Letters from Georgia, v. 14206, 1741 June-1742 December

Volume l4206
1 (1)
Mr. Tho. Jones to Genl. Oglethorpe
Savannah 9th June 17^1
I have this day sent Dormers Ferriage, the Mollasss., Flowr.,
and Carts, as the inclosed Acct. ~
Eohert Williams Saith That the Sum he "borrowed of your Excel
lency, (for which he gave his Note) has "been paid to Mr. Verelst, "but
cannot prod-uce Mr. Verelsts Feet, for such payment If you please to
send Bearer his his promisory note to me, I am well assured can
o"blige him to pay the money, otherwise shall Secure his person, he
having no Effects that I know of in this Colony
James Williems with his Sloop was gone for Chas. Town before
Hr. Foster arrived here. What he has done in the Affair, with Fobt.
Williams (who told me he would answer any demand Capt. Davis had on
his Brother) I am not made acquainted with, Tho I had been desired
both by Williams and Foster to be present at the Settling those Acets.
I tmderstood. They chose to have the Acct. Examined yesterday by
Mr. Fallowfield Late last night Dormer came to me and said That
Mr. Fallowfield end Parker had sent him their order, not to take
Foster on Board his perriague at his Peril, for that Wm. Ewen hp,d a
demand on him for four pounds, as Attorney to Edwd. Jenkins I
desired Dormer to Acquaint those Gentlemen that vrlie^tever demand
Jenkins had on Foster I would answer, when Jenkins appeared to make
good his demand. That I was Surprized to find that they would coun
tenance such Vexatious Clandestine Suits in behalf of a Men who had
2 (1)
hitherto defrauded the poor Orphans of their (2) money and Effects,
and took Shelter in Chas. Town from the Just Claims that many poor
people in this Colony had on him of moneys due to them.
Your Excelly. will receive herev/ith, a packet with Silk worm
Seed, from Mrs. Carouse, and one other, being Drats. of plans &c, from
Jos: Fitzwalter.
Capt. Wiggins came to me last friday and told me he was obliged
to come down after three Indians, who he said v/ere dangerous fellows,
that he would come to me in the afternoon, and let me know of the
Affair That this had prevented his meeting Capt. Dunbar at the
Ckonees, but he had sent up a person in his stead to meet the Capt.
there; I have not seen him since But find he is still in Town, and
Endeavours to perswade the Indian Chiefs to return to the Ifetion and
not wait on your Excelly. Mr. Kent can inform your Excelly. with
more than I know of this and other Affairs.
John Spencer Indian Trader, who waits on your Excellency with
the Indians shewed me an Acct. of some goods Dd. by him to Indians to
the amot. of 13.13*6. I have referred him to your Excellys. Orders
about pf^naent for the Same.
Ca.thcart, who came here with Penrose, is yet with me, I proposed
to him to Serve at Fort Augusta under Mr. Kent, which he is very
desirous of, and hope may prove a good Man, If it be not agreeable to
yotir Excellency, I hope you will let me know your pleasure therein
before I send him thither.
I have paid the Sums your Excellency has Ordered (^) to Mr.
Hobrendorff and Desausure I shall as Soon as I can attend your
Excellency with ph Account of that and other payments made hy me pur
suant to your Excellency's Instructions.
(5) Mr. Tho. Jones to Genl. Oglethorpe
Savannah 11 June 17^1
I received the favour of your Excellys. Letter of the 8th
Germain, the same day Dormers Perriague went from hence with sundrys
which I advisd your Excelly. of Mr. Kent.
Mr. Minis has sent Peter Emerys Boat for Bough Rice to Cockrans
Plantation at Bloody Point, and is to carry the Same directly to
Prederica (I hear he "bought the Rice at 12/6 Curry. ) we have neither
Corn nor Rice, when can procure any shall not fail to send it, The
Price of Rice is fallen at Charles Town from la J to L 2.12.6.
I purposed to have attended your Ixcellcys. commands at Frederica;
But waited for Mr. Parkers comi-ig to Town (which he promised to do for
near three weeks past) in order to Examine several accts. which I had
in readyness to transmit to the Trustees: he came to Town on Monday
Evening, and promised to he with me and Colonel Stephens hy Seven of
the next morning, in order to Examine the Accts. He came about nine
and brought Mr. Fallowfield with him, They made no stay, but went
together to Mr. Pyes (who keeps an Ale house) where they continued
drinklTig till past Eleven.
Notice had been given by publick Advertisement Th^t a Negroe
^ (5)
lately Seized and foiond working in this Colony was intended to he sold
hy Vendj.e &c, hy ten of the Clock tlip,t morning Col. Stephens ca:ne to
the Store, where several Forishnrg people and others were waiting
But having waited above an hour (6) for Mr. Parker and Mercers coming.
We sent for the llegroe, when brought, Mr. Parker and Psllovrfield came;
I ha,d the llegroe Act in my hand and was about relating the purport of
it to the Carolina people there about the Store door, Mr. Pallowfield
interrupted me, sa^/ing I wss very officious, Ihat he did not know why
things should be done at the Store, !Eha.t I had disposed of a llegroe
last year, (bought by Cap. Thomson) in Clandestine manner at the
Store, which he knew nothing of, Mr. Parker said the same, I told them
that Publick Hotice had been given, end I did not
remember, but was certain several people were then present and bid at
the Sale, particularly Dr. Tailfer and Mr. Sterling; I adced That I did
not knowf by what Authority he calld me to Acct. He replied he knew
there was an appointment of persons, but as he was a Magistrate, no
persons appointment should exclude him I desired them to do as they
thought best, I would not intermeddel therein The Negroe was sold
for t 8.10 to Mr. Morell
Mr. Parker and Mr. Fallov/field vjent sgain to Mr. Pyes, where they
remained till three in the afternoon, when they adjourned to Penroses,
a where they Committed Mr. Horris's late Maid servant; (who had been
deliverd of her Child but on Saturday lest) where She remained with
her Infant till next day at noon, and then discharged by Mr. Pye with
out any further Enquiry I will not trouble your Excellency with the
Depositions relating to that Bastard Child at this time, but am now
5 (6)
obliged to divulge (contrary to my Inclination) the whole affair to
the Trustees. (?)
I entreat your Excellys. patience in suffering me to relate a
finished piece (as they imagine) of their contrivance to ruin me;
which has heen Drought to perfection since the arrival of Williams at
a Savannah; John Pye hath made Oath before Mr. Parker and Fallowfield.
Tha,t I caused some leaves out of a Book in the Store to he cut out,
which contained some part of Mr. Jennise Acct. which I am informed
has heen already sent to Mr. Jenny's at Charles To^m together with the
Copy of a Letter from me to Mr. Verelst, as also the Copy of another
Letter sent hy me to your Excellcy. What Letters those were I
cannot imagine, hut as to the main charge against me, I am no ways
concerned thereat, having those leafes to produce, and are only a Copy
of part of the Acct. kept hy Mr. Causton But being written in a large
Folio Book, which I had occasion for, and being only a Copy of what is
Extant in the Leiger and nrhich Pye had also transcribed in Order to
State the Accts. to the Trustees, I caused those leaves to he taken
h out, in Order to use the Book for keeping future Accts. in, I had
entrusted Pye to taJce an Acct. of all ma-terial Letters I at ^ny time
writ to Mr. Verelst or to your Excelly. not suspecting then his
^Vhen I was last at Frederica it was reported here as News
received from Charles Town, that I was gone off, and had carried away
a large sum of money and all the Books of Accounts with me If I
should at this time depart out of Savannah they would publish I had run
away out of fear of being prosecuted for Crimes committed I would
6 (7)
willingly serve your Excelly, (8) end the Trusts, in every affair with
faithfullness, to the utmost of my power and Capacity Bit I shall
not trouble your Excellency at this time with these Itnpertinency8
a only beg leave to add ths.t Dr, Tailfer by his Circular Letters to Andw.
Grant, Cspt, Me intosh, and others his friends, tells them tha,t the
Paliament have orderd the free use of Begroe Slaves, And that the
b lands in Georgia shall be held in fee Simple The Young Manager at
London hs.th 8,lso writ to his friends here to the same purpose triuarohing in the Success of his unwearied application in their behalf against
the Trust, and in the overthrow of Sr. Robert.
The Master of a Small Vessell, about 20 Tun, which came here
lately with provisions from Bew York, having complained to one of the
exorbitant demands of the Collector for Clearance &c, which he said was
more than ever he paid at Charles Town or any Port in the Vh Indies;
I told him I had nothing to do in the affair, but I would acquaint
your Excellency with his demands, and did not doubt (if the demands
were unreasonable) it should be otherwise for the time to come. I have
enclosed the Copy of the Collectors Bill, and submit it and every other
affair to your Excellencys Pleasure
II The sum paid for Clearance was i 1.17.6.
(9) Reed. 1 Sept. 17^1 answd. I6 Sept.
Extract of a. Letter sent by Mr. Habersham Superintendent
of the outward affairs of the Orphan House in Georgia,
7 (9)
To the Eevenend Mr. V/hitfield then at Charles Town
11 Jme 1741.
-Satan rages furiously -gainst their Institution in this
Province, such lies and Calunnies are raised against us, that our few
dear friends think it necessary for me to represent the present State
of our House. I have since "been much in prayer, end heleive God will
direct me how to Act,-Some here since you went, have gone greet
Lengths in asserting Caliomnies even so as to offer to take oaths for
the truth of them. Since I came I went to them to enquire whet founda
tion they had for such Reports; and it would Surprise you to See their
Behaviour. They are ashamed to lift up their faces. Thus shall the
Wicked stand dumh at the Bar of God.
a I think I can say to the Glory of God that our Family never
v/ere in a Better Condition. The Children, the Essence of our Consti
tution, are well taken care of and watched over. We all live in
Love. God has "been visibly amongst us, especially the Children.
Bethesda., as to its outii'ard Circumstances, is so much for the Better
that you would be Surprised to see it. God enables us to keep up much
Orders He lilcewise Blessed (lO) be his name, has given us the appear
ance of a plentiful Crop. The Garden and Plantation now affords us
many Plen4iful Comfortable things, and in great Plenty. Our Stores are
yet well Stocked with Plover and Beef, &c; Mr. W; behaves with great
Integrity, and is faithfull in his vrork. The House would be soon
Jo. Sellier finished if we could get Bricks, Jo. S. is ready to do all our Brick
layers work grc-tis. Brother N. is a great Blessing to the family. If
you come by way of Philadelphia pray bring some Hemp and Corse Flax.
8 (10)
He has v;ove aad Spijii a great deal for us. All the Boys now lie in the
great House. They have got Coats and are laid in sheeting of their own
making. h" this means they are kept Sweet and Clean. We have a
fine growing Stock of Cattle and if God should so order it that we
might have a Pla.ntation in Caroline, as I heleive he will "bring it to
pass, we shall need hut little, if any assistance from abroad. If our
Buildings were now done our Expence iirould he hut trifling to ifhat they
have been.
(12) From Ja. Camuse reed. 1 Sept. answd. l6 Sept.
Saxranhah in Georgia 12 June 17^1
Honble. Gentlemen
I have received the favour of your Honours Letter Dat. June
11th 17^0 h;;- which I see that you have order'd your Commissioners in
Georgia to draw a Bill of Exchange upon your Honrs, for j? ny payment
of 78.16.8 Sterl. Being the Ballnnce of my Acet. with your Store at
Savannah to Tber. 29 1739 which they have complyed with accordingly,
and deliver! me the same in Jeny. last, and I have Indorsed it to Mr.
Jas. Cambell or order. I return your Honours my hearty and humble
thanks for Ordering me Satisfaction on that head; But Gentlemen give
me leave to lay before your Honrs. tha,t I objected against Sundry
Articles charged in my said Acet. Current and Sundrys omitted to be
Credited for in the same, all which Objections and demands I produced
to his rixcellency Genl. Oglethorpe v;ho Comraitted them to Mr. Thomas
9 (12)
Jones one of yoiir Commissioners in this place. And I see hy the said
Ballan.ce order'd to he pend me that no Attention has heen done to them;
Therefore I teJke the Liberty to send them here inclosed-, hopein^ from
your Honours justice to he Relieved hy your Orders to he paid for the
amount of (I3) them, the same way I have heen Order's for the Sum of
L 78.16.8 Exclusive of my Objections and demands against the said Acct.
I See further. Gentlemen, that you send me an abstract of an
Establishment hy which you allow L 20 for my Family and L 12.3*^ ior
the maintainance and Cloathing of a Servant, maMng together 32.3*1
siqjpose Gentlemen, this Sum, to he an addition to the Sailary you
granted me before Hovj, 8.nd in this Case, I return you thousand thanks
for yr. Honours Generosity towards my fartily for which I intended to
address for a Supply, being very hard for such a great family as mine
(7 in number) to subsist here with 2 daj' for provisions alone, as
you may see by the Estimate here Inclosed.
As for my part Gentlemen, I will do all my Endea-vour to learn
the people to bring to a desired Success the sxuns by your Honours
eppropria-ted for the Encouragement of the Silk Manufacture. In the
mean while give me leave to lay before your Honours the following
That the Silk Manufacture begin only to take Hoot in this Place;
Tha.t Several Inhabitants will begin this year to feed Silk worms with
the leaf of the Mulberry Trees they (l4) have Sowd, Raised and Culti
vated themselves; If it has not had so good a Success before nov/, as
'tv;as espected, tis no way my fault or neglect. That every year I have
10 (14)
done as much Silk as twss possible from tjie produce of the Trees in
your puhlick Garden, that I have always encouraged the Inhabitants
here as well in our nei^hourhood to plant and Cultivate Mulberry
Trees shewing them the great Benefit they may raise from them every
year; Tha.t tis a necessity to vrait Siindry years to bring a Mulberry
tree to perfection, but when come to it, tis of a great Eevenue.
a Here Gentlemen be pleased to observe that in this Country we
have been under great disappointments from the weather which prevented
the making of more Silk than I have done before; The Trees are still
young and those who are nov/ raising will be still Subject to Sundry
Accidents, But when they shall be once 9 or 10 years Standing, the
Intemperature of the weather will have no such Effect upon them.
Therefore, Gentlemen, as you got a mind to carry on such Manufacture
give me leave to lay before your Honours the necessity and Justice of
encouraging of it, by giving means of living to (15) those who Sett
themselves upon it, for tis impossible to depend for the first years on
the produce of young trees for as much as they may be in number.
Besides those proper and Suitable places must be built and prepared
for the feeding of Silk worms, wha;t brings the prople to^ great
expenses. These are the many Considerations I lay before your Honours
on that head.
A=; to my own private concern give me leave to tell your Hono'ors
that I have laid every year (Since I am in this Colony) under such
trouble and hardship to gett my Wages and provisions from your Store,
as you may see by the Accts. Sent to your Honotors by your Commissioners,
for the Ballance of which from the begining of the year 1736, You
11 (15)
a Orderd me the payment of 78l6.8. that I h-umbly desire leave to
draiif a Bill of Exchange on your Honours directly for every 3 months
tha,t shall come due to me, for I will depend no longer on the Commis
sioners for the payment of njy Sallary and delivery of my provisions;
One sends me to the other and so mutually, And twas at the last
Extremity and many Sollicitations tha.t Mr. Stephens has complyed with
h your Order to deliver me that Bill of Exchange. So, Gentlemen, to
prevent any further trouble on that head I lay before your Honours the
Amount of one years (l6) years Sallary and charges of Provisions, for
the 4th part of which I beg leave to draw upon your Honours for every
quarter of the year that shall come due.
a The Sallary granted me before for every jckx ) LSD
30 0 0
For Cloathing..5 0 0
For washing and Beding.5 0 0
Pin Money for my V/ife 1 p v;eek.2 12 0
The Amount of Provisions as u Estimate inclosed.J6 14 7
79 6 7.
Addition of 5 'o Ann. to my former Sallary granted )
) 5 0 0
by his Bxcelly. Genl. Oglethorpe in the year 1738 ) ___________
84 6 7
Addition granted from Michmass 1739 as , y^ Honrs. )
) 32 3 4
Letter dat. 11 June 1740 ) _
Total Ann. L 116 9 11.
12 (16)
Every 3 months is 29 2 5 3/^ St. Exclusive of 10 ^ St. u
Ann. for each of the 4 Apprentices vhen any of them with my Wife; But I
h\nnhly desire your Honours to Settle for every Apprentice a Bounty of
20 ii to he paid me when out of her time, whether She die in the time
of he AFjrentiship or talcen away from my hands, whet, please God, will
not happen. (1?)
As I ejroect from ,'Qur Honoiirs Justice the payment of my objec
tions to my before said Account and of all my Just Demands annexed
to them, I hope you will consider that I was promised for my Self and
Family to be free of all Charges of Physick end Pijysician as well as of
Lodging. To trouble your honours no more on that head be pleased to
grant me the Sum of 20 L St. Annum for Expenses of Dr. and Medicines.
As for my Lodging please your Honours to Order me a Dwelling House
wherein I may keep the feeding of the worms conveniently, Considering
the great hardships I lay under to go from House to House in the Worm
feeding time night and day by rain or frost to feed the said Worms.
I have Suffer'd till now all those hardships for the Hope given me
that a Convenient House should be built or pr^ared for that purpose;
But I see that hope frivolous and vain So I am obliged to Complain.
For near 7 yeans I dwelt with my numerous family in so little and
Straight a house that I can live so no longer, and if the Silk Manufac
ture has not had the desired Success, tis in part for want of Convenient
a place. I humbly desire yr. Honrs, answer upon the Heads forementioned
and to beleive me yr. Honrs.
most humble and most obedt. Servant,
James Lewis Camuse
13 (18)
Objections and Demands of James Levris Camus on the
Honourable the Trustees Store at Savannah in Georgia
17?7 LSD
Oct. 28 Patrick Tailfers Bill . . . for Piiysick .... .02 11 0
June 12 1 Yard Gurlix . . . for the Silk worms. ..... 0 1 6
July 15. 1 Iron bouno. Cask . . . for water. 0 2 6.
30. 1 Qt. of Sweet Oyl . . .for Physick.0 2 0
7ber.28 Patrick Grahams Bill . . . for Physick.0 12 0
Butter allowed only 16 lb. for 2 years and )
ought to be 112 lb. being 7 heads in ). . . 3 . 0 . 0
. )
family, Difference is 96 lb. at 71 )
Lamp Oyl Charged March 1st 1728
1738 26 Qts. being only 6 Q,ts. -IMay 30 16 Qts. being only 6 Qts. ^
42 Qts. 13 Qts.
29 Difference at6^.014 6
A Gown and Petticoat allowed only 1 L, and
o\i^t to be at least 2 L difference is.1.0.0
8 4 0
John Battists Certificate for in the Scout )
Boat under John Eae )1.11.1.-|'*
Francis Vanals Certificate for Ditto 1.11.1.^*
14 (19)
Brou^t Over. 8.4.0
Peter Bresses dreAight on James Smitli one of ) '
the Undertakers of the Sav/ mill at Old )l 8 10'
Ehenezer ) '
A Bill for Lodging and dressing Victxials for )
Claude Carqueville and Peter Gilher, 2 ) '
) 6 .14 .11
Prench Prisoners from fiber. 1st I738, to H I6.IO'
s > '
9ber. 12th follov/ing being 6 weeks at 6 ) '
week as before allowed ) '
Washing for the Same for Ditto time.0 6. 0
L 6.14 15
14 .18 .11
Three years Provisions and Cloathing
for a Servant, being a Young; Girl,
from Dec. 1st. 173^ Dec. 1st. 1739
Left in blank for an allowance; but
I pass it nov/ according to your Honrs,
allov/ance ss yr- Letter dated 11th
June 1740 Tiac^xxs
L S d
The three years at 12 . 3* 4. Annum is.36 .10 . 0
One year more for Ditto to December 1st.
1740.12 . 3 . 4
Carry'd over 63 .12 . 3
15 (20)
Brought over.63 . 12 . 3
Received from the Store for tiie use of the
spid Girl
In Mr. f
time (
1736* 6 yds. Blew plain at 22^.0 . 11 . 0
1737 1 pair Shoes.0. 3.6.
1738- 6 yards Linsey Woolsy l4^.0 . 7*0
1739. 6 yds. of Oznahrig at 10^.0. 5*0
6 yds. Plain Blew at 22^.0. 11 . 0
6 yds. Gnrlix atl.. 0. 6.0
1 Pair of Shoes.....0. 3.6
Ii 2 70
Addition to my Sailary granted hy
his Excellency General Oglethorpe
in the year 1738 of 5 S' a year is for
2 years to Michmass. 17^0.10. 0.0
73 . 12 . 3.
2 . 7.0
71 . 5.3
L S d
For which snio of 71 5 3- pleased
to Order me payment 8,nd youll oblige
Your most humble and obedt. Servt.
Deducted for Siindrys deliverd from
the Store as above .
Jcacomo Leuigio Carauso
16 (21)
Allowance of Vsiges and Provisions Granted
Jas. Levfis Camuse and Family "by Ms
Excellency Genl. Oglethorpe in the Year
Wages.. . ).. 30 . 0 .
) 22. Ann.
Washing and Bedding ).. 5.0.
Pin money for Wife 1 n Week .... 2 .12 .
Provisions for a year changed at ye Store
Meat . .
Flower .
Hice . .
Corn . .
Sugar - .
Buter. .
Wine . .
Beer . .
Lanro Oyl
1560 Ih. .... at 2^ ... 13 . 0 .
1600 Ih.at 11 T) Ct. 8 .16 . timm
^00 Ih.at 6 2_ Ct. 1.4.
4 Bus. ... at 18^. . . 0.6.
20 Ih. . . . . at 4*^ . . . 0.5.
,7 heads at 8 Ih,
12 Gal.
at 7
. at 1
. 10 .
1 .12 .
. 26 Gal. 2 Qts. week . ,
at 4 . . . 5.4.
. 91^ftaix2% 1 <5,t, p dsy . .
at 1 4 .11 .
. 26 Qts. 1 pint p
6^ . 13 .
36 .14 .
0. )
0 )
0 )
) 42
.12 . 0
86 .14 . 7.
79 . 6 . 7.
17 (22)
Mr. Tho. Jones to Genl. Oglethorpe receivd. 26. Aug.
Savannah l6 June 17^1
On Monday last Col. Stephens reed, the inclosed Letter from
Jos: Pavay at Fort Argile, which he communicated to me We thought
it our best ivay to send to Mr. Noble Jones, that he might have a Strict
Bye to the Passages up the Ogeeche (wanting Saddles which we have sent
for to Charles Town to Mount the Rangers) imagining by the Acet. v-rhich
Harry Myers who brot. the Letter, gave us, tha,t those he and Pavy
heard talking in the Swamp were, either Deserters from the Army, or
Runaway Negroes, by their Speech, which did not sound like the
Indian Mr. Jones we heard was with his Boat at Savannah halving
come away from the Guard house on the Narrows oh Sunday, in Order to
bring one Sr. Rd. Everard, Ih*. Norris, and Mr. Upton to Town, who had
been some days at Mr. Pallowfields, Col. Stephens directed him to
return with the Boat without delay, which he did the next tide of
^ Ebb.
The real concern I have for the Safety and Welfare of this
Colony, as well as the Interest of your Excellency and the other
Trusts., my Masters, enforceth me to trespass on your Patience, by
a relating several Occurrences in themselves trivial, but seem to me to be
Exxi: calculated for carrying on the Grand design of the overthrow of
the Colony, and of the British Government therein, I hope yoxir Excel
lence will bear with my prolix way of writing about the Affair, and
pardon ray presumption in giving you so much trouble.
18 (22)
t) About a month, since Sr. Eichd. Everard came to Spvpnah along
with Zennedy Ohrien from Angusta, in order, (23) as he said, to take
Passage for England with Cap. Thomson; e were soon informed hy him
self that he was a person of great Faportance, not only in America,
hut in England, where he hoped to he before the Elections of Members
for Paxliament. Tha.t he was of the Temple and had Studied the Laitf &c,
and an Author, one of his performances, as such he gave me, which I
have sent herewith e iieard soon after that he had been for some
time at Charles Town, but did not intend to Yisit the place again,
having sold it; Some Glamours also followed him from Augusta, But when
Mr. Robert Williams arrived here (who spared him a little money) and
Sr. Richards Skill in the Law was known, and beleived, a Strict
Alliance was formed between them, Mr. Andrew Grant, Mr. Eallowfield,
Mr. Norris, Mr. Evren, Mr. Pye, and some others less considerable, which
may in time produce considerable Events.
I4r. Cathcart who came v/ith Penrose, being a Shore, and I (per
ceiving the unhappy man much dejected) desired Penrose to let him lye
at his house untill he could get a Passage to Carolina or Elsev/here,
which Penrose consented to, The daj after, Cathcart standing or Setting
at the upper end of the long Passage in Penroses house, Sr. Eichd.
Everard being then drinking at the other End Sr. Richard asked
Cathcart what Business he had there, calling him Thief and perjured
Villain, and bid him go out of the house immediately, or he would t\irn
him out, Cathcart answerd, that if his being there was an Offence, he
would be gone, Sr. Richard took hold of him by the Collar and lead
(2^) or thinist him out at the back door into the yard
19 (24)
Catlicart came in again in Order to go out of the House, and as
he passed by them. Said It is true I am an ^mhappy man, but at another
time and place, you should not have treated me thus, who am as good a
Man as yotir Self Sr. Richard thereupon takes up a Shoe or Slipper
and beats him with it about the head - giving him Several Bruises
Oathcart cajne to me and complained I desired Col. Stephens and Mr.
Fallov/field to go v/ith me to the Store, Then sent to Sr. Eiche-rd
desiring to Speak with him there, who came accordingly, I acquainted
him with the CoE^laint made of him to us; he a,sked me, will you receive
the Con^laint of a Thief and a perjured person, against a Gentlemen,
I replyd, his being a Thief and perjured, were probanda,. And that his
Charging him with such henious Offences, if he did not prove them, were
Criminal, But the present Enquiry was, whether he had beaten the man
in the manner complained of, he said he had beaten him, but still in
sisted, the fellow was a Thief end perjured I told him, Sr. we
expect you to give us Sufft: Sureties that you appear at the next
sessions, to answer the complaint which shall then be made against
you Sr. Richard then said he did not think himself obliged to do
it unless the other Magistrate required it as well as my Self Mr.
Pallowfield said it was a very great provocation for a fellow to tell a
Gentleman of honour That he was as good a man a,s he or sd^ of his
Family I was not willing to enter into a Debate there with Mr.
Fallowfield, Therefore said I v;ould consent to deferr the further
hearing of (25) the matter to another time. And if Cathcart did not
persist in demanding Justice, I should say no more, Sr. Eichd. had
bioke Capt. Higgins heed. That he had lost above a Qy.art of Blood (as
20 (25)
is said) night before. But being a Brunlcen Qoarrell and no Com
plaint made as I know of, the same w'as compromised. (Cathcart has from
that time been at house)
Last Thursday Sr. Eichd. and Mr. Norris with two Gallons of Euni
and other necessaries went to Mr. Fadlowfields, and were followed by
Mr. Eye and Mr. Ev/en The next morning Mrs. Mathews called there,
ha^dng Mrs. Upton to accompany her so far, whom she left there. On
Satxxrday Mr. Falloxirfield desired his Wife and Mrs. Upton to go to Mr.
Parkers: for that Mr. Parker was to come there about Business of Con
sequence and that they should be busy in writing all day Accordinga ly Sr. Eich-=rd, Mr. Norris, Fallowfield, Pye, Parker, Bwen, and Mercer
continued in their Consultations, till Even, Except that about Noon
Mr. Mercer was dispatched, to the Orphan house, to serve a Warrant on
b Mr. Jona. Barber (a Copy of which have enclosed) - I shall not at this
time trouble your Excellence, with the Circumstance of the affair, only
beg leave to make some remarks on the Warrant itself and vrhat ensued ^
That Mr. Barbers name being well known (at least by the Conplaint.) an
alias, as a token of Conte.ipt or Eeproach should be fixed on him, being
never Iniown or mentioned by that distinction, by any (that I heard of)
besides a drunken profligate Crew. That he was to be taken into
Custody upon a Conplaint without an;/ Oath made, end to remain in durance
(26) durence for three or four days, and then to be brought Eleven
miles to the Magistra.tes when they were then assembled within three
miles of the place And Mr. Barber came last night to Town, and sent
early this morning to acquaint Mr. Mercer therewith, who they said was
gone out Mr, Barber tarried at my house And about one of Clock
21 (26)
when we were going to dinner. Hr. Mercer csme, and told him the Magis
trates were met, and expected him; I told Mr. Mercer we were just going
to dinner. And tha.t Mr. Barher would attend them at any time or place
after he had dined. But Mr. Mercer insisted on his going then
Accordingly Mr. Barter went with him. As I was not desired to come to
them and was not present, can only relate what I heard from Mr. Barter
and others They discharged the Boy from the Orplian House, and told
him (Mr. Barter) Tlia.t if any of the Children committed any offence, for
which they Reserved severe Correction, he v;as to complain to the Magis
trates tut was not to correct them himself.
a I am well assured Mr. Fallowfield end Mr. Parker have (as they
themselves acioiowledged) received particular kindesses and -grgT
friendship from the people at the Orphan house. And that no personal
Grudge or Emnity can subsist against them. But that the Improvements
they have made in the Colony, contradicts what they have latoured to
make the World telelve; is the only reason of these their proceedings,
t hoping tloerety to drive them out of ye Colony. Their hatred to Mr.
