 40c doz., yellow and red varie-
gated cannas, 5c ea. Add postage.
es H. G. Ergbery Gainesville, Ga.,

White scuppernong vines, Concord
era brown Calif. figs, 1 1-2 to 2 ft.
del. 3-doz. Brown Calif fig bushes, 3
to 4 1-2 ft., 20c ea., $2 doz., del. or
exch. for potato plants for next
spring; 3 1-2 to 5 ft. crepe myrtles,
watermelon pink, 25e ea., $2.25 doz.
Add 10c ea. for postage. W. A.
Moon, Waco, Ga. -

Boxwood: dwarf. $6.50 a 100; Tree,
10 to 20 in., $8 doz., little Star and
cape jasmine, 30c ea., $3 doz., White
Eng. dogwood and crepe myrtle, 25
ea., white spirea, 30c; weeping willow.
20 ea., also Lucretia dewberry, $1.50
a 100; Evergreen boxvine, 25c doz.,
red cannas, 78c doz., crepe myrtle cut-
tings, $1 a 100. -. Lois . _Woodruft,
Greenville, Ga., Rt. 3.
1M budded Schley pakchel pe-
can trees, 35c ea. Fred K. Freeman,
Albany, Ga.

Mtn. -laurels, Rhododendicona, azal-
eas, 15c ea., dogwoods, blaek cherry,
persimmons and crabapples, 10c ea.,
tiger lilies, $1 a 100. Add postage.
John S. Wilson,.Morgantown, Ga. _
Rooted cuttings of Boxwoods, 2
yrs. old, 90c doz. $4.90 a 100 del.
Maud Hamby, Greenville, Ga., Rt. 3.
Dwarf boxwoods, rooted plants, 6e
ea., postpaid, any quantity. 10 white
cannas, $1 postpaid. Mrs. Ella Rob-
inson, Luthersville, Ga. _

Irish junipers, 2 to 3 ft., 25 and 50c
ea., white, pink, red and cream month-
ly roses, 25c ea., All well rooted. State
inspected and thrifty growing bush-
es. Add postage on small orders. W.
I. Pollard, Bremen, Ga., Rt. 1, Box 37.
Black everbearing mulberry, sweet
pomegranate sprouts, grafted, wine-

Garnett Dehart, Mineral

8 for $1; Delaware oe vines, wel]

_ will be made on doz. rates if mere.

than 1 doz. are purchased by 1 cus-

order, Desember: 13, 1928

pose. dbl. white,
English dogwood, or mock orange,
red and large pink monthly rose bush-
es, blue cluster vine rose, all 15c ea.
Armoor River hedge cuttings, 75c per
100; hydrangea, 6 for 15c; St. Regis
raspberry, 4 for 25c. All FOB. No
checks. Send P. O. money order. Mrs.
V. E. MeCook, Melntyre, Ga., Rt, 2.

Any quantity of yellow, rooted
scuppernong vines, will bear 1 or 2
yrs., 5c ea., add 10c postage on any
order; very finest. strawberry plants,
35c a 100, $2 M. Can fill any order
at once. R. M. Fillingame, Moris
Station, Ga.

red Sugar plums, azaleas, 15c ea., 8
for $1; tiger lilies, $1 a 100; purple
iris, 40 doz., evergreen, $2. 50 a 100;
red roses, 2 for 25c. All well rooted.
Mrs. W. F. Fain, Morgantown, Ga.

Schley~ and Stewart pecan trees.
Sell or exch. for corn, velvet beans,
field peas, beggarweed seed, kuuzu
plants, rye or oats. S. K. Simon, Al-
bany, Ga.

Small Citrus Trifoliata hedge plants
75c a 100. On aecount of long, sharp
spines, makes impenetrable hedge for
man or dog. C. A. Rowland, Athens,
Ga., Box 834.

Mtn. laurel, red japonica, arbor-vi-
tae, junipers, 25c ea., pink and yel-

All well rooted. 10c ea., $1 ae

500, $55 per C, $6 per 10. J. A

low azaleas, $1 doz., Tiger and lemon
lilies, 35e doz., cherokee roses, $1;
trailing arbutus, 50c doz., walnut
sprouts, $1; honey locust, $1 doz.,
crabapples, 20c ea., $1 doz. Clay Amb-
ercunbie, Mergantewn, Ga.

Damson sprouts, 11, 2 and some 3
and 4 yrs. old, 5, 10 and 15 ea., old
time seedling peaches, clingstone and

ea., everbearing red figs, 1l5c ea.,
strawberry plants, $1.50 M. Mrs. T. S.
Wilks, Jefferson, Ga., Rt. 5.

8 M 2 yr. old apple. trees, extra fine
leading varieties, suitable for com
mercial or home orchard. _ Will price
low if party interested in buying en-
tire or part of them. C. N. Fitts,
Dahlonega, Ga. .

Pecan and black walnut sprouts, 25c
ea., strawberry plants, 50c a 100;
raspberry plants, lac ea. All. weil
rooted and 1 yr. old. Mrs. Louisa
Blalock, Ellijay, Ga., Rt. 8, Box 48.
Budded pecan trees, 2 to 7 ft., 25c
to 70c each. Idus Johnson, Shellman,
Ga., Rt. 1.

Scuppernong grape vines, well
rooted, 15 ea. Kudzu, rooted, 10c ea.
Running honeysuckle vine, 5 ea. Ex-
change for dried apples, English pea
seed, bunch or cabbage plants.
Mack Mercer, Summit, Ga.
Medium size box of cedar, holly,
wild ferns for Xmas decorations, Ad0c
del. Mrs. E. Powell, Eastanollee, Ga.
First class, well rooted,
boxwood, plants, lot of 200, $18 del.
Cuttings, 80c per doz. 3 red erepe
myrtles, 2 1-2 ft. to 3 ft., for $1 del.
2 white bridal wreath, 2 white spirea.
2 purple lilacs, $1 del. Magnolia
Grandiflora seed, 50c per hun. Mrs.
0. D. Woodruff, Greenville, Ga.

