Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1927 August 18


MAX L. McRAE, Acting Director

EUGENE TALMADGE, Commissioner of Agriculture

-* State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. Each Thursday

Entered as second class matter February 15, 1922, at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Georgia, under the Act of June 6, 1900.
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1108, Act of October 3, 1917.

IMPORTANT: Each individual ad for the Bulletin should be in on separate pieces of paper. No ad will be repeated unless extra copies are haat:
: Bureau sonnet and does not, assume any responsibility for transactions carried out through the Bulletin. Our services are entirely FREE.


Under Act of the legis##ure the

No. 41

Bulletin Makes Important Change of Policy


Due to a limited appropriation and a heavy inerease over |

the. normal amount of advertising, the Market Bulletin is
forced to adopt new regulations as to the kind. of ads that
~ ean be acepted for publication.

When the Bulletin goes over the regular eiokt page size,
the price mounts up heavily. If the paper is continued for
any length of time at an abnormal size, such as the past two

issues have been, the present amount of the appropriation -

for the Bulletin would be exhausted and the Bulletin would
~ have to be discontinued for some months, as was the case last
year. The only other way out of the predicament is to run
the advertisements in extra: al type. This would mean a
Serious inconvenience to our readers with possible dangerous
effects on their eyes. - .
Therefore until the present rush of advertising is passed,
we must limit the Bulletin service solely to the use of farmers

-and things of Like nature.


limited to farm products or farm machinery, and cannot in-
clude ity property, typewriters, victrolas, clothing, furni-
ture, books, antiques, old coins, automobiles, radios, dogs, guns
Articles for sale must be owned by
Articles must be. listed separately when under more
than one classification, name and address on each ad. |

(2) In order to save space the Department reserves the


right to rewrite all advertisements in as few words as possi-


(3) Articles must be listed in the office at least ten days
prior to date of issue.
(4) No item will be published more than one week, ex-

cept by special request. Then new copy of advertisements
must be furnished.

(5) All advertisements in the weekly Market Bulletin
are without charge.

and to the advertising of farm products. All business houses (6)
and articles not related primarily and directly to the farm (7)
industry henceforth must be left out of the Bulletin. stated.

Following is a complete statement of the new policy: < (8) Send all communications relative to this Bulletin
(1) Advertisements of articles for sale or wanted are direct to the Bureau of Markets, Atlanta, Georgia.

No subscription is charged.
All articles f. 0. b. shipping point unless otherwise


Address all mail to STATE BUREAU OF MARKETS, State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia.

: Prices below are those which wholesalers were paying F. 0. B. these consuming centers, the day this Bulletin
went to press Aug. 13, 1927. REMEMBER, THESE ARE NOT RETAIL PRICES.


$2.00 100 Ibs.
3.75 bbl.


$2.00 100 Ibs.
2.50 100 Ibs.
2.50 100 Ibs.
2.50 100 lbs.

.30 doz

23 1b.
tobe 1-2. Tb,

:25 Ib.

.15 Ib.

12 1-2 Ib.

$2.00 100 lbs.

2.00 100 lbs.
3.00 100 lbs.
2.75 100 Ibs.

.00 doz.

18 lb.

eho lb.

+22 1b:

<0: 1D.


.75 gal,
2.20 100 lbs.
1.00 bu.

.63 bu.

$2.00 100 lbs.
2.50 100 lbs.
4.00 100 lbs.
3.50 100 lbs.

.30 doz.

pai iiy

.28 lb.

.45 lb.

.388 lb.

.05 Ib.

.06 1-2 Ib.

Ub; gal.
2.50 100 lbs.
20 pu.

.64- bu; =


Sweet Fotatoes,
Sweet Pot: toes,
Irisn Potatoes,
Cabbage, Green 2.25 bbl.
Eggs .80 doz.
Hens .15 to 18 lb.

2 1b:

.20 lb.

-5 1b.

.10 Ib.

.25. Ib.

.40 lb.

225 lb.

.10 gal,
2.16 96 lbs.

.63 bu.
22.00 ton
22.00 ton

9.00 ton


Country Butter (Best Table)

Country Butter (Cooking)

Dried .Anples .. =. 2ogee5-- soe eo bee ae Sees
Field Peas
Black Eyed. Peas

Brown Eyed Peas

Lima Beans :

Ga. Cane Syrup 2 22053---h 2 noon eee
Sorghum Syrup -

Corn Meal

Corn, No. 2 Whive (sacked)

Oats. No. 8 White (sacked)

Peanut Hay (tightly baled)

Peavine Hay

Gorn Shucks

More than 200,000 Georgia farmers and buyers will each week read your ad. on Georgia farm
products that you can place in this Bulletin free of charge.



Georgia Should Lead in Agriculture
Le. a Buy Georgia Products First : z

Edited by Mrs. Norman Sharp, Assistant Director State
Bureau of Markets. ;

BULLETIN __Thursday, August 18, 1997"

sxe = ===
Loo Biro: H. Bryant, of Summit, Ga., wishes to call to the attention
of Georgia farmers the advisability of Georgia citizens using more
eotton goods. es oe

4 Mrs Bryant states that right now and in the near future many
farmers will be using Jute cotton sheets. Mr. Bryant estimates that
over one half million Jute cotton sheets will be in use, when cotton
could better be used for this purpose, and would cost less and last
longer. He further suggests that a campaign be waged by the farm-
er to inerease the use of cotton material, first by using cotton mater-

ials themselves and by each individual farmer feeling this his per- |

sonal obligation and duty. '

Mr. Bryant believes the Bulletin a splendid medium for promoting
united action among the farmers and urges that each producer in
the state should feel that he is one of a band, who, acting together,
ean, wield a great power in developing the agricultural possibilifies

of the state. ~

Fall Gardens

Almost every variety of vegetables will thrive when planted dur- |

ing August and the late garden will supply a profitable demand.
The last issue of the Bulletin carried the scientific planting program
for late gardens. oh

- Field peas may be suecessfully planted during August in some
parts of the state, and the turned under vines serve as a splendid

-, Now that tobacco is assuredly established as another profitable
major erop, the outlook for the Georgia farmer is encouraging and
the future prospect of Georgias Agricultural development in the

- state looms brighter each day.

No other fact in the agricultural situation is so familiar to all,
as that farm prices of farm products since 1920 have been sadly out

of line with prices of things farmers have to buy. .

Phere has been, however,.a general though not an uninterrupt-
ed progress in the relation of industrial to agricultural prices. But,
there is ample room for improvement. We still need.a better balance
between agriculture and industry in the distribution of our national
meome.. :

An important problem in the relation of agricultural to indus-
trial prices is that of recurring surpluses of farm products and the
resulting price depressions.

An abundant crop may sell for less in the aggregate than a
smaller one. Under such circumstances, the farmer, in effect, not.
only receives no additional returns from his surplus but is obliged
to pay for the privilege of giving it away.

_ The abundance of a crop may bring benefits to dealers and con-_
sumers, and disadvantages to growers. eee 2

This is true in highly commercialized agriculture where farmers
produce mainly for the market. Variations in total production from
year to year is due to changes in acreage or in yield per acre, or
both. ee

There are two lines of approach to the solution.

The first is in controlling surpluses that are due mainly to
weather conditions. eae

This may be done by holding a part of the abundant erop from
one season to the next, that is until the next year. Eee

~ It is also important to secure a more regular flow of the product
into trade channels. pie Se

The second approach is through a better adjustment of produe
tion to market conditions, that is adjustment in kind, quality, and
amount of production. ee

This calls for more complete and accurate information on sup-
ply and demand at home and abroad to be made readily available
to farmers in time to help them regulate production. hee

This also calls for reliable data on Production Problems in each
section to supplement the farmers experience in the combination of
enterprises on the farm. a

In handling surpluses due to weather conditions, much could
be done through commodity-stabilization corporations operated by.
the farmers themselves or by their marketing organizations, under
| the guidance of a Federal Farm Board. ee

| The essential funetion of such a corporation would be to take
off the market for a time a certain amount of a commodity to pre-
vent the price from falling to a ruinously low level. ES

If there had been adequate provision for taking distressed cot-
ton off of the market last year when the price was at its lowest, the
farm price would not have fallen so low in the months of heaviest

marketing, and the farmers would have been in better position to
get the benefit of any rise in price later in the year. - 3

Cotton can be stored more easily than any other of our faves
products, nevertheless I believe we would do a great deal through
suitable stabilization corporations to prevent glutting the market. .

Let us try this year to get the most benefit from our i.
erops. 7 si


ONS a ee 69

Following is the first government Gaetoine ~4o-----------8 oe 15
estimate on the cotton crop and pro-| ?Xansas --____ 68
-duction for 1927.. It is interesting peed Mexice 25.0 Ls a 83
to note how this report and the pre- ai Bec on ee ee ee ee 85
diction made last week by Commis. Al POMNIN 90
sioner Talmadge coincide. Mr. Tal-_ OUNGI 2 ee 67

madge wrote this ten days before the UG ee 69.5

+ vel of Peru; well rooted tubers 5c

25c doz; crepe myrtle, bridal wreath, | hardy sweet scented carnations 15;

purple lilac seed 10c tablespoonful grape begonias 15c: re re
to be del this fall, all well rooted. | aniums be each; weal ene

Mrs T C; Chipley, Ga., Rt 2, blue| each; Amazon plum plants 18 each;
flower evergreen trailing box vine,| red lantanas 15c ; purple, hardy ver-
well rooted plants 5c; perennial mar-| benas 20c doz; any 8 of the above

$1; a fern f j oo
each; white German iris rooted bulbs! red pansy gee ie holy

government report was issued.

Condition by States Per Cent) Indicated probable ginnings Uni-
Wit 8 75| ted States 162,678 bales.

North: Carolina =.==-.-....-... 718

South Carolina .......-... -. 66 WOMANS DEPARTMENT.
Georgia ..-.------- --<.------ 65] Flowers, Seeds and Plants For Sa'e
Pigmae 30 ee 71! John Wilson, Ellijay, Ga., Rt 3,
Missouri. ...__- eg 61| white and variegated violet plants 15c
hennessee o_o 69| per 100. Bee ts es
Alabama Sa Se ee ee 70 Mrs J S Greene, Adairsville, Ga.,|
Mississippi .2....-...._-. 2. -~ 68) Rt 3, blue flag lilies 20c doz; holly-
Louisiana _._.___.______..--_. 64] hock plants, all colors, dbl and single

Indicated probable production Uni-
ted States 13,492,000 bales.


5e each, postage paid on all orders
of 25c or more; dbl Star of Bethle-
hem and Chinese sacred lily blubs
10 each, postpaid on three or more
bulbs; blue hyacinths, jonquils, daf-
fodils, butter and eggs, blue Japanese
iris bulbs 2s per bulb; postage paid
on doz or more; marvel of Peru seed,
scarlet, crimson or variegated 1927
seed 10c for 30 seed postpaid.

Miss M M Hughey, Rt 1, Ranger,
Ga., American Beauty, sacred sulta-
nas 15c; pink flowering begonia 15c;

Seed 10c tbls; flesh eolor sweet wil-
liams seed 18c tbls or-5 tbls for 80c..

Miscellaneous ss

Miss Floy Mobley, Glennville, Ga.
home made roses, different colors
60c half doz;.$1 doz prepaid cash
with order. : ee
Mrs M-F Lucas Rt 4 Box 9 Tif-
ton, Ga., will send fifty recipes for
sandwiches, suitable for schoo! lunch-
es for 35c, no stamps, | ae

rsday, August 18, 1927. _

Woodlawn Nursery, Rt 3, Green-
le Ga., 1 good milk cow.

_B Holderby, Valdosta Ga., 1 yr
uernsey bull.

