Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1928 May 31

ce f






Reports received in this office indicate that peaches coil

growers who are shipping small consignments now.

ke local. banks to handle them. Shippers ean obtain stamps
from their localbanks at all times.

The U8. Department of Agriculture estimates that there

will be approxibately 17,000 cars this year. The Georgia Peach
Growers Exchange estimate shows approximately 15,000 cars.
The Georgia Peach Growers estimate for the 1928 peach oe
is as follows:

Was Haw ers Ae ae Cars

Wiscdas 6 oe -., 296 Cars
aise: Avariies 3. 2%: ne eee ee ane:

SURELY ANOS et nu 3 ve H-.. 442. Cars

The Peach Outlook

~ begin to move ina few days. We have letters from a number of

o In vegard to stamps, this Department has. arranged with


y a
Carmen a DO re Pe ge 10g Cars
Nileys <1... ei ee oe eee Odes
- Georgia Belles Oho ret bod tee bars
~ MUNCTROS 5 ee ee sib es Oe ears
oa Ban alba acto. age Cane
Mise. Lates a sao eee ae OC aa oO. OES
HOTA. ee te ee ebod Gace

From the inser mueian ae reaches this office there i is more |
thinning done this year than in any previous year. This, of

course, means larger fruit and a better quality.


A corps of licensed Federal Inspectors will be on


job next week. Any grower interested please confer with O. G.
Strauss, Dempsey Hotel, Macon, Georgia, or eee the Depart-

ment of ee State Capitol.




: wo Prevailing Wholesale a tiees, May 26, 1928. ee subject to variation. =-.s&
Sweet Potatoes (Yellow) bulk, 100 lbs. _.----------. $ 2.50 C350 0 ee ; $350
Irish Potatoes, sack, 100 ibs. es se eno en =-----: -3.00 , 3.50 8.00 Ss
Cabbage, green, crated, 100) lbs. ~-.----2--4--5 see 3.00 fo ae 3.00 Sho.
Eggs, Ga. Watra, dozen soe Ss ee eo et eee ee 28 26
_ Eggs, Ga. Standard, dozen ----~------- L-----+----:---------- 28 we oe 24
ges, Ga. Trade, dozen _----------+ een nnn cette a------- oo w--- 0 we nne----- 240
igs, Yard Run, dozen -------- $755----2------ e+ 20 By ASO ee i eB eee 28
Stags, per De te Se --------------- 20 Beg ee ee I ee *
Hens, per lb. .~.---------+-------+--=--+---=------ 22 .20 25 24
oosters, per Ib. ------------- few en dae etn : 12, 16 14
Meiers, per i1b. 22 oe eS eee ee EL 5 _ +85 85 40
Ducks, per lb. ler ee a oe ee saa: 20 S2Ot ee er OD EN OE ee
Geese, per Ib. gs. eg eae So oS 5t Bae oe ee el6 p35 L6 ee ee See
Turkeys, per lb. ee ---- 30) Seo pee ee ae ee ee eS
Lima. Beans, per lb. 2 ae Be ae 10 .09 1-2 .10 Fo Py
Field Peas, mixed, per bil. oo ot =---- 2.00 1.85 ee a et 2.25
Blackeye Peas, (Ga.) per lb, ---------------------- ue 07 OP 08
Georgia cane syrup, bbls., per gallon -_-------------- wok 50 Se le 2
Corn Meal, sack 96 Ibs. _------------------------- Be 2.60 2.70 2.60
Corn Milling, sacked, bu. oe wacrce nen nnone=- 1.25 1.10 SS ee ee ee
Sats, No. 3 White, sacked, bu. _--..=--5.---------. 85 88 .89 89 90







for Sale and

Half grown colored bantams, 50c ea.
John Dickens, Jr., Sparta, Ga.
Nice now laying mixed colored ban-
tam young hens 60c each. B. H. Hol-:
land, Dalton, Ga. Route 2..
8 Bantam hens and 1! rooster '75
each, or $4.50 for lot. J. Tuggle, Bu-


ford ,Georgia, Route 3.

-95-Barred Rock hens and 2 roosters,
- 4 and 2 year old, $1.50 each. Mrs. T.
J. Biggers, Bremen, Ga. > -
E Thompson Imp. Ringlet Barred Rock
March cockerels; 1st pen $1.25. each,
* /9nd pen $1. each. All from prize win-
: ners. Mrs. J. E. Steadam, Bainbridge,
Ga. Route A, Box 251. =
-.~@ Barred Rock 18 mos. old hens.
Thompson strain. $8 for lot. Cash with
order. Mrs. C. S. Bradshaw, Wrights-
ville, Georgiay Route 1. ne
Thompson Imp. Ringlet February
- cockerels, 80c each, Taylor Hooks, Una-
dilla, Georgia, Route 2. a
10 Aristocrat year old Barred Rock
now laying hens and a fine year old
- rooster $20 for lot. Mrs. Florence. Bill-
_ ings, Statesboro, Georgia, Route B.
- Pure bred Barred Rocks: Parks str.,
Reg. Permit 28 C 59. 12 young now lay-
ing hens $2 each, 1 1927 cock $4.50 or
$27 for lot, or exch. for Reg. S. P.iC.
male, not over 2 years old. Must be.
O. K. in every way; eggs, same breed,
~ $1.50 for 15; also 80 selected Reg. 2
weeks old chicks, 30c each, or $22 for
~ Jot. Mrs. J. D. McIntyre, Ousley, Ga. -
~ "4 Thompson Ringlet Barred Rock 1
- year old cockerel, $1.50 or exch. for 1
game breed and age. Mrs. I. N. Mea-
- dows, Allentown, Georgia. _ :
6 Indian Game chicks - about 2.
mos. old, also several crossed between
Red and Black Warhorse, 50c each
FOB here. J. D. Wilcher, Gibson, Ga.
~ Route B, Box 55. :
<1 pure bred Game year


old cockerel

-~ $2, or exch. for 2 White Rock pullets. |

Raymond Vaughn, Washington, Geor-
gia, Route As j S >

he 2 FOR SALE. pao
s 3 pure bred Partridge Rock cock-
~ erels $2.50 each. Cash with order. Mrs.
E. H. McCall, Altamaha, Georgia.
_ Fischel 14 mos. old W. Rock roosters
from vest flock, $2 each, also several
January and February hatch, $1.25. Al |
- FOB here. Mrs. J. L. Burk, Tifton, Ga.
Route A. . - - Bp eS: ee
~. 30 pure bred Fischel. White Rock
year old pullets, Excellent. layers, $1.50
each, or $40 for lot. Mrs. M: . Camp,
Villa Rica, Georgia. eee coe
She BARE Soy
6 J. B. Giant now laying hens and
4 cock. all pure bred, $11 for lot. S. T.
- Smith, Cuthbert, Georgia. - se
"2-3. B. Giant 10 months old now lay--
ing hens $2 each. B. 4. Holland, Dal-
ton, Georgia, Route 2. og anes
: February hatch J. B
- $1.25. Cash with order.
-Odum, Sycamore, Georgia.

- Ferris 8 weeks old W. Leghorn cock-"
.erels. Stock direct from Ferris and best
egg strain $1 each. Fred H. Parker,
Tilton, Georgia. ex: ;
Several W. L. 8 weeks old cockerels,
- Ferris strain direct from George B.
Ferris, Grand Rapids, Mich., 75c each
FOB here. Will P. Tate, Trion, Chat-
tooga County, Georgia. =
18 mos. old W. Leghorn Tancred
strain hens 90c each. Mrs. J. J. Peagh,

- Barnesville, Ga. Route A. ~ ;
~ * 50 to 100 W. L. year old hens $1 each.

Mrs. T. J. Biggers, Bremen, Ga.
Pedigreed W. L. cockerels of same




Miss Clara

- - preeding as my winning winter produc-

tion pen at Georgia National Egg con-
test, $1.50 each, in lots of 6 or more at.

_. * 8 to 12 weeks old. J. J. Harris, Pelnam,

-. Georgia. ee
Young, laying pure bred S. C. W.

__ Leghorn hens and 3 cockerels, 80 a.,
or exch. for Grade Jersey cow,. large

ae fee

heifers, or corn. Wilson Carson, Grif-

George. ye
ung S. C. W. Leghorn now lay-
cs, Wyeoff stram

| Georgia -

. Giant cockerel| ing hens and 1 cock $10.50 for lot. S. T. |

| 35 or 40 R. I. Red March 20.

$1.25 each, $50 for lot. Will exch. for
3 gal. fresh in Jersey cow, or 2 Jersey
heifers to milk next fall. Mrs. Ida
Carson, Griffin, Ga. Route D.

~ 100 pure bred-W. Leghorn 1927 pullets

-|$1 each FOB here. Will exch. for any-

thing can use of equal vaiue. D. T.
Gates, Chipley, Georgia. oe
10 Tancred W. L. 2 year old hens,
9 1-year old pullets, all laying and 2
cockerels, $20 for lot FOB here. S. L.
Rivers, Morrow, Georgia. ee 4
50 pure bred S. C. W. Leghorn 14
mos. old laying hens, $1 each, or $48
for lot. Mrs. Joe: Harrison, Rocking-
ham, Georgia. ; :

W. Leghorns; 10 wks. old cockerels,
direct from Michigan, $1.25 each, also
Hollywood strain cockerels, $1 each. C.
A. Patrick, Dooling, Georgia. _

75 Ferris W. Leghorn ouliets -from
300 egg strain. March 1927 hatch. Cull-
ed and now laying about 90 per cent
$1.25 each or $85 for lot. Mrs. M. C.
Camp, Villa Rica, Georgia. ee

Tancred W. L. cocke-els, direct from
Peach Valley Egg Farm, Butler, Ga.,
9 weeks old May. 28th, 75c each, or
exch. for same age pullets. W. F.
Smallwood, Swainsboro, Ga. Box 303.

Leghorn pullets 95c each. M. J. White,
Lithonia, Georgia, Route 3. ..
-.220 pure Tancred W. L. puilets, soon
to lay. From hens of more than 200
ege production. Fine for breeders. 100
for $125; rest for $1 each, for quick
sale. Mrs. W.. W. Baskia, -Carrollton,
Georgia. pie eae,
-95 Ferris S. C. W. 1. pullets, Mareh
ist hateh. No culls, 80c eacn FOB: here.
H. B. Brady, Davisboro, Georgia. S
~Tancred W. L. 10 weeks old pullets
75c each FOB here. Harris ros. Poui- |
try Farm, Oakman, Georgia, RFD. 1..
8 Tormahlen Everlay Brown L. year
old now laying hens $1 each FOB here.
Mrs. F. Abercrombie, Middleton, Ga.
20 S. C. Everlay Brown L. hens and
2 cocks $22 for lot. N: C. Taylor, Wiley,

14 W. L year old hens, no culls, good
layers 90c each, or exch. for anything
of equal value I can use. Mrs. W. EH.
Whisnante, Social Circle, Georgia.

30 "ycoff W. L. now laying hens and
3 roosters, $1 each for quick sale.
Charlie Toole, Midville, Georgia.

12 pure bred W. L. hens and 2 roos-
ters $1 each, or exch. for 13 pullets and

|f rooster of pure breed. Black Giants

or Light Brahmas, January. or Febru-_
ary hatch. Mrs. Maggie Page, Surrency,
Georgia, Route 2. __ : :

13 pure bred fine laying W. LL. hens
and 1 rooster 90c each. Mrs. J. E. Page,
Surrency, Georgia. ate ee el
Ferris best egg strain W. Leghorns,
sired by 260 to 300 egg pedigreed males,
baby chicks bought from Ferriss April
hatch: cockerels $7 each, 2 to 4 $6 ea...
5 to 9 $5 each. Also pure bred Tancred
W. L. baby chicks bought from Weav-
er Farms, 330 egg. pedigreed males, 12.
weeks old cockerels $4 each. J. O. Mar-"
low, Maysville, Georgia. :


= FOR SALE --.

23 S. C. Black Minorca 15 mos. old
hens, direct from Pape strain; $1.50
each FOB here. Mrs. G. W. Shannon,
Fender, Georgia. :
6 pure bred Black Minorca now lay-

Smith, Cuthbert, Georgia.


-1 pure bred R. I. Red 2 year. old
rooster, $2.50. Bill Steedley, Coffee,
Georgia, Route 1, ae oe
Now booking orders for March hatch
R. I. Red pullets, both Donaldson and
Tompkins strain, at $1.50, $2, $3 and $5;
cockerels at 12 weeks for $2 and $3.
More when older. Mrs. Leila Baskin,
Longview Red Farm, Carrollton, Ga.
2 R. 1. dark Red year old now laying

Georgia, Route 2. :

25 February hatch S. C. R. I. Red
Donaldson strain pullets 95c each. Mrs.
J. H. Darby. White Plains, Ga.

A-few Tompkins and Donaldson SS.
C. R. I. Red Stags, cross from prize
winners, ates ae to ready for ser-
vice size, 3. Royston Poultry
Farm, Royston, Ga. . is

25 fat, young S. C. R. I. Red hens,
$1.50 each, 4 nice 2 year old cocks,
same breed $1.25 pair. Mrs. G. L.
Jones, Shellman, Ga. Route 3. . <
Mrs. J. J


and cockere

els, 70c each.
alle. Ga-

for all for $35 FOB here. Mrs. W. R.

George B. Ferris heavy laying strain |

Cartons to be returned. Will.exch. for

$1.50 for 15 del. Mrs. J. D. McIntyre,

40 Wycoff strain 3 months old WB

..|for tufted bedspreads or equal value.

| Route 2.

hens $2 each. B H. Holland, Dalton, |



Have sold the 5 pullets and 1 cock-
erel of pure Wyandottes, also hen and
chickens, but have for sale now 6 fine
pen cocks at $1.75 and $2.50 each, and
eges by two setting only, except Leg-
horns. Mrs. R. J: Fleming, Lincolnton,

25 Long strain Wyandotte now lay-

year old), $1.25 each, 1 cock $5, 1 $2,

Howard, Bremen, Seorgia, Rt. 1..
R: C. S..L. Wyandotte hens and roos-
terters, good cond. $1.25 each; March
pullets, 75c each. All FOB here. Mrs.
T. J. Thorne, Perkins, Ga. gs

Thompson Ringlet and Donaldson
Red eges $1 for 15, $6 a 100. All del.

potato slips. -
ville, Georgia.
Pure bred White Pekin

N. D. Norris, Wrights-
duck - eggs,

Ousley, Georgia. ~ ee BSS
Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs $1.10
for 20 postpaid. Mrs. S. Spraggins,
Fitzgerald, Georgia, Route 3. ;
Fischel W. Rock eggs, flock from A.
and M. College, $1 a setting, del., $1.75
for 2 settings. Mrs. J. L. Burk, Tifton,
Georgia, Route A. eo
. C. Buff Orpington eggs $1.25 for
15, $2 for 30 postpaid; also roosters $2
each. Miss Ronie Johnson, Shellman,
Georgia, Route 1. ee
Barred Rock, Thompson strain, prize)
stock eggs $1 for 15. Carton to. be re-
turned. Mrs. Milton Sumner, Sylves-
ter, Georgia, Route 3.
Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs, from
pest pen $1.10 for 15 postpaid. Cash
with order. Mrs. W. E. Webb, Sr., Ogle-
thorpe, Georgia, Rt. 1, Box. 12.
~~ Muscovey duck eggs $1 for 11 FOB
here, or will exch. for setting of -M. B.
turkey eggs. Richard B. Crowder,
Sunny Side, Ga. P. O. Box 14.
Marcy strain J. B. Giant eggs $1.25.
for 15, or exch. for any kind of pot
plants: Hydrangea, - ferns, begonias,
dbl. geraniums, and some large white
and yellow chrysanthemums, rooted.
Describe and give price of number you
wish to exch. in first letter. Mrs. I. G.
Joiner, Seperton, Ga. Route 2.
Pure strain, dark color S. C. R. I.
Red eggs 75c for setting. Crates to be
returned. Mrs. J. F. Trawick, Tennille,
Georgia, Route A. ee
" Aristocrat Imp. Ringlet Barred Rock
eges $1 for 15. Cartons to be returned.
Mrs. Josie Jenkins, Dahlonega, Ga.
Thompson Barred Rock eggs $1.50 a
setting, or exch. for potato plants. Mrs.
Essie Wilson, Martin, Ga. RFD 2. |
White and Brown: Muscovey duck
eggs $1 doz. (Ducks lay some all sea-
sons of the year). T. F. Boykin, Hal-
cyondale, Georgia. oes i
-- Thompson Imp. Ringlet Barred Rock
and Martins Regal Dorcas White Wy-
andotte eggs, ist pen, $1 for 15, $1.75
for 30, lots of 50 or more-4c an egg del.
Cartons to be returned. Mrs. J. E.
Steadham, Bainbridge, Georgia, Route |
A, Box 25. = i S
Thompson Barred Rock eggs from 6
to 8 lb; hens, 75c for 15, or exch. for
Pekin duck eggs. Send stamp for in-
formation. P. B. Brown, Ball Ground,
Georgia, Route 1... ae Eee
J. B. Giant. Marcy strain, purebred
-eggs, $1.50 for 15, $8 a 100, or exch.