' Balm of Gilead, crabapple, tulip
poplars, purple lilacs, Mt. laurel, rho-
dodendron, white English dogwood. 4
for 25c. Trailing arbutus, evergreen
galax, tiger lilies, hardy phlox, hardy
ferns, golden glow, 25 per doz. Ca-
melia japonica, 25e ea. Double tan-
sy, 80c per doz. Mrs. Susie Wilson,
Mineral Bluff, Ga.

Pecan. trees, state inspected, Stuart,
Schley and Success, & yr. old root sys-
tem, 5 to 9 ft., $450 per M, $250 per
A. Beax-
ley, Crawfordville, Ga.
Choice budded papershell
trees, Stuart, Schley, Moneymaker,
Mobile, Tesche, Frotsecher, Govern-
ment inspected. Will exchange for
farm products. Prices 40c to 70c ea.
B. L. Woodall, Milner, Ga.
Bearing age Kiefer pear trees, pe-
eans, peach, apple, plum, quince, cher-
ry. figs, pomegranates, 15 varieties of
2 yr. old grape vines, strawberries,
raspberries, blackberries, evergreens,
shade trees, roses, bulbs, hedge plants,


rooted, 1Be each; red Spirea, ever-

SS = Quince, and other oz-

Mtn. laurels, crabapples, yellow and

clear seed, 2 and 3 yr. old, 10 and, lic |

Mrs. |

thriving |

, dbl. yellow and red japonicas. 2 Azal-

Eaaweptale: Write for price list. Jas,
Cureton, Austell, Ga.

Currant sprouts. 1Be ea., Himalaya :
blackberry plants, 10 ea., 200 ever.
green thornless hedge plants. 1 an
2 ft., $8 for lot; Strawberry plants,
25c a 100; white fig, 2 ft., pomegran.
ate, 2 and 3 ft., 15 ea., pink almonds,
10e ea., $8 for 100; pink crepe. myr
tle, 10c ea., $9 a 100; Granddaudy
Greybeard, 2 and 3 ft., le ea., $10 q
100. Crabapple, 15c ea. Mrs. Jose-
phine Spear, Mitchell. Ga.

Boxwood plants, extra heavy roots,
$15 for 200; Magnolia Galucia trees,
50c ea., 3 for $1; red, watermelon and
purple crepe myrtle, 25 ea.. 5 for
$1; English dogwood, 25 ea., Cape
Jasmine, lilac, spirea, 30c ea., pink
climbing rose, 30c ea., 2 for 50c; cedar
trees, $1 ea., $9 doz. Lucretia dew-
berry plants, $1 a 100. Al) well root.
ed and del. -Mrs. C. M. es
Greenville, Ga.

Fig sprouts, 8 for 50c. Mrs. Allee.
Garner, Palmetto, Ga.

Blueberry bush, 10c ea., Evergreen
blue star vine, choice roses, flowering
peach trees, 20c ea., sycamore sprouts
laurel, strawberry bushes, lhe ea,
-cherokee roses, 50c doz. All well root
ed. Add postage. wae a Lov-
ing, Ga.

Weeping willow, Uokane chinas, |
white wisteria, lombardy poplars and
sweet pomegranate, 25c ea., magnolia,
25 to $1. Del. W. C. Lee, Grantville,

About 60 black walnut trees, 12 to
24 in., 10c ea., for quick sale. Well |
rooted. Arnold E. Moore, Trenton,
Ga. Sand Mtn. Star Rt.

13 extra fine juniper, 4 to 5 4-2 ft, :
$5 ea., $45 for lot at my home, & mi, _
north of Cumming. R. M. Hamby,
Cumming, Ga., Rt. 8. e

Budded pecan trees. Govt. inapeen
ed, any size. Leading varieties Sell
or exch. Fred Geiger, Flintside, Ga,

State inspected budded pecan trees,
leading varieties, 2 to 7 ft.. 20 to 70
-ea., in lots above 10. J. E. Johnson,
Shellman, Ga., Rt. 1.

-Budded Schley pecan trees. 2. to 9
ft., and Kudzu plants. 2 to 5 yrs. old
and well rooted. Reasonable prices
or exch. for reg. Guernsey bull calf,
4 to 6 mos. old. Leander M. Kennedy, :
Collins, Ga.

Privet hedge plants, Armour river
and Calif. privet, all sizes. $2.40 to
$5 per 100. Also arbor-vitae. ligis-
trums, roses, pecan trees, pineapple
trees, Jap. persimmons. J. W. Brite
tingham, Guyton. Ga.

All varieties apple and peach trees,
3 to & ft., Gov. inspected. 1 yr. old,
nice clean stock. 12 1-2c ea. del. T
M. Webb, Ellijay. Ga.

_ Want 6 Irish junipers. 3 ft. high,
-12.dwarf boxwoods, 18 in. high, 2 ea.,

eas, 1 white and 1 red; 2 abelias, 1.
white wisteria, and other shrubbery.
Must be 2 yrs. old. Write what yeu
_ and state prices, _N. Lee, Lula
Want different kinds of shrubbery
for front of the home. State kind,
height, age and price Fred I. Ba-
ker, Columbus, Ga., Rt. 2.


Genuine Texas Rust Proof, and
Fulghum seed oats, 90c and $1 bu
respectfully; Ga. Tall growing. and
| Abruzzi ye, $2 and $2.25 bu. All
clean stock, in good. strong bags. Cc.
Q. Norris, Eastman. Ga.

Genuine Blue Stem seed wheat,
free from weevils. $2.25 pu.. also
good, sound white Spanish peanuts,
de |b. for orders not less than 75 eg
R. C: Couch. Turin. Ga.

