Funeral services for Mr. Charlie Wise Gifford, Monday, May 4, 1987, 4:00 p.m., Truevine Baptist Church, Rev. J. R. Hatney, officiating

M* Ckantie W. G i^ond, S n., age 84, oh 701 East Chap
man Stneet, Augusta, Geongia was bom Manch 3, 1903 In
Meyens M ill, South Coxalin o , to the, late. Kelsey and Many
Vzath entened the. hospital mom oh "Good Baddy" a t the.
Medical College ofi Georgia, Thansday, Apnil 30, 1987 and
closed his eyes.
At an easily age he was converted and baptized cut
Many's, Baptist Chunch in Bannwell, S. C. Afaten movhig
to Augusta he joiyied Tnuevine Baptist Chunch whene he
once senved in the Voung Men's Emengency Club, He wa& the
ionmen omen oh the Gul Senvice Station at 12th and M ill
ed geville Road in Augusta. and netined in 1966 &nom Mid-
wextenn Upholstny Co. He teas an hononany memben oh the
25 Gentlemen Club oh Augusta.
Sunvivons in clu d e:W ifie,Lizzett 0). Gihhond,thnee sons, ChanJU.e Gihhond, Jn. James M. Gihhond oh Augusta. Sgt. John V. Gihhond, Louden H i l l , Fla.Eoun daughtens ,Alnena G. Gannett,Many G. Jones,Velones G. Walken 8 Enankie L.Gih hond, Augusta, Go .M oth en -in -lm ,Mns. Many Blood.Vaughtenin-law , Angela G. Gihhond. Sons -in-law , Haziel Gannett, Jn. Richand E. Jo nes, Cani J . Walken. 11 Gnandchildnen, Bnothens in-law , Vea. Alvin W illiams, Jos eph Williams.Sistens -in-law, Elease W illiams, Cona Lee Williams .Devoted Cousin,Remelt Washington,aunts, cousins 8 othen nelatives 8 Intends.


funeral s e r v ic e s
Ma . C h a A tlz (!]&> G i ^ o A d

Monday, May 4 , J9S7 - 4 :0 0 PM TRUEVINE BAPTIST CHURCH


MASTER OF CEREMONIES-------------------- Rev. W. W. f / ^ o v e , B a p t is t ChuAcik
SELECTIO N------------------------------------------ ----------- ----------c h o U

PRAYER---------------------------------------------- Rev. j , s _ W/uflfct, Macedonia B a p tist ChuAck
REMARKS As A F A io n d ----- --Ma s . EaAthio. Shaw V 'A n t ig n a c

OBITUARY & ACKNOWLEVGEMENTS--------------- Ma s . Ruby M e re ly


Pea. Mc.Vonatd WTJtLixms

EULOGY-------------------------------- -------------- Rev. J . R. H atnuf, Good Hope, B a p t is t CkuJiah



WatkoA MmoA la i. CmoAojiy

jTH_E_ 8 A R
Sun6ct and evening 6tax, And one cleax c a ll {ox me! And may tk e x e be, no moaning o{ the, bat, When I pat out
to 6ea; Bat 6uck a t i d e a6 moving 6c,'m6 asleep-Too { a ll i>i 60and and {,0am,When th a t which, dxew {xom oat th e
boundle66 deep, TuXn6 again home;
T w ilig h t and evening b e ll! And a{tox th a t th e daxk! And may tk e x e be no 6adne66 0{ {axew ell, When 1 embaxk; Ton. though {xom oat oax bourne 0{ Time and Place, The {lood may beoji me {ax, I hope to 6ee my P ilo t {ace to {ace, When I have cxo66ed th e box.
---------------------- hl{xed Tenny6on


The {amity would l i k e to thank th e ix many { x i m h

- &

k ^ d n & 6 4 6hown to them duning th e death

th e ix loved one. May God ble66 a l l o{ you.


C i^ Q

Hands by A lb rech t Durer, the so -c a lle d `p erfect a rtist'--whose woodcut and copper engravings were major expressions of his art. He used many religious them es, arid was n oted for his s e n s i t i v e and d eta iled draw in gs. The story is that these were the hands o f someone who had great faith in his ability, and worked to help him attain his artistic training; that in the process, their own hands became so gnarled as to be incapable of equal work; and in gratitude, and because he saw their labor of love as beautiful, he immortalized the hands.
N o. 4 8 8 S p a ld in g Publishers, Inc. W in te r Haven. Fla. 3 3 8 8 0 - L ith o in U .S .A .
