University of Georgia
Board of Trustees Minutes
Volume VI, 1887-1914
UGA 97-104: 7
See Also Preservation Microfilm Roll #8 (P.S. #518)
Transcribed by: Frank Hamrick
Andy Lemons
Dai Nguyen
Gilbert Head
November, 2004
ATHENS, JULY 8th, 1887.
The Board of Trustees met in annual session at 10 oclock, A.M.
Present, Hon. J.J. Gresham, President.
Messrs. Pope Barrow, Messrs. R.C. Humber
Lamar Cobb, Henry Jackson
Alex S. Erwin, P.A. Stovall
J.S. Hamilton, W.W. Thomas
A.L. Hull,
The minutes of the last annual meeting and the call meeting at Atlanta, Nov. 1886, were read and approved.
The Chancellor opened the meeting with prayer. The Chancellor made his annual Report, which, on motion of Mr. Billups, was received and referred to the appropriate committees. [Pages 12-53.] Mr. Hull made his Report as chairman of the Auditing Committee, which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Mr. Hull also made his report as chairman of the Finance Committee which was received and laid on the table for the present
Mr. J.S. Hamilton made his report as Chairman of the Committee on the Experimental Farm, which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Mr. J.S. Hamilton as Chairman of Committee on Apparatus made his report, which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Mr. Thomas made his report as chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Mr. Cobb read the Abstract from the Minutes of the Prudential Committee, which was received and ratified. [Page 73.]
Mr. D.B. Hamilton was excused from attendance at this session.
University of Georgia,
Mr. Jackson was excused after today until Monday, On motion, Board adjourned to 3. P.M.
3. P.M. Board reconvened. Mr. H.V.M. Miller appeared and took his seat. Messrs. Byrd, Vason, Felton and Livingston excused from attendance at this session.
Mr. John Screven tendered his resignation as a Trustee, which was accepted.
Mr. Billups moved to fill the vacancies in the Board caused by the death of Chief Justice James Jackson, and the resignation of Hon. John Screven.
Mr. Miller moved to separate the elections and vote on filling the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Jackson, and postpone the other until some future day, which was lost.
Mr. Billups resolution was then adopted.
Mr. Miller moved to reconsider the whole matter, which was agreed.
Then on motion of Mr. Billups, the election was set for Saturday at 10 oclock. A.M.
The report of W.S. Basinger as President of the N.G. A&M College, and the report of W. P. Price as President of the Board of Trustees of said College were read by the Secretary, and on motion were received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr. Humber read the report from the N.G.A.&M. College, which was received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
On motion, Board adjourned to 9.A.M. Saturday.
Athens, July 9th, 1887.
The Board met according to adjournment. The minutes were read and approved.
Messrs. J.E. Brown and H.D. McDaniel appeared and took their seats.
Col. A.P. Wright, President, Board of Trustees of So. Ga. A.&M. College presented the report of that College, which was received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr. J.S. Hamilton moved to take up the report of the Committee on Apparatus, which was agreed to and on his motion the report was adopted. [Page. 53-54.]
Mr. J.S. Hamilton also moved to take up the report on the Farm which was agreed, and on his motion the report was adopted. [Page. 55]
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Barrow, which was agreed to:
Resolved, That the fees required of the students in the Laboratory of $15.00, for each student in that department for their chemicals &c, shall be paid to the Treasurer and disbursed by him upon requisitions of the Professor of Chemistry, with statements of account the amount not to exceed the sum collected. The Com appointed for the election of Trustees, to fill vacancies in the Board, having arrived, the Board went into an election to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Chief Justice James Jackson, and Governor John. B. Gordon was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy.
An election was then held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of the Hon. John Screven of Savannah, which resulted in the unanimous election of Mr. A.L. Hull.
University of Georgia,
The President then announced the following Committee on Laws and Discipline:
J.A. Billups. Chairman.
J.E. Brown, H. Jackson.
H.V.M. Miller, P.A. Stovall
H.D. McDaniel R.C. Humber.
The President then announced the following additions to the Committee on Branch Colleges; Messrs. Pope Barrow, N.J. Hammond, H.V.M. Miller, and B.C. Yancey.
A communication from the Committee of Students on Athletic Exercises was read, and on motion of Mr. Humber referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline.
An invitation was received from Mr. E.C. Kontz to attend the exercises of the Senior Class at their Class Tree, which on motion of Mr. Billups was accepted.
On motion of Mr. Barrow the report of the Committee on Finance was taken up and considered by sections.
1st. Section, First appropriating $21450.00 for salaries Mr. Barrow moved to adopt. Mr. Humber moved to strike out $21450.00 and insert $21050.00, which was agreed to.
2nd. Section Second. Appropriating $2000.00 to Dahlonega was agreed to.
3rd. Section Third, appropriating $500.00 to the Experimental Farm was adopted.
4th. Section Fourth, appropriating $600.00 for servants, was amended on motion of Mr. Brown by striking out $600.00, and inserting $400.00 for servants on the campus.
Athens, July 9th, 1887.
5th. Section Fifth, appropriating $200.00. for full was agreed to.
6th. Section Sixth, appropriating $250.00 for water supply was agreed to.
7th. Section Seventh, was amended to appropriate the sum of $1710.00 including repairs on High School
8th. Section Eight, appropriating $550.00 for insurance was agreed to.
9th. Section Ninth, appropriating $500.00 for Catalogue, Advertising, and Printing, on motion of Mr. Barrow was reduced to $300.00
11th Section Eleventh, appropriating $150.00 for incidentals, Mr. Brown moved to strike out $150.00 and insert $50,000 Mr. Erwin moved to amend by inserting $100.00 which was agreed to.
10th. Section Tenth, appropriating On Motion of Mr. Barrow, the appropriation for postage was reduced to $150.00.
12th. Section Twelfth, Appropriating $20.00 for Commencement Sermon was agreed to.
13th. Section Thirteenth, appropriating $200.00 for music was on motion of Mr. Brown reduced to $100.00
14th. Section Fourteenth, $36.00 for Sophomore medals was agreed to.
15th. Section Fifteenth, $100.00 for Chancellors expenses was agreed to.
16th Section Sixteenth, $300.00 for Librarian was reduced to $250.00, on motion of Mr. Cobb. On motion of Mr. McDaniel the report was adopted as a whole except as to the three Branch Colleges. [Pages 56 61]
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On motion of Mr. Hull the Board proceeded to elect a Librarian, on counting the ballots, Miss Sarah Frierson having received a majority of the votes was declared elected.
Mr. Thomas stated that Mr. F. Phinizy desired to know if the Board desired to sell the lot of land near the High School lying between the Lawrenceville and Jefferson Roads. And Mr. Thomas was requested to inform him that we did not desire to sell at this time.
Mr. Thomas moved to take up the report of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, and offered the following resolution which was adopted:
Resolved. That the sum of $1900.00 be appropriated for the purpose of making all repairs and for refunding $188.23/100 to Prof. Jones exclusive of water rents and that the foregoing report as thus amended, he adopted, [Pages. 73-74.] The Board then took a recess until 3. P.M.
5. P.M. Board reconvened. Mr. Meldrim appeared and took his seat with the board.
Mr. Erwin chairman of the special committee on the Gilmer Fund. Made his report, which was received and adopted. [Pages. 62 & 66.] Messrs. Hall and McIntyre were excused from attendance at this meeting. An invitation from Dr. and Mrs. Mell to attend their reception Tuesday evening was accepted with thanks. The report of Dr. W.L. Jones was received, read and referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Athens, July 9th & 11th, 1887.
Mr. Barrow read the report of the majority of the Committee on Branch Colleges, which divided the Gilmer Fund equally between the three Branch Colleges.
Mr. Erwin the Chairman, dissented from the majority and recommended that the whole be given to Dahlonega.
Mr. Brown moved to amend by giving $500.00 to Dahlonega, and $250.00 each to Milledgeville and Thomasville, which was agreed to and then the report as thus amended was adopted. [Pages. 67-68] On Motion the Board then adjourned until, 9.A.M. Monday.
Monday, July 11th, 1887,
The Board met pursuant to adjournment, the minutes were read and adopted.
Messrs. Fannin, Hammond, McCord, and Yancey appeared and took their seats.
The President announced as the Committee on Invitation Messrs. Stovall and McCord.
Mr. Billups, chairman of the Committee on Laws and Discipline made the report of that Committee in reference to Field Day, which was adopted. [Page. 69.]
Pending the consideration of the regular report of that Committee the Board took a recess to hear the address of Hon. P.W. Meldrim to the two societies.
Board reconvened after the address, Dr. H.V.M. Miller, Vice-President, in the Chair.
On motion of Mr. Hammond, the report of the Committee on Laws and Discipline was adopted.
[Pages. 69-71.]
University of Georgia
The same Committee reported back the report of Dr. Jones without recommendation, which, on motion of Mr. Brown, was laid on the table.
Mr. Thomas, Chairman of the committee on the Chas. McD. Brown Scholarship Fund made his report, which was adopted. [Pages 72-73.]
On motion Board adjourned until 9.A.M. Tuesday Morning.
Tuesday July 12th. 1887
Board met according to adjournment, Minutes read and approved.
Messrs. Gordon, Grady, and Felton appeared and took their seats.
On motion of Mr. Hammond a Committee of two resident Trustees was appointed to wait upon the Legislative Committee and request them to join with the Trustees in the Exercises, The Chair appointed Messrs. Hull and Barrow. Board took a recess to attend meeting of the Alumni.
Board re-assembled, when Hon. R.B. Russell, the newly elected Alumni Trustee appeared and took his seat.
The Board took a recess to hear the address of Sylvanus Morris Esq. before the Alumni Society.
After the address, the Board reconvened when a communication from the chancellor was received, tendering his resignation, and on motion of Mr. Hammond a committee of three was appointed to wait upon the Chancellor and request the withdrawal of his resignation. The chair appointed Messrs. Hammond, Gordon and McDaniel.
Athens, July 12th, 1887.
Mr. Thomas read a communication from Hon. Y.L.G. Harris, enclosing the receipt of the present Secretary and Treasurer for the Bonds &c. turned over by Mr. Harris, as chairman of the Prudential Committee, and come other papers, which on motion of Mr. Thomas were turned over to the Chairman of the Finance Committee for safe keeping.
Mr. Hammond, from the committee appointed to wait upon the Chancellor, reported as follows;
We believe that the resignation of Chancellor Mell was tendered by him under a misunderstanding; to wit that the action of the Board of yesterday was condemnation of his course as to duelling in the late affair in the University. The Board declares that they meant no such condemnation, that the believe that under the law of 1853 his permitting the parties engaged in that affair to return to the University was right: that the Board meant only to declare a new order of conduct for the future in such cases; Therefore resolved that a copy of the above he sent to Dr. Mell and that he be requested to withdraw his letter of resignation.
The Board then took a recess until 4.P.M.
4. P.M. Board re-assembled. A communication was received from the Chancellor with drawing his letter of resignation.
On motion of Mr. Hammond the various degrees recommended by the Chancellor in his annual communication were conferred.
On motion of Mr. Jackson the action of the Board at the called meeting in Atlanta, last November, was ratified. [Pages. 75-76.]
University of Georgia
Messrs. Colquitt and Beckwith were excused from attendance at this session.
Mr. McCord offered the following; Resolved that the sum of $1200.00 be fixed and the same is hereby appropriated as the salary of the Secretary and Treasurer of this Board, beginning with July 1st. Instant Adopted.
On motion of Mr. Hammond the Chairman was requested to appoint a committee of three to draft suitable resolutions, with reference to the late Chief Justice James Jackson.
The chair stated that he would announce the Committee tomorrow.
The Board then took a recess to attend the Junior Exhibition, after which they re-convened, and on motion of Mr. Hammond the Manuscript of Mr. Glen Waters speech was returned to him with a copy of the law on the subject matter of his letter.
Wednesday, July 13th, 1887
The minutes were read and approved.
A letter was received dated July from J.R. Owen of Cuthbert, and on motion of Mr. Hammond, the Secretary was directed to make the same reply as he did last year.
On motion of Mr. Grady it was resolved that the Prudential Committee be authorized to select a location for the proposed Gymnasium and that it shall become when erected with all its fixtures &c. the property of the University without any cost.
Athens, July 13th, 1887.
The Committee on Honorary Degrees recommended that the degree of Doctor of Philosophy be conferred on L.H. Charbonnier and H.C. White and that the rules be suspended and the degree of L.L.D. be conferred on Hon. Jabez L.M. Curry of Alabama, and the degree of Civil Engineer on Coleman F. Fannin of LaGrange, Georgia, which on motion of Mr. Miller was received and adopted.
On motion of Mr. Cobb, Mr. Russell was added to the Prudential Committee.
Mr. Jackson offered the following; Resolved that the Secretary of this Board communicate with such papers and periodicals as may be approved by the Chancellor suggesting that the Library of the University would be glad to receive such publications, if sent gratuitously and that they will be kept of file, if so sent. Resolved further that the Librarian of the University be directed to keep the newspapers on file and to preserve the periodicals. Adopted.
Mr. B.P. Hollis was excused from attendance at this session.
Mr. Cobb gave notice of the application of B.C. Milner, for Honorary Degree of Civil Engineer. The chair announced the following committees, Memorial of Judge Jackson. Messrs, Hammond, Chairman, Miller and Billups.
A.L. Hull, Chairman, Brown, McCord, McIntyre.
Branch Colleges.
P.A. Stovall, Chairman, Yancey, Meldrim, Hollis, Vason.
Brown Scholarship Fund.
R.B. Russell, chairman, Jackson, Grady, Little.
University of Georgia.
Auditing Committee.
A.L. Hull, Chairman, J.S. Hamilton.
Law Department.
Pope Barrow, Chairman, Billups, Gordon.
Honorary Degrees.
Chancellor Mell, Chairman, Cobb, Billups.
Buildings and Grounds.
W.W. Thomas, Chairman, Felton, Humber, Miller.
Agriculture and Agricultural Farm.
J.S. Hamilton, Chairman, Fannin, Livingston, Byrd.
A.S. Erwin, Chairman, Cumming, Grady.
On motion, the Board took a recess to attend the Senior Exercises, and upon their completion, the Board stood adjourned until the next annual Session.
John J. Gresham
Chancellors Report,
University of Georgia.
July 8th, 1887.
To the Board of Trustees;
University of Georgia.
As there was so large a number that graduated last year, we had serious doubts whether the accessions this year would make up for the diminution. We were prepared therefore for a decrease of numbers as compared to last year. I am happy though to report that instead of a falling off, there has been a slight increase in the numbers in attendance.
Number of Students
During the past year there have matriculated in
the departments at Athens two hundred and seven, (207) Students viz; in Franklin College. One hundred and forty five. (145) in the State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. Fifty one. (51) and in the Law School, eleven, (11) Of those in the State College two (2) are Post Graduates.
Number of all those who have received instruction in the various departments of the University during the Collegiate Year.
In Franklin College. - 145.
In State College of Ag & Mech. Arts. (two Post Graduates.) - 51.
Law Department. - 11.
Total in all Departments at Athens. - 207.
As against 204 reported last year.
In the Medical Department. - 150.
As against 130, last year.
In North Georgia Agl College. Males 103, Females 11} Total. - 114.
As against 139 last year.
In South Georgia Agl College, Males 130, Females 50} Total. - 180.
As against 85 last year.
In Middle Georgia Mil. & Ag. Coll. Males 211, Females 217} Total. - 428.
As against 407, last year.
The three Branch Colleges reported last year are aggregate of 631, as against 722 this year.
Total in all the Departments and Colleges in our System. - 1079.
As against 965 last year.
It will appear then that in all the Departments and Colleges there has been an aggregate gain of. - 114.
Comparisons of Gains and Losses.
The Medical Department gains. 20.
The Branch College at Dahlonega loses. 25.
Thomasville gains. - 95.
University of Georgia,
The Branch College at Milledgeville gains. 21.
Franklin College holds it own exactly at 145.
The same is true of the Law Department. Eleven each year.
The State College of Agriculture & the Mech. Arts. Gains. 4.
College Grade,
In Departments at Athens. 207.
As against 204. Last year.
In Department at Augusta. 150.
As against 130 last year.
In the College at Dahlonega Males 60, Females 0} Total. 60.
As against 49. Last year.
In the college at Thomasville. Soph. 4} Females 0} Total. - 22.
Fresh 18} Females 4}
As against 5 males last year.
In Coll. at Milledgeville soph 38.} Females 20, Males 18}71 each} Total. 142.
Fresh 114 51, 53
Total of College Grade in all Departments 581.
As against 528 last year.
It appears then that the Departments here have gained 3 students of College Grade over last year, Augusta has gained 20, Dahlonega has gained, 11, Thomasville has gained 17, and Milledgeville has gained 2. Of the 142 Students though of College Grade reported by Milledgeville. 71 just one half are females. There must also be an unusual method of estimating those of College Grade by the last-mentioned College, and a peculiar law operating upon those thus classed; for of the 38, given as belonging to the Sophomore Grade, only 12 were presented at Commencement as having completed the course, and 9 of these were females. Of the 18 boys reported as entering the Sophomore Class, only 3, just one sixth went through to the end.
Excluding the Law and Medical Departments and the two Post Graduates, it will be seen that the of the College Grade, there are Undergraduates:
In the Departments at Athens. 194.
As against 192, last year.
In all the Branch Colleges. - 224.
As against 194, last year.
But 75 undergraduates, reported by the Branch Colleges are females. So that there have been in all the Branch Colleges this year 149 male undergraduates. Attention is also called again to the shadowy character at Commencement of large numbers reported as of College Grade. Of the 60 at Dahlonega, only 2 came to graduation, and of the 38 sophomores reported at Milledgeville only 3 boys completed the course and nine girls.
Total undergraduates of College Grade. 418.
As against 386, last year.
Medical Department.
At the commencement of the Medical Department this year. I conferred the Degree of Doctor of Medicine on forty-six (46.) graduates, as already stated this Department has had an increase of students during the past year.
Art Gallery.
I am sorry to say that during the past year no Trustee has favored us with a gift of his portrait, Numbers though have promised us to do so, and I patiently wait their time. It is a sore disappointment to me that I have failed to get the portrait of every member of the Board contemporary with myself.
University of Georgia,
The University and the State lament the death of the late Chief Justice James Jackson, L.L.D. which occurred since the last meeting of your board, An alumnus, of this University, and for many years a member of its Board of Trust, he illustrated his Alma Mater and contributed most potently to its advancement in prosperity and usefulness, In all the relations he sustained as statesman, jurist, Christian, he stood conspicuous for an ability faithfulness, and purity that commanded universal recognition, and admiration, The University also laments the death of a promising student, a young man from Savannah, who died unexpectedly on the cars, on his way home, whither he was summoned by his Father, with the hope that thus his health might be recuperated.
The University Form of Government
The Trustees, at their last session, legislated with the intention to make some important changes in the matter of the Powers and Duties of the Chancellor. There appearing to me to be important differences of opinion among the members of the Faculty, as to the proper interpretation of that legislation, in order to avoid friction, I thought it best to give in advance an analysis of the scheme and a codification of in, which I would offer to the Faculty for their animadversion and adoption or rejection. All but two cordially agreed with me that the analysis and classification were in accordance with the intention of the Trustees. One
of those dissenting heartily accepts the scheme as an eminently wise one, and hopes the Trustees will themselves ratify it. The other cordially acquiesces in the interpretation of the majority of his colleagues, That paper is re-produced here with respectful request that the Trustees will criticise it, and approve or condemn it.
Scheme for the Government of the University of Georgia under the Laws of the Trustees, as contained in the Report of a Committee in July 1886, On the Powers and Duties of the Chancellor.
The text of that report is in the following words; The Special Committee, on the Powers and Duties of the Chancellor report; that by the Code of the State the Chancellor is clothed with the powers which formerly belonged to the President. By the action of the Senatus Academicus, in 1853, a Code of Laws was enacted for the government of the Institution. By that Code the government the College is vested in the President. Professors and Tutors. Styled. The Faculty of Franklin College. Chap 1. Sec. 1.
By the 7th. Section of the same chapter. to the President is committed the general superintendence of the interests and reputation of the Institution. By the 14th. Section of the same chapter, it is enacted that every matter brought before the faculty shall be decided by votes, and it shall be the privilege of the President of the College, when present, to vote in all cases that come, before the Faculty, and also to give a casting vote when otherwise there would be a tie.
University of Georgia,
By the 1st Section and succeeding Sections of Chap 7th. It is enacted that punishment for for (sic) all offenses, embracing even reprimand shall be by the Faculty. So that, while the Chancellor is held responsible by law, and by the Board of Trustees, and by the public for general superintendence of the interests, and, reputation of the College, he is not authorized to inflict any sort of punishment for misbehaving of any sort by the students. Your Committee think that this is all wrong, and that he who is responsible must have power in the supervision of those interests and that reputation, we are of opinion that this Board has the power to amend the enactment of the Senatus Academicus of 1853, so as to confer power, where responsibility rests. Therefore it is hereby enacted by this Board that complete power is hereby nested the Chancellor in all disciplinary supervision, and punishment for misbehavior, and seriousness of duty by the students, and he shall not be required to consult the faculty thereon, except at his option, unless the offense he such as in his judgement shall amount to serious gravity, and raise the issue of expulsion from College. Provided nevertheless that it shall be the duty of each member of the Faulty to co-operate with the Chancellor in the enforcement of discipline, and each member is especially required to preserve order and enforce discipline in his own department. James Jackson Chm.
Signed Ben C. Yancey
Wm. A. Little.
We have in the above Report.
First. A restatement of some of those features of government in the past that are intended to be still in force.
Second. A withdrawal of one item of former from the Faculty, and the vesting it in the Chancellor at his discretion; and
Third. A designation of those classes of governing authorities in the University, with their jurisdiction, duties and powers.
Let us take these up in the order stated above and consider them in detail.
First. The restatement of those features of government in the past that are intended to be still in force.
These are:
1st. The Chancellor is clothed with the powers which formerly belonged to the President. (Substituting Chancellor for President, and University for College in the further discussion.)
2nd. The government of the University is vested in the Chancellor, Professors, and Tutors, styled the Faculty of the University.
3rd. To the Chancellor is committed the general superintendence of the interests and reputation of the Institution.
4th. Every matter brought before the Faculty shall be decided by votes, and it shall be the privilege of the chancellor when present, to vote in all cases that come before the Faculty and also to give a casting vote when otherwise there would be a tie.
Second, The report withdraws one item of power from the Faculty, and vests it in the Chancellor, at his discretion.
Up to the adoption of the Report, the law was, -
University of Georgia
that punishment for all offenses, embracing even reprimand, shall be by the Faculty. This is repealed, and there is enacted in its stead the following, viz; It is hereby enacted by the Board that complete power is nested in the Chancellor, in all disciplinary supervision, and punishment for misbehavior and seriousness of duty by the students, and he shall not be required to consult the Faculty thereon except at his option, unless the offense be such, as in his judgment, shall amount to serious gravity, and raise the question of expulsion from the University. Finally.
Third. The report gives a designation of three classes of governing authorities within the University, with their jurisdictions, duties and powers, 1st. The Chancellor, 2nd. Each Member of the Faculty, and 3rd. The Faculty as a body, composed of Chancellor, Professors and Tutors, Taking these up in series, and noting in detail their jurisdictions, duties, and powers, we consider;
1st. The Chancellor, as governing authority, His prerogatives and powers are divided into two classes;
First, Complete power is vested in him in all disciplinary supervision, and punishment for misbehavior, and seriousness of duty by the students, and he need not consult the Faculty except at his option.
Second. To him is committed the general superintendence of the interests and reputation of the Institution.
Discussing each of these in detail
First. The complete power vested in the chancellor in all disciplinary supervision, and punishment for misbehavior and seriousness of
of duty by students is not unlimited in its range; for that officer is warned by the proviso proviso. In the enactment that each he is not to intrude upon the jurisdiction of the Professor: He is expressly put on notice, that each member of the Faculty is specially required to preserve order and enforce discipline in his own department. Is there any contradiction in terms when he is told on the one hand that, he is nested with complete power, and on the other, prohibited from exercising any power as between a professor and the students in his department? By no means, The fact is, there are two classes of government in the University. 1st. That relating to order and discipline in (each) Department. Which is first in the hands of Professors in Departments severally and ultimately, if necessary, in the hands of the Faculty as an organized body, as will be shown hereafter, and, 2nd, The general government of the students as members of the University outside of their relations to-recitation rooms and away from such gatherings as bring them in connection with Faculty assembled according to-law, as for example daily public prayers, This general government refers.
(1). To the habits of the students, and to their department at their boarding places, on the campus, in the town, and whenever else they may be; and
(2). To seriousness of duty. Not related to the Departments, severally, but to those laws that operate upon them as students under University; not Department government, There may be given as examples of seriousness of duty in this connection, a failure to report to the chancellor for matriculation
University of Georgia
within twenty four hours after arrival in town, the going out of town in Term time with out first obtaining the permission of the Chancellor, and a failure to unite with one of the Literary Societies.
This division of the University government over students is placed in a sense exclusively in the hands of the Chancellor, with the single exception of the power to expel. He can arraign a student for misdemeanor outside of Department and Faculty jurisdictions for vicious habits and notorious demonstrations on the Campus, in the streets or elsewhere, and he is under no obligations to consult the Faculty, or any member of it, excepting at his own option; or to inform them or any of them of what discoveries he has made, and what processes he is pursuing that are intended to lead toward the reformation of the student, or to prepare the way for his removal from the University. But while the Faculty as a body have no right to intrude themselves into this department of University government, nor to express by vote any opinion as to how a case of discipline shall be managed that stops short of expulsion, it is made the special duty of each member to co-operate with the Chancellor in the enforcement of discipline, This can mean nothing less than that each member is in duty bound to help the Chancellor in discovering offenses and offenders: and to use his
individual, personal influence, to prevent, and suppress disorders. His duty will not permit him to remain quiescent when young men are going astray by indulgence in vicious habits, or when they are engaged in perpetrating disorders, and misdemeanors, And he is positively forbidden by the law, to so act as if he had no responsibility in the premises. While all power to-inflict punishment, short of expulsion, in the general government, of the students as members of the University, is lodged in the hands of the Chancellor, it is made the special duty of each member of the Faculty to-cooperate with (that officer) in the enforcement of discipline.
Remark. 1. The powers given to the Chancellor in the enforcement of discipline in the general government of the University outside of department and Faculty jurisdictions, are derived directly from the Trustees, and defend for their validity, and stability in no respect upon the Faculty, Each member of the Faculty (can) co-operate with the Chancellor. And is in duty bound to do so, but the Faculty as a body cannot touch questions pertaining to the enforcement of discipline under the laws in the general government of the University, until invited to do so by the Chancellor. Certainly then, it is not their prerogative to change or modify the powers of that officer, that are given to him by direct enactment of the Trustees.
Remark. 2. There is nothing in the Report, on which we are animadverting, that asserts
University of Georgia.
or even implies that the Chancellor is competent to promulgate originally any law, of his own, for the general discipline of students, as members of the University. He is to exercise the complete power vested in him only in subordination to and in accordance with the Laws of the Trustees, enacted for University government.
Remark. 3. While all right to make Rules and Regulations for carrying into effect the Laws of the Trustees the government of the University, outside of general discipline, is vested in the Faculty, as will be shown hereafter, it might be plausibly inferred that within the limitations of general discipline, the chancellor and he alone has the right, under the Laws of the Trustees, to prescribe rules and regulations of a precautionary character, affecting students alone, and not infringing upon the rights and privileges herein after to-be stated, of each member of the Faculty, and of the Faculty itself as an organized body. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If complete power is vested in the Chancellor in all disciplinary supervision. As well as punishment. Of the student in the general government of the University, it might be plausibly claimed that he can, without consulting the Faculty, change any custom of the student whose tendency is to jeopardize general order and discipline, and if necessary, formulate and enforce a plan to take the peace of such custom,
this may be all true, if it includes only himself, and the students outside of Department jurisdictions and limited to general discipline. If his plans and regulations include the agency of the faculty as a body, he is stopped by the limitations of his powers. The complete power vested in him is limited to students as subjects, and to them even, exclusively in their relations of department and order under the general discipline of the University, While each member of the Faculty is in duty bound to co-operate with the Chancellor in the enforcement of discipline, that officers complete power gives him no jurisdiction over his colleagues as individuals nor as a Faculty that will authorize him, without their consent, to place them as important agents to carry out any such precautionary plan formulated by himself. Take for instance the custom that has always given no so much trouble viz; the arraignment by a class of its members charged with cheating in an examination. Prevention here is absolutely necessary for efficient discipline. But no plan meant to retain the good and exclude the evil, could be effective, that does not include the Faculty as the tribunal to try cases. And no power can subject the Faculty to that duty, except their own vote, or a law enacted by the Trustees. While therefore for complete success in discipline precautionary measures are necessary, because bad influences must be neutralized and good influences must be established in the rarest of all cases. (and none such can be called to mind now.) is the com
-plete power vested in the chancellor potent to enable him of his own will to remove bad customs that are menacing to good discipline. His complete power here, without the voluntary co-operation of the Faculty as a body, becomes complete weakness; and tremendous responsibility is placed exclusively on him, without adequate exclusive power to meet it.
Perhaps it will suffice in this discussion of the jurisdiction, duties and powers of the Chancellor as they relate to his disciplinary supervision and punishment for misbehavior and remissness of duty by the students. Let attention now be given to the second class of jurisdiction, duties, and powers, pertaining to his office. This is expressed by the Law in the following words;
The first class Second. To the Chancellor is committed the general superintendence of the interests and reputation of the University. The first class of duties discussed above relates exclusively to the students. This now to be considered relates to the whole University and all its details of persons and things. Whatever pertains to the interests or reputation of the University comes under the general superintendence of the head of the Institution. This brings us into a shadowy region with no light from specific Law, or from consistent and harmonious precedents, to guide us. The chancellor is to govern his conduct in the premises merely by inferences, he must draw from the general principles involved. Which may, or
may not be accepted by others as valid, Interests and reputation include all that there is of the University, the former relating to what is, and the latter to what it appears to be; and the chancellor has committed to him the general superintendence of these, this implies;
1. That he has a right to make inquisition into all things relating to the interests and reputation of the University.
2. That he has a right to be heard on all these things, and is not to be considered as an intruder, and impertinent when he expresses at the right time and place, and in the right way his opinions about them.
3. That he has a right, and is in duty bound to use that power himself, to invoke the potency that is adequate, to arrest influences which tend to jeopardize the interests or the reputation of the University, and,
4. That it is his duty to see that the Trustees shall be fully informed annually in reference to all the details that enter into the interests and reputation of the University. It follows then that all communications and reports from Professors and Departments should pass through the hands of the Chancellor.
But here comes an important question: Does the general superintendence committed to the chancellor authorize him to animadvert, on occasion, upon the character and conduct of a Professor? Suppose the head of one of these Departments should neglect his duties or prove to be utterly incompetent as to ability to teach, or to main-
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tain order and discipline in his department suppose he falls into vicious habits, and becomes a drunkard, a profane swearer or a debauchee, or should teach infidelity, or atheism, would not the interests and reputation of the University suffer? Does the obligation of general superintendence, impose a duty on the Chancellor in such cases as these? If so, what power does he have, and what kind of interposition, if any, could he make? He could not dismiss the Professor for he had no voice in his election, and that officer is in no way, in the nature of things, placed under his authoritative control. The most that he can do is to bring the matter officially to the notice of those who have the power to act efficiently in the premises. But as the principles, underlying the mixed government here, require him to lay the case first before the Faculty, to get their co-operation, or can he, without consulting that body, bring the case directly to the Board of Trustees? There is nothing in the Code of Laws that gives direct Precept to guide him, in such case; and the precedents are conflicting. The records show that under Dr. Churchs administration, in a case of the kind, the Faculty were called together by the President, who laid complaints before them of the incompetency or unfaithfulness of an office, and then charges and specifications were formulated against him, which, in the name of the Faculty, were transmitted by the President to the Board of Trustees. On the other hand, under Dr.
Tuckers administration, when certain rumors damaging to the reputation of one of the Professors reached the Trustees, and neither the chancellor alone, nor in company with the Faculty had made complaints against him, the Board summoned the chancellor before them, and virtually demanded that he should officially give the fact that stood to the disadvantage of the Professor; and when the Dr. showed signs of hesitation, they virtually put him on the stand as a witness; and elicited from him the information that was essentially due from one to who was committed the general superintendence of the interests and reputation of the University. The Board also the same or the next year passed an order requiring the Chancellor to visit all the recitation rooms and lecture rooms, and note the methods of the Professors, and the results of their instructions, as if they would put him on notice that he must keep himself well informed in regard to the processes and proficiencies of the Professors severally, in order that he might be prepared to report a Professor in whose hands the interests and reputation of the University are suffering. This may have been an inadvertency on the part of the Board; and if the question should be calmly considered by them, they might require that the chancellor should be supported by the Faculty in any complaint made against a professor.
If the duty of reporting delinquencies and deficiencies against a Professor should be imposed upon the Chancellor alone, he need not hesitate on the ground of the delicacy of the duty, and the danger to himself personally in the attempt to perform it. With
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gentleness and sympathy, as well as candor and faithfulness, he must summon to his aid all the address in his power, and do his duty, though the ultimate result may be to lay his own head on the block, nor need he be deterred by the consideration that no final and efficient power is lodged in his hands to decide cases. And that if the accused Professor resists to report him would in its last analysis be simply an invitation to him to measure strength with the head of the University, before the Board of Trustees. The power is lodged in his hands to put the highest governing authority in possession of the charges and specifications. Let him exercise that power and discharge that duty with meekness and faithfulness. In like manner, he has no power in the appropriation and disbursement of money for improving or repairing the material property of the University. But that does not relieve him from the duty to exercise a general superintendence. Over the pecuniary interests and reputation of the Institution. He is guilty of no impertinence, but is simply exercising a prerogative and discharging a duty, when he calls the attention of the proper agent to the needed interposition; and exerts all the influence in his power to secure the needed improvement, or to arrest the impending damage.
This perhaps will suffice for that part of the University government that pertains particularly this chancellor, with its jurisdictions its duties and its powers.
II. The second class of government in the University scheme is that which is under the Professors, severally, as individuals. In the Report, it is expressed in the following words: Each member of the Faculty is especially required to preserve order and enforce discipline in his own Department.
1. What is the jurisdiction of the government of each member of the Faculty? What are his prerogatives?
1st. He has the right to decide upon the qualification of an applicant to enter his department, after an examination, if he pleases, conducted by himself. It is supposed that no power in the Faculty can force on his Department, against his consent, an applicant who he has rejected. This does not mean though that he has power to eject without the consent of the Faculty, one already in his Department; nor that he is himself free from the danger of arraignment by higher power for capriciously or maliciously depriving an applicant of his rights under the Laws.
2nd. He can grade the students in his department according to his conscientious convictions of their comparative merits.
3rd. He can decided authoritatively the text books to be used in the topics severally taught by him.
4th. He can lay down rules intended to protect the furniture, the floor, and the walls in his room from damage and defilement.
5th. He can prescribe regulations for the control of students so as to facilitate his processes in his room, as for example, that they shall sit or stand while they are reciting; that they shall be ready to answer to the roll-call just as soon as the bell ceases to ring or after an announced
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interval; that they shall bring or not bring their text books into the recitation room with them, &c. &c.
2. What are the duties of the Professor in exercising the limited government confided to him? The Law of the Trustees says he is especially required to preserve order and enforce discipline in his own Department. This implies:
1st. That he is to require orderly behavior in his room.
2nd. That he is to enforce punctuality on the part of the students.
3rd. That he is to exact improvement and proficiency in study.
3. What are the powers of each member of the Faculty in administering the government confided to him?
1st. He has no power to eject a student from his department or from the University. He may require a contumacious student to leave his room, and to remain away until he is prepared to make the amende Honorable for his personal offense; but his room and his Department are not to be confounded together, and the ejectment from the room may bring about unpleasant complications, since a higher governing power may interpose with the prerogative to look into the conduct of the Professor, as well as that of the student.
2nd. The Professor has the right, and is in duty bound, to summon before him the student charged with absence from the recitation on lecture, to consider the excuse given, if any, and to accept or reject it at his discretion, and ac
-cording to his judgement.
3rd. He has the right, and is in duty found, to summon before him, also any student who misbehaves in his
room, or who shows signs of inattention to study, and remonstrate with him and admonish him, and
bring to bear on him whatever other personal influence that gives promise of working amendment.
4th. He has the right to report him to the power that is competent to inflict pains and penalties on him.
But in whose hands in lodged this power? Just at this point is there a difference of opinion growing out of conflicting interpretations of the Report adopted by the Trustees at their last session.
According to the interpretation of some the scheme provides that the Professor and Tutors, severally, are to report recusant students to the Chancellor in order that ultimate penalties, if necessary, may be inflicted upon them. Report what? Of course everything of which complaint may be made, which the individual officer is not competent to deal with, by way of penalty, viz: failure in punctuality of attendance; disorderly deportment in the room; and want of diligence in study.
1. Replying in general terms, it may be asked if the Chancellor monopolizes the general government of the students outside of the recitation rooms, and is the only power to be appealed to, to adjudicate and settle all cases issuing out of the recitation rooms, where is the governing power of the Faculty as a governing body? On the ground that complete power is vested in him, all disciplinary supervision and punishment for misbehavior, and remissness of duty by the students, the chancellor, upon the present suppo-
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-sition, would have the right, by any process short of expulsion to remove from the University the student reported to him from the Departments, or, on the ground of non-proficiency in study charged against him, could refuse to let- him rise with his class. The Faculty, as an organized body. Then would have no governing power over the students at all: and all the potency of that kind would be vested in the Chancellor. This could not have been the idea of those able and distinguished gentlemen, who agreed upon that masterly Report; for, while they took one specific power from the Faculty and bestowed it upon the Chancellor, they took special care to state, that with this single exception, the Faculty is still retained in possession of all the other governing powers unimpaired, which it has exercised in all the past.
2. Again the Chancellors report last commencement, which furnished the occasion for the attempt to make more definite his powers, referred not at all to any embarrassment connected with recitation room government, but solely to incidents, and complications in the department of the general government of the students as members of the University. The want of power in this connection is that which was pointed out, and, to-remedy this deficiency, the distinguished and lamented Chief Justice of the State to appoint a Committee on the powers and duties of the Chancellor. His discriminating mind discerned the place in our complex system of government, where the deficiency
of power existed, and, with extraordinary precision, he formulated a scheme, that remedied this deficiency; at the same time that it preserved unimpaired the two other classes of governmental authority in the University.
3 In addition, the Report declares that the chancellors powers should be commensurate with his responsibilities; and asserts that, it is all wrong for the public, for all parties inside the University and outside of it, to hold him responsible for that which he has not the power to control; and then if proceeds to endow him with adequate power. Now the Chancellor never has been held responsible by anybody, inside of the University or outside of it, for order and discipline, in the Departments, for attendance, and deportment, and improvement of students therein. The individual officers have been universally and exclusively held to such responsibility. But the avowed object of the enactment was to enable the Chancellor to meet all reasonable public expectations. Those able and discriminating minds then could not have irrelevantly conferred power on that officer to meet public expectations in a department in which the public have never held him to any responsibility at all.
4. But more, the individual Professors, whatever may be their theories on the subject, have never practically shown the belief that the Report of the Committee confers this power and duty on the Chancellor: for they continue to make their weekly reports, as they have always done, not to that officer, but to the Faculty met as an organized body. The Chancellor himself as a Professor, writes with his colleagues in making
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these reports; and the Secretary of the Faculty. Not his secretary, receives them, and records them in the record book of the Faculty.
5. Again the Faculty as a body shows no symptoms of belief that the enactment last Commencement took any power from them in these premises, and conferred it on the chancellor. They not only receive all reports of absences from all the Departments, including the Chancellors, as has already been said, but they have a regular plan to deal with unexcused absences. When a student has five absences of this kind, he is reported to the chancellor, whose duty it is, as ex officio their executive officer to summon the young man, and warn him of his danger. In the performance of this simple thing the Chancellor exhausts his duty and his powers in the premises. Should the student contract two more absences unexcused, the Secretary of the Faculty writes to his parent or guardian; if after this two more are reported against him making nine in all. The Faculty send him home That body, by its practice, does not seem to suspend that any power in the premises has been taken from it, and lodged in the hands of the Chancellor.
6. Finally, if that officer has this supposed jurisdiction conferred on him, he is either invested with the right and power to investigate questions as between the Professor and the student, or else is under obligation to act upon the simple decision of the Professor: If the former be true, he is vested in some degree
with authority and jurisdiction over the professor also, and has the right, and is in duty bound, to overrule, if not rebuke the Professor, if, on investigation, he be found to be in the wrong. For the authority. Vested in the Chancellor, authorizes and may require him to send the student home, excepting in a case of technical expulsion. But he should not be required to do this, and assume responsibility for it, unless he was satisfied of the necessity after an inquisition into the conduct of the Professor also. Now, no discreet man would accept of such, not power, but responsibility; and no high minded Professor would submit to such humiliation. On the other hand, if the head of the University is made under obligations to carry out the decisions of the Professor, then, his dignity is lowered, his prestige is gone and he is made the servant and the whipperin of the Professor. On the one supposition, he is made the despot of his colleagues, on the other, their lackey. Neither of these conclusions was intended by the wise and able men who formulated the enactment; and their legislation was not intended to change or modify the relations of the Chancellor to this department of University government. The present scheme then intends that each member of the Faculty, as heretofore, report his recusant students to the Faculty as a body.
III. The remaining class of governing authority is the Faculty as an organized deliberative body. This is composed of all Professors and Tutors, who represent the recitation and lecture rooms, with the Chancellor as ex officio their presiding and executive officer.
1. The jurisdiction of this body extends over the students
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in all the relations the latter sustain to rooms, & halls in the University and to churches in town, in which they are required to attend on daily or weekly exercises. To this body reports are weekly made by the Professors and Tutors of attendance on prayers on recitation and on church on Sunday; to it complaint is made of failure of proficiency in study, or of disorderly conduct in the recitation room, that has passed beyond the power of the Professor to deal with and correct.
2. The Faculty as a body alone has the power to send the student home for inattention to duties: in the Departments, and for misdemeanors in recitation or lecture rooms: it alone decides as to whether a student shall be permitted to rise with his class; in its name, and by its direction, monthly reports are made to parents and guardians; and it alone can recommend to the Trustees names of students for graduation.
3. It alone of all the governing authorities in the University has the right to ordain rules and regulations, under the Laws of the Trustees, for the government of all parties connected with internal operations and processes, members of the Faculty, as well as students. Its schedules of recitation and Examinations control officers as well as students. The chancellor even, also as a Professor; no other power is competent to dictate to all the Professors and Tutors the principles, which shall govern them in specific cases, as for example, whether a student shall be marked excused or unexcused for a specified class of absences; it alone
can ordain specific remedies of universal application for specific evils among the students, provided those remedies involve members of the Faculty, as the agents for their enforcement. In short, admitting and defending the limited governing powers of each member of the Faculty in his own department, it has exclusive general jurisdiction over the students in relation to the internal order and discipline in the University; is competent to adjudicate any case discipline under the general external government of the young men as members of the University, which the Chancellor may choose to bring to its notice; and in this last Department confided chiefly to the Chancellor, it has a power denied to that officer. It alone can inflict upon a student the penalty of expulsion.
Recapitulation and Summary
There are three governing powers in the University.
I. The Chancellor.
II. Each member of the Faculty.
III. The Faculty itself as an organized body.
I. To the chancellor is given with one exception. Chief control of the external government of the students as members of the University: He is to take cognizance of their habits, and their general department; and to him is given complete power without consulting the Faculty to adopt and process looking to the reformation of the disorderly student, if possible or his severance from the University, if any expedient short of expulsion. But it is made the special duty of each member of the Faculty to co-operate with him in the enforcement of discipline, in this department of University government. Besides to the Chancellor is committed the general superintendence of the interests and reputation
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of the Institution.
II. Each member of the Faculty is clothed with limited power to enforce order and discipline in his own Department, and with the right in the last resort, when his own powers are exhausted, to appeal to the Faculty.
III. The Faculty as an organized body alone has the right to demand reports from the heads of Departments of instruction, in regard to the attendance, behavior, and improvement of the students; it alone can prescribe rules and regulations under the Laws, for the control uniformly of all parties in the University; and in the case of students charged with misdemeanors or remissness of duty in the recitation rooms, or halls, it alone is able to inflict pains and penalties; and its right to do so extend all the way from reprimand to expulsion. These three classes of governing authority in the University, so wise, so exhaustive of all the needed principles and methods of University government, and withal so easy of discrimination should never be confounded.
So much would I say in an attempted elucidation of the scheme of government for the University adopted by the Trustees at their session at Athens last year. Your honorable body are most respectfully requested to animadvert upon it, and to approve or disapprove it.
Further legislation by the Trustees is needed to define clearly the rights and duties of the individual Professors and Tutors in the general
government of the students as members of the University outside of their relations to recitation rooms and public halls. This Legislation is needed not only for the guidance of the Professors but as a protection to them against inferences by citizens and students the Trustees, by their legislation last year, meant to rob them of all authority over students outside of their recitation rooms, and to release them from all obligation to maintain order and discipline in the general government of the University. It is clear that the Trustees last year took no power or responsibility from the individual Professors, which they transferred to the chancellor. The additional power conferred on that officer was taken from the Faculty as a deliberative and governing body, and it consisted in the right to apply at his discretion of the general government of the University all the college punishments on student except expulsion. Now, the individual professors never did have the right to inflict any University punishment on the student, and therefore none such was taken from him by the legislation last year, He remains precisely as he was before that action with all the rights and responsibilities essentially belonging to his office.
I would not presume to suggest to the Trustees, words and phraseology, but I respectfully recommend that they formally enact law containing some such ideas as those following;
1. By their action last year, on the powers and duties of the Chancellor, the Board of Trustees did not intend to -, nor did they take away any powers and duties from the individual Professors.
2. The individual Professors have jurisdiction and
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authority over the students in the general government of the University. They have a right to investigate and discover offenses, and offenders, to interpose to prevent and suppress disorders; and any resistance to them, in the assertion of this right, is a resistance to the lawful authority of the governing power of the University.
3. It is here reiterated by the Board that it is the duty of every individual Professor to co-operate with the Chancellor in discovering offenses and offenders, to aid him in preventing and suppressing disorders, and that not as a posse -comitatus summoned by him, but as those essential vested with the authority, and sharing with the chancellor in the responsibility to enforce discipline. But their responsibility ceases after they have discovered offenses and offenders, and reported them to the chancellor, except in cases where the issue of expulsion from College is raised. That officer alone will be held responsible for the manner of dealing with the offenders discovered by him, or reported to him, except where the issue of expulsion is raised.
4. Should the authority of any individual Professor, in the general government of the University be resisted by any student or student, and thus a question be raised between such Professor and student or students, it shall not be competent for the Chancellor alone to adjudicate the case; but it shall be the duty of the Professor thus mistreated to arraign
the party or parties before the Faculty; and it shall be competent for that body, in this case, to inflict any punishment, ranging from reproof up to expulsion.
(24 pages on the subject written in pencil in the margin)
5. In the absence of the Chancellor from Athens his powers in the general government of the university shall devolve upon the Faculty. The chancellor shall name a member of the Faculty who shall be Chairman of the Faculty in his absence. The Faculty when assembled shall have the right to inflict proper penalties on offenders among the students at once, or at its discretion, it may postpone all final action until the return of the Chancellor.
If all authority and responsibility in the general government of the University is limited to the chancellor, then the Professors, in that relation, are mere ciphers, and subject to the contempt of the students; and then also the chancellor becomes a mere scape-goat, unless he is vested with absolute authority over the Professors too. But no one advocates or would accept either of these alternatives.
Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund
I have the honor to present the names and papers of twenty (20) young men, who are applicants for appointment under the Brown Fund, four (4) from the University, and sixteen (16) from various parts of the State, of these sixteen one applies for the Medical Department, seven for the State College, and eight for Franklin College. In addition to these one applicant from Dahlonega for the Medical Department. Mr. W.W. McAfee occupies a peculiar relation. A day or two after his examination questions reached the Ordinarys Office, he wrote me. (26th of April) that as it was inconvenient for him to be at Dahlonega of the 2nd of May the Ordinary had given his consent for him to be examined in advance of that day.
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I immediately wrote him, that if he did so, I should respectfully decline to receive his papers: as for obvious reasons, you had required the examinations to be held simultaneously all over the State. Some time after all the papers had come in. I received another letter from him saying that the Ordinary had mislaid or lost his paper, and asking me to give him another examination. The letter was dated May 21st, I declined on the ground. (1). That to grant his request would be to give him an unfair advantage over his competitors; since the the examination questions had been in his consciousness since the 26th of June, and (2) that I could not furnish him with new questions without taking him out of the category of competition with others. I enclose to you his communications to me and his examination paper, which he has recovered. This has been sent me by him at my instance, that I might give the intelligent and mostly young man the opportunity to appear before you. The examination paper was received by me too late to send it to Augusta to be graded. I give here below a statement of the general averages of the young men now in the University enjoying the benefits of the Brown Fund. I respectfully recommend that you pass a rule to the effect that one having appointment shall lose it, whose general average falls below a designated number. This rule can be announced to take effect after the next Collegiate year.
General averages of the students severally now enjoying the benefits of the Fund.
Maxey R. Hall. Soph. 96.43. B.W. Hall. Freshman, - 81.98.
John R. Cooper. 75.19. H.C. Polhill. Soph. - 92.37.
W.M. Hawes. Junior 83.06. W.M. Glass. Junior. - 83.58.
W.G. Brown. 88.17. W.C. Horton. Freshman. - 92.84.
J.W. Bennett. Freshman 93.29.
Mr. Elijah A. Brown, Son of Senator Jos. E. Brown, in a letter dated June 27th. 1887, appoints to a scholarship Mr. Augustus Milledge Hartsfield, a student in the University, who has just risen Junior. Mr. Hartsfields general average is 98.61, Mr. Browns letter is enclosed, Messrs. Bennett and M.R. Hall ask that the amounts granted them he increased to $200.00 annually.
Disorders of the Night of May 7th.
As the newspapers have made such a public scandal out of the disorderly conduct of a number of students on the night of May 7th. I suppose the Trustees will expect me to an expose of the disorder. Much of the published statements were misapprehensions, if not pure fiction. The students did not make any attack upon the police; they did not make any armed demonstration in the street with the intention to intimidate anybody; no violent or damaging hands were laid by them on any citizens property, no gates were taken off, no fences pulled down, and no inscriptions made on walls or fences. Obscene or otherwise, I was absent from the State at the time, and cannot give testimony as a witness. On my return, though I made as thorough investigation as I could, and these seem to be the facts; The Salvation Army, so called, opened their campaign in Athens that night. Some of the students
who were present learned one or more of their sensational songs. At about 11 oclock at night, some of the young men returning from the meeting to their rooms sang loudly in the streets one of those songs. A brave and faithful policeman interposed and requested or demanded that they should desist. This furnished occasion for some of the students to talk and sing piercingly and defiantly to the officer after they had gained the Campus ground. In response the officer followed them into the University premises and bravely collared one of them. The comrades of the latter gathered around, and, by words, induced the officer to liberate his captive. So far as I can understand no blows were given, nor were any threatened. As the officer was retiring from the campus, he says stones were thrown at him, the students say only one fragment of a brick was rolled down the walk after him, which did not strike him, nor was it intended to hit him. On this the policeman turned and warned those who were innocent of any disorder, to retire from the crowd, as it was his intention to fire into the company of those who were insulting and resisting him. This suggested to some ones mind the muskets in the armory, and he cried out, Let us arm ourselves with the University guns, Carried away by the impulse they rushed to the armory, no door was forced however. Access was already opened through a thin
wall in the closet of the contiguous room, when, in military array, they sent messengers after one of the Seniors, who had some military training, and requested him to command them. What their object was, at that time, no one has been able to explain to me. On the arrival of their chosen Captain, some one or more cried out, Let us ring the bell, take off gates, and pull down fences. There was very general dissent emphatically spoken, out to this, and their chosen officer announced that, unless they proceeded to do something legitimate, and orderly, he would have nothing to do with them. On this the cry was raised, Let us go to the Lucy Cobb. Their officer responded, I will not go with you, unless you promise that you will go silently through the streets, and make no disorderly demonstration at the Institute. The mere presence of the Chancellor or any of the Professors, at this time, or at any other time, would have exorcised them of the spirit that possessed them. But I was absent from the State, and at the dead hour of Midnight, it did not occur to the police to wake up any of the Professors: Their officer then marched them around and around in the Campus, no one uttering a sound but himself, whether to drill them, or to cool them off, none of them could tell me. Having completed their evolutions in the Campus, which seemed to the newspaper reporter and other excited witnesses to forebode the most dire catastrophes, they took up the line of march in silence through the streets, accompanied by a crowd of students and others who walked along at a safe distance wondering what would happen next.
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Arriving at the Institute, they staked arms and standing in the street, gave three cheers for the Lucy Cobb, saying and doing nothing else. The admirable lady, who presides over the Institute, witnessed it all, not alarmed but amused. Apparently greatly relieved by this exploit, they retake the guns, and marching in silence, until they reached the Home School, they greeted that female seminary, too with similar respectful cheers. Resuming the march toward the Campus, they encountered a committee of citizens, whom the police had awaked from their slumbers, and armed with a virtual flag of truce to treat with the boys. These their commander, in a summary way, requested or commanded to fall into ranks. If it was a command, it was obeyed, if it was a request, it was acquiesced in, and the ministers of peace fraternized with the mob and marched along with them for some distance, sharing with them their solemn silence. The line of march led the boys to the armory, where, without demonstration, the guns were restored to their accustomed places, and the members of the mob retired quietly and peacefully to their beds. It is hard to tell which was most conspicuous in the transaction, its lawlessness or its ludicrousness, I, of course, treated it for its lawlessness; and inflicted what I considered suitable and judicious punishment, upon all who I could convict of participating in it.
Branch Colleges,
I attended the closing exercises of all the Branch Colleges. At Dahlonega, I conferred the Degree of Bachelor of Science, on two young men; There has been (already shown) a reduction of members during the past year; and the Commencement was not marked by the presence of large number of visitors and former students, as has been customary. But under the wise management of the able and distinguished gentleman, who has recently accepted the presidency, the Institution is becoming more systematic, an assuming more the essential forms of a College. The reduction in numbers as compared to former years is due, in part, to the fact the University has established similar institutions in other parts of the State, but Chiefly to the fact that, on account of a lack of funds, it has been compelled to exclude boys and girls below a certain grade, which classes serve to swell the numbers of the other two Branch Colleges. This Institution is greatly crippled because of the want of those pecuniary resources that are essential to the efficient existence of a College.
Milledgeville maintains its wonderful prosperity under the skillful administration of Gen. D.H. Hill. The Institution at Thomasville has greatly improved in the number and character of its pupils during the past year. The Teachers recently appointed seem to command the confidence and enthusiastic support of the Community. The institution has opened its doors to females also, and has therefore become
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like the other two, a mixed school, all these Branch Colleges still maintain a fine grade of scholarship. It is my duty though to say to the Board that not a single student from any one of these institutions has been transferred to the University during the past year.
The Dormitories.
The Dormitory occupied by Mrs. Summey has been filled with students during the whole year, Mrs. Richardson has resigned from the other house, and I have engaged to fill her place, Rev. W.R. Stillwell of Zebulon, Pike Co. Mr. S. comes highly recommended to me by Dr. Hunnicutt, of this city, and Hon. J.D. Stewart of Griffin. He has already taken possession of the house.
Recommended for Degrees.
The Faculty recommend for Degrees to your Honorable Body the following named students;
Degree of A.B.
Ulysses V. Whipple. Charles M. Walker
J. Henry Walker. James H. Blount, Jr.
W.L.M. Austin. Clarence F. Finch.
William A. Florence. John E. Flowers.
Walter L. Hodges. W. Frank Smith.
Ben. Still Thompson. Warren W. Wimberly.
B. Ph. Degree.
William H. Hammond. Robert L. Foreman.
Wesley Peacock. Earnest C. Kontz.
Charles C. McGehee Jr. Robert L. Nowell.
William B. Powers.
B. Sc. Degree
Glenn Waters.
B.E. Degree.
Robert L. Johnson. Mortimer M. Elkan.
M.E. Degree.
H. Key Milner.
B.A. Degree.
William B. Crawford
Degree of Bachelor of Law.
Robert E. Andoe Edgar A. Ballard.
Walter S. Chisholm. Jr. Herbert H. Dean
Fred W. Gilbert J. David Howard.
Greene S. Johnston. Joe Pottle.
F. Elmore Twitty.
Robert L. Johnson, who is recommended for the B.E. Degree, as soon as, he completed his course, received an appointment on one of the Railroads now building in Georgia. He is a young man of worthy Character and limited means, and he may not be able to attend Commencement, without losing his place. Should he fail to get leave of absence to receive his diploma in person, the Faculty unanimously recommend the Chancellor be authorized to confer it, and transmit it to him.
The Campus.
I quote from my last years report, The Campus has never been blessed with a suitable system of drainage. The consequence is that our walks and drives are hardly ever in a presentable condition; for every heavy rain scars them with incipient gullies. I beg leave to call especial attention to the main walk in front of the house occupied by Mr. Stillwell. Every hard rain makes a collection of water there, that makes the walk virtually impassable to persons on foot. I would be very much gratified should the Board find
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themselves able to give instructions to elevate this spot, and another contiguous to it.
During the past year the Treasurer of the Board turned over to the Faculty, of the Library Fund. Five hundred and twenty nine dollars and seventy two cents. ($529.72) Which added to One hundred and thirty three dollars and ninety three cents. ($133.93.) unexpended from last year made the amount of $663.65 to be used in purchasing books for the Library. Of this Four hundred and ninety four dollars, and sixty six cents, ($494.66.) has been expended by order of the Faculty. Total number of books purchased during the year 203. Besides there were donated to us 99. The total number of books then added to the Library during the year was 302. There is an unexpended balance of funds in the hands of the Faculty to the amount of One hundred and sixty eight dollars and ninety nine cents ($168.99) which they will cautiously invest in books.
Reports from Departments.
I have the honor herewith to transmit to the Trustees two Reports from Prof. W.L. Jones, M.D. with accompanying papers, one of the Farm, and the other on the Department of Natural History and Agriculture.
Legislative Committees.
I beg leave respectfully to call the attention of the Board to the fact that a Committee of seven from the Senate, and fifteen from the House will probably be appointed to visit the University during the progress of the Commencement exercises. I have the honor to remain, Gentlemen,
Your Obt. Servt.
P.H. Mell
Chancellor. Un. of Geo.
Report of Committee on Apparatus.
To the Trustees of the University; The Committee whose duty is to report upon the condition of Apparatus and Departments of Moore College respectfully report; That we have visited in our round of examination the departments under the charge of Professors White, Charbonnier, and Barrow. We found them neatly and well kept. Prof. Barrow asked for no apparatus for his department. Prof. Strahan, who represents the chemical department during Prof. Whites absence in Europe, only wishes the usual amount of One hundred dollars, to supply the chemicals for the ensuing scholastic year. This appropriation is customary and necessary to the successful work of their department. We recommend this appropriation be granted In the department of Physics, the gentlemanly Professor took great pride, in exhibiting his rooms. We found everything neat, clean, and in the language of the able Professor in perfect order. During the year, repairs have been made in the workshop of the department, and additions as follows; a Thermo-pilen ten, of (over.)
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cells of battery. Battery Materials, a Secondary pile. But the Professor was compelled to refuse admittance to several students, for want of accommodation for them. And asked as the attendance in the Physical Laboratory is yearly increasing, the professor asks that an additional appropriation of One hundred and fifty dollars to the regular annual appropriation be granted, that will enable him, to supply the necessary appliances, and enable him to extend the training to all that may likely apply for it. These appliances will consist in additional work tables and cases, additional glass supply, additional apparatus; glassware, and instruments for physical measurement. We earnestly recommend that the appropriation be granted.
J.S. Hamilton Chr.
A.L. Hull and
Report of the Committee on University Farm.
To the Trustees of the University; The Committee on the Agricultural Farm, through its local chairman, respectfully report: That Dr. W.L. Jones Professor of Natural History and Agriculture came into possession of the Farm, after the first of January, and with very limited supplies on hand, with one horse and two mules, to provide for, and as the land had been chiefly run under the preceding management on clean culture crops. (decided) that it was a wise policy to sow down in oats, most of the agricultural land, which was done. His object being to restore humus to the soil, to level the land, and to terrace, in order to prevent washing. He has planted but little in grain, and cotton, and chiefly for the experiments he is conducting. The result of which can only be ascertained at the end of the experiments. The Professor of Agriculture desires to lift the farm or plant out of the old rut in which it has been run for some years, and make it a model farm illustrated by the best agricultural appliances, and to infuse new ideas into the minds of agricultural students, if there are to be any, I would recommend that the Professor be sustained in his effort to popularize and dignify the Chair. Prof. H.C. Whites account with the farm has been examined and a net balance $32.46. has been turned over to Dr. N.L. Jones. Professor of Agriculture.
Respectfully submitted.
J.S. Hamilton
(Hamilton, Livingston, Fannin & Byrd, Committee added in pencil at the bottom of the page)
University of Georgia
Report of the Finance Committee.
To the Board of Trustees: Your Committee on Finance report the following;
Assets of the University on July 5th, 1887.
1. The General Fund.
Debt of the State of Georgia @ 8% $100,000.
Obligation 7% $ 18,000. $118,000.
2. The Trustee Terrell Fund.
Obligation of the State. @. 7. %. $20,000.
3. The Landscript Fund.
Obligations of the State. @.7.%. $152,000.
Amount held by the Governor 90,202.17. 242,202.17
4. The Charles McDonald Brown Fund.
Obligations of the State. @.7.%. $50,000. 50,000.
5. The Charles F. McKay Fund.
Registered Bonds. Ga. R.R. & Bkg. Co. @ 6%.
Coupons cut off to 1895 20,000.
6. The George R. Gilmer Fund.
Obligations of the State @.7.%. 15,000.
Total Assets. - $465,202.17.
The Receipts from all sources for the year ending July 5th, 1887 were as follows.
Cash in Bank. July 7th 1886. $ 5,878.58
Interest on General Fund. 9,260.00
Interest on Terrell Fund. 1,400.00.
Interest on Landscript Fund. 16,954.16.
Interest on Gilmer Fund. 1,050.00.
Interest on Brown Fund. 3,500.00.
Received from Rents. 515.00.
Received from Matriculation fees. 1,920.00.
Received from Library fees. 960.00.
$ 41,437.74.
Expenditures for the Same Period.
Salaries of Officers. $ 21,050.00.
Branch Colleges. 6,473.50.
Brown Scholarship Fund. 3,474.55.
Library Account. 979.72.
General Expenses (see report of Auditing Com.) 5,960.61.
Unexpended Bal. Library Fund. $735.95.
Brown Fund. 2,092.25.
General Fund 671.16. 3,499.36.
$ 41,437.74
University of Georgia,
The Condition of Each Fund will be seen from the following statements;
The General and Terrell Funds.
To Balance on July 7, 1886. $ 2,535.87.
To Interest recd. 10,660.00.
To Rents & Matriclu Fees. 2,435.00.
To Commns on Gilmer Fund 96.74.
Cr. By Amt. Paid Salaries. $ 9,250.00.
Proportion of General Expenses. 3,909.74.
Balance. _________ 2,567.87.
$15,727.61. $15,727.61.
Landscript Fund.
To Interest recd $16,954.16.
To Balance in 1886. 769.34.
1887. 1,127.37.
Cr. By General Expenses, $ 2,050.87.
Salaries, 11,800.00
Branch Colleges, _________ 5,000.00
$18,850.87. $18,850.87
Charles McDonald Brown Fund.
To Balance July 7th, 1886, $2,066.80.
To Interest recd 3,500.00.
Cr. By Payments to Beneficiaries $3,474.55.
Balance 1,692.25.
Commissions 4 Years. ________ 400.00.
$5,566.80. $5,566.80.
The Gilmer Fund.
To Balance July 7th. 1886. $ 520.24.
To Interest recd. 1,050.00.
Cr. By Amt. Paid Dahlonega $ 1,473.50.
Commissions pd Genl. Fund. _______ 96.74.
$ 1,570.24 $ 1,570.24.
Library Fund.
To Balance July 7th. 1886. $ 755.67.
To Fees recd. 960.00.
Cr. By amt. Pd Librarian Salary. $ 210.00.
Books & Furniture. 769.72.
Balance. ________ 735.95.
$ 1,715.65 $ 1,715.65.
Balance Sheet, Dr. - Cr.
General & Terrell Funds $ $ 2,567.87
Landscript Fund 1,896.71
Brown Fund 2,092.25.
Library Fund 735.95.
Cash on Hand 3,499.36. ________
$ 5,396.07 $ 5,396.07.
University of Georgia,
Estimated Income for 1887-8. Available for General Expenses.
Cash on Hand. 671.16.
Interest on General Fund. 9,260.00.
Terrell . 1,400.00.
Landscript . 16,954.15.
Matriculation Fees. 1,800.00.
Rents for Profs Houses. 515.00.
Gilmer Fund. 50.00.
Commissions due from Brown Fund. 400.00.
To meet the requirements of the University we recommend the following appropriations for the ensuing year:
Appropriations for 1887-8.
Salaries of Officers. $21,050.00. $21,050.00.
Gilmer Fund (500.00)
Branch College at Dahlonega 2,000.00. 2,000.00.
Gilmer (250.00)
Milledgeville. 1,250.00. 1,000.00.
Gilmer (250.00)
Thomasville. 1,250.00. 1,000.00.
Experimental Farm. 500.00. 500.00.
Servants for Campus. 400.00. 400.00.
Fuel. 200.00. 200.00.
Water Supply. 250.00. 250.00.
Repairs on Buildings & Grounds Including
High School. 1,710.00. 1,710.00.
Refund to Dr. Jones. 190.00. 190.00.
Purchase of new Apparatus 250.00. 250.00.
Chemicals. 100.00. 100.00.
Insurance on Buildings 550.00. 550.00.
Catalogue. Advtg. & Printg. 300.00. 300.00.
Postage & Stationary. 150.00. 150.00.
Incidentals. 100.00. 100.00.
Commencement Sermon. $ 20.00. $ 20.00.
Music. 100.00. 100.00.
Medals. 36.00. 36.00.
Traveling Expenses of Chancellor. 100.00. 100.00.
Librarian to be paid out of Library Fund $ 250.00. 250.00.
Proportion of Appropriations Chargeable to Each.
General and Terrell Funds. Salaries of Officers. $ 9,450.00
General Expenses. $ 3,603.00
Landscript Fund. Salaries of Officers $12,000.00.
Branch Colleges. 4,000.00.
General Expenses. 1,803.00.
In the foregoing estimates the income from the Gilmer Fund viz: $1000.00 is not considered for the reason that the Board has not determined whether or not that income is available for current expenses.
Respectfully Submitted.
For the Committee.
July 5th. 1887. A.L. Hull.
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on Gilmer Fund.
The Committee appointed at the regular meeting of the Trustees in July last to investigate and report upon the relations the University of Georgia sustains to the Fund Sworn as the Gilmer Fund, respectfully submit the following; The will of the late Governor Gilmer contains the following provisions; All property not disposed of by the above clauses in this will, viz; my lands, houses and lots in Lexington, and all notes and bonds which belong to me, I give and desire to form a perpetual fund for educating teachers of reading, writing and arithmetic or to other wise increase the qualifications of the School masters in Georgia for properly instructing the children of the State. I hereby for this purpose commit the disposal of said the annual proceeds from said Fund in trust to my friends Asbury Hull, Lewis J. Dupree, Benjamin T. Hardeman, Adam Alexander, Robert Toombs, and Alexander H. Stephens. My Desire is that upon the death of my wife the said Trustees will proceed to convert said notes, bonds, lands, houses and lots into money (giving due indulgence to the makers of said bonds and notes and their securities) and to place the money so collected in the treasury of the State of Georgia, not doubting but that the Legislature will provide by law that a sum equal to the interest, which would
be derived from said money, at lawful per cent, be paid annually to said trustees, and make said trustees a body corporate, they and their successors in office, and said trustees and those they may choose to fill such vacancies as may happen will make such rules as may provide in the best way for the perpetual distribution annually of the interest arising from said sum for the purpose expressed already. The trustees were never incorporated so far as your committee are advised, but acted as an unincorporated body, and vacancies in their number were filled by the Superior Court of Oglethorpe County, by virtue of its equitable jurisdiction over trusts. The fund in the hands of the Gilmer trustees amounted to the sum of Fifteen thousand dollars, which was invested in bonds of the State of Georgia. The annual interest arising from this fund has since the year 1877 been paid over to the Trustees of the North Georgia Agricultural College and applied by them to the purposes of that school.
Presumably this fund was applied to the use of the School at Dahlonega for the reason, that just before that institution was selected as the beneficiary of the fund the Legislature had passed an Act to establish a Normal Department of the North Georgia Agricultural College, and had provided in said Act, that the Board of Trustees should organize more fully and efficiently such Normal Department, and in connection with the State Board of Education adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper for the free admission of such pupils male and female, not less than one from each county, as may express the desire and intention of following the business of teaching.
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The object, as declared by the Act, being to provide as early as possible a sufficient number of capable and efficient teachers for the common schools of the State, and to provide others as may be demanded, from time to time. The Board of Trustees were authorized under certain conditions to send such pupils, during the fall months, to teach remote schools not otherwise provided for, and to provide for their maintenance while so engaged. The Act further provides that pupils to whom certificates of proficiency, and licenses to teach shall be granted by the faculty shall not be required to undergo an examination or procure a license from any Board of Education or County School Commissioner before they can teach in any of the Common Schools of the State when they are employed by the patrons of the school. On 14th. August 1883 4. The trustees of the Gilmer Fund submitted to the Trustees of the University a written proposition substantially as follows;
1. That the Trustees of the University shall in proper form agree to receive from the Gilmer Trustees the fund in their hands and authorize their treasurer to receipt for the same, and agree also to reinvest said fund when received as soon as practicable in accordance with the Act of Sep. 30, 1880.
2. That the fund and interest there of shall be held and applied by them in accordance with the will of George R. Gilmer.
3. That if it becomes impracticable to reinvest in a State security similar to the one provided for by the Act of Sep. 30. 1880. at the expiration of the fifty years provided for in said Act. then said Trustees shall
reinvest as other funds of the State University may be invested, but always to be kept as a separate and distinct fund to be used and applied in accordance with the will of said George R. Gilmer.
4. That the trustees of the Gilmer fund shall at any and all times be allowed to inquire into the situation, and disposal of the same by the Trustees of the University of Georgia, and enforce according to law the observance of said will and this agreement.
5. On the same day to wit: on the 14th August 18834 the Trustees of the University of Georgia, by formal legislation accepted the proposition of the trustees of the Gilmer fund, and said proposition and acceptance became a binding contract between said parties.
The fund was turned over to the Trustees of the University, receipted for by its treasurer and invested in a 7 per cent bond of the State running for fifty years, in accordance with the Act. Of 30th. Sept. 1880.
Taking the above contract and the will of Gov. Gilmer, together, it is quite clear to the Committee, and they so report;
1. That the said fund shall be kept separate and distinct and not used for the general purposes of the University, but shall be used and applied in the best manner practicable for the education of teachers of reading, writing and arithmetic, or of otherwise increasing the qualifications of the school teachers of Georgia that is to say, for the benefit of persons, who propose to make teaching their vocation.
2. That if said fund cannot be so used and applied, then the Board shall select such inside the University, then the Board shall
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select such channel for its distribution as will will (sic) best effectuate the intention of Gov. Gilmer carry out the contract with the trustees of said Gilmer fund.
Having set out substantially the provisions of the Act relating to the education of teachers by the North Georgia Agricultural College, it is proper to state that the Act of Oct. 14th 1879. establishing the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College &c. contains among others the following section; Sec. 5. The course of instruction, in addition to Military training shall be especially directed.
1. To preparation for the higher classes at Athens.
2. For the business of practical farm life and mining, and.
3. For the profession of teaching. The teachers of the Common Schools of the State under the System now in existence, seems to correspond with the idea of Gov. Gilmers mind. The Constitution provides that the power of taxation over the whole State shall be exercised for educational purposes in instructing children in the elementary branches of an English education only.
Alex S. Erwin Chairman
Pope Barrow.
Henry Jackson.
Athens, July 9th, 1887.
Report of the Committee on the Branch Colleges.
To the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia; The Committee appointed to consider and report upon the condition and needs of the Branch Colleges, report as follows: We find the institutions answering to the description of Branch Colleges, namely the North Georgia Agricultural College at Dahlonega, in the County of Lumpkin, the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College at Milledgeville, in the County of Baldwin, and the South Georgia Agricultural college at Thomasville, in the county of Thomas. At the first there are now in attendance, one hundred and fourteen (114.) pupils, at the second there are Four hundred and twenty eight (428.), and at the last there are One hundred and eighty (180.). The instruction and government in each of them seem to be thorough and satisfactory, and the results are all that could be asked. The local boards and the faculty of each of them are evidently devoting themselves to their duty, in an unselfish desire and spirit and deserve all the assistance, that can be given, from the parent institution. We have no report to make recommending any changes in the internal management of these institutions, as we see no reason to object to the manner in which they are now being conducted, The Committee appointed to report upon the status of the Gilmer fund, having reported that it is subject to the disposition of the Board under the provisions of the will of the donor, we recommend that it be divided equally between the three Branch Colleges, with the proviso and upon the condition that it is to be used in accordance with the terms of the trust as declared in Gov. Gilmers will, we further recommend that a sufficient sum be added to the sums
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thus appropriated to the Colleges at Milledgeville and Thomasville, to make the amount received by each of them fifteen hundred dollars, ($1500.00.) this to apply to the ensuing scholastic year. The bills referred to us, and proposed to be introduced into the General Assembly, we return without any recommendation, as to the intent of the action of the Legislature, but we will cheerfully recommend that the Board give its sanction in general terms, looking to the aid of these institutions through the Board of Trustees of the University, and we especially recommend that aid be asked to the extent of on an appropriation for insurance and repairs of all the buildings of the University, here and at the Branch Colleges.
H.V.M. Miller.
P.W. Meldrim.
Pope Barrow.
I respectfully dissent from so much of the foregoing report, as recommend that the interest arising from what is known as the Gilmer Fund be equally divided among the three branch Colleges. I recommend that the whole amount be paid to the school at Dahlonega, as in my judgement the school at the place fulfils more nearly the conditions prescribed in Gov. Gilmers will in training and educating school masters in Georgia. Alex S. Erwin.
Report of the Committee on Laws and Discipline.
The Committee on Laws and Discipline have had under consideration the petition of the University Athletic Association, asking that a day be set apart each year, to be known as, Field Day. This petition was endorsed by four members of the Faculty and approved by the Chancellor. The Committee beg leave to report the following resolution:
Resolved. That in accordance with this petition, the first Monday in May each year be set apart for the students, of the University at Athens as a holiday; said day is to be known as Field Day, and to be devoted by the students to public exhibition of Athletic Sports.
J.A. Billups. Chairman.
Jas. E. Brown, H.V.M. Miller.
H.D. McDaniel, N.J. Hammond,
R.C. Humber, Henry Jackson,
P.A. Stovall,
We recommend that Sect. 4. Ch. VII Code of Laws for the government of Franklin College, (University of Georgia.) be amended by striking out the words convicted of, and by adding to said Section the following words; And any student expelled for this offense shall not be restored except by the vote of the Trustees; So that said Section, as amended, will read; Any Student sending or accepting a challenge to fight a duel, or whole shall carry such challenge, or be second in a duel or in any wise aid or abet it, shall immediately be expelled by the Faculty; and any student expelled for this offense shall not be restored except by vote of the Board of Trustees.
J.A. Billups Chairman.
and the other members of Com.
University of Georgia,
The Committee on Laws and Discipline, considering so much of the Chancellors Report as recommends further legislation to define clearly the rights and duties of the individual professors and tutors in the general government of the students as members of the University, outside of their relation to-recitation rooms and public halls, recommend the adoption of the following resolution;
1. By their action last year on the powers and duties of the Chancellor. The Board did not intend, nor did they take any powers and duties from the individual professors.
2. The individual professors have jurisdiction and authority over the students in the general government of the students of the University. They have a right to investigate and discover offenses and offenders; and any resistance to them in the assertion of this right is a resistance of the lawful authority of the governing power of the University.
3. It is here reiterated by the Board that it is the duty of every professor to co-operate with the Chancellor, in discovering offenses and offenders, to aid in preventing and suppressing disorder, and that not as a posse comitatus, summoned by him, but as those essentially vested with the authority and sharing with the Chancellor in the responsibility to enforce discipline. But their responsibility ceases when they have discovered offenses and offenders and reported them to the chancellor, except in cases where the issue of expulsion from College is raised, and such issue may be raised by one or more
members of the Faculty, The Chancellor alone will be held responsible for the manner of dealing with the offender, discovered by him or reported to him, except where the issue of expulsion is raised.
4. Should the authority of any individual professor, in the general government of the University be resisted, by any student or students, and thus a question be raised between such professor and student or students, it shall not be competent for the Chancellor, alone to investigate the case, but it shall be the duty of the professors thus mistreated to arraign the party or parties before the Faculty; and it shall be competent for that body in this case, to inflict any punishment, ranging from reproof up to expulsion.
5. In the absence of the Chancellor from Athens his powers in the general government of the University shall devolve upon the Faculty. The Chancellor shall name a member of the Faculty, who shall be chairman of the Faculty in his absence. The Faculty when assembled shall have the right to inflict proper penalties on offenders among the students, at once, or its discretion may postpone all final action until the return of the Chancellor.
J.A. Billups. Chairman,
Jas. E. Brown, H.V.M. Miller.
H.D. McDaniel, N.J. Hammond.
Henry Jackson, R.C Humber.
P.A. Stovall.
University of Georgia,
Report of the Committee on the Charles McDonald Brown Fund.
The Committee on the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund report that there are now in the University, holding scholarships under this Fund, the following;
Maxey R. Hall 7th District. Gordon Co.
Jno. R. Cooper 9th Gwinnett Co.
W.M. Hawes 10th McDuffie Co.
W.M. Glass 4th Meriwether Co.
W.G. Brown 9th Milton Co.
W.C. Horton 9th Gwinnett Co.
J.W. Bennett. 1st Wayne Co.
B.W. Hall 8th Elbert Co.
H.C. Polhill 6th Butts Co.
J.W. Arnold. 8th Clarke Co.
J.H. Barr. 4th Carroll Co.
As all these young men draw $200.00 each from the Fund except the last named, who requires $150.00 the total this applied for amounts to $2,150.00
Mr. Elijah A. Brown nominates for a scholarship. Mr. Augustus M. Hartsfield of Coweta Co. 4th. District.
The Committee recommends that the persons named, 12 in number, shall be awarded the Scholarships for the next year.
Should any vacancies occur, we recommend that they be filled from the following, in the order named:
1. T.S. Felder 3rd. Dist. Houston Co.
2. W.E. Christie 2nd. Terrell .
3. J.A. Bryan, 3rd. Houston .
The Committee recommends the adoption by the Board. Of the following rule, to take effect from and after the beginning of the next session;
Any student holding a scholarship, under this fund, shall forfeit it, if this general average falls below that required to rise into the next class, in the Freshman and Sophomore years, or whose general average falls below 90 in the Junior and Senior Years.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W.W. Thomas.
Henry Jackson. Committee.
R.C. Humber.
P.A. Stovall.
Abstract of Minutes of the Prudential Committee.
1st. Informed the City Council of Athens, that the Old Cemetery. Is a part of the Campus and donated to the City for a burial ground and cannot used for any for other purpose except by permission of the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia.
2nd. In reference to the reception of the Committee of Technology and tendering them the whole campus to select a site.
3rd. Elected Rev. John Calvin Johnson. Librarian.
Report of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds.
To the Trustees; The Committee on Buildings and Grounds respectfully report, that for the year just closed the expenditures in this department have been $1267.89 exclusively of the High School building on the Experimental Farm and exclusive of the water rent, which does not in any manner come under the supervision of this Committee.
University of Georgia,
This is much smaller than the usual repair account and less than the appropriation. The deficit is due to the fact that the repairs were held down as low as possible, on account of the proposed action of the Legislation in providing for the renovation of the Dormitories.
For the next year the repairs are estimated to require the following sums;
Chancellors Residence. $350.00.
Campus $125.00.
Prof. Woodfins Residence 75.00.
Moore College. 40.00.
Belfry on Chapel 220.00.
Water Rents 200.00.
Dormitories 250.00. Drainage 300.00.
Recitation Rooms. 100.00. Sundries. 150.00.
Professors Residences. 250.00. Total. $2,060.00.
The Committee respectfully refers to the accompanying report of the Inspector of Buildings for the details of the above, and asks an appropriation for the purposes named of $2060.00. The Board appropriated for the repairs of the High School Building the sum of $175.00. The estimate of the Inspector of the cost of putting the building in order for occupation as a dwelling by the Professor of Agriculture, was $512.00. the Professor has expended the sum of $363.23 on the building and as the appropriation was only $175.00 he has expended 188.23 of his own money, and we respectfully ask that this sum shall be refunded to him. In addition to this there is required an expenditure of $100.00 on this building for absolutely necessary repairs, which cannot be longer delayed, as the building is suffering from exposure to the weather, and delay will rapidly increase the amount required to protect it. For the details of the expenditure referred to, the Board is respectfully referred to the accompanying document being a letter from Prof. Jones, and the vouchers for the expenditure. The repairs were most judiciously and economically made. All of which is respectfully submitted.
W.W. Thomas.
Athens, GA Chairman.
July 8th, 1887. For the Committee.
Minutes of Meeting of Board of Trustees, at Atlanta,
Dec. 21st 1887.
In obedience to a call of the President of the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia, the Board met in Atlanta at the Kimball House. Present,
H.V.M. Miller, Vice President,
Messrs, Lamar Cobb, Alex S. Erwin,
John B. Gordon, Henry W. Grady,
B.P. Hollis, W.A. Little,
L.F. Livingstone, Henry D. McDaniel,
Wm. M. Reese, R.B. Russell.
D.A. Vason
Of the Board of Trustees of the University.
As this call was at the request of the Technological Commission there were present from that Board;
Messrs. S.M. Inman, Columbus Heard,
Oliver Porter, E.R. Hodgson.
Mr. Inman made a statement to the Board showing the object of the call. On motion of Mr. McDaniel, the Report of the Commission of Technology was received as information, and on motion of Mr. Vason Mr. Hodgson was requested to read said report, which he did. Mr. Inman read the report of the Treasurer of the Commission. Mr. Vason offered the following resolution, which was laid on the table for the present; Resolved, That we express, to the Local Board of the School of Technology that the duty of selecting a Faculty as specified by name in Section XII of the Act of the General Assembly creating said Board, our willingness for them to appoint and fix the salaries.
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution;
Resolved , That this Board request the Local Board of to indicate the number and duty of the Faculty.
University of Georgia,
Mr. Grady offered as a substitute; That the Board of Trustees of the University, expressing confidence in the ability of the Commission of the school of Technology, hereby authorize that Board to proceed to the organization of a Faculty for the School, the election of officers thereto and the fixing of salaries therefor, Provided, That they confine themselves to the chairs now in existence in the Worcester School.
Neither resolution was agreed to, and finally on motion of Mr. Grady the following resolution was unanimously adopted;
Resolved, That the Commission of Technology be authorized to fill the chairs hereby created. Also to elect the President, the Superintendent of the Mechanical Department, and the Secretary and Treasurer of the Faculty, and to fix the salaries of said officers,
The Chairs hereby created are;
1. Chair of Chemistry
2. Chair of Mechanical Engineering.
3. Chair of Physics.
4. Chair of Freehand and Mechanical Drawing.
5. Chair of Architecture.
6. Chair of Mathematics.
7. Chair of English.
8. Chair of Geology and Mineralogy.
On motion, the Board adjourned.
Lamar Cobb John J. Gresham
Secty President
Athens, Feby 1888
In obedience to a call of the President of the Board of Trustees there met in the Library at Athens The following members of the Board of Trustees to take into consideration the election of a Chancellor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Chancellor Mell.
Hon J.J. Gresham President
Messrs J.A. Billups Lamar Cobb Alex S. Erwin
H.W. Grady D.B. Hamilton J.S. Hamilton
N.J. Hammond Henry Jackson A.L. Hull
R.C. Humber W.A. Little C.Z. McCord
H.D. McDaniel P.W. Meldrim H.V.M. Miller
W.M. Reese R.B. Rupell P.A. Stovall
& W.W. Thomas
On Motion the election of a Chancellor was postponed until the next annual meeting.
On Motion of Mr. Hull Dr A.A. Lipscomb Dr Mells chair was elected to fill Dr Mells Chair until July next at a salary of $200000 per annum.
On Motion of W.W. Thomas Dr. L.H. Charbonnier was requested to act as Chairman of the Faculty and for such services to receive, in addition to his present salary, at the rate of $1000 per annum.
On Motion of Mr. Hull a Committee was appointed to investigate and report at the annual meeting in July next whether or not the University of Georgia had complied with their contract in reference to the Land Scrip Fund.
University of Georgia,
The chair appointed the following Committee
Messrs Hull Chairman
McIntyre, Meldrim, Fannin, Thomas
On motion of Mr. Cobb the Presidential Committee were directed to establish an Experimental Station and to apply for the money appropriated by the General Government for that purpose.
Board then adjourned.
Lamar Cobb
Athens, July 6th 1888
The Board of Trustees met in annual session.
Present Hon. J.J. Gresham President
Messrs Pope Barrow J.A. Billups
Lamar Cobb Alex S. Erwin
W.H. Felton H.W. Grady
D.B. Hamilton J.S. Hamilton
N.J. Hammond A.L. Hull
R.G. Humber B.P. Hollis
W.A. Little P.W. Meldrim
H.D. McDaniel W.M. Reese
R.B. Rupell W.W. Thomas
B.C. Yancey
There afterwards during the session the following Trustees appeared and took their seats to wit;
Messrs J.W. Beckwith J.E. Brown
J.H. Fannin Henry Jackson
L.F. Livingstone C.Z. McCord
The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. W. D Hudenson.
The minutes of the regular and called meetings were read and after some alterations in the called session were adopted
Dr. LH Charbonnier made his report as Chairman [See Page ] (Blank) which was referred to the appropriate Committees
Prof. Clarke & Mr. R. J. Moye of Cuthbert appeared before the Board in behalf of that institution.
University of Georgia,
Mr. R. C. Humber read the Report of the Branch College at Milledgeville which was referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr. Bassingers report form the Branch College at Dahlonega was read and referred to the same Committee.
Mr Hull from the Special Committee on whether this Board this Board (sic) has complied with the contract in reference to the Land scrip Fund made his Report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Mr. J.S. Hamilton made his report as chairman of the Committee on Apparatus which was received and laid on the table. [Page ] (Blank)
Mr Hamilton also as chairman of the Committee on Agriculture & Horticulture & the Experimental Farm which read and laid on the table. [Page ] (Blank)
Mr. Hamilton made his report as Auditor of the Experimental accounts which was received and adopted. [Page ] (Blank)
Messrs Miller, Fannin, Cumming, Brown and Gordon were excused on proper showing from attendance at this meeting.
Mr A.R. Lawton tendered his resignation as a Trustee of this Board which on motion of Mr Cobb was respectfully declined and the Secretary was directed to so inform Mr. Lawton.
Mr W.W. Thomas as chairman of the Committee on Buildings & Grounds made his Report which was recd & laid on the table. Page [ ] (Blank)
The President announced the following committees.
Branch Colleges
Mr. Yancey Chairman.
Messrs Little D.B. Hamilton
Laws & Discipline
Mr. Hammond Chairman
Messrs Billups Humber
Reese Felton
The Board then took a recess until 4 P.M.
4 P.M.
The Board reconvened & the Report of Miss Sarah Frierson was read for information.
A communication from Hon H.E. Harris of the Technological Commission in reference to this Board adjourning to a certain time that that Commission might be enabled to turn over that Institution to the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia was read and on motion of Mr D.B. Hamilton it was determined that when this Board adjourned it will be reconvene in Atlanta in the [Blank Space] day of Sept next.
A communication from certain parties in Atlanta on a school of Pharmacy in connection
University of Georgia,
with the School Technology was on motion of Mr. Hammond read and laid on the table.
The following resolution offered by Mr Hull was adopted.
Resolved that a Committee of five be appointed to report during this session a scheme for the dissection and control of the Experimental Station.
Mr. Hull having requested that on account of his labors on other Committees that he should not be put as chairman of this Committee the President announced the following Committee
Thomas Chairman.
Hull Humber
Billups Erwin
Mr Little offered the following resolution which was referred to the committee on Laws & Discipline
That it is the sense of this Board that the Collegiate year of the University should be so changed as to Commence in the month of September and close at a corresponding earlier day.
