Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1926 December 2


FELIX E. BOSWELL, Director. =
Established by JS. Brown, Commissioner of Agriculture, March L, 1917.

i State Capitol, Atlanta,Ga. ss ee at Each Thursday we

. Entered as second class matter February Le, 1922, ae a Postoffice. at. Atlanta, Georgia, under the act Gt June 6, 1900.
: Accepted for mailing: at special rate of postage provided for in section 1108, Act of October 3, 1917. ; A

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All patrons of Market Bulletin should beat in mind that no AD will be repeated unless sent | in each week. If you desire ae

otice. repeated, send copy. The Bulletin goes to press Friday noon. Our services are entirely FREE.



ys are

Your Mar ket Bulletin : cectabliched


To the Readers of the Market Bulletin: :

We want to say to you that we are aware that, in. our failing. to. get out the Bulletin foe two months or
more, has been a loss to many because of no way to sell their produce. We did urge that an additional ap-
propriation that belongs to us be given, so as to let the Bulletin go forward, but we were denied this appro-

priation. We are yet determined to give you this means of advertising your products by reducing ex- -

_penses in every way that we possibly can, so as to make the little money that we have keep the Bulletin in.
eirculation | =

We are going to ask you to fo, us make she Bulletin, sled in fact, the entire Bomad more substantial
and profitable than it has ever been. We urge each and every one who sends in advertisements that you
- deseribe it just as it is; for you must remember that you must have purchasers if you make sales. The pur-

chaser helps to make possible the Market Bulletin as. well as those who ce ee

We are aise striving to keep our ius, sales organization in full operation, realizing as we do its great
worth to the people, embracing as it does the moving of our grain, produce, live stock, poultry, dairy
products; and, in fact, pany all that we produce in commer cial quantities.


We again remind you that this Bureau belongs to. yous: and we urge that you cooperate with us in
striving to make it a great big success! ; =


Address all al to > STATE BUREAU OF MARKETS, State Capitol, Atlanta, Genrsia.

is > which wholesalers were paying F. O. B. these consuming centers, the day this Bulletin


Cwt 1.25Cwt. 1.25Cwt. 1.25 Cw
: det 1.30Cwt. 1.30Cwt ; Se :
ink i Bomnigen Bul 180 Ib. sacks _= 4.50---Eal = 4.60Ea. ~ ven ck Pa Dos owt aoe Ee.
St ota se 2.25 er iE wt. oe : i.
abbage crate : . Bu. i u. : : ue .50Bu. 3 u.
Field Peas Mixed Whipporwills oo - Lb. = 6. LE : GLb. 65Lb, SG -Eb:
_ Black Eye Peas - 48 Doz. ; Doz. : 45. Doz. _ .50 Doz, ; Doz.
_ Eggs, Fresh candled i. Ls oo Lk: ja th = "20 Lb. are
32 4k: 30 by so 21k 5723 Lh. 294 eB
: 4336" Eb; : EG. ae Be ee A4bh:
Roosters T 3: : ae 2 : i BE ie
Friers and Broilers 142 t 4 2 : oe : ib: oS 8 Lb. : LE
are a aA : i Seats te 6 th
ee : ; Lb. : Eb oe Lb.
Dickey (Hens) Se Ek - b. <2 kb; .30 Lb. 98h
Turkey (Toms) eS se ae : Lb. : Lb ees : Lb.
Country Butter (Best = : oe : : Se : hk -90-Lb: ; Ths
Country Butter (Cooking ) Ere
Georgia Cane Syrup (Bbl.)
Sorghum Syrup
Corn Meal, per 96-lb. sack
Corn, No. 2 (White Western) sacked a
- Oats, No. 3 (White) sacked
~ Peanut Hay , poe :
os Shake pes gee 5] | ytyg0 Tom.
UuUCKS = Ns rut Z

ah, Stuckbridge: Ga ay Reg

4XO 8: mos: old, aS

rs cow, bred:

Wathace, . 247

anta Ga Several fresh in,
cing cows, prices - right;

calves, eB" to. 6 mos old; 2. fine

Guernsey heifers, 3 and 14 mos

_ Sell or exe for chickens or tur-



8 PK Haley, R 3
Ss, 1 cheifer, 1, cow willbe. fresh in
ifer fresh in Apr; $100 for let.
fin, Norman Park Ga Fine
milk cow, 3 gal. milk da; $35.
ae E Cureton, Rising Fawn
J Hooks Daley
n Reg. young Jeusey bulls,
ices and pedigrees. _

nal Pecan Groves Co Wiiniside
Guernsey bull. calves from |.
and. heavy aes tat grade
4, oe ~


Boe. Warthen Ga

3alcomb, Waycross Ga Well
beef cattle 5e Ib on . foot;
gal dairy. cow to freshen in
days together with | twin. 9
ld heifer calves $190 for 3 f 0b!
a Daniel, Fennille Ga. Half
heifers by sie bred sires
Harden, dca Ashburn Ga
ed Guernsey Soa one 2 yrs
er 11 mos old, from high pro-
dams, Write for prices and


Siloam. Ga Reg

" Boswell
: cattle,
eford cattle for

both sexes,
beeE: at

ane syrup
Morgan, R 3 Stillmore Ga Beet
e lb, butchered and del

xperiment Station, Experiment
tee PC gilts, 40. to 80 Ibs ea;
30 ea, depending on size and
pared f ob ron with

Aldridge, R 5 Ft Valley Ga P
a 5 pigs, good condition; $45

eC. Pew Covington Ga Pure
Duroc Jersey gilts and boars, 3
Reg in pie name; $12. ea;

$10 ea

Blount, Hawkinsville Ga 2 hun

3 Jasper Ga 4 corn
fPOM 225) oO LO nae lbs,
Haley, R38 cabuth Ga

farrows Nov 24, ut


gs, 6 wks old, Berritan strain
"i papers, Dec 1th del
cker, Milner, Ga Duroc mix:
"9 1-2 mos old <7: 50 ea
ma: ,) Stephens. Ga 35 spot-.
MC pigs, "6 wks old $5 ea f o b

B Toler, R 3 Glenwood Ga Full

< Bic bone Garinea > ehoats, black | *

rte 16. Tbs ea $12 ea or, $22


for pr

om Groves Co... Flint-
_ Duro O6 oo ae one

pigs; "g wks cold $8 en, "$15 in
ubReg, will have same Reg. for
dic as many. as 1-2 Alez are
t will, Fes free ;


I ies: RA Wanker: Ga
Black percheron mare $150 cash
EH Cureton Rising Fawn , Sev-
ne mules: 1 pe Sand 4 yrs
sisters, 16 hands, same cc'or;
ne road mare; 2 fine jacks, large
S Allen, Riverdale Ga Donkey,
eS: yrs a gentle, Sood work-.

N= His nnd ace
10 head!

Lavonia Ga 2:

write; for.|

| oxtra heavy -home grown Texas rust

noe ab nule,
We Kelley, -
rised Soo Eb ree | hor

eg we

i Pe M. Mitta, E ligma Ga 30 head
ait, $1.50 ea. fo b :
a5. do) MicLax ghiin. AR
Solid white billy, 2 black
aannies, bred $7.50. * ob
Tg" Hammock, Scott Ga 400 head
goats, $1 head, all ages and sizes

(Kor Seed PiirposesSee sedi
_Hearns Seed Store, Eatonton Ga
ertiess Barleyy ee Ft, 50 bu: Abruzzi
rye, $2: bu; Hairy yetch, Ae A pos
venint Nolan, Apalachee Ga 8 tons aa
+ reo: -Tan hay, about 1-4 crab ograss;. $25
ton f 0 b. Also 25 tons O-Too-Tan hay }
mixed with Crab grass; $25 ton
RL Blackwell, Calhoun Ga 30
bu Abruzzi rye and vetch, $1.60 bu
o b; 15 to 20 bu abruzzi- rye : $1.2
with sprinkle of vetch
hl & dk Cooter; a priesvilis
0 4: cars: bedn hay, 1to 2 cars
DAS Ay ribe: = x :
RC. Couch; Lurin. Ga Choice brights
ort straw, nicely baled, well mixed:
chaff, $14 ton: fine peavine hay, well
mived with peas, make offer
EH S. Watson, Loganville ag
and rustproof oats, 70e bu
~ Toee Jones, Loganville Ga. Rustproot}
oats with wheat mixed, T0
WoD Watson, Loganvill Gas 100 bu
Appler oats, 70; rustproof oats qe
3G .L Green, -R 3 Jasper Ga 16. bu. Ga
tall growing rye, $1: 50 bu 0> bd Tate
a Ju

- Macon. Ga
and white


Togsenburge and Nubian


to 40
Ga 2

Ag p Bie


H Cousins, Greenville Ga 600 bu |
proof. oats, sacked 85c bu

G W Northdutt,-R v4 Fairburn Ga
Car: bright Otootan soy. bean hay,
write ,
S HS sRoharnon. oR
Baled wheat, oat and
or exe; what have vou
Jno T Dennis, Eatonton Ga Oats,
wheat .and peas
CG Oliver, ,
hu Red rust proof ,
2 bu gbruzzi rve, $2.25 buf o b
Boyd. Densmore, Ball Ground.
.| North: Gavrye $i. 50 ip at ob >
bea, Ce. duimdsey: R
About cars well cured. peanut hay,
GarcJ0ts,. 10. to 212 ioe per: car, make |

Vernon Brabham, Wis uieeis Ga Pea
vine hay, ear lots

Jno: W. Wolcott. 306 N Hill St. Grif-
fin Ga Stover in bales, $15 ton or exc
for pigs:

iy W Baleomb. Wayeross Ga Clean.
haled, native: erass hav. by pale )
ear Joad $15 ton; also clean w
heavy, baled oat grain hay,
as Patterson, _ Talking

ye $1, 25 pn



rye .straw,

2 Barnesville Ga 15
oats, 90 bur f <0-bs:



Rock 5G

Porto Rican hae eesti da a Ga,
Mla and Adas 81/50 bir erate-
OV ae Flampton. . Mineral
Good grade Trish warathon.

Mes 7 F5 Ww: Franklin.
Md fashion red nenner,
olsna few ats
at f 6. Bo Ch

Potria Robinson, Grp Aa Dr
ntter beans. 25e at. 90e eal del: red
onions. senllions buttans, 30 gal:
nest anions. 69 gal del

Mee TM Halt ROS Calhonn Gs Cur.
aavpod menner hot, ess Ae Tb ;

TCS Trayaad SPs Schbaen Ga avhite
an seolored sbitter heans, mixed, for
ta wen Te . pe4opnstage

ET Nees, Rex Ga Potatoes;
3 npices : ,


Rlnte Gay
$1.50 bu

Eldorendo Ga]
ny 58e. 1h f 0!
muletin : eee ete


Ag 22 MeTntvra Cpe
free. of dirt. for

Avtiahokag, trimnmec

Akar koh


Roleers Bros ,
Tey 5 wes earn:
Ot okTA: Tp;
Wb li fo ae

wR Bush
rye, Cri

Convers -Ga. What-
$2.59 Du: white vel-
yeas green Okra 60

Ch, Atbany -Ga es
and > i

Monarget ge

Forest Park | Ga it ag

: Choice ets aS a

SsHeath, Scottdale Ga Pure bred |,
milk |.

BE Gaines | Ga}

Jonions $1.20 for 10 Ihs- del

es oe 3 se Geter: Barnes Ga |;
sacks, Be

CMiaaison Ga Applet

oats, Be eon O : ge exe for, bred sows

or meat hoss a: :

MCE Sr | ao. phat ae Brasel
aerAsK ee Ib; Sey-

imnip, geek

ing variety cabbage, $1.25 be collard,

50c Ib; aD del, write for eee on. other.

we seeds



Miss g ee Herndon, R
Ga Hasting S running butter bean,
: WwW D Watson,

H G Jreland, R 4 Ashburn Ga White
butter beans 20c Ib, add postage

Mrs J) W Franklin, Eldorendo Ge
Plain mustard. seed 509c Ib

aR Cousins, Greenville
clo er, 800 Du = < ae

StS Watson, ee ee Ga: Salis
bury: cotton, | exc for cotton seed; Wat-
levs corn ;

D Nelns, R 1 Bowman Ga Mammo]
green. pod okra, 25c lb; few -selectec
| Hastings 100 .bu oats 80c bu all E
ibs or exc; for. Berkshire shoat, oe
value >

,N 2@ Norris. Wrig ghtsville
Wannamake cotton $1 bu: exe for
RI chickens, Jersey Giants or Bar-
red Rocks

Mrs CR


Ga Bin

a Pure


Sorrells, R 1 Monroe Gar
Ib; Johnson wintr beans $1 qt; lady
peas 10c Ib; little century peas, 10c
lb white butter beans, 20c Wb yellow
clingstone peach, Sept ripening 10
doz, 3 doz 25e red Jun cherry lhc

\ BE -Bentley, RR 4 Modoc Ge 410
lbs corn field penne, 7s0uue, ae 20
Ib f 0 bd

G-M Kennedy, Collins ce 40 or. 5e
bu clean, sound INN Pa vill peas; make
offer :
(J H Leverette, R 1 Barron Ga Cette
tail. millet; also home srown -eattai!
millet, 50 Ib-

Miss Beda Herndon, 22. Mayfiela
Ga. Hastings: running butter bean, 50c


Mrs. cK Gibbs, R ~ Goraon
White multiplying out onions ~
planting, 12 1-2c qt del

eG McLaughlin, R Macon Ga 50
Ibs black | sorghum seeds, make eash
offer f 0 b; limited quantity See
er 10c lb fo b ;

DAM: Nix, Crawfbra Ga: Early ee
turnip. beet, =$1.2 lb del; Whatley:
pure prolific a $2.50 bu f ob

C R Stitbbs,



e i Marrs,

Wa Scott, (Se Charles Ga 3
0 t :

ve Dp Newell, = oe
nest onion, 20 Ib:
shipped, ne. stamps, SEA. owe a

AOE s Clifton, Seville Ga Ga runner
peanuts, write. for prices

Mrs T G Shurling R.A Tennille CG:
Onion sets,: large, make offer

J Ti Spake: R: 1. Temple: Ga Whit?
nest onions $3 bu.or 50c- gal del

Jno. To Diekson.. Wrens | Gay 800 ie!
Covington Tool | wilt resistant eotion
for price Re

GD. Hooke Bu: Monroe: Gra! 109 bi
bright Appler. oats, mahe offer

AE: Drexel. . Buena. oVista <6. Im-
meciaae vetehy tFe Ib, ineluding- innoeu-
lation. material
a Cr OUver Re 2 Barnesville la *

1 Abruzzi rve. $2.25 bu
and onion . shellot buttons. 2Ne- at.

W R Chasteen. Locus t Grove
Pure Addison cotton $1 bu, f oh

Miss Jessia Cash, -, Piao
Branch Ga @ld fashion peach 20e . at
May cherry 20 at

Mrs RR P Steinheimer. R 1 PRrnate
Ga Improved Cleveland Bis--Ball or
ton? Marth horo corn, cheap BE ec. Fee
oats, peas, pigs svrnn: white nes

