Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1928 February 23


EUSene Tere oe
Sto NEES ey Roe E ee ee as Bie
2s = : : = : o ae = = : : a
Dan Moody and the Cotton Conference atackson, Mississippi
cc. This Aekidie is eitten on ihe 18th, ead a Sere is called 2 - home ond. a little over, oe ali the articles for sale and then as nueh
of almost everybody at Jackson, Mississippi, by the Honorable Dan _ cotton as you can to sell, Of course if your money crop is tobac-
| Moody Governor of Texas, for the purpose of dscussing - the zh eo or truck stuff or something like that, _the ey Stop wee
2, take the place of cotton. -
_ duction of the: cotton. acreage th's year. I wish very much Texas < : ee
would reduce her acreage to the extent of the entire acreage of torial ae a ee desk requesting me to, write an edi pee
. Georgia. This has been Texas increase in acreage during the last jang in Georgia that s rolling and broken that would make ideal sas
~six years. However this isa. matter for Texas and something a -pasturage for sheep. Of course this would require an anti cur dog =
we cannot control, = Se be se fence. A dog would be the greatest menace to sheep and you wou'd | ee:
ee Vy. have to have a fence around your pasture that would keep. them > ce
'_.. [wrote an article somet'me ago call ng the attention of the out, ie-wovld require very little feed through the winter to keep [}
- farmers to thefact that this was a Pres dential-election year. Past. . these sheep. and-in a few years lots of idle land would: be bring- |} ee
history. has proven that the prices of all staple crops are generally ing in a substantial profit. \
. depressed in these years. Ss : ce
Most of the meetings that I have known of i my time for By the time you ead. this. article yor. will have read about _ oe
the reduction of the cotton acreage have had the reverse effect. the Cotton Conference at Jackson, Missicsippi, which is to be hela ~ at
This. probably was due to the fact that we have never been able with the best of motives. and I hope will accomp. lish much good. .
to et a meet ng of farmers. ~~ : Cotton has been. steadily aint for the past week he
I would d'slike very much to see. a sixteen million oale crop a sixteen millon bale crop th's fall might bring less than the pres-
sat caren this year. It would bring a good deal less than a twe've ent market. Can you grow it at the present prices profitably in =
million bale crop and would be very much more eens to hyn. _ Georgia? If you keep a close record of all of your expenditures ee
than a twelve million bale crop. x ee E thnk vee = find the figures in red ink, fs :
After all. ae ped relief lies in naling: what you need at : pee oe EUGENE T ALM ADGE, Commissioner. . te
oes MARKET REPORT | eo ek
ae 2OL Georgia Products _ HS
a ee _ Prevailing Wholesale Prices, February 18, 1928. Always cabjet to variation.
ee cay = "SAVANNAH - goLUMBUS aUGUsTA ||
= Seect alaee (Yellow) bulk, Kiln Dried 100 Ibs. arrests 175 es a, 1.75 = af AIS: o$ 2.00 pS Se ee y gs
Trish Potatoes, sack, 100 Tbs: - - . = were eo= or oe (pe eeee Spot ioe
_. Cabbage, green, erated, 100 Ibs. : < Be as ae (Sa eRe Ser i Fens Se ee ee
= Eges, Ga. Extra, dozen ..2------------------ Pa Ee ee Ae - eee fo a ee ae
i Eggs, Ga, Standard, dozen. Bede are Se ae mare ne ee Per ae re ee ee ee
Eggs, Ga. Trade, dozen me apse o nan oe ar eager aya mete eee oe ag ene a
* Eggs, Yard Run, dozen s: - ne es ee : es ee 30 oe - eS eH SEEPS ey = we : we 30 a s i Seip eae (ee ans *
- Stags, per Ib. wane nnn nnsenn ae Se eres Se eee a ee re ee oar Se
=e Hens, per Tb. wane nnee- ns = ae > ae ee = = Bet ese oe : Ce a ee ae ees .20 ss oa ras oh -
Roosters, per lb. -----------7----=-7 5-7 ros Se a : ge Ss og ee Pee
_Friers, per Ib. wane nner enn n nena ne ae : = BSE : 4 ee ee = x 30 : = eee ea 98 ee : - Wee e oo - a ae fy Al aoe
Ducks, per lb. wen cenensennre - <= ree A oa aa *. "46 . s Sere = ae fas i ns * = : s ne S ; -
. Geese, per lb. w-e-ee-- eo ees Cre es oe : = a a me Be 2 ; ae m 30 s eG i : * ge ; = : @ aA : riaee . 5 - : 2
PREYS, DEC AD. amen snr ete - Sete eae 08 ea e eee ogi Be ee, ee Cee
= Lima Beans, per lb. mene ees eee ae Petr rE eee oc eerie = 4 - ; ace 4 Sore se Cae a : ae . 2
- Field Peas, m'xed, per bu. ----~---+------ wno-2-e-- ee eg 4504s : ee ie a 12 ee weed ee
Blackeye Peas, (Ga.) per Ib. Sheweresr genes ste eee ae oS 2 oe is ae So 2 oe eee eae
Georgia cane syrup, bbls., per. gallon ------<---+--<>). Sie re ee ee ee a
Sorghum. syrup, bbls., 2 gaion SS ee Br See a8 SS a a ee a Tey al Gt peas Oe ae ee os
SET ee ee ee
Corn Milling, sacked, bu. seen nneeenn nee nn nnn ca : i yee a Sy a :
: Oats, No. 3 White, sacked, bu. geeren eet t eT oe eee : sree te oa: ae o et Fae Ss
Peanut hay, tightly baled, ton Pepe sence ee ee oe ee ee Bake Ge
Peavine Hay, ton- ea beter n nse nena nen en ennnnanee ae ax ee = Se ee ae ee ee
Corn Shugks, ton meee Sees ame setes Woe os eto re ee ay Sag fe ee oes %
Alfalfa, (Ga.) ton Loeb ece ne cow ene enn wenn ne nnss ce sare: ee ee ee a ee
oe ee ee 8 ee
Uountry Butter, cobking, tb. -----s----esaseuror=s*" a
a : = : oh Ane .
Chicago 8 Standard (20), seore Fe, 10, Mey Feb. 14, s es Meb. A5, 43 1-20; eb. 16, 43 120 :
: = Ct = tS ESL z




a Poultry Products, Incubators, Brooders, Ete. oe. "eG

Pure golden Seabr-zits, 6 heas aad 1 cock-
erel yr. old, $:v loc. Mrs. H, A, kichardson,
Paln.etto, Ga,
: 1 pr, Buff cochins, $3;
tam egzs. $2, 15, J, ee _ Dundee,
Decatur, Ga,

light Brahma, Ban-
Rt. 1,

6 mixed Bantam sis 50c ea, or 8 for

lot, C M. Poncer, Oakman, Ga,

2 common bantam hens 35
Cleghorn, V'lla Rc&, Ga

Golday Seabright cocks, $1, 50. to $2.50 ea.;
Carnaux pceons, $1,25 per pr, An. Banks,
Sylvester Ga,

1 pure Golden Seabright Bantam cockerel
Apr, hatch, $1 Fob. Mrs. WwW, R, Chasteen
Locust Grove, Ga, F

ea, R, =


Thompson imperial K.nglet_ Barred Rock
Apr, pultets $1.75 and $2 25; Eggs:, Firs
pen $1.25 per 15; $2.25 per 80; second pen:
$i. rer $15, $1.75 rer 30. Larver lots $5 pe
. $100. Mrs, J, E, Steadme 1, Ba nbrdve, Ga-

Thompson Ringlet Barred Rock roosters, $1
plus postage; hens at $1,25 ea, A. V, Hart-
ley. Alamo, Ga, .

Pure cockerels B, R. March hatch, $2 ea ~
6 B. R_ hens lay ng $1.50 ea.; 5 pultets $1 ea
Mrs. B, L, Ashe Watk nsville, Ga

Haltermans yard direct eceks and cock
erels $3 to $4 values; eggs $3 to $5 per set-
ting. Mrs. C. E, Smith, Jeffersonv He, Ga,

10 B, R. pu lets lay ng, $1.25 ea. or exch
for 13 W ee hens not over 18 mo. old. Wrie
before sh vping, L, C, Abewathy, Lula, Ga

BR. Thompson cacks, $8; cockerels Avr
hatch. $2 and $8 ea ; 5B, R, cockerels Apr
hatch $10; hens $1. 7B ea.: Eggs ' $1. 50, Mrs.
-M. L Shealy, Oglethorpe, Ga,

16 B. R, Parks 1927 young yearling hens $?
ea; (T cockere!) $4.50 or $83. for lot, Enre
$1.60 and $2 per setting. W'll exch, above

* for BUR. C, male 2 soe age Mrs aT De Met
fe Paki ~Ousley, Gare


Parks strain, Rea: Permit 28C85 Selecte*

No, 1, Eggs $8 per 100; $2 per 15. Spee al.

pen matings, e~gs $3.50 per 15, Miss Mame
Roach, Da sy, Ga. Pt, 1 : te


1 .Wh te Rock Fischel 10 mo, o!d, wt, 10
$8. Mrs D, O. Berirett, Alto, Ga,

B. Pp Rock cockerels, $1. 50 ea, Crated. EK,
T, Boswell Jiri Sileam,.Gas7 77

5 Partridge Rock cockere's, Arr, hatch
$159 ea. D, W, White, Sugar Valley, Ga.

Wh, Fischel ccckerels, $3 ea, 2 $5; 1
extra fine $5; Eggs $1,50 per 15; $2.50 pe*
80; $3 rer 59; $6 per 100, Mrs, C.-C

Payne, Tfton, Ga, Rt. 6,

10 Fschel Wh Rock pullets, Lor $158
ea; same Apr. hatch, $1 ea ; 5 Fischel. cock-
evels, $1.75 ea, Mrs, Berry Morgan, Clyo
March Wr, Rock cockerels
exch.. Cobb er
Bermuda on on pea
retson | Ga.

3 Ore 1. yr. sock $8; 12 hens 10 mo $2 ea
Lot $25 Mrs. G Adams, Chasworth, Ga.

Buff Rock cockere's $1 50 ea, Mrs, GL.
Primble, Ada rsv lle, Ga.

4 B, P,. cockerels, 2 Mch, 1927 hatch ane
2 Fure 1927 hatch, 82 ea. or lot $7, Miss
Sallie Sammervitle, Felton, Ga,

$2 Fob; Wil
Irsh potatoes for seed or
Mrs, A! L, Burk.

. : a Tt
1 cockerel, 3 pullets Black Jersey Gants

> $6; Fixtra eockerel $1.50, ue Cc, A, Black,
_ The Rock, Ga, : ee
8 young Jay'ng hens, 1 cers M R

Lanvshan. $1.75 ea. or lot feb here,
hatching errs, $1 59, 15; Mrs.
Rt 9 Elberton, Ga.

aT B Gants, 6 hems and rooster not re-
lated, $15: Eves $150 per setting, RG
Peterson, Trenton; Gai...

Bl. Jer. Gians: hens and pullets Marcy
8 C. laving $2.50 ea. Cocks ard encke-el
$5 and &3 50 ea, -Mrs. John W, Beall, ores
Glen, Ga, =

80 J B. Giants pul'ets, Apr, hatch. ea

J, G, Burden.

at $2 ea, Mrs, M, Hollaway, Gramont
i. ;
i Ter. Bl Gant cockerel 1 yr. and 4

pullets same age, $9 lot Fob, J, F, Harr: son.
Covineton, Ga,

Pl Tan~shans, -12 young hens laying, 4
cock, $25. Gant cocks $2 ea, Marey, am E
Merriam. Demorest, Ga \

J. R Gants S ea, Mrs, H. J, Baker, Tif.

tery Ga,

"5. eB Giant roosters Apr. hatel? 1 Rut
pOranton 5. + Price. $2.50, tea BR. F. Akin
Jenk? insbure. Ga,

1 PL Laneshan eockrel $150 Fob: 5 o

_ 6 pulets lav ne $125 Fob Mrs. J.C, r
ford. Fiberton. Ga. Res 2s
18-1 B -Gie=t rullets and 2) cockerels Ss

ea: Fees $1.50-15. Mrs, J, S v
Cortele Ga. aa
Pl Gap - shan hers. $2 ea; cocks, $2-

ey cocks $4 ea, H, S, Fowler, Hoschton


J. BR Giarts: pullets laying bh 15 e

~M_ Aiken Newborn, Ga. eas
2 7. B. Giant cockerels 18 mo old. $2 ea:

a Og both, ae. WP Boyette, -Glennville.


-atched $1.25 ea, Eegs 50 doz.

-| hatch now laying $1


Pure bred Tancred wh ve Leghorn pullets,
9 mo, old, trapnested stock, Write, Peach
Voultry farm, Fort. Valtey, Ga, ;

400 wh, Deghorte, hess),, J, P, Hogs,
Buena Vista Gas ~

1 wh Lezhorn rooster, $1; Mrs, LS Ww, Wil.
lis, Talking Rock, Ga,

5 wh, Leghorn cockerels,
Wycoff $1, 50 ea, or $7 lot, Fob, Mrs, s, Ss,
McMillan, Oakwood, Ga,

40 W, L, pullets _ Wycoff iay ng $1 ea, Fob:
Mrs, E, Str pilin, Moultr e, Ga,

R. Cc Br, Leghorn hens 1 yr, old Superior
layi ng Sic 5) ea, Fob, Mrs, Emma Anderson,
Americus, Ga,

5) Vjh. Leghorns Tencred Mch. hatch lay-
ing. Miss Rosa Stevens, Machen, Ga,

50 S2). Cos Wh. Leghorns Feb. hateh. 1927
31,20. ea, Lot $60, Mrs, Joe. Harr: son, Roeck-
agham, Ga*

4 Ferr's wh, Lezhorn cockerels 2 yr. $1,2'
a. Mrs_ H, Tt Dav dson, Pineview. Ga.
~ 10 wh. Leghorn hens, 2 yrs, old, $10. -Jo*
SES. Ivie, Coielia, Ga:

50 Enelish wh, Legho:n!' pullets Mch_, 19!
in erates c
5 to 30 doz, Mrs, HV Frankl? n, Register

1 Wh. Leghorn cockerel $1.50, 3 pullets

41 25 ea, Will exch. for Porto Rican potate

ants or 1 PE, Jess Pope, Tallapoosa, oF
t= 8, Box 78,

990 Barron Mch. and Apr, hatch W, L
nullets $1 ea,; 3 eocks $1 ea, Charlie Gid-
ens, Eastman, Ga...

12 Wh. Lezhorn pullets Ferrs laying: | 2

_ockere! s same are $1 ea, Mrs, K, io

axley, Ga.

15 thorobred S C_ Wh. Leghorn wctiets
Mch. layivg $1 ea, Fob ave XH, Harv: Il,
Jublin, Gav
6 Barron. a Py i: lcockietela Apr,
Sateh= $1.50 ea. or wll exch, for dred fruit
ay pullets same age, Mrs, O, L, Stone, Mone
-oe, Ga,

Buff Leghorns: 1 yr, hens 95c,
atchery. Qu'tman, Ga,

S C. Everlay Brown
ceted early hatch:. laying $1.50/
erappy 5 pont comb cockerels
7ob J_H- Beasley. Lavonia, Ga,

8s Wh. Le~ho-vy hens. Laying, Ferris, -$1 ea.


Lehorn pullets se-
ea Fob
$2.50 ea.

ace eh: Ww. Standard, Darburg, Ga. c 4
Dark br. Evertay Leghorns, 15 and J
eoek, $1. 25 ea, or $20 lot, 2 yrs old Alee

hatch ng eggs, Mrs,
ton, Gas. 3 i
40 dk brown Leghorn chens, Formohlens
ver'ay 9 and 18 mo, $1.25 ea, Mrs, J.-D

T'IBams. Carrollton, Ga.
S. C. Br. Lerhorn roosters, iicday $i ep
Ae Tae elady, Ball Gronwd, Ga.

4 Br. Levhorn hens 1926 hach, T5e e2 :

pike, W H Moore Bowden, Ga
200 Ergl'sh WL. Mch. and Apr. Sulletar
2 and 2 vrs old encks; $1.25 ea C, W
Middens Eastman, Ga.
25 Rr. Leghorn nul'ets, 4 mo. 75e ea,


at $18; 8 nce ecockerels same age, Mrs, G
or~nor. Gainesville. Ga.
_% Br Levhorn Fverlay Mar. end Arr

ea. 2 roosters same
tran $125 ea. Fob, Mrs. DeB: Eberhardt.
Greensboro. Ga.

6 Wh Le~horn pu'lets laying, $6 fob, |
7 Folland. Fimnire, Ga,

40 S.C. wh. Lechorn heus J and 2 yrs, ol.
tage n=; 8 cockerels young Hillv'ew $40. M
C Howard. Canten, Ga_

19 wh. Leghorn hens. 1927 Nateh - Ts ah
eshorn rooster 2 yrs old. Price $150 ea;
Lot $28. G: W_ Simmons. Nanelsville, Ga

AQ Rr T.e~horn onilets 1927 hatch: 8 roost-
ons 1927 thatch. $1 50 a .or lot $65, G, W-

S'mmens, Dan elsvi'le, Ga

100 S CC. Ferrs wh Le~horn Meh. ana
Arr lavine $1 25 ea- -or will exch for corn
$1 bu C. N_ Thornh'll. Bostern Ga.

20 Dk Pr Leghorn hens lavers, 2 yrs.

o'd $1 ea Mrs J.J Kirk. Rockmart, Ga.

50 Ferris Wh Lechorn pullets laying $1
ea_, also

3 Enolsh cockerels 1 ae
PR on _ Forbes, Brooklet, Ga. ; a
25 Rr Levhorn hens and pu'lets; 2 cocks

Piverside. $125 ea or $32 lot, Fob, I ye
Irrim Powder Springs. Ga

58 Ferris Wh- Le~horn hens Avr, 1998

hatch $1 25- ea. also last Mch hatch onllete |

Tanared lavine $1 35 ea.

rrelg Teyvered $1 5 ea

Y O. Bennett, Alto. Ga.
9 ove yr. cold cockerels :

: 2 Mch_ hatch enck-

Hanson errs di.

rect 959 to 999 Sire 3nk Pr'ce $8 to &h Rene

= for 15 Tancred hatching egos $2 59 no-
RST ce 100 Rook ne orders far ehicle
0 Wel MEE Ela Seauee pee aa.


3 pane Monies corkerels. March and
natch $2 ea -R Rrooks. Villa Rica Ga. sa
Monerca nu'let> now lavine, wll. exch foe
other breed Fees $1 for 15. $1.50 for 3f
Wiis 20 Roh: nson, Waco. Ga os
18 black Minoreg hens for $1 59 ~
1 game rooster $8- 3 Se
ea K Rover Canon. Ga |
Pane $40 Rlack Mirorea eres. $1.15 -

/Same breed cock 2 vrs. Wt_ 9 Ib
MW: ans. oe Gao: ee

10 8, C, black Minorca melee and 1 roost.

We : Bm e

r iulian W Isca, Martin, Ga,

9 1-2 mo, old

i Decatur,

Pearl McDonald, Staple-

| Miss. Florarce Horne,

3 ay. 50 Fob Miss Ida Cowart, Summit Ga.

18150; exch 2 pnilets: for a cockerels, W, 1

Ent're lot, $98. Mrs |

Parred Rock Avr.


par SA. hath -

vrs old: Game hens. eo}

er, $15; Eggs. $1, 25. for 15 or -$2 for 30, Mew
Russell Sauls, Shellman, Ga,

2 black M norca cocks, ten mo, $1, 50: ea:
C, R. Starrett, Canon, Ga,
6 Black Minorca hens,
aa Shis 2 B, B, Black gu.nea pigs,

1 rooster $10.

10 Pape 9 mo, old Bl, Minorca pullets lay-
ng, 4 cockerels same; $1, 50 ea, Mrs, G; L,
Shellman, Ga,


4 Buff Orp, cockeres, Will exch, for hens

$2 ea. or $7 for the 4, Mrs, Mamie Bonner,
lanchester, Ga.

Orp. cockereis, $3,50 ea,, oe for $5, Pul-
lets same, F, F, Patterson, Wash. ngton. Ga,
Wh, Orp, 30 young hens amd 2 roosters,
Any. amt, a H, 8B, McElmurray,

haring, Ga,

Ears golden Buff Orp, hens, $1.75 ea.
ob,; Hatch ng eggs $1.25 per 15 Fob, Mrs, 4
) A. Kennedy, Glennvilie, Ga,

Seg Cy) Buff Orp, chickens 3-$7; cock and
ockerels $3 up,; Wongold, Nabob Morgen
trains only, Eggs $2 per 15; $8 per 100,
ine HN Farm, Knoxville, Ga.

Several Buff Orp. cocks 2 yrs, old in Mch.
Jook stra'n exch, for hens same breed, W, A,
slappey, Columbus, Ga,


Ro Red and B. R, fryers, 11-2 to 2 1-2
Ibs. "85e lb, Geo, Hoxie Waycross, Ga,

5 R. i Red hens and 1 cock Donalson 14
mo, $2 ea, or exch. for tro of turkeys, Mrs.
w, R, Chasteene, Locuse Grove. Ga,

R. i Red te. . eh and i Togster

ea. T. 0. *Guthrie, Lobedey: le, Ga,

. R. I, Red Owen cockeres and few

vullets. Mrs, Laura M, Page, 204 4th St,

S&S. C- R! ie Reds: hens, pullets, cocks, cock-
erels, Will exch, for Toulouse geese or eorn
del.; Same hatching eggs, $150 per settng;
$6 per 100;. P, O.; also want to exch, R_ IL.
"eds and S, C: W._ Leghorn eggs for incu-
bator, also wl] exch, above breeds for other
reeds to prevent inbreeding, C, W, Page,
Box 52, Norcross, Ga,

1S CR. 1. Red> hens about 18 | mo, old,
310 lot Fob. Mrs, A H.. Price, Locust Grove:

$ C, R, I, Red Cocks, $2 ea, | Aggie Frank-
lin, Duluth, Ga, :

oR ol Red eockerels Owens 1 yr, old $2
ea. Mrs. kK. C. Mayers, Baxley, Ga, ;

5 R. iL Red hens, 1 rooster $10 lot or exch,
"or he fer. Mrs, G. Murphy, dasper, Ga,

2 young R, ie Red roosters $1,50 ea, x Ty
Leslie Americus, Ga.

