Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1927 August 4



MAX L. McRAE, Acting Director

EUGENE TALMADGE, Commissioner of Agriculture


State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga.


Issued Weekly
Each Thursday

Entered as-second class matter February 15, 1922, at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Georgia, under the Act of June 6, 1900.
_ Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1108, Act of October 3, 1917.

2 IMPORTANT: Each indtvyidual ad for the Bulletin should be in on separate pieces of paper. No ad will be repeated unless extra copies are sent.
_ Bureau cannot, and does not, assume any responsibility for transactions carried out through the Bulletin. Our services are entirely FREE.


Under Act of the legislature the

VOL. 10

No. 39


. used.

On each ton of his fertilizer he pays a tax of thirty (30)

He should know the number of pounds of each material

_ Experimental work should be done at the Experiment


-. Tick free Georgia hides should not be sold on an equality

The Farmer Buys ProtectionHe Should Receive It.

with hides from tick infested sections.

He is entitled to know what he buys, he is entitled to buy
what he wants.

He is entitled to protection. The Commissioner of Agri-

culture should be authorized to use a part of the thirty (20)

eent tax to recover for the farmer any shortage.

The Chemist who analyzes fertilizer samples should be

, directly responsible to the Commissioner of Agriculture, and
not to a Board of Chemists.

The balance of the thirty (80) cents tax not needed for

-enforeing fertilizer laws, should be used in marketing the

tol seeking their defeat.

Georgia has spent millions to exterminate cattle ticks and
should not be re-infested, by the shipment cf hides from tick
infested sections.

Bills are now pending before the Legislature whieh will

give the farmer this protection.

Special interests are swarming in the lobbies of the Capi-


Will the farmers of Georgia ask their representatives and
senators to vote for these bills?

Will you devote a few minutes in writing to your Senator
and your Representative to let them know that you are in-

crop grown with the fertilizer.

pests and plant diseases.

no voice in choosing.

The farmer is entitled to have help in regulating insect
He should have this help from an
official whom he elects and not from a Board which he has

terested in these measures and wish them passed ?

Will you help put into effeet the thin

voted last year?

Commissioner of Agriculture.

gs for which you

Address all mail to STATE BUREAU OF MARKETS, State Capitol, Atlanta, Geongia.

Prices below are those which wholesalers were paying F. O. B. these consuming

| went to press July 30, 1927..

: Sweet Potatoes, White eka poe a a ee
Sweet Potatoes, Yellow
Trish Potatoes, Sacked

Cabbage, Green (crated)


$3.00 100 lbs.
3.00 100 Ibs.
2.25 100 Ibs
2.50 100 Ibs.

centers, the day this Bulletin

$3.50 100 Ibs. . $3.50 100 Ibs. NONE
4.00 100 Ibs, 3.50 100. Ibs. $3.00 100 Ibs,

3.25 100 Ibs.
4.00 100 Ibs.

3.00 100 Ibs,
3.75 100 Ibs.

3.00 100 ibs.
3.50 100 Ibs.

Tepe a ee 124 doz. .27 doz. .28 doz. .80 doz.
Pops, (White Leshorns) 2.22500. 2 .30 doz. NONE | NONE > NONE
Ess a ee 18 db. .23 Ib. .18 1b. 22 Tb.
WiGOSters a ee ee 12 Ib. NONE ek ADS .10 Ib.
RYO Se es ee ae ee ee ee es .20 Ib. ' -383 Ib. .25 Ib. 27 Tb.
Re es -15 Jb, NONE NONE .15 Ib.
Be EON .10 Ib. NONE NONE -15 Ib.
TAS AEROS Sek SG ee Pe eee eo Coes 25 Ib. NONE NONE 35 Ib.
bo euntry Butter: (Best Table) oso ou cul ee 35 Ibe -40 Ib. -30 1b. 35 Ib.
ee ed Aiiien. 20 ks NONE NONE 18 1-2 Ib. NONE
eee eae ee ee NONE NONE . .75 bu. in hull NONE
each yee Peas 5 ol NONE -05 Ib. -05 Ib. NONE
e Bypwn, Weyed Yess. 2 2 ee NONE NONE -05 Ib. NONE
a Taina) Reais Co NONE -07 1-2 Ib. -06 1-2 Ib. NONE
Ga. Cane Syrup Se ee ee eee ee oe : .65 gal. 75 gal. NONE NONE
Gey Non. a 2.20 100 lbs. 2.45 100 Ibs. 2.40 100 Ibs. NONE
Corn, No. 2 While (sacked). - 3222 350 1.05 bu. 1.25 bu. 90 bu. NONE
ei fate, No: 3 White: (sacked)? 2 222 .60 bu. -64 bu. 30 bu. NONE
Pe enna. Flay ee ee A 22.06 ton NONE NONE NONE
Get ShuGks se ee 9.00 ton NONE ' NONE NONE
County Butter (Cooking) 2 2 .23 Ib. -35 Ib. .30 Ib. .25 Ib.



More than 200,000 Georgia farmers and buyers will
products that you can place in this Bulletin free of charge. _

| each weel

Sled ekendaeett cet nee law ek wr a

k read your ad, on Georgia farm


eo iereas



Edited by Mrs. Norman Sharp, Assistant Director State
Bureau of Markets.

should Lead in Agricultur
Buy Georgia Products First 9 27

Thursday, August:

An important factor contributing to the success of diversified
farming in other sections has been the establishment of co-operative

* - Diversified farining and o- operative marketing are enterprizes
thait should he developed simi ultaneously if diversified farming is to
tang the desired financial results to the producer.

ct your representatives in, the legislature, now in session, appro-
ae sufficient funds to. your Bureau of Markets the Bureau will
vacertake to assist in the organization of o-oper ative marketing of
the Porta Rico Sweet Potato and Georgias poultry products.
present opportunities for marketing these coun are unsatis-


factory and entirely inadequate.

The yield of the sweet potato crops in Georgia has become enor-
mous and-n better and more profitable system of marketing this erop
1s sadly: needed, that is if the producer is to receive a fair return for
his labors.

One of the food eG syiodaies which the. benweln farmer does not
stupply in sufficient quantities is poultry products. Tennessee is still
furnishiig large quantities of both chickens and eggs to Georgia.
Sinall farmers who would like to add to their incomes will do well to
6 their poultry products for which there is an ever increasing
de emana- in the towns and cities.

ai extensive way in poultry raising may be assured of a ready mar-

Ket for these products.

" The Bulletin will publish in the near sifiee new suggestions and |

aids j in methods of poultry raising as recommended by the State Col-
lege of Agriculture. -

- The peanut growers, the apple, peach, and cotton interests
Geor gia have organized and are well started in co-operative ma
kets ng systems, which are proving satisfactory and will be more aad
more beneficial as time goes on and the volume of business inereases
ane a greater number of: marketing contacts are established.

- The next most needed step in the program of farm development
in aie state, as the State Bureau of Markets sees it, is a definite: plan
of co-operative marketing for the Georgia sweet potato and poultry

Statisticians and economic writers very eee gang speak of over
production, but the writer finds it impossible to believe there ever
has been or ever will be an over production of farm products.

Undereonsumption may exist certainly but no over production.
As to the recognized lack of satisfactory connections for distribution
of Georgia products, the present officials of the State Bureau of

- Markets will by careful study of the situation endeavor to overcome
and greatly improve conditions.


The yield from fall gardens usually brings better prices than
the mid-summer crops.
The foilowing list of Soe tables are recommended by the State
College of Agriculture as being suited for August planting.
BEANS. Snap and bush variety, the Kentucky Wonder, Corn-
field and Mammoth Limas are said to be the best sellers.

BEETS. Should be planted one inch deep, rows 18 inches tol

21-2 feet; sow thinly 1 ounce to 50 feet, 6 pounds per acre.
rieties for Gorgia soil:The Eclipse, Blood Turnip,
# to 4 inches in the drill.

Best. va-'


' Farmers wishing to specialize in

| from 80 to 100 days. :

Egyptian. Thin | broadcast 1 ounc to 200 feet, 1
wu mature in from 60 ie 0 days.

BRUSSEL SPROUTS. Should be transplanted in August.
ENDIVE. Plant 1-2 to 1 inch deep, rows 18 inches to 2. f
apart; sow thinly 1 ounce to 200 feet. Best varieties :Green Curl
White Curled. Will mature in from 70 to 90 Le Tie up leaves

broadeast 1 ounce to 200 feet, 4 pounds per acre.
Spring Kale, Blue Kale, Curled South. Good winter greens.
ture in from 6 to 8 weeks.

PARSLEY. Plant 1-2 to 1 inch deep, rows 12 to 18 inches apal
or in beds, one ounce to 200 feet. Best varieties :Dwarf Perfe
ion, Moss Curled. Soak seed ie. planting. Will vedas in nab
SO days.

PARSNIPS. Plant 1 inch deep, rows 18 inches to 2 te
thinly in drill 1 ounce to 200 feet; 5 lbs per acre. Best denetied
fuernsey, Hollow Crown, Hollow Hake Sow in rich oe soil. W.
mature In about 100 days. ;

ENGLISH PEAS. Plant 1-2 to 1 inch deep, rows 2 i 2 to 3 &
4 to 6 inches in the drill, 1 pint to 1 quart for 100 feet, 1 bushel pel
acre. Plant every two weeks forsuceession. Will mature - a

59 fo. 100 days.
COLLARDS. Plant 1-2 to 1 inch deep, rows 3 feet, 18 nthe
24 inches in drill, 1 ounce to 3000 plants, 1-4 pound per acre. Be
varieties Georvia or Southern. Not ready to eat until after fro
CABBAGE. Set plants in soil to bottom leaves, rows 2 12
$ feet, 1-2 to 2 feet in the drill, 1 ounce to 4000 plants, 1-4 pound Pp
aere. Best varieties :The Wakefield, Succession, Dirvgnieed #F
Dutch. Will mature in from 8 to 10 weeks, | 2
CARROTS. Plant 1 to 2 inches deep, rows 18, inches to, 2 fe
sow thinly one ounce to 100 feet, 3 pounds per acre. Best Varie
--The Chantenary, Half Long Scarlet, Long Orange.
LETTUCE. Plant -1-2 to 1 inch deep, rows 18 inches to. 2 4
6 x 6 inches in cold frames, one ounce to 200 feet or 3000 plants. Be
varieties :Big Boston, Tennis Ball, Grand Rapids. Will maa ee
60 to 90 days. :
ONION SETS. Plant 1 to 2 inches, rows 18 oe to 2
apart, 4 to 6 inches in drill, quart to 50 feet of row, 8 bushels
nacre, Best varieties: _--Bermuda, Yellow Danver, Prize Taker, 8
Skin. Will mature in from 90 to 120 days. A wood money crop
IRISH POTATOES. 4 to 6 inches, rows 3 ft; 12 to 18 inches
drill, 1 peck to 200 feet, 7 to 10 bushels per acre. Best varietie
Early Rose, Bliss Triumph: Cobbler, Lookout Mountain (late), Ae:
sound cleat seed. Will mature in from 60 to 90 days.
RADDISH. Plant 1-2 to 1 inch, rows 12 to 18 inches. apa
ounce to 100 feet, 12 pounds per acre. Best varieties :Scarlet G
French, Bee White Icyele. May be sown with earrots or
Jey. Will mature in from 30 to 40 days. :
RAPE. Plant 1-2 to 1 inch deep, rows 2 feet apart or prondd
J ounce to 100 feet, 3 to 5 pounds per acre. Best variety :D)
Essex. Keep cut tor greens. Will mature in from 70 to 90 da
-- RUTABAGA. Plant 1-2 to 1 inch, rows 18 inches to 2 1-
Sow thinly one ounce to 200 feet, 2 to 3 pounds per acre. Best v.
ties:Purple Top, Yellow, Russian, Breadstone. Will matux

SPINACH. Plant 1 inch den rows 18 inches to 2 fer
thinly 1 ounce to 100 feet, 10 to 15 pounds per aere. Best v
ties :-New Zealand, Cusied Savvy, Aragon. Requires rich soil.
tures in from 60 to 70 days. :

SWISS CHARD. Plant 1 inch deep, rows 18 inches to 2
i Row thinly 1 ounce to 100 feet. Best varieties :Giant, Lue
Tie leaves up to blanch. Will mature in from 60 to 80 days.

TURNIPS. Plant 1 inch deep, rows 18 inches to 2 1- 2 fee
to 3 pounds per acre. Best
ties Sau Top, White Bee, Seven Top, Tolow ; Aerie


L 8 Morris, 53 A Stonewall Sta At-
Janta full blooded Jersey male and
reg 5 gal Jersey cow gentle as a kit-
ten :

WA Daniell, Tennille Ga reg Gu-
sernsey bull with pedigree

: Tom Richardson, Palmetto Ga Reg
Jersey bull calf 6 mos old..

WH Thomas, R 2 Winder Ga 1
good Guernsey cow fresh in 5

-.$ L Thornton & Son, R 2 Dewy
Rose Ga Reg Holstein bull, State
breed and docile; also his reg son
calved last Oct; both cheap

-K L Smith, Palmetto Ga R1 1 Jer-
sey bull thorobred 2 1-2 yrs old $50
Woodlawn Nursery, R 3 Greenville
Ga 1 good milk cow freshin $50
-_M Benton, Monticello Ga 2 young
awn colored Jersey cows will fresh-
n in 30. days

W D Wilbanks, Ramhurst Ga 4 reg
ed Polled heifers from 5 to 15 mos
| $300 fob Ramhurst

W P Sorrow, Point Peter Ga 1
yuernsey bull 1 8mos old with reg
yapers sell or exe for good milch cow
resh in

M Shackleford, Albany: Ga reg
| yrs old Jersey bull solid dark fawn
olor, extra fine animal of Raleigh
train, write for description

RE Bower, Dixie Ga 2 fresh 3-4
ersey cows

DL Shirley, Morrow Ga 1 nice 3-4
ersey heifer calf 3 mos old $15 fob
EC Davis, 35 Linden Ave N E At-
anta Guernsey bull 16 mos old from
xceptional stock ready for service
G_N Strong, Newnan Ga 4 fresh
ows, 2 t. freshen in Sept, 4 bred
1eifers, 4 small heifers; all well bred
attle; Raleigh bull reg

Tom Richardson, Palmetto Ga 1
ree Jersey bul! calf 7 mos old $25
Rest Cottage Farm Line Breed Ral-
igh Jersey bull calf 4 mos old $37.-
50; also 1 heifer from cow that has
iven 57 lbs milk per da

J F Olbon, Bowman, Ga., Jersey
bull 15 or 16 mos old wt about 400
0 500 lbs will exc for good heifer or
ell $40 :
JH Whitfield, Baldwin Ga Sell or
xe for 7 H P Economy Gas engine
1 Jersey cow E

_ Oak Terrace Farm, Atlanta Ga reg
uernsey bull 3 mos old dam making
4,686 lbs milk and 640 lbs butter;
may rose breeding


W D Wilbanks, Ramhurst Ga 1 ree
Shropshire buck 2 yrs old $25. fob
amhurst Ga

ed Angora goats, buck $7.50 ea doe
E Rosser, R 2 Box 30 Decatui
Exc 2: ram lambs wooltype for 2
es or 2 P C pigs
W C Griffin, Tunnell Hill Ga Exc
Angora nannies 2 or 3 yrs old with
2 kinds 3 to 4 mos olr for two gooa
ewe sheep ee
Hardee Thigpen, Adrian Ga R 1
0 sheep all ewes but 8 spring Jambs
$2.50 ea for lot fob home 3 miles
southwest of Adrian
C Stark, Commerce Ga 3 6
nos oid milk goat does, half toggen-
berg buck 2 yqrs old $25


E C ORear, Union Point Ga 1
uroc Jersey sow 2 1-2 yrs old; 8
gs 4 wks old to sell or exc :
Willard Rowland, R 1 Carnesville
88 P C and Berkshire pigs cross-
ed about 2 mos old in good condition
ea or lot $28 cash at barn; no
gs shipped

LE Griffeth, Winder Ga 9 mos old
C boar wt 100 lbs exc for 3 young
Its any breed 8 wks old; boar en-
itied to reg; prefer Duroc Jersey,
ampshire, or O [ C gilts

C Lanier, R 1 Graymont Ga 1
Cherry King Duroc gilt wt 175
yr old good condition $16 fob
Edenfield, R 3 Stillmore Ga

Thursday, August 4, 1927. = : 2

M Shackleford, Albany Ga Pure


Duroc Jersey boar pigs 16 wks old 40
to 50 Ibs wt $14 ea or $25 pair reg in
buyers name

Tom Richardson, Palmetto Ga Reg
S PC boar 15 mos old $50; also reg
S P C pigs 6 wks old $10 ea

National Pecan Groves, Flintside
Ga 1 reg Duroc boar sell or xce to
prevent inbreeding

L O Guthrie, Logansville Ga 8 large
fat hogs

R C Couch, Turin Ga Purebred big
bone P C gilt 8 mos old $8.50

J S Akins, R 3 Social Circle Ga 5
Duroc pigs 2 mos old $5 ea

Joe M Brown, McRae Ga S P CG
bred gilts $25 ea; 12 wks old pigs
either sex $10; 6 wks old $8, 5 mos
old $15; all entitled to reg

Oakhurst Plantation Hamilton Ga
Well bred S P C sow to reg boar no
akin $385 fob

Elvey Ward, R 4 Ellaville Ga 8

pigs 3 mos old Durocs and P GC cross-|

ed exc for Barred rocks R I reds or
Cornish Indian game hens; 1 pig for
6 hens

T O MeMillan, Holton Ga Duroc
shoats nice boars 4 mos old wt 80 to
100 lbs ea reg in buyers name $15

Mrs Ella Reid, Eatonton Ga 15 pigs
3 mos old durocs and duroc and P C
crossed highly bred no runts in ex-
cellent shape $4.25 ea fob Eatonton
_ W B Wilbanks, Ramhurst Ga Reg
S P C hogs young stock; bred sows
and gilts a specialty _

E O Willoughby, R 1 Washington
Ga Reg Duroc boar 0.C K strain;
write for prices

Graham Clarke, R 1 Rhine Ga 1 P

C male hog reg wt 300 lbs 2 yrs old

Riley C Couch, Turin Ga 1 pure-
bred big bone P C gilt 3 mos old $8.-


R D Giles; Pendergrass Ga 1 bar-
row hog ready for market wt about
250 Ibs 12 on foot or 15c dressed;
18 wks old barrow Berkshire and Du-
roc wt 50 lbs $10; can furnish any

amt pure bred Hampshire pigs for}.

Oct.del at $1 5pair

Oakhurst Plantation, Hamilton Ga
S P C pigs reg in buyers name $10

LH Couisns, R 3 Greenville Ga 10
P C pigs and 6 and 7 wks old $6 ea;
also lot of shoats about 100 lbs ea
ready for market

Lonnie~- Weatherly, R 2 Buchanan
Ga 18 pigs 1-2 S.P C and 1-2 Duroc
Jersey 9 wks old 10 males and 8 fe-
males $7 ea fob ;

J YT Turner, Cedartown Ga Reg
duroc pigs 8 to 10 wks old $12.50 ea
with papers

A E Gook, R 1 Gay Ga 1 P C boar
8 mos old wt about 200 Ibs sell or

C L Fuller. Curryville Ga Liberat-

-or big bone black P C gilts and boars
'% to 8 wks old $12.50 ea fob can be

R F Barnes, Graymont Ga Little
bone black guinea male 3 mos old
$10 or exc for pair black essex pigs
6 wks old

Tom Richardson, Palmetto Ga 1
reg S P C boar 15 mos old $40; also
reg S P C pigs 7 wks old $10 ea

Z T Seott,Concord Ga reg male du-
roc pigs 2 mos old with papers $8

S S Ruark, Thomson Ga 2 S P C
sows and 2 shoats 3 mos old reg and
treated with Anti Cholera serum

Wayne P Sewell, Piedmont Hotel
Atlanta pigs 6 wks to 1 1-2 mos old
without reg papers $8 to $20; some
are good reg duroc sows and some
sired by Berrys Orion Sensation In-
ternational Champion boar maximum
wt 1100 Ibs

A L Moss, R 2 Alto Ga 1 essex
male ready for service $16; reg in
buyers name $17


Robert L Veal, Sandersville Ga 1
mare 6 yrs old work anywhere

W J Palmer, R 8 Gainesville Ga 1
mare mwe wt about 800 Ibs 10 yrs

old in good condition will sell cheap] W B Rice, P O Box 8 Dublin Ga


Mrs Lula Blitch, R 2 Box 49 Daisy
Ga 1 dark red mare mule in good con-
dition 8 yrs old wt about 1000 to
1100 Ibs left home about June 28,
finder return the mule or notify and
get reward

D J Marshall, Washington Ga 1
black mare mule 4 yrs without blem-
ish wt 900 lbs |

S F Pettit, Eliijay, Ga., exe nice
mule wt 1100 to 1200 lbs fat, 12 yrs
old, in good condition for 10 pigs 8
to 10 wks old give breed, age and
wt with first letter

J W Sorrells, R 4 Monroe Ga Good
gentle horse sound and in good con-
dition works anywhere sell or exc for

Mrs W W Sherrer, Rayle Ga 1 mule
$500 good gentle work anywhere

Mrs Maude M Holland, Reidsville
Ga 1 mule wt 1100 or 1200 lbs age
10 yrs sell cheap or exec for Ford
roadster or touring car, cattle or

D C Griffin, Gibson Ga 1 Mule
about 8 yrs old 800 lbs wt sell cheap
_ J M Hickox R 2 Box 64 Folkston
Ga 1 mule wt 800 lbs in good con-
dition gentle work anywhere cash $7
guaranteed |

T L Bannister, R 1 Carters Ga 2
fine young jacks

Mrs R A DeLoach, Newington Ga
1 horse 12 yrs old about 1100 Ibs
healthy and will do any kind of work
1 small mule about 600 Ibs suitable
for light plowing or garden work
reasonable prices on both

Corn and Corn Products

Urben Bower, Americus Ga Best
milling corn and water ground corn
meal $1.15 per bu in lots of 5 bu
or more ae

Cook Trading Co, Milan Ga coun-
try shelled corn 95c in sacks fob Mi-
lan {

W M Giles, Powder Springs Ga 5
bu corn nice and sound $1 per bu
fob crib

Dan Shiff, Finleyson Ga Car slip
shuck ear corn

Mrs C L Bradford, Woolsey Ga
Good corn in shucks 80 Ibs to bu $1
fob Brooks Ga
' HM Franklin & Co, Tennille Ga
Corn in ear in car lots only 2 cars
baled shucks $10 per ton fob our Ga
shipping point.

W E Hampton, Mineral Bluff Ga
Best white milling corn, water ground
corn meal $1.30 bu del in 5 bu lots
or more

E O Lance Dahlonega Ga Old fash-
ion water ground corn gritts 3 1-2c
lb add postage

J H Finleyson, Finleyson Ga 100
bu clean mill corn $1 bu unsacked 10
miles from shipping

E L Corley, R 1 Cunk Ga Wheat
25c Ib

Mrs W E Whisnante, Mansfield Ga

golden yellow pop corn 10c per cup-}

ful or exc for nice quilt scraps or any
thing useful

Clover, Hay, etc.

Rhodes Seed Co, Forsyth Ga Burr
clover with heavy dirt screened out
less than 100 Ibs 15e per lb, 100 lbs
12c per lb, 500 lbs 10c Ib all fob;
sample on request

M M Stephens, Wildwood Ga Bean
hay $15 ton fob Sta

Riley C Couch, Turin Ga 2 tons
pure peavine hay rich with peas $24
ton :

Wheat, Oats, Rye, and etc.

Mrs E M Rowland, Carnesville Ga
40 bus good sound Bancroft oats for
seed $1 per bu or lot $37 fob La-
vonia Ga

W H Chambers, Homer Ga 25 bu
Abbruzzi seed rye $2 per bu fob or
$1.85 ver bu for lot

W F Cox, Rosewell Ga 175 bu
wheat $1.75 per bu at Rosewell; $1.-
80 fob Chambl or Atlanta

A J Oweng, Canon Ga Fulghum
oats well matured 75c per bu fo

| Bex Ib


3000 bu nice clean Fulghum seed

oats 80c per bu in ear lots; will sell

W L Breedlove & Son, Monroe Ga
Fulghum oats $1 bu, 1 yr from T W
oes pedigreed seed 500 bu for

Geo W Heard, Box 136 Atlanta
new crop Abruzzi rye in 2 1-2 bu
bags $2 per bu

Tri-state Seed Co, Athens Ga Gen-

-Hastings oats 70c; abruzzi rye Sou-

uine fulghum oats 75c; Bancroft,
thern grown $1.85 tall Mt rye same

Marshall Lewis, Rydal Ga R 2 re-
cleaned abruzzi rye $2 bu fob Adairs-
ville Ga

Mrs H Y Dangler, R 1 Adairsville
Ga rye for sale

I F Gipson, Ashland Ga 100 bu ap-
ple oats 75 bu

W I Black, R 1 Lula Ga 25 bu Win-
ter grazing oats 75c bu

Macon Seed Store Mail order de-
partment Macon Ga 2,000 bus Ga
fulghum oats $1 bu, in 5 bu bags;
500 bus South Ga Abruzzi rye $2.50
in 2 1-2 bu bags; 500 bus Ga bue -
stem wheat $2.50 bu in 2 1-2 bu
bags; 10,000 Ibs hairy vetch 20c lb
fob Macon -

H M Franklin & Co, Tennille Ga
Oats and rye of all varieties in large
lots; flour in bbl lots self rising and

rom $9 per bbl del; Abruzzi rye $2

J H Palmer, Tennille Ga 200 bus

| Cokers pedigreed fulghum oats $1 bu

50 bus Cokers pedigreed abruzzi rye
at $2.25 bu; 75 bu blue stem seed
wheat $2 bu: all first years planting

WH Davis, 312 Montgomery St
Savannah Ga Genuine red rust proof
seed oats write for prices

C V Thomas, Morganton Ga N Ga
aoe seed rye $1.50 fob Blue Ridge


A J Owens, Canon
oats 75c bu fob Canon ae

J F Lewis, R 3 Adairsville Ga Ga
Abruzzi rye $2 bu fob

D F Marshall Washington Ga Ga
rust proof oats $1 bu fob __

R S Herod, Adairsville Ga Abruzzi
rye $1.05 bu also wheat, write

J R Harper, Sweet Gum Ga new
crop NGa Grown seed rye 2 1-2 bu
$2.50 bu fob Sweet Gum; cash with
order :

J L White, Adairsville Ga 100 bu
stoner seed bearded wheat $2 bu in
even wt bags; also 100 white sound
milling corn $1.10 bu fob Adairs-
ville Ga aes

W J Grier, Clermont Ga 400 bus
Abruzzo rye $1.75 bu fob Clermont

Ga Fulghum



C H Gailey. Rt 12, Commerce. Ga.
25 Ibs seven top turnip seed 30c Ib
f o b Commerce. a

Mrs J C Tabor, Danielsville, Ga.,
burr clover.seed free from other seed
swept and inoculated 75c bu in 10
bu lots: :

-Ralph Williams, Cumming, Ga., 7-
top turnip seed 5c tablespoon.

W W W liams, Quitman, Ga., cab
bage and tomato seed $1; onion seed
$2; collard seed 50c; 1 turnip seed
EOc, 1 mustard 25c.

Wade Payne, Pearson, Ga., rape
seed 5 Ibs 60c, 10 Ibs for $1.

Mrs T C Floyd, Rt 2, Chipley, Ga. .
snap bean seed to plant for fall crop,
Henderson white bunch lima beans,
cupful 25 prepaid.

Miss Lucy D Brown, Rt 8, Doug-
lasville, Ga., white bush butter beans
nice sound and recleaned 20c per Ib.

Mrs. Grady Fraser, Rt 7, Gaines-
ville, Ga., mixed turnip seeds 10c
large spoonful, 25c cupful, red double
poppies seeds 10c spoonful; large
winter mustard seed 10c large spoon-
ful; add postage. :

W H Sewell. Lavonia, Ga., South-
ern prize and purple top globe tur-
nip seed mixed 1 lb 35c, 1-2 Ib 20c

. Mrs Mattie Brentley, Rt 2 ae
ae, e seven top turnip seed 25c
Prdsl. or 200 fob,


Mrs ME Ricks, Rt 2, Moultrie, Ga

1927 collard seed headed variety 5c:

taklespoonful or $1 per lb; 1927
ape seed same price, cash with or-
ters, a@d postage, will exchange for
dried apples or peaches. :

S L Thornton & Son, Rt 2, Dew-
eyrose, Ga., choice crimson clover
seed in chaff 7 1-2c lb; clean early
Jouthern burr clover seed $1 bu;
write for samples.

2? Miss Marie Bentley, Rt 2, Bremen
Ga., pure seven top seed 20c per lb
any amount, 20c lb del.

Mrs R A Whitmire, Carnesville,
Ga., big Boston lettuce and mixed
hollyhock 5 pk. :

Southern Plant Co., Braselton, Ga
all kinds cabbage seed $1 1b; collard
seed 40c; red rock and greater bal-
timore tomato seed $1 1b; Livingston
globe tomato seed $3.75 lb; yellow
Bermuda onions $3.75 Ib; Detroit
dark red beets 75c; cash with order.

Mrs M M Hessey, Nichols, Ga., Rt
2, Box 110, cabbage collard and blue
stem collard and kale mustard seed
10c tablespoon. - Cae

Mrs J A Wilson, Martin, Ga., wil-
lets wonder English pea for fall plant
ing 30c lb; red multiplying onions

$2 bu; yellow globe and purple top
turnip seed 25c |b.

G C Cornell, Whigham, Ga.. col-
lard seed 1927 crop 20c lb fob Whig-
ham, no orders for-less than 5 Ibs.

Ethel Theridge, Rt 3, Lavonia, Ga
mixed turnip seed best varieties 30c
Ib; Detroit dark red beet seed 30c

t; carrot seed 10c teaspoon; Boston

eading lettuce seed same price all
1 27 crop delivered. .

Mrs CN Sorrell, Monroe, Ga., Nov
and Dec planting English pea seed
50c Ib; 2 1-2 Ibs 75c; winter beet
seed 10c pk. : =

Mrs H Perkins, Rt 2, Box 63 Box
Springs, Ga., pure white velvet okra
seed sell or exchange for flowers
prefer begonias and ferns.

Mrs Hurlie M Davis, Rt 1, Ring-
gold, Ga., seven top turnip seed 35c
lb, add postage.

Mrs Josie Jenkins, Dahlonega, Ga.
7-top and purple top turnip seed
mixed 25c lb; or 6 lbs $1; old fash-
ion red multiplying onion sets 40c
gal delivered.

A F Underwood, Conyers, Ga., Rt
5, sound clean seven top turnip seed
silghtly mixed with Southern prize
25 lb; also yellow skin multiplying
shellots 25c gal add postage.

Mrs A P Hutcheson, Rt 3, Temple,
Ga., turnip seed mixed 25c per cup
onion buttons 40c qt.

John Crowe, Palmetto, Ga.,

Stringler green pod tender bean seed |

ce per lb; add postage not over 5
Mrs V S Ladd, Rt 7, Gainesville.
Ga., mixed turnip seed 25c per cup.
McEver Seed and Plant Co., Bras-
elton, Ga., Newstone tomato seed
-and all kinds cabbage seed $1 1b;
collard seed 40c 1b; all kinds turnip
seed 35c lb; valentine and green pod
beans 25c lb; write for complete list
J L Gray, R 8 Jackson Ga Hastings
white egg, purple top, white flat
Dutch, purple top glove, amber globe,
and seven top turnip seed all mixed
together, write offers.
Cairo Seed Co, Cairo Ga Amber
ecane, orange cane, red top cane, Tex-
as seed ribbon cane, Syrup sorghum
eane and German millet seed $2.50
bu; cattail millet 9c.1b; all fob Caira
A J Sims, Flowery Branch Ga 50
{bs seven top turnip seed 25c per lb
a postage with orders less than 5
Mrs V E McCook, R 2 McIntyre Ga}
Fresh 1927 white stem heading coll-
ard seed 10c per oz or 8 for 25c
Mrs Daisy Cochran, R 3 Monroe
Ga 20 lbs pure seven top turnip
seed 20c teacup, add postage:

Mrs J Walter McGarity, Drake-

_ town, Ga Hastings mixed turnip seed

1927 crop 30c lb add postage |T

-80c by express lots; Bermuda onion:

turnip seed mixed %5 per lb; 5 lbs

$1.25 del; 5 to 10 M express collect

Mrs George Ray. 4


will make a crop this year if plant-
ed soon, running white mush peas
just dry 20c 1b; Hastings big seven
variety turnip seed 2 tablespoons 25c

Tuckers Seed Co, Atlanta, True Ga
and Buncomb collard, purple top
white globe, white egg cow horn, sev-
en top turnip seed ruta baga giant
curled mustard all 40c lb prepaid or

seed $2.50; all varieties cabbage T5c

Mrs C A Wilbanks, R 2 Commerce
Ga Seven top and purple top globe

or more 380c lb del

Mrs LS Vaughn, R 29 Commerce
Ga pure seven top turnip seed 40c Ib


McEver Seed and Plant Co, Brasel-
ton Ga Livingston globe, Stone and
Greater Baltimore tomato and cab-
bage collard plants 75c, 500, $1.25 M
del; $1 M fob Cash

E C Wingo, Flowery Branch R 1

Charlestion Wakefield, Danish Ball
headed and all seasons cabbage plants

and greater Baltimore tomato plants:
75e.500, $1.25 M

Mrs Ralph Williams, Cumming Ga
heading Ga collard plants 15c 100,
65c 500, $1.25 M, add postage

H W Yarbrough, Roswell Ga Coop-
er strawberry plants 60c 100. $6 M

J A Sartain, LaFayette Ga Celery
plants 10c doz fob 70c 100 del

Mrs H. B Craig, R 4 Lawrenceville
Ga collard plants 20c 100

Ga Plant Farm, Baxley Ga Cab-
bage plants $1 M, 5 M lots 75c M

J B Evans, R 1 Flowery Branch
Ga Charleston Wakefield and Flat
Dutch cabbage, new stone and great-
er Baltimore tomato plants $1.25
M; cabbage in 10 M lots 80c M. ~

Woodliff Plant Farm, Flowery
Branch Ga Wakefield and flat Dutch
cabbage, new stone and greater Bal-
timore tomato plants $1.25 M

Willie Allen R 2 Gainesville Ga Ga
collard plants $4.50 for 5 M, $7.50
10 M collect; Lady Thompson straw- ,
berry plants 30c 100, 75 300

Mrs B T Baldwin, R 4 Rockmart Ga.
True Ga collard 30c 100 del

W W Williams, Quitman Quitman
Ga Cabbage and tomato plants $1 per |
M; onions $1.25 M; bell
collard $1

W O Waldrip, R 1, Flowery Branch
Ga. Early Jersey Charleston Wake-
field, cabbage, new stone and great-
er Baltimore tomato, and heading va-
riety collard plants 500 75c, 1 M

$1 per M, Klondyke strawbervy plants
$2.75 per M del; cash with orders.

Mrs CS Wingo, R 1, Flowery
Branch, Ga. Charleston Wakefield,
Flat Dutch, Danish Balihead and all
$1.25 M; also greater Baltimore to-
seasons cabbage plants 75c 500 or
mato plants same price

Southern Plants Co., Braselton,
Ga., Newstone tomato, Flat Dutch
Charleston Wakefield cabbage and
eollard plants $1.25 M del; $1 fob
cash with order -

T C Bennett, Flowery Branch Ga
R 1, Succession cabbage plants 25c
per 100; 75c 500; $1.25 per M del

Woodliff Plant Farm, Flowery
Branch Ga. Charleston Wakefield and
flat Dutch cabbage plants $1.25 per
M; or 10 or more M 90c per M;
new stone and greater Baltimore to-
mato plants same price

W W McEver, Braselton, Ga. New]

stone tomato, blue stem collards open
field grown 100 25c; 500 65c, $1
per M del. :

Clarence Waldrip, Rt 1, Flowery
Branch Ga. Early Jersey capbage
plants 25c 100 or $1.25 per M.

Evergreen Nursery Gainesville,
Ga. Cabbage, collard, and tomato
plants $1.25 per M. ee

Miss Elsie Shell, Palmetto, Ga..
R 3. Tomato plants 25e per 100;

Geo L Durand, Gainesville, Ga.
Collard plants 15 100; $1 per M;
new stone and greater Baltimore to-
ato plarts $1.25 per M or 25c per

pepper $2; '

Milan, Ga.

100: Lady Thompson strawberry
plants $3 per M or 50c per 100
J CG Dodd, Cleveland Ga. Lady

Thompson strawberry plants 30 per,

100 or $2 per M

Mrs xosie Crow, R 4, Cumming,
Ga. Collard plants 15 per 100, $1.25
per Mo

W L Wright, Alto, Ga., Stone to-
mato plants 20c per 100;
M del ve

W C Tumlin, Gainesville, Ga. lead
ing varieties cabbage tomato and
collard plants 75c 500; $1.25. per
M prepaid; bell pepper plants $2
per M

Mrs Lee Head, R 1, Cleveland, Ga.
Everbearing strawberry plants $1
per 100, $7.50 per 1000, Klondykes
50e 100, $3.50 per M or will exe for
any kind of cloth or chickens

J M Nix. R 1 Flowery Branch Ga)

Charleston Wakefield all season Dan-
ish Ball head cabbage, true Ga col-
lard and greater Baltimore tomato
plants 20c per 100, 50c 300, 75c 500.

$1.25 per M del post paid - better

prices on larger orders
'W L Wright, Alto Ga. Stone to-
mato plants 20c per 100 $1 per M
C F Maddox, R 2, Buford, Ga.
Charleston Wakefield cabbage, head-
ing variety collard, Baltimore and
new stone tomato plants grown from
guaranteed pure seed 45e 200, 75c
500, $1.25 per M, 5 M or more 90c
per M
CF Maddox, R 2, Buford, Ga. 200

lbs old fashion multiplying shellots

trimmed -and recleaned for setting
10 per Ib; $2.50 per bu of 32 Ibs

O K Orr, Flowery Branch,
greater Baltimore tomato
$1.50 per M del

Mrs Grace Maddox, Rt 2, Buford,
Ga., good choice plants promptly del
Newstone and Greater Baltimore to-
mato, Charleston Wakefield cabbage,
heading variety collard postpaid 30c
100, 65c 300, $1.25 per M, 5 M or
more in single or mixed lots $5; pi-
mento sweet pepper 35c 100. ;

Green Mt Farm, Gainesville, Ga.,
cabbage plants and tomato
$1.25 per M.

Evergreen Plant Farm,



Branch, Ga., early Jersey Charleston

Wakefield, Succession cabbage stone
and Baltimore tomato and Ga col-
lards plants 20c 100, 75c 500, $1.25
M del; 5 M lots $1 per M fob; also
Klondyke strawberry plants 40c 100
or $2.0 M del.

Mrs J E Stonebridge, Ella Gap.
Ga., strawberry plants $2 per M, 25c
per 100 del, cash with order.


L J Taylor, R F D A, Box 45,
Barnesville, Ga., all or any part of

the product of 3 acres of sorghum

cane estimated at 500 gallons syrup
same to be manufactured and packed
according to specifications of pur-
chaser not later than Aug 31.

C M Jackson, Lawrenceville, Ga.
200 gallons of sorghum syrup in
small barrels at 60c per gal.

R C Couch, Turin, Ga., heavy rib-
bon cane syrup in new gal. buckets
75 gal. thick honey drip cane syrup
in new gal. buckets 60c gal.

W H Davis, 312 Montgomery St.,
Savannah, Ga., pure Ga. cane syrup
reboiled with corn syrup 45c per
gal. in 85 gal. barrels, guaranteed
and first class dark cane syrup

R F Strickland, Concord, Ga., good
quality sorghum syrup in 10 lb and
5 lb cans 6-10 Ib cans $3.50 an
12 5 lb $3.60 fob Concord.

G N Strong, Newnan, Ga., 100 gal.
good sorghum syrup.

W E Hampton, Mineral Bluff, Ga.
good sorghum syrup at 60c per 10 lb
pail, del. in lots of 12 pails or more.

Geo W Cook, Maghen, Ga., 8 gal.
of good syrup all guaranteed quality.

John J Crarey, Rt 1, Box 98, Mi-
dan, Ga., pure sugar cane syrup $1
per 10 lb pail or 6 for $5.50 fob,

atterson, Ty Ty, Ga., wants

$1 per,

plants j

Thursday, August 4, 19

to exchange Ga. cane syrup for g
meal made out of corn not w
eaten syrup in 10 Ib buckets. wr
how you will trade.

W J Carruth, Farmington, G

good grade of sorghum syrup in 1
lb buckets at 75c per bucket del.

C A Black, Rt 1, The Rock, G
sorghum syrup real bright, thick
cans 50c per gallon fob, ribbon can
syrup in half gallon cans thick an
bright real good for 90c per gal, -
The Rock, Ga. ae is

Riley C Couch, Turin, Ga., he:
ribbon cane syrup in new gal bu
ets 75c gal; thick honey drip c:
syrup in new gal buckets 60 gal


P L Jones, Rt 8, Waycross, Ga.,
ean buds. Stuart, Success, Money
ker, Teche, Schley varieties.

O R Johnson, Rt 1, Shellman
pecan wrapping tape for wrapp:
pecan buds 50c per square yd del
H H Busset, Guyton; Ga., _
medium size pecans to sell or
change for honey, =. = =

Mrs Annie Stevenson. Pavo,
Rt 4, 20 lbs large seedling pe
15c per Ib or exchange for pure b:
chickens any strain. if

C T McMillan, Rt 3, Gainesvi
Ga., nursery stock state. inspec
true to name leading varietie
pecan trees at special prices,
livery, write for price. Hi

Cairo Seed Co., Cairo, Ga.,
grown running seed peanuts
per bu; Ga. grown running see





_W_H Robinson, Cairo, Gag
| vine running seed peanuts 9c lb

grown running seed peanuts 9
lb; No. 1 shelled white Spanis
ing seed peanuts 17c lb fob.

cross, Ga., chufas green and
$2.50 per pk or $8 per fob, W
boro, Ga. Baca
Cairo Seed Co., Cairo, Ga.
grown running seed peanuts and
grown running seed peanuts $2
per-bu; good stock No, 1
white Spanish planting seed p
17 1-4c lb fob Cairo, Ga.
_W H Robinson, Cairo, Ga.
vine running seed peanuts an
grown running seed peanuts 9c p
No 1 shelled white Spanish pla
seed peanuts 17c per Ib; all fob
ro. ee ree
O R Johnson, Rt 1, Shellma
pecan wrapping tape for wrap}
pecan buds 50c per square yd.
HM Franklin & Co., Tenni
seed peanuts runners 7 1-2c pr
white Spanish 10 rer lb; fob
ping point. eo
Cairo Seed Co., Cairo, G:
running seed peanuts $2.25 pe
Ga. grown running seed peanuts
price; good stock No. 1 shelled
Spanish planting seed peanuts 1
per lb fob Cairo. pe
IM Roberts, Rt. 4, Box 1
cross, Ga., chufasm green and
$8 per bu fob Waresboro.
W M Gides, Powder Springs,
Rt 3, Spanish peanuts 7c per Ib.
O R Johnson, Rt 1, Shellm
pecan wrapping tape for wr
buds 50 per square yd del.
H M Franklin & Co., Tenn
white Spanish seed peanuts
; Mrs Daniel J May, Rt 1, Be
Mitchell, Ga., 75 to 100 Ibs
shell seedling pecans medium siz
each, cash with order. oe
A C Duncan, Woodbury, G:
; ded pecan trees 3 to 6 ft hig
ing varieties exchange for
- pullets; will take pullets at onc
Putney, Ga.


|G H Tomlinson,
{ wood leading variet

$ per M

Ga., sugar crowder peas 10c
ow peas $2 bu; mung beans 10c
veda beans 7c lb, |

s Sam P Jones, Rt 3, Lula, Ga
n snap beans Kentucky wonder
thousand to one varieties 30c

M Franklin Co., Tennille, Ga.,
all kinds, early speckled vel-
s, osceola velvet beans, oto-
beans, loreda soy beans, bi-
mammoth yellow soy beans.
Stokes, Box 72, Fitzgerald,
ple hull harper peas 2 bus
pk $4.

H Davis, 312 Montgomery St.,
nah, Ga., cow peas $1.60 bu,
fine quality mixed Tron and
m $2.25 per bu.

