Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1928 February 9

_ VOL. 12:

" Swect Potatoes (Yellow) bulk, Kiln Dried 100 Ibs. 256 1.60


a M | ae ONER ==



I was raised on a farm where my father always kept from
four to six cows fresh in milk. I was taught to milk about the
age of 12. My part in the milking was-about three cows every
mjorning and every night. After growing up I have kept from

15 to 20 cows, for the past 15 years. For 10 years about one-
half of ie cnumber fell to my lot to be milked.

There is no harder work on the face of the earth than

_ the dairy bus-ness. Men generally get out of it if they can and

leave it to the women to do. The work begins before day and

- goes on until after dark seven days in the Ween; rain or shine,

hot or. cold.

kk great many farmers in Georgia have gone into the dairy
business in the past few years. They are having a hard time

at the work and also having a hard time making a profit. E

Upon: investigating the sale of milk, milk products, and
the manufacture of ice cream, I have decided that the great-

est drawback to the dary business in Georgia is the sale of
milk powders. Seven-eights of a pound of this milk powder

added to a gallon of water will give a gallon of milk, When
the ice cream factories use milk powder they add butter to
this mixture of powder and waiter to obtain the required but-
ter fat. Chemical analysis of the mixture does not reveal that

ia it is any different from the whole milk. I have been away

Of Georgia Products

Prevailing Wholesale Prices,

Trtan Potatwes, sack, 100 Ihe... uc ie Ee
Cabbage, green, crated, 100 Ws. *- oy el eee oa OS

es, Ga. extra; dozen. =.=. a 82
Ree. Ga, Standard, dozen 2 7 6 se ee
Moos Ga. Trade, dozen... 5 ek ee

een Yard Bi, dozen . 5 5 8T
Bee, OOP Ae, ea oo po eee 20

wee Or i oe ee .20
Bouse s per tbe.5 oe oe 13
eee Det he hak 2 ee ae oe ee 385

penne, Merb): 3.7. ee ee a i ea .20
Geese, per lb. 2-4-- +--+ 42. 2-4-5 18
Turkeys, er Whee ee a a 380
Dia. Reaves wee thy he a jena

Waele Peas, mixed, pet bu. 2025-5 22 ec 1.50 to 1.75
Bisckeye Faas, (Ga.) per We oe oe cee ak 04. =
Georgia can syrup, bbls., per gallon ----.------.----- .60
Sorghum syrup, bbls., per. gallon pace elt ee et tae
Corn Meal, sack; 96 lbs. 0.220. 25 ol eee ek 2.25
Gorn Milling, sacked, bu. =. -2.= 0-2-2 ee 1.06
Qats, No. 3 White; sacked, 0. <.....2-- 22 cee 675
Peanut. hay, tightly baled, -ton ~_------------------- ------
Peavine Hay, ton, .2-.+4<2-2+------------s---~+.-~ 20.00
Gorn -Shucks: fon (2 ee 10.00
maraitn, (Gacy ten. oe oe eo ee ee
Country Butter, best table, lb. --.-------------4---~ .85
Country Butter, cooking, (ha oe wee nec ae .25




from home now almost constantly for about six months and
have been living a good deal at restaurants and hotels. I have
found that my stomach tells me the difference.

~ The only tax on milk powders in Georgia is twenty cents
per ton. A ear load of these milk powders will make a train
load of milk. The people in the dairy business and those who
are interested in dairying could not do anything better than
to put it up to the Representatives and Senators to place a tax

You never see a rich farming country unless dairying is
the backbone of their industry. You cannot build up your

soil with commercial fertilizers. In the countries where the best

commercial fertilizers are made, the farmers do not use them,
~ but depend upon their compost ples (a mixture of barnyard

manure and layers of phosphate rock) to fertilize their fields.
If the sale of milk powders was prohibitory in the State

of Georgia, a great many more dairies would spring up in

our State and the great profit from these dairies oe be
the permanent enrichment of our soil,

Just remember that Georgia uses more ae guano

than 26 other states of the union combined, and that she has

to pay four cents a pound out of her eotton to pay for the
fertilizer used in cone EUGENE TALMADGE


February 4, 1928. Always subject to variation.


$ 2.50 $ 1.50 $ 1.75 $ 1.75
34 40 40 oe
32 36 See 36
16 Wea ee Oe
20 23. 20 20
13 13 15 10
33 35 30 30
25 30 30 20
47 20 20 16
30 to .38 35 30. 25

io 1.50 1.50 1.65
512 61-2 61-2 6
BO 50 50 65

2.35 > 9.35 2.85 210

1.00 1,10 1.05 1.00
we. 80 80 3

ee 20.00. 19.00.

oe 8.00 oe
35 35 ae ae
30 20 80 30


Ss Chicago Standard (90) score: Jan. 27, die: Jan, a 44c; Jan.

= .

30, a40; Jan. 3l, 44c; Feb..1, 441-2c; Feb. 2, 44 1-26.


of $500.00 per ton on these milk powders shipped into Georgia.


ae S. Ce Anconas Shepherd roosters.
18 mo. $1. 25. ea, Mrs. Eiowe Moore,
Ellijay, Ga. as
50 Shepherd Ancona hens; 4 cock.
eel Lot $52; 10 hens and 1 cock
- will exch. ribbon cane syrup. W. L.
Rabun, Warrenton, Ga.
& _ Ancona cockerels May hatch, Ber-
. Mrs. M.-E. Palen, Waniie Pune,

z 4 March Avitouae Nedoatere $l ea.
Fob. H. C. Fambrough, Dallas Ga.
50 Ancona pullets Mch. Shepherd
$1 ea. J.. A. Page, Soperton, Ga.


: 2 white Bantams, roosters, 50 ea.
a G. T. Kesler, Nicholson, Ga. ~ :
Golden Sebrights. Setting eggs,
$2. 50 ea. J. B. Russell, Rome, Ga.

- Golden Seabrights, cockerels $3 ea.

tp W. Law, Eastman, Ga.

Seabrights; cocks, $1.50 ea. or
2 exch: hens; guineas $1.25 each.; in lots |.
of 6 hens, 1 rooster $8.50; Toulouse
ganders 1927 $3 ea. L. i, vaihawe
and Sons, Ty Ty, Ga.

4 Bantam cockerels, 2 pullets; $2.50.
ot: or exch. 3 W. L. pullets. also 1
large B. R. Pl. cockerel $1.25 Fob.

Coy Abernathy, Lula, Ga.
~ 8 mixed Bantam hens and 1 cock-
erel, 50c ea.; 9 for $4.50. W.. S. Wil-
son, Cartersville, Ga. .
- Bantams: East India Games, $1.50
: =6a. dec. Gantt, Meigs, Ga.
4d Buff Cochin Bantam rooster $1,
or exch. for young rabbits or pr.
Bantams. Willie G, pores Mariet-

ta, Ga.

Aristocrat BR. cockerels, oo ea.s
a cock Sood Bs Lacey, Rome, Ga.
Thompson B. R. chicks, eggs, also
Sheppard Anconas. B. R. eggs $5 set-
ting; Anc. chicks $15 per 100. Homer
Ge Cline, Canton, Ga. _
. BS R. chicks, 16 ea, or 50, $7.75,
$15 per 100. Mrs. R. F. Anderson,
Register, Ga.
~ B. R. cock 1 yr. $1.25. J. M. John=
son, Shellman, Ga. Rt. 1.
- 20. B. R.- hens and pullets av. 5 lbs.
ef . Mrs. J. T. Holland, Toomsboro,,

Bs ' March B. R. cockerels $3, $3.50,
$2 or exch. B. R. eggs $1.50 setting.

e 15 Bek. pullets, young hens Uni-
versity $1.25 ea. min. lot 12. B. B.
Mason, Hartwell, Ga. _
26 B. R. Thompson; 23 pullets; 3
cockerels, May. $1.25 ea. for lot. fob.
S. E. Woodall, Mt. Airy, Ga.

Clarkesville, Ga.
: 2B.- P= Rock and R. I> hens, $2 ea.;
-eockerels, $3-to $5 ea. E. = Williams,

Ty Ty, Ga.

ea. or 8 for $13.50. Mrs. C. A. Wil-
banks, Commerce, Ga. -

_ Parks B. R. March and Apr. hatch.
a. J. Bosshardt, Rt. 2, Box 202, Ma-
con Drive, Atlanta, Ga.

-B. R. pullets Mar. and Apr. $1.25
ea. Fob. Mrs. E. G. Clarke, Pou
ville, Ga.

Aristocrat B. R. pullets and core
-els, Holterman pullets. 4 pullets
nd 4 cockerels, $15. Mrs. W. H.
ueker, Milner, Ga. ees

| Mrs. J. D. McIntyre, Ousley, Ga. ~

Mrs. W. L. Shealy, Oglethorpe, Ga. |. | :
$2.50, $3.50 and $5 ea. Hens $3; eggs

Parks B. R. Mrs. W. A. Miller,

8 Yearling hens Nise $1.75 |

pullets and 7 mo. old eure $2

$3.50. H. A Kuhns,
ee Rock ae
2 1-2 yrs. old. $2. 50- fob. B. R. ee
ss Winston, Ga. -
Bo Pek: Thompson coil: $2.0 or. $2. 50
del.; exch. 38 leghorm . hens.
Randall Pierce, Winston, Ga.

_ College - Park,

|erels Pape. Pullets $1.25;
$1.50. Eges: $la setting. J. H. a Mc-.
Kinnon, Bluffton, Ga.

2-10"B. Re hens. and oes
$12.50. fob.; Goose feathers, -


50 Thompson B. R., 1 yr., hens,

| $1.50 ea. laying. Glenwood Farms,
Brooks, Ga. a
College Agri. B. Re cockerels,

Spring, $1.25 or exch. pullets same
breed. Fob. Mrs. D, W. Waddell, Bre-
men, Ga.

6 -Thompson - pullets. one ek

Ga. RG 4 Box Ta0-* =

B. R. cockerels; Spring plies.
$1.50. Mrs. A. NJ, Coline, Domoresty

1 Thompson B. R. oe Mch-
32 Fob; 6 hens: same $1.50 eal; $10 lot
Fob.; 4 cock 2 yrs., $3 Fob. Mrs. N.
R. Wilson, Canon, Ga.
Parks B. P. Rocks March, $3. Mrs.
F.L. Bullard, Machen, Ga.

Aristocrat B. R. cocks, $3. E. H.
George, Madison, Ga.
15. Parks B. R. Kens, $2,265 ea. 1

rcockerel $4, lot $33.; . exch. Reg. _spot-
ted P. C. male not over 2 yrs. Eggs| 7

$1.50, $2: setting. will exch. ducks.

3 Light Brahmas April cockerels,
willie, Ga et
4 light Brahma cockerels at $1. 50
ea. Apr. J. W. Bailey, Calhoun, Ga.
ners. hens and_pullets;
+ cockerels; gs $1.50 per 15. CP.
Colelaugh, oe Ga.


Fishel, 1 cock and 4 hens $15, 10
ie mo. pullets, $15. H. as Kuhns,. Col-
lege Park, Ga.
W. P. Rocks.

Fishels, cockerels,

$2 a setting or $10 per 100. Ringneck

pheasants $10 per pair. L. K. Martin,
Hartwell, Ga.

Partridge Rocks. P, H. Hanimond:
Decatur, Ga.
Buff and white Racks eockerels. $0
each. R. L. Young, Augusta, Gao =
3 Fishel W. R. cockerels, Mch. $1.50
ea. Lot $4. Mrs. Z. L. Scott, Concord,
2 Partridge Hook oe yr. old cocker-
els, $3 ea.; 5 P. R. cockerels, Mch.
$2.50 Fob. Mrs. J. R. Estes, New-
born, Ga. ;
be Be COC, 1 yr. $3;
mo. $2 ea., lot $25.
Adams, Gixtwor, Ga.
W. R. cocks 1 yr. old $2.50 ea. Fob.
L. H. Taylor, Chamblee, Ga.
3 BoP. R. roosters, $2 ea.
asley, Ellijay, Ga. - =
BARe tb yr<Eehen and 1 rooster,

12 hens 10
Fob. Mrs. G.


best laying strain. B. R. hens, | os

$3.50. pr. Mrs. dee. igram, Botha,

ea., for four or more; Breeding cocks,
socks :

Mrs. :

. Thompson Beak: pullets and. cock-_

A Maddox, Alma, Ga.

. $1 Ib.
| Mrs. J. G. Welchel, Gainesville, Ga.

$1.25 ea.

lot $10. Miss Mary Lee White, Beton, te

kins warhorse and Ga.

| 1 rooster, $2 ea. or $9.50 lot. 8 pul-.

$1.50 ea. Mrs. B. Be Parks, Gaines- |.

ors, $2 ea, Mrs. Take Shiflet, Hart-
well, Ga. ~ =

| Cornish game hens, $1.50 ea. or 5. $7;

| A.. J. Bailey, Hartwell, Ga.

W. R. Fishel cockereis, $3 ea.; +42
$5; 2 2 yr. roosters, $2.50 ea. or $4
lot. Mrs. C. C. Payne, Aiton, Ga. Rt.
ee 5

3 laying P. R. pullets es for: gilt.

Ga. is
7 Fishel W. 1B R.
$3, 50 and $5 ea..Pullets Mch. $2 and
1 $2.50 ea. PRES $2. a S. iors
Athens, Ga.
= WER: pullets Sale or euch. for
W. L. pullets. Ferris. Mrs. N. t.

1 cock yr. old, $3; 12 hens 10- mo.
$2; Lot: $25. Mrs. G. Adams, Chats-
worth, Ga. = oe

10 Cornish game hens and x a
OF Bxene _ Lachenvelders.
Mrs. Glen Holton, Soperton, Ga.

3 Ga. Shawlnecks and half Hopkins
Warhorse, 1 cockerel pit game. $7
lot.. C. M. Ponder, Oakman, Ga.

6 Cornish Game

Giant cockerel $1.50. ee G. G.
Pearse, Sycamore, Ga,
Several Games tO: exch. for BR: I

Reds, Leghorns, Mixed preade exch.
any thing value. Mrs: Ww. W. Killbrew,
Arlington, Ga.
White Cornish
1927 $3-en.:
Eastman, Ga.
. 1 Mt. Eagle cock 3 vrs. $4: 10 Hon-
games. $4 ea. $7 for a Ee L. Ponder,
Oakman, Ga. ~

A ROA Game ae 1927,
. M. Aderhold, Lavonia, Ga.

" Citnich Berry games, 4 hens and

-cockerels March
hens $2 \ea. H.W: Law,


Tets and one cockerel, $8 lot.; 3 Black
Warhorse cockerels, $1.75 ea, Ps 8:
Ball Ground, Ga.

3 Black Warhorse. games will exch.
or pullets. Apr. Mrs. A. B. Atkin-
30n, Tennille, Ga.

2 pure bred Cornish Game _Toost-

2 Cornish Game eis sr 50 eas; 5
Hens mixed $1. Mrs. J-R. Sanders,
Whigham, Ga.

15 Allen Round Head hens sad 1
eock $25 for lot. Will exch. for Jer-
sey heifer 1 yr. old. also 1 stag same
breed. A. H. Tarvin, Menlo; Ga.
Games for sale or trade. L. M.
Carney, 555 Oak St. Macon, Ga.
Games one 18 mo. old Allen Round
head cock, $2.50, will mate,. $3.50:;
Rooster 10 mo. $1.50 mated, es 50. 3,
H. Lester, Menlo, Ga.


: <> POR SALE 2) =
Jersey Giants Marcy pullets; 1
cockerel, Apr. Marcy $2 ea.; Cock-
erels, $3. Morgan Hollaway, ee
mont, Ga.

R, P. Jersey Giants cockerels Apr.
nullets laying. Peeble Hill ey
Farm, Pine View, Ga.

Jersey Black Giant cockerels $2 ea.

3 March Black Giant cockerels, $1.50
ea. D. L. Patrick, Griffin, Ga.

1 Marcey Black Giant cockerel $2,
or exch. for young hen. Mrs. Ed

{1 bl. Giant 1927. be

Mrs.. Hugh Lae es Cartersville,

scekeruls $2. 50, :

pullets $1.25 ea.

Game pullets Mch. 1927, $1.50 ea.|~
| Mrs. W. E. Boyett, Lakeland, Ga.


oS _ Poultry Products, Incubators, Brooders, Ete.

2 us Blk. (Giant Cockerels.- Feb. $2
ea. Also. cotton Want to exch,
F. Hall, ae
Ville, Gan 4

1 Fish, 1 Marcey J Bl. Giant cock-
erel,, $3.50_and $5 or exch. for cab-
bage or Bermuda plants, or guinea
pigs; giant eggs same $3.50 per set-_
ting. Mtn. Oak Farm, Carrollton, Ga.

Jersey Black. Giant cockerels, 1 yr.
$1.50 ea. Fob. Mrs. J. Leonard Roun-
tree, Sant, Ga: ea


50 pure bred White Leghorn hens
for cash or exch. for good milk eow.
Mrs. Ed Brown, Summit, Ga. Rt. 1.
Ferris strain White Leghorns, one
pure bred R. I. Red hens. Mrs. M.
L. Shealy, Oglethorpe, Ga.
-25 Tancred White Leghorn pullets
Feb. hatch, $1.50 ea. or exch. for B..
R. or R. I. Reds of same age. Mrs.

tat, Hollingsworth, Covington, Ga.

20 White-Leghorn hens, 20 mo.
old, now laying 90c ea. fob. Mrs. J.
C. Osteen, Box 11, Waresboro, Ga.

Pure bred White Leghorns, Ferris
eae first prize winners, pullets
$1.75 ea., hens $1.50. Cooper & Pow-.
ell, Sylvester Road, Albany, Ga. |

50 W. Li Eng. strain March pul-
lets, $1.50 ea. H.-V. Franklin, Reg.
ister, Ga.

12 Ferris strain W. L. pullets now
laying and 2. cockerels, all last Mch. 4
hatch, $1 ea. Mrs. K. C. Mayers,
Baxley, Ga. ae

4 yearling hens, 1 cock, Ferris

| strain; 6 March hatch. pullets, now

tapi 8 March hatch cockerels, -all
for $25 or- exch. for equal number of
pure bred Barred Rock: pullets and
two cockerels:or for Registered Spot-
ted Poland. China sow or gilt bred to
Reg. S. P. China male. Mrs. Mamie
Youmans, Baxley, Ga. Star Route.
25. White. Leghorn pullets, Ferris _
strain, now laying at $i ea. 3 Eng-
lish strain cockerels at $1. 50.ea. Mrs.
Piety Forbes, Brooklet, Ga.

-10-best ese strain 2 yr. old hens,
difect from Ferris; several males $4

ea. Would consider letting out. on~
shares to responsible party. L.. lL.
Wallace, 247 N. Highland Ave., At-

lanta, Ga.
-10 S. C. white Leche Gockrels. g
March hatch $1.50 ea. or exch. for
pure sugar cane syrup. A. S. James,
Reynolds, Ga.

7 pure bred Ferris White Leghorn
hens, laying. Will exch. for wheat
or table peas. Edwin . Simpson, 676
Tifton St., N. W. ainda. Ga.

5 cane s Rose-Comb Brown Leg-
horn cockerels, $1.25 ea. Miss Ella
Doss, Talmo, Ga. j
15 Morgan-Tancred White Leghorn

March hatch cockerels $2 ea., $3.50
for two, or all of them for $20. Row

Goodson, Chickamauga, Ga.

50 S..C .White Leghorn hens pure
bred last Feb. and March hatched,

no culls, laying, $1.20 ea., $60 for
ce Mrs. Joe Harrison, EGE oe OM,


25 hens, 25 pullets, and 3 Muar:

White Leghorn, Ferris strain, $1 ea-
or $45 for lot. Fob. Miss Ola Gailey,

Alto, Ga. Rt. 1.-
10 . C. White Leghorn nullets

and 1 cockerel 10 mo. old, $9.98. Mrs.

eee. Sam ae

ype ds Slee a

cockerel and 6 hens, $8 or exch. for ~


S Puss: bred single comb. white Leg-
oo Tancred strain. Baby chicks,
and hatching eggs. Write for prices.
= Peach Valley Egg Farm, Butler, Ga.
5 _ Barron strain white Leghorn hens,
Feb. 1927 hatch, now laying, $1.50
ea. or 3 for $4 Fob. Goops returned.
Sets Hage Gainesville, aay

10 W. te ens March oe now
Jaying. Lot for. $9. Box 30, Carrs |
e Station, Gai 3

one yr. old hens laying for $100.
Jas. B. Woods, Brooks, Gal, ay
4 darge white Leghorn cockerels, 1
yr, old, pure. Ferris strain. Mrs.
Bloomer. Bevil, Milner, Ga. Rt. 1.
"8 pure pred Tancred strain white

eld in March, laying, $10: for lot. Mrs.
Erie Walker, Riverdale, Ga.
2S 6 pedigreed Tancred Leghorn roost-
Zs ers 1 and 2 yrs. $1.50 ea. Mrs. J. B.
_ Brown, Bristol, Ga.
, 20 Kerlin white. Leghorn pallets.
: ad 12 white Leghorn cockerels, Apr.
hatch, $1.25 ea.;
let Barred Beck pullets, April hatch,
a 25 ea. Mrs. W. S. Norton, Edison,
: gs C, hits Leghorns, | 2 hens, 3
: -pullets and 1 cock, Tancred strain,
$8 for lot or will exch. Miss. E. May-
: nard, Newton, Ga.

now laying,
De G. Patrick,

cane strain 1 yr. old,
$1.50 ea. fob. . Mrs..
= Morris Station; -Ga.0 2
. 25. pure bred Tanered strain May
hatch pullets now laying, $1.25 ea. or
$30 for the lot fob. Martin, Ga. Cash
with order. Also eggs for -hatching,
~ $1.50: per 15 del. oe AS. Vandiver,
- Martin, Ga. Rt. 3.

50 April hatched white:
_ Parris strain, now laying,
oe John L. Gantt, Meigs, Ga.
16 pure bred W. L. cockerels, Tan-

$1 sea.

Green, Hatcher Station, Ga.

Pure bred Buff Leghorns, 9 April
hatched -pullets Jaying $1. 25 ea. 41
- April hatched cockerel, $1.50, the
= lot for $12. 50. Mrs. J. -3s Fextgys
2 Cairo, Ga: Rt. A.

9 White Leghorn ee
hatch, no culls, all for $10 fob.


Hay, Buford, Ga.
Be 50 S.C. white Leghorn Tancred
_ strain pullets, March hatch, now lay-
ing, $1.25 ea. Miss Rosa Stevens,
a Machen, Ga. =
_ 8 white Leghorn cocks, Ferris strain
-raised from ordered day old chicks,
_ hatched 1924, 1926, 1927. Exch. for
Cornish or sell for $2 ea. Mrs. Geo.
Me Ayers, Cedartown, Ge
10S. C. R. I. Red pullets, March


and April hatch, Owen strain. Lot
$20. Mrs. O. -F. Boyd, Carrollton,
Ga Rte 2

7 Black Minorca cockerels, March
hatch, Pope strain, $1.50 ea. or $10
for lot; 1 white Leghorn cock, 2 yrs.

3s 4= Old in? March, shipped to me direct
_. from Ferris, $2.50; 1 white Leghorn
oe _ cock, 2 yr. old, Tancred strain, $2; 6
_white Leghorn cockerels, April hatch,
_. Wyeoft strain, $1.25 ea. or $7 for
ss ote J. M. Chambers, Macon, Ga, Rt.
= 2 ee
16 young white oe hens, Fer-
Sais" strain, well culled, late molters,
2 now beginning to lay; also 2 young
_ roosters same strain, $1.25 ea, or lot

el strain,

a with order. Mrs. ao Bennett, Alto,
= Gar Rte ft

~ 4100 Tancred felis white Leghorn,

Leghorn hens and one cockerel, 1 yr.4

20 Thompson Ring- 8

-108. C. Brown Lesko hens, Ev-|

ered strain April hatched $1 ea. L. C. ye

2 wire coops. Money with order. H. P.

10. mo. old, $2.50 ea. Gate

8 Pure ee Buff Leghorn pullets,
now laying, May hatch, $1.50 ea.; 2
cockerels, $2.50 ea. Pre from lice or
disease, no culls, $15 for lot crated.
fob. Athens, Ga. W. RB. AS: Aphens,
Ga. Rica,

25 young Brown Oe es hens and
2 cocks, $1 ea. Mrs. C. Cy Smith, Dal-
ton, Ga. Rt. fe
- 300. pure bred, Tancred, strain ae
Leghorn pullets from trap- nest stock
now laying, $1.50 ea. fob. Charing.
Mrs. E. W. Swearinger, Charing, Ga.

6 white Leghorn pullets, ready to
lay, $6 oo Red: Holland, _ Empire,

Pure- brad anced ae Lesko
pullets, nine mo. old from trap-nest

| stock. Write for prices. Peach Poul-

try. Farm, Ft. Valley, Ga.
1 white. Leghorn . cockerel March
hatch, Tancred strain, $3. Mrs: J Js

| Shearouse,. Guyton, Ga.

Rose Comb pure bred B. a
hens and 1 rooster, 1 yr. old. Super-

jior strain, $1.50 ea. Mrs. Emma And-

erson, Americus, Ga. Rt. B. |
Se s

12 March S.@., Bl, Mimorea pul-
ets, $1.25 ea. Mrs. Clark Elkin, Guy-

4 ton, Ga.

25 Bi. Minorca Pape Helis, $1. 50 ea.
Fob.; or exch for 25 Tancred W. L.
hens. Mrs: J.-M. Goode, Martin, Ga.

Pape Bl. Minorea_kens,
Mrs. T. H. Webb, Forsyth, Gaks.

Eee B. M. Pullets Pape; 6 pullets
and 1 cockerel $12. Mrs. W. H. Ruck-
ar, Milter, Ga.

8 mo., $1. 50 ea. Fob. Cockerels. L. 2D
Hadaway, Gainesville, Ga.
= C. Black Minorca cockerels, $1. 25

; $1 in lots 3. Will exch. for pul-
Pe Pape eggs, $1. 50 setting. Miss
gy, Maven: Newton, Ga. _

1 Pape 2 yr. Bl. Minorca cock, $2.
L. B. Millians, Newnan, Gates


OB hens and 1 rooster, $1 ea. Fob.
Arse Re . Newsome,
Ga. .
Orpington cocks, $4 and $3. Mrs.
Mt Shealy, Oglethorpe, Ga

8 or 10 cockerels, Mch. $5 ea. =e
Plant Co., Odum, Ga.

10 Orpingtons, 1 year

hens and

erass, Ga. =

$5 for 2; Eggs $1.50
Mary fou Wills, Jefferson, Ga.

setting. Miss

erel, $25. Will exch. for Mch. or. Apr.
2. -pullets or P. C. gilt.
mie Youmans, Star Rt., Baxley, Ga.

2 mo. old. Mrs. J. Y. Rhodes, Craw-
fordville; Ga.

Cockerels 7 mo. ($1.25 ea. or exch.
for pullets same breed. Margaret
Fussell, Rhine, Ga. -

4 Orp. hens, $1.50 ea.

sebee, Cleveland, Ga.

- Rose comb. R. J. Red @ yrs. old,
$1.50; Eggs $1. 25 setting. Mrs. A. B.
Crow, Flowery Branch, Ga.

R. I. Reds: 2 yr. cock, $2, Mch.
eockerel $2.50, young hens, $1.50,
Mch, pullets, $1.25, All Donalson.

Pigeons, $1. 50 pr. C. J. Hopper Rang-
er, Ga.

hite Rock ee tS S

$1 "pettitte. E. Ww. Brannen,
| Ford, Ga, oo

Valdosta, Ga,
6 Dorialson pullets 4 mo. $6. Mrs. |
_ | hie Marlowe, Carrollton, Ga.


gre Tok a hea
: Mars.

$1.50 ea.

