Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1928 March 15



aS : !




Last year the price of mixed fertilizer was a good. deal gical:
pen you could buy materials and obtain the same guaranteed. analy-
sis. This year the reverse is true. INR,
To the farmers, who have not aitendy purchased their fertiliz-
ers, I would like to suggest a few formulas. |
as Those wishing.a high grade fertilizer can mix a ton of 16 per
- -eent acid phosphate with a thousand pounds of sulphate of ammonia
- and a thousand pounds of manure salt. This mixture will give you
an 8-6-5. This is considered a very high grade of fertilizer and 1s
~ excellently well adapted for most general crops.

The present price on this grade of fertilizer would be Shout.
thirty-two or thirty-three dollars per ton deliverd at your station.

_ By purchasing separate materials and mixing it yourself you can
obtain this mixture for about $25 per ton. I am usisg steely this
mixture this year.

Do not mix)a: ton together at one time, that is too. large. an
amount to mix thoroughly. Take your time and mix in small quanti-
ties. Have a bucket that will hold 10 pounds of acid, pour that out
and mix 5 pounds of sulphate of ammonia and 5 pounds of manure

oa es with ths, stir it up thoroughly until it is well mixed. Push this
aside and begin to mix twenty pounds of the same mixture over
again. Push this aside and continue the same operation until you
have at Se 200 pevnds, then sack up the mixture and B90 ahead

. ee


50 pounds. of KAINIT, making the 200 pound sack.

A Hint to Those Who Have Not Bought Fertilizer 3

with this proportion. You can mix it just as well at home as the

factory can mix it jf you will mix it in small quantities. It will not
_ take two good men over a day to mix 10 tons, which will save: on

this mixture $50.00. Pretty good pay for two men at a day each. In

mixing your fertilizer in this way you also know exactly what you
23 have in it and can obtain the exact amount that you wish.

Do not mix this until. just before yow intend to use it as the
sulphate of ammonia mixed with the acid causes the fertilizer to set

up if it lays over for a week or more.

There are several good mixtures of fertilizer when you wish
a smaller per cent of potash and nitrogen. An extra good mixture
is 100 pounds of acid phosphate, 50 pounds of cottonseed, meal and
The same
method should be followed in mixing this as was followed in mix-
ing the first formula given. This mixture can be obtained for about
$20 per ton and gives excellent results if you, bed on it about a
week or 10 days before planting. It is safe to put the first mixture
right in the ground with the seed, as the sulphate of ammonia has
no bad effect on. the germination of the seed.

You farmers know of a hundred different mixtures that you
use. and that are just about as good as the two given above, and you
will save some money by buying the materials this year and mixing
them yourself. ze a as _ EUGENE TALMADGE.





. eek. Potatoes (Yellow) bulk, 100 Hs! oe 1.85...
Trish Potatoes, sack, 100 lbs, _-.------ Se
Cabbage, green, crated, 107 We Soe ee
Eggs, Ga. Extra, dozen eg 20
Eggs, Ga. Standard, Women (2 ee ee eae
Eggs, Ga. Trade, dOZen ee eS
mapas. Verd: Run, dozen... 5 ee 8
mpaoes wer ib, 2 oe eee nnn anne -20

meme, per 1b. . -- 2. 6 = a BO:
baewosters. per: 1b, 002 ee 11
Mercere perib. 225-6 ee ee ~~ . -40

ees, per 1b 7. 22.3 eee 2 ea 2b

Geese, ter te fo AD As
Turkeys, per ib. 2...-2.-=- eee 80

tivin Beans, yer Ih, 4 3-2. Bei cee oe ees s 08

Field Peas, mixed, per bu. --.----- Rio psa = E86
Blackeye Peas, (Ga.) per Ib _-__..------------=---- .06
Georgia ane syrup, bbis., per gallon.-._.-..-----=-- 50
Sorghum syrup, bbls., per gallon .._--------------- ------------
Gory Meal sack, 96 dbs. 2... 2.055 += ten hd

on ee sacked, bu. Fe SS Se weno

Ditto: (Ga) ton (2-23 - oe:
a vane Butter, best els, lb. ee



_ Prevailing Wholesale oS March = 1928. Always pice to variation.

$1.70 $ 1.75 $ 1.75 $1.85
.29 80 .26 25
pe ee 28 pe
25) jee 225 124
Oe a ee .20 .19
20 5) +25 25 Py
10 AB 12 15
85 .30 .40 43
.20 125 BT 125
.16 20 A8 e. 18
25 .80 neoc: 3 .30
~.09 08 .10 Se ee
1.65 See et ae ee ae eine we
.06 1-2 (06 1-2 .07 1-2 .07
50 .42 a .50
2.25 2.60, 2.60 2.40
1.00 1.00 ieee 1.00
-78 82 85 76





~ Porto Rican potato plants,


Shepherd S. C. Ancona pullets, early hateh
laying selected, $1.50 ea.; cockerels scrappy,
5 point combs, $2.50 ea. J. H. Beasley, La-

-vonia, Ga.

$25, Mrs.

Shepherd S. C. Anconas: 20. excellent lay-
ing hss, and 2 roosters,
Gainesville. D. C. Buffington, Gainesville,

Rt... &

20 pure bred Anconas just begining to lay
$20 for let or in groups of 5 for $6.50; 10
for $12. Mrs. F. F. Dowis, Suwanee, Ga.

1 cockerel and 2 pullets 5 mo. old, $3 or
exch. for 8 R. I. Red pullets or 25 Red baby
chicks or 12 turkey eggs. Mrs. Fred See,
Ray City, Ga. Rt. 2.

Sheppard S. C. Aricona pullets, ae laying,
$1.25 ea. O. D: Wheler, Darien, Ga.

6 Ancona hens, $7.50; 4 pullets; 2 cockerel.#


5 mos. old, $6, or lot for $12, or will exch.
for Indian Kunner ducks or Brahmas. L.. E
Williams, Ty Ty, Ga.

_ Shepherd Anconas, some 20 mos. and others
1 yr. old; 2 cockerels and 20 hens. Mrs. Mat-
tie Pope, Omaha, Ga. :

Black and Brown strain Brahma cockerels,
$1.50 ea.; eggs, $1.50 per 15. J. S. Thompson,

Moerun, Ga.

6 thoroughbred light Brahma. cocks April
hateh, $3 ea. Mrs. W. E. Benney, Metter,
Ga. Rt. 1, Box 60.

4 Brahma June cockerels, $1.50 ea, Mrs.
Thomas Tribble; Alto, Ga. Rt. 1.

Light. Brahma pullets and cockerels, from

$1.50 to $3.50 ea.; 10 hens and 1 cockerel,
W. M. Cook, Braxton, Ga.

. Berry strain, Light Brahmas, direct from
Berrys Poultry Farm: 5 hens 18 mo. old, $2 ea.
1 cock, same age, $1.50; 4 pullets,. 4 mos.
old, $1 ea. J. M. Wood, Adairsville, Gar Rtiat.


1 pr. Golden Seabright Bantams 1927 bake
slightly mixed with Browmw Leghorn bantams,
$3 fob; also Buff Leghorn eggs, $1 per 16
del. Mrs. L. O. Stapler, Bowdon, Ga. Rt. 4.

4 pullets and 4 coakerels. exhibit.on stock,

~ Golden Seabright, full grown now, $5 pr. or


= BT.

Ga. Rie 1:

ts Cochins, -

_ Charlie Pander, Oakman, Ga.

* 2 pure bred Barred- Rock cokerels 1 yre


- $15. for the 8 birds.
se ayette, Rt. 4.

Johnnie Holland, "Gobbtown,

Mrs. J. M. S. Myers, La-

3 Japanese Silkey cockerels, $3 ea.; 2 Buff
1 cock and 1 cockerel PSP eee es L,
Black Tail dapanese cockerel, $3 or lot for
Ly E. Williams, Ty Ty, Ga, -
8 colored Bantam: laying $1.25.



4 prs. pure Golden Sebright neatabnd,
pr.; 1 pr. pure Black tailed Japanese. ban-
tams, $5. Box 3827, Quitman, Ga. a

4 faney Sebright bantam hens, $1 ea. fob.
here. Dott Upson, Brooks, Ga.

Golden Sebright bantam cocks. Write for

price; eggs, $2 for 18; also Cameaux.pig-
eons, $1.25 pr. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. th.
Bit:ks, Sylvester, Ga.

American Poultry Associaton certi fied wi n-
ners Golden Sebright and Partridge Cochins,
$5 up. per pr.; Eggs, $5 a setting. Robert Ww.
Clark, Macon, Ga., 358 Spring St.

pr Bantams, good layers,

6 mixed Bantam hens, laying, and 1 cock,
$5 Fob here. C. H. Oliver, Carnesv.lle, Ga,

2 Bantam hens and 1 rooster; 6 about
ready to lay pullets, and 1 cockerel, 50c ea.
Mrs. D. HE. Moore,. Gray, Ga.

$1.50. Mrs.


old, ready for service, $1.50 ea.-or exch. 2 M.
1st Apr.I del, o1
2 M. early cabbage plitts del. now. A.
Pope, Tallapoosa, Ga. *

15 pure bred Barred Rock hens, $1. 25. ea.
Cash with order. Mrs. N. D.. Byess, ae

10 large B. R. pullets, some laying, $1.25

tareh hatch pullets, no culls wanted. AL. Ce
Abernathy, Lula, Ga. Rt. 2.

10 pure B. R. pullets 1 yr. old, now Aeghtee
he. ea. Mrs. I. E. Fordham, Metter, -Ga.

4 pure hes Thanpaor strain cockerels,
$1.75 ea. or will exch. two cockerels: 1927
batch for 2 cockerels 1926 hatch. B. R. eggs
~.for hatching, 15 for. 15e, or will contract
with hatchery. Mrs. F, E. Jones, Louisville,
Ga. East Broad St.

14 B. R, pullets and 1 cockerel Sept. hatch
$1 ea. Mrs M. Holloway, Graymcnt, Ga. BP

10 B. R. hens: and.

1 rooster, $1.50 ea.

_ Eggs, $1 per 15. W. A. Meeks, Adrian, Ga.



Rk. I. Red baby

50 B. R. pullets, BF St
See Sumter, Ga. * =e :

-2.fine Barred Rock cockerels, $5 pr. Not
exch. Mrs. N. G. Lang, Wayeross, Ga. Box
6 Holterman Aciniperes Barred Rock 1 yr.
old hens, $2 ea.; also eggs, same strain, $1.50
for 15. Satisfact.on guaranteed. J. B. _ Lacey,
Rome, Ga. Rt. 2.

1 Thompson Imp. Ringlet By. R.

9 wks. old, Tbe.

cock, -$2;

eggs, same strain, $1. for 15, $1. 15 for 30.3}:

will) exch. cockerel of same stock for some
ether cockerel (same stra), if near. enough
to come theirs and get mine. MS W.

_- LL. Harwell, Sycamore, Ga.

2. Imperial Ringlet Barred Rock, ioaweees:
$2 ea., or 2 for $3.75 > also Barred Rack axa
-chicks,, $13.50 a 100; big |
breeds, mixed, All. bo: a 100. a Hatchery,

$25 for lot FOB.

or exch. for pure bred White Leghorn.

2 yrs. old and

1 Thompson strain cockerel,
George Wheeler,

8 1 yr. old, $1.25 a. Mrs.
Alma, Ga. Rtel.

8 Thompson Barred Rock March cockerels,
culled and blood tested, $2 ea. or lot for $5
del. W. S. Campbell, Dallas, Ga. Rt. 4.

12 Barred Rock hens and 1 Parks strain
ecockerel. P. D. No. 33, 9 mos. old, $2 ea.
eggs, 75c for 15. All P. P. Return crates and
send mon order with order. Zenas Sanders,

10 Aristocrat Barked Rock hitys and 1 cock,
$15; fancy eggs, same strain, $1 for 15.
Cartons to be returned. H. D. Edmondson,
Temple, Ga. Bt 2:

8 or 19 Thompson Barred Rock cocks, $1. 50
ea, Fob Metter; Thompson Ringlet B. R. eggs,
$5 a 100! Mrs. W. A. Bird, Metter, Ga. 3

1 B. R. cockerel March 1927 hatch, $2.50 or)
will exch. for same breed -to prevent inter-

breeding. Noah A. D-xon, Blackshear, Ga.
Rt. 4, Box -82. : :
2 B. R. cockerels, 6 mos. old, Holterman

straty, $1. 25 ea. fob. Mrs. Pearl A. Culpep-
per, Albany, Ga. Rt. A.

. 50 Thompson strain B. R. hens 1. yr. old,
$1. 50 ea. J. B. Woods, Brooks, Ga.

30 B. R. Thompson strain hens and pullets,
wt. from 5 to 7 1-2. lbs., $1.75 ea. or $1.60
ea. for lot fob. Cedartown. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Mrs. N. C. Holland, Cedartown, Ga.
Rt. 5.

2 thoroughbred U. of Ga. strain B. R. cocks
curd 2 hens, $5, Mrs. C. O. Sikes, Sylvester,
Ga. ?
1 fine prize winning B. R. cockerel from
heavy laying strain, $2.50. Mrs. A. R. Brooks,
Donovan, Ga.

1 Thompson strain B. R. cockenel: slightly
mixed $1.50 fob. Imp Ringlet select. eggs $1.15
del. Taylor Hooks, Unadilla, Ga. Rt. 2.

1 pure bred B. R. cockerel 1 yr. old, $2.

Also B. R. eges, 75e per 15; $1.50 per 30;
25 per 50 del. Mrs. Julian Holland, Chest-.
~ Ga.

"B. R. cockerels ready for service, $1.25 ea.
fob, Also B. R. eggs for hatching, $1. per
5 or $6 per 100. Mrs. G. A. Ross, Rhine,
Ga eRte 2:

1 large pure bred B. R. March cockerel,
wt. 10. lbs. $3.50 or the cockerel and 10 Mch.
hatch pullets for $15. x cock 22 mo. old and
5 hens same age, $10. Cash with order, fob.
Ada rsville. Mrs. J: C. _Johnson, Adairsville,
Ga. Rt. 4. : , coe
B. R. cockerels ae for service, also pul- |
lets, Thompson stran, $1.50 ea. Mrs. A. J.
Coll.ns, Demorest, Ga. Rt. 1.

9 pure bred B, R. cockerels, $2.50 ea. or:
will exch. for pure bred B. R. baby chicks.
A. Walsh, Macon, Ga. Box 570. |
Pure Agric College strain B. R.- cockerels,.
saree hatch, $1.25 or exch. for pullets same
breed. Mrs. De W. Waddell, Bremen, Ga. Rt.

Barred Biviasath Rock Pacitesels.
and $2 ea. Thompsc1 strain. Mrs.
Davis, Dawson, Ga. Rt. A.

10 big B. R. hens now laying,
T. A. McClendon, Bremen, Ga. .
-50 B. R. hens, $1 ea. Cash with order. Mrs.
H. L. Ward, Lincolnton, Ga. - ;

1B. R. cock about 18 mos. old wt. 9 o
10 -Ibs.*- $2>-Mrs. R. eee Chatham, Carnesv-lle,
Ga. Rt. 2: :
oe ots
straty, SI yr. old, -$1.50 ea. or both for $2.75
fob. Mrs. Kate E. Morrs, A ley, Ga. Rt. 2. +
10 or 12 large. hens, mostlyRinglet Barred
Rocks, $1 ea. Fob Bake WwW. A. Smith, eee
sonville, Ga.
-Ringlet Barred: Rock $3; soa

$i. 50 fea.
WwW. B.

$12. Mrs

M. lL.
Shealey, Oglethorpe, Ga,. :
6 Imperial Ringlet
healthy, well. grown to age, heavy layers,
$1. ea.; Eggs, 1st pen,. prize winners, $2.50
setting; 2nd pen, $2 settmg. Cash with all
orders. Mrs: G. W. Stancil, Sale: City, Ga. .
_. 2 Imp. Ringlet Barred Rock, 1 yr. old
l cocks, $2 ea. Baileys Hatchery, Harlem, -Ga.
6 B. R. hens, 1 and 2 yr. old; 1 yr. old
cockerel, $10.50 for lot, or exch. for same |
number of Donaldson S.. C. Reds, : yr. old.
Mrs. Wilton H. DeLoach, Ellabell, Ga. Rt. 1,
Box 10. ; 3
10 thoroughbred B. R. March laying hens,
$1.26 ea. Mrs. J. C. Freeman, Gainesville, Ga.

6 mo. Sid pullets,

pete ie ; 4
Thompscry B. R. laying pullets; also. aoe
erels, ready for service, $1.50 ea. No COD
orders filled. Mrs. A. J. Collins, Demorest,
Gao Rte ees : 3 ae
25 pure Barred Fock hens, a2 50 ea. J. 1.

MeNair, Stapleton, Ga.

2 Thompson B. R. cockerels, June atone:
$3 ea. FOB Blue Ridge. Cash with order. E.
Cc, Garland, Dial, Ga.

Thompson Imp. Ringlet, 1927 Spring hatch
eockerels: March $3; April, $2.50; May, $2 35
1 cockerel and 5 hens, $12. Mrs. J. W. Boyett,
Morris Station, Ga.
~1 Barred Rock 14 mos. old rooster, $2.50
-del. S: S. McMillan, Jr., Oakwood, Ga. .

1 pure bred. Thompson Imp. Riniglet B. R.
2 yrs. old cock, $1.50. Mrs.
Dawson, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 101.

erels, from $3 to $10 ea.; Eggs from same
strain, from $1.50 to $15 a setting. Direct

Buchanan, Ga. Rt. 3.

75 University Barred Rocks, young Bene
and now laying pullets, $1.25 ea. B: B. Ma-j{
son, Hartwell, Ga.

cockerels. Tian bred to. lay |":

cockerels, $3.50; Eggs, $1.50 for sactthe: All}.
| fase feathered, good pure birds, Mrs.

Wales Daniel,

Holterman Aristocrat B. R. cocks ad cock- |


State Exposition. Mrs. C. E. Smith, Jeffer-

sonville, Ga.

Parks strain, Reg. SPaimit:
1927 cockerels, $5 ea.; baby chicks, $16 a
100; special matings, $10. for 50; eggs, $8 a

100, $2 for 15; special pen matings $3. 50 for |

15. Miss Mamie Roach, Daisy, Ga.

Thompson and Fowler B. R. pullets from
tested stock. Sell or will exch. pen of 4 pul-
lets and 1 cockerel for B. B. P. C., or O. IL.
C. pig. Mrs. P. B. Stephens, Austell, Ga...

10 thoroughbred April B. R. cockerels, from
$3 to $5 ea. Cash with order. J. R. Daniel,
Carrollton, Ga. -


Colanibian Plymouth Rocks, 3 young ee
ers, $2 and $3 ea. Eggs for hatching 75c
doz. in 2 to 5 doz. lots postpaid. C. E. Abbott,
Warrenton, Ga. Rt. 1.

1 fine young Partridge Rock rooster, from
thoroughbred and extra large stock. Wil}
exch. for 2 Partridge .Rock hens or pullets
of good size and quality. R. L. Carter, Brew-
ton, Ga. :

Fischels White Plymouth Rock cpckerels,
$2.50, $3.50 and $5 ea. Hens, $3. Eggs, $2
per setting or $10 per 100. Ringneck pheas-
ants, $10 per 100 eggs after April Ist. Ly Ke
Martin, Hartwell, Ga.

Buff Roeks: 9 laying pullets and hens end
1 cockerel. Come and see them or write for
prices. W. J.) Garner, iE. Atlanta, Ga. 387
Haas Ave.

F.schel White Rock March cockerels, seam

A. & M. College, $2 ea. Fob here. Mrs. J.
L. Burk, Tifton, Ga. Rt. A.
Bird Bros., high scoring stock ek $5

up, females $3.50 up; eggs, $3 for 15. Robt.
W. Clark, Macon, Ga. 358 Spring St.
' Large Plymouth Barred Rocks, cockerels,

$1.50 and $2 ea.; eggs, $1 for 15. Mrs. W.
B. Davis, Dawson, Ga. Rt. A..
~1 pure S. C,. Plymouth Rock cockerel.

Thompson strain, last yrs. hatch, wt. 9 Ibs.,

$1.50. Mrs. S. L. Atkinson, Greensboro, Ga.
Fischel White Rock 10 mos. old Senet ne

ea; Eggs, same strain, $1.25 for 15 del.

A. L. Keys, Eton, Ga. RFD

_ Dark Cornish of fine thoroughbred strain
cocks, $5 and $2.50. Hens, $2.50 and $1.50 tc
$2. Special prices quoted on request when
several -birds are desired. J. M. 8S. Myers,
LaFayette, Ga. Rt. 4.

Grist Gradys, Warhorse and. Shawlneck 2s
games. H. Roquemore, Mansfield, Ga. ~

One dark Co:imish Indian game rooster, $3:
1 hen same breed, $1.50 or $4.25 for both.
Leroy Brown, Edison, Ga.

Pure bred Dark Cornish game hens, $2 ea.;
1.8 mos. cockerel, $1; 6 Red Cornish, 5 hens
and 1 cock, $8; also eggs, same stock, $1.15
for 15. Mrs. T. G. Shurling, Tennille, Ga.

3 pure Allen Round Head stags, 18 mos.
old, $2 ea. Hoke S. Carpeiter, Tunnel Hili
~ Blue Falcom Walker strain - p:t games, pure

bred; stags $2 ea., hens $1.50 ea. Will exch,.

a few tor pure bred W. Wyandottes. E. L.
Patterson, Talking Rock, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 13.
2 thoroughbred Cornish Indian Game cocks,
$1.50 ea. Fob here. Dott Upson, Brooks, Ga.

28 dark Cornish Indian Game laying hens,

1926 and 1927 hatch, $1.50 ea.; 2 cocks, $2
ea. Cash with -order. Mrs. S. S. Pearce, Syca-
more, Ga. Rt. 2.

-1 pure bred Indian: Game rooster,
old, $2. Mrs. Luke Shiflet, Hartwell,

Ginns Gress pure Pit Cations 6 hens $2
ea. 1 cock, $3. Fob Zebulon. Robert Earn,
Zebulon, Ga.

oS yrs.
Gaz Rt.

1 Marcy strain Jersey G.ant cockerel, $2:
or exch, for young hen same breed. . Mrs... Ed
Brown, Summit, Ga.
7 Black G.anis, young hens, $2 ca. 1 cocks
erel, $3; eggs, $1.25 per 15. Mrs. R. J. E.
Dalgo, Jenkinsburg, Ga. -Rt.' eS 3

Black Langshan young hens and pullets, |

| $2 ea. Extra good, $4 ea. H. S. Fowler,
Hoschton, Ga. 4 roe

Ae hens, 30 pullets, 2. fine cockerels of.
thoroughbred Marey strain Black . Jersey

Giants, now laying from -A. 1 pen, $75 for
lot: Mrs. J. P. Gaines, Cave, Ga.

20 Jersey Black Giant pullets, April hatch ;
1 cockerel Marcy strain $2 ea. Morgan Hollo.
way, Graymont, Ga. Rt. 1.

Jersey Black Giant cockerels,
10 mo. old. A: L. Mason, Acworth, Ga.

Black Langshans; 12 yovmg hens and 1
cock, $25. M. F. Merriam, Demorest, Ga.

1 Black Langshan rooster and 6 hens. All
March hatch, $10 for lot. Mrs. R. T. Eber-
hardt, Comer, Ga..

16 Black Jersey Giant pullets. and 1- eock-
erel, April hatch, $1.50 ea. S. EB. Shackleford
Griffin, Ga.

Marcy J. B. Giants: a few fine pallets:
also eggs, $1.50 for 15 del. Crates to be re-
turned. Pens are headed by 11 and 12 Ib.
_cockerels. Also want to buy a caponizing. set
with instructions. Mrs. M. J. Morris, Douglas-
ville, Ga. os

2 J. B. Gismt cocks, 2 yrs. old, Marey
strain. $2.ea. Fob here. Mrs. _ Chiff West,
Lilly, Ga.; Box 113.

30 pullets ; 4 hens; 2 ee, from A. y
pen, J. B. Giants, Marcy strain. Severai
of the pullets from eggs direct last yr., $7o

from Reiman gag Prize ae at GA.


for lot. All iin also esgs, ahs 50 for. 1,

se eh

28035, Feb..

Royal Purple, :


- Poultry. Products, Incubators, Brooders, Ete.

: Muse, Carrollton, Ga. Rt. 4.

jy Maveh 15, 1928.


del. Mrs. Se P. Gaines, Cave, Bartow Mounts
6 J. B. Giant hens, $1.50 ea., and 1 cox.

$2. Mrs. S, eee Eee Ga.

White Leghorn cockerel i yr. old ready for

service, $1.50, or will exch. for 1 M. Porto

Rican potato plants; 3 hens 1 yr. old, $1.25

or exch. for 2500 Porto Rocan potato plants a

plants to be del. Ist of April. A. J. Pope, :

Tallapoosa, Ga. tet :
25 White Leghorn hens, Tancred an os

Young Barron strain, $1 ea. fob here, Samp
Ray, Canon, Ga. Rt. 1. 3
120 White Leghorn hens, Ferris strain,
$150 for the lot. Mrs. R. J. E. Dalgo, Jenkins-
burg, Ga. Rt. 1.
18 pure bred Brown: Leghora hens, 15 mo.

old, now laying; also 2 roosters, $1.25 ea. |
A. B. Fuller, Buford, Ga. Rt. 1. :
1 White Leghorn cock, Tancred strain,

March hatch, fine laying strain, $3 fob _
Mrs.. J. J. Shearouse, Guyton, Ga.

S. C. Brown Leghorns, 8 hens and 5 yorng
roosters, 57 pullet hens, $65 for the lot feb.
Warrenton. Also eggs 60c doz. in 2 to 290
doz. lots) postpaid. C. E. Abbott, Warrenunn
Ga. Rt. 1.

_ . C. Brown Leghorn hens for anise or will
exch. for. O-TOO-TAN or Laredo Soy beans,
L. H. Cousins, Greenville, Ga. Rt..3. ee

20: pure bred White Leghorn pullets from
heavy laying strain; now beginning to lay,
$18 for lot. Box 72, Palmetto, Ga.

Pure bred Kerlin farms ~ White ie
hens and cockerels, for sale or will exch. for |
coui or ineubator. Mrs. sere M. Page, 204
ae Ave. Decatur, Ga.

-Thompson strain slightly tained:
fe Hooks, Unadtila, Ga. Rt. 2.

Rose comb: pure bred Brown Leghorn he*s,
$1; rooster, 1 yr. old. Superior strain, $1. 50
ea. Mrs. Emma Anderson, Americus, Ga. Rt.



25 Ferris S. C. White Leghorn pullets, all
laying, $25 for lot. Everett A. Perce, Cham-_
blee, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 147. eo

Six weeks old pullets reasonable. Also biby _
chicks from dark brown Leghorn, Ev2rlay
stran, prize stock, $12.50 del. D. J. Me-
Curley, Canton, -Ga.

50 pure bred Leghorn hens Feb. and Mch. s
hatch, no culls, $1.20 ea, $60 for lot. Mrs.
Joe. Harrison, Rockingham, Ga. Bee

4 hens and 1 q@oeck prize winners, fsrris
strain Ist pen, $2 ea. 2nd pen $1.75 ea. Mrs.
Minnie Conner, 705 E, 13th Ave. Cordele,

20; White Leghorns Ferris strain pullets |

March and April hatch, now layiny, $18 fer
lot; Mrs. J. H. K. Jones, T.fton, Ga. kt. 6 =
100 S. C..-White Lezhorn. pullets,. pure ~
breed Ferris, Apr. 1927 hatch, mo culls, f-ne

layers, $1.25 ea, or exch. for good sound
corn at-$1 bu. C. N. Thornhill, Boston, Ga: Se
Ferris W. Leghorn hens, 1 and 2 yrs.
old, $1_ea. Mrs. J. P. Byrd, Fitzgerald.

_25 pure bred S. C. W. Leghorn yr. sold
pullets, $1 ea. or $22.50. for lot Fob he "Bass
Mrs, A. P.._Minchew, Hoboken, Ga. Lees
15 pure Wykoff S.C. W. Leghorn 4
pullets, $15. B. F. Bruce, Martin, Ga.
25 or 30 W. Leghorns, Barron stra, 1 and:
2 yx. old. $1.25 ea. or exch. for B. R. baby
chicks, at ide ea. W.-H. Mullis. Chaunces, SS
G5. Rt alo? =

1 pure bred WwW. Pechorn cock, 1 ee
$1.50; also 1 Black Giant and = R. I.
mixed eock, $1.75, Mrs. O; C. Sake

April ~

old,- 2

_ Sure

renecy, Ga. Rt, 2. ao
Tormohlen Everlay Brown Leghorns. hens,
$1.25 ea.; 1. dark brown cock, $3" del. Acs =

Loyd, Hiawassee, Ga.

11 Tancred W. L. pullets,
to lay, $1 ea. Fob here. G. A.
man, Ga.
$C. W. Leghorn cockerels,

just begirn ns
Skelton, Bow-

$1 ea. or exch.
Barred Rock. cockerels. Mrs. W. Leon.

100 pure bred Wykoff S. C.. W. Lerhorn -
laying: pullets, 8 to 11 mos. old, $1 ea. G. P.
Payne, Shellman, Ga. :

1 Buff Leghorn cockerel and 10 pulles,
$20; Eegs for setting from Exhibticrt birds, ~
$1.50 and ae 50 per 15.. C. B. Ellington, Au

gusta, Ga., 801 Fleming Ave.

Tancred pure bred W.: Lechores, 1926-21
hatch; 20 chickens and 1 rooster, we 25 ea.
S.C. Stegall, Douglasv:le, Ga. a

1 pure Brown Leghorn rooster, $3 or ait
for 2. bu. Lrish potatoes or 3. hefs. Ella
Evertt, Richland, Ga Rt. 1.

9 1 yr. old cockerels, araiier pes avect
from 259 to 290 sire 305, $3; also ezgs; $2 for
15; Tancred strain eggs, $2.50-for 15, $7 @
100; booking orders for chicks, $16 del. *Quit-
man Hatchery, Quitman, Ga. Box 295. =

Pure bred Owens Red hens, pullets, cocks
and cockerels. Sell or exch. also have hatch-)_ ae
ing eggs. Mrs. C. W. Page, Norcross, Ga.
Box 52. ss :
100 Tanecred White Leghorn, yr. old hee
EyInS $90 for lot. Jas. B. Woods, Bfooks,

ae : f

Choice stock 1 and 2 yr.
Brawn Leghorn hens, and 1 cockerel:
mahlen strain, $1.50 and. $2. ea, -Mrs.*
Cowart, Ringgold, Ga. ;

150 Barron W. Leghorn Feb: and Ann
1927 hens, $1.25 ea. Fob here. Special pr "ce
on entire lot. La D. Hadaway, See
Ga. Rt. 1. ;

25 Ferris W. ech laying pultets $1 :
& 1 cock Erte: Mrs, - es gu ee po?


eas 5
old: Ss CDS


ees Brown Leghorns, Everlay strain, 1927
hateh, now laying. Sell or will exch. for
corn. Mrs. A, J. Lovelady, Ball Ground, Ga.

12 hens and1 rooster, pure bred, S.C.
English W-. Leghorns, 1 yr. old, $15 or will
exah. for geese; 1 chicken for 1 goose, or
will exch. for pure bred Jersey heifer over
6 mos. old. Geo. F. Murkersean, Chester, Ga.

3 pure bred s. C. Everlay Brown Leghorn
cocks, $3 for lot, Fob here. Mrs. = Ww.
Matthews, Marietta, Ga: Rte 8:

2 thoroughbred Tancrd W. L. March cock-
erels, $4 ea. W. F. Terry, Acworth, Ga. :
60 W. Leghorn, blood tested, young laying

hens, $1.50 ea., or. exch. for cows. Jerseys

preferred; also fresh eggs, same strain, 20
= 30 doz. weekly. Fine for hatching. Make

best offer. A. L. Burton, Dewyrose, Ga.
50 Tanered W. Leghorn hens, not. cull
ea, or $45 for lot. E. M. Beaird, LaFayette,
Ga. Rt. 6.

50 W. Leghorn hens; Most of them last
spring pullets. Very high laying stra

200 to 389 eggs, $1 ea., or $125 for lot; alsc
ng chicks, -10e ea. John Oliver, Cohutta,

Pure besa Pierce strain Brown Leghorns;
85 hens, $1.25 ea., 8 cockerels, $2 ea.; also
t of fat hens, 25c lb, Mrs. J. BE. J. Baggett,
Swainsboro, Ga. Rt. 4.

ing pullets, $1.25 ea. or $20 for lot Fob here.
ie with order. L. K. Underwood; Avera,

15 or 20 8. C. Brown Leghavs ene: thoro-
hbred Howsers strain, $1.25 ea. J. D.
Langston, Commerce, Ga. Rt. 29.

Everlay B, Leghorns: 83 April hens, $1 ea.
20 roosters, $1.50 ea. J. B. Smith, Locust
Grove, Ga. Rt. 3. :
25 W. Leghorn pullets, 75c ea. Fob dacs.
Miss Susie Lancaster, Mauk, Ga. ea
2 pure bred Tancred W. Leghom cockerels,
11 mos. old, $1 ea. or will exch. 1 cockerel for
ied peaches or. apples. Write. J. J. Altman,
axley, Ga.

_ 26 Ferris W. Leghorns, |1 yr. old. No culls,
$26. Will exch. for meat or lard at 15c lb.
_ Write. Mrs. W. H. Smith, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 3.
C.. We Leghorns :_ 150 ea., Kerlin. and
an strains. Write for prices. Mrs. S.
O. Smith, Buchanan, Ga.

- 150 Barron W. Leghorn Feb.
1927 hens, $1.25 ea. Fob here.

a entire lot. L. Ds Hadaway,
Ga. Rt. 1,

25 full stock, young B. Leghorn hens anc
8 roosters, $30; 10 full stock W. Leghorn, 11
mos. old hens and 1 rooster, $12. " M.
Price, Canton, Ga. Rt. 1.

50 W.. Leghorn hens and pullets, | tagiaes a
oosters, $1.25 ea. exch. for 3 gal.
in or near Atlanta and East Point; also
y chicks, 15 ea. March 15th hatch, in
Buckeye incubator. Mrs. C. E Leverett, At-
lanta, Ga. Rt. 1. :
Everlay S. C. Brown Leghorn laying pui-
lets, $1.50 ea.; cockerels, scrappy with 5
point combs, selected, $2.50 ea. J. H. Beas-
d Lavonia, Ga.

_ 300 Everlay last April Brown Leghorn tons
now laying heavily, and 6 cocks, $1.25 ea.,

and April
Special price


White Leghorns : pullets, just combing well
ng hens; 21 mos, old hens, through molt-
* some of ea. kind laying now,
ot here. Cash with order. pa A. Griffin,

x weeks. old, Ferris Best egg strain,
qaockerels and pullets; $2 and $1.50 ea.; alse
atching eggs, $1 per setting or $5 a 100;
by chicks, $15 a 100. Roseland Poultry
Farm, Douglas, Ga.

14 Ferris W. Leghorn hens, $1 ea. or exch.

rton, Ga. Rt. 6.

oosters, $1: e2., also 40 R. I. Red hens and
roosters, $1. 25 ea. Will sell part of ether
t at. same price, Mrs. Chant Baker, Manlo


0 thoroughbred Black Minorea laying pul-
pure Pape and Anderson. strain; 1 cock-
1, good -type, $20 for lot. Mrs. ie H.
ker, Milner, Ga.

S. C. Black Minorca pullets and 1 roost-
r, $15 for lot del. Also eggs from same,
25 per 15, $2 per 30 del. Mrs.
ws, Shellman, Ga.

Pure bred stock direat from Ferris. and
cocks, $2.75 ea. or $15 for 6; also eces
$1.25 prepaid or $1 at my home. Mrs.
a Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.

lack Minorca cock and 8 hes,
train, April hatch now laying,


W. TT. Caldwell, Milner, Ga. Rt. 2.

S. C. 8) mo. old Pape strain Black Minorca
ae 50 ea. 10\pullets, same strain, now
~ $2 ea. Mrs. G. L. Jones,

s lack Minorca Avril roosters, $t 50 en.
White Rock March rooster $1.75. Mrs. W.
Hman, Finleyson, Ga. Rt. 2.
kenvelder, Cocks, $2 ea.;

hens. $3 - or

ullets and 3 cockerels, $2 ea. for entire
also Homestead Silver Campines, $3 ea.;

Be Wallace, Atlanta, Ga, 247 No. High-

_.| W. Shannon, Fender, Ga.

190 Tancred S. C. W. Leghorn March, lay=|

hee for < 15,

fresh in |.

ob here. Happy Hen Poultry Farm, Odum,


-ineubator in good cond. oO. A. Fleming,

thoroughbred W. Leghorn. eis and 5.

Russell. :

er or exch, for 50 lb. can of pure lard.

mpenes :

Write. Mrs. W. 0. Puckett, Cordele, ae S

edindet Pape: strain Black* Minorca Aes :

either variety $2 for 15. $5 for 50.. a, 1. oF on or ate 4 for Na.

a = &. Pape Black Minorea hens, $i. 50. Ga.



15 pure Pape Black Ma eng and 1
cock, $2 ea. or lot for $25.; baby chicks, $16
4 100. Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Martin, Ga, Rt. 2.

nue Gephiginr 3 mo. Cohioke: rs ea. Mrs.


5 deep Buff Orpington pullets, 11 mos.
old, now laying, $2 ea., or $9 for lot: eges
$1.50 for 15, Mrs. J. Y. Rhodes, Crawford-
ville, Ga.

_2 White Orpiigton cocks, 2 and 8 yrs. old,
= ea. Cash with order. L. O. Stewart, Jasper,

a SalogiatL March 1927 ecocks;- Messed stra n,
$1.50 each or exch. for sound dried apples
or peaches; also 3 fall hatch Buff Orpington
cockerels 2 1-2 or 3 lbs. each, Meyers strain,

$1 ea. or exch. one for selected one of same

size of same breed. Mrs. TH: ectsoUe Al-
ma, Ga. Rt. 3. g

1 Buff Orp.ngton 1926 cock, and 1 Barre
Rock 1927 cock, $1.50 ea. Mrs. J. W. Dink-
ais, Unadilla, Ga.

Morgan Prize winning strain White Orp.
1 cockerel, $3.50; Prize cock bird, $5; hatch-
ing eggs, $3 and $5 for 15. Mrs. C. R. Mor-
gan, Americus, Ga.

1 Buff Orpington. March nereeal: $1.50 or
exch. for thoroughbred Barred Rock egERs. 0.
W.. Smallwood, Mitchell, Ga. =

3 pure bred Black Orpington April pales:
now laying, $1.50 ea.; also setting eggs,
same strain, $1.25 for 15. Mrs. Asa W. Lind-
sey, Tennille; Ga. Rt. A:

46 Buff Orpington hens and 4 nepeiens all

crates or $2 for buying sh.pping boxes; eggs,
Zenas Sanders, EUheneD, Ga.
Rt;- 3}

1 Buff. Orpington rooster, $2. J. Be John-
3on, Shellman, Ga. Rt. 1.

10 Bayer Buff Orpington ice and 1 cock-
erel, none older than 1 1-2 yrs. nor younger
than 9 mo., $18.50 for lot. Ruby Lee Sanders,
Buchanan, Ga: Rist

Pure bred Owen, farms Reds for sale or
will exch for corn or incubator. Mrs. -Laura
M. Page, 204 4th Ave., Decatnr, Ga. oo
30 pure blood tested R. I. hens, 1 yr. old; $2
ea.; 3 cocks, $2.50 ea. Eggs from same $1

_| ver. 15. Mixed hens, mostly R. I. Reds, $1 ea.

2 yr. old. Mrs.-.
Ga Rte A,
3-R. I. Red eonerein:

ree S i. Dalgo, Jenk. nsbure;
$1. 50 ea, fob here.

Vrs. Pearl Woodward, Fairmount, Ga. Rt. 1,

Box 59.
10 8, G. R. I. Red hens and rooster, Donald-

H. Whitten, Newborn, Ga.

1 R. I. Red rooster and 3 hens, -Owen
strain, 1 yr.. old, $5 or exch.
White Spanish seed peanuts, | sound and clean.
Jas. Brown, He! ena, Ga.

15 extra large purebred R. I. Red, Dahaldaar
strain hens, $1.50 ea. or $21 for lot. Mrs.
J. H. Darby, White Plains, "Ga. ~~ ee

18 young hens and 2 fine cocks. fromm

champion pens, Donaldson strain, Hens $2. 25

ea. cocks, $5 ea.; $35 for lot. Also eges, $2
at yard, . $2.50 shipped. Mrs, R, AS Hester.
360 Ormond St., Atlanta, Ga. s

2 large R. J.' Red. roosters 1 -yr. aa - very
dark, Donaldson strain, $2.50 ea. Hens same
breed not related to roosters, $1.50 ea. fob.

Baxley. Mrs: L. A. Brannen, Baxley, Ga.
_R..I. Red pullets and roosters, Owens stra He
Sell or will exch. for Boxwoods or Junipers.
Mrs. A. J. Lovelady, Ball Ground, Ga. *
- Dark Reds: Winners
shows; males; $5. up;

also eggs, $1.50 and

1 $2.50 per setting; chicks, $15 and S206 2: 10:

Mrs. C. EB. Dell, Mitchell, Ga...
10 R. I. Red hens and cock. *Ricksecker and

Donaldson. strain, now laying. H. Fs _ Seay,
Conley, Ga. Rt. 1..
Guaranteed pure Dowaiteok: S.-C. R. d. Red

roosters; 2 for $5; 5 heris, same strain, $1.25
-ea.; Good. hatching eggs, $1.10 for 15. Mrs.
Mary Harr:s, Pinehurst, Ga. Rt. 2. y

Donaldson S. C. R= EI. Red hens and 1 pa
$8.50 for lot.; 1 rooster, same stra n, $2.50
Fob or exch. for 2. bu. peanuts. Mis. Grace
Murphy, Jasper, Ga. Rt. 2. -

Owen R, I. Red cocks and cockerels, prices
reasonable. Mrs. J. L. Carmichael,
a. Rt. 1, {
Ee Che, Red cockerels, $3 ea. Owens and
Mahood strain; Also eggs $1.25 for setting
del..Mrs. W. H. Branan, Lewiston Ga.

1 young, full blood, R..I. Red rooster, $2.
W: J. Tanner, Decatur, Ga. Rt. 2.

Dark Red, selected stock R. I. Red laying
pullets, $1.50 ea.; eggs, $6 a 100; $1 for 15.
Miss Florence Horne, Grovetown, Ca.

Thoroughbred R. I. Red chickens; & fens
and 1 rooster, a Ce Mi -Miller, Cornel.a,

15 R. I. Red young hens, good: dark color,
large size: 6 1 yr. old cockerels, from blood
test, $2 ea. Mrs. Haley Wilson, * Tifton, Ga.
Rt. 5, Box 105.

About 50 Donaldson R.
about 1 yr.


- $ pure bred Donaldson S. C. R. 1. Red Mech.
| pullets, now laying, $1.50 ea.
Haynes, Buford, Ga. -
-..6 pure bred R. I. Red cockerels, 10 mos.
old. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. L. B. ee
Whorter, Roopville, GsG Risa

Ss. C. R. I. Red hens and -cockerels, $1 -50 ea.

Black, The Rock, Ga. Rt. {es
Several fine Owen strain, Bs yr. old yoost-

Jesse | Brown, Helena

Spanish seed Reomulss;

Donaldson R.

te Red Jast spring cockerels,
pes H.-G

-| $2 and $3 ea.
5 tr

G. Brown. Bione =

9 mos. to 1 1-2 yrs. $70 cash at home. Send+4

| del.

son strain, $1.50 ea. or $15 for lot. Mr. W.-

for 100 Ibs. 4

| strains,

| Mrs. F,

in many Southern


Miss - os tea.; also 8. L. Wyandotte eggs for sett ng.

eggs, $1. 50 for 15, or. $6 a 100. Mrs, Cea

1 Whiic |

Pure Owen R. I. Red coekerels, 10-20 mos.,
$4; pullets 10-15 mo., laying, $2; carefully
selected. eggs, $2 for 15. W. R. Hatchell,
College Park, Ga.

Pure bred Densidsen S$: .. R. 1 Red hens,
blood tested, $2 ea. Mrs. Emmett Tramel,
Duluth, Ga. Rt. 1. ~

Dark Red, Donaldson roosters, 11 mo. old,
$1.50 ea, Fob here or exch. for female pig,

any good blood, Carrolls, Hatchery, Odum,
Gants er
Donaldson R, I. Red roosters, 1927 hatch,

$1.50 ea. Mrs. Ida Roberson, Odum, Ga.
5 April pullets'and 1 cockerel, R. I. Reds.
same hatch, $1.25 ea., or will exch. for same

number of pure White Rocks. Mrs. C. H.
Trussell, Warthen, Ga. : :
30 -R.- I. Red -hens,- $1.50 ea. Mrs. J. FP.

Dial, Hogansville, Ga.

Donaldson and Blanks api direct S. Cc
R. J. Red March cockerels, $5 ea.; laying pul-
lets, $1.50 to $3; fancy blood Red Oct hatch
$1.25; Eggs, $2 a setting, $10 a 10@. Mrs. J.
E. Sikes, Chester, Ga. Rt. 2.

15 pure bred R. I. Red hens, 1 end 2 yrs.
old, $1.50 ea.; also eggs, $1 for 15. Fob Madi-
son, Will exch. for Donaldson R. I. Red
baby chicks. T. J. Brumbalow, Madison, Ga.

2 pure bred, dark red, R. I. Red roosters,
one is yr. old and other 7 mos., $2.25 Fob
my station, or exch. for equal value turkey
eges for setting. Write before sending. Mrs
H. C. Parker, Bainbridge, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 56:

2 pure bred S, C. R. I. Red cocks, $2 ea.;
also eggs, $1.25 for 15. Crates to be. return-
ed. Mrs. L. D. Kimbrel, Baxley, Ga, Rte: 3,

6 pullets and 4-2. yr. old hens, pure bred

Donaldson S. C. R. I. Reds, $12 for lot; also

eggs, same strain, $1 for 15. No thecka ac-
cepted. Miss Ruby Carrington, LaGtenge,

oe eee

8 pure Bovaidcen. Red_ hens, $1. 50: ea. ;. 7
cock, same Strain, $2.50, $14 for lot. J. t
Carter, Dewyrose, Ga. Rt. 1.

Good breeding Red March cockerels and
pullets, $2.50 ea., or $4.50 for 2; Exch. 1 0
2 of either for equal value in fresh sn
ean dried fruit. Mrs. J.-E. Sikes, Chester,
Ga. Rt. 2.

50e-ReE Red Mace hens amd 4 roosters

$2.50 ea. Will not divide Jot. Mrs. M. aC
Carter, Valdosta, Ga. Rt. 6, Box 18.
4 wks. old R. I. Red chicks, pure bred

free from white diarrhea, past danger age.
No brooder necessary. Guaranteed 100 per
cent live del. No less than doz sold. $6 doz.
R. D. Davison, Lyerly, Ga. -

16 very fine Donaldson S. C,~R. I. Red
hes and 1 large dark red cock, $26 or exch.
for 26 pure bred S. C. Brown Leghorn pullets.
now laying; wll also exch. $50 value for
another 25 young Leghorn hens; also have
for sale eggs, $1.50 for 15. Mrs. Ida Carson,
Griffin, Ga. Rt. D.

R. I. Red cockerels out of high producing
from $3 to $5. Oak Terrace Farm,
Atlanta, Ga, 35. Lindar Ave., N. F..

Owen and Mahood S. C. R: I. Red. cockerels
$3 ea.; Eggs, $1.25 a setting del. Mrs. Ww. bee :
Branan, Lewiston, Ga. :


24 fat Wyandotte hens, 25c lb. fob here.
LL: Florence, Farmington, Ga. Rt. 3.
(14 ee Lace Wyandotte hens and 1 cock

Mrs. E. ft. Almon, Midland, Ga.
LZ We Wyandotte cockerel | 1927 Vtech.
sure breed, double rose comb, $2. 50 -or. will
-axch. for any large breed of baby ch'cks
also 1 White Lezhorn cockerel, 1927 hate.
to exch, for baby ch cks. Janie M. Thornton.
Palmetto, Gans

-1 or 2 white Wyandotte pullets and 1 cone
Sal April hatch, $1.50 ea. well grown Sane
laying; 1 rooster 2*yrs. old wt. 10 1-2 'bs.,
$1.75. Eggs, $1.26. Several mice fryers wt.
' 1-2 lbs. ear 40 Ib. te B. M: Thomas, ii

boken, Ga.


