A Celebration of Life and Victory for Mr. Guy Cofer, April 7, 1942 - March 2, 2001. "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Tuesday, March 6, 2001, 1:00 P.M. Carpentersville Baptist Church, 415 Carpentersville Road, North Augusta, South Carolina. Reverend Herman Bing, Pastor.

A Cde Station of Life and Victory
iMr. Quy Cofer
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there
shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, nei-.
ther shall there be any more pain: for the former things
are passed away."
Tuesday, March 6,2001
1:00 P.M.
Carpentersville Baptist Church
415 Carpentersville Road
North Augusta, South Carolina
Reverend Herman Bing, Pastor
ApriC 7,1942
March 2, 2001
rfhe 06ituary
"Not by the Years We Live But How Much We Give"
From one day to another God zoill gladly give, To everyone who seeks
Him and tries each day to live, A little bit closely to God and to each
other, Seeing everyone who passes as a neighbor, friend, or brother Not
only ioy and happiness but the faith to meet each trial, Not with fear
and trepidation, but with an "inner smile" ...For we know life s never
measured by how many years we live, But by the kindly things we do
and the happiness we give.
Mf. Guy Cofcf, son of the late Mr. Forest Gofer and Mrs.
Lottie Hull Gofer, was born April 7, 1942, in North Augusta
(Aiken County), South Carolina. He departed this life at his
residence, 320 Mack Lane West, Graniteville, South Carolina af-
ter an extensive illness, on Friday, March 2, 2001.
At an early age, he accepted Christ as his personal Savior
and joined the Capentersville Baptist Church, North Augusta,
South Carolina where he was a faithful member and served as a
Trustee and a devout member of the Male Chorus. He attended
the public schools in Aiken, County, South Carolina. He was a
1961 graduate of Jefferson High School, Bath, South Carolina.
On March 1,1963, he became the husband of Ms. Valva Simpkins
and to this union was bom a beautiful son, Rodney Lamar Cofer.
Guy ivas a lover of sports and was a former member of the
Augusta Black Socks and the Augusta A's.
In 1998, Guy retired from his job with the Avondale Com-
pany (formally known as Graniteville Company) as a Mail Car-
rier. He became ill on June 4, 1999. He fought it until the end.
Another child of God gone home.
He is survived by: a devoted wife, Mrs. Valva S. Gofer, of
the home; one (1) son, Dea. Rodney L. (Vanessa W.) Cofer, North
Augusta, SC; two (2) brothers, Mr. Willie (Dorothy) Cofer, Au-
gusta, GA and Mr. Jimmy (Janet) Cofer, North Augusta, SC;
seven (7) sisters, Mrs. Daisy (Oscar) Davis, Chicago, 1L, Mrs.
Sarah Senior, New Haven, CT; Mrs. Helen (Leroy) Stokes, Au-
gusta, GA; Mrs. Elizabeth (Willie) Burton, Augusta, GA; Mrs.
Mam (Mack) Cobb, North Augusta, SC; Mrs. Shirley (Hennj)
Jones, North Augusta, SC and Mrs. Dorothy (Chris) Thomas,
Passaic, NJ; one (1) brother-in-law, Mr. Leroy (Wilhelmena)
Simpkins, Graniteville, SC; two (2) sisters-in-law, Mrs. Lila
(William) O'Conner, Graniteville, SC and Mrs. Juanita Simpkins,
Aiken, SC; a very special nephew, Mr. Augustus Lee Simpkins,
IV, Graniteville, SC; five (5) Goddaughters, Ms. Renee Hams
and Ms. Sherri Scott, both of North Augusta, SC; Ms. Pamela
Cobb, Augusta, GA; Ms. Bria Nipper and Ms. Paige Nipper, both
of Aiken, SC; one (1) uncle, Mr. Brantley Cofer, North Augusta,
SC; four (4) aunts, Ms. Curlie Cofer, Ms. Emma Evans, Ms.
Annie Cannon and Ms. Annie L. Davis; and a host of nieces,
nephews, cousins, other relatives and endearing friends.
"For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of
my departure is at hand. I have fought a good
fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
faith; Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of
righteousness . . .
II Timothy: Chapter 4
dfie Order for the CeCehration
(Reverend <Dr. J4(6ert James ~ (Presiding
The Prelude........................Ministers of Music
(Sacred Melodies)
The Processional.......................Pinal Viewing
The Hymn of Hope..........Male Chorus/ Congregation
The Reading From the Word
Old Testament ~ Reverend Dr. Nathaniel Irvin
New Testament ~ Minister Barry O'Conner
The Prayer of Comfort............Rev. Ronald Coleman
The Selection of Praise................Male Chorus
The Acknoioledgements................Ms. Mae Carroll
The Selection of Strength..............Male Chorus
The Obituary...........................Read Silently
"Soft Music"
The Words of
The Father & The Son.............Dea. Rodney L. Cofer
The Selection of Truth.................Male Chorus
"Jesus Cares"
The Eulogy.........................Rev. Herman Bing
The Recessional....................Musical Melodies
The Entombment................Sunset Memory Gardens
& Mausoleum
2648 ]efferson Davis Highway
Graniteville, South Carolina
7 Jim Free
Don't grieve for me now, I am free
am following the path God laid out for me.
I took his hand when I heard him call,
1 turned my hack and left it all.
I could not stay another day,
to laugh, to love, to work or play.
Task left undone must stay that way,
I found peace at the end of the day.
If parting has left a void,
Then fill it now with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
These things I too shall miss.
Be not burdened with time or sorrow,
My life has been full, l have savored much,
Good friends, good things, a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,
Don't spend it now with undue grief,
lift up your heart and share with me:
God wanted me now. He set me free.
Thank you, lord.
TKe (Bearers of the Casket
The (Bearers of the TCoraCs
I The Honorary Bearers of the Casket
Class of 1961
* * * *
( ~ Nie Note of Appreciation ~
j Your presence, the beautiful words spoken and sung and
a fyour prayers have truly been comforting to us. Thank
you for caring. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for
emg there when we needed you most. It is our prayer that
God mill continue to richly bless you and your families
today and ahoays.
Yours in Christ,
The Cofer Family
* * * *
Services Entrusted To
Miller's Funeral Home
136 Kershaw Street, SB ~ Aiken, South Carolina
'Fannie Simpfans Johnson, (Director