} Barker, Eatonton, Ga., ten-
ap beans $1.50 hamper cash
oer 2

W L Fussei?, Hazlehurst, Ga.,
peas and sugar crowders 5ce

proof English peas 50c qt.,'
pk., $15 bu cash with order. .
W E Whisnante, Mansfield Ga
ima 15c lb or exchange golden
pop corn 10c per cupfull or
scraps. : ses
heridge, Rt 3, Forsyth Ga.,
eans $1.25 per hamper.

f Plant Farm, Flowery
. Ga.; sugar crowder peas
10c_ 1b;

xchange for sultana cutting,
except rose or salmon or
ntana cuttings, cuttings must
Guthrie, Loganville, Ga., all
peas, otootan and loreda
nd lady peas. .
tts Bonded Whse, Eastman,
uine otootans $2.50 bu; lore-
Jeans $2 bu; mixed peas $1.75
ielled corn $1 bu; all sound,
1926 stock fob Eastman; velvet
.40 bu del. Ga. points; nice
ucks $10 ton fob Eastman.
M Arrington, Wadley, Ga.,
green Crowder peas.

fallman, P O Box 25, Nahun-

new fancy white honey one
ail $2.50, six pails $12 fob

thomas, Odum, Ga., Callberry
1 sections 20c per section for
s and 18c for No. two packed
of 24 sections; extracted
gallon cans $1.25 gal fob.
e Rundles, Gainesville, Ga.,
Ik honey 12 1-2c lb fob.
lynn, Rt 1, Lilburn, Ga., 5
wax, make offer. "
-B Lomir, Brooklet, Ga., nice
four gal. $5 fob.

R N Vincent, Fruitland, Ga.,
re honey for sale $1.30 a can

Crarey, Rt 1, Box 98, Milan,
sh pure 1927 strained honey
pails $1.25 per 10 ibs fob.

us D May, Hinesville, Ga..
ade new crop strained honey
) new cans at 10 per Ib, fob
le 2 ;

] man, Nahunta, Ga., fancy
elicious comb honey, one ten
pail $2.50, six pails $12 fob

Slater, Brooklet, Ga., comb

in one lb. sections in lb glass
ases $4.50 fob.

Martin, P O Box 213 Jesup.

od grade chunk honey in 5

pails $9 per dozen,

~ Barred Rocks
d Rock Farms, Nicholson,
March 1st hatch pullets at
.f 0 b also May hatched same


oodliff Plant Farm, Flowery| ||

Paul, Wadley, Ga., Willets |

WeE Whisnante, Mansfield, [|
lbs baby lima beans 15c_



Georgia Market Bulletin,
State Capitol, _
-Atlanta, Georgia.

Dear Sir :

ket Bulletin.


Eugene Talmadge, C. A.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Sir :-

sale of Jersey cattle.


Mrs C A Wilbanks, Commerce, Ga

Rt 29 Thompson Imperial Ringlet| .

strain eggs $1 per 15 del
-Mrs L S Vaughn, Commerce, Ga
Rt 29, Thompson Ringlet strain eggs
r 15 del.
Oe I P Hoover, Irwinton, Ga., 8
pure bred Thompson Ringlet March
hatch cockerels $1 each or will ex-
change one for 2 pullets same strain
Mrs J E Steadam, Bainbridge, Ga
Rt A, Thompson Imperial Ringlet
strain eggs $1 per 15; $1.75 for 30;
lots of 50 $2.50, April cockerels $1.50
each. s
a John A Watson, Summit, Ga
Rt 3, pure bred 3 mos old from well
eulled flock exhibition quality select
for breeders, cockereis $1.50 pullets
$1.25 each. :
: Mrs C S Bradshaw, Rt 1, Wrights-
ville, Ga., 10 pure bred pullets and
1 rooster Thompson strain $10 for
the lot, cash with order.
Mrs M F Gaddis, Hazlehurst, Ga.,
Barred Rocks 4 1-2 mos old $1 each
Mrs J D McIntyre, Ousley, Ga.,

_(Parks Permit R D 77) Parks heavy

laying strain March, April and May
eae $2, $2.50 each; Feb, March
April and May pullets $1, $1.50 and
$2; four 2 year cocks $4, $5 each;
eges $1.50 per 15 select eggs.

Mrs M L Shealey, Oglethorpe, Ga
Ringlets, hens $1.25, cocks $3; pul-
lets April ahtch $1,

thoroughbred. pullets 75c; cockerels

$1 each, April hatch f o b Adrian

| Writers Praise Bulletin Service

The following letters are published as examples of the
flood congratulations on the work of- the Market Bulletin that
have been received during the past month by the Bureau.

Commissioner Eugene Talmadge,

I write this to show how widely read and effect-
ive are the advertisements which appear in the Mar-

Very recently you were kind enough to insert a
very short notice that it would afford me pleasure to
send out some magazines and books accumulated in
my office to elderly people or invalids who might
wish to have them. In response to this one notice, sey-
eral hundred requests were made and fulfilled. This
shows the great value of your publication as an adver- ee
tising medium and [ thank you for your aid in this

You will find enclosed my application blank
properly signed for renewal of Market Bulletin.
The Bulletin has been very helpful to me in the
I have sold numbers of ear
loads in South Georgia and Florida from my ads in
Market Bulletin, and I am sending you ad under sep-
arate cover for next issue if possible.
I would gladly pay as much for
have to pay for daily papers.
I am also pleased with the changes you have
made in the classifications of ads and the suggestions
_ you are offering in regard to marketing.
I consider the Bulletin of great value to farmers.
You call on me at any time I can serve you in this
section to further the interest of the Bulletin.

2. Very arty,

| Thirty-five

_Orphingtons. or lack Minorcas $10
_ per hun; $4.50 for 50; Wht Oraphing-

=\ Weeks, Adrian, Ga., 10.

Atlanta, Ga.
July 18, 1927.

Yours very truly,

Hogansville, Ga.

Bulletin as I

== W. J. HOGAN? ee

Baby Chicks For Sale

Mrs H J McCorrey, Hawkinsville
Ga Pure Jersey Black Giant Chicks

14 ea del in lots 25 or more live del
guaranteed = -

Mrs R S Simpson, Waverly Hall,
Ga Will exe Royal Purple Jersey

lack Giant chicks 20c and R I reds
15c for meat, corn wheat oats or syr-
up :

Mrs I J Cleveland, Hartwell, Rt 5
Jersey Giant chicks for sale Col

Mrs D Donaldson, R 1 Decatur Ga
Baby chicks from trapnested exhibi-
tion Rhode Island Reds 15c ea in lots
of 20 or more; $15 per 100, del wkly
hatches during July and August

Mrs A R Skates, Ringgold, Ga R1
Thompson and Owen
strain R I Reds day old baby chicks
15c ea fob

Woodlawn Hatcheries, 903 Will-
iams Mill Road, N E Atlanta Ga Baby
chicks, Barred Plymouth Rocks, R I
Reds, Wht Plymouth Rocks, White
Wyandottes, Silver Laced Wyan-
dottes, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Buff

tons Wht Minorcas Lt Brahmas $14
per hun $7.50 for 50 Heavy breeds
mixed $9 per hun $5 for 50. White
Leghorns, Brown Leghorns or Anco-
nas $9 per hun $5 for 50 Lt breeds!
mixed $8 per hun $4.50 for 50, all
pure bred, stock from selected flocks,
ateling very wk Postpaid 100 per

nt its jel guaranteed

- tion 110 egg cap, $10 or

Fains Hatchery, Edison Ga Thous-

ands chicks ea wk, wht Leghorn 100

$10, 500 $45; Barred Rocks, Buff.
Orphington 100 $12, mixed 100 $9.50

postpaid 100 per cent live del

Miscellaneous Chickens and Eggs,
Chicken Feed and Supplies !

R S Anderson, Hawkinsville Ga

200 friers 1 1-2 to 2 Ibs; Make offer

Miss Minjia McGill, Vidalia Ga R-

2 One Dependable incubator 50 egg

capacity used one time $12 or exe

_for 15 Feb or Mch hatch pullets Wht
|} er Brown Leghorns pure breed

Mrs J A Cox, Bartow Ga Nice fat

friers wt 1 1-2 to 2 lbs 50c ea cash
with order

Peach Poultry Company, 208
Church St Fort Valley Ga Mammoth |

., Incubator in guaranteed first class

operation condition, cheap Write

-Miss Grace Hale, Doyle Ga One db]
Deck Wisconsin incubator 500 cap in
00d condition will exe for chickens
or $3 cash; 1 almost new Bell City
incubator 280 cap used one season in

good condition $15 or exe for chick-

C W vuwens, Hull Ga R1 One
Queen incubator 400 capacity good |
as new $35; 500 capacity Buckeye
brooder, blue flame oil burner, used

5 wks $15, both for $50 Cash with -

Eugene Sanders,
Eleven 100 wht chicken feed sacks
$1; also several 50 lb and 100 Ib sacks
wash Write

Mrs S L Van Orman Ringgold Ga
Ten Buff Leghorn hens now. laying
and 1 rooster 1 1-2 yrs old $10 for
lot Terry strain Golden yellow

Woodlawn Hatcheries, 903 Will-
iams Mill road, NE Atlanta Ga Chick
feeds, best standard brands, strictly
fresh guaranteed ; baby chick mash $5
per hun; growing grains $3.75 per
hun; growing mash $4.25 hun; laying
mash $4.35 per hun Immediate ship-
ments fob Atlanta _

Mrs Geo W Tootle, Manassas,
R 1 Nabob Quality Wht
cockerels Mch hatch j

Wilson Minorca Yd, Martin Ga One
Old Trusty Incubator in good condi-


Mrs J L B Poarch, Calhoun Ga R
2 RI White hatching eggs 90e for 15

Mrs C E Free, R 3 Hull Ga 5 pure
bred wht Minorea hens and 1 cock
$1.50 ea or $8.for the lot >

Mrs S W Sloan, Auburn Ga Mixed
friers 1 to 2 lbs Make offer

I C Smith. Jackson Ga One Stand-
ard No one 110 egg Buckeye Incuba-
tor new and in good condition $35 or.
exe for 400 or 600 ggse same make
and pay difference ~ ay

Jimmie Gore, Frolona, Ga R 1
Highty Buff Leghorn chicks 10 wks
old for sale Write for special price

Virginia Sanders, Buchanan Ga R
3 Golden Laced Wyandotte cockerels
$1 ea fob Buchanan

Mrs V C Ray, Kensington Ga R 2
box 66 Will exe S C White Leghorn
cockerels direct from Kerlin Grand


View Poultry Farm or knitting ma-


chine good*condition for brooder 250
to 500 size, must be in good condi-
Mrs Lauren Noble, Trenton Ga
a bred Black Leghorn cockerels
1 ea
W W Bennett, Acworth Ga R1 1
Cyphero Incubator 250 egg capacity
$15 or exe : -
Mrs Ida Kelley, Marietta Ga R 5
500 chiek Canopy brooder practical-
ly new $10 fob; three 12 hole galvan-
ized feeders and 4 Fountains Mason
jar type $1 for the lot fob; 2 doz 1-2
gal and 3 doz qt Mason jars with lids
$2.25 for the lot oe
J A Hollis, Smyrna Ga R1 Will exe
one Wisconsin Ineubator 250 egg ca-
pacity in perfect condition for 18 wht

| Leghorn pullets Mch or Apr hatch,

no culls, or will sell for $18
W E Saylor, Canon Ga R 4 Nine |
Caprons $1 ea

Mrs T P Lyon, Cedartown Ga Ons

Carbide lighting plant 50 Ib capacity


R 3 Buchanan Ga =


Mrs S H Millsaps 99 MeCamy St
Dalton, Ga., One wht enamel bed pan
for the sick room large size used
only once, price when new $2.50 Will
sell $1.75 del or exc for 2 nice young

hens, each one paying shipping charg-

T W McDonald Oakwood, Ga.,
Buggy with cozy cab top used very
little in good condition, cost $50
~ Will not ship or will exc for good
milk cow fresh with second or third

E L Cheek Homer, Ga., Will exc
one good as new four burner oil
stove for pigs or poultry. :

W B Fincher Cairo, Ga., One train-
ed pointer bitch $25; 1 untrained
pointer bitch about 1 yr old $15.

Ernest Kesler Nicholson, Ga., One
Daisy churn in good condition exc
for lawn mower in good condition or
sell cheap for cash. :

J H Long Norcross, Ga., Rt 1 One

Ford strip down in good condition }
cheap. ms

J A Hadden Wrens, Ga., One prac-
tically new refrigerator, ice capacity ;
500 suitable for a small meat market
or cafe or exc for smaller box.

Mrs W M Arrington Wadley, Ga.,:
Rt 2 One army trailor $15 Good con- :
dition. : i

W H Moxley Jr., Tarrytown, Ga.,
Rt 1 One top buggy & harness in
good condition, Hackney make used
very little $50 or exc for good young
cow or fulghum seed oats.

R Anderson Hawkinsville, Ga.,
White hickory axe handles $2 per
doz; 1 McCormick Deering Tractor
$600.00; 1 Lilliston Peanut picker
$350.00. %

E B Trairs Riverdale, Ga., Steber
Knitting machine exc for farm pro-
; ae or $12.50 cash F O B Riverdale

Mrs P V Ryals Toccoa, Ga., Piano |
for sale. Recently tuned and put in
order $100 cash.

AH Lilliott Lyons, Ga., One Barns-
ville top. buggy and harness $75;
1 singer machine $30; 1 home com-
fort range $75.

J J N Wombles Wrightsville, Ga.,
R F D 6 One Edison phonograph in
first class shape $15 cash or exc.

Mrs W B Cowart Collins, Ga., One
Edison phonograph with 72 records
also cabin $40 or exc for hens or
friers machine in excellent order; 1
baby crib screened $20 or will exc
for poultry.

Mr W A Gatlin Acworth, Ga., Rt
3 Willow rocking chair $1.50 small
size $1; willow set tea $2; willow
flower stools 50c; willow porch
swings $2.

Miss Jessie Cash Flowery Branch,
Ga., Rt 8 Fresh yeast 6 cakes 10c;
Scullian onion buttons 15c pt. Add

A J Adams Rt B Ashburn, Ga.,
Violin soft sweet tone guitar excel-
lent tone and finish cases for same.

Mr C 8 Carden Griffin, Ga., Rt
_ A Reed flower basket with high han-
' dle and flared top $1.25; tall reed
flower basket with high hawdle $1.10;
small size flat reed flower basket
75c; serving tray $1.75; wall basket
60c & 75c; floor basket $2.50; will
furnish few florist in nice reed flow-
er baskets any shape, size or col.

Miss Lucinda Smith Rolston, Ga.,
Butterfly root & yellow root for
medicine 15 1b; Burdock for medi-
cine 25c lb; May Apple 15c lb; Buezel
vines 10e ea. :

Mrs R H Mitchell 27 N Cliff St
Carrollton, Ga., practically new four
burner Nesco oil stove and oven $10
or exe for chickens, large breed. _

G H Culpepper Buchanan, Ga.,
Two row Peerless Arsenate gun slight
ly used $5 fob; 1 Websters New In-
ternational Dictionary, latest authen-
tic edition of the Merrian series $10
fob, all guaranteed to give satisfact-

T V Brooks Rt 6.Conyers, Ga.,
One army saddle used very little $8

Mount Vernon,

fob Conyers, Ga., or exc for S C R
_I Reds pullets, | Si Ss


R S Parham Greenville, Ga., One
buggy for sale or exc for 1 horse

T W Harbin, Calhoun, Ga., Cal-
cium Arsenate.

J LL Burk Rte Ay Tifton, Ga, One

meat refrigerator 2000 lb capacity

good condition $18 fob Tifton.

(No name given) Carl Georgia tent
9 x 14 ft good condition to exe for
pullets. eos

L J Volrath Winston, Ga., Axe
handles $2 doz 1-2 doz $1.10; good
tough hickory handles; Eastman fold-
ing pocket kodak cost $11 exe for
poultry wire or for 10 bu peaches
for canning or for 10 bu oats to sow.

Fred F Phillips Royston, Ga., Rt
8 50 or 75 M heart shingles; 50 or
75 M sap shingles from old original
forest pines,

W M Giles Powder Springs, Ga.,
Rt 3 Disc Plow good as new; 24
Dise John Deere make $8 or exc
hand peanut sheller in good shape
$5 or exc Spanish peanuts 7 lb; 50
bu corn nice and sound $1 per bu

| fob my crib; 85 gal apple vinegar

40c per gal fob my home; cider mill
extra good $25 capacity 20 gal per
hour by hand; 1 million ft pine saw
timber ten mi from R FR $2 per M;
800,000 ft oak and pine saw timber
6 mi. from R R $4 per M.

Mrs S C Boroughs Statesboro, Ga.,
Good second hand hubber tire baby
earriage for sale $10 cash or exc for
12 Wht Leghorn hens for same cost
$20 new used 1 yr; 1 good flat top
oak 4 drawer office desk for sale
$15 crated and shipped for this price
or exe same for chickens any variety.

L E Harrison Dublin, Ga., Vinegar
wht and red in 50 gal bbl at 16c per
gallon; bottle vinegar fob Dublin,
Ga., Cash with order.

' T B Dinning Rt S Adairsville, Ga.,
One Hercules rubber tire buggy in
good condition cheap.

Mrs A M Brown Stillmore, Ga.,
R F D 2 Two cans of home made
lard 20c 1b; 1 can fried meat greece
14c Ib Cash with order postage extra.

Horace Everett Cairo, Ga., Good
cotton baskets carload 75c ea, less
carload 80c ea; fob Cairo, Ga,

H Jones Lyerly, Ga., Kewpie Ko-
dak size picture 2 1-4 x 3 1-4 exe for
Ukelele good condition.

J Q Palmer The Mt Vernon Bank
Ga., Cold storage
plant in good running condition and
a money maker for sale. Write.

J B Saye Newborn, Ga., 45 cords
pine wood some limbs. Make offer
fob Broughton, Ga.

Dewey Nelms Bowman, Ga., Rt 1
Twenty good phonograph records 20
ea fob Write for list of songs.

Mrs Nettie Gowder Rt 3 Canon,
Ga., One pr indestructible french
pearls or exc for hens or friers, cost
$1500 with case; also 1 mandleette;
1 minute post card camera with tri-
pod or exc for chickens, Write.

Mrs A J Pope 48 Broad St Talla-
poosa, Ga., Ten 200 lb guano sacks
washed and clean $1 for lot.

Mrs D EF Barlow R F D 1 Cochran,

Ga., Two Peafoul tail feathers $5

ea Cash with order.
W C Rutledge R F D 3 Winder,

Ga., Rubber tire pony buggy fair

condition $25 or exc for large buggy

Mrs M A Ayers Hawkinsville, Ga.,
Rt 3 Dark oak Organ exe for fresh
milk cow giving from 2 1-2 to 8 gals

} of milk a day or will sell cheap Write

R C Moore Rt 3 Rockmart, Ga.,
Chairs rebottomed nice work, also
ready made chair bottoms.

T W McDonald, Oakwood, Ga.,
Top buggy almost good as new Cozy
Cab top door curtains rool up, cost
$125 sell for $50 cash or exe for
milk cow fresh with second or third
calf 3 to 4 gallons per day.

F E Hester 355 Atlanta Ave S E
Atlanta, Ga., 6 doz Qt Mason fruit
jars used one yr; half gal size, exe
for 5 hens (Young) or friers.

J T Edalgo Juliette, Ga., Rt 1 One
striped Maxwell Touring car 15
model needs some repair will sell

5 cheap or any part of same including

vibes. drive shaft and good magneto

Byron Short Rt 3 Hamilton, Ga.,
Edison Amberola in good condition
and 80 records for $35 or exe for
pure bred wht Leghorn or Ancona
hens or pullets.

S C Watts R F D 2 Buchanan, Ga.,
Single buggy fair condition exc for
nice Barrow shoat wt 100 on ft or for
dbl buggy good condition and pay
- W H Townson Talona,; Ga., One
Victrola and 75 records in good cab-
inet perfect condition $100 eash;
25-20 Marlin Repeater Rifle good
shape with raised sights $20 cash or
exc for Duroc Shoats; One 5 gal
churn good condition $4 cash.

W W Dyer Carnegie, Ga., Rt 2
Axe handles $3 doz feed buckets 85c
ea; sewing mops 65c and 8bc ea;
butcher knives 65c and 85c, all pre-
paid hammer and hatchet handles 1 5e
ea; wagon dbl teem and singletree
exe for leaf tobacco. ;

R E Lee Carters, Ga., Dry Catnip
23c lb; May Apple Root 50c lb; Yel-
low Dock Root and Cedar and Chest-
nut tree 25c fob; Butterfly Root
Burch Bark and Wild Red Clover.

Rhett, Steinheimer Woolsey, Ga.,
Rt 1 Good used bicycle or exc for seed

Mrs T P Lyon Cedartown, Ga..
One carbide lighting plant 60 lb



Mrs R J Paris Dallas, Ga., 12 to
18 Ibs Jersey butter per wk Custo-
mers solicited.

Mrs E D Neal Ranger, Ga., Rt 2
Nice Jersey butter 2 lbs per wk at
40c per lb bulk, furnish butter paper
and box and I pay postage on butter,
parties pay postage on box to me.

Mr J O King Lavonia, Ga., Rt 38
Pure Jersey butter in cartons 40c
per lb del.

J R Miller Robbinsville, N C., 10
cases. ;

Mrs H E Bryant Ranger, Ga., Rt
2 Three to four lbs nice yellow butter
per wk 40c lb, parties furnish cartons
and paper.

Lonnie Rundles Gainesville, Ga.,
Three lbs nice Jersey butter ea wk
40c per lb. Add postage.

Mrs L B Tylor Rydal, Ga., 2 or 3
lbs. nice Jersey butter per wk 45c lb

Mrs J E Sorrow Rt 29 Commerce,
Ga., Will exc 1 setting of eggs for
1 bucket of honey 5 lbs.

Mrs W A Bennett Rt 1 Adairsville,
Ga., Fresh country Jersey butter in
brick moulds placed in lb cartons
50e per lb. ;



Mrs W M L Edson Tiger, Ga., Pure
bred Indian Runner Duck eggs, hea-
vy laying strain $1.50 for 12 del.

Mr A S Coffey Rt 4 Box 54 Blair-
ville, Ga., Four Buff Orphington
ducks and two drakes; pure blood
good layers and can. be picked ea
month $1 ea; Buyers must be near
Blairsville or come for same.

Mrs S P Jones Lula, Ga., Rt 3
Trio wht Turkeys 15 mos old $10 or
exe for 9 pure bred lt Brahma pullets
and 1 rooster Feb hatched or 9 wht
Rocks and 1 rooster Feb hatch, Fishel
strain; 1 Turkey hen slightly crippled
good layers, nice size. ;

B T Baldwin Rt 4 Rockmart, Ga.,
English Strain Rose Comb Black
Mink Ducklings $5 trio.

Mrs J J Ferrell Rt A Cairo, Ga.,
Pure bred wht African Guinea eggs
16 for $1.

E L Dixon Blackhsear, Ga., One
nice Gobler 3 yrs old $7.

Mrs T J Biggers Bremen, Ga., M.
B. Turkeys Toms $8, hens $5 ea;
eggs $3.25 per 12 eggs carton to be

M C Maynard Newton, Ga., Mam-
mouth Wht Holland hens 2 and 1
yr old $5 ea. 3

Mrs J F Anderson Blue Ridge, Ga.,
Mch and Apr hatch cockerels $2 ea;
later hatch $1.50 ea f o b Blue Ridge
Gas =

J M Boatright Coffee, Ga., 6


1 drake and 2 young ones $5 for lot a

Ave., Atlanta, Ga., crested Roller ca-

Thursday, August 4, 1927 :
read of ducks 4old ones 8 ducks and is

f ob Coffee, Ga.
Mrs I S Teagle Cordele, Ga., Rt
B One wht African Guinea rooster

for $1 f o b cash with order.

Mrs Lauren Noble Trenton, Ga,
Pure bred Indian runner Drakes for
sale $1.75 ea, full grown.

Mrs J J Edmondson Alma, Ga., 3_
prize winning wht Mt Pekin duck
and 1 drake $1.75 ea.. se

Mrs R T Brooks, Rosier, Ga., Five
large McScovie Ducks $10 cash with ~

Mrs Lue Hobbs Cassandra, Ga.,
Two ducks and 2 drakes
mixed breed or exe for baby chicks
any variety.

Mrs Julian F Pruitt, Lavonia, Ga.,
Rt 2 18 pure bred Burgon red Turk- |
eys large type for breeders 3 mos
old also 18 May hatch turkey for

L E Williams & Sons Ty Ty, Ga.,
Wht Guinea gages $1.25 per 15 del;
Bantams all cols 50 ea; 1927 hatch. is

RA Russel, 222 Ga Ave S BE, At
lanta, Ga., 6 Chinchilla rabbits, 5 fe-
males and 1 buck 5 mos old $40 or
will exchange for 40 guiena pigs or ~
chickens, rabbits entitled to reg.
_ Royston Poultry Farm, Royston,
Ga., white terrier kittens 75 each,
2 mos old. oe
S L Poole, Buena Vista, Ga., white |
kings mated pairs young stock; also _
dressed squabs or on foot on reagon-
able prices. | ce
Melba Morgan Rt 1, Clyo, Ga., 7

Flemish rabbits $1 each or $1.50 per

ce or entire lot 4 bucks and
Miss Eva Landrum,.
Ga;, Rt 1, good
double yellow head parrot 1 year old
$25 cash.
LL Wallace, 247 N Highland Ave
Atlanta sweet singing canary birds,
singers, females, or mated pairs, le-
mon color, some crested; also 2
slightly used enameled breeding ca-
ges, sell or exchange for poultry.
James Beverly, Moultrie, Ga.,
white pink eye rats $1 pair or exc
C W Price, Rt 2, Cedartown, Ga., _
4 rabbits 2 white and 2 gray 75c each
or $2.50 for lot. ce
Mrs LN Patten, Abbeville, Ga.,
75 canary birds, viz; 7 stock males
and singers, 12 stock females and
good mothers, 22 young males sing-
ing, 1 lyoung females 23 young birds _
sex undertermined, 45 nearly solid
yellow, 4 green; prefers selling all in
lot, but single otherwise; birds are
Harts Mt and Roller strains, $225
for lot. ae
Mrs L L Wallace, 247 N Highland

3 does e


nary birds $10; several lemon color
canaries good singers $7.50 and $10
each; breeding females $3 each, ma-
ted pairs $10 and $12.50; several
slightly used breeding cages, Isle of
Pine parrot $12.50; red head parrot
$12.50; exchange any of above for
market poultry. oa
F I Baker, Box 244, Columbus, ~
Ga., gray and red rabbits does and
bucks about grown $1 each. ay
Mrs M F Gaddis, Hazlehurst, Ga.,
10 mixed good squab producers pret-
ty colors. pigeons 25c each for the
lot of 35 each in smaller lots.
Clell Brady, Alto, Ga., Rt 1, 10
black pet rabbits viz: 4 four months
old, 6 three mos old 75c each or $7
for lot. co
Valdosta Pigeon Lofts, 1 Strick- -
land bldg., Valdosta, Ga., 20 breeds
fancy breeding pigeons prize win-
M Bowen, R C, Cordele, Ga., 20
pigeons, Carneaux and common
breed. See
Mrs P D Rubin, 76 Stewart Ave.,
Hapeville, Ga., will sell pair of ca-.
naries 5 mos. old $5 with mating
cage; pair will raise 15 to 25 birds
next season, Ne ;

50c ea |

talking Yukatan

Brown Leghorn

G W Atkins Rt 2 White, Ga., Will
xe 2 Brown Leghorn hens pure bred
yr 2 Cornish Indian Game roosters.

s H H Sullivan Rt 5 Carrolton,
5 pullets & 1 cockerel Mch hatch
verlay brown L $6 for the lot if
uken at once fob Carrolton, Ga.,
to be returned.

rs J E Stone Adairsville, Ga.,
3.80 or 35; chicks 12 wks old 70c
Cash with order.

JH Beasley, Lavonia, Ga., 12 wks
iverlay strain pullets and cock-
$1.25 ea; 10 wks old 90c ea.
s-G T Truelove Rt 1 Stock-
ge, Ga., Fancy hatching from
ormohlen dark brown L hens 15
or $1.50, incubator lots cheaper,

f Orphington pullets or hens.
Ridgeway Club Box 29 Darien, Ga. .
imited number Tormohlen thorobred
lay strain cockerels 15 wks old
m $2 to $5 a, according to ee
-E Abbott Warrenton, Ga., 8
old B L ecockerels $1 ea or exc
-pullets same breed and age.

s A A Sumner, Poulan, Ga.,
ew purebred B L cockerels 2 to 4
s old 50c and 75c ea.

M Atkinson Lyons, Ga., Rt A
cockerels and pullets, Everlay
ain cockerels $1.50 pullets $1 ea.
fiss Mimjia McGill Vidalia, Ga.,
2 Thirteen Brown L roosters
May 5th, pure bred 75c ea
for Wht Leghorns or Brown
ure breed.

(rs HZ Hinesley Rt 6 Carrollton,
od everlay cock 1926 hatch $1

rs J H Brown Locust Grove, Ga.,
BL hens 1 yr old 90c ea. Cash
h ovder.

Irs G T Truelove, Stockbridge,
Rt 1 Purebred Tormohlen strain
ges $1.50: per 15; young hens $1.75
exc stock | or eggs for Berkshire
6 mos old.


irs R B Mooney Adairsville, Ga.,
ns $1. 50 ea; cocks $2 & $38 ea;

ow, & Mrs Leila Baskin Long-
w Red Farm Rt 6 Carrolton, Ga.,
d tested dark rich Reds, pen
flock eggs, together now at $5
00; fine large Vigorons cock-
ls at $4 and up acording to quality
tehed trios and pens Weekly, ship-
nt of table eggs..

s L A Brannen Sr., Baxley, Ga.,
oosters 1 yr old crossed RI and
ck game $1.50 ea fob.

W FE Edwards Poultry Yards,
artown, Ga., 4 pure bred RI R
erels 4 1-2 mos old Donalson
ain dark red $1 ea.

Cw Page, Norcross, Ga. 3
s old pullets Owen strain $1 ea;
nos old cockerels same strain $2;
kerels same price and age; and
old cocks same strain $3; few
old hens

W L Shealey, Oglethorpe, Ga
.Mch hatch $2; hens $1.25
ae $2 dark red Will exc for
yandotte pullets Apr hatch or
t or Buff Orphingtons thoro-

Miss Piovence Horne, Grovetown,
0 hens 1926 hatch, good layers
90 ea; cockerels $2 ea March

G Burns, Jy., Calhoun, Ga., Rt.
onalson strain cockerels Auril
trietly culled $1 ea, 5 for $4;
S for hatching $1.25 per 15

s O E Smith, Warthen, Ga. Pure
ay strain pullets and cockerels
a good frying size

irs J F Traurick, Rt A, Tennille,
ckerels Apr hatch $1 ea

ss R Nash, Smyrna, Ga. 8 hens,
k 12 to 15 mos old, big, pure,

skerel 4 mos old $10; -all $21.50
ill exe for Indian Runner
good Wht Rock chickens


for ham or honey or will exc for -
; $1.50 ea


dy laying stock $13; 10 pullets. |


Mrs Emet Z. rane, Rt 1, Duluth
Ga. Pure bred Donaldson strain large
frying size cockerels $1.50, cocks
$2; blood tested eggs $1 for 15

H W Thurmond, Greshamville, Ga
Pure Buckeyes Red cockerels $1.50

He del 1 and 2 yr old hens $1.50 ea

Mrs M F Lawson, Morven, Ga. R
FD -1; Brooks -Ge:- 20 hens and 2
roosters 1926 hatch $36, not culls

Mrs A A Whitaker, Mansfield, Ga
Rt 1. Pullets frying size 75c ea; exc
for. anything useful

Mrs F Cowart, Rt 2, Summit, Ga.
25 nice dark red pure bred pullets
Mch hatch and 2 nice good col cock-
erels $25 for the lot; 18 large pure
bred red hens dark and one cock, all

18 mos old $25 for the lot. Several

large dark red cockerels Mch hatch

Wayne Tant, 106 14th Ave W,
Cordele, Ga. Owen strain dark red
Feb hatch from prize winners, pul-
lets $1.50 ea Feb hatch roosters $2

Mrs B B Parsons, 211 North St.

Cuthbert, Ga. Several pullets. and
cockerels pure stock. dark red Mch
and Apr hatch from heavy winter
layers $1 ea fob; 2 pure bred 18 mo
old cocks $2 ea; 12 hens 1 mo old
51.50 ea fob \

Mrs T H Taylor, Round Oak, Ga.
Rt. 1. Donaldson strain cockerels and
pullets from heavy winter layers
dark red: Mch and Apr hatch $1.50
ea fob

Mrs E J Folds, Cordele, Ga. Rt A,
Box 82. Several cockerels frying
size 75c ea, Donaldson strain

L L Wallace, 247 N Highland Ave
N E, Atlanta, Ga. Even col Tompkins
pullets early hatch $10 per trio;
ceockerels $5 ea

Mrs J R Hetring, Arlington, Ga.
Cockerels Mch hatch $1 ea pure

Mrs EB Wright, Yatesville, Ga R
ED. Pullets: from: 2-1-4%to 2 1-2 lbs

ea dark red Smith strain prize stock
$1 ea; 1 young rooster same age

and price

Mrs D Donaldson Rt 1 Decatur,
Ga., Eggs from trapnested exhibition
Reds at $2 per 15 del; frying size
cockerels $2 ea; larger cockerels $3
and $5; cocks at $5.

Mrs Mollie Parsons, Dalton, Ga.
11 chicks hatched May 4th, 9 pullets,
2 roosters pure stock from poultry
farm Pleasant Hill, Ma. $1 ea

Mrs Julian J Blanchard, Appling,
Ga. Pure R I R_ cockerels Owens
strain, dark red Mch hatch $1. = ea,
Apr hatch $1 ea

Mrs J C Fowler, Mitchell, Ga. 5

cockerels very fine Donaldson strain |

heavy winter layers $1.50 ea March

Mrs Ola Montgomery, Mauk, Ga.
50 pullets, Jan and Apr 4th hatch;
Lester Tompkins and Dozier Strains
$1; 35 pullets same strain Apr and
May hatch 60c ea; 10 1926 hatch
hens $1.75 ea; 10 "1925 Nov hatch
hens $1.75; 10 1926 Nov katch $1.50
2 Lester Tompkins strain 1926 hatch
cock birds $5. ea; 10 Yearling cock-
erels Lester Tompkins strain $1 ea

Mrs Eugene Smith, Monticello,
Ga. Rt 2. Donaldson Strain cockerels
exe for pullets of same strain

W:>R Roper, Orange, Ga. Several
7 wks old Reds 50c ea

F E Hester, 355 Atlanta Ave, S
E, Atlanta, Ga., 6 pullets and rooster
$7 for the lot or exchange.

Mrs W L Fussell Hazlehurst, Ga.,
Sev. fine Donaldson Strain Mch
hatch cockerels $1 ea.

Miss Grace Hale Doyle, Ga., 14
pure bred Dk Donaldson Strain hens
and 1 cock 14 mos old $2 for the
lot fob Doyle, Ga.,

Mrs -H G Brown Stone Mt, Ga.,
Rt 1 Donaldson strain eggs $1. 25 per
15 $2.25 per 80.

Mrs R F Terrell Greenville, Ga.,
Rt 8 Ten pure bred pullets 10 wks
old $6.50 del; 10 cockerels 10 wks
old $6 del,


eockerels Mch hatch $1 ea.

H J Kaylor Bowdon, Ga., R F D 2
Thirty eight pullets 4 cockerels Don-
aldson Strain Dk red Mch hatch, be-
gin laying soon $1.50 ea for entire
lot F O B Bowdon, Ga., coops return-

Mrs. R H Kiser Hephzibah, Ga.,
Rt 2 Sev. pure bred Donaldson Strain

Mrs W C Dixon Camilla, Ga.,
Single comb pullets 7 cockerels Mch
hatch $1 ea fob Write.

Mrs J M Hall Rt 5 Calhoun, Ga. 7
5 thorobred Donaldson Strain 1 yr
old hens $6.

Mrs Tom S Teasley Elberton, Ga. ie
Rt 5 Sixty nice fat friers Apr hatch
25 or 80 pure RI R $1.25 ea; balance
mixed col ones, all 60 for "$40 fob
buyer to furnish coops.

M F Lawson Morven, Ga., 20 pure
bred hens and 2 rooster 1926 hatch
$36 fob Morven.

Mrs W A Bennett Rt 1 Adairsville,
Ga., Thompson Ringlet Strain cocks
$2.50 and cockerels $1.50: ea. Will

Mrs C W Page Box 52 Norcross,
Ga., Owen Farm cocks 1 yr old $5
ea; hens $2 ea; cockerels Feb and
Mch hatch $2 to $3: pullets same age
$1.25 ea, all perfect beauties.

Mrs H Y Dougiler Rt.1 Adairsville,
Ga., Ten Mch hatch pullets $1.25 ea;
eggs $1 for 15 Cash with order.

Mrs R S Herod Rt 1 Adairsville, '
Ga., Pullets $1.25 ea; 1 cock or
old $2.50 Cash.

Mrs T H Taylor Round Oak, Ga.,
Rt 1 Donaldson strain cockerels and |
pullets from heavy winter layers, dk :
eol. and large size Mch and Apr |
hatch $1.50 ea fob.

Mrs G T Theus Butler, Ga., ae
bred. Donaldson Strain broiling size |
cockerels 3 for $2.50 from trapnested |
stock wil! exe for 1 bu rye or wheat !
or 8 bu shelled corn. .

Mrs T W Cline Rt 2 Rydal, Ga.,
5 Apr hatch cockerels 75c ea; sev}
May hatch 65c ea, all from good'
laying stock dk red.
_ W G Burns Jr., Calhoun, Gu, Rt;
4 Donaldson Strain cockerels $1!
cash or 5 for $4; eggs $1.50 per 15. |

Mrs A S Pryon Greensboro, Ga., }
Ten hens $1 ea; 1 rooster $1; 6!
pullets 75c ea, fob Greensboro, Ga,. |
Cash with order. :

Mrs R J Rundle Hiram, Ga., Ten!
beautiful Mahood Strain hens 1 ye.
old 25c Ib or $1.50 ea.

Mrs B L Hancock Riverdale, Ga.,|
Will exc 12 pure bred pullets 5 mos}
old for 12 pure Silver Lace Wyan- |
dottes pullets.

Mamie Newsome Dixie, Ga., 50

Owen Strain pullets Mch hatch $125
ea fob.
Mrs R Robinson Greenville, Ga.,!
Rt 3. Ten pullets 12 wks old and 1
cockerel same age $10 del. Rouses

Mrs J O King Lavonia, Ga., Rt
3 Pure bred Donaldson Strain 50c
per doz customers to pay postage.

B A Weldon Fitzgerald, Ga., Rt 2

Fifteen Apr hatch pullets $15 for lot |

Mrs A B Crow Flowery Branch, Ga
Rt 2 Rose Comb pullets and cocker-
els 3 mos old $1 ea; 1 yr old cock
pure bred $2.

Mrs G H Elry White Plains, Ga.,
30 friers Donaldson Strain 50c ea,
or exe for parlor oblong table, daven-
port or any furniture of equal value.

Mrs Donald Donaldson Decatur,
Ga., Rt 1 Eggs from trapnested ex--
hibition reds $2 per 15 postpaid $10
per 100 fob; frying size cockerels
$2 ea; large early cockerels and year
lings cocks $5 ea.

Willie Allen Gainesville, Ga., Rt
2 One 2 yr old cock dk pure bred $2

Barred Rocks :
Mrs Milton Sumner, Sylvester, Ga,

Rt 38 Thompson Strain eggs $1 per

15 del, carton to be returned $3 per

1 50.

Home a Nursery Company P E
Rhodes & Sons, Prop Nicholeson, Ga.
Rt 1 Four Mch hatch cockerel $1. 25

ea; 10 pullets, same age $1 ea; Parks


; ne :
Strain; also 25 pullets May hatch

50c ea same strain from. blood tested | ee

hens. '

E E Turner Lula, Ga., R14 Few . 4

fryers 35c lb.

Mrs W H Hutcheson Coffee, Ga., |

Rt 1 13 hens 3 roosters 9 mos old
$1.50 ea, thorobred. Cash with order.

Mrs W A Howell White Plains,
Rt 2 Twelve young roosters 75c . .
ea wt around 2 and 2 1-2 lbs pure

bred; Eggs $1.25 per setting del.

W R Roper Orange, Ga., 20 pullets

75e ea.

ich Wallace 247 N Highland: Ave we
Atlanta, Ga., Apr hatch well culled
and pure bred pullets $3 cockerels ;

$3: and $5.
Hugh Lee Mooney Adairsville, Ga..

Mch hatch cockerels 75c and $1 ea. 2
Mrs T J Biggers Bremen, Ga., eggs

for hatching.
Mrs A R Shivers Lone Oak Farm,

Norwood, Ga., 20 Thompson Ringlet :

eockerels 3 mos old $1.50 ea:

Miss Florence Pelot Billing States- oy
boro, Ga., Rt B Pure bred Aristocrat .

hens, pullets and roosters, all young
stock from prize winners, Reasonable
for quick sale. Write.

R W Best Dover, Ga., 9 on wks
old B Rocks 50; 12 eight mos old


J B Merrell Roopville, Ga., 40 one

and two yr old hens 80 Mar 10 hatch :
pullets and 8 Mch 10 cockerels $1.50 |

ea; whole flock $185. State College

MrsGA Brage Danoldsonville, Ga
Rt B Young Aristocrat roosters dusk

beginning to crow $1 ea.

A E Nelson Calhoun, Ga., Rt Boe

One cock yrs old in June $1.50 fob.
Parks strain.

J B Woods Brooks, Gag Several
hun head Thompson strain old and ;

young stock Bargain Write..
Mrs R H Kiser

Several cockerels Mch hatch $1 ea.
Mrs. R W Barwick Rt 1 Doerun,

: Ga., 5 mos old pullets $1.25 ea, Mch-

hatch cockerels $1.75 ea or 2 for $3
Mrs Idy L Newsom Eatonton, Ga.,

4 Holterman Strain cockerels Mch

hatch $1.50 ea.

Mrs A J Collins. Dermorest Ga. a

Rt 1 Parks laying strain Mch and Apr
hatch pullets and cockerels $1 ea;

hatching eggs $1.25 for 15; incubator |

lots $5 per hun.

Miss Clara Thornton Bogart,:Ga.,..
4 pullets $1.50 ea; 1 rooster: 1 yr

old $2 fob.
Mrs J B Chambers Do gebore: a

| Two cocks 1 1-2 yrs old $1.50 ea or

' 2 for $2.50 Thompson Strain.

Mrs A A Sumner Poulan, Ga., Sev-_
eral cockerels Thompson Strain 2 to.

14 mos 75c and $1 ea.
RS Parham Greenville, Ga., Apr
hatch Thompson Strain pullets $1 ea.

A L Riner Swainsboro, Ga., 12 or | =

15 1927 roosters Thompson: strain
well marked $1.25 ea if sold at once
fob Swainsboro.