Mrs J H Pruett 131 Milstead Ave.,
onyers Ga., pure bred Jersey cow
gals milk per day calf 8 weeks old

S Parham Greenville Ga, 2 milk
with 3rd calves $60; choice $35
Expt Station, Experiment, Ga
are red Jersey bull calf 7 days
o b.
J Cummings, Donaldsonville, Ga
eg heifer cattle both sexes,
-A P Hambrick, Rt 2, Oglethorpe
, 1 good Jersey milk cow also with
os old heifer calf.
irs Z B Saxon, (no address) 1 ex-
fine Jersey heifer 1 year old $35

sey bull 16 mos old ready for

W H Waddelle, Pearson, Ga., some
ed blood milk cows now fresh.

oks Dairy, Warthen, Ga., reg
ersey bulls exc for rye, oats or Mc-
ormick Deering shreader.

s H H Wilson, Mt. Airy, Ga.,
ersey milk cows 2 to 6 years old
now fresh others have calves 6 wks
nd 2 mos old. Pas

Expt Station, Experiment Ga.,
-reg P C sows 18 to 30 mos old 200
400-lbs each 12c lb fob.
Y B Whitaker Greshamville, Ga.,
ampshire gilts 3 mos old $10 ea;
red Jersey and Duroc Jersey pigs
eeks old $5 each, or $35 for lot.
J Blanchard, Appling, Ga., Du-
ersey boar pig furrowed April
; entitled to reg Orion Cherry King
in, $10 each, $18 pair fob.
M Hall, Woodville, Ga., 3 P C
d Duroc Jersey mixed pigs 10 wks
i, wt 27 lbs $5 each.
S Parham, Greenville, Ga., pigs
o 8 weeks old $3 to $4.
J D Wilbanks, Ramhurst, Ga., exc
bred gilt reg for reg Polled
ll calf not less than 6 mos or over
mos old.
iley C Couch, Turin, Ga., 1 pure
big bone P C gilt 3 mos old
Cecil Otwell, Bremen, Ga., 1 reg
uroc boar with papers 20 mos old
out 300 Ibs $45 fob, or exc for
reg Duroc boar or reg Jerse
; reg Duroc pigs with papers
ob; without papers $8 fob. |
L Dowdy, Rt 1, White Plains,
, 5 barrow pigs crossed P C an
uroc Jersey color black 16 weeks
6 each at barn none shipped;
. 8 of same stock 8 weeks old 1
and 2 females $5 each, $6.50
shipped fob Greensboro.
L Kennedy, Grovetown, Ga., 1
Hampshire sow 18 mos old wt
at 300 Ibs $25; 4 Hampshire pigs
el Aug 20 $5 each.
C Waldrip, Rt 1, Forsyth Ga.,
uroe Jersey pigs Orion Cherry
breeding ae 20 del $10 each
nh papers in buyers name. _.
"WH Hester, Lisbon, Ga., 50 7
8 weeks old pigs P C and Essex
tossed fat and thrifty $3.50 to $4.50
ecording to size and quality, also
0 pure bred Essex pigs 8 weeks ol
5 each. .
Joe M Brown, McRae, Ga., S P
Its, boars, and pigs:$8 to $20 fob
Rae sub to reg.
-Orbie Jeffords, Waresboro, Ga.,
prize reg yearling Hampshire boar
outstanding show quality good blood
ite for particulars.

Mrs C O Sikes, Sylvester, Ga.,
ood 1200 Ibs mules work anywhere
T Bacon, Maysville, Ga., good
mily horse gentle, no blemishes, col
clay bank, strong and active wt
50 lbs $75 write for details.
W D Wilbanks, Ramhurst, Ga., 1
e pony 6 years old wt 900 lb
0 or exchange for reg Guernsey
fer bred to reg bull.

9 years old wt 1000 Ibs,

-B Whitaker, Greshamville, Ga., |

Pownson, Talona, Ga., gray)

or exchange for cows or Ford car.

M M Echols, Box 544, Cornelia Ga
1 sleek black mule good worker, exc
for milk cow or dry cattle.

D J Marshall, Washington Ga., 1
4 year old black mare mule wt 900
lbs without blemish. ae e

O S Williams, Daily Star Route,
Scotland Ga., 1 pair large mules in
good condition work anywhere.

A W Hambrick, Rt 2, Oglethorpe
Ga., 2 good brood mares sell cheap
1 bay 1 mare. se

W H Bishop, Dawson, Ga., Shet-

| land pony and new cart $100, wt 500

lbs, black mane and tail.
Felton Williamson, Oak Park, Ga.
1 good mare mule 11 years old wt

1000 Ibs $75 or exchange for hogs)

or COWS.


Corn and Corn Products |

Geo L Green, Jasper Ga., white
milling corn $1 bu fob Tate bags to.
be returned.

HM Franklin & Co., Tennille Ga
corn in shucks in car lots only.

Dan Shipp, Finleyson, Ga., slip
shuck ear corn 1926 crop car load
95c bu fob Hawkinsville, Ga.

M F Lewis, Rydal, Ga.,
ground corn meal $1 bu fob.
Thos J Pirkle, Cumming: Ga., 80
to 90 Tennessee red cob milling corn
in 2 1-2 and 2 bu sacks $1.10 bu fob
Buford. | ee

Etheredge Roller Mills, Milner, Ga
old style water ground corn meal $2
ne 96 lb sax, 48 Ib sax $1.02, 24 lb


D H Pharr, Buford, Ga., water
ground corn meal from good sound
corn $1.10 bu. ae


Wheat, Rye, Oats and Flour

B F Fagan, Martin, Ga., red Rus-
sian seed oats 75c bu recleaned at
85 bu.

J J Perry, Rt 1, Dublin, Ga., Abruz-:
zi rye $2 bu.

B T Marshall, Cotton Whs. Ft.
Valley, Ga., winter seed rye $1.75 bu
in bu sax. =

Pebble Farm, Pine View, Ga., 100
bus purple stem wheat sound well
cleaned free from weevils for plant-
ing purposes in 5 or 10 bus lots $1.75
bu fob, less than 5 bus $2 bu; 400
bus Hastings 100 bus oats bright
cleaned 90c in 25 to 50 bu lots; less
than 25 bus $1 bu. cs

C L Langford, 15 Felton St., La-

d| vonia, Ga., Abruzzi rye and hairy

zee mixed $2.50 bu, cash with or-
M F Lewis, Rydal, Ga., recleaned
Abruzzi rye $1.90 bu fob, whole
wheat Graham flour $4 per 100 lbs
fob; straight flour same price. ~
J. A. Parker, Rt 2, Carnesville Ga
50 bus Abruzzi rye and vetch mixed
$2-bue :
Riley: C Couch, Turin, Ga., choice
Bancroft seed oats 1926 crop 90c bu.
Etheridge Roller Mills, Milner Ga
fresh white flour from select wheat
12 lb sax 55c; 24 Ibs $1.05; 48 Ibs
$2.05, bbl 4 48 lb sax $8, 8 24 Ib
sax $8.25 fob. -
Cotton gim Seed Store, Atlanta Ga

d|1 bag 2 1-2 bu_tall growing seed

rye $4.50 fob Atlanta. .

J H Palmer, Tennille, Ga., 200 bus
Fulghum oats $1 bu; 75 bus pedi-
greed Abruzzi rye $2 bu; 50 bus gen-
uine seed blue stem wheat $2 bu.

R S Heard, Adairsville, Ga., Abruz-

zi seed rye $1.40 bu also wheat $1.50)
bu in 2 and 2 1-2 bu bags; old rye |.

for chicken feed $1 bu.

Mrs B W Cheek, Lavonia Ga.,

2| Abruzzi seed rye $2.25 per bu or 5

bus $10 fob.

- Dan Shipp, Finleyson, Ga., Texas
raised red rust proof seed oats 85c
bu; freight paid on 10 bus or more.

J L Beall, Louisville, Ga., genuine
Abruzzi rye $2 bu fob Louisville;
May seed wheat; purple straw $1.75
bu fob Louisville.

J F Lewis, Box 3, Adairsville, Ga.
weclegned Abwyzzi rye for seed $2 bu

M A King, Amoldville, Ga., 300


works good anywhere, cheap for cash


bus. Fulghum seed oats.

H W Thurmond, Greshamville, Ga

pure Appler seed oats bright and
sound $1 bu. del. :
J B Manley, Rt A, Griffin, Ga.,
Texas rust proof oats and Fulghum
oats 70c bu.

J M Evans, Rt 3, Fairmount, Ga.,
40 bu Abruzzi rye $1.75 bu in new

~sacks fob Fairmount.

Clover, Hay and Other Grain

S P Kemp, Rt 2, Athens, Ga.,
Beardless barley $1.75. bu. =

Miss Marie McMichael, Jackson,
Ga., 10 bus burr clover seed.

F C Drexel, Buena Vista, Ga.,
vetch seed 17%c lb fob Buena Vista.

W D Watson, Loganville, Ga., O-
tootan hay threshed $12; wheat and
oat straw.

A J Hamilton, Pearson, Ga., 25 or
30 tons good bright peavine hay full
of peas $20 fob Pearson.

Mrs J C Tabor, Danielsville, Ga.,

burr clover seed 75c measured bu.

guaranteed free from obnoxious seed

W K McGee, Bowersville, Ga.,
choice bright crimson clover seed in
chaff 10c lb fob shipping point.

Mrs B W Cheek, Lavonia, Ga..,
barley seed $1.75 bu fob.

SL Thornton & Son, Rt 2, Dewy-
rose, Ga., choice crimson clover seed
in. chaff and early Sou burr clover
seed thrice screened.

_ Riley C Couch, Turin, Ga., 2 tons
peavine hay rich with peas $24 ton,
6 tons oat straw nicely baled.

Mrs J C Tabor, Danielsville, Ga.,
burr clover seed free other seeds and
trash well inoculated 75c measured
bu in 10 bus lots fob.

O A Moore, Texas, Ga., burr clo-
ver seed 75c bu 18 lbs per bu fob

Kinard Pecan Nursery, Jackson,
Ga., recleaned burr clover seed free
from objectionable seed 8c Ib.


Woodliff Plant Farm, Flowery
Branch, Ga., turnip seed 25 Ib;
Charleston Wakefield and Flat Dutch
cabbage seed, Newstone and Greater
Baltimore tomato seed $1 lb; Ga.
collard seed 50c Ib.

W W Williams, Quitman, Ga., cab-
bage and tomato seed $1! onion seed
$2; collard seed 50c; turnip seed 50c;
mustard 25ce. a

Cairo Seed Co., Cairo, Ga., 20 Ibs
Mammoth Sou curled mustard seed
20 Ibs Seven top turnip seed, 20 Ibs
Sou Prize turnip seed, 20 Ibs White
velvet okra seed $4 each fob Cairo;
amber cane, orange cane, red top
seed cane, Texas seeded ribbon cane,
Syrup sorghum seed and German mil-
let $2.50 bus each; cattail millet 9c
Ib; all fob Cairo.

The Jefferson Farms, Albany, Ga
cabbage and onion seed write for

G C Cornell, Whigham, Ga., collard
seed 1927 crop 20c lb fob Whigham
no orders less than 5 lbs.

W C Horne, Rt 2, Axson, Ga., few
lbs good yellow prior tobacco 1927
crop 50c per oz del. si.

J R Bowen, Rockingham, Ga., Has- |

tings syrup cane pure 25c per lb or

5 Ibs $1 or exchange for cured hams

shoats or anything of value.

Mrs. Josie Jenkins, Dahlonega, Ga
seven top and purple top globe turnip
seed 25c lb or 6 Ibs $1 del; old fash-
ion red multiplying shellots 40c gal;
del; jonquils, narcissus, and rising
sun 80 100 del.

Mrs B W Cheek, Rt 1, Lavonia
Ga., Sou prize and purple top globe
turnip seed mixed 1 Ib 35c; 1-2 Ib
20c del. ;

Cotton gim Seed Store, 384 Mari-
etta St., Atlanta, white silver and
pearl skin onion sets $2.75 bu; white
Bermuda and crystal wax onion sets
$3 fob. 3g

W A Wilson, Rt 2, Bremen Ga.,
mixed turnip seeds 20 Ibs fob.

Mrs V S Ladd, Rt 7, Gainesville,
Ga., mixed turnip seed 20c per cup;
feather ball pink poppy seed 10c

Long and Getsen, Pendergrass, Ga

|globe turnip seed mixed


mixed turnip seed mostly white and
yellow globe 30 Ib del in Ga; also
mustard seed same price. 4
Sou Piant Co., Braselton, Ga:, cab-
bage, tomato, $1 lb; cabbage and tur-
nip seed 40c lb; beets 75c; rape 25
Ibs or more 12 1-2c lb; Bermuda on-
ions $3.75; cash with order. ae
Mrs Belle Godard, Goggansville
Ga., Rt 2, mixed turnip seed 25c Ib;
5 lbs $1; will exchange for. dried ap-
ples or peaches.
Mrs C.A Wilbanks, Rt 29, Com-
merce, Ga., seven top and purple top

35 Ib; 5
lbs or more 30c. ee ;

Mrs R H Godwin, Rt, A, Boston,
Ga., 105 lbs pure Ga cabbage collard
seed 1927 crop $32 for lot or 35c
lb, add postage...

Miss Louise Smith, Rt 2, Box 63
Arabi, Ga., pure lipsy water mellon
seed about 2 lbs $2 lb or exchange
for golden Seabright bantams. |

M M Echols, Box 544, Cornelia Ga
13 lbs large white and cow horn tur-
nip seed exchange for crimson clover
seed or something of equal value.

_Cotton gim Seed Store 384 Mariet-
ta St., Atlanta, Ga., 10 lbs Eearly
Jersey, Charleston Wakefield, Succes-
sion, Early and Late Flat Dutch,
drum hed and all season cabbage seed

-$7; 5 Ibs Sou Giant curled mustard

ei $10 fob Atlanta, cash with or-
Cr :
J T Ponder, Whigham, Ga., Ga col-

lard seed 1927 crop recleaned 1 to 5

Ibs 28c lb; 5 to 25 Ibs 20c Ib;
Ib lots 17e Ib fob.