Write. Anthea Shoemaker, Clem, Ga.
Buff Orpington eggs $1.25 for 15, or
exch. for tufted bedspreads, quilt tops
or dried fruit. Mrs. M. E. Whisnante,
Social Circle, Georgia, Route 1. :
Fawn and White Indian Runner
duck eggs $1.25 a doz., prepaid; B. B.
Giant Bronze turkey eggs after May
31st $8 doz., prepaid in Georgia. Cash
with orders: L. J. Ellis, Cumming, Ga.
Route 5.5 35 2
Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs $2.50
a doz. Mrs. J. BE. Harrell, Quitman, Ga.
Route 6. = sa
Pure bred Regal Dorcas W. Wyan-
dotte and pure bred Tancred W. heg-
horn eggs $1.50 for 15, or exch. for new
hand-made quilt tops, new rag rugs,
knitted or crocheted, or Colens and
Geraniums. Mrs. R. J. Fleming, Lin-
comton: Georgia. : 2
ammoth Bronze turkey eggs for
sale. Would like to exch. eae op ao
inspected Porto Rico potato plants. A
doz. eggs for 2 M. plants. Mrs. W. A.

Ss; 15c tor


ose tings of Barred Rock, pure breed, or.

ing hens, 1 and 2 year old (mostly 1|~

- Want several hundred, or many set-
tings of pure bred eggs for. incubator

Statesboro, Georgia, -RFD 3... *

spay reasonable cash price or x

| Black Minorcas, $13.50; Light. Brah=

Mean. Shiloh, Georgia, Rt. 2, Box 17. ||

115 FOB e, eg) h. egg:

(OF 2 set- |

Miller, Leo, Georgia.:


Thursday, May 31, 1928.

nice dried apples Worm free. Mrs. W.
B. Kugler, Bowdon, Ga. Route 6 =
J.-B. Giant eggs, $1.25 for 15 del.
Helen Davis, Curryville, Georgia. ==
Light Brahma eggs, pure Baleh and |
Brown strain $1 for.15, or $1.75 for 30
Will exch. for potato plants. J. F,



Prefer large breeds. Make lowest pric
possible for late hatchings ail during
summer: Mrs. Henry Lynch, Lumpkin,
Georgia. - ee

Have all of the turkey eggs I wan
to exch. for. Answer to many inquiries
Linnett Gordon, Toomsboro, Ga. ~

Want 1 setting each Silver and Gole
Lace Wyandotte eggs. Pay cash or exch
collard plants. Mrs. H. R. Waters

Want to exch 10 R I Red eggs fo
10 Muscovey duck eggs. Mrs. I. O
Phillips, Colquitt, Ga. Route A, -

Want fresh yard eggs for mark
Quote price FOB your station: Georgia
eggs only. J. D. Ward, Columbus, Ga
Pe O} Box 254, =< Si ee


50 fine, fat friers, wt 1 1-2 and 2 Ibs.
45e lb, Cash with order. Mrs. S..W.
Sloan, Auburn, Georgia: =, 7
- About 100 mixed breed chickens from
1 week to 2 mos. old. Will sell all t
one at 25c each, or part for 30c eac
Must furnish crate for shipping. Wes:
ley McDonald, Chipley, Ga. Route 4.
Pure bred R. E. Red, 8. L. Wyan.


12c each del. also S. L. Wyandott
eges $1 for 15 del. B. M. Logan, Athens
Georgia, Route 2. ee ee

Want 50 W. Leghorn hens. Tancred
strain. Will exch. good value for same.
Write. Glenn E. Finley, Dalton, Ga. -
- Want 10 young pullets and 2 cocks
Guaranteed thoroughbred Golden Lac
Wyandottes. Quote best cash price. Mrs
W. R. Hutto, Surrency, Ga. Route 2. -
Want March and April hatch Ligh
Brahma, pullets, also want pure bre
S. C. Brown Leghorn and S. C. W. Leg:
horn pullets, 6 to 10 weeks old. Wil


tufted bedspreads, room sets or large
crochet centerpieces. - Give strain -if
possible and wt. Mrs: Mamie . Stone
Adairsville, Ga. Route 8.2. 7%.
Want to hear from any one who ha:
the pure- bred Buff Anconas. - Pleas
write. A. L. Moss, Alto, Georgia.
Want 15 S. C. White Leghorn 4 to
weeks old pullets. Will exch. Brown
Hen incubator for same. Miss Clara
Odum, Sycamore, Georgia. ee
Want pure bred W. Leghorn 8 to 16
weeks old pullets for laying stock only,
also ready to lay W. L. pullets. Wan
from 50 to 1,000 if price is right.Mus
be good stock and cheap for cash. ratec
FOB your station. Write giving full
particulars. Mrs. H. V. McNelley, Tur
nerville, Georgia. ge Ege

University of Georgia heavy layi
strain W. L.. chicks $15 a 100. June 5
and 12 del; Limited number of Buf
Minorcas*$18 a 100; French Mille Flue:
and -Golden Sebright bantams, $6 do
day old. L. L. Wallace, Atlanta, Ga
247 N. Highland Ave. N. E =
~ Pure bred baby chicks per 100: R.
Reds, Barred Rocks and White Ply-
mouth Rocks, $11.50; Buff Orpington
White and Silver Lace Wyandottes


mas, White Orpingtons, J. B. Giant
$16; Heavy breeds mixed, White anc
Brown. Leghorns and Anconas $9.50
100; Light breeds, $8.50. Prepaid. Spe:
cial prices on 500 or more lots. 100 pe
cent live del. guaranteed. Woodlai
Hatcheries, Atlanta, Ga. 510 Piedmon
Avenue, N, Wie 22 2 by
J. B. Giant: chicks, 15 cach, del. ir
lots of 25 or more. Mrs. H. J McCar.vey.

Hawkinsville, Georgia _ See
Aristocrat Barred Rock baby chic
from prize winning, very heavy laying:
stock 15c each in 25 and 50 lots; alsc
eggs for hatching. Mrs. Florence Bil
ings, Statesboro, Georgia, Route B.

Want 50 -baby chicks at once
raise on halves to 8 weeks. Any larg

sday May 81; 1928. Se
Want 50 baby chicks to- raise on
halves. to 10 Weeks. Pure breed pre-
ferred. Write before sending. Mrs. G.
- W. Morrow, Elberton, Ga. Route 2.
-Want any breed, any amount baby
chicks to raise to 10 weeks on shares,
-also turkeys and goslings to 12 weeks.
Mrs. D, S. Grayson, Greenback, Tenn.
Want any amount of pure bred baby
Chicks to raise on halves to 6 or 8 wks.
in pecan grove adjoining home. Pre-
fer large breeds. Write. or send chicks
at once. Mrs. Henry Lynch, Lumpkin,
- Want 100 baby. chicks to raise on
halves to 10 weeks. Prefer R. I. Reds
or Barred Rocks. Mrs, E. M, Wright,
Nacoochee, Georgia
* Want 50. or 75 baby chicks to raise
on. halves to 10 weeks. IL. M. Earns,
- Mineral Bluff, Georgia. :
_ Want day old baby chicks to raise
halves to 12 weeks. Barred Rocks
- or R. I. Reds, thoroughbreds preferred.
Have brooder and good. equipment and
several years experience in poultry
aising. W J. Head, Unadilla, Ga. Rt. 3.
~ Want 200 baby chicks to raise -on
halves. Plymouth ~ Rocks preferred.
Miss Nancy Dickson, Mize, Ga. Rt. 1


i White Australian: Guineas $5 or

exch. for potato plants,-or for Red or

_ Giant 1927 hatch hens. N. D. Norris,
Wrightsville, Georgia.

ach, or $5 for lot. Bill Steedley, Cof-
fee, Georgia, Route 1.

_ here. Mrs. J.
gia, RFD 1.
Big Bone Blue Toulouse geese, larg-

. Brooks, White, Geor-

- gander and 2 geese. L. J. Ellis, Cum-
ming, Georgia, Route 5.

-4 pure bred M. B. Bird strain 1 year
old turkey hens and 1 tom for sale.
Mrs. T. J. Biggers, Bremen, Ga.

3 White ganders and 3 blue geese $1

12 common geese $1.25 each FOB

eat Of the goose family $12 trio of 1

Want old or young ducks. State age

13 Washington Street:

and old. Peafowls, single or in pairs.
1B. R. Woodliff, Flowery Branch, Ga.

eans and. Peas for|9
Sale and. Wanted

Bunch velvet beans $2.75 bu., New
a and Red Hull Speckled peas $2.25
u. each. Cash with order. John W.
Giddens, Swainsboro, Ga. ~

From 8 to 10 bu. Jav peas $2 bu. FOB.
Sample. on request. J. C. Lewis, Millen,
orgia, RFD A, Box 113.
About 100 lbs. pure white black-eyed
Mush. 1 .ble peas for seed. Plant in July
and August for late fall eating green.
' Very prolific, 10c Ib. R. D. Giles, Wins-
on, Georgia, Route 1.
15 Ibs. all colors bunch putterbeans
for seed at 15c lb. or exch. for 1 M.
Porto Rico potato plants. Each to pay
postage; also about 1 bushel velVet
beans in the hull. Make offer or exch.
x R. I. Red hens, or equal value of
hything that I.can use. H. C Moon,
Carlton, Ga. Route 2. oe
25 bus. velvet beans $2.25 bu., 35 bu.
Clay peas $2.35; 15 bu. . Unknowns
45; 40 bus. Mixed peas $2 bu. All in
trong even wt. ags. C. Q. Norris,
astman, Georgia. ~
10 bu. Iron peas $2.25 bu., 200 Ibs.
White, Black-eyed Crowder peas 6c

order. James Cureton, Austell, Ga.
Barnesville. G. O. Pippen, _ Culloden,
Georgia. -

10: bus.: Brab peas, sound and well

wt. 2 1-2 bu. bags. T. W
ont, Georgia.
Red Speckled Crowder peas for late
planting 15c b. postpaid.:
Spraggins, Fitzgerald, Ga. Route 3.
Lady peas 15c lb. prepaid. J. J.
Whitaker, Dalton, Ga.

9 1-2 bu. peas $2 bu. J. A. R: Lang-
ey, Lithonia, Georgia, Route 1.
10 bu. Brabham peas, sound
lean, in 2 1-2 bu. bags, $2.50 bu. FOB.
I. McNair, Stapleton, Georgia.

u. recleaned O-too-tan beans,
FOB here. H. F. aCe Locust

. Stanton, Cler-

and price. F. M. Ormond, Atlanta, Ga,
Want to pay cash for both young

| peas. Write advising approximate

ib. in 50 and 100 lb. lots. Cash with
Pure sound Brab peas $2.25 bu. FOB |

25 bu., in good, strong even |
ee ay | Norris, Eastman, Ga.

Mrs: S33

1 bushel 10 lb. FOB here.
Walker, Broxton, Georgia,


60 bu. pure Brab peas, gathered with-

out rain $2.50 bu. FOB Cairo. 8. E.

Beall, Richland, Ga.

20 bu. Iron peas, good and sound,
mixed just a little, $2.25 bu. FOB. Rich-
land. M. F. Norman, Richland, Geor-
gia, Route 5.

A No. 1 Brabham peas $2.75 bu;
Clays, $2.60; Irons, $2.60; Speckled,
$2.50. All FOB here. M. Snyder, Co-
lumbus, Georgia, 1020 1st Avenue.

50 or more lbs. Henderson pure white
bush lima or butter beans, in strong
sacks 15c lb. Postage or express extra.
Mrs. R. B. Sims, Cave Springs, Ga.

Brabham peas $3 bu., Clays $2.25 bu;
90-day velvet beans $1. 25 bu. All FOB
Perry. Geo. C. Nunn, Perry, Ga.

5 bu. sound and clean O-too-tan
beans $5 bu. FOB here. J. G..Cown,
Loganville, Georgia.

15 bu. slightly damaged O-too-tan
soy beans $5 bu. FOB: Jackson.
gladly submit sample. J. S. Robinson,

Jackson, Georgia.

Brown Speckled Sugar Crowder peas
$3 bu. D. F. Pharr, Buford, Ga.

1_ pk. nice, sound, clean running vel-
vet beans $1, or will exch. for pure
Nancy Hall potato plants. Mrs. A. L.

-| Teasley, Washington, Ga. Route 3.

Red Speckled Sugar Crowders, also
a few blue speckled crowders, 25c at.,
or 10c lb., in lots. Add postage. Peas
are sound and clean. Misses C. L. and
L. H. Kellogg, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 5:

7 bus. O-too-tans $7.25 bu., 12 bu.

Lardos, $5.50 bu; 35 bu. Running Vel-
vet beans $1.25. pu. L. M. Giddens,
Eastman, . Georgia. >

White cornfield beans, ee and
free from weevils Early and late beans
25c a cup full. Add postage. No stamps
accepted. W. L. Smith,
Route 2.

Have sold the 5 bu. Iron peas I ad-
vertised. Answer to many inquiries.
Mrs. Ida L. Prickett, Maysville, Ga.

Want all varieties of peas: O-too-

tans, Laredo and velvet beans. State |.
quantity and best price FOB your);
shipping point. Fred R. Bennett, East- |
man, Georgia.,

Want 5 bu. Brab. peas: at $2.25 bu.,
2 bu. O-too-tan soy beans at $6 bu.,
1 ton velvet beans in hull near Cor-
dele. Pay cash or exch. Duroc pigs. A.
E. Reid, Cordele, Ga. Route D.

Want all kinds of colored field peas,

Q-too-tan and Laredo soy beans and
90-day velvet beans. Serid samples,
stating quantity. can. offer and lowest
price, sacked. Everett Seed Co., At-
lanta, Georgia.
~ Want all varieties, any quantity cow
tity of each variety and lowest price.
W. H. Robinson, Cairo, Georgia.

Want 20 bu. Brab peas. Will exch.
Porto Rico potato plants, Gov. in-

spected at. $1.75 M. Will allow $2.25

bu. for peas. S..E. Hollis, Baxley, Ga.
Route 1.

Want to exch. Gov. inspected potste
plants for Brab, - Whippoorwills, ~
purple hull seed peas 1 M. plants for

bu. peas. George Wheeler, Alma, Geor-
-|gia, Route 1.

Want quantity of Hon and Brabham
peas. Quote price. L. O. Benton, sat
cello, Georgia.

Want cow peas and soy beans. Any
variety and any size lots. Name lowest

price. C. A. Rowland, Athens, Ga.

Want 50 bu. Brabham or Clay. peas.
L. M. Barnes, Woodbine, Ga.

Want to exch. good Sugar Cane
syrup in 10 Ib. cans for seed peas.
Write, Arven Tanner, Alma, Georgia,
RFD 4:

Want 350 bu. mixed peas: 100 bu.
Br b and Irons mixed and 50 bu.
straight Brabs. Quote on all or any
can Robinson & Neal, Cairo, Ga.

20 bu. corn $1.15 bu. M. Cook, Milan,


50 bu. shelled corn $1.35 bu. C. Q.
25 bu. shelled corn in 2 1-2 bu. bags,

$1.25 bu. FOB here. C. Q Norris, East-
/man, Georgia.

Have sold all of my Blue Mexican
corn. -Answerto many inquiries. W. H.
Huff, Buckhead, Georgia. _~ :

Hastings Prolific corn, 2nd year
from Hastings, 75c pk., $1.35 for 1-2 bu.,
$2.50 bu. Add postage. Cash with order.
Cc. A. Wilbanks, Commerce, Ga. Rt. 29.

White chicken corn $4 bu., Sy. ne

Mexigel June. seed corn, blue, in 2


te, Georgia, |.

bu. sacks, $2. 25 bu. FOB here, a: 8.

Zuber, Cuthbert, Ga.

Carefully selected Whatley and. Hast
ings Prolific seed corn. Hand picked,
nhubbed and shelled, for sale FOB here.
J. H.. Goolsby, Monticello, Ga.
Hastings Prolific seed corn, second
a from Hastings, 75c pk., $1. 385. per

-1-2 bushel, $2.50 per bushel FOB here.

Cash with order. U. A. Wilbanks, Com-
merce, Georgia, Route 29.-

Have sold corn. Answer to many in-
quiries. Mrs. E. L. Wright, Yatesville,

Pure Mexican June seed corn with
white and blue mixed, 75c peck, $2.50
bu. FOB or $1 pk. del. Nubbed and
shelled. C. G. Oliver, Barnesville, Ga.
Route 2.

Whatleys pure Prolific seed corn 75
pk. del. R. H. Wesley, Luxomni, Geor-
gia, RFD 1, Box 113,

Carefully selected Hastings and
Whatley prolific seed corn, hand pick-
ed, nubbed and shelled $2.50 bu. FOB
here. Js. Hs; Goolsby, Monticello, Ga.


We are in the. market for: Mexican
June seed corn. 4H. H. Fitzpatrick,
Madison, Georgia.

Want. any quantity of shelled corn
for milling, Make price FOB or del.
R. B. Phillips, Damascus, Ga.

Want. a peck or more of shelled pop
corn. Send sample and quote price per
lb. O. P Haynes, Porterdale, Ga.

Want 20 bu. corn. Quote best price.
J. W. Reece, Holly Springs, Ga.

