Letter: Washington D.C. to Charles Henry Douglass, Jr., Macon, Georgia, 1926 July 27

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Earl Theatre
Washington D.C. June 27th/ 26
Mr. C. H. Douglass
c/o [care of] Douglass Theatre Macon Ga. [Georgia]
Dear Friend.
Just a line from your Old, to let you know That I. am Coming South to See my Mother, I was to be there Last week. but on account of beaing [being] Held over I am a Week behind. but I am leaving to night [tonight], and will Spend all of the of the 28th. I am bringing my Burnt Cork, now if you whould [would] to play my Team. as an added Attraction I whould [would] like to Come. at your Figurs [Figures]. I have a Trio but, as a Visit I will Only Bring my Male Pardner [Partner]. He is Good ask any about him and I still Have the Organ, I wont write Mr, Reevins as I cant come to Terms with,

Yours Truly
[Signed] Sidney Easton.
Formly [Formerly] Easton and Easton.

Sa nannah [Savannah] Address, 246 East Boundry St [Street] , C/o [care of] Harrison.