W H Waddelle, Pearson, Ga., tape

in 100

seed 1 lb 20c, 2 Ibs 35c, 5 Ibs 60c;

10 lbs $1 fob. . a

Mrs T C Floyd, Chipley, Ga., Rt 2
1927 snap bean seed for fall crop
25c cupful; white bunch Henderson
lima beans seed 1927 crop 25c cupful
all postpaid. _.. en ee

. McEver Seed & Plant Co., all kinds
cabbage seed .$1 lb; turnip seed 35c
lb; beets, carrots, spinach collards
40c Ib; del; yellow Bermuda $2.25 Ib

or 30 02.

Hooks Dairy Farm, Warthen, Ga..
old fashion strap leaf turnip seed and |
mixed turnip seed 40c lb del. - :

W H Tinney, Sulphur Springs, Ga
few Ibs garlic buttons. cee oath
E H Whitworth, Lula, Ga., 2 or
3 bus big bell pepper $2 bu fob Lula.
J R Cramer Rt 7, Carrollton, Ga.,
white multiplying onions 30c gal or

be pt... ss eee
Mrs V S Ladd, Rt 7, Gainesville Ga_ .
dried sage stem free 10c oz, $1 Ib.
Mrs Melton Mullis, Rt 9, Cadwell
Ga., dry sage 5 or 6 lbs 40c Ib. |

Dewey Nelms, Rt 1, Bowman, Ga
green butter pod 7c lb del.
Mrs Edith Whatley, Rt 2, College |
Park, Ga., cayenne green pepper 12c .

lb in 6 lb baskets fob or 90c del;

green bell pepper 50c pk fob or 70c
del; cash with orders.

-MM Echols, Box 544, Cornelia Ga
75 lbs Bermuda onions sell or exc
for straw or-crimson clover seed.

Geo Farmer, Dalton, Ga., tomatoes
write for prices.

Mrs Alice Hodges, Greenville, Ga
nice white nest onions 50c gal; $3 bu
1927 crop. :

E L Corley, Mauk, Ga., scullion on-
ion buttons 10c qt, $2.75 bu; white
running butter beans 25c Ib; bunch
butter bean seed 25c 1; shade dried
sage 50c Ib; sage seed 1927 crop .

10c tablespoon; full sage plants 10 Be

each. : : ee.
Mrs B L Robinson, Rt 3, Greenville
Ga., large white nest onions dry and
sound 60c gal $4 per bu del.
Mrs R F Terrell, Rt 3, Greenville,
Ga., 8 bu dry white nest onions 428
del, a


Mrs C S Wingo, Rt 1, Flowery
Braneh, Ga., Charleston Wakefield
Flat Dutch, all seasons and Danish
ball head cabbage, Greater Baltimore
tomato, and collard plants 25c 100;
50c 300;.75e 500; $1.25 M postpaid;
express col $1 per M, $4.75 5 Ms $9
10 M; $18.75 25 M. =



Bruce Wholesale Plant Co., Val-
dosta, Ga., frost proof, Succession,
Copenhagen market, flat dutch, drum
head, Charleston Wakefield cabbage,
Ga cabbage collard, matchless and
Greater Baltimore tomato plants 85c
500, $1.50 M, $1 per M for 5 M
or more.

Roy Branan, Lewiston, Ga., tomato
plants for fall crop 200 50c, 500 80c,
$1.25 M del.

Woodliff Plant Farm, Flowery
Branch, Ga., Charleston Wakefield
and Flat Dutch cabbage plants $1.25

per M or 90c per M for 5 M or more, '!

Newstone and Greater Baltimore to-

mato plants same price.
Miss Vinnie R_ Waldrip,

Flowery Branch, Ga., Ga


plants 25c 100, 75c 500, $1.25 M.,

cash with order.

Interstate Plant. Co., Thomasville
Ga., fresh grown cabbage and collard
plants $1 500, $1.75 M.

Enterprise Plant Co., Cordele, Ga.
Newstone tomato. plants 40c 200,
500 85c, $1.50 M.

W W Williams, Quitman, Ga.,. cab-
bage and tomato plants $1 M; onions
$1.25; bell pepper $2; collards $1.

Mrs Z M Storey, Thomson, Ga.,
mint and tomato plants 40c 100; Ga
collards 25c 100. ;
~ Sexton Plant Co., Royston, Ga...
cabbage collard .and tomato. plants
500 75c. $1 M, $5 for 5 M cod.

J M Nix, Rt 1, Flowery Branch Ga
Charleston Wakefield, all seasons,
and Danish ball headed cabbage,
Greater Baltimore tomato plants 300
50c, 500 75c, $1.25 M, better prices
on large quantities. ;

Evergreen Plant Farm, Flowery
Branch, Ga., Stone and Baltimore
tomato-and Ga collard. plants 20c
100, 65c. 500, $1.M, 85c M in 5 M
lots fob.

Mrs W CG Crow, Rt 2, Gainesville
Ga., Newstone tomato plants $1.25
per M del; collards $1.

Evergreen Nursery, Gainesville Ga
cabbage, collard and tomato plants
$1.25 per M.

EM Rumble, Gen Del, Atlanta, Ga
choice pecan trees, fruit trees, grape
vines, pears and ornamental. trees,
shrubs, evergreens shade trees, seeds
and plants exchange for meat, sugar,
lard, flour, butter, meal, also furni-
ture, clothes of good value and price

C F Maddox, Rt 2, Buford, Ga.,
true heading variety collard,
stone and Greater Baltimore tomato
plants grown from guaranteed pure
seed del 45c 200, 75c 500, $1.20 M;
5 M or more 90c per M; old fashion
multiplying shellots trimmed and re-
cleaned for-setting 10c Ib, $2.50 bu
of 32 Ibs del.

Henry W Yarbrough, Roswell, Ga
strawberry plants Lady Thompson
and Cooper varieties 60c 100. $6 M.

Sou.Plant Co., Braselton, Ga., new
stone tomato. flat dutch and Charles-
ton Wakefield cabbage and Ga collard
plants new crop moss packed, $1.25

per M del; $1 per M collect; cash with
order. -

W C Tumlin, Gainesville, Ga., cab-|

bage, tomato, and collard plants lead-
ing varieties 500 75c; $1.25 per. M.
delivered... gry poe

Green Mt. Farm, Gainesville, Ga.,
all kinds cabbage, collard and tomato
plants. $1.25 per M del. *

J M Toole, Rt 2. Macon, Ga., red-
field beauty tomato plants 100 25c;
300 50c;-$1.50 M del.

Geo L Durand, Rt 2, Gainesville
Ga., Ga collard. 15 100, $1 M; New-
stone and: Greater Baltimore toma-
toes plants 20c 100, or $1.25 M.

Levis E Gibson, Folkston, Ga., ear-|-

ly Jersey Wakefield cabbage and Ga

collard 40c 100, $1.40 M, 10 M orf

more $17.30 M del.

T L Bennett, Rt 1, Flowery Branch
Ga.., Charleston Wakefield flat dutch
- Danish ball head and all seasons cab-
bage and Greater Baltimore tomato
pe 25c 100. 500 75c, or $1.25 per

E V Padgett, Rt 2, Blythe, Ga.,

plants, tomate and short stem collard |

New- |.


erbearing variety 25c 100, cash with.


John Wilson, Rt 3, Ellijay, Ga.,
strawberry plants |:

Lady Thompson
30050c; beauty and stone tomato
plants 15 100; hot pepper plants
same price.

W W McEver, Jr., Hotchton, Ga.,

: Newstone tomato, cabbage and col-
lard plants open field grown 500 65c,
$1 M del; 75c M fob.

McEver Seed & Plant Co., Brasel-
ton, Ga., Newstone, Livingston globe
tomato, cabbage collard plants 500
.75e, $1.25 per M del, $1 fob; crystal

; wax, and yellow Bermuda onion
plants ready Sept 15 500 90c; $1.50
per M del, 6 M crate $6 fob.


Mrs Z M Storey, Thomson, Ga.,
preserves 50c per qt instead of 25c
as formerly advertised.

Henry F Weaver, Marion, Ga., nice
ne and yellow apples $1.50 bu box

el. ;

W C Tumlin, Gainesville, Ga., ex-
tra fine apples handpicked and gra-
ded $2.50 bu; good eating or cook-

_LA Ponder, Juliett, Ga., large cul-
tivated crabapples for jelly and pre-
serves $1.25 bu. :

nice apples $1.50 bu del; Rome beau-
ty and Ben Davis varieties.

Mrs J C Henderson, Rt 2, Unadil-
la, Ga., will have few crates scupper-
nongs for del Aug 16-17.

Mrs Julia M Brown, P O Box 61,
Garfield, Ga.. Keifer pears $1.25 bu
fob; also black scuppernong grapes
ready Sept 1st $1.50 bu.

Mrs J T Marry, Goggansville, Ga.,
blue plum scions 15 20c; good. press
peach trees 15 20c; exc for juniper
or spruces ;


JL Burk, Rt A, Tifton, Ga., wants
market for sweet potatoes, also would
exchange some for Irish potatoes.

Nassie Paulk, Jr, Ocilla, Ga., Rt
3,. Porto Rican sweet potatoes 8 lb
fob Oeilla.

W W Ridgon, Rt A, Tifton, Ga.,
red skin Porto Rican potatoes No 1
grade $1.50 fob.

H S Lawson, Rt 1, Morven, Ga.,
20 bus No 1 big stem Jersey sweet
potatoes $1.50 bu fob Morven or exc
for 35 pure bred R I Red hens not
over 1 1-2 years old.


Mrs W G Talbert, Colquitt, Ga.,
pigeons of mixed breeds cheap.

Thomas Bailie, Jr., Augusta, Ga.,
2 female pink eye rats fine for pets

R C McWilliams, Rt 6, Atlanta,
Ga., young grey fox male $10.

M N M, 301 Milledge Ave., Atlan-
ta, Ga., 3 male canaries $5 each; 3
female canaries $1 each; 1 2 year old
female $2; all birds choppers; also
good used breeding cages sell or ex-
change for chickens or guinea pigs.

E V Padgett, Rt 2, Blythe,. Ga.;
2 grown white rats will kill all rats

..G M Shearhouse, P O Box 115,
Guyton, Ga., few pair pure white
King pigeons $2 pair fob. '
A oo o 244, Colo, Ga.,
grey buck and doe rabbi

ae bbits grown, $1

A H Banks, Sylvester, Ga., Car-
neaux pigeons $1.50 pair. ae

Nelson Brown, Rt 1, College Park,
-Ga., pedigreed New Zealand buck
stud fee $1 papers furnished without
extra charge; exp paid by owner. |



Mrs Z M Storey, Thomson, Ga.,
green peas and butter beans.
C E Abbott, Warrenton, Ga.,

brown sugar Crowder peas 5 lbs 50c;
12 Ibs $1; old fashion speckled peas
8 lbs 50c, 20 Ibs $1; little white bunch
butter beans*3 Ibs 40c; 7 Ibs $1 all
postpaid to zone 2.
Mrs L E Haddock, Ft. Valley,
old speckled peas $1.75 bu

; Tillman
$1.75; mixed peas $1:65. ; :

mammoth strawberry plants also ev-

GW Mooney, Jr., Quill, Ga., good |


ing grade $1.50. bu; all sprayed stock. |



Branch, Ga., sugar Crowder peas 10c
lb for table use; mung beans 10c Jb;
O-too-tan and loreda beans 7c Ib.

P J Sewell, Lavonia, Ga., green
beans 20c gal fob.

H M Franklin & Co., Tennille, Ga
mixed peas for hay $1.90 bu. fob
shipping point; early speckled velvet
beans $1.25 bu fob shipping point.

Mrs W M Luckey, Mathews, Ga.,
butter beans shelled poled variety in
5 to 50 Ib bags del 20c Ib; in bus
hampers in the pod $2.25-.fob cars,
1-2 bu hamper $1.25 fob; cash with
orders; want to get in touch with
parties that can handle shipments
twice each week.

Mrs Lee Towns, Rt 2, Danielsville,
Ga., 1 gal Alaska Eng peas 15c pt or
exc for cornfield peas.

Mrs G F Carter, Alma, Ga., black
and yellow Crowder peas mixed 1927
crop, cleaned whipped out good and

sound $2 bu.

WH Waddelle, Pearson, Ga.,
Brabham mixed peas red and black


Stewart Pecan Co., Valdosta, Ga.,
budded pecan trees, Stuarts, Schley,
Success and Money Maker varieties.

O R Johnson, Rt 1, Shellman, Ga.
pecan wrapping tape for wrapping
buds 50c sq yd del; budded pecan
trees Schley, Stuart, Money Maker,
Frotcher varieties, 4 to 5 ft high 45c
5 to 6 ft 55c, 6 to 7 65c; 7 to 8 T5c;
sell or exchange for farm products.
Hooks Pecan Nursery, Warthen,
Ga., pecan trees budded inspected by
govt, Stuart, and Schley varieties
exchange for oats, rye, or a McCor-
mick or Deering shreader.