2.R, I, Red Hest cockerels will exch, 1
for Wh R. hen. or 2 settives of Wh, R.
eggs, Mrs. 3: H. Kelehar, Ellabell, Ga, ;

Donaldson and Tompkin S,.C. R, E Red
cockerels, $3 to $5 ea. Also ineubator, Write.
v Dd. Clark, Meansv Te. Garg c

R. I Red pul'ets April hatch $1 50 PORE?
cocks, O1 mo, $150 ea.; cockerel 1 yr, 2.
Grovetown, Ga. :

12S C RT, Red hens 1 and 2 yrs. an@
1 rooster Donaldson $15..for lot. Also 5 1997
R_ I. Red pultets. Donaldson $5, Mrs, J, H
Turner, Mauk. Ga. ee
Pe Red hens S, C_ lay'ng $2.59 ea;
rocks $2. 50 ea. Mrs. John Ww, Beall, Fores
Glen, Ga, .

15 Donalson R, I. pullets 5 mo, $1 en.
also cockerels same age, Mrs. WwW, R. besides :
Lenox, Ga,

122 R I. Red hens Javingy $15 Fob, A Fi
Lunnsden, Nacoochee, Ga, ;

1 Tomrk'n S.C. RI. Red coskersl Mch

R_1_,Red eockerel Dona'son readv for ser)
vce. aiso 1M B- Turkey Tom Bird Bros. ae
Mrs_ H J. Baker. Tifton, Gace 2

RT Red cockerels $1 ea, Mrs, Ww. x
Moore. Bowden. Ga

-25 R I. Red hens $1,50 ea, or
mh Hatt. Smyrna, Ga. q - ey 4
8 RC. R. 1. Red hens, 1 eoekarel 1927

Rony Decatur, Ga.

2 Owen R_ I. roosters and 2 same strain
nullets 10 mo old, 81 KA eq or $5 for lot
ob KE J. Tharve. Vidala, Ga.

1 Do~na'dson R, I. Red cock,
oe 2 hens same breed, Mrs,
Adairsvlle. Ga.

. 18 C R TI. ronster 1 1-2 yrs. $1.50. Mrs
oo Srear. M'tchell. Ga.
Donaldson RT Ped eockerels A it $2
op W Kine, Elenwood Ga :
ens and 1 earkore! RT. Red $8. Mrs. 2
*: Pelkham. Conrord, Ga ee
1B . Ped ane (oma Catan. tha Veg.
hatch $3. Mrs. Guss Fa.

$2 or exch
A, A. Stone

Arsh. Ga

2 Coaskerels, S C R I Tompkins, $2.59 ea

exch fax eres gama etre n et OR

ver 15> Mrs R Dona'dson, Metter, Ga
V oprd RT Pad cockerel Feh hatch $2 5f

Wes Fdna Walton, Fatonton Ga

ee C RT Reds Donaldson $1 9% per 15
rs 3. 7. Kine Round, Nak Aa &

ea R T Pad vansters Awan Mareh hata
TEST toe 91 25 ea. Rox 163. Forsvth, Ga
Owens R I Red cockerels, 9 59 ta @9 en

: Sackerels,

| W.uston, Ga, Rte...

-Wyando.te hens and pullets,

bf same breed. Make best offer, Mrs,

Mrs Tom Heard, Colqu tt, Ga. Rt. A,

Nagar ieee
Grou nd, ce fe Write, - a levelady, poly

I sible, Mre, Wm, R, Evans, Rebeoes, Ga, Rt,

13 Ss, C, Re I, hens $1.35 ea; Eggs, 15

setuing. Mrs, John Faircluth, Metier, Gc
R, I, Cockerels Thompson March ha
$1, 50 ea, Mrs, Lee Colnor, hoyston, Ga kt

i, R, I. ecockerel 10 mo, $1.50, Fob, Mrs
B, Herndon, Maysv.l.e, Ga,

Wh, Wyan, in lots 10 hens and 1 roos
er $15; Alsu gu meas in lots 6 hens and
rooster $8.50; Bantam rooster, st.
vw liams aud Sons, Ty Ty, Ga, Og
4S, L, Wyan. hens or 38 Leas and rooste
for 1 M, B, Thorobred turkey. tom, Mrs
4c: Wiggins, Doyle, Ga,
"6 S, L, Wyan, pullecs, $6 Fob. R, J, H
land, Empire, Ga,
Za. Seda, Wyan, hens and pullets, $25 ]
or $1,25 ea, also pure Warniamaker Cle
land cotton seed at $1 bu, Leland Ada
Hartwe:l, Ga, ies
- 1 kegal Dorcas Wh, Wyan, cockerel A
hatch, $2. C, B, Mathews, 3u9 Hohnnog Ay
Macon, Ga,
6 Wh, wyan, F.schel roosters, $1.50 ea, W
exch, for puliets and hens. of same bre
wis, Artie Slver, Ell.jay, Ga (Rt, 3, A
3 Wh. R, C, Wyan, cockerels. Men, ha
$2 ea,; 3-35, Will exch, for side meat, |
or pig, Mrs, Henry: killer, Ellijay, Ga
7S, L, Wyan, puilets and 1 cockere]
hatch, Lot $10, Mrs, Cc, M, Marlow, Pend
grass, Ga, Rt, a:
10 Wh, Wyan, Dorsal Regal John Mar
$2 ea,, 1 rooster $2, 50, Eggs $1,50- 15, M

; x

C. J, Av.k_nson, Mad son, Ga, Kt, 2
Col, Wyan, 3 young hens, 1 cock, ros
comb $7, Mrs, J, M, hall, Calnoun, (

$2, Pullets $1, 50; Eggs $1.50
setting, Selected, J. M, "Hart. ColLege
, Lo Meh, Fischel Wh, Wyan, > Secheiadl $1 25
Mrs, Cc, R, Sanders, Adrian, Ga, %
Wh, Wyan, Martin Regal Dorcas Apr
hatch cockerels $1,75 ea,; S, L, Wyan, $1
ea. Also 'R, 1, Red cockerels $1 25 ea. Mrs.
Wak, Goorer, Avalon, Ga. Stephens, Cc

~ Wyandottes, 20 yr, breed. ng hens

: Want 15 pure bred hens, not over 2 yrs,
old, u.cely marked, Prefer Barred Rocks,
Will exch, $25 -value, Barney B, Pearso:

Want 3 full stock Brown, Leghorn roost-
ers, L, R,, Tifton, Ga, Rt, A. =

Want 12 BR, or R, I; Red hens and 1 ro
er, Will exch, for them. Curtis Ward, Colum.
bus, Ga, 3016 4th Ave,:

Want 4 or 5 Marey straim Giant,
hens; also 15, 30 and 50 egg carriers, N, D,
Norr s, Wrichtsv lie, Ga, Moti

Want 1 pure Rose comb, 12 or 18 mos. old
Golden Seabright cock, Reasonable,
exch, pure Barred: or White Rock, Partridge

Mrs, :
sorrelis, Monroe, Ga, Rt, 1,

Want-a pr, of common Bantam Keri ak
under 2 yrs. old, Good setters, John Willan
Mart n, Hurvsboro, Ala,

Want 100 to 500 pure bred Maven
April hatch, Shepherd Ancona hens, No cul!
W, A. Edwards, Coral. Gables, re 5
Box 42. : (oa

Want to exch, for hens, any kind exce
Leghorns or sim lar breeds, Mrs, A, B, cal
well, Smyrna, Ga, Rt, 2,

Want a rooster and hen for eati ng purpos
uote wt, and lowest price, Mrs, J, J, Per:
nenter, Macon, Ga:

Will exch, $25 value for 25 Brown Leukame
or 15 Jersey Black G+t hens. Mrs, Charl
srumbley, Soperton, Ga, :

Will exch .dairy equpment for 25. w.

eghorn hens, Woodmere Farms, Chamblee,

a, t
Want to exch, 10 fne Barred Rock he
or Brown Leghorns Write, G, M, Garrett,
,00kout} Ga_ Walker County at High,
wae 1,000 W, Leghorn hens, not over
old, amd absolutely no culls. Give pri
ais strain del, H. M. Turton, V.enna, Ga. _
Will exch, for 10 hens and 1 rooster, Wh,
Wyan, or R. I, Reds, Write, Charl.e Yar
borough, Ball Ground, Ga, Rt, -1,
Want 12 good, yr, old hens and 1 cock,
Barred Rocks, No culls also 100 oe chicks
. Boat-
ght, Blun, Ga, $
: Want to exch. value $35 for 20 hens and
2 cockerels of. large breed, in good cond,
Write Ww. P ttman, Dacula, Ga, Rt, A :

Want 100 baby chicks. to raise on halves
o 10 wks. Barred Rocks or R, 1. Reds pre
ferred. Mrs, L. B. Lang, Tfton, Ga,
Want 50 or 100 little chicks to rase on
halves, any strain or breed except Leghorns

Want 200 yellow Buff e0rp neton bab
chicks to raise on halves to 8 or 9 wks, 0
elvered n March Write before sending
ne. G, C, Hunter, Winder, Ga Rt, 2.

Wl exch. A Gearhart knitting machi
for 150 baby chicks, any pure breed, Mrs,
M. H_ Smith. T ger, Gay Rt. 1, Box 36.

Want 100 baby ch'cks, also 100 B. R, or
R_ I. hens, will exch va'tue $350,00: Write C
A Dobbs, Gainesville, Ga.

Want 500 or 1000 baby ch'cks to raise
halves to 8 to 14 wks Del as soon as

t 100 baby chcks to rnise on halves

ks RI, Reds or other large, heavy

Menlo, Ga, Rt, 2,
t 1 or 200

to 10 weeks.
preferred, _ Mrs,


Nant to correspond with some one who has Ind an Game: and Columbien Wyan.
yy as forsale, Mrs, J, A. Branson,

baby ch'cks
Barred Rock < or Beck
A, D, Sellars, Donal-

8 or 10 wks, Guarantee 60 per
HL. Wallace, Bowdon Jct, Ga, P| O.
15. Se
ant 75 or 100 little chicks to raise om
ves: to 8 or 10 wks, Prefer B, R, or Reds |

OW. Widens, Ret Beds,
Barred Rocks preferred, Deliver March
15th, Wr te before shipping. Charlie
rborough, Ball Ground, Ga. Rt Le
Want 500 or more Liewhorn baby ch'cks te
on halves to 8 wks, Mrs, a. H, Thomas
ikGa Rt. 3.

Went several hundred baby chicks to raise
halves to_8 or 10 wks. Any larce breed
fer R I.. Red or Barred Rocks, Miss Bes
eB. Thomas. Alma, Ga, Rt, 3,

lant to exch. value $15 for 100 any lars:
ed day old ch cks, Mrs, W, R, Chasteene
ist Grove, Ga.

Want baby chicks, Pay seash or will oe
ree. feather pillows or quilts, or do sewin:
yr same, Mrs H_ Boatwright, Alma, G-
Want to exch. patchwork qu It. tops fer.
day or two old baby chcks 20 for ea_ ton
tops for 60 eh'cks. Any larce, heait
od. Mrs) AS-D: Pettyjohn, Alpharetta, G:

ee 100. Thompson Barred Rock bab

cks to raise on halves to 8 wks, Write
een Ho!land, Chester, Ga, - a


white Emden geese, 3 geese and 1 gand-
0 for, lot, Mrs at I. Free, Clarkes-

Be Blue Toulouse Be: Eggs from per
$3 for 7. and $5.50 for 14, _ Prepad.
J. Ell's, Cumming, Ga, :

white duck ; 1 white drake (Pekin): -

Pek'ns and 1 Indian runner mxed. Prces
ot $10.50 Mrs. J. E_ Staonler, Bowdon, Ga
/ Have gold out of - Turkeys. Mrs, A, E
Hamer, LeGremee Ga,

1 turkey gobbler~ bronze 1927. $6 Fob. Mrs
_Nanie W_ Edenfeld, Stillmore, Ga,

M B Goldbank turkey. toms. 24 to 26 !b
1927 $10 ea, F, T, Holland, Bowersville, Ga
Two 2 yr. old turkey hens. 1 grey and 1
bronze Lot $6.25, Mrs, Joe Powell,

M. B. Turkeys toms. $8: hens
Mrs, J. Walton White, Hartwell, Ga,
Wiilexch pr-Afrcan gu'neas yr o!d fo
xr. Golden Seabr'ght bantams,
k. m and hen, Mrs, a B. er ariet Ry


-B Goldbank toms, $10; Angas $7 B
.Pr 1927 hatch. B B. Mason. Hartwe'l. Ga
2 one yr. old and <1 two year old bronze
rkey hens. will exch, same for 15 R, I,
d hens and 1 rooster, = L, Davis: Warthen.

2 turkey toms 1927 hatch,
nd 1 darker) wt, 20 Ibs.
~$12_. Mrs,

1 Narraganset!
ea, $7 ea, or twe
Emmett C, Brown, Summit.

5, or ~ three for $15, Mrs,

ae Whte Plains, Ga,

sea $6 ea. Two young M. B_ toms
ea, C, 4P- Rice
oO red pice toi es R, -
ne, Cuthbert, Ga,
M B hen 19:6. Apr. hatch a7: M. R
yn. 1927. hatch $10, Fob, Mrs. G, He

onze gobbler March hatch to exch, for
bronze turkey hens, Mrs, a, . Laurent ,
la con, Ga,

} hens, 1. cock 50 ea, or will. exch. for 4
food vinegar a!so 10) Uen Sea. hens = +
ockerels $5 or. exch. for 5 brown leghorn

s not over 1 vr old, Mrs, Glen Holton
erton, Ga, : ;
young turkey hens and. 1 tom, $3 ea

E/ 0 Crabb, Harrison, Ga Rt, 3,
BM pul'ets and 1 epckerel 1 vr.
$20. Mrs. W_'H. Rucker, Milner, Ga,
Big. bone. Brenze Turkeys, Prize stock
layers. Am, booking orders for. eggs
per doz. S$. J, Ell's,. Cumming. Ga,



Mrs. W. H. Branan, Lew'ston, Ga
Drake $2: 1 cockerel $2; White Pekin
and drakes: also have 8 cockere!s
Irite for prices Barga! ns, Mrs, Se E, Stap-
, Bowdon. Ga_

Have e sold all surplus turkeys, Answer _to
quires. Mrs. Dasy Johnston, Gravson, Ga
Want to exch. 9 guinea hens for 8 pure
Reds, Hope Windon, Carro'lon, Ga.


t 2 or 8 young Turkey, hens, 0. Ww
Trion, Ga, :

key Tene: and Ie tom, Mrs, J,

Delivery March 15th, Mrs; Catherine | Mlolena, Ga,

to rais on)

Mrs, J, A, Wa! lace, Douglasv. le


Also want |

, turkeys; hens 1927 *May hate

cent or

eggs per week, Dooley Farmers

B, Turkeys April hatch, -Toms, ST: hene ;
E, A, Douglas,

E B. Turkey toms, 1-2 yr, age. $850 and}

-| ver 15 del. Hugh

pano, Fla.
Want it B. R, Ky. Tom, Ww, A. Jones,
Fairmount, Ga,

Want 50 M B, baby torkeve to raise on
halves 8 to 10 mo. old, Mrs, J, C, Alexander,

Want 2 bronze takcs toms +1927 hateh, W.
T. Wright, Canton, Ga, :
Want 1 1927 M, B. turkey tom, Mrs, Lu-
celle Bighb e, Bluffton, Ga,
Two turkey hens at once, Mrs,
Burkhalter, Glennv_lle, Ga, :
Want er Wr.te,
Jimps, .Ga, E

.C, W,

Mrs, Della Akins,


Light Brahma eggs, from prize winning
stock, $2.50 for 15, Mrs. Matt.e Jackson,
Ivey, Ga,

Thompson Barred Rock eggs, $1 doz, Re Ss.
Parham, Greenville, Ga,

SG) R12 Red: egzs, $1, 50 for 15; also
book ng orders for Baby chicks, at $15 a
100. Donaldson strain, Mrs, ote J. Ray, Stone
Mtn, Ga. Rt. 1,

Ronaldson R, I, Red eggs from culted flock
$1.50 for 15, H, W, Fleming, Bowman, Ga

Best stock Ancona and R_ I. Red eggs 50c
setting, plus postage, W, Ww, Mitchell, Zebu-
lon, Ga.~

_Eg s from Bred to Lay Barred Rocks, $1.25
for 15, or $5 a 100 Fob.; pure bred* Tencred
W. Leghorns, $1 for 15) del, CR, W, Warren.
: Jewyrose, Ga, Rt. 2,

Pure bred eS. ic Ro J Red eggs, from
spec al mating, Mahood and Owen strains
31,50 a sett ng, Mrs, Geo, Orr, Acworth Ga

s. Cc, Tanered white Leghorn - -egges, $1. for
5 del Mrs, J, C, Jones, Rutledge, Ga Rt, 1

Hatching eggs from pure bred S. Ge Rf

eds, Donaldson Strain, $5 for 100, or $1, 25
or smgle setting, Ralph Collier, Colbert Ga

W, Leghorn and S, C, R,.I, Red ergs for

atch: ng, from large, we'll developed flock.
eaded by rooster from extra h gh produeng
itock, Lezhorns, $1.50 for 15, and Reds,. $1.50
for 15 $4 for 50, $6 for 100 del, Mrs, Al-
bert Guilford, Hatcher Station, Ga,

S. C, R, I. Red eggs, 5 cents ea, in 100
or more jots; cockerels and yearling hens
for sate. Donaldson stram; Now bookng.
orders for Toulouse Goose eges, at 25 ea:
Mrs, C, A. Black, The Rock, Ga, Rt, 1.

R. I. Red. and Barred Rock hatch? ing exes,
$1.25 for 15. Wm, E. Ba ley, Commerce Ga

M, B: Turkey eggs, $3 a doz, del, March
and April delivery; R, I, Red eggs, from
well culled flock, $1,50 for - 15, or $6 a. 100.
del, J, Horton Taylor, Abba, Ga.

Pure bred. Kerl:n strain W, Lethon eggs
for hatch ng, 65c for 15, Mrs. Cc, C, Wiliams
Round Oak, Ga, Ie

Qual ty eggs for Quality Folks, ise a doz:
60 doz per week, a. John W, Beall, Glen

White Orpinate: of Exhibiton qual ty eggs
$2 for 15, J, W, Lundeen, Decatur, Ga, Rt.

Pure bred Barred Rock. eggs, $1 for 15.
Mrs, J, M. Johnson, Shellman, Ga, Rt, Ie

Eggs | from prize w_nn ng Wh. te: Orp,, sel
ec.ed, $1.75 for 15. Crates to be returned
Mrs. H, B McElmurray, Charing, Ga,

Brown Leghorn hatching eggs, stock di-
rect from Evertay Farm, $1 .50 for 15, $4.50

| for 50; Will trade eggs for sound wheat o

Bronze turkey heis, or Hampsh re bred g'lt
or pr, pgs, George Ts Trulove, Stockbridge

aa, Rt. an
. Tanered 3, Cc, W. Leghorn eggs, from im-
proved stock high | egg records, $1 for 15 del

Crates to, be returned, Mrs, 1G, A, Hicks.

Head River, Ga

Can furn sh from. 1 to 5 cases of fresh

v enna, Ga, :

Ancona. hatching eggs, $i, 50 for 15 del
Mrs . 6: Anthony, Sasser, Ga, -

Dnatdson strain R. I. Red eges $1. 50 for
15, Will exch, for large Arbor-Viteas, Box-
wood and Junipers. R_H. Kent, Dawson, Ga

Dark Corn sh Ind an Game eggs, $1.25 pe
es postpaid, J, RY _ Gardner, Locust Grove.
Ga, Rt. a. :

Buff Rock eggs, $1 per sett! ng, Mrs, W
P, Whiteworth Adairsville, Ga.

Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs for hatch-
ng, $2 per 15 del-vered by parcel post, or
$7 per. 100 fob. cars, M, UF, Moore, Sparks,
Ga RE 2, Box Whee ,

Thoroughbred Tsland Red eggs 31
per 15, Mrs, Lizze Gordy, Cusseta, Ga_

Martins Regal Doreas White Wy-ndotte
eggs. from Ist pen $150 per 16; $2.75 for
30; 2nd pen $1.10 for 15: $2 for 80; larger
lots from Ist and 2nd pen combned 6c ea
st prize cock 2 yrs.. old $5 Apr. cockerels_
$2.75 and, $2 ea, pullets $1,75 ea, Mrs, J, E-
3teadam,. Ba: nbr'dge, -Ga, x

Donaldson stran S, Cc. R, i Red ergs, $1
ver 15, crates retu ned $5 per 100 eggs, Mrs.

| A.C. McGahee, Wrens, Ga,

Ss c Ancona egos, $1 per 15, $4 per 100.
postpaid. Hens $1 .50 ea, Mrs, A, Cc, Spence.
Blakely, Ga,

Rol: Red Owens strain ergs for hatching.
St 25. for 16 del, C, E, Barnes, Grantv'lle |

_ Barred Roek ergs, Ghamoeen strain nrvze
w revers, $1,10 per 15, $3.15 per 50, $6.25
ver 100 del caron to be returned, Mrs, M 1-
ton, Summer, Sy!vester, Ga, Rt, 3, ~

Jersey Black Giant eggs Marcy strain
$150 Mrs, Emory F, Roberts, 114, W, Car-
los Ave. Ashburn, Gas

Sheoherd stra'n Ancona hateeTae egos, The
G_ Forester, Head R'ver, Ga

Tanered strain 8 C. White Lechorn ere
for hatching. pure bred, $5 per 100 fob Pem-
broke, Ga, $5.50 del, H, A, ee Box

Pemibrvks, Ga

: Want 8 Bourbon Alea tees heus less ean
lyr. old. wt, about 10 ek W.0- Grane, Pom-.

| hatch cockerel $3, M ss


\ Pure. tied: Buff Orpington ezgs- ok hate e

ing $1, 25 for 15; Pure bred Wycoff S, C.
White Leghorn eges for ha. ch ng, $1 per 15,
$2.75 for 50; $6 for 100, Mrs. T, wy, Harr.-
son, Hampton, Ga,

Pure bred R, I, Red eggs for hatching $150
to $2 per 15, Mrs.
ton, Ga, Rt; a

BGR: Be "Red, Donaldscr
strain, $2
200; fine

and Mahco?

1927 Apr
Belle Timmerman,

yr. old cock $2.55,
Bronwood, -Ga. Box 83,

Eggs from S, C, R. i Reds, $1 50 per 15:
a few hens and cockerels, W ll se'l or exch,
for hams, Mrs, W, H, Godwin, Warm Springs

Barred Rock eggs, 3

Thompson _ gta? n,

!per 15 or $7 per 100, fob. Moultrie Ga, J,

D, Ol'ver, Moultrie, Ga. 1001 Main St.

Pure Dark Corn sh Game hatchng eggs,
$1.50 a se ting, al! the hatching season, Mrs,
QO. N, Sloan, Moultre, Ga,

R, Tr Red exgs, $1.25 for 15, or Seti :
setting for 100 Palmetto - Asparacus roofs
or for 2.yr, blooming white and yellow rose;
Mrs. Lzze Powe'l Stockton, Ga Rt A

Pure Buckeye eggs for hatch ng, $1.50 del
rer setting, or exch for Red. Lace Cornish
eggs) H W. Thurmond, Greshamy lle, Ga

10 to 12 doz eggs per week, yard run, 35c
doz, Party to pay shippng charges Cash wi b
order, Mrs, M, S, N-chols, Fitzgerald, Ga
Rt. 5.

Buff Orp'ngton eggs, $1 fer 15. Careful
selection. Mrs, J, R, O, Lindsey, Omega, Ga
Eegs for hatch: ng, pure bred S67
Levhorns.. Wycoff stran, $1.25 per 15, go
for 30, $5 a 100 de!; Incubator lots cheaper |

R iA, Sosby, Carnesville, Ga,

Columbian Plymouth Rock eggs, $1.50 fo
18, $2.50 for 80, $8.50 for 50; S.C, Brow~
Levhorn eges for hatch'ne, pr ge wirnire
strain, $1.25 for 15, $2, 25 for 80, $3.25 fo
50, $5.50 for 100. All postpa.d. Cc. Eg. Ab
bott. Warrenton, Ga, Rt, 1,

Barred Rock eg: 3 for
Stevens, Machen, Ga,

Pure bred Donaidson and Owens R. 1
Red eggs, dark red prize stock, $1.50 for 1F
$4 for 50, $7 a 100. del. Mrs, CG: Trot
man Lumpkin, Ga, Rt, 5.

Devaldson R, 1 eggs, Ist choice, $2 50 fo:
15; 2nd pen, $1. 40 for 15; incubator lots $
aid $6 a 100 ea pen, Del. Also Thomnso
R-nglet Barred Rock eges, same pr ce. Cor.
tons to be returned. N, D, Norris, Wrights
ville, Gat

Pure bred Ss, 6. W. Leghorn, Wycoff
atrain stock direct, $1.25 for 15 $210 fo
30, $5 a 100, Miss Mary Quester, Carnesv lle
Ga, Rt72. Ay

_ Gan furnsh 28 doz of frsh Levhorn' errs
ea, week, 50c doz, Mrs, J, G, Lewis, Adars-
ville, Ga, Rt, 3,

Donaldson R: I. Red and White Minoren

sale, Miss Ros

exes for setting, $2 for 15, ea. Roy Jordon .

Rochel'e, Ga,
Black Jersey Gant eggs, for setting, $1 e

for 15, Write for spee al pr ces. on larger

lot, Mrs. C, W, Schwalls, Kite, Ga,

Silver Wyandotte ezgs, pure s ock,. $1. 25 fo:
15 del, No inbreeding, Cocks are prize w'mn-
ers, Mrs. W, T, Doster Bshop, Ga Rt 1

Pure bred Wh te Rock errs,
del, Mrs, J, M. Chapman, Chula, Ga,

Pure Be E Red eggs for setting, $1 for 15.
Mrs, J, F. Trawick, Tennille, Ga; >

Ferrs- White Leghorn eggs, $1 for 15;
Buff Orpington e~gs, $1,50 for 15, Mayview
Farm, Warthen, Ga,

Pure bred Holterman Barred Rock eggs

$150 for 15, J.) B. Lacey, Rome, Ga.

Large Go'den Buff Orp_ngtcey eggs, $1 25 a
sett ng, Full breed and culled, Mrs, L, CL
Ridley, Franklin, Ga, :

Pure bred Biack Langshans, $1 25 Tor IF
costpaid, Mrs, J, C, Crawford, Elberton, Ge

Rt 2:

~ Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs, $1 fon 1F
Fob here. V, R, Jenk ns, Dublin, Ga. is

Selected egss for hatching from pure bre
R, I, Reds, Donaldson stran, $1.25 per se
tng postpaid; Baby chicks, $16 a 100: a fev
pullets and hens for sate, All same strai:.
Mrs, W, W. Trimble, Adairsv lle Ga,

Pure bred R_ I, Red eggs, $1 50 for 15 de
No culls. Pat Dowdy, Cordele, Ga. Rt, D,

Pure bred Orpington eggs, $1 a sett n:
Party to pay postage, Mrs,-H. J, Powntair
Whitesburg, | Ga_ Rt, a Si

Pure bred Bourbon. Red sates eggs. Mech
and Apr | del, $4. doz. Booking orders now
C. R. Starrett, Canon. Ga, Rt, 4. ;

s. Cc Black M norea eggs for hatchine
large type Pape strain, $1.25 for 15. $2. fo
80, Larger lots, 4 1-2 an egg, a As Ell ott

| Lavonia, Ga oRt 4.

Thompson Barred Roc sek eggs, pure for se
ting, $1 for 15, Charles S, Peek, Hartwel!
Ga. Rt. 4

Marcy Jersey Black Gist eggs, for hatch

ping, $1.50 for 15; also want to exch a ee

tng of Giant eges for sett ne of Duck ege
Mrs. G_, G, Adair, Rutledge, Ga. Rt, 2.

Pure Tormahlen L. B, Leghorn hatchin
eggs, from prize winning, culled stock, pack- ,
and shipped to hatch every erg $2 for get-
tng prepaid Would also lke to correspon
with rel able parties interested in hatchiv
and raisng chckens on shares, Mrs, J, B
Collir, Cochran, Ga. :

S. C, Black Minorea Papa. strain hatchinc
eges, $1 for 15. del, L, B, Mlkans, New-
man, Ga.

Ancona Shea stra'n eggs, selected,


| for 15 del_ or $5 a 100 del. Mrs, J. A, Brown

Locust Grove, Ga, Rt. 2.

Fawn and Wh te Indian Runner duck ergs.
2250 for 18. Wi!l lay the yr. around excent
a'ter part of August and First of Sept. 18
J. Ell's, Cumminc, Ga. Rt.. 5.

Jersey. Black Giant eggs, Mary strain,

; ey
20 . a, ?

$159 \for 15.

Luther Carmichael, Can- |

er sett ng; $7 per 100; $13 per |



eres $. for 15 del,


State Far prize wnnine birds

$1 50 for 6, Mrs, Sydney James, feynolas.
Ga, ec au

Donaldson stra: n eggs, from best pen. ORs SY

for i65; yard range, $1.25 for 153 spec'al

pr.ces on incubator lots, Mrs, E, 8. Brown,

Stone Mtn,, Ga, Rt, 1, i af

High grade Marcy J, B, Giant eggs, $2 25
for 15 del, cad insured. A dscount if called
for at the home, B rds are the 8rd generation
rom egs hat cost $1
Arabi, Ga, Box 88,

WR: i Red, Mahood S, C. strain ezes, $1 50
for ap. Se!l or exch, for fruit trees and

grave cuttings, rooted, Mrs. E,, Moul-_

trie, Ga. Rt. 3,
S C. Buff Orpneton eggs, Cook strain,
$1.25 for 15, $2 for 30, postpa d, Miss Ronie
Johnson, Shellman, Ga, Rt
S, C, Browta Leghorn, Tormahlen strain
C, L, Whatley, Cuthbert,
Ga, Rt, .
Pure F schel strain white Rock ergs,
a setting, or 2 settnes for $3.75 del, Mrs.

L. Wallace, Caron, Ga Rt. 4,

ea, J, H. Mjller,


Big Tom Barron English stran eggs for

hatchne, from se'ected mat nes
GH, Pree, Wrightsv le, Ga,
Buff Orping.on egrs, $15) for
arrival euaranteed. Mrs,
mitt, Ga, Rt. 2.
Pure bred Cotsh Game ees 1 50 for
15 postpa'd, Mra, L, M. Kennedy, Collins, Ga
Pure Dona'dson cS he 4, hedeyss, 7
for $1 del. Mrs, H L Ell ston, Rurert. Ga,
Hatehing eggs from productive breed, Ss.
C, Reds best matings, $2 for 15. Miss rene
New Carrollton, Ga 87 Rome St, :

Write for,

15 Safe
J. H, Olitt# Sum.


Pure bred J. B, Giant ezgs, $2 for 15. Mrs, E

Whitt Pucke.t, Cordele, Ga, Rt. B.

Pure Riad Red esc) 5: "BA fap TH del Ye
culls shipped. Pat Dowdy, Cordele, Ga. Rt. D,
Pure Shevherd S. C, Ancona eggs $1 for
15 postpa'd, or exch. for cabbave pl-#-ts or
on sets; also strictly fresh egos to- e'ty
eustomers, for 40 doz, the yr.
dh Free. Clarkesville, Ga. Rt. 3

Hatching eggs from Torhmalen L B Lee-
horns, culled, prze s'ock> shipped \ prenad,
wrapped in wool wool in backets.. 75 for
2.) Mrs John B- Col'er, Cochran, Ga,
Eegs for hatching from pure bre} eulled
lock of R. I. Whites, Alnhonso. stran cn
[en ranve, 15e for 15, $5 for 100. Mss Lena
Arnold, Ray'e, Ga

Pure bred dark Cornish Indan Game eres,

$1.25 for 15 postpaid, John R, Gardner, Lo-

: cust Grove Ga.

Now bookng orders
eggs, from 2 yr, hens. $6 doz. del March -d
Aprl. delivery, $1 denos't with arder: also
atch ne eggs from Cherry Red S. C:.R 1,
Reds, $1.50 for 15 del, Mrs, ee oar: ail,
Yoolsey, Ga. Rt, 1,

Aristocrat Barred Rock errs. 1 a pais:
Mrs. G A. Bragg Donalsonville, Ga,

R. I. Red eg-s for hatch -
$1.25 for 15 del. . E. Barnes, Grantville,

ees Tay

round. Mrs,

hae. M. Bae

Choice R- I. Red eggs, $1 a sett'ng, Donald-|
sn stran, Mr, Ww, L, Gibson, Soc al Circle;


Parred Rock Hatching errs, tyon Inter-

Pans OF Pra

5; flock run, $2, John W. A. Szemore, La-

Pavette Gd Care East Noble Pou! try Farm,

Barron English Wh:te Lezhorn hatching
2-gs, from selected ma_ings, $1 for 15, $6 a
100. del. G H. Price, Wr ghtsv lle, Ga, }

Pure bred Ker stra'n Ww. Leghorn hatch-
ing eves, 65 for 15, pa MO C, W Iliams,
Round Qak, Ga,

Hatching eggs: Foams dark red v'g-

orous, healthy quality stock, $2 and $4. for,
C. Buff Orpngton, heavy layers, $2 ae
also a few cho ce cockere's from both

OLS oe.
for 15;
breeds, $3 to $5 ea Mrs JT Wilk a At-
anta, Ga, 836 North Ave. NE,

St. Johns. strain Ww. Leghorn ergs, $1.50

cor 15; $2.50 for 80; $4 for 50 87 a 100

ostpaid - $0. per dene. fert I'ty _ guaranteed,

\ll pens headed by ma'es with records 290
397, Grady Prce, Canton, * Ga

Anona hatch ng ezes, 59 doz per week

lake best offer, A, P. Lew 4 8, Canton, Ga_

tt 7A.

~Pure Ds iisen RST, Rea ee $1 ae
ths 7: e Brocks, Griffin. Go. R

Hatch me eges from J; B. G HES carefully
elected flock, $1 for 15 $2 50
urand Cleveland, Hartwell, Ga ht, 2.
Marcy J B_ Giant e-gs from prze w nn ny

tam 8

stock, $1.50 for 15, Crates to be returned, :

). McLane, Hartwel, Ga, Rt. 5

Owen and Donaldson prize stock of R, 1
Red eggs, $1.50 for 15 845% th Kr. 19] Mrs.
} H. Trotman Lumpk'n, Ga, Rt 5,

- Donaldson R, I, Red eggs, $1 50 for 16,
also Barred Rock ergs, $: 59, tas AB Q


1 100 del. From carefuly culled flocks. Mrs, Pe

i i Harrell, Colquitt, Ga_

Pure Indan Runner duck eras. $1 Bl a

'- A Russell, Rocky Face, Ga,

Selected pure Puff Qro net erns, : St =

_ 6. Send eash wth order. Add postaze Mrs,
tJ, Founta n, Whtesburz, es
Eggs for sett! ng from J. B_ Gians, $1 50

Ga Rt 3.

\ setting, or $10 a 100, J, ei Slade, Zebulon,

Seect eggs from pure bred blood tertad
, C R. 1. Red. stock... $160 for 1B. Mrs,
Terman Bankston, Atlanta, Ga, Rt, 4, Gord-
on Road,

Barron strhin WwW: Lackencs evgs from enl-

ed, healthy flock, 50 doz
oz, lots. W,

Fob Poulewy,
Goodman, Poulan, Ga


oz; also a few young. drakes for sale, Mrs, :

Dresaldson stran prize w'nn'ng stock. trap :

-est evs ers, $2 a sett ng.

arms, Chamb'ee, Ga,

Pure Barred Rock setting
92 5% fay
15, Special prices on large lots, Mrs, s ue
Woodruff, Lilly, Ga,

_Voodmere :

eogs of paid :
seeding, $1 for 15, $775 for 3h

, T822,,

Advertisements of farm produce and appur- |

unomportant advertisements. Under


Published weekly by The.
Arthur D. Jones, Director


- Bugene Talmadge, Stith

Thusday, February 23, 1928.

Butered as secomd class matter February 15,
at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Georgia
tinder the Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for
mailing at special rate of pestage provided
. for in sectian 1108, Act of October 3, 1917.

-tanances, admissible under postal regula-
tiens, inserted one time on each request, and
repented only when request
fy new cepy of advertisement.

Limited apace will not | permit insertion of
tive act the Market Bureau does not assume
any respomsibility for any advertisement ap-
pearing in the Bulletin, or. transaction: | re-
wulting therefrom. |

Circulation, Advertising and Services ef the
Burean of Markets and this Bulletin are

_ Pree of Charge.



1. Advertisers in the Bulletin
are asked to state what they will
pay for ] roducts wanted. All prod-
ucts for sale must be offered
at a reasonable price. For exam-
_ ple, it would be of no use to
take up space offering corn for
sale at $1.50 per bushel or run

a want ad offering T5 per

bushel for same. Such unreason-
able ads take up space that is
badly needed. When you send an

ad in be sure it is in the bounds}.

of reason. The MARKET RE-
PORT on the front page. of the
Bulletin can be'referred to.

2. The Bulletin is forced to use
smaller type until the RUSH is
over. We realize the larger type
4s better in. every respect, but
_ through necess ty we are forced
to use the smaller type in order
to get more ads published and

render more efficient service.

. The Bureau is in receipt of
Seaater notice from the Third
~ Assistant Post - _Master | General

ome it to our attention that}

we must NOT allow ads to be
_ published any longer in the in-
terest of buyers, dealers, and sel-
lers. If you are either a buyer,
dealer or seller, do not send an
ad in. This will eliminate a great
deal of | unnecessary. -correspond-

ee eo a

4. We wish to eall to your at-
tention that the prices. of corn]
and sweet potatoes are advanc-
ing. Growers and County Agents
should get in touch with the Bu-
reau before they make a sale. The
- Bureau. is always ready to be of

service in marketing farm prod. :

5. We will have to ask our aa

_ -vertisers to send their ads in

then on a separate sheet of paper.
_ This restriction is on account of
pumerous ads eee in to the

> Bull etin.

ARTHUR D. J ONES, Divestor.
Pigg S Burean of Markets

is accempanied |

[Poultry for Sale and Wanted| tet


Selected eggs for. hatching from large type
Ss, C, Black Minorcas, Pape straia, $1,256 a
setting, er 2 settings for $2; incubator lots,
oe an egg, J. A, Hilott, Layon.a, Ga, Rt, 1,

Pure bred R, I, Red setting eggs, $1,25 for
del, John Gober, Young Harris, Ga, Rt, 1,

White Minorea hatching eggs, also a few
cock birds, Mrs, J, W, M,lan, Palmetto, Ga,

ees te Box 45,
RL. Red eggs, $2 set-

Owen strats Ss, Cc,
oy ot 15 del, Mrs, Esther Moon, Atlante,

ga, 108 Clifton St * Kirkwood,
Pure bred Barred Rock hatching eggs, $1, 25
for 15 or $8 for 50; also Custom,
<3 for 100 eggs, Chicks. pure bred Barred
Rocks, $15 a 100, or 60 for $9.25, Mrs, RB, ,
asiderson, Kegisver, Ga,

Eggs from blue ribbon White Rocks, | 15 for:
ol 50 del, -H, L, Walliams, Baxley,. Ga,

Eggs for hatching from pure bred 'R, ely
eds, dark stra.n, 75c for 15, Add postage

and cartons to be returned, Mrs, Charlie
bray, Wrightsv-lle, Ga, Rt, a
Pure non-inbred Silver Wyandotte

eggs, for hatch-ng, $1,50 for 15, Miss Lyda
3 bbs, Uvaldo, Ga,

English W, Leghorn eggs for setting, (the
g kind) $1, 296 for 15, $5 for 100 del, C, Ff,
obarts, Halcyondale, Ga, ;

Fish and Marcy Jersey B, Giant eggs from
aeavy wt, birds, $3.75 and $5 for 15 eggs.

el. in Ga, R, R, Duffey, Carrollton, Ga, Rt,
3, Box. 87,
Hatching eggs. fron _ Thompson _ strain,

ark type Barred Rocks, $1 for 16, Mrs, J,
) Barnes, Sylvester, Ga, Rt, 3,.
Hatching eggs | from pute bred, cereralio
selected, high produciag flock, Kerlins Qual-
ty S.C, W. Leghorns, $1, 50 a setting, or
7 a 100 del, Carefully packed, J, T, McNeely,
esup, Ga, eggs from carefully culled, d: redt
ancred grade S, C, W,, Leghorns,
1,50 fov 15, $7 a.100 del, Mrs, Ww, R, Wade.
dixie, Ga, Brooks County,
. Pure bred, carefully selected eggs. on eull-
2d flocks; Owens S, C. R, I, Reds, $5 a 10G
sy $1.50 for 15, Cartons. tor be returned, Want
0 ontract to furnish 1 or 200 eggs ea, wk
urng hatching season, Miss Pearl Solomon
| effersonyville, Ga,

Very! fne qual ty thoroughbred eggs for
etting: White Minorcas, $2 for 15; 8. C, R
C Reds, $2.50 for 15, Roy Jordan, Rochelle,
Ga, ;

Eggs for hatching from selected prize
tock: Thompson Imp, Ringlet Barred Rocks:
and Donaldson R, I, Reds, $1.50 for 16. ea, ;

slack Gants, $1, 75 for 16, del, Mrs, W, H,
Walters, Lavai.a, Ga, Rt, 8, :

R, I, Red eggs, $1 a setting of 18, Thomp-
ton strain, Miss Ida Cowart, Summit, Ga,
Rt, 2,

Pure bred s. Cc. o 4 t Red eggs, for hateh-
ing, $1 a setting. Mrs, J, F, Trawick, Ten-
nile, Ga, |

Tompk n suas hatching exup,
100, $1,50 for 15 del, Crates to be returned,
Mrs. Frank Mathiscr, Alto, Ga, Box Ri:

S, 0, RI, Red eggs, Owens strain, $1, 50
fori1b: 86 a 100. Mrs, M, B, Scroggs, Alto,

Choice eggs for hatching from Holterman

ville, Ga, Rt, 8.
Marcy a: B, G ant eggs, for batohite $1. 50
for 15 del. Crates to be returned, This pei

YB, Douglasville, Ga, ye

Quisenberry strain Ww, - Leghorn eggs,
guatanteed to lay at 5 mo, old, $1.50 for 15.
Crates to be returned, Will exch for new

and Sugar Crowder pea seed, or new feathers
ivever used, Mrs, Tec. Altman, Baxley, Ga,
ormahlen 3. C. dark brown Leghorn Ever-
lay strain, Stock direct, $1 for 15 eggs post-
pad, C. E. Smith, - Braselton, Ga, .
Several settings of pure bred R. I, eggs al
$1 for 15, Mrs, M, H Smth, Lexsy, Ga. _-
Holterman Barred Rock eggs for hatching

ville, Ga.
OO Ge ReS Red, Honnlaein stray eges,
+ $1 25 for 15, Mrs, Bryant Holt, Eastman
Ga, Hts 1

Pure bred Cook strain Buff Orpinetor
eegs, $1.25 for 15, $2 for 30; also 2 B. Orn:
ington roosters, 1 yr. old, $2.263"1 1-2 vre-
old, $2.50 or $5. for the 2 -Miss Ronie John-
on. Shellmaw, Ga, Rt. 1,

vey Black Giants, $1.50 per 15 del, Mra, J,
P, Gaines, Cave, Ga. Bartow, Co,

Brahma eggs $1 for 15 Add postage. Mrs.
is? Roberts, Fort Gaines, Ga. RFD,

s. Seu R, I. Red eggs, dark red, 6c. ea, del a
or exch. for new goose or duck feathers or
Duroe Jersey pig, Mrs, 2B, M, Rowland,

Garnesville, Ga,

Whte Minorea - ees, Booth strain, $1: 25.
for 15 or $5 per 100, H, E, Tomber!l: n, Abbe-
-ville, Ga. Rt; 4.