Se ee hoe pea a



_F 2, Corley, R 1 Mauk Ga 3 ba Sov]
i ttons Tar nk $2.50 bu #
June ssed Cory

fin Ga

Loganville Ga Sals-|
| berry. planting. seed, toc; Watleys and |
} Hastings seed corn $1.50 bu

Winter English pea, Dec-planting 20c |


RT Maik Ga whit:
{headed collard 10 for small box fll _
J 1 Jersey Ga Pure |
Fulghum oats, lo bu $1 bu f oO be eS


f 0. DOP

| mul fsisins


blue damsel seed pee! tea


proof cabbage 400

; strawberry plants,

f | ek ML
| bearing,



TION Thompson $4
M del ;

$1 M del

: eed a Renata:

imi eanuts 7e re 4G iG 5 Be
shun bu seed: oats: 85cbuj;*:
Burt seed oats Sace bus, Appler Soon
oats S0e putt oO 1 ACAI

onions 19k pK; winter

beans 50c. qt; yellow white dent seed |

Peorn $2.50 bu or 70ec. pk; white Mexican -
june seed corn $2.50 bu or Tac. pk f eb

ide = cas, Quitman Ga Cyana seed
cane, 100 stalks $2.
i sho W. Wolott, 306.-N a M1 St Grit.
ust proof oats 90e bu -

Hickory Grove Farm,
Pure Cokers Red Heart. wheat,
thoroughly cleaned $2.50 bu

Jno W. Tedder,
bu Hastings sorghum cane, also. quan-
tity mixed peas

Nrs T No Purner, Rupert Ga Mixed
turnip, 5c tablespoonful, 1926. raised _
Wirs. J M Moore, R 1 Filltonia Ga
Pop corn seed, 20 lb



i DF Hart; College. Park Gav St Res

is and Cuthbert red raspberry,
60c; hun 63) 5 hin, $10; M $15 del

a OZ

J I* Anderson, Blue Ridge Ga Cuth- ..

and St Regis red raspberry,
doz, $250 hun, f ob
Farly Jersey; Large, Wakefield, Fla
Dutch cabbage 5 hun. Tse; $115 M del -
{0 bho DL. $4500> 10 Me $8,
cash soi order
McEvey Seed & Plant Co, Braselton
Ga Harly Jersey and eee frost
foc 4


ol Me
muda onion, 500 $1; $1.50. M_ del,
$1255 Mi; Ga collards, 96e ae ee)
col i


Hartwell Ga :

Calhoun Ga 3 or, 4

1 Braselton a


29 M $13, Ze

Mrs M L McEver, ek Braselton Gai

2 yr old asparagus roots,
hun. del, Progressive ee everbearing:
50c hun, $3. ME del
Teeburg lettuce, 25 hun, $2- MM: del
Burgess Farms, Pembroke Ga: Early |
Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, large
well rooted, frost proot cabbage $1 ML
f o b, special prices on- large orders,
prompt shipment

Fruit & Feather Farm,
Ga -25.-'M. Klondyke ~ and"
Strawberry, 35c hun, $3) M
_ A B Taylor, Sharon Ga Strawberry,
35c hun del; also Moore girl plum
scions, 25c ea del, Cherry scions,
ea de

J H Feagins, Rie
Early Jersey, -Chartestan


. Wakefiel: Ti

Peete cabbage, 25 hun, 6 hun 75

-MS9 f0 57
2 Mansfield

$1.25 -M-del, 5 NE-$4:; 50, 1
Miss I lL. Herndon,
Ga Everbearing. straw berry, plants,
|hun | * :
oR SEK Green: & Son ignt; ee
dosta Ga Charleston Wakefield . frost-
proof cabbage, $b OM. 0 'sb;, realy
shipment about Feb E198 ee Place or-

der now

berry $12 M or $1.75 hun
Nis D Turners
strawberry,, mixed variety,
Klondyke, Premier, Soariff
and Beauty, 50e hun, add postage \
Woodltt Plant . Harm,
Branch . Ga_ Charleston i
Dua Copenhagen
heading variety: colina, AEA 2
5 M-or more $5
W. Kendrick,
blackberry 2.50 My $150.5 bun;
pineapple peas 6 ft 4ADe ea Soe hun;
Sere prape vines 15 eax
evergreen. Nursery,

500 M

gar ye oe

Aa Beebe $k: 25

Excelsior .


Pendergrass Ga ;


eee Glenn Cas Sever
ever- -

Giieneandite eee:
- straw berry; 3 TTS JSS" SMES

256 doz, $2.50

Swain, R 6 LaGrange Ga Ww hite =


$1.25 ML dely cok =
10 M "$9: Yellow and Crystal. Ber- |

ap .

\ oe Z

A _E. Wilkie, R 6 Marietta Ga Klon- =

dyke strawberry, $3: 50 Me nw,
Valdosta: Plant Co, Valdosta ea

Pens proof eabbage,. Karly - Jersey

Wakefield, - Flat. Dutch: - Drunthead,,

Conenhagen. Market, . Charleston Wake- :
| tielt. 500 650.) $1 MO co O be :
a0 M einige Ga:

Mrs V MeCaok: Fv
Bureess red everbearin
ea, 3, for 25c

Mrs W A. Cribb,
sive everhearing strawberry. $3. 50 Me
cel. prompt shipment

Ae Pope. Fitzgerald Ga Jersey
Wakefield, Dutch cabbase $1 3 del:
frostproof -cabbage, Set et - varieties

graspberry 10

3h Fees Branch
Jersey. Charles-

W..O Waldrip, R
Ga Prost nroof, Le

Nicholls Ga. Progres-'.

Flowers - ;
AW kefield,

B J Pike, Mauk Ga Well rooted a

sarittih Gal aienee





Po OE hun,

oe mammoth
AUP Yg BC. ea any


~ orders tor

4 yrs ola tue eu.
BE iy Corley, &
: ans. slrawpers.y,
WwW Jo NeWCon,

Boe haa A ee ?

Hate yondale Ca"

cession Copennagen, Market capbage;
Oo AVON $355 ENE $1.50 . 0,2D;

Eclipse peat $1. Ms" leeburg 252%

MM, Gohard, PEO: AL

- Coleanian Plant Farins, "Titton Ga

Frost. proof. cabbage: and Berm :

ion, now rey varieties, eA

Wakerield, . Succession,

del (de Lor 300, 500.

CX PLEss 1M to 4

over et WE: -guarantee

Jno Mt: : Gr fit
perry 2 2oe hun. e Eg

eset Lucas, ; yar. MA
cabbage, now reudy 500: Oe, ce
M S48 pee ios
Hagan. Plant Car Hagan Ga Wake- 12
= field _ avlat bDuteh canbage. 500
eet ae

MM del, Jay


8 5 Sw ait. HK 6 Launange. Htima. :
ge ilackberry plants 5ce

ea or 6 for

ae ees C M Alexander,

| Strawberry ove hun,
less than $1.
G- iselley, forest Park
punch cultivated
quantity over

R 1 Ranger Ga

d0- plants
fo b f

- Harmon Scott, R 1 Ribose
Jeston. and Jersey
ready for
10 ML $10


dak COG, Eastanollee Ga neon
apple, plum trees; 10c ea

Mrs KR Allsood,. -Oxtord ; Ga If ruit
trees, larse variety, seedling, old cime
peach, yellow, red, white, indian mo-
-gul or sugar, Elberta- clmg and free
stone, horse apples, limber twig, blue
-urrants; mogul and red 00Se plums;
purple and w hite figs: old tune quince
z yroold 10e, larger 25

abe Hk Ward, Rt Adairsville Ga
Blue Dawson plum trees;
xies, red June. plums, large wild goose

Ga Char-
Waketield cabbage,
shipment, 50Q. Tac) $1.25 MM;

plums, 2 to 4 ft high, good roots 25e,

strawberry plants, large, early, long
_ bearing 25 hun

> iNEISS 1 i. Herndon, R2 2
Pecan trees toe ea del

JH Hooks Dairy Farm, Warthen Ga

ee heavy, privately budded Schley

and Stuart pecan trees, write
W LL. Harrelt: Nursery Co., Fitzger-
ald Ga. High grade budded papershell
pecan trees, extra large, D leading va-
vieties, state inspected, write
es b Duncan, Cornelia. Ga 3: yr old
Juniper evergreens, 2 1-2 ft tall $1, 29
or A $2. 25, larger orders | cheaper
0, BR Johnson, KR 1 Shellman
: State. Pray ettcn pecan trees,
Stuar ty Vandeman, Money maker


to Sle ea, $4.50 to $7.30 doz, $35 to 75

oe Wats to $125: Me

~ J & Johnson, FR 1 Shellman: Ga

Ge ading varieties budded pecan trees,

S106 tt reasonable :
Towaliga . Nurseries, Goggansville |

- Ga Budded peach trees Mayflower,

Barly Tose, Carmen Ga Belle, Hiley

Belle, Elberta, White English, Chinese |

eling 20 ea. del; plums, apples, figs,

- other trees, cheap:

Home Nursery Co., Baldwin Ga Ap-
ples, Yates, Terrys Shockley, Wine-
gap, Wilson, Red June trees 2 tys old
R-te.@-ft 20c ed; Y old straight whips,
3 tos# ft 10e ea; flberta, Hale and Ga

Belle peach trees, 5 ea, all State in-


Dixie Pecan Nurseris o.; Hawkins-
ville Ga Fall and winter
pudded. pecan trees, Stuart,
a retscher, M oneyinaker

BE Brakefield,
~ peach: trees, Elberta, Hiley Belle; Ga}
gen reasonapble -

National Pecan, Groves. Co., Flnt-
aids: Ga Certified: pec: in trees from our
3580+A grove and nurseries; best: va-
rieties Bo Nae :

White Leghorns
ours: estar Allmond, | Ro 1: Summit


*Ga; 49 hens, Apr: hatch 1925, 5 cocks,
em Young:

Apr hateh * 1926 pullets,

in $150 ea:
oa Sosby,. Coote Ga Woyeott
strain cockerel, Meh hatch, from - spec:
fal matings, $2 and $2.50 ea
= : Poultry Farm, Stockton Ga
Tanered and Ferris strain;
also, 30. doz in-

1 Wace Ga Berean

/ Hastings, eng Isiand Waxereiu, Suc- |. ;

, pulle fs.

Hols. College strain,


es Orders. by ex

add postage. on |-

Ga Ga.

black cher- |

2 Mayfield Ga

Schley, |

shipment |

Shiloh Ga Several M.

3 mos ot $f ea,

Cockerels; trap nested: stock. $3,

Jn ones. - Spring Place. Ga:

rebred hens, 18 mos. old $l; ea:
each. Poultry Co, Ft Natley...Ga

Good grade trap nested Tancred strain
write for prices :

_J D Cash, Flowery. Branch GaP!


= Mrs WEED Rueker, | i Milner Ga
Ferris strain eoekerel, Meh
CXE. 4
JC. Goolsby, eT oe ee
pure. bred pullets,
ea. fo b.
Mrs" N H Cray rey, RY Nieiiae Ga: tS
rime. Ferris strain. cockerels, from. hea-

Meh hateh, $1. 25:



oo laying stock. $1.25. ea or exe for 12
}iens, any- breed. Z

We a? Newton, Haley: chile Ga Hateh-
ing SSeS, $1 per setting of 1a, add. post-

MrsJ- N Turner, Rupert Ga 60. hens

3 cocks, Vr, old > eb: 1926. hatch, Young |.
jand, Barron strains, make offer sas

irs Jno R Turner, | Coneord Ga 2
fine roosters, 18 mos old, from rtap-
nested _ stock, Young Straiy $3 for
Jas. Ss King, Gaver
strong healthy |
exc for S C RI pullets: :

a Morgan, R 3. Stillmore
Sockerels, Feb. hatch $2 ea

spring Ga 20
layers, - $20 or.


Ss wie Leghorns |

G TFT Truetove, R Ll Stockbridge - Ga

ae Dark cockerels, $3 ea; 2
$0; eggs 52 per To, $6 per 504s
oMips J A How ell, Re L Meigs. Ga Ever-
ay strain, $1.2 25 Cat OF (exe as ele
oats :

Mrs: J A. Warlick, R oe Gino Ga
mos old roosters, $1 ea f 0 b

Mrs Emma Anderson, ROB Americus
Ga Young hens and cocks, Superior
strain $1. Be. $2 ea 0. b
J H Pilgrim, Powder Springs Ga 35
hens, 2 yoosters, $1.50 ea -

Mrs S C Wallis; -R 2 Temple Ga
Dark cockerel, Mch hatch, Tormohlen
iverlay strain $2.50

Mrs W H_ Adams, Dudley, Ga Dark
eockerels, Mch hatch, - Tormohlen
strain Shea i

Nirs SE Rienols R 1 Tignall Ga 5
pullets, cockerel, thoroughbreds, $1 ea

45 for lot f 0 }


Mrs T W <Aderhold, Temple Garo
eockerels, 6 mos Old $3: or 2 for $5 =
exe 2 for good, pig { io
Mrs Fur. Lewis, Adairsville Ga R
Seekers, Apr hateh $1.75; e&


Ss 1K 1 Reds
Mas: Jo Et Darby, White Plains: Gat
Donaldson | strain = hatch pullets,
Re ea
Mrs $8 J Williams, Rocky Ford Ga
Dark red cocks and ay COpEATETS | fine

for breeding, write |
Mrs H J Reitz, pot Oak St Decatur

Ga Stock and eggs from prize winners
Eggs $1. 50 up per 15 :
Mrs D V Smith, Leslie Ga Gockerel
and 3 hens, Tompkins strain, $12
eis Belle Timmerman, - - Bronwood
Ga big boned cockerels, $3 ea; eggs

ae fancy matings $2 per lo, hens
$2.50: 23)

Mrs: J > M Hall, . R 5 Cochran Ga 2|
thoroug shbred Mch > hatched dark -red)
Donaldson strain. cockerels $1.50, ea -

BO Carter, R C Griffin Ga Choice
lot early. hatch Donaldson . strain. cock-
erels $3.50 ea, pullets same strain $2
ea f 0 b

Longview. Red: Farm, RE: Carrollton
Ga Baskin strain cocks, yearling: $5. or
3 for $8.50, mated pens of. t cockerel
and 4 pullets $20, $25 and $50, eggs $3 |
$5 and $10 per 15 .

