Worship celebration for the life of Alice Williams Bland, sunrise, March 1, 1935, sunset, June 9, 1994, service, Wednesday, June 15, 1994, 11:00 a.m., viewing, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Oxford Presbyterian Church, Stenton and Gowen Avenues, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ethelyn R. Taylor, pastor

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Worship Celebration


Sunrise M arch 1,1935

Sunset June 9,1994

SERVICE Wednesday, June 15, 1994 - 11:00 a.m.
Viewing - 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
OXFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Stenton and Gowen Avenues Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Elhelyn R. Taylor, Pastor

The hourglass, with its sands o f tim e, has slow ly, bu t surely, spilled its contents; and with the passing o f the last sand went the life o f our beloved one and friend.
In this sacred hour o f memory, wefe e l the pow er and influence o f our beloved'sfaith fu l life; our loved one has gone into our Father's house, to be with. Him.
Her task is done and now, in the tw ilight o f life, life's sun has slipped down beyond the horizon o f earthly things. The Lord has beckoned her to rest beyond the skies.
ALICE WILLIAMS BLAND was the only child, born to M aude and Vincent W illiams in Augusta, Georgia, on March l , 1935. She departed this life on Thursday, June 9, 1994.
She lo st her m other on her third birthday. For the next tw o years, she was loved and nur tured by her m aternal grandmother, D aisy Etheredge, in Leesville, South Carolina. When she became sch ool age, she returned to Augusta, Georgia to live with her beloved aunt, Snaby W illiam s.
A lice's early education was received at Silas X . F loyd Elem entary School and the Im m aculate Conception High School, both o f Augusta. She received her B.S. Degree from Savannah State College, Savannah, Georgia, and a M asters Degreefrom D rexel University, >.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
A lice accepted C hrist in her life a t an early age, and became a member o f W illiams M em orial CM E Church o f Augusta, Georgia. She was very active in the Church. She played the pian ofo r the Sunday School and the Junior Choir. In her later life, she became a devoted and active member o f the O xford Presbyterian Church, where she servedfaithfully as a D eaconess. She also chaired the Lydia C ircle and the H ospitality Committee.
A lice was knownfo r being such a wonderful hostess during Fellowship hour after church service.
A lice w orked as a dietitian fo r over thirty-five years. For the p a st twenty-five years, she worked fo r the M edical College o f P A .,(M .C .P .) She was m edically retired in 1993.
She leaves to celebrate her life and legacy, her devoted husband o f thirty-three years; R oosevelt Bland, a son; D ouglas D. Bland, both o f Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, an adopted brother; C olonel (R et.) A lfred G lover, o f Seaside, California, two sisters-in-law ; Betty Smith and D elzer Eborn, o f Baltim ore, M aryland and Pinetown, N orth Carolina, respec tively; a brother-in-law, Joseph Bland, o f W ashington, N orth Carolina, three aunts; Ruby Etheredge, o f Chicago, Illinois, Vonnetha Etheredge and A nnie M ae Coleman, both o f L eesville, South Carolina, three uncles; Cornell and Clarence Etheredge, both o fAugusta, Georgia and Tarrence Etheredge, o f Chicago, Illin ois, and a host o f cousins andfriends.

Order O f Service

M edley O f Favorite Hymns

Organ P relu de.......................................................................................................................................................A fr. Jeffery L ees Closing O f The Bier

O pening Sen ten ces.. . . ...........................................................................................................P a sto r E thelyn R . Taylor

Opening Hymn P rayer O f Comfort

"Jesus Savior P ilo t M e"

No. 336

Scripture Readings O ld Testament - Psalm 90:1-6;12 N ew Testament - John 11:21-27

S l ............................................................................ ................................................................................................ M ich elle Bennett
Scripture Readings II Corinthians 5:1-8 Revelation 21:1-4

Acknowledgements A n d Resolutions

P atrice Glover-Lyons

The Obituary

C lerk O f Session - E lder L lyo d Higgins (Read Silently)

Solace M inistry The Eulogy Sanctuary Choir

" WhatA Friend We H ave In Jesus" "Come Y e D isconsolate"
"A t H om e With The L ord" P astor Ethelyn R . Taylor
"G od W ill Take Care O f You"

B en ed ictio n ................................................................................................................................................................. P a sto r T aylor

P o stlu d e.............................................................................................. ..................................................................... Jeffery L ees

-INTERM ENTIvy H ill Cemetery
E aston R oad Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Douglas Bland Stephen Boone Frank China, Sr.

Lou Hardy Lloyd Higgins Robert Hoeler

G od saw the road was getting rough

The hills were hard to climb

He gently closed those loving eyes,

A n d whispered "Peace be Thine. "

The weary hours, the days o f pain

The sleepless nights are past

The ever patient worn-out fram e


Has found sweet rest at last.

Mi Relatives and Friends are invited to return to the church following the interment.


The Family would like to take this time to thank you fo r

you r care, concern and your presence shared with them dur

ill ing their bereavement. May God bless each and everyone o f

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rm l \ ! Professional Services Entrusted To:


-j M?

Cynthia Johnson Blake, Funeral Directress


6653-55 Chew Avenue

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119

(215) 438-6747



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