1 large 11 mos. oid thoroughbred Wyan. F
cock; $1. 75. D. Harrs, Lula, Ga. _ ae
Pure bred Martin Regal Doreas, prize

stock, large, young W. Wyandotte hens and
now laying pullets, $1. 15 ea.; cocks to mate,
-$2 ea. Mrs. R. J Fleming, Lineolnton, Ga.
Rt 6525-7 :
+ 0=W.: Wyandotte. lay'mg oarliets and 1 Apr.
cockerel, $1.50 ea.; 1 rooster, 2 yrs. old, wt.
10 1-2 lbs., $1.75; ezgs, $1.25 setting...
Golden Laqe Wyandotte chickens and eggs
for sale; eggs $1. for Ab. Zenas ' Sanders
Buchanan, Ga. Rt. $f

15 W. Wyandotte hens and . cone $16 fob |

re, +. C. Mooney, Quill,

SS Say -Wyendotte eS $1. 50 ea.;
also several settings of eggs, $1 for 15. Mrs.
J. B. White, Rockmart, Ga. Rt. 3.

1 pure bred Tarbox S. L. Wyandotte cock-
erel. Sell or exch. for 1 pure bred Tarbox
hen. Mrs, Ly Thompson, Canton, Ga. Rt.

ree. -
ee pick. Wyandottes: 1 Silver. Lace eae
er, 20 mos. old, $1.50; 6 White 1 yr. old pul-
lets, $1.25 ea.; 1 White rooster, yr: old, not

4 5 Donaldson R. I, Red May cocks, $1. ar related, STS. Mie Lan We ees

ea. or $5 for 5 No culls, good Polen. H. Ate

d, Statham, Ga. oe
Stee Fk roosters

old. Well . ie Make offer.
for lot or Renerel: G. W. Dozier, Dawson,

Ga. Rt. 4, Box 163. : S
353 Wyandotte. hens and pullets mixed,
f.o.b: shipping point. J. WwW. TRUE:

$1.10 ea. e

on, Ailey" an 3
: 3. young hens and _cockerel, Rose- Comb,
Columbian Wyandottes, $7.00. Mrs Fo M.
Hall, Route 5, Calhoun, Ga.

2 Silver Lace > Wyandottes, roosters, $1.50

$1.00. J. B. -White, Rt. Bs Box __ 66, Rock-

mart, Ga.
40 or 50 Regal Seaing March hatch soe

Hor 2 yr. hens.- J. We ~Banks, Rt +; _Com-
merce, Ga. x ;

White WResindotte * hens, $2.00 ea.3- 78. 4
Wyandotte pullets, . $1. 25. ea. Mrs. Eloise
Moore Rt Oe Ellijay, Ga. :

AREAS L. Wyandotte. hens_ Tarbox strain,
$1. 25 ea. A. B. Fuller, Buford, Ga.

8 white Wyandotte hens, $1. 25 eal; tone

| full stock, about 1 yr:

ing. flocks,

Fairmount, Ga. Mrs. Pearl Weir. Re t

Box 59, Fenn Ga,

eo Ta z Pret

- Silver ieace Wyandottes.- 20 years cBveful

breeding for better layers and winners, hens

and~ cockerels, $2.00; pullets, $1.50; eggs,
$1.50 set. J..M. Hart, College Park, Ga..
S.. L. Wyandotte Tarbox strain, 6 hens

eee hatch,. now laying and 1 cockerel, $1.25
Mrs. A. D. Goings, R.F.D. 4, Doerun,



4 Silvey; Lace Wyandotte hens, 1 rooster,

Indian Game.
Springs, Ga.

Write. T. N. Farmer; | Holly

10. Silver. Lace White Wyandotte pullets -

and 1 cockerel, April hatch, $1. 50 ea. bee Ss

L. White Wyandotte rooster, 16 1-2. Ibs. 2-

yr. old, $200; Wyandotte eggs, $1.25 per
setting. Mrs: B. M. Thomas, _ Hoboken, Ga,
6 pure bred Fishel strain roosters, $1. 50.
ea. or will exch. for pullets or ,hens same
strain. Mrs. Artie: Siver, Ellijay, Ga. R-F.D.
No. 3. ; mae
White Wyandoites in lots of 10 hens and

1 rooster, $15. 00. ea. L. E. Williams, Ty Ty, -
10 S._k.. Wyandotte laying hens | and 1

rooster, 1 and 2 yrs. old, $20.00, Mrs.

M. Dial, Powder Springs, Ga, ;


Now. booking orders for -paby chicks for
March, April and May, Silver Lace Wyyandot-
tes, $17, $16 and $15 per 100. Mrs. BE. -T.
Almein, Midland, Ga.

Red chicks from productive exhbition bret
matings, best matings, 18e ea. Miss Irene
New, 87 Rome St., Carrollton, Ga. 1

Pure Sheppard strain day old chicks: $15
per 100; $65eper 500; $125 per 1000 del and
guaranteed live arrival. Barred Rocks and R.
So $15 per 100. Homer G. Cline,. Canton,

Buff Orpington, Barred end White Rocka,

R. I. Red chicks, $13.50 per 100 in 100 -lots

or more. Leghorns.
lots .or more.
Sandersville, Ga.
Now booking orders for pure Wycoff heavy
laying strain chicks, April del. $12 per 799
del. Send $2 to book order. Guarantee 100
Rt cent live. Mrs. F. Cowart, Summit, Ga.
Sheppard strain s. C.- Ancona baby chicks,
$15 per 100 March 12th del. O. D. Wheeler,
Darien, Ga. at
Robersons blood tested baby. ch*cks. All
flocks we hatch from have been culled and
mated by Mr. Roberson personally. Write
for free booklet. M. T. Roberson, 201 White-
hall St Atlanta, Ga. ~
Pure bred Barred Rocks, R. I. Red, White
Leghorn - and Amecona chicks from heavy lay-
take off hatch each Monday.
Chicks shipped prepaid to you.

s $10 per 100 in 100 lots
Ridgeway Sm Hatehery, |

old. Will exch. for .

Write for

prices. Also custom-hatching in lots of 50 or.

more, 4c per egg. Key Hauhery 925. Waver-.
ly Way, Atlanta, Ga. :
Buff Orpington chieks and eggs; chicks 150

ea.; eggs, $1.25 per 15. Healthy unrelated
pew stock. Mrs: F. 8. Kirksey, Albany,
a. it;

Pace bred Owen farms. baby. chigks for sale

or exch. for coin or ineubator. Mrs... C. we
Page, Norcross,-Ga. Box 52.

~ Pure bred Owen farm S.C. R. oh Red
baby chicks, $17 per 100 postpaid, 100 fer
cent live delivery. ~Pure bred Kerl1
Farms, S. ee W.. Leghorn baby chicks: $15
per 100 postpaid, 100: per cent. del. live. Mrs.

Laura M. Page, 204 4th Ave., Decatur, Ga,
Baby chicks from pure Tancred strain,
white Leghorns, 13a ea. Heavy breeds, 15 ea.
Herman Skelton, Royston, Ga.
Sheppards Ancona day old baby chicks,
$10 per 1007 Morgan Ramsey, Quitmen, Ga.
eTancred White Leghorn chicks from trap

nested stock, 15c; also College stra'n R. I.

Red chicks from trapnested stock, 16c. H. On
Williams, Millen, Ga.
Now booking orders for chieka at - $10 per

100; Tancred strain chicks, $16 per 100 del.

M. A. Ramsey, Quitman, Ga:

Pure bred B. Rocks, Rhode Island Reds,
White Plymouth Rocks, $15 per 100;
Orpingtons, White Wyindottes,
Wyandottes, Black Minorcas, $16 per 100;
Light Brahmas, White Orpingtons, Jersey
Black Giants,. $18 per 100;
mixed, $13 per 100; 8: C. White Leghorns,
S._C.-B. Leghorns, Anconas, $12.50 per 100;
Light breeds mixed, $11 per 100. Add le per
chick for shipments.
chick for shipymeants in 25 lots: Special dis-

Silver Laced

count for shipments in 500 lots or above.
All shipments: prepaid, 100 per cent live del.,_

guaranteed. Woodlawn Hatcher: eS,
mont Ave., N. E. Atlanta, Ga.
Ferris strain white Leghorn chicks velesteds
heavy. laying hens mated to cockerels direct:
from Ferris from 260 -to'=293 egg trap nest

510 -Pied-.

hens, $12 per 100 postpaid. 100 per cent-live
del. guaranteed. Hatch every Tuesday. Oconee ae

Poultry Farm, Rockledge, Ga.

Booking orders for baby - chicks,
Jersey Black Giants, after March 15th,
ea. or $16" per 100. Miss Nannie Jones, Box
231, Royston, Ga.


Heavy breeds

Marcy: ;



in 50 lots and 2e per


Bay old White Leghorn aby Siaisies from es

heavy laying stock, cheap for cash or will.

exch. for one Simplex . Brooder. J: A. Ingram, :

Cordele, Ga.

English S. C.. w. ane baby chicks,
fkore hays with open range, 200 te 800 ege
strain, $15 for 100. Live del. one hundred
per cent. guaranteed. : Dix-e . Maid Pou!try _
Farm, Hahira, Ga.

R. I. Reds,
bebe chicks; blood tested- and culled flocks,
$15. a 100; Heavy mixed and W. Leghorns,
$12.50 a 100 ; 1. week old chcks, heavy pu-e
breed, $16; heavy mixed and Leehor ns,
a 100, Thomson Hatehery, Thomson, Gav

Baby chicks. 15 ea. R. YY. Red hatch,
March 7th del. ;
March. 14, Mrs. J.
aes :

- Cox, Sr, Milledgev! lle,

W. Rocks and at Wyanatte!

Prize winning W. Wyandottes ee

"(Continued on Pace 6) 5 ie




Dee ae epee oe Ta



_ Eugene Talmadge, Commissioner




Published weekly by The
Arthur D. Jones, Director


Thursday, March 15, 1928.

Entered as second class matter February 15,
1922, at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Georgia
under the Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for
mailing at special rate of postage provided
for in section 1108. Act of October 3, 1917.

Advertisements of farm produce and appur-
tenances, admissible under postal regula-
tions, inserted one time om each request, and
repeated only when request is accompanied
by *new copy of advertisement. :

Limited space will not permit insertion of
unimportant advertisements. Umder legisla-
tive act the Market Bureau does not assume
any responsibility for any advertisement ap-
pearing im_the Bulletin, or transaction re-
sulting therefrom.

Circulation, Advertising and Service of the
Bureau of Markets and this Bulletin are
Free of Charge.


1. We have in our files many let-
ters with no name or address on
them. Most of these letters contain
Ads or requests for-the Bulletin. We
must insist that our patrons be more
particular and see that their letters
are properly signed and addressed.
If you send a letter in with an Ad
attached or request for the Bulletin
on a separate sheet, please be sure
your name is signed and address is
written on the separate sheet.

2. We are carrying all the Ads we
received up to March 6th for the
Womans Department, the Farm
Help Department, Incubators for sale
and wanted, Second hand machinery
for sale and Wanted in this issue as
we promised. In our issue of March
ist we published a notice that we
would carry only new Ads sent in for
these departments as many who had
Ads with us. had disposed of what
they had for sale or obtained that
which they advertised for: We saw
no necessity in running these out of
date Ads. Our policy is to give
prompt service and keep up with the
Ads. Kindly observe each week
what we expect to carry in the next

del. free. Mrs. A. S. Paulk, Ocilla, Ga.

For sale 1 Watkins 2-horse cultivator to
plow eorn or eotton just used one season,
good as new, $16 FOB. Cash with order; 1
ditch or road machine use 2 horses, ean be
used for eleaning out ditches in field where
there is no rock to bother, used little one
season, cost new $60, will sell for $26, cash
with order FOB; one 2-horse potato digger
Irish or sweet, separates potatoes. from dirt
as they are plowed out, good condition. Cash
with order $7 FOB; 1 cream separator
good yunning condition, medium size, price

condition 2-inch, .worth- $30, will sell for
$15; 200 gallons apple vinegar in 30 and 50
gallon barrels 40c gallon. Cash with order
FOB; 40 lbs. col. bunch butter beans 10c
lb., purchaser paying postage on less than
3 Ibs. Mrs. G. J. Holeomh, Box 102, Bremen,
Georgia, < :

For Sale: One 2-roll peach grader amd
sizer $250; 1 4-roll. $850 both FOB, good as
new. E. G. Clark, Fort Valley, Ga. ~

For Sale: 1 heavy lumber wagon, a bar-
gain for cash or trade; 1 spotted Poland
China sow, already bred, 2 mos. old; 25 pure
bred white Pekin Ducks $1.50 each; (ducks
now laying). White Pekin duck eggs $1 per
setting; 1 Pea thrash, turn by hand (will
trade); 1 gasolime engine 4 H. P.; 1 corn

For Sale A-1 Spanish white peanuts 6c
lb.; FOB Dawson, Ga., last years yield over
60 bushels. per acre. L. E. Baldwin, Dawson,
Georgia. ik

Wanted. 5 hens and 1 rooster thoroughbred
Thompson strain R. I.: hens and rooster not
over 2 yrs. old. Will exch. for them female
Scott Collie puppy, 8 mos. old thoroughbred.
Lillian Thomas, Haralson, Ga.

For Sale: Wanamaker Cleveland Bb Cot-'
ton Seed persomally grown and privately
ginned first yr. from breeder, seed from 400
acres of this strain $1.05, 50 bu. and up;
$1.25 5 to 50 bu. L. P. Brandenbury, Senoia,
Georgia. j :

Wanted to buy Walnuts. M. E. Schofield,
West Palm Beach, Fla. Box 1062.

Wanted Ga. Cane Syrup A-1 quality im
10 Ib. buckets 1927 crop, exch. Thompson
Imp. Ringlet Rock eggs or S. C. R. I. Reds
for same. Mrs. L. B. Landrum, Adairsville,
Georgia. a

For Sale: 120 lbs. Lipsey Watermelon $1.25
lb.; $1 Ib. Henry Johnson, 88 N. Broad St.,
Atlanta, Georgia. . :
For Sale: Genuine Improved Porto Rica~
potato plants, April del. $2 per M.; over 10
M. $1.75 per M. Cash with order, booking
orders now. L. A. Brannen, Baxley, Ga.

For Sale: Spruce pines, white pines, blk
pines, mountain laurels, flowering hemlock,
mounta:n ivy, all evergreen well rooted,
strong shrubbery, trees about 2 ft. high 25c
each del., except blk pines 20c each; English
Peach bushes 20c each; fragrant crabapple
20c each; white dogwood 20 each, all bushes
about 2 ft. high; fragrant honeysuckle: vines
l5de .each;. evergreen, , mountain ferns, 10c
bunch, fragrant summer rose bushes 10c ea.;
sugar plum trees, good size 10c each or 8
for 50c; wriee. Mrs. C. G, Heaton, Mineral
Bluff, Georgia.

Want man with family for truck farming
10 acres, location excellent, near. church
school. Furnish. a house, equipment. Paul
Merzel; Route 2, Atlanta, _Ga.

Want to exch. 26 gallons pure Kienna cane
syrup, put in 1 gal. sveral buckets for 2
bushels pure Wanamaker cotton seed not

issue. a
8. In our next issue we will carry
the following:
Georgia Products, (less than
lots), Seed, Live Stock, Plants and
Car Lots. We will do our best to ob-
serve this rule.
4. The Market Bulletin cannot
earry Ads for musical instruments,
household and kitchen furniture,
jewelry, saw mills, etc., for sale or
wanted. We cannot publish for sale
Ads in the interest of merchants,
brokers or anyone buying or selling
farm products at a profit. Advertis-
ers must grow the products they
want to advertise in the Bulletin.
5. We realize that the small type
is inferior to the larger. We will
make a change as soon as possible.
ARTHUR D. JONES, Director.


For sale 800 bu. recleaned, well matured
1927 crop running 90-100 Day Velvet beans.
Newman Wood, Samndersvlle, Ga. /

For sale. Fordson Tractor; Oliver D 75-4
plow; Oliver 20 in. 5 in. Harrow, good cond.
Bargain. S. C. Owen, Rt. 1, Woodbury, Ga.

Wanted horned Billy Goats trained to pro-
tect sheep and fight dogs. T. J. Floyd; Youns
Harris, Ga.

Want to exch. Shetland Pony, bugervy,
harness, saddle for milk cows. L: W. James,
83 E. Hawthorne College, Park, Ga.

For Sale, Cantaloupe and muskmelon and
Okra seed; 8c tablespoonful del. lone handle
dipper gourd seed, 6c teaspoonful, white and
very lightly mixed; also willow runmine
butter bean seed, 25c pt; 1-2 gallon wht. and
yellow Clingstone Peach seed from fine large

Poultry Products, | 3
car made linet handkerchiefs; exch. for

peaches, 40c; few pink Coral Vine Seed 7c
er 12; varigated running roses, *ooted, blooms

used more than 1 yr. from generator. C. A
Patterson, Route 1, Box 19, Ty Ty, Ga.

For sale or exch. lad'es end gents hand-
chicks or eggs from auy good strain, prefer
Leghorns and Black -Giants. Mrs. O. Mce-
Cullough, Round Oak, Georgia.

Want to exch. rooted w.steria, crepe myr-
tle, Dorothy Perkins roses, jasmine, Wash-
angton laurel, flag lilies, narcissus ~ bulbs,
blue hyacinths and hymalaya blackberries for

baby chicks or eggs of any good strain of |
O.. McCullough, Round Oak, '

.. eckens. Mrs.
Georgia. ;
Kor sale Brabham peas, $2 bu.
Fruit Farm, Fort Valley, Ga. -
Want 2 M. B. turkey hens or eggs for
hatching; also-one small steam pressure
casner. H. H., Apison, Tenn.

Want 30 or 85 gal. sorghum syrup. Tobe
Daniels, LaGrange, Ga.

For sale 25 hens and pullets and one pair
of pure bred cockerels. Mrs. B. L. Ashe,
Watkinsville, Georgia. e

For sale pink May eactus, red, white and
pink geranium cuttings, white lily
10c; pink plum plant, 15c cutting; bronze
mums, 10c; red fuschia 25c rooted plant;
whole collection for $1. Add postage. Mrs.
A. P. Gladden, Tallapoosa, Ga.

For sale 60 bu. Clay peas, slightly mixed.
D. L. Branch, Mystic, Georgia.

Want 2 or 8 hundred bushels



big boll cotton seed and 2 or 3 hundred bus.

of half and half. H. M. Franklin, Tennille,

_ Farm Employment

Want help to take charge of 100 acres, 8
miles of East Atlanta; also to take charge
and work 2 or 3 horse farm in Coweta Coun-
ty, 12 miles of Newnan. Must furnish stock
and self. R.C. Loyd, Nicholls, Ga. Rt. 7.
Want a man to work 40 acres on 50-50
basis. Good land, good mules and tools on

_in large clusters, 10c for 8; cuttings, 6c, all , creek


$14. Cash with order, FOB; 1 saddle in good.

| sheller, hand turn. D. W. Amis, 28 Lexing-:
ton Road, Athens, Georgia.

bulbs |

creek -2miles tS Ey
Disharoon, College Park, Ga. Rt. 1.
Want honest, reliable persem who ean
furnish self to run farm. Near sehool and
chureh, Mrs. M, E. Jones, Shellman, Ga. Rt.

Pours :

Want honest, reliable, single man to work
on farm for wages. $20 a month emd board.
Apply at once. R. W. Morris, Screven, Ga.
Rt. As : : : *
Want single man to work trucking and
general farming. B. F. Hartman, Ochlochnee,
Ga. Rt Toe

Wamt single man to help on 2 horse farm.
Live as one of family, and share what cro

r 4

|makes. For further information write: Bill

White, Bowdon, Ga. Lees ee

Want man to help do general farming. Pre-
fer married man. State salary wanted. M.,
F. Jones, Metter, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 111.

Wamt several wage hands. State age. exper-
jence and salary expected. S. . Lovelace,
West Point, Ga. . : Sa,
Want work of any kind at hee for fam=
ily of five. G. E. Searboro. Ways Station, Ga.

Desire position in poultry or truck farming,
near good high school, Begin work April 1
or 15th, part time until June Ist., then full
time. Shares or salary. Married. Best of ref-
erences. Write. Principal, Rebecca School.
Milan, Ga. Rt 1.

Want work on farm, have family. Locatio~
near school and church. Write. Luther May,
Mitchell, Ga. \ ;

Want at once man with family to help dc
general farming. House ready. Write salary
wanted. M. F. Jones, Metterfi Ga. Rt. 1.

Want at once single man to work truckine
on shares, 50-50. I furnsh everything. B. F.
Hortmam, Ochlochnee, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want reliable colored man to do. work on
farm at Chamblee, Ozey E. Horton, Atlanta
Ga. American Say. Bk. Bldg.

Want 2 2-horse croppers, to work on. shares.
1928. Will furnish same. J. C. Thomason
Farrar, Ga. oe :

Want young married colored mam to work
garden, attend chickens, milk etc. $40 month.
house and board. J. W. Lundeen, Decatur,
Gao Rt 1, a E

Want middle aged woman to help in dairy.
garden and with poultry; also. to do house
work and help with children, one of whom s
afflicted. Mrs. A. J. Anthony, Midland, Ga.

Want hand to help me make crop this yr.
Will give him $15 a month and _ board. 4
miles from Athens, Ga. J. A. Webb, Athens.
Ga. Rt. 2. :

Want 3 or 4 men to do general farm work
Will pay $25 per month and board. Must be
reliable .and good worker. I. C. Nail, Tha'-
mann, Ga. ~. Z :

Want single man, 20 to 80 yrs. old_to de
general farm work and live as one of th-
family. Write at once amd what you expect.
W. 8B. Sutton, Adairsville, Ga. . a

Want man or boy to help make crop. W
give part of crop or hir either. About 5 mi.
east of Norcross on the Lawrenceville, road.
E. J. Martin, Duluth, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want man to tend large 1 horse crop or
small 2 horse crop or hoe crop: Will furnis
supplies. White or colored. Tom Hayes,
Stockbridge, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want farm help an 1, 2 and 8 horse farms.
Write. E. Frank Sosebee, Thomson, Ga.

Want middle aged man and wife, no child-
ren to live in house with aged couple on
farm, man to do and assist in orchard work,
some truck vegetables, small grain and ha+

ycrops, attend stock etc. Salary $25 month and

ee for both. C. G. Oliver, Barnesville, Gr

Want some good farm tenants on shar-
basis to cultivate good land with good stock
a -and houses. R. C. Roberts, Jefferson

a. ;

Want a widow with 1 or 2 boys laree
enough to do farm_work. Mother to keep
house for boys and owner of farm: or mar
wife. Rainy & Rainy, Tennille, Ga. Rt.

Will pay $20 per mo., board amd laundry
for industrious single man to work on farm:
E. T.. Almon, Midland, Ga. = = =


Want 2 young single white men of good
moral habits. able bodied and willing
work for general farm work. Will pay $15
per- month, board and lodging free, Com-
menc March 25, 1928 straight time. C. M.
Crow, Gainesville, Ga. Route 1,

Want a@ young girl or middle aged lad~
to live with aged lady and 1 son as one of
oa Mrs. M. A, Paris, Dallas, Georgia

oute 1. + :

Boy 21 yrs. old desires position on farm
as. wage hand. Write for particulars. Bob
Lunsford,. Atlanta, Ga. Route 2, Box 32.

_ Want @ position to work on farm. Can
give you prompt service and guaranteed
work. G. C. Moulder, Suwanee, Ga. Reece.

Young single man _ wants job on farm.
Have 12 or 15 yrs. experience. Will do any
kind of work. References given. W. L. Ro-
bitzsch, Wray, Ga. Route 2, :

Want job on poultry farm or
farm. Can furnish good references
character and efficiency as a farmer
poultryman. C. J. Holloway, Millen, Ga.

Steady and reliable man desires work as

exper'eneed poul-

ass:staat under thoroughly
try man. Willing to begin on small salary.
Ga., P. x

as to

Lee ackson, Savannah

Ga. E. Q. ba


Re 1928.

$5 for 100 Ib. bag; pure Wannamaker Cleve.
land eotton seed, 81 hu.
Covingtom, Georgia.

liams, Quitman, Ga.

Pure Langford cotton seed, also P'edmout
Cleveland, $1 bu. FOB here. C. A. Wilbanks.
Commerce, Ga. Route 29. :

200 lbs. Rucker cotton seed, 300 lbs. Cleve-
land big boll and College No. 1 mixed, 9g
per hundred. C. L. Moulder, Buford, Ga.
Route 3.

FOB Resaca, Ga. Amos Sutherland, Resaca,
Georgia, Route 1.

60 bu. Lankford cotton seed, $1.25 bi

Christopher cotton seed from cotton tak-,

order. T. W. Simmons, Douglasville, Ga.

carefully ginned $1.40 bu. 10 bu. lots. or
$1.30 bu. in larger lots. C. C. White, Hart-
well, Georgia, Route 1, Box 78;

for planting, $1.25 bu. John I.
Madison, Georgia.

Canton, Georgia.

Have 2 bu. specially improved cotton seed
crossed between. Wannamaker, Cleveland and
Rucker No. 1, long. staple, absolutely pure.
The lot $5 FOB Dawson. Add postage. W.
D. Sullivan, Route D, Dawson, Ga.\

Pure College No. 1 cotton seed $1
FOB Chamblee. Thos,

100 bu. pure Wannamaker Cleveland Ri~
Boll. cotton seed, recleaned 90 bu.
Couch, Turin, Ga.

Cokers Extra Cleveland cotton seed, rec.
by Ga. Crop Improvement; Assm. 99 per cent
pure, above 90 per cent germination, in new
100 Jb. bags $1.50 to $2 per bu., according
to quantity. H. O. Lovvorn, Carrollton, Ga.

15 bu. Cokers No. 5 Cleveland = Strain,
long staple, cottcem seed, 1 yr. from origina-
tor. Lynne Place, Barnesville, Ga.

Neelys Big Boll Cleveland cotton seed,

negie, Ga. Nelson Fellows, Carnege, Ga.

Salisbury cotton seed, $1 bu. J. H. Levers |
ette, Parrott, Ga. Route 1. :

80 bu. Piedmont Cleveland cotton seed pedi-
greed one yr. roll cleaned and sacked when
ginmed, $1.50 bu.,. or $1.40 for over 10 bu.
lots. T. C. King, Tallapoosa, Ga. oe

100 bu. of cleaned out Half and Half ecot-
ton seed, $1.25 bu., put on train at Bartow.
Mrs. B. A. Salter, Bartow, Ga. Jefferson
County. : z

100 bu. pure Wanmamaker Big Boll cotton
seed, privately grown and recleaned, 90c bu.
R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga. :

Wannamaker-Cleveland cotton seed,
from Wannamaker. Privately ginned


ledgeville, Georgia.

.Hastman, C.. Q. Norris, Eastman, Ga. }
Half and Half cotton seed, $3.50 per 100.
lbs. FOB Eastman. R. L. Faircloth, Eastman,
Georgia. 4 :
borough, Dublin, Ga. Route 2.

selected and gimned, $2 bu. Chas. F. Howe,
Fort Valley, Ga.

$1 bu. Fob here. L. E. Payne, Duluth, Ga.

Pure Delfos long staple cottcn seed, $1 bu.;
also Napier grass stalks, $2 for 100. C. M.
Brennan, Columbus, Ga.

$1.25 bu.; 50 bu. Cokers Delta Type, pure
long staple cotton seed, $1.50 bu. FOB here.
W. H. Huff, Buckhead, Ga.

Summerours: Half and Half cotton seed,
caught on floor of gin, $2 bu. H. V. Hooks,

College No. 1, and Cokers Clevelamd cot-
ton seed, $1 bu. FOB here. each. J. F. Bris-

95 bu. pure Petty-Toole wilt resistant
cotton seed, carefully ginned, From bale to
acre cotton. Noel B. White, Hartwell, Ga.


Want to exch. Kienna Cane syrup for
Wannamaker and College No. 1, cotton seed.
Must be pure. Will send sample syrup on re-
quest. C: A. Patterson, Ty Ty, Ga. Rt. 1
Box 19. es

Will exch. Ga. Sugar Cane syrup, 1927
make, in new 10 Ib. cans for Half and Half
or Poulnot cotton seed, 1 gal for bu. seed.
Miss Laura Floyd, Empire, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 5 bu. good, sound, Chufa seed, free
from nut grass. W. O. Lunsford, Leary, Ga.

Want about 100 lbs. of pure Langford
cotton seed. Write. Mrs. C. C. Davis, Hast-
anollee, Ga. Rt. 1. : ee

Want gourd seed that will grow gourds
large_and long to hold from 8 ats. to a gal.;
also an Indan game cock, full stock, 1 yr.
old. I. A, Manley, Eastanollee, Ga.

Want 2 tans pure Piedmont Cleveland cot-
ton seed.; also want some green cane for
planting. C. M. Brannan, Columbus, Ga.


Want cotton seed for planting, College No.
1 or Wannamaker. Will exch. apple trees
for same, all leading varieties, Gov. in
spected, also few peach trees at 10c each
Keifer, Early Harvest, Early and late sugat
pears, 25 each; strawberry plants, 20c pel
100, Would like to exch. for Porto Ric

Box 768. :


Dotato and cabbage plants also. W. I. Wi
wick Nursery, Leaf, Ga. eee

v Z eee

50 or 75 bus. Ocalla cotton seed, $1.25 bu,

Cokers long staple, Weber 49 cotton seed,
Callaway, eS

: : SAL
_Neelys Cleveland staple cotton seed, pure,

dq. . Upshaw,
Lewis 63 cotton seed, $2 bu. W. W. Wil. e

here. A. N. Chandler, Commerce, Ga. Rt. 29. ~ -
ing 1st prize at County Fair, $1 bu Cash with

Pure Petty-Toole wilt resistant cotton seed -

Rucker cotton seed $1 bu. E. E. Fields,

Taylor, Chamblee,

Re a

staple 1 1-16 to 1 1-8, $1.25 bu. FOB Car-


1 yn
recleaned, $1.25 bu. R. W. Stembridge, Mil-* ~
Half and Half cotton seed, $1 bu. FOB a

50 bu. Bale to Acre cotton seed. H. S. Sear-

Improved Petty-Toole cotton seed, carefully

Half and Half cotton seed, 400 to 500 bu., :

100 bu. Piedmont Cleveland cotton seed,

Ga. : He

coe, Logansville, Ga. aes

Rt. Ll; Box 78. pee




ae From 8 to 5 Ibs. Fresh Jersey country but-

. ter each week, free from coloring and full

wt., and quality. 45. Ib., del. Mrs. D.C.

_Fauseett, Murrayville, Ga. . RFD 2. -

. 8. Tbs. Jersey butter each week, 45c Jb.
_ Mrs. W. V, Robbs, Flowery Branch, Ga.


25 bu. whipps, $1.50; C. T. M. Jer, Leo, Ga.

_ *35 bu. Brabham peas in 5 and 10 bu. lots,

ah bu.; 1 bu. wh.te browneyed peas, $2 bu.
or 50c pk. Mrs. AGED. McNair, Mitchell, Ga.

Route 1.

_. 25 bu. old fashion white. running butter
bean seed, 15 lb. Mrs. Linton Hilson, Mitch:

Sell, Georgia, Route 1.

\Sound sugar crowder peas, hand picked
aye 10e Ib. or $1.25 pk. Add postage. Also 20
nite sacks. some 100. lb. laying mash sacks,
- *gome 75 Ib. bran and shorts sacks, 10 each.
Miss Ride Martin, Willard, Ga.

_., 2 bu. yellow Mammoth soy beans and 2 bu.
sorghum seed. R. L. Brown, Mt. Berry, Ga.
_, Bunch colored Flotida butter beans, 2c Ib.

del. T.- J. Ramsey, Covington, Ga. ~
=: Sour clean red r.pper. peas, $1.75 bu. f.
= 0; bey tere. Js 2B: Maret Flowery Se
t Georgia, Route 3.
exeral Ibs. old time pole or running apssic.
ted butter beans, ldc Ib. del. Paul M. Jones,
_ Unadilla, Ga. Route 1.
Selected White Bunch Butter-bean. need. 2c
_ Ib., postpaid. Cash with order. Mrs. Rachel
Rumbley, Blythe, Ga. -Route 1, Box 31. ~

A No. 1, 90- day runnimg - velvet beans for
_ seed, $1.10 bu.; in lots of 10 bu. or more,
/$1_bu. J. Frank Tanner, Sandersville, Ga.

-New Era peas, 99 per: cent pure, $1.75 bu.;
Speckled Sugar Crowders $3 bu.; FOB here.
Cash with order. J. F. Briscoe, Logansville,

Eke Blue Goose peas, $1.50 bu., FOB
ont Washington. John Crone, Philomath; Ga.

5 bu. White peas, brown-eyed crowders, $3

_ bu. Cash. with order. M. W.. C.. Lumch,
Blythe, Ga. Route 1, Box..81,

- Brab peas, $2 bu.; 90-day velvet beans, $1
_ bu. -W. .B. Powell, Bartow, Ga.

- Mixed peas, $1.50: bu.; 90- day beans, $1
bu. E. M. Bowen, Bartow, Ga. =

White Black-eyed peas, for table use, 5e

lb. Add postage. Mrs. A. J. Collins, Dem-

orest, Georgia, Route 1. ;

Red Ripper peas, $2.75 bu. ; Groans Crow-
ders, 10c lb., $1.20 pk., $4 bu. H. G. Brown,
cn Scone Mounta.n, Ga., Route 1,

Large wh.te Sugar Crowder peas, 10 lb.;
California wh:te black-eyed peas, clean and
sound, 5c Ib.; wh.te bunch butter-beans 15e
Tb, or will exch. Mrs. J. A. Wilsan, Martin,
Georgia, Route 2.

Little White Rice peas, Te Ib. Gash with
order. L. O. Stewart, Jasper, Georgia.

Wh .e Crowder peas, 8c Ib. del. B. H. Os-.
born; Roy, Georgia.

Early Speckled velvet ecas: sound stock,
_ $1.25 bu. W. J. Bargeron, Sardis, Ga.

500 bu. 90-day velvet beans, sound and
dry, full wt. bags, $1.15 bu. FOB here. Way-.

side Farm, Warthen, Ga.

12 or 15 bu: Tennessee field Crowder pas,
$1.50 bu. Cash with order. C. S. Bradshaw

Wrightsville, Ga. Route 1.

~10 bu. mixed peas, $2 bu. or exch. for hay
or corn. J. J. Coleman, Rochelle, Georgia -
Route I. is f ;

90-day velvet beans, nice and bright: 60
ia even -wt. new sacks, $1 bu. J. L. Mea-
dows, Bartow, Ga. RFD.

.6 bu. Hastings Brown Sugar Crowders, 8c
Ib., or $3.50 bu. FOB here. Mrs. F. L. Lang-
ford, Commerce, Ga. Rt. 29. _

Hastings Sugar Crowders; Lady Finger
peas, $4 bu. each. Hand p.cked. Sidney Ader-
hold, Lavonia, Georgia. |

Old fashioned Half Runenr Hunch and
ne Pole beans, 25c Ib. each. Add postage.
Mary E. White, Temple, Ga. Rt. 3, Box 55.
3 bu. clean Brabham peas, $6 FOB La-
onia. GC. H. Oliver, Carnesville, Ga. +

White Bunch butter-beans, 12 1-2 Ib. Or-
ders for not less than 10 lbs. Guy E. Flem-
ng, Appling, Ga. RFD 1.

7 or 8 bushels cream crowder peas, 5 1-2
lb. S. B. McGarity, Red Oak, Ga: Rt. 1.
150 bu. bunch velvet beans, picked before
frost and other weather damage, in 2 1-2
bu.' bags, $2.50 bu. FOB Hawk nsville. L. N
Davis, Hawkittsv_lle, Ga. Rt. 5.
bu. No. 333 Hastings sugar crowder peas
: Ib. FOB hexe. S. S. Elder, Culverton, Ga.
90-day velvet beans in pod, 1 cent Ib., %-
n FOB Alma. J. J. Glosson, Alma, Ga.:
ute 3.
California Black-eyed and Sugar Crowd-
rs, 5c lb. FOB here. P. B. Stephens, Aus:
I, Georgia, .
Tender Green, Hull eaeatianl beans, colore?
eans, 30c Ib. del. Miss Jessie ce Flowery
Branch, Georgia, Route 8.
. Genu ne O-Too-Tans, $4.50 a. ae East-
an. R. L. Faircloth, Eastman, Ga.
Kentucky Wonder pole beans, 40c Ib., alsc
Bush L'ma beams, 85c Ib., all postpad. V
Joe Stanton, Conyers, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 118.
- 80 bu. pure Whipps; $1.95 bu., also Spanish
Dp muts, 6c lb. R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.
White bush lima beans, 15 Ib. Add post-
ge. Paul Blanchard; Appling, Ga. -
ttle White Lima Bunch, bitter-beans, 20c
olored bunch, ibe Ib.; little white lady
10c Ib.; cream and white crowders, 19
own and Black Californa peas, 6
1. No orders aecepted undey 50e on
M. ow, Gainesville, Sx Bi oN





A fog bu. Jersey peas.
Porto Rican potato plants.
W. R. Vickery, Martin, Ga;

5 bu. Laredog; $3 bu., 10 bu. choice Brabs,
$2 -bu. FOB Doctrine. Cc, Q. mers East-
man, Georgia, |

Sell or exch; tc!
Make best offer


Want Cow peas, all varieties; Early Spec-
kled velvet beans, Mammoth yellow Soy, La-
redos, Mungs, O-Too-Tans, and mixed B?-
loxi. Quote quamtity and lowest price. Send
representative sample. W. H. Robinson.
Cairo, Georgia. : :

Want Black-eyed peas for table use.
exch: pure bredTancred W. Leghorn 11 mo.
old cockerel. Write. Jet | Altman, -Baxley,
Georgia, Route 38.

Want Field peas of any kind, Will trade
Government inspected ~Porto Rican potato
plants. Odum Plant Co., Odum, Ga.

Want 5 to 10 bu. Laredo Soy beans, 1927
erop. Send sample and quote price. C. M
a ler, Cornelia, Ga. -

Want 2 bu. of Speckled Bunch Velvet
ee ~Pay cash. John L. Miron, Ocilla, Ga.

Want Laredo: and O-Too-Tan Soy beans,
and all kinds: of peas. Send samples and
quote lowest price. Everett. Seed Co., 29-31
W. Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga.

Want 100 to 200 bushels peas, Specks and
other varieties, at $1.25; $1.50 for Brabham.
Will take them in decond hand bags. I.
and J. C. Collier; Barnesville, Ga. ~

Want to exch. $25 value for: food fiel?
peas or corn or both at market price to tha?

amount. Mrs. Rebecca Wright, Tignal, Ga.
Route 1, Box 7.
Want OQ.Too-Tan_ beams:

W. A. Wilsor

Bremen, Ga. Route 2.


_ No. 1. Spanish peanuts, 6e Ib., FOB Daw-.
son. Last yrs. yield over 60 pu. per acre. |

L. F. Baldwin, Dawson, Ga.

Shelled Spanish seed peanuts, 4. lbs., $1
postpaid. Watson Reinhardt, Ashburn, Ga.

Extra grade Runner peanuts, $1 bu. Cash
with order. A. J. Strickland, Valdosta, Ga.

Ga. grown N. C. Runner seed peanuts,
Best grade. 5c Ib., FOB ears. E. J, Cottle,
Ty Ty, Georgia.

20 tons, No. 1 White ~ Spanish peanuts, 6c
lb. FOB Hawkinsville. Cash with order. T.
B. Ragan, Hawkinsville, Ga.

5 toms White Spanish peanuts for aoe
select stock. Benthal machine picked, 5 and
-1-4 cents Ib. FOB Pinehurst. Cash with or-
der. D. E; Thompson, Pinehurst, Ga.

75 lbs, White Spanish peanuts, spund, clean
and dry, 10c lb., FOB here. Mrs. J. Freeman,
Waynesville, Ga. Route 7.

Tb. sacks, FOB Jesup. Will exch. for Brab
and Iron peas, $1.50 bu. at shipping poi int.
Geo. W. Harper, Jesup, Ga.

N. C. Runner seed peanuts, Ba Ib, in 100

Home grown Runner seed peanuts, $6 per

100 Ibs., del.; Spanish seed peanuts, $7 per
100. Ibs.. del. Send check. CGC. R. Patrick
Omega, Georgia.

Pecan meats, nice, clean mats, 60 Ib: del.
J. R. Howington, Commerce, Ga.

White Spanish peanuts, 6c lb.; Runner
peanuts, 5c ib. W. G. Wilhgmadn, Vienna

75 bu. North Ga. improved peanuts fo

seed. Hamnd-picked, clean and scaffold: cured.

Se Ib. del. Write for sample. -: E. Williams,
Alpharetta, Ga.

5 tons of No. 1 White Spanish peanuts
for seed, 5 1-2c lb., sacked: FOB cars, Leary.
W. O. Lunsford, Leary, Ga.

A-No. 1 grade Chufas, hand cleaned, 15
lb., FOB Gainesville, Postage extra. G.-D.
fvans, Gainesville, Ga.

About 2 tons of Runner peanuts saved
from seed. Sell in lots of 50 Ibs. up at 5c
Ib. Germination / guaranteed, John EL _Bair

Faceville, Ga. *

No. 1 Runner seed peanuts, 4 1-2 Ib. W.
C, Lang, Quitman, Ga. ~

No. 1 Runner peanuts, 4 126 1b:-B. R.
Strickland, Quitman, :

50 bu. Chufas, No. 1 $6 bu. FOB here. W.
A. Roberts, Lake Park, Ga. 2

Ga. Runner peanuts, recleaned, special se-
lect, 5c lb. FOB here. G. W. Chapmam, Sum-
ner, Ga. -

Ga. grown N. C. Runner seed: peanuts, Be
Ib. FOB here. Sample on request. CC. B.
Daugherty, Lenox, Georgia.

Limited amount Ga. grown N. C. Run-
ner peanuts, 4 1-2c Ib., in 100 lb. tots FOP
here. Cash with order. C. H. Griffis, Ax-
son, Ga. Route 2, Box 21.

Selected seed peanuts: White Spanish, 6r
Ib.; Ga. Runners, 5 1-2c Ib. Robt. S. Ander-
son, Hawkinsville, Ga. ;


Want 10 bu. Spanish peanuts., Will exch.
syrup. R. M. Wicker, Wrightsville, Ga.

Waat a few improved Spansh peanuts,
red or white, for seed. L. J. Vollrath, Wins
ton, Georgia.

Extra good, tender Half Running Streake?

garden bean seed, 40c Ib. Add postage; also |.

White Bunch running butter bean seed, 20c
Ib., or exch. for nice, dred fruit; apples pre
ferred. Mx. N. R. Wilson, Canon, Georgia,
Route 2.

50 or 76 lbs. Weaver Watson tease wa-
termelon seed, $1 Ib. FOB hee: Je Molland,
Rp irest see Ps S

seed, different varieties,


Carpet Grass seed, 25 Ib. J. Fitz Norris, |
Warrenton, Ga.

Old fashioned, hot red pepper seed, 5c tbls. : :
10 Iks.. white runnin butter-bean seed, 15c
Ib.; 30 lbs. pure Watson melon seed, 4
P.-E. Walker, Ft. Valley, Ga. Rt.

Okra seed, clean and sound, mew. crop
40c lb. J. F.. Briscoe, Logansville, Ga.
Striped, Fat Horse Pole bean seed, 3
for cupful ged Mrs. T. C. Floyd, Chip-
ley, Ga. Route 2, Box 74>
Garden Bunch bean seed, black wax, Souni
and clean, 25 Ib., 4 1-2 Ibs for $1; also 25
May cherry trees, 4 for 50c.- Mrs. S. W.
Sloan, Auburn, Ga. _ ;
2 Ibs. Eden Gem camtaloupe seed, $1.40 for
lot. Send postage; also 10 lbs. flu butter-
beans, $1 FOB; Earluna tomato seed, 1-4
lb., 50c:; will exch, tomato seed for best and
tender bean seed. _ John Crone, Philomath,
Georgia. ,
40 and 50 Ibs. Collard seed, 50c Ib, FOr
Coffee. J. Mitch Boatwright, Coffee, Ga.
All. variety of cabbage seed, $1.25; collards, mustard, 45c Ib.; New. Stone. to.
mato, $1.30 lb.; beets, carrots, radish and
squash, 85c lb:; Stone Moumtain watermelor
seed, $1 Ilb.; okra 35c Ib.; rape, 15c Ib.. Al
del. cash. LL. C. Irwin, Braselton, Ga. Rt. 1.+
Ali varieties of imported seed, $1.25 lb.-

collard, turnip, mustard 45c lb.; radish, car-
parsnip, beets, 75c lb.; squash, |

rots, parsley
yellow ae neck, 90c 1b.; watermelon
%5c an@ $1 Ib;
Rocky Ford cantaloupe seed, $1 Ib.; tomato
different, $1.50 \b.; okra, 25c Ib.
A. R. Holland, Braselton, Ga. Rt. 1.

8 bushels seeded ribbon came seed, 8c Ib
$2.50 bu. del. Add postage on small lots. at:
8S. Brooks, Monroe, Ga. Rt. 1.

' Watermelon seed, yellow meated, $2 Ib.:

good mixed seed, $1 Ib. Quill and other good.

_varieties njuskmelon seed mixed, 50c_ cup-

ful or- exch. any of the above postpaid. J.
E. Brown, Summit, Ga. Route 3.

- 1 8-4 Ibs. heading collard seed, $1.75 for
the lot or 10c for 2 tablespoonfuls. Mrs. J.
S. Yeomans, Swainsboro, Ga. Route 2.

Spring and summer tunnip seed mixed, okre
seed, 25c per cupful; Condons yellow crook
neck squash, 10e pkg. Add postage. Mrs. Ra
Hemphill, Flowery Branch, Ga.

Winter heading collard seed, 10c 2 table
spoonfuls; also golden bells 10c doz. y
postage. Mrs. Y. A., Monroe, Ga. Rt. 2.

Green pod ookra early white spine cucum-
ber, muskmelon, broom: com, gourd seed, al
10c pkg. or 8 for 25c. 5 M. Tes La-

vonia, Georgia.
Stone Mt. oiterraalea: aeelt ~ 25e, eupful.
Mrs. J. S. Fowler, Surrency, Ga.

Improved collard seed, head almost like cab-

bage, 1928 seed, 15c 2 tablespoonfuls. Add.
postage. Mrs. J. BE. Bond, Elberton, Ga. Rt 2.

Home grown Swycard collard seed, 10 Oz.
$1 Ib. B. F. Scott, Dawson, Ga.

Old fashioned cornfield bean seed, 35c Tb.
3 lbs. for $1 del: Texas seeded ribbon syrup
came seed, 35c. per gal. Joseph A. ae:
Hull, Ga. Route 2.

Honey drip. cane seed, well cleaned, Be Ib.
del. in lots of 10 Ibs. or more. Rucker cotton
seed, $1.25 per bu. or-will exch. 1 bu. for
1000 Porto Rican potato plants. W. A. Moon,
Waco, Georgia, Route 2.

Old fashioned hot pepper seed, 10c table.
spoonful or 8 for 25 del. Long green pod
okra seed, 25c cupful del. Mrs. A. L. Hud-
gins, Rockmart, Ga. Route 3. ~

Purple top and mixed turmip seed white
velvet and Jumbo okra seed, 30c Ib.; white
bunch butter bean seed and running butter
bean seed, 25c Ib.; few cream crowder peas,
10 Ib. all del. Cc. G. Oliver, Barnes) oe
Route 2.

225 lbs. well selected Watson melon
50g. In 5 and 10 Ib. lots 60 prepaid. Sa


sent on request. H. M. Sens Griswold-
ville; Georgia. : g
Large type Ga. collard seed, 10c_ table-

spoonful, Mrs. G. E. Sapp, Richland, Ga.
25 Ibs.'Stone Mt. melon seed, hand saved,
$1.50 Ib. or lot. for $35. J. Howard Smith,

| Bastman, Georgia, Route 8.

Old fashioned corn. hill pumpkin seed, run-
ning okra seed, 25 seed for 10, 100 for 25e:
L. J. Vollrath, Winston, Ga. .

Icebyrg lettuce seed,.25e tbls. Add postage.
Mrs. Maud W.lliams, Lovamsv: He Ga. Rte.

1 1-2 lbs. Wilkins melon seed, from large
stock, $1 Ib. or lot for $1.85; 1-2 Ib., water-
melon and cantaloupe seed, from Rice melons
B0c. All del. Mrs. Es Clark, Fairburn, Ga.
Route 4.

Chufa seed, 100 Tb. his month ; le higher
each month while they last. Good, sound
seed. W. W. Crews, Beach, Ga.

Winter English pea seed, Thomas Bunch
variety, 20c lb. del. by parcel post; Sec in
bu. lots FOB. John W. Berryhill, Lakeland
Georgia. : : :

13 Ibs. mxed turnip seed, best varieties

ce from all foreign matter, $8 for a
Felton McDougal, Lavonia, Ga.

Dwarf Okra: seed, 25c Ib., postpaid _Mrs.
Joe S. Stanton, Conyers, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 113.