Mrs J ET Patillo,. R 6
Cackerels, Owens strain $2

Rok gs Jerkins,
cockerel, 1 pullet, 1926 hateh $1.50 ea
' Mrs 03B Herndon, Mansfield. Ga
pure pred cackerels, - Donaldson: strain,

LaGrange Ga
and $3



Greenshoro Ga 7
Ee cock, pure

Wm Merritt,
hatched, pullets,
strain, $10 for lot ;

R M Potter, Forest Park. OS. 2 av
old cock, good color $5: ~

Stokes Gresham, \illhaven | {Ga 3
roosters, . Mch hateh, Donaldson strain
x ea :
= Mrs D Donaldson, Bet Decatur Ga
$5 ea;
eges, $2 per, 15..del;. chicks, - 200 0a ae
ears G T Thews, Butler Ga Nice se-
jected settings, pure bred, well. culled,
Donaldson strain, $1.50, setting, exc
for died fruit.

to -B Mooney,


kaoeeutie Ga
Id, Owens strain,

: Apr. hatch

: service, 7 aprize..

teh $1.50 |

| Cockerel,

|and Apr hatch pullets $1.50 ea;

Lithia Springs Ga 1}

ison Gram cockerels
$1. 50: ea, also = at yr on $1.20, or
exc. for peas.

we Moony. Tunnel Hil os 30. pul

lets, Meh and Apr hatch - BUS. Cais 2
cocks, Mch hatch $2 ea |

A $ Huth, 280. W 4 Hunter St Athinta-
Ga Early hatch cockerels, ready. for
an i am _ stock = Soe and

Ave- 2 thoroughbred cockerels, -
hatch, large and dark, $5 and $10; tew
bullets | $3 and. $5

Ww Si Newton, Haleyondale Ga Hateh-
ing Cees; Sie BOK. setting
cockerel 7 mos sold, + ft Ox Haleyon-

Mrs Ek J Giles, Lyons Ga. FioB. 2
pullets and cockerels, Apr hatch, dark,
cherry red $1 ea, eggs, same breed, $1
for 15 ,

Barred Rocks ee

EE Bentley, fi 4 Montoe Ga F ing

youn cogherels, Mant auk strain, a. ot

Mrs CR Sorrells, R 1 Monroe Ga
Pure strain, Thompson Ringlet, i and
mos old cocks $94 ea :

Mrs W. &: Taylor, Alma Ga
Reg cockerels, Apr

Mrs JW Boyett, Morris Station Ga
Thompson Imperi: ul anes 3 cock-
erels Mch- hatched, $2.25 ea, some fry-
ing sizes, pure bred, $1. 25 ea, hens oe

Mrs N<L Cook, Newnan Ga Imperial
winners, pens- of 4 pullets: and 1 cock-
erel, 5 mos old $7 -

| Mis Gh Bramlett, R 4 Aeworth Ga

pure bred Apr hatch cockerels, frem
soreet heavy laying stock, -1 cock, 18
mos old, same Strain $4; $11 for lot f o
b Kennesaw.

wD Stephens,
Imptoved cockerels,
f o-b

Mrs W EB Cordon, Ro 2. Pitts: Ga

-2--pullets,/ Mch hatch. $5. for


Marietta Ga
@ Ibs :$2 ea


- tO


1 T Boswell Jr Siloam Gai Plymouth a

a Thompson strain, all this
years hatch, beautifully marked $1 to
$1.50 ea

Mrs W Norris,
bred Plymouth cockerels, /
Apr hatth, $2 and $3 ea

Mrs M @ Smith, R 1 Toomsboro Ga
Parks strain cockerels, bred to lay.
Mech 19296 hatch; ready for service.
$350: 6a, 20 )

Mrs Je Ls Fillison, Sardis Ga Cock.
mos old, Parks strain $2; also 3 Cia
erels, 6 mos. old, Same: strain. $1.50 :e4
or exe f orpullets same age and

Mrs ae L

Zepulon Ga Pure
Mech and

ssioath Ga Mek


2- all leter hatched $1 ea :
A7 B Wilkie, R 2 Marietta, Ga Pullets
$25 Cas,

Mrs< A J Collins, R aE Demorest Ga

Parks bred to lay Strain, spring hatch: |

ed cockerels, prize stock $1.50 ea
Mrs Florence P Billing, RY BY States:
boro Ga Aristocrat e2gs from prize
winners, $2 to $5 per 15 $4 hun Loe
w J Newton, Halcyondale Ga Hat-
ching eggs $1.50 setting; cockerel 9
mos old $3 :

Baby Chicks

~M. E Murphy, Talmo Ga White Leg-
horns, $10 hun up, good prices on hea-
vy breeds, all kinds brooders cheap,

Fitzgerald Hatchery, Fitzgerald Ga
Barred Rock and RI Reds day old $15
hun del

Mrs H J Reitz, 954 Oak St Decatur
Ga/S C0 RoE Reds, prize stock, 18 to
20c ea

Mrs Fred Cowart, Sunimmit Ga Nov
booking orders for spr ing del S CRI
Tompkins str ain, $207 huni, del eggs $7

et MeNeoley,
ing orders for spring
stock, high grace layers,

Hill Crest Poultry Farm,

Purnerville Ga Book:
del, pure bred
good prices

Ga, From blood tested flocks, ecehorne

Barred Rocks $14 to $16 hun

Dixie Hatchery, Conyers: Ga Booking
orders for quality pure bred plood test-
ed stock, del ach wk beginning Jan
1927, write for description and prices

Cox RI Red Farm, Locust Grove Ga
R F Red chicks, Dec del $16 mot 50
$8.25; 25 $4.25

WwW. J Newton, Taleo on ade white
Rocks $20 per hun; Barred Rock, R-t
Red $16 per hun; White Teethers Ty
per as Jan and Feb del

AOS: Abbott, atlanta Ga 1364. Dekath :

add post: ree |

hatch SP50

Thompson strain from prize

ay Butt Rees.

Mire WwW @ Sappington, ct iple
Pure bred Nugget strain
$2.23 ea and up, eggs: in Se

geoK White
Mts C GC Payne, si 6 ay
Fel strain ecockerels,
eges same strain 15
W J Newton, Hale
ing eges, $2.50 Setting 15;
mos old $3. SOR :

: White | Wy:

Hickory Gr ove aa
Good -cockerels, Ape cena Meh
Martin HFischel. strain $2.30. to~
or exc _for pullets .or copherels: f
| Miss Green Sralle: Rt Dai
|Gokerels $2 ea; pullets $1 @

c & Buff: Orphingtons
- Meso H NS Stipe, kr IOL
ecockerel. $3 or exe for she



Peocekerel .

WE Whisnant, ee Gas
bred cockerels $12 :

T P Holcomb, KR 4 Calhoun Gi
ers, Apr hateli $25 3
Sh 50 ;

: S_ White Or phingtons
(G0 E- Dinlap: Madison. Ga s:
hatch Crystal ockerels $3 ea

SC Black Minoreas
Ri Ae Sosby, -Carneswille;
hateh Pope strain eocker els, | $1.50 a
$3 ea.

J Hart, College Park Ga 5
2 hens, cock, $1.25: ea, Pope and Ni
up strain, 3 puvets, crossed with Ss.
Wyandotte, $1 ea

L CB. Auipns; coger Ga! Be

$3: May pate Werilete:
$1.50; June hatch pullet,
$1.25 on all for $5

Mrs W H Rucker,
thor oughbred | we ore

R 1 Mi sine

Suh Si yantiotecs:
Alfalfa Stock Farm, R
ville Ga Fw good hens $1.50 ea; s
eral. fine cockerels. same price ~
Mrs HL Corbitt, Stockton ah
hens, lf and 2..vrs ord: 1 cock Z
imos old $10.50; 4 1-2. mos es
$125.48, %
2 SEF Byrd, Broxton Cs wma Pu )
pullets, Mch and Apr hateh, also
yr hens IE D5: -a :
~Anconas: ,
Mrs - Wm Steele, Plainsvill
pure bred hens, $1 ea . 0"
Mrs W H Parch, R Valayett
Cock and 2 cockerels, ra
= KORY Wilkie. RR 2 Marietta, Ga
$1 ea

Jorser Black, Giants: :
Pebble Hill: Poultry Farm,
1a Hill, -Crest strain
Champion pens, write fee py
C lL Masdon, R 2 Clem Ga C
els, ready for service. Marey &
Hams strain $1:50 to $3 :

Mrs JE Altman, Alma Me
cockerel June hatch $1 ea. -
es Murg Je Thrasher, | M
cockrels, from Page N J F ae
1926 hatch $2.50 ea, 1 pullet- $1.50
b or exe for wheat or oats,

Bantams : ;

FW P Lee, Lithonia Gab ty ts
roosters. 75c ea, Mch and Apr: hi
some laying

Mrs D V Smith, Lesh Ga Golden
Seabrights $3 ea

Robt W Clark, 34% wii St. M
Ga Exhibition Partridge |
Golden Seabrights $5 ea Regs:

lL. ls Wallace, .247 NM Highlar
Atlanta Ga Japanese White $1
Golden Seabrights $7.50 pr;
in $5 pr; exe for larger poul
$5, ands $o per 15 (. :
Mrs CG R Sorrells, Ro-1 wleneoes
Mixed Seabright about grown

Black Langshans Pee
Mrs J G Burden, R 9 Elberton Gs
8 spring hatch pullets, cockere
ea, or $12 for lot f o/b; 6 to VX
hens, $1. 50 ea, good winter laye S
b eges, $1.50 for 15 del

Mrs. J G Crawford, R 2 lber Bat
}Cockerel $f fo b


Game % =
i i Patterson, Sairing Ree

Stee Page, R es Gein Ga
ea hatch, pure

5 os forsiot
ae J C Johnson, Rr nA Tennine Ga
Dark Cornish Indian Apr hatch: cocks

4s or quilt tops: sete pure -bred 4

dar! cornish cocks $2.-ea; pullets $2 ea

r trio $5, no kin, or exe for same
breed cocks |.

Mrs L P ao Locust Grove Ga

dark Cosnish pullets, Apr hatch

: - ohanbian -Wyandottes

Mrs J M Hall, R 5. Calhoun Ga 1
extra fine Mch-hatched cockerel $1.50
or exe for pullet y

5 Partridge Wyandottes -
Mrs C R Sorrells; R 1 Monroe Ga
ure strain - hens end YQUNE pullets,
. sa ears :

ys Light Brahmas
: R T Chastain R 3 Adairsville
ya Rooster and 3- Hens, thoroughbreds

; or: let

& - MIXED(For_ Table Use)
ae G Ireland, Rt 4-Ashburn Ga 15
capons mos old 8 to 10 lbs ea, 45c
tb f-0 b, 10 capons 5 and 6 mos old,
to 8 lbs ea, _a0e lb f 0 b cash with
order :
Mrs S C Bclicn, SB a, 1 Tignall Ga 20
frying size,various varieties. i 1-2 -to 2
on 00c ea f o &

: Daiou. Hatching
Dixie Hatchery, Conyers . Ga
mammoth ineubator 3 1-2c per ess
jots of hun eggs or more, 5c eee} ee
maller lots, we del chicks

_ Hickory Grove Farm,. Hartwell Ga
Mammoth Bronze toms. $9, hens $4 or
33. 1-2c per Ib
a2 ND Norris; Wrightsville Ga Mam-
oth Bronze pure bred big bone, prize
winners 75 head,. Apr -hatch=: toms
$12.50 May hatch $10: hens. Apr hateh,
$8.50; hens, May hatch $7.50
W E Whisnant, Mansfield Ga Pure
-bred Bronze 1926 hatch hens $5; toms

g in

Mrs A B Crow, R 2 Flowery Branch
Ga 6 fat turkeys 40c Ib =f-0 -p; 1 fine
-red tom, last years hatch
0 di -Craft, Lavonia Ga Bourbon red
toms- $5; hens -$4; Bronze same price

Mrs J O King, R.3 Lavonia - Ga 500
Yo dressed 40c Ib or live 35:.1b. |

Mrs. Laura Gurry, Stockton Ga 6
amixed nice and fat May hatched: $18
for lot; also GMB: Bird Bros strain 2
Apr | hatch hens, one 2 yrs old: hen,
one May hatch tom $20 for lot

Ts: Maggie Page R 2 Surrency Ga
ine. gobbler 4 hens mixed breed, $18
for. lot.

N D Norris, Wrishtaville Ga Pare

red MB Bird Bros, McMahon a

old Bank;. fine birds

Mrs J 1. Solomon, Jeffersonville - Ga
This .years hatch Bourbon Red~ tom,
exc for different breeding
rs WE Gordon,
oms, Apr hatch, well developed $6.50

A Howell, R Le Meigs Ga 8
and white Indian . Runners,
about srown $2.50 pair fo b
ow Morgan, R82 Stillmore Ga.
head. fat geese


Mrs J M Hall, R 5 Calhoun Ga tL
peir speckled $1

Mrs J W Lynn, R 3 eee Ga 6

eckled hens, 1 rooster ty 25 hatch 50c

_. Redgers Bros., Conyers Ga Pair Ru-
s Red rabbits full srown $3 f 0 b

Alfalfa Stock: Farm; R 1. Taithers-

wille Ga -2 hun bu Biloxi soy beans,
ren -wt sacks, -$4 bu f o b, sound


<2 It A Sosby,

Carnesville Ga Field peas

Brabham and W hipps, mixed; $2.85 hu

i bu lots and over $2.75 bu

+... J S Yeomans, Swainsboro Ga
rge goose peas, 20e Ib del

Mrs J I Mims, Rt A -Hazlehurst Ga

2D a. purple hull speckle peas, $4 bu

R= Pitts. Ga Me

Aine We MI Coskk,* parce: Ga 50 bul e

brabs, 10 bu little blackeye, 5 bu. crow-
der pas, 56 bu sugar erowder, -all- $3 be
in good even wt sacks; 30-bu New era

ist hay 30 bu as $2 0, oc buy Whips |


oA Griffin, Bostick Ga O-to0.-Tan
soy beans $6. 50 bu; cow eras; ($2.2

Dewey Nelms, R:1 Bowman Ga Calif
blackeye peas 6e Ib f o b

Mrs Nt Smith, R72: Martin Ga 4 bu
Laredo beans, $5 bu, well matured and

peas : ae
J W Mason, lithonia Ga 7s bu: -
Too-Tan beans, quote price per bu.

Lee Jones, Loganvile Ga Otootan
beans, Laredo beans, Mammoth yellow

Alsobrook, Woodland Ga Brab

| beans, peas, white butter beans

W D Watson, Loganville Ga Otoo-

tan and Laredo beans; Mammoth yel-+

low: beans $2.50 bu; oe oe lima
beans, English peas

Geo L Green, R 3 aoe Ga~ Field
peas, varieties or mixed $2 bu f 0 b
Tate; or exc for 2 high grade Guern-
sey or Jersey heifers

Mrs HO Re Waters, Statesboro


+Ga Exe t bu field peas for 5 doz set-

ting eggs, S C RI or Barred Rocks
-J-B Minish, R-30 Commerce Ga Field
peas, $2 bu; white blackeye Peas: 26
1D, 10. Ths S13

J E Stembbridge & Son, Ella Gap|-

Ga. White sugar. crowder peas 10c Ib,
nice peas 15 lb; blackeye Calif white
peas 6c lb in lots of 10 Ibs or over del

H S Watson, Loganville Ga Peas

Mrs Bonnie Robinson, R 3 Bowdon
Ga White brown eye peas; black
vcrowder peas $5 bu or exe for good pig
Essex or P C

A W Brown, R 1 Buford Ga White
brown eye peas; brabs, whipps, mixed
write for prices : a

LM Rainwater, Greensboro Ga O-
tootan beans, hand threshed and re-
cleaned $5 bu

Mrs Cak . Gibbs; -R.2> Gordon: Ga
Crowder peas, white REOwE eye Ze Ib
fob :

Mose Cameron, R 6 Newnan. Ga T- bu
speckled peas, 8 bu crowder |

A F Underwood, R 5 Conyers Ga 75
ibs Jackson: wonder bush lima . beans
15e lb; exe for dried apples or wikite
crowder peas |.