Want 100 bu. Ga. raised oats for
feed purpose. Must be bright. sound,
and clean. Quote est price. FOB, |
Monroe. W. M. Cook. Monroe, Ga.

Want prices on haled shucks. Ww.
J. Bradley, Weedland, oe a

tock Fo: Sale.

re bred Jerseys and Guernseys,
ly bred and from yood milking

ains. R. L. Vansant, County Agtu.,

etta, Ga., P. O. Box 38.

Jersey male calf, 8 mos. old, $35
B Griffin. B. O. Carter, Griffin,
fot. Ce. SS
Milch cow with young calf, giving
gals. day. Half Jetsey and half
ernsey. Nothing extra for butter.
-2 yrs. medium size, red color. $40
ho oat my lot. W. J Brantley,
tesboro, Ga., Rt. D, Box 41. :
ereford cattle for sale. Both sex.
J. Cumming, Donalsonville, Ga.
xtra good tresh cow, reg. Jersey.
_ blood lines. No bad_habits. 4th
W. J. Arnold, Hiram, Ga.

Jalf interest for sale in herd of
d cattle, on good range, good bus-
ss. Come and see them at Vat on
she Isiand. Cant trade by corre-
ndence. B. O. Fussell, Brunswick,

pure bred Jersey 18 mos. old hei-

s, bred to reg., Jersey last June:

July, $60 ea., or $225 for lot.
W. Driskell, Sparta, Ga. :
milch cows: 5 are fresh in; eth-
.giving milk, $425 in lut; also milk
s and cooler. L. J. Keadle, Yates-

, old reg. Jersey cow, $100.

. H. Floyd, Chipley, Ga., Rt: 8.
head cattle: fresh milch cows,
ingers, heifers, yearlings and
s. Sell all or part. J. D. Taylor,
ull blood, entitled to reg., Jersey
e calf. 9 wks. old, $10 at barn, or

DU yearlings, 150 to 600 lbs. Can
rice 10U out of the bunch for 7e lb.
OB Alapaha, W. J. Chambless,

aha, Ga. : :

Jersey males, 7 mos. old, sired by

- male; mother, fine Jersey milch

Sell or exch. for Hereford male;
want prices on a pure bred
ord male, 6 or 8 mos old, and
ml to 4 yrs. old. Mrs. Laura
ry, Stoekton, Ga.
1 herd of high grade Jersey cows,
part of herd. W. B. Winslette,

onton, .Ga., Rt. 2. Ae a

g. Jersey bulls, 6 to 12 mos. old,

of good stock. Prices and _pedi-

#8 on request. Miss Mamie Knott,

lachee, Ga.

Jersey bull, 6 mos. old, reg.. in

ers name, $20. B. C. Pope, Buch-

n, Ga., Rt. 3. ie ye

Holstein bull, 5 yrs. old, wt. about
00 Ibs. Pure bred from Piedmont

ege herd, $100. Hugh G. Forest-

ead River, Ga. Z
mos. old Jersey heifer, from 5 gal.

v cow (not reg.) by reg. male,
p30 ash or exch. for pure bred pull-
ts or fat turkeys of &

Wallace, Atlanta, Ga.,

hland Ave. oe tee i
1 small Jersey heifer calf, $15; 1
tsey heifer, tind calf in January,
0.U0 or exchange. Joe M. Brown,
ae, Ga...
ows for beef, also dairy milch

247 ~=N.

Mrs. J. T. Biggers, Bremen,.

ant 10-20 grade heifers to fresh-

n March or April, also 1 reg. Jer>

bull, 12 to 15 mvs. old, in good
ape, ready for service, cheap. Write
lat you have. Mrs. T. J. Biggers,
emen, Ga.


Want ked Pole bull calf or yearling

o 12 or 18 mos. old. Buy or exch. |

re P Sen et ware for breeding; just weaned .a

Want a good, gentle (3 or 4 gals.)
*h cow, within 25 mi. Griffin. Mrs.
Carson; Griffin, Ga.
ant to exch. value $50 for good
ch cow. Write for particulars and

what you have to offer. J. .D.
ns, Atlanta, Ga., 554. Chestnut

NW. .

Doerun, Ga.

qual value. L.

Want 1 ea., Red Pole, - Hereford,
Red Devon and Black Angus bull
from 6 mos. te 2 1-2 yrs. old. H, C.
Summer; Adrian, Ga. oo

_Want to exch. value for good cow,
giving plenty of milk. C. P. Ham-|

mond, Almon, Ga.


_Duroe Jersey pigs, about 5 mos.
old, 80 to 100 lbs., reg. in buyers name
at $15 ea., or 2 for $28. Will exch.
for reg. Guernsey bull calf, 4 to 6
mos. old, field peas and peanuts. Le-
ander M. Kennedy, Collins, Ga.

A large S. P. C. tried gilt, reg..
about 300 Ibs., bred to reg..S. P. C.
boar, $50; also boars, subject to reg.,
$15, 4 mos. old, ready to breed. Joe
M. Brown, McRae, Ga. | i.

Bred P. C. 2 yr. old sow. No bad

habits. Reg. in buayers name, $35;

also shoats, $6 ea. FOB. Reason for
selling, too many hogs. J. E. Bailey,
Raymond, Ga. pt :

18 shoats, 30 to 40 Ibs. $3.25 ea.,
or $55 for lot; 14 pigs, 6 wks. old,
$2.25 ea., $30 for lot. These pigs are
part P. C., and are healthy and thrif-
ty. No orders filled for less than 5.
Send money order or certified check.
a FOB prices. W. F. Hearne, Gray,

a. te

.8 Essex-Guinea gilts, over 3 mos.
old, $6 ea., 2 Essex-P. C. 6 wks. old
pigs, male and female, $5 ea. W. W.
Driskell, Sparta, Ga.