Watson watermelon seed, hand gathered.
50c Ib. G. L. Watson, Morven, Ga. :

M xed turnip seed, 15c teacupful; 1927 crop
nice bunch sage, 10; or 3 for 25; also pur-
ple violets, dusty miller, 15q doz., 8 doz. f-
26c, or exch. for Octagon coupons at 1 cent
each. Add 6c for postage to all orders. Mrs
M.vG, Conner, Ga'nesville, Ga. Rt. 4.

Chufa seed, bright and sound, $2 pk., or |

$6 bu. 5. also | =. Texas Ribbon, cane | Bi

| mato, beets,
oz. Rape, 15 lb. Sweet. peas, 15 oz.: Ye'low


for $1. Owens Bros., Pembroke, Ga.

Pure White Velvet okra seed\ 2 ats. die
$1.20 postpaid. No stamps Syten i Effie
Laster, Fa.rburm, Ga. Route 3.

Pure White Velvet Okra seed, 50c qt., del.

No stamps accepted. Melvin Laster, Fair-
burn, Ga. RFD 3. <a

bu. del. O. A. Fleming, Elberton; Ga. Rt. 6.

Imp. Long Green and Velvet Okra seed.
40c Ib.; Cheaper in larger quantities. L.
Oden, Blackshear, Ga, 3

Genuine, selected, Rocky Ford cintaloure
seed, 75c Ib., prepaid. H. A. Josey,
hurst, Ga, Route 2.



Honey Drip Cane seed, 50a pk., or $1. 60 ag


Velvet Okra seed, 10 teacup; also colored

Bunch Butterlbeans, 12 Ib. Add postaze
Mrs. Ralph Williams, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 6.

22 Ibs. Osage cantaloupe seed, 20c Ib., or

ville, Ga. Rt.

200 bu. Improved Orange Sorghum, ined:
$1.25 bu. J. B. Dunn, Flippen, Ga. 4

lot for $4.50 prepaid. Cc. M. Crow, Gaines-

Selected Lipsey melon seed, $1 per Ib. Red-

mon Rosser, Locust Grove, Ga.

30 Ibs. Okra seed, 15a lb. for lot. S. R.
McGarity, Red Oak, Ga. Rt. 1.

Dill and gourd seed, also gourds eaitehia
for Martin nests. Mrs. T. B. Thomas, Thom-
asboro, Ga.

Dwarf Essex rape seed, 12 1-2e Ih. Robt.
S.. Anderson, Hawkinsville, Ga.

Hastings long green cucumber seed, clean

and sound, 75e Ib. or 5 Ibs. for $8, Mrs. W.
Hi Rucker, Milner, Ga.

Seed in 1-2 and 1 Ib. lots; giemt curly
leaf mustard, 25 to 45c; Kentucky wonder
beans, white velvet and tall green pod okra
12 to 20c; Edward perfecto cantaloupe and

Kleckley sweet melon, 45 to 80c lb.; postage
paid on orders amounting to 2 Ibs. or more.

A. D. Todd, Winterville, Ga.

Orange ayrup cane seed, $1/50 per bi vt

FOB here. A. Wilson, Bremen, Ga. Rt. 2.

25 Ibs. Sac and mproved running but-
ter beans, white, colored and mxed, 20c Ib.
not m-xed 25c Jb. in lots of 2 Ibs. or over.
Cash with order. E. M. Longshore, 3041 aoe
Ave., Columbus, Ga.

Red Valentine beans, Early Sicha peas,
Henderson bunch lima, 25c Ib. Cabbave to-
radishes, carrots, turnips,

crook neck squash and Chicago pickling cu-

cumber, 90c Ib. Walter Ww. McEver, . Hepser. ae

ton, Georgia.

White velvet beans,

cabbage and -
seed. H.

H. Bussett, Springfield, Ga. ae

Pure Ga. Came syrup in No. 10 cans:

10 -


seed, from selected. heads, 20 1b: or 6 Ibs.

for case of 6 cans; Will exch. for White :

Spanish peanuts, Brabham peas, or Fila.,
Velvet beans. V. E. Franklin, .Graymont, Ga.

New Ga. Cane syrup, $4.50 per case of 6

10 Ib. cans; $4.75. per case of 12-5 lb: cans

del. your station Money refunded if not satis-_

fied. Thos. Davis, Megs, Ga.

-Strictly A. No. 1 pure Ga. Cane syrup ane

new bbls, about 35 gals. to bbl. at 55c gal.

FOB Whigham. E. P. Trulock, Whigham, Ga.

Old Time Sugar Cane syrup, new, $1.00 per.

10 Ib, can. R. W. Stembridge, Milledge-
ville, Ga.
54 gal. Ga. Cane syrup. A Slo. A: grade,

in bbl. $30.00 FOB, or exch. for Reg. Jersev
S. P. Reed, Cohutta

heifer 8 mos. old Sale.
Ga. ~*~

, New Ga. Cane syrup in gal. cans,
while hot, 85c gal., FOB cou tial Se Te
son, Alma, Ga. Rt. 3.

400 gal. No. 10 gal. eee pure, seeks
ly no mixture, Sa ugar Cane syrup. Home
cooked. Write for pricey M.. R.
Louisville, Ga. Rt. 5, Box 54.

Pure Ga. Cane syrup in 10 Ib. cans, 85c

or 6 cans for $5 fob Hatley, Ga. H. G. Bart-
lett, Cordele, Ga. Rt.-D; Box 185.





Extra heavy pure Ga. cane syrup, 12 five.

lb. cans to case, $4.75 per case del.
case lots, $5.00 per case in case lot. - Satis-
faction guaranteed. G. B. Isler, Meigs, Ga.

Have sold all syrup except 26 syrup. It As in.

new 10 Ib. pals sealed. Will sell at 40e gal.
FOB Milan, Ga. John J. Cravey, Mlan, Ga.
Rt. -1, Box 98.


White - best onions, 40c gal. Add postage.
L. Jackson, Waco, Ga. Be

Will exch. 1 gal. Hastings White Bumch
butter-bean seed for a gal. white or yellow
nest onions. Each to pay postage. Mrs. J. L.
Gatlin, Gresston, Ga. Rt.- 1.

Pimiento pepper, 10c for 2 tbls. Mrs.
S. Stanton, Conyers, Ga.

Long cow horn hot peppers, 20c tbls., or

exch. for Flower seed, any kind except Old
Maids and Sunflower.
Logansville, Ga. Rt. 6.
Dagheens $5.00 per 100 Ib. erate. a
Cty. No orders filled for less than 100
D. 8S. Major, Ray City, Ga. Rt. 1.
Want shallots for 15e per 100. ye red mul-
t plying onions as per 100 -


a Lucile g


Mrs. Maud Williams, ,


in two. =

c Poultry for Sale ve Wanted


a Dator,
more. We deliver chicks. The Dixie Hatchery, -

- ~setting eggs from same strain,

= = aroper. setting.

(Continued from Page 3)

Mixed breeds, baby chicks, $10 a 100. H.
L. Russell, Thomastan, Ga. ;
_ Barred Rocks and R. I. Red baby chicks,
12 1-2c ea.; Big breed; mixed, 10 1-2 ea. Ex
oats Bailey, Harlem, Ga.
Fanered Imp. W. Leghorn baby chicks, $14
a 100; $65 for 500; from high record 2 and
3 yr. old hens. Hatch every week. Crest Hill
Farm, Ocilla, Ga.

1,000 W. Leghorn chicks, 2 and 3 wks. old,
$14.a 100. prepaid. Live del. guaranteed.
Fains Hatchery, Edison, Ga.

Buff Orpington day old chicks from healthy
unrelated parent stock, $4 for 25, $15 a 100;
eggs, $1.25 for 15. Mrs. EB. H. Kirksey; -.Al-
bany, Ga. Rt. A. Box 29.

White Leghorns, Brown. Leghorns. and S.

C. Anconas, $12.50 per 100; Barred Rocks,
$15 per. 100; S. C. R. I. Reds, $16 per 100;
Thousands hatching weekly. ~ Also custom

hatching in Buckeye Mammoth Electrie Incu-
3 1-2c per egge im lots of 100 eggs or

Conyers, Ga.

Custom hatching, 4c per egg. Chicks? del.
postpaid. Settings twice weekly in tray lots
of 138 eggs. Woodlawn Hatcheries, 510 Pied-
mont Ave, Atlanta, Ga:

S. Ili.. Wyandottes and R. I. Reds, $14 per
100 or 15cea. del. Mrs. B. M. Logan, Athens,
"Ga. Rt. 2+

Wastiaxed baby ehicks one day old, 25c ea.
in lots of twenty-five or more, postpaid and
100 per cent live del. guaranteed. Day old
-ehieks from Quisenberys -high- laying strain
~ of S. C. White Leghorns, post paid, 20c each,
live del. .cguaranteed on 25 or more; also
$2 per 15;
setting eggs from Warhorse strain, $2.50 per

15. O. L. McClellam, 403 Jefferson St., La-
Grange, Ga. : ae 8
S. . R: I. Red-baby chicks, $15 and $20

per 100; also hatching eggs from same strain,
| $1.59 and $2.50 per setting. Cash with order.
Mrs. Jd. D: Smith, Savannah, Ga. Rt. A.
~100 R. I. Red, 100 Partridge Rocks, 40 B.
Rocks, baby chicks l5e ea. Ready Mayr. 8rd.
- Mrs. E. A. Sanders, Jacksonville, Ga.
English Leghorn baby chigks, $15 per 100; ;
Rk Reds, and Barred Rocks, $18 per 100:
Mocks White Hennery Poultry Farm, Lanier,

hatching eggs same strain from culled flock,
Mrs. We ~'T. Bray, Greensboro,

Ferris W.. Leghorn chi cks from heavy lay-
jng flocks. Hatch every Thursday. $13.50 for
100; $60 for 500; $110 for M. Register Hatch-
ery, Register, Ga.

300 pure bred Buff Orpington chicks each

Week, $15 a 100; setting eggs, $1.25 for 15
postpaid; haas, $2 ea. Mrs. G.. D. Fain,
- Edison, Ga. :

.. Everlay Dark Brown Teghota ee chicks,

_ flocks:

$12 a 100. Live delivery guaranteed; also 6
mos. old pullets, reasonable: O. J. MceCurley,
Canton, Ga.
Good laying strain, thoroughbred
Minorea day old chicks, $16
Frank De Vane, Barney, Ga. ~~
Tancred W.. Leghoiw baby chicks, ne hatch
from 115 eggs, 10c ea. April 5th del. Cash
wth order; eggs, same strain, $3.50 a 100
Fob here. Mrs. J. Li Pengh, Barnesvile, Ga.
Rt. A.

S.C. baby chicks for sale every week ;

OF apatoak hatching, 4c an egg. Will hatch any
in advance.-}

breed. if order is given 3 wks.
J. R. Daniel, Carrollton, Ga. ~ i

High powered baby chicks from leading
Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes, $15; Brown

and White Leghorns, $12 del. Live delivery

is guaranteed. Happy: Hen Poultry Farm, Odum,


Brown Leghorn everlay strain from prize
stock baby chicks, $12 per 100 del, Live del.
guaranteed. Hatch every Monday, D.. J. Me-
Curley, Canton, Ga.-

50 R. Ix Red Donaldson stramn, baby chicks
from culled flocks, $7 del. in Ga. March 14.
_ Mrs. J. A. Knowles, Jackson, Ga. Res:

W. Leghorn Ferris strain baby. chicks,
$12.50 per 100; $6.50 per 50. March and April
del. Live del. euoeare
Woodstock, Ga. 2

Brown Leghorn, overlay strain, $12 per 100
~ del. in March. Mrs. Benmie Mercer, Summit,
' Ga.

- R. I. Reds, 14 ea. . Brown Leghorns, 12

sea. Mrs. I~ Ss Teagle; Cordele, Ga. Rt. B..
~R. I. Reds, Donaldson -stran from select

matings, 20c ea. Yard run, all pure, 15c ea.

=< \

Hacch week!y all season. Mrs. H. G. Brown,
Stone Mtn. Ga. Rt. 1.
~ C. W. Leghorns, Tamcred. strain, trap

nested stock, llc; R. I. Reds and Barred R.

15c; Write for particulars. Also custom hatch-
ing orders taken for each Wednesday for
Mammoth Buckeye incubator, 38c- per egg,
-tray of 112. Peach Poultry Company, Fort
Valley, Ga. :

Pure bred Reds from good producing prize
stock, 16c ea. prepaid. 12 March hatch. Mrs.
J. EB. Sikes, Chester, Ga. Rt. 2.

W. Leghorns, Brown Leghorns and S. C.
Ancxnas, $12 per 100; Barred Rocks, $15 per
100; S. C. R. I. Reds, $16 per 100. Thousands
hatching each week. Also custom hatching in
Buckeye Mammoth Elec., Incubator, 8 1-2c
per egg, in lots of 100 or more. i. G. Me:
. Elyany, Conyers, Ga.

S$. C. Buff Leghorns, $18 per
are not hatchery chicks. J. _D. -Ward, Colum-
bus, Ga. Box 254. :

Wyandottes, $17 per 100; also setting eegs,
$2 per 15 same - kind. Wayne Hall,
ville, Gare ae


a. pure pied "$6 \doz.


larger quantities write for quotations.

White Wyandotte baby chicks, 15 ea. also.

Black |
a 100. Mrs..

A py McClure, i

100. heed


de]. No less than + doz. sold. Guaranteed 100
per cent live del. R. D. Davison, Lyerly, Ga.
B. P. Rocks and R. I. Reds, day old, $18 per
100. Eggs from same $7 per 100 or $2 per 15.
E. J. Williamsy Ty Ty; Ga. ;
White Leghorns, $13 per 100; B. Rocks, R:
Reds, Anconas and Black Minorcas, $15
per 100; Buff and W. Orpingtons znd W.
Wyandottes, $17 per 100; Light Brahmas and
Jersey B. Giants, $18 per 100. Hatching eggs.
$1.50 and $2 per 15. 100 per cent live del.

Middle Ga. Hatchery & Poultry Farm, sega c

Ga. Box 908.

Ferris W. Leghorn baby chicks tie sel-
ected, heavy laying hens, mated to. cockerels
direct from Ferriss Farm, $12 a 100 post-
paid. 100 per cent: live del. guaranteed. Gunes
Poultry Farm, Rockledge, Ga. -

Pure Pape Black Minorea baby siee $15

for 100 del,; also hatching . exes, $2 for 15
del. Woodrow Wilson, Martn, Ga. ~
Donaldson R. I. Red baby chicks, reason-
able price; thoroughbred roosters, $1:26- ea:
G. W. Dozier, Dawson, Ga. e
Baby chicks per 100:-Barred Rocks, R. I.

Reds and J..B. Giants, $15- ea.; W. Leghorns.
$13. All del. in 100 lots or more. Shoal Creel
Poultry Farm, Lavonia, Ga. Rt. 2.
Dasaldson R. I. Red baby chicks,
Mrs. L. L. Hadley, Chipley, Ga. Ria.
_ Day old chicks; Reds. and, Rocks, $13 a 100;
S. CG. W: Leghorns, $12 a 100 del. 100 per
cent live del..D. M. Clark, Garf eld, Ga.
Light Brahma baby ch cks, Giant strain,
$14 a 100 del.
Flowery Branch, Ga.
6,000 Blood tested,

1de ea.

State departed baby

chicks, 9c and up. Robertson Hatchery, Atlan-

ta, Ga. 201 Whitehall St.

Custom Hatching: have space for severa!
thousand eggs weekly, 4 an egg in tray
Jots of 188 eggs.\Chicks del. Settsigs twice
weekly ; also pure bred baby ch.cks a 100:
R.,, Re I. Reds, W. Piymouth Rocks, $1F
Buff Orpingtons, W. and S. L.. Wyandcttes,
Black Minoreas, $16; Light Brahmas,
Orp:ngtons, J. B. Giants, $18; Heavy breeds,
mixed, $18; .S. C. and Brown Leghorns, An-
conas, $12.50; Light breeds mixed, $11. Add
le per chick for shipments 41 50 lots and 2c
per chick in 25 lots. Special discount.for 500
lots. or more. Prepaid. 100 per cent. live del.
guaranteed. Custom Hatching: space for _sey-
eral thousand more eggs. Setting tw ce weekis
in tray lots 1388 eggs at 4c an ens. Chick
del. prepaid. Woodlawn Hatcher: ies, Atlanta.
Ga. Box 45../


Want 50 Black Mixtorca baby chicks to
raise on halves eo 10 wks. slosias B. P,. Saxon,
Roswell, Ga. Rt. 3. -

Want 200 R. I. Red or Wyandotte baby
chicks to raise on ha'ves to 8 wks. Have
brooder and brooder house for. raising them.
L. P. Morgan. Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt... 5. f

Want 100 baby chicks to rase on -halves
to 8 wks.- Any large breed except Black
Giants. Mrs. A. C. Comer, Wayside, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want from 1 to 300 baby chicks, eriy large
breed, to raise on halves until 2 Ib. frers.

Experienced. Mrs. Besse M. Joiner, Davis-
boro,- Ga. Rt. 1.

Want 200, any large breed, baby chick?
to raise on halves to 10 wks. Write first.

Mrs. J. S. Belflower, Tifton, Ga. Rt.. 3, Box

Want baby chicks to raise on halves to 10
wks. old. Plymouth Rocks preferfed. Mrs.
Carl Mulligan, Alpharetta, Ga. Rt. 5. Care
H: H. Turner. : 2 s

Want. 200, any large breed, baby chicks to
raise on halves to 10 wks. Write first. Mrs.
C. A. Barnard, Tifton, Ga. ey

Want. dark Brahma chcks to raise on
-halves to 10: wks. Good stock only. Mrs. A. H.
Hardwiek, Gai nesville, Ga. Box 4838.

Want 50 baby chicks to raise on ales
to 10 wks. R. I. Reds preferred. Berry P.
Saxon, Roswell, Ga. Rt. 3.-

Want 100 any large breed. baby chicks ce
raise on halves to 10 wks. Write first. Ry O.
Defivall, Temple, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 2 or 3 hundred thfourhbeed Reds
or W.- Leghorn baby chicks to raise
Mhalves to 12 wks. J. A. Ingram, Osierfield,

Want 50 or 75 baby ch'cks to raise on
halves to 8 or 10 wks., not later than March
15th.. Prefer R. I. Reds or Buffs. Wr te.
Mrs. Garrett Smith, Point Peter, Ga. 3

Want _chicks, turkeys, ducks, geese. or
guineas to raise on halves any breed to 8 or
10 wks. Miss Seiilcea ee Osierfield, Ga.
Route. 1- :
~ Want baby vhides to raise on halves. Anv
variety, pure breed or mixed. Mrs. 12 N:
Dalton, Homer, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want to hear from some one having R. I
Red baby. chicks for sale reasonable for cash.
Fred Eller, Talking Rock, Ga. :

Want 100 Barred Rock or R. I. Red babv
chicks to raise on. halves to 8 wks. Will be
willing to go 50-50. Del. by first of March.
Miss Willkie Mae Tayley, Lovejoy, Ga. RFD.

Want 1 or 2 hundred Barred Rock or
I. Red baby chicks to raise on halves to 8
or 10 wks. Mrs.
| Georgia, Route 1. :

Want pure bred baby chicks to raise or
halves. 100 to 600.. Barred Rocks or R. I.
Reds preferred,. but will accept eny pure
breed. H. A. Whitehead, Bogart, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want 100 Brown Leghorn baby chicks te
raise on halves to frying -size. Walter C.
Pippin, Round Oak, Ga. Rt. 1. ~

Want 100 Barred Rocks and 100 R. I. Red
baby chicks. to raise on halves to 8 or 10
wks. Mrs. Alfred. Srzith, Heflin, Ala.: Rt. 7.

Want 200 baby chicks to raise on halves to.
9 wks. Yellow Buff Orpingtems preferred.
Del. right away. Write before shippime. Mrs.
G. C. Hunter, Winder, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 400 W. Leghorn baby | chicks -
raise on halves. orbs inert Gee Re Rape,
McDonough, Ga. Rt. 1. pie :

Light Brahma POnten Farm,


We LL. McElroy, Lovejoy. :



on |

sonable cash price.
-Georza, Route 1.

| Route 2. ie ee

Buff Orpingtons,

White Lghorns, to 8 or 10 wks.

Want 50 or 100 R. i Ret or some other
large breed baby chicks, soon. Wil exeh.
apple trees ot strawberry plants for them:
Wriie. Mrs. Icie Warwick, Leaf, Ga.

Want 100 baby chigks to raise on halves
to 10 wks. R. J; Reds or Barred Rocks, del.
by middle of March or befere. Mrs. C. H.
Harrelsa:, Ball Ground, Ga. Rt. 4. A

Want ee Silian Game baby .chicks to
a se to wks. W. C. Brock, Nicholson, Ga.
Route 2.

Want 1 or 200 baby chicks to raise on
halves io 10 wks. Any large breed, but prefer
Rocks, Reds or Wyandottes. Mrs. M. C.
Underwod, Denton, Georgia. 4

Want 200 Barred Rock chicks to raise on
balves to 10 wks. ae Geo. W. Thomas.

er; Ga. Rt 3;
tees re see W. Leper or Barred Rock baby
eh cks to raise on halves to 12 wks. Am well
equipped for same. P. ee Box 14, Bairdstown

ee 75 White Lesion baby hicks;
vase on halves to 8 wks. Mrs. M. F. Weath.
ersby, Bluffton, Ga. RFD 38.

.ant 160 baby ch cks to raise on halek:
to 10. wks. Any breed. Write first. W. I.

-eathe. sby, Bluffton, Ga. Rtz 3:

Wan, baby ehicks to raise on 50-50 basis.
Any Breck. excepb! Games and Legho: 21S. a
WV. H. Baxley, Ocilla, Ga.

Want from 100 to 500 baby chi thes to: eaige
on halves to 9 wks. Prefer Barred Rocks or
R. I. Reds. Mrs. ae Carver, Ambrose, Ga

Want 100 W. > pike baby chicks to
aise on halves to 8 or 10 wks. Will <

half of what I raise out of 100. J. T. Kelley.

Molena, Ga. RFD 1. :
Want 100 Barred Rock: aby: ch'cks te
vaise on halves to 8 = W. H. ee

Newborn, Georgia. < :
~ Want 200 White or een Leghoita, and

1990 RB. I. Red chickens to rais on halves to

8 wks. old. Mrs. Fred Freeman, Cleveland |

Gav Rt: <3:

Want 100 baby chicks to rase on halve:
to 8 wks. Any kind except Ww. Leghorns
Mitchells Kennels, Carrollton, Ge Ri ote =

Wint baby chicks to raise on halves. Pur

bred Light Brahmas - preferred. Mrs. L. M4
Kennedy, Collins, Georg a.

Want 50er 100 baby chicks to raise or
halves to 8 wks. old. Any large breed. ae
A. A. Gary, Royston, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want.1 to 500 Buff Rock baby chicks ee
raise on halves to 10 wks. old. References
furnished. M. A. Maret, Lavonia, Ga. >

Want 100 to-5 baby chicks, any kind .
to raisa on halves to frying Size. WwW.
Barnes, Elza. Ga. Rt. 2. e

Yant - baby chicks, also exgs for hatching.
W ll exch. for same. Sam G. Rogers, Daisy,

Want 200 Barred Rock, Thompson strain.
baby chicks to raise on halves, to 8 wks:
As guarantee party. ship COD for value of
one half of baby chicks; chicks returned : to
party COD org nal amount. J. R. Jackson
Gordon," Georgia.

Will exch. for 50. Sidmpsons Re L Red day

: old chicks, pure _ bred, or for 5 thoroushbree

Red hens and 1 rooster, | same strain. |
old. Lill an Thomas, Haral-

not over 2 ane:

son, Georgia. :
Want. to exch. 6 W. Leghorn hens for Ww
Leghorn baby. ch'cks.. Make best offer. Mrs.

J. L. Wilder, Manor, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want | 75 or 100 R. I.- Red baby chi pikes
raise ci. halves. to 6 or 8 wks. Otis Bae,
Palmetto, Georgia. 4

Wan: chickens to rase on halves to = 34

/mos., any breed. Mrs. N. N. _Cothran, Roys-

ton, Georgia, ' YRED 1;

Want to. exch. 50 Ib. can of lard for 10
baby chicks ; milk fed, or will sell 2 cans
of. lard for 15 Ib. Lews Podd, Glennville,

| Georgia, RFD 2.

~ Want 100 baby chcks to raise on halve:
fo 8 or 10wks. Mrs. C. H: Hand, Mc: tcell-
Georgia, Route 1.
Want 299 baby chicks to raise on halves.
any large breed, prefer R. I. Reds or Light
Brahmas. Del. by. the middle of March or
soover. Mrs. C. A. Taylor, Crawfordville, Ga.
Want 100 6 wks. old chicks, Tancred strain
*V. Leghorns or Barred Rocks. Will pay rea-
A. B. Taylor, Rochelle,

Want 25 day-old chicks: Brown Leghorns,
Partridge Rocks, or Cornish Games. wr
exch. for: same. Write. Mrs. Phillip Ledford+
Rochelle, Georga, Route t. < 2 ie
Want 150 to 200 or any- amount. over 501
baby chicks to raise on halves. Mrs. hee
Mills, Brooklet, .Ga.

Want 50 or 100 baby whiclis! to raise on
halves, to 8 or 10 wks. R. I. Reds or Barred
Rocks preferred. Any -heavy breed will do.
Mrs. . M. Tate, Resaca, Ga: Rt.

Want to exch: for White or Buff Bale
Dark - or White Cornish
Games and Brown Leghorn baby chicks.
Write. Mrs. J. L. Wallace, Canon, Ga. Rt. 4.

Want 500 or more baby chicks to raise
ai halves, any kind, but prefer Brown or
Mrs. Julia
Tyler, Rhine, Ga. Rt. 3. Dodge County.

Want chickens to raise to 6 months on.
50-50 basis. Write. S. I. Jefferson, Nashville,
Georgia, Route 3.

Want 500 baby chicks to raise on halves
to 10 wks. Guarantee to raise 60 per cent.
H. L. Wallace, Bowdon Junctian, Ga.

Want 1,000 W. Leghorn baby chicks to
rase on halves to 10 wks. Have good equip-
ment, brooders, ete. 10 yrs., experience. Tan-
cred strain preferred. Correspondence invit-
ed. Mrs. M. L. Jordan, Rochelle, Ga, Rt 2
Box. 38.

Want 200 thoroughbred R. I. Baby ch eks

to rase cn halves. Experienced. Mrs. G.. Ww

Shannon, Fender, Georgia.
Want any amount from 100 to 500. Brown

|} Leghorn baby chicks to raise on halves. to

8 wks. Mrs. Vessie Brantley, poperian, Ga.


| Want to exch. for 85 Amcona baby chiske2

| Madras, Georgia, RFD 1.


| L. N. Patten, Abbeville, Ga.

= March 46, 1928

eS Want. from 200 to 500 pure bred RT. Red
baby chicks to raiseon halves to 10 wks. , or
will take Buff. Orpingtons. Doo Price, Lo-
rane, Ga. Route 1.

Want 100 baby chiaks fo raise ot halves
to 10 wits. Mrs. C. H, Hand, Monticello,.. Ga.

Route 1.

or for 50 Anconas and 30 any large breed,
Reds or Buff preferred. Mrs. J. S. Yeomans,
Swainsboro, Ga. Route 2.

Want 100 or 200 baby chicks to raise. on.
halves to 10 wks. R. I. Reds, B. R. or Silver
Lace Wyandottes preferred. Would consider
other breeds. Mrs. G. H.. Rider, Jefferson
Georgia, Route 3.

Want 250 baby chicks to raise on halve:
to 10 wks. Send in April. Anqonas or Barred
Plymouth Rocks preferred. Write before
sending.. Steve C. Grogan, Dallas, Ga. Route _
2, Box 68. eS a

Want to exch, for 100 B. R. or R. I> Red
o | baby chicks, or 50 of each, or 12 l-year old.
Barred Rock hens. Mrs. T..- Pp. Kirkland,
Lyons, Georgia, Route 2.

Want 100 baby chicks to raise on he
to 12 wks. Any kind of large breed, we
before shipping. Mrs. 0. W. Hall, Pinehurst,
Georgia, Route 1. >

Want 1 or 200 baby chicks to raise on halve
to 10 wks. Mrs. J. B. Cullars, Daisy, Georgis
Route 2. ;

halves to 8 wks.

50 Buff Gaps to -raise.
Mrs. Cora G. Harrison

Want 300 Barred Rocks or R. I. Red ap
old chicks to raise on halves to 8 wks. Mrs.
Cc. W. Stewart, Sylvania, Ga. Rt. 6.

Want. 500 baby, chicks to raise on halves
to 8 wks., or 3 mos. old. Prefer Barred Rocks
or Yellow Buffs. Write at once. Mrs. a & :
-| Griffis, Bristol, Georgia. x

Want 1000 to 2000 baby chicks to raise on
halves to 10 wks. Use Simplex brooder
stoves. Mrs. John. Crosby, ee, ass
Box 892. : : : z

1 doz. -fat hens, most of them layng, 2h
lb. FOB here. _Mrs. J. L. Burk, Tifton, Ga
Rouie A, i 4
Silver Spangled Hamburgs, - fais
pure strain; 2 young. 9 mos. old cockerels
$2 each; pen of 3, 2 pullets and 1. rooster,
$5; setting of 15 exes, $i. Miss Ida Baugh
St. .: George, Ga.
10 nice fryers average wt. 2 Ibs. eae 30c |
Ib. FOB Rebecca, Ga. Mrs. S. E., R. Young,
Rochelle, Ga. Rt. 1. Je :
Several white campine > cockerels, _ March
hatch, Nabob strain, $1.50 each del. A. UA
Clayton, Roy, Ga. ;
1 and 2 yr. old hens, $1 each FOB here.

_ 250 broilers, 8 weeks old. Quote best price
'Mrs. O. B. Muse, Perry, Ga.

Peafowl, 2. yrs. old, $15. E, M. Lee, Omaha

20 or 25 fat hens, 20 Ib. Mrs. ow. J
Lumpkin, Cuthbert, Ga. Rt. 2,

20 fat hens, mixed Bees $1. each. WwW.
Morgan, Stillmore, Ga. Rt.

Want to exch. No. 1 syrup in gal. .
for Brown Leghorn or R. I. Red hens. Cc
C. Malphrus, Halcyondale, Ga.
Want. 15 thoroughbred Barred Plymout
Rock yr. old, pullets, Mrs. Bonnie Burel!
Buford, Ga. RFD 2. ae
Want to exch. 400 Daffodil bulbs. for
pair. pure, young Seabright Bantam hens.
Write. Miss Christine Jones, Lula, Ga. Rt. 3
Want 50 or 75 common, mixed bane
hens or pullets that will set. Can not.
white ones. Will pay 50c each. FOB va
station im small or large _quantities. Mus
have them as soon as possible. S. H. Monroe,
Thomasville, Ga. Operator. ACL RR.
> Want to exch. value $140 for - 5 mont
old W. Leghorn pullets. Mrs/ . E. Dill
Mitchell, Ga.
Want Buff Cochin cockerel . and | hen
White Cochin chickens, and also want pure
bred eggs from either kind to set. Quot
prices. Mrs. A. H. Waller, Ellabelle, Ga.
Want to exch. Sorghum syrup for 2 Don-
aldson S. C. R. I. Red hens and 1
Mrs. G. R. Harper, Cut Cane, Ga.

Want to exch. for 12 thoroughbred R.
Red March or April hens. Donaldson strain
no culls. Mrs. S. Booker, Sylvester, Ga
RFD 4, i :

Want 2,000 W. Leghorn. pullets, foun
to 12 months old. Wamt the deep, long bodie
heavy comb, that have size and type, oe
bred for high production.. No. runts
culls. State what you have with prices oa
full particulars. L. F. Boggus, Oxford, Ga

Want to exch. daffodil bulbs at $1 a 1
Iris lily bulbs, at 25 doz, or Crepe Myrtl
rooted, at 20c each, for pure bred R. I. Red
or Cornish Game pullets and cockerls; pea:
nuts, or multiplying onicns. Mrs. S. P. Jon
Lula, Ga. Rt. 3. :

Want to exch. pedigreed pecan toes fon o)
to 200 Barred Rock or R. I. Red pullets 0
young hens. W. H. Harris, Fort Valley, Ga

Will exch. for $250 worth of R. 1. R
or Barred Rock hens, or pigs, or some 0
each. Write what you have. Mrs. L. H
Heath, Macon, Ga. RFD 1, Wesleyan nee
Phone 73 MX. ;
~ Want 10 Cornish Indian Game hens. E.
Yarborough, Aragon, Ga. RFD.

Want 20 S. C. R. I. Red hens and 2. coe
not over 1 yr. old. Quote best prices. .
T. Bell; Draketown, Georgia.

Want to exch. a yr. old Jersey heifer
15 W. Leghorn hens, 1 and 1-2 years
Mrs. J. B. Sanders, Macan, Ga. Route 3.

Want to exch. for 5 hens. Write.
Bertha Prophitt, Chipley, Ga. RFD. AL.

Will exch. 4 Sept.. cockerels; sire wt
Ibs., for. Buff pullets, 2 for each cock
Mrs. Jes wees eee G: 836 |
| Avenue, NE. ee




Want to exch. 2 bantam hens, any breed.
Write. Issac Hill, Griffin, Ga. Rt. A.
Want. some pure bred (only) Wark re
S.-C. R. I. Reds from=blood tested stock
Write. Mrs. W. Heidt De Loache, Estill, S. C
Want to exch. 1 65 cap. Buckeye incuba-
tor, set once, for 6 S.C. R. I. Red hens and
J. 1-yr. old cockerel ; also want 1 Buf ochin
Bantam rooster, 1 or 2 yrs. old. L. _P. Mor-
gan, Fitzgerald, Ga. Route 5. ih

. Want 15 pure bred Sic, ienehae Browr
Bechorn pullets and 1 cockerel, same h~-ee
but. not related. R. L. MeNair, Wrens, Ga,

: Want pure bred Slver Spangled Ham-
-_burgs ;- cockerels and hens. L. E.. Jones,
Woodlawn, - Va. = 2

Want to ea. for 150 White or Brown
Leglw-n hens, not over 1 1-2 years old. R. J.
Maddox, Thomaston, Georgia.

- Want to exch. 10 Ancona hens, 2 yrs.. aid:
Shepherd strain, for 7 Barred Rock hens;
i or 2 yrs. old, standard strain. Mrs. Geo. J.
Garrett, Midland, Ga.

_ Want: to exch. Porto Rican potatoes for
Barred Rock pullets or hens. .A. P. Chap-
man, Berlin. Ga. as
Want to exch. value $18 for Barred Rock
Ans. Write. W. H.. Mullis, Chauncey, Ga
Route 2.

Want 15 pure bred hens, any breed that
lays white shelled eggs; prefer Ancciias or
Leghorns. Exch. $25 value for them. Write.
-B. BR. Pearson, Winston, Ga: Rt te

' Will exch. value $25 for 20 R. I. Red her
or 4 turkey hens. Mrs. Piety Forbes, Brooks
let, Georgia.

_ Want to exch. equal value for 15- pure
bred R. I. Red hens, or 150 day old R. i
Red baby chicks, FOB here. Mrs. E.. J.
_ Simons, Albany, Ga. West Pine St. ;

_. Will exch. value $20 for chickens, baby
ch! cks, shoats, pigs, or smoked meat. Write
Mrs. B. E. Whismante, Duluth, Ga. Rt. 1.
Want to exch. farm implements of enGa
value fer S. C. White Leghorn hens* ox
_pullets. Stuart M. Stout, Manchester, Ga.
' Want to exch. 2 M. Porto Rican potato.
ee April del., for 1 Silver Duck Wing
_cock, 1 yr. old. Will pay express 1 way. Dz
W. Carter, Hazelhurst, Georgia.

Want fryers, hens, or broilers. Write what
you have and price per lb. del. in Macon.
H. M. Tuetcw, Vienna, Ga.

- Want to exch..S. C. W. Leghorn cockerels,
1 yr. old for S. . R. I. Reds, same age.
-$. W. Cain, Auburn, Ga.

Want to exch. value $8 for 6 Barred Roek
ens. Hach pay: express. Write. W. F. Clark,
anon, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want to exch. -equal value orn 150 Shepherd
Ancona hens, not over a yr. old, or for 4
good brood sows, ,Guinea or P. C. Write.
Thomas Burgess, Frolona, Ga. Rt 1. :
Want to exch. equal value for 12 good
hens and 1 rooster, any good breed, or for
~ 2 thrifty pigs. J. D. Windham, Thomaston,
Georeia, 137 A-Ave., F.

Want to exch. equal value | for 12 full Ww

ens aad 1 -rooster. Write. Mrs.
Burch, Helena, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want to exch. value $3.50 Barred Rock
hens. Write. Miss. Mae Cofer, Louisville, Ga.
' Want full stock wild cat blue game chick-
ens. Will exch. Indian Cornish Games or

buy, also want baby chicks or-eggs of the


same strain. Write .prices. Charley | Willis,
Milan, Ga. RFD 1
Want 2 young heas or last yrs. pullets.

(the laying kind,) will
Cc. R. Sorrells, Manroe,

ure Lakenvelder,
buy or exch. Mrs.
Georgia, Route 1..
Want to exth. W. Lashom 12 hens sid
1 rooster, unrelated, Ferris strain, 20 mos.
old, for 12 hens and 1 rooster, wirelated.
pure bred Barred Rocks or R. J. Reds of
about the same age. Mrs. R. H. Lawrence,
Browns Crossing, Ga.

Will exch. value $8 for 8 Buff Orpington
or Sg Wyandotte hens, or 50 baby chicks.
W. H. Mason, Hagan, Ga.

x Want 10 Game hens and 1 Game rooster.
or tge same thumber of Barred Rocks or
oe Leghorns. Will pay 75e each FOR.

Ga. Rt. 3,- Box 56 1-2.

Want 50 or less cockerels or large breed
not over 2 or 3 mos. old for eaponizing pur-
poses, State lowest cash price per lb., and
breed. George I. Paquette, HEE: Ga. 840
Broad Street.


Yure bred Donaldson R. I. Red eggs, culled
exhibition and heavy laying strain. $1
for setting ; $5 a 100. Mrs. J. T. Rish, _ Edi-

- Mammoth White Pelin duck eges, $1

ie a
doz. R. M. Blackwell, Rutledge, Ga.

_ Thoroughbred, dark red, R. I. Red eggs,
$1.15 for setting postpaid. Would like to

exch. settings for baby. chicks at moderate
price. Write first. Also have a few young
cocks, $1.50. Miss Ida Dodd, Fairmount, Ga.
Selected hatching eggs: Berry White Rocks
95c for 15; Fawn and Penciled Imdian Run-
ry duck, $1.25 for setting of 14. All del.
R. Nash, Smyrna, Ga.
Hatching eggs from finest stock Bourbon
Red turkey eggs, 50c each.
Smyrna, Georgia. =
Fischel | White Rock eggs, full blood, ever-
lay. strain, "5c a setting if called for. Mrs.
E. Hattaway,. East Point; Ga. 301 Wad-
olden Seabright eggs, from exhibition
Jersey Black Giant select Saisie eggs.
hibition stock, Marcy strain, $2 per 15.
j i on larger lots. Baby chicks
ch, or $18 per 100. Mcline

| ma eggs,

Leghorn, 7 J. B. Giants or 7 Light Brahma

r 100.~ Thompson Ringlet

ames preferred. R. C. McBride, Columbus, |

J. W. Nash, }

stock $2 per 1b. -M. M. Landrum, Adairsville, =


ae for hatching : Deetipenii -Im Ri
let B. R. and Dctialdson R. I. Reds ai Bing.
15 each; J; B. Giants, Marey strain, $1.75
for 15. "AN del. Mrs. W. H. Walters, La-
vonia, Georgia, Route 3. 3

Aristocrat Imp. Ringlet B. R. eggs, $1 for

15. Crate to be returned. M
Dahionees Gee rs. Josie Jenkins,

Light Beohons eggs, $1. 25 for 15 del. Mrs.
Mamie Stone, Adairsvi He. Ga. -Rt.~ 3.

Buff Orpington eggs: Headed by a -pr: ize
winner cock direct from \Heandersons yard,
$1.10 per setting, $5 a 100. Mrs. R. B. Chat-
ham, Carnesville, Gav Rt=3.

Pure B. R. eggs of good breeding, $1 for
15, $1.75 for 30, $2.50 for 45. Special price

on larger lots. Mrs. J. W. Wood :
gone 00 ruff, Lally:

Indian Runner duck eggs,
have collar and mustard


$1. for 15:
seed, 40c


oeverbear:ng- okra seed, 20ce. cup, or 50c Ib;

also Hastings Jerusalem Artichokes,
Add postage on all. rs. WwW. , oa PE
Wadley, Ga.

Large eggs from selected stock. B.. R. and
Buff Orpingtons; Best pen, $2 for 15; 2nd
pen, $1.50 for 15 each. Mrs. W. W. Gaines,

| Atlanta, Ga. 87 Clifton St. S. E.

Tormahlen Dark Brown Leghorn
$1.50 for 15. Mrs. Wiley Adams, Dudley, Ga.
_S. L. Wyandotte eggs, $1. 50 for 15. Mrs_
E. UL. Shurliag,, Macon, Ga. Hollis Road
Oak Hills.

Black Minorca eggs,
Ty. M. Sapp, Dudley, Ga.

Thompson Imp. Ringlet B. R. eggs, $1. for
15; $1.85 for 30; large lots, 5 each. Mrs.
Eula Steadam, Bainbridge, Ga. Rt. A.
Bronze turkey eggs, 20c each; Light Brah.
5e each; also would. exch. for 2
Light Brahma eee wt. 11 to 14 Ibs.
or buy them. Mrs. _ Westbrook, Gaines-
ville, Georgia, ae FE
ode Be Giant eggs, fresh from Bred stock,
$2 for 15. Miss Jessie Cash, Flowery
Branch, Georgia. 3

White Rock hatching eggs fui. 1 and 2
year old hens, 314 egg. strain, $1.50 for 15.

$1.50 for 15.-Mrs

-Fob Dawson. F. WwW. Hermann, Dawsonfi - Ga.


Choice Donaldson R. I. Red eggs for Lnateh
ing, 5e each, in large lots or $1: a sett. ne.
| Mrs. R. N. Heath, Warwick, Georgia.

Tompkins pure R. I. Red- eggs for hatch-
ing, $1 for 15. _ Mrs. D. F. _Eckles, Summit,


ReSOr a

Regal Dorcas White Wyandotte eggs,
doy 15 del.

gos 2C. Red eggs, $1 for 15 del. Mrs. Tr
R. Maxwell, Whigham, Ga.

Selected . hatching Barred Rock eggs, 90
for 15, $5 a 100. Mrs. D. L. Lee Claxton.
Georgia, Route 1.

Thompson Imp. Ringlet- BOOR. and Martie
Regal Dorcas White Wyandotte eggs, from
Ist prize - pens, $1.50 for 15 each, $2.75. for
30; 2nd pen, $1 for 15; larger lots Be an.
ege del. Cartons retumed. Mrs. J. EL nee
am, Bainbridge, Ga. Route A.

Pure Cornish Game eggs:

from ieee

| stock, $1.50 for 15; baby chitks, same breed.
| 16e each; Guceunteed stock, pure and healt hy.

Mrs. W. G., Rohn, Waresboro, Ga.
Eggs for hatching from rich, dark, blood
tested Donaldson Reds, $2 for 15; Range.

exes, $1.50 for 15, or $2.50 for 30. Prices |
on incubator. lots. Mrs. H. G. Brown, Stone
| Mtn. +, Ga. Route 1.

Eggs from large geese, 15 each del. Mrs
A. L. Hudgirs, Rockmart, Ga. Rt. 3.
B. R. eggs, Thompson strain, stock 2nd

from Thompsons flock, Madison Square Gar-
den, $1.75 per 15. Carton to be returned. Mrs
J. A. -Prickett, Commerce, Ga. Rt 30. :

R. I. Red eggs first pen, $2.50 per 15: $e
pet 100; 2nd pen, $1.35 per 15 and $6. per
B. R. eggs same
price from trap nested birds, prize winners
at State Fair, Savannah, Ga., 1927. N. D.
Norris, . Wrightsville, Ga.

- Brown Leghorn eggs, _ Everlay strain ane

Golden Buff Leghorn eggs, Smith strain, $1.
per 15. O. G. Huff, Monticello, Ga.
Eggs from pure bred Cuban Kniobcomb

game hens, $2.25 per 15 or $4 per 380. Mr
J. E. Stephens, Meriwether, Ga.

Pure bred S. C. R. I. Red eggs, Donaldson.

strain, $1 per 15. Mrs. J. T. Thomason, Mon-
ticello, Ga. Route 1. |.

Fawn and white Indian runner duck eggs,
$1.50 per doz., 2 doz $2.75 prepaid. L. aes
Ellis, Cummng, Ga: Route 5.

S. C. White Leghorn eggs, $4. 50 per 100.
$1.50 per 15. B. J. Rauton, Vidalia, Georgia,
Route 2..

Eggs from 2 and 8 yr. old M. B. turkeys,
pure stock unrelated, April del, 25 each.
May del. 20c each. June del. 15c each. Cash
with order.
be returned. W. A. Johnson, Alto, Ga. Rt. 4.

Ss. C. R. I. Red eggs for sale. Write for

particulars. Leverett B. Bene: Warm Spatnge

Owen and Butts strain S. C. R ne Red
eggs, 75c per 15 del. Mrs. EB. C: Snow, Tiftesa,
Georgia, Route 2.

- Eggs for hatching from pure: brad Tancred

Baxley, Ga. Route Be

Jersey Black Giant eggs for hatching from
selected breeders, carefully packed, $1:50 per
/15; $2.50 per 30 del. Mrs. i. _J. Cleveland,
Hartwell, Ga.

Thoroughbred R. C. Siveracet Wyandotte

Dennis Morris, Dames Ferry, Ga.

Donaldson and Owen strains, S._
Red eggs for hatching from culled flock,
$1.50 per 15 del. ; also Fischel strain white


50; $5 per 100 del. Crates returned. Miss
Edna Brown, Sycamore, Ga. Rt. 2.

Tom Barron Eng. oleae hatching

eves, ;

_ Miss ene Maxwell, Whigham.

R. Is Red eggs, Donaldson ea $1 per
15. Mrs. J. D. Nelson, Calhowa, Ga.- Rt. 4.

No order sent COD. Crates to]

strain W. Leghorns, $4 per 100. J. J. Altman, |

eggs for setting, $1 per 15 or $6 yer ~100.-
R. i

Rock eggs for. hatching, $1 for 15; $2.75 for


eggs from necord atocke G. H. Price, Wrights
ville, Georgia. . z

B, R. eggs from Thompson strain, prize
stock, $1 per 15; $3.25 per 50. Cash with
orders. Carton to be returned. Mrs. Milton
Summers, Sylvester, Ga. Rt. 3.

- Pure M. B. turkey eggs from extra large
stock, $4.50 per doz. del. March and April
delivers ah ds McCollum, Canon, Ga: Rte 4

Cornish dark eggs prize winning. stock,
$2 per 15 or will exch. 1 setting for 2
Minorea. .Mrs. Geo. E. Sapp, Richland, Ga.
_ Wycoff strain W. Leghorn eggs, $2.50 per


15 del. Money refwnded. on every infertile
egg. Heep. Davison, Lyerly,. Ga:
Pure White. Indian Runner* Duck eggs,

$1. 25 for 13 del. Geo. N.Thomas, Thomas-
boro, Georgia. wy

Pure S. G. Red eggs, $1.50 for 15, $6.'a
100; Scotts Light Brahmas, $2 for 15, or
10c each in lots of 30 or more. Will exch.
150 eggs for 8 wks. old male pig. Mrs.
Jewel Godard, Milledgev: lie, Ga. Rt. 1, Box y
- Eggs from dark, rich color S. C. R.
Reds, $1.50. for 15; also few pullets:
cockerels for sale or exch. for hams. Mrs. W
H. Godwin, Warm Springs, Ga.

Grays, $2.50 for 15; also 1 Blue Gray rock

33. L. T. Vaughaa, Danielsville, Ga.
Pure bred W. Leghorn, Tancred sivaih
eges, $1 for 15. S. C. Stegall, Douglasvilie,

Georgia, Route 4.
Pure bred Cornish Indian Game eggs, $1.25
for 15 postpaid. J. R. iia uae aah Locust Grove,
| Georgia. =~
M. B. turkey eggs, del.
t1 June Ist, $3. doz.,

from March 20tk
postpaid. Amount

| limited; S.C. R. I. Red and Barred Rock

eggs, from unrelated, selected birds of each
strain, $b for 15. Mrs. W. D. Jonson, Gray-
sea, Georgia.

J. B.. Giant eggs, fro prize winning stock
Marcy strain $1.50 for setting of 15. Crates
returned. J: D. McLane, Hartwell, Ga. Rt. 5.