O H Wright Peters Bldg., Atlanta, :

Ga., Ringlet eggs $1.50 for 15.
Mrs S A Spann Soperton, Ga., R

F D 1 Twenty one hens good laying

strain $19 for lot fob Adrian, Ga.
Mrs V P Chambless Luthersville,
Ga., Imperial Ringlet chicks Mch
hatch $1 Apr hatch &5c or exe for
dried fruit.
W J Hopper Rt A Savannah, Ga.,

Pure bred hens 18 mos old and lay- |

ing; 1 rooster 20 mos old no relation
to hens. Will trade the bunch for
2M B Turkey hens and 1 M B Tom
not related. This stock is second to
none in the State for all yr layers,

rcoster of fine stock; 28 or 30 mos -

old pullets and 1 rooster, hens laying
reasonable; fryers weigh 2 1-2 lbs

. when 10 wks old from this stock

arr gee|

LL Wallace, 247 N Highland Ave
Atlanta Ga Jap. Siekie $12.50 pr;
Golden- Seabrights $7.50 pr; Ham-
burgs $2 ea
Miss Regina Singleton, Ft Gaines

GaR1 Mch hatch ps coolers a

Hephzibah, Ga. a

R F troward, P O Box 703 Thom-
asville Ga Prrze winning gelden Sea-
_ bright eggs and stock for sale write
Mrs G T Maxwell, Washington Ga
R 3 Twelve pure Game Bantam hens
and pullets and one rooster, all black
$1 ea
: J W Brown, Helena Ga White and
_ Briwn leghorn bantams mixed from
6 to 12 mos old $1 pr
RW Adams, R 4 Gainesville Ga 2
Black bantam hens 2 yrs old 50c ea
8 Black Bantam pullets 12 wks old
25c ea Cahs with order; 1 Brown
Leghorn Bantam hen 2 yrs old 50c
_ Berry Moon, Cleola Ga One 2 yr
_ old half Seabright & Game 75c; 3-4
Seabright and 1-4 game 50c ea fob
Robert W Clark, 358 Spring St
Macon Ga Exhibition Golden Sea-
bright and Partridge Cochins, medal
winners $5 bird; eggs $5 for 15;

B L Carter, Brewton, Ga Partridge |

Cochin from prize winning stock $7
pr half grown stock $4 pr -
Mrs Z T Woodruff, Byromville Ga

{ Rereasonter eS
Jersey Black Giants

Mrs J R Herring, Arlington Ga 4
mos old cockerels $1.25 pure bred ~
Mrs A J Owens, Canon Ga Pure
_ Marcy Strain heavy wt Mch hatch
cockerels $2; pullets $1.50
- Mrs Sam Fitzgerald, R 1 Rochelle
Ga Marcy strain Jersey black giants
chickens from prize winning stock
for sale state best price
Mrs I N Cleveland, Hartwell No 5
Pullets & cockerels exhibition stock
$1 to $1.50 ea 12 wks and older; eggs
$1.25 per 15 del =
- Nesbert Lee, Lula Ga Pure bred
Jersey black giant cockerels Marcy
strain Apr hatch extra fine $1 ea fob
cash with order
BB Woodruff, Cedartown Ga Few
_ choice Apr hatch ceckerels from extra
' niece stock at $2
R P Bannister, Ball Ground Ga, R
F D1 Marcy -strain cockerels Apr
hatch from prize winning stock $1.25
ea a

S L Wyandottes
Few pullets and grown roosters 2-3

grown $1 ea; hatching eggs $1 per F D No 1 cockerels Apr hatch Shep-

15 del

: ~$1 for 15 del; Young and old stock at
3 prs wht Bantam chickens $1.50 pr.

Mrs Laura Curry, Stockton Ga Pure;

bred pullets 3 1-24 1-2 mos old $1.-; Shevpard strain $1 ea fob


25 ea; 20 pullets and 2 cockerels $25

40 hens 1 1-2 yrs old and 1 cock 1 yr roosters Mech hatch $1 ea

old $16; 4 1-2 & 5 mo old cockerels
$1.50 two for $2.75
Mrs S W Sloan, Auburn Ga One
pure S L W rooster Mch hatch $1.50
L L Wallace 247 N Highland Ave
Atlanta Ga Direct Tarbox Strain 10
to 12 wks old, pullets and cockerels
$2 ea in lots of 10 up

A Harper, Moultrie Ga 12 wks old
Columbia pullets $1 ea; with ea or-
der of ten pullets will include 2
cockerels free prepaid |

T V Brooks, R 6 Conyers Ga Six
S L W cockerels Mch hatch $4 ea di-
rect from George B Ferris fob, Con-
yers Ga or exc for pullets same strain
Mrs D C Baxter, Commerce Ga R

._ 14 Apr & May hatch pullets $1 ea in
lots of 10 or more 75c ea; few cock-
erels same age $1 ea and will exc 1
yr old rooster for same breed |

Mrs J E Sorrow, R 29 Commerce
Ga S L Eggs $1 per 15 .

Mrs'F O Weeks, Harlem Ga Pr
roosters 18 mos old to exc for pr
about same breed or two half grown
vnes for two same size

White Wyandottes

Mrs W M Cook, Braxton Ga Cock-
erels Pa Poultry Farm strain 250 eggs
$2.50 ea Feb hatch

J S McLeod, Shellman Ga White
W from blood tested stock Apr hatch
90c each, cash with order.

Mrs N W eod, Shellman. Ga,

for ex ue April hatch of thor-
oughbr hite Wyandottes for sew-
_, ing machine in good condition; Apr

hatch chicks for pair pink eyed white

Mrs S WSloan, Auburn Ga 3 fine
wht W cockerels Apr hatch ordered
direct from Ill. Millers strain blood
nee stock free from all disease


Light Brahmas

Mrs W M Cook, Broxton Ga Lt B
hens and cockerels hens $2 ea; cock-
erels from $1 to $2.50 according to
age Giant strain

Mrs J E Stone, Adairsville Ga R 3
Lt B eggs $1 for 15 del

OH Wright, Peters Bldg Atlanta
Ga Giant Lt Brahma eggs $2 for 15

Raymond Chatham, .R 1 Doraville
Ga Lt B ccokerels from Giant strain
Fine roosters $1.25$1.50

Mrs J Walter McGarity, Draketown
Ga R 1 Two cockerels and 1 pullet
Apr hatch $1 ea fob

C P Colclough, Maxeys Ga Eggs
from Baleh and Brown strain Lt B

reasonable prices
Jno Lovell, R 1 Tallapoosa Ga 10
hens and rooster 15 mos old $2 ea de

S C Anconas

- Mrs RH Kiser, Hephzibah Ga R 2
Three nice cockerels Mch hatch $1 ea

O D Where, Ridgeway Club, Box
29, Darien Ga Thorobred cockerels
15 wks old from pen direct from
Sheppard $2 to $5 according to

J H Beasley, Lavonia Ga Sheppard
strain pullets ten wks old 80c ea; 12
wks old selected $1 ea; cockerels
same price fob

Mrs Thos Montgomery, Mauk Ga
35 Yearling pullets 35c ea fob

Lonnie Rundles, Gainesville Ga 13
wks cld puilets Sheppard strain 70c

Mary A Douglas, Alma Ga R 1 Box
79 50 hens Sheppard strain $1.25 ea
cockerels Apr hatch $1 ea ~
Mrs Myrtle L Anderson, Macon Ga
R 5 Eight pullets and 2 cockerels Mch}
1927 hatch blood tested stock fine/j
condition $10 for lot; 20 cockerels'
frying size fine condition 60c ea
Mrs Lorene Sewell, Lavonia Ga R

herd strain 3 for 75c ea
Ruth Tyner, Danielsville Ga 5 hens

Mrs L C Glaze, Leaf Ga R 1 Four

J E Morgan, Gainesville Ga R 4
Sixty 4-mo old Sheppard strain pull-|
ets ea fob Gainesville Ga


R F Howard, U O Box 708 Thom-
asville Ga Dark Cornish Indian game
eggs $3 per 15

Mrs L W Chafin, Norman Park Ga
R 1 Cornish Indian Games cockerels
Apr hatch for sale or exc for same
breed :

S C Boroughs, P O Box 282, States-
boro Ga Cornish Indian Games 100
head pullets at $1 ea, cockerels $1.50
ea Mch and Apr hatch; 1. cock 16 mos
old wt 9 Ibs $3 Few hens $2, all pure
bred English strain

K H Cooper, Moultrie Ga Thoro-
bred Cornish cockerels $3.50 ea;
Thorobred Cornish eggs $1.25 per 15

J J Little, Arabi Ga R 1 Pit game
cocks stags for sale, round heads, Ga
Shawlnecks Grist Grays write

A E Wommack, Harrison Ga 8 dark
Cornish Indian Game pullets Ajr
ae 75e ea; 6 May hatched 50c ea

Boyd Williamson, Commerce Ga
Round head Pit Game chickens 9 wks
old $5 per trio

T M Gulley, Hartwell Ga R1 Ten
White Cornish Game pullets and 1
cockerel Apr hatch $8.50 for lot fob
Hartwell Ga Cash with order How-
land strain
_W T Hughes, R C Box 11 Albany
Ga Fine Blue Pit Game stags Mch and
Apr hatch; Blue Doms Stags Would
exc a few for equal values in Game
hens or pullets

Mrs Viola Lovett, Ty Ty, Ga R 1



Seven Dark Cornish Indian Games

biddies 1-2 Ib ea $3.50 for lot or exc
for one 30 or 35 lb pig gilt preferred


Mrs N E Whisnante, Mansfield Ga
Buff Orphington Eggs from pure bred
stock $1.25 per 15 or exe for quilt
tops or seed irish potatoes; cockerels
Buff Orphington 75c to $1.25 ea

Mrs M L Shealey, Oglethorpe Ga
Buff Orphington Hens $1.25; cocks
$3 all pure Buff and no black feath-
ers; 10 pullets 75c ea; 10 pullets $1
ea; 10 pullets $1 Apr hatch I will take
Orphington hens and pullets in exe
if pure stock no culls please

Mrs Will Gidders, Kirkland Ga
Four S C Buff Orphingtoan cocker-
els Mch and Feb hatch Cook strain,
exc for same age and strain to pre-
vent inbreeding pure bred large type

Mrs Irb Wright, R 1 LaGrange Ga
White Orphingtons Will exe early
spring cockerels. same for sale 2 for


; Mrs L P Porter, Ringgold Ga R 1
Three fine from registered stock Bu
Orphington cockerels Mch hatch $2
ea; Well grown vigorous and beau-
ties :

Mr Ralph Pittman, Dacula Ga R 1
Four pure Mo strain Buff Orphing-
tons Apr hatch cocks $1 ea

Mrs I H Anderson, Alma Ga R 3
Ten thorough bred Buff orphington
hens at $1.25 ea, healthy and laying; |
hatching eggs 5c ea

Buff, White and Other Recks

Robt W Clark, 358 Spring St Ma-
con Ga Partridge Rocks: Bird Bro-
thers stock from American Poultry
Assn winners, males $5 up, females
$3.50 up, choice young stock for sale

Mrs W P Whitworth, Adairsville
Ga Buff Rocks, Eggs $1 per setting

Mrs O E Smith, Warthen Ga Pure
white Rocks pullets & cockerels fry-
ing size 75c

Mrs W F Edwards, Poultry Yds,
Cedartown Ga Four wht Rock cock-
erels 3 1-2 mo old Fishel strain $1
ea; or exc for pullets same strain

A L Keys, Eton Ga R F D White
Rock cockerels Fishel strain $1.25

Mrs Z L Scott, Concord Ga White
Rock cockerels and pullets Fishel
strain from prize winning stock Mch
hatch $1.25 each j ;

Miss R Nash, Smyrna Ga Early
hatched White Plymouth Rock pull-
ets and cockerels from large beauti-
ful steady laying stock, Berry strain
$1.25 ea; fine 8 1-4 Ib cock direct
from Berrys Golden Peek Poultry
Farm, Clarinda, Iowa 16 mos old $2
fob Will exe Indian runner Ducks

Mrs J J Ferrell, Route A Cairo Ga
Pure bred Buff Rock eggs 16 for $1

Mrs R W Wingo, Newnan Ga R 2
Three nice Plymouth Rock roosters
1926 hatch $1 ea or exe for young
hens :

Mrs Lillie Goble, Eton Ga Part-
ridge Rocks Mch and Apr hatch pull-
ets $1 ea

W P Whitworth, Adairsville
Buff Rock Eggs $1 per setting

R L Carter, Brewton Ga Pure bred
Partridge Rocks Apr hatch $3 per pr

Mrs Jesse Maxon, Ocilla, Ga Spring
hatched pullets and cockerels $1 ea;
1 1925 cock $2; 2 1925 hens $1.75

Mrs C C Payne, R 6 Tifton Ga
White Rock Fishel strain cockerels
hatehed Mch 8th $1.25; cockerel
hatched Mch 30th $1 ea; Cash with
order, money order preferred

C E Abbott, Warrenton Ga Co-
lumbian Plymouth Rocks, 10 hens $2
ea; 3 cocks $8 ea; 20 chicks 6 to 8
wks old $1 ea fob Warrenton or exe
for Brown Leghorn Pullets

S C Black Minorcas

Wilson Minorca Yard, Martin Ga
15 pullets and 8 cockerels 5 mo old
Pape strain from prize winning stock
$1.50 ea or the lot for $26; pullets 3
mo old 75 ea; hens 1 1-2 yrs old
ce ea or 10 hens and 1 cock for

J A Elliott, Lavonia Ga R 1 Cock-


erels Mch hatched large type Pape

Thursday, August A, 1997.

strain selected for breeders $1.50 ea
1 yr old roosters same strain $1.25
ea Will exc 10 cockerels for 10 same
age and breed Write what you have

Mrs Earl Ferguson, Calhoun Ga R1
Gordon Co 20 Ancona pullets 4 roost-

ers, Shepherd strain thorobred $1 ea 2

Mch hatch

Mrs S 9 Singleton, Ft Gaines Ga

Rt 1 Ten thorobred cockerels Mch i

hatch $1 ea
- L B Williams, Newnan, Ga Pape
strain hatching eggs $1 per 15 del;

12 pullets and 1 cockerel Apr 1927 |

hatch select stock No culls $10 for
the lot Ss

Mrs J A Wilson, Martin Ga Mareh

hatch prize stock Pape strain $2 ea

J C Peace, Norcross Ga Cockerels

from the worlds finest strain truly
fine birds $2.50. to $10

Miss Addie Waddelle, Pearson, ee
pure bred Pape strain hens and cocks _
$2.75 each, 6 for $15, 100 lots $2:25


O H Wright, Peters building, At-

lanta, Ga., Giant B Minorca
$2.25 per 15.


G W. Doolittle, Sandersville, Ga,
large strain April hatch pullets pure

bred in lots of ten $1 each

Miss Viola M Robinson, Waco, Ga. Eee

pure B M hens at $1.25 each or 6

hens. and 1 rooster for $8 del; eggs ae

85e for 15 del or exchange
needle work.
J A Elliott, Lavonia, Ga., Rt 1

eggs for

Papes strain large type cocks and
cockerels $1.50 each. Will exchange
10 cockerels March hatch for 10 same

breed for breeding stock, write

Mrs E H Wright, Folkston, Ga.,

15 Pape strain hens 1 year old lot
$20 fob.

B T Balawin, Rt 4, Rockmart, Gaz
cockerels 10 and 12 weeks old $1

Mrs C E Robinson,

del eggs 85c per 15.

Barred Rock

Mrs C E Smith, Jeffersonville, Ga.
from Holtermans yard $2, $2.50 and
$3, high bred and sweepstake winners _
R W Best, Dover, Ga., Thompson

large 1927 hatch cockerels

strain cocks, f o b Dover, Ga.

Mrs Ida Kelley, Marietta, Ga., Rt a

5, sixty five or seventy five pure bred

Barred Rocks 12 weeks old 75 each

for entire lot f o b.

Mrs A J Collins, Demorest, Ga.,
Rt 1 March and April pullets and

cockerels $1 each; selected hatching
eges $1.25 for 15 incubator lots at
$5 per hun prepaid.

E L Fleming, Rt 2, Bowman, Ga.,
few pure bred pullets and cockerels =

7de each,

J A Elliott, Lavonia, Ga., Rt 1, 5

pullets 1 rooster April hatch Thomp-

son Ringlet strain $6 for the lot or -
$1 each, few cockerels same strain as

and age $1.50 each.

H A Kulns, College Park, Ga., 50
hens and 6 cocks 1 to 2 years old
pure breeding stock $1.50 to $2.50

each this month.

Mrs A J Pope, 48 Broad st., Talla- :

poosa, Ga., 1 cock 11 mos old pure
bred $1.50; 2 hens same breed $1.50
each the lot $4.25. .
W Bedell, 79 North Forsyth St

eges reasonably priced. i
Mrs G Conner, Rt 7, Gainesville,
Ga., Thompson strain pullets 10 wks

old 70; few choice 1 year old hens :

$2 each.
Miss Myrtle Byrd, Hazlehurst, Ga

Rt 2, Box 41 several nice cockerels
3 1-2 mos old purchased baby chicks

from Mrs G V Cates of Brunswick,
Ga., will sell cocks $1 eachfob ~

Home Nursery Co., Nicholson, Ga,

10 choice pullets $1 each and May
hatched either cockerels or pullets
50 each f o b Athens, Ga. ;

Mrs A L Smith, Clayton, Ga., 10 S
pure bred Holderman strain cocker-

els, April hatch $1.25 each f o b

Waco, Ga., a
pure B M pullets 50c each, 10 weeks _
old roosters March hatch 75e each;

W, Atlanta, Ga., Barred Rock |
to lay, single birds trio or pens, also i

100 Mch hatch $1.35 ea;

= len? Ga,

e iete.

4 33t0 aise on

35 B Abbott,
Leghorns cockerels $1 ea or will ex-

ee : mo old at 75c ea
| Mrs J E Altman Alma



Phursday, August 4, 1927

_ $C White Leghorns
Mrs M F Gaddis, Hazlehurst, Ga. 25
or 80 2 1-2 mos old cockerels.
Mrs M E Whisnante, Mansfield, Ga.
oa Leghorn cockerels 75 ea pure
Mrs W O Puckett, Cordele, Ga. Rt
B. Ferris strain roosters, $1 ea or exc.
_ ._ Adams Bros. Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 4
Pullets Mch or Apr hatch Tancred
strain $1 ea Apr hatch 90c ea
od Woods, Brooks, Ga. Sev hun.
head Tancred strain pullets 8-10-12
wks old from Trapnest stock, reason-

ae : able; 200 1 yr old hens cheap, write.

C M Morgan, Lyons, Ga 1 yr old
cock and 12 hens, good layers pure
bred. No culls $1 ea or exe for 13
young large mixed breed hens not
mixed with Leghorns, parties pay ex-
_ press both ways; also have White Leg-
_ horn May hatch pullets. and cockerels
_ 50 ea or exc for meat or good seal-
ed syrup at 50c gal.

__ Fains Hatchery, Edison,
- chiks each weeks 100, $9, 500 $42
- A F McClure, Woodstock, Ga, Fer-
ris. Strain baby chicks 10 cents each

about Sept 1, delivered orders now. -

Mrs W S Smith, Rt 1 Plainfield Ga.

Barron strasin pullets hatched last wk
_ in Mch 60c ea fob Plainfield.

Hill Rest Farm, Orchard Hill, Ga.

: _ pullets eight to ten wks old, Wyckoff

_ strain, 75c ea. -
: Jewell Willard, Baxley, Ga. Rt 3

Four mos old or will exchange for
_ Barred Rock pullets same age or sell].

at 75c ea
Mrs W J Meriweather, Kelly, Ga.
i 100 Apr
~ hatch $1.50 ea well developed and cul-
~ led no less than 25 sold. -

Woodlawn, Hatcheries, March hatch-
ed well developed pullets $1 ea. ;
B. F. Bruce, Martin Ga. 100 pul-
lets 10 wks old from stock direct from
Wyckoffs the lot for $60, less quanti-

ty_at 65 ea, all coops reaurned.

_ Mrs U G Corner, Gainesville, Ga.
- Rt. 7, One hun pullets 4 1-2 mos old,
- Wyckoff strain 85c ea

L McClellon, 403 Jefferson St.
LaGrange Ga Cockerels direct from
Quisenberry High laying qu. stoc
$2.50 ea 3 1-2 -mos old, satisfaction
aN Au ape :

RJ Carney, Buford, Ga. RF D 1,
Thorough bred rooster 2 yrs old. Tan-
ered strain fine bird. $2.50 or-exe for
- thorogred Lace Plymouth Rock

Williams & Watkins, Route A, Mil-
Pullets and Hens, Tancred
strain Tancred ockerels from Trap-
_ nested stock for breeding
Mrs W V Vaughn, Towns Ga 75 S

-@ White Leghorns. voung strain 90

ea or will exchange for young pul-

Williams & Watsons, Rt A Millen

Ga. Will exc RI day old chicks, W.
- leghorn hens, pullets, cockerels for
yellow corn meal or oats ms
~~ "Wanted, Mrs. W V Vaughn, Towns
Ga. One to five hundred Baby chicks
i halves to nine weeks old

large breed preferred
5 Worrenton Ga Brown

change for pullets same breed

C 0 Griffin, Vienna Ga. 1 Wu

. eockerel $1, three cockersls 3 mos old.

50c each all Ferris strain

- Mrs. Piety Forbes, Brooklet, Ga.
20 Ferris strain W L hens 14 mos old

at $1 ea. 25 English strain pullets 3

4-2 mos old at $1 ea. 25 pullets 2 1-2

Ga 40 W L

Ferris strain chicks 6 wks old at 30c

C A Franklin, Covington, Ga. 14
WL hens and 1 cock $15. -

Hill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill, Ga.
WL pullets 8 to 10 wks old, Wyc-
koff strtain 75c ea

Mrs O E Smith, Warthen Ga White}

- Leghorn cockerels 75 ea
- A D Giles Pendergrass Ga. 150. to
200 White Leghorn fryers weighing
2 to 2 1-2 pounds at 50c ea
- M Atkins, Aragon Ga. three WL
hens 1 yr old good layers, lay all
the time, $1 ea :
- Mrs W NL Edson, Tiger Ga Pure
Ferris strain Mch hatch pullets at $1
ea, fob. Ferris cock, 300 egg strain $4
Williams & Watkins, Rtt A Millen
Ga. Tancred strain Mch and Apr hatch

; W L pullets and yr old. hens for sale

108 eH exchange for yellow corn or
mea :
Mrs J F Lindsey, Tifton Ga Rt 6.
- Box 58. 34 hens and 4 roosters all

. ae hatch Ferris strain $36 for the
e490 pee

Ga. 200


4|Mch hatch

ea or lot for $150


~ Mrs W V Vaughn, Towns 50 W L
hens, Young no culls 90c ea
Williams & Watkins, Rt A Millen
Ga Tancred strain W L cockerels from
trapnested stock, write for prices

Mrs Piety Forbes, Brooklet Ga. 5

English strtain W L cockerel
fine stock $2 ea cockerels very

Mrs R L Hudson Camilla Ga, to
exchange W L chickens 15 mo old for

: P D Campbell, Bainbridge Ga. Fer-

ris and Tancred strain W' L hens now
laying $1.50 ea

A E Jones Arnoldsville Ga 200 W L
pullets Tancred strain Mch hatch 75c

Doyle Williamson, Buchannan, Ga
100, W L pullets 10 wks old at 60 ea
fob or exchange for hogs or cattle

G M Moseley, Menlo Ga. 75 1 yr
old hens 45 two yr old hens and 4 one
yr old cocks. Ferris strain. Make best
offer fob Menlo. aS

Mrs S S McMillan, Oakwood Ga 200
Wyckoff strain W L 12 wks old pul-
lets 65c ea fob Coops to be returned,

Mrs J C Osteen, Waresboro Ga. 25
purebred W L hens for $24

Mrs Henry R. Craig, Lawrenceville
Ga. W L pullets Apr hatch 80 ea

B E Huguley, Danburg GGa. W L

|pullets, Ferrisand Barron strains, 65c

ea, also two fine cocks 16 mos old
same strain$2 ea: A few nice cock-
erels 3 1-2 mo_old same strain $1 ea
shipped from Washington, Ga. Cash
with order coops to be returned.
Monroe Poultry Farm, Rt 3 For-
syth Ga Tancred strain W L pullets
for sale :
Thos G Bailie, Augusta Ga 10 pure
W L hens 1 yr old laying $1 ea
- CA Poole, Rt 4 Columbus Ga wants
to exe 50 Ferris strain W L pullets

-{ten wks old for 50 Buff- Orphington

pullets, pure breed __

W M Taylor, 135 Bomar Ave, S W
Atlanta, Ga. 50 cockerels 14 wks old
Tancred and Morgan strains 75cea_ ,

Box 72 Palmetto Ga. 75 pure bred
heavy laying strain 10 wks old to 4
mos old.. Write best offer for cash.
Also eight pure bred heavy layers old will exc for Barred Rock

k ;about same age or will sell for cash

Write me =
J J Johnson, 266 West Jefferson St
Thomasville Ga. Tancred strain hatch-
ing eggs 75c per 15 del to all Ga.
points tee a aes

S G Amos, Rising Fawn, Ga. W L
cockerels sired by grandsons of Hol-
lywoods famous 336 egg hen. Write
for prices ; :

R W Best, Dover, Ga. 15 Ferris
strain pullets, one cockerel, 10 wks
old 50c ea. 12 Ferris strain chicks
@ wks old earried by common hen, 40c
ea, fob Dover Ga

A F Kelly, Rt 4 Norwood, Ga. Now
laying 5 hens and one rooster, one yr
old 8 pullets 4 mo old $14 for the

lot ,

J D ohnson, 226 West Jefferson St,
Thomasville Ga. Tancred strain six
re oa pullets, some are laying $1.25
ea fob...

A C Jones, 289 Haas Ave, S E, At-
lanta, Ga. Five W L Hens and one
cock, large red comb and good layers
will sell for $8.or will exe for good
mated pigeons of any breed. =

J R Jordan, Rt 1 Macon GGa, Bar-
ran strain trapnested stock selected
cockerels 16 wks old $1 ea or exc for
Barron strain pullets of same age

L C Green, Hatcher Ga. 20 pure
Tancred strain 15 wks old roosters
$1.25 ea or exe for pullets of same
age and strain :

Tom Richardson, Palmetto Ga 50
W L hens 16 mos old $1 ea

Mrs L H Coe, Eastanollee, Ga. 1.
have 10 white Leghorn hens at $1 ea
or will exc for Black Jersey Giant hens
or pullets

Tee SS :

S C Brown Leghorns

Mrs D H Pelham, Rt 3 Cuthbert
Ga. Limited number of Apr hatch Tor-
mohlen strain cockerels sell or exc
for cockerels or pullets of same strain

L M Moss, Canon, Ga. 4 10 wks
old cockerels*65c ea fob

J I Hewell, Dewey Rose Ga Rt 1
100 Everlay strain pullets 7c ea fob

Mrs J H Whitehurst, Jeffersonville
Ga. Two cockerels six mos old To
mahlen strain $5 ea. A number of
oe 3 mos old Bred to Lay
strani $2 ea ike :

H T Wallace, Canton Ga Box 300.
Brown Leghorn Everlay strain, 2
pullets 1 cockerel Apr hatch $16 for
lot. Cash must accompany order.


Cockerels three mos old from select
state accredited flock at 90c ea

Mrs: J F Lewis Adairsville Ga Rt
8. Pure Everlay strain Brown Leg-
horn cockerels 14 wks old $1 ea fob.


Mrs Mamie McClure LicLog Ga.
Pure bred B L cockerels, Mch hatch
$1 ea or 6 ford Soe

E M Atkins, Aragon Ga Rt 1 Three
B L hens, fine layers $1 ea fob
~R E Barnes, Graymont Ga Brown
Leghorn Everlay strain $10 per doz-
en or exc 3 pullets for 2 Parks strain
barred rock cockerels. ~~

Mrs RV Howze, Meigs Ga Straw
neck Brown leghorn eggs for hatch-

ing. Beautiful color and heavy lay-
ers $1 per 15.

a Gd eds

Williams & Watkins; Rt A Mille
Ga. Day old chicks.

Woodlawn Hatcheries, 903 Howell
Mill Rd., baby chicks $10 per hun,
pullets well developed $1 ea

Mrs C L Bartlett, Montezuma Ga.
20 Odark pullets Apr hatch $1 ea

Miss Belle Timmerman, Broomwood
Ga S G Cock 2 yr old Donaldson strain
$5, Cockerels $2.50 ea_

Box 80 Waleska Ga. Fine )lark
thorobred .cock Donaldson strain $2
fob, hens $1.25 ea fob

J W Lavender, Rt 2 Columbus Ga.
S C Rhode Island and White Eichel-
mens strain, choice laying
hens, cockerels, and pullets, $1 ea

Mrs. C C Hall, Carnesville, Ga.
Four C eockerels, two pullets, one
and one-half pounds 50c ea dark pure


Dark red pure Tompkins strain $3
or will exc for dried apples or peach-


Mrs C C Parks, Ellaville Ga. S C
eggs at $1.10 per setting or would exc
for nice large double geranium cut-
tings, Rex Begonia, rose. pink Sul-
tana, red Fussia, Red conk steckle be-
gonia. ;

Mrs. Iva Anderson, Glennville, Ga.
Thoroughbred Donaldson strain S C
hens 1 yr old 25ce per pound, cocks

-els-1 Owks old culled and selected $1

ea ;

Mrs. I J Wright, Ashbury Ga Rt B
pullets $1 ea Mar hatch or will exc
tor pigs near Sycamore


40 friers from two to 1 1-2 lbs aver-
age, $15. f
Mrs. M L Shealy, Oglethorpe Ga.

one cock five hens, $10 or will: exc

White Leghorn pullets, at $1 ea or
pure Buff Orphingtons, or White Wy-
andotte pullets at $1 ea, Mar. hatch.
Want no culls, want pure hatch

H W Thurmond, Greshamyille Ga.
PPure Buckeye hens, one and two yr
old $1.50 ea delivered. Cockerels
same price ; :

GN Strong, Newnan Ga 100 pullets
Mrs. Albert Ayers, Dewey Rose Ga.
Rt. 1. Three pure bred cockerels 90c
ea, Feb hatch. Five Aristocratic strain
eockerels 90c ea Mar hatch
, J H Carrington,. Talbotton, Ga. Rt
4. One pure bred dark red Donald-
son strain cock two years old and 3
hens, pure bred, all for $6 or exe for
six March hatch pure bred Sheppard
Ancona pullets, three Apr hatch pul-
lets and one cockerel pure bred all 4
for $3.75. anes

Mrs*J W Carter, Rt 1 Williamson,
Ga. 35 Mch hatch 1927 pullets $1.20
ea or $40 for lot, nine hens and one
eock, all 1926 hatch $14 for lot all
pure Donaldson strain

A F McClure, Woodstock Ga. Baby
chicks 11 1-2c ea, Aug 20 del, orders

now. os

Mrs. E P H Striplin, Moultrie Ga.
Rt 3. 1927 hatch Mahood strain cock-
erels, to exc for 1926 roosters or Same
strain or will buy six 1925 or 1926
hatched roosters. They may be good
strong, well developed birds and the

| Mahood strain. Write what you have

to offer, prices, weight, etc. :
Mrs. D M McCrary, Rt 6 Gainesville

Ga Mch hatch Owen strain cocker-

els, one dollar each fob a
Mrs HY Dangler, Rt 1 Adairsville

1Ga 10 R I Red pullets $1.25 ea.

Mrs. Roy Herod Adairsville Ga R I
R pullets Mch hatch $1.25 ea
Mrs C A Black, The Rock Ga. R 1.

01R I Red pullets frying size and large

for $1 ea. Also young cockerels same

price Donaldson strain.

Mrs. Ellis Johnson, Warrenton, Ga.

Also cocks 14 1-2 mo old for $1.75 ea}.

stock, |

red | ae
- Frank Matheson, Box 121, Alto Ga. |

$1.50 and $2 ea, pullets and cocker-}15

Piety. Forbes, Brooklet, Ga.

for red pullets and cock for Tancred



Pelham, Ga. Rt 5 Mrs. W H Bul-.
loch. for sale or exc 50 chickens, .
mixed 2 cocks R I, one cock, W L,
cock Buff Rock 36 hens will sell or
exc for shoats or something of equal
value. Write for particulars. .
Mrs. D Donaldson, Rt 1 Decatur Ga
Eges from dark trapnested reds $2
per 15 del; Frying size cockerels $2.
anne early cockerels and cocks at


Miss Anna L Malphus, Tusculum
Ga Mch hatch cockerels $1.25 ea

Mrs. T H Taylor, Round Oak Ga. re!
Rt 1 Donaldson strain Red pullets and |
coeckerels, heavy winter laying strain -
dark even red, Mar and Apr hatch
at $1.50 ea fob

Miss Clara Odum .Rt. 3 Sycamore
Ga 20 Thorobreds Mar 4th hatch 50c

ea cash with order. St ae ge

Mrs Dennis Morris Dames Ferry
Ga 3 Red cockerels Donaldson strain
Mch hatch $2 ea or $5.50 for lot

Mrs J W Ruskin, Rt 2 Davisboro
ae pullets Donaldson strain $1.
eac \

Mrs H Perkins, Rt 2 Box Springs Ga
Ste purebred hens 18 mos old $1.50.
eac % Leah es
Mrs Roy Elder Cornelia Ga 12 hens
and cock, Owen strain 16 mo old, $16
for lot.. Also 15 nice large pullets $15
for lot fob Cornelia or $30 for whole
lot, all are dark red. :

Mrs Naomi Fortson, Danielsville
Ga. 8 nice dark roosters, Donaldson
strain, Apr hatch $1 ea '

HG Phaegins, Flowery Branch Ga. oe
2 purebeed hens 1 yr old $10 for lot,
Mrs O E Smith, Warthen Ga. Pul-
lets, frying size, Calloway strain pure
75e ea 2 4

Mrs. S J Ballenger, Bowdon Ga.
Hens $1. ea, roosters $1.50 ea 1926 ._
patch. <> uns ees ope aed

A D Giles, Pendergrass Ga. 6 pure
;hens and 1 young rooster weight 7
lb each $12 for lot or exe for same
number of Brown leghorns not over
148 mo old or Black Minorcas ~~

Mrs J T Patillo. Rt 6 LaGrange Ga.
Owens strain pullets, 8 to 10 wks old, |
frying size, 75c and 85c ea. 2 cock-
erels, purebred 6 mo old $2 ea, Hatch-_
ing eggs of same: strain $1.50 per

es Minorceas. 3 oS) 625)
Mack H Brewer, Lumber City, Ga.
Two pure bred Black Cocks, Apr hatch
one dollar ea or exc for pure bred
Rhode Island Reds. apa

The Midway Farms, Folkston Ga.
Several single comb Black cockerels,
purebred, direct from Pape, beautiful _
birds for show or breeding, write for |
prices eels E toe

Mrs D P Hiers, Lake Park Ga. 17
black hens one and one half yr old.
Pape strain and two 1 1-2 yr old cocks
same strain lot $21 or exc for Brown

J A Elliott, Rt 1 Lavonia Ga 8 Pape _
strain Black Minorca cockerels Mch
hatch $1.75 ea or exc for 8 same breed, a
and age. 8 roosters same strain Mch |
1926 hatch. $1.50 each or exc Soy

Mrs. D S Reid, Rt 1 Willard Ga 30
or 20 Blk Minorca hens for sale $1.25
each, "

rred Rocks a Say
GO Hunter, Rt 4 Abbeville Ga.
sensle strain cockerels April hate
G C Edmondson, Rt 2 Temple Ga.
Mch 1926 hatch and. 5 eockerels Mch
1927 hatch, Aristocrat strain. Want
to exc for same number. to prevent
inbreeding. Prefer Ringlet strain or
Aristocrat strain. _ Write what you
have. * gu ae
Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Martin Ga.
Barred Rock cockerels March. hatch
Thompson strain $1.50 ea
Mrs. D J Marshall, Washington Ga ~
Several fine young cockerels, March
hatch. Thompson strain $38 ea fob |
J A Boatwright, Graham Ga. Pure
bred. select cockerels 9 wks old 75.;
fryers 30c lb... ie
P E Rhodes. Nicholson Ga. 50 Bar-
red Rocks either sex; May hatch at
50e ea. Also few March hatch pul-
lets at $1.25 fob
Mrs C R Sorrells, Monroe Ga Apr
$1.25 ea May hatch $1 ea
hatch Aristocratic strain cockerels . |
Mrs.E H Merck Gainsville Ga 10
Barred Rock year old hens $1.25 ea;
1 fine year old cock free with the lot__
Mrs J L Hayes, Palmetto Ga Rt
3. Will exec 1 Grafonola for 20 bar-
red rock pullets, no culls wanted or
will sell 40 or 5Q records at 40c ea




Jarred Rocks

Mrs C A Wilbanks, Commerce Ga
Thompson Imperial Ringlet eggs $1.10
per 15 del - ee

Mrs W A Bennett, Adairsville Ga
Two Thompson Ringlet cocks 1 yr
old this spring past will sell for $2

ea or 2 for $3.50 :
i Mrs John A Watson, Rt 3 Summit
- Ga. Pure bred Barred Rocks for breed-
ers from well culled stock Apr hatch
pullets and cockerels sold in lots or 6
pullets and one cockerel. Have 6 lots
of this number at $8.50 per lot cash
in advance, :

Mrs L S Johnson Sparta Ga Wants
to exchange 2 Thompson cockerels wt
about two pounds for two cockerels of
same size and strain ~

Frank Brage Donaldson Ga Wants
to exc trio of AAristocrat strain Bar-
red Rocks several wks old for a trio
e Seabright or other full blood ban-

Mrs J B Brown, Eastman Ga has
pure bred Barred Rock hens 1 yr old
heavy laying strain weighing about
5 to 7 pounds, $1.25 ea. Pullets, four

to five mos old $1 ea
RW Best, Dover Ga 8 ten wks old
Thompson strain 50c ea, 12 six wks old
mother hen 40c ea fob

Mrs Ida Kelley, Marietta Ga Rt 5
Pure bred strain forbidden) Barred
rocks, 11 wks old fryers about 65 or

5 at 90c ea

Mrs J D MelIntyre, Rt 1 Ousley

_ Ga. Parks strain, Reg. Permit rating
and number P D 77. Select, Feb Mch
and Apr Cockerels $2.50, $2.00 and
$1.50 and $1.00 each. 2 yr old cocks

egos $1.50 per 15. Will exc any of
the above for nice quilt cotton :
Mrs. M L Shealy, Oglethorpe Ga.

old hens $1.50 or will exe for Tancred
-pullets, year old hens, six hens for 8
Tancred hens or eisht pullets, Mch
hatch and one ,cockerel.

Woodlawn Hatcheries, 903 Howell
Mill Road, Atlanta Ga. Baby chicks
pure bred $10 per hun
.. Mrs W E Lowe, Rt 1 Duluth Ga

Nice cockerels bred to lay strain, Mch
_. hatch $1 ea
Mrs H Z Hinesley, Rt 6 Carrolton,
hatch or will exchange for 1926 hatch
<= Same _preed.. =

Mrs W G Puckett, Cordele Ga Lak-
envelder Roosters three mos old $1
ea, pullets same age $2 ea, eggs $2
_ for sixteen or will exc for anything I
ean use. Roosters three mos old $1
ea or will exc.

Pure bred Thompson Imperial Ringlet
strain roosters, Mch hatch $2 ea
_. Mrs Eula Steadman, Rt A Bain-
_ bridge Ga. Thompson Imperial Ring-
jet strain eggs 85c for 15, $1.50 for
80, 4c per egg for larger lots, April
hatch cockerels from prize pen. -
Mr. J B Woods, Brooks Ga A fine
. lot of Thompson strain all ages from
highly bred stock, will sell reasonable
write for prices on what you want.
J F Tyson, Tennille, Ga. One cock

three cockerels four mos old, all Park
strain. Permit P C 128, several cock-
erels, 4 mos old, Thompson strain.
Mrs. W L Harwell, Sycamore Ga.
Hens and some roosters.
Dixie Hennels Commerce Ga Thomp-
son Ringlet two years old_ $3.00 or
exc for another for breeding pur-

. Plorence P. Billing, Rt B.
_ Statesboro Ga. Haltemons Aristocrat
Cockerels choice birds, Fed and Mar
hatch from prize winners $2_ea.
-Fains Hatchery, Edison Ga. Baby
chicks 100 $12 postpaid, 100. per cent
- live delivery guaranteed.
es Newman, Rt B Savannah Ga.
~. [<eock, 1. pullet, both for $2. _
- Mrs: By T. Baldwin; Rt: 4
~ mart Ga. cockerels 12 wks old, $1 ea

4 : Bantams ~
Robt W Clark, 358 Spring St.
con Ga. Golden Seabrights and Part-
ridge Cochin bantams, exhibition qual-
ity $10 per pair, eggs $5 per 15
Howard. Thomasville Ga Box
703, Pure bred Golden Seabright ban-
ae $3 ea or $7.50 trio. Eggs $3 for

-. Thos G Bailie, Augusta Ga. 6 pure

bred Golden Seabright bantam cock-

erels, 4 mo old 75c ea

Ruth Lamberth, Arabi Ga. 9 Apr

ae hatch Golden Seabright Bantams $1.50
or exc = :

$4 and $5 ea, young hens $2 ea, Select |

- Thompson Barred Rocks, six two year:

Aristocrat cockerels Mch 1927 |;

T B Bartow, Rt 1 LaGrange Ga ;

one yr old, one cockerel, 6 mos old, |

Rock- |h

Ma- | del


A F Kelley, Norcross Ga Trio W L
Bantams $2 for the trio
L E Williams & Sons, Ty Ty Ga.

Hugh Holeomb, R 3 Stone Mt. Ga.
Mar and Apr hatch thorobred cochin
cockerels $lea _.

L L Wallace, 247 Highland Ave.,
Atlanta Ga. White Jap Silkies, $12.50
pr, 9 mos old pullets $35 doz. Golden
Seabrights, $7.50 pair.

Willie G Dobbins, 618 Roswell St.
Marietta Ga 1 pure bred half grown
Cochin Bantam Rooster $2

L L Wallace, 247 Highland Ave, N.
BE. Atlanta; Ga. Jap silkie, early
hatched bantams $35 per doz; Golden
Seabrights $7.50 pair.

H W Law, Eastman Ga. Purebred
oe Seabrights, spring hatch 1927,

Do pr

C C Hudson, Manchester Ga Buff
Cochin cockerels $1.25 ea; pair Buff
Orphingtons, $2; trio Grey Japs, $3

Robt. W Clark, 358 Spring St. Ma-
con Ga. Golden Seabrights and Part-
ridge Cochins, of exhibition quality,
$5 ea, egos $5 for 15

Mrs T
1 pair shawl neck bantams $1 fob

Hanes Mitchell, 27 N Cliff St. Car-
rolton Ga. Bantams to exe for chick-

Mrs. J G Joiner, Soperton, Ga. Will
exe Giants for three Golden Seabright
with rose combs :

' Jersey Black Giants

Thos G Bailie, Jr. Augusta Ga 1
trio pure bred Marcy strain direct
Jersey Black Giants, about three mos
old $5 for the lot

Wendell McLane, Hartwell Ga R 5.
Marcy strain Jersey Black Giant
eockerels at $1.50 ea;

RM Ware, Hogansville Ga. Fifty
pullets and ten cockerels, four mos old
This lot of sixty Jersey Black Giants
for $75. .

L B Landrum, Adairsville Ga. Ten
nice Jersey Black Giant cockerels, 3
and 4 lb ea from exhibition stock.
$1.50 ea or exe for anything of equal
value. Write.

Mrs J T Lambreth, Arabi Ga. Want-
ed to exc two Jersey Blk Giant cocks
1926 hatch, Marcy strain for two of
same age and strain to avoid in breed-

Dee gee ;

Mrs J E Altman, Alma Ga has 25
Jersey Blk Giants, Marcy strain, 6
wks old for 40c ea S

Mountain Oak Farm, Carrollton Ga.
) Jersey Blk Giants, cockerels, pure
Fish and Marcy strains $2.25 to $3.50
fob. Also pullets of same breed $1.35

o $2

Mrs J W MeGowan, Summit Ga Rt
8 Two Marcy strain hens 1926 hatch
4 pullets Mech 1927 hatch $9 for lot.
Nice Marcy strain cockerels $1.50 ea
or exc for good dried or cooking sup-
plies or peaches. ~

Hill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill Ga.
Purple strain Jersey Black Giants
pullets 8 to 10 wks old: $1.25 ea

H J Kaylor R 2 Bowdon Ga 6 hens
1 cock one yr old $8 fob; 12 pullets
17 cockerels, Apr 1927 hatch $1.25 ea
for pullets, Cockerels $1 ea; lot $20
Hill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill Ga
Royal Purple strain pullets 8 to 10
wks old $1.25 ea. ;

S C Watts, Buchanan, Ga R 2,
1 hen_and 1 rooster Marcy strain $5
or exe for vood pigs 6 wks old

Grady Cheem, Buford Ga 10 cocks,
Feb hatch, $1.25 ea or exc for Black
Giant pullets.

Mrs EH Scott, 2 Feb hatch and
last years cockerels $1.50. ea

Mrs G G Pearce, RFD 2, Box 144,
Sycamore Ga Cockerels $1 ea.

WM Puckett, Cordele Ga Rt B.
Rooster 4 mos old $2 each,

Mrs B T Baldwin, Rt 4 Rockmart,
Ga. Marcy strain cockerels 12 wks old
Mrs J G Joiner, Soperton Ga. One
eavy weight well marked Marcy
strain cock $7.50 young cockerels same
strain 3 to 5 lbs, $2 to $2.50 ea, large
tyne guaranteed. Hatching eges $1.10


Hill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill Ga:
Royal Purple strain pullets, eight to
ten wks old $1.25 ea

S L Wyandcttes

Dewey elms, R 1 Bowman, Ga. pure
bred cockerels 8 mos old 75 ea fob;
pullets Mar and Apr hatch 75e ea
fob; or exc for same number Barred
Rocks; write -~

Mrs J B Chambers, Toomsboro Ga.
1 cock pure bred $1.50; T Barred rock
cocks $2.50 or all for $5.75,

Bantams, all colors 1927 hatch $1 pr. |

W Mathems; R 3 Marietta Ga.