George L Green, Jasper. Ga., best
quality syrup in No. 10 cans 60c to
65c gal. fob Tate, Ga; 70c to 75c
each del in Ga. 5

J R Lord, Sandersville, Ga., 35 gal
bbl of pure bright ribbon cane syrup
at $1 gal or 75c gal by the bbl. ~~
RL Woodruff,:Winder Ga 100 gal
sorghum syrup, bright and thick 60c
gal in 10 lb buckets.

Mrs C R Morgan, Americus, Ga.,
fine flavored pure sugar cane syrup
gal cans; close price on large orders

Mrs A M Colston, Kingston, Gaz,
a 1, 5 gal ribbon cane syrup 75c
gal. oe

A M Hooper, Norcross, Ga., 35 gal |

good sorghum syrup 40c per gol fob

A W Pullen, McRae, Ga., 2,000
gal pure Ga cane syrup, medium
grade, packed in 1 1-2 Ib cans (pints)
12 cans to case at $1 per case fob
McRae, Ga., lots of 100 gal del with-
in 100 miles.


John A Crummey, Doctortown, Ga
pure extracted honey, put up in 5.
and 10 lb pails 12 5-lb pails to case
$7.50; 6 10-lb pails to case $6.80;
one 10 lb pail postpaid and insured
$1.50; 4 large barrels of about 50
gals each at $1.10 per gal; all orders
apts promptly, fob Doctortown,


- Mrs Meltore Mullis, Box 9, Cadwell
Ga 6 or 8 lbs of beeswax 30c lb fob.

Mrs F R_ Vinscent, Fruitland, Ga.,
oe pure honey in 5 lb cans $1.30
el. eo a fade os

Mrs RL. Betts, Ashburn, . Ga:,.
chunk honey, new crop, 15c-lb up to
200 Ibs. . ua ete

C P Bradley, Box A1,: Havelhnrat,

Ga.,. pure Galberry honey 15c per
lb; Amber honey 12 1-2c per aes

Georgia Bee Supply Co., Box 134
Savannah Ga., wax and honey bought
for cash or accepted in exchange for
root quality bee supplies, bee keep-
ers. and anyone interested in bees,
write for free cat and lit on better


S C White Leghorns
Dr S W Lide, Richland, Ga., 150

Thursday, August 18, 192%

also 50 -cockerels March and April
hatch $1 each fob.

Anyone wanting to buy pure bred
pullets write Mrs. J R Fore, Box
58, Jesup, Ga. 7

G M Shearhouse, Guyton, Ga.,.
Box 115, 25 April and May hatched
pullets $1..each fob.

Mrs Joe Harrison, Rockingham,
Ga., 20 pure bred March hatch pul-
lets $1.15. each. .

P D Campbell, Bainbridge, Ga.,
Tancred and Ferris strain hens now
laying $1 and $1.50 each.

Mrs O W Anderson, Adairsville,
Ga., Rt 1, 25 1925 fall 1926 hatch
hens Tancred strain $1 each fob. _

P D Campbell, Bainbridge, Ga.,
Tancred. and Ferris strain hens now
laying $1 and $1.50 each.

S T Parker, Dalton, Ga., 20 hens
and 30 pullets and cockerels April
to June hatches cheap for cash or
will exchange for Jersey cow giving
2 1-2 to 3 gals milk daily, write.

E F Harwell, Winder Ga., Rt 4,
35 pullets March hatch 90c each, 22
hens March 1926 hatch $1 each, 6
cockerels March hatch 1927 $1.50
each, lot for $55 all fob; no culls.

Mrs S S McMillan, Oakwood, Ga.,
200 Wycoff strain pullets 3 1-2 mos
old 65c each fob. ~

Box 29 Carrs Station, Ga., 15 hens
and 2 roosters Ferris strain $12 lot.

Mrs J S Greene, Rt 2, Adairsville,

50 each.

W A Pierce, Maysville, Ga., 19 pure
bred -Tancred strain pullets March
hatch $19 for lot fob Maysville. .

(Mrs V C Ray, Kensington, Ga., Rt .
2, Kerlin strain cockerels cheap fo1
cash or will exchange for brooder in
good condition.

O L McClellan, 403 Jefferson St.,
LaGrange, Ga., 4 mos old cockerels .
from Quisenberrys Farm $2 each.

Mrs. Laura M Page, 204 4th ave.,
Decatur, Ga., Kerlin strain 2 year
old cocks $8 each March hatch cock-.
erels $2.50 each or would exchange
for pullets 4 mos old at $1 each.

S.A Peel, Milan, Ga., 10 pullets 5.
mos old Tancred strain 80c each fob
also cockerels and -S L Wyandottes
25c Ib.

Williams & Watkins, Rt A, Millen
Ga., Tancred cockerels write for pri-

Watkins & Williams. Rt A, Millen
Ga., March and April hatch Tancred
strain pullets and 1 year old hens |
will exchange for yellow corn. or

Mrs J E Sikes, Chester, Ga., 50
Tancred strain pullets 10 weeks old
75e each, 332 egg strain.

B J Rauton, Rt 2, Vidalia, Ga., 75
hens 1 to 3 years old 20 pullets 5 mos
md 40 pullets 3 to 4 mos old $1 each .
fob. 2

$10 for lot.

and April hatch cockerels $1.25 each.
Mrs A C Harrison, Bladen,.Ga., 1
Feb. hatch Kerlin cockerel $2.50 also
5 cockerels same strain March hatch
$2 each.
Crest Hill Farm, Ocilla, Ga., 200
English strain hens in lots of 50 or
more 75c each, buyer to furnish
coops. These hens are 1926 hatch.
C C Williams, Round Oak, Ga.,
flock of pure bred Kerlin strain pul-

fob. Gee
' J D McLane, Hartwell, Ga.,. 12

pullets and 1 cockerel March hatch:
lot $15. :

strains from culled flocks $65, cash
with order coops to be furnished or
returned fob Washington, Ga., cock-
erels same age and strain $1 each,
2 breeding cocks same strain $2 each.

H F Seay, Rt 1,.Conley, Ga., 30
or 40 Tancred strain chickens 75c
each or exchange for heifers.

Ferris strain cockerels 12 weeks old

or more Tancred strain hens 1 to 2

_ Woodliff Plant Farm, Flowery

years old in good condition $1 each,


from heavy laying well culled stock
75c each fob. ne a

Ga., pure bred cockerels 3 mos old | . ee

Mrs C G Adair, Rt 2, Rutledge, Ga.
12 Tancred strain pullets April hatch

~-.Miss N Neel, Cornelia, Ga., March =

lets and 10 cockerels 4 and 5 mess |
old pullets beginning to lay $1.50 ea.v: -~

B E Huguley, Danburg, Ga., 100 .-
- April hatch pullets Ferris and Barron

D C Henton, Jr., Rt 2, pure bred

Thursday, August 18, 1927.

; S C White Leghorns
0 J Heely, R F D Riverdale, Ga.,

0 Ferris strain yearling hens 80c

ch, 100 April hatch Hollywood

ain pullets trapnested stock $1
each. ee
- Mrs L G Sanders, Dewey Rose, Ga
4 cockerels March hatch Ferris strain
65c each fob Elberton, Ga. :
BF Bruce, Martin, Ga., 25 pullets
10 weeks old $15 coops to be re-

F GC Peace, Norcross, Ga., pure
pred Hollywood cockerels from 242
to over 300 egg hens bred to cocks

om 312 to 331 egg, parents $2.50
to $10 each; also cockerels from

worlds record hen .351 eggs, write]

for prices.
S C Brown Leghorns

Mrs. J B_ Loudermilk, Box 64,
Gainesville, Ga., 5 mos old pullets $1

each, 8 mos old pullets 75c each, also|

8 mos old W L pullets Ferris strain
_ 75e each, 8 mos old White Rock pul-
lets $1 each, 3 mos old Barred Rock
pullets 85c each.

D W Byers, Marble Hill, Ga., 15
hens good layers $1 each.
- Lewis E Gibson, Folkston, Ga., Rt
1, four 2 mos old cockerels $1.25

mixed for table use 30c lb.

Mrs J B Collier, Cochran, Ga., 10
pure Tormahlen light brown year old
hens from prize stock forced to moult
for early fall laying $1.25 each fob.
- Mrs H.H Ramsey, Boston, Ga., 50
Tomlinson strain hens, pullets, cocks
and cockerels 75c each.

- Chlo Lewis, Rt 3, Adairsville, Ga.
pure bred Everlay strain cockerels 16

mos old $1.75 each fob, cockerels|

4 1-2 mos old same strain $1 each.

~~ CRI Reds
- Mrs Pearl McDonald, Rt 1, Staple-
ton, Ga., 12 hens and 1 cock Donald-
on strain 1926 hatch $20 for lot 8

or 10 April hatch pullets $1 each |

erate returned all pure bred and dark
- Mrs H J Reitz, 254 Oak St., Deca-
tur, Ga., stock and eggs from South-
eastern fair prize winners, write.
Mrs M B Scroggs, Alto, Ga., Tomp-
s and Owen Farm strains eggs $1
per 15 $2 per 30 or $3 per 50 del;
cockerls $1 each or exchange for
honey or corn.
John Wilson, Ellijay, Ga.,
bred cocks $1.50 each. |
_ Aggie Franklin, Rt 1, Duluth, Ga.
blood tested stock 18 mos old cocks
$3 each, cockerels $2 each.
Mrs C W Page, Box 52, Norcross,
Ga., Owen Farm strain cockerels 6
mos old $8 each, 4 mos old $2 each,
year old cocks $5 each, year old hens
$2 each, 4 mos old pullets $1.25 each
would exchange for corn, wheat or
oats, at market price del.
Mrs L Pettit, Pike, Ga., pure bred
cockerels at $1 each, frying size fob.
Mrs John Faircloth, Metter, Ga..,
Rt 1, four 4 mos old 75c each, eggs
$1 per 15.

_ Mrs Eugene Smith, Monticello, Ga
Rt 20, Donaldson strain cockerels exc
for Feb or Mch pullets same strain.

J E Hall, Cairo, Ga., Feb hatch

wen Farm strain cockerels $2.50

- Mrs J E Sikes, Chester, Ga., Feb
and Match hatch pullets and cocker-
S $1 to $2 each. ;

) C Buffington Gainesville, Ga.,
April hatch E H Rucker strain cock-
erels $1.50 and $2 each. ~

Mrs Cleon Cowart, Rt 2, Summit,
Ga., 20 pure bred Tompkins strain
pullets and 2 cockerels 3 mos old $18
for lot; ten pure bred selected Tomp-

Ins, strain cocks $1 each, no order
or less than two accepted.

Mrs Daisy A Cochran, Adairsville,

a., April hatch pullets and cockerels
pullets and 1 cockerel $5 fob will

hange 6 for 9 Silkie pullets 1-2

write. - :
$s B M Aaron, Adairsville, Ga.,
bred eggs del for Bi


red $1.25 each.


Mrs Julian J Blanchard, Appling,
Ga., March hatch cockerels $1.50 ea;
April hatch cockerels $1.25 each;
May hatch cockerels $1 from Cert-
O-Culd prize winning stock fob.

Mrs W F Edwards, Cedartown, Ge
4 pure Donaldson strain cockerels $1

Mrs C H Jenkins, Sycamore, Ga.,
2 pure bred cockerels 5 mos old dark
red $1.50 each.

Paul Harris, Rt 1, Oakman, Ga.,
pure bred March hatch cockerels dark

Mrs Geo L Grace, Towns, Ga.,
drums egg-bred Certified Blood tes-
ted March hatch cockerels $2 each.
Mrs C E Dell, Brooklet, Ga., 28
exhibition friers $25.

Miss Florence Horne, Grovetown,
Ga., 20 hens 1926 hatch $1.90 each,
pullets and cockerels. March hatch
$2 each. :

Mrs H Y Dangler, Rt 1, Adairsville
Ga., March pullets $1.25 ach cash.

Mrs Roy Herod, Adairsville, Ga...
March hatch pullets $1.25 each, cock- |

erels 75c each, 2-or 3 mos old.
S C Black Minorcas and White
. Minorcas
Miss Mack Keene, Waverly, Ga.,
15 pullets 4 mos old, Pape strain $1

/ each, 6 cockerels same strain $1 each

fob. :

Wilson Minorca Yard, Martin, Ga.
10 Pape strain pullets and 1 cockerel
3 mos old 75c each or $8 for lot, 10
hens and 1 cock 1 1-2 yrs old $1.50
each, $15 for lot cockerels from prize
winning stock 5 mos old $1.50. each.

Mrs F R Hibbets, Rt 5, Box 22A!

Waycross, Ga., 6 White Minorea hens
and 1 rooster all 13 mos old lot for

J A Elliott, Lavonia, Ga., Pape
strain cocks and cockerels large type
$1.50 each.

Mrs Addie Waddelle, Pearson, Ga
Pearson, Ga., pure bred Pape strain
hens and cocks $2.75 each 6 for $15
special price on 100 or more.