Boltzius and the Saltzturgers at Etenezer (which ha.s teen shewn in
several instances) can proceed (27) from no other Cause.
Sr. Richard Everard and Mr. Norris (as v;as reported gax had
invited I-Ir. Parker and Mr. Fallowfield to suid with them on Monday
night at Penroses, they came to Town accordingly. But Penroses house
being too putlick, they adjourned to Morells (formerly Jenkins's)
where they had a great Con^pany, among others Capt. Patrick Msckay (now
at peace with 14r. Fallowfield aud very Zealous in the present Scheme)
Sr. Richa.rd was Poolocutor
22 (27)
At o^^x last Coiort Mr. Fallowfield desired our Concurrence
to grant Mr. Morell a License, which I objected to (and Mr. Parker v;as
then of lay opinion) :S3m. Judging it inconvenient to permit above the
number of four Publick houses (already Licensed) in the Town, And that
Mr. Morell who had been an Industrious person in planting, but now had
left off ought not to be encoioraged in such way of life But I
imagine noi^ they will grant him one, tho we hear frequent Complaints of
disorders there, particularly last week one of Capt. Wigginss men
(thought to have deserted) was at last fotind to be in morells house;
Mr. Wiggins got some people to go in order to take him, whom Morell
a assisted with his drawn hanger, but was overpowerd, the man is now in
the Loghouse.
I have herewith sent a Copy (writ in English by Mr. Boltzius) of
b what Mr. llorriss maid deposed before me, Mr. Habersham complained
c to me some time since (he is now at Chas. Town) that Mr. Horris took
with him when he went to Frederica, Several household furniture, (28)
idddc which he (Mr. Habersham) liad bought of Mr. Brownfield, as also a
Clock of his, besides other furniture which belonged to the House I
am at a loss what to do in the Affair,
(30) To I'ir. Verelts Prom Capt. Geo. Dunbar reed. 26 Augst.
Augusta 17 June 17^1
Sir Six
Upon the 24th past I sent you an. Abstract of the Generals
23 (30)
Orders to me to go to the Creek Indian Eation as it more fully "bears,
likewise his Letter of Advice acquainting you of his having drawn upon
you Bills of "Exchange for twelve hundred pound Sterling, and directing
you to mahe immediate application to the Treasuery for the
Same, as the pari, letters of a,dvice more fully heax.
V<nen I sent the Advice and a"bstract of my Orders, I was so
violently "bad of a Fea.vour tha.t I could not write, "but was o"bliged to
get Capt. Kent to Lack your Letter and make my appology. I thank God I
am noxf so far recoverd that I Legin my Journey to morrow. I make no
a dou"bt of Success notvdthstanding French and Spanish Endeavours,
worse of all a Carolina Agent who is now there, I assiire you Id
rather meet two Spanish or French Emnissiarys, Id know "better how to
deal with them. I have already issued the following Bills for 200 L:
L 24; 44: L 100: 26: 48: L 60: 43; 50; 53: 44-: 52:
L 40: 41; all amoimting to 825 Sterl. (31)
I desire the favour youll make my Gomplimts. to I4rs. Yerelst,
I wish you "both a great dead of health and pleasure. Be so kind to
forw'Exd the inclosed for Capt. Me Ifey and I am
Your most o"bedient hum"ble Servt.
George Dun"bar
(44) Mr. Tho. Jones to 14r. Terelts
Savannah 3d July 1741.
24 (44)
Haviag given some acct, of the Trusts German Servants at
Savannah, in nc'- last, I think it necessary to relate in part, (and if
required sliall do more fully hereafter) An affair which lately happen'd,
relating to one of them, wherein The Eevd. 14r. William Uorris's Charac
ter is concernd.
I ha,ve communicated vdiat I am about to relate to Col. Stephens,
with hopes he would have sent it to the Trust But he declining it,
(being tender of a Clergymans Character, which I also have and do bear
a great regard unto) end differing with me in Opinion about some Oircurostences in the affair, (which by the way, is the only Instance wherein
I have not fully accorded with his Sentiments for two years last past.)
And since the Case is publickly talked of in all these parts of America
I thought it needfull to acquaint you with it. That if you Judge
Convenient, the honble. the Trustees may be apprized thereof, in order
to obviate the Calumnies that Sr. P. Bverard, Bob. Williams or others
may invent & Spread in England, before the matter can be known
1 went to Erederica in Novr. last, & since that time often was
told, by Several of the Inhabitants there, Thai the Dutch Maid, who
served Mr. Norris was with Child by her Master; That She had declared
so to severa.1, and often cried. Saying, her Master would be turned
out, and then she should be \mdone I have been oft about that time
in Company with Mr. Norris, when some have banterd him about geting his
maid with Child, but did not hear- him deny, nor indeed directly own the
Mr. Norris went for Savannah and took the maid with him, (then
25 (44)
big with Child) I v/as hy the water side when they (45) went aboard
the Boat, where the Soldiers and others present accosted him with
taunting reproachfull Speeches about his Ma.id; He made no reply. The
people at Frederica had various Surmises about Mr. ITorris conveying his
Maid away in that Condition, whereupon I writ to Francis Harris (who
looked after the Trusts Servts. at Savannah, in my absence) directing
him that if he found tha,t Eliz. Penner (Mr. Norriss maid) intended to
go out of the Colony, he should apply to Col. Stephens or Mr. Parker
in order to have her prevented.
I arrived at Savannah the 15 March, where I was told that Eliz;
Penner (broii^t thither by Mr. Norris) and Xpher Penner her Kinsman,
were run away (as Supposed) to Carolina. Two days after m, Mears (one
of ye Tythingraen) brought Xpher Penner back to Savannah. Hears met
them with a Woman in Company, at Mathewss Cow pen who offerd him
money if he would carry them to Purisburg, But he, knowing the man to
be one of the Trusts Servants, Secured him, and bro^:lght him back
Sliz, Penner went from thence to Ebenezer, from which place Mr. Bolzius
sent her (in his boat) to Savannah.
I desired Col. Stephens, Mr. Parker and Mr. Fallowfield to meet,
that we might Examine her, and knov; who was the real father of the
Bastard Child, whereof she was pregnant. And also what induced, or who
persuaded her to run away from her Service Mr. Fallovtfield told me.
That Mr. Norris had sent for him to his house, to Examine the maid, who
Swore the Child to a man at Frederica, whose name be did not remember
(Mr. Norris having taken her Examination with him.) That She had
not Signed her Examination. (46) When wk met, and sent for the
26 (45)
Maid I had paper before me in order to v/rite down what she should
declare, But having asked her some q^uestions, I could not understand
her answers, I then asked Mr. Parker and Pallowfield, whether they
understood what she said, which if they did, I desired one of them
would take the Pen and write They both declared, they did not well
understand what She said; We then sent for Mr. Minis to interpret
V/hat She declared to us, I took in writing, which have by me, (but
not signed by the Bailiff, they did not think it proper to administer
an Oath to her thereupon) the Substance of wha.t she declared I com
municated to the Genl. as you will find in my Letter to his Excellency
of 18 March last.
In April last the Revd. Mr. Bolzius (being at Savannah) told me
th^t Eliz: Penner had applied to him, (being desirous to declare the
Truth upon oath concerning her pregnancy (She fearing that she mi^t
die) I answerd him. That tho Mr. Parker and Mr. Pallowfield were
both out of town. Yet I would take her Deposition, If he pleased to
take in writing wlmt she declared about that matter, and then translate
the same into English Mr. Bolzius said he would not undertake to
translate the German into English exa,ctly, not well knowing the Idiom
of the English Language: But was willing to take in writing (in her
own words) v?hat she declared in the German; Accordingly he came to me
with Eliz. Penner, Some hours after, and brought me the paper (a Copy
of which Mr. Gronau writ since at my desire, and have sent inclosed)
which contains her Deposition I did not then desire to (47) the
contents of it. But afterwards procured Mr. Bolzius to write in
England the purport thereof, (which also send enclosed.) There are
27 (4?)
many Circumstances wnich mi^t give a Clearer ^ light in this affair;
(which shall not relate unless Jujflged necessary to he knovm) shall
only mention one, lhat Christo. Penner, in may last, complained to me
Tiv.t Mr. Norris having sent for him to his house, promised to
provide for him and his Kinswoman, and persuaded him to bring what
Effects he had to his house; that he should go with his Niece to
Charles Tov/n, and take Care of her, where he (Norris) would he with
them in a months time and provide for them hoth And would bring
along with him, what things he left a.t his house: Accoro-ingly that he
(Penner) carried his Chest with Cloe,ths, Sedding &c to Mr, Norriss
house, and went off with his Niece; But that Mr. Norris having been gone
to Frederica these tvro months past, He vras afraid, that he should loose
his Cloaths and all that he had I desired i!r. Upton who was going to
Frederica, to perswade Mr. Norris to let Penner, and also the Maid (who
v;as near her time of lying in) have their Cloths and Bedding Mr.
Norris sometime after writ to Col. Stephens to deliver the maids Chest,
(at his house) to her But gave no lyyggBrfciir directions about Christo
phers Chest which it seems lir. Norris had Convey'd to Mr. Mathewss,
which the Man after much attendance on Mr. Norris at Savannah, this
last month, at la.st got restored to him
a Hr. Norris about Jany. last, having (48) having taken his leave
of Frederica, in Order as Ksa was reported, to go for England, took
with him from thence The Books in the Library there, with the Com
munion Plate &c, and brought them to Savannah, but the Books being
missed; The Beyliffs there writ to those at Savannah, desiring them not
to permit Mr. Norris to depsirt the Colony untill he had restored the
28 (48)
Books &c What has been done therein, you will be informed of by
Col. Stephens.
a Mr. ITorris when he departed from Savanjiah (after Mr. Whitfields
arrival there) took with him to Prederica, the houshold F-urniture
belonging to the Ministers House in Savannah, Such as. Bedding, Pewter
plates. Knives and. Forks, (Table linnen. Silver Steps Spoons &c, for
Tea Table, Wo Clocks, the one left there by 14r. Westly, the other
given to Mr. Habersham by Mr. Delamotte, Saying he would account to the
Trustees for the same. Some of those things (if not all) has been
disposed of by him (as I am informed) at Frederica.
I shall not add, nor enter into a Subject which would fill up
several Sheets of paper, (Vizt. to give a Eelstion of that Gentlemans
moral Behaviour in this Colony, especially for twelve months past,)
chusing that some other person, may (if needfull) do it; But rather
wishing that those matters may be forgotten, and be buried in oblivion,
I am
Yr. very humble Servant
Tho; Jones
To Mr. Harman Verelst,
(58) July 8th 1741
Savannah Ss.
We the Grand Jvxy for our Sovereign Lord the King, Do on our
29 (58)
Oaths present John Gonldvrire for that he did since the first day of
may last past near a place called Bothesda, kill and hear away one
imaarked Bull, about the Age of five years, being the property of
Persons unknown, contrary to the pace of our Sovereign Lord the Zing
his Crown and Dignity
John Lindall (>
) True Bill
Jos: Waldrope)
True Copy taken this 12th day of Aug.
17^4-1 by me
John Pye
(59) July 9th 1741
Savannah Ss/
We the Jurors for our Sovereign Lord the King Do on our *^aths
present, John lyndall for that he did in the month of May last past;
take up a Cow end Calf unmarked belonging to Sami. Mercer and brand
them G.C. said to be the brand of the Honble. the Trustees, and also
before and and since that time, within the said space of twelve
months, from the date, did also take up and brand with the same mark;
upwards of twenty unbranded Cattle, the property of the Freeholders of
the Tovm and County aforesaid; Contrary to the peace of our Sovereign
30 (59)
Lord the King Ms Orovm and Dignity
- A Trae Bill -
Samuel Mercer )
Peter and Anne Emery )
True Copy taken this 12th day of Aug.
17^1 "by me
John pye Eecorder
(60) July 9th 17^1
Savannah Ss.
We the Grand Jury for our Sovereign Lord the King do upon our
Oaths present Thomas Jones one of the Baylifs of the Town aforesaid,
for that since the hegining of J'une last he the Said Jones did hear
Thomas Upton of said Town, profanely Curse and Swear, and threatned to
punish him for so doing hut neglected to put the Statute in force in
that Case made and provided. Contrary to the peace of our Sovereign
Lord the King Ms Crown and Dignity
A True Bill
William Stephens Esq^r. ) True Copy
Francis Harris ) Taken this 12th
William Russell ) day of Aug. 174l
I/illiam Thompson ) hy me
John Stack ) Jolm Pye Eecorder
31 (60)
H.B. llie above nemed Will; Stephens was never called on as a Witness
nor does he know any thing of that matter
(6l) July 9th 1741
Savannah Ss
We the Jurors for our Sovereign Lord the King do on our Oaths
present William Stephens Ssqr. for contemptiously refusing to attend
this Grand J^rry being this day required to give Evidence for our
Sovereign Lord the King; Contrary to the atatfcgatx Statutes in that
Case made and provided; and to the peace of our Sovereign Lord the
Kind his Crown and Di^iity
- a True Bill -
John Birr ton
True Copy taken this 12th day of Aug.
1741 by me
John Pye Eecord.er
For the Truth of this, the above named Will; Stephens desires to
refer to his Journal, and the several particulars tnerein mentioned, of
the 7th 8th & 9th of July.
32 (64)
Mr. Tho. Jones out of a proceeding at Frederica wrote to Col. Stephens
24 July 1741 Eecd. hy the Trustees 28 Sephr. 1741
On Mondi-y the 19th of Jany. last, genl. Oglethorpe sent for me
to his Lodgings at Mr. Hawkins's house in Frecerica, where being come
he told me th^t Dsvid Fellows One of his V/ater men had been taken up by
a Warreut, Imprisoned, and Obliged to find S'ureties on the Oomplpint of
Sam. Perkins That he ha,d sent for David Fellows in order to have him
Examined on Oath about the affair, and that he would have me to be
present at the Examination I humbly beged lea.ve to declare my Senti
ments, That if his Excellency intended to take on himself the trouble
of enquiring into aiad determining affairs of that Ilature, Suoh as
breaches of the Peace, and private Quarrells, which had been determined
before by a Magistrate of the place; It wo^xld be more advisable to send
for the Magistrate end take his Report of the Matter as the Same
appeared before him; in the first place; And if the Magistrates Deter
mination in the Affair should be thought wrong; That then the Compleinant sho^xld be heard The General said tha,t Samuel Perkins was
a such a Rogue That he would not Stick at forswearing himself in any
Affair that concerned him.
David Fellows being come, declared (Robt. Patterson was
Orderd to write wh^t he Spoke, as the Deposition of David Fellows) That
Yesterday being Simbay about nine in the morning he went to Mr.
Perkins's house and was in Company with Mr. Perkins's Maid in the
Kitchen, when Mr. Perkins came down and desired him to go out of his
House, for that he would not allow him to keep Conpanj with his (65)
Maid, He (Fellows) refusing to go then, Perkins pushed him up the
33 (65)
Stairs, and took hold of him hy the hadr of his head That then he
struck Perkins, whereupon Perkins sent for Eohinson the Constahle,
who came and told this Deponent That he must go with him taking hold
of him hy the Coat, hut that He (fellows) Struck PLohinson and got
ax-/ay from him That in the Evening He (Fellows) was apprehended hy
Eohinson hy Virtue of A Warrant from John Calwell end carried first to
the Lo^ouse. That Eohinson Struck him with the hut end of his
Musquett, and afterwards being carried before Mr. Cadwell, He was
obliged to enter into Eecognizance with Sureties to Ansv.'er the Com
plaint of Perkins end the Constable at the Next Court And that Mr.
Calxrell convicted him of SxHxkHX Drunlceness end fined him 5 Shillings,
tho he was not Drunk Calvrell was then sent for, And asked how he
durst convict a. Man for being Drunk when the Man and other persons
swore he wps not drunk Calwell said he convicted him on his own
Confession, for Asking him the Eeason why he insulted Mr. Perkins in
his own house and Struck him, and afterwards Struck the Constable who
came to keep the peace Fellows said Thai he was then so Drunk that
he knexiT not what he said or did David Fellows denied that he said
any Such Words Mr. Calwell said that there were five or Six of the
Nei^hours present at the time when fellows said so, whom he heleived
must remember what he said, and would declare upon oath if required,
what they knexir The General then directed That what they knew should
be brought him in writing (66) Upon Oath Calwell returned in a Short
time, and brought with him an Affidavit in writing Signed by foxir or
five of the Freeholders who were present at Mr. Calv^ells and heard
David Fellows declare the Same as mentioned by Mr. Calwell The
3^ (66)
a SajaaEraiJc General having read the Affidavit seemed greatly displeased,
and Said they were all foresworn, and tha.t this was Perkinss managemt.
Eien Asked Calwell whj;" he dnrst Convict a Man of Dninlceness, on his
h own Confession which could not he Justified hy any Law: I then
heggd leave to acquaint his Excellency, That I was well assured tne
Statute of K. Wm. Directed the Conviction of Drunkeness to he on the
Confession of the party, the Oath of Witnesses, or View of the Magis
That If I might he allowed to declare my thoughts, I could not
Conceive wherein Mr. Calv:ell had acted Amiss vinless it was in not
acquainting his Excellency with the matter of the Complaint before he
had Issued a Warrant. As to that Calwell said He had been twice that
day before he would grant A Warrant to Wait on his Excellency in order
to Acquaint him there\'d.th, But coTzld not prevail with his servants to
go in and tell his Excellency. During this Examination (which con
tinued several hovirs) I often attempted to go out, hut was Orderd to
Stay, where I heard and observed such Rancour, and such manifest
c partiality, which I desire to forget, and hope the Affair v'ill he
buried in Oblivion, I could not forbear intreating his Excellency
to hear what Mr. Perkins, and Robinson the Constable had to Alledge in
their ovm Justification, And that (6?) if his Excellency had so bad an
Opinion of them that their Words or Oaths were not to be Credited, Yet
Several others of the WeighboTirhood could give some account of this
Affair being Bye, or Ear Witnesses of the whole That I heard it
reported. That Mr. Perld.ns had often in a Eriendly Calm manner forbid
David Fellows coming to his Maid servant under a pretence of woing her
when it was well knoim he had a Vi'ife living in England, And that
Fellows did Spy Ke would get Drunk on purpose and then go to Perkins's
house that he might Quaxrell with him.
Eohinson was soon after discharged from his Office of Constahle,
and another appointed in his Room, Calwell is not yet Suspended from
Acting as Sayliff, hut Thoinas Msriott, a Young Man of 19 years of Age,
Servant to the General, is appointed Second Bayliff Perkins's Case
is Such that I am not willing to mention But David Fellows had his
pay Augmented to three pounds month.
Steward a Soldier, and Crawford a Ranger, being Sent for to
prove that Fellows was not drunk and Sworn, were Interrogated
hliether they were in Compan;/' with David Fellows on Sunday morning
drinking, and whether they were driinl?:, declared that they drank with
him at Davisons between Seven and eight a Clock that morning a Pot of
Beer, and one pint and half Wine, and then parted with him. That they
were not drunk, nor did he appear to be drunk when he went away from
them (68) Then one Scrugs a Ranger voluntarily appeared And made
oath That he Saw Robinson the Constable when he wa.s carrying Fellows
towards the Logg house (upon Fellows seeming unwilling to go along)
Strike him with the Butt end of his Musquett, and that the Blow sound'd
on his Breast bone. Which he hard sound tho at some considerable dis
tance from him Fellows being asked whether the Blow h\irt him.
Said he never had received so violent a Blow in his life, and put his
hand on his left pap. Then the General said, it is evident the poor
man was hurt, and it may be his death, which any one may See by his
Breast being Swoln and Bruised I stood up and looked on that part of
36 (68)
his Breast, which he said was hurt, and also on the other side. And
asked him if he v/as certain he was struck on that Side, "both sides were
alike, for there was no Sw'elling, nor were either side discoloured "by
any Bruise The General said that he might notwithstanding lieve a
Eih broke, for many one had been killed by a Blow given, tiio no out
ward marks of violence appeared.
b Tile General asked Bellows, would you have sufferd Per}d.n*s or
Eobinson at any otlier time to have used you so? I know you are a
Brave fellow and if you pleased could have beat them to some purpose as
they deserved hat Perkins.* to Say You must not come to his House
a Vagrant, You are a Man of better Eeputation than he. He would not
have had a iiouse to put his (69) head in, in Georgia, if it had not
been for me Nor could he have had any house in England but at the
Kings providing, a Goal; He hoped to see him want Bread.
a In a Bay or two after, Attending his Excellency, He expressed
great uneasiness. That Perd.ns was repairing his House, representing
him and his Wife as the most infamous and abandoned Wretches living.
That he would never allow any person who had any dependance on him, So
much as to converse with them I intreated his Excellency to pardon
me, in telling him, that I had reason to believe that he was misinformed
in the Account he gave of them (when living in London, Bor that I knew
Mrs. Perkins from her Childhood, Her Father (now living) Eoger Ubank
was ny near Neighbour, and Friend, And was a person of considerable
Substance, and of good reputation, As was her Unkle Mr. Thomas bank
who lived and dyed at Hampstead, And had bequea.thed her by V/ill 200 L,
which I knew had been pe.id to her. But did not know what her father had
37 (69)
given towards her portion, Eiat She had oeen well Educated, and was
always esteemed to be a modest Chast Woman, As to Mr. Perkins I had
no other Acquaintance v?ith him in London, Than as I knew him to be a
Livery man of the City, of the Coach makers, and I had by his Patlier in
Law, Mr. Fbank sought for his Friendship and Acquaintance on some
b particular Occasions The General then said. That he had an Acct.
given him upon Oath, That Perkins had la,tely declared. That he, the
General, v/as (70) was an Oppressor, and paid no body and that he
(Perkins) had endea.vo^I^ed to engage the Townsmen And Soldiers to
destroy him At the same time (pulling a paper out of his pocket) I
told his Excellency that v/hat Perkins ha,d said and done, if true, was
an Offence of that nature as required an imedisle Enquiry into, and the
Severest punishment That I hoped his Excellency woiild not delay
taking Cognizance thereof, being a matter where his own preservation,
as well as the publick Safety was concerned,
a The General then sent for Eobert Patterson, \yho being come, v/as
asked v?hat he heard Perkins say Eacis Patterson seemed to be in
great Confusion, and with many hesitations, at length declared, That
Perkins came to his house, and said the General was very -unjust, and
wo\ild not pay him v/hat was justly due to him. That it behoved the
Inhabitants to represent their Grievances unless they had a mind to be
ruined And that he asked him (Patterson) v/hetlier he would joyn with
When Ps.tterson was gone, having desired his Excellency to allow
me freedom to Speak my mind, I told him, That I had observed that a
person (in Ordinary life) who v/as inquisitive after every thing Spoken
ill of him, passed his tiae very indifferently, In tha-t he put it in
the power of every Insignificant Eneny to disq\uet him That many
mens tongues were so unruly, end their thoughts so variable, that one
should not lay too great a Stress upon any present Speeches and
Opinions That as to what Patterson (71) had now reported concerning
Perkins, there Vvas reason to' Suspect the Truth of what he Said For
that he minced and palliated the Acet, which he had given of the matter
in writing That it seems improbable; That Perkins would come to his
house, on such an Errand Unless he had come with design tlmt
Pattersons should acquaint your Excellency with it. For it is well
known at Frederica whal Opinion Perkins and others ha,ve of Patterson
His Excellency seeming to be displeased at what I said I proceeded
That v/hen I came to Frederica I was often in Company vdth !?r.
Patterson (being the person to keep the Store Acets.) He one day came
to me at Mr. Moors house, and called me a Side, telling me as a
Secret, That he was just come from a Wedding, where he acted the part
of a Father, that he gave Mrs. Beck in Marriage to Capt. V7ood, And that
they were married by Mr. McLeod the Minister of Darien (He told the
Same Story as a Secret to Several others) mentioning some part of the
Conversation he had with Capt. Ifood and Mr. McLeod at Woods house.
Sometime after I was told by Mr. McLeod, that he had not married Capt.
Wood, nor was he present at their Wedding, nor in Conpany with Patter
son at Woods house Capt. Wood assured me that they were married
several days before the time mentioned by Patterson, by t>ie Eevd. Mr.
Norris, and tha,t Patterson was not at their Wedding I desired his
Excellency to send for Patterson, to know what could induce him to
39 (71)
invent (?2) Invent Fslshoods, which could not he advantsgious to him
self nor he a pleasure to any other, neither could it answer any other
end, unless keeping his Faculty in use; The General said he would tell
him of it I then said. That this with a, late flagrant Instance of
his keeping a Bawdy house obliged me to think and Speak of him as one
of the most ignominous Wretches living. Whose words could not he relied
on Who could have no iysx tyes of honour or Checks of Conscience to
restrain him, especially in those covert Evidences, when the person
accused has no opportunity of vindicating himself. For it is very
naturall to think that he suffers his private passions into those
Eiajcix clandestine Informations, that he agravates every word and
Circumstance of the matter he relates, pervents what is well meant,
and misrepresents whats indifferent
T. J
(7^) Col. Stephens to Ld. Egmont Received 28 Wovhr.
Savannah l4th July 1741
Ky Lord
You favours to me are so abundant, and youn Benevolence so
Extensive, that really I am at a Loss how to esqsress my Sense of them.
I purposed to have given yovr Lordship the trouble of discharging a
few of those thoxights that lie Brooding next ray heart, in a Letter, by
this Opportunity of Capt. Thomson; But indeed the present confused
State we are driven to, thro the w^orking of our daily opposers in all
40 (74)
things, renders it inqjrecticable in me to preserve that Seda.teness of
temper requisite, when I would mahe my Address to a person of your
dignity; And I find it a. Sufficient task, to maintain presence of
mind enough to Steer right, thro those dangerous Courses that the
Colonys Enemies (Such I must henceforward look upon them to he) are
continually shaping out for us.
Allow me therefore My Lord, now, only to Say, that the first
Boat going hence for Charles Town, shall hardly pass, without somev/hat
more from me than I am capable of writing, ditring the flutter of
Spirits at present upon me: and Capt. Thomson goes hence this Evening;
hy whom I send, what I am also ashamed to do, only (75) one small
a Gallon Bottle of the Honey of this Country; and one small Box of about
a peck of Cassini leaves: what more of each I hadL bespoke among the
Indians, and thought my Self sure of, I failed in; but in time only;
for I understand they got it ready and neglected an opportunity of
sending it to me; So I expect it every day: And if our Potter can keep
his word possibly Cassini Tea might relish not the w-orse in GeorgiaChina.
I beg leave to Salute your Lordship with an unfeigned respect
and to profess my self alw'ays
My Good Lord
Your most Obedient and most
Ealthfull humble Servt.
Will; Stephens
Extract of Mr. James Hs,T3ershains letter to the Eevd. Mr. George
Bethesda ^ 1 Sept. 1741
Hono-ur*d & dear Sir
Letters from Friends in Carolina and elswhere acquaint us, what
un-accountahle Calumnies have "been industriously Spread abroad con
cerning our Institution; and Several of them, vmen I was last in
Charlestown, desired me to publish a brief Account of the State of our
a Affairs. I was then enclined to comply with their Request, esnecially.
upon Seeing a Paragraph in the narrative of Georgia, full of unjust
reflections upon the Orphan House: but as I could not then remember
every circumstance pai'ticularlj', I deferd writing till I got to
Georgia. Since I came here, it has been doubtfull to me, whether we
ought to answer for our Selves, or leave God to answer for us; but am
now induced to think it expedient, as we are comended by the Apostle,
to rovide Thirigs honest in the 5i>:ht of all Men. Likewise, many tha.t
wish well to Zions cause, and are err Benefactors, and possibly have
no opportunity of being otherwise informd about us, may hereby
recieve Some Satisfaction, & be enabled to Stop the mouths of GainSayers.
b Our Affaire have prosperd, blessed be God,/iaz beyond our ex
pectations. We have Seen, and do daily See, much of Gods fatherly
care in providing for and protecting us; and tho we have no visible
Fund, yet v;e doubt not, but he tha.t has beg\in will carry on and per
fect his Work against every opposition.
42 (77)
(( & perhaps subsequent lines? ))
(First line/of this paragraph on page 76 is cut off.) about us
lacked; Our Stores are now pretty fax Sjient, but Gods hand is not
Shortend, and we are persuaded, He will Supply us in due time. Our
Buildings and necessary Conveniencies are now near complested.
Charlestown being burnt dovm, called for So many bricks, and the
Spaniards taking the Schooner employ'd to bring them, has hincerd our
being Supnlyd with a Sufficiency to carry up the chimneys, otherwise
We Should ha.ve finish'd our Building before this time; However, thanks
be to the great Builder, the Orphan house is So far finishd, tlaat we
make use of and iniiabit every part of it.
Hone but those that have ejcperiencd it, can possibly tell what
difficulties we have gone through, in erecting this Institution. Proa vision is very dear, and Some times, as now, very Scarce. Most of the
Inhabitants, except the Saltsburghers having left the Golonj", our
Supplyes of that nature are brought to us from other Provinces. Work
men of all kinds have great wages, and as we are denyed the use of
llegroes, we are obliged to employ white men in planting, who are not
able on the present footing to defray their V/ages & victuals.