On motion of Mr. Barrow the following resolution was received and referred to the same Committee.
Resolved: That the age required for admission into the Freshman class be changed from 14 to 16 & the higher classes in the same proportion.
Mr. Grady offered the following resolution which after much discussion
Athens, July 6th 1888
and amendments was adopted as follows:
Resolved at upon assembly at 3 P.M. on Monday this Board proceed to the election of a Chancellor to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Dr. Mell.
By Mr. Thomas.
Resolved: That the Committee on Laws & Discipline be requested to consider and report after consultation with the Faculty whether or not there should be any change in the present rule, which now allows a student to graduate on a general average of 80 and which requires that his average shall not fall below 50 in any department.
On motion then adjourned to 9 A.M. Saturday
University of Georgia,
The Board reconvened and the minutes and the minutes (sic) were read and approved.
Mr Barrow offered the following resolution Resolved That the Chancellor of this University shall reside upon the Campus in the Building known as the Chancellor residence.
This was unanimously adopted Mr Reese gave notice of the application by him of the degree of D.D. for Rev Wm Bean a learned divine, ripe scholar and a graduate of the university which was referred to the Committee on Honorary Degrees.
Mr Reese offered following resolution which referred which was referred (sic) to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia that the Committee and Discipline be and is hereby requested to consider the propriety of raising the grade of scholarship into the Freshman and Sophomore classes of the University.
Mr. Hammond move that a recess of 15 minutes be taken be taken (sic) and that leave of absence be given to the Committee on Laws & Discipline and on the Branch Colleges.
Which was adopted.
The Board reconvened-
Mr Hull made a partial report of the Committee on Finance and a statement from
Athens, July 7th, 1888
the accounts that were read and paid out
See Page. (Blank)
It was received and laid upon the table for future action.
Mr Hammond from the Committee on Laws & Discipline made the following report:
The Committee on Laws & Discipline make the following report upon the matters referred to it
All recommend
1st. That from the provision from the laws as to Degrees the figures 50 be stricken and 75 be inserted but this shall not apply to the class 1888-1889
It was moved by Mr Thomas that the report be taken up by sections which was adopted.
Mr Thomas then moved to amend the First Section of the above by adding after the figures 1888 & 1889 the words as to the Junior Year
Section 2nd of the report is as follows that the Exercises of the University open on the 3rd Wednesday in Sept 1888 an annually hereafter and close on the 3rd Wednesday in June annually.
Which was adopted
Age of Admission 16 yr [Written in pencil in the right margin.]
Section 3rd is as follows That the minimum age for admission age for in the College be hereafter 16 years-
Section 4th was as follows we think the present requirements for scholarship high enough when coupled with the increased age above recommenden (sic) We urge in future strict examinations an (sic) strict rejection of any not qualified by
University of Georgia,
the law of the University.
Mr Jackson offered an amendment as follows
1st That written examinations for admission to the University of Georgia be held, commencing on the Saturday before the 1st Wednesday in June; on the 3rd Wednesday in September and on the first Wednesday in January of each and every year in the presence of a majority of the Faculty; That an applicant who fails in any study at the June examination shall be eligible for the examination the following September
This was adopted
2nd Section of Mr Jacksons amendment was as follows
2nd That no applicant shall be admitted to the University whose examination papers as above provided do not reach an average of 75 per cent in all the studies upon which examined and then only on approval of a majority of the Faculty.
Mr White moved to strike out all after the word examined and insert the following: unless upon approval of a majority of the Faculty
The amendment of Mr. Little was lost by the casting vote of the Chairman.
Mr Barrow moved to strike out after the word Examined
Which was lost.
Athens, July 7th, 1888
The 2nd Section of Mr Jacksons amendment was then put to the Board & lost.
Mr Hammond moved to reconsider the action adopting the 1st Section which was lost.
The 3rd Section of Mr Jacksons amendment was as follows:
3rd That in valuing such papers the candidates
Shall be marked for defect in English so that the valuation to be placed upon the English Examination shall depend in part upon the knowledge of the English language shown in all the papers presented
This was adopted
The 4th Section of Mr Jacksons amendment was as follows 4th Section That all applicants for admission to the Freshman class be examined on Orthography & English composition
This Section was adopted
The whole report as amended was then adopted
Col Charbonnier forwarded a communication from the Mayor of the City of Athens in reference to the College privies which was recd and read
The Board then took a recess until 4 P.M.
University of Georgia,
Saturday July 7th 4 P.M.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment Mr Hammond was granted leave of absence until Monday at noon.
On motion of Mr Hull the report upon the contract, so called, was called up and taken up sections.
1st Section Assinging (sic) the professor of Agriculture to the Experimental Station was adopted
2nd Section. Providing for the election of a Professor of Natural History and physiology etc who should be the Etomologist (sic) of the Station
Was adopted
Also providing for the election of a Professor of Mineralogy & econmic (sic) geology
Was adopted
3rd Section Providing that an instructor of Military Tacticks (sic) be elected. Provided that an assignment of an Army or Naval officer could not be obtained Was adopted.
Mr Yancey moved to amend the report by inserting that the contract had not been fully complied with heretofore
This motion was lost.
Mr Yancey then asked leave to enter his protest against this action, which was granted
Athens, July 7th 1888
On motion of Mr Jackson the following words were stricken from the Report:
and have no sympathy with the adverse criticism that has been gratuitously lavised (sic) upon the Agricultural Department of this College.
The whole Report was adopted
Mr Thomas moved to take up the Report on Buildings & Grounds (See Page ) [Blank]
It was moved that it be taken up sections
The 1st Section was then adopted
The Board then adjourned to Monday morning July 9th at 9 oclock
10th [Added in pencil.]
University of Georgia,
Monday July 9th 1888
The Board reconvened pursuant to adjournment
The minutes were read, corrected & approved.
Mr Hull moved to amend Section 2nd relative to the New College so as to have it filled up for a lecture Room
This Section as amended was adopted
Section 3rd Mr Yancey moved to strike out but subsequently withdrew his motion
Mr Little moved to add at the end of section as it stands in the Report of the Committee the words until needed
This section as amended was adopted
Section 4th The upper story of Ivy Building was turned over the to the Law Department
Section 5: Painting Chapel Roof 65.00
Moore College 40.00
Repairs to Ivy Building 100.00
Repairs to Morris House 500.00
Mr Livingstone to amend by striking out $500 &
Inserting, $400 which adopted by casting vote of chair 400.00
Chancellors Dwelling 200.00
Willcox Building 100.00
Woodfin Building 110.00
New Privy 200.00
Athens, July 9th, 1888
Drainage of Campus 300.00
Mr Hollis moved to strike out
item. Lost by casting vote of the President
The item as reported was then adopted
New College repairs 700.00
Sundries 100.00
The whole report as then amended adopted
Page [ ] (Blank)
Mr Hull then read to the Board the Report of the Treasury was then read to the Board of Trustees of the made to the Committee on Finance
[Page ] (Blank)
Mr Hull read the Finance which recd and laid on the Table.
Mr Hull offered the following Resolution Resolved that Mell Memorial Exercises be held at 11oclock AM on Wednesday instead of Wednesday instead of Wednesday afternoon at 3 oclock.
(Page ) [Blank]
Mr Erwin made the Report of the Committee of Library which was recd & adopted
Page [ ] (Blank)
Mr Jackson offered the following resolution.
Resolved That the Bank where the Deposits of this University are now kept be requested to remit the $24335 charged as interest on over checks, and that the Treasurer
University of Georgia,
in case of the refusal of the Bank to comply with this request, without a satisfactory explanation, without be instructed to change to change (sic) the deposit to such Bank so will not make such charges.
Mr Erwin moved a Substitute
Resolved that in future the Treasure be instructed not pay interest on over checks provided an arrangement to that effect can be made with either of the Banks of the City.
Which was rejected & Mr Jacksons resolution was adopted
The Board then took a recess to attend the address of Mr J.L. Hardeman to the Literary Societies after which they reconvened.
Mr Fannin appeared & took his seat
Mr Livingstone made a personal statement in reference to a newspaper statement charges that had been made against him in reference to a speech he had made in the Presbyterian Centennial Assembly in Atlanta.
He emphatically denied making any such charge against the University. He said he only stated what prejudices they would have they would have (sic) to over come in the Public Mind not that he endorsed them He did
Athens, July 9th, 1888
say and he now reiterates that in his opinion that there is a great want of discipline in all of our Colleges.
Mr Byrd was excused from attendance at this session.
Mr Cobb read an abstract of the proceedings of the Prudential Committee which was recd & referred to the Special Committee on the Experimental Station.
The following resolution by Mr Hull was recd and laid the table
Resolved that Dr John P. Campbell of Baltimore West Virginia be elected to fill the chair of Biology Natural History & physiology for the term of one year.
On Motion of Dr Hamilton The Report of the Committee on apparatus was taken from taken from (sic) the table and adopted (Page ) [blank]
On motion of Col Billups the Board took a recess until 3 P.M.
3 P.M. July 9th 1888
The Board reconvened Mr Brown and Mr Miller appeared and took their seats.
The special order of the day being the election of a Chancellor
Mr Fannin made a personal statement in reference to a pair between him and Mr D.B. Hamilton.
University of Georgia,
The Board went into an election for Chancellor and which resulted in the election of Dr J G.B Stricklen of Atlanta
On motion of Mr Barrow the Board then went into an election to fill the vacancy in the Board caused by the death of Judge Samuel Hall which resulted in the election of Col John Screven of Savannah.
Mr Hull offered the following which was adopted
Resolved that Senator Brown be requested by this Board to secure the detail by the Secretary of War or Navy of a United States Officer as Instructor of Military Tactics in the University.
Mr Fannin was excused from further
The Board then took a recess until Tuesday Morning until 9 A.M.
Athens, July Tuesday 11th, 1888
The Board met according to adjournment.
Mr Gresham called Mr Billups to the chair and then offered the following resolution.
Resolved that the appropriation of three hundred Dollars ($300) for drainage to be considered
Which was agreed to.
The minutes minutes (sic) were read and approved.
Mr Gresham then moved to strike out the $300 for drainage was agreed to.
On Motion of Mr Erwin the Resolutions passed by the Medical Dept and the North Ga Agriculture College in reference to the late Chancellor Mell were read and ordered spread on the Minutes.
[Page ] (Blank)
Mr Livingstone by request introduced a proposition from the Classic City Business College for a connection with the University which was on motion of Mr Hull was laid on the Table.
On Motion of Mr Thomas the minutes of the Prudential Committee were approved.
On Motion of Mr Yancey the following resolution was adopted.
That the Secty & Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University be unjoined not to over draw on any ap-
University of Georgia,
propriations of money made by the Board and of any appropriation of money shall not be exhausted the remainder shall revert to the Treasury of the Board. The Prudential committee may assume the responsibility to use such funds to meet an emergency.
Resolved that the Secretary & Treasurer of this Board be required to have his Report ready ready (sic) to be audited by the auditing and presented to the Chairman of the Finance Committee that he may be enabled to present his report on the first day of the Annual meeting of this Report on Friday preceeding (sic) the third Wednesday in June.
Resolved that the Secretary & Treasurer shall keep a cash book showing amount of Money of Money (sic) received during the Fiscal year & the amount of his warrant drawn on appropriations specifying the object of such warrant
The Board then took a recess to hear the address of Mr A.R. Lawton Jr. before the Alumni Society.
Board reconvened after Mr Lawtons address.
Mr Hull moved to take up the Report of the Finance Committee which on motion of Mr Humber was laid on the table for the present & the Report of the Committee on Branch Colleges was then taken up in Mr Humbers motion.
Athens, July (Tuesday) 11th 1888
Mr Yancey offered the following resolution which was on motion by consent referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Resolved that hereafter the Treasurer pay to each Trustee attending Annual sessions of called meetings of this Board, his actual expenses incurred in attending & estimated expenses in returning home by the usual line of travel. Each Trustee presenting to the Treasurer a statement of such Expenses.
Mr Yancey then as Chairman of the Committee on Branch Colleges made his Report which was acted upon by sections [Page (Blank)
Section 1st was adopted.
The report was then laid on the table for the present and a motion was made and made (sic) and carried to take up the Finance Report
Mr Felton was excused after today. The Board then took a recess until 3 P.M.
3 P.M. Tuesday
By unanimous consent the pending business was temporarily suspended and Mr Jackson offered the following resolution touching the vacant Chancellorship.
Whereas at the meeting of this Board which was convened in Feby soon after the death of Chancellor Mell an election to fill the vacancy in the office of Chancellor of
University of Georgia,
The University of Georgia was postponed until the Commencement to enable the members of the Board to Communicate with gentlemen deemed available for that honorable position and who would undertake the duties of the office.
And where as at the election held on yesterday the name of Dr G.B. Strickler was presented and supported by a majority of the Board, under assurances from the representatives of such majority that there was every reason to suppose he would accept.
And where as upon his election he immediately notified a member of this Board that he would not accept the Chancellorship thus leaving the University without a head.
Therefore be it Resolved that this Board do not now proceed to an election for the reasons above stated.
2nd That upon the conclusion of the work now to be performed, it adjourn to meet on the first Saturday in October next for the purpose of then selecting a Chancellor and the transaction of such other business as may be brought before it.
3rd That Prof. L.H. Charbonnier be quested (sic) to continue in the discharge of the duties of acting chancellor until that time
4th That whilst the supporters of Prof. H.
Athens, July Tuesday 11th 1888
C. White could now elect him, yet in an honest endeavor to secure harmony in this Board and united action in building up this Institution they refrain from so doing and adjourn until the first Saturday in October next to give time for further reflection.
5th That the Secretary of this Board at once confer with Prof. Charbonnier an ascertain whether he would comply with the request of the Board to continue in the discharge of the duties of acting Chancellor until that office is filled.
Mr Erwin offered the following as a substitute for Mr Jacksons resolution:
Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to notify Dr Strickler of his election to the Chancellorship of the University and to request his acceptance of the same.
In the event Dr Strickler shall decline to accept the position a meeting of the Trustees shall be held in Atlanta for the purpose of filing the vacancy in the office of chancellor on the 1st Saturday in October 1888
In the meantime Dr L.H. Charbonnier is requested to continue to act as Chancellor under the arrangement now existing.
The substitute of Mr Erwin was rejected
Mr Russell moved to strike out
University of Georgia,
Section 4th of Mr Jacksons resolution which was agreed to.
Mr Hammond demanded the yeas & nays on Mr Jacksons resolution.
The Secretary was instructed to proceed with the call & pending the announcement of the result by the Secretary Mr Meldrim moved to lay the resolution on the table.
The chair ruled Mr Meldrims motion out of order.
Mr Meldrim appealed from the decision of the chair and the Board sustained Mr Meldrims appeal and the decision of the Chair was over ruled.
Where upon the motion of Mr. Meldrim was adopted and Mr Jacksons resolution was laid on the table.
On motion of Mr Meldrim the Secretary was directed to inform Dr Strickler of his election as chancellor of the University and to request his acceptance.
Mr Billups moved take a recess to attend the Junior Exercises which was lost.
The Board then took up the Finance
1st Sec Salaries was adopted
2nd Servants
3rd Fuel
4th Water Supply
5th Repairs
6th Purchase of Apparatus was adopted
Athens, July Tuesday July 11, 1888
7 Sect Chemicals was adopted
8 Insurance
9 Catalogues, Advertising & Printing
10 Postage & Stationary
11 Incidentals
12 Commencement Sermon
13 Music
15 Travelling Expenses of Chancellor
Mr Hollis moved to amend the Report as to Branch Colleges so as to appropriate $5000 of the Land Scrip Fund and $1000 of the Gilmer Fund to the Branch Colleges.
The report as amended was then adopted as a whole. [Page ] (Blank)
The Board resumed the consideration of the Report on Branch Colleges.
Section 2nd Was adopted
3rd In reference to the Gilmer Fund Mr Reese moved to amend as follows
Resolved that a distribution of the Gilmer Fund be so made that five hundred dollars be appropriated to Dahlonega & that the remaining sum sum (sic) of five hundred dollars be distributed between Thomasville & Milledgeville on a basis of Scholars per capita.
Mr Felton to amend by adding
University of Georgia,
Cuthbert with Thomasville & Milledgeville which was agreed to
The Report of the Branch Colleges as thus amended was adopted as a whole
Mr Hammond chairman of the Committee on Laws & Discipline offered the following resolution which was adopted
The Committee on Laws and Discipline recommend that the several degrees recommended by the Faculty as set forth in the Report of the Chairman of the Faculty, be and they are here by conferred.
On motion the election of a President of the Branch College at Cuthbert was gone into which resulted in the unanimous election of Prof. [Blank] Clarke
On motion of Mr Hull the Board proceeded to the election of a Tutor to take place of Prof. C.M. Strahan (promoted) which resulted in the unanimous election of Mr. A.L. Franklin
The Chairman of Experimental Station made his Report as Chairman of the Experimental Station which was adopted
[ ] (Blank)
Mr Hull moved to take from the table the resolution in reference to a Professor of Biology which was agreed to an Dr Jno D Campbell was unanimously elected.
Mr Grady gave notice of applica-
Athens, July Tuesday 11th, 1888
tion for the application of L.L.D for Doctors A.W. Calhoun and W.F. Westmoreland.
Messrs Livingstone, Humber, Little, Hollis & Reese were excused from further attendance.
On motion of Mr McCord the memorial of Dr Dr. (sic) P.H. Mell was ordered spread on the minutes
[Page ] (blank)
On motion of Mr Livingstone the time of adjournment in Sept was reconsidered.
Whereupon on motion of Mr. Livingstone the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved that this Board when it adjourns on Wednesday reconvene in Atlanta at the Kimball House on Friday the 5th of October next at 330 PM to transact such business as may be brought before it.
The Board then took a recess until 9 AM Wednesday morning.
University of Georgia,
Board met according to adjournment
The minutes were read & approved.
Mr Yancey asked time to write out his protest that he gave notice on Saturday afternoon, which was granted.
The Secretary read a telegram from Dr G.B. Strickler as follows Chancellorship respectfully declined
Mr Hammond as chairman of the Committee on Laws & Discipline made following report on Mr Yancey resolution which received & laid on the table.
The Com on Laws & Discipline to which was referred the proposed resolution to pay his expenses when attending Commencement out of the Funds in the hans (sic) of this Board Report adversely. In this they are unanimous though perhaps for different for different (sic) reasons.
Some of the reasons are that by the constitution we hold all appropriations by the State &c for the University & it is not clear that the proposed payment to ourselves for the purpose mentioned would be for such use. It would be singular if we had authority so to appropriate the funds in our hands to ourselves & without limit except our own sense of sight. No officer can take compensation for his work without a law declaring his right & fixing the amount or appropriating some tribunal to fix the same
Athens, July Wednesday 12 1888
The Code mentions Trustees and Visitors of the University. As to Trustees compensation of Trustees it is silent: that of visitors is then definitely fixed.
The mention of the one excludes the others
It is said that Trustees were once so paid We have not opportunity to examine that nor why or how; if so it was changed. But even if it be lawful for us to make such disposition of the funds we oppose it & therefor do not think an enquiring (sic) into the history profitable for this report.
If per diem & mileage or expenses it should be paid the compensation should be made by the Legislature upon its own motion
N.J. Hammond Chm.
On motion of Mr Hull the fiscal year of the University shall end May 31st 188
Mr Cobb offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted:
Whereas in 1856 the degree of A.M. was conferred by this University on Joseph N. Whitner a graduate of the class of 1847.
And whereas by mistake the secretary entered it upon the minutes as John C Whitner.
Therefore be it resolved that the Secty be directed to correct said minutes to correct said minutes (sic) so that they shall show that degree of A.M. was conferred on said Joseph N. Whitner in 1856
Notice was given of application for Honorary Degree
University of Georgia,
Henry F. Hoyt & A.M. Williams for D.D. H.D. Williams degree of A.M.
Mr Barrow as chairman of the Committee on the Law Department made his Report which recd and adopted. (Page ) [Blank]
Mr Hammond offered the following resolution which was adopted.
Resolved That Professor Charbonnier be requested to continue to act as Chairman of the Faculty under the arrangement made in February last as to salary until the election of a Chancellor.
The Chairman announced as the Board of control of Experimental Station
Messrs. Hull Chairman
Thomas Erwin, McDaniel
Billups Felton & McCord
Mr Russell made his report as chairman of the Committee on the Charles McDonald Brown Fund.
Page [ ] (Blank)
The Board took a recess to attend the Senior Exercises and then reconvened
Mr Jackson from the same Committee as Mr Russell, made a minority (sic)
Athens, July (Wednesday) 12 1888
which after much discussion was adopted.
Page[ ] (Blank)
Mr Cobb offered the following the following (sic) resolution which was agreed to.
Whereas Mr Thomas has stated to this Board that he could not attend to the duties of a member of the Board of Control of the Experimental Station without detriment to his business engagements
Resolved That he be excused from service on that Board.
The Chair then appointed Mr Barrow in his place.
Mr Meldrim offered the following resolution which was adopted.
Resolved that the Professors of Law by and with the concurrence of the Presidential Committee be authorized to invite such distinguished Judges and Lawyers of the State as they may select to deliver one or more lectures each to the Law Department such lectures to be open to all students. Provided that no expense to the University is incurred.
Resolved further that the names of such Lectures be published in the annual Catalogue
Mr Barrow offered the following resolution which agreed to.
Resolved that Prof. Chas M Strahan
University of Georgia,
in addition to his duties in the Experimental he also assigned to duty in the Analytical Chemical department of the University with no additional salary.
Mr Russell gave notice of application of the degree of A.B. for J.D.C. Parker of Gainesville Ga.
Mr Meldrim gave notice of the application for the Degree of A.M. for Rabbi J.P. Mendez
The Chair then announced the following Committees.
Hull Chairman
McIntyre McCord
Felton Jackson
Auditing Committee
Hull Chairman & Erwin
Law Department
Barrow Chairman
Reese & Hollis
Honorary Degrees
The Chancellor Chairman
Billups & Cobb
Buildings & Ground
Thomas Chairman
Meldrim, Russell & Humber
Athens, July (Wednesday) 12th 1888
Erwin Chairman
Stovall, Cumming
Agriculture & Agricultural Farm
Russell Chairman
Fannin, Byrd & Humber
The Board then adjourned to meet in Atlanta at Kimball House at 330 PM October 5th 1888
University of Georgia,
To the Board of Trustees of the
University of Georgia,
As chairman of the Faculty, I beg leave to present the following report.
But, first, the respect in which I hold the memory of our deceased chancellor, prompts me to pause a moment and pay him a tribute justly due.
Dr. Mell, with whom I was associated for twenty two years, and whom I had every opportunity of observing, possessed in the highest degree the qualifications necessary for an administrative officer. He had, at all times, and under all circumstances, perfect control of others. As an evidence of the success of his administration, we can print to the confidence in the University which he inspired over the State, as a consequence of which the attendance on the departments of at Athens, increased from 149, during the first year of his administration, to 215 during the present session. The intercourse between the Faculty and the Chancellor, during his administration, has been characterized by the most cordial relations and the greatest confidence in his ability to govern prudently and wisely.
Athens, July 6th 1888
The attendance in the departments at Athens for the present session 1887-1888 has been.
In Franklin College 158
In the State College 57
In the Law Class 20
Total at Athens 216 (sic) [235]
For information as to the attendance in the respective departments of instruction, I beg leave to refer you to page 69 of the catalogue.
Attendance at the Judicial Department 100
Attendance at the Branch Colleges:
North Georgia Agricultural College:
In College classes 73
In preparatory department 70
Total 143
Of which 120 are males
And 23 females
South Georgia College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts:
In college classes 32
In preparatory department 136
Total 168
Of which 124 are males
And 44 are females.
Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural
University of Georgia,
In college classes 145
In preparatory department 287
Total 442 (sic) [432]
Of which 205 are males
And 235 are females. (sic)
Total attendance in all Departments 1074
When at your meeting, in February, you did me the honor to appoint me librarian of the Faculty, I did not receive information of your action until late at night after the Board had adjourned; and hence, had no opportunity to receive from the Board, instructions as to what course I should pursue. Upon conference with members of the Prudential Committee, I was informed that the Board was aware that the duties of my chair kept my time fully occupied, and that I was not expected to visit the Branch Colleges, as it is the Chancellors duty to do, unless I could arrange it conveniently to my other duties. I found that, thus late in the session. I could not arrange my course of lectures, so as to enable me to absent myself from the University for the time required for the visit to the colleges, which I concluded to abandon, regarding my duties here as of first importance, and I wrote to the Presidents
of the colleges giving my reasons for not attending their commencements. Having thus been prevented from visiting these colleges have in report to make of their condition; the statistical information, above given, has been furnished in by their respective Presidents.
It has been the policy of the Faculty after the death of the Chancellor, to continue to administer the University in the line followed by Dr. Mell, as it was not deemed wise to make any changes, if any were necessary, during the course of a session already more than half advanced. I am glad to be able to state the fact that there has been during the year no flagrant breach of discipline; and that the relations between Faculty and students continue to be cordial.
I do not deem it my duty to make to your board any suggestions as to any changes, if any be necessary, in the administrations of the institution. Being only chairman of the Faculty, called to fill an interregnum caused by vacancy in the office of Chancellor, it would be out of taste in me to take advantage of the present occasion to lay before you
University of Georgia,
views peculiarly my own. The present moment bringing with it a change in the administrative head is a critical period in the history of the institution; and the situation should, in my opinion, not be complicated by the introduction of new measures, or changes in old ones. Nor can the University suffer by delay in making changes that might be deemed advisable. The institution has, under Dr Mells administration had a successful period of ten years; it can surely go on for a year longer without detriment to itself and further, the chancellor of the University, to whom is committed the general superintendence of the interests and reputation of the institution, of right ought to have a voice in shaping the policy of its management. I hold it would be unfair to the incoming Chancellor to load him with untried regulations or changes. I think it due to him that he should be allowed to take the institution as it stands. Our laws and regulations, under which we have been nurturing for ten years are sufficient for a year longer if they are firmly and wisely administered. If after the Chancellor has
become acquainted with our customs and wants and with the views of his Faculty, he agrees with us that certain changes may be necessary, then will be the time for them to be presented to your Board.
The thanks of the Board are, I think due A.A. Lipscomb, the venerable ex-chancellor of the University, who consented, although in feeble health, to assist the Institution he had served so faithfully, and carry on the duties of Dr Mells chair during the remainder of the session. The Doctor, I am happy to state, has been able to carry on fully the duties of the chair, so that the instruction in the department of Ethics and metaphysics was unbroken save during the fin weeks of the fatal illness of Chancellor Mell.
The minutes of your Prudential Committee will furnish you the information about the establishment of the Experimental Station, under the provisions of the Hatch bill.
The fund for the year ending July 1 has been received and has been appropriated so as to equip the station and get it ready for work. It is highly desirable that
University of Georgia,
the fund in future, should be so appropriated as to bring the station, now established, to the high state of efficiency attained by those which have been for some time in operation in other states. Aside from its real use to our agricultural interests, a well equipped and efficient station will prove one of the best means of popularizing the University in our state.
The Faculty recommend for graduation the following members of the Senior Class;
For the Degree of Master of Arts;
R.W. Almon
W.Y. Brown
A.L. Franklin
4. T.W. Reed.
For the Degree of Civil & Mining Engineer:
A.L. Franklin
For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:
J.C. Boone A.W. Griggs
J.E. Boston T.R. Hardwick
N.R. Broyles W.M. Hawes
F.W. Coile A. Heyman
H.M. Comer, Jr. J.G. Jarrell
E.C. Davis L.L. Knight
W.A. Davis J.D. Little
H.U. Downing J.C. Mell
P.H. Estes W.H. Quarterman
J.R. Evans W.E. Thomas
22. W.M. Glass Q.L. Williford
For the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering:
J.W. Daniel
O.S. Davis
A. McCarrell
W.A. Kennon
5. G.A. Whitehead.
For the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy:
J.A. Barnes A. Heyman
E.J. Bondurant G.A. Mercer, Jr.
L.M. Brand W.L. Moore
E.B. Cohen W.H. Quarterman
T.M. Cunningham V.L. Smith
11 J.B.H. Day F.W. Wright
The Faculty of the Law Department recommend the following students for graduation with the Degree of Bachelor of Law:
William Kinnard
Lewis B. Brand William T. Lane
Arnold Broyles Brick L. Miller
Frank Z. Curry John B. Moon
Toliver P. Eberhart Lucien L. Ray
Walter L. Hodges John L. Ritch
Albert Howell Walter E. Steed
James A. Hixon Robert V. Swain
19 Frank M Hughes William P. Wallis.
University of Georgia,
Albert S. Johnson
Bartow B. Johnson.
I transmit to you a package containing the applications of nineteen young men for the benefit of the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund. Each application will be found contained in a separate envelope, with all the papers required and the examinations which each applicant was required to stand, in accordance with the rules. The examinations have been graded by the proper professors and the marks, together with the averages will be found endorsed on the face of each envelope.
The following list gives the names of the students, now in the University, under the benefit of the fund, with the averages they have made, in their respective classes during the present session;
Junior Class:
J.R. Cooper 85.07 J.W. Arnold 87.09
H.C. Polhill 88.00 J.W. Bennett 93.18
W.M. Hartsfield 98.27 J.H. Barr 87.19
B.W. Hall 87.79
W.C. Horton 77.61
Mess. W.M. Glass, W.G. Brown, W.M. Hawes, and M.R. Hall have completed their
course and their places become vacant.
I should be happy to give the Board at any time, any further information they may desire and which may be able to furnish.
Respectfully submitted
L.H. Charbonnier
Chairman Faculty.
University of Georgia,
To the Board of Trustees:
Your committee on Finance report the following assets of the University on July 5th 1888.
First: General Fund
Debt of the State of Georgia @8% 100000.
Obligation of @7% 18000.
2. Terrell Fund:
Obligation of the State @7% 200000
3. Landscript Fund:
Obligation of the State @7% 152000.
Amount held by the governor 90202.17.
4. Chas. McDonald Brown Fund
Obligation of the State @7% 50000
5. Chas. F. McCoy Fund
Ga RR 6% Bonds. Coupons cut off to 1875 20000
6. George R. Gilmer Fund
Obligation of the state @7% 15000
Total Assets $465202.17.
The Receipts from all Sources for the year ending July 5th, 1888 were as follows.
Cash in Bank July 5th 1887 3499.36
Interest on General Fund 9260.
Terrell Fund 1400.
Landscript Fund 16954.15
Gilmer Fund 1050.
Commissions on Brown Fund (5 yrs) 500.
Interest on Brown Fund 3500.
Appropriation by Legislature for Dahlonega 5000.
Received from Rents 515.
students in Laboratory 195.
Matriculation Fees 1900.
sale of cotton 72.25
Library Fees 950.
Total 44,795.76
The Expenditures for the same period:
Salaries of Officers 21619.75
Branch Colleges 5000.
Brown Scholarship Fund 3790.
Library Account 1166.
Dahlonega on act of Repairs 1493.80
General Expenses 6134.24
Unexpended Bal Library Fund 519.95
Brown 1802.25
General 3269.77 5591.97
Total 44795.76
University of Georgia,
The Condition of each Fund will be seen from the following statements:
General & Terrell Fund:
Balance to cr. July 5th 1888 2567.87
Interest received 10660
Laboratory Fees 195.
Rents & Matriculation Fees 2415.
Commission on Gilmer & Brown Funds 550.
Amt paid Salaries 16387.87 9534.87
Appropriation to General Fund 4290.19
Balance 2562.81
16387.87. 16387.87
Landscript Fund
Sale of Cotton 72.25
Interest received 16954.16
Balance to Dr 1887 2799.24 1896.71
Amt paid Salaries 11364.88
General Fund 2564.06
Branch Colleges 4000.
19825.65 19825.65
Chas McDonald Brown Fund:
Bal to cr. July 5th 1887 2092.25
Interest received 3500. 3290
Paid Beneficiaries 500
Commissions (5 yrs) 1802.25
Balance 5592.25 5592.25
Gilmer Fund
Interest Received 1050 50.
Amt Paid Commissions
Branch Colleges 1000.
1050 1050.
Library Fund
Balance to cr. July 5th 1887 735.95
Fees Received 950.
Amt paid Librarians Salary 250.
Books 916.
Balance 519.95
1685.95 1685.95
Balance Sheet. Dr Cr
General & Terrell Fund 2562.81
Appropriation to Dahlonega for repairs 3506.20
Landscript Fund 2799.24
Brown Fund 1802.25
Library Fund 519.95
Cash on hand 5591.97
8391.21 8391.21
Estimated Income 1888-89
Available for General Expenses.
Cash on hand
Interest on General Fund 9260
Terrell 1400
Landscript 16954.16
Matriculation Fees 1950.
Rents of Professors Houses 515.
Gilmer Fund 1050.
Commission from Brown Fund 100.
Total 31229.16
University of Georgia,
The Appropriation of $15000.per annum from the General Government for the support of an Experimental Station in connection with the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, will enable the University by distributing its assets, to Appropriate to much needed purposes a sum approximating $8000. The following scheme, which is presented for your consideration will indicate how this may be done.
Salary Account
Chancellors Gen. Fund. Landsrip Station Total
Salary 1500 1500 3000
Prof Mathematics 1000 1000 2000
Physics & Meteorologist 875 875 500 2250
Modern Languages 1000 1000 2000
Ancient 2000 2000
Chemistry & Sta. Chem 750 750 1000 2500
Asst. chemist to Station 1250 1250
Belle Letters & English 1000 1000 2000
Engineering 2000 2000
Agriculture & Director 500 2000 2500
Biology 500 500 1000 2000
Geology & Mineralogy 500 500 1000 2000
Military Tactics 250 750 1000
Tutor in Anc. Lang. & Eng. 400 400 800
Treasurer 400 400 400 1200
Inspecting buildings 250 250
Totals 10425 11175 7150 28750
By this arrangement the teaching force of the University will be increased by three Professors while the expenditure from the General and Landscript Funds over that of last year on Salary account will be only $550
To meet the requirements of the University we recommend the following appropriations for the ensuing year.
Salaries of officers 28750
Branch Colleges 5000
Servants on Campus 400
Fuel 200
Water Supply 200
Repairs on Buildings 2015
Purchase of New Apparatus 150
Chemicals 100
Insurance on Buildings 550
Catalogue, Advertising & Printing 300
Postage & Stationary 150
Incidentals 150
Commencement Sermon 20
Music 150
Medals 36
Traveling expenses of Chancellor 100
Librarian to be paid out of Library Fund $350.
University of Georgia,
Of the amount recommended for Salaries of Officers it will be sure that $7150 will be chargeable to the Stations fund. Deducting this amount we have Estimated Receipts 31229.16
Appropriations recommended 31121.16
Your committee has no further suggestions to make in regard to the Appropriation for the Experimental Station, deeming it wise to refer the matter to the Board for its consideration.
Respectfully Submitted
For the Committee
A.L. Hull
Athens, July 9th 1888
To the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia
I beg to submit my report as Treasurer for the year 1887 1888 this statement has been somewhat delayed because of other pressing and imperative engagements connected with the discharge of my duties of my duties (sic) as Treasurer which have called me away from the city during the pass month and rendered it impossible that I should give that attention to the mere matter of accounts, which was necessary to have the statement in proper shape upon the meeting of the Board.
I desire to call attention to the following item of the report:
Expenditures on account of Branch Colleges during the past year appear to have amounted to $6493.80, whilst the appropriation therefore was only $5,000.00. The additional $1493.80 represents the amount expended for repairs at Dahlonega, and constituted no part of the $5000.00 appropriated by this Board. This expenditure from
University of Georgia,
the Legislation appropriation was made under authority of the act of the Legislature.
There appears also to have been expended on account of Repairs $1948.51, whilst the appropriation for this purpose was only $1710.00. By an examination of the appropriations made for the current year, the Board will discover that $190.00 was ordered to paid to Dr W.L. Jones on account of repairs. Adding this to the $1710.00, makes the entire appropriation for this purpose $1900.00. Therefore the amount expended beyond the appropriation is $48.51, and I took the responsibility of paying out of this sum in order to make certain changes in the doors of this, the Library Room, which seemed to me essential to the health and comfort of the students and other persons using the room.
The expenditures on account of salaries were $21619.75, whilst the appropriations only amounted to $21050.00. This overpayment resulted from the additional expenditures which became necessary and were authorized on the death of the death (sic) of the late lamented chancellor. I paid to Mrs. Well the salary of her deceased husband
up to April 1st of the current year. Professor Charbonniers salary commenced on February 17th last. Dr Lipscomb was also employed to fill the chair which Dr Mell had occupied. An additional amount of $200.00 was also allowed to the treasurer on account of salary. Therefore the following expenditures, beyond the appropriations, on account of salary were ordered by the Board. Paid to Prof. Charbonnier as acting Chancellor $125.00
Paid to Lipscomb $250.00
Treasurer $200.00
Regular appropriation for salaries $21050.00
Deduct amount actually expended $21619.75
Amount unexpended $5.25
The expenditures of $8.95, over and above the amount appropriated on account of Chemicals, $100.00, is nearly met by the amounts collected from the students and not expended.
Collected from students for Laboratory fees $195.00
Of this fund, amount expended $192.72
University of Georgia,
Deducting from over expenditures of $8.95
Leaves over expended $6.67
The over-expenditure on account of servants resulted from the absolute necessity of employing additional labor on the campus. Repeated notices were served by the City Council that the privy should be cleared, and a considerable portion of the $77.80 was expended in the employment of labor to this end. This work had to be done at night. There were changes in the labor during the year which caused a slightly increased expenditure. The work was as economically done as was possible under the circumstances.
The over-expenditure of $353.90 on account of printing resulted from the payment of bills which were rendered during the year 1886-1887, and which had not been rendered up to last Commencement. Fifty dollars was also expended for the publication of the letters of Dr Mell, which expenses was not considered at the time of the appropriation. This was done as the request of Dr Mell, and was to manifest interest of the University. The cost of the Catalogue above was $160.00 which
was more than was contemplated by the Finance Committee. All of these matters will appear from the vouchers submitted to the Committee. The catalogue could not have been printed for any less sum. The price fixed was the result of competition.
I beg to refer to the accompanying statement of cash account.
Respectfully submitted.
Lamar Cobb
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Athens Ga. July 5th 1888.
Finance Report of Lamar Cobb Sec & Treas. To the Board of Trustees, University of Ga.
Balance on hand July 5th/87 Receipts since
General Fund Balance 671.16
Library 735.95
Brown 2092.25
Recd Interest on Landscript Fund 16954.15
General 9260.
Terrell 1400.
Gilmer 1050.
Brown 3500.
Comm 500.
Matriculation Fees 1900.
Library 950.
Rents 515.
For Dahlonega Branch 5000.
Laboratory Fees 195.
Sale of Cotton (Exp Farm). 72.25
Athens, July 5th 1888
Expenditures & Remainders
Brown Fund. 3790.
Branch Colleges. 5000.
Repairs at Dahlonega 1493.80
Library 1166.
Salaries 21619.75
Catalogue Printing & Advertising 653.90
21540 of this for preceding year.
Chemicals 108.95
Laboratory 192.72
Sermon 20
Experimental Farm 500
Fuel 215.70
Insurance 545.25
Interest 243.35
Incidentals 276.88
Music 225
Postage & Stationary 125.46
Water Rent 140.62
Repairs 194.85
Servants 479.30
Phil Appar. 250.22
Laboratory 208.38 6134.24
Balances July 5th/ 88 on Gilmer Fund 3269.77
Library 519.95
Brown 1802.25 5591.97
Consisting of advance to Exp. Station 3510.80
Bal. in Nat. Bank 2081.17
University of Georgia,
Athens, Ga. July 10th, 1888
To the Trustees:
The Committee to whom was referred the question of the establishment of the Experimental Station, especially in the matter of proposing a scheme for its organization and control, respectfully report that the amount of detail work necessary in its establishment and control, that in the opinion of the committee, it is difficult if not impossible of proper execution by the general Board.
We therefore recommend, that the Board appoint a special Board of Control of the Experimental Station, composed of seven members, three of whom shall be residents of Athens who shall be charged with the duty of superintending the management and work of the Station.
The officers and employees of the Station shall be appointed by said Board of Control and their compensation fixed by the same, (other than those officers already appointed.)
The Board of Control shall annually make a report to this Board, of the operations and affairs of the Station, including a detailed account of all expenditures.
Athens, July 10th 1888
The actual expenses of those members of the Board of Control who do not reside in Athens, in attending meetings, shall be paid out of the funds of the Station.
The officers and employees of the Station, shall be as followers, as nearly as the said Board may be able to carry out the same.
1. Director.
2. Chief Chemist
3. Two Assistant Chemists.
4. Meteorologist.
5. Biologist.
6. Botanist.
7. Pathologist.
8. Agriculturist.
9. Horticulturist.
10. Dairyman.
11. Laborers.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
W.W. Thomas
Chairman Com.
University of Georgia,
To the Trustees,
Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds in making this their annual report transmit herewith the report of the Inspector, giving a full and complete exposition of the condition and needs of this department.
1. We recommend that the whole of the $5000 appropriated by the Legislature for repairs, be applied to the repairing and refitting of the Old College building as a Dormitory.
2. That the so much of the New College or so much thereof as may be necessary it be fitted up for Lecture and Recitation Rooms.
3. That the building known as Philosophical Hall be closed until needed instead of being torn down.
4. That the upper story of the Ivy Building be devoted to the accommodation of the Law Department, which absolutely requires increased room, and
5. That the other repairs mentioned below, be made during the next fiscal year.
If these recommendations should be adopted by the Board, appropriations to carry them out, will be
needed as follows, -
Chapel $65.00 $65.00
Moore College 40.00 40.00
Ivy Building 190.00 100.00
Prof. Morris dwelling 500.00 400.00 (Appropriated written sideways in Chancellors dwelling 200.00 200.00 the margin.)
Prof Woodfins dwelling 110.00 110.00
Prof Wilcoxs dwelling 100.00 100.00
New Privy 200.00 200.00
New College building 700.00 300.00
Sundries 100.00 900.00
Total $2505.00 $2315.00
The Committee takes pleasure in bearing renewed testimony to the care and efficiency, with which the Inspector has discharged his duties, during the year.
Respectfully submitted,
For the committee.
W.W. Thomas.
University of Georgia,
The Committee on laws and discipline make the following report upon the matters referred to it; we recommend
1st That from the proviso to the law. As to degrees the figures 50 be stricken and 75 be inserted; but they shall not apply to the class of 1888 and of 1889 as to its Junior year
2nd That the exercises of the University open on the 3rd Wednesday in September 1888 and annually hereafter and close the 3rd Wednesday in June annually.
3rd That the minimum age for admission into the College be hereafter sixteen years.
4th We think the present requirement of Scholarship for admission high enough when coupled with the increased age above recommended. We urge in future strict examinations and the rejection of any not qualified by the law of the University.
N.J. Hammond.
To the Board of Trustees:
Your committee appointed to inquire whither (sic) the contract entered into with the governor of Georgia under date of March 30th 1872, has been complied with on the part of this Board, report as follows;
The contract provides that the leading object of the said College (referring to the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts) shall be without excluding other scientific and classical studies and including Military Tactics to teach such branches of learning as are related to Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts.
In the organization of the College the Board established the following Chairs:
1. Agriculture and Horticulture.
2. Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry.
3. Mineralogy and Economic Geology
4. Natural History and Physiology.
5. Industrial Mechanics and Drawing.
6. Physical Geography and Meteorology
7. English
8. Military Tactics.
The chairs of Analytical Chemistry and Meteorology are filled and form a part of the regular curriculum
University of Georgia,
of the College.
The same is true of Drawing & English.
Agriculture is taught as a Science and in a thorough manner, by a most competent Professor. In addition to class room work opportunity is afforded students to fix in their minds the principles taught, by illustrations in the field. Your Committee do not understand the contract to require field work or manual labor as a part of the work of the College.
The chairs of Mineralogy and Economic Geology and of Natural History and Physiology are now held by the Professor of Agriculture and Horticulture. It is hardly necessary for this Committee to say that it is utterly impossible for me Professor to do justice to all these important studies. In fact the time allotted to the other Sciences after giving due prominence and attention to Agriculture is so short that is amounts to neglecting these departments almost entirely.
Physical Geography, Industrial Mechanics and Military Tactics are altogether ignored.
The last is taught at two of the Branch Colleges, but not at Athens.
If by the term Industrial Mechanics is meant Skillful handiwork in the Mechanic Arts your committee do not consider that the contract requires this to be taught, unless by implication though the establishment of the chair holds out the quasi promise that something relating to this subject shall be taught.
The obligation to teach Military Tactics is imperative, and your Committee believes that in question of expediency should abolish this feature, in the face of the expressed provisions of the contract.
The establishment of the Experimental Station renders it comparatively easy to supply these omissions. The main difficulty having been hitherto the lack of funds to pay the salaries of additional Professors the annual appropriation to the Station may be so employed as to relieve that embarrassment.
Your Committee respectfully recommend:
1st That the Professor of Agriculture for the present be assigned to duty as Director of the Experimental
(Adopted p. 88 written in pencil in the margin.)
University of Georgia,
Station and be relieved of the chairs of Geology and Biology
2nd That professor of Natural History and Physiology, who shall also be the Entomologist of the Station, and a Professor of Mineralogy and Economic Geology, be elected to fill those chairs.
(Adopted written in pencil in the margin.)
3rd That our Instructor in Military Tactics be elected provided that no detail can be secured from the U.S. Government who shall also assist in teaching mathematics.
(Adopted written in pencil in the margin.)
4th That lectures on Physical Geography by regularly delivered.
(Adopted written in pencil in the margin.)
Your Committee believe that should these recommendations be adopted, the Contract with the governor of Georgia will have been fully and faithfully complied with by this Board of Trustees.
For the Committee
A.L. Hull
June 19th 1888
Mr President:
Your committee to which was referred the appointment of scholarships under the provisions of the Charles McDonald Brown Fund submit the following report: -
1st We recommend the appointment of O.E. Horton, Joseph Smith, and M.C. Horton on the nomination of Julius L. Brown, Mr. M. Brown and Joseph M. Brown respectively.
2nd We recommend the continuance of beneficiaries of said fund of the following students now pursuing their studies at the University to wit:
J.R. Cooper 9th District
H.C. Polhill 6th Dist. Forsyth
Wm. M. Hartsfield 4th Dist Newnan
J.W. Arnold 8th Dist. Athens
J.W. Bennett 7th Dist Mt. Pleasant
J.H. Barr 4th Dist. Athens
B.W. Hall 7th Dist. Athens
W.C. Horton 9th Dist. Hoschton
3rd We recommend the appointment of W.W. Smith of Washington County as an additional beneficiary. This will absorb the entire fund available for the coming year. It is proper to
University of Georgia,
State that mess Cooper and Polhill have not reached the mark required by the rules of this Board but owing to peculiar circumstances we recommend the suspension of the rules and their retention.
Respectfully submitted
R.B. Russell.
Committee W.A. Little
H.W. Grady.
Mr President:
Your committee to whom was referred the appointment of beneficiaries to enjoy the Charles McDonald Brown Fund submit the following report:
1st We recommend the appointment of W.E. Horton, Joseph Smith and M.C. Horton, on the nomination of Mr. Julius L. Brown, Geo. M. Brown and Joseph W. Brown respectively.
2nd We recommend the continuance as beneficiaries of said fund the following students now in the University.
W.M. Hartsfield 4th Cong Dist.
J.W. Arnold 8th
J.W. Bennett 1st
J.H. Barr 4th
B.W. Hall 7th
W.C. Horton 9th
3rd We recommend the appointment of W.W. Smith, of Washington County, 10th Cong. Dist. of Thomas L Felder, of Houston Co., 3rd Cong. Dist. and Walker King of Polk Co. 7th Cong. Dist. as additional beneficiaries.
This will consume the income of the fund with the exception of $100 00. Should Mr. Jno C Culpepper
University of Georgia,
of Thomas Co. 2nd Cong. Dist. the next in grade, having in view an equal distribution among the Cong. Dist., desire to avail himself of said remaining $100 00 we recommend that it be given to him.
Should any vacancies occur we recommend that they be filled from the following, in the order warned;
1st Thomas J. Shackelford of Jackson Co 9th Cong. Dist.
2nd W.W. Sheppard Tatnall Co. 1st Cong Dist
3rd Saml. B. Hornsby Fulton Co. 5th
Respectfully submitted
Henry Jackson.
To the Honl Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia.
The Committee on the Agricultural Farm and Horticulture. Respectfully report:
That Professor Jones has improved the Farm by laying off in terraces to prevent the washing of the land and in sections for experimental purposes in a permanent form. He is keeping a record of the same, showing what each years experiment was, and what was grown on the several sections and plats each year. The experiments of last year I have not before me to report upon to this body, but they have been reported in detail by Prof. Jones in his report to the Trustees, to which I respectfully refer for full information. The experiments in process this year are not now ready, and will not be ready until the end of the year.
The appropriation by Congress under the Hatch bill has been received, and though late in June has been expended and under contract, in order to prevent the loss of the amount as all money not expended by the 1st July would revert to the U.S. government for
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the year. How the expenditures have been made for the Station the minutes of the Prudential Committee will show. There was not time to consult the Trustees by a call session nor could we wait the meeting of the Trustees in annual Session in July, as the law requires the amount to revert to the government of all sums not expended by July 1st 1888
Respectfully submitted
J.L. Hamilton
Hamilton Livingston Felton Com
To the Trustees of the University,
The Committee on Apparatus etc. respectfully report that they have inspected the laboratories and apparatus of the Chemical and Physical departments of the University and find everything in good condition:
The $200.00 appropriated for additional appliances for the Physical laboratory has been expended judiciously and the attendance on this course has continued to increase during the past session. The accommodation furnished by the room and apparatus were strained to the utmost to provide room for the students, and several had to be denied admittance because of lack of room. The Professor of Physics desires during the next session, to increase the facilities for laboratory work in the department of Electricity. There will be needed for these additional appliances the sum of $150.00 which the committee recommend be granted.
In the Chemical department the only appropriation needed is the usual sum of $100.00 for chemicals which we recommend be granted.
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The prudential committee has set apart a portion of the fund belonging to the Agricultural Experimental Station to remodel and further equip the chemical laboratories so as to fit them for the purposes of the station as well as for the use of the students.
This work is now under contract and the result will be a great improvement in the efficiency and convenience of the laboratories.
Very respectfully submitted
James S. Hamilton
To the Hon. The Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia:
As the meeting of the Commission on the School of Technology, held in Atlanta on the 5th inst, the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved that a Communication be addressed by the chairman of this Commission to the Board of Trustees of the University requesting them to adjourn their body at the close of the present session, to sometime about the 3rd Wednesday in September 1888, for the purpose of receiving and acting upon the report of this commission to be made under the 9th & 25th section of the act of the General Assembly approved Oct 16th, 1885.
It is my duty to lay this resolution before the Board. The Commission have thought it proper to take the action because they are informed by many members of your board that it is not competent for the Board to legislate except at regular sessions. Having neither your charter nor now the regulations of the college before us. Be deemed it necessary on our part, to bring the matter to your attention in this way. As the time indicated we will
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be prepared to turn over the entire property in our hands, to your Board in accordance with the provisions of the act aforesaid.
It is our intention, if you cooperate with us, to open the school for students on the first Sunday in October of this year.
Asking your favorable consideration of this matter
I am
Very respectfully
N.E. Harris
Chir. Com of School of Technology
To the Board of Trustees
The Committee on Law Department are pleased to report that for the year just closed the number of matriculates in this Department was twenty two, of whom nineteen will be graduated. This large increase is partially due to the fact that tuition in the Department was reduced to Seventy Five Dollars per annum, the Professors having ascertained that that amount was about the average charge in the leading Law Schools of the Union.
Resp. submitted
Pope Barrow Chairman
J.H. Billups.
University of Georgia,
To the Honorable Board of Trustees.
Your Committee on Agricultural Branch Colleges ask leave to report.
That upon a carefull examination into the condition of The South West Georgia Agricultural College, and the contract between it and this Board we unanimously, recommend that the Board recognize it in full relation, and appropriate, out of the Land Script fund, so much money as may be proper and the Board may be able to grant. That the embarrassments which surrounded it, some three years ago, chiefly growing out of factions opposition of a portion of the citizens of Cuthbert, have ended, and the College is now in quite a prosperous condition. Especially so, when the fact is considered that no appropriation was made by this Board and tuition was paid by the pupils. For the past year the Local Board of Trustees report 85 male matriculates
In as much as the report from the North Georgia Agricultural College at shows that there are in attendance, or have been during the past Term, more than one hundred male students, we are of the opinion that under
the contract that Institution is entitled to two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars from the income on the Agricultural Land Script fund. We do not think that female students can be considered at all in the distribution of the income of this fund. The Act of Congress making the division clearly contemplates male students only. In making distribution of the remaining three thousand ($3000.) dollars left of the five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars to be appropriated from this fund to the Branch Colleges, we have therefore taken no account of female students.
It appears that there are in attendance at Thomasville one hundred (124) twenty four males, at Milledgeville two hundred (203) three males, and at Cuthbert eight five (85), making four hundred twelve (412) in all. There are youths entitled, each of them, if entitled at all, to an equal participation in the benefit of this fund. No discrimination should be shown for or against any one of these boys as to the amount applied to his instruction. We have
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therefore, concluded to divide the three thousand ($3000.00) dollars among these four hundred twelve (412) students in exactly equal proportion. This gives to each boy seven dollars and twenty eight ($7.28) cents and a fraction. For the purpose of making the distribution we therefore recommend that the sum of six hundred eighteen dollars ($618.97) ninety seven cents be appropriated for the benefit of the eighty five (85) boys at Cuthbert.
That the sum of nine hundred two dollars and eighty nine ($902.89) cents be appropriated for the benefit of the one hundred twenty four (124) boys at Thomasville.
That the sum of one thousand four hundred seventy eight dollars (1478.14) and fourteen cents be appropriated for the benefit of the two hundred and three (203) boys at Milledgeville.
The Gilmer fund stands upon a different footing. No discrimination as between sexes is made. We have therefore concluded to disregard the classification in the sexes and recommend the distribution of this fund among all the boys and girls in the Branch Colleges upon
a bias of perfect equality. This allows the income on the Gilmer fund, being one thousand (1,050.00) (sic) dollars per annum, one dollar, nineteen and three fifths cents to each student. We therefore recommend that the sum of $201.60 be appropriated for the benefit of 168 boys and girls at Thomasville.
That the sum of $171.60 be appropriated for the benefit of the 143 boys and girls at Dahlonega.
That the sum of $102.00 be appropriated for the benefit of the 85 boys at Cuthbert.
That the sum of $524.80 be appropriated for the benefit of the 400 boys and girls at Milledgeville.
By this distribution Milledgeville will lack a dollar or two of receiving her exact proportion but we cannot make it more exact with out using fractions.
The above recommendations for the distribution of the income of the Gilmer Fund are based upon the assumption that Dahlonega has no contractual right to this fund. If we are mistaken in this assumption and if it
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should appear that Dahlonega has a right to it then, of course, it is not necessary for us to make any recommendation at all as to the appropriation of the Gilmer Fund.
Respectfully submitted
B.C. Yancey. Chir.
Pope Barrow.
B. Hollis.
A. Little.
Peter Meldrim
D.B. Hamilton absent
At a meeting of the Faculty of the North Georgia Agricultural College, the following Resolutions of Respect were adapted.
North Georgia Agricl College
Dahlonega, Ga.
Jan. 30, 1888.
Resolved, That, we the Faculty of the North Georgia Agricultural College, have heard with deep regret of the death of Dr. P.H. Mell, Chancellor of the University of Georgia, of which our institution is a branch.
Resolved, That we deem it appropriate to take notice of his death and give expression to our sorrow, in token of which the College exercises for this day have been suspended.
Resolved, That in the death of Dr Mell, our college has lost a strong friend, the state has been deprived of a highly gifted ervant (sic) and earnest patriot, the University and its branches of a judicious, wise and able presiding officer.
Resolved, That, we as individuals are called upon to mourn the death of a sincere personal
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friend. It is with deep sorrow that we realize the fact that our annual commencement occasions will no longer be brightened by his encouraging and animating presence.
Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to his family, to the Faculty at Athens and to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University and that they be published in the Dahlonega Signal.
The above is a true extract from the minutes of the Faculty.
W. S. Wilson
Secty. Faculty.
Resolutions passed by the Trustees of the Medical Department of the University of Ga. relative to the death of Chancellor P.H. Mell. D.D.L.L.D.
Our whole southern country was recently startled and saddened by the news from Athens, that chancellor P.H. Mell was dead. The State of Georgia deplores the death of so distinguished, and so able a man, the Southern Baptist church mourns the loss of her impartial presiding officer; the University of Georgia is overwhelmed with sorrow, and especially the Trustees and Faculty of the Medical College of Ga., the Medical Department of the University of Georgia, deplores the fact, that they will not be permitted to enjoy the Society, enthusiasm and encouragement which Dr Mell evidenced in the Medical Department, from his inception with the office of Chancellor.
From his early youth, he adopted as his rule of life, the advice of the Prophet, in quietness and confidence shall be they strength, his Ecclesiastical and Civic life illustrating it most conspicuous by in his dis-
University of Georgia.
tinguished Career.
Therefore resolved
That the Trustees and Faculty of the Medical College of Ga. the Medical Department of the University of Ga. set apart a page in their minutes book as a memorial tribute to Chancellor P.H. Mell.
That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to his bereaved family with their respectful confidence, and that a copy be sent also to the Trustees of the University of Ga.
The Committee on Library respectfully submitted the following report,
The duties of Librarian have been most faithfully and satisfactory performed by the Librarian Miss Frierson.
It appears from his report submitted to the Board that the number of volumes added to the Library during the last year including political documents and reports, is four hundred and seventy volumes, of which three hundred and twenty were purchased, the others were contributed.
The daily attendance has varied from 24 to 75, and the Librarian states that it is with much pleasure she bears testimony to the uniform respect and courtesy of the young gentlemen who have never even infringed the rules but have always conducted themselves as gentlemen of the highest character.
Your committee is of opinion that the salary of the Librarian is inadequate. It is now two hundred and fifty dollars, and she is required to attend the Library from 9 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, with an
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interruption of an hour at noon. In view of the efficiency of the Librarian and the time she has to devote to the duties of the place we recommend that the salary be placed at three hundred and fifty dollars. The salary of the Librarian is paid from the Library fees received from students and the receipts are sufficient we think to justify the increase suggested
Respectfully submitted
Alex S. Erwin Chir.
P.W. Meldrim
[Blank Page]
University of Georgia,
Atlanta, Ga.
Oct 5th, 1888
The Board met according to adjournment at the Kimball House
Present Hon J.J. Gresham President &
J.W. Beckwith J.A. Billups Samuel Cobb
Alex S. Erwin W.H. Felton John B Gordon
H.W. Grady D.B. Hamilton N.J. Hammond
G.E. Heard B.P. Hollis A.L Hull
R.C. Humber Henry Jackson W.A. Little
L.F. Livingstone H.D. McDaniel P.W. Meldrim
H.V.M Miller John Screven W.W. Thomas
B.C. Yancey.
The minutes of the last two days of the session at Athens were read & amended by showing that the protest offered by Mr. Yancey was to the report of the Committee on the Land Scrip Fund and as thus amended were adopted.
Mr. Yancey then read his protest to that report which was ordered put on the minutes & will be found on page 176
On motion of Mr. Hollis the Technological Commission composed of Mess Harris Chairman, Heard, Hodgson, Inman & Porter were invited to seats with the Board.
Mr Harris as Chairman of said Commission read his report the Board Page. (Blank)
Whereupon Mr Little offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted
Resolved that this Board receives from the Commissioners of the Technological School
Atlanta, October 5th 1888
appointed under the Act of the 13th Oct 1885 the Buildings, Grounds & equipment provided by them under said Act as a compliance with their duties, and the members of said Commission are under the terms of said Act recognised as ex officio members of this Board.
They are as follows-
Messrs A.E. Harris
Columbus Heard
E.R. Hodgson
S.M Inman
and Oliver S Porter.
The following resolution offered by Mr Hammond was adopted.
Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed by the chair who shall examine the Report and Vouchers of the late Commissioners of the Technological School & if they find the same correct shall on behalf of the Board of Trustees verify said Report and Transmit the same with their verification to the Governor with such suggestions as they may deem proper to make.
The Chair appointed as that committee Messrs Hammond Chairman
Jackson & Miller
Mr Harris chairman of the Technological Commission report which was adopted & the election of officer approved and their action confirmed.
I have the honor to report to this Board that under their resolution adopted at the meeting in December 21st 1887
University of Georgia,
the Commission on the School of Technology have elected the following officers
President & Professor of Physics Rev I.S. Hopkins
Prof of Chemistry Wm. H. Ewison
Mathematics Lyman Hall
English Charles Law
Free & Mech. Drawing J.F. Shephard
Supt Manual Dept M.P. Higgins
The other chairs referred to in the resolution have not yet been filled.
The salaries of these officers have been fixed for the coming year at the following amounts.
The President $3500.00
The Superintendent of Manual Dept 5000.00
Each of the Other Chairs 2000.00
A confirmation of this action is asked of your Board.
Respectfully submitted
A.E. Harris
Mr Reese moved that the Report on the Branch Colleges made and adopted at this session at Athens in reference to the division of the Gilmer Fund be reconsidered which was agreed to.
Mr Reese then offered the following resolution which was adopted:
Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to divide the interest upon the Gilmer Fund amongst the Branch
Atlanta, July October 5th 1888
Colleges in proportion to the number of pupils being taught in each for the purpose of being proposed to become teachers of reading, writing and arithmetic as provided in the will of Gov Gilmer and who intended to become such teachers.
The chair appointed
Messrs Reese Chairman
Cobb & Hull
On motion of Mr Hull the Board went into the election of two professors.
Mr C.M Snelling was unanimously elected Military Instructor and Adjunct Professor of Mathematics.
Dr. J.S. Spencer was unanimously elected Professor of Geology.
Mr Jackson submitted the following resolution which was agreed to.
Resolved That Section 4th of the resolution passed at Athens in July in reference to the conditions for admission be amended so as to strike out certain words in the fourth & fifth lines, so that it shall read that the Examinations for entrance into the University shall occur on the Monday preceding the third Wednesday in September and on the third day in January (unless said date shall occur on Sunday, then on the fourth.
On motion the Board then went into an election of a Chancellor.
Mr Little asked for a recess of five
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minutes which was granted.
The Board reconvened when Mr Gordon nominated for Chancellor Dr J.P. Wilson.
Mr Grady made a motion to postpone the election of a Chancellor until the next annual session & pending the discussion of this motion Mr Beckwith moved that we take a recess until 10 AM tomorrow which was amended by Mr Livingstone by inserting 9 AM and as thus amended Mr Beckwiths motion was adopted.
Atlanta, October 6th 1888
Saturday Oct 6th 1888
The Board met according to adjournment & a portion of the minutes were read & adopted.
Mr Hull offered the following resolution which was agree to.
Resolved that the sum of Five Hundred & fifty dollars be appropriated to the purchase of the necessary outfit of the Biological Laboratory.
Messrs A.J. McIntyre, P.A. Stovall, J.S. Hamilton & C.Z. McCord were excused.
The unfinished business of yesterday viz the motion of Mr Grady was then taken up.
Mr Grady withdrew his motion until all nominations for Chancellor are made.
Mr Hull nominated Rev W.E. Boggs D.D. which was seconded by Bishop Beckwith.
Mr Gresham read a dispatch from C.J. McCay in reference to Richard MacIlvanie.
The Board then proceeded to the Election of a Chancellor and Rev W. E. Boggs DD was unanimously elected.
Mr Little offered the following resolution which was adopted.
University of Georgia,
Resolved That a Committee consisting of Hon H.V.M Miller, Governor Gordon and Bishop Beckwith be appointed to notify Dr W.E. Boggs of his unanimous Election as Chancellor of the University, in suitable terms and to request his acceptance of the same and to also notify Dr Boggs that as the University is now in operation without a Chancellor at the Earliest day which may be convenient to him is very much desired by this Board.
Mr Hammond offered the following resolution which was adopted.
Resolved That the Secretary shall notify Prof Woodfin that this Board will at its next annual meeting session consider the propriety of electing a Professor of Ancient Language in his stead.
Mr Gresham called Mr Yancey to the chair and offered a resolution in reference to a change of the Funds of the Mcleay donation which on motion of Mr Jackson was postponed until the next annual meeting.
By Mr Harris
Resolved That the funds in the hands & to come into the hands of the
Atlanta, Oct 6th 1888
Treasurer of the Commission of Technology be continued in the possession of the said Local Board of Trustees for the Collegiate year for the use of the Technological School and that the same be paid out by the Treasurer aforesaid under such rules and regulations as have been or may be fixed by the said Local Board and that the Expenditures be reported to the Board at its regular Session.
Resolved further that said Local Board be continued in the immediate charge, control & management of the said school, subject to the general supervision of the Board of Trustees of the University as provided by law.
By Mr Thomas,
Resolved that Dr W.E. Boggs is hereby appointed Professor of Ethics and Metaphysics.
A communication from the Faculty recommending Mr J.U. Long for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (in Course) was received and on motion of Mr Thomas the degree was conferred on Mr Long as recommended.
On motion of Mr Inman the Secretary was authorised to put our advertisement in The University Reporter.
University of Georgia,
The communication of Mr F.H.M. Henderson President of Bowden College was referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
The application of Mr J.H. Barr, a beneficiary of The Chas McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund to be transferred to the Medical Department was granted.
The application of Mr T.S. Felder, also a beneficiary of The Chas McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund, who had applied & been appointed in the Freshman class to be permitted to be examined for the Sophomore class was granted.
Notice was given of the application for the Honorary Degree of AM for H.D. Williams Curry Institute & Business College Pittsburgh Penn.
In the matter of the deposits of the University.
The Bank of the University offered to permit the University to overcheck to the amount of $5000 00 without any charge for interest.
The National Bank of Athens offered to permit overchecks to any amount desired without interest & that they would supply all exchange free of cost.
Atlanta, October 6th 1888
Mr Heard moved to accept the offer of the Bank of the University.
Mr Thomas moved as substitute that as the offer of the National Bank was the last that their offer he accepted, which was agreed to
A communication from Hon A.P. Wright was received in reference to a deed made heretofore by the Trustees to Messrs Hammond & Hawkins to some land belonging to the Branch College at Thomasville & on motion of Mr Meldrim the President and Secretary were authorized to sign and deliver a deed for the premises described of it were necessary to do so
On motion the Board adjourned
Lamar Cobb
University of Georgia,
At an extra meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia, Feby 1889, a resolution was adopted appointing a committee to inquire, and report whether the contract, entered into with the governor of Georgia under date of March 30th 1872, interesting the administration of the Landscrip fund under the the (sic) act of Congress of 1862 had been compiled with.
The duty of this committee was definitely prescribed. Its report should have been confined to the inquiry directed.
Instead thereof, the Committee arrogated the duty of organizing a faculty with the funds appropriated by Congress under what is called the Hatch bill. ($15,000 annually for a definite period) to establish an Experimental Station; and then say if such organization is consummated, the contract with the governor of Georgia will have been fully complied with by this Board of Trustees.
I was opposed to the adoption of this mingled unauthorized report. The report solved means that for 16 years the Board had palpably omitted to comply with the contract with governor, and the act of congress of 1862 donating lands to establish a College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts; but that if the Board would use the
recent appropriation by Congress to establish Experimental Stations, it would be comparatively easy to comply with the contract of the governor of 1872 and the act of congress of 1862, for the future, and supply the omissions for the past 16 years.
Against such principle of moral action or legal administration of trust funds I protest.
I proposed to amend the report of the committee by substituting the words The contract with the governor in 1872 made in pursuance of the act of congress of 1862, had not been complied with.
This substitute was almost unanimously voted down only one Trustee voting with Protestant.
The substitute uttered a simple plain and indisputable truth. Yet it was unceremoniously voted down.
The committee say, that in the organization of the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in 1872 under the contract entered into with the governor, the following chairs were established,
1. Agriculture and Horticulture
2. Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry.
3. Mineralogy and economic geology.
4. Natural History and Pysiology (sic)
5. Industrial Mechanics and Drawing.
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6. Physical Geography and Meteorology
7. English.
8. Military Tactics.
Of these 8 chairs only 3 were filled by persons not previously Professors in the University; the other 5 chairs were subordinate [Blank Space] to the established chairs of the University by no means too numerous for the previous University curriculum. These three persons were Dr Pendleton for the chair of English: Gen. E. P. Alexander for the chair of Industrial Mechanics and Drawing. Gen. Alexander declined the chair. The Board never filled the chair. The most important chair in the College left vacant for 16 years. Upon the resignation, after several years of service, of Dr Pendleton a scientific as well as successful planter. Gen. Wm M. Brown was elected to the vacant chair. He died in May 1884. The chair was made an annex to Dr Whites chair of chemistry, and the farm also placed under his direction continued to only 1886. When Dr W. Lewis Jones an eminent chemist as well as an experienced farmer for over 20 years, was elected. For 2 years that chair was practically ignored. The farm was really [Blank Space] for years; one horse, old fashioned imple -
ments, any improved instruments voted down, and though an experimental farm, run the principle of sustaining itself. The appropriations, from year to year being insignificant.
Protestant declines to go into father (sic) details, and contents himself by quoting admissions of the committee. That the chairs of Mineralogy, Economic geology, Natural History and Pysiology were almost entirely neglected.
Physical Geography, Industrial Mechanics and Military Tactics are altogether ignored.
The committee go on to say if by the term Industrial Mechanics is meant skilled handiwork in the Mechanic Arts, your committee do not consider that the contract requires this to be taught, unless by implication, though the establishment of the chair holds out the quasi promise that something relating to this subject shall be taught The committee do not understand manual labor as a part of the work of the College. The act of donation of congress to establish colleges in the different states, requires in totidum verbis, the teaching of the Mechanic Arts. The law making power and the condition of the grant differs with the committee. The organization of this College by the former
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Board of Trustees, requires that something shall be taught relating to this subject of Mechanic Arts. Crude constructions of your committee should not be allowed to prevail. The leading colleges of Agriculture and Mechanics, if not all in the states differ with the Construction of your committee adopted by the Board; and teach such branches of learning as relate to Mechanic Arts, and also required the students to work in the shops both wood and iron, that the brain and eye should may be educated to apply the principle taught. This is Industrial Mechanics. Realizes the ideal of the new system of education the teaching how to do by doing
Your committee and the Board by the adoption of the report, have organized to fill such chairs, by the use and appropriations (the Hatch bill passed expressly to establish an experimental station) of the money, as you say will then be a compliance, hereafter with the contract of the governor of Georgia (and of course, with the act of Congress of 1862.
And yet the remarkable fact exists, that the report of your committee, and the Board, by its adoption and organizing there under, have ignored the imperative requirement to teach such branches of learning as are related to the Mechanic Arts.
For these reasons this protest is respectfully submitted to be recorded by the secretary on the minutes of the Board of Trustees.
B.C. Yancey.
(182) [Blank Page]
(183) [Blank Page]
University of Georgia,
Athens Ga.
Jany 22nd 1889
The Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia met in compliance to a call of the President at the request of the Prudential Committee.
Messrs Pope Barrow Lamar Cobb
WH Felton H.W. Grady
Columbus Heard G.E. Heard
E.R. Hodgson A.L. Hull
R.C. Humber C.Z. McCord
H.T. McIntyre H.D. McDaniel
R.W. Meldrim W.M. Reese
John Screven W.W. Thomas
Messrs Billups, Gresham, Hammond, Jackson & Miller.
Mr McIntyre being the Senior Trustee present, (Except the Secretary) was called to the chair.
Prayer was offered by the Chancellor.
Mr Thomas chairman of the Prudential Committee, stated the object of the call of the meeting, where upon Mr Barrow offered the following resolution.
Resolved That a Committee be appointed by the Chairman to consist
Athens, January 22nd 1889
of H.D. McDaniel, H.W. Grady, W.W. Thomas, A.L. Hull & P.W. Meldrim. To confer with the Commission appointed under the Act of the Legislature approved Dec 28th 1888 and to secure the semi-annual installment of $7500.00 under the Hatch bill accruing from Jany 1st to July 1st 1889.
On motion of Mr Thomas, Mr Barrow was added to the Committee as Chairman and as amended on motion of Mr McCord the resolution was adopted.
The Chancellor then addressed the Board on the interests of the University.
Upon the motion of Mr Cobb, Messrs G.E. Heard and ER Hodgson were added to the Prudential Committee.
The following resolutions were offered by Mr Hull at the request of Mr Gresham and were adopted.
Whereas the University is the owner of Twenty thousand Dollars of the Bonds of the Georgia Rail Road & Banking Company with the Coupons cut off until the first day of January 1895 which are of the present value of about fifteen thousand dollars & which Bonds were the gift of Charles F. McCoy of Baltimore MD and whereas it is the desire of said Charles F. McCoy to give to the University fifteen thousand dollars of the six per cent Bonds of the
University of Georgia,
State of Georgia which were due on the first day of January 1889 instant in Exchange for the twenty thousand dollars of the bonds of the Georgia Rail Road & Banking Co.
1. Therefore Resolved that the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to deliver to the said Charles F. McCoy or to the President of the University to be by him delivered, the said twenty thousand Dollars of the Bonds of the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Co, and to receive in exchange therefore the said fifteen thousand Dollars of the six per cent Bonds of the State of Georgia.
2. That if the said Georgia Rail Road Bonds have been registered in the name of the Trustees of this University so as to prevent their negotiability that the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorised to make such transfer or such certificate or such certificate (sic) as may be necessary to restore the negotiability of said Bonds so as to make them payable to the bearer thereof.
3. That when said fifteen thousand Dollars worth of the six per cent Georgia State Bonds aforesaid are received by the Treasurer he be authorised & directed to present them to the Governor for exchange and
Athens, January 22nd 1889
conversion into the fifty year seven per cent obligations payable to the Trustees of the University under the Act of 1881, which said obligations are to be held by the said Trustees according to the terms & limitations of the original gift to the Trustees by the said Charles F. McCoy.
On motion of Mr Barrow a Committee of five were appointed to draft suitable resolutions in reference to the death of Dr James S. Hamilton.
The Chair appointed as that Committee Messrs Barrow Chairman
Erwin & Cobb & Hodgson
On motion of Mr Morris, Mr Strahan, was given the title of Prof Strahan was made Adjunct Professor of Analytical Chemistry.
A petition was received from Dr Spencer asking for certain appropriations to his department.
On motion of Mr Thomas the Secretary was instructed to inform Dr Spencer that the Board would very gladly comply with his request at the very earliest time it were able to do so.
The application of Mr Dr Mell for refunding certain money spent on water works was referred to the Prudential Committee.
Board adjourned
Lamar Cobb
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Ga. February 8th 1889
The Board of Trustees met in the Senate Chamber in obedience to a call issued by the President at the request of the Prudential Committee.
Present Messrs.
Lamar Cobb W.H. Felton John B Gordon
H.W. Grady Columbus Heard Saml M Inman
Henry Jackson L.F. Livingstone H.D. McDaniel
H.V. M Miller Oliver Porter Wm M Reese
P.H. Stovall & B.C. Yancey
In the absence of the President the Vice President took the chair.
The minutes of the called meeting of Jany 22nd wee read and approved.
Excused Messrs
Barrow, Billups, Gresham, Meldrim & Thomas.
After some discussion the following resolution offered by Mr Jackson was adopted.
Resolved that a Committee of five members of the Board be appointed by the chairman to confer with the Commissioners under the Calvin Bill Tomorrow.
That the Committee be instructed to ask that it may be made clear by resolution by the Board under the Calvin Bill that the $550000 be paid to the Treasurer of this Board.
That action as to the location of the Experiment Station be deferred delayed, and if no postponement be had then to tender the
Atlanta, April 8th 1889
the Station at Athens & of that be not accepted to ask that at least the Scientific part of said station be kept at Athens
The chair appointed as that Committee
Messrs Hammond Chairman,
Reese, McDaniel,
Inman & Livingstone
A communication was received from the Farmers Club of Clark County in reference to the Experiment Station.
On motion the Board adjourned.
Lamar Cobb
(190) [Blank Page]
Athens, June 14th 1889
The Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia met in annual session in the Library.
The President Hon John J Gresham being absent the Vice President Dr H.V.M. Miller took the Chair.
Present the Vice President &
Messrs J.A. Billups J.W. Beckwith
Lamar Cobb Alex S. Erwin
G.E. Heard. A.L. Hull
P.W. Meldrim W.W. Thomas
B.C. Yancey
There appeared and took their seats during the session
Pope Barrow H.H. Carlton
J.B. Cumming W.H. Felton
J.B. Gordon H.W. Grady Oliver Porter
D.B. Hamilton N.E. Harris John Screven
Columbus Heard E.R. Hodgson P.A. Stovall
W.A. Little C.J. McCord HD McDaniel A.J. McIntyre
The following members were excused from attendance.
J.J. Gresham N.J. Hammond
B.P. Hollis R.C. Humber
Henry Jackson Wm Reese
At the request of the chair the meeting was opened with prayer by The Right Rev John W. Beckwith Bishop of Georgia.
University of Georgia,
The minutes of the last call meeting in Atlanta in April 8th 1889 were read and approved
On motion Mr Yancey Hon JB Stevens was heard in reference to establishing a Branch College at Griffin
A Communication from the Phi Kappa Society asking a loan of $18.00 was received and on motion Mr Hull was granted.
The Chair announced as Chairman of the Committee on Laws and Discipline Mr J.A. Billups
Mr Thomas Chairman of the Committee on Laws & Discipline on Buildings & Grounds made his Report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Mr Thomas Chairman of the Committee on Apparatus read his which was received and laid on the table.
Mr Hull Chairman of the Auditing Committee submitted the financial statement of the Treasurer which was received and laid on table.
Mr Hull Chairman of the Finance
Athens, June 14th 1889
Committee made his Report which was received and laid on the table.
A communication from Dr. H.C. White in reference to the Experiment Station was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline. (Page [Blank])
Mr Erwin made his report as Chairman of the Committee on the Library which was received and laid on the table.
The Chancellor appeared and stated that he had been misinformed as to the hour of meeting and supposed the hour to be 3 P.M. as published in the City papers was correct and then proceeded to read his annual Report & accompanying documents and pending the reading of the Report of Dr Charbonnier as Chairman to the Faculty to the Chancellor the Board took a recess until 3 P.M. (Page [Blank])
3 P.M.
The Board reconvened when the following gentlemen appeared and took their seats
Messrs Heard C. Little, McCord
Russell & McIntyre
Dr Charbonnier read his report as
University of Georgia,
Chairman of the Faculty. (Page [Blank])
The Chancellor read the Reports on Biology and Geology & Dr Jones Report on the Farm
On motion of Mr Billups all these Reports were referred to the appropriate Committees.
Mr Hull as Chairman of the Board of Control of the Experiment Station made his his (sic) Report which was received and laid of the table
The report from the Branch College at Cuthbert was received read and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr D.H. Hill Jr. read the report from the Branch College at Milledgeville which was received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr Meldrim offered the following resolution which was adopted.
Resolved that the Committee on Branch Colleges be and it is hereby requested to say.
1st Has this Board of Trustees the power to require the Presidents of the several Branch Colleges to report in person to this Board the Condition and operations of the several Colleges over which they respectfully preside.
Athens, June 14th 1889
2nd If this Board has such power would it be to the interest of the University to require such attendance.
The Board then took a recess until Saturday morning at 9 A.M.
Lamar Cobb
University of Georgia,
Saturday June 15th 1889
9 AM
The Board met according to adjournment
Messrs Grady Hamilton Hodgson Stovall & McDaniel appearing during the day & took their seats with the Board.
The minutes were read and approved.
A letter was read from the Chancellor in reference to his traveling expenses which on motion of Mr Cobb was received and referred to the Finance Committee.
Mr Thomas offered a resolution authorising the treasurer to pay Dr Charbonnier as Acting Chancellor to the end of the Current Year which at his request was referred to the Finance Committee
Mr Hull stated that he had received a Communication from Mr Hammond desiring him to call the attention of the Board to his resolution offered in October in reference to the Chair filled by Prof Woodfin & he therefore desired to call the resolution up and refer it to the Committee on Laws & Discipline, which was agreed to.
Judge Walter C Beeks of Griffin Ga. appeared before the Board and submitted a proposition to establish a Branch
Athens, July June 15th 1889
College at that place which was on motion referred to the Committee on Brach Colleges
Mr Hodgson offered the following resolution which was agreed to.
Resolved That the Committee on arrangements be allowed to hang the portraits of deceased members in the Banquet Hall on the occasion of the Reunion Banquet.
Mr Yancey moved to take up the election of a Trustee to fill the vacancy in the Board caused by the death of Dr James S. Hamilton
Mr Hull moved as a substitute.
Resolved that the election to fill the vacancy existing in this Board be held Tuesday morning immediately after the reading of the Minutes which was agreed to.
The Board then took a recess until 3 P.M.
Saturday Afternoon
The Board met according to adjournment
Mr Hull offered the following resolution which was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Resolved that the election of Dr John
University of Georgia,
P. Campbell be made permanent.
The Report of the Branch College at Dahlonega was received, read & referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
A supplemental report of the Chancellor was received and referred to the appropriate Committees
The report of the Branch College at Thomasville was received, read and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
A letter from Mr Elijah A Brown was received read and referred to the Committee on The Charles McDonald Brown Fund.
The Board then took a recess until Monday Morning
Lamar Cobb
Athens, Monday June 17th 1889
The Board met according to adjournment the minutes were read and approved.
There appeared during the day and took their seats with Board.
Screven Harris Barrow
Porter Felton Cumming
Messrs Jackson & Hollis were excused
The Chair appointed as the Committee to attend on the Legislative Committee and to invite distinguished guests to seats on the platform.
Messrs Russell & Hodgson.
On motion of Mr Hull a Committee was appointed to confer with the different Professors to see if they were willing to undertake the duties desired of them in connection with the Experiment Station.
The chair appointed Messrs Meldrim & Thomas.
A letter was received from Gov. Gordon in reference to the Branch College at Griffin which was referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges
University of Georgia,
Mr McDaniel offered a resolution that Dr Henderson of Bowdon & Hon Lindsey Johnson of Rome be invited to present the claims of their respective localities for Branch Colleges which was agreed to.
Hon Lindsey Johnson submitted the proposition from Rome which was referred to the committee on Branch Colleges
Rev Dr Henderson submitted the claims of and a proposition from Bowdon College which were received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr Meldrim Chairman of the Committee on The Chas McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund which was recd and laid on the table for the present
The Board then took a recess to attend the address before the Literary Societies by Hon T.G. Gibson of Augusta Ga.
After returning from the Chapel the Board adjourned until 3 PM.
Athens, Monday June 17th 1889
3 PM
The Board met according to adjournment.
A communication from the Medical Department was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline
Prof Wm Rutherford tendered his resignation which was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Mr Hull reported from the Finance Committee that they reported the resolution of Mr Thomas to pay Dr Charbonnier the additional salary as Chairman of the Faculty up to July 1st with their approval, which report was received & adopted.
Mr Hull moved to take up the Finance Report, which was agreed to.
He then moved to amend said report by striking out $200 00 for Chancellors Travelling Expenses and inserting $400.00 which was agreed to & the report as amended was laid on the table.
Mr Thomas reported that the Committee appointed to confer with Profs Charbonnier, White, Campbell, Strahan & Spencer had seen all of these gentlemen except me (and they were assumed of his ac.
quiescence) and they cheerfully and they cheerfully (sic) agreed to the arrangement proposed by the Board and would cheerfully agree to any the Board saw fit to make and desired to return their thanks to the Board for the courtesy shown them by the consultation.
Mr Hull then moved to take up the report of the Finance Committee and to adopt it which was agreed to and some discussion it was reconsidered & laid on the table.
Mr Thomas moved to take up the Report of the Committee on Buildings & Grounds & to adopt it which was agreed to. (Page [Blank])
Mr Meldrim presented a petition from the students in reference to a Gymnasium which was received & referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr Thomas moved to take up the Report of the Committee on Apparatus and to adopt it. Which was agreed to
Mr Erwin in the absence of the Chairman (Mr Little) made the report of the Committee on Branch Colleges which was read & laid on the table.
Board then adjourned to Tuesday 9AM
Lamar Cobb
Athens, Tuesday June 18th 1889
The Board met according to adjournment
The minutes were read and approved.
Mr Meldrim was added to the Committee to receive the Legislative Committee.
On Motion of Mr Yancey the special order of the day (the election of a Trustee) was suspended until 3 P.M.
Mr Harris made the report of the Technological Commission which was received and laid on the table.
The Board then took a recess. To attend the meeting of the Alumni Society and to hear the address of Hon John T. Graves before that society.
The Board reconvened after the address when Mr Meldrim introduced the Legislative Committee who were welcomed by the Vice President.
Mr Barrow moved that a Committee of be (sic) appointed by the Chair of whom the Chancellor shall be Chairman to visit Atlanta in the interests of the University Adopted
Board then took a recess until 3 PM
University of Georgia,
Tuesday 3 PM
The Board reconvened
The special order of the day being an election for Trustee in the place of Dr James S Hamilton deceased the Board went into an election and upon counting out the ballots Dr H.H. Carlton of Athens was declared elected.
Col JM Mobley Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Branch College at Hamilton appeared in the interest of that College.
Mr Inman Moved that the Report of the Technological Commission be taken from the table and referred to special Committee appointed by the Chair.
The chair appointed.
H.D. McDaniel Chairman
Henry Jackson
N.J. Hammond
The Chair announced as the Committee under Mr Barrows resolution to visit Atlanta
The Chancellor Chairman
Erwin McIntyre Felton
Little Cumming Meldrim
Mr Billups Chairman of the Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted his Report
Athens, Tuesday June 18th 1889
which was received
Mr Meldrim moved that the blank (sic) as to deposit for fines be filed with $10.00 and be deposited with the Treasurer of the College.
On motion of Mr McCord the whole report as amended was then adopted.
Mr Meldrim moved to reconsider so much of the report of the Committee as referred to the chair of Geology
Mr Erwin offered the following resolution Resolved that operation of so much of the report of the Committee on Laws & Discipline as abolishes the chair of Geology & provides for the transfer of the duties of that chair be postponed for six months from this date and that the Secretary be instructed to notify Prof Spencer of this action
Mr Carlton appeared and took his seat with the Board.
Messrs Beckwith & Hull were excused for the balance of the session.
The Board then pending the discussion of Mr Erwins resolution adjourned to 9 A.M. Wednesday.
University of Georgia,
Wednesday June 19th 1889
The Board met according to adjournment. The minutes were read & approved.
Mr Barrow offered as a substitute that the following words be added to the section abolishing the Chair of Geology Jany 1st 1890 and that the Secretary inform Prof Spencer that his services as Professor will he dispensed with after that date & that until that date he discharge such duties as may be assigned him by the Chancellor & the Faculty.
Which was agreed to
On motion Mr Barrow the report as amended was then adopted and is as follows.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline beg leave to report.
Your Committee are of the opinion that the recommendation contained in this Chancellors report that the Board should enter into a contract with the directors of the Georgia Experimental Station for Scientific work for twelve months, after July 1, 1889, at the specific rate of $5500 be adopted by the Board, provided that the entire work contemplated shall be done for said sum and at the University.
It is further recommended that the Chair of Geology be abolished Jany 1, 1890
Athens, June 19th 1889
and that the Secretary inform Prof Spencer that his services as Professor will be dispensed with after that date & that until that date he discharge such duties as may be assigned him by the Chancellor & the Faculty.
All further recommended that in view of the fact the Experimental Station has been removed from Athens to Griffin that to Prof W.L. Jones be assigned the studies of Mineralogy and Geology, human physiology and hygiene and that said studies be added to the Chair of Agriculture for the coming year.
We further recommend that the annual appropriation of $500 for the farm be placed in the hands of Dr Jones for the purpose of discharging the expenses of the farm, publishing the result of the experiments conducted there & for the dissemination of practical and theoretical knowledge of agriculture.
Your Committee concur in the views Expressed in the report of the Chairman of the Faculty and the recommendations touching the manner of selection of essayist and speakers and recommend the adoption of the remedy proposed for the evil of what is know as cramming
Your Committee realize & fully appreciate the importance of the recommendation as to the necessity of new chairs, but the Board is confronted with the lack of funds to carry out the immediate creation of such chairs. We heartily recommend however that as soon as the necessary funds can be provided, and we express
University of Georgia,
the hope that the state will make adequate provision therefor, that the following chairs be created viz:
A chair of constitutional history & the science of Government.
A chair of general history.
A chair of sacred literature & the evidence of Christianity.
Your Committee cordially commend the purpose of the Chancellor in resuming religious exercises on Sunday, we are of opinion there is a rule requiring the attendance of students upon religious Exercises on Sunday and upon the attendance upon morning prayers. We urge the importance of strictly enforcing the rule on this subject & call the attention of the Faculty to the same.