ED Riner, Swainsboro Ga. A few
nice hens 1926 hatch and 1 rooster
same age $2.15 ea fob Swainsboro

Earl T Almon Midland Ga 6 pul-
lets, 1 cockerel, $10; tar box strain, 9
hens and 1 cock $18, 30 hens and 2
cocks $50: hatching eggs $1 for 15
' WM Smith Jr. 1543 Melrose, Dr
S W Atlanta. 6 thorobred hens, 1
rooster $1.50 ea; 2 fine 16 mos old
$2.50 ea

W T Adams, Lavonia Ga 2 pullets
and 1 cockerel purebred 2-3 grown $1
ea: hatching eggs $1 for 15 del_

Mrs C H Ward, R 1 Adairsville Ga.
2 purebred roosters 1926 hatch $1.50
ea: a few hundred hens 1927 hatch
$1.25 ea; purebred cockerels Mar hatch
1927, same price :

Mrs B F Willare, Baxley Ga Tar-
box strain, five hens and rooster $7.50
or exc for good S C reds

Mrs B T Henderson, Graymont Ga.
Several pure pullets and cockerels,
Fishel strain all from prize winning
stock, Mch and Apr hatch, $1 ea, sat-
isfaction guaranteed

Mrs Laura Perry Stockton Ga. pure
S I, Wyandotte Tarbox strain 3 1-2
to 4 mos old pullets $1.25 ea or 10 pul-
lets and 1 cockerel for $13.50.

W CG Thornton, Gainesville Ga Rt 4

|Purebred S L Wyandotte cockerels,

Tarbox strain $1.50 ea

Mrs O F Shearer, Alapaha Ga, 12
pullets and 1 cockerel, two thirds
grown, good markings and culled fine
stock $1 ea or 12 dollars for the lot.
Also 1 cockerel and 8 hens 12 mos old
culled and all laying $1.50 ea or 12
dollars for lot. Cash only.

White Wyandottes

Mrs. J E Steadman, R A Bainbridge
Ga. Martins Regal Doreas eggs $1 for
15; Mar cockerels from prize pen $2.50
ea: Apr hatch $1.90, 2nd pen Mar $2
Apr $1.45.

Miss Pauline Mercer, R 1 Elberton
Ga. 12 Feb and Mar hatched pullets
and 1 rooster $13 or $1 ea, prize
winners, cash with order, express col-

Mrs. J R Fleming, Lincolnton Ga R
6. Pure Regal Doreas cockerels, Apr
hatch prize stock $1.25 ea, or 2 or

more $1 ea :

W-G West, 120 Cedar St. Macon
Ga. Three cockerels Jan hatch, Mar-
tin Fishel strain from Geo F Wrights
prize winning strain $3 ea or $6 for
the lot fob, Macon yee

Mrs B M- Thomas (address not giv-
en) Wyandotte hens $1.50 ea; pul-
lets $1 ea; eggs $1 per setting. Pos-
tage paid.

Mrs M B Jackson, Shellman Ga Box
263. Pure bred Martin strain White
Wyandotte pullets, 90c ea fob Shell-
man Ga.

Shellman Evergreen Co, Shellman,
Ga. Wants to exchange pure bred Mar-
tin strain White Wyandotte pullets
for sewing machine.


Mrs J T Miller, Leo Ga. Thorobred
Balch and Brown strain light pullets
and cockerels, frying size 90c ea, six
for $5.00

Edwin Simpson, 676 Tifton St., N.
W., Atlanta, Ga., 9 pullets, 1 cockerel,
one yr old pure bred light $25. for
the lot pure bred light Spring hatch
cockerels and pullets $1 ea

O H Wright, Peters Bldg, Atlanta
Ga. Trio of Giant strain Light Brah-

mas at $10.

Woodlawn Hatcheries, 903 Howell
Mill Road, Atlanta, Ga. Pure bred
baby chicks $14 per hun; $7.50 for
fifty. Regular weekly hatches, pos-
tage paid, 100 per cent live delivery
guaranteed. ee

Mrs J Walter McGarity, Drake-
town Ga., two cockerels and 1 pullet
Apr hatch $1 ea fob

Mrs V P Jackson, Ivey Ga. wants
to exchange Brahma _ cockerel, Scott
strain, April hatch. Please give age,
wt and ete.

Mrs. Katie Hood, Stapleton, Ga. 1
rooster and 6 hens Scott strain, good
layers lot for $15

C P Colelough, Maxeys Ga. Light
Brahma hens for sale at $2 ea. Eges
from same at $1 per 15 :

W L Gillespie, 1001 Troup St. La
Grange Ga 2 cockerels and 1 pullet, 4
mos old $1.25 ea or three for $3

_ Anconas
Mrs W V Vaughn, Towns Ga 75
Sheppard strain hens good layers 90c

Woodlawn Hatcheries, 903 Willi
Mill Rd. pullets $1 ea ; fos

-cockerels, four mos

Thursday, August 4, 1997

Mrs W E Lowe, Rt 1 Duluth, Ga. |
10 hens and one cock hens now laying
$10 for the lot :

Mrs J H Brown, Locust Grove Ga.
7 hens 90c ea or will exchange for
dark reds. :

Mrs A C Spence, Blakely Ga S C -
heavy laying hens $1.50 each, cocks
$3.50 ea, pullets $1.25 each; eggs $1.50
per 15; $5 per 100 post paid. oe

J C Porter, R 1 Tifton Ga. One.
choice Sheppard strain cock 18 mos.
old $3.00 or exe for nice cock of same
age and strain; few Mar hatch cocker-
els, $1.00 ea or will exchange.

J H Beasley, Lavonia Ga. Shep-
pard strain S C pullets 12 wks old 9Uc
ea: cockerels, same. price, Ready to ee
lay pullets $1.25 each 16 weeks old
pullets $1.10 each all fob ~

Mrs E B Saxon, Sylvania Ga. 50 |
pure bred Sheppard strain hens and
three cockerels at 90c ea cee

Mrs J W: Healon, Hoschton, Ga. 8
old, Sheppard
strain $1.50 each, fob Hoschton.

Christine Jones, Lula, Ga. Two 2
yr old roosters, Sheppar dstrain, pure =
bred to exc for two same age and st.
to stop in breeding, also 15 small 38
mos old Sheppard strain 50 ea or o3s
$7 for lot Son ee

Mrs A D Harris, Blakely, Ga. Five
fine cockerels, Mar hatch $1 ea or will
exc for S C RI Red pullets, Buff Or-
phingtons, or Barred Rocks, same age |

H C Henderson, Pendergrass Ga.
ie ss and pullets April hatch $1
eac bad

Mrs A C Spence, Blakely Ga. An-
cona eggs $1.50 per 15 or $5 per hun.

Hens $1.50 each; pullets $1.25; cocks
1 yr old $3.50. ae es

Miss Lorene Sewell, Lavonia Ga. |
Apr hatch Ancona cockerels, Shep-
pard strain, price 75 ea , ieee

Mrs L F Dunaway, Thomson, Ga.
Feb hatch pure Ancona cockerels at .
75e ea, route 2. :

Lonnie Rounless, Gainesville Ga. Rt
7. 40 nice pure Ancona pullets, 12
wks old, Sheppard strain, 75c ea See

Mrs W V Vaughn, Towns, Ga. An-
cona hens, Sheppard strain, no culls,
90c ea as
J H Beasley, Lavonia Ga. Shep-
pard strain Ancona pullets, 12 wks old
90 ea, 14 wks old $1 ea; and the ones
ready to lay at $1.25 ea i

Mrs Z B Sexon, Sylvania Ga 55
Sheppard strain Ancona hens 15 Apr
hatch pullets, 3 fine cocks and 3 cock--
erels 90c ea for the lot. : oe

R W Best, Dover Ga. 1 pair Shep- |
pard strain Anconas 3 mos old $3.

Ruth Tyner, Danielsville Ga. 5 An-
conas, choice hens, Sheppard strain
$1 ea f o b


W J Holcomb, Resaca, Ga. Six nice
cocks and 4 pullets, Mar hatch $1 ea :
A E Wammock, Rt A, Harrison, Ga.
Dark Cornish Indian Game cockerels _
and pullets Apr and May hatch 75e
and 50c ea; 1 yr old cock, same breed
$1.50 or exe for one of same breed.
James Beverly, Moultrie Ga. Pure
bred Danger foot_cock, $6; Hen $2; _
Stage $3: irish Grey and wild cat
Blue Stag, 1 lb size $3. Een
Mrs B L Brown, R 1 Ball Ground
Ga. Dark Cornish chickens, Berry ~
strain, 8 hens and 1 rooster $18 for
lot; friers, same stock, 8 pullets; 8
roosters 92 per pair; eggs same stock
Sie. COL LD; : :
John R. Gardner, Locust. Grove Ga.
8 pure bred dark Cornish Indian Game
pullets $1 ea, cockerels $1.25 ea; eggs
$1.25 per 15 _
J H Laster, Box 63, Menlo Ga.
Round head games, 10 wks old black .
and red feathered 3 pullets and roost-
er to match, $3.50 . Se
A P Sanders, Tignall Ga. Sell or
exc at $1 ea from 10 to 50 pit game
pullets and roosters, mugrumps Mar
or Apr hatch; want white or brown |
leghorns, Barred or white rocks, or

TR I reds; give strain of chickens

_M A Belflower. Empire Ga 1 Cor-
nish game cock 1 yr old $1 fob :
L Bannister, Carters Ga R 1.
Roundheads and warhorses, crossed,
write for prices.
W T Hughes, R C Box 11, Albany -
Ga. Fine blue pit game stags, Mar
Apr hatch, would exe for some good &
game hens or -pullets. - eg

W D Joyner, R 2 Roberta, Ga. 2
Jan hatched white Cornish cocker-x
els $2 ea fob :

S L Vaughn, R 1 Daniclavive a
itrio brown red Grinn stock pit ganves
$4; stags and pullets, pure Grinn reds
$3.50 and $4 per trio.


Thursday, August 4, 1927

ee Games ees
Mrs L M Kennedy, Rt 2 Collins Ga. $5

Cornish cockerels, fancy stock $1.75
ea; eggs fresh and fertile $1.50 per 15
post paid
EL Greeson, R 1 Rocky Face Ga.
Carolina blues; write for prices

O L McClellam, 403 Jefferson St.
LaGrange. Ga Warehouse Cockerls,
3 1-2 mos old $2 ea,
_ please.


old cock $4 and_J one yr old cockerel

Mrs W E Whisnante, Mansfield Ga.
Buff eggs for hatching from pure
bred stock at $1.25 per 15 or will exc
for quilt tops or seed Irish potatoes or

honey. x ;
Mrs Will Giddens, Kirkland Ga. 30
Buff Orpington hens, pure and 1 yr

guaranteed to old, 16 pullets, some beginning to lay
jall pure bred stock and good layers.

- Royston Poultry Farm, Royston Ga Friers, 28 lb.

A few 2 and 3 yr old Blue Bone pit
cocks make offer, must sell.


Black Langshang

HS Vaughn, Danielsville Ga. Early _ Mrs N B Burden, Elberton Ga Rt 8
1927 trios, Pure Ginn Reds and Blues A few cockerels from fine stock, April

_ $4 pound size, two $3: Ginn Gray st
P$2.50 ea : See


hatch 75 ea, cash with order.
W A Newman, Rt B Savannah Ga.

~ Royston Poultry Farm, Royston Ga, | One cock one yr old, Crowal strain, $2

a few Tompkins and Donaldson strain
_ stags about ready for service $2 ot

pee es
__ Marion Herrington, Cordele Ga.
Dark Cornish cockerels $1
_ C A Franklin, Covington
silver Duck Wing game hens and 1
cock, $10 for lot
_.J M Moon, Summerville Ga. Rt. 5.
Wants to exe round head game chick-
ens for a good opossum dog, hound.
_. Miss C Petty, Bronwood Ga..Two
dark Cornish game cockerels, Mohawk

-L-H Harrison, Whigham Ga.
Two 2 yr old pure bred Cornish game
cocks $2 ea; one Feb hatch cockerel

Same strain $1.25. _
~_W T Hughes, Rt C Box 11, Albany
Ga. For sale, blue pit games stag
Mar and Apr hatch, now growing $2
--@a; cash with order. Would exc same

_ for good game hens or pullets, Ginn
or Allen round heads preferred. write.

Mrs G C Smith, Moultrie Ga. E.

- Central Ave. 13 hens and 1 rooster, ex-
tra fine stock. for breeding, Cornish

games, Hens now laying. A_bar-

- gain for $25 fob
-. K C Cooper, Moultrie Ga Big type

dark Cornish game cockerels, pure

bred $3.50. = Soe 8
-~K-H Cooper, Moultrie Ga Pure-

; ee Cornish game eggs $1.25 per
2 Mrs Daisy Cochran, Monroe Ga. Rt |

8. Four pure bred dark Cornish game
cockerels at $1 ea =
-_ C Boroughs. Statesboro Ga. has
several Mch hatch pullets and roos-
ters, pure Cornish that will trade
or sell for cash. Also one 18 mos
old cock weight 9 Ib, $3; Ten hens
same age and strain $2 ea; will trade
- some young games for Black Minorca
pullets, chicken for chicken, write.

Sei Orpingtens :

_ LL Wallace, 247 N Highland Ave.
Atlanta Ga. 15 pure bred Buff Or-
ee nullets 4 mos old.$2; cocker-
els y

- Mrs GG Pearce, R 2. Box 144, Sy- |

camore Ga. Several Buff Orpington
eockerels $1 ea. :
__ B B Woodruff, R 3 Greenville Ga.
Pure bred B orphington Myers strain
_ Jan hatched; 24 hens, some laying, 2
tockerels $1.25. ea fob, Hogansville

Eugene Sanders, R 8 Buchanan, Ga.
Orpington and Barred rocks for
= sale,
- - WH Patterson, R 1 Washington Ga
Buff Orphington cocks $1.25 ea; 2
~ more 8 lbs ea $1 ea fob

Mrs W E Whisnante, Mansfield Ga,
Buff Orpington eggs, from pure bred

Irish potatoes or quilt tops; cocker-
els $1 and $1.25 ea

Mrs L O Staples, R 4 Bowdon Ga.
_ Buff Leghorn eggs 90c per 15 del.

_. Mrs W H Marry, Edison Ga. eight
~ White Orphingeton laying hens $1.35 ea
-,ash with order fob Edison Ga.

-. Dr, GH Dunlap, Madison Ga. Cry-
stal White Coctreels, Kellerstross
- Stock $2.50 ea fob

QO A Kennedy. Glennville Ga Cock-
~ erels Mar hatch, good laying stock $1


W 4H Patterson, Washington Ga. 1
pure bred Buff Orpington, four weigt
4 Ibs ea $1.25 ea, fob; two weigh 3
lb ea at $1 ea fob. Sy
Bese Mrs M L Shealy. Oglethorpe Ga.
Ten hens $15 or will exe for ten pul-
lets, Mch hatch, 10 pullets twto mos
~ old $1 ea, cock $5
*.. Woodlawn Hatcheries, 903 Howell
Mill Road, Atlanta. Ga. Babv chicks
$12 per hun, regular weekly hatches,
postpaid, 100 per cent live delivery

- guaranteed.


stock $1.25 per 15 or exc for seed:

eockerels, fine

: Partridge Rocks

Robt. W Clark, 358 Spring St, Ma-
eun Ga. Bird Bros stock American
Poultry Association certificate win-
ners, males $5 up; females $3.50up;
eggs $8 for 15 choice young stock

CG E Abbott, Warrenton Ga. Co-
cambian Plymouth Rocks 2 two yr

old cocks and 1 one yr old cogk, four }.

4 year old hens, 2 three yr old hens,
and 4 one yr old hens, $25 for thelot;
36 8 wks old to 12 wks old chicks $30
for the lot fob Warrenton Ga, or will
exc for Brown Leghorn pullets.
AF Kelley, Norwood Ga Columbian
Rocks 10 hens at $1.50 ea; or $12
for the lot :

Woodland Farm, Eton Ga. Several
nice white Rock cockerels for sale.

. Harold Stokes Rt 3 Macon Ga. Fish-
er strain White rock cockerels, from
selected stock, $1.10 ea. .

Mrs O E Smith, Warthen, Ga
White Rock pullets, Apr hatch cock-
erels, same age 75c each, no culls and
pure stock.

Mrs J F Lindsey, Rt 6 Tifton Ga.
White Rock pullets, 3 mos old $1 ea,
cockerels same age, same price, Fish-
Bl Strains. 4 Ee
- PD Campbell, Bainbridge Ga. Fish-
el strain White Rocks, April 1st
hatch $2.50 and $38 ea

Mrs Z L Scott, Concord Ga. White
Rock cockerels and pullets, Fishel
strain Mch hatch from prize winning
stock $1.25 ea. eee
_ Mrs C E Richey, Rochelle Ga. Part-
ridge Rocks, my finest pullets, hens
and cockerels from heavy laying
strains; price reasonabble, selling out
best prize hens and cocks at $10 pair.

Mrs. F R Hobbs, Siloam Ga, White
Rocks, 1 cockerel and 3 pullets, Feb
hatch, Fishel strain $5 for lot

me - Plymouth Rocks ee
Mrs. J H Jenkins, Dahlonega, Ga.
Thomaston strain eggs for hatching,
$1 for setting ai ee
Walter H Reed, Box 255, Social
Circle Ga. Pure bred cockerels, weigh-
ing three to four pounds eacn, $1 ea.

White Rocks

Mrs G W Puckett, Cordele Ga. Roos-
ters, three mos old $1 ea, or will

J B Blackmon, Hartwell, Ga. A
few choice Regal strain pullets and
uo and mothers,
March hatch $1.25 ea. :

Mrs C C Payne, Rt 6, Tifton, Ga.
Fishel strain i|cockerels $1.50 each,
hatched in Mch, 1927 eggs same strain
$1.10 for 15 cash with all orders pre-
ferred. ss

CL Nelson, Rt 8 Rome Ga 20 pul-
lets, late Mch hatch, pure bred, Fishel
strain, $1 ea, fob

Mrs B B Morgan, Clyo Ga. 10 pure
bred Fishel strain cockerels 3 1-2 mos
old $1 ea

vee Herrington, Cordele, Ga. Rt.
B. Three pure bred pullets, one cock-
erel $1 ea, April hatch

HA Kuhns, College Park Ga. Two
cocks, eight hens, one yr old, best

: ; strains, $2 ea for quick sale
ea or exc for White Indian runner |

S W Hughes, Scotland Ga. Cocker-
els from se: Soe direct from
Fishel 1926. $1.50 @a. .

Mrs D H Rainwater, Griffin Ga RFD
A. Pure bred Fishel stock cockerels,
March hatch $3 ea :

Mrs. J A Leonard, Milledgeville Ga.
Rt. 1, Box 7, selected eggs, pure bred
Fishel strain, $1.25 for 15 del.

Miss Francis Holmes, 633 Telfair St.
Augusta, Ga. April hatch cockerels,

/pullets of prize winning stock at $1


and $1.50 ea, one second prize cock
at $4; five selected hens 1 1-2 yrs
old at $2.50 ea :

S A el Oe ee
CHICKENS AND EGGS FOR SALE _R L Pierce, Hatcher Ga 1 two yr|

horns, $9 hun; 500 for $42.50; Bar-

eas, ducks, or hens,

and one 250 egg Foy incubator.


~ Baby Chicks _ |
_ C T MeMillan, Gainesville Ga, Lead-
ing breeds baby chicks $6.25 per hun
ne will book orders now or for fall
el. i
For SaleR I R baby .chicks, day
old or will exc for shelled corn or
meal, Williams & Wlatkins, Rt A.
Millen, Ga.
Mrs D Donaldson, Decatur Ga Rt
1, Baby chicks from Exhibition, trap-
nested R I Red at $15 hun del. 15c
ea in lots of 20 or more del.
Fains Hatchery, Edison, Ga. Thous-
ands chicks each week, White Leg-

red rocks $12 per hun; Buff Orping-
tons $12 hun; mixed $7.50 hun. Lots
less than 100 add le each chick.

Woodlawn. Hatcheries, 903 Howell
Mill Road, Atlanta, Ga. Pure bred
Barred Rocks, R I Reds, White Ply-
mouth Rocks, $10 per hun; $5.50 for
50: Buff Orpingtons, White Wyan-
dottes, B Minor Silver Laced Wyan-
dottes, $12 per hun, $6.50. for
White Minorcas, Light Brahmas, $14
per hun, $7.50 for 50; Regular weekly
hatthes, post paid, 100 per cent de-
livery guaranteed. EOS


Mr C C Hall, Carnesville Ga. Five
Regal Dorcas Cockerels, Apr, hatch
$1 ea, one 11 mos old cockerel $3.50
rose comb $7.50 for the whole lot.

Woodlawn Nurseries, 903 Howell
Mill Road, Atlanta, Ga. Poultry grains
and mashes standard brand, guaran-
teed fresh and high quality reduced
prices. Buckeye No. 8 incubator, 4608
egg capacity, with three fans com-
plete. $500 fob Atlanta.

B K Hodges, Durand, Ga. 15 Capons
average 1 1-2 lbs $1 ea or will exc
for 15 Barred Rock pullets, Mch or
Apr hatch. pee

Box 263 Milledgeville Ga 1 Five
hundred capacity Hover brooder $8
one 100 capacity brooder $3.00 _

Mrs SW Cain, Auburn, Ga. Friers,
about 2 lbs each, 80 per lb.

Mrs B F Willard, Baxley, Ga. Six
Buff Leghorn hens 15 mos old, exe for
good S Reds or sell for $5 ~

Mrs A J-Pope, 48 Broad St. Talla-
poosa Ga. Five nice milk fed friers
30 Ibs, fob

Mrs Geo. B. Gatling, Thomson, Ga.
Will exc 1 cypress 150 egg incubator,
good condition, for gag fifteen guin-

Mrs W G Brown, Stone Mountain
Ga. Two 1500 Cypress fncubators,
in running condition with thermome-
tors, complete, cheap; one Empire
brooder lamp, 100 chick capacity $3
in good condition; 25 lbs Calcium Ar-
senate $3 del, or exc for something
useful. t

Mrs E H Smith, Rt 5 Cochran Ga.
Mixed pullets, 8 to 12 wks old, 50c
ea, six weeks old mixed chicks 25c
ea, four weeks old mixed chicks 20c
ee friers, from 1 -4 to 2 lbs, 30 per


Mr. W H Langford, Maysville
100 2 lb fine-mixed milk fed, make
best offer at once I am going to sell.

P A Blanchard, Star Rt. Thomson, ,
Ga. One 250 egg Buckeye eee

sell the Buckeye for $25 or the Foy

\for $20 or will exc for pure bred Bar-

red Rock pullets, or nice thrifty pigs,
eorn or wheat. Pe

W H Vhambers, Homer, Ga. 390 egg
Cypress incubator, one 5 H P Economy
Gas engine almost new, both in good
condition, sell cheap or exc for first
class White Leghorn pullets.

M A Belflower, Empire, Ga.
Columbia Wyandotte -Cockerel 1927
Mch hatch $1 fob .

S Amos, Rising Fawn, Ga. One-
Schwalge-Smith incubator 400 egg.
capacity, equipped with egg turning
trays, only used three times and in
good condition $35 fob $2 extra for
crating, one 500 chick Reliable Oil.
ae Brooder $8 fob or $40 for


W M Taylor, Fort Meade, Ga. Wants
trio bronze Turkeys, 1 yr old, also
Foulouse geese.

Mr. O E Crumley, Rt 2 Soperton Ga.
Turkeys: 1 gobler, 62 hens, light red
bronze; 8 young ones, about half


Mrs J R Pilcher, Villanow Ga

Rt 2.6 White Pekin Ducks, 5 ducks
and 1 drake $5.50 fob. _ Sgn
Mrs. Piety Forbes, Brooklet, Ga. _
Hight White Mammoth Pekin Ducks
and one drake $18 for the lot very
fine stock. : pe
R A Crarey, Milan, Ga. Rt 1 Box ..
98. Fine large Mammoth White Pekin
Ducks 18 mos old $2 ea or two for
$5 fob Milam cos
Mrs J. J Farrell, Rt A. Cairo, Ga.
Pure Brred Aifrican White Guinea
ego's 16 for $1
Mrs J O Taylor, Alma Ga. Rt 3.
9 Head of turkeys, 6 head of M B P
3 of M BP B R mixed, April hatch for
$1.50 ea ase
~' Mrs Laura Curry, Stockton Ga. G
M B turkeys, Bird Bros strain, 8 1-2
mos old, one tom and 2 hens $10 or ten >
head for $30. ue
Br. B T Baldwin, Rt 4 Rockmart Ga.
Ducks and eggs genuine English
strain ducklings 3 to 6 wks old $2
ea: $5 trio color black all season
layers. pkg
Mrs L A Kelley, Woolsev Ga. 8
grown 1926 guineas, 6 hens and 2
roosters, also 9 young guineas, 50c
ea fob Brooks Ga.
Mrs W V Robbs, Flowery Branch

Ga. White downy geese feathers 85c

del; also

Mrs Ida Kelly, Rt. 5 Marietta, Ga.
Pure M B turkeys, big bone type; .
8 mos old $20 for -lot or $3.50 ea;

one tom and 20 mo old, $10; one hen
now setting, $7.50 voung ones, 80c
ea when hatched fob 4

Mrs M F Gaddis, Hazlehurst, Ga.
Pure bred white muscogee ducks, .
about thre mos old, very laree for
age, $1:25 ea or $15 for lot of 15..

W A Williams, Hephzibah, Ga. Rt.
2 Wants to exc five geese, 4 hens and ~
gander for 10 pure bred Barred Rocks
or R I Reds (dark) pullets, or hens
not over 1 yr old or will exe above
geese for three turkeys, 2 hens, one
tom: March or Apr hatch 1927. Must
be pure bred Giant Mammoths Bronze
or Bourbon reds, write. 1 oe

Mrs. Lula Christmas, Rt. 3. Vi-
enna, Ga. 10 head young M B turk-
eys, Mar hatch, 1927, nearly grown,
in fine condition, 6 toms and 4 hens;
$50 for the lot or will sell in trio lots;
one tom and two hens for $15 cash
with order. Meee

Mrs J P Barrow,
Morgan Co. M B turkey eggs, nure
stock, 25e-ea- ==
Mrs J B Brown, Rt 1 Eastman, Ga.
M B Turkeys, five mos old, $2.50 each

Mrs Piety Forbes, Brooklet, Ga. 9
large white Mammoth Pekin Ducks at
$1.50 ea; 8 ducks and one drake. uy

Mrs John A Watson, Rt 3 Sumit,
Ga. Pure bred jet black turkeys, April
hatch for breeding stock; 30 in lot

white feathers without

toms, $5 each, pullets, $3, or $100 for :

lot. Cashiers check or money order
with order. | Rego

LE Williams and Sons, Ty Ty Ga.
1 pr white Pekin ducks $3.00 or will
exc for 3 Indian runner ducks; 2 ducks
and 1 drake preferred, write. White
australian guinea eggs $1.25 per 15

del. 4 hens and 1 rooster, white $5.45 ae


Mrs G C Smitth, E Central Ave.
Moultrie Ga. 6 April Hatched half
toulouse, 8 geese and three ganders

$6 fob

Needlework For Sale. __.
Mrs T J Peacock, Rt 2 Box 44 Hic-
kox, Ga. Single tatting 10c per yd;
crochet. medalions for bureau scarfs
5e ea: any kind of crocheting done
cheap write. {7 aia ee
W J Halcomb, Resaca Ga. One
turfted bed spread Mt. Beauty in pink |
and white $5; also Tulip design in
blue $4 10-4 sheeting. %

Mrs E W Teague, Adairsville Ga. <

Rt. 4 Pretty rayon lace trimmed emb.
teds any color $2.75 ea; Nainsook >
teds lace trimmed and emb any col-
or $1.25 ea; Howse dresses emb in
fast colors, nicely made of fast color
linen $2.75 ea del. State size and
color, == : Se

Miss Ellie Belcher, Rt 3 Adairsville
or white; bedroom sets made to or-
der. Will sell or exc for pig or chick-
ens; Beb spreads $4, $5 and $6

Mrs M R Maxwell, Eatonville Ga.
Will do any kind of crochet but roll
stitch for 20c per hundred yds of
thread strips for bed spreads a spec-
ialty. If carpet warps are used, price _

grown; $25 for entire lot.

reasonable. :

Buckhead, Ga.

Ga. Nice turfted bed spreads in colors :


Needlework For Sale
-. =Mrs I G. Keen, Dublin, Ga. Rt 6.
_ Beautiful designs for bed spreads bes
ea: designs for pillow cases and b
ster spreads 20 ea

Mrs E W Teague, Rt 4 Adairsville
Ga. 1 tufted bedspread 90 x 81 in.
_ grapevine first border, yellow rose
| vine second border, with pink Wildrose
center, in fast colors, washed and
fluffed $6 del; tea aprons any. fast
color, emb in contrasting fast color
thread $1 ea del; dresser scarfs, ta-
ble runners, sewing machine covers,
tea aprons, center pieces, sofa pil-
_low slips, chair tidies, made of good
grade unbleached sheeting 75c ea del;
1 tufted rose crepe kimona size 38 $2;
pillow cases made of Indian head tub-
ing emb in fast colors, 70c ea

Miss Belle Timmerman, Bronwood
Ga. Tatted baby caps of No. 70 white
mercerized thread $3; silk tatting for
baby flanners also cotton | tatting.
Write for prices.

Marian Dewberry, Savannah Ga 218
E Jones St. 15 yds fine tatting made
of J & P Coats mercerized tread for
baby clothes trim, $1.76.

Mrs Halie Rickett, Fairmount Ga.
Rt 1. Tufted bed spreads, bedroom
sets all to match; tea aprons, table
runners, dresser scarfs, chair cushion
tops and tidies window curtains, il-
low cases all made of good material

and worked fast colors ina dozen or
more different designs: Prices reason-

able, write. Also embroidery of any
kind of crocheting of all kinds any
any kind plain sewing all priced right.

Mrs Mae Turner Cleveland Ga Rt 4

Crochet lace table runner star de-
sign $5; dresser and mantle scarfs
Star design and 1 collar grape de-
sign made of ecru thread $2 ea; cro-
chet table runner in squares $38; cro-
chet yoke oe crochet ends for dres-
ser scarf,
- Mrs. Pape Gravitt, Commerce Ga.
One white flowered linen table cloth
hemmed, ready for use, size 70 x 72
$3.50 or exc for 3 1-2 bu of good
sound coe walnuts,

Mrs T W Cline, Rt 2 Rydal Ga,
Hand tities bed spreads in fast color
thread, on seamless sheeting. Lovely
designs for single beds $3.50, dbl
beds $4.50 del; bedroom sets tufted
on sheeting or crepe cheap, write.

Mrs. EK L Herndon, Rt 2 Box 28
Mayfield Ga 18 wiece white linen
luncheon set with crochet edge, $5

Mrs. M D Teague, Box 256, Adairs-
ville Ga. Tatting medallions, yokes
of twelve large medallions, ribbon,
with the yoke, neat work, $1.50 ea

Mrs J M Hall, Rt 5 Calhoun Ga
Crochet dresser scarf ends, Roses in
Bowl design 20 in nolg extreme width
12 in 6 tassels on ea end $1; crochet
cre centerpiece in popcorn design.

Mrs V S Ladd, Re 7 Gainesville Ga-

5 large quilt tops 90c. Add postage;
J bed spread 90 x 92 seamless sheet-
in gin fast thread $3.50; tea aprons in
fast color thread 50c ea; Will make
mens work shirts of heavy homtex
cloth 90c ae, send measure.

Mrs W H Hughey, Ranger Ga. Rt
1. Will tuft bedspreads designs Moun-
tain Beauty and Dew Drop in white
or any color fadeless tufting thread
$1 ea; Will tuft other pretty designs
at 75e ea, you furnish the material
and pay postage; will tuft window cur-
tains to match 50c set vou furnish ma-
terial and pav postage. Will stamp
for tufting 25c.ea; Send stamped
addressed envelope for reply.
= Mrs: Aik White, Rt 1 Grayson;

Ga. One crochet bed spread $10 will

emb bed spread on halves, you fur-

nish material.

Miss P Lawrence, Middleton, Ga.
Aprons, 50 and 75 ea, worked in
fadeless colors; bed spread worked in

colors, butterfly design $5.

Mrs RF Mize, Rt 2 Jefferson, Ga.
Will do plain sewing cheap, also emb
bed spreads, pillow cases, center pie-
ces, table runners, dresser scarfs,
luncheon sets, buffet sets; will cro-
chet adults and childrens yokes for
money or on halves you furnish the
material, thread and patterns and re-
turn postage. z

Mrs F M Onzts, (no address given)
One 80 x 80 center piece made of
Royal Society crash white made with
white in big sum design, sell or exe
for hens of some good strain.

Mrs H G Newly, Holton, Ga. One
satin damask lur-heon cloth with sev-
en inches crochet e@lging in tea set
design Damish is 90 x 90 Sq in;
price $20.00



Miss- Florence Huey, Rt 1. Tutt
bed spreads Mt. Beauty, Dew Drops
$4.15 ea;; other choice designs fade-
less. color thread $3.75 ea or if you
furnish material and pay postage,
will tuft Mt. Beauty, Dew Drops $1
ea; other choice designs 75c; Will
stamp and give instructions 25c ea;
aprons tuft or embroidered 50c ea;
erochet edging oe and 25c per yr. or
5. yds $1 or exc 5 yds for 5 yds of
pretty dress pereale or ginsham; cro-
chet yokes $1.25 ea, small $1 ea

Mrs Tom Cochran, Adairsville Ga.
10 yds single tatting, white or colors
$1.48; two ends for dresser scarf of
cross bars and medallions with tas-
sels $1.73; crochet medallions, 4 or 5

size $1.59; emb. pillow cases in white
and eols $1. 37 pr; cases with crochet
or tatted medallions inserted and
sprays of french knots around $1.35
pr; or with imported lace and inser-
tion finished $1.43 pr; all del; all cases
strictly hand made will not rip; med.
size; 2 crochet pillow tons - about 14
in square of lovers knot and one
American bird $1 ea del, white. Write
or mail. Cash with order.

Miss Ruby Carrington. Talbotton,
Ga. Rt. 4, will emb. bed spreads in boil
fast: colors on 90 in sheeting and fur-
nish all material for $4; sheeting
aprons emb for 85c and_ postage,
sheeting. curtains-2 1-4 yds long emb.
in fast colors two curtains to a win-
dow $1.75 for curtains for two win-

dows; table runners and _ dresser
scarfs emb. in fast colors from 50
to $1.00

Ga. Turfted bed spreads, assorted or
solid colors, large size $4.00 ea fob

Mrs G T Truelove, Stdckbridge Ga.
Rt. 1. Gingham broadcloth, print, etc.
quilt seraps,. for Buff Orpington. pul-
lets or baby chicks,

Mrs J. N Knowles, Jackson Ga. Rt
l. Hair switches made from cut hair
and combing's $1.50; paper beads made
any size and shalacked 50c $1.00

Miss Virginia White, Temple Ga.
One auto knitter, write pr porice.

Mrs Willie Durden, Stillmore Ga.
Feather bed of new goose feathers,
used very little in good clean tick,
weighs 29 lbs; $20 cash with order.

Mrs L F Jones, (no address given)

4 round, one oval, to set one flower
basket, all made of pine needles, sew-
ed with Raffia, varnished and hand
painted $1 ea; per set or exec for
Silver Lace Wyandotte pullets one
or two mos old; will pay cts in each

Mrs O E Smith, Warthen, Ga. Rag
rugs well made good size and de-
sign $5 ea

Mrs Ralph Williams, Commie Ga.
Pine needle flower baskets, handles
40 in. 50c ea; will paint them for 10
extra; add 10c for postage.

Miss Laura Jinks, Hampton, Ga.
Rt. 3. Dresser scarfs 50c: Washstand
covers 50c;. center pieces 50c; pillow
cases $1; chair backs, 45c; parties
furnish material and thread. pieces
already stamped.

Mrs J H Carrington, Talbotton, Ga.
Will make plain house dresses for
60, send all material and return pos-
tage: will embroider teddies of nain-
sook for 70c add postage, and send

Miss Beanie Smith, R F. D, Kite,
Ga. Will make ladies house dresses,
75c; childrens 35 to 50c; men and
boys shirts 50 and 60c; also do other
white sewing.

Miss Lissie Grantham, Bishopville,
S. C. Rt 6. Will do plain sewing, cot-
ton material 75 per dress; childrens
dresses 50c per dress: slips, etc. 35c;
send measure. All kinds of knitting,
crocheting, cheap, write for special
prices prices on family sewing for
regular customers.

Mrs. J. A. Yeomans, 544 Forsyth
St. Macon Ga. Wants to make linen
hand bags,
and make for $2.50 to $3.50, will pay

postage one way:

Miss. Fairrie Belle Michael, R 3
Monroe Ga. One chochet luncheon set
consisting of thirteen pieces of un-
bleached thread\$4 fob; one large tat-
tine center piece made of tatting ma-
dallions $5 fob; one woolen quilt made
of large squares feather stitched to-
gether $5 fob; sinele tattine 15c yd;
one bed spread emb with colored
thread fast colors on unbleached sheet-
ing with lace around the edge $5


fii wide $1. 28: 6 tatted medallions same,

Mrs. Marshall Lewis, Rt 2 Rydal

one sandwich tray set hot dish mats:

parties furnish material


Mrs E. S. Smmers J onesboro Ga
quilt tops $1.50 and $1.00 each

Miss M E Darden, Mayfield, Ga R
F D 2 Box 33 two plain long-sleeve
percal housedrasses .fpasted hems
size 36 $1.25 each cash with order

Mrs. E S Johnson, Sparta Ga Will
hemstitch 10c per yd, will do nay
kind of crochet and embroidery rea-

Mrs Lena Shaw, Adairsville Ga.
will turf bedspreads any design rea-
sonable jrice.

Mrs Mary Sirmans, Howell Ga.
Haud painting newest method of de-
corating bed spreads $5.00 each
scarfs $1.00 pillow cases $1.75 pr.
all fast colors and wasable materials
ete send cash with order,

Miss Kate Davis, Rt 1 Lagrange
Ga beautiful old rose crocheted gown
yoke 4 in width $1.25. beautiful hand
emb towel 40c or $1.50 for both.

Miss Sue Armstrong, Catula, Ga
11 yds of ecru crochet insertion, 6 in
wide crochet in right length for bed
spread ends of bolster and two table
runners or scarfs $1.50 per yd.

Mrs Lee Head, Cleveland Ga Rt 1
will quilt quilts at $1.00 each and
will make hooked hugs at $1.00 each
customers furnishing rags and pay-
ing postage and will do plain sew-
ing customers furnishing material
and patterns grownup dresses at 75c

and 50c.

- Miss Winnie Chadwick, Rt 1: Cal-
houn Ga Tuft bed spreads of 101-4
sheeting designs mountain beauty
$5.00 Tulips $5.00 bow knot basket
$4.50 of any color of thread cash
with order on delivery.

Mrs T. C. Salmes, 1310 21st ct
Columbus Ga White linen dresser
scarfs 18 in by 54 in very /pretty
finished in large tatted medallions
$3.00 ecru center pes 24 in diameter,
finished in heavy crochet edge and
all round emb design of five differ-
ent. colors $2.50 smaller center pcs
various prices according to work and
material plain sewing and quilt piec-
ing done at very reasonable prices,
all work seams neatly finished.

Mrs W F Hale, Box Springs Ga

will make plain childrens dresses 50c

each childrens, dresses with hand
emb or smocking 75c ea ladies dress-
es plain 75c customers to furnish ma-
terial and patterns or plan. will also
make men,s shirts and small boys,
suits. 50c

Mrs Chole Lewis, Rt 3 Adairsville
Ga tufted ee different de-
signs $$4.00 each.

Miss Addie Hughey, Rt 1 Ranger
Ga sng tatting 10c per yd dbl 20c a
yd tatted yokes $2.00 or will ex-
change for 3 yds of 9 in sheeting
tatted medallions 10c ea crocheting
25c a yd crocheted water sets star
pattern $2.75 set of 7 pieces.

Miss Daisy Spence, Ball Ground
Ga 11. yds single tatting made of J
and P coats thread, 61-2 yds ecru for
$1.44 delivered.

Miss Florie Hughey, Rt 1 Ranger
Ga tuft bedspreads beautiful design
fast colors, Mt Beapty drops, bask-
et designs $4.00 del other pretty de-
sign $38.75 del., crochet edging 20-25c
yd or will exe for 51-2 yds of pretty
dress ginghams, percale, or parties
furnish material and pay postage
will stamp turf bedspread beauti-
ful designs $1.00 ea. simpler designs
magnolia, bow not daisy 75c any col-
or fast color thread _ will stamp
spread ready for tufting 25c ea or
2 for 40c.

Miss Marian Dewberry, 218. E
Jones St, Savannah, Ga 15 yds fine
white tatting made of J and P Coats
fine mer. thread $1.75

Mrs C T Williams, Rt 6 Dallas
Ga Hand tufted bed spreads $4.00 to
$6.00 each, tufted sofa pillow tops
40c del.

Mrs C A Mobley, Rt 3 Whigham
Ga sng tatting 121-2c yd_dby 25 to
40c yd medallions 5c to 25 accoring
to size other parties furnish thread
or exc. work for the following: well-
rooted cuttings of salmon, pink, or
red sultana, different kinds of be-
gonias, hydrangea dbl geraniums
amarillis bulbs sweet peas seed, or
green apples send prices.

Claud Gragg, Clarksville Ga flower
seed hollyhock, hybiscus and four
oclock or pretty bye night seed.


For Sale
J. Tuck, Ellijay Ga Rt 3 Hardy
Phlox pink and white 15c doz



Sadie Wilson, Morganton, Ga- Red

Japancia snow ball hydrangia bridal
wreath box wood arborvitae junipers
all rooted 25 ea; empress yel nar-
eissus cream narcissus dbl yel giant
daffodils 30c doz large isis lily 50c
doz; purple lilac 25c doz; day
35 doz; snow drop 1dc doz; leopard
wood vine 2 for 25c; pink hibiscus
pink peonies 25e each.

Miss Thelma Merck, Gainsville Ga
Rt 7 orange pink and purple sultanas

15ec ea mch and june cactus 10c ea

Thursday, August L 1927

ly; =

trailing queen cols 15c ea wht hy- s

drangea 10c ea president carnot be-
gonia 15c ea Metallica begonia 1d
ea lantanas 15c ea dbl petunia 15c ea
blooming moss 15c doz all well root-
ed red conk begonia cuttings 5e ea

wandering Jew 3 cuttings for 5c add _

5e postage.

Mrs E M Ricks, Moultrie, Ga Rt
2 milk and wine lillies 25c ea large

rose moss all cols 20c doz knickls
and dime 5c ea; green wandering
Jew 5e ea all well rooted will exc
any of above for dbl red or dbl white
geraniums rooted. :

Mrs Ida Taylor Rt 1 Arlington Ga
Coral vine 25 ea hardy everbloom-

ing carnation 15c ea exc dbl scarlet

gernalum maiden hair fern
leaf conk begonia thurstoni corallina
lucern rex begonia pink sultana.

Mrs R P Steinheimer, Brooks Ga,
blue roman hyecinths bulbs 40c doz

Mrs Florence Robinson, Jackson Ga

Well rooted wht oleanders 15c ea
small plants or hardy red hibiscus
10c each $1.00 per doz.

Mrs W P Reynolds, Hoschton Ga

Rt 2 Box 74 jonquills daffodils but-

ter and eggs star bethlem blut hy- ee

cinths blue japanes iris, 2c per lb

postpaid on doz or more blue flow-

er evergreen. box vine plants rooted
5 ea postpaid on all orders for 25c

or more wht german iris well root-

ed bulbs 5c ea postpaid on five or
more bulbs marvel of


Mrs N Barrow Rt 1 Register Ga
Canna lillies yellow and tangerine
with orange boredr also snowdrops
gladiolas 25c per doz or exe for fire
ball geranium begonia or ferns

Mrs J M Hall Rt 5 Calhoun Ga
i dbl and.

