A celebration of life to God be the glory for Irene Elizabeth Powell, sunrise, July 20, 1928, sunset, August 31, 2013, Saturday, September 7, 2013, 2:00 p.m., Trinity Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 2930 Glenn Hills Drive, Augusta, Georgia, Reverend Herman Mason, Jr., pastor, officiating, Reverend Jerry Poole, eulogist

J k GPelebraticm o fJblife Tbe<$<jd be the
Sunrise July 20, 1928

Sunset August 31, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013


2:00 P.M.




2930 Glenn H ills D rive

Augusta, Georgia

Reverend Herman Mason, Jr., Pastor Reverend Jerry Poole - Eulogist

On July 20, 1928, Irene Elizabeth Crittenden was born in Brunswick, Georgia to the late Theodore and Louise Crittenden and was the eldest o ffour children (Vivian, James, and Theodore).
"When I was a c h i l d . I Corinthian 13:11 Irene attended Brunswick city schools and then continued her education a t Paine College in Augusta, Georgia, where she graduated with a degree in Elementary Education. Later,; she earned her M asters degreefrom New York University in Education.
"Whosofindeth a wifefindeth a good thing, and obtainethfavour ofthe LORD. " Proverbs 18:22 She was united in marriage to the love o f her life James Powell, Sr. and relocatedfrom Brunswick to Augusta, Georgia in 1951. James and Irene welcomedtheir son, James Jr. in 1954. Duringhis 24 years in the United States Army, Irene supported her husband and raised her son while pursuing her teaching career. Irene loved the card game bridge, so much so sheform ed a bridge club that met a t her house once a month and rotated between differentfriends home. In her personal time, she loved to sit and sew fo r hours; she used to say "it calmed her nerves. "
. .presentyour bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. " Roman 12:1 Irene was a dedicated worker and educatorfo r over 37 years with Richmond County Schools. She later retiredfrom teaching to carefo r her mother and godmother. During that time, Irene gave her time and devotion to her mother and godmother until theirpassing.
"I must work the works ofhim that sent me... " John 9:4 Upon moving to Augusta in 1951, Irenejoined Trinity CME Church. There Ireneparticipated in various auxiliaries within the church. She was always willing to do herp a rt as a church leader and member.
The Departure ".. .absentfrom the body, and to bepresent with the Lord. " II Corinthians 5:8 On Saturday, August 31, 2013, Irene was summoned from labor to be rewaided in glory. She was preceded in death by her parents, Theodore and Louise Crittenden, and brothers, Theodore and James Crittenden.
She leaves to cherish her memory: H er husband and companion fo r over 60 years, James Powell, Sr. o fAugusta, GA; son, James Powell, Jr. (Syneta) o f Dayton, OH; two grandchildren, Michelle Powell o f Tempe, A Z and John Powell o f Dayton, OH; sister, Vivian (Napoleon,Sr.) Clayburn o f Augusta, GA; nephews, Napoleon Clayburn, III, Wendell Clayburn, Larry and James Crittenden, Charlie Bess (wife), Butch (Carol)Baskin and Timothy M oore; niece, Rose M ary W illiam s; sisters-in-law , Betty a n d M aude Crittenden; cousins, Julie Anderson , John Crittenden a n d Betty Neely; loving caretaker a n d a devotedfam ily frien d , Daisy Vincent (M om m a D ) o f Vincent A d u lt Care; a n d host o f other relatives a n d friends.

rOhe (T)rdero fCelebration
Mrs. Doris Robertson, Pianist / Dr. Anne B. Poole, Organist
M usical Prelude.................................................................................................................................Dr. Anne B.Poole
Processional...................................................................................................................................................Parting View
S o lo ............................................................................................................................... ...................Mrs. Audrey Thomas "H is Eye Is On The Sparrow "
P rayer......................................................................................................................... . Reverend Herman Mason, Jr.
Scripture Readings Old Testament............................................................................................ .................. M inister Kevin Dunn Job 1:20-22 New Testament........................................................................................ ... Reverend Robert Donaldson John 14:1-6
S o n g ..............................................................................................................................
Reflections (Two Minutes Please).................................................................... .......... Reverend Timothy Greene Reverend Gene R. Dean
Ms. Margaret Parramore
Reading o f O bituary............................................................................................
Son g ..............................................................................................................................
E ulogy.........................................................................................................................
Repast Trinity C.M.E. Church
Fellowship H all