P. C. pigs from best of stock, reg.
in buyers name, 10 wks. old, $10 ea.
Joe Bell Shirley, Lavonia, Ga. =
_Duroe Jersey boars and 1 gilt, wt.
100 lbs., $17.50 ea., or $30 pr., reg.
in buyers name; Duroc Jersey pigs,
male and female, September farrow,
40 lbs., ea. $12.50 or $22 pr. reg.; 20

head feeder shoats, 75 to 125 lbs., ea.

full cholera immune, 10c lb, FOB.
L. H. Edenfield, Stillmore, Ga.

1 grade Guinea sow, 2 1-2 yrs., wt.

150 Ibs., bred to Little Bone Black
Guinea, $25 or exch. or planting cot-
ton seed, seed oats, or peas. I,
Thompson, Garfield, Ga., Rt. 2.

25 shoats, wt. about 40 to 75 Ibs.,

ea. 8c lb., FOB. Allen Peterson, Cole-| 9

man, Ga. ;
Black Big Bone P. C. pigs, subject
to reg., $6 ea., at 2 mos. old, FOB
railroad station. Pat Cook, Hogans-
ville, Ga. os 1 :
Fine P. C. sow, $35; 8 P. C. gilts.
wt. about. 150 Ibs. ea., $20 ea., 2
gilts, wt. about 100 lbs. ea., P.-C.
and Duroc, $10 ea., or exch. for cows,

also have 4 quarter rolls 4 in. mesh,

48 in. high poultry wire, $12.50. J. S.
Thompson, Care Villa Viscaya Farm.
14 reg. black P..C. 8 wks. old pigs,
$10. Dr. A. A. Rogers, Commerce,
Ga. See x s

1 pure bred, not reg. Duroc sow,
bred by thoroughbred boar, and 9
thrifty pigs, all in fine cond. Sow is
dbl. treated, $50 FOB. Mrs. M. V.
Brush, Climax, Ga.

Reg. O. I. C. pigs and bred gilts, at

reasonable prices. B. P. Jones, Rey-
nolds, Ga. a oe
A fine lot of P. C., and Berkshire
shoats, mixed, all sizes, for sale. M.
Kimbrough, Sparta, Ga., Care Kim-
Farm. .
wir 10 or 12 shoats about right
size for pork. Have had life treat-
ment against cholera, $4 ea. at my
farm, 7 mi. south of Pearson. Hosie
C. Corbitt, Kirkland, Ga. ee
9 Duroc Jersey 3 mos. old pigs,
reg. in buyers name, $10 ea., 1 Reg.
Duroc 160 Ib. boar, $16. T. G, Kent,
Mitchell, Ga.

1 black P. C. pure bred sow, fine

litter of pigs: would weigh 500 Ibs. if
real fat, $50 or exch. for good, corn.
Mrs. Jas. A. Wylie, Suwanee, Ga., Rt.

* 3 id b
Reg. Duree Jersey 2 yr. old boar,

wi eH 300 Ibs., $35 or exch. for

vats or corn. Mrs. S. R. Jolly, Homer,

Ga. eS


Ga. ae

2 lots B. B. P. C. pigs, subject to
reg.. 4 8 wks. old and 10 other lot;
2 brood sows, pure bred, wt. about 400
Ibs., and 1 male, 18 mos. old, 375 lbs.
S.C. Montgomery, Junction City, Ga.

1 reg. 8 mos. old P. C. sow, wt.
about 150 lIbs., $50 (as have more
than I can keep). Mrs. A. F. Lang,
Woodbine, Ga. ;

_8 very fine reg. male Duroe Jersey
pigs, 40 to 50 lbs., $15 or exch. for
good S. C. R. I. red pullets, also sev-
eral gilts (same sire) pure bred but
not reg., $10 ea. ,or exch. as above.
M. M. Murray, Americus, Ga., Rt. A.

Pure bred P: C. pigs. Armistice Boy
breeding, $7.50 to $10. Mrs. W. A.
Bennett, Adairsville, Ga.

1 pure bred black Essex yr. old
gilt, bred to farrow February Ist. $25;
also 2 Essex 14 wks. old pigs, $7.50
ea., or $12 for the pair, or exch. for
chickens. C. H. Snow, Ivey, Ga.

Reg. Duroe males, about 75 lbs. at
12 wks. from Show Stock, $17.50 ea.,
FOB., or $32.50 pr., if taken at once.
J. R. Chapman, Conyers, Ga.

6 S. P. C. pigs, fine and thrifty,

over 4 mos. old, $5 ea., at my place.
Mary W. Clay, Monticello, Ga.,
Rte 6 :
Fine reg. Duroc Jersey pigs, $12.50
ea., Sire: Better Stilts, No. 269847;

/'Dam: Beauty, No. 678544, . Clifton

P. Turner, Thomaston, Ga.
8 head of Red Jersey male pigs,

2 mos. old, wt. 35 or 40 Ibs., not en-|

titled to reg., $5 ea. Leon Carter,
Rockingham, Ga., Rt. 3.

Duroc broed sows. Reg. and inoeu-
lated, also young stock, for sale at
bargain. Ira Hunt, Tallapoosa, Ga.,
Box 1224.

Fine reg.-Duroe Jersey pigs. Stilts
breeding, $15 ea. Geo. A. Mallory,
Meansville, Ga., Rt. 1. -


W. Stafford, Glenville, Ga.
Want to hear from party having
Sapphire hogs, for sale. Mrs. A. D.

-|Summer, Adrian, Ga.
Want 2 pure bred P. C. hogs. Van.

Beasley, Rocky Ford, Ga., Rt. A, Box

Want 1 pure bred black Big Bone
P. C. sow pig. Will exch. baby chicks
for same. Write. Mrs. F. Cowart, Sum-
mit, Ga., Rt. 2.

Want 1 pure bred O. I. C. or White
Chester gilt, 2 mos. or older. Make
best price. J. D. Wynn, Carlton, Ga.

