Funeral Services for Ms. Barbara Christine Bonner, Monday, May 16, 2005, 11:00 A.M., St. Paul A.M.E. Church, 989 Walter E. Davis Blvd., Macon, Georgia, Rev. Ernest L. Gordon, Officiating, Interment, Woodlawn Memorial Park, "Hutchings Service"


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The family is grateful for all acts of kindness extended during the illness and death of our loved one. Thank you for your prayers. May God continue to bless each of you.





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Monday, May 16, 2005 11:00 A.M.
St. P aul A.M.E. C hurch 989 Walter E. Davis Blvd.
Macon, Georgia
Rev. Ernest L. Gordon, Officiating
Interment Woodlawn Memorial Park

Ms. Barbara Christine Bonner was born July 13, 1944
in Bibb County, Georgia to the late Cleon R. and Mable
W. Bonner. She departed this life on May 12, 2005 at
Regency Hospital. She was a member of Saint Paul A.M.E. Church. She attended Green Street Elementary School, Appling
High School, Tennessee State and The Fashion Institute of Technology in New Yorl~ City where she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in the field of Fashion and Design. She received an additional Degree in Health and Physical Education and taught P .E. and Health in the New York Public School System for thirty years. She
returned to Macon in June of 1997.
She leaves with loving memories: two sisters, Leona (Roosevelt) Walton of Macon and Marjorie (Donald) Skillman of Land 0' Lai~es, FL; five nieces, Traci (Ronald) Jerald of Sugar Hill, GA, Tenae Walton of Macon, Yakara (Hector) Hernadez of Tampa, FL,
Yolanda Skillman and Yavonne Skillman of Land 0'
Lakes, FL; four grand nieces, Alycia Gonzalez and Alesandra Hernadez of Tampa, FL, Nandi Walton of Macon and Aysha Jerald of Sugar Hill, GA; two grand
nephews, Elijah Skillman-Mungin of Land 0' Lakes, FL,
Adon Jerald of Sugar Hill, GA; and a host of relatives and friends.

The Order of Service
The Rev. Ernest L. Gordon, Presiding The Prelude
**The Processional. ........Ministers, Pallbearers, & Family Hymn................................The Choir and Congregation Prayer of Consolation...................Rev. Timothy Booker The Liturgy of the Word
Old Testament.. .. ........................Curtis Cooper, Jr. New Testament............................Robert Brown, III Selection.................. ..........................L.Darnella T ravet The Obituary.............(silent reading) .............Soft Music Remarks...........................................Bro.Walter Lamar Selection ............................................................. Choir The Eulogy............ .. ........ Rev.Ernest L. Gordon, Pastor
St. Paul A.M.E. Church **The Recessional. ......... .Ministers, Pallbearers, & Family
The Interment Woodlawn Memorial Park
**Congregation Stands