Jonquills cream narcissus
single butter and eggs bulbs $1 per

hun; 8 varieties of named iris $1 per
yds old summer cactus. 20c

doz 2
ea 3 for 50c; cuttings mixed begonias
geraniums and cactus orange and
pink sultanas and Justicia mixed

25 per doz, 30 for 50c, wht star of |

Bethelem 25 per hun

E L Corley Rti Mauk Ga Dahlia

bulbs 10c ea add postage.
Miss Lissie Grantham, Bishonwitles

S.C Purple verbena 20c doz thanks-
5e ea May

giving cactus cuttings .
cactus cuttings 5c ea; night bloom-

ing cerus cuts 10c ea wandering Jew -

le ea purple violets 15 doz red and

wht dbl geranium cuttings 10c ea 2
pink justicit cuttings 5e ea add pos-

Viloa Nelson, Canton Ga. Rt 3
sweet william plants 30c doz all cols

dbl gladiola bulb dbl petunia peony

all colors. 1
Mrs Z M Story, Thomson Ga few
poinsetta plants 30c ea Ostrich

plume ferns large well rooted 80c

ea ever blooming pink begonia plants:

20c each

, we W #H Hughey, Ranger. Ga Rt

Lt red rose but geranium 15c ea
ilack red geranium and_ fire ball
geraniums 20c american beauty red
sultana 15c ea It pink flowering be-
gonia 15c ea variegated dbl peaunia
15c ea hardy sweet scented carnation
15c royal blue all winter blooming

violets 15 doz hardy purple verben- _
as 15e doz any 8 of above well root-

ed $1 and something free with all

Mrs J O Davis, Rt 4 Gainsville
Ga large box woods 10c ea 83 for
25c blue lily bulbs 25c,doz for, 5 doz
for $1; red monthly rose bushes 15
ea; ever green cuttings $1 per hun;
Baby rambles rose bushes 15c all
well-rooted will exc any for wht seed
sacks or quilt scraps or naything use-

Miss Lillian Wright, Zebulon Ga

large yellow winter blooming oxalis

bulbs Plant in Aug of Sept 15 doz
and postage.

Mrs Joe Stubbs, Walden Ga Wan- 7

dering Jew small leaf 2. doz pes 15
dbl pink geranium 10c each dusty mie
ler 10 doz,

Peru moon
vine ipomea setosa seed 30 for 10c ie


hursday, August 4, 1927.

Flowers Seeds and Plants
oo For Sale
Mrs Paul Bogle, McRae, Ga large
aper wht narcissus bulbs poet and
ellow and several late blooming va-
leties 15c per doz jonquills 15c per
oz large pink and white lily, bulbs
oc ea rooted purple lantanna 10c ea
rge dbl verbena, pink and*red and
urple 10c ea mixed petunias 5c epr
doz periwenkle vine for boxes and
anging baskets 10c ea. Add postage
Mrs W H Rucker, Rt 1, Milner Ga
sword fernsldc and 20c lumosa be-
gonia, coral red blooms 15c_ black
prince fuchia pink carmine bloom
large size blooming 25c smaller size
110 and 15c double salmon ponk ger-
anium profuse blooms 20c double dark
red geranium 15c and 20c ruea begon-
a small size 10c all well rooted care-
ully packed one of each for $1 post

Mrs C E Leverett Rt 1 Atlanta
Ga large size apr. blooming white
nareissus bulbs and golden spur daf-
fodils $1.50 per hun large white blue
and yellow iris bulbs 35c doz double
orange red poppy seed mixed colors
eee 10c dbl red hollyhock plants
c doz ;

_ Woodlawn nursery, Greenville Ga
Old-fashioned english dwarf box wood
cuttings $10.00 per hun $75.00 per
1000 del Oct del.
e. Mrs'-G F Carter, Rt. 2 Alma Ga
-milhan wine lilies 2 for 25c purple
and white verbena 40c per doz sal-
mon pink canna lillies four for 50c
yellow with red spots solid yellow
- canna 15c ea silver pinks 25 doz hon-
ey suckle vines 30c doz brziillian
porch vine 50c arbutilions 50c well
rooted white flowering locust 50 ea
_-will exe any of above for chickens of:
any good breed or good fruit of jel-
_ ly glasses. ~.
- Miss Dessie Mae McAlum, Gleen-
wood, Ga R F D 1 will exe large
green leaf wandering jew lowing tan-
gle small wandering jew tanzey fern
young man walking stick house leak
_ pinks cock shell geranium hirdranger
roots lace fern bastan fern rose ger-
anium beef steak peoue and rooted
umbrella fern the night blooming acc
tus and alligator taunge and will ex-
change some dusty miller for some
trailing calleus four oclock seed col-
ar white yellow red pink stripped for
perriwinkle plants and monkey tail
Mrs D W Faircloth Rt 1 Pitts Ga
-well-rooted rose color sultana maple
-.begonia pink ever blooming conk be-
.gonia all 10c ea cutting 5c ea large
eat pink Axalis 10c ea dark purple
and bright red verbena 5c ea yellow
and orange varigated cannas solid
yellow cannas, solid red cannas all
with green leaves 5c ea or 50c per
doz add postage on accounts less than
20e will exc any of the aboce for any
kind of palm except umbrella any
kind of pot lilies except St Bernard
of August any color sultana except
--rost any color fuschias shaking fern
_ fancy-leafed caladium or any kind be-
gonia except conk maple leopard
strawberry or argentea guttata any
kind of ivy geranium or pansy ger-
- anium.
~ Mrs RD Riggins Rt 4 Rome Ga
purple iris 30c doz or 4 doz for $1
or $1.75 per hun butter cup_ bulbs
75e hun for star Bethelem bulbs 15c
doz rage obin seed for fall planting
15 ea cup full for larkspur seed for
fall planting 10c tablespoonful or two
for 15c dry eured sage for 45c Ib
sweet blue violets 25e doz cream rose

tage alcozar iris 80c doz or 4 doz for
Mrs W H Hale, Box Springs Ga
- Salmon color sultana trailing colens
rooted 10 red and pink ever blooming
- begonia cuttings 10 star begonia 15
red leaf and spotted leaf begonia 10c
euttings red pink double geranium
_ cuttings 10 ae
Miss Lonnie Rundles, Rt 7 Gains-
ville Ga blu and yellow flag lilies 15
ner doz add postage white and yel-
- low crysanthemuns well rooted 20
: per doz
- Miss Linda Hix Ella Gap Ga wht
_ nercissus bulbs 15_ doz datv lilies
bulbs 20c doz dbl. butter and eres
bulbs 15c doz dbl jonquills 15 doz
purnle and lavender iris 25c doz vink
_ Altha with wine center 10c ea 3 for
_ 25e red and vellow japonica 25c ea
well rooted add postage.


Jaree type cuttines 2 for 25 add pos- |

John Wilson, Ellijay Ga white.

and variagated violets 20 per doz
Miss Bennie Smith Rt Kite Ga

Colons mixed large well rooted 25c

well rooted small cuttings 2 for 15c

fern boston 15 and 25c Asparagus:

fern 20c extra large 3 to 4 ft runners
$2 May cactus red and pink flower
cuttings 20 well rooted 85 ea
Miss Elizabeth Mitchell, Shellman
Ga, Queens wreath plants at 50c per
doz del no summer or fall vine more
beautiful with its heavy green fol-
jage and sprays of lovely ponk blos-
some. ae
_Mrs., Ralph McGill, Rt 1 Dawson
Ga Green and white stripe grass 5c
ea or 6 for 25c White conk begonia
15c ea umbrella palms 20c large root
watermelon pink crepe myrtle 15c ea
or 6 for 50c pink dorothy perkins
rose 15c ea brazillian morning glory
lic per doz honey suckle vines 10c
ea Maderia vine roots 10c ea or 6 for
o0c asparagus spengere ferns 25
wandering Jew 6 for 15 all above
well rooted plants will exe for any
pretty ferns except lace or Spengeri
chicken gizzard or any begonia ex-
cept conk and beef steak dbl gerna-
iums large curly chrysanthemuns
calla lillies colans fancy leafed cala-
diums or red and yellow oleanders
and purple violets. a

Mrs J E Stembridge, Ella Gap Ga
large purple iris bulbs $2 per hun
380 doz yellow iris $1.50 per hun 20
per doz del cash with oredr.

Mrs Edgar J Pentecost, Rt 1 Box

34 Winder Ga dbl light and dark red.

geraniums 10c ea red carnations 10c
ea miseltoe geraniums 10c ea ameri-
can beauty color sultana 10c ea spen-
geria ferns 15 and 25c cuttings bos-
ton ferns 10c 15 and 25c cuttings
dwarf ferns 10c; cuttings jonquills 25
bulbs for for 15 daffodils 25 bulbs
for 10c -Caledium 15 ea wandering
jew purpee large and _ small leaf
green and green with yellow stripes

Miss: Florie Hughey, Rt 1 Ranger:

Ga red rose bud geraniume 15c ea dbl
white martha washington ger 20c ea
black red condor fire ball ger 15c ea
American beauty. color sultanas 15c
ea Amazon plume plants 20c ea dbl
red sweet scented carnation 15 20c
ea begonias gloria red and pink flow-
ering maple grape 15 ea red Jantan-
as 15c ea lavender, purple hardy ver-
bena 25c doz any 8 for $1 or one ea
of collection $$1.25 a large fern free
with every order of $1.00 or more
of sweet scented violets.

Miss Addie Hughey, Rt 1 Ranger
Ga Yellow Apr blooming narcissus
25c doz $1 hun large blooming size
pink sultanas 20c ea white dbl ger
20c ea dbl salmon pink blooming 25c
eacch ferns crested 20c ea boston 25c
ea fountain 25c:ea spengeria 30c ea
begonia red white pink gloria dechat-
telaine, grape maple 20_ea ger one
yr old 80c ea giants or Califoria ger
single red and pink 20c ea any 8 at
$1.25 Mothers tears 15c ea rainbow
moss and pink justicia 15c ea no exc

Mrs H F White Rt 1 Gainsville Ga
7 dif cut of dbl ger 5c per. cutting
grape leaf begonia well rooted>10c
guinea wing begonia cutting 10 map-
le begonia well rooted 15 dark red
fuchsia well rooted 10c dbl petunia
cuttings 10c cash or money order.

Miss Inez Moore Rt 3 Bowden Ga
Everblooming Cape jessamine large
euttings. well rooted 80c ea del four
cuttings $1.05 stamps not accepted.

Mrs P D Rubin, 76 Stewart Ave
Hapeville Ga jonquill bulbs, $1.50 per
hun well rooted wisteria plants 20c

ea 2 for 30c well rooted Hemalaya

berry plants 15 2 ea for 30c :
Mrs J C Hix, Morgantown Ga fine
young spengeri about one foot high
25c ea add postage pot flower cutt-
ings for sale cheap. =

Miss Maggie White Rt3 Temple Ga
Moss rose 15 jonquills. 25c doz $1
hun purple iris lilly bulbs 25 doz
$1 hun white narcissus 25 doz $1
per hun. \

Mrs F R Hobbs, Siloam Ga red am-
aryllis blooming size bulbs\25 ea


Ga Hollyhocks seeds all colors mixed
10c tablespoonful or three thls 20c
dbl petunia plants well rooted 1l5c ea

colors red orchid red and white. Dbl
sweet scented carnations 15 ea 2 for
25 dbl red ger 15 ea dbl red rose-
bud ger fire ball 15c ea dbl white
martha washington ger 20c ea single
pansy red ger 15c ea pink red gloria
begonia 15c ea any 9 for $1 all well
eo a large fern free with ea $1
order. :

Mrs Jeffie Ham, Forsyth Ga Rt
Fluffy ruffles dwarf sword and Ele-
gantisseme ferns large pink ger wht
snap dragons (in bloom) purple
green and frost striped jew star be-
gonia all well rooted for $1 one
clump red verbena one of single old-
time garden pink light col blooms
free with ea order packed well in
damp moss dbl and snug jonquills and
daffodils and buttercups $1 per hun
mixed blue roman hyacinth dbl but-
ter and eggs white April bloom nar-

Bethelem 10c per doz dry bulbs pos-
tage paid on 50c orders and up. old-
fashioned multiplying shellots $1 per
hun buttons 50 per hun.

. Miss Ruth White, Rt 1 Dahlonega
Ga Indian lornwood 15c ea 2 for 25c
yellow and white fall pinks 19c for
large bunch box wood $1 a doz mapls
trees one yr old 35c ea or 5 for one
dollar jestiue 10c ea three for 25c
parlor vine 5c ea pink running roses
10e cedar trees one yr old 50c ea
snowballs 15 ea all of the above are
well rooted.

Mrs E I Roberts, Suwanee, Ga Rt
1 Le Crepe ger 1 yr old 50c or small
size 2 for $1 scarlet red rose ger 25
ea narcissus bulbs 25 doz or 25 doz
for $6.00 blooming size bulbs yellow
jonquills 20c doz cape jessamine ore
yr old 50c smaller size 25c ea, all
well-rooted all orders postpaid.

Mrs Lula Wells, Hinesville Ga Blue
velvet elephant ears bulbs 10c ea bos
ton and shengarie ferns 15c ea be-
gonia white blooms well rooted 15c
ea le and small green jew 5c ea 3
blue pink Altheas 25c ea blue hydran-
ger well rooted 25 ea cape jesamine
yr old 50 ea smaller 25c ea will exc
\for century plant dbl red and yellow
spotted cannas bulbs 10c ea perri-
winkle pinks white 25c a doz several
varieties of large type chrysanthe-
muns 30c doz three kinds of jew 6
for 10.*> ; :

Mrs G B McCrary, Rt 1 Gainsville
Ga 8 nice well rooted justicias 50c
pink and red June cactus 2 for 25
white hydrangia 15c ea or 2 for 25c

jonquills narcissus star of Bethelem
dry lilies butter and eggs, 15 doz
pink Altha 10c ea spider wart 10c ea
iris 25e doz honey pheax chrysanthe-
muns 25c doz summer rose 10c ea yel-
low and red japonica 20c ea bear
grass 20c ea add posage.

Mrs G C Martin Rt 7 Gainsville
Ga dark and scarlet red pink white
salmon pink dbl ger cuttings 5c ea
boston and sword ferns 25 ea_pink
and white hydranger cuttings 5c ea
red weeping lantanas varigated lan-
tanas colors purple and yellow pink
and yellow and orange color 5c ea
cutting old rose and _ pink oxalis
bulbs 5c ea yellow red and white
fall pinks 25 doz no order accepted
under 25c add postage.

Mrs J A Griffin, 512 16 ave E
Cordele Ga Abelias butterfly busb
barberry philadelphus Forsythis ker-
ria varigated puncia euonimus rose-

red yellow cream with red _ stripes
dbl pink white varigated leaf cream
with yellow throat Spireas van Houtle
dbl reevyseaba thundergia pink crim-
son Jasminem cape grand dukem
night blooming nudifloeuni primulin-
um Crepe Myrtle white red pink 2
for 60c any 4 for $1.10 6 for $1.50
12 for $3.00 begonias ferns aspara-
gus plusmosa sprengeri sultana artil-

for $1 jonkuill bulbs 100 for $1 glad- lery plant three for 55c

jolags 40c doz blooming size bulbs
large dbl] white narcissus 75c doz one
pot rat tail cactus 7 large well root-
ed plants 50e maiden hair ferns 20
ea Achimanese plants 15 doz. :

Mrs U. G. Comer, Rt 7 Gainsville
Ga Blue iris 25e yellow flab 20 pur-
ple sweet violets 15c doz several col
of moons 25c doz old fashioned yel-
low jonquill bulbs 25e mixed color
sweet william 25c doz

Mrs A P Hutchenson, Rt 3 Temple
Ga Maiden hair fern 10c Rattail cac-
tus three cuttings 10e leopard begon-
ia 25 trailing colnet cutting 10c
hollyhock seeds dbl red pink 10c Ire

Miss Josie Jenkins, Dahlonega, Ga

Old-fashioned red multivling onion

sets 40 gal del jonquill narcissus
rising sun bulbs $1 per hundred.

Miss Florie Hacher Rt 1 Ranger}

cissue, 20e per doz assorted star of |

X-mas cactus rooted 15c all delivered
Mrs Malinde Eller, Ella Gap Ga

berry best roses Altheas dbl white.

Mrs W A Huff Browns Crossing
Ga Narcissus buttercups butter and
eges and snow bell bulbs 40c doz Irg
red spotted canary yellow, and sal-.
mon pink canna bulbs and spider li-
ly bulbs three for 25c white with red

stripes Shandalia lil bulbs 20c ea red
and spotted gladiola red lily bulbs 5
ea white and purple flag lilies lemon

libes, double wht and single sweet

pinks pink and red verbena 10c ea 3
for25c shasta daisies 25 doz Irg pink
begonias rooted 25e dbl red and three
shades of pink ger rooted 15c to 25c
christmas cherry plants three for 25c
ostrich plume maiden hair fish tail
and asparagus sprengeri ferns 15 and
25c white conk begonias rooted 10c
pink crape myrtle 15 and 25c will exc
for yellow calia lily or fancy colored
leaf coladium bulbs.

Mrs Geo Rol, Arlington Rt
Blooming size gladiolas bulbs vari-
gated 75c doz or 4 doz for $2 wine
lilies bulbs $1 per doz 2 doz $1.75.

Chlo Lewis, Rt 8 Adairsville Ga
blue flag lilies 35 doz and postage.

Mrs N P Steinheimer, Brooks Ga
blue roman hyancinths bulbs 40 doz

Mrs L R Leathers, Rt 1 Box 43 A
Buchanan Ga Wants to exchange jon-
quills or April Blooming narcissus
for what is called Butter and eggs
will exchange bulbs for bulb for

bulb. 5 ;

Miss Dorothy Eller, Ella Gap Ga
Pink Altha 10c ea hardy phenx 25c
doz Iris 25c doz chrysanthemuns 25c
doz narcissus jonquills butter eggs
white star jassemun dry lilies 15c
doz everlasting strawberries 20c hun
bear grass spider wart 10c ea yellow
and red japonicas 20e ea roses 10c
ea add posage.

Mrs JJ W Roper Rt 7 Gainsville
Ga Hydrangia pink white ge 2 reds
white 2 pink climbing ivy pink ger
orange lantana red weeping lantana
dark red fuschia red justischia blue
plumbago summer lilac cuttings of all
above 5c ea or 6 for 25c asparagus
fern 25c ea pink sultana cuttings 5c
ea rooted 10c grape begonia 10c ea
wandering jew green white and green
stripped cuttings 2 for 5c cash add
postage. - cos. em

Miss Lillie Eller, Ella Gap Ga dbl
and single jonquills day lillies white
star jasamine paper. white narcissus
15e doz royal purple and lavender
iris hardy pheox chrysanthmuns 25c
doz yellow and red japonicas 20 ea
pink Altha with wine center 10c ea
$1 per doz
Mrs W P Jackson, Ivey Ga Butter
and eggs bulbs 20c doz narcissus
bulb 20c doz boston and_ ostrich
plume ferns well rooted 15c. oe

Mrs J Winters Buford Ga Mixed
snap dragon plants 25c doz old fash
ioned garden pinks tiger lilies white
flag lilies 25c doz pink oxalis 10c ea
running myrtle 10c doz mixed colon
hollyhocks and mixed snap dragon
mixed \petunias mixed oclor poppy
and everlasting flower seed all 10c
pekge blooming moss and pruined
phlox seed 10c pkg several kinds f
roses rooted purple lilac 10e ea Ku-
dzu rooted 10c_ea special prices on
large orders. Birds eye hedge 10c
sell or exchange any of the above
for dbl pink olander, red amarilas
lilies peonies or large flowering tu- |
lips most any color red preferred add
postage on small orders. S

Miss Odie Lee Baton, Rt 1 Dahlon-
ega Ga Mtn laurel several kinds 40c
doz white and blue iris lilies 6 for
45c wild easter lily bulbs 25c doz
red spainish lily bulb 3 for 25 pink
crepe myrtle rooted 15c ea Golden
bell bush 3 for 25 blue rambler ros-
es rooted 10c hollyhock seed all col-
ors dbl and single 10c cup full bridal
wreath 8 for 25c small orders add
postage. _

Mrs Willis Grindle, Dahlonega Ga.
Parlor vine, dbl hybiscus, pink hy-
dragon, petunia, dbl red geraniums,
green and white striped jew, plum-
bago, knife blade and Xmas cactus,
cuttings, 4 for 10c; also a collection, 1
fuchia, 1 maple begonia, 1 rose bud
geranium, red begonia, 1 plumbago,
one white geranium, 1 pink geranium,
1 dbl petunia, 1 jestishel, 1 parlor
vine. 1 bunch of rainbow moss; all
for 25c; please add postage

Miss Lillian Wright, Zebulon Ga.
Large vellow winter blooming Oxalis
bulbs 15e dz; add postage; plant in
August or September



Flowers, Seeds and Plants
For Sale ;

: Mrs: Marian Eaton, Rt 1 Dahlonega

Ga. Well rooted everblooming yellow

peach tree roses, 8 for 25c; old fash-

joned yellow bunch roses, some gar-

den goose berry bushes 10c ea 6 for

- 45ce; white and red respberry bushes

some garden rue, three rocted bunches
for 20c; horse radish roots 8 for 20c;

sage 10 bunch; add postage on small



W C McDonald, Smithville, Ga. One
singer sewing machine, good condition
or will exc for pure White Leghorn

Mrs J S Jones, Jasper Ga. One gas-
oline iron nameed Monitor, in good
condition used veny tittle $4 paid


Mrs Ruby Bentley, Dallas Ga Rt 7.
Recipe how to cook green beans with
sugar vinegar 50c

Mrs J A Leonard, Milledgeville Ga.
ARG. 1; Box 7, BFive never fail yeast

cakes, recipe for bread 25c delivered

Mrs C E Leverett, Rt 1. Atlanta
Ga. 75 qts new home made blackberry
and strawberr jam 50c and 60c qt.
oe Sweet cucumber pickles 35c qt

J C Dobb, Cleveland, Georgia, one
qt. jell press $4 . .

Miss Floy Mobley, Glennville, Ga.

- Home made paper roses, different col-

ors, 60c per half dozen $1 per dz;
prepaid cash with order :

Miss Jane Elrod, Flowery Branch
Ga Reo 2. 17 pounds of nice chicken
feathers 20c per lb or lot for $2.75

Miss R W Verdel, Elberton Ga. 8

yeast cakes and recipe for making

bread and yeast cakes for 25c

Mrs J W Winters, Buford Ga. 6
yeast cakes and recpe for making
light bread for 25c

Mrs H Perkins, Box 63 Rt 2, Snrings

Ga One croquet set practically new.

sell ave $3 or exc
s W H Rucker, Milner Ga. Will

ie hair switches of hair or comb-
me for $1 to $2 sterilized and neatly

Mrs Ruby Bently, Dallas Ga. Rt 7
Recipe how can sreen beans with sug-
ar vinegar, recipe for 50c

Mrs C E

sacks 5, 10 and 15c ea del

Woodlawn Nursery, Greenville Ga.
Womens, misses and childrens slip-
pers and other merchandise to ex-
change for boxwood cuttings

Mrs Maud M Holland, Reidsville,
Ga. 1 canner, will sell cheap or exc
for hogs or chickens

Mrs M M Hersey, Nicholls Ga. Rt.
2 Box 110, 2 geese feather beds, one
ped 16 Ibs, other bed 22 Ibs for 75c
and $1 lb

Eva Corbett, Kirkland Ga RFD 1,
Box 49, one or two cars of poplar

jogs, give best prce

Miscellaneous Wanted.

Mrs E W Teague, Adairsville Ga
Rt 4. Wants to make plain dresses,
75c ea; teds, slips, stepins and bras-
sierers 75c ea, bloomers 50c; chil-
drens fancy dresses $1 and up; par-
ties furnish material and pay pos-
tage. Write
_ Miss C B Oliver, Glenwood Ga Rt 1.
Will do hemstitching and drawn-work
25e per hr. Work hems different col-
or if desres, you furnish goods and
pay postage

Mrs W A Hoff, Browns Crossing
Ga. All sizes flower pots, clover, vetch
and austrian pea seed, state price

Mrs M Conner, Cordele Ga 705 E
18th Ave. White Maltese kitten, will
exc nice embroidery and crocheted cen-
ter pieces, for same

Mrs A J Cragg, Clarkesville Ga.

Wants goose quils and feathers.

Mrs Nancy Priddy, Kessinger, Ky.

Wants to buy all kinds of Ga. fruits

(not grown in Ky.) and a few flow-
ers, please gve com. desc. and price
in first letter

Mrs J M Hall, Rt 5 Calhotn Ga. :
2 Ibs new duck feathers

Miss Daisy Spence, Ball Ground Ga.

Wants tatttinge to make, parties to'

furnish thread, single tatting 12c yd,
hen and chicks 15c, double 18c, can

~ make any kind. all reasonable. Will

also do crocheting reasonable, work
del. Desire work at once

ax Leverett, Route 1 Atlanta |
Ga. 25, 50 and 100 lbs. size white


Mrs W D Lee, Bowdon Ga. Wants to |

ship from 3 to 5 lbs of fresh jersey
butter per wk to a hotel or boarding

house, butter guaranteed pure, clean,
45c per lb, del

Hill Crest Farm, Odessadale Ga 10
lbs butter in 1 lb cartons per week
ove del, good color

Lonnie Rundles, Rt 7. Ganesville Ga
8 tbs Jersey butter each week 50c
per lb; add postage

Mrs W A Bennett, Adairsville Ga.
Fresh, Jersey butter each week, sat-
isfaction guaranteed, 50c per lb


R E Barnes, Graymont Ga Good
grade calves for cash exc for guin-
ea plgs

R & Barnes, Graymont Ga 1 panr
pure bred black essex pigs, cash or
in exe for little bone guineas

Lonnie Rundles, R 7 Gainesville Ga.
5 mos old young heifer calves, cheap
eash or in exc tor young Ancona pul-
lets 12 wks old Uc ea

R V Howze, Meigs Ga several young
reg Jersey or Guernsey heifer calves;
must be high producers and cheap for
eash; will exc Duroc Jersey pigs
for same

J Jt Barhhill, Howmersilte Ga. 1 reg
Red Polled bull, not over 8 yrs old

F D Garrison; Cornelia Ga 10 or
15 good grade Jersey cows for cash

Bramlett Poultry Farm, Owings 8
C. Milk goats for cash or in exc for
German police or bull pup dogs

B T Baldwin, R 4 Rockmart Ga. 1
good big bone guinea, male, 4 to 12
mos old, cheap for cash

Mrs B Malone, Pearson Ga. 1
reg Hampshire male pig, give best
i and number of pigs in litter with

RR C Roberts, Jefferson Ga Few
Guernsey and Jersey calves any age

R S Anderson, Hawkinsville, Ga.
1 car load yearlings

Day Davis, Rutledge Ga 8 good
milch cows, freshen now, $45, also
want 10 reg heifers =

W J Stripling, Box 291, Macon Ga.
One Hereford bull, state fully what
you have

Oakhurst Plantation, Hamilton Ga.
See young bred Toggenberger doe



Lester: Feed & Seed store, Ronie
Ga. 500 bus Ga rye immediately

C M Hunter Co. Decatur Ga. wants
seed oats

Geo. W Heard, Box 136, Atlanta Ga.
Sound new crop abruzzi and tall Ga
rye; quote prices your station

W Bruce, Young Cane Ga. Wants
Hairy vetch or winter vetch seed;
state lowest pree

R P Steinheimer, Brooks Ga. Wants
rye in exc for oats or milling corn

W A Aultman, Warwick Ga. 100: bu
Abbruzzi seed rve

_V R Bush & Co. Albany Ga. Abruz-
zi, send sample

Williams & Watkins, R A Millen

Ga. Weekly shipments 25 bu _ shelled

corn or yellow corn meal
Wade Payne, Pearson Ga. Shelled
cofn $1 bu del Pearson Ga.


The Singer Co. Lumpkin Ga. Two
and one half bus Lookout Mt seed
potatoes state size and condition, and
price fob.

Mrs R Donaldson, Rt 1 Box 838
2 bus good sound, press peaches for
canning, exc 2 pullets and cockerel,
pure Tompkns strain reds for same
or will pay vash

Clements Plant Farm, Sandersville
Ga. Watermelon wanted will pay $2.50
for the largest melon grown in or
out of the State, advise at once what
you have in weight

J R Miller, Robbinsville, . C., all
kinds of fresh vegetables and melons.

J W Whiteley, Warrenton Ga. En-
ough burr clover seed to plant twenty
five acres
Mrs C L Siclsen. Rt 109, Whit
Oak Ga. Five hundred tomato are

| any good late variety

I E Ree Rt 2 Bo 30, Desa
Ga, 200 lb Burr clover seed, recleaned
1927 crop | a


B T Baldwin, Rt 4 Rockmart Ga
A few eases or one bbl Ga cane syrup
cheap for cash


J JT White, Dublin Ga. Beeswax
80c 1b del in any quantity.


R E Brown, 559 Taylor St. E Sa-
vannah Ga. Wants 30 lbs or ood dry
country side meat

Y M Patterson, Homer Ga. Rt 24
Two well cured country hams, weigh-
ing about thirty pounds, 30c per lb

Mrs L S Johnson, Sparta Ga. One


iham weighing about 15 lbs, 40c per


tae Rundle, Rt. 7 Gainesville Ga.

Nice country ham 28c per lb; shoul-
der 26c per lb ;

M Beckham, Patterson Ga. Rt 2.
Three cans of pure hog lard 15c lb
fob cash with order

J T Holland, Rt 2 Toomsboro Ga.
Six nice hickory smoked, well cured
juicy hams 10, 11 and 12 lbs ea;
830c per lb fob; 33 del

Mrs LB Yopp, 708 N Main St. East

Pont Ga. Wants to buy three medium

size hams cured with hard wood
smoke . Z


Cole and Harris, Sharpsburg Ga. 1
Deleo Light plant with 180 hr ampere
batteries, used only 10 mos. Plant
and batteries in Al condition. Will
sell cheap

W E Bailey, Hawkinsville Ga One
threshing machne wind stackes self
feeder and bind cutter worth $1000,
will take $100; 1 star pea huller and
1 1-2 H P engine in good condition
$75; write or call 8 mi from Hawkins-

Dykes Rros Lumber Co. Cschean
Ga. One Puaternational tractor and
Corley Sawmill outfit complete that
has sawed less than half million feet
of lumber. Bargain for cash or will
give terms

John W Cash, Bogart Ga One 100

H P Enene, steam, 1 hyd steam pump, |

1 steam tramper, 40 70 saw Continen-
tal Gin complete with feeders and belt
ing $500 or exe for One 75 .H P Elec-
tric motor 2300, or 1 belt drive hyd
pump, or | belt drive tramper

L S Morris, 53 A Stonewall St. At-
lanta. 1 12 1-2 H P gas engine, feed
cutter and meal grinder

H Hardin, Dyas Ga One 80 H P
power boiler, One 60 H P engine 4 70
saw gins, 1 double revolving press,
has ginned about 4000 bales

J'E Rosser, Decatur Ga R 2 Box

30. To sell or exc for lumber 10,000 :

capacity Owen friction feed saw mill
belt, cant hooks and lug hooks; 1
48 in inserted tooth saw in good

W #H Ivey, R 1 Milledgeville Ga.
Silo, never used

Miss Alice. Knopf, Almo Ga 1 em-
pire Cream separator, nearly new $50

T N CGonelly, Elberton Ga 1 60 H P
220 volt 3 phase motor, One 20 H P
220 volt 2 phase motor, One 10 H P
220 volt 8 phase elevator motor, 3
150 H P boilers, 2 iron tanks, 1 20 H
P center crank steam engine, 1 6 H P
vertical steam engine

W H Barksdale, Oconee Ga 1 rival
shingle mill and saw $20; 1 Trevor
shingle mill and saw $150; shaftinge
and pulleys, and belt; One 15 H P
Frick engne $50; 1 Mietz & Weiss K
O engine 15 H P $100; 1 Quaker City
feed mill $15; will trade; wood saw,
on iron frame with 32 in saw $15: 1
Trevor shingle saw never been. used
on collar $50

R_ L Towns, Box 227 Phone 515,
Cordele Ga. 1 case self feeder for pea-
nuts $100; used only. few days, will
exe for Ford ear

S J Elders, Box 671, Atlanta Ga.
1 30 H P engine and 1 40 H P fur-
nace R D Cole Manufacturing Com-
pany make less than half price :

H Barrett. Athens, Ga. Good
sawmill complete with carts and
tools, cheap or exe for mules

for description.

a Thursday, August 4, 192"

R E Hower. Dixie Ga Cheap Ford-

son: tractor)
J We Harrell, Rehland Ga if 20 H

P Peerless boiler and engine mounted

on wheels high pressure boiler sell

reasonable or exe for Fordson trac

tor and harrow for same |

H T Dewey, Temple Ga lI R CG
Egine 12 H P kerosene burner in good
condition $50

S R Saye Rutledge Ga. Lilliston
peanut. picker

Mrs R A DeLoach, Mewiaan Ga as

Thomas Crown double gear mowing
machine and - hay rake for two hors-

es or for other light work, can be ised:
with 1 horse

Riley C Couch, arin Ga 20 ee

Furnace boiler wth fixeures Shb. 7G

H G Samples, RFD A Almo Gal
Wheeler Co., one eight Ford trailer
in good shape or will exc for one
horse rake in good condition. Write

J Kingston (Address not given)
Colt Acetylene gas plant with enough
earbide for two months, 7 lights in>

perfect. condtion $50 as it stands

Mr. W G Ray, Spring Place Ga.
Rt 5 One 5 Del Separator in good
condition $20 cash, write

CH Holmes, Culloden, Ga. four 70 4

saw Murray gin outfit, also 60 H Pp.
engine and 80 H P boiler in first
class condition. Ginned less than 4
thousand bales

Mr. Bowman (Address not eee
farm out-fit 2 mules, one wagon, one
buggy, one cow, one sow and 9 shoats.
plow tools, 85 acres of corn, 20 acres
in peanuts 10 acres in cotton, will sell
all at a bargain

J CGC Dodd, Cleveland Ga. Plain
thresher for ee beans and small
grain, price $25

W D Harp, Oglethorpe Ga One 32.
volt Deleo light plant, complete, can
be seen in operation. write for price

J J Milton, Matthews Ga. One hy-
draulic pump for packing cotton for
sale cheap

R F Payne, Mt. Ailey Ga. One 10.
H P two phase Phoenix electric motor,
complete with starter box $60. Also
one Dean Dearing triplex pUMDs two
inch discharge $60.

Grady Adams, Scigal Circle Ga. Al :

most any part of Model 20 Columbia
ear at i-2 price =.

F D Floyd, Stansville Ga. Ope
knocker type three row oat driller,
never been used $7 fob Mansfield Ga.

W J Hill. Cobb Ga. One 32 volt:
Delco light plant, 100 light capacity
for sale cheap or exc for hogs :

J P Brown, Greensboro Ga.

heart pine 50 ton Dairy silo,
two horse wagon.
and 200 ft 2 in pipe

T H Barrett, Athens Ga. For ae
or trade one Midwest Utilitor tractor
and full equipment, good as new at
one fourth the price

J C Dodd, Cleveland Ga. One sweep
feed grinder: with course and fine
grindersr price $7

Mrs S J Williams, Rocky Ford Gat
2 Electric fans run by 110 volt Delco
Good as new, write for prices ~_

T M Slater, Thomasville Ga. Rt 5.
For sale No 27 Golden cane mill, used
one season also 12 foot pan $210

George L Newton, Machen Ga, For
Sale, 40 H P boiler engine $150. i

WD Watson, Logansville Ga. For

sale, Lynchburg Buster in A-1 con-

dition, Vulcan in A-1 condition, large
two horse turner, Grain drill for 2

horsees, perfection 2 row cotton dust-

er, 18 in Avery disc plow, 2 horse
hayman steel or wood beam
R B McRae, Boston Ga, 2 sixty

H P gas engines, water and gas tanks

for same and press and fan or would

exc for stock or a Fordson tractor,

with 24 disc harrow
D M Moore, Eastanollee Ga. Woods.

horse power Economy Gas Engine. 1
1 large |
1 deep well pump >

ruff Belt Pow cane mill No 20 for

cash or exe for good garden tractor
W J Carruth, Farmington, Ga. For
sale, one new Feeny Black two row
duster with saddle attachments and
adjustable nozzle fob $30 or exe s
M A Little, 159 The PPrado, At-

lanta Ga. For sale, or exc for lumber,

Fordson tractor. 25 H P Farquar boil-
er and engine on wheels

Bower. 702 Hill Street, La
Grange Ga. Sell Towers and Sullivan
tractor, disc plow good order for $60
oF exe for yearlings, hogs or good



hursday, August 4, 1927

Needlework For Sale

_ 8 E Faircloth, Oliver Ga. For sale
One Delco motor complete, as good as
w. One Frick No 2 saw mill com-
te with belting, two circular saws
edger, one 12 H P Frick engine and
0 e 20. H P Frick high power engine
and one 25 H P Birdsaw high pres-
ure Bailes, all in first class running
ei dition
_ National Pecan Cicues Co. Flintside
Ga. One 2-70 saw Continental gin out-
fit; screw press, with tramper, $300:
Sullivan-Towson Dise tractor plows
0 ea; 3 Oliver Bottom plows for
ractors, $35 each; 1 1-2 H P Fair-
anks Morse Gas. Engine $25;-6 H P
Fairbanks eas engine $550; - sell for
; One rolk 1 inch wire cable $50;
ne 32 K W Delco water pump with
-4 H P motor complete, except bat-
terie s $75; all in first class condition
oe Rucker, Milner Ga Rt 1 Good
second hand steel anvil 100 lb wt.
ill exe for a poos pig about two
mos old, or R I R or M B pullets or
ell for cash, $6
J H Leverette, Parrott, Ga. Benthal
Peanut picker, 16 ft long, model H
$225; BE Avery Gasoline engine, 6
= $100; I H C horse power hay
ress $75; Tom Huston Liberty Pea-
t sheller $15. :
W C Amos, Fisine Fawn Ga. For
ec, one 9 H P Gas Engine one 20
h Meadows Mill; one 8 ineh Crush-
and Belts and pulleys in first class
shape, for White or Brown Leghorn
J R Cramer, Parnoliion. Ga. Rt 7
Jden, new model No 8 Syrup val
Geared for mule power, crimped cop-
per pan, 12 ft long, Juice, Baryel, p'nes
wo copper Skimmers, gas jet, 20 jug's
good condition. Capacity 415 gal-
long per day, for quick sale $90 cash
fob Mt. Zion Ga.
W C Kutz, R F D 2 Box, 85-A At-
nta.. For quick sale, one- model S
a 2000 1b 150 Wheel base International
k. Front tires 86 x 6. Express

7 11 ft long. top full length over
. Enclosed cab. Will sell or exc
ae large Incubator of a standard
make in good condition. The truck
tae run about 3000 miles and is in
Al shape. Write for prices

J I Roberts, Rt 6 Milledgeville Ga.
: ons for O1 Frick saw mill, also
Corley 2 saw edges, all bearings SKF

lleys for tractor. This has all been
h a fire. Will sell cheap or
rade for Fordson tractor, good mules
id wagon, 4lso 8 x 9 Farquarhar en-
ine and 15 H P Cornish Boiler on

W O Jones, Elberton Ga. One Inter-
tional Tractor in fair condition. One
liston No 2504 peanut picker, prac-
tically new, only used part of a sea-
son. Second hand saw mill, friction
fair shape: one pea huller, in
good conditon: one Galden Cane Mill
and Vaporator, mill practically new;
one four H P gasoline engine, South-
n. make, in good condition; one Ot-
_towa, 1 1-2 H P Gasoline engine and
wood saw outfit, fair condition; one
corn shredder. All of the above im-
ments and machinery can be bought
a a reasonable figure

Ball, saw mill mandrel 12 ft with all


S G Norton, Box 97 Hiawasse Ga.
Wants job on farm. dairy farm or
rent farm with chance to work
wages part time, has wife and
child: write
HB Searboro, Butts Ga. Wants
ft ra family of six this crop on shares
or next year
- G_E Searboro,. Butts Ga. Wants
tion immediately as night watch-
man -
se A Bryan; R 2 Chevler Ga. ex-
-perienced married man, 25 yrs. de-
ires position on stock and dairy
- ee not over 30 miles from Dublin

a Lola Jones. Lyerly Ga Box 34
Experienced teacher with 3 yrs nor-
training and graduate of Mar-
Berry school. first grade certif-
aS class A desires position in con-
solidated school or as pripeipal of
good rural school; ean furnsh refer-


J L Barnes, Butts Ga. Desires po-}-

sition as night watchman
TT B Barton; R 1 LaGrange Ga.

Wants position handline lumber by M |

or by day. Thoroughly experienced
with anv kind of truck, would con-
ider general hauling; 25 yrs old.


Mrs A F White, R 1 Grayson. Ga.
Will embroider bed spreads on halves
other parties furnish the materials

Box 833 Lawrenceville Ga. College
graduate with 15 yrs experience would
accept position as superintendent of
good school.

W W Crawford, Jewell Ga. Desires
position as teacher, high school grad-
uate, 9 mos teacher training course,
elementary certificate class A

Miss Catherine Bradley, Jewell Ga
Desires position as teacher of inter-
mediate or primary grades, high
school gradgiate. 9 mos teacher train-
ing course, 1 yr experience teaching
in practical school, 1 summer school

Miss Ida Crawford, Tetail Ga. De-
sires position as teacher of interme-
diate or primary grades, high school
graduate, 9 mos teachers training
course 1 yr experience in practical
school, 3 summer teacher courses.

G A Skelton, R 2 Royston Ga. Wants
for 1928 position as manager of poul-
try or poulttry and truck farm com-
bined; will take a few cows to milk
with either; 35 yrs old with family
and can furnish references

Hlvey Ward, R 4 Ellaville Ga. Po-
sition looking after stock and milk-
ing 2 or 3 cows or any kind of light
work, with 3 room house fr&nished,
near school and church; make off e';
would rent farm near Columbus. -

James McDuffie, Rochelle Ga Po-
sition as principal of 4 or 5 teacher
school, 8 yrs experience; good reco-
mmendation; also would take contract
for school route.

C M Morgan, Lyons Ga. Wants
place as blacksmith for 1928 near
chureh and school and in or near good
town; will work for salary, or on
shares f

S C Churchwell, 40 S College St.
Macon. Ga. Man with small family
wants truck farm on shares with good
man; location near Macon preferred
and close to school and church; life
time experience as farmer,.also in-
terested in poultry, dairying, and gen-
eral farming; state facts in first let-

J A B, Rt 2, Toomsboro Ga. Wants
to rvu truck farm o nshare basis, and

also raise poultr vand hog's: land must |

be good, have a good house and be
located near church and school.

Miss Mary Ella Milner, West Ave.
Cartersville Ga. Desires position as
teacher of home economics or grade
work; college jgraduate, with lbest
of references

J L Shinholster, R 4 Glenwood Ga.

'Midle aged man desires job as woods

rider or everseer on turpentine place;
well experienced and can furnish some

sires position as miller, can operate

long or short system mill and begin :

Aug 1, Well experienced.

Miller 1509 Mary St. Waveross Ga.
Miller with life time experience
grinding corn and dressing mill stones
would take a job keeping up a mill
and operating same

O Box 892. Macon Ga. Young
lady 24 yrs old desires a library po-
sition; has A B degree and 8 yrs ex-

Miss L G, Bishoville, S C, R 6.
Box 47. Young ladv high school gyrad-
uate wants position as clerk in Ga.

D C Griffin, Gibson Ga. Wants po-
sition on dairy faim. with about 30
cows in Augusta or vicinity.