We deem it impracticable under our present University system to go back to the old dormitory and tutor system and as to the employment of a proctor we find and suggest that if the finances of the College would allow the employment as such an officer that in the opinion of the Committee such supervision would be of of (sic) doubtful practicability at this time.
Your Committee recommend that in as much as incorrect impression are made and conclusions drawn from the publications in the newspapers of the daily proceedings of this Board that every member of the Board be requested not to Communicate for publication and proposition or increase brought before
Athens, Wednesday June 19th 1889
the Board on the action taken on any proceeding until such action shall be final and then the Secretary should be instructed not to furnish to any reporter for publication anything except the final action of the Board upon any matter that may be brought before it.
Your Committee further recommend that the course of study prescribed for degrees and elective courses in the University as outlined by the Chairman of the faculty in his report to the Chancellor be adopted in full together with all his recommendations contained in pages 10 to 25 inclusive except that part of the report requiring a deposit to be made to cover damages to private furniture. Your Committee beg leave to refer to to (sic) report hereby made a part of this report & not incorporated herein by reason of its great length.
Your Committee further recommend that the resignation of Professor Williams Rutherford be accepted to take effect at the close of the present Collegiate Year. In appreciation of the great worth, faithful services & devotion to the University your Committee recommend that the honorary title of Emeritus Professor of Mathematics be conferred upon him.
We further recommend that during the next College year he be requested to aid the Chancellor in discharge of his honorous work such as may be mutually agreeable to that for such services he receive the sum of $100000.
Your Committee further recom
University of Georgia
mend that the chair of mathematics & civil Engineering be united and the same be designated as the Chair of Mathematics and Engineering & that Prof David C Barrow Jr be assigned to said chair.
Your Committee further recommend that Prof C.M. Snelling be elected Adjunct Professor of Mathematics & Engineering and that his salary be fixed at $1500 & that the duties of said adjunct professor be discharged by him in addition to his present duties for said salary.
Your Committee further recommend that the Commandant be invested with authority to maintain & enforce good order & obedience to by arrests, by imposing such fines or demerits, on refractory or disobedient students as he may deem reasonable and necessary and to that end that each student be required to deposit with the Treasurer the sum of ten dollars as a fund for that purpose.
Your Committee further recommend that the election of Prof John P Campbell to the chair of Biology be made permanent.
Your Committee further recommend the adoption of the following resolution.
At the request of the professors of Geology and Biology.
Resolved that the Treasurer shall return all current fees of the year to two students in each department, who shall have been chosen by the Professors of said departments.
Athens, Wednesday June 19, 1889
Your Committee further recommend that that there be no change made in the use of Rock College & that it be used in the future as at present until other wise ordered by the Board.
Your Committee beg leave to further report on the Hammond resolution which was referred to Your Committee.
That no material evidence having been submitted to the Committee, & being unwilling to recommend action based on the sayings of others and mere common rumor, the Committee respectfully beg leave to report back to your body said resolution.
[Middle Section of page left blank]
On motion of Mr Barrow that portion of the above report so far as it related to the Hammond resolution was indefinitely postponed.
On motion of Mr McIntyre the Chancellor was authorised (sic) to confer the different degrees recommended by the Chairman of the Faculty in his report to the Chancellor.
On motion of Mr Meldrim the report of the Committee on The Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund was taken from the table & adopted (Page [Blank])
University of Georgia
Mr Barrow as Chairman of the Committee made his report which was received and on motion of Mr Stovall was amended as follows
That two members of the Law Class be allowed places among the Senior Speakers on Commencement day, in addition to the four already provided for from the Collegiate department; these places to be awarded by the faculty of the Law department subject to the regulations of the Chancellor & Faculty. & as thus amended was adopted. (Page [Blank])
Mr McCord by request introduced the following resolution which was referred to the Finance Committee with direction to report.
Whereas Prof Spencer brought his geological collection at a cost of $6500 for freight, and placed the same for the individual use of about 80 students and these have consequently suffered considerable wear, therefore the Treasurer is hereby instructed to pay Prof Spencer $100 the board not having made any other provisions for laboratory supplies.
Mr Erwin moved to take up the Report from the Committee from the Branch Colleges & amend it as follows.
Resolved That the sum of One Thousand dollars which has been saved in the changes made in the Chairs Mathematics & Geology be applied to the several Branch Colleges and be divided upon a basis of the number of the number (sic) of male students in attendance upon each making appropriation to
Athens, Wednesday June 19th 1889
Milledgeville, Thomasville and Cuthbert from this fund double what it now is Exclusive of the Gilmer fund which was agreed to & as thus amended the report was adopted (Page [Blank])
The following resolution by Mr McCord was agreed to.
Whereas it is well nigh impossible to determine what rules and regulations of this Board are of force & binding upon this Board. Resolved that the chair appoint a Committee of Three from this Board to prepare and submit to this Board at its next annual meeting, such a manual of the laws, rules & regulations, with such other matter appertaining to the government of this Board as they may deem best pertaining to the modes & methods of procedure.
Mr John A Crowther of Savannah suggested the name of for Honorary degree of A.M.
Mr Thomas moved the adoption of the Finance report as amended by the adoption of other reports which agreed to. (Page [Blank])
On motion of Mr McCord the Secretary was requested to prepare the proper and necessary indices to its books of minutes & seconds during the period covered by his official term at as early date as possible.
Mr Erwin Chairman of the Com-
University of Georgia
Mittee on the Library made his report which was received and adopted. (Page [Blank])
On motion of Mr Erwin the Secretary was instructed to furnish the Board of Trustees of the School at Hamilton with a Certified copy under the seal of the University of the action of this Board in respect to that school.
The Committee on Honorary degrees requested that they might have farther time to report which was agreed to.
On motion of Mr Barrow the Chancellor was requested to appear before the Board this afternoon at 3 for the purpose of giving some information the Board desired.
The Board then took a recess until 3 PM
3 PM
The Board reconvened when the chair announced the following as the Committee on Manual of Rules &c under Mr McCords resolution
Messrs Thomas Chairman
The Chancellor appeared as requested
Athens, Wednesday June 19th 1889
Mr Stovall offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted.
Resolved: That the thanks of the Board be returned to the family of the late Dr James S. Hamilton for the portrait presented to the University of Georgia and that the Secretary convey to them our appreciation of this excellent likeness of one who was for a number of years a prominent and valued member of this Board.
By Mr Erwin-
Resolved That when this board adjourns it adjourns to meet in Atlanta on Wednesday 17 July next at 3 oclock P.M. in the Reading Room at the Kimball House.
The Board then adjourned to meet in Atlanta on 17th July 1889
Lamar Cobb
University of Georgia
The Chancellors Report
To the Honorable Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia.
For a detailald detailed account of internal administration of the University during the scholastic year just closed I beg to refer you to the report of the Chairman of the Faculty herewith submitted. The Board is no doubt already aware that to Prof Charbonniers tireless & self denying labor the University is largely indebted for the prosperity and peace of the past to terms.
It being fully apparent that I could not with propriety leave my pastoral work in Memphis in time to render efficient service in the class room, I determined after consulting with the Vice President & other members of the Board to devote my attention to matters connected with the Experiment Station and Farm, to the inspection of the Branch Colleges and to organizing the Alumni into local clubs, with a view to awakening fresh zeal in Higher education and ultimately securing from public & private sources that endowment for the University which is the essential condition of its progress.
The Branch Colleges
During the month of March the schools at Milledgeville, Thomasville, Cuthbert, and Dahlonega together with the Technological school at Atlanta were visited & Examined with the resulting conviction that all of them
Athens, June 1889
The Chancellors Report.
are doing good, but with widely different ability.
At Dahlonega & Milledgeville only do I find that the military drill is maintained, which understand to be required by law under which the Landscript Fund is enjoyed. In some of these schools classical training seems to be falling into neglect. I recommend that the Board provide for close & friendly relations between the University & these Branches. In the almost total absence over wide areas in Georgia of Schools which can prepare students for the University, our Branch Colleges should do that for us. That they send so few to us at present is due in my opinion to two causes chiefly The want of close connection and sympastry between them & us and the low state of education in the State. Without raising, there fore the unnecessary question of the wisdom of point of differences as I am told, among ourselves it seemest wisest of us, under existing conditions, to make the best we can of that system which is by law established. I unhesitatingly recommend that you welcome any well sustained applications for establishing new Branch Colleges until at least one of them is placed in each of the ten Congressional Districts of the state, it being of course provided that thereby no additional burdens be laid upon your Treasury, already overburdened & wholly inadequate to meet pressing demands.
This being done, frequent & friendly communication should be maintained between
University of Georgia
The Chancellors Report
the University, as the head, and these schools as it members. The local Boards of Trustees and the Faculties of these schools welcomed good suggestions. The idea should be dwell upon that the Branch Colleges are the connecting link between the common schools and the University. And to this end, among other things we should discourage as far as possible the conferring by them of Literary Degrees, as manifestly tending to turn away our youth from the thought of University education.
Removal of the Experiment Station
The Board has been fully informed through the public prints that the removal of the Experiment Stations & Farm is an accomplished fact. This seems to have been the intention of the Calvin Act. Dr White labored with me most faithfully to avert as far as possible any injury to the University. And it gives me pleasure to say that to his zeal prudence & ability we are largely indebted for any success in this respect. The Directors have offered to Contract with the University for all the Scientific work for 12 months after July 1st 1889. I recommend that you order the contract to be made & the work done at the specified rate $5500 per annum.
Of course this change raises some important questions of finance, the solution of which is left to your wisdom. It remains for you to decide what retrenchments, if any, must be made.
Athens, June 1889
The Chancellors Report
And if any, then what can be done with the least injury to the University and to our system of Education. Meanwhile I call your attention to the fact that Dr Jones, Professor of Agriculture, will be released from all responsibility as regards the Experimental Station & Farm. This leaves him free to do other work for the University. After conference with him I suggest that you consider the policy of appointing him deliver in each of the Branch Colleges a series of Lectures, five or more in number, on Agriculture. Of these lectures due notices should be given by the local Boards of Trustees and the general public be invited to be present. The eminent abilities of Dr Jones could not fail to make these lectures a source of good to the youth and all others who hear him speak. The plan would fall in with the Federal and State Governments in seeking to develop a great interest for the good of the entire people, while at the same time it would draw closer the bonds of union & sympathy between the University & its Branches.
Besides this Prof Jones might be appointed to conduct studies in the University upon Human Physiology & Hygiene a subject wholly omitted by us, but carefully laughs in other institutions. It bears directly upon health & longevity, affording to the Professor the amplest & facilities for putting pupils upon their guard against the evils of dissipation, luxury, & all abuses
University of Georgia
The Chancellors Report
of the body. The two suggestions are not inconsistent one with the other.
Memorial as to Finals & Speakers I beg to invoke your careful & favorable consideration of the Memorial herewith presented by the Faculty. The matters embraced in it have exercised their thoughts for a long time. The evils complained of are great and open the remedy suggested is reasonable the agreement of the Faculty is remarkably complete. I earnestly beg that the Board will indulge us in our attempt to root out the infurious habit of Cramming, and to save for the seniors the large portion of their last year in the University which is now wasted to their injury & the injury of every student in the lower classes. The weeks of idleness which now precede the Commencement are a great, great evil to all concerned. We are fully persuaded that the public speaking will be of a more creditable degree of excellence & that for some young men the preparation of written essays, - as in the case in other institutions would be far better.
New Chairs Needed.
I would respectfully ask the Board to take into consideration the necessity for providing additional chairs in the University just so soon as you can obtain the money therefor. If the University be correctly described by Jefferson, as a school in which all
Athens, June 1889
that we need to know is taught in its highest perfection, then surely we should make room forthwith for these studies among others; A Chair of Constitutional History & the Science of Government (which proposes to prepare effectively the young citizen for his future duties by acquainting him thoroughly with the facts & spirit of the institutions under which he is to live: A Chair of Logic and Elocution (which deals especially with the power of the citizen to communicate effectively what he knows for the benefit of others;) A Chair of General History; A Chair of Human Physiology and Hygiene; A Chair of Sacred Literature and the Evidences of Christianity, such as has been for many years taught with great profit in the University of South Carolina and is being introduced more an more into a number of the best Universities & Colleges at the North.
Besides these new Chairs we require for the best results in teaching the appointments of additional assistants in the departments of Physics & Civil Engineering. Your Chancellor should not be required to consume a third or more of his time in correspondence, when he might be enabled to give it to other work if only a competent Secretary were given him. A Proctor or Marshall to do police duty in the grounds of the University & to protect public property from injury by students or by the many strangers who roam at will over the Campus, is employed with profit
University of Georgia
The Chancellors Report
by other Universities in America and Europe.
Religious Services
I take occasion to notify the Board that it is my purpose to resume the Sabbath afternoon services which have in former times proved so very beneficial to the Students on Sabbath & also at morning prayers. I am credibly informed that the measures now employed fall far short of it. The system of having Monitors in each class works admirably in other institutions known to me.
Tutors and assistants residing in the Dormitories
I further ask the Board to consider the great benefit in other Universities of having the Tutors or Assistant Professors to reside in the buildings assigned to the students as dormitories. As a means of promoting order, morality and studious habits among undergraduates I can think of nothing which would prove more beneficial. It is confessedly the chief sources of excellence in Oxford and Cambridge England.
The Law and Medical Schools
The attention of the Board is called to the loose, merely nominal relations heretofore subsisting between the University proper and the schools of Law & Medicine. In thoroughly equipped universities a very different state of facts is found
Athens, June 1889
The Chancellors Report
to exist. The University is, in public opinion, held responsible for what is done in its name by these schools. It should therefore, for self protection, & for the good of the Commonwealth, exercise a closer supervision over them. And particularly with reference to the state of Medical Education in Georgia so I invoke your early & serious consideration. Members of the Medical Faculty have in any presence lamented and denounced the crying evils of thrusting so many educated or almost wholly uneducated men into a Profession which deals with the lives of people. Able physicians & intelligent citizens all over Georgia are shocked and alarmed by the growing proportions of this evil. It is here respectfully submitted that the University should not wait to be criticised justly for failing to use its power to aid in abating such injury to society.
The Rock College
The Board will surrender that the removal of the Experiment Station & Farm raises the enquiring, what shall be done with the valuable property which has been thus vacated? I recommend that you empower the Prudential Committee to lease it for a term rent free, to responsible parties who shall agree to establish there a Preparatory School for Boys with good accommodations for boarding them at reasonable rates. This would be carrying out the purposes for
University of Georgia
The Chancellors Report
which the buildings were erected at such heavy cost, and at the same time endearing to supply the greatest want of our State good academics for preparing boys to enter the University.
Respectfully submitted
Wm. C. Boggs.
June 10th 1889. Chancellor
To the Bd of Trustees
1 That a cheap, framed building of one story be erected in rear of Dormitories for dining room & kitchen.
2 That Comdt of Cadets & unmarried Tutors & assistant Professors be expected to reside in dormitory buildings, which as Barracks be under such regulations as are so admirably devised and used at Milledgeville.
Indefinitely postponed by Committee on
Laws & Discipline June 17th 1889
(Blank page)
University of Georgia,
Finance Report
To the Board of Trustees.
Your Committee on Finance respectfully submit the following report:
The Funded assets of the University remain the same as at the last report, with the Exception of the McCay donations, which at the request of the donor and by the direction of the Board, was re-funded in a 50 year obligation of the State of Georgia for $15000. Bearing 7% interest from February 20th 1889. The total asset of the University in funds are 460202.17 the receipts from all sources to May 31st 1889, were
Balance on hand July 5th 1888 5591.97
Interest from General & Terrell Funds 9330.00
Landscrip 8477.07 Gilmer 525.00 9002.07
Brown Fund Repaid by Beneficiaries 34100 Interest 1750. 2091.00
Experimental Station Appr 11250.00
Matriculation Fees 1470. Library 735 2205.00
Rents and returned insurance 714.15
Legislative approp to Dormitory 5000.00
do do Branch Colleges 2250.00
Sale of farm products 185.00
Laboratory fees recd from Students 105.00
Balance (deficit added in pencil) 1555.42
Athens, June 1889
Finance Report
The Expenditures to the same date were
Salaries of Officers 20111.00
Branch Colleges 5280.31
special appropriation 2250.00
Brown Scholarship Fund 3380.00
Library Account 1517.91
Genl Expenses and Repairs 10624.55
Experiment Stations 3511.73
Repairs at Dahlonega 2604.11
Statement to July 1st 1889
Interest payable July 1st 1889 12082.07
Due from Experiment Station July 1st 1750.00
Deficit May 31st 1555.42
Salaries payable July 1st 4279.17
Balc due Repairs at Dahlonega 902.09
Branch Colleges July 1st 1464.18
Experimental Station 3388.27
Brown Fund 413.25
Balance July 1st 1829.69
University of Georgia
Finance Report
Estimated income from July 1st 1889 to July 1st 1890 available for current expenses:
Interest on Genl, Terrell, Landscrip & Gilmer 28664.16
Matriculation Fees 2000.00
Rents of Houses 600.00
Commissions Brown Fund 100.00 (31,264.16 in pencil)
Experiment Stations 5500.00
Balance on hand July 1st 1889 1829.69
Appropriations recommended:
Salaries of Officers 28,500.00
Branch Colleges 4000.00
Servants 400.00
Fuel & Gas 400.00
Water 200.00
Repairs on Buildings 2735.00
Apparatus 100.00
Insurance 550.00
Catalogue, Advt and Printing 350.00
Postage & Stationary 150.00
Incidentals 150.00
Sermon on Commencement 20.00
Music 150.00
Medals 36.00
Traveling Expenses of Chancellor 200.00
Chemicals 250.00
Balance 502.85
Athens, June 1889
Finance Report
The Salaries are estimated as follows:
The Chancellor 3000.00
Professors of Mathematics 2000.00
Physics & Meteorologist 2250.00
Modern Languages 2000.00
Ancient Languages 2000.00
Bells Letters & English 2000.00
Engineering 2000.00
Chemistry and Station Chemist 2500.00
Asst do and Asst do do 1500.00
Biology and Entomologist 2000.00
Geology and Geologist 2000.00
Agriculture 2000.00
Military Tactics & Asst Mathematics 1000.00 (1500. in pencil)
Tutor in Anct Languages 800.00
Secretary & Treasurer 1200.00
Inspector of Buildings 250.00
All of which is respectfully submitted
For the Committee
A.L. Hull
June 11th 1889. Chairman
University of Georgia,
Treasurers Report
Athens Ga June 10th 1889
Financial Report by Lamar Cobb Secty & To Trustees Univ of Ga
Balances on hand July 5th 188 (sic) & Receipts Since
General Fund Balance 3269.77
Library 519.95
Brown 1802.25 5591.97
State Appro for Repairs at Athens 5000.
Brown Fund 2091.
Experiment Station 14983.55
Interest Landscrip fund 8477.07
100,000 for year @ 8% 8000.
18,000 6 mon @ 7% 630.
Terrell fund 6 7% 700.
Gilmer 6 7% 525.
First quarter Legislative Approp Branch Colleges 2250.
Rents & Insurance by Professors 557.50
from other Sources 156.65
Matriculation Fees 1470.
Library 735.
Laboratory 105.00
Sale of product (Exp Station) 185.00
Excess of Expenditures over Receipts 1555.42
Athens, June 1889
Treasurers Report
Expenditures and Receipts (Remainders written above in pencil)
Branch Colleges 5280.31
Brown Fund 3380.
Repairs at Dahlonega 2604.11
Library 1517.91
Salaries 15598.50
Music &c 112.50
Special Appro JO (?) Campbell & CM Snelling 632.88
Experiment Station 11757.78
Medals 36.00
Servants 339.00
Repairs 2442.68
on Dormitory 5000.00
Water Supply 132.18
Postage & Stationary 71.81
Incidentals 180.70
Insurance 490.35
Catalogue, Adv & Printing 376.00
Fuel 301.80
Chemicals 100.00
Laboratory 105.00
Expenses of Chancellor 123.00
Legislature Approp 2250.00
Philos Appr 150.65
Traveling Expenses of Treasurer 30.00 24632.33
We have examined the vouchers for the above expenditures and find them correct
A.L. Hull
A.S. Erwin Auditing Committee
June 10th 1889
University of Georgia
Acting Chancellors Report
Dr Wm. E. Boggs
Chancellor University of Georgia
Dear Sir
I respectfully submit the following:
The attendance at the University for the session 1888-1889 has been as follows:
Franklin College 108
State College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts 40
Law School 30
Total for Department at Athens 178
The Medical College at Augusta 105
The Technological School 136
North Georgia Agricultural College
Senior Class Males 3
Junior 5
Sophomore Males 30
Females 4
Freshman Males 25
Females 8
Preparatory Class Males 46
Females 13
Total in College classes 75
under 59
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
Aggregate Males 109
Females 25 134
South Georgia College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts
Sophomore Class 15
Freshman 50
Total in College classes 65
Under College classes 100
Aggregate: Males 125
Females 100 225
Middle Georgia Military & Agricultural College:
In College Classes: Males 89
Females 90
Under college classes Males 103
Females 142
Total in College classes 179
under College classes 245
Aggregate: Males 192
Females 232
Special Students 4 428
West Georgia Agricultural & Military College:
In College Classes 58
Under 59
Aggregate: Males 63
Females 54 117
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report
Total in all departments: 1479
Again the attendance can be generally expressed thus:
Franklin College 108
State College 40
Law School 30
Total attendance at Athens 178
Medical department 105
Technological School 136
Branch Colleges 413 654
Total attendance in all collegiate departments 832
Attendance in preparatory departments of Branch Colleges 647
Aggregate of students in entire University 1479
Of the total attendance at the Branch Colleges there are:
Males 465
Females 411
Not known 4
The attendance has been less this session than it was the last. This was to be expected on account of the regulations passed at the last meeting of the Board of Trustees, making known the minimum age for admission, and urging strict examinations for entrance.
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
Under these rules a number of applications had to be refused because the applicant was found to be under age; and a number of young men who came here to stand their examinations for admission, had to be refused matriculation, because of inefficient preparations, in the class for which they applied. In the case of those applying for the Freshman class, they had to return home, as we have no preparatory department; in the case of those applying for higher classes, a few returned, rather than enter a class below that for which they thought themselves qualified; the others, however, stood examinations for admission into a lower class, which, if prepared, they were allowed to join. The result has been that students admitted to the respective classes have been well up to the requirements and the work of the classes has been more satisfactory. No one can cast the slightest doubt upon the wisdom of the rules above mentioned. They may, and no doubt will for a while, our attendance, but the efficiency of a University should be judged not by the number of students in its halls, but by the proficiency of its graduates, and while of course, proper if forts should be made to invite here and secure the attendance
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report
of as many properly qualified students, as our teaching force will warrant, the efficiency of the institution given should not be endangered by lowering the standard, for the sake simply of a larger attendance of imperfectly prepared men. The fault is this, want of preparation is largely with the school of the state. There are but few of them that send us properly prepared students. The schools, on their side, have been complaining that the University admitting boys at 14, and the boys or their parents having anxious to come or have them get through college, it was not possible for them the schools to keep the boys long enough for sufficient preparation. Again, complaint has been made that the University admitted boys, who had been advised by their teachers themselves against coming here, because they were not sufficiently prepared: or again that a boy would apply here and be admitted on probation to a class higher than that for which he had been prepared by his teacher; that boy, thus admitted, would write home and encourage others to come to the detriment of the school There has been foundation for these complaints, and there is no doubt that the policy to obtain numbers, has caused us to admit students; on probation who were not prepared. I have myself always
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
condemned that policy. My observation has been that, with very few exceptions, a boy, thus admitted on probation, becomes discouraged, soon despairs of making up and becomes a drag on the classes. Then one of the two things happens. Either, the boy, having become a mere hanger on, struggles on to the end of the session and leaves then to go elsewhere, or abandons, discouraged in mid session, baming (sic) [blaming] us for having allowed him to do what he now has found out to be to his disadvantage; or, and this is far worse, the boy becomes reckless, loves pride, goes into bad habits, has to be sent home, and then the parents blame us. In either case, the university loses a friend, and makes an enemy. It may be said that a student is not admitted on probation, without earnest advice being given him against that course, that he is pointed out all the difficulties and all the dangers to which he exposes himself by entering a class for which he is not prepared. In the large majority of cases, the student will not take the advice, and knowing, that if he insists or his parents for him, he will be admitted on probation, he will enter the class on probation impelled by a foolish pride. The enforcement of the rules will
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report
now correct the evil complained of by the schools. The teachers of the state may now be confident, first that they can retain boys until they are (blank space); and secondly, that no one will, hereafter be admitted to the University until upon a strict written examination, he has shown himself competent for the class to which he seeks admission.
The rules have been enforced in their letter and spirit. At the opening of the session examinations were held before a committee of the Faculty. The papers were graded and the results reported to the Faculty who passed on each case separately. The result was that few of the applicants were admitted to the classes for which they were examined. Many upon proper advice, then applied and were examined for lower classes: the others withdrew; but the Faculty stood firmly upon their decision against the protest of the boys and in some cases of their parents. I hope however, that I (blank space) with all cases in showing the parent that our action was based on kindness to the boy.
On the other hand, it is will to state that when a boy applies for a class, and upon examination, is found unprepared and has either to go home, or enter a lower class, this will in a few years, awaken
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
the schools to do their part, and inquire more carefully in to the requirements for admission.
The enforcement of our rules for admission takes away all grounds of the complaint on the part of the schools, the University now may look to the schools to send to its departments young men well prepared and grounded on the elementary branches of education.
The consequence of the increase in the number of the members of the faculty of Franklin College of the State College, made as the last meetings of the Board of Trustees, it has become necessary to revise our scheme of studies required for degrees. The schedule of studies being already full, it was impossible to put in additional hours for the chairs newly established. For the present session we have been working under a temporary schedule, in which provision was made, in a measure for the new professors, and meanwhile, the Faculty has been considering the question of modifying our scheme of courses for degrees was to adapt it to our present organization.
The scheme under which we have been working has not been satisfactory, and for some time past, we have been discussing the
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report.
policy of proposing changes.
The principal objections to the present scheme are:
Too many degrees; -
Too small a difference between them; - The master of Arts course, crowded in a time too short for the proper study of its requirements;
No advanced course in science corresponding to the masters course in arts; no system of post graduate courses, offering to graduates of other institutions an opportunity of carrying on their studies to (blank space) special ends.
The plan, now proposed, is simple, overcomes the objections above noted and in addition, offers courses of advanced instruction in all departments for those who desire to become specialists in one or more branches of learning.
The plan proposed.
Two Baccalaureate Degrees, viz:
Bachelor of Arts
And Bachelor of Science
Two Post-graduate Degrees, viz:
Master of Arts
Master of Science
One State college degree, viz/
Bachelor of Agriculture
And the following Professional Degrees, viz:
Bachelor of Engineering
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
Civil Engineer
Civil and Mining Engineer
The scheme is the outcome of much thought and investigation on the part of the Faculty, and is presented for the adoption of the Board of Trustees with entire confidence in the success of its practical working.
The scheme is now presented in detail as unamiously (sic) passed by the Faculty:
Requirements for Degrees:
Bachelor of Arts:
Freshman Class: Sophomore class.
Mathematics Mathematics
English English
Latin Biology
Greek and any these of
The following languages;
Junior Class: Senior class:
Biology Metaphysics
Mathematics English
English Physics & Astronomy
Physics Mineralogy & Geology
Chemistry and any three of the
And any three of the following languages.
Following languages Latin
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report
Latin Greek
Greek French
French German
Bachelor of Science
Freshman class Sophomore class.
Mathematics Mathematics
Latin Biology
English English
Drawing and any three of
The following
Junior class. Senior Class.
Mathematics Metaphysics
English Mechanics & Astronomy
Physics Physics
Chemistry Chemistry
Mineralogy & Geology Mineralogy & Geology
Biology Biology
And any three of and any three of
The following the following
Latin Latin
French French
German German
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
Post-graduate Courses of M.A. and of M.S.
Three courses are opened to graduates of this or any other institution of approved standing.
Master of Arts.
Mineralogy and Geology
Mechanics and astronomy
Courses of Literary work in the classical and English departments and in the department of Mental and moral philosophy and Political Economy, to be assigned by the Professors in those departments. Any two of these three courses to be selected by the student. The classical course comprising Latin and Greek.
One additional language, making graduation in Latin, Greek, French and German, necessary for the degree.
Master of Science.
The degree to be given upon satisfactory completion of any one of the following courses:
1. Advanced Mathematics: Advanced mechanics and Astronomy: Advanced Physics.
2. Advanced Chemistry; Biology.
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report
3. Advanced chemistry; Economic and Experimental Geology;
4. Advanced Physics; Chemistry
5. Geology, (blank space); Biology together with additional reading in one language.
Note. This course does not at present exist in any form in the University. It contemplates advancing all the scientific departments to a higher point of scholarship. It is intended mainly for students desiring of becoming specialist, and to accommodate such students, each Professor will have to organize an additional class for the prosecution of the higher course in his department.
Bachelor of Engineering:
Freshman Class: Sophomore Class:
Mathematics. Mathematics.
English. English.
Latin. Analytical Chemistry.
Drawing. French or German.
Book keeping. Drawing.
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
Junior Class Senior Class.
Engineering Engineering
Drawing Drawing
Physics Physics
Physical Laboratory Chemistry
Chemistry Mechanics & Astronomy
French or German Geology
Mineralogy Mathematics
Civil Engineers:
For the degree of Civil Engineer the student must complete all the studies required for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering, most graduate in one modern language and most perform such additional work as the Professors of Chemistry, Physics, Mineralogy and Geology and Engineering direct.
Civil and Mining Engineering
For the degree of Civil and Mining Engineering, in addition to requirements for the degree of Civil Engineer, the student must perform additional work in mining and
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report
Bachelor of Agriculture:
First year
Algebra partial course
Plane geometry
Plane Trigonometry
Arithmetic & Book keeping
Junior Class: Senior Class:
Chemistry Chemistry
Chemical Laboratory Chemical Laboratory
Biology Mineralogy & Geology
Physics Biology
English Physics
Land Surveying Agriculture.
Drawing Physical Laboratory
Economic Botany.
Elective or Special Students:
Students not having obtained a Baccalaureate degree, but desiring to pursue any special course, will be admitted, provided they are over 18 years old, and provided they pass satisfactory examinations upon such subjects as would show on their part a knowledge
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
sufficient to enable them to derive benefit from the special course they wish to pursue.
Upon the satisfactory completion of their course they will be entitled to a certificate in the department or departments taken; said certificate will entitle them to bring as Alumni of the University; their names appearing as graduates in the departments taken by them, in all the official publications of the University where the names of graduates appear.
Work required of students.
In each of the above described courses, the work required of students would be about 20 hours per week of Lectures and Recitations. Experience has shown to the Faculty, that this requirement is not an
The Faculty recommend the passage by the Board of Trustees of the following regulation, viz;
Every Student shall annually be required to make a contingent deposit of $10.00/100 with the Treasurer, against which sum is to be charged any loss, breakage, or damage to apparatus,
University of Georgia
Acting Chancellors Report
materials, buildings or other College property, when accused by the Faculty or by the Heads of departments, - when loss occurs in any department against an individual, class or body of students. The balance remaining to his credit to be returned each depositor.
It is evident that students in the laboratory, handling University property, should be held responsible for damage there to due to carelessness, or merely to deterioration from use. Again, every year it is necessary to spend from two to three hundred dollars for repairs due to willful abuse, carelessness or accident; such as for instance, the greasing of black boards, abuse of recitation rooms furniture, breaking of doors, locks and window glass, cutting up benches and desks, losing books taken from the library. There is no reason why the University should pay for these, but every reason why these damages should be assessed on the students. The only practical way of doing it is the requirement of a contingent fee. If there is no damage done to property, the fee save in the cases where a small percentage would be charged for the use of apparatus and of material in the laboratories, would be returned at the close of the session. A proper system of rules would, of course,
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
be established, was to assess the damages on the proper parties; but when these could not be found, then on the whole body of students. It would thus enlist every one on the side of order and care of property.
I think that the furniture of the college boarding house keeper should be included within the rule. It is true that this furniture is not College property, but his own private possession; still it is used for college purposes, and I think it would be well to afford him some protection. The keeper of the house has had much trouble from breaking of furniture by what is apparently willful abuse. It would be advisable that the occupants of each room should be made to pay for the actual cost of necessary repairs of damage (blank space) by abuse or carelessness, said cost to be charged against the contingent fee.
I am requested by the Faculty to transmit to the Board of Trustees the following extract from our minutes:
The Committee also reported the following, which was unamously (sic) passed, and which the chairman was requested to forward through the chancellor to
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report
The Board of Trustees, for their adoption:
Election of Senior Speakers:
1. That the present method of selection the Senior Speakers for Commencement be discontinued and that, for the exercises of Commencement Day two orators and two essayist be chosen by the Faculty from the members of the graduating class, the awards to be made during the month of January upon ___ delivery of original speeches and presentation of original essays. It being understood that no student, not recommended for a degree shall appear among the speakers or essayists on Commencement Day.
2. That the Faculty be authorized to so arrange the final examinations of all the University classes, (including the Senior) as to conclude them not earlier than Friday one week preceding the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees. The object of this recommendations is to keep all the classes at regular work until within a few days of the close of the college year.
3. That on Commencement Day, the Honor men and those who under existing regulations, would
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
be consigned speakers places be entitled to seats upon the platform, and have their names appear upon the program of the Commencement exercises as well as upon the Blue List.
The Faculty of Franklin College and that of the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts recommend the following students for the respective degrees:
For the degree of Master of Arts:
J.G. Basinger
J.M. Gaston
W.H. Pope.
For the degree of Bachelor of Arts:
G.D. Anderson
J.R. Cooper
D. Gillis
A.M. Heartsfield (sic)
W.O. Henderson
R. McGough
H.C. Polhill
W.W. Shepperd
L.W. Stanford
F.S. Twitty
For the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy;
P.S. Black
E.A. Cohen
University of Georgia
Acting Chancellors Report
J.G. Cranford
S.R. Crawford
F. Hardeman
R.L. Sample
S. McW. Varnadoe
A.C. Willcoxon.
For the degree of Bachelor of Engineering
J.W. Barnett
E.C. Fleming
W.O.D. Rockwell
E.C. Stewart.
The Faculty of the Department of Law, recommend for the degree of Bachelor of Law, the following:
John W. Bennett James P. Shattuck
Llewellyn J. Brown John R. Singletary
Nash R. Broyles James H. Skelton Jr
Thomas R.R. Cobb Victor Lamar Smith
F.G. Corker John C. Turner
D.A. Remer Crum W.C. Thomas
D. Griffith Ebb P. Upshaw
Donald Harper F. Minott Ward
Thomas L. Holton Charles R. Warren
E.C. Kontz Edgar W. Watkins
J.H. Lamb Carl Y. Wellborn
Hal Lawson
Robert E.L. McNeer
C.H. Plyer
Thomas W. Reed
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellor Report
I have the honor to transmit to the Board, through you, Mr Chancellor, the report of the Faculty of this department, which you will find enclosed.
In regard to the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund.
I report the following as having enjoyed the benefits of the fund during the session, with the averages obtained by each in his class:
Cooper J.R. Senior Class Average 84.00
Culpepper J.O. Freshman 86.92
Hall, B.W. Junior 82.17
Hearstfield, A.M. Senior 96.34
Horton, M.C. Freshman 92.00
Horton. O.E. Freshman 90.00
Felder, T.S. Sophomore 90.82
King, Walker. Sophomore 94.53
Sheppard, W.W. Senior 91.43
Smith, J.D. Sophomore 95.25
Smith, W.W. Junior 95.66
Bennett, J.W. Law School
Barr, J.H. Medical College at Augusta
Mr T.S. Felder who has this year been receiving one hundred and fifty dollars from the fund, petitions for two hundred ($200) dollars next year. This petition is enclosed.
Mr. W.W. Sheppard, of the Senior Class, desires to retain his place as beneficiary
University of Georgia,
Acting Chancellors Report
and askes for two hundred (200) dollars. This petition is also enclosed.
Mr. J.O. Culpepper who has been receiving one hundred dollars, asked that the amount be increased to two hundred (200) dollars. Mr Culpepper has not filed a written application, but requested me to make the application for him, which I now do as above.
The following are the new applicants for the benefits of the fund:
B.F. Pickett of Fulton Co. now a member of the Sophomore class of the University wants $200 per annum.
His average is: 96 96/100.
W. Frank Harrell of Troup Co. Now a member of the Sophomore class of the university wants $200 per annum.
His average is 9844/100.
W.R. Barnwell of Dawson Co wants $125 per annum. The average made on his examination is 5111/100
R.F. Jackson of Walton Co Wants $200 per annum. The average made in his examination is
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellor Report
I enclose in separate envelopes, the certificates, and examination papers and all the information required under the Rules for the administration of the fund, in the case of each of the above named applicants.
From the above it appears that the number of applicants from outside the University, was only two; it is, therefore, proper for we do remark that the number was much larger. Correspondence was carried on with sixteen parties; most of them declined to make application after becoming aware of the character of the examination they would be expected to stand for the Freshman Class. Seven had the Questions for Examination sent for them to the ordinary of their respective county; five of these returned the questions, with the statement that they could not stand the examination; two of them sent back answers as noted.
I am informed by Major Lamar Cobb, that Mr. T. J. Shackelford, who was a beneficiary of the Fund, during the sessions of 1887-1888, desires to receive its benefits during the next session.
Mr Shackelford was a member of the
University of Georgia
Acting Chancellors Report
Sophomore class, and made an average of 93 46/100
I shall be happy, Mr Chancellor, to give you, or through you to the Board, any further information you may desire.
Very respectfully
L.H. Charbonnier.
Chairman Fact.
Addendum to report on the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund.
Since completing the above report, I have been informed that the following students have made application through Major Lamar Cobb for the benefits of the Fund:
Cooper, J.R. Senior Class. Average 84.00
Polhill, H.C. 87.43
L.H. Charbonnier
2. Addendum to report on the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund:
I have, this moment, received an application from Mr. J.H. Barr for a continuation of the benefits of the Fund.
Athens, June 1889
Acting Chancellors Report
Mr Barr has been a student of the medical college at Augusta and has been receiving $100. He now asks for $150.
His letter is enclosed with the other papers of applicants.
L.H. Charbonnier
University of Georgia
Georgia Experiment Station
The Hon. Board of Trustees
University of Georgia:
Gentlemen: -
The Board of Directors of the Georgia Experiment Station, at its regular meeting in May last, adopted the following resolution, to wit: -
Resolved: - that, in the absence of the proper laboratory buildings at the place selected for the Farm and Station, we accept the offer of the Trustees of the University of Georgia to employ the scientific staff of the University to carry on our scientific experiments for the year beginning July 1889 and ending in 1890, paying for the same $5500.
I am instructed by the Board of Directors to respectfully notify your honorable body of this action and, in explanation of the above Resolution, to say, that it is the understanding of the Board of Directors that the University will furnish to the Station the services of a chief chemist an assistant chemist, a Meteorologist, an Etomologist (sic), and a geologist for the sum of money named, to be paid in equal quarterly installments, said sum having been estimated upon the basis of the salaries now paid to the officers designated, for their services to
Athens, June 1889
Georgia Experiment Station.
the Station, and an additional amount for the Stations estimated equitable share of fuel and gas bills.
I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant
H.C. White
Chairman Committee on Organization
Georgia Experiment Station.
University of Georgia
Report of Committee on Apparatus.
To the Trustees:
The Committee on Apparatus by its chairman, has inspected the Apparatus of the University in the Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Engineering, and takes pleasure in reporting that it is in perfect order.
Nothing in the way of Apparatus is needed in the department of Chemistry. It is believed to be as thoroughly equipped as any in the country. Only the usual appropriation of $100 for chemicals is asked for, in this department.
The Department of Engineering needs a magnetic compass for field surveying. The University has none except a small folding sight instrument, not adapted for illustrative work. We ask and recommend an appropriation of Forty Dollars, for this purpose, which will secure a reliable and improved instrument.
For the Department of Physics, we ask and recommend the usual appropriation of $100 for repairs of apparatus and materials.
The greatest need of the University in the way of Apparatus, at this time is a Dynamo and a gas engine to operate it, to furnish electricity at the
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Apparatus
high tension now required in this most progressive branch of science. Our outfit of apparatus cannot be said to be up to the times without such an appliance.
A Dynamic for this purpose would also furnish light for the Chapel the Campus and for other purposes and would cost $1200.
The Committee recommend that the Board take steps to supply this apparatus, now or as soon as possible hereafter.
Respectfully submitted for the
W.W. Thomas
University of Georgia
Report of Board of Control Experiment Station
The Board of Control of the Experiment Station submit the following report: -
Upon its appointment the Board found the Station organized and by the expenditure of the first annual appropriation of $15000. Equipped for thorough work in field and laboratory. The work of this Board has consisted in making an appointment of the sum received from the general government for the various purposes of the Station and in Authorizing the employment of officers and assistants by the Directors. For the detailed work of the Station we refer to the report of the Director and the quarterly bulletins issued from his office. As required by law, a report of the expenditure of the appropriation for 1887-88 was made to the governor early in February last and a copy sent to the Secretary of the Treasury at Washington.
By an act of the Legislature of Georgia passed last December the control of this fund was taken from your hands and lodged in a Commission appointed by the governor. By consent of this Commission the balance of the present years appropriation excepting about $2000. was left in your hands to carry out engagements previously made and to
Athens, June 1890
Report of Board of Control Experiment Station
complete the work of the Station already undertaken.
With the final expenditure of this balance at the close of the present month, your committee conceives its duties will have come to an end and respectfully ask to be discharged.
A.L. Hull, chairman
For the Board of Control.
University of Georgia,
Report of Director of Experiment Station
To the Honorable the Board of Control of the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station.
Since the report I had the honor to make to you in January last, the lives of work therein indicated have been pursued as far as practicable. Uncertainty concerning the future of the Station has, however, interfered very seriously with work Indeed until after the meeting, in February, of the Directors appointed by the Legislature, the officers of the Station felt unwilling to incur any expanse or obligation for money. Vacant offices remained unfilled and so continue to the present. In consequence no investigation of the disease of plants has been undertaken, a field which it was hoped would be fully entered. The threatened destruction of the LeCont pear crop in Southern Georgia illustrates its importance.
The Entomologist as far as circumstances would permit, has been collecting insects, observing their habits, breeding them when practicable, and has made some experiments in destroying them. Several insect breeding cages and a spraying pump have been procured for his department.
Athens, June 1889
Report of Director of Experiment Station
No work has been done in the geological department. A set of sieves for Mechanical analysis of soils has been ordered and are now being prepared for the Station looking to future work (Received since above was written).
In the Chemical department, analysis of the ash of native woods, previously begun, have been continued; results of these have been published in bulletins Nos. 2 and 3. In addition analyses of feeding stuffs have been begun and are now under way.
Meteorological observation have been kept up continuously on the campus and at the Farm. The self-recording instruments have been found to work admirably.
On the farm, the experiment on the preservation of the sweet-potato during Winter, was completed the first of April. It will be necessary, however, to repeat it many times before final conclusions can be reached. The results so far, are very gratifying. They will be found in bulletin no 3.
Numerous other experiments have been begun, many of them, co-operative in their nature, according to plans matured by representatives of different stations, at a meeting held in
University of Georgia,
Report of Director of Experiment Station
Washington City in March last. These cover applications of certain kinds and quantities of fertilizers to corn, cotton, sweet potatoes, peas. For comparison with each other, many varieties of Sorghum, cotton, corn peas sweet-potatoes, tobacco, and garden vegetables have been planted. A large number of seedling strawberries, some raised from special crosses, have been set out, with the hope of securing improved varieties. A garden of grasses best suited to our climate and soil has been planted. It embraces Texas and Kentucky blue, orchard, herds, tall oat English blue grass (Festuca) and timothy. Plots of Bermuda have been prepared and manured with different fertilizers to discover those best suited to this valuable grass. Experiments on special fertilizing of the cow-pea, heretofore begun, are being continued, and are deemed of the highest importance. It is very desirable that these should be repeated for many years.
In addition to above field experiments, quite a number in water culture have begun and are now under way. These embrace corn, cotton, peas and sweet-potatoes, our leading and characteristics crop. A corresponding
Athens, June 1889
Report of Director of Experiment Station
series of experiments in pots is contemplated, and steps have been taken to secure the pots necessary therefor. The Connecticut Experiment Station has kindly sent us one pot, of the most improved pattern, from which others can be made in the city.
The accompanying financial report is made for the information of the Board. It is deemed equitable and proper to charge against the first two quarterly payments by U.S. Treasurer the expenses of the first two quarters of the fiscal year, and such other expenditures as run through the whole fiscal year, and which were not included in the specifications made by the Board of Directors appointed by Legislative Act. The latter include travelling expenses and incidentals. The unexpended balance of the first two quarterly payments can be legitimately and advantageously spent for additional equipment. The officers of the Station have lists and estimates covering such expenditures, should it be the pleasure of the Board to direct that the balance be so spent. The expenditure for fertilizers has
University of Georgia
Report of Director of Experiment Station
exceeded the allotment made by the Board at its meeting last August by $7.19. The incidental expense account exceeds the allotment made by $88.97.
It is respectfully asked that a transfer be made from other unexpended allotments to cover these two items.
Respectfully Submitted
W.L. Jones
Athens, June 1889
Report on Law Department
To the Hon. Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia.
The Committee upon the Law Department beg leave to make the following report.
The gratifying exhibit made by the school of Law at this Commencement furnishes evidence of the efficient work that is being done by the Professors of that department. The steady increases in numbers shows that the value of this school is being better and better understood throughout the country.
The instruction in the school is through, the selection of text books and the methods of teaching are satisfactory. The two professors of law Prof. Thomas and Prof. Cobb deserve great credit for the ability and industry, displayed by them.
We endorse the suggestion looking to lectures by gentlemen learned in the law, from various parts of the state, and agree with the Professors that it should not be abandoned.
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on Law Department
We think that the connection between the law department and the University is as close and intimate under present arrangements as is practicable, but if the association can be made more intimate we see no objection to such a step. We consider it a part of the University and under the control of the Board of Trustees and the chancellor. If the chancellor can suggest any reform in the respect of this department which will more thoroughly embody it with the University, we will gladly hear it.
Respectfully submitted.
Pope Barrow,
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Buildings & Grounds
To the Trustees: -
The Committee on Building and Grounds, respectfully report that the expenditures, in this department, for the last year, have been as follows:-
Expenditures 1888-1889
On the Chapel 4.80
On Moore College 17.80
On the Ivy Building 96.00
On Prof Morris Dwelling 403.00
On the Chancellors dwelling 430.00
On Prof Willcoxs dwelling 51.65
On the New Privy 207.00
On the Library Building 14.75
On repairs of Fences 46.90
On cleaning Privies 122.50
On the New College 1,256.15
On the Old College 5,004.05
On Sundries 166.26
Total Expenditures $7,820.86
Of this amount, a portion was received from sources other than the income of the University for the year, as follows: -
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on Buildings & Ground
From Legislature for Dormitories $5,000.00
From Experiment Station for Laboratory 500.00
From Appropriation of 1887 for Chancellors dwelling 250.00
Total from other sources $5,750.00
Deducting this from total expenditures, as stated above, leaves the sum of $2,070.86, as the amount expended from University Funds, for repairs, under the appropriations of July 1888.
In accordance with the order of the Board the entire sum of Five Thousand Dollars, appropriated by the Legislature for repairs of the Dormitories, was expended on the Old College. It is now, virtually a new building and is thoroughly comfortable for its occupants.
All the others are in fairly habitable conditions, needing only slight repairs for the next year, except the New College building which will require a considerable expenditure to make it at all satisfactory, as now used.
As directed by the Board, this building has been converted into Lec-
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Buildings & Grounds
ture Rooms and Offices for the Professors of Biology, Belles Letters, Ancient Languages, Modern Languages and for the Adjunct Professor of Ancient Languages. A room has been assigned to the Professor of Agriculture and one for a museum for the Department of Biology, but no work has been done on these nor on the remaining rooms of the building now used for the storage of chemicals, fuel, etc.
To make the building available in this way, the interior partitions were taken down, new framing introduced to suit the new arrangement the old stairways removed and a single one substituted, necessary benches and black boards put in and the offices of the Professors partly furnished. The amount expended on this building, during the year was $1,256.15 and of this, $500 was received from the Experiment Station Fund and used in fitting up a Laboratory for the Department of Biology.
Much remains to be done to make this building what it should be and to place the academic professors on more equal footing, as to accomoda-
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on Buildings & Grounds
tions, with the gentlemen of the scientific chairs.
The floors are worn out and it is not possible to scour them, with out injury to the ceiling below. The windows are past being repaired and should be substituted by new ones, with inside blinds. New flooring should be laid over the old one and the building must be stuccoed outside, not only for appearance, but for the preservation of the walls.
This work is estimated to cost as follows not including floors for the lower story, which can be put in later: -
New College
New Flooring, (2 floors) $486.00
New Windows, sash & blinds, (53) 530.00
Roughcasting & painting 600.00
Total $1,616.00
The building of the new closets and the present arrangements for cleaning them, have entirely remedied the complaints heretofore made by the residents in the vicinity. It is believed to be as well arranged as circumstances permit, unless a water and sewer
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Buildings & Grounds
connection could be had. Under the present arrangement they are cleaned twice a week, at a cost each time of $1.50, requiring the service of his men and a team and having to be done at night. This makes the cost $12 per month or $144 per annum and this will have to be a permanent feature in the appropriations of the Board, until some other arrangement can be made.
Nothing has been done on the grounds during the last year. They are about in the usual condition and nothing is proposed in regard to them, for the reason that this committee is fully aware that the Board cannot now make an appropriation which would do any good in the matter of draining or otherwise improving them.
This Committee earnestly desires the Board to adopt the regulation proposed by the Faculty requiring students to make a contingent deposit with the Treasurer, and of charging to the Fund thus raised, all intentional or careless damage to University property, as assessed by the Faculty, against the
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on Buildings & Grounds
individual or class causing the damage or failing to locate it more difinitely (sic), against the entire fund. This plan we are convinced, will reduce the wilful (sic) damage to a minimum, and will relieve us of the cost of repairing them, a sum which has already averaged above $200 per annum.
The sum required for the ensuing year, for this department, will be as follows: -
Appropriation for 1889-1890.
Library Building (painting roof) $65.00
Ivy Building (tin roof) 90.00
Moore College (painting roof $40, sundries $30) 70.00
Prof. Woodfins dwg (repg cornice, piazza and steps & painting) 150.00
Dormitory (white washing & scouring) 40.00
Stable on Chancellors lot 25.00
Lecture room for Prof. of Agriculture 175.00
Cleaning Closets, $12 per month 144.00
Repairing Fences 50.00
New College 1,616.00
Furnishing Lecture rooms & offices, New College 100.00
Sundries 100.00
Total $2,735.00
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Buildings & Grounds
The forward herewith, the annual report of the Inspector, giving full details and we take pleasure in bearing renewed testimony to the care and efficiency with which the Inspector, Dr. Charbonnier has discharged the duties of the office and to the excellent results he obtain for the funds available.
Respectfully submitted: -
W.W. Thomas
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee of Library
The Committee on the Library respectfully make the following report: -
It appears from the report of the Librarian herewith submitted that 388 volumes have been added to the Library since the last report as follows: -
Public Documents & reports 110
By Contribution 5
Purchase 158
Bound Periodicals 115
Total 388
Several papers and magazines have been added to the latter by subscription, and several scientific publications subscribed for to be used in the departments of Serology (sic) and Biology.
The number of books extra out is 1964.
The daily attendance at the library has varied from 34 to 87.
The committee take pleasure in commending the Librarian Miss Frierson for the very satisfactory and efficient manner in which she has performed her duties.
In her report she bears testimony to the perfect decorum and respectful bearing of the young gentlemen at all times
The Librarian in a separate commu-
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Library
nication states that all the numbers of Harpers Weekly, Frank Leslie Weekly Puck and Judge are too much worn to be filed or bound, and that if permission be given by the Board she would be glad to sent them to the Asylum in Milledgeville as calls are frequently made from that institution for old papers and magazines of this character.
We recommend that such permission be given.
A.S. Erwin
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on The Charles McDonald Brown Fund
Mr President:
The committee on the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund begs to report.
1. The amount of this fund is $3500.00
Amount appropriated to Dahlonega 1000.00
Amount at our disposal $2400.00
This fund is disposed of as follows
J.O. Culpepper. 2 Dist. Freshman 86.92 . 180.00
M.C. Horton. Brown 92.00 . 180.00
O.E. Horton 90.00 . 180.00
J.S. Felder 3 Dist Soph. 90.82 . 180.00
Walker King. 7th 94.53 . 180.00
Smith. J.D. 4th 95.25 . 180.00
Smith W.W. 10th Junior 95.66 . 180.00
Pickett B.F. 5th Soph. 96.96 . 180.00
Harwell W.F. 4th 98.44 . 180.00
J.H. Barr. Medical School 100.00
W.W. Sheppard 1st Law 157.50
T.J. Shackelford 9th Soph 93 4/2. 157.50
J.R. Cooper 9th Law 84.00. 157.50
H.C. Polhill 6th Law 87.43. 157.50 780.00
We recommend that Mr. T.J. Shackelford who was in College in the session of
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on The Chas McD Brown Fund
1887-1888 and who rose Junior with the grade of 93.46 but who has been out of college since that time be allowed the sum of $157.50 provided, to stand an examination satisfactory to the Faculty.
We beg to say that since the report made up that the annexed letter was received. Calling your attention to Part 2 of Section 4 Rules and Regulations and submit the matter to the action of this board.
P.W. Meldrim,
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on Branch Colleges
The committee on Branch Colleges respectfully submit the following: -
It appears from the report of the Finance Committee that five thousand dollars, hereby a Legislative appropriation which will be hereafter mention, available to be applied to the Branch Colleges the ensuing year, which amount is made up of four thousand dollars coming from the interest on the Agricultural Landscript fund, and one thousand dollars from the interest on the Gilmer Fund.
In as much as the report from the North Georgia Agricultural College at Dahlonega shows that there are in attendance or have been during the past years more than one hundred male students, we are of the opinion that under the contract with that Institution it is entitled to two thousand dollars from the income of the Agricultural Land Script fund which leaves one thousand dollars to be divided among the Branch Colleges at Milledgeville, Thomasville and Cuthbert. It has been the policy of this Board to make the distribution of this fund among these colleges on the basis of the number of male students in attendance an their respectively, for the reason that the act of congress under
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Branch Colleges
which the fund was appropriated clearly contemplates that male students only shall receive the benefit of the fund.
We concur in this view and have made the distribution accordingly.
It appears from the reports submitted to us that the attendance of males
At Milledgeville 192
At Cuthbert 156
At Thomasville 125
Making a total of males 473
The amount to be distributed, one thousand dollars will give a fraction over $4 20/11 per capita.
We therefore recommend that the sum of eight hundred and ten dollars and eighty six cents ($810.86) be appropriated for the benefit of the male students at Milledgeville. That the sum of six hundred and fifty nine dollars sixty six cents ($659.66) be appropriated for the benefit of the males students at Cuthbert, and the sum of five hundred and twenty nine dollars and forty six cents ($529.46) be appropriated for the benefit of the male students
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on Branch Colleges at Thomasville.
The general assembly of the State by act (blank space) Dec. 26. 1888 made the following appropriations for the fiscal years 1888-7-1889.
To the University for the support & maintenance of the Branch College at Dahlonega three thousand dollars per annum. For the support and maintenance of the Branch Colleges at Milledgeville, Thomasville and Cuthbert each two thousand dollars per annum.
We recommend that these amounts be appropriated and paid to these Branch Colleges.
The income arising from what is known as the Gilmer Fund available for appropriation to these Branch Colleges is one thousand dollars.
Under the scheme adopted by the Board for the distribution of the Gilmer fund arising from this source only three students in the branch colleges without regard to sex who are pursuing their studies with a view of becoming teachers are entitled to participate in the benefits of this fund.
It appears from reports before us
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Branch Colleges
that there are at Milledgeville 85 students who propose to become teachers and at Cuthbert 20. The reports from Thomasville and Dahlonega do not contain any statement on the subject, and we have been compelled to take the number furnished by the Reports of last year for these places which is as follows, at Dahlonega 84. At Thomasville 15, making a Total of 204 at all the Branch colleges. Dividing the fund at our disposal, one thousand dollars by 204, we have a fraction more than $4.90 per capita.
We therefore recommend that the one thousand dollars be distributed as follows:
To Milledgeville 41650
To Dahlonega 41160
To Thomasville 17300
To Cuthbert 9800
Total 99960 (sic)
The communications from the citizens at Griffin and at Rome in reference to the establishment of Branch Colleges in those cities respectively, and from the Trustees of Bowdon College located at Bowdon Carroll County and from T.D. Bradwell in behalf
University of Georgia,
Report of Committee on Branch Colleges
of Bradwell Institute located at Hinesville, Liberty County, to be converted into Branch Colleges of the University, has been considered. We think this Board cannot establish Branch Colleges located elsewhere without Legislative authority. It would not be advisable, if we had the power to undertake to do this now because we have not the money to support them. But while we should not take definite action in advance of legislation for that purpose, we recognize the value of the donations offered to the University, as well as the great usefulness of the above Institutions proposed to be established and already established. Should the general assembly grant authority to establish such Branches and appropriate money for their maintenance. The Board would gladly establish them accordingly. And we recommend that the several applicants be informed that this Board will accept propositions submitted and establish the Branch Colleges accordingly whenever the General Assembly shall grant authority so to do, and appropriate an adequate sum of money to support them.
The committee are of the opinion
Athens, June 1889
Report of Committee on Branch Colleges
that this Board has the power to require the President of its several Branch Colleges to report in person to the Trustees of the University, the conditions and operations of their respective colleges. But we think the power should not be exercised except in special cases, where the reports of its Trustees of such Colleges may be defective.
Resolved that the Board of Trustees have heard with pleasure the application of the Gordon Institute at Barnesville to be received as a Branch College of this University. The Board regards the Gordon Institute as a school of high order and as a valuable feeder to the University. In view however of its Branch established at Milledgeville, of an application already (blank space) from Griffin and of (blank space) an education. We ask reasonable time to consider further of this matter.
Alex S. Erwin Chairman
H.D. McDaniel
C. Heard
E.R. Hodgson.
(Blank Page)
Atlanta, July 17th 1889
The Board met according to adjournment & in the absence of the President & Vice President Mr Yancey the senior member of the Board of Trustees was called to the chair.
There were present
Pope Barrow JW Beckwith J.A. Billups
HH Carlton Lamar Cobb A.H. Colquitt
Alex S. Erwin John B Gordon H.W. Grady
N.J. Hammond Columbus Heard B.P. Hollis
S.M. Inman Henry Jackson W.A. Little
L.F. Livingstone H.D. McDaniel A.J. McIntyre
Oliver Porter B. C. Yancey
The session was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
The minutes of Wednesday the 19th day of June at Athens were read & approved.
Messrs McCord & Stovall were excused.
The Chancellor made a supplementary report which on motion of Mr Little was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline (Page [Blank])
On motion of Mr Hammond the delegation from Waycross in reference to a Branch College at that place was heard and on motion of Mr Erwin was referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr Billups as Chairman of the Committee on Laws and Discipline made his report which on motion of Mr Grady was received and adopted and is as follows:
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Ga July 17th
The Committee recommends that in view of the present condition of the Treasury of the University it is not advisable to adopt the recommendation of the Chancellor for the appointment of a physician by whom all certificates in cases of alleged sickness or physical disability shall be given.
The Committee further recommends, that in all cases, in which such excuses are given to the Commandant, he shall judge of the sufficiency of said excuses and allow them or not as in the exercises of his best judgement he shall deem right.
The plan for establishing a club, to take the place of the boarding house in the Campus recommended by the Chancellor being complex & its practicability depending in a great measure upon the prices of provisions, furniture &c in Athens The Committee recommend that the whole subject be referred to the Prudential Committee to take such action in the premises as may be thought best, after careful consideration.
The Committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution.
Resolved that in view of the recent action of this Board assigning the duties of the chair of Geology & Mineralogy to the Prof of Agriculture the Board was controlled by the necessity of cutting down expenses because of a recent loss of income, and on assigning the work to Professor Jones they had regard to fact that he was the Senior Professor and had formerly taught
Atlanta, July 17th 1889
these branches acceptably in the University.
The Board further more takes occasion to express its confidence in Professor Spencer as a gentleman of unblemished life and a scholar of high reputation and tender to him good wishes in his future career.
Resolved that a copy of this action be forwarded to Dr. Spencer.
Professor W.G. Woodfin tendered his resignation of the chair of Ancient Languages to take effect 1st Jany 1890.
Mr Carlton moved that the Board decline to accept Prof Woodfins resignation.
Mr Jackson moved as a substitute for Mr Carltons motion that we do accept Prof Woodfins resignation to take effect the 1st day of September next.
Pending the discussion Mr Yancey yielded the floor for Mr Grady to offer a resolution that the Board take a recess to meet in the new Capital tomorrow at 9 A.M.
Which was agreed to.
Lamar Cobb
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Ga July 18th 1889
The Board reconvened at 9 A.M. Messrs Lawton & Russell appeared and took their seats.
The Minutes were read and approved.
Mr Russell asked leave to record his vote in the negative on all the Reports at Athens & here in favor of Branch Colleges.
Mr Carlton asked unanimous consent to withdraw his motion which was granted & he then moved that a Committee of three be appointed to confer with Prof Woodfin which was agreed to.
The Chair appointed as that Committee
Messrs Carlton Chairman
Billups & McDaniel
Mr Little Chairman of the Committee on Branch Colleges made his report which was adopted & is as follows:
On the application of certain citizens of Waycross to establish a Branch College in that City, the committee on Branch Colleges submit the following Report.
We think your Board cannot itself establish Branch Colleges.
It would not be advisable if we had the power, to undertake to do so now, as we have not the money to support them. But while the Board in our opinion, should not take definite action in advance of legislation for this purpose we recognize the value of
Atlanta, July 18th 1889
of the donations offered by the City of Waycross, as well as the influence of the College proposed to be established. Should the General Assembly grant authority to establish this Branch College and appropriate money for its support and maintenance we recommend the establishment of a Branch College at Waycross as asked for by the citizens of that City, and that these applicants be informed that the Board will accept their proposition whenever the General Assembly will grant authority to do so and appropriate an adequate sum of money for its support.
Respectfully submitted.
Wm A Smith
A.S. Erwin
H.D. McDaniel
Columbus Heard
The following resolution offered by Mr McIntyre was adopted.
Resolved that the Prudential Committee be empowered to lease the building known as the Rock-College, and so much of the land connected therewith as they think necessary for the Term of years beginning 1st Jany 1890 on such terms as they deem best to a responsible person who shall agree to establish there a preparatory School for boys with good accommodations for boarding them at reasonable rates.
2. That if the Committees deem it expedient to lease or rent so much of the land as shall
University of Georgia,
Atlanta July 18th 1889
not be used for the purposes of the school, on such terms as they shall consider advisable, leaving enough of the lands & buildings unleased to carry on all experiments necessary for the Experimental Farm &c.
Mr Carlton Chairman of the Committee to wait on Prof Woodfin made his report which was adopted and is as follows
Mr President.
On the Committee appointed to confer with Prof Woodfin report as follows.
Prof Woodfin states that he tendered his resignation to take effect Jany 1st 1890 believing that to be in conformity with the Rule under which he accepted the Professorship in the University. He further states that if his resignation is accepted as tendered he authorizes the Committee to ask the Board of Trustees that he be relieved from further duties as Professor at the end of the present quarter.
H.H. Carlton
H.D. McDaniel
J.A. Billups
On motion of Mr Livingston Prof Woodfins resignation was accepted as tendered.
Mr McDaniel offered the following resolution was adopted.
The resignation of Prof Woodfin to take effect Jany 1st 1890 having been accepted, at his request
Atlanta, July 18th 1889
he will be relieved at the end of the present quarter Oct 1st 1889
On motion of Mr. Gordon the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved that in accepting his resignation recently tendered, this Board of Trustees wish to present to Professor W. G. Woodfin the assurances of their unshaken confidence in his high character as a man and their esteem and unqualified regard for him as a Christian gentleman.
Our best wishes and interest will follow him to whatever field of labor he may be called.
The communication of Mr Seeley President of the Board of Trustees of the Branch College at Cuthbert was read and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges
On motion of Mr Livingstone (after hearing from the Chancellor on two applicants for the position the Board went into an election for Prof of Ancient Languages and when the vote was announced Mr Willis H. Bocock of Hampden-Sidney of Virginia was declared elected.
The degree of A.B. was conferred on N.H. Bass of Rome of the Class of 1863
Captain (blank space) Bradwell was heard in behalf of a Branch College at Hinesville
The Chancellor requested the Board to
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Ga July 18th 1889
elect some one else in the place of Tutor A.L. Franklin.
On motion of Mr McDaniel the following resolution was adopted
Resolved That the matter of the removal of of (sic) Tutor Franklin and the Election of an Associate Professor of Ancient Languages in his stead be referred to the Prudential Committee, the Chancellor & the Faculty with full power to act Expressing a preference for Prof R.E. Mitchell if it be practicable to procure his services.
The Election of O.A. Barry, C. Taylor & G.D. Webb as members of the local Board of Trustees at Cuthbert was confirmed.
(Blank Page)
(Blank Page)
Athens, September 18th 1889 12.M.
In obedience to the Act of the General Assembly reorganizing the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia, the Board assembled in the Library at 12 M.
There were present
J.A Billups H.W. Grady
J.J. Gresham DB Hamilton
N.J. Hammond N.E. Harris
B.P. Hollis A.L. Hull
W.A. Little HD McDaniel
A.J. McIntyre John Screven
P.A. Stovall & W.W. Thomas
Gov John B Gordon, A.L. Hutchins & A.R. Lawton
On motion of Mr Billups Mr Gresham was requested to take the chair for the purpose of a temporary organization.
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
Mr Lamar Cobb was requested to act as Secretary.
The Secretary by direction read the Act reorganizing the Board of Trustees for information..
On motion of Mr Grady the term of office of the Chairman of the Board of
University of Georgia,
Trustees be from now until the second annual meeting and there after for two years.
Mr Hammond then renewed Mr McIntyres resolution (that had been temporarily withdrawn as premature) that Mr J.J. Gresham be elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees which was unanimously agreed to.
On motion of Mr Grady
Resolved That the Secretary of the Board of Trustees to be now elected shall hold his office until the annual meeting of 1890 and until his successor is elected and that the Term of this office shall begin thereafter at the annual meeting of 1890 and be for one year and until his successors elected
Which was adopted.
By Mr Hamilton
Resolved that the Secretary shall be a member of the Board of Trustees.
Upon counting the ballots it was found that Mr Lamar Cobb was elected Secretary.
By Mr Harris
Resolved That the Local Board of Trustees of the Technological School be granted authority to add to the present curriculum of said school instruction in the modern Languages, and
Athens, September 18, 1889
that said department may be established in the discretion of said Local Board.
By Mr Hamilton.
Resolved. That Messrs Thomas Hammond & Little be appointed a Committee to prepare by laws, rules and regulations for the government of this Board of Trustees and report at the next annual meeting of the Board.
By Mr Hammond.
Resolved That the by-laws of the former Board of Trustees be and are hereby continued except when inconsistent with or inapplicable to the law reorganizing this new Board, until the next annual meeting of this Board.
By Mr Hull.
Resolved that so much of the action of the Board at their meeting in June last as requires a deposit by each student of ten dollars as a guarantee of good behavior in the military exercises be repeated
On motion of Mr Thomas the Committee on Buildings & Grounds, was authorised (sic) to spend the $17500, appropriated by the Board for the Department of Agriculture in fitting up offices for Professors and other repairs of New College
On motion of Mr Hammond
Resolved that Messrs Thomas & Hull perform the duties heretofore assigned to the Prudential
University of Georgia,
Committee until further order of this Board.
The Chancellor made his report which will be found on Page.
On motion of Mr Hull the sum of $10000 was appropriated for the purchase of Hymn Books & rent of an organ.
By Mr Hollis
Resolved That the Secretary of this Board in addition to his duties as Secretary shall discharge the duties of Treasure and shall within thirty days give Bond with good security in the sum of Twenty thousand Dollars said Bond to approved by the Trustees residing in Athens and that his salary shall be $120000 per annum.
On motion of Mr Hollis the recommendation of the Professor of Biology that each student in that department shall pay a fee of $500 annually was adopted.
On motion of Mr Billups. Messrs McDaniel Hammond & Grady were appointed a Committee to memorialise (sic) the General Assembly stating the needs of the University.
In the matter of obtaining a loan from one of the Banks of Athens for the use of the University was referred to Messrs Hull & Thomas.
Athens, June 12th, 1890.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia met in annual session in the Library.
There were present;
Messrs, Billups, Hamilton, Hammond,
Hollis, Hull, Hutchins,
Lawton, McDaniel, Miller,
Screven, Thomas.
Hon. J.J. Gresham being detained from attendance, by reason of illness, on motion of Mr. Billups, Mr Miller was called to the Chair.
Messrs, Moye, and Barry, a delegation representing the interests of the Branch College at Cuthbert, were received, and addressed the Board in their behalf.
On Motion of Mr. Hammond it was resolved that the chair appoint a Committee of three to draft a form for the Technological Diploma.
The chairman appointed as that committee, Messrs, Hammond, Hutchins and Billups.
The Chancellor made his Report, which, on motion of Mr. Thomas, was received and referred to appropriate Committees, [Via. Page. 344]
The chair then announced the following committees;
Laws and Discipline.
Messrs. Billups, Hammond, and Hollis.
Branch Colleges.
Messrs, McDaniel, Thomas and Screven
Brown Fund.
Messrs, Hamilton, Screven and Hutchins.
The reports from Cuthbert and Dahlonega were received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
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Mr. Thomas made the report of the committee on buildings and grounds, which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Mr. Hull made the report of the finance committee which was received and laid on the table for the present.
On motion of Mr. Thomas the question of the amount due Prof. Rutherford as salary was referred to the committee on laws and discipline.
By request of Mr. Thomas chairman of the committee on rules, Mr. Hollis was added to that committee.
On motion of Mr Hammond the Board took recess until 10 A.M. Friday
Friday June 13th 1890.
10:30. A.M.
The Board reconvened at 10:30. A.M. The Minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Col. R.C. Humber appeared in behalf of the Branch College at Milledgeville, presenting its report, which was referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
The Committee on Laws and Discipline reported on Prof. Rutherfords salary the following resolution which was agreed to;
Resolved, That there being an error in the report of the Committee on Laws and Discipline submitted at the last annual meeting of the Board of Trustees in regard to the time at which Prof. Wms. Rutherfords resignation should take effect, he is entitled to his salary as such professor up to the 1st of Sept. 1889, and the Secretary and Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay him, whatever balance that may remain unpaid.
Mr. Hutchins presented a memorial from the students in reference to Secret Fraternities, which on motion of Mr. Billups was received and laid on the table for the present.
The Chancellor made a supplementary report, which was received and referred to appropriate committees.
Mr Billups moved to take from the table the memorial from the students and refer if to the Committee on Laws and Discipline, which was agreed to.
By Mr. Hull. Resolved that the regular degree of Bachelor of Arts be conferred upon the Mr Charles Sephew West of Savannah Ga, as a graduate of the class of 1862, in accordance with the action of the Board. Adopted.
Mr Thomas, Chairman of the Committee on Rules made their report. The report was considered by Sections and adopted.
A Code of Laws for the Government of the University of Georgia.
Adopted by the Trustees, June, 1890,
Chapter. I. Of the Chancellor and Faculty.
1. The government of the University is vested in the Chancellor, Professors, Instructors and Commandant of Cadets. Styled the Faculty of the University of Georgia.
2. These officers are not to engage in any occupation of pursuit, which will interfere with a regular and punctual discharge of all their official duties.
3. It is the duty of every officer to use his best exertions to carry into complete effect every law of the University.
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4. The Chancellor has the right to be present, at any lecture or recitation and to conduct the same at his pleasure. He is to see that daily prayers are held with the students, and that public worship be celebrated with them on the Lords day. He is ex-officio the presiding officer of the Faculty and the executor of their decisions in cases of discipline. He is to preside at all public exercises and commencements and confer all degrees.
5. To the Professors and Instructors is especially committed the preservation of order and decorum in their respective departments.
6. Every matter brought before the Faculty shall be decided by vote, and it shall be the privilege of the chancellor, when present to vote in all cases and to give a casting vote in case of a tie or to make a tie.
7. The Faculty shall appoint one of their number Secretary, whose duties it shall be to keep a faithful record of their proceedings, which record shall be, submitted to the Trustees at their annual session and shall be at all times open to the inspection of any Trustee.
8. All officers of Instruction are required to give six months notice of an intention to resign.
9. In the absence of the Chancellor from Athens, his powers shall be exercised by a chairman of the Faculty, appointed by him; The Faculty when assembled shall have the right to punish offenders, at once or, at its discretion, may postpone action, until the return of the chancellor.
10. A member of the Faculty shall be appointed by the Trustees, to act as Inspector of Buildings, and he shall keep accurate accounts of all expenditures for repairs and superintend the same and make report to the proper committee of the Board of Trustees.
11. Each member of the Faculty shall submit to the Chancellor and Faculty, 20 days before the annual meeting of the Trustees, a report of his department, to be forwarded by the Chancellor to the trustees, with his annual Report and the Chancellor shall read his annual report, to the Faculty before submitting same to the Trustees.
12. Complete power is vested in the Chancellor in all disciplinary supervision and punishment for misbehavior, and remissness of duty by the students and he shall not be required to consult the Faculty thereon, except at his option, unless the offense raise the question of expulsion, provided, nevertheless, it shall be the duty of each member of the Faculty to co-operate with the Chancellor in the enforcement of discipline, and each member is especially required to preserve order and enforce discipline in his own department.
13. The individual professors have jurisdiction over the students in the general government of the University. They have the right to investigate and discover offenses and offenders, and any resistance to them, in the assertion of this right, is a resistance to the lawful authority of the governing power of the University. It is the duty of each professor and other officer to co-operate with the chancellor in discovering offenses and offenders, and to aid in preventing and suppressing disorders, and that, not as a posse comitatus summoned by him, but as those essentially vested with the authority
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and sharing with the Chancellor the responsibility to enforce discipline and good order. But their responsibility ceases when they have discovered offenses and offenders and reported them to the Chancellor, except in cases where the issue of expulsion is raised and such issue may be raised by any member of the Faculty. The Chancellor will alone be held responsible for the manner of dealing with the offender discovered by him or reported to him, except when the issue of expulsion is raised.
14. Should the authority of any Professor or Instructor be resisted by any student or students it shall not be competent for the Chancellor alone to investigate the case, but it shall be the duty of the officer thus resisted, to arraign the party or parties before the Faculty, and it shall be competent for that body to inflict any punishment, ranging from reproof to expulsion.
Chapter. II. Of Classes and Students.
1. There shall be four classes which in their succession shall be called, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior.
2. The terms of admission, the studies to be pursued and other exercises to be performed by the several classes shall be prescribed by the Faculty and the Trustees.
3. The students of each class shall attend daily, and shall perform such exercises as shall be prescribed by the Faculty.
4. All speeches and essays to be delivered in public or before the officers and students, shall be submitted to the Professor in charge of such exercises, at such time before the delivery as the Faculty shall prescribe. No student
shall make any additions to the corrected copy delivered to him by the Professor or deliver anything in public which he has been directed to omit. Any student violating this law or refusing to perform the past assigned him, shall forfeit his degree. The Faculty has the exclusive right to prescribe the order of speakers on all public occasions.
5. The Faculty may inflict such punishment as they may deem it necessary and proper, even to withholding of degrees, and the public exposure of their names on Commencement day, on members of the Senior class who may be guilty of acts of insubordination or other misconduct, after their final examinations.
6. No student against whom charges are pending before the Faculty shall be permitted to withdraw from the University until such charges are determined.
Chapter III. Of Religious Exercises and Moral Conduct.
1. The Chancellor, or in his absence one of the Professors or Instructors shall conduct daily morning prayers in the chapel or some other room, including the reading of a portion of the Scriptures. Each students shall attend such exercises.
2. The officers and students shall attend divine service on every Sabbath morning in the city of Athens, and the Sunday afternoon service held on the University grounds. No student shall go into the country to attend service unless by permission of the Chancellor.
3. A strict observance of the Sabbath is required of every student and it shall be his duty to attend with punctuality and becoming decency during divine service.
4. It is required of all students to treat all persons with decency and respect and especially to exhibit the most
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respectful department to the officers of the University, and if a student shall disobey any of the lawful commands of his instructors, or shall either in speech or action manifest disrespect toward any of them he shall be admonished or suspended according to the nature of his offense and if any student shall insult, or strike any officer he shall be suspended or expelled.
Chapter. IV Of the Library and Apparatus.
1. The Library is for the use of all persons directly connected with the University. No person except the Trustees, the Chancellor, the Professors, Instructors, officers and students shall have the privilege of taking books out of the library, except by permission of the Chancellor.
2. The Librarian shall keep a record showing every volume borrowed from the library, the name of the borrower, and the date of its loan and return
3. The Librarian shall note the injury if any done to any volume while in the possession of any person, and shall assess the damage to be paid thefor (sic) by such person. Such person shall be debarred the use of the library, until such damages are paid.
4. The Library shall be kept open daily except Sunday from 9.A.M. until 4.p.m.
5. No Student shall be allowed to take out more than two books at one time, nor retain any book longer than two weeks nor shall he lend any volume borrowed from the Library.
6. All volumes borrowed from the Library shall be returned at least one week before Commencement.
7. All the Apparatus is placed in the immediate care
of the Professors of the respective departments, but no instrument not any part of the apparatus shall be loaned to any person.
Chapter V. Of Offenses and Punishments.
1. Every absence of a student from recitation, lecture, or religious exercise shall be reported by his instructor and he shall be punished in such manner as the chancellor and and (sic) Faculty may think proper.
2. If a student shall be habitually inattentive to his duties or disorderly in his conduct, or should his example be thought injurious, the Faculty may send him privately from the Institution.
3. Any student who sends or accepts a challenge to fight a duel or who shall carry such challenge or he second in a duel, or in any way aid or abet it, shall be immediately expelled and shall not restored except by the Board of Trustees.
4. Any student found in the possession of any deadly weapon, or who shall be guilty of any crime for which an infamous punishment may be inflicted by law shall be expelled.
5. No student shall possess or exhibit any indecent picture, nor purchase nor read any lascivious, impious or irreligious books, and if he be convicted thereof, or of lying, profaneness, obscenity, playing at unlawful games, or other gross immoralities, he shall be punished according to the nature of his offense, by admonition, reproof, suspension, dismission or expulsion.
6. If any student quarrel with, abuse, strike or insult a fellow-student or other person, he shall be punished according to the nature of his fault.
7. No student shall bring or cause to be brought into the University buildings any spirituous malt or fermented
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liquors. Any students found buying or drinking any such liquors in any store or bar room, or who is found intoxicated therein or elsewhere shall be punished by admonition reproof, suspension or dismission for the first offense and for the second shall be expelled.
8. If any combination or agreement be formed by the students to do any unlawful act or to forbear from a compliance with any order from lawful authority or if any enormity, disorder or act of disobedience shall be perpetrated agreeably to or in conformity with such combination so many of the offenders shall be punished by reprimand, suspension, dismission, or expulsion, as may be deemed necessary for the preservation of good order.
9. No student expelled, dismissed, or suspended shall be permitted to enter the University buildings or grounds without permission from the Chancellor.
10. Every student shall when required give evidence respecting the violation of any laws, and if he refuse such evidence, when called on, or wilfully (sic) falsifies therin (sic) he may be punished even to dismission.
11. No student shall be questioned by another as to any testimony he may have given in regard to the violation of any law, and in case any student shall so question his fellow, to ascertain whether such testimony has been given, with intention to bring him into contempt the student so acting shall be deemed to have committed an offense, and shall be punished, according to the magnitude of the same, even to dismission.
12. Every student against whom sentence of expulsion has
been pronounced, may be (by) letter addressed to the chancellor, within ten days after said sentence appeal to the Board of Trustees, who may at the next session thereafter made a final decision thereon.
13. No student shall hereafter be regularly discharged from the University without the written consent of his parent or guardian, and the discharge shall be in such terms as the conduct of the student may warrant.
14. The Chancellor and Faculty shall make such rules and regulations relative to the police of the University buildings and grounds and the behavior of the students either as respects the decency of their department or the regularity of their practices and habits as may seem to them from time to time to be expedient, provided the same shall not be inconsistent with this code, and shall submit same to the Trustees at their next regular meeting for modification or rejection. Meanwhile they shall be of force.
15. If any case shall occur not expressly provided for, by law, the Chancellor and Faculty shall have power to provide suitable punishment in their discretion, by admonition, reprimand, suspension, dismission or expulsion, as the circumstances of the case may demand.
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Mr. McIntyre appeared, took his seat, and presented the report of the Branch College at Thomasville which was received and referred to committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr. Thomas submitted a communication from Mr. Bayard, asking that the records of the Mystical Seven, a secret fraternity once existing at the University be emmendered (sic) [remanded] to him, as the historian of that organization, which was agreed to, Mr McIntyre. The Board then took a recess until 4.P.M.
4.P.M. June 13th 1890.
The Board reconvened at 4.P.M.
Mr. Thomas. Resolved; That the sum of $20000. Be and the same is hereby appropriated for the printing of 1000 copies of the Manual of the University. 500 copies of the Laws of the University, for the government of Faculty and Students.
Resolved. That the Committee consisting of Mr. Thomas, Hammond and Hollis are charged with the carrying out of this order, and they are hereby authorized to add to the manual any further documents, which they may find necessary, in their discretion.
Which was agreed to.
Title to Cemetery
Mr. Hull introduced the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds.
Resolved. That this Board assert its title to that lot of land in the city of Athens, known as the Old Cemetery, and that the Mayor of Athens be notified that whenever it shall cease to be used for the purpose for which it was set apart, it shall be subject to the disposal of the Board. The Board took a recess until to-morrow at 10 A.M.
Athens, June 14th, 1890
The Board reconvened at 11.A.M. Minutes read and approved.
Mr. Hull moved to take up the report of the finance committee, which was agreed to.
Mr. Hull then moved to consider the finance by sections.
Mr. Hollis moved as a substitute that it lay upon the table, other reports were adopted.
Which was agreed to.
Mr Hull Chairman of the Auditing Committee submitted the Treasurers statement which was received and adopted.
Treas. Rect
Financial Report by Lamar Cobb, Secretary and Treasurer.
To the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia.
Athens, Ga. June 6th 1890.
1889. To Amt of Receipts from July 1st 89 to May 31st 90.
July. 1. To Int. on Genl Fund 18,000. @7%. 630.
LandSrip 8,477.07
Gilmer. 525.
Terrell. 700.
McCay from Feby 20th 89 379.16
1st Qr. Specl Appro. Dahlonega. 750.
Cuthbert. 500.
Milledgeville. 500.
Thomasville. 500.
27. Amt from Expt Station 1,049.
Oct. 2nd. Qr. Special Appro. Dahlonega. 750.
Jany. Cuthbert. 500.
Milledgeville. 500.
Thomasville. 500.
Amt from Expt. Station 1,375.
University of Georgia,
Int on 100,000. @ 8% 8,000.
Genl fund 18,000. 7% 630.
Land Scrip. 8,477.07.
Gilmer. 525.
Terrell. 700.
McCay. 525.
Qr. Special Appro. Dahlonega. 750.
Cuthbert. 500.
Milledgeville. 500.
Thomasville. 500
Amt. from Expt Station. 1,375.
March 1,375.
April. 1. Rents & ins. From Professors. 410.
Spcl. Appro. Repair Buildings. 4,000
Dahlonega 750.
Cuthbert 500.
Milledgeville 500.
Thomasville 500.
May Rents from Brumby 337.55.
Amt from College Farm. 144.80
Matriculation Fees. 1,560.
Library Fees. 780.
Chemical 255
Biology 295
Commission Brown Fund. 100
Amt from P.K. Society. 18
Brown Fund. 3,843.65.
Excess of Expenses over Receipts. 2871.56. ________
By Amt. of Expenditures from May 31st 89. To May 31st. 90.
By Amt of Expenses over Receipts to May 31st 89.1,555.42
Special Appro. D.C. Barrow. 44.80.
Library. 780.22
Special Appro. P.K. Society 48.
Salaries 26,866.65.
Music. &c 130.45.
Com. Sermon. 20.
Special Appro. Organ. 75.
Privies. 111.75.
Medals. 36.
Servants. 384.
Water Supply. 169.15.
Repair &c. 2,728.16.
Postage and Stationary 188.50.
Dahlonega Repairs. 362.79.
Incidentals. 158.72.
Insurance. 719.52.
Special Appro. Hymn Books. 33.80
Cat. Adv. & Printing 382.15.
Experiment Station 4,265.09.
Fuel &c. 230
Branch Colleges. 4248.37.
Gilmer Fund. 1,018.45.
Special Appro. Chemicals. 250.
Biological Fees. 44.88.
Laboratory 255.
Leg. Appro. For Branch Colleges. 9,000.
College Farm. 391.64.
Phil. Appt. 100.60.
Traveling Expenses Chancellor. 239.75.
Brown Fund. 3,519.
Respectfully Submitted. 58,357.86.
Lamar Cobb, Sec. & Ts.
University of Georgia,
We have examined the Treasurers vouchers and find them correct, and the totals to correspond with the statement.
A.L. Hull Auditing
A.J. McIntyre. Committee.
Mr. Billups. Resolved that the Morrill Bill and that part of the Chancellors Report relating thereto, and reorganizing the University be referred to a Committee of Three with Mr Thomas as as (sic) chairman. Adopted.
The Chair appointed as that committee, Messrs. Thomas, McIntyre and Lawton.
Mr Hamilton as chairman of the Committee on the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund. Made their report which was received and adopted.
Brown Fund. Report of Committee. Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund
Mr. Chairman;
The committee on the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship fund begs to report:
The amount of this fund is. 3,500.
Amount appropriated to Dahlonega is. 1,000.
Expenses of Administration 100.
Total. $1,100.
Amount at our Disposal. $2,400.
This fund is disposed of a follows:
W.F. Harwell, Senior Class. 180.
B.F. Pickett, 180.
J.H. Peacock, 180.
T.J. Shackelford 180.
J.D. Smith, 180.
Walker King. 180.
G.D. Pollock, Senior Class. $ 180.
W.J. Youmans. 180.
T.J. Felder 120.
J.O. Culpepper Junior Class 180.
Eugene Dodd. Sophomore Class. 180.
O.E. Horton. Hart. Co. 180.
M.C. Horton 180.
W.W. Sheppard. Law Class. 120.
Total. $2,400.
We find from the report of the Finance committee that the sum of $756.90, has been repaid by beneficiaries of the Charles McD. Brown Fund. This sum cannot be expended under the terms of the gift, but must be re-invested and added to the campus. We recommend that the Secretary and Treasurer be instructed to purchase with the sum together with other sums which may be in his hands for re-investment, bonds of the State maturing October, 1890, and convert into seven percent obligations of the State as has been done heretofore.
In this connection your Committee beg leave to say, those responsible for the execution of this Trust should use all means in their power to secure the repayment of the funds, received by the beneficiaries. The object of the Donor was evidently to put it in the power of worthy and bright young men, who were unable to educate themselves, and whose parents were unable to educate them, to accomplish that object by their own exertion, need to put the fund within their reach at a low rate of interest and the education when obtained would enable them to make the money and return it to the University with the small rate of interest then fixed, and at the same time to build up a fund which in the course of time would draw to the University a very large number of students, We would therefore recommend that the Secretary and Treasurer be requested to give diligent attention to the repayment of this fund by the beneficiaries, and that he be directed in addition to the obligations,
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which he now takes from the beneficiaries of this fund, to take a note from them on final settlement aggregating the whole amount received and in form as follows;
In consideration of benefits received by me from loans from the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund, which enabled me to acquire an education at the University of Georgia, on or before Five years after the date here of, I promise to pay the Trustees of the University of Georgia or order (blank space) Dollars, with interest from the (blank space) day of (blank space) 189. at the rate of four per cent per annum. As witness my hand and seal this (blank space) day of (blank space) 189 .
D.B. Hamilton, Chairman,
Mr. McDaniel as chairman of the Committee on Branch Colleges made a report of the Committee which was received and adopted.
Branch Colleges Report of the Committee on Branch Colleges.
