Letters from Georgia, v. 14200, 1732-1735 June

Volume 14200

[This has been corrected from a typescript.

Native American names and place names have been left as originally written. They often vary because no one had decided how they ought to be spelled officially.

Names of individual colonists are left as originally spelled. The only exceptions come when there appears to be an error in typing or when the writer spells one name in different ways in the same letter. In that case the name is noted by [sic] but not changed.

In most cases words such as color, favor, etc are spelled with a "u" colour, favour, etc. These have been noted with [sic] to indicate that this was the original spelling.

Abbreviations such as leveled/level'd have been left as is. They are usually not noted by a [sic].

The word Honour is used often. This spelling is noted by [sic]. ]

Copy of a Letter from Govr. Johnson to Mr. Oglethorpe dated Charles
Town 28th Septr. 1732. recd, in December.


I have the favour [sic] of Yours of May the 15th. I rejoice that
Your indefatigable Industry in Acts of Charity and benevolence to
Mankind has met with Success.

You are too good in the Sentiments You have conceived of me;
neither my Capacity or Ability enables me to be very usefull [sic] to the
Publick, [sic] but my Endeavours [sic] Shall never be wanting, in being
observant & usefull [sic] to those of more extensive Knowledge and
Abilitys [sic] to do good. It was with that view that I prevented the
Lands in that part of the Province that the Trustees have obtained from
being Surveyed and purchase till I knew the Success of the Corporation's
Applications; which although I had no advice of I flatter'd my self would
Succeed, from the Nobleness of the Intention and Ability of the Undertakers;
Some few People had Surveyed small Quantitys [sic] of Lend on the South Side
of Savannah River before my Proclamation issued, but I have granted them no
Titles, but tell them I suppose upon Application to the Trustees, when
Affairs are Settled they may obtain Grants from them and probably may have
a Preference in Consideration of the Charge they have been at in the Survey
they have made.

I do believe it would have been of great Service to the Design
if such a Person as Mr. St. Julian could have been prevailed upon to
have taken the Direction of the first Transport, one who knows the
Country and the manner of new Settling, and who has Capacity, Integrity,
Honesty and Constitution, being Seasoned to the Climate, to undergo the
fatigue that will attend it; for I assure You I know by Experience that
Undertakings of this nature require the Management here of those who
know the Climate and manner of Settling. I write this of my own head
for Mr. St. Julian had no thought of being employed further, as he says
himself, in any other manner than to assist them all he can when they
arrive. I hope the first Transport wont be given to the Management of
a Stranger to these parts and Settlements.

This Town has been visited with a malignant Feaver, [sic] brought in
from the Islands which in about two months carried off 130 whites
besides a great Number of Blacks; I thought my Duty required my Presence
in Town, and I have lost a Son and three Servants out of my Family, but
my greatest Affliction is the loss of the best of wives just before by a
fall from her Horse. The Distemper is almost over.

There are Letters from Mr. Pury's Correspondent in London inform
us that we may expect him with two hundred Souls from Switzerland in a
very short time; We are likely to have great Quantity of Corn and Rice
this year, which will be well for new Comers.

I have ordered Correspondent by this opportunity to Subscribe
L 50 towards your Undertaking, which the Trustees will please to accept,
only as a Token of my good Wishes to the Design.

A great Consideration is where You first design to Set down and
build your Town, the Goodness of the Harbour [sic] and Land are chiefly to
be considered, and I am advised that Alatamaha River is the best and the
properest Place; You must by all means order your Ships and People
directly there, and not to come a Shore here; a hundred Inconveniencys
[sic] will ensue, and I think You should employ Agents here to build
convenient Houses, and provide fresh Provision for them; all this will
require a years time at least. So I don't Suppose You will make any
Imbarkation [sic] till this time twelve months; I must likewise take the
Liberty to advise You to send none but People used to Labour and of
Sober Life end Conversation, for others will never be govern'd nor make
good Settlers, for much hardship, Sickness and Labour will attend
their first Settling, which will not be born by People used to Idleness
or Luxury, and So far from being thankfull [sic] for the Bounty bestowed upon
them, will be discontented and mutinous.

In whatever the Society instructs me I can be serviceable to
them in, I shall with pleasure obey, for I shall esteem it a great
Honour [sic] to be thought yours and their

Most humble and most Obedt,


Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe at Deal to the Trustees
dated 18th Novr. 1732.


We Sailed from Gravesend on Thursday 17th Novr. about 9 in the
morning falling Down with the Tide, but came to an Anchor at night
between the Wore and the Downs the Pilot not chusing [sic]to venture over the
Flats in the night time. We weigh'd Anchor again early this morning the
Wind blowing very fresh at N.W.E. So that we got to Deal about 11
o'clock and the Wind being very fair to carry us through the Channel we
stay only to take in fresh Provisions and send away our Dispatches.
Before We Sailed we dismissed William Gainsford one of the Sawyers, he
desiring it because his family is taken ill with the small Pox at home
and Sent for him. All the Colony are very well except Sea Sickness
which the Doctor and I have escaped hitherto. We take as much fresh
Provision as we can Stow for the People at Deal; As Gainsford is taken
off at L 4 Mr. Amatis is to he added at L 6 to the List. Dr. Cox and
Mr. Fitzwalter have behaved remarkably well and all the rest are very
orderly and patient. The Agreement with Mr. Amatis is that his Brother
bring with him 2 Men and 4 Women who understand the whole of the Silk
Business; and he is to have after the rate of
L 10 p Head in Discharge of all Expences whatsoever from Turin to London
and L 10 more to be paid to him for 4 lb. Silkworms Eggs and a Copper for
boiling and a Machine for Winding, the whole amounting to L 80 to be
paid in the manner settled with Mr. Simond vizt. L 60 in France and
L 20 in London. As Soon as ever they arrive please to let them be sent
in one of Mr. Simond's Ships where they will find Some People that can
Speak French and CareShould be taken to keep them as private and let them
stay as littleas possible in Town for those Persons Mr. Vernon mentioned
will endeavour[sic] to Seduce them, and every body knows their Industry.
When Mr. Nicholas Amatis arrives I would desire the Trustees to advise
with him whatMeasures are farther proper to be taken and to excuse his
Brother'sgoing away before his Arrival. I am


Your most Obedient
humble Servant.

From on board the Anne

18th Novr. 1732 off of Deal.

Dr. Herbert's Respects attend all the Society.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. William Houstoun from Kingston in Jamaica to
Mr. Oglethorpe dated 21st Decr. 1732.


I wrote to You from the Madera the 9th of Novr. that I was
carrying from thence two Tubs full of Cuttings of Vines, I arrived
with them here in good order yesternight, for most of them are budding
and Some have put out. Shoots of an inch or two long which is something
Surprizing [sic] considering that they were taken off just after they had
exhausted themselves in the Production of Grapes and Leaves. I went
this morning to wait upon Mr. Pratter the S. S. Company's Agent in this
place, who has very kindly granted me Leave to go over in a Snow [scow?] which
is to Sail in a few days for Carthagena. I have given one of the Tubs
to him, which he is to plant out in a Garden he has near the Town, and
the other I shall commit to the care of a friend, of my own, who has a
Plantation a few miles off. So that when I am to Set out for Georgia
I hope I Shall receive my own with Usury.

My former Letter went by way of Lisbon, & lest You Should not
have received it I shall repeat here that Messrs. Eider and Chalmbers
have promised me to Send Cuttings to Mr. St. Julian by the first Ship
that should go for Carolina; & that there is but one Cinnamon Tree in
the Island of Madera.

I shall endeavour [sic] to behave my self So as to give Satisfaction
to You and the rest of the Honble. Trustees, and in the meantime beg
Leave to assure You that I am Sir

Your most Obedient humble Servant.

On board the Ship Ann 8 of the
Clock Jany. 13 1732/3

This Lte from James Oglethorpe Esqr. to the Honbl. Trustees


We just now discover the Cost of America and it proves to be the
Land which lyes [sic] off Charles town We are now within nine Miles distant
and can from the Deck with the naked Eye discover the Trees just above
the Horrizon [sic] No disagreeable sight to those who for seven weeks have
seen nothing but Sea and Sky We have had a very favourable [sic] Passage
considering that we passed the Tropick [sic] of Cancer and Stood to the
Southward till we came into 20 Degrees and then Stood back again to 32
where we now are By this means we lengthened our Navagation [sic] from
England above a third which was done to avoid the fury of the North
west Winds that generaly [sic] rage in the Winter season on the Coast of
America We have lost none of our People except the Youngest Son of
Richard Cannon aged Eight Months and the Youngest Sone of Robert Clarke
Aged one Year and an [sic] half both of whome [sic] were very weakly
when I came on Board and had indeed been half Starved thro' want before they left
London as many others were who are recovered with Food and Care but
these were so far gone that all our Efforts to Save them were in vain
Doctor Herbert and all on Board are in perfect health except Mr. Scott
who was bruised with a Fall in the Last Storm At present we are all
in a hurry so must beg leave to refer you for a fuller account to my
next Letters Wee [sic] intend to take in a pilot at this place for to
conduct us to Port Royal where we shall hire Imbarkations [sic] to carry us
to Georgia I am


Your most obedient humble Servant

James Oglethorpe

I have seen the Governour [sic] who came
to meet me on my Landing and the
Speaker of the Assembly also came to pay
his Compliments to the Trustees they have
promised all assistance I am just going to
return on board 2 of the Clock in the Morning

Carthagena Jany. 25 1733

This Lre [sic] from Will: Houstoun [sic] to James Oglethorpe Esqr.


I had the Honour [sic] to write to you from Madera and afterwards from
Jamaica in the last of which I informed you that I had brought to that
Island two Tubbs full of Vines in good Condition and of the opportunity
I had met with of coming to this plane I arrived here the 3d instant
and am very well received at the Factory on account of one Gentleman
who is my Relation and Some former acquaintance I had of the rest But
the Governer [sic] of the place who is extreamly [sic] severe makes
us all uneasy.

The Ipecacuantia plants grows at a place called Hampex about a
weekes [sic] Journey up the Countery [sic] I cannot possibly
be allowed to go there my self but a Spanish Gentleman who sets out
for that place to Morrow [sic] has engaged to send me down some some plants of it in potts [sic]
and there are no less then three different persons there besides from
each of which I have reason to expect it upon Letters I have procured
to be wrote to them [sic] I shall also use my utmost endeavours to get the
Seeds of the Trees that produce the Balsam called Capivi and of Tolu
but these being still further up the Country are Consequently harder to
be come at I shall as Soon as possible inform you of my Success and
in the mean time beg leave to assure You that I am

Your most obedient

and most humble Servant

Will: Houstoun [sic]

Copy of a Letter from the Govr., and Council of So. Carolina to
Mr. Oglethorpe dated 26th Jany. 1732/3.


We can't omit the first opportunity of congratulating You upon
your safe Arrival in this Province, wishing You all imaginable Success
in your charitable and generous Undertaking in which we beg Leave to
assure You any Assistance we can give shall not be wanting in promoting
the Same.

The General Assembly having come to the Resolution inclosed, We
hope You will accept it as an Instance of our sincere Intentions to
forward So good a Work and of our Attachment to a Person who has at all
times so generously used his Endeavours [sic] to relieve the Poor and deliver
them out of their Distress, in which You have hitherto been so
successfull [sic] that we are persuaded this Undertaking can't fail under your
prudent Conduct which we most heartily wish for. The Rangers and
Scout Boats are ordered to attend You as soon as possible.

Colonel Bull a Gentleman of this Board and who we esteem most
capable to assist You in the Settling your new Colony is desired to
deliver You this and to accompany You, and render You the best Services
he is capable of, and is one whose Integrity You may very much depend

We are with the greatest Regard and Esteem


Your most obedient and most humble Servants

Jno. Fenwicke
Tho. Waring
J. Hammerton
Robt. Johnson
Thos: Broughton
Az: Middleton
A. Skene
Fra. Yonge
James Kinloch

The Committee of His Majesty's Honble. Council appointed
to confer with a Comittee [sic] of the Lower House, on His
Excellency's Message relating to the Arrival of the
Honble. James Oglethorpe Esqr.

[Handwritten note on the typescript referring to this last paragraph: Not included but in original]

Copy of a Letter from Mr, William Kilbury at Yamacraw Bluff to Mr.
Francis Harbin dated 6th February 1732/3.

Dear Friend

We arrived at Port Royal Jany. 21st where we landed our People in
perfect Health to Refresh them and prepare for their Passage to Georgia
where the Town is to be built, the People arrived here the 1st of this
Instant and I Landed here (from a Sloop of 70 Tuns which was hired to
bring the dry Goods) the 3d of this Instant, As to giving You a
particular Account of the Water it is out of my Power as yet not having
a Man on board that knows the River nor how the Channel is; the Bluff
where the Town is designed to be built has a fine fresh Water runs by it
within 10 foot, where the Sloop can float too at an Hours flood; the
Country promises to be very good and the Indians are very kind & the
People of Carolina are very generous and have presented the Colony with
upwards of 200 head of Cattle besides Hogs and Rice and every thing
looks with an extraordinary good face. I have a great Satisfaction in
my Coming having pleased my Master and likewise the People but with a
great Deal of Pains hardly have time to write to You, I don't expect to
be otherwise till I see You again which please God will be the latter
end of the Year, In about a Week more I shall go down the River to
Sound and likewise the Bar I have made the best as I could a Coming up
which will be some help to my second Proceeding. My Service to your
family and all friends. My Master is in good Health but indefatigably
exposes himself to all cold and Hardship imaginable and extream [sic]
kind more than ever I could expect. Pray let me hear from You all
Opportuaitys, [sic] I conclude with the hearty Service and the well Wishes for
the good Success of your Sincere Friend, &c.

Dr, Herbert is well & Sends
his Service to You and desires
You will do the same to Mr,
Verelst. And pray my Obedt.
Service to Mr. Verelst.

From the Camp near Savannah Feby. 10th 1932/3 [sic -- certainly this mistake is in the typescript]

From James Oglethorpe Esqr. to the Honble. Trustees


I gave you an Account in my last of our arrival at Charles Town
The Governour [sic] and Assembly have given us all possible encouragement
Our people arrived at Beaufort on the 20th of January where I lodged
them in Some new Barrachs [sic] built for the Soldiers whilst I went my self
to view the Savannah River I fixed upon a healthy situation about ten
miles from the Sea The River there formes [sic] a half Moon along the South
side of which the Banks are about 40 foot high and upon the top a flat
which they call a Bluff The plain high ground extends into the Country
Five or Six Miles and along the River side about a Mile Ships that
draw twelve foot water can ride within ten Yards of the Bank Upon the
River side in the Center of this plain I have laid out the Town Over
against it is an Island of very rich land fit for pasturage which I
think should be Kept for the Trustees Cattle The River is prety [sic] wide
the water fresh and from the Key of ye Town you See its whole course to
the Sea with the Island of Tybe [sic] which forms the mouth of the River and
the other way you may See the River for about Six miles up into the
Country The Landskip [sic] is very agreeable the Stream being wide and
bordered with high Woods on both sides The whole people arrived of
the first of Febty. at Night their Tents were got up Till the 7th
wee [sic] were taken up in unloading and making a Crean which I even then
could not Get finished so took off the hands and set some to the
Fortification and begun to fell ye Woods I marked out the Town and Common
half of the former is allready [sic] cleared and the first House was begun
Yesterday in the afternoon Not being able to get Negroes I have taken
Ten of the independant [sic] Company to work for us for which I make them an
allowance I send you a Coppy [sic] of the Resolutions of the Assembly and
the Governour [sic] & Councill [sic] Letter to me which you may Judge whether it
will not be proper to print. Mr. Whitaker has given us one Hundred head
of Cattle Collonel [sic] Bull Mr. Barlow Mr. Julian and Mr. Woodward
are come up to assist us with some of their own Servants Our people
are all alive but ten are ill with the bloody Flux which I take to proceed
from the cold and their not being accustomed to lye in Tents I am
so taken up in looking after a hundred necessery [sic] things that I write now
short but shall give you a more particular Account hereafter. A little
Indian nation the only one within fifty miles is not only at amity but
desire to be subject to the Trustees to have land given them and to
breed their Children at our Schools Their Cheif [sic] and his beloved man
who is the Second man in the Nation desire to be instrxicted in the
Christian Religion. I am


Your Most Obedt. humble Servant

James Oglethorpe

Copy of a Letter from Govr. Johnson to Mr. Martyn dated 12th
February 1732/3.


I have rec'd the favour [sic] of yours dated the 20th of October and
the Duplicate of the 24th. I beg You will assure the Honble. [sic] Trustees
of my most humble Respects, and that I will attach myself to render
them and their laudable Undertaking all the Service in my Power.

Mr. Oglethorpe arrived here with his People in good Health the
13th Decr. I ordered him a Pilot, and in ten hours he proceeded to
Port Royal, where he arrived safe the 19th and I understand from thence,
that after refreshing his People a little in our Barracks he with all
Expedition proceeded to Yamacraw upon Savannah River about twelve miles
from the Sea, where he designs to fix those he has brought with him.

I do assure You that upon the first News I had of this Imbarkation [sic]
I was not wanting in giving the necessary Orders for their Reception,
and being assisted at Port Royal, altho' they were here almost
as soon as we heard of their Design of Coming, not knowing whether
Mr. Oglethorpe designed directly there or would touch here. I am
informed he is mighty well Satisfyed [sic] with his Reception there and that
he likes the Country, and that he should Say things Succeed beyond his
Expectation; but I have not yet received a Letter from him since his
being at Port Royal.

Our General Assembly meeting 3 days after his Departure, I moved
to them their assisting Mr. Oglethorpe in this generous Undertaking;
both Houses immediately came to the following Resolution, that he
should be furnished at the Public [sic] Expence [sic] with one hundred and four
heads of breeding Cattle, 25 Hogs and 20 Barrels of good Rice;
that Boats should be provided also at the Publick [sic] Charge to transport
the People, Provisions and Goods from Port Royal to the Place where he
designed to Settle, that the Scout Boat and 15 of our Rangers, who
are Horsemen and always kept in Pay to discover the motions of the
Indians, should attend Mr. Oglethorpe and obey his Commands, in order
to protect the new Settlers from any Insults, which I think there is no
manner of Danger of; and I have given the necessary Advice and Instructions
to our Out Garrisons and the Indians in friendship with us, that
they may befriend and assist them.

I did propose the Subsisting them with Provisions for a twelve
month, but the Charge has been so great already with the Puris burgers,
who have also begun their Settlements, that the Assembly thought the
Expence too large, & hope what they have done will be favourably [sic]
accepted, as being adequate to the Circumstances of the Province which
is but poor.

I have likewise prevailed upon Colonel Bull a Member of the
Council and a Gentleman of great Probity and Experience in the Affairs
of this Province, the Nature of land and the method of Settling, and
who is well acquainted with the manners of the Indians, to attend Mr.
Oglethorpe at Georgia with our Compliments, and to offer him his Advice
and Assistance; and had not our Assembly been sitting, I would have
gone my self.

I received the Trustees Commission, for the Honour [sic] of which I
beg You will thank them; thereupon I published the inclosed
Advertisemt. [sic] but our People are so poor I fear little will be got;
I have received nothing as yet. I hope my Agent has paid the Trustees the L 50
I have ordered towards this good Work, to which I heartily wish all
imaginable Success. I am


Your most humble Servt.


Since the above I have
had the pleasure of hearing
from Mr. Oglethorpe who
gives me an Accot. [sic] that his
Undertaking goes on very

This letter from Thos. penn [sic] to James Oglethorpe Esqr.
6 March 1733-3

Esteemed Friend

I reced. with much pleasure thy letter of the 31st of
August by way of Maryland and by Lord Baltimore as well on its
begining [sic] a Correspondence with a Gentleman I have so great
a regard for as on Subject to me truly deserving the Notice and
Assistance of all well disposed persons I reced. allso [sic] with thy
Letter a Comision [sic] from the trustees of Georgia to my self which I
esteem a particular mark of thy Regard and of those Gentlemans [sic]
who with thee have the Satisfaction to think themselves engaged in a
design to render to many poor unfortunate fellow subjects
pappy [sic] what contribution I intend towards it should
have Come by this Ship but wee [sic] having had a severe winter which
fastned [sic] up our River and the ships in it from 17th November till the
first of this Month has put a stop to much of our Merchants Trade So
that I could not Get a Bill of Exchange and have since that time
considered that no Corn is raised in Carolina (or at least very little)
and the Inhabitance supplyed [sic] from this place and New York whether it
might not be more serviceable to supply those who come first with Bread
and flower from this from whene I could send a Smal [sic] Slope on purpose
but if no other advice from Carolina which we soon hope for that will
not be Serviceable I shall enclose thee a Bill for one Hundred pounds
Serling from my self and think it my duty to procure what I can from
others towards so good a work I send by this Ship to a friend of mine
in London a Smal [sic] quantity of Potash made by a person I have got to
teach it the Country people as soon as I have any -- Account of what
quality it will prove and have settled him on some where he and some
others are to worke [sic] all the Summer in order to get a large quantity from
the different Sorts of wood that I may know which is the most proper
for that purpose I give the Trouble of this because I am sensible of
tby regard to the Brittish [sic] Colloney [sic] and that the Importation of any
thing from them to England not interfering with the Manufactures at
home must Consequently be much to tby Satisfaction I desire the to be
assured that as I shall allways [sic] be ready to do any Service here to
the Collony [sic] of Georgia every opportunity also shall he embraced to
convince thee that I am with sincere regard

Tby very affectionate friend

Thos. penn [sic]
Philadelphia March
the 6th 1732/3.

P.S. running over my Lre [sic] I find some mistakes which by the Captains
intending to go to morrow are only interlined he not allowing me
time to dispach [sic] all my tra [sic] on looking over the Commition [sic] I find
the Sumes [sic] Collected are to be remitted to the Trustees and
therefore I shall the above mentiond [sic] Sum.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe at Savannah to the Trustees
dated 12th March 1732/3.


I have been obliged to make many expences [sic] here, the price given
by the Assembly not being near sufficient. I was forced to buy a considerable
Quantity of Provisions as also to make up the Arms which was
burnt in the Fire and also the Tools many of which were so bad as to be
useless, besides which I have thought it necessary to make several
Expences [sic] in Gift to the Indians, for Intelligence, Rewards for taking
Outlaws and Spies; all which with many other Articles of Expence [sic] You
will receive as soon as we can get time to make out Copies of our

I have drawn upon You for L 400 part of which I have paid away
and the rest I have by me.

This province is much larger than we thought it, being 120 Miles
from this River to the Alatamaha. [sic] This River has a very long Course and
a great Trade is carried on by it to the Indians, there having above
12 Trading Boats passed by since I have been here.

There are in Georgia on this Side the Mountains three considerable Nations of
Indians, one called the Lower Creeks consisting of nine
Towns or rather Cantons making about 1000 Men able to bear Arms; One
of these is within half a mile of us and has concluded a Peace with us
giving up their Right to All this part of the Country, and I have mark'd
out the Lands which they have reserved to themselves. The King comes
constantly to Church and is desirous to be instructed in the Christian
Religion and has given to me his Nephew a Boy who is his next
Heir to educate.

The other two Nations are the Uchees and the Upper Creeks the
first consisting of 200, the latter of 1100 men. We agree so well with
the Indians that the Creeks and Uchees have referred a Difference to me
to determine which otherwise would occasion a War, and one of them has
informed me of a Silver mine on the River Side, the Earth of which being
washed away the Ore lyes bare, of which he promised to bring me a

Our People still lye in Tents there being only two Clapboard
Houses built and three Saw'd Houses framed, our Crane our Battery of
Cannon and Magazine finished, this is all we have been able to do by
reason of the Smallness of our Number of which many have been sick and
others unused to Labour [sic] though thank God they are now pretty well and
we have not lost one Soul since our Arrival here.

I desire some of You will be so kind as to frank the inclosed
and send them as directed, being the Natural Thoughts of our whole
Colony. I am


Your most Obedt. Servant

This Lre [sic] from Sam; Parker to the Honble. Trustees.

Savanah Town March 12 1732/3

Hond. Sirs

Your honours [sic] have been So good as to promise that those who
came in the first Embarkation should have a friend or two sent after us
whom we should recomend [sic] and myself being acquainted with two or three
that I know have burthensome [sic] familyes [sic] for whom they can make no
provision in future and finding that in all humane probebility [sic]they may have
an opportunity of doing well here I do hereby recommend them as fit &.
proper objects of Yor. [sic] Honrs.[sic] relief they Signifyed [sic] to me their
intention of coming after me if I could give them suitable encouragement after
my arrival here and having done that by Lres [sic] bearing equal date here with
I expect they will two if not three of them attend your Honrs,
thereupon their names are Isaac Spring of East Smithfeild [sic] Victualler
William perry [sic] a plaisterer [sic] and house painter of St. paus's [sic]
Shadwell Avery Ingenious and necessary man here and Benjamin Manning of Chelmsford
in Essex Husband man being willing they should come as soon as
possible I humbly hope if they attend your Honrs, upon the that they
will he inrolled [sic] in the next Imbarkation [sic] abundance of our
Collony [sic] Joyn [sic] with me in renewing our humble thanks for the
feavours [sic] Reced from your Honrs, and its with great pleasure I acquaint your
Honrs, that every occurreince [sic] seeminly [sic] promises a feavourable [sic]
aspect and every way conduces to answer Your Honrs, good and Laudable Intentions to
promote our wealfare [sic] in General that your Honrs. future proceeding in
the same designs may succeed and prosper to Gods Glory Your Honrs. and
Our Advantage is and shall be the hearty prayer of him who is Your
Honrs. most Humble and obedient Servant

Samel, parker [sic]

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Causton at Savannah to his
Wife dated 12th March 1732/3.

My Dearest

I wrote to You on the 12th of Jany. last from Charles Town Bar
which I hope came safe to hand. I had then the favour [sic] of Mr. Oglethorpe's
Packet; And promised to write again when we should arrive at our Place
of Settlement. We were just a week in our Passage from Charles Towm to
Port Royal where we Landed and were Lodged at some new Barracks that are
there intended for a new Fortification about 3 miles from Beaufort Town.
At our Lending Hr. Oglethorpe ordered me to take all the Stores into
my Care and to keep an Account of them. And in that Office I shall
continue which takes up my whole time, in this Circumstance I could not
so much as go to See the Town or Stir half a mile from the Place. But
the Accot. I have from other People is enough for me to believe that
the Houses there are all of Timber and very few have Glass Windows or
Brick Chimneys. But notwithstanding that the People are very Gallant
and generous & seem to live in a very plentifull [sic] manner. Some of our
Company who went to the Town were entertained in a very elegant manner
and every one found some body to entertain them in some Shape or other.

Ve have five or six familys [sic] amongst us that are deserving a Gentleman's
Conversation. We continued in those Barracks Ten days. Sailed from
thence in Six large Boats, and the Country Scout Boat and the Garrison
Boat with 12 Soldiers attending us. We had a very fair Wind and safe
Passage being 2 days and then arrived at this piece then called Yamacraw
and now Savannah. This Place is very high Ground being about 30 Yards
upright from low Water mark, about 10 miles from the Sea, and I believe
that Ships of 200 Tun will be able to come within 3 miles of us. It is
impossible to give a true Description of the Place because we are in a
Wood, but I cant forbear Saying it is a very pleasant one. We have
about 100 Indians just by us, and a Trader with them that speaks English
and sells almost every thing to them at what Rates he pleases. Mr.
Oglethorpe has behaved towards them with so much good Conduct and prudent
generosity, that tho' Some amonst [sic] them were ready to Grumble at our
Coming yet he has both gain'd their Love & encreased [sic] their fearfull [sic]
Apprehensions of us. They have always Parties out in hunting and they
bring us Venison, for which Mr, Oglethorpe pays at a very moderate Rate.
They seem to be sober judicious men. Straight and strong almost naked;
But the King and the Chiefs wear Coats and Drawers and a piece of Cloth
tied about their Legs like Boots. The Queen and her Daughters wear
Common printed Calicoe, [sic] Jacket and Petticoat without any Head
Cloaths. [sic]

They maintain very little Distinction, at our first Landing, they came
to hid us welcome and before them came a Man dancing in Antick [sic] Postures
with a spread fan of which Feathers in each hand as a Token of friend
ship, wch. were fix'd to small Rods about four foot long. Set from Top
to Bottom with small Bells like Morrice [sic] Dancers which made a jingling
whilst the King and others followed making a very uncouth Hollowing. [sic]
When they came near, Mr. Oglethorpe walked about ten Steps from his
Tent to meet them; then the man with his feathers came forward dancing
and talking, which I am informed was repeating a Speech, the Acts of
their Chief Warriours, [sic] and at times came close and moved his Pans over
him & Strok'd him on every Side with them; this continued more than a
Quarter of an Hour, Then the King & all the men came in a regular
manner & Shook him by the hand; after that the Queen came and all the
Women did the like. Then Mr. Oglethorpe conducted them to his Tent
and made them Sit down; the next day he made them some Presents to make
them Cloathing. [sic] This being the 1st of February and of our Landing here
We began to pitch our Tents the same Evening, and Set four large Tents
Sufficient to hold the greatest part, I lodged in one of them with one
Mr. Overend who came out of Aldersgate Street and did live in Cox's
Court, he is a married man, has lived well in the Marcery [sic] way, and has
left his Wife in England. But since that the Stores wanting a
pretty Deal of Care I lye in the Storehouse by myself.

We have had very little Illness amongst us, having buried
none, whilst the Switzers (we hear) have buried a great many; We are 20
miles from them. And the chief Reason I believe is that we are on a
higher Ground and in dryer Air than they. We are plentifully provided
with Victuals, and the Men have a Pint of strong Beer every night after
work besides other frequent Refreshments, as Mr, Oglethorpe sees
Occasion. Indeed he is both great & Good, and I am certain our Success
is owing to his good Conduct only. There is no Room to doubt but that we
shall be a flourishing People and hope to be a Thousand men before the
Year is ended. We have had very great Assistance from the Gentlemen of
Charles Town, have always some of them with us who bring us Workmen to
help forward with our Works; they have assisted Mr. Oglethorpe in laying
out most of the Lands already. We are according to a Plan directed to
be drawn by Mr. Oglethorpe as I mentioned in my last building the Town,
have got up three Houses, are Planting and Sowing, and have Sowed about
ten Acres in all of different kinds of Seeds. The Houses are made of
Timber of one Floor, only a Cock loft over it Sufficient to hold two
Beds, the lower part will make one large Room and two small ones and
stands in a piece of Ground which with the intended Garden is 20 Yards
broad in front and 30 Yards long in depth. We shall have a fine Prospect
when the Woods are clear.

As to our Government we are divided into four Tythings each
maintaining eleven Men able to bear Arms, of which one is Tythingman, I
am one of them; And according with my Ten other men keep Guard every
fourth night; Our Situation is indeed very pleasant, and tho' we want
for nothing we have some Grumbletonians [sic] here also.

I wish You had wrote [sic] to me by the Ship that followed us. She is
just now arrived having been 11 weeks in her Passage, We made our
Passage in eight weeks and Weather good enough to have made it in five
weeks had we not gone so far to the Southward, which we did for the
Safety of us all. I defer writing to any one else at present hoping to
hear from You. You must needs think I long to hear how Affairs stand
and how You do in Health, and how my little Boy does, whether he
grows and how he reads; And think likewise. That as my Heart is
immoveably [sic] fixed on the well doing of Miss Sophia and my Dear Jacky
I long to hear from them and till then am betwixt Hope and

You may Bring any furniture with You, and we may have two or
more Apprentices; And the Trustees will send them to Us if our friends
will procure them. But the Point will Be Settled when Mr. Oglethorpe
returns to England. I shall want Thread or Cotton Stockings, Some good
Checqued [sic] Linnen [sic] of a dark Blew and a strong Linnen [sic] for
Waistcoats and Trowsers. [sic] Last Christmas Day was the hottest day I
ever felt in my Life Being then in the Latitude of 19 Degrees. We have
very heavy Rains sometimes But tho' it reins [sic] a whole Day and Night it
makes no Dirt. [?] We are much pestered with a little Fly they call a Sand Fly.
I have seen it in England about the Horse Dung. But every Insect here
is stronger than in England. The Ants are half an inch long and they
say will Bite desperately. As for Alligators I have seen several But
they are By the Sides of Rivers, Our Town is too high Ground for them
to Clamber up. we have killed one. I find the Camphire [sic] very good
against the Stings of the Flies. I now Begin to Be something hardened
against them. The Gentlemen of Charles Towm have given us 50 head of
Cattle, We had some Hogs But they are run wild and left us. Pray
present my humble Service as You think proper, I don't fear doing very
well &c.

Copy of a Letter from the Revd. Dr. Herbert from Carolina to Mr. Simond
dated 27th March 1733.


I am extremely obliged to You for the favour [sic] of sending me my
Letters and should be fond of an opportunity of returning it in any
way that would be agreeable to You. I have been ill for some time and
am but just now recovering, so have Thoughts of embarking for England
in May Therefore what Letters You receive for me after this comes to
hand I beg may be kept till You hear farther from


Your obliged and very humble Servant.

Our Friend was well when
I heard from him a few days
ago, & goes on to his Wishes; but
I was obliged to come Northward
near two months ago on
Accot. of my Health.

This Letter from Sam; Eveleigh to the Honr.
The Trustees

South Carolina April 6 1733


About three weekes [sic] since did my self the honour [sic] to go down and
Visit Mr. Oglethorpe what I here remaked [sic] I caused to be published in
the Carolina Gazette and sent it to Mr. Samuel Baker Merct. in London
and desired him to get it incerted [sic] in the London newspapers which
suppose by this tine you have had the sight of there are several other
things which the printer for want of room could not put in I carried
down with me a great bundle of Asparagus and as Soon as he reced [sic] it he
ordered it to he given the women with Child without reserving any for
himself Theres about a 11 foot at high water on the Bar which I look
upon to be of advantage to a young Settlement for in case of war no
vessell [sic] of force can enter to disturbe [sic] them While I was there Mr.
Oglethorpe gave Captains Commissions to two of the Chief Indian Warriors
together with some presents at which they Seemed well Satisfy'd and
promised to do him what service they could Excuse me Gentlemen if I
take the Liberty to make one remark. Mr. Oglethorpe told me that by
their Constitution they were to have no Negroes Amongst them which I
think will be a great prejudice if not a means to Overset your Noble
design for there is a vast Quantity of extraordinary fine Land which
plentifully stored wiith large trees which I can't think can be felled
by persons that are not used to Worke and they cant there live without
Corn, besides it will be very difficult for White people to hoe and tend
theyr [sic] corn in Corn [sic] in the Hot wether [sic]for I do assure
you I think tis equally as hot as ever I felt it in Jamaica in the Sumer
Months, which I compute to be from the Middle of May to the Middle of September.

Mr. Oglethorpe once a week puts up a Turkey or Some other thing of
Value to be Shot for by his men which has allready [sic] had good effect
brining [sic] them acquainted with armes [sic] which some of then before were
Ignorant of. He Sent me Down a Small Cask of Skins which I have
shiped [sic] on Board the Volant Edmund Smyler and consigned to my
friend Mr. Samuel Baker with some of my own who will enter them
and deliver them to you which will save you some trouble and Charge
When I was at Georgia I acquainted Mr. Oglethorpe that there was on
the Island and on the Main next the Sea such vast quantities of live
Oake [sic] trees as is not to he seen in any part of the World besides
Sufficient to Build more Ships then the British Navy consists of which
for its durableness and Crookedness of Growth suitable for all difficult
Timbers is preferrable [sic] to English or any other Oake [sic] whatsoever
as one Mr. Barry who was Bred in his Majesties Yard if alive can inform you

He Married Bella Ash the Daughter of John Ash Ssqr. for-formerly
of this province She's a Relation as I have been informed of the
Lord Townsends and St. paul Methwen I wrote you this that you may
know how to find her I design in three weekes time to Get Some
Carpenters to cut Several pieces of these Teimbers [sic] and Send you Some
for a Tryal. [sic] Since I wrote the above I I am informed the said was
living within these three Years and was Forman of of his Majesties Yard
of Deptford. I am


Your very Humble Servant

Sam: Eveleigh

This Letter from James Oglethorpe Esqr. to the
Honble. Trustees.

Charles Town May 14 1733.


I have but just time to let you know that we are at peace with
all the Indian Nations that there is great hopes of one towns being
Converted to the Christian Religion since they allready [sic] desire to be
instructed in our Faith and their Chief man is with me We have reced [sic]
the stores and men that came with Vanderplant as I advised you. in my
last The James I left at Port Royal from whence she is to proceed up
to the new town upon the Savannah River I have taken all the
Masters Cargo and have agreed to give him One Hundred pounds Sterling
to deliver it in his Ship at our Town for which I have drawn upon you
I thought the getting a Ship up to the Town well worth the expence [sic]
I have also drawn upon Mr. Symonds for one Hundred Ninety and Eight
pounds of which fifty is upon my Account As these two Sums seem more
perhaps that at this time you will have Cash to except I have desired
Mr. Symonds to accept of any Bills that you shall not think fitt [sic] to pay
and to pay them upon my account I have ordered him money for that
purpose Doctor Cox is dead parker is ill of a Consumtion [sic] which he
had contracted before he left England all the rest of our people are
in perfect health we having not lost one Soul but Dr. Cox since our
landing I have been in this town twelve days and have obtained from
the Assembly Two Thousand pounds Currency Money for the assisting of
our people this Year The Committe [sic] for Supply have voted 12000 pounds
Currency for Supplying the Colony next Year and the Resolution will be
reported after the Hollydays [sic] so I return till then to Georgia Some
Merchants have proposed to hire the Liberty of trading with the Indians
in our province That liberty I believe is well worth 2000 L Sterling
a Year They Seem to think that one Thousand pound Sterling a Year is
much as it is worth I shall do nothing in it but continue the Trade
upon the footing it is now and will carry over all the proposals with me
for your determination I have brought all our people to desire the
prohibition of Negroes and Rum which goes much against the Grain of the
traders in these Comodityes [sic] in this town But if either of them are
allowed our whole design will be ruined The Inhabitants of this Town
have allread [sic] Subscribed 1000 L currency of which they have paid
me 500 L to bye [sic] Cattle ther [sic] will be great contributions all
over the province.

I found and seized an Irish Roman Chatholick who was the man mentioned
by Herbin. Our Indians Stopt [sic] and the Scout boat took two others of the
same nation and Religion who were sent by him with Intelligence from
our Town to St. Augustine I retained their principal till the others
were taken in the meantime fortifyed [sic] our town then shewed them our
workes [sic] our Cannon and our Men under arms who being Strengthned [sic] by
several Carolina people were pretty numerous I then I then sent them
to Charles Town and told them they might give an Account to the Governour
[sic] of Agustine [sic] of what they then Saw I am


Your most Obedient Humble Servant
James Oglethorpe

I desire you would not apply for any
men of war on our Station for they rather
hurt than do Service wherever they come
I sent you a cask of Seeds which was a present
from the Indians some Bear Oyle [sic] and some
druggs [sic] as the first fruits of this Country.

This letter from Sam; Eveleigh to the Honble. the

South Carolina May 18 1733


All the men of war Stationed here are nov a Cruising so that I
am not able to Get any Carpenter to Cut the Timber as mentioned before
by order of Mr. Oglethorpe. you have inclosed two of the Carolina
Gazetts [sic] and have Shiped [sic] on Board the William Gaily Capt. Francis Baker
one Smal [sic] Cask of Druggs [sic] and three Quart Bottles of Bears Qyle [sic]
which will be delivered to you by my friend Mr. Sam: Baker Mr. Amythis took
a Small House and Garden in this Towm in which he has planted a
quantity of Virginia white Mulberry Trees nigh 3OOO of which grows
very well theres about five Hundred orange Trees planted most of
which growe [sic] and four Hundred and fiffty [sic] of the Vines you send are in a
flourishing condition Besides a quantity of peach and other Fruit
Trees all for the use of Georgia where they are to Be transplanted in
due season some time since I carried Mr. Amythis over the River to my
Brothers plantation where Grew som [sic] white Mulberrys and he doubts not of
getting three Thousand Mulberry Cuttings from them. hes [sic] now very Busie
[sic] feeding his Wormes some of which have worked themselves into Balls and
he proposes a second Cropt [sic] and is in ewpectation of getting a quantity
of Silk Not far from Savannah there is a large quantity of Choice
Cedar and very nigh it Quantities of Red Barr which will be very usefull [sic]
for Joyners [sic] and Cabinet makers Mr. Oglethorpe has made a tour ten miles
back as far as black River now by him called Vernon in which Rivers as I
am Informed by a Credible person are great Quantities of live Oake [sic] and

other valuable Timber He has got twenty odd p. of Sawyers and his
Building goes on Briskly I hope in a few Years will be a very flourishing Colony.
I am


Your very Humble Servant

Samuel Eveleigh

The Tea Seed is gown in Mr.
Amythis's Garden and
hope twill grow.

This Letter from James Oglethorpe Esqr. to the
Honble. the Trustees.

Charles Town June 9th 1733.


When I left your new town of Savannah there were then nine framed
Houses finished the sides covered with feather edged Board and the tops
with shingles besides the Smith forge and two other clapboard Houses
the Fram'd Houses are 24 foot in length upon 16 foot in Breath They
have one Story eight foot high with Garrets over them They are raised
upon Loggs [sic] two foot above the Ground and are floored with Inch and half
plank There was upon the place when I left it One Hundred and 60 heads
of whome [sic] Seventy bare Arms there were two blockhouses Musket shell
proof and very defensible with four port holes for Cannon and one piece
of Cannon ready to be put into each There was a Battery of Six pieces
of Cannon upon the Water side and a Guard house of 36 foot long upon 24
foot wide the sides covered with thick Slat and the top with bark
there was also a larg [sic] Stout Crane four ground Saw pitts [sic] supported all
round with Timber and one Hundred and forty yards on the East side of
the Town was fortified with pallicadoes [sic] Seventeen foot long the Trees
all round the Town within on Hundred Yards thereof was cleared Before I
came away there were fifty head of Cattle the Gift of Jno. Whitaker and
his friend and fifty head more the Gift of Mr. Odingsell and the
people of Distow landed several of them being wild run away into the
Woods the remainder were decided by lot amongts [sic] the people Every
family in which there was a woman had a Milch Cow and every single man
a Heifer or Steer I have left with them also 4 Horses and two Canoes
which I left with them on account of the Trust with respect to the
Indian affairs I had also two Companys of of Tomo-chi-chis men and gave
at their desier [sic] a Commission to Tuskenca Istinnocecheby the name of the
Captain of the first Militia Company of the Indian allies and at their
desire also appointed Skee captain of the Second Militia Company of the
Indian allies The two Conpanies consisted of Forty very Clever
Men their pay is one Bushell [sic] of corn pr. month for each man while
we employ them in War or hunting a Gun at their first listing and a
Blanket p, Ann. We have concluded a peace with the lower Creeks who
were the most Dangerous Enemy's to South Carolina and formerly friend
to the French and Spaniards The maner [sic] in which I gained them to our
Interest is to [sic] long now to relate. You will receive a pretty faithfull
[sic] account of their conferrence [sic] with us in the Inclos'd [sic]
Gazette Inclosed is also a coppy [sic] of ther [sic] Treaty concluded
with them which if you approve of you will order to be engross'd and
Sent over with your Seal The progress we have made and
the Measures we have taken are so universally approved of that private
people have not only contributed largely money labour of Slaves and Cattle
but the Assembly have passed an Act the coppy [sic] which I have ordered
to be sent to you for granting unto us 8000 lb. I have bought a Sloop
with all her Rigging good and Cable Anchors Sails Boat &c for 50 L Sterling
she cost her owner 200 L Sterling She mounts 6 Swivel Guns and is prime Sailor
A Great deal will be saved by her in carrying things from this Town She will be
usefull [sic] in fighting going up the River and piloting in of Shipping if
occation [sic] shall happen The Assembly arose this day and I Shall set
out tomorrow for Savannah.

The Land in Georgia becoming to Grow valuable by reason of our
Settlement several have applied to me for grants and those who have
served the Collony [sic] and are willing to take them upon the Trustees terms
I have promised to recommend to you for 5OO Acres of Land first Mr.
Walter Agustine who has been long in this Country and behaved well in
the Indian War he with four men is already settled upon a Lott Six
miles distante [sic] the Town up the River he has built a house and Cleared
Seven Acres of Land which he has planted with Indian Corn a little
Barly and other Europian [sic] Grain which comes up finely for the next lot
above him I promised to recommend Lieutenant Watts for the next above
Mr. Fennygall and for the next lot behind them Mr. Reves all of
them being Officers of his Majesties Independant [sic] company I have
promised to recommend Mr. Bryan a very brave young man who himself with
four of his Negroes worked for us gratus some Months I also promised
to recommend Ensign Farrington and Capt: Thomas for Lotts upon the Sea
Coast Besides these as I said before upon finding the land grew
valuable others applyed [sic] to me for large tracts of Land from 3OOO to
12000 Acres each in order to monopolize the Country and Offered to give
me considerable presants [sic] for to bring the Trustees into making these
grants and to continue at their putting Negroes upon them I treated as
you may think with contempt and had it not been necessary to carry
things with great temper here I should kicked the proposers into the
Bargain Upon this I have had intillegence [sic] that these same people are
trumping up forfieted [sic] Titles and old pretentions [sic] to the lands in
Georgia I give you notice of this that you may be prepared if any
applycations [sic] are made I should advise also that you would get Lord
Carteret to sign the conveyance of which the Attorney General perused
the Draught and not mention one word of any claim till it is don You
may Judg [sic] of the value of Your lands here by the price of those on
Trenchs Island which lyes at the Mouth of the Savannah River on the
Carolina side They were sold at 5 S an Acre Carolina money when I
first landed here and about 10 days ago a large parcel of the same land
was sold at 40 S an Acre I would also desire you not to Surprized [sic]
into anything relating to the Indian Trade For if that matter is ill
managed it may draw on a War but if it is well managed it will bring in
2000 L. Sterling a Year and secure the Indians in our Interest.

As soon as I have divided the Lands held the Court of Records and
put every thing in order which I hope to do in less than a Month I shall
leave Georgia and set out for England I am


Your most obedient himble [sic] servant

James Oglethorpe

Copy of a Letter from William BrownJohn and Thos. Gapen from the Downs
to the Trustees dated 18th June 1733.

Right Honble. and Honble. Gentlemen

This morning we came to Anchor in the Downs in 6 fathom
water the Wind Blowing very fresh at S. West; we are all in good Health
free from Distempers, the Women were sick By the motion of the Ship
But having Served them with Sage and Sugar they are now much Better.
Mr. Sacheverel is not come on Board, John Barnes Samuel Dudly and Lewis
Bowen came on Board at Gravesend, Robert Hainks was Seized with a violent
fit of the Apoplex and fell down the Ladder but By speedy Application &
Mr. Pensyre's Assistance By Bleeding him he is Recovered. We this day
washed the Ship and afterwards read Prayers in very good Order; we then
Broach'd the Barrel of strong Beer that Your Honours were pleased to
send us. Every Mess Being Served in Proportion we drank the Healths of
their Royal Majestys and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and all
the Royal family, then the Healths of all our Honble. Benefactors and
well Wishers to our Undertaking and the Healths of all the Honble.
Trustees to whom we are all in general so much obliged and return our
most hearty Thanks, and the Health of the Honble. James Oglethorpe Esqr.
wishing a happy Sight of him. We are all in general pleased with the
Capt. and he is very carefull [sic] and tender of us, the Provision gives an
universal Content, We shall endeavour [sic] to write to your Honours By every
opportunity of our Welfare, our utmost Endeavours [sic] shall Be to obey your
Honrs. Directions, and we Beg Leave to Subscribe our Selves

Your Honrs.

Most humble & most Obed. Servants to Coraman.

I am at a great Loss
for the Paper and Pens Your
Honors were please to
promise me.

Copy of a letter from Govr. Johnson to Mr. Martyn dated 28th July 1733.


I am favor'd with yours of the 24th of Jany. last I should
have answered it sooner but that I was willing to endeavour [sic] the doing
some Service to the Design of Georgia before I wrote. I have employed
my best Interest with the Assembly & people of this Province, to promote
their contributing to the Support of the Undertaking; and it is with
Pleasure I can acquaint You, that by Mr. Oglethorpe's Address and
lively Representation of the Necessity of it, the General Assembly of
this Province have exerted themselves almost beyond their Abilitys [sic] in
assisting that Colony; what they have done will amount to about 2000
Sterl. without which Support I don't find they would have been able to
Subsist; but I leave it to Mr. Oglethorpe to give the Trustees an
Accot. of these Affairs; he is indefatigable in his Endeavours, [sic] and
without his Industry, Prudence and Resolution I apprehend the Spirits
of the People unused to such Hardships and fatigues, as must necessarily
attend new Settlements, must have sunk under them; but his good Example
enables them to Surmount all Difficultys, [sic] and I hope the Undertaking
will Succeed if His Absence don't discourage & dispirit them. He is
shortly expected in Charles Town in order to take the first opportunity
of embarking for England. Nothing shall be wanting in me to render the
Trustees all the Service in my Power to whom I beg You will make my most
humble Respects agreable. [sic] I am Sir

Your most humble and
Obedient Servant

Extract of a Letter from Govr. Johnson dated at Charles Town 27th
July 1733.

The General Assembly have contributed to the Georgians about
L 2000 Sterling, which I hope will prove very agreable [sic] to the Honble.
the Trustees, and will induce them to believe that the Assembly are
desirous of giving them all the Assistance they are able. Besides this
I should add that there are several private Subscriptions, I employed
my best Interest with my Friends on this occasion, and I may without
Vanity say that it had some weight.

Mr. Oglethorpe talks of returning shortly to England. As he
has been indefatigable in Settling the People, so I fear he'll be
much wanted. Some Hardships must be undergone and I am fearfull [sic] lest
the People should grow disorderly and incline to desert into our
Settlements which I shall be all I can to prevent. If Provision is not
made for them by this Province for another year, I am almost sure they
must desert us for they came too late to plant any Corn this year.

We cannot fathom the Design of sending forty Jews to Georgia,
they will never I believe make Planters, and if not Supported by their
Friends in England must Starve, for I am told they are not Subsisted by
the Trustees.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe from Savannah, to the
Trustees dated 12th August 1733.


I have not been able to write at length since I left Charles
Town; when I returned hither from thence I found the People were grown
very mutinous and impatient of Labour and Discipline, This Petulancy
was owing chiefly to several of them having got into drinking of Rum,
and to Some more artfull,[sic] who had a mind to buy the little things they
had for liquor; And in order to bring that about. Stirred them up to
desire that they might have all their Provisions delivered into their
own hands, and then to have bought that Provision from them. Some of
the Silly People desired their Provisions that they might be able to
gratify their Palates by Selling a large Quantity of wholesome food for
a little Rum Punch.

I found that Gray who pretended to understand the Silk, had been
one of the busiest in preaching up Mutiny, and whilst I was at Charles
Town had in a bare faced manner insulted all Order and threatned [sic] the
Chief People here, for which Mr. Scott a Justice of the Peace for this
place whom he insulted in the Execution of his Office, ordered him to be
Set in the Stocks. He complained to me when I came back again and told
me that (amongst our People) he had a great many friends, and a great
many Enemies who had Sworn his Destruction, and would have had me
have brought them face to face to have sworn against each other, &
told me that if I would not give him Satisfaction he desired Leave to
go out of the Colony. I told him I would give him Leave provided he
went away within twelve hours; which he accordingly did. There were
two boys (for whose Passage the Trustees has paid) came in the same
Ship with him. These he ask'd to take with him pretending they
were his Servants. I told him that if he would pay the Passage for them
and would give Security that he would not sell them he should have Leave
for them also to go with him; he said he could not pay for them but
would pay at Charles Town. Upon which I wrote to Mr. Chardon That if
he did pay the Money to him and give him such Security he might
then have leave to take the Boys. He never paid the money, but at
Charles Town raised several lyes against this Colony and the People of
it. Mr. Chardon for this ordered him to he prosecuted, on which he
went out of the way. By Degrees I brought the People to Discipline,
but could not revive the Spirit of Labour, Idleness and Drunkenness were
Succeeded by Sickness. To remedy the first I sent away the Negroes who
Sawed for us, for so long as they continued here our men were encouraged
in Idleness by their working for them. To remedy Drunkenness I gave a
moderate Allowance of Wine, prohibited Rum and Staved such as I could
find in the Town. But found that the Indian Trading house about 1/2 a
mile from us in spite of all my Prohibitions sold Rum to our People.
I did not care to disoblige them because they are the only Interpreters
we have to the Indians. However at present I must either Suppress them
or our People must be destroyed, we having lost twenty People within a
month since the Drinking of Rum was come into fashion; whereas we lost
but one Person in five months whilst I was here end kept the People from
excessive Drinking.

Millidge our best Carpenter is dead of a burning Feaver [sic] which on
his Deathbed he confessed he contracted at the Indian Trading House;
he drank there Rum Punch on the Wednesday, on Thursday was taken ill
of a burning Feaver [sic] and on the seventh day, the Crisis of that
Distemper, dyed. Poor Overend who was recommended by Mr. Laroche is also
dead with Rum; to which most of the rest owe their Deaths. But the

Illness being once frequent became contegeous. [sic] It appeared chiefly in
burning Fevers or else in bloody Fluxes attended by Convulsions and
other terrible Symptoms. Dr. Cox being dead Jones look'd after the Sick.
The Indian Root Diascordium, Rhubarb, Laudinum and all other implications
usually used on that Occasion were of no Effect. Almost every one
that was taken ill at first dyed. [sic] Jones himself fell sick and some
of the Women (most handy about the Sick) dyed; So that we had neither
Doctor, Surgeon nor Nurse, and about the 15th of July we had above
60 People sick, many of whose Lives we despaired of. At which time
Capt. Hanton arrived here with some Jews and amongst them a Doctor of
Pbysick [sic] who immediately undertook our People and refused to take any
Pay for it; He proceeded by cold Baths, cooling Drinks and other cooling
Applications. Since which the Sick have wonderfully recovered, and
we have not lost one who would follow his Prescriptions. Next to the
Blessing of God and this new Regimen I believe one of the greatest
Occasions of the People's Recovery has been. That by my constant watching
of them I have restrained the Drinking of Rum.

I have been so taken up, what with tending the Sick, what with
Viewing the Country, marking out Lands, getting Provisions and Treating
with the Indians that I have not had time to write. I intended to have
left this place long ago but the general Sickness of the People made me
think. That if I abandoned them in that Condition it would throw them
into Despair and make the distemper fatal; So that I thought it was
better to neglect my own Affairs and take my chance of Standing the
Sickness here, than by quitting the People at such a time expose them
almost to certain Death.

There are several People passed by here for Purysburgh to whom
I gave what Assistance I could. Hetherington, Bishop, Fletcher, Pennyfather
and Mr. Quincy the Minister are arrived with their Servants; I
have been forced to lend them Provisions out of the Store, otherwise
they must have Suffered for want.

I have agreed with Mr. Macpherson Captain of the Rangers to build
a Fort upon Hogstchee River, wch. I have named Argyll. It is already
begun and in good forwardness and I have Supplied him from hence with
Provision Cannon and Ammunition.

Hetherington and Bishop with their Servants have undertook to
build a Fort upon a Creek called Thunderbolt, upon which they are to
begin to work on Tuesday next.

And Ferguson Captain of the Carolina Scout Boat has undertaken
to do the same at Skidowa [sic] Island. The two latter in Consideration of
Lands and the former of two hundred pounds Curcy. So that by this
means all the Passages to this Town both by Land & Water are
covered. And by the Map which I shall soon Send You will see That by
these Forts, if we can Set up another at Tybee, no small Bodys either of
Spaniards or Indians can approach this place at all, nor any large one
without a timely Discovery.

On the 7th of July I held the first Court and administered the
Oaths of Allegiance Supremacy and Abjuration named the several Wards
and Streets & put each family into Possession of an House Lot, on
twenty one of which framed Houses are built; The other nineteen the
Carpenters undertook to build for themselves. But alas five of them
dyed within one week. The Lots of those who have no Children are put
into the hands of other working men who are capable to assist in building
the remaining Houses. One is a Soldier belonging to the Independent
Company for whom I shall procure a Discharge; He is a sober hard
working man. The other is Tibbitt who was sent by Capt. Coram. We
proceed first on the houses of those who have Widows or Children here
(that is to say).

Millidge, who has left a Widow and five Children here, the
eldest but eleven years old, and the Widow just ready to lye in of

Goddard who with his Wife are both dead, has left two Children,
the eldest [ ] years old, who I have put Apprentice to Fitzwalter
the Gardiner, the youngest five years old whom I have put to Nurse
to James Carwall and Ms Wife, to whom I give three pounds a year,
whilst we allow Subsistance, and then five pounds a year.

Little has left a Wife and one Child.

Michael Jermain and John Mackay dyed without Wife or Children

I send You inclosed the Proceedings of the Court on Overends
Death, together with two Boxes containing his things. I believe his
Lands and House here, which is built, is worth L 30 Sterling, or upwards,
money having been offered for it but I would not dispose of it
till I heard her Intentions. In the mean while tis let after the rate
of 1 10 p. Ann. The L 2:4:4 being the Balance should be paid by You, for
the Persons that are the Buyers will pay into the Store here what they
are Charged with. I hope in about a month from this time I shall set
out for England when I shall be able to give You a more full Accot.
I am &c

Copy of a Letter from Mr, Cochrane at Kingston in Jamaica to Mr. Philip
Millar at Chelsea dated 11th Septr. 1733.


Understanding You to be a Gentleman with whom Mr. Wm. Houstoun
kept a strict Correspondence and for whom You used to transact some
Affairs, I thought proper to acquaint You that after a long and severe
Illness he dyed [sic] here the 14th of last month, much and very deservedly
regretted by all who knew him, and if he had lived a few years longer he
would have proved an Honour [sic] to his Country. He left some Manuscripts
of Botany which may be of Service to the Curious in that way, and as I
find he was sent out by some Gentlemen on Purpose to make Discoveries
I think fit that all the Observations which he has committed to writing
ought to be sent to those Gentlemen with a few Collections he has made
of dryed [sic] Plants, all which are now in my Possession and am resolved to
transmit them to You after I have heard from his Cousin at Carthagena
who is the only Relation he has in these parts, and 'tis fit he should
be first consulted before I dispose of any of his Effects. I expect
Advices from him about a month hence by the Return of a Vessel which
this morning Sailed from this place to Carthagena, and then shall write
You further. In the mean time I must desire You to acquaint my Lord
Petre of his Death and that I have found a Mem. of his Lordships to him
for some things to be sent from this Country, which I shall take particular
Care and transmit his Lordship as soon as possible. Some of the
things such as Trees growing cannot be sent till the Spring, but
others shall be sent by the next opportunity wch. will be about three
weeks hence, when I shall do myself the Honour [sic] to write to his Lordship,
for whom I have a very great Esteem for the kindess [sic] I find he has shewn
to my wortby deceased friend, for whose memory none can have a greater
regard than

Your very humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe from Savannah to the
Trustees dated 17th Septr. 1733.


