Celebration of life Jerrold Alan Stewart, July 31, 1955-March 29, 2013, Monday, April 8, 2013 2:00 p.m., Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 623 Crawford Avenue, Augusta, Georgia 30904, Rev. Mark Stephen Pierson, officiating

Ce(e6ration o fLife
JerrohCjltan Stewart
JuCy 31,1955-- March 29, 2013
Monday, ApriC8, 2013 2:00pm
(BethehAfrican M ethodist (EpiscopaCChurch 623 CrawfordAvenue
A ugusta, (feorgia 30904 (Rev. M ar^Stephen (Pierson, Officiating

JerroCdwas born onJuCy 31, 1955 in Augusta, georgia to M attie andjosie Stew art. He was retiredfro m CSX Transportation as a radroad conductor.
A t an earCy age, hejo in ed the BetheCAfrican M ethodist FpiscopaC Church. He Covedthe L o rd w ith his whoCe heart, mind, and strength.
He w as educated at Lucy C Laney High SchooC, a n d after graduationfro m high schooC, he attended Savannah State CoCCege on afoot6aCCscholarship. WhiCe attending coCCege, JerroCd pCedgedACpha Phi ACpha Fraternity, Inc.
JerroCd's greatest Coves were god, hisfamiCy, hisfriends, goodfo o d a n d 6eing outdoors. Fjiow n fo r his "green thumb, " he was a mastergardener a n d Cookedfo rw a rd to p Canting his garden every year on go o d Friday and tending to his house pCants. He enjoyed travedng w ith his wife, taChjng on the teCephone w ith his sister especiaCCy whiCe watching H C IS a n d Ferry Mason,
attem pting to coo his m others recipes, eating his mother-in Caw'sfamiCy dinners, getting
Linda, (Barbara andM yrtis to babe him cakes, attending sporting events, pCaying goCfw ith Lew is and(DanieC, pCaying chess w ith Webster, fish in g w ith F ranf^and having breahfast at the W affle House orHuddCe House w ith hisfriendsfrom the raiCroad. He aCso Covedspending hours Cistening to music especiaCCygospeC, ja zz , Frankie (BeverCy a n d in recent years, H ip Hop.
JerroCdis preceded in death by hisfa th e r and his mother. He was a devoted, supportivefamiCy man. He Ceaves to cherish his memory: his wife, Frances VaCarie Stew art; sister, M arva Stew art; aunts: Mrs. FuCa (Reedy o fSardis g A a n d Mrs. VioCa (Stan) Daugherty o fSan Jacinto, CA; uncCes: Leroy Stew art o fSt. (Petersburg, FL a n d Harry (Thomasina) Stew art; mother-in-Caw MiCdredWard; sister-in-Caw Cassandra (WiCCiam) Bussey; brother-in-Caw Franks Ward; nieces Dr. Desmonda garnett a n d FJersten Ward; devoted cousins gary (Linda) MiCCs ofSyCvania, gA , A aron (Annette) Stew art; godchiCdren TirreCCWiCCiams, H atosha WiCCiams, Tijwanna WiCCiams, Shymeka (Mario) Lewis, TaCia DeCaney o f SaCisbury, H C a n d his six; month oCdpug puppy "XjCCa Mcu(. "
JerroCd bedeved realfriends are the best indicator o f a man's success in Cife. He treasured his many years o ffriendship/brotherhood w ith A ttorney Louis (Marthena) M orant o f georgetown, SC, CharCie Fscartin o f Las Vegas, MV, DiaCCo Cummings, James (Margaret) WiCCiams, DanieC (Ira) WiCCiams, CCaude Burns, Lee BCitch ofAtCanta, g A , W ebster Harris, Joseph Davis, the men o f CSX RaiCroad, a n d a host o f other reCatives a n d friends whom he Coved dearCy.



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Cehebration Services

P ro c essio n a l

Jfym nah..........................

..................................................................................B eth elA M F M ass Choir Amazing grace Hymn #226

In vocation .....................

............................................................................. Rev. M arkJ>tephen (Pierson

Scripture O ld T estam ent.
N ew Testam ent

............................................................................................ Rev. Sherry Taylor greater BethelAMC, Brunswicky CjA
....................................................................................... Rev. Sam uelSolom on Thankful Baptist Church, Augusta, g A

S election ........................

.............................................................................................Rev. D eh6ertN ero "I Won I Complain "

(Reflections Sehection........................

(2 m inutes phease) Attorney Louis Morant, (Friend
Mr. Lee Btitch, Friend Mr. Daniel Williams, Co-worker ........................................................................... M r. dCMrs. W ayne (Preston
"Order M y Steps "

R eflectio n s

(2 m inutes phease) Mr. DiaCCo Cummings, Friend Dr. Desmonda gamett, Niece Mr. We6ster Narris, Neigh6or
Mr. Aaron Stewart, Cousin

R eading...................

.................................................................................... M rs. Cassandra Bussey

O bitu ary.................

......................................................................................... Phease ReadSihenthy

Acknowledgem ents

.................................................................................... M rs. SharrehhWihhiams

S election .................

.......................................................................... M r. M rs. W ayne (Preston "Center o f M y Joy "

W ords o f C om fort.

............................. .............................................. Rev. Mark^Stephen Pierson B ethelA M F Church

R ecessional.............................................

B ethehA M F M ass Choir

R epast in B eth elA M F Ahpha Center

"Only You"
W e cannot w alfjin your path Tor the roadyou traveled was wide. You touched the hearts o f those you met
Toryou met them w ith a smiCe.
A n d as you journeyed aCong the w ay You Ceft a warm th so dear
That memories o f you remained A n d thefo o tste p s very cCear.
There is no w ay to say goodbye Toryou wiCC6e CovedaCways. The speciaCw ay you 've touched our Cives W ith your gentCeness a n d caring ways.
That certain smiCe, that Coof^in your eyes A n d the softness w hen you 'd say, "T)on't worry, everything isfin e. " "I t 'CC6e okay, "wouCdstrengthen us
More than you knew or more than w e could say.
(But (jo d has seen yo u r promise A n d has calledyou to come home.
Y o u 've gone aw ay To your heavenly home W ith (jo d a t the throne.
A u th o r "Unknown
Love ACways, Your W ife TamiCy

I am a part ofaCCthat I have met; Yet aCCexperience is an arch wherethro' Cj[earns that untraveCCdworCd, whose marginfa d e s
Tor ever a n d f o r ever w hen I move. OLow duCCit is to pause, to make an end, To rust un6umish d, not to shine in use!
A s tho ' to 6reathe were Cife. L ife piCedon Cife
Were aCCtoo CittCe, a n d o f one to me LittCe remains: 6ut every hour is saved Trom that etemaCsiCence, something more, A hringer o f new things; a n d viCe it were Tor some three suns to store a n d hoard myseCf A n d this gray spirit yearning in desire TofoCCow knowCedge, hike a sinking star, (Beyond the utmost 6ound o f human thought.
Trom ACfied, L o rd Tennyson's "UCysses"
UntiC I meet y o u , Mama, a n d Daddy again Your Coving sister; M arva

Acknowledgem ents
Thefam ify wishes to express sincere thanks a n d appreciationf o r aCCexpressions o f sympathy an d kindness shown to them during this time o fbereavement.

Arrangem ents (EntrustedTo: WiCCiams TuneraCTCome, Inc.
2945 OCdTo6acco (Road TCephziSah, Georgia 30815