_ Barred Rocks

Mrs John A. Watson, Rt 3, Summit
Ga., pure bred pullets and cockerels.
April hatch: lots of 6 pullets and 1
cockerel $8.50, have 6 lots money
order or cashiers check with order.

Mrs Geo Pridgen, Wray, Ga., 10
pure Thompson strain 1926 hatch

hens and 1 rooster same age $20 for

lot, hens laying; also, 1927 hatch
Barred Rocks $1 each for pullets and
cockerels same age 80c, pure bred
reds cockerels. at $1 each.
R S Parham, Greenville, Ga.,
Thompson strain pullets $1 each.
Mrs.C O Sikes, . Sylvester, Ga.,

Mrs D J Marshall, Washington, Ga
3 Thompson Ringlet strain. March
hatch cockerels $3 fob.

Mrs Milton Sumner, Rt 3, Sylves-
ter, Ga., Thompson strain eggs. $1
per 15, $8 for 50. oe

Mrs S A Miller, Rt B, Box, 134,
Savannah, Ga., pure bred Thompson
Imperial Ringlet strain pullets -and
cockerels March and April hatch $2
each. :

Mrs A F McClure, Woodstock, Ga
10 Barred Rock pullets now laying
one rooster. 17 mos old, lot $14,

Mrs CS Bradshaw, Rt 1, Wrights-
ville, Ga., 10 pullets March and Apr
hatch Thompson strain and 1 rooster
same, age $8 for lot, cash with order.

Miss Beulah Shropshire; Summer-
ville, Ga., 25 hens 1 cock and 1 Feb
hatch cockerel lot $40; original
Thompson strain vigorous and heal-
thy have bred them up for 8 years,

College strain trio $5.


O L Wiggins, Cornelia, Ga.; 1 pure

| bred cock 1 1-2 years old $2 and 3

Thompson strain cockerels
hatch $1 each fob.

Mrs C A Wilbanks, Rt 29, Com-
merce, Ga.,. Thompson Imperial Ring
let strain eggs $1.15 per 15, March


hatch cockerels same strain $1.50 ea.

fob. -

W H Pelat, Rt 6, Statesboro, Ga.,|

Holtermans strain Aristoerat cocker-

els and pullets March hatch $1.25 ea.

E C Heaton, Rt 3, Hartwell, Ga.,

year old Thompson strain hens $1
each, pullets same price del.

Mrs L K Fryer, Talbotton, Ga.,
pure bred cockerels 2 8-4 to 3 lbs
each $1.25 each.

Mrs A J Collins, Rt, 1, Demorest,
Ga., pure bred pullets and cockerels
March and April hatch $1 each, also
milk fed fryers 2 to 2 1-2 lbs 35c lb,
or 75c each, cash with order.

Mrs J D MelIntyre, Rt 1, Ousley,
Ga., Parks strain reg. permit rating
and number P D 77 March, April and
May hatch cockerels $2.50, $2, $1.50
and $1 each; March, April and May
hatch pullets $2, $1.50 and $1 eaeh,
young hens $2 each, 2 year old cocks
$4 and $5 each; eggs $1.50 per 15;
will exchange any of above for clean
quilt cotton.

--A B Cummings, Springfield, Ga.,
12 April 1st hatch (strain forbidden)
Barred Rocks $1 each.

we Bantams
L E Williams & Sons, Ty Ty, Ga.,
bantams of different colors 50c each.
Thos G Bailie, Jr., Augusta, Ga.,
pure bred Golden Seabrights from
prize winning stock $7 per trio. |
Robert W. Clarke, 358 Spring St..,
Macon, Ga., Partridge Cochin and
Golden Seabright bantams $10 pair,
eggs $5 per 15.

Jersey Black Giants

Mrs G G Adair; Rt 2, Rutledge, Ga
March and April hatch cockerels
$1.50 and $2. each.

-W H Townson, Talona, Ga., 1 fine
cockerel Spring hatch $2.

Thos G Bailey, Jr., Augusta, Ga.,

1 trio pure bred Macey strain giants
4 1-2 mos old $5.
- Pebble Hill Poultry Farm, Pine-
view, Ga., Royal purple strain giants
from prize winning pens, pullets and
cockerels, _ write.

J D McLane, Hartwell, Ga., Mar-
ey strain cockerels $1.50 each or 2
for. S20." 2. os

Mrs I G Joiner, Rt 2, Soperton, Ga

1 Marcy Nieavy weight cock $7.50 or}.

exchange for 1 .coming direct from
Marcy; cockerels March hatch $2.50
each or 2 for $4.50; eggs $1.25 per
15 del; will exchange stock or eggs
for P C pigs or a pair, also will exc
Giants for Jap Silkie bantams.

Mrs C B Hicks, Reynolds, Ga., 6
mos old pullets $1 each, cockerels
same age $1.50.

S L Wyandottes

W T Adams, Lavonia, Ga., 8 young
pullets and cockerels pure bred $1

W C Thornton, Gainesville, Ga.,
Rt 4, pure bred cockerels Tarbox
strain $1.25 each.

Dewey Nelms, Rt 1, Bowman, Ga.
pure bred cock 2 years old*$1 April
hatch pullets 75c, March.pullets 85c
each, cockerels same age same price.

, ' . Brahmas os

Mrs J F Miller, Leo, Ga., pure bred

April hatch pullets and cockerels 90c

each or 6 for $5 fob.

O48 Wright, Peters Bldg, Atlanta,
Ga., trio light Brahmas $10 eggs $2
per 15.


Mrs I W Wallace, Rt 3, Marietta.

Ga., 6 Sheppard strain cockerels 75c
each, 3 1-2 mos old pullets same age
and strain blood tested 75c each fob.
-- Mrs M FE Pullen. Rt 2, Whitesburg
Ga., May hatch Berry strain cockerels
will sell or exchange for Jersey hei-
fer calf.

Mrs John Coursen, Rt 1, Pearson,

Ga., 10 Sheppard strain pullets Apr}

hatch $1 each. :

' J H Beasley, Lavonia, Ga., Shep-
pard pullets 14 weeks old 90c each,
4 mos old $1 each. :

Mrs Z B. Saxon, Sylvania, Ga., 50

Sheppard strain hens and 3 cocks also
75e each. for} -

cockerels and pullets
the lot. oo

Mrs W E Saeger, 2725 Houston
Ave., Macon, Ga., cockerels 3 1-2
mos old 60c each.


Mrs A C Spence, Blakely, Ga,, An-
cona eggs $1.50 per 15, $6 per hun.,
hens $1.50 pullets $1.25 each, cocks
and cockerels $38.50 each.


J D McLane, Hartwell, Ga., Ginns
Spangle pit games 8 hens and 1 cock,
hens $1.50 each cock $4.

W T Hughes, Rt C, Albany, Ga.,

blue traveler pit game stags $2 each

or will exchange a few for Ginns or
Allen round heads hens or pullets.

N S Crow, Rt 1, Royston, Ga.,
Ginns Reds, Grays and Spangles all
bred on separate farms, pure bred,

Mrs E J Hardeman, Nicholson, Ga
cocks $1.50 each, pullets $1.25 each.

J H Laster, Menlo, Ga., Box 63,"
2 pullets 10 weeks old, Allen round
head rooster to match $3.

O L McClellan 403 Jefferson St.,

LaGrange, Ga., April hatch Warhorse | :

cockerels $2 each, guaranteed to give

Columbian, Buff, White and Par-
tridge Rocks Cae
-J R Newsome, Sandersville, Ga.,
April hatch pullets high laying strain.
C E Abbott, Warrenton, Ga., cocks
hens, cockerels and pullets $1.50 to
$3 each, will exchange for Brown
Leghorn pullets 1 Rock for 2 Leg-
horns, in not less than lots of 6.
Pebble Hill Poultry Farm, Pine-
view, Ga., Kellogg strain Partridge
Rocks pullets and cockerels from
prize winning and heavy laying pens,
Mrs D R Temple, Graymont, Ga.,
Jan hatch White Rock cockerels Fish-
el strain $2 each, would exchange for
S P pig. ;
P D Campbell, Bainbridge, Ga.,
White Rock coekerels Fishel strain
April hatch $2.50 and $3 each.

Robert W Clarke, 358 Spring St.,
Macon, Ga., Bird Bros high scoring
stock, mature birds of show quality
prices on request.

Orpingtons :

Mrs H B McElmurray, Charing,
Ga., April hatch cockerels $1.50. each
or exchange for same breed not over
2 years old.

Mrs W E Webber sr Oglethorpe Ga
Rt 1, eggs for setting 15 for $1.10,.
cash with order.

Mrs C R Morgan, Americus, Ga.,
Morgan strain White Orpington cock-
erels April hatch $2.50 to $3 each.

Mrs J D Boyett, Cairo. Ga., 3 buff
hens $4, or exchange for R I Red

Z Baby Chicks

Williams & Watkins, Rt A, Millen
Gaz R I Red day old chicks -or will
exchange for yellow corn or meal.

Woodlawn Hatcheries, #903 Wil-
liams Mill Road, Atlanta, Ga., pure
bred Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds, White -
Rocks,.. $10 per.hun, $5.50 per 50;
Buff Orpingtons, White Wyandottes,
Black Minoreas and L Wyandottes
$12 per hun, $6.50 per 50 White
Minoreas, Light Brahmas $14 per
hun; $7.50 per 50; weekly hatches
100 per cent live delivery, postage

| paid.

Mrs D Reid, Bremen, Ga., Rt 1,
can furnish 4 lbs of good yellow but-
ter weekly, 40c lb; will send it in
good, condtion. ; :
Mrs E J Hardeman, Nicholson, Ga

5 lbs butter a week 45c lb del.

L E Williams & Sons, Ty Ty, Ga
white guinea eggs $1.25 del,
Mrs A Miller, Rt B, Box 134
Savannah Ga., Muscovy ducks and
drakes $2 each or $4 pair.
Mrs I G Joiner, Soperton, Ga. Rt
2, pure bred. giant M B large bone
turkeys, Bird Bros. st. one 15 mos |
old tom $10; April hatch toms $7;

hens $5 each.



Dade Co. Times, Trenton, Ga. pure
bred Indian runner drakes, full
grown 50c each, add postage. :

Mrs John A Watson, Summit Ga
34 pure bred jet black turkeys April
hatch $3 each for pullets, $5: each
for toms, or $10 for trio of two pul-
lets and one tom, money order or

cashiers check with order.

Mrs J F Anderson, Blue Ridge Ga
the Spencer turkey wonder bird, said
to be a cross between turkey and hen
March and April hatch $2 each, later
hatch $1.50 each, eggs $2.50 15.


P O Box 44, Manor, Ga., 1 one
one horse, three roller No. 14 key
hoes cane mill, very cheap, write.

W J Bradley, Rt 1 Howard Ga..
one Benthal second hand peanut
picker $75.

W P Jones, Metter Ga 1 25 H P
Stover K oil engine in No. 1 condi-
tion $350 or exchange for hogs or
eows, 1 12 ton per day capacity feed

mill, Hammer mills $300 or exchange

for hogs or cows.

T W Pate, Rt 8, Carrollton, Ga., 1
12 H P water town steam engine in
good condition, governors need slight
repair $65 fob.

J B Adams, Elberton, Ga., Rt 6,
wants to exchange Turbin water
wheel in good condition for overshot
wheel parts; write what you have.

_ JA Swilley, Lake Park, Ga., R F D
3 1 40 H P Schofield boiler, needs
few flues; 1 25 H P Taylor engine
in No. 1 condition, would like to ex-
change same for small tractor and
harrow outfit, Fordson prepaid.

J W Melson, Raymond, Ga., 1 Gul-
let gin and condenser (basket feed.
used one season; one friction press
used 2 seasons.

L M Bearden Rt 2 Roswell Ga., 1
McCormick mowing machine and
rake in good condition will exchange
for good milk cow.

JH Palmer, Tennille, Ga., 1 Bow-
ser underground gas tank 120 gal.,
perfect condition, cheap for cash or

L M Nease, Guyton, Ga., 1 Wheel-
ing tractor saw mill; all complete
without tractor, good as new, see or

- write.

M T Barnes, 73 Milledge Ave., At-
-lanta, Ga., new Williamson ensilage
mill, large size, very substantial, ma-
chine mounted on low metal wheels,

1 1923 car in good running order,

looks good.

Dade Co. Times. Trenton, Ga.,
good 3 horse power gas engine $40,
or exchange for potatoes and dried,
canned or fresh fruit

R S Parham, 1 second hand Mo-
line corn harvester $50 or exchange.

Sam Craig, Jr.., Lawrenceville, Ga
1 five room Hoosier grain drill with
fertilizer attachment $25; No. 3
Primrose cream separator equipped
with electric motor, used one year
$75. = A &

J F Wallis, Lula, Ga., 1 power cane
mill upright 3 rollers, in good con-
dition, engine needs some repairs;
will exchange for good mower. and

- rake.

O W Odum, Hinsonton, Ga., Day-
ton computing scales, glass ends, la-
test type, used 8 mos., in A.1 condi-
tion $125 fob Hinsonton.