V Bramhald, R i Mt Airy Ga 100 he
lady peas, make offer fo b Mt Airy.

B J Pike, Mauk Ga White. butter
beans 16 1b;blackeye: peas de 1; (Sur

4|gar crowder ypeas 10 Jb

-D. M: Nix; Crasvford Ga..6. was Mung.
beans 10: Ib .9::b; mixed whipporwill |,
peas, make offer =.

Mrs O D Woodruff, Greenville Ga
White Jady peas 10c Ib :

Mrs O D Woodruff, Greenville Ga :

White lady peas 10c 1b 10 Ib. $i:

Thomas Bros., Stephens Ga.75 bu
Otootan soy beans $5 bu f 0 b; 150
bu bright sound mixed field. peas. $2.2 25.
bu f-o b
Mrs A D Sellars, Donaldsonville Ga
crop peas, 35 er 40 bu, write
EL. Dees, Rex Ga .-Peas, - Clays;
Brabs, Whips, mixed, Blackeye sugar
crowder, write for prices in large lots

DN Nasworthy, R 2 Rebecca Ga 5
bu Clay peas -$16 for lot oF SPO8 bu

Oe McMurray, Comer. Ga 5 bu Hast-
ings Mung beans $5.50 bu, 12 Ib in
less than bu lots f o b ;

HE W Thurmond, Greshamville Ga
90 bu New Era peas 90 per cent: pure
sound, good sacks, make offer

O L Craft, Lavonia Ga Field peas,



clean-and sound $2.25 bu

D: T Crow, .Colquitt: Ga: Brabham
peas, make offer :
- JH Jaekson; Siloam Ga 206
Whipporwills 50 bu New Era peas

J D Cash, Flowery Branch Ga Su-
gar crowder peas 10e Ib: black eyes 6
1b. t 0 ps

Woodiitt Plant -- Warm, .
Branch Ga Cow peas $2 bu;
little rice peas 12 1-2 lb

BB Bradley, Talking Rock Ga 8 to
10 bu mung beans 20c 1b, write

J B Bollard, Bremen Ga Blackeye,
browneyve and whiteeve peas


500 Ibs

W D Spearman, Social Circle Ga
About M or 15 hun Ibs pecans, Sch-
leyvs, Delmar, Stuart and few Frotchers
good nuts
Winshi p Farm Sides) Lumber City
Ga Ab hun Ibs. No 1 eens peanuts; |


| ixtra good Ga Sorghum cane,

Ga, Large Stuart pecans,
Jeys 25 Wb, seedlings 15 Ib
Mrs JW: Moody, Ste phens ae small

Teter - Maxeys _ eee
CE Oliver, R 2 : Bammesville: Ga. Stu:

dere and: Mobile. papershell pecans, St

farts 25c, 35c and 45c-per Ib, according
to-size, Mobiles 15 to 35 Ib, all f o a)
here up to
anywhere in Ga, samples on request

Ib lots, Stuart. 35e- Ib
Mrs N lL Cook,
papershell pecans, seasoned, 45c Ib.
i. H Cousins, Greenville Ga Denese
peanuts 5e Ib i
and seedling pecans
<b He Leverette, R 1 Parrott Ga. Large
budded pecans 50c Ib f ob :
det =
Seedling: pecans 15e Bie
Vernon Brabham, Moultrie Ga Nice
papershell -peeans 25 lbs or more

1b. fo:

papershell pecans, Jarge 40c Ib, ae ge
BE A Maxwell, cavers Ga New crop.
seedlings 15 Ib

Ib del PP in orders of 4 Ibs or more
J B Pollard, Bremen oe 10 or
bu Spanish peanuts

J Q West, Thomson Ga aeann all
varieties; wholesale a retail, --write
for prices ; aaa


cane on 32 gal new bbls .

H B. Griner, Cairo: Ga 2 hun bbls
pure Ga cane in new bbls) 60 eal f
He Cares

Dewey Nelms, R 1 Bovensut Ga Sor
ghum, (oe Bal ms

J W Winten, R 3 Bremen Ga Good
sorghum, write for price fob -

W E Hampton, Mineral Bluff. a

6 No
10 pails to case, $4.80 f o b :

GL Green, R 3. Jasper Ga - 100
best quality sorghum, No 10 cans,
forlot. fo baPate-Ga <3

MB Griffin, RB Bitenen Ga 25
10 <1b cans good. grade cane syrup $1
}can or lot for -95c can 1926 syrup


heavy new. Ga cane syrup 35 gal bbis
$21 ea, freight paid on 5 Ib lots;. case -6
No = 10 cans $4.25; 12 -No.5- cans af 60;
10: ease lots, 25c can. less.

$20 ea cash with order.

1 -gal cans -60c ee es

OES Stubbs, Reo. Mauk Cn 150. galt
good sugar cane syrup $1 gal

Vernon Brabham, Moultrie Ga Vine
oe cane syrup ine oo gal bbis 50 gal

ob i

Alex Barfield,
gar can syrup
35. gal bbis 70c gal ~

Cook Trading Co., Milan Ga 300 gal
pure and new Ga cane syrup, - frem
ribbon .cane, sealed in cans eo

SHY Al Maxwell, Calvary Ga Good
\grade 1926 pure Ga cane syrup ine -35
gal bbls at$17.50 bbl ~

W S Booth, Manor Ga Pure Ga cane
syrup in cans at 65c ea for 10 Ibs, 35c
for 5 Ibs net f o b Manor in lots 100
cans or more

The Manor Trading Co.,;: Manor Ga
Fine pure cane syrup, new erop at
$18 bbl, in 34 gal cypress net cash w ith
order f 0 b Manor

Aes Lucas,, Quitman Ga Naw Ga su-
gar cane syrup - $32 bbl

Mrs J F Lewis, R 3 Adairsville Ga
Hine North Ga syrup 65 gal f o b

W J Morgan; R 3 Stillmore Ga 1
bbl good ribbon or red cane syrup 60e
gal, made 1926, good for table use-

10: Ib cans ee ean, in


Pitts Lumber Co., Waverly Hall Ga
1 complete 30 ton daily capacity Gruen-
dler Feed Mill; with fan, elevator, dust
collectors, etc, also lots of various sizes
steel shaftings, couplings, wood and
iron pulleys,-post hangers, good rub-
ber and Jeather -boltings, check and
globe valves: also 1 8 x 3 x-11 fire or
burglar Kinear rolling slat steel door
also 4 ft Deering vertical lift mower
$65 for mower; also pr Sawyer Revely-

and mediure sized see ling Pe Seo
eo op tor: and

25 Ibs, 25 Ibs and up~ del | +
EC Pope, R 3 Ocilla Ga, Fancy No. IY
1 Schley pecans, 50c 1b del, 10 49 100
: jengine, | good. eendition :

Newnan Ge Finest
_H N Stipe, -R 1. Perry Ga undehell s

Shackleford, RC Griffin: Ga


- Geo A Briggs, Augusta Ga Fecshent |.
eslecuans medium size pecans 22 bac


V R.Bush & Co., Albany Ga New Ga


Lee Patrick, Quitman Ga Best. grade | :

fin. wood saw,
Joe Patrick;. Quitman Ga pane isa

vy, new -Ga cane syrup: new may gal ay

aC |}pher incuhator--
M H- Belcher, Morven Ga Syrup ine = =

R 2 Louisville Ga Sus.

x 4 ae
as H Minlan, hia as Anis

ah ale 6 hp. Kerosene: engine; also 75 Cha
tanooga . T=

cate ee Se

Day Vass Buuedes Ga Mealine:
plow; a aes

Buckeye Incubators, Internatio

Riding cultivators; bias Shun: c
by. chick - charcoal brooder

: Atlanta Ga: Let

sedberry Co.
mill, No: - -180, good condition;
Gruendler. feed mill, good condition;

; er feed mill, ready torn? al

anks Morse 20 hp Ke:

ors shaw, Covington Ga
tric motor with starter : 3 Sy
WW. Webb, Hahira Ga 1 log skia-
der and stump: puller, a condi tion,
write <<

Ju Teverette, R t Patbott Ga
thal. peanut: picker 0955 16 2) pies :
F Avery gas engine $125; :
Morse gas engine, ; inate.

$50 or exc for other farm machine
RC Couch, Turin Ga 20 Rpy
with fixtures $75: S Gee e

MrssW G Sappington, Chip: - Ga 60 -
ese Old Trusty incubator, good cond
tion $10 gs

R E F Jenkins, Lithonia Ga
engine, exc for light saw mill: also De
Loach saw mill parts, Stover
Wek: =: ;

FM House, Grostonreine Ga.
draulic ram, No 3 im good
exc for something _ equal value, cl
ens preferred : =

ND. Norris, Wrightsville Ga. Ford
truck, exc for hay or good young mule |
1100 Ibs or horse 1 M Ibs or mils cows
or pure bred hogs or sell for $15 v) bbe ey
2 bodies, good tires _

H S Watson, Loganville - Ga Sonne
son mower wheat drill; oat drill, roa
cart: 2 horse Lynchburg turner Lyneh-
burg 2 horse buster, all good covdition
_ WD Watson, Loganville Ga 2 horse
buster, Lynchburg, also small busters,
mower and rake, Cole single.and com;
bination cotton planters; Serer cart
eorn and bean planter

J WW Pelfrey, Doraville Ga Chaiken:
nooga Reversible, 20: inch dise- ae
new disc, good. condition $12 fo b

IF C Drexel, Buena Vista Ga One e
16 I H C Mogul tractor, equippe od: with
triple disc plows, 28 in. dia, trae -
needs overheauling, little used; $19
Wm. Merritt, Greensboro 9. Belle
City. brooder, 140 capacity, : god con-

: dition, $4

S F Bohanon, R 3 Lithonia Ga
good condition $4.

A EK Wilkie. R- 6 Marietta Gay .
ese Cypher incubator. $35; 150. ess Cy-
$18, both. $50 240


good condition

Chas Dugg an, Chester Ga -2 2 13 3 he ?

itgas engine, exc for viding. eultivs at0F or

sell - chtapie ~
WM Finley, . Talona- Ga 6 ply 40.
inch belt 86 ft, used little; Seville saw,
ngine: and boiler, 28 hp, sell. all OF
part | fea

Jno, Spearman, Shady..Dale Ga Cot-
ton ginning machinery, 3 outfits
8 F Pirkle, Winder Ga 3 two horse
Wwagons,- Avery stalk cutter; 1 On, Ford: *
truek good condition; 15 x Case e-
Kerosene tractor, or exc for cows,
poultry small farm; New MeCormick
mowing machine, 7 rake ;

W M Taylor, Waverly Ga
incubator, Old Trusty used one:

H HE. Henson, R 1: Palking Da ok (
Good sawmill outfit, 20 horse Pserle:
engine; cash or exc, cheap :

WY. Drew, Millen Ga. 20 h p.engine~
and boiler, good condition $250; emai :
saw mill, needs - new wood worl $100
or $300 for all

Mos. dno I Cothey, HR 5 Pitton- Ga
Oil burning portable Buckeye brooder,
100 chick Size, good condition $5 0 b,
eash with order

Mrs N- Thornhill,
Wall Bohon hot water
egg cap., practically new, instructions
|with same; also 400 chuck brooder
good condition $25 for both

E T Boswell Jr Siloam Ga
engine, high pressure, 20 h p
ed engine and poiler; Vance 20th cen-
tury saw mill outfit, belt feed: Yom
Houston skidder, 700 ft cable. 2! :
essary pulleys, hooks, ete; pra
new Fordson tractor, Moline .
good condition; Western Ele
walt - generator; ~ Sunlight ai
highting plant with house fix:


Boston Ga Dbl
incubator 250


ve p low pressure - engine and
: c


ee (gas engine. sev-
26 to 36 inches, several
o-2 imches

Pecan Groves Co., Flint-

mplete 2-70 saw Continen- \~

_ Serew press, cemplete

re Oliver bottom | plows

} Sullivan Towson disc |.

10-27 Case tractor 1922

good condition 32 KW Delco

te with 16 batweries 14 in.

fan; 1-4 hp motor with 3
1-4 HP Delco: pump motor.
TODS all 62 AW, food con-

173, Winder -Ga 15 x 27
ene- tractor, good condition;
model Ford truck good
z= aie sien Ga 2 Horse
cultivater, all attach-
<or~ oe for Abrudel Tye; oats

eS wets Ga Yates, oth-

dried Si - sour fruit,
R32 Monroe Ga.
| apples 200 Ib o b, fresh

ee Ga Ap-

ae R 1 Monroe Ga



Glenn Ga Nice
18c lb, add post-


(} Sanders, Dewy Rose
peaches, not peeled,

mols. Leverett, R 1. Atlanta Ga
ndried horse apples 7 Ibs $1

Orchards, Ella. Gap. Ga 8&8
sundried apples, del $1, cash
ee Linish, Rt 30 Commerce
sundried peaches, horse ap-

Cumming Ga. _A0 bu

1 Demorest Ga. Fer:
ayinter, fancy... selected,

tes, |
in standard Aled small size

nin Apple Orchards, cercke
5 apples, Yates; 2 cars in

A Shelinutt,. Clem Ga: Nice
apples, bright and clear, 20c Ib

eae Flowery
oharae. Pike. Ga

ertwig apples $1.25
ay Ga:


preserving be for the

ow apples $1.50 hu box del;
dried apples lie lb del

avis, Quill Ga Yates, Wine-
O skley apples $1.50 hu f ob
all crab apples for making jel-
( eS Se
Mies -- Plant! Warm,
Ga Apples, Yates, Terry
pples 12 1-2c th
J epectl, os 1 Cornelia Ga Ap-


oe Ga Apples


liver, R i Meansville Ga 1 M
yin section and lard eans; 10
ash with. order;-or exc few
s for 25- White Leghorn hens
ullets ,
Crummev, Doctortown Ga
t cted honey in 10 Ib -pails,



WV. rR Bist 0. ae Ga Slip
shucked ear corn. ear Tots 2

1 2&- 5 -C Collier, Barnesville

- Cars -ear. corn in shuck, write
Vernon - Brabham, Moultrie Ga _Har
eee ear lots - 5

Cook Trading Go, tea Ga 200. a
ee country milling corn sacked in
eens _ burlap sacks, make best. of-



: Rodgers Bros., Conyers Ga 9 cases
beets, No 2 cans, 8 cases pears, No 2
cans; 5 cases okra No 2. cans, 80 cases
tomatoes, No 2 cans, all packed 24
cans to case, sell any amount, write

W A Smith, 102 Bay St S WH -Sa-

vyannah Ga Ground oyster shell; 41 per
bun lbs; $18.50 per ton 0 b
1 Cowart, R4 Valdosta Ga Black
walnuts, sound and dry $1 bu f 0 b

T P Trowell, Douglas Ga Country
straw brooms, well made $1.47 doz del,
31.10 exp col; old style serub or scour:
ing brooms $1.35 del

J He Steedman, Norwood Ga ieoaer
posts and logs in carload lots_ wa

Mrs oR Couch; Turin Ga Can fur-
nish 5 to 6 Ibs putter per wk d0e Ib
want customer

Mrs J T Patillo, R 6 LaGrange Ga
irresh dried sage, 90 Ib. 12 Ib ae tbe
pekg del.