Want 20 bus. water ground corn
meal weekly. W. H. Byron, Byronville,
Georgia, _

Want shelled corn. Quote cash price
FOB your station in 2 1-2 bu. bags,
immediate shipment. Jesse Johnson,
Montezuma, Ga. RFD oe

Want to exch. 1 open buggy in fair
cond. at $20 for 20 bu. shelled corn,
hogs or Jersey or Holstein male. Mrs.
J. D McIntyre, Ousley, Ga,

2 nice hams, wt. about 20 or 25 Ibs.
reach, 30c Ib. T, WwW. Simmons, Douglas-
ville, Georgia, RFD 5.
_ Nice well cured Hickory smocked
hams, wt. 10 to 25 lbs. 30c lb. del. J. 'T.
Holland, Toomsboro, Georgia, Route 2.

Side meat, not smoked, cured and
dry, small, medium and large, 18 Ib.;
also pute white hog lard, 20c Ib. All

B here. H. L. Elliston, Rupert, Ga.

Nice smoked meat, hams 30c; shoul-
ders 18c del., where 50 or more Ibs.
taken. Will exch, for reg. S. P. C. male
not over 2 years old. O. K. in every way.
Write. Mrs. J. Dd. McIntyre, Ousley,
Georgia.- ;

Whigham, Georgia.

Well cured meat, joint and aie
meat, 18c lb. each; hams, 25c Ib. J.
Ponder, Whigham, Ga. -

~Smoked country sides and shoulders
20c 1b.; hams 27 1-2c Ib. Robert S.
Anderson, Hawkinsville, Ga.

4 nice cured hams, 20 Ibs. each, 30c
lb. Mrs. M. J Free, Clarksville, Georgia,
Route 3. s

Hams, wt. thom 27 to 31 Ibs. 35c Ib.
del; shoulders 25c; sides 20c; lard 18c

-in 45 Ib. cans. Linton Johnson, sae,

Smoked hams 27c Ib; sides and shoul-

lders 20c lb. Ray Brooks, Newton, Ga. |
2 nice Hickory smoked. country hams, |

30 lbs. each, 25c lb. Cash with order.
Mrs. C. S. Bradshaw, Wrightsville, Ga.
Route 1.

Country cured Hickory smoked: hams
40c lb. R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

30 lbs. shoulders, 20 Ib., 75 lbs. hams
25 Ib., 40 Ibs. side meat, 18c Ib.,; 2 cans
of lard 45 lb. each, 18 db. All FOB

- |here. W. C. Wicker, Wrightsville, Ga.

A few hams 30 Ib.; sides 25c Ib.
Cash with order. M. E. Lowman, Roy,

2 hams, 10 and 12: bs. each; 2 mid-

wood 30c Ib. for hams: '20c Ib. middl--
ings; 1 50-lb. can new corn fed lard
18c lb., 35 lb. of old lard (ittle strong,
but fine for cooking), 15 Ib., or will
exch. 15 Ibs. of lard for 15 Ibs, fresh
new comb Ree Cash with order. All
FOB here. Mr. H. L: Taylor, Summer-.
town, Georgia.
500 Ibs. side meat, 20c Ib:, 500 Ibs.
shoulders, 20c 1b.; hams 25c Ib. All

smoked and cured. Je Ee Howell, Ir- f
winton, Georgia, Route 1.

Oak and Hickory smoked maty
shoulders, 17c; hdms, medium size, 28 |

Ib. Mrs. J. D. Momntyre, pushy, Ga.

| Well cured amg 256 lb., middling |-
meat 18c lb., lard 18 Ib. J. 7 Ponder,

dlings 14 Ibs. each, smoked green oak |.
Tbs. week, 50c postpaid.

Se cured Maca smoked > with

green oak wood: hams, 8 to 12 lbs., 30
lb., shoulders, 15c Ib., sides 18c. E. C.

Pope, Ocilla, Georgia. +

Hickory smoked, cured ae 30 Ib.,
and shoulders, 25c Ib. E. . Wright,
Nacoochee, Georgia.


May Halls jelley 50c qt., in jars. Will
exch. fer dried, worm free apples and.
peaches. H. S- Lawson, Morven, Ga.
Route 1,

Nice sun dried peaches and apples
20c lb. Mrs. Essie Wilson, Martin, Ga.
RFD 2.

Will make nice plum butters


jelly on halves. Several new flavors,

also blackberry jelly or jam, or canned,
also make pickles. Mrs. A. L. Teasley,
Washington, Georgia, Route 3.

A few qts. blackberry, tig, and peach
preserves 50c qt. Mrs. Z M. Story,
Thomson, Georgia.

Will make all kinds of jam, jelly and
preserves: plum, strawberry,
berry, peach, apple, grape, apricot, on

halves. Party to furnish sugar and con-

tainers. I furnish ~ fruit.
guaranteed. Mrs.
Martin, Georgia.

Sarah Lee Harris,

Peach and fig preserves 50c qt. Mrs.

Z. W. Story, Thomson, Ga.

Will can all kinds of fruit and vege-
tables on halves. Parties furnishing
cans for their half. 10 years experience
with success. Miss Mary Tucker, At-
lanta, Georgia, Route 2, Box 48-A. On
ee Road, 1 mile from Lee St.

Want to exch. Porto Rico potato

black- .

plants. for dried fruits, ferns or any: -

kind of box flowers. Mrs. M. C. Grif-
fin, Graham, Ga.-


20 bu. Chufas, No. 1, $4 bu. FOB
here. W..A, Roberts, Lake Park, Ga.
20 tons, white Spanish peanuts, 6c.
lb. sacked. F. S. Singer, Lumpkin, Ga.
Imp. 3 and 4 fernel Red ma
peanuts, good quality, 9c Ib. - M.
Slater, Thomasville, Ga.
Selected seed Ga. Runner and White

Spanish peanuts, 5 and 6c lb., ea. Robt. ea

S. Anderson, Hawkinsville, Ga.
20 bu Runner peanuts. Sell or exch.

for-field peas: or good So. Ga. Cane :

syrup. I. J. Holland, Ambrose, Ga
100 bu. Chufas, 8c Ib. Jack Burch,
Chester, Ga.
Imp. . Spanish peanuts, Te lb; -C.- EB.
Brush, McBean, Ga.

White Spanish peanuts, 6c; Runner |
peanuts, 4c: lb. FOB here. Samp Smith, c

Douglas, Ga. - :
75 tons White Suntan oe No.
1, $100 ton. I. D.. Felder, Blakely, Ga.

for not less than a 100 lb., order. Cash

with order. R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

Want pecans. We buy in May as well
as November and pay prevailing mark-.

et prices. Send samples at once. South-~

land Pecan Co., Columbus, Ga..

Want a few ibs., Red: Spanish pea-

White Spanish seed peanuts, 5c lb.

nuts, also Jumbo peanuts and Chufas. .~

Send sample of ea., and price per Yb...
M. C. Harris, Martin, Ga.

Want White Spanish peanuts. for :

seed. Cash with order if price is right.
L. A. Youmans, Mershon, Ga.


week in Ib. cartons. Satisfaction guar-
anteed, 50c Ib. Mrs. L. B. Landrum,
Adairsville, Georgia.

4 or 5 lbs. fresh yellow butter per

week, 45 lb. Mrs. W. S, Carney, Ball :

Ground, Georgia:

- 8 and 4 lbs. fresh yellow Jersey put-.
ter per wk. 45c Ib. del. Cash with order.

Mrs. GC. C. Smith, Dalton,
Route 1. |
Jersey butter, 1 lb. a week, 50c 2

-\Tbs. or more 45c lb. del. Mrs, A. Suther- :

land, Resaca, Georgia, Route 1.

Nice fresh countrv butter. 3. to 4
Mrs. S. ne
Webb, Canton, Ga. Route 3, Box 51. |

From 2 to 4 lbs. fresh ellow. and
firm butter a week at 45c Tb...

Parcel post, I will. pay 208tAB2/ Mrs

|J. N. Knowles, Jackson, Ga. Rt 1.


400 bundles fodder, $2.25 a 100. J. W.
Rowell, Bremen, Ga. Rt. 1.
Fodder for sale. Write for prices. N.

S. Goss, Ball Ground, Ga. Rt. 5. >

Soy bean hay in bulk, $15 a ton at

2 Ibs. fresh Jersey butter del. each. ee

barn. Mrs. O. L. Callahan, woedbny, Bs
Ga. Se : a

es _ and green and white striped. P



Published weekly by The
i Arthur D. Jones, Director


Eugene Talmadge, Commissioner

Thursday, May 31, 1928.

_Entered as second class matter Febru-
ary 15, 1922, at the Post Office at At-
lanta, Georgia, under the act of June
6, 1900. Accepted for mailing at spe-
cial rate of postage provided for in sec-
tion 1168. Act of October 3, 1917.

Advertisements of farm produce and
appurtenances, admissible under. pos-
tal regulations, inserted one time on
each request, and repeated only when
request is accompanied by new copy
of advertisement.

Limited space will not permit insertion
of unimportant advertisements. Under
legislative act the Market Bulletin does
not assume any responsibility for any
advertisement appearing in the Bulle-
tin or transaction resulting therefrom.

Circulation, Advertising and Service of

the Bureau of Markets and this Bulle-
tin are Free of Charge.


1, On account of lack of space in
the Market Bulletin, we will not be
able to publish the following:

Second-hand Machinery for Sale
and. Waited.

Incubators for Sale and Wanted.

Advertisements for the Farm Help

Advertisements for the Womans
Department. (Needle. work).

_ Nursery Stock for Sale and Want-
ed until the issue of June 14th. Your
ad must reach this office by June
2nd in order to appear in the issue
of June 14th. We regret that the
-above regulation is necessary.

2. Be sure to read the column on
this page entitled MISCELLANEOUS

ADS. Your ad may be in that column. |

~~ 8, In our next issue we will carry
all except that which is mentioned
in item No. 1.


For sale, Pink Moon vines, Brazillian
Morning Glory, Blue Flower Box vine,
. Marvel of Peru, varigated -Morning
Glories, Well rooted plants of all for
5c ea., postage paid on 5 or more. Red
and varigated, also white Marvel of
Peru, pink Moon vine, Ipomea Setosa

and Brazillian Morning Glory seed, 36 |

for 10c, each; Extra selected Morning
Glory seed, 50 for 10c postpaid. Mrs. 'T.
C. Floyd, Chipley, Ga. Rt. 2, Box 74.
For sale, 10 pure dark Cornish Indian
Game hens and 1 cock, 18 mos. old,
$1.25ea., or $13. for Jot FOB. here.
- Cash with order. Mrs. W. R. Chasteene,
_ Locust Grove, Ga.

_ For sale, 1 Jersey bull calf, 5 wks.
-old, from a 56 lb. cow per day. First
check for $25 gets him reg. in buyers
name. S. J. Whatley, Plainville, Ga.

For sale: 300 Ferris strain White
Leghorn hens, well culled and extra
fine layers, $1.25 ea. FOB here, or will
trade for galv. 1-2 in. pipe. Oconee
Poultry Farm, Rockledge, Ga. - ;

Wanted the name of the lady of 229

5th Ave., Decatur, Ga., who sent me

-an order for plants. Filled order ex-
cept pansies and still have 30c of her
money. Order was lost. Write. Mrs. J.
T. Holland, Toomsboro, Ga. Rt. 2.
Wanted Roots and Herbs. Will pay

per lb., Star (Grub root), 50c; Pink |

root, dry, 40c; Lady Slipper, dry, 50c;

Black root, (Culvers), 10c; Write for

complete price on other goods we' buy.

- ae Bacon Hamilton Co., Bristol,
ie eS

~ Wanted all colors Gladioli and lilies

Dahlias and large Mums. Will exch.

Light Brahma eggs, or tufted dresser

scarfs. Write. Mrs. Mamie Stone, Adairs

ville, Ga: Rt. 3. ,
Wanted 1 doz., Century plants, green

ay cash



ville, Georgia.

Wiese Seay as etary) ays 8 Ae aries

or exch. other flowers. Mrs. W. T.
Christopher, Montezuma, Ga..
Applepie watermelon seed (fine for
pickles and preserves) 15e pke.; Lemon
cucumber, vegetable peach, large and
small cantaloupe, hot red pepper, small
white pepper (for sauces, pickles, cat-
sup), pure yellow crookneck squash and
old time okra and velvet. okra seed,

110c pkg., each. Add postage. Mrs. G. T.

Maxwell, Washington, Ga. Rt. 3.

Flat cantaloupe crates for sale cheap.
W. J: Josey, Americus, Ga. Box 163.

White and red vinegar, 50 gal. bbl.,
15c gal., also Bottle vinegar FOB Dub-
lin. Gash with order... E. Harrison,
Dublin, Ga. :

300 gal. pure apple vinegar in 30 and
50 gal. bbis., 30c gal. FOB. Return bbls.
or pay $1.25 for large empty bbl. Mrs.
G. J. Holcomb, Bremen, Ga. Box 102.

Cotton baskets, 50 to 75 Ib. size, $1
and $1.25 ea., 1 bu. feed baskets, $1;
3-4 bu., 75c; 1-2 bu. 60c; egg baskets,
from 5 to 20 doz., size, 40 to 75c; mark-
et basket) 12 in. wide, 18 in. long and
8. in high, $1; C. L. Masdon, Clem, Ga.
Rts Qe Z

Top buggy for sale or exch. L. B.
Harris, Atlanta, Ga. 1062 Capitol Ave.

40 or 50 lbs. sheep wool, just cut
from sheep, few burrs only, 50c 1b., for
the lot. L. W. Mason, Winston, Ga.

Ground oyster shell for chickens,

$1 per 100 Ibs. FOB here. W. A. Smith,

Savannah, Ga. 102 Bay St., Hast. |

1 good 1 horse wagon, 1 buggy and
harness cheap. J. W. Rowell; Bremen,
Ga. Rt.

Guinea pigs commercial, not pets, for
sale. Mrs. Mobley, 301 Milledge Ave.,
SE. Atlanta, Ga.

1 2 70 saw gin outfit complete. Will
sell cheap to party desiring to operate
at present location. J. T. & S. Garrett,
Charing, Ga. :

Want to buy cheap for cash a small
Hydraulic Ram and 2500 ft., 1-2 in.
galvanized pipe to go with it. S. B.
Tomberlin, Forest Glen, Ga. |

Want as many as 10 doz., Jars, 2 qts.
and half-gals. Want 10 doz. qt. and
half-gal. size jars. Will exch. new crop
Red Bliss irish potatoes at $2.50 bu.
May Halls jelly at 50c qt. jar or 1
Successful incubator, 309 cap. perfect

cond. H. S, Lawson, Morven, Ga. Rt.

One. : :
1 309 cap. Successful incubator with

instructions, $20 or exch. for 15 pure

bred R. I. Red or Barred Rock hens,
not over 1 1-2 yrs. old, or can lard and
3 bu. Spanish peanuts as payment or
part payment. H. S. Lawson, Morven,
Ga. Rt. 1. \

1 peacock plume, $5. Cash with order.
Mrs. J. T. Lewis, White Plains, Ga. Rt.
One. > :

2 250 cap incubators. A No. 1 cond.,
1 Bohon and 1 Super Hatch, egg turn-:
ing trays, $20 each, or $37.50 for bota
FOB here. Will exch. for good sound
shelled corn. N. D. Norris, Wrights-

1. Virginia can sealer; also 900 at.

and pt. cans. Sell cheap. W. H. Bell,|

Cleveland, Ga.
Want a job at once.

milking and truck a specialty. Man and
wife only. John Walker, Devereaux,

1 dresser scarf, 58 inches long, in-
cluding trimming, 17 inches wide, Ecru
color 6 in. fringe on ends, emb. in fast
colors, $2 or exch. for 40 lbs. cabbage
or 25 Brown Leghorn baby chicks, Mrs.
Rosie Crowe, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 4.

Hand tufted spreads, $3.50 and $4.50
each, thread $1 lb., colored $1.25 Ib.,
needle and new designs,

Different designs of tufted bed-
spreads $3.50 and $5, or will make other
party furnishing everything and post-
age for 75c to $1.25 each..Also other
kinds of tuft and emb., crocheting and
fancy work reasonable prices; ribbon
rosettes for baby caps (something new)
50c for set of 2, or party furnish rib-
bon and pay postage, will make for
20c set. Send stamped envelope for re-
ply. Mrs. Halie Rickett, Fairmount, Ga.
Route 1. : s
Many designs of quilt patterns:
ocean wave, snowballs, shooting star,
Dutchmans puzzle, orange peel, wed-
ding ring, centennial, toad in.a pud-
dle, twin sisters, etc., 15c each, or exch.
for plants or peanuts. Mrs. A. H. Grist,
Dillard: Georgias =o. = "Rip.

1 old fashioned: coverlet, good as new,
bright blue and red colors..~Name Ala-
bama Beauty. $15 or please make bid.
Miss Tennessee Eller, Titus, Ga...

Tufted bedspreads, bed , room sets
from $4.25 to $5.25 each. Any design,

NET ot Nie x a


Can do most.
anything on farm; poultry raising,

reasonable | _
prices. J. J. Whitaker, Dalton, Georgia.

| Reasonable. Write. N. N.



es i .
A Pete at SS eee o

fast. color thread. Write, Mrs. Esther
Lewis, Rydal, Georgia, Route 2.