I rec'd. the agreable [sic] News, of the Approbation Your Designs have
met with from Parliament, by the Georgia Pink Capt. Daubus Commander.
The People on hoard him are all arrived safe, Daniel Preston excepted
who was washed overboard in a Storm. His Widow the Day after She landed
was taken picking of the Pockets of a Drunken man of Eight shillings
Sterling. The Man was put into the Stocks for being drunk, and a Bill
was found by the Grand Jury against her for Felony; Upon her being
examined before a Justice of Peace her Defence [sic] was that She was drunk
and did not know that She took the Money, nor did intend to keep it.
Upon Petition and proving that She was with Child, the Tryal [sic] before the
Petty Jury was put off till her Delivery and in the mean while She was
admitted to Bail.

We have taken a Man that had Stole an [sic] Horse in Virginia; he was
tried before the Court, pleaded guilty was condemned and sentenced to
hard Labour during the Space of three Years at Argyll Port on Ogeeche
River, was delivered to Capt. Mackpherson and sent away instantly. The
Horse is ordered to be sent to the Owner in Virginia.

In a former I gave You an Accot. of my having agreed with Capt.
Mackpherson for him to build Fort Argyll for L 200 Currency. The Trees
that fell into the River and were carried down by great Floods stop'd
the Passage below the Fort in such a manner, as to prevent any possibility
of getting up there by Water without immence [sic] Labour in cutting
away the Trees. The Fort being about half finished when he
represented this, I ordered him to begin another 10 miles lower and
allowed him L 50 Currency for the Work already done. He has finished
the New Fort, the Guns are mounted, the Houses built and six Familys
Settled there besides the Garrison. Boats of fifteen Ton burthen have
been there. I have Settled Mr. Bishop, Hetherington &c on a Point
called Thunderbolt, which commands the Channel that comes up from St.
Augustine to this Place; they have some Guns there and a Fort
in pretty good forwardness. I have ordered 10 men to be settled upon
the Island of Tybee which commands the other Passage from Augustine,
and when that is fortified I take this place will be pretty safe. A
Beacon upon Tybee for to direct Ships on their making Land is very
necessary, I have therefore thought that You would not be displeased at
my ordering one to be begun which I hope will be finished at an Expence
[sic] which will be but small, if compared to the great
Usefullness [sic] of it.

Many of the new Comers, in spite of all I can do, drink very
hard; so that I fear a Mortaility [sic] will soon happen amongst them. Our
Peoples being unhealtby forced me to Stay here lest it might seem that
I left them in distress and for fear of Sharing the Sickness; which
some People construed the Consequence of the Climate into which I had
brought them. The Place being now grown healthy, the Authority of the
Court being well established, I shall so soon as the Port at Tybee is
began, leave this place which I am in hopes will be in a few days. As
it is very probable that I shall See You near as soon as this arrives
I shall not enlarge but only mention, that I have been obliged to give
pay to several of the People to engage them to work upon the Magazine
and other Publick [sic] Buildings. I am


Your most obedient humble Servant


I send You inclosed a Bill of parcels of Goods for which I had
occasion and received from the Captain over and above what I received
from You Besides the Powder mentioned in the Invoyce, [sic] he delivered to
me four hundred weight, which he said came from You. I have received no
Bill of Lading with the Ship which puts us very much in the dark.
Robert More one of the new Comers, has left behind him Tools &c to the
value of L 10. in pawn for a Guinea, which if You will pay to Wm.
Andrews and forward the Tools &c. by him delivered. More will repay it
in Work, being a very handy Man. I send You inclosed a List of those
who have been born and died here; We have now four hundred People upon
the Place. Warren on his Death bed desiring his Wife might have her
Passage to England I have accordingly sent her with her Children. Her
House here is preserved for her eldest Son and likewise her Stock of
Cattle, She was very desirous to stay but her Health being bad and
thinking She can only Recover in England She insisted upon my giving
Leave to go back. She is an object of Compassion and believes that with
some little assistance and countenance from You She can do very well in
London. She has lost her Husband and two Children and had all her Goods
burnt when the Guard House was fired. I find on further Enquiry that
the four hundred weight of Gunpowder was put on hoard by Mr. Simond. I
have taken it we having occasion for it. You will know whether it was
put on hoard by You or him.

I have allowed Capt. Daubuz [sic] a Reward as being the first Ship
that came from Europe directly. As I have before informed You I have
bought all other things as were necessary for the People at Charles
Town. I have also taken some necessarys [sic]from Daubuz [sic] and other Ships
that have come in here, and drawn upon You for the Amount. The
Particulars of which I shall bring over with me.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe at Savannah to the Trustees
dated 27th Septr. 1733.


I recommend to You the following Persons for Grants of Land
herein Specified and desire the Grants may pass your Seal with the
utmost Expedition. That is to say Five hundred Acres of Land to Patrick
Mackay Esqr, of Cyder Hall in the County of Sutherland to him and to the
Heirs Male of his Body and in case of failure to the Heirs Male of the
Body of Catherine Mackay Daughter of the said Patrick Mackay Esqr, And
Five hundred Acres to James Bullock of Will Town in South Carolina and
to the Heirs Male of his Body and in case of failure to the Heirs Male
of the Body of Jean Bullock Daur. of the said James Bullock, And
Five hundred Acres to George Dunbar of the County of Inverness and to
the Heirs Male of his Body and in case of failure to Wm. DunBar Brother
to the said George Dunbar. And also Five hundred Acres to a Person to
be recommended by them or the majority of them and to the Heirs Male of
his Body; to be bounded as expressed in a Plan herein inclosed. The
same to he held as Gentlemen's Tenour [sic] with Power to erect a Town.

1st. They are to pay Ten shillings of lawful money of Great Britain
for every hundred Acres to commence Ten Years after the Date To he paid
within six months after the Day of Payment.

2d. To settle a Town within the Space of one year after the Date of
the Grant consisting of forty men either free. Tenants or Servants.

3d. That a Number not less than forty shall continue within the said
Province during the Term of Three Years from the Registering of the
Grant and in five Years build forty Houses.

4th. That each of them shall clear and cultivate Twenty Acres
for each Hundred within the Space of Ten Years and plant upon the same
Two hundred white Mulberry Trees and maintain them and One hundred upon
every other Ten Acres.

5th. That they shall not alienate any part of the said Five hundred
Acres without License.

6th, That they shall not enter into a company to Manufacture Pot Ash,
but each separately may Manufacture the same.

7th. That they shall not lodge, board or employ any Black or Negroe
within the said Province of Georgia.

8th. If the Persons mentioned in the Grant shall dye without Issue
Male or they or their Successors shall be guilty of Treason or Felony
then the said Lands shall revert to the Trust as if the Grant had never

9th. As they will he at great Charges in establishing the said Town
and that these Persons are joined in a Partnership for that purpose and
the Design will suffer of any of them should decease and their Successors
refuse to carry on the Partnership They desire that their Heirs on
Refusal of carrying on the same shall he obliged to sell and that the
Trust will renew a Grant to the Purchaser in as ample manner as the
first Grantee enjoyed. And that on decease of any of them the Widow
may be intitled [sic] to the Mansion House and one equal half of the Land
with its Improvements for her Life or of the Purchase Money in case of Sale.

For the Encouragement of People to come over with them I desire
there may he a Grant of Five hundred Acres in Trust as to Christie
That they may he transferred at Five Acres p Family to such Persons as
they shall think proper.

I further desire they may have a Court of Record to consist of a
Provost and three Bailiffs. The first Provost to he Patrick Mackay
Esqr. and James Bullock and George Dunbar to be first and second
Bailiffs, and the third to be such Person as they shall recommend.
The Provoship [sic] to be one year and to descend annually to the Bailiffs
according to their Seniority. The Court to be final in all matters of
one hundred pounds and under and in all Crimes where the Sentence
extendeth not to Life or Limb. I am


Your most Obedient
humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe from Savannah to the Trustees
dated 15th Novr, 1733.


I am now making up of all the Accots. in some parts of which I
find a great deal of Perplexity Mr. Hughs being dead and I not being
able to find out one of the Books which I left in his Custody. I have
since of October drawn upon You for the inclosed Sums. The Expences [sic]
have been very largely increased by the raising the Prices of Provisions
in Carolina occasioned partly by our Demand and partly by the failure
of this Year's Crop. Besides I was obliged for encouraging of the
People to pay them for building the Storehouse &c. as also (several of
our People being disabled by Sickness) to take in People of this Country
for opening of Communications, sending Messages by Land and Water,
giving Gratifications for fetching Intelligence from amongst the
Spaniards, giving Rewards for taking of Thieves and Runaways. I shall
be obliged to draw for farther Sums to pay the Negroes who were employed
upon my first coming here for Sawing. The Maintenance of the Garden as
a Nursery for Mulberry, Orange Trees, Vines &c at Charles Town has been
also an Article of large Expence,[sic] but which I believe You will think
very well bestowed, since a Sample of thorough fine Silk has been there
made which shews what may be done in this Country. And we have gain'd
one Year's Growth upon the Mulberry and Orange Trees which is inestimable
in a new Settlement, I think every thing here is now so well
Settled that I can leave it without Danger of the Colony's
miscarrying. As I doubt not to See You soon & perhaps before this Letter
I shall say no more but that I am



Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe at Savannah to the Trustees
without Date. But wrote about Decr. 1733.


I cannot but congraulate [sic] You upon the great Success your Designs
have met with being not only approved of by all America but so strongly
supported by His Majesty and the Parliament of Great Britain. Providence
it self seems visible in all things to prosper Your Designs calculated
for the Protection of the persecuted, the relief of the poor and
the Benefit of mankind.

A Year being above expired since I set out from England I believe
You will be impatient to have a short Account of what has been done
towards the Settlement of this Colony which seems to have been conducted
to its present successful! Situation by the manifest Interposition of

We landed here on the 1st of February last %d.th but 40 Persons
able to bear Arms; notwithstanding our Weakness the Spaniards did not
attack us. The Indians were most surprisingly inclined towards friend
ship with Us, The People of Carolina assisted us with the Rangers and
Scout Boat the Guards of that Province and sent up Cattle, Colonel Bull
a man of extraordinary Abilities came up himself with a Number of his
Negroe Servants, and not only instructed the People in the nature of the
Seasons & the manner of Clearing, Building and Cultivating but laid out
the Timber and made his Slaves work for us; We were some time before we
could get any other Assistance from Carolina, The People refusing to
hire out their Negroes though we offered Security for them; but God was
pleased to provide for us by preserving in health our labouring [sic]
hands so that We advanced considerably in our Works so long as our People
continued sober and obedient. When I was obliged to go to Charles Town
to meet the Assembly who generously gave L 8,000 Currency towards maintaining
our People a second year, some of the People begun to be intemperate and then
disobedient so that at my Return I hardly knew them.

Their excessive Drinking was followed with Sickness which raged for some
time most terribly amongst us but though Individuals suffered the Colony
it self increased and flourished by your Supplying them continually
with timely Succours [sic] from Europe and the accession of many People which
the Reputation of this Undertaking drew from several parts of America to
settle here insomuch That the Colony increased notwithstanding our
Sickness, and were were very well supplyed [sic] with all necessarys [sic]
for our Money from Charles Town, for we had also 20 pair of Sawyers from
Carolina for hire and Colonel Bull and Mr. Brian came up again in the
midst of the Sickness to assist us with 20 Slaves whose labour they gave
as a free Gift to the Colony. Binding our People increase fast I
enlarged our Quarters by new Settlements and covered this place to the
Southward by building Port Argyle at about 20 miles distance. Mr.
Bishop and his People were settled at Thunderbolt five miles to the
South East and by that means guarded the most dangerous Water Passage
from the Spaniards, about six miles farther to the Southward on another
Water Passage is settled a Colony of 10 familes [sic] to keep open the Passage
with Fort Argyle whilst by Land from that Port we marked a Road about 40
miles in length to Pallackucola [sic] Garrison in Carolina, in marking of
which we found a River at about 12 miles from this place to which we
gave the Name of Abercorn, it rises near the Ogeeche and divides this
part of the Province from the Western Country.

ThisRiver has great falls very convenient for Mills, At two
miles distant from where it falls into the Savannah the Colony of
Abercorn consisting of 10 families is settled, The Abercorn at its
Conflux with the Savannah forms an Island about two miles in breadth,
beyond which on Carolina Side stands Purysburgh so that this County if
You think fit to make it such is on the West secured by the River Abercom
on the North and North East it is bounded by the Savannah upon
which there is this Town and four Out Settlements already made, on
the East and South East it is bounded by Augustine Creek which is a
branch of the Sea that divides it from Wilmington Island on which the
Settlements of Thunderbolt and Skidowa [sic] lye [sic] & on the South
it is divided from the rest of the main by the Ogeeche a River little
inferiour [sic] to the Savannah which arises in the Apalatian [sic]
Mountains, Within land at 3 miles distant from the Town upon two Hills
are situated Hempsteadand Highgate two Villages of 10 familys each. Over
against the Townlyes [sic] Huthinsons Island one of the most delightfull [sic]
Spots of Ground I ever saw, about 3 miles in length and one wide; a great
part of it is
natural Meadow the rest covered with tall Trees many of which are Bays
above four score foot high. In that Island on the farther Side which
commands the Northern Branch of this Elver opposite to the Town there is
a House built and an Overseer lodged with four Servants belonging to You
with Orders to cut a Walk through the Wood in a strait Line the breadth
of this Town which will serve as a Meadow for feeding of Cattle and give
a beautifull [sic] Prospect of the other River. A Sloop loaded with Servants
was forced in here through Stress of Weather and want of Victuals
many of them were dead, 40 only remain'd as they were likewise ready to
perish through Misery. I thought it an Act of Charity to buy them which
I did giving L 5 a head. I gave one of them to each of the Widows
which will render them able to cultivate their Lands and maintain their
families. I let each of the Magistrates have one at prime Cost that
they might not be behind hand in their Gardens and Plantations by
reason of their spending much of their time in the publick [sic] Service. Of
the rest I have allotted Mr. Lafond five to help him in building a Saw
Mill, four to the Gardens and four to the Island. I have drawn L 200
on You being the Payment for them.

We go on with building the Beacon at Tybee. The People who work
upon it have two shillings p Diem and Blythman the Master Workman has
the same Wages as he could have in Carolina. The Timber is already cut
and squared and the Upper & Lower Floor framed. They reckon it will be
finished in March. It is an Octogone [sic] of 90 feet high, 25 feet wide at
bottom and 12 /2 feet wide at Top, Weather Boarded 26 feet high and the
rest open. It is all framed here of the best of Light Wood and to be
carried down and set upon the Point of Tybee; The Foundation will be
secured with Cedar Piles.

There are 50 Houses of framed Timber & covered with Shingles
which are Tiles made of Wood and tarr'd over already built.

Three Wards and an half are taken up and the People to whom they
belong are all at present at work either at building their Houses or
clearing their Lands so that before the Year is round there must be 120
Houses built in the Towm or their Lots forfeited.

The Bricks You sent were partly employed in building the Smiths
Forge, an Oven and a Well 20 feet deep which affords excellent
Water, the rest in the Chimneys belonging to the Widows.

The Orphans are fed and cloathed [sic] from the Publick [sic] Stores and the
Care of them is intrusted [sic] to three of our best Persons Appointed for that

The Militia is exercised and commanded by Tything men and Constables. The Civil Government is in the Court appointed by the Grant
under your Seal and Property as regularly recovered and Criminals
punished as in any Court in Europe. Every man pleads his own Cause,
The fact is tryed [sic] by the Jury and Sentence pronounced by the Court.

We feed 259 Souls in Town, in Hempstead and Highgate
in the four Colonys [sic] 184 besides Indians and Strangers.

The Supplying such a Number of People besides Forts, publick [sic]
Buildings, Boat hire, Sloops Wages, Indian Presents, Intelligence from
amongst the Spaniards and several other necessary Expences [sic] make
Charges amount high which has forced me to draw very largely upon You.
I have not been able to settle the exact Expence [sic] of each Person some
People having occasion for more or deserving better than others. The
Death of Mr. Hughes who kept the Cash Book which we have not yet been
able to find amongst his Papers puts us under great Difficulties in
settling the Accompts. I have drawn two Bills of L 150 each payable to
Mr. Chardon for Goods had of him. I lent to most of our People Money to
enable them to set up in their different Callings, if you approve of it
they may he charged to the Publick but if not I will take it on my own
Account the Sums being small and the People able to repay them.

The Creek Indians adhere firmly to Us, and those of them who
guard the Southern Passages have informed me That a Spanish open Boat
full of armed Men attempted to come through the narrow
Passages between the Islands about 40 miles to the Southward of us;
They would have spoke to them but the Spaniards refusing end fireing [sic]
upon them They by their Ambushes secured the narrow Passages so well
that the Spaniards was forced to put out to Sea. They say farther they
believe the Spaniards have begun to Settle on this Side the
Alatamaha and that the Boat which fired upon them belonged to that new
Settlement. I cannot believe the Spaniards would venture it but at the
same time will not be too secure, so set out to morrow for the Alatamaha
to see the Truth of it and have sent to the Governor of Carolina to
give him notice of what I have heard.

I have staid till now expecting the Saltzburghers but hope You
will excuse me staying any longer, if they do not come within seven
days after my return from the Alatamaha. I shall then set out for
England where I hope soon to have the pleasure of seeing You. I am


Your most Obedient humble Servant

I have also drawn on You L 288 for
Goods delivered by Captain Yoakley
being Blankets, planes &c. necessary
for the Settlers & Indian Presents.

I must recommend to
You Mr. Beaufin for Grant
of a Gentlemens Lot. Hr.
Symond's Brother for another
and Capt. Yorkley [sic] for a third
being the first Capt. that came
to this Port.

Mr. LaPond who owes his
Passage to Mr. Simond is at
work for You upon the Mills.

Extracted from Mr. Peter Flower's Letter from Purysburgh dated
7th Janry. 1733/4

There are already 6OO Persons in Georgia. Mr. Oglethorpe has
dispensed several along our River which will render it more commodious
and very agreable [sic] to Travellers. [sic] There are 10 Familys at Tyhee, where
they are going to build a Tower of Wood of a prodigious height, that the
Ships that are bound to Georgia may know the Bar they are to pass
through to go up the River Savannah, a thing very necessary to a new
Settlement. There are likewise 10 Familys [sic] at Thunderbolt, it is 6
miles up St. Augustine's Creek which is 4 miles below Savannah and it is
but 4 miles from Savannah by Land. I suppose You are not unacquainted
that the Principal Town in Georgia is Savannah; they have 10 Familys [sic] at
Augutcby, it is 40 miles by Land behind Savannah and more than 80 by
Water. There are 10 Families at Corn House Creek which is 8 miles below
Purysburgh. At Cape Bluff they have begun to build a Village which
will consist in 40 Houses, it is one of the prettiest Places in Georgia
and is to be call'd Oglethorpe it is 10 miles below Purysburgh. (There
are 10 Familys [sic] at Highgate it is 4 miles in the Country about
Savannah. They talk of building another Village of 40 Houses above
Purysburgh, all which is very agreable [sic] to us they are so many
Barriers against the Enemy.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Isaac Chardon at Charles Town to
Mr. Verelst dated 17th Janry. 1733/4


I received your favour [sic] of the 17th Septr. last p Capt. Thomas
with the Inclosed Invoyce [sic] of what was Shipp'd on board his Ship called
the London Merchant. The Goods all came in very good Order and I shall
take Care to send them as Occasions offer to Savannah in the same
manner, Mr. Oglethorpe could not send the Sloop Heathcote for them
since poor Kilbury was dead.

(he Colony has lost a very brisk active man for he was constantly
stirring & making some Discoveries of the Coast and Channel,
and diligent in whatever he was employed in; I don't know what they will
do for want of his Fellow, for they have now no body that they can
trust to Send the Sloop round to this Port; he is very much regretted
by Mr, Oglethorpe for I saw that he was much concerned He died the
8th of last month.

Every thing goes forward to admiration & the first People seem
now to work very quietly & with Courage, being sensible that the
Interest they have there is not of little value, which will
consequently give great Encouragement to those that come after.

There was then forty odd Houses up thirty of them all boarded
and shingled and one whole Chimney, hut that was fixed to the Revd.
Mr. Quincy's Habitation; there is now three quite finished, and there
is also a glorious large Oven which convinces all Travellers [sic] that there
is no want of good Bread; they are also pretty forward with the Look
out or lighthouse which is to be 90 feet high.

Mr. Oglethorpe has agreed with Capt. Dejean of Purysburg for a
pretty large Quantity of Bricks which they understand making very well
for those that I saw there were extraordinary good.

Capt. Wood and Yoakley are both safely arrived there and by this
time I suppose are Discharged.

Mr. Oglethorpe with Mr. Beaufain embarked at Georgia for Purysburg last week.

We are daily expecting Capt. Fry and wish to have a good
Sight of him. I am Sir

Yr. very humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thos. Causton at Savannah to the
Trustees. Janry. 1733/4

May it please Your Honrs.

Mr. Oglethorpe having occasion to go to Abercorn River; He has
commanded me to acquaint Your Honours That Capt, Lionell Wood Master of
the good Ship Savannah arrived here on the 15th day of December, having
conducted the Passengers, according to his Invoyce, [sic] very safely and in
good Health except two Children who dyed [sic] in the Voyage. And has, upon
a thorough Examination, behaved very well both in his Voyage & here, as
well towards the Passengers in particular as the Colony in general.

Hr. Oglethorpe has drawn Bills upon You for L 200 Sterling, which
he paid for 40 Servants; and L 78 which is the Amount of the inclosed as
bought of Capt. Wood.

I beg leave to acquaint Your Honours That the People here are
generally in good health. That Capt. Scott died here the 2d. Instant.
To assure You of my diligent Obedience to all your Honour's Commands,
and that I may Subscribe my self

Your Honrs,

Most Dutifull & Obedt,
humble Servant

Copy of a letter from Mr. Parker at Savannah to Mr. Verelst.
Jany. 1733/4


I am make use of Mr. Gordon's Departure to return You my hearty
Thanks for all your favours, [sic] I shall retain a due Sense of them. I
am now in Georgia where I have undertaken to make a Mill for Sawing of
Wood & another for grinding of Wheat which will be finished in a few
days. I have agreed with Mr. Oglethorpe who allows me L 60 Sterling a
year, my Victuals and 5 P C p Ann. Profits of the first Saw
Mill. If I had People to help me I could build several Mills, if we
had half a dozen we could employ them all. I have resolved to build
all my Mills upon the little Rivulets we have in Georgia, I am building
a Mill which will he very strong and will move upwards of thirty Saws,
my Reasons for building them on the Rivulets are several. First The
continual Supply of Water which I can depend on night and day. Secondly
Because we are not at the Charge and Trouble of bringing the Trees by
Carriages, I have them cut &o\m and thrown in the Water then they come
down with the Current from upwards of 4 or 5 Leagues distance into a
Repository that I have made near the Mill.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Beaufain from Purysburgh to Mr. Simond
dated 23d Janry. 1733/4.

Dear Sir
I have wrote [sic] two Letters to You since I arrived in Carolina one
of which I left at Charles Town to be sent You by the first opportunity,
I intended to make but a short Stay there for I was impatient to See
Georgia and Purysburgh but my Illness detained me. I embarked (tho' not
perfectly recovered) on board of a small scooner [sic] the 2d. Instant and
having met with contrary Winds arrived only the 7th at Savannah. We
entered the River at Tybee island without a Pilot, Mr. Oglethorpe had
been so kind as to send one to meet us but the Weather being foggy he
miss'd us at Sea. I had the pleasure to see your Ships the two Brothers
and the Savannah at Anchor before the Town, The Commanders of them will
give You an Accot. of the Coast and the fine River. I landed on the
7th at night, Mr. Oglethorpe received me in the most obliging manner
and next day did me the favour [sic] to shew me the Towm, the Publick [sic] Garden
and the Plantations, all which is Situated in the pleasantest part of the
Country and laid out to the best advantage. As You have seen Accots.
of the Particulars by Mr. Oglethorpe himself it would be Presumption in
me to attempt one, I was Surprized [sic] at the Progress made already, it is
carried on with good order and Dispatch; there is no Doubt but this
Colony will soon be very considerable, it has the happiness to be
Settled by Gentlemen who tho' Proprietors of the Country claim no other
Share in it than that of procuring the Welfare of its Inhabitants; So
generous an instance of Humanity must affect the People with the deepest
Sense of Gratitude, and Mr. Oglethorpe's Example must give them
Spirit to overcome all Difficulties. The settling of Georgia is what
Mr. Oglethorpe has so entirely at heart that every Thought and Action
of his is directed to that favourite [sic] Object; he is taken up when in
Town with the Political and Civil part of the Administration, the
business of Grants, the Settling and providing new Inhabitants, keeping
a good order among the People, he enters into every particular and
hears with the greatest Patience and good nature any one who applys [sic] to
him. When Affairs are ordered in Town so that he may be absent
for some time then he visits the Out Settlements, lays out new ones,
examines the nature of the Soil, appoints proper Places for Forks, Mills
and other publick [sic] Works, searches into Inlets of Rivers hitherto
unknown, by means of which the Inland Navigation may be improved and even
the great Rivers made to communicate with one another. I leave You to
judge my dear Friend what Care Activity and Resolution is required to
go through such a Multiplicity of Work. I have had the Satisfaction
to attend Mr. Oglethorpe in one of the Country Expeditions, and
to see him exert that generous Spirit which makes all this fatigue more
delightful to him than the Pleasures which a man of his merit and
Fortune might enjoy in England; Before I leave Savannah Town I must not
forget to tell You who are concerned in the Navigation of the River
that there is a fine Lighthouse making by Mr. Oglethorpe's Order to he
erected upon a Point in Tybee Island. After having been five days at
Savannah with Mr. Oglethorpe I waited on him in his Scout Boat to
Purysburgh which is but 24 miles from Savannah Town by Water and much
less by Land; we passed by a new Settlement upon Savannah River made
by several Scotch Gentlemen of good Families, it is about 11 miles
above the Town, there is a strong Timber Building for a Fort and there
will be fix'd a Battery of Cannon to command the River, the Situation
is very agreable;[sic] we might have reached Purysburgh in less than half a
day, but Mr. Oglethorpe would visit some familys [sic] which he has settled
upon Ahercorn River, the River is large and joyns [sic] the Savannah at about
6 miles below Purdyburgh, we found the People very busy, they were
extremely pleased with the Honour [sic] Mr. Oglethorpe did them, we passed
the Night in the Boat and next Evening proceeded to Purysburgh, Mr.
Oglethorpe was received there with all the marks of Distinction and the
Demonstrations of publick [sic] Joy the Town could afford; we Supp'd at the
Colonel's where Mr. Oglethorpe took his Lodging, mine was at Capt.
Lafittes. Next day we continued our way up the River, we made a
Progress of 5 days lying at Bights either in the Boats or in the Woods,
we had for 2 nights a very hard Frost, this way of Travelling [sic] I was an
entire Stranger to, I believe it would disagree with most People, we saw
upwards of Purysburgh no human Creature excepting an Indian
Warrior who was coming down with his Family in a Canoe, he was mightily
pleased to meet with Mr. Oglethorpe who has found means to keep a good
Correspondence with the Indians of these parts, the Current of the
River is very strong above Purysburgh, we went not only along the
Savannah but turned into several fine Creeks or Lagunes [sic] they are called
so here tho some of them are Rivers; we landed on all Places likely
for Settlements, I had much ado to follow Mr. Oglethorpe for he walks
the Wood like any Indian, the Georgia Side seems to be by much preferable
to the other, there are more rising Spots of Ground fit for Habitations; that on the Carolina Side is low and overflown in Winter, it is
good for Rice Land but there is too much of it, this puts me in mind
of Mr. Parry's 48000 Acres. I have got the Governour's Warrant for
running of them out and he is to be put in possession of 12000. I
asked Mr, Oglethorpe's Advice, he told me that tho the Land below
Purysburgh is better Situated he was for running it above that Town to
avoid Disputes which might prejudice the Interest of Purysburgh in this
Province, adding that as new Settlements are intended above Purysburgh
on the Georgia Side, some of our Settlements the same way would be
agreable [sic] to the Gentlemen in the Trust, we therefore concluded to take
the 12000 Acres above Purysburgh and Mr. Oglethorpe is to send me a
Surveyor for that purpose. Mr. Oglethorpe staid [sic] one day at Purysburgh
at our Return and then went down again to Savannah. You have had, my
dear Friend, so many Descriptions of Purysburgh already that it is
needless to trouble You with one, I wish I could give You an agreable [sic]
Account of the poor People's Condition, I know how Wellcome it
would be to You who have always shewn so tender a Concern for them, the
Truth is they are in great need of assistance, they have some from the
Province who is very sensible of the Usefullness [sic] of this Colony, but
the Country is in Debt and cannot raise new Funds, the Hardships and
Difficulties attending new Settlements are such as require great helps,
they are not wanting to themselves, they are an industrious and brave
People; some notice taken of them at home would spirit them up
and encrease [sic] their number so as to make this a strong fence against the
Incursions of the French or Spanish Indians and even of the French or
Spaniards themselves, this Colony may be no less usefull [sic] to Georgia if
not more; it prevents their being Surprized [sic] from this Side, and in case
of an Attack they are within Call in a manner of Savannah and may be
there with Arms and Provisions in less than a day; they show'd their
Readiness to assist their Neighbours [sic] last Summer when it was thought
that the Spaniards were going to make an Attempt upon Georgia, as they
had their Provisions given them by the Province they look'd upon them
selves as a Garrison and thought they could not leave their Town to
meet the Enemy at Savannah without the Governours [sic] order. They applyed
[sic] to have a general Leave which the Governour [sic] gave them by telling them
they were not restrained upon those Exigencies. Mr. Oglethorpe is a very
good friend to Purysburgh, and where he is a friend he is a usefull [sic] one,
he has promised to recommend that Colony to the Gentlemen in the Trust.
I have great hopes that some way will be found for the Relief of the
poor People. I have received a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe who does me
the favor to let me know that he has recd a Grant from the Governour [sic]
for the Lands below Onefurkee Creek; he is going to visit the Altamaha
River. I have paid today L 60 Sterling to Mr. Dejean which
the Major will repay. I long to hear from You and our Friends, to whom
pray give my hearty Service. I am

Dear Sir
Yours &c.

Extract of a letter dated at Purysburgh 26th Janry.


I have but very little to add to my last in which I acquainted
You with the Agreement made between four Couples of our People to enter
into the State of Matrimony which seems at present very well adapted
to the Taste of the Young Men and Maidens of our Colony; Since there
are now six Couples instead of four, all very fit for Propagation I am
told that some of these Wives will hardly Stay the nine months out to
Create a Progeny, whether by reason of the frutfullness of the Air or
of some Tryal [sic] of Skill beforehand I do not determine. As We have no
Parson to perform the Ceremony of the Marriage (being by the Grace of
God rid of that base Mr. Bugnion) the above six Couples together went
to Georgia for that Purpose. The Attendants were very numerous and the
Major of our Fortress was at the Head of this nuptial Band for the
better Security and good Order of the Voyage. They landed at Savannah
Town and Mr. Oglethorpe received them in the most obliging manner and
with much Generosity, he ordered presently a fine Hog to he killed for
the Entertainment of the Company, Beer, Wine, Rum and Punch was very
plentifull, [sic]they were all very merry and danc'd the whole Night long.
The next day they went to Mr. Oglethorpe to take their Leave and thank
him for all his Kindnesses, and as their Boats were passing the River
they were Saluted from the Fort by a Volley of the great Guns. They
all returned safe here; I cannot express how much our People were
pleased with their Journey and how many times they blessd [sic]
Mr. Oglethorpe. There is now two Couple more desiring to go to Savannah
as the others did; Peter Roche designs to marry a young German Girl of 15
Years of Age, She is the prettiest Maid of our Colony; the other
Couple is Francis Buche with the Widow Franks, but her first Husband
being lost no longer than ten months ago She is to Stay according
to the Laws of Carolina till one Year and one Day be over before She
can take a second Husband; tis very likely the first has perished in
the Forests, having heard of him in no manner at all.

Every thing goes on very well in our Colony, our Gardens are
plentifull, [sic] our Cattle encreases, [sic] our Lots in the Town are
almost Cultivated and we are in hopes of a pretty good Harvest.

Extract of a Letter from South Carolina dated 26th February

We have here a very great Expectation of an Eruption with the Cherokee
Indians, they have for some time behaved in a very insolent manner, but
more particularly about fifteen days ago; there went a hundred of them
to a Traders Store with their Arms and plundered his Store taking
away every thing from him, and told the Trader if he was angry they
would kill him. The Principal Actors in this Affair was [sic] those Indians
that Sr. Alexander Cummings carried over lately to England; we find
notwithstanding the good Treatment they met with there that they are
more insolent than the others and say that we are all Slaves to the
Great George, and all the Goods carried to their Nation are his and he
sends them over as Presents to them, and therefore we impose on them by
demanding any Consideration for the Goods. It would be tedious for
You to read were I to relate their repeated Insolencies [sic] we have had
from those Indians since their Return from Great Britain; and am sure
it will be for the Service of this Province never to Suffer any more of
them to go there; the Treaty of Alliance Settled between them and the
Lords of Trade they now despise. We are under such Apprehensions from
the Indians that the Assembly are now considering of two Forts to be
erected immediately, one amongst the Cherokees and the other amongst
the Creeks in order to put a Check to their Insolence as well as to
secure our Trade, and without that be done a War with the Indians will
be unavoidable; For the French have to the Southward at least Twelve
thousand Indians that they may easily bring against us, without
mentioning the great Numbers they have at Canada and up the River
Mississippi; These to the Southward are the Nations called the
Choctaws & Blewmonths who they may march from their Settlements to
Charles Town in Twenty days. 'Tis true we have two new Settlements
making to the Southward on Savannah River, that is the Swiss Settlement
under the Conduct of Mr. Purry and the other called Georgia under Mr.
Oglethorpe; but these tho' in time may he good Frontiers, at present
will he of little Service in case of an Indian War because those
Strangers would make but a poor Stand in our Indian method of fighting.
The Swiss Settlemt. goes on very well and the People very industrious,
the others are not so laborious.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe at Savannah to the Trustees
dated 26th February 1733/4


I recommend to You Mr. Joseph Watson of Grantham in Lincolnshire
for a Grant of Land herein Specifyed [sic] and that the Grant may pass your
Seal with the utmost Expedition That is to say Five hundred Acres of
Land to the said Mr. Joseph Watson and to the Heirs Male of his Body
and in case of failure to the Heirs Male of the Body of Susannah Watson
Daughter of the said Joseph Watson and that his Widow on his Decease
shall be intitled [sic] to the Mansion House and to one third of the Land
during her Life. The same to he held as Gentleman's Tenour [sic] and bounded
by the Trust Lands, dividing the same Tract from the Lands of John
Musgrove Gent, and by the Trust Lands divided from the Indian Creek.
On the following Conditions.

1st. To Pay Ten shillings of lawfull [sic] money of England for every
hundred Acres to Commence Ten Years after the Date of the Grant, to be
paid within six days after the Day of Payment.

2d. To Settle himself with four white Men Servants upwards of
eighteen Years of Age each upon the said Lands and to continue with the
same Number of four men in the said Province for the Space of three
Years from the Date of the Grant.

3d. To clear and cultivate for each hundred Twenty Acres within
the Space of Ten Years and Plant upon the same Two hundred white Mulberry Trees and maintain them, and one hundred upon every Ten Acres
which he shall clear.

4th. Not to alienate any part of the said Five hundred Acres
without Licence. [sic]

5th. Not to enter into a Company to Manufacture Pot Ash, but
may Manufacture the same separately.

6th. Not to hire, lodge, hoard or employ any Black or Negroe
or any Slave within the said Province of Georgia.

7th. If the said Joseph Watson shall dye [sic] without Issue Male, or
himself or Successors shall be guilty of Treason or Felony then the said
Lands shall revert to the Trust as if the Grant had never been made.

I am

Your most Obedient humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Issac Chardon at Charles Town to the
Trustees dated l4th March 1733/4


You have here inclosed the News Papers which our little Country
affords that Esqur. Oglethorpe desired me to send You, and is what You
may expect so long as we can keep our Printer alive.

Mr. Oglethorpe was sent for the 22d last month by the Publick [sic]
to he consulted with on certain Indian Affairs, to Ward against the
Incroachments [sic] of the French on the back of the Upper Creek Nation in
the Province of Georgia, and to six certain Forts by the Assistance of
the Publick [sic] as will tend to the Safety of this Province so well as that
and being very much hurried while he was here and more so on the
Arrival of Capt. Fry off our Bar with the Saltzburghers [sic] and other
Passengers who were in good health, he set out again for Georgia the
11th instant without having any spare time to write to You; he told me
that he should return again a fortnight hence, but there is now so much
fresh Work cut out for him that I do not expect to see him until the
latter End of next month. I am

Your most Obedient
humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Oglethorpe to the Trustees dated at
Charles Town 2d April 1734

The Ship with the Saltzburghers [sic] came in sight and Mr. Van Beck
landed here just as I was going to imbark [sic] for England. I found it
necessary to go down to Georgia to place them there and make a
Disposition for their Subsistence. I put on board them a Pilot and got Mr.
Dunbar, a Gentleman of fashion, who is a very good Seaman and knows the
Entrance of the Savannah River perfectly well, to go with them. I was.
for haste, not able to write to You, because I sat out instantly and
arrived at Savannah on the l4th of March. I settled the Saltzburghers [sic]
in the Situation which they desired, though it occasions an additional
Expence [sic] we being obliged to buy Horses to carry up their Provision by
Land for they are six miles from the great River, and the Ebenezer is
so choaked [sic] up with old Trees that Boats cannot go till they are
removed. I therefore hired a Packhorseman and have ordered him Ten
Horses to attend them. I have bought a Sow, a Cow, two Fowls, Ducks
and Geese for each of them, which will be delivered as soon as they can
be got up. The Commissary is a good natured Man, the Ministers are very
devout and the eldest is a very wise Man; the whole are a religious,
industrious and cheerfull [sic]People and in all probability will succeed
very well.

The Assistance the Assembly voted us last year of L 8000 Currency
is not yet paid so that our Colonys [sic] daily Expenses obliged me to draw
upon You for the Supply of them. The Money is to be raised upon the
Duty on Rum, which is a very good Fund and You by that means may be
reimplaced. [sic] The above Expenses together with the Saltzburghers[sic]
and other Expenses occasioned by the vast Increase of our People, and
the Price of Rice rising from between 30 and 4O shillings p hundred
weight, which it was last Year, to L 3. and L 3:2:6 which it is this
Year, and all other Provisions proportionably together with the Ship
Load of Servants which I bought, who must otherwise have perished
and who are now grown very usefull [sic] to the Colony; has occasioned my
Drawing for the inclosed Sums upon You.

The Orders for a Man of War to cruise off the Georgia Station
are come, but we are in very little Apprehension of the Spaniards we
being much more able to dislodge them from Augustine than they us from
Savannah; but the French are much to he apprehended from the Westward,
and several Soldiers pretending themselves to he Deserters, whom I
take for Spies, have come into Carolina over Land from the Mississippi.
They have lately attacked the Chickaaaws and almost extirpated the
Notchees and Foxees, Nations in friendship with Carolina. Before
I came here they had encroached into the Upper Creeks Country, where
they had built a Fort called Albamuse and were going to build another
in the Lower Creeks when I arrived, but such Measures have been taken
that they did not venture to do it; And the Creeks have resolved not to
let them encroach any further. The People of Carolina are of
opinion that the French will strive by force to settle amongst the
Creeks; the Post which they did intend to fortify being of that
consequence that they think, if the French are once well established there,
Carolina will he lost upon the very first War. They would fain have
had me built a Fort there, and the Creek Indians (fearing to he overpowered by the French) have applied to the same purposep [sic] though they
would never admit of a Fort and Garrison from Carolina. The Expence [sic]
being very great though the Necessity is much greater, I have
not concluded any thing with them being very cautious of imbarking
in new Expences; [sic] those which are absolutely necessary for the Subsistence
of the People being already so great. I am


Your most Obedient
humble Servant

Copy of an anonimous [sic] Letter from Savannah to Lord Percival dated 6th
April 1734.


I know I need make no Apology your known Zeal for the Christian
Religion is sufficient for me. I have my Lord from my Birth in a
peculiar manner acknowledged the Divine Providence over me and parti
cularly in the settling the Colony of Georgia. The great God therein
hath Blessed my Labours [sic] to whom I am desirous to dedicate the first
Fruits of them.

I have no Children nor am like to have and on failure of Issue
I have after my Death given my Town Lot Garden Lot and Farm Lot with the
House Warehouses Buildings and Appurtenances whatsoever in the said
Town of Savannah now of the Value of L 25 Sterling Ann, towards the
Maintenance of a Missionary to be recommended by Your Lordship and Your
Successors & approved of by the Trustees for the Colony whose only
Business shell he the Conversion of the Indians in this Province to the
Christian Religion. I beg Your Lordship will take care to see
the same confirmed at home by those Honble. Gentlemen.

My Lord the Indians near us are desirous of Instruction which
they have hitherto refused to receive; there is nothing wanting to
their Conversion hut one who speaks and understands well their Language
to explain to them the Mysterys of the Christian Religion, for as to
the Morals of Christianity they understand and assent to it and indeed
by strict Justice and good Usage Mr. Oglethorpe has so endear'd them to
him that they are ready to hear and receive any thing he shall propose.
They seem to be Masters of true Eloquence making allowance for what they
suffer through the badness of Interpreters. Many of their Speeches are
equal to those we admire in Greek and Roman Writings; They
generally in Set Speeches use Similies and Metaphors. I beg Leave my
Lord to mention one spoken by their Chief Tomo Chachi to Mr. Oglethorpe
Sr. says he here is a little Present, giving him a Buffloe [sic] Skin
painted on the inside, with the Head and Feathers of an Eagle. That
the Eagle signifyed [sic] Speed the Buffloe [sic] Strength That the English were
so swift as the Bird and strong as the Beast since like the first they
flew from the utmost parts of the Earth over the great Seas and like the
second nothing could withstand them That the Feathers of an Eagle were
soft and signifyed [sic] Love the Buffloe [sic] Warmth signifyed [sic] Protection;
therefore he hoped we wovuld love and protect them.

I beg Leave my Lord to take notice that this Province will with
Pains and Care produce both Wine and Silk and deserves his Majestys [sic]
particular regard. They are very loyal and on all publick [sic] Occasions
drinking their Majestys [sic] healths, I have ordered a Copy of a Poem made
by a Georgian (the Perusal of which I hope will be agreable [sic] to Your
Lordship) to be delivered to You. I am

Your Lordship's

Most Obedient dutiful
end very humble Servant

Copy of a better from Mr. Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at South
Carolina 7th May 1734.


According to my promise I shall endeavour [sic] to give You as full an
Account of all those Occurrences which shall happen in this Province
that I think to he most material end which I believe will be most
acceptable to You; and that I may not omit any thing material I shall do
it by way of Journal.

7th May. This Day came to Town Mr. Thos. Brown from the Cautabas [sic]
and informed me that the Sinnacas [sic] had fallen upon that nation and killed
two Persons, but that a parcel of Cautabas to the Number of 20 in the
Woods discovered 26 Indians whom they supposed to be French, Surprised
them killed 13 and brought as many entire Scalps into their Nation with
the Loss of only one Man.

9th. I sent to Georgia by Mrs. Musgrove some Date Stones and
Cottaquinteda seeds and desired Mr. Causton to put them into the Ground
immediately, and acquainted him that the Cottaquinteda came up like a
Water Melon and that the Leaves resemble one the other.

About the same time came to Town Saml. Brown and other
Indian Traders from the Cherokees who say those Indians were very
insolent & threaten'd to take away the Lives end Effects of the Traders
as will appear by the following Account Mr. Beane has given me in
Writing (vizt.) about the 1st of September the little Warrior who is
the Governour's [sic] friend came to my house and told me that he had much
ado to Save the white mens Lives for at the meeting at J. Oree the
Consultation was held the whole night and 'twas to kill all the white Men
that was there, and that a Runner was to go all over the Nation where
any white Men was and kill them; In the morning he came home
drest [sic] in his Leather Shirt and the other Warrior called Major Fitch
took notice and ask'd him what was the matter, and he said nothing for
he believed there would he no meeting that day; the Major told him to
go and talk to them and he would stay another day; Accordingly the
little Warrior went and ask'd them where he should go to get Powder and
Bullets for that he had been every Path but could find none but amongst
the English and told them further if they were upon that Design he would
dye [sic] along with them, Febry. the 6th the little Warrior came to my
house again and told me that 'twas good for the white men meaning the
Traders to Stay down among the English and not to come up here for one
or two years and then their young men would know what the Want of Goods
was, for You white People will not believe the Danger till You feel it
and if You white People will stay below I think it is very good and then
they will want me to go down & bring up the white People again and then
that will be the time for me to talk with them; When the Warriors heard
that the Indians had taken away Horsfords Goods he said this is the
beginning of my Peoples bad thoughts, for my part I shall not see it
for I will go to the English and live with them I and all my Children
and to morrow I shall go, to which I made him answer that he must not go
and leave all the white men so he was contented to stay and see all the
white men go out of the Valley. I then went to the Town house and
desired the beloved men to persuade him to stay, at another time they
said the Governour [sic] was a Rogue for stopping the Path and that they would
go down in a body without his leave.

13th May. Came to Town Goodall and several other Creek Traders
who say that those Indians are very peaceable and quiet with them; and
with them came down two of the men that belonged to Capt. Pointsets
Sloop that sailed hence in September last for Moville and gives an Account
that as soon as the Vessel arrived at Masackt at the mouth of the said
River she was Seized and confiscated one half to the King the other half
to the Governour [sic] and the Capt. fined a 1,000 Livres and 'tis here
believed that the two Vessells [sic] that lately Sailed from hence to that place
will meet the same fate which News is very agreable [sic] to the Indian
Traders and many others no way concerned therein, it being a Trade that
would have been attended with very mischevious [sic] Consequences to this
Province and this Disappointment will put a Stop to this Trade and
probably be a means to Extend our Trade to the Choctaws which will be a
great Advantage not only to Trade but to this Province by bringing those
Indians into our Interest which might have been affected some time
since had not Capt. Glover obstructed it, induced thereunto by some
private Views.

The Governour [sic] did design to prorogue the Assembly to a further
day but upon this News from the Cherokees he ordered them to meet and
they are now setting.

16th May. Yesterday arrived Capt. Paul Capt. Greg from
Leith with 67 Passengers and a Vessel from Dublin with Servants.

I am


Your most humble Servt.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Quincy to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at Boston New
England 20th June 1734

I hope this may congratulate You on your safe Arrival in England
after the many Hardships You have undergone for the Sake of doing Good.
I know not indeed whether I ought to call them Hardships when I consider
the real Pleasure You took in them; though I am certain any one less
actuated by a Temper, benevolent end charitable, would have esteemed
them so.

I delivered your Letter to the Govr. on my first coming here.
His Excellency told me that it was the only one he has had the Honour
[sic] to receive from You, though You mentioned two more that had teen sent.
I find by Conversation that Dr. Cook has very much lost his Interest in
this Country; His Character from wise and knowing Men is not the most
agreable. [sic] They say that under high Pretences [sic] of acting for the
Publick [sic] Good, he has acquired a Popularity amongst the common People
and by that means been enabled to carry a considerable Party at Elections and so
model the Assembly and Council much to his own Mind. This indeed is an
Instance that he is no mean Politician; but many that were his friends
begin now to think that he has not so sincerely intended the Publick [sic]
Good as he would have them believe. And indeed the Consequence of his
Management has shewed that however sincere his Designs may have been,
his Schemes have not effected the most happy Ends; The Country labours [sic]
under very great Discouragements through his Means. The violent
Opposition he has made to the express Orders of the King, to allow the Governor
a fix'd Salary; has occasioned great Disgust in England, and to
this is attributed the Frowns they have met with from the English
Government, their present Discouragements in Trade and fear of greater.
But I am unawares got into a Subject by no means within my Province,
and beg Pardon for having dwelt so long upon it.

The Town of Boston is mightily increased in Buildings and In
habitants since I was here in the Year [ ] 19. They reckon no less than
20,000 People in it. Their Militia consists of 6OO Horse and 7 or 8000
foot which are frequently drawn out to Exercise. Their Civil Government
is complained of by some as too rigid and severe, restraining Men in
what they call their lawful Liberties, frequenting of Taverns and
keeping unseasonable Hours (for no Inhabitant of the Town must be found
at a Tavern past 11 o Clock without incurring a Penalty and the House
fined 40. c) but certainly their Laws in these Respects as in many
others particularly against Swearing, Gaming, Profanation of Sabbath's
&c. are wholsome [sic] and good; and though it may happen that an Officer
having more Zeal than Discretion may sometimes rather exceed his Com
mission, yet the happy Effect of these wholsome [sic] Restraints are very
visible for Vice is hereby much discountenanced and those who will be
bad are obliged at least not to appear so, and thus exemplary Impiety
is greatly prevented. There are no People more vilely misrepresented
with Regard to their Religious Character than the People of New England,
if we will believe common Report of them they are the greatest hypocrites
in the World who under specious Pretences [sic] of more than ordinary
Sanctity will commit the vilest Frauds and do the most base and
injurious Actions. But these Reflections are very false and groundless
especially when thrown upon the whole Body of the People. It must
be own'd that some few such there have been and no Doubt are at
present, not only amongst them but every other Religious Party who so
far mistaking the true Nature of Religion lay the Stress of it chiefly
on speculative Opinions and mere outward Profession and may therefore he
very bad men; but to do the People of New England Justice there is
amongst them a great deal of sober Piety free from Superstition and

I am now I thank God pretty well recovered of my Indisposition
and intend to set out with all possible Expedition for Georgia and hope
to he there before this can arrive in England. Since your Departure
from Charles Town I am informed there is a Vessel arrived there from
Leith in Scotland with 7 Gentlemen and about 60 inferiour [sic] Persons,
Servants and Dependants [sic] with Design to settle in Georgia. My Friend
writes me Word that some People there have endeavoured [sic] to dissuade them
from going further but that he believes he shall prevail with 6 of the
Gentlemen with their Servants &c. to go up. I heartily wish You Sir all
imaginable Happiness and Satisfaction in your Return to your Native
Country amidst the just Applauses of your Friends, and above all I
wish You that calm Satisfaction & inward Pleasure which is the sure
Reward of virtuous and good Actions and is infinitely preferable to
Popular Applause; and am with the greatest Respect and Regard


Your most Obliged and

most Obedt. humble Servt

Charles Town 22d July 1734


Since the Writing of this I have been disuaded [sic] by my Friends
from undertaking so long a Journey by Land as from Boston to Philadelphia
this hot Season of the year; and therefore have took the opportunity of
a Vessel belonging to my Relations bound to Charles Town where I am
now arrived after a short and pleasant Passage of 15 Days. Mr. Van Reek
arrived in Boston a few days before I came away, I had the Pleasure of
seeing him there and we Sailed out of the Harbour [sic] at the same time, I
hope he is now arrived in London. The Governor of New England has
promised to propose to the Council and Assembly to Send a Sloop with
Saw'd Boards and Provisions for the Use of our New Colony. I have
heard that they are at present in pretty good health at Georgia & go
on very well. I am


Your most humble Servt.

Copy of a Letter from Patrick Mackay to Mr. Causton dated at
Charles Town 8th of July 1734


An Express from Captain Mcpherson for his Excellency Governor
Johnson delivered me yours of first of July. I judged on receipt of
yours that he had comed [sic] from you for his Excellency and therefore
waited of him to hear the News it being reported in Town that you had
taken 30 Spaniards prisoners. But his Excellency told me he had only a
Letter from Captain Mcpherson with advice of the Chactaws [sic] Indians
Arrivall [sic] in Georgia with some of the Chiefs of the upper Creeks.
Tho it would he very inconvenient for me to be sooner with you as
towards the latter end of this Month, yet I should endeavour [sic] to be With
you sometime this week, but that his Excellency with some of his Counsell [sic]
are of opinion that the Chactaws [sic] Should come here I am not my self
averse to their coming here for this reason, that as the Chactaws [sic] have
never been in any of our British Settlements before therefore they
should see the best appearance we can make; that they may give a better
report of us than they can do from Seeing our Infant Colony only; His
Excellency therefore desires that if you Join in Opinion with him, the
Scout Boat may be sent down wth. them the upper Creeks and Jones, or
that, if they Choose to travel by Land you send them by Purrisburgh. [sic] I
shall take care of them while here and return with them to Savannah
where Ide [sic] have us enter into treaties with them and you
should make them the proper presents on that occasion. If you join with
me in Opinion pray send them down and let me know if you have in the
Store Such things as are proper to be offered them as presents
when they return, that if you have them not I may carry them from here,
which I should be Satisfied to have your Directions about.

But if you should be of a different Opinion pray cause keep them
in diversion there untill [sic] I am got Clear here, which will take me at
least fourteen days yet, for tomorrow I go to buy 30 or 40 horses into
the Country and as I can't tell where to find them it may consume more
time than I can presently foresee but how soon I have got the Horses
bought I shall be after ordering them up over Land to the Patachocolas [sic]
Ready to leave this place in a few days, for I have got all the presents
ready wither you keep them there or that they come here I shall
endeavour [sic] to perswade [sic] them to return with me to the Creek Nations.

If the Indians come here It will have this advantage that not
only they shall entertain better Notions of the British in General but
it will cause as much of the Presents which this Province will he at
the Expence off if they come here.

Pray tell Tommy Jones not to apply to Carolina for a Licence [sic] to
trade with the Chactaws [sic] if he comes here let him see me first & I shall
Satisfie [sic] him in what he shall desire. Tell him to Acknowledge to those
of this Province that shall ask the questions that it was by Mr. Oglethorpes
possitive [sic] orders he undertook that Voyage for which he had a
Promise of that Trade for 3 or 4 years, which tell him to insist upon
if any Occasion is for his So doing. I am with Esteem


Your very humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Martin Bolzius to Mr. Vernon
dated at Ebenezer 13th July 1734.

Most Honoured [sic] Sir

The many favours [sic] and benefits You have laid upon me and all your
Saltzburghers have occasioned my Writing to You, and I hope your
generous good nature will excuse it when these humble Lines cause any
hindrance in the urgency of your Affairs. For that would render us
worthy of blame if we did not let You understand that we account ourselves
happy in your favour [sic] and tender Care of us, and our Prayers are
daily for your Health and Welfare. We have it already cast in our minds
to bring to our father in Heaven many Sacrifices of Thanksgiving, so soon
as we are informed You have finished your Sea Voyage in good Health and
Prosperity. God reward You a thousand times for all your Goodness
presented to us in the former time and let all your good Counsels and
weighty Affairs redound to the publick [sic] Good & Welfare of many poor
People. We will make it the future business of our Life by the Grace
and Assistance of the Holy Ghost to be no ways behind in Gratitude
towards God and all our Benefactors. I cannot but let you know by
this, that through your fatherly Care and Order Mr. Causton has sent
for the Saltzburghers [sic] very sufficient Provisions and gives us most daily
several Testimonies of his tender Regard to us, which is as we see and
hear very tedious to the People at Abercorn & Savannah; wherefore they
spread out very much Lies and ill things from your Saltzburghers, vizt.
they were all given to Laziness, Drunkenness and several Disorders and
were for sill that not worthy of so many benefits. I and all
Persons which are much conversant with this People are obliged to
report well of them, that they dwell in the fear of God, practise [sic]
Soberness and other Christian Virtues, and labour so earnestly that some
of them have by the much Troubles end heavy Works Sickness and Death
upon themselves. Five men and two Wives are deceased and some have been
till now deadly sick. Therefore seeing that we do not find a great
Abatement in our Congregation, we pray You will after your beloved
kindness be carefull [sic] that more Saltzburghers [sic] come to our place so soon
as it is possible; because a greater number of hands will ease their
burden and very difficult works. Until this time they are constrain'd
to do several Works which hinder them very often in building their own
Houses and tilling the Ground. They have put in the Ground some Indian
Pease, [sic] Corn and other Seed which they received from Mr. Causton in
abundance, but no more as the said Pease [sic] and some English Beans and
Cucumbers grow up; I believe the seasonable time of Sowing was past or
the Seed is superannuated. As for mine and Mr. Gronau's healths, thanks
be to God they continue as heretofore; and of our Livelihood we have no
reason to complain. The Indians haunt us and tell us several Words of
their Language which we note and learn by heart. So soon as we can
quit the business, which is without our Vocation, we will do our utmost
Endeavours [sic] to learn the said Language after which we have a hearty
Desire and Delict. We wish earnestly that some family might dwell
among us in Ebenezer, and rest in hopes our Wishes shall be by your and
Mr. Caustons Care successfull.[sic] I have no more to add then that
my Colleague Mr. Gronau gives his humble Respects to You, and so with
my heartiest and best wishes I close up this and am evermore with the
greatest Respect,

Most Honoured Sir,

Your most humble Servt.


Mr. Rolf gave me the inclosed Letter
to send it to You and desires that You,
Sir, grant him Leave and Licence [sic] to
return to Germany, by reason he cannot work
in the Ground after the testimony of all
your Saltzburghers. [sic]

Copy of a Letter from Mrs. Musgrove to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at Savannah
17th July 1734.

