Order of Service
The Rev. Ronald G. Toney, Officiant Organist, Mr. Gregory Oliver Pianist, Mr. Neal Fryer
Invocation ........ The Rev. Dr. Walter L. Glover, Jr., Pastor Greater Zion Hill Baptist Church
To Those I Love and
Those Who Love Me
When I am gone , release .me, let me go I have so many things to see and do You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears Be happy that we had so many years.
I gave you my love you can only guess How much you gave me in happiness I thank you for the love, you each have shown But now it's time I traveled on alone.
Memorial Services For
So grieve a while for me if grieve you must
Old Testament .............. The Rev. Ronald G. Toney, Pastor Lizzie Chapel Baptist Church
New Testament ........... The Rev. Curtis Raines, Sr., Pastor New Pilgrim/Mt. Zion Baptist Churches
Then let your grief be comforted by trust. It's only for awhile that we must part,
So bless the memories within your heart I won't be far away, for life goes on.
So if you need me, call and I will come
Solo .................................................. Ms. Beverly Fryer
Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near. And if you listen with your heart you'll hear
Remarks Superintendent ............................. Mrs. Sharon Patterson
Bibb County Board of Education
All of my love around you soft and clear. And then when you must come this way alone,
I' 11 greet you with a smile and say "Welcome Home"
Employee ..... The Rev. Richard Madison, Paraprofessional
John W Burke Elementary School Friend .................................... Ms. Gail Gilbert, Principal
Skyview Elementary School Friend ...................... Dr. Joyce Wesley, Retired Educator
Friends, From the moment you heard about her sudden death,
you started to pray for us. Thank you. You continued with /
Solo .............................................. Ms. Juanita Womack
food, calls, flowers, cards, visits, monetary gifts, prayers and genuine love. Thank you. May God bless and keep each of
I Remarks
\ you in His love and grace.
College Roomate ............. Mrs. Ella Mae Carter, Principal
-The Bronson Family
Northeast High School FVSU Alumni Assoc ........ Mr. Lee Adams, Representative \~
Fort Valley State University
The family has requested in lieu of flowers contributions be made to the Dr. Vivian B. Hatcher Scholarship Fund. Send
Church Member/Teacher .......... Ms. Pamela Montgomery
to Ms. Sara Payton at 1453 Westbury Drive; Macon, GA
Lizzie Chapel Baptist Church/John W Burke Elem. School
Solo ............................................. Dr. Thomas D. Smith, Nephew
Remarks by Family Members
Mortuary Services and Arrangements entrusted to:
"Middle Geprgia 's TRUE Trendsetters"
HICKS and SONS Mortuary, Inc.
2233 Anthony Road, West@ Henderson Drive . Macon, Georgia 31204-5823 Phone:478-788-4300;Fax:478-781-5500 E-mail: chicks02@bellsouth.net
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Macon City Auditorium
415 First Street; Macon, GA
The Rev. Ronald G. Toney, Officiant
Wednesday June 23, 2004 11:00 A.M.
Woodlawn Memorial Park, Inc. 2005 Woodlawn Drive Macon, GA
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness."
II Timothy 4:7-8
DR. VIVIAN BRONSONHATCHER was born August 6, 193 7 to the late Mr. Henry Louis Bronson and Mrs. Hazel Battle Bronson, in Macon, Bibb County, GA. She was the seventh of eleven children.
At an early age, she joined Lizzie Chapel Baptist Church. At age 9, she was in Sunday School when an inspired clarity (Epiphany) was revealed to become a teacher and principal. With Divine Guidance, the goal was accomplished as result of being Competent, Fair, Tough, Thoughtful, Firm, Consistent and Caring. It was her passion to promote happiness and fulfillment of the children.