Oirr family now consists of 84- Persons, Men Women & children, and
19 more employed about us, and 5 the Infirmary. The latter have a
Doctor, and nurse, and all other necessaries found them gra.tis at the
Orphan house Expence. We have 5^ Children, 32 of them belong to the
Colony, 6 to Purysburg, who are I think as gre^t objects of charity as
any in Georgia, and the rest belong to the neighbouring Provinces, v/ho
are Orphans and objects (next and perhaps subsequent lines are here cut
off) (78) Parents claarge. Me have a Taylor and Shoemaker, likev/ise
43 (78)
2 V/eavei-s, eacli of them got a Loomh, hut we can hut employ One,
Spinning here being extravagantly dear, tho we hope in a Short time,
to Spin as much v;ithin OTir Selves as will greatly assist in clothing
the / Family.
a God blesses our Cattle, we have upwards of 100 head Small &
great, and Shall be able in a year or tvro to kill a quantity.
Ssqpsx Negroes not being allowed, and labour coming So e3q)ensive, we can make but little Improvment in Farming. Kiis year we hafe
planted upward of 20 Acres of Land, and have clear'd 20 Acres more for
the convenience of Air, and blessed be God, tho we have had a very dry
Sea.son, yet we cannot complain with many others, of a bad crop. /
(84) 7 Oct. 1741 & 9 Nov. 1741 Commission to Tho. Stephens to be
Agent for the Malecontents
Georgia. At a Meeting of landholders Settlers and Inhabitants at Savannah
the 7th Day of October in the Fifteenth year of the Reign of our
Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain,
France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. And the year of our
Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Forty one
Whereas many of his Majestys Subjects who have settled in and
are belonging to the Province of Georgia have as well singly an in
Joint numbers from Time to Time presented to the Trustees for Estab
lishing the Colony divers Remonstrances, Representations and Petitions
with Repeated Complaints of Grievances which have never been effectually
44 (84)
redressed. And whereas for want of timely remedies to the Evils set
forth in the said Eepresent?>tions &c being applied the said province
is greatly deserted by many of her Inhabit-^nts by P.eason of the
Restrictions that/HsaiEB: them wholly incapable of Raising Provisions
for their Support and whereby those who still remain in the said Pro
vince are unable to Subsist themselves and Families by Cultivation as
are some of them barely in any simpe We whose names are hereunto
Subscribed being Settlers and Inhabitants of the said Province are un
animously of opinion that in Order to the effectually settling and
Establishing the said. Province and to remove all those Grievances and
Hardships we now labour und.er it is expedient for us to appoint an
Agent for Representing, Transacting and Solliciting in Great Sritain
those affairs of so great Importance Wherefore Mr. Thomas Stephens
being thought by us a Person fitly qualified for the said purpose in
Behalf of our Selves and many others (85) of his 'lajestys poor
distressed Subjects nov/ residing in and belonging to the said Province
We do hereby constitute and appoint the said Thomas Stephens and he is
nominated and declared Agent to represent and transaxt the Affairs
aforesaid. And further it being necessary that We the said Inhabitants
or some of us do correspond with the said Thomas Stephens We do in
Behalf of our Selves and and others aforesaid hereby nominate and
appoint William Sfaardirwec&B Vfoodrooffe, Thomas Ormston, Peter Morell,
Joim lyndall, and William Ewen, or any three of them to correspond v/ith
the said Agent and he is hereby impower^d and Authorised to pursue such
Instructions as he shall from time to time received from the said per
sons hereby appointed to Correspond with him in Relation to the
^5 (85)
Con^laints of G-rievsnces of the people in the aforesaid Colors of
Georgia, And this Appointment to remain in full force and Virtue during
the Pleasure of the said Inhahitents
Given under our hands at Savannah the day and year above written
James Anderson
Gaspan Aughler
Thomas Bailie
Peter Baillou
James Baillou
Will: itHik Boxbo
Giles Beeu
Andrew Bell
Peter Seller
Ja. Bland
Jo. Peter Briton
(86) David Gainder
Hen. Green
Semi. Goff
Will. Grickson
Charles Grimaldi
Eoht. Hainks
John Heirinmen
Gaspar Herhurgh
Jacob Herba.
Ja. Houston
Ja. Jensack
Michi. Burgholder
Edwd. Bush
Geo: Buncle
Thomas ^ Clyat
James Campbell
Ant. Camuse
Jacob Curie
Christian Dasher
Will: Davy
Thomas Dawson
James Dodds
V/ill. Meers
Tho. Morris
Hen. Moulton
Thomas Neal
Tho. Ormston
Jemes Papot
Will. Pendrick
Jo. Penrose
Alexr. Rose
Simon Eouviere
Thomas Salter
Jo. Dudding
Andrew Duchee
William Slbert
Tho. Egerton
Tho. Ellis
John Evans
Will. Ev/en
John Eallowfeild
Elisha Forster
Walter Fox
Tho. Frazer
SxxogE George Tyrrel
Thomas Upton
Tho. Webb
Ja. White
Willm. Woodroofe
Tho. Young
Tho. Yo-ung.
46 (86)
Peter Joubert
Jo. Kelly
Jpmes Landry
John Landry
Tloo. Lee
Hen: Loyd
Sami. Lyon
Jo. Lyndall
Ant. Machridge
Danl. Macdonald
Farqtiar Macgilvery
Peter Mallier
Jacoh Mathews
Mathew Mauve
Hi. Me1lichan^
James Scot
Jo. Sellie
Jo. Smalley
Jo. Smith
David Snook
Tho. Sparnel
Will Henhouse
Geo. Stephens
Josua Stringer
Joseph Summers
Stephen Tarrion
Tho. Tihbut
Jo. Teasdale
Tho. Tripp
Jacob Truan
Charles Tovm 9th Hovemher 1741
The within Appointment vras signed "by us whose names are Under
written being Settlers and Landholders of Georgia and at present in
(8?) Hugh Anderson
Tho. Eaillie
Harry Suckly
Joseph flannon
Sami. Davison
Janes Dean
Adrian Loyer
Jo. Macleod
Alexr. Monro
Sami. Perkins
Geo. Philip
Alexr. Eentowl
John Scot Ja. Watson.
Jo. Spellbegler
Will. Stirling
Patrick Tailfer
Alexr. Taylor
Oliver Upsal
47 (87)
Philip Dela^al
Pre. Beltrass
Edwd. Jenkins
Alexr. Reynolds
Will. Eigdea
Jo. Roherson
Jo. Vakefeild
Joseph Wardrope
Jo. Vjarwick
(88) Extract of a letter from lir. Martyn 3olzius at Eoenezer in
Georgia 20th Oct. 17^1. Reed. 18 Feby.
To Mr. H. Hewnan
A Merchant ia Suspnrg, Mr. Von Mimnick, who has been very kind
heretofore to our Congregation, has desired me to send Mm Several
Seeds as the Natural groiirth of our Country for Curiosity, which I have
packet up in a little Box, marked with M A, and took the freedom to
direct it to you begging the favour of you to deliver the Box with the
inclosed letter to the Revd. I4r. Zeigenhagen. The Bearer is in a
great hurry for going to England, which hinders me from writing to you
a more fully, and shall be done by next opportunity. Great Inundations
have spoiled many Crops la Carolina and Georgia this Fall, hence it is,
that Provisions of all kinds are very Scarce and exceeding dear, but
b we have Reason to thank God for his Gracious Preservation, o'Ur Fields
being not much overflovm by the high Rivers, and where it happened the
detriment was but very tolerable. So that nobody will want this year at
our place, Our Corn Mills Bam is by the high and very Strong freshes
undamaged, but will be repaired the Stronger, as soon as the River
v;ater is Lower to let the Builders come to the foundation of the Dam.
My Fellow labo'urer, Mr. Gronau, my Self, and Families enjoy pretty good
48 (88)
c health, lut some of oxuc people axe Sometimes troubles by an Inter
mitting Fever, which is almost the only Sickness of our place, v/hich
however has been ten^erated very m-uch to our best. Mr. Gronau gives
his humble Service to you, which I humbly desire (89) to be acceptable
to you of
Dear Sir
Your most obedt. and very
humble servant
John Martin Bolzius
Please to direct your Letters and
Packets for us to Mr. William
Hopton, Merchant at Charles Tovm,
who is Col. Stephens's very great Correspondent.
(94) Frederica 12 Hov. 1741
Distributed the 6OOO VOiite Miilberry Trees, being Purchased of Pat.
Graham of Josephs Town on the Sa.vannah River 1^ each.
To Capt. MarkCarr. 500 Trees
To Dr. Thos. Hawkins. 500 Do.
Planted and directed to be planted at )
). 1200 Do.
Gascoigns Farm )
At Frederica Farm, ly way of Hurseiy )
).38OO Do.
for the Inhabitants ) _
Tot. 6000
Distributed to the above
Jos: Fitzwalter
49 (96)
Col. Oglethorpe to Mr. Verelts rec^. 29 March 1742
Frederica in Georgia 7 Pec. 1741
In April 1740 I pursuant to his Majestys Commands orderd Troops
to he raised, Amongst them a Company of Boatmen (the Estahlishment of
which I then sent over the Copy enclosed) hut not being ahle to unite
them into a Company not having time to get men sufficient, I saved the
appointments of Commissionec Officers having only Serjeants or Cock
swains. Before November the Boatmen being out of their time being
engaged for only four months, and by reason of the dangerous Situation
of this place from the Spaniards which made men unwilling to enlist
here, I appointed Captain Carr in October Capt. of the Conpany and
orderd him to raise Eecruits in Virginia for the Compan,Y of Boatmen,
to which for raising the men the easier, I gave the Name of the Marine
Company of Boatmen. Captn. Carr accordingly raised men in Virginia and
Major Heron, Some few in Charles Town being only able to get eight
there. This CoraT)8ny has been of great Service for we thereby ha.ve been
enable to Garrison a Place upon the Main, where Captn. Carrs plantation
was burnt by the Spanish, and a Guard of ours cut off, and also to keep
our Communication open v;ith the Islands, without making the Soldiers
row in Boats and dispersing the Regiment in Boats. When Captn. Carr
was in Virginia the Vlinter came on so hard that he co\xld not get back
nor have any Communication vrith us, which obliged him to drew upon you
from Virginia for i 100 for Subsisting the Eecruits of said Company of
Boatmen, The said Bill was payable to Taylor and Tucker, nothing but
50 (96)
necessity would have obliged him to have done this, and I find by yo-urs
it has had the (9?) Ill effect which v/as natural to Expect from it
since thereby the Ministry as well as you have been apt to beleive that
this vras a New Espence of Levys made by me upon my own head, whereas in
reality it was no other than part of the pay of those who was Orderd to
be le-vyd p-ursxusnt to his Majestj''s commands for the Seige of Augustine,
and the necessity for the defence of this Province having made it as
needfull to continue them as to raise them, I did not dare disband
them, having received no Orders for reducing what \ms raised. And if
this pro-vince had been lost for want of their Assistance, I could not
have ansiverd reducing the men to his Majesty. The Oase of the Hangers
and Highland Company is much the Same.
I therefore orderd all to be recruited, the full Establisrat.
made a Saving which is the fund for defraying the Charge of the He -
emits. The f-ull Establislnnent of the Coiipany of Boatmen from the Seige
of Augustine for the first Six months you vd.ll see of which there was a
Ss.ving upon the Commission Officers Pay as I mentioned before. Erom
1 Oct. 1740 the Company began at the low pay, which you will see
according to the Establishment, and thereby you will find that I have
not drawn for near as much as the pay of this Conroany of Boatmen amounts
to, having subsisted the otlier part of the Company by means of the
Provision &c, which I drew for, for they are paid to this time, and
having not been able entirely to conpleat them, I was forced to keep
other Boatmen at an advance Pay. I hope this Account will enable you
to explain the matter, I send you Capt. Carrs (98) Certificate that the
Company was paid and cleared to Day of
51 (98)
I also have drawn upon you for the payment of the Sloop and
Schooner, It is very dangerous to write the Strength of what is sup
ply d here, since letters are often Intercepted hy the Eneiqj'-, however I
may say in this letter what I shall give you more particular Accts. hy
a Sure hand. Besides the Regular Troops, it was absolutely necessary ^
to keep up the two troops of Rangers raised for the Seige of St. Augus
tine, also the Highland compary and the Compan;r of Boa^tmen as well as
Garrisons at Port Augusta,, at Mount Pleasant, at Mount Venture and
fortify different places; The Prizes taken off Charles Town Ba. r shows
that the Men of VTar could not he spared from thence, and tha,t two were
not sufficient to Protect that Trade, and if we had not Vessels to
Defend us in shoal water, think what must become of a Frontier Settle
ment. These Vessels have already forced one of the Enemys Sloops on
Shore, and we Engaged th^t Privateer which did so much mischief, and
forced him over the Barr, insomuch tha.t it v/as six weeks before he was
again fit for Sailing.
The Fortifications and building Barracks for the Company removed
from St. Andrews are a continual Expence, this, I have paid weekly and
have not drawn particularly for them, but shall send you an Acct. of
them. The Barracks are built with lyme and Mortar and are 90 feet
Square they are now finished, except the flooring the Officers Rooms.
There is continually a Body of Indians employed (99) by me
acting against the Spaniards of St. Augustine they have Straitned that
place extreamly and frequently bring in prisoners here, amongst the
last was a Lieut, of Horse belonging to that Garrison, by name Don
Romualds Ruiz del Moral Kephew to the last Governor, the Entertaining
52 (99)
the Indiens is very Bsqpensive hut they are absolutely necessary.
I am mighty unwilling to make any Sjqjence, much less would I
venture to pretend to or make use of an unlimited Credit since you
know I Draw upon my own Credit first, and it is in the/SastgaisKi of the
Government to reimburse me, I make no expence but what are absolutely
necessary, and Employ all I have for his Majesty in his Service, You
know that all my appointments are paid to you to Answer the Eills which
I draw and lay out for the Service here; as for my own personal Expences
they are mighty inconsiderable. The Expences of Vessells, Indians &ca.
are so necessary tha,t we could not hold the Country without them; If I
did not drew for them how must I answer the Loss of it by the want of
their Assistance.
It is a great misfortune to me to have no Accountant, for these
things would appear very plain if I had, when I came out of England I
depended upon Mr. Jones, but he is so taken up at Savannah that he
cannot Spare time to come to my Assistance, You knoiii' I do not understand
Accts. my Self, besides the Crowd of other Business end Service prevents
my having time. Moore as you know is not an Accountant or bred Book
keeper (lOO) Bookeeper, Besides which he has took such a turn as Mr.
Carteret can inform you that of a long time he has been of little Ser
vice to me.
As I look upon holding the Province to his Majesty to be of the
utmost Importance I Risque every thing for it, end the Spaniards for
the same Reason strive all they can to destroy me, as well by enploying
Agents in Stirring up lyes and Calumneys against me to lessen my Reputartion at home as by open Force.
53 (100)
Tiiere is nothing puts me under more difficulty thran the wanting
a Direct Correspondent to England, Seven out of Eight Letters hy
diaries Tovm. miscarrys. I send a Letter enclosed to Sr. Rohert and am
Your very humble Servt.
James Oglethorpe
P. S.
I send you enclosed the list of the Sxpences I daily pay and
have discharged, besides contingences, the Ainount you have of the
Several Establishments sent over by different occasions, and I dare not
send them by this, least they should fall into the hands of the Enemys.
I send you enclosed the Certificates of the Sloops &ca.. I desire you
vrauld deliver the Enclosed to Sr. Robert of which I send you a Copy
tha,t you may apply accordingly
James Oglethorpe
(101) Col. Oglethorpe to Sr. Robert Walpole arrived 29 March 17^2
Frederica in Georgia 7 Dec. 17^1
The fear that I pjd under of taking up your time ifhich is so
very precious makes me not venture to trouble you frequently, but
necessity of the affairs here, now oblige me to do so.
Ever Since the raising the Seige of St. Augustine I have
employd partys of Indians to keep the Spaniards Blocked up which
5^ (101)
they hE,ve done effectually, Ihe last party "brought in a Spanish Lieut,
of Horse Prisoner.
From Augustine they fitted out Privateers who were hut too
Successful!, I v.Tote to the Men of V/ar at Charles Town hut as they very
rightly informed me they v;ere obliged to Cruize off that port, and two
"Vessels v;ere not sufficient to do tha,t Service and Cruize off St.
Augustine also, I v;p,s forced therefore to fit out some small Vessels
as I acq.uainted you for defending this Province and keeping this Comm'onication openp-iirsuant to his Majestys 0r6.ers I raised wlrat I could in Georgia
for the Seige of St, Augustine, and as they were raised, I thought I
could not reduce them without Orders. I did my Self the Honour of
vrriting to you, as also to his Grace the Duke of llewcastle t^jon it, hut
as I received no Answer continued them, and have drawn at different
times Bills, and have paid and Subsisted them.
After the people of Carolina, and the Men of War v;ere drawn
off, I fortified as v/ell as I could all the out Posts and this Place,
and am still going on with the works, and pay the Workmen constantly,
which I did being satisfied that you woTild approve of it, and that I
could never Justify letting his Kajestys troops he exposed (102) without
v/orks upon a Frontier so near the Snemys, v/hilst the Terrour the
Spaniards were in from the Seige gave me an opportunity to Fortify. I
orc'erd Mr. Verelst to v:ait upon you v;ith the Accounts of every thing,
hut fear many of iny letters have been intercepted.
By the Seige of St. Augustine and the measures since token as
above we have prevented the Spaniards doing any thing considerable
55 (102)
agpinst this province, or Cerolins, noti.-ithstanding the Strength of
that Gerrison of Augustine and the Encouragement they have from the
0- great numher of Negroes, near forty thousand in Carolina, who would
he either an Assistance to the Invader or a. Prize worth near eight
hTjndred thousandj^ poTonds Sterling to them.
I am perswaded you will excuse my taking up your time, since it
is from my Zeal for acquainting you with the true Situa,tion of this
Country, The continuing those raised for the late Seige is so absolutely
necessairy that no one can think Troops upon a Frontier should he reduced
when the Fleet withdrew the Carolinans quitted us and the Gari'ison of
Augustine Axigmented, for if we did not keep in the Garrison of Augus
tine the open Country and plantations of Carolina would he soon aban
doned as the Villages in Georgia were on the first breaking out of the
War, and if we once quit the Frontier, It is to he feared not only the
Indians, hut the ITegroe Slaves wo\ald revolt, and the Spanish Indians at
least would destroy the people in Carolina as they formerly did.
Without the continiiance of those additional men (103) raised
for the Seige, and covering the Country, our CommTonication would
entirely he cut off both with Carolina and the Indian Nations, and
worse Consequences might happen than I would care to mention.
If these are continued with the Augmentation you h^ve heen so
good as to obtain from his Majesty for the regular Troops, I do not
doubt to be enabled not only to keep this Province but even to improve
it though the War should continue, and whilst We hold the Spaniards
here eirployd all the rest of North America enjoys full liberty of
Cultvating the open Coxmtiy.
56 (103)
Give me leeve to return you my Sincerest tiianks for yo\ir Good
ness to my Self and the Officers here who were advanced pursuant to my
Recommendation, and all those who are advanced desire I would ask per
mission to assure you that they shall never forget your Goodness and
long to Show their Gratitude to his Majesty end Zeal for his Service.
Permit me Sir to entreat the favour of you that I may know if I
am to reduce the troops and Vessels and to dismiss the Indians, for
till I receive such orders I am in the greatest uncertainty, not daring
to reduce them without orders. Since I know the Consequence may "be
fatall to this part of his Majestys Dominions, and in continuing them
"being apprehensive that you would think the Esqjence great, and that
there might he some misunderstandings which may he of very ill conse
quence to ny own affairs.
I find my Friends in England have made a (104) great Expence at
the lest Election, much greater than I ever apprehended. Since I never
had an Exjiensive Election, and thought now I should have had no con
test, hut I find that the same Spirit of Calumny and Opposition which
is stirring in America is as Active in Europe, Give me leave Sir to
return you thanks for the Countenance you gave on this occasion And to
assure you there is nohody more sensible of your Goodness and with
more Atta.chment
Your most ohedt. humhle Servant
James Oglethorpe
To the Et. Konhle.
Sr. Eoht. Walpole
5? (105)
Mr. John Terry to Mr. Terelts reed. 29 March 17^2
Savannah ? Decemher 17^1
These few lines \irill inform you of our safe arrival in this
a Port on the 2d inst. without (thanlis he to God) any accident having
h happened to us in our Yoysge, all the Saltzhurghers which were Shiped
in London on Board of our Ship, landed here in very good health, not
one having died during the said Voyage, the Eecruits also were in a
c perfect state of health when they landed, as to the Highlanders we
lost 6 or Seven, children included, the rest landed here in ext^eam
good health.
I wish with all my heart it was in my power to give you so an
d agreeable an Account of the 172 Swisers n the Europa Captain John
Hadham who arrived here two days after us, forty or upwards died in
the Passage, And near as manj^' died since thej landed.
This is all I can have the honour to write to you at present. So
soon as I shall he at Frederica, shall send you a full account of our
Voyage with a Sketch of Captain/aiauanx Behaviour, the truth of the
Acet. I shall send you wall I hope he so well Certified as to leave you
no P-oom to douht the Veracity thereof. But if the said Capt./Simasx
should reach London before I send you such an Acet. Please Sir to sus
pend the forming of any Judgement on what he may say to you till such
tine you receive my packet.
Please Sir to present my duty to the Eonble. the Trustees and
make them acquainted with this. And my Service to Mr. Simpson and that
58 (106)
^ i/
*See Ja. Eatershams letter of
1 Sept. 17^1
Pthat my next will tring him an Acct. of the Pro-visions. I have teen
kept here till now at very large Sxpences, and as my presence is of no
further Service here, I expect to go to Prederica in 2 or 3 days, for
I long very much to get out of Savannah, for there are here human
Snakes, much more dangerous than the Eattle ones. Please Sir to con
tinue to favour me with your Esteem, my Endeavoui-s shall always te to
merit them, and shall ever Sutscrite w Self with the utmost Sincerity
and Respect
Yr. most okedt. and ham; Servt.
John Terry
The Genl. is gone on an Expedition
"before St. Augustine
To I4r. Harman Verelst
(107) Tke Revd. Mr. Geo. hitfeild to a friend.
Bristol 30 Dec. 17^1
Dear Sir
Herewith I Send you an Extract of a Paragraph about the Orphan
House, taken out of an Account of Georgia, l-tely publish'd in Charlestovm, by Messrs. Dougla.ss, Anderson & Tailfer, witn my *friends Answer
to it, who is Super-Intendt. of the Orphan House. I think my friends
ansv7er is pretty f-ull. Only I would add, that my last letters inform me
that my Eamily live & walk in Love, and I have as great a prospect of
59 (107)
the floiorishing of the house as ever. If v;e have no visible Fund we
hsve an invisible God to Support us. Him v;e dare trust. His honour is
a concerned. He will take care of us. I have not Seen the Account of
Georgia publish'd these Gentlemen, But if they have not been more
faithfull in the other parts of their narration than they have been in
this, they are not much to be credited. Several Untruths are inslntie,-
ted, and Some peremptorily asserted in it. That God may forgive them
this, and all their other Sins, is the hearty praj^er of
Yr. most affect, friend & Servant
Geo. Whitfeild.
Copy of the Paragraph mention'd above, publish'd at Charlestown in the
narrative of Georgia, by Doug'lass, Anderson & Tailfer.
b Ihe Orphan House is Situated about 14 miles S. E. of Savannah.
This famous Work was begpn in March 1740, and during the Space of 6
months tliere were about 100 Men women & children maintained, and
er^jloy'd about it: and according to their own (next line or lines have
been cut off) (108) But ever Since Mr. bliitfeild left Georgia, the
latter end of August the Same year, it has decayed apace. For besides
those he then carr5'''d northward with him, a great many have Since left
them; & their money growing Short, they were Soon obliged to discharge
many of their Workmen, besides of late many divisions have risen among
them. In Short, the design Seems to be drawiiig near to a period, altho
at this time the liouse is Scarce half finish'd.
It is b-uilt on a low Pine barren. Surrounded on one Side with a
60 (108)
large Tract of Salt-Marsh extending to Vernons River, to which they
have a psssage hy Water when the Tides axe up, for Saall craft. On the
other Side they are Siorrounded with Woods.
They have cleard ghout 10 Acres of land, and have huilt Several
Houses and Hutts. The Frame of the Orphan House is up, the Roof
Shingled, and the Sides weather hoarded. It is 60 foot in length, 8'.
40 foot wide. It has 2 Stories, Cellars, & garrets. The Cellars are
huilt with hrick, which also Serves for a Foundation to the wloole
It would certainly he a fine Work if finishd, hut if it were
finishd, where is the Fund for its Suruort? And what Service can an
Orphan loouse he in a desert & forsaken Colony?
(109) H. Parkers Affidavit, 3I Dec. 17^1
Copy of Mr. Bailiff Parkers voluntary Affidavit inclosed in a
Letter to his Excellency Genl. Oglethorpe from Coll. Wm.
Stephens dated 4th. January l?4l/2 at Savannah in Georgia.
Savannah Ss
Henry Parker one of the Bailiffs for Savannah aforesaid, being
duly Svvorn, deposed tha.t some time in June la.st, he this Deponent
having been frequently in the Company of Sr. Richd. Everard end others,
after some time observed hy the frequent discourse of the Said Sr.
Richard that his Design was to create Divisions and Animosities among
the Inhabitants of the Colony of Georgia, which occasioned this
61 (109)
Deponent to withdraw himself from the said Sr. Richards Conversation
and retire to his plantation out of Town. That on or ahont the 6th
daj'' of July last, this Deponent came to Savannah in Oi'der to he at a
Court which was held on the 7th day of July, and being at the house of
Mr. Abraham Minis, where he this Deponent then lodged. The aforesaid
Sir Richard came to enquire for him this Deponent, and after some discoiurse desired to speak with him in private, upon which this Deponent
took a t'orn or two in the Street with the said Sir Richard, it being
then night, v/here the said Sir Richard expressed a great uneasiness at
this Deponents withdrawing himself from the forementiond (llO) Con
versation declaring that he believed his large family and low Circum
stances was the means to oblige him this Deponent to Submit himself to
and Assist Old Jones (meaning Mr. Jones one of the Bailiffs) in order
to obtain a Subsistence, but if he wod. be advised by him it mi^t be
prevented. That he had a friend in tovm that was going to England in
Company with him (whereb;/ this Depont. understood he meant Mr. Hector
a Eeaufine) would assist him with a sum of money eq^oal to a years Sallary,
or any Sum farther that this Deponent should have occasion for. He
this Depont. replyed that neither his lov/ Circumstances nor large
family shod, make him Act in Conjunction with an;'- man contrary to
Justice and his own Reason, neither would he Submit himself to the
Controul of any man, which the receiving of such Sums of money miist
oblige him to. Upon which the said Sir Richard replyed, his Offering
it was purely to Serve him this Dexjonent, and nothing vas desired of
him but to suffer them to take their Revenge against Jones (meaning the
forementioned Mr. Jones) and not to interpose in his Behalf. But this
62 (110)
Deponent had then great Reason to helieve and is since well assured
that their design was not against the said Mr. -Jones, hut to destroy
the very foundation of the Colony'-. After meny other discourses of the
like nature the said Sir Richard left this Deponent, only desiring him
to dine with him and some other friends the next day, from itohich this
Deponent excused himself. /The next morning being the forementioned
Seventh of July the said Sir Richard offer'd to Instruct him this
Deijonent in the Several duties of a Grand Jury, v/hich this Depont. had
great reason to helieve such Instructions were calculated for ill
designs, therefore rejected then and opposed Mr. Fallowfield, another
of the Bailiffs in putting such Instructions in Execution.
This Deponent further saith tha.t on the 12th of the said -July
as he was on his return from Savannah to his own home was overtaken on
a the road hy the foresaid Mr. Jno. Falloi-rfield and after some discourse
the said Fallowfield asked this Deponent if the foresaid Sir Ricliard
had not offer'd him some such sums of money as before mention'd, and
this Deponent replying in the affirmative, the sard Fallowfield used
many Arguments to perswade him to accept of the same, telling him it
vjas not to late yet, and fiorther said, he was Surprized how this
Deijonent could venture to walk the streets for fear of having his
Brains heat out hy the Inhabitants after jojTiing with Jones in dis
charging the Grand Jury, hut that might he amended hy taking the money
and Joyning with them in such prosecutions as they should bring on. And
in so doing, he this Deponent would obliged and he caress'd hy the
whole Inhabitants of Savannah, and this Deponent further saith that the
said Fallowfield told him Mr. Pat. Mackay wras to provide the money,
63 (in)
notwithstanding (112) it csjae throngh the hands of the aforesaid Mr.
Beaufine. And farther this Deponent saith not.