Honoured [sic] Sir

I make hold to acquaint You that Thos. Jones is returned from
the Choctaws and according to your Honours [sic] Desire he has brought the
Choctaws down and they have received great favours [sic] from Col. Bull
and Mr. Causton and all the rest of the Colony, and a great deal of
Respect shewed them which they are wonderfully pleased at, and when they
came down Mr. Jones brought with him some of the Heads of the Tallooposes [sic]
which is called the Upper Creeks; The Dog King of Uphalais [sic] Chauawey [sic] by
name went with Mr. Jones up to the Choctaws to make peace, and he is
mighty glad that he and Mr. Jones did persuade them to come down which
is more than ever Carolina could do to get them down before; and the
Choctaws are so glad that some white People whom they call'd their
Masters has taken such Care of them as to send for them and they was
very glad of the opportunity to come for they lived very poor before and
now they are in good hopes to live as well as the other Indians do,
for they had nor have no Trade with the French and their Skins lye [sic] by
them and rot. When Mr. Thos. Jones came to them at first there was
Thirty Towns only that had the notice, before Mr. Jones came away all
they gave their Consents for their Coming, but Notice was still sent on
farther; and they say that they like the English better than the French,
and that they will stand by the English as long as they have one left
alive. There was [sic] some of the Caupehauches [sic] and the Hulbaumors
[sic] came with them. The Choctaws are all amazed to see the Creeks drink as
they do, and they think the Creeks are saucy to the white People. The
Choctaw King thinks they are obliged to the white People and thinks
they cannot do enough for the white People especially the English, and
since they have been here there has not one of them been disguised in
Liquor or any ways saucy upon any Account, they have been here 21
Days for Mr. Causton thought it proper to send for Col. Bull and that
was the Reason of their being Detained so long here. Govr. Johnson has
sent for them to come to Carolina but Thomas Jones was not willing they
should go to Carolina for fear of disobliging your Honour, [sic] and as he
was sent for them for the Colony he did not Care they should go any
where else. Your Honour's Hame is spread very much amongst them and
they say that when your Honour [sic] comes back to Georgia they will be
bound to raise a thousand or two at your Honour's [sic] Command if desired,
and they design to leave the French entirely and then they will come
down and pay their Respects to You, and to Govr. Johnson if your Honour [sic]
desires they should go to Carolina but not without your Honour's [sic]
Consent. Mr. Thos. Jones does insist of the Trade amongst the Choctaws as
your Honour [sic] did promise him, and the Choctaws have so very great
Respect and Value for Mr. Jones that they had rather have him to trade
among them than any body else because he ventured his Life to bring
them down to the English.

Honoured [sic] Sir, There has been a great Dispute about the Lot that You
was [sic] pleased to give the Grant of to Thomas Jones, and since You have
given it to Mr. Parker Gent, and since to me. Jones is returned home he
finds he had lost it so there has been a Court Business about it,
for Mr. Jones does insist upon that very Lot or else none; and the Court
has considered upon it and was so good as to give it to him again. The
Colony is in good health and I hope your Honour [sic] and all your family is in
good health and my Husband is the same, and I beg your Hononr [sic] will take
great Care of him he being in a strange place and not able to take Care
of himself and to send him home as soon as possible. Capt. Mackay is
not gone up as yet to the Creeks nor I do not know when he will. The
Indians has [sic] expected him these three months ago, the Talloopose King
has made great Complaints of the French building Forts amongst them and
they did not know where or who to go to so they came to see if the
English would protect them. I remain with my Duty to your Honour,[sic] and
wishing your Honour [sic] Health and all the Happiness that this World can

Your Honour's [sic]

Most humble and most Obedient Servant
to Command.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Isaac Chardon to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Charles Town 1st August 1734.


I have since my last unto the Honble. Trustees of the 6th last
month rec'd Advice from Mr. Thomas Causton that Thomas Jones who went to
the Choctaw Nation arrived at Georgia on the 1st July last with one of
the Chief men amongst them and six other Warriors representg. [sic] five Towns,
and with them came several of the Upper Creeks who were never there
before that greatly assisted Mr. Jones in this Affair.

The Choctaws seemed very much rejoyced [sic] at their good fortune in
falling under your Protection and they made very heavy Complaints of
their ill Usage by the French who Starved them for want of Trade and
Surrounded them with their Forts.

Mr. Causton received them very graciously and in the best manner
he could suitable to the Occasion, well knowing what benefit it
would he to the British Interest and therefore did not spare to make
them such Presents as were most necessary, the greatest part of which he
purchased at Musgroves. The Honble. Col. Bull was there at the time
and furnished him with his best Advice, the Indians are since all
returned. I Suppose the Col. will give You a more just and particular
Detail thereof. They are all in good Health at Georgia for we have had
good Seasons and daily fresh Showers of Rain which has very much
contributed to the making o'ur Summer so moderate as it has been.
I hope that You are very hearty end in good health. You have my best
Wishes for a Continuance thereof. I am Sir

Your most Obedient humble Servant

2d. August. I rec'd a
Letter from Mr. Causton
this day with an Accot. of
some Spaniards & Indians
coming to drown the Settlemts.
but I refer You to our Gazette
for the Particulars

Copy of a Letter from Govr. Penn to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at
Philadelphia 4th August 1734.

Esteemed Friend

I had the pleasure of receiving thy Letter from Charles Town
dated the 12th of April but I have not seen any thing of the two
Letters thou mentions.

The Account thou gives of Georgia seems to forebode its Success
and indeed from the great pains thou hast taken there can he no room to
doubt it unless the Climate should disagree with the People. I wish You
may find the Prohibition of Rum not disserviceable [sic] most of the Colonies
on the Continent are indeed in the use of it to a very great Excess,
but I am from frequent Observation well assured that the moderate use of
it mixed with Water in the very hottest Weather is very necessary.

The Sloop thou mentions did not arrive here till lately when I
ordered some Flour, Bread and Butter, of which lest Mr. Van Reck told
me there was great Scarcity, to be Shipped to the Care of Isaac Chardon
and that it may be known whether the Account sent You is right I enclose
thee a Copy of the Invoice.

If I can be of any use to the Colony here my Endeavours [sic] shall
never be wanting, or to thy self of which I had some hopes of assuring
thee here, pray lay thy Commands on

Thy very affectionate Friend

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at South
Carolina 5th August 1734.


By our Gazette of Saturday last I am informed that four Spaniards
and Seven Indians were met with on St. Simons by our friendly Indians
who enquiring what business they had there declared it was on the
Crown's Affairs in Search of Settlements; from whence I am apprehensive
that their Design was to Settle and infort [sic] themselves at the mouth of
the Alatamaha River and You may remember that I was fearfull [sic] before You
went hence that the Spaniards would do some such thing. You may also
remember that I told You that I have been informed that the French
about 14 Years ago had a Design of settling that River which was
discovered by Sr. Martin Bladen when he was in France.

If the Spaniards or French should make a Settlement and erect a
Fort there they soon would erect a Fort up at the Forks so called
because the Oakmulgy [sic] and Ocony [sic] Rivers meet at that place
where the name of that River is altered to that of Alatamaha.

If the Spaniards should get that place and infort [sic] themselves it
would intirely [sic] put a Stop to all our Trade with the Creeks, Chickesaws
or Choctaws both from Carolina and Georgia, for I am informed 'tis but
35 miles from the Forke [sic] (to which place its navigable for Pettiauguas)
up to the fording place in the lower Path on the Ocony [sic] and Oakmulgy [sic]
Rivers at which most of our Traders pass to go to the Creeks.

For the above Reasons I think it adviseable [sic] that Orders be
immediately given to build a good Fort at the mouth of that River, and
according to my former Proposals I will immediately build a Fort at the
Forks and place in it Seven Soldiers and mount Eight Guns two on each
Flanker and keep it constantly provided with Arms, Ammunition and
Provisions; the Fort shall he built as strong and good but not so large as
Fort Moore on Savannah River at my own Cost and Charges.

I propose that Mr. Musgrove shall he concern'd 1/3d part therein
and I have in my Eye a very proper Person who is a sober carefull [sic] man
and has been a long time acquainted with the Indian Trade and leaders
to be concerned another third & my self the other third, all which I
shall do on this Condition that we have the Sole Trade of that River
both above and below it with the Indians, the Creek, Chickesaw and other
Traders for 3 or 5 Years.

If the Trustees agree to my Proposals I have ordered Mr. Samuel
Baker the Bearer hereof to send me eight great Guns about one hundred
and quarter each being of the Size or weight of those I think are at
Fort Moore and I will engage in the same immediately as soon as I
receive your Directions.

I have desired Mr. Baker to discourse with You on this Subject
and to agree with the Trustees, which Agreement I shall stand to but
must observe that I think five years to be as short a time as can be
expected considering the Charge we shall be at and I don't doubt but
that the Trade shall be carried on with more Satisfaction to the Indians
and greater Security to Carolina & Georgia and hope You'll not expect
any thing for Licences [sic] since the Trustees will be at no Charge for this

I have prevailed with most of the Merchants of this place
except those concerned in the Negroe [sic] Trade to write home to their
Correspondents in London to joyn [sic] together in a Petition to the King in
Council and to pray that Orders may he sent over to His Excellency to
pass a Law to prohibit the Importation of Negroes for three Years which
I think is highly nay absolutely necessary; Here is lately arrived in
less than a months time three Ships from Guinea with upwards of Six
hundred and fifty Negroes and there is several other Vessels more
expected and I do believe the Number that may arrive will be very
considerable because the Vessels that went last year to the West Indies
from Guinea made generally speaking looseing [sic] Voyages and those that came
here made profitable ones.

I take notice both from the English Prints & those from the
Northward that the Negroes at the Jerseys have attempted an Insurrection
and we have abundant more reason to fear on that Accot. when we
have ten Negroes to their one.

Here is a Gentleman lately arrived from the North Side of Jamaica
in order to buy a Settlemt. and remove himself end family upon that
every Account, he tells me they are there very apprehensive of a
General Rising. The Planters of this Country are very considerably in
Debt and should such a Law be permitted they would soon extricate
themselves out of it.

Mr. Day, Clifford and several others have sold and are about
selling their Plantations and design to carry off their Negroes to Cape
Hear, to which place abundance of our Planters are already gone and I am
sensible that the Reason of their so doing is chiefly owing to the
Quantity of Negroes that have been imported.

I lately moved this Affair to the Governor who seemed mightily
pleased therewith & thought it was the best thing that could be done for
the Good of this Province. I have talk'd with some of the Council on
the same Head and they are of the same Opinion and do earnestly entreat
You that You would use your best endeavours [sic] that an Instruction to that
purpose may be immediately sent over from the King to His Governour [sic]
and I doubt not but it would here pass notwithstanding the Opposition
that may be made against it by the Negroe [sic] Factors and their friends.

Three Days since arrived Capt. Craigg from London and has brought
an Accot. that a Person Supposed to be Humes had printed Articles and
delivered them to the Lords against the Governor; and I am told by a
Person that has seen them that severa1 of them are false and that an
Answer may easily be made wherein he levels his Artillery solely
against him and that in it are several malicious Insinuations. I am
afraid to add least I should tire You so conclude


Your most obliged humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from William Dalmas to Mr. Oglethorpe - dated
at Skideway August 23d 1734.


At your Departure from this place You was so good as to procure
me a Servant which I have not yet received, nor indeed can hear any
thing for certain off, I think it my Duty to acquaint You with it, it
being a very great Hardship upon me in my weak Condition to be without
one. I most humbly begg [sic] that you would be so good as to give Directions
that he may be Procured or some other in his Stead, all our Settlement
is in tollerable [sic] good Health but have been a little alarm'd with a
Report of 50 or 60 Spaniards and Spanish Indians being seen in a boat
on our Frontiers to the Southward, which made me assist and give directions
to our People in erecting a Square Redoubt upon our Point with an
Intrenchmt. on the inside, and a fotsee [sic] without, we have 4 Swivell [sic]
and a Carriage Gun Mounted which both commands the River and the Approaches to
our Hutts, so that if any thing should happen I do not in the least
doubt but we shall be able to stand a good Argument against a far
Superior Number; I cant [sic] help but take Notice that we were but Six to
carry on the aforesaid work the rest refusing to do any thing without
being paid for it. You may assure your self that I shall make it my
Chief Study to deserve the Favours [sic] that you have already bestow'd upon
me and begg [sic] that You would believe me with the Utermost Gratitude to


Your most humble Most Obedient
and Devoted Servant.

Copy of a letter from William Bateman to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at the Savannah September 3d 1734.

Honoured [sic] Sir

I made bold to write to you from Charles Towne [sic] South Carolina,
I there took the Liberty to acquaint you of whet the People of that Town
spoke concerning Georgia. I at the same time told you I hoped and did
not doubt but I should he able to give you a quite different Description
of Georgia than what those People strove so much to make not only me
but ever Person believe concerning this Place, there could he no description
of any Place (without the Malice of Hell itself) he made so dismall [sic]
as the People of that Towne [sic] endeavour [sic] to make of Georgia. Tho'
in short a Person may soon see through their Artifice and that is fear only of
the Great Progress that has already been made in Georgia in so short a
Space of time will greatly Damage their Trade, and Force them to be
more Industrious and more Diligent than what they really are at Present;
for of all the Places I have ever yet been at I never see the Inhabitants,
so Indolent, so Proud nor so malicious as themselves.

I arrived here on Wednesday the 28th of last Month(I thank God
in good Health as is at present the whole Colony) when instead of finding
what I heard at Charles Town, I found more Ground Cleared, more Houses
Built and in a more Regular Manner than it was Possible for me to
Conceive or Believe, more especially when I Consider the short Space of
time it has been entred [sic] on, and that the Majority of the People were
not before Used to any hard Labour. They tell me that all America never
could Boast the like before and I have reason to believe, And
that Philadelphia was 10 or 12 Years before it could boast of such a
Town as Georgia at Present.

As for a further Description of the Place your Honour [sic] has had it
by far better hands than my self. It stands on a High Hill which they
call here a Bluff Situate on a fine River. The Soil as far as I am
Capable of discerning, Extraordinary good, and see no doubt but in a
short time All the Worthy Gentlemen the Trustees will have the Pleasure
of seeing their Laudable and Generous Undertakings Answer greater and
sooner than they could reasonably expect. Which God Almighty of his
infinite goodness Grant.

I delivered the Letter your Honour [sic] was Pleased to favour [sic] me with
to Mr. Causton the Gentleman that Acts in Mr. Oglethorpe's Absence. I
had one also from Mr. Leigh which I delivered also. He never made mention
to me about the Contents of them But has Used me very Courteous and
Civill. [sic] my Man run away from me at Charles Town, so Mr. Causton says I
can have but a Private Lot at Present, and which will indeed be enough
now I am without a Servant, I chose a Country Lot and am going to settle
at a Place call'd Hampstead about four Miles out of Town.
If there should be any little Place Your Honour [sic] should think me
Capable of in Savannah, I hope and Trust Your Honour [sic] will think of me,
and hope you will always think me as I really am.


Your Most Obedient Most Dutifull [sic]
and Most Obliged Servant.

Copy of a letter from Isaac King Clarke to the Trustees dated at
Savannah 3d. of September 1734.


I hope your Honours [sic] will excuse the freedom I have taken in
writing, which is to inform you that several matters relating to my self
are so disagreeable that I hope your Honours [sic] will consider of an Amend

I an Obliged to Attend the Guard upon all able occasions, to mount
Guard, to do day Duty, to releive [sic] Guard &c. and those days I am upon
Duty, there are so many Complaints made against me to Mr. Causton (for
not attending the Sick) that it is intollerable. [sic]

It was agreed that a House should be built for my Attendance on
the Sick for one Whole Year, and ever since I have been here I have been
in a Hutt [sic] which is so exposed that I have nothing left but what is
rotten and spoil'd. I have mentioned the Building several times to Mr.
Causton whose answer was generally this, or to the life effect, Vizt.
We have so many things to be done for the Publick [sic] that it can't be gone
about. Or that he expects Sawyers from Charles Town and then he will see
What is to be done, ever since my arrival here, either my self Wife, or
Servant have been ill occasion'd by laying Well; the ill consequencies [sic]
of which we daily find, and according to a Moderate Estimate, with
vqhat Monies I have Received and the Injuries I have sustain'd 280 Pounds
this Currency will not excuse me.

It was ordered that Mr. Watkins of Abercorne should not Practice
here in Town, that I might reap such small Advantages as might accrue
by such Persons as came on their own Accompt as I had the Fatiegue [sic] of the
Town. here is now no less than seven or eight Professors to Pbysick, all
which assume a Prerogative very much to my Detriment without any
Contradiction from Mr. Causton, there are besides these many Complaints
too tedious for Your Honours perusal.

I hope Gentlemen you will take into Consideration my Present

Tis a great Hardship to he Subject to the Guard and tax'd with
Omission of Duty.

Tis a Greater Hardship to be Exposed to the Injuries of the
Weather in which not only (that which is most dear) Health is Concern'd,
but what I brought with me here is rotten and spoil'd, both of which
will render me incapable of any Performance I am by agreement to do.

'Tis a Hardship that others should he suffered to incroach [sic] on
that which might tend to my future Support, for I am to have no
Pecuniary Satisfaction for my trouble, exclusive of a House which is
not to this day begun.

Honoble. Gentlemen my Request is this, that an Amendment may be
made to what preceeds, [sic] or that you wou'd grant leave for my return to
England; if what I Object against cannot be Obtained I will willingly
resign my right to any thing here and if I have done any thing worthy of
Merrit [sic] to the Colony, 'tis at your Honours [sic] Service.

I humbly beg Pardon for my Prolixity and hope your Honours [sic]will
excuse this trouble given You.


I Remain with the Utmost Respect, Your Honours [sic]
much Obliged, and Most Obedient Servant.

Copy of a better from Messrs. Jennys and Baker to Mr. Oglethorpe
dated at Charles Town 6th of September 1734.


This Accompanys [sic] our better to the Trustees, with our several
Accounts and Advice of our having drawn on them for L 238:9.8. for
particulars of which we referr [sic] you to those Gentlemen.

We have this day settled with Collonel [sic] Parris for the Duty of
Rum, for the two first Quarters ending the 1st of June, particulars of
which we have also transmitted the Trustees.

The Cherokees not having yet made any Submission to this Government
for their several Insults to our Traders, no one is yet Permitted
to carry any goods to that Nation; who being attack'd from several
Quarters, and in want of Amunition [sic] will we suppose very shortly apply to
us for a Supply, & desire a Trade with us.

Mr. Wiggan in June last inform'd Us that the Creeks expected a
beloved Man from your Colony, that Captain Mackay would be very kindly
received in tha.t Nation, and that Silk Colours [sic] would be a very acceptable
Present to the several Chief Towns; our P. Jenys told him that you
had Ordered fifteen to be made, which he said were not enough, that
there would be an Occasion of at least Eighteen on which we gave directions
for that Number, knowing[sic] t'was your design, that each Principal
Town should have one; You have by this time heard of the Success Jones
met with among the Creek towns; which we Congratulate you on, and doubt
not but your Colony will by Prudent Management draw them from the
French; The French Soldiers at the Albama Fort are poorly paid, and very
inclinable to desert, but of this no doubt Captain Mackay, will after
he has been some time in the upper Creeks give the Trustees, a
full and Perfect Accot. By our last from him, we conclude he's now on
his Journey. He found much difficulty to get Men and Horses, which much
retarded him and if a Cherokee Trader had not dyed [sic] in our Settlements on
his Road to Town, who had some good Horses at Goose-creek, which on
his Death were for Sale and which Mackay afterwards bought; We believe
he would have been Unprovided to this Day; and those though he bought
them as they were apprais'd exceeded Your Price; but of this, He himself
has (we believe) advised you (as he promised Us) he should.

It gives Us the Utmost Concern to advise you, that Captain
Phips, with whom he had agreed to send your Cannoe [sic] was on Accompt of
the Crankness [sic] of his Ship, Obliged to disappoint Us, and since you
Sailed, there has not been a Vessel capable of carrying her; We have
used our best Endeavour to send her, and to no Purpose offered twenty
Guineas for the Freight of her; she is so long that very few
Vessells [sic] that use this Trade can carry her.

We are


Your Most Obedient Humble

Copy of a Letter from Jenys and Baker to the Trustees dated at
Charles Town 6th of September 1734.

Honoble. [sic] Sirs

The Honourable [sic] James Oglethorpe Esqr. before he left this Province
Empowered and Authoriz'd us to receive for Acco; of the
Honourable [sic] Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America
the Duty of 3d p. Gallon on Rum, Granted for the Speedier relief of his
Majestys [sic] Subjects of Georgia, by an Act of the General Assembly of this
Province; And Pursuant hereto we have Received from the Publick [sic]
Treasurer an. Accot. of the Dutys [sic] for two Quarters, ending the first of
June last amounting to the Sum of L 921:19.9. for which we shall Credit
the Trustees for Acco; of the Independent Company, pursuant to the
Direction of Mr. Oglethorpe, by whose Order we have Open'd an Account
for the said Company; and shall out of the Duty on Rum, duely [sic] Pay such
Orders, Mr. Causton shall draw on Us for the Use of that Company,
according to the written Order given Us the 3d of May last by Hr.
Oglethorpe by whose Orders, and Mr. Caustons, we have already laid out,
and paid the Sum of 987:19.8. as by the Accompt of particulars

We have Pursuant to Mr. Oglethorpe's Orders paid Captain Patrick
Mackay L 620 for Purchasing of Horses for the Colony of Georgia, and
delivered to him, Sixteen Colours [sic] being Presents for the Creek Towns
which are three more than Mr. Oglethorpe had any Accot. of, but Mr.
Wiggan a Principal Trader among those Indians, assured Us there was that
Number of Chief Towns, and we having received directions to get
a Flagg [sic] for the several Towns, order'd that Number to he made, the Cost
of which together with Tick for Tents, you find in the Inclosed

We have also paid Captain Mackay L 599. which he also has laid
out in Horses having been Obliged to purchase more and at an higher
Price than Mr. Oglethorpe Calculated; of which he Promised to send a
Particular Accot. by the Amoretta; for what we have Supplyed [sic] him with;
hisReceipt is inclosed, being L 1219.

For the Amount of your Accot. Current herewith sent we drew
on you the 5th Instant, in favour [sic] of Messrs. Paul Fisher and Thomas Jenys
for L 238.9.8. a L 600 Advance Pursuant to Mr. Oglethorpe's Order. By
Our last Advice the Colony of Georgia was in good Health; Captain Mackay
is we Suppose now in the Road to the Creeks, who have for some time been
expecting a beloved Man with Presents from your Colony. We shall be
very glad to receive your Commands, and Proud to serve your Hew Settle

He are, Honble. Sirs
Your Most Obedient Humhle Servants

Copy of a Letter from John West to Mr, Oglethorpe dated at
Savannah October the 12th 1734.


I have made bold to trouble your Honour [sic] with this Letter to
acquaint you that we are all in a good State of Health, we have not
buried three of our People for these several Months past the People
was [sic] all in General very much Rejoyced [sic] to hear that your
Honour [sic] was safe arrived in England the most of our People are
very Industrious and goes on very well with their Building and
Cultivating their Lands and as to my own part I have my health here
better than ever I had in England and so says a many more. I know not
how to Express my self with Gratitude enough to your Honour [sic]
and the rest of the Honourable and worthy Gentlemen the Trustees
for the great favour [sic] Done me to send me here where I enjoy
both Peace and Plenty: Our Guard House is finished
and is very tight, there is a strong Fort Built round it and thirteen
Guns mounted before it we have had no Ship arrived here since your
Honour left Us but we are in Expectation Every Say tho' we want for
nothing but to see some of Our Miserable Country Men Come and Enjoy
their freedom and Rest of the Comforts we now InJoy, [sic] this is all at
Present from your Honours [sic] humble and most Obedient Servant.

John West.

Copy of a Letter from Elisha Dobree to the Trustees dated at the
Savannah October 17th 1734.

My Lords and Gentlemen.

Mrs. Causton and I talking the other Day We both agreed in our
opinion that Madder would grow well in this Province. Especially in our
Swamps or moist Lands, of which we have Enough.

As I am resolved to try whether Madder will grow here I humbly
beg that your Honourable [sic] Board would be pleased to procure me the
Root or Seed from Holland and to Order that Care may be had it may be
sound, well Pack'd and taken care off in the Passage. I have about an
Acre fit and will be ready for it against its Arrival, and if it
Succeeds shall find more Land for that Purpose.

I will also try a small Spot of Ground for Hemp and Flax. I
have about Two Acres ready for Vines, Mulberries and Olives. I only
want the Seeds and Plants which Mr. Amatis tells me he will not be ready
to deliver me this Year.

I have put few Lime Seeds to try if they will produce here tho'
I have no very great hopes of them.

As for Oranges Mr. Eveleigh of Charles Town has promised me to
help me with many, which together with the Help of other Friends hope
to raise up a Nursery of 1000 Trees to Plant in my 45 Acres which I
have reason to think may as well Produce as those in Carolina especially
in Charles Tora where a good tree Produces about L 5. Sterling p. Ann.

I find the People here backward in Planting, which far from
Discouraging me Prompts me to go forward in hopes of Reaping the
Benefit of my Industry by Profit (tho' not Immediately) and the
Approbation of Mankind & especially your Honourable [sic] Board who as
Fathers are pleased to see that Adopted Sons are Industrious, and it
may be that my Example may Induce and Prompt Drones to rouse themselves
and Improve the Blessing that God has put into their hands.

Most of the People here have been sadly afflicted with a sort of
an Itch and Boils, I thought it might Perhaps be Occasioned, or at least
Increased by eating Salt Beef without Greens or Roots I have therefore
Sowed and Planted about two Acres of Cabbage Seeds and Cabbage Plants,
Salett, Onion, Turnep, [sic] Carrots, Spinage, [sic] Leeks &c.
That any Family in the Colony may be Supply'd therewith at a reasonable
price, the Seeds from your Store proving bad I have been Obliged to
write to Old Savannah Town, Port Royal, and Charles Towne for fresh
Seeds and even to Philadelphia.

I cannot help Observing Mr. Eveleigh was very well Pleased with
my Garden and found it to be the best Private Garden in the Colony.
Tho' but a Wood three Months since I have many Seeds coming up, and a
House built thereon by my Servants where they Live, and are at hand to
guard the same from Thieves of which we have too many here, as it is but
three Quarters of a Mile from the Town. It is a Pleasure to walk there
and give proper and Suitable Directions.

I beg your Honourable [sic] Board's Assistance to my poor Family in
London in such a Manner as may bring them quickly here, for tho' with
the blessing of God I may do well and proper yet at present it's not in
my Power to help them. Every thing being taken from me I am Obliged to
Hire Lots of others, the Rent thereof a Gardners wages and Paling five
Acres draws all the Money and Credit I can at present raise, but I hope
it may not be long before I do reap some small Profit however in
the Mean time they may be great Sufferers. I dread to receive Letters
from them, if your Honble. Board would Please to Advance them any Money
Sufficient to Enable them to come to me I will readily Pay it to whom
you Please to Order, a few Servants with them would be of great Service
to me which I most Humbly Leave to your Generous Consideration, I am
now Preparing Staves, Hoops, Red Bays and Yallow Wood (or rather
Green Yallow Wood) for Charles Town and London. I hope to be the first
Merchant Adventurer from this Province of its Produce tho' with a

Mr. Eveleigh being lately come here from Charles Town for a
Large Demand he had on Mr. Watson the Indian Trader the same was agreed
to be put to the Abitration [sic] of Mr. Followfeild and my self which we
Determin'd in two days to the Seeming Satisfaction of both Partys.

My Family may be heard off at Mrs. Hornsin Love Court Love Lane
Aldermanbury London. I begin to have small consignments on my Accot.
from Charles Town but the Credit is very short, and Money very scarce

My Lords & Gentlemen.
Your Most Obliged Most Devoted
& Humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Elisha Dobree to the Trustees dated at
Savannah October 17th 1734.

My Lords and Genelemen. [sic]

I have taken the Freedom (this Day) to write you on my Private
Affairs. I shall now begin on the Publick. [sic]

My Study is Continually how and which way I can Promote the good
of the Colony. and Considering the Present Circumstances of the
Inhabitants I most Humbly Lay at your feet the following Proposal.

That I am Inform'd [sic] by Mr. Foord the Depty. Surveyor who has made
great Discoveries on this Coast, that he has found where one of the
largest Men of War could come not far from this Town at Low Water, much
more easier might --- A large Pink such as were Employ'd by the
South Sea Company for the Greenland Trade. Such large Vessells [sic] require,
but few Men, and Draws but little Water by reason of the manner of
their being built.

Such being Freighted by your Honourable [sic] Board might carry a
greater Number of Passengers and Proper English Goods &c. of little
Value and Cumbersome easier than commonly is done by Ships bound for
this Place or Carolina and as for Returns they might carry the largest
Mast, a great Quantity of our best Timber at a Cheaper freight than any
other Ships to pay from 40/to L 3.5. p ton. as from Carolina it
would not be worth while for us to send White Oak, Cedar, Cypress or
Live Oak. and hardly to afford for Red Bays, Laurel or Green Yallow
Wood. but its my Humble Oppinion [sic] that your Honourable Board cou'd
afford us Freight in such large Vessells [sic] at 20/to 25 or 30 p Ton and
Loose nothing by it. but rather get a Profit thereby, if Dispatched
Immediately. By this Means it would be a great Encouragment [sic] for
Us to Clear our Lands, Seeing that the Clearing of them would be over
paid by the Nett [sic] Produce of the Timber.

One thing more I have to Propose is this that most I may say all
the People here wants Servants especially to Cut their Timber and Clear
their Land. If your Honourable [sic] Board or any of your Friends would
Supply us with a certain Number of them (for a Servitude for four
Years) delivered free to Us of all Charges but to Pay for each at the
rate of Four Pounds Sterling Annum to be paid Monthly or Quarterly to
prevent Arrears, this would be more easy to the People than buying
Servants at L 10. Sterling ready Money down this would Enable the Free
holders to go on briskly in clearing their Lands and Cultivating the
same for it does not yet appear to me what great Improvement One Man
by himself can do in such a Forrest as this is. And its out of their
Power to buy any Servants.

The Profit gain'd by these Servants might Enable your Honourable [sic]
Board to Transport hither many Distress'd Families in England.
Suppose 2500 Servants were they brought to this Colony, I take
it that their Passage &c. in large Ships as I have mentioned would not
amount to above L 12500. sterl. and to gain L 4. Sterling p Annum on
each, (except Deaths &c) would produce 16 Sterl. on each Servant and
thereby Amount to L 40,000 sterl., or clear of all Charges 27500.
Net proceed.

1st. This would be a large Sum gaind [sic] either by private Persons
in Case your Honourable [sic] board did not think to be concern'd therein.

2ndly. And be very Advantageous to Vagabonds, Idle Vagrants Sec.
who would be put in a way to live in Plenty and with Expectation of
Lands after their Servitudes.

3dly. This Project would greatly Contribute to the Ease and
Quietness Security of House Keepers &c. in Great Britain by draining the
Land of so many Idle Vagabonds.

4hly. It would be of vast Service to the People here in Cultivating
their Lands &c.

5hly. It would be to the whole Kingdom of Great Britain for as
much as if this Province Succeeds in dying Stuffs. Vines, Olives and
Silk and Pot Ashes (which last some is making) the Less Demand there
will be from Foreigners who takes few or None of the produce or
Manufacture of Great Britain. Whereas as this Colony Increases in Number of
People and Riches will have all their wants from Europe Supply'd by
Great Britain even those very People who were before a burthen [sic] to the

I most Humbly and respectively beg Pardon for the Freedom I take
for which I C3.n give no other reason than the Earnest desire I have to
see this Colony flourish and Prosper.

I wish that as in our Humane Bodies, God placed every one for the
Use of the whole, that all of Us would have the same Regard for its
Usefullness [sic] and with the same Union as every one Member of Humane
Bodies, Acts for the Support and Benefit of the whole, however (Tho'
others there be and too many) that are unconcern'd at their own or the
Publick [sic] Welfare. I will by all possible means Act for the Interest end
Benefit of both, and Leave the Issue and Success to God.

I am most respectively

My Lords & Gentlemen

Your Most Obliged and
Devoted Humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Samuel Eveleigh To Mr. Oglethorpe Dated
at Charles Town October the 19th 1734.

The Inclosed Letter was designed You by Captn. Taylor who Sailed
So suddingly [sic] that I could not gett [sic] it on Board since
which I have been informed of Several Persons that came
indebtted [sic] into this Province That have paid their
Original debts (being Considerable Sums) and which they (in reason)
could not be Expected to do had they tarried inEngland.

On Thursday- the third of this Instant I went on Board in a
Canoe, at Six of the Clock in the Morning with a fair Gale of wind
and Stopping for the Tide at Bear Bluff Otter Island and Port Royal
about Seven hours, I arrived in the Mouth of Savannah River about Six of
the Clock on Fryday [sic] Evening being the Shortest that has yet ever been
made that I can hear of But loosing [sic] our way it was next morning before
we could get to Savannah Where I was very handsomely received & treated
by Mr. Causton and the Other Gentlemen of that place being Invited
Every day to dinner by one or the other when I first came ashore, they told
me that when ever I saw a Chimney house I may depend that it did belong
to a Widow and seeing some Gentlemen at a distance with laced Hatts [sic] on
I ask't who they were They told me they were Scotch men for that no
other wore laced Hatts [sic] (but the Gentlemen of that Nation) on that Bluff.

I found a great Alteration Every way for the better from what it
was when I was last there.

There are about four score Houses built and forty more going

forward besides Several Additions makeing [sic] to their former Ones
Muir is building a two Storey [sic] house Joyning [sic] to his former
one and Mr. West (they Say) designs to build a House.

A single House letts [sic] out for fifteen pounds Sterl. pr. Annum,
and one five Acre Lott for five Pounds of the Like money.

While I was there was the Quarter Session's when appeared a
Great many Gentlemen being Summond [sic] as Grand jury Men from all parts of
the Settlement. to whom Mr. Gauston gave a very handsome Charge & then
proceeded to business Where Causes were Try'd (and in my Judgment)
very impartially without the Jargon or the Confused Quirks of the
Lawyers and without any Cost or Charges. and Yet (in my Opinion)
consonant to reason and Equity which I take to be the foundation of all

It's true there were some Persons Who did Complain, but that is
Common with Such who have lost their Causes.

Mr. Causton has there a great deal of Business, and is very much
fateagued [sic] from Morning till Hight by the Impertinances [sic] of some people,
and who seem to Exclaim against him (tho' I Believe without a Cause.)

The Irish Convicts give him a great deal of Disturbance, They
are constantly playing their Roguish Tricks, stealing from their
Masters and Carrying the Goods to some others, which gives him double
trouble, for he punishes both the Theif [sic] and the Receiver, Tis the
General Vogue; That the buying of those Convicts, was the worst Action
you did whilst there, and the Opinion is as Generel, [sic] That you did it
with a good design, Watson has been drunk almost ever Since You went
away. I was credibly informed that he has been so three Weeks
Successively, but yet whilst I was there He kept himself Sober,
Especialy [sic] in the Day time.

He rails very much against You myself and the whole Province of
Georgia, and Says He has seen the Ruin of two New Colonys, [sic] and doubts
not but he shall see the third. He kept Sky drunk in his Store for a
fortnight together, and when he went away publickly [sic] Said, that he had
done his business for him, and he dyed Soon after.

This came to the Ears of Stitchee who came to Yamacraw with a
design to Kill him, but he made his Escape by breaking through the End
of his Store, and he in his Rage killed Justice, Musgroves Slave and
Still persists in his Resolution of Killing Watson (if he can find

Mr, Causton has had a difficult Card to play, do believe he*d do
Musgrove, my Self and Watson too Justice, but is resolved either by
fair or foul means to drive Watson off the Bluff, For it will be of
ill and very dangerous Consequence if he should be killed by the Indians.

I carried down with me some Liquorish and Hopp Hoots and gave
them to Mr. Amathist with directions to plant them as I had been advised,
and the first Place I went to be with him, was the Publick [sic] Garden, But
could not find that any of the Coffee Berries, Bate Stones, Colloquintida Seeds,
which I sent down some time agoe had been planted.

The Orange and Mulberry Trees, sent from Town, look very well
and Mr. Amathist had Sowne [sic] all along the Fence next to the Town above
Six foot deep with white Mulberry Seeds which came up very thick, and
doubt not but there will be an hundred Thousand Trees if not more.

I went also down to See the Brick makers, where I found made
about One hundred thousand, and the Workmen toll me, that they doubt
not, but by March they Shall have three hundred thousand, and they
expect their Chimnies [sic] up to all their Houses by Christmas.

The People their [sic] seem to be dissatisfied That they have not
liberty of getting Hegroes. I could wish the Trustees would oblige
them in this two Points, and as to the latter to limmit [sic] it to
two to a family.

I went down to Thunderbolt which I found to be a place very
pleasantly Situated, and Where Mr. Ethrington and lacy had made very
Considerable Improvements considering, the Time they had been there.
They have built their Houses, Erected a good Fort and Guns Mounted
thereon that Commanded the Creek also cleared fenced and planted a good
Quantity of land with Corn, pease [sic] Rice &c and were clearing and
fenceing more Land against next Year.

I went with Mr. Lacy down to His House where he designed to Make
Pottash, which I found to be in very good Order, The Hatts [sic] fixed and
the Receivers under them, a Pump also that Conveyed water
into the Fall's by a Spout; a Kettle to boil the Lixivium [sic] into A
Consistancy, [sic] and an Oven to bake it in well fixed also. And he seems very
Positive; That he Can make very good Pottash. He designs this or the
next Week to begin his Work having a Quantity of Ashes by him, and has
promised to send some down to me as Soon as it is made which I shall
send to You Here I had a Sight of Skideway [sic] Where are ten Familys [sic]
settled. But was informed they were discouraged from making Improvements,
because they had no title to their Lands.

This place is Eight Miles Distance from the Mouth of Wassan
River against which lye's [sic] little Tybee, and has been lately Surveyed
by Mr. Ford, Who told me that he could bring a Vessel into a Place of
Security, thro [sic] a Channel where there was four foot and a half at Low
Water; And there is one place between That and Thunderbolt where there
was but three And an half Fathom at Low Water, But at High Water could
bring up to Thunderbolt almost any Man of Warr [sic] Where the Vessell [sic]
would be intirely [sic] land lockt [sic] Having Willmotton and other Islands to
Secure it, and which place is Extraordinary fitt [sic] and Convenient for
Creaning of Men of Warr; [sic] there being four fathom and an half Water,
within Sixty foot from low Water Mark, the Bluff is right up and down,
and in the Channel there is nine fathom.

At the Savannah I met with Tom Jones Who told me that the
Chacktaw [sic] were very well pleased with the presents made them by Mr.
Causton and that he was in hopes of getting them Remove up to the
Cohawhabee Hatchee or Petticak Hatches [sic] being forty and Six Miles
from the Coosah River. He tells me that he was very credibly Informed,
the the French were sending up Eighty or an hundred Men to the Albama
Fort, with a design to build three Forts on the White Ground (as
they call it) Having lately purchased that Land of the Indians.

The Euchees have lost three of their Nation lately and two
wounded, about nine Miles from the Parrachocle's fort, but by whom is
Uncertain, Whether it be the Yamacraw or the Creeks. But there are
nine men gone out from thence to make a discovery.

We had this Week an Account, That the Cherrokes [sic] to the Number of
Sixty were coming down and it's Supposed they may be now at Captn.

The Scotch have built a Fort at Sterlings and have cleared (as I
have been Informed) a good Quantity of Land at the places I have
already mentioned Together with Fort Argyle Abicorne, Hampstead and
other Settlements, and will in my Opinion Securely defend Savannah Town
from any Surprize, [sic] Where I was informed were no less than Six or Seven
hundred Persons.

Coming back Homewards I toucht [sic] one Night at Port Royal to see
Mr. McCoy Who has been Extreamly [sic] ill, but is at Present much better,
and designs in a Short Time to proceed, But his Horses are at present
very poor, four of which were drowned, as he went over The River, I
Arrived upon Wednesday the Sixteenth Current.

In the foregoing You have an Account of what Observations I
made, whilst at Georgia Wherein I omitted to inform You that upon My
Arrival there I found the people to be in good Health and so have been
all the Summer.

I heard Mr. Quincy preach two very good Sermons, but the
Place was but indifferent. However are in Hopes of a New Church being
built Speedily.

I am Sensible That you may have had more perfect Accompts from
som [sic] other People So that if you intend to Imprint what I have wrote.
You may alter or omitt [sic] as you think fitt [sic] I confess I have been
somewhat large But knowing your Affections to those people to be great is that
which induced me to it, and hope will be acceptable.

Yesterday arrived Captn. Sandwell from London, and Captn. Loyd
appealed of the Barr, sent in his Lieutenant who informs us, That they
were on board the James Captn. Yoakley off of Georgia who had Seventy
Passengers on Board and Saw him go into the River.

I am with due respects to
the Trustees


Your Most humble Servt.


In my former Letter instead of being the Bohemia it Should have
been the Abimany [sic] Bank. And about a Musquett Shott [sic] from Thunderbolt
fort, is as fine a Spring of fresh Water, as I have tasted this long

Copy of a Letter from Isaac Chardon to the Trustees dated at
Charles Town 24th October 1734.


According to my last of the 28th of September I do herewith send
you the Accounts of what has been disbursed for the Use of the Colony
of Georgia for these last Six Months Ending the 24th September, the
Ballance [sic] in my Favour [sic] Being L 1012.4.2. Sterling and I have
agreeably thereto drawn upon you for that Sum Payable unto Messrs.
Peter and J. C. Simonds a sett [sic] of Bills bearing date with the said
Accounts which I hope you will he Pleased to Honour [sic] and Debit me
therewith. I shall Be Obliged to draw upon you again in a few days for
Moneys Disbursed since for Provissions [sic] &c.

I have lately been Informed by Captain Mac'pherson of the
Pelachocola Fort, that on the 28th of September upon Ogechee [sic]
River was killed, three of the Uchee Indians, Two Women and one Man;
this Murther [sic] is supposed to be committed by some of the Yamasees
and Spaniards; Mr. Causton doubtless will inform you more particularly
thereof when he Writes; I Expected to have sent you his Accounts of
Disbursments by this Opportunity, but I suppose that he has not finished
them yet. I am


Your Very Humble Servant.

Captain Yoakley arriv'd at
the Colony last Week.

Copy of a Letter from Isaac Chardon to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at
Charles Town 26th of October 1734.

Of the 24th Instant I wrote to the rest of the Honourable [sic] Trustees,
And at the same time I sent all the Accounts which I hope will prove
right and Agreeable, the Ballance [sic] is in my Favour [sic] L 1012.4.2 Sterl.
which I desire should be paid unto Mr. Peter J. C. Simond and Make no
Doubt but my Draughts will meet with due Favour. [sic]

All the News which I have now to Acquaint is that we have Again
Settled and Fixed a Post Man, and as there is a great many Traders from
hence to Georgia so well as those that resides there, Mr. Causton has
thought proper to fix a Postage on the Letters for Encoragmt. to the
Man and to make it the more easy for People to Convey their Letters, all
Persons who have any to send Carrys [sic] them to the Box at the Georgia and
Purrysbourgh Coffee House here.

Captain McPherson informed me tha t on the 28th of September last
upon Ogeechee River there was Kill'd three Uchee Indians two of them
Women and one Man. He supposes them to he Yamasees and Spaniards that
has committed those Hostilities for to revenge themselves of the like
that the Uchees Served them in June Last pretty far to the Southward;
McPherson was at Georgia when this Happened.

I have Credited James Carwell one of the first men that came to
Georgia to Encourge [sic] him, he bought his dry goods here in Town of whom
he Pleased, and I paid for them the Value of L 205-0 our Currency
and he has since made shift to Convert them all into Wett and
Drank them up. he ought if he had the least Gratitude to have Drank my
Health since that is all I could expect for my Money.

As there is nothing further that Offers at present I beg leave to
assure you that I am with the Utmost respect Possible.

Your Most Obedient Servant.

I just Now Received a Letter of the 21st
from Mr. Causton who Confirms me of the safe
Arrival of Captain Yoakley at Georgia with 60.ty
Passengers for Purrysbourgh but there is no other

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at South
Carolina October 30th 1734.


In Obedience to their Lordships Commands transmitted to me by
you, to Inquire what further Encouragmts. may be Necessary to engage the
Inhabitants of this Province to apply their Industry to the Cultivation
of Naval Stores of all kinds and likewise of such other Products as may
be proper for this Soil and Climate, That do not Interfere with the
Trade and Product of Great Britain, I have duely [sic] Considered thereof,
and taken the Advice of such others as I thought Capable.

Hemp./ The General Assembly of this Province did the last Sessions
Pass a Law Whereby they gave unto Mr. Richard Hall One hundred Pounds
Sterl. p Annum and sent him to Holland to Procure two Hundred Bushells [sic]
of Henp Seed, and twenty Bushells [sic] of Flax Seed. But was so Unfortunate
as to Ship the said Seeds on Board of Captain Paul, whoo stay'd so long
in London and afterwards detained Nine Weeks in the Channell [sic] by
Contrary Winds, that he did not arrive here 'till the 15th day of May, too
late (as it was found by Experience) to plant the same. And it is
generally Concluded that the Seed is Spoilt, But the Assembly Meets the
next Month, when I shall Strenuously Recommend the Affair of Hemp to
their Consideration, and to send to Philadelphia and New York to
procure Seed for that Purpose. The said Mr. Hall is Obliged by the Law
to Instruct our Planters to Manure, Cultivate and Manage Hemp till its
fit for the Markett, [sic] for which he is extreamly [sic] well Qualified.
The Law that now Subsists in Great Britain, That Allows a Bounty on the
Importation of Hemp, expires in a few Years time and if the Parliament
will continue the same for a longer Term of Years, it would
mightily encourage our industrious Planters to Proceed thereon with
Vigour. [sic]

Flax./ Mr. Hall is of Opinion that Flax also wou/d do Extraordinary
well in this Country, and if a Bounty was given thereon, it might much
Encourage the Propagation thereof.

Live Oak. Here are such vast Quantitys [sic] of Live Oak Timber Trees
grow in this Province and in his Majestys [sic]Province of Georgia as is not
easily to be conceived; Which Oak by reason of its durableness, crooked
ness of growth Suitable to the Most difficult Timbers in Building of
Men of Warr [sic], is Superior to any English Oak which is the Opinion of Men
of good Understanding who I have conversed, particularly of one Berry
who was lately Master when I was in England (if not now) of his Majestys
[sic] Yards in Deptford who built a Ship thereof in this Province.

Cypress. We have in this Province a vast Quantity of Cypress Timber,
almost inexhaustible which is Extraordary good and durable, free from
Knott's and very proper (as Men of Understanding do affirm) for Decking
his Majestys [sic] Men of Warr, [sic] because of its durableness and
Lightness when dry and Men of Judgment are of Oppinion, [sic] That it
would make very good Masts for his Majestys largest Ships, some of
them are five foot thick at the Bottom and carry a good thickness all
along as far as eighty feet without Limb or Knott. There are a great many
of those Trees that are thirty six Inches and upwards thorough, and seventy
five feet Longits true they grow in Deep Swamps, and are very heavy when cutt [sic]
down green, but being Squared and put upon Logg's [sic] a considerable
way from the Ground, I am informed will grow very light and may be easily
brought out of the Swamps in Flood time which is generally twice or
more in a Year. This Timber (in my Opinion) deserves your Consideration.

There's this great Advantage that attends both live Oak
and Cypress, the former grows upon Continent and Islands near the Sea,
the Latter in Swamps adjoyning [sic] to fresh Water Rivers, so that there will
be but very little Occasion for Cartage. Cypress Plank I Presume
to be the best for Lineing between Decks, because it will not Splinter
as your Oak will, which Splinters in the time of Engagement does more
Damage than the Bulletts: [sic] We have not that Quantity of white Oak in
this Province as they have to the Northward but I am Informed it is
superior in quality For Captain Austin Built a large Ship for Mr.
Wragg about twenty Years since, and the Indian Warr [sic] Obliged them to send
to Virginia and Rhode Island for Plank, and he informed me that what
came from Virginia was better than that which came from Rhode Island,
and some that he had cutt [sic] here was better than either, I do not mention
Pitch, Tar and Turpentine because there's already a Bounty.

Boards Plank. I have been Informed that the Swedes and other Northern
Countrys have risen the Price of their Boards Plank &c. to almost
Double to what they were Sixty Years since. But the Distance is so great
from this to Great Britain and the freight Consequently so high that we
can't pretent [sic] to goe [sic] thereon without encouraged by a Premium.

Pot and Pearl Ashes

Here is in this Province of Swedish Gentm. (who as I am
Informed) has sent for a Person that understands the
making of Pottash in Order to proceed thereon and there is now in
Georgia a Person that has fixed his Work's in Order to make Pottash
some of which will he Speedily sent Home to Mr. Oglethorpe, who
Undoubtedly will Communicate the same to their Lordships and if the Duty
of the said Commodity (as comeing [sic] from America) he taken off it will
be a great Encouragement for many others to Proceed thereon, as also on
Pearl Ashes which Mr. Hall is of Opponion [sic] may he easily made in this

Druggs. [sic] Here is a Design forming to introduce (if possible) several
Valuable Druggs [sic] &c. from Natolia [sic] and Syria and other Places in the
Streights; [sic] these two Provinces lye [sic] pretty near the Latitude of this
Place for which reason those Commoditys [sic] may Probably be produced here;
and if the Parliament won't Grant some Encouragement for the Importation
thereof into Great Britain, it would quicken and forward the design.

Silk is another Commodity which this Country does Produce (as
appears by divers Samples which have been sent home) have been extra
ordinary well approved off by Men of Good Understanding in that
Commodity; divers Planters have lately Propagated a Considerable Quantity
of White Mulberry Trees and I hope they will apply their Industry that
way, and it would be a great Encouragement if the Parliament would take
off the Duty on Importation thereof into Great Britain.

The Advantages which Great Britain has by Experience found by
a late Act, that gives us Liberty to Transport our Rice directly to any
part of Europe to the Southward of Cape Finister are so great (as may be
plainly made appear) That I doubt not but that his Majesty and
Parliament will Prolong the same; And if that Liberty were extended to the
Dutch, French & Spanish islands and Continent in America., it would he
an Additional Advantage to Great Britain.

I beg leave to give my Oppinion [sic] That his Majestys [sic] Settlements on
this Continent, particularly this Province and the Province of Georgia
ought at this time to he Encouraged; because I am Informed That the
French increase very fast at New Orleans and are extending their
Limitts [sic] by Building Forts; so that his Majestys [sic] British Empire in
America is more than one half Surrounded by the French from the Mouth
of the River Messasippe [sic] to the Mouth of that of St. Lawrence: Nay
further from Moveile to Cape Britton.

Copy of a Letter from Captain Dunbar to Mr. Vernon dated 5th
of November 1734.

Our Voyage hither was retarded by a profound calme [sic] which
continued from Thursday till this Morning when I thank God we were favour'd
with a fair Wind end likely to continue.

The Indian King, Queen and the others are well & chearfull
(remembering their English Benefactors) except the Prince whose Cold
continues, but was much easier last night than any Since he came on
The other Passengers seem pleas'd and are well except Sr. Francis
Bathurst bad of an Old Wound in his Shin and Mrs. Fly who is a little

Messrs. Gordon end Vat Manage their People with so much Prudence
and good Sence [sic] that every thing is as Orderly as cou'd he expected and
I think my self extreamly [sic] happy in both. The only way I can hope to
return in any Measure the Confidence you have repos'd in and the Honour [sic]
done me is by a due care of the Indians and other Passengers, which I
do assure you was it contrary to my Inclinations I'd Sacrifice them to
the return I owe to so many Favours. [sic]

When it Pleases God I Arrive at Georgia I'll Execute your other
commands with my outmost Endeavours. [sic] I have the Honour [sic] to be.

Your Most Obedient and Humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Samuel Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe
dated at South Carolina November 7th 1734.


My lest to you was by Captain Sarjeant (Via Lancaster) wherein I
gave you an Accompt of what was most Observable whilst I was in Georgia
But therein omitted to acquaint you, That I was Informed by Mr. Causton,
That a Spanish Officer and Souldiers [sic] had been mett [sic] in the Woods
and do
suppose they had been to View the Place where Fort Alatamaha was built
(according to Custom) upon which Accompt I am Apprehensive, That they
have a Design to built a Fort that way and in Order to Prevent them I
am of Oppinion [sic] its Necessary, That a Fort should be Immediately built
And that the Independant [sic] Company may he removed to that Place to
garrison the Same.

I am of Oppinion [sic] you ought to get Leave of his Majesty to Build
the said Fort or Forts on the South side of that River; For should you
Build it on the North Side (which is within the Limitts [sic] of Georgia) The
Spaniards may build on the South side and thereby render the Forts
almost Useless.

Sr. dont [sic] you think it Advisable, That his Majesty should build
a Fort on the North Side of the River St. Jeuan (which River is thirty
Miles distance from St. Augustn. [sic] in Order to Ascertain the Southern
Limitts [sic] of his American Empire.

Captain Walker was drove in by stress of Weather behind the Island
of St. Simon Where he Observed in a small space of Ground so much live
Oak Timber as was sufficient to build five hundred Sail of Shipps [sic] (as
he told me) And that too so near the Water side, that there was no need
of Cartage a Quarter of a Mile.

The Spaniards have of late Years built several fine Ships at the
Savannah, and are now building more; And did they know (as Perhaps they
do) the Value of the Live Oak Timber that grows in those parts I
believe they would Struggle hard, for it, and could wish that his
Majesty or the Trustees would send over two or three Persons of good
Understanding to View and make report of the Quantity and Quality of
that Timber which may be had in these two Provinces And I will at my
own Cost and Charge Provide a Boat, Hands and Guide and other Necessarys
to shew what Quantitys [sic] there are of said Timbers, and am Confident the
Report I shall make will be very Surprizing. [sic]

I had forgot to Acquaint you that Mr. Walker informed me, that
whilst he was on the island of St. Simons he saw several fine Pine Trees
(which would carry thirty Inches thorough) fitt [sic] for Masts.

Yesterday I received the Acceptable favour [sic] of the twenty Seventh
of July, and return you ray hearty thanks, for what Favours [sic] you have
shewn me in respect to Sr. John Bruce hope, and in a particular manner
for what Services you have done for this Province and the Governor.

There's one thing I must Observe which (am afraid has not yet
been thought of) which will take of a great Deal of the blame that may be
laid to the Governors Charge, on Accompt of his passing the appropriation Law.
When he arrived here as Kings Governor, he found the Province
very much in Debt occasioned by Palmer's Expedition against St. Augustine
and Collonel [sic] Glovers to the Creek Nation so that the Governour [sic]
was under a sort of Necessity of Issueing [sic] out more Orders.

The Taxes of this Province (as I formerly Observed) are very
great, upon which Accompt it is. That several People are leaving it to
goe [sic] to Cape Fear.

Mr. Clifford and Mr. Dry have sold their Plantations, and have
sent their Negroes away to Cape fear in Order to goe [sic] there. Mr. Wright,
Mr. Eagle and some others have Advertised their Plantations to be sold
for that Purpose, and divers others (I am told) will follow them and I am
sensible that the Taxes and want of a sufficient Currency, are the
Principal Reasons that has Induced them so to do. The Governour [sic] some
time since received a Letter from Mr. Popple a copy of which he gave me
and desired I would draw out my thoughts thereon, which accordingly I
did, and last week gave it to him but he was so weak and Low, that he
could not consider of it. (what Conditions end Amendments he may make
thereto, I can't tell but you have inclosed a Copy thereof) Please to
take Notice, that the last Paragraph may be made use of as Argument for
continueing [sic] the Liberty Granted to Rice and the Extending of those

I heartily wish you success in your Undertaking for the Good of
Georgia and this Province and am,

Your Most Obliged Humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Samuel Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe
dated at South Carolina November 20th 1734.


I have severally [sic] times formerly been discoursing with some of
Our Assembly Men; wherein I plainly shewed them the Dissadvantage [sic] that
Accrues to Trade &c. to this Province by the Duty they have put on
Skin at the Exportation and the Charge of the Lycense; [sic] By which
means we can't Trade with the Cherokees & Cattabak's [sic] on such good Terms
as those of Virginia do. Besides our Traders are Limitted [sic] to Towns,
and their Pack-horsemen are not to Trade (which the Virginians do)
notwithstanding, the Assembly lately mett [sic] and made a Law which was
ratifyed [sic] last Saturday. (Inclosed [sic] you have a Copy thereof) wherein
they have putt [sic] a Duty on all Skins and Furs (Light as well as heavy)
of 6d p Skin; And an Addition of fifty one Pounds p Head Lycences [sic] which
is a, Burthen [sic] too great for them to bear.

I Endeavoured [sic] (whilst the Bill was passing) to shew them the
Disadvantage it would be to this Province that it would drive the whole
Trade to Virginia Cape Pare and Georgia, And for that reason no Law
made in this Country could have any Effect there;

I demonstrated that it would he fifty thousand Pounds or more out
of this Provinces way and do believe it will he as much in the way of

This Government (whilst the Indians were down) purchased of them
a Neck of Land, which you'll find Mark't with redd [sic] in Collo. [sic]
Herberts Draught of the Cherrokee [sic] Nation Inclosed, they tell me
its good Land; But it so happened there was not one Indian in Town that lived in
those Parts so that the Purchase is thereby void.

However Plausible the Introduction of this Act may appear Yet I
do assure you the Design of it was levelled [sic] against me and other
Persons concerned in the Trade And they did Expect to Ruin the Traders
so that they may take the Indian Trade into a Company for I can assure
you that the Cherokee Traders (for these ten Years past) have not
cleared fifty Pounds Annum.

There are six of those Indian Traders are resolved not to take
out a Lycense. [sic] But will goe [sic] and take out their Goods at
Savannah Town and so goe [sic] up to the Cherrokees [sic] and come
down the So. side of Savannah River and this comes to desire you to
apply to the Trustees, That I may have two hundred and fifty Acres
of Land at Kinyan's Bluff, which is on the South Side of Savannah River
aforesaid Six Miles above the Garrison; And that I may have the Liberty
to Purchase of the Yamacraw Indians Twenty Acres of Land somewhere by
Musgrove's, which I design to clear, build a House upon and make Gardens
&c. for I do design to go thither and live

I have already wrote to Mr, Causton to take on shore what
Leather cones down the Savannah River, and on Monday next I shall send
my Young Man to build a Press, carry Screws with him and pack my Leather
there. And as Mr. Chardon says, there are some Vessells [sic] expected,
which may come here, I will put them on Board (if bound for London)
For I am Informed, that thereby I may save both Duty's as it wont be

If you Comply with my request I desire you will signify the same
to Mr. Jeffries, for by this Conveyance I have ordered him to charter
a Vessell [sic] from Bristol end send her to Milford Haven and there take in
what Servants and Passengers he can gett [sic] and two hundred Bushells [sic]
of Malt, and See if the Old Brewer can make beer thereof; and I Propose
to send down some more Hopp Roots to Georgia and will plant them in my
own Garden, and desire you will speak to some Welch Gentleman in those
parts to Assist in procuring Passengers and Servants.

Since the Passing of that Act I have spent a great many thoughts
how to Promote and Encourage Georgia. Some of which I shall Communicate
to You. I have already spoke to a Hatter, Who has Promissed [sic] to goe [sic]
down there, and I have Promised to Supply him with Beaver, and all
other Necesssrys for his Trade. I shall also Endeavour [sic] to gett [sic] a
Cooper, A Shooemaker, [sic] a Gold Smith and other Tradesmen and will supply
them with what ever they shall went to carry on their Trades.