Pure Barred Rock, Thompson strain ex:
$2 for 15 postpaid, or-exch. for 15 eggs
same strain. Mrs. N. a W.lson, Canon, Ga.
RFD 2.

_ Went some turkey eggs. wes B. Crow,
Gainesville, Georgia.
-- Want S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs tar set-
ting must be pure bred. Will exch. 4 or 5

doz. B. R. eggs _for same number of Leg-
horns. Each pay postage. wie Clement,
Youngceane, Georgia. . ;


1 Mammoth Bronze tom, Gold Banks strain
1927. hatch, wt. 20 to 25 lbs., $8 cash FOB
Rome, Ga. "Mrs. C. A. Terhune, Silver, Creek, _
Georgia, Route 2.
' 8 hens and 1 tom, Mammoth Bronze tur-
keys, $24. Goldworth Farm, Villa Rica, Ga.
Route 4, Box 10. pee ee

1 pr. 10 mos. old Bourbon Red turkeys,
15 and 25) lbs., $15. Wlil exch. for. 50 to 100
chick brooder and poultry wire. J. Ww.
Nash, Smyrna,. Georgia. BE

2 turkey toms, 1927 hatch mixed: Bronze
and Bourbon, 1 tom, $8 (sprimg hatch) 1
tom (summerhatch), $5. Cash with order.
Add- postage. Mrs. Claude Sims, Cleveland,
Georgia, Route 3.

3 hens, $5 each, 1 tom $7 FOB here. Near-
ly pure M. B. April hatch, large and healthy:
Mrs. J. R. Massey, Rupert, Ga, -~

2 pure Bourbon Red turkey toms, 40c lb.
Mrs. R..L. Greene, Cuthbert, Ga. Rt. 4.

M. B. turkey toms, $8. Goldbank strain.
W. H. Branan, Lewiston, Ga. ~~

.2 turkey hens, for sale at 35c lb. and alse
wink to buy 1 M. B. tom. Will pay reason-
able price, or exch. hens. Mrs. John Brazier,

Lumpkin, Georgia. :

3 M. B. Goldbank turkey April toms, 30
lbs.f and over, for "breeding, $10, B. B.
Mason, Hartwell, Georgia. ~

8 toms and 3 hens, $12 a pair, or, $85 for
/ bunch, FOB here. Nancy Davis, Due, Ga.

1 pure bred Mammoth Bronze May tom,
$7.50 FOB here. J. W. Truelove, | Gaines-
ville, Georgia, Route 4. ee

1 June M. B.* tom,
exch. for 8 quilt tops.
Bates, Empire, Ga. Route 2.

White Pekin ducks, $1.50 each. 1 male and
1. female, $4 pr. Eggs, $1.50 per setting.
Mrs. B..M. Thomas, Hoboken, Ga.

A pure bred solid white geese, 8 geese and

$3.50. Cash -or will
Mrs. Arthur M.

1 gander, $10 for lot. Mrs. M. I. Free,
Clarkesville,/Ga. Rt. 3. ;
21 all. white Emden geese, $1 each FOB

Cannot sell one, two
Neves Thompson,

ears. at Blakely, Ga.
-or trio at this price, Mrs.
Bluffton,, Georgia. _

5 English strain Black Mink: duck fiens,
wt. 4 to 6 lbs. Good layers. $2.50 each del.

Mrs. B. T. Baldwia, Rockmart, Ga. Rt. 4.
5 geese, $1. .25 each, FOB. Camilla. Mrs.
C. A. Ostean, Camilla, Ga. Rt. B.

2 1927 Guinea roosters: 1 Blue speckled
and other Blue speckled with white breast,

75c each or both for $1.25. Mrs. W. H.
Walters, Lavonia, Ga. Route ig. ;
Goldbank .strain M. B. turkey 1927 tom,

$8. Mrs. W. H. Branan, Lewiston, Ga.

Pure bred M: B.: turkeys for breeding, 35
lb. E. E. Field, Canton, Georgia.

Big Bone Giant Breaze Turkeys, from
tom wt. 62 5 yrs. old; eggs from pen
No. 1. $12 doz. Will exch. for Porto Rican
potato slips and Spanish peanuts or Tuft
bedspreads, cherry and grape designs. L. J.
Ellis, Cumming, Ga. Route 5.

5 ducks and 3 drakes, of Pekin and Puddle
mixed, fat and layimg, $1 each. Prfer to
sell all together. Lewis G. epee Cave, Ga.
Bartow County. a

Big Bone Blue Toulouse geese, easy to ra se
and produce abundance of feathers; eggs
from pen No. 1. $8 for. Tee $5.50 for 14. L, J.
| Elis, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 5>
_ Pure portion. Red turkey hen and tom and

Game eggs from pure S. A. Gina. Red and |-

4+25 Ib. Mrs. R. M. Smith, Demorest, Ga.

All -hatehed last April.
lay. $25 for lot. Mrs,
Ga. RFD 2.

3 Bronze hens,
now ready to
Ee Pruitt, on Riba


Rorkey hens, at a bargain. -J. G. Buyers,

Whitesburg, Georgia.
reasonable price. Mrs. Rachel Rumbley,
Blythe, Ga. Route 1, Box 31.

Want white Guimeas. State price.
Box 84,. Americus, Ga. x

adian geese. Prefer 3 year old or oldet S.C.
Candler, Covington, Georgia. :
~Want 1 or 2 turkey hens. M. B. or Bour-
bon Reds: Will exch. White or Imp.
Porto Rican potato plants at $2 M. Mrs. Se
B. Carter, Rockingham, Ga..
Want to exch. 8 pure S. L.

tom. Bronze or Bourbon Reds Myra Weeks,
Harlem, Georgia:

Want few head common geese at 65 ach.
E. L. Dixon, Blackshear, Ga.

Want pr. of Toulouse geese.
cash. Write what you, have. Mrs. L. A. Mil-.
ner, Chula, Georgia.

Want 4 ducks and 1 rate Must be rea-
scnable for cash. Fred Eller, Talking Rock,

Want Peafowls any time of the year. Will
pay cash. B. R.. Woodliff, FI owery Branch,

Want.1 or 2 Bourbon Red Turkey hens not
over 2 years old and pure. J. T. Huckeba,
Carrollton, Ga. Route 8.

Want 12 or 15 young Guinea hens. Quote
price. J. S. Ball, Jackson; Ga. Route 7.

Want trio. Mammoth Bronze turkeys.
Write. Mrs. Charles Evers, Ward, S, C. .

. 1 genuine corn-fed, cured ham, not smok-
ed, wt. 33 1-2 Ibs., 35 Ib. del. Satisfaction
guaranteed. ~ ~Mrs. Mack-~ D. Teague,
ville, Georgia, Box 256.
Cogn-fed,- cured meat; Hams,
middlings 2nd: shoulders, 25c;
23 ; friers 35; stags, 25c Ib. E. M. Trav

S5j 1D. 3

Fayetteville, Georgia.
8 hams, 8. shoulders, 4 sides. Well cured,
small hogs. Make offer. J. F. Durrett, East
oint, Ga. 104 Wadley Ave.

will exch. pure Tancred Leghorn pullets,
hens, setting eggs or chicks for fresh, home-
cured; sound shoulders and hams. Write. R.
A. Verdier, LaGrange, Ga.

3 nice, cured hams; 10, 12 and 18 Ibs. ea.,

Brooks county. smoked bacon; hams,
Ib.; sides, 16c; pee 14. Wy Cc. Lang,
Quitman, Georgia.

Hickory smoked hacaie sHGuldats, 14 "Tbs.
sides, 16c; hams, 25c. B. R.. Strickland,
Quitmam, . Georgia. a es

Smoked country sides end shoulders, #20
Ib.; hams, 30c Tb. Robt. S. Anderson, Hawk-.
insville, Georgia.

Home cured hams and sibalders. Dry. and ~
good. Write for prices. M.. aK .Lockhart,
Louisville, Ga. Route 5, ae B4.


Home dried peaches and apples, free from |
worms, 20c Ib., each. Cash with order. No
checks accepted. Mrs. S. J. co Royston,
Georgia, RFD 1.

Want dried apples.
son Strain S. C. R. Hf Red .egs for 8 Ibs.,
dyjed avples. Mrs. Ae L. Hadley, Chipley, Ga.
Route 1.

Yate apples, C grade,
Miller; Cornelia, Georgia. f

Sun . dried apples, in 10, 25 and 50

#2 pox.

~5 tons of good, bright oat straw,
$10 ton. R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.



65c bu., at the bank, or 75c bu. FOB Gardi,
R. A. Richardson, Gardi, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 7.
150, bu. Porto Rican potatoes;
good cond. W. H. J. Foy, Egypt, Ga.

1 bu. Porto Rican potatoes, $1 bu.


seed, grown from the vine. State inspected.
$1.25 bu. FOB here. Cash with order. D.
Simmons, Hawkinsville, Ga.

Trish potatoes, $1.50 bu. fie 3 in. bu. ae

Rugby, Georgia. ;
Government inspected Sweet petatees. $1. 20
bu. del. FOB R. R., or exch. for peanuts.


per case of 6 pails; also a few bbls.
tracted honey. Write for prices en bbl. lots.
S. V. Brown, Baxley, Ga.

100 or 200 lbs. Chunk honey in 50 to 60
Yb. lard cans,
20c Jb., in less quantity del.; 150 to 60 Ib.
price. C. G. Oliver, Barnesville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Nice bulk comb honey, fresh from
bes, in 60 Ib. lard cans, 15c lb. FOB my
eiaten Curd Walker, Vidalia, Ga.


Want beeswax any qauntity,
Je Ty White, Dublin, Georgia.

Want honey in larre cmontities..

-30 fh del.

Goodpasture, Bristol, Georgia. c

Heng ie
Julian |


- Want 5 or 10 Big Bone Mammoth Bronze
Want 1 Toulouse. gogke and 6 goslings at


Want mated pair gcaauine wild Black Can- >

Red :

hens for good turkey hen, or 4 hens for a

or _

dry kiln, |
Improved Porto Rican Sweet ebiatiocs for a

-by. P. P., in 1st aind 2nd zones. C. M. Payne,

Will Ay SY

Adairs- ~

also fat hens


will exch. 15 Donnas pe

at 18c lb. del. B. H. Osborn, Roy, -Ga;.


Coffee. Cash with order. G. Ww. Miles, eee, >

J. 8. Fowler, Surrency, Ga. me gras

Pure, extracted. Honey in 10 Ib. pails ; $9.
of ex-

15 lb., by can FOB here, or *
can pure strained or extracted honey, same

the |


- 20 bu. Improved Porto Rican seed potatoes ee



Poultry for Sule and



Pape strain S. C. Black Minorca baby
chicks, 50, $7.50; 100, $15. Also eggs same
strain, $1.25 per 15 del. Mrs. C. L. Rehberg,
Cairo, Georgia. :

W. Leghorn, Brown Leghorn and S. C.
Ancoma baby chicks, $12.50 per 100; Barred
Rocks, $15. per 100; S. C. R. I. Reds, $16
per 100. Thousands hatching weekly. Also
; custom hatching, 3 1-2 per egg in lots of
a 100 or more.. We deliver chicks. The Dixie
Hatchery, Conyers, Ga.

Ferris straifi W. Leghorn baby chicks se
lec @ from 260 to 298 trapnest hens, $12
- per 100 postpaid. 100 per cent live del. Hatch
every Tuesday; also Same strain 3 to 4 wks.
old chicks $30 per 100 FOB. Oconee Poultry
Farm, Rockledge, Ga.

, .Pure Brown Leghorn, Everlay strain
chicks, $12.50 per 100; also hatching eggs,
$1.25 per 15 or $7 per 100 from prize win-
ning stock. R. D. Buice, Orange, Ga. Rt: 2.

R. I. Red, Barred Rock baby chcks, 15c
each. Anconas and Brown Leghorns, 12 ea
Essie Allmon, Clarkesville, Ga.

Baby chicks S. C. R. I. Reds, prize win-
ners, heavy layers, from 15th of March, 14
each. $14 per 100. Mrs. J. E. Sikes, Chester,
Georgia, Route 2.

Ferris W. Leghonn, baby chicks, $12 per
100; Owens and Donaldson R. I. Reds, $15
per 100 del. March 20th. S..G. Lowe, Mans--
field, Georgia.

R. I. Red baby chicks, 14 each postpaid.
Hatch'ng eggs, $4.25 per 100: Mrs. D. J
Harrison, Blackshear, Ga.

Pure bred R. I. Red day old chicks, and
S. L. Wyandottes March and April del. $14
per 100 del. Mrs. B. an Logan, Athens,: Ga.
Route 2. __

Se. Cy W3 bevhoen. English strain from
hens with open range, $15 per 100, 100 per
cent live del. G. K. Johnson, Hahira,. Ga. :

W. Leghorn baby chicks, $18 per 100;

B. R. and W. Rocks, R. I. Reds, Anconas

and Black Minorcas, $15 per 100; Orn.

tons and Wyandottes, $17 per 100; tote

Brahmas and Jersey Black Giants, $18 per

100; 500 lots, le per chck cheaper, 100 per

cent live del. prepaid. Hatching eggs, $1.5

and $2 per 15. Middle Ga. Hatchery, and

Poultry Farm, Macon, Ga. Box 908.

_ Day old B..P. Rock and R. I. Red chicks

$18 per 100 or $9 per 50. EB. J. Willams
-' Ty Ty, Georgia:

Baby chicks from pens headed by cock
fom 274 ae: Cc. R. I. Reds, $4.50 per 25.
$15 per 100. neonas from pens headed bv
Cecil Sheppard, Cook direct, $18.50 per 100.
Tantred white Leghorns $12 per 100. Hatch-
ing eggs from ether pen $1.75 per 15. Mrs.
O'a Montcomery, Mauk, Ga.

White. Leghorn baby chicks, Tancred phe
$13 per 100 5. $115 per M. March and Apri!

del. 100 pem cent live del. Stamdard Poultry
Farm, Denburg; Ga.

R. I. Red hicks.from trapnested stock
l4e each, 100:per cent del. Ive. H: O. W'"'-
liams, Millen, Ga. Route A.

Reds and Rocks. 12 1-2c each, Mired 19,
White Leghorns 15e and 25a each. 25 ones
' from hens producing above 200 eggs. A'-
baby chcks from Marcy strain Jersey Blact
Gost. 25e each. J. O. Fussell, Dawson, Goa:

Yabv chicks, all breeds and any nuh
Custom hatching $4 per 100 del.; also brood-
ers for saie either coal or oil. Shoal Cre '
Poultry. Farm, Lavonia, Ga. Rt.2. |

; Barred Wh'te -and Partridye Rocks, P.
Reds and Buff Orpingtons, $14 per 109.
White Leghorns, $10 per 100. 100 per cent
live del. guaranteed. We pay postage. Ride-
way Farm Hatchery, Sandersville Ga.

Baby chcks, large mixed, 10 each or exch
for cotton. seed or hay. B. H. Meah Garfiel"
_ Georgia, Route: 2.




Ferris strain W. Leghorn tale ehicks from.

selected heavy Jaying hens, mated to cock-
erels direct from Ferris farms from 250 to
293 egg trapnest hens, $12 per 100 postpaid.
100 per cent live delivery guaranteed. Hatch
_ every Tuesday... Oconee Poultry Farm, Rock-
\ Jedge, Georgia. ~

Orders how taken for Rocks... Leg-
horm baby chicks, at $16 per 100. Waycross
Hatchery, Waycross, Ga.

Quality W. Leghorn blood tested baby

chicks, Tancred strain, high producers spe-

ially seleqted stock, $15 per 100. Write r-

quantity prices: D. F. Ogden, Odum, Ga.
Route ot a

Now booking orders for pure Govnach I
dian game day old chicks, lots of 25 and 59
March and April hatch, 20c each del. Mrs.
W. R. Chasteene Locust Grove, 'Ga.

Rae Barred and White Rock, R. I. Red ch eke
~ $12.50 per 100 or 50 for $6.50, 25 for $2
' Heavy mixed and W. Leghorn, $11 per 100.
W. S. Shields, Thomson, Ga.

Pure bred S. L. Wyandotte baby chick-
March, Apri! and May del. $15 per 100. F
T. Almon, -Midland, Ga.

Ferris W. Leghorns, heavy layers, well
culled flocks. $13 a-100, $110 a M. Ship every
; Thursday. Delivered. Eggs, $4 a 100 aes
_. Reg.ster Hatchery, Register, \Ga.
P 50 Donaldson R. I. Red baby chicks, Pane

culled flock,, $6.50 or $7 del.
14th. Mrs.


in Ga. March
tA. Knowles, Jackscm, Ga. Rt.

April and May del. Barred Rocks, $13 a
100; S. . White Leghorns, $12 a 100 del;
eggs, $5 a 100. Conn Payne, Rome, Ga. Rt.

- 8, Box 102.

' Tanered W. Leghorns, $13 a 100; Barred

Rocks and R. I. Reds, $15 a 100. State in-
5 ie Ee Samhings

$10.50 a 100; R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks, 13
4 $12.50 a 100; Custom hatching, 2 1-2 an egg

| Cotton seed. Write

Columbus, Ga.phane 2727. ;
Donaldson R. I. Reds, from range flock,
$15 a 100, $8 for 50.; special matings, 20c ea.
March 27th d.leHatch weekly the rest of the
season; also eggs, $1.50 and $2 for 15. Mrs,
T. J. Ray, Stone Mtn., Ga. Rt. 1.
Big Breed, _ mixed baby chicks,

lic, ox

$2 a 100; tray. T56 eggs, $8. Baileys Hatchery,
Harlem, Ga.


Want 2 or 300 pure breed day old chicks
to raise on halves to 6 or 8. wks. Any large
breed. Mrs. E. M. Mallord, Hahira, Ga.

Want 100 Barred Rock baby checks to
raise on halves to 8 wks, W. H. Whitten,
Newborn, Ga.

Want to exch. 4 bu. _Black-eyed _ peas for
100 baby chicks or 1 bu. for 25 chicks. Some
heavy breed. Fred Reed, Martin, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 50 pure breed Ancona or Barred.
Rock, baby chicks to raise 6n halves to 8
wks. Have 50 \cap. brooder with charcoal
burning stone. Mrs. C. H. Cofer, Louisville,
Ga. Rt. 5. rat :

Want 50 Thompscn Barred Rock bab~
chicks to raiise on halves to 8 or 10 wks.
old. Write. Mrs. J. A. Lay, Jakin, Ga. /

Want 300 baby chicks tp raise on. thirds
to 8 or 10 wks, Barred Rocks or R. I. Ret

preferred, you furnish good baby chick
food. Deliivered March 20th or later. Write
before shipping. Mrs. Floyd Tilley, Ellijav

Gas Rt273,. Box G8:

Want from 100 to 500 baby chicks to raise
on halves. Prefer R. I. Reds, Buff Orpington,
Barred Rocks, or Leghorns. Raise, to 10 wks.
old. T. L. Davis, Warthen, Ga.

Want 100 baby chicks to raise on halv-
to10 wks. old, any breed but R. I. Reds. pre-~
ferred. Mrs. J. L. Collins, Coilns; Ga. Rt. 2.

Want baby chicks, S. L. Wyandottes, Wh"
Rocks, Black Giants, or. W. Leghorns. Mrs
A. J. Anthony, M'dland, Ga
Want 125 Barred Rock baby chicks... W'll
exch. No, 10 American separator. in good
ecndition used 1 yr. for same. W. H. Mullis,
Chauncey, Ga. Rt. 2. -

Want 200 4 wks. old Shepnvard strain Ke.
dona baby, chicks. by the 20th of March: or
{not later than April Ist. Will exch. or pay
cash. J. M. Wood, Adairsville, Ga. Rt. 1.

a, Want large breed baby ch'cks to raise ov
halves. Have 500 cap. brooder, exprienced.
Mrs. Geo. M. Wicker, Andersonville, Ga.

Want to set amd raise to six wks. old anv
good breed of chicks. Have incubators. You
furnish>eggs and I will set them. Mrs. _
CG. Jones. Register, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want 500 or more baby chicks to raise to
8 or 9 wks. old on halves. Prefer Brown or
wh'te Leghorns. Want them as soon as. pos-
sible. Mrs. Julia. Tyler, Thine, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want 100 or more baby chicks to raise on.
halves to 10 wks old. Any large. breed. M~-
J. W. Phillps, Box 525, LaGrange, Ga.


10 mixed breed hens, $1.-ea.. or -all for- $9.
Leroy Brown, Edison, Ga.. Rt. 2...
Full blood Silver Spangled Hambures : 259
mos. old cockerels, $2 ea.;, pen of three, 2

now laying pullets and young rooster. $5:
eggs, $1 a. setting, iss Ida Baugh, ist
George, Ga.

- Have sold all of my 18e a Ib., hens. Ans.
wer to many inquiries. Mrs. J. B. Mil
Woodland, Ga.

25 xice fat hens, 20 Ib., FOB Dalton. Me
Rosa _ Pinon, Dalton, Ga.

16 R. C. Hamburg pullets and 1 eee
Berry strain, $24 for lot. J. H. White, 1
ton, Ga. Rt. 4, Box 180.. :
- Dark Corish roosters,
per setting. Mrs.
Ga. Rt. 2.


$1.50 ea. Eoos, 7

Daisy Armor, Graymont,

Silver Hamburgs, $2.50 pair. Mrs. W.

Pilgrim, Cleveland, Ga. Rt. 5.

Want ti exch. valve $2 for: Wh'te Les-;
horn or Ancona .pullets. Mrs. J. \L. eee
Adairsviille, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want to exch. for heavy breed: ebiehenas
If interested, write for particulars. Lie BG

Alford, Chalybeate, Ga.

Will exch. value $20 for 18 R. zt Red ies
Miss Piety Forbes, Brooklet, Ga. -

Want several 1 to 1 1-2 yr. ol
young. roosters, for eating purpo
price del. Atlanta. E. R. Weaver,
Ga. 551 Boulevard S. E.

Want 10 hens end 1 cock. Rose Comb R.

I. Reds. W'll pay $1. ea., FOB. Mrs. J. 0
Stewart, Gardi, Ga. -
- Want to exch. value $65 for R. I. Re?
hens, pure bred; peavine hay, or Clevelay?
for particulars. P. TT:
Hernson, Surrency, Ga.

Want 6 large breed hems. Will exch. equal
value. Mrs. H. J. McCollum, Canon, Ga. Rt

hens | and
es. State

Want 4 large hens. full or mixed breed.
not under 5 lbs. good mother hens, Wil
exch. 1 embrodered bed spread and pillow
cases to match for same, other party to del.
hens. Mrs. J. L. Wallace, Canon, Ga. Rt. 4.


Pure bred Black Langshan eggs, $1.25 for
15 postpaid. Crates: to be returned. Mrs. J.-C.
Crawford, Elberton, Ga. Rt. 2. \

Pure Silver Lace Wyandotte eges;
erels from prize wi
for 15 del. Mrs.
Rt. 1, Box 48.

Ferris W. Leg
postage. Mrs. J.
Rt.. 30.

Tancred W. Leghorn eggs,

ners. No inbreeding. $4.95
sky Doster, Bishop, Ga:

n eggs, 75c for 15. Add
Minh, conimetye, Ga.


| Mrs.

Ree White Wyandottes,


| sale.

| plants.

SGaady, Fa.rburn, Ga. Rt.

postpaid; also 8 hens, 5 young roosters,

straifi Ancona eggs, $1.10 del.
returned. Mrs.
at 22.

: from the + hinhest,
Big discount on
Sanderevae =

Partridge: Rock eggs f
Jaying strain, $1.35 for 15.
large orders. J. R. Newsome,

Ga. :
Bird Brother's strain. Partridge Rock eggs.

Tait velder eggs, $1 fou
Royston, Ga. Rt, .
Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs; 25c ea.,. del.
Manda Weeks, Dial, Ga.
Yard Run eggs: Brown Leghorns, 75c fo

15. Elbert Olbon,

115. Have no other. Pesed: Mrs. A. D. Sumner,

Adrian, Ga.
Partridge Plymouth. Rock eggs, $1.50 for
setting. T. D. Fisher, oe Ga. 934

Highland Terrace.

Pure bred Barred Rock. ade
Mis. J. M. Johnson, Shellman, Ga. .

Pure bred M. B. turkey eggs, $3. i del.
in. Ga.,
son, Gainesville, Ga. Rt 8.

Black G.ant, Barred Rocks, Cone Game
eggs, $1.50 for 15 ea.; White. Rock, $2 for

$13 ae 1b.

15; Indian Runner duck eggs, $1.25 doz. de
Will. exch, for dried. apples. . Mrs. W. OQ.
Puckett, Cordele, Ga. Rt. B. :

Eegs for hatching from prize winning

stodk. of R, Cc. R. I. Viking strain Whites,
$2 for 15;' Barred Rocks, Aeon Rocks and
$1.50 \and - $2 for
15,seach. Mrs. A: R. Brooks, Donovan, Ga.

Pure Donaldson Reds and Thompson Rine-
let Barred Rock eggs, from trap nested.

birds, 83 per cant layers and some hens lay
every day: Ist. pen, $2.50 for 15; 2nd pen
$1.78 - for 15; $8 and $12.50 per 100 eggs.

Cases to be poburned: N D. Norris, Wrights:
ville, Ga.

12 or 18 dozen: ernie. guaranteed freak
eggs for table use, weekly ae 30 a doz. Mrs.
A. L. Wamble, Cairo, Ga. RE 1. :

R. I. Red eggs from - Donaldson prize win-
ning stock. $1.50 for 15, Not del. Mrs. H.
Reitz, Decatur, Ga. 254 =o Oak St. Pherie |

Pure bred. R. I. Red exgs,. bred for. Exhib
tion qualities, also heavy layers, $1 for 15.
: a 100. Mrs. C. A ee Edison, Ga. R

7 Dares on qmabkin ee, exes, Be. Crk i
lots of 100, or $1.25 for 15. Good fertility. wo
exch. for cured hams, shoulders, eanned tas
matoes, or peaches. Mrs.
ter. Gas Rted, Box 738.

Pure bred R. I. Red eggs, 50e for. 15 Fc
here. EF, C. ORear, Union Point, Ga.
Light Brahma eggs, Giamt, strain, $1.10 fo
15. Mrs. J. F. Caylor, Dalton, Ga. Rt. 6,

Pekin white duck ges, $1 for, 13, or exch
for 18 White Rock. hen, eggs. Mrs. Pads
Ellabell, Ga.

Thompson. Imp. Ringlet eges, second direct,
$1 for 15; $1.75 for 30; $2.50 for 45 del.

1 Mrs -C. A. Wilbanks, Commerce, Ga. Rt. 29.

Dark Red Tompkms S. C. R. I. Red eggs
$1 for 15, or will exch. for good turkey
setting eggs. Mrs. . R. Wiggins, Dawson,

Gas ts De

Aristocrat Imp. Ringlt B. R. eggs, $1 for
setting. Crates to be Tan ness Mrs. Josic
Jenk.ns, Dahlonega, -Ga. .

Buff. Leghorm-eggs, $1.50 for is. Mrs. ae
J. Hooker, Atlanta, Ga. 1539 Jonesboro Rd.

SC. Pape, large type Black. Minorea eggs
$1 a setting or 2 settings for $1.50; larger
ae 4c an egg. J. A. Elliott, Lavonia, Ge


Donaldson R.,-
| postage. Mrs.
ARG: 2a

Pure bred Buff Orpington, -
eggs, $1.25 for 15 postpaid. Mrs.
mour, Danielsv.lle, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure bred Barred Rock eggs, $1 for }
$1.75 for 80, $2.50 for 45. Special price on
large lots. Mrs. J. W. Woodruff, Lilly, G
Aristocrat B. R. eggs, $1 a aetieng. Mr:
A. Bragg, Donalsonville; Ga.

St. Johns strain W. Leghorn eggs, $1.5
for 15, $2.25 for 80, $6 a 100. 85 per cent
fertility -guaranteed. Also a few hens foi
Grady Pr.ce, - Canton, Ga.

Eggs from select pens, R. I. Reds, $5.
100. Ralph Collier, - Colbert,. Ga.

Choice 8. C. J. Red eggs, Dondldaea
strain, $1 per 15 or in large lots at 5c -
.Will exch. some for dried apples and pot
Mrs. R. N. Heath, Warwick; Ga.

Rk. I. Red eggs for hatching; dark. red, Owe:
strain, $1.50 per 15 del. Mrs. - M. Goolsby:
Graham, Ga. Rt, 1. ,

Buff Leghorn eggs, fen 2 yr.

LRea eggs, 50q doz. A
dr Aes Erwin, APSE: Ga.

Cook strain,
Li D. Sey.



W. A: Weber, nee aeee Minnis, 3 @, tage:
Dallas; Ga. Kt. (3.5 2.

Bees from 8 and 9 4 hens, headed by. 18
Jb, cock pure- Fishel W. Rocks, $1.50 per 15
or $2.50 per 80 del. or exch. 2 settings fo
2 large hens, 1927 hatch, wheat, corn. or oa.
other party to deliver whatever they wish
exch. I del. eggs. Mrs. J. L. Wallace, Ceric
Gas oRts4,

, White Minorea eggs for sale, Mrs.

BR. eggs, - Thompson strain pure b
$1.50 per 15 prepa.d. D. Dwight Bar ber, Bo
224, Commerce, Ga. :

Columbian Plymouth Rock eggs for hatch.
ing, 75 per doz. in. 2 to 5 doz. lots=:S.-74
Brown Leghorn, 60c 2 to 20 doz. lo:
young pullets, $65 for the lot fob. Warrcaiton
Ga. C, E. Abbott, Warrenton, Ga. it
Pure bred S. C. Brown Leshorn eggs, ever:
lay strain, $1 per 15: del. Pure Sheppard
Carton to b
Lumpkin, Mauk, Ga

M. I

OH. 1.

Indiam runner duck eggs, $1 pers Loy A-E

} Hobbs, Dublin, Ga. Rt. 1.

Pure bred Harold Tompkins, Bo Re

85c ee BS Red eggs from spcial mated pens for hatch.
Lov e Lndsey, ington, Ga. Rt 3. =f ing, $2 per: 15 del. . Fertility guaranteed.
Pure Thomps Barred Rock eggs,~ $f. 50 Crates returned. Mrs. W, M. Gaines, 93
for 15. : Mrs. Ruffini, Washington, Ga.,| Drewry St H., Atlanta; Ga: #- >
Rt. 1, Box. 25 : Pure Don sivain S26 Re Red eg

$1.50 for 15. Mary: F. Daan Hahira, Ga.:

old: hen. ;
$1 per 15 postpaid, from eh_ ekens bought

eee ee ee

janan, Ga.
the last of March. Mrs. B. ae Morri- :

R. Donaldson, Mese



per he for $5ce doz. also 12. doz: fertile at :


turkey eggs, M. B. preferred. Want turkey |

Route 8,

Will send sample if

Thursday, March 15,1928.

tbe patohing. $1 per 15. 26 for" $2 del: Carton
to be returned. Mrs. H. cercae Soret

Can supply about 12 doz. * iavertile ex's

B0c doz. M. Wood, Adairsville, Ga. Rt. 1,
Light Mocs eggs, del. at $1.25 per - 15.

Mrs. Mamie -Stone, Adairsville, - Ga. Rt. 2

S226. Black Minorca eggs, Papes strain, oe
$1 per 15 and carriers returned. Mrs. Marys
W. Clay, Montecello, Ga. Rt. 6.

Jersey Black Giant eggs, $1.25 per 15 ~
from A.1 pen. Mrs. J. P. Gaines, ca x
Bartow County, Ga. _ ce - Lo
- Thompson strain Plymouth Rock eggs.
Will. exch. for well rooted monthly rose
bushes, egg value $1.50 per 15. Also Barred
Rocks, $1.50. Mrs. Aso NE Husaheson,. Buch-


Light Brahma bantam hatching eggs, prize
stock, $2 per 15. J. W. Lundeen, Deca.
Ga. Rts de

-Pure R. I. Red eggs, 8h, 50 per 15 del.
Pat Dowdy, Cordele, Ga. Rt. D.

Pure W. Leghorn Ferris strata hatching
ezgs, $1 per 15 or $5 per 100 or exch. for

eggs del. about April Ist. Mrs. J. W. Altman, |
Alma, Ga. &

Pure bred S. C. R. I. Red eggs, from plosi =
tested flock, $1.25 per 15, $3.50 per 50. $6 -
per 100. Mrs. H. H. Bankston, Gordon Rd. -
Rt. 4, Atlanta, Ga.

Pape Minorca. eggs, $1 per 15. E. P. Jacko
son, Canon, Ga.

Pure bred Thompson strain B. R. hatch ng
eggs, $1 per 15, $3 per 50. Mrs. A. A. Sumner,
Poulan, Ga. +4

Donaldson strain R, I. eggs, $1.50 per sete
ting or exch. for turkey eggs. BE. L. Feely, ;
Douglasville, Ga.

Blue speckled guinea eggs, for hatching, 24
eggs os $1. D.. F. Howard, Flowery Branchy ee
Ga. Rti-1. geo

Seed for Sale and
_ Wanted


8 lbs, Perkins: okra, 85c Ib; 15 Ibs. eels
den Queen popcorn, 15 Ib.: 5 Ibs. 50c del.
> exch. either for pure Watson melon s |
at 50c lb. del. Mrs. urace maddox, Flowery ;
Branch, Georgia.

Three pints mole killer or Nedeta: oil bean |
seed, 10c pt. Add postage. Will exch. for
Gladioli bulbs. Mrs. T. G. Fleming, Athens,
Georgia, Route 2. . a

Cornfield bean seed, two variet: es, hand
picked, 30 lb. Mrs. J. N. Brooke, White,
Georgia, Route 1.

White and colored bunch butter beans, 200 ig
Ib. ; white velvet okra 15c teaetpful; several
kinds - muskmelon seed mixed, citron and hot _
pepper seed, mixed lettuce seed, 10c pkg.
Mrs. J. M. Wall, Winder, Ga. Route c

- Selected seed bumch velvet beans, -$3 bu. :
selected seed velvet beans, $1.50 bu. Dwarf
Hssex rape seed, 12 1-2e Ib. Robt. S. Ander-
son; Hawk: nsville, Ga. os

Old fashioned seed corn, $1 pk. del., $2. 15
bu. FOB. Milton Sumner,. Sylvester, Georgia,

Pugple top globe and toixed turnip seed,
white velvet and Jumbo okra seed, 30c Ib; ;
white bunch butterbeans amd old time run-)
ning butter bean seed, 25c Jlb.: few cream
Crowder oo 10c 1b.; mustard seed, 10 age
All del. C *G. Oliver, Barnesville, Ga. Rt. a

Bunch velvet okra seed, 25 pt. Mrs. L.
Kay, Talking Rok, Ga. Route 2. ~ :

150 Ibs. pure pride of Ga. watermelon
seed, $1 lb. hand gathered and shade dro
you want 5 Ibs. or
more. T. M. McCord, MecDenough, Ga. Rt. 1.

Kentucky Wonder bean seed, okra seed, 10 |
cupful; mixed winter collard seed, heading
kind, 20c cupful. Mrs. Nancy Braswell, Lo- |
ganville, Georgia, Route 5. on

Velvet okra seed, 20c Ib. 1927 crop? also
straw brooms, 10 each or 3 for 25c. Tie W.-
Hale, Jefferson, Ga. Route 5.

New improved New Stone and Beauty to-
mato seed, Early cucumber seed, Early ih
sey Wakefield cabbage seed, 10c pkg.;
zennia, marigold and hollyhock seed, 1
pkg. -or will exch. for peanuts. Florr
Hughey, Ranger, Ga. Route 1. _ :

Vollraths. select, 10 ear Prolific - popcorn,
7 yrs. improved, 25ce Ib.; will exch. for pes-
nuts at 5c lb Pumpkin seed, 25 hills for |
10c, 100: hills, 25; running okra seed, 2
seed. for 10c. L. J. Vollrath, Winston, Ga.

Cabbage seed, all varieties, $1.25 Ib.; col-
lards, turnips, mustard, 40c Ib.; beets, vad 6.
shes, carrots, 80c Ib. ; squash, all. var'e-_
ties, 90c 1lb.;. okra, 80c Ib.; rape, 15 1b.;
cziitaloupe, $1 Ib.; watermelon seed, 75c Jb.:
Ruby King pepper, $2.75 Ib.: eggplant, $3.50

Ib.; beans, 80 lb. Bermuda onion plants.
$1. 25 per M. del. G C.. McHugh, Buford,

White velvet and long green okra seed,
Georgia white collard seed, 50c lb.; Nancy }
Davis cornfield beans 25 Ib. col. or exch.
for varden plemts and seeds. T. J. Brumbalow _ i
Madison, Georgia. 5

White stem winter heats ng collard goad
10c oz. or 8 for 25, $1 lb.; Big Boston let-
tuce. seed 10c cook spoonful ; tender hull.
cornfield beans, 25c lb.; tender hull ever:
bearing snap peas, bear till frost. 25 Ib.
Mrs. V. E. McCook, Rt.. 2, McIntyre, Ga.

6 bu. large blackeyed peas, ew, sound and

clean; long green pod okra seed, 15 Ib. Ade
postage. ee Chambers, Route A, Ball
Ground, Ga. ;

150. bu. Hastings Improved corbin. 66 a
$1.25 FOB here. W. C. Dailey, Eevee
Georgia. ;

Ratbone 15c teacupful. Add postage.
ae Williams, Cumming, eee

nd muskmelon seed 10 tb. or ex:
for, any color double geranium

1 cutting for 1 tablespoonful. H. W.
Cumming, Ga. Route 3. 5
_impyoved) orztige sorghum seed,

. J. B. Dunn, Flippen, Georgia, ~~
ong handled gourd seed, 10c doz. del.

take stamps. Mrs. Henry Everett, Rich-
Georgia. -

Lipsey or. Stone Mtn, check seed,
field spots. J.. D. Means; Elko, Ga.
roved red hill came seed; 10c Ib. or 3
or 25e. Add postage. C. R. Starrett,
ps white tender hull copnticls beans
cups, garden peas 1l5c cup; 1 1-2
eet pepper seed 50c cup; or 6c pke.;
Prince Marigold, mixed cosmos, Pal.
hristi and sweet peppers, 6c pkg., or
2e; Giant ribbon grass, Yuecea, 5 for
doz. ; white Iris, 50:-bulbs for $1::
ereau Iris, 6 for 40c, 75ce doz, 21
rblooming wisteria, 3 for 35. Mes
all, Calhovia; Ga.

okra seed $10 FOB: Marisok jor Be
stp id. A. Vv. Brown, Route. 4, Madison

wroved white. dent seed corn Tbe ple
0 bu. Exchange 1 pk. for 1 Jb. pure
Mountain | watermelon seed or 1 bu

u.. pure cottonseed.
Georgia. ;
alf-ounce lettuce or cabbage seed 20 or
nge for 1 pint garden or cornfield bear
any kind fern, cabbage or onion
its Mrs. ds E. Underwood, Rt. i Cleve-

A. J. Pope, Talle

tender streaked: half running garden
d, 50c Ib. postpaid; white running:
unch butter bean seed 25c Ib. postpaid
xchange for good dried fruit. Movs, N.
lson, Route 2, Camon, Ga, Ae
k Hastings yellow dent: corn seed tc
or 1 peck Hastings improved syrup
_ Mrs, Frank 2, Jones, Register.

lbs. Tom Watson. watermelon seed; alse
ixed seed. Cheap. C. L. Newsom, Mat-
Ga. P.O. Box (34; 50>

_ cornfield. bean seed, 20 cupful.
Wilson, Ellijay, Gai RFD 8, Box 42.

Old fashioned colored half runner be

ed 15e cupful; 3 doz. gallon and half gal-
n lard pails, lot for $100. Mrs. C. Lyon,
; round, Ga.

selected hand picked Stone Mowe!
watermelcm seed, $1 Ib.; pure long ban-

auskmelein' seed, 75a. Ab. Mrs. pee
e, Route 4, Cumming, Ga.
d turnip seed 1927 crop, 20 PEO?
ange for Octagon coupons at le. each.
postage in exchange. No coupons

for postage. Mrs. My C. Conner,
~ 4, Gainesville, Ga. SS *
tor Mtn. _watermelon seed, Te Ib. FC
Ty, Ga. In 10 Ib. lots or more $1 1b.

< Ellis, Ty Ty, Ga. Route 1.

tril ed pole bean seed, 1 cupful for 0c
uid. Mrs. T. C. Floyd, Chipley, Georgia,

Box 74,

Il green pod okra, extra early. English

25e pt. or 45c qt. del.; collard, 10c

oonful or 3 for 25c, Mrs. Ethel Done

ille, Georgia, Route 1.

1 1-2 lbs. Wilkins melon seed, $1 Ib..

ot for $1.30. Mixed, 1-2 Ib. melon ae

ritaloupe seed from large melons, 30c. 4
oe Mrs. Wit. Clark, Fairburn, Ga -

bs. Lipsey watermelon seed, 50 lb. FO

Cash with order. J. D. Beye; Fitz-

ld, Georgia, Route 2. :

nuine Rocky Ford cantaloupe seed, 25c

ful or 2 for 45c. del. Mrs. M. J. Patter-

Cordele, Ga. Route B.

eye pepper, 1 doz. pods, hes post.

So de ode Davis, i Ga. Rt.

Flat |
l onion, saat bek Oia:
fevieia collard, tomato, lettuce, Yuta-|
as for sale or. will exch, for running
ene sets, dried fruit or any-
aa value. Mrs. Hi. Le Serer,
Route 2.

Se heey. melon ee $1 Vb. _ Jeff A.
Buena Vista, Georgia.

@ green pod okra, gourd sed, l5c pke.
ckled butter bean seed, 20c pkg. Quilt
terns of all kinds, 20c and 25 each. Mys.
Branan, 528 Forsyth St., Macon, Ga.
eacupfuls of new ginseng seed, $6
ad eupful or $10 for Jot. Lr .C. _ Honea,
) Ibs. of Hastings aca long es
hite beans, 20 lbs. old fashioned speckl-|
everbearing bunch butterbean. 7 seed 15
Add postage. W. M Reed, Buford, Ga.
a 3.

hurmond Grey aes eee specially
; , Te Ib. L. A. Rigsby, Senex, Ga. |

2 Thse
30 Ib.

20 Ib. or
Benoni green pod okra,
for white Spanish eter

eet, yed 108 pke.; finuplich pene,
Y 10c. Ib, Wil exeh, *o
Ma toee Boschi, ; Ga,

copes ee

rbearing okra seed, 25c Ib. Hastings baby |

~ Large | yellow Raumehy wt.
be: each, seed, 25c cupful, or exch, Some. for
dark striped runner, tender beans, seed. Mrs.
D. J. Cheek, Cobbville, Ga. Rt,
About 75 Ibs. home raised Ga. collard seed
well cleaned, 35c Ib., prepaid Will send 4
Tb or more.- Re: Hunt, Greensboro, Ga. RET
White Velvet okra seed, 25c. Ib.. prepaid.
Mrs. J. W. Ivie, Farmington, Ga. Rt. 2:
Ofd fashi oned, striped. corn field bean seed
}40e Jb. Mrs. no T.. Lambert, Forest: Park
Georgia, ,
Fresh, solested Tin Watson and improvee
Kleckley watermelon seed, 50c ml iss
Rocky Ford cantaloupe seed, .75c. Ib. ;
gia Runner peanut seed, 5e Ib.
H. G. Joiner, Pavo, Ga. Route 3, >
Chufa seed, good. - and sound, $3.75 bu.
Cash with order. oo W. Honderson, Manor.


from 15 tor 25


Cabbage ead ee lb. ; Busy, Kine pep
$3 lb.; Tomato $1 Jb.; straw Bermuda onion

$3 1b. W. W. Williams, Quitman, Ga.
Stone Mtn, watermelon seed, hand _ select-
ed. Sell or will exch. for 1 or 2 bus. any

kind of seed Beanie, Bx R. Roberts, Collins,
Georgia, |


Want 4 or 5 bus. care seed for pay. State
price etc. The Oaks Gardens, Apison, Tenn:
Want the address of: Smith Bros. Sees!

Co. They have a certain. variety of. cabbage
-{. want and cant find listed in any other
eatalogue. J. L. Cohrer i, Smyrna, Ga. Rt;
Want any kind good garden and melor
-3eed, plants or sets. Will exch, See
ackson. wonder butter beans at 300 Ab.

}3sewing or faney work for same. Mrs. San
Gs Rogers, Daisy, Ga. ;

Want 2 bu. sound syrup._eane seed... Give
jescription and make best offer . for cash.

Mrs. J. M. Bobo, Hartwell, Ga. :

Flower seed, pimento, gourd and dill mand
to exchange for fancy work. Miss Frances
A. Henderson, Dallas, Ga. Route 5. _

Old fashioned. California beer seed used
for making beverage for table. State price.
Mrs. M. W. Castellow, 422 Jolmscn, ANG.
Macon, Georgia. ee

Red Fox Sorghum seed. tor African | | Sor-
ghum- seed). Send sample, and quote price.


Stamey, Bemorest eres, Route 3b,


Second Hand Machinery for
~ Sale and Wanted _ ae

~ One 10-inch feed grinder; 1 Lynchburg

subsboiler, No. 80; 1 Moline tractor and
plow, also parts of same, separately. WI
sellor exch. Write. G.. N. Byrum, Biekl:
Georgia: <M ilkes County.)

Fordson tractor and dise plow, excellant

good /cond., $80 or exch. for oats and corn.
Cash" aith order. Mary F. Lawson, | Hahira
Geoxete: RED: 2.

plow, $3.50 or exch. for any farm tools o
equal value, E, 1. Steedley, Alma, Ga.

NOB here. Two Oliver_ pony plows, No. 6
steel beams, $5 each FOB. here. All ip
good condition. Cash or exch. for March o
Apr. 1, 1927, hatch turkeys, bronze preferred.
ht. Simpson, Washingeon, Ga Rt...

| Hickory axe handles, double bit, $3.25 - per
doz. 86 inch hammer. handles, 14 ineh 0c
each or $1. per doz. .

enry, Eller, Ellijay,
Georgia; Route. 3. :

Two-horse rid mig cultivator, Emerson
make, good conditon, slightly shop worn,
$10 FOB Hartwell, Ga. Grover Heaton, Hart-

well, Georgia. ;
One peanut picker, used _one season. he. I
Maddox, Washington, Ga. | :
One No, 4 Lely hand mill for. grinding
small grain, been used very little, $4. A. BE.

Foster, Monroe, Georgia. i
- One 150 horse boiler, ne 60- horse steam
center crank engine, one 50 horse canter
.erank engine, 4 four stand Lummus gin
complete with presss steam tramper and hy~-
dyaulic vam. R. F. Strickland, Concord, Ga.
Egg cases 80 doz. size complete with fiflers
avd sound tops, 80c each FOB Svannah.-
by prepaid express, 45 del. Send check ae
order. None shipped .COD. Pruitt Produce
=Co., Box 794, Savannah, Ga. |
Corn,. cottonseed, pea and bean planter for
sale. R. I. Dewberry, care of Glenwood farm,
worth, Georgia.
ae ees thrash, used 2. epee. ones
bu. peas a day, $25; gas engine to rvs thras
338 aes a, mill rock, $650. es STM

Burt, _ Buena, 4 VISTA, Ga, nt ee


| good condition $65.

FOB -here. |

wood. singletrees,

| Will exch. for

C. B. Milmer, Chula, Ga. - :

bee 85 lbs. Thurmond grey, 35 bs Wat-
son and 10 Ibs. Stone Mtn... melon seedy H.
B.. Vickers, Ambrose, Ga...

Went rape, collard seed, Will eee for
same. Mrs. Henry Everett, Richland, Gas
+ Want 2 Ibs. Royal King. or Ruby Giant
pepper seed, $1.50 lb. 8 Ibs. Stone tomato
sed at. 75c.. Write, what you have. GC. C.4.

{new buggy bridal $1.50. Mrs.
f Route 2, McIntyre, Ga.

cond., $250. F. L. Bailey, Gainesville, Ga.
| Routg, 6. ES
One No. 1 Pri imvose Cream Separator,

1 colter a clamp and. bolts for 2 horse,

Ove 2-horse Walking International Cult
vator, good cond., $15.. Party to pay sb-
ping charges. os u, ACEH Se Tenis Ga )
Route 2.. ;

Milk wagon in first class condition only,
{used few months, $200. N.~G. Lang, Way-
cross, Georgia, Box .33. i

One Cole combination seed. peicn $12

| heifer

unshelled peanuts; also cotton seed hopper,
good cond. $10. Dave Salter, Pitts, Ga. -

1 Gnatt cotton pleriter, good as new, $5;
1 stout 2 seated buggy, good cond. No top;
with good set of single harness, $25. Wil!
exch. either or both for syrup. Roy. Edmond-
son, Temple, Ga. Route 2.

One Blacksmith Blower A No. 1 ne
A. V. Brown, Route 4, Madison, Ga.