Henry Parker
Sworn at Savannah this 3I
of December 1741 before me
Tho; Jones
A true Coppy
Fras. Moore
(113) Proposals by James Lewis Camuse concerning the Silk Manufacture
Eecd. 20 Deer. 1?43
Savannah 31st Deer. 1741
Honourable Gentlemen
According to your Desire I lay before you ray proposal as I have
also acquainted the Honble. Trustees alrea(3y. I Suppose than an Annual
pension of Txv'o hondred pounds Sterling it will not be burthen to this
place, and as I am the first who Spined Silk here I am not doubtfull
of my Capacity to bring it to the best Quality as the Silk at Italy and
Piedmont. I hope your honrs. will grant me a Priviledge or Letter
Pattern to prevent any decay in the said Man-ufacture, and the same with
the said Person to be continued to any of my Family who sha.ll be able
to carry on the same work, a,s I am able to perform for the said
64 (113)
Msri.ufa,cture, Likewise the Trustees heve Orderd me foixr Apprentices,
hut I cant Instruct hut one at a time, so th^t Two will he sufficient
for the present, with one I hfve already' that is three, so for the
other Two I shall Two men, that they might Supply me with Wood and
Water, And all other necessaries for the said Manufacture, so that I
may not have no occasion of troubling you so often as I do at present;
Likewise Gentlemen ssDdfc as to keeping the Silk Worm, I am not obliged
to do it, for my Business is to wind off the Silk, therefore I will
keep them if so that I am allowed 2/3 and Supply me with leaves out of
the Trustees Garden, if not I keep none.
P. S. Gentlemen I humbly beg the favour of you, as touching
the Objections of the former Accounts, as the Trustees have referrd
to you in the last letter I received from them, therefore I hope you
will be so kind as to Consider of it. I am
Yr. humble Servant
James Lewis Camuse
(True Coppy)
(115) Parson Norris his Acct. deliverd to Jo. Barecroft I9 feby.
The Humber of Iniiabitants Exclusive of the Regiment &c. at Frederica
abt. Dec. 1741
Women .... 45
Girls .... 21
65 (115)
of the Men ( 23 )
( 17 ) are
(29 )
of the Women ( 22 )
( 3 ) are
( 20 )
(Landholders &g.
( late Treed Men and Boatmen
( Servants
Landholders V/ives &c.
( Widov-rs of Landholders
Ihe Ifumher of Actvial Communicants of the Church of England at Frederica
v;ere l6. of whom 6 laa.ve left the Colony.
Eie ITumher of those who profess themselves of the Chtirch of England
Exclusive of the Regiment and Children at Frederica.
Men 49
Women 23
The K\imher of Dissenters of all Sorts exclusive of the Regiment and
Children at Frederica
Men 19
Women 22
Papists 1
(117) Mr. Gronau to J-ir. Hen. NevTuan
Ehenezer 15 Jany. 1741-2
Dear Sir
66 (117)
Tour kind letter in duplicate of the 21 Julj, and another of the
15 Septemher last are come very safe to my hands, the Contents of which
encourages Us very much to Sing Praise and Halleluja to the Lord who
has graciously enabled and inclined the Honble. Trustees and Society to
bestow f new favours to our Settlement in sending over a New (Transport
for the encrease of our Settlement.
The Saltburgers arrived here all in very good hes-lth in the
Begining of last month, and are brought adready to the possession of
their respective lands. Some about the Tora, Some at Ebenezer Creek a
quarter of a mile from the Tovim, and some .join to the Plantations below
the Hill, and will have by joing Labour and good Correspondence in
Agriculture and Pasturage for Cattle the same conveniency which the
first Settlers have, if they follow as we believe they will, their
Example and Direction, and they vrill have the same Reason which we
have to give many Thanks to God by whose fatherly direction and
providence they are happily sent over and already Settled in our
retirement, for our and their Spiritual and tenporal Welfare.
May the Father of all mercy bless you and the very worthy
Members of the Society, for all the favours they have a new bestowed
upon the New and Old Settlers at Ebenezer, and may he by the inexhaustable Riches (118) of his mercy enable them to go happily on in
promoting the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Being acquainted in your
letter with the continued Favour of three Merchants in Venice who have
contributed some things towards the charges of the fourth Transport
from Germany to Eoterdam, We thought to be o\ir Duty to return them
hearty thanks for their Benefactions in that Letter, which we beg the
67 (118)
favour of you, you would le pleased to forwerd to the said Gentlemen
when you have occasion to send any thing to them. Mr. Vigera whom you
mentioned in a very kind manner lives with us in good health and is
very much pleased to he in this Eetirement. e douht not at all he
will he further very usefull to us and our Flock which he loves
heartily. The Books which you had the trouble to send us hy Order of
the Honhle. Society are deliverd very safe to us hy Col. Stephens, and
we are much obliged to you for them, e are in hopes a little Box of
several seeds of this Country v^hich I took the liberty to direct to you
is safe deliverd you, It is for a grea.t Merchant at Augspurg, Mr. Van
Munich who is a very great favourer and Benefactor of our Congregation;
Me mentioned in our last letter that Mr. m. Hopton Mercht. at Charles
Town is Coll. Stephens Agent, ancl very willing to send our Letters end
Packets to Savannah hy the safest opportunity if you are pleased to
direct the letters or things belonging to Ehenezer to him, Mr. Vigera
presents his humble Respects to you which you would be (119) pleased to
accept of
Dear Sir
Your most humble servts.
John Martin Bolzius
Israel Christian Gronau
Dr. Thilo is now at Savannah to Assist
the very Sick Swiss People that came in
the Ship Europa to this Colony
68 (121)
Jacob Ma,thews to Col. Stephens Copy reed, by the Trustees 25 May
Savannah 22d. Jany. 174l/2
Hon: Sir
I Beg leave as a Person that hath a great Regard for the
Interest of this Colony, and some small Interest therein, to know why
I should be so singularly Noticed by you; As a Person that hath
formerly made some good improvements, but for these last years have not
planted, nor made any Improvements, on my Plantation, v/hich small Sura I
have therein expended, I shall send to the Trustees; with Attested
Accounts and Receipts for the labour therein ezjDended; I Iwpe the
Trustees as a Honble. Set of Gentlemen, Will be so good as to let me
know, what you have vnrote against me (as an Honble. Gentleman did, v/hal
you lately sent to the Southward) v;ho am not your Enemy
Jacob Mathewes
I hope you will publish an Acet. of your Plantation
(123) Copy of the Indictment against Mr. Jones, 29 Jany. 174l/2
Savannah 29th Jany. 174l/2
Sava. Ss t.
We the Grand Jury for our Sovereign Lord the King Do upon our
Oaths Indict Thos. Jones for that he not ha.ving the fear of God before
his Eyes but being moved by the Instigation of the Devil, did on or
69 (123)
about the Seventeenth day of October last vrith malice aforethought
Feloniously cause to be broke open a Certain Box containing papers and
Accts. of Sundry persons deceased. Contrary to the Peace of our
Sovereign Lord the King his Crown and Dignity
Witness A True Bill
H. Parker ) Copia Vera
Thos. Baylie ) John Pye Recorder
Fras. Harris )
Wm. Russel )
(Pages immediately following page 124 are lettered A, B, C, etc.,
instead of numbered. Page A begiiis below.)
Acct. of Caeh paid Sundry, by Col. Stephens & Hen. Parker in
October 1741 reed. 25 I'fey 1742. This Acct. extends to
Jany. 30. 1741/2
Paid on acct. of the Light house
Feby. 1 To kK Tlio. Sumner for Work - the
principal Undertaker.40 . 0 . 0
3 To Geo. ^IJyrrel for Sawing timber . . . . 2 . 8 .10
To Geo. Johnson for do..3 *16 -10
To Jp.. Wbyte for do.2.14 . 1^
To Tho. Baily, Smith for Iron work . . .10 . 6 . 9^
To David Cunningham for jewing the
Halliards for the flag .
10 . 0
70 (A)
1 .13 . 7
. 6 .10
42. 12.
82.12. 3
Pd. on Light house Acct. Nov. 1741
llov, 4 To Jo. Millidge for carting Timoer for
the light house.4.10 . 0
l4 To Geo. Johnston for-timber for do. . 4.8.0
16 To Tho. Sumner for iork on do. . . . 23 . 0 . 0
28 To Jo. Dudding, Hen. Williams 3s
TIio. Morris for Sa.wd timber for do. . 14 . 4 .10
To Kails, Hinges, Broad hoes. Cordage,
bed cord, Small Saws, wine for the
men floa.ting timber, a grind Stone
tilted & a broad a.3ce, 2 Spades, 7
clialk Pines&c.I6 .11 .10 62. l4. 8
145. 6. 1
To Ja. Anderson Carpenter for V/ork
on the Light house.
To Tho. Palmer & Geo. Johnston for
timber fordo.
To Ja. Whyte fordo.
To Sundrys for do. Tiz. Molossus
33 gallons at 22*1 brewing
beer for the Workmen
20 hand Saw files at 2^
i 3-0. 6
200 8 perm_ 100 10 0.3. 4
penny nails. 0.1. 8
2 payr. of compasses. . . . 1. 4
Paid on the Light house Acct, Dec. 1741
Decbr.l6 To Tho. Sumner for work.12 . 0 . 0
To Tho. Palmer &c Sawing timber
To Tho. Morris on do. acct.2.0.0
To Tho. Young and Will. Hill for 44
days masons work laying the founda
tion of do 11 . 0 . 0
71 (A)
To Tho. Sllis &c for carrying timiber for do. . .5*0.0
To Geo. Johnston Sawing timber for do.2.0.0
To Tho. Palmer & Geo. Johnston Sawing timber
for do. ............ .6.8.10
To Tho. Ellis carrying bricks to the light
house. 3*0.0
To Ja. Anderson for 75 days work on do.10 .13 0
To Jerry Pritz for 12 gimlets for the
Carpenters at work on do. 1.6
To Tno. Morris, Sewing timber for do.2 . 0 . 0
To Hen. Williams Sawing timber for do.1.0*0,
59 . 3 * ^
To Jo. Millige carting timber for the
Light house.. 7 .l4 . 0
Total of disbursments from 1 Oct. to 3I Dec.
1741 on the Li^t house.212 .4.3
Acct. of Cash pd. by Col. Stephens & Hen. Parker on Acct. of
Surveying from 1 Oct. 1741 to 3I 1741/2.
To H\:igh PlOss Surveyor in pt. of a ballance due
to him .0 . 0
To the Use of Joseph Avery & others eE5)loyd by
him in making g Survey of the County of Savannah,
7^ a pd.
viz. Beef at 2
Eiscoit at 22 .
Smoak*d beef at '5
Wine 6 gallons at 4 Shill.
a gallon
Butter at
24 pd.
at ^6 pd
at *^7 . ?<? *
Gunpowder 1 pd. at . .
Shot 6 pd. at h pence pd
To Tho. Trip making a. table &
6 foot Oak plank for do. . .
, 2
, 4
. 1
. 0
. 2
. 6
. 0
. 0
. 2
. 9
. 0
12 . 8 2. -li 10 . 3 . 1
72 (B)
Distursd on Acct. of Surveying Holr'br. 17^1
Kov. 14
Jany. Declr. 18
Dec. 8
To Hugh Boss in full of his hallance
for Surveying at Ehenezar ... 26 .19 .Ha
To Tho. Ellis for Surveying ... 8 9 .10
To Hen. Steinhevel, Jacob Dice,
Gasper Sneider & Jacob Hongeres
for 36 days Service each wth.
Joseph Avery Surveying.11 4 . 0
To Joseph Avery & others employd
vjith him in Surveying viz.
Beef St 2*^.2.2.1
Biscuit at *^2 3/^
Sugar at ^6 ... .. I3 - 0
Candles 6 pd., at 8. 4.0
Bullets at 3 ^ E . ^
Gun powder 2 pd. at l/7 3 ^
Vine 1 gallon at 4 Shill. ... 4.0
More do. 15 gallons .3 . 0 . 0
Shot 9 pd. Ft 4 pence. 3*0
Making a Small box for his
Instruments. 2.0
To Said Joseph Avery on Acct. . . 4 .17 . 7 60 .11 . 7 60 .11 . 7
Disburs'd on Acct. of Surveying Jan. 1741/2 70 .14 . 8
To Joseph Avery for Surveying.3*0.0
To Tho. Ellis for Surveying 9 $0 acre lots
for German Swiss & others.7 .10 . 0 10 .10 . Q
Disbursd on Acct. of Surveying Decbr. 1741 81 .4 . 8
To Peter Mallier &c for Snmdrys for Joseph
Avery Ss others employd in Surveying.2.6.6
To Jos. Avery on Acct. of Surveying.5*0.0
To Peter Mallier on do. Acct.1.2.0
To Jos. Avery.10. 0.0
To biscuit and beef for the Surveyor &
his people. 7.10
To Hen. Steinhevel for himself & 3 others 32
days Service assisting the Survayr.6.8.0 ^25 4 , 4
Total disbursd upon Surveying land from 1 Oct. 1741
to 31 Jany. 1731/2 106 . 9 * 0
73 (C)
Acct. of peyments to Trust Servants "by Col. Stephens and
Hen. Parker from 1 Octohr. 17^1 to 31 Jany. 17^1/2
Oct. 10
Nov. 7
Dec. 5
Jan;^'. 2
To Trust Servants 1 week to 17
To do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
To Do. for
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 vfeek to
1 v:eek to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
1 week to
24 . . .
31 . . .
7 Nov.
the 14 .
the 21 .
28th . .
5 Dec.
12th . .
19th . .
26 . . .
3 Jany. .
9th . . .
I6th . .
23d . , .
30th . .
6 fehy. .
. 8.9.4
. 8 .14 . 4
. 8 . 5 .10
. 8.7.4
. 8.8.7
. 8.6.8
. 10 . 2 . 2
. 10 . 3 .10
. 9.9.6
. 9 .15 . 4
. 9 .10 . 6
. 7 . 5 .10
. 8 . 6 .10
. 9.6.4
. 10 . 3 . 6
. 10 . 8 . 0
. 10 . .10 155 . 9 . 9
Payments for Guard duty made "by Col. Stephens & Henry
Parker from 1 Oct. 1741 to 3I Jan. 1741/2
Oct. 6 Pd. Henry Loyd for guard of Warrens hotme
occupied hy Ja. Lewis Camuse the Silk Man ...0.1.0
24 Pd. Do. for do. ..0.1.0
llov. 13 Pd. Do. fordo.0.1.0
Dec. 4 Pd. Do. fordo.0.1.0
23 Pd. Do. fordo.0.1.0
Jany. I5 Pd. Do. fordo.0 . 1 . Q 0.6.0
7^ (C)
Pajnnents made "by Col. Stephens & Hen. Parker to Trust Servts.
out of their time and taking up land from 1 Oct. 1741 to 31 Jany. 1741/2
Nov. 20
Dec. 4
Jan. 1
Pd. Jo. Brinxman to purchase tools .
Pd. Sami. Byon for do.
Pd. Jo. Brinxman & wife 1 months allowance
now going
Sami. L^ron
to Settle
allowance on do.
his wife
& wife
1 months allowance . .
Sami. lyon 1 months allowance for his
Pd. Gaspar & Jacob Herha for tools now going
to Settle
wife 4 weeks allowance. .
?d. Jacob Herbah & wife 4 weeks allowance. . .
Pd. Jo. Brinxman & wife 4 weeks a,llowance. . .
Pd. Sami. Ii^ron for his wife 4 weeks allowance.
0 .12 . 0
0 .12 . 0
1 .10 . 0
0 .12 . 0
12 . 6 . 0
(D) Expences on Indians made by Col. Stephens & Hen.
Parker from 1 Oct. 1741 to 31 Jany. 1741/2
Oct. 31 Sundrys for Indians Sc.23 1 . 0
Pd. for corn at 2/6 a bushel, for wine at
1 Shill, a qt. for jsi buiscuit, & Sugar,
for tobachg at 4^ a pound, for 12 pipes 4^
for Salt 8^ po^lnd at ^ penny, for gunpowder
Shot, and Knives for the Indians.2 .15 4^-
Nov. JO Siondrys for the Indians Sc.46 .16 .10-3/4
Entertainment & presents to do.4.2.3
Dec. 31 1^0 Pr. Harris foi* Sundrys for the Indians. . . 9 -16 . 7
Jany.30 To do. for Sundrys for the Indians.6 .12 . 6
93 4 . 7
75 (D)
Nov. 4
Dec. 16
Nov. ^
Payments ma.de by Col. Stephens & Hen. ^s.rker for Eejoycings
on Puhlick Occasions from 1 Oct. 1741 to 3^ Jsn. 1741/2
for wine biscuit & Gunpowder on the kings Coronation
.10 . E'l
Pd. for do. on his birth day.1 .16 . 9-1/4
2 , 6 .11
Payments made for Execution of justice by Col. Stephens &
Hen. Parker from 1 Oct. 1741 to 31 Jaiiy* 174l/2
ia To food for prisoners.0 .10 . 7|' 0 .10 . 7
E^^ences on the Saltsburgers made by Col. Stephens (Ss
Henry Parker from 1 Oct. 1741 to 31 Jany. 1741/2
Pd. the Eevd. Mr. Bolzius n Trustees order , .77 0 0
Pd. Dr. Thielo to compleat his 3 years
allowance of provition orderd by the
Tnist . . . .".5.17 . 7
Pd. J. F. Vigera u order of the Trust.25 . 0 . 0
Pd. Mr. Bolsius for the Sa.ltsburgers who
arrived in the Loyal Judith being part of the
Sum orderd by the Trust.l40 .0,0
248 . 8 . 2
Expences on the Trust house in Savannah & Council house made
by Col. Stephens & Mr. Parker from 1 Oct. 1741 to 31 Jeny. 1741/2
Pd. Jo. Millidge carting Bricks for the
Trust house.0.5.0
To nailes for the Council house.0 .12 . 6-g
To Ja. Cormick for work done at the Council
house .3-0-0
76 CB)
Dec. 24 Pd. Peter Msillier for 2000 Shingle neiles
for the Trust house.0.6.0
31 Pd. Tho. Esillie Smith in full of his work
to this day.1.I3 .10
16 Pd. Jo. Cornich for work at the council
house.1.10 . 0
Pd. Jp. Papot for carpenters work there . . . . 4 .I5 . 0
Pd. for a lock for the Council house. 4 , 8
12 . 7 . 0
(S) Payments made hy Col. Stephens & Henry Parker
on Acct. of the Trust farms from =*1 Oct.
1741 to 31 Jan. 1741/2.
Oct. 16 To Tlao. Young for repairing the Trust Vfeggon. . 0 .12 . 0
To Tho. Bailey for Sundry Iron work to this
3 . 7 .10
To Nails, Sole leather. Twine Tar & oyl .... 0 . 7 7
To Corn l6% bushels for Trust Oxen, horses &
Nov. 9 To Mary Hewet taking up a trust horse. 14 . 0
To Corn & rough rice for Trust Oxen horses &
12 . 6
To falling Axes 2 at 3 Shill. & 1 narrow hoe at
To do. 1.6
To Leather for making pails for threshing rice. 0 . 4
Jan. 29 To C. Steinhevel for a bell for a Trust horse . 2.6
30 To David Kiefer for extra Service taking care
of Trust Oxen. 1 . 0
8 .10 . 0
77 (E)
Incident exjiences pd. by Gol. Stephens & Hen. Parker
from 1 Oct. 17^1 to 3I ^any. 17^l/2
17 To boptinen to bring Mr. Bolzius to preach to
German Servants at Savannah.0 .10 . 0
To beef & Biscuit fordo. 6 .11 0 .15 .11
26 To repairing the Town Clock pd. Fred. Miller. . 0 .I5 . 0
To nails & clapboards for Lyons fence & to
S^sioacs Secure ye vines. ^ * 7g
To Cordage for halliards for the flag staff . . 10 . bTo repairing the well bucket. 0.2
To 2 Reams of paper for publick use bought at
To Steven Terrian for 2 buckets for the Hell. . 6.0
To Gunpowder for the Militia, balls & flints. . $ .16 . 6
To do. for Ebenezar Settlers.1 .11 . 6
To do. for Hen. Parker. 4.0
To Nails Snikes & clapboards for repair of
Lyons fence & to Secure the vines. 8.4
10 To Tho. Ellis &c assisting to unlade the Loyal
Judith & Europa.4.0.0
15 To Capt. Lemon for 8 days demurrage of ye
LoyalJudith.39-12 . 0
24 To Jo. Wright in full for pursuing 2 Negroes
Broke out ofJayl.1.15 . 0
24 To pd. for nails to be issued for publick
To pd. Steven Terrian Cooper for break casks for
the High landers who went to Frederica .... 2.0
29 To pd- for glew for publick works. 1.0
To Will Grant, hire of a flat boat to help
unload the Loyal Judith & Europe.1 .16 . 0
78 (E)
Jany. 1 Pd. Sundrys to Jos. barker for Eoenezar fexi^xxxi
Cov' pen.......4.17.1
2 To Eio. Ellis &c in full for -unloEding the
Loyal Judith & Europa.5 I6 . 0
To Capt. Wadham for deinurrage of the Europa
7 days.28. 0 . 0
16 To Paul Miller attending Mr. Gronau from
Spvanah on Acct. of the German Mission . 15-0
29 To David Ctinaingham for a tarpeuJ,in to cover a
hox of papers Sent to the Trustees.. 2 . 0 I06 . 6 .
(P) Sallarys to Magistrates & Officers pd. oy Ool. Stephens
& Hen. Parker from 1. Oct. 1741 to Jan. 174l/2
Oct. 28 To Sami. Davison Constable of Frederica ^
years Sallary due and endg. Michi. 1740 ....5*0.0
Dec. 15
To Mr. Jo. Terry Hecordr. of Frederica upon
To the Revd. Mr. Orton on Acct.5*0.0
24 To Mr. Jo. Terry to compleat his 3/4 Sallary,
& for maintenance & clothing a Servt. from
Lady day to Xraass 1741.9*2.6
26 To Col. Will Stephens 1 Cjiir. Sallary for
himself & Clerk ending 25 inst.3^ * 5 * 0
To Hen. Parker 1 Bpilif of Savanah 1 Qur.
Sallary.13 .11 . 8
To Jo. RaiiHKx Fallowfeild 1 Qur. Sallary
as Bailif.I3 .11 8
To Tho. Jones as Bailif 1 Qpr. Sallary. ... I3 *11 . 8
To Jo. Pye Recordr. 1 Qur. Sallary, & also
1 Qur. as Clerk to the Presidt. & Assistts. . 11 . 5 * 0
79 (P)
To Sami. Mercer as an Assistt. to the Presdt.
1 Q,ur. Sallary.5.0.0
To do. PS Constshle 1 Q,ur. Sallary, and also
1 Q;ur. Sallary as acting ps Constable in
Duchee's room who resigned.5*0,0
To Giovanoli Trust Gardiner 1 Qur. Sallary . . 5*0.0
To Jo. ^-right Goal keeper 1 Qiir. Sallary ... 5*0.0
To Tho. Bailey, Smith for repairing Indn.
Arms 1 Q;ur.5*0.0
To Hary Tandeplank 1 Qpr. maintenance &
clothing a Servt.3*3*^
To Jo. lyndal Tything man 1 Qur. Sallary ... 1.5*0
To Tho. Salter Bo. 1 Qur. Sallary.1.5.0
To Ja. Carwells do. 1 Qjur. Sallary.1.5*0
To Jo. Sellie do. 1 Qur. Sallary.1.5*0
To Ja. Papot do. 1 Qur. Sallary.. 1.5*0
To V/ill. Hears do. 1 Qpr. Sallary.1.5.0
To Tho. Ellis do. 1 Q;ur. Sallary.1.5*0
To Jo. Millidge do. 1 Qur. Sallary.1...5 0
To Ja. Baillou do. 1 Qur. Sa.llary.1.5*0
To Ja. Carwells 1 Qur. for taking care of the
Trust "boats.1.10 . 0
To Widow Bean 1 Qur. for cleaning the Court
house ..*1.0.0
Jan. To Revd. Mr. Orton on Acct.5*0.0
To Josep Barker Cowpen keeper at old Ehenezar
acct. of Service there comencing 29 Sept.
159 * 5 *10
80 (G)
(G) Psyments made iDy Col. Stepliens on the heads of Sickness,
Relief and hurials from 1 Oct. 1741 to 3I Jsny. 1741/2
Oct. 28 Pd.
ds). Papot making a coffin for a poor &zxx^2cxxSl
Pd. for Sugar at 6 p a pound, Rice at I-I/8 a
pound. Candles at 8 pence a pd. Flower at
2^ a nound Biscuit at 2~3/4 for relief to
the Widow Bowling. 0.8.2
Pd. for relief of another poor v^oinan .... 2 . 9-|-
Pd. a nurse for do... 5*0
Pd. for a coffin.. 2 .10
Pd. funeral charges. 6.0
Pd. heef & hisket for 2 poor Strangers ... 3*5
ITov. 21 Relief to Widow Bowling ........... 1.0.0
Relief to Jo. Felly in Sickness & Want ... 2.6
Dec. 4 Do. to Jo. Clarke. 1.0.0
10 Do. to Jo- Kelly .............. 5*0
12 Do. to Ant. Sallice .. 5*0
21 Do. to Widow Bowling ............ 10 . 0
22 Do. to Jo. Kelly .. 5*0
29 Do. to Ant. Salice .. I5 . 0
Jan;,^. 1 Do. to Jo. Kelly heing Sick . .. 10 . 0
2 Bo. to Jo. Belligout himself & children Sick. 5 0
Do. Christr. Levenherger for his wife .... 2.6
4 Do. Widow Bowling.. 10 . 0
9 Do. to Jo. Belligout .. 5*0
12 Do. to Ant. Sallice. 5*0
Bo. to Cash. Clerke.. 2.6
81 (G)
Do. to Ciirr. Levenberger.
to Jo.
& T;;iiz. Eeiter for 33
days & nights taking care of German Swiss
Levenberger .
18 Do. to Hen. Nongares being Sick .
Do. to Margt. Fritz for 5 days & nights
care of German Swiss Sick.. . .
25 Do. to John Brovms wife Sick .
Pd. Conrad Fierer for a Coffin for
for digging Ms grave , . . ,
Do, to Jo.
to Ant,
30 Do, to Christr. Levenberger .
Do. pd. Elis, An5)le for I7 days & nights
taking care of German Swiss Sick .
2 . 6
10 . 0
2 . 6
7 . 0
10 . 0
5 . 0
2 . 6
7 . 6
5 . 0
10 , 0
2 . 0
5 . 0
2 . 6
16 . 0 . 8^
(H) Payments made by Col. Stephens & Hen. Parker on tackle and
repair of boats and hire of express boats from 1 Oct. 17^1
to "^1 Jan. 1741/2
Hov. 30 Pd. David Cunningham for repairing & making
Sails for the Express boat .. 2 .10 , 0
82 (H)
Pd. for Techleuberg 14 yds. ll/6: OrnaDr-u^
14|- yds. 9/8: and twine 8 oz. - 1 Shill, for
Sails for the Express hoat.1. 2.. 4
Pd. for rope 12 pd, at 4 - 4 Shill, for
pitch 25 pd- at 1*^ - 2/l for Spike nailes
5 pd. at 6^ - 2/6 nore nailes l/3. and for
hoard 5 feet - 4- for repair of do. host ... 1.5*6
9 Pd. Jo. Penrose 18 da^s^s hire of his long host
and a Patroon to carry the Highlanders who
arrived in the Loyal jridith to Prederica ... 5-8.0
13 Pd. for 2 qts. of wine for host men Sent
Express to Carolina.0.2.0
26 Pd. Ant. Caimise for himself & 4 others I3 days
Service going Express to Charlestown, having
been detained hy contrsry winds.6.3*6
Pd. Sami. Mercer 13 days hire of a, boat.
Sails &c for do..1.6.0 1? .1? . 4
Payments made to the German & Swiss that arrived in
the Earopa and were to Settle in Carolina
10 To Jacob Eeimensperger their Conductor as
orderd by theTrust.89 .15 * 0 89 .15 * 0
Payment made to German Swiss who arrived in the
Buropa and were to Settle in Georgia
19 To pd. them as orderd by the Trust.II5 .10 . 0 115 .10 . 0
Payment to the Highlanders who arrived in the
loyal Judith
16 Pd. them years allowance in lieu of
provisions.I68 .16 . 3 168 .16 . 3
83 (E)
Peyment to the Silk
Dec. Pd. Ja. Lewis C?muse on Acct. 5*0.0
Jen. 16 Pd. do. onAcct..0 . 0 18 . 0 . 0
(No peg number or( Totel of dishursments made by Col. Stephens end
Een. Parker from 1 Oct. 1741 to Jan. 1741/2
A On the Lighthouse. 212 . 4.. 3
B On Surveying.106. 9 . OfC On Trust Servants allowances. 155 *9*9
On Guard duty ..6.0
On Trust Servants out of their time & taldng up lend ... 12 . 6 . 0
B On Indians. 93 4 . 7
On Eejoycing days ..2.6 .llj
On Execution of justice. 10 . 7-|-
On the Saltsburgers. 248 . 8 . 2^
On Publick buildings ..12 . 7 - 0|-
E On the Trustfarm. 8 .10 . 0
On Incidents.... 106 . 6 . 0-|-
F On Sallarys to Magistrates & Officers.159 . 5 *10
G On Sickness, burials & Relief. l6 . 0 . 8-|-
H On Repair of boats & hire of Esqiress boats. 17 .17 4
To the German Swiss designing for Carolina. 89 .15 0
, 115 .10 . 0
To the German Swiss Settlers in Georgia./ix3c^xx
To the Highlanders who last arrived in the Loyal judith. . I68 .I6 . 3
On the Silk to Ja. Lewis Camuse. 18 . 0 . 0
1543 .13 . 7i
84 (no nvuniber)
Bills Issued by Gol. Stephens & Hen. Psrker
Dec. 4 .