Dr. Vivian B. Hatcher attended Unionville Elemetary School and Ballard-Hudson High School, Macon. She received a B. S. Degree at Fort Valley State University (1959), studied at Atlanta University (1963); Ed. M. Degree at Univsersity of Georgia ( 1975); Ed. S. Degree at Georgia State University (1983) and Ph. D. Degree at Georgia State University (1988).
Teaching Administration Career: Teacher- grades 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 - Thompson, GA and Bibb County ( 19591965); Media Specialist K-7 Unionville, Weir and Lanier A. Schools ( 1965-1979, 1984-1987) Assistant Principal; McEvoy High School ( 1979-1980) Principal; Duresville, Burdell and Burke ( 1980-1984, 1987-
2004); Adjunct Professor, Fort Valley State University (1988-) and Professional Development; Bibb Teachers' Link (2002-) a total of 45 years as of June, 2004. Her affiliations included: Lizzie Chapel Baptist Church, NEA/GAE/BAE Professional Associations, Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society, Phi Delta Kappa, Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority, Children's Museum, ASCD (Administration and Supervision for Curriculum Development), MCCD-Mercer Center for Community Development and CAC - (Community Advisory Council). Her awards: Teachers, Officers Recognition Day, February 14, 1989, Lizzie Chapel Baptist Church Outstanding Service Award - 1988-1989 Fort Valley State University, Community Support For Fall Sports - 19901991 Junior Readers, Community Service Award -August 26, 1991, Mayor's Presidents Club; Featured Articles by Bill Boyd and Ed Grisamore/The Macon Telegraph; Georgia School Leadership Institute - 1992, Governer Zell Miller; Elementary Principal Of The
Year - 1996-1997, Bibb County School Nutrition Department; Model For Success Awards, 1997-1998, Dr. Gene Buinger; Model For Success, 1998-1999, Mrs. Sharon Patterson; Education Award - February 28, 1999, New Fellowship Baptist Church; No Excuses Award - May 30, 2000, Gov. Roy Barnes - 2001; School Visits by Governer Sonny Perdue - 2003; Olympic Labor Day Race - 2000/2003, Age Group 6064/65-69; Resolution from the Georgia State Senate (Mark Taylor, Senate President, Frank Eldridge, Jr., Senate Secretary, Susan W. Cable, District 27 Senator); Garden of Success- October, 2003, Burke's Sixth Graders/Mercer University; Mercer Center For Community Development- October, 2003, Dr. Peter Brown; selected for Special Recognition (FVSU Alumni) February 21, 2004 and the James Wimberly Institute Award. The Vivian B. Hatcher's Garden of Success is a continuous reminder to "Help the Children."
She was preceded in deat_h by her brother, Mr. Theodore Smith. She departed this life June 16, 2004. Cherishing her memories are: siblings, Mrs. Rosanna Hunt; San Bernardino, CA, Dr. Louis H. (Thelma) Bronson, Sacramento, CA, Mrs. Carolyn B. James, E. Palo Alto, CA, Mr. William (Stella) Bronson, Mr. Robert (Hattie) Bronson, San Jose, CA, Mr. Harry W. Bronson, Atlanta, GA; Mrs. Sara B. Payton, Mrs. Mildred B. (Dudley) Pittman and Mrs. Bernice B. Houston, Macon, GA; Godmother, Ms. Valla Hartry, Macon, GA; nieces and nephews, Lalia B. Coley, Jean B. Jackson, Dr. Thomas Smith and Victor Houston, Macon, GA, Lisa Bronson, Norfolk, VA, Kim Bronson, Oakland, CA, Tara Bronson, Louis H. Bronson, Jr., Sacramento, CA, Thaddeus (Norma) Barrow, Vallejo, CA, Billy (Andrea) Bronson, E. Palo Alto, CA and Mark Houston, USAF; great nieces and nephews: Bianca Coley and Quincy Jackson, Macon, GA, Nina Marissa and Thaddarius Barrow, Vallejo, CA, Brianna Bronson, E. Palo Alto, CA; a host of other relatives and friends .