John Deere Combixation cotton and corn
planter with attachments, good condition,
$15; Roderick Lean tractor harrow 24 dise,
R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

One 12 1-2 H. P. Olds gas engine. Will
trade for grain: Dr. Morris, 197 -1-2 Mitchell,
St... S, W. Atleinta, Ga. : ey

1 New Racine thrashing machine The
Ruth breivd, made by The Maytag Coy:
Newton, Iowa. Also 1 International power
hay press. H. R. Ingram, Coleman, Ga.

One 50 H. P. Center Crank Emgine gar-
den governor $100; One 25-H. P.. Center
Engine $50; 1 Cochran feed water heater
$50; Two 125-H. P. Cole boilers $200. each.
T. N. Colley, Box 724, Elberton, Ga.

Tirst class .farm bell, $4 or exch. for good

stock of chickens. T.-L. - Davis, Warther
Georgia. :

Casten combination planter, good condi-
tion, $12.50 cash om exch: for * Covington
planter that drops cotton in hills, A. i
Nelson, Sugar Valley, Ga.

\Rart- Parr tractor, wth 4 disc plow in
ecod eee order, well cared for, will sel!
cheap for cash or exch. for corn;. 2- good
Oliver ealiivaiaee yeasonable.> Mrs. M. I.
MeGowrii, Stilesboro, Ga.

One Avery cultivator complete with guage
and dise to exch. for walking cultivator. B. -
Riley, Morven, Georgia.

Syracuse middle busters $10 each; Ae My. P.
nyataas turner. $5 FOB Dublin. J. J. Perry
Route. Dublin; > Georgia.

: ree guano distributor; 1 cotton: iisnter

|1 Stark boy Dixie plow stock, 1 single plow

stock, 1 Hyde spring tooth cultivator, 8 8 good
all im good condition $12
pr. wood hames 25 per pr.

15 gallons of good Georgie

for the: Jot; 3

sugar cane syrup FOB here. J. &. -Paulk,
Route A, Tifton, Ga.~-
~ BR. PF. Avery gasoline engine 6 H. P. $50;

} Avery corn dropper $7; Tom Houston Liberty,

peanut. sheller. $10;
30, inchs 11

puliey 4 inches on face
diameter to fit 2. inch shaft.

| J. H. Leverette, Route 1, Parrott, Ga...
1 Primrose separator $85; 5-gal. eream
ean $5.25, used 3 mos. Mrs. Marx W. Clay,

Route: 6, Monticello, Ga.
Yom Houston peanut sbeller $8, practieally
V. E, McCook

1 Deering binder and reaper $30. or exch.
1 P..and O. riding cultivator. with all ploughs
and attachm its $30 or oe ee Alle:
Riverdale, Georgia.

White. Hickory home ade
$2.25 per doz.
ville, Georgia. <

Qat drill $8 or will aioe for 8 puisksls of
corn, E. M,. Travis, Fayetteville, Garey

1 dbl. dise - tractor plow,
30 days; 1 tractor harow; 1 10-H. P. Stover
engine at barearm. Happy Valley Farm,
Thomson, Ga,

-80 ton daily cap. Geeendler Feed Mill
complete; lot of various size _Steek shafting

ax handles
Robert S Anderson, Hawlins-

couplings, wood and iron pulleys, post hang-

ers, good rubber and. leather belting; 1 20-H
/P. Znternational gas}: engine ; few
Little Joe; Harrows. All in first class con
W. I. H. Pitts, Waverly Hall, ~Ga.
1 2-Horse Oliver tuna plow, 363
harrow, $38; 1 1-man. Jack saw, $3;
saw set for shingle saw, 3B. JS 38h
Dewyrose, Georgia, i
2 -90-saw continental cotton ins, steam
press, self feeder, suction pipe, seed elevator,
wagon scales. Practically new, ginned
lthan 100 bales. W. I. Stovall, Sautee, Ga.
1 No. 10 Oliver tunaing plow; good cond.
$8 FOB or will exch, for Rucker cotton seed,

Ue ia
1 Jarge


that is pure and true to name and not over |

1 year from Rucker oa Farm. E.. D. Crider,
Alto, Georgia, Route 1. .
Good Blacksmith( blower

ee dyill heaps

also Polk 12 ft. Silo form, used only once,

$250. C. M. Brennan, Columbus, Ga.
1 hoe and dise corn aad pea dropper, good
as new.- Will exch. for pure bred Jersey
calf, 6, mos. old, or young cow to
freshen sdom. Must be good stock, L. P. Gas.
sett, Fort Valley, Ga. Route 5.

Second-hand feed cutter~ in perfect cond:
J. E. Pinion, Dalton, Ga.
19 H. P. Imternational kerosene engine and
inch Meadows corn mill, good running
$175 FOB: here. Will take corn or


rood 8 H, P. eng. and wood saw as pat pays

ment. O. L. Cowan, Doraville, Ga.

1 new 4-1, H.C. Riding: cultivator.
6 days $60, -Will exch. for 2 1-2 or
mileh cow with. first or second sad :

n binder

Cardue, Seville, Ga.
Molne tractor and Moline /
Good. cond. Write for price. R. oh es
Acowrth, Ga., care of Glenwood Farm.
Hand force pump for spraying fruit. eee
and watering small plants, ete. $3 each, 10
postage to be added. J. B. Cullars, Daisy,
Georgia, Route 2.
Counter, seales for sale or will exch. for
seed drill to plant- beans and peas. H. Hy
Bassett, Springfield, Ga. t
1 farm bell, 6 inches itn! diameter, , $3.

a sed




jengine, a few 9 toot

{ vator,

used less than

9 tooth |

less |

Oliver middle- buster, No. 10, $7. 50. 4 guanc
pape: work. with Te: 3. 50. 2 Spring

Thowahill horse wagon, $15. Edwin F.
pey, Tallulah Lodge, Ga.

1 Primrose Cream Separator, good cond.
for sale cheap. Cost $90 when new. Wiil
exch, for hogs or corn. R. N. praen War-
wick, Georgia. :

John Deere Homsers and Binder, used asa
sedsons, largest size, pract.cally good as


Mauk. A, E. Sloan, Mauk, Ga.
Rodorick Lean tractor harrow, good ecuids.

$65} John Deere combination cotton and
corn planter, good econd., with attachments,
$15. R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

Farming implements: plows, distributors

.emd Gee Whiz and other plow stocks. Goo
cecrad. Write for description and prices. P.
&. Rhodes, Athens, Ga. Route 2. eae

1 complete 80 ton daily cap.
feed mill, with attaghments ;

+ 20 H. P. pas
Joe Harrows, and other
implements. First class cond. W. J. IH. Pitts,
Waverly Hall, Georgia. :
$30; Dow low and

~ Martin ditcher, new, -
Gantt cotton planter, $2.50 each; Lynechbury
Buster, $8; John Deere gee whiz ecul., and
genuine farmers friend, $3 each.: Wee AD

Watson, Loganville, Georgia.

good cond. 4 ft. and 2 disc. .
model. $20 FOB Lenox. Mrs,
erington, Sparks, Georgia.

Gantt cotton planter, good as
FOB. here; other farm implements.
English, Berner, Ga. Route 1. ae
} 1. Russell grain separator, $100; 1 MeRae
tractor plow, practically new, $25; one 6
horse International gas eng., $50. All FO!
Dacula. W. C. Gower, Dacula, Ga.


Want 1 second-hand Martin 2-horse ter-
racing machme. Must be good cond. and
cheap for cash. ER. D. Crider, Alto, Ga. Rt 13

Want 1 walking cultivator. Write for in-.
formation. John C. Hand, Cedartown, Ga,

Want water turbine, any style or cond.,
vertical or horizontal, with, 16
diameter runner, FL, Bailey,
Georgia, Route 6.

Want secu hands Hains transplanter. Ble
more Baughan, Tifton, Grae ee

Want small pea huller; must oe.
cond. State what you have, year made aud
make, Will pay cash or exch. Whippoorwill
peas foy same. J. E. Sims, Ellabell, Georgia,
Route As. :

Want - J. 36-inch Nong ke
corn mill bottom runner. C,

alley, Georgia.

Want 2 rolls of second- -hand pacian wire,
State how much in voll, and lowest del.
| price. Must not be rusted. L. C. Ae mets
Lula, Ga. Route 2.

Want a Jack Rabbit Aver ride sui:
the latest International made, good
conditicy. Will exch. smoked meat or
at market pitice or pay cash if reasonable.
Willie, Williams, Route 2, Ambrose, Ga. ee

Want 1 set of single buggy. harness.. Will
buy or exch. hens or potato plants for same.
Mrs. Jo L. Aultman, Route 3, Alma, Ga.


and. 2Marmon
8. Tavigre or

Chattanooga make, must -be cheap for cash.
State what you have and lowest cash Price.
R. E: Willis, Route B, Colquitt, Ga.

Want 1 second hand dblj. hopper
pliater, cheap for cash. = a Walker, Rte A,
Ashburn, Georgia...

or exch. C. B. Milner, Cleola, Ga.

Want walking cultivator, good condition.
prefer Canton make. Would consider other
standard makes, cheap for cash, A. E.- Diels
scr, Route 1, Sugar Valley, Ga, (roy,

-Want 1) dbl section drag harrow cheap as
cash. C. B. Huie, Forest Park, Ga. 4

Want: to buy good Fordson farm tractor
and harrow up to date in every particular.
Would exch, hay, hogs or peas for same.
R. . Roberts, Jefferson, Ga.:

Want Knocker Guano distributor and eom-
bination. coin and* peanut planters. Second-
hand, in: good order with all plates. Prefer
| Cole. N. N. Company, Blackshear, Ga. Box 8.

Want. a second-hand water tank. and. tow,
er, Must be in good cond.,; and, cheap.
cap. in answering. J... Hurt, Oakman, Ga.

Want a Cole cotton planter. Must be fn.
good condiition and-cheap for cash, Also want
a set of blacksmith tools. FOB Athens. Jas.
A Adams, Hull, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want second-hand knocker gurino distribu-
tor. L. H. Oden, Blackshear, Ga..
* Want. Oliver walking cultivator, No.
improved preferred... Must be: reasonable.
R. Manry, Goggins, Ga.

Want used wind . mill. Glenwood. Farm,
Acworth, Georgia. _ ;

Want machine for dae peach orchard,
Sars. Stafford, The.Rock, Ga.

Want wind mill tower, tank and piping,
500 to 1500 ft., 3-4 to 2 inch; 1- orchard
spray pump and lL white \washing outfit ;

must be good cond. Make best price. W. 'T.
Long, Pendergrass, Ga.
Want 1 light middle buster plow, vas

preferred. Must be. cheap for cash or will
exch. syrup. W. H. Head, Madisca, Ga. Rt. 2.

Georgia. ~~ |
Want 1 McCormack Decting New 4 riding
cultiva Me Ss oa Waites poe, eee

3 oe a Ths. selected Perkins Jong en Spee So eee cs ; SSN She : 5) , ee
dich oe pad Practically new peanut hopper and at- {tooth cultivator harrows, $8 eaoh. All FO:
wye: oe -eollard seed. 10c 67, okra. seed, 60c Ib. or 4 ozs. for 20 del. -paree] | tachment for Avery duplex planter? 2 14:hole} here. Miss. Ridie Martin, Willard, Ga.
Seott, D | post. T, M. Redd, ae ;
' F. Sco awson, Ga. 2 Uh k edd, Pine Park, Ga. _ | plates and lifts, complete, B; fly whee} 4. Primrose cream separator, in good eon-
y watermelon seed $1 Ib, CG. Corbett L. M nown syrup cane seed, 75c pkg. C,}82\inches in diameter, for Star bean errd | dit: on, $30-FOB here. Mrs: W. H. Owens,
Hazlehurst, Ga, Rt. AL | eo aulder, Buford, Ga. Route 8. nea huller; shaft, bearings, and cranks used Pitts, Ga, Route 2. nm
okra seed 0c teacup full; Head: Se eres bean seed, castor beans, 25 | sl.ghtly, $5 FOB here. W.)C. Williams, Le | poeq utter, 810} corn sheller: $228: 3
a = ee a genes meee: Sune a po plen pipu,.apec| CUE Grover Georgia 1 Planet, Jv. cultvators and 2 Planet Yr har. f
@ ad, ~ ach, ; : 1 JY. } -
English ens Sod hun Bas Route 1. : Corley, -Mauk, Ga.| 1 Avery dbl. planter, with extra plates for} vows, sub-soiler, hill side plow, $5 each; 1

new. Sell less than half of original cost. FO. -

corn .

J-horse ov 2-horse middle buster, Oliver or.


Want Walker 2 row cotton spraying .ma-
chine. Must be good cond. and cheap for
cash. J. O. Zeigler, Rincon, Ga. .

Want a second-hand cultivator. Must be

One 2-horse Imternational riding cultivator, j
Next to latest
Collon Weth-_

new, $3.50


tay22 ach >!

Wanhts.a. Jr. B: Mill or a Wa W. section _
tharrow 1-2 section or both, cheap for cask



1% oan : i.


good -cond., and cheap. G. T. weve hs aves,

Cole . 9 ee





at etch.


Speen ven oe


All sorts of sewing, hand painting etc.
Write for reasonable prices. Miss A. L. Tur-
ner, Hillsboro, GAR

Embroidered - spredds, good quality ovn-
bleached sheeting, different des gns, $3.25;
Centerpieces, linen, 16 inches diameter, 2 -in.
tatting border, $1; Single tatting, 10c yd.
Miss Lula Lewis, Claxton, Ga. Rt. 1.

Any kind of home or ng. or emb, work,
reasonable prices. Mrs. J. B. Cullars, Daisy,
- Georgia, Route 2.

Demmisons crepe paper roses, 75e doz, Wek.
Ida Carson, Griffin, Georgia.

Plain and fancy sewing. Do not send ma-
terial before writing. Siate what you have
to make and what price: you will pay. Mrs.
James Stovall, Canton, Ga: Rt. 1.

Want some cine to make braided rag rugs.
F. M. Grady, Augusta, Ga. 1032 Katherine
Street. ,

Well tufted unbleached sheeting bed spread
in basket designs, any color, $4 each or 2
for $7. Cash with order. Will send sample

it wanted, Hsther Gay, Waleska, Ga. Rt. 2.

Quilt tops, $1 and $1.25 per top, or will
exch. for anything of equal value. Mrs. B.
i. Brown, Brookhaven, Ga. Box 18.

Tufted bed spreads,, differant designs, fast

colors, $4 and $5 each. Write. Mrs. J. F.
Lewis, Adairsville, Ga. Rt. 3. - s

Quilt tops, $1:25- each. Mrs. Ida Redfern,
Boston, Ga.

Hand made wool flowers for dresses and
coats, 50 doz or will exch. for 100 Octagon
soap coupons or box flower cuttings of any
~kind. Mrs. L. A. Puckett, Milledgeville, Ga.
Kt. 5, Box 46.

45 in. bleached pillow tubing cases, ~ em-
broidered in several colors and 36 im. Indian
head pillow cases,.embroidered in fast colors,
$1 pr. Linen table runner, cross stitch em-
bro.dery lace on ends 12 inches deep, in
Inen color, $3..Mary E. White, Temple, Ga.
kKoute 3, Box 55,

each. Mrs. Emma Brooks, Monroe, Ga. Rt. 1.
dies aprons, pillow tops, buffet ~ sets
searits, all stamped ready to embroider; will
any 1. piece for 100. Octagon soap
premiums coupons. Mrs. L. Self, Patterson.
Georgia, . : ~
doz, unwaxed, of $1 a doz. waxed; also
d.fferent kinds and varieties of other flower
at yreascaable prices. Mrs. Emma Clayton,
asoy, Georgia.

Crepe paper flowers, all varieties, $1 doz. |

ae them. any color, wax or unwaxed.
W. A. Clay, : Loganville, Ga. Rt. 2..*
ae tufted bedspreads, wild rose design,
best seamless unbleached. sheeting, $5.50.
~ Sat.sfaciion guaranteed. Mrs. Ws Hw. .Rucker,
tuilner, Ga.

Fancy flower..and Easter. eee 20 and
Bbc each postpaid. Perry Kennedy,
- Georgia. :
rurced bedspreads, Basket -and Wila Rose

: designs, $8.75. each, or parties furnish ma-
terial _and I tuft for $1 each; emb. cha?
cush.ons, made of high grade, fast color sa-

~ teen, $1.50 each; stamped for emb. on same

. Maierial, 75c each. Miss Eula Page, Ranger,
Georgia, Route tex

Good quilt tops, $2 FOB. Miss L. ae Rice,
Ell. jay, Georgia, Route 4.

Embroidered. buffet sets, 3 piece, Tic and |. spreads. Reasonable prices. Miss Mamie Stone:

$1 each. Single tatting, 10c yd., double, 2be
-yd. Miss Estelle Taylor,. Gordon, Ga.

3 Double tattiag, 25c yard; single, 12. 1-2
yd. or 9 yds. single and 4 1-2 yds. double for
$1: Mrs. Mary E. Taylor, Gordon Ga. Rt. 3.

D.rections for tuft work, needle and sam-
ple, needle and sample for punch work, 25c.
Will do all kinds of sewing. Mrs. Belle God-
ard, Goggins, Ga. Route 2. |

Bed spreads, bedroom sets, lunch cloths,
luncheaix and buffet sets, scarfs etc. Prices
reasonable; also will tuft spreads for 75c to

$1 each. Write and send stamped envelope. |

M. H. Rickett, Fairmount, Ga. Rt. 1.
-Tufted bedspreads, any design.

or exch.-for B.-R. baby chicks. Mrs. A. M.
Lewis, Rydal, Georgia, Route 2: ~, :
2 heavy. crocheted rag rugs, 28 ~by 56,

/mixed colors, $2.25 each or $4.25 for both
del. in zones 1 and 2. 2 large sized quilt
tops of gingham end percale, $1.50 each.
Mis. C. F.. Gibbs, Gordon, Ga. Rt. 2.

2 tufted bedspreads, basket and other de-
signs, $3.25 each. Mrs. R. T: Holcombe, Bre-
tuca, Ga. Route 1.

i. @>roidered, hemstitched pillow cases on
bleached muslin, $1 pr. any size. Adelle John-
son, Sparta, Georgia.

~8 good heavy. quilts, $3.50 cael or the lot
fer $10; counterpane, $1; table runner amd

_ dresser scarf, 25c each. Add postage. rs

\~ Myrtie Loggins, Gainesville, Ga.

Crepe paper flowers, waxed or unwaxed,
26e and 50c; roses and carnations, $1 doz.
sweet peas, jonquils, 5c each, hyacinths 25c.
Mrs. W.. A. Clay, Loganville, GareRt. 257
oat tufted bedspread, $8.50.- Miss Zana Ro-
weil, Bremen, Ga, Rt. 1.
1 tufted bedspread, $3. Mrs. R. T, Holcombe,
Bremen, Ga. Rotite 1.
3 piece bedroom set, in large rose medal-
_ lion chochet on white linene, two large me-
dallions at ends, hems rolled and whipped

with 1 inch crochet border, $8. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Miss Sallie Woodrum; Fitegerald,
Georgia, Route 3.

Tufted bedspreads, different designs, $3 to
- $5; also tufted =, chair back covers, Tbe

| each ;

4 new quilt tops ready for quilting, $1, 78:

made from fine crepe paper 1B


Will sell :




pillow tops, 50c each; waxed paper |
roses, 75c doz.; mums 10c ach> or exch. for-

eannas, large Bronze varieties. Mrs. R: 7.
Chatham, Adairsville, Ga. Route 3.
Will quilt for $1.60 per quilt, furnished

cotton and thread. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs. N. H. Skelton, Leaf, Ga. Star? Rt.

All eolors hand braided rugs, $1.50 each

del. Mrs, Henry Everett, Richland, Ga.
Tufted bedspreads, several designs and
colors, about 70x100 in., pr., $6.25; grape

design in purple, about 90x100 in., $3.25. All
fast, boil-proof color thread. Mrs. M. J. Sher:
am, Tunnell Hill, Ga:
Second- hand pillow shams,
40c pr. Miss Alice: Garner, Palmetto, Ga.
One 9-4 tufted bedspread, in green and
gold, daisy design $3; one 8-4 purple basket

pretty aeaipas ;

design, $2.50; pillow tops, swing backs, 50
~and- 75c. Mrs. T. W. Cline, ee Ge
Route 2.

Crocheted yokes, any colors; white 75c.

inches wide;
25c and 85c; small medallions, $ tach diamet-
er, 10c each, 5 inch, 25c. Write for prices on
any kind of embroidery. Mary- Langley, Fair
Mount, Ga. Rt. 3..

Hand tufted, assorted colors, fadeless |
thread, full bed size, $4 each, or exch. for

ville, Georgia, Route 2.

Tufted bedspreads, different desizns, par-
ties furnish material amd pay postage, $1.95,
or wall furnish material and tuft for $4.50:
3tamp ready for tuft:ng, 25c or for 40c.


25 yd. Parties and yap post-
_age. dbl. and single tatting, 25c and 30c yd.
Miss Mary Hughey, Ranger; Ga. Rt. 1.

Hand emb. chair cush.ons, new, pretty de-

signs, fast color sateen, $1.25 each; stamped,
same material, 18x18 in., or smaller, any
color, top and_ back, Tho -each del., tufted
bedspreads, several designs, $3.50 each. Rill
Page, Ranger, Ga., Rotte 1.
-Tatting made to order, dbl. 25 yd.; hen.
and biddy 30c yd.; 3 inch medallicy 50c yd.
Cash with order... Miss Tiny Weeks, PEASE
Georgia, Route 3. =

Squares for 4 fare. quilt tops, all new ma-
terial, $1 each; 2 quilt tops put together,
$1.25 each, Add postage. Mrs. s2:B. Garner,
Lilburn, Ga: Route 1. Head and Art Crush dresser scarfs
hand emb., beautiful designs, $1 each; pure
linen, hae emb. scarfs, $1.50 each, prepaid. Maud Hensley, Talona, Ga.

Embroidery... Work good, prices reasonable.
Orders. appreciated. Mrs. W.M. Jeter, Ash-
burn, Georgia, Route A.
~ Plain and db). tatting,
centerpieces. Reaseable.. Miss Ruth Bowen.
scalloped edge, 25c; all kinds of tatting anc }
Greenville, Ga. Route 3. -

2 tufted kimonas, orange with plack thread ;
lavender with white, $3 each, or exch. for

Adairsville, Ga.

1 Enough Micrima fringe to go around: 3]
sides of bedspreads, $5; crochet edge, made of
white mercerized thread, 2 in. and 3
wide; 15 -and 20c yr..
M. C. Conner, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 4.

Cretonne quilt tops, full size, 95c_ ea. Ade

Baby aprons, good quality linene, hand }
emb. 35c ea., or 3 for $1. up to 3 yr. s ze.
Mrs. W. H. Brown, Helen, Ga. Rt. 2, Box 103.

1 light pink tatted yoke, about 3 inches
wide with 1 in., straps. Size 26, $2, Miss
Ruth. Woodyard, "Rising Fawn, Ga. >

onable; 1 bedspread, good grade, 9-4 bleached
sheeting, emb, - fast -colors, basket desimy;
niBow: cases to_match, $4.25 set del. Miss

- Second hand pillow shams, worked in pret-

Alice Simmons, Buena Vista, Ga: Rt. 8.-
2 new quilts and 1 tufted bedspread for
sale or will exch. for 10. lbs. of new goose
or duck feathers. Mrs. T. H. Patterson,
Resaca, Ga. Rt. 1. < :
$1; 5 yds. ,

-10 yds. plain tatting, with 3
-picots, 50c; 2 tatting baby caps, $1.25 ea.
Miss Irma Tarpley, Lovejoy, Ga. RFD. :

lextra large ~size, appliqued in solid colors,
frayville, Ga.

One tufted in blue bedspread, wild rose de-
sign, $2.. Sunflower in camary, $4; Circle
Border Basket in blue $4; stamped spreads,
$2.25 del. Mrs. A. Sutherland, Resaca, Ga.,
Route 1. :

1 bleached, seamless bedspread. Extra large
size, with bolster. Appliqued in gold, lavender
-and green. Solid colors everfast gingham, $6.
Mrs. J. M. Ellis, Murrayville, Ga.

New pieced and quilted quilts;
$5 each. Mrs. Tallman Riggin, Thunder, Ga.

Crochet yoke for gown, 84 to 38 inch bust,

$1.75 del. Miss Bell Sele oo Shellman, Deore
Route Sets

Hand ee scarfs, pillow Ae cenier-

2 inch lace, white and colored,

Barred Rock hens. Mrs. J. S. -Greene, - Adairs-

Send stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
Marsena Hughey, Ranger, Ga. Rt. de 45-5

Bedspreads, $i; bed room sets, SRT:
crochet lae for pillow cases, 30c yd., towels,

15e and 20 acd 2

6 lbs. geese or duck feathers. Mrs. J. F.
Carter, Dalton, Ga. Route 6. | Sa ;
All kinds of tufted work, new sheetine.
fast colors; curtains, dresser scarfs, etc.
Write for pr.ces or. exch. Miss Mamie
Eades, Adairsville, Ga., Route 3. ;
_ Assorted colors and designs tufted bed-|

Add 4c postage. Mrs.
| onica, Quince. sprouts,

postage. Mrs. G. Conner, Gainesville, Ga. Rt]
7 a

Sewing, quilt piecing and emb. work, -reas-:

ty designs. Mrs. Alice Garner, Palmetto, Ga. |

I. bleached, seamless bedspread with bolster,
everfast gingham, $6. Mrs. J.-M. Ellis, Mur-.

good wt.,.



pieces, hundhewn: efs, towels, aprons ete., |
made of linen, crash, cotton and silk. Saipie
sent on request. Pr.ees reasonable. Write for
further iaformation. Mrs... as Fitts,
ae Georgia. x
Embroidered sheeting = ; pedeiieoud pretty.
deaie: fast color thread, $5 or exeh. for
cabbage and tomato plants and seeds. Each
to -~pay. postage. Also will those who wrote
me while living in Atlauta, please ~ write
again as I have been sick and part of my
/mail was mislaid. Mrs. Willie (Cohran, Smyr-
na, Georgia, Route 1. :

One 10-4 best grade ee Aencred sea island,
hemstitched, embroidered in colors belspreads,
$3.50; tea apron, made of satin finish Epg-
lsh Longeloth, emb., in, colors, $1;


best - domestic bleached, oh cases, emb.
and hemstitched in white, 22x35 inches, $1, 20.
All postpaid. Miss Daisy Stovall, Union:
Point, Georgia. :

Plain and fancy sewing ; crocheting, em-
broidering, Italian hemstitching, 30c yd.,

single on coarse material or 40 yd. on fine
material: 40c and 50c yd. for-dbl; pure, sneer
linen pongee or georgette handkerchiefs, in
Ital:an drawn work with tiny spray and hand
made lace_edge, deft blue, jade green orchid,
corn, flesh; peach or rose color, from 75c
to $2 earth other kinds. of sewing reason-_
ably. Write for information etc., guarantee
work and pay return postage... Mrs. W. J.
Head, Unadilla, Ga. Route 3. :


Want a design for bedspread with a woman
on it to be embroidered; also quilt scraps.
Will exch. fancy work for same or -home
raised side meat..Adelle Johnson, Sparta, Ga.

Want . to embroidery bed spreads, table
runners, lumcheon sets, make infants cloth-
ing, childrerts clothes, Be: -eases all kinds
of underwear. Mrs. Hy - Jarrell, Butler, Ga.

Want a. needle to do ait work with. wir
exch. or buy. Mrs. L. A. Puckett, Milledge-
ville, Ga. Rt. 5, Box 46.
Want to smock, chochet, or
jo plain sewing. Price reasonable. Mrs.
Brown, Brookhaven, Ga. Box 18.

Want to do home sewing embroidery. Mrs.
J. A. Scott, Carrollton, : Ga. Rt. aa


J . ~ ee eae e :

Gladioli. bulbs. Will exch. Dahlia a for
same. Mrs. D. S. Davis, Moran, Ga. Rt.

Red and mottled canna roots, 4 dec for!
50c del. F. W. Freyman, Blackshear, Gaj

Wel rooted Junipers, boxwood and Arbor-
vitaes. 18 in. high, 50c3 snow drops, 50e per
100 bulbs: American Beauty roses, Altheas. -
Bell wood -with white bell shaped flowers,
25e5 garlic and catnip, 15 Ranoee be ey,
Heaton, Morganton, Ga.

Bridal wreath, blooming beach: _yellow bell
new years vine, June roses, pink rambler
roses, all well rooted, Sweet Williams, white
violets, golden glow, 25 doz; garden pinks,
5e each; everblooming rose cuttings, 2 for
10c; all varieties and colors poppy and phlox
seed, 5 spoonful; hollyhock seed, 5e pke.
ae Pees Sarah ~ Gas Dahlonega, Page

Double red and yellow On bulbs, - $10
py 25M; Tula ps Ware, Franklin ee

Sweet scented, Seliow nercissns, April
blooming, 15e per 100; Easter lily bulbs, 50c

| doz.; double mixed colors Zennia seed, 10c
pkg. Mrs. H. W. Law, Eastman, Ga.
Mixed Zenaia seed 10c 1-2 cupful; moonflow-

5 for 5; lilaac~and lavender, 20c: 1 bunch
peoni ies, 40c or will exch. for Camelia, Jap-
50c a. Mrs. S. FE.
Jones, Fairburn, Ga. Rt. 4.

1 yr. old well rooted Bowed: Trish Juni-
pers, blue or white lilacs, wisteria / vine, -yel-
low bells, weeping willows, Ga. lemon, bloom-
ing pear, 25 ea. or $2.50. per doz. del, Mon-
thly and* spring roses, 25c to 40c each del.
Yellow or white lilies, 40 to $1 doz. del
Mrs. B. T. Baldwin, Rockmart, Ga. Rt. 1.

Yellow daisies and petunia plants, 5e aes
Will exch. for tall sunflower seed. Mrs. A.
J. Herrington, Lanier, Ga. |

Sweet pea, Larkspur, red four oclock seed,
10c pkg. Cuttings gor. box flowers, -assorted,
35e doz. Will exch. for fountain plant seed.
Annie Swafford, Dawsonville, . Ga. Rt. 2.

12 kinds of Coleus, 10c ea. or $1 doz. S.A.
Nut & Ricard Geraniums, $1.50 doz. Rose
Perfection, Chrysanthemums, $2 doz. dl.. well
rooted. Mixed Gladioli, 10c ea. or 3 for 25c,
7be doz. Spencer mixed sweet Deas, -15e oz:
a -50 Ib. Mrs. Minnie L.. McEver, Braseltcm,

Pink Gladioli, 15 bulb: pink erchid flow-
ering -cannas, 20e bulb; monthly rose bushes
25c each, also Dorothy Perkins good roots
same price; large white mums, .10c or will
exch. for large yellow, pink, or red- mums ;
Easter lily bulbs, red cannas, 5c. Add post-
age. Mrs: S. L. Gupton, Portal, Ga.

Mammoth Russian swnflower ~seed, 65e gal.
del. or 25c lb.,; 8 Ibs. sun dried apples, worm
free, a lb. del. in 4 Jb. lots. ees Weeks,

aa postage.


ae vine tubers, 25c. Mrs.
J.-A. Rachels, Dublin, Ga.. Box_ 189.-

Daffodils, 20 doz.; tulips, 25 doz; orange |
lilies, 15 doz.; striped ribbon. grass, 5e ea.
Mrs. B. F, Brown, Brookhaven, Ga, Box 18.

Decorative, show and Pom-Pom | type. Dah-
Gas, red, white, yellow and pink, $2. 50> doz,
Leila Woody, Dial, Ga:

}- pair 1:

embroider - or |.

| paid on all orders over 25c. Mrs. H. Pollard,

[dor or $1 a 100; Bronze color Flag, pin
or blue Verbenia, and yellow Primrose, hard
variety, plants, Blue Flowering Box vines
15e each, of 75c a 100; several colors, winte
Pinks, 25 doz. . Miss Jewell Clayton, - Roy

Lavender Lilacs, about: 2. feet high: Flower.
ing Almonds; Climbing Roses, pink or red ; ;
Bridal. Wreath and Yard Honeysuckle bushes.
All 3 for. 25ce, or 6for 40c. Mrs. Emma Cl
ton, Roy, Georgia.

Large red canna bulbs and white Iris, 15.
-doz.; red and pink verbena, 2 bunches fo
de; old fashion horse apple sprouts, wel
rooted, 10c each. Sage, 5c bunch. Ada post,
age. Mrs. R. W. Hudson, Lorane, Ga. Rt. 1

Crabapple; azaleas, sugar plums,
or 8 for $1; black walnut 2 yrs.
each ; hollyhocks, Cherokee roses, 5c doz,
narcissus, daffodils, jonquils, lilies, 30c doz
Iris, 40 doz; arbutus, Iris lily, red velve
yoses, 25 doz. Snowdrops, 20c doz. Mrs. ;
F. Fain, Morganton, Ga. 3

Honeysuckle bushes 20c; Japanese quince
25c; old fashioned June summer roses, -l5c
Add 14c postage. Mrs. Mollie Eller, - aie Gap

Purple Iris, 25c doz. ; ; April blooming Nar
cissus, .75 hundred ; purple. lily bushes, thorn
less yellow rose, 5c each; snow drops, 60c
| hundred; yellow day lilies, lc each. /
postage. Miss Minnie Skates, Rae 2S
Georgia, =

Spring. flower bulbs:

300 for $5. Mrs. T. H. Webb, Forsyth, Gas

2 yr. old Coral or pink vines, each
| Mrs. E. J. Williams, Ty Ty, Ga.

Dwarf pink and red everblooming begon-
ias rooted, blue jasmine, fluffy ruffle fern,
1c each; flat leaf pink May cactus, purple
hydrangea, 20c; geranium cuttings, winter
marigold seed, summer yellow marigold seed
be teaspoonful; no orders filled for less than
25ce. Add postage.-Mrs. L. L. Beck, Shiloh
Georgia, Box 33.

Iris lilies, 95 per 100. Lucile E. White
Temple, Ga. Rt. 3, Box 55. 5
roted, 25 each; monthly rose cuttings, cat.

Snowball bushes and blue lilac bushes wel

| nip plants, yellow cannas, 25c doz.; blue

violets, 15 doz. Mrs. F. M. Campbell, Rock
mart, Georgia, Route 3. . Se
. Azaleas, winter ferns, 10c each; pink

Ghcrolcee roses, 5c each; snow drops, 5c doz.
blue _violets, 15e~ doz. Add postage, ; Jim
Turner, Loving, Georgia. a
Daffodils and jeaquil bulbs. Will exch. Bier
other flowers. | Lorena Vollrath, : Wi
Georgia. ;
- Pink and white hollyhouks
myrtles, all well rooted,.3 for 40c.
Tuck, Ellijay, Georgia, Route pe t
"Red and pink. dahlia bulbs; 50c hone
small size gladioli, mixed colors, 20c doz. ;
rooted roses shrubbery and plants, cut flow-
ers from spring to fall. Mrs. C. E. Leverett,
Atlanta, Georgia, Route 1.
Hardy white and yellow June lilies, 25e
and i5c each; Evergreen and Virginia Creep-
er cuttings, Be each; mixed colors or. each,
Sweet Williams, Larispitr and Batchelor But-
ton plants, 25 doz. ; purple Lilac, rooted,
15 each. Miss Jessie Cash, Flowery Branch,
Georgia, Route 3. .
~ Dbl. pink and dbl. canary Carmas, extra
large. Sell or exch. for large variety Gladi-
oli bulbs, mixed colors. 'E. Riz Malpass, Mil-
ledgeville, Georgia. :
Large size Chrysanthemums, many colo
and varieties, 30c doz.; well rooted, 2 yr. old
Cape Jasmines, 30c and 40c each. All d
Miss Minnie Williams, Oglethorpe, Ga, =
8 yr. old dbl. pink Altheas; large white
Oleanders; white everblooming Mary Washing
ton Rose, 3 yrs. old; everblooming Persan
Lilac, all 50 each; Sweet pomegranate, '25e.
Add postage. of 10 on all orders under SL.
Mrs. J. W. Boyett, Morris Station, Ga
Old time batchelor button seeds, 30c cup-
ful, or exch. for watermelon seed. Mrs, W.
S. Wilsom, Buchanan, Ga. RFD. 2. = }
Spider or Gunsey Lily bulbs, 40c doz. Add
postage. Miss Ethel West, Fost Gaines, Ga.
. Giant Pansy plants, 40c. doz. : * Snapdragons,
AQc doz.; Gladioli 10c doz; :
'doz.; Petunias 20c doz. No checks.

pink crepe
J. a We

Fitzgerald, Ga. 714 W. Oconee St. oe

8 different colors of dbl, Geraniums, 5 ea;
dark red Fuchsia, 10c a cutting; pink and
white Hydrangea, 10 each; yellow Flag
Lilies, 25 doz; well rooted Maple and Leo-
pard Begonias, 20c and 25c each; Big Boston,
4 Roosevelt, Sword, Mixed and Old Maiden Hair
Ferns, 15 each. Send check or M. O. Mrs.
He . White, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. es

Snowballs, golden bells, hydrzigea, ~bridal

wreath, spirea, pink almond, pink althea, |
strawberry bush, all rooted 6 for $1; black
rose, crabapple, $1 doz.; several varieties

walnut, thornless yellow rose, pink Cherokee
roses, 2 doz. for $1.25; bokwood cuttings,
$5 per 100; red japonica, 25 each; wild
azaleas, golden glow, $1 doz. R. D. Wilso

Morganton, Ga. Se
Hydrangea, geranium, lantana, red weep-
OF. 6 for 25c; sword ferns, gladioli, red

ing fuschia, conk bevoria; evttines, Be ea
monthly roses, snowballs, 0c each.
postage. Mrs. J. W. Roper, Gainesville, G:
Route 7. | 3
White crepe myrtles, 2 for 25c or will exe

_ ellow Dattoals: eS and Eggs, 20c

for other flowers. Mrs. . Ida Redfearn, 2
on, George as


Roiiboa 32 per. dee
snap dragons, parsnips, _ mixed
doz. ~~ candy tuft, 15. doz. Mrs.

3 rter, Valdosta, Ga. Rt.-6y. Rox<3,

and pink June cactus, mixed oie
y rose cuttings, purple violets, nite
geas, 10c doz.; mixed colors Aovcae
~ Bee each ; California Spies. 2 for

paton fewns, econ 25e; a fens
G. Conner, Gainesville,

0 : cuttings rooted : Geranium, race |
roses, -eactus, three Vanier es, a esciSa.
Skelter :, Leaf, Ga.

: oe 1d. zennia seed: 5c. pke. Miss |
ying canna bulbs, 40 ea:
Mrs. Be- |

Jesse Knighton,
jan Mornng Glory (ious Batsea):
onvine, 25 seed 10; Marvel of Peru:
le and white Glory seed, 40 fo
rie sated,. 30 seed for 10 3 selected
a Japanese I's bulbs, 2c each 5 mixes
; f{. daffodils, jonquils, butter anc


white and green striped rbbon grass,
= Bethlehem, lavender Iris, 10 bulb
e paid aa! orders over 25e. Mrs. 7, Cc
Chip'ey, Ga. Route 2, Box 74. ~
alia tubers, assorted colors, 20 each: }
rpees improved Iris lilies, $1 doz.; Red
na, fox gloves plants, 50c doz. ; Salve a
doz.; running blue Perriwinkle, 2 for
red rose of sharon, 2 ft. high, 35c;
oinseitia seed, 10c pkg. pink hardy phlox.
for ae Mrs. S. W.- Sloan, Auburn

i Mary plents, 3c each, _Unrooted eat
of White Bridal, pink monthly and
usand Beauty climbing roses, le each:
_ Nar-issus, purple Iris, yellow daffo- |
ils, snow- drops, purple sweet williams, chry
anthemums, 25 doz. or will exch. for any,
revy of onion sets, sweet potato, tomato,
ell pepper and frost proof cabbage plamits.
os Cannon, Clayton, Ga. Route J,
CI j
ixed Petunia plants, mixed chrysanthe-
ns, 50c per 100; rooted yellow star Jas-
6 for. 15e: yellow daisies, pink ver-
a, 6 rooted bunches, 35; 4 rooted _be-
s, 50c; Dorothy Perkins roses and wis-.
76 for $1; dahlia, zennia, petunia and
oppy seed, 25c. Add postage on orders less
n $2. Mrs. J. lie Burk; Tifton; Ga Rt?
hower of Gold, Umbrella China, pink
anders, Pink Crepe Myrtle, 2be; Eldora-
ackberry, Lueretia dewberry, 40c : fern:
d geranium, red carnation, red and gold
ana, cannas, 10 5: pink oxalis, white lav-
ie hanging moss plants, 5; cchrysanthe-
ums, narcissus, 80c; May lilies and Milk
wine lilies 40c. Miss Ida- Baugh,

=i] rooted Cape Jasmiiie Bushes, 25e ea.
1 daisies, 3 doz: for 50c; Caladium
BOc each. Add postage on orders less
oe Mts. Le. 2Ri* Higginbotham, Elberton,
rgia, Route 2. :
bl. red and pink Dobe as; A fee 25a = Os-
trich plume, Yeddy Jn, and Palmetto ferns,

each; Phlox, 10 doz.; Lantanas, 15e eas
White Atgust Lily, 15c each. Single Tansy
1c each; stamps accepted. Mrs. J. T.- Hol-
Toomsboro, Ga. Rt. 2. :
vender and p'nk Crepe Myrtle; dbl. pink.
wering Almonds 15 ea. or 8 assorted for $1.
bl. crimson and puxple Dahlia bulbs, 10c
- Verbena, pink and purple, 6 strong
e Ham, Forsyth, Ga. Route 6.

Purple Hearts Ease, ie "doz. 3 Boston. fhe
all plants, 10; large ones, 25c. Add post-
ape. Mrs. . W.' Dutton, Tusculum, Ga.

White and pink Weiglas, 20 each, 2 for
35e oxwood, 15c each; Crepe Myrtle, pur- |
: ilac, 15c, 2 for 25c; different kinds - of
flower seeds, pdragons, Larkspur, mari
d, 10c pkg, i tube rose bulbs, 5 each;

ue_ and white Iris, 25e doz. ; ; Blue Grape
8c. each, 2 for 15c.: All well rooted.
Mrs. J. Elsner, Austell, Ga..

. Tiger likes, Jonquils ond Daffodil bulbs:
doz. ; sugar plums .3 for 50 ; Tansy. plants
doz.; Azaleas $1.50 doz, all colors ; Ped
vood 15c each; Pink Cherokee Roses 75
, all well rooted: Add postage. Miss Dessie
prerombie, care of Dehart, Box, Mineral
ff, Georgia.
Jonqu Is and Daffodil bulbs 50e doz. ; Arbor
Viteas and Juniper 50c each; Pink Cherokee
oses $1 doz.; Red Dog Wood and GCrabapples
Wo e2-h; Mt. Laurels and Mt. Ivv 25 each;
2s, all colors, 8 for 50c; Folly bushes
ce eoch; all well rooted. Add pcstage, Mrs.
Myrtle Barton, Mneral Bluff, Ga.
wait Iris purple, Grave: Moss, Large Pur-
ple Iris and Blue Flags, Yellkv Jasm'nes_]
rooted, and Jonquils 25 doz. ; Blue Damson
lums 25e each; Purple Lilacs, rooted, 2 for
. Mrs. Lena Gaddis, Ball G:ound, Ga.
large Hibiscus 25c each; Snow Drops 15e
Large dbl. /Pink Peonies, pink and white |
doz.; Cream reiss@ with egdld hearts,
rge gizmt dbl. yellow Daffodils, yellow Jon-
quils, Emp. Yellow Narcissus 25 doz.; Large
Jap Blue Iris, Lemon Lily, 45 doz. Tiger
lies all colors, Sweet Williams, pink Peren-
nial Phlox 35c doz.; Cream Spanish Baycriet,
6 for $i; large Golden Glow, 5 colors French

Perennial Pinks 45e doz.; Pink Altheas,
pink dbl. Almcmid, Red Japonica Strawberry
Sadie Wilson, Morganton,

bushes 6 for $1.
G <

aponica Shedhs and Lilaes 25 each;

25 per hundred; Lilies, Brown
den blended, 50c per 100. Mrs. Riley

Rt. 1, Ringgold, Georgia.
panica, 20c- each; Evergreen Galax

Sweet t

; Chinese sacred lly, double |

Tris Lillies. 25c doz.; Yellow Vio-
: WW bite: sons. We per 100.

e oe os
| Add postage. Mrs. E. ; Se
lo J. Henry, Mineral, wees
Hollyhocks = faeks plants,
> ; % mixed one
20e each or\.6 for $1; Sweet Williams, ~dbl.
nrxed, and Sweet Wiliams: Newport Pink, -
col. Satmon Pink~35e per doz. ; Candytuffs, |
fete wh te $1. per - 100; pansies; mixed cols.
$1.25 per 100> Postage Pa. 3 doz. or
more. Mrs. M. . Carter, | Ree, Box 18, Val-

dosta, Geor rias

Prize wt-ning Dahlias, Jerseys. B
Mariposa, Mrs. Salbach, Gone ete,
Agnes Hav and, Martha James, White Sister.
Kalif, Preferencia, ete. 6 for $5;. Roosevelt,
Betty Lee, Doazon, Storm. K'ng, Ayesha, A.D.
Livoni,, Libelle, Deers White Guilding Shae
gaeiel- etc. 6 for $2. 397. Glad oli bulbs, Holly,
Foch; Alice Tiplady, Butter Boy, Willy Wig-
man, or mxXed bulbs 55e doz.; dbl. tuberose.
bulbs: 75e doz.; choice pink, red, yellow .and
orange Cannas, $1.10 -doz.: Ray Phlox
plants in pink, red, white, lavender~ $1.20
doz. ; stock flowered ; Larkspur plants, Snap
Jragons, Asters, mixed ccls. 2he doz., all
prepaid, W.ll exch. for good country butter,.
Miss" Pear] Wright, 222 S.- 15th Ste Gritt :

Georgia, z
Yellow* Jonqu Is
Tris 40c doz. ; ; dbl.
Narcissus 30 doz. ;

$1. per - 100: Pe Giant Blue
Daffodils 40c doz.; Whit >
Snow drops-2 doz. We sors

Tbe per 100; White Lily Bushes 15 sd 25e
Rambler: Rote euttings 2 for bes Rrides
each: Orange Day Lilies.25e doz.; 7 Sister

Wreath 15e and 25 each; will exeh. any of
above for fine, well rooted apple or peach
trees, grape v-nes, frost proof cabbage plants
that have not been injured by recent freezes |
or .white Bermuda Onion plents. Not. re
500 of the two later items wanied. M

P.ckeit, Ries Fairmount, Ga.

Spider - Tees 10; large red; yellow spotted:
and Salmon Pink Canna bulbs 10c, 3 for 25;
White with Red Stripes, ~Shandala Lik
Bulbs 20; Red aie spotted Gladioli bulbs Be:
dbl. ved Dahlia bulbs: 10c; white flag an
tIemon Lilies, 8 for 25; purple Lilae bushes
t5e and 25; ribbo} grass, .Maderia V" nes
and Wisterias 10c; Pink Verbena 3 for 25e-
Shasta daisies 25e doz.; Himalaya Black-
berry vines 10c; Monthly Roses, several cols..


Yooted 25 and 50c; large Pink Begonias.
rooted 25c; single, dbl. red and 3 shades of
pnk Geraniums i5c, 2 for 25; Agee

Spengeria, Bostonand Maiden Ha'r Ferns 25ce-
Hastings large Pansies 6 for 25c;= Phlox:
Lark Spurs, Blanket Flowers and small Pan-.
ses 1be doz.; Purple Ageratum le doz. Mrs.
-W._ A. Huff, Browns Crossing, Ga.

White and pink Weigel.a strong: rootec
boxwood 15 each or 2 for 25c; $12 per 100
plants 20 each, of. 2 for 35; Heavy rooted
ib. wh.te Spirea, Crpe Myrtle, Lilacs rooted
i5e each, 2 for 25; Yellow Thornless Rose
15e each; Different kiid flower seed. Al!
eolors Lark Spur, Snapdragon; Hardy, Phlox.
Dianthus. Pinks, dbl. Afrian, Orange - Mari
gold 10e pkg.; all cols. large siz Gladioia
bulbs. 5e each, 50c doz.; blue and white Iris
or Flag Liles 25c doz.; Orange Day or
}June Lilies 25 doz.; Blue Grape vines root-
ed 8c each; 2 for 15. Postage to be added.
Mrs. ~J.. Elsner, Route 2; Austell, Ga.

