Letter: Jacksonville, Florida to Ben Stein, Macon, Georgia, 1928 July 9

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[Note: This document contains handwritten and printed text.]

[printed text:
The Casino Corporation
Capital Stock $150,000.00
Casino Theatre Bldg. [Building]

[written text: July 9th 1928
Dear Ben
Answering Your letter of the 6th beg to say at Present I Cannot go into any outside Theatre Venture as I am at Present figuring on building a 10 Theatre on our Property adjoining the [unclear text: Carling] Hotel;

I note what you have to say in reference to turning the Douglas into a Film House for White People and having a better location in mind for Colored of Course You being on the ground floor should be in a better Position to Judge than me. but frankly speaking if it were me I'd leave it alone for the Present and use every effort to make the Douglas a Paying Proposition under its Present Policy -- I again say that when Conditions will again be normal, The Douglas should be a Wonderful Proposition as to the road show house statistics show 90% of such houses are burned and it's an awful Gamble to operate one

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I may be wrong in my Views but am giving you my opinion and you can take it for what it is Worth

if The Douglas Can be Purchased at a reasonable figure and to be operated as at Present and some arrangement can be made that you and Luckie can handle it independently together I beleave [believe] a success can be made out of it and if my endorsement will be of any Value to help the deal -- I am Perfectly Willing to endorse any Paper that you may give to Purchase same from the Present Stockholders.

With Kindness regards to Your Wife & Kiddies from Mrs Joel & Myself

Sincerly [Sincerely] Yours --
[Signed] L. D. Joel.]