C. White ies niles

; Cooper - and - Yowell,

Warbinaton, a4

3 2 yr. cocks. G. W. Honey. Popdgt:

Buff Orp. Mch. cockerels, 33 ea. or

10 hens, 2 cocks, 8 pullets, 1 cock-|,
Mrs. Ma-

10 Buff Orpington pullets laying,
$1.50 ea. or $18.50 lot. cockerel, $2.

also. 13:
Wyandottes, $1.50 ea. Mrs. Guss So-

oe A: Red ce ae eges. Eees |

| Rocky,

R. I. Red young cack, $3. Ss M.
Clayton, Holly Springs, Ga.
_121-2 year hens Donalson, $1. 50.
. A. Hatcheson, Ashland, Ga.
Eggs R. I. Reds, $1.50 setting;
Dotan cockerel. Mrs. M. Le Sheey
Oglethorpe, Ga,

10 hens, 1 cock Re I. R. $15: 3
rroosters, $1 ea. Mrs. Ww. 1): ae
Bremen, Ga. - ac

R. I. Reds young, cock and pullet,
$5.50. or exch. for. B. Langshan pul-
let and cock unrelated. Miss Harri-
tte Wright, 401 E. 33 St; Savannah,

'S. C.R. I: Red pullets, 1o5 eaxvor k

exch. 10 for. P..C. pigs (female) -Mrs.

P. W. Hyatt, Bowden, Gass

410 R. I. Red hens, 1 rooster Donald-
son, lot, $15. Mrs. Will Trimble,
Adairsville, Ga.

5 hens, 1 cock, $8; ae 5: hens

and 1.cck $6. Mrs. M. I. a see
pe, Ara


W. se Mathews, Pearson, Ga... ~

Pullets $1.50. Express pd. on 10 or
more. Miss Florence Horne, Grove-
town, Ga. were
layers lot $12.
J. L Lewis, College Park, Ga.
Cockerels 20-10 mo. $4 eat Pal

lets 10-15 mo. $2 ea.: eggs $2 per 15,
Consider trio Turkeys in exch. W. R.

Hatchell, College Park, Ga. Se
Cockerels S. C. Donalson $3.50 ov

exch. for same kind. Mrs. T. C. Smith

41401 Allene Ave, S. W. Atlanta, Ga.

Mch. Apr. pullets $1.50 ea.5 cock-
erels, $2 ea. Mrs. ae age Trimble,
Adairsville, Ga.

Lb 8. i R. L. hone me pullets $2. 50:

ea. Lot $35. Rose Comb R. I. Red at.

$2 ea. Mrs. J. ae McLean,
burg, Gar =

9 pullets and one es R. T. Red

Sr., Hazlehurst, Ga.s = \
1927 R. I. Red. cockerels, $3, $5 ea.

Sylvester Road,
Albany, Ga.

3 Owens R, I Red. Aeckercin: Feb.
$2 ea. Eggs, $1. 25, 15 or $6.50, 100.

| Mrs. K. C.. Mayers, Baxley, Ga.

12 Owen Ru I. Red pullets,

_ Mch.
and Apr. $1.75 ea. Mrs.

inson, Madison, Ga.

6 Tomkins R. I. Red pullets; 1

Gat 5
~ Hens and roosters $1, 50 ea.; Pee
{horn hens and roosters $1.25 . each. |

Ge Mrs. jeer Teagle,. Cordele, Ga.
15S. C. R. I. Red hens. and pul- |
lets $2.50 ea. or $35. lot. Rose Comb

R. Lh Red at $2 ea. LL. S McClean,
Box 1017, Atlanta, Ga.
45, Con. 1 Red cockerels Donald-
son $1. 25 ea. Mrs. G Ss. loos Shell-
man, Ga.

Re Red chickens 5 Henk: iS roost-
er $10. C. M. Millen, Camelia, Ga.

Cockerels $3 ea. W. C. Smith, Cal-
How; Gas Biv ors G2

6 Donalson R. I. Reds 1926, cock-
-erels 1927, $5 ea. R. L. pam, Walc,
en, Ga.

8. L. Wyandottes, ~

hens SL. 25 ea. Mrs. J. B. ore
Lincolnton, Ga.

Wyandotte hens, 18 mo, St. 50. ee
Eloise Moore, Ellijay, Ga.

Wh. Wyandotte eockerel. Will exch.
Mrs. Homer Conner, Cordele, Ga.
705. HB. 18th Ave.


vhens 1 | cockerel $15; 2 yr. ROS

tea. Mrs.. R. as Fleming, Lincolnton,

$5 ea. AL J: Bartlett,

exch. pig. Henry Elles, Ellijay, | Ga. Donalson $15, John W. Winn, Tarbox strain,

| Mrs. W. H. Little, Duluth, Ga.

Red chickens to raise on halves to

Grady At-

| breed. Mrs. J. H. Bradley, Watkins

| ville, Ga. Rt. 2, -
cockerel $1, a ea. J. B. eee Brooks }

| Buffington, Lavonia, Ga. Rt. Dre

GO Feesne Cole, Blakely, Ga. Rt. 6, Bo:

rooster $1.25;

Martins ce! Wh. Wyandottes 9}

Apr. cockerels $2> ea? Mrs. OSs &
Steadman, Bainbridge, Ga. :

1S. C. Wyandotte cockerel em
1937, $1.50 Fob. Mrs. _G. W. Davis, ae
Ellijay, Ga. ~ As

Wh. Regal Dorcas Meh. pockerelay
$2. Miss Rebecca Britton, ~ Jackson,
Ga. : sak . : a s
6 Martin Wh: Wyan. hens 1926, | e
$10. Mrs. J. A Lewis, Colleae Park,
| Ga. =

S. L. Wyan. roosters, nearly grown,


$1-ea. Eggs $1 per 15. Del. WwW. ar
Adams, Lavonia; Ga. | s 3
Wh. Wyan. roosters rose combs

$1.50 ea. T. B. Hyde, Madras, Ga.
M. R. Doreas Wh. Wyah. Apr. Bale
lets $1.75 ea.; cockerels $1.50 and $2

Ga. *
Re Ce. 1926 wh. Wyan. rooster, $2;
will exch. hen same breed. Geo. ie
Maxwell, Washington, Ga. _ xe
S. L. Wvan. pullets and corkerels,
$2. J. M. Hart, College Park, Gas
Wh. Wyan. hens. $1. 50 ea.3 cocks, |
$2.; Eggs $1.50 per 15; in 100 lots,
55e doz. Weekly supplies. Mrs. Bet-

Wh. Wyan. cockerels Mch. 8 for $5.

Wh. Wyan. Fishel roosters, $1. 50-
or exch. for hens. Mrs. Artis Silver, s
Ellijay, Ga.

Ry Os 38. Le Wah. saouteren se 25
ahd $1.50 ea.; Will exch. a few for
same breed, Mrs. Ve Bs Lowe, bc
ille, Ga. m

5 Si Le Wyan. ens and 1 eben:
$1.25 ea. Al J; Bailey, Hartwell, Ga.
6S. L. Wyandotte: pullets, $6 lay-
ers, Fob. R. J. Holland, Empire, Ga.

Wh. Wyan. $1.50; Mixed hens and
pullets 80c each; fryers, 65c ea.; 9
mo. R. I. Red rooster, $1.50. Mrs.
Walter McPherson, Rabun: Gap, G

5 pure bred S. L. Wyandotte. hens
not over 1 1- 2 yrs.

Want 200 Barred. Rock or R.

weeks old. Mrs. eee: Daniels,
Ocilla, Ga. Rt. 3. ie oe

Want 100 baby chicks to raise. on
halves up to 8 or 10 weeks old. R. I.
Reds or Barred Rocks or any large


Want. 1 pr. speckled Rie ise
ens, 12 or 14 mo. old, laying. -Reas-
onable price. Will buy or exch. Mrs.
C. R. Sorrelle, Monroe, Ga. Rt. dice

Want 10 white Leghorn hens or
white Rock hens. Will exch. 3 new
hand made and - quilted quilts for th
white Leghorn or white Rocks or wil
exch, 3 quilts for 100 baby chicks
pure bred white or Buff Rock |
Leghorns. Write your offer. =
L. Wallace, Canon, Ga. Rt. AL ye

~ Want 500 baby chicks, any lar
breed, Feb. 15th del. Will pay $5
for them del. at Lavonia, Ga. W. M

Want 500 white Leghorn chicks
raise on halves 10 to 12 weeks | ol

; Want to exch. a new silver plate
$10 watch, keeps good time,- for
good Brown Leghorn hens, Miss. G
A. Rice, Bijay. Ga- Bi 4. 2o
Will exch. value $15. for 100 I baby
chicks of White Wyandottes, - Ane
as, White Rocks or Barred Rocks
Mr, J. W. ES UDP: Heme i
PRE 2 he 2
ont on Page 10)

be eS



Published weekly by The
Arthur D. Jones, Director .


Eugene Talmadge, Commissioner

Thursday, February 9, 1928

Entered as secomd class matter February 15,
1922, at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Georgia
under the Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for
a mailing at special rate of postage provided

, for in secticw 1108, Act of October 3, 1917.


Advertisements of farm produce and appur-
tenances, admissible under postal regula-
tions, inserted one time on each request, and
repeated only when request is accompani
by new copy of advertisement.

insertion of

Limited space will not permi
nder legisla-

unimportant advertisements,

. tive act the Market Bureau does not assume}

any responsibility for any advertisement ap-

pearing in the Bulletin, or transaction re-|

sulting therefrom, *

Giretiation, Advertising and Services oe the
Bureau of Markets and _ this Bulletin are

Free of Charge.


On account of the unusual
volume of ads now on hand, ad-
vertisers are asked until "fur
ther notice, to, mail us ads only
every two weeks. This will en-
able the Bulletin to give each.
ad more attention.

e In the future, advertisers are
| asked to write each ad on a
separate sheet.



Barred Rock eggs, Thompson strain
prize stock $1 per 15, cash with or-
_ der, carton to be returned. Mrs. Mil-
ton Sumner, Sylvester, Ga., Rt. 3.

$. C. R. I. Red eggs, Owen strain
$1.50 for 15, $6 hundred. Mrs. M.
_B. Scroggs, Alto, Ga.
Want to contract with hatchery to

_. sell S.C. Black Minorca Pape strain

_ eggs weekly. Will have 12 doz. week-
ly or more. Miss E. Maynard, New-
ion, Gack -

S.C. R. I. Reds,
_ Donaldson strain eggs for hatching

$1.50 and $2 for 15. H. H. Jones,
Winton, Ga.

_ White Leghorn pure bred, ~ blood
tested Tancred eggs at $1.50 per 15,
select $2 or 4c each in incubator lots;
hatching eggs from Martin pure bred
White Wyandottes $1.50 per 15 and

5e each in incubator lots. Mrs. R. J.
a Fleming, Lincolnton, Ga., Rt. 6.

Pure R. I. Red eggs $1.50 per 15
del., no culls. Pat Dowdy, Cordele,

Ga., Rt. D. \

Select mating pure Tancred strain

- White Leghorn, White Wyandotte,
_ Barred Rocks, and R. I; Red (eggs. for

hatching at reasonable Prices.

_ Branch Farm, Royston, Gav -

Hatching, eggs from Barron strain

_ White Leghorns $1.25. per 15 $5 per

hun. Can furnish 100 doz. or more
_ per week. L. D. Hadaway,
ville, Ga., Rt. 1.

S.C, 'R, I. Red hatching eggs $1
per doz., prompt shipment, cash with
order. Mrs. T. H. Bennett,
2 ae, Kt. . 3.

_. Barred Rock eggs for hatehing
_ Thompson strain $1.50 per 15. Mrs.
J. A. Johnson, Jr., Rockingham, Ga.

'Martin Regal Daten White Wyan-
dotte and Barred Rock eggs from
prize pen, $1.50 for 15, $2.50 for 30,
2nd pen = 15 for 15, larger lots 5 1-2c

\| an egg del.

fancy matings, |

Cave my
: AV hatching: dark red Donaldson and

_ Mrs .C, -H.
Gaines- |

Alma, |


for W. Leg. pullets. Carton re-
turned. Mrs. J. E. Steadam, Bain-
bridge, Ga.

Columbian Plymouth Rock eggs for

Thatching 15 for $1.50, 30 for $2.50

postpaid; S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs
for hatching 15 for $1.25, 30 for $2.25,
50 for $3.25, 100 for $5.50, postpaid,
200 by express collect $10. C. E. Ab-
bott, Warrenton, Ga.

Pure bred Buff Leghorn eggs for
hatching $1.50 per 15 by mail, $1 for
15 my home. L. H. Strickland, Al-
pharetta, Ga.

Partridge Rock eggs for setting
$1.35 per 15 from highest laying
strain. J. R. Newsome, Sandersville,

S. CG. Brown Leghorn eggs, Torh-
molen strain $1 per 15, parcel post

ied | paid. C. L. Whatley, Cuthbert, Ga.

Donaldson strain eggs pure bred, no
culls $1.15 per 15. Mrs. C. W. Ow-
ens, Hull, Ga., Rt. 1.

Donaldson strain R. I. Red eggs,
pure Barred Rock eggs from closely
culled stock $1.50 per 15 del. Mrs.
H. L. Harrell, Colquitt, Ga.

Thoroughbred R. I. Red eggs $1 per
15. Mrs. Lizzie Gordy, Cusseta, Ga.

Bred to lay Barred Rock eggs at
$1.25 per 15 del., $5 per 100. R. W.
Warren, Dewy Fics Gai
' Partridge Rock eggs for hatching
6c each, del. Mrs. E. A. Sanders,
Jacksonville, Ga.

Wyandottes $2 per 15, $3.50 per 30,
del. W. A. Vandiver, Martin, Ga., Rt.
3. s
R. I. red or Barred Rock eggs for
setting. Will exchange fancy work
for same. Mrs. M. Wylie, ae
Ga. Route 1. .

Will pay cash for 8 or 10 doz.
strictly fresh yard eggs per week.
Will pay only wholsale price as ap-
pearing in Bulletin each week. Please
write or phone. Mrs. L. S. Johnson,
1017 Lawton St., S. W. Atlanta, Ga.

Phone Wiest 4043-J.

Golden Sebright, exhibition stock
eggs, $2.50 for 15; J.B. Giants, mar-
ey strain, eggs $2.50 for 15; $4.75
for 30. M. M. Landrum, Adairsville,

Buff Ge pington and Barred Rock
ringlet hatching eggs, $1.25 per 15.
Mrs. C. R. Sorrels, Monroe, Ga. Rt. 1.

Pure Barred Rock eges for hatch-

ing, $1.00 per 15 or $1.75 per 30
del. Carton to be returned. Mrs. M.
C. Colvard, Bowman, Ga.
_ White leghorn hatching eggs from
pedigreed stock. Special prices in
large quantities. Mrs. B. P. Ramsey,
Louisville, Ga.

White Rock Fishel. strai neggs,
$1.50 for 15, $2.50 for 30, $3.00 for
50, $5.00 per, 100. Cash with order.
Mrs. C. C. Payne, Tifton, Ga. Rt. 6.

White leghorn, Barron English
hatching eggs from record stock.
Write. G. H. Price, Wrightsville, Ga.

Pure bred 8. C. R. I. red eggs for

Owen strain, prize winners, $1.50
per 15, $4.00 per 50, $7.50 per 100.
Trotman, Pemnpeh: Ga.
Route 5

Barred Rock eggs, 15 for $1. 00.
Mrs. I. M. Johnson, Shellman, Ga.
Route 1.

Pure bred Buff Or ington eggs,
$1.50 per 15, Cook a, "aes,
tie Pearce, Sycamore, Ga. Route 2.

Marcy Jersey giant eggs, $1.50 per
setting. Want to contract with hat-
cheries to ship 200 weekly. Make of-
fer. Mrs. J. B. Saye, Newborn, Ga.

Pure bred Fishel strain, White
Rock eggs, $1.25 per setting. Mrs.

W. C. ee Culloden, Ga.

Will exchange B. R. eggs

Hatching eggs from Tarbox strain.

Buff Orpington Sane eges|
from unrelated parent stock, $1.25
per 15; $2.25 per 30. Mrs. F. 5.
Kirksey, "Albany, Ga.

Pure bred everlay strain brown leg-
horn hatching eggs, $1.00 for 15.
Add postage. Mrs. J. F. Lewis, Adairs-
ville; Ga. Route 3.

eges, $2.00 per setting, 2 settings,
for $3.75, del. P. O. money order with
order. Mrs. J. L. Wegtiare:
Ga. Route 4.

- White Orpington eggs from pure
bred stock, $1.75 for 16, crates to
be returned. Will have eggs insured.
Exch, for dried apples. Mrs. H. B.
McElmurray, Charing, Ga.

Pure bred S. C. R. I. red Donald-
son strain eggs, $1.00 per 15, $3.00
per 50, $5.50 per 100. Blood tested.
Mrs. Emmett Trammel, Duluth, Ga.
Route 1.

Pape strain Minorca hatching eggs
$1.00 per 15 del. -L. B. Millians,
Newnan, Ga.

S. Cc. R. I. red eggs, $1.25 per 15,
B. E. Messer, Chatsworth, Ga.

Regal dorcas white Wyandotte
hatching eggs, $2.00 per. setting,
flock eggs, $1.00 per setting. Incu-
bator lots a specialty. Goodson Poul-
try Farm, Chickamauga, Ga.

Barred Rock eggs for hatching,
Holterman strain, $1.50 per 15, del.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Dutch Poul-
try Farm, Jefferson, Ga.

Eggs for hatching from bred-to-lay
White leghorns per crate of 30 doz.
60c per doz. del. H. V. Franklin,
Register, Ga.

Pure regal doreas strain white
Wyandotte eggs select for hatching,
$1.50 per 15. Mrs. W. L. Guillebeau,
Lincolnton, Ga. Route 6.

Now booking orders for setting
eggs at $7.00 per 100 in lots of 100
or more f.o.b. W. A. Miller, Clarkes-
ville, Ga.

S. C. White leghorn, young strain
hatching eggs. Exchange for butter
bean seed, onion seed or plants, early
Valentine bunch bean seed or white
hickory big corn for seed, or Ga.
rattlesnake watermelon seed. Eggs,
$1.50 per 15. W. L.. Watson, Box
577, Fitzgerald, Ga.

R. I. Red eggs Donaldson strain,
$1.50 per setting. E. B. Gilbert, a
field, Ga.

- Pure bred Rhode Island red eggs,
$1.00 per setting. Mrs. T. R. Trawick,
Tennille, Ga.

_ Genuine Tormohlen strain brown
leghorn eggs from extra. heavy lay-
ers, $1.50 per 15, $4.50 per 50 post-

paid. Will exch. for bred Hampshire

gilt or pr. young pigs. Geo. T. True-
love, Stockbridge, Ga. Route 1.

hatching, $1.50 per 15, $2.50 for 30;
S. C. Brown leghorn eggs, $1.25 per
15, $2.25 per 80, $3.25 per 50, $5.50
per 100, postpaid. C. E. Abbott, War-
renton, Ga.

Harold Tompkins S. C. Rhode Is-
land req eggs for hatching from
special mated pens, $2.00 per 15, del.
Mrs. W. M, Gaines, ee ie 980
Drewry St. N. BE;

Thompson imp. ringlet sendin eggs
$1.15 per 15 del. Mrs. C. A. Wilbanks,
Commerce, Ga. Route 29,

Indian runner duck eggs, S. L.
Wrandotte eggs for sale or exch. N.
R. Mooney, Quill, Ga.

White china goose eggs for hatch-
ing, 25 anvegg;:C. I. game eggs for
$2.00 per 15; crates to be returned.
W. D. Wilbanks, Ramhurst, Ga.

Eggs from 2 and 3 year old M.
B. hens pure bred unrelated stock
25 each or $22.50 per 100 del. March
and April delivery. Cash with order.
No orders shipped C. 0. D. -W.A.

Johnson, weute 1, Alto, Ga,

Pure bred Fishel strain White Rock

Canon, |

Colombian Plymouth Rock eggs for] |

_ hursday, February 9, 1928

. Fresh yard eggs for cooking and
hatching eggs from selected Buff Or-
pingtons. Mrs. M. S. Nichols, Rt. 5.
Fitzgerald, Ga.

oe st I. red hatching eggs fon
large well developed trapnested stock
$2.50 per 15 eggs. Edwin Simpson,
676 Tifton St., N. W. Atlanta, Ga.

White Wyandotte, Keeler Martin
strain eggs and Buff Orpington eggs
$1.25 per 15. P. A. Smith, Newnan,

Pure bred brown L. eggs everlay
strain, $1.00 per 15, $5.00 per 100
del., crates returned. Mrs. Pearl Mc-
Donald,, Stapleton, Ga. Route 1.

_ White Minorca eggs for hatching
Booth strain $1.50 per 15, $5.00 per.
100. H. E. Tomberton, Abbeville,
Ga. Route 4. :

Pure bred R. I. red ekes from heavy
laying strain, 75e for 15. Marie Rau-
lerson, Patterson, Ga. Route 2. +

Eggs from Holtermans strain bar-
red rocks, $1.25 for 15 del. Incu-
bator lots, $5.00 per 100 f.o.b. Mrs.
J. C. Bryan, Reynolds, Ga.

Now booking orders from high
record St. Johns strain white leg-
horn hens, $1.50 per 15, $2.50 per
80, $4.00 per 50, $7.00 per 100. Fer-
tility guaranteed 90 per cent. Grady
Price, Canton, Ga.

Partridge rock eggs, 6 each del.
Mrs. E. A. Sanders, Jacksonville, "Ga.

'S. . R. I. red eggs, $1.00 per 15,
or $5.00 per hundred. Mrs. M. L.
Galloway, Rayle, Ga. :

S. C. brown leghorn eggs, $1.00
per 15, prepaid. Mrs. C. L. Whatley,
Cuthbert, Ga.

S. C. R. I. red eggs, Donaldson
strain, $1.50 per setting, postpaid.
Will exchange for white nest onions,
dried fruit or lima beans. Mrs. J.
N. Carson, Griffin, Ga.

Ferris strain, white leghorn eggs,
90c per 15. Mrs. C. P. Glenn, Box
323, Cedartown, Ga.

Marcy Jersey black giant eggs. for
hatching, my pens headed by 11 and
12 lb. cockerels, $1.50 per 15 del.
Mrs. M. J. Morris, Douglasville, Ga.

Jersey black giant eggs, Marcy
strain, prize winning stock, $1.50 per
15. Carriers returned. J. D. McLane,
Hartwell, Ga. Route 5.

Pure bred S. CG. R. I. red eges for
hatching, $1.25 per setting, $5.00 per
hundred. Ralph C. Collier, Colbert,


Large white eggs, Ferris stents
for hatching, $1.50 per 15. From
No. 1 pen. J. T. Etheridge, 301 Wal-
ton Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. Phone WAI-
nut 7799.

' Jersey black giant hatching eggs,
for $1.50 per 15 del.
winning stock. Mrs. I. J. Cleveland,
Hartwell, Ga. Route 2,

Barred rock hatching eggs from

choice stock, $1.50 and $2.00 per 15.
Mrs. W. W. Gaines, 87 Clifton St.

S..E. Atlanta, Ga.

S. C. white leghorn eggs, Ferris
and Hollywood strain, from special
pen, $1. 00 per setting, del. eee
cubator lots. - A. Ingram, Box 199,
ponder, Ga. >

Want. some one to furnish. 280
brown leghorn or any good breed eggs
to set and raise on halves to 8 or
10 weeks old. Mrs.. Jos. C. Buffing-
ton, Zebulon, Ga. Route 1.

. Want fresh country eggs not more
than week old in large quantities.
Can use 100 crates: or more weekly
if price is attractive. Wire lowest
price on ten crates or more del. Ma-

rion, N.C. W.. Boyd Jones, Broker;

Marion, N. Cc. .

Want turkey eggs March 1st del.
State what kind and price. Mrs. D.
F, Hall, Wrightsville, Ga. Route A.

From prize





Positions Wanted, Farm Help Wanted

Want industrious family to tend
2 or 3 plows on shares who can fur-
nish themselves on a 500 acre farm,
fine land 26 miles from Atlanta. Will
give right party privilege of buying.
J. S. Tiljison, Route 6, Douglas-

ville, Ga.

Want a family to take a one-horse

crop on halves. M. M. Mitchell, Cul-
- loden, Ga. .

Want single man for 6 months gen-
eral farm work. Must be sober. $17.50
per month to start with. N. H. White,
_Mabelton, Ga.

Want to hire good clean man to
work in modern dairy. Henry Nowell

Cuthbert, Ga.

Want one farm hand. Will board
him. Jack Ellis, Ty Ty, Ga., Rt. 1. >

Want two wage hands and one
share cropper. W. G. Gray, West
Point, Ga. Route 2.

Want a good, sober reliable farm
hand to do general farm work at
$20.00 per month to start work at
once. J. O. Strom, ae Ga. Route
1, Box 40.

Want small family with experience
growing quality tobacco to grow 7
acres this year on 50-50 basis, I
furnish stock and house to live in
and probably some corn ground.

Also want wage hand, will pay $15

per month and board for single man

or $26.00 for man with family and
furnish house to do general farm
_ work. L. H. Edenflield, Sia Sede
: Ga. Route "S.

=. Man with small family for light
fon work. Must be able to handle
tractor and drive truck. House, gar-
den and wood furnished. Pay $40.00
month. M. W. Lewis, Douglasville,
Ga. Route 6.

Want good farmer with stock to
work about 35 acres in Newton Co.
Must be able te finance self. Good
house, good land, and plenty of
wood. Jno. B. Harris, Jersey, Ga.
Want sober, industrious single
man to help with small truck farm.
Room and board furnished. Prefer
share basis but would pay salary.
Close to good markets. References
exchanged. A. M. Harris, Demorest,
Ga. Route 1, Box 110.

Want a young single man to work
on poultry farm and hatchery. Small
salary to start, but opportunity to
learn business with a man of nine-
teen years experience, Prefer some
one from farm. Good home and board
and washing furnished. A. J. Bart-
lett Poultry Farm and Hatchery, Val-
dosta, Ga.

Want a man that has force enough

to work 60 acres of land on 50-50
basis. Must, be able to furnish. self.
N. H. White, Mabletown, Ga.

Want family of 2 or 3 to run 1

er-2-horse farm on halves and milk
2 wows, live in house with family
of two. W. H. Patterson, Washing-
ton, Ga. Route 1.
-- Want a good reliable farm hand
to do general farm work and hog
raising. Must furnish good references.
_ Good home and salary to right party, |
who is not afraid to work. Mrs. R.
S. Stallworth, Macon, Ga. Route 5.

Want farm hand to work garden
and patches, milk, drive Ford. Give

reference as to honesty. Prefer one

with high school educdtion. W. H.
_ Waddelle, Pearsoy, Ga.

Want a family to take 100 acres
50 cleared, 2 houses. Party must fur-

nish stock and supplies. R. C. Loyd,
Nicholls, Ga. Route 1.

Want reliable white oe to work
on farm. W. T. Patrick, Quitman,
Ga. Route 4.

Want 2 or 3 colored families for
2 or 8-horse crop farm near school
-and church. Either cropper or renter.
Oconee Co. near Athens. O. J. Sala,
51 Woodcrest Ave., Atlanta, Ga.

Want single man, able to operate

tractor to do general farming. Rea-
sonable salary. J. C. Taylor, Ball
Ground, Ga. Route 5.
- Want woman for very modern and
complete dairy work. Write for par-
ticulars. Hegry Howell, Cuthbert,

Want 2 men to work for wages and
1 share cropper. State wage expect-
ed. S. C. Soe West Point, Ga.
Route 2. |

Want at once, man, not over 35
years old, with small family to run
small dairy in town. $385.00 a month
|with house and garden. Mrs. J. J.
Blount, Hawkinsville, Ga.


Want place on truck farm, 10 yrs.
experience in raising and marketing
truck. Prefer to locate within 75
miles of Savannah. References- fur-
nished. S. C. Blackwell; Brunswick,
Ga. 1523 Ellis St.