I t was a w onderfuljourney we shared. You were so many different things to me. You were my frie n d a n d you were my lover, you were my p a st a n d you were my future. You were my hope a n d you were my strength. You Y e given me gifts th a t I treasure in my heart a n d memories which live w ithin my soul. Thank you fo r never turning yo u r hack on me, fo r believing in me when I doubted myself,
a n d fo r being a frie n d in every sense o f the w ord!I
I w ill always love you.
-JA M E S, SR. -

JChankfor QNour Nbmihs
Thank you fo r the g ift o f love, now you Ye sharing it up above.
You h a d many things to say. A ll in a caring way.
You alw ays saw good in everyone, N o m atter w hat they Y e done.
You were alw ays the one we could a ll lean on. E ven though it m ust have fe lt like a ton. You were alw ays the strength o f thefam ily. N ow we m ust let you rest calmly. A s we say goodbye, as tears ro ll down our eyes.
I know yo u r place in heaven has a good view. Because you Ye telling God,
I need to keep an eye on a few . I know you w ill always
be in our hearts a n d m ind. So Grandma,
I m ust go, but E ll neverforget you Ye one o f a kind.


trib u te
I f Roses grow in heaven, L o rd please picks a bunch fo r me Place them in my M others arm s
A n d tell her they 'refro m me. Tell her I love her a n d miss her,
A n d when she turns to sm ile, Place a kiss upon her cheek A n d h o ld herfo r awhile. Because remembering her is easy,
I do it every day, B u t there's an ache w ithin my heart
That w ill never go aw ay,

o ff (T)nlp QNou
Constantly thinking, never to be the same, the tears f a ll quickly ju s t hearing your name.
Silence is golden yet not anymore silence brings thoughts I ju s t can 't ignore. The nights are sleepless, dream s out o f reach. Crying in my pillow to you I beseech. Surrounded by fam ily, I stillfee l alone. M y heart is so empty, this p a in I m ust own. I wish I could hug you a n d ju s t see y o u rface. B u t now I have memories to sta n d in yo u r place. Gone but notforgotten, that's w hat they say. O f course th a t is tr u e ... but i f only you could o f stayed

Deacons a n d Trustees o f the Church



Ladies A uxiliaries

'me to Piwe QbTith ofesi
T v e gone to live with Jesus, in the m ansion He's prepared. N o longer w ill I struggle, with earthly worries a n d cares.
D on '/ be sa d I'v e left you, to go to live w ith H im . jP || Give thanks a n d glory to the L o rd fo r dyingfo r our sins. WOn earth I was ju s t visiting til my missio n here was through. Thanks G odfo r a ll the tim e we shared a n d a ll thejo y we knew,
ik Jesus fo r the tears a n d p a in , fo r in suffering then we H ow great the sacrifice he made, to die fo r you a n d me. ^leasefocus on the blessings, G od gave me while on earth, n d fo r H is greatest g ift to a ll, our Savior's miracle birtlv.
A n d now I 'l l live forever, fo r H is great sacrifice; H is death a n d resurrection give us a ll eternal life.
- A uthor Unknown -


tudv o f the lat(LIrene E lizabeth P ow ell wishes to express our sincere thanks to each kindness a n d many expressions o f sympathy cards, phone
wMmiave a n d are extending to ourfa m ily during our bereavement.
W. H. Mays Mortuary I "Professional Service A Family Tradition Since 1922"
1221 Jam es Brown Boulevard Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 722-6401