I have a Scooner [sic] of about Seventy Tons, which I will employ to
bring in their Rum, Sugar, Molasses &c. from the West Indies, and probably
I may get another Sloop to goe [sic] to Pensilvania to bring Blower &c.
from thence.

There are two Men who lately came from No. Carolina, and by my
Encouragment are now settled at a Town Ship up at the Congrees; [sic] they are
both very carefull [sic] and Industrious Persons and they design in the Spring
to goe [sic] back to North Carolina with two Men more. I promised to furnish
them with as many Goods as will come to five or six hundred Pounds with
which they propose to Purchase one Hundred Head of Cattle, and I will
Endeavour [sic] to Persuade them to drive them to Kynians Bluff and there to
have a Cowpen and Hogg Crawl, and from thence they can Easily
drive them down to Georgia.

I am at this Juncture considering of a Method to make the
Ballance [sic] of Trade between this and that in the Favour [sic] of Georgia which
doubt not shall Effect (please God to spare my life and Health) The
greatest difficulty that will Occurr, [sic] is how to Load the Vessells [sic]
back but if you can procure a Premium on Live Oak Timber, Pine and
Cypress Board and Plank, I doubt not, but that it would be of vast
Advantage and very much increase Navigation.

Whilst I was at Georgia, Mr. Parker told me that he was building
a Saw Mill, and Spoke with Something of an Assurance that it would do.

I desire you will Order Mr. Causton to grant Lycences [sic] to the
Traders and that you write him (to that Purpose) by the first
Opportunity That they may be ready by the time the Traders come down
(which will be in Aprill.[sic]

The Governor has of late been very much indisposed; and is at
Present in a Dangerous Condition, if he should die I will Endeavour [sic] to
give you the first Account thereof for I will Perswade [sic] the Captain to
put my Letter into the first Post he comes to and to keep the rest
till he gets up to London.

I am now to the 3d of December and have since the about wrote to
Mr. Causton and given him an Accot. of what our Ingenious Assembly has
been doing.

I understand the Governor and Council were against Passing the
late Act, but the Assembly were so Violent and the Governor so Sick,
that it was Ratify'd on a Saturday Night after twelve a Clock and read
twice that very day in both Houses.

I spoke to Mr. Middleton last Week on this Affair who happened
at that time to be out of Town. He told me had he been there, he should
have opposed it And beleive [sic] (so soon as the Assembly sitts [sic] )
the Act will be repealed.

If Mr. Jeffries sends me a Vessell [sic] to be here the latter End of
May next You may have Liberty to putt [sic] any thing on Board, And I
to be at Georgia about that Time and there to continue Two or three
Months; I am still of the same Oppinion [sic] and will Promote your Darling
Province of Georgia to the Utmost of my Power.

I am,


Your Most Obedient Humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Patrick Mackay to the Trustees dated at
Uchie Town 20th of November 1734.

Honoble. Gentlemen

I do not think it proper to Trouble you with a detail of what
Stop'd me till now from going into the Creek Nation, but beg leave to
referr [sic] You to Mr. Oglethorpe to whom I wrote of this date. But I am
fond I can say we have enterr'd so far as to the Uchee Town on Our
Journey and that I wait but for one fair Day to leave it again; in my
first from Charles Town I told you that the Commissioner of the Indian
Trade for that Province Express'd in way of Advice to the Creek Traders,
against your Agent and what were the Sentiments of the Merchants and
most of the Carolina Gentlemen; I in like Manner told you to what
little Purpose I had Complain'd to the Governor, but that I expected a
Letter from his Excellency to the Creek Traders declaring I had been
Appointed Agent and to respect me as such, but as I left Charles Town
his Excellency in a handsome Manner refused giving the Letter tho' I
demanded it. And now I beg leave to Observe to you that it is to no
Purpose (I fear) for you to appoint any Agent without you likewise
Nominate a Commissioner to grant Lycences, [sic] for the Traders only respect
the Province that gives the Lycence.[sic] Carolina now finding that by all
Appearance they will loose [sic] the Trade to the Creek Nation, are become
Indifferent how its regulated in the Nation, and by that Means they
grant Lycences [sic] to every Person that Demands it, which may be attended
with a Dangerouse [sic] consequence, if not timely adverted too; for if
too many Traders are thrown into the Nation, of Necessity the one will
Undersell the other, and then they will begin to Cheat, and play tricks
with the Indians and by this Means ruin the Trade; and may be Incense
the Indians to a Rupture. What will much Conduce to a Discord is the
large Quantitys [sic] of Rum now Imported among the Indians, and winked, at
by Carolina; since they find they are to loose [sic] the Benefit of their
Trade, I advised as many as I saw of the Traders to carry no Rum into
the Nation, but they plainly told me without the whole they neither
could nor would. For say they if we have no Rum and our Neighhouring [sic]
Traders have, the Indians of our Towns will lay out none of Our Skins,
but will Travel if it was an Hundred Miles to the Traders Store that
keeps the Rum. Yet all agree that Rum is a Pernicious Thing to be
carryed [sic] into the Nation, for they say they never have discords with the
Indians but when the Indians and Traders get Drunk; and that it is
scarcely ^possible to Disoblige any Indian if Sober. This I hope you
will take into Consideration and give timely Instructions for Next
Year, before the Traders shall Renew their Lycences [sic]in Carolina. Tho'
I had no particular Instructions about it. Yet I Ventured to renew the
lycences [sic] to the two Traders in the Uchee Town, but took no Money from
them as is the practice in the Neighbouring [sic] Province. In my last of the
10th of August I Promissed [sic] to send you a particular Accompt of the
Horses I had bought for the Service of the Company and carrying the
Presents into the Indian Nation. And now you will please to receive it,
by which you will find the L 1219. I had of Jenys and Baker was
exhausted to L 35:10. which how Expended I shall Accompt. I shall be
glad to have your Orders how I shall dispose of what Horses the Company
does not Require. In the mean time I beg leave to assure you that I am
with Profound esteem and Respect.

Honoble. Gentlemen

Your Most Humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Patrick Mackay to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at
Uchee Town 20th of November 1734.


When I wrote my last I should he able to perform what I had
promissed [sic] in my first. Vizt. to be in the Nation, tho' not in the
latter End of August yet of September. Yet I met with such unexpected
Cross Accidents in Carrying the Horses from Carolina to this Place, as
effectually Stop'd me till now. I sett [sic] out the 15th of August with the
Horses, three Packhorsemen and a Servant I had bought at Charles Town;
The first Night the Servant was taken down with Fever and Ague, And I
was Obliged to leave him in Ponpon and have not seen nor heard of him
since, the second day two of the Packhorsemen were taken so ill with a
Fever that they could scarcely Sit on Horse Back, the third day all the
three were taken ill; And I was Obliged to lye [sic] by two days there
looking for their recovery, but they continued so Weak they were of little
Use or help to me, so was Obliged to hire a Man to assist me to the
Pallachocolas from Ashipoo [sic] River, But before I reached so far I was
Obliged to Drop two of my Sick Men in the Path at least ten Miles from
any Settlement, and lost some Horses in the Journey end others in July
fearing Swamp by being weak handed. The 26th day of August, I got
there with most of my Horses and Employed two of Captain McIntosh's
Men, to tend them untill [sic] my Packhorse Men recovered, or that I return'd
from Savannah with the Company; in the Mean time does the Pariagua. with
the presents arrive, so stay'd two Days more to Unload and Secure her
Cargoe, [sic] and then I set down the River in the Periagua. But when
I arrived at Josephs Town I was truely [sic] Confounded to find my Carpenter
and two other White Servants had dyed, all my Men either down of the
fever or but so weakly Recovered the One could not help the Other; and
told Lieutenant Parker lay ill in Savannah. And the Doctor Reduced
so Week [sic] with Fevers that he could not attend the Man. This was so dull
a Scene that I stayed but two Nights there. I went down to Savannah
where I found both the Lieutenant and Surgeon much worse than I Expected,
and the Lieutenants then notyfyed [sic] to me he would not if in
Health goe [sic] into the Indian Nation and therefore desired I would look
out for any other that would accept of the Commission. That very Night
I was taken so ill my self with the fever that in less than three hours,
as the Doctors told me thereafter, I was Delirious and Continued some
days, the Delirium then ceased but the fever Continued till toward the
end of September and left me Reduced to a Skelet. [sic] I was advised to goe [sic]
to Port Royall for the Benefit of fresh Provissions [sic] and the Sea Air,
and there I relapsed into the fever which held me twenty days more, and
was reduced so low that Captain Masseys Surgeon (who attended me)
dispair'd of my Recovery; however (it pleas'd God) that I got the
better of the Fever (tho' then the Ague Attack'd me) that I pick'd up
a Little and truely [sic] but little Strength, and left Beaufort the last Day
of October and came to Savannah. This Season has been mighty Sickly all
over the Province of Carolina, but few dyed in the Country, tho' I am
told a good many in Charles Town. In one of my former Letters, I
told that Daniel Savage flatly refused to go as Linguister [sic] which made
me in my way to Charles Town in June last to Call at one John Bartons
who Demanding L 35. p Month I refused expecting to get one Prestoe, but
being disappointed of him likewise I wrote to Mr. Richard Woodward in
July to plead with Savage again, whose answer, to which I beg leave to
referr [sic] you will satisfy you that I was under a necessity of Complying
with Mr. Barton. In the time I was at Beaufort, I sent twice for John
Barton before he would condescend to come to me at last he did come,
and finding I had Applyed [sic] to several others and could find none, he
rose his Demand from L 35. to L 40. Currency, which I was Obliged to
agree to, and now he goes Linguister: [sic] But tho' he has the Character of
being the boldest Linguister [sic] in the Province of Carolina, Yet I shall
keep him no longer then I've Delivered the talk to the Indians, and that
I can find one on easier Terms. Before I left Josephstown Mr. Gray
Indian trader in this Town who had the Over sight of the Horses and
Charge of all the Goods, advised me, that the Horses instead of Improving
continued still in so low Condition that he was afraid they'd
scarcely some of them Travel into the Nation, which with Mr. Wiggans
Advice (to carry with me but one half of the Company untill [sic] I
delivered the talk to the lower Creeks and found thereafter how they
relish'd things, or if they wou'd agree to build a House for me made
me leave the Lieutenant and ten Men behind; If I find my talk acceptable,
and that the Lower Creeks will agree to my Staying among them, I
shall return the Horses for the Lieutenant and his Men and to carry up
what I most now leave, I confer'd on my return from Port Royal with
Mr. Causton about a Lieutenant and we differr'd in Opinion, I
inclined for Mr. Burnside at Port Argyle and he recommended Mr. Loyer
who once Served in the Store, and because Mr. Causton told me he could
not be answerable, nor would he Allow any that had a Settlement, to
leave it, I contented myself with Mr. Loyer, tho its my Oppinion [sic] he is
one, no more of a Warlike Disposition than his Predecessor. He has six
Months Pay appointed him, and Mr. Parker got the other Six Months. I
shall expect fresh Orders before March Next, whether I shall Continue in
the Nation and if I shall keep up the Company, for most of the Men I
know are positive to leave the Service when the twelve Months are
expired, but If they should I shall support the Company till further
Orders. I hope the Trustees will appoint some Person as Commissioner
to grant Lycences; [sic] otherways it's to no Purpose to send any Agent, for
I find the Traders only respects the Province that Grants the lycense. [sic]

Nothing now stops my setting off from here out the dayly [sic] Constant
Rains, the first fair day we hope in God to Enter upon our Journey. In
the mean time I beg leave to assure you that it is my Utmost desire to
Approve myself.

Your Most Obliged and
Most Humble Servant.

P.S. having lost all my
Servants this last Summer I
took the Liberty to Leave two
of the Company to take care
of my House, if this gives
Offence [sic] I shall not do it again.

Copy of a Letter from Robert Millar to the Trustees dated at Kingston
in Jamaica December the 10th 1734.

May it please your Honours. [sic]

I Embarked at Gravesend on the 19th of May According to the
Orders I received from the Common Council to Proceed on my Voyage to
Jamaica, Where I arrived on the 25th of July, I went next Morning to
Doctor Cochran and Demanded the Observations made in Botany by Doctor
William Houstoun together with the Collection of Dryed [sic] Plants which
was left in his Hands, he told me he had sent them all hone already by
one Mr. Houstoun Surgeon a relation of the Deceased Doctor William
Houstoun and there was now nothing in his Possession but a Parcell [sic] of
Books which he would only be Accomptable [sic] for to the Heirs and Executors
of his Deceased Friend.

I waited afterwards on Mr. Pratter the South Sea Companys [sic] Agent
here who Immediately give me Liberty to go Passenger to any Place on
the Continent Where we had Factorys, [sic] and at that Time he hired the very
Vessell [sic] in which I came from England to go to Portobello, I Embraced
that Opportunity and arrived there on the 30th of August, after a short
stay at Portobello I went to Panama by way of the River Chayne, which
goes up within six Leagues of that City, I had a Tedious Passage by
reason of the great Current wch. always run's down into the North Sea;
after my arrival at Panama I made a particular Enquiry into the Trees
which Yeilds [sic] the Jesuits Bark and the Balsam Pine, which are the only
two Druggs [sic] brought from thence. The former is a large Tree growing wild
in the Mountains about 10 days Journey from Lima, There is three different
sorts of it, one with a White Flower, The Second with a Purple

and the (312) 3d with a Red Colour.[sic] The Bark of the Trees differing
as much in the Colour, [sic] as the Flower, but as the two first are not so
good as the Latter they Export none else.

The Balsam Fern is falsly [sic] called so, for most of that which is
made Use of at Panama, and all which is Exported from thence is the
Balsam of a Tree growing Wild on the Mountains in Niannagua [sic] which is of
a much finer Colour [sic] and Consistence than what comes from Fern.

Both these valuable Druggs [sic] might have been Cultivated in our
Plantations long before now, had there been any Gentlemen of the least
Curiosity in any of our Factions of Panama or Portobello; I have used
the Utmost of my Endeavour [sic] to the Purchasing them and to perswade [sic] the
Gentlemen of the factories to Use theirs. Several Spanish Gentlemen who
goes to each of these Places Yearly have Promised # # # # [ ? ] to
Procure for me some Seeds, Plants, and Specimens of both Trees, as also
the Chief Factor of Panama has Promised to send them to Jamaica.

During my stay on that side of the Continent I made a little
Voyage to the Island of Tobago which is about 7 or eight leagues from
Panama, where I found the Contrayerva, and with a great deal of Pleasure
I now acquaint your Honours [sic] of having a Dozen of Plants alive at this
Present of them, and in good Order.

I have made as good a Collection of Specimens of Plants and Seeds
as the Season of the Year and my Time would allow of, it being then
Winter when I was there, all which I have sent to Mr. Millar at
Chelsea, their being no Vessell [sic] at present going to Carolina from this
Place, I thought it the much better way to send them directly to him
that he might forward them for Georgia as he can never want an
Opportunity from London.

I would willingly have stayed longer both at Panama end Portobello
to have examined these Fields more narrowly but the Rainy Season being
sett [sic] in at both these Places I found I could do but little and
then Considering the different Places your Honours has Ordered, me to go
to and the shortness of time allotted me, I thought I had stayed my full
Proportion of it there, so the Vessell [sic] in which I came being ready to
Sail I was Obliged to make the best of my way down to Portobello, and
the Road being so very bad with the Rains that had fallen, I returned
the same way which I went up, we Embarked at Portobello on the 3d. of
November; and arrived here on the 29th wherein I shall stay till an
Opportunity Offers of going to Carthagena to enquire after the
Ippicacuana [sic] and the Balsam Capivi. [sic] These Drugs being the
Produce of that Country; I have reason to hope of being more Successful
in this Voyage than I have been in my last. Concerning which This is
all I thoughtWorth acquainting your Honours [sic] off.[sic] I am

Honoble. Sirs

Your Honours Most Devoted &

Most Obedient Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Samuel Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at South Carolina December the 11th 1734.


Inclosed you have a Copy of one of my last Letters which I have
transcribed, because I think it an Affair of very great Importance to
Georgia. I still continue in my Resolution of making a Settlement
there, by your Permission, I can't tell whether I shall goe [sic] my self
(if not) I shall send my Son and Daughter, which Probably may be of more
Advantage to Georgia being both Young may have Children to Strengthen
that Province. I am now constantly applying my Thoughts how to promote
Georgia. Whilst you were here I divers times have thought of
communicating a Scheme to you, which would be very Profitable, And in
Confidence that you will not discover it to any other Person to be
Concerned therein without me, I shall make the same known to you, and am
willing to be concerned therein with you a Thousand or fifteen hundred
Pounds Sterling, and by that means may be introduced into this Country
Several of the Druggs [sic] mention'd in my former Letter from the
Streighfs. [sic]

The Act of Parliament made in the fifteenth Year of King Charles the
Seconds Reign, Entitled an Act for the Encouragement of Trade. - - - -
Sexn. the Sixth Says That no Commodity of the Growth, Production or
Manufactory of Europe shall be imported into any of his Majestys [sic]
Plantations, Asia, Africa or America but what shall be first Imported into

I Examined some time since Carcasses Book of rates and cannot
find but we may bring directly to this Place from those parts in the
Streights [sic] that lye [sic] in Assia [sic] and Africa, any of their
Commoditys as Striped Cotton's [sic] Burdetts, Silks, Rhubarb,
Senna, Scammony, Wormseed, Coloquintida, Gauls &ca. I cant tell what
Wines they make in those Country's, but do believe some may be found
very good and very Cheap which would turn here and other parts in the
West Indies to a very good Account.

I have been Informed that Cypress makes very good Wine, which
Gordon Addition the 12 Page 245 Says is in Asia. I desire you'll
consider of this Scheme and write me your Opinion thereon.

I have read (I think) in Suetonius, That when the Roman's made a
New Colony They Endowed it with several Immunity's and Priviledges,[sic]
by which means they quickly grew to a formidable Body, and I hope the
Trustees will follow their Example and give what Encouragement they can
to Trade.

This will be a great Encouragement to me and others to Settle
your Colony.

Marseilles is grown of late a very populous and rich City, and
is one of the Principal Citys [sic] in Europe for Trade, the King of France
has made it a free Port, open to Vessells [sic] of all Nations and for any
Goods without any Duty (Tobacco, Salt and Gunpowder Excepted which are
Prohibited (no Goods pay any Duty there Except Goods from the Levant
and Barbary which Pay only two p cent and it is remarkable that the Port
charges of a Ship of an hundred Tons amounts to little more than twenty
Shillings Sterling.

The Burthen this Province lies under on Accot. of Port Charges is
very great and very pernicious to Trade.

Here is a Ship now in this Province from Rhode Island of an
hundred and fifty Tons, the Master assures me that this Port Charge
there (in and out) cost him but three pounds this Currency, which is
about twelve Shillings and six Pence Sterling.

Mr. Hill loaded a small Vessell [sic] with four hundred Barrells [sic] of
Rice and the Port Charges cost ninety one Pounds ten Shillings which is
about thirteen Pounds Sterling.

I have a Scooner now, I propose to send to Jamaica, which I
shall order into Georgia and Land there some Sugar, Molasses &ca. If
your Store has Occasion for any, Mr. Causton may have what he Pleases
at the Price it is Sold at in Charles Town.

Thomas Brown a Trader amongst the Cattabah's (formerly mentioned
to you is now here, we have had some Talk about Moveing [sic] those Indians
to the Okemulgah [sic] River, and he Believes it may he done.) having living
a long time amongst, and being very well beloved by those Indians.

I desire you will read the late Act Pass'd Here and Advise me
whither he may not carry his Leather over to Kinyans Bluff for I am
willing to bring that Trade to Georgia too. The People of New England
carry on a very Valuable Trade from thence to No. Carolina, with Rum,
Sugar, Molasses, and dry Goods for which they Import Pitch, Tar and
Turpentine which helps to load their Vessells[sic] for Great Britain, Beef
and Pork in great plenty, which they sell to the Fishermen, Wheat, Corn
and Pease [sic] for their own Use, Tallow and Murtle Wax they make into Soap
and Candles, which they Ship off again to the West Indies. They like
wise import Hides, Feathers, and Deer Skins. In short they have a very
great Trade (and as I have been Informed) there goes there every Year
about Sixty or Seventy Sail of Vessells [sic] from fifty to eighton [sic] Tons.

Our Wise Assembly did several Years since pass a Law by which
they laid a large Duty upon Pitch, Tarr, Beef, and Pork (so large)
That it amounts to a Prohibition, for wee [sic] have not had a Vessell [sic] from
North Carolina since that Time. I am satisfyed [sic] we have not had fifty
Barrells [sic] from thence since. I do Design to carry on that Trade from
Georgia, and hope to make it answer for the Advantage of Hew England.

Nay I think better, becsuse North Carolina is a great Deal nigher to
Georgia than it is to Boston, and the Trade may be carried on the Winter
Season which they cannot do in Boston. Sr. I cant tell how acceptable
my Long Letters may he to a Gentleman that has so great Affairs of
Importance on his Hands. I could Enlarge but shall at present Subscribe my self.


Your Most Humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Christie to Mr. Oglethorpe
dated December the 14th 1734.

Most Worthy Sir.

My last to you I hope came safe to hand. My Ill State of Health
together with the Multiplicity of business which is greatly increased on
my hands have Prevented me from writing so often as I might have done
and I hope it may he Excused.

Herewith you have the Journal of the Proceedings of our Court,
Warrants and their Returns, Publick [sic] Orders Issued out, the Copy of our
Lycences [sic] for Publick [sic] Houses with the List of those who takes most pains
in Cultivating their Lands.

I have often spoke to Mr. Jones to send you the Plan and keep a
Journal of the Lands that he runs out which I could never obtain,
indeed I don't wonder at it for I believe little has been Run out since
your departure, till very lately. The People have greatly complain'd of
late for want of knowing the Bounds of their Lotts, for want of which
they have neglected fencing, so that most of the Crop that was Sowed
last Summer have teen eat up by the Cows and Horses, another thing I
must not forget to mention the Corn & Seeds that was in the Storehouse
when you went away was given to the People, was musty Damaged or spoilt
so that it never came up and it was so long and Late in the Year before
they got fresh Seed that it baulk'd some, and others did not sow it till
it was too late in the Year. I think If I had not Represented this you
might have been too Severe in blaming your Peoples Neglect. And indeed
we have some People who never were Masters of any Land and whose heads
are turned no way but to the Alehouse and others are so Idle to
think of nothing but selling and running away notwithstanding all
which I have found Means to keep up Lands and Houses at a good Price and
People lately begin now to fence in and set a Value upon them. So that
I hope to advise you of some fine Improvements made this Year; it is
certain that People being baulk'd as I said before in the Cultivation
of their Lands did mostly turn upon Building and Improving their Lotts
in Town. So that there is few Town Lotts but what are built or are
building, the Town is greatly Encreased, [sic] so that Whereas at first I
could hardly see any thing but Trees, I can now scarce see any Trees
for Houses.

The People are going some upon planting Corn, some on Silk, on
Vineyard, some on Pitch and Tarr, [sic] others on Fruit Trees as Oranges,
Limes, Olives, Figgs, [sic] and other Fruits, and Cotton also, according to
their own Genius and Inclination, but a11 those Productions will be a
Considerable time before they are brought to any Perfection and we shall
be always Poor and Needy till we are able to make Exports of our Own,
we don't want either Shipping or Provisions if we have but Money to
Pay for them, for they pour in upon Us from all Places; those that
seemed ready at first to starve us with had Provisions are ready now to
undo Us with Superfluitys. [sic]

This Place might easily he made a Mart between North America and
England and the Antilles, and the Spanish West Indies, which might prove
of a Prodigious Advantage to this Place and I dare say when once the
Lighthouse is Finished this Trade will introduce itself but in the mean
time it seems to me that nothing can keep Us alive but building a
church & other Publick [sic] Buildings, the Raising of our Fortifications.
The Indian Trade and the Fresh Embarkations of Money'd Men.

We raise the Envy of the People of Carolina by whom we suffer many
Aspersions and false Reports altho' we serve them for a Bulwark against
the Indians, a Curb to their Negroes raise the price of their Marketts [sic]
& the value of their Lands, and they get all our Money into the Bargain,
they are settling on the River May and all about us, and with the
advantage of their Negroes Report that we need not sow any Corn or Rice
for they will always undersell us, I could wish the Trustees would
Oblige all Persons to whom they give any Grants, to Transport their
Persons and Effects directly to this Fort. And I hope on our side we
shall in a little time find Loading back for the Ships that comes here
without being Obliged to go the Tedious Tour to Carolina.

I am fully persuaded that the Indian Trade and the Reserved
Rents and Fines for Trust Lands will bring in the Trustees a Considerable
Fund towards the support of this Colony and to Defray its charge,
but I must acquaint you that the People at Purisburgh, Thunderbolt, and
Port Argyle have been all Indian Traders since you have been gone, We
have smartly forbid our People and Settlements as soon as we heard it,
and indeed tho' they seem to like the Trade much, they readily Submitted
to our Orders; I dont [sic] Question but the Trustees will Endeavour [sic] to
Regulate and Secure that Trade to themselves as soon as possible.

Watson has behaved very Ill since your Departure and hath Committed several
Iregularities, has beat the Indians, presented a Gun at
Mrs. Musgroves, proved very dissaffected [sic] to the Colony and unfit for a

The Indian Skee Offering one day to break open his Storehouse in Order
to kill him, Watson Escaped out backwards and they finding him gone,
in their Mad Freak fell upon Justice Musgroves Slave
and killed him. He is since gone up in the Country full of Malice.

The Indians are full of Resentment against him and have Petitioned us
that Mrs. Musgrove may have the Trade for whose sake they
settled here or at least that some other Person be join'd with her.
you [sic] will see the Proceedings of the Town Court and we have found it
Absolutely Necessaiy to Order Mr. Watson to Confine himself in his
House in Town till we know the Trustees and your Pleasure on that Head.

I likewise send you herewith the Reception & talk of the
Chaktaw [sic by which you'll see the Disposition of that Nation and how
easily a Trade may be carried on with great Advantage between them and
Us. I could have Wish'd that Captain Mackay might have been present
that we might have had the opportunity to have introduced him. We writ [sic]
to him to Charles Town on their Arrival but did not receive any Answer
(till the Indians who were very earnest to return back) were going
away instead of Coming, then he writ [sic] word that the Governour [sic]
was desirous that the Indians might come down to Charles Town, but we
neither could Encourage it nor would the Indians consent to it; Captain
Mackay is since gone up into the Country hut has left part of his Men
behind to bring up Provisions, Mr. Causton said he would fully Inform
you of that Matter. As also the Expedition of our Men to the Southward
and the reason of Thomas Jones bringing a Writ of Ejectment for his Lot
which possess'd by Mr. Robert Parker, that Gentleman has been at a
vast Expence [sic] in Endeavouring [sic] to Erect a Saw Mill which is not yet
brought to work and is believed by Workmen will never answer. We
are in great want of Boards by reason of so many Buildings that are on
foot and Contracted for.

We have finished the New Guard House mounted four Peices [sic] on New
Large Carriages handsomly [sic] painted, besides five Peices [sic]
fixt in a Platform and designed for a Salute, besides four others on the Old
Carriages; I will in the next send you my Draught of it, We have like
wise Paled all the strand in and now built the Stairs down the Bluff
and Paled it in. which [sic] together with the Chimneys being almost all
Finished give a good Grace to the Place.

We have cut a Path through Hutchinsons Island fronting the Main
Street by which we can see the River on the other side. We have like
wise made a Path a Considerable way between the Town and Musgrove's

Collonel [sic] Poull and Mr. Bryan having since your Departure Examined
the Swamp between Hutchinson Island and Mr. Bryan on the Road going to
Purysburgh finds that the Swamp is hard without any Appearance of over
flowing, that it is not above two days ride from thence down to the
River opposite to Hutchinson's Island, so that the Road might with some
additional Contribution be brought down thither; the Cutting a Path
betwen [sic] Purysburgh and Charles Town goes on end we have by a Subscription
among our selves Established a Messenger for one Year between this
place and Charles Town, which will by that Means Secure a Communication
not easily cutt [sic] off.

Christopher Ford the Surveyor has been to the Southward to discover the
Coast and finds by the great depth of the Sound and the Bar
with the Clearness of the Coast from Shoals he could bring any Men of
Warr [sic] with Safety within a Mile and a half of Thunderbolt, I hope that in
Case of a War the Trustees will Endeavour [sic] to have some of his Majestys [sic]
Ships Stationed here.

There is a way to go from this Town to the River Vernon
without passing through any Swamps and as that River is large and
Deep and the Land very good it seems a pass proper to be Secured by the
first Settlers.

Mr. Vanderplank hath not yet been able to get up the Peoples
Cattle according to your last Instructions, so they are by this time
almost turn'd wild and instead thereof Mr. Causton now buys Beef of the
Indians or Mrs. Musgrove. so that we have little hopes of Seeing them
any more.

Its true we have now Compleated [sic] a very large Cowpen containing
near 45 Acres about a Mile from the Town on a Pine Barren, but little
or no Cattle to put in it.

The Publick [sic] Gardens have been hitherto of very little Use to the
Town and Seems rather a Private Property end those People that have
had the most need of it have had the least Benefit.

Mr. Amatis arrived here the first of October last and has Sowed
some Thousand Mulberry Trees which comes up very well and those that
were there before as well as the rest of the Trees that Remain were
likewise pruned & flourish very well, Mr. Amatis and Mr. Fitzwalter
have had some differences together concerning their Authority which we
have had some difficulty to Reconcile.

The People at Purysburgh have several Italians there and Endeavour [sic]
to be beforehand with Us in the Silk Manufacture.

Collonel [sic] Pury with his People are all safe arrived before this
Town the [ ] as likewise did Captain Yoakley who remains
here still but is almost ready to Depart, the Two other Ships are
Sailed for Lisbon these 14 Days.

Mr. Montagut and his wife are in good Health he hath
Built a Storehouse Adjoining to your House and is retailing his goods
for ready Money himself.

We make here very good Bricks in which Manufacture they seem
every day to Improve.

I have introduced a Fishing Trade by which means we begin to be
Supply'd with greet Quantitys [sic] of Fish, Variety of which as well
as Fouls our Rivers abounds.

I have set up a Brewhouse which seems to be the only way to bring
the People off from Drinking Spirituous Liquors.

You have Inclosed an Accompt of the Death and Marriages of
several People here as likewise those who left any Wills or Substance
behind them, all the rest dying Insolvent, The Trustees will be able to
send you the Orphans Accot. in a very little time and as the Constables
are made Admistrator to the People in their Respective Wards for
which they are to give Security to be Accountable to the Court I have
no Effects at all in my hands.

Mr. Bowen upon having raised his Frame and given Security, had
leave to go to Charles Town where it is Computed he Carryed [sic] above L 500.
Currency in Order to Buy Goods for this Place but Unfortunately died
there about Septr. last at the House of David Allen who Administred [sic] to
L 300. Currency little of which I am afraid we shall be able to Recover,
his effects amounting to here about L 40. Sterling.

Ambrose Vicary died the Second April last without a Will, but
believe he left a Wife at Topsham in the West of England, his Effects
amount to about L 38:17:0 Sterl. they have both of them made Improvements
towards building their Lotts which we have Ordered to be built and
Finished by those Workmen Indebted to the Estates as you will see by
the Inclosed Petition.

Mr. Lewis Bowen made no Will but by the Inclosed Copy of a
Letter found in his Chest we do suppose that he has made a Will in

The Unfortunate Mr. Wise, his Effects was Sold Except Papers and
Manuscripts remaining in a Trunk in the Store and those things
mentioned to be left with your Honours [sic] remain in the Storehouse 'till
farther Orders, the amount of his Effects Sold was about L 20. Sterling
no doubt great many were Stolen by that Villain that murdered him which
we never could find out; The manner of this Murder was thus, which you
have no doubt been Acquainted with, he Lay over in the island a
Considerable time in a very weak Condition and kept his Bed he Used to
call for some water in the Morning to wash himself and White Used to
Assist him in Combing out his Hair in which he took a great deal of
Pride & Used to lay his head Leaning out of the Bed to have it easier
done, Alice Reley by the Direction and Influence of White brought a
Pail of Water which she sat down by his Bed side. White came in also
Pretending to Assist him in Combing his Hair, he usually Wore a Hand
kerchief about his Neck, and while he was learning over the Bed Side
instead of Combing his Hair, White took hold by that Handkerchief, which
he twisted 'till he was almost Suffocated, Alice Reley at the same time
took hold of the Pole of his head and Plunged his Face into the Pail of
Water and he being very weak it Soon Dispatched him. As to the rest I
referr to the Proceedings of the Court.

I am so Afflicted with the Rhumatism in my right side and right
Arm that I am not able to write & am Obliged to have Mr. Dobree to
assist me, whose capacity and Ability in Business makes him very Usefull[sic]
to this Colony and I do Assure your Honours worthy of your Consideration
of some Publick [sic] Employment here.

I return your Honour [sic] many thanks for Conferring on me the
Honoble. Office of Recorder of the Town of Savannah, but my Present
Indisposition renders me Incapable to Attend Publick [sic] Business, I most
Earnestly Entreat your Honrs, would Dispose of that Place to some more
able Person. I shall always rely on your Honours [sic] Favour [sic]
& Protection & will remain

Your Honours [sic]
Most Faithfull & Obedient Servt.

Mr. Eveleigh desires Leave
to set up a Store a little
above Old Savannah Town a
little of this Side the River as likewise Licences [sic] for
all his Traders. We shall Endeavour [sic] not to
discourage him but cannot do any thing of ourselves
without further Instructions which we beg may be
dispatched as soon as Possible, he Offers to bring
down all his Skins & Ship them off at this Place and
as the People of Charles Town have laid a Considerable
Tax on the Indian Trade, this will be the only time to push the
thing on to Advantage for this Province.

Pp. 327 through 329 - Copy of a Letter (written in French) from Mr.
Samuel Montaigut to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at Savannah 17th Decr. 1734.
[the letter in French is not included]

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Robert Parker to the Trustees without
Date. Dec. 1734


As Benevolence, Charity and the good of mankind are the Motives
You act by in so laudable an Undertaking as the Settling the Colony of
Georgia; You'll sooner forgive what the same Influence obliges me now
to inform You off, should You differ from my Way of Thinking. I offer
no Harm should whatever I advise be rejected.

Mr. Oglethorpe, that with the thinking part of mankind will for
ever be had in a gratefull [sic] Remembrance of the People here that were
Witnesses of this generous Actions, indefatigable Pains and Industry,
is now with us no more. We feel the Wants and I daily hear the Cry of
the Multitude for being without a worthy Head, which doubtless will be
soon supplyed [sic] out of your laudable Body.

I am informed that Orders are come over to allow no more than a
Years Provision to those Passengers by Yoakley, Daubus and Wood.
Gentn. I profess I have neither spoke about it to those People, nor am
I myself affected, nor no body knows of Writing but I can't
help setting their Case before You in the Light it appears to me.

First several of these and most of the first forty that are alive have
been employed in the Publick [sic] Works. They have had no opportunity of
getting their Lands in proper order for Culture but at the same time
I must needs say the Land it self comes far short of the Praises bestowed
upon it which was the inducement that brought over the honest People,
and must needs think they can't be made amends but by receiving yet one
or two Years Provision longer. They have had some of their Seed out of
the Stores both English and Carolina, I can't account how it
happened but it produced nothing or next to nothing. They have had
the same a second time which did like the former, some the third time
& they have had their Labour for their Pains or their Crops consumed by
Squirrels. Should such People as these be cut off from your Provisions?
God forbid. I am sure when You was [sic] at so much Pains and Charge to send
them hith [sic] You won't suffer them to perish, which they must inevitably
do if they are shut out of the Store. The Settlements at Abercorn and
Skidoway [sic] for want of their Lands being run out to know where to clear
and plant have had nothing to do but to bemoan themselves, so could not
possibly have any Provisions coming up. The former Place was but the
last week run out by the Surveyor; but whether Skidoway [sic] be yet done I
am a Stranger to, but have heard very lately great Complaints for want
of its being allotted. Another thing that I think pleads strongly for
them is their so often attending at Court, I have heard some return 10
Days out of 30. It must needs be when the Recorder has told me he has
granted 30 Warrants in a day. When at Purysburg (to its Praise be it
spoken) only one Warrant has been served since its first Settling. I
have offered my self to take Pains and endeavour [sic] to make up Differences
but that method is not approved of. I am sorry there should be such a
Spirit among these People. The People from the Out Settlements have been
obliged to give their Attendance frequently at the Loss of 3 or 4 Days
Work at their own Expence [sic] and not so much as a Bed to lye [sic] on,
the Publick [sic] Houses having none to spare, so are exposed to the Inclemency
of the Weather; They complain heavily and with too much Reason. I am
sorry it's not in my Power to redress the several Grievances
Sprung up since the Departure of Mr. Oglethorpe. I shall point out to
You wherein they consist and leave them to your better Consideration to
give proper Orders for their Amendmt. I am at my Works up the Country,
have time to consider things and I should think my self inexcusable in
being silent and keeping You in Ignorance, when by your Prudence things
may be amended. What Thanks I shall get from those at Savannah You may
imagine, but I think it my Duty to do what Good I can to those that
deserve it; which is a sufficient Recompence to me.

1. The too frequent Courts which are a great hardship upon the
People as I observed before but especially to those of the Out
Settlements since they are so often adjourned, those of Abercorn were
summoned to attend the Court on Saturday last; They went down on Friday to
be ready, then the Court was adjourned in the Afternoon while next
Wednesday. The poor People, the Tide not serving, were obliged to come
away in the night and so with Hunger and rowing returned on Sunday
morning. They return next Wednesday and expect most of the Week to be
lost. Besides the Loss of their time they are from their familys [sic] at
their own Expence [sic] which they can ill afford.

2. The Punishments come next into Consideration which in a new
Colony in my humble opinion ought to be used very tenderly and as
seldom as possible, but at Savannah they are frequent and shocking even
to disgust the Neighbouring [sic] Provinces. I have seen a Woman sit in the
Stocks for 3 hours when it rain'd hard (and the only Dairy Wife we have
to Supply the Colony with Butter) a Servant of Musgroves, and tho' She
interceded for her She was taken out of the Stocks and carried on board
a Sloop & ducked. In ducking her they bruised her so against the Vessel
She Was lame for 2 or 3 months after; The Crime had Mr. Oglethorpe
been here had not been taken Notice of. One poor Gentleman with the
Terrors and Frights of Whipping, Stocks &c. went distracted in the Town
through the Terror. He went away but died before He reach'd Port Royal.
He was one that had been a good Benefactor.

3. There is such an Alteration of People especially amongst
them that have to do with the Store, Mr. Oglethorpe himself would not
know them. He has been Witness of their Poverty but now no Signs
remain, they never appear without their Ruffles and their Houses are
well furnished with Plenty of every thing to Profuseness.

4. We have about 30 or 40 Free Masons they have a fine Supper
every Saturday night and often 2 or 3 week besides; where such
an Expence [sic] can be born I am at a Loss to know. One night amongst other
Disorders they went to the Guard cut the Capt. down the Head and disarm'd
the rest carrying the Arms away. When they came to reflect on it
on the morrow, to make things up they call'd a Lodge at night and
admitted Gough the Capt. a Free Mason, so I suppose the thing dropt.

I might go on to other Particulars hut have already said enough
to fill You with Indignation at what passes at Savannah, if I have
time to spare I can go up to Purysburgh and spend a day or two with
Mr. Beaufin and other good Company agreably [sic] but Savannah is not a Place
at Present I take Pleasure in. I wrote to Mr. Oglethorpe which I hope
he communicated to Your Honourable Board. I hope I shall have the
Honour of an Answer to

Worthy Gentn.

Your obedient humble Servt.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Robert Parker to Mr. Hucks dated at
Mill Bluff 24th December 1734.


As You are the Gentleman among the Trustees that Sir Robert
Walpole was so kind in so affectionate a manner to recommend me to,
makes me take the Liberty now to address to You; as he was acquainted
with my former Condition of Life induced him in so particular a manner
to recommend me. As I don't question hut the Letter is yet regularly
in the Office I could desire it mi^t he once more read over if any
Regard will he paid to that great Man's Recommendation.

As I have formerly upon my own foundation as a Merchant employed
almost as many People as is in the Colony, I thought some little Regard
or Difference would have been shewn, so indeed it was while Mr. Oglethorpe
staid and I expected he would have given some Directions accordingly,
but Instead of that I have found worse Usage than any body else.
Mr. Oglethorpe gave me a Lot for a House &c which I inclosed and built
a large Work Shop, Saw Pitts &c. at a very great Expence [sic] for my Workmen
about the Mill, which since has been regularly taken away by our Court
to gratify one that went up to the Indian Nation, so I am dispossess'd
without any Equivalent so that the Publick [sic] is served at a private Man's
Expence. [sic]

Mr. Oglethorpe gave me if confirmed by the Trust a Trust Lot
mark'd K in the Draft of the Town Plat in the large Book which in a
Letter that I desired might be delivered to him to remind him upon his
Arrival, which Letter Mr. Brownfield had orders to lay before the Board.
I should be glad to be confirmed in it and hope the Terms will be made
very easy to me.

I had Liberty before Witness from Mr. Oglethorpe to erect my
Mill Work either in the Salts or up the River where I pleased for my
own Convenience; where I have pitch'd upon is remote from any Settlemt.
the nearest is two miles by Land above Abercorn end three miles in a
direct Line from Purysburgh. I hope the Gentlemen will allow me a
large Scope of Land in Consideration of my large family of Eleven
Children besides what I may possibly have should my Wife be induced to
come over which is her Desire, and as soon as I can make her a suitable
Reception will be as agreeable to me, and likewise in Consideration of
the Usefullness [sic] of my Undertaking which now I have the pleasure to tell
You which please to inform the Gentlemen is at Work and I hope in a
few days to cut eight hundred or a thousand foot of Timber a day, and
when I make an Addition hope more than to double it; after furnishing
the Demand at Savannah and the other Settlements & Purysburgh I hope
to Ship off large Quantitys [sic] for the Sugar Islands besides I expect to
furnish London with Thousands of foot for flooring of the finest clear
Stuff that ever was imported; One Branch of my Business was the Norway
Trade so that I pretend to understand it as well as any body. I expect
in my Grant a Liberty to have one or two Negroe [sic] Servants for every 50
Acres, the Charge of white Labourers [sic] being so extravagantly dear there
is no such thing as bearing it. As also, as I have several Children, a
Power as in England to make my Will to leave what it may please God to
bless me with as I shall see fit as an Encouragement to the more
Dutifull. [sic]

Mr. Oglethorpe might probably speak about two hogsheads of Rum
he was told by a Person that happen'd to be in my House when I
received the Letter, they was sent up without my knowledge & I
immediately went out and acquainted Mr. Causton and Mr. West of
them before they came on Shore, one Hogshead I took for my own
Use and Workmen the other I sold to Musgroves Store.

As to my bearing Arms, while I had Sons they would not permit it
while they could do it for me, the Duty was never neglected. Another
Objection Mr. Oglethorpe had was the Revd. Mr. Dering coming up to
officiate for Mr. Quincy I had a little acquaintance with him at Charles
Town and being destitute of an House to go to (the Saltzburghers [sic] having
Mr. Quincy's) he was at my house while he staid in Town but I knew
nothing of his Coming neither had he any Invitation from me further than
taking him in for 3 weeks while he Staid without the least thing allowed
him from the Store not so much as a Bottle of Wine. One thing I will
say, none of the Ministers behaved better nor gave more Satisfaction
to the People than he did while he staid. I have troubled You with
these three things which dwelt mightily upon Mr. Oglethorpe before he
went away that he wrote me an angry Letter from Charles town and did
not therein use me well being innocent of either but as I have now
represented them.

My Coming over into these particular Parts at first was the good
opinion I had of the laudable Undertaking, hoping it might be in my
Power likewise of doing a great deal of Good here among the Persons
sent over; but all that is now frustrated any other place would do as
well for me. I have large Offers made me from both North and South
Carolina if I am inclinable to move, but if I am well used I
confess I like my present Situation very well. I was recommended to
Mr. Heathcote by Mr. Trasford your Relation, please to give my humble
Service to them and also to Mr. Vernon. And if You will be so good
to give my Duty to the Right Honble. Sir Robert Walpole and Sir Charles
Turner my Relation You will much oblige me. If You can procure freight
cheap as no Doubt but You may please to send me Twenty Hogsheads of
your best Beer, I will make a Return to your Satisfaction and if You
will spare so much time to give me two or three Lines in answer by the
first Ship to Charles Town directed for me at Mr. Richard Hills
Merchant You will exceedingly oblige me. I am with much Respect


Your most Obedient humble Servant

One thing I forgot to incert [sic] but it being so material it will be the
Ruin of all the Business in these parts if not carefully rectified,
That is the Care of Letters, none is wrote for England that can be
happen'd on but what are opened and often secreted as also Letters from
thence. I don't doubt but I have had several served so my self and
perhaps some with Bills which I can't yet learn. Letters for these
parts should not long be detained in the Office if directed thither
but forwarded by the first Ship to Charles Town to be sent hither with a
Schedule of the Number and who they are directed for, without
coming to the Store to be fix'd upon the door that every one may demand
their own. Some Letters have been delivered dated 9 months before
which is a prodigious Hindrance & would destroy all Negotiation.

I have several Indians that come & visit me for the Sake of Rice
and they bring me their Skins, which not to offend the present Orders I
am obliged to turn away and so they go and sell them at Purysburgh, It
might be L 40 or L 50 Sterling in my way, and why should not I and the
rest that venture our selves among them make the proper Advantages but
see it go to Carolina; please to let me have your Opinion of this for my
own Satisfaction as well as others.

You will think me long and troublesome but being Christmas Eve my
People desired Leave to go out this morning to provide them selves
a Dinner though we have good Beef, Pork, Cheese Flour &c. They are now
come home and have brought 3 1/2 Couple of Ducks, 1 pari [sic] of Doves, one
Turkey and a fine Buck together with a fine young Pig, but the latter
they had at Abercorn. We are not alltogether destitute of Provisions
when we have time to seek for it especially Turkeys and Venison, Ducks
&c. in plenty but very shy. I have one thing to crave that nothing
from Letter may be communicated to the Publick [sic] with my Name unless
upon absolute Occasion and then I shall not disown any thing I have
advanced. I have sent also a Copy of the Letter delivered to Mr. Oglethorpe
after his Arrival which Mr. Brownfield advised his Master had
ordered to be laid before the Board.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Jose West to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at
Savannah December the 30th 1734.

Honoured [sic] Sr.

I make bold to Trouble you with this with my Heart full of
Gratitude and Thankfullness for your dismissing me of so Troublesome
and Chargeable Office. I do assure your Honour [sic] I have not spared my
time nor Substance in keeping the Peace and Credit of the Colony and
have Endeavoured [sic] to behave my self in such a Manner that I have the
Good Will of almost all that have any Knowledge of me. The People in
General seemed at first to be very Uneasy at my Quitting the Bench, but
I told them it was own desire to be Discharged and now I believe
they will be very well Satisfyed. [sic] The People in General are pushing
forward their Buildings & Cultivating their Lands, and we was all in
General in great rejoiceing [sic] on your Honours [sic] Birth Day and every one
seemed to Express a deal of Satisfaction on it. The Indians arrived
here all in good Health and Express a deal of Satisfaction on their
Reception in England, & now I doubt not but we shall he very easy.
Quiet and Industrious People & shall answer the Ends of your great
Pains & Care that you have taken for Us; so I Conclude Hoping this
will find your Honour and all the Honourable [sic] Trustees in good Health as
I and all my Family are at Present I thank God, my Wife is brought to
Bed with a Son on the 28th of this Instant.

I am

Your Honours [sic]

Dutifull [sic] and faithfull [sic] Servant till Death.

I should he very glad of
Leave to Come for England
for a small time in Order to settle some Affairs
and to get some of my Country Men for Servants
for me, I know them to he some of the best in all
England for Country Work; Here is a great deal more I could
Inform you of but Mr. Causton and Mr. Christie both have told me they
shall Write in Large to you of all Transactions that have happened here.
The People are all in General very Healthy and Well.

Copy of a Letter from Elisha Dobree to the Trustees dated at Savannah.
January the 15th 1734/5.

Lords and Gentlemen;

I take the Freedom to Inform your Honoble. Board of some matters
relating to this Province which may not have been writ by any Person
from hence, but before I begin, I beg leave humbly to Represent the
great Damage I suffered & still am like to suffer by Mr. Caustons
Advertizent. [sic] in the Carolina Gazette wherein it looks as my Design in
Comeing [sic] here was with an Intent to Defraud my Creditors.

The Discredit and ill Character of Persons thus Advertized [sic] is a
Barbarous way of Murthering [sic] a Man in his Reputation, the Loss of which
is one of the greatest Losses a Person can suffer in this World.

I Challenge all the World to prove my Intent was to Cheat
my Creditors and to this very day neither Mr. Causton nor any other
have been able to prove any thing like it against me, all the Amends
that is made me is that your Honourable [sic] Board has been writ to
by the Magistracy in a more Favourable [sic] Manner, but as to the Loss of my
Reputation PublickLy [sic] Esposed[sic] 'twill never be in Mr. Caustons Power to
make me Amends.

I have been chosen Arbitrator in several. Affairs here, and some
of the greatest Consequence, I am generally Foreman of the Jury. The
Body of Free Masons has accepted me as a Brother, I have been Employed
to Assist the Recorder and to his Satisfaction have Performed what time
would Permitt. [sic]

I am now Assisting Mr. Causton in the Publick [sic] Store in Stating
the Accounts in the Manner he would have them and which I find in a very
Confused Manner Ex; troublesome & difficult to State, and Adjust.

Was I so great a Knave it would not be Prudent to have any thing
to do with me Especially if Reflected on the Advertisement in
the Carolina Gazette which spreads thro' all America. These Disappointments
& ill Usage at my first Coming might have Prevented me from
Improving Lands were. [here?] Whereas I have quite the reverse Paled in the
finest Garden of any in the Province and tho' it is Inferior to the
Publick [sic]in some Things it Surpasses in others (though it Consists
but of five Acres) by the Help of an Old Servant of mine a Gardener &
some Indented Servants & Hired Men.

I am now ready to take in Mulberry Trees and Vines &c. when Mr.
Amatis will please to lett[sic] me have them.

I have already Sowed & Planted Cotton Seeds about 200

N.B. I am Preparing to Plant
or Sow Logwood & other Foreign
Plants & Seeds.

Oranges Do. 3OOO
Annis Seeds 3OO
Hemp Quar. of an Acre
Rape Ditto

Some few Olives and Limes, besides Cabbages Onions, Sallet [sic] and
other Garden Seeds of which this Collony [sic] is in great want; and is very
Necessary to eat with Salt Meat which is all we eat here, & am Fencing
a Cowpen of ten Acres fit to keep Cattle near the Town which I design
to feed with Grains, Young Canes &c. which will be very advantageous to
the whole Town who seldom or ever see the Cattle, and therefore can
have no benefit of the Milk which is Extreamly [sic] scarce and deer [sic] here.

As soon as I can get Men I will Employ ten Acres more for the
Benefit of Hopp Poles and Staves to send to Charles Town: It is a
great Uneasiness to me that none have the Industry and Courage here to
make something of their Timber which might bend, besides the Clearing their
Lands provide them with several Necessarys from Carolina.

Our People are not to he brought over from Drinking Tea and Punch
by Violence, I have an Order to draw them off from it Persuaded Mr.
Christie & another with whom I have Concerned to Brew good Small
Beer for ten Shillings p Barrell, [sic] which is as good as most I have
tasted in London for that Price.

And for Tea I have planted a great deal of Sage which grows very
well here and which will save a great deal of Money to such as have
little or None to spare, & indeed not enough for the Necessarys [sic] of

I have Perswaded [sic] a Friend to Undertake a Trade to Savannah Town
the Chief place for the Indian Trade and to bring down in return Skins,
and such Provisions as are Cheaper than from Port Royal.

Finding the Measenger [sic] making his Journey to Charles Town and back
to consist of 15. or 20 days.

I have hired a Passage Boat to go, and back irom Charles Town
every week by which means we may have an answer in less than seven days.
Altho' most People mind only their Private Advantage. My thoughts are
Continually here to find something for the Publick [sic] Good, in doing of
which I hope I shall receive no Discredit.

I reffer [sic] what I shall farther Write to another Sheet and now beg
leave to Subscribe my self with due Respect.

Your Honours [sic] Most Humble Servant.

Copy of Letter from Elisha Dobree to the Trustees dated at Savannah
January the 15th 1734/5.

My Lords & Gentlemen.

I beg leave to add to the Inclosed four Pages that Mr. Parkers
Saw Mill near this Town and Musgrove's Cowpen goes on Successfully and
will fully make him amends for the great Charges he has been at in
Erecting the same, God Grant the like Success to all that Undertakes
Such Publick [sic] Affairs.

I design by Captain Dunbar to Consign your Honoble. Board some
of this Country Produce.

I am sorry to find we have no Money here, People never were so
short of Money as they are now, they can't Pay 5 Shillings without a
Warrant and when one is granted they are Obliged to make it without
Payment, a Currency is very much wanted here for at this time we may
almost say that all Payments are Stopped from one Freeholder to another,
but if Hogs or Fowls arrive here from Carolina, they are generally
bought up for Ready Money, by which means all the Cash is drained from
hence by the Carolina Planters, a small Boat Load will generally Carry
off 2 or L 300. Currency from hence and take little or nothing at ail
from Us.

I hope your Honourable [sic] Board will take our Case into Consideration
and if a War breaks out Enable Us to make a good Defence [sic] in Case of
an Attack.

As it is likely we may have a Share in the Indian Trade, I beg
your Honourable [sic] Board will not forget me in that Employment and if
Possible to help and assist my Family to come over to me, the Charges
&C. I would readily Pay here.

As to Religious Affairs here, I am Sorry to Observe that out of
all the Inhabitants not above thirty most commonly assist at divine
Service and of late seldom or ever can we see there our Chief. Mr.
Gordons Proceedings Seems to Please the People his courteous &
good Nature are Virtues which Often gain the good Esteem and Respect of
all Mankind, and was at Church of Sunday last, when another was Absent
that for some Reasons might have been there.

We have some Stones which by the Owners are thought to be of
great Value and something like Iron Oar [sic] upon the Surface of the Ground
but none here can resolve what it is nor have not time or Courage
enough to Dig Low and Deep to find out more.

I beg Pardon for writing this Letter in a great Hurry and remain
most respectively.

My Lords & Gentlemen.
Your Most Humble Servant.

Butter is Sold here at 12d
Sterl. p lb. which is an
Extravagant price for Salt Butter.
I wish a Small Cargo would arrive
from Ireland.

[It is unclear whether the following is an extension of the letter from Mr. Dobree or a separate letter which in the original was not cited as such. Both end with a form of the the standard "your most humble servant" however the following has no formal salutation.]

Besides Logwood our Dyers I wish I could have Madder
Seeds from England or Holland. Mr. Causton is of Oppinion [sic] that it
would do well in our Swamps here. I beg that your Honourable [sic] Board
would please to add any other Foreign Seeds that you might have fit for
this Climate with which I will Endeavour [sic] to make the best Use I can.

I Wish I could get Ten or Twenty Pounds of Clover Seeds and as
much of Lucerne, our Cattle wants greatly good Feeding which had they
near the Town we should not have them run away to such remote places as
can't he found which in Case of a Warr [sic] would he of Evil Consequence to
this Province.

Before I Conclude I heg leave to Inform your Honourable [sic] Board that
Provissions [sic] have been Stopt [sic] to the few Servants I have
tho' bought but about three Months who never have had above Six Months
Provission [sic] all the time they have been in this Province; My own
Provission [sic] were Stopt [sic] after three or four Months 'till
at last speaking to some Purpose to Mr. Causton he was pleased to have
the same Continued 'till the 12. Months were Expired.

My Servants Provissions [sic] are still stop'd from them tho' I can
hardly find Money enough to keep them.

As to my Effects Seized here wrongfully without Law. Court of
Justice, or Jury, I have tamely Submitted to every thing that has been
required of me but I find (as I thought at first) that my Creditors are
not pleased with those who have had the Management of Disposing the
Goods receiving the Money and Rendring [sic] Accots. I have paid in three
Months whereas they will not be paid in Twelve and well for them If
they are paid in that Time, they Repent (and with a, great deal of reason)
that ever they gave full Power to Mr. Causton to do what he did tho' out
of 12 Persons that I ow'd in Charles Town not above two or three desired
him to Use me as he did and I may say that to this very day he has little
Comfort for what he did, but I would rather think that he has the
Remorse now of having ruined an Inocent [sic] Man. Inocent [sic] I call my self
since I came here with no other Intent than finding I could neither get
Accots. nor Remittances for the great Quantitys [sic] of Goods I had sent
here to Mr. Lynch nor from Mr. Harris whom I sent afterwds. to call the
former to an Accompt, and could any body blame me after acquainting most
of my Creditors in Charles Town and they Perswading [sic] me to come here in
Order to call those to reason whom no letters could Persuade so to do.
why might not I come here as well as any others: in short I am not
willing to tire your Honours [sic] Patience, Mr. Recorder has writ without
my Soliciting the same to Mr. Oglethorpe to Favour me with his
Interest to your Honourable [sic] Board for a Publick [sic] Employ. I desire no
Honour [sic] or Title only some Place or other wherein I may he usefull [sic] in the
way of Trading which I am vain to think I Understand as well as any
without Excepting one in this Province. Mr. Causton Asks often my
Advice which I always give him Bona Fida. [sic] Though when I think on the
harm he has done me I think I Act the part of a Superior Soul than his
who Lately told me that he had rather 40 or 50 should suffer than he.
far from my Sentiments, for the Publick [sic] Good for which I would Freely
Sacrifice my Private Interest? to Conclude I wish he may appear in his
Accompts to your Honourable [sic] Board as Honest a Man as I am now looked
upon by the People in this Town and Colony; I am with all due respects
though in great Haste.

Your Honours [sic] most Obedient
Humble Servant.

Jos. Fitzwalters Acct. of

The Publick [sic] Garden

Savannah 16 Jan. 1734/5

Hond. Sir

After my most humble Duty is presented to your Honour, [sic] and the
rest of the Honble. Trust my Masters; This is to acquaint Your Honours [sic]
That I have not been wanting of Doing what lay in my Power for the
Service of the (torn) Colony by night or day even to the very Risque [sic] of my
Life, which I have done three times since Your Honour [sic] left the Place;
when I send my Journal by Captain Dunbar will inform your Honour [sic] farther.
By Mr. Causton's Desire I went with a Boat and four Servants to below
Augustine Creek, and brought Mr. Gordon & Spouse, with Indian King,
Queen, & Chiefs with Mr. Musgrove, and were Saluted with thirteen
peices [sic] of Cannon by Mr. Causton's Order, who gladly received them; and
the Inhabitants of the Township expressed themselves with a great deal
of Joy of their safe arrival; and the Indians in General were glad to
see us.