Partridge Rock eggs for hatching 6c ea,
del Mrs. BE. A. Samniders, Jacksonville, Ga,

Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs, $1.25 per
15, postpad, also 1927 mixed banch butter
beans 12 1-2c per Ib. Mrs, L, D, Seymour,
Danelsvlle, Ga, Rt, 2.

White Leghorn _ and "R. I, Red eggs $1 2h
a ae Mra, V, K, Vaughan, Ellenwood, Ga.

a =

: oe an egg, Add postage, L, B,. Nobles, Sev-lle,.

BPO" Everlay Brown Leghorn ezgs. for
hatching, be ea, Owen C, Griffin, Alapaha, :

| Ga, 115. Would exch,

kebhorus, selected hens, $1 for 15, $6 a 100,

| Lewis, Adairsville, Ga, Rt; 3,

- lymouths, $1.50 for 15; $8 a 100, or exch
or dried fruit, E, Jy Hart, Stillmore, Ga.

Whitworth, Adairsville, Ga,

Ada-rsville, Ga, Rt 3

a doz, Write at once,

lots; also pure bred Columbian
| C, E, Abbott, Warrenton, Ga! Rt, 1+

me Pirkle, Hoschton, Ga,

5 50 ts
es ng, $1.25 per setting, del, Miss Leona Simp

ic Golden Buff .
$1, 50 for 15 del, Mrs, J, M, Bobo, Hartwell
Barred Rocks and Donaldson R, I, Reds, $1 Ga

for 16, Fob h MW. #, Lansford,-Maye- |;
ei 5 Ee i ener or ae R_1, Reds, and J, B, Gant eggs,

12 Ib, cockerel, Mrs, M. J./ Mor- |.
headed by a ee Be bee J. ce Mrs. C, C, Amthony,. Sasser, Ga
cotton or okra seed; "Kentucky Pole beans; |

33, 15 per 50, $7 per: 100, Green Lawn Farm,

4 Mrs, BLM, Overton, Bowdon, Ga. Rt, 4.

47.50 for 15 del, M. L, Van Dyke, Jefferson-.

E aT Es.

. Eggs from thoroughbred Marcy strain Jon

R, M, Blackwell, Rutledge, Ga,

- Golden Buff Orpington Hatching eggs, 81. bo!

Pe" prd. Donaldson a SC R, f: Red eggs,

setting , exgs from - Brown, ft aceore hens,

from Everlay Farm. $1.50 10.
- ore for turkey hems; Barred:
Rock pullets, or sound wheat ae milling. G,
T. Trulove, Stockbridge, Ga, Rt,

Pure Barred Rock eggs, $4, Be for: 100,
Crates to be returned, or $1 a setting. of 15,
Mrs, J, R, Camp, Cordele, Ga,

Buff Orp-ngton, Cook strain eggs, $1,25
for 15 del,. I, P, Holcomb, Calhoun, Ga, Rt.
One, :

Donaldson R. Fe Red eges, from culled
eg $1 for 15 del, H, Ww. Fleming, Bowman,

feces iin pure bred Hverlay strain Brovi*

Would. like to contract to supply 3 or 400
ea, week for several months, Mrs, J, F.

~ Pure M, B, turkey eggs from extra fine
stock, $4, 50 per doz, del, February and Mch
del, H, J: McCollum, Canon, Ga, Rt, 4

Pure Ferris S, C, Wh:te Leghorn eggs,
15 for 1b, or $125 for 80, G, P, Pape, Mc
Donough, 'Ga, Rt, 1,

S. C. R, IT, Red eggs, $125 for 15 postpa d
Exch, for Lima beans and dried. apples
white nest onions, or _syrup, Mrs, : Uda Car-
son, Griffin, Ga,

Wh te. Leghorn eggs ~ English | etre: n, 75c
for 15, Add PEBIARS, J; D, Coltrane, Canton
Ga. Rt, 2,

Marcy strain, y B, Giant eggs, del, an
nsured, \{Are 8rd, generation from egg:
chat. cost $1 ea,) $2.25 for 15, $4 for 3
Jiscount if eggs. are called for at my, home

H, Mller, Arabi, Ga, ;

Hatching eggs from extra Select Barre

Rt, 8,

Buff Rock eggs, Mrs, Ww, P.


$1 for 15,

J. B, Giant and Golden Sebright eggs. Ex-
hibition stock, $2 ea, for setting, Specia?
orice on larger lots, Molime M, Landrun,

Pure bred Tompkins Rock Red eggs, fo
hatching from special mated pens, ag for 16
del, Crates to be returned. Fertil ty guaran
eed_ Mrs, W, M, Gaines, Atlanta, Ga. 98'
Drewry St., NE,

Thoroughbred a; I, Red eggs, from heav
aying strain, $1 for. 15, Miss -Cartie Kemr
Marietta, Ga,

Half B.g Bone Giant eggs, 56 ea, or $5
Mrs, Esther Lewis /

yeal, Ga, Rt, 2,

_Eggs for hatching fiom pure bred 8, Cc
Brown Leghorns, 60c a doz, in 2 to 20 daz
Rocks, 15e _loz,, in 2-to 5 doz, lota, Postpaid


Hatch. ng eggs from Ferr.s Ww: Leghorns. |
4e ea. Can~furnish 40 or 50 doz, weekly, J

Donaldson R, I, Red hatching eggs, $1 2
for 15, or $6 a "106, Mrs, JL, Erwin, Adairs
ville, Ga, Rt, 2, .

Dark Cornish Indian Gartie eggs, for hatct.

son, Culverton, Ga Rt, i.

Ferris stra.n eggs, $1 for 15, $5 a 100, de
Miss L, M. Davis, Silver Creek, Ga, Rt, 1.
Orpingten hatching eger

pas strain Buff Orpingtons, Donaldso-
stocks, - $1.50 ea, per setting, Mrs, T, M
Slater, Thomasville, Ga, Rt. 5.

_ Ancona hatching eggs, $1, 50 per 15 del,

Pure Thompson Ringlet Barred Rock eggs
and Donaldson strain R, I, Red eggs at $2.50
irst pen; $1.85 second pen of 15 eggs, "$6
'per 100 incubator lots, All delivered,. crates
returned, N, D. Norr:s, Wrightsville, Ga,

S.C. Whte. Leghorn eggs from the Ream
and. Greaidale 306 to 332 strain, $2 per 15.4

Savannah, Ga,

. Jersey Black Giant eggs for hatching from
extra fine stock $1,50 per 15, weekly del_

Purg bred Kerlin strain: White Lesher
hatelsig eggs at 65 for 15, Mrs, OC, Cc, Wi.
ams, Round Oak, Ga,

Pure S, C. Buff Orpington eggs, $2 per
etting, 15 eggs to setting, Add 10 postage.
Cash with order. Mrs, W, E, Webb, Sr, Rt
1, Box 12, Oglethorpe, Ga, ;

Pape strain S, C, Black Minorca hatch! ne
$1. per 16; del, ; $3.25 per 60 del, algo
2 galvanized oyster shell boxes, $1 for both,
del, L, -B. Millians, Newnan, Gaooss

Harold Tompkins Reds, Health stock, good
hatch guaremteed, $2 for 15; also 2 fine cock-
erels, $5 ea; S. C_ Buff Orpington, heavy:
layers, $2 for 15; also 2 cho'ce cockerels, $F.
2a, Mrs. J, T. Wilkins, 836 North Ave,, N
E, Atlanta, Ga. |

Mammoth wh'te Pekin duck exes, $1 dez,.

Hatching eggs from selected pen of Ferri-
Best Egg and Hollywood strain, S.-C. Wh?
Leghorns, $1 per setting, del, crates to be
returned. Special price on weubator lots, J
A. Imgram> Box 199, Cordele, Ga.

Fishel strain white rock eggs for hateb-
ng, $1 for 15; $2.75 for 50;. $5 for 100, de!
Crates returned, Miss Edna Brown, Rt, 2.
Syeamore, Ga,

Donaldson & Owen strains, 5 Cc Ros
Red eggs for hatching from culled flock. $1.
oH 4S del, T. E, Brown, Sr,, Sycamore, Ge

Pure bred Owen. farm. hatching ee8) also

f heeain ack te ee. eggs,

31, ty for is, re
paid, or $6 for 100, Mrs, Laura M, Page, 20
4th. Ave.,. Decatur, Ga, a

<8_-C.- R, I, Red. iatelinee eggs, Donaldson
-strain, $1. 25 for 15; box to be returned: Mrs
J, J. King, Round Oak, Ga.

Tompkins strain R, I, Red eggs; Thompson

strain barred rock ges, $1.50 for 15: Mrs,
| lanta, das.

Pure bred S- bo Wyandotte hatch ne ergs
$1. for 15, or exchange, Miss

Cleveland, Ga,, Rt, 1,

~ Contract: wanted with hatchery for pure
bred - SC. White Leshom eggs, at $4 per!
100 fob. Can ship about 12 or 15 dozen per
wk. in few days, Mrs, A, P, anche Ee,
boken, Ga, ;

Eees for sett ng pe best pens,
Rocks, S, C, Reds, Black Minrcas and An

H, Freeman, 1499 -MeLendon Ave, At

Lulu. stores 5

Barred: :

cones $1.50 per setting. Jee Manning, Funs- z

ton, Ga,

Thompson Ringlet wttext n Barred Rock eres

$1 for setting of 15 or $6 per 100, fob J.
Oliver, 1001 N. Main St,, Moultr'e, Ga.-

Hatching eggs from S, . black Minorcas, _
pure Pape stra'n, $1 25 for 15 or $5 per
100, Miss Elizabeth Maynard, Newton! Ga,

R, tT: Red. eggs of deep red culled strain,

$1 for 15; Black M norea eggs, $1.50 for 15;

Fob, Mrs,


G, _W, Dean, Rt, A, Bainbridge,


Pure bred Buff Orpington hatching eggs,

$1.10 for 46, postpaid, Mrs. S_ Spraggins, Reese

35 Fitzgerald, Ga,

Pure bred Ferris stra'n white lechorn eggs,

scanville, Ga,

Pure bred snd carefully
train wh'te leghorn eggs,
of 15, Mrs, Fred Slappey,

selected Ferrin
$1.25 for sett ng
Jeffersony Ne Ga.

| 31 for setting of 15; John P, Slappy, ielee

Wh te rock eges, Fishel strain, prize wii

ang stock,. $1-75 for
Brooks, Tignall, Ga.

S. L, Wyandotte eggs, 75 for 15, del. $4
er hundred Crates to be returned, SA
Peel Miler, Ga. ;


15, fob, Mrs,


Want several settings of RI, Fier eggs

a Dee

in exch. syrup, George Hoxie, Waycross, Ga,

Rt.-4 |
Want hatching ezgs ives P2 Plymouth
-.ocks ;_ Bronze Turkeys and Brown Levhorns,


Will exch_ sett: ng. Ever! ay stran Brows x

._lso Butter-Cups, A. G oe Jr., Hartwell, S

Leghorn eggs for pure bred Duck or Goose.

eggs, To be\del 47 Spring, Mrs, J, C, Mas ie

Douglasville, Ga, Rt, 2.

Want. 1 setting of. Buff Orpi ngton evrs |

Vill exch, | m xed fat hens for table use
March. Wr te now, Mrs. Glovena
Bowman, Ga, Rt. iT Box 11,

Ballew, :

Want to hear from some one who has the

jingle Comb R. I. White eg7s for sale. Mrs
earl Nail, McDonough, Ga, Rt, 8.5

Want 2 settings of Ror Red and some-
ommon turkey eggs, w le exch, inspected
orto Rico potato sl ps in season. 1 M. slips
or a setting; would a!so exch. sl ps for Kh
, Red hens, Want 5 hens, will gve J

lps for ea. ee are atk inadn,
Ga/ Rt 2.

Went 12 pure Indan Rinuer donk eggs,
or setting, Write best price. Mrs, H. S.
akestraw, Powder Springs, Ga, . ;


ey City 3

Want hatching eggs from pure bred Bar-

_ ed Rocks and RI. Reds. Lots, from 80 doz,

to 100 doz, Fains Hatchery, Edison, Ga,

-Want 1 case or more of str.ctly fresh eggs -

every week, del.

per doz, and. how many can supply me, H,

MW. Turton, Vienna, Ga,
~ Will exch:

Owens, Forsyth, Ga, Rt, 5,

Want 224 SC. Reds, B Rocks, W eas

or W. Leghorn eggs to set about March: fst.,
and raise on halves, to 8 or .10 weeks
modern. ineubator and brooder, Eggs must


Want setting: of White Rocks pure Bieed: ;

W.ll exch, 500 Progressive Everbearine straw-
ae plants, -Jennie Page, Surreney,
t ;

Want 2 doz, Hour noe turkey eges, of good a

stock, R_ E. Shamp: on, Moultrie, Ga,

Want Yarge breed hatch: ng eggs, from
vure bred flocks, J, D, Ward, Columbus, Ga.
Box 254, : ;


Want sweet potatoes in 50 bu. lots not over

00 miles from Augusta Ga. Gve prce and

quality, J, A, Rennison, 210-10th street, Au-

usta, "Ga,

seiting of 15 R, I, Red exga :
for 1 setting of 10 duck egus. Miss M ae



in Macon, Write best prce

be absolutely pure, J, A, R. chardson, Crest, :

Want some old fashioned Tar. potatoes for

seed? Alex. Wilkes, Lyons, Ga.
Want 1 bu. of Irish Potatoes

bernathy, Lula, Ga Rt. ; 2


Ga, ~

State eHGE 3
kind you have end price dleivered: LL, G.-7

Want dld time Boon sweet. potatoes. Write side

r.ce JM Gooch, Cathoun. Ga_ Rt. 4.

Want 10 pks. or more Red Bliss Trish pota- e

es for seed Will exch. Ga. cane syrup or
Nancy Hall and Porto Rican potato plants,
soy G'osson, Alma, Ga. Rt, 3.
Want bu, small Biss Irsh potatoes
Manting whole,
ean offer.
Ga, Rt. 4


Write price and what you =
M'ss_ M, A, Brobston, Madison, z

Want 100 to 150 bu, of imureted Porks
Rico rotatoes, inspected , bul E. Moore, ee ;

eer Ga.


or 6 Ibs, of fresh butter ea, wk,
Id, 50c Ib. del, Free from co. oring,
oe Lew Bs; Adairsville, Ga, Rt 3,

_ butter, free econ colorng, ea

Mrs, Bob Sosby, Carnes-

8 to 10 Ibs. Jersey butter, standard
0) guaranteed full standard wt,,
lb. Parvies to. pay postage

ith order, Mrs, M, S, Nichols,

or 4. Ibs, fresh, firm country but-
Ib; ae d_ Mrs, A, D, Kellog.


ena Holland, Flowery Bkanene. Ga |

ce, firm butter, ea, week, 45c Ib
Mrs, Dora ee


a Mrs, Lynn ae Ga.

fob. en Goeprer, Atlanta Ga, Ri.

Selected _ pop-corn 14 bushels, We Ib. or

e, Ga, Rt, A

_erop of white she'led pop-corn Be Bh:

Yeomans, Ve dalia, Ga, _
LL Cc. Attaway, -

Zastin- Ss. prol fc corn,

Wrightsville, Ga.
ra sed on Chatta-

2 1-2 bu, sacks; John S_ Owens, 489-

achtree Arcade, Atlanta, Ga.

atley prol fic seed coxt, pure and we!'!
matured $2, 50 bu, 10 bu., or sees $2 bu

& Mason. Mad son, Ga.

a What*ey prolific seed conn, nabbe te

Ted, sound and pure $2.50 bu, Ale~
- Lousville, Ga_ Rt. 2.

Whatley, Cuthbert, Ga, Rt. 8. ASS
ow and R ce pap-corn, 15 cupful. New
un or Truck, Etiijay, Ga_ Rt-3 =

stalk on ordinary Yaad and _make=
e pias a We. J, aeont eld, Gray

pro he corn, grown | ao genu-
| boucht last season, 5 lbs, 50; $1 pk,

dd postage to parcel post order:

gs sucar crowder - peas, B0c Ih.
Thomas dwarf winter Ene. pea seed, 20
( in bu lots - 15e lb, John. Ww. Berry-
keland, Ga,
for sale or exh, A, a Charl, Glen

10st weevil resstant . cori, $i pk

: Brown, Helena, Ga.

ha'ley seed _corn, field selected
z Fob Albany, =e H, Snowden, Al:

rood wos and thie eared: a8 corn, s
3 bu. Also 6 bu_ -Brabham_ reas, $2 b
wi h order, CE. Reser, Clyo, Ga.
Tbs. genuie White Rice pop-corn fre~
wt 15e Yb. or 2 Ibs, for 26e,. Job,

oe Ss.
SContcle. Ga. t Cx:
hel'ed Colden. eae popeorn, Bo eS
r less than 20 Ibs, Mrs, &, co Sikes.

tley weed eens 50c pk, $1. 45 bu

: Peek, Hartwell, Ga. Rt, 4 %
fashioned - yellow seed eorn, selected,
del Mie. J, R, Hillis, at Uiteven:

und, cleat: Brab_ peas, $2. bi: fs tare
: 5; 90-day sreckled beans, - $1, O54
M. Pippin, Yatesville Ga.
popcorn. white, yellow, purple and
iy OF will exch, for baby chicks , of
ck. Helen Davis. Warthen, Ca
1 10 Ib, del, Mrs) Ethel

' seed corn, $1.75 bu, Ban-|
Fort Vall Ga

. | Claud Moore,

Flowers. 5

fresh. butter ea. week, 50 I>

3EOR : if A PR


(Less e han eg iaee

: May. Queen peed 5 popcorn. Wr -te for prices,
Also Sugar crowder peas, 10 lbs, $1, Be FE.

wuldis, Lavon a, Ga. Ret. 2.

6 bu, Golden Dent seed corn, $25 50. bu :
ioe cou, ean grind: into meal, Also differ-'
ent var.eties of cow peas, Lady - peas, and
white black- eyed peas,

L, 0; Guthr.e, Logansville, Ga.

out extra fertilizer, N, B, Brady, Cairo, Ga.
Rt, B,
Browns Anode aged bige at a flint. heavy est
1nd most weev.1 resistant corn, $1 pk, $4.50:
bu, or large lots, $3 bu, 3, WwW. _ Brown, ie
aia, Ga
Wha. ley prolific seed Ssen, $1 pk, or $3 bh
Sumter Co, Corn /Club Boy,
Americus, Ga, :
- Whatley prolif' corn; $1 25 ac half ba
aL aoe 25; $4 bu. W, Gs Whatley, Helena, Ga,
| 800 Ibs, shelled Queens golden pop corn.
10 tbse del 5c, Spec al price on large quanti-
ty, Grover C. Torbert, Greensboro, Ga. Rt 95
Improved Leam. ng~yellow corn, 1 to 2 big
2ars to stalk . Best for medium thin land, 75c
pk; $2.50 bu, H.R. Stra ght,: Demorest, Ga
_ Truckers - favorite seed corn, _ gal, Hy H.
ones, _Winston, Ga,
100 bu corn; 5 bu, mixed peas for sale:

| Wr-te for prices, Fob Lookout, J, M. Garrett.
; Lookout, Ga, Walker County,

Golden ween - pop corn, selected, nubber
and shelled. 20 Ib,, 2 Ib., 30 del, ; also H m-
alaya blackberry ants; 60c doz, end Ever-
bearing strawberry, $2 2@ 100 del,
Bowers; Canon, Ga, Rt, 1.

Whatley prolif c seed corn, 26e at: 40c
ral, Tic pk.. and $2 bu, del. W, F, Fanner
Buford, Ga. Rt, 4. j

Imp white Dent seed. corn; 1bhe* pk: a
$2.50 bu. Fob.. Will exch- for pure Half anc
Half eotton seed, or pk. of com7 for a Tb
of good, larze_ variety of: watermelon seed
Jess Pope, Tallapoosa, Ga Rt. 3. Box 18.

' Country finely ground. meal $1.10 bu; Reh
or $1,20 bu, del. in lots of 5 bu_ or more
Ww. Ee Hampton, Mineral Bluff, Ga. .

Popcorn 5e Th:-cash or will exch for ped-
nuts. Wr te. Joe Rowland, Carnesville, Ga...