The Committee on Branch Colleges respectfully submit the following;
It appears from the report of the Finance Committee, that aside from the amount due by contract to the North Georgia Agricultural College, the Gilmer Fund and the sums specially appropriated the Legislature for the Branch Colleges, all the available income of the University is needed for the proper maintenance of its existing organization. We cannot therefore recommend its usual appropriations from the LandSrcip Fund to the Branch Colleges except as required by contract. Should any sum be available for that purpose by reason of reduction in the proposed appropriations for the University proper, we think such sum should be appropriated on the basis of male students therein to the Branch Colleges at Milledgeville, Thomasville and Cuthbert. In reference to the chair submitted by the representatives
of the Southwest Georgia Agricultural College at Cuthbert, that the contract of Aug. 2nd 1879. By which the latter became a branch of the University bound the Trustees of the University to appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars from the Landscrip Fund annually for the support of that Branch college, we submit that it is wholly unfounded. There is an express provision in the contract, that this sum may be withdrawn whenever the needs of the University require it.
The income arising from the Gilmer Fund available for appropriation with is the sum of One Thousand Dollars. We recommend the apportionment of this sum to the Branch Colleges on the basis of the number of students in each who are preparing to become teachers and expect to teach. It appears from the reports before as that there are at Milledgeville, 128, of that class of students, at Dahlonega, 67, at Thomasville, 25, at Cuthbert, 15, a total of 235, which will give a per capita of $4.255.
To Milledgeville $544.64.
Dahlonega. 285.08.
Thomasville. 106.37
Cuthbert. 63.82.
This is recommended on the idea that it is the fixed rule for the distribution of this Fund adopted by the Board.
The General Assembly of the State in the Act of Dec. 26th. 1888, having appropriated to the University for the fiscal years of 1889 and 1890, the sum of Three Thousand Dollars per annum, for the support and maintenance of the Branch College at Dahlonega and the sum of Two thousand Dollars per annum for the support and maintenance of the Branch Colleges at Milledgeville, Thomasville and Cuthbert each, we recommend that these respective amounts be appropriated or paid to these Branch Colleges for the year 1890, according
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to the fiscal year of the State. The Report from the North Georgia Agricultural College showing a male attendance at that school of 131. During the last collegiate year, we recommend the payment of the sum of $200000. From the Land Scrip Fund to that institution for the next fiscal year.
Henry D. McDaniel
W.W. Thomas
John Screven
The Board took a recess until 4.p.m.
4.P.M. Board Reconvened.
Mr Hull read a communication from Mr. W.S. Holman in reference to the purchase of Rock College, which was read and laid on the table for the present.
Mr. Hammond offered the following resolution which was laid on the table for the present.
1. Resolved that the Committee on property be and hereby requested to make al needful repairs on the buildings of the University in Athens including re-covering of Old and New Colleges in the manner deemed by the Committee most suitable if they think the work necessary and that these repairs be paid for out of the $4,00000 appropriated by the Act of the last Legislature.
2. The above shall include the $87500. Mentioned in the report of Committee on Buildings and Grounds this day adopted.
Mr. Thomas moved that the subject of what property, articles, &c. belong to the Experiment Station be referred to a special committee composed of Messrs. Hull, Billups, McDaniel.
Mr. Billups, Chairman of the Committee on Laws and Discipline made a report.
Laws & Discipline.
The Committee on Laws and Discipline move the following Report;
We are not prepared at this time to recommend to the Board the adoption of the plan of final examinations for honors in the four suggested by the Chancellor and we recommend that so much of the Chancellors Report as relates to this subject be referred to the Chancellor and Faculty with the request that they consider the subject further and through the Chancellor report thereon to the next annual Session of this Board.
Upon the memorial of representatives of the eight fraternities of the University, referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline and so much of the Chancellors report as refers to that subject. The committee submits the following report;
Without expressing an opinion upon the claim of memorialists of so many and so great benefits to students holding membership in the fraternities, the Committee expresses its gratification that the paper submitted contains a clear and unequivocal recognition of the subserviency of the laws and privates rules and regulations of these fraternities to the laws of the University. This their distinct avowal, coupled with a pledge to adhere to it in the future is expressed in the following languages; Just as the College fraternity is the offspring of the College, so we realize, that the laws of the former must be subservient to those of the latter, and that whenever the two conflict, the former must yield. This is the position held now, and even heretofore by all the fraternities at the University, and we pledge ourselves to adhere to it in the future. We also note with pleasure the high estimate placed upon the two Literary Societies of the University by the memorialists. The advantages to be derived from attendance upon the meetings of these Societies and participation in the debates seem to be properly appreciated, and in our opinion cannot be too highly estimated. Having entire confidence in the honor of the young gentlemen composing the eight fraternities, and in view of the fact that the serious disturbances
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arising out of the very reprehensible conduct of some of the members of the fraternities during the present term were settled by the Chancellor and Faculty in a manner satisfactory to them, and relying upon the recognition of the Supremacy of the laws of the University and the pledge given in connection therewith the Board does not deem it necessary at this time to take action looking to the abolition of the fraternities we are the more inclined to make this recommendation from the fact that the memorialists report an increased interest in the two literary Societies and a larger membership during this term than for several preceding, and we enjoin upon the fraternities, as well as the other students the necessity of seeing to it that the benefits almost incalculable, that will be derived from the literary Societies be not neglected during the next collegiate year.
It is proper to state in this report that reference in the memorial to a letter written by the Chancellor to one of the fraternities misrepresents him as it manifest from a copy of that letter now before the committee. But at the request of the Chancellor, we take pleasure in the saying that he is fully satisfied as are we that the misrepresentation was not intentional. The Secretary will furnish memorialists with a copy of this report.
J.A. Billups. Chairman
N.J. Hammond.
A.R. Lawton. Committee.
A.L. Hutchins.
B.P. Hollis.
Mr. Hull from Special Committee on Property claimed by the Georgia Experiment Station made the following report which was received and adopted;
Board of Directors of the Georgia Experiment Station.
Resolved. 1. That this Board of Directors authorizes the Governor of Georgia to pay to the Board of Control of the Experiment Station established before the passage of the Act of the General Assembly approved December 29th 1888. Generally known as the Calvin Bill, the sum of ($5550.00) fifty five hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to liquidate the contracts made to carry on the work of such station, entered into before said date, as specified in the paper filed with this Board this day by the committee of said Board of Control, such amount to be paid out of funds received from the general government under the Hatch Act.
Resolved. 2. That the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia be and are hereby notified in accordance with Section 8 of the Act aforesaid that any and all purchases of apparatus &c made by them with monies drawn under the Hatch Bill and the Act amendatory thereof, and by reason of an Executive Order from the Governor of State of date June 14th 1888, shall be subject to the order of this Board to be used by it in furtherance of the provisions of said Act.
Resolved. 3. That the Secretary of this Board furnish to the secretary of the Board of Trustees of the State University and to His Excellency the Governor, each a copy of these resolutions, together with a copy of the itemized statement mentioned in Resolution
The above we think legal, N.J. Hammond, J.T. Nisbet.
University of Georgia,
Atlanta, Ga. Feb 5th 1889.
To the Board of Directors, Ga. Agric. Expt. Station.
Sirs; The Board of Trustees of the State University has entered into contracts for the payment of the following amounts on account of the existing Experiment Station from Jan. 1st 1889. to July 1st 1889.
Salaries. $.4400.00.
Printing. 400.00.
Chemicals, Laboratory Materials. 200.00.
Labor at the farm. 400.00.
Fuel, &c. 150.00.
$ 5550.00.
The Committee of the Board respectfully asks, that this amount derived from the appropriation under the Hatch Act be authorized to be paid out of the installments received April 1st 1889. and July 1st 1889.
A.L. Hull
Chairman Committee.
Athens. Ga. June 14th 1890.
Experiment Station Property.
To the Board of Trustees;
Your Committee appointed to enquire (sic) what apparatus and implements purchased with funds appropriated to the Experiment Station remain in the possession of the University, report the following list;
2.Microscopes. 2. Microtomes. 2. Dissecting Microscopes. One Typewriter, One Set of Soil Seives (sic). One Balance. One set of soil Thermometers. 1. Dynamometer. 1. Set Photographic Apparatus. 1. Wagon Scale. 1. Set Wagners pots. 1. Forage Cutter. 1. Grain Tresh (small.) 1. Spraying pump. 1. 20 Horse Power Boiler. 1. 10 Horse-power Engine. 1. Gas Generator. 1. Set of Tools. One Set of Drapers Meteorological Instruments. Sundry Books. Possibly there may be other things which were over-looked.
We recommend that these implements, and apparatus be held subject to the demand of the Directors of the Experiment
Station, and that the Secretary of that Board be notified there of through Prof. H. C. White by whose hand the communication from that officer was received.
H.D. McDaniel.
A.L. Hull. Committee.
J.A. Billups.
The Chair then announced the following Committees:
Committee on Invitation for 1890.
Hamilton, Hull, McIntyre.
Permanent Committees.
Finance. Hull, McDaniel, Hutchins.
Prudential. Thomas, Hull, Billups,
Property. Thomas, Screven, Hollis.
Honorary Degrees. Lawton, Little, The Chancellor.
Mr Hull read a communication from Dr. Wm. L. Jones and moved that the sum of $29.00, advanced by him be refunded, which was agreed to.
Board then took a recess until Monday, 10.A.M.
University of Georgia,
Monday, June 16th. 1890.
The Board met at 10.A.M.
The Commencement Sermon was preached on yesterday Rev. Geo. J. Goetchius, Rome, Ga. Text. They hate me without cause. John XV. 24.
Mr. Stovall appeared and took his seat with the Board.
The Secretary read of letter from Rev. Wm. H. Felton regretting that from his physical condition, he was unable to attend this meeting, and on motion of Mr. Billups he was excused.
On motion of Mr. Hull. Prof. C.P. Willcox was granted permission to visit Europe in 1891.
Mr. Hull. Resolved that the appointment of Judge Howell Cobb as one of the professors in the Law Department be confirmed. Adopted.
The Board then took a recess to hear the address of the Hon. R.W. Patterson of Macon, Ga. to the Literary Societies.
Board reconvened after the address, and took a recess until 3.p.m.
4.P.M. Board met. Mr. Harris appeared and took his seat with the Board. The Board took a recess to attend the Sophomore Exhibition.
Every Student must join one of the Literary Societies (written in the margin)
The Board reconvened after the Sophomore Exhibition. Mr Harris offered the following resolution, which was referred to the committee on Laws and Discipline. Resolved. That it is the sense of this Board that every student of the University should become a member of one of the Literary Societies of this institution, and that the Faculty by proper regulations shall see that this occurs.
Mr Harris read the Report from the Technological School, which was received, and that part of it referring to degrees was referred to the Special committee on the Form of a Diploma for the Technological School.
Mr Stovall was added to the Committee on Invitation for 1890. Mr Billups from the Committee on Laws and Discipline reported a substitute for Mr. Harris resolution.
Mr Thomas moved to lay both on the table, Mr McIntyre offered a substitute for the whole.
Resolved, That the Faculty encourage the students to join and regularly attend the Literary Societies, connected with this institution, which was agreed to.
Mr Thomas from the special committee on re-organization &c made a report which was received. On motion of Mr. McIntyre it was agreed that when the Board adjourned it be until 9.A.M. tomorrow. Mr Screven called special attention to that portion of the Chancellors message in reference to donations, and the non-recognition of them in any prominence in the University and moved, that that part of the report be referred to the special Committee on Re-organization &c. which was agreed to.
The Board then took a recess until 9.A.M. Tuesday.
University of Georgia,
Tuesday June 17th 1890.
The Board reconvened as continuous session.
The report of the Special Committee on Reorganization of the University was submitted by Mr. Thomas and adopted.
To the Trustees.
The Special Committee to which was referred the subject of reorganization of the University beg leave to report by proposing the following resolutions:
Whereas. it is of the first importance that the Trustees should formulate a definite and comprehensive scheme for the development of the University, to the end that it may be organized upon a basis which shall be in conformity to the advancement of letters and of educational methods, therefore; Resolved;
The University Faculty or Academic Council.
Shall be composed of the following professorships.
1. Prof. of Mental and Moral Philosophy. (The Chancellor.)
2. Prof. of Ancient Languages.
3. Prof. of Modern Languages.
4. Prof. of English.
5. Prof. of Mathematics.
6. Prof. of Physics.
7. Prof. of Chemistry.
8. Prof. of Mineralogy and Geology.
9. Prof. of Biology.
10. Prof. of Applied Mathematics and Engineering.
11. Prof. of Agriculture.
12. Prof. of History and Political Science.
13. A Lecturer on Subjects Relating to the Evidences and the Defense of Natural and Revealed Religion.
14. Prof. of Pedagogics. [13& 14. may be non-residents.]
1. Instructor in Ancient Languages.
2. Instructor in Mathematics.
3. Instructor in Mechanics and Astronomy.
4. Instructor in Free Hand and Mechanical Drawing.
5. Instructor in Analytical Chemistry.
6. Instructor in Elocution and Oratory.
Fellowships in
1. Ancient Languages.
2. Modern Languages.
3. English.
4. Mathematics.
5. Physics.
6. Chemistry.
7. Biology.
8. Engineering.
Commandant of Cadets.
Within the general University organization of which the Chancellor shall be the head, there shall be two separate and distinct organizations as follows;
A Faculty of Arts. [Franklin College.]
Consisting of the following;
1. A Dean. [who shall fill one of the chairs.]
2. A Prof. of Moral and Mental Philosophy
3. A Prof. of Ancient Languages.
4. A Prof. of Modern Languages.
5. A Prof. of English.
6. A Prof of History and Political Science.
7. A Prof. of Mathematics.
8. A Prof. of Physics.
9. A Prof. of Chemistry.
10. A Prof. of Biology.
University of Georgia,
11. A Prof. of Mineralogy and Geology.
12. An Instructor in Ancient Languages.
13. An Instructor in Elocution and Oratory.
14. A Fellow in Ancient Languages.
15. A Fellow in Modern Languages.
16. A Fellow in English.
17. A Fellow in Mathematics.
A Faculty of Science. [Georgia State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.]
consisting of the following:
1. A President. [Who shall fill one of the chairs.]
2. A Prof. of Modern Languages.
3. A Prof. of English.
4. A Prof. of History.
5. A Prof. of Mathematics.
6. A Prof of Physics. Physical Geography and Meteorology.
7. A Prof of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry. 8. A Prof. of Botany and Entomology.
9. A Prof of Economic Geology.
10. A Prof. of Engineering.
11. A Prof of Agriculture and Horticulture.
12. A Commandant of Cadets. [Who shall fill one of the Instructorships.]
13. An Instructor in Mathematics.
14. An Instructor in Mechanics and Astronomy.
15. An Instructor in Analytical Chemistry.
16. An Instructor in Freehand and Mechanical Drawing.
17. A Fellow in Physics.
18. A Fellow in Chemistry.
19. A Fellow in Biology.
20. A Fellow in Engineering.
In the State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts there shall be established a school of practical agriculture to be conducted under the direction of the
Professor of Agriculture at the University farm. There shall also be established an institute of Pedagogics upon the Gilmer foundation to which the members of the Faculty shall contribute and which instruction shall be given by the Professor of Pedagogics.
The government of the University and its internal management shall be entrusted as heretofore the Chancellor and general Faculty and all undergraduates however they may be classified shall be upon terms of perfect equality in all respects, and to be free to choose under the direction of the Faculty any of the courses of study offered by the University.
Resolved. Further that the Board will proceed to elect all of the officers, Professors, Instructors and Fellows, and to make such further order as to details as may be necessary from time to time, and put the same into complete operation, as soon as the necessary funds for the same are at the command of the Trustees.
W.W. Thomas.
June 16th 1890. A.J. McIntyre. Committee
A.R. Lawton.
Mr. __ (blank space) offered the following resolution which was agreed to. Resolved. That the members of this Board report to the Secretary their actual fare to and from Athens to their homes, and that to each shall be delivered a voucher showing such mileage and their per diem at four dollars per day, inclusive of the Sabbath, which voucher shall be approved by H.V. M. Miller Chairman of the Board at this meeting and by the Secretary of the Board.
The Board then adjourned.
University of Georgia,
Tuesday, June 17th 1890.
The Board met at 10.A.M. The minutes were read and approved.
On motion of Mr. Billups, Mr. Gresham was excused from attendance at this session, on account of illness.
Mr. Thomas made the following report, which was adopted.
Naming Chairs.
The Committee to which was referred the suggestion of the Chancellor as to the naming of chairs in honor of those who have made or may make donations to the University report the following resolution.
Resolved. That the professorship of Ancient Languages is hereafter to be known as the Milledge, Chair of Ancient Languages.
In all future catalogues and annual announcements this note shall be printed. Erected by the Trustees to the lasting honor of Gov. John Milledge, the first benefactor of the University of Georgia.
Respectfully Submitted.
W.W. Thomas
A.R. Lawton. Committee.
A.J. McIntyre
Mr. Hull moved to take up the report of the Finance Committee, which was agreed to.
Mr. Billups, President of the Alumni Society was excused from attendance during the meeting of the Society.
The following resolution offered by Mr. Hammond was taken up from the table and adopted.
1. That the Committee on Property be and are hereby requested to make all needful repairs on the buildings of the University in Athens including the covering of Old and New Colleges in the manner deemed by the Committee most suitable, if they think the repairs necessary and that these repairs be paid for out of the $400000. Appropriated by the Act of the last Legislature.
2. The above shall include the $875.00 mentioned in the report of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, this day adopted, Mr Hamilton offered the following resolutions, which were adopted.
1. That we consider it advisable for the Secretary who is ex-officio Treasurer to be a member of the Board of Trustees.
2. That the salary of the Secretary and Treasurer be $800.00 per annum and that we now elect a Secretary and Treasurer at this annual meeting, who shall enter upon the duties of his office on the 1st. day of September next and hold his office until the next annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, in June, and hereafter his term of office shall be one year or until his successor is elected and qualified.
3. That the present Secretary and Treasurer hold his office until the 1st. of September next at the rate of $800.00 from July 1st. per annum at which time he will make settlement with the newly elected Secretary and Treasurer, and turn over all the papers, books, accounts, notes, stocks, bonds, and all effects of any kind and character in his possession to the newly elected Secretary and Treasurer when he is duly qualified according to the laws governing the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Hollis offered a resolution in reference to the sale of the stock at the farm, which referred to a special Committee consisting of Messrs. Hollis, McIntyre and Thomas.
The Board then went into an election for Secretary and Treasurer, and upon counting the ballots. Mr. A.L. Hull, was unanimously elected.
The Report of the Finance Committee was then adopted.
University of Georgia,
Finance Committee
To the Board of Trustees:
Your Committee on Finance respectfully submit the following report:
The funded assets of the University remain the same as last reported amounting in all to $460,202.17/100.
The Receipts from all sources from May 31st. May 31st 1890 were:
Interest from General and Terrell Funds. $10,660.
Gilmer 1,050.
Land Scrip. 16,954.14.
McCay 904.16
Brown 3,500
Repaid by Beneficiaries of do. do. 343.65.
Received from Experiment Station 5,174.
Matriculation Fees. 1,560.
Library 780.
Laboratory 550.
Rents and Returned Insurance. 747.55
Legislative Appropriation to Branch Colleges. 9,000.
Repairs 4,000.
Sale of Farm Products. 144.80.
Commissions on Brown Fund. 100.
Deficit May 31st. 1890. 2,871.56.
During the same period there was expended:
For Library Account. $ 780.22.
Branch Colleges. 13,248.37.
Brown Fund. 3,519.
Experiment Station 4,265.09.
General Expenses 7,742.32.
Repairs at Dahlonega. 362.79.
Salaries of Officers 26,866.65.
Deficit on May, 31st. 1889. 1,555.42.
Estimated Income for Current Expenses, May 31st. 1890. to May 31st. 1891.
Interest from General. Terrell. Landscrip and Gilmer Funds. $28,664.14
Matriculation Fees. 1,600.
Rents. 750.
Experiment Station. 1,375.
Commissions on Brown Fund. 100.
Deficit. 1,892.42.
Appropriations Recommended.
Branch College at Dahlonega. $. 2,000.
Branch Colleges, Gilmer Fund. . 1,000.
Salaries of Officers. 24,550.
Servants. 400.
Fuel. 350.
Water. 200.
Repairs of Apparatus. 100.
Insurance. 550.
Catalogue, Advertising and Printing. 550.
Postage and Stationery. 150.
Incidentals, including privies. 250.
University of Georgia,
Sermon at Commencement $ 20.
Medals. 36.
Purchase of Engineering Apparatus. 200.
Music. 150.
Traveling Expenses of Chancellor. 100.
Repairs on Buildings. 875.
To Repay Dr W.L. Jones. 29.
Deficit May 31st. 1890. 2,871.56.
Salaries are estimated as follows;
Chancellor. $ 3,000.
Professor of Physics. 2,000.
Chemistry. 2,000.
Modern Languages. 2,000.
Ancient 2,000.
Belles Letters and English. 2,000.
Agriculture and Geology 2,000.
Biology 2,000.
Engineering. 2,000.
Mathematics. 2,000.
Military Tactics and Asst. Prof. of Math. 1,500.
Tutor in Ancient Languages. 1,000.
Secretary and Treasurer. 800.
Inspector of Buildings. 250.
The sum of $756 90/100 has been repaid by beneficiaries of the Charles McD. Brown Fund. and $904 16/100 has been collected as interest on the McCay donation, and on July 1st. next $52500 will be added to the latter. These sums cannot be expended under the terms of the gifts, but must be re-invested and
added to the corpus, We recommend to the Board, that bonds of the State maturing October, 1890, be purchased with these sums and converted into Seven percent obligations of the State as has been done heretofore.
Respectfully Submitted for the Committee.
June 9th. 1890. A.L. Hull. Chairman.
The Board took a recess to attend the meeting of the Alumni Society.
Reconvened after the meeting of the Alumni Society.
Mr Lawton called the attention of the Board to the fact that the minutes of the Board for August 1859. failed to show the names of the graduates of that year. The space being blank, and on his motion the Secretary directed to obtain a correct list of that class and insert their names.
Mr. Hollis, from the special Committee on the farm, reported the following resolution, which was agreed to.
Resolved. That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars be and it is hereby appropriated for the support of the University farm for the next year. And that the question of operating farm and of the sale of the mules, and other personal property at said farm be and it is hereby referred to the Prudential Committee with power to act. B.P. Hollis,
A.J. McIntyre. Committee.
W.W. Thomas.
On motion of Mr. Thomas, Mr W.D. Hooper was elected Instructor in Ancient Languages.
On Mr. Thomas motion Prof. David C. Barrow Jr. was assigned to the chair of Mathematics, and Prof. C.M. Strahan to the chair of Engineering.
Mr Lawton from the Committee on honorary degrees reported back all applications that had been furnished the committee, neither with or without recommendation, as there
University of Georgia,
had not been furnished the Committee sufficient evidence to authorize report.
On motion of Mr Hammond the degree of L.L.D. was conferred on Dr. A.W. Calhoun of Atlanta, Ga and the degree of A.M. on William H. Fleming of Augusta, Ga.
On motion of Mr. Billups the degree of D.D. was conferred on Rev. Henry F. Hoyt.
The Board then took a recess until 3:45 P.M.
Board reconvened after the Junior Exercises.
On motion of Mr. Hull it was resolved that the salary of Mr. WD Hooper as Instructor shall begin from the first day of September, 1890.
Mr. Hammond from the Committee on degrees for the Technological school, was read and adopted and is as follows;
The Committee to whom was referred the matter of degrees in the school of Technology report the following resolution;
Resolved. That the Local Board of Trustees are hereby authorized to grant the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering to graduates of the Technological school at Atlanta, and the Chancellor shall sign such diplomas.
N.J. Hammond. for Committee.
Mr. Thomas reported the Faculty as reorganized, and is as follows;
University of Georgia
Proposed Scheme of Organization
A. University Faculty, or Academic Council.
1. Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy. [The Chancellor]
2. Professor of Ancient Languages
3. Professor of Modern Languages.
4. Professor of English.
5. Professor of History and Political Science.
6. Professor of Mathematics.
7. Professor of Physics.
8. Professor of Chemistry.
9. Professor of Mineralogy and Geology.
10. Professor of Biology.
11. Professor of Applied Mathematics and Engineering.
12. Professor of Agriculture.
B. Non-Residents.
1. A Lecturer on Subjects relating to the Evidences and the Defense of Natural and Revealed Religion.
2. A Professor of Pedagogics.
C. Instructors.
1. Commandant of Cadets
2. Instructor in Ancient Languages.
3. Instructor in Mathematics.
4. Instructor in Mechanics and Astronomy.
5. Instructor in Free Hand and Mechanical Drawing.
6. Instructor in Analytical Chemistry.
7. Instructor in Elocution and Oratory.
D. Fellows.
1. Fellow in Ancient Languages.
2. Fellow in Modern Languages.
3. Fellow in English.
4. Fellow in Mathematics.
5. Fellow in Physics.
6. Fellow in Pure and Analytical Chemistry.
7. Fellow in Biology.
8. Fellow in Engineering.
Athens, Ga. May 15th. 1890.
University of Georgia,
On motion of Mr Hull it was ordered that a blank page be set apart in the minutes to be inscribed with the name of Henry W. Grady, stating the date of his birth, election as Trustee, and death. Messrs, McDaniel and Harris were excused after today. The Board then adjourned until tomorrow at 10.A.M.
Wednesday, June 18th. 1890,
Board met at 10.30. A.M. Minutes read and confirmed.
By Mr. Hollis;
Resolved: That the biennial report of the Board of Trustees, required by the 8th Section of the Act approved Aug. 23rd 1889, shall be prepared and submitted to the General Assembly, through the Governor by a Special Committee consisting of N.J. Hammond, W.W. Thomas; William A. Little, said Committee to act in conjunction with Hon. John J. Gresham, Chairman of the Board. Adopted.
By Mr. Hull:
Resolved: That the Faculty consider what means can be adopted to lessen the number of entertainments during commencement which occur to the serious injury of the University, and also to secure a larger attendance by the students upon its exercises. Adopted
Mr. Billups, from the Committee on Laws and Discipline, made the following report; which was read and adopted;
The Committee on Laws and Discipline recommend that the several degrees mentioned in the Chancellors report be conferred upon the gentlemen named.
On motion of Mr. Lawton, the degree of A.M. was conferred on J.G.C. Parker of McDonough, Ga. Frank Parks of La Grange, The Board then took a recess to attend the Commencement exercises at the chapel.
Board reconvened after the exercises at the Chapel.
Mr. Thomas offered the following resolution; which was adopted:
Resolved: That Messrs. Hammond, Felton, Little, McDaniel, and Hull be appointed to represent the University before the Legislature.
Following applications for Honorary Degrees were filed;
On motion of Mr. Hammond, adjourned.
University of Georgia,
Chancellors Report.
To the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia;
The year now nearing its close has been a session of prosperity and progress for the University. The health of the students and instructors has been with few exceptions and the work accomplished has been encouraging in a high degree.
In the University proper at Athens there have been matriculated. One hundred and ninety four (194.) being a gain of sixteen (16.) over the attendance of last year. These were distributed as follows;
Post Graduate ---- 1. Freshmen. ------- 23.
Seniors. -----------35. Elective. --------- 17.
Juniors ------------35. Law Class. ------ 35.
Sophomores ----- 48. Total. ----------- 194.
Of these forty five belong the (sic.) the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.
Order and Discipline.
The good conduct of the students during the year has often been commented on by citizens and especially by such as are connected with the municipal government, and thus know the facts intimately. But on the other hand candor requires us to admit that this general rule has been at times violated. Buildings have been again and again opened at night, after a long-standing custom of the boys in search of examination papers, and with the purpose of destroying them. The College Boarding House has been the scene of some disturbances, until at last Mr. Stillwell declined to keep it open and the occupants of the dormitory have found table board elsewhere.
It is believed by the Faculty that the inconveniences of the arrangements in the boarding house were the occasion in part a least (sic) of these disturbances. The dining hall and kitchen are in a dark and ill-ventilated cellar, as it were. The smell from cooking food fills the building. There is much difficulty in keeping the dishes free from flies, and other impurities. And in warm weather the heat becomes very oppressive. Partly from the difficulty of finding a suitable person to take charge, more still in view of these difficulties in the arrangements, the Faculty agreed to the request of the students and allowed the boarding hall to remain idle. Articles of agreement between the Faculty and Students were entered into. And since then we have had no trouble to speak of. but the Faculty do not overlook the good end had in view by the Board, in establishing the boarding house. And should the cost of boarding in the city be again raised too high, we stand ready to re-open the dining room as a defense to students. We hope that such a contingency may not occur until the State or some good friend of the University shall have erected a dining hall, which is decent and comfortable.
Fraternity Troubles.
But the most serious disturbances of the year were due to the unfortunate row between certain of the fraternities and the newspaper articles relating thereto. Of these a full report was mailed to each trustee. A copy of which. (See paper. A.) is for your convenience filed as part of this report. The Fraternities were as you know, suspended, the discipline seems to have had a salutary effect, though it remains true that in one way or another the Fraternities are connected with nearly every difficulty among students. The evils of these secret clubs are apparent, but the remedy is not so clear, among these evils found as I am told wherever Fraternities appear, is the decline of the debating societies, from which students would otherwise derive
University of Georgia.
educational benefits about equal to those of any chair. What compensation the clubs propose I do not see. Literary qualifications seem to make no figure in their membership now. In Chancellor Tuckers time they were all abolished. He thought that he had succeeded in extirpating them. But rumors prevail to the effect that means were found to evade the law. Chancellor Mell, it is said, valued them as a means of governing the students. Just how he used them, I do not know. Their open existence now is ascribed to his agency. But there is no record in your minutes showing that they have any legal status whatever. The last record that we can find states that a motion to restore them was tabled. Thus the matter remains to day. Rumor states that somehow authority was obtained from the Prudential Committee. But of this no written evidence has been found. I think that every member of the Faculty agrees with me in believing them to be a great evil. I wish that your Committee on Laws and Discipline might call the Faculty before them, to testify as to this matter.
The Faculty
It gives me great pleasure to testify to the zeal and ability with which the professors have performed every duty laid upon them. A more conscientious and laborious body, it has never been my fortune to meet. Prof. Bocock encountered peculiar difficulties in his effort to re-organize the department of Ancient Languages on a solid basis. I will venture to say that such abuses have rarely ever existed in a respectable institution as were found it that department. I hope that the Board will make inquiries for your own satisfaction into the way in which, the affairs of the department were conducted. (See paper B.)
Prof. Bococks health usually very robust was seriously interrupted for two-months, by an attack of rheumatism, and in the midst of these perplexities, Mr Franklin announced
his purpose to leave his post, that he might enter upon the practice of law, in which a fine opening had presented itself. Fortunately in Mr. W.H. Pope of the Law Class, who was graduated with honors in the last class, we found a substitute. Mr Popes plans do not allow him to remain longer, and a suitable man must be provided for the excessive work of the department. The suggestion being made that the Board would expect me to furnish information, I have carefully enquried with Prof. Bococks help. We feel that in Mr. Hooper a former pupil of Prof. B. we have just the man whom we need. Recommendations showing his pure morals, his Christian faith, scholarship, experience are herewith submitted. (See paper. B.) To my mind not the least of his qualifications is to be found in his intimate acquaintance with the methods of Prof. Bocock, with who he can work in perfect harmony. I will add that Mr. Hooper has been during this year engaged in teaching in the Branch College at Cuthbert. His work has proven in every way satisfactory and I heartily recommend that you employ him at a salary of not less than $120000. (the other adjunct professors now receive $150000.)
Adjunct Professor Strahan.
Mr. Strahan has been for a number of years employed by the University in giving assistance in various departments. His thorough and symmetrical development enables him to do almost any work that may be needed. As a graduate and teacher he reflects credit and honor upon his alma mater, to whose interest he is warmly devoted. His blameless Christian activity, social kindness, and love of teaching young men mark as a professor; whom we cannot afford to lose, I do not believe that we can find his superior in the country. His salary had been paid from the $550000 received under contract with the Experiment Station at Griffin. That contract expires on the 30th, inst. Prof. White and I have long known, that it was likely that the contract would not be renewed. Such is the case. And there are obvious reasons why the University
University of Georgia,
should not desire further connection with the station. Under these conditions we must find a salary for this invaluable teacher or other work or else lose him. Profs. Charbonnier and Barrow who have filled with honor the Chair of Engineering unite in recommending that he be placed in charge of that chair, which has reflected so much credit upon the University. They know him thoroughly, as pupil and associate, and they hold him better fitted for the peculiarities of the work than any one else. Prof. Strahan has served long enough to be promoted. With the closest economy, using the $4,000.00 appropriated by the Legislature for repairs. I believe you can effect this desirable object. I hope you will do so.
Changes in the Examinations.
The entire Faculty concur in the improved methods introduced during the year. Their prime object was as you remember to abate the evils of the cramming system, by promoting daily study. To this end you sanctioned our suggestion that the written Reviews every month should be held without any previous announcement and strenuous measures taken to have every student present. Besides this it was ordered that the final examinations should be limited to four hours, and that the marks gained in them should count only one quarter, while the united dailies and monthlies should be of the students standing. Thus it was made certain that every student must do work every month. The plan is working a reform of great value. It is helped forward by the use made of the Monthly Reports, in the Chancellors office. A digest is prepared of all marks which indicate deficiency. The student is called in and an explanation required. He is then notified that unless he improves, serious action will be taken. If the will is to blame and he refuses after patient and repeated admonition to do better, he is sent home. Thus the idlers are surely weeded out and injury thereby warded off from themselves and others. If the fault seems to be in want of ability, the
failing student is required to take such studies as he can hope to master. The result is becoming very apparent. Together with this, we see clearly the need of requiring full preparation in all who wish to enter the University. Our courses are as much as the average youth can compass, If unprepared he can neither make up nor keep up. If to this now the Board will add one more element, by agreeing to our request that finals he reserved for the competitors for honors, and made of such a character as to preclude cramming. our scheme will be ideally complete what you have granted will require work, regularly from all, especially from the boys of average ability. The written monthly reviews will be sufficient for determining the diploma. It has everything needed. But what we need in addition is something that will stimulate higher scholarship in the boys of superior ability. For this experience shows there can be no substitute for thorough final examinations. The English, German, and American Universities all note know it, and have known it for ages. Let the honors be completed for as the orations and essays are now. Excluding the average boys and appealing only to the ablest, we can give such finals as render cramming absurd. They will call forth the highest endeavor and produce scholarship of which you will be proud.
Claims of the Experiment Station.
The Experiment Station at Griffin has asked that all apparatus &c. purchased with the funds, obtained by the University under the Hatch Bill be turned over according to the Calvin Act, I recommend that you instruct the Prudential Committee to do this, taking receipts for all property thus given up.
Organization of the State College.
My attention having been directed to the written agreement made in 1872. between the University of Georgia of the one part, and the State represented by Gov. Smith. I am astonished to find such a
University of Georgia,
glaring discrepancy between the stipulations of the contract and the existing fact in the State College. For example the contract pledges the University to maintain the district organization of the College with a president and sundry chairs, which are all fully specified; to have a professor of Agriculture deliver popular lectures on agriculture and horticulture in different parts of the State; to make reports to the Governor of expeninenture (sic): to deoote (sic) all the money accruing from the Land Scrip Fund to the one purpose specified. Manifestly there was never a thought of sending the income or any part of it to schools other than the one so established schools where the subjects contemplated in this agreement or in the Act of Congress appropriating the means are not studied at all except indeed as they are in every primary school and every girl school. All schools teach what makes their pupils more intelligent, and intelligence aids men to be better farmers, but manifestly something more than this was intended by Gov. Smith more is implied in the stipulations.
These convictions are shared, as I learn to-day, by Profs, Jones, Charbonnier and White. The Board is fully aware of their ability to judge, of their familiarity with the facts. They feel, one and all, that with such stipulations, they could not divert the funds to other schools, than the one contemplated. Pardon my boldness of speech, but I feel that a crisis has been reached in the history of our University. There is now pending before Congress, a bill introduced by Senator Morrill, which appropriates $1500000. to the A.&M. Colleges established under the act of 1862. and increasing this amount
by $100000, per annum until it reaches a maximum of $2500000. per annum. The funds are said to be sufficient to furnish this amount for 50 years. The language of the Morrill Bill seems to be very specific. It requires that annual reports of all expenditures be made to the government at Washington. We need to stand exactly on the record. to which I doubt not we shall be held with rigor. The information reaches us through an influential lobby in Washington which is working for the Bill. They think it will pass in a few weeks, and the money become available in July. I see no cause to doubt their judgement. And in view of all this. I do most earnestly entreat the Board to order your Prudential Committee to organize the A. & M. College, exactly, word for word, item by item, on the plan set forth in the agreement of 1872. For your convenience I hereby file a copy of the Morrill Bill. (marked . C) and also a copy of the agreement of 1872. (paper marked. D.) The action will not cost a cent. It can do no harm but may avert harm. Let us be ready to meet any and every hostile movement, that may be aroused by the appropriation. We all know that there are men ready and eager to seize that or any other money. The appropriation under the Hatch Bill was so seized and divested. If the effort be repeated, we should be ready, so it seems to me, to appeal to the proper authority to devote the money to the purposes designated in the Bill. We have had a taste of what men can do. Let us profit by our experience. We have been very concessive in the face of wrong, but concession has its limits. Let us organize, I repeat, exactly on the lines of the agreement of 1872, Let us proceed to do the very things set down in the writing, and we shall be the stronger when the day of trial comes,
University of Georgia,
Dr Jones Report on the Farm.
I desire to call your attention to the report of Dr. Jones on the farm to which you appropriated $50000. in June last. (See paper E) and so doing, I take occasion to repeat that all agricultural colleges seem to have Experimental Farms attached whether with or without the Experimental Station fund, I do not think we should be too much unlike the others. If they can use them to good purpose so can we. Such a farm can be used as a useful object lesson for all students of the State College. It ought to be so used. I see no reason why it should not be so used. The fact that Georgia has another farm at Griffin has nothing whatever to do with our plans any more than the much larger and finer experimental farm under professor Irby in Southwestern Georgia has to do with us.
Plan of Enlargement
Nor need we apprehend that there will be any conflict between proper organization of the A. & M. College according to the contract of 1872. and the Plan. drafted with great care by the Faculty at the request of Mr. W.W. Thomas and forwarded at his suggestion to the members of the board from the chancellors office. Were we to receive the $15,00000. in July, that circumstance would only increase the certainty of further endowments. Money draws Money. when New York gave the whole of her enormous Land Scrip. (1,080,000 acres.) to found a University, that drew Ezra Cornells great gift of $500,00000. And that drew another endowment of $1,500,00000. from a private source, (which by the way Cornell has lost by failing to have her charter amended, so that she might receive more than $3,000,00000. which she had already.)
The same thing is true at Harvard and at Princeton. Money draws money. Let us be ready. It will do no harm. It costs nothing. I (sic) may save something. Doubtless Cornell wishes she, had been ready.
Address before the Legislature.
This brings me to say, that the Chancellor appeared according to law before the General Assembly in July last, and made an address on higher Education in its Relations to the States. Both he and the address were kindly received, and he expects to go again, as often as the law gives him authority. But what the friends of the University felt most their need of was a digested Plan for conducting the University, for applying any monies that might be given by the legislature. The noble leader of the campaign, Dr Felton of Bartow, will corroborate all that I say on that head. I hope you will go in propria persona, for which you too have a legal right to plead for your University as Thomas Jefferson plead for 28 years with the stingy Legislature of Virginia, until he secured for ages unnumbered the priceless blessing of his great university. A combination of unfriendly influences of which the mistaken zeal for denominational colleges seemed to be the chief defeated us. But He that fights and runs away, Will live to fight another day. the contest can be renewed. The cause is worthy. It involves the highest earthly interest of the Anglo Saxons in Georgia. It is worth living for. Far better worth dying for than many issues, for which men are eager to paid peril limb and life. Let us stand in our lot. Providence devolves on us a high trust.
For some humble suggestions looking to the harmonizing of the A. & M. College as it should be with the Plan forwarded to each member recently, I refer you to an able (paper marked F.) It was drawn up by Dr. White at my request since we heard reliably of the probable passage of the Morrill Bill. And should the Board or any Committee desire to enquire further of this matter, I ask leave to bring with me Prof. White, with whom
University of Georgia,
it is my habit to take counsel often.
The Charles McDonald Brown Fund.
Competitive examination papers were sent out to thirteen persons. A number of them seemed to have failed to make answer. I judge they saw that they were not prepared. Such answers as have been forwarded have been examined by the professors, and marked. The results are herewith filed in paper numbered G.
With these I also present applications from students who are already receiving loans. Of these Mr. W. W. Shepherd received an average, at graduation of 91.46. (90 being required.) He was recalled last autumn before he could avail himself of the fund to the death bed of his brother, and has been detained, by a series of distressing afflictions. Messrs. Harwell, Pickett and J.D. Smith, and T.J. Shackelford received above 90. But Messrs. Felder, Walker King and J.O. Culpepper fell below. Mr Culpepper is known as one of the most dutiful, laborious, and moral boys in the University. He was attacked by pneumonia, and his life brought to the verge of the grave. His strength has been greatly impaired, I think he ought not to lose his place, for such a calamity. Messrs. Felder and Walker King are good students. Part of their drop in marks, especially Mr. Kings is doubtless due to the changes in the department of Ancient Languages. They may truly say that they had steadily lost in these languages from the time of entering the University. Mr. King is only a slight fraction below the mark anyhow. He has struggled through many difficulties, and is far advanced in years. To lose now would be a great calamity to him. The Messrs. Horton are I am told kinsmen to Gov. Brown. I do not know whether they are liable to the limit or not.
Their opportunities have been very meagre. (see paper H.) Mr. Peacock of the Senior Class possesses the requisite mark. But Mr. Eugene Dodd of the Freshman Class was called away the night before standing his final examination in Greek. by the drowning of his brother. He leads a very bright class, with average between 95 and 100. He is known as one of the best students in the University. Mr. G.D. Pollock has an average of 85.4. Some allowance might be made for the reason specified above.
Chapel. Bible Classes. Prayer Meeting.
Immediately upon taking charge, the chapel services were resumed for all students at 4 oclock on Sunday afternoons. The attendance has been good, attention serious, behavior much improved. If only we had the means of warming the large chapel in cold weather, it is believed that numbers of the citizens might be expected to attend. The Lecture Room with its low ceiling often proves very uncomfortable for the audience when it is large. Daily morning prayers are held at 9. oclock. Here too the attention and behavior have greatly improved. By carefully selecting a portion of Scripture, especially suited to young men, it is possible to inculcate the most salutary lessons. A Bible class for Students on Sabbath morning has been well attended. And in the afternoon Prof. Bocock had a class in the Greek New Testament which drew together quite a number of the students. The Friday night prayer meetings have been kept up by the students. Every effort will be made to foster religious life in the University. And in this, I can safely count upon the Sympathy and cooperation of the Faculty, all of whom are members of some Evangelical Church several being the acknowledged leaders of the Churches.
University of Georgia,
Applicants for Degrees.
The Faculty recommend the following gentlemen for degrees, at the Commencement, viz;
C. &. M.E.
J.G. Basinger.
W.S. Basinger.
F.E. Callaway, W.D. Ellis. Jr., B.W. Hall, T.C. Hardman,
A.F. Harrington, L. C. Hayes, E.B. Moore, N.L. Poullain,
W.D. Reid, W.J. Shaw, J.R.L. Smith, W.N. Smith,
S.C. Upson, W.S. Way.
B. Ph.
P.S. Arkwright, F.E. Callaway, H.O. Crittenden, John Hale,
A.S. Harper, T.L. Hill, J.N. Holder, .F. Johnson,
S.P. Jones, E.G. Russell, D.S. Sanford, F.C. Shackelford,
R.H. Sheffield, J.R.S. Smith, W.N. Smith, W.L. Stallings.
W.S. Way, J.H. Williford.
J. Cotes, B.C. Collier, H.F. Cooper, J.H. Dozier,
M.W. Garbutt.
The report of the Librarian is herewith filed paper I. It gives me pleasure to testify (to) the excellent management of this important branch of College life. and to the fine personal influence exerted over the students by Miss Frierson.
For the condition of the Branch Colleges, I must refer you to their reports as published in the catalogues (pp. 48-50.) My duties in the class room have given me no time for visitation since the summer of 1889. Upon urgent request of the Trustees I appointed my venerable friend Prof. Rutherford to go to Cuthbert for me. He would also have attended the Commencement in Milledgeville
on yesterday, had his health permitted. The North Georgia, and South Georgia Colleges hold their Commencement Exercises on the 22nd inst. I expect to be present at one or the other of them. I have urged upon the Milledgeville and Thomasville Branches the importance, if the agreement with the University is to stand, that this Board elect the presidents according to the contract. If they are to be subordinate parts of the University System, it is important for obvious reasons that the president be under your jurisdiction. But in both instances the reply was made, that their Board had as a matter of courtesy allowed the local Trustees to elect. I think it a bad plan.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm. E. Boggs.
June 12th. 1890.
University of Georgia,
Buildings and Grounds,
Athens, Ga. June 17th 1890.
To the Trustees;
The undersigned, having been directed by the Chairmen to act as the Committee on Buildings and Grounds beg leave respectfully to submit the following report; the expenditures for repairs &c. for the past year have been as follows;
Repairs, 1889-90.
New College $1,824.30.
Chapel. 32.76.
Moore College. 102.09.
Willcox Dwelling. 3.70
Chancellors Dwelling. 16.33.
Library Building. 41.40.
Morris Dwelling. 6.00.
Fences. 289.55.
Whitewashing. 34.00.
Sundries. 113.56.
Total. $2,463.69.
The University Buildings are now in fairly good condition and only ordinary repairs are required for the next year except as to the dwelling occupied by Prof. Willcox, which requires new roofs, and other repairs at once, and the roofs of both old and new colleges, which are leaking, and which we have found it impracticable to repair. These two buildings are covered with slate, and the roofs have never been satisfactory. It is only a question of a short time, when they will require re-covering and this will cost about $450.00 each,
The last Legislature appropriated $4,00000. to the use of the Trustees for the purpose of repairing the buildings of the State University at Athens, which sum may be used by the Trustees in their discretion for the purpose of repairing the buildings or of building a new building, as they may deem necessary. As this sum is not immediately needed for ordinary repairs the direction of the Board is required, as it is insufficient for the purpose of erecting a new building which would be of much value to the University. Though not strictly within the duty of this Committee, we beg, to call attention of the Board to the need of the school of Engineering for a new Engineers transit and 100 foot Engineers chain. We have a good transit, but it has been in use nearly 20 years, and the instruments now made have many improvements, and attachments which it is important for our students to be familiar with. The chain heretofore in use is worn out. The transit will cost $18500. and the chain $1200. So that an appropriation of $20000 will be sufficient to purchase the instruments, and pay express charges on them.
The Committee submits below a list of appropriations for this department, to which we have added the items of water rent, fuel and attention to closets, as these expenditures are made under the direction of the Inspector of Buildings.
Appropriations for 1890-91.
On Prof Willcoxs Dwelling. 260.00 Sundries. $125.00
On the Ivy Building. 150.00 Total for Repairs. $875.00
On the Chapel. 60.00 For Water Rents. 200.00
On Prof. Morris Dwelling. 50.00 For Care of Closets. 150.00
On Dwelling Occupied by Mrs. Brumby 30.00 For Fuel. 300.00
On the Lecture Rooms & Offices. 200.00 Total Appropriations.$1,525.00
Bldgs & Grds.
University of Georgia,
The Committee bears renewed testimony to the care and efficiency of the Inspector, during the last year, his annual report giving details is forwarded herewith.
Respectfully Submitted;
W.W. Thomas. Committee.
J.A. Billups.
Resolved. That the sum of Seventeen hundred and twenty five Dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the next fiscal year for the following purposes;
For Repairs. $ 875.00
For Water Rents. 200.00
For Closets. 150.00
For Fuel. 300.00
For Engineers Transit & Chain. 200.00
Total. $1725.00.
Adopted by the Board June 1890.
Inscribed to the memory
Henry Woodfin Grady,
Born in Athens Georgia May 17th 1850
Died in Atlanta Georgia December 23rd. 1889.
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Ga Sept 11 1890
(Called Meeting in Atlanta written in margin)
Pursuant to a call issued by the Chairman of the Prudential Committee, five members concurring a meeting of the Board was held this day at 8 P.M. in the Kimball House present Messrs, Gordon, Hamilton, Hollis, Hammond, Hull, McDaniel, McIntyre, Screven, Stovall & Thomas. In the absence of the Chairman Mr McIntyre was called to preside.
The Chancellor appeared before the Board and read a report, which is appended to these minutes. It was received and laid on the table. Excuses were rendered for Messrs, Gresham, Harris, Billups, Hutchins and Lawton, and upon motion their absence was excused.
(Morrill Bill written in margin)
The Board then proceeded to discuss the object of the meeting viz: That action should be taken in regard to the Morrill Bill recently passed by Congress.
Upon Motion of Mr. Hamilton, the Committee appointed at the last meeting to make the annual report of the University was charged with the duty of collecting the facts in regard to the Morrill Bill, to report to the Board at a meeting to be held in Atlanta at 9 A.M. October 30th proximo, upon the motion of Mr Thomas the Secretary was instructed to express to Prof. Strahan the sympathy of the Board in his illness and leave of Absence was given him until his complete recovery.
(Strahan written in the margin)
(Manual of College written in margin)
On motion of Mr Hammond the Committee of preparing the manual of the University were authorized to make such changes in the
number and cost of printing as they thought best. The Board then adjourned to October 30th 1890.
A L Hull Secretary
The Chancellors Report.
To the Board of Trustees, Gentlemen, That the passage of the Morrill Bill by the Federal Congress brings before you some deeply interesting & perplexing propositions is a proposition which none of us will deny. Is Georgia in a condition to lay lawful claim to the $15000. made payable June 30th 1890? There are some among us who incline to the opinion that she is. The reason for so thinking is that she has already provided for the two races separately that very instruction which this Act of Congress contemplates. The evidence of the fact, &c it is believed, is found in the law passed in 1874 giving the $8000. per annum to the Atlanta University in lieu of any claims which the colored people of the State might have upon the Landscript Fund received by Georgia just two years previous. That this institution is not now receiving the appropriation it is suggested is by no means the fault of the State. The money is ready for the school, waiting for it in the Treasury whenever it will comply with the regulation for separate education, which this very Act of Congress acknowledges to be permissable (sic) the Calom resolutions of 1887. this view of the subject deserves you serious consideration. It does not shut out of view the fact that the Act requires the Legislature to propose to the Secretary of the Interior some plan for dividing the money hereafter to be received under the Morrill Act between the two Schools. It does not appear that any power other than the Legislature can make this proposal but it is provided in the Bill itself that the assent of the Governor pending the meeting of the Legislature can give immediate effect to the provisions of the act.
University of Georgia,
Another suggestion is that this Board exercise its power to establish a Branch of the A&M College for colored students. This ordered it is thought the way would then be clear for you to ask the Legislature for the $8000. which has been accumulating for three years in the Treasury, at the same time suggesting to the Legislature a basis upon which the new fund for A&M Colleges might be equitably divided. This plan, should the other seem inadequate would it is believed prove entirely acceptable to a large body of our people who have felt annoyance with reference to the complications growing out of the failure of the Atlanta University to receive the $8000.
However, you may decide with reference to the relations of the colored people to the Morrill Bill, I earnestly ask your attention to the necessity for a definite line of policy being adopted by the board as to the expenditure of that fund. Whenever it can be made available. To my mind it seems very clear that it deeply concerns the welfare of the University that you agree on such a policy before the Legislature shall convene in October. The Board knows perfectly well the wide spread discontent in certain quarters with regard to the A&M College.
It was without doubt this feeling which led to the removal of the Experiment Station from the control of the Trustees contrary to the provisions of the Hatch Bill itself. It seems to me that we should do everything that is right in order to forestall hasty action when the matter involved in the Morrill Bill comes before the Legislature. The perils to the University growing out of the excited state of the public mind with reference to the Agricultural population and its privileges have been a theme of frequent consultation between members of the Faculty. And what I am about to suggest is the result of such earnest and repeated consultations.
We see more and more the wide divergence of our A&M College from the type of such institutions in other States and the matter gives us profound concern. In view of this fact we deem it to be of vital consequence that you do all that may be in your power to give immediate effect to the scheme adopted by the Board in June for giving instruction in Practical Agriculture on the farm. Once provide for this and let the fact be fully known and you will see good effects throughout the State. The policy is in itself good for it cannot be that all other A&M Colleges are mistaken and we alone right in the manner of conducting instruction. No one will I am persuaded think so who examines the results. Now you will observe the Morrill Bill lays restrictions on the use of its appropriations which exactly bear on this matter, and these restrictions were inserted at the instance of influential bodies of farmers. The facts as set forth in the debate on the amendment cannot be unknown to numbers of person who see the debates in Congress. They suggest to my mind the sort of accountability to which we shall be held, not only by the friends of the Bill in Congress (to whom annual reports must be made) but here in Georgia also.
I trust that you will see your way now to make provision to carry out the scheme for practical Instruction of the farm and denounce it to the Legislature, letting it be seen that the moment you secure the money coming to us under the Morrill Act you will set it in operation. Along with such practical teaching in Agriculture there should by all means be imparted sufficient knowledge of working in wood and iron for the farmers to do anything in the way of building & repairing that a farm
University of Georgia,
requires. The necessary buildings for shops can I think be found on the farm. The outfit would cost very little at first. By paying some salaries out of the new fund if it becomes available you might use a few hundred dollars of other funds thus relieved unless indeed you deem it best to go at once to the Legislature and ask the farmers in it to give you the money. Only arrange for the necessary word on the farm even if you must send me to raise the funds among the Alumni. In carrying into effect your plan it is of first consequence to provide an instructor trained in the practical methods of the day to take immediate charge of the farm and school thereon, of course under the direction of the President and Faculty.
The students who take his instruction should be lodged in the Rock College as far as might promote this object and he should through an efficient steward or matron see that boarding is provided at the lowest terms compatible with health & comfort. The same instructor should in my opinion be chosen with a view to his fitness to deliver the public lectures on Agriculture and Horticulture which we are bound to provide under our Contract with Gov. Smith.
The Morrill Bill expressly names Political Economy (under the head of Practical Economics) as one of the studies to be provided in A&M Colleges. You might take measures to supply instruction so soon as the fund is in hand. Furthermore by calling into use the Fellowship established by you in June last a corps of assistants can be provided at the lowest possible cost. Who will enable your existing faculty to carry on the work at the farm without the least interference with their present work. I happen to know that several of the best men in our last graduating class are now
waiting to serve the University if you choose to employ them. They are the very ones who we should select above all others. And from considerations of the honor and advantage to them by remaining in such capacity they are willing to work under their old instructors for $250 or $300. although they can elsewhere command $1000. I cannot close without deluding to the unselfish labors of President White, who at his own cost has devoted his entire Vacation to the service of the University in watching over the passage of the Bill and trying as far as possible to lessen the evil that might be put into it.
Respectfully submitted
Wm E Boggs
University of Georgia,
Atlanta, Georgia October 30th 1890
The Board met today pursuant to adjournment on Sept. 11th ult. Present, Messrs Gresham, Hammond, Hollis, Hutchins, Hull, Billups, Lawton, Little, McIntyre, McDaniel, Miller & Thomas.
Mr. Hammond as chairman of the Committee appointed submitted the following report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
(This report marked A is herein inserted.) . See Book of Reports.
Mr Hammond then read the annual report to the General Assembly. The report was adapted and the Committee was charged with the duty of perfecting it and submitting it to the Governor. The special report on the Morrill Bill was then taken from the table and adopted.
The Treasurer was authorized to pay the expenses of the Universitys exhibit at the State Fair in Macon upon approved vouchers not exceeding the sum of two hundred dollars. A petition from a number of Students asking that Dr. J. G. Armstrong be permitted to teach them Elocution was read and laid on the table.
On motion of Dr Miller, a committee was appointed to audit the accounts of Major Lamar Cobb the former Treasurer up to September 1st ult. The chairman appointed Messrs Billups and Thomas on that Committee.
The Board then adjourned.
A.L Hull
(Blank Page)
University of Georgia,
June 11, 1891
The Board of Trustees met in annual session today at 1 P.M. present Messrs.
Billups Hollis McIntyre
Gresham Hull Miller
Harris Hutchins Stovall
Hammond McDaniel Thomas
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
The minutes of the last annual meeting and of the called meetings were read and approved.
Mr W.Y. Atkinson, Chairman of the Normal and Industrial School appeared and made a Statement expressing his doubts as to whether or not under the law he was a member of this Board.
Pending this question the Board took a recess until 4 P.M.
At 4 P.M. the Board reassembled. Genl Lawton appeared and took his seat. The chairman announced the following Committees:
Auditing Committee:
Harris, Stovall, McIntyre.
Laws & Discipline:
Hollis, Hammond, McDaniel
Branch Colleges:
Hutchins, Miller, & Thomas
Chas McD Brown Fund:
Billups, McIntyre & Thomas
Stovall, Lawton.
Athens, June 11 1891
All the Standing Committees were reappointed.
Mr Hull offered the following
Resolved that the question of Mr WY Atkinsons eligibility be referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline. Adopted.
Report of the Technological School
Mr Harris, Chairman of the Directors of the School of Technology presented his report recommending for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
T C Brookes Edgewood GA
JL DeGive Atlanta
WH Glenn
JH Jones
JB McCrary Senoia
JS Moore Thomasville
CM Pritchett Cartersville
JD Goldsmith Atlanta
The report was received and the degrees as recommended ordered to be conferred.
(This report is filed in Invoice page 1.)
Mr Screven for good reasons was excused from attendance on this session.
The Chancellor appeared by invitation of the Board and read his annual report which was received and its various divisions referred to appropriate committees.
Filed on page 5 Invoice.
University of Georgia,
W.H. Felton excused
A telegram was received from Dr WH Felton saying he was not well enough to come to Athens. Upon motion he was excused from attendance on this session.
A/C of L Cobb audited
Mr Billups submitted the report of the Special Committee appointed to Audit the accounts of Mr Lamar Cobb, late Treasurer from May 31st 1890 to August 31, 1890, saying the Committee had examined his account and vouchers and found them correct, Showing a balance of $1999.60 which had been paid over to his successor in office. The report was received and the committee discharged.
Filed in Invoice Page 3
Mr Hollis submitted the report of the Property Committee which was received and laid on the table for the present.
The Board then adjourned till 10 A.M tomorrow.
Friday June 12th
The Board met at 10 A.M.
The minutes of the previous day were read and approved.
W.Y. Atkinson seated
The Committee on Laws & Discipline reported that in their opinion Mr. W.Y. Atkinson was Ex-officio a member of this Board. Upon motion Mr. Atkinson was declared a member and took his seat as such.
Athens, June 12, 1891
Auditing Committee Report
Mr Harris for the Auditing Committee reported that they had examined the Treasurers books and vouchers and found them to correspond with his statement. The report was received.
Mr Hull submitted the report of the Finance Committee which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Reports of Officers of the Faculty were read and referred with the Chancellors report to appropriate Committees.
Mr Harris offered a resolution that a committee be appointed to examine into the condition of the Literary Societies and report such information to the Board as may be obtained. Adopted.
The Chair appointed Messrs Harris, Hammond, Billups and Atkinson.
Mr. Harris was excused from attendance upon the Board until Monday.
The Board then took a recess until 4 P.M.
Reelection of Chairman Gresham
At 4 P.M. the Board reconvened. The term of officer of Mr. Gresham Chairman of the Board expiring with this Session, he was renominated by Mr Hammond and unanimously elected for the term of two years.
University of Georgia,
Acceptance of Normal & Industrial School
Mr Atkinson submitted his report as Chairman of the directors of the Georgia Normal and Industrial College which was received and referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline. This Committee subsequently reported that the College had been turned over in compliance with the law. The report was received and the College was accepted and the action of its directors ratified.
Annual reports from the Branch Colleges at Cuthbert and Milledgeville and Thomasville were received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
A communication was read from Mr Lamar Cobb relating to the purchase of a desk in his office. The Secretary was instructed to reply to Mr Cobb that the University needed the desk for the Chancellors office.
The Board adjourned till 9.30 AM tomorrow.
Saturday June 13, 1891
The Board met at 9.30 A.M. The Minutes of the previous day were read and approved.
Reelection of Secretary Hull
Upon motion of Mr Hammond the Term of office of the Secretary was fixed at four years or until his successor is elected. The term of office of the present Secretary expiring with this session upon motion of Mr Hammond Mr AL Hull was unanimously elected Secretary for four years or until his successor is elected.
Athens, June 13th 1891
The Chairman of the Prudential Committee was appointed the Custodian of the new bond of the Treasurer.
Annual Announcement
The Committee on Laws & Discipline recommended that all annual announcements, catalogues and the like shall before publication be submitted to the Presidential Committee who shall have authority to revise and change the same. The recommendation was adopted.
Report on Brown Fund
Mr Billups for Committee on the Brown Scholarship Fund recommended that the following sums be appropriated for the ensuing year:
to Eugene Dodd, 7th Cong. Dist. $200.
MC Horton So. Car. 200.
OE Horton 200.
Virgil E Franklin 1st District 200.
E.P. Green 7th 200.
CP Thompson 9th 200.
C M. Scott 7th 200.
GO Shackelford 9th 180
PJ Sherouse 1st 200
CE Brand 9th 200
and to JL Roberts 2nd 200 if
he shall enter the Freshman Class.
(Subsequently Mr ET Hall 8 dist. was allowed $200.)
The report was received. (2180 written in pencil)
Property Committees Report
Upon the motion of Mr Thomas, the report of Committee on Property was taken from the table from Consideration. The report, asks that the unexpended balance of the repair fund $2530.32 be appropriated for the repairs of buildings or so much as may be necessary, and was adopted.
University of Georgia,
Sale of land about Rock College
Mr Hammond offered the following:
Resolved that the Committee to be appointed as to the matter of the sale of part of the lands about the Rock College and reinvesting in another farm shall report at the next annual meeting what prices can be obtained and what new investment can be made and at what prices.
The resolution was adopted and the chair appointed Messrs Thomas, Billups, & Hull on the Committee.
Miss Frierson
Mr Thomas offered the following which was adopted. Resolved that the thanks of this Board are due and hereby tendered to Miss Frierson for her successful management and conduct of the Library during the year.
The report of the Finance Committee was taken from the table, considered and again laid on the table.
The Board took a recess until 3:30 P.M.
At 4.30 P.M. no quorum being present the Board was adjourned till Monday morning at 10 oclock.
Athens, June 15 1891
The Commencement Sermon was preached on yesterday by Rev Lansing Burroughs DD. of Augusta, Ga.
At 10 A.M. Monday the Board assembled and the minutes of the 13th were read and approved.
The report of the No. Ga. A&M College was received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Resignation of Dr WL Jones
The resignation of Dr WL Jones to take effect July 1st Prox. was presented and Mr Hammond offerred (sic) the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the University accepts the tendered resignation of WL Jones A.M., M.D. from the chair of Agriculture and Horticulture and as acting Professor of Geology, and hereby expresses regret at the loss of the services of one who has for so long and with such ability served in the University faculty.
Normal School
The Committee on Laws and Discipline submitted the following:
Resolved that for the establishment of a Normal School for the education of teachers at Athens Ga. the Trustees of the University hereby tender to the General Assembly the use of Rock College at Athens with so many acres (from six to ten) of land surrounding it as may be needed and the net annual income of the Gilmer fund viz: $1000. 00/100 given by Gov. Gilmer for the education of teachers and ask the acceptance there of by suitable legislation establishing such a school at the coming session in this year.
2nd That a copy of this report and the action
University of Georgia,
thereon be furnished to his Excellency the Governor with request that he lay the same before the General Assembly.
The report was adopted.
Successor to Dr Jones
The same Committee also reported that it did not deem it advisable to elect a successor to Dr Jones as Professor of Agriculture at this time and recommended that an adjourned meeting of the Board be held in Atlanta on such time in August or September next as may be hereafter designated. The recommendation was adopted.
Adjourned Meeting
Excuses were granted Messrs Little and Hamilton from attendance on this session.
Mr McIntyre was excused from further attendance on account of sickness.
Mr Hull offered a resolution looking to the election of Instructors in Physics and Chemistry which was laid on the table until the adjourned meeting.
Degrees Conferred.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline reported: Resolved that the degrees recommended in the Chancellors report be conferred on the several persons therein named.
Upon motion of Dr Miller the Rock College farm and farm property was placed in charge of the Prudential Committee with power to dispose of the perishable property by sale or otherwise in their discretion.
Mr PW Meldrim appeared and stated to the Board the Condition of the College to be established for Colored Youths.
Athens, June 15 1891
Mr Hull offered a resolution that the Salary of the Instructor in Ancient Languages be raised from $1000. to $1200. per annum, which was lost.
Committee on Finance Report.
The report of the Finance Committee was then taken from the table and adopted.
The report makes the following appropriations for the year 1891-1892.
Salaries 24550.
Servants 528
Insurance 645.
Fuel 400.
Water 150.
Printing, Advtsg. & Catalogue 450.
Postage & Sta. 150.
Incidentals 250.
Medals 36.
Sermon at Commencement 20.
Music 150.
Chancellors Travel Expenses 100.
Branch College at Dahlonega 2000.
Diplomas 75.
The income is estimated as 30114
available for current expenses.
Upon motion of Mr Hull the Librarians Salary was transferred from the Library account and made chargeable to the Salary account.
The Board then took a recess till 3.30 P.M.
University of Georgia,
At 4 P.M. the Board attended the Exhibition of the Sophomore declaimers at the Chapel.
The following young gentlemen spoke:
Philip W Breitenbucher Atlanta
Stevens T. Harris Carollton (sic)
Harry A Alexander Atlanta
Henry J Love Atlanta
LC Hoyle Dawson
Clement W. Evans Atlanta
Greene F. Johnson Eatonton
Boykin G. Smith Social Circle
Sam B. Yorn Avalon
Chas. R. Nisbet Lorane
At 6 P.M. the Board reassembled.
Literary Societies
The Committee appointed to examine into the State of the Literary Societies submitted written Statements from the Presidents of the Societies and reported that they had nothing further to say. They were accordingly discharged from further duty.
The Board then adjourned till 9.30 AM tomorrow.
June 16, 1891
The Board met today at 9.30 AM.
The minutes of the previous day were read and approved.
Upon motion of Dr Miller the resolution of yesterday relating to the transfer of the Librarians Salary from the Library account was reconsidered and laid on the table.
Mr Hammond offered the following:
Resolved that our Treasurer request
Athens, June 16 1891
(Missing Obligation for $1000 written in the margin)
(this was found added in pencil)
the late Treasurer of this Board Hon Lamar Cobb, to make effort to find the misplaced obligation for $1000. and report at the next meeting whether it be found, so that if not found a copy may be established.
Branch Colleges
Mr Hutchins for Committee on Branch Colleges submitted this report recommending the payment of appropriations made to the various Colleges, which was adopted.
Governor Northen appeared and took his seat with the Board.
Brown Fund
Mr Thomas for Committee on Brown Fund submitted a supplemental report recommending that Mr ET Hall of Oglethorpe County be added to the list of beneficiaries and the sum of $200. be loaned him. Adopted.
The Board then took a recess to hear the Address of Hon N.J. Hammond before the Alumni Society, and after the address reassembled.
A motion to reconsider the resolution of Mr Hull which was yesterday laid on the table, was lost.
The Board took a recess until after the exercises of the Junior Class this afternoon.
The following Juniors spoke:
Jas C Blasingame Zebulon
L.L Brown Fort Valley
Edgar Denmark Quitman
Wm T Kelley Monticello
Jas F Lewis Atlanta
S.H. Sibley Union Point
J.E. Whelchel Gainesville
University of Georgia,
At 6. P.M. the Board reassembled. Messrs P.W. Meldrim, WM Hammond & Geo T Murrell of the Directors of the Negro College, were introduced to the Board and Mr Meldrim announced that that College had been organized and was now in operation and tendered his official report as Chairman of the Commission which was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
College for Colored youths accepted.
That Committee then reported that the College for Colored youths is a branch of this University and Mr PW Meldrim is Ex-Officio a member of this Board. The report was adopted and Mr Meldrim took his seat as a Trustee of the University.
Mr Meldrim seated.
Mr Hammond moved that if Mr Meldrim should go to Washington to interview Secretary Noble Prof HC White be requested to accompany him in behalf of this University.
The Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow
June 17th 1891
The Board met today at 9.30 A.M.
The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. Mr Lawton for the Committee on Honorary Degrees recommended that the following degrees be conferred:
Honorary Degrees
D.D. on WJ Scott of Atlanta
A.M. on WF Slaton
A.M. on LC Adamson New York
A.M. on Morgan L. Parker of Macon
The report was adopted and the degrees were so conferred.
Nominations were made for
L.L.D. on Joseph Jones of Louisiana
D.D. on Geo. Y. Goetchius of Rome, Ga.
Athens, June 17 1891
Under the rules these nominations were laid over, Mr Hammond offered the following which was adopted:
Notes of Brown Beneficiaries
Resolved that our Treasurer endeavor to take notes from all recipients of the Brown Fund after they become of age for payment of the loan, that he endeavor to collect all sums due and that in his reports he shall state their names ages and residence and amounts due and when due.
The Board attended the exercises of the graduating class in the Chapel.
The following gentlemen delivered orations and essays
Frank Harwell, West Point, Essay. Researched by Excavation
Anton P Wright Jr. Thomasville, Oration The Anglo Saxon Spirit
Marion Hull, Athens, Essay Evidences of Design in Nature
Thos. J. Shackleford, Jefferson, Oration Hero Worship.
Jno R L Smith, Flovilla Oration Decay of Oratory.
Degrees were conferred by Chancellor Boggs as follows:
Master of Arts on Frank Harwell, 1st Honor
Bachelor of Arts on
Wm D Anderson 1st Honor
Reuben R Lanier 2nd Honor
3 T.J. Shackleford
4 AD Boylston
5 MJ Yeomans
JH Boston
CW Brumby
FR Durden
G.L. Hurt
Walker King
Frank Mitchell
JD Smith
AP Wright
S.G. Brinkley (Extra Ordinson)
University of Georgia,
Bachelor of Science
on Marion McH Hull 1st Honor
Bachelor of Philosophy
on RR Lanier 1st Honor
2 BF Pickett
3 Joel Cloud
TJ Felder
JF Matthews
JH Peacock
GD Pollock
Bachelor of Engineering
on OH Sheffield 1st Honor
J.W. Camak
T.G. Gerdine
Bachelor of Law. on
P.S. Arkwright JH Cone
JJ Barge, JL Crawley
ET Davis I.E. Farmer
FM Fontaine M Foote Jr
JJ Garland RN Hardeman
WR Jones S.P. Jones
MM Miles GF Mitchell
BZ Phillips JRL Smith
SJ Tribble.
At the conclusion of the Exercises the Board adjourned Sine die.
Atlanta, July 28 1891
Pursuant to a call of the chairman, a meeting of the Board was held today in the State Capitol.
Present Messrs, Atkinson, Billups, Hammond, Hamilton, Harris, Hull, McDaniel, McIntyre, Little, Meldrim, Northen, Screven.
In the absence of the Chairman Col. J.A. Billups was called to preside. After prayer by the Chancellor, a quorum being present, Chancellor Boggs read communications from himself and Dr H.C. White, President of the State College, which were subsequently duly considered.
Mr Hammond offered the following:
Demand for Morrill Appro.
Resolved that the Treasurer of the State be and he is hereby requested to pay over to the Treasurer of this Board the two payments already received and those to be received in future from the United States Treasurer appropriated under the Morrill Act approved August 30, 1890. Adopted.
Gov Northen offered the following which was adopted:
Instructions to pay over to Colored College
Resolved that the amount to be appropriated to the College for Colored Youths under the agreement entered into between the Governor of Georgia and the Secretary of Interior of the United States be paid over to the Treasurer of the commission for the Colored College with instructions that the amount be expended under the provisions of the Morrill Act and the Acts of which it is amendatory.
University of Georgia,
$8000 Annual Appropriation to Colored College
Mr Harris offered the following which was adopted.
Resolved, That the Treasurer of this Board be authorized and directed to collect and receipt for the Eight thousand dollars appropriated to the colored College under the Act approved November 26 1890 and to pay the same over to the Treasurer of the Commission on Said School to be expended by said Commission for the purposes of said Act.
Excuses were rendered and accepted for Messrs, Gresham, Stovall, Hutchins, Lawton, Miller and Thomas, for absence from this meeting Mr. Hull for the Finance Committee submitted recommendations for the distribution of the Morrill funds and a new appropriation for the ensuing year. Pending the discussion of this report the Board took a recess until 3.30 P.M.
Upon reconvening the discussion of the report was continued and the following appropriations were made.
The $10,000 arising form the Morrill payment for 1890, first appropriation, was ordered to be distributed as follows:
Department of Practical Agriculture 2500.
do Biology 1500.
d Physics 1500.
d Chemistry 1500.
d Engineering 1000.
d History 500.
d Mathematics 200.
d Modern Languages 200.
d English 300.
d Military for Arms 600.
d Chancellor for Type Writer 100.
(9900 written in pencil)
Athens, July 28 1891
The second payment, yielding 10666.66
added to the Landscrip income 16814.16
making a total of 27480.82
was appropriated to the payment of the expenses of the past year, in as much as this second payment was due and payable in July 1890.
Appropriated to Salary acct. 16350.
d Expense acct. 2000.
d Branch College at Dahlonega 2000.
d Prof Whites expenses 350.
Leaving a balance of 6780.82
which was carried to the General Fund.
The following appropriations for the year 1891-92 were made and the accompanying scheme of distribution adopted:
Franklin College Fund. State College
Total Landscrip a/c Morrill a/c
Chancellor 3000. 2000 1000.
Anct. Languages 2000. 2000
Modern do 2000. 2000.
English 2000. 500 500. 1000.
History & Polit. Sc. 2000. 500 500 1000.
Engineering 2000. 1000. 1000.
Mathematics 2000. 500 500. 1000.
Agriculture 2000. 2000.
Physics 2000. 500 500. 1000.
Chemistry 2000. 1400. 600.
Biology 2000. 500. 500. 1000.
Instructor Mathematics 1200 600 600
do Physics 1200 600 600
do Chemistry 1200 600 600
do Anct. Lang.1200 1200
do Elocution 600 600
Commandant Cadets 500 500
28900 9700 8800 10400
University of Georgia,
28900 9700 8800 10400
President State College 500 500
Fellow in Biology 500 200 300
do English 500 300 200
do Modern Lang. 500 300 200
Secretary & Treasurer 800 300 500.
Librarian 400 400.
Inspector of Bldgs. 250 250.
Chancellors Secretary 300 100. 200.
32650 10750 10800 11100
Current Expenses:
Servants 575 100 475
Incidentals 200 50 150
Fuel & Gas 500 75 425
Water 200 25 175
Sermon 20 10 10
Medals 36 36
Music 150 75 75
Postage & Sta. 225 75 150
Printing & ad. 500 50 450
Insurance 550 550
Diplomas 75 75
Renewals and Repairs
of Apparatus 200 200.
Chemicals 150 150.
Maps &c for
Anct. Languages 150 150
Travelling Expenses 300 300.
Engineering Class 100 100.
3931 1471 2460
Salaries 32650. 10750 10800. 11100
Expenses 3931. 1471 2460
Dahlonega 2000. 2000.
Farmers Institutes 1000. 1000
Farm Expenses 500. 500.
40081 12221 16760 11100
Athens, July 28 1891
Mr Hammond offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. 1. That the Salaries covered by the report of the Finance Committee as amended be adopted and that all other sums by said report as amended recommended for the purposes stated or so much thereof as may be found necessary be and are hereby adopted and appropriated.
Condition of Expenditures.
2nd That the Sums appropriated from the first years payment from the Morrill Fund for equipment, be expended upon the approval by the Prudential Committee of detailed statements of the equipment to be purchased.
Secretary for Chancellor
By Mr Atkinson:
Resolved that the Chancellor be and he is hereby authorized to employ a Secretary at a salary of three hundred dollars per annum who shall attend to the official correspondence of the Chancellor, correspond with the Superintendents of County and City Schools and Presidents of Branch Colleges and as far as possible place a Catalogue of the University in the hands of every boy who is being prepared to enter College and to do such other clerical work connected with the University as may be required of him by the Chancellor. Adopted.
Division of Morrill Appropriations.
By Mr McDaniel:
Resolved 1. That for the purpose of providing facilities and courses of instruction to all colored students who may be qualified or who may be admitted to the State College for colored youths equal to those furnished in the State College of Agriculture for White Students, one third of the first and
University of Georgia,
second payments made to Georgia under the Morrill Act, be appropriated to the Commission of the College for Colored Youths, to be expended as provided in Said Morrill Act.
2. That of the appropriation of $17000. for the third year when paid, the sum of $7990. or so much thereof as may be demanded by said Commission in no case less than $5666.66/100 be set apart and appropriated to said Commission of the College for Colored Youths to secure in said College the facilities and courses of instruction above provided.
Leave of absence for Prof Bocock.
Upon motion of Mr Hammond,
Prof WH Bocock was granted leave of absence for the session 1892-93 upon condition that he provide for filling his chair out of his salary during his absence to the Satisfaction of the Prudential committee.
Assessment of Stationary Engine.
By Mr Hull
Resolved that the Prudential Committee shall have assessed the value of the stationary engine at the Rock College and the Treasurer is instructed to pay over the assessed value to the Treasurer of the Experiment Station, charging the amount against the Landscrip account of Act of 1862.
Election of Officers
The Board then went into the election of the Instructors and Fellow recommended by the Chancellors Communication and elected
Charles H Herty, Instructor in Chemistry.
Jesse Coates, Instructor in Physics.
Marion McH Hull, Fellow in Biology.
Athens, July 28 1891
Adjourned Meeting.
Mr Billups offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that when this Board adjourn it adjourn to meet Thursday August 13th next at 12 M. in the State Capital in Atlanta, to elect Professors of History and Political Science, of Agriculture and an Instructor in Elocution, and that the Secretary be instructed to advertise for applications for those chairs.
The Board then adjourned.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Atlanta, Ga August 13, 1891
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met this day at 12 M.
Present Messrs. Billups, Atkinson, Felton, Hammond, Harris, Hull, Little, McDaniel, McIntyre, Meldrim, Screven, Stovall, Col. Billups took the chair.
Excuses were received from Messrs. Gresham, Thomas, Miller, Hutchins, Hamilton, Hollis and Lawton.
Tenure of Chairs
Mr Hull offered the following
Resolved that the persons to be elected to the Chairs of Agriculture, History, and Elocution be elected for the period of one year from September 1st next. Adopted.
Election of Professors
The Board then went into the election of Officers and upon counting the ballots it was found that Mr Jas. B Hunnicutt now of Atlanta was elected Professor of Agriculture and Dr. JHF McPherson now of Ann Arbor, Michigan, was elected Professor of History and Political Science and the Chair so announced.
Instruction in Elocution.
Mr McIntyre offered the following
The Chancellor having offered to take charge of the chair of Elocution without charge to the University, it is therefore resolved that the election of Instructor of Elocution be postponed until another year, and that the duties of this Chair be transferred to the chair now filled by the Chancellor for the succeeding Scholastic year.
The resolution was adopted.
Mr Screven moved that the action of the Board in refusing compensation to the young men who assisted some of the Professors last year
Atlanta, August 13, 1891
be reconsidered. The motion was lost.
Use of Buildings
Mr Hull offered the following which was adopted.
Resolved that the buildings and grounds of the University shall not be used for other than University purposes, unless by consent of the Prudential Committee.
Appointment of Fellows.
The Chancellor submitted extracts from the minutes of the Faculty making recommendations as to the appointment and duties of Fellows. The matter was referred to a Special Committee Messrs Hammond, Screven and Felton to report at the next annual meeting. A communication from Dr HC White was laid on the table until next meeting. The Board then adjourned subject to the call of the present Chairman.
AL Hull Secty.
Before adjournment Mr. Harris presented some resolutions relative to the two literary Societies which were laid upon the table for want of time for their consideration.
AL Hull
(Blank Page)
Athens, June 9th 1892
The Board met today in annual session at One Oclock P.M.
Mr Joel Abbot Billups was called to the chair and the meeting was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
The minutes of the last two meetings in Atlanta were read and approved.
New members
A.O. Bacon
Official notification of the appointment by the Governor of Mr A.O. Bacon to fill the unexpired term of Mr JJ Gresham deceased (of Spencer R. Atkinson as Trustee for the eleventh Congressional district. added overhead) and of Messrs, Jos. B. Cumming and Andrew J. Cobb in the places of Pleasant A. Stovall and Wm W Thomas resigned, was read and accepted. The roll of the members was called and the following responded present:
Atkinson, W.Y. Hull
Bacon Hollis
Billups Little
Cobb McDaniel
Hammond Miller
Harris McIntyre
Hamilton Felton
Mr John Screven upon request, was excused from attendance on this session.
Insurance on Technological Buildings.
Mr Harris offerred (sic) a resolution that the insurance now due on the shop buildings and fixtures of the Technological School be collected by Mr. Hull the Treasurer of this Board and paid over to the Treasurer of the local Board Mr S.M Inman, and that the Treasurer of this Board be authorized to receipt for the money and do all other things in the name of this Board required to collect the same.
The resolution was adopted.
The Board then took a recess till 4 P.M.
University of Georgia,
At 4 P.M. the Board reconvened.
Messrs PW Meldrim and AR Lawton took their seats with the Board.
Chancellors report
The Chancellor was invited before the Board and made his annual report which was received and referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline. Subsequently the Chancellor made a report on his work during the year in instruction in Elocution, which was referred to the same Committee.
Mr OA Barry and R Lillage appeared in behalf of the Branch College at Cuthbert and presented a report of that College which was referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
A Communication from Mr WM Howell in regard to the property of that College was received and referred to the same Committee.
Election of Chairman
The Board then went into an election for Chairman of the Board for the unexpired term of Hon J.J. Gresham lately deceased. Mr Little Nominated Mr N J. Hammond. The election was held by ballot, Messrs Atkinson and Meldrim being appointed tellers by the chair. Upon counting the ballots it appeared that Mr Hammond had received fifteen votes and he was accordingly declared unanimously elected.
Mr Hammond then took the Chair acknowledging his election with appropriate remarks.
Upon motion of Mr. Hull a blank page (of the minutes added overhead) was set apart to be inscribed with the name of Hon J.J. Gresham, the date of his birth and death and election to the Presidency of this Board, and the chair appointed Messrs, Miller, Billups and Bacon a committee to prepare suitable resolutions on his death.
To the Memory of
John Jones Gresham
Born in Jones County Georgia January 21st 1812
Died in Baltimore Md. October 16th 1891
Elected President of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Georgia
University of Georgia,
Clark Wright
The Survivors Association of the 3rd Georgia Regiment C.S.A sent in the nomination of Rev. Clark Wright of New York for the degree of D.D.
Referred to Committee on Honorary Degrees.
The report of the Prudential Committee was received and laid on the table.
Rock College lands
Mr Cobb submitted a report relating to the sale of the Rock College lands which was laid on the table.
Obligations of Brown Beneficiaries
The Treasurer submitted a report showing the amount of 29616.66 advanced to beneficiaries of the Chas. McDonald Brown Fund for which obligations are held, which was referred to Committee on Brown Fund. The Finance Committee submitted their report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
The Chair appointed Mr. Cobb in Mr Thomas place on the Property and Prudential Committee, and the following annual Committees:
Laws & Discipline:
Little, Billups, Bacon.
Hamilton, Atkinson, McIntyre
Chas. McD Brown Fund:
McDaniel, Hamilton, Miller
Branch Colleges:
Meldrim, Felton, Harris
Hollis, Meldrim, Cumming.
The Board adjourned till 10 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 10th 1892
At 10 AM the Board met with a quorum present. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. Mr Cobb submitted the report of the Property Committee together with the report of the Inspector of Buildings which was laid on the table for the present.
CM Snelling
Mr Hull nominated Col. Charles Mercer Snelling for the honorary degree of A.M.
Referred to Committee on degrees.
The resignation of the Professors of the Law School was read and (blank space) referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline. The reports of the Professors to the Chancellor on their various departments were read for information and laid on the table.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a report on the department of Law, which after some discussion was recommitted.
Messrs Little and Atkinson were excused from further attendance upon this session and Mr. Felton also after tomorrow.
Mr Harris was appointed to fill Mr Littles place on the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
The Board then took a recess till 4 P.M.
Upon reconvening at 4 oclock Mr Jas B. Cumming was upon motion excused from attendance upon this session.
Rev. Mr. Robins
The name of Rev. Mr. J.B. Robins of Trinity Church Atlanta, was recommended for the degree of D.D.
Referred to Committee on Degrees.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a report on the Literary Societies which was laid on the table till tomorrow morning.
The Board then adjourned till 10 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Saturday June 11th 1892
The Board was called to order by the Chairman and the minutes of yesterday read and approved. The report of the Normal College at Milledgeville was received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Certain portions of the Chancellors report were at the request of the Committee on Laws & Discipline, referred to the Committees on Finance, Property & Branch Colleges.
Joseph Jones LLD
The Committee on Honorary Degrees recommended that the degree of L.L.D. be conferred on Joseph Jones M.D. of New Orleans, LA. and upon motion the degree was conferred.
Ga Medical College
The Committee on Laws & Discipline reported a resolution that a Committee of three members of this Board be appointed to confer with the Faculty of the Georgia Medical College on the subject of raising the standard of graduation which was adopted and the chair appointed Messrs McDaniel, Miller and Cumming.
Literary Societies
The report on the Literary Societies was taken from the table and adopted as amended.
The report requires all students to belong to one or the other Literary Society; to attend the meeting of the Society every Saturday from 9 A.M. to 12 M unless engaged in some one of the Laboratories or assigned to other work by the Faculty. It appropriates $300 to the repair and furnishing of each hall and $25 for fuel. Two Junior Speakers every year are to be selected from each society, one for composition, one for declamation.
Law School.
A report of the Committee on the Law School was submitted and on motion laid on the table till the next annual meeting.
Resignation of Law Professors.
The tendered resignation of the Professors of the Law School was declined and Messrs Meldrim, McDaniel and Hutchins were appointed a committee to
Athens, June 11, 1892
confer with the Professors of the Law School touching the interests of that department and report as soon as possible.
Auditing Committee
The Auditing Committee made their report upon the examination of the Treasurers vouchers, which was received.
JB Hunnicutt
JHT McPherson
Upon motion of Mr Hull, the election of Messrs J.B. Hunnicutt as Professor of Agriculture and JHT McPherson as Professor of History and Political Science, was made permanent.
Mrs. MG. Machen
Upon motion of Mr Lawton a resolution of thanks to Mrs. Mimmi G. Machen of Baltimore for the gift of a portrait of her father the Hon J.J. Gresham late Chairman of the Board was unanimously adopted.
The Board then took a recess till 4 P.M.
At 4 oclock the Board reconvened.
Dr Felton offered a resolution looking to the discouragement of baseball matches etc. which was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Lost Obligation
The Auditing Committee submitted a report recommending that the Chairman and Treasure take the proper steps to have a duplicate issued of the lost 50 year obligation of the State No 17 for $1000, which was adopted.
Finance Report
The report of the Finance Committee was taken from the table and adopted as amended, passing for the present salaries of fellows, repairs and farm expenses.
Purchase of Books.
Mr Lawton offerred (sic) a resolution requiring that all Books hereafter purchased shall pass through the hands of the Librarian, to be catalogued, and a record made showing where the volumes are kept, and this shall include all books recently purchased with the Library fund or by specific appropriation. The resolution was adopted.
The Board then adjourned till 10 A.M. on Monday.
University of Georgia,
June 13th 1892
Law School
The Board met this morning with a quorum present. The minutes of Saturday were read and approved. The report of (blank space) the Branch College at Milledgeville was received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges. The Committee appointed to confer with the Professors of the Law School reported that as the result of the conference the Professors will continue to discharge their duties for the ensuing year.
AJ Cobb
Mr Hutchins offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that Mr Andrew J. Cobb, a member of this Board be and is requested to retain his position as Professor of law, in connection with the other Professors in that department until further action of the Trustees.
BJ Conyers
The Board then took a recess to hear the address of Mr Bennett J. Conyers before the Literary Societies.
Salary Prest. State College for 1890-1891.
Upon reconvening Mr McDaniel made a statement to the effect that the Salary of the President of the State College for the year 1890-1891 had not been paid for want of appropriation by the Board, and moved to take from the table Dr Whites communication relative to it which was carried.
Salary of Sec. & Treas.
Mr McDaniel then moved the appropriation of $500. to pay the said salary which was carried. Mr Hammond offered the following: Resolved that the Salary of the Secretary & Treasurer be hereafter One thousand dollars per annum. which was adopted.
Report of Property Committee
Mr Cobb called up the report of the Property Committee and moved its adoption which was carried.