1 mule about 10 yrs. old, wt. 1100
Ibs., sound. Have to keep shoe on 1
foot, $50 or exch. Joe M. Brown, Mc-
Rae, Ga. ;

7 yr. old mare in fold. Sell or exch.

for a good milch cow, a good 10 or
12 yr. old mule, or for corn. Prefer-
ably in Fannin or Union county. B.

M. Wise, Morgantown, Ga. .
A Ga. raised 7 yr. old mule, sound,
| work anywhere.

Lack of. feed, reas-
on for selling. M. Kimbrough, Sparta,
Ga., Care Kimbrough Farm. moras

1 Black mare 5 yr. old mule, good
cond., wt. 1 M lbs. W. B. Winslette,
Eatonton, Ga., Rt. 2.

1 mule, $50 or exeh. for beef cattle,
or corn to the same value. S. C. Mont-
gomery, Junction City, Ga.

1 good buggy or saddle mare, about
10 yrs. old, wt. about 800 or 900 lbs.,
work anywhere; good qualities, $65
FOB. Miss Mattie McKay, Palmetto,
Ga. ay ee

1 horse mule, wt. about, 950 Ibs., 16
yrs. old, good cond., $50. Am selling
for larger stock. George Williams,
Athens, Ga.. Rt. 2, Box 80.


Want 2 mules, about 8 or 10 yrs.
old, wt. about 850 lbs. Must be sound,
good workers, gentle and be cheap.
Will exch. good brood sow, due to
have pigs, and pay difference in cash.
L. J. Vollrath, Winston, Ga. ~

Want 2 mare mules, 6 or 8 yrs. of

age. Must be cheap fer cash. Mrs. H.
J. McCorvey, HawKinsville, Ga.


100 head sheep, mostly: ewes.
Most of them Grade Southdown and
Grade Shropshires, bred to fine
Hampshire ram, $4 ea. for the lot.

-P. H. Trulock, Climax, Ga.
About 12 or 15 sheep, $3.50 ea. at

my farm, 7 mi. south,of Pearson.
Hosie C. Crobitt, Kirkland, Ga.

50 head ewes. Majority are be-
tween 2 and 4 yrs. of age; others,
last spring lambs, for sale. Thad L.
Bynum, Clayton, Ga.

50 head sheep,
1-4 to 3-4 Hampshire blood. All
bred to.full blooded Hampshire rata,
$10 ea. FOB. Write. George Sutton, -
Tifton, Ga. :

1 pure bred Toggenberg buck, not.
reg. also 1 half grown Toggenberg
doe. Both good types. $25 FOB. B.
Maynard, Newton, Ga.

Want 125 head of sheep. State
age and price. E. R. Harper, Forest
Park, Ga.
Want 1 good stock butt-headed
billy goat at a reasonable ~ price.

Milton P. Minshew, Walden, Ga.
Want several pure bred ram lambs ;
Pelham, Ga., County oe

E. P. Drexal,

Want 6 to 10 good ewe sheep. Will
exch. hens or pay cash. Mrs. T. J.

Biggers. Bremen, Ga.


12 grown Chinchilla rabbits, also
hutches, for sale cheap. I. T. DeLong,
Atlanta, Ga., 275 Haas Ave, SE. ~~

Pedigreed Chinchillas from Stahls
Gold Cert. strain: 3 does tested
breeders, 3 6 mos. old does and one
2-yr. old buck (not related to does);
tested does, $6 ea., young does, $4
ea., $5 for buck, or all for $32. W. M,
Dunbar, Macon, Ga., 504 Beech Ave. .

9 full grown Belgian rdbbits and
2 half grown, $3 pr., or exch. for tur-

Special offer on pedigreed Chin- .
chillas: 4 does, 7 mos. old, ready to,
breed, $5 ea., 1 doe, 5 mos. old, $4; cs
1 buck, 7 mos. old, $4. Guaranteed
healthy and in good cond. First check
for $20 gets the lot. L. C. Rhodes,
Graysville, Ga. s
. 1 white buck, 1 white doe, 4 lbs.,
$3 for the pr., 1 gray buck, 3 1-2 lbs.
$1.25. Chas. Wilson, Deeatur, Ga.,
RFD 2. Clearmont Road, 3 mi. No. De-
catur. \
- Belgian and Red rabbits, grown and
-young stock, from 50c (for 8 wks.
old ones) to $2. C. H. Overby, Co-
lumbus, Ga., 22 llth St. ~
1 large grey Belgian buck, wt.
about 7 lbs., $2.25; 1 Black Giant,
about 6 lbs., $2; 1 high class white
English pink-eyed doe, $2. |
tured breeders. FOB Wrightsville, or
$5 for lot. Write. R. Lamar Brant--

jley, Wrightsville, Ga., Rt. 6. a

1 pr. grey Flemish Giants, 9 mos,
old, $10; 1 White Flemish Giant doe,
6 1-2 mos. old, $5. All pedigreed FOB.
H. P. Holley, Palmetto, Ga. ae

Reg. Chinchilla and New Zealand
Red does, $20 ea. I. W. Taylor, Hape-
ville, Ga., Phone FAirfax, 2050-J.

1 Black Belgian buck, about 1 yr.
old, $1; 1-2 grown Belgian buck, black
with white on forehead, 5Uc or exch.

doe, from 5 to 8 mos. old. Harold |
Smith, Baxley, Ga., Rt. 4, Box 91.


Want Chinchilla or Flemish Giants.

Will exch. popcorn. Sidney Herring,
Hartwell, Ga.,_ Rt. 5.

Want rabbits for Xmas: | babies,
maiden and mature breeders, of all
kinds. State kind, color, age, sex and
lowest wholesale cash price promptly, |
C.J. Yancey, Atlanta, Ga., 294 Peach-
tree St. sa


20 pr. mixed pigeons. All n

and working, 50c pr. or lot for $9

eash with order. Claude Jones, Tifton,
Ga., Rt. 6. :

8 pr. P. R. Homer pigeons, well

all young ewes, _

keys. Mrs. Lue Goss, Jasper, Ga., Rt.
Want to trade corn for hogs. M.|2- : ose

All ma-

for 1 white Belgian or New Zealand

mated |

$end samples with best wholesale


by, Columbus, Gai 22 Lith st.