Wiant a job for wages on truck
or chicken farm at once. Have wife,
boy and girl, 14 and 15 years.of
age. Capable of farm labor and know
incubator work. Prefer near Atlanta
or Macon, though will consider else-
where. Occupant, Lake City 14, Ma-
con, Ga.

Want place on large farm as over-
seer. Experienced and best of ref-
erences. W. H. Carson, Commerce,
Ga. RFD 30.

Want place as overseer for 1928,
thorough knowledge of any kind of
work pertaining to farm. Sober,
steady and reliable. Have wife and
3 children. J. L. Sims, Hogansville,

Want place as superintendent of a
good sized dairy on commission ba-
sis, or salary. T..N. Bunn, Lovejoy,
Georgia. . :

Want. job on poultry farm, 21 yrs.
old, neat appearance, reference and
interested in poultry farming. State
wages to be paid. B. W. Brock, La-
vonia, Ga. Box 1382.

Want position on farm. Can drive
truck. 7 years experience. References
W. W. Head, Smarrs, Ga.

Want job of most any kind. Ex-
perienced in general farming, etc. L.
C. Howell, Mitchell, Ga.

Want to contract with party to
grow cabbage, tomatoes, collards, and
onion plants for 1928 crop. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed. Grady H. Gibson,
Folkston, Ga., Route 1, Box 47-B.

Want position.on salary or share
basis. Wide experience in cows and
poultry. Write what you have to of-
fer. H. T. Rogers, Jupiter, Fla.


Want farm on shares, or will take
dairy job. Experienced. I. C. Phillips,
Chamblee, Ga. Route 1. |

Want a2 or 8 horse farm on hal-
ves. Must be good ground, near tlie
school. Have plenty of force. A. L.
Huges, Blue Ridge, Ga.

Want small farm on 50-50: basis.
Party to furnish stock, tools and some

cash to start operating with. Hogs,
chickens or small nursery, near At-
lanta. T. J. Anderson, Atlanta, Ga.
1029 Avondale, Ave.

Want farm with owner furnishing
6 or more doz. hens, 6 or more brood
sows, to raise on. halves; a 1-horse
crop, corn and grain preferably. 20
years experience. S. M. Thompson,
Macon, Ga. 221 Broadway.

Want a good farm, upland, rich
and fertile and all modern conven-
iences, for a good force and car to
market and truck from the farm.
Write Mr. A. S. Fisher, No. 3 Burch
St.,. Dalton, Ga.


New sugar cane syrup, prepared for
table use, bright and thick, 6 lb. cans
for $4. Send check. L. B. Scoggins,
Omega, Ga. ee

Ga. cane syrup $4.80 case in quart
cans. Cash with order. L. A. Ragan,
Cairo, Ga.

Sugar cane syrup in gallon cans $1
gallon, any amount. Also good Cay-
ana syrup in gal. cans 75c gal. Geo.
McCall, Fitzgerald, Ga. .

1927 crop Ga. cane syrup in good
85 gal. second hand cypress barrels
at $16 per bbl. FOB Ludowici. R.
L. Baxter, Ludowici, Ga.

1 35-gal. new cypress bbl. 1927 crop
Ga, cane syrup $17 bbl. FOB. HG.
Baxter, Ludowici, Ga.

Pure sugar cane syrup, made from
old fashioned red and ribbon cane.
Case of 6 10 lb. cans $4.80; case of 12
5 Ib. cans $5.20; Cayana cane syrup,
ease of 6 10-lb. cans $3.25. All FOB

Adel. Cash with order. W. D. Wells,

Adel, Ga.
Fancy sugar or red. cane syrup,

sealed hot in No. 10 cans, labeled, }i

$4.20 case of 6 cans; 12 No. 5 cans
$4.50; A-1 grade in new 85 gal. full
bbls., $17; good No. 1 in new bbls.,

$16. Prompt shipment and safe del.
guaranteed. Lee Patrick, Quitman,

Sugar cane syrup in 10 Jb. cans 80c

can. Case of 6 cans $4.50; 35 gal.
bbl. 70c gal. - Alex Barfield, Louis-
ville, Ga. ;

25 gal. bright sorghum syrup in 10
lb. pails $1 FOB. J. W. Weeks, Dial,

Good thick Ga. cane syrup in bbls,
Make offer. S. L. Straud, Rt. 4, Box
65, Swainsboro, Ga.

Pure A-1 new crop cane syrup. in
No. 10 cans 6 to case, $3.60 case, less
5 per cent for 5 cases or more for 1
order. Cash with order FOB Meigs.
G: L. Duren, Meigs, Ga.

Pure Ga. cane and corn syrup 42
gal. in 35 gal. bbls. Pure ribbon cane
syrup 48 gal. Pure cane block feed-
ing molasses 22c gal. W. H. Davis,
312 Montgomery St., Savannah, Ga.
- New crop cane syrup, fine quality,
$3.75 case, six 10 lb. cans. J. F. Rat-
liff, Blackshear, Ga.

200 gals. No. 1 Ga. cane. syrup in

10 Ib. pails, price 50c pail. FOB Mi-

lan, Ga. John J.. Cravey, Rt. 1, Box
98, Milan, Ga.

25 gal. Ga. cane syrup in new 10
Ib. buckets 65c gal. FOB Milan. P.

M. Spires, Milan, Ga.

New Ga. ribbon cane syrup $4.50
per case of six ten pound cans; $4.75
per case of 12 5-lb. cans del. your sta-
tion. Money refunded if not satis-

fied. Thomas Davis, Meigs, Ga.

500 gals, new Ga. cane syrup, thick
in gal. buckets. Offer best price. T. ;
P. Thain, Metter, Ga.

6 No. 10 cans very best Ga. sugar
cane syrup $5 FOB. Cash with order.
A. E. Wammock, Harrison, Ga.

A-1 grade new North Ga. syrup in
new gal. buckets $1 gal. FOB. J. F.
Lewis, Rt. 3, Adairsville, Ga. A

Ga. choice cane syrup in new 85
gal. bbls., 50c gal. In 10 bbl. lots 45c
gal. FOB Rincon. J. B. Kessler, Rin- |
con, Ga. i ie

A-1 pure Ga. cane syrup; cases of
6 l-gal. cans at $4; cases of 12 half
gallon cans $4.25; cases of 24 qts. at
$4.50. J. T. Ponder, Whigham, Ga.

150 No. 10 cans Ga. cane syrup.
Good grade, 75c; cash with order,
FOB. W. A. Meeks, Adrian, Ga.

No. 1 Ga. cane-syrup in cypress
bbls. 50c gal. FOB. L. P. oe
Marlow, Ga.

Pure Georgia cane syrup in 10 ib. ea

cans, 65c per can FOB. J. N. Mc- &
Leod, Rincon, Ga. fe
New No. 1 pure cane syrup in 12.

5-lb. cans, $5 delivered; canned at mill :

while hot. Satisfaction guaranteed. -
G. B. Isler, Meigs, Ga. es

18 1-gal. cans sorghum syrup made
from seeded ribbon cane, 85c gal. |

FOB. H. S. Brooks, Rt. 1, Monroe,

Ga. 2.
75 10-Ib. cans 1927 sugar cane syr-
up, bright and thick, 75c can. Guar-
anteed to please. J. C. Taylor, Rt. 2,

Box 61, Hazelhurst, Ga.

Good thick sugar cane syrup, gal-
lon cans, 75c each or will exchange
for Brabham peas or long arm pea-
nuts. B. F. Willard, Baxley, Ga.

No. A-1 new Georgia cane syrup
in new 35-gal. cypress bbls., 50c gal.
FOB. C. W. Howard, Rt, 2; bdo

Pure thick Ga. cane syrup $4 20 a
case of 6 10-lb. new cans FOB Glen-
wood, Ga., sample sent where 2 cases
or more is wanted. Every can guar-
anteed; 150 gallons for sale. C. M
Warnecke, Glennwood, Ga., Rt. 3.-

83 bbls. sugar cane syrup $50 FOB.
shipping point. A. M. VanLanding-
ham, Barney, Ga. -

Pure Ga. cane syrup, high grade, =
uniform grade, $4.50 per case of 6 s
cans to case. 10 per cent discount on
more than 1 case. J. S. Jones,

Will exchange 10 gallons of: syrup es
in new 10 Ib. cans for 10 bu. of cot-

ton seed, Wannamaker, Pullnot or any
other good seed. Miss Laura Hie
Empire, Ga., Rt. 2.25. .

800 gal. syrup. in. 5 and 10 Th. Tank
or exchange for heifers any good
stock, E. S. Dorming, Enigma, Ga.

- New Ga.. cane ribbon cane syrup
in new cans We gal. FOB here. Frank
Fountain, Ray City, Ga.

10 gal. new Ga. cane syrup in 10
Ib. cans 75e gal. Leo Akins, Gry
mont, Ga., Rt. 1.

1927 lakeled No. 1 Ga. cane syrup

50c crated to ship. M. Cook, Milan,

50 No. 10 cans cane syrup 85 can;
6 cans $5. H. G. Bartlett, Cordele,
Ga. A
280 gal. syrup-in 1 gal. friction ton
tins with bails, and 40 gals. in 50 gal.

bbls. Make best offer, Geo. H. Har-
ris, McRae, Ga.


State budded pecan trees, all lead-
ing varieties, 2 to 8 ft., 30c to 80
each. J. E. Johnson, Shellman, Ga.
Route 1.

Mountain laurel, ivy, pemisel
white dogwood, wild honeysuckle, 15c
each or 2 for. 25c; heart leaf, moun-
tain ferns, colts took, 20i doz; black

and white pines, winter huckleberry |

- 15e each; maple, 2 for 25c; lily
= bushes ae lilac, 20c each, K. J. Fain,
_ Morganton, Ga.
ree of paradise andhoney locust
- for shades, 50c each or 3 for $1.00;
aa narcissus, jonquils and daffodils, tig-
ger lilies or day. bulbs, 25c sdoz.;
Scasuihin laurels, ivy, dogwood, aza-
leas, crabapple, black and white pine,
: 15 each; black walnuts, and velvet
rose ae 25e each; Cherokee rose
-and_hollyhocks, $1.00. doz. Mrs. WwW.
OF Fain, Morganton, Ga.
: - White and red dogwood, azaleas,
: white and black pines, crabapple,
mountain laurel, 15c each; spruce
- pine, 50 each; Cherokee roses and
ie raspberries,, $1. 00 doz.;
- yies, 50c. doz.
tain, Mineral Bluff, Ga.
~ Rooted boxwoods, $5.00


a 100


50c doz.

EZ? long,


Route Say
Dwarf cca $1. 00 re : lila

ae: 26e each; cape jasmine, 2 for
0c; fire bird anna bulbs, oe 00 a
105 glaucia trees, 25c each, 5 for
$1. 00; choice cuttings of Ponce: Tbe
a 100. All well rooted and delivered.

Mrs. GC. M. Robinson, Greenville
Georgia. -
~ Rooted boxwood | cuttings, $1.25

doz. ; ; $7.50 a 100 delivered; will ex-
Basiss lucretia dewberry plants, for
white and red crepe myrtle trees.
1,600 plants for 1,000, well rooted
70 myrtles. ~each to pay charges. Maud
: _ Hamby, Greenville, Ga. Route 38.
s Spruce pines, large and small, and
~ huckleberry bushes, -50c; azaleas,
s _ erabapple and laurels, white and black
pines, red and white dogwood, 15c
each; mountain ferns, 10c each;

$1.00 doz; azaleas, mountain laurels,
rhododendrons, box elders, Jap per-
simmons, 20c each; evergreen, galax
25c; tiger lilies, -75c a 100. C. L.
Chastain, Morganton, Ga. a

_ Yates, terry winter, delicious, impe-
rial, stayman, wilson red, June, wine-
sap_ apple trees, 3 years old. State
inspected, 1c each or $12.50 a 100,
delivered any place in Georgia. P. E.
Maden, Atheng, Ga. Route 2.
5,000 budded Schley, Stewart,
Tesch and money-maker pecan. trees,

: any cize. Write for prices. E, L.
2 _ Butler,. Camilla, Ga.
oe High-grade ~ budded paper shell

- peean trees. Low prices. W. L. Har-
rell, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Early May cherry trees; Damson
plums, 20e each; heavy icc box-
woods, $1.00. each; dahlia, flowering
zinnia, dbl. poppy, improved fire
plant, dwarf red marigold, 10c pkg.
each; lavender crepe myrtle plants
and white cape jasmine cuttings, 30
each; yard hydrangea, 25c. Miss Eva
Cogburn, Alpharetta, Ga. Route 2.
= Red and yellow raspberry, 6-for
50e; yellow sugar plums, ripen in
June, and large variety of quince,
2 years old,, 3 for 50c, 7 for $1.00;
1 above postpaid. Blue damson, aad
large red goose plum, 1 year old, 4
for 50c, 9 for $,100; old- fashioned
sugar pear, = ist of y ae 1 ae

. huckleber-|~
Miss Malanda Chas- |.

plants, prepaid; marechalneil rose].

80c each; pink and purple crepe |

old, 3 for 50c; May eA: 5 Be
50c; Himalaya berries, 50c doz. J.
C. Moore; Suwanee, Ga. Route 1.

200 off-grade pecan trees, all lead-
Ing varietes, |from 3-5 ft. above

ground, 25 each. No order accepted

for.less than 100 trees. Chas. C. Mil-

ler, Richland, -Ga.
Small,.well rooted walnut sprouts, |

20c each; 6 for $1.00; Himalaya
blackberry plants, 50 a 100, 300
for $1.00; garden sage plants, 6 for
25e delivered. Mrs. Joe W.- Craft,
Hartwell, Ga. Route 3,

Stewart pecan trees, 3 to 4 ft.,
50c each: in small -lots, to be dug
as ordered 1 yr. old Concord, Moore
and Niagara early grape vines, $4.00
and $5.00 a 100; off-grade arbor-
vitea and native cedars, (good for
hedge. or living fence posts) $20.00
a 100. All f.o.b. here. Y. M, Ander:
son, Williamson, Ga.

Old-fashioned horse apple ce 20
each, f:0.b- here. :O. E. Crawford,
Jonesboro, Ga.

bells, 25c each; 5 for $1.00, postpaid.
Mrs. Roty ache Landrum, Stapleton,

: Georgia.

Alamo ae cuttings, highly pro-
duct: ive, v gorous grower, early ma-

turing and disease resistent. Well
rooted and state inspected. 40c each.
Write for quantity prices. Originated

and grown a Cleon Brown, Alamo,

Boxwood, 36. high. Write for
orides. W. A. Willbanks, Clarkesville,
Ga. Route tf. Box 386.

Mogul - plum trees, large snd well
rooted, 25 each; rose crepe myrtle,
and -purple lilac, rooted 25c each.
Mrs. W. S. Wiley, Auburn, Ga. Rt. 1.

Schley and Stewart pecan trees,
true to variety, 4 to 5 ft., 75e; 5 to
6 ft., $1.00. R. H. Kent, Dawson, Ga.

Budded pecan trees, best variety,
state inspected. Sell or exchange for
peas, soy beans, peanuts, syrup,

chickens, hogs, poultry wire or any-|
thing to use on farm. 1 BY Lewis, |

Alapaha, Ga.
-Budded and state inspected Schley
pecan trees, all sizes, from 20c to

Cherokee roses and raspberry bushes, io Tie each. Write for fuller descrip-

tion. Will exchange for reg. Duroc-
Jersey hogs, mower and rake in good
condition, peas and peanuts. Leander
M. Kennedy, Collins, Ga.

State inspected paper shell budded
pecan trees, Schley, Stewart and
Frotscher varieties, 2 to 10 ft.) 30
to 70 each. Opie Johnson, Macon,
Ga, Route 2, Box 366 D.

Stewart, Money-maker, Schley and
Vandemon, clear of nut grass, state
inspected trees, oto 7 ft, 2 to 70c.
J. M. Johnson, Shellman, Ga. Rt. 1:

Schley, Stewart, and Money-maker
pecan trees, from 3 to 6 ft., 40 to

60c each. 10c additional caaree per |

tree for all orders less than ten trees.
Roy Crittenden, Shellman, Ga. z
Schley, Stewart, Success and Mon-

ey-maker pecan trees, reasonable for |

cash, or will exchange for peas or

velvet beans. Wm. P. Bullard, Albany,

Certified budded peach trees: May-
flower, early. rose, carmen, hiley
belle, Chinese cling, elberta,

October 8 to 4 ft., 20c each, delivered.
Prize taker and. Evans plums, same
price. Full line of apple and other
trees. P.. W.- White, Goggansville,

1700 ate Snevetted Stewart pecan
trees, in $5.00 lots, 12c ft. Any

fe Reig roms 90 0 18Ps wh De

Big- goose. plum sprouts, eohien!

Ga. 4.-.
| belle, white English and Stinsons

per cent off on sizes asst. above G
ft.; California privet hedge bushes,

K. N., Sharp, Commerce, Ga.

Schley and Stewart pecan trees, 5
to 8 ft., government inspected. Sell
or will peehanac for beans and peas.
Ss. K. Simon, Albany. Ga,

3 or 4 doz. pecan trees, 3 to 4
ft. Different varieties. Cash._ J. H.
Turner, Ba: nbridge, Ga. Route A.

corn, potatoes, cotton seed, or. field
peas at market prices. Write. W. F.
Jefferson, Albany, Ga.

Several Jhne, July white English
and Alberta peach trees; blue dam-
son and mogul plum, 15 and 25e
each; May cherry; June pears; red
Shockley apple sprouts, 25c each, or
will exchange for white-sugar crow-

| der peas, butter beans, corn field, or.

velvet bean seed. Tomy W. Clark,
Js Lexington, Ga. Route 2.

$1.35 a doz., $7.50 a 100; 2 weeping
willows, 3 ft. high, 8be ee both. Will
exchange. Mrs. J. L. Rodzers, Green-
ville, Ga...

Wild goose site sumac, honey-
suckle, small cedar bushes. Sell or
will exchange for good breed domes-

or eggs from batam hens. | Write
what you have. Owen. McKneely, For-
syth, Ga.

State inspected, Setley, ee
pecan trees. Shipped promptly. Write

| for catalogue or send $10.00 for doz.

-8 ft. trees, express paid. Greatly
reduced prices on quantity lots. J.
A. Beasley, Crawfordville, Ga.

-Fancy paper shell pecan trees, 4-5
ft., 50c each; 5-6 ft., 60c each; 6-7
ft., 70c each. FOB Shellman, ia. J;
O. Hammock, Shellman, Ga.

Schley and Stewart budded paper
shell pecan trees 2-8 ft., 40-90c each
f.o.b. or exchange for equal value.
GC. G. Olivar, Route 2, arnesville, Ga.
Grape vines, 25 kinds, 15c to 25c
each, well rooted; pine apple, angers,
and champion, suinee, small sizes,
well rooted, 10c each. Green Ischia
figs, 25: wellrooted. T. A. Heaton, |
Route 4, Hartwell, Ga.

Red goose plums, 1 year old, 10c
each, 3 or more prepaid. Miss Eliza-
beth Miller, Route 1, Grayson, Ga.

Privet hedge, $2.50 per 100; Hi-
malaya berry plants, 50c doz.; Gadbe
25ec and 50c each. Other shrubbery
and flowering plants at reasonable
prices or exchange. Woodmere Farms,
Chamblee, Ga.

Red goose plum, 10e; horse apple,
25c; yellow seedling plum peach,

postpaid. A. SE RED, -Wool-
sey, Ga.

Cedar, water oak, ee red bud,
poplar, sumac, sassafras, honeysuckle,
dogwood, mimosa, cherry, walnut,
mulberry, honeysuckle,
trees, 25c each, small postpaid. Large
by express collect. R. R.. Driskell,
Route 1, Box 79, Juliette, Ga. :

Galler Stewart, certified pecan

Emmett R. Shaw, Ft. Gaines, Ga. ~
-1 year old black walnut trees, 3
for 50c; kudzu plants, $3.00 per 100.
Mrs. W. W. Taylor, Gordon, Ga.

} yellow blooming honeysuckle vine,
10c each; woodbine- rooted, 25e each,

man, Ga. -
Large bushes of ent 30 or
ae vues. old,. Dwarf Sygate Rea-

f oe
hee ne

6 years, $1.75 a hundred, delivered.
| delivered. Dwarf variety.

_ Schley, Stewart, and: Money- maker
pecan trees. Sell or exchange. for ear.

Dwarf boxwood plants, 6 high, |

tic="p! geons, rabbits, oatam _ chickens

12 1-2c f.0.b. here. Ask for low prices |

graybeard |

trees, 50c to 95c in doz. lots or more.

Wild ecrabapple trees, white and.

Mrs. J. B. Brown, Route 1 yee


inson, Greenville, Ga.
~ 200 pretty boxwood plants, $15. 00

pink crepe myrtle, $3.00 doz., de-

3, Greenville, Gaa.

McDonald blackberry,
$12.50, 100 for $1.50; premo dew-

50, 7 for $1.00; Japanese kudzu
100 for $3.00, 25 for $1.00; Himal-

$50; Gheroke rose, 1,000 for $18.00,
100 for $2.00, well rooted and post-


Geiger, Flintside, Ga.
ter oak: trees, 35e each, 2 "2 ft, high.

ville, Ga. K

Stewart, Schley and Monegan
paper shell pecan trees.
prices. W. H. Harris, Ft. Valley, Ga.

Himalaya blackberries, Be each;
magnolia trees, 25 each; * small eae
leaf yellow. pines, 2. oe 25c. Add.
postage on small orders, large orders
by express. Mrs. C. C. Ellis, Route
4, Moultrie, Ga.

Close: prices on fruit trees, pecan

ington, Ga.

@hoice seedling white English and

grape vines, 121-2c each or $1.20
grape vines 25c each; magnolia bushes _
25e and 50c, delivered. W. CG. ey
Grantville, Ga.

Flowers, memory, Thomas, scup-
pernong, Irene Hunt muscadine,
grapes, 15c-25e-50 each. Delivered.

each; 2 year Niagara grape vines,
12 1- '2 each. -Add postage on orders

liamson, Cao

Black walnut trees, $1.50 soe:
trees, 2 1-2 to three ft. high, 40 each.
Add postage, no checks accpeted. Mrs.


ivy, spruce pines, sugar

postage. Mrs.
Loving, Ga.

of 100 or more. J. T. Ponder, Whig-
ham, Ga.

est possible prices.
trated catalogue.

J. H. Girardau,
McRae, Ga.

old-fashioned peach trees, 10c each.

doz. Mrs. U. G. pomner Route Ts
Gainesville, Ga.

count on

dy 12 By Ask for dis-
arge quantities; hedge

$1.75, delivered in. quantities. Be


sonable prices. Mrs. Raymond Rob-

Red and

livered. Mrs, B. L. Robinson, Route Ee

1000 for

aya blackberry, 100 for $2.00, 12. for

paid. J. W. Toole, Route 2, Macon,

Standard vanities pecan | trees, all
sizes. Write for low prices. Fred C.:

Black walnut trees, $1. 50 doz.: : wa-

Mrs. G. B. McCrary, Route A, Gaines-

Write for.

' trees and shrubs. H. M. Dudley, Lex Be:

Schley and Stewart pecan trees, 4.
to 5 ft., 75e. R. H. Kent, Dawson, -Ga.

August peach trees, five sizes _
|15e each or $1.75 doz.; well rooted

T. A. Heaton, Route 4, Hartwell, Ga.
_ 2 year Concord grape vines, 10c -

less than $1.00. G. A. Anderson, ae
white ash trees, 35c each; water oak _

G. B. McCrary, Route A. Gainesville,

Budded pecan trees, pineapple pearr
Japan persimmon and other fruit
trees and ornamental plants at clos-
Write for illus-
May cherry trees, 10c to 15 each;

Blue iris, yellow jonquil bulbs, 25c .
Stewart pecan any quantity, -

oy re 6 years old, $1.25 a hundred, a s

N, Sharp, CONS, mye Ce

berry, 100 for $1.10; celestial. and ,
brown turkey fig large 25c, 3 for ~

weep ng willow, umbrella china ss

azaleas, red dogwood, 25 -
each; winter ferns, wax plants, 60c S oS
dou: 12 choice roses, $1.00. Add.
Baskum Abercrombie, oe

Pecan trees of quality, guaranteed i 4
-true name, 2 to 8 ft., 80c to 85c. A
5 per cent discount for all orders

2 Queen s delight roots for sale, Mrs.

7. J. Williams, poate 1, Box 38, Mi-

lan, Ga.
<2 Black walnut 1 year aid, 200; white
ED cudllaw peach trees, $1.00 den: ; old-
- fashioned peach trees, 5 each. Mrs.
V. 8. Ladd, Gainesville, Ga, Rt. 7.

All leading varieties of apple,
= peach trees, 1 and 2 year old, 25c
oe and lic each; cherry, 50c; pecans,

%5e and $1.25; Concord and Malaga
_ grape vines, 10c each; strawberry
plants, per 100, everboaring, T5Cs
# _ Klondyke and missionary, 50c, $3.50

\M. Government inspected and true
~- to name. Mrs. Lee Head, Cleveland,
Ga. Route 1, Box 1. A
Mountain laurel, mountain spruce,
: Gehiss pine, bush honeysuckle, aza-
leas, box elder, white dogwood, 25c
wld honeysuckle bushes, 50c doz.; :

= red. dogwood, 20 each; huckleberries,
_ %5e doz.; hardy fern, 8 for 25c; trail-
; - jing oad is 25 doz; Spanish sword,
. 60 each. Miss Thelma Wilson, Loving

Hemlock pines, white pines, 30
Ze each; box wood, well rooted, moun-
tain Aurel $1.00 doz.; English dog-
wood, holly bushes, balm of Gilead,
' 25e each; purple lilac, 15 each or

per 3 100 bunches: running roses, 15c
each; garden arse mint, pepper mint,
spearmint, 5c bunch. Add postage.
_ Miss: Ruth White, Route 1, Dahlo-
mega, Ga. Box 383.

Walnut trees, 2-3 years old, 200-|-5
25c; May cherry trees, 2 year old,
eihite Jap rose bushes, well rooted,
~10c each; early strawberry plants,
yellow iris, 10 doz.; 3 plue iris, 20c
doz.; scuppernong vines, 25c each;
=2 early May English pea seed, 20c pt.
Mrs. J. C. Eades, Route i Gaines-
ville, Ga.

Spruce and white pines, mountain
eel: rhododendrons, azaleas, har-
dy hibiscus, Jap persimmons, golden
hells, and lilac bushes, 15e each; red
~ and white dogwood, box elder, binck

Ge a sprouts, tulip poplars, silver
maples, crab apple: sprouts and hem-
- lock., 10 each; black raspberries,
BO doz.; ; blueberry bushes, 20c doz.;
a _ pink Cherokee roses, 50c doz.; moun-
= taain ferns; 25c doz.; trumpet vine
and clematis, 10c each. Mrs. Frank
_ Wilson, Morganton, Ga.
5 Red and white dogwoods, Slack
cherry | sprouts, silver maples and
tulip poplars, 10c:each; spruce and
white pines, azaleas, mountain laurels,
rohdodendrons, hemlock and Jap
persimmons, 15c each; black rasp-
berries and Cherokee roses, 50c doz.;
blue. berries, 20c doz. ;tiger lilies,
Be a 100; evergreen galax, 25c doz.;
winter eee 10c each; American
= - Beauty rose bushes, 15 each. Miss
_ Margaret Wilson, Morganton, Ga.
iS Well rooted, large size paper shell
pecan sprouts, 1-to 7 ft. 10c to 30c
each, or exchange for corn, each to
pay charges; 30 red streaked sweet
: _ apple sprouts, and sweet pomegran-
~~ ate, 15 each, 8 for $1.00; grape pep-
._perniint and pennyroyal, 10 bunch
or 3 for 25e! St. Regis. everbearing

Logan or lueretia dewberry plants;
- everbearing mulberry sprouts, 10c
each. Mrs. V. E. McCook, McIntyre,
Ga. Route 2.
_ Weeping willows, nace lilac bushes
2. 8 ft. high, thornless blackberries,
25e each; grape vines, white black-
berries, purple fig sprouts, 10c each;
-. all varieties blackberries, dewberries,
--yed raspberries, 5c each, or 50 doz.
Rev. L. D. Rolader, Route 9, Box
407, Atlanta, Ga.