N- D:-Norris, Wrienhtsvilte Ga 120. lb
anvil, good eondition, $8 or exe for
spotted P bear pig, 2 1-2 mos old, or
3.C R I. cockerel and pullets: _

B O Fussell, Box 1595 Atlanta Ga 20
M. stalks Tate sugar cane to party
ealling fo same on Blythe Island 3c

fate :

T P. Trowell, Sues Ga Good coun-
try straw brooms $1.47 doz del; old
style scrob brooms $1.50 del

-M L Pettit, Pike Ga Nice table but-
ter 30c. Mo del -

R L Harp Jr., Cusseta Ga Dried wal-
nuts in hull, - state quantity $1 bu
Pony :

used framing
paled or. loose -

Flickory Grove Farm, Hartwell Ga
35 lbs pure Jersey cream butter del
twice per wk at 40c Ib cash,"

E Cowart, R 5 Valdosta Ga Black
walnuts sound and dry $1 bu fob

Mrs . Heyman Brown, ae:
Springs Ga Large sound ela eee 20
lb add -postage 4 :

Mrs Florence Wiggins,

Jackson, Fayetteville Ga R 2
nice pear preserves $5 del At-

B Dominick, Turin Ga Lot of
well preserved; for hay,

Mektor: : Ga

{50 Ibs new goose feathers $1 Ib Bee |
F W Balcomb, Wayeross Ga About
all whole

1. M grain and feed aneleey
and elean, 3c sack
JF Bailey, Turin Ga Good: army ioe

-eart, practically new.

W J Morgan, R 3 Stitlmore Ga Cross
ties and saw. mill tumber

Womans Department


Mrs T C Floyd, Chipley Ga R 25
pink moonvine seeds, 10c; 20 Brazillian
morning glory seeds lOc, 12 giant white
monvine seeds 10c; 6 rooted green and
white striped ribbon grass bulbs 40c;
spotted lily bulbs 40; 7 rooted box-
vine plants, ever green foliage blue
flowers 40; 6 white German iris rooted
bulbs 40c del

Mrs F W ees Blackshear
Red and variegated eannas 40c
for bulbs with 3 or more ys, also
jonquil bulbs 20c doz, also gladioli
bulbs 40e doz all del

oMrs J. EF. Anderson, Blue Ridge Ga
Snow hall, hills of snow, hydrangia,
luvge purple Hhac, french lilae. butter-
bush, white star jessamine, 2c
ea; tiger Hly, Jemon lily 40 doa; bleed-
ing heart 25 and 50c

i J Hart, College Park Ga Dbl white
althea, 15c ea; flowering dwarf catalpa
trees, 4 to 6 ft. 75e to $1.50; nice quince
bushes 1be and 25c; HEinglish dogwood
25e, Celestial and brown turkey. fig
bushes 15e and 25c, order taken most



$6 fo b prompt shipment
Goolsby, R 3 Baxley Ga Gall-
honey, extracted in.5 lb buckets |
1b, red extracted 5 and 10 Ib,
i5e db-f:-9'-b

mith, R + Toomsboro Ga 2 cans
tes honey in comb, average 65 |
@=b; amber honey 12 1-2
cH @ans; cash with order |

, Quill Ga Fine poplar
j Toe Tb f a b


69 Ibi ft
ie) Suckets |



any kind shade trees, also genuine dah-
flowered .zenia seeds, mixed or
Senate eolors, 10c pack, 1-8 oz. 15c
| i407 256; galardia. seeds 10c pack, 1-2
20c: Calif dJarge. poppy seeds, 10
pack ~ :

Mis 3 WW: MeNeeley, Kennesaw Ga
Red rambling Dorethy Perkins rose
bushes 10, 10,,25 ea, del nice plants,
any quantity

Mrs NE Smnith,
flag lillies 25 doz

Miss Rebecca Jones,
yr Cornelia japa


jrant white Mary

cies Martin Ga Blue |

Ss imma aeaerian BB Aeceke
Ga Single blue. hyacinth bulbs 406 OB:
smaller 2a og:

Ee Woodruff, R 3 Givenvine Ga Well
rooted, hoxwood cuttings $1.50 doz:
pink and white lavender erepe myrtle
20c ea ~$1 doz; -spirea 25c ea; een ere
2bc ea}: all=del
_ Wood Lawn Nursery, R 3 Greenvitie |
Ga Rooted boxwood plants, 15 yrs old,
50c ea; 8 to 12 yrs 25c ea; Sweet mag-
nolia glancia- seedling trees 35e ea;
lemon lily bulbs $1 doz. Lucretia dew-
berry plants, $2 hun; eldorendo black-
berry plants, same price

Mrs: R Robinson, R 5 Greenville Ga
Beautiful rooted poxwood plants, 200
for $15, del: cuttings $1.50 hun del; lu-
eretia dewberry plants, hardy $2 hun,
$15 M; privet cuttings T5e hun del;
lar, ge_~sweet crabapples $1 per pk del

Blanche Woodruff, R 3 Greenville
Ga 50 reoted boxwood cuttings, $1 per
doz $3. Bh for let, rooted pink crepe
myrtle 25c ea, $2.50 dez $10 hun; rooted
weeping willow 385c ea; white spirea,
white bridal wreath, purple lilae, sweet
bay magnolia 25 ea; orange lilies 25e
doz; white easter lilies 20e doz; red
cannas 75e doz eo
. Mrs RF Terrell, R 8 Greenville Ga
Rooted dwarf boxwood plants, uniform
size, $1:25 doz, $7.50 hun del; magnolia
glancia trees, well rooted 2 to 3 ft
25e ea, $2.50 doz deb

Mrs C M Robinson,. R 3 Greenville
Ga well rooted, old fashion boxwood
dwarf variety $1 doz del; sweet ma:
nolia bay trees, well rooted 5 for $1 det
White Cherokee roses rooted $1 dex
del; hardy Tucretia dewhberry plants,

{improved 30c doz, $1.25 hun del; fine

raspberry plants, rooted 50c doz del

Mrs HN Stipe, R t Perry Ga: Well
rooted marshineal roses, d0c ea del,
red meteors, same price 10e cutting

Mrs C H Ward, R 1 Adairsville Ga
Several hun yellow jonquil dbl daffo-
dils and Apr blooming white narcissus
mixed with continuous bloom 25e per
doz, $1.75 hun; pink winter blooming
thrift 25c doz; large white and purple
iris 6 for 25c; large yellow hardy lilies
6 for 25c; gardenia or cape jessamine
pink weigelia, white weigelia, bridal
Wreath, white spirea, rose plume _ spi-
rea, crimson spirea, golden bells, dbl
white spirea, Christmas bush honey:
suckle, butterfly bush, pink almond;
philadelphus, all well rooted, 25 ea;
bitter sweet evergreen vine, with gar-
land and erimson berries in winter 25e
Mrs J W Boyett, Morris Station Ga
Dbl pink althea, everblooming frag-
Weshington rose, 2
for 3h =

Fruit: & Feather. Farm, Hogansville
Ga Doz silver moon roses, 2 yrs old,
40c ed; dbl purple lilacs 10c-ea f 0. b,
dahlia, zinia, -balsam, galardia, mari-
gold, sun plant seed, generous portion
of-ea 10: - e

Mrs R Allgood, Oxferd Ga Blue iris
bulbs; yellow narcissus 25 doz fo b,
$1.50 hun; erepe myrtle, cape jessa-
mine, white large bloom dogwood, box-
wood, evergreen hedge I0c ea; ever:
Lereen ereeping ivy 10 :

Mrs J Hisner,, R 2 Austell ~* Ga Dbl
and single white oleanders, well root-
ed, Jarge plants 20 and 25c ea purple
lilac, cape jessamine, crepe myrtle, dbl
white spirea, pink wiegela,
boxwood plants, all heavy rooted lic
ea 2 for 25c, 12 different colors; ver-
bena, plants 25e doz; white and pink
oxalis 10 and 15 ea dbl daffodil bulbs,
large size 20c doz; yellow narcissus
bulbs, 20c doz postage to be included

Mrs BG -Camp, 1 Adairsville Ga
Pink, white wiegela, pink deritzie,
pink almond, dbl white althea, white
spirea, butterfly bush, hardy easter
rose, or white japonica, white English
dogwood, all well reoted 25c ea; ever-
sreen winter blooming pink thrift
pes 25 doz; white star jasmine vine

Mrs W M ai ieee: Siloam Ga yr
old rose plants, yellow marshaneil,
pink columbia and Paul Neyron, red
and white American Beauty, white co-
chet; 25e ea, 5 for $1; dbl dahlias pink,
vellow and variegated bulbs, 50c doz.
purple bloom hedges, plants, $2 hun;
dbl white tuberose 30e doz

Mrs Ralph MeGill, R 1 Dawson Ga
Armours hedge cuttings, le ea water
melon pink crepe myrtle, 15c ea or 4
for 50; wandering jew, large and smal)
green, te ea; all color fine rose cut-
tines, 5c ea; White and green stripe
ribbon grass 5c, nice bulbs; several
Dorothy Perkins roses, pink, well root-.
ed 10c ea: umbrella palms, nice root,
15e ea; conk shell begonias, well root-
ed. 10e ea; white _oleanders, Se



blooming -

rose marie,.|

Pe ainskoro. : Ga)

> or any 5- $i; rose cuttings any
jor und variety 10e; ~everblouming
ress 15 doz, royal blue, all winter.
violets 15e doz,
ferns 20c ea, sword ferns 25c_ ea,
and pink sultanas 15e ea, dark blue
iris lillies,-$1 hun orange lily bulbs $1
hun, yellow narcissus $1-hun ioe
Mrs EC Heaton, Hartwell Ga R-3
aiant Trimardesn pansy plants, mixed
colors 25 doz, now ready; phlox plants!
10c doz 50c hun, dusty miller plants
free with ea 50 order =
Mrs R M-Sheppard, R 3 Stone Moun-
tain Ga Winter blooming yellow jas-
mine 25c bunch; bridal wreath and
cluster spirea, 25 ea; pink almond
25e ea, fine rose cuttings, red, pink,
white, cream 25 doz, Dorothy Perkins
pink, red, blue ramblers, include post-
age :
Miss Jessie
Branch Ga
high, well
butter beans 15e Ib
Lillie Averett, Buena Vista 1a
Mammoth sunflower, 10e Gcupfull,
White butter bean 20c Ib, add postage,
lemon yellow marigold 10e cupfull;
snowdrop and bridal wreath, well root-
ed 2c. ea
Mrs Rose Holcomhe,
Ave Decatur Ga
eochet, white. 40
blooming roses, 2

Cash, -R 3) Hlowery
Arbar viates' 12> to 15 in
reoted 25e ea, add postage;
cuttings 5c ea, mixed color

129 /merson
Red radiance. pink
other varieties, ever-
2 TS 0012 $s doz, 4 -yxre

$2.50- doz, good variety shrubs, reas-
enable write for list roses, shrubs,
gladiola bulbs 50e doz, $3 hun, .Poin-
cetta and primroses for Nimas

Mrs J-T Patillo, BR. 6 LaGrange Ga
mixed verbena, trailing evergreen for
walls 3c buneh, canna bulbs, giant red
yellow variegated 50c doz, sweet pur-
ple violets 50c_hun, physastiria plants
25e doz, rooted wisteria: vines 5c, 2
Paul Neyron roses, 25e: ea, monthly
rose cuttings, pink, flesh, cream, white
rainbow 3 for 10e, garden sage 10
bunch, feather ball pink poppy seed
ve pek; dbl pink hollyhock seed, giant -
mixed zinia, mixed marigold seed, red
sweet williams, purple bachelor but-
ton seed Te pkg,-all del dried sage 50e
Yb, 2 Ib 30e, 15e pkg del

Mrs J B Minish, R 30 Commerce Ga
Yellow and white flag lily bulbs 25
doz ivory vines well rooted 10e ea

Mrs'C i Leverett, R Atlanta Ga
Choice see and Apr eS nar='
cissus bulbs -25c del $1.50 <hun; 2 yr
old. Paul) Nigron and .other colors,
monthly blooming rose bushes 5c ea;
red baby ramblers erimson raumblers,
silver moon, thousand beauties. pink
Dorothy Perkins, blue rambler 25 ea
red helly heck, poppy, lockspur, sweet
williams seed ive pkgs, rose cuttings. el.