10 .
14 .
15 .
Jen. 16
. . 50 . 0 . 0
. . 89 .15 . 0
. . 50 . 0 . 0
. . 180 . 5 . 0
. . 40 . 0 . 0
. - 25 . 0 . 0
. . 120 . 0 . 0
. . 200 . 0 . 0
. . 140 . 0 . 0
. . 100 . 0 . 0
. . 100 . 0 . 0
L 1100 .0.0
(126) Reed. 25 May 1742
6. feby. 1741/2
To the Honble. The Trustees for Establishing the Colony
of Georgia in America The Humble Petition of John lyndall
of Savannah in Georgia
That your Petitioner hath been an Inhabitant in the Colony for
85 (126)
these nine years last past where he has demeaned himself quietly and
Civilly, enceavouring in an Industrious manner to get an honest
Tha.t your Petitioner "being a Stranger to any Artifice or Trade
(But tha.t of hard Laho-ur) hath met \irith manj" difficulties, first for
want of his land "being run out. Secondly when it was run out forty
five Acres out of Fifty is Pine Barren and unfit for planting.
That your Petitioner "being informed that the Hon"ble. m.
Stephens Esqr. and the rest of the Assistants had power to Grant
Lands, did apply to them, the Said President and Assistants for a
Grant of a small Island of J?arsh lying in the Eiver Savannah about ha.lf
a mile "below the Town; who was pleased to referr him to your Honoiors
for an Answer.
Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays tloay yr. Honrs, would be
pleased to take the same into consideration and give him a Grant
thereof (It being so small a quantity as not to exceed one hundred
Acres of vrhich sort there is many thousands in and about the Eiver
Savannah / And your Petitioner as in Duty Bound shall ever Pray
John Lyndall
Savannah Feby. 6th 17^l/2
(128) Coll. Stephens Letter to Mr. Jones 15 Feby. 1741/2
Savannah 15 Feby. 174l/2
Let me bespeak you with much Earnestness, not to entertain
86 (128)
Jeplous;/s aad hard thoiights of me, for letting so long time pass
since I hp.d the fevonr of your Letter; and when so manj' occurrences of
particular Note have happen'd, wherein yo\i yourself have had more share
than Ordinary "bestowed on you by your Old Adversarys: whilst I never
theless have not shewn the friendly part of advising you, "by so much as
one Letter, what was doing at Savannah.
Don't mistnist me; hut believe me, when I assure you, that
nothing lias happend relating to you or your Character, hut I have
Sympathized 8,s a True Friend. The Eeasons are too many and needless,
to exhihit in my own Justification now. Another day (and I think very
soon) I sloall find Occasion to say a little more to the purpose: If
the General shews you whrt I wrote to him, (as I am enclined to think
he does) there will he the less for me to add: and shall he very
I must not omit to tliank you for yoiur Letter, and the Dramatis
persona enclosed. You have herewith, one that came in a small
packet, tha.t I received from Mr. Verelst, 3 or 4 days since, who kkh
writes me nothing of such moment as to require ny immediate in^iarting.
I have learn'd tha-t the Parliament in England was (129) not then yet
sitting, on the 5 December; All being in Suspense, whether his
Majesty VTould onen the Sessions with a Warlike or Peacefull Speech;
till Some E3q)resses were arrived from his Ministers abroad, which
might give farther light.
I remain
87 (129)
without Oon^jliraent
Your \xrifeigned friend aud
nearty Servant
(Signed) W; S:
To Tho. Jones
(130) John i^yes Letter to Mr. Jones 21 Feh. 1741/ with a Table of
Savaxinah Fe'b5^. 21. 1741/2
Since you went from hence the President and Assistants have
Settled a Table of Fees pursuant to the Honble. the Trustees Instruc
tions, a Copy of which is inclosed, in which the Bailiffs claim the
Chief part for Signing and Sealing.
On the 18 and 19th they Orderd me to write two Letters of
Administration and two Bonds for the performance of them; accordingly
I did, and they Signed and Seeled the letters of Adrainistrn. b\it the
two Bonds I got signed and Sealed.
S d
I paid them 7-6 each for the two Letters of Administrn. When
they demanded money for the two Bonds likewise I told them I did not
think they were entitled to any thing for Bonds &ca. (such as the Seel
is not affixed to, Fallowfield insisted on it and said if I would not
write them they woiild get somebody else to do it; and take cere to have
partjf of my Sallary Stopt.
88 (130)
Ap your are a Gentleman of more Ejqjerience than any one here;
Hotwithstaiiding I ha,ve formerly Acted Contrary to your Sentiments, Yet
the Knowledge I have of your forgiving temper Induces me to hope you
will with me forget all thats past, and send me your opinion in
Relation to the nroportion the Bailiffs ought to have for Signing and
Sealing any of the (I31) Inclosed Presidents, and whether they are
entitled to any thing for Presidents they neither Sign or Sea,l (hut
only give a verbal Order for me to do.)
I am perswaded if Genl. Oglethorpe knew of the Affair, he would
think it not Just himself, that they should he paid for things they
have no trouble with.
If I can he of any Service to you at Savannah pray Command me
I desire you'll favour me with a Line who am
Your most ohedt. humble servant
John Pye
So Mr. Shos. Jones.
(132) A List of Pees Settled by the President & Assistts.
Por V/errants for Debt. 1. Discharging
For ail Bonds .
Warrants for Misdemeanors 6rc 1. Discharging.
0 .10 .
Warrants for Pelong
Letters of Administrn. Sealing &ca.
Proba-ts of Wills Sealing <S<!a. . . 0 .10 . 0
89 (132)
To ye Jiory in every Civil Action letwixt Party & Party. ...0.4.0
Executions for Delt Sealing ^a. ..0.7-6
Attachments on Goods & Chatties in absence of Defendt. ...0.1.0
To the Officer for serving Warrants in Civil Actions ,...0.1.0
Eor Serving Executions Attachments &c.0.2.6
For Serving Warrants for lisiHHg Felony.0,0,0
Eecognisances for Trespa.sses &c.0.1.0
And if it exceed 2 Miles from Folon.0.0. 2n
mile forwards and Ditto hack for the said Exceedings
(134) Coll. Stephens Letter to Mr. Jones 25 Fehy, 1741/2
Savannah 25 Fehy. 1741/2
I wrote you very briefly in return to your letter dated in
Jany. being at that time under much perplexity occasioned by fresh
matters arising almost daily from our Creators of all Discord. I
now catch hold of this opportuMty to add a few lines to what I then
wrote. Twas Surprising to me to hear that you had then done nothing in
those affairs you was sent for; and the-t Mr. Patterson had so failed in
preparing any Accts. ready for your perusal; But a.s his Excellence
treats you with great openess (as you write) I hope ere now you have
made good progress: his Suspicion of our having some Spanish Eroissarys
among us. Shews that his Judgment is penetrating; and if such are
found, I shall not w^onder at it. Qlie affair of Messrs. Barber and
90 (13'^)
a. Habersham attacking the Minister here, in the manner they did, was
certainly an Act of great Indiscretion (In my Opinion I mast own it
v/as so, whatever some others may think or write of it) I must Speak
plainly) and I heartily wished you had been here; when I dare say you
w'od have pr vented so rash an Act. The Circumstances are too many
and too long for me to enter upon in a Letter; and without doubt 'twill
be variously represented to the Publick, as the Relators are one way or
tother affected. ITor do I pretend to (135) foretell, what Conse
quences may or may not proceed from what Ims been done: be it as it
twill. But I tell you truly, as a friend, tha.t I am not so indif
ferent about the base Treatment you have received.; I shew'd Mr. Parker
what you vrrote was told you, concerning the designs of some people at
the Court then appioa.cuing; which he seemed to tliink would come to
nothing; and appeared firm in Resolution to discountenance and oppose
ell Attempts of the Grand Jury to treed in the Stepts of their prede
cessors in July last; and when the time for opening the Court, on the
appointed day in Jany. was come; during the Whole Session there
appeared no tendency to rny thing irregular, or to be excepted against:
But on Friday Evening Just as they were going to be discharged, Capt.
a. Mathev/s the foreman produced tlia.t Bill of Indictment against you, to
the great Surprize of all who had no hand in it, (me in particular) and
to close all proposed 3 or h Questions to the Bench for the first
Bailiff to ansxver off hand, which he (Mathews) had in writing, tending
to an Accuss.tion against me, for not fulfilling the Trusts Orders, as I
received them &ca. You dont want to be taught, in what you so well
understand, whether it be offensive or Defensive: But in few words I
91 (135)
tMnk I may ssy, that it looks to me as if they were infatuated in
their Councils, to offer a charge of Felony against you, when most
certainly all they can say or do, will in no wise come near it The
Captain of the Jury (I36) is as high inetled as ever; and caxrys on his
Designs as well as he can, in frequent Consultations at the Old Com
mittee Room in his house where so much Mischief has heen formed; But at
a present his Rage transports him out of all Bounds; Stung to the Qirick
at the Staving of some of his Rum, you know vrhere; nay tis even said
that you ^ was the Informer. He is inpatient for Revenge, and says
that he will not suffer the iDrosec^ition ag:R.inst you to Sleep; hut get a
v/arrant from the Magistrates; and he'll go and Serve it himself; and
pull the Felon out from the Sanctuary; let who will stand in the wsy.
I cod. almost wish to see th^t attempt; It might Shorten the Contro
versy; But Pa.rker is so Gross as to tell him, that no Warrant they can
give, will avail any thing out of the County; and Fallovrfields good
Will is thereby not Seen.
Wohle Jones hy whose Boat this is to come to you, calls, and he
can't stay: Ifherefore I must let alone, wioat I thought to say more,
till another time, and remain
Your faithf-ull & most assured hum. Servt.
W. S.
To Thos. Jones.
92 (138)
Mr. Bolsius to Mr. Hen. He\nnati
EBenezer in Georgia 15 March 1742
Dear Sir
It is about a month ago that I had the plea,sure of acquainting
you with the safe arrival of the Salthurgers under the Conduct of Mr.
Vigera, at which time I ha.d enclosed a Letter of tiianks to the Kind
Merchants our Benefactors in Venice, which I am in hopes is come to
your hands long before this. The last Settlers are mighty well pleased
with their Circomstances into wliich they are led by the Special Provi
dence of God; The Honble. Trustees and wortlsy Members of the Society
liaving been generous and blessed Instruments of their being sent into
these Parts to share on the blessings of Ebenezer, for which our Duty
requires it, to ret-iorn them great many thanks, humbly beseeching God
for your and their Spirituall and temporall prosperity. They have
for the most part joyned their habitations to the old Settlers Planta
tions at the Mill Hiver, consequently their small Children would not
enjoy the Benefit of good Instructions in the School, if not a pious
and able man was appointed to keep School at the plantations who dis
charges his duty towards the Children so well that he deserves to be
rewarded for his good Services, as much as the Honble. Society and
other dear Benefactors will enable me for the future. Please to
remember the necessity nd Usefullness of this Schoolmaster to the
Society, and beg the favour of their Assistance for his Maintainance.
(139) Church exceeds the Benefactions which the Eevd. Mr. Whit
field has collected towards the Cnarges of its Building and since
necessity requires a meeting house at the Plantations for Instructing
93 (3-39)
and Edifying tiie people two times in the week and every fortnight on
Sundays Our Carpenters have "begun to Square timbers for it and have
a mind to raise the House after the planting Season is over, We humbly
beseech God tha,t he would be pleased to incline the Hearts of our dear
Benefactors in Europe especially the Honble. Trustees and Society to
contribute Bountifully to this present Building, who always have been
strongl;'' inclined to promote Ebenezers true Welfare, and I am f\illy
perswaded their Benefactions are laid out in such a manner that they
will be rewarded here and hereafter with manifold Blessings for vv'hich
o\jr Publick and priviate Prayers are continually put up to Heaven
My Fellow Labourer Gronau has been dangerously Sick, but God be
thanked is now recoverd very well to sy and our Peoples Satisfaction,
He presents w'ith me and Mr. Vigera who is in perfect good health and
likes the Country mighty well our most hinnble Service to the honble.
Society, wishing from the bottom of our hearts, you and them all
manner of prosperity. So I beg leave to Subscribe my Self
Dear Sir
Your most obedt. very humble servt.
John Martin Bolzius
(140) Mr. Jones's Letter to Coll. Stephens 26 March 17^2
Frederica 26 March 17^2
On Siinday last Noble Jones's Boat arrived, by which was
94 (140)
"broiatlit me the favour of yours of the 17th Currt. I acknowledge the
Obligations I am under to you, for your friendly advice, and your
concern for me I shall not further trouble you with aay Animadver
sions on the late Proceedings at your Court, nor yet with other
MaJicious Contrivances (which hs.ve been informed of, but suspend giving
Credit to) untill I have the pleasure of an hour or tvos free Converse
with you All the Rage and Malice of men against me cannot destroy
the Peace and Satisfaction of mind I enjoy from this Reflection That,
since I arrived in this Colony, I have had no Sinister, or other
Views in what I did, tha,n faithfullj' to discharge mj' duty under G-od,
to the Tru.stees; wherein perliapps, I have not (at all times) acted
\vith that Cunning, or calmness, (which others may affect,) whilst
opposing either the open or more Secret attempts of designing men com
bined to overthrow the Establishment of the Colony, and to tranQple on
all order and Authority, Saci'ed and Civil Yet on all occasions h^ve
steadily pTorsued these Views which I first projected, notwithstanding
the continual Insults and abuses, as well as the perils I v^ent through,
not only from declared Enemies, But among'^ frlse Brethren In all which
(l4l) your self have had a large share.
I can truly say, that the Evil and unjust Treatment you, at any
time, met with, from that Lawless Crew; gave me more uneasiness, than
all their Rage and Venom thrown at me personallj' cod. do Indeed your
Countenance of, and concurrence with me (in all the Struggles had with
them) for preserving the peace and Welfare of the Colony, and the
Trusts Interest therein) made me regardless of all their malicious
Speeches or Actions against me.
95 (1^1)
The last ye?r (from this my Solitude) I sometimes e^sed my
ovna mind, "by sending to you in vriting, an Acct. of some Occurrencies
here, tho often very trifling, and not worthy your Uotice As well
knowing to whom I wrote Sed Temnora mutantur et.
Some late measures, reported to he taken at Savannah, have
afforded great Expectations, That the Scheme (which you Suspected to
he forming for overtiarning the Trustees Interest in this Colony) must
in a very short time take place.
As to what you mention of Dr. Hawkins DraiJght on you in favour
of Brownfield, I knov; nothing of, he had no direction or approbation of
mine for so doing You ha ve enclosed a Coppy of the Genls. Order to
me for the Payment I have made to him I shall not trouble you novir,
with my opinion thereon, other than vrhat I have written under that
Copy But this leads me to give a Relation of wh^^t la,tely happened
at a Publick Sale here, of some of the effects taken on Board the Prize
a On the ggsrarii- second day of the Sale I hcught a fev; Barrels of
Flower and intended to have purchased one hundred or more Barrels of
the same, if sold at the Price then Currt. which I thought very reason
able) in Order to send them to Savannah, where the Flower might be
afforded at 12 lb. and be a means to Lower the Exorbitant Price
which the Ingrossers there have of late demanded for that and other
provisions But whilst I was gone from that place of Sale, in Order
b to procure a place to Lodge the flower in; Dr. Hawkins gave orders to
Hird (the Auctioneer) that Mr. Jones or any other from Savazuaah should
not be permitted to bid at the Sale, or buy any of the Flower Where
upon there ensued great murmurings and Contentions among the people
96 (142)
present Some spying that it was very unacco'untp'ble That an Inhabi
tant of the Colony should he debarred from buying flower for his own
or others use in the Colony, wizen the General had allowed Mr. Mobrain
(now at Frecerica) to bid at the Sale for the 'f flower S^, ^^hich he
c might carry v/ith him to Port Poyall Hawkins replyed, that they at
Savannah xvoTild not Suffer any provisions to be broioght from thence to
Frederica That Mr. Eobzendorff had been denied the liberty of
d Buying any there, The Recorder asserted, that he had brought with
him from England to S-^vannah above one hundred pounds worth of provi
sions for his (143) own use, which Stephens said Jones kept there and
w'od. not ellox^ him to bring the same to Frederica, (you will easily
a imagine I was not present a-t this Debate) J. Hird and . Moore (Con
b stables) declared that these orders now given them by the Bailiff were
contrary to the Orders and Conditions of the Sale published by direc
tion of the Genl. Therefore they wod. shut up the Doors, and proceed
no farther in the Sale, untill these matters vrere explained Hird
went Straight way to the Genl. (then in bed) and acquainted him with
the Affair The Genl. sent for me and 8,sked ^^hat was the matter?
I ansv^erd that I knew nothing of the Affair, but what I had heard from
Mr. Hird and others then present; As to my bidding at the Sale; I con
ceived I had a Eight so to do, yet if the same was disagreeable to his
Excellency I wod. desist, and quit iny claim to what I had bought
The Genl. said nobody can hinder you from bidding Hawkins is a
rash man.
tJhilst I was wi-iting the above The Genl. sent for me and
desired to know my opinion, whet was to be done on the follov/ing
97 (143)
occasion T\no days ago some of the Chief Warriours Indians from the
Cussitaws arrived here; They dined yesterday with the Genl. When (hy
their Interpreter Thomas Wright) they acquainted him, that they had in
their way hither called on Capt. Wiggins at Mount Plea.sant and desired
him to give them a talk to his Excellency who accordingly gave them a
Letter, (l44) which they brought with them to Savannah, where they went
to Marys house to See her; and telling her of this Letter She desired
to see it, then open'd and read it and gave it her husband to read
a That then they threw the Letter into the fire and burnt it, and dis
couraged them from going to the Genl,
b They farther declared. That some of their people that dwelt
near Savannah told them. That Capt. Mathews had often persuaded them to
Shoot all the White peoples Cattle they could find These Indians
asked the Genl, if he wod. have the White peoples Cattle killed.
The General designs to send again for Wright and Indians in
order to take in writing Wrights Deposition of what the Indians shall
declare, at which time he wod. have me be present If any further or
other matter then appears, than what I have mentioned, shall p next
communicate to you, I desire that what I have now writ may be a
Secret, unless you think it proper to give any hints thereof to the
Trust, from whom I would not have any thing concealed wherein I am
I had not leisure to take a Copy therefore hope you will
keep this Letter by you, till I have the opportunity of Seeing you,
and to convince you that I am
98 (1^)
To Wm. Stephens Esqr.
Yonr very h-uin; Sei^rt, and
assured friend
T. Jones
(176) Mr, John Dohel to the E. of Egmont reed, at Tunbridge
2 July 1742
Charles Town 30 April 1742
My Lord
According to ray bounden Duty I use this first opportunity to
a acquaint your Lordship of our Ssife arrival to Charles Town which was
b yesterday the 25th April. We sailed from Gravesend the 20th Peby.
In our Passage we had much bad weather whereby one Tub of Tine
Cuttings we overset and the rest in danger of being lost: but all of
them were preserved in good Order to Charles Town as I hope they also
will be to Georgia.
On the 14 Inst, ouir Captain died of a Peaver. He was by all
worthily lamented. He was b^ond measure kind to us, and our Accomoda
tion in our Passage was fit for the Sons of Nobles,
c Mr. Watsons disposition and Behaviour was not so agreeable as I
hoped for; but as I have throughout the Voyage studyed to oblige him,
so I still strive to do it on all occasions, least we, whose Duty it is
99 (176)
to reconcile Differences in others, or at least show good Exsji^jles;
should our Selves he divided.
The Yotmg man that went over with the Minister of Savannah was
with Col. Stephens Son down here to Charles Town about a week agon,
and told Mr. Beaxifaine, also Mr. Anderson, and divers others, that he
was hy your Honours appointed Eegister of Georgia &c. So when Mr.
Beaiifain assured them that I was the person that (17?) your Honotirs had
appointed. They answer'd that 'twas like the Trustees.
I do not mention these things out of any manner of fear or
doubt, because your Lordship apprised me of meeting with such strange
Eeports at Charles Town, which I also knew.
The People here are the same as usiial. Inveighing against the
General; rejoicing that he is (as they say) to be called home to give
an Acct. to the Parliament of the Publick espences of Georgia.
I have Confidence that your Honours will excuse this liberty,
and Accept the hearty wishes of
Your Lordships
Most affectionately Devoted and
most humble Servant
Jno. Dobell
(190) Genl. Oglethorpes Letter to the Earl of Bgmont reed. 6 Sept.
Frederica in Georgia 18 June 17^2
My Lord
100 (190)
I received your Lordships hy Capt. Horton with the News that the
Parliament have refused to Grant a Supply for Georgia, I hope I shall
he ahle to prevent its having so ill an Effect as your Lordship seems
to apprehend, if I can hut stem the Spanish Invasion, I do not douht
hut to Support the CoTontry till next Sessions of Parliament, and before
that time Capt. Ihmhar will he in England with full Accounts of the
Cotmtrj'- which will convince every Englishman how necessary it is to
support it.
1 think it would he necessary for the Trustees to send Orders to
Colo. Stephens and every one here not to Act without my Directions,
since they have already plunged things into a strange Confusion, hut
might he very easily retrieved hy a uniform way of Acting. I am
Your Lordships most obedient
The Lies forged hy Norris
humble Servant
are not only contrary to
J. Oglethorpe
truth, hut without the least
resemblance of it, I shall
send a full Acct. of his
Stealing, Fornication upon
To the Et. Honhle. Lord Egmont
(192) Copy of a Letter from Mr, Francis Moore Secretary to General
Oglethorpe to Mr. Harman Verelst da,ted at Charles Town July 3d
17^2 received September 6th foil.
iM (192)
Captain ^Thomson vith Captain Horton arrived at Jekyll atout the
17th of June, a great many of the Soldiers Sick as axe also the
Sailors, his Mate Mr. Montgomery is Dead. About five days after
Captain Horton arrived the Spaniards made an Atteimpt upon Cumberland,
the General went to relieve the Garrisons there, and was intercepted
by a good many Galleys, one of the Boats that went out with him
returned with an Account That the Galleys had sxmk his Boat with two
others and sig about eighty Men, On which the Major disps-tched me to the
Governor and Men of V/ar here to beg Assistance.
Another Eaqjress arrived yesterday here with Letters from the
General who fought his way through Eleven Galleys at the mouth of
Cumberland Sound; he begs assistance of the Men of War; two Sloops the
Swift and Hawk are just now going to his Relief. The Spaniards to the
number of about twelve hundred are encan^ied on Cumberland. Captain
Thomson is well, had not time to write, but desired me to let you know
that he is safe arrived. I am going back in the Hawk and am &c.
(194) Reed. 6 Sept. 17^2 Copy of a Letter from Hill and Guerard to
Mr. Jeffrys at Bristol
Charles Town 5 Jtily 1792.
Unhappily and beyond all e^ectation, the Governmt. has been
under a necessity to lay an Embargoe on all the Vessels in Port. This
102 (194)
proceeds from several Expresses sent here by Genl. Oglethorpe, that the
a Spaniards had the 25 past invaded the Colony of Georgia, and landed as
its computed about 1200 men on the Island of Cumberland, having trans
ported them thither in 3 Sloops, a large Schooner, two half Galleys
and 7 other smaller Craft. They attenpted to go in at the South end of
Cumberland Island, but were repulsed by Eort William and Genl. Oglethorpes Schooner that happened to be there at that time; Upon which
they stood out again to Sea and Landed at the North end, which is about
20 miles from Eort William; But we have had no further Accts. from them
since the 2? past. Upon the first advice from the Genl. of his appre
hensions of being attacked, the Hamborou^ Man of War, and a New Row
Gaily belonging to this Province was immediately sent to his Assistance.
Since the certainty of the Enemys being landed, the Swift and Hawk
Sloops have likewise been sent there; and with such a Strength the
Genl. seems to be in hopes not only of supporting himself, but baffling
their Designs. Besides this, this Governmt. will yeild him all the
Assistance possible, which God send may be attended with Success, It
a being of the last (195) laportanfie to this Province to endeavour all
in its power to Support that Colony. We hope the Embargoe won*t last
long and shall write you fully by next opportunity, we can*t enlarge
farther at present. We axe
P. S. 6 July
We have had no nev/s from the Southward, but oxir Government are
dispatching an Express to Virginia for the men of wax of that Station
to come to our assistance in case of need.
103 (196)
On the 28th of J\nie 17^2 Thirty three Spanish Vessels appeared
off the Bar, The General staid at St. Simons taking all possible
meastires -fchwyTgBnr^riiTtTnrfc for the Defence of the Harhonr and opposed them
in such a manner tha.t they could not become Masters of the Bar till
5th Instant, when they entered the Harbour in line of Battle ahead.
The General's Disposition of the Land Forces prevented the Spaniards
from landing. The Generals three Vessels with Captain Dunbar and a
Detachment of the Regiment on board, and Captain Thomson's Ship fought
stoutly. The Officers and men in the Merchant's Service, as well as
those of the Regiment behaved as well as the Vessels. The Spanish
Fleet broke all throtigh and made for Frederica but in a very shattered
Condition which obliged the General immediately to send the Regiment
for the Defence of that place, and followed in the rear himself, and
before he would leave St. Simons had all the Cannon Magazines &c burst
and destroyed and sent out such Vessels as were on float to Sea, the
harboTir having been left open by the Spaniards running up the River.
The loss is very considerable igodEkaxa and chiefly owing to the want of
Artillery, Engineers, good Gunners and Ships of force. The Officers of
the Regiment Sailors Indians &c. having done all that Men could do for
their numbers. The General himself was every where but chiefly at the
Main Battery and Shipping. Major Heron being with the Regiment on
Shore and Colonel jS Cook at Charles Town by leave of Absence, by reason
of his Sickness on his way to England. The General is preparing to
make the best Defence he can in this Place.
Frederica in Georgia July 6th 17^2.
Genl. Oglethorpe to the Trustees receiv'd 13 Septbr.
10i<- (198)
Genl. Oglethorpe to the Trustees reed. IJ. Sept.
Frederica July 9* 17^2.
General Oglethorpe being arrived on the 6th by day break without
the loss of a man having brought up all the Wounded and Horses, he dis
mounted gave orders for the Defence of this place sending out Scouts on
all sides and supplying the broken and lost Arms &c. ordered all the
Sompenies to be Paraded On the afternoon of the same day the Creek
Indians brought in five Spanish Prisoners. On the seventh day on which
day about the Hour of ten the Rangers who had been on the Scout came
Cha.sed in by the Spaniards giving an Account that the Eneny was within
a mile of this place where they had killed one Small. The General
leaped on the first Horse and immediately manched the Highland Compaty
who were then under Arms a Parading and ordered Sixty from the Guard
to follow. He himself gallop*d with the Indians to the place which was
just within the Woods about a mile from hence where he found Captain
Sebastian Santio and Captain Mageleeto with one hundred and twenty
Spanish Troops and forty five Danish Indians. Captn. Grey with his
Chickesaws, Captn. Jones with his Tomotohetaws and Tooanohowi with his
Creeks and the General with six Highland Men who outrun the rest,
immediately charged them Captn. Mageleeto was killed Captn. Seba,stian
Santio taken and the Spaniards intirely defeated. The General took two
Spaniards with his own hands. Captn. Mageleeto shot Tooanohowi in his
right Arm as he rushed upon him Tooanohowi drawing his Pistol with his
left hand shot him thro* the head. The General pursued the Chace for
near a mile when halting at an advantagious peice of ground staid till
105 (198)
the Guard came up & then posting the Highlanders on the right & the
Guard upon the left of the Road hid in a Wood, with a large Savannah or
Meadow in their Front over which the Spaniards must pass to come to
Frederica. The General returned and ordered the Regiment Rangers and
Conpanys of Boatmen to March whilst they were preparing we heard
Platoons firing the General immediately got on Horseback and riding
tov;ards it met three Platoons on the left coming hack in great disorder
who gave him an account they had been broke by the Spaniards who v;ere
extreamly numerous notx^ithstending which^tite he rallied them and he
himself rode on and to his great satisfafition found Lieutt. Southerland
and the Platoon of the Regiment under his Command & lieutt. Mackay with
the Hi^landers had intirely defeated the Spaniards who consisted of
two Conpanies of Grenadiers making 100 men end 200 foot. Don Antonio
Barbara who commanded them bx was &a Prisoner but was mortally wounded,
they also took several other Grenadiers and the Drum. The General
ordered all the Troops to march from Frederica to him, as soon as they
arrived he pursued the Enemy four mile in the two Actions, then was one
Captain one Corporal and 16 Spaniards taken and about 150 killed the
rest are disperst in the Woods for the Genl. halted all night at a pass
thro' the Marshes over which they must go in their return to their Camp
and thereby intercepted them. The Indians are out hunting after them in
the Woods and every hour bring in Scalps
July 8th. before day break the General advanced a Party of
Indians to the Spanish Can^ at St. Simons who found they were all
retired into the ruins of the Fort under the Cannon of them Men of War
upon which the General marched back and arrived here about noon, about
106 (198)
the same time a party which the General had drawn from Fort William
arrived notwithstanding the Spanish Fleet lyes between us to secure us
from that place.
