Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1928 January 5





THURSDAY, TAN. 5, 1928.



s S : F Pings


oe No business can be run successfully without: a Spaben of
bookkeeping that enables one to know exactly the amount of
his debits and credits on the business.
want to do this work, I believe that his wife would welcome
the opportunity to do this part of the farming activity.

You cannot improve your system of farming without accu-
rate tabulations and figures kept on the experses. You also
want accurate tabulations and f:gures kept on all receipts from
your farm. Brother fermer, if you do not believe your wife
ean do this work for you, you buy her a book and turn it over

di to her and give her the items of expense and receipt and at the

end of the year she will give you a correct balance on it.

I hope this article will eause some farmers in Georgia to
adopt this most necessary plen

Agricultur e, who will give you any assistance relative to trans
portation rates for the Ralroad, Erpress and Mail. He
also give you information in regard to the packs and the routes
. for shipment. :

J published an article in the Bulletin about three weeks ago



If the farmer does not

. J also wish again to call your
attention to the service of.a Rate ixpert in the Department of

will |



in regard to the services of this expert and made a statement
that he would assist you in filing claims where overcharges for
freight wre made. I also made a statement that a claim was
the only way to collect this overcharge.
statement I have been informed authentically that the railroads
do make corrections on overcharges of freight as well as un-
dercharges and remit. the shippers thousands of dollars a year.
But the fact remans that there are a great many bills which
they dont detect and it is necessary in other business for Rate

_ Experts to file claims for overcharges of freight and I think
the farmer should have the same protection that merchants,

manufacturers and warehouse men have.

The above reasons have prompted me to secure the services.
_ of a Rate Expert with the Bureau of Markets and since he has
_ been in office he has been the bus est man in the Department.

Wishing you a prosperous New Year and knowing that if
you will keep records on your farming activities that. it will be
the best method to ke your. prosper'ty.

Commissioner of Agriculture.


Prevailing Wholesale Prices, December 31, 1927. Always subject to variation. :


Potatoes, Sweet, (yellow) bulk, 100, Ibs. pu ae ee oe $1,565
Potatoes, Irish, 100 Ibs. _.------------- canes 2.50
Cabbage, green crated 100 Ibs. __-._ .-------------- _ 2.50
Wes, Ga. Wxtra dozen... -.---.----=---_---- 45

_ Eggs, Ga. Statndard, dozen --.---- Son Re ke Seer
Eggs, Ga. Trade, dozen -.---~ wig enone
Begs, Ga, Yard Run, dozen -.--_-------------- ee a
Ps ae PR ee pe ee eee ee

- Hens, per Ib, .------~- eee ee ps SE Case nee p18
Roosters, per: tb. ~.-5.---~----------------------- 12
Peers, -perdb. .s-450205-~----+--32 2 Oa a 28 to .30
Bucks, pr Ib. --------+-- ---+----- a 20
Geese, per lb. ------+---------------------------- 15
Turkeys, per lb, -->---------~--------------------- 27
Lima Beans, per Ib, ----------------------------- 08 |
Peas, Field, mixed, bu. -.------------------- cena 1.50

- Peas, Blackeyed, per Ib. .--- ween anna n oan n a= ===>: .08

_ Syrup, Georgia Cane, per gallon, in bbls. _._-_------- .50
Syrup, Sorghum, } per gavien, if bbls. o> ----..2------4 be
Meal, Corn, sack, 96 lbs. -.--------------------- ao ele
Corn, Milling, sacked, bushel ------- faaa nena n-+-~ | 88
Cats, No. 8 White, gnoked: bushel .2..-.5.-22..-----. 90s
Hay, Peanut, tightly baled, per ton ----------------- 14.00.
Hay, Peavine, per (ON gees ee kee ne Se - 16.00
Corn Shueks, per ton -----------------+----------- 10.00
Alfalfa, (Ga.) per ton -.-----+---+++-.-=---------~ 5+ ----+--
Butter, Country, best table, per Ib, -.-.------- fae 435

~ Butter, Country, eons per Ib. eee ede == enna es 25



$ 1.25 $ 2.50 kiln dried $ 1.75. 4. ANNAH :
2.33 3.00. 2.50. "2.95
2.25 ae 3.00 2.00
A9 ee ee ee 49
ee ea 42 ee Oe aT
oe eee aoe 40 ay 45
40 Ag Soe Rees 48
ee ee .19
18 17 to 19 ", 20
10 10 15 4a
25 38 to 35 ee 29
7 te. .25 best grade 25 28
13. . .16 mixed 25 17 12
30 . 30 39 36
Se a .06 08
eae 1.10 eee
Se 05 1-2 .06 ee
Be A ae oe ee ees
2.00 oo + $450, ee .
.90 1.00 10 oo ee
78 74 Oe ea
TUG ee
W560 ee 6s
eee eC eet 8.00 ae
35 .35 a ae a ee
go 3G .3@ 30 See Agee:

ee we oe oe oe

Chicago Standard (90) seore: Dee. al, 47 oe Dee. 22, 47e; Dee. 23, 4Te; Dee. + 47 1-2; Bee. 26, 47 be; Boo. w. 4 1-2e..


Since making this


soe. TWO


Thorsday, J anuary_ +5

last year.

last year.
_. the weevil, the infested belt ineluding all the Coastal plain and

amounted to only about 63 per cent of last year.




; Total value of Georgia crops for 1927 Soned an increase of e
$39,000,008, or 18 per cent over total value in 1926 ; 8 per cent
more than in 1925; and 9 per cent above the five-year average,

1922-1926. The estimate of total value is $250,685,000, :s com-
pared with. $211, 804, 000 in 1926; -$232,045,000 in 1925;

all other states, Georgia ranked fifteenth this rest, seventeenth
last year, and twentieth in 1925.

Cotton is responsible for most of the increase in value over
Tobacco, peanuts, corn, hay and sweet potatoes were
substantially above values for the previous" season. In facet,
this was true of practically all field crops, with exception of

the small grains, suger cane, soy beans and Irish potatoes
most of the latter mentioned crops. Ante? lower production
figures than in 1926.

Estimated at 1,100,000 bales, the cotton erop was 26 per cent

dower in produetion than last season; 6 per. cent less than in
1925; 10 per cent above 1924; and 87 per cent more than the

shart 1923 erop. However, in spite of heavy reduction from

es 1926, more favorable prices for the current crop resulted i in 26

per cent inrrease in value of lint cotton and cotton seed over
The southern part of the State suffered heavily from

Over this area production
Weevil dam-
age in north Georgia was negligible, and the section as a whole

a port.on of the Piedmont section.


the State little rain was reeeived during the harvest season, and

the crop was gathered with minimum loss both as to quantity

made about 7 per cent more cotton than in 1926. Over most of.

$257,921,000 in 1924. In comparison of entire crop Ae with


The corn crop is valued at $44,147, 000, or $2, 000, 000 above
1926, but $2,400,000 below average for the last five years. Pro-
duetion was slightly less than last season, but about = ,900, 000
bushels above the five-year average.

Production of hay was the largest in years and value is: cor-
respondingly greater. This was.due to heavy increases of le-
gume acreages.


Peanuts doubled he production. of last year on a greatly in- = dt
creased aver age.
but an increase in value of over $3,000,000 is shown for this no

The price was somewhat under that of 1926,

crop. This estimate is based on the assumption that the same
proportion of acreage was harvested for nuts as in 1926. :
All fruit crops suffered a heavy decrease in production from
the previous season and, with the exception of peaches, a
great reduction in value.
million dollars over last year, due to very unsatisfactory - prices

received for th former crop. The estimated value for 1927 is | A

#8,023,000, as against $6,920,000 for the previous crop. Pecans,
both in production and value, amounted to only about one-half
the 1926 figures.

Total value of the principal erops in the order. of bie im-
portance is as follows: Cotton, (seed and lint) $125,503,000;
corn, $44,147,000; tobaceo, $11, 463, 000; hay, $9,431,000; pea-
nuts, $8.596 000; peaches, $8, 023 000 ; sweet potatoes, $7, 920,-

000; oats, #6, 962,000; sugar cane, $4, 080 000; watermelons, $2. -

829,000; Irish potatoes, $2,048 ,000 ; wheat, $1, 782,000; cowpeas,

(for grain), $1,578,000; sorghum syrup, $1, 538, 000 ; apples, $l.
012,000; pecans, $959, 000; rye, $429,000; pears, $140, 000; soy |

. Asst. Agricultural Statistician

Statistician Gaorgia Department
of. Agriculture.

and grade. beans (for grain), $114, 000; and fice, $58,000.
- CROP Year - Acreage Yield per acre Production _ Price Dec. 1 Total Value Val. Per A.
= Coton) 1027 3,412,000 Ihe. 2 1,100,000 $$. 1194: 4
fale) / yeas. 8.965 000, 180 1,496,000. Add ae oe out ;
Cotton Seed 1937 ees 1438 488,400 88.50 18,803,000 5.51
(tons) we Se .168 ie 664,200 . 21.00 13.948.000 352
a 1927 3,898,000 146. 54,502,000 81 44.147.000 11.34
(bus) 1926 3,817,000 14.5 55,346,000 16 42,063.000 11.02
Wheat (bus) 1927 125,000 9.2 1,150,000 _ 1.55 1.782.000 14.26
Harvested 1026 104,000 ore 1,560,000 1.50 2340.000 22.50
Oats (bus) - 1927 442,000 ~ 220. 9,282,000 75 6.962.000 15.75
~~ Harvested 1026 475,000 35:0 10,925,000 - .69 7,538,000 15.87
Rye (bus) 1927 ~ 26,000 10.0 260,000 1.65 "429.000 16.50
. Harvested - 1986 22,000 12.0 264,000 1.60 - 422000 19,18
Potatoes (bus) 1927. 17,000 qe 1,241,000 1.65 2.048.000 490.47
~ Trish 1926 19,000 68 - -15197,000 1.90 | 2'274.000 119.63
Potatoes (bus) 1927 132,000 80 10,560,000 15 7920000 60.00
Sweet 1926 110,000 86 9,460, 000 .60 7.568.000 68.80
Tobacco (2) 1027 | 31,500 125 59,088,000. 194 11,463,000 140.65
dba 1926 51,900 770 39,963,000 240 9,591,000 184.80
Rice: 927 8,000. 16 48,000 1.20 ~~? g8000- 19.18
~~ (bus) 19236 8,000 20 60,000 1.16 66,000 22.00
Hay, Tame 1927 808,000 .70 565,000 16.30 9,210,000 . 11.47
(tens) 1926 522,000 Tt 400,000 18.00 7,200,000: 13:79
Hay, Wild =. SORE - 22,000 18 17,000 _ 13.00 > "221.000 10.05
(tons) - 1026 18, '000 , 88 14,000 <- 18.50 189, 000 10.50.
Sorghum Syrup - 192% 25,000 82 2,050,000 675 - . 1,538,000 61.52
(gals Q2e 23,000 90- - 2,070,000 70 1,449,000 63.00
Sugar Cane (8) 1929 34,000 150 5,100,000- -80 4,080,000 120.00
(gals): 1936 35,000 flb 6,125,000... s+. 76 4,594,000 131.26 _
Watermelons 1927 4,060 = 825 17,570 161.00 2,829,000 52.33
Com. (cars) = 1926 58,600 891 20,958 ee Ok 08 2'536.000 47.31
Peanuts (Ibs) ~ 1927 ~ 304,000 TES. 220,400,000 7 3089. --g'596.000 98.23
Harvested 1926 211,000 525 _ 110,775,000 049 . 428000 25.72
Cowpeas* 1927 272,000 4.0 1'088,000 1.46. 5 ~ 1578.000 5.80
(bus) 1926 166,000 5.0. "330,000 1.80 1.494.000 9.00
Soybeans* 1027 7,000 6.0 42,000 2.78. 114.000 16.20
(bus) 1926 14,000 6.0 $4,000 3.10 260,000 18.60
Apples 1929 eee eee 595,000 1.70 1,012,000 eee
(bus) 1926 pe ee eee nee 1,827,000 .95 . 1,736,000 Las
Peaches We ae ee 5,943,000 1.85 8,023,000 eae
(bus) 1026 2 seem lll UL UL eee 9, 400, 000 74 6,920,000 ye
Peace. oe. =. ie fe 104,000 1.85 140,000 Sa
(bus) ee 257,000 1.05 970,000
Pecans: OM ee 8,094,000 | 81% - 959,000 hes a
-(Tbs) -- Se ee 6,732,000. .28 1,885,000 oe
Total Above 1927 9,652,560 pe ee oe ae pe aaiS 288,612,001 : .
- Field Creps , 1926 9,609,500 a EN ee eee eee oaeie ee
Total all crops 1927 Joh sass pace eee ee oe $250,685,000 :
(Hypothetical) 1926 Senne ------ Cee ek eee A11864,000 . 9. tee
(1) Frorn. official eotton report, as of Dec. 1. (2) All types included. a
(8) Acreage harvested for syrup. a acreage from which peas or beans were harvested. es

Agricultural Statistician, U. S.
_ Dept. of Agri. in Charge.

Small grai n was considerably under last year
in production, Fesuling i in a decrease 1 in value of over a million

This erop was valued at more than a.


U..8. Dept. of Agrieulture-


- as

o :

= FPruvsiey, Janoary. & 1928

SALE ~~ =

No. 1 improved white Spanish pea-
shuts $1.50 bu. J. H. aD Tea-
-nille, Ga.

N. G. ranning peau good and
sound, 5c Ib. G. A. Brage, Donald-
bee sonville, Ga.

300 to 400 Ibs. of good size Stew-
art paper shell pecans 40c !b. FOB

here; 10 lbs. and up del. to Ga.
points. G. G. Oliver, Barnesville,
Gas Ri 2.

White Spanish reantts, per 100 fe

$6. 50; Jumbo $7; runners $5.50.
Good weed stock, shelled, No 1 $10.
Dan Shipp, Finleyson, Ga.
40 tons Ga. runner seed peanuts,
-. grown and saved specially for seed.
100 Ib. bag FOB $5. Write for
prices on ton or car lots. W. I. Mc-
_ Kinney, Cordele, Za.
50 bu. Ga. runner peanuts, hand
picked and free from weather staia,
- $2 bu; 25 bu. white Spanish peanuts
8c lb, All FOB here. John M. Spi-
yey, Adrain, Ga.

Good runner peanut seed ' 4c
FOB Broxton. W.
ton, Ga.


or will exchange for No. 1 pure Ga.
'-@ane syrup in bbls. . Ross Swann
Carnegia, Ga. : :
> North Carolina flat runver see
aie peanuts $1.50 bu.
- . ed for less than 5 bu. W. R. Con-
> nell; Whigham, Ga., Rt. 1.
No. 1 white Seanick pe nuts $1, 60

_.. bu. FOB here. W. C. Brassell, Gib
De s0n, Ga. - i Bene
Medium size pecans. New crop.

| Sound and good, 25c lb., $20/per 100
s ibs. Will: exchange for Buckeye in-
- eubator, or Toulouse gander. Bex

52, Norersss, ae :


.~ Extra early frost proof Jersey
Charleston Wakefield and Flat Dutch
_* eabbage plants 60c 500,.$1 M. del.

= a Y. Stokes, Macon; Ga., Rtg.
Quick shipment, guaranteed
"Ghartectos and Jersey Wakefield cab-
cbage plants, 76 500, $1.20 M., post-

1 e lima beans, Stone Mountain water-

2 melon or Rocky Ford cantaloupe

Fr seed, 0, F. Haat Flowery Branch,

266 Ree

a Lady Thompson and. everbearing
strawberry plants, maixed $2 M. del:;
yellow or puarple iris bulbs 25 ies.
del. Cash with order. J. B. Stem-
bridge, Ella Gap, Ga. |

: londike plants 25 a 100, $2. 25
_M. del in Ga. J. B. Bennett, ive?
Branch, Ga., Rt..1.~

ae Improved everbearing suabaey
plants $3 a M. del. Cash with order.
a W. Patterson, Hastanollee, Ga.,

oe. St. Regis everbearing red raspber-
-ries $1 doz. | Hazel Amos, Rising

_ Fawn, Ga., Rt. be

Large, well rooted Charleston and
early Jersey Wakefield cabbage
plants. Prompt shipment.
65e 300; 1 M. $1.25;-5 M. $6, or ex-
change for Jumbo peanuts, Rocky
Ford cantaloupe seed, baby lima, or
tenderhull cornfield beans. Mrs.
Grace Maddox, Flowery, Branch, Ga.,
Rt. 2.

ae 5 years old, reasonable prices, will
exchange for reg. Durec Jersey hogs
at reasonable prices, Leander M.
Kennedy, Collins, Ga.

Extra early. and frost proof cab-
_bage plants 60c 500, $1 M. COD. F.
_F, Stokes, Fitzgerald, Ga.

Frost proof cabbage plants $1.25
M. del. a= Cc. L. a re, Ga. _


| Capt. Albert Harritigton,,
F, Walker, Brox-

25 to 30 bu. running peanuts. Sell

No order accept-|-

~ paid, or exchange for peanuts, baby.


| Ga., Rt. 1.
Kudzu hay and pasture plants, 2


Frost. proof cabbage and eolale
plants 65c 500 $1 M., 5 M. $3.75.
Satisfaction. de Mullis, Alma, Ga.
_ Klondike. strawberry plants $1.00
or 500 or $1.75 M. postpaid. Charles-
ton Wakefield cabbage plants, $1.25.
M. postpaid, $1 M. express collect.
Eis Ge Wingo, Flowery Branch, Ga.,
Rt. 1,

Frost proof cabbage and onion
plants $1 a M. and charges, COD.
Andrew Clark, Thomasville, Ga. :

Leading varieties of frost proof
cabbage plants $1 a M., 5 M. $4, Roy
McRee, Meigs, Ga. .

Jersey and Charleston Wakefield
cabbage plants $1 a M, del.; Bermu-
da onions $1.50 a M. TaN, MKin-

ley, Pitts, Ga.