1 emb. bedspread with fast color bor-
der on 9-4 unbleached muslin, $2.50,
emb. and hemstitehed pillow cases, $1
pair, quilts $3; tops $1; tea aprons 50c;
25 large squares for quilt, pieced in
Basket of Chios pattern, $1. Cash
or exch. for 6 weeks old Silver Lace
Wyandotte puilets. Tarbox strain pre-
ferred. Write. Mirs. Adelle Johnson,
Sparta, Georgia.

White Hickory home-made ax han-
dles $2.25 doz. Robt. S. Anderson, Haw-
kinsville, Georgia. : i

500 one-bu. vegetable hampers. Make
pest offer. J. C. Williams, Rhine, Geor-
gia, Box 48.
1 Meadows corn millf 16 inch rock,
od cond, makes fine meal. Bargain

$35 FOB. R. B. Phillips, Damascus,
Georgia. > . .

1 Moline tractor, good cond.
exch: Write for particulars.
Franklin, Barnesville, Georgia.

Ground oyster shell for chickens, $1
per 100 Ibs). FOB Savannah. W. A.
Smith, Savannah, Ga. 102 Bay Street,
East. sae

Black walnuts, $1 a bu. FOB here,
or exch. for ferns, begonias,. dbl. ge-
raniums, colens, or most any kind of
box plants. Mrs. W. A. Hart, Chipley,
Georgia, Route -3. .

Want to exch. for corn, cotton
syrup, Porto Rico potato plants,
nuts, or Jersey heifer, 12 to 13
old, at market prices. Write for


Sell or



ticulars. Mrs. J. N. Carson, Griifin, ,

Georgia. .

1 2-horse laying off plow stock in
good cond. $4 cash, of will exch. for
2M. potato plants or a good pig. Dave
Robinson, Tallapoosa, Ga. Star Rt.

Fordson tractor, A-1 cond., has pulley
for belt work. Sell or exch. Write what
you have to trade. A. S. Jones, Dexter,

1 Owensboro ditcher and grader $45;
1 Deering grain binder, used 1 season,
$100; 1 Buckeye riding cultivator, used
1 season, $40. Robert S. Anderson, Haw-
kinsville, Georgia. :
/ 12 row perfection cotton duster, used
very little, $25 FOB here. C. H Mc-
Michael, Buena Vista, Georgia.

1 Case transplanter, good cond. $40.
J. B. Smith, Locust Grove, Ga. Rt. 3.

1 Grist mill complete; 1 42-in. Cole
mill complete, now in operation and

practically new; complete outfit, $300-
FOB here. Emil Cook, Harrison, Ga.

Want a set of caponizing instruments
in excellent cond. with directions. Mrs.
Will Watkins, Forest Glen, Ga.

Roderick Lean 24 disc tractor harrow
$50; Champion binder $65; Planet, Jr.

11. row cotton cultivator, almost new

with all attachments $12. R. C. Couch,
Turin, Georgia.

Live Stock for Sale
and Wanted


in milk on hand at all times. Write.
J. T. Spier, Supt. Piedmont, Ga. I. C.
and J. C. Collier, Barnesville, Ga.

25 pure bred reg. Guernsey heifers,
from 4 mos. to 2 years old, $200 up.
Oak Terrace Farm, Atlanta, Ga.

1 heifer 3 years old. Half Holstein
and Jersey. Fresh for 3 weeks, 3 gals.
a day. Write for price. C. M. Wood,
Alpharetta, Georgia.
Your choice of 2 out of three good
Jersey milch cows, 2 1-2 to 4 gal. cap.,
all fresh in, fine cond., gentle etc.,
with 1st and 2nd calves. Will take $25
per gal. Come and see them milked.
P. E. Middlebrooks, Covington, Geor-
gia, Route 6, Box 34. | ;

1 extra quality black Jersey 3 year
old milch cow, dehorned, 3 gals. of
milk and. 1 1-2 lbs. firm yellow butter
per day, $75 cash; Jersey male yearl-
ing, 8 mos. old, $25 or exch. for 5 8
week old P. C. or Duroc pigs, del. to
Winston. R. D. Giles, Winston, Geor-
gia, Route 1. g

1 black Jersey male entitled to reg.
$35. R. R. Andrews, Haddocks, Geor-
gia, Route 2.

Extra good 4 gal. cow, fresh 2 wks.
with 8rd calf, no horns and gentle.
Lester, Hiram,
Georgia, Route 2. ake

2 Jersey bull calves: 1 2 mos. and
other 3 wks. old. Out of good. produc-

|ing cows of popular blood lines and

sired by imported bulls. $45 for older

fone, and $30 for other, registered in

SS a)

ss huraday, May 81, 15a,

of $100 for same. Write. Mrs, Ida Car- _

mo., $2; 3. mo., $3; 4 mo. $4; 5-6 mo.

1$6; reg. $7.50; Gray. Flemish, young-
es | sters, $5 pr., bred does $15. Satisfac-.
Several good Jersey milch cows fresh |

| Breeders of the highest quality, $8 ea.,.

puyers name. E. B. Braswell, Athens,
Georgia. :
1 very fine Jersey bull calf, about
10 mos. old, good cond., and priced
rieht. Write. S.A. *-Verner, ayonias
Georgia, Box 214. ee
Fine 8 mos. old Jersey bull calf from
1 of the finest herds in Ga. Papers
will be made in buyers name .Write
fer price. A. T. Parham, Watkinsville,
Georgia. = oe
1 Jersey bull, 2 years old, well mark- -
ed, gentle and in good cond., full stock
but not reg. $50 FOB here. B. H. Hol-~
land,\Dalton, Georgia, Route 2. a
1 Jersey bull calf, 2 mos. old, solid.
color, black tongue and switch, sired
by Harris Adam No, 243462; dam Ty-
coons Bess Ann No. 753507, reg. in.
buyers name. First check for $25 gets .
him. Ralph L. Griffith, Buchanan, Ga,
FROULE 2. : ee
5 mos. old Guernsey bull, $25 FOB
Huntington. L.-S. Hughes, Americus,
Georgia, Route D. vise
Tt to 10 fresh in milch cows for sale. ~
Mrs. T. J: Biggers, Bremen, Ga. |
10 fresh young grade Jersey milch
cows; 6 Aberdeen Angus cows and 1 .
bull, same stock for sale. R. G. Strick- _
land, Forsyth, Ga. RFD. ; oe
1 pure Holstein 5 mos. old bull calf,
$25 FOB shipping point. A. L. Thomp-
son, Cochran, Georgia. ey
Reg. Jefsey bull calf. Raleigh and
Noble breeding. Feeds from bucket.
$25 crated and with papers. J. J. Har-
ris, Pelharn, Georgia.
Milk and beef cattle for sale. B: O. |

Fussell, Brunswick, Ga.


. Want fine grade Jersey milch cow or s :
heifers (springers). Will exch. to value

son, Griffin, Ga. Route D. 5
Want 1 Jersey heifer, 5 or more years
old. Wm. Janes, Cedartown, Georgia,
Route 1. tea ee
Want thoroughbred Southdown Ram,
yearling Reg. Hereford heifer and bull.
L. M. Barnes, Woodbine, Ga. Hee


7 Belgian hare rabbits, 21 year old
does $2 each, 1 1-year old buck, $2;
6 6-weeks old Belgian hares, 75c each, .
1 Flemish White Giant, $2.75; Mrs. |
B. D. Howard, Waycross, Georgia, Rt..
3, Box 112. sees ce

3 6 months old Flemish Giant does
for sale. J. M. Cox, 803 West Cambridge,
College Park,. Georgia. ea

Pedigreed Chinchillas, no defects, 2

$6; bred does, $10; with slight defects,
bred does, $7.50; bucks, $4; reg. bred
does, $12.50, bucks, $12; White Flemish
Giants, pedigreed without defects, 4-5
mos. $9; 8 mo. up, does bred, $14.50;
New Zealand Reds, bird does, pedigreed

tion guaranteed. Do not come to see _
rabbits as they are not located in Cor-
eee F, D. Martin, Cornelia, Georgia,
re of Pope Eliard. Mad 3 a
Reg. Chinchilla does, 7 to 8 1-4 lbs.

pedigreed breeders, $6 each, also pedi-
greed White Flemish Giants, all ages,
cheap. Write. L. C. Rhodes, Graysville, _
Rabbits, 8 to 12 weeks old, 50 and
75c each FOB here. L. E. Williams, Ty
Ty, Georgia. . Se se
1 New Zealand Red and I Belgian
tuck. Sell or exch. Write for particu-
lars. Frank Kemp, McRae, Georgia.



1 old buck, $10; large weathers suit-
able for work or butcher, $3 each, 1
large size half stock Angora billy, $3;
kids $1.50 each, yearling size Toggen-
berg bucks, $5. E. L. Dixon, Blackshear,
Georgia. Co ee

About 300 sheep for sale $5 each.
George B. Youngblood, Swainsboro,
Geortia; RED 2.55; ee,


| Want good breed goat, now milking.
Must be young. Give full details and)
best price in first letter. G. A. Bennett,
Dalton, Georgia, P. O. Box 153.

Want good grade ewes. Will pay $3
each, A L, Thompson, Cochran, Gu


/~,1 mule, 9 years old, 850 or 900 lbs.,
in common order. Work anywhere, $100.
Mrs. T. J. Biggers, Bremen, Ga.

! Mule and horse for sale or exch. for

_ Brunswick, Georgia.
5 year old, 900 lb., five gaited saddle
horse for sale. Eugene Talmadge, Com-

- missioner of Agriculture, alanta, Ga.,
~ State Capitol.

_ Beautiful black saddle horse, wt.
St ,000 Ibs., gentle and work anywhere.

: _ Write for price. Miss wes Pepe,
en, Georgia.

Pigs and bred gilts for sale. Write

- for prices. B. O. Fussell, Brunswick,
Reg. Berkshire pigs; Longfellow,

iasterpiece blood lines, with papers,
$15 each, 3 Berkshire P. C. pigs, cross,
40 to 5 Ibs., $5 each. Fred I. White,
Buckhead, Georgia.

; 2 Duroc Jersey boar pigs, 3 mos. old,
--wt. about 60 lbs., $7.50 each, 1 sow pig
of same breeding, 4 mos. old, wt. about
' 90 lbs., $10. All FOB here. Individuals
and thoroughbreds. A. E. Reid, Cor-
dele, Georgia, Route D.

- Young Duroc boar, ready for service,

$25 crated; also P. C. gilts bred to
- Duroc boar for sale. J. J. Harris, ae
ham, Georgia.

1 spotted gilt, cross between. Pp. Gc.

: and Duroc, 9 mos. old, $6.50 for quick

= gale. Cash with order. L. H. Hutto,
Metter, Georgia, Route 1.

Choice Hampshire pigs, either. sex, |

_ also bred gilts, priced reasonable and
_ reg. in buyers name. James MacGough,
Cochran, Georgia. :

6 wks. old Black and S. P. CG. mixed
pigs, $2.50 each del. to trucks, or $3.50
ach inoculated ready for shipping

OB. Cash with order. W. J. Head,
Unadilla, Georgia, Route 3.

Pure bred, thrifty, 8 week old Big
Bone P. C. pigs $5 each. John Cook,
Hogansville, Ga. Route 3.

- Duroc Jersey sow and boar pigs, 10
weeks old, reg. in buyers name, $10
each FOB Harlem. Cash with order.
Julian J. Blanchard, Appling, Ga.

- Duroc Jersey poar pigs, March far-
row $12.50 each, reg. in buyers name.
Would like to exch. 1 pig for another
pig with some one. L. H. Edenfield,

Stillmore, Georgia: ~~
2 brood sows and 14 aL
shape, cheap at $44 for lot. J
Eastman, Georgia, RFD 8. .

50 high grade Duroc 8 week old pigs.
Orien Cherry igs Be -each. Also 2
reg. P. C. gilts, bred. J J. Blount, Haw-
kinsville, Georgia. |

in .good
kee cael,

2 pure bred 2 1-2 mos. old P. C. pigs,

$5 each. Cash with order. Marvin H.
Smith, Ochlochnee, Ga. RFD 2. ~ _

3 S. P. GC. 3 mos. old pigs, $5.60 each,
or lot for $16. Linton Hilson, Mitchell,

-3 BiB. P. C. pigs,-2 females and Le

male, 10 wks. old, wt. 55 to 60 lbs., sire,

Ambition Again; dam. Fashion Lady, |
~$12_ each, reg. in buyers name. Joe Bell |-

Shirley, Lavonia, Georgia.

my Pe O.76 weeks old pigs, $5 each
FOB here, or\exch. for corn, peas, or
cane seed; also 1 brood sow, Berkshire
and P. C. with 2nd litter, good cond.,
$30 FOB here. J. J. Clark, Murrayville,
Georgia, Rcute 2.

1 B. B. P. C. 6 weeks old. pig, well

developed, ready to take away, $7.50.
N. Lester, Hiram, Ga. Route 2.

nee Duroc pigs, 2 boars and 2 gilts,

reg. in buyers name. O. C. K. blood

tines, $10 FOB Sofkee. Willie Pe

- Walden, Georgia.

4 -Yound: Duroc sow, to farrow ue 2

1 or exch. for shelled corn.
aniel, Americus, Georgia.

~B. type P. C. pigs from reg. -stock,.}

either sex. Certificate for reg. goes
. with each pig. Guaranteed to be as re-

presented. Write for prices. J..B.. Par-"

rish, Graymont, Georgia.

9 BB. P.C..3 mos. pis Dies: $10 ea.
Will reg. in buyers name. J. Weay-
er, Hogansville, Ga. eae 5.

Want. to exch. W. Leghorn hens for
or 2 brood sows to farrow soon. Mrs.

T. J. Biggers, Bremen, Georgia.

Want Hampshire boar old enough for |.

ervice. Dont care for reg. papers but
vant a good hog. D. F. Hungerford,
t, gee Newnan, Ga.

Thursday, May 31, 1898, ea

cattle or produce. Write. B. O. Fussell,.

| Neil, Cairo, Georgia.


White Maltese pigeons, grown, mated
and banded, $5 pair, also want to buy
some ,pure bred white and solid black
or black and white speckled Maltese
pigeons. Charles Dickens, Ocilla, Ga._

25 or more pairs Red Carneaux
Uieeuns, (meat is white), $3 pair. A.
M. Anchoes, Warrenton, Ga.

Want 1 pair of mated and working
pigeons cheap. Miss Alma ee Ir-"

winton, Georgia:

Will pay cash for pigeons, any va-
riety and any quantity. Full informa-
tion in first letter R. L. Tribble, At-

|lanta, Georgia, Route 69.


Bright suncured tobacco, smoking
and chewing, 4 lbs. $1 del. Wm. Nunn,
Lawreneeville, Ga. Rt. 4. \

Any quantity of 1 bu. size potato
crates for sale. Write for prices. B. A.
Crow, Gloster, Ga.

Ground oyster shell for chickens, $1
per 100 Ibs, FOB here. W. A. Smith,
Savannah, Ga. 102 Bay St. East.

White and Red Vinegar in 50 gal.
bbls., 15 gal, also Bottle Vinegar, FOB
Dublin, Cash with order. L. E. Harri-
son, Dublin, Ga.

40 nice white feed sacks, 10c ea. Mrs.
Piety Forbes, Brooklet, Ga.


Want good new goose or duck feath-
ers, will exch. equal value. Write what
you have. Mrs. Mamie Stone, Adairs-
ville, Ga. Rt. 3.

Hides wanted, tan on shares. Write.
R. A. Trimble, Gore, Ga. Rt. L

vie Lots for Sale and
_ Wanted.


Several 100. Ibs. garlic, 1928 crop.

Quote best price. L. salted

Georgia. :

_Fine turnips with nice roots, plenti-
ful in bunches and packed to hold
moisture. 7 FOB or 8c del. Cash with
order. Shipped | same day order receiv-
ed. W..U. = Draughn, WEED: oe


Want all kinds of fresh vegetables.
Fred I.. Baker, Columbus, Georgia,
Box 244, qi

Want - green "hed tomatoes, and

other vegetables. Quote best price FOB
here. Dilmus: ela: Gainesville, Ga.

\ : Car: Lots

, i cars, 500 bu. each,. felvet beans
$1. 10 FOB; also 100 bu. Whips, Clays,
Tron and Mixed peas.,L. Ly Lovett,
Wrightsville, Georgia... / ~

50 tons velvet beans?in pod $21 ton
FOB: <i tS: Sherman, Blakely, Ga.

Car Lots

Want 1 car velvet bean hulls, Quote
price del. Robinson & Neal, Cairo, Ga.


Want ear corn car lots;
any quantity. Robinson & Neal, Cairo,
Goong: ;


a4 car, Bermuda hay. Write for prices

or make offer. W. H. Huff, Buckhead,

Georgia, Route 2.
; y


Car Lots

Want 1 car White Spanish peanuts.
Quote. price FOB shipping; point. W. R.

ou >

-shelled_ corn amts. at my place for same price. Mrs.

