Letter: Arlington, Florida to William M. Smith, Macon, Georgia, 1925 Dec. 2

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[Note: This document contains typewritten, handwritten, and printed text.]
[Note: The Norman Studios logo appears superimposed on an image of the Arlington Plant.]

[printed text:
[typewritten text: Dec. [December], 2, 1925.
New Douglas Theatre,
Macon, Ga. [Georgia]
Attention Mr. Wm. [William] M. Smith Mgr. [Manager]
Gentlemen --

We noted in your letter of Nov. [November] 22nd., your inability to play us with Crimson Skull, Dec. [December] 8th., due to the big feature already booked for that date, also your advice that you would play us later.

It would be most convenient to play you either on the date of Dec. [December], 15th or 16th., with either Crimson Skull or Green Eyed Monster. Both are full of action. Crimson Skull has a bally of guns, chaps and western curios. We expect to have Steve Reynolds along to bally. He is our one legged star.

Should you find that you can give us either one of these dates, please specify on contract your choice, also choice of attraction, and upon receipt of signed contract, we will rush advertising. We have, ones, threes, sixes, photos, slides trailers, and photos and heralds.

Thank you for early consideration and past favors, we remain,

Yours very truly,
[Signed] Norman Film Manufacturing Co. [Company], By]
[Signed] [written text: R.E. Norman]