Geraldine Parker, Covington, Ga.
Desires position as teacher for 1927-
28; has 3 yrs of college training and
1 yr experience in 1 teacher school,

| perience.

holds life certificate in Teun,, and pro-

fessional certificate in Ga; good ref-

W C Pippin, Round Oak Ga. De-
sires position. as blacksmith can do
any kind of work and start any_time

48 Adamson Ave. Carrollton Ga.
Young lady desires position in good
rural school or consolidated schoql
for 1927-28: high school graduate,
first grade state license, normal train-
ing course and 1 summer school
course and 2 yrs experience as teach-

GE Fifteenth St. Columbus Ga.
Youne ee with B A degree and 3
vrs experience wants high school po-
sition to teach French or Spanish; best

H G Carson, Brooks Ga desires
place on dairy farm near Atlanta.

er; write

R A Cooper, R.1 Apalachee Ga. De-

JH McLeod, Habu Ga. Wants.
position on truck farm or large dairy
farm for 1928, has large family and
would take 3 horse tarm, if land-
lord furnish money to raise crop


For types are most in use. In the
order of importance, they are as fol-
lows: The biennial white sweet clover
the biennial yellow sweet clover, the

H B Jones, Lyerly Ga. Young. lady annual white and the annual yellow.
desires position as assistant School The color refers to the blooms

teacher in small town or rural school :
for 1927-28, high school graduate, 2
years experience, summer course, and |
class A certificate: good references

Stenographer, care Market Bulletin
young lady desires position as a sten-
ographer or would consider general }
ofiice work; is, graduate of business |
college; good references 5

Teacher No 2 care Market Bulletin
young lady with 11 years experience
desires position as primary or elemen-
tary teacher in consolidated o rtown
school for 1927-28; good references

47 Adamson Ave. Carrollton, Ga.
Young lady desires yosition as teach-
er for 1927-28, first grade license, high
school eraduate, normal school train-

Ing course, 2 yrs experience, 2 sum-

mer courses and good references

Box 356, Covington Ga. Young la-
dy with high school education and if
1-2 yrs normal school desires posi-
tion as teacher in small town; wants
2nd or 8rd grade and holds class A
general elementary provisional cer-
tificate from state of Ga; good .ref-

Mrs E A Wilson, 237 W Whitehall Ss

Atlanta Ga. Lady teacher desires po-
sition as assistant in consolidated or
principal of rural school, high school
graduate, 4 yrs experience, provisional
license, attended 8 summer schools,
good references

Miss Marie Edenfield Stillmore Ga.
High school graduate, teachers train-
ing desires position as teacher of 3
or 4 grade in consolidated school;

Miss Vera Bass, Leslie Ga. High
school graduate desires position as
teacher n_ rural school; 1 summer
school and class A certificate :

E C Wade, Porterdale Ga. Job look-
ing after chickens, hogs, on dairy or
truck farm, 39 years old, 1 boy 16

years old; good references, life ex-
perience on farm
W: Kimbrel, 120 E Chappel St.

Griffin Ga, Wanted position as Ov-
erseer of orchard or farm

Merrill Hurst, Grantville Ga. R 3.
Wants employment in up-to-date ga-
rage, or as truck driver or chauffeur,
sober and industrious, and asks only
reasonable salary.

48 Adamson Ave. Carrollton Ga.
Young lady desires position as teach-
er in rural or consolidated school, high
school graduate, normal training
course, lst grade state elementary li-
cense, 1 yr experience, and 1 summer
school course; write E

Miss Louise Gibbs care-Z R Hut-
chison, Quitman Ga. Wants place wait-
ing on invalid or elderly person.

J F Hudson, Camilla Ga. Will do
pecan budding, reasonable price and
good work. :

W A Vickery, General Delivery, At-
lanta wants home for himself and
little girl; will do any kind of work.

O R Johnson, R 1 Shellman Ga.
Experienced pecan budder desires
work; good references

Miss Fern Bond, Waleska, Ga. De-
sires position as piano and voice teach-

er in high school or college, graduate
of Reinhardt college and can furnish

best of references

DM McKenzie, R 4 Swainsboro Ga.
Wants position as night foerman at

Veneer mill, some. experience, ean run

drier steam or air kiln; would take job
in meat market and grocery store; ex-
seen per night, salary for night

Sweet Clover As
Soil Improver

Martin Nelson

Agronomist, College of Agriculture
University cf Kansas.

The use of sweet clover for soil im-
provement is steadily inereasing. The
interest now being shown in the crop
indicates the near future sweet
clover will become a much - larger fac-
tor in Southwestern agriculture. To
insure success, it is neccessary that
sweet clover be understood better,

both from the standpoint of kinds
and of special requirements of the


In sections where success with sweet
clover is common experience there is
little said about the special require-
ments of the crop. Where failures
have been experienced, it has often

{been assumed, that thte crop is umsuit-

able. Little has been said about the
one thing, which more than any oth-
er, determines the success of failure of
the crop, that is, an abundance of
lime in the soil. In experimental
work, I have failed to find any other
leguminous plant as sensitive to lime
as is sweet clover. The crop is capa-
ble of adjusting itself to a rather
wide range of soil types. But it is not
capable of succeeding under conditions
of very *low lime content in the soil.

For success with sweet clover, an
ample supply of lime is of first im- |

portance. Inoculation comes next and
reasonable drainage will probably
come third in importance. However

one of the reasons for calling atten-
tion to the merits of sweet clover is
that it is capabble of growing on wet-
ter land than alfalfa and red clover,
though it cannot be recommended as
well adapted to wet land.

Determining the relative degree of
acidity of soil a comparative short
and simple process for one experi-
enced therein. The experiment sta-
tion, therefore, can easily determine
whether lime is required and the ap-
proximate amout per acre that is
needed for success with sweet clover
when samples of soil are provided.

There are two seasons when bien-
nial white sweet clover may be seed-
ed advantageously. Where seed ripen
fall and develop new plants, these
start normally in the fall in late Aug-
ust or September, which is the ps
ural seeding season. However,
well limed and inoculated soil bce
clover starts well and thrives from
early spring seeding. In case dof
either fall or spring seeding the
growth the first season is the basis
for growth and development of the
seed crop in the second growing sea-
son. When the plants mature their
seed and die, a new stand must take
place of the old.

From the nature of sweet clover it
will be seen that grazing the crop
must be so controlled that stock will
not completely prevent seeding. In
case sweet clover is cut for hay, it
must be given opportunity to ripen |
seed from the second growth if a
stand is desired on the same ground
in succeeding years. Prevention of.
seed development by pasturing or cut-
ting for hay often leads to disappoint-
ment on the part of the farmer who
has failed to realize that the stand the
third year depends upon the seed that
have ripened in the second year. If
a crop of hay is desired it should be
cut rather early, in fact at the time
of the first blooms and before the
stems become woody is the best time
for cutting for hay. . The second
growth will mature seed for the new
stand that should take the place of
the old.

Sweet clover supplies early pasture,
and if turned on early,:stock learn to
relish it and when the bitter taste
is not well marked and will continue
to graze sweet clover with relish
when it gets*older and stronger in

Knowing the important facts about
the nature and requirements of sweet
clover, and using this information ad-
vantageously, will enable farmers to
make the crop serve their needs well.
Farm and Ranch.

Avoiding F onlhrood
In The Beehive.

The most dreaded of bee. diseases
in the United States is American
foulbrood. It is dreaded because it
will sooner or later destroy any colo-
ny it attacks and is easily spread to
other colonies. There are two other
brood diseases, European foulbrood
and -sacbrood. As the former is not
known to exist in Texas, we will
discuss only American fouled and

RIES eee





A parenn foulbrood is a bacterial
disease which, while deadly to bees,

is not harmful to man. The symp-
toms of: the malady*vary within cer-
tain limits. The colony may or may
not be noticeably weakened. this de-
pending on how long the colony has
been diseased. Instead of being in
close masses, the brood in an infected
hive is scattered, the cappings often.
being softened, discolored, or punct- !
ured. It is when the adult bees cut
the cappings off the diseased alrvae '
and grubs off the diseased larvae and |
grubs that the brood seems scatter-

ed. Occasionally, this is not done, |,

and when it is not the brood will
look much the same from the out-
side as any other brood comb.

> - Sign of Infection.

The disease attacks the larva about
the time it is full grown and ready
to be sealed over and pupate. The}
~first sign of infection is a slight
brownish discoloration and a_ slight
sinking of the larva in its cell. The

- cap to the cell may be discolored,

sunken, or punctured, or it may not.
The larva, however, continues to sink

into the cell as the disease progress- |

es it not ordinarily recognized.

But by the time the grub has
largely dried down and assumed a

dark brown color the foulbrood dis>' scale management.

plays its most clearly marked char-
acteristic. If a toothpick or match
is inserted into the decaying grub
the mass will follow the object out
as.a smooth, silky string, sometimes
pulling out to a length of three inches
before it breaks. This ropiness is the
chief thing relied upon by the exper-
ienced beekeeper in diagnosing the
disease as American foulbrood.

The drying continues until there
is nothing left of the larva except
a thick scale at the bottom of the
cell, This scale cannot easily be dis-
lodged, They are most easily dis-
covered by holding the frame up
against the light and looking through

the comb. An odor suggestive of
heated glue is often noted, and when

- once smelled will, thereafter be re-
membered as charactistic.

Getting Rid of the Disease

It is therotically possible to get
rid of the disease in a colony by. re-
moving the bees, only, to another
and absolutely clean hive. But as
this nearly always fails in practice it }
is not recommended. The only safe
remedy is to burn the diseased colo-
ny and hive. It does not pay to take
chances on infecting other colonies.

Sacbrood is a disease which is of-
ten mistaken for foulbrood because
it has some symptoms in common.
In sacbrood, too, the laryae are at-
- tacked at just about the time the
cells are capped and gradually slump
down. The color of the diseased
grubs varies from a light yellow to
a dark brown. But in sacbrood there

is no ropiness of the decaying grubs

and the cuticle of the skin of the
larvae does not break down. The
grub can be removed whole, and when
the tough wall is broken through one
finds not a ropy mass but a substance
resembling partially dissolved sugar.
The disease is not usually serious and
no treatment is necessary.

- American foulbrood may be spread
in a number of ways, and most of
these ways can be classified as care-
_less beekeeping. Among them are
feeding honey from infected hives,

allowing bees to rob diseased colo- |

nies, and the use of tools on unheath-
ful hives and not sterlized in the

wh Meantime. -

Preventing a Spread

The laws of Texas provide that
when any beekeeper finds or has
good reason to suspect that any of
his colonies have foulbrood he shall
report to the State entomologist at
College station. The entomologist
or none of his assistants will call
to see if the foulbrood really exists

_ In the apiary. If it does, he will prob-
ably order the affected colonies and
hives burned.

By reason of the Fact that they
fear the loss of one or more of their
colonies many persons are under
temptation to violate the law, but not
only are they committing a finable
offense in doing so, but they are
practically insuring that the disease

_ will in time get in all of their hives
=and in many of the hives of their

foe of the fact that the, as
ence of even one drop of infected
honey will suffice to start ahs di-
sease in a healthy colony if introduc-
ed into the hive, one should not buy
from _a neighbor who is even sus-
pected of having diseased bees until
his bees have been legally inspected.
The use of second-hand hives or
frames will transfer the disease if
,it is present in the first apiary, and
the use of even a. honey extractor
-which has been used to extract di-
| seased honey will often produce the
igame result.
To: summarize, fire it the only re-
liable means of stamping out foul-
brood, and the only safe way to avoid
it is never to buy from any diseased
apiary any bees, honey, or beekeep-
ers supplies.Farm and Ranch.,

Business In Earning

A man who started in business
twenty-six years ago with $500 and
an idea, and who now controls 800
department stores, is applying the
same idea to farm deyelopment. The
idea of which J. C. Penney built this


first pencraton fail.

phenomenal success is a combination
of individual ownership and large-
The incentive of
personal profit and the advantage of
combined buying and selling strikes
the middle ground between the pure-

corporation whose operatives are
hirelings. Mr. Penney has found the ,
principle so useful and so profit-
able in merchandising that he is now
putting it into effect agriculturally.

Taking over 120,000 acres of Flor-
ida land and dividing it into farm
tracts of twenty acres each and less,
Mr. Penney is hand-picking the men
to whom he will sell. The applicant
is not only investigated on his homs
range, but he must actually operate
one of the Penney farm units for Six
months to a year before the sale is
made conclusive. Competent advis-
ors are supplied to that mistakes of
major importance may be avoided,

{and according to the promoter, some

of the most successful farmers now
on the project had never farmed a
day in their lives. Probably their
willingness to learn is the biggest
single factor in their success,

To be allowed to buy a Penney |
farm the man must have enough
rmoney to make his first crop; he
must be a good worker with a tal-
ent for farming; he must fit well into
co-operative community. and he fin-:
ally must undergo the six months
probation, during which. the use of
the farm is furnished him free. At
the end of that time, if either party
is not satisfied with the other, he
moves out and that ends it. If he
qualifies as a good sitizen he is then
allowed to buy his farm. Here is
the incentive of private ownership.
Community services begin where the

individual leaves off.

A supply house gives the settlers
the benefit of large-scale buying, ar-
rangements are made for giving him
the use of tractor and other modern
farm equipment which would be pro-
hibitive on the small farm alone; a
capable marketing service is avail-
able when he harvests his crops, $0
he participates in the benefits of
group action in everything except the
personal management of his farm.

This experiment will be watched
with interest. Given the class of peo-
ple Mr. Penney is selecting, plus co-
operation, it looks promising. There

| will be room for only 7,500 families

on Penney farms, but the other 6,-
000,000 farmers of the United States
should not overlook the fact.that by
their own voluntary action they can
establish the same or eq
operative agencies in every farming
county. Many farmers have not yet
learned that they must add to in-
dividual effeciency such intelligent
team-work .as is found in~ business:
circles if. they are to get the most
out of farming.

The most significant thing in con-
nection with the Penney _ enterprise
is the Agricultural Institute, which
with an extension course, enables the
Penney enterprisers to secure a lib-
eral education in the science and art
of farming and home-making. Earn-
ing while learning is a key note of
us institution, and even should the

-In an agent in 1927 and 50 counties
/expressed themselves
ly individualistic enterprise and the

Several counties in Kentuck made
_ three-year appropiations, asuring
the continuance of the work, In

-home-demonstraition agent counties.

ally good co- |
fsituated at Baton Rouge, La., is on




on Penney
farms, the next will be well ground-
ed in all that woes to make a good
farm citizen, with the knowledge and
the viewpoint that will make them
economical! and socially effecient.

The principles of the Penney ex-
periment may be thus briefed: Edu-
cation; individual ownership; o-op-

There is no copyright or patent on
this. Farmers everywhere can use
the same principles. Jt doesnt take
a millionaire to put them into prac-
tice.Farm and Ranch.

Home Demonstration
Work Increased In
_ Many States

Home- ee heed work is in-
creasing, according to the 1926 re-
ports received by the United States
Department of Agriculture.

Twenty-one new counties employ-
ed home-demonstration agents dur-
ing the year, Sixteen additional coun-
ties reappropiated funds for the
work, after they had discontinued it
for a year or'more. Ten counties
have a definite prospect of putting

as . interested.

Georgia renewal renewal appropia-
tions were promptly granted in 63

In Tennesee there was stronger sup-
port of appropriations in practically
all the counties.:

Thirty-four counties increased their
appropriations. Ten counties re-
quested appropriations but were de-
nied by the county commisioners.

Twenty-nine additional counties made |

appropiations and are awaiting Fed-
eral and state funds. In 88 counties
home-demonstration agents carried
on extension work as the only exten-
sion representative in the county.
The outlook for the further develop-
a ate Obs as demonstration work
is good

Flood Wrecks Air >
Field For Cotton-_
Dusting Experiment

The work of the branch laboratory
of the Bureau of Entomology. of the
United States Department of Agricul-
ture, located at Tallulah, La., has
been seriously hampered by the Miss-
issippi flood. A report received
from this station says, in effect:
We are very busy salvaging things.
* * * Evidently our air field will be
under water for a long time yet,
possibly a month, but the water has
fallen enough o thatwe are able to
start moving out our dusting mach-
inery. * * * All electrical equipment
is, of course, ruined, but the remain-
der of the machinery has not rusted

much. Delicate parts are ruined.
* * % There are two areas near
here which were not overflowed,

owing to protection from private
levees, and: we think we can soon get
started in these areas on our impor-
tant research work, eppecially the
hopper. One stretch of deep water
will probably have to be crossed by
boat all summer.-=* * * All experi-


When Cotton

auly;, b.

_Thusdoy, duet a 1927

of A pcionleans points out that thal
are a number of different species of
hawks, and the food habits of all a
not the same. Some prey almost en.
tirely upon small mammals, such as.
mice, ground squirrils, and rabbits,
whereas the food of others consists
chiefly of birds. The latter are the
species that are responsible for the
bad reputation of all hawks. The bird
eaters should be killed at every op-
portunity, but it is equally im ee

tant that the others be spared, f
they do a great deal of good destfeg.
ing: small-animal pests of the farmer.
The bird-eating hawks inelude t
Cooper hawk and the Sharp-shinned

hawk, and these species prefer to
capture their prey by swift, fierce
darts from the concealment of -
foliage. Most of the other ae
beneficial to the farmer, :

_ Reports Appear

For the dfosmaation of | a
particularly interested in the cotton
market, the following dates are given
for the issuance of reports by the
United States Department of Agri-

A report on July will give fig:
ures of the acreage in cotton in eulti-
vation as of July 1.

Reports on September 8 and De
ember 8 will include estimates
acreage of cotton abandoned since
Cotton condition reports. on
July 6, September 23, and October
25 were elimated by a re act
of congress.

What Germany Makes
From Lignite

The representative of ite Degates
ment of, Commerce in Berlin sends
an interesting description of the vast
new works being built by the Ger-
man Dye Trust in connection with its
Leunawerke nitrogen-fixation plant
They are employing 80,000 men on a
new plant for making petroleum an
ammonia from lignite or waste coal
and a-new fertilizer, Nitrophoska.
The first unit plant for oil from coal
-will probably start production at:

The process was invented by. Dr.
Bergius, of Heidelburg. He said to
have sold his rights in Germany to
this company. The plant is to hydro-
genate the lignite under pressure and
temperature to produce the substitute
petroleum to produce the substitute
petroleum .from which these fractions
can be obtained by distillation. Dr.
Bergius states that the domestic. pro-
duction of the value of $42,000,000 of
synthetic petroleum, which is about
the amount that Germany imports an.
nually, would require 4,000,000 tons
of lignite as raw material, He gives
the following estimate of the cost
of making artificial petroleum: Allow-
ing 10 per cent amortization, using
coal. costing 10 marks $2.40 per ton,
with electric current at 3 pfennings
per killowat hour (three-quarters of
a cent), a ton of oil would cost 92.
marks, about $22.08. These figures
would be reduced, if the plant pro--
duced its own electricity. This com-
pares with the market price of about
150 marks, about $36 a ton for oil, As
it requires only from one and one-half
to three tons of lignite to jroduce a ~
ton of oil, the cost of this item in the

ments south of Tallulah will have to
be reached by boat for a long time,!
as the highway there is under 10 |
feet of water in some places yet.
Another laboratory of the bureau,

high ground, not affected by the
flood, and none of the. experiments
in progress there have suffered. :

Chicken Hawks
And Others

Not all hawks are harmful, in the
sense that they are supposed - to be,
that is, in catching chickens and song
birds and. quail. The Biological Sur-
vey of the United States Department

ton of oil would be from 15 to 30.
-marksinour money, from $3.60 to
i $7.20and the remainder would be
for processing and for capital ser-
vice. :
The Germans hope by the Bergin
process to emancipate their country as
far as possible from imports of pe-
troleum and its products, 65.per cent
of which originate in the United
States. With lignite at 50 or 60
cents a ton, supposing the works are _
ocatad. at the mines, and with elec-
tric current from the same source, it
would appear that we could make oil
oe cheaper than the Germans can
long, however, as we have so

ech natural oil, this process will ~~
not interest us practically, except it
deprives us of the German market
for our petroleum | products. Farm
and Ranch. Pe

Thursday, August 4, 1922. :


~ L Shirley, Rt 1, Morrow, Ga.,
Atwater Kent radio 3 tube set com-
plete needs little repairing $25 fob,
also 1 Edison Amberole phenograph
with about 60 records needs some ad-
justing $30 fob; Jonesboro, Ga., orig-
jnal value $100.
Miss Ella Stutheit, Stone Moun-
tain, Ga., 1 set nature library books
by Doubleday new and clean, 1 Cros-
ley radio and music master oud
_ speaker, write for prices.
J H McKoy, Rt 5, Nwnan, Ga..
wants to sell wood on 440 acres of
: Dan Shiff, Finleyson, Ga., cypress
shingles and long leaf yellow pine
shingles 1s and 2s.
_. Mrs John C Watson, Rt 3, Summit,
Ga., 1 good organ of the Cornish
make $30 fob. :
_ Day Davis, Rutledge, Ga., 10 new
wooden beds $10 each; 1 sewing ma-
chine motor, also 1 knitting machine.
Mrs A J Hayes, Wiley, Ga., good
knitting machine for $10, cost $37.50
will exchange for Ancona hens.
Mrs E W Teague, Adairsville, Ga
_ Rt 4, old fashioned round center ta-
ble $10.
Mrs S J Belcher, Adairsville, Ga.,
- Rt 38, one nice home made wardrobe
made out of good sweetgum lumber
about 7 feet high and 3 ft and 5 in.
wide with 8 shelves, good hinges an
eatches, $11. :
J T Hays, Box 174, Hartwel, a..
- geveral cars nice hickory timbe1.
N J Meeks, Kite, Ga., fat pine wood
18 in. stove wood pine, fat lightwood,
_ give me your best price in car load
jots per cord fob Kite, Ga.
Mrs B Y Temple, Rydal, Ga., Rt 2,
ene piano, Washington, good shape
but out of tune, or exchange, make
best offer.
HH S Lawson, Morven, Ga., one can
- Jard, make best offer. :
R&S Anderson, Hawkinsville, Ga,
100 fat market goats.
_ Mrs W B Cowart, Collins, Ga., one
- Edison phonograph with 72 records
also cabin $40 or exchange for hens
or friers, phonograph in excellent or-
. der; 1 baby crib screened $20 or exe
for poultry of any variety. ar
se ox 100, Mt Berry, Ga., one Smith
- Motor Wheel to propel bicycle in
good running order, cost $85, will
- ~gell or trade at very low figure, write.
Rhodes Seed Co., Forsyth, Ga.,
-ealecium arsenate, Standard manufac-
ture in air tight 100 lb drums $8.50
fob; Graham (whole wheat) flour
the health food, properly ground 20
Tb bag $1.35; 100 Ibs $6, all fob.
RC Chandler, Hull, Ga., 1 second
hand barber chair needs little repair
- $20; store ladder with 70 ft trac:
and rollers in good shape $15 or ex-
change for anything of equal value.
E D Sledge, Athens, Ga., Smalley
- Ensilage cutter for sale with recutter
attachment, this machine can be used
_. for either green or dry foliage.
Mrs F M Outz (no address given)
1 oil brooder 100 capacity, in good
shape used one season $5 or exchange
for 5 hens some big breed.
J E Borton, 250 Washington St.,
_ W, Atlanta, Ga., Harley-Davidson
motorcycle with motor in good order
: Mrs E M Rowland, Carnesville, Ga
- old time bedstead with 10 little
-rounds in footboard and 8 in head-
board, both ends about same height;
sell or exchange for good sow.
L H Boler, Duluth, Ga., 1 sarrey
| in good condition $20.
oe W M Giles, Powder Springs, Ga.,
85 gal apple vinegar 40c per gal at
home, 1 million ft pine sawmill tim-_
ber 10 miles from R R $3 per M;
three hundred thousand ft oak and
pine saw timber 6 miles from R R

$4 per M.

Day Davis, Rutledge, Ga., 1 Edi-

son new phonograph $25; 8 sets new,

wagon harness, also 3 heaters.
Mt Oak Farm, Rt 3, Box 87, Car-)
roliteh, Ga., 1 good as new Cruso and |

- Blade reel lawn mower $17.75 or, Ga., wants to sell No 9 Oliver type: |

exchange for pair S P C pigs pure
bed; 1 set good second hand single
buggy harness $8.50 or exchange for
SPC pigs reg.

H M Franklin & Co., Tennille, Ga
good fresh cut 4x18 in No. 1 and

No 2 long leaf yellow pine shingles
car lots only. :

Mrs E W Teague, Adairsville, Ga.,
old fashion round center table $10.

Mrs B T Baldwin, Rt 4, Rockmart,
Ga., dry dill for cucumber pickling
30 for enough to flavor 4 gal.

Mrs B Reid, Rt 3, Cobbtown, Ga
1 No 7 stove used 2 months $7.50 or
exchange for shoat of equal value at
10 lb.

Mrs E Clonts, 1852 Donelly Ave.,
Atlanta, Ga., cottage organ in good
condition at reasonable price, write
for details.

W H Townson, Talona, Ga., one
good 2 horse wagon practically new
with good body size 2 1-2, $50, cash
or exchange for thorughbred duroc
shoats;.1 ton-Ford truck 1926 mod-
el home made dump body good tires
good condition $250.

Mrs M L Seavy, Rt 1, Lawrence-
ville, Ga., the public school methods

Vol. 1, 2, and 3 with teachers guide, |

bought Dec 1926, not soiled $21 fob.
A L Kinzey, Diamond, Ga., 1 pair
Deer antlers, suited for mounting

and connected with part of skull and

hide $5 del. ;
R L Towns, P O 227, phone 515,
Cordele, Ga., 1 No 4 Bagger for
22-36 case peanut picker $35, used
only few days, would exchange for
cured hams or chickens.

Mrs W B Cowart, Collins, Ga., one

Edison phonograph with 72 records
also cabinet $40, or will exchange for
hens or friers, this machine is in ex-
cellent order; one baby crib, wired

for protection from flys and mosqui-
toes $20, or will exchange for poul>

try of any sort. 2

C J Clements, Box 86, Folkston,
Ga.; one hand loom suitable for
weaving carpet or cloth, perfect con-
dition cheap; 1 radio outfit complete
uses no batteries; 1 Henderson motor
eycle and Sid# car in good order, bar-
gain, suitable for light delivery,

W J Miller, Clarksville, Ga., Rt 4,
one 4x5 Conley Plate Camera used

very little, makes good clear pictures

good lens and shuttle cheap or ex-
change for good dbl barrel 12 or 16
gauge shot gun in good shape, write
what you have.

Parks Jones, Mountain View, Ga.
Indian bicycle good condition $10

A Steinheimer, Brooks, Ga., good
bicycle cheap or exchange for wheat
oats orf rye, write. |

Homer Arrington, Wadley, Ga., Rt
2, one army saddle $5.

C Hurley Bazemore, Odessadale,
Ga., one rifle Hamilton 22 practical-
ly new $2.50. i

Thos J Williams, Rt 1, Matthews,
Ga., 100 M ft saw mill timber 3 mi
of railroad cheap.

Mrs V S Ladd, Rt 7, Gainesville,
Ga., long straw brooms $1 per doz.

Mrs W M Arrington, Rt 2, one
army trailer $15.

R: E Barnes, Graymont, Ga., one
Edison Amberolla phonograph and
48 records will exchange for mowing
machine and rake, wagon, gun or pis-
tol, cane mill or make offer.

Helen Jones, Lyerly, Ga. New
Kewpie kodak size of picture 2 1-2x-
8 1-4; will exchange for banjo uke
or Hawaiian uke, good condition.

Mrs Robert McClure, Rt 2, Box 41
Clarksville, Ga., one surrey used very
little, write.

T H Barrett, Athens, Ga., for sale
or trade one practically new home
linghting plant; it is a one unit 1 kw.
sleeve valve, ball bearing plant.

Mrs J E Knight, i42 East Georgia
Avenue, Atlanta, Ga., Allen Princess
Coal or wood range 4 eyes,

G N Strong, Newnan, Ga.,
Ford truck.

O J Bower, 702 Hill St., LaGrange,



bal easy, address

writer for $27 or exchange for smal!
Hobart sausage mill in good order,
or hogs or yearlings.

Mrs F R Vincent, Fruitland, Ga.,
second handed piano for sale cheap
for cash.

E O Lance, Rt 1, Dahlonega, Ga.,
solid oak porch swings and childrens
rocking chairs, write for prices and

W D Harp, Oglethorpe, Ga., 32
volt ascilating 12 inch fan, in perfect
condition first check gets it.

Mrs W A Bennett, Route 1, Adairs
ville, Ga., Chieago cottage parlor or-
gan $20, will exchange for pure bred
chickens or trio of white Holland tur-
keys or anything that I can use.

E M Atkins, Aragon, Ga. Rt 1, one
nice parlor organ very good condition
se! needing cleaning out, price $40
fob. ; :

E M Atkins, Aragon, Ga., Rt 1,
monthly roses rooted, price 25c each

-or 5 for $1 fob.

A J Adams, Rt B, Ashburn, Ga.,

| for sale portable phonographer prac-

tically new with 16 records only been
used few times, outfit for $38.50.

Mrs W E Rowland, Sugar Valley,
Ga., Windsor Fireless Cooker with
vessels cost $28.95, sell for $12, or
exchange for good iron bedstead with
springs. :

J C Dodd, Cleveland, Ga., horse
wagon in good condition $25.

Mrs Julia Dowell Bailey, Jeffer-

son, Ga., fine olf strainer violin direct|

history from Germany over one hun-
dred years; will sell at a sacrifice.

C R Harris, Midland, Ga., for sale
22 horse power. gasoline engine and
grist mill price reasonable.

H N Sorrow, Point Peter, Ga., for
sale cedar post for telephone polls
or fence posts in small quantities or
carlots. ~.

A O Walton, Newnan, Ga., Rt 1,

j would like to exchange a new banjo
for a good paid opossum hound.

Mrs J F Porter, Jr., Danville, Ga
one oak ice box 100 Ibs., capacity
practically new $15. ;

I H Boles, Forsyth, Ga., one cream
separator in good condition $25.

100 acres original pine timber es-
timated by experts to cet one and
one-half million ft 10 miles from
Newnan, Coweta, Co., on good public
road, $3 per thousand, $1,000 cash
P O Bex 227, New-

nan, Ga.

Dan Shiff, Frierson, Ga., all heart,

cypress posts 6 ft long 20 each fob
Hawkinsville, car lots 22 each del.

G S Thomas, Rt 13, Hogansville,
one good log truck in good condition
Republic, will take 100 or exchange
for Ford truck.

G D Callahan, 3609 Ga. Savings
Bank bldg., Atlanta, Ga., 1 1-2 mil-
lion ft S L pine saw timber on 100
acres land 10 miles of A & W P
R R, good road, easy logging $2.50

W D Manley, Lavonia, Ga., cotton
picking baskets hold 65 to 100 lbs
of cotton $1.25 average size fob La-
vonia, Ga.

LL Wallace, 247 N. Highland Ave
Atlanta Ga., 10 slightly used heavy

leather cow halters $1 each fob, col-

lapsible 12 doz. size egg carriers $i
each; new top covering for Ford car
$7 complete set socket wrenches for
Ford $6, trade any of the above for
fryers at 80c each.

O W Odom, Hinsonton, Ga., Day-

ton computing scales glass ends la-
test type used 8 mos. in A-1 condi-
tion, for $125 fob Hinsonton, Ga.

T B Wilkes, Glennville, Ga., 2
million big cypress north Florida
long leaf pine in southeast Ga., one
tract sound timber one been turpen-

H G Phegins, Flowery Branch, Ga
hand made white oak cotton pickers
baskets $1.25 each fob, or $15 per
doz. del. feed baskets '75 each, bush-
el size.

L E Harrison, Dublin, Ga., vinegar
white and red in 50 gal. bhlis., at 16c
per gal.; bottle vinegar fob Dublin,
Ga., cash with order.


, 8, red skin Porta Rican sweet
' toes can ship any day.

offers good Irish potatoes at $1.65




- Graham H Clark, Milan, Ga., Rt 1,
100 sq. good second hand roofing
steel must be cheap for cash. 2

Dan Shiff, Frierson, Ga., cyprest
shingles $6.50, prime cypress shin-
gles (sap) $3.50 per M fob Hawkins:
ville, all heart long leaf yellow shin:
gles $5.50, 2s $2.75.

D L Thompson, Sulphur Springs, .
Ga., fiddle made in 1712, 215 years
old, good condition, and of excellent
tone, make offer.

Mrs T W Haygood, Marietta, Ga.,
Rt 3, cabinet style victrola good con-
dition, exchange pure bred S C RI
Red chicks or 110 egg capacity incu-
bator for same.

Miss Lucile Arnold, 72 Greenville
St., Newnan, Ga., between seven and
eight hundred thousand ft of fine
pine saw timber, also ash timber.

S J Jefferson, Rt 2, Alapaha, Ga.,
one violin and case $16.50 value,
m2ke offer.

L B. Williams, Newnan, Ga., 2 gal-
vanized garbage cans with tops 10
gal. capacity each $1.50 each, or
$2.50 for the 2.

O R Johnson, Rt 1, Shellman, Ga.
pecan budding cloth 50c per sq yd

W H Kinney, Carrollton, Ga., Rt
1, wants to contract with hotels and
restaurants to furnish them with
fresh infertile White Leghorn eggs
for the year. F


Hilry Smith, Scott, Ga., Rt 1, about.
4 or 5 hundred lbs of: yellow Porto
Rican sweet potatoes ready for mar-
ket now, make offer on no 1 grade
fob Lovett.

CG Pritchard, Rt: 2, Box 162.

Kite, Ga., Porto Rican potatoes $3 a

per bu. of 60 lbs delivered or $2 per
bu. fob, no order accepted for less
than a peck.

B M Eskew, Hawkinsville, Ga., Rt

1, Box 100 C; 1927 grown Porto Ri-
; can sweet potatoes have about 1500

or 2000 lbs at 3 1-2e per lb fob

J A Ingram, Fitzgerald, Ga., Rt

W E Hampton, Mineral Bluff, Ga.,.

per bu. del., in lots of two hundred

or more. ey Uy
Geo N Cook, Machen, Ga., 100 bus

of Porto Rican sweet potatoes Aug.

1st to 15th delivery. os

W D Wilson, Sparta, Ga., Rt 3,

; one month old 15-16 Jersey male calf

from 3 gallon cow $5, or exchange __
for corn, peas, or chickens, ; ae
E L Heath, Scottdale, Ga., pure

bred registered Toggenburg and Nn-
bian milk goats.

_L S Morris, 55 A Stonewall St.,
Atlanta, Ga., full blooded Jersey cow
also young five gal. cow registered
gentle as a kitten. en


Roy Branon, Lewiston, Ga., cab-
bage and tomato plants for fall crop
200 50c; 500 80c; 1000 $1.50; 3000
$4 postpaid.

Miss Grace Branan,. Lewiston, Ga
Jersey Wakefield, Copenhagen, and
Succession cabbage plants, Ga. col-
lard, Stone potatoes 200 40c; 500
70c; 1000 $1.25; postpaid. =

Miss Ella Stutheit, Stone Mountain
Ga., two six year old striped centu- _
ry plants ferns and other flowers.

Mrs J Walter McGarity, Drake-
town, Ga., old fashioned multiplying
Shellots 20c per gal, add postage.

Interstate Plant Co., (E W Lump-
kin) Thomasville, Ga., fresh grown
cabbage collard, tomato, pepper and
onion plants shipped from Ga. and _
Va. C O D, 500 $75c, 1000 $1.25 and
charges. Lis
_ WW McEver, Jr., Rt 1, Hoschton,
Ga., Newstone tomato, Dutch cabbage |
heading collards all 500 65c, $1 M.

Urben Bowen, Americus, Ga., syr: _
up in nex gallon buckets at 75c gal.


Geo H Hayes, 990 Gordon St., At
anta, Ga., new four row cotton "dus-
r cost $300 sell $100.

*R GC Couch, Turin, Ga., 20 H P
furnace boiler with fixtures $65.

Mrs J T Lewis, Rt 2, College Park,
Ga:, Fairbanks and Morse gas engine
ao. H P and pea thrash wi!l exchange
or good cow with young calf giving
gallons or more milk per day and
1 Ib butter or more per day; will not
xchange without party seeing engine
and thrash.
CN Stephens Renfroe, Ga. will
ell or exchange for light and water
system one two-stand Lummus air
blast 60 saw gin outfit complete with
condenser D B press tramp suction
1 all or part.

ota; Georgia, colt lighting plant seven
lights in perfect working order $50
ust as it stands.

Wm H. Martin, Washington, Ga.,
Rt No 5, new auto-knitter, 5 drawer
drop-head Singer sewing machine.
New heat indicator or thermometer
Sell the three articles cheap or ex-
hange, write; new Vacuum washer
$1.50 del; Mother Hubbard wash
board, zood condition $1.25 del; new

iver $1 del;
in 60c del.
T W Pate, Rt 3, Carrollton, Ga.
e 12 H P water town steam engine
good running condition governors
1eed slight repair $65 f o b

A C Croft, Toccoa Orphanage,
occoa, Ga., one electric motor, five
orse power, good shape or exchange
or good Holstein fresh milk cow or
ull Jersey cow.
L Towns, Cordele, Ga., Box 227
-18 Case tractor for $100 or ex-
ge make offer.
1: N Campbell, Rt Surrency, Ga.,
e 48x6 in. saw mill belt will ex-
ange for anything that I can use,
| Leghorn chickens preferred,

Mrs D T Hayner, Rt 13, Commerce
one cream separator in good
ition, cheap; set of tools suffi-
nt to run a garage; one good vice,
kinds of wrenches, write,

ze W. Keith, Newnan, Ga., boll wee-
two row dusters good contition
20 each; 1 row Feeny hand duster
; 0 be

H Prescott, Sardis, Ga., one
5 H P gas engine friction clutch


aM Jordan & Son, Royston. Ga.,
OHP boiler and engine 12x16 in.
linder 7 ft wheel, bargain.

[ P Peerless traction steam engine

shurch st., Fort Valley, Ga., Ford-
on side plow in first class operating
dition guaranteed $20.
Walker, Omega, Ga., one cut
ff saw mandrel complete with box
pulley about 24 or 26 in. long
2 in. hole = saw, good condition

oO WwW Odom, Beck, Ga., Day-
n computing scales glad ends A-1
x ndition used h mos.
125 f o bd.

GP McMullen, Jonesboro, Ga.,
plete 10 H P electric grist: mill

eedie Burns, LaFayette, Ga.,
Corley saw mill 48 in. tooth saw,
t mandrel 100 ft Conveyor, lum-
bench. one 20 H P mounted Rus-
engine, all in good shape, 2 Ford
tractors with pulleys and gov-
rnor; 1 Athens plow, 1 Athens dbl
ise harrow.

-F Howard, Flowery Branch, Ga.
t 1 One DeLoach saw mill 3 head
locks 44 in. saw in good running

bargain for

ay cotton gin outfit rigged up for
son tractor.

Mr T A Clark, Ball Ground, Ga.,
cc a good 3 roller sorghum mill


J Kingston, Rt 2, Box 211, Atlan-

inch one steel nickel plate screw |
ww 4 in oak rolling

| H P Fairbanks Morse gas engine $25;

ulley with magneto Alamo engine |

Barton Jordan, Royston, Ga., 10.

ition for $150; one 80 saw Mur-

cheap foe cash or eeohanee for a
cow or buggy, write.

D C Sikes, Cobbtown, Ga., one 15
H P boiler and engine old style very
good running order. will exchange for
good Ford truck or truck and trac-
tor. i
J Carter, Gainesville, Ga., one 35

H P Atlas engine; one 40 H P Cor-

lis boiler, 4-70 saw Pratt gin shaft-
ing pulley dbl traction all complete
to gin cotton $700 for complete out-
fit, 7 miles of Toccoa, Ga., on main
line Southern R R.

J O Carder, Dalton, Ga., Rt 2, one
35 H P Buckeye steam engine side
stroke, two flywheel; one 36 in., one
59 in. used about 6 mos; fine condi-
tion, $100 f o b Dalton, Ga.

' Mrs W C McRae, Mt Vernon, Ga. a
two boilers and 2 engines. |

T N Colley, Elberton, Ga., one 60
H P 220 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle elec-

trie motor, equipped with pulley,

starter and main entrance switch and
in good condition, 2 steel engines
8 HP and-25 H Pat steel tank 5x6;
1 underground stel tank 4x10; lot
of pulleys and shaftings.

National Pecan Groves Co., Flint-
side, Ga., one 8-70 saw Continental
gin outfit, screw press, with tramper
$300; 8 Oliver bottom plows for trac-
tors, $35 each; 8 Sullivan Towson
dise tractor plows, $40 each; 1 1-2

6 H P Fairbanks Morse gas engine,
$35; Williamson stump puller com-
plete with cable, cost. $550; sell for
$225; 1 roll 1 inch wire cable $50;
one 82 K W Delco water pump with
1-4 H P motor complete except bat-
teries $75; all in first class condition

E D Horne, Ludowici, Ga., one
steam pump 1 1-4 pipe size in good
condition $35 will trade for log saw.

Yates Hdw. & Fur. Co., Hartwell,
Ga., several Virginia home:can seal-
ers; good supply of all size tin cans
and: 1 gallon syrup buckets.

S W Looper, Dalton, Ga., one Sat.

blacksmith blowers and duck nest
$25; one two-tire shrinker $20; 1 drill
press $10; 1 tire fender $8; 1 set taps
and dies $12. 50; 1 concrete block ma-

| chine with 50 pallates and 1 rock race

and 1 plain mold $100.
J D Harrard, Vienna, Ga., two 100
H P boiler fully equipped, one 35

H P Schofield engine; one 40 H P

boiler, very reasonable, all in good

F P Davis, Marietta, Ga., eight H
P IH C Mogul oil engine; 12 H P
vortable I H C Titan Fordson tractor
12-25 J I Case tractor.

W L Hurst, Box 233, Toccoa, Ga.,

cone Smalley ensilage and fodder cut-

ter; 1 Sanders dise tractor plow $25
each or exchange for chickens or
- F E Joy, Barnesville, Ga., Rt 2
one Taco governor for Fordson used
3 weeks cost $80, for quick sale, will
sell for $15.

H M Futch, Dawson, Ga., one 25
Model north east motor generator

with full equipment in A-1 condition


Thos W Morgan, Rockmart, Ga.,
Wordson tractor in perfect condition
and good as new with gang plow and
disc harrow.

S G MeNeill, Arlington, Ga., one

Lillingston peanut picker, fairly good

condition, will exchange for anything

IT can use, also a cane mill, will sell
or exchange.

W M Giles, Powder Springs, Ga.,!
Rt 8, disc plow good as new, 24 in.

disc John Deere make $18 or ex-!

change; hand peanut sheller, good
condition $5 or exchange; extra good '
20 gal, per hr. cider mill, by hand $25 .

A B Weatherly, Georgetown, Ga. |
| one Cast, pulley 18 in. diameter 12

inch base bits 2 1-2 in. shaft; 1 me-|
tal pulley size 20 in diameter 2 in,

base bits 2 3-4 shaft, cheap for cash |

or exchange.

F Lee, MeRae, Mt Vernon, Ga.,

Box 66, one Hercule stump puller
400 ft 7-8 cable, 1 dbl power pulley

take up, 1 McCormack mower and!


ee all in good shape; write

JD Hubbard, Rt 2, Fortson, Ga.,
will exchange Golden make cane mill
No 2 and copper pan in good condi-
tion for 38 or 5 P gas- ere in
good condition.

City of Calhoun, Calhoun, Ga., 2
Worthington reciprocating pumps
310 gal., per min, cap, good condi-
tion cheap : write.

Henry H McDonald, Winder, Ga.,
10-20 International tractor for sale
or exchange for anything equal value.

Scott grist mill 30 inch rock, 12 H
P Hercules kerosene engine T HC
feed grinder, sheller, pulleys and
belting complete outfit cheap for
cash or exchange for small sawmill

J H Leverette, Rt 1, Parrott, Ga.,
Benthal peanut picker 16 ft long
model H $225; B F Avery gasoline
engine 6 H P $100; 1 H C hay press
H P 75; peanut sheller Tom Huston
Liberty sheller $15 all f o b.

Mrs W C Dixon, Camilla, Ga., one
DeLaval No 12 cream separator used
2 seasons $50 f o b; 2 five ie cream.
cans $1.50 each f o b.

-LS Morris, 53-A Stonewall St.,
Atlanta, Ga., one 12 1-2 H P gas en-
gine feed cutter and meat grinder;
will exchange.

E W Dorough, Temple, Ga., Rt 1,
one cane mill, Columbia No 13 pow-
er mill, 3 roller and 12 ft pan, used
8 seasons $150; good condition; 40
it. galvanized pipe and skimmers etc,
1 Hancock dise plow, 3 horse, 1 disc
for red; 1 for gray land nearly new
disc; exchange for 1 year old Jersey
heifer registered.

Jd R Cramer, Carrollton, Ga., Gol-
den new model No 8. syrup mill,
geared for mule power copper pan
12 ft long; juice barrel, pipes, 2 cop-
per skimmers, gas jet, all in good
condition, capacity, 75 gal per day
for quick sale $90 cash f o b Mt.
Zion, Ga. .

Pitts Lumber Co., Waverly Hall,
Ga., one complete 80 ton daily ca-
pacity Grundler feed mill with fan
elevator, dust collector, etc., lot va-
rious sized steel shafting, couplings,
wood and iron pulleys, post hangers,
good rubber and leather belting,
check and globe valves; 8ftx38-inxl1ft
fire or burglar, Kinear Mfg. Co.,
rolling slat steel door; 1 new 4 1-2
ft Deering vertical Mft mower; 1 new
Firestone straight side tire rim 34x-
4 1-2; 1 pr. Sawyer revolving mer-
chandise backing sealers; 1 two H
P International gas engine; 1 Memo-
graph, little used, n good condition;
few 9 tooth Little Joe harrows, all
in first class condition.