Sale of Rock College land
Mr Cobb offerred (sic) a resolution that the sale of Rock College lands and removal of the farm be referred to the Property Committee to report at the next annual meeting of the Board. Adopted.
Athens, June 13, 1892
Finance Report.
The Finance Report was taken up and appropriations to repairs and farm adopted.
The Board then took a recess till 4. P.M.
Upon reconvening Mr Harris made a report from the Technological School which was referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr Meldrim submitted a report from the College for Colored Youths which was referred to the same committee. The Board took a recess to hear the following Students of the Sophomore Class declaim:
Sophomore Speakers
W B Armstrong PL Fleming SL Olive
D C Barrow W Harbin J D Stelling
J H Butner Jno. W. Morton OC Turner
W A Wilkins
Upon reconvening the Committee on Laws & Discipline made a report on Dr Feltons resolution which was laid on the table till tomorrow morning.
The Board then adjourned till 9 oclock tomorrow.
Tuesday June 14th 1892
The Board met with a quorum present. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
HJ Hammond
The Board adopted a resolution to telegraph the Supreme Court requesting that Mr Hammonds case be arranged so as to permit him to remain through tomorrow.
Chancellor and Colored College
Mr Hull offered a resolution that the Commission on the Colored College be and they are hereby empowered to make such compensation to the Chancellor for his services to the College as may be agreed upon between them. The resolution was adopted.
Water Closets
Upon motion of Mr. Hamilton, the Property Committee was directed to report at the next meeting of the Board the necessity and cost of erecting water
University of Georgia,
closets in the College.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a report prohibiting the Literary Societies from incurring debt, which was disagreed to, and a report relating to the election of anniversarian which was tabled.
AA Lipscomb
The Board took a recess to hear the address of Mr Andrew A Lipscomb of Washington D.C. before the Alumni Society.
Upon reconvening Mr. McIntyre was excused from further attendance upon the meetings.
OH Sheffield.
Mr Hull offered a resolution that Mr OH Sheffield be appointed Instructor in Engineering and Free Hand drawing at a Salary of $900. per annum. Adopted Mr Harris offered a resolution creating the Fellowship in Metaphysics and Ethics, which was afterward withdrawn.
Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor and Faculty the following degrees were conferred:
Master of Science on Marrion McHenry Hull
Master of Arts on Frank Erwin Callaway
Civil Engineer on Oscar H. Sheffield
Bachelor of Arts on ER Black JC Blasingame
AA Boggs LL Brown
SJ Cassels WE Christie
E Denmark VE Franklin
EW Frey JS Horsley
WT Kelly JF Lewis
WG Park SH Sibley
HH Smith JE Whelchel
Dudley Youngblood
Bachelor of Engineering on Roy Dallis WN Gramling
Julian R. Lane RDT Lawrence
Bachelor of Science on RN Hogg
Bachelor of Agriculture on FE Callaway
MC Horton
OE Horton
Athens, June 14, 1892
Bachelor of law on SB Brewton DF Crosland
FR Durden WM Glass
JE Henry ER Hodgson Jr.
JC Kimball GA Merritt
J Milton FC Shackleford
TJ Shackleford WL Stallings
EF Weems
Students to remain.
Mr Bacon offered a resolution instructing the Chancellor and Faculty to require all Students to remain through the Commencement exercises unless excused for providential reasons, which was adopted.
AS Erwins line
The Board then took a recess till 4 P.M. Reconvening at 4 oclock upon motion of Mr Cobb the Prudential Committee were authorized to adjust the line between the lands of Rock College and Judge A.S. Erwin. Adopted
Old and New College
Mr Bacon: Resolved that the Prudential Committee be directed to have painted conspicuously on the New College building the name New College with the date of its erection, and on the Old College building the name Old College with the date of its erection also the designations North end, South end, East end and West end, the cost of said work to be paid out of the repair fund - Adopted.
Mr Hull offered the following:
Resolved that the following appointments be and are hereby made:
Virgil E Franklin Fellow in Biology
Adam A Boggs Fellow in Modern Languages
W.T. Kelly Fellow in English
Which was adopted
Mr McDaniel for the Committee on the Chas. McDonald Brown Fund, submitted a report recommending for appointment as beneficiaries of that fund
University of Georgia,
the following applicants, and the sum to each:
Brown Beneficiaries
M.C. Horton Pendleton S.C. $200.
O.E. Horton 200.
CR Thompson 9th Cong. District 200.
CE Brand 9th 200.
PJ Shearouse 1st 200.
EG Cabaniss Jr. 1st 200.
W.T. Bacon 8th 200.
HC Moreno 8th 200.
Eugene Dodd 7th 200.
CP Dodd 7th 200.
E.T. Hall 8th 200.
E.P. Green 7th 200.
Hull and Green are recommended on condition they pass the examination required by the Chancellor.
As alternates Jas E Brannen 1st Cong. Dist.
J.L. Dwight 3rd
The report was adopted.
The Board took a recess to hear the following Speakers from the Junior Class:
Junior Speakers
HA Alexander PW Breitenbucher
GF Johnson MA Lewis
CR Nisbet LC Slade
and upon reconvening adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 15 1892
The Board met at 9.A.M. with a quorum present.
The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed.
Governor Northen appeared and took his seat. The report of the Committee on Dr Feltons resolution was taken from the table. A motion to table was lost.
Baseball &c.
The following substitute was offered:
Resolved that in the opinion of the Board the indulgence by Students of the University in interstate and inter Collegiate football or baseball contests during the Collegiate term may be harmful in its influence and further that students should not be permitted to leave the University to give Glee Club or other exhibitions during the term. upon the motion to adopt the yeas and nays were called with the following result:
Yea: Bacon Nay: Hammond
Billups Hollis
Cobb Hull
Hamilton Meldrim
The substitute was declared adopted.
Hon. Degrees
The nominations of
Gen Henry R Jackson for degree of LLD
and Rabbi JP Mendez A.M. were referred to Committee on Degrees.
Salary of Fellows.
On motion of Mr Hull the sum of $900. was appropriated for Salaries of the three fellows appointed at $300. each.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved that the Faculty be authorized to
University of Georgia,
Entrance Exam
arrange for holding entrance examinations to the University at such points in the State and under such regulations as may to them seem proper. Mr Meldrim offered the following which was laid on the table till the next meeting:
Admission of Females
Resolved that the State University at Athens Shall be open to all white female students of proper age and qualifications with equal rights and privileges as those exercised and enjoyed by male students of the University under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by this Board of Trustees.
The Report of Committee on Branch Colleges was read and adopted.
Law Students
Mr Cobb offered a resolution declaring Law Students to be subject to expulsion, suspension or other punishment by the Chancellor or Faculty as students in other departments of the University, and it shall be the duty of Professors in the Law Department to report to the Chancellor any violations of the rules or other misconduct that may come under their observation or of which they may be reliably informed. Adopted.
Instructor in English & Elocution
By Mr Hull. Resolved that at the next annual meeting of this Board an election will be held for an Instructor in English and Elocution. Adopted. The Board then took a recess to hear the following Seniors speak in the Chapel:
Senior Speakers
SH Sibley E Denmark
NE Franklin JE Henry
JF Lewis DF Crosland
Teaching Elocution
Upon reconvening, Mr Cobb offered the following: Resolved that the teaching of Elocution be restored to the Professor of English for the ensuing year.
Athens, June 15 1892
A motion to table was lost.
The vote was taken on its passage and the resolution was adopted.
The minutes were read and approved and the Board adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull Secretary
(Blank Page)
Atlanta Ga. November 18th 1892
Pursuant to a call by the Chairman, two other members concurring the Trustees convened in the State Capital at 10 oclock A.M.
The chairman being absent Mr Billups was called to the Chair and the meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Boggs.
The roll was called and Messrs. Billups, Cumming, Cobb, Hamilton, Hutchins, Hull, McDaniel, Miller & McIntyre & Hollis responded to their names. Subsequently Messrs, Bacon, W.Y. Atkinson, Spencer R. Atkinson, Meldrim and WH Felton took their seats with the Board.
Excuses were rendered and received for Messrs, Hammond, Lawton and Screven.
The Chancellor read a communication touching upon the needs of the University, the question of Athletic games and the literary societies, which was received.
Mr Hull offered the following:
Resolved that the resolution adopted by the Board on June 15th relating to games of baseball and football is not mandatory, but the matter is left to the discretion of the Faculty,
Which was unanimously adopted.
Winter School
A recommendation from the Faculty that authority be given to offer in the State College, in addition to the regular courses now offered therein, a special three months course of instruction, to include Mathematics, English, Constitutional History, Natural Science and Practical Agricultural, suitable for young men unable or unprepared to enter the regular full-term courses now provided was adapted and the
University of Georgia,
the (sic) sum of $500. five hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary was appropriated to that purpose.
Literary Societies
A resolution offered by Mr Cobb, looking to the restoration of Saturday morning recitations and repealing the action of the Board regarding the Literary Societies was laid on the table.
Report from Colored - College Rescinded June 1893
Mr Meldrim as Chairman of the Commission on the College for Colored Youths reported that the Commission had voted as compensation to Dr Boggs for his services to that institution the sum of $750.00 for the past year and $1000.00 for the present year and asked the action of the Board thereon.
After much discussion upon Motion of Mr W.Y. Atkinson the report was disapproved.
Mr Cobb offered the following
Leave of absence to Col. C.M Snelling
Resolved that Col. Chas. M. Snelling be granted leave of absence for the session of 1893-4 upon condition that he provide for filling his chair and the position of Commandant of Cadets out of his salary during his absence to the satisfaction of the Prudential Committee.
Pending action the Board adjourned till 3 oclock P.M.
Atlanta Nov 18 1892
At 3 oclock the Board reconvened with Col. Hammond in the Chair.
The resolution of Mr. Cobb, granting leave of absence to Col. Snelling was taken up and adopted.
Prof. HC White appeared before the Board and related the substance of an interview between himself and Hon Jno L Hall in regard to the financial interests of the University.
Prof Strahan
Upon motion of Mr Hull the sum of $20. twenty dollars was appropriated for advertising in Prof. Strahans book.
Legislative Committee
On Motion of Mr. W.Y. Atkinson a Legislative Committee was appointed, the Chair appointing Messrs Hammond, McDaniel, Meldrim, Hollis & Hamilton.
Dr Boggs Service to Colored College - Rescinded June 1893
Mr Hollis offered the following which was adopted; Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to notify the Treasure of the College for Colored Youths not to pay until further order of this Board any sum to Chancellor Boggs for services beyond his expenses in visiting said College not withstanding any resolution that may have been heretofore adopted by this Board on this subject.
The Board then adjourned sine die.
AL Hull Secretary
(Blank Page)
Athens, June 15 1893
The Board of Trustees met at 1 P.M. today, present Messrs. Billups, Cobb, Bacon, Hammond, McDaniel, McIntyre, Miller, Hamilton, Harris, Hutchins, Hull.
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
The minutes of the last two meetings were read and confirmed.
The Board then took a recess till 3.30 P.M.
Chancellors report
Upon reconvening Chancellor Boggs appeared and read his annual report to the Board upon the condition and necessities of the University, which was received and referred to the Committees on Finance and Laws & Discipline.
Death of Mr Hollis
The Chairman Mr Hammond, announce the death of Hon BP Hollis a member of the Board and upon Motion of Mr Billups a blank page in the minute book was set apart to be inscribed with the name of Mr Hollis, his age, the date of his election as a trustee and the date of his death.
Mr WH Fish
The Board accepted notice through the Chairman of the appointment by the Governor of Hon Wm. H Fish of Americus to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Hollis.
Upon motion of Mr Bacon the Committee from the Dahlonega College was appointed a hearing tomorrow morning.
Professors Reports
The reports of Professors of the various departments were read and referred to the Committees on Finance and Laws & Discipline.
Mr Screven
Mr Screven was for satisfactory reasons excused from attendance on this session.
(Blank Page)
Inscribed to the memory
Benjamin P. Hollis
Born January 8th 1845.
Elected Trustee of the University of Georgia July 11th 1884
Died at Americus Ga. May 19th 1893.
University of Georgia,
Dahlonega Resignation of Pres. Basinger.
The annual report of the President of the Branch College at Dahlonega with his resignation enclosed, was received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
The Chair announced the following Committees:
McIntyre, Harris, Hamilton
Laws & Discipline,
Little, McDaniel, Cobb
Branch Colleges
Billups, Hamilton, Fish
Brown Scholarship
Meldrim, WY Atkinson, Hutchins
Hutchins, Felton, Meldrim.
Bethel Association
A communication from the Bethel Association in regard to the Branch College at Cuthbert was received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
W Leroy Brown
Mr Harris nominated Dr Wm. Leroy Brown of Auburn Ala. for the honorary Degree of L.L.D. which was laid over under the rules, and referred to the Committee on Degrees.
Messrs Lawton and Meldrim appeared and took their seats with the Board.
Mr. Cobb for the Property Committee and Mr Hull for the Finance Committee submitted their reports which were read and laid on the table for the present.
The Board then adjourned till 10 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 16 1893
The Board met at 10 A.M.
The minutes of yesterday were read and approved Messrs Fish and Little took their seats with the Board.
The report of the Law Faculty was read and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Election of Chairman term fixed
Mr McDaniel offered the following resolution which was adopted: That the election of Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall take place biennially on Monday preceding Commencement day to take effect at the expiration of the then pending session of the Board.
Mr Hull.
Dr Boggs & Colored Colleges
Resolved that the chair appoint a special Committee to report upon an adjustment of the claim of Dr. W.E. Boggs against the College for Colored Youths for services rendered. Adopted.
The Chair appointed Messrs Miller, Meldrim, McIntyre.
Report of Colored College
Mr Meldrim submitted his report as Chairman of the Commission on the Colored College which was referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Upon motion of Mr Little on Branch Colleges.
Upon motion of Mr. Little all maters in reports of Chancellor and officers relating to appropriations asked were referred to Committee on Finance.
The committee from the Branch College at Dahlonega appeared and presented a communication from the Trustees of that institution which was referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
By Mr Hull
Fence on Prince Ave.
Resolved that the Prudential Committee be authorized to have the fence enclosing
University of Georgia,
Fence on Mitchells Bridge Road.
the University property on the South Side of the Mitchells Bridge Road set back eight feet, for the purpose of giving a sidewalk from Mr Talmadges to Mr Wilsons, without expense to this Board.
Law School
By Mr Cobb, Resolved that the report of the Committee on the Law School made the last annual meeting be taken from the table and be referred to the Committee, Messrs McDaniel, Hutchins & Meldrim, appointed at the last meeting to confer with the Law Faculty and that all maters pertaining to the Law School be referred to that Committee, and that the Committee have authority to confer with the present Law Faculty if they so desire. Adopted.
Request of Branch College at Dahlonega
On the request of the Branch College at Dahlonega that its Board be permitted to elect its President, the Committee on Branch Colleges reported that to comply with the request would be in direct conflict with both the letter and the spirit of the contract of October 24th 1872 on page 93 of the Manual and would virtually abrogate said contract and we recommend that the request be denied.
Resignation of Prest. Basinger
The same Committee further recommended that the resignation of President W.S. Basinger to take effect July 1st next be accepted.
Both recommendations were adopted.
Major Bacon offerred (sic) the following:
Appointment of President
Resolved that the chairman of this Board and the prudential Committee as representatives of this Board shall have the power to select a President of the N. Ga. A&M College who shall serve as such during the ensuing scholastic year and to fix his salary. The Board of Trustees
Athens, June 16 1893
of the N. Ga A&M College being invited to make suggestions of the names of a person or persons suitable to be chosen for the position and the Salary to be paid to him. This delegation is made by the Board because it is impracticable during its present session to satisfactorily perform the duty. Adopted.
Prest. Basinger
By Mr Meldrim:
Resolved that in accepting the resignation of the President of the No. Ga. A.M. College this Board desires to express its high sense of the Scholarship and ability of Col. Basinger and of his devotion to the institution over which he has presided for the past seven years. Adopted.
The Secretary was directed to inform the Committee of the Dahlonega College of the action of this Board on their Communication.
A request from the Editor of the Pandora to make an appropriation for an advertisement which he had inserted at his own risk, was denied.
Term of Prof. of English Lost.
By Mr. Meldrim,
Resolved that the person to be elected to the Chair of English be elected for the period of one year from September 1st next.
The resolution was lost.
Treasurers Bond.
The Chairman of the Board was made the Custodian of the Treasurers bond.
The Board then took a recess until 3.30 P.M.
University of Georgia,
Reconvening at 3.30 upon motion of Mr Harris the matter of the debts of the Literary Societies was referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Finance Report
The report of the Finance Committee was taken from the table, amended and adopted, with the exception of the appropriation of $2000. to the branch College at Dahlonega, which was passed by for the present.
Property Report
The report of the Property Committee was taken from the table, amended and adopted.
By Mr McIntyre
Brown Fund due Notes
Resolved that the Committee on Brown Fund be instructed to take into consideration the notes given for loans from said fund which are now due and unpaid and report to this Board the action necessary to be taken by the Board.
The Board then went into Committee of the whole to consider the election of a Professor of English with Dr Miller in the Chair.
The Committee of the whole rose and reported that the election of Professor of English be held tomorrow Saturday, at 5 P.M. and that the Secretary be instructed to notify absent members by telegram. Adopted.
Debts of Literary Societies
The Com. on Laws & D. reported as follows:
The papers furnished your Committee show that the Phi Kappa Society is indebted to CA Scudden for a gold medal furnished on May 20th 1890, the sum of $15. and that the Demosthenian Society is indebted to Mr FS Morton in the sum of $25. or $30. for music furnished to that society on their last anniversary. It is stated in a note
Athens, June 16 1893
by the Chancellor that this sum was paid by Mr Morton at the solicitation of representatives of the Society; also bills for $57.20 against the University Magazine and for printing and stationery. Your Committee is unable to ascertain that any reason exists for the payment of any of the aforesaid bills by this Board; these expenditures were not authorized by the board nor do we consider either of them to be proper charges to be met out of the funds in our hands.
The Board then went into Committee of the whole with Dr Miller in the Chair, and later rose and reported progress.
Board then adjourned till 10 A.M. tomorrow.
Saturday June 17th
Fees refunded Abbott
The Board was called to order at 10 A.M. Minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. Finance Committee reported recommending that $15. entrance fees of Samuel K. Abbott be refunded to his mother Mrs Bell K Abbott upon his application on the ground that he was under the required age when admitted to matriculation.
The Auditing Committee made their report which was adopted.
Bethel Association
The Committee on Branch Colleges favorably upon the petition to reconvey the premises of the Branch College at Cuthbert to the Bethel Association, and the report was adopted.
The same Committee also reported that the attendance of male students at Dahlonega Branch College during
University of Georgia,
the past year was 90 and recommended that a Committee be appointed to visit that College.
The report was adopted and the Chair promised to announce the Committee later.
Mr Harris gave satisfactory reasons why the report of the Technological School was not ready.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted their report pending the discussion of which the Board took a recess till 4 P.M.
Reconvening, and pending the continued discussion of the report, at 5 P.M. the Board went into the election of a Professor of English to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Professor Charles Morris.
Election of Professor of English.
The Chair appointed Messrs Little and McDaniel tellers. The election was held by ballot and upon counting the vote it appeared that Rev. B.F. Riley D.D. of Birmingham Ala. had received a majority of the votes cast and the Chair accordingly announced his election.
Upon motion the election was made unanimous and the Secretary was directed to notify Dr. Riley of his election.
Resuming the consideration of the report of the Com. of Laws & Discipline a part was adopted and the remainder was recommitted.
Mr Fish and Mr Little were excused from further attendance upon this session of the Board.
Reports from the Technological school and Branch College at Milledgeville were received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Board then adjourned till 10 AM on Monday.
Athens, June 19 1893
The Board met at 10 A.M.
Minutes of Saturday were read and confirmed. Governor Northen took his seat with the Board. The Chancellor presented recommendations from the Faculty of beneficiaries of the Brown Fund, which were referred to the Committee on that Fund also a petition from the Students asking an appropriation for the improvement of the Parade ground which was referred to Committee on Property.
The Chair appointed Mr Hamilton on the Property Committee in place of Mr Hollis deceased.
Chairman elected.
The Board then went into the election of a Chairman for the ensuing two years. Mr. Northen was called to the chair and tellers were appointed. Upon counting the ballots it appeared that Mr NJ Hammond was unanimously elected and the Chairman so announced.
Mr. Hammond resumed the chair and Mr Hull moved the following which was adopted:
Salary of New Professor
Resolved that the Salary of the new Professor of English begin September 1st next.
Prof Morris Salary
By Mr Hutchins:
Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed to pay to Mrs. Charles Morris the remainder of the Salary of the late Professor Morris to September 1st. next. Adopted.
Committee on Laws & Discipline made their report which was adopted as a whole.
Report of Com. on Laws & D. adopted.
The report recommends electric lights to be placed in the Campus, and if necessary for protection of property a watchman be employed; the return to Saturday morning recitations from 9 to 10; all students be required to attend one of the two literary Societies from 10 to 1 P.M. or engage in special work to be assigned by the Faculty;
University of Georgia,
that debates be held and eight medals be awarded to best debaters, four in each Society, one to each class; that the Fellowship in Biology be not filled; that the Faculty be authorized to admit as students applicants deficient in some studies if prepared in one or more; that French & German be added to the studies of the Freshman Class; that a Tutor in Mathematics and an Instructor in English to assist also in Modern Languages be elected;
Tutor and Instructor in English elected
The Board then went into the election of a Tutor and Instructor in English, resulting in the choice of Mr John Morris for Instructor and Mr HC Moreno for Tutor, and the Chair so announced.
The nomination of Capt John Charles Woodward by Hon W.P. Price for the honorary degree of A.M. was referred to the proper committee and laid over under the rules.
Ga Normal & Ind. Coll.
The report of Ga Normal and Industrial College was received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
$100 for Parade Ground
Mr Cobb for the Property Committee recommended the appropriation of $100. to the improvement of the parade ground, which was adopted.
Mr McIntyre was excused after today.
Portraits of Ex. Chancellors Repealed page 429
By Mr Hull
Resolved that the venue of $150. be and hereby is appropriated to the purchase of oil portraits of ex Chancellors Lipscomb, Tucker and Mell Adopted
The Board then took a recess till after the address of Mr A.O. Wilcoxson before the literary Societies.
Reconvening the Chancellor presented the nomination of graduates for degrees as follows:
Master of Arts
Adam A. Boggs
Athens, June 19 1893
Bachelor of Arts:
HC Moreno, LC Slade, EG Cabaniss, HA Alexander
AO Halsey, G.F Johnson, E. Dodd, FG Barfield
HM Dorsey, BT Frey, WH Goodrich, EP Green
EL Halsey, Geo Hillyer Jr., Harry Hodgson, MA Lewis
BL Rountree, NB Stewart, J Taylor, WP Warren
N. Watkins.
Bachelor of Engineering:
RB Nally, RJ Gantt, Lamar Lyndon
Bachelor of Science:
EW Barnwell, TJ Bennett.
Bachelor of Law:
WW Bacon, Jos P Brown, L.L. Brown, FW Dart
J.E. Dean, S.C. Dean, Alex Erwin, FG Govan
LC Greer, TW Hardwick, CP Harris, WV Harvard
A Heyman, MC Horton, OE Horton, WW Hiles,
Jno D Humphries Jos W Humphries J.V. Kelly WJ Matthews,
E.T. Moon, NA Morris, MG Ogden, EK Overstreet
OA Park, ZV Peacock, GO Persons, Sam Rutherford
WW Sheppard, SH Sibley, T.C. Smith, LL Sweat,
JE Whelchel, DB Whitaker, Blanton Winship.
Appropriation to Dahlonega see page 432
The degrees were conferred as nominated. The report of Finance Committee was taken from the table and the sum of $1800. instead of $2000. was appropriated to the Branch College at Dahlonega for the ensuing year.
Dr Boggs & Colored College.
The special Committee on adjusting the claim of Dr Wm E Boggs against the College for Colored Youths made a verbal report recommending that the action taken by the Board in relation thereto at their meeting in November last, be rescinded.
Mr Meldrim, offered the following substituted
Resolved that there be paid to the Chancellor
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of the University out of the Morrill Fund, the sum of $750. for the year 1891, the sum of $1000. for the year 1892 and hereafter the sum of ___ (blank) dollars for the services rendered in the general supervision of the Ga State Industrial College.
The Substitute was lost, and the report of the Committee was adopted.
Sophomore Speakers
The board took a recess till 3.30 P.M. and upon reconvening took a recess to hear the following Sophomores declaim in the Chapel:
DC Barrow 4th CF Dodd JT Dunlap WP Gerrald
Moses Guyton OB Nisbet F.G Orr RA Ridley JG Smith.
Upon returning to the place of meeting Mr Hull offered the following:
Fellow in Biology.
Resolved that so much of the report of Committee on Laws & D. as relates to filling the Fellowship in Biology be reconsidered.
The resolution was Lost.
$50 for Y.M.C.A.
The Finance Committee recommended the appropriation of $50. to the College Y.M.C.A. for the purchase of religious papers and hymn books. Adopted.
Mr. Billups offered a resolution relating to the extra-official services of the Chancellor to the Colored College, pending the discussion of which the Board adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 20th 1893
The Board was called to order at 9 oclock. The minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed.
Portraits of Ex Chancellors
Mr Bacon moved the reconsideration of the resolution appropriating $150. for portraits of ex-Chancellors which was agreed to.
Mr McDaniel then offered the following which was adopted:
Resolved that the families of Ex-Chancellors Lipscomb, Tucker and Mell be requested to furnish their portraits to the University.
Mr Harris offered the following, which on his own motion was laid on the table:
Greek Letter Societies
Resolved that the special verbal report of the Chancellor recommending that the Board require the Greek letter Fraternities to take rooms on and confine their meetings to the Campus be referred to the Prudential Committee with power to act thereon after consultation with the Faculty for the best interests of the University.
Beneficiaries of Brown Fund.
Mr. Meldrim for the Committee on Brown Fund reported as follows which was adopted: That the following named persons be allowed each the sum of $184.82 for the next scholastic year, to be paid out of the Chas McD Brown Fund:
Wm. T. Bacon, Chas. E. Brand, Carlos F. Dodd, Perry J. Shearouse, Clinton P. Thompson,
H.V. Clanton, Henry Dodd, W.W. Larson, L.A. Lindsay, J.M. Stephenson,
J.E. Brannen, Hawes Cloud, T.A. Neal, R.W. Fuller.
Past due Notes
and further recommend that the Treasurer continue to obtain from beneficiaries of the fund their promissory notes and endeavor to collect those due
University of Georgia,
to the best of his ability, it not being deemed wise to instruct suit being brought at this time.
Gen HR Jackson
Mr Billups resolution was then taken up and before discussion the Chancellor was invited to make his statement to the Board, after which the Board took a recess till after the address of General Henry R Jackson before the Alumni Society. Reconvening at 3.30 P.M. Mr Billups withdrew his resolution by consent, and the Board took a recess to hear the orations of the following Juniors in the Chapel:
Junior Speakers.
Joseph Akerman PL Fleming
WA Fuller JD Stelling
W.A. Wilkins S.B. Yow.
W.F. Slaton
Upon returning the name of Major WT Slaton of Atlanta was presented by the Chancellor for the honorary degree of A.M. which under the rules was laid over for one year.
Committee on Branch Colleges submitted their report which was adopted.
Honorary Degrees Conferred
Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Honorary degrees, the following were conferred:
L.L.D. on Henry R. Jackson of Savannah
D.D . on Rev John D. Robins of Atlanta
A.M. on Charles M Snelling of Athens
A.M. on Rabbi J.P. Mendez of Savannah
The nominations of Rev Clark Wright of New York for the degree of D.D. was laid over for want of sufficient information.
Law School.
The Special Committee on Law Department reported as follows:
We recommend that the Law School be continued on present basis except that
Athens, June 20 1893
Sylvanus Morris
Sylvanus Morris Esq. be elected Professor and Messrs. Geo D. Thomas and Andrew S Cobb be retained as lecturers to assist the Faculty as far as their other engagements will permit under such arrangements as the faculty of the law department may make. Adopted.
The Board then by ballot elected Mr Sylvanus Morris a Professor of Law.
By Mr Bacon:
Resolved that the amount to be paid to Dr Boggs for services rendered up to date in connection with the Ga State Industrial College shall be paid out of Morrill Fund one third of which shall be paid out of the 33 per cent of the same allotted to the GA State Ind. College. Resolved further that the total amount to be paid for such services to date shall be ___ (blank) dollars.
The resolution was laid on the table, Messrs Bacon and Meldrim voting nay.
The Board then adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Wednesday June 21 1893
The Board was called to order at 9.30 A.M. The minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed.
Medical College
Mr McDaniel for the special Committee on the Medical College reported that at present nothing can be done towards raising the standard of scholarship requisite for graduation. The report was received.
Mr McDaniel offered the following: Resolved that in view of the fact that the number
University of Georgia,
Appropriation to Dahlonega
of male students in attendance upon the North Ga. A&M College at Dahlonega has for the first time fallen below one hundred, the sum of $200. is hereby appropriated to that college for the next year in addition to the $1800. due by its contract: and that the Secretary inform the Trustees of that College that this is not to be taken as a precedent and that it will not be repeated.
The resolution was adopted.
Mr Bacon raised the point of failure on the part of the Faculty to carry out the instructions of the Board in regard to the Literary Societies and Mr. Cobb offered the following.
Resolved that the Chancellor be requested to inform the Board why the regulations about the literary Societies were not carried out, in response to which the Chancellor appeared and explained that the matters had been overlooked on account of unusual duties imposed by the death of Prof. Morris
Sub Freshman Class proposed.
Mr. Bacon:
Resolved that there shall be a new class in the University to be known as the Sub-Freshman Class. No applicant shall be admitted in said class who shall not have attained the age of fifteen years. The studies upon which they shall stand a satisfactory examination to entitle them to admission shall be prescribed by the Faculty. The special object of instruction in the Sub-Freshman Class shall be the preparation of students for admission to the Freshman or Sophomore Classes, and to this end the said class shall be arranged in such divisions
Athens, June 21 1893
as in the Judgement of the Faculty will best accomplish this purpose. Upon Mr Bacons own motion the resolution was laid on the table till the next annual session.
Felton & Cumming
Messrs Felton and Cumming were excused for non attendance at this session of the Board.
Mr Bacon moved to reconsider the action of the Board in refusing to fill the Fellowship in Biology. Pending the discussion there on the Board took a recess to hear the orations of the following Seniors in the Chapel:
Senior Speakers
Green F. Johnson, Harry A. Alexander
Lester C. Slade Hugh M Dorsey
Arthur Heyman Orville A Park
Fellows Appointed
Reconvening Mr Bacons motion to reconsider was carried, that much of the report of the Committee was disagreed to and Mr Lester C. Slade was appointed Fellow in Biology,
Mr Green F. Johnson Fellow in English and
Mr Harry A. Alexander Fellow in Modern Languages
Duties of Fellows
Mr Meldrim offered the following which was adopted:
Resolved that the Fellows in the University Shall be required to perform in addition to the prescribed duties such services in instructing the students and by aiding the work of the faculty in such manner and at such times as the faculty may direct.
Prof Hunnicutt
By Mr Bacon
Resolved that the Chancellor, Faculty and Prudential Committee be authorized to assign Professor JB Hunnicutt to such duties
University of Georgia,
in teaching as may be profitable to the University. Adopted.
Com. to define Normal School Land.
The Chair appointed Messrs Cobb, Billups and Hull a Committee to define the limits of the land assigned to the Normal School.
The Minutes were read and confirmed and the Board adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull
Athens, June June (sic) 14 1894
The Board met in annual session today. Present Messrs Billups, Cobb, Hammond, Hull, Hutchins, McDaniel, Miller.
There being no quorum no business was transacted.
Friday June 15th 1894
The Board met this morning at 9 oclock with the following members present:
Billups Hull Miller
Cobb Hutchins
Hamilton McDaniel
Hammond Meldrim
Harris McIntyre
The session was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
The minutes of the last session were read and confirmed.
The Chancellors report having been read and the reports of the various officers of the Faculty, they were upon motion referred to appropriate Committees.
Excuses were rendered for Messrs Screven, Lawton and Felton which were received, and for satisfactory reasons they were excused from attendance on this session.
Prof. Barrow.
The resignation of Professor David C. Barrow Jr. of the chair of mathematics was read and upon motion of Mr Billups, the resignation was declined
University of Georgia,
declined (sic) and Mr Barrow was requested to withdraw his letter and to give the Board an immediate reply.
The Chair announced the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline McDaniel, Billups, Cobb,
Degrees Harris and Miller as substitutes for Lawton and Little absent.
Property Mr Howell Cobb in place of Mr Andrew J. Cobb resigned, and Mr Meldrim as substitute for Mr Screven, Absent.
A letter from Prof. D.C. Barrow Jr. was received withdrawing his resignation as requested by the Board.
Lipscomb portrait
Mr Harris offered the following;
Resolved that the portrait of Ex Chancellor Lipscomb referred to in the Chancellors report, presented through Mr AL Hull, be accepted with the thanks of this Board, and that the portrait be hung in the room west of the Library.
Nominations for Honorary Degrees.
Nominations for the degree of A.M. were made by Mr. P.W. Meldrim to be conferred on Prof. Otis Ashmore, of Savannah, and by Mr W.P. Price on Prof Elias B. Vickery of Dahlonega, which were laid over under the rules.
Prudential Committee
The minutes of the Prudential Committee were read and approved. Board then took a recess till 3 oclock P.M.
Athens, June 15 1894
Reconvening at 3.30 P.M.
The Chair announced the following Committees:
Auditing Committee: SR Atkinson, Harris, McIntyre.
Brown Fund: Bacon, Harris, Miller.
Branch Colleges: Hamilton, Hutchins, Bacon.
Invitation: Meldrim, McDaniel, Hamilton.
JG Smith
A statement from the Chancellor was received saying that Mr J.G. Smith having been providentially prevented from completing any year of his college course and having paid $45. matriculation fees for fourteen months in college, asked a rebate on his fees paid.
Upon motion of Mr Harris, Mr Smith will be allowed a credit of $15. on his fees provided he returns to college next year.
Mr Meldrims report on the College for Colored Youths was received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Degrees Conferred.
Committee on Degrees reported, recommending that the degree of A.M. be conferred on Prof. Wm M Slaton of Atlanta, Ga and LLD on Dr Wm Leroy Brown of Auburn Ala.
The report was adopted and the degrees so conferred.
Dr. I. W. Waddell
Committee on Branch Colleges recommended that Rev. Isaac W. Waddell D.D. be elected the President (principal) of the N.G. A&M College at Dahlonega; and upon motion the report was adopted and Dr Waddell declared so elected.
University of Georgia,
The Board then adjourned till 9.30 tomorrow A.M.
Saturday June 16th 1894
The Trustees reconvened at 9.30 A.M. with the additions of Messrs. Bacon and Fish.
The Minutes were read and approved.
Report of Property Committee
The Committee on Property made their report which was considered by paragraphs and adopted.
The report recommends that a larger portion of the Library funds by expended in future in books of general interests to students rather than periodicals and books of scientific and technical character; approved the erection of two water closets in the Library building; the continuance of electric lights on the campus; the recommendations of the Inspector of Buildings for repairs with exceptions noted and the improvement of the Campus by planting trees and shrubbery and fertilizing the grass.
Water Closets
Mr Harris offered the following:
Resolved that the Inspector of Buildings be requested to make an estimate of the cost of a system of water closets for the use of the college, to be located in the college buildings on the Campus, and report the same to this Board at this session with as little delay as practicable.
In reply the Inspector reported the cost in round numbers to be $500. or $600.
The Communication was referred to Committee on Property who reported postponing the erection of these closets and requesting estimates and bids on the work to be presented to the Board at the next annual meeting.
Athens June 16 1894
Report of Laws & Discipline Committee. Debates. Moreno. Elocution
Committee on Laws and Discipline submitted their report which was considered by sections and adopted as a whole.
The report commends the improvement in the interest taken in the Literary Societies, and reduces the minimum number of debaters in the Competitive debates from 8 to 6; continues Mr Moreno as Tutor in Mathematics; limits the selection of speakers at Commencement to those who have taken instruction in elocution; declines to interfere in the matter of debts contracted by the literary Societies; encourages the continuance of the College Y.M.C.A.;
Night Watch Adjunct-Professors
continues the employment of a night watchman; advances Messrs, Snelling, Hooper & Herty from the rank of Instructor to that of Adjunct Professor, each in his own department;
Appointment of Tutors & Fellows.
appoints Mr. A. Belcher of Winchester, Tenn (Covington, Ga.,) to be Tutor in Ancient Languages:
Mr Noel MH. Moore, Fellow in Biology;
Mr Geo. P. Butler, Fellow in Mathematics;
limits the appointment of Tutors and Fellows to one year;
declares that the Experimental Farm ought to be self-supporting for the ensuing year, and no more of the appropriation for equipment should be expended on manures;
New Medal
offers a medal for impromptu English Composition;
Sunday P.M. Service
strikes out from the Manual (paragraph 2 chapter 3 page 121) the words and The Sunday afternoon service held on the University Grounds;.
authorizes the reception of students upon exhibiting their diplomas from certain high schools without further examinations;
University of Georgia,
Finance Report
Finance Committee made their report, which was considered in detail and after amendment was adopted as a whole.
New appropriations
The report appropriates, besides the sums to cover the usual expenses of the College, $600. each to the salaries of the two tutors, $300. each increase to salaries of professors Herty and Hooper, $300. to salary of Mr. N M Moon Fellow in Biology, $300. for salary of Instructor in Physics for three months, $750. for equipment of department of Ancient Languages; $250. for publication of decinnial Catalogue of Alumni, and other lesser appropriations.
The Board took a recess till 3.30 P.M.
Prof of Agriculture.
Reassembling at 3.30 oclock, a communication from the Professor of Agriculture was received, giving his reasons why appropriation should be made to keep the farm in a state of high cultivation, which was laid on the table for the present.
Brown Fund Appointees.
Committee on Brown Fund made a report which was adopted.
The report appoints the following applicants to be beneficiaries of the Brown Fund, each to receive $185.00:
Charles E. Brand (Failed to rise) WW Larson
Carlos F. Dodd LA Lindsey
Harry Dodd TA Neal
Hawes Cloud JG Smith
DT Clark BD Watkins
H.V. Clanton P.J. Shearouse
HR Hunt
R.W. Graham (resigned)
Athens, June 16 1894
and as alternates in the order named:
1. RE White of Taylor Co. (Special)
2. JW Mason Campbell Co (takes Brands place)
3. BW Weston Clark Co.
4. CC Carson Franklin Co (Special)
5. Jos E Brand Gwinnett Co
6. MN McCall Screven Co.
Age of admission 15
Mr Hull offered the following:
Resolved, that the minimum age of admission into the Freshman Class be fifteen years and no applicant under sixteen shall be admitted into the other classes. Adopted.
Report of Auditing Com.
The Auditing Committee made their report which was received and adopted.
The report requires that all accounts against the University shall be rendered to the Treasurer for payment and whenever the Treasurer shall advance to any member of the Faculty and any sum to be expended by him, a detailed statement shall be made to him of sums so disbursed not later than June 1st of each year.
Board adjourned till 9.30 AM on Monday
University of Georgia,
Monday June 18th 1894
The Board met at 9.30 A.M.
The minutes of Saturday were read and confirmed.
Mr. Little excused
Mr Little through the Chairman, requested leave of absence for this session which was granted.
Mr Cumming resigned
Notice was received from Major Jos. B. Cumming of his resignation as Trustee of the University.
Prof Hunnicutts &c.
A Statement of details of expenditures on the Farm was received from Prof. Hunnicutt, and was referred to Auditing Committee.
A report from the Technological School was received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr Meldrim offered a resolution looking to the reception of Students from certain High Schools in the State which after amendment was referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Mr JH Butner, a Student in the Junior Class, having lost one year at College requested the Board to refund the fees for that year.
The Treasurer was instructed to credit Mr Butner with $15. on his fees provided he enters college next year.
Mr Meldrim presented the matter of the compensation of Dr Boggs for services rendered to the College for Colored Youths, asking directions from the Board.
The matter was referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Athens, June 18 1894
Mr Hull offered the following which was adopted:
$25000 asked of Legislature
Resolved that the Legislative Committee of this Board be instructed to prepare a bill asking the General Assembly to appropriate the sum of $25000. 00/100 to the University for the erection on the Campus of a building to be used as a Gymnasium and laboratories for the Departments of Physics and Chemistry; and that plans, specifications and estimates for such building apparatus and equipment, be furnished to the Committee by the Appropriate department or departments of this University.
Mr Hurt.
Mr Joel Hurt appeared before the Board asking that his son G.F. Hurt, who was refused permission to declaim by the Chancellor for leaving college without permission, be restored to his privileges and be permitted to speak.
The Chancellor was summoned and made a Statement of the case, whereupon the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved that the action of the Chancellor and Faculty in upholding the discipline of the University be commended. But in view of the statement of Mr Joel Hurt that he had written his son to come home, and that his son was under the belief that the Chancellors permission for leave of absence at this time was not necessary, and he having disavowed any intention to violate the laws of the institution, the Chancellor is requested to restore him to his speakers place and position in the College.
Resolved further that Students in future shall not be permitted to indulge any presumptions with reference to the rules of this institution but shall in all cases apply to the Chancellor for an interpretation of any rule or regulation and shall observe the same.
University of Georgia,
The Board then adjourned till 3.30 P.M.
Reconvening at 3.30 oclock, the Committee on Laws & Discipline reported as follows on Mr Meldrims request:
Dr Boggs and the Colored College.
The act of the General Assembly under which the Georgia Industrial College for Colored Youths was organized as a Branch of the University contains the same provision as other acts of the General Assembly for the organization of Branch Colleges that the Chancellor of the University shall have the general supervision of the School, and the Committee are of opinion of that this provision does not require different supervision or more frequent visits than is required in the case of other Branches of the University.
It appears that the plan of organization and conduct of the School requires the presence and oversight of a competent white man at least once a month during the scholastic year, and that the Commission think the Chancellor can serve the Georgia State Industrial College for Colored Youths better than any other person in that capacity.
The Committee therefore recommend that the Board of Trustees consent that the Chancellor may continue so to act, but that the Commission of said Industrial College for Colored Youths shall pay for it out of the funds under their control.
Pending discussion of the report, the Board took a recess to hear the Sophomore Speakers declaim in the Chapel.
(Program Inserted)
University of Georgia
June 18th, 1894
1. Holcombe Bacon, P.K., DeWitt, Ga.
The Race Problem.
2. W.W. Chandler, D.S., Girth, Ga.
The Stars and Stripes.
3. D.T. Clark, D.S., Atlanta, Ga.
The South and Her Problem.
4. C.H. Holden, P.K., Crawfordville, Ga.
The Mississippi Contested Election.
5. G.F. Hurt, P.K., Atlanta, Ga.
Voorhees Defense of the South.
6. J.A. Morton, P.K., Athens, Ga.
The South.
7. T.A. Neal, D.S., Banksville, Ga.
The Unknown Speaker.
8. Jno. G. Pittman, P.K., Thomasville, Ga.
Education in Georgia.
9. E.C. Ryals, D.S., Savannah, Ga.
Southern Chivalry.
10. J.M. Stephenson, D.S., Oxford, Ala.
Curse of Regulus.
10:00 a.m. Meeting of the Alumni.
11:00 a.m. Address before the Society of the Alumni,
by Hon. R.L. Berner, Forsyth, Ga.
4:30 p.m. Exercises of the Junior Class.
Delivery of Sophomore Medals.
Athens, June 18 1894
Upon returning to the Library, the discussion was resumed.
Mr Meldrim offered following substitute for the report which was lost:
Resolved that the compensation to the Chancellor for his supervision of the Colored College be paid out of the funds in the treasury of the University; the amount to be paid to be fixed by the Commission but not to exceed $900. per annum.
Mr Bacon then offered the following substitute: Resolved that it shall be the duty of the Chancellor of the University as a part of his official duties to visit once in every three months the Georgia State Industrial College and make inspection of the same, giving such direction as may in his judgment be most conducive to the efficiency of the institution.
The ayes and noes being called resulted as follows:
Ayes: Noes:
Bacon Billups
S.R. Atkinson Cobb
Meldrim Hutchins
McIntyre Hull
Miller 5 McDaniel
Hamilton 7.
and the substitute was lost.
The report was put upon its passage and the ayes and noes demanded, with the following result:
Ayes Noes
S.R. Atkinson Bacon
Billups Meldrim
Cobb McIntyre
and the report was adopted.
University of Georgia,
Physical Culture
Mr Meldrim offered the following:
Resolved that a department of Physical Culture be and the same hereby is established in this University; that Dr Charles H Herty is made temporary director of said department; that the said director is requested and directed to organize said department and formulate, subject to the approval of the Faculty, a plan of government and exercise in said department.
Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Tuesday June 19th 1894
The Board met according to adjournment.
The minutes of the 18th were read and approved.
Mr Jesse Coates resignation
The resignation of Mr Jesse Coates, Instructor in Physics, to take effect at the pleasure of the Board, was presented.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved that the resignation of Mr Jesse Coates as Instructor in Physics be hereby accepted to take effect January 1st 1895, with the proviso that if it shall meet the approval of the Professor of Physics and the interests of the University shall not suffer thereby, Mr Coates may be relieved of any active services in the University in the interim.
2. That in accepting his resignation the Board of Trustees expresses its high regard and respect for the honorable character and many excellent qualities of Mr Coates and its admiration for his manliness.
3. That the Secretary be requested to furnish Mr Coates a copy of these resolutions.
Athens, June 19 1894
Mr Harris presented excuses for the absence of Mr. W.Y. Atkinson from this session of the Board which were received.
Appointment of Instructor in Physics.
By Mr Hull:
Resolved that the Prudential Committee, after Consultation with the Chancellor and Professor of Physics be authorized to secure the services of an Instructor in Physics during the ensuing year, and that the same salary now paid to that officer be paid to him and that the necessary amount be hereby appropriated.
which resolution was adopted.
N&I College
Mr Harris:
Resolved that the Chairman of the Local Board of Trustees of the Normal Industrial College have 30 days after the adjournment of this Board within which to make his report of the operations of said school for the current year and that said report be sent to the chairman of this Board as soon as completed.
Resolved that the Secretary of this Board send a copy of this Resolution to the President of said College.
Alumni Catalogue.
By Mr Hutchins:
Resolved that not less than 1000 copies of a Catalogue of the officers and alumni of the University, including the graduates of the present year, be published and that the sum of $250.00 be appropriated for that purpose.
Resolved that Mr. A.L. Hull be requested to attend to said publication. Adopted.
Legislative Committee
The chair announced the following Legislative Committee:
NJ Hammond, Ex officio Chairman
HD McDaniel NE Harris
PW Meldrim SR Atkinson.
University of Georgia,
Auditing Committee reported the correctness of the Statement of expenditures on the farm, furnished by Dr. J.B. Hunnicutt.
Hon RE Berner
Board then took a recess to attend the meeting of the Alumni Association and hear the Oration of Hon Robt. E Berner at the Chapel.
Reconvening at 1 oclock,
Mr SR Atkinson asked leave of absence for the remainder of this session, which was granted.
Two items in the finance report which had been passed were taken up and the appropriations made as recommended
The Board took a recess till 3:30 P.M.
Prof Riley
Reassembling at 4 P.M. a communication was handed in by the Chancellor, signed by the Students of the Senior Class A.B. course, asking the removal of Prof B.F. Riley from the Chair of English.
The paper was read and the matter indefinitely postponed.
The Board took recess to hear the speakers in the Junior Class in the Chapel:
JH Butner Macon
Moses Guyton Marianna, Fla
JJ Gibson Newnan, Ga
WA Harris Macon
JW Morton Athens
FJ Orr Athens
JH Porter Atlanta
PJ Shearouse Springfield, Ga
Athens, June 19 1894
Degrees Conferred.
Upon reconvening the following nominations for degrees were made by the Faculty, and upon motion, the degrees were conferred:
Master of Arts: Lester C. Slade
Harry A. Alexander Lynn N. Gerdine
Green F. Johnson Halcott C. Moreno
Master of Science:
Virgil E. Franklin Ewd W. Barnwell
Civil Engineer:
Louis Camak.
Bachelor of Arts:
Joseph Akerman Wm P Harbin
Wm T Bacon John M Harrington
Ben S Baldwin JB Madden
David C Barrow, 3rd CD McCutchen
Byron B Bower Jr Thos A McGregor
Jas. E Brannen Noel McH Moore
Edwin Davis T. Ralph Moye
Jasper N Dorsey Jno. V. Stubbs
Paul L Fleming Chas R Tidwell
Lunsford D Fricks Alex. W. Stephens
WR Fuller Sam B. Yow
Bachelor of Science:
D.L. Cloud
Bachelor of Engineering:
Henry C. Brown, Geo P. Butler
Geo. W. Beckett, John D. Stelling
Arthur Wrigley
Bachelor of Law:
Robert D Bush, Chas D. Kline, Jefferson D. Lanier
Augustus D. Daly, Pharos R. Lester, Gabriel P. Martin
James C. Mell, Frank Mitchell, John H Mobley
Charles H Smith Jr., Eleazer J. Stafford, David S. Sterling
Stephen C. Upson, James Q. Wallace, Louis B. Warren
George Young, Hugh C. Strong
University of Georgia,
The Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Wednesday June 20th 1894
The Board met at 9.30 pursuant to adjournment. Minutes of the 19th were read and confirmed.
L.L.D. on Gen AR Lawton.
Mr Meldrim nominated
Gen. Alexander R. Lawton for the degree of L.L.D. The rule requiring nominations for honorary degrees to lie over one year, was suspended and the degree of LLD was unanimously conferred on Gen. Lawton.
Appropriation to Physical Culture
By Mr Meldrim:
Resolved that the sum of $50.00 be appropriated to aid in the matter of Physical Culture; said sum to be paid to the Director of that department for the purchase of such partial equipment as he may select.
Committee on Branch Colleges made their report which was adopted.
The Board took a recess to hear the orations and essays of the graduating classes at the Chapel:
Joseph Akerman Paul L. Fleming
WA Fuller John D Stilling
Frank Mitchell HC Strong
(Program Inserted)
University of Georgia
June 20th. 1894.
Speakers and Essayists of the Graduating Class.
Joseph Akerman, A.B., Athens, Ga.
Essay. Importance of a Popular Training in
Political Economy.
P.L. Fleming, A.B., Atlanta, Ga.
Oration. the Irony of History.
W.A. Fuller, Jr., A.B, Atlanta, Ga.
Essay. Man and Environment.
Jno. D. Stelling, B.E., Augusta, Ga.
Oration. True Greatness.
Speakers of the Law Class
Frank Mitchell, B.L., Crawfordville, Ga.
Oration. The Lawyer and His Profession.
H.C. Strong, B.L., Atoka, Tenn.
Oration. The Dynamic Force of Truth.
The following members of the Graduating Class receive,
with their diplomas, the honors of the University, and are entitled
to seats on the stage during the graduating exercises:
A.B. Course.
First Honor S.B. Yow Avalon, Ga.
Second Honor. W.T. Bacon, Lexington, Ga.
Third Honor, W.A. Fuller, Jr.,Atlanta, Ga.
Fourth Honor N.M. Moore, Augusta, Ga.
Fifth Honor, J. Akerman, Athens, Ga.
Sixth Honor, J.M. Harrington, West Point, Ga.
B.E. Course.
First Honor. G.P. Butler, Augusta, Ga.
Delivery of Diplomas, Etc., The Chancellor
Adjournment of the University, Closing the Ninety-Fourth Session.
Athens, June 20, 1894
Returning to the Library
Major Bacon offered the following resolution which at his own request was laid on the table without discussion:
The Board of Trustees reiterating and emphasizing the conviction that the Literary Societies are second to no other department or agency of the University for the Cultivation and improvement of the Students, have marked the evidence of a want of interest in the same on the par of the young men and the failure to observe the outward formalities which are inconsistent with the conditions essential to the usefulness of these societies.
Therefore resolved that the Board will proceed to investigate whether this unfortunate condition is or is not due in whole or in part to the absence on the part of those clothed with authority the duty and responsibility of a proper and earnest desire for the success of these societies, and further whether those thus clothed with authority and responsibility have endeavored in good faith to carry out both the letter and spirit of the rules relating to this matter which have been made by this Board.
Resolved that if it shall be found that such rules and regulations have not been conformed to and enforced in good faith, the Board will further inquire what changes if any are necessary to maintain the authority of the Board and promote the efficiency of these societies.
The minutes were read and approved and the Board adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull
(Blank Page)
(Blank Page)
University of Georgia,
June 13th 1895
The annual session of the Board was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
The roll being called the following Trustees responded present:
Felton McDaniel McIntyre
Hammond Lawton Little
Miller Billups Hull
Cobb Meldrim
The minutes of the last session were read and the Board took a recess until 3.30 P.M.
Reconvening at 3.30 excuses were rendered and received for Messrs Hutchins, Fish and Screven. Messrs Harris and Hamilton took their seats with the Board.
Chancellors Report
The Chancellor appeared and read his annual report, which was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Reports of Professors on their various departments were read to the Board and laid on the table.
The Chair announced the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline
McDaniel, Little, Cobb
Chas McDonald Brown Fund
Meldrim, Harris, Felton
Auditing Committee
Hamilton, McIntyre, Hutchins
Branch Colleges
Billups, Hamilton, Miller
Little, Meldrim, Billups
Meldrim vice Screven absent
Athens June 13, 1895
Harris vice Fish absent
The Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Friday June 14th
The Board met at 9.30 oclock
The Minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Mr Hutchins took his seat with the Board.
Mr S.R. Atkinson was excused for cause, from attendance on this session.
Prudential Minutes
The minutes of the Prudential Committee were read and confirmed.
Mr MacIntyre announced that he would ask leave of absence after Tuesday noon.
The report of the Finance Committee was submitted and laid on the table for the present.
JA Davis Jr.
The treasurer was authorized to credit Mr JA Davis Jr of Albany Ga. with twenty dollars fees on his reentering College next term.
The following resolution offered by Mr. Cobb was adopted:
AL Hull Resolved that the sum of two hundred dollars be appropriated to compensate Mr AL Hull for work done in preparing and publishing the decennial Catalogue of the University.
A Belcher
The Chancellor presented a request with accompanying papers, from Mr A. Belcher asking a hearing
from the Board in an appeal
University of Georgia,
from the action of the Faculty in dismissing him from College. The hour of half past nine was fixed for Mr Belcher to appear before the Board.
LJ Langley.
A request from Mr Lee J Langley was presented by the Chancellor asking that the degree of Bachelor of Laws be conferred upon him as a graduate of the Class of 1893. Referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
F.S. Jones
The Treasurer was authorized to credit F.S. Jones with fifteen dollars on his fees, on his returning to College next term.
Colored College
Mr Meldrim submitted the report of the Commission on the Colored College, which was received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr Bacon took his seat with the Board.
Branch Colleges
The Committee on Branch Colleges submitted a report which was received and adopted
The Board took a recess till 4 P.M.
At 4.25 PM the Board reconvened.
Mr Fish took his seat with the Board
In the absence of the Chairman, Mr Billups was requested to take the Chair.
Report of Property Committee.
Mr Cobb submitted the report of the Property Committee which was received and adopted.
The Report after recommendations for repairs, asks the appointment of a special committee to confer with the City Council of Athens about the improvement of sidewalks etc.
Recommends the arrangement of a room for a philological library when provision is made for the College Y.M.C.A.
The Prudential Committee submitted a plat of the tract of land set apart for the use of the Georgia Normal School, showing the lines agreed
Athens, June 14 1895
upon with the Commission of that School. The plat was received and ordered to be recorded in the minutes.
(Hand drawn map not shown)
Mr Meldrim offered the following, which was adopted:
L.L.D. on JLM Curry
Whereas at the Commencement of 1886 the degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon the Hon. Jabez L.M. Murry and whereas the conferring of said degree does not appear upon the records of the University, it is therefore Resolved, That the action of the Board of Trustees in conferring said degree be and the same is hereby confirmed and ratified and that the appropriate diploma of the University be delivered to the said the Hon JLM Curry
(See Page 11 This book written in the margin)
JC Woodward Mr Meldrim nominated Prof J.C. Woodward of Milledgeville for the honorary degree of Master of Arts.
University of Georgia,
JD Scott
and Rev. Jas D. Scott of San Antonio Texas, was nominated by letter, by Mr Jno. J. Strickland. Both nominations were laid over under the rules.
Laws & Discipline Report
Mr McDaniel submitted a report from the Committee on Laws & Discipline, which was considered by sections and adopted as a whole.
The Report remarks the increased attendance and the improvement in the scholarship of the students, and commends the discipline of the institution.
Confirms the appointment of Mr Andrew H. Patterson as Instructor in Physics,
recommends the appointment of H.C. Moreno Tutor in Mathematics
Moses Guyton Jr. Tutor in Ancient Languages.
J.G. Smith, Fellow in Biology
Accepts the bequest of the late Henry Hillyer of a collection of Birds,
Grants leave of absence for one year to Mr OH Sheffield and authorizes the appointment of Mr Fred J. Orr as his substitute for the time,
Declines to relieve Col. Snelling of the duties of Commandant, but fixes his salary as Adjunct Professor of mathematics at Fifteen hundred dollars and adds three hundred dollars for his services as Commandant. Recognizes the valuable work done in the department of Physical Culture.
Pays the expenses of a delegate from the Faculty to the annual convention of Teachers of the State, and of on(e) from the State College of Agriculture to the meeting at Denver, Col. asks a special Committee of three to consider the state of the Farm;
Declines to make any change in the law as to the literary Societies as it now exists;
Athens, June 14, 1895
Declines for reasons given, to confer the degree of B.L. on Mr Lee J. Langley.
Mr Little was excused from further attendance upon this session.
The Chair appointed Messrs Bacon, Hamilton and Hutchins, the Special Committee on the state of College farm.
The Board adjourned till 9.30 AM tomorrow.
Saturday June 15. 1895
The Board met at 9.30 A.M.
The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
The Chancellor introduced the Board of Visitors and a short recess was taken to form their acquaintance.
Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors presented their report as required under the new law, which was read by their Chairman, received and referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline.
The Chair appointed Mr Fish on that Committee Vice Mr Little, excused.
On motion of Mr Bacon, the special order, the hearing of Mr Belcher, was postponed.
The Auditing Committee made their report which was received and adopted.
JE Witherspoon SG Brinkley
The nomination by Mr Little of Prof John E Witherspoon of Columbus, for the degree of A.M. was laid over under the rules and the nomination by the Faculty of Prof S.G. Brinkley for the same degree took the same course.
Governor Atkinson appeared and took his seat with the Board
University of Georgia,
Mr Harris offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that a committee of three from this body be appointed to examine, in connection with a Committee from the Faculty, one of who shall be the Chancellor, the present Curriculum of the College, and the disposition of the time and attention of the students in reference thereto, with the view of revising the same if necessary looking to the recent act of the Legislature in reference to the A.B. course, and report their conclusion touching the same at as early a day as practicable, not later than the next annual session of this Board.
The Chair appointed on the Committee, Messrs Harris, Meldrim and Cobb.
Orator at Commencement
Mr Hull offered the following: Resolved that the Chairman of this Board be authorized to invite annually some gentleman of distinction and reputation to deliver an address before the Students of the University on Commencement day and that the sum of One Hundred dollars be appropriated to pay his expenses.
Otis Ashmore
Committee on Degrees, recommended that the honorary degree of A.M. be conferred on Professor Otis Ashmore of Savannah Ga. and the Board declared the degree so conferred.
On motion of Mr Billups the Committee on Laws and Discipline was requested to return the report of the Board of Visitors, which was done.
Upon motion the Board then took up the report and considered it in committee of the whole.
Pending discussion the Board took a recess till 4 P.M.
Athens, June 15 1895
Reconvening at 4 P.M.
Tennis Courts
the Committee on Property brought in their report recommending the fitting up of four tennis courts in the North east corner of the Campus as requested by the Director of Physical Culture.
The Committee of the whole resumed consideration of the report of the Visitors and later the Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. on Monday.
Sunday June 16
The Commencement Sermon was preached in the Chapel by Rev. Isaac S. Hopkins. D.D. of Atlanta
Monday June 17 1895.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment. The minutes of Saturday were read and approved. The Chancellor submitted to the Board the recommendations for Scholarships which were referred to the Committee on the Brown Fund.
Mr Screven took his seat with the Board. For good and sufficient reasons Mr Gamble was excused from attendance at this session.
Messrs Lawton and Felton were also excused.
Election of Chairman and Secretary and Treasurer
The Board went into the election of a Chairman for the ensuing two years, and of a Secretary and Treasurer for the ensuing four years.
Mr Billups took the Chair.
Mr HJ Hammond was nominated for Chairman and was unanimously elected.
Mr AL Hull was nominated for Secretary and Treasurer and was elected, there being no other nomination.
University of Georgia
The hour of 5.30 P.M. was set for hearing Dr Riley in reply to the Board of Visitors.
The Chair appointed Messrs Bacon, Harris and Cobb, the special Committee to confer with the City Council on the improvements of the Campus Surroundings.
L.L. Knight
Board took a recess to hear the address of Mr. Lucian L. Knight before the Literary Societies in the Chapel.
Returning to the Library, the Chancellor presented a petition from Messrs Floyd and Neal which was referred to the Finance Committee.
The Committee of the whole reported that they had no report to make on the suggestions of the Board of Visitors. Upon motion the Visitors report was then returned to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Judges for Soph Medals.
Mr Screven offered the following:
Resolved that the present method of awarding and presenting the medals to the most meritorious Sophomore speakers, be so changed as that a Committee of not less than three nor more than five impartial referees be appointed by the Chairman of this board, who shall sit openly and hear the declamations and that one of said Committee shall present the medals upon the close of the exercises on the following day.
Chancellor Boggs presented a request from the Faculty asking that the sum of $500. be appropriated to an University exhibit to be made at the Atlanta Exposition.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
Athens, June 17 1895
Address on Commencement Day.
By Mr McDaniel,
Resolved that the address on Commencement day provided for at this session shall take place of the address to the graduating Class, until further order of this Board.
The Board then took a recess till 3.45 P.M.
Reconvening at 4 P.M.
Books for Exhibit
Mr Hull offered the following:
Resolved that this Board request the loan or gift of copies of all books written by any former student officer or Trustee of this University for use in its exhibit at the Atlanta Exposition.
The Finance report was taken from the table and considered, pending which the Board took a recess to hear the Sophomore speakers in the Chapel.
Dr. Riley.
Reconvening in the Library, Dr. Riley appeared according to appointment and addressed the Board.
The time for hearing Mr A. Belcher was set for the return of the Board from the Chapel tomorrow morning.
Adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia.
Tuesday June 18 1895.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Legislative Committee.
The committee from the Legislature appeared before the Board, and a short recess was taken to receive them.
Upon their retiring the Chancellor presented a paper from the Faculty relative to inviting lecturers to the University which was received.
The Board then took a recess to attend the exercises of the Alumni Society.
Reconvening the Board received Mr A. Belcher who read a paper containing a grievance against the Faculty and an appeal from their action in dismissing him from the College.
Mr MacIntyre was excused from further attendance upon this session.
Board took a recess until 3.30 P.M.
Finance Report
At 3.45 the Board resumed the consideration of the Finance report which was adopted as amended.
Mr Harris submitted the report of the Technological School which was received and referred to committee on Branch Colleges.
I.C. Plant Collection.
Mr Harris presented a letter from Mr George H. Plant of Macon, Ga, offering a collection of mineral specimens and Indian relics, which was referred to the Finance Committee.
Athens, June 18, 1895
The Committee on the Brown Fund reported appointed the following as beneficiaries with an allowance of $185. each:
Brown Fund Appointees.
LA Lindsay TA Neal Harry Dodd CF Dodd
DT Clark BD Watkins HF Hunt JM Stephenson
Will Chandler Geo. E. Price Powell Stephens Jno M Hunt
and Walker White, as appointee of Julius L Brown Esq.
Fred Morris as appointee of Joseph M Brown Esq. Recommends that legal steps be taken to collect the matured obligations given for loans.
The Chancellor reported the recommendations of graduate degrees, which were received and the following degrees were conferred:
Master of Science: Noel McH. Moore
Bachelor of Arts:
Frank W. Bean Jos J Bennett Robt. M Butler
Hawes Cloud Ewd E Dougherty Van M Fletcher
Moses Guyton Walter A Harris Wm L Kemp
O Brevard Nisbet J Henry Porter RA Ridley
Marshall P. Robertson.
Bachelor of Science:
J.O. Cook James T. Dunlap, HH Ezzard
EM Gammon WP Gerrald Joel J. Gibson
Lindsay Halsey Jno W Morton Archibald Smith
JG Smith
Bachelor of Engineering:
Sam G. Hunter, Fred J. Orr Percy J. Shearouse.
Bachelor of Laws:
Jerry S. Ayers Hugh Chambers Eugene Ford
Wm A Fuller Chas T Haskell Thos Samuel Hawes
CL Heller Green F Johnson Frank C. Keen
Robt. E Lee Lattie L. Lyon Maston E. ONeal
University of Georgia,
Micajah T. Perkins Jno B.G. Petrie Fred O. Price
Howell B. Simmons Walter P. Warren Newton Watkins
John W. Welch Herschel S. White Jno. E Swartz
Report of Visitors
The Board then took a recess to hear the Junior Speakers in the Chapel.
Reconvening in the Library, the Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted their report on the recommendations of the Board of Visitors, which was received and adopted.
Messrs. Hull and Billups asked leave to have their votes recorded nay as against so much of the last paragraph of the report as relates to the change of opinion in this Board, which was granted.
The appeal of Mr Belcher was postponed till after the reading of the minutes tomorrow.
The Finance Committee reported accepting the gift of a collection of specimens by Mr Geo H. Plant of Macon, which was adopted.
Mr Bacon made a report for the special Committee on the College Farm, which was laid on the table.
The Board then adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 19, 1895
Wednesday, Commencement Day.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Upon motion of Mr Hamilton, the appeal of Mr. A. Belcher was dismissed, and the action of the Faculty in dismissing him from College is approved.
N.G.A.& M. College
Mr McDaniel offered the following which was adopted:
The Report of the Board of Trustees of the North Georgia College at Dahlonega, not having been submitted, the Treasurer is directed to withhold the appropriation to that College until satisfactory evidence has been presented to the Prudential Committee that the required number of students attended the College during the last session.
The report of the special Committee on the Farm was taken up for consideration, was discussed amended and adopted.
The report recommends that a model farm be organized on the southern part of the Campus between Jackson and Lumpkin streets; improvement of the Campus; authorizes Prudential committee to negotiate for purchase of land near campus and sell part of land near Rock College; appropriates $400. to carry out the exchange of farm and erection of buildings.
Committee on Branch Colleges submitted an additional report which was received and adopted.
Mr Harris offered the following:
Resolved that the Committee on arrangement of the curriculum in this institution appointed at this session, be instructed to include within the scope of their investigations the matter of improving the efficiency
University of Georgia,
and promoting the success of the two literary Societies and the encouragement of oratory and composition among the students as provided in the act approved Dec. 18 1894 and that in connection with the Committee from the Faculty the said Committee from this Board have authority to inaugurate such measures as will in their Judgement secure the desired end, provided the same be not in conflict with the regulations of this Board. The Committee shall report its action to the Board at the next annual session.
Publication of Report
By Mr Hammond,
Resolved that if called for the Secretary be and is authorized to furnish for publication the report of the Committee on Laws & Discipline as to the suggestions of the Board of Visitors submitted to this body.
The Board took a recess to hear the graduating class in the Chapel.
Exhibit at Atlanta
Returning to the Library
Mr Hull offered the following:
Resolved that the sum of three hundred dollars be appropriated under the direction of the Prudential Committee to making an exhibit for this University at the Atlanta Exposition.
Athens June 19 1895
Political Addresses
By Mr Meldrim:
Resolved that it is the sense of this body that no criticism of living American political Characters, parties or measures, be permitted by any student of this University in any oration essay or other University exercise, and that this resolution be communicated to the Faculty.
The minutes were read and approved and the Board adjourned sine die.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Thursday June 11th 1896
The Board met today at 1 oclock in the Library. Present, Messrs Cobb, Hammond, Harris, Hull, Felton, Hutchins, Hamilton, Lewis, McDaniel, Meldrim, Persons, Simmons, Screven.
A quorum being present the session was opened with prayer by Chancellor Boggs, after which the minutes of the last session were read, and the Board took a recess until 4 P.M.
Reconvening at 4 oclock,
Governor Atkinson, Messrs Gamble and MacIntyre took their seats with the Board.
Chancellors Report
The Chancellor read his annual report to the Trustees which was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Mr Fish excused
Mr Fish was for good reasons excused from attendance on this session.
New Trustees
Notice was received of the appointment by the Governor, of Messrs, Hal T. Lewis and Henry Persons as Trustees in place of Messrs Billups and Little whose terms had expired, and Mr WE Simmons in the place of Dr Miller, deceased.
Reports of Professors were read for the information of the Board.
Branch Colleges
Reports were received from
Branch Colleges at Dahlonega, and the Ga Normal & Ind. School at Milledgeville, and later from the Technological School all of which were referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Athens, June 11th 1896.
The Chair announced the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline:
Screven, McDaniel, Cobb.
Harris, Lewis, Hutchins.
Branch Colleges,
Lewis, Simmons, MacIntyre
Brown Scholarship,
Meldrim, Persons, Gamble.
Hamilton, Harris, Meldrim.
and the following Standing Committees:
Prudential Committee
Cobb, Hull, Hutchins
Hull, McDaniel, Lewis
Honorary Degrees
The Chancellor, Screven, Bacon
Cobb, Harris, Hamilton.
Adjourned to 9:30 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Friday, June 18 12, 1896
The Board was called to order at 9.30 oclock. Minutes of yesterday were read and approved. Mr Harris, for the Special Committee on A.B. course submitted a report, which was received and laid on the table.
Dr HVM Miller
Mr Hamilton offered the following:
Resolved that this Board has heard with profound regret of the death of Dr HVM Miller for twenty eight years a Trustee of this University and that a blank page in the minutes be inscribed to his memory, with the dates of his birth and death.
Special Committee on Farm.
By Mr Hull,
Resolved that the Chair appoint a Committee of three whose duty it shall be to inquire into the condition of the Chair of Agriculture and report a plan of the conduct of the farm at this session of the Board.
The resolution was adopted and the chair appointed Messrs Meldrim, Hamilton & Persons, and afterwards added Mr Gamble.
Jordan and Johnson
The Treasurer was instructed to admit without the payment of the usual fees, Messrs, J Holmes Jordan and AR Johnson on their return to College next term.
A request from Professor Strahan for an appropriation to cover the postage on 750 copies of the Engineering Annual was read and referred to the Finance Committee.
Athens, June 18 12 1896
Inscribed to the memory
Dr Homer Vigil Milton Miller
Born April 29, 1814
Near Walhalla, S.C.
Died May 31, 1896
in Atlanta, GA
University of Georgia,
Mr Lewis submitted the report on Branch Colleges, which was received and laid on the table.
A request from the N. Ga. A&M College for an additional appropriation for its support, was referred to the Finance Committee.
The Board took a recess till 4 P.M.
Reconvening at 4 oclock,
Dr Felton
Dr Felton offered the following:
Whereas it has been published in the leading daily papers of the State as a part of the programme of the Commencement exercises of the University at this time, Showing to the public that dances, germans and dancing receptions are to be carried on day and night for every day and every night during commencement week, such dancing assemblages originated and carried on by students of the University.
And whereas, the religious sentiment of the State is being seriously antagonized by such dances, carried on by Students who are granted free tuition by the generosity and self denial of the taxpayers of the state also indicating a waste of valuable time and a disregard of valuable opportunity.
Be it resolved: That the Board of Trustees disapprove of such dancing assemblages, whether carried on by Freshman, Sophomores, Junior & Senior Classes, or through the organization of their secret societies, and they hereby instruct the chancellor to suppress hereafter these dancing assemblages in such a conservative manner as his good Judgement may indicate, during Commencement occasions and at all other times while a session of the University is in progress.
The resolution was laid on the table until Tomorrow.
Athens, June 18 12 1896
Mr Meldrim for the Special Committee on the Farm offered a report which was laid on the table for the present.
NG A&M College
Mr Hull for the Finance Committee, reported that the condition of the funds of the University do not authorize the appropriation of any additional sum to the North Ga. A&M College as requested in their printed communication of May 29th 1896.
It is true that the University is in receipt of additional income from the United States Treasury, but such are the increased demands of the institution incident to the development of its different departments and increased attendance, that its income is totally inadequate to its necessities.
The report was adopted.
Auditing Committee
Mr Harris for the Auditing Committee submitted their report which was read, received and adopted.
The minutes of the Prudential Committee for the year were read and approved.
Property Committee Report.
Mr Cobb submitted the report of the Property Committee which was received and adopted.
The report recommends the sum of $1586.70 for sundry repairs on buildings as detailed in the report of the Inspector; and $300. to the improvement of the Campus, east of the Chapel Avenue, to be expended under direction of the Prudential Committee.
Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Saturday June 13th 1896
The Board met at 9.30 oclock.
The Minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors was invited to meet this Board and a recess of five minutes was taken to form their acquaintance, after which through their Chairman Mr. Stewart, they presented their recommendations as required by law.
The report was referred to the Committee on Laws & Disc.
Committee on Laws & Discipline
Mr. Screven for the Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted their report on the Condition of the University which was received and adopted after being considered by sections.
The report recommends that a Laboratory for Electrical Engineering be established under the charge of Prof. AH Patterson;
that $300 be appropriated to introduce an electrical current into the physical laboratory;
that Mr H.V. Black be appointed Honorary fellow in Chemistry;
that Mr Geo. P. Hunt be appointed Tutor in Ancient Languages;
that Greek be made obligatory upon students in the A.B. course through the Freshman & Sophomore years;
that the school of ancient languages be divided into: School of Greek Language & Literature and the School of Latin Language & Literature, the latter in charge of Adjunct Prof Hooper;
that the Chair of English be divided, that Mr John Morris, with the title of Adjunct Professor, and a salary of $1500. be in charge of English Language & Teutonic Philology,
and that English Rhetoric and Elocution remain with Dr Riley. that a tutor in Modern Languages be appointed at $600. Salary; that a tutor in Biology be appointed at a salary of $600,
Athens, June 13, 1896
that Prof. Strahan be granted leave of absence to visit Europe, for one year from June 1897, be to furnish a substitute in his department during his absence;
that a Surgeon of Cadets be appointed by the Chancellor at a compensation of $100 per annum;
that $300. be appropriated to Physical Training, $150, of that to go to the Physical Director as salary;
that $50. be appropriated to College Y.M.C.A.;
that compulsory attendance upon Literary Societies be abolished;
that Miss Mitchell be thanked for her gift of Cartoons of Raphael;
that Prof Riley be refunded $57.57 paid by him for books;
that book shelves to cost $75. be put up for government records;
that names of graduates in diplomas be engrossed;
that in lieu of medals for Sophomore speakers, in future one prize a goblet or cup be awarded not to cost more than $40.
Dr Feltons Resolution
Dr Feltons resolution looking to the suppression of dancing during commencement, was taken from the table. After the expression of his views on the subject by Dr Felton, and upon motion of Mr Hammond, the resolution was referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Mr Simmons was granted leave of absence until Monday.
The Board took a recess till 4 P.M.
University of Georgia,
Colonial Dames
Reconvening at 4 oclock, the Chancellor presented a memorial from the Colonial Dames and Daughters of the Revolution in Savannah, asking that the doors of the University be opened to women.
The memorial was referred to Com. on Laws & D.
Honorary degrees, nominations.
Mr Hull nominated Col. Richard Malcolm Johnston for the honorary degree of L.L.D. and Prof WD Hooper for the honorary degree of A.M. which laid over under the rules.
Finance Report.
Mr Hull submitted the report of the Finance Committee which was considered, and amended and adopted.
Tutor AA Boggs
The Board went into the election of a Tutor in Modern Languages Mr Screven nominated Mr Adam A. Boggs.
There were no other nominations.
Tellers were appointed and Mr Boggs received 11 votes, there being none contra.
The Board adjourned till 9.30 Monday.
Sunday June 14th 1896.
The Commencement Sermon was preached by Rt Rev. Cleland K. Nelson
Bishop of Georgia.
Athens, June 15, 1896
The Board met at 9.30 A.M. The minutes of Saturday were read and approved.
Hon degree nomination
Mr Felton nominated for the honorary degree of A.M. Mr Jas. S. Steward of Marietta, GA. The nomination was laid over under the rules.
L.L.D. on NJ Hammond
Chairman Hammond, being called from the room, Mr Screven was invited to take the chair.
Mr McDaniel moved that the rules be suspended and that the honorary degree of L.L.D. be conferred on Hon Nathaniel J. Hammond.
The rules were suspended and the degree was conferred by a unanimous vote of the Board.
The report of the Special Committee on the Farm, was recommitted at the request of the Chairman.
The report from the Commission on Colored College was submitted by Mr Meldrim, and referred to Branch College Committee.
Address of Remsen Crawford
The Board took a recess to hear the address of Mr Remsen Crawford before the Literary Societies in the Chapel.
AH Cox
Returning to the Library, Mr Meldrim read a telegram from, Hon A.H. Cox, saying that it would be impossible for him to make the address to the Alumni Society as expected. A motion was made to set the exercises of the Junior Class for this occasion at 11 oclock tomorrow morning instead of at 4. P.M. and a Committee consisting of Messrs Gamble, Hull & Hamilton,
University of Georgia,
was appointed to confer with the Faculty and ascertain if there was any objection. There being none, the change of programme was so ordered and the Board took a recess till 3.45 P.M.
Reconvening at 4, Governor Atkinson, Mr Bacon and Mr Simmons took their seats with the Board.
A recess was taken to hear the declaimers of the Sophomore Class in the Chapel.
Report of Com. Laws & Discipline.
Returning to the Library, Mr Screven made a supplementary report from the Com. on Laws & Discipline, on the recommendations of the Board of Visitors and other matters.
Mr Simmons offered as a substitute for the paragraph relating to intercollegiate games, that no such games be permitted in this University unless they be played on the campus.
The substitute was lost.
Mr Bacon moved to strike out the entire paragraph relating to intercollegiate games, which motion was lost.
Upon motion of Dr Felton the report was then adopted.
The report approved the recommendations of the Board of Visitors, in the main, recommends that the Chancellor take such measures as will discourage the publication of entertainments given in the name of Classes and fraternities;
recommends that the Chancellor & Faculty at their discretion, regulate intercollegiate games, with a view finally to limiting them to the local jurisdiction of the University or to the City of Athens, whenever adequate provision shall have been made for such games at these places;
refers Society of Colonial Dames to previous action of the Board; empowers Prudential Committee to appoint Tutor in Biology; appoints HC Moreno Tutor in Mathematics.
Athens June 16 1896
Board then adjourned till after the meeting of the Alumni Society tomorrow.
Tuesday June 16
The Board met at 11 oclock and took a recess to hear the Junior exercises in the Chapel.
Returning to the Library the minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Mr. Harris took his seat, and Dr Felton was excused after noon today.
The following offer was read to the Board:
Dr Newtons medal
As a courtesy to his distinguished friend PJ Berckmanns President both of The Georgia State Horticultural Society and The Pomological Society of the United States and as a compliment to Dr JP Campbell chair Biology University of Georgia.
Dr ED Newton President Farmers Club of Clarke County and Vice President of Georgia State Horticultural Society for 8th Congressional District, offers a Gold Medal for the Best Thesis from the Graduating Class of 1897 (Each and every member to compete)
Birds and Insects
Birds = the destroyers of Insects, Insects = the destroyers of Plants
The friends and the foes of the Horticulturists of Georgia.
The offer was accepted with thanks.
Dr. E D Newton claim for services rendered the University at the Atlanta Exposition was referred to Com. on Laws & Discipline.
University of Georgia,
Mr Bacon was added to the Committee on Literary Societies.
A recess was taken till 4.30 P.M.
Dr Newtons claim.
Reconvening, The Committee on Laws & Discipline reported on Dr Newtons claim, referring it to the Prudential Committee with power to act.
Mr Harris submitted the report of Committee on Curriculum for A.B. course which was adopted.
Brown Fund appointees.
Mr Meldrim presented the report of Committee on Brown Fund which was received and adopted.
It appoints with a loan of $190 each,
Harry Dodd Jno M Hunt LA Lindsey
JW Mason GW Price JR Barge
BD Watkins CA Weddington WA Thompson
CA Mize Chas B. Matthews DJD Myers
J Waldrop
Walker White, appointee of Julius L. Brown
AJ McBride Elijah A. Brown
It defers to the Prudential Committee the question of suing on the matured notes of beneficiaries.
Report on Farm
Mr Meldrim Chairman of Special Committee on the Farm submitted his report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Board adjourned till 9.30 tomorrow.
Athens June 17 1896
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Minutes of the 16th were read and approved.
The Chancellor submitted recommendations of of (sic) the Faculty for graduate degrees which upon motion were ordered to be conferred as follows:
Master of Arts: Geo Glenn Bond, Francis M. Harper.
Master of Science: Joseph G. Smith.
Bachelors of Arts:
Craig Barrow, Homer V. Black, Chas. E. Brand, Charles C. Carson,
Wm W Chandler Carlos F. Dodd, Arthur P. Flowers Jas. W Griffeth
Haywood S. Hansell Carl H. Holden, Geo P Hunt Henry R. Hunt
Frank S Jones James B Lockhart, Malcom M Lockhart,
Shelby Myrick, Thos A Neal James O Pettis, Wm M Pettis,
Jno. G. Pittman, R. Powell Stephens James M. Stephenson Jr.
Herbert W. Stubbs, John E. Teasley
Bachelor of Science:
Gilbert H Boggs, Thos R. Boggs, Wm R Dancey, Elton S Osborne.
Bachelor of Engineering: Robt Hatton Lovejoy.
Bachelor of Agriculture, Geo T. Traylor.
Bachelor of Law
Paul F Akin, BL Battle, BB Blount, JC Bond
JD Boyd Jr, Shirley Brooks, HM Calhoun, AR Davis
TM Gilreath, MP Hall, Walter A Harris Marion M Jackson,
WB Hollingsworth WF Jenkins Jr. EP Johnston G. Noble Jones,
WL Kemp, Stanley Littel, DA McCoy WL McCoy
Emmett McElerath P. Middlebrooks WD Mills HC Moreno
Fred Morris JT Norris Jr. RB Odom JN Ross
LS Selman, EC Smith PL Smith RD Stephens
JH Stephens, WB Stovall, HB Van der Velde
J Arminius Wright.
University of Georgia,
Honorary degree AM
Committee on Honorary degrees recommended the Conferring of A.M. on Prof. S.G. Brinkley of Augusta Ga which was accordingly done.
Mr Gambles resolution.
Upon motion the Finance report was reconsidered as to the appropriation for Salaries, and Mr Gamble offered the following:
Resolved that the Salary of the Inspector of Buildings be fixed at $100. instead of $500.
The yeas and nays were called for.
Voting aye: Messrs Gamble, Simmons, Lewis, Persons, Meldrim 5.
Voting no: Messrs Bacon, Cobb, Hammond, Harris, Hull, Hamilton, Hutchins, McDaniel, MacIntyre, Screven, 10
and the resolution was lost.
Mr Lewis resolution
Mr Lewis offered the following:
Resolved that in addition to the appropriation of $2000. to the N. Ga A&M College we do hereby donate to the support of said institution for the ensuing year 1896-97 the sum of $500.
Resolved further that by this additional appropriation of $500. we do not recognize any indebtedness to said College or any obligation whatever to continue said appropriation after the expiration of said year.
The resolution was offered immediately prior to Mr Gambles resolution and was temporarily withdrawn to make way for it.
The Board took a recess to attend the graduating exercises in the Chapel.
Athens, June 17 1896
Returning to the Library,
So much of the Finance Committee report as had been reconsidered, was now declared adopted.
Report on Farm.
The report of Special Committee on Chair of Agriculture was taken up and adopted.
It asks the Prudential Committee to provide a lecture room for the Professor of Agriculture on the Campus.
Authorizes the same Committee to sell the present Farm and with the proceeds to purchase and equip a suitable farm.
It charges the school of agriculture with instruction in Botany to the Students of the University.
Mr Lewis presented the resolution which he had withdrawn and being put upon its passage it was lost.
Com on A.B. course.
Mr Harris submitted the report on AB Course which was adopted.
It requires the Chancellor to announce to students that every student shall become a member of one of the Societies:
it charges the Commandant with the formation of the Societies on the occasion of the oration before their bodies;
it provides for the appointment by the Chancellor of certain members of the Faculty to look after each society.
Looking To economy
Mr MacIntyre offered the following
Resolved that a committee of three shall be appointed to investigate and look into all the expenditures of this Institution with a view to economy and lessening the expenditures of the University and at the next regular meeting of this Board by report suggest to the Board where expenses may be reduced without injury to the University
University of Georgia,
The resolution was adopted and the chair appointed Messrs Lewis, McDaniel & Cobb.
No Tutor in Biology
Upon motion of Mr McDaniel
The Prudential Committee was instructed not to appoint a Tutor in Biology until the further order of this Board.
The Board then adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull
Atlanta December 14 1896
Pursuant to a call signed by the Chairman and two members the Board met today at 3.P.M. in the governors office. Present, Messrs, Cobb, Felton, Fish, Harris, Hamilton, Hammond, Hutchins, Hull, Lewis MacIntyre, McDaniel, Persons, Screven, Simmons, and the Governor.
The Board was called to order by the Chairman, who stated the object of the call to be the importance of some action in view of the status of the bill for an appropriation now pending in the Senate.
Excuses were offered and received for Messrs Gamble and Dubigon.
The Board discussed the situation of some length and with the view of appearing before the Senate Finance Committee tomorrow, adjourned till 8.45 A.M. tomorrow.
Reconvening at 8:45 A.M. December 15th Messrs. Meldrim and S.R. Atkinson took their seats. Messrs Hutchins and Hull, were excused from attendance. At 9.15 the Board went before the Senate Committee and were heard through their Chairman on the subject of the necessity for the appropriation, and by request of the Board also by Dr HC White as to the details concerning the appropriation. After the meeting the Board reassembled. The Chancellor presented some questions for consideration touching the establishment of Bible Chairs in the University, but no action was taken.
The Board adjourned at 10:30 with the request that those members who could conveniently stay should be at the meeting of the Senate Committee at 3 P.M.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Athens Ga. February 13th 1897
Pursuant to a call by the Chairman and two members the Board met today in the Chancellors lecture room, at 9.30 A.M.
Present, Messrs. Hammond, Harris, Hamilton, Cobb, Persons, Gamble, Meldrim, Lewis, Simmons, Hull, and the Governor.
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
Excuses were received from Messrs. Bacon, MacIntyre, Screven, Felton and Hutchins.
The Chancellor read a communication to the Board which was received with accompanying papers.
The Chair stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the disposition of the appropriation recently made by the Legislature.
After some discussion of the situation, Mr Harris moved that the Board erect a building to cost not more than twenty thousand dollars, exclusive of heating, plumbing and lighting.
The motion was carried unanimously. Mr Hull moved that the new building be located about midway between the Phi Kappa Hall and Prof Morris dwelling, which was also unanimously carried.
Mr. Lewis: Resolved that the entire matter of selection of plans for the building and the erection of the same be left to a committee to be composed of Messrs Hammond, McDaniel, Meldrim, Cobb and Hull, to report to a meeting of the Board to be called by the Chairman.
The resolution was Adopted.
Athens, Feby 13 1897
Mr Meldrim moved that the powers of the Committee include the right and duty to provide for the plumbing, heating, lighting, equipping and furnishing of the proposed building, which was agreed to.
The Prudential Committee was requested to examine into the condition of the Library and report to the Board at its annual meeting with recommendations.
Upon motion of Mr Hull, the Prudential Committee was authorized to have five acres of land adjoining the tract set apart to the use of the Normal School, appropriated to the State Normal School under the same terms and conditions as govern the tract set apart on June 15th 1891.
The Board then adjourned.
AL Hull Secty
University of Georgia,
Atlanta, Ga April 24th 1897
Pursuant to a call by the Chairman, the Board met today at 3 P.M. in the State Library.
Present Messrs Hammond, Hamilton, Cobb, Lewis, Hutchins, Hull, Dubigon, Felton, Persons, Fish and the Governor.
Bids on New Building
The following bids for the erection of the new building on the Campus were presented and opened:
Watson Bros, Athens, Ga 20700.
WW McAfee, Charlotte, N.C. 23190.
Algernon Blair, Macon Ga 22260.
Wagner & Gorenflo, Atlanta, Ga 24187.
Venable Bros. 23570.
FP Heifner 19900.
Donaldson & Pearson 25995.
Nicholas Ittner 23862.