The Garden I have made great Improvements in, most (torn) of the
Tree Stumps I have rooted up; Planted the front wall (torn) with Trees of
Oranges six feet high, which will bear Fruit some (torn) this Year; and all
in general thrive: Some Orange Trees this last Season Shott [sic] in the
nursery four feet, and the least shott [sic] two feet, I have a thousand of
them. Of Mulberry Plants I have Eight thousand, some of them this last
Season shott [sic] fairly fifteen feet, and this Season will be capable of
feeding abundance of the Worms.

The Olive trees like the Soil & Situation; for I have some of
them Shott [sic] six feet this Season; I have mett [sic] with some Cotton Seeds
from Guinea, which from it I have raised a (torn) thousand Plants, some of
which have Shott eight feet in height (torn) and the second Season will
come to their bringing forth Fruit in (torn) Abundance, so that I shall
be able to send a large Quantity of (torn) Cotton to the Trustees Use;
As for the Kitchin [sic] Garden every thing thrive as well as ever in Europe;
and as for Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats, Tards, Beans, Pease, [sic] Eyegrass,
Clover, Trofoile, Cinque foile & Lucerne Seeds, I have never seen
finer than this Country produce; Hemp and Flax will do as well here as
in any part of Europe, Rice I have had very good; Indian Corn and
Pease [sic] in great Plenty; The last Seeds as came received Damage by the
Pettiaugua [sic] receiving Damage coming over the Sound.

Mr. Amatis hath been here and at Purysburgh since the beginning of
September, and is not for Planting any thing of Kitchin [sic] Stuff at all in
the Garden; which I always apprehended was to be carried on; both by
your Honour and Trust, and likewise Botany.

But Mr. Amatis is more for the merchant than any thing else; For
several Hogsheads of Rum and Wine, Barrels of Flour hath landed and sold
here to may knowledge; and have taken the Servants out of the Garden both
to Crane them up, and carry himself & goods several times to Purysburgh;
and was for displacing me out of the garden, who had gone thro' the
Heat and Burdon of all the Improvements in it. Mr. Causton out of his
wise Judgment would not a,6h.ere to him.

Since Wise's Death I have had the management of the Servants over the
Island, and was the chief Instrument of finding out that cruel
and barbarous Murder.

The Vistoe [sic] from the Town to the other side of the Island, Is cutt [sic]
through and looks extream [sic] pleasant.

The Road from the Town to the westward of five acre Lott going to
Musgroves Cow penn [sic] is made good.

Mr. Gordon brought word from your Honour [sic] That the said Servants should
go to Mr. Vanderplanks Management to the Crane, and what else he should
put them to; which said Servants I delivered to him.

I thank God our Town is in very good health, and increases
mightily; For that Place which was nothing but Pine Trees when we came,
is become almost as many Houses; and though Williamsburgh (which is
the Metropolis of Virginia) hath been settled near a hundred years
yet we Exceed them in number of Houses; though not our Buildings quite so
magnificent. In a word I take Our Settlement to be the Promised Land;
It's Lands Rich and Fertile, Its Trees large and good for Building
both for (torn) Land and Sea, Various sorts of Gums and them as good as
come from East Indies, various sorts of Druggs, [sic] Flowering Shrubbs [sic] and
Plants of various kinds. Fruits wild of different Species and very
good, & when Cultivated will be much finer. Clays of different kinds,
both for the moulder and Potter, Mines of different Species, Stones of
various Colours [sic] and them transparent, fine Springs and some of them
minerall, [sic] fine Rivers and them Plenty, who afford us Multitudes of
Fish & the best in the World, Salmon Trout Sturgeons (of which I caught
one weir'd upwards of 300 wt. (torn) Mullets, Bass &c. Our Woods
afford us great Plenty of Deer, and bear (torn) Boar whose meat is extream [sic] good.
Turkeys in great Plenty (torn) I have Shott [sic] 6 of a day & them very
large, some weighing 25 lb. (torn) each. Wood Pidgeons [sic] innumerable, and of
other sorts of Fowls abundance too tedious to mention. Our Rivers
afford us abundance of water Fowls, as for Goose, Ducks, Mallad, [sic]
Teals and Widgeons; I have been one of the four that have shott [sic] 13 dozen
in one day.

Abundance of the Inhabitants have cultivated their Land, have had very
good Crops both in Town, and Settlements. Cattle thrive better
then in Carolina. I hope in a little time to make my Town Lott be as
good as thirty pounds Sterling year.

I should be very much obliged to your Honour, [sic] & the rest of there Honble.
Trustees, to Order me the Payment of my Salary that I agreed with your
Honour [sic] for, and whatever yr. Honours [sic] think fitt [sic] for the boy
Goddard my apprentice. I have had of Mr. Causton about 20 10 stg pound and
money I could Convert to a good Use in Improving my Estate.

Sir I hope that the things that I sent by Captain Daubuz, Captain Wood,
Captain Yoakley, and Captain Fry, arrived Safe to the Trustees hands;
I shall always make it my Business every opportunity to send
something of the Produce of Georgia to their Honours. This Season there
was not an Acorn or Walnutt seen; But as soon as there is any, I will
send some Bushells. [sic]

I am Sir
Yr. Honour's [sic]& [ ] of the Honble. Trustees
Most Obedient & Most Dutifull [sic] Servant.

Jos. Fitzwalter.

Georgia, Savannah Janry.
the 16th 1734/5

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Causton to the Trustees dated at
Savannah January the l6th 1734. [the date is 1735 (1734/5)unless this letter is badly out of place]

May it please Your Honours [sic]

It has been my greatest Concern, That I have not Been able to
discharge my Duty of writing as I ought; Neither have I any thing to
plead for excuse but my Constant application to all the necessary
affairs of the Province here And if it Shall appear, that my Endeavour [sic]
for the Publick [sic] good have Succeeded and was necessary, I shall hope
for your favour. [sic]

I shall send by Captn. Dunbar my Cash Accounts to Christinas last,
and a Transcript of the Register which I have hitherto kept. A journal
of the Stores is also near finished and will he sent. As I would use
my Utmost Endeavours punctually to execute Commands, I found it necessary
to hire Assistance in Matters of Account before Orders for it came to my hands.

We have had throughout the Whole Province the particular Blessing
of God with regard to our healths, when our Neighhours of Carolina were
generally afflicted with almost universall [sic] Sickness (for the
most part intermitting Fevers) of which many Died.

The Overseer to Mr. Jeny's Negroes died here on the 13th of May
and Mr. Van Reck left us on the 20th. Mr. Mugridge had Orders from Mr.
Jeny's [sic] to take Care of his Negroes, and he went to Ebenezer, But having
other Business to Mind, soon returned, and in this Case, I strenuously
urged the care of them to Mr. Bunyan and Mr. Clark Subject to the
ministers Advise. The Negroes soon grew disatisfied [sic] and one of them
Murdred [sic] one of Ms Fellow Negro's, And Mr. Jenys soon after sent for
them away.

When Mr. John Van Reck went, Mr. Bolzius went with him to
Charles Town, and on his return desired, That one Frederick Reinlander
and Family, should Settle with the Saltzburghers [sic] (being of the same
Communion) He is accordingly with them; He has lived some time in
Philadelphia and Carolina, and understands planting.

I went to that place on Saturday Evening, and return'd on the
Sunday following to See how the work went forward and took Mr. Jones
with me.

I found that most of the Negroes time had been Spent in making a
Road to Abercorn, having laid seven Bridges. That they had fruitlessly
planted, on the most barren Ground. I blamed Clark for not advising
better but he Say's they were obstinate.

Some ill designing people took an Opportunity to make them
uneasy, with their Scituation, [sic] and they much desired to be removed. I
perswaded [sic] them That tho' the Land in the Town did not seem to answer
the present purpose of planting It would soon Enrich itself, and for
their Immediate use They might plant on any good Land they could find
near them; They have got ready (by joint labour [sic]) for this Season of
planting above 20 acres: Bunyan goes on with their Buildings and has
finished two of their Houses, besides one double house; I pay him as he
goes on being first Surveyed by Mr. Jones.

Augustine found a water passage to Ebenezer and Conducted the
Scout Boat within three miles of the Town The Entrance of that River is
6 miles beyond Corn house Creek, and about 24 Miles from thence to
Ebenezer. The good people were very much rejoced [sic] to see him here.
But Augustine could not undertake to Clear the way to the Town for the
50 L Currency which Mr. Oglethorpe was pleased to Order; so that I have
paid him nothing on that head.

Dr. Zwifter was lost for twelve days, when I heard it I sent
some Indians to find him; They brough [sic] him safe home, and he is very

The people at Abercorn, are in good health. Piercy Hill (Faded) has
Rivetts Lot and she is Removed to this town (fadedj La Fond married
her Daughter and he went to Charles Town to serve the Governor and

Widow Box after her husbands death much desired to return to
England But I promised her some assistance here; and did her some
little Kindnesses; In a little time she alterd [sic] her mind and married
Mr. Young the Wheelwright.

Mr. Autrobus having buried his Wife has married the Widow of
Joseph Taylor The rest of the people are also in good health, they
planted last Year about ten acres of which Mr. Hogles had the greatest
Share; He is indeed a very Industrious man.

Mr. Watkins some time since ask'd my Opinion about an Agreement in
writing which he had made for the Lease of a Lott in town; I told him.
That indeed The people (for Improvement Sake) might Lease their
Lands for Seven Years, But that lycence [sic] for Leasing was not to be
understood, to alter the Intentions of the Trustees With respect to the
Settlements for if the outsetlers [sic] should, under that Pretence, [sic]
remove from their place of Settlement, The remaining body would be thereby
weakened and exposed to Danger.

Because I am mentioning Occurrences in this part of the Province
I must not Omitt [sic] Mentioning That Mr. Rohert Parker Senior has fixt
his Mill about 8 Miles up this Creek where is a Bluff of about 12 feet
high and Plenty of Pine, and within 3 Miles of Abercorn by Land. When
I knew it I advised Mr. Jones to go and See it, who told him he must
not meddle with the Timber without Lycence, [sic] And I suppose he has
petitioned Your Honours [sic] for such Lycence. [sic] I believe he has been
at great Charges and is in Debt about it. It has begun to work But
whether it will answer his Ends, is I find a question. He has make [sic] some
Demands upon me. As appears by the Inclosed which I could not Comply
with. And indeed his Demands for workmens provissions [sic] have been so
very large. That I have been forc't to Stop; Till Your Honours [sic] pleasure
be known.

The Independant Company having been on (faded) the Store Accot. for
Six Months went for the Uchee (faded) Town about the Tenth of November, But the
Captn. when he (faded) went from thence left his Lieutenant and eight of
his men behind him. I have perswaded [sic] them to work for their Victualls,[sic]
and leave their Pay untouched, with which State, they Seem well Satisfied.
I often told Mr. Mackay That I had no Instructions to provide for
his Company And that he must Answer for it If not approved of. Robert
Parker Junior having married the Widow Sale gave up his Commission and
Mr. Loyer is made Lieutenant.

Mr. Thomas Jones with 19 Indians arrived here on the first of
July some Creeks and some Chactaws[sic] The Names as Inclosed, upon
their Arrival I order'd the people under Arms, and we welcomed them to
this place in the best manner we could. And having provided them
provisions, desired them to tarry about l4 days and we would give them
a talk. I dispacht [sic] a Letter to Colonel Bull and another to Captn.
Mackey at Charles Town desiring their Company at the time appointed.

Colonell [sic] Bull came without receiving my Letter and Mr. Mackay
sent the Inclosed answer. The Chactaws [sic] seemed exceeding well pleased
with the presents a particular of which is for the most part sett down
in the Enclosed List which was Settled by Colonel Bull advise. These
are much better polisht [sic] than the Creeks, and the Chief men seemed to be
endowed with many Commendable qualifications.

Mr. Paul Hamilton of Edisto with two other Gentlemen, arrived
here and after a Stay of 2 Days returned. I endeavoured [sic] to shew him
the Respect due to a Benefactor. And at his Return home sent the
Cattle by way of present to the within mentioned, which favour [sic] we
acknowledged in writing; I though I could not better represent his
Request to you. Than by Sending his own Letter to which If your Honours [sic]
will be pleased to direct an Answer I will carefully Send it to him.

Captn. Tuscany the Beloved Indian died here about the later End
of may [sic] and Captn. Skee died the beginning of September.

Watson the Trader as Soon as Mr. Oglethorpe went hence, gave
himself to drinking, and was so Seldom Sober That it was hard to Guess
if he was not Mad. He would be naked with the Indians, Drunk with them,
lye [sic] down with them and sometimes pretended to baptize them. He made
Skee his Cheif [sic]Companion and he seemed to apprehend some some Danger
from him. Therefore wanted to make him his particular friend. They
were drinking every day together in this mad way for about a Month.
Skee got the flux and went to the Cowpen and died when Skee was thus
Ill Watson made Publick [sic] Talk That he had done Skee's business, and that
he would die. This way of behaviour was generally lookt [sic] on as drunken
Talk. But when Skee was dead and the same talk not only continued
but persisted in I took an Opportunity one day in the Store to Reprove
him, and tell him of the dangers of such Speeches; I said, That if such
talk should come to the Indians Knowledge it would he a difficult
matter to perswade [sic] them to the Contrary. he answered Skee was dead
And he was alive, and that they had both of them the like Distemper.
I then went farther and told him perhaps (as misfortunes of the World
were Various) he had lately turned his Thoughts on Something which made
to great an Impresion on his Mind, At which, the poor man
wept and I did not chuse [sic] to say any more.

Sometime before Skees Death, Musgrove and Watson quarrelled [sic]
and she could not be perswaded [sic] from bringing an Action against him for
calling her Witch The Cause was try'd August 13th and 6s 8d for Damages
given against him as you will See by the Recorders Report.

On the 24th another Action was tryed [sic] for an assault whereby he
was charged, with Endeavouring [sic] to Shoot Mrs. Musgrove And it appeared
very plain that he had shot her If she had not over Power'd him in
her own defence [sic] and took it from him and broke it. A Verdict went against
him for five pounds Sterling Damages and he was Order'd to be boun [sic] for
his good behaviour. [sic]

The next day he was tryed [sic] on an Indictment prefixed against him by the
Grand jury for Beating Esteechee the Indian and defrauding him of his
goods. Which upon Tiyal appeared to be true and he was found guilty and
ordered to pay 13s 4d Sterling fine and make the Indians satisfaction
for their Goods. On which Occasion I Publickly [sic] reprimanded him; and
gave him Cautions of the great danger of Such proceedings. I then
Spoke to the Indians and desired That Esteeche would forgive Watson
and pass it by, for that he had now been Tryed [sic] found Guilty & fined, He
would he paid for his goods and Care Should he taken. That he would do
so no more. You will see by Mr. Recorders Report, That this was a
Trifling Assault. However, It appeared afterwards very plain. That
Esteeche and all the Indians had received so strong a hatred against
him That Esteeche said his Heart would never he straight towards him.

Tallahummee Spoke next, and said I desire all the beloved men
here present will take notice of what I say we brought our Wifes [sic] and
our Children here and thought to have traded with Musgrove, That the
Esquire promist [sic] it.

That when he went he left his talk with Mr. Causton That if
any thing happen'd to them, it should he redressed; some time since I
was out Striping of Bark, and Watson came and presented a Gun at me, I
was going to arise but Considered of it.

That we thought to he here and to he Civil and kind to one
another but we find the Contrary by Watson. And I dont [sic] know what to
make of it.

I asked them if they had any Complaints to make. He answered we
all desire That another Man may trade with us, or that Musgrove may
trade by herself. There was present Tallahummee, Skee, Esteeche,
Tallafoleecha, Whitustee, and Eronake, who all joined in that

Mr. Eveleigh, by a Letter acquainted me. That he heard Watson
had differed with Musgrove; That he had received no Skins
since Mr. Oglethorpe went. That there was a Considerable Balance
due to him, that he had given James Muir a Letter of Attorney to Settle
the Account and demand the money. But had Subjected him to my Advise.

In pursuance of this Muir applied to Watson and Watson perswaded
[sic] him to bring an Action against for a jury to divide it. I could not
approve of this till I knew how Eveleigh was prepared to make his Case
good. Therefore chose to try other amicable Methods. The Recorder and
I went to Musgroves for this purpose and soon found, That this Enquiry
would he the unravling [sic] of all Watsons behaviour. [sic] That under
pretence [sic] of managing the Trade he had bought and Sold without
Musgroves knowledge, and was carrying the Trade into another Channell; [sic]
which was con trary to the Agreement with Eveleigh and the express words
of the Articles between Musgrove and Watson.

I ask't him to give me his Objections to the Accot. in writing
but he refused it. I acquainted Mr. Eveleigh of the Matter and desired
some Body would Come to make good his Charge. I judged. That as
Watsons Case seemed to be In Respect of Eveleigh Demand, The Indians
Complaint, and Musgroves Uneasiness; It would be well If he could be
perswaded [sic] to withdraw from the Stores; Let his affairs be managed by
another person to be approved of by both and a perfect Inventory to be
taken; to this he Consented, But having changed his Mind he went
frequently away and lock't up the Store; Mrs. Musgrove one day found
only the Servant there and she turn'd him out of doors, lockt [sic] it and
took the Key her self with intent (no doubt) of keeping Sole Possession;
But he soon found means to regain it and then for several Days refused
to open the door to any one.

He was one day lockt in, when the Indians came to weigh their
Skills. They found that Watson was in the Stores and would not open the
door, therefore they endeavoured [sic] to break it open.

Mrs. Musgrove begged of him to Escape for if the Indians got in
she feared that they would murder him. Accordingly Watson got out
another way and came to Town. The Indians broke in, but finding Watson
gone, their anger was rather Increased and Esteeche killed Musgroves
Slave (Justice) that night.

This Murder justly alarmed us And having advised With Mr.
Christie, Mr. West, Mr. Vanderplank and Mr. Jones We Concluded, Thiat
Esteeche, where ever he was Seen, either in the Town and Settlements,
should be immediately put awey in the most gentle manner that could be
and he being then in Town Mr. Vanderplank was ordered to Conduct him to
the Indian Line, He has kept away from the Town ever since.

Watson Was much frighted at his proceeding. I told him, twas
absolutely necessary for him to Secure his own person. But if he did
not, I should be obliged to it, for the Publick [sic] Safety I particularly
advised him to withdraw out of the Province for some time perswading [sic]
him, that perhaps this Affair might pass over Or at least that some
instructions from Your Honours [sic] might be had, and that he might not
be hurt in his private property, advised him to authorize some Body to
manage for him. But by ill Advise, he soon seemed to forgett [sic] it, and
took an Opportunity to Report that I advised him to go out of the Colony,
Only, that he might be plundred [sic] of what he had. And Urged, we need not
be afraid of Indians since we had sufficient Hostages in England.

As I have nothing So much at heart, as the Publick Safety; my
Duty to your Honour [sic] obliged me to have a particular Watch upon him and
his Associates, And at the same time as much as I could forbear doing
any thing, that might seem to Confirm the Report he had Spread. I
therefore urged Mr. Eveleigh to finish his own Account (& arbritration)
and assist Mrs. Musgrove as to the partnership.

Mr. Eveleigh arrived here, and they Agreed That Mr. Fallowfield
and Mr. Dobree should be Arbitrators. Then Watson found the Award
would not please him, he raised Eeflections [sic] on both the Arbitrators and
I much doubt (to this time) if shall be able to get any Determination
made in that manner. I waited these Determinations near three
Months, but finding, that he continued his drunken humours. [sic] And that
the publick [sic] Danger rather encreased, [sic] for his own Report of
Killing Skee, I found had reached Tallahummnees Ears, And there was nothing to hope
for, but the Immediate Confinement of Watson to Secure his Life.

A Charge was drawn up against him for Misdemeanors, which I
chose to have found by a Grand jury; upon this he was tryed [sic] November
the 21st and found Guilty in these words, Guilty of publishing
severall [sic] unguarded Expressions contained in the Charge, but believing
him to be Lunatick, [sic] recomended him to the mercy of the
Trustees. I hereupon Committed him Close prisoner to such lodgings as
he should chuse [sic] in the Town. He offered Bail, and I would have took
it (vizt. Mr. Quinsey) if the security would have been bound. That he
should not go out of the Town Mr. Recorders Report shews the Nature of
the Charge, and Your Honnours [sic] Commands in this matter is much wanted.

Till now I had maintained the Publick peace with some Ease, and
though somebody must he more or less the sufferer by every Persecution,
yet the Determinations of the Court have been always obey'd with great
Readiness I shall Use my Utmost Endeavrs. to have all necessary Order
kept. Especially in every thing which regards the Indians, But an
Opinion is now Started, That it is very cruel to Imprison any one for
fear of an Indian, and our new Polititians [sic] think. It is more for the
Interest of the Province to Let an angry Madman go out of it (tho'
he were Inclined to say all the Reprochfull [sic] things he Could) Than
gently to Confine him to his own House. As to this matter Mr.
Gordon told me. That he did not choose to alter what had been adjuged [sic]
in Court, But if he pleased, he could Admitt [sic] him to Bail which I

Captain Yoakley, having on a Sudden taken a Resolution to go for
England am obliged to Deferr [sic] further Accounts to my next, which is
almost finished and will cone by Captn. Dunbar who will Set out from
Hence for London in five Weeks, He will take all his Loading here,
Mr. Lacey, Mr. Vanderplank, and Self, having hired some of the poor
people at Purrisburgh [sic] who were in a very low Condition and we have got
about 700 Barrels Pitch and Tarr [sic] for him, which we beg leave to Consign
to your Honours [sic] as the first Export of the Growth of this Province.

I am as in Duty bound

May it please your Honours [sic]

Your Most dutifull [sic] Servt.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. John [James] Burnside to the Trustees dated at
Savannah January the l6th 1734/5.


'Tis above twelve Months since I Arrive in this Province and have
done as much as in me not so much for my own but for the Service
thereof in return for the great favours [sic] reced. from your
Honours, [sic] but having no Servants not being bred to Labour
nor having any Experience in Country Affairs they not Agreeing
with my Genius, renders Life a Burthen [sic] to me and also
deprives me of any hopes (by my Land) of making Provissions. [sic]

There has been no Instructor of Youth here since Mr. Waterland
went to Carolina, 'tis a Business I had eight Years Experience in,
4 Years an Apprentice and 4 a Freeman, the People in General like my
Performance, so beg your Honours [sic] will not only for my Benefit,
but theirs, Grant me the Priviledge [sic] of Practiseing [sic] in
Town and in so doing you will lay fresh Obligations on the Province
in General but in a particular Manner on Gent.

Your Honours [sic] most Obliged
Obedient Humble Servant.

N.B. I am Settled at Fort
Argyle near 100 Miles from Town
by Water at which Place I have
Built a House and Clear'd Near
two Acres of Land.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Edward Jenkins to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at
Savannah January the 20th 1734/5.


Mr. Willibee our Fellow Trust of the Orphans is dead, the
Magistrates have not as yet chosen another, Mr. Causton seem to intimate
that he will receive orders from the Trustees before he nominate
another, we have taken care to Cloth [sic] the Children according to your
Honours [sic] order, but we thought the Cloaths [sic] was to he a Gift from the
Trustees. But Mr. Causton says we must pay for it, out of the Orphans
Effects. But shall not Consent to pay for it before I hear from
your Honours [sic] or the Board, we have taken care to make the most of what
ye Orphans have, we have let Goddards House and Land to Mr. Christie
for eighteen pounds pr. year. Mr. Christie wants it for 10 years, But
I told him it was not in our power to grant it without Consent from the
Trust, so we stay for the finishing of the Lease untill [sic] we have an
answer. Milliges House we have let to young Robt. Parker who Marryed [sic]
the widow Sale for fourteen pounds pr. year Mr. West have agreed that
we should have Little's Child under our care and agrees to give twelve
pounds pr. year for the Childs House the Child lives with Mrs. Mercer
which from the Mothers Death have Taken a Great Deal of Care of.

We Gain a Great deal of ill will by forcing People to pay for
the Orphans Goods we sold, we are now taking out executions against
all in General that have not paid. Poor Mrs.Royle.is dead & have
left two fine Boys under our Care but no effects to maintain them.
what gives me the greatest uneasiness Concerning the Orphans is That
they are not taken as Good care of as I would wish Altho we see them
often and is not Backward of telling of any one that buses them,
I am sorry I can't help but say the Women turns out but very
badly, which makes the Orphans lives miserable.

Mr. Amatis told me a fortnight ago of taking the two London

[The typescript says London. Hand written above the name seems to be Tondee]

Children from him he seemed to be very uneasy & told me he was Going for London
I yesterday asked him where he depended on our taking the Children he
said, he would have me stay till he Come Back from Charles Town, I
know he have [sic] been very uneasy of late but can't Say for what. I wish
there was some honest man Chosen for our Partner to take of some of our
trouble Had I known of Mr. Yoakley's Going directly from hear [sic] to London
we would have sent the whole account of the Orphans but If I live
propose to do it By Captain Dunbar So remain

Your Honrs, most Obedient

and humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Edward Jenkins to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Georgia January the 20th 1734. [likely 1734/5 unless out of place]


I did not think to have given your Honour an account how White
was taken that Murdered Mr. Wise myself but thought Mr. Christie or Mr.
Causton had done it. but I understand they have not the truth of it
is as follows.

Mr. Henry Parker & his Brother, William was at work at my Lot to
pay me for what work I had done for him as we was working one of my
men said yonder Goes a man very fast. I looked and saw the man and said
I believe its White that Broke out of Prison If it is him Let us go and
take him, the two Parkers agreed not knowing where it was he or no left
the men at work all the Weapons we had was two hooks & an axe we was at
work with, I desired one of them to be about 10 yards at my right hand
and the other at my left keeping that distance without Speaking a word
And as soon as we Came to him I would seaze [sic] him and if he offered to
rebell [sic] they should kill him immediately, so we persued [sic] him
tell we cameinto about twenty yards of him At first sight of us was much
surprised.I told him your Name is White its in vain to Attempt and immediately
I seized him he fell on his knees & with many Blows on his Breast baged
[sic] his Life so I took him by one side of the Collar and Mr. Henry by the
other, and William walked behind we held him very fast for we had often
heard that the Servant bid defiance to ten men to take him.

As we was Leading him to Town, we asked him where he had been and
where he was going he said he had been looking for some house out of
town to get some Provisions but could not find any one. And he then was
looking after the the woman, he thought he left her a little to the
right hand where we then was. As we was Leading him along he
would often beat his breast and beggd [sic] his life, we told him if we let
him Go he must perish in the woods he said he would be joyfull [sic] to
perish in the woods rather than dye [sic] on the Gallows we told him if any
thing could turn to his safety it would be if he knew of any other
Villainy that the Irish Servts. or any one else had been done or was
inventing. He then Earnestly declared before God that some of the
Irish. Servts. was at him to Contrive to break open the Store, and for
fear of his Speaking of it they had taken away his Life and if their
oaths must be taken he did not doubt but they would serve many others
the same, we could get nothing more from him but carry'd him into
town he was had immediately to the Gallows and declared to the last he
was not Guilty of the murder & by all appearance died a Roman. the
woman was Hanged yesterday, and denyd [sic] the murder of Wise, & the most
that she had to answer for was her being so wicked to Confess a thing
she was not Guilty of, by which means she imagined was the Death of
White she seemed to be of the same Principle as White was. So remain

Your Honours [sic] most Obedient and
humble Servant to Command.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Edward Jenkins to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Savannah January the 20th 1734/5


I hope you will excuse me in giving an Account of one thing
more relating to my self. I believe I was once an Instrumt. of Saving
Mr. Watson's Life, and perhaps of a great many others.

Mr. Causton, Mr. West, Mr. Christie, Mr. Vanderplank, Mr. Jones
and my self mett [sic] at Mr. Christie's to Consult what method to take to
find out the reason of the discontent the Indians seemed to be under,
we doubted it might turn to be of a dangerous Consequence so the
Magistrates Picked upon me to go to the Indians with a Linguister [sic]
which was Bartlets wife

I went home and & Sent for Bartlets wife & Told her I would be
her friend if she would he Just In being Linguist for the Indians to me.
I Gave her a Bottle of Rum to Carry with her, & Charged her Say nothing
tell I came but drink with them. when I came she was with
Husteche which was the Indian I wanted, the rest was gone up the River,
with Skins because Watson should not have them so after I had Showed a
good deal of friendship to the Indian, I asked him how Mr. Watson and he
agreed he said his heart and Watsons was one, but it was easy to gett [sic]
the Contrary. I told him he need not be afraid to discover, his
uneasiness to me, for he should have as much justice done him as any
of our own People, he thought some Minutes, at Last said his heart
nor none of Indians was Strait towards Watson nor never would & that
Watson should have no more Skins from any of them & that Watson got
drunk with their Rum and then would beat them & in a great Passion
showed me some signs of his Blows, I perswaded [sic] him to he easy & he
should see we would vindicate this Rights and Priviliges [sic] as much
as our own. so at Last seemed to be well Satisfied that he had discovered his
Mind, so I acquainted Mr. Causton what I had done, he sent by
Mrs. Musgrove which in great measure abated their discontent. they
came into Court and discovered much to the same purpose what they did
to me.

These Letters are much to the same purpose as I sent to Charles
Town a Fortnight ago in Order to he carried for London, I wish you may
he able to make sence [sic] of what I have wrote [sic] I had not three hours
warning of Yoakley's going direct for London but thought he was to go
to Lisbon in my Last Packet I sent my good friend Mr. Holland a Letter
but fear I now have not time. In that desired his interest Concerning
the Licence [sic] but I seem to be fully perswaded [sic] I need no ones
But your Honours. So remain with.

My Duty to the Honourable [sic]
Board of Trustees.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Samuel Eveleigh to Mr. Martyn dated
South Carolina January 20 1734/5


Your kind favour [sic] of the 23d of Octor. Captain Dunbar, in due
time came safe to my Hands. I am very glad that any thing that I have
done for Georgia or Mr. Oglethorpe is acceptable to the Trustees. I do
assure you when first I heard of the Trustees design of Settling Georgia
I thought it was So humane and might prove so Beneficial to Great
Brittain [sic] and this Place That it gave me a great Satisfaction. And in
Order to Advance that Colony, I have Spent a great many thoughts some
of which I have Communicated to Mr. Oglethorpe which probably you may
have Seen, and Should be glad to hear they have been of any Service to
that Colony.

There are two or three things which I think worthy of the Consideration
of the Trustees (Vizt) That they admit of Negroes coming
into that Province So it be but a Limitted [sic] Number, For without
Negroes you can't have there any produce Sufficient to load Vessels And with
out that no Trade can be carry'd on there to Satisfaction.

It can't be Supposed That the Trustees know the Circumstances
of this Country so well as those who have lived several Years in it.
And we are all here generally of Opinion, That Georgia can never he a
place of any great Consequence without Negroes.

There are Some few in this Province Who have no great Affection
for Georgia. And I have seen them rejoyce [sic] in this very article that
there are no Negroes to he allowed there.

I am very much against too great a Number of Negroes and am of
Opinion Wee [sic] have to many in this Province as you may observe if you
have read one of my Letter's to Mr. Oglethorpe on that Head / But then
on the other hand there may too few; The Golden Mein [sic] ought to he

It would in my Opinion tend very much to the Advantage of Georgia
If the Trustees would put the Government of that Place under a good

I have Several Times heard That the Fundemental Constitution
drawn up by Mr. Lock, [John Locke] and Sent hither by the Lords Proprietors
about forty years since to be a very good One, and should very much
rejoyce [sic] Should I live to see a good Constitution of Government
in that place, and should be very proud Should I be in the least Accessary

In Severall [sic] of my Letters to Mr. Oglethorpe I have desired that
he would gett [sic] a Bounty upon Lumber, which would be of great Advantage
to Georgia. And tho' you may not be able to get it for the Main in
general You may for that Province Several Reasons may be urged vizt.
That it is a young Colony, therefore Ought to be Encouraged And
Assisted / As was the Custome [sic] of the Romans.

That it is a Frontier, both to the French & Spaniards, (The
former of which is grown powerfull [sic] and formidable) That if
the French Should take that Place & this it would very much
indanger, [sic] Severell [sic] of his Majestys New Colonys.

His Majesty does not Value the Charge of Materials in building
his Men of Warrs And that live Oak Timbers are Allowed by all the
Workmen of good understanding That I have conversed with,
to be preferable to any English Oak whatever.

The French (as I am informed) had a Design of Settling Alatamaha
River, about fourteen years Agoe [sic] which was discovered p Mr. Bladen
whilst he was in France. did the French and Spaniards know how valuable
that Province is on Account of the live Oak timber. They would have long
Since Settled it, which / probably might have proved of very bad
Consequence to Great Brittain. [sic]

Theres A great deal of Timber, and other Lumber Imported into
England for building his Majestys [sic] Ships of Warr,[sic] and Merchant
men, from Hamburg, Dantzwick &ca. which is paid for Chiefly in Gold Silver or
Bills of Exchange from Amsterdam; Which if brought from America would be
paid for in the Linnen [sic] or Wollen [sic] Manufactory, and other European Goods,
and this likewise would very much Increase our Navigation and thereby
raise Men to Man his Majestys [sic] Ships.

I could wish you could prevail with Mr. Oglethorpe to come over
again his presence is certainly very Necessary. That he may Finish
what he has so well began.

There are several things reported in Town to have been
transacted at Georgia which I don't like, I am very certain his presence
is wanted.

I beg the favour [sic] that you'll excuse the Liberty that I have
taken, and that you'll make my best of Services Acceptable to the
Trustees, I am with my Utmost Respects


Your most obliged humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Patrick Tailfer and others to Mr.
Peter Gordon dated at Savannah 21st Janry. 1734/5.


We take this opportunity of laying the following particulars
before You. We having obtained Grants for Land from the Trustees for
establishing the Colony of Georgia, and according to those Grants
having engaged Servants and brought them at our own Expences [sic] into the
Colony expected to have the same Encouragement as other Settlers; such
as Provisions for our Selves and Servants for one Year, Tools for
building our Houses and for clearing and cultivating the Ground, Nails
and other necessary Iron Work, Arms and Ammunition &c. But when We
arrived here, contrary to our Expectation, We could receive none of them.
We had a very discouraging Character of this place given us at
Charles Town, upon which Account some of us came here to view it, and
then Mr. Causton told us that he had orders not to give us any thing
but he would allow us Credit for Twelve months Provisions, yet when we
brought up our Servants and Goods it was with a great Deal of Difficulty
we could procure three months Provisions and a few other things, and
not even those without paying for them.

We beg the favour [sic] You would join with us to represent those
things to the Trustees, and we humbly presume that being in all fifty
two in Number and all our Servants able young Men except two or three
Women, we were a considerable Addition of Strength to the Colony and
indeed we should have been much more in Number if it were not for
the Loss we sustained by the Desertion of our Servants before we left
North Britain, and at Portsmouth by a Misfortune which befell our
Ship where we were obliged to lay her on ground so that several of our
Servants had an opportunity of leaving us.

We beg Leave to remark one thing more, that being settled at a
great Distance from this Town to the Southward it is a very great
inconvenience for us to procure from time to time such things as we stand in
need of; and likewise that our People have been very industrious in
building a Fort which we think is as capable to defend us in case of an
Attack from an Enemy as any we have yet seen in this Country; and
although it has been a considerable Hindrance to the clearing of our
Ground, yet we believe that proportionable to the time of our Settling
there is as much Ground cleared as any where else in the Province; and
indeed we thought it necessary to put our selves in some Posture of
Defence in the first place.

We would willingly persuade our selves that the Honble. Trustees
upon knowing the preceding Circumstances will grant us the same
Encouragemt. [sic] they do to any other Person.

We hope You will he so good as to excuse this Trouble from


Your most Obedient Humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Captn. Dunbar to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at
Savannah January the 23d 1734/5.

Hond. Sir

I would have troubled you on my Arrival the 2? past with an
Accot. of the State of the Passengers who (except Tranhowi and was then
perfectly recovered) were well man Woman & Child the Saltzburgers [sic]
particularly still cheerfull and pious Laborious Sober people, the
Indians behaved with their accustomed Modesty and I have reason to
believe they as well as all the other Passengrs. are Satisfied with
their Treatment while on board, but delayed it till my return from the
Southern parts of this Province where on my Arrivall [sic] there appeared
some need of Sending. The State of Affairs were that some time before a
Body of Spanish Indians passed Ogetchy [sic] River and kill'd 9 Outchees
nigh Pallachocolas.

A Brigantine off Tybee sent her Boat on shire [sic] & got of Chetwin
Fizard [sic] one of the Pilots under Pretence [sic] to come into the
river, and immediately stood to Sea. and the Master of a Bristoll [sic]
Ship then in the River affirmed that he had seen a Negro one of the
men that carried off the Pilots at the Havanna.

The Scout boat was on her Cruise some weeks longer than Ordinary
& feared that she was fallen into bad hands.

Thus the Affairs stood when in Obedience to the Trustees Commands
and by the Magistrates Authority I set out on the 8th ult. with eleven
white men and four Indians Mr. Johns as Constsble one of the Number
as was Mr. Bailie who would not beungon [sic] was by the Magistrates named
Constable for the Expedition and to Succeed Mr. Johns and he me in the
command of the men in Case of Accidents.

TomoChechi told me that if his presence was not so much wanted
at home he'd go in person with a Sufficient number of his men in the
round Canoes and would on that Occasion if he was sure there was any
disturbers of our peace in the Province but Hellispelly [sic]
Humpetchee [sic] and Stimeletchee [sic] insisted on going wth. a
Servant of Mr. Musgroves as interpreter, and during our voyage behaved
with utmost discretion and forwardness. The 8th we passed Thunderbolt
where these Gentlemen have Cleared and fenced so much Land that without
Misfortunes prevent they'll be able to Sell a Considerable Quantity of
provisions, they have made every great advances in their Potash
Manufactury [sic] have loaded of a Sloop with Pipe Steves since I
have been here, have three Houses finished and tolerably well
fortifyed. [sic] We left Skidowey [sic] the 9th where they have
made a much greater Progress both in their Houses and lands than I
expected they are very regular in their watch so that by night or day
no boat can pass undiscovered and have a battery of the carrage [sic] Guns
and four Swivels in good order: two mile South of this Settlement the
Scout boat lays when at home where they have a very commanding prospect
and can put to Sea at any time of tide we came at noon to[rot in?]Possem
were we hunted if we could find any people that could not give Satisfying
cause for their being there but found none from this we passed Ogetcby
[sic] sound to Bare island where we encamped for that night without Seeing any
extraordinary the 10th we continued our voyage along the Island of
Ossaba to Sappaho [sic] where we found fresh marks of fire but hunting as
formerly with the same success the 11th we were at St. Catherina [sic] were we
found fire end hunted as formerly the twelfth we past Doboie [sic] Sound to
St. Simons without any thing remarkable nor here tho we hunted carefully
did wee [sic] see any marks of people having been lately on the Island the
13th we went to Jekel [sic] Island Searched it as in other places with the
same success and returned to St. Symons the same night where we left
two of the Indians during our absence at their earnest request to hunt
for Deer not having hitherto spent any time that way the 14th we went
to Fort King George and in the way Landed on Barnwell Bluff where we
found Surveyors lines and in Mr. John's opinion had been lately
run out from thence the 15th we went to Sappalo [sic] by a Creek which runs
of Close to were [sic] the Garrison was and formerly supposed to run only
into the woods but observing the tide of flood set in that way to the
River, I resolved to attempt it and came in one tide from thence to
Sappalo [sic] missing Doboie [sic] Sound which otherways [sic] is the
work of three and is a safe way for Pettiauguas on this island we found
all as we left it the 16th we came to St. Catherina [sic] where we were
weather bound till the 18th when we passed Bara Island to All Honey we
hunted this island with our usual Success without Seeing any marks of
people having been there lately as we passed Rotin [?]
Possum we discovered a fire where we found
some of the Savannah Indians they could give us no intelligence, and we
proceeded the same night to Skidoway [sic] where we had the agreeable news
that the Scout boat was returned and had made the Extraordinary stay on
Accot. of building a Canoe the 19th we arrived here and were likewise
agreeably informed that the Pilote [sic] whom we thought carried away was
returned the Ship having been drove of the Coast and at last put into
Charles Town. I had on my return Mr. Chardons permition [sic] to load here
Pitch or Tar on freight for London theres likewise 20 hogsheads of
Skins belonging to Mr. Eveleigh so that tho I go tomorrow to Carolina
to Purchase some rice on freight or other ways I hope to be fully
loaded with the Products of Georgia on my return if Mr. Simmons
Affaires will permitt [sic] I think of Seeing the Saltzburgers [sic] at their
Settlement, visit Abercorn pass over land to Port Argyle see the Scots
Settlement and return by Skidoway again.

Mr. Forsals boat was bought here when I was gon [sic] to the Southward
for the people of Augustine The vessell [sic] which you may remember, was
launched when you was at Charlestown mounted with sixteen Guns was
likewise sold to them Torance that belonged to the Scout Boat is
there and we are told much in favour, [sic] tho Wallace and others taken at
the same time are Confined. When I can give you a more parll. account
of the affaires of the Town I'11 likewise trouble you.

I would have sent seeds or plants to My Lord Islay Captn.Yoakley but
his going to Londin [sic] is owing to a Misfortunat [sic] accident here
with the Collector of Port royal being intended for Lisbon till yesterday
and is to sail with the first fair wind. At my return to London if
you can Imploy [sic] me to the least advantage to any of your friends in the
way you Spoke of at London it will give me Infinite joy Since I can never
hope of returning in any other way than by my wishes the many the many
obligations I lay under to you. I am

Honble. Sir

Your most obedient and most

Obliged Servant.

Tomo Chachi Tonohowi Hellispelle and Humpetchee are with me this Morning
and often in their passage and since remember you Tomo Chachi desires
me to acquaint you that your Picture is gon [sic] to the Nation Tonohowi
watch is very much abased but I carry'd it to Charles Town & will have
it mended, pardon this Scribling [sic] Yoakley being just going.

(395) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Mouse to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Savannah January 23d 1734/5.

Hond. Sir

You being well acquainted with our Settlement at Skidoway, [sic] I
have made bold to inform your Honour, [sic] of the Improvement belonging to
my own Lott, which I call the House Lott, it is pailed [sic] out, and I have
two large hutts [sic] built thereon, one is twenty four by Sixteen and is
sett all round with Large upwright[sic] Loggs, [sic] the other is twenty one by
fourteen with Clap boards only; which I propose as a Store House with a
yard and Conveniencys [sic] for Breed, where I keep ny Fowls, of which I have
about thirty, besides what I have Sold which came Cheifly [sic] from the
Fowls which your Honour [sic] was pleased to give me, but I have not had
altogether such good Luck with my Sow, she has had two Litters of

Pigs the first Died being nine, and the last litter, five only two
living, which are large thriving Piggs. [sic] The Cows and Calves which we
had are all run into the woods, and can't bring them up having so
few hands, that Pretend they cannot Spare time to Hunt for them and

I am now to Inform your Honour [sic] that the Ground brings forth
Plenty of Callavances,[sic] Potatoes, and Indian Corn and will I don't doubt
Produce many other things which I intend to Try, I hope your Honour [sic]
will not forgett [sic] to send over some new Settlers for our Island, It
being very hard for a man (who has a Large family) to watch continually
every third or fourth night and for refusing one Night, I have been
tied Necks and Heels by Mr. Dalmas out Tythingman I am very sorry I
should deserve to be served in that manner, but his being Tything Men
over so few people as we are at present, he has more times to do a
Service for said place than he has, but must Submitt [sic] to an Officer in
Power, I am informed that it is in his power to Tye [sic] me Neck and halls
when he pleases which I submit to if deserved, but If a Man is to
be governed by an Officer who will Reign Arbitrary it is very hard to

Submitt [sic] to and if it is to be so I most Humbly beg your Honr. please
to permitt [sic] me and my Family to Proceed for England, alltho I like
Skidowey [sic] better than any place I have seen in the Colony. I realy
declare that I think it hard to be used as a Common Soldier, as I like
my Place of Settlement so well, and to leave the same after I have
taken so much Pains for my familys [sic] Sake is still more hard to me.
I take the freedom to acquaint your Honour, that I do not
mention out of Vanity but I do assure you I have made the most Improvements
on my Lott [sic] of anyone in the Settlement, am very unwilling to trouble
your Honour [sic] with what Improvements others have made, not Doubting but
you and the Honble. Trustees will he informed therein as to our Land
which is belonging to us is lately run out the 17th December.

I understand by Mr. Causton That the Honble. Trustees have
thought fitt [sic] to Allow the People of Skidowey [sic] another year
Provisions for which Great favour [sic] your Honours [sic]have mine and
my Familys [sic] Humble Thanks.

My Spouse is in Daily Expectation of being brought to Bed and is
now in Savannah where she intends to lye [sic] in, she and my Family joins
with me in humble Thanks to your Honr. and the rest of the Honble.
Trustees for all favours [sic] and am Honoured [sic]

Your most Obedient humble Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Musgrove to Mr. Oglethorpe Dated
at Savannah January the 24th 1734/5.


This with my Duty and my Wife's to your Honour [sic] & the Rest of the
Honble. Trustees, & having this opportunity I make bold to trouble yor.
Honour with this to Accquaint you that we are all safely Arrived
and in good health, and I bless God found my family all well.

Toonahowi [sic] has been ill but now he is upon a Mending hand & I hope he
will do very well; I hope this will find your Honour [sic] & the Trustees in
good Health as we are at this present. Mr. Wattson who was my Partner
when I came for England I do not Like, Nor cannot Approve of his way of
Proceedings; for I find since I came home to Georgia, by Mr. Wattson's
proceedings & Abuseing [sic] of the Indians, I have lost my man servant Justice,
& he one Day Locked the door and would not Lett [sic] the Indians in
with their skins that they Brought with them that they might have them
weighed, & they waited with a great Deal of patience till at last their
patience was quite tired & very much vexed, & broke open the Door and
was resolved to be revenged; and as soon as my Wife heard that the Door
was broke Open she run to the window and told Mr. Wattson, & Desired
him to gett [sic] away or Else he would be kill'd, & because they could not
find him Stechee knocked my boy Justice on ye head directly &
killed him, he having the Misfortune of being in the way. Mr. Causton
is & has been very good to the Indians and they all praise and
Value him, & all the Rest of the Indians was affraid [sic] they should be
blamed upon the acct of the Murder, but Mr. Causton was so very good &
Pacified them all; so they are very easy & none to be blamed but
Stechee who Committed the murder: Mr. Causton will write your Honr.
the whole Acct. of it. The Looseing [sic] of my man Justice who was so good
a Servt. to me is a great Loss & Dissappointment [sic] in my Affairs and
Mr. Wattson being continually Drunk I cannot bring him to Accot. for
what has been sold out of the Store since the Commencement of the
Partnership nor will he account with Mr. Eveleigh at any rate what
ever, he makes his Brags he killed Captain Skee by Drinking of Rum &
If Capt. Skee's brother should know it, Mr. Wattson the Risque [sic] of his
life which will bring a Scandsll [sic] and trouble upon this Colony
but we all do our Endeavour [sic] to keep it from him, & for what I promised
to the Honble. Trustees, I will use my utmost Endeavour [sic] to Perform to
keep peace Tranquility Love & Unity amongst them on both sides and as
for Mr. Wattson's proceedings I am Oblidged [sic] to break Partnership with him
wch. I have done allready [sic] for my own security, And Mr. Wattson he does
insist on Partnership for four years & that it is as he says according
to your Honours Promise and since he behaves himself in the manner as he
does I think it not proper to be concerned with him any further for if
I am I believe it will be my ruin for the Magistrates are oblidged [sic] to
keep him in Custody' upon the Acct. of his Behaviour. [sic] By the loss of my
boy Justice I am Oblidged [sic] to be at home & planting comeing on I have
nobody to assist me which hinders me from going up to the Nation my
Self but the king Tomo Chachi has sent [ ? ] for the upper Creeks and the
lower to Come Down to him to Lett [sic] them Know that he is safely Arrived &
also to tell them of the talk with his Majesty King George said to him
& the rest I Remain with my Duty & my wife's to your Honr. & the Honble. Trustees from

Your Humble most Obedient and

Dutyfull Servant to Command.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Elisha. Dobree to the Trustees Dated at
Savannah January 27th 1734/5.

My Lords and Gentlemen

I humbly beg your Pardon for the Freedom I have taken in Opening
my Thoughts to your honble. Board. My Earnest desire for the good of
the Colony has perhaps carried my Freedom Too farr [sic] but I hope you'll
easily overlook this And favour [sic] me with your Countenance and

I herewith send some Letters which I wrote to your honr. Board
some time since & which I would now write over again & Digest em in
Less compass. but the Settleing [sic] your stores account taking almost my
whole time & gives me no small trouble through the Confused stated they
are in, and the improvement of my Garden (5 Acres Lot) taking up the
remainder of the time; I beg youll [sic] Excuse my Sending you Such Imperfect

As to my Garden I have with all the Endeavours [sic] I possibly could
make use off got seeds from Sundry places & am now Daily Expecting more
from Augustine Savannah Town, New York, Philadelphia Lisbon & Eew

As we have no Fresh Beef nor Pork out of the Store. Eating so
much salt meat heats the Blood and Causes the Scurvy I have sowed a
vast Quantity of Greens & have now fine Sallet [sic] Peas & Cabbage Plants
& almost ready to Eat. Turnips from Carolina, are sold this Day at 2:2d
Sterling p Bushell. Good Cabages would readily Sell for 6d. &8d
peice [sic] but none good to be had at any rate few are come from Hew York
but mostly Spoiled. These are Trifles hardly worth mentioning but
Perhaps youll [sic] Not take it Ill to be Informd [sic] of such affairs
tho Never sotrifling.

While I thus Consult the health and the desire of the people I
am considering which way I might improve the garden to some proper
usefull [sic] future Benifit [sic] to my Self, & for that End I am
now going to Sow The following seeds Almonds, Currants, Raisins Lime Lemmons [sic]
& other foreigh [sic] Seeds I have already put in Orange, Cotton, Clive &c
I have Poppys [sic] which grow up very fine Some people tells me they are
valuable in Physick [sic] for which reason I shall take care to make the best
of ym. [sic]

I Design to Plant or sow this week a sort of Beans which grate
grows about 12 or 15 foot high & Produce Extraordinary Large beans of
Wonderfull Size scarse [sic] and hard to be mett [sic] with.

I beg leave to Desire you Hon. & Board to Supply me with Physical
Herbs & Plants of wch. I will with the Blessing of God for my Private
Interest make the best use I can & for my Character Supply other
Freeholders with the Produce.

I am sorry that I have reason to Inform your Honble. Board that
the Workmen at Tybee are allmost [sic] Continually Drunk & that the Light
house is not like to be Quickly built: of Course it must go on slow
enough & no ways answer the Cost of that Dear peice [sic] of Building.'

The freeholders of this town are many of them Building on all
the whole front of their Town Lot which if an Accidental! Fire should
happen might Occasion greatly to the Burning of whole Wards at once.
For the sake of the town & the Stores Leather Bucketts [sic] would be very
Usefill [sic] & might always be kept ready in the Store.

Mellassee from Charlestown have been lately sold here by Mr.
Houston at 2: 6d p Gallon & at the rate I See them in the London
Invoice it would save some money to send them there they are 1. 6d
p Gall. at Charlestown. Your Honble. Board will I dare say Encourage
any thing that may Tend to the Wellfare [sic] and Establishiment [sic]
of this Colony and make it a Province Renown'd upon Earth as well as a
Barrier to the English Settlement on the American Main; we doubt it
not & we are now flattering our Selves that At this very time you are
procuring us Some Publick [sic] Good from the Parliament.

Mr. Musgrove is very Ill & Like to Die I should gladly Accept
of some of his Trade were your Honnrs. pleased to grant me Lycence [sic] for
the same.

I am told Mr. Eveligh of Charles Towb dessigns [sic]to
Settle here which I wish may prove true he being a Publick [sic] Spirit a
good Nature & an Encourager of Industry.

I might write some Reflection on some of our great men here in
Endeavouring [sic] to Engross all the trade (that is not their business to
Trade) & on their Absenting from Church Especialy [sic] one for Some Months
past but tis Dangerous to medle [sic] with Edge Tools or men in Power.

Mr. Gordon hath hitherto gain'd the Approbation of ye People.
It were well if all Judges of Provinces & men in Power there to whom
the Government of the People is Commited [sic] would Endeavour [sic]
to Copy after
ourr Late Kings & Queens in their Fatherly Endevours [sic] more to gain the
Love and Affection of the people than in Riged [sic] Tyranical way of
Government in Using their Subjects more like Slaves than Christians

I am most Respectfully

Your Lordship & Honours [sic] Most Obedient

Most humble & Devoted Servant

Had I but few Strong servants I would Endeavour [sic] to Send a Sloop
Load of White Oak to Irland:[sic] its [sic] plenty Enough here as is Live Oak.
All Sorts of Greens have been So Scarce here that for Want of then
Onions have been Sold for Eight pence Sterling p pound but on the
arrival of the New York Sloop they are fallen to half the price. Mutton
is not Sold for Less than Eight p Pound & Seldom can get it. Fowls are
the Chepest [sic] Fresh meat we have here. I give twenty Shillings Sterling
p Acre for the Lotts I have hired near town tho it is an Extravagant
price I Chuse [sic] to pay it rather than to have others free from rent
further off mine being but about half a Mile from the town where I may
Easily go three times pr. Day and Do other Bussiness.[sic]

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Bolzius and Mr. Grenau to Mr. Newman
Dated Ebenezer 6th February 1734/5.


Being assured that you have kindly receiv'd that Letter which we
took the Liberty to Tc/rite to you the 10th December last we make more
bold once again to trouble you in the midst of your weighty affairs by
these humble Lines. Whereas you gave us in your last very oblidging [sic]
Letter dated the 29th Octr. Sufficient marks of the Continuance of your
and other great Benefactors favour [sic] towards Us and have Sent in the name
of the Society Money two travelling [sic] Beds and other Necessary things for
our Belief we should be the most ungratefull [sic] persons of the world if we
did use these Benefits without Praiseing [sic] Almighty God and the praise
worthy generosity of our great Favourers [sic] Tis our firm Resolution which
is renewed now by these new Testimonies of Divine Blessings to employ
all our care in beseeching God continually to rewrard them thousand times

for all Benefits Bestowed hitherto upon us end our Flock and to grant in
his grace to be answerable to their desires end extordinary [sic]
Intentions We take the pleasure to acquaint You that the Saltzburghers [sic]
under the Conduct of Mr. Vat have finished their Sea Voyage so
happy and in so short a time that every One wonders at it Tis impossible
to Express in words all manner of joy and Pleasures we have had
in receiving them in Our Place Ebenezer We appointed them quickly

Several Houses and Hutts builded already here, as well as possible we could.
And they may live in these Houses and Huts of their Countrymen till they have
prepared some acres to plant corn and other things next Spring. They told us
with pleasure of mind that by the Particular Care of their Benefactors
they have received at London as well as in the ship a great many kind
nesses and Benefits and Confess themselves not only high Oblidged [sic] to
them for the said and many more benefits promised for time to come but
they are also firmly Resolved to make it their Easiness by the assistance
of Holy Ghost to perform to the utmost of their power all that Shall
become true Cristiens [sic] to answer the Expectations of the Trustees and
Society Some of this good people ere affected with some infirmities
which as we hope and wish in our Prayers will go off in short time
One man died at Purrysbourg [sic] before he could be brought up to our Place
of abode the Child that was Christened at Grayesend [sic] died likewise a
few Days after their arrival.

For the young Man that was Sent to our Service by the
Providential Care and goodness of the Society we return our humble
thanks assuring his Souls and body's welfare shall be our Special
Business to make him through Gods Blessing Capable of being Servicable [sic]
both to God and Men.

We accept with, thankfullness [sic] the Salaries the Society are
pleased to allow us for the Support of our Bodies more our relying upon
the blessings of God who Can and as we hope will by fatherly Affection
and Care Supply all our wants The bill of fifty pounds has been accepted
by Mr. Montague & the Spanish Peices [sic] of Eight together with the half
pence are come to our hands and we could wish that more half pence load
been added in lieu of Silver. Copper money being extream [sic] usefull [sic] and
Convenient in this Country For the English Books which the Society
please to allow us by Mr. Quincy we return our humble thanks We know
to take advantage of them and pray for many more I am in hopes you will
not take it amiss in troublling [sic] You with an Account of the manner of the
Saltzburgers [sic] Divine Worship. We are exceedingly glad to perform by
Gods Direction Divine Offices among them Their love to the holy word
of God is very great, and they shew by words and by Deeds that that was
the Cheif [sic] & only reason of their leaving their Dative Country. They
not only Come on Sunday three times to our assembles but their Zeal to
edifying of their Souls is so ardent that at their desires we have
appointed in the Evening about half an hour's time for Instructing them
in Christian Duties and putting up with them to Almighty God our
prayers in the Week Days after they come from their dally Labour and
refreshments So that they may not loose the least time for preparing
their ground And they Convince Us by their Sober Behaviour [sic] that they
make very good use of the Gospel & they have heard And Endeavor to keep
Strictly by assistance of the holy Ghost its precepts. They at all times
Remember the great many Benefits they Constantly receive from their
generous Benefactors in England particularly for having allow'd them
Ministers preaching and administring [sic] to them the holy word of God and
Holy Sacrements [sic] And being sensible of those great Blessings they lift
up their hands and Hearts to God Almighty for the prosperity of their
noble Benefactors. Their Children being now 12 in Number who Constantly
come to School give us great hopes of following the foot Steps of their
pious parents And in order that they may be very early instructed in
the Principles of the Christian religion and other necessary
Qualifications we both teach them every Bay over & above what they are taught by
Mr. Orthmann who follows out directions Concerning them; wherein
he employs at present his best Skill and we hope he will continue so
hereafter. Some of the Children begin to be in years fit for assisting
their Parents and upon that account we use our utmost Endeavour [sic] to
promote their learning lest we weary you with our Scrible [sic] and for
fear we Steal from you that him which you wholly imploy [sic] for the Care of
the Pubiick [sic] we Conclude protesting that we beseech God to prosper the
noble designs of the Society, and hope surely he will further mercifully
grant a good Issue of all their Praise worthy Enterprises taken for
promoting Christian knowledge. And so wishing you ell Happiness imaginable
we take the leave and pleasure to Subscribe our Selves

Kind Sir

Your most humble Servants

Mr. Vat presents to the Gentlemen
of the Society his most humble Duty
& Respect, not being as yet able to
write to them himself by reason of
his Infirmity upon his Eyes.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Martin Bolzius to Mr. Oglethorpe Dated
Ebenezer February the 7th 1735.

