Homegoing Celebration for Mrs. James Lee (Jamie) Walton Martin, September 21, 1945, April 23, 2019. Friday, May 3, 2019, 2:00 p.m. Beulah Grove Baptist Church, 1434 Poplar Street - Augusta, GA 30901. Dr. Sam Davis, Pastor

Homegoing Celebration
Mrs. James Lee (Jamie) JVaCton Martin
Septenber 2i, 1945 JApriC23, 2019
Friday, May 3, 2019
2:00 p.m.
Beulah Grove Baptist Church
1434 Poplar Street - Augusta, GA 30901
Dr. Sam Davis, Pastor
OrcCer of'Mlor ship
Selection................................. Beulah Grove Choir
5/cnv I Qot Over
Old Testament ................................Minister
New Testament ................................Minister
Prayer of Comfort ...................................Minister
Bro. Lee Moore
Poem .......................Kristen Crawford, Granddaughter
Solo ..................Aubree Dantizler, Great Granddaughter
Poem .............................Jemeika Smallwood, Niece
Reflections of Love (Three minutes, please)
As A Choir Member....................Bro. Lee Moore
As A Friend.....................Sis. Vivian Johnson
As A Family Member .............Sis. Yvonne Forrest
Acknowledgements & Resolution.......... Sis. Mildred Irish
Obituary....................................Read Silently
Selection.................................. Beulah Grove Choir
Eulogy .................................... Rev. Dr. Sam Davis
Beulah Grove Baptist Church Banquet Hall
you Never SaicCGjoodBye
you never saidIm Ceaving,
you never said (goodbye,
you were gone before I knew it,
lAndonCy (god knew why.
In Cife I Coved you dear Cy,
In deatfi I Cove you stiCC
In my heart you boCdajoCace,
dfian no one couCdeverfiCC
It broke my heart to Cose you,
Hut you didnt go aCone.
Jor part of me went with you,
dhe day Cjod took you home.
-Author Unknown
Submitted by Sharon Forrest, Daughter
The family of Mrs. James Lee Martin wishes to express our deepest
appreciation for each act of kindness, heartfelt prayers, memorable
message and hugs of understanding. We thank you and pray that God
will richly bless each of you. We truly want to thank C. A. Reid
Funeral Home for providing your services.
The Family
Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Safe on JJis gentCe Breast,
There By Jfis Cove oer shaded
S'weetCy my souCshad rest.
