In loving memory Sarah Cox Mays, February 5, 1910-November 29, 1997, Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1997, 2:00 p.m., Zoar C.M.E. Methodist, Church, Washington, Ga, Rev. G. L. Avery, officiating

On November 29, 1997, Mrs. Sarah Cox Mayes ended this life's battle in v ic to ry at T h o m s o n M a n o r Nursing Home.
She was born February 5, 1910 in W a sh in g to n G A to the late Mr. Robert C ox and Mrs. Mattie Cox of W ashington, GA. She joined the church at an early age and was a faithful m em ber until her health failed her. She was united in Holy W edlock to the late Dave Mayes. They had a beautiful marriage and was blessed with ten(10) children.
S h e l e a v e s to c h e r is h her memories, four daughters, Geannette Cullars and Lucinda Tutt both of Washington, GA, Laura Bell Kennedy of Llncolnton, GA, and Sarah Jane Hornsby of Augusta, GA; two sons, C h arles M ayes of Washington, GA and Luhenry May es of Lincolnton, GA; one daughter-in-law, Margaret Mayes of W ashington, GA; one son-in-law, Marion Tutt of W ashington, GA; three sisters, Carrie Bell Cobb of Rockway, NY, Cora Lee Clark and Co n n ie both of Ta mpa , FL.; thirty-one grandchildren, forty-seven great grandchildren, and a host of inlaws, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

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CJeoRge Lee C u((ars
The famify acknowFedges deep sincere appreciation and aff acts of kindness rendered during fhere fime of bereavement. Your fhoughffufness towards the loss of our Fove one wiff
aFways be remembered. May God bless each of you is our prayers.

Wednesday, Dec. 3,1997 2:00p.m.
Zoar CME Methodist Church
Washington, GA Rev. G. L. Avery, Officiating

I am home in heaven dear ones; Oh! So Happy and so Bright.
There is perfect joy and beauty In this ever-lasting light.
All the pain & all the grief is over, Every restless and tossing passed i am, sow at Peace Forever, Safely home in Heaven at last
Did you wonder, I, so calmly trod the Valley of the shade? Oh! But Jesus love illuminated every
dark and fearfull glade. He came, himself, to meet me in
that way, So hard to tread and with Jesus
arm to lean on, Could I have one doubt or dread?
Then you must not greive so sorely,
For I love you dearly still. Try to look beyond earth's
shadows. Pray to trust our Father's will. There is work still waiting for you, So you must not idly stand. Do it now, while life remaineth. You shall rest in Jesus' band. When the work is all completed, He will gently call you home. Oh! The rapture of that meeting Oh! The joy to see you come.

O rcIc r op S e R v ic e


Fam ily

H y m n "Amazing Grace- C o n g re g a tio n


Rev. G. L. A very


Dea. Fred Kennedy


Ruby Lockhart

Rem arks

Dea. K. D. Stokes

O bituary &

Connie A sbury

A cknow ledgm ents


Rev.G . L. A very

R ecessio n al

Interm ent

Church C em etery

^4S ) A A

Dinner wiff be served af ZoarCME Methodist Church following Services

Good night Sarah And rest forever in peace. We love goto, and we are confident God knows b e st May th e Angels from above
Shine down on you.
I had no time for sad farewells, For parting glances or sighs,
The Lord has come and bid me Go with Him beyond the skies.
I could not come to tell you, Your faces no longer will I see,
I did not know how quickly Our God would send for me.
I could not even linger, There was no time at all, They had come, no choice had I, But to answer our God's call.
Don't ever stop to wonder, Why could I not say good-bye, Just live and remember that there will A reunion for us in the sweet by & by.