Most Honoured [sic] Sir

Duty Oblidges [sic] me to render you my humble Submission and
Respects by these lines I am not ignorant your mighty affairs give you
very little leisure to read them over I did the same the 16 of July
and 12 of December last which Letters I hope are come to your hands.
Eleven people of our Small Company are dead wherefore I am exceeding
glad together with the Saltzburghers that you was pleased after your
Generosity to Send a new body of their persecuted Brethren under the
Conduct of Mr. Vat which came safely on shore the 30th of December:
What Goodness & benefits they have received by your order & the good
Care of Mr. Dunbar, you will hear from Mr. Newman to whom I gave a
Short account of it. I must return you thousand thanks for all your
favours [sic] and concerns for my self & my Colleague as well as for our
Flock beseeching you to believe we have such a sense of all your Favours[sic]
that we want words to express it Sufficiently. What thanks & Prayers
the people put up daily to almighty and Mercyfull [sic] God for you and other
great Benefactors I need not to tell you since you ere ascertained of
the Saltzburgers Godliness and tender Love to you Be pleasured to
assure yourself the longer the more that they fear and love God very
earnestly and endeavour [sic] as far as lies in their Power to till the
Ground according to the Intent and will of their Benefactors Honour [sic] I
cannot forbear to mention after my humble Duty that at present even So
as formerly the English and other people as often as they come to our
place talks very much from the Settlement of the Saltzburgers they call
our Land pine barren where nothing else will grow but Indians pease [sic]
and Potatoes Hence it is that the poor people are some times dissheartned [sic]
by such talkings tho we do our utmost endeavour [sic] to encourage
them by the holy word of God. Some acres about the river seeme [sic] to be
good but there are few and some are covered newly with the high water
of the River and Swamps. Notwithstanding they have worked hitherto in
the Ground as much as possible they could for the great troubles they
have till this time in fetching their provisions and other things
from Savannah which by modest Computation is no less 44 English miles
by water the people in some measure cleared the river Ebenezer in such
manner that if the water is high they can come up with a Small boat to
our town but if the water is low they can come no further then within
four miles of the Town to the landing place. And the Currents of
Savannah River from Abercorn Creek to the Mouth of Ebenezer River are
so Strong that the people with a Smal [sic] boat carrying about one thousand
pounds weight cannot perform the voyage down and up in less than 4 days
time being oblidged [sic] to land at night in such places where they can have
no accomodations [sic] for refreshing or resting themselves unless they make
small Huts and lie in upon the ground which in Summer time weakens so
much their bodys [sic] that they very frequently fall sick especially wanting
proper Refreshments and in the winter and wet season they stiffer very
much by the cold and rainy nights But the people is never out of
patience It is a new testimonie [sic] of the tender Care of our Benefactors
for our best that by their order Rolf and his Wife was oblidged [sic] to quit
Ebenezer there is nobody in our Congregation that must not suffer
several Importunities from them heretofore the order came Just at this
time to Mr. Caustons Hands as the said Rolf was willing according to
his open threatnings [sic]to kill treacherously two persons at Ebenezer of
which Wickedness Mr. Causton was informed by my Letter to him. After
the aforesaid good Order he is hindred [sic] to pursue his wicked Purpose.
He was intented [sic] to go by Sea for Germany hut Since his Voyage was
Stopped by my letter that I must send to Mr. Causton after my Duty &
Mr. Causton's desire he Shew'd together with his Wife a great indignation
against me with a scornfull [sic] meen.[sic] the Behaviour [sic] of the
Saltzburgers towards God and men gives us a great Satisfaction wherefore I
hope nobody should blame me for mine Eagerness to See many more Such
people in our Congregation. My Dear Colleague Mr. Gronau Mr. Zwiffler
and all Saltzburgers present you their most humble Respect and due
Acknowledgment for all your Favours [sic] & Benefits; and so expecting your
Commands to Do what may plesse you in all things I remain

Most Honoured [sic] Sir

Your most humble Servant

Mr. Saml. Hill to Mr. Pine.
Clarendon in Jamaica Jany. 10 1735

Mr. John Pine


I make no question but it may give you a small Surprize [sic] to see
my name at the bottom of this Epistle, not having done my Self the
pleasure of the same kind since arrival here, but if the length of
this can be any Compensation for that Omission, then I shall stand
fair for your forgiveness Having never any mention been made by my
Sister of any Sickness, or Death, to have visited your family, I from
thence have hope of your enjoying Still the same good health as when I
left you, and if it would he any Satisfaction to you to know how it has
fared with me since then in a Country so branded for Feavers, Belly-achs,
[sic] and Mortality, I can (with Gratitude to our Common Preserver)
acquaint you, that I have had as Continued a Share of health as I have
been happy in at any time heretofore, except a little Giddiness in my
head, from a fullness of Blood, by the lessening of which I have been
relieved, but I keep to my accustomary [sic] Temperance, which is one
of the best Preservatives in every Climate.

Last year (having before taken notice of an Advertisement of Reasons
for Settling Georgia) I wrote to my Sister to send them to me, for from
my first hearing of that intention, I possess'd my Self with very
favourable [sic] Impressions of the Undertaking from the temperature of its
Latitude the fertility of its Soil, and the abundant plenty of food wch.
the Woods and the waters cant fail to yeild, [sic] being never ransacked by a
great number of Inhabitants, therefore perswaded [sic] my Self that
it would very rationally answer the expectations of those who by their
Industry are desirous of providing for their familys, [sic] or improving
their fortunes, and might in few years become one of the most flourishing
Colonys [sic] in our Western World, if the Settlers by their imprudence in
defrauding, or ill treating the Neighbouring [sic] Indians (on one side)
dont [sic] make them their Enemys [sic] (and which if they do they will
never be safe till the others have an opportunity amply to take their
Revenge.) as on the other side, if our Government dont fail to give them
all necessary Support and Protection against the Spaniards at St. Augustine,
and the Savage Indians inhabiting Florida, whom they may be very apt to Spirit
up against a Colony which they cannot but look on with umbrage for this
being our nearest Settlement to the Gulph, [sic] thro which all their wealth
from their New World must pass, nothing to me seems more plain, than that
by a Squadron of our Men of War to intercept and take every Said of
their flota [sic] or Galeons, [sic] when they leave their Rendezvouz [sic]
at the Havannah, [sic] without the fatal Circumstances that must unavoidably befall
our blocking them up in their own Harbours; [sic] for here our Ships will lie
in a Safe Port, without their Bottoms being eat out, our Sailors will
retain their Healths and Vigour, [sic] by a plentifull [sic] Supply both of Fresh
water and fresh Provisions, in a Salutary Clime, our light Vessell [sic] too
(while Cruising about for intelligence of their approach) will prove a
Security to that part of the Continent against Pirates or Privateers, by
which means it will be allways [sic] in the Power of England to prescribe
Laws to Spain, by keeping in all their hopes of money from thence, and
without this they will never be able to carry any thing on to our
prejudice, if this then be the case (and to me it seems as undeniable
as that twice 2 makes 4) I shall not be Surprised to hear
that the Spaniards by all Attempts either of Power or Subtlety,
leaves nothing untried to give us all possible molestation
to make us uneasy in it, if he may not have Strength to root us out,
when it appears so much his interest to Compass it, as it will be ours
to be maintained at all points in our Possession of it. And altho for
prudential Reasons it might not be Judged necessary to publish this as
one motive yt. [sic] might promote its Settlement, yet I cannot imagine that
our Gentlemen at the Helm could possibly overlook an Advantage of so
prodigious a nature, for if Gibraltar proves so uneasy a Thorn in the
Spaniards Sides in Europe, This Georgia may be a Spear thro the very
heart of him in America, on this acct. I read the other day in one of
yr. News Papers that was transmitted hither, that Sr. Charles Wager had
presented the Plan of a Fortification for it, and that her Majesty had
approved on't. This with great pleasure I perused, as likewise that the
produce hitherto so well answers to Expectation, and the people go on
so Successfully -- One more advantage comes in mind as I am writing
this, of our lying in wait for the Galeons [sic] as aforesaid, is, that the
Northern Colonys [sic] would Supply the Fleet with Masts and Naval Stores,
and any number of Seamen (should they be wanted) for so good an occasion,
or Land men with small Arms for boarding, nothing giving greater Joy
to them than the Gutting of a Galeon, and revenging the many injuries
received by them.

But to come a little nearer to my first purpose, I am to acquaint
you that for Some time I have had an Inclination of Changing this
Torrid Clime for one more temperate, on the Northern Continent, and this
Colony in particular having inclined me to move thither could I have a
Considerable inducement thereto, I would readily Set about it, and the
advantage of the first Inhabitants of a Country who risque [sic] their lives
and health against Intestine Foes; or Sickness of the Country,
(and all new Countrys are more or less so, till the land is cleared of
its Woody Incumbrances [sic] and the Air finds a free and uninterrupted
passage) among other Encouragements should have their Choice of Land,
as for the Commodious Situation for their Dwelling, so in its fertility
in Manuring.

Should I form a Satisfactory Encouragement determine to go
thither I would carry a few hundred pounds along with me in Rum, Sugar,
Molasses, or whatever else might he vendible there, and when Settled,
I propose to trafick [sic] with my fellow Georgians for their Boards, Shingles,
Stayes, Ox-bows, Truss-hoops, Flower, Biskett, [sic] Wine &c, to Ship to
Jamaica; likewise I would provide them from London with tools for their
Work, Cloathing [sic] for themselves. Furniture for their Houses, or other
necessarys [sic] which they may have occasion for, end in Exchange take the in
Silk, Pot-ashes &c that may he proper for an European Markett; [sic] as
also with our friendly Indians for their Furrs [sic] and Hides &c.

Having thus far let you into my present Scheme, and recollecting
that you by a frequenting that end of the Town where the Gentlemen who
have the direction of the lower Orbs Inhabit, that there was a very good
probability some of the Trustees for Georgia might be known to you in
Person, or might by the means of others easily become so, and Negotiate
the manner of my Settling there, on better terms than the Group of
those who go thither, as I Shall put the Trustees to no Expence [sic] in
fitting me out, or in the furniture for my house when arrived there, and
yet these will cost me no very Small matter. If there are any Posts of
Profit, or Credit unsupplyed, [sic] One of them might be of Service by my not
only being looked on as of some Consequence among them, but also on a
supposition that a better Dwelling house Lands, with more conveniences
or Priviledges [sic] are anex'd to such, for keeping up a good
Decorum among them; To such a Post I may have some Pretence [sic] from being a
Man of worth, when brought into a Comparison with most of the present
Inhabitants; If any Enquiry should be made with regard to my Person or
Character, your Self or any other of my Friends I depend will not be
wanting in giving me a true one, and that I am in no doubt of its being
Satisfactory; by gaining an acquaintance with one of the Trustees
Clerks, or other Officer in that Direction, you may possibly Come at a
more Effectual or Expeditious method of dispatch, and by Chatting
together over a Glass of Wine you may be let also into the Knowledge of
Some things that may he of use for me to be acquainted with, any Small
expence [sic] of this kind, or little fear I would readily Reimbuse [sic]
you in, and will write to my Sister accordingly.

I am not unapprized [sic] that it may prove a very Forlorn uncomfortable
life for want of suitable Conversation, which I have always been
accostomed [sic] to, but that I must endeavour [sic] to supply with Books.

As to the Article of servants I should be glad to have some
information (Negroes being with right Judgment prohibited) for I am
both too Old for much Bodily Labour, and too unskilled in the making a
Bed or boiling the Pot.

I suppose in this Case of mine, the Trustees will give some
Instrument in writing directed to the Governing Power for a ready
admittance, and Recital likewise to what Possessions and Priviledges,
[sic] otherwise no man would care to leave his present Settlement,
for one that is uncertain, or that can give him any delays. Therefore shall
expect somewhat of that kind to be sent me, or without such kind of
assurance shall Continue as I am.

I imagine it needless to trouble you with any thing farther on
this Subject, my Conclusive Request will be, to intreat you will be so
good as to do this Friendly Office for me, and to give it all the dispatch
that your own Affairs (and the nature of This) will admitt [sic] of,
because, if it were possible I might set out before the Wintery, or
windy weather should come on, wch. we look for in August, and to that
end shall bring my Concerns here into as Close a Compass as may be,
that they mayn't be a Cause of delay herein.

Its no matter whether you let my Sister know whats on foot, till
we see whats like to be the Issue. I should be glad of an Occasion to
requite the favour [sic] I now ask; if any there either is, or may be,
pray lay your Commands on


Yr. very humble Servt.

Saml. Hill

Pray my due respects
to all friends

If my good Old Friend Mr. Phil. Overton has (or can make) an
acquaintance with any of the Gentlemen concerned, I perswade [sic]
my Self of his readiness to do me a Service, therefore may please
to consult him in it, if necessary.

Pray let me hear from you as soon as possible if but a line or
two, for much may be said in a few words; The Cover of your letter
Directed To the Honble. Heny, Dawkins Esqr. in Clarendon (Jamaica) and
the enclosed For Saml. Hill. If there is any Plans lately taken of
this particular Colony, /& the Country contiguous only (for I have
already 2 or 3 maps of Hew America in General) with relation to the
Situation of the Towns as intended, the Roads laid out, The Rivers
Mouth, with its forts &c, for its defence [sic] or any thing of this kind to
give me a farther insight as the number of people already gone, and if
healthy. Pray fold them up as a Packett [sic] and dispatch them by
the first Ship directed as aforesaid.

I am not without thoughts of Planting a Vineyard, if our Young
friendly Indians (or other Servts.) are to he hired, and I find the Soil
and Climate indulgent to the Grape, both for Wine, and the Raison [sic]

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Samuel Eveleigh to Mr. Martyn dated at
South Carolina February the 8th 1734/5.


I referr [sic] you to the forgoing as Copy of my Last Since which
Several other Seasons have Occurred to me which I shall communicate to
you to move the Parliament to grant a Bounty on Lumber from Georgia I
would have the Trustees or such of them as are Members of Parliament
offer to the House that in Case they'l [sic] grant a premium on Lumber That
they would make a Law. That the Men and Women in Georgia their Outward
Apparell [sic] Should be all of the British Wollen [sic] Manufactory and No Silk's
Chince [sic] or Callico [sic] Should be there worne [sic] by Either Six [sic] And if the
Parliament dont [sic] agree hereto do beleive [sic] Such a Law to be necessary
and that neither Silver or Gold Should be worn or Tea Drunk for I
do assure you they are Somewhat Profuse in these Punctilios.

I am Confirmed by divers hands that Wassam is a Noble Port
capable of receiving any Man of Warr [sic] that Usualy [sic] come into any part of
America and with the greatest Security, And in Case of Warr [sic] with Spain
an Extraordinary place for Our Men of Warr [sic] to Hide in Order to intercept
the Spanish plate Fleet and for that Reason will be vast Consequence to
the British Nation.

Its very probable the Province of Georgia may in Time be of vast
Consequence to the British Nation nobody can as yet tell what Riches
there may be in the Bowells [sic] of the Earth within that Colony, what Silver
what Gold and other Metals what Diamonds and other precious Stones may
be therein I expect down from the Cherrekee [sic] Mountains some samples of
Mettalls [sic] in June next which I have promised Mr. Oglethorpe to send him

I was informed some years since by a Creditable person that the
Richest Mines of Gold in New Mexico, lay in the Latde. of 36 and
37 right opposite to California, but that the Indians that possessed
that Country were always at Warr [sic] with the Spaniards, so that they
gott [sic] but little of it. Now the Cherokee Mountains being in the
same Latitude, It's probable they may contain the same ore.

The Province of Georgia lies very Convenient for a Trade to the
Havanaah [sic] and St. Augustine, And in time it's Probable these may
frome thence be carryed [sic] on a very profitable Trade, and that
there may be Introduced Large Qtys. of the Wollen and other English
Manufactories and the Silver in return thereof will all Center in Great

I submitt [sic] what I have above offered to your better Judgment and


Your most Obliged humble Servant


Georgia, can never be a
place of any Consequence
unless the Trustees consent to
alter the Conditions of their
Grants, and make them agreable [sic]
to his Majestys [sic] Grants to the

Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Vat to Mr. Newman Dated Ebenezer
the 10 February 1734/5.

Honourd [sic] Sr.

I don't doubt but before this cometh to your hands you'll have
heard of our safe arrival in Georgia and our Landing at Savannah Town,
which was on Saturday the 28th December last. I Should before this
time have given you an Account thereof, but having got a great Cold in
my head and eyes ever Since we cast the Lead for Sounding at Sea,
I could hardly read or write any thing, besides being oblidged sic] to
attend the loading and unloading our Baggage and provisions for one
quarter of a year; So that I must refer my Self for farther particulars
to the Letters now to be written by the Revd. Messrs. Bolzius and Gronau
to James Oglethorpe Esqr., to James Vernon Esqr., more particularly to
the Reverend Mr. Feigenhaggen and to yourself; the Substance whereof
they have made me acquainted with, as being of the same opinion with them
relating to the Soil of this place, and the great difficulties the people
lie under in bringing up their provisions from Savannah Town, and other
matters concerning the present Settlement of the Saltzburgers. [sic]

On the Eleventh of January we left Savannah Town and got on
Board three Pettiawguas, [sic] the Smallest of them with the Sick being gone
directly for the landing Place at 4 Miles distance from this Town over
Purrysbourg [sic] and Ebenezer River; we came with the two Larger
Pettiauguas [sic] the 12th to Abercorn, and the 13th of the same Month by
Land being 12 or l4 miles to this town of Ebenezer; at the Sight
thereof We were Confirmd [sic] of what every body (excepting Mr. Causton and
Mr. Jones the Land Surveyor) had told us of the barrenness of this part
of this province, being Chiefly Pine Barren a Sandy white Ground not
above one fifth or at most one tenth part of tolerable Mould Cane-land
or Swamps, which Swamps Seeming to be good are coverd [sic] with a black
Mould about one or two Inches deep, but under It appears a white
Sand like Salt; so that every one that cometh hither Saith, The People
will never be able to get a livelihood in this Place, be they never So
Industrious & Laborious. For upon a rainy day the black mould being
washed off, nothing but white sand is Seen in large places like paths
in a Walk; So that the poor Saltzburgers [sic] were exceedingly Struck down
and dishearten'd, and beg'd that according to the permission
given them by Mr. Causton for looking out for Some good Ground and for
working it Jointly till he and Mr. Jones Should come to Sett [sic] out their
Lotts they might Seek out some such Spott [sic] At their return they reported
to have seen some good Spots of Ground near the Mouth of Ebenezer River
and Savannah River Upon this Mr. Bolzius and my Self went by water the
24th of January to the Red Bluff, and the Indian Hutt [sic] this last being
about 9 Miles distant by Land from this town or in a Strait line 6
miles and metting [sic] in our passage hither in Ebenezer River the Small
Pettiaugua [sic] loaden[sic] with part of our Baggage and provisions from Abercorn
I order'd it to go down and to unload its cargoe [sic] on the Indian Hutt and
coming thither we found that there was on the north side of that
Indian Hut up to the Red Bluff and along the South Side of Ebenezer
River about two miles High land on the declivity whereof large Oak
trees and others as also large Tines of 3 4 Inches diameter but at
the tope of the High land were pine barren and Judged that were the
lotts [sic] there so order'd that one Chain were given on the River Side and
three upwards the people would have one Moitie [sic] good land and the
other Moitie [sic] pine barren with which the people would be exceedingly
well pleased the next day we went to Abercorn and meeting there by
Chance Mr. Christie the Recorder we acquainted him with our Expedition
And he carried me in his boat the 26th to Savannah Town in order to See
the power given by the Trustees for Georgia to Mr. Gordon Mr. Causton
Mr. Parker and Mr. Christie jointly for Setting out 2500
Acres of Land for our Ssltsburgers [sic] those Writings giving them power to
Sett [sic] out Such lands were and in what manner they should think fit Mr,
Christie proposed my presenting a Petition to the said four Gentlemen
but Mr. Causton and Mr. Parker were of opinion (Mr. Gordon being absent)
Mr. Causton and Mr. Jones should go with me to view the lands at Ebenezer
and then Indian Hut and should make their report thereof to the other Gentlemen,
Accordingly Mr. Jones and Mr. Causton came with me the 29th Abercorn and the 30 to
Ebenezer Town after dinner vie design'd to go by Land to the Indian
Hut, but missing our way thither we came again to abercorn [sic] the 31st.

Mr. Causton designing to return to Savannah Town I desired him to give
me his directions for my acting with the people Since he did not intend
to go to the Indian Hutt [sic] for want of a knowing guide He told me the
people Should Pitch upon some spot of ground near Ebenezer town and
Clear it and work it Jointly till such time as the pleasure of the
Trustees Should be known for which purpose he would write to them, then
I proposed to him the permitting the New Settlers under my Care to
build a Hut on the Indian Hut Land for working there Jointly, but he
roundly refused complying with my request. I return'd that day to
Ebenezer Town and some days afterwards I heard Mr. Causton and Mr. Jones
had been the 1st Instant in the Indian Hut and were gone thence the 2d
in the morning early the 3d I went by Land to the Indian Hutt and
orderd [sic] such Baggage &ca as was deposited there to be brought up to the
Landing place with the Small Pettiaugua,[sic] and the Small Boat the former
of which was some time five days in going from Abercorn to the Landing
Place which might have been avoided if we had proper Carriages and
Horses to be Convey'd by Land about 12 or l4 miles, and this transport
Could not be compleated [sic] before the fifth though we have not as yet had
all our Provisions for one quarter of the Store house in Savannah
Town. And the people are oblidged [sic] to bring their baggage and Small
Tools and Casks upon their backs from the Landing place and the heavy
Casks in the Small Boat by water which v/ill require 8 or 10 days more
provided Water in the Kiver Ebenezer doth no fall.

The Inhabitants of this Province generally Compute the distance
20 Miles fron Savannah Town to Abercorn Creek thence 6 Miles to Purrysbourg;[sic]
10 Miles to the Indian Hut 4 Miles to the Fed Bluff or Mouth of
Ebenezer River; 7 miles to the lauding place and thence 12 Miles to
Ebenezer Town In all 59 miles by water The town of Abercorn lieth [sic] 2
miles from the River Savannah, indeed our Saltsburgers [sic] with a Small
boat go down from the Landing place to Savannah Town in one day but
cannot Come up in less than three days And that Boat Cannot Carry above
one thousand pounds weight and 4 men neither can it Come hither from the
landing in Summer or at low waters by reason of some trees Bushes and
Sands in the River by which the people must lose a great deal of time
and Labour however were the Soil of this place tolerable good these
difficulties might be over-looked but as it is the opinion of every
Body even Some of the best planters in this Country and the province
adjoining It's humbly hop'd the Trustees for Georgia will take the low
dejected Condition of these poor people into their Consideration and
grant them the favour [sic] of Removing hence to the Indian Hut or the
Red Bluff or to Some other place higher on Savannah River more likely
of being thereby enabled to get a livelihood. For should they be
oblidged [sic] to remain here in this place according to the promises made to
them in Germany the Society or the trustees for Georgia will find them
selves under necessity of Subsisting of them with provisions as long as
any of them Shall be living and it's to be fear'd many of them will
die for grief no less than eleven having died of the first transport
since they came into this province and two of the last Transport Vizt.
Sebastian Glantz the 13th January at Purysbourg [sic] and the Child born on
board the prince of Wales whilst the Ship was in The Thames died here
23d of January last and Some of the first and last transport are now
Sick hut we are in hopes by Mr. Zwifler's Care some will do well again
as some others are recover'd of there [sic] Illness and here I cannot
but Observe that indeed 6 pounds of Salt Beef per week for a man and 5
pounds for a Woman and as much for two Children above 2 and under 12
years of age is sufficient yet 2 lb. of Rice 2 lb. of flower and 2 lb.
of Corn or pease [sic] pr. Week pr. head is not sufficient as not being
thereby enabled to bake bread which is the main Support of Health and
Life neither Is the allowance of 4 lb. of Cheese and 2 lb. of Butter
pr. Quartr. pr. Head Sufficient if they actually had Garden Rotts [Lotts?]or

It's our humble opinion that should the Trustees for Georgia
think fit to Settle the people of the new and last Transport on the land
near the Indian Hut the town to be built there might go by the name of
Ebenezer and would not discourage other Saltzburghers in Germany to come
there and Settle but as long as these remain here none are like to be
invited either by the first or last transport.

On the 6th of this month the Revd. Mr. Bolzius proposed by a
fine Speech to the people of the last transport to work jointly on a
peice [sic] of land to be pitch'd upon near this town though attended with
many difficulties some of Such as were present Seemd [sic] to Come
heartly [sic] into it and such as are gone to Savannah for Some provisions
are to be Consulted at their return and then we Shall pitch upon some
place for that purpose.

My next Shall give you an account thereof and of Such other
Ocurrences [sic] as may happen. I am with great Submission

Honorerd [sic] Sr. Your most Obedient and most humble Servt.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Elisha Dobree to the Trustees Dated
Savannah February the 10th 1734/5

My Lords and Gentlemen

Vines being the Quickest Growth & Produce of any Trees that can
be planted in this Province and the Produce of them being very
Considerable I beg leave in the Name of the Freeholders as well as
my Self to desire that a Sufficient Quantity of Slipps [sic] &c of Vines
may be delivered us against the next Season had I enough ready I
would plant now at least Ten Acres.

Mr. Amatis told me the other day that the Vines he had in Charles
Town had not proved Successful! So I find but Little good can be
Expecting from them, I have planted Some few wild Vines at all Hazard.

The Quickest way to make this Province flourish is no doubt to
rise a produce and Such as will amount to Large Sums fit to be Exported.
Vines when once produced will be a Settled Income to be depended on for
our Selves and Posterity The Land here is fit for it and the Summer
full hot to Ripen the Fruit.

We are fully persuaded you neither Expect nor desire any Amends
for what you do for us And we hope That as you have began a good work
you will go throuh the Same And Compleat [sic] a glorious Undertaking To Make
People Happy who before were Misserable [sic] & might have Continued so Had
not Your Honourable Board Stretch'd out your hands to pull us out of the
Water when we were Sinking. I am most Respectfully

Lords and Gentlemen

Your Host Obedient & Devoted Servant.

Although we are a poor Colony we have had of Late great many
Marriages and Balls till 2 or 3 the morning an Excess which in my
humble Oppinion [sic] deserves no Encouragement or Countenance from men in
Power. I continue to plant Cotton which we call Annual Cotton from the
Carolina Seed was I but Supply'd with proper Seeds and plants I doubt
not but with the Blessing of God I would soon make a fine Garden
I wish could get the Seeds of Sevill [sic] Oranges from Portugall,[sic]
Lemmons and Olives I am afraid cannot without your Assistance. Ships often
arrive at Charles Town from there.

I have hired 41 Acres near this Town Vizt.

1 -- 5 Acres Lot Mr. Hughes deceased of Mr. Christie

1 -- 5 Ditto Mr. West of Ditto

4 Acres Mr. Jos. Stanley

these two Lots (West and Stanley) makes a Square and Mr. Hughes is next to them

The first Lot I have vastly Improved the other Two I am now Improving.
having Leese [sic] for the three for seven years I most humbly beg the said
Leases may he Alowed [sic] good by your Honble. Board and I wish it were for
more than Seven Years. I Shall not desire as I know of any Such
Favour [sic] for any more Lotts. The next improvments [sic] I make Shall he on a
45 Acres Lot.

[There is no information concerning the correspondent for this next letter]

February 13th

Considering Seriously the Health, of this Colony and the many
diseases that attends it Especially the Scurvy and Ill humour [sic]
occassioned by the Extream [sic] heat in the Summer I am fully persuaded
that Eating intirely [sic] Salt Provisions here is Certainly prodigiously
hurtfull [sic] to our healths Especially at this time when we have no Greens
or Roots to Eat with it As for Rice few Eat it but Servants or the poorest People.
I am therefore pushing forward my design to Serve the whole Colony with
Cabage [sic] &c. I have now about 100,000 Plants which with the Uttmost [sic]
trouble and Industry I have at last Procured.

Cotton I will greatly go upon, but for Vines I must beg your
Assistance against next Season tis certain one of the best Presents you
can make us and I flatter my self you will in this Article Quickly
give orders to prepare the same for us in time for coming here. I have
always in View the Welfare and Benefit of the Colony, this Induces me
to be thus troublesome to your Honble. Board which I hope your Goodness
will Excuse. I am always

My Lords and Gentlemen

Your most Obedient Devoted Servant

Copy of a Letter from Tomo Chachi Nico of Yamacraw to the Trustees
Dated Savannah February the 24 1734/5.


By the Return of Capt. Dunbar I take this Opportunity to acquaint
You that we Arrived safe at Savannah on the 28th of December last we
have all had our health during the whole voyage Except Tooanahowi whom
whom we fear'd would have dyed and tho he is now much better yet is
Very weak and infirm we have received all our Goods and were very
kindly Used by the Capt. which we shall Endeavour [sic] to return by
our love as well to the Capt. as to all the white People who Now are
or shall hereafter be known to Us.

I Purpose to go with the Capt. to Tybee and there take my leave
of him and Drink Your Honours [sic] healths.

When I Came home I found Some of my people had Misbehaved &
that Istichee had kill'd Musgroves Slave Justice I have talked with
Mr. Causton about it and when the heads of the Nation Come down will
determin [sic] what to do in the matter in the mean time I have advised that
Mr. Watson should be Close kept.

After this Determination I shall Acquaint Your Honours [sic] more
Particularly of the Matter.

The Savannah Indians are Now with me and they have now Chose [sic]
Idaquo to be there [sic] King (during the minority of Pimique the late
Kings Son) I desir'd Mr. Causton to Receive him as Such and he waited
with the rest of his Nation and have delivered him some Skins which they
desire Your Honours [sic] to accept as a token of there Gratitude and love,
they are Sensible that your Honos. have Much better things but as they
are few in Number hope the few Skins will be acceptable.

Idaquo with all his people are Agreed to Joyn [sic] Me in building on
Pipe makers blough [sic] and we Intend to live together.

It will be a great Pleasure to me to write to your Honours [sic] on

all Occasions with hopes that Your Honours [sic] will Always beleive [sic]
me with great Truth to be

Your very Humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Patrick Houstoun to Mr. Peter Gordon
dated at Savannah 1st March 1734/5.


I recd. yours of the 15th ult, only a day or two ago, I am sorry
You are going to Britain so soon; in my opinion You would have done your
Business much better if you had Stayed some time longer in this Country
when You had been Witness to more of the Management. Since You have
resolved to go I wish You all happiness and prosperity. I do not expect
to have the pleasure of seeing You in this Country again, I send You
inclosed a note of such things as occur to me which I would have done
sooner but I delayed till Mr. Millisham should return from Carolina to
get his Assistance who is very capable and much Shagrined [sic] and upon very
good Grounds. Millisham is not yet come up, there is an Affair happened
within these few days worse than all Capt. Watson or some body else, I
may say an Enemy to the Colony has said to Musgrove that in his Absence
Mr. Causton had agreed with Mrs. Musgrove to give him the Indian Trade
for wch. he was to give her L 1,000 Sterl. Some People say also Musgrove
is jealous of his Wife with Mr. Causton however this be he has
often been heard say that he would shoot Mr. Causton and kill his wife.

Yesterday there was a Story in town that an Indian had painted himself
and was heard say he would go to the Woods to lay in wait for Mr.
Causton and would not return till he had shot him; I believe some
Settlers in the Colony have been the Contrivers of this, so much are
they disobliged at Mr. Causton they would run the risk of Sacrificeing
[sic] all to be revenged of him. Musgrove is much disobliged for he
said so to me. Mr. West and I are doing our Endeavours [sic] to pacify him
which I pray God we may succeed in; This day they both dine with me
please to let me know your Correspondent at Charles Town & your Direction
at London and I will write to You from time to time. Capt. Dunbar
is much in Mr. Causton's Interest and has endeavoured [sic] to make up
Differences betwixt him and me end the rest of our Countrymen; we were
altogether & seemingly did it which we thought absolutely necessary for
Peace so let not Dunbar or any body here or at home know any thing of
my Writing to You, for Dunbar asked me if I was to send You by him a
Note of Complaints I told him I would send You none by him or any body
else which he approved of; not thinking of your going over I promised
to write by him to the Trustees to have my Lands run near Savannah Town
and to give him a Power of Attorney to get me a Trustees Lot in Town
I beg your Assistance with the Trustees in both these Affairs if I do
not get a Lot near Town the Ground I desire is what Capt. Scott was to
have which being vacant I think I shall not have Justice done me if I
be refused it. I think the Trustees may give me the Lot in the Square
where the publick [sic] Mill stands for a Lot for a publick [sic] House;
in some more remote part of the Town will answer that purpose as well
and not at all answer my purpose or business. And if I get it I shall
build an House Upon it to beautify the Town as much as their House will do.

If You would get Messrs. Jenys and Eveleigh to mention me in their
Letters to the Trustees it would do me Service and perhaps your Designs
no Prejudice. By my next I shall send You Copies of my Letters to
the Trustees and Mr. Oglethorpe by Dunbar. I send You inclosed a
Letter to my Lord Percival which I beg You will put under Cover and Seal
and Direct it I not knowing his Direction being I hear created
an Earl. If You do not wait for Capt. Dunbar's Ship please not to
deliver it till his Arrival that the Trustees Letters may be delivered
at the same time. I send You a Letter to Dr. Houstoun G who procured all
your Countrymen Grants which please to Seal & deliver, he will do You
and all his Countrymen Service if it be in his Power; I have wrote him
no Complaints for he is very hot and would resent our Treatment in a
different manner. If all our Treatment were known it would do the
Colony Prejudice by hindering other People to come over which I do not
incline yet to do till I see if the Trustees will grant me my Desires;
if not I design and am fully determined to leave the Colony and settle
at Port Royal. I am endeavouring [sic] to bring the Port Royal and Santilina
[sic] People to buy their Goods here, if they can be brought to that it will
be the best Support of any thing to the Colony; several of the Planters
have promised and if I had the Store and Trustees Countenance Mr.
Montaigut has I would not doubt of getting 3/4 if not more of all the
Rice of these Islands shipped here next year, but he will never do it
for being frequently at Purysburgh they cannot get Goods his Store
being always shut in his Absence. I hear some People have wrote [sic] to the
Trustees that I sell Rum. I own I sell it and till the Recorder and
People in the Store sold it I sold none; but seeing them make a Trade
of it I thought I had as good reason to make Bread as any body else
for that is the Commodity brings the most ready Money of any. I am
positive it will never be in the Trustees Power to hinder the Drinking
of Rum, People being very sickly last yea.r when Mr, Oglethorpe was here
and hindered the Drinking of it, and this year very healthy they all
are convinced it is owing to the Rum and the discharging of it
makes Rum to be sold at 30. which could be sold at 12. Gallon being
most New England Rum sold here & mixed by the Pettiaugua men, and if no
Settler in this Colony were to Sell it the Pettiaugua men would bring
it from Charles Town and Sell it privately and I do not think it can be
prevented for if it should be seen on board their Boats they
pretend they are carrying it to Purysburgh and other parts of Carolina
up the River. The Prohibition of Rum carrys [sic] more Money out of the Colony
and makes us depend more upon Carolina than any thing else for the Rum
is not only bought in Carolina with ready money but the Molasses and
Muscovado Sugar and all the rest of West Indian Goods; if we had a
freedom of Trade we would have them directly our selves from the West
Indies and a Market opened for our Staves Hoops and some Boards &c.
These Restrictions will either make People go out of the Colony or be
troublesome to the Trustees and their Agents, for if the Colony ever
thrives People who can live independent of the Trustees Store must settle
here and will not so easily submit to hardships and restricting Laws
as those who have their Provisions given them. Those People who have
had. them is as mutinous now as any, what Service lyes [sic] in my power to do
You I assure You none shall be more willing or ready. I shall do my

Endeavours [sic] if possible to lett [sic] your House but I am afraid I shall not
get a Tenant for it till more People arrive for I believe there is near
twenty houses in Town empty and soon will be more. I think if You had
ordered the House to be partitioned and a Floor above and a little
Kitchen built it would have answered the Expence [sic] for the House is well
situated for any Business, and having a Chimney if any House
letts [sic] it must, if it had those Conveniences. I wish You would let me
know how many Cattle You have and what Brand You would have put upon
them. I have not yet learn'd the first Appraisement of Dobree and
Harris's Effects but is possible shall this week Harris being now
returned to Town. Col. Prioles having wrote about his Negroe, [sic] he was
sent down last Week. Your Resolution of going to Britain I observe
gives some Uneasiness here; so soon as I got your letter I made your
Resolutions known on purpose to give People opportunity to write to You
which I believe several will do this week. It will be a great Encouragement
to the Colony if the Trustees give power to grant Licences [sic] here
for Traders to the Indians; if they send over any Goods for to furnish
the Traders with I shou'd wish to be Storekeeper for I incline to turn
my self entirely in Merchant Business. I am sure I shall quite weary
You in reading this long Letter, therefore I must conclude in offering
my humble Duty to Mrs. Gordon and wishing You and her every thing You
wish or desire and a good and prosperous Voyage. I do design (if the
Trustees don't do me Justice in granting my Desires) to go to
England next Harvent [sic] & prevent any more of my friends or Countrymen
being deceived as I have been. When You arrive in England I shall
expect to hear frequently from You with all your News and how Affairs go
at the Trustees Office, and what Turn Affairs take there and any Projects
that is set on foot for the Colony; I am of opinion we shall never
he happy till a Trustee comes over to put us once more to Rights. If
You would do me the favour [sic] in case You meet with an honest clever
young Man who writes a good Hand Master of Figures and Bookkeeping and
knows something of Merchants Business to engage him for some years for
me and give him what Wages You think proper I will perform youe Agreement
and be singularly obliged to You to send him over to me. I do not
doubt abundance such are out of Business about London and would be glad
of this occasion. I am Dear Sir

Your most humble and Obedient Servant

I wrote to Mr. Robert Pringle to pay You some money please to take
Payment of the Rent for your House and for my razors which I received
but the Fellow has not done me Justice in grinding them.

Since Writing the above this Afternoon there has been a Design
discovered of the Irish Transport Servants. The Story is a Scotch Girl
deposes that one Cox a Taylor came to her and desired her to tell Dr.
Sims's Daughter that Mr. Vanderplank's Man who was in Prison for some
Say's bygone to tell Sims's Daughter who was his Mistress that this night
he was to be at Liberty; the Girl ask'd how, he said he and 40 or 50
more was in concert to born the Town this night, kill all the white Men,
save the Women, and Musgrove with several Indians were to Join them;
upon which the Town was alarmed, several of us sat up all night, nothing
appeared but I do not at all doubt but there was something designed.

Cox told all in the Plot wore a red Ribbon about their Arm which he
and several others taken up had upon their Arm when taken; The whole
Affair is not yet discovered but I hope will. I do believe we shall
never he safe while these Villains are amongst us. Musgrove and all
his family and the whole Indians were up at Pipemaker Bluff yesterday;
This day Mrs. Musgrove and Tomo Chechi came to town who deny any such
design, however we shall know more to morrow Musgrove Being to appear
himself to morrow to answer to the Charge. James Kuir came to me this
day & asked if I was to let your House, he said he could not give the
Key without your Orders in writing for he had your Orders to the
contrary. Ross has laid the Floor and wants he says some more Boards to
compleat [sic] it. I was obliged this day to hire a Man for your Guard
which I fancy You will approve of. I find this Difference amongst us
is like to be of had Consequence to the Colony by encouraging these Transport
Villains to Mutiny, so it is absolutely necessary we join ail together
and dissemble our Displeasure till the Trustees redress us; so I pray
You say nothing of my Writing to You to any body.


Copy of a Letter from Mr. Robert Parker junr. to Mr. Gordon
dated at Savannah 2d March 1734/5.


I am credibly informed that You are about embarking for Englgnd;
I must confess You take the most prudent way. Letters may be
intercepted, but where a Persons self is the Messenger that
Undertaking is the most likely to Succeed. I am sure our present
Bayliff [sic] Causton takes the surest Methods for the Destruction
of this Infant Colonywhich is now almost ineviteble unless some speedy
Way he found out to relieve us. I have been these three months
interceeding [sic] with Mr. Christie to take my wife's Administration
but could not get it done before yesterday
and what Papers I have got from him I doubt will be of no Use
from the many Blunders with which they abound, which should ought be
undertaken towards recovering of the Suit I am fearfull [sic] it may be to my
Disadvantage, I am not the only Person in this Colony that have [sic]
Demands upon Mr. Causton nor yet the only one whose Credit he has
blasted and whose Ruin he has most industriously sought, I believe I
once before told You that he accepted a Note of mine for 43. and
afterwards gave it out of his hands with an Execution when he had about
L 30 in his hands. Poor Mugrage was sent Prisoner to the Log House
yesterday for demanding what was due to him from the Store House. On
the Backside this You will find my Complaints of Damages Sustain'd
wch, I have twice laid before the Trust who I hope will consider my
Sufferings and make me a suitable Redress, 14 Days before You
left us I went up to my Fathers Mill and began to clear Land and built
a large convenient Hutt for the Reception of my Wife and Family; but
Mr. Causton Jones and Capt. Dunbar coming up to see the Mill, the two
former told me that if I offered to settle there they would chop or
burn down my Hutt and oppose me to the utmost; they being so positive
against all I could alledge [sic] I again removed my Servants and Household
Goods for Savannah, I think it is very hard seeing I have been here
these 12 months and been 6 months in possession of the Honble, Trustees
Grant to Mr. Wm. Sale. for 500 Acres, and though I have offered Mr. Jones
5 Guineas above the Common Rate to run out my Land I can't get it done;
So I thought I might settle any where, where the Land was not run out
as my Father had some months ago written to the Trust that I had already
taken my Land there upon Account of his Mill. I hope Sir You will do
me what Service You can with the Honble. Trustees in faithfully
representing to them the Hardships I labour under.

Mr. Woodward of Fort Royal has offered to send me up L 50. upon
Bills on You which should He deceive me I shall be utterly ruined
unless something what most unexpected happens. Therefore I desire Sir
You would give me Leave to Draw on You or procure me the same from any
Merchant in Charles Town and I will send down my Bills on my Brother Mr.
Webb Druggist in Cheapside which I am sure will meet with an Honourable [sic]
Discharge. I heartily wish You and Mrs. Gordon a good Voyage, a
safe and speedy Return; but before You leave America beg an Answer to
this Epistle, So beg Leave to Subscribe my self

Your most humble Servt.

The underwritten Goods are what Mr. Causton took into the Store after
Mr. Sales Death upon an Agreemt. of allowing 25 p. Ct. on the Prime
Cost and this on the Honble. Trustees Credit, which now they have
lain in the Store these 6 months He would turn into my Hands again to
my entire Loss which I can very ill afford.

Lost By a Plow with the Iron Work of Two --------------L 9:-:-

One pair of Chain Harness ------------------------------ 3:-:-

Tapestry agreed for at 4 Guineas; He
refuses to pay me but Two ----------------------------- 2:2:-

Being forced to let out my Men at 18d
p Day p man By the Negligence of Mr.
Jones am thereby a Loser Six Shillings
p Day for Six months ----------------------------------- 43:4:-

p a Years Provision which I was hinder'd
raising by being turn'd off my Land by
Mr. Causton and Jones when I was in a
fair way for raising it -------------------------------- 54:0:-

A Horse Bought for the Indian Nation
drowned crossing Savannah River ------------------------ 7:2:10

A Deduction of 3 months from my Pay
as Lieutenant of Capt. Mackay's Compa. ------------------ 6:-:-

This is what I most earnestly desire You would endeavour to serve me in
with the Trust From

Your humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Quincy to Mr. Gordon dated at
Savannah 3d March 1734/5.

Dear Sir

I should have wrote to You much sooner but that I had some
Thoughts of coming down to Charles Town as I intimated in my last. I
have now laid that Design aside for some weighty Reasons nor indeed am
I at present able to undergo the Fatigue of the Passage Being lately
Siezed [sic]with a violent Disorder in my Face occasioned by the
Tooth Ach. [sic] I hear by Mr. Houstoun that You intend very Speedily
for England and am in some fear least You should he gone before this
gets to Charles Town.

I entirely agree with You that it is highly necessary to set the
Proceedings of our present Ruler in their true Light, but I am really
afraid that Matters are run to so high a Pitch that it is now too late
to prevent the Ruin of the Colony. We had on Sunday last an Affair
that threw us into great Confusion, Vanderplank and some other of the
Officers were called out of Church and made acquainted that there were
40 or 50 white Persons and as many Indians with Musgrove at the Head
of them that were entered into a Design to burn the Town and destroy
the People, at least some of them. The Alarum [sic] Bell was rung. Search
was made for the Conspirators and some of them were found who wore a
Mark to distinguish themselves vizt. a Red string about the right Wrist;
They were chiefly Irish Transports, none of the Freeholders were
concerned. There are several, of them indeed discontented enough but I
hope none that would enter into such wicked Measures as to bring a
general Destruction upon the whole Colony; many of them I believe You
are sensible are Persons of worth and it would be well worth the while
to endeavour [sic] to make them easy; but this is far from being the Care of
our imperious Magistrate who does things rather to encrease [sic] & provoke
than soften and appease the discontented. As for Musgrove he is for
some Cause or another very much enraged with Causton, some say he is
jealous of him with his Wife, others that he is afraid Causton should
get the Indian Trade from him, and some that during Musgrove's Absence
His Wife has made with L 1,600 Curcy. the chief of which was in
Silver and Gold and that he suspects that Causton has got her Money.

Whatever be the Cause I know not but it is like to fall very heavy upon
Watson who is accused of the whole Crime of provoking Musgrove by
telling false Stories of Causton to him. He is threatned [sic] to be sent
home in Irons to the Trustees which indeed I could almost wish, I mean
that he should be sent home for there would be then hopes that no
Injustice would be done him. I am very certain that he is maliciously
accused in this last Affair for he is not by any means the chief Tormentor
of Musgrove; Mr. Parker and some other Persons of Probity being
present while Musgrove was with him and heard every Word between them,
However here is fresh matter against Watson, Cotes, Watkins and some
others who are to be tryed [sic] as Conspirators against the Colony & indeed
Mr. Parker Himself is deemed one of the Conspirators, but it seems his
Youth and Inexperience are to excuse him from Punishment. The other
Persons vizt. Cotes and Watkins are to be excused for some Reasons or
another and the whole is to be laid upon Watson. It is suprising that a
Man should have so much implacable malice, that no
methods are left untried to compass his Destruction. For my part if
nothing else could be alledged [sic] against Causton but his inhuman Treatment
of that unhappy Man it gives me such a Horror and Detestation of his
Actions that I could never more brook him.

My Letters p Yoakley to Mr. Copping sufficiently relate the whole Affair and
I hope will come safe to hand and then little more need be said. But least
they should miscarry I have sent You Copys [sic] of the most material of
them and beg You to take Care of them because I have not transcribed them.
I am so much indisposed that I cannot say any more, on which Accot, I hope You will
excuse my bad Writing. I shall he glad to hear from You before You
depart, and am

Dear Sir
Your most affectionate humble Servant

My humble Service to Mrs. Gordon,
and lest I should not have an
Opportunity to write again I heartily
wish You Sir and your good Lady a
prosperous Voyage and all Happiness.
The Things You left at my House I
will he accomptable [sic] for to any one
You shall appoint.
When you come to England if You will
he so good as to visit Mr. Copping You
will know whether my Letters p Yoakley
ever came to hand.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Causton to the Trustees dated
Savannah March the 10th 1734/5.

May it Please Your Honours [sic]

In my last of January the 16th I proposed to Complete many other
Occurrences by Captain Dunbar and particularly Omitted (for want of time)
on Accot. of what had passed on Mr. Sale's Death; But there being
an Accident, Intervened; I thought it necessary (withot. Delay) to lay
before Your Honours [sic]following Account of the State of that Family as
also of an Intended Contrivance to Destroy this Colony.

Upon the Death of Mr. Sale his Widow resolved to go to England
& dissposed [sic] of his Effects; Mr. West bought some Furniture & the 4
Servants; She employed him to Sell the Grant of Land to Mr. Houstoun
one of the Scots Gentlemen. Collonel [sic] Bull being then here, Mr. Houstoun
advised with him and me about it. I lookt [sic] on the Grant, and told them
That tho the Trustees had Covenanted to grant to the Widow, in
that Manner, she could mak [sic] no Conveyance without their lycence [sic] and as
Mr. Houstoun had already a Grant of Lands It would be for the Interest
of both partys [sic]to join in a proper Application to them; Both Mr. West
and Houstoun agreed to this; And also upon Condition of Yor. Honours
Approbation for 12.L Sterling as purchase Money. But this
agreement was soon set aside; for it seems, Mrs. Sale did not intend to
part with her Grant; and her Orders to Mr. West was only in Relation to
the Town Lot This Misunderstanding brought her to me.

She Complained of being in Danger of loosing her Grant; that she
was afraid West was not able to pay her for the 4 Servants, And that she
had good Assurances of making 100 L Sterling of her Grant in England.
I talkt [sic] to West on this Matter, and told him, that I supposed he had
bought those Servants only with Intent to Serve Mrs. Sale because In my
Judgement, they could not be much serviceable to him. That as she had
hopes of making a good Advantage of her Grant in England, by offering it
to The Trustees; It would be much to her Disadvantage to part with
them, because. In them, lay the most immediate Value of the Grant, And
it would. be a great Service to her, if he would give up that Bargian.
Especially considering that the Servants (tho of an Orderly Disposition)
were much against being sold. To this he very readily and thankfully
agreed, And I promised Mrs. Sale, That if she went for England, I would
take Care of them for her. and employ them in the Trustees Services and
wait Such Orders as she should make; She also Complained, that her
husband had laid out a great deal of money in working Tools and Goods
which they could not Sell; and laid Claim, (That as Mr. Oglethorpe had
promised the Store Should take in the Negro Cloth). The Tools might be
taken also; In which Case I considered, That as she was going to England
& leave this place. It would not be Disagreeable to Your Honours, [sic] If I
endeavoured [sic] to make every thing as agreeable to her as I could. And
therefore, took all she said left into the Store, and paid her for them.
As your Honours [sic] will more particularly see by the Accot, Inclosed.

She soon after Changed her mind with respect to her going to
England, and Married Robert Parker junior who upon that Marriage gave
up his Commission and preferred Idleness and luxury above the Service of
his Country.

I proposed to him. That as his Servants would now become Serviceable
to him, and that his Ploughs and Cart Geer [sic] and other things (which
Yor. Honours [sic] will observe to be deducted out of the Account, whereof,
we have great plenty in the Store already, without any immediate prospect
of being used;) would be usefull [sic] to him in a proper time; Or at
least he might dispose of them to a much better advantage He thanked me
for this advise, [sic] and Offered his Harnesses and Ploughs to Mr, Houstoun,
but they not agreeing he resolved to send them altogether to Charles
Town. And I got them ready to deliver to the Boatman, but I insisted
that as I had acted in all that affair on my own Opinion and more
particularly being a ballance [sic] due in favour [sic] of the Store, that the
Boatman should either return me the Goods again or pay the Ballance [sic]
out of what he should sell the Goods for; But this made him very Angry
and Spoke many unbecoming things.

As my whole behaviour [sic] in this was in the first place to serve the
Widow in the best Manner I could and after the Marriage to do what has
been necessary from time to time by Supplying them with every thing,
that with any Colour [sic] of Season they have askt; [sic] I was not a little
Surprised, to have the enclosed come to my hands a Duplicate of which,
(if Mr. Parker Says truth) is transmitted to Your Honours.

But if on the other hand, he has only wrote it in an angry
Mood, and upon after thought, has not realy [sic] sent it, I thought
I could not take a better Oportunity,[sic] to lay before Your
Honours, [sic] the Opinion of this young Spark with such Ansers [sic] to it,
as I am ready to justifie [sic] by written and living Witnesses.

Twas the Discovery of a Dangerous Design; That brought this to me
I had received Information, That Watson and this Parker had sent for
Musgrove and had perswaded [sic] him, to be jealous and bear an ill Mind to
me. That he had repeated many Notorious and Villanious [sic] things which
yor. Honours [sic] will see by Musgroves and Camon's Affidavitts. [sic]
That several of the Transport Servants, had Stole and hid several Loaded
Guns & Ammunition in the Woods & were found; That when I was gone to
Skidoway [sic] on Sunday the 2d Instant, Vanderplank having received
Information That a Design was laid for Destroying the Town; And that those
who wore a Red string on their Wrist were concerned in it. And that Musgrove
was to head some Indians to join the white; He Rung the alarm Bell
and Apprehended One John Cox a Taylor from Carolina, Peircy [sic] Hill,
and Edward Cruise, Vanderplank*s Transport Servant who had all of them Red
strings on their Wrist as a Token of the Design agreeable to the

As I was coming home Mr. Fitzwater coming to meet me, told me
what had happened & I beleive, [sic] if they had not been so hasty in
ringing the Alarm more discovery might have been made. Besides with
Submission to Yor. Honours [sic] Commands when ever you shall please to
declare in that matter. No Alarm is to be given to the people (in the Day
time) without a warrant from the Magistrates then at hand, in the Town.
When I had considered of the whole Conspiracy I was of the Opinion That
very Probably some Villanious [sic] Fellows might be employed to do Mischief
and when done, lay it on Musgrove and the Indians.

On Monday March the 3d which Your Honours [sic] will observe is the
date of Parker's Letter he came to me about an Administration to Mr.
Sale and I took that Opportunity (Mr. Henry Parker being present) to
Reprove him for joining with Watson in the Storeys told to Musgrove,
That it was very Ungenerous, when I had done so many things in favour [sic]
of him & Family and perhaps had exceeded my Orders; And further beleived [sic]
it would be ill taken by your Honors [sic], because as Mr. Oglethorpe had
favoured [sic] him with a Commission. They no Doubt expected; he should
render them in a particular Manner, a Due observance of Such Regulations,
they think fitt [sic] to make in the Province, and to shew a proper Respect to
those they think fit to Entrust. He owned he had been with Watson on
Such an Occasion, and that he thought Watson was very unjustly dealt by.

On the Discovery of this Conspiracy It was agreed by all the
Magistrates here that Warrants should be Issued to Search Watson,
Parker, Coates, Watkins Peiba, and King Clark (These Six being daily in
Consultation frequently guilty of Ill Language, and were Seldom Seperate [sic])
with endeavour [sic] to find out further Lights into the Design. But it Was
too Late, for Qatson had not a paper of any sort about him, except one
Letter wch. he said was to Mr. Gordon, (by which you will see the
Encouragement he has lately taken and how ready he his to Embroil
the Opinions of Ungarded people. And more particularly That he supposes
himself to be tryed [sic] for his Life before he is Charged with any other
Crime than Creating a jealousy in Musgrove. But that and what he had
told Cannon was much alike; for Musgrove does not beleive [sic] him. At
Parkers the two Letters was [sic] found, are mentioned in Jones's
Affidavitt. [sic] At Watkins Coats, Peiba & King Clark nothing was found.

Now as to that part of Mr. Parkers Letter which Setts forth his
Damage so far as the same concerns me I beg leave to say, if it be
Compared with the Account now Enclosed, and what is before mentioned.
Tour Honnours [sic] will easily see he ha.s been no Sufferer on my Account.
As to that part which Concerns the Surveyors I do assure you, tis
groundless; That he has not made any use of his own Originall [sic] Town Lott
which he well knows; Neither has he medled [sic] with Mr. Sale's five Acre
Lott (tho begun in Sales lifetime) Neither has he been in any Settled
mind concerning his Land by his Wife's Grant; Sometimes agreeing (to
Orders) for the Land near Thunderbolt according to the Priority of
Landing & Grants; At other times absolutely refusing all Lands accept at
Skidoway, [sic] and since that resolved to have it where his Father has thought
fit to Erect a Mill and no where else; Tis true, he did tell me One day
That he had taken possession of Land which he liked and would keep it.
And tho I did not much heed it, I thought it necessary to accompany Mr.
Dunbar to See his Fathers Mill because of many reports that had been
raised about it.

We went as Visitors and Mr. Jones with us We saw the Mill and am Convins't that
the Shortest way to make it answer a proper end, is to pull it down and
new build it from the bottom in another manner, we saw it work, and it
saw'd half a foot in half an hour. I have desired Mr. Jones to give your
Honours [sic] his Opinion in the matter, as also the uses which that stream
might be Capable of with respect to Mill's (in Case) your Honours [sic]
should be inclinable to Indulge Mr. Parker or any one else in Such

This River is from the opening into Savannah near Abercorn Upwards
of 30 Miles to another opening into Savannah within 3 Miles of the River
leading to Ebenezer And is a much better & easier water Passage
to Ebenezer then going up the Savannah where the Current is very Strong
on the Side of the Main are many Bluffs of very good Land.

When we were there, the Young Gentleman shewed us his Hut which
he was building, I made no answer to that But Mr. Jones I beleive [sic] did
tell him That if he thought he did not intend to get lycence [sic] he would
pull it down at which he was displeased & Said he would go to England.
I advised him not to be angry for if Mr. Jones pulled it now down,
he did but his duty, and I thought that to take things by Force was the
wrong way to obtain a Lycence. [sic] There was nothing else materially
passed, but that the Father and we were very friendly, he askt [sic]
Something of the Store which I agreed to. He sent for them the next day
with a very obliging Letter, and I sent them (vizt.) the day of
As per his Accouint.

As to the other Reflections levell'd at me I answer'd if I had
at any time refused a reasonable request he might think me Narrow. But
the Truth is he has been Idle enough to Stay at home and Sell their
Cloaths [sic] and Eat and Drink till they are so much in debt, that they
can't tell what to do.

As to the goods Sold in the Store every thing on your Honours [sic]
Account is always sold at Prime Cost with about 10 P Cent for Charge of
Landing porterage and waist [sic] as will appear by the Store accos. now
entred and Attested by the Magistrates agreeable to Your Honours [sic]

As to Rum. There has not been one drop in the Store since Mr.
Oglethorpe's going hence. And I have desired Mr. Henry Parker and Mr.
Christie to Examine Robt. Parker about it.

What I have allready [sic] said & what the Enclosed Affidavits Contain
is the best Account I can at present give; But as many other things are
likely to be known in a Short time, I shall beg leave to Referr [sic] to my
next, and only tell you that Peircy Hill was Indicted by a Grand jury
& found Guilty of High Misdemeanors and Misprison of Treason. And the
Grand jury have made the Enclosed presentments.

