Hart family genealogical data


Hart farilly Genealogical data

Reel No. ^^7 Positive filed in

In possession of : St. Paul's I^iscopal Church Augusta, Ga.
Date microfilmed- Feb. 9, I960


Georgia Departnent OF Miorofilai Division 1516 Peachtree ST., HE Atlanta 9, Georgia.


and History

794 Piedmont Ave* N. E., Atlanta, Georgia October 20th, 1945
Postmaster Millhaven, Ga.
Dear Sir:
I am wanting some Information of the Seaborn Jones family. Particularly to learn of "Castle Manor" was the name of the old Jones settlement, and did it afterwards become known as MiHhaven?
I find documents reading, "John Jones of 'Castle Manor,'' Burke County, ^a." And Frederick Jones and Margaret his wife, deeds land to Robert hart, Burke County, ^a. Oct- IS, 1790. Thus we see that we had two separate Jones homestead of Jones, at Blrdsvllle, and Castle Manor, Francis '*ones family, and the '^eaborn Jones family, and they intermarry, which makes it even more difficult to keep the families straight-
What I am most antious to get right, is the ^art family. Susannah Jones, sister of Seaborn the first, married Captain Anthony "art, in North Carolina, and they removed to Tennessee, and were neighbors of Andrew Jackson. Hart died in 1796, and left a widow with a son named William, who he mentioned in his will, and gave him one third of the estate, and the rest of his property to his wl^ and daughter Susannah ^`artin Hart. Susannah i^artln Hard, must have been the daughter* by Susannah Jones first husband who was John Martin. I hardly think *he would have named a daughter by her second husband Martin. Susannah Jones Hart died at the home of her brother, Seaborn Jones, Mlllhaven, 1806. I believe th-.t her son T^llllam is buried there, and maybe other Hart children.
William Hart son of **-nthony hart, must have died early in life, leaving two sons, John Jones Ha rt and Marshall Hart, both born between 1796 and 1800. Their mother must have been a Beasley, as ^ find record of Thomas ^easley making by deed of gift, certain land to them, and he calls them his "Nephews". They could have been his great nephews? Just the connection of Robert "art, if any, I am unable to figure out.
i If there is any one who has the family records, I would appreciate very much if you will give them this letter. I want the tombstone inscriptions from the graves of the B aborn Jones cemetery, and if the church to which they belonged has the old minutes, i feel quite sure some information can be obtained from them, or early minutes of the Masonic bodge. Due to the fact that Burke County has lost their records several times, makes it very difficult to get families straight. Burke County was the Athens of Georgia, llterarly speaking, in early days, and still the lights of the first settlers shine, and undiminished in lustre. Georgia best historical novel is yet to come, with it setting in Burke and Screven Counties. If l do not pen one, may t be able to preserve the facts, for some one to write the story of those people, and let the world know who settled Georgia, and that the best seed for settlement was placed on Georgia soil.
I hope that this letter will find some one who will furnish me some early records of the Jones family, and Susannah Bart's family, for which I willing to pay a reasonable fee, for the tombstone inscriptions, and records from the church minutes.
Very truly yours.
Mrs. Julian Carswell Lane





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Hart family Genealogical data

Reel No. wn Positive filed in

In possession of'. St. Paul's %)iscopal Church Augusta, Ga.
Date microfilmed- Peb. 9, i960

As reproduced by the Hicrofilm Division of the Georgia Department of Archives and History, under the Jurisdiction of the Georgia Department of Gtate, Ben W, Fortson, Jr., Secretary of State.
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