Want one ach, umbrella china, red
bud ee dsaty eray beerds MOM:

| : 2 for 25c; yard grass for hedge, $1.50}.

-paspberry, 8 for 50e, or exchange for

holly, - eee juniper; golden arbor
vitea, purple and white French lilac.

Mrs. J. M. Hal, Route 5; Calhoun,

Want about 20 or 30 Lombardy

size. H. W. Mauldin, .868 Cascade
Ave., S. W., Atlanta, Ga.
Want about 50 flowering pom-

granates 2-3. feet high. Name price|

and color or flowers. Also the larg-
est red cheed pears. Col. W. E. H.
Searcy, Griffin, Ga.

Want one dozen Stewart, Schley,
or Money-maker paper shell pecar
trees. Will exchange select hatching
eges, Reds, Rocks or. Jersey black
giants, for same. Mrs. Lillie B. Lan-

| drum, Adairsville, Ga.

Want to buy 6 pecan trees, three
-Sehley and three Stewart paper shell
4-6 ft. high. Reasonable price. Pay
cash. H. J. McCollum, Canon, Ga.

Want apple and peach trees, also

grape vines. Exchange peas. J. N.
Martin, Lincolnton, Ga. ~
Want scuppernong vines, rooted

white or yellow variety. Will exch.
single or double white tatting for
same. Write. Mrs.
Route +3 Columbus, Ga.

Want 1 doz. pink canna bulbs, not
over $1.00 a doz. Mrs. eee) 5
Reynolds, Ga. oot

* About 5,000 improved everbearing

strawberry plants, $3.50 per M., de-+

livered. Cc. W. Patterson, Route 1;
Eastanollee, Ga. ~
Kudzu Sicats ic each. No order less

than 100 pens O. GC. Perdue, Yates- | .
}-ville, Ga. .

Have sold all cabbage plants. This
is in answer to many inquiries. Crest
Hill Farm, Ocilla,, Ga. = *

Early bearing . (perfect) ae
strawberries 60c a hundred, deliver-
ed. $5.00 a M. f.o.b. and also a few

mastodon $1.00 a doz. W. R. Hatchell, | -

College Park, Ga.

Klondyke strawberry plants, ALeyr.
old and free from disease. 500-$1.50,
1,000-$2.50 prepaid. Mrs. Anna Crow,
Route 1, Gainesville, Ga. |
; Prost-proof early Jersey mad Char-
leston Wakefield cabbage plants, 75c
for 500, $1.25 per M., delivered.
R. S. Burgess, Pembroke, Ga. _

Several thousand strawberry plants
Gibson, mastodon, Lady Thompson,
Klondyke. missionary and premier
mixed, 20c per 100. Add postage.
Mis. E. E. Turner, Glenn, Ga.

Two to five year old kudzu plants
at reasonable prices. Will exchange

for registered Duroc-Jersey hogs, |

mower and rake in good condition,
peas and peanuts, Leander M. Ken-
nedy, Collins, Ga.

Prickly mock orange hedge plants,
nicely rooted, $1. 00 per 100 deliv-
ered. Well rooted dewberry plants,
50c hundred. Mrs. Jou. eal Mill-
haven, Ga.

Will exchange 100 iowa vines

for 300 cabbage plants, early va-

riety. Mrs. Ethel. Rowland, Route =
Carnesville, Ga.

(Crystal wax and yellow Bermuda
enion, 500 for 75c, $1.25 per M.
Delivered. $1.00 per M. express pen-
ceil pod size. Good price on 50,000
or more. Walter Ww. ~McEver, Brasel-
ton, Ga.

Lucretia: dewberry olny bse $1, 00 a
100, $8.00 per 1,000. David Pipe,
Route 1, Box 6, Mauk, Ga.

Frost-proof cabbage plants, Ber-

muda onion plants, $1.50 per 1, 8

delivered.. Prompt shipment. W.
Adams, Seville, Ga.
Pimento, bell; buncomb,

and hot pepper plants;
tomato plants; Porto Rico and buck


or away yan $2.00 pst a f,0.b,

2 laurel, ee pine, spruce pine, |

Geo. F. _Landin,

all kinds of |

Satisfaction. guaranteed. |
Clements, Sandersville, Ga.

Crystal and yellow onion plants,

75e-85c for 500; $1.45 and $1.85 per}.

1,000; dewberry plants. and. black-
poplars. Write best price and give full}

berry plants from March 10th to
June 20th. Write for prices. W. N.
Stephens, Flowery Branch, Ga.

Klondyke strawberry plants, 25c
per 100: or $2.00 per 1,000. Ready
to ship. Cash with order. Mrs. W.
B. Crow, Route 4, Box 78, Cumming,

Frost-proof ae Early Soney
aaa Charleston Wakefield, Succession
cabbage and white Bermuda onion,
well rooted. 500, 75c. 1000, $1.25.
R. L. McRae, Meigs, Ga. :

Improved Klondyke eee
plants, $1.00 per 500; $1.75 per: M.
delivered. Checks not accepted. Mrs.
Cc: T. Hunt, Route 4, Cumming, Ga.
Lady Thompson strawberry plants,
$2.00 per 1,000; 60c per. 300;:25c
per 100; $1. 00 per 500. Will ex-
change for quilt tops, tatted- yoke
or -searf ends, anything of equal
value. Mrs. . J. M.. Hall, Route 5,
Calhoun, Ga. oA

Kudzu -plants, well rooted from
one to three years. $2.00 per 100
delivered. J. L. Akins, Leesburg, Ga.

Hedge. plants well rooted and
branched, $2.25 per 100;
$10.00 prepaid. KE. T. Almon, Mid-
land, Ga.

- Kudzu plants, $5.00, per M. or
exchange for other farm produce.
L. G. Sanders, Route 2, Dewy . Rose,

iechcering hae "plants,

25c per 100 or $2.00 per M. f.o.b.

W. Z. Braswell, Ure 1, Stone Moun-
tain, Ga. _

Large everbearing. strawberry
plants, 25 per 100. Add postage. No
checks accepted. Mrs. E. F. Brew-
ton, Route E, Statesboro, Ga. >

mediate. shipment. - Early Jersey,
Charleston, Early flat Dutch, $1.00
per 500, $2.00 per 1,000. Crystal
wax, Bermuda; -pyize talfer' onion
plants, 500 for 75c, $1.25 per M.
Fred Schroer, Jr., Valdosta, Ga.

Well rooted kudzu plants, 75c per
doz., delivered. $12.50 per M. cash

with order. A. J. Wilson, Route A,
Rebecca, Ga..

Klondyke srtawberry plants, $2.50
per M., delivered. Mrs. Estie- Crow,
Route 2, Gainesville, Ga.

Klondyke strawberry plants, $2. 25
per M. Lady Thompson strawberry
plants, $3.00 per M., deliveded. O.
M. Crow, Route 2, Gainesville, Ga.

-- Kudzu plants. Write for sample

and free information. B. W. Middle-
brooks, Barnesville, Ga.

. Lady Thompson strawberry plants
$3. 00 per M. or 2,000 for $5.00. Mo-

zell Wilson, . Route 2, Martin, Ga.

- Cabbage plants, all varieties, $1. 25

per M., delivered in quantities $1.00
per M. Bob Lindsey, Lenox, Ga.
Cabbage,, collard and onion plants
leading varieties. 500-851, 1,000-
$1.50. A. P. Sexton, Valdosta, Ga.
' Frost proof cabbage piants $2 a 1000
collards, $1.00 per 1000; Bermuda
onion plants, $1.25. WwW. W. es
Quitman, Ga.

Tomato, sweet. potato, onion, oe
pepper and cabbage plants, ready
in March, 75c-250;/800-$1.00; 500

$1.50; by express $2.00 per M. Sat-|

isfaction. guaranteed. Mrs. R. O.
| Parks, Darien, Ga.
~ Improved large Klndyke straw-

berry plants, 25c per 100. Mrs. Rosie

Crow, Route 4, Cumming, Ga.

Million early Jersey, Dutch, Wake-
field cabbage plants. 500-$1.00; $1.75
M. John B. Pope, Fitzgerald, Gas,


M are h, |
April, May and June delivery. E. T.

500 for:

Large stocky cabbage plants, im-

Ly i Unsere cee = Sys

ites for winter heading from .inocu-
lated seed, $1.25- per 1,000. Capt.
Albert Harrington, Thomasville, Ga.

Cauiaae soe ai eae varie- fo

Lady Thompson strawberry plants oie

$1.00-500; $1.75 per M. Will
change for apples, sweet or Irish po-
tatoes or kudzu plants. J. C. Dodd,

: Cleveland, Ga.

Klondyke strawberry plants, 500

$1.25; $2.00 per M. postpaid. C. D..
Freeland, Route 2, Gainesville, Gal

Porto Rican and Nancy Hall pota-
to plants, March delivery, $2.00 per
M. Satisfaction guaranteed. ve M.
Carter, Rockingham, Ga. a

1,000 hedge plants, 4c each, or
40c doz.; 1 1-2 to 3 ft.
rooted. Will exchange.
McClung, Hiram, Ga. .

All leading varieties cabbees ond?


onion plants, $1.50 per M. Satisfac- a

tion guaranteed on all shipments. WwW.
L. Goodloe, Valdosta, Ga.

Lady Thompson strawberry plants
$1.00-100; 1,000-$4.00. Klondyke,
plants, 1, "000. ($3.00. Onions 1 ,0Q0-
$1.25 dehccraa: B.. Crow; Route: 2,
Gainesville, Ga.

Champion eben sieaneee
plants, 75e per 100. 2 year old, Wash-.
ington rust-proof asparagus roots, 50
for $1.00, $1.50 per 100, delivered.
Frances W. Foulks, Cherokee. ce
chard, Alto, Ga.

Klondyke strawberry. plants, $1. 50
for:500 or $2.50 per 1,000 delivered. |
Mrs. Berry Bennett, Route dy Ele:
ery Branch, Ga.


high, wan =
: aS

Large cabbage plants for - wie

shipment, 500-$1.15. Crystal wax
Bermuda onion plants, 500-75c; 1000
$1.85, Minnie Mae Hendrix, Bow 141,
Valdosta, Ga.


Yellow and crystal wax Benngda: s
onion plants, $1.50 per M. A. R.

Holland, Route 1, Braselton, Ga.

Lady Thompson strawberry plants
20c per 100. Doyle Eller, pose 3,
Ellijay, Ga.

} Klondyke and Lady Thendean
strawberry plants, 500-$1.50, $2.50 .
per 1,000. Add postage. Mrs. J. is =
Austin, Madison, Ga. :

Klondyke and missionary straw-.


berry plants, 50c per 100, postage Ae
paid. Will exchange for dried peaches,~ __
figs, apricots, pecans, peanuts, as-

paragus roots, pink crepe myrtle or

white iris. Miss Callie Fain, ee ee

ton, Ga.

Frostproof cabbage plants, post- e.

paid, 100-40c, 800-90c, 500-$1.25,
1,000-$2.00. W. C. HEDY Valdosta,
Gora :

Klondyke strawberry plants, abe.

100, $2.25 per M. Cash with order. -

Add postage, J. B. Bennett, Route 1,
Flowery Branch, Ga.

Bermuda onion plants, $1. 25 per
M. Express collect. Klondyke straw-
berry plants, $2.50 per M. delivered.

W. O. Wialdrip, Flowery Branch, Ga. =

Klondyke strawberry plants, $1.00

per 100 delivered. Mrs. J. = Rodgers, oa

Greenville, Ga.

.Frost-proof dabbage platta? ag
per M. Onion: plants, $1.50 per. M.
Andrew Clark, Thomasville, Ga.

Missionary strawberry
Klondyke strawberry plants, $2.50
per M. Mrs. Lena Holland, Power ys
Branch, Ga.

Early Jersey cabbage plants, $1. 00
per M. 5 M. $4.00; 10 M. $8.00. Write |

for wholesale prices. All prices f.o. b.
Sparks, C. B. Lovett, Sparks, Ga.

Porto Rico potato plants ready to |

ship from 1st to 15th of March.
Orders booked any time. Guarantee

plants, Z :


fine quality plants, $2.25 per M. Ww. =


brie moulds 45c_ del.

and fanned $2.10 bu.,




Fresh country butter 45c Ib. Can
furnish 3 lbs. a week. Mrs. L. A.
Crow, Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 2.

2 to 4 lbs. of fresh country butter
each week. In 1-lb. brick moulds, 50
Ib. del. Mrs. L. L. Howell, Fair-
mount, Ga., Rt. 2.

4 or 5 lbs. fresh table butter in 1-2
tb. moulds per week 45c Ib. in Ga., 50c
Ib. out of the state. Mrs. Ray Hemp-
hill, Flowery Branch, Ga.

Jersey butter 45c del. 6 or 8 Ibs.
each week. Mrs. P. W. Hyatt, Bow-
don,, Ga., Rt. 4.

5 lbs. of fresh firm butter in 1 lb.
Mrs. L. J.

White, Bremen, Ga., Rt. 2.


1 bu. corn. Will exchange for 2 1-2].

bu. eotton seed. Mrs. Delia Pope,
Tallapoosa, Ga.

Hastings prolific seed corn, nubbed
$2 bu. in 5 bu.
lots or more, FOB here. B. E. eee

Chatsworth, Ga.

: seed 25c pint.

peck $1.25; half bu. $2.25; bu.

_nubbed and
Truckers favorite corn;
early roasting ear corn, 15c Ib. Add

Small lot shelled corn $1 bu. aabed

Corn meal $1.10 bu. J. W., Lang,
Omega, Ga.
~Genuine white rice pop corn clear
of weevils. Good to pop or for seed,
15e per lb., 2 lbs for 25c. Add post-
age. Jno. M. Spivey, Adrian, Ga.

Yellow Dent corn 85c gal., $1.50 pk.
R. R. Duffey, Rt. 3, Box 87, Carroll-
ton, Ga.

Fresh water ground white corn
meal $1.15 bu. FOB. W. C. Williams,
Locust Grove, Ga.

Will exchange for 200 bu. corn. B.
G. Haddon, 1821 opnacg ae ae St., Sa-

-vannah, Ga.

Sound red and yellow pop corn for
Mr. Boyd Silver, Rt.
2, Talking Rock, Ga.

Red and yellow pop corn seed 50c
qt. Tilson Silver; Rt. 2, Talking
Rock, Ga.

Water ground corn meal $1.10 FOB.
M. F. Lewis, Adairsville, Ga.

Whatleys prolific corn, 5 lbs. 50c;
Whatley Bros., Helena, Ga.

6 bu. pop corn 5c lb., not shelled

or exchange 100 Ibs. for 100 Ibs. sound

peanuts or turkey hens ready to lay.
Mrs. Ethel Rowland, 1, Carnes-
ville, Ga.
200 bu. sound corn in ear. Will ex-
change 25 bu. sound corn in ear for
good hay. D. F. Arnold, Rt. 2,
24; Axson, Gas
Red cob seed corn extra fine $3 bid,
extra ~ fine

eys, Ga.

Yellow Dent corn for seed, 75 per
pk. Will sell in as small quantity as
desired. Geo. T. Burgess,

Whatleys prolific seed corn nubbed
and shelled, pure and sound, $2.50 bu.
Alex Barfield, Rt. 2, Louisville, Ga.

Hasting s seed corn; Whatleys seed
corn; 4 bu. of seed chufas, $6. bu.

Mrs. N..-J. Burgess, Max-

Egyptian wheat corn seed 25e lb. E.
L. Corley, Rt. 1, Mauk, Ga.
Whatleys seed corn and old fash-





(Less Than Car Lots)

ioned seed corn $1 pk., or $3 bu. Dan

Garrett, Jr., Sumner, Ga.

Fine selection white prolific seed
corn nubbed and shelled $2.50 bu.
Pop corn 3c lb. on cob. 6c Ib. shelled.
fob, Loganville. J. F. Briscoe, Logan-
ville, Ga.

Whatleys seed corn $2.50. bu. fob.
Rebecca, Ga. Coley. Young, Rt. 2, Re-
becea, Ga.

Several bu. strictly pure Hastings
prolific seed corn $3 bu. fob here. T.
W. Clark, Jr., Rt. 2, Lexington, Ga.

Good country corn meal, finely
ground, $1.10 bu. fob. Mineral Bluff,
or del. at $1.20 bu. in lots of 5 bu. or
more. W. E. Hampton, Mineral Bluff,

1000 bu. white millite corn. Quote |.

best price fob. Register, Ga. H. V.
Franklin, Register, Ga.

Browns improved big white flint
heaviest and most weevil _ resistant
corn $1 pk., $3.50 bu. J. W. Brown,
Helena, Ga.

Old fashioned yellow eee corn, $1
pk. del., $3.50 bu. fob. Milton Sum-
ner, Rt. 3, Sylvester, Ga.

Selected Hastings prolific seed
corn $2 bu., 1-2 bu. $1.10; pk. 75c.
Good corn meal $1 bu. W. B. Free-
man, Oakman, Ga.

Hastings white Rice pop corn 25e
doz., large ears. 15 Ib. shelled. fob.
R. L. Weeks, Dial, Ga.

Egyptian wheat or white chicken
corn 10c Ib. fob. W. E. Walker, Brox-
-|ton, Ga.

100 tons corn in ear on stalk. Can

}grind or feed on place. Mrs. Blanche
-Y. Dunbar, Sofkee, Ga.

Several Ibs. Hastings Truckers

favorite corn seed. 15c lb. or exch.

for seed peanuts.
burn, Ga. Rt. 1

Reimproved Marlboro prolific seed
corn, nubbed and recleaned. $2.25
bu.; half bu. $1.25; peck, Te. 4. is
Scott, Concord, Ga.

Pure Whatleys prolific seed corn,
90c peck.; $2.40 bu. fob. James De-

C. S. Wiley, Au-

| Loy, Rt. 1, Statham, Ga.

Hastings pure prolific seed corn,
75e pk.; half bu. $1.25; bu. $2. Cash
with order. R. F. Thornton,
Campton, Ga.

Old fashioned yellow seed corn, $1
pk. del.; $2.50 bu. fob. Milton Sum-
ner, Rt. 8, Sylvester, Ga. ;

Golden dent corn. $2 bu. or exch.
for Duroe or P. C. pigs. Mrs. W. P.
Harden, Commerce, Ga.

Selected Whatleys prolific seed

corn $1 pk; $3.50 bu. delivered. C. as
Whatley, Cuthbert, Ga.
Nice lot of

Old fashioned yellow seed corn,
selected. 90c peck del. Mrs. J. R.
Hillis, Millhaven, Gav
Good prolific seed corn $2 bu. cash
with order. J. A. Scott, Rt. A Car-
rollton, Ga.

Whatleys prolific seed corn. 75c
peck; E. L. Wright, Yatesville, Ga.

Nice yellow shelled popcorn, for
seed or popping. 7c lb. fob. or exch.
for garden. beans free from weevils.
E. L. Christian, He A, Danielsville,
-Ga,. f:

Kaffir corn: white: Hastings, 10c lb.
T. G. OKelley, Maysville, Ga.

Pure Douthits 2 ear red cob corn;
pure Hastings seed L Aor 50c_ peck;

| heaviest and most weevil .
Helena, Ga.

for peanuts

ville, Ga.

Rt. 4,

$1.60 bu. fob. L. A. Hutcherson, Ash-
land, Ga. ys

' Pure Whatleys prolific seed corn.
Hand gathered and hand picked. 75c
pk. $2.75 bu. cash with order. Roy

Smith, Rt. 1, Davisboro, Ga.

Whatleys prolific long grains and
easy to shell. Will make from 1 to 7
ears to the stalk, selected, $3 bu. $1
pk. C. M. Sims, Pembroke, Ga.

Browns improved big white. flint
corn. $1 pk.,. $3.50 bu. J. W. Brown,

Shelled popcorn, -8c lb. will exch.
at be 1b: Ramon Voll-
rath, Winston, Ga.

100 bu. corn, $1 bu. A. H. Reid,
Eatontor, Ga.

Hastings prolific corn raised on
Chattahoochee River bottom and crib
selected, $2 bu. in .21-2 bu. sacks.
Jno. S. Owens, Peachtree Arcade,
Atlanta, Ga.

150 lbs. pop corn clean and white,

| 5e Ib. Send postage. L. C. Gable, Tal-

lapoosa, Ga. Rt. 1.
Whatleys Prolific pure seed shail
ed corn, 50c pk., $1.10 per half bu.

$2 bu. fob. Ernest: Mclocl ay Stat-

ham, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure Mexican June corn oe $1.75
bu. up to 10 bu. fob. Calloway Wat-
son, Loganville, Ga.

Mexican June corn, bright and
sound, $2.50 per bu., 75 pk., $2.25
per bu. in lots of 5 bu. or more. A. J.
Fowler, Durand, Ga.


Want 20 or 30 bu. of good milling
corn per week. State price del. to
Doraville, Ga. W. T. Pelfrey, Dora-
ville, Ga. j

30 bu. white milling corn per week.
Prefer to get it from farmers along
Southern Ry.* 0. L. eee Dora-

Will someone advance me 50 bu. 19-
27 crop corn shuck. I will pay freight]
and make return or eash payment in
fall. Edwin _E. McLaughlin, Sr Re
2, Macon, Ga.

Want 20 bu. Hastings prolific seed
corn at $1.50 bu. fob. shipping point.
J. F. Ratliff & son, Blackshear, Ga.

Want slip shucked corn and velvet
beans ground in 100 Jb. bags. Quote
car lots del. Savannah. Harms Dairy,
White Bluff Road, Savannah, . Ga.

$11 worth shelled corn, wheat, oats
or canned syrup. at market price.
Will exch. fine trios of Hill. Crest
strain Royal purple Jersey black
Giant chickens. Mrs, R. S. Simpson,
Clover Heights, wee Hall, Ga.

200 bu. white milling corn, sacked.
fob. Dixie, Ga. Give price. G. B. Crow
Dixie, Ga.

Want 1-2 bu. Hastings Truckers
favorite seed corn, Will exch. State
inspected Porto Rican sweet potatoes
or runner peanuts for same. J. W.
Watson, Pitts, Ga.


200 bu. Cokers Lightening Express:
Gotton seed grown direct from pure
seed planted one season in 100 Jb.
bags at $1.50 bu. A, M. Bell, Fonds

| Frank Fountain, Ray City, Ga.

Pure Salisbury and College No. 1,
cotton seed $1.50 bu. or exch. for
Q-too-tan or Laredo beans, yellow
dent or Hickory King corn. L. H.
Cousins, Rt. 3, Greenville, Ga.

Half and Half cotton seed $1 bu
fob. B. E. Messer, Chatsworth, Ga.

Pure Wannamaker-Cleveland cot-
ton seed, recleaned, culled and grad-
ed; $1.85 bu. B. F. Murphy, Sanders-
ville, Ga.

Sykes od cotton seed bred .
with pure Half and Half, 6c lb.

Pedigreed Wannamaker-Cleveland
Big Boll cotton seed, privately gin-
ned recleaned and graded, $4 new
bag of 100 Ibs. J. H. Palmer,. Tenn-
ille, Ga.

Pure Broadwell cotton ed, bought
direct last season, $8 per 100. A.
Pittman, Clermont, Ga.

Cooks improved cotton seed $1. 95
bu. re B. a Rt. 1, Buena Vista,

a Poukict cotton
fob. Jeff A. Taylor,
Ga. i ie
Pure Wannamaker-Cleveland big |
boll cotton seed, privately grown and
recleaned, 90c bu. Riley C. Couch,
Turin, Ga.

Limited amount of Wannamaker-
Cleveland cotton seed $1 bu. fob. J.
G. Reynolds, Rt. 1, Concord, Ga.

Salisbury cotton seed $1.25 bu;
Heavy Fruiter Vandiver cotton seed,
$1.50 bu. J. H. Leverette, Rt. 1; Par-
rott, Ga.

Pure Rucker cotton seed, gitoed
out 47 per cent lint last season $1.25.
bu. fob. Major Crow, Rt. 1, Sa
ville, Ga.

Limited amount of Weonpua a
Cleveland big boll cotton seed $1.25
bu. or exch. for pure Ga. Cane SYFUp.. :
S. A. Verner, Box 214, Lavonia, Ga. _

Rucker cotton seed, select and re-_
cleaned $1.25 bu. new. bags fob. C. Mae
Devore, Alpharetta, Ga. .

Pure Half and Half cottow eed
one year from originator, $2.50: bu.
fob here. W. A. Meeks, Adrian, Ga.-

Early King big boll cotton seed.
Will exch. for fat hog. O. D. whe
Lavonia, Ga. Beek,

Hoopers Early Prolific cotton seed
$2.50 bu. fob, Buford, Ga. M. J.
Hooper, Rt. 7, Cumming, Ga.

40 bu. Half and Half cotton seed,
culled for $50, fob. Winder, Ga. W. E.
Moore, Box 185, Winder, Ga. ht

Cook improved cotton seed; by the
originator, $1.50: bu. Cash with order
J. R. Cook, Ellaville, Gas = %

Cleveland big boll cotton eeods for
Sale or will exch. for cow-peas,Syriip,
oats, wheat, ete. Write. R.. ee baccsice:
heimer, Brooks, Ga. : iva

Wizianwiaker Cleveland hig boll oe
ton seed $1.25 bu. Write for parti-
cae, .H. P. Matthews, Nicholson,


Wannamakers latest improved. No.
19 strain. cotton seed. Sound and
-|clean. B. F. Fagan, Martin, Ga.

125 bu. pure Piedmont - Cleveland
cotton seed, culled $1.50 bu. L. P.
Higginbotham, Rt. 2, Elberton, Ga.

Tooles wilt resistant cotton seed,

seed, $1 bn
Buena Vista, -


- cleaned a 50 bu. M. ae Meigs
As , ie

aisiays February. 9, 192

25 bu. Delphos cotton seed 1 3-16

interested. J. Bir Mansell,

== Pedigreed Watlusuedkce Cleveland
cotton seed, direct from originator,


: - privately ginned, recleaned culled and

_ graded. $4 new bag of 100 Ibs. J. H.
~ Palmer, Tennille, Ga.

Heavy fruiter cotton seed for sale.
free. A. P. Sexton, Royston,


50 bu. Wawa niilerk Cleveand big
boll cotton seed 90c bu. H. B. Chand-
ler, Luthersville, Ga.

M 100 bu. -Acalla Long staple cotton
seed $1.25 bu. fob. Resaca. A. Suth-


Ye geviand, Rt. 1, Resaca, Ga.

Lankford cotton seed $1. 25 bu. or

- exch, for corn, bu. for bu. you pay |
express. E. W. Stowe, Rt. 5, Gaines-.

ville, Ga.

(Carefully ginned and graded Cov-
wilt resistant cotton
seed $1 bu. for quick sale. Geo. A.
Thompson, Swainsboro, Ga.

400 or 500 bu. of Half and Half
cotton seed, sacked at $1.25 bu. in

bulk $1 bu. _ B. A. os Boston


Gare - | em
1000. bu. bee Peale: cotton seed

: $1 bu. 'W. D. Cunningham, Midland,


_ Williams improved cotton seed
$1.35 bu. 25 bu. lots. $1.25 bu. fob.
Sidney C. Williams, Rt. 3. Townace
ville, Ga.

Bale to the Acre cotton seed. H. S.

_ Scarborough, Rt. 2, Dublin, Ga.