Mrs K iG Sa fn ers: Dee Rose Ga:
Purple lilac, pink crepe myrtle, Hng-
lish dogwood, pink almond, well rooted
2 for 25c; daffodils, white uarcissus,
white iris lilies 15e doz, red and pink
geraniums well rooted 2 25e; 6 differ-
ent kinds cactus. 50c ea; white, pink
and purple larkspur seed 10c table-
spoonful, scarlet salvia secd, 10c tea-
spoonful; add 5e postage on orders less
than 50e

Mrs O D. Woodruff, Circansaite Ga
Rooted crepe myrtle cuttings, pink 25e
ea; $2 doz; reoted boxwood cuttings
$1.50 doz, $8 hun; sweet bay magnolia
tres, 1 to 3 ft: 25c ea, $2.50 doz

Mrs Geo Thews, .Butler Ga Several
doz well rooted small umbrella ehina

trees 75c to $1 doz sweet shrub plants 7

$1.25 doz; well rooted bunches scarlet
verbena $1 doz; large bulbs chewing
gum lily, 3 bulbs $1; dbl lemon lily
bulbs 60c doz a
' Mrs R P Steinheimer,

Ga Blue hardy

Rt Woolsey
hydrangia, butterfly
bush, red spriea, wisteria vine, Eng-
lish honeysuckle bush, erepe myrtle
pink and lavender purple lilac, all well
rocted 25 ea, snowdrep 10c, flowerine
pear 20c, blue hyacinth bulbs: 40e doz,
goose. plum, 2 to 3. ft, nicely rooted,
20 ea, 6 for $1 del

Mrs VE McCook, R Metntyre
River .privit hedge cuttings 7
blu rose cuttings, monthly
Se ea or 6 for 25e

Miss Addie Hughey,
Geraniunis, various colors .30c ea or 4
for $1, pink pansy geraniu m80c ea;
Boston fern 1 yr old 35 ea; Leopard
begonia 25e ea; red and pink begonias
25 ea; lemon lillies 30c doz; blue flagz
lillies 30c doz, white peonies 40 ea,
white peonies 40c ea, red pepper 1be

Miss Lela Rahn, R 2 Rincon Ga: Eas-
ter lily bulbs $1 doz, 6 for 50e or 10
ea, add postage

e ae Spake, R 1 Peniple Ga. Pure

se BUDS 20ce doz

2 ta
Tae hun;

% 1 Ranger Ga:

POU ntaI

oe wae t

FLOW oii ae DS- & PL. ANTS

Mrs M Alexander, HL Ranger Se
Pink and white peonies 10e ea;. flat
eactus 10 ea; pink rambler 10e ea,
euttings 2 for 5c; hardy sweet williams
SO Oe, blue.
yellow . flags 15e, mulberry bushes for
shade. 20, tig bushes 2c, 2 large white
rose bushes 40c cuttings

Mrs E EF Fountain, Et. Valley. Ga
Jonquil bulbs; butter and eggs, yellow.
narcissus, butter. cups, Sev. rah, hun. .ea,
20c doz 5 doz $1, Himalayas vine-.root-
ed, very cheaj, fine -rose bushes, 3 yrs
old voc, a forss$3

Mrs EL Roberts, R
Snowball geraniums, well rooted 50c
ea, variegated Iineglish tame honey-
suckle bush 50c ea, lavender lilac bush,
23e en, flowering almond, pink white
bleams, 25c ea, old fashion red velvet
bush 35c ea, red. climbing . rose. bush
35c ea, well rooted, white oleander 25c

Mrs C H Caple, Molena Ga,.Mixed
bulbs jonquils, buttercups, butter and
eggs exc for white and yellow narcis-
sus or sell 20 doz

i JU.Mason, R 1. Lithonia Ga 22
Dwarf boxwoods, 2 ft high 18 in cross,
Jot 24 large boxwoods 4 ft high 3 1-2
ft cross top $5 weeping willows 2 to 4
ft high 30c ea; willows del

Mrs Dinah HEllers, R 3 Wilijay Ga
Myrtle vine and, evergreen 25 doz,
white japanese honey suckle, pink jap-
anese honeysuckle bushes 25 ea, jon-
-quil bulbs 25e doz, pink. crepe myrtle
white ~ English dogwood, variegated
summer rose, pink: Dorothy Perkins
rose, white spirea 15c ea; 3 fox 40,
Xmas cactus, purple Hhilac, \ purple al-
thea, white althea, forsythia, pink al-
mond, weeping linden,
far c2ic

Mrs Henry Eller,
Hun varieties dahlias, oixture 25c ea,
$2 dog, gladiola $1 doz, all different;
mixed 50c, small size 50. $1; 500, varie-
ties iris, good mixture 8, $1

Mrs ino R Furner. Concord Ga 3
well reeted dbl yellow oleanders 50c ea
3 for. $4.26

Mrs Mamie Stone, R 3. Adairsville
Ga Yellow narcissus or jonquil, bulbs;
exc for honeysuckle vine. baskets

Mrs J M Moore, R 1 Hilltonia Ga 4
o'clock -seed 5c doz; large neckless
eourd seed 10c for 20 seed

Womans Department

Mes G TI Trulove, 4 Stockbridge

Ga New nicely made quilts, $5 ea silk
-auilts nicely worked and lined ~ with

1 Suwanee Ga

R 3. -Dllijay Ga

flowered satin $25 ea or exc for Brown.

Leghorn pullets or mkt poultry .
Mrs J S Yeomans, Swainsboro Ga
Silk quilt $25; write
Miss Jennie Seago, Vienna Ga Large
pr feather pillows .$3; good bed quilt,
lined with chambry, padded with clean
corded cotton $5
Miss F B Michael, R 3 Monroe Ga
Luncheon set, 13 pieges, $5 f-6.b; sngt
tatiing ioe yd, wide points and inser-
ition to match table runner of No 30
thread, $1.25, f o b
Mrs Gh Bramilett, R 4 Acworth Ga
2 large size pieced quilts, weigh 4 and
5 lbs $4 and $5. ea, $8.75 for b ba,
Mrs Jj A Brooke, Luxomni Ga- Sngl
tatting 12 1-2c ya, dbl tatting 25 ya,
hen and chicken tatting, 25c yd; other
fancy work on request
Miss Burney Saxen,
Black Satin crepe kimone,
style, worked in shaded wisteria col-
ors, lined--with lavender crepe; $30,
ether, reasonalle, eu ustomers furnish
material; also all kinds ee work, in-
fanis,. children, plain sewing
able, prices on request
Migs Belle Timmerman, Bronwood
ret Tatted baby caps, in. rose design
$4 en
Mis. J F Lewis, R
Tufted bedspreads, 19 quarters, wild
rose design, tulip, dewdrop $5 ea; exc
fer turkeys, or full stock Pc pigs:
Mis J G@ Burden, KR 9 Elberton Ga
table rufners, 4 center casera em-

Carnegie Ga

3 Adairsville Gal

ae with crochet edges $1.25 ea

* $2.25 for all del; heavy tan material

a V V Harwell, Robinson Gay hand

embroidered | hemstitched, - -all- sik tan
pongee, ladies handkerchiefs with. hand
@rawn. threads 35 ea or $3.50 doz.
Miss E. Is Herndon, BR 2 Mayfield Ga
1S piece white linen. luncheon set, -pret-
ty crochet edge $8 for set; also beauti-
ful table runner $35
Mrs T Williams, R 6 Dallas Ga
} he tufted hed spread. &1 x 90 inches
PEROT seam $4.75 del, with seam $4
ted sofa eer ss 3de ra

and white flags 10, |,

golden>.bell. 3

Japanese |.

reason- :

boro. Ga. Handsdin
pane, diamond pattern, in black, run
with) pink ribbon $50; also silix quilts:
beautifully embroidered, stripes, flow-
ers ete $15 to $50-ea, .
Mrs Esther Lewis, R-2 Rydal Ga
Nice bedspread, tulip design, tufted in
lavender thread $5 or exc

Mrs Newt E Spence, R 5 Garrohten
Ga. Tatted baby cap, eeru with pink
rosetta $3. 503.5 yds small lavender tat-
ling with one picot @0
Miss. Margie Brewer, R 1 Lumber
City Ga White anal tatting 8 and. 10c
yd, dbl tatting, any variety loc yd;
handkerchiefs ee gifts 10c ea; also
3 piece: towel sets $1 set; write for
other work

Lemma Lowman, Liclog Ga 3
all wool hand woven blankets $25,
2 or $13 ea

Miss Cera Lyon, Hardwick Ga Neat
well made quilt tops, $1.25 to $1. bees

Miss Addie Hughey, R Lt Ranger Ga
Tatted yokes, made of white thread 34
rin. size for eamesoles $2

Mrs J E Lucas, Quitman Ga Genu-
ine hew gingham home made cotton
quilts $4 35 Ib cotton attress, new $10

Womans Department

Miss E L Herndon, R 2 Mayfield Ga
Country butter 50 ib ft ob

Mrs M K Phillips, Bremen Ga 5 gal
cream tan, exc for chickens

Mrs O D. Woodruff, Greenville Ga
Fresh sweet gum or bark $1. Ib new
straw brooms $2 doz del

Mrs S C Wallis, R 2: Temple Ga 4
ten gal cream cans with ice containers
lock top, althost new $3 ea; 2 five gal
milk cans $2.50 ea; also 32 qt milk cool-
ers good eondition $5.

Mrs J O King, R 3 Lavonia Ga Pure
Jersey butter in cartons 40 lb del

Miss Susie Cooper, Bartow Ga Extra
long leaf pi ine needles, scalded and
dried, ready for making baskets 15c
1b; also flower baskets 75c and $1

Mrs W R Davis, R 1 Sugar Valley
Ga New straw brooms 15c ea or 8 $1;
will exc same for dried apples or cloth

Miss Cora Lyon, Hardwick Ga Pine
needle baskets, bags, etc., write. for
prices, exe for gingham, calico, or per-
cale dress patterns

Mrs Henry Eller, R 3 Ellijay Ga Dry
sage 1-4 Ib 20c, 60 Ib

Mrs J M Moore, R. 1 Hilltonia Ga
Wire grass brooms 12 1-2c ea

Mrs Lon Tripp, Kennesaw Ga Sage
plant, 25 doz, add postage

Womans Department
C Cc Harrold, 12 29_/Spring St: Macon
Ga 1 M yellow or blue iris, also bronse
Mrs E B Green, 797 Marietta St At-
lanta Ga Variegated leaf caladium
reasonable E :

Womans Department |
Mrs W A Busbee, R 3 Hawkinsville
Ga Pure apple vinegar; Will pay -25e
gt also eo : f * i

Woman 8. Department -
(Parties Furnish, Material)

Mrs G B Palmer, R 2 McDonough
Ga, Sngl tatting, 10 yd and up; for dbl

piece: quilts on halves
Mrs H Hartis, R B Griffin Ga AH
kinds plain and fancy tatting; prices
reasonable; samples on request -



Head CheeseThe head
well cleaned and cut into four parts.
Eyes, ears and snout removed Some
us# the feet in makine this dish, but
head cheese must never be made
larger quantities than. a famiky- .can
pecae gS in a short time; as nothing

ils org quickly, or si more danger
Os when-not fresh. Put the head in-
to cold, water and cook until the meat
eaves: the bone...
Fand boil it until thick. Remove all
tmeat and chop. Season to taste: with:
salt and pepper. Returm to the: Hquid
and bell slowly for half an hour. Pour
in shaHow greased: pens, cover swith
eheesectoth and weight down with a
clean board: ta make fism. When -eold,
slice and serve as cold sliced meat | |

LiverwurstU se all the head meat

_ should be

rinds taken from the lard, and two
Jivers. Cook all these > tomether~ until
quite tender, then remove See

{kettle .

-until well done,

the meat to the kettle.

zi home life in which she


Drain) off the Jiquid}
all, know. it.
asl: eur selves whether
what. we should to show our apprecia-
tiom: of the aork

not. useh in the head cheese, the meat

in which th is: were b

heat until hot throughout :

clean boards. i

hang on sticks and.

is good sliced cold for lunch and
makes an excellent bre cast @
when warmed in the oven.

ScrappleCook fat and lean bits of

cover. Season with s iby peppe
and any. other . seasoning liked. When |
done, drain off the. water and return
Strain all bits
of meat..from. the liquor. in, which it

Was boiled. Chop. the meat fine. and |

keep it in a warn, place. . Make a

common corn-meal- mush. of: Lie: Hiquor

in which the eat was. poiled,. stirring.
constantly to, keep- the eorn: eal froni
seorching. Cook until well | done, - but
not too, thick, and then- add the meat |
scraps, and press the mush. in, crocls.
or pans, Cut it thin with a sharp |

| knife when, cold, and fry as ordinary

mush. Keep in a cool plaec and it will
we good a long time.
SausageWighteen pounds lean:
meat, 6 pounds fat, 8 ounces fine salt,
4 ounces black pepper, 3 ounces fine
leaf sage -or hone, 1 teaspoentul red
pepper. Clean trimmings in the pro-
portion of 3 parts lean to 1 fat, should
be cut into 2-inch eubes or pieces
about that Size, Run through a mill,
keeping lean and fat well mixed.
Spread out on a table and sprinkle
evenly with seasonings. Roll up
knead, then run through the mill
second time to mix. Sausage which is
to be used up during cold weather | may
be packed raw into erocks or pars ana
have melted lard poured over. it
Where it is to be kept for 4 longer


rtinie it may be made into cakes, fried,

packed down in melted jard, or it may
pe. packed into,crocks and baked in a
oderate oven, allowing 25 .minutes to
each pound. If the fat which comes
out in baking is not sufficient to cover,
pour melted lard over it and stere in
a cool place. Farm and Ranch, issue
11-13-26. :


That eloquent Georgian,
Senator Thomas E. Oakes tee
one occasion

Fhere are oe of devoted and
absolutely | admirable wives and moth-
ers in our cities, in our towns, and in
our villages, and it gives me pleasure.
and pride to testify to the fact; but it
you ask me to carry you to the home

the 1dte
said on

tof the true wite and the true. mother,

one who. loses. herself entirely in. the
existence of hey husband and her: chil-
dren, one who is the first to rise in
the morning and the last to retire at
night, one who is always at her posi
of duty and who carries upon her
shoulders the burdens of both husband
and children, one who is keeper of the
household and its good angel, utterly
unselfish, happy in making others
happy, with no thought of fashionable
pleasures, perfectly content in
does nobody
taking as
from. the

and everbody good,
as sh, cai

many. thorns |

pathway of her. husband and strewing

it with as many roses as possible,
strengthening him by her inspiration
as he goes forward to fight. the battle
ot: Tie: smoothing the. pillow. upon,
which he. rests his tired head when he
comes home, tenderly rearing the boys
and girls who will in turn go away
from the door, some day for the last
tiethe boys to become a good soldier
in lifes continuous warfare, and ae
gir Ho become some ardent suitors

wife and be to him what her mother
has been to her father; and whos, when
all toils. are done and her strength, is.
departing, will sit cally in the door-
Way, watching the setting sun with a
srene smile upon her face and never
a fear: im her heartask me to fing
wher this woman, lives, where this iype
is to be, found, and I wilh make a bee
line for the country. 5
OWhat.Tom Watson said is true; we
It only remains for us to
we are doing

and: love of farm.

mothers. Is the kitchen, as well equip<

ped with -libor-saving conveniences as


it cought to be?: Have we. realty
stalled the most modern water
light systems we can afford?
the farm mother
once a year? De we cooperate
her as much as we might in givins


ove of the beautitul t

dsthi pome grounds

st }and
: courtesy

sweeten her
SYessive g armer,

meat trimmed | from, the lard and heads | :
in water enough . to}
ax, sage :

Should be:

impor tant for

anu |:

quiet |

Does |,
get areal vacation as

thoug nee
ready to show

apprec ciation

hardest talks

i - October is drawing
|time to be looking.

carefully with an eye

are. pie Ciliets
rapidly and. taking. on $

tiful maiden.

Have Hens.
in tee
like a pullet to: be per

at least re weeks bef

first eg 'Fhis is neee

molt is. to be avoided. | It_
the, early 1 vA
for with the best care and
some of thent will molt. thi
early winter. To change hot
a pullet has begun to-

on her, and is almost c

at least a neck molt and
on a _ molt,. aes t


JIkeeping Free From -Lii
the pullets are free from
we put out pullts into
quar ters we have a di ping
use a washtub full of W
we use an ounce (1 tables]

ksodium fluoride to each

ter. We dip. the birds in
their heads under onee ver
For this job we choose -
day, for we want them

ly. In dipping there will
loss of water, making: dt nec

replenish frequently the ow

tub. Do not. forget to
dium fluoride as the w.
ished that the solution
the right strength.

