Celebration of Life Virgil Stewart Hill Sunrise Dec 26, 1937 Sunset Feb 07, 2019

CeCebration of Life
ytrgiCMae Stewart J-fiCC
Sunrise Dec 26,1937
Sunset fe6 07, 2019
Saturday February 16, 2019
10:00 am - 11:00 am
North CentraCChurch
25130 CACdine WestfieldRd
Sjrring, DC 77373
OrcCer of Service
TrocessionaCMusic Selection
WaCk in Xhe Light
Tas tor JAaron 'Barham
Trayer of Comfort
Music SeCection
Somebody Xnows
TsaCm 23 - 7he LorcC is My Shepherd
Xhe (goodShepherd
Music SeCection
Victory in Jesus
'Remarks (2mm)
Reading of the Obituary
Trecious Memories
LuCogy Message
CCosing Trayer
RecessionaCMusic Selection
I dCy JLway
ytrgiCMae Stewart 3-CiCC
J-Cer Life
Virgil Mae Stewart Hill born in Union Springs,
Alabama; to the late Virgil and Lucinda Stewart.
Virgil Attended Spencer High School in Columbus,
GA and Georgia Cosmetology School.
Virgil retired from John P. King Mill in Augusta, GA
and with her husband Willie James Hill, they
relocated to Houston, TX. Virgil continued her
Working Career in the Nursing Field for over 30
Virgil was preceded in death by her son
James Rivers Jr, husband Willie James Hill and sister
Julia S. Lewis.
Virgil is survived by her brother Willie James
Stewart and wife (Bertha) of Columbus, GA, her
children Tonnie Rivers of Dublin, GA, Deadrianne F.
Rivers of Augusta, GA, Nancy Myres, husband
(Steven) of Houston, TX, grandson Anthony Deno
Bihms II of Houston, TX and a host of relatives and
Mother, our hearts are heavy!
y/ords cant exjrress how much we miss
and Cove you. llntdwe see you again...
'The famity thank and appreciate everyone,
for aCCthe Cove, kindness shown and
support given during their time of grief
TCeasejoin thefamiCy at the 'Repass
immediatety after the MemoriaC
Rjepass Location
'VirgiCJLiCCs 3-Come
5814 Crooked Tost Rd
Spring, TX 77373