Gude & Walker 25800.
McGinty & Co. Athens, Ga 20840.
Standard Mfg Co. Augusta 22000.
John H McKenzie 22480.
Upon motion of Mr Felton the contract was let to the lowest bidder.
Accepted Bid.
Mr F.P. Heifner being the lowest bidder, his bid was accepted, and the Chairman of the Board was requested to have the proper contract for the work executed.
Upon motion of Mr Fish the Prudential Committee was authorized to direct the mode of heating the building should any action be necessary before the annual meeting of the Board.
Athens April 24 1897
CP Willcox prizes.
An offer from the sons of the late Professor C.P. Willcox was read, establishing the C.P. Willcox prizes in French and German, in memory of their father, which upon motion was accepted, and the Secretary was requested to reply to the Messrs Willcox expressing the appreciation of the Board of their offer.
Mr Hamilton moved the appropriation of $20.00 for a front page advertisement in the Pandora, which was carried.
Excuses were read and received for Messrs Gamble Screven Bacon and McDaniel for absence from this meeting.
Parade ground
Upon motion of Mr Hull, the sum of two hundred dollars was appropriated to the completion of the grading on the parade ground, the same to be paid after July 1st next and charged to the income of the next collegiate year.
The Board then adjourned.
AL Hull
(Blank Page)
Athens, June 10 1897
The Board met in annual session today at 3.30 P.M. and was called to order by the Chairman.
Present Messrs. Cobb, Felton, Gamble, Hammond, Hamilton, Harris, Hutchins, Hull, Lewis, McDaniel, Meldrim, Persons, Screven, 13 members.
Chancellors Report
The meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Boggs after which the Chancellor read his annual report to the Trustees.
The report was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Reports of Officers and Professors were presented by the Chancellor and read for the information of the Board.
The chair appointed the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline:
Lewis, Cobb, & Harris
Branch Colleges:
Gamble, Persons & Felton
Brown Scholarships:
Hutchins, McDaniel & Meldrim.
Meldrim, Hamilton, Screven
Screven, Persons, Hamilton
Honorary Degrees:
McDaniel in place of Bacon absent.
Also a
Special Committee on Farm and Chair of Agriculture
McDaniel, Persons, Meldrim.
University of Georgia,
Committee of 1896 on Expenditures
Mr Lewis submitted the report of the Committee appointed at the last session to investigate the expenditures of the University which was received and referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Mr Harris report on Technological School was read and referred to Com. on Branch Colleges.
Excuses were rendered and accepted from Messrs, Bacon, Fish, Atkinson and Simmons.
Requests from three young ladies for degrees
Requests from three young ladies of Athens asking permission to take courses looking to the taking of degrees of the University were referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Friday June 11, 1897
Board met at 9.30 A.M.
The minutes of yesterday were read and approved, and the minutes of the last annual meeting and of the called meetings were also read and confirmed.
Resignation of Inspector Charbonnier
The resignation of Col. L.H. Charbonnier as Inspector of Buildings was read and referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Rev IW Waddell
The resignation of Dr Isaac W. Waddell President of N.G. A&M College at Dahlonega was referred to Branch College Committee.
Athens, June 11 1897
HW Maples
The Treasurer was authorized to remit the usual fees upon Mr HW Maples reentering College he having left early last year on account of sickness.
The report and Minutes of the Prudential Committee were read and approved.
Legislative Committee
Mr Gamble offerred (sic) the following:
Resolved that the Sect. & Treasr. of this Board exhibit to the Committee of the House of Representatives now in session at Atlanta Ga, when and where it may suit their convenience all our books and papers which they may call for; and each member of their faculty is requested to furnish such information as he has to facilitate the performance of the important duty with which that Committee is charged.
2. Should said committee deem it necessary or important to confer with this Board, a cordial invitation is hereby extended to them, to visit us during the present session of this Board.
3rd. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Chairman of said Legislative Committee.
Report of Pres. N. Ga A&M College was referred to Branch College Committee.
Report of Finance Committee was read and laid on the table for the present.
New Building
By Mr Hull,
Resolved that the new building now being erected, be named Waddell Hall in commemoration of three generations of that family so long and honorably connected with the University.
Referred to Com. on Laws & Discipline.
University of Georgia,
A.R. Lawton
It was ordered that a Blank Page in the minutes be inscribed with the name of Gen. A.R. Lawton, the dates of his birth and death.
F.G. Dubigon
The Board accepted notice of the appointment by the Governor of the Hon Fleming G. Dubignon in the place of Gen Lawton, deceased.
An invitation from Prof. JP Campbell to the oratorio this evening was accepted with thanks.
Board took a recess till 4. P.M.
Reconvening petitions from the Colonial Dames and Federation of Womens Clubs asking that women be admitted to the University were presented and referred to Com. on Laws & Discipline.
Committee on Laws and Discipline submitted a partial report which was considered by sections and adopted. The report discontinues the office of Tutor in Mathematics. It raises Prof CM Snelling to the rank of Junior Professor in Mathematics with a salary of $2000. per annum, and imposes upon him the duties of Commandant of Cadets without additional pay.
It reduces the salary of Inspector of Buildings to $250. per annum, accepts Prof. Charbonniers resignation and appoints Prof David C Barrow Jr, his successor for the next year.
Night Watchman
It dispenses with the services of a night watchman on the campus after the opening of the fall session.
It authorizes the expenses of two delegates from the Faculty to Warm Springs Convention up to $50.
It promotes Instructor AH Patterson to the Adjunct Professorship of Physics and Electrical Engineering at a salary of $1500. per annum.
In memory of
Alexander R. Lawton
Born November 4th 1818
Died in Savannah Ga. July 2nd 1896
University of Georgia,
It gives Prof. Campbell $65. for certain purposes in the Biological Laboratory.
It promotes Prof. W.D. Hooper to the full Professorship of Latin with the salary of $2000. per annum.
It reappoints for another year Mr GP Hunt as Tutor in Latin and Greek.
It appoints Mr Jas M Stephenson Tutor in English at $600 per annum to assist Prof Riley.
Fresh examination
It requires applicants for all classes to pass the examination in English for the Freshman Class before admission.
Law Students
It applies to Students of the Law Class the rule requiring speakers to take declamation from the Professor of English. It abolishes the school of Modern Languages; assigns German to the chair of Teutonic Philology.
New Chairs.
It creates a school of Romance Languages the incumbent of which shall be under the supervision of the Professor of Teutonic Philology.
It adjusts the chairs of English and Modern Languages in the State College to the changes just made.
No women
It declines to admit women to the University or to compete for degrees upon the reason that the authority of the Trustees to do so without further legislative action is at least very doubtful.
Pending the discussion on this report the Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 12 1897
The Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
for the Special Committee on the A.B. Course reported and at his request the report was laid on the table.
Felton Resolutions
Dr Felton offered two resolutions which by consent were read and referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline They were: No1.
Reelection of Faculty
The Trustees of the University do ordain that the Chancellor and every member of the Faculty of the University shall hereafter be elected quadrennially (sic). The first election shall be held at the meeting of the Trustees in June 1898 and the persons chosen shall begin their official service at the beginning of the fall term of that year and shall serve a full term of four years unless removed by death, resignation or otherwise. The incumbents may be reelected at the close of the regular term and as often quadrennially (sic)
as may be desirable, but may be removed at anytime for cause or by giving six months notice.
No. 2.
Prohibiting Athletic Games and Dancing.
The chancellor of the University is hereby instructed to prohibit absolutely all inter-collegiate athletic contests between students of this University and any other College or University whether the contest is held in Athens or elsewhere. The Chancellor is also instructed to prohibit the Students of this University from engaging in public or private dancing parties, which are given in the name of the Students of this University or by any number thereof. Any dancing assemblage arranged by or chaperoned by students of this University during the regular sessions of this institution are positively and authoritatively forbidden, and the Chancellor by Authority of this order is directed to carry out both the letter and spirit of this resolution.
(Both resolutions were lost upon their passage.)
University of Georgia
The regular order was resumed and the report of the Com. on Laws & Discipline was taken up.
Board of Visitors
Pending the discussion the Board of Visitors entered. A short recess was taken in which to receive them and hear their recommendations. The communication was referred to the Com. on Laws & Discipline.
Felton Substitute for Committee resolution
Resuming the consideration of the report, Dr Felton offerred (sic) the following substitute for the paragraph relating to the admission of Women.
Resolved that the Trustees hereby express their willingness and approval of admitting the women of the country to all the educational advantages and opportunities of this University upon the same terms by and through which men are now admitted to the University. We respectfully request the Legislature of the State to enact suitable legislative provisions in regard to such changes, as are herein contemplated, that women may be admitted as students to the University of Georgia.
The ayes and noes were called for on the substitute
Ayes Noes
Screven Hammond
Felton Harris
Persons Gamble
Hamilton Hutchins
Meldrim 5 Cobb
Hull 8
The substitute was lost.
The ayes and noes were called on the adoption of the section of the report referred to
Hamilton, Hammond, Persons, Screven, Gamble, Harris, Cobb, Lewis, McDaniel, Hull, Hutchins 11
Noes: Felton, Meldrim 2
The report was adopted.
The report of the Committee was then adopted as a whole.
Mr Harris was granted leave of absence until Monday.
The election of the incumbent of the Chair of Romance Languages was appointed for 9.30 A.M. Monday. and the Board adjourned until 4 P.M.
(Written in the margin in pencil inserted out of place)
Sunday June 13th 1897
Commencement Sermon was preached by.
Rev. John D. Hammond D.D.
of Macon Ga.
Reconvening at four, Mr Dubignon took his seat with the Board.
Banquet with wine.
The Chancellor appeared making a statement about a banquet given by the graduating class and submitted this resolution from the Faculty: Resolved that the Faculty being called on by him advise the Chancellor that he make a special Communication to the Board of Trustees embodying a statement of the facts including the former action of the Chancellor forbidding the use of wine or liquors at banquets reciting Sec 14 of the
University of Georgia,
manual and asking whether such utterance of the Chancellor has the binding force of law.
Reply to Faculty
In answer to the inquiry the Board answered:
The utterance of the Chancellor has not the effect of law; Rule 14 provides that the Chancellor and Faculty shall make such rules as respects the regularity of the practices and habits of the students as the Chancellor and Faculty may deem expedient.
The applications for Scholarships on the Brown Fund were presented by the Chancellor and referred to the com. on Brown Scholarships.
Reply to Federation of Womens Clubs.
Mr McDaniel submitted the following which was adopted:
The petition from the Federation of Womens Clubs of Georgia to this Board for admission of women to the University having been respectfully Considered, Resolved that the Secretary transmit to the Federation of Womens Clubs a copy of so much of the report of the Committee on Laws & Discipline as the action of the Board thereon, as relates to the important matters presented in the petition.
The Finance Report was taken from the table, considered and parts of the report adopted, and the report was again tabled.
Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. Monday.
Athens, June 14th 1897
Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of the 12th were read and approved.
By invitation Dr. White, President of the State College, addressed the Board on the necessity of retaining Mr Sheffield as Instructor in Freehand drawing.
Instructor of Drawing restored
Mr McDaniel moved to reconsider the action of the Board abolishing the office of Instructor in Engineering which was carried, and so much of the report as related to that matter was recommitted to that Committee who reported on further information recommending that the section be stricken from the report. Adopted.
Committee on Branches Colleges
Mr Gamble read the report of Committee on Branch Colleges which was received and adopted.
It accepts the resignation of Dr Waddell and empowers the Prudential Committee to select and appoint his successor.
Reelection of Chairman Hammond.
The term of office of Chairman expiring with this session upon motion the special order was displaced and the Board went into an election of a chairman.
On motion of Mr McDaniel the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of those Trustees present for Hon. N.J. Hammond which was done, twelve votes being cast, and Mr Hammond was declared elected Chairman for the two years ensuing.
Instructor in Romance Languages
The special order was taken up.
Mr Gamble moved that the incumbent of the chair of Romance Languages be filled by an Instructor at a salary of $1500. per annum.
The motion was carried.
University of Georgia,
Term of election
Mr Hull moved that the incumbent of the Chair of Romance Languages, when elected, be elected for the term of one year. The motion was carried.
Prof. Lustrat
The Board went into the election of that officer, the Chair appointed Messrs Lewis & Gamble tellers, - Upon counting the vote it appeared that Mr Joseph Lustrat received 9 votes and Dr W.L. Bringhurst 4 votes. Mr Lustrat was declared elected.
The report on the College for Colored Youths submitted by Mr Meldrim was referred to Com. on Branch Colleges.
The Special Committee on Farm and Agriculture were excused to attend the duties of that Committee.
Brown Scholarships.
Committee on Brown Scholarships reported giving $175. to each of the following students:
Wm B Kent as the appointee of Julius L. Brown
W.L. Wooten Joseph M. Brown
A.J. McBride Jr. Elijah A. Brown
Harry Dodd Fair Dodd
Ben D. Watkins CA Mize
J. Waldrop JR Barge
Keiffer Lindsay WR Ritchie
James C Brand & EA Duke
Mr Duke being condition on making up deficiencies in English.
The report was adopted.
By Mr Screven
Resolved that in future the selection of prizes to be awarded by the University be left to the Prudential Committee, and that the cup awarded the successful declaimer in the Sophomore Class bear the following inscription
University of Georgia
Soph Cup.
Sic Nitere Semper
Sophomore Declamation.
(the date of the year)
Surrounding the Coat of Arms of Georgia
The cup to be inscribed with the name of the winner
Board took recess until 4 P.M.
Reconvening at 4. the Board proceeded to the Chapel to hear the Sophomore declaimers.
Auditing Committee
Returning to the library, Mr Screven submitted the report of the Auditing Committee which was received and adopted.
Mr MacIntyre was excused from attendance for sickness in his family.
Substitute for Felton resolution
Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a substitute for the first resolution of Dr Felton, which being considered was accepted by the Board in lieu of the Felton resolution, but when put upon its passage was lost. A substitute for the second Felton resolution was adopted as follows: Your Committee recommend that the resolution of Dr Felton on the subject of Athletic contests and dancing do not pass. We see no reason why the action of the Board
University of Georgia,
on these subjects had at its last annual session should be changed or modified, see pages 252 & 253 of the book of reports.
At the recommendation of the Chancellor and Faculty the following graduate degrees were conferred:
Bachelor of Arts
Charles Akerman EW Born JD Bradwell RE Brown
OC Brake H.G. Colvin TB Conner W.S. Cothran
FL Culver B J Dasher H Dodd MD DuBose
HC Erwin JW Hendricks IJ Hofmayer JM Hunt
WB Kent GE Maddox JW Mason CB Matthews
WE McCurry U.B. Phillips GW Price AS Richardson
O Roberts TK Slaughter PS Smith CM Walker
LD Watson CT Whipple RP White Walker White.
Bachelor of Science
BA Crane DB Franklin Geo T Jackson WA Selman RF Watts
Bachelor of Engineering
Thos Basinger RM Harper LA Lindsey
Civil Engineer
PJ Shearouse
Bachelor of Law
SK Abbott HH Alexander HS Brown RR Burger
JW Camak HE Chambliss JP Cheney Z.S. Childers
RM Coburn BT Castellow LC Culver WW Dykes Jr
JH Estill Jr FL Fleming JF Foster WR Frier
P Haralson RE Hollingsworth JR Hutcheson ER King
JR Lawrence Hatton Lovejoy CM McKenzie WNS Maltby
Henry Marlin CH Martin Shelby Myrick HW Nalley
MH Nussbaum MJ Paulk JL Perkins WA Peterson
JS Roberts AJ Ritchie RM Scruggs WM Shaffner
PR Showalter JW Spain GR Stovall WG Warnell
Board adjourned till 9:30 AM tomorrow.
Athens, June 15 1897
Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. Dr Felton was granted leave of absence after this mornings session.
Report Com on Laws & D.
Committee on Laws & Discipline made a supplementary report which was adopted.
It recommends that Dr Whites expenses to the convention of Agricultural Colleges be paid up to $100.
That Dupree Hunnicutt be awarded advocates medal
That A.J. Ritchie be graduated in Law.
That UB Philips be appointed Fellow in History as $300. per annum.
John Morris
That Adj. Prof John Morris be made full Professor as $2000. salary.
That the new building be named Science Hall.
Committee on Honorary Degrees recommended that the following degrees be conferred by the Trustees:
Honorary Degrees
Master of Arts on
John E. Witherspoon of Newnan Ga.
Joseph S. Stewart Marietta Ga.
Elias B. Vickery Dahlonega
Wm. D. Hooper Athens Ga
and the degree of LL.D. on Richard Malcolm Johnston of Baltimore Md. which degrees were conferred.
Laying Corner Stone
Board took a recess to attend the laying of the Corner Stone of Science Hall and upon returning to the library the report of the Property Committee was read by Mr Cobb and adopted.
University of Georgia,
Rule as to Chancellors report.
Mr Harris:
Resolved that Chapter 1. Sec 11 of Code of laws in the Manual be amended so as to read Each member of the Faculty shall submit to the Chancellor and Faculty twenty days before the annual meeting of the Trustees a report of his department to be forwarded by the chancellor to the Trustees with his annual report, and the Chancellor shall read his annual report to the Faculty ten days before the said annual meeting and shall present to the Board of Trustees with said annual report such recommendations or memorials as the Faculty may desire to submit.
The resolution was adopted.
Board then took a recess till 3.30 P.M.
Finance Report
Reconvening at 4 oclock the Finance report was taken from the table, the remaining recommendations adopted and the report adopted as a whole.
it appropriates $3000. to lighting, plumbing & heating Science Hall.
$1000. to refitting and furnishing lecture rooms.
$3700. to equipping deptmt. of Electrical Engineering.
It adds $150. to the Salary of Physical Director
Tenants must pay for water
It requires tenants renting houses from the University to pay for the water they use and provides meters to measure it. It makes the usual appropriations for the expenses of the University.
A recess was taken to hear the Junior Speakers in the Chapel.
Returning to the library the Committee on Laws & Discipline were requested to look into the matter of the conduct of the general exercises of Commencement and report tomorrow.
Athens, June 15 1897
Purchase of farm
The special Committee on Farm made their report recommending that the Prudential Committee be empowered to select a farm, make the purchase using the unexpended balance available for the purpose, arrange for the payment of the remainder & sell the present farm if practicable, and take necessary steps to equip a model farm.
Instructor in Biology
They recommend that the instruction in Botany be under the direction of the Professor of Biology in order to preserve the unity of that department. Also that Prof Hunnicutt be repaid $91.07 advanced by him for the farm.
The report was adopted.
Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M.
Wednesday June 16
Board met at 9.30 AM.
Minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
The Board of Visitors appeared and read their completed report which was received and referred.
Rule as to Commencement Exercises
Committee on Laws & Discipline reported on the Commencement exercises, recommending that the Trustees, Faculty and Students shall attend all the Commencement exercises; Whenever the exercises of any class shall occur, all the members of that class shall attend sitting near the stage and some member of the Faculty shall be designated to note any absences;
When prizes are to be delivered the contestants shall be seated near the stage and the successful contestant shall come upon the stage to receive his prize.
University of Georgia,
Under Chancellor and Commandant
The Commencement exercises shall be under the Supervision and Control of the Chancellor, but he shall be assisted by the Commandant of Cadets.
The report was adopted.
Sodding parade ground
By Mr McDaniel
Resolved that $200. be appropriated to complete the sodding of the parade ground..
The Board repaired to the Chapel to hear the exercises of the graduating class and afterwards returned to the library.
Architectural Models
Mr Hull offered:
Resolved that the sum of $100. be appropriated to the purchase of architectural models for the school of Engineering which was adopted.
The minutes were read and approved and
The Board adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull
Atlanta Ga Nov 17th 1897
A called meeting of the Board was held today in the State Library, present, Messrs W.Y. Atkinson, Spencer R Atkinson, Bacon, Cobb, Felton, Fish, Hamilton, Hammond, Harris, Hull, Hutchins MacIntyre, McDaniel, Lewis, Meldrim, Persons, Screven, Simmons
After prayer by the Chancellor, the Chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to appear before the Legislature to make a statement of the work of the Board in the management of the University.
Mr Harris moved that the Chairman be requested to address the General Assembly in behalf of the Trustees, which was carried
Messrs Dubignon and Gamble were excused from attendance upon this morning.
At eleven oclock A.M. the Trustees entered the hall of representatives and upon invitation of the President of the Senate made an address to the legislators.
Returning to the Library, Mr Bacon offered the following: Resolved that the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to the Hon N.J. Hammond for his masterly address before the General Assembly, which was adopted unanimously by a rising vote.
Board then adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull
Athens, June 9 1898
The Trustees met today in annual session at 1 oclock P.M. There being no quorum adjourned till 4 P.M.
At 4 P.M. there were present Messrs.
Atkinson S.R. Cobb Gamble
Hammond Hamilton Hand
Hull Hutchins McDaniel
Simmons and Dubignon
The session was opened with prayer by Chancellor Boggs.
Excuses were received from Messrs. Persons, Fish, Meldrim, Wilkins, Felton & Lewis.
Chancellors Report
Chancellor Boggs read his annual report to the Trustees which was afterwards referred to appropriate Committees.
The Chair appointed the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline:
Gamble, McDaniel, Cobb.
Branch Colleges:
Simmons, Hamilton, Hand.
Brown Scholarships:
SR Atkinson, Hutchins, Dubignon
Dubignon, Hutchins, SR Atkinson
Hamilton, Hand, Simmons
Honorary Degrees:
The Chancellor, SR Atkinson and Hutchins in place of Bacon absent
Simmons in place of Harris absent.
Hutchins in place of Lewis absent.
University of Georgia,
Mr. Hamilton moved that the hours of meeting be from 9.30 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. Carried.
The minutes of the last session were read having already been confirmed.
Wm J. Bryans offer
The following offer from the Hon Wm J. Bryan was read and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline:
Athens Ga March 12 1898
To the Trustees of the University of Georgia
I hereby propose if agreeable to you to give to the University of Georgia two hundred and fifty dollars the same to be invested by you and the proceeds used for an annual prize for the best essay discussing the theory of our government. Awaiting your reply I am truly yours
Wm J Bryan.
The resignations of LH Charbonnier as Professor of Physics and of OH Sheffield as Instructor in Engineering, and of David C Barrow Jr as Inspector of Buildings were read and referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline.
JL Hand
WA Wilkins
Notice was accepted of the appointment by the Governor of Mr JL Hand and Mr WA Wilkins in the places respectively of Messrs MacIntyre and Screven whose terms as Trustees had expired.
Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M tomorrow.
Athens, June 10 1898
The Board met at 9.30 AM.
The minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed
The minutes of the Prudential Committee were read and approved.
Prudential Committee
The Prudential Committee submitted a report of their action in purchasing a farm and in erecting and furnishing Science Hall, which was received and adopted.
Mr Bacon was excused from attending this session on account of public duties at Washington.
Mr McDaniel moved that the Trustees visit the farm this afternoon at 6 oclock which was agreed to. Nominations were made for the following honorary degrees:
Honorary Degrees
D.D. on Rev Hugh K Walker of Los Angeles Cal.
LL.D. on Dr Eugene Foster of Augusta Ga
Ph. D on Miss Julia A Flisch of Milledgeville Ga which were referred to the appropriate Committee and laid over under the rules.
Mr Hull submitted the report of the Finance Committee which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Committees were permitted to retire and the Board adjourned till 4 P.M.
At 4 P.M. Mr Persons took his seat with the Board.
JB Gordon Jones
The Treasurer was authorized to return his matriculation fees to Mr Jno B Gordon Jones on his reentering College next fall.
University of Georgia,
Mr Hull offered a resolution looking to the sale of the Rock College property which at his own request was laid on the table.
Board adjourned to visit the farm and to meet at 9.30 AM Tomorrow.
June 11 1898
Board met at 9.30 The minutes of the 10th were read and confirmed.
Laws & Discipline
The Committee on Laws and Discipline submitted their report which was considered by sections and adopted excepting sections 9 and 20 which were passed for the present.
Night watch
The report recommends the appointment of a night watchmen by the Prudential Com.
Chapter Houses
it disapproves of Chapter houses and places them under the surveillance of the Chancellor and Faculty.
AH Patterson
it accepts the resignation of Professor Charbonnier and appoints Prof AH Patterson his successor.
CH Herty
it grants leave of absence to Prof CH Herty for a year from June 1899 to visit Europe:
Dean of Franklin College
it appoints Prof. DC Barrow Jr, Dean of Franklin College vice Dean Charbonnier resigned; it continues Mr UB Philips as Fellow in History.
Must take elocution
it offers a substitute for the rule requiring students to take elocution;
it furnishes Prof Rileys room.
it promotes Instructor Lustrat to a full Professorship;
it recommends an appropriation to the Military deptmt. and the expenses of delegates to Associations;
JM Stephenson
it reappoints Mr JM Stephenson Tutor in English; recommends payment of balance due on boiler in the basement of the dormitory, and
Athens, June 11 1898
it retains Miss Frierson as librarian and authorizes
Asst. Librarian
the Prudential Committee to employ an assistant Librarian to keep the Library open two hours every night,
and to light the Library with electric lights;
it accepts the resignation of Prof Barrow, appoints Prof Strahan his successor and changes the title of his office from Inspector to Superintendent of Buildings and grounds;
it accepts the resignation of Instructor Sheffield.
it accepts the offer of Hon Wm J Bryan;
Mr Dubignon moved that existing vacancies in the Faculty be filled Tuesday morning, which was carried.
Board took recess to hear the Sophomore speakers in the Chapel.
Returning to the Library adjourned till 4. P.M.
At 4. P.M. the Board reconvened.
Auditing Com.
Mr Hamilton presented the report of the Auditing Committee which was received and adopted.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a Supplemental report which was taken up by sections.
Pending discussion, the Board of Visitors appeared and read their report with recommendations as required by law. The report was received and referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
The report under discussion was taken up and adopted.
Instructor in Physics.
It fixes the grade of Prof Pattersons successor and assistant as Instructor in Physics & Electrical Engineering.
Commandant of Cadets
and recommends that Mr Sheffields place be filled by the Prudential Committee, and that the appointee shall also be Commandant of Cadets who shall relieve Col Snelling.
University of Georgia,
Property Committee
The Property Committee made their report which was adopted.
It recommends besides general repairs to property
$50. for furnishing Historical Library;
$50. for bringing water upon the Campus;
$100. for general improvement of Campus;
$ __. (blank) for fitting up third floor of Science Hall;
$ __. (blank) for furnishing Faculty room; and provides for heating Library Building with Steam and lighting Library room with electricity.
Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. Monday.
June 12th 1898
The Commencement Sermon was preached in the Chapel by Rev. Professor B.F. Riley.
Monday June 13th 1898
Board met a 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of the 11th were read and confirmed.
Messrs Meldrim and Wilkins took their seats with the Board.
The Chancellor submitted a list of applicants for loans from the Brown Fund, which was referred to the appropriate Committee.
An inquiry from Prof Barrow as to the duties of the Dean of Franklin College; was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Reports of Professors on the state of their departments were read, pending which the Board took a recess to attend the address before the Literary
Athens, June 13 1898
Societies by Mr Hugh M Dorsey.
After the conclusion of the reports of officers, the Committee on Laws & Discipline asked leave to amend their report already adopted which was granted and the amended report was adopted.
Dates of Resignations
The amendments promote Mr UR Philips from Fellow to Tutor in History, and fix September 15 next as the date for the resignations of Prof Charbonnier and Mr Sheffield and the promotion of Prof Patterson, and Mr Philips, and July 1st as the date of Mr Barrows resignation as Inspector.
Sale of Rock College
Mr Hulls resolution was taken from the table and after discussion adopted as follows:
Whereas this Board of Trustees did on the 15th day of June 1891 tender to the General Assembly of the State the building known as Rock College valued at $15000. with ten acres of land surrounding it to be used as a State Normal School, and
Whereas, the General Assembly did at its next annual session accept the said tender with its conditions, and did subsequently erect buildings and make other improvements upon said property to the value of $20000. and
Whereas this Board did on the 13th day of February 1897 set apart five acres of land additional for the same purpose, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board of Trustees are willing to sell to the State the entire property now used for a State Normal School and in addition there to the adjacent land on either side of the public road comprising about 33 acres, in fee simple, with all improvements thereon for the sum of ten thousand dollars (10000.) if the State will give that sum for the same.
University of Georgia,
Resolved that if this offer shall be accepted the Chairman and Secretary of this Board be and they hereby are empowered to execute good and sufficient titles to the State of Georgia to the property so tendered.
Resolved, that all the money received from this sale shall be used in the payment of the balance due on the purchase of the College farm and in the improvement there of.
Mr Hutchins moved that the Chairman wire Senators Bacon & Clay about exempting bequests to Charitable and educational institutions from the tax bill, which was carried.
Finance Report
The Board took a recess till 4 P.M. Upon reconvening the report of the Finance Committee was taken from the table and as amended, was adopted.
After attending the exercises of the Junior Class in the Chapel, the Board adjourned till 9.30 tomorrow.
June 14th 1898
The Board was called to order at 9.30a.m. Minutes of the 13th were read and confirmed.
Prof. Hunnicutt
Upon motion the Board went into the Committee of the whole to give a hearing to Prof. Hunnicutt.
Mr Gamble, as Chairman of the Committee of the whole which sat on Friday last, reported that it was the sense of the Committee that Prof. J.B. Hunnicutt should retire from the Chair of Agriculture and Horticulture after six months notice.
A motion to lay the report on the table was lost by a vote of 9 to 3.
The following resolution was offered:
Resolved that notice is hereby given to Dr
Athens, June 14th 1898
J.B. Hunnicutt that his services will be dispensed with in this institution at the end of six months from this day;
Resolved that a copy of this resolution be furnished to Dr Hunnicutt by our Secretary.
A division was called for and the resolution was adopted, ten voting aye and two, no.
Mr Wilkins was granted leave of absence on account of the illness of Mrs Wilkins.
Board adjourned till 4 P.M.
Upon reconvening recommendations by the Faculty of graduate degrees to be conferred on Students of the Senior and Law Classes were submitted though the Chancellor and upon motion the degrees were so conferred as follows:
Master of Arts
George M Napier
Bachelor of Arts,
Alfred Akerman Clement Akerman Judge R Barge
Walter G Basinger Chas H Black J Ryals Conner, 2nd Honor
RJH DeLoach Jno T. Dorsey Nat E Harris Jr
Dupree Hunnicutt, 1st Honor JB Lawrence WT Martin
HR Perkins, 2nd Honor
HP Smart Jr YL Watson CA Weddington
Cruger Westbrook Lucius A Whipple,
Hugh H. White Benj C. Yancey
Bachelor of Science
RP Brightwell UH Davenport 2nd Honor
HT Dearing CC Harrold 1st Honor
RD Mure BJ Riley Jr. WF Upshaw
EE Pomeroy
University of Georgia,
Bachelor of Engineering
GA Bailey CA Mize
Bachelor of Agriculture
Atturton Seidell
Bachelor of Law
JO Adams Chas Akerman WD Anderson
WM Bailey SB Baker SE Bayless
JLP Bernard EW Born HH Chandler
WN Colquitt WF Crawley Harry Dodd
CG Edwards HC Erwin BJ Fowler
John Gibson SH Gillis HA Goodwin
Geo T Jackson WT Johnson WT Kelly
AD Kent WB Kent RM Lester
JH Lewis Roy Lewis JH McIntosh
TH McKey JT Moore JA Perry
Peter Preer CL Smith EE Spurlin
JW Stone WR Teichenor WD Tutt
JR Walker BWM Wall RP White
Duties of Dean.
Committee on Laws & Discipline reported as follows: The duties of the Dean of Franklin College are to fill one of the chairs in the University and to preside over the Faculty of Arts; to make an annual report through the Chancellor to the Board of Trustees of the work and condition of the School of Arts with such recommendations as he may deem proper.
The report was adopted.
Alumni Society.
A communication was received from the Alumni Society, through its Secretary asking
1. That the Trustees would take steps at this current session looking toward the publication of a catalogue of the Alumni in the year 1900.
Athens, June 14 1898
2. That the Trustees would publish in July of each year a bulletin giving an account of the State of the University and of its work and life for the year, and send a copy to each alumnus of the University.
Upon motion of Mr Meldrim a Committee to consist of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, a member of the Faculty to be elected by the Faculty and the Secretary of the Alumni Society, was raised to whom was entrusted the duty of carrying out the wishes of the Alumni.
Mr Fish took his seat with the Board. The Board took a recess to hear the exercises of the Senior and Law Classes in the Chapel and adjourned till 8.30 this evening.
Chancellor Boggs Resignation.
Upon reconvening the Chairman presented the following Communication to the Board;
Athens Ga June 14th 1898
Hon NJ Hammond
Chairman Board of Trustees,
Dear Sir,
It has from the beginning been my purpose to retire from the burdens and cares of the Chancellorship before increasing age should render me at all disqualified for the exercise of the Christian ministry, which is my chosen vocation.
Time is slipping by and I feel it best to name a date when my resignation may go into effect. I therefore tender it to take effect twelve months hence. This will allow time for you to find a suitable successor and for me to find employment.
Yours faithfully
Wm E Boggs.
University of Georgia,
Mr Simmons offered the following:
Resolved that the resignation of Dr Wm E Boggs of the office of Chancellor of this institution dated the 14th instant, be said is hereby accepted to take effect at the end of Commencement day 1899.
Resolved that a copy hereof be furnished the Chancellor by our Secretary.
The resolution was adopted.
Hugh N Starnes
Mr Hammond offered the following Mr Dubignon in the Chair:
Resolved that Hugh N Starnes be and he is hereby elected to the Chair of Agriculture and Horticulture, his term to begin at the expiration of the term of Prof. Hunnicutt.
Resolved 2nd that the Prudential Committee be and they are hereby authorized to put said Starnes in possession of the farm at such time prior to January 1899 as may be needful to enable him to properly begin the operations of the next year. Resolved that the pay of Said Starnes for any time this year be at the rate of $166.66 per month, that being one twelfth of the annual salary of the office.
The resolution was adopted.
The sections passed over in the report of the Committee on Laws & Discipline were taken up and adopted.
J.B. Lawrence
The Board went into the election of a Tutor in Greek and Latin. Tutors were appointed and upon counting the ballots it appeared that Mr Jas B. Lawrence was elected.
The filling the Instructorship in Physics was then taken up. Tellers were appointed and upon counting
Athens, June 14 1898
UH Davenport
the ballots it appeared that Mr UH Davenport was elected, and the Chair so announced.
Mr Simmons submitted the report of the Committee on Branch Colleges which was adopted and the Board adjourned till 9.30 am tomorrow.
June 15
Board was called to order at 9.30.
Minutes of the 14th were read and confirmed.
Hon degrees
Mr Meldrim nominated Rev I Pellendez of Savannah for the degree of D.D. and Hon HJ Lewis by letter, Prof GF Oliphant for A.M.
Brown beneficiaries
Both were laid over under the rules. Committee on Brown Fund submitted their report appointed as beneficiaries the following young men:
JT Moore appointed by Julius L. Brown
Hamilton McWhorter appointed by George M Brown
WL Wooten appointed by Jas. M Brown
DJ Myers , BD Watkins, Keiffer Lindsey
JC Brand, Fair Dodd, WR Ritchie
EA Duke, Geo Eusher, Chas H. Stary
Isham P Ross, Benj T. Smith, Paul H. Doyal
and AJ McBride, as the appointee of Elijah A Brown provided McBride shall stand his examinations and rise with his class, if not then
Conyers Fite as the appointee of Elijah A Brown.
The report was adopted.
AJ Ritchie
The Treasurer was authorized to pay Mr AJ Ritchie $17.50 balance due him on his loan for 1897-98, out of the unappropriated balance of the income of the Brown Fund.
University of Georgia,
An account of the Georgian of $25. for advertisement for the past year was presented and refused because no authority had been given for its insertion. A motion by Mr Meldrim that $25 be paid the Georgian for a full page advertisement for the ensuing year was carried.
Board took a recess to hear the address of Rev. P.S. Henson D.D. in the Chapel before the graduating class.
Returning to the Library, the minutes were read and confirmed and the Board adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull
(Blank Page)
University of Georgia,
Athens, Ga June 15th 1899.
The Trustees met today in annual session today at 1 oclock P.M.
Present, Messrs SR Atkinson, Bacon, Cobb, Harris, Hull, MacIntyre, Meldrim, McDaniel, Screven, Simmons, & Persons.
A quorum being present, Mr MacIntyre was called to the chair, and the session was opened with prayer by Chancellor Boggs.
The minutes of the last session were read for information.
The hours for meeting and adjournment were fixed for 9a.m. and 1P.M. and 4 P.M. and 6 P.M.
Board took recess till 4 P.M.
Upon reconvening Messrs W.Y. Atkinson, Gamble, Felton, Hutchins, Howell and Governor Candler took their seats.
Chancellors Report
Chancellor Boggs read his annual report which was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline to be appointed.
The hour immediately after reading the minutes tomorrow morning was fixed for receiving the Committee from the State Teachers Association.
Election of Chairman
The Board then went into the election of a Chairman to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Chairman Hammond.
Mr Felton nominated Hon HD McDaniel for the unexpired term and for two years from the close of this session.
Athens, June 1899
There were no other nominations and the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Board for Mr McDaniel, who was declared elected and thereafter took the Chair.
Messrs Fish and Lewis were excused from attendance on this session.
Mr Harris moved that the matter of filling the Chancellorship be taken up Saturday morning immediately after the reading of the minutes. Carried.
Committee on Farm
Mr Hull:
Resolved that the rules for the government of the Trustees as published on page 114. 11, in the manual, be so amended as that a standing Committee on the Farm shall be raised consisting of three members of the Board. Adopted.
Clarke Howell
Notice was accepted of the appointment of Hon Clarke Howell to the vacancy caused by the death of Hon N.J. Hammond.
Messrs Screven & MacIntyre
It appearing that Messrs John Screven and AJ MacIntyre were duly appointed and confirmed as members of this Board to succeed themselves, and that through some error in the Executive office Messrs WA Wilkins and JL Hand were subsequently appointed to fill the places supposed to have been made vacant by the expiration of the terms of Messrs Screven and MacIntyre, and that Messrs. Wilkins and Hand were present as members of this Board at its last session, this statement is spread upon the minutes in order that the facts may be made to appear to account for their absence, and for the presence of Messrs. Screven and MacIntyre.
University of Georgia,
The Chair appointed the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline Screven, Hutchins, Bacon
Branch Colleges Persons, Meldrim, W.Y. Atkinson
Brown Scholarship Meldrim, SR Atkinson, Howell
Invitations W.Y. Atkinson, Howell, DuBignon
Auditing: Harris, SR Atkinson, Persons
Farm: Gamble, Simmons, Persons
Property: Gamble vice Hamilton absent.
Finance, Hutchins vice McDaniel and MacIntyre vice Lewis absent
Adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 16 1899
Board met at 9. A.M.
Minutes of the 15th were read and approved. Mr Hamilton was excused from attendance on account of sickness
Soph Speakers
Mr Screven from the committee on Laws & Discipline reported in favor of permitting Messrs Roy Powell and Jno. L. Callaway to declaim with the Sophomore Speakers from which they had been excluded on account of a technical objection. Adopted.
Teachers Association
The Committee from the State Teachers Association appeared before the Board and requested that the University be opened to the Teachers of Georgia during the summer months.
Upon motion of Mr Howell a Committee of three was appointed to consider the matter and report to the Board.
The Chair appointed Messrs Howell, W.Y. Atkinson and Cobb.
Womens Clubs
A communication from the Federation of Womens Clubs was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Mr Meldrim presented a report from the College for Colored Youths which was referred to the committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr Felton moved that the request from the Womens Clubs be referred to a special Committee Carried. The Chair appointed Messrs Felton, SR Atkinson and Simmons.
Finance Report
Mr Hull submitted the Finance Report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
University of Georgia,
Titles and Land
Mr Hull:
Resolved that in the case of such sales of land as have been made or may hereafter be made by the order of this Board, the title shall be conveyed by deed signed by the Chairman and attested by the Secretary of this Board with the seal of the University attached thereto. Adopted.
Com. on Property
Reports of Officers were read and referred to appropriate Committees.
The Committee on Property made their report which was received and adopted.
Attendance on Prayers
Mr Cobb;
Resolved that attendance on daily prayer service of the University be made voluntary by the members of the Senior and Law Classes, and upon all Students taking Post Graduate Courses.
Referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Board took recess till 4 P.M.
On reconvening Messrs Fish Lewis and DuBignon took their Seats.
Mess Hall
Mr Cobb,
Resolved that a special Committee of three be appointed to visit and inspect the mess Hall and confer with the managers of the same and report the success of the experiment for the past year. Adopted.
The Chair appointed Messrs Simmons, Meldrim and Harris.
Athens, June 16 1899
NJ Hammond
Mr Hull
Resolved that a blank page in these minutes be inscribed to the memory of Hon N.J. Hammond with the dates of his birth and death.
Summer School.
Mr Howell from the Special Committee on the request of the Teachers Association made a report which was adopted.
It authorizes the faculty to provide for a summer course of not less than eight weeks and submit the plan to the Board at a meeting to be called by the Chairman for the purpose. The Teachers Association is invited to confer with the Faculty in preparing the scheme.
The minutes of the Prudential Committee were read and approved.
LH Charbonnier
Mr Meldrim.
Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to acknowledge the Communication from Prof LH Charbonnier and that this Board appreciates his donation of valuable diagrams and accepts them with pleasure. Adopted
Assessment for paving
Mr Hull
Resolved that a Committee be appointed to report to this Board whether the University is liable for the assessment for paving done by the City of Athens.
The Chair appointed Messrs Harris, SR Atkinson and Gamble.
Board adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
June 17th 1899
Board met at 9 a.m.
Minutes of the 16th were read and approved.
Tech School.
The report from the Technological School was made by Mr Harris and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
The regular order for the hour being the Consideration of the Chancellorship, Mr Hull moved that the Board go into the Committee of the whole which was agreed to, Mr Screven being called to the Chair.
Adjourned meeting.
The Committee of the whole rose and reported that the election of a Chancellor be postponed to a meeting to be held in the Capital in Atlanta Thursday July 13th at 3 oclock P.M.
The report was adopted.
Board of Visitors.
The Board of Visitors appeared before the Trustees and submitted their recommendations as required by law, which were referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Messrs Fish and Lewis were excused from further attendance on the session.
The report of the President of the No. Ga. A&M College was read and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Dr Felton offered the following:
Whereas many branches of science now taught in the University are essential to the obtaining of the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture, and are compulsory upon
Athens June 17 1899
all students seeking the degree of Bachelor of Arts
Agriculture Compulsory
Be it ordered that attendance upon the lectures of the Professors of Agriculture be also made compulsory upon all students seeking the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and the Chancellor shall be instructed to assign proper time in each week to either the Junior or Senior Classes necessary to make the Chair or Agriculture efficient and reputable in the curriculum of this University.
Referred to a special Committee to confer with the Faculty Messrs. W.Y. Atkinson, Meldrim & Persons.
Messrs Howell, Bacon & SR Atkinson were granted leave of absence till Monday.
Dr Boggs
Mr Cobb,
Resolved that Dr William E Boggs be invited to occupy the Chancellors residence so long as it may be convenient to him or until it shall be required for the use of the University.
Adopted unanimously.
Dr Riley
Mr Dubignon,
Resolved that the notice required by the rules is hereby given that the Chair of Rhetoric and English Literature is declared vacant six months from date.
The resolution was made the special order for Monday at 9.30 A.M.
Board adjourned till 9 AM Monday.
University of Georgia,
June 19th 1899
Board met at 9 AM.
Minutes of the 18th were read and approved.
Dr Walden
The commencement Sermon on yesterday was preached by Rev. J.W. Walden D.D. of Athens.
Mr Hamilton took his seat with the Board. Mr DuBignon moved that the regular order be displaced and and (sic) that the resolution offered by him be made the special order for 9.30 AM tomorrow which was agreed to.
Laws & Discipline
Mr Screven from the Committee on Laws and Discipline made a report which was considered by sections and adopted.
It refuses to make attendance of prayers voluntary.
It recommends that an agent be employed to travel the State in the interests of the University.
It adopts the Schedule for degrees as recommended in the Chancellors report.
EL Griggs
It makes permanent the appointment of Mr EL Griggs as Commandant of Cadets
John Morris
It grants Prof. John Morris leave to spend a year in Europe.
HN Starnes
It endorses the plans of Prof. Starnes.
Field Day
It discontinues Field Day as a holiday.
Physical Director
It authorizes a Committee of the Faculty to perform the duties of Physical Director during Prof Hertys absence.
A complaint from Mr Marion DuBose of the Professor of English and his request that he be granted the graduate degree of A.M. was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Athens, June 19 1899
The use of the Library room was granted to the Alumni Society for tomorrow.
Mr Cobb,
Resolved that the Authorities controlling the employment of the night watchman be given the discretion to employ students to do that work.
The Board took a recess to attend the exercises in the Chapel.
Returning to the Library.
Mr Gamble made a report from the Committee on the farm which was adopted.
It recommends that 40 acres of land south of the farm be purchased by the University.
It recommends that $1000 be appropriated for work and improvements on the farm for the next year and that monthly bulletins of his work be issued by the Prof of Agriculture.
The Chair appointed Messrs Cobb, Hamilton and Harris, a committee to confer with the Chancellor and heads of departments on promotions and appointment of assistants.
At 4 P.M. Board proceeded to the Chapel to hear the Sophomore declaimers and afterwards adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Inscribed to the Memory
Hon. Nathaniel J. Hammond
Born December 26th 1834.
Elected Trustee of the University of Georgia
July 1872
Died in Atlanta Georgia
April 20 1899.
Athens, June 20 1899
Board met at 9. A.M.
Minutes of the 19th were read and approved.
The regular order was displaced at the request of Mr Dubignon.
Mr Screven reported from the Committee on Laws & Discipline, denying the request of Mr DuBose that the degree of AM be conferred upon him. The report was adopted.
Mr Bacon
Acting Chancellor
Resolved that in the absence of the Chancellor the Dean of Franklin College shall perform the duties of the Chancellor. Adopted.
Mr DuBignon called up his resolution and after some discussion, he requested that it might be withdrawn, which was agreed to.
Study of Agriculture
The special Committee on Dr Feltons resolution reported recommending that
1. The Faculty publish prominently the work in the school of agriculture.
2. That immediate publication be made of the Curricula for degrees of A.B. and B.S.
3. That all academic students, preferably those in the Senior Class be required to attend lectures in Agriculture.
The report was adopted.
The secretary was directed to have the report published if without cost.
The report of the Auditing Committee was submitted, read and adopted.
University of Georgia,
Supplement to Manual
By Mr Harris
Resolved that the Prudential Committee be requested to prepare and have published a Supplement to the Manual giving the acts of the Legislature affecting the University and its Branches passed since the date of issue of the last Manual as well as the rules and changes in the Manual.
Mr Hull reported progress of the Committee on the Alumni Bulletin and Catalogue and was given further time.
Board took recess till 4 P.M.
Branch Colleges
At 4 proceeded to the Chapel to hear the orations of the Junior Class and upon returning Mr Persons reported from the Committee on Branch Colleges. The report was adopted.
Mr Cobb for the Special Committee on promotions recommended that the tutor in Greek be retained and that Mr Jas B Lawrence be reappointed and that UB Philips be reappointed Tutor in History and assistant Librarian at the same salary. Adopted.
Admitting Women
Mr Screven from the Special Committee on the request from the Federation of Womens Clubs made a report recommending that no steps be taken at this time to admit women.
The report was adopted.
Athens, June 20 1899
Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor and Faculty graduate degrees were conferred as follows:
Bachelor of Arts.
AJ Ritchie L Haas HS Walden
GG Boner MS Haas DB Heidt Jr.
AP Adams FM Hailey MM Hirsch
WS Blun CR Hardee TB Johnson
RM Charlton TM Hicks DV Hopps
LA Cothran L Morris 1st Honor
PH Doyal OA Partridge AB Blackshear
Garrard Glen KD Sanders 2nd Honor
WA Thompson TA Denmark GD Perdue
Bachelor of Science
HR Adair Harry Hull RW Rucker Jr
A Seidell JB Thompson JB Sullivan
Master of Arts
Ulrich B. Philips
Bachelor of Law
JJE Anderson TC Atkinson JC Bernard
A Bonds TL Bowden RP Brightwell
JT Brown ZL Cobb BJ Dasher
R Falligant EW Graham CV Hohenstein
GT Holmes D Hunnicutt IL Jenkins
RP Jones WH Krauss RW Lillard
LL Linden TM Linton HH Little
WG Love DA Loyless CD McKinney
CB Marshall JW Mason EE Pomeroy
NM Reynolds AS Richardson Orrin Roberts
EW Schaefer WA Sims LJ Steele
RJ Travis Cruger Westbrook BC Yancey
University of Georgia,
Brown Fund.
The report of the Finance Committee was taken from the table and as amended was adopted
Committee on Brown Scholarship Fund reported the following loans:
To Students at Dahlonega $1000.
to H. McWhorter Jr appointed by Geo M Brown.
WL Wooten Jos. M Brown
CA Fite Elijah Brown
L.D Griffis Julius L Brown
JC Brand, Fair Dodd EA Duke
IP Goss K Lindsay DJD Myers
WR Ritchie BJ Smith Claude H Story
GE Usher BD Watkins EW Ragsdale
RJ Aderhold Russell Gould Norwood Oxford
JL Echols and R Lawler $125. each
WC Hill $115.
JA Usher $100.
The report was adopted.
Board adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 21 1899
Board met at 9. AM
Minutes of the 20th were read and approved. Upon motion of Mr Hamilton the Secretary was authorized to insert a page advertisement in the Georgian at $25. when the state of the funds permit.
Election of Sec. & Treas.
The term of office of the Secretary and Treasurer expiring with this session, Mr AL Hull was nominated for his own successor for four years from date and the Chairman declared him duly elected to the office.
Honorary Degrees.
The Committee on Honorary Degrees reported the following:
On Rev. Hugh K. Walker of Los Angeles California and Rev IP Mendez of Savannah, Ga the degree of Doctor of Divinity.
On Miss Julia A. Flisch, Milledgeville, Ga Prof. JC Woodward Newnan Ga, Prof CT Oliphant Greensboro, Ga the degree of Master of Arts
Mess Hall
The report was adopted.
The Report of the Special Committee on the Mess Hall was read and adopted.
Senator Morrill
Resolutions of respects to Hon Justin L Morrill were presented by Mr Howell and adopted by the Board.
Dr Boggs.
The Salary of Chancellor Boggs was ordered paid up to July 1st.
University of Georgia,
The following communication was read by the Secretary:
June 21, 1899
To the Board of Trustees
University of Georgia
Resignation of Dr Riley
I hereby tender my resignation of the Chair of Rhetoric and English Literature to take effect at the close of the session of 1899-1900.
Very respectfully
B.F. Riley
Upon motion the resignation of Prof Riley was accepted
JM Stephenson
Mr Cobb
Resolved that the tutor in English be retained and that Mr Jas M Stephenson be appointed to the position.
Board took recess to attend the exercises of the graduating class at the Chapel.
Hon Degree.
On returning Mr Bacon nominated
Rev FK Reese of Macon for the degree of D.D. Laid over for one year.
The minutes were read and approved and the Board adjourned till July 13th at 3.P.M. at the Capitol in Atlanta.
A.L. Hull
Atlanta, GA July 13th 1899
The Board met pursuant to adjournment every member being present.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr Hamilton.
Account of City of Athens
Mr Harris for the Special Committee to consider the claim of the City of Athens, reported recommending the payment of $138.36/100 for work done on the campus, but denying the charges for paving the sidewalk. The report was adopted.
Local Farmers Institute
Mr Gamble for the Committee on Farm made a supplemental report recommending the establishment of a localized Farmers Institute in connection with the College Farm. The report was adopted.
Committee to Nominate
Resolved that a Committee of three of which the Chairman of this Board shall be a member be appointed who shall be charged with the duty of presenting to the Board at its next meeting the names of suitable persons to fill the chair of English, with all the information relative to their fitness for the position, and the election shall be held at that meeting. Adopted.
Committee: McDaniel, Harris, Screven.
Board then went into the Committee of the whole to consider the election of a Chancellor, with Governor Candler in the Chair.
Election of Chancellor Hill.
The Committee rose and reported through its Chairman recommending that Mr Walter B Hill of Macon, Georgia, be elected Chancellor. The report was unanimously adopted and the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Board for Mr. Hill. This was done and Mr Hill was declared elected Chancellor.
University of Georgia,
Chair of Moral Philosophy
Mr Howell:
Resolved that the duties of the Chair of Mental and Moral Philosophy be attached to the office of the Chancellor until further order of this Board. Mr Hull offered as a substitute that the Board go into an election of Professor of Moral Philosophy. Carried. Gov Candler moved that the vote be reconsidered for the purpose of letting the matter go over till the next meeting of the Board. Carried. Mr Howells motion was then put on its passage and carried.
Nomination for Honorary degree
Mr Harris nominated Rev W.W. Pinson for the degree of Doctor of Divinity
Laid over under the rules.
Mr Atkinson moved that a committee of five be appointed to confer with the new chancellor on a readjustment of duties in the Faculty and report at the next meeting of the Board. Carried.
The Chair appointed
W.Y. Atkinson, Cobb, Hull, Meldrim, Hutchins.
Atlanta, Ga October 27 1899
Pursuant to a call by the Chairman the Board met today in the Capital, present Messrs. Bacon, Barnes, Candler, Gober, Harris, Howell, Hull, Hutchins, Fish, McDaniel, MacIntyre, Meldrim, Turner, Lewis, Simmons, Persons. Messrs Cobb and Screven were excused.
Chancellor Hill opened the meeting with prayer. The special object for which the meeting was called was stated by the Chair, viz: to receive the report of the Faculty on a scheme for a Summer School.
Summer School
The report was read and the full scheme was explained in detail and after a full discussion was adopted by the Board. The Committee provided for by the resolution of June 1899 to procure the necessary appropriation from the Legislature, was appointed. Simmons, Chm. Howell, Gober, Fish, Harris.
Chancellors duties
The report of the Committee appointed to confer with the Chancellor on a readjustment of his duties was presented, pending the discussion of which the Board took a recess until 3 P.M.
Upon reconvening the report as amended was adopted.
It relieves the Chancellor of the duty of teaching Pschiology (sic), permits him to teach Ethics, and lecture to the Law Class, and empowers him to appoint an assistant to take the work in psycology (sic) for $500 until the end of the present session.
The following offer from Chancellor W.B. Hill was addressed to Hon Howell Cobb and
University of Georgia,
submitted to the board.
Offer of Books by Chancellor Hill
My dear Sir
I beg to submit the following offer of my law library for the use of the Law School of the University (retaining title to the books) I will deposit in the Law Building my Law Library consisting of the American Decisions, American Reports, English Commons Law Reports, English Chancery Reports, various State Reports and various text books provided:
1. The Law School of each year during which the deposit continues will elect a Librarian and agree to make good any loss of the books. I would look to the Law Class alone and not in any way to the University for reimbursement of any loss. Several members of the present class have indicated that they would be glad to meet this condition.
2. Provided further that arrangements be made to put the books in cases having doors with suitable locks. As the library is intended for consultation of authorities, it is not contemplated that the books are to be removed from the building.
3. Insurance to be carried in the general policy of the University.
I here with also tender to the University Library, (irrespective of the above proposition) for the use of the Law School about twenty five volumes of very early English Reports, in black letter, which possess considerable antiquarian interest; this tender being unconditional and conveying the title.
Very respectfully
Walter B. Hill
Upon Motion of Mr Meldrim, the offer of Chancellor was accepted; the thanks of the Board were tendered to him and it was ordered that the cases for the books be made and paid for out of any unappropriated funds of the University.
Atlanta October 27 1899
State Geologist
Mr Meldrim offered the following:
Resolved that his Excellency the Governor be requested by special message to invite the consideration of the General Assembly to the desirability and practicability of making the State Geologist ex officio the Professor of Geology in the University of Ga.
Referred to Committee consisting of Messrs Meldrim, Gober & Harris, to report at next annual meeting.
By Mr Hull,
Resolved that the term of office of the Professor of English now to be elected, begin September 1st 1900. Adopted.
The Board then went into the Committee of the Whole, with Governor Candler in the Chair.
Election of Prof RE Park Jr.
The Committee rose and the Chairman reported that the Committee recommended that Mr Robert E. Park Jr. of LaGrange, Georgia, be elected to fill the Chair of English upon the retirement of Professor Riley. The report was adopted, and the Secretary was upon motion, directed to cast the ballot of the Board for Mr Park, which was done.
Dr Boggs furnace
Mr Harris for the Committee on Property recommended that the furnace and the wires for electric lights in the Chancellors residence, which were put in by Ex Chancellor Boggs at his own expense and are his private property, be purchased for the University for the sum of One hundred dollars. Adopted.
The Committee appointed to visit the Legislature was further empowered to ask for an appropriation sufficient to carry on the work in the Agricultural Chair as contemplated in the scheme adopted by the Board on July 13th.
University of Georgia
Dr HH Carlton, Representatives from Clarke County, appeared before the Board in explanation of some contemplated legislation, which however did not require any action by the Board.
There being no other business, the Board adjourned.
AL Hull Secretary
Athens June 14 1900
The Board met in Annual Session today at 1 oclock.
Present Messrs Cobb, Denmark, Hamilton, Harris, Hull, Hutchins, Meldrim, McDaniel and Persons Nine.
There being no quorum, the chair adjourned the meeting till 4 oclock P.M.
At 4 oclock Mr Turner appeared and a quorum being present, the meeting was opened with prayer by the Chancellor.
The minutes of the last meetings were read for information.
Chancellor Hills Report
The Chancellor read his annual report to the Board which was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Messrs Lewis and Simmons were excused for the session.
Reports of Professors were read for the information of the Board.
The hours for meeting were fixed from 9 A.M. till 1 P.M. and from 4 P.M. till 6 P.M.
New Trustees
Notice was accepted of the appointment of Messrs Geo F. Gober, Geo T. Barnes and Henry G Turner to fill vacancies caused by expirations, and of Messrs, Brantley A Denmark and Byron B Boner Jr. in place of Messrs John Screven and AJ MacIntyre deceased
Reports of Branch Colleges
Messrs Harris and Meldrim submitted reports of the Technological School and College for Colored Youths, which with the report of the N. Ga A&M College, were referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
University of Georgia,
The Chair appointed the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline:
Hutchins, Denmark & Cobb.
Branch Colleges:
Persons, Harris & Turner
Howell, Meldrim, Bacon.
Standing Com. Farm:
Gober, Simmons & Meldrim.
Brown Fund:
Bacon, DuBignon, Barnes
Cobb, Hamilton, Harris
Hull, Hutchins, Lewis
Legislative Committee:
Harris Meldrim & Turner
Honorary Degree:
The Chancellor, Bacon, Turner
Board adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Friday June 15th
Board met at 9 A.M.
The minutes of the 14th were read and approved. Messrs Gober and Bacon took their seats with the Board.
Mr Cobb submitted the report of the Property Committee with estimates of repairs for the ensuing year which was laid on the table for the present.
Athens June 15 1900
The minutes of the Prudential Committee were read and approved.
Mr Hull submitted the report of the Finance Committee which was laid on the table.
Mr Bower took his seat with the Board.
Students Hall
The Chair appointed Messrs Howell, Turner and Gober a Committee to visit the Students Hall and report on its condition.
Mr Hull nominated Chancellor Walter B Hill for the Honorary degree of LL.D. which was laid over under the rules.
Mr Fish was excused from attendance on this session.
Tuition Fee for Non Residents
Mr Hull offered a resolution requiring students from other states than the State of Georgia to pay a tuition fee.
Elections from Nominations by Faculty
Mr Meldrim offered the following:
Resolved that in case of future elections to positions in the Faculty, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of this Board to inform the faculty of the position to be filled and request the faculty to recommend the name or names or one or more fit and proper persons, with such information as may be appropriate; no such recommendation to be in any way binding on this body.
Absences in Europe
Resolved that the subject of absences of members of the Faculty for long periods of time, be referred to a committee for the
University of Georgia,
purpose of determining:
1. Shall such leaves of absence be hereafter granted?
2. If to be granted, shall such grants be governed by a general rule?
3. What general rule should be prescribed? The three resolutions were referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Mr Harris offered a resolution authorizing the Commission on the Technological School to pay the Chancellor for his services in visiting that School.
Referred to Com. on Branch Colleges.
Mr Bacon
A resolution inquiring into the relations of the Branch Colleges to the University.
Referred to Com. on Branch Colleges with the addition of Messrs. Bacon and Gober.
Board took recess till 4 P.M.
Reconvening at 4, Mr Howell took his seat with the Board.
Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a partial report on the Hull and Meldrim resolutions.
Tuition of non residents.
It requires Students from other states than Georgia to pay $50. tuition fees in addition to the usual matriculation and library fees, except those from South Carolina who may be beneficiaries of the Brown Fund.
It leaves the granting of absences as heretofore to be decided by the Board as each case may arise.
Athens, June 15 1900
It adopted the Meldrim resolution regarding the selection of professors, but the matter was recommitted, and subsequently a substitute was reported, inviting suggestions from the Chancellor of such occasions.
The report of the Property Committee was taken from the table and read again and adopted.
City of Athens a/c for paving
The account of the City for one fourth the cost of paving on Broad Street was denied for want of proper authority in the Board to pay it.
A blank page each to the memory of the recently deceased members of the Board was ordered to be inscribed
Board adjourned till 9. A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Inscribed to the memory of
William Yates Atkinson
Born November 11th 1854
Died August 8th 1899
Inscribed to the memory of
John Screven
Born September 18th 1827
Died January 9th 1900.
Inscribed to the memory of
Archibald T. MacIntyre
for twenty four years a member of the Board.
Born October 27th 1822
Died January 2nd 1900.
Athens, June 16 1900
Board met at 9 A.M.
Minutes of the 15th were read and confirmed.
Library Carpet
Mr Cobb
Resolved that the Library Committee be instructed to purchase a new carpet for the Library to be paid for out of the Library fund.
Mr Howell nominated Rev CP Bridewell for the degree of D.D. and Mr Gober nominated Rev JH Patton for the degree of D.D.
Both nominations were laid over a year.
A communication from Dr Riley offering to sell certain assets to the Board was referred to the Property Committee.
Rents of Houses on Campus.
The report of the Property Committee relating to the rent of houses on the Campus was adopted. It notifies the occupants that a change may be made at the end of the ensuing year.
New buildings
By Mr Howell:
Resolved that the Chancellor in cooperation with the Prudential Committee, be instructed to advise with architects for the purpose of presenting to the next General Assembly a plan of improvements of the University buildings and grounds, with such additional dormitory buildings as are required, together with specifications and cost. Resolved further that the General Assembly be urged to make such appropriations as maybe necessary to carry out such improvements and that the Board be convened subject to the call of the Chairman when the question is to be presented to the Legislature.
University of Georgia,
Mines & Mining
Communication from Dr White relative to a school of Mining and Metallurgy and from Professor Barrow relative to an increased representation at the Teachers Association, were referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline
Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors appeared and through their Chairman Professor Lawton B. Evans made their report as required by law.
The report was referred to Com on Laws & Discipline.
Board took a recess to attend the exercises of the Sophomore Class in the Chapel.
Summer School.
On returning to the Library Mr. Gober offered the following
Resolved that there shall be appointed from this Board a Committee of three to confer with the Georgia Teachers Association and to present to the Legislature the matter of a Summer School at the University as presented to the last Legislature. Resolved that the member of the Legislature from Clarke County be requested to introduce and take charge of such measures to the Legislature.
The resolution was laid on the table.
Dr Riley
Mr Hull moved that the claim of Dr Riley to be paid his salary up to September 1st that being the end of the full year of his employment as Professor of English, be referred to Committee on Finance.
Board took recess till 4 P.M.
Athens, June 16 1900.
Mines & Mining
Reconvening at 4 oclock, the Committee on Laws & Discipline reported recommending that a school of mines and mining be established in accordance with the recommendation of Dr White.
Committee also submitted a report pending the discussion of which the Board adjourned till 9 A.M. Monday.
The Commencement Sermon was delivered by Rev George Summey D.D. of the class of 1870.
Monday June 18th 1900.
Board met at 9A.M.
Minutes of the 16th were read and approved. Messrs Lewis and Barnes took their seats with the Board.
Laws & Discipline
The Committee on Laws & Discipline made a report which was considered by sections. Section 1 was laid on the table for the present. Sections 7,8 & 9 were recommitted. Section 10 was lost but afterwards reconsidered, amended and adopted. The other Sections were adopted.
Agri. Deptmt.
The report exchanges the rooms of the Agricultural Department with those of English.
Lit. Societies
It requires the payment of one dollar annual by each member of the Literary Societies as a sustaining fee.
University of Georgia.
It refers to the Legislative Committee the request for appropriations for a dormitory and the Summer School and the Farm.
Medal for Cadet
It bestows a gold medal upon the best drilled cadet in the military departments.
Lawrence & Stephenson
It reappoints Messrs Lawrence and Stephenson tutors.
Dean of Law School
It appoints Sylvanus Morris Esq. Dean of the Law School.
Physical Director
It gives the Physical Director supervisory powers over all contracts of the Athletic Association.
It provides for a new typewriter for the Chancellors office.
It provides for additional delegates to the Teachers Association.
It provides for supplies for the Engineering School.
Pedagogy & Phsycology (sic)
It empowers the Chancellor to appoint Instructors in Pedagogy and Psychology.
The Board took a recess to attend the exercises in the Chapel.
Reports typewritten.
Returning at 4 oclock Mr Gober offered Resolved that the members of the Faculty are requested to have hereafter all reports that are intended for the Board of Trustees typewritten in a plain and legible way. Adopted.
Rileys assets.
The Property Committee reported recommending that Dr Riley be paid $53.50 for certain furniture in his residence. Adopted.
Board took recess to hear the orations of the Junior Class in the Chapel.
Rileys sermon.
Returning to the Library, the Committee on Laws & Discipline reported recommending that Dr Riley be paid twenty dollars for
Athens June 18 1900
preaching a Commencement sermon in 1898.
Also returning the thanks of the Board to Lint. Commander AC Hodgson U.S.A. and to Mrs HA Mitchell of Hoschton Ga for gifts to the University. Adopted.
The Auditing Committee made their report which was received and adopted.
Hon. Degrees Mr Bacon from Committee on Honorary Degrees reported conferring the degree of D.D. on Rev F.F. Reese of Macon, Ga and D.D. on Rev. W.W. Pinson of Macon Ga. Adopted.
Mr Wesley Peacock was nominated by Prof Barrow for the honorary degree of A.M. and Rev. W.S. Simpson Atmore for D.D. by Bishop Groves of Kearney Neb.
Both were laid over under the rules.
Honorary Degrees
Mr Hull
Resolved that hereafter the honorary degree of Master of Arts will not be conferred by this University,
and by Mr Turner
Resolved that hereafter this Board will not confer more than one honorary degree of the same kind at any session.
Both resolutions were referred to the Committee on Honorary degrees.
Heads of Departments.
Mr Gober offered a resolution looking to holding the heads of departments responsible for the work
University of Georgia,
of their assistants which was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Commencement Orator.
Mr McDaniel having vacated the Chair for the time moved that selection of the Commencement Orator and the person to deliver the prizes, be made the duty of the Chancellor instead of the duty of the chairman of the Board. Carried.
Board adjourned till 9. A.M. tomorrow.
Tuesday June 19th
Board met at 9 A.M.
Finance Report
Minutes of the 18th were read and approved. The Finance Report was taken from the table, read again and adapted.
Mr Barnes moved to reconsider the question of compensation for the Dean of Franklin College.
Chancellors Report
Mr Bower offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that the Chancellor be requested to furnish each member of the Board of Trustees with a copy of his annual report before the meeting of the Board
Riley Salary.
The Finance Committee reported in favor of paying Dr Riley his salary up to September 1st 1900.
A communication from the Faculty recommending a change in the method of selecting Junior speakers, was referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Athens, June 19 1900
Graduate degrees upon the recommendation of the Chancellor & Faculty were conferred as follows:
Bachelor of Arts
Lucien H Boggs Frank E Broadnax
Marion L. Brown F. Phinizy Calhoun
Doyle Campbell Remer L. Denmark
Chas. W. Davis, with the first honor
Fair Dodd John Lamar Erwin
EH Hamby Wm J. Hammond
Hugh A Huggins 2nd honor. W. G. Martin
Jas P Mott D.J.D. Myers
WO Payne 3rd Honor WR Ritchie
R. Hume Smith Merritt M Thurman
RB Thompson J. Laurens Tison
Geo. E. Usher Edwin B. Vail
Benj. D. Watkins Wm L Wooten
Chas. M. Young RJ Aderhold
Bachelor of Science
Chas. R Andrews, JH Crouch
Lamar C Rucker Emory P. Shannon
B.T. Smith W.E. Watkins W.M. White
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Keiffer Lindsey
Bachelor of Law
Benj. S. Baldwin Judge Barnes
Arch B. Blackshear Wm S. Blum
Emile Breitenbucher PH Brewster Jr
Marcus B. Calhoun Thos D. Cary
John T. Chapman Rich M. Charlton
HC Dasher Thos. N. Denmark
Thos J Dixon Chas. G. Fite
Carrel H Foster Benj P. Gaillard
John E. Hall Reuben F. Haney
(Added in pencil Ernest A Latham granted degree Jan. 1901)
University of Georgia,
Cosmo R Hardee DW Hartshorn
AL Hatcher Harry Hull
Wm R Kimbell Jas. M Lang
AJ McBride John A McDuff
Jas Tillman EM Owen
Geo H Perry Ed Quillian
RG Richards JB Ridley
Brantley Slater John S. Smith
Moultrie James Smith Wm W. Seymour
Homer F Sharp Henry B. Spooner
Bill Turnipseed Pierce R Wallace
Wm E Willis Wm L Wilson
Board to a recess to attend the exercises of the Alumni Society
Pay of Dean of Franklin College.
Returning after the Speaking of the Senior Class, the section of the Laws & Discipline report relating to the compensation of the Dean of the Franklin College was was (sic) taken up and amended by inserting $250. instead of $300. and as amended that section was adopted.
Committee on Honorary Degrees reported favorably on the resolutions of Mr Hull and Mr Turner referred to them on the 18th and the report was adopted.
Junior Speakers
Laws & Discipline Committee reported recommending that the method of selecting Junior Speakers be left with the Chancellor and Faculty.
Athens June 20 1900
Board met at 9 A.M
Minutes of the 19th were read and confirmed.
Committee on the Farm through Mr Gober made a verbal report of their inspection of it. Mr Hamilton was excused from attendance.
Branch Colleges
Mr Persons for the Committee on Branch Colleges submitted a report which was adopted. It authorizes the Commission on the Technological School to pay the Chancellor $150. for visiting that school out of their own funds.
It requires each Branch College to make a report to the chancellor annually of its work and condition. It provides that the Catalogue of the University shall contain the prospectus of each Branch College, each paying its pro rata share of the cost.
It looks to the participation of each Branch College in the Commencement Exercises of the University.
It contemplates a representation from the Board of Trustees at the Commencement of the Branch Colleges.
That Section of the Laws & Discipline report relating to the appointment of a Registrar was taken from the table, put upon its passage and lost.
Students Hall
The Special Committee on Students Hall reported recommending that $591. be appropriated for additional accommodations.
Mr Persons
Resolved that the Chairman of this Board be authorized and directed to appoint annually Committees consisting of three members of this Board each to attend the Commencement exercises of the Branch Colleges.
University of Georgia,
Laws & Discipline
That section (1) of the report of the Committee on Laws & Discipline recommending the appointment of a Registrar, was taken from the table, put upon its passage and lost. That part of the report relating to the election of tutors in the departments of History and Biology was put upon its passage and as amended was passed.
Asst. Librarian
It leaves vacant those tutorships, and empowers the Chancellor to employ some worthy Student to act as Assistant Librarian for the salary of $100.
Messrs Gober and Denmark were added to the Legislative Committee, on motion of Mr Harris.
Portrait of Geo. D. Thomas
Mr Gober
Resolved that the portrait of Professor Geo Dudley Thomas be accepted by the Board, and be suitably hung in the gallery; and that the Secretary make suitable acknowledgement of the same to Mrs Thomas.
Mr Gober
Resolved that one hundred dollars be appropriated for repairing the buildings on the farm. Adopted.
Mr Harris
Resolved that the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be paid Mr AL Hull for compiling and publishing the Alumni Catalogue under the direction of this Board. Adopted.
Twenty five dollars was ordered paid to the Georgian for an appropriation made last June.
Athens, June 20 1900
Committee on Brown Fund reported the following names as beneficiaries for the ensuing year, with the amount of $175. to each:
Jas C. Brand EA Duke
JP Goss CH Story
EW Ragsdale Russell Gould
Norwood Oxford GL Echols
R Lawler RL Blackwell
M.S. Johnson JM McDonald
SJ Nix J.C. Koch
EH Davis W.E. Drane
The report was adopted.
The following was received from the Secretary of the Alumni Society which was adopted by that Society at its annual meeting:
Resolved that the Board of Trustees be requested to make suitable provision for the celebration of the Centennial of the University in June 1901, such as will be a credit to the University of Georgia, and shall commemorate the inauguration of its great work of education. Pursuant thereto, Mr Howell offered the following: Resolved that the Chairman appoint a Committee of five from the Board of Trustees to have general charge of the preparation for the centennial commencement exercises of the University to occur next year, to act in conjunction with the Chancellor and a committee of the Faculty.
The Chair appointed Messrs Howell, Meldrim, Bacon, Harris, and Turner.
University of Georgia,
Debating Societies
Upon motion of Mr Harris a committee of three were appointed to inquire into the cause of decline of interest in the debating societies and report at the next meeting.
Chair appointed Harris, Howell & Meldrim.
Law Course. On motion the Law Faculty were requested to submit a schedule for a two year course in law at the next meeting of the Board.
Messrs Gober, Cobb and Hutchins were appointed to attend the Commencement of the Technological School.
Clark Howells wedding.
Mr Harris moved that the congratulations of the Board be extended to Hon Clarke Howell on the approaching occasion of a happy event.
Adopted with a rising vote.
The Board then adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull
Atlanta November 8th 1900
The Board met pursuant to the call of the Chairman. Present, Messrs, McDaniel, Cobb, Bacon, Hull, Hutchins, Fish, Lewis, Gober, Turner, Persons, Barnes, Harris, Simmons, Denmark, Bower, Howell, Meldrim, Candler, Hamilton 19.
The Chancellor opened the meeting with prayer. Mr DuBignon was excused from attendance.
The Report of the Prudential Committee on the wants of the University was submitted, and the Chancellor made a statement explanatory thereof.
Pending its discussion Hon WB Burnett, member of the Legislature from Clarke County was invited in and asked to give his views as to the appropriation to be asked of the Legislature.
Mr Simmons moved to consider the report of the Prudential Committee by sections, which was done, and the report was adopted excepting section 8, relating to the removal of Old College, which was stricken.
The report recommends the erection of a larger dining hall.
The conversion of New College into a dormitory.
The Building of a New library
The conversion of the present library into lecture rooms,
The removal of closets from Old College basement,
The building of a new closet near Lumpkin Street,
The connection of the Campus residence with the city sewer.
In pursuance of the resolution of the Board, the Chancellor and Law Faculty presented a schedule for a two year course in the Law School.
Mr Gober moved the appointment of a Committee of three who shall confer with the State Board of Examiners for Admission to the Bar, and report at this meeting on the proposed change of course.
The chair appointed Messrs Gober, Meldrim & Denmark.
University of Georgia,
Mr Bacon offered the following which was adopted:
Resolved that Senator Grant and Chairman of the Committee on appropriations of the senate, and Representative Blalock, Chairman of the Committee on appropriations of the House, be invited to be present with this Board at 1130 oclock, A.M. on Thursday the 9th inst. in order that this Board may have the opportunity to lay before each of them the needs of the University, preliminary to the hearing before their several committees which will be subsequently requested by this Board.
Mr Hull:
Resolved that no medal or prize shall be awarded in this University unless by authority of the Board of Trustees.
Mr Gober:
Resolved that the Board of Trustees authorize the offering by the Law Faculty of the Van Epps and Aiken Digest of the laws of Georgia and the Thompson Publishing Companys Encyclopedia of English & American Law. Adopted.
Messrs Bower and Simmons were added to the Legislative Committee, and Mr Howell made chairman instead of Mr Harris at the request of Mr Harris.
Board took recess until 3.30 P.M.
Reconvening the Prudential reported that they had authorized the admission of three nonresident students, for reasons given, without the payment of tuition fees. The action of the Committee was ratified.
Mr Gober moved that the State Board of Examiners be invited to meet with the Board at 9:30 AM tomorrow.
Mr Howell submitted a report on the Centennial Celebration which was adopted.
The report appropriates $500. for expenses.
Board adjourned to 9. A.M. tomorrow.
Atlanta, Nov 9th 1900
The Board was called to order at 9 A.M.
Mr Hull offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that so much of the action of the Board at the last annual meeting as relates to the retention of seats in the rooms formerly occupied by Prof. Riley, be rescinded, and the Sept. of buildings be authorized to remove the said seats into the rooms to be occupied by the Professor of English Literature. A [Probably initial for Adopted]
Mr Washington Dessan, Chairman of the State Board of Examiners, appeared by invitation and addressed the Board on the subject of a two years course in the Law School. The Committee on the Law School was on motion given until the next annual session in June, to report, and Messrs Fish and Lewis were added to the Committee. Messrs Grantland and Blalock by invitation appeared before the Board and a statement of the wants of the University was made by the Chancellor, as a matter of information. The Board then adjourned subjects to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
January 3rd 1901
The Board met today pursuant to the call of the Chairman. Present Messrs Bower, Cobb, Denmark, DuBignon, Gober, Howell, Hull, Hutchins, Meldrim, McDaniel, Simmons and Turner.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Hull.
Messrs Bacon, Fish, Little, Hamilton and Persons were excused.
Expenditure of $45000.
The Chair stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the expenditure of the sum of $45000. appropriated by the Legislature.
The Chancellor submitted a communication germain (sic) to the appropriation which was received and laid on the table.
The Board took a recess to view the grounds of the University and returned to the Library.
Closets in residences.
Mr Hull offered the following which were adopted: resolved 1st that closets and bathes be placed in the four residences on the campus and the proper sewer connections be made therefor.
Resolved 2nd that a closet for the use of the Student body be erected west of Moore College and connected with the sewer on Lumpkin Street and that the design be such as not to offend the taste of the neighboring residents, the cost not to exceed $300.
Plans for Dormitory and Mess Hall
By Mr Howell:
Resolved that a building Committee of five members of this Board of which the Chairman shall be a member, shall be appointed to ask for plans for the various improvements suggested in the Chancellors report; this Committee to act with the Chancellor and to have plans of the proposed
Athens, Jan 3 1901
new buildings in hand at the earliest practicable time.
Resolved that such improvements shall include a mess hall for approximately 150 students and necessary rooms for the matron, at a cost not exceeding $6500. for the building unequipped; that a dormitory shall also be included not to cost over $20000. unequipped, and to accommodate approximately 125 students.
Resolved that estimates also be obtained for equipment of the mess hall at a cost not exceeding $3500. and equipment of the dormitory at a cost not exceeding $5000.
Provided the Committee is authorized to vary the size and cost of the above buildings at their discretion.
By Mr Dubignon,
Resolved that all repairs ordered to be done, shall be under the supervision of the Prudential Committee.
Old College
Mr Howell moved that the Building Committee obtain estimates on the cost of removing Old College, the Morris residence and Philosophical Hall. Carried.
Brown Fund Notes
Mr Cobb moved that the Chair appoint a special Committee to consider the collection of the matured notes of the Brown Fund and report at the next annual session. Carried.
The Chair appointed Messrs. Simmons, Meldrim & Gober.
EA Latham
B.L. degree
The petition of Mr Ernest A Latham, accompanied by the certificate of the Chancellor, asking that the degree of Bachelor of Laws in course be conferred upon him was granted and the degree conferred
University of Georgia,
W.C. in Old College
By Mr Meldrim,
Resolved that the Chancellor and Prudential Committee be requested to obtain plans and bids for the renovation of the Water closets facilities of the Old College building and the addition of bathing facilities.
Board adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
January 4th 1901
The Board met at 9 AM pursuant to adjournment. The minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. Dr White and Professor Starnes appeared by invitation and explained the details of the plan suggested by the Chancellor for work in the Agricultural department.
Location of Buildings
The Board repaired to the Campus and after a thorough examination of it determined to locate the new dormitory on the south side of the Athletic Field, the east side to be on a line with the east side of Moore College, the north side to be approximately in a line with the Cupola of Science Hall.
$5000. to Agriculture
By Mr Gober
Resolved that the sum of $5000. be appropriated to the purposes of the department of Agriculture as set forth in the Chancellors report.
Centennial Catalogue.
By Mr Denmark
Resolved that the Alumni Centennial Catalogue as recommended by the Chancellor be published as soon as practicable and that a sum sufficient to defray the expenses of the publication be and is hereby appropriated.
Athens, January 4 1901
By Mr Howell
Resolved that the Chancellor and Prudential Committee be authorized to proceed at once with the necessary repairs on the Chancellors residence according to the itemized statement submitted by the Chancellor in his report. Adopted.
Col. Snelling & Mess Hall
By Mr Howell
Whereas the Students Mess Hall, organized for the purpose of giving cheap board to the students of the University, has proved to be of great benefit to those who are desirous of securing a University education with the smallest possible outlay of money, and has further by its successful management drawn the attention of the State and the General Assembly to the necessity of the enlargement of the scope of its usefulness, and has been largely instrumental in securing for the University the appropriation for adequate dormitory and mess hall facilities recently voted by the Legislature, and whereas the successful development of the undertaking has been due to a large degree to the faithful and efficient voluntary supervision of Professor C.M. Snelling, beyond the scope of his regular duty as a member of the Faculty.
Therefore be it resolved, that the Board of Trustees express to Prof Snelling its appreciation of his zealous efforts in the establishment and development of the Students mess hall, the successful administration of which has been of great benefit to the student body of the University and productive of material advantage to the institution.
University of Georgia,
Mr Hull moved to rescind the resolution ordering the erection of a closet on Lumpkin Street.
Hon WB Burnett
By Mr Bower
Resolved that the thanks of the Board of Trustees be extended to Hon Wiley B. Burnett, member of the House from Clarke County for his zealous work and successful services in behalf of the University.
Building Committee
The Chair announced the following Building Committee:
Denmark, Chairman, McDaniel, Hull, Gober & Cobb,
Expenditures on Agricultural deptmt.
The expenditures on the Agricultural department were placed under the supervision of the Standing Committee on the Farm, Messrs Gober, Simmons and Meldrim.
The Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull, Secretary
Athens, April 12 1901
The Board met pursuant to the call of the Chairman at 3 P.M. Present Messrs. Barnes, Bower, Cobb, Denmark, Howell, Hull, Hutchins, Lewis, McDaniel, Meldrim, Persons, Turner.
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chancellor. The minutes of Jan 3rd & 4th were read and approved. Messrs Hollis, Fish Gober, and Simmons were excused.
Prof. Lustrat
Prof. Lustrat asked and was granted leave of absence after June 8th for the remainder of the Session.
Report of Building Committee
Mr Denmark, Chairman of the Building Committee made his report submitting several designs for the new buildings for the decision of the Board. Architect Norman explained the plans in detail and after a thorough consideration of all the plans the Board determined upon separate building for the dormitory at an estimated cost of 18500. and a building for the Mess Hall at an estimated cost of $13000.
Mr Howell moved to reconsider the action of the Board in January locating the sites of the buildings which was carried.
The Board then took a recess to review the various sites and adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
April 13th 1901
Board met at 9 A.M.
Centennial Alumni Catalogue
Messrs Gober and Hamilton took their seats. Mr Denmark offered the following which was adopted:
Resolved that Mr AL Hull be requested to edit and publish the Centennial Alumni Catalogue ordered to be published by the Board at its meeting in January.
University of Georgia,
By Mr Gober: Resolved that upon any application of any alumnus to the Secretary that he be furnished with a copy of what is proposed to be published in the new Catalogue about him and that while such alumnus shall not have the right to add matter thereto he shall have right to strike out therefrom any matter that he may wish. Adopted.
Senior Class
A request from the Senior Class to be excused from College exercises from May 14 to May 21 was referred to the Faculty with power to act.
Location of Buildings
By Mr Denmark:
Resolved that the dormitory be erected on Lumpkin Street near the Moore College to front of east on the Athletic Field: that the Mess Hall be located as nearby as can be southward of the same line (east) and to front North as per design herewith submitted viz:
(Drawing of Lumpkin Street including Mess Hall, New Dormitory, Moore College, New College and Proposed New Street not shown)
The Resolution was adopted.
Bids for Building
Mr Howell:
Resolved that the Building Committee be and it is hereby requested to write bids for the erection of the two buildings decided upon and that the details of the contract be left to the Committee. It being the sense of this Board that the said buildings be made
ready for occupancy at as early a date as practicable.
City Council
Mr Meldrim
Resolved that this Board express its appreciation of the liberality of the City Council in offering to lay the sewers from the residences on the Campus to the Street Connection. Adopted.
Visitors to Branch Colleges.
The chair appointed the following Committees to visit the Branch Colleges: Dahlonega, Gober, Hamilton & Barnes; G.A.&I. School, Bacon, Harris & Turner; Tech, Lewis, Fish & Howell.
Course in Law School
The special committee on Course of Study in the Law School, reported recommending That the course in the Law School should be made a two year course to take effect at the next session; and that in those instances here a student who had previously attended another Law School for a year, or who had read law under advice and direction in some law office for a year, and who was able to stand a satisfactory examination on the work covered by the first year of the course, he would be entitled to a diploma, on completing satisfactory the second years work; and that an English education the ability to read and write English correctly should be made a requirement for entrance, and the Law Faculty be directed to prepare the details of an examination for such requirements
Prof Morris
By Mr Meldrim, Resolved that for the ensuing scholastic year, Prof Morris Dean of the Law Faculty be guaranteed the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars to be paid by this Board in the event that the fees of the Law School should prove inadequate to the payment of such sum of $1500. after the payment of the fees that are now being paid to Professors Benedict and Mill.
University of Georgia,
Law Students
By Mr Cobb,
Resolved that those students who have taken part of the Course under the one year system, have the privilege of completing such course and of graduating according to the requirements of the one year system.
Level of Mess Hall
By Mr Barnes,
Resolved that if the Building Committee find it practicable the Mess Hall should be on the same elevation with the Athletic Field and the new dormitory building. Adopted
Mr Denmark moved that if there be funds available an organ be purchased for the Chapel not to exceed in cost the sum of $250. Carried.
The Board adjourned to meet the second Wednesday in June at 1 oclock P.M.
AL Hull
(Blank Page)
University of Georgia,
Athens Ga. June 12th 1901
Pursuant to the resolution of the Board the Trustees met today in annual session.
Present Messrs. Bacon, Barnes, Bower, Cobb, DuBignon, Gober, Hamilton, Harris, Hull, Hutchins, Meldrim, McDaniel, McWhorter, Persons, Simmons 15.
Chancellors Annual Report
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chancellor, and the minutes of the last meetings were read for information.
The Chancellor submitted his annual report in printed form and made verbally some explanations there of.
The report was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline except such portions as recommended appropriations of money which were referred to the Finance Committee.
Reports of Officers were read for information.
Hamilton McWhorter
The Board accepted notice of the appointment of Hon Hamilton McWhorter in place of Hon F.G. Dubignon resigned as Trustee for the State at large.
Hours of meeting
The hours of meeting during the session were fixed as follows: from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. and from 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. City time.
The Chair appointed the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline
Turner, Persons, Harris
Branch Colleges
DuBignon, Hutchins, McWhorter
Bacon, Howell, Bower
Brown Fund
Simmons, Meldrim, Gober
Hamilton, Bower, Barnes
Honorary Degrees
Bacon, Fish, the Chancellor
Board then adjourned to 9 AM tomorrow.
June 13 1901
Board was called to order at 9 A.M.
Mr Lewis took his seat with the Board.
Minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Death of BA Denmark
At this moment a telegram was read by the Chancellor announcing the death of Hon Brantley A. Denmark at his home early this morning. Mr DuBignon offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved that this Board has learned with deep regret and sorrow of the death of its valued member Brantley A. Denmark whose faithful and able services have made his death a distinctive and irreparable loss to the institution and to the entire State. Resolved further that a Committee of three be appointed to prepare and submit suitable resolutions upon his life and services and that the Secretary of the Board convey to his wife an expression of sorrow and regret, and that in respect to his memory this Board stand adjourned till 1 oclock today.
University of Georgia,
The Chairman appointed on the Committee Messrs. DuBignon, Cobb and Bacon and the Board adjourned till 1 oclock.