J Carter, Gainesville, Ga., 1 35 H
P Atlas engine, 1 40 H P Carter boil-
er, seven mi north of Toccoa Ga, on
main line Sou Ry; quick sale $25 fob
half cash, bal on terms.

W O Jones Elberton, Ga.., 1 Inter-
national tractor in fair condition; 1
Lilliston No. 2504 peanut picker,
practically new, only used part of a
season; 2nd hand saw mill, friction
feed. fair shape; 1 pea hujler, in good
condition; 1 Golden cane mill and
evaporator, practically new; 1 4 H
P gas engine, Sou. make, in good con-
dition; 1 Ottawa 1 1-2 H P gas en_
gine and wood saw out, fair condi_
_ tion; 1 corn shredder; all of the

blood lines,


above can be bought at a reasonable
figure. :
John Lusk, Godfrey, Ga., 1 Berlin
No. 44 four_side planer, capacity 60
lineal ft per minute; 1 60 H P high
pressure Casey & Hedges boiler; new
flues just put in; 1 40 H P_ Schoe-
field engine; 1 automatic knife grind-
er; 1 fan, 1 2 saw trimmer, new and
pipe; 1 six saw DeLoach lathe mill,
all in good running condition; 1
Frick saw mill outfit, No 2 mill 57
n. inserted tooth saw; 1 26 H P boiler

-mounted; 1 25 H P engine; 1 3 saw

edger; hooks, chains, trucks and sev-
eral other extras in good condition;
will sell all together or separately;
will take all or part payment in good
land; prefer a good stock farm or
pecan orchard; give full particulars
of your land in first letter.

Felton Williamson, Oak Park, Ga.
1 light weight mowing machine and
rake $40; 1 set army harness $40; 1
No. 6 steel stump puller 200 ft. 1 in.
pull cables, and power pulleys $165;
will exchange any of the above for
hogs or cows.

J H Leverette, Rt 1, Parrott, Ga.
Benthal peanut picker, 16 ft length,
model H $225; B F Avery gas engine
6 H P hay press $75 cash fob; Gun-
ter magneto for 6 H P Fairbanks_
Morse gas engine $4. .

McRae Bros., Fort Gaines, Ga.., 1
32x42 Fairbanks scale, in perfect
condition, cheap for cash. ss

W A Smith, 102. E Bay St., Savan-
nah, Ga., ground . oyster shell for
chickens $1 per 100 lbs; $17.50 per
ton fob Savannah, Ga.

E V Lance, Rt 4, Ellenwood, Ga.,

| wants to buy for cash 2 or 3 young

vigorous, heavy producing grade Jer-
sey or Guernsey milk cows; cows
must have freshed recently or soon to
freshen; nor over 20 miles from El-
lenwood, write full description.

R C Loyd, Rt 1, Nicholls, Ga., A
pure bred Angora billie goat must be
reasonable, state price in reply.

C QO Maddox, Winder, Ga., Berk-
shirt gilt, pregnant, not inbreeded.

_G M Lane, Rocky Ford, Ga., three
gilts, 1 boar, pure bred big bone P
C shoats, make best delivery price.

W A Garner, R F D 4, Dublin, Ga
Berkshire gilts 4 or 5 mos old, the

| straight nose, cares nothing about be-

ing reg. as is not looking for fancy

LE Wilhams & Sons. Ty Ty, Ga.,
one or two Jennets, give age and
Ww H Mitchell, Barnesville, Ga.,
will buy ortrade for 15 to 30 young
heifers and young cows not in milk

ae more than 40 miles from Zebulon,


L B Fulmer, Springfield,

smooth pig

shoats, showing good
sheep by the car load.

JC Lane, Ashburn, Ga., Rt A,
Several pigs, weigh from 40 to 50 Ibs
give best price in first letter.

Mrs I G Joiner, Rt 2. Soperton,
Ga., 1 large well marked 15 mos old
Marcy st, Jersey Black cock, not less

than 14 lbs; will exchange for him or

pay cash; white Jap Silkie bantams,
pure bred big bone
pigs; will exchange Jersey black
giants stock or eggs for same.


The Rowland Co., Athens, Ga.,
Fulghum oats and Abruzzi rye, state
quantity and price. E

F M Greene, Live Oak, Fla., Box
269, rye, oats, seed, peanuts, chufers.

Mrs W A Huff, Browns Crossing,
Ga., clover, vetch and Austrian pea
seed; all kinds of flower pots and
canvass cloth for flower pit cover,
state price.

R P Steinheimer, Brooks, Ga., seed
rye in exc for oats, milling corn, etc.

J H Wright, Gray, Ga, 100 bu
genuine Fulghum oats. ~

R S Parham, Greenville, Ga., 50
bu seed oats, 10 bu beared barley,
quote del prices.

black guienea}

Williams & Watkins, Rt A, Millen
Ga., weekly shipments of 25 bu
shelled yellow corn or yellow corn
Mrs S G Rogers, Rt 2, Daisy, Ga.,
2 or 3 lbs large yellow press peaches
packed by express state lowest cash
price pkd to Claxton, Ga., cabbage
and tomatoes by parcel post weekly,
state cash price pd to Daisy, Ga.
Fred J Bake,r Box 244, Cole Ga.
running butter beans, tomatoes.
Mrs R Donaldson, Rt 1, Box 38
Metter, Ga., good apples and peaches
for canning.


Shelby Bewly, Fort Benning, Ga.,
wanted at once 500 hens, good price
will be paid for butcher quality.

H Daugherty, 201 Pierce Ave.,.
Macon,:Ga., wants white female rab-
bits from 8 weeks up, write descrip-
tion and pfices.

Mrs S G Rogers, Rt 2, Daisy, Ga.,
any kind of large breed chicks to)
raise on halves to 8 weeks old, hens
Tancred st W L pullets, state cash
price pd. to Daisy, Ga. -

J W Vinson, 2212 2nd Ave., Ma-
con, Ga., 2 pair half grown raccoons
1 pair bear cubs, state lowest cash
price fob Macon,

Amos Bailey, Eatonton, Ga., Rt 4,
Box 103, wants to contract with com-
petent parties to take one thousand


baby chicks and raise on halves to
broiler and frying size 1928. .

Woodliff Plant Farm, Flowery
Branch, Ga., wants to pay cash for
peafowls any time.

R M Potter, Hapeville, Ga., young]

roosters to caponize, reasonable rates

Mrs C A Peterson, Ty Ty, Ga.,
Rt 1, Box 19, 20 hens, one to two
years old, dark Cornish Indian
games, must be pure breed. will pay
$1 a piece, 2 pure bred dark Cor-
nish Indian game cockerels, one to
two years old.

M Greene, Box 269, Live Oaks,
Fla., wants some rabbits, write.

_ J O Waldrup, Milan, Ga., 3 young
pure bred giant st black Minorca
roosters. ;

Mrs H A Moore, Reidsville, Ga.,
80 White Wyandotte hens and 2 cock-
erels 1 year to 18 mos old, or same
amount of white Minorcas same age,
will give in exchange male Boston

screw tail terrier pedigreed or 200}

baby chicks. _

H O Williams, Rt A, Millen, Ga.,
wants 390 capacity incubator. -

John T Miller, Columbus, Ga., hens
under 4 lbs 28c lb; hens over 4 lbs
30c lb. :

Mrs R C McWilliams, Rt 6, Atlanta
Ga., 25 to 50 voung turkeys write
price immediately.

Mrs H T Head, Barnesville, Ga.,
chickens to raise on halves any kind
excent Anconas and bantams,

Wilsons Minorca Yards, Marin:
Ga.. 1 Queen incubator in good con-
dition 400 egg capacity, pay cash or

Shelbv Bewley, Fort Benning Ga.,
500 pullets any size and breed and
500 one year S C White Leghorn hens
state price wanted per lb, will only

| purchase by weight.

C W Page, Box 52, Norcross Ga.,.
wants to correspond with some one
who has Kerlin. quality Leghorns
from Kerlin direct. best grade, Owen
Farm reds from all star or Group No.
1 matings, want to exchange cocker-
els or Coch birds.


Fred J Baker, Box 244 Cole. Ga.;
lady peas, dry, no weevils, send sam-
ple and price.

- H G McDonald, Ft Valley, Ga.,
used steel overshot water wheels,
write offers.

G W Jacobs, Roopville, Ga., good

Ga. ; ae
LE Toole, Rt Macon, Ga., prices

| es Phareday: Kaguat 18. 1927

FC Geiger, Flintside, Ge. pecan -

grading and pecan cracking machine

" P Burdett, Rt 1, Washington
Ga., several hot water incubators 250
eggs, or over. tes

oy Davis, Rt .5, Covington, Ga.,
hay press power or horse control.

HH O Williams, Rt A, Millen, Ga.,
Dicks green feed cutter, cheap. ;
' I Witherington, Rt 1, Naylor,
Ga., fence wire 40 or 50 rods from
30 to 48 inch high; 6 inch stay wire.

John A Gofarth, Gainesville, Ga.,
buy six good steel stanchions com-
plete for dairy barn; also want 6 in-
dividual drinking cups.

J J Bond, Rt 8, Elberton, Ga.; con-
necting rod for Samson tractor..

W W Helmey, Box 40, Marlon, Ga
pair wheels for John Deer mowing
machine, write price.

S L Thornton and Son, Rt 2, Dew-

ey Rose, Ga., 4 to 6 Stanchions for

concrete floor in dairy barn.

N C Cross, Rt 5, Box 291, Atlanta,
Ga.,. four 24 inch disks for tractor
plow. = :
_ A Barns, Box 41, Hazelhurst, Ga., |
saw and table suitable to cut bee

H M Franklin & Co., Tennille, Ga
two or three cars of long leaf yellow ~
pine shingles, No 1s and No. 2s,~
also No 1 and No 2 cypress shingles _
in car lots only. eee
Dan Shipp, Finleyson, Ga.., several
cars of shingles. . ae
Mrs A L Newton, Toccoa, Ga.,.
wants to buy old envelopes and pos- |
tage stamps used before 1870..

R L Woodruff, Box 274, Winder,
Ga., wants two or three gin outfits, -
good shape. : Ses

R S Parham, Greenville, Ga., 1
good second hand 1 horse wagon and
harness cheap for cash or exchange
for cows or hogs. Sate a

Dan Shipp, Finleyson, Gal., sev-_
eral cars of shingles, either cypress

or pine, quote best price fob mill sta-
tion. eee

Mary A. Weatherly, Hoschton, a
poultry wire, would exchange syrup _

most any kind of flowers, hedge cut-
tings, pot plants, coleas, sultana,
ferns, cannas, lilies, iris, spring bulbs
different kind shrubbery,
seed or cornfield beans for same.

W H Barnes, Kirkland, Ga., sec-
ond hand radiator for 24 inch tour-
ing Oldsmobile, write. ee

M M Echols, Cornelia, Ga., 50 or_
100 ft good hose, make best price.
Griffin, Ga., Box 138, wants from
2,000,000 to 20,000,000 ft good pine
timber from owner, will pay cash if
price is reasonable. ;

Ira Warren, Quitman, Ga., Rt 2,
wants to hear from owner of swamp
lands suitable for trapping coons,
wants the address of the party who
has a ground hog to sell near Toccoa,

quoted on 50,000 cypress

: or pine
shingles fob shipping point.

saw mill engine and boiler write de-
scxiption and prices.

Mrs J H Bowen, Box 204, Cobb-
town, Ga., wants white or. colored
middle aged woman without family to
keep house for 3 adults. Salary, or
live as one of the family, R R fare |
advanced, references exchanged.

J T Troupe, Baxley, Ga., wants a
North Ga farmer with experience
growing tobacco for 1928, reference
required, must be able to furnish.
self, write.

J C Flannigan, Lawrenceville, Ga.
one or two good men or women in -
each county for money making work.

R C Loyd, Nichols, Ga., wants a
family of good workers to take charge
of an 800 acre South Ga farm and
raise feed stuff and dairy cattle and
hogs on shares:

Amos Bailey, Rt 4, Box 103, Ea-
tonton, Ga., wants a wage hand for
1928 to work in a dairy and help do _
general farm work, good wages and __
straight time; write. __ Bee


Thursday, August 18, 1927.


- J O Hallman, Box 25, Nahunta,
Ga., wants good strong middle aged
white lady to do house work in small
country home for family of 3; per-
manent home for right party, refer-
ences exchanged.

_-W_H Waddelle, Pearson, Ga wants
reliable industrious blacksmith wheel-
wright who can furnish small tools,
also wanted a good 2nd hand black-
smith outfit, also a single man 23 to
40 years old to milk, look after gar-
den and drive Ford truck. |

S C Lovelace, West Point, Ga.,
several families to pick cotton, $1.50
to good men by the day and their
families can pick by the 100 lbs.
Mrs J W Strickland, Ray City, Ga
middle age woman to live with fami-
ly of 3, milk, cook, and keep house,
reasonable wages. :
MF Jones Rt 1, Metter, Ga., 2
single white men to do general farm
work wages $26 per month.

