In loving memory of Miriam Lott White, Wednesday, November 18, 2009, Thankful Baptist Church, 3860 Parwood Road, Blythe, Georgia, Rev. Matrice Mims

TKoUcuk AottTOAUe

`TKiniam Aott'WfUte
s4uyuetw teeident Tfliniam W hite, 65, died Ttovemhen 13, 200 9 at *Docton 'e 9^oojiitol whene the k id oumhed ftn wen 20 yeano. 9jto. W hite woa (lorn m Tftoy 26, 1944 in 'Sunhe (faunty tfeonyia, to Rodent dlott <z*td s4<nnie 'Potmen dlott. She ynoduoted {/torn A u cy &. A oney On feme 1962 and moved to *Hew 9jonh whene &he monnied W illie 9tyenm4Ui ^Dauyloo and wonhed at 'Tflacy o T^ejzontment Stone. S h e woo monnied twice often.
`Tftiniom hoo two childnen, W illiam Stouylao, fa. and 'Kim&enly 94ood (huo&Mnd- S ltien t). S h e alee hoe 9 ynandchildnen: tfaovomna, Shyeoe, W illiam , faiomOne, fa d e, *7iftany, /feh ley, @ecnntney and 'Kaitlyn.
Tfliniam Co eunvived dy hen thnee eieteno: ^(denta dlott A m y and /trnne W illiam o ode teeide in /Inchonaye, /lla eh a and 2he<nda W hite who *ieeideo in Sienna, 4/iota, /h i^ m o . A ind a 'TJtillo, hen othen eieten, ftneceded hen On death On /lu y u o t o 2002. `THiniam io oleo ounvived &y a, hoot o^ nieceo and nefihewo. 9Jiiniam woo a, loviny and yioiny freneon who enjoyed helfiiny otheno. On hen frfzane time, ehe enjoyed lieteniny to yoojiel mnoic, ohofijiiny, and jilayiny eolitaine.

Zt'Vintuout TUornaa it mone pmeciout *764*1 tone and toot o{ yold
Sh e keept hen huthaad content /tact teachet hen childnea the ouitdom to- ynow otct,
Sh e ow aket Ca the monaiay Ztdonaiay- hentel{ w ell TUith modetty, hum ility
/Leading hen {fam ily aw ay {nom hell,
Tticth piatieace, k iad aett, tone *?ten cloak the whole day thnouyh *7hie woman moot lie {nom ahooe
(fneated man, putt {on you,
*7o he youn helpm ate, pantaen /ta d mothen o{ youn childnea, too
*7hie one't to oeny tp ecial tfod teat hen a t a {niead to you,
So- next tim e when you loote youn patience /ta d the yett you a ll uptet "iRememden th at without hen %ou could he alone ttill yet,
S o /love hen and tneat hen kindly 7t/ith netpect and piatieace, too
@ aute tfod hoe teat hen into youn li{e 7 0 he a {piead to you.

P 'lelude..............................................S o ft "TKueic Pioceeoionol
Selection.............................................."Dee ^teufAeuK ScnifttnneelP'uzyen.................... Poo. *DonoM Aony Selection..............................................s4lvin 'Potmen, Poem ftomtfnandcUiacftitene., Peod 'K aitlyn *7homao *7he Odktnany...................................... I^ead Silen tly Selection............................................../4l$entz Aony Suloyy......................................7R.ev. `THoXnice `TKime
IQeceooiened *)ntenment................................"Tilt. Olive
Pefcoot Aocatioa




'Ttot2 , 2009

Penhafro you tout a Covely cand,


to tquietly iu a chain.

P` enhafre you tout a ^uuenal efrnay,

to (to tout it thene,

Penhafro you efrohe the

fte auy pUeud could toy.

Penhafro you wene uot



thouyht ouo th at day.

Hlhateven you d id to coutole oun heante,

Hie thauh you to much, cvhateven the front.

Pnom !h e pam ity
