Celebrating the Life of Mark Anthony Hopewell, December 13, 1956 Sunrise, January 13, 2013 Sunset, Saturday January 19, 2013, 11 am, Greenforest Community Baptist Church, 3250 Rainbow Drive, Decatur, GA 30032, Senior Pastor Rev. Dennis Mitchell, Executive Pastor Rev. Herman Cody

Cefe6rating the Life of :MarkJfnthony Jfopewe{{

CDecem6er 13, 1956 Sunrise

Saturday January 19, 2013 11 am

January 13, 2013 Sunset

qreenforest Community CJ3aptist Cfiurcfi
3250 ~(])riw tDecatur, (]ft. 30032
Senior CJ>astor CR..rv. (])ennis :Mitclie([
~cutwe CFastor ~. J{ennan Cotfy


Worship Prelude
Call to Worship

Saturday, January 19, 2013 Order of Service
I Can Only Imagine Procession of Family
Rev. Dennis Mitchell Greenforest Community Baptist Church

Old Testament New Testament Prayer Song

Min. Delvin Bailey Scripture Reading Prophetess Linda Hopewell
Psalm 121 I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Pastor Michael Hopewell

New Water Inter. Church Cleffmont Flordia

Indignant Praise

Read Silently Celebration of Life- Video

Remarks (3 Min Please)

Mrs. Jimmy Sue White Edward Robinson Jr.
Gerald Banes Eric Caldwell

Poem Words of Comfort/Resolution Words of Comfort
Song Eulogist Invitation to Christian Discipleship Acknowledgment/Benediction Recessional

Constance Franklin Rev. Herman Cody Elder Doris C. Kirby
Power Tower Ministries Inc
Rev. Dr. David W Hopewell Sr.
Gregory B. Levett and Sons I'll Flyaway

Internment Hillandale Memorial Park
6201 Hiflanda le Drive Lithonia Georgia
Repast Greenforest Community Baptist Church
Genesis Room

rrhe Jfopeweffs
:Mat{ e:l qenet

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Cefe6ration ofthe Life of?da~ntliony :Jlopewe{[
!Martft_ntliorr:y 1fopewe{(was tlie tfiiracfiifif, 6om to Wa(ter C. 1fopeweana91liCtfred'fit.Ynn Jfopeweotz ([)ecem6er 13, 1956 in Lorain, Ofiio.1fe ana fiis si6fi.nes, Linda, cDavitfei.Joyce, were tfie fife ofSumner Street in 06erfi.n, Ofiio wfiere tliey Civet!auritlfJ 91lark.._'s earfy years. rrTie consensus in tlie Pami(:y anaon Sumner Street was tfiat :Mark._was tfie most 'mischievous ' of tfie 1fopeweffCfiiCtfren.
~at(atufliisfamify mcveato <Pi.tts6urg, PennsyCwznia after liisf atfier accepteda position witfi cDuquesne Vniversity.
;Mar{atterufed}fffegany 1fi1Jii Scfioo(wliere lie was a popufo.r stutfent wfio e>;!effeain atfifetics. 'Tfiefami(:y neverfoutuf arwtfier SumnerStreet, 6ut :M.arijounaCone fo.stinefrienasfiips tfiat fie treasuredtfirouafiout fiis Cife.
!Mat(movea to }ftfo.nta, georgia in 1977 ana6egan wori?Jnefor tlie Soutfiem Company. Por twenty years, fie travela tliroualiout tlie southeast region wori?Jne as an eCectrica( fi.neman. In fiis fo.teryears anaprior to tfie tfecfi.ne in liea(tfi, fie ownedanaoperated1fopewerrs 'Towi71fj. :Mark._was a l?jnaanagenerous person wlio was devotedto fiisfami(:y atuf friends. Jfe gavefree(:y of fiis time andresources to anyone tfiat fie saw in needof fie(p- wlietfier tfiey couU payfor fiis seroices onwt!
~at(was tlie proutffatfier ofone son, :Marcus}ftlitonio Wfiite-1fopewe0: Patlieriiooagave new meanine andpurpose to ;Marf(s Cife and:Marcus was a source ofgreat pride ant!joy. :M.ar{reveCetfin tlie accomp(isfiments offiis on(:y cfiiftf.
!Mar(met anajeffin Love witfi fiis nei1Jfi6or, (ienet :M.cintosfi in 1987. }fjter a Griefcourtship, tfiey 6ecame etlfjageaana were marriedon June 24 1988. :M.arf(s ftje wasforevercfiatlfjed6y tfiis union andin genet fie found tlie /inJe ofliis Cife and fiis 6est friend.
~at(attmdea tliefami(:y cfiurcfies in 06erfi.n, Pitts6urg, ana.Jltfo.nta, 6ut acceptedJesus as fiis LoraandSavior at greenforest Community (]3aptist, wfiere fie found comfort andl?jnsfiip as mem6er of tfie 1)iscipCesfiip Cfo.ss Seekfrs oftfie Wort! }fjter recoverinefrom a serious lieaftli crisis auritlfj tfie 2011 Christmas season, :Mar{startedattenditlf] Power 'Tower Pu[( qospe(:M.inistries wliere fiis refo.tionsfiip witfi goastrenetfimedandsoared: J{is Covefor Jesus was so itifectious tliat it 6rouafit otfiers to (iotf, and fiis waf{witli tfie Loracausedotfiers to fiwlfjerfor tlie Jesus fie serc;etf, satlfj a6out, andpraisetf! :M.ar(sjounzey is 6est tfescri6edis Cl'sa!m 42:}1s tfie deer pantsfor strea711S ofwater, so 111J sou(pants for you, 0 god: :My sou(tfiirstsfor got!, for tlie fi.vine god: Wfim can I go andmeet witfi goa?
~r(was precededin tfeatfi 6y liis parmts, Wa[ter <t[. :M.iCtfrea1fopewe. Jfe /aves 6efiind to cfierisfi fiis memory and cel6rate fiis Cife, fiis wife and(]YES'[friena genet :M.clntosfi-1fopewe{[, Son, :Marcus}fntfionio Wfiite-1fopewe([; Si6liti{J~ Lintfa 1)iane Jfopewe{(, VavitfW. (faie ~ ) JfopeweSr., andJoyce :N Jfairston, Si6liti{Js in faw : 'Tom111J Joe :M.cintosfi (Lufo.) }fmos Jones, (]3rentfa :M.clntosfi}fnnstrone (CeciQ ~6ert Lee :M.clntosfi Linda :M.cintosfi :Monroe, :Monroe. )lunts <t[. VncCes, :Mary 'fit.Ynn :M.ayCe, 06erfi.n, Ofiio, }fnnie :M.autfe greens6oro, georgia 1DeCoris J{opewe{( griffin of Lorain Ofiio d.}futfrey Jfopewe([Owens of06erfi.n, Ofiio , Jlonnan :Moore 06erti.n, Ofiio , :M.icliae(green, Co[um6us, Ofiio
Cousins raise togetlier as si6liti{Js Saundra P. 'fit.Ymz d. (]3rian 'fit.Ynn,
Cousins Jfopewe{[, 'fit.Ynn 's, griffins, Owens, Lee, d.:M.cintosli , }lt{optetf sisterSandra (cDeCvin) ofLit/ionia, :Nepliews aruf!/Vzeces cDavitf('Yani)J{opeweffJr. cD 'Lisa Jf. (Jarrett) ~6inson (])'Juan J{opewe{[, d. cD )fnare Jfopewe{{, 'l(e(fy Jf. ('Travis) Wasfiitlfjton, f}(icfiaraJfairston, }fariunne 'Troutman (Wren) jladonnis Peny, Jfany :M.afiajfey, Jr , Constance Pran/ifin, Jonathan Pran/<fi.n, {}3ratufy :M.afiajfey, Oti.ver Spurgeon, gwria c'Davenport, e66ie Ve66ie 'Yar6rouafi('l(j.rV, Latonia }fnwU , 'Ta::.a :M.cintosfi , fric :M.clnto In atfdition to a fiost ofnieces, nepfiews,Jrietufs anacliurcfifami(:y forever andaCways 'Ifie Sumner Street Pami(:y