Joe Marper, Atkinson, Ga. Rt. i Box
10. a


: .
Seed for Sale

Chufa seed, 1927 crop, good and
sound, $3.75 bu. Cash with order. D:
W. Henderson, Manor, Ga.

Good, sound Chufa seed, $3.75 bu.
Cash with order. M. E. Henderson,
Manor, Ga.)

New crop good, sound Chufa seed,
$4 bu., of 40 lbs., 100 lbs., or more 9c
lb. No order accepted for less than 100.
All FOB here. Ww. N. Crews, Beach, Ga.

Recleaned and floated Chufa seed,

$4.50 bu. FOB Waycross. G. W. Aycock,
Waycross, Ga. 615 Reynolds St.

100 bu. Rucker cotton seed, clean,


sound and culled, $1 bu. Grady H.:
Ridley, Franklin, Ga.
Cattail millet seed, 100 Ibs., $11.

John W. Giddens, Swainsboro, Ga.

Mammoth. green pod okra seed, 25c
Ib; or -5 Ibs; for $1. ue Bottoms,
Marietta, Ga. Rt. 3.

_ Cabbage head collard seed, 10c tbls.
postpaid, or exch. for tatting, any kind
of cloth or white flour or feed oo
or Octagon soap coupons. Mrs. W.
Whisnante, Social Circle, Ga. Rt. A

Hand picked long banana muskmelon
seed, 10c per thls., '75c lb. Major Crowe,
Cumming, Ga, Rt 4,

Collard seed,
right, Coffee; Ga.

Texas seeded Ribbon Cane seed, 8c
Ib., del. If less than 5 lbs. not del. Will
exch, for Spanish peanuts; - Palma

50c lb. J. M. Boat-

by, Hazelhurst, Ga. Rt. A.


Want a few lbs. oe Trish Grey
watermelon seed.. A: E. Reid, Cordele,
Ga. Rt. D. 5 '


Fresh honey, either extracted or
chunk, 15c lb., FOB here. Any amount.
Prompt shipment. Horace B. Parker,
Ambrose, Ga.

New honey, 10 Ib. buckets, $2 post
paid. T. C. Withrow, Odum, Ga. {

Pure new crop ey in- 5 Ib., pails,
. per case, a 50. J. . Mullis, Alma,

~ Nice, bright, new civdalc honey, \5 Ib.
pail, 75c; 10 Ib. pail, $1.50..Add post-
age, * Cash. with order. L. G. H. Scott,
Ludowici, Ga...

10 gal. good clean and clear honey,
$1.15 gal. Cash with order. FOB here.
John IL, oe Sereven, Ga. Rt. 2,
Box 31.

10 large swarms of fee from old
fashioned box hives. Italian and mixed
$25 for lot. Amos_ Sutherland, es,
Ga., Rt. 1.

Fresh new Gallberry hhoney in sec-
tions; 20c section for number one; 18c
per section for number two packed in
cases of 24 sections: extracted ea
$1.25 gal FOB here. D D. F, Thomas, Od-
um; Ga. -

New section honey i in 24 Ibs. Display
cases, $4.80 case FOB here. Express or
arcs post. J. M. White, Groveland,


New bright cone honey in 10 ib.
pails, $1.60 pail del. Cash with order.

|R. B. Browning, No address given.

5 Ibs. bees wax, 35c lb., FOB here.
H. D. Wilson, Palmetto, Ga. 5

Bright, new chunk honey in cans of
about 70 lbs., 15c 1b. FOB here. A: R.
Adams, Hortense, Ga.

New comb honey at 12 1-2ctb., in 50
lb. cans FOB Statesboro. W. W. De
Loach, Brooklet, Ga..

smaller amts., shipped Can get smaller

New good Spring Tupelo and Gali-
berry honey in bbls., or less quantities
also section chunk and all sorts of
honey for sale. Write what you week
J. E. Shalor, Cairo, Ga. :

250 Ibs. bees wax, 37 1-2c Ib. FOB
Bogart. John W. Walker, Bogart,
Box 65.

-11 old ie tioned stands of bees, $2.50
ea., or $25 for lot. Q. Tuggle, Buford,
Ga, Biosee
New crop honey in comb, $2 del. in
No, 10 cans, in lard tins of 70 lbs., 20c

db., del., in lb. sections 28 to standard |

Christi. seed, 5c spoonful. I. E. Gools- |

Nice new ehunk honey, 12 1-2c Ib., in
lard cans, wt., from 60 to 70 lbs. No}

a ;
AM a fee apenas ae a ae ree

giass front shipping cases, 25 ea., tos
tal $7 del. Case to be returned: L. H.
Edenfield, Stillmore, Ga.

Fancy extracted honey put up in 10.
Ib. pails, 6 to case, $6.90 FOB here: 1
10 Ib. pail postpaid and insured, $1. "15.
Prompt shipment. Jno. A. Crumney,

| Doctortown, Ga.

Want any quantity bees wax at 28c |
Ib. del: H. W. Saudlin, Cairo, Ga.
Want a few hundred Ibs. bees wax.
Will pay 28c lb. del. H. W. Saudlin,
Cairo, Ga.
Want bees wax in any quantity at
27 1-2c lb., del. Jd. T. White, Dublin,


Want bees wax and wool,
Athens Hide Co., Athens, Ga.
Want several thousand Ibs. So. Ga.,
honey of best quality, produced in
modern hives. Will furnish own con-
tainers. Write best price. A. J. Heard,


Wellston, Ga.

Want section and chunk honey in 5
lb. pails and chunk honey in glass jars,
also bees wax. Ga. Bee Supply Co., Sa-
vannah, Ga., 308 West Congress St.

Want bees wax in any quantity at
a 1-2c Ib., del. J. ae: Dublin, |


Want section honey; choice extrac-
ted honey in cans, State quantity to of-
fer and write for prices. Also want
bees wax at 35 lb. Hamilton Bacon
Hamilton Co., Bristol, Va.

Want 50 to 60 Ibs. bees wax at 300
lb., ae Bais Woodall, Milner, Ga. -


Pure new crop honey in 5 Ib. pails,
6 per case, $4.50. J. 'T. Mullis, Alma,

25 gal. nice white Ga. Cane syrup
in 10 Ib. cans, $20. Mrs. ity Forbes, .
Brooklet, Ga.

10 lb. buckets of ocd syrup, 75 FOB.
M. Cook; Milan, Ga.

1927 crop Ga. Cane syrup in 10 lb.
cans, sealed while hot, 75c can FOB.
will not ship less than 10 cans. Cash
with order. Rufus Merriman, Elza, Ga.

Ga. Cane syrup in No. 10 cans, $4.50
per case of 6 cans. V. E. Franklin,
Graymont, Ga.

6 10 Ib. packet pure Ga. Cane syrup
$4.25 FOB here. W. L. McClellen, Adel,
Ga. Rt. 3.

50 gal. No. A. 1; Ga. Cane syrup in
1 gal. sealed buckets, $1 gal. John A.
Watson, Summit, Ga.

26.10 lb. buckets. pure Ga. Cane
syrup, 75 bucket, FOB here. R.A.
Ashley, Rochelle, -Ga. Rte fs :

Exceptionally good Sugar Cane syrup
in No. 10 buckets, $4.50; 6 cans to case,

FOB here. W. E. Walker, Broxton, Ga.

- Pure Ga. Cane syrup, 75c gal. Robt.
S. Anderson, Hawkinsville, Ga. .

. Want pure Cane syrup: Sorghum,

| peanuts and cow peas..Send. sample

and price. W. H. Davis, Sayennn, Ga.
312 Montgomery St.

Imp. Lookout \Mtn., seed irish pota~
toes, $2 bu. Ross E. Clement, Cornelia,
35 or 40 pu. Mountain * metced Bur-

|bank and -White Star Irish potatoes,

1st.and 2nd zones, $1.50 bu., 3rd., .$1. fo <0
bu. Cash with order. F. E. Grizzle, Pel-
ot. Ga. \

Lookout Mtn. seed Irish potatoes,
$2.50 bu. D, F..Pharr, Buford, Ga.

New crop Red Bliss Irish potatoes:
No. 1, $2.50 bu. FOB Morven, Will
exch. 4 bu. for 1 50 Ib. can lard; or 2 1-2
bu. for 3 bu. Spanish peanuts. H. S.
Lawson, Morven, Ga. Rt. 1.

Lookout Mtn., seed potatoes from
hill selected stock, 4c lb., FOB here.
J. F. Cantrell, Cleveland, Ga.

Have sold all of my. Sweet Potatoes.
H. A. Hosch, Arlington, Gary



Want to exch. Guinea eggs at 75c
a setting for Irish potatoes for planting
in July, or dried peaches and a few
Chufas. Send sample and price and

write. Mrs. Sarah Lee Harris, Martin,

Ga. Rt.. 4.

Want several truck loads of Porto
Rico potatoes. State how many you
have and if kiln dried, if in crates or
hampers and lowest. cash price. C.. A.
Dobbs, Gainesville, Ga.
. Want 1 or 2 bu. Irish potatoes for
fall planting. Will pay cash or_ 2xch,
Write price etc. M. C. Harris, Martin,
ee Re 2 ae

i a oe ee
yAGE SIX: o 3

Plants for Sale. and

_ Wanted

Pure Porto Ricans, inspected and
treated, $2 M. 5 M. and up $1.75 M.,
cabbage, collard and tomato plants,
"5c for 500, $1.25 M. prepaid; Ruby

King pepper, $2.50 M. W. C. Tumlin,
Gainesville, Ga. ~

All Season cabbage, 25c a 100; large
early Everbearing strawberry plants,
50c a 100. del. packed in moisture. Mrs.
A. R. Skates, Ringgold, Ga. Bee.

Several M. Ga. Collard plants, $1 M.

or exch. for Porto Rico potato plants,



field peas, or Bermuda onion piants.

Mrs. H. R. Waters, Statesboro, Ga. Rt.


Porto Ricans,
$1.25 M., FOB here. R.
City, Ga. Rt. 2.
Burbank tomato, $3 M., Ponderosa,

M., Stone Earliana, and Brimmer,
20c a 100, $1.75 M., each; Worl Beater
pepper and Chinese Giant, 22.00 M.,
onion plants, 20c a 100, $2 Mi... Porto
Rico potato plants, Gov. mspected, $2
M. Mrs. H. L. Brettingham, Guyton, Ga.

Himalaya blackberry plants, - weil
rooted, 3 for 25c. Cash with order.

Have sold all of Thorniess plackberries.

Mrs. G. J. Holcomb, Bremen, Ga. Box

102 6 :

dike strawberry
Thompson plants, $3 M.
to Ga. points. Mrs. H. F. Jacobs,
Point, Ga. Rt. 5.

Several thousand
onion plants, 75c M.,
Lenox, Ga.
Tomato plants, Extra Early and large
varieties, open field grown, mailed with
water moss to roots, $1.15 M., post-

paid. Prompt shipment. Mrs. Mary J.
' Stokes, Fitzgerald, Ga.

$1.50 M., 5 M. and _up,


thousands of fine young Klon-
plants, $2.50 M., Lady
All Jel., prompt

del. D. B. Lott,

Sold all tomato plants. Answer to_

many inquiries. J. A. R. Langley, Li-
thonia, Ga. Rt. 1. :

New Stone tomato, Flat Dutch cab-
bage, Ga. Blue Stem collards, all- field
grown and well rooted, 65c for 500, $1.
M.-L. C. McEver, Braselton, Ga. Rt. Fy

White Artichoke plants. Sell or exch.

~ for white flour sacks and any kind of
white feed sacks, dried fruit, etc. B. P.
Best, Ogeechee, Ga. Rt. 1.
~ Gov. inspected - Porto Rico potato
plants, now ready, $1.40 M., FOB. ae
_O. Stewart, Baxley, Ga. Rt.2
~~ Gov. inspected imp. red skin Porto

Rico. potato plants from vine cuttings,

-. $1.75 M., over 5 M., $1.50 M. FOB here.
Cash with order. Prompt shipment.
W. R. Hutto, Surrency, Ga. Rt. 2.

Millions inspected good strong pota-
to plants, $1.50 M., FOB Alma. Can ship
day order is received. J. A. Turner,

_ Alma, Ga. Box 153. ou as

- Imp. Porto Ricans, Stood inspection
for 6 years, good strong plants, $1.50

-M. FOB Baxley. Cash with order. J.
W. Waters, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 2. .

Frost proof cabbage plants, fresh
spring grown, all leading varieties, 60c
for 500, $1 M., postpaid. Immediate
shipment. J. P. McCook, Fitzgerald, Ga.

Extra and large varieties of tomato

~~ plants, open field grown, mailed | with
water moss to roots, fresh and green
arrival guaranteed, 75c for 500, 40c for

200, $1.15 M. postpaid; $1 M. Exp. col.

Immediate shipment. F. F. Stokes,

Fitzgerald, Ga. ; a
- Porto Ricans, $1.50 M.,


cabbage $1

MM. del., tomatoes, $1 M. Ruby King pep-

per, 40c a 100. C. H. Strawder, Norman
Park, Ga. CSE ee

Barly Jersey cabbage plants, 20c al
100, 65 for 500, $1.15 M. del. Ruther-

ford Waldrip, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 2. |
Porto Ricans, State inspected and
chemically treated, $1.75 M.,- Early
Jersey cabbage, 20c a 100, $1.10 M. del.
Erskin Waldrip, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 2.
State inspected Porto Ricans, pure
red skins, $1.50 M., FOB here. C. R.
Redmond, Pelham, Ga. Sel
Genuine Porto Ricans, Gov. inspected
$1.75 M. del. May and June. J. BE. Ar-
nold, Alma, Ga. Rt. 3. Box 88.
_ Wakefield cabbage and Ga. Collard
- $1.25 M., del. or 35c a 100; leading
varieties of tomato and onion plants.
45c a 100, $1.50 M. del. All well rooted.
Alice E. Gibson, Folkston, Ga. Rt. 1.
_ Gov. inspected Red and yellow skin
_ Porto Ricans, $1.50 M., packed and del.
to P. O. or exp. office, but no trans-
portation charges paid. Now ready. D.
P. Martin, Cobbtown, Ga. ges

J. Harrell, Sale

White Bermuda:

returned. R. L. McDonald, Valdosta,
Georgia, Route I. | RS
Imp. Porto Ricans $1.50 a M., exp. |

~ |plants 20c a 100; tomato 25c for 50
plants; 4 different varieties of hot pep- |/

| Weaver, Ocilla, Georgia.


Have sold all potato plants. Answer
to many inquiries. F. T. Murray, Pat-
terson, Ga. Rt. 1. ae

Heading collard, Early tomato, cab-
bage and white Bermuda onion plants.
Sell or exch. for Box. flowers and bulbs.
Miss Grace Hale, Doyle, Ga.

Gov. inspected Porto Ricans, $1.50 M.
lard plants 15c a 100. J. M. Bailey,
Cordele, Ga. Rt. B.. :

Acme, Ponderosa and Stone tomato
plants, 15c doz. Mint plants, $1 a 100.
All postpaid. Mrs. Z. M. Story, Thom-
son, Ga. :

Greater Baltimore and New Stone
tomato plants, 65c for 500, $1 M. Porto
Ricans, $1.75 M. Cabbage, 7c M. Ruby
King pepper, 30c 100. $1.75 M. packed.
in water moss root protection. A. W.
Parsons, Abbeville, Ga. P Se

Wakefield cabbage, $1 M. over 5 M.
85c M., Porto Ricans, $1.85 M. Prompt
shipment. Chestley Waldrip, Gaines-
ville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Big Stem Jersey and Porto Rico po- |
tato plants, Gov. inspected, $1.75 M..
T. W. Kemp, Ohoopee, Ga. 5

Porto Rico potato plants, $1.50 M.,
5. M. or more, $1.40 M. W. D. Bryant,
Coffee, Ga. eae

Genuine Porto Ricans, $1.75 M. 5 M.,
or more, $1.50 M., ready now; Charles-
ton Wakefield cabbage, 75c a M. New
Stone tomato plants, 95c M. 5 M. for
"5c M. L. R. Boatright, Coffee, Ga.

Imp. Porto Ricans and Nancy Hall
potato plants,-ready, $1.50 M. FOB here.
J. M. Beck, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 3. :

Porto Ricans, ready, $1.50 M. FOB,
or $1.75 M. del. to Ga. points. Carl
Butler, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 3.

Gov. inspected Porto Ricans, red and
pink skins, 5 M. or more, $1.45 M. FOB
here. J. O. Kesler, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 4.