I can't forbear Saying twas very Satisfactory to me, That
the Grand Jury which is Composed of the peace Officers and Gentlemen So
readily and of their ova mere motion and thought, presenting Robt.
Parker for publishing false Storeys. [sic] In that the Publick Store
Creditt [sic] was at a stand, and questioned by every body.

We shall not proceed against Watson nor Parker till your Honours [sic]
Orders arrive both with respect to Watson in my last Letter, and both
of them in this.

We shall punish the three people under Prosecution with shiping [sic]
fine or Imprisonment Aside Shew as much favour [sic] as we can to Hill. We
are very quiet, and make no doubt have disapointed [sic] our Enemys [sic]

Your Honours [sic] will observe (no doubt) that Watson in his Letter
to Mr. Gordon mentions a Sending of Mugridge to Gaol by the Courts
Committment. [sic]

The Case was thus Houstoun had brought an Action agt. Mugridg
some time since Mugridg had kept out of the way till Houstoun was gone
to Charlestown Mugridg then comes and Claimed a Nonsuit, which I
granted; When Houstoun came again he renewed his Action and Mugridg
had not appeared to it. At this Court he was a Tythingman in waiting;
and I sent for him and orderd [sic] him to appear the next day; He told the
Court that he would not Appear at all; And that as he had obtained a
Nonsuit it should be tryed [sic] elsewhere he persisted in Contempt of the
Court, and I Committed him. In One hour's time Bail was offered And
he was discharged. Tis true that Mugridge did some silly things, too
bad to be born with; But I never was nor shall be afraid to do my Duty
And when I embrace the first Tokens of submission I think I do my
Duty best. I always know I have Your Honours [sic] Rules to observe and no
one else; And in all my Actions shall Endeavour [sic] to manifest my Gratitude
so long as I have Life.

And am with, my best Endeavours [sic]

Your Honours most Dutifull Servt.

a Complaint haveing [sic] been made about Selling Rum I took the enclosed
Examination which I suppose Mr. Christie will answer.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. John West to Mr. Gordon dated
at Savannah 10th March 1734/5.


I am informed that You are going for England very soon which
gives me and my Wife a great Deal of Concern that we must lose your good
Company so soon and to think we must still remain under our old Government.
I fear that the Inhabitants will rise and destroy one another,
here has been a bloody Design since You have been gone found out which
I doubt not but by this time You have heard the Story. I beg of You if
You go for England that You would be so good as to entreat the Trustees
in my behalf to give me Liberty to come to England next Spring or as
soon as Opportunity shall permit me after that time for I would not do
any thing that should be contrary to their Will if I knew it. I beg
You will give my Duty to Esqr. Oglethorpe and the Revd. Mr. Smith and
all the rest of the Honble. Trustees and I heartily thank them for all
the favours [sic] that I have received from them, and I beg You will be
pleased to tell them that I shall not think no Pains nor no Cost too
much that is in my Power to do for the Credit, Good and Peace of the
Colony which I have hitherto endeavoured to keep and maintain. One of
my Reasons that I want to come to England for is to get me some Servants
of my own Country; I want also to Settle many Affairs with my
Relations in Bristol. I fear that You put Confidence in one man here
that will not prove as faithfull [sic] as You may expect, he came to
me to give him the best Information I could of the Grievance of the
People which I did but after he told me that he should not send it and
seemed to speak Slighting of You; There is no body so great as Mr.
Causton and he. I should be glad to hear from You before You go and
if possible to send some Letters by You to England. Pray give my Love
and Service to Your Spouse and my Wife's also. From

Your humble Servant end faithfull [sic]

Friend to Command,

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Joseph Watson to Mr. Gordon dated at
Savannah 10th March 1734/5.


Before I rec'd. your favour [sic] of the 20th ult. I had resolved on
applying to You and had drawn a foul Draft of a Letter ready to transcribe
wherein I beg'd your directing Mr. Abercromby the King's Soll.
General or Mr. Whiteker to plead my Cause in Case Mr. Causton's Malice
brings any fresh Trouble on me, believing he is purposed to destroy me;
My Apprehensions are justly enlarged since your Departure, for on
Friday last Mr. Vanderplank with a Guard served two Warrants on me
Siezing [sic] all my Papers &c. the Copys of them I have often sent to Mr.
Vanderplank for and the Copys of the Warrants but cannot get them nor
do I know their Contents; I think Sedition is expressed in one of them.

After searching they nail'd up my fore Door and Window and kept a
Centinell [sic] at my hack Door with Orders to Suffer no Person to come near
nor speak to me at any Distance unless he heard our Discourse; nor may
I use Pen, Ink or Paper, only my Servant Maid is permitted to go out
and in. I have sent my Case to my Wife with Orders to lay it before the
Honble. Trustees, it being unavoidably very long I have not an opportunity
to send You a Copy of it and writing but indifferently my self
I employed Mr. Watkins a Surgeon to write it, who being taken notice of
by Mr. Causton's Spys [sic] for coming to me was likewise taken into Custody;
from my House they took from me my Copy to You of my Letter, from Mr.
Parker the Copys [sic] of two Letters gone to the Trustees one informing
the Trust that Rum, during the time of pretending to Stave all that
could be found, was commonly sold in their Honours [sic] Store by Gold and
Compa. and the other reflecting on the Ill Payment of the Store Debts,
which is all they found (tho' they search'd sundry Houses and Persons
after a very indecent manner) except a Petition and Duplicate
to the Bayliffs [sic] and Recorder of Savannah, that Mr. Causton would perform
his Promises the last Court day to deliver up what Affidavits he had
received against some Officers of the Town, from whom the Life of himself
and all his family were in danger; which Mr. Watkins was writing
when Mr. Vanderplank entered my Apartment as they all do acknowledge.

I really expect Mr. Causton will put me out of this World by foul
Practise [sic] and have therefore enjoyn'd [sic] Mr. Watkins, if please God I dye
[sic] during these Commotions, to use diligent Ways of discovering the Cause
of my Death as he shall Judge needfull. [sic] Mr. Watkins complains of
receiving so many Injurys and Abuses that it was with the greatest
Difficulty he would comply to assist me in giving You this Account which
undone I must have languished in this almost dark Goal and perish
without Belief, or the World know any part of my Story; I beg You as
You tender the Life of an innocent injured Man do what in You lyes [sic] to
prevent my Sufferings before your Return, ease some of my
Griefs and let me have the Laws of my Nation to condemn or acquit me.
I desire no favour [sic] but an impartial Tryal [sic] and some body Skill'd in the
Law to plead my Cause that I may not be quibbled out of my fortune nor
Life by a Cast of White Chappel [sic] Sollicitors. [sic] I return You
Thanks for your kind Letter to me and wish You may return safe and
quick to see this People peaceable and prosperous, rescued from the
unlimited Tyranny they now groan under which is what offers from

Your obliged humble Servant to Command

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Patrick Tailfer to the Trustees dated
Savannah March the 15 1734/5/

Honoured [sic] Sirs

Having obtained a Grant from you for five Hundred Acres of Land
in the province of Georgia I came here Cheifly [sic] with a design to Settle
upon it but having had the misfortune of losing nine of my Servants a
few Days before we embarked and four more at Portsmouth (where we were
oblidged t[sic] o lay our Ship aground in order to refit her being pretty much
damaged by an unlucky Accident which happen'd there) I am rendered
incapable to persue [sic] that Design untill [sic] I get more Servants over, having
only three Men a Boy and Woman Servt. left Upon which account I have
rented a House in this town and Practise [sic] my business here as Physician
and Surgeon. However I should have imployed [sic] my Servants in Cleaning
and Cultivating my Land if I could have got it at any reasonable distance
from this Town but the land assigned us lying on the South Side
of Oheechy [sic] River Thirty miles from the Mouth of the River & about
Seventy miles from this place being so remote it would have been
needless for me endeavour [sic] to do any thing to the purpose with three men.
Indeed some of our Company who had a Sufficient number of Servants have
Settled there & made great improvements considering the time having
Built a very Strong Fort as well as Cleared a Considerable space of

As I am now in a manner Settled in this Town (which I would fain
flatter my Self may be of some advantage to the place there being no
other here regularly bred either to Physick [sic] or Chirurgery [sic]) I beg you
would be so good as to allow me my Land as near the Town as possible in
any vacant place for I expect more Servants over very soon which
will enable me to Settle and Clear it. I likewise beg you would Grant
me a Lease of one of your own Lots upon the Same Conditions as you do
to others and if you think proper to do it I shall build a good House
upon it and make what other improvements are Necessary.
I am with all due Respect

Honoured [sic] Sirs

Your most Obedient humble Servant

Copy of a better from Mr. Patrick Tailfer, Mr. Patrick Houstoun and
others to the Trustees dated at Savannah March the 15s 1734/5.

Honoured Sirs

We beg leave to lay the following particulars before you when we
obtained Grants from you for land in the Province of Georgia
we never in the least doubted but we Should have the Same privileges
and encouragement that other People had. We expected as soon as we
arrived here to have received provisions for our Servants for twelve
months. Tools for building and Clearing the Land Nailes [sic] for our Houses
and other necessary Ironwork, Arms and ammunition &c but contrary to
our Expectation we were refused every thing we hope you will Consider
that with a view of having those things we Laid out our money in purchasing
what necessary goods we Should want here in procuring our Servants,
paying for their Freight and our own (which amounted to a good
deal of money for we were obliged to Freight a whole Ship) and that we
put the Honourable [sic] Trustees to no Expence [sic] in sending us here.

The Land alloted [sic] us is very remote from this place being at
least Seventy Miles Distance which obliged part of us to Settle in this
Town in order to Supply the others who have settled upon their Land
with provisions and other necessaries from time to time, as well as
upon the account of our own business. It was impossible for us as
we laboured [sic] under such difficulties to do what we otherwise should have
done but however those that are Settled in the Country, have made at
least as great improvements as any before them especially considering
the time of their Settlement; they have cleared a Considerable Tract of
Land, Built their Houses and likewise a very Strong Fort which may be
of great advantage to this place as well as to themselves; but it is of
no use without Arms and Ammunition they having only two Swivel Guns
and ten muskets which they received from Mr. Causton to he paid for out
of our goods, for being Strangers in this Country and not knowing where
to purchase provisions and Several other Necessaries, we were oblidged [sic]
to apply to the Store but could not get any any thing from thence till
we lodged the Chief part of our Goods there.

We hope your Honours [sic] will take those things into consideration
and grant us the same advantages as others. We likewise hope you'll
allow us the remaining part of our Land next to the Town of any not yet
taken up.

We are with all Due respect

Honoured [sic] Sirs

Your most obedient humble Servant


We had almost forgot to mention one thing which is likewise a
great incumbrance upon those who are settled at Okecchy [sic] that the
Indians in passing backwards and forwards commonly demand provisions
and frequently Stay there Eight or ten Days and being always allowed
them at Thunderbolt and Port Argyle, they imagine it to be the same
here and would take it very ill if they were refused.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Christie to the Trustees dated at
Savannah. 19th March 1734/5.


I think it Indispensable my Duty to inform you That Whilst I was
at my own house a Sunday Evening the 2d of March Inst. To my great
Surprize [sic]I heard the Alarm Bell (Mr. Causton being then at Thunderbolt)
I immediately arm'd my Self and made to the Guard House where I found
Mr. Vanderplank who said he had discover'd a plot to Surpize [sic]the Town
and kill the people and he beleived [sic] Musgrove and the Indians were
concerned in it. without Speaking any thing more he took a party of men
and went down with them to Musgroves House. It seems since to Learn of
them whether any thing was in it hut they were all out of Town.

He left Mr. Carwell at the Guard house who at my request mar
shall'd the Freeholders as fast as they came & drew them up regularly
so that in a Quarter of an Hours time there was near 50 Men in Arms in
the mean time I used all the Diligence I could to learn out how this
Plot was to be Executed and by whom and upon Enquiry found Elisabeth
Gray knew Something of it I there upon took her to my house & began an
Examination before Sevll [sic] of the best people in Town. Found by her
Examination that a Red String was to he a Sign or token and immediately
sent out persons to make a discovery of any that wore it but found
none but the Prisoners hereafter named. I dispatched Mr. Fitzwalter
to desire Mr. Causton home and another Person to Mr. Parker who was
likewise out of Town. Mr. Vanderplank soon returned from Mr. Musgroves
finding nobody at home and upon hearing Mrs. Gray Examined read in my
house, seemd [sic] very angry with the Examiner went out in an abrupt manner
and cryed [sic] out in the Street he found what the Plot was we were agoing to
hang his man. I was going on with further Examinations but night
coming on and being informed of Mr. Caustons coming home Staid to
advise with him in this uncertain Posture of things We went to Mr.
Vanderplank Requested that two Compleat [sic]Tythings of able men might be
upon Guard that Night, That three or four of the Cannon might be
Immediately Charged and drawn out to Flank the Strand on each side
and things put into a posture of Defence [sic]Especially a good Guard about
our Magazine.

It is with a great deal of Pleasure I can tell your Honnours
what a vast number of freeholders appeared in the Defence [sic]of the place
And with what Spirit and Alertness they were ready to Execute any orders
that Should have Appeared Necessary.

My Self with a great Number of Gentlemen and the better Sort of
people being Compleatly [sic] armed form'd a Resolution to Patrole [sic] the Town
all that Night as Vollunteers. [sic] Mr. Causton soon came home and Joyn'd

We were Considerably Employed to See if all the Servants were at
home and a Bed and if not sent them to the Guard house Especially the
Irish Transports who if any Mischief had been on Foot we had no great
Oppinion [sic] of Especially Since Mr. Lacy (tho very dark) had made his way
through the wood to us that Night in pursuit of two of his Servants who
were that Evening run a way, a Maid Servant of his who had discovered
it and who was of design to go away with them having been found with a
Red String on her Arm the Mark or Sign mentioned in those affidavits
Sent to your Honours [sic] Inclosed in Mr. Causton's Letter to which I
crave leave to Refer'

All was very quiet that light and the next morning We Sate and
made further Enquiry took further Affidavits and Continued the Necessary

It was upon the Information of James McDonnald and the Affidavits
Of Cannon and Musgrove which you had enclosed in 14r. Causton's together
with our own knowledge of Several discontented Persons that had
Continually resorted to Watsons that we Judged it for the Saftey [sic] of the
Province to make out a Warrant to Search for papers there but seems
by some unaccountable means we found afterwards by Mr. Douglas his
neighbour [sic] who has nothing hut a thin Deal Partition between him and
Watson that our Resolution was carried to him before the Constable came
there and no doubt of it but to all the Others I can only Say if Mr.
Vanderplank had communicated his cause of alarm to me I should have
advised him to have made proper Search and taken measures for discovery
before the Alarm bell had been rung And according to the best of
my Judgement The Plot if ever it was Form'd Seems to have had Birth
either at Watsons or Mugredges house where Generally a parcell [sic] of
People in bad Circumstances resort a Little time will discover more of
which Your Honnours [sic] shall have Notice. Tomochachi and his people
Appears no way concerned in it and Seem'd very Surprised at the Alarm
Guns Testified their Fidelity and was Concerned they had been named in
it Mr. Musgrove as well as they desired we would assure your Honnours [sic]
of their Fidelity but it is certain That Some of the Indians Especially
one Sallote and Some others which are not of the Savannah Indians but a
Sort of Strollers seems to envy him very much Its well if they have no
design on his life they say he has sold them to the English for the

presents he has received & and what he tells them of the Granduer [sic] and
people of our Nation is a Lye [sic] to keep them in Awe and indeed I must Say
I could wish Tomochachi and his wife would Communicate some of his
presents to his people I beleive it would take of a great deal of their
Envy to him. Tomochachi was with us this day and told us that Sallotte
took a brand of Fire and went to Strike the Queen but narrowlly missed
her that the Scattering People Seem'd to be displeased with him and
Apokutche says he makes himself greater than he Should be. We have
assured Tomo Chachi [sic] of our Protection and if he found himself any ways
in Danger to reside at Yamacraw near us where we should do every thing
requisit [sic] for his Safety.

If any thing of Mischief Should come forth I am of Oppinion [sic]
it must be of that Side with the Spaniards or French Instigation. We
have had no News of Capt. Mackay but beleive [sic] he is Safe. We Expect 100
of the Upper Creak [sic] Nation who they now say are coming down to See us and
we Shall take Care to receive them in the best and most Formidable
manner we can.

Inclosed is the Presentments of the Grand Jury of the Tenth of
March upon which Peircy Hill John Cox and Edward Cruise have been since
Tryd [sic] and found Guilty they have already received 60 Lashes each by the
hands of the Common Hangman and are to receive 60 more unless any one
of them Shall make an ample Discovery Our orders relating to the
Rest of the Presentments Shall be transmitted to your Honnours [sic] in my
next As to what relates to Watson and Parker reffer [sic] to Mr. Caustons
Letter and Shall expect your Honnrs. Directions on that head.

There was an Information pretended to be sent to your Honnrs. by
one Robert Parker Junior Letters wherein he says it is Notoriously
known that Rum was Sold out of the Store House in the Name of Gould &
Compa. Mr. Henry Parker Bayliff [sic] and my self were desirous to Inform
your Honnrs. of the truth of it and to that End sent for Mr. Parker but
instead of coming sent the Inclosed Letter by which you'll See the
disposition of that Gentleman we then sent an Officer who brought him to
us he refused to give us any Accot. of that matter and gave us the same
answer as before he had done in his Letter, he refused likewise to
Attend the Court as Juryman Tho he had at the Same time two
Twon [sic no doubt meant as town]Lotts
for which we Fined him and now he has thought fit to Attend.

Mr. Gordon has been some time at Charles Town where he went in
order to Dispose of Some Goods he brought with him from England and it
was Strongly Rumourd [sic] that he had a design to return back but I am
Inform'd this day that we are not likely to See him again.

The Land the Saltsburgers [sic] are upon turns out very Sandy and
Barren it is now too Late to remove them for this Season and Shall
first Expect Your Honnours [sic] directions therein.

Allice Riley [sic] was hanged Some Months agoe [sic] within Six weeks after
her being brought to bed persuant [sic] to her Sentence of the 11th Day of May
Last and the Child is since dead.

I continue my former Request to your Honnours [sic] and remain

Your Honnours [sic]

Most Faithfull [sic] & Obedient Servant

The Indians talk mentioned in one
of Mr. Causton's Letters having Seen'd
crave leave to Referr [sic] thereto.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Joseph Hetherington to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
Thunderbolt March the 22d; 1734/5.

Honoured [sic] Sir

I Receivd [sic] your Welcome letter from Mr. Johnny Brownfield on the
28th of December last and have according to my Instructions
Sent John Godly home by Capt. Dunbar he has proved an Excellent good
Servant till the news came he was to go for England he then went
directly to Savannah and would not come to Thunderbolt any
more but Stayed till the Ship Saild [sic] wch. was upwards of tint two Months
although Causton and Mr. Gordon persuaded him all that lay in their
power and at last threatned [sic] him with Punishment if he did not return
it was all one he minded them not and I was Unwilling he Should receive
any Correction as I intended he should go home but I beleive [sic] he was
Encouraged by mother Penrose for she kept him in her Employ the whole
time I am sure nobody else would give him Encouragement and as for
troubling my head with her is what I did not Care for She Still remain
ing Conqueror over the whole place I received the Swiss end his Wife
and in return they are very willing to work and are laborious
people, but the men has had some old Strain in his right Arm & Cannot
work so hard as his wife my Spouse in particular returns your Honnour [sic]
many thanks for the great Care you had for her in Sending A maid for
now She don't work alltogether [sic] so hard her self nor Inded [sic]
can She. She now being very big with Child and within two months of her
time and likewise desired me to inform Your Honour [sic] that if you had
been here she would have made bold to Ask't you for a gossip being in a
fair way of having the pleasure of the first Child at Thunderbolt our
Settlement is much alterd [sic] for the better since your Honoor [sic] was there
for Now we can Almost go Ahunting [sic] there is so much Land Cleared I
have got about twenty Acres to my own Share and All fenced in with a strong
fence. I beleive [sic] Mr. Lacy his brother and Mr. Bishop have each of them
almost as much so that if our lands had proved but good we might Expect an
immence [sic] Crop this year but your Honour [sic] knows its most of it pine
barren Except a little Oak and Hickery [sic] towards Skidaway [sic] which is
about ten acres and that fell to Mr. Lacy's share our Settlement is Certainly a
beautifull [sic] place and the pleasantest in all Georgia and has not wanted
for any Industry to make it so. it has been Exceeding hard upon me this
last year being obliged to build so much And Clear lands at the
Same time I having but two Servants left. My Old frenchman being dead
I realy [sic] did work beyond what I thought I could but no person can tell
what they may do till they are put to the trial and I am very glad that
I was for it agrees mighty well with my health and Use has made it
intirely [sic] agreeable to me. we finished our Hexicon [sic] Ever Since
the 23d of September last but not built any more then Every one a house
and where the Other Should be have filld [sic] the vacant places up with
pallesades [sic] and So Strong and Commodious it is that we Value not
all the force of Augustine.

I have likewise built me another little House the demensions [sic]
of the first forty in Savannah which I call my farm with a yard of 200
foot Square paild [sic] in about a quarter of a mile from the fort and a
pretty Garden behind it my Cowpen adjoining to it the reason that
invited me to it was I found out a fine Spring that comes from under A
rock which is a sort of an Iron Stone and that is likewise fenced into
my yard, the water is farr better then [sic] the Spring your Honour [sic]
is acquainted with. My rural life I like so well and the Inclinations I
have to the place that I am as well satisfied as if I had five hundred a
year in England I only wish to have another Year over our heads then we
Shall begin to live and have every thing in plenty of our Own produce
I bought ten head of Cattle which I thought was pretty well at first
but had the Misfortune to loose [sic] seven of them soon after which was a
great loss for a young farmer but hope I shall retreive [sic] it again I
return your many thanks that you was so good as not to draw upon me for
the last favour [sic] I received when it became due for if you had I know not
what I should have done having met with so many Losses the first year
but I would have sold all I had in the world but it Should have been
answered it being so kind and generous an action but as your Honour [sic] has
been so good us to Stay so long must beg a little longer time I haveing [sic]
a Chargeable time coming on and God knows how our Crop may turn out.

If I had more Servants I did intend to Settle another plantation this
year and Mr. Jones would be so good as to run our Our other lands out
we having no more then one hundred & twenty five acres apeice [sic] as yet and
to Clear any more of it for planting would be so much Labour lost it
being entirely pine as we may want timber that may be of Service by and
by. I cheifly [sic] bend my mind to planting, & Cultivating of lands & had I
more assistance should be a very great Proficient that way I can't
afford to run upon any Projects as yet, having so few hands if I was
I should not get bread for my Family and Planting must be the first
thing that is taken Care on. I have given your Honour [sic] as good an
Accompt of my Affairs as possible I can and Exactly as they Stand hoping
every body will do the Same I had like to have forgot to acquaint you
when we had finished our Fort and mounted our great guns which are in
Number Eight. The Indians who are often with us asked what we made
such Strong defence [sic] for we told them in Case the Spaniards Shod.
interupt [sic] us. they answered if wee was afraid of that they would at any
time go and fetch all the Spanish Indians Sculps [sic] to us we thankt [sic]
them and Said no if they did us no hurt we Should do no harm to them They was
very well Satisfied and wanted much to deal with them for Skins but we
referrd [sic] it and would not meddle with the trade. Excepting your Honour
is so good as to give your Consent I would do nothing Contrary to your
Inclinations to gain the Riches of the Indies so much I value your
Honours [sic] favour [sic] and Esteem & a line from your Honours hand would
be the greatest present I could receive upon Earth. My Spouse Joyns [sic]
with Self her Duty to you hopeing [sic] God will Continue your health and
prolong your Days for the good of his people is the Sincere desier [sic] of

Your Honour's most Humble
and Obedient Servant


We have taken up Provisions upon Credit from Mr. Causton till an answer
comes from your honour [sic] to know wether you with the rest of the
Honourable [sic] Trustees will allow us a Second years provisions hoping
it won't be refused as it hath been allowed to all the out Settlements
Except ours and Should Thunderbolt be Excempted [sic] from any benefits
that Other Out Settlements receives I beleive it would be the breaking
of Hearts. Likewise hope your Honnour [sic] will give me your Interest in
haveing [sic] the same privilidge [sic] granted to me as my Neigbours [sic]
has alread [sic] received which is in Case of Mortality I should die
without heirs as in all likelyhood [sic] I shall not that I or my Spouse
may by will Nominate any one person to be our Successor to the lands
granted to me and in case we Should have a female Child it may desend [sic]
to her I being one of the first Grantees hope it will not be denied as it
hath been granted to other of a later date.

Copy of a Letter from Capt. Patrick Mackay to the Trustees dated
at Coweta March the 28 1734/5.

Honourable Gentlemen

My Last was dated the November last from the Uchie Town on
Savannah river whereof I now send a Copy.

This accompanies a Journall [sic] of my procedure and actions since I
left Savannah untill [sic] this day that I am preparing to proceed for the
upper Creek nation. I have nothing to Say in Addition to the Journal
but what follows. Tho' I have been but a Little time here I remark'd
that the Chief men of the Indians behave with greater Civility and
Seem to respect us. yea all the traders more with in this 20 days then
they did before and I impute it altogether to ye description these
Indians Mr. Oglethorpe carryed [sic] over gave on their return here to them
of the grandeur and Power of the British Nation. Its incredible how
much they are overawd [sic] by the Silly place in posession [sic] of the
French calld [sic] fort Thoulouse [sic] and by St. Marks which lyes [sic]
about a Short days Journey from the entry of the Chatauchie [sic] River
but the Spaniards give it the name of Appalachicola [sic] River. by all
the Intelligence I could get St. Marks has but 20 men in it and there is
only thirty in Fort Thoulouse [sic] call'd by the Indians Albama. [sic]
So I inferr [sic] from this sudden Change and their being so much
overawd [sic] by these little Forts that the Indians are governd [sic]
more by the principles of fear as love. I find they
are a sullen morose people of few words, very ambiguous in answering
Questions, mighty deceitfull [sic] and covetous nor are they naturally so
brave as some say as their manner of Fighting declares. Its true they
are so intoxicated with the principle of revenge that they delight in
going constantly to warr [sic] against those that Injure them or rather they
hunt enemies as they do any other prey with this difference only, that
when by Surprise a gang of 20 or 30 kills one of their enemies they run
day and night tho they know of no enemies nigh them till they think they
are out of danger or reach of the Enemy and that is never under a 100
or 200 miles. they are Self Conceited people and very apt to think
Europeans are affraid [sic] of ym.[sic] They have a Notion that if they do any
mischief or harm to a white man the name the give to a European. It's
the only means to obtain a present. They have no manner of Notion of
gratitude, in a word I cant [sic] observe they are governd [sic] by any
vertuous [sic] principle Having Considerd [sic] the Indians in this light
I thought proper to have spoke to them in the manner I did and I now find
I have not been deceived in my opinion for If I was to demand all their
terri tories, they have not a Countenance to deny me tho I beleive [sic] any thing
they yeild [sic] is against their Inclination. Its my Opinion that 500 Men
with what Indians could be raised in this Nation if Brittain [sic] was
engaged in a warr [sic] with France and Spain would put Brittain [sic]
in possesion of all Florida and to the Missisippi [sic] River and that
these 500 Men garrisond in augustine [sic] and Moville [sic] and Cowsa [sic]
Rivers among the Chactaw [sic] Indians I say its my Oppinion [sic] it would
not only gain but preserve all the Indians Inhabiting that part of this
Continent to the British Interest but be an effectuall [sic] Security
to the Southern Settlements of the British Empire on the American main against
those potent PowersAnd I must think that if Brittain [sic] overlooks these Settlements
particularly that of the French it may in time prove of dangerous Consequence
to Carolina and Georgia. By the advices I had last month from Carolina
I understood that Brittain [sic] must inevitably be engagd [sic] in a Warr [sic]
with France & Spain this Spring as that would be a favourable [sic] Occation [sic]
and that I know not but the Goverment [sic] might think proper to lay hold of
it. I dont [sic] think it impertinent in informe [sic] you in case the notion of
want of provisions should prove a difficulty that this Nation could
Spare 4 or 5 months provisions for 500 men without incomoding [sic] themselves
in the least, by buying up the corn fairly from the Indians who
likewise have plenty of Hogs and I believe 100 Cows and Steers could
be bought up among them besides a few Carolina Cattle. Hunters could
very soon kill what Cattle they pleased in the Apalachie [sic] fields where
there are thousands to be had Salt the beef there and transport it to
the Chatanchie [sic] River wch. is Scarcly [sic] 20 Miles from these Fields. But
this I mention only to Show there is no danger of want of provisions
in this Nation for 500 Men for the time I mentioned if Such a
thing Should ever be attempted I would advise to embark the men so as
the might be in the month of September or Ocober [sic] in the River Alatamaha [sic]
which is but 8 Days easy march from this nation.

These months are reckond [sic] the healthyest [sic] for Europeans to come
into this Climate because the Violent heats being over they may he
Seasond [sic] a little before they return. And moreover I take this part
of the Country as it is hilly and lyes [sic] high to be much healthier than
the Sea. Coast which Commonly Lyes [sic] Low and marshy. Even Strangers
are Seldom or ever troubled with Fevers and Ague in this place and I am
inform'd by the traders that if they should (as Sometimes they are) be Catch'd
by the fever and ague in the Settlement it rarely continues a month by them
in this Nation.

Any other motive that Should invite Brittain [sic] to be at a little
expence [sic] is the enlarging the consumpt of her manufactures which
such an addition as the Florida & Chactaw [sic] Indians would crest and the
Chactaws [sic] have allready [sic] essay'd and do Still Show a forwardness
for entering into a treaty of friendship and Commerce with us which has
allarmed [sic]the French at Movile [sic] mightly. [sic] the Chactaws
(I am told by the Dog King who was the person Thomas Jones imployd [sic]
to Carry some of them down to Georgia when they were quarreld [sic] after
they return'd home, by the Governour [sic] of Moville [sic] for going there)
Said we have Since we made peace with the Creeks had favourable [sic] reports
of the English and we see'd the Creeks who are in Frendship [sic] with them
Supply'd with all manner of necessarys [sic] for them selves, women and
Children which we want, we have now been long in frendship [sic] with you
and yet wee injoy [sic] no Such benefits if you Supply
us with all these things they do the Creeks we will not go to the English
and if you do not we a free people mayn't we go to whom we please.

Upon this large Presents were made them and farr [sic] Larger promisses that
they would next year be Supply'd with all Such things as the Creeks had
from the English, however they reinforced the two Chactaw [sic] garrisons and
keep the body of the Nation at home by promise and threats excepting a
few on the Frontiers who come to trade with. Thomas Jones. And now the
French talk of building a New fort on the Frontiers to prevent any
Communication twixt us and them. I Could not only prevent this new Fort
being built but I could soon be master of fort Tholouse [sic] which would
open a Communication with the Chactaws [sic] but as I know not how such a
thing would be taken at Court before actuall [sic] warr [sic] is declared I choose
to waits further orders or that I finde [sic] the French begin to act
offenceively, [sic] which in the meantime (if I waits to receive it) gives
them the advantage of giving the first blow and if I wait till the French
discoverd [sic] a disposition to disturb us in this nation, I don't know what
could be done with 24 Men but to fly before them in the woods. For as
the French have the remains of a party among the Creeks if we were Seen to
fly once our friends would be discouraged to declair [sic] for
us and would be overawd [sic] by them their Creek friends and the Chactaws
and if we pretended to stand we would be but cut to peices [sic] before we
could have releif [sic] from Georgia or Carolina. Indeed had I an [sic] 100 men
here it would give the Indians a Countenance to Join us and we could
keep the Enemy in in play till we were Reinforced.

TheDoctor is a very acceptable person among the Indians. I find he
allready [sic] has cured Severall [sic] of Some Distempers as it is
call'd here andof Several other Illnesses. The young man behaves exceeding
well and I believe knows his bussiness [sic] as much as any one in these
parts of the World. Yea I gott [sic] him Condesend [sic] to cure our horses
of wounds bruises &c by which Severail [sic] has been saved.

I send herein a Catalogue of medicines for the Company which can
be Supply'd from thence cheaper as from Carolina and if you approve of
his Serving the Indians the Quantity must be enlarged.

I am to have an interview with Chercholeigie at Palachocola how
soon I have dispatcht [sic] this Express, who goes for Information from
Savannah if conform to my last advices Brittain [sic] has declared war against
France and Spain that I may act acordingly [sic] here.

I shall write my next how soon I have had a Publick Conference
with the Chief men of the Upper Creek Nation till then I shall take the
Liberty to say that I am with great Esteem

Honourable Gentlemen

Your most Devoted & most humble

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Causton To Mr. Oglethorpe dated at
Savannah March 24 1734/5.


In my Letter to the Trustees of January l6th Your Honnour [sic] will
observe That I declare (till then) I had maintained the Publick peace
wth. some ease. . . . And Indeed the People's behaviour [sic] in general has
been very Commendable. But when Mr. Gordon unhappily took part with
Watson and Discoverd [sic] to the people that he had different Sentiments
from me They soon Concluded That as he was First Bayliff [sic]it was in his
power to order everything and every one that had Beef when they wanted
Pork was countenanced by him with a great deal of Compassion and

When I told him of Watsons Case and how gently I had used him he
told me That he thought it was not very gentle Usage to Imprison a man
for the Sake of an Indian. And tho' Self preservation, Humanity and
all the reasonable Obligations in Nature confirm your Honnours [sic] Orders
with regard to the Indians Yet I am Told by Mr. Quincey and Some few
others That, tho' (in Such things) I may act according to my Instructions
I ought to Gratifye [sic] the People and think that you are not Infallible
this Gentleman has often Changed his mind in this affair. One day he
came to me and told me That Watson was a very Villain and a madman So
that I ask't him wherein he thought you had Erred. He told me That most
people were of the Opinion we Should one day Repent our Civilitys [sic] to
the Indians. But tho' as to that matter he would not pretend to direct
yet he thought it would be more prudent to Send Watson away. I told him
I had power to Imprison him But none to Discharge him And that I had
much rather bear the Reflections here which I might at a proper time
Correct; than give him an Opportunity to Spread his Malitious [sic] poison
where I should never have it in my Power to apply a Remedy. He urged
it as an Extrordinary [sic] Case wherein I might and ought to Deviate from
your Sentiments or my Orders.

Mr. Coats is a great Sollicitour [sic] and an Asserter of Watson's
Greivances, [sic] for which he has had many Reprimands. De Perbe the jew
will be nibling but is as yet Sly enough to avoid a Punishment, Watkins
the Surgeon Is his Secretary Robert Parker Senior & Robert Parker
Junior, Wright, and King Clark are Councellous [sic] in their towns and they
all think themselves Eminent Politians [sic] and Scorn to be advised or Submit
to Rule. The two Parkers absolutely refuse to serve on jurys [sic] or
appear in arms Saying they are Gentlemen and it is beneath them to Serve
in an inferiour [sic] Court. And the Old Gentleman with an air of Complaisance [sic]
That he Should be unwilling to act Contrary to the Rules of any place
But his friends in England would blame him. As to the Old Gentlemen his
Talk was some time Since I told him I would fine him and he immediately
declared he would quitt [sic] his Town Lott which prevented his being troubled
any more on that head. And upon this Occasion it was that Tommy Jones
being resolved to Claim his right to the Same Town Lott the Court gave
way to the Presention [sic] which your Honnour [sic] will See by the Court

As to the Young Gentleman, he has been brought As prisoner to
his Arms by his Officer very frequently and has been twice fined and
Levied on for non Attendance on Jurys.

I am sometimes Informed of their Transactions and I knew of the
Scheme to make Musgrove uneasy more than a Week before Musgrove
discoverd [sic]it and was in a fair way to have made a more usefull [sic]

I fear Watson will have reason to find his pretended friends a
Real Burthen.

Your Honnour [sic] will easily beleive [sic] that when I committed him to
Goal t'was intended not only to preserve him from the Indians Resentments
But also from Dangerous Company but the Military Gentlemen are too
apt to think that the Orders of the Magistrates are to be executed as
they think fit and untill [sic] some of your advice come it is very
Difficient [sic] for the Magistrates to help it.

The Court having in the best manner they could Required the
Grand Jury to present among other things Tipling Houses without Licence [sic]
they presented Cheesewright on a Suspition [sic] of Carrying on Such Practices,
And and tho this was their own Presentment the Officers Neglected their

I was one night going to Musgroves to Remove some people who I
know was there after the Guard pretended to have been; about 12 of the
Clock at Night and coming home I heard a noise at Cheesewrights I went
to Coats who was than [sic] on Duty to tell him to Enquire the meaning of it
he brought me word That five or Six men were drinking and were going.
but I found that he had told Cheesewright I had been Listening under the
window and had Sent him So that the next day Mr. Cheesewright came
to my house to Insult me.

Mary Simeon, who came with Mr. Papott and was bound by Your
Honnours [sic] Orders to Arther Oyle Edgecombe has been Transferred (without
Leave for money to James Muir, I reprimanded Edgecombe for pretending
to Sell what he did not buy and that if any thing happened amiss to the
Girl I would place her out & then Muir would expect his money again.

Muir in a Short time Dislikt [sic] the Girl and Sold her again to
Willson. Upon which I orderd [sic] That Willson should recover his money of
Muir and the Girl should be put to Some Housewifely Mistress I desired
the Trustees of Orphans to look out for a Mistress. But Wilson found
means to hire her to Cheesewright as a Servant and so was to be Repaid
his money.

I had received frequent Accounts of ill Practices and of the
Girl's misusage but not willing to Credit every Storey [sic] had
recomended [sic] it to the Guard without any Success.

One night going my self into an open Hutt of Cheeseqrights in
Search of a Fellow who had been ill behaved and could not be taken, I
found the Fellow this Girl and three other men on several beds in one

I examined Cheesewright the next day about this matter taking
Mr. Christie and Coats with me to Cheesewrights [sic] House, when it was with
great Difficulty that I got Coats to take the Girl and Convey her to
the Trustees of the Orphans, However the Girl is Removed and is at
Service with Mr. Fallowfield who is now a married man.

The Order Against Retailing Liquors landing of Rum Forestalling
and unlawfull [sic] Assembling of Servants are wholly neglected and Unless
the Magistrates are both Witnesses and Judges nothing is done. Twas by
an absolute Charge upon the Consciences of the Grand jury that I got
Penrose and Hodges to be convicted of Retailing Liquor without Licence. [sic]
This I Pursued (after a first Conviction and fines Levied) to a Second
when Mr. Hodges Submitted to Order in a very handsome manner. But altho'
I have reason to Beleive [sic] many carry on that trade, I have no
Presentments of that kind or Proofs to Convict them.

I once seized a Pipe of Rum my self at Hodgeses which had
been landed at the Crane at Noon Day. Another time Dennis Fowler one of
the Trustees Servants (placed under Vanderplank) was accused before me
of lying with Carwall's Wench in his Masters Yard before a great Boy in
the time of Divine Service; I Orderd him to be whipt [sic] and (the
Officer) declared that the Honestest Fellow in the Province was going
to be whipt.

If any person is committed to Gaol they lett [sic] them out and if they
apprehend any one either by Night or Day they discharge them at pleasure
without Consulting or Reporting it to the Magistrates.

As Capt. Dunbar will be able to give your Honnour [sic] a particular
Account of things of this nature I shall hope for your advice or
presence here. And beg leave to Assure you that tho this idle way of
Behaviour [sic] is Sufficient to vex me, I have allways [sic] maintained the
Authority of a Magistrate without the Breach of private friendship.
I could say a great Deal on this head but as I have perswaded [sic]
the Constables to Exercise a Ward every Sunday after Evening Service I
hope my next will give a better Account.

The Red String Conspiracy, which I mentioned to the Trustees
proves to have risen at the Widow Bowlings House wliere Mugridge Tibbitt
and some others (too much in Debt) had distinguisht [sic] themselves by a Red
String on their wrists as a Signall [sic] of a Drunken Resolution to desert
the Colony upon pretence that they have no Tittle [sic] to Shew for their

I Judged it better not to take any direct notice of that and to
tell the people (as occasion offered) That any one might have an Extract
of their Title at any time; And I beleive [sic] by the Prosecutions against
Cox, Cruise and Hill And letting the people know the damage of Conspiracys [sic]
they are pretty well Convinc't that they have escaped a Scowering.

I shall take Care to have an Eye upon these Sort of Gehtlemen [sic] and
not fail to Charge them (who have made no Improvements) with what the
Trustees have expended on them, when ever they shall attempt to Desert
their fellow Advanturers. [sic]

With Respect to the Reflections which some people here have so
little reason and so foolish as to publish by writing and Speaking I
have not Spared to Read them Some Paragraphs in Woods Institutes
whereby they may see the Punishments they are Liable to Libells [sic]
and false tales And indeed it will not be proper (allways) [sic] to pass it by.

As I would not be willing to lengthen any one Letter longer than
I am Sure of making a fair Transcript in proper time I beg leave to
Refer your Honour [sic] to my next for further Accts. which is now my mighty

Be pleased to give your favourable [sic] Correction to any thing here
amiss. As not intended to Reflect on any one But is particularly
adressed [sic]to you (who having been an Eye witness to many of our failings)
in hopes that by your Advice and Interposition Affairs may pass on
Something smoother.

I am


Your most Dutifull [sic] and most

humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Patrick Mackey to An Anonimous [sic] Person dated
Coweta March the 27th 1735.


I had yours of the 10th January nigh a Month ago advising me of
the Arrival of the Indians from Brittain, [sic] and that the Trustees had sent
presents for the Cheif [sic] men of the Creeks.

I have had all the Cheif [sic] men of the Lower Creeks Assembled in
this town. last week to hear the talk I had to deliver them from Mr.
Oglethorpe. I took occasion to tell them then that the King of Brittain
[sic] and his greatly Beloved men had sent Presents afresh to them by
Tomochachi [sic] as a further Indication of their Esteem and friendship for
them, that when I had. delivered the talk to the upper Creeks, I would return
from them prepared to Accompany them to deliver them the new talk and
presents that are waiting there.

I found the Indian sent here by Tomochachi [sic] inclined to have their
own private friends Carried down, and not the Leading men for which
reason I forbid him to Invite any without my knowledge, as the Trustees
are at so great Charges to gain the friendship of the Indians, Its [sic] just
to think the presents should he bestowed on the most deserving and of
most Interest and power among them here, as I dont doubt but you will be
of Opinion with me in this I hope you'll Cause take care that none of
these presents he Lavished away by Tomochachi [sic] who I hear has them in
his Custody, but take them under your own Charge till the Cheif [sic] men go
down your Senceable [sic] that if there is no presents for these Indians I
carry down at your desire it will put the Trust to a Needless Expence. [sic]

The young Prince you mentioned in your Letter and who was Son of
the late Emperor Brem dyed [sic] at Silver Bluff on Savannah River about a
month ago. the other Twin Brother is but a worthless drunken fellow?
and Intirely [sic] in the French Interest, you'll use this Express with
Civility because he is to Continue in this Station by Direction of Mr.
Oglethorpe for should he be male treated [maltreated?] I shall have
difficulty to find any other so proper to Carry on a Correspondence
in Case of Danger.

By all the Intelligence I have here of late the Spaniards talk of Settling
and Building a Fort at the Appalatche [sic] Old Fields, I have Imployed [sic] proper
heeds to prevent this, and as its possible some of the Spaniards may
suffer, they will be apt to resent it on your Colony therefore its my
Opinion you put the out Settlements on their Guar'd and Tomo Chachi [sic] of it
that he may order Some of his Indians to Scout about the Alatamaha [sic] and
likewise Order Captain Ferguson to keep a sharp look out that he may not
be Surprised. I here [sic] the French have Reinforced Albama [sic] Fort and talk of
Building a new fort to Cut of the Chuctaws [sic] from any Communication with
us, this I'le [sic] endeavour [sic] to prevent If possible and would Effectually if I
understood Brittain [sic] had declared barr.[sic] therefore you'll advise me by
this Express of the last Accots. you had from Brittain [sic] relative to peace
or Warr [sic] and if you should understand Warr is Declared after this Express
leaves Savannah, you should advise me thereof by Express, for Sho'd I
know it sooner than the French, I may have it my power to Surprize [sic]their
Fort; belt if they have earlyier [sic] Accounts of it they will fortify them
selves in that Place; and be Reinforced with Such Numbers of men as that
it will be a difficulty to gett [sic] them Removed by which mean as they have
allready [sic] a party among the Indians they will sooner awe the whole of the
nation that we may be in danger of Losseing [sic] our Interest in them therefore
I think as early advise [sic] may prevent this it deserves the Expence [sic] of any
Express you can easily be Supplied by Captn. Mackpherson [sic] in any if
Requisite. I am with much Esteem

Your Most humble Servant


Please send by my Express 4 pair of hand Cuffs with small Pad
locks. I find a great many Sawcy Villians in this Country that dont [sic]
incline to Submitt [sic] to any Government, and their is an Absolute Necessity
to make Examples of some for the Terror of others. I shall Expect this
Express shall return before I leave therefore let me know how many of
the Chief men of the Indians you'll have me Carry down. Let the Express
Have Indian Corn for his Horse.

Please forward the Pacquet [sic] Directed for the Honourable [sic] Trustees,
and as its possible my Express may loose his Horse by being at so great
a Distance from him it would do well that you would order Mr. Musgrove or
some other to Pylott [sic] him to town. It will be a disappointmt. [sic] if after
you have Dispatched him he should loose [sic] many days in Search of his

Copy of a Letter from Captn. Patrick Mackay to Mr. Oglethorpe
dated at Coweta March the 29: 1735.


I gave you the trouble of a long Epistle from the Uchie Town in
November last Since which time I have been imployed [sic] till now in the
manner my Journall [sic] Setts forth.

If in any thing I have behaved my self unworthy of the trust you
were pleased to repose in me nothing could give me greater pain or more
Satisfaction then to tell me wherein that by quickly rectifying my
mistakes or neglects I might demonstrate how Cheerfully I would hew down
any thing to Merits the Honourable [sic] Trustees approbation of a person
called poor Freind of Mr. Oglethorpe's (the common appellation given me
in derisione [sic] in Carolina) and which I hope you'll give me the Liberty
to value my self always upon while I don't act any thing unworthy of
my Patron.

Since I wrote my Letter to the Honourable [sic] Trustees I had an
Interview with Cherekeileigie first in the Palachocola Square which
Continued from 9 the forenoon to 2 afternoon and the remaining part
of the Evening in Mr. Wiggines house. Its Impossible to Committ [sic] the
whole that passed to writeing. [sic] I hope you'll Judge it sufficient I
tell here that I impeached him of Treachery and Fallshood [sic] towards my
master and his Subjects and that he never observed any premisses he had
given of good behaviour [sic] on the Contrary betrayed us allways [sic] to the
Spaniards. I told him the great King and his greatly Beloved men the
Esqr. bid me tell him that they would give him this opportunity once for
all of repenting of his former misbehaviours [sic] and an offer of entring
[sic] into (as the rest of the Creek nation had done) and ratyfying [sic] the treaty
of Freindship [sic] and Commerce with the King my Master But if he thought to
Continue the Deceitfull [sic] Men he hitherto had been I would find it out and
perhaps pay him a visit at his house when he least Expected it.
Cherekeileigie is the Crafyest [sic] most Cunning And the boldest Spoken
Indian I have had as yet Occasion to Converse with He told me with great
Impudence a great many false Stories and I as Confidently told him I
beleived [sic] them to be so. What Say's he do you discredit what I say
I am a Mico and Mico's Scorn to Spake Lyes [sic] I am not affraid [sic] to
tell truth I once was in Freindship [sic] with the English when I gave
Proofs of my being a man I have Fought with them against the Tuskeroraes
Its true I was Concern'd in the Yamasee Warrs[sic] against Carolina but I was
not the Occasion of breaking the peace at that time yea I was averse unto
it because I lived as happily as any white men in those days in my own
house I wore as good apparel and rode as good a Horse as most of them
but once I was engaged in the warrs [sic] I did the English all the harm I
could and thereafter tho I did not personally disturb them my men did,
but of late years I take your Kings talk with a Straight Heart. I have
not been there 10 or 11 years at Augustine but they send for me and
presents to me with a talk I hear what they say they desire the Liberty
to Settle and rebuild a fort at the appalachies [sic]they and the french [sic]
(but I beleive [sic] he mistakes Spaniards of Pensawla [sic] for the French) have
run out Large Quantitys [sic] of Land last year & Said they would Settle it
this year by the time Watermellons were ripe I told them (Says he)
that I beleived [sic] the Creek nation would not give their Consent and that
they had better let it alone.

You desire (Says he) that I Should return to my own Town if I
do so then they will Settle where I am therefore I do better to
Continue at the forks where I can be a Spy on all the Actions of the
Spaniards which I will Communicate to any beloved men your great King
Shall Send here. You forbid us to go to the Spaniards and French why
does your own Kings Subjects trade with them & think to hinder us who
are free People. Your King allways [sic] threatens to demolish Augustine and
Conquer the French att [sic] Moville and the Cutt Cheek King, (meaning the
Governour [sic] of augustine [sic] ) threatens to destroy Charlestown and the King
of Moville Says he will destroy both but I Shall never see the day that
the one Shall Conquer the Other. amongst many other things I said in
return to this I answer'd to the last part of what he Said particularly
that if the Spaniards or we were at warr [sic] he was mightly [sic] mistaken.

I desir'd him to ask of these of his Country who had been in Brittain [sic]
if they thought the Town they Saw Could Spare as many men Ships and great
Guns with Ammunition as would demollish [sic] Augustine Fort which had but 400
or 500 men at most in it and 50 or 60 Guns I dont know (says he) what
power or force your King may have there but I have seen Several
attempts made in vein by Carolina upon it and the Spaniards Say that
your King has but a Small Island in a Word I beleive [sic] that Fort is
impregnable. A great deal more to this purpose passed needless to
Notice here hut he Concluded with a Promise of acting friendly
towards us and keeping me always advised of the actions of the
Spaniards. But it is my Oppinion [sic] he will Endeavour [sic] to deceive both
parties; as for me I shall allways [sic] Consider the man as a rogue and employ
him accordingly. I gave him and his Brother 2 blanketts [sic] and 2 Shirts
which I had of Thomas Wiggines and promissed [sic] him if he would behave
himself with fidelity as friend the great King would take Notice of him.

Some days after I deliverd [sic] the Talk and presents Luckho, [sic]
Mico of the Uchesses a faithfull [sic] friends of ours by report came and
told me that a great many had gone from the lower Towns to Augustine they
never will (Says Luckho [sic]) forbear goeing [sic] that way while the
path is white but if it be made bloody they'le [sic] allways [sic] Stay
at home I want to be revenged of the Spaniards for killing my Brother
out of whose Scull [sic] they drink at Augustine. I am resolved to make
that path Bloody and this will keep our mad young People at home and if
they are not hindred [sic] in this manner they never will he got Stoped
from going there. I told him he might do as his heart inclined for my part
I neither would advise or diswade [sic] him. I find Lickho [sic]
keept [sic] this design Secret and is with 25 men gone to warr, [sic]
but the ocher Indians Suspect him much where is gone, and Seems much
concernd [sic] for the Consequence that this will create enemys [sic]
below as well as above them. I have advised Mr. Causton of this that
he may put the Out Settlements Capt. Mcpherson and Ferguson on their
guard, in case the Spaniards Should think proper to disturb them, I
have reasons to beleive [sic] I could easily get Albamas [sic] Fort
oversett [sic] if I knew the war was declared for that reason I send
this Express to Mr. Causton to Know the State of Europe by last advices
with respect to peace or warr [sic] that I may act accordingly here.
Till I have the pleasure to write my next I beg leave to declaire [sic]
that I am Sincerely with profound Esteem

Honourable Sir

Your most Oblidged [sic] & most faithfull [sic]
humble Servant.

Tomorrow I goe [sic] for the upper Nation. I forgot hitherto to tell that if
the Company now here is to Subsist or Designed to range, as I think they
must. Carabines [sic] should be provided for them, for the common Musketts [sic] are
too heavy and unfit for Horses Carriage. If I am to Continue in this
Service I beg the favour [sic] a Saddle with Curb bridle breast plate &
Crupper may be sent me made very Strong on purpose. These Sadies calld [sic]
Kings hunters answer best Here with Shammy or Coarse Velvet
Seat because leather burns up very soon. I had two Saddles broke in the
riding thourough [sic] bad Swamps allready, [sic] & now I have but a very Indifferent
Saddle. I beg pardon for this presumption & I hope when you Consider I
have no acquaintences [sic] in London that would Serve me faithfully in this
you'11 easily forgive me; I shall pay the Value to Mr. Causton I beg
to know if my bill has been duly Honoured [sic] for I have had no advices
from Brittain [sic] ever Since I had wrote them in May last which makes me
Suspect my Letters are Miscarry'd, & for that reason I beg to be
Excused for Sending this under your Cover. Cherckeileigie told me
St. Marks was a punchion [sic] fort & had 3 Guns & 30 men and that their was
no Settlement on this river below him.

Copy of a Letter from James Abercromby Esqr. to Mr. Oglethorpe
dated at Charles Town March 29th 1735.

Having this opportunity by Captn. Dunbar I can't let it pass
without paying my Compliments, which may have nothing to Recommend them
but the Distance from whence they come.

The Affairs of this Province have had no great Alteration Since
your Departure. Our last Sessions of Assembly ended Yesterday, by a
Prorogation (not usual with us) for three Weeks It was occasioned by
the lower house having thrown out the Tax Bill upon 2000 L being added
to the Estimate for the Cheif [sic] Justices Arrears Salary by the Council,
which Addition the lower House wont admitt of, in no respect whatever,
this was put into the Estimate upon the lower House taking no Notice of
a Message sent them concerning the Judges Salary. This point must be
given up by one Side or other before we can have a Tax raised.

The Affairs in North Carolina are just upon the point of Confusion
Partys Estimate for the Cheif [sic] Justices pro and Con the Governor
already Sprung the Quit rent Law Bill of a very Extraordinary Nature
as my Letters from thence inform me thrown out by the Council; in this
Bill forty odd Landings were appointed for His Majestys [sic] Receiver
General to receive the Quitrents, in Various Commodities, such as Pitch,
Tar, Green Mirtie Wax, and other Species; what has set them at Variance
is the Blank Patents for Lands, the Cape Fear first Settlers hold by,
or pretend to do. And such are Mr. More Mosley, and Swans, who are
become now opposers to the Governor because he wont Confirm them.

In this Bill they made Wacathaw Neck part of their
Province and would now Tax the Inhabitants there, which has obliged the
Governor to appoint Commissioners on both Sides to Settle the Boundaries;
from this Province are appointed Mr. Skeene and my Self, and recommended
by the Assembly Mr, Waities, who they are from North Carolina I can't
yet tell. We Set out next Week for Cape Fear I am afraid we
shall find it hard to bring them into our Way of thinking as it will
also be for them to bring us to theirs If they they take it in their
way they must have all our Indians and some are of Opinion Savannah
Town it self, our Conference will however produce an Explanation from
home of both Instructions.

Before I Conclude I must beg the favour, [sic] if upon talking with Mr,
Horace W [ ] & over Carolina Matters, You would be so good as hint to
him the great Disadvantage the Officers lay under here Vizt. the Cheif [sic]
Justices Secretary and my self by our Salarys [sic] not being yet Settled.
Tho he has promis'd it a great while and has done it to the Gentlemen of
North Carolina, and to none here but Mr. St. John; this Affair My Lord
Cathcart and Mr. Drummond have push'd to him, but have hitherto had only
promises. As You have Done me the Honour [sic] to Concert me for the Trustees
in this Province Mr. Walpole may he the More induced to Consider me in
that Service, If an Opportunity should come in Your way to give us
a push in this Affair we Should all of us be obliged to you,
and particularly now more than myself who shall always think my Self
happy under Your Countenance.

I am Sir

Your Most Obedient and
Most humble Servant.

Our Governor now seems to mend very fast.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Causton to the Trustees dated
Savannah April 2:1735.

May it Please Your Honours [sic]

The Store Account of all Goods Received, Issued and Remaining is
now finisht [sic] and the Transcripts are making to be laid before Your
Honours. [sic]

I am now Setling [sic] with every One that is Debtor or Creditor with
the Store to the 25th of March last, and hope to send their Respective
Accounts by Captn. Thomson; who loads here.

Your Honours [sic] Orders, with Respect to the future Support of the
People shall be punctually obey'd; And as it has ever been my Choice
to take advice in all matters, where my Orders are not Express, so I
shall be particularly Carefull [sic]to advise with Mr. Christie and Mr.
Vanderplank when any such Occasion offers.

The people being now Chiefly discharged from the Store Provisions
I Judged it would he agreeable to your Honours [sic] Intentions to keep Pro
visions in Store That the people may he supplied either for money or
Credit at the Prime Cost, and accordingly a Barrel of Pork which Costs
10 Currency is charged 11 reckoning at the Sate of 10 ? Cent for
freight, Craneage, [sic] waist and all Charges. These people who Choose
Sawing and Labour [sic] pay for their goods imediately [sic] And those who go to
planting have Credit till the Harvest be in, or Your Honours [sic] Pleasure
he known.

There are a great many People in good earnest at planting now
and Industry shows itself more every day to these I deliver also Corn
Peas and Potatoes for seed which they are to return in Specie when the
Harvest is in; I beleive [sic] 500 Acres will he planted before this Month
is ended of which I will send Particulars. I have been askt what Bounty
would he allowed at the Store for such Provisions as the people would
furnish the Store with (being of Growth of Georgia) But having no
Orders for this Year I desire your Honours [sic] Directions what I shall say
in that matter. I thought it my Duty to give the Utmost Encouragement
to Planting, and beleive [sic] the good Effects will he seen.

I Received the Ten Tons of Strong Beer, which I have disposed of
at 50 Sterling p hhd. the byer [sic] keeping the Cask.

The People are to Apt to Run in Debt at the Ale houses (tho they
pay 6d p Quart for Beer. The Magistrates have made an Order to prevent
such Creditt, [sic] and would Regulate the price of Beer & other Liquors if
your Honours [sic] thought Proper.

The People continue their Healths in a most happy manner enjoying
every thing that can make them happy. And now every thing seems to move
again in Peace Friendship and Industry. (Watsons party only excepted)
who Still maintain their Caballs [sic] in full Assurance of Mr. Gordon's
promises which I Choose to wink at.

The Saltzburgers [sic] are very Industrious. They have already fenced
and planted 100 Acres of Land with Corn, Pease, [sic] and Potatoes; They have
been much dissatisfied about their Land, and I have had much Difficulty
to persuade them to be Easy Their Prejudice is so strongly raised, that
nothing but seeing the Produce will Convince them what they have planted
is Cheifly [sic] on the Sides of the Rivers where the Oaks grow. And I
dont [sic] doubt but they will hove good Crops.