For the pullets that are a
ing, we do not use the dip as }
of it isva little severe and on
fect the egg production, |
that affects the produ
cause a. molt..-Se* the: Jay


and hens we dust w ith Wes

fluoride. In. dusting, Ww

pepper can filled with. the

oride and see that the po
ed through the feathers. Thi
er,on the eyes of the: man |
doing the work than. is the
od but is very satisfactory
flock. Im the larger flocks
easier to dip the birds, - and
these we must treat with
I repeat, the pullets must
lice if we are to have the
well when the late Octob
vember high prices are te b
Cull the eck Well

moe lice, feo, aon over.
cull out, those. that are :
ing, deformed. or diseased.

the undesirable ones now.

still in your flock, >
ones a chance to make:
record this fall. j

\ Mrs: AVS IR. Currys in
lees of the =Pro gressive Fa

I pay -cash in adv
of the 50 acres t ter
mie $400 every year, said
was asked what the land.

tivating could be pought

He told us he was offe
for $3,000 cash, 5
that price. he will pay
prige in rent every i ae

everything he wae His la
producing half as much 2
did when he moved to tl e
years ago. In the
aceuniulated good

lives at home. - In -the
has paid this landlord
money earned from land
SonemtS for $3 Es


oO the st would event: :

, land = with | ad

ane foes
more safely now
{he last quarter
Jand well located with ret.
ads and markets
eo athe: South.
1 has: many
lass of farrs had
City population is in-
rapidly than rural, pop-
the scarcity i
the small farmer than by
cultivates large areas.

who owns his own land.
are made by Federal a
interest. rate lower
[-on most is the
e tenant farmer mention-
ho pays the price of the
pies every 7 :
oo an. acre.The Pro-

Th Shims

ee Welowsata
were considered

; run-together
uliural value would have
very low,
ate of cultivation.
Was, so far-away frm mar-
-yailroads of much conse-
ittle. sction | of country
te cues to settlers de-

ere of enterprise
ne land for its timber and

in only a fe wyears: the
t bare of its only coveted
is cut up in
for homesteads,
le at tempting prices, terms
ople with small means. How-
nog cut-over land and un-
- people were slow to
an agreement wren bound
ebt for ten
ough the eigen ranged
$10 per: acre.

po wne. being
planted a colony of monea:
ind and proceeded to im-~
it of underbrush and

d that birds of one feather

y, Every
miles cz chy from. different
contracted for
Lilies sini them later.

growing: as good.
wal crn: on tie S

to melons,
kinds of truck
| farms: oe
if the: land has }
sections and

etn i ers.
elearning pt peer

fer Six years showed an Saverace =

her proanee. eK produced front:

one ot aie

er ek bottoms

shipped ae Northern er

thar Rotins
produce, and Soraraee
the man of the place on
a . tak ing in several dol-

hence oats

and berries,
a really fair price.
and ee

~ economical yp]
uch as they have es

cheap. sale, depending
ty and 8

at] work. |
a Hfamity. works, They
the spring With ay

wor ec

themselves, - mever: depending: on : hiring

Joutside labor,
'pride much like the average: American.


LE - homes, however, - ares somewhat


them being
the old dumber mill camp houses, but

they show the warmth and happiness

common, being cheaply.
frame cottases, some > of

jJinside by the Vine-clad- porches.
flower yards.

AS: for That
excelled. And to them

eongenial, neighborly



Farm sau Ranch, issue of 10-23-26,


BLL. Fey :

~ Inspector in Charge, Hog Cholera
Control, College of Agriculture,
University of Arkansas

The word
The - establishment of conditions fa-
vorable to health. Therefore, in Or-
{der to protect swine from the ravages
of disease, parasites and other pests,
it ds necessary to pay some attention
to the zonern cleanliness of yards'and
pens. anitation involves good drain-
Ape) sear disposal of manure, and
good light and ventilation in buildings.
Maintaining a high standard of clean-
liness is an effectve and economic:l
deans of preventing losses.

The commen intestinal round worm
of swine, though one of the most inju-
vious livestock parasites, is readily
controlled by a system of sanitation
now widely used. It involves tarrow-
ing in clean pens and raising the pigs
on pastures ata distance from perma-
nent hog
are about three months old. At that
age, they are able to resist Serious in-
section. The United States
Animal Industry developed* this meth-
od and advises its use. Under this sys-
.em, farrowing houses must be elean-
ed, serlbbed with boiling hot water
containing one pound of lye to thirty
gallons, and then sprayed with one

pint of compound ey PSO solution _to

four gallons of water. \
Sows must be
before being placed in cleaned and dis-
infected houses.
pigs are ready to MovVe to pasture they
should be hauled to a lot where no
hogs have been for at least a year, and
kept there until the pigs are
-four months old.
A part of the report given out by

the University of Ilinois on this sys-'

tem is as follows:. On forty farms
where there had been severe losses in
the past, the litters raised in 1925 av-
eraged 2.7 pigs more than previously.
On eleven farms where losses had ay-
eraged 48 per cent with pigs- raised
che worry way, the sanitation plan re-
ducd the Josses to 2 per cent. On
farms where there had ben much trou-
ble with worms, bull nose, sore: mouth,
and necrotic enteritis, conditions were

improved so that as many pigs as us--

ual avere waised from one-third fewer
SOWS. Runts were reduced to an aver:

age of one to ene hundred pigs, where-\ the bags can. be boiled and eile ee

jason seventeen farms with both sys-" easily.

tems continued | in (4925, the worry.
way pigs averaged renter runts to
pene humdred: pigs.

At four months sold the: sanitation

| oes averaged ~twenty-eight pounds
heavier than the others. They vere

veady for amarket. seven) weeks | sooner
/than usual. Cest - accounts: ~on one ae
eleven pounds of fs
each bushel of corn during four years:

without,. aad + fourteen pounds of pork:

toa bushel of corm during: tywo-oyears

sanitation. | Al} avho have. started with }

this system declare: th: it: they will-con-
tinue it. They report. more uniforn
yesults from the use of: serum and.
virus. Their hogs age more uniform
in Size and -eonditi on when marketed.

The system fits ins well with common,

plan. is a money

crop. rotation. The
"Farm and

maker for the hog: raiser.
Bens issue 11- 23- 26.


a feeling -of cantor ad sat-

isfaction every

led with canned fruits,
meats, and PaReinS
house are. ham: :
(nist through, he-

vegetables am

these foreigners are not. to be

honor of converting an undesirable lo-

inte a prosperous | community...

_ sanitation is defined as

pens and. yards until the pigs.

Bureau of

thor oug hly washed

When the sow and


to the water.

the hogs

| fou raminute

of the family.
has when the pantry shely es are load- |:

> turnips).
rutabagas and. other: vegetables

can: be stored, wi


Fiow many farmers in the Southwest

are thus. supplied sand ready for. cany

kind ef a Ww inter that may come? Farm
and Ranch hopes that everyone has
up food for the table and
while .ex-
solely. upon the returns of their cotton ee

looked forward to the winter
by: storing
feed for the livestock, but
pressing that hope,
many have

it is certain
depended entirely

crop with which to buy
could have produced for

Irom reports we
as many. farmers

What they

as we would

issue which tells how
meat for home use,
on the farm and. no



but little of it,
up for winter consumption.
without a semplance of a garden.
Other farms where gardens were plant-
ed and let grow. up to weeds.
farms are without chickens, and hun.
dreds of them without a cow,
many thousands without a hog.
this sacrifice for cotton, Which, accord-
ing to some, is not worth picking,
het. this thought sink in. The farm
is, first of all. aA place to live and make

a living.Parm and Ranch, issue of
LACT 8-262 855 Be


Robert EB. Igo

A club ean be; formed by eight 01
sixteen farmers or: ranchers, and can
be easily worked out by any intelligeni
person. First, each member.
own a. calf. near. the same weight; fo}
an example, Say it will dress forty

pounds, to. the quarter, or a total of
If the elub is compose:
quarters in half. each time, all would
receive twenty pounds of meat at eight

160 pounds.

of eight members and dividing

different weeks, or over a period of
two: months.
~ To form a club eight should join.

All should get calves or beeves

each week put
members name the name of cut deliv:
ered to them; and each time the mem-

ber will receive a different piece of

meat. To illustrate, first week Mx.
Roe will. get one-haf or twenty pounds
of shank and round hindquarter, next
week half of. forequarter,
loin of hindquarter,
ie weeks. Hach member
slaughter and deliver his own animal

and Saturday morning is the most ap-

propriate time to make detiveries.
Many. clubs have a nice canvas bag for

each member with names thereon, and
as fast as meat is eut up: placed in the

bags. In this way no mistakes are
made in cuts or deliveries and the:
meat is handled in a satitary way, as

I. feel confident. that. anyone: who a club will be anxious
to. organize again, as it gives a mem-
her: fresh meat each ~eekend over a
great period of summer and fall when
it. is scarce and high, and. the cost (is
sseareely nothing as you .furnish your
own -
worthless on the market.

vanimal, oavhich is practically


Hog scalding may

be made

nrvore easily accomplished. The
are usually
six minutes. If a shorter
raised to 150 degrees FF.


The foreman of
pany plant at St. Joseph, Missouri,
ported that they had
with soda ash, which had no
tic seda,


ellar or in store. some make. there vis:
Ja@ supply of sweet. potatoes, ~
ile. in the. barns | or in.
; stacks iss found. sufficient feedstuff for |

tihee livestock, the: satisfaction is more.
seem tobe a- ~hap- |:
contented people,: and they have |

have received, noi
will be in a position te profit by this |
to ki and cure
What a
comment to have to make on sour fore-
Acres of vegetables and wagon
loads of fruit. rotted in the fields And
in many instances, put.



Ail | seasoning

for thirty Six to forty eig ht hours be-

the medium

color and becomes sticky.


near the same age and weight as pos-
sible, then appoint one of the group
as Secretary to keep the chart on) rec-
ord table; then as the meat is divided

in columns past the |@?4 Ranch,

mext, topand
next, half of fore-
and then the same the follow-

Slices tight, lengthwise,

jars, or
tin cans.
size of a
eave room
stcanys <2

more effective hy the addition of lime
By adding one pound of
hydrated lime to fifty gallons of water,
the removal of hairs from the hog is
perature is held at 140 degrees I. and
Held in the vats
period is desired. the temperature may
with a

the Swift and Com-

BCR Sly found to




The. ollowine: srecipes avere given in
barmers Bulletin issued by the Uv. S.

Department of Agriculture:

Frankfurt or Vienna Style. Sausage

Seventy pounds beet, 30 pounds pork

ate too lean), 20 pounds. Prater Ll .8/
to 2 pounds salt, 2 ounces nutmeg. 1-4
ounce black pepper, 1to 2 ounces red
pepper. Cut the beef into small pieces
and salt, and allow to cure for forty-
eight hours in a cool place. Cut the
pork into small pieces, and put the
beef and pork through the grinder to-
gether. Put into a container, and add
the water and spices. After it is Ali
mixed put through the grinder again
using the fine plate. Sturt into sheep
casings. After the sausage is stuffed
into the easings press the casings to-
gether about four inches apart. Twist
the first link two or thre tines. 7!
next. link should be twisted in the oy
posite direction, to keep the eaisinae
from .untwisting. After it ds otwisted -
into links, hang it in the smokehouse
for about two hours at a temperature
not to exceed 125 degrees. After it is.
smoked boil for five or ten minutes,
then plunge into cold water and hang,
in a cool place.

Bologna. Style SausageSixty pounds
cured beef; this is ground, salt and
added, and the bulk stored

fore using in the casings.
stuffed into casings and smoked~does
not keep; 40 pounds pork, 20 -pounus
Wale sd -1-2 to 2 ipounds: salt: 72 ounces
mace, 1 ounce corlander, 4 ounces black
pepper. Grind. the beef-and Jet it cure
twenty-four to thirty-six hours in a
cool place, then grind it very fine. Put
the pork through the grinder, using
plate only onee. Then
put the beef and pork together in a
container and add the spices and water
Mix thoroughly. untilit takes on a dull
Stuff in we-
arge beef casings or in -beef
rounds. It can also be stuffed in mus-
bags and parafined. Allow .it. to
hang about twenty minutes in a cool
place then smoke for about two hours
at a temperature not to exceed 140 de-
grees. After the Pologna is smoked it
should be boiled, the wesands an@
rounds about thirty minutes, and the
larger bolognas about one one-half
hours at 160 degrees. To tell when po-
logna is: cooked enough squeeze it in
the hands, and if done. it will squeak
when the pressure is released. Place
in cold water about thirty minutes and
then hang it in a cool place.Farm
Oats both 1926,

Fresh beef



A, few rules are followed in all sue-
cessful canning, and with meat it is
doubly important that they be obser-
ved, Absolute cCeaniness of all uten-
Sils and proper sterilization with quick

work insure succss.

No animal heat should ever he pres-
ent in meat to be canned. It shoukt
be killed and thoroughly cooled before
canning operations are begun.

Steak or RoastSlice and season as
for cooking, but do not maul. Pack
in jars and fill
to within 2 inches of the. top of Sliss |
1 1-2 (inches of the top of
Put a piece of Peet fat the
goose ese on top. Always
in can tor expansion et
inch in. sufficient. Adjust
tubbers sand caps..on glass jars and

seal. | Turn top. back half Way, then
| process. Set tin-eans in pan of hot
water, heat until contents are hot

through, and seal. Process: No. 2 cans

or glass pints 79 minutes, 250 degrees

or 15 pounds pressure; No. 8 cans or
quart glass 80 minutes, 250 deer ees
or 15 pounds pressure. ee.
Ja Blount, Hawkinsville Ga 0 good
dairy . cows, nothing junder 3 eals,
cheap :

H J McCorvey, Hawkinsville Ga 5

grade milk cows with 2nd or 3rd calf

fresh in . ;
N M M Surrey, 593 Riverside Drive
New York N Y Good grade Guernsey
cows, for use in, small dairy
Ww. P Clayton, Quill. Ga Nollow Jer-
milk cow, freshen soon, voung
C W Griffin, R 2 -Sereven Ga Good
milk cow, reasonable, close enough io -
ship by truck
DRAV - Gare ~ State
kets, Atlanta HC

Rurean of Max
high producing

fuernseys, deseribe and give: peers

ft .:- HOGS WANTED. 2...
eas M EB Murphy, Talmo Ga. Digs;
8 wks state breed and price
Sas! Sirmans, Howell Ga 1 Big bone
eae boar pig, reg reasonable :
Bellevue Farms,
Shoats 40. to 75 Ib Z :

JC & J C Collier, Barnesville Ga 50
to 75 Shoats, 50 to 100 lbs, state price
del Barnesyille

Mirs--SiJ. Belcher,
Pure bred P C pigs;
2 WETte Sc
rev Cook, 817 Healey Bldg Atlan-
th .o Reg Hampshire pigs

G Phillips, Butler Ga Duroe oe
sey oe must be erued: to. Reg.
=Mrs J A. Crawford, KR 2 Calhoun: Ga
Young brood sow, good stock, exc good
-, Orange cane seed, slightly mixed with
honey. drip
--Mrs Lon Tripp - Kennesaw Ga Shoats
or pigs for meat; prefer P.-C, Duroc}
or any ahove crossed; give wt, age
and price your shipping point

& J Hart, College Park Ga Mule 8
to 12 yrs old, sound and good worker
near Atlanta. . ;
SO Insram, Barney Ga 1. or 2
mules; exc for same :
Jas Sirmans, Howell Ga 2 Toggen-
purg or. Nubian kid goats, bill and
nanny, reg and reasonable |


Mrs R EF Terrell, R 3 Greenville Ga
Cream sugar Crowder peas, make eash
price per gal del 5

ey Bakers Box 244, Columbus Ga
Lady peas, any qUaRHty, send sample
and: price ~

Vk Bush & Cos; Albany Ga Velv et
beans and field peas.