July 9th. This day v/as anrytir spent in going on with the Works.
(200) Fra. Moore to Mr. Yerelts rec. 11 Sept.
Charles Town 9 July 17^2
On Tuesday June the 22 in the morning, Hews was brought to the
General that about 9 Sail of Vessels were seen off Jekyll Sound (or
Frederica Sound) and one or two more Sails to the Northv'ard thereof.
That on the Evening before being the 21 8 or 9 Sail had attempted to
come in at Amelia Inlett but that the 18 pounders at Fort William, and
the Privateer Schooner, which then lay there, with about 80 men, had
fired so briskly on them that they sheered off as fast as they could.
On this News the Genl. imnediately set out on Horseback to St. Simons,
where from the top mast head of Capt. Thomsons Ship, then in harbour,
they could perceive about 8 or 9 Sails off Jekyll Inlett, a good way off
at Sea, some of them under sail, and some at an Anchor, The General got
what Horses he could, appointed a peity of them to be continually
ranging all night on the Sea Beach as far as the 5th Creek, which is
about 6 miles to the Northward of St. Simons, in Order to give notice
if the Ineny should attei!5)t to Land. The same night he sent Orders up
to Frederica for his own and Cspt. Mackays Companies to ma,rch down
directly to St. Simons which they accordingly did.
10? (200)
On Wednesday the 23d of J\ine at break of Day the Scouts at the
5th Creek perceived a Large Schooner at Anchor pretty near the Shore,
who as soon as she perceived the Horsemen on the Beach, weighed Anchor
and went (201) off towards the place where the others were seen the day
before. One or two of the Enemies fleet came over the Bar at St.
Simons on which the Genl. Sent his Cutter to discover \^hat they were,
on her going out a Sqxiall rose, so tha,t the Cutter could see but one
Vessel, when She came near her, the Cutter fired at her, and went off to
Seawards, in Order to decoy the Cutter to folloif, who coming towards
Shore, the other turned and came after her, but did not care for coming
in too far. It was soon after perceived that the Enemies Fleet in
number about 8 or 9 proceeded towards Cumberland Island, which is about
three miles to the Southii^ard of Jekyll.
The next day being Thursday 24 Jme, the Genl. got his Cutter and
4 or 5 large Boats with some 4 pounders and Swivel Gims, and about 3 ia
the afternoon proceeded for Gumberland with about 80 Soldiers and some
Indians, leaving Orders for the most part of the Eegiment to get Boats
&c, end follow him. All the time within an ho\ir after the Genl. left
St. Simons, we at Frederica heard a great many Cannon fire, which we
imagined to be about the Worth end of Ctomberland, and so it happend,
for about a 11 at night we were terribly alarmed with a Hanger from the
Can^) at St. Simons, who brought us word that the General and his other
Boats in going to Cumberland were attacked by 6 Galleys at the South end
of Jekyll, and that it was much to be feared; that the Cutter wherein
(202) himself waa, was sjnk by the Enemy. This news was brought to St.
Simons by one of the Boats which went with the General. Hajor Heron
108 (202)
then sent to the Magistrates at Frederica p.nd desired all the Assis
tance they could possibly give him He also sent orders up to Darien
for the Highland Company to come down directly, with all the Assistance
they could get. The planters at Hew Hampton on the North end of St.
Simons Island, being all Soldiers, were orderd to come in and Join the
On Friday 25th June at day light, the Major and officers held a
Cotincil of War, wherein it was tho\ight impracticable to reinforce
Chumberland Garrison, and therefore resolved to make the most Vigerous
Defence at St. Simons, where lay Capt. Thomsons large Ship with 22 Guns,
pretty high up the sound in Order to prevent the Galleys passing by
that way to Frederica. Soon after the Major sent an Express to desire
me to come down to him, wJaich I immediately did, and fojnd him witing
letters to Carolina, which when wrote, he desired I would get a Boat
and hands at Frederica and proceed without loss of time to Charles
Town. I got the Augusta Garrison. In the mean time the Major sent up
to tovn to let us know, that the Genl. was safe, had fought his way
thro the Galleys got to Cumberland and reinforced the Garrison at Fort
William, from whence he had bro\3ght away the Schooner in which he vres
coming over the Bar, and had sent Lieut. James Mackay in his (203)
Cutter to acquaint the Major of it, who in his Message desired us not
to be afraid at hearing the Cannon, for he was resolved to fire every
Gun in the Harbour and Fort for Joy that the General was so miracu
lously returned. I sent a Young Gentleman to St. Simons in Order to
see the General, and withall to know as his Excellency was returned,
whether I should proceed to Carolina with the Majors Letters. About 8
109 (203)
at night he returned and hrooght me word to mske the hest of my way to
Charles Town, about Midnight I set out, and at noon met Lieut.
Maxwell on his return from Charles Town to which place he was sent by
the General about the 4th J-une, to tell the Government there and the
Commanders of his Majestys Ships of the Advices he had received of the
Spaniards having sent 8000 men from Havannah to Augustine and of his
apprehensions of being artturgh attacked. Lieut. Maxutfell told me he had
been IriOT-feyTrMarrwgi-V chaced by a Spanish Schooner on St. Catherines
soimd, and therefore desired me to take care of ray self, and keep a
good look out, which accordingly I did, and on Tuesday the 29th of
June about noon I arrived at Beaufort on Port Eoyal Island, There I got
horses, and set out for Chas. Town, being about 80 miles. On the Boad
I was informed that the Governor was at his Plantation called aspeneck, whither I went to him and deliverd him the Majors Letter, he
seemed very sorry to hear the News, and told me that Capt. Prankland
in the Bose and Capt, Hamar in the Hamborough, with one of the Country
Galleys, were, when he left Town lying in (204) 'f. in Bebellion Eoad,
and he beleived I could f, get there time enoogh to Stop them, and
acquaint them how affairs were; That he could not go to Charles Town
from thence in one day, but that he would be in town on the 1 July in
the Evening; went directly to the Commander of the Kings Ships, and
gave him the Majors Letter, foTond that Capt, Frankland had sailed for
his Station at Providence the Sunday before, designing if the Wind
favoured him to call at Georgia. Capt. Hamar and the Country Galley
had sailed the very day that I came into Town, Tvvo of his Majestys
Snows the Swift and Hawk were lying in the Harbour end Boad being Just
no (204)
come from Cruizing, end Capt. Hardy in the Eye, having had the Misfor
tune to get aground as he was going out on a Cruize, heat her false
Eeel off, and received a great deal of Dajnsge, to conqileat which, as
they were heaving her down she sprung her Main mast, and was then
Eepairing and getting a New Mast.
On Friday Jioly 2d arrived one Smith a Pilot, being sent Express
hy the Genl. with a Letter to the Commander of his Majestys Ships;
along with him came Mr. Mulryne, a Gentleman of Carolina with a Letter
from the Genl. to the Lieut. Governor whom he met with at his planta
tion at Waspeneck. These expresses were chased over St. SaMaL
Catherines Sound hy a Galley and a Sloop. The Governor was expected in
Town on the 1 July hut hj' some means or other he was detained in the
Country untill the 3<i at night, on which day (205) before he came to
town the Council sate, hut the Governor not having sent the Letters
which he had received from the Genl. and Major, they were at a Loss how
to proceed. They sent for me, and for Smith the pilot; I acquainted
them how affairs were when I came away. They then examined the pilot
upon Oath, and sent for the Commanding Officer of the Kings Ships
(Capt. Hardy) to advise what was to he done who resolved upon sending
immediately the two Snows Swift and Eawk to the Generals assistance.
I got my Self ready to go on Board one of them, hut as I was going
down early on Sunday morning to the Wharf to take Water, I understood
that the Governor was come to Town, therefore went to him for Answers
to the Genls. and Majors Letters. In the mean time the Swift and Hawk
got under Sail, end tho I left the Governor very abruptly, rather than
lose my passage, yet I could not for the Blood of me with a Small host
Ill (205)
and foTir Ogxes overtake either of them. After I had in vain endeavoured
to reach them, and they "being got over the Bar, I was with great Sorrow
obliged to return and acq^laint the Governour of my ill forttine in
Losing my Passage.
On Tuesday July 6th the Council end Assembly both met, and after
having held conferences &c, the came to a Resolution of fitting out
Vessels and raising men directly in Order to assist the General.
On Wednesday the 7tii we were Surprized with seeing (206) two of
our Georgia Vessels, Vizt. the Privateer Schooner and the prize Sloop,
come up to Charles Town, they broTight the Dismal News of the Generals
having been obliged to ha abandon St. Simons and retire to Frederica.
That on Monday the ^ Instant a Spanish Fleet of 32 Sail being 5
quarter Galleys, one half Galley, three twenty Gun ships, the rest
Snows Brigantines and Sloops who after having hovered about the Bar
for 7 days, and having then a Strong Easterly Wind to bring them into
Jekyll sound, they came all boldly in, and having stood the fire of I50
Shotts from the 18 pounders at St. Simons Fort, and of the fire from
the Ships and Vessels that lay under tha.t Fort, they passed thro the
Sound without once attempting to board any of our Vessels, but firing
very Smartly, and after being very much annoyed by our Guns they pro
ceeded up the River out of reach of the Guns, a little bwlow Gascoignes,
where when these Vessels came away they were landing their Numerous
Forces, at the Same time hoisting a Red Flag at the Mizen top mast
head of one of the largest Ships. The General did wha.t was in the
power of man; and having sent the Indians (in number about 90) to
annoy the Enemy as they landed, nailed up the Guns burst the Bombs and
112 (206)
the Cohorns &C. he with his troops retired to Trederica, having orderd
Capt. C^leh Davis with the Schooner to make the best of his way to
Charles Town and in his Majestys name to demand assistance. The
Warning was so short that he had not time to Write, (20?) Captain
Thomson also came out of Jekyl Sound soon after Schooner, end hp.d the
good forttme to come safe to Town. Cent. Hamer in the Hamhorou^ with
the Galley, end the two Snows the Swift and Hawk had not been seen or
heard of at Georgia which is in^uted to the fresh Southerly winds Hi
which for some time past have been set in. This bad News occasioned
the Government here to augment the designed Forces, a grea,t many are
raised and Vessels are provided, but I am afraid they will come too
late, for there is a dispute now subsisting about what Officers are to
Command the forces they design to send, which Dispute I fear will make
a delay, and that delay proval fatall not only to the Genera,! and
Georgia but also to Carolina.
Just novr a Brigantine arrived, TCho brings word that to the
Northward of this Bar he met with Captain Hamar in the Flamborough as
also the tv^o Snows and the Galley, v/ho have not been able to/inta up
to Georgia, which agrees with whet I have known Genl. Oglethorpe often
represent as a Eeason for some men of War to be stationed in Georgia
"That the same wind which brings the Snenierds up to us will -prevent
the Shins here from coming to our Assistance.
If it pleases God to permit the Genl. to defend himself in
Frederica untill this intended Sxiccour arrives there is no doubt but ve
shall be able to make them pay dear for this their Enterprize, tho they
are imagined to be no less than 4000 strong.
Frans. Moore.
113 (208)
Eecd. 11 Sept, 1742
Copy of a I'etter from Mr, Francis Moore Secretary to Genl. Oglethorpe
To the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America dat.
at diaries Town 13 July 1742. reed. 11 Sept. 1742.
The inclosed is an Acet. of what the Spaniards have done in
order to conquer poor Georgia, About 6 days before the inclosed com
mences, arrived Capt. Thomson with Capt. Horton and his con^any &c. at
a time v/hen the fibuE Genl. hourly expected to be Attacked. Our Schooner
being returned just before from a Cruise off A'ugustine, at which Bar
she found 9 or 10 Yessels at Anchor, some of them large ones, 2 of
which chased her almost to St. Simions, The Genl, also received advice
that there were 2000 men arrived at Augiastine from the Havannah with
Craft &c. for an Invasion, He therefore on Capt. Thomsons arrival laid
an Embargoe on the Shipning and took his end some other Vessels into
the Kings Service, a,nd in order to put Capt. Thomsons Ship in the best
posture for fighting most part of his Cargos was by the Genls. or0.er
unloaded, some of which was for fitting out the other Vessels, and some
put into the Magazine at Frederica, end sraax some was on board Sloops
when the Spaniards came into St. Simons, greatest part of which is to be
feared, is by this time destroyed. The Success and people on board her
very much annoyed the Spania.rd.s as they passed up Jek;,'! Sound, which
when they had passed and got out of reach of the Guns from St. Simons
Battery, the Genl. after thanking (209) Capt. Thomson and his Men for
their brave and Gallant Behaviour, desired he would make the best of
114 (209)
his vsy hither, ks soon as he errived he vps tfken into the Coiintrys
Service, is now boating up for men, as are seversl others on the seme
Account, Had there been no mobbing or disputes about the Governors
choosing Collo. Vender Ibissen to Commend this Expedition, we might in
all probability by this time have been at Frederica (for the Wind han
been fair yesterday and too day) as it is, I am afraid we shall get
there too late, But as we have not yet heard any thing of the Women
and Children from Frederica which the Genl. designed to send away when
the Eneny came very near this tom, we are in hopes that things are
better than we could expect. As for sending any more Expresses hither I
believe the Genl, never vrill, for he sent Lieutenants Maxwell and
Mackay, one on the heels of the other, above a month ago to advice
this province and the Kings Ships of the forces arrived at Augustine,
the ITumber of Vessels off that Barr, and his apprehensions of being
a attacked, but no credit was given to them, nor indeed did the quarter
part of this tovm so much as believe the letters or Message which I
brovight, but laid Wagers that it was only a fling of the Genera-ls in
order to try how they iirould behave. Those very people lAo were most
hard of belief, are now the most terrified expecting the Spaniards
b every moment, hundreds having already deserted the Southern part of
this province with the same apprehensions. (210)
The Pilot Boat which vent out to the Flamborough the two Snoitfs,
and the Country Galley is returned without seeing them, so that it is
probable they will have some Action before they return, because they
only heard that the Spaniards were at Cumberland, and know nothing of
their jt having enterd St. Simons Harbour, I hear that too morrow Capt.
115 (210)
Hardy in the Eye designs for Georgia, and hy monday next it is hoped
that the Country fleet will he reader to Sail consisting of two large
Ships, one Snow, one -^igantine and one Galley, besides a Schooner and
Sloop of the Generals, I am
with the greatest Eespect for yotir
Honrs, as well as with great Anxiety
for what may happen to the Genl. my
Wife and all that I have in the
Your most ohedt. and most obliged
humble Servant
Eras. Moore
F. S. July 14 in the afternoon
e just now received an Express from the Genl. that he and all
his people were well on the 7th inst. at noon, he has took 5 Spaniards
prisoners, and is in no fear of the Enemy, the greatest and most
sensible mortification is the want of Cannon at Frederica Fort.
By the prisoners he learnes that the Governor of A-ugustine is
himself in person commanding this expedition. 3OOO with him
already and expects a Eeinforcement of I6 Sail of Vessels more with men
&c, (211) That whether they Conquer Georgia, or not, they design to J
attenpt Port Eoyal. They have brought with them 20 or 30 Eighteen
pounders, which they are now mounting on a Battery between Capt.
Gascoignes plantation and St. Simons, There have but few Women yet left
Frederica, the rest are still there, and as Ssx far as I find in good
Eras. Moore.
116 (212)
The following particular Acct. of the Spanierds invading Georgia was
received by Messrs. Skinner and Sinpson, Merchants in London, from Mr.
John Smith, who was then on Board the SucceeB Frigate, Cppt. William
Thomson, da-ted at Charles Town 1^ July 17^2.
This serves to inform you of ay safe arrival in Georgia, after a
passage of ten weeks. We met with no molestation from the privateers in
our way, nor could make no prizes, dsha tho we pursued and brought to
several Vessels. Our people were all healthy till the last three
weeks of our passage, when a malignant Fever came amongst them, and
swept away several Soldiers, and the best part of our Ships Company,
withaa our Chief mate. Carpenter and Boatswain: I was likev;ise
visited but got well over it.
Three days after our arrival in Georgia, we were alarmed by
several small Vessels being seen off the Harbour, which we took to be
Spaniards. The Genl. sent his privateer Schooner to Fort William,
which lies to the Southward of o\ir Hao-bour to help to defend that
place in case of being attack'd; and the next day (being 22d Jxme)
sent out his Barge, to make discovery if the Enemy had landed. They
returned in the afternoon, with account, that the ]3nemy with eleven
Galleys were in the South called Cumberland, about 20 miles to the
Southward of St. Simons, where we lay; upon which the General put two
Conroanies of Soldiers in three Boats, and went along with them himself,
to the Belief of Fort William; So that Crossing Cumberland Sound, the
Galleys full of men bore down (213) them. He began the Engagement
himself with Ms own Boats Crew, and exchanged several Volleys with one
of the Galleys: In the mean time two Galleys engaged one of the
11? (213)
Generals Boats, wherein were fifty Soldiers, commanded by one Tonlson,
a who thinking himself hard set, bore away, and left the General with the
other two Boats engaged, but they bravely fou^t their way through,
with the loss only of one man, and got to Fort William. Toulson got
clear, and afterwards came to St. Simons. !Pha.t night we heard several
great Guns fired, and Volleys of Small Arms, to the Southward, So that
we got all ready for an Attack. Next day heard nothing of the General,
which put every body under great concern.
The day after Saw a Sail off the Bar, i^hich proved the Genls.
Schooner, with himself aboard, and a gompany of Soldiers, who brought
Acct. of all being well at Fort William, and that they had beat off
nine Galleys, which thought to Surprize them. The General came ashore,
b and was saluted by us with ?1 Guns, and by the Fort. He confined Mr.
Toulson for leaving him, and sent for Capt. Thomson, advised him to
send his Goods to Town, and get all ready for Defence, for he thought
of being attacked at St. Simons; and soon after we had an Account, that
there v/ere ?2 Sail of large and small Vessels at Anchor off our Bar,
hoisting Spanish Colours, where they lay in the same place for five
days, without making the least attempt, but sent out their small
Vessels to sound the Bar. July the 4th they got under Sail, and came
to in the right way of the Channel, So thnt we expected to be attacked
next day. (2l4) The General came on board of us, and made a very
handsome Speech, encouraging us to stand by our liberties and Coxmtry;
for his part he was resolved to stand it out, aind would not yeild one
inch to them, tho they appeared so formidable. He was convinced they
were much Superiour in Humber, but then he was sure his men were much
118 (214)
tetter, and did not doubt (with the favour of God) hut he would get the
tetter. We having tut ten Seamen on hoard, the Genl. sent us 100
Soldiers, and being well provided with warlike Stores, were ready for
twice the nmnter of Spaniards. There were severa.1 Vessels in the
Hartour, \D'hich we (as Commodore) placed in the following order. Viz.
the Success, Capt. Thomson, of 20 guns, and 110 men, with Springs upon
O'Ur Cable; The Genls. Schooner, of 14 Guns, and 80 men, on our Lar
board Soot Bow ditto; The St. Philip Sloop of l4 Guns and 50 men, on
O'Ur Larboard quarter ditto; eight york Sloops close in shore, with one
man on board each, in case of being over powerd to sink or run them
ashore, Jiily ^th. the Spanish Vessels got ell under Sail, and stood in:
They sent two quarter Galleys carrying nine pounders, and one half
Galley with ti^o eighteen pounders in her Bow, to begin the Attack,
which were v/armly received by the Fort, who exchanged several Shot with
them. The Wind and tide both serving, they soon came up with us, and
fired upon us, which we returned very briskly: They attempted to come
up under oxir Stern, upon which I rtm out two six potinders at the Stern
ports, (they being the Guns I commanded) and fired upon her, ifhich made
them lie upon their Oars, and drive with the tide. The Admiral came
next, and was saluted with our whole Broad side, then by the Schooner
and Sloop, which made him Sheer off from us; (215) In short we
received all their fire, and ret-urned the same very briskly, having
fired near 3OO shot out of our Ship; they coming in one by one, gave us
just time to load. So tha.t I believe there was not one Ship but had some
shot in her. They fired at the York Sloops which had run aground after
th^ Came to Anchor, and landed a great many men, of which they had
119 (215)
great plenty. The Genl. sent us off thanks for our hrsve resistance,
and order'd his men ashore, and with us, with what other Vessels could
go, to make the best of their way for Charles Town, or any where, to
save the Vessels; upon v/hich we got our Selves in trim for going to
Sea, and cutting our Cable, dropt down with the tide; the Schooner and
prize Sloop followed us. Next morning we got over the Bar, and Saw
four G-allays standing after us. We got all ready for a Second Engage
ment, and having Sea. room would have made a market of them; but they
did not care to come over the Bar. All that night saw several fires,
and a Sloop blow up, which proved the Generpl destroying all that
mi^t be of Service to the Eneiiy, intending to march all his men to
Frederica, and Capt. Thomson petitioned the Assembly for assistance to
the General, and to have his ovm Ship mann'd to go against the Enemy,
with the men of war, and what other Merchant men they can fit out,
which they have taken into consideration. The Flamborough man of War,
and two Sloops with a Galley, have been gone from this place a fortni^t, and been drove to the Northward by a Gale of Wind; they yester
day came abreast of this place. And had Acct. how the Genls. affairs
stood; upon which (2l6) they made Sail for the Southward. I wish our
Fleet had been ready to have gone vfith them, and I dare say we would
have catched them all. Every minute appears an age to me till we can
assist our friends to the Southward, and till I ha.ve Satisfaction for
being left naked. They have got my all amongst them, not having one
shirt but as I borrow, I hope next opportunity to write you better
news; In the mean time remember me to all friends.
120 (218)
Eecd. 20 Sept.
On Board the Flsiohro
July 18
Charles Town
Dear Br.
I have just time to acquaint you that the Spaniards have invaded
Georgia with a Force nrrch Superiour to the Genls. they have landed at
St. Simons which the Genl. was obliged to abandon after giving the
Enemy a very warm fire, and retired to Frederica. He has defeated a
Body of 400 men who were detached to clear the Road to Frederica, killed
near 200, took Several prisoners, and all with the loss of only one
man, I was off the Barr of St. Simons in this Ship when we discoverd
the Enemy, who being too pov/erfull for us alone, we stood away for this
place, and axe now on our way back again in Company with another 20 Gun
Ship the Eye, two men of \var Sloops the Swift and Hawk, xx with Some
other Vessels of Force to relieve the Genl. Altho I have been so un
fortunate as to have no share in what has happen'd as yet, yet I hope
soon to be able to give a very good Acct. of the Enemy, and to have a
share in making them retire, they ha,ve near 3000 men, a good train and
56 Sail of all Sizes, but none of Equal force to a twenty Gtm Ship.
I shall send a more particular Acct. in my next and am
Dr. Br.
121 (220)
deliverd to the D. of Newcestle 25 Dec. 17^2.
this Acct. ends at 20 July 17^2
An Account of the late Invasion of Georgia, in May 17^2 drawn out hy
Lieutenant Patrick Sutherland, of GeneraJ. Oglethorpes Eegiment, who
la.tely arrived in England, and was sent express on that occasion, hut
being taken by the Spaniards off the lisard, was obliged to throw the
said Express and his other papers over board.
The beginning of May last, the Spaniards fitted out their fleet
from the Savannah consisting of 5^ Sail, and between 7 or 8000 men, with
an Intention to Invade Georgia and South Carolina, and the other
northern Colonies: At their first Setting out, in t\irning the
Moor Castle, they lost a large Settee with 150 men; a few days after
their fleet was dispersed by a Storm, So that all the Shipping did not
arrive at Augustine. The latter end of May, or beginning of J\me, Capt.
Hamar of the Elamborough, in his Cruize to the Southward, Sent in to
General Oglethorpe for Intelligence, who acqiiplnted him that he wotild
probably meet with some Spanish Vessels to the Southward of Augustine,
which he accordingly did, and engaged 10 Sail off the Musquetos, and
drove some of then ashore, but in the Action lost his boat and 17 of his
men. He on his return acquainted the General with what had happened,
and could not then come in for the Defence of Georgia, but proceeded to
Charles Town, to clean his Ship. The General thereupon sent Lieut.
Maxwell by water, and Lieutenant Hugh Mackay, overland to Carolina, with
act advice to the Governor; (221) The Engagement lasted upwards of
three hours, in which Engagement the Enemy lost 17 Men end had ten
122 (223)
wounded; Kie passed all our Vessels and proceeded up the Eiver, on
which the General held a Council of War at the head of his Eegiment,
where it was the Opinion of the whole immediately to march up to
Frederica for the defence of that place. The General accordingly gave
orders for the Eegiment to march, and Orderd all the troops that were
on hoard the Vessels to come ashore, and directed Capt. Thomson with
the Guard Schooner and prize Sloop to make the hest of their way to
Charles Town; and this was all done in Si^t of the Enemy.
The General during this Action, being obliged to be Sometimes
on Shipboard, Sometimes at the Batteries, and to Act as Engineer,
found himself \ander a necessity of having a Lieutenant Colonel with the
Eegiment; He therefore appointed Major Alexander Heron Lieutenant
Colonel in the absence of Lieutenant Colonel Cook, who was also Engi
neer; and whose sub-Engineer having attended him to Charles Town, was
also absent. Late at ni^t the General arrived at Frederica, after
having destroyed all the Stores 8.t St. Simons, and Sunk the Vessels
that might be of use to the Enemy, and rendered the Guns incapable of
Service, and order'd the wounded to be carry'd off on horseback. That
night the Enemy landed their forces on a dry marsh about a mile and
half from the Canp, -under Cover of their great guns; They lay all that
night under Arms, and the next (224) Morning took possession of the
camp v'hich we left. About noon the Creek Indians brou^t us five
Spanish Prisoners, from whom we had intelligence that Don Manuel de
Monteano, Governor of St. Augustine, Commanded in Chief the Expedition;
and that Major General Antonio de Eodondo, chief Engineer, and two
Brigadiers, came with the forces from Cuba: That their whole number
123 (224)
consisted of about 5000 and that the night before they had landed
about 4300 men; one of the Prisoners the General sent with Mr. Bedon
to Charles Town.
The 7th July about nine in the morning a Hanger of the patrole
brought an Account that the Enemy were marching within a mile and half
of the Town; whereupon the Genera,! immediately orderd four platoons of
the Eegiment to march, and in the meantime went himself with the High
land Compare, who were then under Arms.
The Indians and a party of Hangers came up with the Enemy aboat
a mile from the town, as they vrere entering the Savannah, to take
possession of a Ditch they had a mind to use as an intrenchment, but
the Enemy were attacked so briskly, tha,t the General soon overcame
them; most of their party, which consisted of 120 of their best Woods
men and forty Indians being either killed or taken prisoners. The
General took two prisoners with his own hands. Lieutenant Scroggs of
the Hangers took Captain Sebastian Sanchia prisoner, who Commanded the
party. Tooanoho\. being Shot thro his Eight (225) Arm by Captain
Mageleto, drew his Pistol with the left and Shot him thro the head.
The General pTorsued the Enemy near two miles, and halted on an advantegious piece of ground untill the party of the Eegiment came up; He
posted them with the Highlanders in a wood with a large Savannah or
Meadow in their front, over which the Spaniards must pass in their way
to Frederica; after which he hastned back to Frederica, and orderd
the Hangers and Congjsny of Boatmen to make ready. In the mean time two
Connpanys of Grenadiers of 50 men each, and 200 more of the Enemies best
troops came up with Shouts and Drums beating. Whereupon the General
124 (225)
hearing Platoons firing, immediately made hast that way, and met three
of the Platoons, who in the Smoak and drizling Bain, had retreated in
disorder and the fire continuing, he order'd them to rally their men
and follow him, who hastening on, found that Lieutenant Sutherland
with his Platoon, and Lieutenant Charles Mackay with the Highlanders,
had entirely defeated the said 3OO of the Enemy. In which Action Don
Antonio Barha was made Prisoner and mortally wounded; Several others
were killed and two Grenadiers were taken Prisoners. Oapt. Demaret
end Ensign Gihhon rallied their platoons and came up to the Ground.
Captain Carr with his Company of Marines, and Lieutenant Cadogsn with a
party of the Eegiment, came up at the same (226) time, and were fol
lowed hy Major Heron with the "body of the Eegiment. In "both Actions
the Enemy lost two Captains one Lieutenant, two Serjeants, two Drums,
and about /I60 private men; end one Captain and 19 men ^^e^e taken
prisoners. The General with the Eegiment halted all night about a
mile and half from the Enemies Camp, to intercept those who had
straggled in the woods, a.nd eacpecting the Eneny to make a Second
attempt to march in the morning. But the General having advanced with
a party of Indians before day break towards the Spanish Canro, found
them all retreated into the Euins of the Fort, and under Cover of their
Cannon. Next morning, the 8th July, the General and his men returned
to Frederica., and he appointed a General Staff, Viz. Lieutenants
Primrose, Maxwell, and Hi^ Ifeckay, Aids he Camp; Lieutenant Sutherland,
Brigade Major; and Serjeant John Stewart, Second Ensign, for his Brave
behaviour in the la.st Engagement.