Jersey and Charleston. Wakefield
cabbage plants 40c 200, 500 60c, 1
M. $1.10, postpaid. Miss Grace
Branan, Lewiston, Ga. ,

All leading varieties of cabbage
plants for winter heading from inoc-
ulated seed, 75c 500; 1 M. $1, COD.
ville, Ga.

Byerbearing strawberry piedis 25

a 100. < Mrs. He Je. Davidson, | Pine-
ee Ga.

Karly Flat Dutch, Jersey Wakefield
and Charleston cabbage plants 40].
200, 75 500, $1.10 M., 3 M. $3 post-
| paid. Roy Branan, Eenioron Ga.
Large, well rooted Charleston and
Jersey Wakefield cabbage, from im-
100,'50e: 200, 90.500, $1.40. M.
pressed. KE. A. Hayes, Buford, Ga:

Early Jersey and Charleston Wake-
field cabbage plants T5e. 500, $1.25
price. Prompt shipment.
dlor, Seville, Ga.

CR, eee


M. del., 5 M. lots $1 M. FO@. W. C.
Waidtip.. Flowery Branch, Ga. -

Everbearing strawberry plants 60
a 100, postpaid. Cash with- order.
Mrs. M. A. Laster, weviles: Ga., Rt. ns
Box 190.

Iceberg lettuce plants 25c a 100,
or $1.50 a M., postpaid.. Mrs. O. E.
Browning, Doerun, Ga., RFD 4.
field cabbage plants $1 M. del.; Ber-
Kinley, Seville, Ga.

Klondike strawberry plants: 25 a
100, $2 M., cash with order. Mrs.
W. B. Crow, Cumming, ee Rt. 4,
Box 78,

Porto Rican plants, voady to ship
from the lst to 15th of March. Or-
ders any time.
-|teed quality plants.
Alma, Ga.

Klondike and Missionary

Ww. L. Johnson,

postage. Floy Mae Holland, Flowery
Branch, Ga. . :

Large type Early Wakefield cab-
bage plants and white Bermuda on-
ion plants T5c 500, $1.25 M. post-

Large, everbearing strawberry
plants 25e a 100, $1.25 500. Add
postage. No checks accepted. Mrs.
E. F. Brewton, Statesboro, Ga.

100 del. Mrs. J. CR. Hillis, eS ee

frost proof. Early toad
Charlesten: Wakefield cabbage plants
75 500, $1.25 M. del.; 90c M. ex-
press collect. Prompt shipment, Well
rooted. Burgess Farms, Pembroke,
Frost proof cabbage; collards, and

| Bermuda onion plants $1 a M. each.

W. W. Williams, Quitman, Ga. ,
Cabbage plants for sale. Will give

10 S _ Packages of chewing gum with]


ported, guaranteed quality seed 30c| |

postpaid; 5 and 10 M. jot $1 M., ex-|

postpaid; Bermuda onions, same/

Early Jersey, Wakefield ahi Sate
cession cabbage plants 20c a 100, $1.20

_ Early J ersey and Chavieston Wake- :

muda onions 1 M. $1. 50, L. Cc. Me-

$2.25 M. Guaran-|-

5 straw-
berry plants 25c a 100, $2.50 M. Add

A, E. Reinhardt, Ashburn, Ga.

Well rooted dewberry plants 50c a


every 1 Mo ats ordered. <P: G.
Pedrick, Quitman, Ga.

Klondike strawberry plants 30c a
Add. postage. No stamps ac-
eepted. Mrs. S. ey Crider, Drake-
town, Ga.

Dry sage 60c lb. del. Mrs. Ida M.

Allen, Carrollton, Ga, Rt. 5. r

- Lueretia dewberry plants $1.25 a
100 del.; Klondike strawberry plants
30c a 100, or $2.50 a M. Talmadge |

Robinson, Greenville, Ga.

From 6 to 10 M. Aroma strawber-

ry plants $2.50 M. del. Edwin E.
McLaughlin, Macon, Ga, Rt: 3.
Strawberry plant, 7 be per 100.

Miss Lillie. Rowers) Cleveland, Ga., Rt.
: Very large and early ee ae:

berry plants 30c a 100, $1.25 500; $2

a M. del.

Mrs. i E. Mobley, Glenn-
ville, Ga.

Leading 45 otek of cabbage plants

$1 per M. Prompt shipment.
son Clark, Thomasville, Ga.

_ Early Jersey, Charleston, Sueces-
sion cabbage, eabbage-collard (head-
ing variety) collards, assorted,. label-


ed, promptly shipped postpaid: 250)

40c, 500 75c; 1 .M $1.25. Any form
of remittance accepted. Jou, ae,
er, Cordele, Ga.

Frost proof cabbage plants, Charles:

ton and Harly Jersey; 500 60c, 1 M.}

$1. Immediate. delivery. I. L.
Btoey Fitzgerald, Ga.

Ross Swann, Carne-
gie, Ga. Pcs

Pedigreed Wannamaker-Cleveland
big boll cotton seed, recleaned, culled
and graded $4 per 100 Ib. bag JOH.
Palmer, Tenmille, Ga. ig ee:

Pure Broadwell cotton seed, plant-
ed 1 year $3. 50 per 100. A. L. Ee

Pure Wahuamales Clexeldad bis
boll cotten seed. Recleaned ; 90c bu.
R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

About. 1: ton good, selected Sea
Island, pase cotton. seed, 1927 crop.

| 5e Ib. I. F, Culpepper, Lake Park,
Ga., Rt. Be

Half and Half cotton goed: 10 bu.
$1.a bu. FOB Adrian. Mrs. W. A.

Summer, Adrian, Ga.
Want old time Russell cotton ao
Also old time Gourd seed, with crook

handles. Must. be. pure. oJ. =f.
Vaughn, Martin, Ga: oe
Want ,cotton seed. Also peas,

beans, corn and millet seed. F. M.
oe Live Oak, aoe Box 269.

Good, No. 1 Bright Goorcia: cane

syrup in 10 lbs. buckets. Sealed while.

hot. $1 a bucket or exch. for anything
can. use. Write what you have. O. I.
Shipley, Atburn, Ga.

Pure Georgia cane syrup in bbls.
or cans 75 gal. by bbl. $1 gal. in
eans. FOB Brooklet.. Mrs. a. B.
Lewis, Brooklet, Ga.

2500 gal new Georgia cane eivton |

cane syrup. Best quality, No. 10 cans
6 for $4.40; 12 for 8.40; new Georgia
cane syrup in new 32 to 35 gal. bbls.
$17 bbl. FOB Quitman. Fuller Ped-
tick, Quitman, Ga.

100 gal. new, thick Sorehne: syrup
in 10 1b. pails, $1 gal. Grady Thom-
asson, Rockmart, Ga. Rt. 3 .

A No. 1 Ribbon cane syrup, in 19
lb. cans, 75c can, or will exch. for
S. P. C. sow Must be well bred and
good Avlor. J. E. Thompson, Swains-
boro, | Ga :

Pure Georgia sugar cane syrup,
10-Ib. cans for $3. 75. J. e Rathi

150 bu. Tooles cotton seed $1. 35 W-
|; bu. FOB here.

4 eredit.


Pure - Georgia cane syrup, "aan
as it comes from evaporator. 12 5-lb.
cans to case, $4.75 per case FOB
Meigs. G. B. Isler, Meigs, Ga.
- Pure sugar cane syrup, made fron.
old fashioned red and ribbon can
Case of 6 10-Ib. cans $4.80; case of
5-lb. cans $520; Cayana. cane syrup,
case of 6 10-Ib. cans $3.25. All FOB
Adel. Cash with order. W. D Well
Adel, Ga

Good, bright, well skimmed North
Ga. cane syrup, in new i-gal. bucke
$10 per case of 12 gals. $5 per. cas
of 6 gals. FOB here. r, M. ue
Ellijay; Ga.

A-1 pure Ga. cane | syrup, ft cae
of 6 1-gal. cans $4; cases of 12 ha
gal. cans $4.25; cases of 24 qts. $4.50.
in bbls. 50 gal. FOB Whigham. | ;
T. Ponder, Whigham, Ga. =

New Ga. ribbon cane. syrup $4 5
per case of 6 10-lb. cans; $4.75 pe
case of 12 5-Ib. cans. Del. your sta-
tion. Money refunded if not satisfie
Thos. Davis, Meigs, Ga. _ a

Want a small bbl. ef good ribbe :
cane syrup. Quote best price. By
Travis, Fayetteville, Ga. =

x .


Fresh oak smoked sausage 40c |
25 lbs. and over~del. Delivery Ja
15. Will accept all orders until Jan
10. C. L. Wetherington, pe G
Route 2 *
A. few, nice, cured smoked ham
t. 17 Wbs. 32 Ib. del. J. H ae
Dixie, Ga Rt. 2 _ :

All pork sausage 30c; hams; > 25
shoulder 36e, in lots of 20. lbs or mo
Cash with order. C L, McMickl
Charing, Ga.

_All pork country. sausage ie Tbs
fresh, $1.95: smoked $2.20; 10 Tb
smoked $4. 85: hams arnaket 35 db
smoked bacon, per side 20. Ib.; eur
bacon, not smoked, 18c Ib. c
Prepaid. Enech Sayers: AER
Rt 6. =


100 Tbs. genuine white rice | Pe
corn, free from weevils. Good to po
and good seed. 20c Ib. Joha M. ae
Adrian, Ga. re es

60 Tbs. Bkuiiway: white: rice "por
corn, sound and free from weevil
10c Tb. in ear; 15 Ib. shelled. FO
here. R. L. Weeks, Dial, Ga

200 Ibs. white rice pop corn, 5c
FOB. here, Clyde. Woed, _Talkit
Rock, Ga.
- Want, 100 bus. Sadaa clean cor
Pay cash del. to home. Wm. F, ia
Scott, Ga Rt. 1. cae

Want from 50 to 100 bus. goo
new crop white corn in -shuck
Edwin E. MeLanghitin,- /
con, Ga. Rt. 2., x


1 1-2 bu. Black Walnuts, hulled.
bu. FOB here. Mrs. Lucy Benne
Royston, Ga. Rt. 850s

1, 2-horse wagon. Good cond
M. F. Staliworth, Hapeville, Ga

10 Red Duroc sows, full blood
125 Yes. Bred and will farrow at
middle of February, $15 ea.;
Duroe pigs, 10 wks. old, $6 ea
Red Duroc pe about 4 Oo

Want : good sound whea

Blackest. Ga,

|bu. Crest Hill Fe

pea dient uohid anti}
FOB Madison; 250 Ibs.
with | black eet

a ee :
_ Rarly spoctiea- soba sale
10 bu.; $1. 40 bu.;



oe ocd: bas Ban- .

fs Farm, Hort. ys. Ga.

fi: a growers: affidavit fur-
ed as to variety. $3.50 bu., -
07 oes John M. eeo: Adrian

or be ae Re bu. B. R. Wood- |
yo Branch, Gay
w crop. Brabs, - $1.75;
1.60 FOB Oglethorpe. Te L.
: Oglethorpe, Ga
bu. 1296 crop Mung Bente,

ae or more of white ae

Feb. lection oe. th. eae

Mrs. Fred co. ee
3, Ga oe oS

iS aL 25. All new Gor

GC. a Lord, Tena

is || Valdosta, Giscs
Sage plants 10c onal RB a Cor-|

B | too-tan Soy beans. Send
e [state Towest price and - quantity can
t| offer. Doeretts Seed Co., Atlanta,

he Co. Hickory, N. Ce eaee

onion plants,

tal wax and bermuda
500, 653 1000, wh Walter

.| ley, Mauk, Ga. Rt. i: LA
- Thomas winter English pea, Seed.
20c. Ib. del. Py Py 1be.Jb.-in- tn. lots.

1000 fob. here.

Want to buy all kinds fresh made

eal roots. State what you can furnish |
gad and price. John T. Patterson, Aflan-
; Clays and Whip- |

ta, Ga. Rt. % Box: 116A.



and dete! peas. te Lorets and. 0-

| Ga.

Want blk: Pee bush: snap

or{ beans - or Hastings stringless green |

ayes, also 1-2 bu. California plack- |.
{eyed or early white. crowder peas, J.
Te Mercer, Tifton, Ga. Rist

~ Want. Mung Beans. Hickory Seed


- Want Iron or Brab peas. ONE 2B.
Hun Americus, Ga.
Want Lady peas.

Colambus, Ga. Box 244.

|. Want 100. bu. Whippoorwill peas;
50 bu. genuine bunch velvet _beans.
Must be sound and in double. sacks. |

Send samples and price. Ww. MM ee digree. Jay & Mason, Madisoh,

lor, Ft. Meade, Fla.

25 bu. new crop Brab peas. Will}

| Pay eash .or exch. new Ga.
| syrup. F G. Pedrick, Quitman, Ga.

land young
Valdosta, Ga. Rt. 2.. 3

. Want > Brabham, | ee
Whips, New Bras. and mixed field
| peas, in car lots or less; also O-too- |
bptan, and Loreda soy Deans. Name

_| trie, Ga. = Se fey
Couns FOR SALE. a
Sites dwarf okra seed . 2Be tb.
At J. A. Russell, Rocky Face, Ga.
Long green pod and Jumbo okra|

ee seed 20c Ib. eel dried okra, 1. 1-2

_ All orders filled in 3 days.
-and- full count guaran-
with ae

oe $5. 50 fob.
a ic orders: oe: Ww.

| gal. $2 del. c
4 Ga. z

cabb . plants "80e 1000; pap
Crest _ Hill

Oe ena .

j Oliver, iets

E. Nolan, >
colored. running butter foun 20
teacup; white nest onions 40c gal.;
okra seed. 25e teacup; white pole
ter beans 20c teacup, add postage.

or exch. for seed peanuts. Mrs. Ona:

: _ | Fowler, Roy, Ga.

100: Ibs. velvet. okra eed 50c. ie

110 Ibs. or more 40c lb, del. Mrs. Mary

-| Collins, Cordele, SCRE
Lady peas hand _ shelled

Pumpkin. seed 15c cupful: Rice and

| yellow pop corn 1Be cupful. Mrs. W.t
: Tuck, Ellijay, Ga.

_ White velvet okra Seed 25e
ee top globe. turnip seed
mixed turnip seed 30c Ib del.
a Barnesv ile. Ga
collard 50c;


oe $15

ion seed $3. Ww. S we liams, fale

ee val ieties; fr Ose ecook cab-
bage plants; also red cabbage. Crys-

fob. Chas.. Wakefield cabbage plants |
| $1.25 M. In lots of 5000 or more $1
John Ww. Berryhill, |
| fakeland, Ga rS

Want peas, beans and corn. | Box

| 269, Live. Oak, Fla. ;
_ Want Brown Whipp, Blue Whipp,
= Ball Ground, Ga., Re S43 Cs


Pred re Baker,

| Ge
Will trade for beans, peas, gilts} ~

SOWS. M. B. : Holey

your prices. Vernon Brabham, Moul-.
| pigs; 40 pigs $4 each. SS. Biever
Begins: Ga,

6 pure bred S. P. CG. hears large

beans 25 teacup ; bunch white but-}
Mrs. gat Adcock, Rt. 8, See ee

Improved fon vecd 20 eenter

On G.

tomato |
$1; king epper $3.50: Bermuda on-

6 bu. chufas: $6: bu.
bu. puke Whatleys prolific |
corn,. snubbed and shelled 65c pk. or

nubbed. and shelled 65 pk.; 30. bss}
Egyptian wheat corn 20 lb. 5 castor
beans 25 lb.;
Little Ga. butter pea seed Ive Ib.
will: exchange chufas, for seed oats

sian sun flower. seed 9c pt., 65 gal.
k. L. Weeks, Dial, Ga. :

Baltimore tamato seed $1 Ib.; Loreda
beans 7c lb.; mung beans. 0c Ib. B.

% R Woodliff, Flowery Branch, Ga. =
~ Pure Dixie Belle melon seed $1 Ib.

FOR, also No. 1 chufas 20e Ib. Jeff
A. Taylor, Beuna Vista, Ga. .

as Rs: F. Come

Add: - postage.
Pure pimento pepper bocd 10 0Z.,
$1 Ib.3 Stone. Mountain - watermelon
seed, 25e upful $1 Ib. postpaid. J.
N. Carso if

incu: to. sow 100 yds., 55c
~W.' H. Bonner, Hahira, Ga.

Tom Watson ~watermelon -

|hand gathered, 75e Ib.; 10 per cent
2G. t,
a & AL _Turner,. Fairburn, Ga. 2

discount on 100 lbs. or more.
ates Norvole: Ga. oe Bos

Rens oR



farm, 2 miles from Tignall, Jan. 20,
= each. T. W. Hill, Tignall, Ga.
Reg. B. B. blk. P, Cc pigs, boars,
aad sows All ages. Dbl.
Show. prospects. Write for price
i Be B. Ss. 2, C. boar, pure brad:
but not,reg. 8 mos. old, wt. 100 Ibs.
$21 abd _ Hardee Thigpen, Adrian, |

sold This is answer to inquiries. T.

: -1|G.* Kent, Mitchell, Ga.
~ Brown

3 old fashioned. little one guineas
pigs, 4 mos. old, wt. between 50 and

B. iH. Hill, Glenwood, Ga., Rt 3.
10 brood sows, 20 gilts; 100 feeder |

enough for service $17.50 each; 2
8 mos. old, $8 each, $15 palit. Fain
Trading Co., Edison, Ga.

25 fine Essex guinea shoats ar
from 60 to 125 Ibs. Del. to trucks
only, at farm. Ww. W. Driskell, Spar-|
ta, Ga. - :

- Want to. arc shasta ee 40

to 100 Ibs. for any large breed chick-

ens, or heifers from 6 mos. to 2 yrs.
old, of good milk stock, also brood |
sows for sale. 3. RoBirk, Rte 2,
Madison, Ga. =
Muscle Shoals prize
Hampshire boar 9 mos. old, high

| winner Atlanta, Macon and Savaik

nah fairs $75 FOB, weight about 00)
Ibs., Gayosa blood lines. Obie Jef-

fata: Waresboro, Ga.
10 1b.

