Homecoming celebration for Mr. Freddie Trammell, Saturday, May 8, 1999, 2:00 p.m., Canaan of Galilee Baptist Church, Appling, Georgia, Rev. Willie C. Norwood, officiating

Momecoming Celetmdion fa t
Mx. Zveddie Jtam m ell
Satwtdag, M ag 8,1999 2:CC (PM
Canaan of Qatilee (Baptist Cfuvtcfi dppling, Qeoxgia
(Ren. W illie C. JVoxwaod, (Officiating

O b itxuvcy M x. Jxeddie J Hammett, 6602 Shuxexaft Stood, (Zppling, Qa., departed thit life on M ay, 4,1999, at the Univextity M otpital. Jxeddie mat fawn on Septembex 29,1927, to- the tate Jom and Mattie Jxam m ell, in (Zppling, Qa. Me attended school in Columbia and {Richmond Countiet. Me xetixed picm the Columbia County Maintenance (Depaxtment. Me also- woxhed fax the Columbia County Sheriff- (Depaxtment fox m any geaxt. CUan earty age he w ot Baptized at the Canaan o f Qalilee (Baptist Chwich. Jxeddie tew ed fa ith fu lly on the (Deacon (Boaxd and the Seniox Choix. Me m at a Coving hutfam d and fathex. Me Ceavet to chexith; a Beloved wife, M xt. Kizzie M ae Jxam m ell, one daughtex, iThyCitt (Blown, (Zugutta, Qa., one ton, Victox (Bwwn, Oceantide, CU., ttepton, Kexoy (Buxnt, (Zppling, Qa., adopted daughtex, Qwen Quiet, QppCing, Qa., adopted ton, (Tillman (Buxnt, Mortem, Qa., thxee tittext, (Zmelia Cobh, (Zugutta, Qa., (Zmanda Cwixy, (ZppCing, Qa., and M aude (Pattexton, W athington, (DC, thxee Bxothext, Jxanh (JHammett and la x ly Jxam m ell, (Zugutta, Qa., and Jienxy J Hammett, M artinez, Qa., two- daughtext -in-law, Kiltie (Ruth (Buxnt and (Tammy (Bxown, eight gxandchildxen, Jtia h (Bxown, Memoxee W illit, (Keitha McCladdie, Caxlethia (Buxnt, Afahia Maxxiton, fa len (Buxnt, J e tt Qatet and (Kiani Qatet, thxee gxeat gxandchildxen, fa t mine McCladdie, J .f . (Bexxy and Shatonia (Bexxy, two Bxothext-in-law, (Rootevelt (Buxnt and fohnny ( Satie) (Buxnt, teven tittext-in-law , (Rheba M ae ( Clay) (Dent, Jxeddie M ae ( C ttut) McCladdie, (Robbie ( John) (Zthley, Sulbia ( John) uhe, M attie Mampton, Kucitle Jxam m ell and M adie Jxam m ell and a hott of niecet, nephewt and othex xelativet and fxiendt.

She 0>tdw of Stwice

Slcueaend W illie C. A amoaad, Sveoidiny

{Pwceotional Selection, Swiyex, Soup twee Solo {Remwdko
(Zchnowledymento Solo
{Receooional Jnteament

(Main 3leo. Coy Mendenoon {Reo. CUexandm Jngnam {Bno. {Danny Calcote
{Dea. eo Suit {Dea,. Walhex Maaohall Mao. Connie . {Bennett
Men. Edwand Smalley, {Rea. W illie JVoawaad
Second Mount Canmel Cemeteny

{Repaot Second Mount Qxvtmel tfelloutohip M all

(Tde n d ( M e flo o d 2/M en $ tia o e com e fa M e endoM e voadv J vd eu d d (M e fa deed a n d vee (T ikd J (tim e dene m g new /(e a t W iM M e(a /v tM at'd p la c e d in m e.
Jvfio u d d (M e fa finorn M atJ (tim e netted, (J ti/ actio n , w m dv a* d eed (B etvaged a given confidence (7*fiw va tien a fiie n d in need
Jvfio u d d (M e M e convodation, W fien Jbow edM e vevg davtm ie (To fi/m m J 've m eantvom etfiing (Jo vom eone andcaavedM ove in vowcew fa am ide.
J (n o w tfia t J vfiaddfie A appg (7 fin Me fie a v te fiju v t one, J c a n (eaoe one (ingedng m em oxg
vom etfiing g o o d M old*ve done.

(Zctuie {Palthetyiew

5 any M cCladdie Quint Jacotk

M ichael 3iivau>

Q&tald Clam

Qmden M cCladdie Oiawa), uhe

Slanm w iy, (PallhewteM D eacont

Homily Clchnomledgmentd Henhapd you dent a lovely cwtd, ok ta t qu ietly in a ch ah .
ffenhapd you dent a floK al piece, if to , we dam it thoKC. tPexftapd you dpohe, the hindnedd m ould, ad an y ptiend could day.
tPexAapd you mete not thete a t a llf ju d t thought o f ud th at d ay . W hateocK you did to condole owe fiew tts, We thunh you dowdy mhateveK the pant. 5 he fam ily

We entKUdted the fin al died of owe loved one to:
MeoKe'd HiuickoI Home 911 3lwy. 221 JV.
Mwdem, Qa. 30814 (706) 556-3653