RL Towns, Cordele, Ga., P O Box
227, phone 515, one 9-18 Case trac-
tor $100; 1 set extension rims and
engle iron grounders for. 9-18 Case
tractor $25; 1 Case self feeder in

good as new $40; will exchange for
ear in good condition.

Robert Fuller, - Adairsville, Ga.,
Box 287, one 8 H P Mogul Interna-
tional gasoline engine, burns gas or
kerosene, good condition; one 10 H
P Titan International gasoline en-
. gine, burns gas or kerosene needs
slight. repairs, 1 practically new 24
ft Meadows vertical grist mill steel
frame in good ondition; one 20 in
Meadows vertical grist mill wood
: frame in. good condition; two line
shafts; 4 hangers pulleys, belts, 5 ex-
, tra pulleys, 1 pr floor scales on
me 1 good circular saw mandrel,

in geod condition and cheap for
cosh, or Liberty bonds, make best of-

T W Pate, Rt 3, Carrollton, -Ga.,

{ ee ATE. watertown steam engine
| in n wood running condition, governors
i oe slight repair $65 f o b.
H S$ Lawson, Morgan, Ga., 1 Colt
| unit for 6 volt batteries Ae 1 gen-
erator $4; 1 starter $5; set new
patteries $10; one No 8 eo $4;
will exchange. :

J V Jackson, Vienna, Ga., will ex |


A S Camp, Dallas, Ga., R F D 5,

goed shape $125: 1 Case No 4 bagger |.


Taare a ataionare Encl onith flow
er and other necessary material to
make a furnace for a portable fur-

So. Ga. farm for rent 20 miles be-

low Albany 4 miles to good R R. :

town, main house large stock barn
13 tenant houses, 20 horse farm open

mostly chocolate loam soil very fer- =

tile well drained on state highway
that splits farm in half, rent $1600
or will divide references required, -

address Station E, Box 10, Atlanta,


Box 80, Waleska, Ga., two houses

for rent to campers up in the hills,
plenty fresh air and pure water, fine
place for nice quiet vacation reason-
able rent; write for particulars.
Plantation, Station E, Box 10, At-

lanta, Ga., for 1928 5 to 10 horse
farm, 5 houses, 5 barns. also cribs, 2

branches back of main barn produc-

tive soil mostly red chocolate $50 per
plow 80 miles Atlanta, 3 miles Con-
yers, Ga., references required.

Plantation, Station E, Box 10, At-

lanta, Ga., southwest Ga. farm 20
miles below Albany 4 miles good R
R town on State highway, 20 horse
farm open mostly chocolate loam soil
level, well drained, highway divides
farm in halves about 10 horse farm

on each side fine crops now growing

main house 18 tenant houses flowing
artesian well, rent all for $1600 or

divide in two farms, references re-


DJ Marshall, Washington,
Rt 3, has a five horse farm, fine land,

well located snitable. for stock and
dairying. with two good pastures each
containing running water, good com-
munity, this place is on a_ direct
truck line to a fine
school that he wishes to rent to a re-
liable party who can furnish himself.

Mrs V E McCook, Rt 2, McIntyre.
Ga., 2 horse farm to rent with fine
good creek and high land pasture
for standing rent, er on shares good
place for the right party.

J D Walker, Tignall, Ga., a five
horse farm for rent in Wilkes coun-
ty, near churches, children carried to
school in truck, land in good condi-
tion of cultivation, red and sand
loam lays well, will take eight bales
of cotton per year any number of
years, lease from 1 to 5- years.
Would consider von e on 50-50 ba-
sis. ee


L O Guthrie, Logansville Ga Green
beans, roasting ears, ;

Mrs R Robinson, R 3 Greenville Ga
large white nest onions dry and sound
60c per gal, del in 10 bu lots $4 per.
bu del

Mrs B L Brown, 3 gals multiplying
ae onion buttons 6be per gal


Mrs Naomi Fortson, R 1 Daniels-
ville Ga 6 Ib nice dried sage 50c lb
or lot $2.50 cash with order add post-

Mrs V Ladd, nest onions 40c gal
$2.50 bu; dried sage stem 10 doz,
$1 per Ib.

lL. M Aderhold, Lavonia Ga Hot
pepper 30c per qt, Sweet pepper
same price; red onion sets 50 per qt
all del

Miss Beanie Smith. R F D Kite Ga

20 to 35c qt or 90c gal add postage

Henry F Weaver, Marion Ga nice
red and yellow apples $1.50 per bu
box del by parcel post

Mrs John Woodal, Box 8 Milner
Ga nice pears for eating or preserv-
ing $1 bu fob Milner Ga

Mrs A E Dasher Jordan, Reidsville
Ga 700 bus pine apples pears for
Aug 10 del, would like to sell in
bunch but will sell any amount for
$1 bu fob Glennville Ga

Mrs Nellie Johnson, R 1 Shellman
Ga Freeh fig preserves in glass jars
50c per qt add postage

W C Tumlin, Gainesville Ga Choice
a and ores apples $1. oy bu.


consolidated |

Small green pepper pods for pickles f

hursday, August 4, 1927.
Miss Bessie Segraves, 514 South
Sixth St., Griffin, genuine
Spitz 10 weeks old male $15.
F A Bolmon, Rt 4, Danielsville, Ga
reg. bird pointer dog 2 years old in
good condition partly trained white
and liver spotted $10 or exchange for
pigs or anything useful; papers fur-
nished. .
Mrs J H Davis, Rebecca, Ga., full
blooded Ameriean pit bull pups kind
and gentle, good catch dogs, good
child companions, buckskin color $5
each, or exchange for pigs, thorough-
bred White Leghorns or Barred Rock
J B Bennett, Bowersville, Ga., 4
English setter puppies 3 1-3 mos old
$10 each,
G W Allen, The Rock, Ga., 2
and opossum dogs.

BR Saxon, Sylvania, Ga,, pure
bred collie pups 8 mos old males $10
females $8.
IF Gipson, Ashland, Ga., Rt 1, exe
1 brindle bull dog for 2 good rabbit
dogs; prefer beagle.
Ray Davis, Rutledge, Ga., Boston
terriers. reg $10 each.
, Dixie Kennels, Commerce, Ga.,
_ Beagle puppies.
LE Griffeth, Winder, Ga., 2 col-
- lie female puppies 8 mos old; 1 yellow
1 white with black spot on each ear
$15 for yellow one $20 for white one
reg. or exchange.
J T Means, Baqrnesville, Ga., full
blood collie pups black and tan 6 wks
old. well marked females $5, males
$10; good for-driving cows; cash
* with order. H
Effie Woods, Rt 3, Moultrie, Ga
1 pure bred bloodhound pup 10 mos
- old exchange for pair fox hounds
pups 8 mos old or less. .
-- Mrs E M Rowland, Carnesville, Ga
1 male pointer bird dog not trained
grown $25 or exchange for pure bred
- duroc Jersey sow.
LEAF Smith, P O Box 121, Cullo-
den, Ga., 1 screw tail Boston bull
dark brindle wt 35 lbs 2 years old,
worth $50, write offers.

J J Havard, UHawkinsville, Ga.,

- wants real opossum dog cheap.

Charlie Summers, Red Oak, Ga.,
fine male collie dog 11 mos old $10

R J Alsabrook, Woodland, Ga., 4

fine male pointer pups 2 mos old Aug
20 $15 each or $25 pair.
- Mrs Ida Kelly, Rt 5, Marietta, Ga
fine young opossum dog also good
for snakes and minks, will guard
chickens, doesnt suck eggs, or have
running fits $15 or exchange for fat
hens mixed breed large size.

J S King, Sasser, Ga., 1 collie pup
pure bred exchange for oil burning
brooder or Duroc Jersey sow.

B H Holland, Rt. 2, Dalton, Ga.,
pair partly trained coon dogs $40; |
female fice to aid shepherd, will ex-
change for pigs, also Jersey male hog
2 years old $20.

Mrs Marie Bernt, 61 South Spen-
cer, St. Dalton, Ga., 3 male fice and
shepherd pups $3 each, or exchange
for pigs and chickens.

L O Guthrie, Logansville, Ga., 5
bulldog pups $10 each.

- Graham Simpson, Culverton, Ga.,
1 liver white pointer 3 years old, good
hunter, exchange for 30 White Leg-
horn pullets March hatch. A
R E Barnes, Graymont, Ga., 1 pair
' male hounds 1 1-2 years old, 1 black
and tan, other cream color, large size
Pe partly trained for rabbits, coon, opos
sum -o20.
-__-- Burt Bennett, Rt 3, Moultrie, Ga.
1 thorough bred solid white pointer
puppy 8 mos old $25.
Mrs J L Hayes, Rt 8, Palmetto, Ga
1 good redbone opossum hound fe-
male $15 cash or exchange for good
bird dog. s
Ike Thrasher, Vidalia, Ga., 4 pr
hound puppies from real coon and
opossum getters 5 weeks old $15 pair
T G OKelley, Maysville, Ga., fe-

Hy. }


Eskimo }

: with little training; bitch fice for rab-

change English setter pup pedigreed

fine English setters, good field dogs

male English setter trained $40 ped-|-

igreed description on request.
J A McKimmon, Rt 1, Smithville,

dog; party wanting please write.

J H Ellis, Newton, Ga., 3 fox
hound puppies right age for training
$20 each or exchange for 2 police
puppies. :

Mrs D Donaldson, Rt 1 Decatur.
Ga., 2 male white English bull pups
$10 each; great watch dogs for poul-
try. :

Shady Grove Kennels, Statesboro,
Ga., want soon and opossum dogs
that will hunt at night, dogs must
be sent on trial; write for particu-

Mrs J Hal Rucker, Rt 8, Elberton,
Ga., 1 female black and tan hound
9 months old $7.50 or exchange for
B P Rock chickens or a pig.

P O Box 262 Monroe, Ga., wants
to buy full blooded well trained opos
sum hound with strong voice.

G O Hunter, Rt 1, Abbeville, Ga.
wants 1 blue speckled hound up 4
months old must be well bred.

H G Pheagins, Flowery Branch,
Ga., red bone hound $20, good rabbits
and squirrels and will tree opossum

bits and squirrels $15; 1 bitch pup
black and tan fine blood 3 mos $5;
all fob Flowery Branch.

BR Saxon, Sylvania, Ga., pure
bred collie 83 mos old, males $10, fe-
males $8.

L P Farmer, Stapleton, Ga., 3 yrs
old trained English setter female
points, backs and retrieves $75 or
exchange; also registered pointer
puppy $25.

S J Jefferson, Rt 2, Alapaha, Ga.,
1 trained coon hound but old, make
offer. ;

F C Peace, Norcross, Ga., will ex-

for hound puppy same age 2 mos; will
sell for $10. Hes
L P Farmer, Stapleton, Ga., reg.
pointer puppy $25 or exchange.
FT Campbell, Rockmart, Ga., pair

all papers for reg sell at bargain.
Miss Annie Jones, Rt 8, Forsyth,
Ga., 2 pretty collie puppies pure bred
$5 each or exchange. ~
R F Payne, Mt. Aairy, Ga., 2 male
oS pups 2 mos old $5; 1 fema'e

A D Giles, Pendergrass, Ga., 1 r-2
bone hound 4 years old 1-2 July ad
1-2 black fan and 1 3 year old fine
for coons and opossum rabbit proof
at night, will tree and stick $40 each
Or $75 pair =

W H Adair, Rutledge, Ga., female
collie pup 4 mos old collar yellow
with white trimmings sell for $7 or
exchange for pigs or shoats or Mch
pullets any pure breed.

Thos S Cheek, Homer, Ga., 1-2 col-


| Ga., well trained pointer male bird

lie and shepherd male 1 year old
extha smart exchange for poultry or
- W C MeDonald, Smithville, Ga.,!
wants to exchange double barrel shot !
sun hammerless type for well trained
bird dog.

DeWitt Weatherly, Jr., Buchanan,
Ga., Rt 2, 8 bull pups 7 weeks old,
6 males and 2 females $3 each.

- J E Desse, Buchanan, Ga., 1 3 yr
old pointer bitch wel Itrained in ev-
ery respect for quail satisfaction
guaranteed $50 fob Buchanan, Ga.

RL Johnson, Woodbury, Ga., fine
pure bred collie dogs 1 year old,
strong beautiful, and well trained,
will exchange for 25 April hatch
White Leghorn pullets or pure bred
Jersey heifer subject to reg.

Preston Babb, Carrs Station, Ga.,
6 high bred pointer pups 5 mos old
4 males and 2 females $7.50 each.

J C Woodall, Rt 1, Calhoun, Ga.,
1 pair trained Walker and Hudpath
fox dogs, satisfaction guaranteed, !
fast runners and sure strikers, 3 yrs.
old; six other dogs and _ bitches
trained and untrained; will sell any
or all reasonable.

J D Hesterlee, Carrollton, Ga., Rt

1, one white poodle dog $5.
George W W Tootle, Rt 1, Manas-

sas, Ga 1 bull dog good catch, sell
or exchange for trained fox or coon


H S Snowden, Rt B, Albany, Ga.,
wants young single man for general
farm work, $1 per day and board,
regular work.

- Mrs J Lindsey Johnson, Rio Vista,
Ga., wants working man to manage
some plant.

E M Herrin, Manor, Ga., wanted
to communicate with man teacher of
wide experience for principals place
of consolidated rural school, good
pay to right party.

Roberta Gin & Warehouse, Rober-
ta, Ga., gin manager wanted to oper-
ate toll stand Murray gin plant; must
be sober and competent.

A G Buice, Barnesville, Ga., Rt 1,
wants a nice white or colored middle
aged woman without children to keep
house, references exchanged.

LS Morris, 58 A Stonewall St.,
Atlanta, Ga., wanted a real farmer
who can run successfully a 45 1-2
acre farm, one who is not afraid of
work, but can show results; place is
fully stocked and equipped, no one
to boss you but want results.

R D Medlock, R F D No 2, Duluth,
Ga., wanted family about Sept 15th
to help gather crop; will furnish
house and wood.
Mrs J F Adams, Montezuma, Ga.,
wants a lady to care for an aged
patient lady, not an invalid but old
and needs constant care, nice place
to board; prefer middle aged lady
healthy and without children; write
for full particulars. tee

Otis G Rawls, Williamson, Ga.,
wanted man with family to help gath-
er Crop,

Whites Dairy, Rt A, Savannah, Ga.
wants experienced milker man and
wife with no children or single man
preferred, right salary with room and
board furnished. ue

Dr Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga.,
wanted someone familiar with rais-
ing and sell truck on irrigated land;
T have a very fine place for the right
man 8 miles west of Newnan very
good 7 room house, 25 acres fresh
up land 10 acres branch bottom 50
eeres for pasture also 3 room house
barn and other buildings.

C Burch, Eastman, Ga., wanted
man with son old enough to do dairy
work to operate 23 cow dairy.

Hugene Martin, Secretary-Treas.
Hilton Consolidated, School, Hilton.
Ga., wanted Superintendent for 7
teacher school, college graduate 1st
grade license.

Stewart Farm, Axson, Ga., Rt 2,
Atkinson county, wanted family for
share or salary for 300 acre farm
all or part good crop now ready and

40 acres ready for planting; good, .

home. i

Miss Annie L Harrell, Boykin, Ga_
wanted a good honest middle aged |
lady white or colored to come live in
home with me and keep house; must :
be honest and of good character;'
good home for right party; write
first. ee

Lee Joyner, Allenhurst, Ga., want- |
ed single white man to live on my
farm as member of family and work |
on farm, write.

Wm L Harrison. Milledgeville, Ga. |
R EF D 38, wanted man who can milk

and is a willing worker, state wheth- |

er married or single, experience had
and salary wanted, could use man
and boy. :

Mrs F R Vincent, Fruitland, Ga.,
wanted a middle aged settled woman
to help me on small poultry farm for
a home and small wages.

Mrs J M Shannon, Nichols, Ga.,
wanted girl or woman to come and

live with me as one family and help

me around house.

W B_ Sutton, Adairsville, Ga.,
wants a man with stock and force to
cultivate a 4-horse crop for 1928;
also a single man to work on farm for
wages 1 year beginning Sept 1, |

of references from tobacco board of

years old with family,

wants several families to pick cotton,

use man with family of 2 or 8 mi'k-

. references if required.

Mrs L C Bigbee, Bluffton, Ga.,
wants a girl between ages of 12 to
25 to live as one of the family and
help with house work and poultry;
would advance railroad fare. -

T D Lashley, Dawson, Ga., wants
to plant tobacco on large scale for of
man with large farm; life time expe- .
rience in N C demonstration; best

trade and 8
Georgia. :
Mrs W E Goings, Rt 1, Covington,

Ga., wants good woman able to keep
house for 8.

R F Benford, J P., Monk, Ga.,

years experience in 9

| wants middle age lady to keep house

and be governess for 3 small chil-
dren; give references in first letter.

J W Alexander, Jefferson, Gai,
wants man and family to gather crop
will pay good wages. a

Mrs W C McBrae, Mt Vernon, Ga.
Box 174 wants to hear from some.
interested in putting up brick mill
or In running dairy farm.

Camp Chandler Farm, Newnan,
Ga., Rt 7, wants man about 35 or 40
capable of
keeping up farm machinery and gin
crop and also do farm work; an-
swer stating salary and giving ref-
erences. ; moe

Mrs J H Carrington, Rt 4, Talbot-
ton, Ga., wants nice middle age lady |
to come and help with poultry and
be companion, will pay small salary
or let her live as one of the family;
want her to begin Sept. 1.

Charlie Thomas, Rt 4, Conyers,
Ga., wants a school teacher for coun- _
try school 1927-28.

Miss Nell Lester, Montezuma, Ga.
wants a middle age woman or grown
girl to live with mother; a good home
for lady, only two in family. GS

LB Anderson, Shiloh, Ga., wants
renter for 1927 for 2 or 3 horse farm _
good houses, school, church, deep well _

water, renter to furnish self; write,
near Warm Springs. :
_C A. Britt, Ashburn, Ga. Rt 177]

wants girl or simple lady to live with _
and assist aged couple; write for par-
titulars. oe

W H, Faulkner, Rt t, ula, Ga
wants an experienced farmer for a
2-horse crop on good land; libera!

S C Lovelace, West Point, Ga.,
men can work by day if prefer; rent
free, write.

W E Scruggs, 124, Cleveland Ave..
Macon, Ga., wants for 1928 2 hard-
working white men with large fami- |
les who own stock, to take charge
ef a 4-horse farm, each on fifty-fifty
basis, main crops hogs, hay, sweet _
potatoes with cotton; he will finance
the thing. : ie

Mrs C H Ward Rt 1, Adairsville,
Ga., wants a good farmer to take
charge of 27-acre farm as share
cropper or for cotton rent; comfort- _
able sr-a.] house, good land, fine well
water. good community, school,
churches, and close to market, rent-_
er mus furnish himself. ae

Chares H Griffin, Hampton, Ga.,
wants good hand milker, white man
with sr-1/] familly preferred, or could

ers; one who can drive truck pre-
ferred, pay reasonable wages and
furnish house, wood, etc.. - os

Thos J Williams, Mathews Ga R 1_
Wanted family with enough force to
cultivate 2 horse farm on share basis
or rent for 1928 oo

H F McDonald, Winder Ga Wo-.
man tutor to live in country home and
teach 4 children with grade work;
experience and references required

Lee Joyner, Hinesville Ga Single.
white man to work on farm for wages
and live as one of the family; good

G W Sammons, Soperton Ga
Wants family to help gather 1927
crop will furnish good house ind
good wages; can also furnish farm
for next year for 1 to 4 horses.

n Ge

yeorge | Watson, R 1 Brooklet Ga
once small family white or col-
red with 2 good work hands to gath-
ep Rt Sa yaniiak Ga Man with
elp to milk and do dairy work will-
ing and experienved worker wanted
farm 8 1-2 miles from Savannah with
quent bus service.
RB McRae, Boston Ga Would like
. have a man with a nice family to
ndle 12 or more dairy cattle on
50 basis and truck in addition if
ey like; house furnished
JJ Blount, Havwnsville Ga Wants
man with small family to raise and
1 ruck on halves, farm in city lim-

Ss Annie Myrick, Gordon - Ga
Ss some country lady to live with

rs J H Carrington, R 4 Talbotton
qa nice lady to come live as one of
mily for company and help in the
, will board and clothe her,
begin by Sept 1 and be less
0 yrs old

Flanigan, Lawrenceville Ga
yts 1 or 2 good men in ea county
work that pays well.

wage hands}


ar B Cullars, Rt 3 Daisy, Ga..
wie place as farm overseer for
salary or shares, either truck or gen-
eral farm, location south of Macon,
life time experience and write for
references and particulars.

Mrs W F Wasdin, Macon, Ga., 135
Pierce Ave. desires position as prin-
cipal of consolidated, rural, or smal]
town school, or as teacher in junior
high sck ol; normal school graduate,
special course at Mercer University.
life certificate, good references.

RA Pitts, Rt 1, Menlo, Ga., man
with experience and good character
and having. U S veterans bureau cer-
tificate of graduation as poultryman
and practical farmer desires position
for 1928 in poultry husbandry or car-
ing for few cows or salary or would
consider share basis, must have place
where can own poultry and cows for
personal use; location near school,
market, etc. references exchanged.

Evelyn Smith, Meigs, Ga., young
lady desires position as teacher vri-
mary or intermediate grades in good
school; high school graduate, summer
school training, first grade elemen-
tary certificate, good references.
W C Pippin, Round Oak, Ga., po-


L C Bigbee, Bluffton Ga Want
r lady 12 to 25 yrs to live in
ith us; board clothing given:

mily, 3 children, will advance

Mobley, Dupont Ga Wants
| blacksmith will furnish good
ling house and shop with tools
details =. -
$ ed J Adams, Montezuma Ga
1s to get lady to take care of a
sient aged lady not an inva-
st aged and likes to be read
red for, at time needs nurs-
lady boards with Mrs Ad-
good board and laundry free
Myrick R 2 Gordon Ga
a good strong reliable settled
n to care for an invalid and
with the. chickens; must know
o read and write
rom, R 1 Box 40. Milan Ga
omeone with family to os
out Aug 15th
orris, 53 A Stonewall St At-
al farmer who can run suc-
a: 45 1-2 acre farm place


ee R 1 Bx 87 Pineview Ga,
family white or colored to!
ather cotton and peanuts; fur-|
use and pay good wages


567, Covington, Ga., a young
th high school education and
ummer schools and 1 year ex-

for 1927-28 in 4th, 5th
grades, Rood reference. ~

cher Rt :. Box 14, Cleveland,
ion in rural or small town
/ man and wife both have
aining and 5 years experi-
2 eaching man is college
e wife is high school grad-
ma desires _ principals place
primary or intermed-ate

: M. E, care Market Bulletin,

ta, Ga. a widow lady and
with experience want to run.
farm on 50- ae basis near,


oberson, Rt 3, Hawkinsville,
le aged man with small
sires position as overseer or
m not less than 10 or more
can handle labor an doper-
ind of farm mecenes lief

family wants to run farm on
is with part devoted to
nd truck farming, six chil-
n work, will need large house.
Taylor, Rt A, Savannah, Ga.
psition as farm overseer for

sires position as teacher in. -

sition as blacksmith start any time
and furnish references.

Lee L Burden, Rt 7, Elberton, Ga.
man wants to pick cotton this fall
for good man and to run 3 or 4
horse farm for next year in tobacco

section; can begin work immediate-|

ly with force enough to gather 20 or
380 bales and gather pecan also; best

Lee L Burden, Ree Bivecton: Ga.
would like job in filling station to.
begin at once; 38 years old, common
school education, good reference.

P O Box 385, Hephzibah, Ga.,
young lady 21 years old, desires po-
sition in high school teaching Math-
ematics, history or English, but will
accept elementary work or be prin-
cipal in rural school; junior college
graduate, 3 years license ae high
school work.

Box -65,. Rt, Wrens, Ga. young
lady desires position as teacher in
rural or small town school first grade
license and good references.

Miss Inez Lilliard, Wrightsville,
Ga. 2 sisters desire positions as
teachers in same school but would

| consider other place, both have high

school training and summer courses
older one has 6 years experience.
J J Davidson, Rt 7, Pineview, Ga

-pecan budder with Seer enee de-

sires work.

LC Tanner, Rt 1, Alma, Ga., de-
sires position on farm will work $1
day and board.

position as farmer on stock and dairy
farm for 1928, life time experience
and large family with plenty of la-
bor; prefer 50-50 basis under good
Christian man; location near church
and school, references exchanged.

Young lady with B A degree and
three years experience wants high
school position to teach French or
Spanish best references write G E C
116 15th st., Columbus, Ga.

Mrs A S Moore, Bloomington, Ga.
desires position as teacher in small
town or rural school small town pre-
terred has had several years expe-

rience in normal training State CER-|

tificate class A, best reterneces.
WD Hudson, Camilla, Ga., Rt A,
wants work, is a first class painter.

T D Lashley, Dawson, Ga., wants!

to get in touch with some man that
wants to grow a large crop of tobac-
co next year. Pitty years old, life

time experience in North and south

Carolina and Ga.

RA Pitts, Rt 1, Menlo, Ga., wants
position for 1928 as poultry man and
milking a few cows is well qualitied
in incubation brooding and_ setting

and has a certificate of graduation

from the U. $. veterans bureau pre-

fers a place where can have own

A D Giles, Pendergrass, Ga., wants


pironentes: exchanged.

BeP Weaver, Lavonia, Ga., wants
a good paying night watchman S$ po-
sition is a good hand and wants a

good responsible place. e

F M Atkinson, R 2 Ray City Ga De-

-gires to rent a small farm in a good

neighborhood near church and high
school for another year can run my-

self and have stock would like place

4 or 5 miles from Valdosta would
consider other places in So Ga
David Shope, Cairo, Ga Desires to
rent two horse crop on halves land-
lord to furnish stock and tools want
location near AdairsvilleCarters-
ville Calhoun or Dalton Ga Land must
be good
MrJA ee R3 Fitzeernid Ga

Wants to rent a small farm near At-

lanta that would be suitable for truck
ing and dairyingmust have good

pasture and good water, good house

and good land out buildings will fur-
nish my cows or will milk on shares
can care for 25 cows good references

W P Nicholson, Maysville, Ga., two
horse farm on shares for 1928, also
raise hogs and chickens, references

P E Rhodes, Nicholson, Ga., Rt. 1,
two horse farm on halves, can fur-
nish my own rations, must be good
land close to high school; will do gen-

eral farming, dairy or poultry, expe-

rienced in. all; give full description
in first letter; best of references.


J R Howington, Commerce, Ga.,
black walnuts.

W H Bolton, Griffin, Ga., carload
of fat pine in cord wood lengths.

A B Taylor, Rochelle, Gas Rt 4,
one 2-horse wagon in good
will exchange milk cow for

freshen in Sept.

E G Brooks, Blakely, Ga., good set
used 83x5 trouble proof tires.

Green Mt. Farm, Gainesville, Ga. *
100 ft. rubber hose.

J R Strickland, Jackson, Ga., one

pair of beegle hounds, state age and :

A W Brunette, Lizella, Ga., good

second hand Smith stump puller for
cieaning lands.

Mrs Josie Clark, Rt 2, College
Park, Ga., used brooder, either coal
or oil, not less than 250 chick ca-
pacity; must be cheap and in good


H Key, Bowdon tanetion. ce
breast drill two spuds; will exchange
nearly new 10 inch nickle plated
ratchet brace or 9 inch iron Lench
plane nearly new for same; second]
hand spoke augor; will exchange au-
tomobile luggage carrier and two pr
pilers or other tools for same.

J M Hargett, R F D 4, West Point
Ga., brass lined cylinder 3x10 inch
for a force pump, also a small gas
engine with magneto in good condi-
tion cheap.

L J Ruark, Bairdstown, Ga., gas

motor not less than 45 H P log 'skid-

der attachable to Fordson case or


oP Shedd, Jesup, second

hand Humdinger feed mill.

W B Fincher, Cairo, Ga., one two-
horse wagon must be in first ciass
condition and near Cairo, Ga.

ii D Walsh, 281 Healey bidg., At-
janta, Ga., wanted to purchase large
quantities OL ii Kitus Bec. lio:
wood lumber.

W S Wright, Alto, Ga., 300 ft.
gaivanized pipe 3-4 inch pay cash for

Mrs W J Campbell, Rising Fawn,
Ga., wants someone to weave rag
rugs, write.

Mrs C A Vaughn, Chamblee, Ga.,
to the one who ady. hemsititcher to
fit any machine and failed to give
name and address, eae waite me
as i-am interested.

Mr. Thos. Webb, Ellijay, Ca. Rt}
38, one good range coal or wood bur-

shape, P

ered this fall.

hear from parties with large holdings
of swamp land who would furnish
eypress and pine for making boards
trapping privileges for winter avae
and shingles on share basis and give
28; want to begin about Oct Ist..

S L Hartley Crate & Handle Co.,
Blakely, Ga., hickory blocks suitable
for tool handles car lots only; write
for particulars.

E B Trairs, Riverdale, Ga.,

ties of buds from peaches, apples, pe-
eans and plums.
J S New, Rt 6, Dallas, Ga., 5 Ibs

quote price prepaid.
BL Woodall,

change papershell aan trees for
S P Reed, Varnell, Ga., several

squares of galvanized roofing i in good

ta, Ga., 500,000 ft or more pine tim-

; od Mercet Archer, Gish: Ga.,
} good boat motor. | Bes :
Z Y g, Buchhead, Ga., Morgan

competent and reliable farmer or will
rent two or three horse farm on
halves standing rent with reasonable


wants to do typewriting of all kinds
making out legal papers, ete.; will
take orders uftil Sept 1st: at a re-

order too large or too small.
Mrs G A Brown, Martin, Ga.,
second hand bath tub, must be

write full description.
WB Fincher, pany, Ga.,

/ and must be near Cairo, Ga., pay
cash. es
dak Dudley, Athens, Ga., vault

doors and safety deposit boxes for
bank, what have you to offer.

family in old fashioned country home
good location near postoffice and
stores, 2 miles from Lake Raburn,
want two or three boarders, elderly
couple and a young girl 11 ora
years of age preferred. Our church
denominations are Baptist and Pres-
byterian. We have a good horse to
ride, also a car.

Leo Grossman, 1150 East Clorth
-Ave., C. 7, Atlanta, Ga., wanted 30

roofing cheap for cash, lengths 6 to
12 ft, also want galvanized
shingles about 40 squares.


L J Ruark, Bairdstown, Ga., log


engine standard make in good condi-
tion50 to. 40 H Pe

gearing for overshot water. wheel
slightly used.

J R Leard, Hartwell, Ga., evapora-
tor for boiling syrup; copper bottom
10 or 15 ft long, write yates and par-


hand set blacksm ith tools, at bargain

A L Faulkuer, Monticello, Ga.,
wants to buy No 2 Humdinger feed
mill in good condition, pay eash.
W P Clayton, Quill, Ga., 1 adjus-
tible leaf saw table to run 1 or 2
H P motor, must be in good condition
and cheap for cash.

I C Geiger, Flintside, Ga; pecan
grading and cracking machines aiso
ord Sailer.

na ot

immediately prices on. seedling varie- -

Mrs A J Hayes, _Wiley, Ga., small

Rates 75 per day,

nursery stock a same to be deliv-.

G P Thomas. Elza. Ga., wants te :

of air cured strong chewing tobacco =

Milner, Ga., Ford-
son tractor good condition, will ex-

CH Moon, P O Box 1418, Atlan

county, overseers job on farm by : ie

amount of help, can furnish A-1 rat-

W A McCoy Rt 1, Varielia Ga

duced price of 20c per 100 words; no : a
good condition and cheap for cash; p

one 2- |.
horse wagon in first class condition,

to 75 squares new galvanized steel


skidder and 45 z es gas motor POP. 3

Claude E Whitehead. Rt 5 Rocks.
mart, Ga., will pay cash for 1 steam

Osborn Bros., Ellijay, Ga., Rt 4, ae

W H Waddelle, Pearson, Ga., 2nd >

: Thursday, August 4, 1927,


S D Towns, Towns, Ga., 20 H P
Fairbanks Morse engine and small
gas engine, :

Day Davis, Rutledge, Ga., 1 wind
mill tank and tower; also
~.roadsters, and 3 Ford trucks.

F C Geiger, Flintside, Ga., pecan
grading and pecan cracking machine,
also Ford trailer. =o

Daniel Drug Co., Hogansville, Ga.
No. 2 Jay Bee feed mill in good con-
dition. |

A W Burnett, Lizella, Ga., wants
a good second hand Smith stump
- yulled for clearing land. M:

R B Reynolds, Leaman. N C, wants

o buy a sng. box of packing cotton
pvess self framing must be in geod
condition make best price.

S L Harlley, Blakeley, Ga., light
saw mill for Fordson tractor with 40
or 42 inch saw cheap for cash and
not too far from Blakeley.

- Homer L Wallace, Bowdon, Ga.,
one Delco light plant with air tank
and pump.

_ Geo E Wilson, Brooklet, Ga., one
used buggy prefer top and steel tires
must be in good condition and cheap
or cash, write.

A W Atkinson, Madison, Ga., 2

horse, 3 roller syrup mill, must be

m good condition and cheap buy or


M K McKinney, Blue Ridge, Ga.,
Box 39, wants a small four side plan-
er in good condition, advise what you
have to offer g ving full information
_C M BShackelford, Albany, Ga.,
wants to buy green stalk or corn cut-

ter, must be in perfect working or-|*

der. :

J J Bruton, Rt 4, Box 262, Atlan-
ta, Ga., one good used boiler 8 or 4
h p Ford dairy use state condition
and price.

W H Chambers, Homer, Ga., wants
pulley for Fordson trator.

J B Henry &.Son, LaFayette, Ga
-Rt 1, wants an ensilage cutter and
corn harvester cheap forscash.

Holly Springs Gin Co., Pender-

erass, Ga., 3 70-saw Continental ball,

bearing 10 or 12 inch saws, Winship
gins preferred must be nearly new
and cheap. :
_ E Rich, Brinson, Ga., power pulley
for Fordson tractor. |

O W Ingram, Barnesville, Ga., 1
- 75-100 H P boiler, 1 60-75 H P en-
gine. =
red L White,
silage cutter, state
EPYice,, = ;
Wd Hally, Rt 1,2 Canton,.-Ga, 1
Hap press, state price.

i B Weatherly, 2 good 2-horse
wagons, must be in good order and
cheap for cash. = =

E H Rowland, Box 334, Athens,

Buckhead, Ga., en-
condition and

Ga., Deleo or other farm light plant; e

write descaiption.
S E Echols, Box 3708, Station A,

Orlando, Fla., wants two or three
parties to furnish of their own grow-
ing, year around, 15 cases more or
less or first quality white eggs per

U G B Hogan, Dexter, Ga., two
or three hundred White Leghorn pul-
lets of good stock and cheap wanted
cash with order. |
: Peach Poultry Farm, Ft. Valley,

Ga., wanted this years Rhode Island
Red pullets from trapnested stock,
write full particulars with prices.

J F Hattaway, Rt 2, Box 92, Glen-
wood, Ga., geese, must be reasonable.

L L Wallace, 247 N. Highland Ave
Atlanta, Ga., will pay~25c each for
half grown size pullets, Brown Leg-
horns, Buff Orpington or Anconas,
write before shipping.

J R Miller, Robbinsville, N. C.,
fresh market eggs.

Mrs L K Lampp, Scott, Ga., 25
Brown Leghorn pullets, Ist April
hatch, will pay 20c per lb, would like
to buy near Scott or Lovett, Ga.

RB Long, Culverton, Ga. 100

2 Ford

weeks old.

| Mrs J P McKEachern, Rt 6, Blake-
J ley, Ga.. 75 or
Barred Rocks pullets. Would take
part of them 1926 hens, want March
pullets and 5 or 6 cockerels,
March hatched, will exchange White
Leghorns for Rocks.

John T. Miller, Columbus, Ga., fat
hens weighing 4 lbs and up, also
oe few cases infertile eggs week-

W C Puckett, Buford, Ga., 100

months old, Rhode Island Reds or
Barred Rocks preferred.

Rogers Grocery, 16 N E-St., Lake
Worth, Fla., chickens and eggs.

Sherman Cox, Homerville, Ga.,
Brown Leghorn pullets,


Mrs Audrie Lanier, Rt 3, Summit,
Ga., 300 White Leghorn pullets, pre-
fer Tancred strain, must be Feb or
March hatched, price must be rea-

S G Amos, Rising Fawn, Ga., want-
ed, one Jamesway or Newtown giant
incubator 1000 to 1500 egg capacity
write giving details. me

Fains Hatchery, Edison, Ga.,
hatching eggs from pure bred flocks
in lots of 15 to 20 dozen each week.

Miss Susie F Chapman, Bronwood,
Ga., two large dark Feb. hatched S
-C RI Red eockerels, must be hen
hatched from high egg producing
hens, Owen or Donaldson strain.

_ Jas F Thompson, Griffin, Ga., one
Indian runner drake, state price.
Joe L McMillan, Jr., 287 North

pair of doves, preferably ring necks
state price.

Mrs Piety Forbes, Brooklet, Ga.,
20 RI Red hens or pullets, will ex-
change one auto knitter machine in
perfect condition for them.

Mrs W V Vaughan, Towns, Ga.,
chicks to raise to 8 weeks old, on
50-50 basis, large breed.

Wm. H Oetgen, P O Box 162, Sa-
vannah, Ga., large fat hens 24c to
27c lb; fat fryers not less than 2 lbs
80 to 33c lb; broilers not less than
1 1-2 lbs 28c to 30c lb; broilers under
1 1-2 lbs, selling slow 25c to 26c lb;

guienas 50c to 60c each; eggs, fresh
poultry farm stock, white, 30c to 32
doz; eggs fresh country mixed can-
dled, selling slow 22c to 25c doz.

Williams & Watkins, Rt A, Millen
Ga., R I day old chicks, W Leghorn
hens, pullets, cockerels for yellow
corn meal or oats.

Mrs H Z Hinesley, Rt 6, Carrollton
Ga., two thoroughbred RI Red 1926
hatch cocks at reasonable price.

Mrs R L Bishop, Rt 8, Woodbury,

| Ga., 200 or 300 baby chicks to raise

on halves up to 10 weeks old want
Rocks or Reds.

Mr H C Marlow, Pendergrass, Ga
Rt 1, two Silver Lace Wyandotte
eockerels Frank Foy strain, exchange
for same.

Bramlett Poultry Farm, Owings,

German police or bull pups.

Woodliff Plant Farm, Flowery
Branch, Ga., pay cash for peafowls,
the year around, state age, how many
age and price. ;

T GC Griffin, Valdosta, Ga., Box
243, white pink eyed rabbits from
two to eight months old, same num-
ber bucks as does, good : healthy
Stock, please give age, weight and

J W Vinson, 2212 2nd St., (town
not given) two pair half grown jet
raccoons, state lowest cash price.
- J Roy Thomas, Martin, Ga, white
does, one year old, write prices and

description. 5
Jas F Thompson, Griffin, Ga., oue

young fawn, write. : 2 Be OR Se

from one hundred to two hundred;
L preferably |
now laying, must be good laying

Ave., N E, Atlanta, Ga., one or two.

fat young ducks, fat young: geese, fat:


baby chicks to raise on halves to ten |



baby chicks to raise on halves, to 3



S. C., rabbits, will buy or exchange |

Flowers, Plants and Seeds For Sale

Mrs M J White, Gainesville, Ga,

100 Parks strain! Rt 1, August lilies well rooted 10


also 8 for 10; Boston ferns 15 each:

each; wandering jew striped and
green 10c doz; oxalis pink and white

spengeria ferns 10c each; 8 for 25c
red geranium cuttings 5e each; mis:
tletce geraniums rooted 5c each
orange lantana cuttings 5 each; jus
tischia cuttings 5e each; jonquils
bulbs 75c hun; white narcissus $1
hun.; yellow flag lilies 70c hun
white violets 10c doz; parlor vine cut.
tings 5 each: catnip and spearmin!
10c doz; spotted begonia small size
15c, large size 30c; add postage or
orders uess than $1.

Blanche Woodruff, Greenville, Ga
100 well rooted boxwood cutting:
$1.25 per doz; $3.50 per 20, $6 for
lot; deep pink crepe myrtle 25c eack
$2 per doz, $7.50 per hun; old fash-
ioned chinquepen and cherokee roses
75 doz, $5 per hun; weeping wil:
lows 35 each; white and purple li-
lac, white spirea and English dog-
wood 20c each. R

H H Chambers, Route 4, Bal
Ground, Ga., genuine Europe daz-
zling scarlet giant Darwin tulip bulbs
75 per doz; $5 per hun; pure biflo-
rus narcissus bulbs 60c per doz; $4
per hun; $10 per 300; giant yellow
trumphet daffodils 60c per doz.

Mrs A L Hudgins, Rt 3, Rockmart.
Ga., grape begonias, large size rooted
15c each; small size rooted 10c each

Mrs G Conner, Rt 7, Gainesville.
Ga., yellow, pink and white mums 12
for $1, dbl and semi -dbl geraniums
15c each; $1 doz, all cols; spengeria
20 each; asparagus 20c; Boston fern
20c; sword fern 15c; Rex begonia
30c; beefsteak begonia 20c; trailing
queen coleus 1l5c, 2 for 25c; scarlet.
pink, purple and orange sultana 20c
each or 2 for 35 hibiscus 15c, pan-
he 3 for 25c; violets 5 doz; cactus


Miss H A McNair, Whigham, Ga.,

paper white and poeticus narcissus, |

large bulbs 25 doz; small size $1.50
per hun; exchange for yellow oxalis
and fancy leaved caladiums.

Mrs Geo Theus, Butler, Ga., sev-
eral doz well rooted bunches scarlet
verbena 50c doz; exchange 1 doz for
100 butter and eggs bulbs or 50 pur-
ple iris bulbs; white frost proof pop-
py seed 15c pack; variegated Four
oclock seed 10c pack; shasta daisy
plants 50 doz; exchange for 100 or-
ange lily bulbs; purple sand verbena
25c doz; exchange for 2 doz flag li-
lies. ae

Miss O A Bradshaw,
Ga. mixed all cols pet Sp dp
tablespoonful; touch
3c spoonful; eania seed. 4c spoon:
ful; asparagus fern smal! size 15c
large size 25c each; zreen wander-ne
jew 15e doz; red cr yellow eanna:
be each; strawberry geranium smal!
size 5c; large size le, all plants are
healthy and well rooted. Will ex-
change for purple violets loc doz:
old fashioned bachelor buttons, mag-
nolia, any kind begonia or dbl carna-
tions, add postage.


toe a =

Miscellaneous For Sale

Mrs O E Smith, Warthen, Ga., rag
rugs well made, write.

Mrs Fletcher Hegwood, Lafayette,
Ga., Rt 4, hand loomed rugs, any
col and size from 25x48 to 36x72 at
$1.25 to $2.25; rugs and _ carpets
made from your own material; write
for prices.

Mrs J J Etheridge, Auburn, Ga.,
Rt 1, Box 1, auto hosiery knitter,
good condition or exchange.

- Mrs Katherine Boone, Commerce,
Ga., good metal frame clothes wrin-
ger 3x12, make offer fob.

Mrs J Robt Duncan, St. Marys
Road, Columbus, Ga., peacock tail
feathers full plumage new $4.

Tom P Trowell, Douglas, Ga.,
country style straw brooms $..10 per
doz del; old southern scrub or
scovringe brooms ready to fill $1, 15
eac delivered.


| 20c yard; knitting wanted; will k1
scarfs border them and furnish tl


Mrs R CG Moore, Rt 3, Rockm
Ga.. one. knitting machine, kr
socks, stockings, boggins, ete., cheap
or exchange for chickens or other
products. eee ce

R W Nerdel, Elberton, Ga., butt
machine for sale; write. Ce

Miscellaneous Wanted af

Mrs Lee Head, Cleveland, Ga., to
quilt quilts at $1 per quilt and will
do plain sewing, customers to furnish
material and patterns, dresses -
adults at 50c each and children 25
and 35c; will make rugs at $1 each,
customers to furnish rags. CE

Mrs N B Burden, Elberton, Ga. Rt
8, sewing of all kinds, embroidery on
halves or exchange for anything.
use, parties furnish material, and pay

postage; will make dolls for 25 and
30c; write. _ ce ae
Janie Crumley, Box 351, Moult
Ga., will emb bed spreads in 5 dif
ent cols; several pretty designs for

$2.50 to $5; I furnish thread an
parties furnish material; emb pillo
slips, dresser scarfs, etc. 50c each
~Mrs M D Wallers, Plains, Ga.
want two cuttings or one roote
dwarf cape jasemine; will pay
or exchange other plants; write
Mrs C E Beasley, Hartwell,
Rt No 1, Box 46; emb. bed
spreads and pillow cases to match on
halves, parties to furnish mate
and thread; will make tatting sing
10c yard dbl 20c yard; hen and bid


wool thread for $3 each
ind length.
Mrs W A Howell, White Plain
reasonable; 10 years experience, s
Rt 2, any kind plain sewing to
patterns, write. a
Miss Martha Garmon,
Ga., Rt 1, will crochet bead n
laces $1 each, parties furnish bea
send self addressed envelope f

; stat


Mrs T S Wilks, Jefferson, Ga.,
5, will do plain sewing reasonal
tatting 10c per ward, dbl 20 ya

emb. spreads and pillow ca

match, parties furnishing m
$2; tatted baby caps for $3 each
kind of tatting reasonable; |
Mrs C H Rhodes, Royston, |
2, hand hemstitching, tatting
sewing, of all kinds reas
Mrs A E Dukes, Mauk, Ga., Rt
wanted by experienced workers to
emb. work either for cash or
any breed. ioe Coe
Miss Rosie Merrell, Roopvil
wanted all kinds of sewing a
work to do, reasonable.