Registered Duroe pigs 10 eee old
$10 each. Z. L. Scott, Concord, Ga.
i brood sow, Duroc and - Poland

hind: from reg. stock. Heavy breed-
The: ;

er, 40 t to 15 pigs at: time. Farrow
some tir me in March. | Grady Thom-
agson. Rockmart; Gace Rt 8

1 reg Duroc boar, also Duroe and
Polan. China es
Flintside. Ga

2 youre reg. black Poland China |

pont: 250 Tbs. each. One

seed |

we bus; Hastings sprolific seed corn, |

horse bean. 10c doz.

FOB. E. L. Corley, Mauk, Ga., Rt. 1.
1 1-2 bu. Hastings mammoth Rus-|

Charleston Wakefield and. Flat |
Dutch cabbage . seed, Newstone and |

15 Ibs... okra. seed 1926 crop. 15

+ Careful yo salected Crutch tobacco

& - Pare bred, small bone black guinea :
pigs; 6 weeks old, to be del. at my

and |

: bs. US2 EW. R. Stephens, -

The hogs savareiee have all heh Branch, Ga.

75 Ibs. $10 each: Cash with order. | |

wt. about 100 Ibs. $15 each; 80 pigs, |
| about 100 lbs.

_ winner

Fred Ce Agiger. if
| Milan. Ga

reg. 2 weeks old, big)

. Potts, Rt. 3; Macon
Duroe- Jersey _ gilts, will:
April, Ist Sahaath also 1 gilt st

ville, Ga. Ss ae
Have 15 to 18 i aboaks eich 65 to.
100. Ibs.

Gas ;
2-85 bred. gilts, double ino
will register, i in buyers name. Should
farrow: in Marck pnone or write.
I. Pittman, Tallapoosa, Ga
- Berkshire hogs for sale. at all: pric
and. the best breeding. Jas. = =
ton, Metasvill, Gas SS

Pure bred. P-& C. pigs 7 Spee old =
86 each, $11.50, pair; shoats same
breed $10 - each. Geo. -T.. > Smith,.
Sharpsburg, Ga. Be

25 pure black Beek
old, in lots of 4 or more $4.5
mixed breed pigs $4, 50. eac Ls
Cae dae Lisbon, Ga. ma ae

- Reg. Chester White pigs, S53
old Feb.! 7th. $10 with Pa Oscar
Keener, Thomsn,_ ia eee is

Bib Bone Blk. P. C. hogs. Thorough
bred stock. Some: registered. Write
what you need. E. Te fa Fort
Valley, Ga.

S. P. C. reg. male and faaais Sie.
from 8 wks. to _7 mo. old. $10 to. $25.

E. Ww. Thompson,


White bush baby Lima beans | f

$1 del; 10. to 100 Ibs... A5e |

Oy eda soy beans ME Tbs. $1 E
| bu. fob.; Black- eyed peas 8 Tbs. |

$3.50 bas! Ww. C. Withee,
Grove, Ga.

Brabham peas. $1. 15 hie eieel peas
$1.50 bu. Mrs. ets iE Haddock,

Cream Crowder peas. 100 tb

Have few. bu. late Florida Velvet

"| beans, $5.bu., 1-2 bu. $2.75; pk. $1.50;
| Bunch beans $2; 100 day $1.25. ae

son Kea, Adrian, Ga. i :
- Offer 5 bu. California Black-e
Be L. D. Maxey, Gratien: Ga. :


~ Want 25 to 100. good ewes.. State
kind and price... T. a = Yor
Harris, Ga. = a
Offer one Tong-wool_ Mareno- ram
reg.; wt.
Clipe 10 Ibs. of wool.
each year, $12 crated. Hardee Thig-
pin, Adrian, Ga.

1 large pure bred eubian ay
goat buck. 1 grade Toggenburg doe;
kids 6 weeks old; will exchange oth
for good Nubian. doe. Edwin Simp-_
son, Atats, Ga., 676 a Bis
N. We ie ee

sheep; 2 years | -old; not.

Want: black Essex gilt 15 to 20 5 m0
old entitled to register in purchasers
name, and bred te thoroughb
boar, no kin. Price must be righ
for cash. Mrs. Ss. B. Hollis, Baxi

Ga. Rt. 1:

- Want registered. Davee Jersey bre
sows and pigs. Will exch. budd
State inspected Schley peca
2 to 6 ft., at 25e to 80c. each,
M. Kennedy, Collins, Ga._ fe .
Want 6 or 8 reg. Duroe gilts and
1 male, weight about 100 Ibs. Must _

_ Want vege Jersey heifers,

on: S week ome. old. E

Poland China and Duree _
mixed; -also 2 sows: with pigs... Bar-

dark and light colors.
star shape design. $1. Cash with or-|

| Thursday, January 5 1928. ce

ee MAE ee BU ae TIN. os



A Department Devoted to Feminine Interests of the Farm and Home


in season and Sti.
mers will.

of these.


This grand old date: produeing everything necessary for a
banquet or a poor mans dinner, fed herself New Year s Day.
She can do it again, and again, until it becomes a daily habit.
But, to do this, our food producers must keep pace with our.

food consumers; they must supply the needs of Georgia tables
Georgia land can do this if Georgia. far-


In order that the housewife may have a swe variety of
- Georgia products on her table, special effort should be made
to see that the grocer is constantly supplied with a high analy

It seems to us now is the opportune time for the farmer io
-eonsider most carefully the needs of the city housewife. | .
cool weather of the winter season will permit. many things to
be shipped direct from the farm to the consumer, ee

There is Ea a big demand for country cured hams. earl



sausage made right): ediared right, is in erent favor.
butter and eggs, shipped in convenient package by pareel post,
usually bring satisfaction to both shipper and consumer. Souse
mother used to, make it, backbone and spareribs,
with plenty of meat on them, bring fond memories to the city
Sorghum and South Georgia syrup, put up in bot-
tles so the color and thickness can be seen; water ground meal,
home made flour; all of these may be sold direct by the far-
mer to his city friends if he will be especially careful to satD

made. as


only good quality.

In fact, so popular is this home food movement that it hea
been definitely decided to observe the first Sunday of eaeh
month as Georgia Products Day. ~

We sincerly hope all friends

this determination to have Georgia people eat at least one meal
per month, to start the habit of using strictly Georgia produets,
not only because it is from Georgia, but because it 18 better.

Fresh ||

of the State will 0- -operate im 1p

4p aii,

TRecdlework or. Services Offered

- Large, new quilt tops, 90c. each.
~ Mrs. V. S. Ladd, Gainesville, Ga.
Rt. %.

83 good size on gingham and
- ealico tops, sheeting lining _ Black
and blue colors $2.50 each; rugs,

- 27x4% inches, $1.25 and $1. 50 each;
Exch. for anything useful of same
value; 2 new, cotton quilts, wt. 5 Ibs
each, $3 each. Mrs. J. B. Pruitt, Tal-

eS apocaa. Ga. Rt. 3

New, hand made quilts, Good size
and wt. $3.50 each, del. Miss L. M.
aie: Silver Creek, Ga Rt. 1
2 1 St Of quilt squares, made of
iighinm percales, prints, etc in
Extra large

der, or COD. Mrs. C. J. Bryant,

Royston, Ga. Rt. 3
--- 81x90. inch
sheets Heavy weight, $1.25 each. Post
paid. Send check or .money
- Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Annie

seamless, unbleached

. order.

- Thornton, Jesup, Ga. Box 247.

~ Will quilt quilts for $1.75 each, or
2 for $3. Add postage. Hazel Amos,
: --Rising Fawn, Ga. Rt. 2.

' Embroidery work and tufting in
~eolers, done on halves, if material
and thread is furnished; single tat-.

: _ ting 10 yd. if thread is furnished,

15e if not; dbl. tatting 25 yd. Mrs.
Lela Chapman: Dahlonega, Ga. Rt. 5.
Soe Single tatting 10 yd, Hen and
ee Biddy 80c yd.; 1 crochet yoke $4;
will embroider pillow tops, already
_ stamped. Party furnish pillow. tops,
thread, and pay postage for 20 ea.

Hazel Amos, Rising Fawn, Ga. Rt 2.

__ Crochet erids for table runners 75, althea 20 each. All well rooted. Add

set; 1 inch wide erocheting 25 yd.,

2 ineh 40ce yd., crochet seallops for)

s pillow cases, $1 set; crocheting edg-

a ing, white or Salobed: 10c yd. Mrs.

= Susie Willson, Mineral Bluff, Ga.
Tufted bedspread for - single bed,

os Aathits on seamless sheeting, $3. or
exch, for embroidered bed

= - spread.

Mrs. Edgar, Adcock, pageeans, eS


ae inte material; cece: - and
heen dresses. Different styles.

and sizes. $1 cach. Mrs. B. J. Jack-
gon, Culicdsn, Ga Rt. 1, Box 85

$1 dozen; wild dogwood, mtn.

cuttings 25c dozen; carnation

Flowers -and Seeds
- Boston, ostrich plume, and - baby
breath Well rooted. 20c each; large

rooted geraniums 25 each, Mrs, V5

P. Jackson, Ivey, Ga. :
Dbl. lemon; with orange "Speckled

throat and green foliage cannas 40c

dozen; white, red and varigated dah-
lias $2 dozen. All orders over $1.00
prepaid. Miss Hettie Kendrick, Grif-
fin, Ga.

_ Mtn. Laurel, pink almond, apie
vitea, junipers, boxwoods, . dwarf,
pink althea, golden bells, bridal
wreath, red japonica, all 25c each,
pink, yellow and wild azaleas, thorn-
less roses, Cherokee roses, black wal-
nut,. _erab apple, blue raspberry vine
tree cactus, 6 for $1; hydrangea. R.
D. Wilson, Morganton, Ga.

Magnolia, maple, laurel, sweet bay,.

bridal wreath, red and pink rambler
roses, flowering pear, French dog-

wood, honeysuckle, peach. roses, ar-

bor-vitea., All 10 each; red _ bud
trees, bird of paradise, blaekberry
vines, 15 each; golden unomeous

- eut-
tings 2 for 10c; long pine needles for
making baskets 25c lb. Add postage
on orders under 25e. Mrs. W. A.

Lewis, Toomsboro, Ga. Rt. ZS

Well rooted Dorothy Perkins roses,

sell or:exch for mtn. laurel, azaleas,

red dogwood, spruce pines, dbl. flow-
ering almond, snow ball, japonicas,

junipers. Each to pay postage. J. DY

Fuller Mountville, Ga. 5
- Pink. weigelia, . red paicblen A
white roses 20c each, velvet rose 15c

-each; snow ball, red and yellow jap-

oniea, Dorothy Perkins roses 25c ea.;

postage. Martha Eller, Ella Gap, Ga.
Golden bell, 20e each; red and yel-

low. japonicas 25 each; monthly ros-.
es 85e doz.; rooted ravabler rose and

snowball cuttings 6 for 25c; althea
15c. Well rooted. Add postage. _Ma-

linda Eller, Ella Gap, Ga.

White and purple lilac, white spi-
rea, van houtte, pink flowering al-
monds, -white syringa, lavender al-
thea. All 20c each, 6 for $1; English
ivy vines, 2 doy. for $1. Del. Mrs. a
N Elder, Cornelia, Ga

Wal rooted junipers 8 to 10 inches


iris 20c dozen;

20e a dozen, or $10 a M.;

doz. All del.

25e each; wild crab apples,
plums, wild Cherokee roses $1 dozen;

tall 25c each; juniper cuttings $1 a

doz. postpaid. Mrs. May eee Bui
ford, Ga. oa
Narcissuses, dbl. and augle _jon-
quils, butter and egg bulbs, white
star jasmines, day lilies $1 a 100;
pink althea, yellow and red japonica
8 for 60c; royal purple and lavender
sweet violets 20c a
hundred; bear grass, spider wart 20c
each. Add postage. Mrs. Lillie Ella,

Ella Gap, Ga.

White and yellow narcissuses and
daffodils 50c a 100; lily bushes, lilac.
English dogwood, za American beav
ty roses 20c each; junipers, boxwood+
and arbor viteas 15 to 20 inches, 50c

each. -Well rooted. Mrs. Myrtle
Thomas, Morganton, Ga. - ot
Fluffy-Ruffle ferns, well rooted

25; sword ferns 20c; white begonia |
aboted plants, 15 or 3 for 20c; white
monthly rose cuttings. Will exeth for
rooted, mixed color eoleus; cypress
tree, pink almonds or sultanas, any
color, but prefer red. Mrs. a C. Sie!
fis, Bristol, Ga. >

Rooted Marechal Niel running r roses


Well robted: Mrs. J. x Heston, Mor-
ganton, Ga..

kee roses 75 dozen; azaleas )
dozen; jonquils and daffodils 50c doz;
tanzy plants 30c . dozen;

25c; black walnut bushes, crab ap

bie, Loving, Ga.
Jonquils, daffodils, blue hyaeinthe,
blue Japanese

eggs; iris,

blue-flower evergreen;
gtass 5c each. Postage paid on all
orders for 25 or more. . Mrs. + C. 4
Floyd, Chipley, Ga.

roses 25c each;
crimson red maculae roses 40 doz;

burr rose, eup,

25 each; monthly blooming cutting? kpeach; birdseye bush, azaleas, Mtn.

large pink
bush, and small pink half running
monthly blooming rose cuttings 20c
o Mrs. J. W. Barfield,
Shellman, Ga. ee

Red japonicas 25 each; daffodils
80c dozen; evergreen wax plants and
winter ferns 25 dozen; different va-
rieties of lilies, 25 each to 50c doz;
winter pinks 50c dozen; maples, black
and white pines 15c each: snow balls

Mtn Laurels and Mtn. Ivy 35 each.
Mrs. Mae Wright, Loving, Ga.
Blue violets, everblooming, erange
lilies, daisy chrysanthemums, 1B]
dozen; dwarf iris 25e dozen; large
dbl. poppy and single larkspur seed
10 spoonful; brown chrysanthemums
20e doz., 75c a 100; Adams needle
15e each; rose cuttings 15c dozen;
pink flowerinie almonds each.
Something | free with every order of
50c or more. Miss Addie Hughey,
Ranger, Ga. Rt. 1

ers and hox-
woods, 15 inches

e 50c each; ce-

or white and red Le = ea,


laurel and ivy 20 each; myrtle vine
and trailing arbutus 25 dozen; honey
suckle 3 for 25c; mess rose, red vel= |

vet, pink, and white moss rose, one

eral Bluff Ga.

Butterfly bush, flowering case
red velvet roses and red maples, 20
each; trumpet vine 3 for 25; myrtle
tiger lilies, quince sprouts,
rambler roses 25 each; _weeping
Mary 15 bunch; Crimsen red ramb- ne

| ler roses, well racked, 40e each; snow

ball sprouts, 40 each; black walnut
6 for $1; mess rose 6 for A@e; honey

ivy 15e; mtn. ferns, 10e; erabapples

holland, Mineral Bluff, Gao |
Largg tree. variety, cabhage


prpef. Sel>-+ seedy-50c a 100, B yr:

$4.50 doz. Bs. Addie Mae Sut-
ae Dixie y

aed on page. 6) :

- Arbor-vitea, well rooted, 25e an 8 ea
35 each; junipers 35c each; Chero--~-

thorniess* .
roses 75c dozen; blue iris lilies. 2 for. :

ples, white pine and ivy 25 edeh. . ae
Add postage. Mrs. Frank Abererom- : : A

white star of Bethlehem; butter and >
healthy f
bulbs 2 each; white Chinese sacred < ~
lilies, 10 each; white Verman is,
box wind; 7)
white and green striped, tall, ribbon.

Purple lilae,. snow bal: foogien: 2 Sl -
pear, English dogwood and rambler
giant tiger lites, ~~

tansy 80e; Cherokee roses $1 dozen; ey

of each, $1. Mrs. Susie Wilson, Mie: nes

vine and Colts foot 20c dozen; ent 3
Cherokee roses, 6 for 50c; ; Cherokee

suckle vine 6 for 25; azaleas, 6 for | ic
$1; mtn. laurel, white pine 25e; mtn

30c. Add postage. Miss Belvie Mill

metto plan's. Fans, 5 ft. across, Cold |

old sabal ral m8, cold proof, 75c ea., i



ae | dertake this only in a small way

_ @ensider the proper stage at which |
2) gather these and the proper


Bugene Talmadge, Commissioner

Entered as second class matter February 15,

mailing at special rate of postage provided

_ tenances,

by new copy of advertisement. >

tive act the Market Bureaudoes not assume

sulting therefrom.


jority of fresh vegetables is com-
. Ing frem without the State.

etables every month in. the year. |
Some ef eur farmers might do

earrets, beets, eelery, lettuee, ete. iy

_ these vegetables are searee and]
_ high, it usually pays te ship them
_ by express in barrels well supplied
with eracked ice.

stoeked, but it seems unfortunate

i enough for its ewn needs of these
ee items fhat may be se easily grown.

ChdaiGons prevailing in Geor:
gia areas. a. whole, fayorable to
- livestock production, states a bul-
letin on this subject issued by the

| PAGE six

Published weekly by The
Cc. H, Bishop, Director


Thursday, January 6, 1928

3922, at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Georgia,
under. the Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for

for in section. 1108, Act of October 8, 1917.

Advertisements of farm produce and appur-
admissable under postal regula-
tions, inserted one time on each request, and
repeated only when request is accompanied

o 5 ee
Limited space will not permit insertion of
unimportant advertisements. | Under legisla-

any responsibility for any advertisements ap-
pearmg in the Bulletin, or transaction re-

Cireulation, Advertising and Serviees of the
Bureau of Markets and this Bulletin are
Free of Charge. :

OF een.