- ommon pigeons, 40c pr.. C. H. Over-

80 varieties, fancy pigeons, $3.50
R. L. Tribble, Atlanta, Ga., Rt.

- Will sacrifice pigeon loft of 80 fine
- birds. Black and white Hungarians.
_ White Kings, check and Barred. Ho-
. mers, carneaux, 2-pr. Pigmy Pouters,
1 pr. Silver Kings, 1 pr. Maltese. Sell
or exch, for value in Chinchilla rab-
bits, at once. Mrs. W. R. Taylor, Sa-

PIGEONS FOR SALE. _| use, 45 Ib. del. Mrs. A. D. Kellogg,| Crystal Wax onion plants,
mated and working, $2.50 pr., 8 pr.| Cumming, Ga, Rt. 6. --~=| 600, $1.50 M., plus postag


molds. W. H. Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.

Car Lots For Sale And

Car Lots

. vannah, Ga., 122 Adair St.

Pure Cane syrup, 60c gal. in 34

gal. bbls. My Blue Label No. 10 cans,
$4 packed 6 to cs., or 12 No. 5 cans
$4.50. All FOB. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. No samples. G. L. Duren,
Meigs, Ga. -
_. A No. 1 Ga. cane syrup in 10 Ib.
_buckets, 75c FOB. Come with truck.
J. L. Wilder, Manor, Ga., Rt. 1.
Pure Ga. Cane syrup, 1928 crop,
. No. 10 6 cans per s., $4.25; No. 6
12 cans, $4.50. All FOB Whigham.
G. C. Connell, Whigham, Ga.
A Pure Ga. Cane syrup in 10 Ib.
cans, 75c; 5 Ibs.-80c; qt. cans, 85c
per gal. put up 6 gal per case. FOB.
_ Will send samples. J. L. Barwick,
Barwick, Ga. : aa
- New Cypress bbls., and 1-2 gal and
gal. cans, syrup, for sale. Guy S.
Jones, Thomasville, Ga. .
. Strictly A. 1 nure Ga. eane syrup
in new cypress bbls., about 35 gals.
to bbl. 70 gal. FOB. E. P. Truelock,
Whigham, Ga.

_ $trictly A. 1 pure Ga. cane syrup |

in new bbls., about 35 gals. to bbl.
<= 70 gal. FOB Whigham. Albert Har-
_rell, Whigham, Ga.

Sugar Cane syrup, 100 per cent)

pure, 1928 crop. 5 half bbls., to close
to raise money in hurry; A 1 grade,
. del. in Ga., and Ala. <t 75c gal. while
it lasts. Crop only 60 perscent. Cash
with order, or P. O. money order. J.
. W. Martin, Jr., Cuthbert, Ga., 235
Willa Nova St. -

_.. Want several hundred gals. Fancy
_ Sorghum syrup in new bbls. 30 to 50
_gals. ea. Price must be reasonable.

_. Send samples. W. M. Yeargin, Hart- }
- well, Ga., Rt. 5, Box 140.

Want a 30 gal. bbl. of: pure Ga.
. Cane syrup, 1928 cro

p. Albemarle
Orchards, Faber, Va. ~

_. Want Ga. Ribbon Cane syrup in|

_bbls., also in 12 5 and 6 10 cans.

prices. J. 0. Brosk, V. Pres., H. P.
: olesale Grocery Co., Honea Path,

s.. 3; : ! S . :
_ Want 8 or 4
1928 crop. Quote best price FOB.
M. Goldin, Draketown, Ga. :

3 or 4 lbs. fresh Jersey butter a

00 gal. sorghum syrup

week, 45c lb. del. or 40c lb. COD.|

~ Mrs, L. L,
2S ne, = S oe
8 or 4 Ibs. butter each week (from
reg. Jersey cows), 50c lb. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed. Mrs..W. A. Bennett,

- Adairsville, Ga.
Nice, yellow butter, 35c lb. Party
to furnish cartons and postage. 4
er 5 lbs. per week. Mrs. Alice Bal-

lew, Ranger, Ga., Rt. 2.

8 or 4 lbs. butter, 43c lb. post-
paid. Mrs. G. W. Whitworth, Canon,
Ga. Rt 8s

Nice, firm yellow Jersey butter
. in cartons, 50c lb. del. 6 or 8 Ibs.
- each week. Mrs. P. W. Hyatt, Bowdon
eo Re 4
- Yellow Jersey butter: 6 lbs. per
week, 45c Ib. Mrs. W. V. Robbs,,
Flowery Branch, Ga., Rt. 1. ~
_ Fresh butter, churned every day.
50c lb. Satisfaction guaranteed. Miss
fee E. Jones, Fayetteville, Ga.,
_ Few lbs. fresh Jersey butter ea.
week in Standard cartons. 50 lb.
: pote Mrs. L. B. Landrum, Adairsville,
a ae:

Hyatt, Roopville, Ga., Rt.

| Ga.

_|for peas, corn, beans or peavine hay.

Velvet beans. In the pod. Car

jor less. Guy S. Jones, Thomasville,

; Car Lots
Want Bunch Velvet beans in the
pod, or shelled in car lots. If you
have not a car load in the pod, will
send bags to be shipped in.
Franklin & Co., Tennille, Ga.
- Want cow peas, soy beans, Velvets
in pod, any varieties, any quantities.
Carlots and less. Geo, C. Nunn, Par-
Ty; Gas, - aag a
Want Early speckled Velvetis in pod,
shelled; Otootans and Laredo soys;
cow peas, all varieties. Write, quote,
and-state what you can supply and
when can ship. Murphy and Palmer.
Sandersville, Ga. if
Want cow peas, Laredo and shelled
Velvet beans, also pecans. Car lots
and less. Dixie Pecan Co., Chatta-
nooga, Tenn. | : aoe

Shelled and in the ear corn. Any
quantity. Guy S. Jones, Thomasville,

Want No. 2 White shelled milling
corn, car lots, loose. Quote price del.
| Charing, Ga., Cedar Creek Milling
Co., Charing, Ga.