~ 100 bu. Piedmont-Cleveland cotton

: seed, sacked and cleaned when ginned,

$1.50 bu. T. C. King, *Rt3} Tallapoo-
sa, Ga.
: Christopher eectin: seed from cot-
ton winning first prize at County Fair
$1 bu. Cash with order. T. W. Sim--
mons, Douglasville, Ga.

_ 500 bu. Wannamaker-Cleveland cot-
ton seed from bale to acre cotton $1
bu. Jas. B. Wood, Care Glenwood
Farm, Brooks, Ga.

College No. 1 cotton seed $1 bu.;|R
okra seed, seven top turnip seed 40c
Yb. fob my station. J. F. Briscoe,
Loganville, Ga.

Wannamaker cotton seed, 1 year
from originator, privately ginned

$1.50 bu. E. R. Bailey, Rt. 1, Har- | E

lem, Ga.

Pure Cokers strain Weber 49 cot-
ton seed $1.50 bu. Jno. i Calloway,
Madison, Ga.

- Genuine Rucker cotton seed, care-
fully ginned, no weed or grass seed
in lot, $1.50 bu., $4 per 100 Ibs. W.

M- Yeargin, Hartwell, Ga. ;

150 bu. Petty-Toole, wilt resistant
cotton seed, graded, recleaned, in
2 1-2 bu. bags, $1.25 bu. FOB here.
Cash with order. Ross Swann, Car-

-/Piedmont-Cleveland big boll cotton
aces first year from originator, $1.25:
bu. FOB, or exchange for Jersey hei-
for calves from 3 to 10 days old. 8.
Rs Reed, Cohutta, Ga.

Wannamaker-Cleveland eotton seed

grown 8rd year from originator, care-

oy picked and ginned $1 bu.
eee Rt. 2, Dallas, Ga.

A. J.

Want a good lot of watermelon
a4 that will grow melons weighing
_ from 80 to 100 lbs. Write at once.
_E..T. Clements, Sandersville, Ga.
Want. evergreen, dogwood and oth-
er forest seed. Miss. Grace Hale,

_ Doyle, Ga.

_ Want pop-srn seed, Cat Tail Mil-

~{let, Tom. Watson

staple grown in North Ga. Write if

watermelon seed,
Thurmon Grey and Stone Mt. water-
melon seed. Only straight varieties
and seed that can be certified want-
ed. J. W. Barton, Dublin, Ga.

Want Broadwell cotton seed. Quote
best prices. Dallas Raney, : Arabia,

Want a few bu. genuine Piedmont
Cleveland cotton seed at $1 bu. P. C.
Reid, Bremen, Ga.

Want Covington-Toole and Lang-
ford cotton seed, must be pure. W.
W. Mason, Rt. 1, Hawkinsville, Ga.

Want price on 25 bu. upland long
staple, Weber or similar type. Tom
. Blanchard, Harlem, Ga.

Want 60 bu. Wannamaker cotton
seed for planting. Quote lowest cash
price. M. F. Hones, Rt. 1, Metter, Ga.

Want a few bu. Vandiver heavy
fruiter-cotton seed pure. J. W. Perk-
ins, Benevolence, Ga.

-Want best price on 15 or 20 bu.
zood wilt resistant cotton seed. A. J.
Ryals, Rt. 1, Cobbville, Ga.
rP 12 bu. Early King cotton seed.
Please quote best prices, must be
pure. J. A. Mize, Rt. 2, Lula, Ga.

Want to exch. 100 pink Crepe
Myrtle sprouts with roots, 1 to 2 ft.
high del. for 5 bu. of pure Rucker

Rodgers, Greenville, Ga.

Want Toole or Counsil wilt resis-
tant cotton seed. Will exch. one 35
gal. bbl. of Ga. Cane syrup 1927
made, for 30 bu. seed. Also same
amount of syrup for 80- bu. N. C.
seed runner peanuts. L. H. Edenfield,
Stillmore, Ga. Rt. 3.

Want Half and Half cotton geet.
J. L. Hodges, Macclenny, Fla.

Cane for seed. Robt.
Hawkinsville, Ga.

Ss. Anderson,


Brooks County cured bacon, hick-
ory smoked. Shoulders 14 lb.; sides
Hes hams, 25c. Cash with order. B.

. Strickland, Quitman, Ga. :
9 shoulders home cured meat, 25e
Ib. del. anywhere in Ga. Weights:
9 1-4 lb.; 12 lb; 24 1-4 lb; 20 3-4 Ib;
13. 1-2 Ib.;
Bakieavite. Ga.

Fine cornfed cured meat. Hams 33c;
shoulders and middlings, 25c lb.; E.
M. Travis, Fayetteville, Ga.

Fresh meat sides, 22c lb.; weight
about 20 Ib to side.; shoulders and
hams 25c, weight about 25 Ib. each.
A. J. Collins, P. O. Box 94., Mount
Airy, Ga. :

Country hams, cured and smoked
with oak wood; 35c lb.; sides and
shoulders, 25c; no meat smoke or
chemicals. COD. I. L.: Jackson, Col-
quitt, Ga.

Write me for prices ' on genuine
Brooks County hams and bacon. F.
H. Brananj; Quitman, Ga.

Smoked. hams, 30_Ib.;
ade and shoulders 22c lb.; Gach with
order. R. E. Bower, Dixie, Ga. es

Nice home cured hams, 35 lb. fob.
Mrs. J. B. Lanier, Brooklet, Ga.

2 cans home made lard, 50 Ib. ea.
18 Ib.; 2 middlings or sides, 18 lb.
N. N. Lester, Rt. 2, Hiram, Ga.

Home made pork sausage, hams
and middlings cheap. J. 0. Ward,
Blackshear, Ga.

Well cured, hickory smoked sides | =
and shoulders 20e Ib; hams 30c Ib.
This sasons killing. i oy, Holland,
Toomsboro, Ga. Reo

Home-made smoked | pork Sausage,
linked 5 Ib. box for $2, 10 Ib. for
$3.50.; sinoked hams 8 to 15 Ib. 85c


cotton seed for planting. Mrs. J. Y.!

Want white or white Ribbon Sugar |

12 1-4 Ib. Arthur Owen,


Ib. all postpaid; pure hog lard 15
Ib. in 50 Ib. cans, express collect.

Send check. J. W.. Lang, Omega, Ga.

Want fried meat grease for cook-
ing, will pay 8c Ib.; also fresh crack-
ings at 5c; hog jowls 10c cut from
shoulders. Mrs. L. K. Gaupp, Scott,
Ga. \


Bright Sun dried apples in 10 to
100 Ib. lots at 20c Ib. del. Cash with
order. B.'H. Osborn, Roy, Ga.

40 lbs. peaches, free from worms}
20 lbs. horse apples 20c Ib. Cash
with order. No checks accepted. Mrs.
J. J. Roach, Royston, Ga. Rt. 1.

Will exch. value $1 for dried ap-
ples or peaches. Henry Bller, ah
jay, Ga. Rt. 3, Box 40.

Yates apples fancy grade $2.75 hoe
Choice or C grade $2.50 box. C.
W. Miller, Cornelia, Ga.

Want to exch. a setting of Royal
purple Jersey Black Giant eggs Hill-
crest strain, for 10 fbs. dried apples
free from worms. Mrs. R. S. Simpson,
Waverly Hall, Ga.


Baled peavine
$22 and $19 ton ea.; 5 tons oat anc
1 ton wheat straw, baled, $11 and
$10 ea. R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

10 bu. Rye for immediate ship-
ment. Paul Bryant, Royston, Ga.

5 bu. .Fulghum or Appler seed
oats, clear of vermin ' or pestilant
grasses. EB. L. Corley, Mauk, Ga.

Bright peanutvine hay, $15 ton,
FOB Dixie. R. E. Bower, Dixie, Ga.

2500 bundles of fodder. W. R. Al-
len, Dawson, Ga. ~

Baled oat straw, $10 ton. FOB

Jackson. J. H. Patrick, Jackson, Ga.


Want wheat for chicken-. feed.
Name lowest price per 100 lbs. Ed-
win Simpson, Atlanta, Ga. 676 Tifton
St. NW.

Want seed oats at once. Make best
delivery price Eastman, Ga. Fred R.
Bennett, Eastman, Ga.


12 old fashioned bee hives, $1 ea.

or exch. for. any pure breeds hens.

Frank Harris, Baxley, Ga.

3 10 frame cypress bee hives, two
with supers and bees; 1 old style
hive with bees. Make best reasonable
offer. J. C. Adkins, Fort Valley, Ga.

200 to-800 lb. good chunk honey in
50 to 60 Ib. lard cans; 15 Ib. by
can fob. or 20c lb. for less quantities
prepaid. 1 50 to 60 Ib. lard can of
pure strained or extraeted honey,
same price. C. G. Oliver, Rt. 2, Barnes
ville, Ga. -

25 swarms. of honey bees. Italian,
in one and a_half story Pat. hives,

in. good condition, $100..C,. Ds Potts, }.
Macon, Ga. Rt: 3.

16 stands of Seen $1. 50 SS Sit. fash-

Vion hives. Mr. C.. C. Guy, Warrenton, |

Ga. Rt. 4.

Bees wax in any quantity, 30c Ib.
del. J. T. White, Dublin, Ga.

and peanut hay. }

__New 1927 crop field peas, Brabham
$1.75 bu. in good bags. Prompt. ship-
ment. B. T. Marshall, Fort Valley,

10 bu. New Bia peas, $2 bi. fob.


[Sample on request. W. F. Clark,
Canon, Ga. Rt. 1.

90 day Velvet beans, recleaned
$1.25 bu. in new bags. Also have
beans in the pod. W. ots Hudmon,
Sylvania, Ga.

8 bu. sound unknown peas, $1.50
bu. in 2 bu. sacks. fob here. Mrs. J.
G. Whelchel, Gainesville, Ga. Star 9.
Route. i

Genuine bunch Velvet beans. Guar-
anteed, $3.50 bu. W. A. Meeks, Adrian

15 bu. of California Black eyed
peas, also Cream Crowders, 4 1-2c
lb. in 8 bu. lots. Cash with order. W.
T. Wright, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 4.

One bu. of clean Lady peas, 10c
Ib. or will exch. 1 bu. for 3 bu. of
Brabs, Laredo soys or 20 Ibs. of dried
apples or peaches. Mrs. R. C. boyd,
Nichols, Ga. Rt. 1.

Prolific, improved, early English
peas, 25 pt.; 40c qt. Large recleaned
speckled and orange sugar crowder
peas for planting, 10c 1 pound., $5.50
bu. Hastings white running butter-
beans, 25c pt. heavy bearing. Mrs.
Grace Maddox, Flowery Branch, Ga,

25 bu. No. 1 New Era peas, new
crop, cured without wetting, $2 bu.
fob, Monroe, Ga. Cash with order.
W. T. Allen, Monroe, Ga. Rt. 8. s

Lady peas, last yrs. crop $5 bu.;
White bunch lima beans, 10c Ib.;
White and black. eyed California
peas, $3 bu. Buyer to pay freight.
Mr. Lee Brooks, Monroe, Ga. Rt. 6.
90-day Velvet beans $1. 16 bias:
bunch, $3 bu. Guaranteed. B. F, Mur-
phy, Sandersville, Ga.

5 bu. white Black eyed peas, 4e lb.;
500 Ibs. Henderson bunch white buts
ter beans, 20c Ib. 6 lbs..for $1 or $12
for 100 lbs. fob. L. S. Kelly, Max- .
well, Ga. Rt. 1.

Iron Clad, Whippoorwill, Red Rip-
per, Clay peas, $1.90 bu.; Black-eyed
peas, $2 bu. B. R. Woodliff, Flowery
Branch, Ga. .

Extra early frost nivel Kiigieh ,
peas, 25c pt.; 45c qt. Mrs.. Ethel
Beach, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 1.
Early speckled seed Velvet beans,

$1.10 bu.; Oceolas, $1.30 bu.; Pedi-
greed bunch, $3; Brabham peas,
$1.85; Irons, $1.75; Clays, $1.60;

Mixta: $1.50. Satiefaction un rentsed
on all orders,. J. 4H. Palmer, Tenn-
ille, Ga.

6 bu. clean, sound rice peas Be Ib.
fob. C. E. Jenkins, Flowery Branch,
Ga. |
25 to 50 bu. Genuine Velvet bunch:
beans. Affidavit furnished as to va-
riety, $3.50 for lot, fob. here. W. A.
' Meeks, Adrian, Ga.

A-1 90 day running Velvet beans,
$1,10 per bu. In lots of 10 bu. or
more, $1. J. Frank, Tanner, Sanders- |
ville, Ga.

Brabham peas, $2 bu.; Iron peas,
$1.90 bu.; Clay peas, $1.75 bu. Put in
Dil? ee bags ready for shipment.
Also white Spanish seed peanuts. 6e
lb..E. L. Carter,. Lumpkin, Ga,

300 bu. genuine O-too- tan Caan
$3.75. per bu. in good bags. Sample
on request. R. M. PUREE: Royston,
Ga, =

Frost proof Bnalish peas, dwarf
variety, 30c lb. Tender cornfield
beans, mixed, 30c Ib .Miss Eva Cog-
burn, Alpharetta, Ga. Rt. 2.

ant a quantity of velvet beans,
cow peas (Brabhams and Iron); O-
too-tan and Laredo soy beans. Quote
best prices. Henry Howell, Cutter
Ga: es
_ (Continued on Page 12)

(Continued from Page yes
Lakenvelders wanted. Send . best
prices, Mrs. Glen Holton, Sopenion,
Ga. Rt: 4,

- Want 1 or 2 hun. babe chicks % Fe

raise on halves, 8 to 10 weeks old.
Mrs. Geo. W. Calhoun, 314 16th Ave.
i. Cordele, Ga.

Want baby chicks to raise on halves
any good breed, any amount. Miss
Eunice Douglas, Alma, Ga. Box 62.
~ Want a hundred
Orpington and white Leghorn baby

_. chicks to raise on halves to 12 weeks
old. Mrs.. W. T. Mayo, Lyons, Ga. Ee
2 Want to exch. same value for 25
hens -any good breed. W. G. Bey
Carrollton, Ga. Rt. 5. :

-. Want lowest cash price on 500 to}
1000 S. C. R. I. Red baby chicks of
best strain and color to be del. from |
March 1st to 10th. Write what you

have. Mrs. Homer Teague, White,
Ga Ri 2. : aoe
Want to exch. same value <for

pure bred Barred Rock hens, or yel-|
erst low Buffs not ever 1 yr. old..W._ A.

Mullikin, Martin, Ga. Rt> 2.

Want 50 thoroughbred Barred Rock

and 50 thoroughbred R. I. Red chic

ens large enough to eat cracked corn,

at so much per lb. March 15th del.

Write your best-prices. E. F.. Shel:

nutt, 307 Main St. College Park, Ga,

_ Want 2 or 3 pure bred Owen strain

R. I. Red cocks or cockerels. -

exch. cockerels or pay cash. Ernest

Kesler, Nicholson, Ga.

Want 100 pure bred baby chicks,
any large breed to. raise on halves

40 weeks old or will take 15 hens

and raise on halves for them. Mrs.

Pearl Myers, Jackson, Ga. Rt. 3.
Want 25 Brown Leghorn pallid
Will exchange pigs, shoats or brood

sows, Duroc and S. P. C. J. W. Perk-

_ ins, Cuthbert, Ga. fs

Want to exch. value $8 fob. Sow: 6

-pure Barred Rock hens, each pay ex-

press. -W. F. Clark, Canon, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want 100 Everlay White or Brown
se _ Leghorn pullets, beginning to lay, or
young hens, _ or young cockerels. |
Will pay $75 cash for the lot. R. D.
Pe Giles, Winston, Ga. Rt. 1. :
Want White Leghorn pullets, will
exch. several fresh in young Jersey
milch cows. No culls wanted. Write.
L. L. Wallace, Atlanta, Ga. 247 High
land Ave.

Want 2 Sccece! Silver Lace
Wyandotte roosters. J. C. Barnett,
Nicholson, Ga. Rt. 2, Box 28.

Want 1 Brahma cockerel:. State

: size and price. J. F. aces, West- |.

minister, = Oy

oe -EASFor Sale
rt 8 Bourbon - Red Goblers $12.50 ea.
_ or 6 hens and 1 gobler, $70. all 8 mo.
$1000 Grandsire. J. W. Nash, Pe
na, Ga.
_ 2 young Big Bone Turkey 1927.
- 15 or 18 Ib. $5 ea. Mrs. L. B. Land-
rum, Adairsville, Ga..

4 Embden geese, 8 geese and one |-

gander. Lot $10.
Clarkesville, Ga. .
So esaucks, 1 drake, Muscovey. Exch.
- Wyandottes or value $1.50 ea. Mrs.
W. H. Bryan,:Ty Ty, Ga. ao
White Pekin Duck eggs, 60c. doe
Del. Mrs. J. O. King, Lavonia, Ga:

Mrs. M. 1. oe

_ Boyd Reece, Cartecay, Ga. - :
5 geese, $1.25 ea. FOB Mrs. C. A

a 10 mixed urkeys. |

Poultry for Sale and Wanted

or more Buff |.-

Will |

T, C. Snider, Matthews, Ga. e


7 hens, $1 ea.; roosters $1 ea}
Guineas 50e. Mrs. T. G. Selph, Rt. 3;
Vienna, Ga.

1 gobler fob, $4, Sept. Mrs. Bsther

Lwis, Rydal, Ga. Rt 2.
17 Blue speckled guineas (15. hens

Li presi Be Warkeys. Gentle. Tom

$15, 30 a hen $10, 17 lb. Mrs. J
M. Maddiebroaks, Barnesville, Ga.

Goldbank M. B. Turkeys. Toms
weighing av. 25 to 30 Ibs. $8.5. Hens }|-
$6. Mrs. J. Walton Oe, Hartwell,

M. .B. Bites. Pom 2p a $10; 3
hens 21 lbs., $5 ea. aS H. G. Sample,
Alamo; Gq. \s >
-Apr. Hatch Turkeys.

ort, Ga. :
2 oe Sane 1927, 20 aad 98 Ibs.
39 and $10; Exch. two. toms Jersey

_ snester, Ga.

36 ea., $22.50 lot. Fob. 1927, hatch.
Mrs. Q. T. Shirley, Lavonia, Ga.

tt. 2M. B. Turkeys, 18 1b. $8:, 20 Ths

$10: 1.30 -3b;, $12. 50; 1Oshens: av. 2
bs. $5 and $6. Go): Beer Commerce

NEB. Turkey Tom, May $6. 15: also

ae Ga. |

_ 2M. B. Toms Apr. $8 ea.; 1 hen $6
or 3, +$20; Mrs. E, E, Fitch, Yates-
ville, Ga,

M. B. Goldbank Serie 27 etch:
Toms 22. to 25 lbs. $10; hens av. =45
bs. SL Fe. Holland, Serre
5 Mo B. Pome: $8 ea. wt: 20-23 Ibs.

3 Goldbanks M. B. Toms Apr. wt..
ensville, Ga.

White Holland Turkeys. hens, $5.50
ea. or $10 for lot. Miss E. Maynard,

Newton, Ga.

M. B. Turkeys. hens aa Toms, $6
and $8 ea. Mrs. A. E. Hamer, La-
Grange, Ga. a

M. B. Goldbank Turkeys, Toms $10
Hens $7.50. Apr. hatch. B. B. Me,
Hartwell, Ga.

Bourbon. Red Tom Meh. $6. Mrs.
Cleon Brown, Alamo, Ga.

Pe, M. B. Turkeys. May hatch, $10.
WwW. I, Cunningham, Midland, Ga.

M. B. Tom Turkeys, Apr. hatch, wt.
20-25 lbs.; 10--68.-D: S. Dove,. Vanna,
Turkeys: 1 tom, 2 hens, Mrs. > M.
Rogers, Barney, Ga.

12 extra geese $18.; crating 50c;
35 Guineas, -pullets 85 ea. Mrs. J. B.
Kessler, Rincon,- Ga.

._M. B. Turkey, one Tom, $10 Miss
Annie Laurie Jenkins, Eatonton, Ga.
Re 1 :
Paneus. 2,hens and gobler $20.
Strain of Wild. Earle Eile, Panton,
Gas =

M. B. Dirkex. Toms, $10 and $8. 50.
Mrs. W. H. Branan, Lewiston, Ga.

1 Bronze turkey gobbler 1927.. $6

Fob. Mrs. pens W. Eee Still-
more, Ga. :

ONE BR: Turkeys: L tom and 9 hens,
1927 hatch. 38 Ib. Mts. Arthur vase

Barnesville, Ga.
17 young geese: Exch. sheep. Mrs. |

6. geese and 2 ganders-
Skid Harris, Jasper, Ga. |
-M. B. Pekin- ducks, 5 ducks, 1. grates:

1.50 aT

_ O'Stean, emus, Ga. Pees OTs

$8 Fob. a 3 Sane Milan, pa is

and 2 roosters) will exch. for 50 one}
day old chicks. Mrs. C. L. Bates, Eton, }.

-eifer. Eggs 50c ea. Mrs. Ack Sikes,

4 Bourbon Red Tons, owt. 15 tha

$4.20. Mrs. J. W. oe Haleyon- |

3. Goldbanks Toms Apr. 20 to 25 P
Ibs. Mrs. Pearl Hilliard, Bowersville,

Pom $7; 8F
yens. $15. Fob. Mrs. = Mey Rup: |

20 Ibs. $10. Mrs. Pearl Hilliard, Bow- |

{ducks and 1 drake.

Young. Mrs.

Fob. Mrs. W. B. Stevens, Comer, Ga. Har en, Commerce, Ga.


tom, 16 38c Fob. Mrs. Arthur
Owen, Barnesville, Ga.

M. B. Turkeys, pr. $15; Mixed $14.
Fob. T. E. Snider, Gibson, Ga.

Ae Bourbon Red Turkey Toms. Mrs.
R. S. Greene, Cuthbert, Ga.

1 Bourbon Red Turkey Tom Apr.
hatch, 12 lbs. $2.-d2P. Canes Bow-
den, Ga.

6 guinea hens (seeks): 3 roost-
ers, 50c head. Exch. dried apples.
Mies. G. L. Jones, Shellman, Ga, .
11 Guineas, 9 hens, 2 roosters, und-
er 2 yrs. old, $5.50 lot. Mrs: W. A.
Maddox, Campton, Gas.

2M. B. Turkeys, Toms $6 ea. Fob.
anced: $3; May hatch, M. e- Jinks,
-Socust Grove, Ga.

| Young Bronze Toms, $5 dae RE iy
Jantt, Meigs, Ga. :

White Holland Turkey hens one
ind two years old, $10. Miss May-
yard, Newton,. Ce

10 Speckled guinea hens, - 2 cocks
50c each. Lot $5, or exchange for
Lakenvelders. Mrs. Glen. Holton, So-
yerton, Ga.

_-d-hens and 2 gobblers, April, 55 1- 3c
lb. FOB. 0. C. M. Lawrence, Molena,


$7:50. BR B.. Mason: Hartwell, Ga.

3 1927 M. B.: Turkey hens 88e tb.
Arthur oe Nees
wille, Ga.

1 Goldbank tom 2 years, $10; 2 nan

same breed $5 each. Mrs. &. G.
Clarke, Douglasville, Ga.
_M. B. Turkeys $15 pair; mixed $14.
Mrs. W. J. Snider, Gibson, Ga. =
_ Guineas 20, $10, and geese, 17, $17.
Mrs. J. S. Harrison, Whigham, Ga.

Turkeys, will exchange for Duroc or
P. C; Turkeys $15 pair. Mrs. W. P.

1 pair bronze turkeys, May, $10, W.
D. Cunningham, Midland, Ga.

Bronze turkeys, 8 1-2 mos. old. Mrs.
E. C. Hardman, Commerce, Ga.

2 young .turkey toms.
strain, wt. 20 Ibs.
Bi Landrum, Adairsville, Ga.

_ 1 white Pekin duck and drake | and.
3 cockerel ducks, 1 cockerel drake $2?
each, or $10.50 lot FOB. -Mrs. J:

| Stapler, Beyelon Ga., Rt. Ais


Want white or fawn Indian runner
Fred Flanders,
Hawkinsville, Ga.

Want Andalusians, 2 roosters, will
exchange or buy. W. J. Yarbrough,
Rockmart, Ga. ee ae
Want 1 1926 hatch goose.
wanted. R. L. Weeks, Dial, Ga.

Want turkey hens in exchange. Wil-|
liard Rowland, Carnesville, Ga.

Want peafowls; White Plymouth
Rock chickens. J. Ww: Bloodworth,
Perry, Ge =
Want peafowls. B. RB. Woodlitf,
Flowery Branch, Ga, = -
Want trio pheasants, approx.
geese. (C. M.Smoak, Griffin, Ga., Rt.

Want turkeys in exchange for ek
horn hens. M. , Fleming, Lake aap

Want Goldbank turkey odie 1927.
Mrs. T. J. Biggers, Bremen, Ga..

- Sold my turkeys. Ans. Inquires.
Macon Walden, Gibson, Ga.
Want turkeys, ducks and baby.

ae ae os

chicks to raise on halves. Mrs, Joe

Beh ici neiy st

M. B. Tkeyes Tans 12. be ea.;

* Miss. Maude Reagan, Louisvill

) M. B. Goldbank Tarkeus: April 1927}
toms 25 to 80 Ibs., $10; hens 15 Ts,



Goldbank }
$6 each. Mrs. L.|

R. I. Reds, Minorcas, Orpingtons,

McNelley, Turnersville, Ga.

50 |.

Ga. 020 : se

Want guineas; 5 oS 2 46
white or spotted. Earl Rabun,
: | bores. Ga. S
Want M. B. turkey hen. T. H
| terson, Rt. 1, Resaca, Ga. -

Want bourbon red gobbler 18
or 2-years. Log ' Cabin. Ranch,
dilla, Ga.

- Want 50 baby turkeys to. raj
halves. Want to exchange Le;
eockerels for turkey eggs. Mrs..
Muelles, Alma, Ga. .

Want trio M. B. turkeys, wi
| change for White Leghorn hens,
| want Leghorn hatching eggs, Mi
L. Pengh, Rt. A, Barnesville, Ga

Want small turkeys, geese, d
hens, fryers. Heavy shippers, y
William H. Oetgen. Produce. Co.,
vannah, Ga.

Want exchange 9. guinea e
one 8 pure R. I. Reds. Hope Win
Carrollton, Ga. fa

Want some Mountain Bro
keys. Moultrie Creamery C
trie, Ga. :

_ Want M. B. farkey. hen, wt.

Want to xchange M. B.
tom April, 1927, for 2 MB.
/Mrs. I. G. Williams, Cordele, Ga.

Want turkeys. to raise on_ha
S. D. Cole, Blakely, Ga., Rt. 6, B

Want 2 geese, good layers, pi
Toulouse. Mrs. Geo. B. Bodies
LaGrange, Ga.

Want 100 day old ducks, any |
breed to raise on halves, also
chicks. S. D. Cole, Bikey: G:



_ Orpington baby chicks; $16 per
|J. M. Owens, Fender, Ga. |
- Barred Rock, R.I. Red, $13 p
Outer breeds $12 per 100. RE. R.
ley, Harlem, Ga.
. CG. W. L. and R. 2 Reds, $15
100; $1.50 setting. Booking on
R. E. Lanier, Pembroke, Ga.
R. I. Reds, $15 per 100, or exch:
or 25 Tancred pullets Wycoff
socks. Mrs. F. Cowart, Summ
B. R.; R. I. Reds $15 per 10
370; W. L. 100. $12. 50, 1000 $115.
ope Teel, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Day gid chicks 20c each. W
Miller, Clarkesville, Ga.
Booking orders, Wyandottes $
| 100; $4 pr 25; Thompson B. R.
price; other broads $12 per 100;
per 25. Mrs. J. B. Elliott, Co
Ga. Z
B. R., W. R., R. I. Reds, Wyan
$15 per 100, $7. 50 per 50, $4 per
Leghorns $12. 50 per 100; $6. 25
50, $3.25 per 25. Phemidin Hatcher
Thomson, Ga.
Heavy mixed breeds $12 100; Roe
100; Leghorns $12 100. Mrs: Te
Rocks, Reds, Leghorns, Ancona
G: McEivany, Conyers, Ga.
_ Tancred S. . W. , Leghorn. o

chicks. Eggs. L. F. Law, Severs)
Orpingtons: Baby ehicks aud egg


Mrs. Ed Morgan, Americus, Ga.
Tee Reds, Rocks, $14 100; 'S. .
. $18 100; S. C. Black Minorcas $.
100. Clarks Hatchery, Garfield, Ga.
Partridge Rocks, R. I. Reds, Barred
Rocks, 15 del. Eggs. Mrs. E. -
Sanders, Jacksonville, Ga. =
S. C. Reds, 18 each.
oe Carroliton, Ga.