A survey of our city markets|
at present will reveal that the ma-

Phere are seetions of Georgia
that ean produee some faney veg-

well to eonsider: growing sueh.

items as red and white radishes,

for. the early spring market. _
56 weuld perhaps be wise to un-

aed enly on land especially fertil-
ized and switable for these pro-

duets. The farmer should also

way ef bunching or packing.
Buring the early season, when

Of eourse this
ig qa market that can be easily ever-

that the State should not produ e


Loot ae

* pal.

Georgia State College of Agricul-
ture. The greatest difficulty ex-
perienced at this time is that sys-
tems and methods adapted to this
section have not been worked out
n livestock production.

The soils of Georgia are capa-
ble of produeing feed erops that
are cheap-enough to be fed to live-
stoek, provided the kind of feed
is used that is adapted to-seil and|
climatic conditions. The condi-
tions are more favorable for the
production of forage

hand, the state has large quanti-

|ties of cottonseed meal that ean

take the place with the cattle of
grain used in other sections. A
large use will probably have to be
made of leguminous plants. Not
a great deal has been done in this
respect particularly | with winter
legumes for grazing.

Wherever livestock ean be han-
dled and the feed crops marketed
at a fair price, and the manure
left to be used under eotton to
eompensate the labor, it is a profi-
table enterprise. One farmer in
the northwestern part of the state
was enabled to increase his income
from $300 to $1,200 per year on
one of his farms, beeause he had
fed beef -eattle through a period
of seven years. However, he has
not made any money on the beef
cattle, but has been able to pay
for the feed used. The mn anure un-
der eotton produced gave ! in-
erease in income.

As a general proposition, where
a farmer is grewing. praetiecally
all ef the feed given to his live-
stoek, the handling of lvesteck
has been profitable.


(Continued from page 5)

Carnation, orchid, fleur-de-lis, rose;
lilies, sweet peas $1 doz; or 75c doz.
made ef crepe paper and waxed. Mrs.
J. H. Penland, Ellijay, Ga.

Deuble Altheas, white wine laven-
der ping crepe myrtle white, red,
purple-pink spireas, van houtti, dbl.
Reevseana-Crimsen-Pink, nudiflorum
white hydrangea suttertly bush, Phil
adelphus, punica, kerria, forsythia,
abelia, primulinum, cape and grand
$1.60; oleanders, white, red, yellow
and duke jasmine. Any 4 for $1.15,
6 for $1.60; oleanders, white, red,
ryellow and cream with red striped,
white, pink, eream, varigated
leaf. Any 4 for $1.40; ligustrums, au-
euba, Eleagnus, juniper. Any 3 for)

| $1.55. Mrs. J. A. Griffin, 512 16th

Ave K., Cordele, Ga

Monthly roses $1 doz.; 3 yellow,
thornless roses, 75 doz.; lilies 50
doz.; blue iris. 3 for 25e: crab. apple.
sprouts and oe 15e' each;


than the}
production of grain. On the other


Se ies { mis PPPS s Z af

- Pe aoe

Vrs. Myrtle Barton, Mineral. Bluff,
Ga, =

deau pansy plants, mixed colors. Now
ready. 1 cent each. Add 7c postage.
Mrs, O. E. Browning, se decla: Gas

Daffodil bulbs Te a 100, or $5 M.
Will exch. 1 M. for good pig, or two
tufted counterpanes; iris lily bulbs
15 doz., or $1.50 a 100. Mrs. Sam P.
Jones, Laie: Ga. Rte 38,

1 yr. old sabal. palms. | Cold proof.
60c each, $4 doz. Del. Miss Bertha
Potts, Boston, Ga.

Whitmanii, Boston, sword, fluffy
ruffle and maiden hair ferns 25 ea,

eactus 25 each or 2 for 45c; red and
or 5.for $1; cerise color trab claw
85c; large blood red bloom-eactus, 50c
each, 2 for 95c; a fern free with each
order amounting to $2. All well root-
ed. White cape jasmine 75c; red ver-
bena white eye 10c; shasta daisies
10c each; large purple sweet violets
2 plants 5c; red and white Dorothy
Perkins roses 25c each; 2 for 45c;
white: spider lily 25 each; white
daisy chrysanthemums, yellow center
10c each; large cream color fluffy
ruffle chrysanthemums 15c. All well
rooted. Miss Anna aes Tuseu-
lum, Ga. ~ < eos
x }

Green dogwood 20c each, 80c doz.;
Balm of Gilead bushes 25c each 75e
doz.; big, dbl. roses 80c each, $1 doz.
Miss Margaret Green, Mineral Bluff,

Snewball and rose bushes 20c each

or 6 for $1; honeysuckle and ground

ivy vine 15e each; yellow flags 10c
or 12 for $1. Will exch. for thorough-
bred R. I. Chickens. Mrs. Ona Fow]l-
er, Roy, Ga.

Dbl. pink almonds and deep pur-
ple iris 20c each; dbl. yellow, thorn-

_{less roses, pink and white altheas,

forsythia and all colors snap dragons
25 each; spirea, van houttei 40e;
white English dogwood 15e; Japanese
bush 50c; dusty miller. 10. All. well
rooted. Add postage. Tunis Wade,
Bllijay, Ga. Rt. 3. .

Blue flag bulbs, 25e eg $1.50 a
jonquils, snowdrops, nareissus,
yellow lilies 20:doz.; 90c a 100; Ar-
mor River and California privet
hedge cuttings 15e a 100; Dorothy
Perkins pink, rambler roses 26c ea.,
$1 dozen; flowering almond 3 for
25e. Miss L. M. DANG, Silver Creek,
Ga. Rt 1.

Snowballs 10 to 25c each; white
and purple lilac 15 each; shasta
daisies and daffodils 20 doz.; yellow
japonica 25c ea.; white narcissus 25e
each; white spirea 10c each; pink
flowering 8 for 15c. ey) Kate Fos-
ter, Ellijay, Ga.

Extra large paper ae Narcissus,
75c dozen; yellow Jonquils, Daffo-
dils, white Iris and single white Nar-|
\cissus, $1 a 100; Amaryllis, bleoming
size bulbs, 50c ea. Will exch. for
setting of R. I. Red or Buff Orping-
ton eggs. Mrs. C. C. Dye, Middleton,

Mtn. .Ferns 25e doz.; Shade trees,
80c ea.; Butter-Cip, Birds Eye bush-

es, an Sweet scented Cheroke
Rambler Roses, ape ea.; Palmetto:
Grass, 25 bunch; * Boxwood, 400;

Trailing | Arbutus, ogo doz,;' Flower-
ing Peach, 2 for 25e;. Azaleas, 25c. ea;

Henderson Superior Giant Trine: :

or 5 for $1; cereise color crab claw

Rt. 2.

27 ak CS

Thursday, January & 5, 1998.

holland, Mineral] Bluff, Ga.

Dbl. Hollyhock, all colors, 20e
roses 5c; dbl. yellow japonica 25c ea.;
$4 a 100; blackberry vines and brid-
al wreath 10c each; weeping willows,
plum bushes, any kind, and wild dog
wood 20c each. Any size walnut bush-
es 30c each; blue bells 50c doz.; any
size spice apple trees 25 each, and
all kinds ef turnip seed 10c sabes
Miss Lena Silver, Talking Rowks,


doz., $3 a 100; English Dogwood;
dbl. Velvet Rose Forsythia;
Wreath; Rambler Roses; All 1Be. ea.
$1.20 doz.; Blue Flag ia and Easter
Lilies, 85c doz.; Honeysuckle and

Cedars, 20c ea., or 8.for $1.

2. i
Crimson red Rambler Roses, 30;
Snowballs, 25c; Lilac, English, Dog-
wood, 40c each; pink and white Roses,
15c; Moss Roses, 20c; Tansy, 35 doz;

Azaleas, 2 for 25c; Mtn. Laurel and
Ivy, 20c; Mtn. Ferns, 10c; Weeping
Mary, Flowering Pear, Birds Eye
bush, and Buttercup, 20c ea.
Bertha Holland, Mineral Bluff, Ga.

~Blue flag lilies 25c, 5. for $1; pur-
ple lilac, rooted, 5c each; red month-
ly roses 15 each; golden glow, root-
ed, 3 for 0c; pink monthly rose cut-
tings, 5e dozen; New York vine, root-

ed, 6 for 25e; hollyhocks 25 dozen;

four oclocks, all color seed, 25. for
Be; blooming peaches, with dbl. wake
blooms 10 each. Will. exchange any
of the above to amount of $1 for
quilt scraps. Must be new and noth- |
ing less than 4 inches sq. Each. par-
ty pay postage. Miss Mary E. Grin-

{ dle, Dahlonega, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 42.

Watermelon colored Crepe Myrtle

plants $3 doz., 25 each; Beautiful

Boxwood plants $2 doz., or 200 for
$15 del.; White Spirea 25 each; Cape
Jasmine 30c each; Jonquil bulbs $1.

100. Mrs. B. L. Robinson, Greenville,

Ga. pe
Well rooted Dorothy Perkins rose
bushes any size 10c to 35 each or
exch. a nice large plant for :100 Ber-
muda Onion plants, each paying post-
age. Will exch. 1 well rooted Arab-
ian Jasmine vine for 100 Bermuda
plants; Or 2 well rooted. Eater
plants for 100 Bermuda plants. Mrs.
Wiley Yates, Barwick, Ga... f

Flowery: Powers, Birds eye bushes
and Arbor Vitaes, 25c each; Tansey

25e doz- Thornless roses 3 for 50c;
Cherokee Roses 75c doz.; Juniper 56c

each; Strawberry plants 25 100;
Monthly roses 3 for 50c; Azaleas 3
for 56e; All well rooted. Add postage.
Miss Mary Pope, Loving, Ga.

Silver Leaf Maples 3 for 50c; Black
Walnut bushes 25c each; Snipers
50c each; Arbor Viteas 40c each;
Thosnless roses 50c doz; Laurels O50.

hee: plants 25 100. All plants well |

Greenway, Loving, Ga.

Crepe Myrtle 5 each; Verbena Be:
Rooted white Hydrangia 10c each;
Monthly red, pink, cream and el
rose cuttings 5c each;
Cactus - rooted 5e; 1 Ostrich plume
Fern 4 yr. old 50c. Add. postage. _ .
Susie Mae . pay Oglethorpe,

wild. honeyac le: abc, Add postage.

_ aa as 15 ea.; ee

(Continued on page 12) - a

Mary, 10 buneh. Miss Bertha Mil 2

bunch; cedar 1 ft. high.25c each; tube pee

Dbl. llee Japoniea, ibe ea., =

Leacy Silver, Talking Rock, Ga. Rt. *.

Trumpet vine, 15c; Myrtle, 20c doz; 26


each; Cherokee Roses $1 doz.; eee ae

rooted, add postage. Miss Lena: Mae a

Christmas os





c Z

_ coff cocks less
, eneh, HOB here.


: thursday, ? January. 5, es




200 W. L. hens 75 each; 12: Wy-
than 2 years old $2
Cc. &E. Fletcher,

Parrott, Ga.

57 18 wos. old; $16.
At anta, Ga., Rt. 1.

18 WoL hens and 1 rooster
Mrs. L. G. Kidd,

Pure bred Nageeed. Cc W. LL pul-

en 8 mos. old, from trap nested


Write for prices. Peach
Poultry Farm, Ft. Valley, Ga.

800 pure bred S C W L pullets,

now laying $1.50 each FOB here.
_ Mrs. E. M. Swearingen, Charing, Ga.

Wil exchange 8 Brown Leghorn

_pullets and 1 -cockerel March hatch
for 7 B R or S L Wyandotte pullets

and 1 cockerel.
tation on chickens received. Also 2:

Each pay transpor-

- eockerels for sale $1.50 each or $2.50]

for both. Cash with order. Mrs. E.

F.. Adams, Offerman, Ga., Box 32.



BU flee Sine

100 W. L. puilets, rene to lay.
Real producers, $1.50 each FOB here.
Dixie Hatchery, Conyers, Ga.

Have a few choice Brown Leghorn
~ March cockerels, direct from Tomoh-
lins best winning pens in 1926. Pri-
ees reasonable. M. Ww. Kantala, El-
Senet Ga.

Ferris W..L. May cockerels, 75
each. F, E. Joy, Barnesville, Ga., Rt.

150 English Leghorn pullets; 75

_ Leyear old hens; all laying. W. E.

_ Jackson, Savannah, Ga.

Pure blood Ferris pullets 8 and
10 wecks old, hatched from good lay-
ing flock, 80c each FOB here. H. M.

_ Turton, Vienna, Ga.

2 strain.
iy 8

~ hens.

-White Leghorn cockerels, Berrys
Write for prices.
len, Whitesburg, Ga.
100, Tancred W. L. pullets and
~ Sell or exchange for wheat,

oats or scorn. Also a+ few choice

cocks for breeding $5 each. H. E.

Denham, Lawrenceville, Ga., Rt. 3.
100 Tanered and Ferris March and
April S C W L pullets now laying,

$125 for lot, or $1.50 each in. small

lets FOB. . Otis L, Carter, Griffin,
-Ga,., Rt. C.

200 Youngs strain Ww. _L. hens.
oe condition, $1 each FOB
Greensboro. A. J. Boswell, Pesrelds
_ Ga. .

200 pure bred W L pullets March

a April hatch $1.25 each FOB here.

_ Coops returned. Woodlawn Hatch-
eries, Atlanta, Ga., 908 Williams Mill
Road, N. E.
Soiags strain W. L. cockerels. No
os W. F. Travis, Fayetteville, Ga.
-10.Ferris W. L. Hens and cock,

1926 hatch $10; 45 April and May

ao is and cock $15 FOB. R. W.

Best, Dover, Ga.

: 20 -pure bred Tancred W. L. pul-
~ lets, now laying. Choice stock $20
and cock free. Mrs. Fred C. Sawyer,

. Sulphur Springs, Ga .

__ pullets $1. each FOB here.

25 S. . Brown Leghorn hens or
: Mrs. W.
A. Summer, Adrian, Ga.

40 -Tancred, culled W. L. pullets
$50 for lot. _ Monroe Poultry Farm,

' . Forsyth, Ga. .

Ss strain, hens 1 and 2 years old and 2)
_ tockerels, same grade

15 Tancred 1 year old hens anid
15 April pullets, slightly mixed with
game, $25 FOB Sweet Gum, Ga. Mrs.

+ Lattie Owensby, Culberson, N. C., Rt.
bo oe


10 well culled. Ferris best gg|
and. strain

$105 forlot. Mrs. H. C. Walker,

o Butler, Ga.

200 Barron W. : hens, Feb. 1927

= now laying, $1.50 each FOB.


M.S. Pul- |.

Special price on entire Tot. De).

Hadaway, Gainesville, Ga.

and $1.50. Mrs. Laura M. Page, De-
eatur, Ga., 204 4th Ave.

2 Barton W. Leghorn April cock-
erels $1.50 or exchange for 3 laying
pullets. Pay express one way. Leroy
L. Fhaup, Decatur, Ga., Box 381.

800 Ferris White Leshorn hens.
Will exchange hens and other reg.
live stock for Jersey or Guernsey
cow. Edwin Simpson, a Ga.,
676 Tifton St., N. W.

14 Ferris W. L. pullets, 1 cockerel,
March 1927 and 5 two yr. old hens,
no culls $18 for lot. L. G. Sanders,
Dewy Rose, Ga.

50 Ferris W. L. eeu
puliets 8 to 20 mo. old, 3 or 4 cocks
same age, 85c each fob. here. P. R.
Richardson, Jesup, Ga.

15 six mo. old W. Mi: pullets 90

for lot, all pure bred and heavy lay-
ing strain. Mrs. Joe Harrison, Rock-
ingham, Ga.

12 March hatch Buff texharn pul-
lets and 1 cockerel $1.25 each or $15
for lot. C. A. Bartenfeld, Dalton, Ga.

4 Tancred W L. pullets 80c each
fob here. Clifford Cleveland, Hart-
well, Ga.

200 pure bred Barran W. L. pul-

lets, March and April hatch, now lay-
ing $1.25 each; 3 cocks 1 yr.
same strain but not related $1.25 ea.
50 Wycoff W. L. April hatch pullets
in lots of 10 or more $1 each. Mrs.
E. E. Jackson, Lithonia, Ga.
40 April hatch W. L. Wycotf pul-
lets, well developed $40
turned at my expense. B. F. Bruce,
Martin, Ga. Rt. 1.

6 W. L. hens, laying and good stoke,
$5 B. H. Brooks, Ga.

13 W. L. Wycoff hens 1 1-2 yrs.
old; 82 pullets, now laying, no culls,
$1 edch or $42 for lot. E. L. en
Maxeys, Gari

R. I. Reds For Sale

2 R. I. Red cockerels, weigh 18 to
20 Ibs., $5 for pair. A. J. Rosey,
Stanfordville, Ga. ~
- 10 pure R. I. Red April pullets;
ready to lay, $12.50 for lot. Mrs. J.
A. Wilson, Martin, Ga.

40 hens 18 mos. old, 20 April pul-
lets; cock 18 mos. old, Close out for
$45.- No check. Also breeding stock
$2 each. J. F. Carter, Dewey Rose,

400 Roita S. C. R. I. Red hens
and 25 cocks; 1926 hatch, $1.25 each.
R. J. Thomas, Albany, Ga.

Owen Farm S C RI Red cockerels
$3 to $5 each. Mrs. Laura M. Page,
au 4th Ave., Deeatur, Ga.

- Owen Farm S C RI Red hens $2;
pullets $1.25 to $2; coeks and cock-
erels $3 to $5. Will exchange for

| Buckeye incubator, corn or wheat. C.

W. Page, Box 52, Norcross, Ga.

2 RI Red cockerels, production
breed $3 each. Miss Irene New, 87
Rome St., Carrollton, Ga.

8, Danaldsos SC RI Red roosters
and 4 hens, sell all together or sep-
arately, or will exchange for corn,
feed oats, or syrup. D. E. kaos
Luxomni, Ga.