Hastings big Brimmer tomato 35c a
100, and hot Cayenne pepper plants
10c doz., 3 doz. 25c. Add postage. Cash
with order. Mrs. C. A. Wilbanks, Com- |
merce, Georgia, Route 29, - : ;

Inspected genuine Porto Ricans $1.50
M,, FOB here, or $1.75 M. del. Plants
shipped within 48 hours or your order

collect, $1.70 M. del.
Omega, Georgia. ote ye :
Pure Porto Ricans, State inspected,
$1 for 500, $1.75 M. postpaid. 5 M. and
up $1.40 M. Prompt shipment. L. Sum-_
mer, Omega, Georgia. . : Ps
Inspected Porto Ricans. Sell or exch.
for hay peas of any kind, 3 M. for 2
bu. Z. I Edwards, Omega, Ga. RFD 2.
-Genuine pure inspected. Porto Ric-
ans, $1.60 M., 5 M. and over $1.40 M.
FOB Tifton. W. W. Rigdon, Tifton,
Georgia. . :
Farly Jersey

S. J. Lindsey,

Wakefield cabbage

per, 4 doz. 25c. Add postage. Mrs. Sidda
Southerland, Ellijay, Ga. Route 3.
Tame blackberry sprouts, (large ber-
ries and very prolific to the briar), 6
for 25c; strawberries 20c a 100. Add'|
postage. Keedie Kirk, Felton, Georgia,
Route 2: == ae yee
-Porto Ricans $1.75 M., del. 5 M. lots,
$1.60 FOB; Early Jersey Wakefield
cabbage 25c a 100, $1.25 M. del., Stone
and Baltimore tomatoes, June del.
$1.25 M. del. Write for prices on larger
lots. Winfred Waldrip, Flowery Branch,
Georgian 2 ss ee
New Stone and Greater Baltimore)
$1 M. Cash with order. Mrs. M. M.
Stokes, Fitzgerald, Georgia.
Porto Ricans, inspected and certified
$1.75 M. FOB or $2 M. postpaid. Cash
with order. Prompt shipment. W. H.

-~Porto Ricans, Gov. inspected, $1.50
or will exch. for peas or Spanish pea-
nuts. J. J. Musick, Hazelhurst, Geor-
gia, Route A. s: Ba ae

Imp. red skin Porto. Ricans, inspect-
red-an dtreated, $1.75 M. del., $1.50 exp.
collect! 10 M. or more, $1.25. collect;
old fashioned Spanish Boon . potato
plants $2 M. del., $1.75 M. collect. C.
M. Crow, Gainesville, Ga. Route 1..

Large, young Lady Thompson and
Everbearing strawberry plants, 35 a
100, del., also Four Ocloeks,
colors on same bush, C for 25c. del., or
4c each del. Want to exch. heading
variety collard and tomato plants for
sweet rmiento pepper and giatn sun-
flower plants, 25 for 25. Each to pay
postage. Write. Wits; Al SS Paik:
Ocilla, Georgia. BS :

5 or 10 M. extra large. variety of

del. in Ga., also leading varieties col- |
Bristol, Georgia.

FOB:. also strawberry plants, 30c
100. J: M: Boatright, Coffee, Ga.

and count guaranteed. G. W. Taylor

collect. 50 M: or more $1.65 M. collect.

Route 1, Box 92.

<-Strong healthy Hastings Brimmer

-$2M. or xech. for any color dbl. Ge-

tomato plants, field grown, now ready, |:
inspected and treated, $1.75 M. del.,

three |

strawberry plants for sale this fall.|.

apple trees. for crabapple and orna-"
mental purposes. Shipped with plenty
of dirt to guarantee live del. John Ww.
Walker, Bogart, Ga. Box 65. =

State inspected Porto Ricans $1.50
M., 5 M. lots, $1.35 M.D. -T. Herndon,
Surrency. Georgia. <=

Gov. inspected Porto Ricans $1.40
M., 5 M: or more $1.25 M. W. J. Boyett,

All head cabbage plants 20c a 100;
pie plant roots 10c each; Daisy plants,
75e a 100. Will exch. for purple violet
plants, sultana cuttings, or quilt scraps.
Mrs. Henry Eller, Ellijay, Georgia,
RFD 3, Box 4. nee : :

Cabbage and hot pepper plants, 15c
a 100 each; also Giant mixed Pansy
plants, 25e doz. Miss Winnie Maloch,
Hoschton, Georgia, Route 1. :

Yellow and purple skin Porto Ricans,
ready, $1.50 M. T. W. Kemp, Ohoopee,
Georgia. - Se

Collard plants, 50c for 300, 75c for
500, $1.25 M. del. G. Ben Wilson, Abbe-
ville, Gorgia. :

Early Triumph, old fashioned Nigger
Killer, Boon and Spanish, pink and
purple hull Porto Ricans, $1.75 M.

Porto Ricans and Big Stem Jersey
potato plants $1.50 M. FOB here. Grade

Alma, Georgia.
Porto Ricans, Gov. inspected, $2.25
M. del. 5 M. to 20 M. $1.75 M. Express

Cash with order. Shipment guaranteed.
S. E. Hollis, Baxley, Georgia, Rt. 1.
State inspected Porto Ricans $1.50
M., 5 M..or more, $1.25 M. FOB Bris-
tol. Zonnie Carter, Bristol, Georgia,

Gov. inspected Porto Ricans $1.50 M.
FOB Valdosta. Wm. McDonald, Valdos-
ta, Georgia, Route 1.. ~

Imp. Porto Ricans $1.50 M. Gov. in- |
spected, full count and _ satisfaction
guaranteed. Cash with order. S. D.
Graham, Surrency, Georgia, Rt. 2.

Inspected genuine Porto Ricans $1.50
M. here. $1.75 M. del. Prompt shipment.
J. C. McDonald, Valdosta, Ga. Rt. 1

Imp. and pink skin Porto Ricans,
from selected seed. Gov. inspected,
$1.75 M., New Stone tomato $1 a M.,
yellow Bermuda onion plants $1 M.,
cabbage and collard plants 75c M. ea.
All ready now. J. R. Boatright, Coffee,
Georgia. a ee

and Stone tomato plants, 25 a 100,

raniums, Sultana, Begonia, except red.
conck, Oxalis except pink, Hibiscus,
Japonica or Mammoth White Pekin
duck, Guinea, or J: B. Giant. eggs.. All

flowers to be rooted. Mrs..E. M. Herrin, |-

Manor, Georgia. - oa es
-Imp. Porto Ricans, Gov. inspected
and treated, $1.40 M:, 5 M or more $1.25
M. FOB here. J.C. Dykes, Surrency,
Georgia, Route 2. Rios
Porto Ricans, Gov. inspected, grown
from the vine, $150 M. Ns: W. Daniel,
Ty Ty, Ga. Route 1. cs oe
Nancy Hall and Porto Ricans, Gov.
inspected, $1.50 M. prepaid; $1.25 exp,
collect. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. L.
Nolan, Baxley, Ga. Route 3. ;
State inspected Porte Ricans. a
M. W. S. A. Beckworth, Baxley, Ga. ~
Cabbage and collard, tomato, sweet
pepper plants, 75c for 500, $1.25 M. del.
Prompt shipment. Riverside Farm, |
Braselton, Georgia, Route 1.:
Imp. pink skin Porto Ricans, State

Acme and Stone tomato plants $1 M.
del. B. F. Mallard, Oliver, Ga. - 3

Red and yellow skin Porto Ricans,
-Gov. inspected, $1.50 packed and del.
to express office, or will send by parcel
post if postage is sent with order. D.
P. Martin, Cobbtown, Ga. :


Large variety of sweet pepper plant

30c a 100, $2 M. postpaid. Mrs. J. L.|

Edge, Doerun, Ga. RFD 4. ~~

Pure Porto:Ricans, ready, $1.60 FOB;
above 5 M. $1.50 M. FOB: Exch for
Iron or Brab peas, Spanish peanuts or
small neck Game chickens c- some
eggs. Guarantee the count and quality
of my plants. D. W. Carter; Hazelhurst,
Georgia, Route A. =~. :

Imp. purple skin Porto Rico potato
plants, State inspected and treated.
June and July del. $1.50 M, $1.25 M~
del. A few M. June pink and Redfield
Beauty tomato plants, 15 a 100, $1
M. del; 1 M, Hastings Royal King
sweet pepper, large plants, well rooted,
$1.75 M. del. $1.50 FOB, 25c a 100.
Dean Johnson, Uvalda, Ga. Rt, A.
Porto Ricans, Gov. inspected; from

Porto Ricans, del. in Ga., $175 M. Mor-


M. FO Bhere. J. D. Whitfield, Ty Ty,
Georgia. %

R..B. McDonald, Alma, Ga. Route 3.
< Porto Ricans, $1.50 M. del. 5 M. |

cabbage and Stone and Baltimore to-

$1.25 M. del, 5 M. or more $1 M. FOB.
-O. F. Crowe, Gainesville, Georgia, Rt 2

}a 100 del. Verdena Wright, Alto, Ga. ~~

Voqilrath,. Winston, Ga.
| Porto Ricans, inspected and

| Redfield Beauty and Greater Ballti-

Also have for sale

now 500.young crab-
as ee es BD

vine cuttings, pure bred, $1.40 M., 5.


: Thursday, May 31, 1928.

M. or more, $1.20 M. FOB here. Guar-
anteed count. Prompt shipment. F. G. ~~
Tyre, Bristol, Georgia. :
Big Stem Jersey potato plants, Gov.
inspected, ready, $1.50 M. T. W Kemp, *
Ohoopee, Georgia ts ees
- Gov.-inspected Porto Ricans $1.50
exp. collect. Satisfaction guaranteed,-
will exch. for peas. 1 M. plants for 1
bu. peas. Ship May and June. M.R.
Weaver, Coffee, Georgia, Rt 1, Box 3.
Genuine imp. Porto Rico potato
plants, Gov. inspected and treated, $1.35
M., over 5M. $1.25 M. H. G. Evans, -
Graham, Georgia. =
Pimiento pepper plants, 40c a 100
del., $2.50 M. Collect. Mrs. A. E. Reid,
Cordele, Georgia, Route D. pee ee
China berry trees and palms for sale,
all Island grown, 25c to 50c each. (Good
for stock and they like them.) B. .
Fussell, Brunswick, Ga... z
Imp. Gov. inspected Red Skin Porto
Rican potato plants, $1.75 M. del. any-
where in Georgia. M Crosby, Baxley,.
Georgia. : Sa
_ Imp. Red Skin Porto Ricans, Gov.
inspected, $1.65 M., 4 M. or more, $1.40
M. FOB here. Frank Harris, Baxley,
Georgia. | cae a
Hastings Stone, Extra Early, Prolific
Norduke, Brimmer, Redfield Beauty
tomato plants, 30c a 100 plus postage,
Hastings pimiento Bell and Hot pepper,
40c a 100, plus postage. Will exch. 1 M.
tomato plants for 1 M. Porto Rico po-
tato plants. Mrs. Ulmer Barrow, Daisy,
Georgia, Route 2. eee
. Greater Baltimore tomato $1 M., Hot
ppper, grown from a cross of 3 very
small kinds of hot pepper, $1.50 M. All
FOB here. Mrs. J. P. Crumley, Pitts,
Georgia, Route 1. ; =
Bell pepper plants, prepaid, 35c a
100, $2.50 M. C. W. Lane, Quitman, Ga.
- Have sold my Bermuda onion plants.
Answer to many inquiries. Mrs. G. W.
Owen, Hawkinsville, Ga. Route 1.
Pink skin Gov. inspected Porto
Ricans, $1.10 M: FOB Tifton. Strong
plants and guaranteed count. <A. J.
Whiddon, Tifton, Ga. Route A.
State inspected Porto Ricans, ready,
$1.50 M. FOB here. S: J. Ray, Seville,
Gorgia. |
Early Imp.


Gov. inspected red skin

gan Crosby, Baxley, Ga. RFD 4.

Tnspected Porto Ricans $1.50 M. del
J.-W. Waldrip, Cordele, Ga. Rt. B.-
Gov: inspected Porto Ricans, free
from disease, full count, quick ship-
ment: $1.50 M. FOB. Cash with order.
S. D. Graham, Surrency, Ga. Rt. 2.

Triumph and Porto Ricans, $1.75 M
del., $1.50 FOB. L. E. Williams, Ty Ty; _

: : ies,

Buncomb collard, 15c for 50, 25 a
100 postpaid. H. Q. Kelley, Flowry -
Branch, Georgia, Route. 2. pee
Imp. Porto Ricans, State inspected
$1.50 M., FOB here. Cash with order
Jewell Benson, Ty Ty, Ga. RFD 2.
Porto Ricans, Gov. inspected, $1.50

Porto Ricans, $1.50 M. inspected. Al-
bert. Harris, Ty Ty, Ga. Route 2...
_ Purple skin Porto Ricans, Gov. in-
spected, $1.60 M. FOB., $1.90 M. del.
Prompt shipment. Will exch. for 1 M
plants for 1 bu. Iron or Brab peas.

$1.40 M. FOB; Early Jersey Wakefield

mato plants, 25c a 100, $1.25 M. del.
5 M. $f FOB. Winfred Waldrip, Flow-
ery Branch, Georgia. ae
_ Wakefield and Flat Dutch cabbage
New Stone and Baltimore tomato
heading variety collards 25c a 100

Ga, collard plants 15c 4 100, $1.25 M
Major Crowe, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 4.
Large Ruffle Leaf tobacco plants 25

Pure red and purple skin Port
Ricans, from vine cuttings, Gov. n=
spected, $1.70 M. del. Ga. points. J, W.
Haman, Summer, Georgia. = ==
Tomato. plants. New Stone, 20c. a
100; Blight proof tomato, 30c a 100
Pimiento sweet pepper, 20c a 100. L. J


$1.75 M., 5 M. or more $1.50 M. FOB;
cabbage plants $1.25 M. Tobacco plants
$2.50 M. FOB here. J, C. Chambers
Flowery Branch; Georgia; Reute 1.

Porto Ricans, Gov. inspected, $1.7
M., 5 M. up $1.50 M.; tomato plants

more, $1.25 M.-Cash with order. FOB
here. L. E. Weaver, B ixley, CGS

: pe May_ 31, 1928.

Greater Baltimore and New Stone
z Neh plants $1.M., field grown and
moss packed, now ready. Mrs. M. M.
Stokes, Fitzgerald, Ga.

& Yellow skin Porto Ricans, ees
and certified; $1.75 M. by exp., or $2
M. postpaid. Cash with order. Prompt
shipment. W. H. Weaver, Ocilla, Ga.~

a Imp. Porto Ricans, now ready, $1.40
M., inismall lots, 10. M. up, $1.25,M.
L.- D. /Simbrel, Baxley, Ga. He. Oe

Pure Farly Triumpl potato plants,

Gov. inspected, $2 M. prepaid to all

Ga. points. Walter J. ee pee
Georgia, Route D. =~ ee

Nancy Hall and Porto Ricans, $1.25
M. G. L, Deen, Baxley, Ga. Route 4.

e Porto Ricca e. 35 M. or $1.25 M.
in 5 M lots. Ready. Full count. Milvin
Hutcheson, Baxley, Ga = 4.

is Imp. Porto Ricans, inspected: and
treated, now ready, $1.75 M. del., $1.50
M. collect. Prompt shipment. Old fash-
ioned Boon potato plants, $2.25 M. del.,
$2 M. exp collect. Cabbage and tomato
- plants, now ready, 25c a 100, $1.25 M.
= er. oi Ve collect, large: lots 15M.
ee AMaor Crow,, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 1


~ Imp. Klondike strawberry plants, 25

a 100. Will exch. for anything useful |.

_for the home. Mrs. bd. Powell,

peerepalles_ Georgia.

~ > @harleston Wakefield and Flat Dutch
_ cabbage, New Stone and Greater Balti-
more tomato - plants, leading varieties.
of collards, 25c a 100,.$1.25 M., 5 M.
or more $1 exp. collect; Sweet. Bell. and
_pimiento pepper plants 50c a 100, $2.25:
M., Wide Leaf tobacco plants, 50 a
100, 300, $1 del. O. M. Crow, pane
ville, Georgia, Route 2. ee

=e Porto Ricans $1.75 M., collards, $1.50
M., 5 M. and up $1 M,. L. E. Toole,
Macon, Georgia, Route 2. : :

Burbanks tomato plants, | $2. 50 M.,
onion plants, white, $1.50 M., Stone,
arliana, Brimmer tomatoes, $1. 50: M.;

orto Ricans, Gov. inspected $1.50 M.,
World Beater, Chinese Giant pepper,
2M. Mrs. H. L. Sone. foe
if Georgia, Ea

= ~ Porto. Ricans, State snepectel, at 65
M. del. C. J. Owens, Pitts, Ga. Rte 2.

Se Porto. Ricans, $1. 50. M.; Stone and
Greater Baltimore tomato, 75e. < for:

ue .


-- miento pepper. $1, 75 M., cabbage and
Bermudas onion plants 5c for 500, =
M., and pay postage on all. ee
Shanclor, Seville, . Ga. :

Pure Porto. Ricans, fepebied anid
rated, $2 M. M. L. tedfern, paEeD.

Georgia. _

Gov. ins ected imp. red skin Borto
Ricans, Se vine cuttings $1.75 M.,
over 5 M. $1.50 M. Now ready. FOB

ere.. Cash -with order. W. R. Hutton,

urrency, Georgia, Route ae

~ Cabbage plants, 90c a M., 5:M., 0:
Hie se 28 Porto Ricans, $1. 50 M.,
Boons, $2 M., Lady Thompson straw-

erries, $1 a 100; tomatoes, $1M. Bill
Crow, Gainesville, Georgia.

