Homegoing service for Mary B. Toran, April 15, 1934-August 24, 2001, Saturday, September 1, 2001, 3:00 p.m., Trinity Missionary Baptist Church of God in Christ, 233 Halifax Street, Petersburg, Virginia 23803, officiating Rev. Jeffery L. Dodson, Sr., funeral directors, A. A. Tucker and J. B. Tucker

S jorn t diewwts

Weevil Wheelex

`IJotanda M w idoch

Janice Wieemati

M elin da LBahe*

Selicia Wettifaxd

Wfielma Wbiooho

Jhexeoa Judd

Sfuvton Wane

Claim M oxgan


Jexome Saulo John M ayo. S*. SloBext M cvdin

Douylao W eave* tDwight Scott Clich Saund&io

Shaxon Jachoan Union Qnove WSaptiot QJhwich
Stealth M iniotxy
.7n appreciation
5 tie family, iviahzd to eocpneoo theix oineexe thanha and gxatitude o f each of, you fa*
eoexy, act of Cove and hindneoo tfiown dwiiny ou* time o f ooxxow.
M ay, Qod fileoo each o f you. 5 fie Joxan Samily,

415 H A L IF A X S T R E E T PE T E R S B U R G , V IR G IN I A 23803
T E L : 804-732-4190

Momogomg, Service
Many, IB.
d ptil 15,1934-duudt 2 4 ,2CC1
, Saturday Septemfiex 1, 2CC1
3 :0 C p m
5unity Mitdionwty
3iaptu>t Qfuvtch of, Qed in QAwbt
233 Jia iifa x Sheet LPet&tA&wtg, Virginia 238C3
(Officiating (Rett. Jeffesiy, . LDodaon, Si.
dimmed LDvtecUwo
CL.CC. LTuckei and J. LB. LJucfoex

0 6 iiuw uf
Aixo. A taxy (Bxown Soxan, 67, o f 1815 (Powhatan floe, (PetendBuxy ( foxmexly of 3514 . (Rivex (Rd,, Cttxich), departed thio life Sxiday evening., duguot 24, 2001 a t Southoide {Regional M edical Centex, in PPetexoBuxy often, a (brief illaedo. She was Bom to the late Charted and dm anda {Rnown in duguota, Qa. She was preceded in death By hex huoband, Cuxtiod M . Soxan, S t,; hex ton, Cuxtio M , Soxan, Jx.; of Cttxich, V a, eight Bxothexo, and one diotex fxom duguota, Qa. She leaved to chexioh hex memoxg, deven daughtexd, Soni Soxan, Afanette (Hudson ( Shexman) of Cttxich, Qexaldine Soxan, (Prtocilia Sheppaxd, Qloxia Soxan, Vexonica Smith (John), and (Jina Soxan a ll of lTetexdBuxg; one otep-daughtex, Sheila Qxace of Vixginia (Beach; one mothex-in-law, Aid. Qeoxgia Soxan of Vixginia (Beach; one Bxothex, Buthex (Bxown and one diotex, Kthel (Hightowex of dugudta, Qa; twenty gxandchildxen; two gxeat gxandchitdxen; one Bxothex-in-law, (Robert (Toxan Jx. ( (Relaxed) o f Afoxfolh; one oiotex-in-law, Bavelle Waitexd of San (Diego, Ca,; a hoot of nieceo and nephewo; among them a devoted nephew, Bevett Mightowex, Jx, (Q lorta) of duguota, Qa.; a hoot of othex xelativeo; and oevexal devoted fxiendo; among, them, (Peart Wheelex, (Page Saundexo, (Patxicia M itchell, dx(Detta and BaJteidhu Jones (god-daughtex and god-gxanddaughtex) , M axg (Paxiom, (Dave (Donald, (Ragmond Bangoten ((Buchg), and (Dwight Scott,

Mw>, Many, Javan
d p til 15,1934-Clugudt 2 4 ,2CC1 So. Shoot 3 Boot dnd
Shoot Shat Booed Me
When 3 am gone, teleaoe me, let me go, 3 have oo mang thingo to oee and do.
Ifou muotn't tie geuxoelf to me with teaxo, (Be thankful fox oux Beautiful geaxo.
3 gave gou m g love, you can only gueoo, Slow much gou gave me in happineoo.
3 thank gou fox the love each have shown, (But now it's time 3 txavel on with Jesus. So gxieve a while fox me, if gxieve gou must, 5 hen let goux gxief Be comfoxted Bg txuot. 3 t'o only fox a time that we moot part, So Bleoo the memoxieo within goux heart.
3 won't Be fax aw ag, fox life goeo on, So, if gou need me, ca ll and 3 w ill come. Shough gou can't dee ox touch me, J 'l l Be neax, d n d if gou lioten with goux heart you'l l heax, d l l mg love axound gou so ft and clean,
d n d then, when gou moot Come this w ag with Jesus, J 'll gxeet gou with a dtnile ad dag
Welcome (Home.

Oldest of S&atice

She Sxelude


She (Pxoceddional

Clexgg, (fam ily, Jrtends

She (Hymn


Sandxa Suchex

She Scxiptuxe Meodage

K id Seotament

Afew Seotament

She (Pxagex o f Consolation

(Rev, Vincent Af. Aleekino, Jx.


Bailee (Bennett

She dnnouncemento and KBituaxg

JCecia (Bxathexo


Batice (Bennett

She Culogg

She (Receodianal

She Sntexment

(Dinwiddle Aiemoxial (Paxti

(Dinwiddle, Vixginia

(Rep add

(Beaux Sw eaty

464 (Bgxne Stxeet

(PetexoBuxg,, Vixginia