The 9th and 10th July, all hands were employ'd in the works at
125 (226)
Frederica, and the Indians hro-ught us in some Scalps and prisoners.
The 11th July, a iiSisxxasBfc Settee and tv/o Quarter Gadlies came
within Gun shot of the Town; hut on our firing some Guns and Bomhs from
the Fort, and the General going towards them with his horts; they
returned to their Fleet, and, with the rest drew up in Line of Battle.
The next morning Being the 12th July, an English Prisoner escaped from
them, who informed us, that (22?) the Enemy, on their landing, had
resolved to give no Quarter; hut from the day their Grenadiers were
defea,tsd, they had heen in great terror, and intrenched themselves, and
given Orders that no one should go without their Centinels for fear of
being Surprised hy the Indians. By other Prisoners and Deserters we
v'ere also told, that on calling over the Polls, there were 240 men, and
19 of their Indians missing; that there were great Divisions among
them, insomuch that Don Antonio de Eodondo, who Commanded the Cuba
Forces, encamped Separate from those of Augustine, and that the Commo
dore had order'd all his Seamen on hoard. That night the General, with
500 men, marched within a mile of the Enemies Camp, intending to Sur
prize them, hut was prevented hy the treachery of a Frenchman, who was
got among the Company of Boatmen, and fired his piece, and gave the
Alarm to the Enemy, and then deserted to them. "When the General found
his Intention discover'd to the Enemy, he order'd all his Drums to heat
the Grenadiers March, and then returned to Frederica. The General the
next day, being the 13th July, In order to defeat the Information of
the French Deserter, directed a Letter to he WTote and sent hy a
Spanish prisoner, who for the sake of money the General gave him, end
the promise of liberty, Tondertook to deliver it to the said Frenchman;
126 (227)
wherein he was Instructed to acquaint the Eneaies Commanding Officer of
the defenceless State of Frederica, end encourage them to isairKxa come
up by water -under his Pilotage. (228) Which Letter th Spanish Pri
soner deliverd to the Governor of Augustine, and it had so good effect,
that the said Frenchman \^as immediately taken into Custody, and looked
upon as a double Spy, and thereupon put into Irons. The next morning
a being the Ih-th J-uly, the Spaniards b-urned their Barracks and Officers
b houses at St. Simons, and Capt. Hortons house on Jekyll, and the same
night they reimbarked with so much precipitation, that they left a
quantity of Ammunition, provisions, and some Guns behind them.
The 15th July, all the large Vessels, with the Cuba forces on
board, Sailed to the Southv^ard; and the Governor and troops from Augus
tine, on board the small Craft, went within land, and encairroed in St.
Andrews, and cau^t 50 horses with a design to carry them away; but on
the Generals appearing in his Boats, the Eneiry Shot the said horses,
c and burnt the Fort and houses at St. Andrews.
The General next day, being the I6 J-uly, followed the Spaniards
with all his small Craft, but was not Strong enough to attack them. He
landed a Man out of his Boat on Cumberland, who that night passed the
Enemys Camp, and early the next morning came to fort William with
advice to Ensign Stewart, that the Spaniards were heat off St. Simons,
end that the General was coming with Succours, and orderd him to
defend the Fort to the utmost. (229)
The 18th of ^oly, 28 Sail of Spanish Vessels appeared off Fort
William, Ih- of which came within lauid, and attacked the Fort from their
Gallies and other Vessels, and attempted to land, but were repulsed by
12? (229)
a party of Rangers from iDeMnd the sand hills. Ensign aiaststK* Stewart
who Commanded with 60 men in the fort, defended it so "bravely, that
after an Attack of upwards of three hours, they were obliged to put to
Sea v/ith Considerable loss. The l8 pounders there disabled two of
their Gallies.
The 19th July the General was on his way to fort William.
The 20th July fne General arrived at fort William, and sent his
Boats and Rangers as far as the River St. Jolm, who returned the next
day, being the 21st of J\ay, and brou^t advice that the Enemy was quite
gone; upon which the General gave necessary Orders for the Repairing
fort William, and on the 22d returned to frederica. A few days after
wards the men of War from Charles Town came off St. Simons Bar; and
Captain Thomson, with some Voluntiers from Carolina, our Guard Schooner
and two Gallies, came into St. Simons Harbour; and Captain Hardy of the
Rye Man of War, receiving a Message from the General by Lieutenant
Maxwell who went on board him. Sent for Answer, that he would take a
Cruize with the rest of the Fings Ships.
But the General apprehending the Spaniards "Upon recovering their
fright might return with more Courage and better Conduct, continued
Cppt. Thomsons (230) Ship in the Kings Service, and sent Expresses over
land to the Northern provinces on this Occasion.
A List of Some of the Spanish forces employd in the
Invj^sion of Georgia., under the Command of
Bon Manuel de Monteano, Governor of Augustine, Commander in
Chief of the Expedition.
128 (230)
Major Genernl Antonio de Eodondo, Engineer General.
Two Colonelp, with Brevits of BrigsMers.
One Regiment of Dragoons dismounted, with their Saddles and
The Regiment called the Battellion of the Hsvannah, 10 Companies
of 50 each, dxaxighted off from Several Regiments in Havannah.
One Regiment of the Havannah Militia Consisting of 10 Con^jenies
of 100 men each.
One Regiment of Negroes, regularly officerd by Negroes.
One Regiment of Mullattas, and one Company of 100 Migulets.
One Company of the Train with proper Artillery.
Augustine Forces, consisting of about 3OO men.
Ninety Indians.
end 15 Negroes, who intn eway from South Carolina.
(232) From the Carolina Gazet
Charles Town, South Carolina 26 July 174'2.
Last week the several Vessels fitted out by this Government to
assist General Oglethorpe, all sailed one after another in order to
join the men of War off St. Simons Bar. Tliose Vessels \;e hear, have on
board 600 men, and 140 Guns Carriage and Swivels, which with his
Majestys/iaacK 20 gun Ships, the Rye and Flamborough, and the Sv/ift and
Hawk Snows, are deemed a force more than Sirfficient to deal with the
Spaniards on the present occasion Those who know the Situation of
129 (232)
Frederica Town, on St. Simons Island (where the G-enl. at present
stands on his defence) are -under little or no apprehensions of the
Spaniards s-ucceeding "before relief comes from hencej for "by lend at
a most. Wo men only can mardh up sixssdk abreast thither from the place
called the Camp, at the mouth of the Harbour, -which is about the dis
tance of Seven miles, and is very convenient for Ambuscades all the
way, in which the Indians and Highlanders are of great use and
b Service; and by water, only one Vessel at a time can come up to the
Town, the Beach leading to it being very narrow, about a mile in
length, and is exposed to be raked by an eighteen end two twelve
pounders. On Saturday last news came thro private hands that upon
sight only of the Flemborough, Swift and Hewk men of War, which ap
peared off the Bar of St. Simons the 13 Inst, the Spaniards betook
themselves to their Vessels in the utmost confusion, and left the
General again Master of the Island. 3(23^
(234) South Carolina 26 July 1742.
On Friday last the Pilot Boat which -vvas sent to Virginia by the
Governour with the first Hews of the Spanish Invasion, returned
hither; She left Virginia the 12th Inst, and brings an Acct. that
Captain Dandridge, in his Majestys Ship the South Sea Castle of 40
Guns, would sail in tvro days after to the Relief of Genl. Oglethorpe.
The said Captain was just returned from a Cruize, and having all his
men reedy on Board, had nothing to do but to take in some wood and
150 (254)
On. Saturday News came, that on sight only of the Flamhorough,
S\Trift, and Hawk men of War, and the Besuford Galley, which appeard off
the Bar of St. Simons the l^th Instant, the Spaniards hetook themselves
to their Vessels with the utmost Confusion, and left the General again
Master of the Island.
(256) John Ballowfield to the Trustees reed. 8 Kov. 1742
Sa.vannah 2? J\ily 1742
May it please your Honours
I received your discharge on Saturday the 15th of May, after I
a ha,d Summon'd the Jurys for the Court which was held on Monday the 17th
h and after having heen trifled with hy your president, who a.hsolutely
told me a few days "before, there was no new Constitutions come over,
nor my name mentioned nor any letters for me from yr. honrs, and at the
same time had them "by him, not "but it was welcome and what I expected
for declaring the real truth, You say I forgot to preserve the peace
and Authority of f Government, which I deny, and can make it appear
otherwise many times I have kept the peace when other Magistrates ha.ve
"been in Liauor themselves, and raised such Fumes in Town enou^ to set
us together, and your honours says heeding a discontented party, those
you call so some are of Superior Character to any of those you have now
in Office, and most of them upon a par and its most certain, they have
made larger Improvements in Building and planting, which is more the
pity, we have so ruined our selves, when all we have done is of no
131 (236)
velue. Houses tha,t has cost some hundred pounds Sterling, never brought
one farthing Eent, and now ready to fall, not naving Tenants to keep
them in Repair, and you observe to bring all order into confusion; The
Strictest (237) order was kept when I was a Magistrate, Yo\ir honours
say persons not content with Government are equally unable to Govern
themselves, we are able to Govern our selves, and think you unable to
chuse Governors for us, as we best know the neople, and who is fittest
for the Magistracy, those you have Chose from time to time have been
great Instruments of oversetting the Colony, with your bad titles to
the Lands, and the prohibition of the use of Negroes which has ever
been found usefull and Beneficial in this Country, and there writing
Letters to you against particular persons who are inacent of their
false charges, I mean such as Coll. Stephens and Thos. Jones have done,
to many ones prejudice. There is now more Confusion amongst the Magis
trates and your Council with the general dislike to them all tnat ever
was, which Letters will demonstrate that you will receive, Mr. Watson
you sent over first Recorder, end afterwards appointed him third
Bailiff in the Room of Thos. Jones, and the said Jones in my Room, of
2d Bailiff, after having been Indicted by the Grand Jury, for breaking
open a Box that had the Deceas'd Accts. in it, the Affair you have
before you long *ere this, from the president and assistants, without
the president forgot to send the Affidavits and proceedings, which he
promised the Assistants so to do. His Memory is very bad but he is
capable of making Wilfull mistakes the said Jones and he wbs very
intimate at that time but reverse now, Mr. V/attson Committed Capt.
Mathew, Tlaos. Ormston, Andrew Duchee for refusing to serve on (238) the
132 (238)
Jtiry for May the 17th if Mr. Jones sat as a Magistrate on the Bench,
when he was Indicted for Felony the Court "before, and the said Mathews
W0,s Foreman and Ormston one of the xxa said Grand Jury and Mr. Parker
a your first Bayliff chief Evidence against him the sa.id Jones; these
three persons were Committed to the Common prison called the Loghouse
till they paid their fines, which had they continued all night, you
know not the Consequence thereof, the town takes it as a very great
Compliment your sending a Bailiff, and that professes the haw publickly and never quotes any Statute, they think you should have sent
two such, another in their Beha-lf; You'll "beleive when it fck is too
late, hut I have this to add, you know not the had. managemt. of your
h president, and tha,t he is supersnuated and like a Child led hy the
c Nose, hy Ignorante persons that always has design. The Selfishness of
Henry Parker whom you Instructed and kept in pla.ce so many years to
the Astonishment of every body that knowed him, which will never he
d forgot hy the Inhabitants of Savannah, The many Crimes Jones has been
guilty of which will appear to your discredit Some time or other,
e perhapps sooner than expected, and for the Lawyer has alree.dy took
such steps as has drove three families away to Carolina, and dare
venture further to say he'l never improve here as much as the least of
those that are gone, You'l find a Number of persons from this Colony
come home if affairs is not (239) altered, that will publish in the
most puhlick manner before your faces, and the whole World, the
hardships they have undergone, of the many different kinds, and their
large Improvements though in a Starving Condition at the same time for
want of Common liberty. Coll. Stephens when he was here before to run
133 (239)
out a large tract of Land in South Carolina, he lodged at my house
when in Savannah then he was of my Opinion, with others, and often
declared the Country would never do without Negroes, and the Lands on
Fee Simple, with many other Expressions Concerning the Colony; and the
Loghouses that he approves of so much now, was then as had as any
Inq^uisition, and he said Capt. Wattson was Illegally confined these
declarations he made at Several times and many in Company, both at
Taverns and private houses and heleive he is privy to his Sons pro
ceedings as much as my self or any other person that signed the papers
end Wellwishers Thereto, or to he plainer those you call the Melecontents, and heleive youl find things as I have said to he true, V/e are
in dally hopes that his Majesty King George the Second will take the
Trust off your hands, which would give us the utmost pleasure, and till
then neither our Interest or any office will he worth one farthing to
any person here, I hope your honrs. will not think I write out of any
peak, because you have displeased me, or to think I want any favour of
you, I wod sooner go to the furthest part of the Earth (240) Earth
before I would accept of any Office from you called by the name of the
Trustees of Georgia, who has been ye Ruin of so many poor people
Inhabitants of Georgia man^'^ of whom brought a great deal of money and
fk effects with them. This day being the 8th of May died Capt.
Jacob Mathews who was a Man of honour and Resolution and great Interest
with the Indians, his Behaviour v^as so agreeable to them, as well as
other persons, which can say he was generally well esteemed, that his
Death was much Lejmented, tho Rejjorted otherwise by your Secretary Coll.
Stephens to your honours; about two weeks before he died, he had a
134 (24o)
letter from his Excellency Genl, Oglethorpe, who was so kind to ac
quaint him, the said Mathex-rs, what was vrrote home against him hy your
Secretary; He knowing his own Inocence and the falsity of the report so
affected him, that verily heleive shortned his days, even his Excellency
would not heleive it himself, had he, the said Mathews not heen a man
of Trust and worth a Captains Commission would have not heen to him
given, lie say no more of that Gentleman because he is a Man in years
and Age will not allow him to do much more mischief, hut to succeed
h him, Henry Parker to he short he is every thing base and mean, and ever
a f, Tool to those in Authority, that is the Major part or the strongest
side or that side he can get the most from, hut rather chuses the
Strongest side as being naturally a Coward, Just or unjust, though he
had the Impudence to make an Affidavit to Mr. Jones against Sr. Eichsrd
Everard his offering him (24l) a Bribe of a years Sallary and of
my Encouraging of him the same to accept of it, which when Sr. Richard
was here, had not sufficient money himself for his own eaqpence, and for
my encouraging him I never heard, nor see anj thing like it, and justly
can make oath to the falsity of it. But am sure of this had it heen in
Sr. Richards power to offer any bribe to Parker he would readily have
accepted of, as has to my knowledge many times before, and likexirise at
that very time, he was in great straits, and out of favour with your
Store keeper Thoma.8 Jones because he had just protested against him
concerning the fradulent designs of Signing the Sola Bills with several
other things which need not relate though I have the Copies of the same
as Swore before me, and they must needs be with you some months ago and
a the Contents well knoxvn -unto you. But this intended president of yours
135 (241)
has a particular gift of protesting and Swearing and Covintermanding if
Occasion Serves, therefore may Suit some employ the test, notwith
standing I have the Credit of heing turned out for Speaking by ;/our
honours, I would put you in the Si Light as this being the last time I
ever intend to write you or least I beleive so. How inconsistent it is
the Bailiffs to be Assistants to the president. If the three Bailiffs
agree your president and the other is but a Cypher, and what Justice
then can be had by an appeal (242) from Coijrt by the person egrieved
when the same three persons agrees again when at that Board The meanest
Capacity here can see into that. Mr. Pye our Seconder whom you had
displaced, and afterwards left to the discretion of Coll. Stephens to
put him in again, I was afraid of his turning distracted which he said
all he repented of was because he had not Signed our lest paper which
was tmder the Care of Thos. Stephens our present Agent, which he
deserved to be turned out for that and for nothing else, at that time
it was supposed that he was out of Office, If oior Agent does not do us
Justice, we will all come and be Agents for o^nr Selves, and bring our
Accts. v.'ith us what we have laid out, and doubt not but shall receive
the Ballance of your Honours or else inhere, of what was laid out in
inprovemts. Some are not in debt at all others are a little as I am
one of those that ejcpect 600 L at least deducting the Store debt, You
order me in a. Letter dat. about 14 or 15 months ago to concur with
every thing Coll. Stephens did or said for peace Sake I have done it,
though have been consious at the Same time it was wrong, which is the
only thing I am sorry for, your Eecommendation was so particular to
him. I am
Yr. Honrs.
Most obedt. humble
John Palloiifield
136 (244)
A Copy of an Address to Genl. Oglethorpe from the Principal Free
holders and Inhahitants of Port Royal and Places a2sj3S adjacent in
South Carolina.
Port Royal in South Carolina 29 July 1742
To his Excellency James Oglethorpe Esqr.
Capt. General and Commander in Chief over all his Majestys Forces in
Carolina and Georgia, and Colonel of his Majestys Regiment of foot
doing Duty at St. Simons and Frederica
May it please your Excellency
We the principal freeholders and Inliahitants of Port Royal
Island the the parts adjacent, for our Selves and other Settlers, "being
the Southern Frontiers of his Majesty's province of South Carolina,
"beg leave to congratulate your Excellency on your late Wonderfull
Success, tmder God, over your and our inveterate and "baxharous Enemy
the Spaniards, who have so lately invaded your Excellency in such a
numerous manner, to the great amazement and Terror of his Majesty's
loyal Su'bjects dwelling in these open and defenceless parts.
It is very certain, had they Succeeded in their atteic^ts against
your Excellency, they would have entirely destroyed us, and laid our
Lands waste and desolate, have filled our ha"bitations with "blood and
Slaughter, and his Majesty would in all pro"bahility h-ve lost this
fine and Spacious Port of Port Royal, where some of the "best and
largest Ships of the British Ration might harbour securely on any
137 (245)
We are very sensilale of the great protection and Safety we have
enjoyd a long time by yoior Excellencys being to the Southv/srd of us,
your keeping yoior Sloops of War on the Cruize, which has secured
oxir Trade and Tortunes in Safety, more than all the Ships of War that
were ever Stationed at Charles Town. But more especially by your late
Besolution in frustrating the attempts of our Enemies (tho invaded by
so strong a Sea as well as Lend force, as was thought impossible for
you to hold out against) when nothing could have saved us from utter
Ruin, next to the providence of Almighty God, but your Excellencys
singular Conduct and the Bravery of his Majestys troops under your
Comiriand, whom we think our duty to pray to God to protect, and send you
success in all your undertakings for his Majestys Service. And we
assure yoTor Excellency, not a man of us but would willingly have
vent-ured our all in Support of yo-ur Excellency and your Gallant
Troops, were we assisted and put in a Condition to have been of service
to you; and we always look on our Interest so united to the Colony of
Georgia, that had your Excellency been acsck cut off, we must have fell
in Course.
We humbly pray your Excelly. to accept of this our acknowledg
ments as an earnest of our hearty Zeal and affection to your Bxcellcy.
and his Majestys Troops \mder your Command.
We are &ca.
(246) 3d Aug. 1642
The Deposition of Samuel Cloake, lately belonging to his
138 (246)
Majestys Ship the Flamborough, and taken Prisoner off Augustine by the
Spaniards in May 1742.
Frederica in Georgia Ss.
giitBr Elis Deponent being duly Sworn, Saith, that he was put
prisoner on board a Ship called the Pretty Nancy, taken by the Spaniards
from the English, fitted out with ten Carriage and six Swivel Guns,
which was part of the fleet that carried the Troops from Augustine for
the Invasion of Georgia and South Carolina; thrt She had 150 Soldiers
on board, besides Sailors: thp,t he Counted 44 Sail, besides the
launches and those that went in land, and the Pettiaugaus which
carried the Indians; That they sailed from Augustine the begining of
June, and met with very hard Gales for three days, vjhich dispersed the
fleet: thal the Chief Pilot on board the Commodore was one Parris,
a belonging to Port Eoyal in South Carolina, and who was married there,
and had a plantation in that province: Thai they came to an Anchor
with part of the fleet off Frederica Bar, to the Northward of it; and
the Spaniards said, that they should not have found out Georgia, had it
not been for Parris their Pilot; That they lay several days at Anchor
off the Bar; during which time the men were put into small boats in
order to land; but seeing severe,! men marching on the beach they were
afraid to land us they intended, and came (24?) on board again for about
three days, after holding a Council of War, they v;ere resolved not to
land any men till they had made themselves Masters of the Harbour.
During the time they lay off this Bar, the Spaniards often whetted
their Swords, and held their knives to this Deponent's and other
139 (24?)
English prisoners throats, Spying they would cut the throats of those
they should take at Georgia. They sailed in on the 5th of July with a
Strong Easterly wind and tide of flood; That the English fired from
the Batteries and Ships very hriskly, and the Spaniards said, that the
English stood very well; That 4 pound Shots idsiksikssS. hulld the
Ship where this Deponent was, and one eighteen pound Shot from the
Battery killed Seven men on hoard the large Ship; That there were of
the Spaniards eight three Mast Ships, the Coraodore was a 20 Gun Ship.
There was also a Snow with l4 nine pounders, and a Galley with three
large guns, one of which he heard vjas a 12 pounder, who was mannd
with above a 100 men. There were also several privateers. Some of them
with 10 guns, and some v;ith eight: That the Spaniards and some Irish
men on board told him, that in the whole fleet there were about 5 or
6000 men, end they v^ere come with design to take Georgia, and after
that go to Port Poyal in South Carolina. He farther Says, that they
had a whole Regiment of ITegroes, with a Company of Grenadiers, in the
same manner as other Regiments have, and Cloathed in the same Livery as
other Spanish Regiments.
They were Commanded by Hegroe Officers, and he saw their Officers
walking along v/ith the Governor of (248) Augustine on Shore, and they
were dressed in Gold and Silver Lace Cloaths like other Officers, and
that they v/ere kept in the same pay as the other Regiments. He fTirther
Saith, that the Ship where this Deponent was, was loaded with Grenadiers
and Dragoons, who had. on board Saddles, Bridles, Pistols, and all
Accoutrements; Tha.t they landed all them from on boa.rd his Ship, and
put a Small Guard of 10 Men on board, and this Deponent asking the
140 (248)
Serjeant whether he hed heerL at Prederica, he answer'd, that jdaKlasix
the Woods were so fiill of Indians, that the Devil could not go th7'ough
them, and that the Indians had killed above 150 of their best men, and
that there was hut very few Soldiers among the English Indians. Those
who came on hoaxd were so down hearted, that they would hardly Speak a
word: That upon this they were order'd to get water on hoard, in Order
to get to Sea in a hurry, which this Deponent took the advantage of,
and made his Escape to General Oglethorpe
Samuel X Cloake
Sworn to before me this 3^ August 1742
John Oalwelle
The above is an exact Copy of the Original Test.
Fran. Moore
(250) Jo. Dobel to ye E. of Egmont reed. 26 Jany. 1742/3
Savannah 6 August 1742
My Lord
I am exceedingly troubled that it hath hitherto been so much out
of my power to discharge my duty in the Register office, but every
thing is now so much in confusion that nothing can at present be done
in it. God ha.th wonderfully saved us; a greater deliverance sure
never was! and had the men of War which then lay at Anchor in Charles
Town harbour came up to the Generals assistance, it is not probable
that a Soule of the Spaniards could have escaped: But axscl: ala.ssJ
their Conduct was too shamefull to mention. The brave Capt. Frankland
was not one of those he was then on a Cruise.
I am not able to give your Lordship a particular Account of the
Invasion only that the Spaniards came with 5500 men (besides 400
negroes which never arrived) 4-500 of those were act'ually landed on St.
Simons Island where they made themselves Masters of the Fort, and
advanced some of them within a. ^ mile of Frederica: But were gal
lantly received and braively repulsed! In this Georgia ha,th done
The famous Bon Antonio Barba who Commandjed Fort St. Lazaza in
the Siege of C^rthagena was slain, vdth some others of his Company
which they called Invincible. Theji General Slew some say 300, others
above 400 of the Spaniard.s, prevented their design of attacking Port
Eoyal, and happy was it they were so prevented: for not only the
Inhabitants of Port Eoyal, but of the Coiintry ell along on the Seacoast had (251) forsaken their habitations quite home to Charles Town
and they of that place were struck with a Panick fear: So that had
the Spaniards prosecuted their first design of attacking Carolina and
not Georgia, no one can say hov; fatal the Consequence would have been,
nor where the Conquest would have ended.
I am very happy in the acquaintance of the P.evd. Mr. Orton who
is a Sweet worthy Gentleman, a friend to the Poor, and a Lover of his
Country. I shall upon his repeated Invitations go into the parsonage
house to dwell with him as soon as he is a little recoverd from his
142 (251)
Indisposition of "body, which he has teen under since the Alerm.
Oh my Lord! I prpy Grod I may not haire offended your Lordship
"by my last letter; I dont desire your Lordship to give any regard to
what my thoughts are, if it does not appear plain to your Lordship:
And I heartily desire it may not. I ha ving rather believe well of
h Mr. Stephens than ill; and at any time should he glad of a Eeaeon to
alter mj" thoughts hut I am as firmly persuaded that a Secret Plot is
carrying on a-gainst the honourahle Board., as I am that o|)en opposition
hath been made; And if I was not so clear in the particulars thereof
as I ought before I communicated my thoughts to your Lordship, I
humbly pray your Lordsliip to forgive me, and not give me up to be ma,de
a Sacrifice of. But from the high esteem, and affectionate Regard
which I bear yoxor Lordship (252) in particular and the Trustees in
general, I am grieved to the Soul to see the face things bear in this
Kiat the designs of the Trustees are most Just and honourable,
that they do most earnestly strive to promote the welfare of this
place in general and of every particular person in it, is a persuasion
so firmly rooted in iry mind that not all the people in the world should
cause me to suspect ought to the contrary, much less to alter my
And when my thoughts ere directed this way it quickens my
affection which in duty I owe your Lordship and the Trustees, makes me
careless of ny own a^dvantage and is the Cause of the liberty for which
I now humbly Sue pardon.
My Letter to the Trustees; Plan of the Town of Savannah, and
143 (252)
List of Eeferences thereunto I have herewith enclosed that your Lord
ship may make what use thereof you please, to Eshihit it or not; nor
shall I send any Copy thereof to any save to your Lordship. My
daily prayers are that the Almighty may greatly lengthen your Lordships
life, and abundantly bless your declining days who am
Your Lordships
ever dutifiall most affect,
and most humble Servt.
Jno. Dobel
(254) Jo. Dobel to the Trustees reed. 26 "^any. 1742/3
Savannah 8 Aug. 1742
May it please yoTor Honours
I dont know what to say, or how to excuse my self for the non
performance of my duty, and negligence of writing occasioned thereby.
I as yet have not been able to do any thing in the fiegister Office.
On my arrival hither I applied to Col. Stephens and the Coxincil
of Savannah, for Instructions and assistance, which the Colonel and them
then promised me; but which as yet I have not received. I afterwards
applyd to the General, and he told me the method first designd was a
right one; which he indeed discribed to me but in terms above my Com
prehension: So that I have had no real assistance from one or the
other. And now all things are in confusion by the Spaniards who are
scarcely off our Coasts, the Inhabitants dispersed, and private Annimosities remaining firm.
144 (254)
Our deliverance from the Spaniards is singular.* and may serve
for an Argument with the l^nemies of Georgia th^t Heaven will uphold and
maintain it. Poor and dispiceble as it is yet hath it Phinehas like
f stood in the ^ gap, deserted of ell assistance hut Divine, and
hindred the destruction of its Sister Province, trampled under foot the
i glory and stren^t of its Super!our Enemy who were near 6 to one in
number. Georgia hath avenged the aacikxa death of Col. Watson and of
the many other brave Officers and Soldiers killed -under the walls of
Fort St, Lazara: So that our (255) our thankfullness, we of this
place, who knev? not but every day might be our last, ought to bear some
proportion to our deliverance, and excite us to lay aside all hj?pocriticel Schemes and false Essentments, and Tonite together heartily in
praise and Thanksgiving to iix Almighty God, and to the happy Instru
ment in his hand, by whom he hath saved us with such a deliverance as
The Dutch people behaved very well during the Alarm, or In
vasion, shewed themselves very ready to do any necessary thing, and
were not grilty of those Misdemeanours which some here are pleased to
charge them with, and which perhapps the Honble. Board may have heard
of; Such as breaking down fences. Robing of houses. Stealing of
Poultry and the like. Wo, this was the practice of the English &c, and
not of the Dutch, tho doubtless they have bad people amongst them even
as there are amongst others, and perhapps some of those might Act like
themselves; But tis Strange even to a wonder they did not more gener
ally follow our examples, and really make themselves as bad as they are
repi'esented to be.
145 (255)
May it please yotix honrs.
"b W own Sentiments are, that our Butch hs,ters,
are Uegroe lovers; that our disapprobation of the Dutch proceeds from a
hidden Insatiable desire of Negroes.
c I have enclosed with a Plan of the Town of Savannah a List of
References, tha,t the honourable Board may See what lots are at present
occupied, by whom, and what munber people and of what sort they are
which (256) which do so occupy here: And in this I have to the utmost
of my power laboured after truth, therefore for the deficiency of this
Account, and failings of my whole Conduct in General, I humbly pray
the G?rustees to deal favourably with, and in^pute it to my Inability
and want of assistance and not of a hearty Zeal and the most profound
Respect for the honourable Board.
d I do therefore humbly Request that some particular Instructions
may be given me and tha,t the honourable Board may cause it orderd
that I hare them. I am
Your Honours
Paithfull and most
thankfvill Servant
John Dobell
(258) A Certificate relating to Mr. Fenwickes Speech to Colonel
Vender Dussen Sept. 1742
There being incerted in the Carolina Gazette from July 5^4 to
Jiily 12th 172. in that part thereof which is there called the honoxrable
146 (258)
John Penwicke Esar. Speedh to Colonel Vsnder Bussen, many extraordinary
things, and one particularly which we cannot help taking notice of.