1S CRI Red cock, 20 mos. old
$21 April cockerel, same strain $2;
or will exchange for 8 heavy breed

jlaying pullets, and pay express one |.

way. LeRoy L. Phaup, Box 31, Deca-
tur, Ga, : :

Kerlin S.C. W. Leghorns, cocker- |
els and cocks $3 and $5; hens $1.25.

and some |-

each; 15 laying hens $1 each; $28.50

old |,

coops re-|

rietta, Ga.

10 Donaldson S. C. R. I. Red hens
pullets and 1 cockerel March hatch
$1.25 each Mrs. L. S.. ee Bow-
den, Ga. _

1 pure R. I. Red cockerel 10 mo.
old $1.50 fob. Mrs. O. B. Herndon,
Mayfield, Ga.

35 fine R. I. Red Mash and April

jhatch pullets and 2 cockerels $1.50

each. Mrs.

2S. C. R. I. Red cockerels $1.50
ea. John Wilson, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 3.
- 10 two yr. old Tompkin dark red
hens now laying $2 each; March 1927

L. J. Mize,. Barnesville,

hatch cockerels $1.75 and $2; Pullets |

$1.80 each. Mrs. Geo. pe ey


12 March and April tc pure
bred R. I. Red pullets $1 each. Mrs.
T. W. Hill, Tignall, Ga.

6 S. C. R..I. Red cockerels to exch.
for same breed or sell for $1.25 ea.
Mrs. G. L. Jones, Shellman, Ga. Rt.
3 2
5S. C. R. I. Red Tompkin dark red
pullets; 1 cock same strain $3 or $11

for lot; Hatching eggs $5.50, 100; 15]

for $1.50 del. crates returned. Mrs.
Frank Matheson, Alto, Ga. Box 121.

1 Dark red R. I. Red Donaldson
cockerel 11 mo. old $1.50. Mrs. J.D
Nelson, Calhoun, Ga

4 R. I. Red roosters, Feby. hatch
Donaldson strain $2 each or. lot $7
fob. R. W.. Warren, Dewy Rose, Ga.
Rt. 2

18 8. C. Donahieed Re ls Red hens
and 1 rooster $1 each or $14 for lot.
Ella Lindsey, mde Ga.

Barred Rocks
Mafch hatch Barred Rock > ouster

$1.50 also want to exch. B. R. roost-

er for Buff Orpington or Buff Rock
rooster. Mrs. M. F, Rabun, Hpone,
Thompson March and April 1927
pullets $1.80. each. Mrs.
gen, Wray, Ga.

380 Pure bred B. R. sale, March
hatch now laying $1.25 each. C. W.
Giddens, Eastman, Ga. Rt. 6.

Fine Spring hatch Thompson B. R.
eockerels $1.50 each. Mrs. A. J. Col-
lins, Demorest, Ga. Rt. 1.

5 Imperial Ringlet B. R. cockerels

Feby. hatch $2 each or $5 for $9.50)
fob. Mrs. Coile Vaughn, Danielsville, |

Thompson B. R, cockerels now
ready for service $1.50 each. Mrs.
Alice Collins, Mt. Airy, Ga.

.15 pure bred Parks B. R. seleet
yearling. hens, 1927 hatch from pedi-

greed Cream A stock, now-$2 each;.

later $2.50; Eggs, $1.50 and $2 for 15

Mrs. J. D. McIntyre, Ousley, Ga. Rt.

1, Reg. Permit No. (C 59).

75 pure bred B. R. pullets 3 mo.
old 65c each.\ A. M. Aik: in, Newborn,

Parks B. oR pullets now laying
$2.50 each, also cockere!s same price.

| Reg. permit rating P. C. No. 189. J

C. Ragan, Pelham, Ga.
7 Thompson Ringle:
pullets $10 FOB here.
Dover, Ga.
10 young B R hen: end 1 tooster

$20 for lot. M. ey Ax nold, Fitzger-
| ald, Ga.
Barred Rock pallet s 7 mos. old.
Parks strain reg. pe mi P C 38, $1.50
each. Oak Range }~ or Farm, Ma-

a Prid- |

BR, April |
R. W. Best,
Branch, Ga.


11 full blood. B R hens and 1 roos-

ter $15 for lot FOB here. Thos. %
Webb, Ellijay, Ga., Rt. 3.
3 Barred Rock. Wallis $1. eG

Mrs. L. C. Kidd, Atlanta, Ga. Rt. 1.

Thompson Ringlet B R March cock-
erels $3 each, or 2 for $5. Mrs. J A.
Wilson, Rt. 2, Martin, Ga: ~

8 yearling Thompson Imp. Ringlet

hens $2 each or lot $15, 5 May pul-

lets $1.30 each, or lot $6 FOB here.

Mrs. C, A. Wilbanks, Commerce, Ga., .

Rt. 29.
2 Barred Rock, March and April

cockerels $1.50 each. Mrs. L. S.

Potts, Newnan, Ga. es

Minoreas and Lakenvelders For Sale

5 pure bred Black Minorca April
pullets, well matured $1.75 each
FOB here. Coops to be returned.

Woodlawn hatcheries 903 Williams

Mill Road, N. E., Atlanta, Ga.
1 Pape S C Black Minorca extra |
good breeding cock, 2 years old $2.

L. B. Williams, Newnan, Ga.

Booths White Minorca cockerels
and -pullets, 7 mos. old $1.50 each
FOB here. L. D. Hadaway, Gaines-
ville, .Ga.

6 Pape S. C. Bik. irasoa cock-
erels 6 mo. old $1.50. er will exch.
Mrs. G. L. signee, Rie: Shellman,

Pure Pape S. C. Blk. ice cock- | oo

erels $1.50 each or exch. for S. C. R.
I. Red eggs at $1 per setting. N. D.
Norris, Wrightsville, Ga.

Bantams For Sale

Silver -Sebrights, from
stock. Will sacrifice to make room
for my other breeds. Robt. W.

imported oe

Clarke, 358 Spring street, Macon, Ga. _

Mixed colored bantams.
size, 10 or 15 hens and 3 or 4 roes-
ters 1927 hatch 65c each FOB here.
G. P. Pullian, Deas Ga., Rt 4.


Giants and Fence For Sale
Black Langshans, large breed, good

layers and mothers now laying, $25 |


for 12 hens and 1 cock; also Marcy _

Jersey Black Giant conde $2 each. MM

F. Merriam, Demorest, Ga. i

--Marey Jersey Black Giant April.
cockerels. Black-eyed and with good
markings, $2 each ,or 2 for $3.50.
Mrs. J. I. Joiner, Soperton, Ga., Rt.
2: -

Wyandottes For Sale

8 Martin Degal Dorcas April cock-
erels $1.25 each; 5 hens $1.25 each,
er $10 for lot.
Cleveland, Ga.

6 Silver Lace

Wyandotte hens


Miss Lillie Rogers, _



$1.25 each. Mrs. L. S. Potts, New-

nan, Ga. 7

Brahmas For Sale :

Pure bred Light Brahma. hens and

cockerels $2 to $3 each. C. By ors
clough, Maxeys, Ga. -

12 Lt. Brahma, Everlay here ia

1 young cock $25. M. F.
Demorest, Ga.

(175 Lt. Brahma pullets, 8 to 18
mos. old $2 each FOB here. Goops

returned. Poultry Farm, Flowery

Anconas For Sale a =
15 Shepard Ancona pullets, heavy

Pie Sulphur Springs, Ga.

pair Shepard Ancona. $3. EGE. se
co, W. Best, eee Sia Ge ee


| layers. No culls, $15. Mrs. Fred C. s



-yegular weekly delivery;

| ex _ chicks, Rocks, Reds, Leghorns



Games For. Sule

Royal White |

- pure breed $1.50 each, or exchange.

Mrs. EzZgar Adcock, Adairsville, Ga.,
Re 3.

5 Dark Cornish Indian game cocker:
els, $1.50 each, or exchange for gui-
nea pigs, or calves.
nedy, Collins, Ga.
. Pure Hogshead Red Quill cock
$5; young trio $8; pure W. C. Hope
R. H. and R. H. and Red Quill crossed
$8 trio. B. F. Powell, Lyerly, Ga.,
Rt. 2.

_ Orpingtons For Sale
23 fat Buff Orpington broilers or
fryers 1 1-2 to 2 Ibs. each, 50c Ib.
Mrs. J. W. Fanning, Washington, Ga.
6 early hatched Buff Orpington
pullets and 1 cock $10. Mrs. S. B.
_ Joiner, Whigham, Ga.
_ & White Orpington hens 18 mos.
old $1.25 each FOB Edison.
ie i. Manry, Edison, Ga.

Buff, White and Other Rocks
For Sale

Bird Bros. Partridge Rock Saale

$5 and up; females $3.50 and up;
-eges $3 for 15. Deposit will secure
later shipment. Robt. W. Clarke, 358
Spring St., Macon, Ga. :

Offer few choice Partridge Rock
Foosters, pure breed, extra
stock $2. R. L. Carter, Brewton, Ga.

Miscellaneous Chickens For Sale

Have 1000 Ibs. fryers 1 1-2 to
2 1-2 Ibs. each.
make best price FOB my station. Mrs.
G. Conner, Gainesville, Ga. -

Baby: Chicks For Sale

Pure bred Barred Rock, R I Red,|

White Rocks $14 100, $7.50 for 50;
Buff Orpington, White Wyandotte,
Silver Lace Wyandotte and Black
Minoreas $15 100, $8 for 50; Jersey
Black Giants $18 100, $9.50 for 50;
heavy breeds assorted or white or
brown Leghorns or Anconas $13 100,
$7 for 50; light breeds assorted $11
100, $6 foe 50; all selected stoek,
100 per cent live delivery guaran-
teed: Woodlawn Hatcheries, 903
ee Mill Road, Ne Atlanta,

White Leghorn chicks $12 100;
- Barred Roeks, R I Reds, Buff Ors

ingten $15 100 postpaid;
Ratching $3 per 100 eges.
Hatchery, Edison, Ga.

Now booking orders for baby
chicks, spring delivery. From: trap
nested 8S. . W. Leghorns $20 100,
$10 for 50; $5 for 25.
ing eggs $3. 50 for 15. E. S. Towns,
Tueker, Ga.

R. I. Red baby chivks from my
best matings, 7 years of production
and exhibition breeding, day old


ehieks 20e each, 3 weeks old 40e each.
Wiss Irene New, 87 Rome St., Car-|
oe ~ reliton, Ga.

Quality day old chicks for delivery
~ Jan. 4, 1928, Reds and Parks $13,
100; Lvhorns $12 100; hatch coming

= soft each Wednesday. Clarks Hatch-

ay Garfield, Ga.

Place orders now for Panerad Wl

_Leehieks, from heavy layers and ped-
- igreed stock, raised on my farm. W.
L. only, H..E. Denham, Lawrence-
--vill, Ga., Rt. 3.

Booking orders for quality baby

- Anconas. Write for Dixie
_ Hatchery, Conyers, Ga. ~
Day ol] chicks, S:C White Leg-
- horns, and Anggnas $16 100; SCR
- YT Beds and Barred Rocks $17 100;
custom hatching 100 eggs $4; 300
2 s = Bi #6, 1000 eggs $80. Ese


er tace- 7 icinay,

Cornish cockerels;

Leander M. Ken-.

Mrs. q


* Buttermilk fed;1

keys; hens $5; toms $6.

custom |}

Also hatch-


Cash ae

Norcross, Ga.

Jr. x

Best strains, baby chieks, light and

heavy breeds $16, and $18 a 100;
hateh every week, delivered free. 100
per cent live, shipped in live and grow
brooders at 50 chick capacity $3.60
extra. Wayeross Hatchery, Waycross,

Baby chick and Hetching eggs from

r Tanered W L hens, with official con-

test records of 250 to 272 eggs.
Write for folder. H. <E: Norman,

Box 831, Richland, Ga.
Now booking: orders for spring de-

livery from: high producing hens, ma-.
| ted to cockerels direct from Ferris

260 to 293 egg hens trap nest $15
100. 100 per cent live delivery guar-
anteed. Send 10 per cent with order.
Oconee Poultry Farm, Rockledge,

Utility. bred baby chicks for growth
and eggs, quality and service, 15
each. Newton & Gaskins, Americus,

Pure bred baby chicks from high

producing and earefully culled flocks
| RI Reds and Barred Rocks, custom

hatching in big Buckeye incubator.

Key Hatehery Waverly Way, Atlan-

ta, Ga.

Want 500 baby chicks to, raise on
halves to 8 weeks old. Pure bred
White Leghorn or RI Reds. Mrs.
W. B. Henderson, Fizgerald, Ga.
Want Fischel White Rock chicks

| to raise on halves, to 8 or 10 weeks].
1 old.

Mrs. J. H. Moore, Reidsville,

Want any umber baby chicks to
raise on halves to 8 weeks old. Heavy
breed preferred but will take any

| kind. Would like to know first week
Mrs. Geo. D. Payne, Toccoa,

in Jan.

Tancred S C WL baby chicks and

hatching eggs; pedigreed breeding

cockerels from 200 egg hens and bet-.

ter $5 each, $50 doz. Laws Leghorn
Farm, Savannah, Ga. .

_ Turkeys and Guineas For Sale
Pure bred Bourbon red turkeys 40c

Tb. Mrs. R. L. Greene, Cuthbert, Ga.

Pure bred Bourbon red, April tur-
Mrs. J. A.
Wilson, Martin, Ga. -

1 M. B. tom 1826 hatch $8. 50; sev-
eral M. B. toms and hens, Mareh 1927
hateh $5 each or $15 for trio FOB
here. Mrs. Lula Christmas, Vienna,
Ga., Rt. 3. 5 :

2 turkey hens and 2 toms, March

hateh $4 each or $15 for lot, or ex-

change for pure bred Poland China
gilts, wt. about 100 Ibs.
den, Gibson, Ga.

M. B. turkey hens $6; toms $8 and
$16. Mrs. W. H. Branan, Lewiston,
Ga. - =

_ Ducks and Geese For Sale

12 nice fat geese, 90c each. Mrs.
D. G. Bennett, Mershon, Ga., Rt. 1.
15 grey geese $1 each. Cash with
order. L. D. Gillis, Axon, Ga., Rt. 1.

Pure bred mammoth white Pekin
dueks $1.50 each or, trie $4.25 or
10 for $14 FOB here. R. A. Cravey,
Ga., Rt.1.

also duck eggs, prices on request.
Oetgen Duek Farm, Montgomery
Road, Savannah, Ga.

Tasieys s, Guineas, Ducks and Geese
Wart 1 pure bred 1927 hatch big
bone M. B. tom. State age; weight

and price. Mrs. Coy White, Marietta,
Ga. . oe 5
War pure bred Toulouse gander. |

Owen. Farm S. C. R.
Box 52,

I Re. aq cock or cackerels,


Blackshear, | :

mothers and setters;

Marcon Wal-

lawn Hatchery, Atlanta,

Now bocking orders 4 for baby dueks.


Will trade for 40 April
White, Brown or Buff leghorn pul- |.
lets or 25- Lt. Brahma Benes ee
Miller, Leo, Ga.

Want 1 pure bred Golden Sebright
Bantam hen and 1 cockerel. Quote
price del. here. Mrs. B. F. Brown,
Brookhaven, Ga.

I want to trade for chickens, hogs
or milk cows. J. P. Sumstine, Barnes-
ville, Ga.

Want few Ferris or Kerlin W. L.
pullets, any age, Will pay cash or
exch, Buff Orpingtons, at same price.
W. S. Wilson, Cartersville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 100 or more clean.
bantam -hens from good _ stock as
want. hens or
pullets that are not game stock and
not white, will pay 50c each in large
lots fob your station. S. H. Monroe,
Opr. A. C. L. R. R. Thomasville, Ga
' Will pay cash for peafowls
time of year. B. F. Woodliff, Flowery

| Branch, Ga.

Want several first class Tancred
roosters at reasonable price. Give
description and price in first letter.
H. L. Chancey, Walden, Ga. :

Want Tompkins S.C. R. I. Red
cockerel or cock. State age and price.
Mrs. R. H. Freeman, 1499 McLendon
Ave.; Atlanta, Ga.

Want to get in touch with tacky
who will furnish capital or furnish

500 to 1000 R. I. Red baby chicks to

raise on halves. I furnish land and
labor, have had 15 yrs. experience in
poultry raising. Edw. E. McLaughlin,
pr. Rt. 22, Macon, Ga.

Want W. L. hens not over 2-yrs. old.
Will exch. 5 gilts and 2 males, 8 wks.
old. P. C. and Duroc mixed. Ready
for delivery Jan 26th. $6 for gilts;
$5 for males. R. J. Race, Ambrose,

_ Want about 50 good
and some guineas.

laying hens
State what you

have and price. Dr. John T. Patter-

son, Atlanta, Ga. Rt. 9, Box 116A.

Want 12 pure bred Brown Leghorn
pullets or young hens and 1 cock. R.
A. Eakes, Alamo, Ga.


Fine, select hatching eggs. Wycoff
strain. Out of rigidly culled hens

that cost $50 per 100 as baby chicks. |

95 to 98 per cent fertility guaran-
teed; $10 per 100. Wayeross Hatch-
ery, Me cee cas Ga.

-Custom hatching in Smith 4700
egg incubator, 4c an-egg. Cases fur-
nished and chicks mailed free. Wood-
Ga., 903
Williams Mill Rd., N. Bo

S. C. Pape Black Minorca hatch-
ing eggs, $1 for 15, del. L. B; Wil-
liams, Newnan, Ga.

Custom hatching, eggs 100 $4; 300
$10.50; 1000 $80. Eustace J. Mc-
Kinney, Jr., Blackshear, Ga.

Custom hatching 3 1-2c per egg in
lots of 100 or more. Deliver chicks.

Dixie Hatehery, Conyers, Ga.