Miss ae

h; light 13 each: also hatch-
fae Branch Farm, Roy-

ah, Ga. o
| . A Marne Reg:

aad Anconas
ocks, Orpingtons

$13 100;
$15 100;

: and es Farm, Box 877,
Scie R. I. Reds and White
ottes 15c each. Write. Eggs

oe $15 100: Barred Rocks
L. $18 100; Weardottes $15 1%
nition haechiie Happy Hen
Tee, Odum, Ga.

oes hatching 4c per egg a lots
50. Key Hatchery, a Waverly

e predd: $15 100; Sinait $12. 50
wkinsville Hatchery, Haw-

Pitcairn Mauk, Ga.
Leghorn, Tancred, $12 100;
Ret R. = 100. Orders

: 1 ina, oe
1 seeds 8 per eggs min,
Peach Poultry Co., Ft.

I, and Anconas $16 100;
, eggs $4 100, $10.50 300; $30

ustace J. McKinney, me
shear, , Paes ;

Barred Rocks $1.50 15. Mrs.
lott, Cochran, Ga.
tons, lots 25 l5c each. Mrs.

and ceed: nhieks 12 entk
000. hess 18 each. Exes =

ae co Reds, Rocks,
Le Bach. Emmett R. Gas-

Ww. O. cox
Barron English chicks.
Wrightsville, Gee en
Red Thompkins $14 100; $7. 50
$4 for 25. meg orders,

Sees Me ewe ven

Martin, Ga., Rt. a Sees
aL Mrs. 20 each, March: and

m hatching. A. J. Bartlett,

ah Retchery, oy ee efferson St, .

rahmas $18 100. Middle Ga.| .
zier Poultry Farm,. Alma,~Ga.

rs, J.B. Cox,. Sr. g ate :

chicks. eS Pike's Poultry Farm,

| $12. 50 cash or
id wheat o? corn at market price.

and Rocks $17 100; custom |

: $12.50 1 100; $6. 50. BO: $3.25 2B:


FOB here, or exchange.


used one Season;

ror 15; $10 100; Sanered Hi. E.,

d | Denham, Lawrenceville, Ga.

_ Custom hatching de per egg. R. C.
Goddard, Rt. 3, Decatur, Ga.

S26 hes: Red chicks $16 100; Rocks
Tancred same price. Carrolls itch
ery, Odum, Ga. -

S.-C. R. 1 Reds and White Pevhor

$15 and $16,100. Raymor Russell,
Rome, Ga.
Bods. Leghorns, Rocks. Orders

booked. We A. Coun Rt. A, Albany,
Ga. | s

Buff Pees: lots 25 to 300: week-
Lyte FD; Ward, Box 254, Ses,

Rocks, Anconas, Red, chicks. Ro-

Want to exchange 5 new large me-
dium size quilts for baby chicks.
Barred Rotks or R. I. Reds preferred.
Mrs. Mary J. Friar, 7s Ga., Rt.

=F os tt

Mammoth Miller incubator, practi-

cally new, capacity 11,700 eggs, guar-
anteed to be in good operating condi- |

Write for eee.
Yort Valley, Ga.

at Superhatch (250 egg) set - iwee.
| $20 complete with instruction book or
exchange for 2 pigs, Duroc Jersey or

S. Pe Hows,

_| Poland China thoroughbred and reg-

istered; J. H. Nicholson, Rt. 1, Talk-
ing Rock, Ga. \:

1 230-egg capacity Belle City inci

, | bator, set four times.. Good condition,
exchange for oats,
P. &.
Rhodes, Rte 2; Athens, Ga.

Oil burning Buckeye brooders, 2

1500 chick capacity $13 and $14; 1

about 250 capacity $8. - Perfect me-
chanical condition, FOB Tallulah. Ed-
win F. Shippey, Tallulah, Ga. ~
Buckeye incubator
good - new, thermometer, book, ete.
$25... E.R. Bailey, Harlem, Ga.

1 Queen incubator 450 capacity, ev- |

erything complete $40.
Anderson, Register, Ga.
2 little Putnam brooders, oe con-
dition, $3 each. Mrs. Emmett ata
el, Duluth, Ga., Rt. 1. :
1 second, hast Sol Hot broiler, used

Mrs: Roa,

one season, 1000 cap., $15. H. L. Wal-|
Places Bowdon Function, Ga., PO. Box


$40; 1 120-cap. Buckeye, $20; 1 150

Wisconsin, $20.. R.-H. eee Lae

Jledgeville, Ga.

2 Little Brown ne ee 50
agg capacity each $3.50 FOB here.
Mrs. A. H. Reid, Sr., Eatonton, Ga.

Wisconsin hashes 500 capacity,
dbl. deck, hot water, copper pipes, 4
rood thermometers $35; Old Trusty,
110 capacity Incubator, good condition
$12. Mrs. Essie Wilson, Martin, Ga.,
Rte 23) 2246

ie second hand rooderes 500 capaci-
ty each, oil lamp, good shape, $6 each
FOB here. W. W. Harrell, eee

1 500 capacity Buckeye bent ae
ing brooder, good condition, $7.50
od Pat.
rick, Griffin, Ga., Rt. C.

1. Detroit incubator, 140 a:

first. class condition, cheap, or will ex-
change for rooted roses or other: pot
plants. M. Wilkes, Meigs, Ga.

_ Buckeye incubator, 210

.| been used 3 times, $35. J. D. Harrell,
. | Rhine, Ga.

_ Wisconsin. sncabatos good condition, |
good thermometers, 2

210- ese size,

4 550-cab., 103 deouee,

| equal value.
| Hewell, Dewey Rose, Ga.


Blue Flame brooder, 500 chick cap.

hot water, copper pipes $10 FOB or]
| will exchange.

Mrs: : 8, a
Flowery Branch, Ga., Rt. 1.
- 1 Super 250 cap. aoa. good as
new, $15 FOB Milan. P. M. Spiers,
Milan, Ga. a
- Old Trusty incubator 120 cap. good
condition - $8. H.. H. Jones, Winston,
Ga. 2

2 Wisconsin incubators, good condi-
tion, hot water, copper pipes, ther-

mometers, 250 cap, $12.50 and 180

capacity $10 FOB here. Mrs. E. C.
Wingo, Flowery Branch, Ga.

600 cap. Buckeye incubator, self
turning, used 3 times. Mrs. A. J.

Lovelady, Ball Ground, Ga. >

1 Newtown giant oil burning 500
cap. brooder, with all fixtures. Per-
feet condition $10 FOB Eastman. G,
M. Giddens, Eastman, Ga. Z

1 Porters Soft-heat 250 cap. incuba-
tor, guaranteed, first class condition,
$25 cash, or will exchange for 28
Barred Rock hens, any strain. J. M.
Wood, Adairsville, Ga. ;

8 Buckeye incubators, 2 style E, 110
capacity, $10; 1 60 cap. $6. Mrs. R.
M. Murphree, Midville, Ga.

1 new, never used 210 cap. Buck-
eye incubator, reasonable price. John
Dickens, Sparta, Ga.

One 200 cap. soft heat incubator,
serfect condition and. complete, $20,
or exchange for M. B. turkey hens or
feed oats. L. B. Landrum, Adairs-
ville, Ga.

1 roller tray idcuisetor 60 eggs, in.

good condition with copper hot water
tank, pas IEE UIOn book, thermometer
$10 FOB. Mrs. Emma Anderson,
Americus, Ga., Rt. B.

1 new acdee lamp, never deal

cost $2.50. Will take -anything of
equal value. J. Ww. Perkins, Cuthbert,

~ Weber smichater! 250 ege cap., eond
as new, instruction book $15 C. O. D.
or exchange for 15 young hens, good
breed. Mrs. C. 'C. Smith, Dalton, Ga.,

elt. ie

One Little Brown Hen shcobator 50
egg cap. $3. 50; cash or exchange for

chickens. T. F. Hicks, Adel, Ga., Rt.
1, Box 97.

Grey Hen ineabator 100, egg cap.

| Will sell for $8. - R. C. Loyd, Nicholls,

Gag Rte de
capacity, good as new $4 FOB Ber-
lin. Mrs. J. F. Ingram, Berlin, Ga.
One Buckeye brooder only used
with one bunch of chickens as good as
new, 200 or 250 cap., $12. Janie Bry-
ant, McDonough, Ga. .
~ One 500 cap. oil brooder for sale
cheap, or exchange for anything of
Good condition. . T.

One Belle City incubator size 144,

first class condition $10 cash. Write

for particulars.
Cobbtown, Ga.

400 egg size hot water paegbatee,
3 auto trays, been set one time, $30
FOB. One Radio oil burning brooder
1000 chick size, been used 3 weeks
$10 complete. R. A. Moon, Roswell,
Ga., Rt. 26. oe

One Wisconsin incubator in good
condition, with instruction book, ther-
mometer complete $15 FOB Lincoln-
ton. Mrs. Jak: Elan gens bineolnsen:

One Buckeye oil burning brooder
500 capacity, used six weeks, good as
new, $15 FOB here.
Fife, Ga.

One Old Trusty incubator 165% ego

Mrs. f. sg Holloway,

| cap., $10 or exchange for Buckeye 65
or 100 egg apacity: Mrs. Ji a, Lew- | lo. ic
__ feross, Ga.,

38), College P ees Gay Rt, 2,


| R. I. Red or Barred Rock hens.

Little Beewr Hen incubator 50 egg

and best price.

|be complete and in

Gels cay: :

One Cypress incubator in good con-
dition 65 egg cap., to exchange for 8
quilts. Mrs. L. Stallings, Smarrs, Ga.

Standard Buckeye incubators and
brooders. /C. P. Collough, Maxeys,

One 1000 cap. brooder $12 and one
500 eap. brooder for $10. Mrs. 7
Forbes, Brooklet, Ga.

One Standard Reliable 250 egg hot
water incubator in perfect condition _
used twice $25 or exchange for R. I.-
Red hens at $1.25 each, or 75c for |
Mrs. R. J. Fleming, Lincoln-
ton, Ga.

One wickless Blue Flame oil burning
500 cap. brooder with dozen extra as-
bestos rings to fit burner, used one
time, $9.50 or exchange for 7 Barred |
Rock pullets March hatch and one -

/cockerel or for pure bred spotted P. C.

female pig 8 to 12 weeks old. Mrs.
Mamie Youmans, Star Rt., Baxley,

Two Cypress 244 egg incubators,
each in first class condition. Will sel?
for $20 each FOB, or exchange for

baby chicks or pure bred hens, one

140 egg Belle City incubator good
condition, $6 FOB. E. W. Starr, Mans-
field, Ga.

2 Old Trusty incubators in good 4
condition 110 egg size $10 each, or
both -for $18.50 or exchange. Wilson
Minorca Yards, Martin, Ga.

One brooder, 100 egg cap. in good
condition, just used one time, $5 FOB.
Mrs. Vester . Moore, Carrollton, Ga.,
Rte 5.

Will or ehanes one brooder, 500 size
coal burner, practically new, for 15

Ida McCall, 615. E. Altamaha pitas
Fitzgerald, Ga.
One Buckeye incubator 65 egg cap.

good as new $10. R. C. Goddard, De-

eatur, Ga., Rt. 3.
One Bpkodes 50 egg cap., good con-

dition, $4. James pee =
ville, Ga. ee
Incubators: Old Reliable 110 cap. <-

$12: Red Hen 50 cap. $6; Radio
round 150 cap. $14; also 1 200 cap.
$16; Electric Heated 60 cap. $14; 2
Belle Champion 230 cap. and brooder
$20, and $15; 1 5000 chick size heat-
ing brooder $45; Imperial coal brood-
er $14. Malcolm Simmons, 102 Green-

wood Place, Decatur, Ga.


Want a good 400 cap. incubator,
Queen preferred; also a good brooder.
Will exchange tufted work or Brown
Leghorn cockerels. Mrs. J. E. Stone,
Adairsville, Ga., Rt. 3. _- Fa

Want Iron Clad incubator, 140 or S
200 size. Write condition, ~ meget ae
Must be good as new.
Mrs. J. E. Sikes, Chester, Ga., Rt. 2. :

_ Want 1 small brooder, ar burner
preferred. Re Stanley, Due, Ga. =
: Want 1 incubator, not less than 250
cap. Must be in good condition. Ee

A. Griffin, Bostwick, Ga.

Want 1 or 2 good second-hand cae
door brooders, with lamp heat. Must
ood oe
Mrs. A. J. Collins, Demorest, Ga,
One. = ee
Want oil eee brooder, 500 cap. > -
Prefer Belle City or Buckeye. Pay
reasonable cash price, or exchange 8.
G. Black Minorca cockerels, or White
Holland turkey hens. Miss E. May-
nard, Newton, Ga. ee
- Will exchange S. C. R. I. Red cocks, 7
cockerels, hens and pullets 4 for Buck- ~
eye incubator, Reed Electric or Buffa- -
Mrs. . Ww. Page, Nove. :
Ox 08 oe

lo Electric.

(Continued feat Page 9)
Want 100 bu. of Unknown, Clay or

Whippoorwill peas. Will exch. E. F.
Shelnut, College Park, Ga. 307 S.
Main St.

Want 2 bu. old fashioned Unknown
and 1 bu. straight Whippoorwill peas.
Write stating price FOB here. A. J.
Willoughby, Waco, Ga., Rt. 1.

Want 20 bu. Brab peas. Will exch.
30,000 Porto Rican, Government in-
spected and treated, potato pas
S. E. Hollis, Baxley, Ga.

Want 40 or 50 bu. O-too-tan soy
beans. Will exch. choice, Govern-
ment inspected. paper shell pecan
trees. B. L. Woodall, Milner, Ga.

Want 20 bu. Brabham peas. Cash
or exch. Spanish or Runner peanuts.

_W. G. Williamson, Vienna, Ga.

Want 7 1-2 bu. 1927 crop, 90-day
Velvet beans, recleaned, at $1 bu. W.
H. Freeman, Toomsboro, Ga.

_ Want field peas known as the

Acre pea (almost white and when
cooked keeps this light color and has
an especially delightful flavor). Send
sample and price. Mrs. B. S. Malone,
Pearson, Ga.

Want cow peas, any kind and quan
tity. J. T. Knight & Son, Columbus,

Want all kinds of colored field
peas, especially Whipps, Clays, New
Eras, Brabhams, and several thousand
lbs. Cream or: Clay Sugar Crowder,
Lady and Rice peas; Laredo and O-

too-tan, also Biloxi soy beans. Send

sample and quote best price. Ever-
ett Seed. Co., Atlanta, Ga.

Want 1 bu. ea. of Biloxi and yel-
low soy and 2 bu. 90-day velvet
beans. Exch. Q-too-tan, New Eras and

Whipp peas. W. C. Maddox, Griffin, |

Ga. Rt. C.

Want Lady peas, send samples

and prices on 300 lbs. or more. Fred
- J, Baker, Columbus, Ga. Box 244.

Want any kind of field peas. Will
exch. potato plants for same. Odum
Plant Co., Odum, Ga.

Want 1 bu. California Black eyed
peas. Will pay cash or exch. State
inspected Porto Rican sweet pota-
toes or runner peanuts. J. W. Wat-
son, Pitts, Ga.

Want field peas, all varieties any
quantity. Mail sample and quote
best prices. Fred R. Bennett, HEast-
man, Ga.

- Want few bushels of the Aker
pea, one crop Conk pea. S. M. Carnes
Florahome, Fla.

Want Brabham peas
your station; white rice or Lady
Finger peas, $2.50 bu. R. W. Griffin,
Douglas, Ga.

Want Brabham, sik Whippoorwill
and mixed varieties peas. Send sam-
ple state lowest price and quantity
you are offering. Want new crop
stock. W. H. Robinson, Cairo, Ga.

.Home-grown runner seed peanuts,
grown and cured for seed purposes.
$1.50 bu.; Spanish peanuts, $1.75 bu.
Send check. J. W. Lang, Omega, Ga.

N. C. Georgia raised No. 1 peanuts
$1.25 bu. del. in 4 bu. lots or more.
Check or P. O. Money order must
accompany order. C. H. Parish, Tif-
ton, Ga. Rt. 6.

About 18 bu. N. C. runner peanuts, |.

5 lb. at home or R. R. fob. here. C:
B. McKinnon, Bluffton, Ga.

50 bu. Chufas. No. 1 $6 bu. FOB

here. W. A. Roberts, Lake Park, Ga.
Improved, (Jumbo) white Spanish

peanuts, hoice seed stock, recleaned,

$1.50 fob.

cn "Mrs.

| 45 fal pk. er Grace
Maddox, Flowery Branch, Ga.
No. 1 runner peanuts 5c lb. any

quantity. J. B. Rountree, Boston, Ga.

Select A-1 grade white Spanish
peanuts, $1.40 bu. J. H. Palmer,
Tennille, Ga. z

2-tons N- , peanuts, 6c ib. $25 bu.
for fodder. B. F. Bower, Dawson,

N. C. Ga. raised peanuts, 100 lbs.
or more at 5c lb. Less, 6c lb. Large
paper shell pecans, 5 Ibs. for $1.75.
No less sold. No samples. C. F. Wad-
delle, Pearson, Ga. .

Few bushels of Chufas, $5 bu.
Cash with order. O. C. Crumley, Sop-
erton, Ga. RE 2.4:

Fine N. C. Runner peanuts, Ga.
raised, $5 per hun. lbs.; white Span-
ish peanuts, $6 per 100 Ibs. Dan

Huff, Finleyson, Ga.

Several tons Ga. runner seed pea-
nuts, grown and saved specially for
farmers seed, 5c lb. in 100 Ib. bag.
fob. W. I. McKinney, Cordele, Ga.
Ri. D:

45 lbs. small pecans 15c lb.;

Runner peanut seed 6c Ib. fob.
Tifton, Ga. J. F. Lindsey, Tifton, Ga.
Rt. -6.
N. C. runner seed peanuts, 5e lb.
in 25 bu. lots or more 6c lb. in lots

less. All prices fob. Donalsonville,
Ga. J. J. Cummings, Donalsonville,

McGovern runner seed peanuts 6
lb. Write for samples. DEE. Luke,
Douglas, Ga. Rt. 1.

Ga. grown N. C. runner. seed pea-
nuts 5 lb. fob. Sample on request.
C. B. Daughtrey, Lenox, Ga.

High quality seed Chufas 1927
erop small lots up to 10 bu. 10c Ib.
large lots 9c lb. fob. Manar, Ga. S.
A. Strickland, Manaf, Ga. Rt. 1.

Good grade runner peanuts, any
quantity, $1.25 bu. Samples fur-
nished on request. J. K. White, -Lake
Park, Ga.

2000 Ibs.

runner peanuts, 5c Ib.

fob. Boston, Ga. E. J. Norton, Bos-

ton, Ga.
,Ga. runner PES large and
small anish, 6c. lb. fob. Milan, Ga.
LC ridgen, Rhine, Ga. Rt. 2. .
- 100 bu. runner peanuts, $1 bu. W.
D. Herring, Lake Park) Ga. Rt. 8,
Box 4.

N. C. runner seed peanuts, 5c lb.
Mrs. J. W. Gurr, Dawson, Ga.

Bright well filled runner peanuts, |

5e lb. fob. Unadilla. J. C. PE nMeEeOy
Unadilla, Ga.

Large paper shell pecans 40e Ib.
Seedling pecans medium size, 15e lb.
M. P. Butler, Byromville, Ga.

Runner peanuts, good seed stock,
$5 per 100 fob. Cuthbert. C. L. What-
ley, Cuthbert, Ga.

No. 1 Ga. grown N. C. runner pea-

nut seed, and No. 1 white Spanish

seed peanuts, 6c lb. W. G. William-
son, Vienna, Ga.

11 lbs. Mobile and Tesche paper
shell pecans small medium and large,
35c Ib. del. C. G. Oliver, Barnesville,
GaoRt. 2.

Ga. runner peanuts, 6c lb. Will av.
from 16 to 18 lbs. of good germi-
nating peanuts to the bu. after being
shelled. Cash with order. John W.
Braswell, Empire, Ga. Rt. 1.

N. C. flat runner seed peanuts for
$1.50 bu. fob. Whigham. W. R. Con-
nell, Whigham, Ga. Rt. 1. ~ |

Runner peanuts 4c Ib. any quantity
above 50 Ibs. Ralph Griffin, Dougias

Large Red Spanish peanus 2 to 4


bu. black walnuts $1.60 Send postage
L. B. Holland, Buckhead, Ga. |

| tatoes.

Skee er:

graded. No pops.
Greshamville, Ga.
Chufas, Hastings wariely $6 ae
Bud Sweat, Alma, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 26.

Runner seed peanuts be Ib. R. E.
Bower, Dixie, Ga.

50 bu. white Spanish peanuts for
seed, 6c lb. Will ship in even wt.
bags fob. Rutledge. W. I. Knight,
Rutledge, Ga.

No. 1 farmer stock runner peanuts,

$1.25 bu. R. W. McMillan, Ochlock-
nee, Ga.
- 100 sacks, 400 bu. good | eiean N.
C. runner seed peanuts at low price.
Write or wire for samples. Geo. W.
Harper, Jesup, Ga.

H. W. Thurmond,


Want 8 bu. longarm peanuts and
4 bu. white Spanish peanuts. Will ex.
Government inspected and treated
Porto Rican potato plants. 10,000
plants, for 12 bu. peanuts. S. E. Hol-
lis, Baxley, Ga. Rik: :

Will exch. bunch Red Ripper peas,
very prolific, or mixed peas for big
Jumbo Spanish peanuts, or oyster
shells, not ground. Make offer. J. T.
Hall, Junction City, Ga.

Want new crop seedling and paper
shell pecans in any quantity. Send
samples and state quantity for prices
Southland Pecan Co., Columbus, Ga.

Want N. C. and Ga. runner peanuts
white Spanish and large Jumbo,
state quantity, quality and best price

del. Fred. R. Bennett, Eastman, Ga. }

Want pecans, all varieties, any.

amount. N. W. Buchanan, Americus,




Porto Rica potatoes for sale or ex-
change for seed peanuts, runner va-

riety. J. J. DeLoach, Rt. E, States-|
| boro, Ga.

Golden Porto Rican seed potatoes.
Standard bu. hamper, vine grown.
seed $4 FOB. Draw grown for $3 per
hamper. J. P. Mathews, Lovett, Ga.

Sweet potatoes $1 bu. or exchange
for Irish potatoes, bu. for bu., or lb.
for lb. Mrs. J. B. Chambers, Tooms-
boro, Ga.

Few bushels Porto Rican eating po-
tatoes 70c bu. FOB Willacoochee, Ga.
Leon Rowe, Rt. 2, Alapaha, Ga.

Selected Lookout Mt. Irish pota-

toes $3 bu. Best size for cooking,

also planting. M. F. Merriam, Dem-
otest, Ga.

phur Springs, Ga. Hugh G., Forester,
Head River, Ga.

Nancy Hall and Porto Rican ele
to plants. Shipments ready March
1st to 20th, $2.25 per M. Taking or-
ders now. Satisfaction guaranteed.
F. M. Carter, Rockingham, Ga.

10 bu. Irish potatoes $1.50 bu. FOB.
J. W. Weeks, Dial, Ga.

7 to 8 hundred bu. Porto Rico pe-
Make offer. W. F.. Jones,
Metter, Ga., Rt. 1. \

Between 400 and 500 bu. k. d. Por-
to Rican potatoes in bu. crated, $1.40
per crate FOB Brooklet. L. P. Mills;
Brooklet, Ga.

Porto Rican potatoes $1 bu, or ex-
change for Half and Half cotton seed
or any good variety for planting, bu.
ne bu. G. W. Miles, Rt. 8, Alma,


Sweet potatoes at $1 bu. Cash with
order, J. P. Smith, Sr, Rt. i, Box 37,
Homerville, Ga.

100 bu. Irish potatoes $1 ne FOB:
farm. R. C, Vandiyer, Dial, Ga...

Good grade North Ga, raised Irish

12 eS Qe del. Been culled and

@. D. H. V. Pickelsimer, Hu

Ward 3016 4th Ave. Columbu

Green Mt. seed potatoes, field run
$2 bu. selected $2.50 bu. FOB Sul-}

| Rt. 1, Cornelia, Ga.

| Mrs. L. J. Sinyard, Rt. \4,

potatoes oe tne or on ting del.

for $1.75 bu. in 7 bu. bags
post. Cash with order or s

J. T. Mullis Millions purple
skin, Nancy Hall potato pla:
April and May del. 1000 $2,
orders guaranteed. J. T. Mullis

Mineral Bluff. W. E. Hampt
eral Bluff, Ga.

20 to 30 bu. selected. Port,
potato seed slips 75 bu. H..
sed, Rt. 1, Box 82, Ellabelle,

Porte Rican sweet potatoes
or exchange for cotton seed 01
seed. G. W. Miles, Alma, Ga,

Porto Rican sweet potatoes,
or. exch. for cotton seed,
seed or Irish potato seed fo
ing. G. W. Miles, Alma, Ga,

K. D. Porto Riean _ potato.
crates, $1.15 crate, fob. L. P.
Brooklet, Ga..

GALLEY NO. 8 ..., .. ...
27 bu. improved red sk
meat seed porto rican p

Mose Murphey, Jr., Box 10, A
Porto Rican sweet potatoes

peck crates $1 per crate,
collect. Send - check, J. W.
Omega, Ga. 5

Porto Rican potatoes in
bulk 50c bu. fob. Ludowici.
nent: Ludowici, Ga. Ree.

25 bu. good hill or kil
sweet potatoes. Fred I. Baki
244, Columbus, Ga,
Want potatoes, corn meal o:
ens. Will exch. equal value

Velvet and Long Green. ok
25 Ib. C.. H. Oden, Blacksh

Rocky Ford and Eden Ge
loupe seed to exch. for garde
or Bell and Bullnose ~ pepp
Water gourd seed 2 doz. |
Mrs. J. B. Brown, Rt. 1, Eastn
_ Pure Lipey melon seed $
Jeff A. Taylor, Buena Vista, G

Stone Mt. watermelon seed,
selected, $1 Ib. Add - postage
Ray Hemphill, Flowery Branc!

Hot and sweet pepper se
oz. Sugar pumpkin seed 10c
oz. Old time straked garde
seed 20c 1-2 pt. Mrs. G..B. M
Rt. 1, Gainesville, Ga.

Honeydrip cane seed $2
with order. R. L. iattletie
Bremen Ga.

Extra large leaf tobean
25c teaspoonful, del. E. C.

' Collard seed 50c Ib. Add

ville, Ga.

Good runner peanut seed -
Broxton, Ga. W. z. Walker,
ton, Ga.

Home grown Succeued iol
10c oz, $1 Ib. B.,F. Raott
Gane of.

White egg, yellow Globe,
turnip seed, onion sets for sal
seed 30c Ib.; 5 Ibs. for 75c; 10 Ib
$1.25. Chufas washed and
$6 per bu. $1.75 pk. Less than?
25c Ib. W. H. Waddelle, Pearse

Pride of Georgia melon see
large and early $1 Ib. Chea
large lots. J. P. Dukes, Rt. B,
burn, Ga.