Mrs P W Walton, Madison, Ga.,
Waltons mill near Madison and God-
frey wants good miller at once,

Mrs F R Vincent, Fruitland, Ga.,-

middle age woman to help around |.

small poultry farm for home
small wage.
Box 5, Parrott, Ga., renter for 6
horse farm in 1928, good house,
school and church, deep well, renter
furnish himself.
Mrs T Horton, Rt 2, Marietta, Ga
middle age lady to live as one of
family, write for particulars. |
- Box 225, Barnesville, Ga., indus-
trious competent man with family to
operate or lease 4 horse farm on
state highway near school.

_ Agent, Tyrone, Ga., 16 year old
_ boy wants place preferably with an
_ old.-couple. :
Buckles Hooter, R F D, Carnes-
ville, Ga., wants position as ~~ night
watchman, has 5 years experience,
reference, write C E Harber, Carnes-
ville, Ga.

Charlie Troup, Surrency, Ga., man
with family of 4 desires position at
good dairy in connection with truck
growing for wages or shares.

_W S Lanier, White Plains, Ga.,
desires dairy and hog farm on halves
or wages for 1928, good references,
prefer middle or North Ga.

PW R, Box 111, Waco, Ga., wants
to take charge of farm near Atlanta
for wages and see after general farm
work, good references, middle age
with wife and 1 daughter.


D I Roberson, Rt 3, Hawkinsville, |

Ga., middle aged man with small
family desires position as overseer of
large farm not less than 10 or more
than 25 horses; can handle labor or
Operate any kind farm machinery,
good references, location near school
and church wanted.

__ Jack Sheridan, Rt 5, Gainesville,
Ga., exp. gin hand wants location
for 1927.

LC Tanner, Rt 1, Alma, Ga., wants
ae on farm at $1 per day and


H T Heath, 1277 Euclid Ave., N
E, Atlanta, G.a, practical gin and
steam boiler repair man wants job
to look after same, can report on
short notice.

_J R McKenzie, Rt 4, Swainsboro,
Ga., wantseposition as night foreman
at veneer mill; can run drier and
handle labor; wants $2.50 per night
or would accept job in grocery store
or meat market, has experience in

G A Skelton, Rt 2, Royston, Ga.,
wants. position as manager of poul-
try and truck farm combined also
would consider poultry and cattle
combined, exc. ref.

_ J H Morgan, Rt A, Kirkland, Ga.
man wants farm on halves 3 plows,

has 4 hands, can help gather 1927].

crop if price is right, also work tur-
G B Swindle, 1108 Ann St., Way-
oss, Ga., young man 27 with wife
two children wants work on dairy
arm, has experience and is a willing

chard or nursery, can furnish

ker, must have work at once.



Box 892, Macon, Ga., young lady
24 years old with A B degree, de-
sires position as librarian. Three yrs
library exp. write.

_ BC B, care Bulletin, man, exp.
in teaching, college graduate, desires
position as principal of town or ru-
ral school. e

C C Smith, Arabi, Ga., married man
with wife and 2 children desires -po-
sition on poultry farm for 1928 to
raise hogs, cattle, etc., prefer to lo-
cate near Macon. write.

J H Johnson, 403 College St.,
Macon, Ga.,. desires a position on
dairy farm or a@ good farm on shares
for 1928,

J B Adams, Rt 6, Elberton,
wants position ag
references. gar!

O R Johnson, Shellman, Ga., will
do pecan budding, pruning, ete., or
would consider year round job in or-

miller in\good mill,

ences; write. 4

J T Scott, Cobbtown, Ga., Rt 2,
wants to work on a truck farm and
drive a truck; can start work after
Nov. ist. . . :

L P Whorley, 206 E Main St., Gar-
tersville, Ga., wants tractor work
regular of any kind, filling station,
truck and dairy on halves or would

consider nice truck farm on halves.
Carl Banks, Meigs, Ga. Rt 3, de-

sires to hear from man having 10 to
18 cow dairy to let out on 50-50
basis; experience and a real worker;

R B Langston, Ringgold, Ga., Rt
2 Married man 27 years old desires
position on general farm with small
crop for 1928, willing worker, state
your best salary and what you have,
ref. exchanged. :

Lock Box, 283, Millen Ga Single
man with practical experience and
some study would like job looking
after poultry or poultry and hogs and
@Wathering genera] farm crop; spent
most of life on farm.



Miss Janie Lee Nunn, Crawford
ville, Ga Rt 2 beautiful hand made

flower baskets, made of substantial.

reed 30 in. tall $1.25 each, add post-
age. Br he

_ Miss Margie Brewer, Rt 1, Lumber
City Ga., single tatting 10c per yd;
dbl tatting 15 ver yd; one large cen-
terpiece, ecru color $10.

Miss Lizzie Johnson Cooledge, Ga
will do embroidery work at the fol-
lowing prices: Doiles 25e to 50c;
center pieces and dresser scarfs 50c
to 75 to $1; parties furnish stamped
goods, will pay return postage.

Mrs J W Wallace, Rt 3, Marietta
Ga., fancy tufted bedspread in white
and fast colors, $4 and up, write your

Miss Marian Dewberry, 218 E
Jones St., Savannah Ga ten yards
fine, white tatting suitable for baby
clothes trimming $1.75; write.

Mrs W O Milsop, Adairsville Ga Rt
2 single and double tatting 10c and
20c per yard.

Mrs M C Conner Rt 4 Gainesville
Ga six yards white tatting No 60
thread 15c yard the piece; 85c for
5 yards No 50 thread 12 1-2 yard
the piece 60c; white tatting gown
yoke No 70 thread with pointed front
$3; transfer embroidery designs, 5
different spread designs 25c each;
searf ends, table runners, center-
pieces, pillow cases and tops, baby
pillows, tea apron, childrens aprons
10e each, or exe for Octagon coupons
at 1c each. :

Mrs Rosie Crowe, Cumming Ga.,
linen table runner 22 inch wide and
48 inch long, ends emb in fast colors
and trimmed on ends in 6 inch ecru
color crochet medallions $1.50 del. :

Mrs L H Coe, Eastanolla, Ga will
crochet knit braid or hook rugs cheap

for cash or exchange for Jersey black

giant chicks.

Miss M E Darden, Mayfield, Ga.,
two plain, long sleeve percale house
dresses, basted hems, size 36, $1.25
each, cash with order.

Ga, tufted bedspread: any

able for growns

Mrs Sindy Powell, Kite Ga, four
large new quilt tops $1.25 each or
exchange for cloth or chickens all
kinds; sewing done cheap, write for
special prices on family sewing for

Mrs L A Edwards, Meigs Ga. one
regular customers. -
buffet set, solid white with single
white tatting $1 del; one oblong. pure
linen tray cloth emb in white $1.25
del; one large white center piece
worked in colors, 36 inch diameter
$1.50 del; Macrame & Tuxedo lace
for scarf ends, ecru color $3 del;
wants any kind of sewing work, emb.
tatting, Hardanger emb, Tuxedo or
Macrame lace, reasonable prices;
quilt scraps priced by the quilt or on

Mrs E J Hardman, Nicholson, Ga

new large quilts $5 each or exchange

tains to match. bi Sass

Mrs A Sutherland, Rt 1, _Resaca
size, in
white thread $3.75; colored thread
$4 postpaid; stamped spreads $1.50,
colored thread 10c oz., white thread
5C: OZ. :

Mrs J T Seott, Cobbtown Ga care
A A Martin, Rt 2, one nice new
square crochet yoke with short
sleeves, No. 30 thread, pineapple de-
sign, white edge in light blue, suita-
$3 cash fob or exc

for tufted bedspread and window cur-

for quilt tops. : ;

Mrs M D Teague, Box 256, Adairs-
ville, Ga, 1 flowered crepe kimona
blue with pink lilies bordered with
pink, hem and sleeves bordered, ties
on side with 2 1-2 yards of pink rib-
bon 2 inches wide $2; will tuft crepe
kimona, sunset pink, blue, rose. green
lavender and yellow, any size with
white thread $2 each, white or cream
aprons tufted or emb 50c each; hand
made emb or tufted \comp bed room
sets, all to match; dresses, scarfs ta-
ble runners, curtains, etc., all mad
of good material, worked in boil fast
colors, several different designs fea-
sonable prices, white tatted medal-
lions yoke of 12
with yokes neat work $1.50 each.

Mrs W F Hale, Box Springs, Ga.,
childrens plain dresses 50c. each.
fancy dresses with hand emb. and
smocking 75c each; ladies plain
dresses )
sewing cheap, party to furnish ma-
terial, pattern or plan; return: post-
age. ; =

Mrs E Clonts, 1352 Donnelly Ave.,
Atlanta, Ga., five nice, new gingham
quilt tops, pieced on machine $1.50
each or $7.50 for the lot.

Miss Ruth Woodyard, Rising Fawn
Ga, ladies pure Irish linen handker-
chiefs, white with colored
ered flowers, or with colored patch
work and flowers, very neat and
make attractive gifts $1 each or two
for $1.75.

Miss Margie Brewer, Lumber City,
Ga, Rt 1, single tatting 10c per yd;
double, any design or color 15e per
yd; 1 large tatted center piece, ecru
color $10.

_Mrs Edgar Adcock, Rt 3, Adairs-
ville, Ga, tufted bedspread, pretty

ge eens

large med. ribbon!

5 each; any other kind of.


design in rose color, fadeless thread.
$5 or exchange for 1 pig Polan China
or Duroc Jersey, emb sheeting aprons
50c, add postage.

Miss Rena Rae Roberts, Rt 4, Bu-
ford, Ga, will emb dresser scarfs
50 each; aprons 35c; center pieces
50c each; has some lovely emb de-

signs, parties must furnish thread
and goods and pay postage each way.

Fjowers, Seeds and Plants For Sale
Miss F E Hughey, Ranger, Ga.,
Rt 1, new hollyhocks mixed colors |
10c tablespoonful and one tbls with
each order, 12 tbls 50c; American
Beauty color sultana, large size 15c
each or 2 for 25c; pink, red gloria
de chattline mattalie begonia, pink
flowering begonia 15c each; dbl red
Sweet scented carnations 15 each,
$1 for 12; maple, grape begonia 15c
gach; dbl bright red, dbl rose bud, ~
fire ball ger. 15 each, or 8 for $1;
dbl petunia 15c each; all well rooted,
a fern free with each order; fountain
ferns 20c each; all well rooted. _

Miss Violet Vick, Ellijay, Ga, Rt

18, Box 70, hearty phlox, pink and

purple, 30c doz; butter and eggs,
yellow and white 35c doz; sweet al-
mond and peach rose 15c; rooted;
golden bell, yellow, 20c rooted; yard
bush white moss 25c bunch, red and

yellow japonicas rooted 35c; purple.
pink, lavender, red, fall pinks 3 1-2
doz for 20c; spruce pine 10c; white
bridal wreath 15c; team gooseberries
6 for 25c; white and green striped
grass 20c B; white dusty miller, 3
for 20c; puzzle fool bulbs, pink and
purple, 35c each; bleeding heart |
bulbs, pink and red 60c or 2 for $1;
orange, red, yellow canna bulbs 50c:
pink crepe myrtle rooted 30c and
red myrtle 35c; purple and lavender
iris 30c doz; light and deep pink, dark
red, white holly hocks 20c each;
white, red shasta daisies 25c doz, add _
postage, eo ae

Mrs Lula Guillebeau, Lincolnton.
Ga.., white calla lily bulbs, blooming -
from December until June 10 and
25c; well rooted apple ger. 15c, small
size 10c; ferns ostrich, sword, Bog?
ton, Washington large size, 15 each;
large size salmon and rose color sul-
tanas 2 for 25e; four different be=,
gonia cuttings for 25c; ten different
ger. cuttings 50c; yellow bloom lan-
tana cutting 10c; rose ger. cuttings
10c; delivered.s

Miss Vivian Gable, Brooks, Ga.,.
pink oleanders one year old shipped
in container 25 each, pink, white
and yellow oleanders, 2 years old 50c
each; hydrangeas, shipped in contain-
ers 15c each.

Dade Co. Times, Trenton, Ga., nar-
cissus bulbs 25c doz; dbl flower al-
monds 10c each; dav lilv bulbs 20c
doz; purple flag bulbs 26 doz; add
postage. . ra

Mrs M E McClendon, Tifton, Ga.,
a lot of box flower8, big boston ferns
and hydrangeas, large knd of pine
burr ger., August lilies; will sell box
and all to any lady close enuogh who
can come for them for $1.25 or will
sell sprouts for 10c each well rooted.


Tf you desire the Bulletin please fill this coupon and re-
turn it to Bureau of Markets, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga.