Hasting and Whatiey seed corn cross in
year, $2 bu.; also Pine and Delta cotton seed, |
fo. 4, $1 25. bu, Makes 1 bale per ace Bo

er pay- freight charges, Lee Brooks, Monroe,
Ga oCRt 6: 4

lark, Meansville, Ga,
~ Whatley seed corn, $2. 25; 150 or 200 bu. corn
$1 bu, te come for: it; ahsd Wate ground

g pment, $1, 10 bu, E, L. Wr: ght, Yatesville, Ge.
leys prolific. seed corn, $3. 50 bu, ey

Want | popcorn she! led. Neundorfer peng.
% Seed Co., Albeny,: Ga. eS

Want several bu of high grade Seed. cor
| n ear, Write full descr! iption and send samyle
ar with lowest cash price. Log oem. Ranch;
Unad lla, Gee at

Want slip shuck orn, by wagon. ae de
fo our plemt on P edmont. Road - at Peachty>
Oreek. Emp-re Cotton Oil Mil's, Atlanta, ie

Want Truckers Favorite seed. corn, a
est field corn. for Florida cl mate. = i
-Meriweather,. Lakeland, Fla. 4 :

Want good, shelled, white milling corn it:
acks. Any : size lots from 50 bu up. Let wr
now. what you: have. =e so Frank!" eee
; iille, Ga, aes

Want . Gauard deed - yellow: corn fox seed
Vrite prices, P. J. Watson, Nunez, Ga,.

~ Want 10; to 15 bu. prol fic seed corn, nol
ed on the ear, selected ; also. 400 to 500 be
Vannamaker-Clevelenid, "Salisbury, or Collee-"

ety; also want 25 to 50 bu; 100 bu. Brabha-

>eas; also other kinds of soy. beans, Stae.
owest price, Fob-your station, L. Ce & Jz coer
_Tollier _pamesvalls, _Ga, S Ae ee :

Coe E


1B sein dara dovetail 10 Nance cypress hive
vith: haif foundaton wored frames painte?
/white; exeluders; 5 metal tops: -reversb!-
bottoms ; smoker and bee veil. Good eond
used 1 sr W <F: King, . Atlanta, Ga. e
Peachtree . Ave, NE,

3 Ibs, of. pire hard. bees - wax 40c! sc tak-
: ng the three Ibs. Add postage. Mrs = Jacch
-S: Pirkle,- Cumming, Ga. Rt. $,-Box 11 |

Bees, wax 30 Ib, Cash with order Ke?

| vostace J.T! Hammock, Roberta, Ga. Rt. 7. |

Sinele frame honey extractor for sa'e $0:
also want beeswax n any, quantity wat BOE. Ib*
del. eye White, Dublin, Ga. :
Want: homey bees in any style Hives
Jowest cash price: will. also~ pav 3% Th.
for beeswax Poland Irish, Seepurea Ge
_ 227 Oveechee Ave, ae

Want 60 to 74 Ths. good chunk honey. oro

M Aaron; Adairsvle Ga.
E Want. chunk honey, 100. ib Tota eta want
secan and peanuts, chufas . watermelon. seec.
Anote who" esale pr ces end send samples. ES
u Devel, wir amson, Ss. < ee




and. sweet Hora Oe :

Brady prolitie seed corn, $1 pk; $3. 50. bu
Averaged 80 bu, per acr on 10 acres, w th-|

sonable price,


Pure Whatley. prolif corn, Se bu, a, D. ;

Pi % Ib. del.

No, 1, cotton seed. -All must be of same va- |

| pure, no m* xture $2. bu, C.

| then. Ga.

| Coll ns,

| Ada. W'lson, Daisy:

Ga. cane- syrup naa Texas rust proof seed |
Will exchange for good sound rur..
seed peanuts, EB. L. Todd, Valdosta, Ga,

One ton peanut hay, cured without wett ng,
$165 per ton, FOB Lumpkin, Ga. F, T. Potts,
..ouce 2, Box ~25,- Lumpkin, Ga, :

50 bushe!s rust prooit bright oats. del.
here vat. 15 bu,

foo bales of ce dor sale at farm. Olen
or cash at farm. Examme and make offer,
Oe DP Thornton, Canon, Ga... :

400 ba, Bancroft ik oats in 5 bu, bags, at
ae bu, FOB here, R, M, _ Turner, " Royston

J. R, Ingram, Sharpsbure,

Se ae millet, new crop, 10 Ibs, $10,
Rat] ff, Blackshear, Ga, Pes

Good wheat $1.70 bu, ; ; few Texas rust-
Svoof oats, eee bu, &, L. ves Yatesville,


Want one Oliver-or Avery walking eultiva-
cor of late model, WHI exchange or pay
fash y TT WwW. Brurier, Coeman, Ga, :
Want io bu, wheat and 20 bu, oats at rea-
Mrs, A, J, Rohe ns, Renee
Ga, Rt, 1: :
Want 3 ba, spring . aped: Gate:
orice, G,_
Want ienanee pe can. Fiiedae. stock t:
arm on third or fourth basis, Mrs, M
Ph Hips - Bremen, Ga, e

suis tes Batt
Ww, Freeman, Ball SUNS: Ga, Rte

A-1 90-day runn ng velvet beans for see
+34.10 bu,, in lots of 10 bu. or more $1 bu
z Frank Tarmer, Sandersville, Ga, Rt. al.
Early Speckled velvets $1,10 pu; + Oceol

; ptr ngless $1.30 ; pedigreed buneh, guarantee

ure $3. bul; Brabham peas $1.85; Irons $1 75
oe $1. 60: mixed peas: $1.50, 3. i, Palme -
: ennil'e, Ga. a

. New Era "peas and white peas with blo:
eves, in new sacks $1,50 bu, -FOB here,
WwW: Warren, Dewyrose, Ga,

Hast ngs white brnch butter bean see?
eerie sound, 20c qt,, $1.50. pk: exchan

pk. for 1 pk! of nice wh te nest onions.

also 1 pk, for 1/M. cabbage plants, vad Han :
chard, Appling, Ga, -

Velevt beans in even. wt, new bags, Sme}
or large lots. West Bros,, DeSoto Ga. E

Colored running butter-beans, wh te black
eyed peas, and baby I'ma beens 20e teacur
okra seed, and long tender _pole beans 25-
eacup, Add postave. Mrs, ~ Edgar Adoetk
Ada rsvil'e, Ga, -Rt, 3,

_ 80 bu, Wh ppoorw'll peas, absolutely pure
$2 bu, R, Cc. Couch, Turin, Ga, ; & :
~Bunch velvet beams $2:40 bu; 90-day a- >
tot aae running velvet beans, $1 90 bu
exchange for orn or speckled Peas, Wis

Wilson Sparta, Ga, Rt, 8. -

Brabs, Trons and Clays for sale.

Make ber :
cash offer,

Will exchan--
eas for a. few gallons of South Ga, eyrur
ae H, Archer, Sparta, Ga, -

Extra early, frost: proof. Engl sh peas. an
-oI, sreen pod okra, 25c pt,, 45 qt_. co! Mar?
Je this, or 8 for? 25e.; - shelled pop. co~
Mrs. Ethel Beach, Gainesv

Am closing out.

a . Rt I <

: Beans are all. gold: _ Answer. to so Bian
uiries | A, M, or. tA. A Norman, Dove:


8 bu white black-eyed peas, G. Cc. Daniel.
Sounty Agent, Conyers, Ga,
15 bu Lady peas 8e_ Tb,
-Yatkinsv lle, Gar
Several bu. Birabiien. Yoana. $1. BO bu. FOR |

Vieee Chas. S_ Peek Hartwell, Ga,
Black-eyed peas $350 bu, To Tbe Beedkled

Crowders 8c. 1b, FOB. here, a&, 0. ee,

Talbottcr, Ga, Rt. 2


RR, AL Thrasher 1

ton. iJ /-G= Broome, Tifton, Ga,, Rt, 6.

White sugar. Crowder peas 10 Ib : THe
white brown-eyed 4c Ib.; colored buneh but- |
ter beans and little white. I'ma. beans 15 Ib

del -O_- M Crow, Gainesv Ne Ga, Rt, 2.

O85 bu. Clay and Whipps. $1.50 bu. ae E

Chapman, Buena Vista, Ga, Rt 4.

White brown-eyed table peas 10c lb, or g
lbs. $1 FOB here Cash with order. Mas
L: A Hami'ten, Carnesville,. Ga, Re 1

15 or 18 bu Unknown gees hand n'eke?
ave llies . Sharps-
Ey 8 :
120-3ay sneckled velvet heaus $1 AR

burg, Ga,,
25 bn

bu. FOB Lumber City, or_ exchange for peas |
$1.25 bu, FOB here.

Q. B Flovd, Lumber C'ty, GaleRt 1. |
_ 1bu_ litt'e white Florida peas $5, or wt)
exchanre for baby. ch Bey,

_ White black-eved peas So tb,
for: table. use. No COD. orders: filled, A, J
Demorest Ga., Rt. to Gio ES
lady f'neer and mush peas, sell or ex.
Chane | for. -everbearing strawberry plants: ?
Ibs, for 100 plants ;
box flowers, Brimmer Nordi Redf'e'd Reon.
ty, Hastings extra early tomato seed Farl:

|texcev Wakefield eabhave, or Berne, mnt

Prive-Taker. onjon plants. Mex
Ga, Rt 2.

trlvins or

Vaiishn.. Commerce, Ga,

nora oe

| pcked before damaged, $2 bu

| Several bs.

Y for $1;

Velvet beans $1, 50; Dethane: $2 FOB TF |


Helen. Davis, War- sf
#| good $3 or exchange. .

or $2 50 bu |
| - 250

|b. FOB: or 6c postpaid; smal lots up ee 5s

also. w'll- exchance. for |

beans, 12 1-2e Ib. per ,100 del_.
smal! -

, RFD +: ger ;
uv bu, W. ihiamson ihpedoed sweledl Browder.
peas, also a few bs, of .mproved J.6ee9 wal
-nel'y > seeds 2 i: 2 oe :
Ga, Rt.

= Sern Fon Clay ;
12 bu, Unknown peas:
. bu. .16 suck ADs bu: cesiie
FOB Mayfield, Allen i& Hollis;
Ga, :

14 bu.

each ; .dbl, poppy .seed,; 10c a o
cuange for bermuda aon plants:
ly Jersey Wakef eid cabbage, sweeu
and seed peanuts, Mrs, A,

ton, Ga; cy ebet yes :

30 bu. New: Eras. $1 50. bu: 3!
black-eyed peas $2 bu, in ba See
ginbotham, Etberton, Gas. Rt 329
~ White: brow. jreyed peas ai i be
15 Ib,, 4 lbs, 50,; 10 Ibs_ $1:

AREY: 29

Baby lima beans, any gucrt ty
sound wh..e -peas $3 bu. FOL:

ma butter beans; exchanve for

or. apples, ad, G, Caldwell, Spee

Rt, 3, :

. White and ~ eat. haif runner
beans ;. white, tender hull cornfield.
cup. 40 lb ; garden peas -15c cups
2er seed 2 tbh's 12c, 50c cup: m xed!
and! orenge- marigold seeds 6c. 7K
M, Hall Calhon: Ga, Rt, 5.3

Pure - Brabs, - releaned, bitie! ag
*2 40 bu, FOB: Idea. Le Daye
Ga, +
Cal fornia - black eyed. six? weel
Jb, or: $2.25 ~bu.. FOB: Mauk.
Lancaster. Mauk Ga : :

Black and also -yelow. s x-wee
peas, 5e Ib, or $2.75. bu.) FOB. Mea
awhow>, Mauk, Ga :

3 bu cream Cro wdeis Be He:

|e lady peas 6c Ib. FOL fie e

m.xed; y. Lots bremes,..!
Colored. bu ter beans. {rp a
son Wonder | seed: 15"-Ib.
itz-erald Ga, Re. Bose Pa gee
Good, sound borch: velvet: ach S80
Rt, 4 Box 65. Goa,
m xed | runnin but
for seed, 18 ib. Mrs: G, We Whi
von'a,- Ga, fase

White sugar Crowders, agloenes
vyeevi. free selec. ior see, 2,
_ 5: pk, ; $6. bu, del,


Swansboro, Ga,

White Crowder. peas. faeeae
accepted, roti, S: srooks Morivce
Sugar Crowder peas Lee? Tb
Bramhold, Mt, Ary, Gas, :
10 Ibs. He: derson> bus! hima. bea
Mrs, BL. Ashe, Watk nsville - Ga
30 bu, - Otootan soy beans $75 -
bu, pure Brabs, $1.75 bi: 20 b-
eyed table peas $2. bye cACF
good cond t'on FOB Canon.
quest, - -Amos: Floyd, Caron
100 bu. genuine bunch
from frost fall,
worn acf davit= furnished
=g 50 bu. emo,.M. Sp vey A? he
Lady peas -clean. and. sound, 8. 122g
B, McHan, Dalton, Ga, Rt, 3
125 bus, Brabs $1 15 bu, Sand. 5
,60 buy; 85 bus mexed Bi 40 bu.
In good 2 1-2 bu. sacks, ~~ Harr so.
Mtchel!, Ga :
~ Wh te bunch butter, means




velyel : t

or weather


Be 1b 7
white lady peas 10 Ib: a 0
Yoney order preferred, Mrs. Aice
Greenville, Ga, Rt. 3:

White aavy beans for table use
Ib, del.; some wth weevils Je 1h. t
Mrs, J, BE, Stone, Adairsv ie, Ga,

Mixed or speck'ed peas $1.50 b
Brabs. very-~ slightly mixed, $1 65 i.
second grade mxed* Clays and spech
damage $1 35) bu, All rec!eatiel 3
ot, D. F Crosland, M.dville, Ga,

S Eng! sh garden - eas, medium ear
bearers, salad or sugar Peas 25c]
Add postage, Mrs, Be Hisner, Aust
Rt. 2. 4
90-day specked ae beans 31 59 ba-
known peas $1.75 bu.; 10 but of ac
exchange for a3. roller ese mil. {
econditon, A, B, Taylor, Rochel'e., 108 ; reat

Early Crowder pas 25c at, ve a
W.-W, Taylor, Gordon Ga. -

Good sound 90-day running ~ thal

G. oR A, Wil
Rochelle, Ga, Rt.-1) .-; one
1-1-2 bus. wh te Crowder. peas, Solin
Wr te -what
LC. Abeit-a hy, Lola Ga. Rt
bs. Hastings sugar Crowe der

Ibs, 7s FOB, 8c posipa'd, c. 0. Drape
mer, Ga

100 bs.. Henderson - wah: lira beni ns
100 -1lbs. or more Jackson, Wonder. l
in 1 2
quantit @ es add postae Sele

Paw ef

= 95 bu. brown Whipps, _

Write for prices, H. B MeGee, Canon,

ee 95 bu, er




ee x ursday, February 23,
} ee a2 oF = E : Se = * = = == _ 3 aes evi ~ ene
we be del > large | purple t Easter and Lemon L
-. | garden: and other field | peas 1c: pkt, de. Mie, white - mult. plying on. ons, 6 purple and. blue Irs, Easter mon
is BBANS AND sities. SALE = H, Carrollton, Ga, Rt, 5, pumpkin seed 30c teaspoonful ; and.3 Ibs nee pink Ho!lyhocks, (plants) and dbl, p nk, root-

Pure, unmixed sugar Crowder peas, re-
gleaned and grown for seed, 8; white,
speckled and large cream, each 10 lbs, $1;
- $1,885 pk,; $5.26 bu, del,; tender hull corn-
field snap beans_ 38. Ib, ; large ~


8 bu, black-eyed peas 6c lb, or $3,50 bu. =
4 pks, of white lady peas $1 pk, ; wh.te nest
onions, 50 gal,; add postage, ; cash or-
der, , Cous.ns, Greenville, Ga,, Rt, 8, Box

hack-eyed seed peas $1, 265 pk, del, Samples | 40,

and information on request, C, F, Maddox,
Flowery Bramch, Ga,, Rt, 2,
5 bu. good, sound, mixed field peas $1,25

bu, FOB Dublin, ye. R,. Jenkins, DublI.n,

Garden bunch bean seed, black wax, sound
and clean 25c lb,, 4 1-2 lbs, $1, Mrs, S, W.
Sloan, Auburn, Ga,

Several bu, clean mixed field peas $2. bu,,
1927 crop, Other party to pay postage, zs
Cc, Darsey, Surrency, Ga,, Rt, 2,

Bunch velvet beans $8 bu, D, H, Voke
Valdosta, Ga,

- Willets Wonder, extra early Englsh peas
$10. bu, $3 pk,, or 26c lb; aso Brabham
peas $2 bu,, in even wt, bags FOB here, R,
8, Parham, Greenville, Ga,

400 bus, early speckled velveta $1. 20 bu, ;
100 bus, pure bunch velvets $3 bu_; 150 bus.
Brabs, $1. 90 bu, Guaranteed mew crop, re-
cleaned. A-l grade, Cc, H, Cooks, Sanders-
v.lle, Ga,

90-day running speckled velvet eas $2 bu
and pure, sound whte running butter beans
25c Ib, Mrs, G, L, Jones, Shellman, Ga,, Rt,

3 100 bus, sound field peas $1.50 bu, at Spar-
ta, W, 1 Garrett, Jr,, Sparta Ga, :

100 or more. bus. f'eld peas, in even wt,
sacks $1.50 bu, FOB here, John Dickens.
Sparta, Ga.

Early spckied velvet beans. $1,10 bu,, buch
$2190, Recleaned best quality, B, F, Mur-
phy, Sandersv.lle Ga.

A-1 select, recleaned beans and peas; early

_ gpeckled velvets $1,15 bu,, Oceola $1 35; pedi-

ga, bbis,, 45 gal,

eed $1.10

*greed bunch $3 bu, ; Brabham peas $1,80:
Irons $1,70; Clays, st. 60; mixed $1.60 bu,
JS Palmer, Tenn Ne; Ga,

90-day speckled velvet beans. $1.25 bu, Ed
Chancy, Blakely, Ga,

60 bus, pure Brab peas $2 bu, We C.
Lord Sandersville, Ga et, 2:

1,000 bu, choice stock of So-day speckled
velvet beans $1 bu.; 2 cars of bean hulls, $8
a ton, L, L, Palmer, Harrson. Ga,

1 bu, each of lady and Hast'ns sugar
Crowder peas $4 bu, or the lot for $7, Both
hand picked, 8: dney Aderhold, Lavonia, Ga

Californ a black-eved_ peas Be lb, D. 8S,
Litt'eton, Lavonia, Ga,

50 Ibs, colored burch butter eins 10 Ib
Not less than 3 Ibs, You pay postage, Also
have 200 gallons of pure apple v nezar 50
FOB, Cash with order
Mrs, Mary Holcomb, Bremen. Ga,, Box 102,

A No 1 90-day running velvet. beans for
bu,, lots of 5 bus. or more $1 bu
J, Frank Tarmer, Sandersville, Ga, Rt, 1,

3 bu, Clay peas, sound, unmixed $2 ba :
2 bu. pure Brabs, unmixed $2,265 bu,, or
exchange all peas for pure poultry and baby
chicks, Write,
Rt, 8 Box 78,

Early Alaska suri peas, 75 per cent ger-
mination 8c Ib, in 5 to 100 Ib, lots. H, =
Staight, Demorest, Ga,

20 Ibs, sound, small white runing butter
here 20c lb del,

Rocky Ford cantaoupe seed 70c Ib., del,
ae ver C, Torbert, Greensboro. Ga, Rt. 5,

Thomas winter garden pea seed 20c Ib, del,
15 in bu,
ders $0c ib, del, by parcel post,

Berryh ll, Lakeland, Ga,

800 bus, early speckled velvet beans.

2 1-2 bu, bags $1 bu,

John. W

C, J, Lord, Tenmille,

~ Ga,


eed, Mdvitle. Ga,


' vet beans $2 bu,

90- day velvet beans $1 bu, ; pure bunch vel-
J, 8, Stephens, Kite, Ga.
7 or 8 tons 90-day. velvet -beans in pod
Make best offer. FOB here; also 75 bus, A-1
90-day seed velvets $1,256 bu, . FOB Amer cus
J, S, Glover, Americus, Ga,
Running. and bunch butter beans 12 1-2c

Ib, each; add posiage, Mrs, W, M, Arring-
ton, Wadley, Ga, :

75 or 100 bu, speckled peas $2 bu, Cash
with order, F, W, Green, Thomaston, Ga,

150 bus. bunch velvet beans, picked hefare

frost and other weather damage, $2,50 bu,

FOB Hawk nsv-lle. L, W, Davis, Hawk.ns-

ville, Ga,, Rt, 5,

White "bravch and running butter beans in
5 Ib. lots, $1 per lot del, Mrs, V, M, Smith.
K'te, Ga,, Rt, 1, .

Brabs "99 per cent. pure $2.40; Brabs.
mixed Irons, mixed $1 80; FOB Ideal. Wr te
for sample, R, D, Hall. Oglethorpe, Ga,

English parden pea seed, med um_ear!y
-and heavy bearers, also black and sugar peas.
Re - each, Mrs, J, Elsner, Austell. Ga,

15 bus. pure New Eras, and 50. bus. white
back-eyed peas $1,50 bu, each; 100 bu. Otoo-
tans, $4 FOB; 40 bus, -Laredos $8.50, All
pure and rec'eaned. stock, WL, Carmichaes.
Madson, Ga,

About 10 or 12 bu, early speckled velvet
beans 1926 crop $1 FOB here, D, F, Cros-

Clean, pure Brabham peas $2.25 bu; Irons
$2.10; mixed peas $175 bu.: also have nce.
clean Beeney seed, 50c tb,; all FOB Perry,
ee with order, L, R, Ogletree, Perry.