Well rooted Blue Flower Box-vinesWhite
2rass or cane 5 each; postage paid on five
Nerman Iris, white ad green striped r:bbor-
or more mixed collections of Jonquils, Daffo-
dils, Butter and Eggs, Narcssus,. Star: Beth-
lehem, Jap hris; 2 bulbs for 8 to close out:
Chinese Sacred Lily, Dbl. Star Bethlehem,
Lavender Fragrant Iris bulbs 10 eaeh; Blue }
Jap. Iris 2c per bulb. Postage paid on all
orders for 25c or mor; Ipomea, Brazillian.
Morning Glory, Pink Moauavine seeds 25 seeds
for 10; Red Marvel of Peru;
10c; Variegated Maryel of Peru, Mira Liles
Jalapa, all cols.-30 seed for 10; White Mar-
vel of Peru 20 seed for 10c; Selected Royal
Purple Morning Glory seed 50 seed for 10c;
White Glory seed 50 for 10c; all cols. selected
Glory seed 50 seed for 10c, postpaid. Mrs.
Cc. T. Floyd, Rt. 2, Box 75, Chipley, Ga.

Altheas,. pink and purple, Hardy H biscus,
Army Lilies, Weeping > Lucy, Weigelia, Snow-
drop, Snowball, Golden bell, P nk Myrtle.
Old Fashioned Roses, dbl.- Yellow Japonica,
Bridal Wreath, Holly bushes, Cedars, all 25

| each: Bird bushes 20 each; Blue Spider Wort

~ Mcitthly..
A. D. S'l-

80c_ ion? : Dahlia Bulbs 400. reach ;
Roses, well: rooted, 25c each. Mrs;
ver, Route 2, Talking Rock, Ga:
Lacy Spengeria and Boston ferns 25e each:
Godfrey Gallie, June Cactus, Crab Cactus,
Alligator~ Cactus, Pine Burr Cactus 28;
Pyramid Arborvitea 15 in. $1; Juniper, 15
inches $1; Dwarf Arborvitea; 15 inches 75c;
12 inches 50c; Boxwood, 12 inches -50; 15 in.
75c; Crabapple, Red Bow, Huckleberry, Laur=
el, Ivy, large lower tig Dogweed, 2 ft.,
Purple Tassel Shrup, all 25 each; Red Doge
Wood 2 for 25c; 8 ft. large flowering Dog-

wood 50c. Mrs. L. A. Ponter, _ Morganton,
Georgia. | :
Well rooted Boston, Ostrich Plume ferns)

and Pink and Red Geraniums 25 each; Dark,
Lt. Red, and dbl. Pink Geranium cuttings
10e; Americ:- Beauty and Ss Bernard Lily
i5e. Mattie Jackson, Ivey, Ga.

Purple Lilacs, Spirea, Pink Almonds root-
-ed 15c. each; cuttings of . Geraniums, Cape
Jasmine, Yellow Jasmine, Justicia, Lantanas,
Sultanas. Begonias, Fuschas Se each; Plants
of Delphinium (Lark Spur) Phisk.
Williams, Poppies, Violets, Pinks, Chrysan-
themums 10 doz.; Shasta Daisies 20 doz. ;
French Daisies 10c doz.; Bulbs of Dahlias,
Gladiolis, Cannas, Milk and Wine Lilies 59
doz.; Bronze lilies 10c doz.; Ferns, Holly
Hoeks 10c each; cuttings White Cape Jas-
mine and Yellow Jasmine 5c each; Golden
Glow. 20c doz.; White Easter and Calla Lilies
20c each; Four Oelock, seed 5ce doz. Zaria

seed -20c -cupful. Add postage. Mrs. Belle
Godard, Route 2, Goggins, Ga. Se :
Pink and Yellow Wild Azaleas, Mt. Lau-

rels, Bush Honeysuckle, White Pines, 25 ea.,
or 6 for $1; Altheas, Butterfly Bush, Hibis-

80 seeds fory



cus 25 each; Lemon and Tiger. ines: 40
doz. ; Blue Jap. Iris. Lilies 75 doz.; 10 rooted
Roses for $1: Coral pink Cherokee Roses $1
doz.; Giant dbl. Daffodil and Cream Nares-
sus, Golden Center,. 35 doz.; Yellow Do--
Woods, 8 for 50c; Empress Narcissus 40 doz:
Pink Jurtz- Bushes 25c each; Sweet Williams
5e each; or doz.. for $1; B rdseye. Bushes for
hedges 7T5e doz? Forsythia Boer each. Mrs. Ay
Wilson, Morgziiton, Ga.

Large Chrysanthemums assorted cols. 5c
doz.; Tiger lilies, and Iris Lilies 3 for 10c:
Crocus, Narcissus, Butter and Eggs, Vatler

Lilies, Jonquils, large flowering. Canna Lilies
cols.. red, yellow, orange and spotted red and
yellow, all<25e doz.; Evergreen Ivy vines 106
-each. Mildred Taylor, Route 8, Gordon, Ga.

Wh'te Easter Lilies $1 per 100; Travelers
Del ght 6 for $1; Red Bud Judas bushes, Gar-
den Iris White and Purple $1 for 12 large
chunks; Red and Yellow Flag Liles 3 large |

bunches for 25; SEED: Zeaxnia, dbl., all cols.
Red Single Zenia, Red Blanket Flower 10
cupful; zennia, orange and cream cols. 15

quart. G. Hoke Eaton, Rt. 1, Dahlc:ega, Ga

White Wisteria 6 for $1; White and Purple
Iris -Lilies, Red and Yellow Flag Lilies $1
39c; each, $8 doz, small size 1 to 2 ft. 9?

doz.; White Pine, Spruce Pine 2 to 3. ft.'
doz.; Seeds: Marigold, dbl. orange and cream
cols. 20c qt., little red ones 10 cupful;. Zin-

nia and Blanket Flower seed 10 cupful. Miss
AL L. Eaton, Rt. 1, Dahlonega, Ga.

Bright Red Sevan Sister Rose 10 cutting:
Red Velvet Rose, 2 cuttings 15; White ,anc
Yellow. Fall Pinks 2. bunches 15c,: well root-,
ed; Pink, Lavender Rolling Roses 10 bunch
ror $1 doz.; well rooted; Chinquapin Roses 2
cuttings be; bright Yellow Roses 15 cutting
or,2 for 25; Snow on the Mountain 2 bunches
10e.. Add postage. Miss L. A. Rice, Rt. 4,
Ellijay, Georg:a,

Will exch. erepe paper roses, jonquils, pop-
pies, narcissus for vo'le and silk dresses tc}
be used for rug material, 1 doz. -for voile
or 2 doz. for silk, or 2 doz. for 50 Octagon
soap coupons; also honeysuckle vine flower
'jaskets for crepe paper, 5 rolls for 1 basket.
Mrs. J. L. Thompson, Rt. 1, Kastanollee, Ga.

Yaceo or Sword lilies 10c each, $2 for 50:
ink Weiglea, wh'te and pink Japanese honey
Suckle bushes 2 for 40c; Forsythea, Weeping
Linden, pink and. white Dorothy Perkins Rose.
30c per doz.; ' Sweet williams, plants mxed
eols., daisy plants 15 per doz.; Purple Lilac.
White Spirea, White Althea, Golden Bell and
White Star Jasmine 4 for 25c; Myrtle Vine
and Boston Ivy $1 per 100; pink perennial |
pea v.nes 15 each; will este for seed pea-
auts or dried fruft, fox grape and muscadine
vines 10c. Mrs. Henry ahd Route 3, Ellijay

Blue grape Hyacinth. Ba B0e per 100 post-
paid. Mss~ Vena. Brown, Hartwell, Ga.
-Blue Grape Hyacinth Sbulbs 50e per 100 de}
Mrs. J. M. Bobo, Hartwell, Ga. :

Large dbl. Zinnia seed, several cols. 20c
teacup full or 2 for 35ce. Mrs. W. J. Hataway
Route. 2, Palmetto, Ga. Z

~Dbl. Red Canna , bulbs, eran. fol age 40
doz. 2 doz. 75c; Milk. and Wine Lily bev
25e each; Spoted Canna bulbs 35c doz, 2 doz.
60c; Hafdy False Dragonhead 25c doz. 2 doz.
45;. Spengeria ferns 1 yr. old 15 each, 2 for
25c; larger sizes 20c eid 25 each; Yell
t'Thornless. Rose 15 each, 2 for 25c; Pink
Crepe Myrtle lyr. old 25c each; Purple Lil:
| sprouts 20c and 25 each; Sweet purple, v'o-4
lets 60c per 100; large ted Coleus er
for 25;. dbl. Red Geranium cuttings 5c fas
3 for 10c; Red Verbena cuttings 10c each,
A-bor Vitea seed 2 tablespoons full 15c, 4 -
25c: Japanese Sun Flower and Japanese on
dial seed 2 tablespocis of each kind 25c;, 2
shades of Marigold seed 5c tablespoon fol!

each; Perennial Sun Flower plants 20c doz.,
> doz. 35; Shrubs are rooted and all abov
del. Miss M: ttie Collins, Route A, Summerville;
Georg a. : :

Seed: Summr Phiox, 9 dois; Holly Hoek,
Mammoth Sun Flower, "Nasturtiums, all eols.
Rocky Ford Musk melon, Candytuft, all cols..
Petunia all cols., all 10c tablespoonful. Ad
postage. Miss Cleo Trier, Rt. 4, Cleveland.

Giant Snapdcages plants %5e doz.; 3 doz.
$2: Gladioli bulblets (not bulbs) 20 per 100
300 for 50c; P nk Perennial Phlox 380 doz.
Lace Flowr 20 doz: : Blanket Flower and
4 doz. $1; Dianthiis Pinks 25@ doz:: Blue
Straw Flower seed large pkg. ide. Mrs. J. B.
Roebuck, Route 2, Buford, Ga.

Pink Crepe Myrtle 25 or 2 for ABe; pinks:
cream, purple aad yellow 25 per doz. or 5
doz. $1; Larkspur 25e doz. or 3 doz. 69%c. >]
postpaid, Mrs. Ethel Beach; Route 1, Gaines-
ville, Georgia. |

Roosevelt and Baby Breath Ferns. ibe as

Dbl. Pink and Crimson Graniums, all, roote
all 15 ach; Mrs, Ella . ee Rie 43)
Greenville, Georgia: _

Winter .bloming Sweet - Violets, Star="c*

Bethlehem 10c doz.; swet sented Lilacs.
flowering Almaad and THornless Yllow Rose
10c each rooted; rooted Dorothy Perkins Rose ~
pink, 10 each; pink mixed cols. 25 doz. ;
Tiger Lilies. 35 each; Seed: Snapdragon,
Sweet William, mixed cols. Shirley - Poppies
mixed, Petunia, Gila, Marigold, Scarlet. Sage
mixed, all 10 pkg. Add postage on small
orders. Mrs. J. Winters, Buford, Gas

Russian Sun Flower seed 10c cupful.
R. L. Arnold, Rt.1, Woolsey, Ga. _

Beefstake Begonia cuttings 15c; rooted 2hc:
Sword Feiuas 25c; Ostrich Fern 25; Red Con
Begonia i5c; White and green sinned Vira
dering Jew 5e; Green dew 5c; blue plumbaco
25c; Spengeria 15 and 26c; pink Hydrangea
25c; pink May, Christmas, and Rattle Snake
Cactus 15e each; Pink Gerenium cuttings
15_ each. Mrs. W. A. Clay, Route 2, Logans-
ville, Georg: a.

Giant Red Waster Lily bulbs, $1 doz. ; Reg
Magis Lily of Japan 75 doz; large. Red,


several Coral Vine bulbs blooming size. 25c |

'20c: May Cactus,

Perkens roses, 20 each ; hollyhocks, snow

drops, and white spirea, 15 each; begonia

cuttings, 5c each. Will. exch. any of. the as

pove for coladium, hydrangea, quilt scrars

| or ribbon grass. Mrs. Hook. Jarrell, Peers
orgih; Route 2.

aera Achimines Pails, 30c doz. ; mn hed

yellow, orange, salmon, cram, rose and pink
cannas 3 for 25c, $1 oes pink and hie

| Oxalis bulbs 3 for 288 + Elephants Ear Gale ai

dium 20 each; 8 for 50c; Umbrella Plant.
25e; dbl. white Spirea, yellow Forsythia <y1d
purple Wister.a 30c each; fragrant white
Jonquil bulbs 25c. doz. 3.5 doz. $1; white Puri-

tan Ghrysanthemums 380c for 6; pink, yellow *

and cream.large type mums 3 for 25c; or-

ange and red Gladioli bulbs 40 doz.; Giant

_Red Amaryll: s bulbs 50e each; Milk and. Wine
| Liles 25e each; Old fashioned. genuine white

Spider Lily bulbs. 40c each. State inspected.

Miss Cuba Carter, Lake Park, Georgia.

Will exch.. red, orange and red spotted
plants or sell for 8c each; well rooted red
and white Dorothy Perkins. Rose yines. W !
exch. for same well rooted plants or sell for
a2ve each. Vera Chapman, Summer, Ga.

Rose, white, pink, Weigla,
Mock Orange, winter blooming bush Hone--
suckle, Coral Bush Honeysuckle, Golden Be Is,


Purple Lilac, Spirea Van Houtte, Crimson
Spirea, Lavender Plume Spirea, both bloom .
all summer, Bridal Wreath, Pink Aln

Crimson, Quince, Everblooming Hardy But-
terfly Bush, dbl. white Althea; Single -
amd rose Althea, -Cape Jasmine, Everbloom ng

bulbs for Begonia and Geranium





Philadelphus - <

white Star Jasmine, Kudzu. Vine, Bitter Sweet .

Vine (has garlands of crimson berries ail
winter) large crimson and orange flowerinyz
Trumpet Vine, Everblooming Wisteria, Bronze
and gree Boston Ivy, Virgin.a Creeper, good
size privet hedge, all state inspected, wei!
rooted, carefully packed, 25c each; some 4
and 5 ft. white lavender Spirea, dbl. ~
single pink Althea, Golden Bell, Butterfly
Bush, Bush Honeysuckle, Br-dal Wreath,
Meck Orange 40 each; large Yellow Lle:,
fragrant Lemon Lilies, purple, wh te, laven-
der Iris 6 for 25c; pink winter bloom 1g
Evergreen Phlox for borders, 12-25; Peven-
nial white Daisy, 21-25c; P nk _
Phlox, Perennial Blue Asters, Perenn al La- <
vender Dragon Head 6-25e. Add postace 1+
small orders.. Mrs. C. He Wares Route iu
Adairsville, Georgia.

- Magnolia, Laurels, Sweet Bay: Maples 10c L
siehe Holly Willows 10 and 15c; Sycamore
Elm 15; Cypress 15c, all over 2 ft. high;
Sweet Shrubs, blooming size, l0e each; Wild
Flags ~ 10c doz. ; Easter Lilies 25 doz.: Bloom-
ing size Golden Rods 10c doz; May Pes
pink and white 10c each ; Patmetto Pal
45; Gentleman Cuff 25 each; Purple shay
pink Crepe. Myrtle, red and white Hrey-
suckle vines, Dorothy Perk. ns Roses, pink and,

white 10c; Winter. Pinks, .ve different cols.

$20c doz. ; Leopard Grass 15; striped sew
10c; large incurved Mums, white, pink, yer
low, 25 doz, Mrs. W. A Lewis. Route 2,
Toomsbore, Ga. 2

Milk and Lilies 75s per doz., $3): per :

100; 6 varieties large Carsias including Kings
Humbert, Pillow of Fire, Canary Yellow. .and >
Waxy Pink and 2) spotted~40c doz., $1.59 per
100, $8 per M.; Yellow Sweet Narcissus 15c
per doz., $1 per 100; Yellow Jonquils, same
pr.ce, Sweet Shrubs, Sp.rea, Lantana, Wis- |
teria 10c each}. cols. large Chrysanthemum f
plants, yellow, white, bronze, lavender, and
cream 25c doz., $1.75 per 100; Red Spider ~
Lilies 85c doz.;
100 plants; Shasta Daisies 35c. per doz:
white water Lily bulbs 25 doz.; Amaryllis

: Lily bulbs 75e doz. ; 8 cols. perain al Ph'ox

50c doz. plants: Will exch. for dried fruits
or other flowers. Mrs. J. E. Harrell, Route
6, Quitman, Georgia.

Fine large flowering Canna bhlba,; beauti-
ful rose pink, dark red, yellow, with red_
spots and Canary, will bloom first season
and until frost 35.per bulb del. Cash with
Georgia. 5
order, Mrs. oasis nichton,

Cherokee Roses $1 doz.; Grape vines lbe
doz. ; Gooseberry Bushes 2be each; Crabanple
Bush 15e each; Black Walnut 30 each ;. Dor
wood 25 each ; Easter Bell 15 each; [au-.
rel Bushes, 20 each; white Pine 2be each,
Mattie B. Dillard Mineral Bluff, Georg.a.

Pink Crepe Myrtle, rooted, 25c; Aspara:us
Fern sed-10 doz; also fern 25; Boston Fern ~
rooted 25e, eutting Ne ;
Hydrangea Blue, rooted ac; Coleus seed
m.xed 10c pkg:; Verbena ~ Seed mixed coher
10e pkg: Add postage m orders less than
$2. Wouud. exch. for Rex or. Beefstake Be-
gonia or. Sultanas, any col. , Mss Beanie _
Smith, Route 1, Kite, Ga. ag

Azaleas, Mt. Laurel, Mt. Ivy, Black and
White Pines, Crabapple, Holly Bushes, P nk
Roses 15; Trailing Avbutus 25 doz. Hem-
lock atid Mable 15 each; Mt.
25e. Garnett Dhart, Minerat Bluff, Gage

Pink thrift, lace border plants, 15 doz.
laree yellow czrna likes, 10c each; Dorohy

gladioli bulbs, 35 doz. ; Plumosus and Sren-
eria ferns, pink hydrangeas, 35 each; Reose
yelt ferns, red hibiseus, 2be each; maple
leaf begonias, different colors, Iitsh rose, 24 .
6 for $1; orange and yellow King Humbert _
10c or 3 for 5c; golden glow, 75e

ae tice: R. M.: cnmeeie Stone Mountain, :
| Georgia, Route 3.

Sweet blue- violets, mi cai phlox, 25e per.
100; oak hydrangea, 10c .to 20c each; old

time pansies or heai'tease, 3: for 10;8 kinds
everbloomi1g rose cuttings, 2 of each for
10e; lemon lilies, 3 for L0G; tiger grass, 5c.

{ Mrs. Joe W. Fordham, Toomsboro, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pink and white canna roots, $1 per doz. ;
well rooted, 30c each:

Paul Neyron , roses,
Shasta daisies, 80c doz. Mire. N.C. Alston,
Social Circle, Georgia. :

Easter liles, 30c doz. ; little flags, tne 7:
floz.; magnolia trees, willows, 15e eaci or
exene for tuft bed spreads, pillow ise - Mss
BUY. es Toomsboro, Ga. Rt. 2 , ox 59. =

_ (Continued on Page a

large Blue Violets $1 per - a

Benevolence, a


erns | 3 for




oe :
; : - = iraday, Mareh 15
GE - Vv ae om ites 2 . en ae : . 3
mC = eer ee 205% SSeS 7 ; 2 =
a & ee ; eS a paaassom


~* Blue Damson plum 2 yrs. old,\25c each
Lemon: and Canton lilies and daffodils 25e
doz. each; Jdaquils 10c doz., or 3 doz *:

25e. Add postage. Mrs. Z. H. Anderson.
Bowdon, Georgia, Route 4.

All leading varieties of apple and oath
trees, 1 yr. old; 2 to 3 ft., 10c; 2 yr. -old,
8 to. 5: tz: 15e-each ; Kipndike strawberry
plants, 25c a 100; Keifer and- early harves
pears, 25 and B0c each. All government in.
spected. Howard, Leaf, Ga. -

Arbor-Vitea from 12: inches to 20 inche
40c each; monaing bridem 20 each;- purrl
lilae 200. Miss Girle Craig, Morganton, ~Ga.
Route 1.

Boxwood, 29 well rooted plants, 25c eac!
Mrs. D. F. Pharr, Buford, Georgia.

Small seedling peach trees, 20 doz., $i: 50
a 1003; purple lilac, 15 each, 60c doz.; ci

apple, bridal wreath, pin atinond, golde
belie, wh-te spirea, dbl. Althea, 15c each;
Hydrangea, 25c aeh; white, pink and red
-ros -bushes; pink ramblers, 20c each; Junc

cherry. trees, 10c each; dbl. June :lies 25 4

GOz., se a 100. White flags, 25 doz.;. 15

hedge bushes, Svc. Mis. A. Maiock, kose

SS Seen. SoG Ue Oy. De
Graba, wie .5e each; Cnerckee: roses. $1

aoz.; biue huckieberry bushes, 25e doz.; rose

cuttings, ~50c doz.; mtn. ferns, 25e
> raspberry $1 doz.; Box Elders, l5e eac
=. Frank Chastain, Morganton, Ga, :

Well rooted
of roais, 10c.
Route 1. - ;

Arbor-Vitea 20c each, or exch. for Por
Rica potato plants. Want plants last o

~ May. J. P:. Cochran, Blue Ridge, Ga.
ae Black walnuts \sprouts, .crabapple, goose
- berr. es, huckleberr: es, purple raspberries, sil-
ae poplars, $1 doz.; hedge cuttings, 5
- += 100; Cherokee roses, 90c doz.; Aitheas, Fo
25c each, 6 for $1. Add postage. T-.

udzu plants, $1 a 100. Sample
iss Fanny Pharr, Buforu,

J. Wilson, Morganton,

Rooted Dwarf Boxwoods, SOE size, $i
s doz. $6 a 100, or $25-for 600 del. Mrs. R.
x Fee Terrell, Greenville, Ga. Rt. 38.

True to name peach trees,.12 in to 38 ft.
_ $40 to $70 per M-*; old fashioned Elberta
budded peach trees, 2-4 ft., 75e~-doz., berry
planis, 2 doz., for 50c, or $1.25 a 100. BE. i.
Travis, Riverdale, Ga. San
-. Paper shel! pecan trees. Stewart, Schley
and Money-Maker varieties. Write for prices.
W. H. Harris, Fort Valley, Ga. *

Pink Crepe Myrtle and purple lilac, 15
ea.; several colors monthly Kose cuttings,
10 doz.; pink running rose, 10c ea.; Sword
Sy ie fern 20c ea. All well rooted. Add postage.
: - Mrs. Ralph Willams, Cumming, \Ga.-Rt.. 6.

. Well rooted and healthy hedge, 5e ea.;
royal blue, everbloom ng violets, 10c doz.
Kihododendrons, 25c bush; 8 yr. old Ginseng
and Golden Seal roots, 20c ea. Mss Myrtle
McDougald, Dahlonega, Ga. Box 129.
-. Hazel Nut trees, 2 yrs. old, 3 and 4 \ft., 20
ea., or exch. for a good grade of apple trees.
: Sam: G. E. Hicks, Adel, Ga.
Fa Yr. old Quince trees. fruit extra nce fo
jelly, 50c. No order for less than 6 trees. Mie.
J. C. Morgan, Fayetteville, Ga
Well rooted Box vines, 10c ea., or 8 for ase
: dd postage. Will exch. for , anything EG

a equal value. Mrs. A. E, Dukes, Mauk, Ga.
wat de Box 49.

May Cherry sprouts, 200 Cars Hinman Black
ae pligiaits, lie ea. Mss Jessie Cash, Flowe
ery..Branch, Ga. Rt. 8.
~-2 yr. old seedling pecan trees, Write fc
. cheap prices; also Daffodls and Jora~
15ce. doz. Mrs. G. V. Hill, Tignall, Ga. Rt. 1,
Box 72,

Biack Scuppernong vines, 15 ea. Will exch.
for, apricot sprouts, or sour cherry.
Mrs. Geo. S. Sapp, Richland, Ga.

5,000 Rooted Boxwbod cutt.ngs, $5 for 100
prepaid, or lot for $240. Mrs. Birdie Robinson,
Greenville, Ga. Rt. 3,

White Scuppernong vines, 15 ea. + or $1.50
Bc doz. : sage plants, 7 1-2c ea., or 60c doz.;
Rs erepe myrtle bushes, 2 to 8 ft., watermelon
- olor, 15c ea,, or $1.50 doz: All del. in Jot of
_ doz. or more. W. A. Moon, Waco, Ga. Rt. 2.
800 Yooveid Loxwoods, $9 del. anywhere in

28 Msaud. Lianiby, Greenville, Ga. Rt 3.

Horse apple scions; 20c; Red striped Su~-
\ Bree aid .arse yellow sweet apple sprouts, 25
ea? Himalaya Blackberry plants,, 25 doz

Lady Thompson strawberry plants, 20c a 100,

$2.50 a M., Everbear_ng Swawhberry 35 2
' 100; mxed old fashioned peach trees, 15 for
$1; Early iMay Cherry trees, 10c ea., or 12
for $1. Mrs. G. Conner, See Ga. Rt.

May cherries, $1 doz. 8 ft. h'gh. COD. Mrs
C. H. Harrelson, Ball Ground, Ga.

Silver Maples, 2 1. to 30 in. high, 25 +
$2 ea. Mys. Horace Allen, Talking Rock, Ga.
Gare Ji Cy. Tatum, Rt. |2.

f Boxwood p.a.ts, avecuge 20 in.

j yard, and $2.50 ea. del.

Greenville, Ga. Rt. 8. :

Budded' and Stace inspected Schley pecan
trees at very low prices, or exch. for rer
_ Duree-Jersey hogs, mower and rake im good
-cond,, runner peanuts and field peas at :
fair exch. Leander M. Kennedy, Collins, Ga.
= Rooted Grape vines, 25 ea.,
\pernones, same price. Add ypatase if only ome
ae is, wanted, Mrs.. J.:L. Burke, Tifton, Ga. Rt.



$2 ea.,
Mrs. Ella Robinson,

Fig sprouts, and Magnolia plants, 4 in.
oa Pe ea. Mrs. Alice Garner, Palmetio,

$2 doz.; Seup- |.

Red Goose plum trees, el rooted, 10 a.,
6 for 50 in stamps postpaid. A, Steinheimer,
.Woolsey, Ga. RED.

Cherokee roses, thornless roses, red rasp-
berry bushes, $1 doz; trailing arbutus, 254
doz.; red Japomiea, 25 ea. Mrs. Fred Aber-
crombie, Loving, Ga.

zlow, 25 doz. J. W. Abercrombe, Loving, Ga.

May cherry sprouts 25 ea. Himalaya plack-
berry sprouts, rooted, 159 ea. Miss Jesse
Cash, Flowery Branch, Ga. Rt. 3. |.

Hinialivva. blackberry. plants, 50c doz.; Tilae
bushes, large red plum sprouts, 1 yr. old:
.5e ea, Add postage. Mrs. J. B. Garner, Li.
burn; Ga. Rt. 1.

New Alamo grape, well rooted, St. inspeet-
ed, 40c ea. For large lots write for prices
Will exch. same for reg. spotted Polane
China or Duroc Jersey pig. Phen Brown,
Alamo, Ga. :

Black walnut sprouts, sugar eae
doz; Japonicas, 25c ea.; boxwoods, Juniper
and Arborvitae cuttings, 5e ea. L. : Abe.
crombie, Morganton, Ga.

Red goose plum sprouts, pink erepe wiyrfle
6c; Himalaya berry vines, $5c doz. or exch

a Rests
5 boxwood plants, heavily rooted $2.50 de'
watermelon colored crepe myrtle plants,.-

del. Lucretia dwberry plants, 30c doz. Mr:
3. L. Robinscan, Greenville, Ga,
' Red crepe myrtle, rooted 50c ea. g3 ie

png, $2 doz; double red Camelia Japonice-
rooted, %5c amd $1 ea.; purple lilac, whi'e
Spirea, white bridal wreath, $1 for 1 of .ea
Boxwood plants, $1 doz, Mrs. O. D. Wood
ruff, Greenville, Ga.

800 10 yr. old Boxwood plants, 12 to -1F
nches, $1 ea., $10 a doz. Smaller sizes, $4.5"
a 100, $1 doz. del. Miss Maud Hamby, Seren
ville, Gas Rt.-"8.

,State inspected Schley, Stewart, Monae

Maker and Vandomon pecam tress, 2 to St
25 to Tbe. J. M. Johnson, Shellman, Ga. Rt. 1.
- 1,000 rooted Boxwood cuttings, 2 to 5 yre
oH; $1 doz., $5 a 100 del.; also Hemorocals
Fulea Lily bulbs, $1, doz.,. or $5 a. 100. Mrs:
Bird.e Robinson, Greenville, Ga. Rt. 3.

Tronwood bushes, for shade, 10c ea. ;- crab-
apples, 15c ea.; honeysuckle, bushes, 20c ea.
Miss Margaret Green, Mineral Bluff; Ga.
' Macmolia trees, 2 to 3 ft, once trans-
planted, 50c ea., with 10c extra for postage :
also State imspected Schley, Stewart anc
Money-Maker pecan trees, 5- yr. old stock, 3
to 7 t., 40 to 75 ea. Write for prices or
large lots. Mrs. I. G, Williams, Cordele, Ga

Armour river privet cuttings, $1 per 100-
Spirea, $2 per 100; slick leafed quick grow:
ing evergreen, $3 per 100; pink crepe myrtle
25e; cedars, 50c. postpaid. Mrs. Kate Barron
\Clarkesville, Ga.-Rt. 3.
Small rooted boxwoods, 8 to 15 in. hie?
19e. ea.; ornamental lemons, 30c ea.; smal!
size rose of Sharon, 25 small size. M -
Mamie Stone, Adairsville, Ga. Rt. 8.

Red and pink June cactus, Oxalis, Justi
chsia, 10e 3 sword fern, 20c; Boston fern, 25ce:

erimson monthly rose cuttings, 10c doz. :
rooted pink runming rose, 20; carnation:
10c; horse apple sprouts, 20c; large yelle-

sweet apple, red striped summer apple, 25-

berry, 25 doz.; everbearing strawberry, 2
per 100; hedge plants, 75e per 100. Mrs. G
Conner, Gainesville, Ga: Rte 7. -

- Boxwood. 10. ft. in circumference, 2 1- 25
high, Will exch. for a real Wisteria vin
several years old. Mrs. WwW. L. Sten henas Wace.
Ga. Rt. 1.

Napier grass -roots or einihs: le ea.
Will exch. few for eaday plants Re WwW: Best
Dover, Ga.

10,000 stalks of Napier grass, for seed
Write for prices. Now ready for / planting. AS
A. Harp, Yatesville,. Ga,

Blue Damson and Mogul splum: trees, ieee
and well rooted, 25 ea. Mrs. = Ss eves
Auburn, Ga. Rt. 1.

White and black scuppernong vines peoteal
3 for 25c. Mrs. Henry Everett, Richland, G- |

Magnolia plants: and fig sprouts, AVE: ea
Mrs. Alice Ganaer, Palmetto, Ga. -

_Azalias, 6 for $1; Kudzu vine rooted, Be
ea. Mrs. J. H. Penland, Ellijay, Ga.

Boxwood cuttings well rooted, Be ea. 2
larkspur plants, all colors, 15 per 100. M>
Nancy Braswell, Logansville, Ga. Rt. 5.

Red, white, pink and purple double: Gera
ium cuttings, conk Begonias Lantenas, cactu-
lume plant, 5 cutting; Springeria and


Boston fern, 20c. Mrs. S$. Fulcher; Jeffer
son, -Ga. Rt~4.56 2 x
Crabapples Black Checrics: 10c ea.; Aso

eds, 15 ea.; Cherokee roses, 50c ae ae
Iris and trailing Arbutus, 25 doz. Miss
Margaret Wilson, Morganton, Ga, :

Crabapples, 10c ea.;
oe doz.; Trailing. Arbutus, 25e doz. Tige

I, lies, 75e per 100. Miss Dortha Mae Wilsor
Moseantant a,

Cherokee rose, bushes and Black Re-
verry br ars, 50c doz.; Jap Iris, trailing Arbv-
cus, Galax 25 doz.; red cherries and erimsc-
Trumpet vines, 10c ea. Mrs.. Frank Wilson.
Moreanton, Ga.

Black cherries, Crabapples, 15c ea.; Chero-
kee roses and black Raspberries, 75e doz.:
Trailing Arbutus and Galax, > 25e doz. John
S. Wilson, Morganton, Ga es

Crabapples, 10 ea.; -Azaleas, 15 ea. or 2
for. 25c. E. J. Fan; Morganton, Ga. E

Wh'te English maple trees, red. maples, 2
to 8 ft. hgh, 8 for $1; spruce pines, $1 doz.
G. Hoke Eaton, Dahlonega, Ga. Rt 1. :

Black walnut sprouts, crabapples, $1 dor.
Trailing: Rigs 50g 5 fom AiheS lilies. and

e 3

or box flowers. Mrs. W. J. Masters, Aubur:

early May cherry, 10e; giant Himalaya blacl


Lilac, and snowball bushes, 25 ea. ; goldes :

Cherokee rose bushe: |

: burg, Ga. Rt. 1. : s


mn, Gas. *

Ps Aighes, double eink Rinwead, Bridal Wreath,
spirea, snowball, hydramgea, purple lilac,
h.biscus, 25c ea. Black walnut, crabapple,
golden glow, all well. rooted, $1 doz. R. D.
| WJson, Morganton, Ga.

~ Crabapples, blueberry bushes, 15c ea. -Rasp-
a berry bushes, Cherokee roses, $1 doz. Trail n~
Arbutus, 25c doz. Malenda_ Chastain, Mineral
Bluff, Ga. :

. Crabapple sprouts,
all rooted 10 for $1; pink Cherokee roses, $1
doz. John Chastine, Mineral Bluff, Ga.

Cedars-and spruce pines, 25e ea. black rasp-
berries and Cherokee rose bushes, $ 1doz.
Mrs. Sara Chastain, Morganton, Gao

Black cherries, 15 ea, spruce pines and
cedars, 25e ea. Trailing Arbutus, 25e doz. CZ
L. Chastain, Morganton, Ga.

Hedge, 5e ea.; blue everbearimg violets, 10
doz. all well rooted. Miss Myrtle MeDougald,
Dahlonega, Ga. Box 129.

St. inspected budded pecan trees, fall lead
ing varieties, 2 to 6 ft. 25a to 50c ea. J. se
Johnson, .Shellman, Ga. Rt. 1.

Junipers, Arborvitae, $1.25 ea. Showbal:
erabapple black walnut, 2 for 30; Dahlia
25 ea. Mrs. W. T. Panter, Morganton, Ga.
Red and black raspberries, 8 for 25c; black
walnuts, canna lilies, $1 doz; blue plum
sprouts, July pear sprouts, Englsh horse
apple sprouts, pink Hydrangea, 20c ea. Add
postage. Miss Nellie, Kate - Turner, Clevelan
Ga, Ri 44

- Heavily rooted dwart boxwood - ane 20
$15 del. Magnol:a Glaneia trees, 50ci ea.; pin!

$1; Lilac and cape Jasmine, 30c ea. All wel"
| rooted. Mrs. C. M. Robinson, Greenville, Ga.
2 yr. old Coral vines, 80e ea. Mrs. E J.
Williams, . Ty Ty, Ga.
Well rooted privet hedge plants, barge an?
whitee Althea, 8 for 1bc; eee RE lindens, |,
6 for 25c; pink Weigelia, 20c ea. white sta
Jasmine and purple lilac, 2 for 15c. Wh?
and varigated violets, 2 ,doz. for .1be. Doyle |
Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 3,. oe AQ See


- Want 500 apple roots for grafting purposes
at once. W. O. Stevanson, Trenton, Ga. oe:

Want large Hon seeds! and Junipers,. 2 te
10 ft. State quantity, size and price. H. H.
Chambers, Ball Ground, Ga. Rt. 4.

Want Locust trees

Name sze and price. W.. M. Taylor, Fort |
Meade, Fla. = :
Want 3 Forsythias, 2 or 3 ft.; 6 Var


Houtti, 8 to 4 ft.; Weigelia, 8 to 4 ft;
pink, 2 red, and 1 pink and white; 4 Butter-
fly bushes; 6 Hills of Snow;. Hydrangea, oe
ft.; Japan. Quince, 1 English Dogwood ;. 1
Jap. Snowball ;
white and lavender ; 4 yellow. Japonicas, 1?
spruce; Eng. Ivy.; 6 Abelias; 1 Magnolia,
5 ft.; 1 White Crepe Myrtle, 4 ft. Will exch
Ss. CR L eggs at $1.50 for 15; deep orange
carmas with. golden yellow borders, and
orange day lilies at Be ea., and Qu: nee sprouts
at 25 ea. Write. W. Ly Strickland, Whites-
Want little Honey Peach, Fig, Cheers. and!
Plum trees; also Rhubarb roots and raspberry
vines. Claude Eubank, SEES: Ga. 2169
Peachtree St 25 Bee


. Yellow Bermuda onion, Chas. Wakefic
cabbage, 500, 90c; $1.50 per M. del. $1.25
collect. Stone & Brimmer .tomato, 100, 60c:
1 $4 per M: Ruby King Pepper & Black Beauty
/Eggplant, 10c doz.;) 75c 100; $6 per M. de
| All new crop, large plants, prompt shipment.
| Walter W. McEver, Braselton, Ga.

Porto Rican sweet potatoes, length of vines
18 in. $2 bu. Cash with order fob.. Waco, G-
J. M. Smith, co. Gae Rt 2. Box AL

| Improved amd yellow skin Porto. Rican ne

tato plants, . 500, | $1.25; 1000, $2; over 500%
$1.75 per M. Satisfaction guaranteed. ec:
Mullis, Alma, Ga. :
Everbearing strawberry plants, $1. per LOP
Mrs, W. B. Pilgrim, Cleveland, Ga. Rt.
Gov. inspected Porto Rican potato Bote
both yellow and purple skin, $1.50 per. } -

? fob. here. Guaranteed. +B. R. Leggett, Bice.

Ga, j

State inspected pure Red skin Porto. Pi
mle: plants. Apr. del. $1.50 a M., FOB
Pelham, C. R. Redmond, Pelham, Ga.

\Government inspected Porto Rico potato
plants, $1.70 a M., FOB Omega. \$2 del.) B.
F. Baker, Omega, Ga.

Klondike pnd Missionary strawberry las.
25e a 100, or $2 a M. Add postage. Calle
Faim, Morganton, Ga.

Pure purple skin Porto Rico potato ie
State inspected. $2 a M., 5 M. or more $1.77
M. FOB here. April and. May del. J. C. Tyre
Bristol, Ga. ~~

Government inspected
vlants, $2 a M. April, May amd June del
Early Jersey and Chas. Wakefeld cabbase.
a M. Collard plants, $1 M. J. R. Boatrigzht,
Coffee, Ga.

Frost proof cabbage Slants: $1 a M.;. col-
lards, 75; Bermuda onions, $1. Now. ready -
also for early April del. tomato plants, $1-
Ruby King pepper, $2; Porto Rico potato
plants, $1.75. Will exch. for peas. WwW. W..
Williams, Quitmam, Ga. | ;

Lucretia Dewberry plants, $1 2 100, $4 for

Porto Rico potat-

ze Poly Mrs, R. PRs Terrall, _ Greenville, Ga.
Genuine Porto Rican. otato Plants or
May and June del. $1. oe $2. ;


Pa: Sees Ga.

golden Forsythia, - 25c ea, H. Wilson, Morgane A

black raspberry vines, |

| Guaranteed or your money back. J. noe

yeady for shipment, $1.25 per M, 30e per 100,

and purple crepe myrtle, 25c ea. or 5 fc

| pepper, $3 per M, or 50c per 100. All:

and Black Walnut: |

Dbl. Altheas, 3 ea., pitk.4


Genuine, Government inspected Porto
potato plants, $2.25 a April del. Ww.
Dedge, Baxley, Ga.

Everbearing sirawhetry? plants, dees ;
riety, 50c a 100, $4.50 M. or will exch,
Bermuda onion plants. Add postage.
Lucy BD. Brown, Douglasville, Ga. Rt. 3.

Wakefield and Early Jersey cabbage pl
$1.25 M, C. L, Steedley, Baxley, Ga:

Everbearing Strawberry plants) 25
peppermint plants,,2 doz for 0c; gi
page. - Will exch. any of the abov
size new cotton seraps 0 pileci
Sarah Grindle, Dahlonega, Ga: Rt. Ae

Pure Red Skin, State inspected Po
potato plamts, $1.50 a M. FOB Pelhai
del. C. R. Redmond, Pelham, Ga. ~

Klondike ee plants, ge oM

Hlowery, Branch, Ga. Rte he 8 es
Onion ~ plants, $1.25 M:; Lois Tho
strawberry plants, $1 a 100, $4 M: Kl

$8 a M. del. B. Crow, Gainesville, Ga.
Improved Porto Rican potato plants. Aj

dei. $1.75 per M. 10 M. lots, $1.60 per.


Rockingham, Ga.
Improved Porto Rican potato slips, Nane:

Hall and other varieties; also cabbave and
mato plants. Write for prices.

Lams, Alma, Ga.

- Wakefield cabbage and Ga. \collax'd ee

Grady H. Gibson, Folkston, Gax
. Improved _ P to. Rican and Nancy. C
tato plants, $1.75 per M, 5 M. or. more,. $1.60

ingham, Ga.

Klondyke ahosy plants, 25e per.
Ww. CG. Owens, Flowery. Branch, Garg

Porto Rican potato plants, 4 M, and
Ruby King pepper, April del. $2. per Ms,
in damp moss for root protection. f
Stokes, Fitzgerald, - Ga.

Gov. inspected improved Porto Rian p
to plants, April Ist del, $1.75 fob. Sati
faction guaranteed. Cash. with order. R.
Cox, Moultrie, Ga. Rt. 5. ioe

Porto Rican potato plants, Gey. ne 1
ready April Ist., All kinds tomato, peppe
and improved collard plants, $2 per M. Eg
plant, $2.50 per M..E. T. Clements, Sar )
ville, Ga. :

.Gov. inspected Ports Rican potato plar
April del. at $2 per M; or wll exch. fo
or. Brabham peas or O-Too-Tan: Soy
1M, plants for bu. peas-and 2 M. plant
bu. Soy beans. J. S. Fowler, Surrency.

Lady Thompson. strawberry plants, $3
or 2 M., $5. Woodrow Wilson, Martin

Yellow and. Crystal - Wax, ermuda
plants, $1.25 M. del.; tomato, egg plants
per, ready March 15th. Write for price \
prices on larger lots of onicm plants. A.
Holland, Braselton, Ga. Rt. 1 *

Kudzu plants, 2 to 5 yrs. old, wall roe
Reasonable prices, Will exch. for mower an
rake in good cond., reg: Duroc-Jersey ho
peas, and runner peanuts. Leander M.. Kerme
dy, Collins, Ga. a

Genuine Porto Rican potato plants, Avr
del. $1.75 del. anywhere in Ga. Now tak
orders. Milton Arnold, Surrence, Ga.

Yellow and Crystal Wax Bermuda
plants, $1.25 M. del. Cash. L. C. Irwin,
ton, Ga. Rt. 1,

Pink and purple hull;
Triumph, Nigger Killer, Spanish sweet pota-
to plants. Government inspected, $1.75
FOB Coffee. J. Mitch Boatr'cht, Coffee Ge

Certified Porto Rican potato plants, $2 M
'5 M. or more, $1.75 M. Fob*Baxley.: Count an
quality guaranteed. C. Hilton, Baxley, Ga.

Small, well rooted Sage@ plents, $1. 25
100: White. Liberty Tris, $1.50.a 100. ey

Sims, Hoschton, Ga. Rt.*1.

Bunch Blackberry plants, $2 a 100; Ki
dike strawberry, $2.50 M., or will exch. W.
| Kelley, Forest -Park, af Ga.

Early Wakefield cabbage and Bermuda
ion plafits, del. $1 for 500; 1 M., for.
A. E. Reinhardt, Ashburn, Ga.

Gov. inspected Porto Rican potato pla
$1.75 per M. Im lots of 10 M or more, $1
per M. All orders Fob Baxley, Ga., or
exch. for hogs, feed stuff and cabbage.
J. M. Wallace, Alma, Ga. Rt. 3..
' Klondyke strawberry plants, 1 yr- A


Porto Ricans, Ear

of disease, shipped promptly, 300, $1.
$1.50; 1. M, $2.50 prepaid. Mrs. Anna Crov
-Gainesyille, Gas Rte 1s

Purple. skin Porto. Rican potato plants
Gov. inspected, $1.90 del. $1.60 per M. fob
or exch. for peas, peanuts or ch! ckens. 2
B. McDonald, Alma, Ga. Rt. 3. =
Gov. imspected- Porto Rcan potato plants,
$1.50 fob Hah'ra, Ga. Will exch. for an
good standard breed of haby chicks. Mr s
-|C. Flythe, Hahira, Ga. :
~ $tate inspected Porto Rican potato plant >
$1.50 per M. April del. Fob here. Ww. ae
OQuinn, Jr., Odum, Ga. Rt. 2. s
Charleston and Early Jersey cabbage plants,
$1.25 per M.; del. Porto Rican potato plants,
$1.70 per M. fob or $2 del. 8. a Lindsey,
Omega, Ga.
Large type early Wakefield enbbace: plam
$1.50 per M;-Big Boston lettuce, 150, 50
del. A. E. Reinhardt, Ashburn, Ga.
Strawberry plants, 25 per 100. Add
age. Mss Dessie Abercrombie, Mineral
Ga. Care Dehart Box. ~ 5
Frost proof eabbage plants, Bermuda.
plants, 500, $1.50;.1 M. $2. 50 prepaid


Fixvress charres: collect, $2 ver
aso + Osleraan Tiften

le skin Porto Rican yotato
quantity; also Nancy Hall and
tato plants nn small or large

Write for prices. , R. Williams,

ected improved Porto Rican potato
75 per M. or $2 M. del. Early
id Charlesion Wakef_eld cabbage
25 per M. or $1.50 per M. del. April,
ary, J. H. Summer, Omega, Ga. Rt,

ermuda onion plants, $1.25 per M,
Mitchell, Doerum, Ga. strawberry plants, 25e per
) weil rooted Swedish Junipers, 50c
5 per 100, 1 yr. old evergreens, 10c

an potato plants, Gov. inspected,
. Tomato plants, $1.25 per M.;
plants, early headers, $1 per M. J.
ms, Coffee, Ga. ae

good schrape tobacco, 10c lb. fob
W. S. A. Beckworth, Baxley, Ga.

d Porto Rican potato plants, Gov.
$2 per M. fob. Place your order now
A. L. Rozar, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 2.
orto Ricam potato plants, certi-,
1.50 per M. Cash with order. W.
Chauncey, Ga. Rt. 2,
ds of plants at lowest wholesale
ble Spr.ngs Plant amd Produce
morest, Ga. - :

$1.75 per M. Write for price on
Apr. and May del. E. Y. Stokes,
con, Ga. >

ke strawberries 500, $1.25; 1M. $2
da onion plants ready, 500, 65c;
15. del. W. O. Waldrip, Flowery

Crystal Wax Bermuda onio>
: per M. del.; $1 per Mi fe
3 M. tob. G. C. McHugh, Buford,

ants for sale or exch. for flower
bean seed. Mrs. J. E.. Underwood,
eveland, Ga. . Bee
ke strawberry plants, $2.25 per M.
order, prompt shipment. Mrs. Geo.
nd, Rt. 2, Gainesv.lle, Ga. S
Rican potato plants, imspected and
according to requirement $2 per M.
sh with order, or $1. express. col.
ne Tomato plants, same price. L.
d, Montezuma, Ga. Ee oe
improved Porto Rican potato plants
pected and treated, $1.50 per M. all
. $1.40 per M. or will exch. for S.
baby chicks. H. G. Evans, Rt. 1,


oved Red. Skin Porto Rican potato
Nancy Hall, $2 per M. from April
1 of May. Now ready to book orders.


ith order. J, R. Turner, Rt. 3, Alma,

to Rican potato plants, Goy. in-
emical treated, $2.25 per M. del.
> M. express col.. Remit by money
Hollis, Rt. 1, Baxley, Ga.
ican potato plants, $2 pr M.; five
up, $1.75 M. True to name and fwily
Apr. ist shipments. Riverside
, Baxley, Ga. _ = ;
ican plants from guaranteed pure,
hand selected, and treated seed.
varieties. Earliest delivery. $2.25 M.
el post. $1.75 per M. Fob Sreven by
Jas. A. Chauncey, Screven, Ga.
adimg varieties strawberry plants
in large quantities. Will exch. for
Irish potatoes. .R. C. Roberts, Jef-
a. A i
ees: White English and old time
peach 25 ea. 1 yr. size; sage sprouts
Hymalayer Blackberry vines 15c ea. ;
-per doz.; large red Mogull Plumb,
30c ea; Black Walnuts and yellow
uts, 1 yr. size, 30 ea.; Mrs. H.
Rt. 2, Conyers, Ga. f
Lettuce, Tomato
Be per 100; $2 M.;
March 20th. Mrs.
we, Ga. - i :
Rico potato plants; government in-
$2 per M.; 10 M. or more $1.75.
h order, April and May del. L. A.
th, Rt. 8, Fitzgerald, Ga. |.
Jersey Charleston Wakefield and
m cabbage plants, 500, 75c; 1 M.
. $1 fob Greater Baltimore and New
mato plants, Apr. 15th del. J. S.
Pembroke, Ga. : fg
Gov. inspected Porto Rican potato
$2 per M. fob. Mrs. John B. Hasters,
x 14, Lenox, Ga.
oved Porto Rican, Nancy Hall and
Yiumph potato plants, $2 per .M.; 10
more, $1.75 per M. Apr. and May del
Altman, Alma, Ga. ee
proof open field grown Early/ Jersey
arleston Wakefield amd Succession cab-
lants, 500, 75c; $1.25 M. del. Burgess
mbroke, Ga. % <
Porto Rican potato plants either red
skin, guaranteed full stamped $2 per
. Alma, Ga. R. L. Taylor, Alma, Ga.
aring strawberry plants, 25 per 100;
berry 25e per doz; peppermint plan**
ce; garden horsemint, 5e per bunch:
verblooming Rose cuttings, 2 doz 10c.
age; Will exch. for good size scraps
ing quits. Must be new cotton seran
Willis Gringle, Rt. 1, Dahlonega.

and cabbage
$1.50 over M.
EB. A. Samders,

Rican potato plants, $1.75 per M
Fill orders any size. D. W. Carter, Hazle
. Rt. A. ee
proof cabbage plants, Early Jersey
n Wakefeld, 5c, -500, $1.45 per M
$5 express collect. Sumner
Gag oe aes
> plants, $1.75 per M
M. Early Jersey Wake

per 100. Mrs. B. F. Stokes, Jasper, |

| ese

Porto Rican petato plants, Gov.

|M.. del. April and May del. N. M. Eason,
Coffee, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 4. 2 ~
Cabbage plants, now ready. Will book

field cabbage plants,
right, Coffee, Ga. ~

Cabbage and Bermud 1
paid, 500, per ML
oan, Ga,

Cabbage plants, Charleston and


ion. pant s
$1, $1.75 per M. C, W. Lae. Quit.

arly Jer:
sey, New tomato plants, $1 per i:
Rican potato plants, $2 per M. White ge

muda onions, $1.25
Coffee, Ga =. 2 a

Yellow skin Porto Rican ota
Gov. -inspected and treated, $1.75 oo ae
April and May del. Write for prices om large
orders. D. Story & Sons, Morven, Ga. .
ioe vow Bees potato plants, $2

: - for $17.50. i
Stewart, a a April del. Wz =
~ Porto Rican potato plants, Gov. ins
and treated, $1.75 per M. express whe er
exch. for 1 1-2 or 2 H. P. gas engine in
good cond. S, BE. Hollis, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 1.