Mire V E McCook, Rt 2, Me
Ga. sive ane green cayenne |
Robt. Veal. Sandersville,
oid fashioned shallots 10e p
5 Ib lots delivered. A ane
Mrs C T Williams, Rt 6, D
Ga. white onions free from t
trash 50c per gallon old fa
buttons and sets 20c per qt.,
lion onion buttons lbc qt.
W E Hampton, Minerai Bluff,
offers good large onions at $
hundred lbs delivered in luts
lbs or more. ee
R L Harp, Jr., Cusseta, Ga..
lons new. shellots 50 per gal
BEG. Re oe
Mrs Willis Grindle. Dahloneg.
Ri 1, horse radish 10e per b
horse radish roots for pick
size bunch 10c zalomus 5 p
peppermint plants 10c per
postage. CaaS
Mrs W M Arrington, Wad
Rt 2, uome made dry sage. 50
Mrs R F Terrell, Greenvil.
Ri 8, large size dry white n
ions $1.25, $3.75 bu. deliveres
$28 delivered. ee ne
Mrs W C Speerman, Sa
pimento peppe, every we
sake best offer or wil


J W Oliver, Rt 4, Quitman, Ga.,
desires position on large tobacco farm
write for terms. _ ae

R E Bexley, Luthersville, Ga., ex-
perienced farmer wants position as
overseer for 1928, is married with
family and can take charge this fall,
will exchange references. c

Mrs C H Logue, Stapleton, as}
wishes position as teacher for 1927-
28 in either primary or intermadiate
work, has 13 years experience and
holds state license.

Mrs C G E, Box 28, Rt. 4, Thom-
son, Ga., desires position as for 1927-
28 in small town or consolidated
school preferable elementary work,
is graduate of S N Athens, has 3
years experience and normal aides

-Jonal high school license; will furnis
references. :

Miss Greta Smith, Blakely, Ga., de-
sires position as teacher for ae
graduate of accredited high schoo
and has 1 summer course and class

A license.

YA Coper, 5 Charleston Ave., At-

lanta, Ga., wants position on farm to

raise hogs, stock, and chickens by

the month or on shares; can do far
repair work on buildings and has life


A C Carter,
sition as overseer on
ean start at once. | :
Widow, care Market Bulletin, Be
Janta, wants position as principal 0
1 or 2 teacher school; will do prima-
ry or grade work and teach Latin ;
jong experience, normal training,

high school license.
-- A Griffin, Ochalochnee, Ga., Rt
3, wants position as caretaker of
South Georgia Soe enee has experl-
cn d can give reference.

OW a Smith, P O Box 41, Kite, Ga.,
wants position as wage hand on South
Ga. farm, will work for $26 per mo.
and board or $39 and board myself
Mrs A W Breedlove, H 2, Build-
ing, Camp Jesup, Ft. McPherson, Ga,
wants position as homemaker for
some camp or organization; 1s par-
ticularly interested in flower grow-
- MDG, care Market Bulletin wants
-iob as ferm superintendent 15 years
experience, can handle labor, will
be roady Nov. *1; references ex-
changeed; write for details.

Teacher No 1 care Market Bulle-
tin, young lady with 11 years expe-
rience desires position as primary of
clomentary teacher in consolidated
school or town school; good referen-
Miss Bernice Sellar, Donaldsonville
Ga., desires position as teacher in ru-
-yel school for 1927-28 term; high
school graduate and holds state li-

Hardworker, care Market Bulletin,
or phone Fairfax 2349-R landowner
if you have 25 or 380 acres, some
improvements, 5 or 6 cows, and some

Pouian, Ga., wants po-
farm for 1928,

ea yas

make good return on your. invest-
ment; location desired near College
ee Park? Gay

Miss Geraldine Parker and Miss Ef-
_ fie Kirbo desire positions in rfiral or
village school for 1927-28; Miss Par-
ker has completed 3 years college and
has one year experience; Miss Kirbo
has completed 2 years college and
has no experience; both have life el-
ementary certificates; good referen-
ces. :

- Box 274, Colbert, Ga., young lady
desires position as teacher in small
town or rural school for 1927-28;
graduate with 1 year at normal
school; 8 years experience and state
professional certificate.

D C Griffin, Gibson, Ga., wants
dairy farm in Augusta or vicinity;
has 4 children that can work..

#C Smith, Arabi, Ga:, Rt 2; mar-
icd man with wife and 2 children
desires position on poultry farm for
28 to raise hogs, cattle, and poul-

try; prefer to locate =

pigs I can improve your land and}

near Macon;
write. Shee -

J G Burns, Butts, Ga., wants po-
sition as overseer on farm for this
year; can control labor.

G E Searboro, Butts, Ga., wants
position as night watchman.

-B D Scearboro, Butts, Ga., wants
work of any kind for family of six.

W C Pippin, Round Oak, Ga., de-
sires position as black smith; expe-
rience in all such work; start imme-

A Bumpers, Wray, Ga., desires po-
sition to milk cows on halves; to
raise hogs, and run large 1-horse

DS Creel, Rt 1, Moultrie, Ga., de-
sires position as overseer on large
farm or a tobacco demonstrator, 20
years experience.

Miss Louise Gibbs, care Mrs Z R
Hutchinson, Quitman, Ga., refined
young lady will care for invalid or
elder people in refined home. E

J O Simpkins, Rt 4, Forsyth, Ga.,
young man with small family wants
small farm, is interested in hogs,
cows, and chicken raising, wants to
farm on _ halves.

E B DuBose, Rt 3, Valdosta, Ga.,
an old experienced tobacco grower
from eastern S C wants job curing
tobacco at once.

Miss Virginia Atkinson, Ray City,
Ga., position wanted as elementary
teacher in rural school, 3 years expe-
rience, first grade certificate high
school] graduate with summer school

D I Roberson, Hawkinsville, Ga...

Rt 3, middle aged man with small
family desires position as overseer of
a large farm not under 10 or 25
horse; life experience, can handle
labor, and operate any kind of farm
machinery, location must be near
graded school, good church, and good
- L Miller, Wray, Ga., desires po-
sition as Fordson or I H C tractor
driver; can also run Ford or Chevro-
let truck or giss mill.

Miss Milded Ray, Hartwell, Ga.,
desires place as teacher for 1927-28
high school graduate, provisional gen-

eral elementary teachers certificate,

class A, good references.
O P Haynes, 409 North Gilmore

| Ave., Lakeland, Fla., man with family

wents to hear from some reliab!e far-
mer in Crisp, Wilcor, or Dodge coun-
ties who needs help to pick cotton
and furn @ regular work until Christ
mas, Want prospects for 2 Horse
farm-in 1928 near church and school
exchange references.

Demer Cleveland, Hartwell, Ga.,
Rt 5, young man desires position as
teacher for 1927-28, 2 years expe-
rience, good reference, 2nd grade li-
cense; would also consider a position
on a dairy farm or poultry farm at
reasonable salary.

H A McCoy, Rt 1, Varnells, Ga.,
wants to do typewriting of all kinds;

work done immediately, rates reason-


Box 142, Tampa Shores, Fla., wants
position to develop and manage an
ap to date truck farm, poultry, hogs
and bees; term of years; profit shar-
ing basis; experience and reference.

L C Baty, Clarkesville, Ga., wants
position as farm man, ginner, or en-
gineer. S

T D Lashley, Dawson, Ga., wants
to get in touch with some man who

wants to grow a big crop of tobacco!

for next year, 25 years experience in
SC, N C, and Ga; best of referen-
ces from parties for whom I have
worked and board of trade; no job
too big. :

Geo N Cook, Machen, Ga., wanted
job on big dairy or truck farm, good
milker and sober; have life time ex-
perience in general farming; prefer
location near Atlanta; good referen-
ces; can begin by Nov Ist; state sal-
ary in first letter.

L J Vollrath, Winston, Ga., man

bus, Ga., young lady with A B de-


teach, and slips, etc 75c each.




and 2 boys want work in or near At-

lanta, from now until spring, experi-

PA feet GO DD

: church and good school, will work

work, and concrete work.

enced in truck farming,

D I Roberson, Rt 3, Hawkinsville,
Ga., middle age man with small fam-
ily desires position as overseer of
large farm not less than 10 or more
25 horse, life time experience and
can handle laboyv and operate farm
machinery; location must be near
good school and churches.

47 Adamson Ave., Carrollton, Ga.,
young lady desires position as teacher
for 1927-28; high school graduate,
normal course, state first grade ele-
mentary A license, 2 summer course.
2 years experience as teacher; good
references if desired.

GE C L16 Fifteenth St., Colum-
three experience

gree and years

wants high school position to teach}

French or Spanish, best references.

Miss Jittie B Greer, Hampton, Ga.,
Rt 2 desires a position as teacher in
small town or rural school; high
school graduate with normal train-
Steno, care Market Bulletin, At-
lanta, Ga., young lady desires position
as bookkeeper; graduate business col-
lege and best references.

H Jones, Rt 1, Lyerly, Ga., young
lady desires position as _ assistant"
teacher in rurgl or small town school
1927-28; high school graduate, 1 sum-
mer school, 2 years experience, ref-

M JS, care Market Bulletin, grad-
uate dressmaker with several years
experience and best references, want
to make cotton 75c each, silks $1.50

Miss Louise Lillard, Wrightsville,
Ga., teacher with 6 years experien-
ce desires position for 1927-28.

Irva Milton, Rt , Griffin, Ga.,
young man 18 years old desires po-
sition on dairy or looking after stock
or. cattle, can drive truck and fur-
nish references.

C Sanders, Rt 2, Dry Branch,
Ga., married man wants work, prefer
location at saw mill, anything with
good pay will do..

Miss Louise Gibbs, care Z R Hutch-
inson, Quitman, Ga., want place as
helper to invalid.

A B Me 1905 Freeman Ave., Cin-
cinnati, Ohio, wants place on truck
farm near Atlanta; will also consider
poultry cr hogs.

D R McKenzie, Rt 4, Swainsboro,
Ga.,. wants pesition as night watch-
manu or Sawmill warshouse;
exrpotienced running steam and air
dry liins, also consider place in
cery store or meat market, experi-
ence es butcher.

BReO Box;. 8 Meansville. Gaz
young lady desires position in con-
solidated, rural or small town school
1 year college work and 3 years ex-

WC Wickers, Wrightsville, Ga.,
wants contract sawing stock for saw
ml; have force enough to saw 40
M feet per day.



W D Moye, Lumpkin, Ga., wants |

to run chicken and hog farm on halve
for. 1928.

J W Eason, Covington, Ga., Rt 4
rants place @s helper at dairy 18
2ars oid experienced and willing

l work for: $75
board laundry.

Henry C Moon, Charlton Ga., Rt
wents position as clerk in store,
years experience good references,
year experience as manager of cafe
year cash'er in grocery store.

J D Walker, Amity, Ga., young
married man desires work on small
dairy, hog and poultry farm near

per month,

carpenter | ston, Ga., young lady desires position

on share basis or for salary. i

Mrs A Johnston, 504 New street |
Macon, Ga., wants a place on poul- *
try farm as housekeeper,

R T Brooks, Rosier, Ga., desires
& position on farm overseer for 1928
now employed by A W Neely,
Waynesboro, Ga. ;

J J Davidson, Pineview, Ga., ex-
perienced pecan budder.

Miss Ann Fowler, Route 8, Roy-

hursday, August 4, 192

as assistant hopsekeeper, also would
accept position as hotel maid or wai-
tress; will work
best offer.

H G Carson, Brooks, Ga., wants

position on dairy

farm near Atlanta,
Ga. :

W B, Care Market Bulletin, man
wants position as overseer for 1928,
present but desires

employed at
change; can handle labor;
enced; good references.
Teacher R F D 3, Box 30, Jeffer-
sonville, Ga., an
teacher desires elementary or prima-

ry work for summer term in a north

Ga. school.
Bernard Barrow, Cochran, Ga., a

young man with high school educa-.

tion desires position on large dairy
or truck farm. :

I E Fordham, Metter, Ga., wants

position as overseer and manager of
nou'try and dairy farm; can give ref-

A M Colston and wife and daugh- -

ter want position running a boarding

house at some works or place where

ean get plenty of boarders.

Miss Nelle Bradley, Leslie, Ga.,
teacher: three summer normal train-
ing courses; two years experience; a
vrovisional certificate; desires posi-
tion in small town or rural consoli-
dated school for 1927-28 term; 5th,
6th and 7th grade preferred.

Jakin, Ga., Route A desires posi-
tion as primary teacher in rural

school; high school graduate; two yrs_

normal training and one. year expe-
rience; best of reference.

reasonable; make

experienced lady

E A A, care Market Bulletin, At-

lanta, Ga., experienced lady desires
position as teacher in small town or

consolidated or rural school for 1927-_
28 school year; Class A certificate,

normal training: write offers.

Lee Janes, Conyers, Ga., Rt. 6,
wanted truck and poultry farm near
Decatur or Atlanta for 1928; take
charge about Dec 1, references ex-
changed; on share basis. ee

O R Johnson, Route 1, Shellman,

Ga., experienced pecan budder de-

sires work; can furnish references;
write. - ys,

Miss Mary Ella Milner, West Ave.,
Certersville. Ga., desires position as
teacher of home economics or erade
work college graduate, best referen-

W A Waddel'e, Pearson, Ga., want:
ed about August 15 or Sept 1 relia-
ble industrious blacksmith.

RP Butler, Broxton. Ga., position
m overseer for the year 1928
e time experience have three
sean plow. a

Wiey Rogers. Douglas, Ga., wants
farm for 1928 for three or four fam-
ies cf one and two horses each to
niant tobacco and general farm pro-



2H |


Viola. Lain, Rt 1, Box 9, Dawson,


, wishes to teach piano through
the mail; graduate of American col-

abla rates, write at-once and enclose
self addressed envelope.

8 Y Parker, 3 RR St., Dalton, Ga.
wants job looking after some kind of
store or filing station; have plenty
prefer Gulf or Texas gas stations;

Farmer, Rt 1, Ashburn, Ga., care
J O Moore, wants work on dairy
farm or other farm where improved
machinery is used can. drive truck
or tractor and keep up same; good
salary and location near school, good

B GR, care Market Bulletin, wants
position as truck driver with party
handling meions or country produce;
has experience\in buying and selling
produce;-knows route from Chatta-
nooga to Sarasota, would also con-
sider saw mill location if job is of
permanent nature;
small children.


married and has

lege of Music, will teach at reason-_

help, must be in good location:

. Thursday, August 4 1927.
Needle Work For Sale
Mrs B B Wamble, Rt 1, Cairo, Ga.
white tatted centerpiece 15 inch

through center $1.50 or exchange for
dried or fresr fruit.

Mrs R S Ervin, Rt 1, Mize, Ga.,
nice new quilt top pieced on machine
will sell for $1 or exchange for two
R. I. Red pullets April hatch, write
first. ?

Mrs C C Kemp, Marietta. Ga.,
clean feather nillows in new ticking
5.122 1b size $3 pair,

Miss Gladys Hall (No address giv-
en) will do any kind of handwork.
including sewing, embroidering, hem-
stitching crocheting and tatting at
reasonable prices.

Mrs L A Boss, Rt 4, Pelham. Ga.,
_ will embroidery bedspreads in flower

basket design $38 each or will stamp
them 50c each: will embroider dress-
er scarfs, buffet sets to match: par-
ties furnish material; cash with or-

Miss Fannie Gladden, Rt 1, Box
102, Crandall, Ga., will crochet any
kind laces, yokes, hats, lace1 inch
wide 5e yard. 2 inch wide 10e yard,
ete., and crochet 20 yards of 2 inch
_wide lace in erchange for one White
Leghorn hen pure breed or crochet
on shares.

Mrs J B Garner, Lillburn, Ga., Rt
1, four quilt tops for sale $1.25 each
prepaid or $4 for all postage added.
Miss Beverly Hilliard, Fruitland,

Ga., tatted yokes, $1.75 and $2 each; ,

Dixie edge tatting 25c yard; hen and
_ pbiddie 25c, insertion to match 25c,

single tatting 10c yard; large medal- |

lions 5 each, other party to furnish ,

> Mrs. Sam Fiezgerald, Rt 1, Roch-
elle, Ga., all kinds of tatting for sale.

Miss Margie Brewer, Lowther City,
Ga., Rt 1, single tatting 10c yard,
dbl. 15; dainty lingerie embroidery
and tatted trimmde, made to order,
reasonable, write.

Mrs J C Hosea, Toccoa, Ga., will
exchange new quilts and embroidery
bedspreads for baby chicks, any har-
~ dy breed.

Mrs Tom Bagby, Flowery Branch,
Ga., Rt-1, Box 106, one centerpiece
25 inch from tip to tip made of home
spun thread $2.50.

Mrs H H Sullivan, Rt 5, Carroll-
ton, Ga., one square crocheted yoke
rose pattern color blue thread No. 50
J & P Coats mercerized cotton $1.25,
delivered or exchange for something
useful; 6 yards pillow case trimming
made of unbleached mill thread in
different widths and patterns 2 yard
to the pattern for 35c del. or 6 yds
for 75c delivered.

Mrs W Joiner, Rout 1,(name of
town not given) plain and fancy sew-
ing pillow cases scarfs and bedspread
emboridered reasonable or on halves;
will make fancy embroidery sheeting
aprons 75c each.

Mrs D F Fowler, Rt 3, Royston,

Ga., 39 inch centerpiece, 3 piece buf-
fet set to match $3.75; dresser scraf
white.or tan $1 each; centerpieces
white or tan 75c each, 3 piece vanity
set white 75c, all worked with boil
fast thread with lace edge.

Mrs Holliw Perkins, Stonewall, Ga.
will crochet anything reasonably and
make tatting; nice quilt tops $1 and
$1.50 good size vieced good.

Mrs G T Truelove, Stockbridge,
Ga., Rt 1, will exchange 5 lb pack-
age of clean new quilt scraps, ging-
ham linen,*boradcloth for 6 deep Buff
Orpington chickens 1 lb size or trade
20 lb pkg for Berkshire gilt.

Mrs S H Millsaps, 99 McCraney
St., Dalton, Ga., nice new quilts large
size tops of two colors good gingham
linings sure to please you $3.75 each
delivered or will exchange some for
shelled beans for winter use. |

Mrs T B Dinning, Rt 2, Adairsville,
Ga., 1 tufted bedspread chain border
basket design on 10-4 sheeting with
gold thread $3.50, cash with order,
no checks; 3 aprons embroidered on

| sheeting, fast color ihrend Oe cach

Mrs W F Merrell, Roopville, Ga..
nice new gingham quilts, wt 3 and 4
lbs, each $3.50 C O D

Miss Sarah Ellen Barnes, Rocking-

ham, Ga., Rt 8, work baskets, dinner?

baskets, serving trays, vases any
shape, all 50c and $1; wall pockets
50c each; all made of pine needles;
artificial crepe paper roses, all colors
50e doz; mums $1 dod; tulips 75c

Leona Golden, R F D 9, Box 46,
Atlanta, Ga., will exchange fancy
worked bedspread for chickens or do
fancy work on shares.

Miss Rosie Merrell, Roopville, Ga.
one unbleached sheeting bedspread
embroidered in colors, butterfly de-
sign, hemstitched all around S54 ok
linen table runner, punched in col-
ors, tatting ends $2.50; 1 large round
centerpiece, tatting edge, embroid-
ered in colors, basket design 2:

Mrs Rosie Crowe, Cumming, Ga.,
Rt 4, will embroider, crochet, make
fringe, punch work, dresser scarfs
18 inch wide ond 60 inch long
trimmed on ends in crochet or fringe
$1.50; centerpieces 18 ine hsquare,
trimmed on edges in crochet or fringe
$1.25, all work embroidered. write.

Miss Mary Ernest Norris, Zebulon,
Ga., handpainted scarfs, cotton 50c,
silk $1 to $3.50, handpainted hand-
kerchiefs, cotton 25c linen 50c, silk
50c to $1, also handpainted novelties
such. as shoe trees coat hangers, pin
cushions, powder puffs, sachet bags
and others; write. .

Mrs M Conner, Gainesville, Ga.,
Rt 4, six yards white tatting No. 60
thread 15c yard, the piece 85c; 5 yds
No. 50 thread 12 1-2c yard, the piece
60c; tatted gown yoke No. 70. thread
white with painted front $3; choisy
transfer embroidery designs, 5 dif-
ferent spread designs 25c; scarf ends,
table runners center pieces, pillow
cases and tops baby pillow, tea apron,
all to match or odd designs 10c each,
3 for 25c; add postage; will exchange
for Octagon coupons at 1c each.

Mrs. J B Pruitt, Tallapoosa, Ga.,
Rt 8, one large embroidered bed-
spread and cases to match $5 cash or
exchange for pure bred White Wyan-
dotte pullets Feb. or March hatch;
home made rugs $1.50 cash or ex-
change for friers or Buff Orpington
pullets March hatch; rugs exchange
for pure bred Buff Orpington hens,
one rug for one hen, you pay postage
on hens and I pay postage on rug;
small doilies 25c each; 12 inch and
14 inch 50c; large solid crochet cen-
ter piece $1; 16 inch 75c; 12 inch
50c; 10 inch 40c.

C. M Wood, Rt 2, Alpharetta, Ga.,
one large quilt Seven Star design
green, white and cream; 1 coverlid
blue and white quilt $12.50 and $15.

J J Whitaker, Dalton, Ga., special

plain and gauged turfting needles '
10 each; turfting thread in colors,
stamped bed,

$1 per lb delivered;
spread designs $1.90 per pattern de-
livered, stamped apron: butterfly de-
signs on good material 50c: each;
tufted bed spreads; hand made, Lazy
Daisy ,Rose Cluster, Rose of Sharon,
lily, conventional, square and circle,
star circle delivered $3.50 each;
quote best prices on art worked bed
spreads, cases, aprons, scarfs, coilies,
napkins, ete.; Japanese crepe bed
spreads made to order; tulip, Mt.
beauty, any special design $4.50
each, quote best price on hand made
wool hose for men, ladies and chil-
dren for fall delivery; art work punch
needles prepaid to you 25c in stamps
special close out of 50c needles; send
us a sample order on 30 days free
trial; hand made lace bed spreads

wt 8 1-2 lbs $380 each.

Flowers, Plants and Seeds For Sale
Mrs J B Munish, Commerce, Ga.,
Rt 30, blue and yellow flag lily bulbs
80c wer doz., ivey vine rooted 10c
each, 3 for 25c.
Mrs C A Foster, Talking Rock, Ga

narcissus 50c doz; Christmas cactus
blooming size 25c each; Leopold be-
gonias 25c each; white hydrangeas
25c each; grape geraniums well root-
ed and blooming size 25 each; some-
thing free with each order.

Mrs H E Ginn, Commerce, Ga., Rt
31, one Boston fern measures 4 1-2
ft across, 1 1-2 years old $5.

Mrs C W Skinner, Bowdon, Ga.,
Rt 5, fifteen hardy h*biscus pink 10c
each, add postage.

Miss Thelma Merck, Gainesville,
Ga., Rt_7, pink, purple and orange
sultanas well rooted 15 each; March
and June cactus well rooted 10c each,
dbl red and pink geraniums rooted
10c each; fuschia rooted 10c each;
white hydrangea rooted 10c_ each;
wandering jew rooted 3 for 5c;
blooming moss 15c doz; trailing
queen coleus, rooted 15c each; dbl.
petunia rooted 15c each; pink and
white sword fern 10c each; add 5c
postage on all orders.

Mrs Henry Eller, Ellijay, Ga., R
F D, No 8, white violets 3 doz 15c;
variegated violets 35c per hun; myr-
tle vine, and evergreen 25 per doz;
$1.40 per hun; orange lilies, cream,
white narcissus and jonquils 25c per
doz; pink and white Dorothy Per-
kins rose 2 for 15c; sword lilies 50c
per doz; red rambler and variegated
summer rose 15c each; daisies 25c
per doz; pink hardy verbena 35c per
doz; pink perennial peavines 15c ea |

Mrs. G F Carter, Alma, Ga., milk.
and aline lilies 25c; white and purple
verbena 10c each; King Hubbard red
canna 3 for 25c; salmon pink, yellow,
yellow and red spots cannas 3 for
25c; Brazilian pole vine 25c; white
flowering locust 50c each; cypress
vine 30c doz; pink crepe myrtle 25c

well rooted prompt. shipment.

Miss Cora Turner, Cleveland, Ga.,
Rt 4, phlox seed, all colors 25c spoon-
ful; add postage.

Janette Wehunt, Rt 7, Gainesville,
Ga., Boston sword fern rooted 20c
each; pink dbl ger 15c each; grass
lily well rooted 15c each; green and
white striped jew two 10c; high ger
white 20c each; August lilies rooted
5e each; velvet red coleus 10c; spec-
kle coleus 10c each; white conk ger.
5c each; add postage on each order.

Mrs H F White, Gainesville, Ga.,
Rt. 1, large size Boston, Roosevelt,
mixed, sword, and lace ferns, 15c
each; 7 different color of geranium
5 cutting; dark red fuschia, dbl pe-

maple begonias well rooted 15c;
chicken gizzard begonia cuttings 10c

each; cash or M O.

white fuschia 15c; dbl petunias 3 for
25c; St. Bernard pot lily 15c; silver

leaf geraniums 15c; small silver leaf

begonia 20c; salmon, rose and white
sultanas 15 each; white calla lily
15c; 1 year old fern plants fluffy
ruffle, norwood, fish tail, crest and
babys breath 25c each for 5 for $1;
ivy leaf geraniums 15c. :

Mrs W J Campbell, Rising Fawn,
Ga., will exchange 2 doz white mum
plants for 1 doz large flowered type
of any color mums; will exchange
blooming size gladioli bulbs for tulip
or hyacinth bulbs one for one; ex-
change dbl red geraniums plants or
cuttings for maple leaf begonia, dbl
red ivy geranium, silver leaf red
bloom geranium, hydrangea, justi-
chia, mistletow geranium plants or
cuttings. ao

Mrs R V Newsome, Rt 5, Box 37,
Washington, Ga., four old fashioned
box woods 4 ft tall $30 each f o b.

Mrs W A Casper, Bowdon, Ga.,
Rt 4, red crepe myrtle rooted or un-
rooted, write.

Miss Evie Cogburn, Alpharetta,
Ga., orange sultana, rose justischia
cuttings 15c or 2 for 25c; spengeria

fern plants 10c or seed 10c doz;
mixed colors, sweet peas for fall
planting 10c pkg; hollyhocks, dbl

pink and white 10c pkg; white oxalis

Rt 1, Ga. daffodils $1 for 120; white

bulbs 8 for 10c, will exchange any

honeysuckle vines 30c doz; all plants |

tunia cuttings 10c; grape leaf, and}


| yellow 20 for 6 or excha

ange and gold marigold plants 25

| fall pinks, seeds 5c
Vickers Nursery, Siloam, Ga., dbl

25 1 Otah orange bush 2 ft high 3.

of above for tulip or hyacinth bulb
Christine Jones, Lula, Ga., Rt 3,
buttercup bulbs 100 or 800 lots ex-
change for tufted counterpanes or
Virginia Sanders, Buchanan, Ga.,
Rt 38, large yellow June blooming
cactus 10 each; aenia plants packed
carefully 10c per doz; blooming moss
cuttings 10c per doz.

Linnett Gordon, Townsboro, Ga., :
Rt 1, red blooms bronze leaf cannas,
nge for pot

flower cuttings.

Mrs J L Burk, Tifton, Ga., Rt A,
mixed color petunias 50c hun, and
postage; yellow daisies same price;
pink and red verbena 1 doz of each
45 and postage; dahlia flowered and
colossal zenias (cut flowers) $1 doz.

Mrs J D Pope, Box Springs, Ga..
pure white briar rose 15 each or 2
for 25c; red and white color coleus
also mixed color large plants 25c,
small 10 each; salmon color sultana
10c each; white, pink and red conk
begonia' 10c each; maple begonia
vink 10c each; cinnamon vine 5 for
10c; purple kermiller plant 10c each,
or 3 for 25c; rainbow or gypsy moss
10 each; blue water or pond lilies
10 each or 8 for 25c; fluffy ruffle
ferns 25c each; beefsteak begonia |

years old $1; add postage on orders
less than 50e.

Mrs O D Woodruff, Greenville, Ga.
several hun. rooted box wood plants.
fall delivery. write for special prices,
hollyhock plants 25 doz; and seed
10e teaspoonful; green hot pepper
50c gal. del; fresh artichokes for
pickle 50c gal. del; crepe myrtle
sprouts $5 hun. del; cape jasemine
sprouts and plants $1 doz.

Mrs Z M Story, Thomson, Ga.., or-

per doz;
Mrs S Fulcher, Jefferson, Ga., R
F D 4, white, light red, dark red,
pink, purple. pink and white, wine,
rose bud red, variegated geraniums
Se cutting; begonias, red, white and
pink conk, maple, thurstoni, coral.
guinea wing 5c cutting; sultanas, red
and salmon 5e cutting; orange lan-
tana, justischia, pink, pink hydrangea
cuttings 5 each; col. of 25 flower
cuttings $1; window box col. of 2
ferns, 2 begonias, 2 geraniums, 2
sultanas, 2 coleus, rooted $1; spen-
geria fern, big Boston, St. Bernard
lily, alba lineata, fern cuttings 5e
each. s ve
Miss Mae Waters, Dahlonega, Ga.,
sun flower seeds striped 10c cupfull;
pink rose plants 3 for 10c; blackeyed
susan seeds 10c tablespoonful; add
Mrs Edna Foster, Ellijay, Ga., Rt
3, Box 43, single daffodils 25 do
$1 per hun; dbl daffodils 40c do
$2 per hun; white narcissus 25e do
$1.50 hun; red gladiola bulbs 5e eac
40c doz, add postage.
Miss Polly Waters, Dahlonega, G:
hollyhocks 15 cupful; ti ili
red 3 for 25c; 6 for 35c; hedge plan
well rooted 6 for 25c; add postage.
Miss Dorothy Waters, Dahloneg
Ga., March blooming lily bulbs 6 fo
25c; mole, 3 bunches 25c; Sweet An
3 bunches 15c; add postage.
Mrs H B Grizzle, Royston, Ga., R
3, red verbena 25c per doz; snow o
Mt. plants 25c per doz; dbl white an
pink petunia cuttings 20c each; whit
pink and red conk geranium cuttin
10c each; Christmas bell cuttings 11
each; red, white and salmon pin
geranium cuttings 15 each; salmo
pink hydrangea cuttings 15 each
clover 5e cuttings; white and gr
striped jew 5c cutting; large
small leaf green jew 3 for 5c; iv
vine rooted 5c each; honey suck
vine rooted 5c each; add postage
Mrs J'O King, Lavonia, Ga., Rt
mixed jonquil and narcissus_ byl
both dbl and single jonquils 10c
doz; customers pgy postage.

ageratum plants 20c per

gach. rooted: large coral

- 10c each; large poppy seed and hibis-

hun or 15c per doz.

$6, Blooming size

Mrs Opal Richardson, Hartwell,

- Ga., Rt 3, heliotropes 6 inches high

in thumb pots 25 each or exchange
for well rooted. rare geraniums also
have some 1 ft or more high at 50c;
include 5c, extra for insurance.
Miss L. Deen Broom, Cane Springs,
Ga., Rt 2, walking stick, beef tongue,
red Mav and June. pink May and
June, Christmas, October and rat tail
cactus; pink pine apple, guinea wing.
great, white and red conk begonias:
pink and red geraniums: lace; Bos-
ton, sword and spengeria ferns; 1 Au-
gust lily, cash or exchange for quilt
tops, embroidery or crochet; make

_ best offer. .

Mrs Howell G Samvles. Alamo, Ga
annual poinsettas 25c doz: dbl red
carnations 20 each: all rooted; tav-

ender striped wandering jew 10c
plant 30c:

bunch; maiden hair

pink oxalis 10c
postage on small or-

ferns 15c; add
ies I essie Cash, Flowery Branch.
Ga.. Rt 3. nutmeg geranium cuttings
We each: white narcissus bulbs $1 per
Mrs FE L Roberts. oe Loe
eeissus bulbs 25 doz or 49 a02
6, Bloc bulbs vostpaid:
cape jesamine 50c 1 year old; grape
ger, 50c 1 year old: scarlet rdd rose
ger. 25c rooted: dbl white hollyhock
seed large pke 10c; everlasting sweet
pea seed tablespoonful 10c, white
and purvle, all postnvaid.

Miss Rosie Merrell. Roopville. Ga.
red and salmon geranium cuttings 5c
each: Boston rooted ferns 10 each;

red verbena 5c; rooted bunch pink
and white oxalis 5 bunch or ex-

change for other kinds of geraniums,
other ferns except spengeria. anv col.
sultana but salmon. any kind of be-
gonia but conk shell and maple.

Mrs J T Clayton, Columbus, Ga.,
416 15th St., spengeria and other
ferns, strawberry geranium, large

- flower hibiscus, abutalon plants. all

cus seed 10c per tablespoonful.

Mrs L H Coe, Eastanolle, Ga., yd}

- flowers cheap or exchange for any-

salmon and red geraniums 15c each;

thing useful.
Mrs W E Lewis, Hevhzibah, Ga.,
Rt 8, spengeria ferns 25c each; dbl

chicken gizzard red 10c each. 3 for

25e:; variegated coleus 2 for 15c, all

rooted; white, green and red jew 2
for Be: yellow oxalis 2 for 5c: white
-. eonk begonia 2 for 5c; snap dragons |
- 15e doz. postpaid. |
Mrs C H Ward, Rt 1, (no address,
given) jonouils, dbl daffodils, nar-:
-_. eissus, blue hyacinths blue and white '
iris, large yellow lilies, dbl yellow.

- lilies. lemon lilies, many kinds rooted ;

_ shrubbery, fine roses dif. pot pants,
- perennial plants.

_ house leak coleus,
- white and pink, 10

_ Miss Sarah Ellen Barnes, Rocking-
ham, Ga., Rt 3, snake, tree and pen-
cil cactus 10 each cutting; ice plant,
conk begonias,
each cutting,

- small and large jew 10c doz; verbena
- 10e bunch; well rooted 1 year old red
~ geranium 50c: cash with order.

Mrs Halie Rickett, Fairmount, Ga. |,

Rt 1, spotted sultana cuttings 10c
_ each; variegated dbl petunia 10c each
eutting: strawberry begonia rooted

15 eaeh; variegated hollyhock seed

: 10e pkg, and plants 25c doz; large
Jacob ladder. bulbs 25c doz, 5 doz

-. $1 and seed 15ce pkg;

hardy lily

bushes with large whte blooms with
red center 15c and 25c each; yellow
jonquils $1 hun; April blooming nar-

cissus white $1.25-hun; dbl daffodils

$1.50 hun; giant blue iris $1.75 hun.

Mrs Lena Phillips, Fairmount, Ga.

Rt 1, monthly rose cuttings cream, |

pink and red rooted 15c each or 2
for 25c; yellow snap. dragon 25c doz;
carnations 10c eac; climbing sinture
vine; variegated 25c each, 3 for 50c;
catnip 25 doz; add postage.

_ Miss Anna Malphrus, Tusculum,
Ga., verbenas well rooted 10e each;
-eols scarlet, bright pink, dark purple,

{ved with white eye; lavender tr

8, dbl poppy seed, all cols 5c table-:

lilies 25 per doz; three single red

| 15 per doz or $1 hun.

queen coleus 15 each; crab claw cac-
tus rooted 25 each; pink and red
sword cactus large rooted plants 45
each; 2 for 85e; large blood. red
bloom cactus large rooted plants 50c
each; maiden hair fern whittmani
Boston and_sword ferns 25c each;
large purple sweet violets 20c per doz
$1.25 per hun; shasta daisies 10c
each, $1 per hun; pink oralis 15c two
for 25c; daisy mums 10 each.

Mrs J A Griffin, 512 16th Ave. E
Cordele, Ga., oleanders, white, red,
yellow, cream with red stripes, db!
pink, eream, variegated leaf, Altheas,
dbl lavender, white, pink, wine spi-
reas, dbl Reevseana, crimson jase-
mines, cape, grand duke, night bloom-
ing, crepe myrtle, white red pink;
forsythia; abelia; nudiflorum; pri-
multum; enonimus; philadelphus but-
terfly bush; variegated. punica; ker-
ria barberry; rosemary; any 4 for
$1.15; 6 for $1.50 12 for $3; various
pot plants 3 for 55c.

Mrs A M Colston, Kingston, Ga.,
Rt 1, white iris lilies 40 doz; white
narcissus 15c doz; yellow 15 each;
star lily $1 doz; jonquils 15c doz;
monthly rose cuttings 25c.

Mrs Fannie Allen, Tallapoosa, Ga,
Rt 8, red single holly hock seed 10c
per tablespoonful.

Mrs Lauren Noble, Trenton, Ga.,
narcissus bulbs, and purple flag lilies
25c doz; rooted db] almond 10c each.

Mrs P A Smith, Lavonia, Ga., Rt

spoonful. :

Caroline Cochron, Dahlonega, Ga
Rt 38, oxalis white evergreen blue
flowers, dbl pansy; peppermint,
ground and slinging ivy, fortune
grass, cinnamon tubes, all 2 doz for
15c; catnip 5c; red raspberries root-
ed 7c; johnquils 10c per doz; lily
bushes 5c each. eee

Mrs W A Howell, White Plains,
Ga., Rt 2, caladium and Easter lily
bulbs, will exchange for rooted gera-
nium cuttings or cultana, oe

Miss Lucy Streetman, Kt 2, Mid-
land, Ga., large dbl red, white and
yellow mums 50c per doz; white flag

geraniums 9 mos. old, both for 50c
del; 4 purple sweet scented violets

Mrs T B Thomas, Thomasboro, Ga.
California violet plants 75c per hun.
cash with order no stamps; add post-

white, salmon pink,

oh Mrs : Farl T Almon, Midland, Ga.,
jonquil bulbs, large yellow, yellow
cluster sweet scented narcissus bulbs

25e per doz, $1.50 per 100; rooted
trailing coleus 15 each, 6 for 50c;

Armour river and other hedge plants
well rooted 3c each $2.50 per 100
del. in Ga.

Mrs J A Forehand, Pinehurst, Ga.

5000 jonquil bulbs now ready $1
Mrs R G Sullivan, Mowen, Ga.,

[purple and white Peviwinkles 60 a

doz; King Humbert, h rge red. yellow
and bronze leaf canuas, all 10 a
root or exchange for large orange

bloom; pink bloom cannas, root for

root; will exchange Boston, sword
or Roosevelt ferns for baby breath,
fluffy ruffle or ostrich plume fern,
cutting for cutting; pink, white or
red cong begonia for fuschia or pink
hydrangea: butterfly lilac or lily for
amaryllis lly, bleeding heart or St.
Bernard lily; White Leghorn chick-
ens for white crepe myrtle and wa-
termelon pink or gloximia plant;
chickens 10 weeks old; milk and wine
lilies for amaryllis, any variety;

Mrs G C Martin, Gainesville, Ga.,
Rt 7, dark red scarlet red, pink,
dbl geranium
cuttings 5 each; Boston and sword
ferns 25c each; pink and white hy-
drangeas cuttings 5c each; red weep-
ing lantana; variegated lantanas,
cols purple, yellow, pink, yellow and
orange 5c each cutting; old rose and
pink oxalis bulbs 5c each; yellow, red
and white fall pinks 25c doz; blue
flag lilies 20c doz; no orders accep-
ted for less than 25c; add postage.

Mrs J W Roper, Rt 7, Gainesville,
Ga., two hydrangeas, white, . pink,
geraniums, 2 reds, 2. pinks, white,
pink, climbing ivy, orange lantana,
red weeping lantana, dark red fus-
chia, red, pink and Christmas cactus
cuttings 5c each, or 6 for 25c; aspa-
ragus fern 25c each; crepe begonia
10e each; pink sultana cuttings 5c
each; rooted 10c; wandering jew

green and white and green striped

cuttings 2 for 5c, cash or M O ad
postage. : =

Mrs Lillie Martin, Gainesville, Ga.,
Rt 7, Boston and sword ferns; 25c
each; pink and white hydrangeas cut-
tings 5c each; dark red and scarlet
red, pink, white and salmon pink dbl
Bi oe cuttings 5c each; old rose
and pink oxalis bulbs 5c each; lan-

tana euttines Be. each, cols. orang

10; no order accepted for less than
25c; add postage. ae

5 cents:
Mrs I Green Clack, Auburn,

ry Daw, argentea, carolline, Lu-

cerne, thurstoni, Otto Hacker

25ce; pot iris 15e; rainbow

well rooted del.


on and ostrich plume
rooted 10c' and 5c

nium cuttings 5c, cols.

sus bulbs 20c doz, all dry bulbs.

' pink everblooming. conk begonia 10c

and variegated ones, pink and yellow
purple and yellow, white and yellow,
red. cong begonia cuttings 5c; rooted

Mrs L M Aderhold, Lavonia, Ga.,
one 3 year old spengeria and one 2
year old lace fern; 1 large orange
sultana; 1 large red fuschia, the lot
for $2; or exchange for fancy work.
Miss Gather L Smith, Lavonia, Ga
R F D3, holly hocks seed 5c table-
spoonful; green wandering jew 3 for _

2DC7 2
grape begonia, gracilis alba; gracillis _
luminosa, prima dona 15c; mammoth _
oxalis 5 for 5c; tree cactus 10c and ~
10ec; hardy evergreen moss 15c; large |
bunch; blue plumbago 15c; all plants

Mrs V P Jackson, Ivey, Ga., Bos-

well See
apple _
scented geraniums rooted 25e; gera- _
red, pink,
rainbow, moss 10c; butter and eggs
bulbs 15c doz or 2 doz 25c; narcis


orange geranium 15c; justichia 15;
Big 4 fern 25; begonias, marjo- |

Mrs D W Faircloth, Pitts. Ga, Rt
1, well rooted rose col sultana 10c
each; cuttings 5c each; well rooted

each; cuttings 5c each; maple bego-. 2

nia 5c cutting; large leaf pink oxalis

'10 each; add postage on amounts
less than 20c; will exchange for any

kind ivy geraniums, fancy leaf cala-

dium, bleeding heart,
| fuschia.
Mrs W H Rucker,

black prince fuschia, waxey pink

um, dbl. blooms 15c and 20e, all well

postpaid. :

toe, geraniums 15c, rooted; oxalis,

15c; add postage.


In order that the department may arrive at the actual importance of the, Bureau of Markets, |

Please list name of articles

list all chickens, etc., as poultry.

tin since Jan. 1, 1937..: -

and amount received in the space to
De not itemize; for example

port only sales made through Bulle-

the patrons of the Market Bulletin are requested to report all sales made through the paper. We
want to know the value of the service in DOLLARS AND CENTS.
To Bureau of Markets ne Atlanta, Ga.
From M Date 192
Write Plainly
Address, P. Q., kR. F. D. or Street
Write Plainly Address:


Date of Sale



Milner, Ga.,

rooted plants, one of each for Te

Miss Cleo Turner, Cleveland, Ga.
-Rt 4, dbl petunia rooted 15c; mistle- _

pink, red. and white 15c each; justis-
chia well rooted 15c; blue August li-
lies 8 for 50c; pink hydrangea 15c; ~
hardy phlox 15c; grape leaf begonia

begonias or |
wz i ss I

carmine blooms, large size, blooming _
25c; lumosa begonia coral red blooms
15c; sword ferns 15c and 20c; Christ- .
mas cactus 15c; salmon pink gerani-