Want ear corn, car lots. Geo. C.
Nunn, Perry, Ga. 3 ~ ao
- Want good, clean and-sound mill-

ing corn. Car lots or less.
Perry, Jr., Kelly, Ga.

: -WANTEDCar Lots
Want White Spanish and runner
peanuts, car lots only. H. M. Frank-
lin & Co., Tennille, Ga. ei 4S.

. : Z My, :

- Slip shuecked corn, $1.05 bu., FOB.
Jesup. 80 lbs to bu. Car lots or less.
0. H. Scott, Jesup, Ga., Rt. A.


Car Lots (es
Qzote best prices on car lots of Vel-
vet beans, picked dry and in good]
cond., also budded Stewart and Schley
pecan trees, 4 to 8 ft., high in exch.

R.. F. Burch, Jr., Eastman, Ga.

: Car Lots.
Want 1 to 3 cars Velvet beans.
Butler Provision Co., Savannah, Ga.,
P02. Box 453853. :

_ Several cars of nice, bright, clear
Bermuda hay, peavine hay, oat straw
and fodder. Sell or exch. for good
breed calves, yearlings or cows,
good Fordson tractor, or, good cot-
ton gin feeder and condenser. Ready
to ship at any time. R. C. Roberts
Jefferson, Ga. ;

Plants for Sale and

Klondike strawberry plants, 10c
doz. 75c a 100; scuppernong vines,
25c ea. Concord grape, pink or pur-|
ple, 20c ea. May cherry, 10c ea. or
$1 doz. old fashioned Stone and
Clearstone peach trees, 10_ ea.
quince, 15c ea. All 2 yr. old sprouts;|
tame gooseberry plants, 50e doz.'|



| Shearouse, Guyton,

Want yellow Jersey butter, no
eoloring, at 40c Ib. del., in 1-2 Tb.


H. M.

-ear lots; Bunch and Oceola velvets.

_| strawberry plants, 85c a 100; red

Miss Mae Turner, Cleveland, Ga.,

| Imp. Klondike strawberry plants.

| Chas. Wakefield and Flat Dutch

|May, Lewiston, Ga. |
-65c for 500, $1 M., del. Lady Thomp-

-| Mrs. Lillie Alexander, Leaf, Ga.

and shipped promptly: Chas. and


Klondike strawberry plan is, 80 a
100, $2.50 M., also purple yard vio-
lets, 60 a 100. Mrs. W. V. Robbs,
Flowery Branch, Ga., Rt. 1.

Klondike strawberry plants, 25 a
100; sasafras roots, life everlasting,
40c Ib. each. Add postage. John B.
Grindle, Dahlonega, Ga. ;

Extra early J. Chas: and Copen-
hagen frostproof cabbage plants, 45c
for 300, 65 for 500, 95c. M. Ber-
muda onion plants, 75 for 500, $1.25
M. Add postage, write for whls. price


J. L. Williams, Tifton, Ga. &
Cabbage plants, now ready, $1.25
M. del. E. J. Gains, Seville, Ga.
"Klondike strawberry plants, $1 for
500, $1.90 M. Chas. Wakefield ani
Early J. Cabbage, |
-M. postpaid. J. B. Bennett,
Branch, Gas Rtol. 3 2 ee
Chas. Wakefield cabbage. plants
$1.25 M., 10 M. lots $9 collect; 1d
a 100, or 500 by parcel | post, $1
postage collect. C. H. Garrison, Cool-
idge, Ga. <>: Deseo
St. Regis raspberries, well rooted.
also 2 umbrella china (6 ft.) trees.
W. J. Garner, Atlanta, Ga., 887 Haas
Ave. SB ee Re
Flat Dutch and Wakefield cabbage
plants, 25 a 100, 50 for 800, $1.1
M., del. 5 M. and over, 90 M. collect
Lee Crow, Oakwood, Ga., Rt. 1.
Sage plants, rooted, catnip and
horehound, 10c ea., or will exch. L.
J. Volirath, Winston, Ga. |
Everbearing and Lady



and black raspberry, 6 for 50c; sugar
pear sprout, 20c; 6 for 50c; peaches,
plums, goose plums, and English
horse apples, same price. Well root-
ed; White English red plum peach
seed, clear seeded, 25c doz. white
Concord grape vine, well rooted, 20
ea. Add postage on small orders.

Rt A." =

State inspected and certified, $1.50
for 500, or $2.50 M. del. Cash with
order. No checks. Prompt shipment.
Mrs. W. B. Crow, Cumming, Ga., Rt.
4, Box 708. . es .
- Hastings Crystal Wax Bermuda
onion plants, $1.25 M. postpaid. Dav-
id Thornton, Primrose. Ga.

cabbage plants, 45 for 200, 70c for
500, $1.10 M. postpaid. Miss Rosa

Chas. Wakefield cabbage plants,

son and Klondike strawberry plants,
25e a 100, $2 M. S. W. Owen, Flow-
ery Branch, Ga., Rt. 1.
_ Strawberry plants: Missionary,
Klondike, Progressive. and Everbear-
ing, 50c a 100, or exch. for chickens
or anything can use of equal value.

Gibson and Everbearing strawber-
ry plants, 25e a 100, $2 M: Mrs. Ru-
by Tumlin, Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 2.