Pure Porto Rican potato plants, $1.75 pe~
M. express col. or exch. for 2 to 8 hundred
: ce gee pees good condition at
reasonable price. Miss Virgini i ,
nee 2 Virginia Hollis, Baxley,

White skin and imp. Red Porto Ric
tato plants, $1.75 M., 10 M.;. or Sage Se
FOB Coffee. Cash with order. J. E. Carter,
Rockingham, Ga.

Klondike strawberry plants (young) $2 M.
Prompt shipment. Postpaid. Clyde Waldiip, |
Ga-neaville, Ga. Rt. 2: : Z

Clean dried sage, 60c lb. del. Send P. 0
rae order. Mrs. J. E. Yawn, Milan, Ga,

Lady Thompson strawberry plants; 50c -
100. Large and Early, fine for shipping. Mrs.
L. B. Mitchell, Doraville, Ga. Rt. 1,
peepee Plants, $1.50 for 500,

+ del. Mrs. Berry Bennet Ww
Branch, Ga. Rt. 1. ae

Klondike strawberry plants $2.50 M. de
0. M. Crow, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 2.

Now. tak:ng orders for Improved pur 7
and pink skim Porto R.ean potato plant-
April and May del. Purpie: $2.25; pink, $2
1-4 cash with order. Bal. when time to ship.
A. R. Rosser, Arabi, Ga. Box 107.

Hastings Earliana tomato and Early Jer-
sey Wakefiield cabbage plants, 30c a 100.
pee poreee Mrs. Ulmer Barrow, Daisy, Ga.

Improved Porto Rico potato plants, $2.25 M..
del. parcel post, or $2 a M; 5 M., and up,
$1.75 M. FOB. Alma. April, May and June
del, Government inspected and treated. Guar-
anteed. B. B. Medders, Alma, Ga. Rt. 3...

Hasting strawberry plants, $1 for 500, or
will exch. for early cabbage of pie plants:
Eiverbearing strawberry plants, 40c a 100:
Sage sprouts, 25c; yard oak Hydrangea, 25c:
privet hedge, $1.50 Castor oil bean seed
(sometimes called Palm Crystal) 2 doz., 10c.
Mrs. R. T. Martin, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 7.

Dewberry plants, $1.75 FOB here. F. T.
Emglish, Berner, Ga. Rt. 1. | t

Jersey, Charleston and all Head cabbage
plants, 50c per 200, 75c per 500, $1.25 per M.
gel. R, H. Kent, Dawson, Ga. oa ex
Porto Rican potato plants. Government
inspected and free from disease, $2a.M., c
$1.75 a M., for 5 M: or more. Cash with

rder. FOB here. J. P. Kimbrel, Baxley, Ga

t. 4, s Z tie Ne =

Porto Rico and Nancy Hall potato plants.
State inspected. Improved pink skin, good
strong plants. Guaranteed count. April, Ma:
del. $2 M., 5 M. or. more, $1.75 M.,
Bristol. F. G. Tyre, Bristol, Ga. sae

Improved Bunch Porto Rico potato plants,
$2.50 a, ML; all kinds of tomato plants, $1.50.
D. C. Fossett, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 1.

oda R, Boatright,

up, $1.75 M. April del. Will exch: for Brab
pea seed. Ieroy Bowen, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 4.
Improved Porto Rico potato plants. Gov.
inspected, $2 a M. Write for prices on large
quantities. Booking orders for April del. J.
M. Hunt, Cordele, Ga: i :
Porto Rico potato plants, $1.75 M., or: $2

orders for tomato, pepper and egg plant.
Wiregrass Poultry Farm,. Douglas, Ga. 711
Madison Ave. :


Want 3 or 4 M. Potato plants, Porto Rican |
Will exch. pure bred B. Rock Thompson
strain hatching eggs from 2 yr. old. hens at
$1 for 15; $6 per 100 or B, Rock pullets 4
mos. old at $1 ea. Write first. Mrs. G. Conner,
Rt. 7, Gainesville, Ga. = ieee
Want 100 cabbage plants, 100 Bermuda
onion plants, 1 qt. white nest onions, 1:
tomato plants, sweet pepper plants. Will exch.
-eollard seed and. plants, hot pepper seed o
plants, or early English pea amd okra seed.
J. J. Altman, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want 25,000 Porto Rican potato plants |
del in ten and five thousand lots, from April
1st to 15th. Quote price. B. P. Moore, La.
Grange, Ga. Rt. 2. : : a
' Want Porto Rican potato plants. Woul-
like to exch. 2 bu. slicht!ly mixed peas for
. M. potato plants. F. N. Craft, Lavon -

Want 5 M.-cabbage plants. R. H. Latimer,
Metasville, Ga. oe :

Want Early cabbage plants. Will exch. Zin-
nia seed, all colors, for same. Mrs. J. L. Gat-
lin, Gresston, Ga. Rt. 1. Se :

Want to comtract for 100 M. or more Big
Stem Jersey potato plants. State quantity
rand best price. Jas. A. Chauncey, Screven,
Ga. ; ;
Want 200 early Cabbage; 500 Bermuda
onion; 100 early tomato; 500 early Triumph
potato plants; also box plants and cuttings.
Will exch. ,beet seed; garden English pea
seed; dbl. and single poppy seed; dbl. Daf-
fodil and Flag bulbs and rooted pink, Ram-

$1 per M. R. J. Boat}

Porto Rico potato plamts; $2 a M., 5 M., and]

Incubators for Sale
and Wanted

1 Buckeye incubator, perfect cond., - used

8 seasons, 120 cap., $20, or exch, for.good

Jersey heifer. Mrs. T. L. Ad elas
Georgia, RFD. > seams, ouehs
y_1 Little Brown Hen incubator, $3.50. Mrs

P.. G., Bluffton, Ga. :
One oil brooder, 800 capacity, blue flame
$12. One Buckeye incubator, $12,-110 capac
ity. Mrs. M. C. Carter, Valdosta, Georg a,
Route 6, Box 13. Sap eh
_ 2 Buckeye incubators, 110 and 175 capacity
in perfect condition instruction book ane
thermometer included, good copper tanks, $3
or separate $20 and $10. Mrs. GC. J. Meck:
West Green; Ga. Route 2.

2 Buckeye incubators, 12,096 capacity and
4,608 capaeity, in good cond:tion only use
two seasons. Will sell at a reasonable price.
Mrs. J. N. Wallis, Flowery Branch, Georgix
Route 8. : : ; ey

Brooder with 800 capacity bruner
500 capacity canopy, $12.50 FOB here.
N. W. McLeod, Shellman, Ga.

1 good Buckeye incubator 120 ege gir
copper tank, $14 cash or wll exch. for 5
new gingham quilts. Mrs. J. B. Harris, Pine
hurst, Georgia, Route 2. -

1 Brown Hen incubator, good cond com:
plete with instructions, $2.50 FOB here. Ca:
or will exch. Mrs. U. M. Neidlinger, Rinco
Georg.a, Route 2. : y A 5

1 good, copper lined Buckeye incuha':
120 s.ze, $14 cash on exch. for 5 new Sour
ham quilts. Mrs. Mary Harris Pine. :
Georgia, Route 2. : A ee

Wisconsin Incubator, 54
perfect condition $35 or
Rock hens. Mis.
Martin, Georgia. ;

One Little Brown Hen incubator, 50 eo
capacity, set only twice $3 del. or excl. M:
Henry Everett, Richland, Ga. - :

One 450 capacity Queen incubator, perfect
condition $40 or exch. for 150 or 180 capac
ity incubator and B. Rocks or S. P. C. pigs
for bal. Mrs. R. F. Anderson, Register, Ga.

One Grey Hen incubator, 100 epg capac-
ity, $8 or exch. Soy Beans or heavy bree
of chickens, Mrs. R. C. Loyd, Route 1,
Nichols, Georgia. 5 :

One blue flame oil brooder, 500 chick size
good condition, $5 cash or exch. for 6 her
of any good strain. Mr. Carl Powell, Route
8, Tallapoosa, Ga. 2



Q@ exe

exch. for YE
J. A. Wilson, Rouie a


acity, first class condition, $10 FOB or exch.
for 9 hens and 1 rooster, any breed. E. A.
Hawking, Rt. 5, Bo x101, Rockmart, Ga.
Buckeye Mammoth, 23800 capacity,
lent condition $350; one 103 Desree 500 cap-
acity $40. R. H. MeComb, Milledgeville, Ga.
1000 chick Buekeye coal burner _ brooder,
first class condition, $12. J. H. Austin, Rt.
1, Atlanta, Ga. ess
1 big Gray Hen incubator, set twice, good
as new with thermometer and all equipments
$9.25; one Little Brown Hen incubator with
all equipment, used 1 season $5. Cash with
order. Mrs. L. L. Dickerson, Route 2, Butler,
Georgia. . ; tS

$5; one Buckeye Colony brooder 29A, only,

Parks, Rome, Georgia. ; j
Belle City oil burner brooder, 1000 chict
capacity, canopy style, good condition $12.5
or exch. Robt. T. Allen, Riverdale, Ga .
W-seconsin incubator, 180 capacity, prac-
tically new, good condition $10 or will-exch
for geese or hens, any breed. Mrs. C. 7
Jones, Pine View, Ga. | ae =
2 Portable Buckeye brooders, each 15
chick capacity, good condition, used very 1%.
tle $6 each. A. P. Stapleton, Wrens, Geores
1 0/1 brooder, 1000 capacity, 38 feedin~
troughs, 5 drinking founts, good conditio~
used 1 season $12.50. Mrs. M. LL. McGowan
Stilesboro, Ga. : : s
No. 14 225 egg Buckeye ' incubator $1f
or exch. for 12 large hens, any pure bree

for 2 shoats 50 Ibs., or three 30-lb, shoats.

/Mrs. C. E. Moon, Rt. C, Cordele, Ga,

400 capacity. Cyprus incubator $80, set
only twice, cost $70 when new. H. K. Dren-.
nor, Route 5,. Elberton, Ga. Lee ay
Super hatcher incubator, 600 cap. Used
1 season, $37.50 FOB here. L. D, Hadaway
Ganesville, Ga. Route 1.

Mammoth M/ler - Ideal incubator, practi-
eally new, 11,700 cap. Guaranteed good op-
erating cond. Write for price. S.:P. Howe,
Fort Valley, Georgia. 4 ;

1 250 cap. Queen incubator; 1 500 car.
No cold brooder; also 48 inch circular, saw
All good as new. Will trade for good syrup.
G. C. Humphrey, Millen, Ga. yc

2 Putnam brooders, 50 cap. each, $3 each.
Good as new. Mrs. W. C. Byington, Mlledge
ville, Georgia, RFD 1, Box .5.

Good blue flame brooder, 3


ed two or

seasons, 250 qr 300 cap. $10. Mrs. A. Dp?
Henley, Danieisville, Ga. Route 2. - ;
2 Putnam brooder heaters, $3 each; 1

|Buckeye brooder, 200 cap. $7. All in perfee
eond. R. D. Davison, Lyerly, Ga.

- 800 egg Wishbone incubator, sell or exch.
for reg. Gurnsey heifer. Mrs. P. M. Har-
den, Atlanta, Georgia, Route 8,
-.1 Buckeye incubator, 190 cap., practically
new; 1 No Cold brooder, 800 cap. Both for
$37. Mrs. G. C. Blanchard, Appl'ng, Ga.

500 chick, 44 inch canopy Advance Wick-
less oi] brooder,, new and complete, $14.75
FOB; 300 ch ck, 34 inch canopy same make. |
$12.75 FOB; coal. burning brooders sa~e

1@a. Rt

bler Rose bushes. Mrs. A. Malock, Hoschton,
fe eer

make, 1000 chick size, $22; 500 size, $17.50-

| Georgia.

Buckeye incubator style A, 108 ege ee


600 egg Buckeye incubator, good conditon |

used 1 week, capacity 500 chicks $16. H. B. |



ENC aes
2 ERs Gy

Write for cuts and prices ao ots
supplies. J. H. Beasley, La-

troughs, 50c.
other ch cken
von.a, Georgia. :
1 Por.ers Soft Heat incubators, 225 to
260 cap, Guaranteed A No. 1 cond. $25 cash,
or will exch, for 100 Barred Rock checks and
$14. .!. M. Wood, Adairsville Ga. RFD 1, ~*'
1 Super Hatcher. Made only 2 hatches in
it. 400 egg size. Instructions. Price when
bought .ia April, 1927, $85. Sell now, $80
cash withorder. Mattie Freeman, -Morganton,
Georg:a. ; : enh
Super Hatcher incubator 250. egg capac'ty;
almost. new and-in good condition, also a 500
chick oil burning brooder, will sell at a bar-
gain. E. D. Hellemn, Nahurta Ga. Box 184,
- 1 Little Brown Hen Incubator, 50 egg size
complete with thermometer and insiructon
book; almost new, $4 or wll exch. for pug
er something of equal value. Mrs. (W.. A.

Howell, White Plains, Ga. Route 2.

Buckeye. ineubator, good cond., 850 eagg
cap. $45 FOB here. St. J. B. Alexander,
Reidsvile, Ga. x

Brooders: 100 cap, to 2500 cap. 20 per cent
discount. H. L. Wallace, Bowdon Junction, |,

1 No. 14, 220, egg incubator, good cond.
$15, or exch. for 12 large hens, any pure
breed. Mrs. C. E. Moon, Cordele, Georgia, Rt.
CG, Box 192, 9 7%. ey gs :
400. cap.. Buckeye incubator, style 4, &

jeash, or for Barred Rock or R. T.

Red, 1 yearold chickens, A. F.. Hackenberry, |
Deaton, Georgia. :

One 500 cap brooder, oil burning, $15 or
exch. for 4 turkey hens; also have for sale
50 nice, white feed sacks, 10c each. Mrs. |

Piety Forbes, Brooklet, Ga. oN
1. Buckeye Blue Flame 500 cay. bronx.
with extra wick; 1 Buckeye 175 can. THAW.

bacor. Al: gcod conds used var
of exch fogia Pita ; a
Bei ts _

+Bohon incubator: 16e: cea: ;
with order. Mrs. Z. H. Anderson, Bowdca
Route 4. .

1 Bell City ineubator and brooder, 89 e*s
eap. Good running order. Instructions in-
eluded. $7 cash or exch. for cured meat, :
jelly, or fruit. Mrs. W. W.\Smith, Jr., Clyo,
Georgia, Box 63. Bae A : :

-2 incubators, 200 and 2509 cap., hot water
heated, good cond., with thermometer and
ege tester, $15 and $19 or both: $30. Wr
exch. for young cow fresh in without cal,
eiving not less than 2 gals. a day. Mrs, &.
Donaldson, Metter, Ga. Box 38, \ *

One 600 cap. Buckeye incubator wit
turning trays, cheap or will exch: for carn
or pes, 2 or 8 mos. old; as!o have for sale
60 of Jast years hatch Tancred strain pulleis
$1 each, or $35 for lot. M, L. Segrove, Ka: -
_etteville, Georgia. os Sy

1 good: brooder, 250 or 800. cap. $10; also
65 egy Buckeye .ncubator to sell after March
25th, $10. Mrs. A. Dy. Henley, Danielsv Ne,
Georgia Route 2, Box 132. { aaa ee

Want to exch. value $25 for 150 cap. Su-

per incubator and brooder. Chester Childs,

Carters, Ga, Route 1. ;
Want Cypress- incubator, 144 cap.; also

Blue Flame or similar 200 cap. brooder. ;

Must be good cond., and cheap for cash.
The George W. Will'ams Home; Sautee, Ga

\ Pine meedle baskets of var'ous kinds ete.,
from 45 to 75; pine needles 40c lb., ready .~
for use, or exch. for dried fruit, nest onions
or tuft work. Write... Mrs. W. A. Lewis,
-Toomsboro, Georgia, Route 2. ;
1 goose feather bed, wt. 25 Ibs., $18. Mra.
J. B. Min'sh, Commerce, Ga. Route 3%
Whole wheat flonr from clea> i
24 lbs. and up, 5c Ib.
del: by PPyY n6tomore=shaz :
ZS stor 398 SL Rs
Milner, Georgia. eee

8 good, heavy 1 ew goose feather beds, and.

goln re

TOr M1 oo


4 sets of feather pillows,-new tcks, 75 Jb.
each. Mrs.

H. T.. Hammock,

Wr ghtsville,
Georgia, Route 2. %


Want chicken feed sacks. Will exch. Octa-
gon soap coupons at le each. Mrs. J. M.
Foster, Woodstock, Georgia, Ponte 2. See

9 head of sheep; 3 ewes, 4 rams, and 2
lambs, $40 for lot. B. J. Rauton, Vidalia,
Georgia, Route 2. 2 ates
Buthead goats, young stock 3 mos. old
$1.50 each or exch. for Brabham peas or
soy beans. Mrs. B. Hicks, Adel, Ga. Rt. 1.
One white, well broken goat and harness,
$1. J. R. Hendrick, Bowman, Ga. :
1 young, tame, boys goat, $5 FOB? here.
Otto Carter, Meigs,: Ga. t s

1 small brown nannie goat and wh'te kid, :

broke, $2 FOB here. G.
Georgia. Se . otek
1 pr. or Angora goats, for sale or will
exch. for pure bred hogs. C. B. Wallace,
Guyton, Georva. ? eee


Want 200 stock goats, will pay T5c head,
del. my farm: W. J. Morgan, Stillmore, Ga.
-.Want Nuban or Togsenburg. mIk goats,
prefer kids 6 or 8 wks. old. Quote best price.
Mrs. A. H. Hardwick, Ganesville, Ga, Box
483. s

Want fat kid goats del. at Pearson, Ga.

E. Snider, Matthews,

at $1.50. Goats must wegh from 15 to 26,

Tbs. Will pay $3 for lambs 30 Ibs. and up.
Want them any time in March. J. S. Starl-
ing, Pearson, Georgia, Box 52. ~ ;
. Want Nuban and Togganbure manie milk /
goats. 1 or more to be shipped by express:

5 gal. waterers, $3.20 each; 24 inch feeding! D

also pure grade Angora goats, and 1 or 2) / :
cars of sheep. Describe fully ne diet letter
is E Fulmer, Ga. See ae :

Davisboro, _



: 100;








(Continued from Page 11)



Giant summer hyancinth, 8 small and 1
large, 25c; everlasting -sweetpeas, ramblers,
fragrant white sweet briar roses, yellow
voses, monthly white, dark red, pimk and
cr mson baby ramblers, mums, large and

small, all colors, 25e; strawberry plants, 100
for 35c. Add postage. Miss. Mary Ward.
Adairsville, Ga. Route 1.
Home made hyacinths $1 -doz.; roses, 50c
doz. Miss Ina Himbrick, Lavonia, Ga.
Coral vine seed, 5e pkg. larkspur, mixed

eolors, phlox,10e doz. ; chrysanthemums, 25c.
Add postage. Mrs, Ida Taylor, Arlington, Ga.
- Route A.

Baby bteath and silver ferns, 25c each:
orange searlet geramiums, red and whit
cork shell begonias, also - other varieties,

*spengervia, Roosevelt ferns, 2 for 30c; large
Roosevelt, gold medal and Newport ferns, 50c.

each; all rooted plants. Cuttings of gerani-
ums, bezonias 4 for 25c. Mrs. J. D. Bickers,
Whi:e Pla.ns, Georgia.

Large white Easter. lilies, 15 each, or
!.50 doz. rooted. Miss Lillie Mae Mason,
Kite, Georgia, Route 3.

Crepe Myrtles, honeysuckle vine, 35c. ea.;
large purple lilac, 40c each; golden bells
white thorniess. rose, double yellow japonica,
25e each; white phlox, 3 for 30c; bridle
wreath, flowering almond, 15 each; yellow
flags, 25 doz.; pink and purple verbena,
blue spirea, blue hedge grass, 3 for 20e
Shasta daisies, 40c doz.; golden glow, 30c
doz. Add postage. Miss Pearl Vick, Ellijay
Georgia, Route -3.

Double Japonica, Althea lily: bush, butter-
fly bush, 25c each; purple lilac, white rose.
p nk almond 20e each; oramge day lilies
25e doz.; white eastern rose, weiflia, 50c
each. Miss Ethel Barrett, Ellijay, Georgia,
Route 3. E

St. Regis red everbearing raspberries, 4
for 25c; double white bridal wreath cuttings.
monthly rose cuttings, 10c doz.; privet hedge
cuttings, 75c per 100; hardy oak hydrangea
plants rooted, 10 each or 8 for 25c; Big

- Boston lettuce plants, 20c per 100. Mrs. V.
#. McCook, Mcintyre, Ga.

Purple lac amd watermelon pink crepe
myrtle sprouts, few rooted: white and scar-
le geraniums, 15 each; 8 kinds monthly
rose cuttings 10c doz. ; rooted running doub!
pink rose, house leek and sage plants rooted
10c each; cape jasmine, 10c; sword and Bos-
ton fei rooted, 20e each; add postage. Mrs.
Ralph Willams, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 6.

Double red and white dahlia bulbs, 10 ea. ;
~mxed color sweet williams, red and yellow
eanna bulbs, 5q each; purple lilac bushes
-15e each; 400 privet hedge plants, 75c pe)

mixed colors double poppy seed, 10:
spoonful. Postage paid on orders 50c or more.
Miss Ruth Gladden, Tallapoosa, Ga. Rt. 3.

Blue Iris lily bulbs, $1 per 100.. Stamps
not. accepted. Mae Bell White, Temple, a
aie Me 3.

Several hundred. Amaryllis Johnsonii in:

tenne. erimson hly bulbs, 20c each or 3 fc
50e. prepaid. Mrs. Maude Brooks, BEARS ION
_ Georgia, RFD.

Paper white dubie Narcissus, 75c doz. ;
- single white Narcissus, yellow jonquils anc
daffodils, $1 per 100; single blue hyacinths,
60ce per doz. ; white Iris, $1 per 100; pome-
grziates and lilac, rooted cuttings, 20c ea.
or 6 for $1. Mrs. C...C. Dye, Middleton, Ga

H. G. Hastings zennia seed, dahlia seed, 10c |

per. or will exch. 3 pkgs. for one well root-
ed pink hidrangea or 5 pkgs. for 1 japonica.
Pearlie McNair, Mitchell, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 92.
Ragged Robin plants, am: doz. Mrs. Z. M-
Story, Thomson, Ga. _

Pink -Weigela and wild red boueyaacke.
20 ea.; Bostaa Ivy and Myrtle vines, $1 a
100; Daisy plants, 15 doz. ; Forsythia, purple
lilac, weeping linden and. white Spirea, 10c
ea. Henry Eller, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 3:

Cactus Dahlias tubers quilled petals, scar-
let, white, aoe pink and orange, $5 doz.
or 50c ea.; Decorative and show types, all.

colors, 25 ea. or $2.50 doz. Lizzie Daven-
post, Dial, Ga. \
. Red, yellow, lavaader, velvet ~ and white

Daisy chrysanthemuris, 35e doz. del. Verdena
Wright, Alto, Ga. Rt. ;
Purple velvet. and ote rose sprouts, -10
ea. 5 Monthly rose and Seven Sisters cuttings,
\5e ea., or 2 for 25.; Bridal Wreaths and
large yellow peach plum. sprouts,- 20c ea. ;
Japonicas, 40c ea., or. 2 for T5e; Turkey:
Tail sprouts, 15c ea., 2 for 25c.; Add postage.
Pluma Priest, Talking: Rock, Ga. Rt. 3.
~ Red Dahlia and a few Tulip bulbs, pink.
and red, to exch. for yellow Dahlias or large
- pure cream Gladioli bulbs. Send bulbs and
will send mine in- return. Mrs. N. E. Hada:
way, East Point, Ga., 301 Wadley Ave. :

White Moon Flower seed, 10c for 15. Would
like to. exch: a few for well rooted sprouts
of Cape Jasmine. Mrs. L. P. Porter, Ring-

OR gold, Georgia, Route 1.

Beef steak and red Conch Begonia, 15 cootec
25e; white and green striped aad green Wan-
dering Jew, 5c bunch; Sword, Ostrich Ferns,

* 95e; Geraniums, 10; Christmas and pink
May Cactus, 15c;-Oxalis 5c;~ Spengeria ie
large size Spengeria 25e. Mrs. W. A. Clay,
Loganville, Ga. Route 2,

Pink, red and white Oleanders, rooted, 35
each; double ruffled pink crepe myrtle, roo!
ed, umbrella china trees, 20c each; unrooted |
cuttings of genuine Camelia Japonicas, dbl.

~ pink, $2 per doz. Postage paid on orders of

$1 or more. Will exch. for dried apples o
fany work. Mrs. B. A. Palmer, Arlington,
Georgia, Route Pig ie

Mammoth deep yellow cosmos, BhOMeS cof

\ gold, wedding bells, long white trumpets,.
+ ae at night, - blazing star, giant single
-hollyhocks, balloon vine, Poinciana, all seed,
(10c pkg. Will exch. for bulbs of variegated |
deat porch cream eonnnh, double.

A Add mee | wil: = for fees of

Setuifias or white crepe myrtle. Mrs! John
R. Turner, Concord, Ga.

Double pink flowering * sinend, lavendey
and pink erepe myrtle, lemon <nd_ white lily.
allsvooted, 15 each or 8 for $1; cedar plants,
l5e and 25; wh.te and purple flags, Ind:
red or--bronze day lilies, 25c doz.; blue and
pink perennial verbena, 8 bunches for 25c
and purple dahlia, 10c eaeh or $1 doz, Add
postage. Mrs. Jeffie Ham, Forsyth, Georgie,
Route 6.

Field grown 2 yr. old double pink hen
bushes, 85 each. Mrs. R. C. Lovett, Cui
Georgia, Route 2. se

25 Brazillian morning glory seed, 25 hya-
cinth bean 10c; will exch. for red and purple

snapdragon seed, red pilow. or fire, canna
50 doz. or lies, peonies, eva ing primrese
at 15e doz. Mrs. A. F. OKelley, Maysville,

Georgia, Route 2.

-Cannas, all colors, 15 and 25 each; Sv
vea, p-nk almonds, golden bells, all 2 yrs.
old, 20c each; crepe myrtle, pink, 3 yrs.
old, 50e each; Arborvitea, $1 each; prive

nedge euttings, 75 per 100; violets, different
colors, 15e doz. Will exeh. eannas for Jap-
onieas well rooted. Mrs. 0. P. Payne, Cie
maat, Georgia.

Gladioli bulbs, mixed colors, 25 doz. ;
Alfred Cannards p:nk eanna_ bulbs, $1 per
ioz: lark- spur plants, 10c doz. or 35 per
i00;> phlox all colors, 20c doz; Hungar a:
dink canna seed, 25 per 100; umbrella
China seed, 15e per 100; giant Tiger li!
gulbs, 20c each. Add postage. Mrs. A. ER
Slack, Aubuiri, Ga. 3
~- Double Althea, 3
vhite and pink; spirea,-
teevseana-Thumbergi pink, Nud.florum-Hy-
lrangea, Ph.ladelphus, Puneca, Forsythia, A-
selia, Cape and Grandduke Jasmines, Primuli-
aum\ Rosemary, Duchess rose. Oleanders,
vhite, red, cream, any four for $1.15, 6 for
31.60, 12 for $3.20. Eucnimus, Ligustrums,
ibe each; terns, Begonias, Asparagus Plv-
cosa, and Spengeria, Crovii of Thorns, any |
for 55e. Hastings largest pansy plants, 30c


colors, Crepe Myrtle.
Van Houtti double

joz Mvs. J.-A. Griffin, 512-16th. Ave. ~E.,*
Cordele, Georg a.
Cuttings of all colors tcc blocthing - rose

pushes i::d directions for rooting, daisy chry-
santhemums; Sweet Williams, blue ever-:
blooming v.olets, 15 doz.;. Easter blooming
purple lilacs, weeping spirea, pink flowering
almonds, black and red velvet rose bushes,
also pink and white, baby rambler ayyd Doro-
thy Perkins, 2 for 25c; all colors mixed doube

giant zennia seed, double hollyhocks, lark
spur, aster, phlox, 20e pkg.; dwarf Iris,
blue Iris, 25e doz. Add postage. Mrs. W. H.

dughey, Ranger, Ga. Route 1. -

3 roo.ed cutt.ngs bleeding heart, $1; daffo-
dils, narcissus, double daffodils, star of Beth-
jehem, orange lilies, $1 per 100. yellow Jap-
onica, Himalaya berries, 2 for 25ce. Claudian
-.t derson, Mllijay, Georgia. : :

Jonqauils, white mare.ssus, daffodils, tiger
lies, trailing Arbutus, 25 doz.; cup and
saucer shaped daffodils, 30c doz:; purple lilac,
srumpet. vine, 20c each; perennial phlox, hap:
ey thought, 40c doz.: Cherokee roses, red and
sink ross, 10 each. Mrs. Susie "Wilson,
Mineral Bluff, Georgia.

Orange lilies, white Narcissus, double yel
iow Jonquils, spider wart, Jasmine, butter-
cups, 15e doz.; double yellow ad red Jap- 25 each ; phiox, pink almond, 20c doz.
gambler and velvet rose, 15c each. All we!
rooted. Add postage. Linda Hix, Ella Gap,

Georgia, |

Japonica, red Tae quince, 25 ee or-
ange lilies, white narcissus, jonquils, white
Cape Jasmine, butter and egg bulbs, holly.

hock, 15 doz.; lily bushes, May Cherr-es.
10 each; snowball, 40c; hardy phlox, Iris
30 doz.; prak Weiglia. cuttings, $1 doz. Mrs
Lilke Eller, Ella Gap, Ga.

Double mixed dahlias, $1 doz.; dusty mille:

plants, 5e each ; star Jasmine cuttings, 25
each; ~white,~ yellow -and bronze chrysanthe-
mums, 25 doz.; double yellow eannas, 10c

i each or $1 doz. Add postage. Cash with or-

der. Mrs. J. O. Marlow, Maysville, Ga. :

Cherokee. raspberry, Cherokee roses, 10
each; walnut sprouts, flowering Japon ca.
Spanish sword, 25 each; goose plum sprouts
birdseye bushes, 15c each; tiger lilies, Nar-
250 doz. :

cissus, daffodils, trailing Arbutus,

pink and red roses, 10 each; red rambler |.
rooted, purple lilac, forsythia, 20 each; |
hardy perennial- phlox, 40. doz. John M.

holland, Mineral Bluff, Ga.

Burrells large double zennia seed mixed
seed, mixed colors, 10c pt. or exch. for Gladi.
oli bulbs or half runner bean seed. Add post-
age. Mrs. T. G .Fleming, Athens, Ga. Rt. 2.

Hardy Phlox, pink 21d white; 15 doz. well
rooted. J. Tuck, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 3.

Golden bell, 2 for 15; golden turkey. lilie
25e .doz.; purple and blue violets, 15 doz.;
pink flowering Almond, 20 each; eelpaks
bunch red. roses, 10 each; jonquils and dat
fodils, 80c doz.; pink bunch roses, 3 for -25c.
All well: rooted and 1 yr. old. Add postage.
Mrs. Louisa Blaylock, Ellijay, Georgia, Route
8, Box 48.

Two colors red dahlia bulbs, 10c each; ?
tolors gladioli, 3 for 20c; snowdrops, 6 =
10c;5. colors chrysanthemums, 15 doz. .
will exch. for rooted purple~ grape vines or
strawberry plants. Add postage on small or-
dersfl: Mrs. S.. Spraggins, Fitzgerald, Geor-
gia, Route 3.

Large double fringed and single poppy seer

planting, 10c pkg. Miss Anna_ Nesbit, Alpha-
retta, Georgia, Route 3.

/ Various colored large andsmall mums, 15c |

doz. 3 -pink verbana, 10c; 2 yr. monthly root:
ed rose bush, 30 or exch. Mrs, W. L. Dixor
Qviiman, Georgia.

White violets, yellow iin. tox plovas:
primroses, yellow thornless rose, bride |
wreath, blooming peach, snowdrops, _ yellow
bell, pink rambler roses, all well rooted, 25c4

| eggs.

6 rooted plants for 25c; double crimson ville, Georgia, Route 9.

| spur or other planis,

many colors, dill gourd seed for pickles or |.

Uehiee Yeghorh Patria strain preferred, SOF
white rock, W. - Wyandotte. - Must- be pure
bred, $1.25 worth of flowers for setting of
Mrs. Willis Grvdle, Dahlonega, Ga,
TOS ToS 2 :

Snapdragons, all colors, 15 tadepoontul:
dahlia bulbs, all colors, 10 each or $1. doz.
Cash with order. Miss Bessie Martin, Gaines-

: Purple | lacs, purple May rose, rooted, 15c
each; different colors: giant hollyhock~ plants,
380 doar seed 10 pkg.; pink primrose~ plants.

25c doz-; mums, field daisies, 20c doz. Mrs.
j. Me Wall, Winder, Ga. Route 1.
Arborvitea, boxwoods, daffodils, 25 each;

Paulie daffodils, 25 doz.; bridal wreath,
faster bushes, snowdrops, t5e each; blue fla
Llies, tiger, lemon lilies, 20 doz.;. dusts
miller, 10c btnech. Add postage. Grovie and

Ruby Hayes, Morganton, Ga. 5 :
Honey locust, tree of Patad'se, 50c aah
jonquils, daffodils, _narcissus, 8 kinds fern.

85e doz.: Iris lily bulbs, wild geranium, trail
ing arbutus, snowdrops, 25e doz, ; walnuts,
2 yrs. old, red velvet rose, 25 each; holly-
hock plants, 75c doz. ; Cherokee roses, $*
| doz.; crabapple, sugar plum -bushes, rooted,
15e each or 8 for $1; blue and yellow. v olets.
45e doz: Catherine and Dollie Mae Fayne
Morganton, Ga. . :

Crepe paper roses, hyacinths, daffodils
lilies, 10e each. Also cedar bushes reasonable
Fannie Barton, Rambhurst, Ga.

Wisteria vine, purple. and white lilac, pink
Oleander, cannas, 25 each; grass p aoks,
3mail white. and blue hyacinths, 25e doz. ;
begonias, spenger.a, geranium, lantana, 10c
each; white and pink Dorothy Perkins _and
erimsen rambler, well rooted, 3 for 50; adc

-postree. Mrs. J. D. Lumsden, Decatur, Ga

Route Ai : ee ees
Blue Iris, everblooming blue violets) an
dusty miller, $1 per 100; chrysanthemums,

50 per 100; deep pink gorenninl phlox; 3
doz. ; white day lilies, 25c doz.; hardy double
red carnations, 2 for 20c. Rilla ERE, Ranger.
Georgia, Route 1. =

Star of Bethlehem or snowdrop bulbs, 40
per 100 or 100 for 2 lbs. new quilt scraps,
any kind. Mrs. M. L. Goddard, Summerville,
Georg.a, Rt. 4 Box Th.

Four o'clock, darning or orramental gourd
seed, 9 tablespoonful; mixed colors, double
and single zenna seed? Ethel Amerson, Ogle-

thorpe, Ga. Route 3.

Large chrysanthemums, Wank colors | and
var.eties, 30 doz. Well rooted, 2> yr. ole
Cape Jasmines, 80e and 40c_ each. Miss
Minnie Williams, Oglethorpe, Ga.

Canna bulbs, scarlet, yellow, King Hum-

ber, ove doz.; also black pole bean seed, 50e
gt- Mires eG: oye Flowery Braneli_
Georgia, Route 1.

Hardy white June Sinowine 1 lies, ha he!
or buttons, larkspur, 25c ; yellow June lile:
purple ~ lilaes rooted, 15; evergreen and Vi
ginia creeper cuttings, ae each. Miss Jessie
Cash Fiowery Branch, Georg.a, Rt. 3. soe

Blue flag lily bulbs, 25e doz; jonqu Js, |
yellow lilies,- nare. ssus, smowdrops, 20 doz. ;
| Dorothy Perkins roses, flowering Almond,
blue flowering boxvine; 3 for 25. Miss 1.
M. Davis, Silver Creek, Ga. Rt. 1.

Old. time ever blooming da-sies, 25 per
20; moonvine seed, dill seed, -angel trumpet
seed, 10c pkg. or will exch, for salvia, lark.
each paying postage
Mrs. N. By Pareede STOR Ga. Route 8,
BOX-63) 2-2

Double wehow _Japcnica, pink: - Weizlia.
American beauty rose, well rooted, 25 each
zolden bell, 20c each; snowdrop bulbs, 20c
doz. Mrs. L. Kay, Talking Rock; Gas Rt. - 2.

Crepe myrtle cutt-ngs, $1.50 per 100; Cape
Jasmine cutt.ngs, $1.05 per 100; Piece i
dewberry, $1.50 per 100. Lois Woodruff,
Grenville, Ga. Route 3. Be

Golden bell, weeping Hinden. white althea:
purple lilac, forsythia,. white - star Jasmme;
3 for 20e; pink We.gelia, wh.te and pink Jax
honeysuckle bushes, 20c or 3 for 50; myrtl
vine, perennial pea vine, $1 doz; pink pea-
vine pea seed, 10c spoonful. John W_lsonm
Ellijay, Georgia, Route 3, Box: 42. 2

Large double zenmia, mixed colors,
pkg. kudzu, rooted, Os for 20c; jonqu Is, 2&
-doz.;- purple Iris, 6 bulbs, 25c. M. LL. Clay-
ton, Roy, Georgia.

- Double yellow Japonica, Weigelia, 30c ea.:
ats Spirea, 5e each ; hardy - H_biseus, ae
!each; white and purple. lilae, 15e to 50c ea.
crepe Myrtle, 20c to 50c each. ay Kate
Foster, Ellijay, Ga.

Purple fox glove,

pink -roses, red roses,

crepe myrtle, golden bells, 2 for 25c; thorn-
less yellow roses, 15c each; old fashione?
-sweet Williams, 15 doz.; fall. pinks, three

colors, 25e doz, Mrs. Sidda Southerland, Ell.
jay, Georgia, Route 3. 2
. Coyble pink peach blow Miapond _ golden |
bell, bridal wreath, yellow Jasmine, purvle

lilac, 15e each; Iris, 40 doz. ; double yellow
Japonica, 35 each; snowball bushes, 25 ea..
Juniper _ bushes, $1/50 each; creeping Ivy
/vine, 10c-each. Add postage. Miss Minnie
las wiley, Ellijay, Ga. Route 3, Box 45,
lemon lily, snowdrop, jonquils, March flow
Golden glow, red horse mint, 10c. each;
ers, 1de doz.; preriial phlox, double pink
Althea, 20c each; rooted boxwood, 25e- each
red and yellow cannas, 6 for 40c; white and
yellow mums, 15 doz.; purple Iris, 5 each.
Add postage on orders less than $1. Mrs. S
Anderson, Ralston, Ga.
Several shades of geranium, rooted kudzu
vine, begonia, 15e each; wanderjag Jew, 15c
-bunch; snowdrops,: 25 doz.;~ salmon pn!
monthly rose cuttings, 10c each. Will exch.
for canna bulbs, elephant ear bulbs, ferns.
flower -baskets-or embroidered scarfs, buffe'-
sets... Mrs. J. H. Penlend, Ellijay, Georgia.
Pink and white striped Amaryllis lily
bulbs, 40 each; yellow. cannas, jonquils, 25
doz.; pink spring - blooming roses, well rooted 5
20 each or 2 for 35c del. Mrs. H. L. Elliston,
PT os a roe

each; purple lilac, velvet -r
yooted, 3 for 25c: Mrs, A. J. Gotney, Butl
Georgia, Route 1. =

daisies, snow ca the en 25 doz, 3

-| Cash with order.

pink almonds,
wood, purple lilac,


| daffodils and Narcissus, 50c doz.; li

es Add- Dostage.

Spi der lilies, monthly rose ae ngs,
colors, | 50c doz.; daffodils and jonquils
25e each ;

Waxed roses, assorted colors, 60e doz.
Also' waxed chrysanthemums, 90c doz,
Mrs. Mamie Stone, Adairsville, Ga. Rt. 3.

Deable pink hyacinth bulbs, 10e each ~
$1 per doz.; single blue hyae.nth bulbs
each, or 50cc doz.; sweet purple violets,
quil bulbs, $1 per 100; purple lilac bushes
20c each or 3 for 5Qc. All flowers guaran.
teed. Miss Mae Bomar, LaFayette, Georgia.
Route 8. ae

May cherry trees, 2 yrs. old, Jap rose, roo
ed, 10 each; strawberry plants, 10 do
Concagrd grape vines rooted, 15 each; ta
blackberry vines, 10c. each; daffodils,
doz.-Mrs. J. C. Eades, Gainesville; es Rt

Christmas bells, 75< per 100; Shaste
30c. doz. 3; cannas, 20c engi
moss rose cuttings, Be eens jJonquils an
Narcissus, 50c doz. prepaid. Mrs. t. W.
Bramlette, Gainesville, Ga. Route 3.
Dennisons crepe paper flowers all wax
roses and sweet peas, 15 each bunch or
for 25c; Gladioli, 25 bunch. Add: postag,
orders under 50c. No exch. Mrs. M. C. Co
ner, Gainesville, Ga. Route 4,
Lilac sprouts, well rooted, 3 for 25e.. Mr
W. H. Brown, Helena, Ga. Rt. 2, Box 103. 4
6 white Easter lily bulbs, 35c del. ol,
fashioned grass pinks, 15c bunch; yellow.
eanna, lily bulbs, 6 for 30 del. Miss Mo: 1}
Savage, Mansfield, Ga. Route 1.
Hills of snow, hardy hydrangeas, clemati
vine, spirea, 10 each; pink flowering al.
mond, bridal wreath, mixed hardy y
fris, golden glow, bouncing Bett,
ket, orange day lily, 5 each; yellow p
rose, white primrose, 25 doz.; add posi
No checks accepted.
Rising Fawn,

and white Iris,

Mattie Slaughter,
Route 1.

Dark purple King Iris, red and puree ver.
bena, pak and white primroses, white daisie
March flowers, orange lilies, 25c doz.:; do
Altheas, Japan quince, be
trumpet vine, 25c ea-
purple wisteria vime, 20c each. All plants wel
rooted. Will sell or exch. for Boston sword
ferns, guinea wing Begonia, deep pink
red begonia, geraniums or other well roote

flowers. Miss Ellen Silver, Oakman, G

Route 1.
Yellow canna lilies, 50c doz. ; Shasta dais

jonquils, smowball, hydrangea, 15

blue Iris, 80c doz.; lavender lilac, 25;
dahlia, flowered zennia seed, 10; petv
seed, Te pkg. Mrs. G. B. McCrary, Gaines:
ville, Georgia. ~

Giant double fringe red and pink -popp:
seed, 25e pkg.; Queens wreath coral Vv
seed, 12 seed for 10c; clematis vine se
10e pkg.; Dorothy - Perkins roses rooted
for 50c;, Asparagus seed, 10c pkg. Will exe
| poppy seed for petwrias: No orders less ths
50c. Miss S. I. Albrecht, 912 Fourth Ay
Columbus, Georgia. _

_ Japonica, Arborvitea, sugar plum,
ering peach trees, May apple plants,

green plant, 30. each. Add postage.
Parris, Loving, Ga. of:

Black walnut 2 yrs. old, 25c wack? holt
pore plants 75c -doz.; purple Iris bulbs, [

sugar plums, azaleas, 1l5c each =:
daffodils, Jonquils amd tiger lilies,
Mrs. W. F. Fain, Morganton, Ga. :
Azalia, Japonica, snowball, Arborvit
flowering : peach tree, boxwood, 25c;
roses, yellow thornless rose, $1. Add postage.
Mrs. Josie Abercrombie, Loving, Ga.
Blue flags, assorted chrysanthemums, 20
doz. > tiger lilies,. 5c each; i
purple lilacs, pink crepe myrtles,
all well rooted. Will exch. for 10 or 12 te
white Spanish peanuts for plantiag: Mrs
S. Greene, Adairsville, Ga. Rt. 2. Patt
Azaleas, all colors. moss roses, 1be ea
purple lilac, quince, flowering peas, flo
ing peach, golden bell, black walnut, 10
Spanish sword, 30c each; Jonquils and daff
dils, creeping | Ivy, tiger lilies, 30c doz.
low Narcissus, Cherokee raspberry, 40c do:
Cherokee roses, 75c doz. Bertha Hollemd
Mineral Bluff, Georgia.:
Tris, 25 doz. ; ; Orange lilies, 2 doz. for 25e;
rooted snowball, yellow Japonica, |
Weigelia, 25 each; purple Ulac, brid
wreath, 2 for 25c3, Altheas, golden bell, old
fashigned red roses, 3 for 25. Add postal
Mrs. Mollie Henderson, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 3.
Dark purple Iris, orange lilies, 30c doz
golden bells, forsythia, purple lilac, Altheas
weeping Mary, 15 each; pink Weiglia,

each. Add postage. Mrs. _Neney Hender
Ellijay, Ga. 4) : geet
Haster and Mt. lily bulbs, 25c: doz. ;

ish or clinging Ivy well rooted, 15 b
Mammoth Marigold, yellow, 25c cupfu
Mammoth zennia, Mammoth marigold s
20ce cupful; crepe myrtle, lilac. bushes,.
each ; Spirea and Bridal Wreath, 10 each
Mrs. H. E. Hartley, Conyers, Ga. Rt. 2.

Cannas, all colors, 50c doz.; tube roses,

30c doz.; pink thrift. plants, St. Bensard
lily, Geraniums, pink and white Sultan
double white fuschias, 15e doz.; Cyclamen
plants, 20c; trailing silver plants, 2 for 25e
fluffy ruffles, Ostrich plume, fish tale and
baby breath fern, 25c each. Mrs. W
Vickers. Siloam, Ga.