Extra large mammoth He ne
termelon seed 50 cupful or $
Paul Price, Rt. 1, Lavonia;

= J. M. Hall, Rte 7, Empire,

7 Ib,
Tb. Ed Zipperer,

rsian watermelon seed 85c
r 50 Ibs. 60c
ville, Ga.
parks Earliana and H. A. Hast-
extra early tomato seed 20c oz.
den Gem and Rocky Ford can-
ype seed 10c oz. del.; Florida but-
b ns, 15c lb. All over 2 lbs. del.
in rone, Philomath, Ga.

Ibs. mammoth long pod 1927
) okra seed. J. P. Monyan, Rt.-2,
81, Senoia, Ga.

s seeded ribbon cane seed $2.50
7c lb., in-small lots. Hastings

pu. in 5 bu. or over lots $2 FOB.
Messer, Chatsworth, Ga.-

ersian watermelon seed 75c I\b.,

or up 50c. Mary Zipperer, R.
Howell, Ga.

entucky Wonder bean seed, clean
evil free from D. M. Ferry Co.
80c qt. Cash with order. J.
on, Robinson, Ga,

one and Greater Baltimore to-
eed $1 lb.; Mung beans 10c Ib.;
do and Otootan beans 7c Ib. B.
Woodliff, Flowery Branch, Ga.
ustard seed 5c teaspoonful; Han-
rs seed 10c teaspoonful. Georgia
ea ed collard seed 10c teaspoonful.
ostage extra. Mrs. Mary R. Wilson,
ertown, Ga. .

ail 85c lb. By express 5 Ibs. and
r 75c Ib. Jeff Dean, Rt. B, Amer-

velvet okra seed 40c Ib. del. C.
Collins, Cordete, Ga.
Hastings Georgia cabbage and col-
d seed 65. lb. Few lbs dwarf
hite big pod and long green pod
eed 50c lb. or will exchange for
Ytootan or Laredo soy beans. Mrs.
Duke, | At. 3, Bowdon, Ga.

bu. sorghum seed for sale.
ke best offer. W. C. Daily, Me-
nough, Ga.

ne Mt. watermelon seed extra
select melons 75 lb.; purple top
ven top turnip seed mixed 25c
rs. N. J. Burgess, Maxeys, Ga.
ange cane seed and 6 or 8 bu.
honeydrip cane seed. Will sell
change. UN. J. poe Maxeys,

bs ae Watson itera
d last years crop guaranteed
and, $4 for the lot, cash. W. E.
ood, Rt. 3, Leesburg, Ga. 2
00, lbs. Pride of Ga. or Lipsey mel-
seed. Saved py hand $1. W. A.
lendon, Jonesboro, Ga.

alentine, green pod bean seed,
ska peas 25c lb. All kinds
i d 35 lb. beets, cucumber
WBE lb.; Sediuhoa 40c.; Ga. grown

$3.; eabbage,- Sinko $1.25; Ice-

elton, Ga. -
ld bean seed 200. i .j sun-
> seed 15c pt. del., or exchange

os AB e in exchange. Mrs. M. C.
er, Rt. 4, Gainesville, Ga.
S.- , or Thurmond Troy wa-

ibs. sunflower seed large and
mixed 50c lb. Mrs. John F.
: Glenwood, Ga., Rt. 3.
imento pepper seed $1-1b.;
price on large orders: , Pride

/D., Griffin, Ga.

ic seed corn, nubbed and fanned |

|okra seed 30e

cefield and Flat. Dutch cabbage, :

eas: St: 50 Th. - Ruby King pep-_

lettuce $1 lb. Walter Ww. =

tagon coupons at 1 each. Add.


ae a. Go. watermelon seed $1. Ths5* 250
| cupful; will exchange for syrup, pea-

nuts, nest onions or corn.
son, R. F. D., Griffin, Ga.
150 lbs. pimento pepper seed, large
red sweet pepper. Make best offer
or will exchange for corn, hens or
milk eows. Mrs. Ida Carson, R. F.

J.Ns Car-

Stone Mt. ana Kleckler sweet wa-
termelon seed 50c lb. Mozell Wilson,
Rt. 2, Martin, Ga.

Selected Perry watermelon seed 1- 4
lb., 35c. J. H. Walker, Cordele, Ga.

Texas honey drip syrup cane seed,
pure clean and sound, 4c lb. FOB, or
6c del. J. E. Chandler, Rt. 3, Talla-
poosa, Ga.

Dill and gourd seed also gourds for
martin nests. Write. Mrs. T. B.
*fhomas, Thomasboro, Ga.

Genuine Rocky, Ford cantaloupe
seed 75c lb. H. A. Josey, Rt. 2, Pine-

F iurst, Ga.

Purple top Globe turnip seed, mixed
urnip seed, white velvet and Jumbo
Ib. prepaid. Cream
Crowder peas 10c lb. del. C. G. Oli-
ver, Rt. 2, Barnesville, Ga.

100 lbs. Watson, Thurmond grey
melon seed, 50c lb. 100 Ibs. Dixie
Bell or Lipsey, 75c lb., 1927 crop. T.
W. Register, Vienna, Ga.

Hastings seed corn $2 bu. FOB. a

R. Parker, Rt. 1, Oakman, Ga.

Seed chufas 1927 crop small lots:
up to 10 bu., 10e Ib., large lots 9c lb.
FOB Manor. Cash with order. S. A.

Strickland, Rt. 1, Box 45, Manor, Ga.
. Tom Watson melon seed. by |

Early cluster cucumber seed 15c
teacupful; white squash seed 10c tea-
eupful; different varieties gour
seed 10c pkg., separate or mixed; wil!
exchange any of above for dahlie
bulbs, pink cannas, phlox or apple
trees. L. D. Spriggs, Rt. 2, Rock-
mart, Ga.

White velvet okra, different varie-
ties, muskmelon and cantaloupe seed
mixed; cucumber, tomato, citron and

| hot pepper seed large pkg. 10c; 6 or

8 lbs. white and colored butter beans
mixed or separate 20c Ib., 6 lbs. white
black eye peas 10c lb. Mrs. J. M.
Wall, Rt. 1, Winder, Ga.

White bunch butter beans 15c; sage
10c eupful; garden beans, white vel-
vet okra 10c cupful; Dixie watermelon
seed 50c lb; tobacco seed 10c spoon-
ful. Add postage. Mrs. U. S. Ladd,
Rt. 7, Gainesville, Ga.

Watson watermelon seed, hand
gathered 50c lb. G. L. Watson, eeae
ven, Ga.

Cabbage $1; collard 50c; tomato $1;

King pepper $3.50; Bermuda onion
seed $3. W. W. Wiltaaes. Quitman,

Broad leaf tobacco seed 10c spoon-

seed 30c lb.; black eyed peas Te lb.;
sweet pepper 20c o2., $1.50 Ib. L. a
Crow, Oakwood, Ga.

Lipseys or. Country Govidiin wa-
terinelon seed $1 Ib. Likes: Bros., # Ty
Ty, Ga. .
400 Ibs. el
40c Ib. D. 0, Mimms, Boston, Ga.

White stem heading collard seed
10c 6z., $1 lb.; Big Boston lettuce
seed 10c spoonful; cornfield bean seed
25c pt. or 45c qt.; tender hull snap
pea seed 25c pt., or 45e qt.; black
Crowder peas 20c pt. or 35c qt. Mrs.

| V.-E. McCook, Rt. 2, McIntyre, Ga. '

Purple top Globe turnip seed 35c
lb.; early Jersey - and Charleston
Wakefield cabbage seed, New York
hard lettuce seed $1 lb.; beet seed 75c

'|lb.; all kinds sweet pepper, pimento

pepper seed, white Bermuda onion
seed $1.75 Tb. postpaid. Leonard T.

2c 1b.,

fuls velvet okra 20c lb.; Globe turnip

Watson veined Sead

| Cottongim, 384 Marietta St, es
ta, Gao 2

Select Watson melon seed 40 Ib.
del. in 3.1b. lots or more. C. H. Par-
ish, Rt. 6, Tifton, Ga.

Pride of Ga. watermelon seed 95c
lb.; Irish grey seed. 85c lb. or 1-4 |b.
25e. Add postage. Mr. P. L. Smith,
Rt. 1, Box 74, Kite, Ga.

All varieties of onion sets $3 to
$3.75 bu.; seed $1.65 to $5 lb.; pepper
$1.75 to $4.25 lb; beans 85c to 50c. lb.;
collard and turnip 50 lb.; cabbage
$1 to $1.25 lb.; tomatoes $1 to $4 lb.;
cucumbers $i to $1.25 lb.; egg plant
$2.80 to $8.25; peas 12c lb, in 12 lb.
lots, 50 lbs or more 9c ib.;. pk
mixed peas 3 1-2c lb.; Brussels sprouts
$1 to $4.50 Ib. del. Cash with order.
No checks. W. R. Stephens, re
Branch, Ga.

White, sound, ae oe bear
seed 25c lb., or exchange for nice
dried apples at 15c lb. Mrs. G.. L.
Jones, Shellman, Ga., Rt. 8.

The brilliant, variegated Joseph:
coat seed, 25c a pkg. Mrs. L. Wall,
Atlanta, Ga., 993 Marietta St.

Tom Watson, Stone Mt., Dixie Bell.
Kleckler Sweet melon seed 50c lb
del. C. J. Thomson, Thomasville, Ga

Mammoth Russian sunflower seec
$1.25 pk. FOB. R. L. Weeks
Dial, Ge"

40 lbs. fresh stock collard seed 30
b. del. H. P. Kennedy, Coolidge, Ga.

Chufa seed 10e Ib. for Jan., 1 high-
2r each month. W. Ws Cnc Beach,
Ga. >
_ Pearson, Kleckler, Stone Mt. melor
seed 75c lb.; Porto Rican potato slips
$1 bu.; field peas $1.75 FOB. _W. B
Clifton, Oliver, Ga.

2 bu. long pod dwarf okra seed at
best market price. A. W. Belcher,
Brooklet, Ga.

Pride of Ga. and Stone Mt: water-
melon seed $1 lb. E. M. Travis, Fay-
atteville, Ga.

75 lbs. selected Thurmond grey wa-
termelon seed 75c lb. Mr. L. A. Rigs-
dy, Rt,..2; Lenox, Ga. j
Wakefield and flat dutch cabbage
seed, Greater Baltimore and New
Stone tomato seed $1 1b.; collard seed
50c lb.; Watson melon seed 40c lb.;
okra 35c lb.; broadleaf tobacco seed
15 tablespoonful; pepper seed $1.50
lb, All prepaid. Major Crow, Rt. 1,
Gainesville, Ga.

Recleaned seed chufas
$4.50 bu.

15 qts. long pod okra seed 50 qt
del., or 8 qts for $3.25 del. Cash with
order. Ernest Caugey, Rt. 2, Rincon,

All varieties cabbage seed $1.25 lb;
tomato seed, New Stone
Baltimore $1.60 lb.; collard and turnip
seed 45c lb.; ne earrots and radish
seed 75c Ib; egg plant $3.50 ib.
sweet pepper $2.75 lb.; squash 90c Ib;
okra 25c Ib, A. R. Hollarid, Rt... 1,
Braselton, Ga.

All varieties cabbage seed $1.25 lb.;
collards and turnip seed 40c Ib.; to-
mato seed $1.30 lb.; beet, carrot, rad-
ish, squash 85e lb.; pepper $2.75 lb.;
Stone Mt. melon seed $1 lb.; okra 35c
Ib.; rape 15c Jb. del. Cash with order.
L. C. Irvin, Rt. 1, Braselton, Ga..

Wakefield cabbage seed $1 lb.; New
Stone and Greater Baltimore tomato
seed 80c Ib. All del. .W. O. Waldrip,
Rt. 1, Flowery Branch, Ga.

10 lbs. Stone Mt. and 8 Ibs. of
Kleckler sweet watermelon seed $1

: $1.50 pk..
Alvin Ratliff, Blackshear,

Tb. G. M. Young, Rebecca, Ga.

4 lbs. mixed watermelon seed, 35
Ib., or lot for $1.25. Jessie Cham-
bers, Box 82, Uvalda, Ga.


of |.


and Greater.

Half runner bean seed, cornfield
| bean seed, tender hull, squash seed,
20c pt.; okra seed three large table-

spoonfuls for 10c. Don ot send
stamps. Add postage. Mrs. Samp
Ray, Rt. 1, Canon, Ga.

Seed chufas 1927 crop. Joe Jack

McAllister, RFD, Mount Vernon, Ga.

1 pkg. sunflower seed 50c prepaid.
Mr. Henry Whitfield, Ball oe

Orange cane seed $1.15 bu. FOR,
Mineral Bluff. W. E. Hampton, Min-
eral Bluff, Ga.

Watson watermelon seed 60c
Guy S. Jones, Thomasville, Ga.

A limited quantity large sunflower
seed 25c lb. del. Edwin E. McLaugh-


din, Sr, B32; Macon, Ga.

Lares white sugar Crowder peas,
little white rice peas, 10c lb.; white
Spanish peanuts $2 bu.; Kleckler
sweet watermelon seed 50c Ib. Mrs.
J. A. Wilson, Rt. 2, Martin, Ga.

60 Ibs. clean rape seed 20c. lb. Hu-
bert Tanner, Rt. 1, Palmetto, Ga.

Red pepper 35c lb. 30c in 5 Ib. lots.
Add postage. Miss Beanie Smith,
Kite, Ga,, Rt. 1.
Archokes Be lb., $2.50. bu., 4 bu.
or more $2.40 bu. R. B. fied: Rey-

nolds, Ga.

A few hundred Ibs. of dwarf green
and tall green okra 12 Ib for lots of
50 Ibs. or more, 15c in less lots. Soi

Jones, Summerville, Ga.

Old fashioned onions 40 per, 100
del: or 35 per 100 party paying pos-
tage. Mrs. J. S. see Swains-
boro, Ga.

One acre green nearly headed cab-
bage, prefer to sell in field. Write,
making best. offer for all or part. J.
H. Walker, Cordele, Ga.

White nest onions 50c gal.; white
lady peas 10e lb.; white bunch butter
beans 15c lb, or 7 lbs. per $1. Add
Mrs. Alice Hodges, Green-
ville, Ga., Rt. 3.

.50 bu. dasheen, bright stock $1.50

per bu. FOB. Grady H. Gibson, wie
ston, Ga.


Want turnips, mustard greens, fresh
onions, green cabbage, and all kinds
of fresh vegetables. Write
shipping. Fred I. Baker, Columbus,
Ga,. Box 244.

Want 2 gals. old time onion but-
tons. Will pay 60c per gal. del. Mrs.
H. H. Wilson, Mt. Airy, Ga.


Want any number of De rabbits,
breeding age, in white, Dutch, black
and white and gery spotted. State
age and best price. Will also pay 25c
each up for any color young rabbits,
6 weeks up for Easter. C. J. Yancey,
Atlanta, Ga. 31 Porter Place.

Want 500 domestic rabbits each
week. New Zealands,- Flemish and
other breeds. Any size and color. Ship
by express. Crecks mailed you same
day rabbits arrive. Highest. market
price.. I. W. Taylor, Hapeville,. Ga.
22 Lang Ave.

Want all kinds of rabbits, ages 8
to 6 months old. Fred I. Baker, Co-
lumbus, Ga. P. O. Box 244.

Want red Carnaux p'geons or any
good squab breed. Must be mated.
Louis Hufstetler, Jr., Spring. Place,
Ga. Box 18.

Want several solid white Het Paes
bits, 1 year old. Give price delivered.
H. W. Fleming, Bowman, Ga.
Highest market price paid. Write.
J. Nyshew, Smyrna, Ga, :





Large, full blood Jersey bull, no

- horns, 3 years old, $65.00 at farm,
Gebulon, Ga. W. H. Mitchell, Barnes- |

= _ Ville, ise

Male cattle, weight. ahut 550 lbs., 4
$25.00, 1 weight about 450 Ilbs.,
$17.50; 1 weight about 150 Ibs.
$6.00 ae b. barn, as M. Goldin, Drake- |:
town, Ga.

One registered Jersey cow, bred to.

registered bull, will freshen
lith with 3rd calf, $100.00 if taken
at once; several grades,fresh and
soon to freshen. Tom Richardson,
Palmetto, Ga.

- One registered Guernsey pull and
2 registered Guernsey cows. Fred C.
Geiger, Flintside, Ga.

30 good stock cattle, $500. 00. E.
; L. Dixon, Blackshear, Ga. ~

Pure boa Red Polls, cows, bulls,
of all ages. Dual- Se. William
Nicholl, Dillon, Ga.
_ Registered Jersey bull ale $15. 00
EF. R: Edwards, in care of Ga. _Expt.
Station, Experiment, Ga. . ~

One yellow, 3 gal. Jersey cow, Wt.

750 Ibs. Sell or exchange . for 1,000]

. 1b. horse or mule.
- ville, Ga. RE2.
Six good milch cows, $388.00 e

W.L. Gora, Smith-

oe $50.00 each; 1 3-4 Jersey bull, reg-

istered sire, 16 mos. old, $18.00 at
farm. Mrs. J. R. Massey, Rupert, Ga.

Two registered Jersey heifers, 6
mos. old, $50.00 each; 1 registered
heifer, out of Oxford You'll Do
blood, $50.00; 1 spotted, 6 weeks
old registered heifer, $50.00. Mrs. R.
J. Thomas, Albany, Ga.

One 5 mos. old male Jenee calf,
breeding: Dam, Nobles Fairy Sun-
beam, 2nd., No. 671,027. Sire, You'll
Do, Oxford Master Man, No. 264,-
943, $35.00, nor registered f.o.b.
Griffin shoe one Griffin, Ga.
Box: 526;

_ Cattle sold. This is answer to many
inquiries. N. T. Polk, Athens, Ga.
Barnett Shoals, Route A.

One real Jersey milch cow with
3rd calf, dropped the 12th of Jan-
-uary, $100.00. H. P. Kennedy, Cool-
idge, Ga.

Jersey baby bull calves, from high
producing cow, registered and trans-
~ ferred, $30.00. D. I. &. C. L. Daniel,

Hogansville, Ga.

Registered Guernsey bulls, 2 years

old, $60.00; 13 mos. old, $35.00.
Good condition and gentle. Registered
papers furnished. C. T. Hallman,
Douglasville, - Ga. Route 1.
' 8 fresh-in Jersey cows, 2 bred: heif-
ers; 4 small Jersey heifers, 3 to 6
mos. old; 1 2-mos. old heifer from
5 1-2 gal. cow, $50.00; will exchange
any of above for well culled W.
Leghorn pullets, now laying. L.. L.
Wallace, Atlanta, Ga. 247 N. High-
land, Ave.

One thoroughbred ae milch

cow, fresh in milk, $75.00 f.0.b. here.

Juss Goolsby, Graham, Ga. Route 1.

Jersey milch cows, fresh and some
come-in 2 mos. ago, for sale. Q. M.
Rogers, Barney, Ga.

Registered Jersey bull calves from

1 to 4 mos. old, value, $35.00 each
for sale or. exchange for. seed oats
or good Ga. cane syrup. 8. G. Mc-
Neill, Arlington, Ga.

Hereford registered bull Anxiety
Modo, No. 1880288. Sired by Beau
Dodo, No. 577713; Dam Mabelle

86th, * No, 498444. T. N. Banh, Love-

ae Ga.


of the best bred animals of Guernsey |

1 grade Holstein.
Warm Springs, | Gass
21-2 year old Jersey balls, dam
Lasifrosos Ixia, sired by Noble of
Waverly Farms, 1. heifer to freshen
in May, out. of Lasifros Ixias Prin- |,
cess. Both reg. Woodmere Farms,
Chamblee, Ga, ee
30 good grade, mixed ed: ahilk

cows; 20 to 25 milking at the time.

Sell air togetlier or in lots of 10; also
dairy equipment. Prices are right.
Write or phone 750, Griffin.
Hancock, Griffin, Ga. .

1 Jersey heifer, 3 1- -2 mos. old, $23,
or exchange for good pies. 2h.
Duffy, care Mt. Oak Farm, Carroll-
son, Ga., Rt. 3, Box 87.

3 reg. Jersey cows and 1 reg. Jer-
sey bull, 16 mos. old; have sold all of
| my. grade cows.
tonton, Ga.

at ae mos., $50,or trade for velvet

heifer calf 4 mos. old, pure bred, not

dam 6 gal. cow, sire $1,000 bull, $20}.
FOB Cuthbert. Henry Howell, Cuth-
rbert, Ga., RFD 3.
reasonable prices. W. A. Daniel, or
aes Ga.

3 Jerseys, soon to Seen heifers,
reg. Jersy cow, Sylvia, soon to
freshen, 4 to 4 1-2 gal. a day when
fresh, $135, or wif trade for brood
sows and shoats. L. S. Me Aor
ast Park, Ga.

1 2-year old black Jersey fae Grom

party to pay freight. Woodrow
Greene, Buena Vista, Ga., Rt. So.

2 6 mos. old, pure bred, milking
| strain short horn bulls $60 each; 1
year old bull $75. del. on train at Sum-
merville. T. R. Knox, Summerville,
Ga, Rt. 3.

Bee Jersey bull, ut of imperted

cord. Sure breeder Gentle. G. H.
Thompson, Jackson, Ga. te

-6 high springers Jerseys, cream
and fawn color $60 each, or $58.50

each for lot.
ington, Ga. ;

1'young, 8 gal. Black Jersey milk |
cow, fresh in with male calf, $65 cash,
FOB my station. R. D. Giles, Win-
ston, Ga., Rt. 1.

1 good cow, would give 2 gal. per
day with proper care, 6 mos. heifer
calf included, $50. Cows- mother will
give 4 gals. a day. Mrs. H. M. Hor-
ton, Lenox, Ga., Rt. 1. :

Lee Hereford bull 2 . 2 years old,
weight between 800 and 1000 lbs. reg-
istered papers with him, at bargain
price. T. N. Bunn, Lovejoy, Ga.

J. H. Blackmon, Wash

Reg. Guernsey bull, "hacked by some |
breed. | W. O. Sanders, Roswell, (Gay, x
16 nice, grade J ersey heifers, from |
6 to 20 mos. old, some to soon fresh-

en; 1Holstein heifer, entitled to reg.; 5
N. W. Reriiaie,),

] either.


Ee He! aes Ea-

seed: pure oe Jersey pull}
| calf; dam 5 gal. cow; sire cost $1,000 |

beans, cow peas, or Laredo soy beans;

registered; dam, 3 gal. cow, $20; heif-
er calf 7-8 Jersey and 1-8 Holstein;,

Basted Guernsey bull calves at|

reg. stock $40. erated in depot. Other |.

dam, with over 600 Ibs. butter fat re-.

Want 1 fine milk cow with young
ealf. Jersey preferred. Wayne C.
Wood, Danielsville, Ga., Rt. 3.
Want 2 Jersey herfer- calves
over 2 mos. old. Will take 2 weeks
old if in good condition. Will ex-

not |

S tO oe a
-F or Sale and Wanted _

change. good Ga. cane syrup or velvet |
beans tor: calves. Je ~ G. Glosson,

Alma, Ga Rt 8
Want 1 Guernsey calf ane 2 heifer

-H. Oden, Blackshear, Ga.

Want 5 to: 10- good grade

| milk cows, fresh or soon to freshen; |

also want 50 young Leghorn hens. CR.
H. Holmes, Culloden, ae =

Want Holstein heifer 4 or g ance
old, pure bred, not reg., good milking
stock, Will. exchange Donaldson R.
I. Red March pullets, no culls, of 155

|cap. Super Hatcher incubator, bought.

last. March, good condition. Both or
W. A. Weent Smyrna, Ge

Box 182. jos :

Will exchange for Seaclinedl not
over 20 miles from. Atlanta. H. J.
Hill, Lithonia, Ga., Rt.. a: :
Want 10 or 15 grade Jersey heifers
anywhere north of Atlanta. S'
and price. W. M. Harris, Eton, Ga.
Will exchange for milk cow or chick-
ens, value $75; Jack Whishante, Du-
luth, Ga., Re le.

Want 3 or 4 Jersey *Acifers

also E Jersey bull, same age.
Moss, Jasper, Ga., Rt. Fee
Will exchange value. of $30 fos cow
that will be fresh this Spree N. iH.
White, Mableton, Ga.
One registered. Jersey heifer calf,
5 to 12: mos.- old, with papers.


| McCravey,. Whitestone, Ga..

1 pure bred white face bull weigh-
ing 400 to 500 Ibs. Lowest cash me

| Sam Beall, Richland, Ga.
with papers.

Pure Jersey heifer.
from 6 mos. to 3 years. old.
Wilbanks, Baldwin, Ga.,. Rt. 1.
_ Milk cows or hogs in exchange
light Ford truck. Value $100. Barnes
Poultry Farm, Route 4, Fitzgerald,
Ga. .

3 OY 4 gal. milk cow. Write giving
price. Mrs, J. N. Carson, Route D,
Griffin, Ga.

Jersey heifer calf, registered. beats

haat price. EH. F. Noland, Rt. 5 ,Ma-
|rietta, Ga.
Female calf not over a mos. aid not
under 2 mos. old. Must be registered
Holstein. W. F. Pittman, Be 1, Gills-
ville, Ga.


- 80 or 40 calves to run eaeet ob pas- |.

ture this summer.
to 300 lbs. or more,

Weigh from 130 |
Market price.


Jersey or Gasenkey cites: in good |
milk cow to freshen soon, to be with-
in 40 miles of Pearson, Ga., at bar-
gain. W. H. Woodelle, Pearson, Ga.

Want a black or yellow reg. Jersey
bull, about 8 or 10 weeks; also a ree.
heifer, same age, black or yellow;
calves from 4 to 8 mos. old, close to
Bowman. Must- be good.
and reasonable for cash. H. W. Flem-
ing, Bowman, Ga., Box 164, a ,

Want 4 or 5 eaa Jersey milk cows.
Odum Plant Co., Odum, Ga,

Want good track in milk cow. State

what calf, amount, of milk and lowest
price and breed. Prefer not more
than 20 miles of Atlanta. J. P. An-
derson, see es 566 _Langhorn
St., SW.

Want a few Jersey heifers.
Sikes, Sec. & Treasurer,
House, os 6 a y

eee ELD

lee E.

-Must furnish reg. oe Le

Brantley, Waynesville, Ga.

State age

Mast :

be entitled. to reg., 6 or 8 mos, old, a Wontha old. $150 cath. ia.

SSPrin. Jad. Johnston, Wayn
er, bred, $20; 1-milk goat ha.

| mos. old, $10; 1 fine buck, half

50 head Hampshire sheep.

WwW. W. ene Rt. 1, Hawkinsville,


| freight is not more than $1.3

Want E lovey bull calf, 2 6
Sis from heavy milker, W:
nolds, Siloam, Ga. . ;

Want young male cow, larg
for service. Exchange Stewart
or grape vines-for him. Y. M. {
son, Williamson, Ga. -

One Angora billy goat.

One average size: Tyeganb
goat, butt-headed $10; kids, 3:
ers, suitable for work. goats,
EK. L. Dixon, Blackshear, Ga.
One billy goat about 1 1
old: Well broke $5. R, Smith
Warrenton, Ga.

- Will exchange young, white
horn hens for pure stock of h
goats. John L. Gantt, Meigs, |

Offer young. kid goats. ae
tin, Stilson, Ga.

Will sell or exchange for go
cow, 18 or 20 head fine wh
goats mixed with Angora.
prices. , Willie M. aes Ke
Glennville, Ga.

Young kids for. eee 6 we

12 to 50 FOB. J. C. Pierce, St

- Two aire milk . doe
milking now. : Both will fresh

1 Toggenberg milk goat, g

genberg and half Nuibian,.