> Genuine imp. Porto Ricans, Gov. in-

sceed. $1.75 M., in 5 and 10 M. lots,

1.50 Me: del. R. M. Cox, Moultrie, Ga.
Route 5

Tomato plants, New Stone and Greate
-er Baltimore, now ready, open field
grown, eae in water moss, 60c for
600, $1 Mz. del. J. O Stokes, Fitzgerald,.
pore Route 6.


Heading kind of collards, Farly Jers

oe Wakefield and Flat Dutch cabbage,
Big. Boston and Iceberg lettuce, 256-2,
100, or 70c M., each; Porto
treated and inspected, 1 to10 M3$L.15
M. 11--to 50 M. $1M. FOB Dublin.
Cash with order. L. E. Harrison, Dub-
lin, - Georgia. :

Gov. inspected purple and ~ yellow
skin Porto Ricans, $1.50 M., 5 M. or
more $1.25 FOB here. May and June
del. Lovin E. Deal, Patterson, Ga.

Wakefield and Flat Dutch cabbage
plants, Stone tomatoes, 25c a 100, 50c
for 300, $1.25 M. del. Collard plants,

ame price. Lee Crow, One wend, Ga.



500, $1.25 for M., Ruby King and -pi--

Ricans, }

x. M A. R K E rT
Leading variety Tahoe. tomato and
collard. plants, 45 for~ 300, $1.15 M.}
postpaid; 5 M. $4 exp. Bell pepper and
road leaf tobacco, 30c a 100, $2.25 M.
del. iL. A, Crow, Oakwood, Ga

Broad Leaf tobacco plants, -25-a 100
del. David Williams, Buford, Ga. Rt. 2.

New Stone and. Red Rock. tomato

i < Ss eee

plants 40c for 200, 75c for 500, = oe

M. del; R.-H: Kent, Dawson, Ga. |

Gor inspected Porto Ricans $1.50
M., or exch. for peas of equal value.
ee EF Monk, Ty Ty, Ga.

Yellow skin. Porto Ricans, ae -in-
spected, $1,75.M., New. Stone, Redfield
Beauty and Greater Baltimore tontato
plants $1.25 M. del. Now ready Ruby
Hing pepper. plants, 50c a 100, $2.25
M. del.; cabbage and collard plants
$1.25. M del. Please send money order.
D. Story, Morven, Ga.

Gov. inspected Porto Ricans, $1.75
M., New Stone and Greater Baltimore
tomato plants, $1.25 M., tomatoes, moss
packed. All postpaid. Now. ready. Willie
eee, Seville, Ga,

Well rooted Horse Radish, 6 for 25c:
peppermint plants, 2. doz. 10e; calamus,
2 bunches 10c; tobacco: plants, 20c a
100. Order soon; also 7 or. 8 kinds of

: everblooming rose cuttings; 2 doz. for |

10c. Add postage. Mrs. Sarah _Grindle,
Dahlonega, Ga. Route 1. is

Pure- Porto: Ricans, inspected and
treated, $2: 5 M. or more $1.75 M.
FOB; cabbage, collard) and tomato}
plants, 75 for 500, $1.25 M. del.: Ruby
King pepper, $2.50:M. Cash with order.
W. C. Tumlin, fe gee te
Route ee

Cabbage a Setuies Sea 50 for
500, $1.25 M. postpaid, or 7c a M.
collect. - Dilmus Waldrip, Flowery
Branch, Georgia. - 4 = ee

. Porto Ricans, $1.25 M. FOB here.
'G. H. Rentz, Surrency, Ga: Route 22

plants; New Stone and Red Rock to-
| mato plants 45e for 200, 70c for 500,
$1-M. $2.75 for 3 M. postpaid. _ Miss
Grace Branan, Lewiston, Gans

-Porto- Ricans: Gov: inspected $1. M.
FOB Odum. Frank J. Payne, Odum, Ga.

Hastings Hot Cayenne pepper plants
| mato plants, 356. 2 100. Add postage.

Commerce, Ga. Route 29

Hastings New Stone and - ou
Beauty tomato plants, 25 a 100: Pi-
miento and hot pepper plants, 420 a

plants, 30c a 100, or exch. for seed peas,
good hay. beans, soy or. velvet beans.
Mrs.. A. L. Hudgins, pee Geor-
{gia,; Route 3. =

Potato. Winns for cates or eich. for}
Warsery. stock. Write. Mrs. L, O. Tuttle,
Thomasville, Ga. 132. So. Broad St

15M. Heading collard pie tite for sale
or exch. fer Porto: Rico or Nancy Hall
potato plants. Wiley G. Pays che Val-
ley, Georgia, RED. 3... ;


M. or more, $1.75 M. James. Branch,
Baxley, Georgia, Route oe nae

Potato plants $1.50 a M. up: to 10 M.
Cash with order. W. H. Vaughn, Bax-
ley, Georgia, Route. ay

Porto Ricans, true to.
count... Gov: inspected.


name; full

order. C. M. Beckworth, Se ee
gia, Route 6, Box 95.

Tomato plants, 15 a 100; variegated,
assorted colors petunias, 10c doz. Mrs.-
J. S. Greene, Adairsville; Ga. Route 2.

Genuine Porto Ricans $1.75 M.,; 5 M.
or more $1.50 M. Early. shipment. L. Re
Boatright, Coffee, Georgia.

Purple skin Porto Ricans $1: 15 M.,
5 M. or more $1.60; Boon potato plants
$2 M., 5 M.-or More $1.75 M. All FOB
here. "Ray Hemphill, - Flowery Branch,

Millions pure imp. and. pink skin
-Porto Ricans, 75 for ~ = 25 M., 5.
M.. up, $1. Prompt~ del. at: Mullis,
Alma, Georgia.

Imp. Porto Ricans, $1.50 M., 5 M.

lots of ee M. Express _ gollect, or $1. T0Georgia,

Georela, }


Jersey and Charleston. Wakefield, |
Flat. Dutch and Copenhagen. cabbage.

| 95 for 15c, 50 for 25; Big Brimmer: to--
Cash with order. Mrs. C. A. eee ee

100; Hastings imp. Blood Turnip beet.

Pure Porto Rico Aiipio: nine Gov.
inspected and guaranteed, $1.75 M., 5.

Good strong |.
plants, $1.50 M. FOB here Cash with


M. del. Prompt shipment. Ss E Lind-
sey, Omega, Georgia. |

' State inspected pure red skin Porto
Ricans, $1.50 M. FOB Pelham. Prompt
shipment. C. R. Redmond, Pelham, Ga.

Imp. Porto Ricans $2 M. 5 M. or
more $1.75 M. exp collect. Cash . with
order. J. R.-Turner, Alma, (Ga. RFD 3.

Millions pure Porto: Ricans, grown
on fresh land each year, from vine
cuttings, absolutely pure and free from
disease ,$1.25 FOB here. Cash with or-
Ger: Eldon L. Joiner, Thomasville, Ga.

Porto Ricans, ready, $1.50 M.: Early
Market potato .Cash with order: sweet

100. Add postage. W. C. COONS:
Toomsboro, Georgia, RFD 1.

Imp. and pink skin Porto Ricans
Gov. inspected: and treated, $1.75 M.,
5 M. or more $1.50: M.; cabbage and
New Stone tomato plants $1- M. ach;
collard plants, 75c ae J. R. Bostriehs
Coffee, . Ga. . S23

Large and small size hot. pepper
plants: now ready. Will exch for box
flower cuttings, plant for plant,
wall, Georgia, Route ay :

; Pure Porto Ricans, State Sa
$1.50 M:, 5 M. or more $1.25 FOB Tif-
ton, W.. W. Rigdon, Tifton, aS e

= 3 COV. haenied and treated Porto
Ricans $2 a M. del May and June
shipments. New Stone tomato plants,
25 a 100, $1.25 M., all plants del. L. H.
| Brand, Montezuma, Ga. Route 3.

Gov. inspected,$2 for single . M. or
5 M. or more $1.75 M. B. A. Fowler,
; Sumner, Ga, *%

Earliana tomato plants, . now ready,
75 for 500, or exch. for. turkey eggs.

ns: red skin Bbrio: Ricans, 1 to 5
M. $1.50 M., over 5 M. $1.35 M. FOB
here. J. M. Campbell, Surrency, Ga.
Route Kees

M., 5 M. $8; 10 M. $15: Ship EE:
D. D. Bland, Baxley, Ga. .

Imp. Porto | Ricans $2 M. del.: rary
Triumph and Banna Yams, $2. 25

Alma, _ Georgia, Route 4.

$1, 50 M J 7 Holland, Lenox, Ga.

Millions of Greater Balfiniore< and
New Stone tomato plants ready, open
field grown, $1 M, Ruby King pepper,
40c a 100, $1 for 500, $1.75. M., cabbage
75c a M., Gov. inspected. Porto Ricans
$1.75 M.. All ee in water moss
root. protection. WwW x Btens. Abbe-
ville, Georgia.

~ Childs aEspiendagy favaeiat (has
about 6 different colors of tomato on
same vine at one time) plant, 10c doz.,
50 for 25 postpaid; New Stone, 20c a
100; Wilt Resistant, 30c a 100. L. J.
Vollrath, Winston, Georgia.

a Inspected Red and yellow skin. Portd

Ricans, full. stamped, $1.50 M. FOB
Alma. Re L. Paylor, Alma, Georgia,
Route 2 ee

cally treated, $1.75 M. del.; Early, Jer-
sey cabbage plants 20c a 100, 65c for
| 500, $1.10 M. del. Erskin Waldrip,
Gainesville, Georgia, Route 2: Soe

Self Blanching Celery, 25e doz.;

Early Jersey and late Flat Dutch cab-
bage plants, now ready, 15c a 100, not
shipped. Irene Foster, es Georgia,
Route 3, Box 43.

All head cabbage plants and white
burley tobacco plants, ready, 20c. a
100; booking orders for late Flat Dutch
cabbage and Stone tomato plants.
Ready June 15; cabbage, 20c a 100;
tomato, 25..a 100. Henry Eller, Ellijay,
Georgia, RFD So

: Tobacco. plants 200 a 100. Cash with
order. Claud eon Martin, Georgia,
Route 1.


inspected Porto Ricans, $1. 50

: MM. by express, or = 15 by mail. Cheap-

er in 10 M. lots. N . W. Daniel, Ty Ty,

and hot pepper plants, ready, 50c a.

quilt scraps. Mrs. Mamie ieee Snene:

Early Triumph and Porto Ricans,

Mrs, M. Hendy Pearson, Ga. Rt 1

Certified. Porto Ricans, fresh fobs
_.|field to you, from vine cuttings, $1.75

Inspected Porto Rico. potato winnie

State ees Porto Ricans chemi- |

: Bro

1M.,.10 M. or more $1.20 M.; all

Thousands of Im Klondik
Lady Thompson :
$2.50 and $3 M
Gov. Neen
All fine young plants. Mrs. Ho.
Jacobs, West Point, Georgia, Rt. 5.

Guaranteed pure

strawberry plants,
. del. to all Ga. points.

inspected potato
plants ready. Porto Ricans from hand

selected seed $2 M. del.,. bunch Porto
Ricans $2.50 M. FOB; Big Stem Jer-

ven, Georgia.


Porto Ricans; State
treated, $1.50 M. June dl. Cash with

order. George L, Durand, Camesville,
Georgia, Route 2. .

State inspected Porto Ricans $1.40
here. W.. J: ee JY; _ Odum,
gia, Route 2. :
Gov. incu = and:
skin Porto Ricans $1.60 M. 5 M. or


for peas, 1 M. plants for 1 bu. eas.
M. C. Tyre, Coffee, Georgia. :

spected and treated before bedding,

der, Douglas, Georgia.



Gov. coe Porto Ricans ei: 50 M.

Georgia, Route B. -
Porto Ricans now ready, - $1. 50 M.;

- Lewis, ee Georgia, Route 4.

Want to exch. strawberry pled cs

tomato, collard and Ruby King pepper
plants; 100 tomatoes, 200 collards, and

|50 pepper. Exch. 100 for 100. Ea. to _
pay postage. Mrs. FE. S. oie gia
; ville, Ga. Rty 5. :

}del. Cash with order. E. L. Anderson; |

Ga. Rt. I, nee Us

no two alike. Mrs. L
Ga. ~

for 500- Bermuda. onion aoe: Mrs: LET:

Be Chance, Summit, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want to exch. Donaldson Red .or

: Want 50M. Porto Rico potato plants

crate and ship by express direct to me.
AES Anna Crow, Gainesville, Ga, ae

Want aweet potats slips at once. wit
exch. tufted . bedspread. Write. Mrs.
Esther Lewis, Rydal, Ga. Route 2.

Want to exch. 12 Ibs. nice sun dried
apples for 2 M. Porto Rican potato
slips. Each to pay postage. Mrs. Uy He
Schell, ee oe ace Route 4

Flowers and Seeds for
_ Sale and Wanted

Asparagus, Se a Pou oe
maidenhair ferns, 15c and 25e; salmon ~

raniums, rooted, 15c, 2 for 25c; dbl and .
single red geraniums, rooted, 15c, 2 for

rooted, 25c; white Conch Begonia, root-.
ed, 15c; pink oxalis, rooted, 10c, 3 for

incurved Sunrise and Daisy chrysan-
themums, 30 doz. Mrs. Ww. AG Huff,
? Ec a 7 :

and. prompt shipment. -

seys $1.25 M. Jas. A. Chauncey, Borer, 2

trdueticd and

sors oe
ec pure rink toe

more $1.50 M. FOB stron. Will exchy.=

Vellave skin | Porto Ricans, Gov. ins

$1.50 M. through June del. J, CR Cris

| Yellow and red skin Gov. indnanted :
Porto Ricans $1.50 M. in May: $125
M."in June. > Ss sah MaArGR, Cobbtown, ees

del. in Ga.; also heading variety col-
lards ,15 a 100. J. M. eam porees -

plants. ready $1.50 M. Guaranteed. O.

Want to exch. 1 setting Barred Rock :
| eggs for 1 M.,/ imp. red skin Porto Rico |
potato plants. Mrs. Gnke a Cisco, .

Want 1 M., pure Porto Rico porate tee
plants. Will exch. 24 pot plants, Geran- __
iums, ferns and Begonias, all different,
a Wiggins; Dorie, a3

* Want t to exch. 500 Everbearing state :

Barred Rock eggs or day old chicks.
write. Need: Norris, Wrightsville, Ga. kas

at once. Will pay $1 M. Grower to. ae

a A

and other shades dbl. and single -ge-

25c; cuttings, 5; large pink begonias;


Collard =pianiey heading variety, $2.
_|M.; also col, running butter-beans, 12c.
Mrs. W. D. Watson, Loganville, Ga.

and >


full count guaranteed. Mz J. Lewis,
Baxley, _ Georgia. : : .
Gov. inspected Porte. Rico potato


25c; pink verbena, dbl. white and sin-
gle pink, sweet pinks, 3 for 25c; Jarge x


1 bunch well rooted single move
scented pinks, clump of hardy pink
verbena, 2 cream white pot calendulas
and 6 petunias, all for 50c and postags?
*. -4 kinds of cannas, 25c plus postage;

hardy purple and pink verbena, lav-
: ender moss verbena, 3 strong clumps,
v4 25c;. mixed colors petunias, 15c doz,
white hardy fall mums, 2 doz, 25c.
Add postage. Mrs Jeffie Ham, For-
syth, Ga. Route 6.

Hollyhocks, dbl., and sittle,- 20c doz
white carnation, 5c ea., pink Verbena,
30c doz., Perfume weed, 10c doz., Zin-
nia, all colors, dbl and Marigolds, 15c
doz. Mrs.J. S. Greene, Adairsville, Ga.

Pink French roses, well
bunch; pink June Cactus, 5c and i0c
Burning Bush, Blooming moss, Petu-
nia plants, 15c doz., ea. oe ger-

co .anium, 5c cutting. Mrs. R. Young,
ue Route 7 2
-} Hastings mixed Petunias, 25c for 50

| Strong plants; purple and blue Verbena
- purple and blue hollyhocks, shasta dai-

Sies,velvet marigold, giant mixed Snap-
_ @ragons, 20c doz., April blooming Nar-
at cissus, $1 a 100; all colors, blooming

moss, 15c doz., 2 doz.-25c.. Add post-
fs ; age on small orders. Mrs. A. A. Cary,
ie : Royston, Georgia, RFD 1

Orchid flowering cannas, bronzed
leaf, vivid scariet, 14 for $1; Wintzer
collossal green leaf bright red, 14 for
$1; large incurled sunset chrysanthe-
mums, 15 each, 12 for 75c; Boston
and: lace ferns, 25c; all well rooted.
Cuttings of Fuchsia, helictrope jew
vine, dbl. and single bright crange and
scarlet geraniums, justicia, hydrangea,
ete., 60c doz. Mrs. W. H. Rucker, Mil-
ner, Georgia.

Dark red rose bud geraniums, bright
red and white dbl. geraniums, pink hy-
drangea, all 10c each, apple geraniums
and red begonias, 10c bunch; I pink
and 1 red monthly rose bush, rooted,
1 red running monthly rose, rooted,
all 15 each, little pink hollyhocks, 3
for 10c, or 25 doz.. Add postage. Will
exch. geraniums rooted or begonias

- for beefsteak and Angel Wing Begonias.
Must have good roots. Mrs. J. B. Fields,
Cleveland, Ga., Rt. 4, Box 26.