At one oclock the Board met in annual session, and adjourned to 4 P.M.
Reconvening at 4 oclock Mr Turner appeared and took his seat.
Mr Gober offered the following:
Resolved that the new dormitory now in course of erection be known and named in honor of the present executive, Candler Hall.
The resolution was referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline
Board took recess to attend exercises of the Junior Class in the Chapel, and adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Friday June 14th
The Board met at 9 A.M.
Prudential Committee Minutes
Minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. The minutes of the Prudential Committee were read and approved.
Mr Cobb submitted the report of the Property Committee which was received and adopted.
Building Committee
Mr. Cobb in behalf of the Building Committee made a report of the action of that Committee to date, which was received and approved.
Upon motion of Mr Hamilton the Architect of the buildings was telegraphed to come to Athens for consultation with the Board.
Mr DuBignon offered a resolution empowering the Chancellor to employ a stenographer at the salary not to exceed fifty dollars per month.
Referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline. Mr Fish was excused from attendance on this session.
A resolution by Mr Gober looking to the responsibility of the heads of departments was referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Bulletin Editors
By Mr Hull:
Resolved that so much of the resolution of this Board of June 14th 1898 as relates to the nomination of the editorial Committee of the Bulletin, be rescinded and the appointment of that Committee and the editing of the Bulletin be left to the Faculty.
The Chair appointed Mr Cobb chairman of the Building Committee and Mr McWhorter to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr Denmark.
Clarke County Commissioners
By Mr Hull
Resolved that the thanks of this Board are due to the Commissioners of Clarke County and to Mr Thomas P. Stanley for the efficient aid they have rendered the University in grading the foundations of the new buildings without charge.
Mr Bacon having not received the notice of the called meeting of April 12th 1901 in time to attend the same, it was ordered that said reason be received as a good and sufficient excuse.
University of Georgia,
Fire Hydrant
The Property Committee made a supplemental report recommending that a fire hydrant be put in the Campus and that the Library fund be credited with $50. for the Old Carpet.
Branch Colleges
Mr DuBignon for the Committee on Branch Colleges submitted their report which was received and adopted.
The Board took recess to attend the exercises of the Graduating Class in the Chapel.
Returning to the Library adjourned till 4 P.M.
On reconvening at 4 P.M. the representative of Mr Nortman the architect, appeared and made a statement about the work on the new buildings, and assured the Board of the good quality of the material and quality of work being done.
Corner Stone
Board took recess to attend the laying of the Corner Stone of the dormitory and afterwards adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 15, 1901
Board met at 9 A.M.
Minutes of yesterday were read and approved. A correspondence between Judge Cobb and Mr Meldrim relative to the Law School was referred to the Com. on Laws & Discipline.
Governor Candler took his seat with the Board.
Laws & Discipline
Committee on Laws & Discipline made a report which was considered by sections and adopted as a whole. The report commends the work of the Chancellor
It requests the Chancellor to submit a scheme to govern the appointment of assistants.
Chief Librarian
It recommends the creation of the office of Chief Librarian.
WO Payne
It appoints Mr WO Payne Assistant Librarian for night service.
It grants Mr Davenport leave of absence. It recommends an appropriation for advertising.
It authorizes the employment of a stenographer for the Chancellor.
It approves the conferring of degree of B.L. on certain students.
GP David
It authorizes the readmission of Mr GP David without the usual fees.
It postpones action on the subject of responsibility of heads of departments.
Books Loaned
It authorizes the loan of certain books from the Library.
JH Patton D.D.
Mr Bacon for the Committee on Honorary Degrees recommended the degree of D.D. on Rev JH Patton of Marietta, and
University of Georgia,
at Chancellor Hills special request withholds the degree of LL.D. on Chancellor Hill
Dr Curry.
The report was adopted. Board took recess to hear Dr JLM Curry in the Chapel and adjourned to 4 P.M.
Auditing Committee
The Board reconvened at 4 oclock; The Auditing Committee make their report which was adopted.
Board of Visitors
The report of the Board of Visitors was submitted by their Chairman Prof. WM Slaton, and was received and submitted to Com. on Laws & Discipline.
Board then adjourned till 9 A.M. Monday.
Monday June 17
Board met at 9 AM
Minutes of the 15th were read and approved.
Mr Howell was excused from attendance upon this session.
Samuel B Adams.
The Board received notice of the appointment of Hon Samuel B. Adams as Trustee in place of Hon BA Denmark deceased. Mr Adams was granted leave of absence until he may arrive in Athens.
DD Mosely
Mr DD Moseley was allowed to reenter the University without payment of the usual fees.
Upon the recommendation of the Faculty graduate degrees were conferred upon the following persons:
Graduate Degrees
Bachelor of Arts: 1. John Banks 2. Karl C. Campbell
3. John M. Gantt 4. Ralph M Goss 5. Harold Hirsch
6. William E. Hoyt 7. Herbert J. McBride 8. Lucius E. Tate
9. William C. Thompson 10. William G. Thompson
Bachelor of Science:
1. James C Brand 2. William M. Davis 3. Eugene A. Duke
4. Horace C Johnson 5. William L. Moss 6. Claude H. Story
7. Henry G Wells
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering,
Frank R. Happ.
Bachelor of Law.
1. A Pratt Adams 2. Joseph W. Adams 3. Robert J Bacon Jr
4. Horatio L. Beleval 5. Robert L. Bennett 6. Robert Hinton Booth
7. Clarence C. Bowen 8. James A. Branch 9. James E. Brannen
10. Paul Brown 11. Albert H. Burtz 12. E Noble Calhoun
13. James E. Calkins 14. Guy L. Callaway 15. William H. Carney
16. John S. Colvard 17. Howell C. Cone 18. Pemberton Cooley
19. James A. Cross 20. John T. DeHart 21. Remer Lane Denmark
22. Marcus D Dickerson 23. Robert E Dinsmore 24. Emmett O. Dobbs
25. Karl CH Drechsel 26. John C Elder 27. John Lamar Erwin
28. Blanton E Fortson 29. Charles O. Griggs 30. William E. Grubbs
31. Walter J Hammond 32. Geo H Harris 33. Lee R Herring
34. Samuel D. Hewlett 35. Howell Hollis 36. Wm H Hosch
37. Don H Hunnicutt 38. John M Hunt 39. Wm C Lankford
40. Fredk T Lanier 41. Thomas E. Latimer 42. Ernest A. Latham (Page 575)
43. Arnold R Logan 44. James P. Mott 45. David E. McCuen
46. Julian B McCurry 47. Alex J McDonald 48. Hamilton McWhorter Jr.
49. Patrick H. Odom 50. Benj. G. Parks 51. Jas. H Powell Jr
52. Israel M Putnam 53. Hendrick J. Quincey 54. Jos. E. Ricketson
55. Chas E. Roop 56. Lamar C. Rucker 57. Luther D. Russell
58. Stephen S. Sanford 59. Emory P. Shannon 60. Wm P. Sims
61. William W. Smith 62. Richard Terry 63. John L. Tison
64. S. Morton Turner 65. Henry S. Walden 66. Paul E. Whitten
67. Troup Whitehead 68. Pratt A. Williams 69. Frank K. McCutchen
University of Georgia,
The Finance Committee make their report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
A communication from Messrs Woodbury and Gerdine asking admission into the University Schools was referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Work Done by Tutors & Instructors
Mr Gober offered the following:
Whereas the Board of Visitors has recommended the abolition of the Tutor System and the object of all instruction is the benefit of the student and practical results there from, therefore it is requested of the Faculty to furnish the Board of Trustees the names of students taught and the marks received by those taught by Tutors, Instructors and Assistants, the amount of attention received by those classes from the heads of departments and information as to whether the examinations are given or read by the heads of departments exercise over these matters.
Resolved that for this year this shall apply only to the Sophomore & Freshman Classes. Adopted.
Mr Simmons moved that the chancellor and Dr HC White be invited to appear before the Board to give some information regarding the Department of Agriculture. Carried.
The Petition of Earle M. Donaldson asking that the degree of Bachelor of Laws be conferred on him and giving reasons therefor was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
The Chancellor and Dr White appeared before the Board and gave the desired information.
Oscar S. Strauss.
The Board then took recess to hear the address of Hon Oscar S. Strauss.
Returning to the Library Mr McWhorter moved that the matter of the Prof. of Agriculture be referred to a special Committee. Carried.
The Chair appointed Messrs. DuBignon, Simmons and Hamilton the Committee
Change to Rule 10.
Mr DuBignon offered the following:
Resolved that Rule 10 of Rules for government of the Trustees in the Manual be amended by striking out six in the fourth line of said rule and inserting in lieu thereof the word three so that where amended the Rule shall read as follows: All officers of the institution instruction in the University are required to give six months notice of an intention to resign and no such officer shall be removed from office by the Board without three months notice. Provided &c. At the request of Mr DuBignon it laid on the table for one year then to be referred to Com. on Laws & Discipline.
Board adjourned till 4.P.M.
Reconvening at 4 oclock the Board took recess to attend the exercises in the Chapel
Compensation of Law Professors
Committee on Laws & Discipline reported on the subject of compensation to the Professors of the Law School, which was adopted.
Candler Hall
Also reported favorably on Mr Gobers resolution to name the new dormitory Candler Hall.
The report was adopted.
Board adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Tuesday June 18 1901
Board met at 9 A.M.
Minutes of the 17th were read and approved.
Com. on Laws & Disc. 5 instead of 3.
By Mr Dubignon
Resolved that hereafter the Committee on Laws & Discipline shall consist of five instead of three members of the board. Adopted.
A series of recommendations by the Chancellor, Dean of Franklin College and President of State College were considered in detail and adopted as amended.
WD Hoyt Jr.
It includes the appointment of Mr WD Hoyt as Assistant in Biology at $400 per annum.
WO Payne
It appoints Mr WO Payne as Night Librarian and assistant in History at $200 per annum.
JM Stephenson
It increases Mr Stephensons Salary to $1200 per annum. and reappoints Mr Lawrence as Tutor.
Mr DuBignon for the Special Committee on the matter of the Professor of Agriculture made a verbal report which was received.
Finance Committee Report.
Report of the Finance Committee was taken from the table and adopted as amended.
Board took recess to attend the meeting of the Alumni Society.
Reconvening at 4 P.M. Mr Gober made a report for the Committee on the Farm which was received and adopted.
Mr. Adams took his seat with the Board.
Misses Woodberry & Gerdine
The Committee on Laws & Discipline reported on the request of Messrs Woodberry and Gerdine denying the power of the Board to admit women in the University without Legislative
Mr Persons of the Committee submitted a minority report dissenting from the majority report.
Upon a vote being taken the majority report was adopted.
A request from the Editors of the Georgian that the Board appropriate $300. for the purchase of a printing outfit was referred to the Finance Committee.
Confirmation of Minutes
Mr Cobb offered the following:
Resolved that the acts of this Board had at the several special meetings or called sessions since the last annual meeting and the various questions therein stated, be adopted and declared to be the action of this Board at this annual session except that portion extending the course of the Law School to a two years course which be now taken up for reconsideration.
Finance Committee reported on the request of the Editors of the Georgian that inasmuch as all the estimated balance for the ensuing year has been appropriated, there will be no funds with which to purchase a printing press. Adopted.
Committee on Laws & Discipline made a report on the recommendations which was received adopted.
Mr Harris for Special Committee on Literary Societies made a verbal report which was received.
Board adjourned till 9 AM tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Wednesday June 19th 1901
Board met at 9 A.M.
Minutes of the 18th were read and approved.
Governor Candler took the Chair and on motion Mr McDaniel was the Board went into an election of Chairman for two years from the close of this meeting. Mr McDaniel was nominated and on motion of Mr Gober the Secretary cast the ballot of the Trustees for the nominee, and the chair declared Mr. McDaniel reelected for the ensuing two years.
Mr Simmons for the Brown Fund Committee submitted his report which was adopted.
Brown Fund.
The appointees are
B. Graham WO Cheney WJ Hanson
G.L. Echols Julian Lang CS McWhorter
RL Blackwell WE Drane EH Davis
Russell Gould IP Goss MS Johnson
JC Koch CR Lawler JM McDonald
SJ Nix N. Oxford EW Ragsdale
W.O. Roberts
and each is to receive a loan of $150. It requires all applicants to take an examination in Latin, Greek, Mathematics and English.
Law School.
Mr Cobb offerred (sic) the following:
Resolved that the action of the Board at special session extending the course of Law School to two years be adopted and confirmed. Adopted.
Donalson & Bradwell
Committee on Laws & Discipline reported adversely to conferring degree of B.L on Messrs. Donalson, Bradwell and Moore. The report was adopted.
Denmark Hall
Mr DuBignon offerred (sic) the following.
Whereas Brantley A. Denmark lately deceased was an active member of this Board and was Chairman of the Building Committee which let and had in charge the building of the new dining hall now in process course of erection and was one of the most loyal members of this Board to the University. Therefore be it resolved that said hall is hereby named and called Denmark Hall and the necessary funds to so inscribe it are hereby appropriated. Adopted.
Dr Van Dyke
The Board took recess to hear the address of Rev. Henry Van Dyke D.D. in the Chapel and returned to the library.
Medal by Class of 1875
Mr McWhorter stated that the class of 1875 had offerred (sic) a medal for that Student in the Freshman Class who excelled in general standing, and on motion the Board approved the conferring of the prize.
The minutes of the day were read and confirmed and the Board adjourned subject to a call by the Chairman
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Inscribed to the memory
Brantley Astor Denmark
born April 25th 1850.
died in Savannah Ga
June 13th 1901.
Athens, June 12 1902
The Board met today at 1 P.M. in annual session present Messrs Adams, Cobb, Hull, Hutchins, McDaniel, McWhorter, Meldrim, Persons, Turner, Simmons 10.
Meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Hill
Messrs, Harris, Fish, Lewis, Bacon and Hamilton were excused for good and sufficient reasons.
The hours of daily session were fixed at from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. and from 4 P.M. to 6 P.M.
EH Callaway
Notice was accepted of the appointment of Hon Enoch H. Callaway to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon George T. Barnes.
Board took recess until 4 P.M.
Upon convening at 4 oclock Messrs Gober, Callaway and Dubignon and Bower took their seats with the Board.
The minutes of the last annual session were read and confirmed.
Chancellors Report
Chancellor Hill submitted his report in printed form with some verbal explanations. The report was referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline except so much as dealt with appropriations of money which went to the Committee on Finance.
The Chair announced the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline
Simmons, Turner, Meldrim, DuBignon, Adams.
Branch College:
Bower, Hutchins, Callaway
Brown Fund
McWhorter, Callaway, Persons.
University of Georgia,
Honorary Degrees:
Howell, Cobb, the Chancellor
Hutchins, Persons, Bower
Meldrim, Gober, Howell
Howell, McWhorter, DuBignon, Gober and Callaway.
On Finance, Persons temporarily vice Lewis absent.
On Property, Gober temporarily vice Hamilton absent.
Board then adjourned for the day.
Friday June 13 1902
Board was called to order at 9 A.M. Minutes of the 12th were read and approved.
Messrs, Harris and Howell took their seats with the Board.
Resolution to invite women.
Mr Gober offered the following:
Resolved that an invitation be extended to Miss _______ (blank space) of the Normal School and Miss ____ (blank space) of the Georgia Industrial College (sic) to read essays at the approaching commencement at such time as may be suggested by the Chancellor. Referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Reports were received from the various Branch Colleges and referred to the appropriate Committee.
A petition from the Janitors for an increase in wages was referred to Committee on Finance.
The report of the Finance Committee with the Statement of the Treasurer were received and laid on the table for the present.
Athens, June 13th 1902
The report of the Building Committee was received and laid on the table.
A resolution to repay Dr. H.C. White $153.35 expenses was referred to the Finance Committee.
Visit Buildings
Mr Adams offered a resolution that at 5 P.M. today the Board would visit the buildings on the Campus, was adopted.
On request of Messrs McWhorter Harris and Callaway they were excused from attendance until Monday.
Board took a recess until 4. P.M.
Women Invited.
Upon convening the Committee on Laws and Discipline submitted a majority and a minority report on Mr Gobers resolution. The majority report denying the invitation to the two ladies and the minority report favoring it. After considerable discussion Mr Gober moved to amend the minority report as follows: Resolved that the Chancellor be authorized to invite such representatives either male or female of the State Normal School and the Georgia Industrial and Normal School, both branch colleges of the University, to take such part in the approaching commencement as he may think proper.
The minority report as amended was put upon its passage and adopted.
Honorary Degrees
Nominations for Honorary Degrees were made as follows:
A.M. on Marion J. Verdery of New York by the Alumni of New York
A.M. on Dr FM Ridley, LaGrange Ga. by Mr Jas. S. Walker
Ph. D. on Prof. WE Reynolds, Milledgeville by G.W.D. Case.
University of Georgia,
D.D. on Rev Thos. C. Carlton, St Louis, by Mr HN Starnes.
D.D. on Rev W.W. Landrum, Atlanta and Rev Jas O, Branch, Dixie Ga by Mr SB Adams
All laid over under the rules.
Board took a recess to visit the buildings on the Campus and adjourned for the day.
Saturday June 14th 1902
Board met at 9 A.M. Minutes of the 13th were read and approved.
Law Department
Mr Meldrim offered the following:
1. Resolved that the expenses of the Law Department not to exceed Seventy five dollars be paid out of the general fund.
2. After deducting the sum due under contract to S.C. Benedict and J.D. Mell, the balance of the income from tuition fees be equally divided between Howell Cobb and Sylvanus Morris.
3. The amount to be paid Sylvanus Morris, Dean, in excess of his half of the fees received from tuition be Five Hundred and fifty dollars or so much thereof as together with his said half of the fees from tuition shall amount to two thousand dollars ($2000.)
The resolution was referred to the Finance Committee.
Committee on Honorary Degrees submitted a report which was adopted.
Property report.
Mr Cobb for Committee on Property read a report of requirements for repairs and improvements for the ensuing year which was laid on the table pending the adoption of the Finance Report.
Athens, June 14 1902
By Mr Hull
Resolved that the Chancellor and Faculty be invited to submit at the next annual meeting of the Board a revised programme (sic) for Commencement with a view to a reduction in the number of exercises. Referred to Com. on Laws & Discipline. Upon Motion of Messrs Erle (sic) M Donaldson and Fred C Jackson were excused from the rule requiring the presence of recipients of diplomas at the Chapel on Wednesday.
Board of Visitors.
The Board of Visitors were received by the Trustees and read their report as required by law with suggestions on the condition of the University. The report was received and referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Board took a recess to attend the exercises of the Sophomore Class in the Chapel.
HN Starnes
Convening at 4 P.M. Mr Fish took his seat. The resignation of Prof. H.S. Starnes to take effect six months from July 1st was received and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.
Board adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Sunday July 15th 1902
Commencement sermon was preached by
Rev. Wm J. Young D.D.
of Lynchburg Va.
University of Georgia,
Monday June 16th 1902
Board convened at 9 a.m.
Minutes of the meeting were read and approved.
Prudential Committees
Minutes of the Prudential Committee were read and confirmed.
CH Herty
By Mr Meldrim:
Resolved that the resignation of Chas. H Herty Adjunct Professor in Chemistry heretofore tendered to the Prudential Committee be and the same is hereby accepted as of February 1st 1902.
Branch Colleges
Mr Bower submitted the report of Committee on Branch Colleges which was adopted.
Board took recess to attend the exercises of the Senior Class in the Chapel.
Convening at 4 P.M. the Board attended the exercises of the Junior Class and adjourned for the day.
Tuesday June 17th 1902
Board met at 9 A.M. Minutes of the 16th were read and approved.
Laws & Discipline
Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted their report which was considered by sections amended and adopted.
Rule 10 amended
It amends Rule 10 of the Manual as to removal of officers of instruction.
Chapter Houses.
It declines to interfere with Chapter Houses.
1 year course in Agri.
It authorizes a one year course in Agriculture.
Revised programme (sic)
It reports favorably Mr Hulls resolution on a revised programme (sic).
Athens, June 17th 1902
Instructor in Chemistry
It recommends the election of an Instructor in Chemistry for one year from Sept. 1, 1902.
It denies the request to coordinate academic work with Law School work in Senior Class.
Fellow in Agriculture.
It recommends the appointment of a Fellow in Agriculture Science.
Agent for University.
It recommends the appointment of an Agent for the University in connection with the Branch Colleges.
It recommends an appropriation for advertising.
Thanks for gifts.
Thanks for various donations are returned to
Mr Oscar S. Straus for a gift of $500. and a bust of Homer.
Mr Geo Foster Peabody for a bust of the Madonna.
Prof. E.D. Wier of New Haven, for manuscripts of Abram Baldwin.
Judge Horace Russell of New York for a fund per prizes.
Commissioners of Clarke County for grading of the Campus.
Yale Corporation for the Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles.
It asks the Legislative Committee to secure the appropriation of $10000. for the Gene. Assembly for two years.
It denies the request of Sophomores that original compositions be substituted for selections to be declaimed.
Board of Visitors.
It approves the suggestion that the time of the visit of the Board of Visitors be changed.
Univ. Press
It approves the plan of the University Press.
Profs Bond & Branson.
It continues the appointment of Prof GG Bond and Prof EC Branson to assist the Chancellor.
Starnes resignation.
Mr DuBignon moved that the Secretary notify Prof Starnes that his resignation as tendered to take effect at six months from July 1st is not accepted. Carried.
Mr McWhorter submitted the report of the Committee on the Brown Fund which was laid on the table until the return of the Board
University of Georgia,
from the Chapel.
Board attended the exercises of the Alumni Society. Returning, Governor Candler took his seat.
Brown Fund Report
Report Brown Fund was taken up and adopted.
It names as beneficiaries for loans of $150 each.
WO Cheney, FB Anderson, WW Williams
JF Hart Jr. JM McDonald, WO Roberts
CS McWhorter, LP Young, GL Echols
Russell Gould, JC Koch IW Chandler
SJ Nix CR Lawler EW Ragsdale
US Johnson B.S. Keith C. Usher
HT Bray CA Buise
Exam in Greek.
It suspends the requirement for examination in Greek until further action by the Board.
To sue notes.
It instructs Mr JD Mell, Attorney, to exchange outstanding obligations for notes, and to notify all debtors that unless paid by November 1st next the matured notes will be sued. It asks for a full statement of all dues to the Fund at the next annual session.
Act to legalized obligations of minors
It asks that an act be passed by the Legislature making legal and binding obligations given by minors for funds borrowed to obtain an education.
Life insurance policies.
It requires beneficiaries hereafter to take out life insurance payable to the Trustees covering the amount borrowed. It recommends that the Committee on this Fund be made a Standing Committee of the Board.
Pay of Attorney and Costs.
It provides that the Attorney be paid ten per cent of amount collected and that all court costs in suits be paid by the Treasurer out of the fund where the plaintiff is liable.
Standing Committee.
The Chair appointed on the Standing Committee Messrs McWhorter, Callaway and Persons.
Athens, June 17 1902
JM Stephenson / RL McWhorter
Board then went into an election resulting in the election for one year of Mr JM Stephenson Jr as Tutor in English at the salary of $1200. per annum and of Mr RL McWhorter as Tutor in Latin and Greek at the salary of $500. per annum.
Report on Assistants.
A Communication from the Chancellor, Dean Barrow and President White in regard to assistants in various departments was received and referred to Com. on Laws & Discipline.
A report of Committee on Agriculture was read and laid on the table.
Report of Property Committee was taken from the table and adopted.
Mr Persons was excused from further attendance at this session on account of a death in his family.
Geo T Barnes.
By Mr Hull:
Resolved that a blank page in these minutes be inscribed to the memory of Hon. George T. Barnes with his name and the dates of his birth and death." Adopted.
Board took a recess until 4 P.M.
At 4 attended the exercises of the Branch Colleges in the Chapel.
Petition of Senior Class.
Returning to the Library, a committee of the Senior Class was received who asked that diplomas be granted to two of their member, Messrs. Starr and Blackwell.
A special committee, McWhorter, Callaway and Gober, was appointed to make inquiry and report on the petition.
University of Georgia,
Report of Auditing Committee was received and adopted.
The Secretary was excused for the remainder of the afternoon, Mr Bower taking his place.
HN Starnes.
On motion the Board took up the report of the Committee on Agriculture on the resignation of Prof Starnes, and Mr. Starnes was invited to appear before the Board. The Professor submitted some correspondence disclaiming having received any notice from the Committee, and changed the terms of his resignation making it effective October 1st or January 1st at the pleasure of the Board.
Mr Callaway moved that it be accepted to take effect January 1st 1902, which was carried.
Mr Simmons gave notice of a motion to reconsider.
Board then adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Wednesday June 18th 1902
Board met at 9 A.M. minutes of the 17th were read and approved.
HN Starnes
Mr Simmons moved to reconsider the action of the Board accepting the resignation of Prof. Starnes which was carried.
Mr Simmons then moved that the resignation be accepted to take effect October 1st 1902, which was carried.
Report of Finance Committee as amended was submitted and tabled temporarily.
Profs Park and Hooper
Committee on Laws & Discipline reported without recommendation on the requests of Professors Park and Hooper for leave of absence.
Athens, June 18th 1902
Leave of Absence
Mr _____ (blank space) moved that these gentlemen be granted leave of absence as recommended in the report of the Chancellor. On a call of the roll the motion was carried by a vote of 9 to 6.
Graduate degrees were conferred on the nomination of the Chancellor as follows:
William O. Payne
William P. Aiken, Frank H Barrett, Sterling H. Blackshear
Sidney S. Dean, Joseph G. Faust, George F. Gober. Jr.
Lucien P Goodrich, Russell Gould, Bothwell Graham Jr.
Pinkus Happ, Wilson M. Hardy, Oscar L. Keith,
Mitchell King, Miles W. Lewis James P. Lewis,
Robert L McWhorter, Morris Michael, Sidney J. Nix
Edgar Oliver, Norwood Oxford, Noel P. Park
Eugene W. Ragsdale Marion S. Richardson
Robert G. Stephens, Ira W. Williams
Fred C. Jackson and Thomas R. King (class of 1901)
James K. Jordan, James L. Sibley, Ray D. Stubbs
John D. McCartney, William I MacIntyre
B.S. in Civil Engineering
James Frank Howard
Madison Bell, Emile Hauser John A. Jenkins
Henry M Fletcher Ware G. Martin and Earl M. Donaldson
Mr Howell offered the following:
Resolved that the salaries of members of the faculty shall be paid monthly when the Treasurer has funds in hand with which to make such payments. Adopted.
Building Com.
The report of the Building Committee was taken from the table and adopted.
Literary Societies
Mr Howell offered the following:
Resolved that the Faculty be authorized to take such action as in its Judgement it deems proper, to restore to the Literary Societies the full management and direction of their affairs, the Board expressing the opinion that as far as practicable absolute freedom should be given the two societies in the election of their officers, the award of their honors and in the regulation of their administrative details. Adopted.
Petition of Senior Class.
Mr McWhorter for special Committee reported denying the petition of the Senior Class for reasons given. The report was adopted.
Election of Assistants
The Board went into the election of Assistants as recommended by the Chancellor and heads of Colleges. The Secretary, on motion of Mr Gober, cast the ballot of the Board for the following persons:
J.M. Johnson, Instructor in Agriculture
Charles J. Moore, Instructor in Chemistry
William D Hoyt Jr. Tutor in Biology
William O. Payne, Tutor in History and also night Librarian.
Jas. F. Hart Jr. Fellow in Agriculture and the election was so announced.
The Chair appointed Messrs McWhorter, Callaway and Adams to confer with the Faculty on a revised programme (sic).
Board took a recess to attend the closing exercises in the Chapel.
Returning to the Library the Finance Committees report was taken from the table and was amended as follows:
Stephensons Salary
By Mr Turner, Provided that only $600. of the University funds shall be paid as salary to Tutor JM Stephenson, it being understood that the remainder of his salary will be paid by Prof. Park.
The report as amended was adopted.
Finance Report.
It makes appropriations for current expenses.
It authorizes sale of land east of Normal School.
It transfers $2000. first available to Agricultural department.
It reduces Laboratory fees.
Candler Hall
It places occupants of Candler hall on same footing with those of Old College
Catalogue Books.
Committee on Laws & Discipline reported verbally recommending the employment of Mr Dye to catalogue books in the Library as suggested by the Chancellor. Agreed to.
Com. on Agriculture recommended that the Chair of Agriculture be filled at the next annual session. Agreed to.
The Minutes were read and approved and the Board adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Inscribed to the memory
George Thomas Barnes
born August 14th 1833
died in Augusta Ga October 24th 1901.
Atlanta Ga November 7th 1902
Board met pursuant to a call by the chairman.
Present Messrs, McDaniel, Callaway, Adams, Turner, Gober, Cobb, Hamilton, Hull, Simmons, Persons, Howell, Bacon, Meldrim, Fish, McWhorter, Bower, Harris, and Governor Terrell.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Hill. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting to be the consideration of the amount and purposes of the request to be made of the Legislature.
Library Mr. Peabody
Chancellor Hill made a statement to the Board of the offer of Mr Geo Foster Peabody of a fire proof Library to cost not exceeding $50000. and of the specific needs of the University at this time.
On motion of Mr Bacon the Chairman of the Committees on appropriations and the State University of the Senate and House and the Representative from Clarke County were invited to attend the meeting of the Board. The Chair appointed Messrs McWhorter, Howell and Bower to invite the gentlemen.
Judge Hutchins was excused from attendance on this meeting.
A request from Mr W DeL Worsely to have $40. paid by him as fees in the Law School refunded him was declined with the privilege of having credit given him to that amount should he reenter the School.
Building Committee
Mr Gober moved that a Committee of six of which the Chairman of this Board be the Chairman and the Chancellor be a member, be appointed to confer with Mr Peabody and to act as a building Committee in the selection of plans for new buildings, remodeling buildings and the selection of sites for buildings, to report to the Board before taking any final action. Carried.
The Chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House extended an invitation to the Board to meet with that Committee at their session this morning. The invitation was accepted.
University of Georgia,
Brown Fund notes
Mr McWhorter moved that the rules governing loans from the Brown Fund be so changed that the committee on the Brown Fund be authorized to renew past due notes given for loans, with satisfactory security. Carried Mr Bacon moved that the Statement made by the Chancellor as to the needs of the University be endorsed by the Board and that it be made the a basis for the requests to be made of the Legislature. Carried.
The Board took a recess to attend the session of the Committee on Appropriations.
Bequest of Mr Lowe
On reconvening Mr Harris moved that a Committee be appointed to confer with the Executor of Mr Lowe of Hawkinsville, Ga as to the bequest left by him for the benefit of the Girls Normal & Industrial School. Carried. The Chair appointed Messrs. Dubignon, Turner and Adams. The chair appointed as a Building Committee McDaniel, Chairman, the Chancellor, Cobb, McWhorter and Callaway.
Board adjourned subject to call of the Chairman.
AL Hull
Building Committee appointed:
McDaniel, Chairman, Cobb, McWhorter, Callaway, Harris, the Chancellor.
Athens, Jan. 16 1903
The Board met pursuant to the call of the Chairman present, Chairman McDaniel, Cobb, Callaway, Harris, Hull, Hutchins, Gober, Persons, Simmons, Turner, Bower, Meldrim, McWhorter and Governor Terrell.
After prayer by the Chancellor, the Building Committee submitted their report which was received.
The Chancellor submitted a statement of the pressing needs of the University, a schedule of which was filed.
Hon Harire Jordan was invited to address the Board on the subject of Farmers Institutes at a later hour.
Site of new Library
Board then took a recess to examine the sites proposed for the new Library building and reconvened at 4.30 P.M.
A motion being made and carried to proceed to the selection of a site, three locations were placed in nomination, the Morris residence, the North West Corner of the Campus and the North East Corner of the Campus.
A vote being taken, the North East Corner was selected.
Mr Simmons moved that the building be made to face the west. Carried.
Upon motion of Mr Hull Mr Haralson Bleckley was selected as the Architect of the building.
Plans for other building.
The recommendations of the Committee that the places submitted by Prof Strahan for remodelling (sic) New College and additions to the present Library building were adopted.
Architects Fees
Upon motion Mr Strahans compensation for drawing plans and specifications and superintending work was fixed at 3 per cent of the cost of buildings as ordered by the Board to be erected.
Board took recess till 8 P.M.
University of Georgia,
Upon reconvening excuses were received from Messrs. Adams, Bacon, Hamilton and Howell.
Mr Simmons was excused from further attendance on this session.
On motion of Mr McWhorter the action of the Board fixing the compensation of Prof Strahan was reconsidered and the rate was fixed at 3 per cent instead of 3 per cent.
Hon Harire Jordan
Hon Harire Jordan appeared and addressed the Board on Farmers Institutes, at the conclusion of which a vote of thanks was returned Mr Jordan.
Farmers Institutes
On motion of Mr Turner, Mr Jordan was elected Director of Farmers Institutes of the State College of Agriculture for on year under the general direction of the Chancellor and President of the State College of Agriculture.
Summer School.
Mr Callaway offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that the Board grant the request of the Faculty of the University for authority to tender to the Summer School the use of the University buildings and equipment. The sum of one thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to the Summer School to be disbursed by the Treasurer of the Board on the approval of the Chancellor, to members of the University School Faculty offering such courses of instruction as were arranged in the summer session of the University formerly proposed.
The statement submitted by the Chancellor was taken up and acted upon.
The following offices were provided for
A librarian at a salary of $1500. per annum.
A professor of Psychology and Pedagogy at a salary of $2000. per annum.
Athens, Jan 16th 1903
An instructor in English Literature & Rhetoric at a salary of $1200 per annum.
The following sums were appropriated.
For cataloging books in the Library 500.
University Summer School 1000.
Advertising (including restoration of part of Stram (?) gift. 400.
University bulletins. 300.
Department of Agriculture including repayment of $2000 3000.
Farmers institutes 1000.
Denmark Hall 1000.
Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Jan. 17th
Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of the 16th were read and approved
Electric Lights
By Mr Cobb,
Resolved that the sum of $10. be appropriated to place electric lights in the Law School lecture room. Adopted.
Office boy.
On motion of Mr Gober the Chancellor was authorized to employ an office boy at not more than $10 per month.
Building Committee
By Mr Meldrim
1. Resolved that the Building Committee here to fore raised on Nov 7th 1902, be and the same is hereby continued and the Secretary of this Board being added to said Committee.
2. That the Committee be and is hereby fully authorized and empowered to make such arrangements with the donor George Foster Peabody Esq. as may be satisfactory to said donor looking to the application of said donation to the object of said donation.
3. That when such arrangements with Mr Peabody be made that said Committee be and it is hereby
University of Georgia,
fully authorized and empowered if it meets the approval of Mr Peabody, to advertise for bids for the erection of the building to be completed at such time as the Committee may determine said committee doing in this behalf all such matters and things as this Board itself might or could do.
4. That Mr Peabody be informed by the Chancellor of the University that the General Assembly of the State of Georgia has complied with the conditions of his generous donation. Adopted.
Remodelling (sic) Library building.
By Mr McWhorter:
Resolved that the Building Committee be and it is hereby authorized and empowered in behalf of this Board to advertise for bids for the remodelling (sic) of the present Library building in accordance with the plans and specifications of Prof. Strahan, to reject any and all bids, to make a contract or contracts, for said work, to fix the time of the completion of the work and to do all such other things as may be said Committee be deemed needful to complete said work as fully as this Board might or could itself do.
Lowe Legacy.
Mr Turner brought up the matter of the Lowe bequest and Mr Callaway offered the following: Resolved that the Committee to which was referred the matter of the legacy in will of Mrs AA Lowe to this Board for benefit of G.N. & I College, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to dispose of the property devised, and convert the same into cash and have the same paid over to the Treasurer of this Board.
Resolved further that the Chairman and
Athens, Jan 17 1903
Secretary of this Board be authorized to execute all deeds and empowered necessary for said purpose.
New College.
On motion of Mr McWhorter the Supt. of Buildings under direction of the Prudential Committee is instructed to carry out the proposed changes in New College.
U.S. Officer for Commandant.
Whereas military tactics is required to be taught in the University and it is desirable that the very best instruction consistent with the general academic courses in this institution should be given to the students, therefore be it.
Resolved that the Chairman of this Board and Mr P.W. Meldrim be and they are hereby requested to ascertain if a regular U.S. army officer can be detailed as instructor and commandant and to report as the next annual meeting of this Board. Adopted
(Mr Meldrims name was inserted by amendment.)
Deptmt. Psychology
By Mr Hull,
Resolved that the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy be created, and that in view of the increased duties of the chancellor and upon his suggestion, the work now done by him in the history of Philosophy and in Ethics be assigned to the Professor in said Department; the matter of designating the department by title and defining its scope to be postponed to the regular meeting of the Board.
University of Georgia,
Funds for repairs and additions.
By Mr Hull
Resolved that the $8000 interest on the Constitutional debt, the $1260. interest on the Franklin College funds and the fees from matriculation and tuition and rents, for the present year and the next year, be set apart for the purpose of converting New College into a dormitory and building additions according to the plans by this Board. Adopted.
State Agent
By Mr Gober
Resolved that a committee be appointed by the Chairman of this Board of which the Chancellor shall be chairman and two Trustees with power to go into the matter of a State Agent as recommended by the Chancellor and take such action as may be deemed wise said Committee to have the plenary power of the Board in and about the matter. Adopted.
Mr Meldrim moved that the Chancellor and Library Committee be requested to nominate a Librarian to the Prudential Committee who may appoint him for one year at a salary not exceeding $1500.
Carried, but afterwards reconsidered.
Mr McWhorter moved that when the Board adjourn it adjourn to meet at the call of the Chairman. Carried.
Vacant offices
Mr McWhorter moved that all new and vacant offices be filled at the called meeting. Carried.
Athens, Jan 17 1903
Approp to Agriculture
Upon motion the $3000. appropriated to the Dept. of Agriculture was made subject to expenditure under direction of the Committee on Agriculture.
The Chair appointed following Committees to visit Branch College:
Dahlonega, Messrs Gober and Meldrim
Ga No Ind. School, Callaway and Adams
Technological School, Simmons and Hamilton
Ga. Ind. College, Turner and Persons.
Board then adjourned subject to call of the Chair.
AL Hull Secty.
Norrmans Fees.
Before adjournment Mr Cobb for the old Building Committee reported that Mr G.L. Norrman architect of Candler Hall had agreed to accept $212.00 in full settlement of the balance due him on fees and recommended that he be paid that amount. The recommendation was adopted, and the Committee was discharged.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Ga. April 11th 1903
The Board met pursuant to the call of the Chairman in the Capitol at 10 A.M. present Messrs, McDaniel, Callaway, Dubignon, Bower, Adams, Hamilton, Simmons, Fish, Bacon, McWhorter, Turner, Persons, Meldrim, Gober, Hutchins, Hull, Harris, and Governor Terrell.
CC Houston
The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr Hamilton. Mr Cobb was excused on account of illness. Upon motion Messrs. CC Houston, BF Holder and Kilburn were accorded a hearing in a complaint against the University Press.
Chancellor Hill read a correspondence with Mr Geo. Foster Peabody on the subject of the site of the Library.
Mr DuBignon moved that the action of the Board in January last fixing the site for the Library be reconsidered. Carried.
Site of Library.
Mr. H. Bleckley, the Architect, submitted his perfected plans for the Library which were explained in detail. Mr Simmons moved that the Library be located on the site of the Morris residence, amended by Mr Callaway and that the Morris residence be removed and reerected in good condition in the further corner of the lot. The motion as amended was carried.
Gov. Terrell moved that the Building Committee be empowered to fix the exact location of the Library. Carried.
State Agent.
Chancellor Hill submitted a report of the Special Committee on a State Agent, recommending the appointment of Prof. Joseph S. Stewart at a salary of $2000. and with not more than $1000. for
expenses, one half of which salary and expenses is to be paid by the University Auxiliary.
The report was adopted.
The Chancellor submitted sundry recommendations relating to the election of a Professor of Philosophy, an Instructor in English Literature, omitting names of students in the Branch Colleges from the general Catalogue, the appointment of sundry committees and tendering the right to each member of the Legislature to appoint one student to the College of Agriculture who shall be exempted from payment of Matriculation fees.
By Law Term of Elections.
Mr Meldrim moved that the By laws be so amended that hereafter all new elections of members of the Faculty shall be for one year and unless confirmed by the Board shall not continue in force after that time. Carried.
TJ Woofter
The plans so submitted by Architect Bleckley were adopted. Upon motion the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Board for Prof T.J. Woofter to fill the Chair of Philosophy & Education from July 1st. next, and Mr Woofter was elected.
SV Sanford
Messrs. C.E. Steed of Dahlonega, S.V. Sanford of Marietta, AJ Ritchie of Waco Tex. were nominated for Instructor in Rhetoric & English Literature.
Messrs Turner and Fish were appointed tellers, the vote was counted and Mr Sanford received 11 votes, Mr Steed 6 votes and Mr Ritchie 1 vote. Mr Sanford was declared elected.
The request that the names of students in Branch Colleges be omitted from the general Catalogue was denied.
Appointment of Students in Agriculture
On motion each Senator and Representative in the General Assembly was authorized to appoint one male white student to the School of Agriculture.
University of Georgia,
who shall be exempt from Matriculation and Library fees.
University Press
Mr Adams offered the following;
Resolved that the matter of the University press and its alleged competition with other printing establishments be referred to a special Committee of three to be appointed by the Chair to report at the next session regular meeting and that in the meantime it is the sense of the Board that the University Press should take no work outside of the University work.
Mr Meldrim offered the following substitute:
Whereas a protest has been made by the job printers of the City of Athens against the work of the University Press company as such work is now being done, and whereas the said Press Company desires to be heard on the matter in controversy,
Committee on same
There be it resolved that the matter be referred to a Committee of three to be appointed by the Chair, which said Committee shall report to the next meeting of this Board.
The substitute was put upon its passage and adopted.
The Chair appointed Messrs Callaway, Adams and Persons, the Committee.
Mr DuBignon offered the following which was adopted.
A.A. Lowe Legacy
Resolved that the Committee to which was referred, the matter of the legacy in the will of Mrs AA Lowe for the benefit of the G.N.I. College be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to engage counsel and institute such proceedings as in its Judgement may be necessary to recover any and all damages which may have been done said property covered by said will. Adopted.
Athens April 11, 1903
Mr McWhorter offered a resolution relating to the University Press which was lost.
(The text of this resolution was not furnished the Secretary written in pencil)
Upon motion the Board adjourned.
AL Hull Secretary
University of Georgia,
June 11th 1903
The Board met in annual session at 1 P.M.
The session was opened with prayer by Chancellor Hill.
Chairman McDaniel, Callaway, Cobb, Fish, Harris, Hull, Hutchins, Hamilton, McWhorter, Persons, Simmons
The minutes of the meetings during the year were read and approved.
Hours for meeting were fixed at 9.30 A.M. to 1 P.M. and 4 P.M. to 6 P.M.
Board took recess till 4 P.M.
Chancellors Report
On reconvening the Chancellor submitted his annual report with verbal remarks thereon, which was referred to Committees on Laws & Discipline, Finance and Agriculture.
Messrs. Bower, Howell and Adams took their seats.
On motion the reading of the reports of Professors was deferred.
Reports of Officers.
Mr Howell moved that in future the reports of heads of departments be printed for the information of the Board.
Referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline the Chair appointed the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline:
Hutchins, Gober, Turner, Fish, McWhorter.
Branch Colleges:
Meldrim, Adams, Bower.
Harris, Meldrim, Cobb.
Athens June 11 1903
Brown Fund:
McWhorter, Callaway, Persons
Cobb, Harris, Hamilton.
Howell, Simmons, Hamilton
Simmons, Meldrim, Callaway
Honorary Degrees
Howell, Adams, Cobb, Chancellor Hill
Howell, McWhorter, DuBignon, Gober, Callaway.
An invitation from the Country Club to a reception this evening was extended through Mr McWhorter and accepted with thanks.
Board adjourned till 9.30 AM tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Friday June 12 1903
Board met at 9.30 AM
Minutes of the 11th were read and approved
Messrs Meldrim DuBignon and Bacon were excused for absence
Stock in Hawkinsville Bank
The Treasurer reported the receipt from Mr DuBignon of a certificate for ten shares of the Capital Stock in the Hawkinsville Banking & Trust Company received from the estate of Mrs. AA Lowe.
On motion of Mr Gober the Treasurer of this Board was instructed to pay over to the Treasurer of the GA Nor. & Ind. School such dividends as shall be declared from time to time on said stock.
TP Tribble
Mr TP Tribble was authorized to reenter the University without the payment of matriculation or library fees for one year.
GH Wade
The petition of Mr GH Wade to have fees refunded him was denied.
Mr Harris submitted the report from the School of Technology which was referred Committee on Branch Colleges.
Committee on Property made their report which was laid on the table.
Committee on Finance submitted their report which was received and laid on the table.
Board took recess till 4 P.M.
Athens, June 12, 1903
Reconvening at 4 P.M. Mr Meldrim took his seat.
Programme (sic)
The recommendations of the Faculty on shortening the programme (sic) at Commencement was read and referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Building Committee reported on their action for the up to date which was received as information.
Mr Meldrim presented a report from the Ga Industrial College which was referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Requests for appropriations from heads of departments were referred to Finance Committee.
Board adjourned till 9.30 Saturday.
Saturday June 13th 1903
Board met at 9.30 AM
Minutes of the 12th were read and approved.
The nomination of Dr. E.T. Avis by the local Trustees of No. Ga. A&M College for the Presidency of that institution was read and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mr Gobers Resolution
By Mr Gober:
Resolved that no member of this Board is eligible to election to any office within the gift of the Board of Trustees that has attached to it a salary paid out of the Treasury of the University.
Referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
University of Georgia,
Prudential Minutes
The Prudential Committee submitted their minutes for the past year which were read and approved.
Auditing Committee
The Auditing Committee made their report which was received and adopted.
Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors appeared before the Board and read their report on the condition of the University with recommendations as required by law. The report was referred to Com. on Laws and Discipline.
E.W. Ragsdale
A petition from Mr EW Ragsdale that the degree of B.L. in course be conferred upon him was also referred to the Laws & Discipline Committee.
Board took recess to attend the exercises of the Sophomore Class in the Chapel.
The Board convened at 4 P.M.
Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a partial report which was laid on the table.
Committee on Honorary Degrees made their report which was also tabled until Monday.
Mr Turner moved that the Board take a recess to visit the Agricultural department.
Law School.
Mr Cobb offered a resolution relative to the Law School which was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Board adjourned till 9.30 AM Monday.
Sunday June 14th
Baccalaureate Sermon was preached by Rev. W.W. Landrum D.D. of Atlanta Ga.
Athens, June 15 1903
Board met at 9.30 AM.
Minutes of the 13th were read and approved.
Mr Bacon took his seat with the Board. Report of Committee on Honorary degrees was taken from the table and recommitted.
Report of Committee on Laws & Discipline was taken from the table and adopted as follows:
WO Payne
It employs Mr WO Payne as Librarian during the session of the Summer School.
Society Halls
It accepts the offer of the Societies of the use of their halls for lecture rooms.
It extends an invitation to the Peabody Trustees to establish a Teachers College in connection with the University.
It authorizes the organization of a School of Pharmacy in the University at Athens.
It appoints a Committee to confer with the Trustees and Faculty of the Ga Medical College
Bush Arbor
It authorizes the erection of a bush arbor for use at commencement of 1904.
CJ Moore/ Tutors
It confirms the election of Dr Chas. J Moore and reappoints for one year Tutors Payne, Hoyt, & McWhorter, and makes Mr Marion DuBose Tutor in Teutonic Philology.
It refers to the Faculty with power to act (sic) the change in weekly holidays.
Chapel Attendance
It amends Sec I Chap III of Code of Laws in the manual. It recommends an appropriation for advertising. It returns thanks for various donations.
Prof. Barrow
It grants leave of absence for six months of the next session to Prof Barrow.
It requires vaccination of all students before registration.
University of Georgia,
DAR prize
It sanctions the prize offered by the D.A.R.
Courses of study
It authorizes the Faculty to change courses of Study.
It provides for a republication of the Manual.
Law School
It approves certain fees to lecturers in the Law School.
Names of Buildings
The recommendation as to names for buildings on the Campus was postponed until June 1904.
A supplemental report requests Prof Snelling to act as Registrar at $200 for the next year
Dean of Law School
It does not make the Dean of the Law School a regular member of the Faculty.
Fees in Phys. Lab.
It fixes a fee of $3. for the Physical Laboratory.
WA Worsham
It names Mr WA Worsham Fellow in Chemistry.
It denies the petition of EW Ragsdale.
It reports on the suggestions of the Board of Visitors.
SC Benedict
It appoints Dr SC Benedict to the Chair of Materia Medica in the school of Pharmacy.
Plank walk.
It provides for a plank walk to Denmark Hall.
Hon. Degrees
Mr Gober with others nominated Lyman Hall of Atlanta for the degree of LL.D. Laid over under the rules.
Board attended the exercises of the Junior Class in the Chapel and at 4 P.M. attended the exercises of the Senior Class.
Reconvening the Committee on Branch Colleges made their report which was received and adopted.
Prest. ES Avis
Dr E.S. Avis the nominee of the local Board of the N. Ga A&M College was elected President of that College vice Prof Jus S. Stewart resigned.
Reelection of Chairman.
Mr McDaniel was unanimously reelected Chairman of the Board for a term of two years
Athens, June 15 1903
Univ. Press
Special Committee on the University Press made their report which was received and after much discussion a motion to lay on the table was carried by a vote of 8 to 7.
Brown Fund.
The report of the Committee on Brown Fund was received and adopted.
It appoints the following beneficiaries: $150 each:
Hollis Pope, IW Chandler JV McWhorter JC Koch
W T Hanson HF Bray WO Roberts FB Anderson
CA Buise C Usher BS Keith WW Williams
JE Craigmiles GM Telford HB Ritchie CM James
JR Turner HA Haynes Van Wilhite, CE Smith
GT Bernard, TG Stokes Warren Lacy
WT Elgin WA Bell AM Howell AG DeLoach
Upon motion of Mr Gober the report of Com. on University Press was taken from the table and recommitted.
Hon Degrees
Committee on Honorary Degrees reported conferring the degree of LL.D. on Rev. W.W. Landrum, D.D. and D.D. on Rev. J.O. Branch.
Report was adopted.
Board adjourned till 9.30 tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Tuesday June 16th 1903
Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of the 15th were read and approved.
Legislative Committees
Mr Bacon moved that the Committees of the Legislature be invited to meet the Board at 11 AM and confer on matters of interest to the University. Carried.
Committee on Agriculture made a report which was received, considered by sections and adopted as amended.
JM Johnson
It makes Mr JM Johnson head of the school at $1200 salary.
JF Hart
It makes Mr JF Hart Tutor in Agriculture at $600.
It authorizes the purchase of sundry equipments.
Prof Rhodes.
It pays Prof Rhodes $100.
It provides for publication of Nature leaflets.
Purchase of Land.
It purchases two tracts of land adjoining the farm.
It looks to coordination of teaching in the University and Normal School.
Fees in Agri.
It admits all students to Agricultural Courses without matriculation & library fees.
Farmers Inst.
It continues Farmers Institutes for $750.
It provides for expenses of Dr White to Convention.
Leaves of absence
Mr Gober offered the following:
Whereas the duties of a Professor in the University require their time for about nine months in the year placing three months at his disposal and whereas in comparison with the pay of the public officers of this state and other colleges his pay is adequate therefore by the Board of Trustees of the University be it resolved that hereafter we will grant to no officer of the University leave of absence on full pay except for providential cause extending to an
Athens, June 16 1903
inability to perform his duties.
Referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline and reported favorably.
Univ. Press.
Committee on University Press submitted a report which was received and adopted.
Committees from the Legislature came before the Board and were invited to seats.
The Chair welcomed the Legislators and invited them to an expression of any views they may entertain on matters of interest to the University.
Remarks were made by Messrs. Harire Jordan, Conner, and Leigh.
Board took recess to attend the Alumni oration by Hon WM Howard and adjourned till 4 P.M.
Denmark Hall
At 4 P.M. Mr Meldrim moved that the Auditing Committee be authorized to turn over the accounts of Denmark Hall to the Prudential Committee to be audited during vacation. Carried.
CM Snelling
By Mr Howell
Resolved that the thanks of the Board be expressed to Col. Snelling for his admirable management of Denmark Hall, the past twelve months, upon whose management past and present depended the success of the Hall. Adopted.
Property Report.
Board repaired to the Chapel to hear the addresses of representatives of the Branch Colleges.
Returning to the Library the report of the Property Committee was taken from the table and adopted.
Mr Callaway was granted leave of absence after today.
University of Georgia
June 16th 1903
Night Librarian
Mr Hull moved that the Prudential Committee be authorized to engage a Night Librarian at $100. Salary. Carried.
Reelection of Sec. Hull,
The term of office of the Secretary expiring with this session the Chairman on motion of Mr Simmons, was asked to cast the ballot of the Board for Mr AL Hull for reelection for a term of four years, which was done and the Chair so announced.
Mr Gobers resolutions
Committee on Laws & Discipline reported on two resolutions offered by Mr Gober, on the first as offered on the 13th June that it is inexpedient at this time and that it be indefinitely postponed. On the second as offered on the 16th that it do pass. Both reports were adopted.
Mr Hull having asked to be relieved of the Chairmanship of the Finance Committee which he had held since 1884. the Chair made the following changes in Committees: on Finance, Hutchins, Chairman, McWhorter & Callaway
On Prudential Committee
Cobb, Chairman, Hull & McWhorter.
On Revision of Manual.
Hutchins, Gober, Adams.
To visit Milledgeville, Bacon & Harris
Dahlonega, Simmons & Hamilton
Technological School, Gober & Adams
Ga. Industrial College, Callaway & Bower.
Branch Colleges at Commencement.
Mr Adams offered the following:
Resolved that the invitations to the Branch Colleges to select students to appear on the stage during our Commencement exercises be withdrawn.
The resolution was adopted by a vote of 8 to 7.
Athens, June 16 1903
Chapel Bell.
Mr McWhorter offered the following: Whereas the chapel bell is cracked and almost entirely worthless therefore be it resolved that the Prudential Committee be authorized to buy a suitable bell and have it installed. Adopted.
Programme for Commencement
Mr Hull offered a substitute for the Programme suggested by the Faculty and submitted by the Committee on Laws & Discipline, as follows:
Saturday 8 P.M. Champion Debate
Sunday 11 A.M. Baccalaureate Sermon
Monday 11 A.M. Sophomore declamations
4 P.M. Vacant
6 P.M. Prize drill of Cadets
Tuesday A.M. Meeting of Alumni Society
12 M Oration
4 P.M. Junior Orations & Delivery of Sophomore prize
Wednesday Commencement day.
10 A.M. Senior Orations
12 M Baccalaureate Address
Closing exercises.
A vote being taken the substitute was adopted
Faculty and Students at exercises
By Mr Gober
Resolved that the Board of Trustees respectfully call attention of the Chancellor and Faculty to the rules in the Manual in reference to the attendance of the Faculty and students on the Commencement and its exercises. Adopted.
University of Georgia,
YMCA Building
By Mr Adams,
Resolved that the Trustees of the University of Georgia endorse heartily the movement inaugurated by the Rev WW Landrum looking to the erection of a Y.M.C.A. building with a gymnasium as a part of it, on the Campus of the University; that we regard the suggestion made by him as a most happy one and that we express the wish that Dr Landrum will take charge of the movement. Adopted.
Board adjourned till 9 A.M. tomorrow.
Wednesday June 17 1903
Board met at 9 A.M.
Minutes of the 16th were read and approved.
Branch Colleges
Mr Fish moved to reconsider the action of the Board withdrawing the invitation to Branch Colleges to take part in Commencement. Carried.
Mr Howell moved to reconsider the action of the Board adopting a revised programme. Carried.
Mr Howell then moved to amend as follows: Monday 4 P.M. be left open and that the Chancellor be authorized to arrange for this hour and day such exercises as in his opinion will adequately represent such of the Branch Colleges as he may select to participate, and that the Chancellor be authorized to make any other change in the whole programme of next Commencement as in his opinion may be deemed advisable. Adopted.
Athens, June 17 1903
Committee on Laws & Discipline made a final report which was read and adopted.
Finance Report.
Report of the Finance Committee was taken from the table and adopted together with a supplemental report including late appropriations.
Females on stage
By Mr Adams
Resolved that the Board of Trustees does not regard it as wise that female pupils of the Branch Institutions participate in the Commencement exercises.
Lost by a vote of 8 to 7
Graduate degrees were conferred as recommended by the Chancellor and Faculty, as follows:
TA Barrow SA Beaver CW Bond
WO Cheney WR Coile GB Franklin
OJ Franklin ER Jerger JC Jester
CR Lawler GW Legwin JP Manley
EW Martin WS Mask RJ Moran
JH Monahan JW McDonald AT MacIntyre
WW Reynolds HW Scott LJ Thompson
WR Turner B.S. Walker Jr. RE White
LP Young
B.S. WA Worsham
DA Cohen DH DuPree AJ Lyndon
CD Dorsey JM Starr GL Echols
WM Jackson WH Jones JM Stanton
H Abbott JB High TL Hudson
WA Jackson
B.S. in Elec.
Russell Gould.
University of Georgia,
G.D. Blount, Doyle Campbell, O.J. Coogler
J.L. Dowling F.E. Ellis Colquitt Finley
WA Hallowes Jr. R.H. Harris Geo. C. Heyward Jr.
J.W. Hitch Winfield Jones EP King Jr
Geo. Kirkland Jr. F.P. McIntire H.J. McIntire
J.O. Newell S.J. Nix G.L. Patterson
R.A. Ransome H.H. Swift JW Talbot
LE Tate HH Taylor
New Library
The Building Committee reported that a bid for erecting the new library had been accepted at $40818. subject to certain deductions and a bid for removing the Morris house at $1450.
The Prudential Committee was authorized to pay Miss Morris $30. for damages resulting from the removal of the house.
The minutes of the days session were read and approved.
The Board took recess to attend the closing exercises in the Chapel, and on returning to the Library adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull
Athens, Nov. 30 1903
The Board met today pursuant to the call of the Chairman to consider the loss by fire on Nov 19th of Science Hall and contents
Messrs McDaniel, Cobb, Hamilton, Hutchins, Hull, Persons, Howell, Simmons, Meldrim, McWhorter, Newton.
Chancellor Hill opened the meeting with prayer, and afterwards made a statement as to the origins and results of the fire and the condition of the departments affected.
JT Newton
Mr JT Newton was received as the new Trustee from the 8th District.
Messrs Turner, Callaway, Bower, Gober and DuBignon and Bacon were excused for good reasons.
Dr White and Dr Campbell were invited to appear before the Board and made statements as to the work they contemplated in their departments and their losses by the fire.
Rebuilding Science hall
Mr Howell offered the following resolution which was considered by sections and adopted:
Resolved that immediate steps be taken to replace Science Hall on the following basis:
1. To erect a two story building on the present foundation.
2. To so arrange the ground or basement floor in addition to the two floors as above authorized so that it shall have suitable pitch from floor to ceiling said floor or so much thereof as can be &c utilized to be devoted to lecture rooms or
University of Georgia,
laboratories or for such other purposes as may be necessary.
3. The total expenditure for such improvements as is above authorized including heating apparatus and plumbing shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars which is hereby appropriated and said building shall be ready for occupancy by September 1st 1904
4. Resolved further that said building shall be constructed with the view to use for the chair of Chemistry and its kindred branches, such as pharmacy, mining and metallurgy &c.
5. Resolved further that five thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the replacing of so much of the Chairs of Chemistry, Biology, Philosophy & Education and the Chancellors Office equipments as can be purchased for said amount; said expenditure to be under the direction of the Prudential Committee after consultation with the Chancellor, Dr White, Dr Campbell and Prof Woofter as follows:
For Chemistry 2900.
Biology 1500
Chancellors office 250
Prof Woofters room 350
6. Resolved further that building known as New College be temporarily used for the chairs of Chemistry and Biology and that the fund now in hand for the rearrangement of that building for dormitory purposes or so much thereof as may be necessary be used for the said readjustment of the building for lecture and laboratory purposes provided this shall not interfere with the
Athens, Nov 30 1903
with the (sic) progress of the work of rearrangement of the third floor of of (sic) this building for dormitory purposes. If this building can be so rearranged as provided under the terms of the resolution for an amount less than that heretofore appropriated for this purpose the remainder shall be applied to the building fund of the new Science Hall.
7. Resolved further that the General Assembly be asked for an appropriation of $25000.00 for the building of a new hall for the chair of Biology and for the purchase of such additional equipment of the chairs of Chemistry, Biology, Mines, Minerals and metallurgy as is rendered necessary by the recent burning of the Science Hall and as cannot be secured for the sum of $5000. herein provided to meet the urgent and immediate demand of the situation.
Building Committee
By Mr Hull
Resolved that a Building Committee of five be appointed who shall have plenary powers to select plans, make contracts and have entire charge of the erection of New Science Hall. Adopted.
The Chair appointed on this Committee: Meldrim, Simmons, Hamilton, Hutchins and Chancellor Hill.
Pay of Dean of Law School
The Treasurer asked the Board to construe the resolution of June 14, 1902 fixing the salary of the Dean of the Law School.
Mr Meldrim offered the following: Whereas a question of Construction has arisen relative to the compensation to be paid to Dean Sylvanus Morris therefore be it
University of Georgia,
Resolved, That the true intent and meaning of the original resolution was that Dean Morris be paid out of the funds of the University so much as might be necessary as when added to one half of the fees received in the law school shall equal two thousand dollars. Adopted.
Mr Meldrim offered the following:
Whereas the Board of Trustees of Mercer University being in session most graciously expressed the sympathy of that institution for this University in the calamitous fire which recently destroyed Science Hall, therefore be it.
Resolved, That the Trustees of the University of Georgia sincerely thank the Trustees of Mercer University for their expression of sympathy and hope that our sister institution maybe saved from a similar misfortune.
That while the loss has been very great yet the energy, devotion and self sacrifice of the Chancellor, faculty and Student body have enabled the work of instruction to go on without serious detriment but of course with great inconvenience.
That relying upon the sympathy of Mercer University and our kindred colleges and the wise generous and liberal support of the state this Board is hopeful that appropriate buildings will be promptly erected so that there may be no permanent impairment in the work of the University. Adopted.
Summer School
By Mr McWhorter
Resolved that One thousand dollars be appropriated to the University Summer School provided that $4500. be otherwise obtained from other sources. Adopted.
Athens, Nov 30 1903
Centennial Commencement
By Mr McWhorter
Resolved that $200. be appropriated to the expense of advertising celebrating the centennial commencement next June. Adopted.
Mr Simmons moved that the Chairman interview Governor Terrell with a view to have the State insure the property of the University. Carried.
On motion the Board adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull Secretary
Following is Mr Simmons resolution referred to above: Resolved that it is the sense of this Board that the State should bear the expense of insuring its buildings on Campus of the University and that such legislation if any be necessary as will relieve our treasury of this burden be asked of the Legislature at the next session thereof and in the meantime that the Chairman take this question up with the Governor or other state authority and carry into effect this resolution. Adopted.
AL Hull Sec.
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Ga. March 21, 1904
The Board met pursuant to the call of the Chairman at the request of the Building Committee.
Present, Chairman McDaniel, Meldrim, Simmons, Hutchins, Hamilton, Newton, Persons, Cobb, Adams, Turner, Fish, Callaway, Bower, Howell, McWhorter, Hull and Governor Terrell.
The Chancellor opened the meeting with prayer.
Messrs Bacon, Gober and DuBignon were excused for non attendance.
Science Hall
The Building Committee through its Chairman Mr Meldrim made a statement which was the basis for this meeting. The amount appropriate for rebuilding Science Hall was $20000. The lowest bid received was approximately $27000. The Committee asked for instructions.
Bid accepted at $27000.
The plans were examined and after some discussion Mr Callaway offered the following:
Resolved that the Building Committee be authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of Science Hall in accordance with the plans submitted using pressed brick for finishing, at a cost including heating and plumbing not to exceed twenty seven thousand dollars. The bid to be accepted to be left to the discretion of the Committee.
The resolution was adopted.
Bond for arms.
The Chairman was authorized to execute a bond to the governor for $2500. for the safekeeping of arms furnished the Cadets.
At the request of Mr DuBignon a resolution was adopted authorizing the Chairman and Secretary
Deed to Lowe property
of the Board to execute a deed to certain property belonging to the Lowe Estate which was sold by the life tenant, upon payment of the purchase money to the Board.
On the recommendation of Chancellor Hill an encampment of the Cadet Corps for one week in April was authorized provided the Faculty consents, and the sum of $250. to pay the expense thereof was appropriated. A prize of $2500 was on motion offered for the best essay on Agriculture.
Board Adjourned.
AL Hull
(Blank Page)
Athens, June 9th 1904
The Board met in annual session at 1 PM. No quorum being present, adjourned to 4 P.M.
At 4 PM the meeting was opened with prayer by Mr Hamilton.
The roll was called and there appeared present Messrs, McDaniel, Adams, Cobb, Callaway, Bower, Bacon, Gober, Hull, Hutchins, Harris, Meldrim, Newton, Persons, Hamilton, McWhorter and Howell.
Minutes of the meetings for the past year were read for information having already been approved.
Chancellor Hill presented his report with verbal comments thereon, which was referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline except so much thereof as related to appropriations of money which was referred to Finance Committee.
The following Committees were appointed:
Laws & Discipline:
Gober, McWhorter, Adams, Cobb, Hamilton.
Branch Colleges:
Bower, Harris, Newton.
Callaway, Simmons, Newton.
Bacon, Howell, McWhorter.
Newton, Persons, Simmons.
Honorary Degrees,
Adams, Bacon, The Chancellor.
Howell, McWhorter, Gober, Callaway, Harris.
University of Georgia,
Hon Henry G Turner
The sudden death of Hon Henry G. Turner was announced by Mr Gober and on motion of Mr Adams a blank page in the minutes was ordered to be inscribed with the name of Judge Turner, and the dates of his birth and death.
Upon motion of Mr Adams the Board adjourned out of respect to the memory of Mr Turner until 10 oclock A.M. tomorrow.
The resolution was adopted unanimously by a rising vote.
Friday, June 10 1904
The Board convened at 10 A.M.
Minutes of the 9th were read and approved.
The hours of meeting for the session were fixed as follows:
From 9.30 A.M. to 1 P.M.
From 4. P.M. to 6. P.M.
GA Medical College
The Special Committee appointed to confer with the Faculty of the Georgia Medical College submitted their report which was considered by sections, amended and laid on the table.
Mr Adams moved that the following telegram of sympathy be sent to Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Henry G. Turner, Quitman Ga. The Trustees of the University now in session have learned with deep sorrow of the death of your honored husband and beg to extend to his family their warmest, sympathy. Henry D. McDaniel, Chairman.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Inscribed in Memory of
Henry G. Turner
Born March 20th 1839
Died in Raleigh, N.C.
June 9th 1904.
University of Georgia,
Purchasing Agent and Registrar
Mr Harris offered the following resolution which was referred to the Laws & Discipline Committee: Resolved that all purchases of supplies and materials for the University shall be made exclusively by a Purchasing Agent on requisitions from the heads of departments and in no case shall the purchases made exceed the appropriations authorized by the Board for the various accounts for that year. Provided however, that an emergency appropriation may be made by the Prudential Committee to cover any necessary expenditures.
Resolved further that the present Secretary & Treasurer be and he is hereby made Purchasing Agent, with the duties herein before indicated, and also Registrar.
Resolved that as such Treasurer he shall collect all the funds from every source due or accruing to the University as is now provided and shall pay said funds over to the depository of the University hereinafter specified.
Resolved further that the Georgia National Bank of Athens be and the same is hereby designated from this date as the depository of all the funds collected by the Treasurer for and on account of the University and said depository is authorized to pay out said funds on the check of the Treasurer of this Board, said depository to give bond as in case of State depositories and to pay two per cent interest on daily balances.
Resolved further that the salary of the secretary, purchasing agent, Treasurer, and Registrar as aforesaid be fixed at Eighteen hundred Dollars per annum.
The foregoing is the resolution as amended and finally adopted. Secretary.
The reports of the various Branch Colleges were presented and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Walter B. Hill
A request from Chancellor Hill to be reimbursed for the loss of a file cabinet destroyed with Science Hall was referred to Finance Committee.
Mr Hutchins submitted the Finance report which was received and laid on the table.
Law Library
A request from the Law Class asking for the completion of the Law Library was referred to the Finance Committee.
JB Falk
A communication from Mr Falk asking the return of tuition fees paid by his son was also referred to the Finance Committee.
JW Camak
A request from James W. Camak asking the return to him of his fathers canteen was referred to the Laws & Discipline Committee.
Athens, June 10th 1904
Reports of officers were presented and on motion of Mr Meldrim were referred to Laws & Discipline Committee for such action as they may deem proper.
Reports of Officers.
Mr Howell offered the following:
Resolved that the Chancellor be and he is hereby requested to supply to each member of the Board through the Secretary thereof at least a week in advance of the annual meeting of the Board the annual report and recommendations of the several chairs of the University or so much thereof as in the opinion of the chancellor may be necessary. Adopted.
Board took recess until 4 P.M.
Upon convening at 4 P.M. Mr. Simmons took his seat with the Board
Mr Howell was excused until Monday next.
By Mr Harris:
Resolved that the sincere thanks of the Board of Trustees in behalf of the University be returned to Hon AO Bacon and Hon WM Howard for their valuable and kind services in securing for the libraries of the College of Agriculture and the School of Chemistry duplicates of a large number of valuable government publications destroyed by fire on the occasion of the destruction of Science hall in November last.
Resolved further that the Secretary be directed to forward a copy of these resolutions to the Hon AO Bacon and Hon WM Howard. Adopted.
University of Georgia,
June 10th 1904
By Mr Bower:
Tech Commencement
Resolved that the Board of Trustees attend in a body the Commencement exercises of the Technological School to be held on Thursday June 16th.
Ayes and noes were called for and the resolution was adopted by a vote of 11 to 4.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline made a partial report which was considered by sections and as amended adopted.
It provides:
Head Janitor
1. for a supervisor of Janitors, a white man, at a salary of not more than $50. per month.
Dormitory rent.
2. for the payment of a rent fee of $1.00 per session by each student occupying a dormitory room.
Night watchman
3. for a night watchman at not more than $40. per month.
Change in Manual
4. that the law in reference to attendance on Commencement exercises be changed.
5. that Prof AH Patterson be given leave of absence for the session of 1905-06.
Honorary degrees
The Committee on Honorary Degrees reported that the degree of LL.D. be conferred on Hon. Ewd. M Shepard of New York, and D.D. on Rev. H. T. Bradley of Atlanta. Adopted.
Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 11, 1904
Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of the 10th were read and approved.
G.R Glenn.
The nomination by the local Board of Trustees of the N. Ga A&M College of Mr Gustavus R. Glenn to be President of that College was received by telegram and was referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
The Committee retired and afterwards reported recommending that the nominee be elected. The Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Board for Mr Glenn and Mr Glenn was declared elected President of the No Ga. A&M College.
Janitors Wages
A petition from the Janitors for an increase of their wages was referred to Finance Committee
MW Brown
An offer from Mr MW Brown of $400. for a vacant lot near the Normal School was also referred to the Finance Committee.
A request from Mr GR Glenn for an audience from the Board on Tuesday next was granted.
To Teach Georgia History
Mr Adams offered the following: Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the University of Ga. that special attention should be given in the department of history to the history of the State of Georgia, and all students in this department be given the opportunity in the course of instruction to become familiar with this history.
Resolved that the Secretary send a copy of this action to the Chancellor. Adopted.
University of Georgia,
June 11, 1904
Athens Banner
By Mr Gober
Recognizing the valuable services rendered the University of Ga. by the Athens Banner both by the generous use of its local columns as an advertising medium for the institution without fee or reward and the vigorous aid of its editorial policy in the furtherance of the best interests of the University in its different departments the Board of Trustees suggests to the officials of the University having the printing for the institution in charge the wisdom and Justice of awarding the contracts for the same during the next term to the Athens Banner.
Pattersons leave of absence
Referred to the Finance Committee.
Mr Hamilton moved to reconsider so much of the report of the Laws & Discipline Committee as relates to leave of absence for Prof Patterson. Carried.
Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors appeared before the Trustees and through their Chairman, Prof Brittain, presented their report with recommendations as required by law.
The report was received and referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Mr Adams moved a vote of thanks to the Board of Visitors for their painstaking and admirable report. Carried.
A recess of five minutes was taken to greet the members of the Board, after which Mr Cobb presented the report of the Property Committee, which was received and adopted.
Mr Harris was given leave of absence after today.
Mr Fish took his seat with the Board.
On motion a recess was taken till 4 P.M.
Athens, June 11 1904
Inspection of Old College
Mr Meldrim offered the following:
Resolved that the chairman of the Committee on Property be and he is hereby directed to secure the services of Mr Pittman, Building Inspector (of Atlanta) to investigate and report upon the Character of the material being used in and the nature of the work being done upon the New Science Hall, to investigate and report upon the condition of Old College and to suggest a remedy and to investigate and report upon such matters as may be referred to him. Adopted.
The minutes of the Prudential Committee for the past year were read and approved.
The Chair announced that in making up the Committees Mr Newton was substituted for Mr Simmons as Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, because of Mr Simmons having had indefinite leave of absence on account of sickness in his family. Mr Simmons having returned, he was replaced as Chairman of the Committee.
Board adjourned till Monday 9.30 A.M.
The Baccalaureate sermon on Sunday was preached by
Rt. Rev Thos. F. Gailor D.D.
Bishop of Tennessee.
University of Georgia,
Monday June 13, 1904
The Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of the 11th were read and approved.
Mr Fish was excused for the remainder of the session.
A recess was taken to attend the exercises of the Sophomore Class in the Chapel.
Upon reconvening the Board took a recess until 4 P.M.
At 4 P.M.
Mr Gober offered the following:
Resolved that it is the sense of the Board that the Librarian in chief shall be a man and shall be a member of the Faculty with the rank of Instructor.
2. That the election of the Librarian is postponed to the meeting of the Board to be held in Atlanta shortly after the beginning of the session of the General Assembly.
3. In the meantime the Chancellor is authorized to obtain information with a view to making a nomination for the position at a salary ranging from $1200. to $1500. and with the understanding that the present Librarian shall be retained as Assistant and that the clerical work of making the new card catalogue will be provided for by the University.
Summer Librarian
4. The Chancellor is authorized to arrange for the opening of the library during the Summer School and the vacation at a compensation not to exceed that paid for similar service for the summer of 1903. Adopted.
Athens, June 13 1904
Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a report pending the consideration of which the Board took recess to attend the Junior speaking in the Chapel.
Returning to the Library.
Governor Terrell and Mr Howell took their seats in the Board.
Hon John W Bennett.
Hon John W. Bennett appointed Trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr Turner, was received by the Board and took his seat.
The Report of the Laws and Discipline Committee was taken up, considered by sections, and as amended was adopted.
1. It commends the report of the Board of Visitors and suggests action looking to a change in the law prescribing the time of their visit to the University.
Salary of EL Griggs
2. It recommends an addition of $300. to the salary of Col. EL Griggs.
3. And that Mr WA Worsham be elected tutor in Biology.
CJ Moore
4. That CJ Moore be promoted to be Adjunct Prof. in Analytical Chemistry.
UH Davenport
5. That UH Davenport be promoted to be Adjunct Prof in Physics and Electrical Engineering.
SV Sanford
6. That S.V. Sanford be promoted to be Adjunct Prof. in English.
7. That the resolution offered by Mr Harris on the 10th inst. be adopted with these changes viz: adding the office of Registrar to that of Purchasing Agent, making the salary $1800 instead of $2000 and naming the Georgia National Bank to be the Depository, the bank to give bond and to pay 2% interest on daily balances.
University of Georgia,
June 13th 1904
8. That MD DuBose, WO Payne, RL McWhorter be reappointed Tutors as before.
9. That the request of James W. Camak be granted
10. That the Chancellor and Faculty arrange to give every graduate of the Institution a thorough training in English.
Ga Med. College.
The report of the Special Committee appointed to confer with the Faculty of the Ga. Medical College was taken from the table and after striking out paragraph 6 and amending paragraph 7 was adopted.
It provides that
1. The diplomas of the Ga Medical College shall conform to those of the University.
2. That the Chancellor shall present these diplomas.
3. That the matriculates shall be reported and be enrolled with other students.
4. That special branches may be taught at Athens to prepare students for the Medical Course.
5. That the Medical Faculty shall accept gradings of Professors at Athens on matriculation.
6. (Blank)
7. That this Board will make no suggestion as to making the Chairman of the Medical Board a Trustee of the University.
FA Pittman on Old College.
Mr FA Pittman, Building Inspector of Atlanta reported on the condition of Old College that in his opinion it is unsafe, but may be strengthened so as to stand ten years longer.
Referred to Committee on Property
Mr Pittman also reported that the material and work being done on New Science Hall is up to the average for this kind of work and that the plans are in accordance with that used in the best constructed buildings.
Referred to Com. on Buildings Science Hall.
Athens, June 13, 1904
Board adjourned until 9.30 tomorrow.
Tuesday June 14th 1904
Board met at 9.30 AM
The minutes of the 13 were read and approved.
Old College
The Property Committee reported recommending that Old College be not occupied. Adopted.
Mr Adams offered the following:
Resolved that the Prudential Committee secure for the next meeting to be held in Atlanta estimates as to the possible cost of putting the Old College dormitory building in a safe condition. Adopted.
Committee on Laws & Discipline reported favorably on granting Mr JC Kochs petition and the petition was granted.
JA Saye
A communication from Mr JA Saye asking that a sum of money be paid him in addition to the contract price of remodeling Academic Building on which contract he lost money, was referred to Committee on Finance.
Library Books.
By Mr Hull,
Resolved that in the opinion of this Board all books and periodicals belonging to the University should be kept in the New Library after its completion except when taken out for temporary use. Adopted.
University of Georgia, June 14th 1904
Mr Gober asked leave to withdraw his resolution as to giving printing to Athens Banner.
Alumni Orator
A recess was taken to attend the meeting of the Alumni Society and to hear the address of Hon JH Eckels of Chicago in the Chapel.
Upon returning to the Library Dr White and the Chancellor appeared before the Board in the interests of the Agricultural department.
Mr Simmons submitted the report of Committee on Agriculture and that part recommending certain appropriations was adopted.
Pending the consideration of the report Gov. Terrell moved that the salaries of the positions held by Instructor JM Johnson and Tutor Hart, be fixed at the same as they now are. Carried.
JF Hart Jr.
Upon motion Mr Hart was reappointed Tutor in Agriculture.
Mr Simmons moved to lay the remainder of his report on the table, which was agreed to.
Board took recess until 4 P.M.
Athens, June 14, 1904
The Board reconvened at 4 oclock.
A request from Prof RE Park that he be allowed to offer a prize to the best speaker in the present Junior Class was referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Auditing Committee
Mr Callaway presented the report of the Auditing Committee which was received and adopted.
Farmers Institutes
Hon Harire Jordan came before the Board and spoke on the subject of Farmers Institutes.
Mr Howell offered the following which was adopted:
Resolved that the Board approves the suggestion of Mr Jordan the Director of Farmers Institutes that the General Assembly be asked for an appropriation to aid in Institute work inaugurated by this Board and be it further resolved that Director Jordan be and he is hereby thanked for his good work in the establishment of such institutes. Adopted.
GR Glenn
Mr GR Glenn appeared before the Board in the interests of the N. Ga. A&M College asking an increase of the annual payment to them which matter was referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Patterson again
Mr Hamilton moved to take up that section of the Laws & Discipline report which relates to a leave of absence for Prof. Patterson which was done.
Mr Hamilton then moved that that section of the report be adopted.
Carried by a vote of 11 to 5.
Board took recess to attend the exercises in the New Library.
University of Georgia,
June 14, 1904
Upon returning to the Library.
Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a further report which was considered by sections and adopted.
E.L. Griggs
1. It recommends that Instructor EL Griggs be promoted to Adj. Prof in Civil Engineering.
WO Payne
That Tutor WO Payne be promoted to be Instructor in History.
RE Parks request.
That Prof Parks request be granted and that all promotions made at this session be made of equal rank.
J.M. Johnson
Report of Committee on Agriculture was taken from the table and amended by making Mr JM Johnson, Professor of Agronomy and Animal Husbandry charging him $500. for use of house, fuel and other supplies which he receives. Adopted.
Students at Commencement
Mr Adams offered the following resolution:
Resolved that the Board regards the presence of the Students during Commencement exercises as very desirable and important and that the Faculty be requested to devise such means as they may seem to them to be conducive to this end.
Resolved further that the Board recommends the holding of final examinations during the week immediately preceding Commencement Sunday whether this results in the omission of the Blue List or not. Adopted.
Athens, July 14 1904
Finance Report
Finance Committee submitted their report which was considered and after amendment as to increasing the wages of Janitors, was adopted.
Graduate degrees were conferred on candidates on the recommendation of the Faculty as follows:
Frank B. Anderson Don Roland Bower
Jack D. Bower R Preston Brooks
Gordon C Carson
W Weyman Cook Henry Q Fletcher
Ralph Meldrim Max Michael Clifford R. Oliver
Herbert L. Reynolds William O. Roberts Robert W. Woods
Jesse F. Cleveland Willis E Ragan Saml J. Crowe
G. Winship Nunnally
N. Hudson Bullard
Thos. R. Aycock Burney S. Dobbs Abram Falk Jr.
Hermann H Harris Robert E. Ozier Ernest L. Worsham
B.S. in Agric.
Isaac W. Chandler J Cohen Chandler Otto T. Harper
B.S. in C.E.
Lamar Flowers John C Koch Martin L. Richter
Marcellus Rambo
William D. Hoyt.
Robert Ashford Marmaduke H. Blackshear Chas. C. Bunn Jr.
Reynold M. Burt Thos. W. Connally
John B. Gamble Lucien P. Goodrich
Isaac S. Hopkins Jr. Issac S. Peebles Jr.
Graham D. Perdue Walter B. Shaw
George E. Simpson Robley D. Smith Jr.
Richard P. Spencer Jr. Theo. T. Turnbull
University of Georgia,
June 15th 1904
Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
June 15th 1904
Board met at 9.30.
Minutes of the 14th were read and approved.
Mr Callaway was excused for the remainder of the session.
On motion of Mr Simmons the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Board for the following persons to fill the offices set opposite their names:
UH Davenport Adjunct Prof. Physics & Electrical Engineering
CJ Moore Analytical Chemistry
EL Griggs Civil Engineering
S.V. Sanford English Literature
JM Johnson Professor Agronomy & Animal Industry
J.F. Hart Jr. Tutor in Agriculture
MD DuBose English Language
RL McWhorter Greek and Latin
W.A. Worsham Biology
W.O. Payne Instructor in History
AL Hull Purchasing Agent and Registrar
The ballot was cast and the Chair announced the elections.
Brown Fund.
Mr McWhorter submitted the report of committee on Brown Fund which was considered and adopted. It names as beneficiaries for the next year the following students with a loan of $10000 each.
Athens, June 15 1904.
Hollis Pope, WA Bell
IW Chandler (Emory Watkins Substitute in pencil) HF Bray
AR Hogg WT Hanson
JO McWhorter AM Howell
CM James HB Ritchie
TG Stokes GM Telford
JR Turner C Usher
Van Wilhite JV Arrendale
GT Bernard AY DeLoach
Geo. W Harbin JA Smith
E Anderson JW Simmons
Finance Committee reported on communications from M.W. Brown, J.A Saye and the Law class referring the latter to the legislative Committee which was adopted.
Branch College Committee made their report which was received and adopted.
By Mr Meldrim
Resolved that the money appropriated for debaters medals be divided equally among the successful contestants. Adopted.
Mr Meldrim reported that the Building Committee had considered the report of Mr Pittman on Science Hall.
University of Georgia,
June 15 1904
Board of Visitors
By Mr Cobb,
Resolved that proper legislation be had to carry out the suggestion of the Board of Visitors that the Board be authorized to visit the University during the Scholastic term as well as at Commencement.
Referred to Legislative Committee.
Water Mains
Mr McWhorter brought up the matter of laying water mains in the Campus and on motion of Mr Bower it was referred to the Prudential Committee with power to act.
Adjourned meeting.
On motion when the Board adjourned it shall adjourn to meet in Atlanta at the call of the Chairman after three days notice.
The Chair added Mr Bennett to the Legislative Committee
Brown Fund debtors
Mr Adams offered the following:
Resolved that the Board of Trustees is humiliated year after year by the report of the large number of the former beneficiaries of the Brown Fund who are indifferent to their sacred obligations to pay back, the money advanced out of this fund for their education, although in many cases, perhaps in nearly all of them, these debtors could pay these debts if they would.
2. That the attorney holding these notes is urged to take prompt and vigorous measures to collect these notes by suit and that at the next meeting of the Board the names and addresses of those who seem to be indifferent to their obligations to the end that the Board may consider the question of the expediency of taking some other action in the premises in the event
Athens, June 15 1904
that suits are unproductive. That a printed copy of of (sic) this action be sent to the debtors by the attorney.
Board took recess to attend the graduating exercises under the bush arbor.
On returning to the Library.
Mr Meldrim offered the following which was adopted:
Resolved that all speeches or essays of students intended for public occasions of the University shall before delivery be submitted to the Chancellor.
The following nominations for Honorary Degrees were laid over under the rules:
By Mr Gober
Rev CTA Pise, of Marietta, GA for D.D.
By Mr Cobb,
Rev. D.J. McAllister of Washington Ga. for D.D.
The minutes were read and approved and the Board adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull Secretary
University of Georgia,
Atlanta, Ga July 12th 1904
The board met pursuant to the call of the Chairman at 10:30 A.M. and the meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Hill.
The following members answered to the role call.
Adams, Bennett, Bower, Callaway, Cobb, Fish, Hamilton, Howell, Hull, McDaniel, McWhorter, Meldrim, Newton, Persons, Simmons, Governor Terrell,
Object of meeting
A quorum being present the Chair announced the object of the meeting to be to appear before the Committee on Appropriations of the House and to determine beforehand what should be asked of the Legislature.
Messrs Gober and Hutchins were excused for satisfactory reasons.
Upon the invitation of the Board the Chancellor presented the various needs of the University.
After a full discussion of the matter on motion of Mr Callaway amended by Mr McWhorter, the Chancellor, Mr Meldrim, Mr Newton, Mr Adams and the Chairman were appointed to speak for the Trustees before the Committee of the House at 3 oclock P.M.
Finance Report
The Finance Committee submitted a report amendatory of the report adopted at the annual session providing for certain expenses which had been omitted before.
It appropriates for
Fuel $900.
Lights $225
Water $200.
Incidentals $100.
Postage $300.
Travelling expenses $75.
Increase in WO Paynes Salary $600
and repeals the appropriations to Cataloging books $500.
and Nature Leaflets $350.
The report was adopted.
Cataloguing Books.
On motion of Mr Hamilton the Prudential Committee was authorized to provide for the Cataloging of the books and for printing nature leaflets if there be funds in the treasury available for that purpose.
Conference with Chairman of Branch Colleges.
Mr Callaway offered the following:
Resolved that the Chairman of this Board call a meeting at such place and time as he may determine of the several chairman of the managing Boards of the Branch Colleges of the University for the purpose of conferring and with a view of bringing into a more complete harmony the University system and of adopting such course as may be deemed proper to advance the welfare of the several members of the University family. Adopted.
Old College.
Mr Cobb for the Prudential Committee reported that it would cost $5000. to strengthen Old College as suggested by Mr Pittman, but without any assurance that it would be safe for many years.
Mr Howell moved to postpone any action on it at present. Carried.
It being reported by Mr Hull that a clerical error occurred in the action of the Board at its last session in appointing WA Worsham Tutor in Biology instead of E.L. Worsham, the Secretary was instructed to make the correction.
The Board adjourned to appear before the Legislative Committee at 3. P.M. and to meet again at the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull Secretary
University of Georgia,
Athens, Ga Sept. 15 1904
Pursuant to the call of the Chairman the Board met today at 11 A.M.
Present Messrs McDaniel, Cobb, Bennett, Fish, Hull, Meldrim, McWhorter, Newton, Simmons and Persons.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Hill.
Messrs Bacon, Hutchins, Howell, Callaway, Adams and Hamilton were on request excused.
Exemption from tuition fees.
Mr Cobb offered the following:
Resolved that the beneficiaries of the Chas. McD. Brown fund appointed from South Carolina be exempted from paying the $50. tuition fee charged non resident students. Adopted.
Chancellor Hill submitted a report dealing with various matters of interest which was received and laid on the table.
Hon Harire Jordan being present on invitation addressed the Board in the interests of the Farmers Institute work.
The Board went into a Committee of the whole to consider the Chancellors report with Mr Cobb in the Chair.