Hatehing eggs from grand matings

| of production and exhibition bred

stoek $2 per 15 postpaid. Miss Irene

New, Carrollton, Ga., 87 Rome St.
Eggs for hatching from pure bred

flock of R. I. Whites, Alphonso

strain, on open range, 75c per 15.

Miss Gena Arnold, Rayle, Ga.

Selected hatching eggs from pure.

bred Marcy Jersey black Giants $1.50
per 15 del. Now booking orders for
pure bred Bird Bros., M. B. eS
eggs, from 2 year hens $6 a dozen.
March and April, delivery. $1 deposit
with order,
| ton, Ga.

or May-

ens, Alto, Gay Rt de


any |

Belgians, Flemish and others.

ae: 6

Mrs. I. G. Joiner, Soper-|!

_ Thursday, January 5, 1928.

Eggs from 2 and 3 year old M. my
alee pure stock 25 .each,
$22.50 a 100 del. Booking aa :
now for February, March and April 3
delivery. Cash must accompany or-
ders. Crates to be returned. W. A.

Improved white seed corn. 75 pk.
$2.50 bu. Exch, for pure bred. 1 yr.
old pullets. Howard Pope, Eee

Good, finely ground a corn
meal. $1.20 bu., del. in lots of 5 bu.
or more. W. E pale Mineral
Bluff, Ga

Corn in shuck, 70c per 80 Ib. a
sack; bone dry milling corn 85c per
56 Tb. sack. M. Cook, Milan, Ga.

30 Ibs. shelled pop corn 5c lb. Add ~

postage. John Marlow, ore Ga.
RFD 1.

Old fashioned yellow sd white
seed corn, hand selected, 90c pk. del.; _
Mrs. J. R. Hillis, Millhaven, Ga. Rts

Old fashioned yellow seed corn $1.
pk. del., or $2.50 bu. FOB here. Mil-
ton Sugtner: Sylvester, Ga. Rt3

Hastings seed corn $2 bu; pop corn
8c Ib.; Honey drip cane seed a Tb.
W. M. Bryan, Canon, Ga. 7 =

1927 crop of white shelled pop eorn Se:

1 8e lb. or exch. for large Spanish pea-

nuts. Lb. for Ib. G. Y vecnen ven :
dalia, Ga

Whatleys prolific seed corn. $1. 6
bu. Good bags. Sound stock, prompt
shipment. Banner Fruit a ree

Valley, Ga.

Will exch. for 250 bu. shelled
ear corn. B. F. Bruce, Martin, a
Will exch for 75 bu. of corn. C x 228

Clements, Tifton, | Ga. Rt. 6.

Black walnut sprouts 20c; white

walnut sprouts 25c; Red Cobae plums

sprouts 15c; Bear Huckelberry 25c
each; White Mulberry 20c; Crab Ap-_
ple, Red Dogwood, Witch Hazel
Quince, Chestnut, White Pine, Moun-
tain Laurel and Mt. Ivy sprouts 25

each. John Millholland, Mineral Bluff"


Will exch. May Cherry and a SS

Plum Sprouts for anything useful. Le
H.. Coe, Eastanollee, Ga.

Mt. Laurel, Hemlock, ruce Pine
Rhododendron, 18 to 25 inches, 85.

each, $1.50 doz.; 3 to 4 ft. 50c each,

$3.50 doz. Postpaid. Walter Hune-_ 2

cutt, Tallulah Falls, Ga
Want 100 Japanese Persimmons,

cash or exch. syrup. F. G. Pedrick,

Quitman, Ga.

Want Stuart Pecan trees 4 to 5
ft. will exch. W. M. Taylor, Fort
Meade, Fla. =


1 pair: Belgian hares $4. Mrs.. L

G. Kidd, Atlanta, Ga.

1 solid white Shetland pony, yrs. oe
old, gentle, trained, and well broken. a
With buggy, Varness and saddle $75.
W. P. Wallace, Rutledge, Gan

Good breeding does, Cometic.
bits: Chinchilla, New Zealand Reds,

er write for prices. I. W. Taylor,

Hapeville, Ga., 22 Lang Ave. = ;
oe Iron Clad incubator and 500

*< blue flame Buckeye bgaoder, a
burner needed for brooder
sm, $27 del,- Cash. Mrs. H.. aoe

Vous oo Butler, Ga.

a te eee s ee eae


orhdmental evergreens,

it and shade. trees. Jas.

ans, peas or cows,

alles: Ga. aS =

scuppernongs,, rubied |
15c each; sage bush2s
for quilt |
Ss. Spieae Generis.


or country |

, Roy, Gas

to 3 ft. 25c)
rose . bushes
less |
De Hadaway,|

illed- for

pecan ee
s arieyies

nid Blowers. Dlackbartica
rries 50c doz., or Be

or fruit
Se EF.

: / Mrs.

Sand: Schley pecan

dy to. ship. Mrs. =

lity paper shel

- Stewart,
Pabst and

a McRae, Ga,

Success |


{in 10 Ib. buckets.

nee ee
or will. exchange for beans or pens.

ars, KK, Simon, Albany, Gans

1. = At leading yarieties of. apple pads
| peach. trees. Government inspected,
| 1 and 2 years old, 2 to 5 ft., 10 and
15c; Keifer, Early - - Harvest, Early |-
and late. sugar pear trees 25e to 75c}
| each; Klondike strawberry plants 25
ja- 100. Special prices in large. lots.
WwW. ei Warwick, Leaf, Ga. =

~ Stewart pecan trees, budded fon

oe heavy bearing trees 4 to. 6. ft.,. 60c to}
TGS 2 year old Concord and Niagara

grape vines, 10 and 12 1-2 Sr
| Anderson, Williamson, Gan os

- Budded pecan trees and full inel
of fruit trees; ornamental trees and
shrubs. State. inspected. Will: exch.
for: farm supplies, or name mighty |
ae cash prices. J H.. Girardeat,

|: Two hundred rooted bacread eut-
| tings, $14 del. $1.25 a dozen?
Mand: Hamby,..Green ille, Ga Rt3:
_ Boxwood, rooted cuttings, $1. 25 a
dozen; lilies 30c doz. del; weeping
willows, euttings 25c dozen; lucretia |
| dewberry plants $1a 100, del. . Lois:
Woodruff, Greenville, Ga., Rt 8.
Leading Varieties of pecan trees.
True to name, 2 to 8 ft., 35 to 90e.
A 5 per cent discount on all -orders
| of 100 or more, FOB Whigham. Be
| T. Ponder, Whigham, Ga,
Prickly Mock orange hedge site
Well rooted $1 a 100. Mrs. ae Be
| Hillis> Millhaven, Ga., Rt. Aly
Early May Cherry and mixed peach
ts; early 400 doz; Jady Thomp-
son 30 doz. ; everbearing 35 a 100,

Gy eae. English peach trees be. each.,
: -24 for $1; hedge cuttings 2Ce a 100,
*; $1.85 M., rooted hedge plants 75e a
100; horse apple sprouts 20c each;
xed striped summer, and large yellow
_| Sweet apple, 25 each. Mrs. -G. Con-|
Ae Gainesville, Ga.,. Rt. 7
| Apple and peach trees, . year old,
{all leading varieties. Range from 2}
| to 5 ft. 10c to 20c each; early harvest
pear 4 to 5 ft. and cherry trees 50c.
each; grape vines 2 year No. 1 Con-|-
+ | cord blue, Niagara white, Delaware |
jred, 15e each; Texas umbrella shade |
"| trees, 2. to 38 ft! 50c each; Klondike
ed | and Missionary strawberry. plants,
1 50- per 100. All state inspected nd
+ true to name. Cc: ML ia ee te
Leaf, Ga.
as Want 200,. Gait eocied hedge
| plants; 25 different kinds of rooted
| monthly roses, and 20 -. boxwoods.
Send. prices. Will: pay, or exchange
government. inspected apple trees.
Mrs. Thos, Webb, Ellijay, Ga. cae,

Want budded pecan trees, -quete
| best price del., and kind, and if you |
will exchange for good, bright syrup
ee I, re Au-
ae Ga.

Want 100 Blue pee as of
tie6 stone variety, about 6 ft. high. |
=e | Properly packed, by. express. COD.
{Low price, . 5. 1... Kilgore, Stone
|| Mountain, Ga., RFD = Box. 37, A.
tes Want, black | American walnuts,

oT hatled= Also pecans. State variety
a and price | FOB: your stations Send
samples if: possible on wholesale lots.
M. E. Schofield, West Sane Beach,
Fia., 6 er Aver oes


1? and 3 mos. old, from heavy. _eream |:

nroducing, 4 gal. cows. .-Full- b'ood,

hat not registered, $35 for both. Mera |
_ Summer, Adrian, Ga Se

Miss |.

| heifers, all ages.

10c each, or $1 doz; strawber. yl

$3. M; Himalaya. blackberry 25e doz; =

nee re Midland, Ga. e

reg. bulls $40 ' 7T2. Bork,
Athens, Ga., Re: ee D. A. ar ae <
pre ie: SASS

Reg. Island hr Sogiy bulls, ows
and heifers, all mature animals,
priced on the farm after they: have
been seen by De iabe. ate and Mason |
Madison, Gi 2

ae Jersey. heifer, pure. Seed bet Bet
Peg. $40, or exchange fora Duroe

or B. B. guinea sow, to farrow in
| Mareh. |

Rt. 1

1. Hreterd pull, 2 12 yeasr aa
ai between 800 and 1,000 Ibs., reg. |
papers. Bargain. ge N. Bunn, Love-
Joy, Gao.

= reg. Jersey. hotles yee 6 40-1

Solid. eolor. | Bred 5- 17-27. to
Tole, You'll: Do Victor; also. one.
heifer 10-10-26, white. chlor pred 8
22- 27 to same bull. Sell or exchange |
for corn in shuck or velvet. bean in}
| pod. Jas. 8 Seago

20 J ee ae cows, all high bred
-grades; 1 4-year. reg. bull out of a
medal of merit cow. - Also Grand
Champion at several. Southern Fairs |


old; 4 bred, all picked from _ best
cows and above mentioned bull. Write
for prices. L. H. Nelson, County |
Agent, Augusta, Ge =

heavy producing cows; high grade |
Bargain prices. I,
Ce Geiger, Flintside, Gare 3

2 fresh i in cows. Jd. a Blount, Haw-
Poneville Ga.



10: Ibs, clean, white mutton pa ty
250 lb., in one shipment. John | L.
Gantt, Meigs, Ga,

ce good, second hand Stadebaker |
wagon, 2 3-4 thimble. skein, with bed
and false bed, $40 eaee ue 8. Giles,
Winston, Ga, %

- Ground oyster. shells a chickens!
$1 per 100 Ibs., $17.50 per ton, FOB
here. W. A. Smith, 102 Bay Street
E. Savannah; Gas +.

New white feathers 60c Tb. del.
Samples on request. Mrs. Mary Col-
lins, Cordele, Ga. :

Will exchange dried apples fork:
dried peaches. . Must be free from
worms. Mrs, See Chapman, Dah-|
lonega, Ga.

tobacco, 4 Ibs. $1. 20 del.; 5 lbs. smok-
ing. tobacco $1. Both kinds in leaf.

Unground oyster shells 50e 100. lbs.
FOB here.

tion, Ga.

ing tobacco 4 Ibs. $1.20; 10 lbsv $3]
del.; Burley tobacco seed 25 oz. del.
Wm. Nunn, Lawrenceville, Ga., Rt. 5.

_2-poultry grit and oyster shell hop-
pers $1 for the 2; 18 ft. well chain
0c del ie By williams,
Res eee

5 M.


eet cane. WwW. j Je



* Micccllaneate Wanted.

Want to exchange 1 heavy oes:
wagon, -eomplete and in good. cond.
for a light 1-horse wagon and part.
cash. Will sell for $50 FOB: here.
Edwin E. supers. Macon, Ga,

: Rt. 2.
2 cream color Jersey heifer calves |


tion, and bargain for eash.-
Lamp, Scott; Ga: Ri. h ==

oe nt 2 few ths? Of flue

a Pile Haley, Lavonia, Ga., Ss

|also. white bunch. butter beans, 1be

in 1926-26; 1 bull 16 mos, old, out Le
of my best. cow and above mentioned |.
= bull; 18 heifer calves, 2 to 20 mos.

Young Guernsey reg. ull calves; a
also bull calves from: reg. sire and|

1 || stock, $2. 50. for 15. Mrs. V

Good ae narrow leat clewe)

J. . Barnes, Ways Se

Bright sun cured smoliip nd res

Newnan, |



Want a 2. hore wagon, Seca condi- :

tt} Want good B-horse. wagon, good

condition and cheap. for eash, or e -
change, good Ga. ane Syrup. 2: ch pa
Shipley, Auburn, Ga,

J rT Davis, Rutledge; Ga.

Want prices on bake Napie
grass to. seed twenty. ae #H kh.
pee Alamo, Gey, Rt. 1 we


- Pickle hot. pepper 400. qt. - Call for
same or will-exehange for something
boro, Ga. es

- White: nest onions 400 el.
ES Crider, Draketown, Gans ye

12 ats, spiced, sweet, green tomate
pickle De tt. del. ; few ae piouks
berry jelly 60 qt. del.
Collins, Cordele, Ga. es oO

< Nice, : white nest Spad Boe ae


Mars: Sac

Ea: or % Ibs. for $1. Add postage.

Mrs. hee 2 Padews, Sreeevias: oe
at 3.




Want green cabbage, beets, fresh
onions, ete. Write before shipping. _
Fred i ee oe, Ga., 5 Pe

pS oniee
: po




Offer 250 infertile Ww. Tee =

eves daily. Want to contract with

party or parties at reasonable price

John Walke, Hazelhurst, Ga., Rt. AL
Light Brahma __ eggs fron prize

V. P. Jack.
| son, Ivey, Ga:

week 30c dozen.
Airy, Gao
Barred Roek eves, Gasman prize
stock, $1 per 15 del. Cash with. OF
der. Carton to be returned. ~ Mrs,
| Milton Summer, Sylvester, Ga. >
Donaldson R. I. Red eggs, pen ee
1 setting of 13 for $1.50 and $2; No.
2 $1.50 and $1; No. 3 $1. Ship Feb
ruary. 15th. Booking orders now.
Box returned. J. F. Carter, Dewey
Rose, Ga. Rt. 4: Sar
Pure bred mammoth White P Pekin
duek- eggs. $1. $0. for. a R.
vey, Milan, Ga.
Nice, fresh . ee Rutter 500 oo. Hg
postpaid. Mrs, Lena Holland, Flow:
ery Branch, ac A ae
*Butter- ~5Oe. Ib. Customers
Bostaze et 8e 9e 2 tbs

av Bramhold, mS

Butter Boe < ites: D. ). vane,

Washington, Ga., Rt. 6. Soa ie %
_Tompkin. R. I. Red eggs. $1, 50 pe :

/15.. Mrs. A. Hi. Freeman, een a

Ga. 1499 MeLendon Ave, Behe
Thompson Imp. Ringlet strain eg

: $1. 15. for 15 del. Mrs. . A.

banks, - Commerce, C4. Rt. 29.

5 Ss. C RI Red eggs, peas! 1

$1.50 for 15; $6 a 100 del. Mx

a Scroggs: Alton, = :


S 3a PS

s good mule | in good | -eond ioR.
Work anywhere $150. Mrs. De
Evans Wastington, Ga.

et mule, harness, wagon and as
$50. Oak Range Poultry roe Ma-
rietta, Ga. Rt oe

= pair extra heavy, | fine yo

Sell. or exchange iT

Mrs. W. AS ewe, io pris

Ga. strictly sfreeh epes; 1 cake s vue

Ne ghey





~. Good house, land,






Small family to live on 76 acre
farm, 10 miles from Atlanta. Good
proposition to right family. Mrs.
Edw. Seitzinger, 563 Orme Circle, N.
iB, Atlanta, Ga,-

Wane single man at ence to work
on shares in trucking and general
- farm. produce. Must furnish 1 horse.
T furnish land, fertilizer and board.
B. F. Hartman, Ga. Rt.

Want sober and elinkda man one,

hae to work for wages. Prefer man |

with experience in tobacco - and can
make out with common farm house.
J. M. Blount, Rt. 2, Omega, Ga...

Want 2 young men for trucking |
avid general farm work, $25 month
and board. J. D. Mulling, Rt. 3.
Savannah, Ga. =

Want 1 and 2 horse farmers with
their own stock, able to run them-
gelves; 1-2 horse farmer on halves.
FA: Smith, 16. ~ Rt. 2.
_ Danville, Ga.

Want good wage hand, $15 oath
eee board. Must be sober and willing
to do anything on farm. Ww. F. _ Lamp,
- geott; Ga.

: Want help. for 1 and 2 horse fae.
~ Good , land, houses and pastures. 1-3 |
and 1-4 or 1-2 pasis. Main crop corn
and cotton. 1 or 2 eolored families.
Farm 6 miles from Rail road near
* church and school, call in person if
possible. J.-S. Giles, ve Ga.
Want man speible: fans to cultivate
i 2 or 3 horse crop on 50-50 basis.
near church and
school. O._I. Shipley, Ashburn, Ga.

Want: reliable white man to live
tn house with family and work on
farm for wages for first. 6 mo. of
2192 8, Reference exehanged. F, M.
Walden, Viepna, Ga. Vc?

Want middle age lady to keep house

tdr small family on farm. W. I.
Rakestraw, oe memes a Rt.
or a young

ee small any,

ws nen to work 2 herse farm near Ma-

x6n, Ga. Large dweiling, good creek
_gastures, fertile land. Standing rent
or share basis, I. A. Melee
- Senoia, Ga.

Want middle age lady to help do
souse work. State salary, Mrs. . Sa-
sh, Davis. Ranger, Ga.