Guaranteed, well rooted, 6 in.
plants, packed in ventilated boxes

Jersey Wakefield and Flat Dutch, 902
M. del. 5 M. and more, 60c M. col-
lect. O. M. Crowe, Gainesville, Ga.,
Ree. = Sg a
Frost proof Chas. J. Wakefield,
Flat Dutch and Succession cabbage
plants, grown from high grade seeds.
25c for 500, $1.25 M. postpaid; 5 M.
$4, 10 M. $7 collect. Mrs. Nina
Welch, Sylvester, Ga. :
Frost proof cabbage plants: Chas.
Wakefield, Early J. Wakefield and
All Season, 80c_ M. Bermuda onion
plants, 90c M. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Will send COD. Frank Powell,
Omega;:Ga, .. * me

- Imp. Klondike strawberry plants,
State inspected and certified, $2.25
M., $1.50 for 500 del. Free from di-
sease. Prompt shipment. Mrs. J. S.
Crowe, Cumming, Ga., Rt. 4.
Wakefield, Succession and = Flat
Dutch cabbage plants, $1.45 M. del.

fat 5c ea. al s E
| son, Folkston, Ga., Rt. I, Box 46..

715 for 500, $1.25]

anything can use. Mrs. Ulmer Ba

$1 M. Roy McRee, M

Wakefield and Early Flat Dutch ca

eed, or white feed a
all to be del. Alice BE. Gi

- Frost proof cabbage plants: Earl
Flat Dutch and Wakefield, 65 fo
500, $1.10 M. 5 M. $5; Collard and
onions, same price. All postpaid
Mrs. Gertrude Branan, Lewiston, Ga
Large size Wakefield cabbage
plants, 75e for M. $3.50 for 5 M
Geo. Reinhardt, Ashburn, Ga.
Klondike strawberry plants, $1 fo
50, $1.85 M. Chas. Wakefield, Earl
J. cabbage plants, 65c for 500, $
M. postpaid. Now ready. Claudi
Waldrip; Flowery Branch, Ga., Rt. 1
| Sage plants, 5c ea. 50 doz. als
Rucker cotton seed (netted 41 pe
cent lint), $1 bu. FOB. W. A. Moon
Waco, Ga., Rt. 2. ie
75 or 100 M: Jersey, Successior
and Chas. cabbage plants. Fiel
grown from Long Island seed. Mrs.
Etta Durham, Sale City, Ga. =~
Frost proof cabbage plants: lead.
ing . varieties. Guaranteed goc
plants and prompt shipment. 75c fo!
500, $1.25 M. postpaid. R. Chanclor
Meville, Gai sige le ye ee
~~ Frost vroof cabbage plants: Early
Jersey, grown from genuine Long
Island seed, postpaid: 250 for 50
$1 for 500. Large, selected plants
also Early Jersey, grown from im-
ported seed, postpaid, 250 for 40,
"be for 500, $1.25 M. J. H. Walker,
Cordele, Ga., Rt. D. Se 2
~ Everbearing strawberry _ plants.
Sell or exch. for shrubs, pecans, pea-
nuts, syrup- or other things of equal
value. Write before shipping. W. R.
Hatchell, College Park. Ga.
Imp. large Klondike strawberry
plants, 25 a 100; Everbearing, 40c
a 100. Major Crowe, Cdmming, Ga.,
Rt. 4. (Not Major Crow, Gainesvil
Ga.) ee ee
Bermuda onion plants, white and
yellow, $1 M. frost proof Jersey, Flat
Dutch and Chas. Wakefield cabbag
Nice large plants, $1 M. Andre
Clark, Thomasville, Ga. pe ee
Everbearing strawberry plants, 25
a 100 FOB; Sage plants, 10e per
bunch; Christmas cactus, 20
bunch. Well rooted. Will exch. f


row, Daisy, Ga., Rt.. 2. ee
Succession, Dutch, Jersey a1
Chas. Wakefield cabbage and whi
Bermuda onion plants, 65 for 500,
\ eigs, Gal
Strawberry plants: Gibson, La
Thompson, Premier, Champion, Eve
bearing, and Mastodon (18 berri
to qt. and bears 8 mos. in the yr.
Write for prices. Henry W. Yai
brough, Roswell, Ga. Le
Klondike strawberry plants, Jee
old runners, free of disease, mspec
ted and certified, $1.50 for 50
$2.75 M. prepaid; $2.25 M. 10 M. ar
over $2 M. not prepaid, also. Cha

bage plants, frost proof, now read
75e for 500, $1.25 M. prepaid; $1!
5 M. $4.50, 10 M. $7.50 not prepal
Major Crow, Gainesville, Ga., Rt
Aroma, Klondike, St. Louis, Ganb
Giant, Evening Star, strawberr
plants, 50c a 100, $3.50 M., red ras
berries; St. Regis, Everbearing Re
raspberries, $3 a 100, $25 M. Dey
Russell, Avondale Estates, Ga., Roe
bridge Road, Box 21. ae

Himalaya plants, 25 a doz. stron
horseradish roots, 3 for 25c; larg
early variety strawberry plants, (20c
a 100; Exch. for pecans or white nest
onions, Add postave. Mrs. Jeffie Ha
Forsyth, Ga., Rt. 6. i
Himalaya blackberry, rooted, 20
or 2 for 35ce; N. Jordon, Newto
Ga. Bee lie

Strawberry plants, 20c a 100,
600 for $1; Sae plants, 10 ea
8 for 25c; asparagus roots, lde
or 8 for 25c; Rosemary, cape jasmin
10 ea. 3 for 25c each. Add postag'
Mrs. Joe W. Fordson, Toomsboro,
Rt. 2, Box 65. ee s ae
-. Frost. proof Chas. ahd Early :
Wakefield cabbage plants, 90c M. d



> *

Nice, fresh Jersey butter for table

Add postage. Mrs. J. C. Eades,
Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 7. vee


+ $1 M. in 10 M. lots, or exch. for any

65 FOB. Prompt shipment. 0.
Crowe, Gainesville, Ga. ee