Sucar Crowder peas 10c lb, Postpaid,
Bramhold, Mt, Airy, Ga,

4 bu. Clay peas. sl'ghtly mixed and 2 by
speckled peas $1.50 bu; 2 bu, white green-
eyed peas $4 bu FOB here. '. E, Abbott.
Warrenton, Ga,, Rt, 1,

50 bu hay peas $1 a8 bu not del Cach
with order, J, W, Herrell, Swainaboro, Ga


80 Ibs. little white lady peas, clean, hand

shelled iset erop, ile Ih, at Ber & few

- As ro

Jess Pope, Tallapoosa, Ga,,

2 Ib, lots or more: also f

lots FOB; Hastings sugar Crow- ;

25 Ibs, bunch speckled butter beans, sound
1927 crop, 10c 1b,; 5 lbs, white baby bunch
lima beans 1927 crop, 1be FOB Graham, S,
E, OQuinn, Graham, Ga,

Cho.ece selected white rumning and white
bunch butter beans; for planting 15c Ib,; su-
gar Crowder peas 10c lb,; or $5 bu, Mrs.
M, H,. Peavy, Greenv_lle, Ga 7 Rt. 3:

Red speckled sugar Crowders 8c lb, del.
nm 10 Ib, lots; large white peas 6c Ib, ; wh te
butter beans 12 1-2c lb;; mung beans 10e lb
Mrs, C, T, Hunt, Cumming, Ga.

Large, pro}. fie velvet beans, pleasant to as ay field peas, 4 Ibs, 50c; 10 bs, $1
del, Fred M, House, Mad son, Ga See ee
Tennessee mush peas, sound and. clean, fine

for table use $2 bu,, or 4c Ib, Mrs, J, D.
OSheal, Lavonia, Ga., Rt, 3,
Little white lady peas 2c lb.; white: su-

gar Crowders, 10c Ib,; brown-eyed 5e Ib:
l.ttle white bunch "butter beans, 20 1b:
colored bunch butter beans 15 Ib, del, .
M, Crow, Ga.nesville, Ga,, Rt, 2, :
100 bu nice and sound Brabham peas in
new even wt, bags $1.90 bu; 200 bus, Un-
known or Clay peas $1, 75 bu, All FOB here,
P. R, Stanley, Greensboro, Ga,
Henderson bush lima beans,
and selected, Very prolif.c, 20c Ib, del,
JOR, Mangham, Zebulon, Ga,
Sugar Crowder and lady peas

hand shelled


white black-eyed $3 bu,; white butter beans,

i0c 1b,; colored butter beans be - Ib, Mrs,
Mae Powell, Hartwell, Ga, Rt. 2, Box 11,

Florida running velvet bean seed $2 bo.
FOB here, or exchange for Brab peas, J,
F. Lindsey, Tifton, Ga,

26 bu, Whippoorw. lls and 5 or 6 bu, Red
Ripper peas $1,60 bu, FOB Madison, 0, B,
Brown, Madison, Ga,

Tender white ecratictd: beans,
white garden beans, for seed, del,
Esse Kinzey, Cornes.a, Ga,

8 Ibs. each of black, 6 weeks Crowders and
speckled Crowders ; also 10 or 15 !bs. white
mush peas, Sell or exchange for Spanish

also bunch
25 pt,

peanuts, Wiil exchamge samp!e on request,

Mrs, A, E. Drawdy, Baxley, Ga,, Rt, 8,

Genuine tender cornfield beans, 15c cupful,
25c pt., also Tom Watson, Kleck'ey Sweet
and Stone Mounta.n watermelon seed 75c lb,
del, or exchange for czrtaloupe, cucumber
seed, All 1927 crop, Mrs, M, C, Conner,
Ga nesville. Ga ont e

, 20 bu, genuine bunch velvet beans, $2 bu,

shelled, or in hull, $1,75 per 100 Ibs_;
will exchange for Red R.pper. field peas, Oo:
Gauard yellow corn for seed, bu, for bu. ea,
pay charges, P. J, Watson, Nunez, Ga 2, Rt. 1
85 bu, clean, dry. Whippoorwill peas $1, 50
bu, FOB here, W, W, McEachem, Fayette-
ville, Ga,
~ L ttle. wh: te lady peas, 2 Ibs for 25c; Sek
kled and cream Crowders, 10c Ib. or 3 Ibs,
for 25c; old fashioned early cornfield beans,

fine substitute for snap beans,
per cupful, Postage paid,
land, Buckhead, Ga,, Rt, 2, ;

8 bus_ large cream sugar "Crowders 10 lb.
$1,40 pk . or $5 bu, not: del, Samuel Wil-
der, Gr.ff m, Ga,

Hastings mung beans, selected
1927 crop, 25c lb, or 5 Ibs, $1,
few lbs. for Otootan beans,
ford, Ga,, Rt, 2, Box 96,

Running wh.te and colored butter
for planting 25 qt. postpaid, Mrs,
Smith, Greenv_lle, Ga, Rt, 3, :

Beans for sale or. will exchange 1 bu,
beans for 2 gallons syrup, Joe M, Brown.
McRae, Ga, !

10 bu, No, 1 sqund,- teblenned Brabham.
peas $2 bu.; also 10 bu, No, 1 Spanish and
20 bu, good sound, rec'eaned Ga. runner pea-.
nuts be lb, each FOB T.ftan, Cash with or-
der, W, M. Tyson, Tifton, Ga, Rt> 4..

Ng. 1 Brabham peas, in dbl bags, "$2 bu
FO here, Ww, M, Hooks, Unadilla, Ga,, Rt.

Mrs.-T,. A, Hol-

for _ seed,
Will exchange.
JB. -V. Jones, Bu-



Bunch velvet beans, sound and bright seed
Growers aff davit furnished as to varie'y.
3,50 bu, sacked FOB Adrian, W, A, Meeks.
Adrian, Ga

Heavy bearing bunch garden bean seed 25
b,; sugar Crowder peas 10 Ib,; bunch but.
ter beans, mixed colors 15 Ib, or 2 lbs, fo:
5; also monthly rose bushes,
each; juniper cuttings 20c each; add postaze.
Miss Mamie Br-tt, Lawrencev. lle Ga, Rt; 78.

New crop. black-eyed or California peas
$1 pk; or $2.50 bu,; Laredo soy beans $1
nk., $3. bu_; pure white baby lima beans 5
Ibs, $1 del. 10 to 100 Ibs. 14 Ib.; speckle?
iso m xed. peas $150 bu, FOB here. WwW
C. Williams, Locust Grove, Ga, \ ec

White half runner 35c lb; early rxunnine
beans 40c 1b; winter garden Englsh_ peas
80e Ib,, 4 Ibs, $1; Wonder winter beans 50c
Obi; add postaze, Mrs, , R. noes ta, Mon
roe, Ga,, Rt, 1,

-40 bus. Brabhams $1 .75: blue Whipps, 10
bu,, $1,60, All in 2 1-2e bu, bags FOB Wash-
ngton, M L, Callaway Rav'e, Ga

1 bu and 3 pks., lttle white Rabun peas,
$425 bu, Cash with order, Mrs, Sallie Pee-
bles, Mtchell, Ga,; Rt, E

10 bu bunch velvet ea $3 bu Guar-
anteed to be pure and sound Cash with or-
der, CC, H, Wilcher, Mitchell, Ga ce Sete 1,
Box 104. :

Hast ngs pole lima or butter beans. fine
for seed 20 Jb, or 6 Ibs $1. L, C. Row-
land, Lou'svile Ga

2 bu white black-eved spews $250 bi: 7
be, speckled Crowders $8 bu; also 1 gal, -of



and brown cornfield beans 15 Ib. each; pea |
| beans,

ville, H, G, Ray,

rooted 25 |

fresh country
B, L, Brown, Ball Ground, Ga,, Rt, 4

*Prolifie bunch English pea seed 40c. Ib, ;
buneh butier bean seed, 25 Ib.; Kentucky
Wonder pole bean seed 36e Ib, Mrs;
Goddard, Goggins, Ga,, Rt, 2, :

Want 15 bu, Brabham peas, i exchange

for syrup or Porto R.ean potatoes, George
doxie, Waycross Ga, Kt 4,

Want 1 bu, Wh. ppoorwills, at $2 bu,, if |.
clean, weev.l free ; biue or brown coidar, G_
w, Crafford, Felton, Ga,

Want prices on velvet beans, i
arge quant.ties; also Laredo beas in is

or & bu, bags. Send sample, J, W, Garre.t,
Adairsv. lle, Ga,

Want Brabham or Iron peas, also~speckled

crowders, white rice and Lady Finger peas,
R. W, Griffin, Douglas, Ga, :
-Want price on black-eyed peas in large
quant.ties, also cow and runnmg peas. Send
samples and quote lowest prices; J, W, Gar-
cett, Adairsville, Ga,

Want to exeh, Porto Rican potato
for N, C, or Ga, runner peanuts for seed
Want 10 bu, J, T. Bull.ngton, Rebecca, Ga

Want colored running butter beans, horse, and artichokes, Name var.ety and
price, Morgan Drug Co,, Phoenix City, Ala.

Want 20 bu, Brab, peas, will exch, 30,000
Porto R.can potato plants, Government in-
spected and treated, S, E,. Holl-s, Baxley,
Ga, Route 1, +

Want 10 bu, O-too-tan' soy beans, Must
be sound and dry, Daniel Drug Co, Hogans-
v.lle, Ga,

Want Beloxi,


O-too-tans, Laredos, Mune

| beans, crowders, Lady | black-eyed, brown and

blue whips. Brabhams, irons, eras, Clays,
and mixed peas, State price, quant.ty and
var-ety, R, N, Etheridge, Jackson, Ga,
Want lowest r-ees on large quantities of
fowling stems and samples cow peas, _ black-
eyed peas, also velvet running and

Laredo beans, J, W. Garrett, Adairsville,
Ga, Route 3, =


Ga, grown N. C runner peanuts, 5e Ib,
FOB here, Sampte on request, C, B, Daugh-
erty, Lenox; Ga,

Span-_sh peanuts in small or car lots, 6c
lb FOB. Send check with order, J.) Me
Kn-ght, Senoia, Ga,

-Ga, grown N, Ge
590-4 bu. sack, FOB | Blackshear,
order, J, H; McKn. ght, Biackshear,
is0X 404. ae 4

Bright, yell filled out runner peanuts, 5c
lb, FOB here, J, C. Henderson, Unadi:la, Ga,

Ga, runner peanuts, Te lb,; wh te Spanisti
peanuts, 6c lb, FOB Perry, L, R, Ogletree,
Perry, Ga,

White Span: sh peanuts, 6c lb, R, & Couch.
Turin, Ga,

50 tons bright Spanish peanuts, sell any
quantity, Write for Eee Ro L, P-erce

rumner seed peanuts,
Cash with

Hatcher, Ga, ;
No, 1 runner peeve 41-2c Ib, B; R:

Strckland, Quitman, Ga, i
Good sound No, i Ga, raised N, C, run-

ner peanuts for seed, Be lb,; No, 1. white

ppan sh peanuts for seed, 6c lb. FOB Oc La,
Arthur L, Mobley, Oc-lla, Ga, Box. 182, es
Seed peanuts per lb, FOB Carnesville:
pure V.rginia bunch, Valenc.a bunch, Vir-
gin.a runner, and N. C, runner, All 25 1b,
vash wth order; Muss L, A, Hamilton,
Carnesy-lie, Ga, Route 1s
No,.1 Spanish peanuts for seed, $1,50 bu, :
No. 1 runners, $1,00 bu, FOB Donalson-
Donalsonvi: le, Ga,
- Tom Houston .mproved Big Jumbo white
Spanish seed peanuts, $2.00 bu. FOB Far-
rar, A, M, A-ken, Newborn, Ga,
_ Ga, _ruaner seed peahuts, 5 lb, R, E,
Bower, D_xie, Ga, f
. Jumbo Spanish peanuts for seed, 8c lb-
or $2.00 bu,; large budded pecans, 20 Ib.
for $6. 00, J, H, PeNOrshe, Parrott, Ga. RFD

3 Box tor.

Genuine N, Cs runner seed peanuts, 6c
fib; 2 Now A white, Spanish peanuts, 6c Ib
SOB Cairo, W, Robinson, Caro, Ga,

2 tons, Ga. rurner peanuts, 4 1-2 lb, FOL
Unad. Laer: ee Holland, Unadilla, Ga. RFD ]

1 ton Ga, grown runner seed peanuts, 5 1-2
.b. J, G, Minich, Brooklet Gan

Re-cleaned runner peanuts: and yelve!
beans, 6c tb, C, T, Lumpkin, Poulan. Ga,

High qual.iy seed chufas, 1927 crop, Smal!
lots up to 10 bu, 10c Ib; large lots, 9c Ib.
FOB Manor, Cash with brder, 58 Seo Str: ck-
land, Manor Ga. RFD 1, Box 45. n

Ga, runner peanues also large jumbo: Span-
sh and little Spanish, 6e lb, FOB Milan,
L, C, Pridgen, Rh ne, Ga, Route ae

50 bu, Ga, runner peanuts, sound and free
from weather stain,81-2 lb, Jno, M, Sp:-
vey, Adrian, Ga,

About 200 bu, runner peanuts.
offer, L. A. Rage m1, Cairo, Gav

200 - bu. whice. Spanish peanuts, $1.50 bu.
or $100. 00 ton, FOB here, Ww. C, Brassell
G bson Ga,

Improved jumbo whte Boa nish peanuts, se-

Make best

tected, recleaned stock; 75e pk. de. . 2k
Maddox, Flowery Branch, Ga. Route 2
60 lbs. smal! seed] ng pecans $6.00 Mis-

Belle Timmerman, Bronwood, Ga, Box 83.

Seedling pecans for plant ne iw y run, abani
200 per Ib, 20c lb, FOB Athens, G, 8, Crane.
oe Ga. 897 Pr.nce Ave,

a. raised N, C, Runner peanut seed. 6
lb, ne fton, or wil! exch for Brab Cae
or anyth ng .can use, - Write, de.
Tifton, Gay Rt. 62>. <7 : Es eke |

Small seedling pecans for planting, 10e: Ib
will exch, good = pecans at 20e lb,, for

butter a week, 45c Ib, del, (Mrs, Z


-J. F. Ratl ff, Blackshear, Ga.

Tack McAl" ster, ; Mt.\Vernen Ga


ed geraniums, Mrs, eed: _Br.dges, 7
| Ga, :

NaC: Runmer peanuts, No, 1, S Ib, G, A,.
Bragg, Donalsonville, Ga, oS

No. 1, Ga, grown N, C, - variety Runner

seed peanuts, 4 1-2 Ib, Fob here, D, E, New-
berne, Adel, Ga, ~

Sold all of my N, C, peanuts, and Watson
watermelon seed, tThis'-is answer to many
inquiries, C, H, Par-sh, Tifton, Ga, Rt, 6,

Hast ngs Aecnvaved Red Valence a peanuts,
12 1-2e Ib, Not less than 4 Ibs, sold, T, D.
McCluney, Rydal, Ga. ~ on

A few bu, of Chufas grown from Hastings
seed, 1927 crop, yzathered w thout wetting,
Sound and good, $5 bu, O, E, Crumley, Sop-.

erton, Ga, Rt, 2,
Small pecans {se Ib, Postage pad on 5
bs. lots to Ga, pomts, W, H, Huff, Buck-

head, Ga, Rt, 2, as
Pure No, 1 White Spanish peanuts, all-
good, 6c lb. Fob Wrens, Jas T, Swint, Wrens,

Selected Runner peanuts for seed, 4 1 De ib
Fob Dougias, R, W, Griffin, Douglas, Ga:
Several. bu. Chufas, $6 bu, del, or wll
beele for shel'ed corn, cured meats or good
hens. J. H, Brantley, Waycross Ga, Box 498,
Few bu. Chufas, $2 pk, or $6 bn Sound.
and bright. Mrs, H, R,. Owens,

Recleaned seed pintas. $1.50 pk,, M 1S bu,

Improved No, 1 White Spanish peanuts,
sacked, 6c lb, Fob here. T, V_, Bruner, oe
man, Ga,

- 200 bu, No, 1, little White Spanish becna
be lb: 100 bu. very good qual'ty of o'!d fash-
oned Runner peanuts, be lb. G, F, Stokes,
Sale Cty, Ga,

Jumbo Spansh peanuts, the Tom Husten?
kind, that produce 10 to 20 per cent more
than the smal! peanut, 7c lb, Lawson Staple-
ton, Amer-cus, Ga,

Strictly A, No, 1, White Spanish peanuts.
for seed, oi 35 bu, oe H, Palmer, Tennille,
Ga, A

300 bu, White Spanish peanuts, No. 1 grade

for plzeitng, $1.50 bu, Fob Dennis, C, I,
Humber Denns, Ga. x :
60 lbs, large size Stewart pecans. Make

best offer, G, T, Hadden, Avera, Ga.
20 Ibs. nice seedling pecans, $3.75, not
prepaid, Mrs,~R, S. Sconyers, Ga,

Rt, 2,

Potheavowii Runner seed peanuts, grown

and cured for seed purposes, $1.50 bu; Span-"
sh peanuts, $1.75 bu, Send check. J. W..
Lang, Omega Ga. : ee

800 Ibs N_C_ Runner peanuts, See, lb Foh
here H G: Bartlett, Cordele, Ga, Rt, D
Box 185. ;

20 tons No, 1 White Span sh seed pecnuts,
6c Ib. Fob Hawk nsville Cash with order, Tv.
B. Ravan, Hawkinsv !le, Ga. :

Improved Red Spansh peanuts, also No, 1 ~
Pabst, Stewart and Moble pecans T, M
later Thomasv lle, Ga, Rt, 5,

Sa. Runner peanuts, -specia! select seed,
-ecleaned 5c Ib, Fob here. G, W. Chapman,
Surner, Ga.

White Spanish Seance: for sed, 6c tb
ob Rutledve Shpped in even wt. 2 bu,.
bags. Walter I Knight, Rut'edve, Ga ;

1.000 bu, A, 4 grade Runner peanuts. 5 Tb.
any. quantity. Ed Chaney, Blakely, Ga. .

Svec'al seed stock Ruiner peanuts, Se 1b
OB Co'quitt. Cash with order, W. H, Rawls, y
"re Colquitt, Ga. :

Jumbo. Spanish peanuts. Re Th: on he
ne pecans, $6. J. H, Leverett, Parrott, Ga,

8 bu No, 1 Wh* i Spansh peanuts $1 50. :

$109 a ton Fob here. W, C_ Brassell, Gib-
son, Ga. :

Sound N_ C_ peanuts,
Spanish No 1;


Ga. ratsel: White
Red Valencia for seed Write

for prces C Cc Benvett, Ade' Ga Rt 8,
1.000 Ib. Wh'te Spanish peanuts, No, 1, |
hand picked, 6 :1b Fob here, W. W. Ne
Bachern Fayettevlle, Ga Rt. 4 :

No 1 Ga vrown Runner peanuts for seed
Se. Ih: White Sranish No 1 for seed, 6c lb,
W. G W'lliamson, V'enna, Ga,

Seed Chufas for sale or exch for hav peas *
nrice $6 bu good and sonmd 1997 crop, Joe.