Place has been filed. This an- many inquiries. W. * ees
Devereaux, Gas. =

Want white girl or iady to live as
es of family, and help with heuse
ahd garden work. Good home. Reas-
omable salary. Miss Jessie Fussell,
Rhine, Ga. Rt. 1, ;

Want 1 and 2 horse eroppers, on
asual basis. Well improved land. Two
_ fouses and two barms with other
wit buildings. Well, running water
aid all farm tools. Near Atlanta.
Further description by imquiring. J.
Roller, Union City, Ga.

Have an ideal place fon poultry
fier: Want partner to elp equip
tt. Place large enough to raise feed.
Write for particutars. H. . Harrell,
Rhine, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want. experienced dairyman to
-aandle 100 head cews. Write stating
_axperience.. Box 28%, Macon, Ga.

Want large experienced family for
neck and dairy farm. Work for all.
State experience and wages wanted.

2 Ten W.. Ss Baeoos. Ga...



Want to rent a % hors farm in
od cotton section of Ga. Would be




new, $30.


interested i in dairy, truck | or chicken =

business... Write immediately. Virgil |
Cole, Bowden; Ga. Re
Want a good 1 horse farm on

halves; a good cow to milk and my|

trun bill. Prefer. farm in Bulloch Co.,

or near. H. J. May, Tennille, Ga.
Want 2 horse farm on 50-50 basis.
Am 40 yrs. old, experienced in eulti-
vation and curing tobacco and raised
in tobacco belt of North Carolina,
have good help. Would do demonstra-
tion work. Good references. E. D.
Powers, Argyle, Ga. ae
Want to rent one or two _ horse
farm on shares. J. T. Cowart, _Jack-

| sonville, Ga.

Want to rent 3 horse Se in Hen- |
ry, Clayton or Dekalb counties. 60 or
70 acres in cultivation, Will pay
standing rent or share basis. Joe 0.
Stanfield, Stockbridge, Ga:

Experienced man wants to operate

dairy, poultry and truck farm on 50-

50 basis. J. C. Ethridge,
Gass cS
Want position as farm overseer.
35 yrs. experience in tobacco raising
in North Carolina, Can do other
farming, or will rent a farm. . H.
Tuttle, Rossville, Gal: .
Want position on farm or saw
mill for wages. Experienced in either.
Am willing to work for moderate
salary, board and laundry. Lonnie
Mitchem, Newborn, Ga. Care 1 OR GP


Johnston. - A %

Position wanted on dale farm; 2
yrs. experience; 23 yrs. old and mar-
vied. Want. $40 month. Can begin
at once. Write. ua Paes Pelham,
Ga oe =

Experienced miller. wants. to hear
from some one who has good water
mill and 2 horse farm. De W. White,
Douglasville, Ga.

Want position on poultry or gen-
eral farm for 1928. Experienced truck
driver. Strictly sober and honest.
Will live with family, 20 yrs. old and
single. W. S. Wilson, Cartersville,
Ga. - iA sk Ce
Sober young man wants job for
1928. Experienced in operating tur-
pentine still and. grist mill. Write.
Leroy Cathoun, Soperton, Ga.

Experienced truck farmer wants
truck farm: on 50-50 basis, as near
Atlanta as possible. J. Howard Smith,
South Atlanta, Atlanta, Ga.
- Want steady job for 1928, with
house near by for wife and children.
Can drive truck or trailer. Francs M.
Sete 7 Covena, OS:


1-7 H. P. Economy gas. engine

good cond. $75 or exch. for shelled

corn, cane syrup or other farm pro-

duets, write. J. Otis York, Fema peyy
Ga. oy

-1 Oliver riding cultivator neat
F. H. Bullard, Powder

Springs, Ga.

11. H.C. Titan Tractor; 1 P. & O.

3 disk Tractor plow and 1-6 ft. 2
| section Tractor disk harrow (I. H.C.) |
in good cond. except tractor needs
few repairs. Complete outfit $350 or
will exch. for good grade cows soon.
to freshen or corn, oats, soy beans,
velvet beans. wheat or anvthing of

equal value, write. J. 1. Taylor, Gees 2
-gansville, Ca.

- B. F. Avery 6 H. Pp gas engine
$90; Avery corn dropper,
Husten. peanut sheller (Liberty make)
$10. J, A. as Parrott, Ga.

M Rt. lL

-Ecomomy 2-1-2 H. P. engine

$7; Tom]

eres t cs

i: -herse wagon and harness; 1 No. 19
3 horse piow; all in good condition
and cheap for cash. N. M. Garri-
son, Milan, Ga. ae
1 No. 12 Smalley. feed mill; Wadi
h. p. Perfeetion gas engine; $250 for |
both; 1 3-horse riding plow in good|
condition $25. W. Ww. Driskell; Spar-
ta, Ga. \
Primrose cream separator in ae
condition $20. Webb H. Sraith, Car-
tersville, Ga.
1 large size criadeeck, 2 ft. high,
6 inches thick, weight 300 lbs., suitaa-
ble for grinding all kinds farm tocls
$10, or exchange for anything of
equal value. o M. Webb, - Ellijay,
Ga. ~
1 No. 10 DeLaval cream separator
used 4 months, good condition, $62
FOB. Milton Sumner, Sylvester, Ga.
1 8-row oat drill, never been used
$5 FOB. R. L. Weeks, Dial, Ga.
-1 10-in and 1 9-in. Wm, J. Oliver
plows, also 1 6-in. hillside plow, $8
and $6, or the 3 for $21 FOB here.
N. R. Mooney, Quill, Ga. ;
8h. p. White engine and 14 inch
mill, will grind average 5 bu. goo
meal. per hour. Both: almost new,|
$100 FOB wufaula, Ala. Mrs. M. M.
Davidson, Georgetown, Ga. :
Farm tools for sale, write for in-
formation. J. iE. Carter, Bewey Rose,
Second hand form lighting plant
750 watt; guaranteed good operating
condition. Write.for price. W. M.
McElmurray, Fort V alley, Ga.
3 Oliver and 3 Sullivan Towson

tractor plows: 111-2 H. P. and 1 6)

H. P. gas engine; 1 Williamson stump
puller, with cable; 1 24-in. grist
mill. Fred C.: Geiger, Flintside, Ga.
John Deere corn and cotton plant-
er, with attachments, good condition,
S17. Riles C.: Couch, Turin, Ga... 2

Kelly duplex feed mill No. 4, $453}

pump and 1 1-2H., Pu: -engine $40;
Centrifugal pump, almost new, $26;
Ford engine needs going over, $15
FOB. Savannah.
vannah, Ga., White Bluff Rd:
Complete equipment for first class

dairy. For further information
write. L. H. oO , County Age ;
Augusta, Ga.

1 feed mixer, 500 lbs. Lapaety:
good condition, $100. Lew 8 he
Farm, Savannah, Ga. -

1 No. 4 Letz corn a
hand or power, $4. A. WwW. Trueman,
Albany, Ga.


Want 50 H. P. engine, Atlas See
ferred and 80 H. P. boiler. Both must
be in perfect cond. and cheap for
cash. White Pesthe: rae Tifton,

Want good 2 horse waren. State
make, cond. and best cash price. Roy
N. Elder, Cornelia, Ga.

Want a 14 to 16 dise harrow, with
18 in. or disc. Write description
and price. E. J. Tull, Ellijay, Ga.

Want for cash or exch. green bone
mill. State cond. and lowest price.
R. A. Caldwell, Faceville, Ga. :

Want 18 in. | double dise tractor
harrow. Must be in good eond. and
chens. C. M. Heard, ho Ga.

Porto Rican sweet potatoes, sack-
ed, $1 bu. FOB Ideal. OR D. Hall.
Oglethorpe, Ga. oe :

erop. $3 bn. M. F. Saas Dem:

ge er

1 2-horse wagon and harness; 11

ybany, Ga... =


Harms Dairy, Sa-|


20 bu. of! Lookout Mountain Trish :
potatoes Large, white, selected, new |.


Good incubator for sale
change. Mrs. J. A. Wilson
pay Rie 25
1,500 chick Newton. Giar
haening: brooder, with pipe a
cial roof pipe. Used 3 weeks.
$50. Sell $25. A. W. Freema

1 Super Hateher Space 6
capacity. Used one season, $40 FC
here. L. D. ele Gaines
Ga. .

2 Buckeye brooders, 100
size, good as new $15 each; 1 |
eye brooder, 500 chick size,
condition $10; .1 Sears-Roebuck
per Hatcher incubator 600. ese
$25 FOB Albany. R. Js Tho ym
bany, Ga.

_ 250: Iron. Clad snonbelee aad
chiek blue flame Buckeye | bro
only burner needed for broad
lamp, $27 del. Cash. ' Mrs. Hd
Walker, Butler, Ga

1No. 19 Buckeye broo
two seasons. Good condition
POB:-Thomson...-H.* Ge te er,


500. capacity: Buckeye - oll burt
ing brooder. Sell or exchang
oats. H. O: - Williams, _ 5
Rt. 5,

Mammoth Miller Ideal. jineuba
practically new 11,700 eggs.
anteed to be in good operating.
dition. -Write for Price. S.l
Fort: Valley, Ga.- oe

Wisconsin tember go d
tion, 25-egg cap.,, hot water,
pipes cand good thermometer
one season, $12, 50 FOB here.
Wingo, Flowery Branch, Ga., ie
. 3, Sol. Hot brooders, 1 000 ch
capacity 192% $155 2? 1925
each. All .FOB - Parrott.
Fletcher, Pa ar? ott, :Ga. a

210. egg size Buckeye - incuba
splendid hateher, bought last .
for. $36.75. Sell for $24 del. :
fect condition. Waycross Hate
Waycross, - ae

Pgs 50- egg Little

Brown He

bert palne Caines: Ga. =
One Little Brown Hen 50-eg
bator; used 2 seasons, $3. 50s | -

ae shell.
and FOB: here.
Ga. | )
Wish Bone iootee 150 eap
sell or exchange for 1 i-horse :
cuse turner and Daisy churn,
size. J, L. Mercer, : Tifton, | G :
4, Box 120. Sc ee
Want 100-egg capacity in
Must be good condition; pay eash
exchange tobacco. low M. Pay
Mineral Bluff, Ga., Le A; Box 5

R. Ww. Beebe o

Sun dried apples 15e Ib, del
Rutha McClure, Quill, Ga.
Fancy Yates and Terry app
bu. box; choiee $2.50; tree-run $
1-2 bu. boxes fancy. $1. 50; al
white sun dried apples 200 tb.
Merriam, Demerest, Ga.
30 Ib. nice sun_ dried a
from worms, 18c Ib.;
peaches; 3 beets, 3 ae
each, or $4 a dezen, FOB he
Lillie Rogers, Cleveland. Gs :

Want white and spotted rabb
all ages between 6 and 18 mos.
oe A; ee, Comet

orest. Ga. ey A vi

: Thursday, aoe 5: 1928. :

=1't, Valley, Ga., Thursday, Jan. 5.
Blakely, Ga., Tuesday, sane. 0.
Blakely, aes Tuesday, Jan. 24,


Advertiser should notify us if their
: predacts are sold, or if they desire
the notice to be repeated.



_ Corn, either: shelled or slip shuck,
car lots.
milla. T. A. Acree, Camilla, Ga.
~~ Several cars of crushed corn, shuck
corn and cobb crushed together. R.
dy Collins, Cobbtown, Ga.

. pepper, County Agt., Cochran, Ga.

: Sprihgfield, Ga.

_ Several cars new slip shucle corn.
ee -P, Josey, Statesboro, Ga. |

- 500 bushels new crop in shun Zz
Ww. _ebene, County Agent, Millen,


Slip shucked ear corn, car ioe per
- bu. of 80 Ibs., 75c; shelled corn, small

lots, sacked, '95e bu: Send check, or

wire order. J. W. Lang, Omega, Ga.

Corn in shuck i in car lots. Otto Hall

i Summit, Ga. =:

Corn in shuck, car lots. .

ley, Reedsville, Ga.

1 ear of slip shucked ear corn; 1

car shelled corn. F. H. Bland, Jr,

: Cordele, Ga,

Corn in shuck, car lots. M. F. Gad-
dis, County Agt., Hazlehurst, Ga.

_ Slip shuck ear corn, car lots, 80c
bu, FOB Hawkinsville. Dan Shipp,

: Finleyson, Ga.

Corn in shuck, car lots.

Kea, Adrian, Ga.

2 ears of slip shuck corn, 90c bu.
FOB Dawson.

son, Ga., Lee St.

F. L. Beas-


100 Ibs. and 2 1-2 bu. bags 85c bu.
Eastman. Fred R. Bennett, Eastman
Ga. 1

Corn in shuek, car lots 1c lb. FOB
Meigs. Price good until Jan. 1, if
not sold. G. L. Duren, Meigs, Ga.
_ Ear corn, car lots. H. B. Stovall,
eePoburs, Ga.


Peanut hay, car lots $12 ton FOB
Camilla. T. A. Acree, Camilla, Ga.
- Peanut vine hay, car lots $13 ton
FOB So. Ga. points. Dan Shipp, Fin-
eyson, Ga.

3 cars No. 1 soy bean. hac 1 car
of No. 1 peavine hay. Both $18 FOB
Madison. W. L. Carmichael, Madi-
son, Ga.

: 2 cars oad, bright Johnson and
Bermuda grass hay, $17 ton FOB
Farrar. J.C. Thomason, Farrar, Ga.,
Jasper county.

; a cars of ee peanut hay, full

Feeds, Ga.
several cars of well pueda peavine
a Poultry Farms, Fort

: Pears and peanut aa car lots.
Dr. J. T. Gammage, Pineview, Ga.
ear velvet bean and grass hay.

aN oe e

Write for prices FOB Ca-

1 or 2 ears in the shuck. C. B. Cul-

- Several cars corn. Dallas Spurlock,

Pickett Smith, Daw-

Ear corn, car lots; shelled corn in|

. | lots.

Beans all theanek at $16 FOB car
here. Mrs. Rv A. Kelley, Tennille,
Ga. :

Several cars of peanut hay. los.
E. & D- Freeman, Blakeley, Ga. .

Mrs. Nora G. Webb, Albany, Ga. ~

Peavine and crab grass mixed. Car|_

lots. R. E. Bower, Sr., Dixie, Ga.
Peanut hay, car lots. H. B: Stovall,

Leesburg, Ga,

Car Lots:

Early speckled seed velvet pedis.
car lots of less; velvet beans in pod,
bulk, car lots, FOB Camilla. TAS
Acree, Camilla, Ga. ;

Early speckled velvet beans in pod
car lots $18 ton FOB Hawkinsville,
early speckled seed velvet beans
$1.35 bu. Dan Shipp, Finleyson, Ga.

5,000 bu. A-1 90-day velvet beans
$i bu. in 21 1-2 bu. sacks; 6, 8S.
Bryant, Bartow, Ga.

Velvet bean hulls, car lots. Sam-
ples and prices on request.

| Bennett, Eastman, Ga.

1 car velvet beans $20 ton FOB
Ashburn. -W. R. Scott, Ashburn, Ga.

1 car velvet beans in pod; 1 car
90-day speckled beans in bags.
H. Bland, Jr., Cordele, Ga.
| 8 cars velvet beans in pod, $18
ton. Pickett Smith, Denon: . Ga,
808 Lee St. -

Several cars dry velvet beans in
pod. I-C, Jordan, Bartow, Ga. _
~Velvet beans in pod, $18 ton;

shelled, small lots $1.50 bu. J. W.
Lang, Omega, Ga. ; ;
Burke County Clay peas. FOB

Millhaven, Ga.
Ga. .

Velvet beans, speckled, sound and
dry in pod, bulk or thrashed and
sacked for seed, car lots $1.25 bu.
Auy quantity $1.25 bu., $18 .on, C.
P. Daniell, Waynesboro, Ga.

A few cars of velvet beans. A. E.
Norman, Dover, Ga.

1 car velvet beans. 0. f; Johnson,
County Agent, Camilla, Ga.
Velvet beans. Car lots.

som, McRae, Ga.
1 car velvet beans in pod.
Josey, County Agt., Statesboro, Ga.
New crop velvet beans in car lots.
W. M. Shurling, Wrightsville, Ga.
Velvet beans in the hull. Car lots.
W. B. Py Midville, Ga.

M. S. Hillis, Girard,

L. I. Fol-

Car Lots

Want 1 car velvet beans for feed-
ing purposes. G. C. Alford, Buck-
head, Ga.

Want prices on peas, velvet beans,
soy beans, and pecans. State. quan-
tity offered. F. O. Smith, Atlanta,
Ga., RFD 1.

Want car lots of velvet beans n
pod. State best price del. to Colum-
bus, Ga. C. M. Brennan, Columbus,
Gaus t
Want velvet beans in pod. Car
Make lowest price FOB your
station. J. E. Neil, Unadilla, Ga.

Want 1 to 2 M. bu. sound, bright
, | straight. brown Whippoorwills, $1.50
bu. del. Savannah, Ga. Can also
handle these in car lots, or less. Send
sample, before shipping. Also want
200 bu. sound, clean, new crop O-
too-tan soy beans at $2.50 bu.; 200

| sound. clean, new crop Loredas at

$2 bu. FOB Ga. shipping points,




Peavine and peanut hay. Car lots.

Fred R.

F. |

| shelled.

_| corn,

Boyd Jones, Marion,. N. C.




shipment to Athens. Snelson Seed

Co., Box 492, Athens, Ga.

Want several cars velvet beans in | -

the hull. J. P. Carter, Naylor, Ga.
Want No. 1 Brabham peas in car

lots. Write or wire for prices. Cole-

man and Chandler, Tifton, Ga.

peas. .Send sample and quote best
price. Geo. C. Nunn, Perry, Ga.
Want 1 or 2 cars velvet beans.

P, Baisdens, Live Oak, Fla. ;

Want several cars velvet beans in

hull, F. M. Green, Live Oak, Fla.

_ Want soy beans, No. 1 quality. Of-
fer $16.50. Southern Flour and
Grain Co., 300 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, |

Want car of velvet beans. Make
best price delivered. M. H. King,
Woodland, Ga.