Vernon Brabham, Moultrie Ga Field
ak velvet beans, soy beans

- Vernon. _B rabham,_. Moultrie Ga.
corn in car lots e

-M FR Bush & Co, Albany Ga Ful-
ghum oats, send sample and. price
J? Pannell; Monroe Ga Wheat, for
chicken feed = oe

FF I Baker, Box 244 Columbus Ga
Al kinds fresh vegetables, state quan-
tity, kind and price ae
_Mers Millie Cochran, R 1 Smyrna Ga
Potatoes, cabbage, pepper, green or
dry, green or ripe tomatoes, onions,
eucumbers, peas and beans, also pears
and quinces; exc for same _ apples,
Shockleys and Yates
Ad Solara Cia con. Gra: Small quan-
tity white nest onions ;
_L H Edenfield, Stillmore Ga 4 bu
apples, exec Ga sugar cane syrup, 4
gal for same


Mrs Millie Cochran, R 1 Smyrna Ga
Onion seeds and sets, turnips, lettuce,
rape, kale, mustard, radish,
rape, kale, mustard, cabbage and col-
Jard plants. also; other seeds; exc. green
or dry apples for same

A J Clary, Claxton Ga Niagara, Con-
cord and Moores early grape vines; pe-
eans and hedge bushes
= We iP Claxton, Quill: Ga Red clover
free from weed seeds, cheap for cash

Mrs. W A Busbee, FR 3 Hawkinsville
(Ga Horse. radish reets; 1 Ib: -

W. J Morean, -R 3. Stitmore
Oats, Fulghum preferred; 25 bu

S$ -G MeNeil, ~Ariington Ga Rye;
oats, Spanish peanuts; exe 2 horse rid-
_ing cultivator, all. attachments or Reg
pdersey sbull calf

6 to

R 3 Adairsville Ga
Willexe or. buy;



Pe [ Baker, Box +244. Cohimbus Ga
Friers and shens, state wt and prices
Mrs Barney White, Orlando Fla
15 hens for table use, give price
Jno T Miller, Columbus Ga Chickens
and eggs ; :
H J MeCorvey, .Hawkinsville Gai 1
hun S C White Leghorn pullets, ready
tolay, Mech: or Apr hateh
WP Stubbs, Claxton Ga.
Parced htock hens
price aw
Tt T McNeely, LTurnerville
bred White Leghorn pullets,
lay; also young laying hens; also Bar-
Cee Rocks, White Rocks and Reds;
in 26.6t6 AO 13



100 or
and pullets,

Ga Pure

by. chicks to raise on shares

Senoia Ga 50 head

to 500 hens on

ae Pen

jianta Ga Spanish peanuts


10 |

ready to}

Faaok See ees

oe head: pure bred Everlay derata. Caficee

now kiying, no culls; will pay cash,

| write promptly ee

S F Buchanan, R 3 Lithonia Ga Ba-

i EH Kehrer, 137 So MeDonough St

Decatur Ga 6 or 7 early hateh s:C RoE

Red cockerels, good laying stock; give
Strain, age and best price

WE. Whisnant, Mansfield Ga 100
shares, will furnish
ranged and do work

irs. de NE. Hall, R 5 Calhoun Ga 2
Or 3 early hatched Columbian W van
dotte pullets

Mrs: <Seott = davis,
Welt culled. yr old cockereh,,

Peach. Poultry o.,- Ft Valley. ce
Good Leghorn hens or pullets, laying
or ready to Jay; also 1 1-2 to 2lb friers
quote prices S < 3

Mrs @ub- Smith, R..2- Covineton Ga
7 or 8 Aneona hens, 1. cock, pure bred
no culls {

Mrs O D Woodruff, Greenalic Ga 10
or 15 pure bred Brown Leghorn hens
or pullets, ready to lay; price for cash

Re wk fora Lithia Springs Ga 12
White . Wyandottes, 1 cockerel
Mch hatch; also 12S Brown: Leg:
horns hens, same hatch, del

Miss Emma Anthony, Rydal. Ga
Dark- Cornish Indian Game rooster, 2
yrs old
abs OWE Gai Efin = a, 2 Screven Ga
Pure bred S C Buff Orphington cock-
erel Einelish strain, 8 to, 18 mos. old,
exec -or buy - : es

Mrs. Frank Irwin, Alamo Ga Bour-
bon Red turkeys hens, state age, wt

Mrs Esther Lewis, Rydal Ga R 2
Parks strain cockerel, Barred Rock

P I Bennett, Bowdon Ga 6 R'I red
pullets; /Mch hatch, 1 cock. give f-0 b
price : Si.

J W-Phillips; 2420 Central Ave
gusta Ga Fresh eggs, chickens,
keys, geese : :

Blue Ribbon Hatchery, Atlanta Ga
bred hatching eggs from floeks
within 75 mi of Atlanta; describe ful-
iy, giving size of flocks

Jas tT Thompson, Griffin Ga Indian
Runners j ; : E

Jno T Miller,
wanted 2
Mrs Josh Floyd, Colquitt Ga 2
Bronze hens, price f o b shipping point
Mrs J Stone, R 3 Adairsville Ga
Tom and.2 hens, will exc. tufted. bed:
spread for same or pay cash

W oodliff Plant. Farm, Flowery


Hogansville Ga


Columbus Ga Turkeys


Branch Ga Will pay cash for peatowls

state age and size


Southland Pecan Co., olumbus Ga
Highest prices for budded and seedling
pecans, any quantity, send sample,
state quantity 2

J.-H Clark, 908

Highland Ave At-

Cottongims Seed Store, Atlanta
All kinds pecans, send samples,

Woodliff Plant
Branch Ga Will pay
pecans, send sample

JW. Phillips, 2420. Central AvesAu-
gusta Ga Pecans, send samples, price
and quantity

W -Thomason,. Box Gs. Chatianoo-
ga Tenn., Peeans, large and small,
state quantity, kind and send sam-
ple . ee ee

Deans, Daytona -Beach, Fla.,
cans, send sanrple, price, quantity

> quote


20c-1b for Jarge


: poi es is
J Ww Warner, Prosperity S Candle

Simplex -brooders,

* 1926


lle! corn, crocker |
Shaw. Covington Ga: 2 co
$0 to 1 hun engine

incubator, 12 hun to 35 hun egg sin-
Fele deck or 48 hun dbl deck; give de-
scription. and price =

JAW. Casey, Gillsville Ga 2-horse
plow sulky, suitable to attach to com-.
mon 2 horse turn plow, good condition
and cheap for cash

IC & J C Collier, Barnesville Ga: Saw
mill to cut 2 or 3 million ft lumber
cross ties ete; owner must log mill and
stock. lumber on yard, settlement ea 2
wks * : Re

Mrs He oR waters, oR
Ga Small dairy. churn

Mrs R Donaldson, R- 2
500 cap chiek coal burning
good condition = =--

AYS Clary. Claxton a Reversible 8
horse hiteh, 24 incl :
Hitths; cheap = :

Peach Poultry

B Statesboro
Summit Ga.

EO; Ft. Valley Ga
500 chick capacity
good operating condition, guaranteed
EE McLaughlin, R 2 Maeon Ga 1
horse Oliver or Lynchburg turn plow;
1 horse, combination corn pea, peanut
sorghum planter Cole or Jno Deering
good condition, cheap for cash; also
120 ege Buckeye ineubator, per feet
condition, cheap for cash
W D Watson, Loganville Ga Ford
tractor, exe Fordson for same
~ J EL Geverette, Roi Parrott..Ga: in-
ternational cutaway harrow, 16 in dise
8 dises, 2 horse; Avery or Internation-
al, stalk cutter, weeder; 2 horse iron
sbeam. middle buster, good condition,
ee Steinheimer, Brooks Ga 2 Bantt
and Avery auger feed guano oe
tors, exc es for same
National Pecan Groves Co.,
side Ga Dry fertilizer mixer,
grading and pecan cracking machines;
International tractor 10-20 or 16-30,
Ford truck f eae ~
i Callas; Gainesville Ga Williams
corn mill with 24 or 30 inch rocks, tin
good eondition, state price and terms
-T L Chaffin, Madison Ga Well pump
good condition, price

J. Clark, 908 Highland Ave | At-
lanta Ga Black walnuts and pop corn
J. A: Reese, 405: Wiatiron Bldg Atlan-
ta-Ga. Rough or dressed 1 x 4 pine
strips, give best price f o b car ae

: Pibat

jor del Atlanta

Nirs< Jo W MeNeeley, Waiesas Ge
Geese and duck feathers, recent pick-
ings state price and quantity :

A J Clary, Claxton Ga Feed ene
with handles, also bushel corn in shuck
basket A

I. @ Winge, R B Lyons Ga Shetland
pony buggy and harness, cheap for
cash or exe 246 egg incubator for same.

Sou Timber & Lumber Mills, Atlanta
Gar Tracts: of; standing pine and hard-
wood timber ech

BoC Pope, R. 3 Ocilla Ga 500 new
hun Ib feed bags, $6 hun or exe for 30
bu Fulghum seed oats

Lee T Smith, Avalon Ga Several AVE
ft good flooring, ceiling and weather
boarding : 5

OG. Dash Pole -Co.,.. Valdosta = Ga
Hardwood logs and dogwood; 250 M ft
prime ash logs 12 inch up in dia, 12 ft
up in leneth. 80 cars dogwood 5 inch |
up in dia With 10 per eent 4, 1-2 inch
4 {t 4 inch long and up; 300 cords per-
simmon 8 inch up in -dia; 8 ft up- in.
lengths; 50 cars hickory logs, 12 inch
up: dia,- 12. ft and,-up Jensths; 30: cars
poplar 1 12 inch up dia, 127 inch
up-in lengths; also all white oak 22 in
and up in dia,-12 ft up lengths; for
full information write ae

J P Bailey, Turin Ga 2 army wagons


for Ford truck

Miliie> ~Gochran,; =R-t> Smyrna Ga
Black strap and sorghum, cheap, exe
for same
S GupicNeill,
syrup, cans or
riding cultivater
ealf for Same

2 horse
Jersey bull

bbls; will exe
and Kes


iB OS Hart, Collese Park
tractor, good condition
Oe Townsend, Kite Ga Bean thresh

Ga Garden

good condition

Pe Peal, lem h sCiey Fla Small or
medium saw mill, complete er in part;
state price, condition, make and where
ne be seen f

YA DD Weaver;

motor, will | trade :

Arlington Ga Ga cane.

Thomaston Ga Trade ie
Or Se 1 He GE Slip ring alternatin


J V Landers, R B Americus Ga Posi-
tion looking after poultry, truck. farm,
dairy. and hogs; work. for salary, be-
gin at. once, prefer Atlanta vicinity:

H.-H Gerrald, PO Box: 73) Manatee
Fla. To work 3 horse farm on. shares.
in South Ga, tobacco land preferred

VE Bentley, R 4: Monroe Ga Posi-
tion overseeing farm, slife time experi-
ence, state -particulars, will consider
other positions as looking after small
poultry and dairy farm near Atlanta
on shares or other terms :

QO R Johnson,.R + Shellman Ga Man
26 years old, experienced in) pecan
nursery and orchard work desires po-
sition in nursery or orchard, begin
any time:
RR A Freeman, 205 Stovall St Atlanta
Ga PF eSOR: on dairy or poultry farm.

i : BEANE | Loz Jearn Ee

disk Splowe sey



pecan |

-|school in So Ga town,

or log drays, also lumber or log trailer |


hp |ea-

By ade oMay, R 1 Cadwell G
as truck: driv een :
S Ll Collins, Sere Ga Je
overseer in Centfal So, . a, life
perience on farm, can handl
would, cansider crop, referen
-E G@* Wood, Rockmart: Ga
as farm overseer for 1927, lif
perience can handle most
farm machinery; good ref
Rts; Box ou:
married lady princi
sores graduate,

doe in: Sood Hiens a uae
english, splendid refe ner
Box 2, Eatonton :

as deent on farin. about "25
in good neighborhood with |
30 yrs experience

Ernest Little; R 6 Forsyth
as overseer of large farm, Fo ae
driver, life experience

P O Box 73, White Plains
perienced 2nd and 3rd grade
desires position in North: Or.
after Ximas :

Mrs Annie Mae Moore.
desires poser as teacher

near aie State certificate,
yrs experience Ct

Mrs Ri) -222; vereer
Park Ga Professional ma
desire to. learns pra ce
poultry business, he and wi
actual experience on chick

-T A Hewell, Elberton @
poultry farm c2 Ves exper ence
mission basis or salary, ref

Jno W. Cross, PeS Eee Ga
employment. for self and 2
and 18 yrs old; prefer Sob Ge
farming; would rent farm on

Teacher care Market. Bull
lanta Ga: dady principal, - ey:
tence college trained, desire
Temple Ga_
Atlanta, hi

on truck farm tear
rent :

R E EF Jerkins, Lithia Sprin

|Men td cut several hun cords

H G Phillips, Pitioe Ga. E

miller to take charge grist mil
ated by water power; er niOy: on

S$ .C Lovelace, R 2 Wiest: Poi
men to rent on shares, state
to furnish supplies and. ete.

LH KEenfield, Stiltmore Ga
4 horse farmers with stock,
farm on shares, Candler 7
baeco cotton corn e

Box 20, Rt 3 Stillmore Ga
cher, considerable experience; g
ciplinarian, 4 teacher school,

batter Dec325. $

RS Canady, Surrency
hand at once to work on farm
pentine $1 ay. and board,
| worker Sy

J J Blount, Hawkinsville
with sufficient help to wor
farm in corn and raise hogs o
good worker, references

Ira... Pope, Ris Almac
work land on 50-50 basis

ANS EER tucker, Milner Ga
wife to live in house with Seoupl
run 1 or-.2 horse: farm 01
erences exec :

1G Bs Sattons
farmers for 1927,
rent plan

Mrs C A Morgan, Vienna Ga Ss
good tenants to work farms on 1
for 1927, must be able run then:
fine land, good houses, well

JAG Brooks. ARS 6) ME (
Party to feed cows, mules -cat
and drive truck; Se ae salary a
furnish trucl

Cc W Waughtel, Homeland
bodied, man to run plant far
and poultry business on sha
commission basis, house with el
lights and water, irrigation, (
ture for right man, no lquor
wanted 2 es cee

W.- EE Ivey, Ret Milledgeville
with small family to work of
$32.50 per mo to start
house, wood and garden,
sider single man or stead
15 yrs; must know, how 4

Lyons Ga Ch
on shares. 0

regular job

W J. Morgan, Ro3. Stillm