Hastings mixed colors Balsam, or
Touch-me-not' plants, mixed colors Pe-
tunias, 25c doz. ea.,White and yellow
yard pinks, 20s doz., lemon colored can-
nas, and blue flag lily, 10 ca., Dorothy
Perkins climbing roses, weil rotted 20c
a.,. blue violets, 15c doz., snow balls,
and lilac bushes, rooted, 25c-ea., or exch
for box: flowers, such 3s Geraniums;
Ferns, Begonias, jew, Caladiums, Mrs.
A. L. Hudgins, Rockmart, Ga., Rt. 3.


6 fine Crenium and Amaryllis bulbs.

1 dhl. Hemocallis lily different colors
all for $1.10; 3: everblooming Madonia
. vines, hangs in great tags, salmon, col-
or flowers, grows fast, 60c; different
coler Gladioli, 18 bulbs for voc. Mrs.
J. W. Brown, Helena, Ga.

: es Large flowered mums,
a plants;

_ crepe myrtle, 20ce; Calif, Privet hedge,
_unreoted cuttings, 40c a 100; Angel
Trumpt, 35 doz, Dorothy Perkins ro-
~ ses, rooted 20 ea winter blooming hon-
eysuckle, sage bush, hoehound. Wild

: exch. for fancy woi':, crochet trimming
- or large flowered Dahlia. slips, tube

$2:00 a 100

plants, snapdragons, blue hydrangea.
Mrs. J. S. Weatherby, Hoschton, Ga.

Purple iris, 20c doz., 4 doz. $1; dif-
ferent varietics .of mums, 25c doz.,
snapdragons, salvia, 30c doz., larkspur,
-browneyed susans, 15 doz. Add post-
wage, Mrs.-D. L. Riggins, Rome, Geor-
site Route 4. _.

Red spirea, blue hydrangea, pink
iemering shrub woodbine, all well root-
ied, 25c each; lemon lilies, 40c doz;
jwintzer collossal canna, red, 20c each.
Add postage. Mrs. R. P. Steinheimer,
Woolsey, Georgia, Route 1.

Dusty Miller, 15 doz. Miss Elizabeth
es Miller, Grayson, Ga. Route 1

Sultanas, asparacus and spengeria

_. ferns, all rooted, 26c each; 8 different
colors geraniums and 4 colors lantanas,
cuttings 5 each; large rooted grape
begonia 10c: silver leaf begonia and
_, dark red fuchsia cuttings, 10 each:
large calla lily ig each, Gast or money

rooted, 5c '

pink flowering Almond, 20c;

roses,. white peony, pink! cannas, salvia

order. Mrs. H. F, White, Gainesville,
Georgia, Route 1. :
White violets, all colors and kinds
phlox, 2 doz. for 25 each; pink run-
ning roses, well rooted and New Years
vine_with yellow bell flowers, rooted,
fall pinks, golden glow, hollyhocks,
sweet scented pinks, 25c doz.; hardy
phlox, 6 for 25c; rainbow. moss, wan-
dering jew, 3 for 10c; fuchsia cuttings,
2 for 10c. Add postage. Mrs. Sarah
Grindle, Dahlonega, Ga. Route 1.

Winter pinks, 10c bunch; white, yel-
low and purple May apple, 10c Ib.;

yellow roote, 15c 1b.;. bachelor button
seed, 5c large thls., will exch. for nice
clean flour or sugar sacks, potato slips.
Would also like to hear from some-one
having the old time Andalusian chic-
kens. Miss Dovie Smith, Rolston, Ga.

Large scalloped petunias, (nearly as
fine as the dbl.) 25c doz.; moss rose,
5c; mixed colors geraniums, 5 cut-
ting; May and June cactus, 5e and 10c
each; pink oxalis 5c each; fine touch-
me-nts or balsam, 25 doz; four
oclocks, 5c each, 40c doz. Will exch.
for ' J.-B. Giant, pure bred Holterman
Ringlet Aristocrat Barred Rocks of
Speckled Sussex hatching eggs. Mrs.
C. R. Sorrells, Monroe, Ga. Route 1.

Salvia, dark red, 4 colors of colens,
hollyhocks, 20e doz.-each; small red
pepper plants, 10c doz; large type
chrysanthemums, 8 colors, 25c doz.;
grape dwarf :begonia, 15 each; pink
and salmon sultanas, 10c each, rooted,
cuttings, 5c; purple and yellow lantana
and red geraniums 10c each. Mrs.
Charlie A. Rice, Maxeys, Ga. Box 95.

Mixed colors, verbena and mint (ex-

perennial. phlox 30c doz. 4 doz. $1;
white April blooming narcissus bulbs,
shasta and yellow daisies, asters, snap-
dragons 25c doz. periwinkles, candy-
tuff, petunias, larkspur, scabiosa,. di-
anthus pinks, dusty miller, rose moss,
gaillardia, helichrysum, 10c doz, 3
doz. 25c; grape geranium, rooted,
each. Add postage on small oe
Mrs. J. H. Roebuck, Buford, Ga. Rt.

Tulip bulbs, 20c. doz.; daffodils, 15
doz.; violets 50c a 100; pink conch ge-
Tanium, rooted, 10c. Will bag postage
on all orders over 50c. Mrs. B. F. Brown
Brookhaven, Ga. Box 18. ; Ee

Mixed petunia plants 2 doz. 15c; blue
ageratum 10c doz; Christmas and June
cactus 15c each; sword fern, oxalis,
hydrangea, 10c each; different colors
geraniums 5c each; French marigold
10cdoz; asparagus fern, 9 in. high, 20c;
featherfue, .10c doz.; catnip,.15c doz.;
peppermint 20c doz;
and ready for mailing. Add postage on
small orders. Mrs. M. A. Brady, Mur-
rayville, Georgia.

Rooted Boston: fern 15 iand 20c
each; geranium cuttings, red and pink,
10c; rooted geraniums, red and pink,
20c; butter and eggs bulbs 15 doz.;
pink and red May cactus, well rooted,
25c, Mrs. V. P. Jackson, Ivey, Ga.

Bridal wreath sprouts 60c doz.; wal-
nut sprouts 10c each. Mrs. T. a Ray,
Stone Mountain, Ga. Route 1. ;

Petunias 10c doz; lavender, hardy
verbenas 25c doz.; purple. bottle 8c ea.,
{or exch. for dahlias or cannas with the
bulbs; also 1-2 doz. hyacinth bulbs to
exch. for 1-2 doz. dahlia or 1-2 doz.
iris bulbs; Conch begonia and Jus-
ticia cuttings 5c each, or exch. for dbl.
red or white geraniums, or fuchsias of
any color. Mrs. Harlie Reaves, Nelson,

3 different kinds of ferns, 15 eath:
6 begonias, 5c cutting; salmon pink
sultanas, rooted? 15c; pink and red
justicia 5c each; dusty miller, 2 for 3c;
purple verbena, 5c each; red salvia
plants, 20c doz; zinnias, candy tuft

fall), 15 doz. each; white jonquil bulbs
(bloom in fall, 10 doz. All postpaid.
No stamps accepted. Mrs. Josephine
Spear, Mitchell,- Georgia. :

Tris and blue flags $1 doz. or "5
doz. at home, $7 a 100; dbl. Tansy 30c
doz, $33 100: catnip, 40c.doz., $3 a
100. Add postage on small orders. Mrs.
EH. J. McConnell, Demorest, Georgia,
Route 1, Box 100. j

Black-eyed susans, 15c doz., four
oclocks 5 each: mixed colors; mixed.
weolars asters 25 a doz, or will oe,



cellent. for tea), 5c each, 35c doz; pink


all plants rooted

mixed colors, Imp. marigolds (bloom in |

Rinse ae antec

for all kinds of pegonias, aycept oaks.
or sultanas or spengeria fern. Also
have daisies now blooming, 15c a bunch.
Add postage. Mrs. L. A. Puckett, Mil-
ledgeville, Ga. Route 5, Box 46.

Hastings red salvia plants 50e for 3
doz.; 6 different colen plants with each
order. Del. Mrs. J. Bryan, Philomath,

Giant Crego or Comet aster plants,
mixed colors; 1c each; tall growing
mixed colors snapdragons Tce>-each,
calendula or Scotch marigold, mixed
colors, 1c each, add 7c postage for each.
Mrs. O. Ey Browning, Doerun, Georgia,
RFD, 4.

Rooted flag. lily bulbs, labeo. tame
blue violets, jonquils and dcaifodils, all
5e each, or 6 for 25c; golden bells, 6c
each, or 6 for 35c; shasta daisies, 5c
each. Monthly and everbearing rose
cuttings, blue yearly rose cuttings, 5c
each; 2 different kinds of ferns, small
size, 15c, large 25c; strawberry plants |
20c a 100; tame honeysuckle 6 for 25c.
Add postage. Will exch. for quilt scraps
and neatly pieced gingham a Miss
Dora Kirk, Felton, Ga, Route>2

Blue hyacinths: and yellow speditiis
75e a 100, each. Mrs. J.C. Pope, Cov-
ington, Georgia, Rt. 4, Box. 74.

Salvia plants, stork Hactings mixed

each: maiden
cuttings. Hot
broad leaf
for sul-

plants, mums, 25c doz.
hair ferns, 10c and 1c
pepper, little kind, 15 doz.;
jew, 3 cuttings 10; will exch,

inne sword ferns, fuchsia, cr anything |+

useful. Mrs. A. P. Hutcheson, see
Georgia, Route 3. 2

Blackeyed susans,. 25e doz., ents
Mis. A. S. Paulk, Ocilla, Ga.

weet. williams, eo pink. prim-
os blue Jace flowers, tree cactus.
Sell or exch. for snapdragons, verpenas


and everlasting flowers. Mrs. L. -H.
Coe, Eastanollee, Ga.
Large red King Humbert canna

roots $2:a 100; yellow cannas $1.50 a
100. Mrs. J. R. Camp, Cordele, Ga.

Johnnie-jump-up plants 20c doz. del.
Mrs. M. E. Jones, Sheliman, Georgia,
Route 4.

Gaillardia, zinnias, 15 doz. each.
Add postage. Mixed sweet pea blooms,
10c doz. Orders filed same day receiv-
ed. Mrs. C. H. Cajul, Molena, Ga.

Dbl. mixed China asters, touch-me-
nots, pansies and zinnias, 25c doz. ea.
Miss Ruth Bowen, Gr ville, Geor-
gia, Route. 3.

Svarlet salvia 20c doz., 3 doz for 50c;
3 different kinds of petunia plants,
mixed bluc, pink and lavender ruffled,
seed cost 65c pkg., 15c doz.,
50c. Postage extra-on both. Mrs. G. J.
Holcomb, Bremen, Ga.

Several 100 johnsonii intense crimson
amaryllis lily bulbs 20 each, 3 for 50c
prepaid. Mrs. Maud Brooks, BENSON,
Georgia, RFD. -

Calif. violet plants, 15 a 100; also
dill plants and dill sprays for pickling
purposes. Cash with order. No stamps.

| Write. Mrs. TF. B. Thomas See

GeOrgia: 5.3: : %


Rose, pink cream, bright and dark
red and King Humbert Cannas, 10
each, $1 doz.; Belgians dahlia flowered
zinnia, all: colors, except white, 25e doz.
Add postage. Mrs. W. T. vere
Montezuma, Georgia.

Perfection, monsignor, nibelungen,
Mme., Chereau iris, 25c each: June del.
Add postage. James Cureton, Austell,

Periwinkle and bachelor inikton large
plants, 25c doz. or exch. for pink ver-
bena. Mrs. L. O. Tuttle, Thomasville,
Georgia, 132 So, Broad St.

African marigold plants 15 doz.
postage paid. C. L. Freeman, Stone
Mountain, es,

Daffodils and Butter and ege bulbs

| 15c doz., 40 for 50 postpaid. Mrs. Annie

Vollra th, Wins
Milk and wine lilies 25c

ston, Georgia.

each, or exch

for lace or baby breath ferns. Add pos-.

tage. Mrs. A. L. Morgan, Moultrie, Ga.
Route 2.

Gloria DeChatalene Begonias, 206
each; strawberry begonia, 26c each;
ferns, see ees 2d ee mam-

SEs Sea oar Bis

ed dbl. red carnations 20c each.

|tage. Mrs. A. L. Teasley, Washington,

115e doz. Add postage. Miss Pearl Far-.

| stock. Mrs, R. W. , Lorane, Ga. 5

or 4 doz.:

|pom mums, April blooming narcissus,

Thursday, May 81, 1928.

|moth mums, white, sunrise and bronze

25 doz; grape begonia and sweet scent-
All -

well rooted, any 8 for $1. Dessie Hughey

Ranger, Georgia, Route 1.

-Phiox, dbl. tansy, giant ance tie-
er: lilies, clematis vine, 25c doz., butter.
and eggs, 20c doz; rambler roses, 25c
each; pink, red and white roses, 3 for
25C; sweet scented iris, 30c doz.; shak-
ing ferns 10c. each; water lilies 25
doz.; red honey suckle vine; 3 for 25c.
Will exch. for flowers, peanuts or Ken-
tucky Wonder beans. Write for, parti-
culars. .ill well rooted. Mrs. Susie Wil-
son, Mineral Bluff, Georgia.

Scarlet salvia plants 25 doz. Add
postage; 3 different colors dbl. petunias _
(seed cost 65 for 1-2 teaspoonful),
solid pink, blue and purple, 10c doz,
2 Goz. 25c: add postage. 200 hedge plants _
privet, evergreen, well rooted, $1.50 a
100 FOB here. Cash with order. Mrs. _
G. J. Holcomb, Bremen, Ga. Box 102.

Gold and: crimson marigold. plants.
20c doz.; pink rose and white verbena
50 doz.; Kink Humbert canna bulbs,
$1 doz. Mrs. Z. M. Story, Thomson, Ga.

Bunch moon flowers, 25 doz, or
exch. for ferns, begonias, and gerani-
ums. Mrs. Milton Sumner, Sylvester,
Georgia, Route 3.

5 or 6 Boston fern slips 250; plue~
Barics, yard colens, dusty miller 25 -
doz. eaxh; beautiful and ornamental
shr ve mith sweet white flowers, used .
for medicine. 2 growing size sprouts
with others $1.50, to pkg. or exch. for
pure Nancy Hall potato slips.. Add pos-

Georgia, Route a


Red. and pink parssinin cuttings 10c_
each; red fuchsia-15c each; green jew |
cuttings, 3 for 5c, or 15 "doz; sword
fern, .15 each; oxalis ' bulbs Bo each; :
justicia, year old, 35c; June cactus, 3
for 5c; Christmas and Thanksgiving
cactus 5c each; August lilies 10c each; -
rainbow moss 15c doz; cosmos plants
10c-doz. dbl. zinnias: and purple colens

mer, Gainesville, Georgia, Route. 1.

Large flesh and bronze | color chry-: :
santhemums, 15 doz., $1 a 100; small.
yellow and bronze, 10 doz., 75c a 100;'
pink verbena, 2 punches Be: . mixed:
zinnias, 10c doz.; burning bush and
ferns 10c each; April blooming (white)
narcissus bulbs, ready by last of June:
15 doz. or $1 a 100, $7 a M. Will exch.
for baby chicks or pigs of any good |

Route 1.

Snowflake labs. 50c a. 100; ee
violets 75c a 100; blue flowering bunch ~
jew 10c doz. plants, pink and blue
larkspur, 20c doz.; mixed colors pom ~

dusty miller, $1 a 100 each; golden |
glow @6c a bunch; exch. any except
last two named for tulip, hyacinth or.
red or yellow iris. All del. packed in
moisture. Mrs. A. R. ase Ringgold, ke
Georgia. ee



Want to exch. Orinoco and~ Spider fs
lilies for peonies, calla or milk and
wine lilies. Each to pay postage. Mrs. pits
i. Jd. Thorne, Perkins, Ga. Ne

Want all colors salvia, dahlia, pansy,
colens, phlox, snapdragons, ferns, well =
rooted: all colors sultanas, cannas
(especially white, red and rose), coral
vines. Will exch. for above Aristocrat ae

| Barred Rock eggs at $1 a setting. Car- ae

ton to be returned. Write what you
have and want. Mrs. cosie Jenkins,
Dahlonega, Georgia. nes

Will exch. or pay reasonable wae :
pfice for any kind of box flowers and
Calif. beer seed. Also will do any kind _
of fancy work at reasonable prices. If
interested write. Halie Rickett, Fair-

|mount, Georgia, Route 1.

Want 1 doz. each. purple dahlia
bulbs; deep pink dahlia bulbs and red
lilies; also. want 2 good white oak 1-2
bu, baskets with handles, feed baskets.
Mrs. Callie McDuffie, McRae, Ga.

Want to exch. collard plants. and _
canna bulbs. for box flowers, ferns,

| (except spengeria) begonias, geraniums

and cactus. Will give 50 plants for ea.
rooted cutting and a doz. bulbs for ea.

ules eeolzia, E Route B.

rooted cutting. Mrs. J. O, Bee, Cae

La SRT ae ink oer ee