Want velvet beans in the red: Car
lots. Quote delivered price. Dixie
Feed Go., Ins., Savannah, Ga.

Wee car of velvet beans for feed-

ing, *-hylon, Ga. W. H. Mitchell
and +s. Barnesville, Ga. -
Woe. eae of brown Whippoorwill
peag Isc O-too-tan and. Loreda
soy ...s. The Rowland Co., Ath-
ens, (5. : ase

W .:3 1 ear velvet beans fer feed-
ing ;31woses. G. C. Alford, Buck-

head 1... ee e
Woe to peas, ear lots. Generalf
Bro] _.- So., Macon, Ga.
W == ears:velvet beans in pod,

iel. Tczticello and Shady Dale. Quote
pri jer Benton, Monticello, Ca.


lots. Make lowest price FOB your

station. J. E. Neal, Unadilla, Ga.
Want 1 or 2 cars sound slip shucked

corn. State best price del. to Colum-

bus, Ga. C. M. Brennan, Columbus,

Ga. as
Want bulk, shelled, yellow corn,

ear lots. Advise price and shipping

point. Dan Joseph Co.,

Want slip shuck ear corn car lots.


|J. E. Neal, Unadilla, Ga.
EB; Pst

Want eorn in ear lots.
hay, car lots for same. Market prices.
R. . Roberts, Jefferson, Ga.

Want 1 car bright baled shucks,
del. on track, Ben Hill, Ga. C. S.
Bryan, Ben Hill, Ga.

_ Want several cars good white mill-
ing ear corn with shucks off; also
Quote. prices delivered At-
lanta, Ga.; quote baled oat and wheat
straw. W. P. Dunn, 611 Chamber of
Commerce Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.

Want several cars corn: in the
shuck. J. P. Carter, Naylor, Ga.

Want several cars of slip shuck
Quote best prices. Monto
Shaw, Marietta, Ga. __

Want shelled, white milling corn in
ear lots.

Want lowest prices on new baled
shucks. Several cars weekly. W.

Want shelled eorn and corn fully
shucked in car lots. Theo. W. Mar-
tin, 798 Citizens and Southern. deus
Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.

Want Georgia corn in ear lots. So.

Georgia Milling Compeny, Valdosta,

Want Georgia corn in ear tose King
Grocery Co., Columbus, Ga.


Want car of brown Whippoorwill

Want slip shucked ear corn, car

/Will exch.

Dan Joseph, Columbus, Ga.

Want new eorn in car os deliv.

ered Powder Springs. John A. West-
brook, Powder Springs, Ga. _ aa
Want slip shucked ear crn in car
lots. Advise amount, time of ship-
ment, quality and price.
Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Want yellow corn shelled and
cleaned in car lots. Atlantic Milling
Co., Augusta, Ga. 38 Ses

-Want yellow corn in car lots,
shelled or in the shuck. Make best.
offer del. Waynesboro.
Milling Co., Waynesboro, Ga.

Want slip shuck corn. Quote low-
est dbl. prices in car lots. H. P.
Sanchez. Fort: Valley, Ga.

Want 2 cars slip shuck ear corn.
Georgia Brokerage Co., Correle, Ga.


Want peanut hay, car lots. Make
lowest price FOB your station. J. B=
Neal, Unadilla, Ga.

Want 1 car of good east hay,
del. Soperton, Ga. Soperton Naval
Stores Co., Soperton, Ga. :

Want 8 or 10 cars peanut and 8 or
4 cars peavine hay nice and bright.
Make best offer FOB Naylor, Ga. J.
P. Carter Co., Naylor, Ga. ee

Want peavine hay not over 5 per
cent other grasses, No. 1 quality. Of-
fer $17 delivered. Southern Flour
and Grain Co., 300 Austell Bice, * At-
lanta, Ga.

Want peanut hay car lots.
Folsom, McRae, Ga.
- Want Georgia peanut and peavine
hay. South Georgia illing Co., Val-.
dosta, Ga.
: Want Ga. peanut avd peavine hay.
King Grocery Co., Columbus, Ga.

Want 1 car peavine hay $10; 1
soy bean hay, offer $18; 2 peavine
hay, offer $16. All delivered. At-
lanta Southern Flour and Grain Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.


Car Lots |

Want several cars of white Span-
ish and runner peanuts $93 to $94
paid. Less than Car lots, freight dif-
ference. Dan Shipp, Finleyson, Ga.

Home-grown runner seed peanuts,
clean and sound $1.50 bu. FOB cars
in sacks. L. B. Scoggins, Omega, Ga.

Want all varieties of pecans. Send
sample and make iowest price. W.
Boyd Jones, Marion, N. C.

Want 500 to 1000 Ibs. Schley or
Stuart pecans. Mail sample and quote
prices. W. R. Neal, Moultrie, Ga.

Want Spanish peanuts and pecans |
in car lots. Send sample and quote

best rices. Vernon Brabham, Mou!-
Ptrie, Ga.
Want white Spanish peanuts, ae

lots, any quantity, Donaldson Grain -

and Elevator Co., Donaldson, Ga.
Want peanuts in car lots. General

Brokerage Co. Macon, Ga.

Want car runner peanuts. J. P. =
Carter Co., Naylor, Ga. ey
Want peanuts in car lots onl

General Brokerage Co., Macon, Ga.,
413 Ga: Caenety. Bldg. ~


from Columbus, on Talbotton road.
W.L Cunningham, Midland, Ga.

Want 1 ear of feeder pigs. EZ. Ge
| Mitchell, Edison, Ga.

(Continued on page 12) :

WoL, Fain,

Waynesboro _

60 cords dry pine wood, 18 miles _ =

PAGE es Uw

(itis from page 11)
CaTtl FR SALECar Lots .
1 ear o. grade heifers 6c lb.; 1 car

of runge cattli. Write or wire. _Pick-
ett Gmith, Dawson, Ga.

no ye

1 cat ot dry fed steers about 750

lbs. averrize. . A, Adams,. Luella,

Henry ux, Ga.
Jar of rice grade Jersey heifers
Well besa calves, we from 350 to 600

Ce se at 6c ib, R. & Parham, Green-


1 small cur of mixed beef and nite

cows, 5c Oy FOB Srcamore. - L.

{ rosier, | Lyenmore, Ca.

1 eat " high gra ie fey cows.
Part, fas?! and bak nce to- freshen
Carr, vkin, Ga.


cart si WANTEDCar Lots
Wazs eral cata of cattle for im-
mediate # dpmment- (\dum Plant Co.,

Odam, Ga.

Want Gi! load B ereford heifers

auc smal? s.eers; also car of feeder
hogs. #t..m 60 to 100 lbs. I. C.
aid J. c. Cellier, Barnesville, *Ga.

Want car load of Jersey and Jer-
sey. Pes seifers, tlso young milk
. Benton. Moultrie, Ga.

fGWS. ase
. Want 9 var vi high producing milk
cpenm S. ter A. eamans, Way-
exvoss, WH me
Wani-. nee ea* f grade heifers,
-. # gq 92 ) ths, og enough to graze
ovat Ye field. J. M. Johnson,
hs Mey ae ee oO. Box 86.

sr of jung cattle for
Py Henson, Louisa, Va.


Car Lots
Want u car of bred ewes. 8. E.

4 Ve EP

_ Henson, Lonisa, Va.

Want ~ or 2 cars common range
goats; 1 or 2 cars good, smooth feed

~ er pigs, corn fed slaughter hogs; 1|
ear each of good grade Jersey and,

Hereford heifers; 2 cars range young
cattle. ~ Le B. Fulmer, Springfield,
5. os

Want a car lot of sheep for range.
Write, giving full details of number,
kind, price, ete. T. L. Hoshail, =

ae Ga., 3 Produce Row.

_to 120 lbs. each. Will sell only in}

~ bulk or bags.

erices and enalvsis.


-- car shoats, from 60 to 130 Ibs.,|_
at, 7e lb, FOB. Ashburn. W. R. Scott

Ashburn, Ga.

1 car of feeder pigs, w wt. from 30

ear lots. Make best offer FOB Daw-
son. Pickett Smith, Dawson, Ga.

Pigs in car lots. Quote price FOB}

Osierfield. A. L. Harper, Osierfield,
Ga. :


Porto Rican potatoes, car lots. F.
L. Beasley, Reidsville, Ga.
Porto Rican potatoes, car lots,

J. H. Thompson,

Odum, Ga.


1 ear of ground feed. Can be made
excellent dairy feed. Write for
W. R. Scott,


, Ga.

: Meusiand cotton seed, car lots.


SALECar Lots
1 car of bright, clean oat straw.
Make offer. E. L. Todd, yates
Ga., Rt. 5 Pe fe
1 car, nice bright oat straw. $10
er ton. ._ E. Rich, Bainbridge, Ga.
1. car each bright baled shucks and

| oat straw, $9 ton FOB Wrightsville.

J, H. Rowland, Wrightsville, Ga.

; Car Lots

baledwill exchange a new 2-horse
farm wagon for same. W. H. Mitch-
ell, Barnesville, Ga. :

Want wheat straw. Empire Cot-
ton Oil Malis, Piedmont Road, Atlan-

Want a few cars of good bright
oat or wheat straw, well baled. Quote
price and quantity. W. L. Fain
Grain Co., Atlanta, a

: Car Lots
Galen s pedigreed Delta type Web-

| ber staple cotton seed. EK. L. Todd,

Valdosta, Ga.

seed. W. I. Cunningham, Midland,
-1ist year Cokers pedigreed extra

or sacked. Neely Estate, C. A. Mc-
Lendon, megr., . Waynesboro, Ga.


Want car of Wannamaker Cleve-
and cotton seed in bulk. C. A. Row-
land, Athens, Ga. :

Want 1 car of Half and Half Cot-

on seed. Vernon Brabham, Moultrie,

Want 1 car of cotton seed hulls
loose, del. on track. Ben Hill, Ga. CG.

S. Bryan, Ben Hill, Se

Want half and half cotton seed, 1
sv 2 ears. H.-M. Frank!n, Tennille,


1 ear of turnips, with nice roots
and tops, $1.50 bbl. crate, FOB here.
R.- By Bower, Sr.,. Dixie, Ga. =~

Several cars of manure for sale. W.
Chatham, Mee Ga., ae North

Car Lots :
2 cars of clean baled shucks.
E. & D. Freeman, Blakeley, Ga.


Want several cars seed oats; any

variety. Send-sample and advise
quantity and price. Dan Joseph Co.,
Columbus, Ga. es :


simmon; hickory, poplar, ash, cherry,
walnut and other hard woods. Gen-
eral brokerage Co., Macon, Ga.


Pecans wanted. All varieties. Any
amount. R. W. Buchanan, Americus,

Want quantities pecans. Send sam-
ples and price. Terminal . Nut Co.
Terminal: Station, Atlanta, Ga.

Want white spanish or runner pea-
nuts. Will exch. white sugar crowder
peas or pimento pepper seed. Wilson
Carson, Griffin, Ga. Rt. D.

Want Stewart and Pabst pecans.]

Send sample and quote price. C. S.

Miller, Chanute, Kansas, 203 N.

Washington St.


Want car of bright, clean oat strawt

1,000 bu. pure select Phllnot eotten

| Box 44,

-|vet hedge 10 years old 6 for $5. 50;

*|funkia, 6 for 50c; milk and wine 25,

Want car lots of dogwoods, per-

T B U a i EB . sk N-
(Continued from page 6) .

Old fashioned garden pinks, white
and pink, 25e a doz. Mrs. D. A. Rus-
sell, Rockbridge Road, Box 21 Avon-
dale Estates, Ga. |

Domestica Nandina; cedrus deodo-
ra; cedrus Atlantica; cypress (Law-
son); juniper prostrata; cedar of
leborn; California libocedrus (in
cense cedar); Jigustrum Japonica;
lonicera fragrantis; weiglia; spire
althea; pear bush; abelia; Hiawatha
rose. Write for prices. Mrs. D. C.
Collier, Barnesville, Ga.

Red and yellow canna bulbs, and
yellow. winter pinks 10c each, or 50
doz. Mrs. W. V. Robbs, Flowery
Branch, Ga., Rt. 1.

Pink imported canna bulbs, 3 for
25c, 8 for 50c. Add postage. Floy
Mae Holland, Flowery Branch, Ga.

Yellow canna lilies 10c each,. 50

15e doz.; shasta daises and white
chrysanthemums 20c doz;. lavender
lilac 15c,.25 and %5ec each; pink

almonds 20 each; dark red, yellow
and lavender dahlia bulbs 15 each,
8 for 40c; dahlia flowering zinnia.
seed 10c for large size pkg. Mrs. G
B. McCrary, Gainesville, Ga. Rt 1.

Dbl. purple althea; fragrant Phila-
'delphus; pink and red crepe myrtle.
-50e each, 3 for $1.25; pink almonds,
stephenandra weeping lilac, (blooms
similar to butterfly bush); brida

wreath; white bunch spirea; Dorothy
Dorans, red, rambler roses, 25c each.
5 for $1.10 del.; shasta daises, gail-
lardia, physostegia, 80c dozen; hardy
red hybiseus 25 each; 4 colors, iris
50 dozen; scarlet verbena 10c, 8 for
25e; red velvet roses, spring bloom-
ers, 25c. Mrs. R. M. Sheppard, Stone
Mountain, Ga., Rt. 3.

Purple and white Althea; pink
flowering almonds; English Dog-
wood; Purple Lilac; Golden Bells;
Yellow Jasmine; Bridal | Bouquet;
Mtn. Ferns; all 10c each or 2 for
25; pink weiglia, 50c each or 3 for
$1. All well rooted. Add postage. No
orders filled for less than 25c. Mrs
Nancy Henderson, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 3,
| Abelias, 4 years qld, 3 for $2.50;
boxwood, 5 years old, 20c per 100;
other sizes from 25c to $2 each; pri-

forsythia, lilac. white and lavender
spirea, persian lilac, hydrangeas, 20
each, shasta daises 50c dozen; lilies,

50e and 75c each. Cherokee Farm,
West Point, Ga.

Easter Lily bulbs, 25 - and 35e, ac-
cording to size. Ready for delivery.
Add postage. Mrs. C. W. Culpepper,
Vidalia, Ga.

Dahlia bulbs 15 ea.; Jonquils, 10
doz. FOB here. E. L. Corley, Mauk,
Ga Bie 1.

Blue Flag Lilies, 20c doz. or.6 doz.
$1. Mrs. G. D. Crawford, Martin, Ga.

Ferns, begonias, sultanas, gerani-
ums all colors, all rooted, 20c to 30e;
eactus rooted 10c each; mums, 5e
each; oxalis 10c; cannas 40c dozen;
purple and varigated violets, hydran-


1 25c; Currants,

erepe myrtle and dbl. pink flowering:
| 25e bunch; crepe paper flowers, 60

dal, Gar Rt 2.

gea cuttings 5c and 10c. Will exch. |
for dahlias, cannas or narcissus. Write

Mrs. G. Connor, Gainesville, Gas Rt: peavine hay $22.50 ton; 2 tor

rieties of tea and ene ead brown
| Figs, 25 ea. or 5 for $1; Poincian
25 and 50c; California Poppies,
doz. or $10 per 100; Artillery plan
large size 25c ea. or 3 small ones f
60c doz. or $3 pe
100; Conch Begonia cuttings, Bus
honeysuckle, Bridal Wreath, 25c. A
postage on orders less than $1. Mrs
L. A. Barry, Cordele, Ga. Rt. A. :

Pink flowering Almonds, 45 (dg7s
Butter and Eggs bulbs, 15 doz.;
Orange Day and other lilies, 20 to
30c doz; pink Cherokee Roses, 50c.
All well rooted, Mrs. L. Tuck, EI
jay, Ga. Rt. 3, -Box 59. ae

Good size Coral vine tubers. Pl
now for best results next -Spri
Larkspur, 25c doz. Mrs, J. A. Rae
els, Dublin, Ga. ee

Single red Feperines ae ae
lias, 25c ea, or exch. for Early Jer-
sey Wakefield cabbage plants, or
Multiplying or Bermuda onion plants.
Mrs. Ulmer Barrow, Daisey, Ga. R


Sevkye thread flowers, any colo :

doz Mrs..
Ga. Rt. 6.

Crepe paper roses, all A cotaa 7
doz, or exch. for rooted hedge plan
or monthly rose bushes; also. hand.
painted articles, fast colors.
what you want. Different. prices.
Thos. Webb, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. SC

Crepe paper, all colors, flows
roses and geraniums for pots, 3 or
bunches to stalk 40c each; poppie
80 doz.; pattern for making, 20c doz
Hazel Amos, Rising Fawn, Ga. Rte 2

Hand made flowers waxed, Te
dozen. No order accepted less tha
a dozen. Miss Flonnie Binoche?

D. E. Evans, Washington,

Want oe bees He any
hives. Also want good extr
Must be reasonable. Will excl

horse gas engine. Horace B. Parl
Ambrose, Gay PO. Box, 4:


ferson, Ga. 3 i

Offer 20 stands cross alien an
common bees, in 1 1-2 story, modern

hives. $50. 1 small root wax pres ae
$10. FOB wide i W West, oe
Ga |

Want bees =n any ge hives,
D. Maxey, Grayson, Ga. ie o
Want 2 bbls. of honey. Dr. In
Patterson, Atlanta, Ga. Rt. 9. Box
Pure extracted honey, in 10 Ib
6 pails to case, $6.40 FOB. Te
10 Ib. pail postpaid and insured
dnd. AC Croley, Doctorts own


Corn stover with ears, ground o
baled. Sell or exchange for cows
heifers. Mrs. eae. Ne bee
Sofkee, Ga.

Pure Bancroft seed oe 80c
5 tons choice oat straw $12 to
ton wheat straw $11; 5 tons

we Cn Peel ae jum bey $18 ae BO Oram,
Dbl. pink Oleanders, different va-! age 2


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