And when Commodore Pearse had also set Sail and left you
'(vizt. Vander Bussen) alone \ipon that Island (vizt. Anastetia)
with the Forces only of this Province, for your having brought
off notwithstanding (under the blessing of God) with such good
Conduct, all the Artillery, which the General had declared
iTTmassible to be done, and preserved the same, together with
all your men, Craft &ca,. at th.t deplorable Juncture, when in
all human Probability, the whole must liave fallen into the
Enemies hands, and happily compleated your Retreat without
any Loss.
We think our Selves obliged in Justice not only to Capt. Pearse
and the Officers and Seamen of that Squadron, but to his Majesty's
Service, and to the World, which may be deceived by the above Asser
tion, to declare that the same is not fact; and tha.t Mr. Vander Bussen
and the Carolina Regiment, were not left upon Anastatia alone. That
they did not alone bring off the Artillery, and that they did not
con^leat the Retreat; but on the contrary, that General Oglethorpe with
a Part of his Regiment, in which was Major Heron, Captains Besbrisay
and Dunbar, Lieutenant James Mackay, Sutherland, Cathcart, Stewart and
Wemyss, and Quarter Master Wansell formed the Rear in the retreat upon
the Main, for that He, with that part of his Regiment, the Indian
Rangers, and Highlanders, stay'd on the Main within half Cannon shot of
fclairTftart the Gates of Augustine, to restrain any Sallies from the Town,
1^7 (258)
till the Artillery, excepting one piece of Cannon, which was left
hehind, hurst; and all the men and Stores were embarked from Anastatia,
and till he saw all the Craft with them on hoard, sailed out of the
HarhoTir, and the men of War also sailed. (259) And we do also
declare that the only Battery which did engage the half Galleys the
day of the Retreat, was managed hy I*lr. Mace, and men paid hy General
Oglethorpe, and guarded hy a Detachment of his Regiment, and that,
under the Command of Ensigns Mace and Hogan, and that the said Battery
did force one of their Ga.llies aground.
There was upon Anastatia besides Mr. Yander Dussens Regiment,
some of the Generals Regiment, which stayd to the very last, with the
Artillery, and a large Party of Sailors also were left hy Captain
Pearse and the Captains of the men of War on Anastatia to the last, and
helped to bring off the Cannon, and were paid General Ogle thorps
Order, for every Gian they brought off. and Mr. Yander Dussen was so
far from con^leating any Retreat, that a Party of General Ogelthorpes
Regiment Commanded hy Mr. Hogan, marched in the Rear of the Carolina
Regiment, and after thr-t Regiment had marched off, the General in the
Real' of his own Regiment, secured the Retreat.
James Oglethorpe
Alexr. Heron
George Dunbar
James Mackay
Primrose Ma.x'rell
George Cadogan
Thos. Eyre
148 (259)
Pro'bart Howarth
Ssjnuel Mackay
Sol. Cham'berlaine
Willin. Eo'binson
Vfiiereas the names of Lieutenants Maocv-rell and Cadogan are Signed
to the foregoing Paragraph, in which they do not appear to have heen
present in the Eetreat, they think (260) think it necessary to add the
following Explanation.
At the first raising of the Carolina Eegiment, the General to
assist that Province in disciplining their men, dispensed with the duty
of us, who were then Second Ensigns in his Eegiment, and we were
a accordingly appointed Officers in that Service, Vizt. Mr. Maxwell
h Captain Lieutenant, and Mr. Cadogan Lieutenant. That upon the first
Promotions we were both appointed Captains. As this ohvietes an Objec
tion which might he made hy some who dare to print whp,t tney cannot
sign it also enables us to add the following ParticifLars, which could
not occur to other Persons.
After the Orders were given for a Eetreat, Captain Lunbar by
the Generals Order, came from his Camp on the Main to Anastatia in the
Generals Cutter, and assisted in embarking the Carolina. Eegiment and
after the whole were gone off, Capt. Dunbar returned to Point CJuartelle
and stay'd there till Colonel Vander Dussen and the greatest pert of
his Eegiment was landed, and then v/ent and reported to the General
that Colonel Vander Dussen was landed safe at Point Qpai'telle, which is
Seperated from A-ugastine by an 4rm of the Sea, which together with a
party of the Generals Eegiment which marched in our Eear, v;as a great
149 (260)
happiness to us; for the Carolina Regiment marched in such Disorder,
that the Van which the Colonel generally led, was seldom less than
four miles from the Rear, and at the first nights ka halting Colonel
Vander Dussen lay in the Front, and Mr. Maxwell in the Rear at the
distance of two Miles, and that the Regiment never joyned till they
came to St. Johns, vmere the Colonel arrived several hours hefore the
whole came up.
That a day or two after the Carolina Regiment came to Sadnt
Johns, Mr. Maxwell rode hack from thence tw^elve (26l) Miles towards
St. Augustine, where he met the General end his Regiment in their march
to St. Johns.
Primrose Maxwell
Geo. Codogan
(262) John Fallovirfield to the Trustees reed. 8 Novhr. 1742
Charles Town 7 Sep. 1742
May it plea.se Your Eonrs.
I heleive it may he said yoior Colony is coming to a Conclusion,
after these Ears, Icfe hut it is not the V/ars that frightned me with
many others away, for we staid till the danger was over, near a month
after. Your President vrho was Coll, of the Militia kept no Guard in
the greatest time of danger, he seemd to he quite dispirited so that
he sent the money away and secured a pilot and told him he should go
along with the Ca,sh and partake with him, and kept his horse always
150 (262)
ready Sadled in his Garden thet eat up all his Greens and other
Curiosities in the sd. Garden, The Pilot he made these offers to, was
Jno. lyndle a Tythin^nan who Spoke puhlickly of it, Such Mana^iement
among them never v/as the Like, the particulars would he too tedious to
relate, I shall only tell you its Irapossihle for Courts to he held in
Savannah, so many of the principal persons left the Colony because they
could live no longer in it, according to your unwholesome Constitution,
I am now here and all that I have to repent of is my obstinacy of con
tinuing so long at Georgia, and am Severely reflected on by my friends
who advised me from going at all
John Fallowfeild
(263) Already gone to Charles Town
Thos. Ormston
Edward Townshend
James B\xrnside
John Penrose
Willm. Elbert
John Barton
Wm. Scales
Benj. Gooldwire
Edward Bush Smith
153- (263)
Expected every day
John Pye Recorder
John Brownfield
Win. Woodroof
James Camrohel
with divers others
(264) 17 Sept. 1742 To His Excellency James Oglethorpe Bsqr.
General and Commander in Chief of all
His Majesty's Forces in Georgia and
South Carolina
May it Please your Excellence
We the President and Assistants Mggistrates and Constables in
and for the Tovm and Coiinty of Savannah whose names are under written
rely on you universal Candour and Goodness towards all the people of
this Colony over whom you most worthily hear the Supream Command that
you will he pleased to accept of this our Dutyfull Address (tho late)
wherein we heg leave to offer our most unfeignd acknowledgment and
gratitude to your Excellence for your great and unexampled Conduct in
opposing such numerous Troops as lately invaded this Province wath so
unequal a force, who nevertheless thro the providence of God inspiring
them with Courage to Imitate their daring Commander sex repelld the
Enemy wherever they attacked; and finally gave them a totall defeat
wherehy/^tera whole Colony was deliverd out of the Jaws of inpending
152 (264)
These Sir pre Actions far "beyond onr reach to cele"brate duly,
they will "be knovm end admired "by the whole world twill "better "become
us to profess with glad hearts that we look on you solely as our great
Protector under those dangers that threatned us and that it is owing
to you alone under God (265) we enjoy our present tranquility.
We shall not Offer to make any return here to those most un
charitable Reflections which were "bestowed upon us the present Su'bscri"bers in a late letter to your Excellence which effectually answerd
the Purpose (as it may "be supposed was intended of Cutting off all
those from joyning with them whom they had set a mark on end taking
there"by to themselves the Honour of "being foremost in offering that
Insense of oraise which had it not "been for those Reflections not only
we "but the united body of the people would readily have joined in as
That the Great God of Armies may continue to your Excellence
the Blessings of health and prosperity and that all your undertakings
so generously calculated for the good of this Colony may be ever
Crowned with Success is the earnest prayer of
Your Excellencys
most dutyfull and obedt. Servants
Septr. 17. 1742
A true Copy of
the Original
Thomas Coleman
Sworn before us
to be a true Copy of the Original
Thos. Hawkins
Thos. Marriott
153 (266)
Presented to G-enl. Oglethorpe Sept. 17^2
To His Excellency James Oglethorpe Esqr.
Captain General of his Majestys Forces
In South Carolina and Georgia.
e the Inhabitants of the Town and County of Savannah, beg
leave to assure you we are truly sensible that under the Direction of
our Mercifull and Omnipotent Creator you have so far defeated the
publick Enemy, tha,t we once more enjoy those possessions from which
the tiraerous dispositions of our Commanders here almost induced the
generality of us to fly.
e saw our selves like sheep without a shepherd and our Vfives
and Children and effects near ready for a Sacrifice and Prey, We have
experimentslly seen the ardency and good effects of your paternal
care, tho distant from us, and beg your acceptance of our sincere
thanks to you as (under God) our immediate Deliverer.
We imagine that our Conduct from the first Settlement of the
Colony in many Cases of like danger does sufficiently evince that we
are always ready end resolved to maintain each Spot of our Possessions
till death or the Sword should make it iitpracticable and as we are
ready to give the utmost Testimony thg.t we have nothing more at heart
than the vrelfare of the Colony and to oppose its publick and private
Enemies, therefore hope from your wonted Vigilance and Love to be
farther protected that such immediale measures may be taken with
regard to the Militia of this place as may enable us in case of future
danger to make (26?) such a Defence as our reduced numbers and sha.tter*d
15^ (267)
Circumstances will admit and to receive such farther relief as you
sloall think proper.
It is not owing to any haclcwardness in us that we did not ex
press our gratitude to your Excellency sooner, we waited with Inroatience to joyn those who we thought would have more early promoted such
a Duty, hut having thus escpressed our Sentiments and the truth of facts
we imagine your Excellency will not he surprized they do not now join
That God in his infinite Goodness may continue to hs3uE hless
and prosper your Arms and to protect and prolong your life are the
Sincere wishes of
Your Excellencys
Most dutyfull and Ohedt. Servants
A true Copy of
the Original
Thomas Coleman
Sv/orn to he a true Copy of
the Original
Thomas Hawkins
Thos. Marriott
(268) Letter from Saci Lieut. Colonel Alexander Heron to a friend of his
Frederica in Georgia 2h Sepr. 17^2
Dear Sir
155 (268)
According to your req^uest I shell give you an Account of the
remarksble Occurrences which happen'd at the Siege of Augustine, they
are as follows. I think aoout the hegining of May 1740 General Ogle
thorpe mgrcht into Florida with 400 or more of his Regiment. The
Highland Company, the Georgia Troop of Rangers, and a large body of
Indians of different nations; Some time after he was joined at the
River St. John's hy about 400 men from Carolina under the Command of
one Coll. Vender Dussen, soon after the Generals srrival there, he
marched with a small body of men and took St. Diego, with upwards of 50
men, and several pieces of Cannon in it. As this place was well water'd,
and half way betwixt St. Augustine and St. Johns River, the General
made a Magazine of it during the Seige. after he had been a few days
at St. Diego, he thought proner to march towards St. Aug-ustine, in
order to View the Country, through which our Cannon and provisions
3irust have passed, had the place been besieged on the Land side, as was
once intended, he accordingly view'd the Country, Town and Castle, and
two days after returned to Saint Diego, from whence he vient to the
banks of the Sea, to Consult with the Captains of the men of Vfer, whose
Ships lay at anchor about two miles distancej^ from the Shore, It was
then resolved that the General with 200 of his Regiment and some
Indians should go on board the Ships of War in order to take the
Island of Anastatia, which v;as accordingly done, leaving the rest of
the Regiment with Lieut. Colonel Cook to guard the Artillery and Provi
sions, to (269) to Point Quartelle. Having taken St. Anastatia he
landed some Cannon and made Batteries. An unlucly accident soon after
happen'd throuh the Indiscretion of one Colonel Palmer, who broke the
156 (269)
Genersls positive Orders in putting tlxe men into Moosa after he hedL
demolished it, ssying, it might one day or other he a Mouse trap for
our people. That accident, I say, as well as the Spanish Indians
getting into Coll. Va.nder Dussens Camp and killing some of his people,
made the General resolve on passing St. Augustine and Diego Eivers,
and take to the main behind the Town and Castle with about "^00 of his
Regiment, Indians and others, as well to prevent unluck7 accidents for
the time to come, as to block up the Place on the land side, but on
the Generals quitting St. Anastatia, it was resolved th^t a proper
Signal beiixg given, the men of V/ars boats should attack the Galleys
which lay in the Harbour, and the General the Town on the land side.
He lay many days waiting for this Signal to attack, but to no piirpose,
for the first news he heard, was that the Captains of the men of war
were resolved to quite the Coast, being a dangerous time of the year,
and that the Carolina VolTintiers had run away, that Colonel Vender
Bunsens Regiment, Officers and Soldiers were generallj uneasy, and that
one of his Captains had actuallj feserted from the main Guard. These
dist\3rbanc8s soon got to the Ears of the Enemy by means of Deserters,
which occasioned a Sally (of 600 foot, 700 horse and some Indians, with
the Governor of St. Augustine at their head) upon the General, who lay
with about 200 of his Regiment and some Indians then at a miles dis
tance, but as he never yet failed in a.ny Enterprize when his own Regi
ment was his Dependance, he attacked and beat that fresh body of men
into their Tovm with great Precipitation. I cannot help (270) acauainting you with a very extraordinary offer of Colonel Vender Dussens, to
the General, which was to continue on St. Anastatia with his small
157 (270)
hpjadfiall of men (disaffected Tsoth to their Country -nd Colonel, ps
appear'd hy frequent Deserters to the Enemy) provided the Genii, wotild
march round and encamp to the So\ith\irerd of the Tovfn, If he had done
this, he must have left the Enemg'- behind him, which were fresh and
unfatigued men, and ten times his number, and no method of getting
provisions or other Supplys, end his Indians resolved to go home, I
say, upon seeing these disturbances, and that Colonel Vander Dussen
and his people v/ould actually be prisoners by reason of the Galleys
being Masters of that Island after the men of War were gone, the
General orderd the Forces to be withdrawn from St. Anastatia, and
Lieutenant Colonel Cook, who as En^uneer, had the charge of the Cannon
and other Atillery, with some men from each Company to see it carried
off, which he accordingly did with the assistance of Captain Townshends
and other Sailors, which were afterv/ards paid by the General, so that
Colonel Vander Dussens offer to continue the Blockade, must at the best
have been a mistaken piece of Service, and that of his Eegiment carry
ing off the Cannon sn entire ^ falsehood. As ss Soon as the Cannon and
all was got off, the General retreated in a Soldier-like manner with
his sm-ll handfull of men through a large plain v;ithin less than
Cannon shot of the Castle, with Colours flying and Drums beating, and
encamped that ni^t within three miles of the Town. E'ext day after
the Sun was up, he began his march as he had done the day before, and
continued matching very slow, till he came to Diego, about l4 miles
from St. Augustine, where he stayed three days to refresh his people.
Dijring the time of (271) Stay there, the Enemy sent a Party of
Discovery, one of which party was taken prisoner, and two killed.
158 (271)
Nothing else extraordinary happen'd till we came to St. Johns River,
where the Genii, applyed to Coll. Vender Dussen for one hundred men to
ensile him to keep possession of the seid River, end the Ports he he.d
taken from the Enemy, which were Situated upon it, hut his application
WS.S to no effect, for he could not obtain one men. Coll. Vender
Dnssen at last grevr scarce of provisions hy reason of another Capt. of
his Regiment deserting vrith his Con^pany in a Vessel v;here the provi
sions belonging to the whole, were. This Refusal of Coll. Vander
Dussen's occasioned the Generals drawing in the Garrison of St.
Francisco de Pupo, which ley at the head of the River St. John's, and
Commanded the Passage, through which Indians of different Nations
might pass, either to assist or annoy the Enemy, so shall leave it to
you or any other in^jartial Judge, if more could be done by Genii.
Oglethorpe on this occasion. The Governour of St. Augustine who was
beat under his own walls by our Genera.l, as I have before said, with
very unequal niombers, was immediately advanced by his Master the King
of Spain, and I make no doubt, but our Genii, (when ye Story comes to
be Impartially related) will be thought by our Prince, full as deserv
ing. Since I have been speaking of the two Commanders above, it will
not be in^roper to acquaint you that the Govr. of St. Augustine in his
turn, came to pay us a Visit on this Island, and enterd our Harbour the
5th July 17^2 W'ith 36 Sa,il of Vessels, and 4500 men, we were not above
450 men besides a few Highlanders, Rangers and Indians, all not ex
ceeding 150 more. Our Genii. Conducted his men so well that the Govr.
of St. Augustine with several other Officers of great Rank belonging to
that Arms'', thought proper to embark and go off, v/ith a very considerable
159 (271)
loss of men on their side, and s very trifling one on oiirs. You know I
have the honour to "bear a Commission in the Army, not inconsiderable,
therefore oijght not, nor dare not tell an iintinith. You may publish the
whole of this Letter as an absolute fact from
Dear Sir
YoTors at Command
Alexr. Heron
(272) Joseph Avery to Mr. Verelts reed. Feby. 17^2/3
Savannah in Georgia 27 Oct. 17^2
It has pleased God that I have had a most excellent and quick
a passage to America where I arrived the l6th Inst, after a short passage
of five weeks.
b arrival was much wanted to rtin out land and settle a Town for
the Dutch or German Servants which I am going to do at White Bluff upon
Yernon Eiver for about a hundred families, the land being very good,
c tis triie there are not above forty families the rest of the lend will
be rea.dy for others when they come over, I beleive they will be indus
trious and do very \irell for themselves, but not for any other they
having been very expensive to the Trustees, nor will any white Servants
be of any proffit unless they are well looked after, and reduced to
rules in working like the Black Servants in Carolina
d I suppose you will allow my Sallary to commence from the
160 (272)
"beginning of October, I am sure it v^ill be fully earned before Christmas
day, not only in runing out the Dutch Servants town and land, but also
in continuing on the General Survey to the South of the Province, I
should be glad you would hasten over my Commission and Instructions,
that so I may know how far I am to Act, and whether it will be agree
able to the duty of Surveyor and Inspector of the Colony as dravm up
by me and left with you when i came away, I know they are both wanted
and (273) will be equally usefull, but without my power I cannot open my
office end begin my books and enter and record things in form, nor can
I receive Claims V/arrants for runing land, or give plots and Grants
annexed without, nor can I inspect the Several plantations Improvements
and other things wanted to be looked into in the Colony and keep
Journals thereof as we proposed without sufficient pov^er so to do.
I have of this date writ to the Trustees according to their
order which please to see and let me khow how far they approve of what
is therein proposed and oblige
P. S.
Your most humble servant
Joseph Avery
I shall write you more fully in my next
(284) Mr Tho. "Upton to the Earl of Egmont Peed. 12 Jany. 1742/3
Prederica 4 Uov. 1742
I4y Lord
161 (284)
I coTild not let Slip this opport\mity of writing to your Lordship to acquaint you how I go on in this place; I suppose your Lordship
has heen scqu8,inted of my leaving my Settlement upon this Island, and
a took up the ^sland of All-Honey near Savannah where I did Settle and
planted and had this last year a very good Crop but the misfortune of
the last Invasion I left my place and was here with the General at
every attack he had with the Spaniards, and while I v/as here the
b Indians plunderd me and took all my goods out of the house, they did
not as much as leave me a Grain of Corn or pease, in short they have
quite Strip'd me and render'd me in so deplorable a Condition unless
the Honble. Trustees take my Case into Consideration. I have met with
great losses ever since I have been in this Colony; Upon my first
settling on the ^sland I had two Servants, 7 Hogs, 5 dozen of Fowls,
Beef, Pork, flower &ca. all taken by the Spaniards. These things are a
great loss to a person of a. Small fortune; I assure your Lordship I
c have laid out in settling upwards of L 500 and had as I imagined
broiight things to bear so as to live in a Comfortable manner. I am
really reduced, only his Excellency is so good as to Committ the care
d of one of the Guard Boats, for which I have 4 Shill p month, its some
help indeed, but I should much rather remain planting v^as I in a
a Capacity, for I (285) 1 sm sure the Country and Soil is good and
b pleasant. I assure your Lordship I never concerned my self in any of
c the publick affairs, nor never will. I never Signed any paper unless
one which Coll. Stephens sent to England, shewing what this County is
able to produce. There is no part of America I like as well as this
d plane, had I servants to assist me. If the Trustees v;ould Grant me the
162 (285)
Credit of Six servents I should te ahle to reppy them in a short time,
I heg the favour of your Lordships Interest to their Honours, I have
nobody to rely on but your Lordship, I hope you will en<iuire of the
Bearer of these and he v/ill give you a Character of
My Lord
Your Lordships
Most Obedt. humble Servant
Tho: Upton
Mrs. Upton joins with me
in Duty to yr. Lord,ship
and ny Lady.
(288) State of Ebenezer 4 Dec. 1742 reed. 17 March 1742/3
The A^hole Congregation of Ebenezer consisted in the latter End
of the Year 1742 of .... 77 Men, all able to bear Arms few excepted.
70 Women
42 Boys
60 Girls
_2, Maid Servants
By the Blessing of God/ our Peoples produce of this year was
3048 Bushells of Corn, 5^7 Bushells of Pease, 566 Bushells of Potatoes,
733 Bushells of Rice, 92 Bushells of IHieat, and 11 Bushells of Eye and
Barley. Our Peoples Fields at the Mill Eiver have been over flown in
163 (288)
the Spring too Igte, v;hich hinderd them from planting them. The most
people of the last Settlers were disabled by long and hard ^ Sicknesses
to plant or to preserve their Growth, which are the Reasons, why the
Crop of this year did not answer our E^cpectations in the Spring.
However we have enough and to Spare. Being some hard sudden Showers
last Summer our Wheat was lodged dovm very much, hence it was tha.t ve
had much Straw and Husks, and not so much Wheat in grains, as we
ejqiected. This fall a great deeJ. of European Grain was planted, and
they get the lohger the more experience, what manner they must use in
a planting and preserving European Grain, which grows in our Pine land,
if manured but a Little, exceeding well. As for meat kind they have
killed as many Beeves and Hoggs, as they wanted for their own Use,
b besides the Caives which they h=ve sold at Savannah, and killed for
Sickly Persons at home By the help and Good Direction of his Excellency
(289) General Oglethorpe our Tovrn is provided with plenty of Young
a Mulberry Trees, which thrive mighty well, and the Women of our Settlem.ent are very much encouraged by the Small, but successful! attempt of
our Orphan House, to spend a due time in making Silk. This year a
Strong and long Bridge between the Town and the Plantations was built,
and OTir Water Mill repaired by common Work of our Inhabitants in a very
strong and usefxfLl manner, which we count for one of the greatest
ten5)oral Benefits, we enjoy in the Colony. Our Church in the town is no
quite finished, and the Carpenters with their Assistants are now about
to build another at the Plantations, for which the Timber, Boards, and
b other things have been prepared in the Spring. Our Orphan House
prospers very well under the Blessing of God, vfhere the Master and his
164 (289)
People fall in the way of Cultivating and tilling the Ground, as it is
usual in their llative Country, which is mighty Encouraging to our Inhahitants. Our Orphan House is now rid of all the Debts, which neces
sity obliged me to Contract from the Begining, except 37 1 Sterling to
the Store of the Eonble. Trustees, for which I have besoiaght them in a
Letter either to remit this Debt to the Orphan House, or to give so
long Credit, till God enables us to repay it with thanlofullness.
The Truth of this Account John Martin Bolzius
Especia.lly of the Crop above Dec. 4th 1742
meiitioned, is confirmed by
Israel Christian Gronau
|k P. Vigera
(290) The above written, is an abstract of the niimber of the Inhabi
tants sent me by Mr. Bolzius at ny Bequest, tha.t the
present St--=te of Sbenezer might be represented to the Honble.
Trustees, in Obedience to their Order; and therewith he also
sent me a. particular Account of the present Circumstances of
tha.t place; whereof this is a trixe Coppy
VTill; Stephens
/ Us (292)
Eecd. 29 April 17^3
Frederica )
) The Deposition of Samuel Lee
to with )
) Freeholder of this Town taken before us
Dec. 10th 1742 )
This Deponent declares upon Oath that I^r, Hawkins had Requested
and Advised him a long time Since to marry Anne Bennet idow of Levi
Bennet deceased, And that the said Mr. Hawkins used several motives and
a Arguments for that purpose, And that this Deponent did then declare the
said Anne Rennet to he his V/ife, And that he did then Object against
being married by Mr. Horris, His Maid Servant being then big with Child
by him (the said Norris) As it was r^orted by several people. And that
this Deponent thought the s-id Norris to be a bad man. And tha.t the
said Mr, Hawkins did then tell this D^onent, tlia-t Mr. Norriss being
a bad Man was no reasonable Excuse for this Deponent to be guilty of
the like Upon which this Deponent says that a. few days after he was
married in the presence of the said Ilr. Hawkins
A true Copy of the Origina.1
Declared before T. H.
J. T.
Thos. Hawkins
John Terry
Eecd. 29 April 17^3
G^ fir jL C9- ^
) The reposition of John Harding
to with )
) Freeholder of this Tovra before us
Dec. 10th 17^2 )
This Deponent declares upon Os.th that he would long ego have
married Mary Spencer Widow of George Spencer, But that Mr. Horris who
was at this place, was reported so Scandalous a Person tnat he this
Denonent rather chose not to he married hy him. This Deponent Says he
vra,s spoke to hy Mr. Hawkins about it, and Urged to Marry the Said Widow
Spencer, and thal this Dept, did then declare to the sd. llr. Hawkins
that the above Reasons v;ere his Objections, and that he this Dept, did
then declare the said Widow Spencer to be his Wife, and for th^t pur
pose he this Dept, did then say tha-t he would willingly embrace any
ouportunity to marry the said Widovj Spencer, when he had the good
fortune to meet a Clergyman that did not shew such lixi visible proofs
of his bad Inclination, this, this Dept. Says he declared before
the Publick Court And that the Banes of Matrimony hath been published
twice at Frederica by Mr. Dyson and that the said Mr. Dyson upon some
occasion leaving Frederica the day ensuing he went to Savannah and died
a True Coppy of the Original
Declared before T. H.
J. T.
Thos. Hawkins
John Terry.
167 (296)
Eecd. 29 April 1743
The Deposition of Thomas Hird
one of the Constables of Frederica
in Georgia 15* Dec. 1742
This Deponent Saith tha,t in or about the month of December
which was in the year of onx Lord 1738 Mr. Thomas Hawkins first
Bayliff of the town of Frederica gave a Warrant to this Deponent
against Capt. James Gascoigne then Commanding his Majestys Sloop the
Hawk with Orders for apprehending the said Gascoigne for violently
assaulting the Wife of Richard Lawly And this Sigraxa: Deponent saith he
went to St. Simons Point to General Oglethorpe and desired his Advice
whither it was not dangerous for him this Deponent to atteii5)t serving
the Warrant upon the said Gascoigne without having a Sufficient force
to protect him in the Execution of his Office and that the General
then bid him try to Execute the V/arrant and that if he this Deponent
met with any ill Treatment he would support him with his Rigiment
whereupon this Deponent went to Capt. Gascoignes house taking with him
one Thomas Proctor then a Freeholder of Frederica and one of his own
Servants both of whom are since dead and acquainted the said Gascoigne
that he had such a Warrant against him and laying his hand on his
right Sleeve told him the said Gascoigne that he arrested him in the
Kings name to which Gascoigne said he did not chuse to go then with
this Deponent but tha.t he would appear at Court ajid answer to the
Charge laid against him or words to that effect. (297) And this
Deponent farther saith that soon afterwards the said Gascoigne sailed
168 (297)
in the said Hawk Sloop for Charles Town in South Carolina and never
appeared at the Court or ever afterwards to Frederica if he had he
would have apprehended him for that the Magistrates had given him
strict Orders for so doing and the people of the Tov;n all agreed to
assist hut does not know or believes that any farther application v;as
made to General Oglethorpe on that Occasion.
And lastly this Deponent Saith that the said Eichd. Lawley
gave him this Deponent five Shillings for his trouble in serving the
said Warrant which money was drank out between them in a Publick
house and tha,t the said paper hereunto annexed is to the best of this
Deponents memory and belief a time Copy of the Original Warrant.
Sworn at Frederica in Tnos. Hird
Georgia this 15th day of
December 1742 before me
John Calv;ell