Hast ngs Chufas: bu. 44 Ibs, $5 bu, Bud)

Sweat. Alma Ga Rt 1. Rex 26
2 bu mvroved white. Snanish neanute,
hand n'cked and washed* &? hn Prh nv BO,

Jel Cash with order, W, C. Harrson, Car-
rol'ton .Ga Rt 2 aes ee
50 bn Chufas, No. 1, $6 bu. Fob Lake ~
Park. W. A Roberts. Lake Park. Ga ,
No 1 tmnroved Srantth neanvta fr coaod, f
Ga_ Puhner seed reanuts. Write for prices, Be Pa
G., Joiner, Pavo,. Gao Rt +3.
Pryner peannta. cand send Ka Wh Tah Vrs
Tohmnie Lott Rroxton,:Ga P OQ Rox. 1ht,
Old fashoned Runner reannts, Se Jb Fob. Te
vera C 1, Whatlev. Cuthbert. Ga Rt 8 1%
White Snanicsh. neanutea. stark =
ORO / Tennille, s

select caad

96 Ib. bag. J. H_ Palmer,

0 Ibs. seedling pecans, Eleven cents tb,
Mrs J. M Johneon, Shellman. Ga Rt 1.
1,000 excentionally fine Stewart nerans for

cale at reasonable price. F.C. Drexal Co,
Act, Ruena Vista, Ga /

Sonnd, mediim, seedline pnerang 9% Th 3 ie

over 29 Ths 16e Ib del Miss Mnnie Wiliams, |
Oclethorne, Ga Rt. 2 :

Pecan meats. 20 Jb nostpaid No stamps
| nonen tne ee Loraine Coley, Foeheee: Ga,

en Liye STOCK = 9). a
pe Pereale and Wanted 2 cs

_ : : ; Nes eae

ef : FOR SA : f : ei 3 ee
CRE Le Oe fresh, $135, or will trade for a brovd | old male hog, $10,00, Mre, C, O, 8-kes, Syl-|shoats, wt, 75 to 150 Ibs,, del, to trucks,

A reg, Sal Ga bull for sale, W, O, San- Ga and shoats, L. S, Morr.s, tu.est raix | vester, Ga. or treated and crated for 11 1-2 lb, W. WwW
ers, Roswell, Ga Bs NE 5 Driskell, Sparta, Ga, see Y
2 good milk cows, 1 about 7 years old, | | +7 milk cows, 2 rez, and 15, grade Jerseys, | 1-9" mo. a 00 i. ters $12.50 Pox bad Duroc pigs, 2 to 4 mos, old,
freshen. about the last of May, good miker, dairy equ.pment, ete,, for sale, Wri.e io. ea rez. in buyers name, W, P_ Str: ckland, wt, 40 to 130 Ibs. abl. treated e t tled to. coe
4 1 Jersey heifer a .tled a re 1 ce -culars, George sO Pittard, Wintervitle, Wavarocs Gas ait c Bas 47. reg. in buyer's Ee free, Cc. G. Leas Tif- ee
hen some time in- June, 100, ts? | Ga , is ~ a
ete Anos He i Tee) Box 95, I 2-year old Jersey male, Rale'gh and Ox- oe oo tex Ri wae = 2 ee So bred Duroe boar, about 7 a
Reg. Jersey male calves, from 2 to 4 mos, ford blood Ines, out of cow No. 679785, by Ga. Rt. 1, Box 16. - ; = old, wt, about 150 Ibs, $25, 00, 'N. G nae Bee
old $30 to $40; grandsceas of the famous im- | Oxfords ate of Hearts, 231703; male calf, 0. ehonts oe to 50 Ibs., 3-4 to 7-8 Gunea | Linco! atone Ga 5, MAD)
xe vo 6 ~ . 8 - 4 . t Me
po eg oe On te ee brses q. ah Sis eae eG se ate stock for feeders del. to trucks at farm for Reg, cholera immune, service Duroe Jer 2
Se * yo enee Canton, Ga,, Rt, 2. oward, | close prices. Good, healthy condition, a T. | sey boars, Scissors and Sensation lines, _C, Va eee
ee seed, etc, 8, G, McNe.l, Arl Teh , Ga,, Proctor, Waltman Ga Ri. 1. A. Hl, Marietta, Ga, Be . :

; 9 cows and 1 bull. all gentle and good con-

o pull calves, 6 and. Se mos, old, from very | lition, also some da-ry supples for sale cheap Beg. Fe. Bone blac c. = ie Weed tee ie boar oes re z
sh produc nz cows, sired by Red Jersey | if bought at once, Mrs. Alice J~ Garvin, | 9 Ibs. $15.00; bred sows, $50,00 each; serv. | Kiag blood Ines, 7 mos, old, wt, about 15v |
gn Pp : oe : Dy | ice boar $35.00; gilts ready to breed, $30.00 Ibs, dbl, treated acainst cholera, $30, 04, eae

sull whose dam gave 800 lbs, butter each | Riverdale, Ga, a
year, $15 each, or exchange for: reg, Duroc 4. Qa thoroughbred Holstein noe of best | ? FOB: Edison, J Hi: Morris, Edson, si Vv lie McGee, Walden, Ga,
rsey boar p.g of equal value, T. ve Bru- | kmg strains 1 2-years and otKer 2 mos, 1*male entitled to rez, 2 yrs. old, z00 4 Chester whiie ailts. 10 mos, old, wi,
ner, Coleman Ga, a W, C, Cureton, Rising Fawn, Ga, servicesble boar, wt about 800 bs. Good | about 175 lbs, Subject to reg, Farrow April
1 reg, Jersey cow, solid color freshen with o ntee hetfers ifor sale. or rae ase oe cond. Sell to prevant inbreedng. Mrs, J, P | 1st, by reg, boar, same. breed, immune, in-
grd calf by reg, bu'l, first of March, $100 | White Leghorn hens, or P| C, hogs or pigs, Chapma>. Murrayv lle, oo = a a aos oculated, $30,00 ea, Oscar Keener, Thomson, x
= Reg, Chester white 10 wks, old pigs, 0 eorgia
FOB; also several other good grade Jersey 4m, Fowler, Rupert, Ga, , :
cows, fresh and soon tp freshen, Reasonable 1 Jersey cow and calf for sale or exchange So with papers; reg, gilts, to tarrow Apr! Beas P8. 8 mos, old gilts, bred to
Tom .Richardson Palmetto Ga, Gleason Fowler, Rupert, Ga. 1st, by rez. C W. Boar, wt. about 175 Ibs . | Re illage Pr.nce, No, 126805; also reg,
oe 1 R $30.00: ea, with papers. Oscar. Keener, Thom- | pigs of same breeding, 14 wks, old, Wr te
High!y bred reg, 16 mos, old Holstein bull eg. Jersey bull calf $15.: Fo R. Edwardes C ee low oe Pebble Hin F cone
$40." S2L, Thornton, Dewyrose, Ga,, Rt, 2.- Animal Husbandman, Expt. Stat: on, Pee nO Bi ; : G Pp 1 arm, ne lew,
Rez 1 year old Jersey bull, solid color | Ment, Ga, 12 Hampsh re and Berkshire cross, Bred. eorg.a,
Ret fe winner at county fair last en gilts, fine cond., 10 lb, E. B_ Cade, Wash. 1 Duroe Jersey hard boar, 250 Ibs, $40, 00
fall 3. CS hee, ee : CATTLE WANTED : Seeder koa for sale, FOB Meigs, W, H eee OS are ot ot ee as Ns sac ;
ee cd Moise ane OE one) pene tok 2: yl Mood eae heifers 3 or | Will ams, Meigs, Ga, fe ea, Orian Cherry King blood lines, reg. in
exchange for cotton seed, , H. Marks, Hills-| 4 mos. old, also 1 female P. C_ pig, Wooc- 3 big type P. C. male pgs, 10 wks old | my name or ped grees, or wll exch. for
dereey. heifer trom 5 gal,- cow, Pe AS al glee gaurd Se ort a a dbl. treated, Pedigree furnshed, $10. 00 ea 30 Ae Bak Piedmont, Cleveland or some
3 OL ar % . z
Bee Ler clea Lane Mau ie seas ie Carag Ee eee ee ST EOE et aia Ge area pee, oie woes ee
= fer co hgh producer $60;, several hae ee condit.on, H_ _W, Flem:ng, Bowman | ter of 8 fne pigs, $40. 00 for lot; about 1b in buyers name or exch, for 26 bu. NC.
a erse s
of. ove for White Leghorn pullets, now ow ll exchange 1 almost - new pivot axle ey rie fe ee, ee ee he pa 100 Ibs #18 aoe one Ripe or o
ayng at $1 each, L, L, Wallace, BulaRte, Riding Cultivator, value $60, for good ml! | L. Sutton Measville, Ga, : i or 800 Ibs. N, C. runner seed peanuts, Ly, ies
Ga,, 247 N, Hghland Ave. | cow, giv'ng not less than 2 1-2 gal per day | SP. GC, pgs, reg. im buyers name, $1007 | H. Edenfield, "Sti!lmore, Ga, A 2
ea ie 0 oe oe | ah iat sed al 70, Caden) [ae ae Ol ta ee eaten eae
ville, Ga. s t 1 : ea. RE
ready for service $37.50, also 1 cream color Want cattle, hogs and poultry; W tl ex | vgs, z m 10 eee a icc ee a a back, J, H, Palmer, oe Ga. - a *
Jersey heifer 4 mos, old, hornless stock g00d| change farm machinery for same, Wood- Thomason, Farrar, Ga. - ""* |-Niusele Shoals, prize winning Hampshire -
condition, $25. R. R, Duffey, Carrollton, ee Farms Chamblee, Ga, 4 mixed P_ C, and Duroe hogs, wt. 15 | boar, 20 mo, old. $75.00 Gayoso blood lines
Ga,, care Mountan Oak Farm, Rt, 3, Box 87.] Will exchange John Deere Wa'king cult-| Ibs. ea. for sa'e Make best offer. R, C | hgh wnner at Atlanta, Savannah and Ma-
2 Jersey bul's, ready for service, regs- | vator, good cond tion for good Jersey mill | Wlder Griffn, Ga REC ak con fars. FOB here. Orbie Jeffords, W: i
ey $50 each, Woodmere Farms, Chamblee, aoe bas a or third calf, H, L. Sil |. e thoroughbred Duroc Jersey pigs, 8 wks ee co : .
arrenton, wa < thr f*y cond, $5,00 A ; ine 6 mos, old shoats, $8 00. a
7 ay Jersey cow. 6 years old, : fresh in, and 1 Want 1 or 2 m}k cows to pasture snd fee | Shloh, Gay ; = Me s. a | Wilson, Jonesboro, Ga, a9 ea, A, * =
a ac eee iis Coe L, Allison, | for the mlk _ ies . good eee 2 18 pee. old Hampshire sow, enttled to = ee he's a fe i. gon old, ~
~ Clevelan a raise pigs on halves ood pasture and plenty | reg. from, prize winning sow, owned b | Wt, abou ay, Gib-
oe gore ees ee genes sale, aA feed, C, dD Martin, Sylvester, Ga. Pace Be i tae eaas Ga,, wt. betweer ae Pe. Ce ei as
waite for price ; j and 690 Ibs. Has farrowed tw'ce 12 at pigs, wks, old: pure bred
: 2 milk cows, with he fer calves oe ane _ Want 3 or 4 Jersey he fers, 4 or 5 mos | time; wll farrow agan in April. Write | Duroc boar cert ficate of reg. furn'shed;
$50; Sa mise blood $8 each, E, L, DX | o!d. = ee to reg, M, T. Moss tog ene n pr.ce, Mrs, Alice J, Garvin, Ri- enhiea oa sows, bred to farrow - f
on, Blackshear, a. _asrer, Ga, verdale, Ga, arch an pril, Prices on ues
40 steers, 10 bulls ay Belen. fat and| Want he fer calves from good milkers, W Al! my pies have been sold. Ths is nr | at farms, Zebulon, Ga, W H- Mitehell
ready for the butcher rte for prces, or | H. Boatr ght, Alma, Ga. answer to many inquires, T Reid, - = Barnesville, Ga, Pe
make best offer, George R_ Dixon, Elberton.| Want reg, Jersey heifer ave from 2 wks herv'lle. Ga. 9. . ftom i Lu i poe ee bane es pakee aaa oe.
oad. RES. 1: o 3 mos_yold. H, Roquemore, Mansfield, Ga O. I, C. pgs reg. in Wisar's name, $10, 00} hogs, Fred Ce Geiger, Fl, Ga,
~ Y rez Guernsey bull and 2 reg, Guernsey emt 100 or more Jersey heifers to rase | ea, AT. Rgsby, Camilla, Ga Pure bred Berkshire boar, p:gs and shoats,
cows. Fred C_ Geger, eo & -* i on halves. Fine pasture, If interested, write 12 nice sze shoats, 50 to 150 Ibs, R, D R, T, Holmes, Athens, Ga.
ge good m |k cows, one fresh and one as| A. P Grass, Glenn. Ga. Hall, Oglethorpe Ga, 1 fat, 300 Ib, hog for sale, 0,00,
6 mos old calf, $60 and $380, E_ L, WeEht- Want rez. Jersey bull calf 3 to 4 mo} .8 S. P| C. 2 mo old pigs, $10.00 a pr Wright, Yatesville, Ga, - ee
Yatesville, Ga, old Light lemon, solid color, from rich | , ee Smith, Chipley, Ga. Rt, \1 Duroc en 4 mos, old, wt, about 66 oy
Al cows have been sold; answer to many | mlker, A, A, Fowler, Stone Mountain, Ga 1 SP, C boar. 18 mo, o!d, wt, 35 Ibs, Good pigs. for breeders, reg, in buyer's

inquiries. J. J. Hancock, Griffin, Ga__ Ri 3. tbs, $30.00 FOB; 4 mos, old boar pigs, wt. name, $12.50 ea, J, O, MeMuilan, Hotton,

ot cream color Jersey bull from cow that Want to exch. for cow fresh now or t- bout | 90 Ibs., $8 00 ea; 1P.C gilt, bre Ga, . <
gives 5 gals_; good condition, eats heart lv. | freshen in March. Claud Camp, Doug'!asv Ne to good SP. C. boar. to farrow March 1st 1 Duroe Jersey boar. 9 wks. old, Or'n Bs
4 1-2 mos. old, $15 crated FOB, Cash w'th|a Rt, 2, Z | wt, about 275 Ibs. $30.00 FOB.; $2500 at|Cherry Kng strain, ent'tled, but mot reg, i
-order, J WwW. Garrett, Adarsv lle, Ga. Rt. 3 Want to exch for cows, pes or pure bre? | arm, Will exch, sow for R bbon Cane sy- |$10,00 ea, Reg, in buyers name, $12.6 f
= Bor 4 good grade he fers and cows; some | white le~horn pullets, mo culls. Mrs. WN |rup. Sh pped from Americus or Buena Vis- | &. Julian J, Blanchard, Appling. Ga, en
sey, some Jersey-Ho'ste n, fresh in dur- | Davennort Aeworth, Ga. : a, FOB car here J. H, Averett, Buena V's-.| 9 Big Type P. C, pies, from reg, stock,
ing February, March, April and May, R, R. Want calves from 3 mos {to one yr o'? { ta, Ga, RFD 1, *|8 wks, old, $6.00 .ea. FOB. Cash wth order, :
Steinhe mer Brooks, Ga, hoth sexes, at reasonable price, H. W. Flem-. 1 very prolific Hampshire sow, mot. reg, PF, EL Cook. Hogansv lle, Ga. Rt. 3, y
1 prize winn ng Jersey bull 5 years ol? | ing, Bowman, Ga, bred to reg. Duroc boar. Has farrowed 8 FC, boars, of Clansman and Liberator

$100 at my barn, Reason for selling do not) Will exchange for two Duroe Jersey elts |ltters, and raised 34 pigs. Wt. about 30% breed'ng, from 4 to 10 mo, old. Write for

care to nbreed, Have 1 heifers of his. | or bred Guernsey or Jersey hefer_ Mrs. New-| lbs. $50.00 or exch for 50 bu. dry shelled | price and eee Jay & Mason, Madi-

C, J, Atkinson, Madisan. Ga; Rt, 2. ta Waktins, Forest Glen, Ga, . corn, Jones S, Wagner, Waycross, Ga, |son, Ga, g

ons Guernsey bull, 3 years old wt. about Want to exch for cows of springers, W 22 thorouchbred S. P. C. mate hogs | $10. or}, Reg, Bg Type Black Essex os, 3 mos,

1000 Ibs. Gent!e and easy to handle, $100] J Johnsten, -Farburn, Ga. Rt. 3. ea Mrs. C, O. Sikes, Sylvana, Ga. ~ old, either sex, with ped'gree, $10.00 ea,

FOB Chauncey. J. D. Nash, Chauncey, Ga Want 3 or. 4 milk cows \ with youre ealf |. 5 Duroc males, wt. about 100 lbs. and Satisfaction guaranteed, Bo Murphy, San-

2_ bull calves. both sred by imported som | Prefer to buv within 80. Inles of Griff |1 gilt, about 90 Ibs., $15.00 ea, R, E. L'nd | dersville. Ga, i

of Zenias Sultan, 1 4-mos, and out of a t'p-|Ga Mrs. J_N_ Carson. Griffn Ga Rt D | sey, Cairo, Ga, 1 Big. Bone Guinea sow, bred to farrow

top daughter of Starlights Gambovze, $100. Want to buy reg. Jersey hefer calves ax} 1 yr, old Red sow and 8 pigs, 2 wks, old | 2 Apr l, $40. 00; 1 male, 7 mos. old, ready "

other, 1_mo, old, out of good producing | ich class. Jerseys. A, C, Ware, Hartwell. | good. cond., $28.00 for lot at home, G w | for service. $20. 00; 5 pure grade gilts, ready

auchter of Oxfords Sensatonal Eminent | Ga. Dooly, Rochelle, Ga. Rt, 1, bred, $2000; pure Guinea boars, $20.00 ea,

$25 FOB this point and include reg stration Want a few Jersey or Guernsey hich ae 1 very prolific, thr fty Duroc and Hamp: JA, Harrell, Mitchell, Ga, RFD.

end transfer EB. Braswell, Athays, Ga. pure bred hefers, 5 to 10 mos old reason- | Sh re sow, $25.00 cash or exch. for 25 rure | _ Reg, Big Type S ie GC, male for sale, :
1 heifer calf, 9 weeks old, 31-32 blue Jer- | able pr'ce. AV. Hartley, Alamo, Ga-Rt 7 | bred March or April Wh'te Leghorn pullets, | . W, Johns, Decatur, Ga, Rt, 2, Box 97_ -

sey, 1-32 Holstein; fine cond tion, $25 FOR Want to. buy fifteen or twenty vond Ye | no culls; 7 thrifty, 10 wks, old, pigs $4 5? Pgs; shoats and brood sows for sale. oe

here, Mrs, T, E. Chitwood, Ada: rsville, Ga..| sey heifers to freshen between now and Sent | a, or $30.00 for lot, Mrs, R W, Rivers, | Write for prices, R, S, Parham, Greenville

Bc 'st_ Aso cond registered bull, E_\F_ Dean. Graymont, Ga, Rt 1, Georgia, : a

i Holstein 8 year old cow giving 45 'bs. mil! | Jr. Folkston, Ga, 25 Duroe and S PC. pgs, 10 wks, old. | 1 Hampshire gilt, 8 mos, _old, wt, about a

r day $125, not sh:pped. R, L, Kytle. Leo.| Want cattle, any breed will exch. Mrs $4.50 ea; 1 sow and 7 pigs, 5 wks, old, 100 Ibs, $8.00; 2 gilts, cross with Duroe ie

W B. Cowart, Coll'ns, Ga Rt 8, Rox 45 $40.00. LT, MeCoy, Gibson, Ga, Jersey and Gunea, we, about 75 Ibs, ea,
ae bred reg, Hereford bulls, write for | Want cows mules, or hogs, Will exch. 2nd 4 Bg Bone and S. PC, pigs. 6 mos|5 mos, old, $6.00 ea; 1 gilt. 4 mos, wt
Hawa machnery for same, G, G. Perrin j|old for sale. Write. Breford. Morris, New- about 50 Ibs, $4.00 FOB Sparta, R: L. ov

prices, E, T. Boswe'l, Jr,, Sloam Ga, au

: Reg. Steves bull calves, popular breeding | Tucker, .Ga, nan, Ga. C-o Arneo Ml. : Frazer, Sparta, Ga, ;
hich producing dams $30 each, papers| Want to exch, 5 RI Red hens ed 1| 8 males and 1 female pure Duyoe shoats. |, =} Black Essex rilt wt. about 140 Ibs not

furnished, D, 1, and C, L, Daniel, Boer rooster for good grade heifer Mrs. G Mur- wt. 80 or 100 Ibs, $15.00 ea. Wi'l exch. for bred, 18 mos, old, $25.00 FOB here, N. ;

ville, Ga, nhv, Jasper, Ga. Rt. 2. Box 67. ; good one-horse wagon, dot: Hall, Junct on.| Davis, Cordele Ga, Rt, B. . :

1 young Jersey cow with calf, 6 mos. old Want several 4 gal cows. Must be in{ City, Ga, Reg, P. C, 8 yr, old boar, wt. about! 400 oe
ves about 4 gal milk when fresh, $60. E | ood. condition and rich milk E Seacholtz 5:S Pp. C. reg. stock, thoroughbred pgs. Ibs. Barrain. Write for price. w, Er Lea,

L Wr ght, Yatesvil'e Ga, Waveross, Ga. 1701 Cresswell St, Phone | 3 males and 2 females, wt. 30: to 40 Ibs Bishop. Ga. Rt, 1. oe

reg. Guernsey bull and 2 reg. Guernsey 602-J. $10.00 ea, Miss Gracie McWhorter, Buena 1 Spotted sow, good cond, farrow in May,
ows. Fired C. Geiger, Flintside, Ga, A Want 2 eo0d Jersey hotter calves 4 to <4 | Vista, Ga. noculated Ife treatment; $500 FOB Gra- :
Pure bred red pol's, Cows, bulls of all | wks. old Wilicexch for then syn velvet 10 Berkshire and Hampshire ctossed, 8 | 72. S. E, OQuinn, Graham, Ga, '
Best eow for the far- beans. potato plants. Elvra Gloss, Alma | wks. old pgs, $12.50 a pr,, 8 shoats same 12 or 15 thrifty shoats, 60 to 80 Tbs, ea,

ages. Dual-purpose, :
er. /WIliam Nicoll Dllon, Ga, Ga Rt 3 : i | stock, 81-2 mos, old, $10.00 ea. All recent- Barrows and gilts, 10c Ib. FOB here, or
"2" A!gallon cows, feady for-sale by: Fab : : ly inoculated for cholera prevention. Cec | *ch. for section harrow, A, D. Smith, War- s_
. 15th or before, a'so cows fresh, little later HOGS FOR SALE R, Brown College Park, Ga, Box 131, Phone renton Ga, Rt 4 Le
or sale J.T. Street, Li thonia. Ga., Rt. 1, 1 PC. gilt sell or exch for Buff Orpine- FA'rfax 2289-W, a) shoats, mixed with L'ttle Bone~ Guinea

Jersey bull calf, 8 mos, old; dam, 2 heavy | to pullet and cockerel not over yr ol Duroc: Jersey and P, C_ mxed, sow and wt. about 60 or 65 Ibs,, ea, bes 50 ea. or
milker, grand dams, Register of Mert cows,|Mrs_ J, R Nichols, Fitzeerald, Ga. Rt 5 | 9 Pigs, 8 weeks od, treated for life, $45 00-| $22.00 for lot No exch, Mrs, J Olife,

ith papers. .Mrs. W. A, Benmett, SP hogs, all ages, moderate prices 6 mos. old half Little Gu'nea and half B~ | Summit, Ga. Rt, 2,

sv ile, Ga, or exch for peas, soy beans, corn or hay Blue mate hog, $10.00; 2.15 mos. od P, 1 solid black B 3B. Quines. 2s ves. old
Reg. Jersey bull calves from Imp, sires}R F Burch Jr. Eastman, Ga. fnd Duroc Jersey sows, farrow about the male, full stock, wt. 250 or 800 bs, $8000
ost fashionable blood Ines, Dams, 8 wks old pics, from good stock, $6.09 | last of. February, Good cond Treated fe | B, B. SP Sy shoats, 65 or 70 tbs - ea.
day & Mason: Madson, Ga |each. Peter J. Haden, Atlanta, Ga Rt 1 life $20.00 each All FOB Metter, J, R Pure stock but mot reg, $10.00 ea or $19 06
v Sylvia, soon to fresh- | Phone FA rfax 1750-J, Ouiff, Graymont, Gas Sec me Station, oD, B, Toler; Glen-
< 12 gels, a a when 1 thoroughbred Big Bone a? G, 6 mo, | 15. thrifty, fat Essox ie Bone Gaines cae : espe

+ iy {


iba! Car Lots = .

ue, car lois3 *shellet rune
25 bu, in bags Ee War

Sd vet. beans n Bak $16 00 a
*velvets. recleaned and sound,

E tae. car lots. Quote best Spe
+ : y Ro'som. Me ae, Ga.
aa Z ab. a 99 day velvet. beans. home raise
Wart en, Ga.
shelled 99- ae velvet Shears :
of Teo by sacks, $7.00 h
any quant tw, mmet


BEDS, Car Lots
: ah: 00 38 Stalks of red and r'bbon care see?
Os Satalkes saverace are: ha<8 217 2

en th jo nts food sound eves and

finde Jas snk, Chauncey, a


: : Cae Lotss. = 3
eevbrat Rousard stalks of white varety

ee iva ee at Fs Sas te ?



uso) Wa a~uts for rlant ng, Send cabeule A
said price HP - _Cottongim. dante, Ga
& 29 So. Forsyth street. :
Want 100 Ibs's of N. C lone arm neanuts
wel exch. cood. th ek revd br ght Ga Care

CARa: wes Wrrexch .for 100 tbs! oF Snarish neo-

nuts: soa _Glosson, Alma, Ga. Pee eG

OS Wlact: ees exch samsie af my Piva ero oe

aoa! Fp -qrnory for sample of pecans - with

nr pes "ec i yt. Vohr cath, Wonston. Ga.
Tp eA tons. af -<a0%% sound, mew. cror-
: : w reanuts Name lowest price

po Ant HL M Franklin. a

aties of: necans: and pv ae

n, Americus, Ga_ 3 g
Red peanuts, arze. 4 1-
ties - Send sample, JEM
"hes Gace Rte 23."

