Jfome!Join!J Gefebralion
Yffrs. Venella :Jyrus Jfayyood
Friday, January 22, 1999 - 11:00 A.M. -
9realer Xew Z.ton :JJapl/sl C.hurch
1611 Burton Avenue Macon, Georgia
The Reverend Willie D. Daughtry, Jr., Pastor Officiating
g once beardher say she was never :;ifi~d wrlli voice, like lier brothers r;r sisters who liad one of course . ..
c5o .in fier humbleness she asked9oc/, lVbal was her :;if!.? Jfe replied "3oobrn1 ajier CJ;dclrenn / 7o her !.h~s seemed so unfair; she dr"cln 'I realize /his :;.if! was very rare; we listened carefulij wriiJ a fou.rn:; slare, for we were !lie cb.rfclren
for wbicb slie bad cared. ..
Jler vo.r"ce is !.he sweelesl: we 'ue ever beard; rl mellowed our aclions, lhou:;hls and our words. Jfer solo's louched
many bolhfar andnear, because /bey were !on:; sleacfy and clear. 'lJ.isobey .tjyou carec/i she wouldf.rilyou w.rlb
fears, whipped w.rlh a sony /hal filledyou wrlfllears, rl made you w.rshyou bad no/ done wrony, for you see lb.rs was no/ whal you'd call a sborl son:;, her slren:;lfi was like c5amson, when Jl.rs hair was lony . . .
Jfer smile and concern filled each empl_y space, no one couldmeel her or look on her face , andnoljeel9od's love, all over file place; she'dgreel you w.rlli foy, laugfller, peace andy.race, she'd/ellyou 9od's wore!, lo beep you goiny a/ a sleac/j pace; for she knows w.rlh 9odyou can '!lose !lie race . ..
r:S/ie 'd balhe, .hold and moldyou, when you lhouyhl you were loo old; bul she would d/splay her sweelfealures lo show, she was in conlrof; she guided us wilh a firm bul loving hand; and made sure you knew !.hal 9ocfliacf a plan, yes I You sluched lha "9ood !lJoo", or your hull was lanned. ..
Jfer life is one in which on/j a few may sfand; on/j ifmembers of9ocf's Jfofy 2Jand; she'dguard us "be rare fewefs
from /he molher land; Borel bless /he person who a/lacks her young, believe me, she'd make /hem wish, !.hey weren'l even born. Jhere isn 'I a game s.fie doesn 'I know liow lo play, and ifyou !JOI boredyou mig.hi win l.fial day . ..
0./ie nurlured lfle ground -be ri was .lier bes/ friend; g guess Ilia! if was wlien !lie liarves/ came in, il feel allher
family, and olfiers a)Ji/i.in, !lien il would sendprell_y flowers lo make us allgrin, sfie euen made fier own soap, lo wasli
our clolhes in, she made slarcfl on /he slove andpressed our pan/s 1./iin, g ojien wonderedhow g wouldgel /hem /o
dhe made us see our beauly within, and /hal's when we reah"zed we were specialfj owned; "be cui diamonds pressured, pohshed, loved, admired and adoredfor our unirueness, beau!y, slrenglh, and brrfhanl refleclions of.her h'glil, because we all are reflecHons of!Jlis magnificenl source.
2/[uflijaceled (2/(oflier 7Jear)
Ou.r Jami/j
We are a family whose hearts are blazing So lets raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our Father in the name of Jesus Make us a beacon in darkest times
Thank you God for loaning us one of your Angels for our mother. Glory be to God our Father.
Venetta Tyrus Haygood was born on June 10, 1908 in Coffee Springs, Alabama to the parentage of the late, John Tyrus and Velma McNair Tyrus. She received her education in the Coffee Springs Public Schools and joined the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. She was united in Holy Matrimony to Mr. Roy Haygood. She was a member of the Greater New Zion Baptist Church , 1611 Burton Avenue, Macon, Georgia. She departed this life on January 16, 1999.
She was preceded in death by: her husband, Mr. Roy Haygood; one son, Mr. Horace C. Haygood; two sisters, Mrs. Jodie Haizlip and Mrs. Mamie Fleming; two brothers, Mr. Thanyous Tyrus and Mr. John Tyrus, Jr.; and five sisters-in-law, Mrs. Sally Tyrus, Mrs. Beulah Haygood Ford, Mrs. Inez Haygood, Mrs. Robbie Haygood Lightner and Mrs. Essie Haygood Shedrick.
She leaves to mourn her passing: two daughters, Mrs. Delores H. Ross of Riverdale, Georgia and Mrs. Velma H. Taylor of Macon, Georgia; three sons, Mr. Robert H. Haygood, Annapolis, Maryland, Col. Roy W. Haygood, Jr., U.S. Army Retired, of Willingboro, New Jersey and Rev. Dr. Lawrence F. Haygood of Tuskegee, Alabama; three affectionate daughters, Mrs. Helen Jones and Mrs. Lula Lewis of Macon, Georgia and Mrs. Ella Mae Grier; two affectionate sons, Mr. James Jones of Macon, Georgia and Mr. Robert Grier; four daughters-in-law, Mrs. Emily Haygood of Annapolis, Maryland, Mrs. Jennie Haygood of Willingboro, New Jersey, Mrs. Earnestine Haygood of Tuskegee, Alabama, and Mrs. Shep Haygood of Tuskegee, Alabama; two sons-in-law, Mr. David T. Ross of Riverdale, Georgia and Mr. Henry Taylor, Jr. of Warner Robins, Georgia; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Marguerite Tyrus of Mississippi and Mrs. Birda Haygood Cato of Los Angeles, California; one brother-in-law, Mr. Booker T. Haygood; eighteen grandchildren; twenty-five great grandchildren; one great great grandchild; a devoted cousin, Mrs. Wilma Doris Reynolds; a devoted niece, Mrs. Eartha Walker; and a host of nieces, grand nieces, nephews, grand nephews, cousins and special friends of Macon and distant cities.
0 6.tluary
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; That where I am, There ye may be also.
Prelude Processional
Selection .................................... "Precious Lord" .................................. Pamela McGee
Old Testament .................................................................. ........................... Psalm 23 New Testament ................................................ ... ....... ... ........ .................. John 14:1-7
Matthew 5:1-12 Prayer ............................................................................................. Rev. Gilbert Graham Selection .................... "Nearer My God To Thee" ................................. James Duncan Remarks ....................................................................................... Deacon Charlie Brown Multifaceted .............................. ................... ............ ........................................ Zina Leslie Selection ........................................... "Hero" ........................................... Pamela McGee Eulogy .................................................................................. Rev. Willie D. Daughtry, Jr. Selection ....................... "God Has Smiled On Me" ....................... Matthew Brown, Jr. Recessional ......................... "Going Up Yonder" .................................................... Choir
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church Cemetery Coffee Springs, Alabama
Larry Jackson Robert Haygood Jr. Eric C. Haygood
Ronald Ross
Timothy Ross Terrell Ross
Lawrence Haygood Jr. Roy Williams Haygood Ill Russell Haygood Nicholas Ross Henry Taylor Kelvin Taylor
:Jfower Badies
The Deaconesses of Greater New Zion Baptist Church
The family of Venetta Tyrus Haygood appreciates the many kind deeds and expressions of sympathy extended by friends and loved ones during these hours of sorrow. Each thoughtful gesture has served as a source of comfort and strength. May God continue to bestow his richest blessings upon all who have shared in this bereavement.
Dinner will be served in Church Basement.