Flowers, Seeds and Plants For Sale

Mrs J D Pope; Box Springs, Ga.,!

dark and bright red, deep pink, white
dbl blooming size geraniums 10c ea;
star, venus, improved beefsteak be-
gonias; Coralline lucbrine or rubra,
beefsteak, glossy leaves, all rooted
25c each; arglutea begonia, spotted
leaves 15c each; sandersonii coral be-
gonia 15c each, grape, maple, white,
pink conk begonia 10c each; salmon
sultanas 10 each; red and wine, dark
bronze, yellow red, green, cream and
blotched large leaves colens, also
trailing queen 10c each; red coral
plant 10c ea; justicia rose 10 eaih;
blue water hyacinth 10e each; single
hibiscus 10c each; maiden hair, fluf-
fy ruffles, Boston ferns 25c each; as-
paragus plumosus fern 15c each; one
-otah orange bush 2 ft high 3 years
old $1; all plants rooted; add postage
on orders less than 50c. :
- Miss Pearl Vick, Ellijay, Ga. Rt
8, pink and purple hearty phlox 25c
doz; pink bleeding heart bulbs 45c
each; purple and pink puzzle fool
bulbs 25c each; creeping charlie 20c
hun; pink, purple, lavender, red dbl
fall pinks, 6 for 30c; purple, lavender,
yellow, iris 25c doz; orange, yellow,
-red canna bulbs, 3 of a kind 60e;
bridal wreath rooted 15c; red and
pink crepe myrtle, rooted 25c; pink
crepe honeysuckle, rooted, 30c each,
purple laylock, rooted 20c each,
sweet almond pink, rooted 15c, add
Wood Lawn Nursery, Rt 3, Green-
ville, Ga., 5,000 lovely strongly root-
ed dwarf box wood cuttings $10 per
100; $75 per 1,000 del Oct del.

Mrs L P Higginbothom, Rt 2, EIl-/

berton, Ga., tall stiff leaf caladiums
55 each, spotted leopold 25c each.
Mrs A M Colston, Rt 1, Kingston,
Ga., white iris lilies 40c doz; narcis-
sus 15 doz; daffodils 25c doz; hya-
cinths $1 doz; monthly roses cuttin
25c or 6 for 50c doz. | a
_ Mrs W S Penrose, Dixie Ga., fi
-elass Bermuda easter lily bulbs $2
per doz; ee ae $1..50 Bite ba-
nana shrubs seed 10c per doz; 50
per 100 postpaid. tA
~- Mrs:G A Rice, Maxeys, Ga., can-
nas, bronze leaf 10c_ each;
daisies 20c per doz; violets, blue and
white 10c per doz; coloniad lilies 10c
per doz; yellow bells 10c each; pur-
ple verbena 5c; a nice bunch red and
green spotted colens 5c each; sul-
tanas, light pink and red rooted 10c



each; begonias, orange, grape leaf,
red, everbloomng, conk shell, Thurst-
vin, 10c_ rooted, 5c a cutting; Christ-
mas. cactus 10c, rooted; geraniums,
sweet gum 15c rooted; pink and red
10c; squirrel tail ferns 10c each; lan-
tanas, purple and yellow 10c each;
rooted hollyhocks 20c a doz; 8 dif-
ferent colors, large type mums 25c
per doz; justicia 10c rooted; old fash-
ion moss 5 a bunch, cape jasemine
10c each rooted. ,

Mrs L G Sanders, Rt 2, Dewey
Rose, Ga., red, pink, salmon, white,
scarlet, carmine and rosebud gerani-

doz; caroline lureune, peach Aggutte,
picter rosa, white and pink ever-
blooming, white conk, beefsteak be-
gonias cuttings, 3 for 25c;_ beef-
steak and leopard begonias rooted
15 each; 6 different kinds of cac-
tus 25c; Boston, whittine, Teddy Jo,
fishtail and fluffy ruffle ferns, good
size cuttings 15c each;

spur and dbl poppy seed 25c for 3
spoonsfuls, add postage on small or-
ders. | ;

Mrs E L Rogers, Rt B, Griffin,
Ga, iris lilies 50c per doz; cannas
50c per doz; butter cups 25c per doz
purple sweet violets 25c per hundred,
rooted ,plants of rose colored. very
bena 5c each; cape jasemine and for-
sythia 20c each; sage plants 5c each;
currant sprouts 5c each; strawberry
plants 25c per hun; hymalaya black-
-berry vines 40c per doz; add postage.

-Mrs M J White, Rt 1, Gainesville,
Ga., geranium, red and white, cut-
tings 5c each; striped and green jew
10c doz; parlor vine 5c each; Boston
fern, large size 25c, small size 15c;
Leopard begonia, large size 25c;
springeria ferns 3 for 25c; justicia
cuttings 5c ea; lantanna, orange and
yellow, large cuttings 5c each; large
yellow monthly roses, well rooted 15c
each, catnip and sparmint 10c doz;
white violets 10c doz; dbl narcissus
ulbs, yellow and white,, 3 for 10c;
hnquil bulbs $1 per 100; white nar-

ilies 10 doz, $1 per 10
pink oxalis 10c. |
Mrs D W Faircloth, Rt 1, Pitts,
Ga., dark purple, bright red and
white verbunia 5c each; rose color
sultana, maple begonia, pink ever-
blooming conk begonia 10c each, cut-
tings 5e each; large leaf pink oxalis
10c. each; all well rooted; will exc

0; white and


um cuttings, all dbl 5 ceach or 50c,

daffodils, |
white naressus and peony daffodils
bulbs $1 per hun, or 15c doz; lark-|

any of the above for rex or grape
begonia, shaking fern, fancy leaved
caladium, any kind of palm except
umbrella, dried fruit, reed pine nee-
dle, or pine burr baskets.

Miss Malinda Eller, Ella Gap, Ga,
narcissus, jonquils, day lilies, Star
of jasemine, dbl jonquils 15c doz;
pink althea 10c each; yellow and red
japonicas 20c each; hearty phlox and
chrysanthemums 30c doz; royal pur-
ple iris 25 doz; lavender iris 25c
doz; spider wart, bear grass 20c each
add postage.

kiss me and I will tell you 25c, sal-
mon pink, King Hurbert, red, yellow
leopard, calla lilies 3 for 30c; blue
and whte verbena 35c doz; Easter li-
lies 2 for 25c; milk and wine lilies
25e; silver pinks 30c doz; _ honey-
suckle vines 30c doz; red flowered
ItAlian porch vines, everblooming 40c
each; all plants well rooted; will ex-
change any of the above for fancy
needlework. ey :
E-L Corley, Rt 1, Mauk Ga dah-
lia bulbs 15c doz; red beania 10c each
add postage.

Miss Jessie Cash, Rt 3, Flowery.

/-Branch, Ga; white narcissus bulbs $1

per hun or 15 doz; nutmeg ger.
rooted 7c each, scullion buttons 15c

. Mrs I Green Clack, Auburn, Ga.,
Hardy shroubs, bridal wreath 20c;
sidadona japonica 20c; purple butter-
fly bush 20c; white and yellow star
jasemine 15c, crepe myrtle 15c; rose
of Sharon 15c; thornless yellow rose
20c; maiden hair fern 20c; big 4
Oc; dwarf sword 15c; pink sultana
20c; dwarf sword 15c; pink sultana
large and small green, purple and
green, white and green, collection
15c; begonias, caralline lucerne, ar-
gentea,- thurstonnie, otto, hacken
25c, grape begonia, gracile alba, gra-
ciles Jumono sa prima donna 15c;
mammoth oxalis 5 for 5c; hardy ev-
ergreen' moss 15c; tree cactus 15c
me 25c; Xmas cactus 15c; caladium


Mrs J A Griffin, 512 16th Ave E
Cordele, Ga., dbl pink, cream, vari-
gated leaf, white, oleanders, single
red, yel., lav., white variegated, pink
altheas, cape, grand duke, night
blooming jasemine; dbl reevseana
thunbergi, van houtti, crimson, pink
spireas, abelia, forsythia, nudifloeum,
primuline, rosemary, variegated pum-
granite, butterfly bush, philadelphus,

best roses, crepe myrtle, pink, white

want to know the value of the

: ToBureau- of Markets
From M

Address, P. O.,

Write Plainly

Write Plainly


In urder that the department tay arrive at the actual importanc ,
of the Bu 3
the patrons of the Market Bulletin are requested to report all sles ; Redan dhe laper We


Atlanta, Ga. S




__R. F. D. or Street

made through the paper.. We


Date of Sale Amount

Please list name of ar-
ticles sold and amount

received in the space
to right. Do not item-

ize; for example list

all chickens, etc., as|
poultry. Report only

sales made through
Bulletin since Janua-

ry 1, 1927.

Mrs G F Carter, Alma, Ga., red,}

| 25 each; Godfrey calla lilies 25c ea;

| $1 doz; venus, eureka and Mrs Con--

thursday, August 18, 1927

and red, any 2 for 70c, 4 for $1.15;
6 for $1.50, 12 for $3, any. pot plants
any 3 for 55c. FS ee

Mrs Belle Godard, Goggansville,
Ga., Rt 2, several thousand bulbs of
jonquils, dbl daffodils, butter and
eggs), narcissus 10 doz or $10 M;
6 colors sultanas, cuttings of all col-
ors 25c doz; 5 colors wandering jew |
25c doz; cuttings of fuschias, differ-
ent colors 40c doz; achimense plants
20c doz; lantana and hibiscus seed
5 tbls; pink althea seed 10c cupful;
2 colors fancy leaf caladium, red and
pink spotted and white veined and
bloched 25c each; 2 colors four
oclock seed 10c 1-2 cupful; sweet
scented geranium cuttings 5c each; |
ger. and sultana plants 10 each; add |

Mrs A Wilson, Morganton, Ga.,
giant dbl daffodil bulbs 35c doz;
cream narcissus, golden center 40c
doz; pink perennial phlox 35ce doz;
palma violets 30 doz; sweet william,
25e doz; 5 doz for $1; lemon and ti-
ger lilies 40c doz; water lilies 3 for
25c; Jap iris lilies 75c doz; pink and
yellow wild azaleas 25c doz; 12 em ~

press narcissus bulbs 50c. : j

Mrs J S Weatherly, Foschton, Ga
all colors large flowered mums 30c
doz; narcissus and jonquils $1 per
100 bulbs; large yellow cannas 100
for $2; orange day lilies $1.25 per
100 bulbs; pink crepe myrtle, rooted,
2 for 25c; everbearing figs 2 for 25c;
currants 2 for 25c; red and yellow
moss plants 25 doz; naline ferns 50c
doz; all colors large bright zenia
seed 20c cupfull; dbl pnk poppy seed
10 spoonful; yellow and red sulta-
nas 2 for 25c; dbl red ger rooted 20c
each; red conk begonia, green and
white jew 15 doz; privet hedge cut- .
tings 50c per 100; althea cuttings
15c; exe any of the above for black
Jersey Giant chickens or Barred Rock
roosters. oe

Mrs A Daniel, Winder Ga Rt 1 -
poincianna, large flowered sinea seed
mixed petunia seed, and seed of
plant resembling hybiscus, larkspur,
mixed verbena seed 3 for 25c;.ever-
blooming orange color impatience 5, |
10, 15, and 25c; red and gold canary
color cannas 3 for 25c; long pieces
silver stripe and green jew 6 for 10c;_
rooted vines resembling moon flower
blue Fla vine 10c each; mixed chrys-
anthemums 25c doz; last offer, add
postage. o

Mrs Laura Panter, Morgantown Ga .
dahlia bulbs 25c doz; take choice
from 150 plants while they bloom, |
book your order now for spring ship-
ment, 3 large leaf begonias variety

sprengia 25c each; 3 jumpers 3 feet
high $1.50 each; 2 24 inches $1 each.
Miss Cuba Carter, Lake Park, Ga
giant red Easter lily bulbs $1 doz;
6 doz $5; red pillow of fire cannas

rad fine cannas 3 for 50c; fragrant
white jonquil bulbs 25c doz; 5 doz
$1; beefsteak begonias, large $5c
each; fancy caladium 25c each, 5 for
$1; genuine white spider lily bulbs
50c each; mammoth red _ verbena -
-plants 10c each; 3 for 25c; red, sal-
mon, white sultana cuttings 3 for
25ce; red, white, rose, pink, salmon
geranium cuttings 3 for 25c.

Mrs W F Hale, Box Springs, Ga,
salmon color sultangia; trailing
queen, red colens, rooted 10 each;
red _and pink everblooming conk be-
gonia 10c cutting, red spotted leaf,
maple and rubea begonia 10c cut-
ting; pink and red dbl geranium cut-
tings 10e each; pink crepe myrtle,
small 15 large 25.

Mrs J T Manry, Cactus, 2 kinds,
pink and red, blooms in May, rooted
10c, cuttings 5c; lilac 10,15 and 20c;
pink Dorothy Perkins roses, rooted
20c cutting; winter blooming vines _
yellow blooms, 15 and 20c; will exc
any for blue lily, not iris, or beef-
steak begonia, hollyhock seed, white
and pink preferred or sweet william
seed, large sultana, salmon blooms for _

good size beefsteak begonia.