Double red Japonica, Arborvitea,
plum, crabapple, snowball, 25 each; -wik
Cherokee. roses, 12 choice roses, $1 doz.
Weal rooted cedar, 50c; flowersig peach tr

trailing Arbutus, winter ferns,

pinks, 40e doz. Mrs. Moe righ

and blue moc flower. seed, Martin
eed, 25-10c. Mrs. W. H. Brown, Hel-
gia, Route 2, Box 103.

ee roses, Azaleas, $1 doz.; snowballs,
le sprouts, 20c each;

ses, Arborvitea, boxwoods, 25 each;

lemon lilies, 50 doz.; cream
,. 80c doz. ; daffodils, pink and
erennial phlox, 35 doz. ; Iris, 40c

rs. Bonnie Abercrombie,

Ss roses, Azaleas, 10e each;
us, white Jonquils, tiger lilies, 25
Japonica, Baster bell, 25c each:
ms; birdseye bushes, 15e each; gol-
yw 25c. Add postage. Mrs. Fannie
nbie, Loving, Georgia.
ll or exch. pot: plant cuttings for
s, Dahlias, rooted Monthly Roses
, Wandering Jew, green, white and
ed Chr.stmas and June Cactus, 10c
white Monthly Roses, 8 cents for 6.
stage. Mrs. R. B. Harben,
Georgia, Route 5. ;
colors pompom Mums,
omming narcissus,

yellow jonqu:ls,
everbloom uz blue

th, pink flowering almonis,

id peciies, cape jasmines, well root-
Octagon coupons. Mrs.
Georgia, Route 1.
olors canna bulbs, 50 doz.; sweet
ms, jonquils, 25c doz., each rose cut-
60e a 100; rooted pink, good size Mo
5e each; dahlias, $1 a doz.: straw-
nts, 25c a 100, or $2 a M. FOB here.
M. Titshaw, Braselton, Ga,
reen :d white. Century plant, 1 spen-
ng jew. All rooted plants, 50e. Mrs.
erhold, Lavonia, Ga.

of the valley for sale. Mrs.
Avalon, Ga.

wers of gold, pink crepe myrtle, an:
tla Chinas, 1 and 2 yr. old bush, 25
Be; pik almonds, pink dbl. oleander
nk and lavender lantanas, 25c each ;
and_ gold lantana and Egypt an ea
20 each; white althea, 3 yrs. old
bl. red 2 yrs. old hibiscus, 40c; May
85 a doz.; daytura plants, 5c. Miss
augh, St: George, Ga. * >


; $10 for 50, or $15 for
S. Ww. WwW. Mcadentall,. Chamblee, Ga.

A es filled for. less than 1-)
ladaway, Gainesville, Ga. Rt.- 1.
ties Iris; 8 mixed, $1; -
heap. Mrs.
Box. 40.
Po plant, begonias, hydrangeas,
: entury plants, lantana, Thanksgiv ng
., 15e to 25 for rooted plents. Mrs.
ooks, Donovan, Ga. ~
nie-Jump-Ups, 20c per doz. plants -
mps. Mrs. M, E. Jones, Shelman, Ga.
shia, asparagus spengeria, geraniums,
plumosus, 88ce to 50c; Boston ferns
rican beauty roses, climbing, 15c
8 for 40c; or a rose with every
r; snow white fall pinks, 15 doz.-
ioli, mixed - colors, bulbs, 10c doz.; pri-
ee sprouts, and evergreen hedge, $1.50
ach. All rooted. Mrs. R. T. Martin.
nesville, Ga. Route Le ne :
thlia -tubers, mixed colors,
bert cannas, 8 for 50c:
ts, 25c a doz. Add postage. Will exch.
ial value in Tiger Lilies, Azaleas,
Butter and Eggs and Japonicas.
-O. Bumann, Savannah, Ga. 1120
th Street.
flocks, 15 doz. : foxe gloves, bc
sage, rooted, 10 bunch; grass pinks
mch; snow balls, 10c each; horse rad<
h; red begonias, 5c each hydrangeas,
ch, white and green striped Jew, 10
yhite begonias, 10 each; blue
doz. ; -hollyhocks, 2 for Be.
iss = oe E.

~ running roses, 15e gaeh:
purple lilac sprouts, well rooted, 15c.
raret Price, Gainesville,: Ga. Rt. 9.
white and pink, 5- colors ge-
lantana, cactus, conk begonia, cut-
each or 6 for 25e.

bulbs, _ monthly rose sprouts, snow-
prouts, 10 each. Add postage. Cash

Ww ai rooted velvet roses, 80; 2
25; golden bell: well
Fn oebai. well rooted, 2 for 50c.
se Hendrix, Talking Rock, Ga.


85c doz. Mrs,
Bais ea, Route 1.
rysanthemu plants. Will exch. for fane:
( ulad!ums. Mrs.. Dewey Yeomans, oF
Georgia, Route 1. ;
arylls bulbs, 35 and 5N each; :
lily bulbs, 50c doz. white iris, 40c
ellow jonquils, yellow narcissus, _30c
postpaid: Mrs. A. D. Windham, Rey-
a. Route 1, Box 85.
rf red and pink verhlooming,

J. Wz. Edwards



ferns, 1l5c each; * purple hydrangea
, lic; red and pink geraniums, 5c;
2ac 20c; winter Marigold seed, zen-

inning cypress, 5 spoonful: No stamps
no~ order ane than 25 plus

red Japonica. -


Ball |

aid snow flakes, bulbs, $1 per 100
frrumpet Daifod Is, 25 uoz., or S1.5
lavender Iris, 85 doz.; dark red ram-.

e cuttings, $1 a 100; well rooted brid- |

Se ea.,.
ry of above for eladioli, pink or wh: te.

A. R, Skates, |

ern, 1 umbrella balm, red- and gray |

Dinah Eller, Ellijay, Ga. |

hib? Reuss

sand = King
fine larkspur

_ Add
Debloneg a.

Marchel |.
cuttings, 10c each; oils vel seed,

Sword ferns, |

rooted, 3 |

for 35; Hastings: Ahrens ;

ee wae =
- Re < oe BG eae = : ee Sp % 3 x
w to exch. flag lilies ama ace s P Georgia, Route 1. y ae cords of. 4 ie split. pine wood. Man Soe
dr peaches; also want Cydonia ee made and as ah oo ees hind tat: oo as te ee: ee

Abelia; and-
Will exch.

| quince) domestic. Nemdina,
fashioned hardy red Azalea. pink
and lavender Crepe Myrtle,
ferent kinds or pot flowers, dahlia tubers.
Mrs. Jeffie Ham, Forsyth, Ga. Route 6.

Want ferns , geraniums, Will
exch. Hydrangeas, large leaf sage plants ae
same. Box 138, Griffin, Ga. 2

Want to exch. old fashioned Unisies, pureke
lilac, double red canna bulbs and jonquils for
dahlLa tubers, double chrysanthemums, egr
pleat plants or anything usefvs. Mrs. N. B.
Burden, Elberton, Ga. Route 8.

Want Nap-er grass. Mrs. R: S. B. Punder-
ourk, Donaldsonville, Ga.

Want ferns of all kinds.
bred white Wyandotte
Vivs. M. Conner,

Want some pure Japznese sunflower eed:
Must not be m xed with the big- sunflowers.
rs. Bonnie Mathis, Buford, Ga. Rt. 4.

Want red cannas, giant shasta da sies, lark-
spur, snapdragon aad-other flower plants.
State amori:t and~ lowest -cash pr.ce, , Mix
tizra Wilson, Athens, Ga. Rt. A. ~

Want hollyhovk. Will exch., pink -
or gillerdia tor same. Mrs:
Dublin, Georgia. E

Want Sultanas al colors to be delivers

Will exch. pure
cockerel for same.
105 KH. 13th" Ave. Cordele.

Doyle Cc. Kmghi,

tirst.of April in good condit.on. Mrs, i ..
nan Riggin, Thunder, Ga. .
--, amt rose, cream pink or white

rooted rose bush, everbiooming, W.ll exeh.
Klondike strawberry plants, apple trees, pear
trees, Mrs. Ie.e Warwick, Leat, Ga.

Want ferns,, all kinds. Will exch.
strong rooted sage for same at 15e- bunch. 4
Mrs, M. GC. Conner, Gainesville. Ga. Rt. 4,

* \

Double bit Hickory axe -handles, 36 inch.
length, $3.50 doz., or $1.75 per 1-2 doz.
denry Eller, Ell jay, aa, RFD. 3.
nent milk cans, $3 each; 1 large ui Ik cool:
Several | 10 gal. second-hand. ice compart-
oes $5; 20 gal. swinging churn, $4. Beak
Dewberry, Care of Glenwood Farm, Acworth,

32.25 doz. Robt. S. Anderson, Hawiiuay ile
Georgia, : : Ss :

8 ibs. new downy goose feathers, 75c Ib.
del. Mrs. EK. A. Harper, Osierfield, Ga.

Buggy, saddie znd Narness for Shetland
pony. Write for pr-ce. pate Barnes, Warn

Bright and sun. cured speak and shew:
ing tobacco; 4 Ibs., $1; 10 Ibs. $2.50 del -
Burly tobaceo seed, 25e oz. del. Wm. Nunn,

uawrenceville, Georg.a.
Good top buggy. Needs a- Jittle Reet: donc

Jc 3 wheels. $30; also -will exch. for corn
hogs or chickens. ssh ae part:culars.
M-sses Ida and Estelle Turner, Smithy tic

Georgia, Route ts

Straw brooms, 10c! each., $1 doz, Exch, foi
_pecans or peanuts. Mrs. _ Annie_ Pea
Winston, Ga. ane

Second-hand 2-horse wagon for sale or
| will exch. for a I-horse wagon. =: 0. Bo>
84 Amer:cus, Ga.

Pure, home-made apple vinegar, in 50 gal
bbls. Will exch. for South Georg.a ribbon cane
stalks, /OB Screven, - Ga. James A. shaun
Screven, Ga.

yrite what you have and lowest price:

Ellis, Cumming, Georg:a.

Palmetto brooms, 25ce each. Add postage.
Mrs. J. Fowler, Surrency, Ga.

25 yds. glass cloth, new, for hot beds - anc
brooder houses, 35cyd., or entire lot mor $8.
Mrs. J. C. Goolsby, Graham, Ga. Rt.

Napier Grass, $1 per 100 stalks, FOE
-Dublin. J. W. Stinson, Dubl.n, Ga. RFD 3.

Napier Grass for sale or will exch. fo1
Spanish peanuts; Fla. Velvet beens, Biss RAR

end? The; ege baskets made to cerdes. CL

Masdon, Clem, Ga. Route 2.

Ga. Ben Teasley, Dalton, Ga. .

9 bu. black walnuts; dry and Sountt: ro:
hulled, $3 for. lot. FOB. Randolph Gy Buse
l.ams, Mt. Vernon, Ga.

Perfectly kept grec.t, red, and Sbbon oa
cane ready now for shipment, $1. i per -100
stalks OB Screven, Ga.

Artichokes, 5c Ib. 100 Tbs. and _more del.

4 RB Byrd, Reynolds, Ga.

Shade dried sage, 40c 1b. Mrs. es 3B. Tay:
lor, Rydal, Ga.

| ton, Bey oe at Maon to write m where
the: Mrs. Stephen lives to whom I sent arti-
chokes: Have lost eater _ Mrs. Henry

erett, Richland, Ga.

Fee! eles chicken - ten Mierer 40e Tb. Mattie
| Jackson, Ivey, Ga. -

Bedspreads with bolster - cover,
embro.dered in fast colors,
Sorrells, Monroe, Ga. Rou.e 4. ~~

-All kinds quilting done rienolable.
A. 2. Adams, Ashburn, Ga. Rt. B.

10 or more well quilted quilts, with: batted:
cotton never. been used. $3 to s 50 each
Mrs. Mary Childs, Bowmen, Ga. : is zs

New pieced gingham quilts, citag wi
new gingham linings, good wt., $4 each. -
Cash with order. Mrs. W.. J. Lumpkin, Cuth _
bert, Georgia, Route 2.

1 embroidered bedspread, made: ~of goo"
sign, $5 each; pillow cases, $1 pair; tattin:
quality, 9-4 sheeting ; pasket or flower ae
dbl. and single, 15 and 30c. Sand addresse




double p: nk flow- |.
ering Almond, white Hibiscus, lilies of dif-

| Route 1,

-oalbs ; also dahlia flowered zennia seed: .

| Mrs.

White Hickory home made. axe handles | made 25 per

Georgi a. A

ham peas. Write what you have. = *O. SE.
Franklin, Graymont, Ga. A

2 4-2 bu: biack walnuts, hulled, $1 ee
Thin shelled scaley bark hickory nuts, 20
gal. Mrs. . Nancy _ Braswell, Loganville, Gav.

5. - a

so. baskets, oande of white pak $1.2!
and $1; large feed baskets with handie, 60c

Pure lard, $7 for 50 Ib. can, FOB Dalton

| FOB. Reduction on large orders.

$5. Miss Leila. .

inehes high, $1 each.
Mrs. Ly E., Moore, Tallapoosa, Ga. Route 3.

White Oak. baskets :

cottcm,. 50 and 75 Ib.
size, $1 and $1.25; feed, from 30 to 50 ear
corn size, 50c to $1; clothes, 50e--toXSr:

laundry $1. to. $2; travelers, 50c to T5c. C.
aes Masdon, Clem; Ga. Route 2.

1 feather bed, for sale. J. W: Holland

Register, Georgia.

22 Ibs. 1927 goose pee $1 lb. Sample
on request. Mrs. H. I, Moore, Alamo, Ga.

4 Ibs... good, heavy tobacco, del. in Ga.,
$l. Mrs. G. as Hrseman,. Ball Ground, Ga.

t 1-2 doz egg crates with fi llers,
del. Mrs. W. V. Vaughn, Towns, Ga.
L Daisy churn amd motor, $7.50; 50 grass.
rugs, $1 each. Day Davis, Rutledge, Ga,
Poultry farm equipment. Sacrifice .pr:ces.
Write or call to see me. R. K. Jordon, De-
catur, Ga. 540 Marshall St.
1 doz. Hickory hammer -handles,


l5e ea.

yor $1.50 per doz. Oscar Hitt, Ball Ground,

Georgia, RFD 2.
1 10-gal. barrel churn, good cond.; $5.
John W. A. Sizemore, LaFayette, Ga. Rt 1


4 ft. wood, cut, split and corded. 1 1-2
miles from station, $1.50 cord, where it
stands. Buyer to do own loading and :
ing. A. J. Collins, Demorest, Ga. Rt 1.

Myers bbl. sprayer, comp., $12. Ross KE.
Clement, Corne!l.a, Ga.

25 ibs. pure goose feathers, 65c lb. Mrs.
F,. Conley, Waycross, Ga.

1 tutomatic Upright Self Hog. Oiler, $5..
R. S. Anderson, Hawkinsville, Ga.

8 M. stalks of Napier Grass, at 12 1-2c
per stalk. FOB. Will exch. for Wannamaker-
Cleveland or Covington Toole cotton seed, or

Hastings Prof. seed corn. A. A. Harp,
Yatesville, Georgia. <
30 Ibs. goose feathers, in new tick, $16.

Mrs. Steve Gray, Oc. lla, Georgia.

- Palmetto brooms, 25 each. Add postage:
also 6 lbs. new goose feathers, 90. a del,
J. S. Fowler, Surrency, Ga. Rt.

Long pine needle baskets, from ce to

$2. Mrs. dames lL. Lamb, Jackson, Georgia,
koute 1. eee
Bennett seed best ahiskest feed. can be
teacup, or 50c Jb. Cash with
order. Stamps not accepted. Mrs. J. M. Mul-
lis, Ambrose, Georgia, Route 1.

Good air _cured tobacco, chewing, $1 for
4 Ibs; smoking, $1.15 for 8 Ibs. del. Mrs.
M. lL. Goddard, Summerville, Ga. Route 4,
Box 71.

_ Black walnuts; $1 bu.,
No COD packages or
Brown, Doerun, Ga.

9 bu. new crop Black Walnuts, wiot hulled,
$3 for lot. FOB here. Randolph C.
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.

Straw brooms, $1.25 doz.:;

FOB my sstaton.
checks accepted. a. b

feed baskets,

$1.25 to $1.75; clothes and thee kinds
baskets, from 35 to $1.75; flower and fern
stands, 50 to $2; rocking hairs, made of

willow and h-ckory, $3.50 to $5.50; will exch.
ior Irish potatoes, - hutter-beems, Or some
kilned meat. Add postage. J. B. nS

sey, Lake Park; Ga. Route 2.

W re top ch.ckiua coops, made of good -oal
timber, slat sides, and ends braced,
top. and doors, 36x24x12, wt. 20 Ibs... 75e
haen -coops, made same as above, 36x30x12.
wt. 20: Ibs. $1. All Fob here. 3 per cent dis-
count on orders for 5 ecoops or more. W.
Wooten, Greenville, Ga. Route 6. |

N-ce cles: ch.eken feathers, 40c Ib.
sackson, lvy, Georgia. . ~

Sweet leaf flue sured tobacco, 20 Ib. Wil
exch. for equal. value, Alex Cantpbell, Sur-
rency,. Georgia.

du nice, white meal ae 10e each. Mrs.
Piety Forbes, Brooklet, - Ga.

Honeysuckle vine baskets, 50 and $1.26.
each. Add postage. M. E. Woods, Chatsworth,
Georgia, Route 2.

75 Ibs. good sun cured iOhacont
Sgn} McCollum, Young Cane, -Gas 4. *

ew straw brooms, hand sewed with white
oak splits; 25e each; 6 for $1; 12 for $1.75



~All delivered. J. T. Chatham Frankl; Ga.
Route 6. = 7 oes
40,000 stalks Ki anna. seed cane, $10 pe:

M, FOB Climax, Ga. M. W. Dykes, Whigham

Georg a. : =

Bright sun- cured smoking and hesvin
tobacco, 4 Ibs. $1; 10 Ibs. $2.50 del. Burle:
tobacco seed, 25c per oz. del. Wm.- Nun.
Lawrenceville, Ga; Route 6; = = ee
~ Good jeaf chewing tobacco, 4 lbs. $1.!
smok: amg tobacco, 8 lbs. $1 del. Mrs. M. 2s


Goddard, Summerville, Ga. Rt. 4, Box 7.
1 large pine. needle basket? w:th long han-
dle, 3 smaller ones all for $1.50 del. or wil!
exch. for Spanish or red peanuts. Write.
Mrs. L. G. David; Tucker, Georga, Rt. 1.
Axe handles, 25c; hammer handle, 15
iH exch.
for guinea pigs or good breed. J. W. ae.
Carrollton, Ga, Rt. 1. (

Green or red sugar cane, Be. B._0. Fussell,
Brunswick, Georgia.
Qld fashioned long _straw brownies care. |
fully. wrapped with soft wire, 15e each o
6 for $1; $2.a doz. Cash with order. Mrs.
Go -0; Martin, Gainesv.dle, Ga. Rt. 7,

New goose feathers/ 80c Ib. Mrs. ale
Robbs, Flowery Branch, Georgia, Bey
2 white oak feed baskets, batween . 1-2
and 1. bu. size, 50c ach, L.. C. Abe nnathy-

Lula, Ga. Route 2. ~
100 1b. chicken feed sacks, 10c: each. Postage

|paid on 3 or more. 2 extra in $1 order. Wi)

exch, for. same value garden or field seed

or plants. Ethel Sanders, Buchanan, Geers
via, Route 3; .
Good, - white. cotton Alfocorn egg ash

Griffin, Ga. Route C. ~
3 bu. black walnuts, hulled, $1 bu eo
here. A. H. Clark, pbsion, Ga. Route B.

= stampa envelope. for Peete} Mrs. d. A. El!

Box 89. ee ee

| Kelly Duplex feed mill,

dry hulled black walnuts. Send wt.

Williams, |-

wire i


Wb. |

bags, 10 -lb. size, 25 for $3. Otis Le Carter.


will crush corn on
cobb. Write for price. WwW. i et 2St le
more, Georgia, Route 38.

1 yr. size Black and yellow meat walnuts
85c. Mrs. H. E. Hartley, Conyers, Ga.

Ground oyster shell for chickens, $1 per

100; $17.50 per ton. FOB Savannah. W. A.

Smith, 102 E. Bay St., Savannah, Ga.

White and red vinegar in 50 gal. bbls. at
15e gal. also bottle vinegar FOB Dublin.
Straw broms, good length, 2 for 45 or $2
per doz. del. Cash with order. L. E. Harri
son, Dublin, Ga.

7 or 8 bu, black walnuts, hulled, 2 eerits
lb.; also nice, home-made syrup, in No. 10
buckets, 6 buckets for $4.25. $8 a doz. FOR
Mineral Bluff. J. T.. Hartness, Mineral Bluff,


Want 1 or 2 bbls. good cheap vinegar,
Send sample and lowest net cash price. M.
C, Moore, Lithonia, Ga.

Want mule and horse hides,
$3.50 each cash. Athens
Athens, Georgia. ~

Want sour cream, best price paid, Write.
Clairmont Dairy, 1166 Euclid Ave. N. ES.
Atlanta, Georgia.

Want Black American walnuts per
1927 crop at 2c lb. FOB your nearest sta-
tion. Large or small quantities. M. E. Scho-
field, 6 Lakeview Arcade, West Pa Beach,

Wamt Martin gourds, state price,
Bessie Faulkner, Augusta, Ga. RED
Box ,78. ea

Will exch. for several lbs. nice, new goose
feathers. Miss M. E. SDs, 408 Reed St.,
Waycross, Georgia.

Will exch. for chicken feed sacks.
J. M. Foster, Woodstock, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want a few lbs. of Barn or Flue cured to-
bacco. Pay cash or will exch. extra fine
seed corn. K. S. Price, Cleveland, Ga.

Will exch. value $12 for farm products of
equal value. Write what you have to offer.
T. J. House, Danielsville, Ga. RFD 4.

Want to exch. Sassafras roots, huckleberry
sprouts, 50c doz.; evergreens, 25 each rnd

_ Will pay
Hide ~Company,



privet 25 doz., for quilt scrans. Mrs. Sarah

Barton, Ramhurst, Ga. RFD 1,

Want waxed paper flowers. Prefer roses
and sweet peas. Will exch. 1 large hand
pieced new gingham quilt top. Write w
you have to offer. Mrs. J. L. Wallace, Canon,
Georgia, Route 4.

Will pay 2 and 1-2 cents for good, soun?!
in first
letter, J. R. Howington, Commerce, Ga.

Want ege carriers for parcel post shin-

ments. Must be in good cond. Pe Sees Frege) =
Kennedy, Collins, Ga. tees
Want 300 Ibs. black walnuts, hulled and

nice size, at 2 cents lb. FOB shipping point.
Send sample. Mrs. R. C, Monk, Jr., Robin-
son, Georgia, z


Fauscetts. improved Prolific seed corn, se-

lected in the field for seed, $1 pk. del.,
bu., FOB here.
Georgia RFD 2.
Improved strain Marlboro two-ear corn, $1
vk., $3 bu. R. P. Steinheimer, Brooks, Ga.
Genuine Red cobb Whitleys prolific seed

D. Cc. Faucett, | Murrayville,

corn, nubbed and selected. $2 bu. T. L.
| Steadham, Dawson, Ga. : :
1927 crop white, shelled pop co:ta, 8 lb.

G. Y. Yeomans, Vidalia, Ga.
Golden Queen pop corn, 8c !b. Cash with
order. L. O. Stewart, Jasper, Ga.
Hastings pure Prolifiq seed corn,
also water ground meal,

$1.99; |

Rat tooth pop corn. Every grain wll pop.

Se an oz. FOB here. Doris Lawhorn, Mauk, es

Georgia. Z *
Prolific seed pop corn, 10 ears to 1 static; $
20c .lb., or exch. Ib. for lb. for larve ne-.
cans. Mrs. Arnie Vollrath, Winston, Ga. ~
Pure Blue Mexican June corn, nubbed and
hand shelled, $2.60 bu., or 75e pk. FOB
Buckhead. W. H. Huff, "Buckhead, Ga.
Whatleys prolific corn grown from genu-
ine seed, $1 pk., or $3.50 bu., del. John a

Berryh i, Lakeland, Ga.

corn. |

About 10 bu. Yellow Prolific pop
Heavy bearers... .Make best offer del. on RR.
J. R. McDonald, Dahloneza, Ga. Box 109,

.Browns improved big white Flint, heayest
and most weevil resistant: corn, $1 pk., $3.59

bu, or | bu. in large lots. J. ae Brown,
Helena, Georgia. r
50 Ibs. shelled popeorn, 12 1-20 Tbh. Lie

| small quantity, 15 1b. Hugh Brazell, SBewerna: (es

ville, Georgia: K
Egyptit wheat or chicken corn, 106th,
under 50 Ibs. 8 lb. above 50 lbs.; also sn-
flower seed, 10c lb. up to 5 lbs., FOB poe
WwW. EL Walker, Browiet: Gears is. .


Want 30 bu. shelled white mill'ng corn
each. week. Prefer to get it from farmers on
Sou. Ry. O. L. Cowan, Dorav Ne, Ga.

f Want shelled corn any quantity, Quote

price delivered Fort Valley. C. 8. Pavloti as

Fort Valley, Ga. eA ae es fm
Want shelled Ga. corn 1 bulk, car lots

or in bags Ww. R. Highs Cairo. Ga, |


: Watt ms exch, a few bu. Sweet potatoes | tor
few bu. North Ga. Irish patito to plant.
L. J. Vollrath, Winston, Ga.

Wil-pay 50c bu. for truck Jew (50 be
of Porto Rican potatoes ; also want cor? and
fertilizer distributor. E. N. 6 aes s Tiger, ~
ao Route Lc 23

$1.10, FOB Adairs- =
ville. M. F.. Lewis, Adairsville, Ga. . +7


. Single treated FOB loading point.


cotton seed, bulk or sacked. Car

oh FOB Tifton. Chas.

_lerseys and some Jersey-Holstein,


Car Lots for Sale and.



1500 bu, Clay peas, $1.50 bu., in 25 bu.
or more lots; $1.60 bu, Jess. Even wt. bags,
This station. Percy Moore, Culverton, Ga.

Velvet beans in pod, small black variety,
$20 ton, car Jots; shelled velvet beans, $1.25
bu., in bags. E. F., Worley, Omega, Ga. _

Several cars of prime . Laredo O-Too-Tan
soy bean hay, packed ii tight bales, $18 ton
FOB Mayfield. . Berckmans Orchards, May-
field, Georgia. :


Want from truck load to 1 or more cars
of cattle. Write or wire. References,
of Milan. $8. C. Jones, Milan, Ga.

Want Icar of yearlings. R.:S. Anderson,
Hawkinsville, Georgia.

Want 1 or 2 cars Hereford yearling steers
or calves. State price and weight. E. Ek.
Jones, Woodlawn, Va.

~Want several cars of young pasture thin
yearling steers and heifers, 500 lbs. and up;
also 1 car of Jersey heifers. Ll. B. Fulmer,
Springfield, a tas ae :


1 ear well slip shuck corn, $1 bu, FOB
cary Lumber City, W. A. Varnadoe, Lumber
City Ga.; RFD 1.

Slip shuck ear corn, $0 Ibs. to bu. 90c bu.
car lots. E. F. Worley, Omega, Ga.

Slip shuck ear cord, 80 Ibs. to bu., 90c bu.
car lots. C, R. Patrick, Omega, Ga. |

Slip shuck ear corn, car lots, $1 bu. of 80
Ibs. FOB Adel. A. D. Cobb, Adel, Ga,

Want car of good corn in shuck. State low-
est price del. to Columbus. C. M, Brennan,
Columbus, Ga,
Want ear corn
Cairo, Georgia.

Ist yr. Cokers pedigreed extra Cleveland
lots. O.. W.

in car lots. W. R. Nea!

Neely, Waynesboro, Ga- :

4st. yr. Cokers pedigreed extra Cleveland
pottuy seed, car lots, bulk of sacked. OC, A.
McLendon, Waynesboro, Ga. 2


~ About 8 cars of well cured peavine hay,
rich in ripe peas, $25 ton. oats Sewell,
Perry, Ga. Route 1,

Several cars of prime Laredo ace O-Too-
Tan soy. bean hay, packed in tight bales,
$18 ton, FOB Mayfield, Beckmans Orchards:
Mayfield, Georgia,

2 cars bright Bermuda and Shamrock hay
Quote prices FOB here. Hugh Ar nold, Bairds
tovit, Georgia.

2 cars bright, No. 1 Peavine hay, $20 ton;
cured: and packed without wetting. B. 3
Warren, Louisville, Georgia.

1 to 5 cars peanut hay, $12 FOB Edison:
also 1 car of peavine and Johnson Grass hay
$18. E. G. Blackwell, County Agent, Edison,

. Georgia.

4 or 5 ears, peaviine hay, 75 per none pea-
vine and 25 per cent grass. Good cond. We"
eured, $20 FOB here. Peach Poultry Farm,
Fort Valley, Georgia.

5 cars of peavine hay, $15 ton FOB Vienna
L. L. Palme, Harrison, Georgia.

1 car of bright peavine hay,

baled, $20
Tifton, Ge.

Wait 1 or more cars of peavine, peanut
or soy bean hay. A. O. Blackmar, Columbus,

3 Georgia.

Want several cars of common range cattle;
young, thin pasture yearlings; good grade

heifers (must be well marked, good color and

showing breeding) at reasonable price ; also
1 or 2 cars of A. No. 1 feeder pigs, 50 te
100 ibs., average 70 to 80 lbs. Can pay Ye lb.
want any rough or hard pigs at any price.
D. E. Fulmer, Davisboro, Georgia.

Want 1 car of feed or pasture cattle. J.
O. Marphy, Felton, Ga.

Want 2 cars of feed or pasture cattle, C.
H. Bateman, Macon, Ga.


Want car of stock ewe sheep, Nubian and
Toggenburg aannie milch goats. L. B. Ful-
mer, Springfield, S. C.

Want a few thousans stalks of white va-
riety of sugar cane. Robt. 8. Anderson, Haw-

_kinsville, Ga.

Te Stock for Sale

~ and Wanted


3 or 4 good grade heifers and cows: some
fresh in
during February, March, April and May. Rr.
Pp, Steinheimer, Brooks, Ga.

~ Guernsey bull, reg. 2 yrs. old,
service; also 2 Guernsey heifers.
cheap. KE. C, Davis,

any for
Will sell
Atlanta, Ga. 85 Linden


Must be good and vreascmable. State No.

FOB Gibson.


S oe :
eo a
Gentle and fine bree eho
and will lead anywhere. Ring in nose. $250.

with papers. C. F. cagecen aie Tifton, Ga.
RFD 6.

1 eream color Sordee bull calf, from 8 ent.
entitled to he cow; sired by reg. male, 5
mos. old. $15. W. B. Winm,Athens, Ga. Rt. 2.

1 reg. Hercng! cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh in July;
lfeg. Jersey bull, 10 mos. old. Write for
prices. John A. Gofarth, Gainesville, Ga.

4 Aberdeen Angus bulls, all reg. 1 and 2
yrs. old, Write for prices. E. E. Field, Can- |
ton, Ga.

1 Holstein cow with first calf. Write for
price. Joe S. Stanton, Conyers, Ga. Route 1,
Box 118.

Several choice young
in cows. Write for prices.
Lithonia, Ga. (Stone Road,

Jersey milch fresh
W. H. Chapman,
jl and 1-2 niles

| north of Lithonia.)

1 pure bred. Jersey bull, ae years old, wt.
about 700 lbs. Good cond., _ Ores dey Cavrig,:
Colbert, Georgia, ' Route 3.

1 Jersey bull) 8 mos. old). sold color. ky smn
Reg. Sire No. 22875 and Dam No. 649840. $50
with-papers. Mrs. S. BE. dsnes, Fairburn, Ga.
Route 4. : : ae woe ;

8 nice milth.ows. Fresh in. Write for
prices. Robt. S. Andvson, Hawkinsville, Ga.

Reg. Hereford bull 3 1-2) ys,
condition for sale or will exch. for other
Hereford bull in order not to inbreel my
herd. Write for price. J. M. Jones, Roystcen,+

Georgia, Box 231. ; R
2 fine heifers 3-4 Jersey 2 years old im!
May not bred. Miss Ridie Martin, Willard,


1 Reg. Jersey male Raliegh and Hood strain
6 vrs. old, gentle and easy to handle, $75.
John A. Arnold, Thomasville, Ga.

-1 Jersey cow, 2 1-2 yrs. of, freshen Feb.

21. Write for price; 1 2-year old deep red
heifer, not with calf, $25 or .exeh. for 5 2
yr. old Mammoth Big Bone turkeys }: 4: hens
and 1 tom, or 2 pure bred, 6 mos. old P. C.
or. White Chester gilts. Mys. BEthe} Jones,
Lula, Ga, Route 3. :

Pure Jersey bull calf, 8 mos. eld, from

4 gal. cow. Reg. and sired by registered jnuli
$35 with papers, or exch. for Reg. Jersey
heifer calf, or 35 bu. good corn. H. Filis-
ton, Rupert, Georgia.


Reg. Guernsey bull Jack of Beary. Crek, |

No. 1038494, wt. 1,000. Ibs.
at bargain to keep from inbreedin.
further information. 8. LL. Bailey,
vilie, Georgia, Route i. Y

3. years old. Sell
Write for


Want 2 good milch cows. Will pay cash.
Co Bs

gals milk a day, breed, price, ete.

| Milner, Cleola, Ga,

Want young cow, second or taird care. give
ing 2-and 1-2 or 3 gals. of railk a day. KE.
M. Wiggins, Buford, Ga. Route 2.

Want yoke oxen, wt. 1800 or 2,000 -lbs. for
logging and farm use. State cash price and
cond, A. M. MeCard, Molena, Ga.

Want Reg. fresh in Jersey cow, within
60 miles of Carrollton. T. R. Griftia, Car-
rollton, Ga. Route 5.

Want 1 Guernsey or Holstein heifer, 1 yr.
old. Must be reasonable for cash. Write price
del. to Jasper. Mrs. Grace Murphy, Jusper,
Georgia, Route. 2.

Want pure bred Holstein bull calf, or ma-
ture sire. Glenwood Farm, Acworth, Ga.

Went 2 Guernsey heifers from 1 to 4 wks.
old, Within 50 or 75 miles of Macon. J. 8S.
Price, Lorane, Ga, Route 1.

Want milch cow, first or second calf,
fresh in milk, within 10 to 20 miles of Mil- |
ledgeville. Give degeription and price in
first letter. W. H. Minor, Milledgeville, Ga.
Phone_453-J. < S

Want to exch. 50 hens and rooster, Done
aldson R. I, Reds, for young mileh cow, or
for heifers entitled to reg. G. Ww. - Wester;
Carrollton, Georgia, Box 264. :

Thrifty P. C. shoats, wt. from 40 to 1060
Ibs., 10 Ib., also 8 wks. old pigs, cross be-
tween P. C. and Reg. Jersey, $5 each. All
a Julius Wilecher, Gibson, Ga.,
Rea B, e :

Reg. Big Bone P. C: Sow, wt., about 325
bred to farrow in April, $85. Byrery
Forester, Rising Fawn, Ga.

Reg! Hampshire stock: 1. yr. old boar,
$25; 1 bred sow, $50; 2 mos. old pigs; some

not registered. C. B. Hagood, Hlberton, Ga.
So wks old Orel :C. pigs, registered in

buyers name, $10 each. A.
milla, Georgia, Route B.
80 Big Bone Black P. C. pure bred pigs.

Not reg., $5 each at farm. Crating and in-

a Bigsby, Ca-

oculaticn at cost extra. C. M. Compton, |. -
Jackson, Georgia. s j :

8 pigs, cross between Black Essex ane
B. B. P. C. $5 each, FOB Jackson. Shipment

to be made when 6 wks. old.- Lula Adams,
Jackson, Ga. Rt. 8, Box 80.

Pure bred 3 mos. ~ old Black Essex pigs.
Reg. in buyers name, $12 each. H. W. Law,
Eastman, Georgia.)

For service, Reg. Big Type S. ye.+C, male.
Not for sale. E. W.. Johns, Decatur, Ga.,
Route 2, Box 97.

Reg. P. C. gilts, late September: farrow.
Superior type and breeding, $12.50 each, and }
papers furnished. Sell to make room for

Spring crop pigs. C. A. Bryaat, Royston, Ga.

Big Bone Black P. C. boar and gilts. c&~*
Lady Liberator, sired by a son of Armistice
Boy, Reg. in buyers name. 2 mos. old, $15
each FOB here. C. L. Fuler, Curryville, Ga:

About 75 hogs, 60 eo 175 lbs. Right for
pork. A. E. Sloan, Mauk, Ga. .

Pure bred Big Type Pe C. pigs, Reg, papers
furnished free. Write for prices. Audtin and
Atkins, Wildwood, Georgia. :

Pure bred B. B. PC. silt,

Wt. about 50

old in goed }-

Ed b>
to 1 $25, Ready hi
ues Hi Georgia.
1 yery prolific sow, not reg., bred do te:

2, i boar. Has farrowed 2 litters and
19 pigs. Wt. abouc 2bu Ibs. $40 or exch. for
40 bu. of dry, shelled corn or prolific cotton!
seed. James E. Spence, Jackson, Ga. Rt.

1 thoroughbred P. C. sow, to prevent in-
breeding; -farrow in March, wt. about 350
Ibs., $30 FOB here. George, B. Hart, Sylves-
ter, Georgia. -

1S. P. C. 8 mos. old sow, bred to farrow
April 10th. : oo ook _W. A. Johnson,
Alto, Ga. Ro

20 half and ie P, 6. and B. B. Essex
pigs, 8 wks. old, fat and thrifty. $3 each.
Dubose Hester, Lisbon, Ga.

Thoroughbred Reg. Big Bone Black Essex.
Satisfaction oo W. J. Bargeron, Sar-
dis, Georgia.

Reg. S. P. C. pigs 8 to 10 wks. yeg. in buyers
name, . $10 each. Also Duroc and S. P. 6.
crossed pigs, same age, $5 each. S. B. D ~
gars, Macon Ga. RFD 4, Phone 3296-J.

Reg. Duroc pigs, wt. around 120 lbs.
each, Satisfaction Sian ieede J, Hi. Palmer |
Tennille, Ga,

interested, _ write. Harvey Gamble, Summer-
ville, Georgia.

1 bred. sow, Berkshire and P. . crossed,
Good cond. 2nd litter of pigs, gentle, good
qualities. $30. W. B. Winn, Athens, . Ga. Rt. A.
- Full blood Black Essex pigs, 2 1-2 mos old
$15 or trade for corn or hay. J. J. Coleman, |
Rochelle, Ga. Route 1.

Pure bred and mixed otey and P. C.
shoats, 40 lbs. and up, 12c lb, FOB here
+ Cash with order, G. S, Wilson, _nternrise,
Georgia, RFD 3.

Berkshire boar, entitled to reg., at about
800 Ibs., $30, or exch. for 80 bu. sound corn
del. to Martin. B. F. Fagan, Martin, Ga.

1 sow and 7 pigs; 4 shoats, wt. between
75 and 100 Ibs. All Duroc Jersey. but not
reg.; 1 bred Duroc Jersey sow, farrow in
March, or Ist of April, bred to B. B. P. C.

Box 68.

Red Duroc, Cherry King gilt, with papers,
wt. 175 Ibs. J. W. Mason, Lithonia, Ga.

1 pure bred Duroe sow and 10 pigs. W-
for prices. W. E. Burgamy, Culverton, Ga.

Hogs and shoats for sale. _ Write fox prices,
E. J. Cottle, Ty Ty, Georgia, |

Berkshire pigs, ready to del. March 15.
$6 each; 2 Berkshire gilts, ready to breed,
$20 each, All entitled to -reg, Exch. for
fresh cows or heifers. G. V. Norman, Dewy-

| rose, Georgia, Route 1.

1 0. LL. C. white sow, wt. about 250 Ibs.
Good beeder. A. A. Cox, Forsyth, Ga. Rt. 3.

Half P. C. and half Berkshire pigs, Wt.,
40 to. 50 Ibs., $4 and $5. Kimbrough Farm,
Sparta, Georgia. (18 miles south of .Greens-

or exch for heifer calves, FOB here. jC. D.
Weeks, Douglas, Georgia.

Duroe Jersey boar, 12 mos. old, 150 Ibs.
$25. Reg. in buyers name. Will exch. for
something of equal value that 1 need. Write.
LH. Edenfield, Stillmore, Ga. Route 8.

40 pure bred S. P. C. farrows and gilts,
wtfl 35 to 50 Ibs., 8 to 4 mos. old, $5.25 ea.,
in lots of 2 or more. Pain Hatchery, Edison,

Pe Ol Bigs: 6 wks. old, $10 a pair. > deff
Shrouder, West. Green, Ga. RFD.

80 shoats, 50 to 100 lbs.; 20 pigs, 6 to 10
wks. old. Write for Brices. di Ces _ Thomason,
Farrar, Ga.

2 thoroughbred P. C. male pigs, wt. 200

| lbs. each., $20. C. R. Morgan, Americus, Ga.

6 shoats, wt. between 50 and 60 lbs., $30.

or will exch. for 80 bu. Cleveland or 30 ba,

Cook cotton seed: 25 bu, Spanish peanuts,
or 22 March 1927 Jersey B. Giant pullets.
Eugene Daniel, Americus, Ga.

~ 8 reg. P. C. gilts, $12 each. Dept. of Abimal
Industry, Georgia Teverument., Station, | Ex:

periment, - Ga.

- Big Bone Guinea, 2 mos, a pigs, $8 until
March Ist; 1 gilt, half Big Bone Guinea and
Duroc crossed, about 9 mos. old, bred to Big
Bone Guinea, wt. about 180 Ibs, $16. All
FOB Adrian, W. A. Summer, Adrian, Ga.

70 P. C. pigs; wt. 30 to 55 lbs. each. Write
for prices. A. M. Bell, Cordele, Ga, :

Duroe Jersey gilt, about 9 mos. old and
boar, about 11 mos. old, not related, both
reg. in buyers name, $18 each, or $35 for
both; also other brood sows, crossed with
Guinea and P. C. and shoats for sale. W. S.
Sikes, Cobbtowm, Georgia. -

25 pigs to sell or exch. for Brabham peas
or O.Too-Tan soy beans; 1 S. P. C. sow and
pigs; and 1 Black P, C.. sow to farrow April
Ist. G. M. Allen, The Rock, Ga. Rt 1.

For service, Reg. Big Bone S. P. C. male.
EK. W. Johns, Decatur, Ga. Route 2, Box 97.
S. P. C. pigs, highly pedigreed stock for
breeding, $15 each. W.\J. McDaniel, Atlanta,
Georgia, Route 6, Box 41-A, Club Drive.

6 big boned Poland China. pigs, subject to
reg., $3 each FOB here. J. W. SESE: Dial,

1 Duroe Jersey sow and 9 pigs about 10
weeks old, $50 or will sell. pigs for $35.
Check with order. Je, Re OMe? _Graymemnt,
Georgia: . \

1 sow and 10 pigs. Berkshire andP.- 6.
mixed, father of pigs reg. $30, 7 pigs 6.
weeks old, $3 each; 4 shoats, 85 or 90 Ibs.
-each $5 each. A, D. McNair, Mitchell, Ga.
Route 1.

10 pigs, Duroc and White 0. x C. cross,
6 wks. old, 85 ach. Homer Starks, Ellij:

1 blue sow, good, brood sow, 18 mos. old
wt. about 150 lbs. $20; 1 S. P. C. mixed
gilt, bred, $15. Mrs. F, _ Cowart, Summit, Ga
Route 2, A

$6.50 each. March 10 del.

Braselton, Georgia. RFD . et
tS full blood male Chery Red Drag, 2


for Brabham. or cow peas, $1.25 bu, Mt

. 1 pure bred Little Bone Guinea Silt,

edo Reg. Be: silt, 11 mos. old, unbrd. If |

Odum, Georgia.

or 10 wks.

| ville,

hog. L. B. Anderson, Shiloh, Ga. RED &-2"

)s0ws ov gilts, ready bred.

Few 8S, P. CG. gilts, wt. about 90 lbs., $7.50 1

about 1000 lbs. Gentle and fine buggy an


G V. Norman,

will work anywhere. Wt. 775 Ibs.

4 extra fine P. C. and Duroe exoss pigs, |

mos. old, 00 Ibs. gross. $40 with
R. C. Knight, Me , Ga,
<8 PC, pigs; male, 6 mos. old,

125. Ibs. es from pure bred Black
male and S. P. C. female, $15. each, or
Tyler, Finleyson, Ga. Rt. 3, Box: 75
old, wt. 175 lbs, Bred-to Little &
$20 del. to truck at my home.
groves, Marlow, Georgia.

Puze bred P. C. cae wt. wBoae 10

or over, $12.50 each, or 2 for $20. Will
for peas. Freak Sawyer, Vidalia, Ga. Rt.

Hogs for sale or will exch, for No. 1
Cane syrup. Write for prices. descy
etc. Thomas Whitehurst, Lewiston, Ga.

Improved Big Black Guinea pigs, On m
old, $10 pr, Cash with order. Raleigh Ph
lips, Yatesvill, Ga, Box 66.
1 Big Bone Black P. C. 2 yr. ole
wt., 200 Ibs. or more. Entitled to reg
on aecount of inbreeding. $50 here at
Mrs. Joe Chapman, Murrayville, Ga. Rt, 2,

Want 25 or 80 well bred pigs. Will
potato plants for them, Odum Plant

Wamt pure bred S. P. C. gilts or pigs
Will exch. 450 cap. Queen.
bator, value $40 or Barred Rocks, Ral

Anderson, | Refister, Ga.

- Want 1 pr. Big Bone Guinea piss. Q
best price FOB Bowdon. Mrs. L. G. Stay
Bowdon, Georgia, Route 4.

Want 4 or 5 Big Bone Guinea, ma
female, small shoats or sigs. Mrs, .
Blaylock, Chicamauga, Ga. RFD 1. j

Want to exch. 10 bu. Waneiamaker-Cles
land cotton seed for 2 male pigs; Black P
or Duroc, Wt. 80 Ibs. W. E. McCart, Loga

Georgia, RFD 4. j

Want P. C. or Duroc gilt, wt 5g to
lbs. Thrifty, not stunted. Would consde
cross between breeds named. Write what
have and best price. J. R. Baxter,
ton, Georgia, Route 2.

; Want 2 Reg. Duroe or Big Bone 8S, P.
W. D. Hardawa
Atlanta, Ga. 21 Hrnter St., S. EL 3

Want from within 50 nafles of. Aucus'
pigs, ealves, chickens, fat cows, goats, lamt
country cured meats, butter and eggs
market prices. The City Market, aia

Will exch. for 3 pigs or
Write. Carl Wingo,
Box 13. ;

Want 1 reg. young ia male, | ;
enough for service. Price must be reason-
able. B. J. Rauton, Vidalia, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want pr. good, thrifty P. C. ngs. &
12 wks. ald. Must be cheap for cash. E.
opper, Ranger, Georgia.

Want 6 or 8 bred Duroc gilts and 1 mal
yeasonable for cash. Write what you, hav
L. W. Harrison, Milan, Ga. Oa

Wnt to exch. value $3.50 for pig.
for particulars. W. H. Rucker, Milner, Ga

Want 1 pure bred female Duroc

10 bu. of
Hogansville, Ga. Rt.

vig, about: 2 1-2. mos. old. )
price. Clarence. E. Darnell, Jefferson,
REDAS oS chee
Want old ashicried Little Bone
hogs. Sow:and boar. The short
atocky, stay] fat kind. Write some

lor, Fort Meade, Fla. we


Good 9 yrs. old, mule, wt. about 1100 Tbs
Fat and gentle, work anywhere. Sell
exch. for ton Ford truck in good |
Lowry Johnson, Stockbridge, Ga. Route
Box 64.

1 large,
able to work anywhere.
cross, Georgia, Box 433.

1 pr good | mules, reasonable price. Pp
Box 84, Americus, Georgia. z

Fine young Georga raised horse, wt

heavy young horse. ate a
N. G. Lang, W

mal. Sell cheap or exch. Frank Sawyer, v
Georgia, Route 8. / :
Good mute, wt. 750 lbs., 11 yrs. old, %
or will exch. for cattle of oa king. or fo
a good, light 1 horse wagon. Gree
Cedartown, Ga. Route 5.
1 good black mare mule, fairly ee
10 yr8. old, wt. 1200 lbs. perfectly), gentle
$60 or exch. for cows, hogs or seed peas.
J. J. Miles, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 4, Box 107
1 _Bay mare mule, good cond. 9 yrs. lds
wt." 900 Ibs. Quick and smart, $125 cash
good note; also want to exch. for 2
sound mare mules, wt. 1100 lbs. each. Wi
Dewyrose, Ga. Rt. 1.
Want to trade 1 good mare mule, in goo
shave for a good brood mare. Write for de
scription and terms. R. Robertsci1, Xs
poosa, Ga. Route 3.
1 Gray Mare, 12 yrs. old, wt. 800 tie $
S. R. MaGarity, Red Oak, Ga. Route 1.
1 good mare, 7 yrs. old, good saddler
Sell. reason
able for cash or exch. for good heavy wt
mule or horse. Floyd Tilley, Ellijay, Ga.
8; Box 88.40
2 well matched mares, work anywhere:
q-years old and other 18. Wt. about 800 Ib
each. Sell reasonable, together or separa
or exch. for good heavy mules. R. R. oe
Ellijay, Ga. Route 3, Box 87.
1 strong, large, heavy young horse.
ea anywhere, N. & Lang, -
Ox : ; Ce

Wilk. exch, mowing machine, almo
as new, for work mule or young |

weet 900- De Milton. Patterson Resaca,
