Letter: Macon, Georgia to Ben Jaffe, Ensley, Alabama, 1927 July 29

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July 29th, 1927
Ben Jaffe
Palace Theater.
Ensley, Ala. [Alabama]
Dear Sir:.
We are in receipt of your letter of the 25thInst. [Instant] in regard to your theater.

I dont think we would be interested in buying another colored house at this time, business is so bad now all over that it is taking to [too] big a risk in any house and much more so with a colored house, although if you have your house operating on a paying basis at this time we might consider a proposition at this time. We would not consider buying straight out the only thing we would consider is a proposition on a lease basis with the privalege [privilege] of buying equipment at a given time.

Than ing [Thanking] you for your inquiry.

I beg to remain
Yours very truly
