I [blank] do solemnly swear ... allegiance to his Majesty King George the third my lawful sovereign; and that I will at all risks stand forth in support of his person and government: and I do solemnly disclaim and renounce that unlawful and ini



, do solemnly swear that I will bear true and faithful Allegiance to his Majesty King George the Third, my lawful Sovereign; and that I will at all Risks stand forth in Support of his Person and Government: And I do solemnly disclaim and renounce that unlawful and iniquitous Confederacy, called the General Continental Congress; also the Claim set up by them to Independency, and all Obedience to them, and all subordinate Jurisdictions assumed by, or under, their Authority. All this I do sincerely promise without Equivocation, or mental Reservation whatever.
So help me God!


Bearer having complied with the Terms of the Proclamation issued by the Commanders of his Majesty's Sea and Land Forces in this Province, dated
th of January
has Permission to remain on Plantation, and enjoy his Majesty's Protection for
, Family and Effects of every Kind:
has also Permission to pass and repass to and from
with Provisions and all other Necessaries, for the Use of the Town and Garrison unmoisted; and the Guards at the Outposts are hereby required and directed to give
every Assistance that may be necessary
Day of
, One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-nine.
To all Officers, Civil and Military.

CO5 182