-genberg and half Nubian, ten mo
o1bs- ED Dewberry, 6
ple, Ga.

1 large white billy goat,
FOB. J. . Snider, Matthe

8 Angora nannie goats an
All pure bred. Lot for $90
exchange. M. C. Jay, Madiso

One pet sheep 10 mos.
J. C. Mathis, Farmington, Ga

M. Sutton, Griffin, Ga. oe

24 head of sheep; 2 rams, 16.
and 6 lambs. Will soon be
lambs. All large healthy he
sheep, $100 for lot at my house
dee Thigpen, Adrian, Ga.:

Grade Toggenberg doe, fre
months, now giving good flow
gentle and easily milked. B
good Nubian buck, $25. Large
eal Nubian buck $15. Will: exe
for corn, oats or wheat. Ed
son, 676 Tifton St., N. W., At

1 large billy goat, brown an
spots, butt headed, age 3 years
110 lbs., $15 FOB Cordele. Nat
Davis, Rt. B, Cordele, Ga.
* 4 registered Hampshire ewe
each. John L. Gantt, Meigs, Gz

.2 Nubian milk goats, . buck
$2.50. .Edna Cleghorn, Villa
>| Ga. . ;

Want kids year old and yo
weighing from 40 to 50 lbs.
at the rate of 5 a week, cra
shipped. to Early, Ga., Sou. R

Will contract for fro
150. J. Lindsay Johnson, Rt.
Bs Ga.

tate best price del. for cash.
Fleming, Box 164, Bowman,

. Bill ee Griffin, ae


ote 70: 1927. Dbl we

lated. Will nee ister

= when 3 months old. Dae
ae and boar pigs _thor-

a, Box Ze _s

Parse and . P. G. 9 tos

S, $5 each. No iants; 1 fine

w and

ibson, Ga.

~C. boar, 10 mos.


old, at
$20. Hardee Fiiepen,
Rt ol: ee

eet wt. 175 to 200 Ibs. $25

oes write, ACT. San
sburg, Ga., Rt. 2, Box 201.
ee 4 mee, old, wt. about

an. -P. M. Spires, Milan, Ga.
Beet Black Essex 12 weeks old
'g. reg. in buyers, name, $12 each.
Ww. Law, Hastman, Ga. . ;
in SEX pigs $16 a pair. A. LL.
B. B. P. oe rilts, average yore 90
0. Ibs., 15e Ib.,. or exchange for
ns at market price. A. P: a

a wt. 60 to 100 lbs; dod

3 mos. old. $8:or exehange

nnedy, Cooledge, Ga.
uroc boar, also Duroe and
Fred C. Geix ner, Flintside,


red sows $18 each, or trade

Jersey gilt, 10 mos. old,

an, Ga.
| sows to farrow in Februa-

z E. Cc. Tyler, Monticello,
= eS

and gilts:
and young

C. ead sows
ea y for service

Ga., Rt. 3.
one black P. C. gilts and ee

d 20 each, FOB Madison.
f as Madipony, Ga.

s., $12 each.

e- oe 6 over two. years

kid Loner will pay reason-|.

|| sale.

in - owners |

pigs, for right price. Deke

bred Ss. P. C. gilts, bred io far- |

W. A. Meeks, Adrian, Ga.
ur bred Cherry Red Duroc boar

pu. good stock 1unner peanuts.

with 7 pee pigs each, $25
B. F. Christie, :

225 tbs., reg. $30 FOB. Bradley.

225 lbs. each; 2 gilts, wt. 100.

Joe R. Martin, ee
: /hay peas.

.| C. crossed.

1 +6 each, or $11. 50 pairs


_ Mixed Shes. 6. mos. Sold: good
ie $8 each del.
Jonesboro, Gas?

Reg. Duroc pigs, either.

sex, wt.

around 100 lbs., 4 mos. old, $15 each. :

J. H. Palmour, Tennille, Ga.

_5 Duroc males, entitled to reg., wt.

about 100 lbs., $15 each; 2 gilts, enti-
tled to reg., $17.50 each, _R. Bs Lind-
say, Cairo, Ga.

50 good stock, 3 mos. old pigs for
Walter Rountree, Summit, Ga.
Reg. Duroc pigs, 2 to 4 mos. old,
wt. 40 to 125 lbs., dbl. treated, for
sale. CT. Lear, Tifton, Gar

2 Duroc bred gilts; Defender and
Orion Cherry King breeding; dbl. in>
oculation, wt. 200 Ibs.; farrow in
March. Reg. in buyers. name, $40,

Golden River Duroc Farm, Tallapoo-

Sa,oGa. =

10 Duroc shoats, age: 110 to 125 i
each, at 10c Ib., FOB Forsyth. Jerry
Cox, Forsyth, Ga., Rt. 5.

rE reg. 10 weeks old male Duroc.

| Colonel and Scissors breeding on dams.
and. Orion Cherry. King, sires


$20. L.W. Burt, Thomasville, Gaz.
"| Box 402.

Sees C. 42 weeks old pigs, ae
=e reg. in purchasers name; S. Pe

S. gilts, 7 mos. old, well marked | anc

Gielered, running 50 per cent white

and black, wt. 150 lbs., and bred to a
Red. Village Prince No. 126805, reg.

in buyers name, $27 each. Pebble
Al Farm, Pine View, Ga.
Well developed, well marked, Ss. P.

Bere. weeks old pigs, sired by Rodgers
Ready for shipment at the low-
ast figures, development and breeding.


considered. Reg. in buyers name, or

ame they select. Henry steeegers 7
| Vienna, Ga., RFD.

Muscle Shoals. prize ee
Hampshire boar, 20 mos. old, $75.

High winner, Atlanta, Macon, Savan-.
nah fairs.
41 Orbie Jeffords, Waresboro, Ga.

Size, type and quality.

- Hampshire pigs, reg. or unregis-
tated: buyers option; also 1 Hamp-
shire sow, 18 mos., $50; 1 boar, reg.,
10 mos. old, $25.
herton, Ga., Rt. 1.

25 or 30 fini mixed breed pigs, 6 to
14 weeks old for sale, CC. ge Bees

Americus, Ga.

1 erade Duroc Jersey sow; 1 Span!

wilt, bred to P. C. boar: 5 pigs. about
10 weeks old; all same breed, $50 for

the lot, or will exchange for good milk
sow of.same value. J. W. Printz
Farm, Palmetto, Ga., Rt. 3, care of R,
P, Bomar.

Kor service., reg. Bie Bee S. P.. es
Te F. W. Johns, Decatur, Ga, Rt
oe Ol
2 shoats. male and fomale:
exchange for hens, pullets or. baby
chicks.. Mrs. Howard Smith, _ Cool-
edge, Ga =

Spotted P. C. shat, weight 75- to

80 lIbs., $10 each, or 9 at $9.50

T. M. Tatum, Trenton, Ga. __
Ten head of shoats averave weight
20 to 40 lbs. J. H. Mullis, Sr., Rt. 2

-Sochran, Ga.

80 or more pigs, weight 20 to 40
'bs.; sell or exchange part for field
Joe Jack McAllister, Rt.
cE oo Vernon, Ga.

2 brood sows; 7 pigs, Duroc sod By
Jnocvlated against chol-
era. B. C. Fussell, Midland, Ga.

Two brood sows. one is O. I. C. the
other half O. I. C. and P. C. weight
200 Ibs. A. A, Cox, Rt. 3, Forsyth,

: Fae.

Registered Duroc gilts 150 to 200
Ibs. W. O. Gibbs, Enigma, Ga.
2 B. B, black P. C.- gilts weight

about . Tbs: ae Pure bred, ee

A.M. Wilson, ;

: Ga,

iC: B. Hagood, EI-

sell or.

o forces $12, 50 ce y EB Raley,
Rt. 1, Mitchell, Ga.

Reg. Big Type Poland China pigs.

W. F. Te Rt. 1, See a


Pure bred hie hype Paland China
pigs; 8 to. 16 weeks old.
Atkins, Wildwood, Gav > =

Duroe Jersey boar 150 Ibs. last
spring farrow: $25, reg.; Duroc Jer-
sey boar last spring farrow about 100
ibs, $18, reg. in buyers name}. will
exchange for 20 bu. good sound wilt,
resistant 1927 Counsil or Toole fresh
eotton- seed; one Duroc Jersey boar.

8 1-2 years eid, weight about 300 lbs.

$50, or exchange for one male. anc.
three females of Orion. Cherry Kine:
blood line of pedigreed stock not less
than 30. Ibs. each, or- would exchang
him for 50 bu. fresh stock. of. : Toole

wilt resistant cotton seed. J.-H
Edenfield, Rie3, Stillmoxe, Gz:

6 head , P. C..pigs 5 mos: old
weighing around 50 Ibs., also bis *

boned guinea pigs 6 mos. o! Leb. Dee
to 60 lbs., $6 each, or $25. for the lot.
Geo. A. Thompson, Rt. 2, Swainsborc,

One black: little pone guinea so7
bred for March farrow, wt. 200 lbs:
of large litters. $50. One a sov

Austin & |.

old $10. each with papers, 4 bred ~
Chester white gilts, subject to farrow

April 1st by reg. Chester white boar,

gilts double treated $30 each,

12 to 15 -head nice pigs 10 to 15
weeks old $4.50 per head FOB. Cash .
with order. G. M. eran Midville,
Ga., Rt. SA :

g pigs 3 mos. old, 84, 50 ath or r $32
for lot. FOB Metter, Ga. O. B. ~Olliff,
Graymont, Ga.

phy, Sandersville, Gas

oe thoroughbred | Essex Sow,. Sati one
to register, weighs 200 or - 300
with 6 pigs 4 weeks old $40; 1 Essex

| gilt, weight 140 lbs., entitled to reg-
{ister and 1 Essex boar 10 mos. old,

weighs 150 lbs., entitled to register,
$15 each FOB; 13 Essex pigs 6 weeks
old, entitled to register $5 _ each.
oo Reese, Mitchell, Ga. .

. 20 pigs, weight 45 to 75 Ibs. each,

bon, Ga. ~
1 big bone Guinea es 3 fox old,

| bred, $40; 1 gilt and 4 pigs $30; 1

mixed breed, wt. 175 lbs., bred to. gui-
nea male for March farrow, $20. One
spotted sow, small Size, bred to Du-
roe male for Feb. farrow, $15. R. E
3arnes, Graymont, Ga.

One P. C. boar full stock, entitled
to reg., wt. 200 Ibs., $25 FOB; 3-Py
-. gilts, full stock, bred fo fine Px.
boar, .$20. each FOB; 41 black Essex |
tilt, bred to fine P. C. boar, 20 mos

ld, $20 FOB; satis iput tion guaran-

[28 ie H, A. Eumphrey, Be, io Miten


_ Five pure bred Spotted Poland Chi-
na boars ready for service, 125 to 150
Ibs., $17 to $20; 25 young: boars, wt.
40 to 60 lbs., $8 to $10. Fain Ss Hatch-
ary, Edison, Ga. *<s ;
Fine barrow hogs, - oe 130. Tbs, 10

Mrs. -D. E. Evans, Washington
Ga., Rt. 6. :

1 Black Big, Bone Guines bob-tailed
xilt, 6 mos, old, 150 dbs; a fine indi-
vidual from a litter of 10. ExC. Pope
are Crest Hill Farm, Ocilla, Ga.

Pure bred Duroc boar, n reg. certifi-
cate furnished; several large sows
bred to March or April farrow; 20|
P. C. pigs, 8 to 12. weeks,. del. at
farms, Zebulon, Gas, We. H. Mitchell
Barnesyille, Ga.

7 Duroc 10 weeks old piss, $8 cach
$15 pair; 1 Duroc Jersey male, wt

00 ibs., $20: ready. for service, J.
= Conhaw, , Alma, Gay Rt. 3.: 5
i Poo, gilts; ready for. breeding,
mon each. J. A. Russell, Thonraston,

Six extra tide Be B. Black Poland
Shine and Svotted Poland China pigs,
pure bred on both sides $5 each FOB,
erating and inoculating $1.25 extra.
shipment to be made when pigs are
from 6'to 8 weeks old.- Also pure bred
B. B. Black Poland China pigs not ree-
istered $6.25. each FOB; exnress of-
fice. Jackson, Ga. or $5 at farm,
M. Compton, Jackson, Ga.

1 Poland China gilt, 1 year old, ae
farrow in spring $25. Box. 29, Carrs:
Station, Ga.

2 male hogs, 7 and 8 mos, ald, wt.
200 Ibs. each, black Berkshire, chol-
ra immune $25 each. Mrs. J. C. Kirk-
patrick, 1457 Marietta St., Atlanta.
Ga., phone Franklin 1010-W.

Fine thoroughbred Hampshire gilts
4 to 5 mos. old, $10 each. Hampshire
pizs 6 to 8 weeks old $5 each. Bev.


| Ga:

: ton, Ga.,

male ready for service and 5 gilts
ready bred $20 each. J. A. Harrell,
Mitchell, Ga? :

e8 big bone, black Gunes sow, wt.
225 Ibs., bred to old type short legged
guinea boar, to farrow in May. Write
.for prices. -
ville, Ga., Rt. 3.

~ 2 nine aueke old shoats, cross yee
little bone guinea and S. P. C.;
gilt, 1 poar $5. A. 0. Barnes, Syains.
nae, Gan RE 1.2: ee.

ae Black registered young De
ight litter SOWS,. not~ bred, weight
about. 300: Ibs, $35 each, or both for

$65. Also 1 half P. C. sow and five
pigs, $25. Pigs 1 mo. old... C.D.
Potts, Macon, Ga., Rt. 3..

12 pig litter, or exchange for Brown.
Leghorn hens.

~ Registered Diiroc S0WS
bred, also boar and gilt pigs. Best
blood Jines in state. | rs Phillips,
Tifton, Ga.

male for 25 to 50 white or Brown Leg-
lets .8 mos. to1 year old.. Dr. N. IC.

Alston, Richland, Ga. oe
_ Registered big type P. C. hogs ae

| sows and gilts, pigs all ages, leadine

blood lines. RS Martin, pearsall,
Rio. ee
SE Direc Cae ae

mos., weight about 150 lbs., deen red
color; double treated against cholera
$308 W. H. Sorrells, Macon, Ga., Rt.

4 registered Essex pigs 4 mos. 014,
1 male 3 gilts $13. each. D. a Smith,
Tiger, Ga.

8 Chester White and Feeveahies
crossed pigs 8 weeks old $5 each at
gilts, weight 90 Ibs., 8 Chester white
at farm.

50 shoats Seon. 30 to BO Ths,
7-8 guinea breed, delivered by truck.
at farm for reasonable price for anick
sale, All thrifty and fat. T. T. Pror-
tor, Eastman, Gav Rt:

1 Spotted P. C. boar, 5 mos. old.
registered $25, or exchange for Pd
bu. seed oats. Fulehum or Red Riret
Proof. ye D. Aa oe Ramhurst,

G. K. Jordan, =


e pankhys oe Ga.


F. = Bunn, Midville,

horn, Ancona or Black Minorca pul-

with ~
Oscar Keener, Thomson, Ga,



$5: 50 to $7.50 each. E.. -D. Gibert, Lis- |


Black Essex pigs $10 per pair from

and gilts, -

farm; 2 spotted P. C. and. Hampshire |

and S. P. G: gilts 80 Ibs. each $12 each

: Ree Chester white - -pigs, 8 weeks

Reg, Big Toe Black Essex pigs, - ;
$10 each, with pedigree, either sex.
Satisfaction. guaranteed. , Hak; Mur-

C. T. Prosser, Millets, ae

Pure bred PoC pec hte: or ce =

Oriom Cherry Kine blood lines: dge 7.




Buena Vista, Thursday, Feb. 9.
Edison, Thursday, Feb. 9.
Bainbridge, Friday, Feb. 10.
Ashburn, Tuesday, Feb. 14.
McRae, Tuesday, Feb. 14.
Blakely, Tuesday, Feb. 14.
Thomasville, Wednesday, Feb. 15.
Thomasville, Wednesday, Feb. 22.
Banbridge, Friday, Feb. 24.

Blakely, Tuesday, Feb. 28.

Want several cars of cattle for
immediate shipment. Odum Plant Co.,

-Odum, Ga.

Want 1 or 2 cars of feed or pas-
ture cattle, also will buy some milch
cows. E. H. Black, The Rock, Ga.

Want 2 or 3 cars of young cat-
tle for grazing. R. H. Holmes, Cullo-

den, Ga.

Want. one car of yearlings. Robert
S. Anderson, Hawkinsville, Ga.

Want several cars grazing steers,
would be interested in a car at a
place. O. Davis, Kensington, Ga.

One car, good white corn, $1.00

- bu. FOB Whitestone. Gus McCravey,

Whitestone, Ga.

Several cars of slip shuck corn,
85c bu. FOB here. Odum Plant Co.,
Odum, Ga.

One or 2 cars of slip shuck corn.

' Quote price FOB Sale City. S. E.

Knight, Sale City, Ga.

1,000 bu. corn. Make best offer
FOB Register. H. V. a Reg-
ister, Ga.

500 bu. new crop in ust J. W.
Stephens, County Agent, Millen, Ga.

Several cars good slip shuck corn,
Make offer FOB Claxton. W. L.

dams, Claxton, Ga.

400 bu. slip shuck corn. Nelson
Kea, Adrian, Ga.

_ Several cars of corn in shuck. P. R.
McElveen, Stilson, Ga.

Several cars corn in shuck. Make
best offer. C. G. Garner, County
Agent, Lyons, Ga.

Want shelled or ear corn. Quote
best price del.

Wrens, Ga.

Want 1 car of 1927 white milling
corn in bulk or 2 bu. bags. Delivered
to Doraville. State lowest price. W.
T. Pelfrey, Doraville, Ga.

Want slip shuck corn car lots. J.
E. Neal, Unadilla, Ga. ~

Want corn, car lots. Will exchange
hay, car lots, for same. Market prige.
R. C. Roberts, Jefferson, Ga.

Want 1 car shelled corn. State
best price delivered Doraville, W.
T. Pelfrey,.Doraville, Ga.

Car Lots
First year Cokers Pedigreed ex-
tra Cleveland seed, bulk or sacked.
Neely Estate, C. A. McLendon, Mgr.

- Waynesboro, Ga.

Car Lots
Want car of Wannamaker Cleve-
land cotton seed in bulk. C, A. Row-
land, Athens, Ga. :


Offer 250 large, well bred, mostly

blark face stock ewes, $12. 50 each,

Wrens Milling Co.,

del, Ga. points. D. H. Fulmer, Au-
gusta, Ga,

Want a car of. ee ewes. S. E.
Henson, Louisa, Va.

- Want 1 or 2 cars of common range}
goats. L. _B. Fulmer, Springfield, S.

Want a car of sheep for range.
State full details, number, kind, price,
etc. T. L. Hoshall, ee Ga. 3 Pro-
duce Row. :

O-too-tan and peavine hay, bright
and lean, car lots, $20.00 ton. FOB
Jackson. J. H. Patrick, Jackson, Ga.
_ A few cars each of peanut and pea-

vine (with less than 2 per cent of

any other grass) hay; tull of ripe

| peas, and peanuts, cut stacked, cured

and baled in) tight bales, without
wetting. Make best price, FOB Cor-
dele. Pebble Hill Farm, Pine View,

Two cars gout Bermuda and Sham-
rock hay. Quote price FOB here
Hugh Arnold, Birdstown, Ga. t

Two cars bright soy bean hay,
$17.00 FOB Madison. W. L. Car-
michael, Madison, Ga. oe

Want several cars each of O-too-
tan and pea vine hay. Make best
price, del. Eastman. Also want best
prices on O-too and Laredo soy beans,

Fred R. Bennett, Eastman, Ga.

Want peanut hay, car lots, make
best price FOB your station. J. E.
Neal, Unadilla, Ga.

Want car lots, peanut hay. W. L.
Tolsom, McRae, Ga.

Want 1 car peanut hay. C. White,
Temple, Ga. Route 3, Box 55.


One car runner peanuts. Make best
offer FOB Sylvester. J. R. Miller,
Sylvester, Ga.

One small car No. 1 white Span-
ish peanuts. Quote price FOB Pen-
dergrass. Guy Roberts, Pendergrass,

285 bu., 25 Ibs. to bu. peanuts,
$100.00 ton. Jas. T. pane Wrens,

Want runner peanuts in car lots.
Bain Panut Co., Albany, Ga.

Car Lots
One car -90-day velvets in pod,

$16.00 FOB Mien, John C. Wilson,

Millen, Ga.
2 ears. velvets. Make best offer

KOB Claxton. W. L. Adams, Clax-
ton, Ga.

1 or 2 cars yahiet in pod. Make

| best price FOB Ambrose. T. J. Hol-

land, Ambrose, Ga.
Velvet beans in pod, $19.00 ton;
shelled velvets, in 21-2 bu. sacks,

$1.25 bu. Recleaned and sound. F.|

A. Bush, Richland, Ga.

Field peas and velvet beans, car
lots. Z. L. Coffin, Richland, Ga.

1 car velvet in pod. E. P. Josey,
County Agent, Statesboro, Ga. =e

_ Velvet beans in hull, ear lots. W.
B. Drew, Midville, Ga.

1 car velvets, O. L. Johnson, Coun-
ty Agent, Camilla, Ga.

3 cars velvets in pod, $18.00 ton.
Picket Smith, Dawson, Ga. 808 Lee

Velvet beans, speckled, in. pod,

bulk or thrashed and sacked, for seed,
ear lots, $1.25 bu., $18.00 ton. C. P.
Daniel, Waynesboro, Gai

A few cars of velvet beans. A. E:
Norman, Dover, Ga. _

2 cars velvet beans in pod, Ed. EI-
lison, Adrian, Ga.

25 or 80 tons, early speckled vel-
vets. Make best offer, car lots, FOB
Jakin. E. A. Reed, Jakin, Ga.

Several hundred tons velvet beans
V. R. Bush, Albany, Ga.

90-day recleaned velvet beans, car
lots. W. E. Hudman,, Sylvania, Ga.

1 car velvet beans shelled, in 2 1-2
bu. bags, $1. 00 bu. FOB here. E. F.
Ferguson, DeSota,.Ga.

Early speckled and bunch velvets,
and mixed field peas, in new even

wt. 21-2 bu. bags; also. several cars

of velvet bean hulls for February
shipment. W. M. Shurling, Wrights-
ville, Ga.

1 car 90-day velvet beans, sacked,

in 21-2 bu. bags, $1.00 bu. f.o.b.
cars Davisboro. Car load car any

wt. up to 60,000 lbs. H. B. Brady,|.

Davisboro, Ga.
90-day velvet beans, in:-2.122 bu,

| sacks, $1.00 bu. car lots. C. 5S. Bry-

ant, Bartow, Ga. |

1 car velvet beans in pod, picked
early and dry, $18.00 ton f.o.b.
Towns. Harp Heath, Towns, Ga.
_ 2 ears velvets in pod. Write for
del. pe J. E. Neal, Unadilla, Ga.

Brown Whippoorwills, new eras,
clays, and mixed peas, car lots, P.
R. Stanley, Greensboro, Ga.

500 bu. whips, $1.75; 50 bu. black
eyed, 10 bu. crowder $3 bu; 50 bu.
brabs. $1.75 bu. FOB. G. C. Daniel,
Conyers, Ga. County Agent. All va-
rieties of peas, $1.75 bu. FOB. S. W.
Adams, Westan, Ga.


Want 1 car velvet beans for feed-
ing purposes. G. C. Alford, Buch-
head, Ga. :

Want car lots of velvet beans in
pod, FOB Milner, P. W. Etheridge,
Milner, Ga.

Want 1 car 90-day velvet beans,
FOB Durand. N. W. ae Warm
Springs, Ga.

Want 1 car of blue and brown
whip. mixed> George W. Heard, At-
lanta, P. O. Box 136.

Want all varieties peas and han
in car lots and less. Send samples,
state qualities, and name lowest price.
R. N. Etheridge, Jackson, Ga.

Want whip. peas, eood sound,
bright stock in any lots. Also wiht
peas. H. M. Franklin and Co., Ten-
nille, Ga. ~


Pine cord wood in ear lots, also
slabs cut in 4 ft, lengths. Make best
offer FOB Braselton, or Oakwood.

Ship March or later. A. R. Cooper,
Braselton, Ga.

1 car (5 or 600 bu.) of Porto Ri-

| can potatoes. Make best offer on

board cars here. B. S. Malone, Pear-
son, Ga.

Several cars ee Rican potatoes,
C. W. Collier, County Agent, Fort
Valley, Ga...

One ear (5 or 600 bu.) Porto Ri-
can sweet yellow potatoes. I. G. Pruitt
Route 4 Box 22, Moultrie, Ga.

| Agent,

i. Beasley, Reidsville, Ga.

J. H. Thompson, Odum, Ga,


Brown, McRae, Ga.

Porto Rican sweet potatoes
lots) in bulk. J. L. Dunaway, Co
Cochran, Ga. =, :

Several cars Porto: Rican sweet p
tatoes. E. P. Josey, County Agen
Statesboro, Ga.

One car bi
grown government inspected pota:
also 1 car Porto Rican sweet p
toes. F. H. Mulling, Cobbtown,

Porto Rican potatoes, car lots


~ Porto Rican potatoes, bulk or

Porto Rican potatoes, car |
bulk and graded. Wire or write f
prices. J. E. Mitchell, Doerun, i

Several hundred bu. big stem |
sey seed potatoes. J. I. Budreau,
vannah, Ga.

Two cars of good Porto Rican swe
potatoes.. J. A. Stephens, Cobbto n

Four or 500 bu. K. D. Porto Ri
in bulk or bushel crates. Mrs, L
Miller, Brooklet, Ga.

Several cars Porto Rican potat
J. . Hinton, Pelham, Ga. |

One car each, guaranteed
inspected Porto Rican and big
Jersey seed potatoes. Make best
fer. Ask for prices. Jas. A. Chau ni
Sereven, Ga.


- 2000 gals. Ga. Ribbon cane sy
n 35 gal. bbls, $17.50 bbl. FOB
da. W. P. Calhoun, Uvalda, Ga.

2500 gals. Ga cane syrup, st
cooked, in 35 gal. bbls., $17.50
FOB Uvalda, cash with order. J.
Kennedy, Uvalda, Ga.

Iinpreved Black Guinea ~pigs
pair, Feb. 10th del. Gilt bred to:
row in March for $25. B.S. Purif
Yatesville, Ga.
5 pure bred Spotted P, C. gilts,
150 lbs. to 160 lbs., $20 each. J
eee Pineview, Ga.
1 Spotted P. C. male hog abo;
year old, fine stock, weight about
Ihs., $25. Mrs. W. T. Matth
Pearson, Ga. |

Pure bred Black Essex 3 mos.
registered in buyers name $12 eacl
H. W. Law,. Eastman, Ga.

1 pure bred Duroc brood sow, 2
old $30, J. O. Adams, Covington,
Rt. 4,

15 to 18 shoats, weight from 6
100 Ibs. each., P. C. and Duroe Je
crossed. KE, W. Thompson, Hogan
ville, Ga., Rt. 2.

30 six weeks old P. C. and D
pigs, $3.50 to $5 each, Feb. 15th
Also some feeders. F. A. Puler, E
lijay, Ga., Fair Creek Rt.

1 pure bred black Essex pig,
about 75 Ibs., $12, LL. Foster, Milfor
Gay oRt, J, hex 33.

2 pure bred Black Essex pigs, 3
40 Ibs., $8 each. Mr. Harold Tho!
ton, Arlington, Ga., Rt. 1. ;

1 fine Jersey bull calf 20 mos, ol
$20; a lot of S. P. C. pigs, 8 wee
old subject to reg. $10. Joe

1 fine 2 year old reg. Duroe Jers
male, 1 reg. sow 20 mos, old, 6 pi
six weeks old. Make best offer
any at home. Mrs. Callie Bowen,
Elm St. Dalton, Ga. .