A Poem for Uncle Mark
Years ago on Glenrock Drive in Decatur, ~. We never knew you'd cane into our lives in such a major way.
A tenacious, extberant, yet rosy, little girl was I, always insisting Aunt Genet take me for walks
ard one day you just could not let her pass you by.

Days turned into weeks ard countless weeks went by too Aunt Genet came to ~ the man with the eyes so blue.
We gre.N up arourd you, you were a part of us all,
the holidays, the celebrations, the visits, the calls you encouraged us, you supported us,
you let us kro.-J just ho.oJ proud of us you were.
You loved us..but rrost of all, you loved her.
l.hcle Mark you will never be forgotten, you will always be here for you have left an indelible "mark" in our lives ard in our hearts we will keep you near.
We will not say goodbye, cnly see you later in another place for you have fought the gcx:xl fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the faith...
Constance Franklin

Acknowledgment and Expression of Gratitude
Family of Mark Anthony Hopewell

To have had Mark as a son, husband, father, uncle, nephew, cousin & friend is to know

true love! It has been an honor to celebrate his life with so many people who loved him:

We thank God for each expression of your love through prayers, visits , flowers , cards ,

words of encouragement, generosity of time and resources . We can never stop

appreciating the prayers of so many that sustain us. We would like to give special thanks

to Tower Power Full Gospel Ministries in Decatur, Georgia and Greenforest Community

Baptist Church , in Decatur, GA. THANK YOU church families for your unconditional love

for Mark. Please continue to keep us in

prayers as we will keep you in ours .

Lirufa <Davit[(f1fe) d Juyce Pallbearers Eric Calderwe/1 James Pyron, William Hilton Gerald Bain Darwin Howard
Genesis I &Seekers of the Word F.H. Class & Prayer Ministry Flower Girls June Blackmon, Patrice Green, C, Vanessa Cameron and Corlene Farley
Genesis I & Seekers of the Word F.H. Class & Prayer Ministry
gregory (}J. LefJett e:{,Sons Punera{1fome Inc. 4347 PfatShoa!q{wy (])ecatur, georgia 30034
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