Lone arm peanuts end 4. bit ;
: eahy | _reanus\: W'] exch Govern:
mite ment, inshected ard taeeted Porto ~Rico. po-
tata slents 10.000 Marts for 12 bu peanuts
Ey TE Fol ; Paxley Gao Rt 32 a=.

aot 20-bn best erade neannts Oise
yr ce: L* O :Guthy e,. Lovensv! lle, Go
SO Wemt oreanits and recans. Wil! ome. fox
same. Pox. 138 - Griff ns Ga

MWA fei bn Jimnrroved Snarish eh ache

: (CBR SHH Se LB. Ackerman,.Rineon, Ga
tl eeibine mat eee of N C Jone arm reannt-
ale C4 ayenn tn eans. 97

: ghana? oo bake Velvet beans at er
5 128 Bea 0A, _Glosson Alma, G-*
Pb g Bes ; Le

2 sotomytoten: _ for 1 bee ea oe eanuts: and ve

} ats: Dy Miagetad Gan 408 Peet St - :
oe _ Want R bn love arm, ard. 4 ha oF.

ES GHanich: fssnte WET exch - Government ine ;

eos see@etod ond trarted - Parto Rican= rotate
3 Se letits oo NAN wlowte. for 32 bu. ~peanuts, &
-Pagley. Ga Rt..1. = .
2") var ef es-and. any amount of --
-Amerieus.~ G+
lar~e quantity of Neanvte |
a Am Ws Sand




ean rotdtoes, $1 bu. or exch _ for |

Sy seed. vinden seed. or Irsh. Potato

seed GW M'les~ Alma, Ga.

id RS Ors 3% by selec Porta Rtean seed no-.
: Re. rer oe fob: -H - C= Bursed.

TGP til Rox 08

Nee gelect . Tr 8h _ Potatoes Bis: bu, M_ F,
ait qDemoxest, Ga fect

aad Pere Rican potatoes: at best price

ve ahi fray Gao


mata oes

br fob i Apa se

i) ETAL AES URN mae he

cei wrxeraid or 98 The ee 83 fol
g Bas HH Snowden. Alby. Ga ,

SOR ar RY ba of Porto Rcan votatoes, also
< se it bnshels ter P. Rican a 75e per


Staite teapectell Porto Rico. ae Sound
1x2c..ner Ib. Fob: Hazelhurst. 8

rar eee hnurst, Ca Pt, A

s Parte. Rico, yellow yams, coweet
gbaes ees Dykes Uvelaa,

Ke Porto Rican notatoes. for ent-}-

ate farm, or Sie rere as

| Batt bebns 84 bod small black. pod vit. :

Veer. O05 See velvet bea> s or notato rlants She

of suvar cane, R, 8, Anderson, oe

eienk FOR SALE we

st Car ' Lots :

Car of dehorned grade steers for: sale. oO
IL, McLemore Statesboro, Ga. ah

Want 1 or 2 ears of feed or pasture cat-'
le, a'so will buy some good -milch cows,
B. Ho. Black _The Rock, Ga, :

Want a car of. yearings, RS= Anderson
Hawkinsville, Gas3

Want 2 cars of grade Hereford yeast nes
Prefer thn steers, Quote. price and: name
loading point. to JP. -Coorer. Perry. <*~

2 ears of corn. Quote best price. E. Pp
| Drexal, County. Agent, Pelham | Ga. eae
Slip shuck ear corn, 80 Ibs to bu. 85c

fou car-lots. GC. R. Patrick, Omega, Ga.

2Slp shuck ear corn 80 lbs to bu. QP

-bu car lots E F. Worley, Ome-~a. Ga.

1 car of well slip shucked corn, $100 br
/ FOB. Mvrtle J, C.. Ward Perry, Ga = *

10,000. bu. shelled wh te: milling corn, $1 0
bu., in sma'l or large Tots =:H_:V- Brankl
Ree? ster, Ga, =

Several ears corn, C, G, Garner, Counts

| Agevt Lyons, Ga

Several cars com, R, S, Edwards, Clax

tom Ga.

dei 10 or 15 bu. of same* gartety for pier x
ng, 60c and 7Be bu, os A, Richardson
Gard, Ga, Rt, 1, Box Ge 2
200, bu Bo Stem erat potatoes. $1 b>

| Morey or check must ReENy order, ies

B_McPae, Boston, Ga. . act 2
Lookout Mtn, Trish poretees $3. bu
YOR. here C. 0. Autry, Gainesv lle. Ga.
About 50 bu, of Government inspecte!
Porto Rico seed potatoes $1.25 bu. at farm
or FOR Al ne; Ga if to. ship. D. P. Marfir
Sobbtown, Ga,
15 or 20 bu Kw adr a Porto Rico potat:
seed. Government insrected. $150 bu: FO"

there B- F_ Hancock, Riverdale, Ga,

Leokont Mtr Irish potatoes 8 40 be
D. F. Pharr, Buford, Ga. ee *
Pure Porto Rican notatoes (eee oe
eating purposes, red skin 75 bu. FOB Nu-
nez: P. J, Watson, Nunez, Ga. -Rt Da
Porto Rico sweet potatoes in4 pk erates:
$loa crate, express collect, Send check. a AS
Leng Omeza, Ga, = &
Good. larve Irsh potatos: $1 15 o Er
a WwW. E. Hepien. Mineral Blatt Ge

Pure Ga. qane syrup new erop, canned. be
the mill. Satsfaction guaranteed, . 12-5 Th

ems to case, $4.75 case del in 2. case -lots:
5 case $5 del. G,-B Isler, Megs, Ga :

A Grade rew No Ga. syrup, in new gel
mekets /Sea'ed whle hot, $t <cal RO
Ada rsville. Sak Lewis, Ada* Bes Ga. a

zy New Ga Cane : syrup, 6-10 Tb -eans. to case
$3) 75. IF Ratliff, Blackshear Ga, -
45 eal No. 1 grade syrup, 5c gal, or.

Faxch. for wh te Sranish seed peanuts. oS of

Rigsby, Camilla, Gaic=

80-10 Ib cans of f'ne Ga Cane syrup 906
a can, or $25 for dot. Mrs, Piety- Forbe-
ea wlet Gass

18 val -sorrhum svrun, made Ori: Sonia
Fibbon. Cane 85 gal can. or $14 for lot
"OR here H.. S: seu eeree Georg a
Route 1.

~~ Pure Pet sucar eare syrun A Is grade,

in new 35 gal bb's $17; Case of 76 No 18
cans. $4.20; 12 No.5 cans, $4 50 FOB here

Pure heavy Ga Cane svruv Guaranteed. to
nlease or roney refimded $6 a-case yn 1-9
od 1A mal cans FOB aa H. H. ee
den, Albany, Ga

15% or 200 cal new Ga Gane svrun {-
P10 Tb nails. 59a cal= FOR Men Tohn .*
| Ceavey Milan; Ga Rt 1. Box 98. fas
2 A-l pure Ga Care svYDM. Nn -eaces

[Gat ral cans, $4 case: 12-1.2 ont ne |,

Seek ner case: mases of 24 ats. $4 50 case
oe -50c wer eal, J. a Ponder, Wh: gas

: ona oa] Serchnm 1896 svrup 7 aoalt phe
oh 80a wal = Os: Me: fackson: - Lawrencev' Wa:
Georga_. P : 5

_ 7997 eren syrun, 60 cases 610 del at erer

ese A 31 epade Ints off eases or ee,

RDbls only at, 680 del Je We Marten.

aM hawt fery > ~
Stiet]y A-1 pure Ga Gece svn in new

Monnace Khs shant 3h wal. to the bh] Be

le RNR SW h sham _ BPs Trutock. Wh

ham, Ga. BN f

~ ARN eal Ga- Cane. eiaiia: in bhie . -fram an
5 88 eal ner bb TT Dvkes, Uvaldas Ga

Sell or exch for anv kind: of field peas Ef |

sterested, write Toba J, Ceeney Milan.
Sa RFD 1 Rox. Ore & 2

villey: Ga, ae ee ey ee =

R90 mah Qe Care svrun tn 1A bh. pans, soe | r

| Qual'ty evaranteed, also - prompt sh'nment |
and safe del Lee Patrick, Qu: tman Ga


Pact rew Ga Care Sern in PRIh nate |

sbest. offer ~


Several cars eon af +
Georgia, Fi es

Want. shelled corn, car.
Columubs Ga.

Weems, Macon,. Ga_ a4

Adv se what you have to

Pearson, Ga, x

1. 1 to 2. cars good Ga, pe
ng Es per cent peavines

Valley; RFD

layfield,. Ga,
-1 car soy thean ee: $17.

haled, $3.00 as -FOB Da
ler, Dalten, a Rt 4.
1 car soy ee hay, No_


Cane syrup. Make offer, SB;
Point, Gaia

Se 20 per ease of 6 SEO> b=
ease lots or more FOB.

Glenwoad: Ga ORE. 8:
; So, Ga, Sugar Cane~ -Syr

o. =

New Ga Cane syrup 6-1

300 ears first class Ga.

Good Sugar Cane syrup

Honey Drp syrup cane,
Ga. Rt, 2.

tlett, Cordele, Ga, Rt, D,
Good, new Suger Cane.

New Ga_ R bbon cane

Good sorghum syrup at

$1 25 bus: alls FOB here,
Minera Bluff, Ga :

Satis*actory G@> L Duren,

E, -Chapmen, Buena Vista.

_ Fine syrup in bbls. for ,

Be gal, EOS, Marlow, Aas

Ga ese syrup for pale

5 400 or 500 gal. syrup jin

asvil e Gar ==

up in new 10 Ib, cans for
peanuts, a'so for a vood
seed. Give gal. of syrup ~
_the - bu, of. seed, Miss Lau
Ga,, Rt. 2 5 ~

| bb. > . & - Smith, Buford,

can, Mrs, Piety, Forbes, Brooklet, Ga.

be frst Slee beste Price:

Want slip shuck corn,

pr ce eM: Franklin, Tenn lle, Gat.

100 gal good gucar ane syrup. 75 gal, R,

No_ 1. pure Ga cane: syrup in cypress bb's


Send samples and quote best pr? ees: del. to
my ~ station on Pood: sorshum: syrup by the

Marchant, M lan

CORN - cy NED ow Lots

lots, Dan: Joseph,

car lots, Ao E


Want good corn in. the shuck, car lots,

offer. and lowest

os or 10 cars of Kd goats. and. 2
or 4 cars of spring lambs, J, 8, Starling



avine hay,. averag-.
and 25 per cent

g Good, tight standard bales, $2000
fn FOR Ft... Valley, John AL, Allen, - Ft

aeciar. om of prime: tareds: and 0-too-tan
Oy bean hay, packed in tight bales, $18 0:
on, FOR: Mayfield, so Orchards

00 FOB Madisor

W, L Carm chael, Madison, Ga.
i car bright. well qured Ga. prolif ine

lton, F. J, Dantz-

1 beleht and ful

of. beans, $2000 loaded on cars: here, ois.

Ba -

400 gal, of heavy amber col lored ~ Ribbon |

, Harrell, West |

Pure, thick. Ga, Series syrup for alae: use

cans, $4 case nm
Glenwood. wt

| end samrle where several cases: are wanted.
very can guaranteed,* C, W, _ Warnock,

up, $1 per 10 1b,

wf tbe 6 a eehien svrny 60c per 10 Ib--
racist. Mrs, Fred: Atkinson, Ray Ls Ga.

0 1b. cans to case,
8375 J. F, Ratliff, Blackshar, Ga, : -
|} 300 cans first class Ga.
per can. Any quantity, Cash w-th order or
end COD. LL. E, Sweat, Blackshear, Ga,

Cane syrup, 85c

-Cane-~ syrup, "85e

| per ean, Any quantity, ash with order or
send COD. LE. Sweat; Blackshear, Ga,

in 85 gal bbls

70e gal in cans, 80a, Exch. for stock fee?
mill that: wll grind velvet. beets in the.
wil. Alex. Barfield, Louisville, Ga. Rt, 2

last yrs, erop, - $2)

Cash wth order, R, L, _Littlef-eld, Bremen

50 No_ 10 cans Ga, syrup, 85e ean or $5
er case of 6 Sample on request. H G. Bar-.

Box- 185.
syrup in new 35

val, <bbls, $17 per bbl, Fob Ludowici. JG
Zoward, Ludowici, Ga. Rt. B.

syrup, - $4.50 per.

sase of 6. 10. Ib. cans. $4.75: per case of 12.
5 Ib! eens, dek your stat on Money refund-
ed if not- sat? sf ed, Thos, Davis,* Meigs, Ga,

$3.90 per case of

6 No, 10 Ib, pails; also late orange cane seed

oy ~E.. ee

|. Pure Ga, cane syrup of ap ty in cases of
6, 1 gal, cans $3.85 per ease; 12 1-2 gals, |

| $4: case; cases of 24 qts, -

50e gal, Ne Oe Ponder, Whigham, Ga,

- Pure Ga. eas e Ae! syrun No 10 cans, 6 to.

case $3.60: a case -FOB Meigs. . Guaranteed

$4.25 case. 3. bbls.

Me 82 aa.

Ga Rt 4

-Ga.. cane syrup in at, cans, $4, 80 per case
Seles A. Ragan, Cairo, Ga.

sale, J, e A Flood

Egypt, Ga, Rt, 1 ,Box. 8. - :
. Suerar. cane syrup in 10, tb cans 8e a ean:
im 35. gal bbls... 15 a- gal Will exchance
"for grade - Jersey hefer- cealves, Alex Bar-
f eld Louisville, Ga., Rt, 2. a

E Neese, Marlow.

or wl! echaies

for cood sound runner. seed peanuts, Ay
NI Todd, Valdosta, Ga, eS aS

5 Ib, cane. Make

-f Nail. Thalman, Ga

Extra faney Ga. -cane syrup, packed in.
L.Cases + pal 6 to case $4.25;
$4. 50 FOB Thomasv He, Guy. S* Jones, Thom-

-halvs 12 to case

Would like. to ohne 5 gal. of 1927 syr-

4 bu Ga. runner
var ety ~ of cotton
in 10 Ib,. -eans to
ra Floyd Empire

Ga, Rt. 1,

Want ood sorghum syrup in bbls. Mas!
_ Send samples. OBA


| Tom Wright, Chatsworth, Ga, :
1 car ea, nice, bright. peav'ne
nut. hay, J, aR. Ingram Sharpsburg,

Peay ne and peanut. Johnson. giass hay,
Car lots. BE. -G, Blackwell, County Age

and pea

| Edison, Ga, tee

1 car ea. of guaranteed pure
Porto Rican an@ Big Stem Jersey.

|tacoes. Make best offer or ask for pr ces

Jas, A. Chauncey, Screven, Ga.

dosta, Ga, : =
eear kK'lm dried sweet putatiss

erates, W, A. Whipple, Quitman ~
Car. lots. Porto Rican | potatoes,
Shiver, Ocilla, Ga.

County Agent, Blakely, Ga, EP ife

2 or=more cars Porto Rieoct potatoes
F: Gadd s s, County Agent, Quitman,
Gar lots Porto Ricans. Wm, A. Fu


1 car Porto Rican sweet - potatoes, gov
ernment inspected. Mrs, W. E. Hineels

ee 4 Dk

Waynesboro, Gas

offer, T, A. Crouch, Ocilla, Ga

ly, G2, Sa

only, Ww. E, Webb Jr., Oglethorpe,
Want syrup and honey, Send

Forsyth St,.
The Orchard, Va, Z

for. informat on, G, M. Garrett,


Vatley, Ga.

r 203 Kleckley sweet watermelon,
tail green and white velvet okra

Winterv lle, Ga.
mato seed, 80c_ Ib. Del. WO.
| Flowery - Branch, Ga. 2

seedling peach seed Make offer,
H Price Locuse Grove, Ga,

N_B. Daniel, Menlo, Ga,

for: cheap price. R, N Mullinax,
Ga RFD 4 a

lot together, smal! quemti* les, 40 Ib-
sch or exch for Earlv Wakefield.

J. L_ Christopher, Duluth, Ga Rt.

Rebecca, Ga Rt. 2

50. Ibs. white. Lima beans, 15 Ib. ;
V1-fashioned bunch butter beans,


Ga. Rt.
Sea: watermeon,. hand selected

'b In lots of 50 Ybs or more 85e 1h Ed

Z vrerer, Staenville Ga.

Hastin-'s Roekv Ford. Gantdionteg

@ 4BYs
Re Th As} oR We feemenend

50c Ib. del, Also long
nn 84-95 a 100, EB

Georgia. foe

ist yrs. - Cokers pedigreed extra Cleve d
seed bulked or sacked, ar lots, 0. W, Neel:

1 car of clean, br ght bated shucks, :

1 car baled shucks. Joseph Freeman

peas for 5 gal. pure Ga. cane syrup n
any amount up to 500 gal Want good syru)

Cottcn'tims Seed Store, Atlanta, Ga.. 29 So
- Want a bbl. of Ga, cane, Sam): B . Woods

Will exchange for 10 gals. of syrup. Write
~ Lookow

Limited quant ty Dxie Belle (Stone Me
tain) Thurmond Zrey and Watson watermelon
seed at 60e per Ib FOR: E, G. ee Ft,

tard, 25c-45c;_ Rentuek Wonder aoe

perfecto cantaloupe 50c-90c ; pumpkin
eushaw, 45-80c. W/ll pay postage on or er
amounting to 2. Ibs, or more, A, sek Todd,

Charleston Wakef eld eabbucs need: 0
Ib, 3 new Stone and greater Baltimore to:

. Casto oil bean seed 10 pk; 1-2 bu

White. velvet okra, purple top igtobe:: and
seven, top turnip mxed, 25c lb ea; L
cinth or jack bean 5e thls; wh'te nest or
multiplving onon sets, 40c. gal. Add postage,

-Fresh, clean okra seed: anv amount Ww:

~ 60 or 60 Ybs_ pee clean: purrle fon: wh
clobe turnp seed 20 Ib FOB for whole

plants. Porto Rican sweet _ potatoes,
4 Spanish peanuts, Peas, or for pr M.
keys. or Ga canesyrup at market. price.

1927 mustard and saad_ turniv "peed
Ftabls. ea. Mrs, Isabel Wade. Ellijay,

Watermelon seed, $1.00 Ib G <M. Young,

Charleston Wakefield end flat Dutch cis
hare and new Stove and greater Ralt'mo
tomat seed, $100 Ib_ ea; half runner an
| bunch beans 25e Ib. B, RL Woodl* iff, Flow- | =
| erv Branch, Ga, 2
_ Offer for sale pure Rocky Ford earth low
seed, $1.00 Ib; select mammoth long pod
aka coed. BOe Ih + also want rik Oneen can-
taloupe seed. EF. F Dve Fah'ra. Ga

Cinna Mountain watermelon seed
| hand eeleeted, 81 .50 Ib,; large tomato seed,

Mrs. J.J Carter,: A'ma, Ga Rt 2
OR The Inne preen imnroved cneumber




_ Waldrip,





+ 40

8 kled,
Ae Ib; 50 bs. everbearine okra a
'b WM. Reed, Buford, Ga_ Rt 3,
tone Manntaih watermelan seed, 81 25
Ib iene selected. Miss Allie Carter, Alm

seed, 85

seed an