In the meantime Mr Gober took his seat with the Board.
Report of Committee of the whole.
The Committee rose and reported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole report as follows on the various items in the Chancellors report:
1. We recommend that Mr Duncan Burnet
Athens, Sept 15 1904
Mr Burnet
be elected Librarian in chief at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum.
Furnishing Library.
2. We recommend that the new library be furnished at a cost not to exceed five thousand dollars.
LeConte Hall
3. We recommend that a new building be erected for the department of biology and that the same be named Leconte Hall in honor of the distinguished Alumni of the University of that name.
Terrell Hall
Also that New Science Hall be named Terrell Hall in honor of Dr William Terrell, an early benefactor of the University.
Summer School Directors.
4. We recommend that a Board of Directors for the Summer School be created, consisting of the Chancellor, the Dean of Franklin College, the President of the State College, the Professor of Education and Philosophy, the President of State Normal School and the State School Commissioner, who shall have power to elect a Superintendent, Registrar and other officers or assistants if necessary, to arrange the courses and engage lecturers and teachers and to receive donations from education boards or from individuals, and that said Board of Directors shall report to this Board at its next annual meeting a plan for the future permanent operations of the University Summer School.
Criticizing Speeches
5. We recommend that the duty of criticizing speeches to be delivered at Commencement be imposed upon the Professor of English Literature instead of upon the Chancellor.
Furniture for Lumpkin Dormitory
6. We recommend that furniture similar to that provided for the other dormitories be purchased for the Lumpkin Street dormitory to cost not exceeding $180.
University of Georgia,
7. We recommend that the question of increase in the salaries of Professors be postponed till the next annual meeting in view of the lack of funds in hand for that purpose now.
Dean of Franklin College
8. We recommend that the salary of the dean of Franklin College be raised to Five hundred dollars per annum to equalize the salary of that office with that of the President of State College.
Farmers Institutes
9. We recommend that the details of the work of Farmers Institutes be referred to the Committee on Agriculture in conference with Director Jordan, the Chancellor and President of State College, and that the report of that Committee be made the action of the Board for the current year. Also that the $2500. appropriated by the Legislature be passed to the credit of this account.
On motion the report was adopted.
The Secretary was instructed to cast the vote of the Board for Mr Duncan Burnet for Librarian in Chief, which was done, and Mr Burnet was declared elected.
Building Committee
On motion of Mr Gober a Building Committee of five was appointed who shall have plenary powers in all things pertaining to the erection and completion of LeConte Hall.
The Chair appointed Meldrim, Chairman, Simmons, Bennett, Newton and the Chancellor.
Expenses of Committees
Mr Gober also moved that the members of that Committee and of the other Committees of the Board when in attendance on their meetings, shall be paid from the treasury their actual expenses going and coming. Carried.
Furnishing Buildings
Mr McWhorter moved that the present Building Committees be empowered to furnish the several new buildings in accordance with the action of the Board. Carried.
Mr Meldrim offered the following:
Whereas the generous benefactor of the University Mr George Foster Peabody, has given to the State the new library building which is nearly ready to be furnished and whereas the furnishing of the library is an immediate and pressing necessity, and as there are no funds available for that purpose. Therefore be it resolved: That the sum of $5000. appropriated for furnishing be borrowed from the trust fund known as the McCoy fund and the Legislature be earnestly and respectfully petitioned to appropriate the sum of $5000. to be applied to the repayment to of the McCoy fund of the sum so borrowed.
The resolution was adopted.
Mr McWhorter moved that
$2500. be appropriated to furnish Terrell Hall for Chemistry
$500. to furnish department of Pharmacy and
$1000. to purchase apparatus for Chemistry all to be paid out of the Legislative appropriation for $29000. Carried.
Mr Cobb moved that the Chancellor be empowered to employ a night watchman at not more than $40. a month. Carried.
University of Georgia,
Mr Bennett offered the following:
Resolved that a thoroughly competent and experienced expert accountant be employed by the Committee on Finance of this Board who shall examine and report the condition of the Treasurers accounts and also examine and report as to the corpus, assets and liabilities and also upon each and all of the several separate funds or donations of this University institution.
Resolved that the Treasurer furnished to said accountant all the information desired and access to all of his books and records and evidence of debts and assets and securities of this institution.
Resolved further that said Committee employ said accountant and pay him such compensation as may be just and reasonable and require said accountant to make report to said Committee as early as practicable certainly by the next annual meeting of this Board.
The resolution was adopted.
Books of Departments.
Mr Hull offered the following resolution:
Resolved that the resolution of the Board in regard to all books belonging to the University being kept in the Library, be to modified as that each Professor may retain in his working library such books and magazines as he may have continued use for during the session. Adopted.
Site of LeConte Hall
Mr Gober moved that the site North West of Moore College, the bounds to be fixed by the Building Committee, be selected for the location of LeConte Hall. Carried.
Mr Hull moved that the sum of $1300. or so much as may be necessary be appropriated to remodel the North Wing of Academic Hall into lecture rooms. Carried.
Mr Meldrim moved that the sum of $15050. be appropriated for plans and entire expense of building Leconte Hall. Carried.
New College
Mr Meldrim moved further that the Prudential Committee be authorized to convert New College into a dormitory and to make the necessary appropriation for the same. Carried.
On motion the Board adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Athens, Ga. May 4 1905
Pursuant to the call of the Chairman the Board met today at 3 P.M.
Present Messrs, Adams, Bower, Callaway, Cobb, Gober, Harris, Hamilton, Howell, Hull, McDaniel, Newton, Persons, Simmons.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Hill.
Messrs Bacon, DuBignon, Hutchins, Bennet, Meldrim and McWhorter were excused for cause.
Recommendation of Chairman of Local Boards
A resolution adopted March 13th by the Chairman of the various Boards was submitted, as follows:
1. That the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University, the State School Commissioner, and the Chairman of the local Board of the several branches of the University shall be convened from time to time upon the call of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University.
2. That these representatives of the several public educational institutions of the State, shall, before each session of the Legislature, prepare a budget to be submitted to the General Assembly.
3. That the Chairman of the Board, in person or by one or more representatives shall present to the appropriate legislative committees the agreed budget, with the reasons therefor.
4. That the funds appropriated to the University of Georgia shall be distributed by the Trustees in accordance with said proposed budget.
The above resolutions having been recommended to the Board of Trustees, were on motion adopted.
Insurance on Property
Mr Callaway offered the following:
1. That the Chairman appoint a Committee consisting of three members to make a full investigation of the present status of insurance on the property of the University and report to the next meeting of the Board the value of the property, both buildings and personal property, for the purpose of insurance.
2. That said committee investigate and report as to the possibility of getting the State to carry insurance on the property of the University to one half its value.
3. That each member of the Faculty be requested to furnish to said Committee a complete inventory of all the property of the University under his control.
The resolution was adopted and the Chair appointed Messrs Callaway, Cobb and McWhorter the Committee
The Chancellor submitted the scheme for enlargement of the University work which had already been mailed to each member of the Board.
Mr Callaway made a statement of the action of an informal Committee on the subject of asking further aid from the Legislature Considerable discussion ensued and Mr Simmons moved that further consideration of the plan suggested be postponed until the regular session of the Board, which was carried.
Experiment Station.
Mr Howell moved that Chancellor Hill and Dr White be requested to interview the Directors of the Experiment Station on the subject of removal of the Station to this place. Carried.
Miss Stevens
On the recommendation of the Chancellor the following action was taken. The employment of Miss Anna Stevens to catalogue the library was continued during the next year at $50. per month.
University of Georgia,
The employment of Mr Sandy Beaver as Assistant Physical Director at $150. per annum, to begin with the opening of next term;
Alumni Bulletin
The payment of a balance of $82.51 due the McGregor Press on the Spring Alumni Bulletin, that being in excess of the appropriation for that purpose;
An advertisement in the Pandora for 1905 not to exceed $15.00
Senior Class Exams
The reference to the Faculty with power to act, of a petition from the Senior Class to be allowed to terminate their final examinations sooner than required by the rule of the Board.
W Woods White
An audience was given Mr W. Woods White who addressed the Board on the subject of a Y.M.C.A. building and gymnasium.
The Board then adjourned Sine die.
AL Hull
Furnish LeConte Hall
Before adjourning, Mr Simmons offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that $2450. or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of furnishing and equipping LeConte Hall, to be expended by the Purchasing Agent when required.
Committee to Branch Colleges
The Chair appointed the following Committee to visit the Branch Colleges
N.G. A&M College, Howell, Hull, Newton
Tech School Hamilton, DuBignon, Gober
Ga. Nor & Ind. School Persons, Callaway, Harris
Ga. Industrial College, Bennett, Adams, Bower.
Athens, June 15 1905
The Board met in annual session at 1 P.M.
Mr McWhorter was called to the chair. No quorum being present adjourned till 4 oclock. Convening at 4 P.M. the meeting was opened with prayer by Mr Hamilton.
The following numbers responded to the roll call: Adams, Bennett, Bower, Callaway, Cobb, Gober, Hamilton, Howell, Hull, Meldrim, McDaniel, McWhorter, Newton, Persons, Simmons 15.
Excuses were rendered and received for Messrs Bacon, Harris, DuBignon and Fish.
The reading of the minutes for the past year having was passed, they having already having been confirmed.
The Chancellor submitted his annual report on the condition and needs of the University with verbal comments and explanations.
The report, with the reports of heads of departments in printed form was referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline excepting so much thereof as asks for expenditure of money, which was referred to the Finance Committee.
Chancellor invited to sit with Board.
Mr Howell offered the following:
Resolved that the Chancellor of the University be and he is hereby invited to attend all meetings of this Board.
Howard Thompson
Referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Mr Hull in announcing the death of Hon. N.L. Hutchins and the appointment in his place of Hon Howard Thompson, moved that as is the custom of this Board a page in the minutes be set apart to be inscribed to the memory of Judge Hutchins. Carried.
University of Georgia,
June 15
The hours for the session were fixed at
9:30 A.M. to 1 P.M.
4. P.M. to 6. P.M.
Change in hour of meeting.
Mr Simmons offered the following resolution
Resolved that the annual meeting of this Board shall be held at 4 oclock P.M. on Thursday preceding the Sunday of the Commencement.
Referred to Com. on Laws & Discipline.
The Chair announced the Committee on Laws & Discipline as follows:
Adams, Meldrim, Bennett, Persons, Simmons.
Board adjourned to 9.30 tomorrow.
Inscribed to the memory of
Nathaniel Louis Hutchins,
Born October 4th 1835.
Died at Lawrenceville Ga. June 8th 1905.
University of Georgia,
June 16th 1905
The Board met at 9.30 a.m.
Minutes of the 15th were read and confirmed.
The Chair announced the following additional Committees:
Branch Colleges:
Gober, Hamilton, Bennett.
Bower, Gober, Thompson.
Howell, Hamilton, McWhorter.
Simmons, Newton, Meldrim.
Callaway, McWhorter, Persons.
Cobb, Harris, Hamilton.
Honorary Degrees:
Adams, Cobb, the Chancellor.
Brown Fund:
McWhorter, Callaway, Persons
Inquiry Trust Funds.
Mr Gober offered the following resolution which was adopted:
Whereas the University of Georgia has been the recipient heretofore of certain benefactions given for the purpose and benefit of higher education, the furtherance of the objects of the University, and whereas it is fit and proper that the Board of Trustees be apprised and informed of the state and status of these trusts, and as to whether or not they have been preserved and kept in
Athens, June 16 1905
accordance with the spirit and intent of the donors therefore be it Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed from this Board to report at this session of the Board upon all the funds and the status of each benefaction heretofore made to this Board.
The Chair appointed on this Committee Messrs, Gober, Hamilton, and Bennett.
Hon Degree.
The nomination of Dr. S.T. Hopkins for the Honorary Degree of LL.D. was made by Mr James White and others and under the rules was laid over until the next annual session.
John D. Mell
A petition from Mr John D. Mell in regard to his compensation as lecturer on parliamentary law in the school of law was received and referred to the committee on Laws & Discipline.
Completion of Halls.
Mr Meldrim for the Building Committee reported the Completion and acceptance of Terrell Hall and LeConte Hall.
The report was received and adopted and the acceptance of the buildings confirmed.
To pay balance due.
Mr Newton offered the following:
Resolved that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the balance due to Contractor G.A. Clayton and the Architects the amounts due them as set forth in the above report of Committee on Terrell and LeConte Halls and of the money set aside by the Board of Trustees to remodel the New College building. Adopted.
Board took recess till 4 P.M.
University of Georgia,
June 16, 1905
Reconvening at 4 oclock a communication from the Chancellor, Dr White and Dean Barrow regarding promotions was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Prudential minutes
The minutes of the Prudential Committee for the past year were read and approved by the Board.
H. Jordan
Hon. Harire Jordan, Director of Farmers Institutes was accorded a hearing by the Board and made a statement of his work for the past and his expectations for the coming year.
Trustees on Local Boards.
Mr McWhorter offered the following resolution:
Resolved that the Legislative Committee of this Board be and it is hereby directed to prepare and submit to the coming session of the Legislature a bill making each of the Trustees of this Board from the State at large and from each Congressional District a member ex-officio of each of the local boards of the Branch Colleges, and authorizing the Chairman to apportion biennially as nearly as practicable the members of the Board to membership on the local Boards.
The resolution was referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline.
The Board then adjourned to 9.30 tomorrow.
Athens, June 17 1905
The Board met at 9:30 A.M.
The minutes of the 16th were read and confirmed.
The matter of the forfeit on the contract of Stikeman Metal Works in building the stacks in the Library was referred to the Building Committee on the New Library.
Reports from Branch Colleges were received and referred to Committee on Branch Colleges.
Alumni Catalogue
Mr Hamilton offered the following:
Resolved that the Secretary be and he is hereby directed to prepare a revised Alumni Catalogue of the University including the session 1905-06, and to have the same ready for the Board at its annual session in 1906 at which time the Board will take into consideration the advisability of publishing the same. The Secretary to be allowed two hundred dollars for his services and fifty dollars for postage in the preparation of the said catalogue Adopted.
W.H. Howell
Board took a recess to hear the address of Dr. Wm. H. Howell in the opening of LeConte Hall and later till 4 P.M.
Board of Visitors
Reconvening at 4 oclock the Board of Visitors were received, who through their Chairman read their report on the condition of the University as required by law.
The report was received and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
University of Georgia,
June 17 1905
The Chair appointed Mr Persons in the place of Mr Simmons on the Finance Committee and temporarily on the Property Committee during the absence of Mr Harris.
Hon Degree
Rev C.C. Carson of Valdosta Ga. was nominated for the honorary degree of D.D. by Hon W.G. Brantley.
The nomination was laid over until next year under the rules.
Mr. Cobb, chairman of Property Committee made his report on the work needed for the coming year.
The report was adopted.
Board adjourned to 9.30 A.M. Monday.
Sunday June 18th 1905.
The Baccalaureate Sermon was preached by Rev. Ken Bryce Tupper D.D. of Philadelphia.
Athens, June 19, 1905
Board met at 9:30 A.M.
The minutes of the 17th were read and confirmed.
Mr Howard Thompson took his seat with the Board.
Must Report
Mr Gober offered a resolution requesting the head of the Department of Chemistry to comply with the rule of the Board requiring a statement of the division of labor between the heads of the various departments and their assistants. The resolution was referred to the Laws and Discipline Committee.
Hon. Degree
Committee on Honorary Degrees reported recommending the degree of Doctor of Divinity to be conferred on Rev. Charles T. A. Pise of Atlanta, and the report was adopted.
The nomination of Hon Geo Foster Peabody for the honorary degree of LL.D. was laid over under the rules.
A request from Prof Davenport for $250 to equip the physical laboratory for the Sophomore class was referred to the Finance Committee.
Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a partial report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
The Board took recess to attend the Sophomore Speaking in the Chapel and then until 4 P.M.
University of Georgia,
June 19 1905
Reconvening at 4 oclock.
Governor Terrell took his seat with the Board.
Citizens of Griffin
Upon motion of the Chancellor and Dr White were empowered to consult with the citizens of Griffin as to the removal of the Experiment Station to this point.
The Finance Committee made their report pending the consideration of which the Board took a recess to attend the exercises of the Junior Class in the Chapel. The Finance Report was laid on the table.
Mr Howell offered the following:
Resolved that the Governor be urged to set forth to our Senators and Representatives in Congress the embarrassment caused by the action of the department of War in calling for the withdrawal of the arms now in use by the Military department of the University and that they be requested to urge the suspension of such order at least until Congress shall have opportunity to Authorize the supply of such arms as may be needed, and as are supplied to similar institutions elsewhere.
Resolved further that this Board urges the attention of out Senators and Representatives to this matter in the belief that it is of the interest utmost importance to the maintenance of the military feature of the University, on the maintenance of which feature depends the annual payments of the Government funds now received by the University.
Resolved further that our Senators and Representatives be and they hereby are petitioned to urge upon the War Department the detail of a regular army officer for the work of military instruction at the University.
Athens, June 19 1905
By Mr Callaway:
Resolved that the Collection of portraits of eminent men so intimately connected with the history of this state and of this institution now hanging upon the walls of this room, be delivered into the custody of the Librarian with instruction to hang them in some suitable place where they can be seen and where they will be property preserved. Adopted.
Hon Degrees.
The names of Rev. C. Breckenridge Wilmer of Atlanta and of Rev. R.H. Blalock, of La Grange, were presented for the degree of Doctor of Divinity, the first by Rev. Dr WW Landrum and other by Governor Terrell. Both laid over under the rules.
The Board adjourned to 9.30 tomorrow.
June 20th
Board met at 9.30
Minutes of the 19th were read and confirmed
Committee on Agriculture made their report which was considered and adopted.
It asks for changes in Agricultural Hall 200.
for farm implements 250.
for fencing 100.
for fertilizers, see, manures 350.
for special emergency demands 100.
for Superintendent of farm 400.
for farm labor 800.
for food stuffs repairs 400.
for transportation for students 40. 2640.
less estimated income of farm 1000.
University of Georgia,
Rule as to absenteeism
The following resolution was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline:
Resolved that the following be added to the rules of this Board to wit: Whenever it shall become necessary for a member of the Faculty to absent himself from the city during the term, he shall first notify the Chancellor of his desire and shall give assurance that his professional work will not suffer by reason of his absence.
Brown beneficiaries
The Committee on Brown Fund submitted their report which on motion was adopted. It appoints as beneficiaries with a loan of $104. each
Hollis Pope, appointee of Julius L Brown;
JV McWhorter, appointee of Geo M. Brown;
E. Anderson, WA Bell, GT Bernard, CC Brooks, H Bradberry, GB Callaway, CD Cabaniss, AG DeLoach, JG Giles, Jno K Giles, HW Garrett, WC Henson,
AM Howell, DB Hodge, C.M. James, WW Lang, WJ Laney, EL McCay,
AH Moon, RL Nixon, WC Patterson, WA Shelton, TG Stokes, Mason Smith,
JJ Swanson, J.A. Smith, JR Turner, N Wilhite, JA Watson, AB Wray,
C. Usher.
Appointees of Jos M Brown and Elijah A. Brown was not named, they having requested that the places be left open.
July 15th Appointee of Jos M Brown, Clarence Hull Dobbs of Marietta, Ga
Sept 13th Elijah Brown, M. Gordon Keown, of Villanow, Ga
Oct 4th Geo W. Brown, Fonville McWhorter vice J.V. McWhorter
The special committee on the States of the Great Funds asked for further time which was granted.
Athens, June 30
List of notes
Mr Bennett moved that the Secretary, with Attorney Mell make a complete list of material notes due the Brown Fund to be presented to the Board at its next meeting. Carried.
The Special Committee on Insurance asked for further time was granted.
Miss Frierson
By Mr Cobb:
Resolved that the Board of Trustees have learned with pain the distressing accident to Miss Frierson and express their sympathy in her suffering and trust her recovery may be speedy. Adopted.
The Board took recess to hear the address of Hon S.F. Wilson before the Alumni Association and afterwards till 4 P.M.
At 4 oclock the Board attended the exercises of the Junior Class in the Chapel.
The Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Board for the reelection of Tutors DuBose, Hart, McWhorter and Worsham for the next year which was done.
Laws & Discipline
The report of the Committee on Laws and Discipline was taken from the table, read by sections and after amendment, adopted.
It disapproves of asking a tax rate of the Legislature.
It recommends a Committee to secure a part of the Peabody fund.
It recommends a bill to bring the departments of Geology, Entomology and Health to the University.
It disapproves of employing an Architect to make plans for Agricultural Buildings.
University of Georgia,
June 20, 1905
It thanks Mr Peabody, the City Council, Mr Hoke Smith and Mr Minis.
It approves the plan of Coordination with the Medical College.
It accepts the offer of Dr Buttrick to pay half of Mr Stewarts salary.
It asks the Chancellor to apply for an army officer to drill cadets.
It recommends that a fee be fixed by the Prudential Committee to cover breakage, repairs, electric lights and Janitors in the dormitories.
It disapproves of a fee being charged for the support of The Georgian.
It refers Dr Nunnallys suggestion about a Bible Chair to the Faculty for further information.
It postpones all promotions and elections of additional assistants until the Called meeting.
Graduate Degrees.
The Faculty recommended for graduate degrees the following:
Bachelor of Law:
Rodney S. Cohen, Francis L. Dancey, William A. Daniel
Waverly Fairman Edgar R Bunn, Geo. W. Harben,
Arthur L. Hardy, Leon A. Hargreaves, Hiram A. King
Virlyn B. Moore, Cleveland R. Pierce, James V. Poole,
Gershon A. Rubenstein William F. Weaver John E.D. Yonge
Clarence V. Youmans. 16
Bachelor of Science
Harvey T. Bray John R. Lee, John R. Fawcett
Roderick H. Hill and Evan L Wilkins of the class of 1904
Athens, June 20 1905
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering:
Harold W Telford
Bachelors of Science in Agriculture
John V. Arrendale Clifford M Jones
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
Robert S. Newcomb
Bachelor of Arts.
Benj. H. Askew, Walter O. Marshburn Eugene M. Baynes,
Morris H. Bernstein, Oliver H.B. Bloodworth, John A. Brown
George L. Clifton, John A Copeland Joseph E. Craigmiles
Paul T Harber Wesley F. Hanson, Preston W. Holtzendorff
Joe T. Jackson Jacob W. Lewis William H. Lewis
Waldo E. Marion Walter W. Patterson Joel B. Penniston
Charles P. Pratt Dudley W. Reynolds Horace B. Ritchie
Charles E Smith George M. Telford Albert E. Thorton
James C. Upshaw Charles Usher Sheddie Usher 28
The degrees were so conferred by the Board.
Mr Meldrim moved that when the Board adjourn the session it adjourn subject to the call of the chair. Carried.
The Finance Report was taken from the table considered, amended and adopted.
The Board adjourned to 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
June 21, 1905
The Board met at 9.30 A.M.
The minutes of the 20th were read and confirmed. The resolution in regard to absenteeism of Professors (see page 692) was withdrawn from the Committee on Laws and Discipline and put upon its passage and adopted.
Department of Chemistry
The resolution requesting the head of Department of Chemistry to comply with the rule of the Board (see page 689) was also withdrawn from the Committee on Laws and Discipline, put upon its passage and adopted.
Authority to sell farm:
Mr Callaway offered the following which was adopted:
Whereas in the proposed place for the extension and enlargement of the Campus grounds, it may become desirable or necessary to sell or exchange the present farm for lands included in the proposed extension.
Resolved 1. That the matter of selling or exchanging the farm for lands covered by the extension movement, be referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Prudential Committee jointly with power to act.
Resolved 2nd. That in the event of the sale or exchange the Chairman of this Board and the Secretary, are hereby authorized to execute titles in the usual manner
Electric Lights
Mr Bennett offered the following:
Resolved that the Purchasing Agent of the Board make a contract with the Athens Electric Railway Company for lighting all buildings on the Campus except Phi kappa and Demosthenian Halls and that all bills be paid through the Treasurer of the Board. Adopted.
Athens, June 21, 1905
The report of the Committee on Branch Colleges was read by its Chairman received and adopted.
The Committee on Laws and Discipline referred back to the Board without recommendation Mr McWhorters resolution (see page 686.)
RJH DeLoach
Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor notwithstanding the report of the Committee on Laws & Discipline, the board appointed Mr R.J. DeLoach a Fellow in English Literature.
E. Indian Students
On motion of Mr Adams the Chancellor was authorized to reply to the British Consul that Bengalis students would be acceptable in this University. The ayes and noes were called for on this motion resulting as follows:
Ayes: Adams, Bennett, Callaway, Cobb, Hamilton, Howell, Hull, McDaniel, Persons, Simmons, Thompson
Noes: Bower, Gober, Meldrim, Newton.
The motion was carried.
Whereas at the commencement of 1903 Dr WW Landrum proposed the erection of a Y.M.C.A. Building upon the Campus of the University, and Whereas this suggestion has now received the endorsement of the Alumni Society, and Whereas appeals will be made to the Alumni and friends of the University and to church people and good citizens generally in behalf of the Y.M.C.A. of the University, an organization composed of the students and members of the Faculty of the University, and whereas it is desired that the aid of the State Executive Committee of the Y.M.C.A. should be given to the enterprise.
University of Georgia,
June 21 1905
Resolved that this Board expresses its hope for the success of the movement and will welcome any aid that the State Executive Committee may extend to the University organization.
The auditing committee made their report which was received and adopted.
Stikeman forfeit
The Building Committee on New Library reported recommending that the Stikeman Metal Works be paid one half the amount of their forfeit after deducting the sum paid for repairing the walls.
The report was adopted.
Dr Jos LeConte
The thanks of the Board were returned to Mrs Joseph LeConte for the gift of a copy of the Autobiography and, the diplomas given Dr LeConte by this University and the Phi Kappa Society.
The Board took recess to attend the exercises of the graduating classes in the Chapel and afterward adjourned subject to the call of the Chair.
A.L. Hull
Atlanta, July 18 1905
The Board met pursuant to the call of the Chair at 10 A.M. in the State Library.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Hill.
The roll was called and the following Trustees were present: Chairman McDaniel, Messrs Adams, Bower, Callaway, Fish, Hamilton, Howell, Hull, Harris, McWhorter, Meldrim, Newton, Persons, Simmons, Gov Terrell, Thompson.
Messrs Bacon, Cobb and DuBignon were excused for reasons rendered.
Chancellor Hill reported the result of his interview with the Citizens of Griffin on the removal of the Experiment Station.
Mr Meldrim read to the Board the action of the heads of the Boards of Control of the in making up the budget for the various departments of the University, which was received and approved.
Mr Adams submitted a letter from Dr Wallace Buttrick to the Chancellor dated May 6th 1905 which he moved be substituted for that upon which the Board acted in June stating that this was the letter intended to be presented to the Board.
The letter offers to pay on the part of the General Education Board for the Scholastic year 1905-06, $1500. for the salary and travelling expenses of a professor of secondary education who shall be a member of the faculty of the University of Georgia, and whose duties shall be as follows; then follows the recitation of the work in which Prof. Stewart is already engaged. The motion being put upon its passage, was carried, Messrs Hull, Hamilton, Meldrim and Simmons
University of Georgia,
voting nay for the reason that they object to the General Education Board laying down conditions to the Trustees of the University of Georgia involving the appointment of a member of the Faculty and naming the appointee.
The Chancellor outlined a scheme for the appointment of a separate Board of Central for the School of Agriculture and was followed by Dr White on Subject.
Board took a recess to appear before the Legislative Committee on Appropriations, and afterwards Mr Callaway was appointed Vice Chairman of the Legislative Committee. That Committee was requested to attend the Appropriations Committee at its meeting.
Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chair.
AL Hull
Atlanta, Ga Nov 15 1905
Pursuant to the call of the Chairman the Board met at the School of Technology in Atlanta Ga. this day.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. D.B. Hamilton.
The roll was called, and the following Trustees answered their names:
Chairman McDaniel, Gov. Terrell, Messrs, Bacon, Bennett, Callaway, Cobb, Harris, Hamilton, Hull, Howell, McWhorter, Newton, Gober, Thompson.
Mr Hughes
Hon Dudley M. Hughes, appointed in place of Hon W.H. Fish, expired, from the 3d Cong. District. took his seat with the Board
Messrs. Bower, DuBignon and Persons were excused.
Chancellor Hill made a report setting forth the various matters to be submitted to the Board.
Resolution as to Ordnance.
In the matter of securing arms for the Cadets the following resolution was offered by Mr. Howell and when put upon its passage was unanimously adopted:
Whereas it is desired to obtain for the use of the cadets of the University of Georgia the following ordnance and ordnance stores from the United States, to wit:
2 muzzle loading wrought iron rifled guns caliber 3 inch $450. $900.
2 carriages and limbers for three inch gun $325. $650.
2 Gunners Haversacks 2.20 4.40
2 trail handspikes 1.10 2.20
4 lanyards .10 .40
2 priming wires .10 .20
4 sponges and rammers, 3 inch 1.00 4.00
4 sponge covers, 3 inch .30 1.20
2 tube punches 1.50 3.00
4 thumb stalls .20 .80
2 tampions 3 inch .30 .60
2 vent covers .40 .80
1 pendulum - hausse, 3 inch 2.50
1 pendulum hausse seat .60
1 pendulum hausse pouch .75
University of Georgia,
Note: By unanimous consent of the Trustees present at this meeting excepting Mr Gober, given by telegram or by letter the name of Walter B. Hill, Chancellor was substituted for that of Henry D. McDaniel, Chairman of the Board in the resolution here recited. (Written sideways in the margin of the page.)
2 paulins 12 x 15 feet 10.25 20.50
280 Springfield Cadet rifles, caliber 45 with appendages &c 15 4200.
280 bayonet scabbards, steel .81 226.80
280 waist belts and plates .60 168.
280 Cartridge boxes, caliber 45 1.22 341.60
280 gun slings for Springfield Cadet rifle caliber 45 .20 56.
and it being necessary before such issue can be made that the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia shall execute an indemnity bond with security to the United States in double the invoice value of said ordnance and ordnance stores, Therefore, be it resolved by the Trustees of the University of Georgia, in session at Atlanta, Georgia, on the 15th day of November 1905, that Walter B. Hill, Chancellor Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia be, and he is hereby authorized to sign for and in behalf of the Trustees of the University of Georgia, the bond required of the United States before such ordnance and ordnance stores can be obtained as set forth in General Order No. 101. current series, War Department, the amount of said bond being thirteen thousand one hundred and sixty eight dollars and seventy cents ($13168.70) the set amount being double the invoice value of said ordnance and ordnance stores.
And that the said bond with approved security be forwarded to the War Department at Washington, together with the application for said ordnance and ordnance stores.
Resolved further that said Walter B. Hill, Chancellor of the Board of Trustees, be and he is hereby authorized to procure such Surety Company as security on said bond as will be acceptable and satisfactory to the War Department.
Atlanta, Nov 15 1905
Further requirements
Mr McWhorter offered the following:
Resolved in the event there be any further requirements made by the War Department in carrying out the foregoing resolution, that the Prudential Committee be authorized to act in all matters pertaining thereto as fully as this Board could do if it were in session. Adopted.
Order to pay charges.
By Mr Bennett:
Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed
1. To pay the premium on the indemnity bond to be made to the U.S. Government.
2. To pay the freight charges on the ordnance and ordnance stores when received by the University
3. To have said ordnance and stores insured in its full value as required by the War Department.
Burnets salary
On motion of Gov. Terrell, the salary of Librarian Burnet was increased from $1200. to $1500. per annum according to his agreement with Chancellor Hill, to begin with the anniversary of the date of his entry upon his office.
The Librarians request for additional appropriation for salary of Cataloguer was postponed until next annual meeting.
Mr Peabodys offer of Farm
The following offer was submitted by the Chancellor.
(blank space) New York, N.Y. November 1905
To the Trustees of the University of Georgia
In order to promote the movement for the enlargement of the campus, I hereby offer to make title (without warranty) to you as Trustees of the University of Georgia, for 399 acres of land, described in deed of Thomas J Shackleford to me, consideration of same being $22000. upon your making a conveyance of the present University Farm to Messrs.
University of Georgia,
Walter B. Hill, Thomas J Shackleford and Harry Hodgson, as trustees, empowered to sell the property and apply the proceeds to the campus extension.
George Foster Peabody.
Acceptance / Authority to make titles.
Mr Howell offered the following:
Resolved that the generous donation of Mr George Foster Peabody of the 399 acres of land described in his letter to the Board be and the same is hereby accepted under the conditions as therein set forth, and that the Chairman and Secretary of this Board be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver a deed or deeds to said University Farm or any portion there of to such person or persons as W. B. Hill, T.J. Shackleford and Harry Hodgson, Trustees named by Mr Peabody may designate.
Resolved further that the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to Mr Geo. Foster Peabody for his continued interest in and benefactions to the University. Adopted.
By Mr Callaway:
Transferring Farm
Resolved that the matter of transferring the University farming operations from the present farm to the lands constituting the University extension, and the farming operations to be conducted for 1906, and also appropriations for paying the expense not to exceed $3600. be referred to the Agricultural Committee with power to act. Adopted.
Mr Hughes.
On motion of Mr Hull, Mr Dudley M. Hughes was added to the committee on Agriculture.
TJ Shackleford.
Mr T.J. Shackleford was accorded a hearing by the Board on the subject of granting the right of way to the Gainesville Midland Railroad.
Atlanta, Nov 15, 1905
through the University farm, but since the Board had already taken action as to the disposition of the farm the request was not passed.
Mr Peabodys offer.
Chancellor Hill presented the following letter from Mr Peabody:
Saratoga Nov 9th 1905
Hon WB Hill, Chancellor
Athens, Ga
My dear friend,
If the Trustees of the University at their meeting on the 15th inst. decide to take over the near farm property as offered and deed to you and H.H. and T.J.S. as Trustees for the Campus extension the old farm as proposed I will authorize you to make the following proposal: If the Trustees being in possession of the new farm and timbered property along the Oconee River will authorized the establishment of a School of Forestry along such lines as you the Chancellor may approve, I will agree to pay to the University for such School of Forestry the sum of $62500 Six hundred and twenty five dollars quarterly from and after Feb. 1. 1906 for the period of three years from the date of beginning or say twelve quarterly payments of said amount. My thought being that this would provide a salary of $2000. for one man as the head of it and $500. a year for incidentals related to the school in its beginning.
If this offer shall be accepted kindly send to me a copy of this letter as I have no Secretary here.
Very truly yours
George Foster Peabody
University of Georgia
After the reading of this letter Gov Terrell offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted:
Resolved that the offer of Mr George Foster Peabody as contained in his letter hereto attached be accepted and that it is the desire of this Board that the Chair of Forestry so established be called the George Foster Peabody Chair of Forestry of the University.
Resolved that the Prudential Committee on the recommendation of the Chancellor be authorized to fill the Chair.
The recommendation of the Chancellor as to an increase in Salaries was taken up and the following resolution offered by Gov. Terrell was adopted without descent:
Increase in Salaries
Resolved that beginning January 1st. 1906, the salaries of the Chancellor and full Professors be increased as follows The Chancellor 20%
Full Professors who have been in the continuous service of the University for 10 years 20%
Full Professors who have been in the continuous service of the University for 5 years. 10%
Summer School.
On motion of Mr Hull the same Directors of the Summer School were continued in office until further order of this Board.
Y.M.C.A. Building
By Mr Gober
Whereas it is represented that in the Canvass (sic) for the $35000. to be raised for the Alumni Young Mens Christian Association (see University Bulletin for September 1905 p.50.) the Subscribers and contributors to said fund will desire to be assured that said building will be perpetually dedicated to the purposes of the Young Mens Christian Association
Resolved that the Prudential Committee be authorized to formulate and publish such statement on the above subject as will give the assurance desired. Adopted.
Atlanta, Ga Nov 15 1905
A petition front Mr Marion D. DuBose to be promoted to the rank of Instructor was discussed at length.
Mr Cobb moved the promotion be made.
A motion to table was lost.
Gov. Terrell moved to amend and add the name of Tutor J.F. Hart Jr.
Mr McWhorter moved as a substitute that Messrs DuBose and Hart be made Instructors without additional pay for the current year.
A motion to postpone prevailed and the matter was carried over till next annual session.
Military Science.
Lint. Kimbrough, recently detailed as Professor of Military Science appeared before the Board and made a statement of the work contemplated in his department.
On motion of Mr Gober the sum of $500. was appropriated to the Department of Military Science.
J.D. Mell.
On motion of Mr Bennett a Committee of three was appointed to investigate the official status of Mr John D. Mell, toward the Board, as Lecturer in Parliamentary Law.
The Chair appointed Messrs Bennett, McWhorter and Howell.
Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Atlanta Ga January 12th 1906.
Pursuant to the call of the chairman the Board met today in the State Library.
On calling the roll the following members responded Chairman McDaniel, Gov. Terrell, Messrs Adams, Callaway, Gober, Hamilton, Harris, Howell, Hull, McWhorter, Persons, Newton, Hughes, Bower.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Hamilton.
Messrs Bacon, Cobb, Meldrim, Bennett and Simmons were excused for good reasons.
Election of Chairman McDaniel
The term of the Chairman having expired with the last annual session of the Board, on motion the Board went into the election of a Chairman for the term of two years from June 21st. 1905 The Hon. Henry D. McDaniel was nominated and was unanimously reelected Chairman
New Bond for Arms.
Mr Hull offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted:
Whereas the substitution of breech loading steel guns for muzzle loading guns for the use of the Cadets makes necessary an increase in the indemnity bond given the United States from the sum of thirteen thousand one hundred sixty eight dollars and seventy cents as authorized by the Board of Trustees November 15th 1905 to the sum of Sixteen thousand three hundred sixty four dollars and twelve cents, being double the amount of the ordnance and stores furnished by the U.S. Government, Therefore be it resolved that Henry D. McDaniel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees be and he is hereby authorized to execute a second bond to the U.S. of America in the sum of $16360.12 upon delivery of which the first bond is to be surrendered and cancelled.
Athens, January 12 1906
Mrs. Hill
A letter from Mrs. Walter B. Hill to Hon HD McDaniel was read expressing her appreciation of the sympathy shown her and her family at the death of Chancellor Hill.
Memorial Services.
Whereupon Mr Howell offered the following:
Resolved that a Committee of five of which Hon. H.E. Harris be chairman, be appointed to express the sorrow of this Board on the death of the late Chancellor Hill; this committee to report to the next meeting of the Board.
Resolved further that this Committee be authorized to arrange for fitting memorial exercises to be held in Athens at such date as may be deemed appropriate.
The resolutions were adopted and the Chair appointed on the Committee Messrs Harris, Adams, Hughes, Callaway and Howell.
1. Death of Chancellor Hill
Acting Chancellor David C. Barrow presented a report to the Board, announcing officially the death of Chancellor Hill which occurred at four oclock Thursday morning December 28th 1905:
2. Summer School.
announcing the failure of the Legislature to provide for the Summer School for this year and asking the Board to give directions as to what course to pursue:
3. Patterson
presenting the resignation of Prof. A.H. Patterson as Physical Director to take effect January 1st inst:
4. Mr. Peabody. Old Cemetery
announcing the offering of Hon Geo Foster Peabody to give $500.00 for the expense of removing bodies from the old cemetery so that that lot may be included in the Campus Area:
5. D.C. Barrow as Alumni Trustee
and announcing his own appointment by the President of the Alumni Society in the place of Chancellor Hill as a Trustee of the Alumni Fund:
6. Dr White
and enclosing a communication from Dr HC White on the negotiations with the citizens of Griffin about the Experiment Station.
University of Georgia,
On motion the Acting Chancellor and Dr White were requested to continue negotiations with the people of Griffin and on Special Committee consenting of Messrs Callaway, Newton and Persons, was appointed to cooperate with them.
The memorial of the Faculty on Chancellor Hill was read and referred to the Committee on memorial exercises.
Acting Chancellor Barrow.
Mr Callaway offered the following:
Resolved that the action of the Prudential Committee in appointing Dean David C. Barrow acting Chancellor be approved and that Acting Chancellor Barrow be and he is hereby empowered to sign diplomas granted graduates of this University in any and all of its Branches and to discharge all other duties of the Chancellor until the office of Chancellor be permanently filled. Adopted.
Chancellors house and Salary.
The following offered by Mr Adams was Unanimously adopted.
Resolved that the use of the Chancellors residence and the salary of the office be continued to the family of late Chancellor until his Successor shall have been elected and qualified; and that the salary be paid by the Treasurer to the widow of the Chancellor.
Farming land.
Prof. Johnsons communication relative to land under lease was referred to the Committee on Agriculture.
Summer School.
Mr Howell submitted this resolution:
Resolved that the Directors of the Summer School be instructed to proceed to make the necessary arrangements for the conduct of the School next Summer as usual. Adopted.
Atlanta, Ga January 12 1906
Mr Peabodys gift $500
By Gov. Terrell:
Resolved that, the Board of Trustees having been informed of the generous offer of Hon Geo Foster Peabody to donate the sum of five hundred dollars to cover the expense of removing the bodies from the old cemetery the Trustees accept with thanks this offer of Mr. Peabody. Adopted.
Physical Director.
On motion of Mr Hull the resignation of Prof Patterson as Physical Director was accepted and in accordance with the recommendation of the Acting Chancellor Prof E.L. Griggs was appointed Physical Director ad interim.
The Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chair.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
April 10th 1906
Pursuant to the call of the Chairman the Board met today to attend the exercises in memory of Chancellor Hill.
The Meeting was opened with prayer by Mr Hamilton.
The following Members answered to the roll call. Chairman McDaniel, Messrs. Bennett, Callaway Cobb, Gober, Hamilton, Harris, Howell, Hughes, Hull, Newton, Persons, Terrell, - a quorum present.
Messrs Bacon, Bower, Adams, and Simmons rendered excuses which were accepted.
Gov. Terrell moved a vote of thanks to Mr Chas. W. Leavitt for the admirable work he has done in the landscape sketch of the University Grounds.
Board took a recess to attend the exercises in the Chapel and afterwards to meet at 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
April 11th
The Board convened at 10 A.M.
The minutes of the 10th were read and approved.
Memorial Volume.
Mr Howell offered the following:
Resolved that three hundred and fifty dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary be and the same is hereby appropriated to be paid after July 1st 1906, for the purpose of having prepared and published a memorial volume containing the addresses and an account of the exercises held yesterday in memory of our lamented Chancellor the late W.B. Hill.
Resolved that the publication and the distribution of the memorial volume be under the direction of the Chairman of the committee on the memorial exercises, Hon N.E. Harris. Adopted.
Athens, April 11 1906
Acting Chancellor Barrow made a report on the condition of the University which was taken up and acted on Seriatim.
Donations for Campus.
The report gave as information the following expenditures for the lands purchased for the Campus extension:
$22000. Given by Mr Geo Foster Peabody
5000. Mr Charles Peabody
5000. General Palmer
2000. Citizens of Athens
37000. Loaned by Alumni Society
7000. Mr Peabody
78000. Total
Construction as to increase of Salaries
Mr Bennett offered the following:
In construing the resolution of November 15th 1905 increasing the salaries of the Chancellor and Professors it is the sense of this Board: Those who are now full Professors who have been in the continuous service of the University either as Tutors, Instructors, Adjunct Professors or full Professors for ten years, 20%. Those who have been are now full Professors who have been in the continuous service of the University either as Tutors, Instructors, Adjunct Professors or full Professors five years, 10 per cent.
Election of Akerman.
On motion of Mr Callaway, Mr Alfred Akerman now State Forester for Massachusetts, was unanimously elected Professor of Forestry, under the offer of Mr Geo Foster Peabody under date of Nov. 9th 1905.
Bond for Rifles
Mr Hull offered the following:
Resolved that in order to exchange the rifles now in use by the corps of cadets for rifles of an improved model, Henry D. McDaniel, the Chairman
University of Georgia,
of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute an indemnity bond with approval security to the United States of America in the sum of $ (blank space) being double the sum of the increased cost of the improved arms. Adopted.
Librarian Adj. Professor.
On motion the Chief Librarian who is now a member of the Faculty was made to rank as Adjunct Professor.
Election of Chancellor postponed.
By Mr Gober:
Resolved that the matter of the election of a Chancellor for the University be deferred until the regular annual meeting in June. Adopted.
Vice Chancellor
By Mr Harris:
Resolved that the officer of Dean of Franklin College be abolished and the office of Vice Chancellor of the University be established in lieu thereof:
The salary of the Vice Chancellor shall be $3000. per annum, and he shall discharge the duties of the Dean of the College and shall also have a general supervision of the University in the absence of the Chancellor.
Resolved that Prof. D.C. Barrow be appointed Vice Chancellor and that his salary as Professor and Vice Chancellor together shall be $3000. per annum.
On motion the resolution was laid on the table.
Compensation for Acting Chancellors
By Mr Callaway:
Resolved that during the time Dean Barrow shall serve as Acting Chancellor of the University, commencing January 1st 1906 he shall be paid in addition to the compensation he now requires, at the rate of $500. per annum. Adopted.
The Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull.
(Blank Page)
University of Georgia,
Athens Ga June 14 1906
The Board of Trustees met in annual session at 4 oclock P.M.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr Hamilton. The following members answered to the roll call, Chairman McDaniel, Messrs. Adams, Bennett, Bower, Callaway, Cobb, Gober, Hamilton, Harris, Hull, McWhorter, Newton, Persons, Simmons,
Messrs Bacon and DuBignon were excused for the session, Mr Meldrim until Friday and Mr Howell until Monday.
The minutes of the preceding meetings were read for information of the Board.
Acting Chancellor Barrow read his report to the Board which was together with reports of officers were referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline, requests for funds being referred to Finance Committee.
Hours for meeting were fixed at
9.30 A.M. to 1 P.M.
4 P.M. to 6 P.M.
Mr Harris submitted the report of the School of Technology. It was referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
Mrs Denmarks offer of Laws Books
Mr Adams made an offer from Mrs Brantley A. Denmark to send to the University the law libraries of her husband and son, both deceased, which on motion of Mr Callaway was accepted with thanks and Mr Adams was requested to express to Mrs Denmark the appreciation of the Board of her offer.
Prudential Minutes
The minutes of the Prudential Committee for the past year were read and confirmed.
Athens, June 14 1906
The chair appointed the following Committees:
Standing Committees:
Finance, Callaway, Hamilton, Harris
Brown Fund, McWhorter, Persons, Adams
Property, Cobb, Gober, Bower
Agriculture, Simmons, Meldrim, Newton, Hughes
Honorary Degrees, Adams, Bacon, The Chancellor. Mr Persons to act in Mr Bacons absence.
Prudential Committee, Cobb, Hull, McWhorter.
Other Committees:
Laws & Discipline, Meldrim, Adams, Bennett, Hull and Persons.
Auditing, Thompson, Hamilton, Hughes.
Invitation, Howell, Meldrim, Callaway.
Legislation, Callaway, Bennett, Gober, McWhorter and Howell.
Branch Colleges, Bower, Newton, Simmons.
The petition of Mr A.R. Sullivan Jr. to have his diploma as Bachelor of Law delivered in his absence was granted for the reasons given.
Elect Chancellor
On motion of Mr Hull the Board determined to go into the Committee of the whole on Saturday morning immediately after the reading of the minutes to consider the election of a Chancellor.
Fees for Post Graduates
The question of what fees should be charged post graduate students in the University was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline for a report.
An account for Ten dollars presented to Chancellor Barrow for consultation by a Physician of the city in a case of supposed small pox was referred to the Finance Committee.
University of Georgia,
The Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Friday June 15th 1906
The Board met at 9.30 A.M.
The minutes of the 14th were read and confirmed.
On motion of Mr Hull the following resolution was adopted:
New Bond for Rifles
Resolved that in order to exchange the rifles now in use by the Corps of Cadets for rifles of an improved model, Henry D McDaniel, Chairman of this Board, be and he is hereby authorized to execute an indemnity bond with approved security to the United States of America in the sum of $2119200 being double the value of all the arms and supplies furnished by the Said United States to the University of
Georgia including the rifles to be exchanged. Adopted.
Com. on Agr. Report Dec. 1905
Mr Simmons submitted the report of the Committee on Agriculture as to its action of December 16th 1905.
The report was adopted.
A resolution by Mr Harris raising the Salary of the Secretary and Treasurer from $1800. to $2000. was referred to the Finance Committee.
Special Committee on Salaries
Mr Gober offered the following:
Whereas at a former meeting of the Board the question of the increase of salaries was considered and certain were made and
Whereas there are certain applications and recommendations have been presented to the Board for increase in other directions and it may be that the change heretofore made may or may not be inequitable taking into consideration the ability of the Board to pay and the
Athens, June 15 1906
service rendered, therefore be it
Resolved, that a Committee of five members of the Board be appointed to report at this term to which all such applications shall be referred to take into consideration the matter of Salaries and such increase after a consideration of all the facts and circumstances.
Adopted and the chair appointed Messrs. Gober, Callaway, Simmons, Hamilton & Harris.
Mr Hull moved that the programme of Commencement exercises adopted by the Board June 1903 be put in force.
Referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
The Board took recess until 4. P.M.
Property Committee
Upon reconvening Mr Cobb submitted the report of the Property Committee which was received and laid on the table for the present.
The recommendations of Dean Barrow and President White for promotions and assistants was received and referred to the Joint Committees on Laws & Discipline and Special Committee on Salaries.
The Board took a recess to permit Committees to work and at 6 oclock adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
University of Georgia,
Saturday June 16 1906
Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of the 15th were read and confirmed
The special order being the consideration of the election of a Chancellor the Board went into the Committee of the whole with Mr Hamilton in the Chair.
Elect Chancellor on Monday
The Committee rose and reported recommending that the Board elect a chancellor at this session and that the hour of 6 oclock P.M. Monday next be fixed for that election.
On motion the report was adopted.
Vice Chancellor
The resolution of Mr Harris looking to the creating the office of Vice Chancellor offered at the April meeting was taken from the table and referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline
Mr Hull moved that the Chairman of Committee be authorized to employ a stenographer in making up their reports. Carried.
Mr Gober offered the following:
Resolved that after the present and ensuing year the game of football as now played shall be forbidden to the students of the University.
Board of Visitors
Referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline.
The Board took a recess and afterwards received the report of the Board of Visitors which was submitted as required by law. The report was referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Athens, June 16 1906
Laws & Disc. Report
The Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a report on matters which had been referred to it and the report was adopted.
The Board then took a recess until 4 P.M.
Reassembling at 4 oclock, Mr Callaway for the Special Committee on Insurance made a report which was received and adopted.
Jno D Mell
Mr Bennett for the special Committee on the Status of Mr John D. Mell towards the University made a report which was considered and referred to the Finance Committee.
Brown Fund Committee
Mr McWhorter for the Brown Fund Committee submitted their report which was adopted.
Mr Bennett offered certain resolutions which at his request was were referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Alumni Catalogue.
Mr Meldrim moved that the question of printing the Alumni Catalogue be referred to the Finance Committee Motion Carried.
The Board then adjourned till 9.30 Monday morning.
The Baccalaureate sermon on Sunday was preached by Rev James Adkins Bishop of the M.E. Church, South.
University of Georgia,
Monday June 18th 1906
Board met at 9.30 AM
Minutes of the 16th were read and confirmed
Honorary Degrees
Mr Adams for the committee on Honorary Degrees reported recommending that the degree of D.D. be conferred on Rev. C.C. Carson of Valdosta Ga and that of LL. D. be conferred on Hon Geo. Foster Peabody of New York
The report was adopted and the degrees conferred as recommended.
Dean of School of Agriculture
Mr Gober offered the following which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture:
Resolved that the office of Dean of the School of Agriculture be created, who shall have charge and direction of the work in the Agriculture Department under this Board and who shall have an addition to the salary he now receives for work in the University sufficient to make his salary $2500.00
The Board took a recess to hear the speakers of the Sophomore Class in the Chapel.
Upon reassembling Mr Hughes was excused for the session on account of sickness.
SV Sanford
Mr Gober offered the following resolution:
Resolved that Mr S.V. Sanford, now Adjunct Professor of English Literature be and he is hereby promoted to the office and grade of Junior Professor of said department.
Referred to Committee on Laws & Discipline and Special Committee on Salaries.
Board took recess until 4 P.M.
Athens, June 18th 1906.
Graduate Degrees
Upon reconvening recommendations for graduate degrees by the Faculty were sent in and degrees conferred on the following students:
Robert J.J. DeLoach Robert L. McWhorter
James H. Bradberry, Jesse E. Brannen Charles N. Feidelson
Isaac H. Fleishman, Tomlinson Fort Jesse G. Giles
George Hains J Doyl Jones Byron S Keith,
Lansing B Lee Issac C. Levy Hollis T. Pope
Alex W. Smith James R. Turner Rholie J. Ward.
Adolphus P. Watkins
Jos P. Burke, Reuben L. Blackwell
Hyman Ginsberg, David B. Hodge, Arthur H. Moon
James J Ragan Thomas G Stokes Hubert L. Worsham
B.S. in C.E.
Austin H Barnett Edwin N. Cobb Cadmus A Dozier
William L. Erwin Walter E. McDougald
Edmund D. Bacon Charles C. Birchmore,Robert S. Burch
William H Burch Walter W. Cureton Oscar J Franklin
Max F. Goldstein Garnett A. Green William B. Hambleton
Carl M Herbert Ezekiel R Lambert William J Laney
Charles A. Moon Louis S. Moore Oren W. Passavant
Arthur R. Sullivan George P. Whitman.
Park Prize
Authority was given Prof Park to offer a medal to a speaker in the Junior Class in his department.
Mr Gobers resolution promoting Prof. Sanford was withdrawn from Committee and put upon its passage and adopted.
Governor Terrell and Mr Howell took their seats with the Board.
University of Georgia,
Election of D.C. Barrow Chancellor
The Board took recess to attend the Junior exhibition in the chapel and upon reconvening at 6 oclock took up the special order of electing a Chancellor. Mr McWhorter nominated Prof David C. Barrow. There were no other nominations. Messrs Gober and Bennett were appointed tellers. Seventeen ballots were cast and Professor Barrow was unanimously elected Chancellor.
A Committee consisting of Messrs Howell, Adams and Gober was appointed to notify Prof Barrow, who came before the Board and in appropriate words accepted the office.
CM Snelling Dean Franklin College.
Col. Chas. M. Snelling was then nominated by Mr Simmons to be Dean of Franklin College. By direction of the Board the Secretary cast the ballots of the Board for Prof. Snelling and he was unanimously elected.
The Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 19 1906
The Board met at 9.30 A.M.
Minutes of the 18th were read and confirmed.
Sanfords Salary
Mr Adams offered this resolution:
Resolved that hereafter the salary of the Junior Professor of English Literature shall be $1800.00 per annum.
Finance Report
Referred to Special Committee on Salaries.
Mr Callaway for the Finance Committee made a report which was received and laid on the table for the present.
Gift of 350 acres by Mr Peabody
A letter was read from Hon Geo Foster Peabody tendering the gift of an additional tract of 350 acres of land adjoining the Campus extension.
On motion of Mr Newton the gift was accepted and the Chairman was requested to acknowledge the same to Mr Peabody.
W.H. Fleming
The Board took a recess to attend the meeting of the Alumni Society and hear the address of Hon Wm H Fleming in the Chapel.
Reconvening at 4 oclock Hon Harire Jordan appeared and made a report to the Board of the work of Farmers Institutes.
Farmers Institutes
The following resolution was adopted Resolved that a committee of three of which Hon Harire Jordan, Director of Farmers Institutes be named chairman shall be appointed to present and urge upon the legislature the appropriation of $5000.00 to be used for the further development of the Farmers Institutes throughout the state under the direction and control of the Board of Trustees.
The chair appointed Messrs Jordan, Bennett & Newton.
University of Georgia,
Board took recess to attend the exercises in the Chapel.
Property Com Report
On reassembling the Property Committee submitted a report as to work in the Library which was adopted.
Mr Callaway made a statement of what had been done about the passage of the Connor bill and the matter was discussed at length without further action.
Nomination for Hon. Degrees
Nominations for the honorary degree of D.D. were made to be conferred on Rev Jos. J. Bennett of Griffin and Rev Chas. H Strong of Savannah.
Finance Report
The Finance report was taken from the table and considered in detail. On motion of Mr Howell so much of the report was adopted as comprised the appropriations for salaries, expenses, and N.G. A&M College.
Junior Prof Math.
Mr Callaway moved that the election of a Junior Professor of Mathematics he deferred until the next meeting of the Board. Carried.
The Property report was taken from the table and recommitted.
The Committee on equalization of Salaries was given further time.
Board adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Athens, June 20 1906
The Board met at 9.30 AM
The minutes of the 19th were read and confirmed.
Report of Comm. Agri.
Mr Simmons submitted the report of the Committee on Agriculture, pending the reading of which the Committee from the Legislature appeared and was received by the Board.
A discussion of the Conner Bill ensued during which Mr Thompson moved that Mr Callaway be requested to furnish the Committee with all the information they may desire regarding the Campus extension. Carried.
The Board took recess to attend the graduating exercises in the Chapel.
Upon reconvening Mr Simmons resumed the report of the Agricultural Committee which was received and adopted, but carrying no appropriation with it.
E.N. Cobb.
Mr Bower offered a resolution authorizing the Chancellor to deliver his diploma to Mr Edwin D. Cobb, who was providentially absent from the Chapel. Adopted.
Trouble in Physics
Mr Gober offered the following:
Whereas it has been made to appear to this Board that in the Department of Physics out of a class of more than sixty students less than thirty per cent have made a rise and
Whereas these same men were in the other departments of the University have shown themselves good students therefore Be it resolved that it is the sense of this Board that there is something radically wrong in the teaching in said Department and this Board hopes and expects in future better results. Adopted.
University of Georgia,
Mr Callaway read a statement of detailed information about the new acquisitions to the Campus which he was to furnish to the Committee from the Legislature.
Installation of Chancellor Barrow
Mr McWhorter moved that a Committee of three be appointed to make arrangements for the formal installation of Chancellor Barrow at some date next fall. Carried and the Chair appointed Messrs McWhorter, Meldrim and the Chancellor.
The Committee on Laws & Discipline reported the following substitute for Mr Gobers resolution about football:
Resolved that the Faculty be requested in their discretion to discontinue as soon as practicable after the coming season the playing of football by the Students of the University of Georgia unless material changes are instituted which will eliminate the feature of brutality and demoralization in the game as now played.
The substitute was adopted.
Auditing Com.
The Auditing Committee made their report through the Chairman Mr Thompson which was received and adopted.
Hon Degree.
The nomination of Hon Henry D. McDaniel for the honorary degree of LL.D. was made through Mr. Gober and laid over under the rules.
Chancellor Barrow was authorized to use his discretion in inviting certain speakers.
Athens, June 20 1906
Tutor and Instructors
Mr Hull offered the following:
1. Resolved that Mr E.L. Worsham be appointed Tutor in Biology for the ensuing year.
2. Resolved that Messrs JT Hart Jr., Robert L McWhorter and Marion D. DuBose be elected Instructors respectively in Horticulture, Ancient Languages and German, at the salary of $600.00 per annum each unless changed by further action of this Board.
Both resolutions were adopted and the gentleman named declared elected.
The Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull
University of Georgia,
Abstract of Reports adopted June 1906.
Laws and Discipline.
No fees shall be charged Post Graduate students at present.
AB degree
Change in requirements for A.B. Degree approved.
Physical Director
Prof SV Sanford appointed Physical Director
Chancellor to report all violations of the rule as to absenteeism.
Engineer survey
No change in time for camp survey of Engineer Corps.
Mr Peabodys offer as to expenses of work in State Forestry referred to Legislative Committee.
Mr Stewarts letter about Dormitories referred to Prudential Committee.
Excuse for drill.
Petition to excuse students over 25 years of age from drill denied.
Hours for instruction in Military Science referred to Faculty.
Additional quarters for Military department referred to Prudential Committee.
Payment of Salary for Band instructor disapproved.
Request of apparatus for Physics & Elec. Engineering approved.
Thanks Mr Peabody for books and pictures for Library.
Cataloguing books
Work of cataloguing books be continued.
Committee on Insurance.
Committee made a Standing Committee.
Schedule of property to be completed and furnished the Governor, by January 1, 1907. to be insured by State for 50% of value Insurance for 25% additional to be carried by University all future acquisitions to be insured for 75% of value.
Brown Fund
Appoints 37 beneficiaries with a loan of $100. to each not including 2 to be nominated by Jos. M. and Elijah A. Brown
JW Arnold
Recommends that claim against J.W. Arnold of Monroe be vigorously pushed.
NB Jones
Settles claim against NB Jones of Texas.
WM Hawes
Accepts notes for WM Hawes and WH Shelton in lieu of old obligations.
Fees & Expenses of Local Counsel
Authorizes fees and expenses to local counsel in suites at a distance.
Recommends that legislation be asked for to make obligations of minors for loans binding.
Property report.
Library improvements
Recommends that certain changes in Library Building viz: Screens and doorways, be referred to Mr H. Bleckley, as Architect, be contracted for and bill sent to Mr Geo F. Peabody for payment as proposed by him.
Repairs to the extent of $1500. to be done by Superintendent Strahan under direction of Prudential Committee.
University of Georgia,
Athens, Ga September 10th 1906
Pursuant to the call of the Chairman the Board met this day present
Chair McDaniel Messrs. Bacon, Callaway, Cobb, Bennett, Harris, Hughes, Hull, McWhorter and Newton.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Chancellor Barrow.
Excuses were received from Messrs. Meldrim, Hamilton, Persons and Thompson.
Trustees of School of Agriculture
The Trustees of the School of Agriculture were received by the Board and made a statement of their organization and acts at their meeting of this date.
On motion of Mr Hull the acts of the Trustees of the School of Agriculture as reported were approved.
$5000. Appropriated
On motion of Mr McWhorter the sum of $5000. was passed to the credit of the School of Agriculture, no appropriation having been made for that School for the current year.
Finance report
Mr Callaway for the Finance Committee completed their report of June last. The report was adopted.
Chancellor Barrow read a report setting forth the matters which required the attention of the Board. The report was considered seriatim.
The position of Junior Professor of Mathematics was abolished.
WH Kilpatrick
Prof W.H. Kilpatrick was nominated for Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at the salary of $1500. per annum and was elected by acclamation.
DQ Abbott
Prof D.Q. Abbott was elected Instructor in Mathematics at the salary of $800. per annum beginning July 1st 1906.
Instructors Salaries
The salaries of Instructors DuBose, Hart and McWhorter where fixed at $800. per annum each beginning July 1, 1906.
Authority was given the Chancellor to erect an infirmary on the west side of the Campus to be called the Crawford W. Long Infirmary under the plan proposed in the Chancellors report.
Rev I. Koplowitz
The offer of Rev. I. Koplowitz to teach Hebrew in the University without compensation, but on condition his name should be listed in the Faculty was referred to the Prudential Committee with power to act.
Inaugural Ceremonies
At the request of the Chancellor the order to have inaugural ceremonies was reconsidered and held in abeyance until the next meeting.
Faculty Reports
The following offered by Mr Hull was adopted:
Resolved that the rule requiring the annual reports of the Faculty to be printed in rescinded but that the Chancellor is requested to incorporate in his annual report such portions of the reports of the Faculty as in his Judgement should have the attention of the Board. Adopted.
Tutor in English
The Prudential Committee on motion of Mr Callaway was empowered to elect a Tutor in English Literature at the salary of $600. per annum.
Jno D. Mell
The report of a special committee made by Mr Bennett Chairman giving Mr John D. Mell $85.00 in addition to what he now receives for lecturing on Parliamentary Law, was adopted.
University of Georgia,
Farm transferred
Mr Newton offered this resolution which was adopted:
Resolved that the farm and all its equipment and its management be formally turned over to the Trustees of the School of Agriculture, but the income from the crop of this current year and the rents from lands be paid into the treasury of this Board.
The Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
AL Hull
Athens January 10 1907
The Board met today at 3 P.M. pursuant to the call of the Chairman and the meeting was opened with prayer by Mr Hamilton.
The following answered the call of the roll: Chairman McDaniel, Governor Terrell, Messrs. Gober, Cobb, Hull, Hamilton, Hughes, Meldrim, McWhorter, Newton, Persons, Thompson.
The absent Trustees were all excused for good reasons.
EL Worsham resignation.
The resignation of E.L. Worsham Tutor in Biology was accepted to take effect February 1st.
Thomasville Branch College title.
On motion of Mr McWhorter, a special committee of three was appointed to investigate the title of the former Branch College property in Thomasville, Ga. and report at the next annual meeting. The chair appointed Messrs. McWhorter, Meldrim and Gober.
Central Ry encroachment.
The Board having been informed of certain encroachment upon the property of the University by the Central Railway of Georgia, it was Resolved, that the Property Committee be intrusted (sic) to make inquiry into the facts and take proper steps to remedy the same.
The Trustees of the School of Agriculture appeared before the Board and through their chairman made a statement of what they had done including the election of Dr. A.M. Soule as Dean of the School of Agriculture. Dr. Soule
(736 & 737 Blank pages)
University of Georgia,
Dr AM Soule
was invited to appear before the Board and made a brief address on the needs and scope of the schools work.
Amount available for School of Agriculture.
The Trustees of the School desiring to know how much they might rely upon for the operation of the school, after some discussion Gov. Terrell moved that the sum of $2500.00 to include the balance already to the credit of the Department of Agriculture be appropriated, payable, as needed prior to the first of July and the further sum of $12500.00 to be appropriated out of the next years income. Carried.
Farmers Institutes
On motion of Gov. Terrell the direction and control of the Farmers Institutes was turned over to the Trustees of the School of Agriculture.
The Resolution offered by Gov. Terrell relating to the course of study in the district schools was read and adopted and may be found in the book of reports.
District Schools
On motion of Gov. Terrell a co the following committee of seven were appointed to carry out the provision of this resolution; Mr Hughes, Gov. Terrell, A.J. McMullan, L.G. Hardeman, the Dean of the College of Agriculture, the Professor of Secondary Education, Pres. M.M. Park of the G.N. and I. School.
Athens, July 10 1907
The communication from Dr S.C. Benedict to the Chancellor in regard to the school of Pharmacy showing the need of immediate employment of a teacher was read. On motion of Mr. Meldrim the Prudential Committee was authorized to appoint such a teacher on the nomination of the chancellor on a salary of $75.00 per month until June. 1st.
Payment to JS Stewart of balance on a/c of Gen Ed. Bd.
Gov Terrell offered a motion that an unexpended balance of the payment by the General Education Board amounting approximately to $200.00 be given to Prof. J.S. Stewart, Professor of Secondary Education. After some discussion the motion was carried. On this motion Messrs. P.W. Meldrim and A.L. Hull voted no upon the following ground. First: that such a payment would be an increase of salary. Second: that such payment would be a gratuity which in their opinion this Board has no right to give.
Salaries of SV Sanford and Instructors
Upon motion of Mr Cobb the salary of I.B. Sanford, promoted to grade of junior professor was fixed at $2000.00 per annum and the salaries of D.P. Abott., M.D. DuBose, J.F. Hart, Jr., and R.L. McWhorter, promoted to the grade of instructors were fixed at $1200.00 per annum, all to date from Jan 1st 1907.
The Board adjourned subject to the call of the Chair.
AL Hull Sec.
University of Georgia,
Athens, GA June 13th 1907
The Board met in annual session today and the meeting was opened which prayer by Chancellor Barrow.
The roll was called and the following Trustees were present: Chairman McDaniel Messrs Adams, Bower, Cobb, Gober, Hamilton, Harris, Hughes, Hull, McWhorter, Newton, Simmons. Messrs Bacon, Meldrim, Bennett, Callaway, DuBignon and Peabody rendered excuses which were received.
The minutes of the last annual meeting and subsequent meetings were read for the information of the Board.
Chancellors Report
Chancellor Barrow read his annual report which was received and referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline except to much as related to appropriations which was referred to Finance Committee.
W Woods White
On invitation of the Board Mr W Woods White appeared in the interests of the fund for the Y.M.C.A. Building and made a statement for information.
The hours of the session were fixed as follows:
9:30 A.M. to 1 P.M.
4 P.M. to 6 P.M.
WT Bacons insurance policy
Mr Hull offered the following:
Resolved that the interest of the Trustees of the University of Georgia in Policy No 1099991 in the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N.Y. on the life of William T. Bacon having ceased assent is hereby given to the change of the policy in favor of the assured or his assigns. Adopted.
Prudential Minutes
The minutes of the Prudential Committee for the past year were read and approved.
Resignation of Dr HC White
Dr. H.C. Whites resignation of the office of Prest. of the State College of A&M Arts, was read and laid on the table.
Reports of Officers
Reports of Officers on the state of their various departments were read.
Lecture by Dr Soule
An invitation from Dr AM Soule to see some photographic views of the work of a College of Agriculture in Prof Pattersons lecture room tonight at 8.30 oclock was accepted.
Board then adjourned till 9.30 tomorrow.
June 14th 1907
The Board met at 9.30 AM
The minutes of the 13th were read and approved.
The Chair appointed the following Committees:
Laws & Discipline
Adams, Cobb, Newton, Gober, Simmons
Hughes, Newton, Persons
Hamilton, Bower, McWhorter
Branch Colleges:
Thompson, McWhorter, Bower
Callaway, Hamilton, Harris
Brown Fund
McWhorter, Persons, Adams
Cobb, Gober, Bower
Honorary Degrees,
Adams, Bacon, Meldrim & Chancellor
University of Georgia,
Legislative Committee
Callaway, Gober, Thompson, Newton, Hughes.
Honorary Degree nomination
The nomination for the honorary degree of D.D. to be conferred on Rev JBS Davis of Newnan Ga. by certain gentleman of Newnan was received and laid over under the rules,
Hon Hoke Smith invited
Mr Gober offered the following which was adopted:
Resolved that the Board of Trustees now in annual session extend to Hon Hoke Smith, Governor elect, an invitation to meet with this Board of such time as his convenience may permit to present any suggestions he may have in reference to the interests and future advancement of the University.
Resolved further that the Secretary of the Board extend this invitation with a copy of this resolution.
Miss Friersons Salary
Mr Adams moved that from July 1, 1907 the salary of Miss Frierson, the assistant Librarian shall be forty five dollars per month. Carried.
Mr Simmons moved that the resignation of Dr HC White be taken from the table which was agreed to.
Resignation of Dr White Accepted.
Mr Simmons then offered the following:
Resolved that the resignation by Dr HC White of Presidency of the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts be and the same is hereby accepted
Resolved that in accepting this resignation which was voluntary and unexpectedly tendered this Board desires to express its appreciation
Athens, June 14 1907
of the splendid service he has rendered in that position, and its recognition of the great and distinct benefits that have accrued to the University by reason of the ability, untiring energy and fidelity to that duty have characterized his administration during the years of his incumbency.
The resolutions were adopted.
Relations of two Boards
Mr Gober moved that the Committee on Laws & Discipline report to the Board the relations of this Board to the Board of the College of Agriculture and the powers and duties of each Board. Adopted.
Prest of State College
Mr Simmons
Resolved that during the vacancy of in the office of President of the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts tell the duties of that office be discharged by the Dean of the College of Agriculture.
Referred to Com on Laws & Discipline.
Report of Tech School.
The Board took a recess that Committees might work and upon reconvening Mr Harris submitted the report of the School of Technology which was received and referred to the Committee on Branch Colleges.
The Board then adjourned to 4 P.M.
Other Trustees
Before adjournment, Messrs Callaway, Persons and Thompson appeared and took their seats.
University of Georgia,
Upon reconvening Chancellor Barrow submitted a question of discipline as laid down in the manual suggesting a charge, also a statement from Prof Woofter asking a construction of a rule of the Board determining his salary, also other papers all of which were referred to the Com. on Laws & Discipline.
S.G.M Lendon
Mr SGM Lendon appeared before the Board in the matter of the title to So. GA. A&M College property. Consideration was postponed until tomorrow
Dean Soule
The Trustees of the College of Agriculture came before the Board and Dean Soule addressed the Board on the scope of work contemplated in the College.
Request to Legislature
Mr Gober offered the following which was adopted:
Resolved that the Legislature at its approaching session be requested to hear an address at such time as may suit its convenience from Dean Soule of the New College of Agriculture upon the needs of Agriculture Education in the State of Georgia.
Board adjourned to 9.30 AM. tomorrow.
Athens, June 15th 1907
The Board met at 9.30 A.M. The minutes of the 14th were read and approved.
W.M. Hammond
Col W. M. Hammond was given hearing in the matter of the title to So. Ga. A&M College property.
Board of Visitors
Board of Visitors came before the Trustees and made their report on the condition of the University as required by law. The report was referred to Committee on Laws and Discipline.
Board then adjourned till 4 P.M.
Account for printing.
Upon reconvening Mr Hughes presented a bill of the Athens Banner for $261.60 for printing 9000 Corn & Cotton Bulletins which was ordered to be paid and charged to acct. of bulletins.
Hon Hoke Smith.
A telegram from Hon Hoke Smith was received regretting that it would not be possible for him to meet with the Board at an early date.
The Special Committee on the title to the So Ga A&M College property was discharged.
Title to So. Ga. A&M Coll property
Mr Gober offered the following:
Whereas in 1879 the Trustees of the south Ga Agricultural College conveyed to this board certain property in the city of Thomasville to be used as a Branch College of the University which school was maintained by the Trustees of the University for a length of time when for want of funds the appropriation had to be discontinued and the property for a number of years has not been used by
University of Georgia,
this Board as a Branch College and
Whereas this Board recognizes the equity of said South Ga College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts to said property by reason of the fact that this Board has failed to use said property as was contemplated by the original transfer to this Board therefore be it.
Resolved, That the chairman and Secretary of this Board be authorized to quit claim in the name of this Board all the claim and interest of this Board of Trustees in the School property situate in Thomasville, Georgia, Conveyed to this Board by the Trustees of the South Ga. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and covered by the agreement of August 4th 1879 this quit claim to be made to the Corporation chartered by the order of the Superior Court of Thomas County, granted October 15 1906 and as the successor of the grantor of this Board. this action being subject to the approval of the Legislature of Georgia.
The resolution was adopted.
On motion of Mr Adams the Secretary was requested to notify Mr. S.G. McLendon as representative of the Board of Education of Thomasville, that it is not in the power of this Board to convey the property to them.
AM Soule Prest State College of A&MA
Mr McWhorter nominated Dr A.M. Soule for the office of President of the State College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts.
Upon motion the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Board for Dr. Soule, which was done and Dr Soule was unanimously elected.
Athens , July 15 1907
Mr Callaway offered the following which was adopted:
Percentage of income of salaries amended.
Resolved that the resolution of the Board passed November 15th 1905 provided for a percentage increased of the Salaries of the full Professor of the University be amended by adding the following:
That from and after this date full Professors who have been in continuous service of the University for a period of twenty years shall have their salaries increased 30 per cent. Full Professors who have been in continuous service of the University for a period of thirty years shall have their salaries increased fifty percent.
This percentage being upon a basis of a salary of two thousand dollars.
WC Miller
To a petition of Mr WC Miller to have certain fees refunded him the reply was made that the Board would not refund matriculation and library fees paid but he might be admitted to the University another session without payment of such fees.
ET Talmadge
Upon the recommendation of Dean Morris the Law Faculty were authorized to confer a diploma upon Mr ET Talmadge at such time during the next term as he shall satisfactorily complete his course in Law.
The Board then adjourned to 9.30 Monday.
Sermon on Sunday
The Baccalaureate Sermon on Sunday was preached by Rev. F.H. Gaines D.D. of Decatur Ga.
University of Georgia,
Monday June 17th 1907
The Board met at 9.30 A.M.
The Minutes of the 15th were read and approved.
Report of Laws & Discipline Committee
Mr Bacon took his seat with the Board Mr Adams for the Committee on Laws & Discipline submitted a report which was considered by sections:
H.V. Black
Sec. 1. Recommends the election of Mr Homer V. Black as Adj. Prof. Chemistry in place of Dr CJ Moore resigned.
WO Payne
Sec 2. Recommends the promotion of Mr WO Payne to Adj. Prof. in History.
T. Fort
Sec. 3. Recommends promotion of Mr Tomlinson Fort to Instructor in Mathematics at a salary of $1000.
B.S. in Forestry
Sec. 4. Recommends that the degree of Bachelor of Forestry be offered.
RP Brooks
Sec 5. Recommends that Mr R. Preston Brooks be elected Adj. Prof in Georgia History & Sociology.
Old College
Sec 6. Recommends the repairing of Candler Hall and Old College.
R Powell Stephens
Sec 7. Recommends the election of Dr R Powell Stephens as Adj. Prof Mathematics.
Sylvanus Morris
Sec. 8 Recommends that Sylvanus Morris, Dean of Law Schools be guaranteed a compensation of not less than $2500 from the law fees.
Chancellors Secretary
Sec 9. Recommends that the Chancellors Secretary be paid a salary of $800.
Sec 10. Was referred to Finance Committee.
Sec 11. Relates to the connection between this Board and the Board of Agriculture Trustees.
Sec 12. Recommends that Football be left to the discretion of the Chancellor & Faculty.
Athens, June 17, 1807
Area for forestry
Sec 13. Recommends that a certain area of land be set apart for school of Forestry by Chancellor and Dean Soule.
Instructor in Botany
Sec 14. Recommends that an Instructor in Botany be elected at a salary of $1000.
Instructor in English Lit.
Sec 15. Recommends that an Instructor be elected in English Literature.
Sec 16. Was referred to Finance Committee.
Library open on Sunday P.M.
Sec 17. Recommends that the Library be opened on Sunday afternoons for $25 additional to the Night Librarian.
Sec 18. Approves the annual encampment and recommends that the NG A&M Cadets be invited to participate.
Sec. 19. Referred to Finance Committee.
Sec. 20. Referred to Faculty to report back.
Prof. Woofter
Sec 21. Recommends that Prof Woofter be placed under the rules as having served ten years in the University.
Sec. 22. Recommend no action about department of Commerce.
Change in Manual.
Sec 23. Recommends that Sec. 14, Page 120 in the Manual be stricken out.
Chapter Houses.
Sec. 24. Approves erection of Fraternity Chapter Houses on Campus, but cannot permit a mortgage to secure a debt.
Sec 25. Was referred to Finance Committee.
Sec 26. Also referred to that Committee.
Board of Visitors.
Sec 27. Commends the report of Board of Visitors Mr Bacon offered the following amendment to the report which was adopted:
University of Georgia,
Mr Bacons resolution
Resolved that the Finance Committee be instructed to report to the Board with their recommendations thereon a statement of all monies to be appropriated under recommendations of the several Committees or otherwise and that the final action of the Board upon the question of appropriation be taken by the Board by voting upon the items in said statement.
During the discussion of this report the Board took a recess to attend the exercises in the chapel and also for dinner. On reconvening at 4 P.M. the report of the Committee was completed and adopted.
A recess was taken to attend the exercises in the Chapel participated in by representatives of the various Branches of the University.
Brown Fund Report
Mr McWhorter submitted the report of the Brown Fund Committee which was adopted, making loans to 39 applicants.
Auditing Committee Report
Mr Hughes for the Auditing Committee made his report which was adopted.
Leave absence was granted to Mr Simmons
Finance Committee Report
The Finance Committee through Mr Callaway made their report which was considered and adopted.
Honorary Degrees conferred
The Committee on Honorary Degrees reported recommending that the degree of LL.D. be conferred on Hon Henry D. McDaniel and the degree of D.D. on Rev Chas. H. Strong of Savannah Ga.
The report was adopted and the degree was conferred on Gov. McDaniel by a standing vote.
Mr Howell took his seat with the Board.
Athens, June 17th 1907
Sec & Treas. Salary.
On motion the Finance Committees report was amended by adding two hundred dollars to the salary of the Secretary and Treasurer.
Property Com Report
The Committee on Property through Mr Bower submitted their report on necessary repairs which was adopted.
Empire Chem. Co Prizes
Three prizes offered by the Empire Chemical Company for essays on Agricultural topics were authorized to be conferred.
Inspect Old College
On motion of Mr McWhorter a Committee of which for Gober is to be Chairman was appointed who should employ expert advice on the condition and cost of repairing Old College so as to make it safe, at an expense not to exceed $100.
The Board then adjourned till 9.30 A.M. tomorrow.
Tuesday June 8th
The Board met at 9.30 oclock.
The minutes of the 17th were read and approved.
Nominations for D.D.
The Rev. S.R. Beck of Atlanta was nominated for the honorary degree of D.D. which nomination was laid over under the rules.
Organ for Chapel
A request from the Chancellor that the chapel organ be repaired or exchanged at a cost of not more than $75. was referred to the Chancellor and Faculty with power to act.
University of Georgia,
Graduate Degrees Conferred
Graduate degrees were conferred upon the following students upon the recommendation of the Faculty:
Bachelor of Arts.
Ernest Anderson, William A. Bell, William G. Brantley Jr.
Rollin Broughton Wedford W. Brown Ambrose H. Carmichael
EE Cheatham, Philip W. Davis Jr. G.H. Gillon,
Walton H. Griffith, John A Hunnicutt Jr. Harrison Jones,
S.L. Lewis Grover C. Middlebrooks Alvin W Neely
W. R. OHara Hugh E. Parker DeWitt Payne
R.L. Taylor Sidney J. Taylor Philip R. Weltner
Henry L.J. Williams Talmadge S. Winn.
Bachelor of Science (General)
Nathan Copelan Bryan B. Davis Jacquelin E. Knight
John Glasscock Mays William T. McCaffrey John K. McDonald Jr.
T.A. Perry Loring Raoul Curtis L. Turner
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
James Bancroft Eppes, Leo Joseph J Leland Stanford.
James J. Swenson Bayard M. Taylor
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
Juan Gonzales, John H. Winter
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Warren W. Lang.
Bachelor of Law
Samuel A. Boorstin, William C. Brinson
Asa W. Chandler Russell W. Daley
John R. Fawcett William J. Fielder
Thomas F. Hancock Crichton B. Holtzendorff
Clifford M James James Lindsay Johnson,
James A. Kelly Joseph Law
Walter O. Marshburn Robert S. Parker
Thomas E. Scott Beverly B Thomasson
Wallace J. Willie Harry M. Wilson.
Athens June 18th 1907
A petition from the Glee Club and Thalians to be permitted to give out of town entertainments was referred to the Committee on Laws & Discipline.
Change in programme
Prof RE Park Jr appeared before the Board with a suggested change of Commencement program coming from the Faculty and supported the same by argument.
The whole matter was referred to the Committee on Laws and Discipline, and Mr Bacon was added to that Committee in the place of Mr Simmons who had been excused for the remainder of the session.
Alumni Orator
The Board took a recess to attend the meeting of the Alumni Society and afterwards to hear the address of Hon C. Murphy Candler before the Society.
Reconvening at 6 P.M. Mr Adams for the Committee on Laws & Discipline made a supplemental report which was considered by sections
A request from Mr JG Zachry of New York that the graduate degree of A.B. be conferred on him for reasons given was denied.
Scholarships to certain approved Schools were authorized to be offered.
Club shows
The petition of the Thalian Club and others was referred to the Faculty with power to act.
On the change in Commencement programme some discussion ensued and the remainder of the report was recommitted.
Gov Terrell who had taken his seat with the Board, made a personal request that the rules be suspended which inhibits the conferring more than one honorary degree
University of Georgia,
of a kind in any one year, in order to relieve him of an embarrassment into which he had inadvertently fallen in the matter of the degree asked for Rev. RH Blalock.
On motion the rule was suspended.
D.D. on Rev. R.H. Blalock
On motion the degree of D.D. was conferred on Rev Richard Henry Blalock of LaGrange, Ga.
The Board then adjourned to 9:30 AM tomorrow.
Wednesday June 19th 1907
The Board met at 9.30 AM
The minutes of the 18th were read and approved.
Inspector of Old College
Mr Gober for the Committee to inspect Old College reported the opinion of Mr JJ Black and Mr JW Barnett, who were engaged to examine the building, that it could be made safe for $8393.00. The report was received and Mr Adams moved that the Board ask the Legislature for $10000. to repair Old College, which was carried.
The Treasurer was instructed to pay
AJ McMillan, expenses on course of study for District Schools $11.10 and
JJ Black $50. and JW Barnett $25.00 for expert examination and estimate on Old College.
Mr Adams for the Committee on Laws & Discipline reported on a change in Commencement Programme which report he moved be postponed until the next meeting of the Board.
Mr Hamilton moved to lay on the table the motion to postpone, which prevailed by a vote of 9 to 4.
Athens, June 19, 1907
The report was then put upon its passage and was adopted.
Commencement Programme
It provides that Students shall go into Camp the Campus extension eight days ending with Commencement day.
Sophomore declamation on Friday
Branch College day on Saturday
Champion debate on Saturday
Sunday, Commencement Sermon
Junior Class Monday morning
Alumni day, Tuesday
Commencement day, Wednesday
Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday afternoons
Military exercises and Athletic games
Committee to Supervise Old College
Mr Gober moved that a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair who shall supervise the repairing of Old College in the event the Legislature shall make an appropriation for it. The Chair appointed Messrs Gober, Cobb and Newton.
Reelection of Sec & Treas AL Hull
The term of office of the Secretary and Treasurer expiring with this session the Chairman was requested on motion of Mr Gober to cast the ballot of the Board for Mr AL Hull, which was done, and the Chair announced that Mr Hull was elected Secretary and Treasurer for four years next ensuing.
Election of Officers of Instruction
The Secretary was requested to cast the ballot of the Board for the following officers who were reported by the Committee on Laws & Discipline viz:
W.O. Payne. Adj. Prof. History
University of Georgia,
R. Preston Brooks, Adj. Prof. Ga History & Sociology
R. Powell Stephens, Adj. Prof. Mathematics
Tomlinson Fort, Instructor in Mathematics
Homer N. Black Adj. Prof in Chemistry
EL Griggs, Supt. Buildings & Grounds.
Which was done and the persons named declared elected.
The Instructors in Botany and English Literature are to be appointed by the Prudential Committee when nominated by the Chancellor.
Branch College Report
Mr Thompson made a report for the Com. on Branch Colleges, which was received and adopted.
Report of Trustees of Agric. College
The report of the Trustees of the College of Agriculture made by Mr JJ Conner Chairman was received and adopted.
Site for building
The Board by a unanimous vote concurred in the selection of Compton Hill for the site of the new agricultural building.
The Board took a recess to attend the graduating exercises in the Chapel.
Com. on Course of Study
Returning at 2 P.M. the report of the Committee appointed Jan 10th on course of study for District Agricultural Schools was received and adopted.
Insurance report
Mr Callaway for the Committee on Insurance made a report which was received and adopted.
Finance Committee
Also a supplemental report for the Finance Committee which was also adopted.
Athens, June 19, 1907
Resignation of SC Benedict
The resignation of Dr SC Benedict of the offices of Surgeon, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence and Dean of the School of Pharmacy was received and postponed until the next meeting.
The Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chair.
AL Hull Secretary.
University of Georgia,
Atlanta, Ga July 18th 1907
Pursuant to the call of the Chairman the Board met today: present Chairman McDaniel, Messrs Adams, Bacon, Bennett, Callaway, Cobb, Gober, Hamilton, Harris, Hughes, Hull, Howell, McWhorter, Meldrim, Newton, and Price. Governor Hoke Smith took his seat as a Trustee with the Board.
The meeting was opened with a prayer by Chancellor Barrow.
Excuses were received and accepted for Messrs Peabody, Persons, Simmons and DuBignon.
Chancellor Barrow submitted sundry matters to the Board for their consideration.
Commencement Programme
Before taking these up Mr Hull moved to reconsider so much of the action of the Board in June last as related to the adoption of a revised programme at Commencement.
The motion was carried after some discussion.
Committee to report.
Mr Gober then offered the following: Resolved that a Committee of five be appointed of which the Governor shall be Chairman and Senator Bacon a member, to take up and consider the programme order of the Commencement exercises and in doing this to confer with the Chancellor and Faculty and all interested in the matter, to make their report to a meeting of this Board to be held not later than January 1st 1908.
The resolution was unanimously adopted
and the Chair appointed
Gov. Smith, Senator Bacon, Messrs Adams, Gober and Meldrim.
Governor Smith asked that Mr Howell be added to the Committee, which by unanimous consent was done.
Resignation of Dr Benedict
The resignation of Dr SC Benedict as Surgeon and as Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the School of Law was accepted after consideration.
The filling of these vacancies was left to the Prudential Committee.
$1200 for Pharmacy
Mr Meldrim moved that the Board appropriate so much of $1200. as may be needed to pay the salary of an assistant in school of Pharmacy, after paying to Dean Benedict $800. out of the fees of Students in Pharmacy. A division was called for the motion was carried by a vote of 11 to 3.
Assistant in Physics:
Mr Callaway as Chairman of the Finance Committee moved that $100. be appropriated for an assistant in the laboratory of Physi