The Surveyor will soon lay out the 2500 Acres which we have
agreed shall be sent (in a Plan) for your Honours [sic] Approbation
before the Lotts are disposed off.

Mr. Vatt very much desired to have his people Settled on a Red
Bluff which is near the Entrance of the River Ebenezer, and gave us a
Reason, the Barreness [sic] of the Soil where the Town now Stands the Danger
of Starving the People for want of Produce and the ill Reputation the
Country would gain, if the people should write to their friends, that
they were Seated in a Barren soil. This Bluff is about 8 Miles from the

In talking to Mr. Vatt and the Ministers I have represented to
them the many hardships, the whole Province suffered from Evil disposed

That it was every ones Duty to the Trustees to Manifest to the
world, that they were resolved to be Contented and depend upon their
Orders, and firmly to beleive [sic] That if the People did their
Endeavours [sic] all unavoidable Disapointmts. [sic] would be made Easy.

That I was very Sensible too many Melitious [sic] People endeavoured [sic]
to raise uneassinesses [sic] among, them on many Accots. and beged they would
take Care that the People might not he Ensnared.

That if they would forbear giving too much Creditt [sic] they would
find that the Sume [sic] of their Argument is to Alter the Trustees Schemes
of Setling [sic] the Province Vizt. . . .

Want of Negroes and Setling [sic] every
One by himself where he pleases
with many other Arguments to that End.

That on the other Hand to give Encouragement to any Ones Opinion
who have no right to give it, would be of Dangerous Consequence.
And it would he almost Impossible to Support a People to any good Purpose
where Prejudice prevailed. I beged and Insisted, that they would
give the People the greatest Encouragement; forbid the belief of all
Tittle Tattle; and Assure them That as God Allmighty [sic] had now put them
under the Protection of the Trustees, their Industry would allways [sic] meet
with just Encouragement

That as to the Land, twas plainly Malitious, [sic] to call it Barren,
when the Valleys were so many and the Runs of Water so Conveniently
intermixt, [sic] with Such Large Tracts of Young Canes, making large amends
for the little Hills; And in a small time, would be fine Pasture
Meadows to Support a large Stock of Cattle & thereby furnish Manure
(by Penning) for the Hills; and make them fruitfull [sic] Corn fields And
that this Mixture was so Advantageous for the whole that every Free
holder might have a Proportionable Share.

Besides the planting above mentioned they will plant Rice in the
moist Ground. The Produce of which at the price I now pay for Bread
kind will alone Supply them all with bread kind for the next Year.

The Abercorn People show great Industry in planting (except
Watkins) who is never there.

Robert Parker Senior has now left his Mill (being much in Debt)
And finding that it is not able to Answer his ends, gives out, that he
built it by your Honours [sic] Order, And that Your Honours [sic]
Must Discharge the Workmen.

Augustine by the Assistance of a Millwright is building a saw
Mill on his own land; Sir Francis Bathurst his Lady and Children are in
good health and very well pleased with their Scituation, [sic] his two Eldest
Daughters are married and he has buried two of his Servants. By Assistance
of Peircy his son in Law he has planted and fenced 8 Acres and
built him Convenient Covering.

Musgrove is wholly at the Cowpen, we are daily in Expectation of
Mr. Evileigh, when I Suppose all their Matter With Watson will be

The Indians are at Pipemakers Bluff and have built a very pretty
Town being joined by the Savannah Indians. They all behave exceeding

According to the Advices of Captn. Mackay a Coppy [sic] of which is
Enclosed Tomochaci, Umpicki Hillispelli, Santutche Tallakumme
Toanohowi and another Lad are gone to the Southward and have promised
to Return in a Month.

Tomochaci had sent Santutche to the Nation to Invite the Cheifs [sic]
of the Towns, to receive your Honours [sic] Presents And they were
to be here the beginning of this Month. Santuche was a little disatisfied
because Captn. Maclcay had prevented their coming. I wrote Captn. Mackay
the Enclosed answer and sent him the Enclosed List of the names of such
Persons who Tomochachi desired to come And I suppose they will be here
next Month.

The People at Fort Argile are in good health Edgcomb is
made Lieutenant (by the Captn.) Teesdale Finley and Jones are entered
into the Scout Service Calvert and Roth are the only people there that
minds Planting.

The Scotch Gentlemen on that River are very Industrious and very
healthy have built a good Fort, have planted about 100 Acres of Corn
and Peas and very probably will Clear as much more for Turnips at the
Season I have lent them 4 Small Cannon and Small Arms for all their

As I am now informed Mr. Gordon is Sailed for England, with
design to give some unjust Reflections. I beg leave to Say, That when
he Arrived, I received him as one I wisht [sic] for, I mean a Person
capable of Assisting me with hopes that he would Save me the Trouble of
Acting (on every Occasion) in the Office of a Magistrate, and I
communicated to him. Such parts of Your Honour's [sic] Orders to me as
concerned the publick [sic] Administration.

I expected he would have enforct [sic] the former Orders which till
then had been peaceably Submitted to; But to my great Surprize [sic]
encouraged Complaint and Raised Discord, as if he came with some
great Comission; [sic] And there is not one Material thing done,
but he has Endeavoured [sic] to Expose it.

As there have been Various Instanaces of this his procedings [sic] It
is impossible to Speak to any particular Unless he would have entered on
any One Argument, And I should have given him my Reasons, and have most
Dutyfully Submitted to Your Honours [sic] Orders.

But this it is he has made a Voyage to Georgia Staid here about a
Month, Encouraged Complaints aginst [sic] the Administrators of Justice
helped to Vilifye,[sic] Ridicule and Oppose all former Management hearing
one side without the other And then left us. Without letting us know
his Sentiments, (or Staying) whereby to prevent those thing which he
pretended to Complain of.

I hope Your Honours [sic] will not be Offended if (with great Submission)
I say. That this Treatment by Mr. Gordon, has given Me so
great Uneasiness that I had rather Choose the most Ordinary Servitude
Than Execute a Publick [sic] Office on Such Terms.

I Rely on Your Honours [sic] goodness. Shall patiently expect, and
readily Submitt [sic] to All your Honours [sic] Orders And all Occasions
endeavour [sic] to be with the Greatest Industry

Your Most Dutifull [sic] and most

Obedient Servant.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Fenwicke to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Charles Town the 3d April 1735.

Honble. Sir

I have had the Honour [sic] to receive your favours [sic] of the 28th of
October Ulto.; Which as it is but very lately since it came to my hands
you'll excuse my not answering it sooner. the Zeal with which you
ere pleased to say I have Acted in your Colonys [sic] behalf, has never come
up to what I have allways [sic] wisht [sic] I lay in my Power to do. Encouraged
therein by the good Example of your Unwearied Endeavours [sic] and Application
for the Mutual Advantage of this Province as well as that of Georgia;
but more particularly by representing at home in a just manner the
Situation and Circumstance of Our Affairs here, which we are bound in
Duty Gratefully to Acknowledge.

My Interest shall not be wanting in having the Scout Boat and
Rangers at Georgia continued; well knowing the Security and Encouragement they are of
to those out Setlements [sic] there has been some thoughts
in the Assembly of reducing those on this side Savannah River to
Ease the great Expence [sic] we are at, but the Government has Concluded they
Shall also be continued at least for this Year, under the Apprehentions
of Warr; We have agreed (tho the Act not past yet) to raise in this
tax the Sum Stipulated with them in leiu [sic] of your Setling [sic] a Garrison in
the Upper Creeks tho we have no advice as yet of its being done, nor
Even of their Arrival there altho that Affair has been many months in
Agitation, I could have Wisht [sic] Mackay had been furnished at the beginning
with an Experienced good officer under him; The French Captn. at the
Albamah [sic] Fort by his Letter to our Governor is alarm'd at the New's [sic] &
Threatens he will repell [sic] by force any Attempts we shall make of
Setling [sic] a Garrison nigh that of theirs wch. Letter the Governor Sent to
Mackay before he went from Palachocolas; however we are
under no great apprehension of any thing they can do on that head, provided
Mackay plays his Cards well with the Creek Indians who have but
a mean opinion of the French and their Fort insomuch that they not long
ago Surrounded the Fort in Arms, and Obliged them to deliver up one of
their men, that by some means had killed an Indian Woman which man they
burnt before their faces; so that as we have lately had a good Accot.
that that Fort and Garrison is Capable of making but very little
Defence, [sic] it is to be hoped The Trustees have it now in their thoughts
(in Case of Warr [sic]) Imediately [sic] to dismantle and reduce the same,
which I dare say we shall not be backward in giving our Assistance to You'll
no doubt have a more particular Accot. of matters from your Officers at
Savannah than I am able to give you wherefore I must beg leave to referr [sic]
them thereto as well as to Several things Mr. Eveleigh tels me he has
advised you of So have only farther to Assure you of my readiness to
Execute my Commands you think me Capable of and that I shall always
be proud when I have an Opportunity to demonstrate how much I am


Your most Obedient humble Servant

Wife desires to join with me in her Compliments to you.

The Governor has been dangerously Ill but now on the mending

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Samuel Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Carolina April the 3d: 1735.

I could not possibly get down but four Peices [sic] of those live Oak
timbers mentioned in my last which I have put on board the Prince of
Wales. Captn. Dunbar and Consigned them to Messrs. Peter Symonds and
Company as also a barrel of Ashes, which I lately Received from Mr.
Welsh Houstoun Markt [sic] 10 and have desired the said Symonds to deliver
it to you. I have by this Opportunity wrote [sic] them a Letter which
Suppose they will communicate to you It relates Cheifly [sic] to live
Oak I should be glad you could prevail with Sir Jacob Akeworth to
report in favour [sic] of that Timber to the Lords of the Admiralty. Captn,
Dunbar dined with me some days since, When after Dinner we Drank the
Health of the Royal Family, the Trustees, Yours and Sir Jacob Akeworths
He told me that a School fellow of mine at your House (who is Recorder
of Hazellmore) drank my health, and we drank his also, I should be
glad to know his Name. I am of Opinion That on the report of Sir Jacob
Akeworth to the Lords of the Admiralty on live Oak Timbers, depends the
Success thereof in a great Measure, and that if it be given in our
favour [sic] Mr. Symonds may easily contract with the Admiralty for a
quantity to Advantage I do assure you it is my Opinion that it will be
of great advantage to England and Georgia and about which I spent many
hours in inquireing [sic] and thinking thereof, some time since here
was a Captn. of a Vessell [sic]that had been two Voyages from Piscataqua
to Marseilles with Ships Timbers, Oak Pine &ca. and assured me, that he
had a good freight and that the Merchant gott [sic] money besides; I took
from him Minutes of those things which were necessary, and doubt not but
it will turn to a better Accot, from Georgia because live Oak Timbers
are in great Esteem there and are certainly much preferable to any Oak
whatsoever. I desire you discourse Mr. Benja. Barry (whose name I have
formerly mentioned) his Report of what he knows of his own knowledge
may probably much avail with Sir Jacob.

Yesterday I sent down to Georgia my Young man Wm. Buttler, and
with him went two white Men, One of them is very well acquainted
with live Oak Timber and after they have Cut some sparrs Oars &ca.
Sufficient to load my Schooner back therewith to Jamaica They have
Orders to cutt [sic] some few live Oak Timber.

I am almost Impatient of Receiving Some Letters from you in
Answer to a great many I have wrote [sic] you ever Since the
begining [sic] of June last and if by them I find Encouragegement,
He send more Strength And cutt [sic] sufficient to load one or two of
Mr. Symonds's Vessells if he desires it.

I design the letter End of this Month for Georgia and to Carry with me
(if I can) Mr. Midleton the Pilate [sic] who was with Captain
Gaiscoigne during all his Surveys and in the first place were
forced to Survey the Inlett [sic] and the River of Warsaw as likewise
to see to Pitch upon a Commodious place there for cutting of live
Oak Timbers.

Our Assembly met here the fourteenth day of Jany. and drew a
bill and Sent it to the upper House for suspending the Indian traiding [sic]
Law they past last Sessions; but the upper house making an alteration
in the Tax Law, which was in favour [sic] of the Cheif [sic] Justice the Lower
House Unanimously rejected it, for they would not admitt the Upper house
to make any Alteration in a money Bill which may appear Strange Unless
you Consider That the Kings Instructions to the Govr. Say, That you
shall not admitt your Assembly to have any more privilidges [sic] than the
Parliament of Great Britain, so that Implys [sic] they may have as much. I
find by some Letters from Mr. Jeffreys That the Maligne [sic] Party both here
and in England are Employing the Utmost Venome [sic] against the Governor,
there are two matters which they make an handle of which I suppose
was represented home by the Cheif [sic] Justice; The one is the Affair of Mr.
Hazle, on which (Mr. Jefferies) who has been a very great looser [sic] p him
Seems to Exclaim. They have infused into his head that the Governor
was the Occasion they could not gett ye. money of him, which is very
false, for I am well assured the Governor did not in the least interferr [sic]
in that Affair The other is about passing the Law for Assistant Judges
a Law (in my Opinion) as Reasonable as any Law in this Province. The
Cheif [sic] Justice (as I am Informed) has Complained against the Assistant
Judges taking away some of his Fees. I have Inquired of them all and
they Say they never gott [sic] one farthing but gave their Attentions for the
good of the Province without any other reward, than a Satisfaction of
doing good to Mankind. They have also Represented as Ime [sic] Informed
That they are both Ignorant and unlearned And I do assure you that
they are Men of good sense tolerable Learning and Honesty and for these
Reasons I would sooner Submitt [sic] my life and Estate to any one of them all
than to the Chief Justice and if Humes himself would but tell you, what
He told me before he went from hence would inform you he was a Man
not fitt [sic] for Such a post and I am Satisfied this is the Opinion almost
of Every Lawyer in this Place (Except Graham) Another thing is, I find by
Mr. Jeffries they lay the blame of Captn. Gordons Death to the Govr,
which I think is very unjust for if the Governor had not taken any
notice of the Judge of the Admiraltys [sic] Request Mr. Whitaker would have
sent home to the Lords of the Admiralty a grevious [sic] Complaint against
him, and having done it He is Still to blame and what could the Poor
Gentlemen do in this Case; It is here disputed whether the Admiralty's
Jurisdiction did Extend to this Case. if So Mr, Whitaker is most to
blame for he at least should know the Extent of his Authority. I am


Your most humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Paul Jenys Esqr. to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Charles Town April the 4th:1735.


The repeated Instances you have given since your Arrival in
England of your Attachment to the Interest of this Colony the Assistance
which on every Occasion youve [sic] given our Agent, and the Unwearied
Pains you've taken to Sett [sic] the Affairs of this Province in a True Light
merret [sic] the particular thanks of Every one who desires the Prosperity of
this Country and I may Venture to assure you, that the Present Assembly
will have a great Regard to what you recommend.

Captain Mackay has been some time in the Upper Creeks but in
what Town he designs to Erect a Fort or what Progress he has made in
that Undertaking we have not yet hard, tis probable that this will
Create some Jelousy [sic] in the French Settlement, The Governor of new
Orleans discovers a Great concern on Account of some Trade, that has
been carried On between the Choctaws and some of our Traders, and
complains of some Attempts made by the English to withdraw that Nation
from the French Interest; He seems to be much Alarmed at the Advice he
has received Concerning those Indians I presume His Excellency has
Communicated to you the Substance of what Genl. Bienuile has writ on this
Head, The Visit which the Chocktaws paid to your Colony & the Presents
which were there made them, and the Assurances they then gave of
Cultivating a Trade and Friendship with your People, will give further
Umbrage to the French Governor, but we hope he attended with no Injury
to your Settlement a Garrison well Establish'd in the Upper Creeks will
(we conceive) be some Awe to the French & Security to the Traders, and
your Colony, and the sooner this is well affected the better, as 'tis
like to Creat [sic] some Jealousy, & we hope Captain Mackay will with
the Uttmost [sic] Expedition pursue your Instructions and erect a Fort in
some Place; Pursuant to the Engagement which the General Assembly
made with you in Behalf of the Honble. Traders, and which was after
wards Confirm'd by a Law passed for that Purpose; the General Assembly
will in the Tax Act for the year 1734 raise the Sum of L 2320; towards
defraying part of the Charges of the Garrison to be Settled in the Upper
Creeks, and the further Sum of L 1680 for the Reinforcement of the
Rangers now in Georgia under the Command of Captn. Macpherson; Both of
these Sums were in the Estimate of the Tax Bill for the Afforesaid Year,
but this Bill on a third reading was rejected in the Commons House of
Assembly the 27th past, as this is an Affair of unusual nature I shall
give you a short Account of it; without entering into the debate or
mentioning more than the Reason why the Bill was rejected; I would
observe (tho I beleive [sic] you took Notice of it when here) that all Bills
are read alternerly [sic] three Several times in each House of Assembly and
not According to the Custom of the Parliament in Great Britain The Tax
Bill had passed The Lower House a Second Reading, and was sent to the
Council with the Estimate of the Year Closed, and on a Second Reading
in that House An Addition was by them made of the Sum of L 2100, and
the Bill sent to the Lower House Alterd [sic] agreeable to the Additional Sum
upon this the Lower House of Assembly rejected the Bill on a third
Beading, and alledged [sic] for this Procedure, that the Sole right of Taxing
the Inhabitants is in their Representatives upon this the Governor after
giving his Assent to three Acts prorogued the Assembly to the 15th

Upon The Meeting of the Assembly a Tax Bill will be immediately
brought in and soon dispatched if the Council do not retard it by
Insisting on their right to Alter And Amend a Money Bill which
(I find) will not on any Consideration be Submitted to by the House of
Representatives The fatal Consequences of a Difference on this Subject
gives me great Concern, and the more as it will immediately Affect all
of our Garrisons, Scouts & Rangers who will on this Account be kept out
of their pay and be distressed to the last Degree.

A few Days past Captain Ferguson came to Town to discharge him
self from the Service of the Publick, but I beleive [sic] the
Scout Boat & Rangers will be Continued another Year in Georgia. Ive
made use of all my Interest with the Members of our House for that
purpose, and hope to Succeed a Majority will come into it unless I
am deceived, and the Sooner as I have Assured them that the Trustees
are like to obtain some Grant from the Parliament in Order to settle the
Western Frontier and that then this Expence [sic] will be at an End. The
Parliament being now Sitting I am in Expectation that the Representation
of that Province will be recommended by the Ministry to their Consideration
and as Georgia will receive more immediate Advantages from the
Success of it I make no doubt but You and all of the Trustees will use
your Utmost Efforts to Accomplish the Grand Design (which I may justly
Say) is of your own Forming Nothing will be more agreeable to me then
to hear of your Success in this Important affair which I hope you'll not
forgett [sic] to advise me of.

I shall not trouble you with any of the News of Georgia, but
leave that to Captain Dunbar who is Capable of giving you a very full
Account, Tis with much Pleasure and Satisfaction that I can now Inform
you that I've Shipt [sic] your Cannoe [sic] on board the Prince of Wales
and being Committed to the Care and Charge of Captain Dunbar I make no
doubt but twill Accidents excepted come safe to Hand I never met with
so many Disappointments nor so much Difficulty in my Life as to convey
the Craft to England and had it not been Mr. Oglethorpes [sic] the Commander
of the Prince of Wales would not have taken the Charge thereof for any
Money. Ive Inclosed to your Adress [sic] the last Quarterly Accounts of the
Georgia Duty on Rum hope you'll lay it before The Honourable [sic] Trustees
at their first Meeting; We've duly paid all of Mr. Caustons Draughts
an Accot. of which we shall shortly transmitt [sic] to the Trustees they
amount to much more than the Duty of Rum and for the Ballance [sic] (we
Suppose) Mr. Causton will give us a Bill on the Trustees, whose Commands
we shall be very proud to Execute on every Occasion. If the
Trustees have not empowered any Person to receive what is Granted them
towards the Charges of Erecting and Maintaining the Garrison in the
Upper Creeks we shall be ready (if they please to empower us) to
receive it when raised and to pay it as they shall Direct. Mr.
Manigrall is appointed Publick [sic] Treasurer in the Room of Colonel
Parris. I am


Your most Obedient humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Paul Ametis to the Magistrates of
Georgia dated at Savannah 5th April 1735.


I am obliged (tho' contrary to my Inclination) to write these
few Lines with an Intent to defend my Character against the wicked
Designs of Mr. Fitzwalter who certainly has no other View by bringing
me into Court than to cover and hide his Mismanagement & great Faults in
relation to the Trustees Garden, He might easily have prevented what I
have done against him had he done his Duty ever since Mr. Oglethorpe's
Departure, but it seems he did not believe that another Superior to him
was appointed by Mr. Oglethorpe to overlook his Proceedings and every
thing else relating to the Publick [sic] Garden.

I do declare and maintain the same that my whole View and
Intentions have been no other than to do Justice and my Duty to the
Trustees according to my Promise to them long since.

I have very good Reasons for turning out Mr. Fitzwalter from the
Garden, which I will shortly give the Trustees in Person.

I have the Satisfaction to find that I have entirely in the
strictest manner obeyed and performed the Orders Mr, Oglethorpe gave me
several times before Govr. Johnson and several other Persons of
Distinction, vizt. The Revd. Mr. Quincy, Capt. Mackay, Capt. Dunbar
and Mr. Vanderplank.

I further declare that Mr. Fitzwalter has insulted me in the
Garden and acted contrary to my Orders and given away several Plants
and Trees out of the Publick Garden without the Trustees Leave or mine.
I therefore oppose his having any thing to do there till the Trustees
have received my Complaint and their further Orders arrived here which
I expect in a short time to end this Dispute.

I have wrote [sic] to them twice relating to their Servants being taken
away from their Employ in the Garden in my Absence, and that I stay in
this Town with no other View than to perform my Duty to them and take
due Care of their Interest, which 'tis evident I have more at Heart
than my Rival Mr. Fitzwalter.

Copy as read in Court.

Copy of An Anonimous Letter Dated Savannah April the 10th 1735.


Your favour [sic] of the 27th March came safe and very Welcome to my

I heartily Congratulate you on your good health, and prospect of
Success in Affairs of the province.

The presents sent by the Trustees of which I advertized [sic] you
in my last I have Orders to Dispose of to the Creek Ration as Tomochachi

shall advice. Nevertheless, I understand it as you do, I Mean to such as
have the Most Interest, and since you have the Opportunity to Advice in
this Affair, it would Certainly be very proper to Advice Senteche who is
the Messenger from Tomochachi to Invite those down here whom you discover
to have that Interest.

I have taken the Inclosed List from Tomochachis Own Mouth,
which I thought proper to Send you whereby you will see who he means
and Judge of it in a proper manner.

I have also Enclosed the Quantity and quality of the presents,
which are all in my Custody and (pursuant to my Orders) will be
delivered to none but the heads of the Creek Nation.

We have no Account of a Warr [sic] (with regard to Brittain [sic] at present).
But every one seems to beleive [sic] it unavoidable. I shall take particular
Care to give you Intelligence of what comes to knowledge, have given
the necessary Caution to the out Settlements and have procured some
Indians to Cruise towards the Alatamaha.

I send you also the Hand Cuffs as desired, our Colony are all in
very Good Health.

Hames of the Chief Indians to he Invited from the Creek Nation to
Receive presents.

Chekelly al Saawny bones -- head man of the Coweta Town

Himolatche -- Twin brother to Saphia Son to the Emperor Brem

Iseiche -- King of the Cursetees

Teechee Choweche al Carr -- head man of Do.

Toowhihituche -- King of Chehaw

Phohehaw Cheif [sic] -- Warriour of Do.

Tallapholechee -- brother to Tasany who died here of
the Wosctehee Town

A Woolleg -- King of Do.

Hopoheebeche -- King of the Hitchtaws

Imetalshow -- Head Warrior of Do.

Topuseko -- King of the Palachocalae

Tomeeha -- Head Warrior Do.

Helathe -- Cheif [sic] man

Islechami -- King of the Hokomas

Yawchace -- his Brother Cheif [sic] Warriour [sic]
King of the Sowkalaw Town

Izawyewas -- Cheif [sic] Warriour[sic]

Tamahumme -- King of the Enfantes

Ellich -- Cheif [sic] man live at Ewchee Town

These must consult together:

Alatchee -- Head man at the Tukebotchee Town
another head man as he likes

Dick Hornabee -- King of the Tallasees
another as he likes

Hupoihaache -- at the Obhaws
and Such as he likes

From the several town
Each one:

Chahawe -- Dog King of the Enfautes
his Brother

Copy of a Letter from Sir Francis Bathurst to the Trustees dated at
Bathurst's Bluff 15th April 1735.

May it please Your Honours[sic]

This waits on You humbly to beg the favour [sic] of Your Honours [sic] to
give me 2 or 3 Servants for I have lost 2 of mine, one dyed [sic] in about a
month and odd Lays after I landed here of the Scurvy and Dropsy; the
other about Weeks ago of a Dropsy and an Ulcer in his Leg. I vastly
like the Country and would be heartily glad to continue here if possible
I could have Servants; the Death of them 2 is a hundred L lost to me, it
now being Planting time and People are hard to be got here. I wish all
People were of my mind and then I am sure the Colony would soon be
peopled; so hoping your Honours [sic] will grant me my Request I beg Leave in
all Humility to Subscribe my self

Your Honours [sic]
Most Dutifull [sic] humble

and Obedient Servant

I don't hear but that the
Colony is in good health &
all very quiet, my poor little
Son does the Work of a Man
and is vastly delighted
with the Country.

Copy of a Letter from Hr. Thomas Causton and others to the Indian
Traders dated at Savannah April the l6th 1735.


Being Inform'd by Mr. Barker that you are Indian Traders within
this Province and are Apprehensive of some Interuption [sic] or Disturbance
in the Same. We shall take the first Opportunity of Aquainting [sic] the
Trustees of this matter and in the mean time let you know That the
Trustees have here appoininted [sic] a Court of Records and whatever power
Except from them Shall presume to give you any disturbance or Molestation
within this Province You may depend upon us of a Legal Protection
and we shall allways [sic] be ready to Serve you to the Utmost of our Power
we are

Your humble Servants

Copy of a Letter from Hr. John West to Mr. Oglethorpe dated at
Savannah April the 18th 1735.

Honoured [sic] Sir

I have made bold to trouble you with this, to heartely [sic] thank
you and the Honble. Trustees for the great favour [sic] you was pleased to
bestow on me in letting me come for England and with a kind offer of
paying my Passage to and from England I shall have Occasion to stay
but a Small time in England I purpose comeing [sic] with Captn. Tomson I am
now Settling my Affairs. I shall leave 3 men in my Shop to carry on my
business while I am away. I am like to have abundance of Letters to
your Honour [sic] and the Best of the Honourable [sic] Trustees
Mr. Vanderplank; sends his Journall [sic] by me and Mr. Fitzwalter.
I am making a Collection of Curiositys [sic] to bring with me. I
beleive [sic] Captain Tomson will gett [sic] his Loading here And I
hope to putt [sic] my self an 100 d barrels of Rice aboard of her their
will be about 400 d Barrells [sic] of Pitch and Tarr [sic] made hear [sic]
also on board the same and about 20 or 30 Hogsheads of Skins, the Pitch
and Tarr belongs to Mr. Lacy at Thunderbolt, Mr. Causton and Mr.
Vanderplank and the Skins to Mr. Eveleigh I hope your Honour [sic] will be
so good as to petition the Honourable [sic] Trustees for 500d Acres of Land
I should be glad of that which was Captain Scott's between the town and
Thunderbolt I have wrote to my Father, and Brother, to gett [sic] me as many
Servants as they can against I come to England which If I can Emberke [sic]
from Bristoll. [sic] I am very sorry for Mr. Gordon that he did not stay
longer with us before he went away the people are all at present Very
quiet and very Industrious I have and will go and see what Land Every
man have Cleared and what Improvements is made on itt [sic] in Town and
Country (56O) and bring your Honnour [sic] as particular account of itt [sic] as
possible I can I beleive [sic] I shall sail in May so I hope that your
Honour [sic] will be satisfied till I see you the people in generall [sic] seems
to be greatly pleased att [sic] my going for England but not so well
pleased at Mr. Gordon going so soon from them and nott [sic] to let them know
of itt [sic] I hope to be able to give a trew [sic] reeportt [sic] of Most transactions

here from your Honnour's [sic]

Humble Servant to Command

Copy of a letter from Mr. Samuel Marcer to the Trustees dated at
Savannah 25th April 1735.

May it please Your Honours [sic]

I have made hold to write to You hoping that You will excuse me
for I am very sorry that the first Letter that I send to Your Honours
should he a Coimplaint, [sic] and this is at present to let You know the great
many Grievances that we lay under.

In the first place Esqr. Oglethorpe when he was here was so good
as to grant to me a licence [sic] for Selling of liquors, and since I am
informed has been consented to by the whole Trust; for which I return
the whole Trust a thousand thanks for their Goodness and shall always
acknowledge it as a great favour [sic] and shall always he very willing to
obey any Commands that the Trust shall think proper.

I might have begun Selling liquors when the Esqr. left Georgia,
but after he was gone Seeing so many People Retail liquors that had no
Sight so to do made me forbear a long time and longer a great deal than
I would have done, thinking that those things might he suppressed; and
I have often times spoke to the Magistrates of this place and particularly
to Mr. Causton thinking that they would suppress them, but I
found all was in vain and to no manner of purpose, for instead of
encouraging those Houses that had a Eight to Sell Liquors, did always
encourage those that had no Eight; and their Seasons for so doing are

In the first place the Trust have thought proper to Debar us from
Selling of Rum or any other Distill'd Liquors which I do assure
Your Honours [sic] I never have sold any nor never will except I have the
Consent of the Trust. And because they can get Punch at those Houses
that have no Licence [sic] they always encourage them, which I think is very
hard; for if ever any Gentlemen come to see the Place, Mr. Causton
instead of encouraging those whom the Trust had thought proper to grant
Licences [sic] to for Selling of Liquors, always went with them to Mr. Penrose
who hath no Right to sell any Liquors. And those Persons having ready
money always, wch. cannot always he expected of those that live in
Town, has been a very great hardship to us and we have suffered very
much by it and shall do more except Your Honours [sic] will be so good as to
think of some method to Suppress those things.

I did not begin to sell any Liquor until Christmas last seeing so
little Encouragement for it but then was willing to take a Tryal [sic]
to see what I could do but can find no Encouragement for carrying on the
Business at present therefore I have rather chose to forbear selling
of Liquors by the Advice of some friends until such times as I might
acquaint your Honour's [sic] of the Proceedings that ere now carried on in
this Town, for I do believe there are hardly Twenty houses in the Town
but what sell Rum and other Liquors; end those Persons whose Business it
is to see that Your Honours [sic] Commands are obeyed, are the furthest from
it; even so far that Mr. Christie our Recorder sells Rum as well as
other Liquors by Retail even by Quarterus, [sic] and not only he but several
others. There is one Mr. James Gould whom Mr. Causton employs to write
in the Stores that sells Rum and also other Liquors which Mr.
Causton is very well acquainted with, as also one Mr. Houstoun and one
Mr. Jenkins and several others, too many to speak of at present. But
Mr. Gould Selling has been of very bad Consequence to those that had

Licence, [sic] for those People that were at Work for the Publick [sic] we must
give Credit to until such times as they could have their Money paid, and
when they have come to receive their Money then had they most part of
it, if not all, to pay to Mr. Gould and other Persons for Rum; So that
it is very herd for us to get our Money. And these Persons selling of
Rum such as Mr. Christie and Mr. Gould have made a great many more
Sell, more a great Deal than I believe would have done; for the People
say that if Mr, Christie who is the Recorder, and Mr. Gould who is in
the Stores, sell Rum; why may not they? And a great many People do
believe that Your Honours [sic] never gave any such Orders that Rum should
not he sold in this place, and their Reason for it is because those
People do sell it. And I say that Rum is now sold as plenty as any
other Liquor and as openly, and those People that sell it get all the
ready money for so long as the People can get Rum they never will buy
any other Liquor; and when they have got no Money then they will come
to the Publick [sic] Houses to get Credit, and we must give Credit or our
Liquor must perish on our hands and then we must suffer very much, for
Beer and Wine will not keep in the Summer here there being so much
Thunder and Lightning. I hope that your Honours [sic] will be so good as to
take these tilings into Consideration and not to let me suffer for I have
been at great Charge in Building and making Room for Lodgings and
getting a great many other things on purpose to carry on the Business in
a handsome and decent way and to entertain Travellers [sic] in a handsome
manner; so that I hope Your Honours [sic] will not let me suffer but grant
that I may sell as other People do and not be under the Penalty of L 50,
Sterling, or that Your Honours [sic] will be pleased to think of some methods
to Suppress those that do sell Rum, and whatever way your Honours [sic] shall
think most proper I shall always he ready to obey Your Honours [sic] Commands.
Mr. Penrose has continued to sell Rum and other Liquors ever since the
Esqr. left this place without Licence, [sic] he hath been fined a second time
for it but doth not mind it & continues to do the same as before and
says that he will still continue.

There is another thing I shall beg Leave to acquaint Your
Honours [sic] with and that is about our Lands; when the Esqr. left this
place Mr. Jones our Surveyor promised him that our Lands should be run
out and that every Man should know his land but we never had any run
out yet nor do not know when we shall which is very hard upon a great
many People, for several Peoples five Acres Lots lay so much covered
with Water and in such swampy wet Ground that it is impossible for them
to be cleared as yet to be fit for any person to get their Bread on;
and here are a great many Persons that had they their forty five Acres
run out would have been clearing their lands and before this time would
have had a good deal of land planted which would have been of great
Service to the Colony but as things are now a great many People
are forced to get to any Sort of Work in the Town to keep them from
Starving, which is a very great Hardship to them and makes them very
uneasy. I am very sorry that my first should be a Complaint but I hope
Your Honours [sic] will excuse me for I waited a long time expecting to see
some Alteration for the better but found none, but every thing to go
worse and worse which made me that I could bear no longer without giving
your Honours [sic] an Accot. As for the Place I like it exceeding well and
hope through God Almightys [sic] Blessing and the great Care that Your
Honours [sic] have for this place to see this Colony in as flourishy. [sic]
a Condition as any part of America. This is all at present only begging that
Your Honours [sic] will he so good as to send me a Line or two of your Advice
and what way Your Honours [sic] would have me to proceed. I beg Leave to
Subscribe my self Your Honours [sic]

Most humble and Obedt.

Servant to Commend

Copy of a Letter from Leiutenant [sic] Governor Broughton to Mr.
Causton dated at the Council Chamber Aprill [sic] the 28th 1735.


The General Assembly having Agreed that the Garrison at Port
Prince George commonly called the Palachocula Garrison Should be
Dismissed they being unwilling to make any further Provision for the
same and as Mr. Oglethorpe did propose when here to place a few Men in
the said Port in Case this Province Should think fitt [sic] to quitt [sic]
the same I now advise you thereof and have Order'd Captain Mackintosh who will
be the Bearer to Deliver to you or your Order all the Great Guns Small
Arms Ammunition Tooles and other things Belonging to that Port and also
the Canoe he taking a Receipt for the same in Order to be returned for
the use of this Government. I am


Your humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Lieut, Govr. Broughton to Capt. Patrick Mackay
dated Council Chamber 29th. April 1735.


We send You herewith the Extract of a Letter from the Govr. of
St. Augustine to His Excellency whch. we desire You will carefully
peruse, and make all possible Enquiry what Grounds there are for the
Complaints he makes against the Captains or Traders therein mentioned;
And by the first opportunity give us a full Account of the same. We
also desire You will use the best Application for preventing any
Transactions that may tend towards a Breach of the Articles of Friendship
Settled between the two Provinces, it being highly necessary to maintain
a good Correspondence with them, especially at this time when we remain
under an Uncertainty what Share the Court of England may have in the
Troubles nov/ Subsisting in Europe. We are

Yours &c.

Extract of a Letter from the Govr. of St, Augustine to His
Excellency Robert Johnson Esqr. Govr, of So. Carolina dated
27th April 1735.

I communicate to Your Excellency what has been wrote to me about the
two Captains or Traders that live among the Nations of the
Cowetasas [sic] and Talapouches, [sic] who incite the Indians to come
molest and kill the Subjects of my Sovereign. This has been a very
strange piece of News to me, being assur'd their Catholick [sic] and
Britainick [sic] Majesties are in Peace and Tranquility with each other,
and to see that two private Persons by their Interest & Power
accompany'd by an odious Malice encourage the Indians to break it.

I have been assured that they have sent three Partys [sic] with Orders
to take Prisoners and kill all the Spaniards they shall meet or Indians
that inhabit the lower part of our Government which is very certain,
since I have also been informed by one of the Chiefs of the said
nation; so that I would take it very kindly of your Excellency to take
all the necessary and convenient measures to give me Satisfaction in
order that the Disturbers of the Peace may be punished as they deserve,
or else I shall be obliged to take the most expedient Resolutions; And
I also communicate to your Excellency and the Noble and Honble. Council
to which I write on this Occasion, that I would inform the King
my Master that in those Provinces they don't religiously keep the
Conditions of Peace that have been establish'd.I hope that the Conduct
and Justice of Your Excellency will remedy as soon as You can such a
necessary Urgency and wont permit that the Excusses [sic] of the said
Captains may go unpunished.

I am well assured of the Equity and Justice of your Excellency


Copy of a Letter from Don Francisco del Moral Sanchez Govr, of St.
Augustine to Lieut. Govr. Broughton dated at St. Augustine in
Florida 13th May 1735.


The Bearer here of Joseph Delorme will inform your Excellency of

the said Accident that happened yesterday at the Fort of St. Francis De
Pupo on the bank of Picalata River, where one of the three Parties of
Indians I mentioned in my last, sent by your Traders among the Cowetas
and Talapouchees, has killed the Master Gunner of the said Fort; which
Insult I cannot bear nor excuse the Chastisement they deserve, for such
Temerity is insupportable and ought not to he permitted; Since the two
Crowns are in Peace. Therefore I hope your Excellency will take proper
Measures to remedy such an Enormity, and that the Promoters thereof
will receive their due Punishment; otherwise I shall my self be obliged
and inexcusable should I not punish so audacious and surprizing [sic] an
Action, especially since these Provinces enjoyed great Tranquillity
till your Traders incited by Malice had not troubled the Spaniards and
the Indians who are under our Protection. I hope your Excellency will
Support the Union and good Correspondence that has all along Subsisted
between us, by obliging the said Traders to appear before your
Excellency and also their Accomplices; And I am persuaded a Punishmt. [sic]
condign to their Offence [sic] will be inflicted on them. I am very sincerely

Your Excellencys [sic]

Most humble & Obedt. Servt,

Copy of a letter from Mr. Samuel Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe
dated at Savannah l6th May 1735.

Honoured [sic] Sir

My last to You was from Charles Town by Capt. Knox wherein I gave
You an Accot. of the heath of our good Governor Mr. Johnson. He was the
first Vessel after and he promised me to forward that Letter to You as
soon as he arrived by the first Post, and to keep the rest of his
Letters till the next. This I did that You might have the first

The 6th Instant I left Charles Town Capt. Colcock Master, and in
23 hours after we got off that Bar we arrived at this Bluff; the same
Evening I got in Company with Capt. Thomson the Bearer hereof, who
complaining for want of a full Load I agreed with him to fill him up
with Live Oak Timber, and ordered some men that I had then working at
Thunderbolt to go to Tybee and hire 8 or 10 men more for that purpose;
I agreed wth. them or most of them at 3 p day besides Provisions which
I reckon will be full 4 so that I don't think to get any thing by this
Agreement. Two or three days after Capt. Thomson, Colcock, Millar and
my self went down to Survey the Inlet at Wassaw and the convenience in
the insides for entertaining Ships of War, which we found to be very
agreable [sic] and capable of receiving a great Number of His Majesty's Men
of War, as Capt. Thomson can better inform You. But when we came to try
the Channel we found at dead Low Water but 16 1/2 foot contrary to what
Lacy, Causton and Ford assured me again & again which gave me a
very great Disatisfaction [sic] & disappointed my very great Expectations.

I am informed there is a much better Channel close by little
Tybee, I have agreed with Millar to go down and sound it, and what
Report he makes I shall advise You with.

The People here are grown much more industrious than when I was
here last, Arthur Johnson has cleared and planted 15 Acres, 5 wth.
Rice and 10 with Corn; and I am told the Corn is very good
notwithstanding we have had a great deal of dry Weather.

Sterling informs me that he has 70 Acres of Corn planted at his
Bluff and good Quantities at other Places, but its a General Observation
that the most industrious People are fixed and settled on the worst Land.

I found the People very much divided here like Court and Country
in England. The Magistrates and the better Sort as I take it of one
Side, The Populacy, if I may so call them, with a few of the better
Sort on the other, I find if any Person wants any thing of Mr. Causton
and he refuses them, though it be unreasonable and contrary to his
Instructions, they presently turn Grumbletonians and side and herd with
one another, as in the Corporal Body if there is a Wound in the Leg
all the malignant humours [sic] will incredibly fly to that place. If a
Person has a Tryal [sic] with another the Loser immediately exclaims, nay I
observed when I was last here that after a Tryal [sic] both Parties were
Dissatisfied and both reflected chiefly on Mr. Causton; for as he is the
chief Magistrate all the Reproaches seem to be levelled at him.

I must needs say there are a great many things here that want to be
rectified and that your Presence or some other Person of weight and Ability
is absolutely necessary here. I shall not enter into the Detail
of those things but leave that to Mr. West and Capt. Thomson, the latter
having made very just Observations during his Stay here. Mr. Causton
has his Faults as all Men have, but must assure You 'tis the Common
Vogue that he was the most capable of such an Office than any Man in
the Province when You went off; But he has too much business to Act in
both Capacities as Magistrate and Storekeeper, You cannot imagine what
Uneasiness the Irish Convicts give him, there was no less than five of
these whipped one morning when I first came here for Theft and Running
away; and some of them very severely, I thought too severe. And yet
they are so incorrigible that fair and foul means will not reclaim

I must he free to acquaint You that after a very strict Enquiry I
find that the poor People at Ebenezer are very industrious; but the Land
there is so very poor that they cannot reap any Advantage thereby. I
hear they want to he removed 6 miles farther, and I think it will be a
piece of Justice in the Trustees and of great Service to the Colony if
they grant their Request.

When I went up to See Sir Francis Bathurst Mr. Augustine told me
that the Cattle You had put on Argyle Island were very fat and well.
Right opposite to his Landing is another Island by which Title >tis
distinguished I cannot tell which to outward Appearance I believe to be
extraordinary good for Rice and Cattle. I am Sir

Your most Obliged Servant

Copy of a Letter from the Reverend Mr. Urlsporger to Mr. Henry
Newman dated at Augsburg 19 May 1735

Dear Sir

Upon my Commissions given to the Commissary Mr. Van Reck, who is
at present in Ratisbone, [sic] he sent me the followg. answer,
dated the 17th Instant.

I. Concerning the Saxon Envoy Mr. Van Schoenberg

This Gentlemen hath often advised the Carinthians who are
here to give a Memorial to the Imperial Embassy in behalf of their
Wives and Children left behind them, which out of to great fear
they never would do wherefore I offered my self not only to draw up
a Memorial as Lettr, A. Sheweth and get it Signed by the Carinthians
but also to deliver it for them, with which His Excellency was well
pleased, and promises himself a good Effect thereof. As to the
maintaining of the Carinthians, who are very poor, and have no
work to get their Living by, it is thought proper not to maintain
them out of the Emigrants Cash, for fear they should grow idle, and
have a mind to Stay here, but if they would go to Georgia, the
Saxon Envoy would procure them a Considerable Viaticum of money.

II. Concerning the Electoral Brunswick Envoy Mr, Von Hugo.

a) In respect to the Carinthian Wives and Children left
behind, he is of Opinion with the Electoral Saxon Envoy; and
promises to Second my Memorial with a forcible Representation
by word of mouth.

b) He, as well as the Electoral Brunswick Envoy at Vienna,
Mr. Van Erff, [sic] hath got a Rescript from Court concerning the
Bohemian Brethren according to which he will do his utmost
Endeavours [sic] for their Best, and send the Bohemian Memorial to

c) In Case the Envoy Mr. Van Reck should die, he will be
very glad to correspond with you Sir, as well in affairs concern
ing Religion as that of Georgia; likewise.

d) His Excellency vdll have an Opportunity to send your
letters along with the Kings Packet to London.

III, Concerning the Envoy from Holland Mr. Galliers

(1st) He assures us that in the Bohemian affair he intirely [sic]
concurs with the rest of the Envoys, and that by the last post he
had sent to the High and Mighty States General a very forcible
and moving Representation in favour [sic] of Bohemian Brethren, which
he does not doubt will have a good Effect. He together with
some other Envoys, does not only think it proper, but highly
necessary that the Bohemian Memorial he printed and published in
England without delay, because it is Intended to do the same in
Holland, Their High Mightinesses assure the Trustees and the
Society of their Assistance in this affair and would by the Help
of the King of England, endeavour [sic] that when as is expected a
Peace to he concluded with France a particular Article may he
incerted [sic] in favour [sic] of the Bohemian Brethren the Crisis of the
present time being so favourable [sic] that either one must make an
advantage of it, or by neglecting such an Opportunity, renounce
his Right almost for ever.

(2) As to the March of the Georgian Transport thro [sic] Holland
it would he very acceptable to their High Mightinesses if the
Honble. Society or the Trustees would give Notice of it to Mr.
Dayrolles, [sic] which would contribute very much to a more easy and
speady [sic] Journey for us This week God willing 1 shall take an
Opportunity to Speak with the Electoral Brandenbourgh,[sic] Danish
Swedish and other Protestant Envoys.

If any thing shall be done in the Bohemian Affair, the Envoys
here are of Opinion that the Grievances and the Redressing thereof be
represented to the Emperor in a particular Audience.

The Privy Counsellor, Mr, Goebel assures me that in the
Berchtolagaden [sic] District are Still above 100 Emigrants & expects
to hear, within a Fortnight of the time fixed for their departure.

Letter A

High and well horn Free Lords of the Empire:

Gracious Lords

Your Excellency's praise worthy Clemency & Commiseration towards
all miserable people causes us also in our Affliction most humbly to
seek our Refuge by you. For whereas we have; for the Sake of Liberty
of Conscience, left our Country Effects Wives and Children, lived here
for awhile and now are obliged to proceed on our Pilgrimage into other
Protestant Country's wch. is very hard as well for our Wives and
Children as for us. We most humbly beg your Excellencies's graciously
to consider our miserable Condition and to grant that our Wives and
Children may follow us, and that we may get some of our Effects left
behind us to bring us to our Journeys end. which act of Compassion the
most gracious God will reward and hear our Prayers for your Excellencies's
Welfare. In hopes of your Excellencies's granting us our Desire, we
remain with all Submission Your Excellencies's

Most humble and most Obedient

Emigrants from Carinthia.

Extract of a Letter from Ratisbonne dated 17th May 1735.

The Dollar you sent me, to which I have beg'd another from the
Emigrants Cash, which makes in all 3 Guilders shall Certainly be
delivered by the first Opportunity the hands of Lerchner the good
Saltzburger now in prison at Raabin Hungaria to whom I sent awhile ago some
Guiders. I have also procured 8 Guilders for honest Simon Sigel from
K. who is likewise at the same place in prison, and as it is Said, for
his life time, which he hath received, just in the time when he was in
the greatest misery and as he himself mentions was ready to starve of
Cold for want of Cloths so that nobody could well know him. I knew him
because by his Letter, from K. he was the first that told me of
the powerfull [sic] finger of God which happened at the said place of which
more might be said. I pity him with all my heart. God send him
Strength and Comfort, and give him Grace for his faithfullness.[sic] I have
heard good news from Holland, concerning the Emigrants in Cadsand; Those
who are there still, thank God and do not desire to go from thence.
Several of them have bought themselves necessaries. They have now a
Church of their own, and got a House for their Minister Mr. Fisher, God
give his Blessing to his word in their Souls! Many are very well
placed in Hannoverian Countries, some return; the Artists are gone to
Nurnberg. Just now the Carinthians were with me and signed a
Memorial concerning their Wives and Children which tomorrow will be
delivered to the Imperial and Austrian Embassy God grant it a happy
Effect! Mr. Van Reck will tell you more. Here follows a Specification
of the Age Names &ca. as far as I could be informed by those that are
here especially of those who are married Several. are gone to Anspatch
to work. In Ratisbonne it is impossible that so many Emigrants can get
work, however, as much as possible,

A farther Specification of the Names Age and families of the
Emigrants from Carinthla and their Relations

Prom the Jurisdiction Riberstein.

I) Frantz Santer a Masr. Linnen Weaver j6 years old his Wife
Reigetta of the same Age; They have 4 Children.

1 Maria 14 years
2 Matthias 10 years
3 Ursula 7 years
4 Eva 3 years

II) Nicolaus Neidhart a master Taylor 42 years his Wife Marla 26 years &
4 Children,

1 Matthias 8 years
2 Simon 16 years
3 Balthaser 3 years
4 Caspar 1 year

III) Christian Steinscher a Bricklayer, 52 years his wife Margaret
43 years & one Child-- 1 Elizebeth 6 years

From the same Jurisdiction Riberstein three
Single Women namely

1) Magdelena Anna Weinin 25 yrs.
2) Maria Sublin 21 yrs.
3)Cath. Sieblin 16 yrs.

From the Jurisdiction Muhlstadt

I) Matthias Egarter a Countryman 34 years, his Wife Susanna 2? yrs.
and one Child 1 Christiana 6 years

II) Gregory Rochler a Countryman 32 years his Wife Lucia 27 years and
one Child 1 Maria 1 year

III) Clement Leidler a Countryman 48 His Wife [ name? ] 44 years and 2
Children 1 Maria 13 years 2 Maria 6 years [both names given as Maria]

IV) Simon Moses a Master Linnen Weaver & Bricklayer 43 his Wife
Maria 39 years & 3 Children.
1st Maria 18 yers.
2d Christian 12 yrs.
3 Afra. 6 yrs.

V) Johan Unterwald a Countryman 49 years Ms wife Maria 47 years
and 5 Children whose names are yet unknown

VI) Bartholomew Globischeig a Countryman 49 years his wife Christina
45 years & 7 Children whose names are yet unknown the Farther [father?]
Being at Anspach at work.

VII) Johan Eggar a Countryman 53 years, whose Wife and Children never
owned themselves Protestants.

The wives and Children are yet in Carinthia as I have Signified
in my former Letter.

Dear Sir.
I expect an answer upon this as well as my former Letters as
Soon as possible. Because they contain weighty Affairs. I remember
very well that upon the Desire of the Society, I have promised to give
a further Account of the Demarches and Views of Count Zinz; But Because
it cannot Be done now, it Shall perhaps Be done in my next. Since
3 weeks ago things have happened wch, are not to he allowed, I recommend
mend the Saltzburgers in Eben Ezer and remain.

Your most humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Saml. Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Savannah 28th May 1735.

Honoured [sic] Sir

Last Saturday Capt. Thomson and I went to Purysburgh where we
were handsomely received as we had been at Georgia. That Town doth not
make the Appearance as Georgia because it is much lower and a Swamp of
dead water runs through the middle. The People appear to he very
industrious and have their Gardens pretty well improved with diverse
Necessarys of Life, there seems to he amongst them a sort of Emulation
for Industry.

Every Town Lot contains one Acre of Land, by far too much; As
Georgia (excuse the Liberty) has too little, I was in several of their
Gardens, in one belonging to a German or Dutchman I with Pleasure
observed a larger Spot of Land planted with Flax which was better
they told me than they usually had in their Country notwithstanding it
had had but very little Rain from the time of its being Sowed till I
was there. The old Man told me he could dress it fit for the Spinner,
which his Wife could do; and that there was a weaver among them that
could make it into Cloth, I also observed in that same Garden a good
Patch of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Buck Wheat, Indian Corn, Rice and Potatoes;
all which appeared to me to be pretty good considering the Dryness
of the Season. I was in another Garden with Mr. Bellinger where was a
small piece of Rice wch. he thought better than any he had seen in

On Monday there was a Review when there appeared under Arms
about 120 Men besides Officers, who were very gay or at least
gayer than I could have expected. There were several Persons absent.
Some at their Plantations, Some one way and Some another. I was there
told they could make about 250 Effective Hen, They exercised tolerably
well according as I am capable of judging. I was informed that a great
number as well Officers as Centinells [sic] had been in the English, Dutch,
French end German Service. I found there were Men there almost of all
European Nations, as English, French, Dutch, High German, Prussians,
Russians, Switzers, Savoyards and Italians. Several of them proposed
the propagating of Silk particularly Monsr. Albergoti by Birth an
Itelian, [sic] who told me that he understood the Management of Worms and
Silk very well, and I have promised to send him a Quantity of Mulberry
Trees. This placeif it thrives, as I hope it will, will be of very
great Advantage to this Colony, for whatsoever they produce must be
Shipped off from hence & what Supply they want will be furnished from

Right opposite to Purysburgh is another fine Island belonging to
this Province furnished with great Quantities of Birch and Beech, a
Wood or Timber as I am informed the most proper to make Pot Ashes.
And the Land very good both for Rice and Corn especially the former.

I find in falling of live Oak Timber upon Tybee a great many
Trees are rotten decayed and good for nothing, and the sooner those
Trees are cut down the sooner others will grow in their Room. And I
have been informed by Col. Bull & others that notwithstanding Live Oak
is very hard it is of a very quick Growth. I am


Your most Obedt. Servt.

Copy of a Letter from Capt. Patrick Mackey to Mr. Jones Dated at
Coweta 28th May 1735.

Mr. Jones

I found on my Arrival here the Trade of this nation in very great
Disorder, which I imputed to the Numbers licenced [sic] to trade, and which
as governed could not afford a Living for some Traders which was the
Reason they were guilty of unfair Practices. I have regulated the
Trade a little, and reduced the Number of Traders; And that You may not
disappoint yourself, I am sorry I must tell You that You are not in the
Number of those continued; Therefore You are to withdraw your self and
Effects with all convenient Diligence from this Nation.

I am

Your humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Christie to the Trustees dated
at Savannah May the 28th 1735.

Gentlemen & most Honoured [sic] Sirs

I have perused your Honours [sic] Letter of the 15th of May wrote by
Mr. Herman Verelst your Accomptant. [sic]

We think our Selves trice happy at your Honours [sic] Consumate [sic]
Prudence. Wisdom in not determinateing [sic] any thing without giving us an
Opportunity of defending our Selves.

As to what immediately regard self I beg leave to Answer that
neither my self or Agent have ever dealt in Rum but on the Contrary it
is notoriously known by my Example have led a Sober and regular
Life always paying regard to your Honours [sic] Orders. Especially those
against Rum & have been most Instrumentall [sic] in decreasing the
Consumption of it in this Colony.

As to my taking a Shilling for a Warrant and a Shilling for a
return it is entirely Groundless Noble Jones is Absent but I hope the
Enclosed Certificate will be lookt [sic] upon as Sufficient.

It will appear upon the Records that it was not above 10 days
before I had the Honour to receive your letter That one Morgan of
Charles Town had enterd [sic] severell [sic] Barrels of Cyder [sic]
which on the Landing was discovered to be Rum when Mr. Causton and
my self received the Information we were then holding a Court and sent
for Morgan to answer the Information and to shew Cause wby it should
not be Condemned upon Examination of the Matter the Information appeared
to be true and Morgan could now show Cause. Captain Macpherson appeared
in Court and said he had bought the Rum for the use of his people but
that being Examined into appeared to be since the Landing & to serve
only as a Skreen.[sic]

We proceeded to Judgement & gave directions to Coats and Gapan
the Constable and acting Tythingman then attending the Court to Stave
it Immediately but there appearing a dilatoriness in the Officers &
Guard and a number of People getting together & Murmuring the Officers
seemed Affraid [sic] to Execute Our Orders upon which we rose up took
Such an Axe and Staved the Hum our Selves.

I have now above Ten pounds Sterling to Pay for persons Assisting
me in writeing [sic] the Affairs purely relating to Office and the
Publick [sic] and I shall crave leave to lett some other person
Inform your Honours [sic] of the Trouble in it but at the same time
beg to return your Honours [sic] my humble and Unfeigned thanks for
the many favours [sic] received and particularly this last of two
Servants and another years Provision which was indeed a great Indulgence
and more than we load reason to Expect.

I can assure your Honours the Orders concerning Tipling have been
Strictly put in Execution And we have found a great deal of Ease and
Benefit by it so that I hope we Shall have no Occasion to Informe [sic] your
honrs. against any one in particular notwithstanding we shall observe
your Honrs. Instruction on that head.

Gentlemen I beg leave further to Explain what I said in a Letter
of Mine to your Honours concerning people thinking of Selling their
Lands and running away which I presume was Intelligable [sic]
verifyed [sic] by the Red String plot which was soon after discovered
when it appeared that a Certain number of Freeholders as well as Servants
wore Red Strings being persons who had got them selves into desperate
Circumstances were underhand making over to others their Lotts and
were designed to make off Some of which were Mugridge Cannon Horn and
Edwd. Johnson.

Gentlemen We Could do no more than by our Publick [sic] Orders and
private directions to declare against the one and the other as an
Actual forfieture [sic] and they were far from receiving any Encouragement
from us for by our diligence we defeated and prevented both the one and
the other I have Enclosed a Copy of a Warrant lodged in the Hands of
Captain Ferguson whereby you will see our Sentiment in that Affair.

I can assure the Trustees the Improvements the people in General
made last year in their Houses and this year in their Lands considering
the heats of the Summer Season and as a new Settlement have never yet
teen paralled [sic] by any people under the Sun so that altho we have had some
drones amongst us we have much the greater number good industrious
people and I should he sorry to be Understood when I Complain'd of a
few to mean the whole Colony of Georgia much more that any other sett
of People whatsoever should sett [sic] us an Example.

I can with pleasure acquaint your Honours [sic] That the Colony seems
to he better settled than ever in peace, Order, discipline and Industry.
Tipling and Extravagance has by our Orders & Example greatly declined
and Religion been promoted.

We have now every thing pleasant and Agreeable for life and when
in my Letter to your Honours [sic] I spoke of mony'd people I meant that the
place was now Convenient & fitt [sic] to Entertain people of the best of Circumstances & we seem now to have overcome all those difficultys [sic] Incident
to new Settlements.

I have sett [sic] up a Brewhouse of Beer & good wholesome drink is
brewd both strong and small which seems to take so well that a great
many working people Instead of Spiritous Liquors have taken to Beer and
I humbly beg your Honours [sic] protection therein.

We have had few people dye [sic] this Summer and Consider we begin
now to be very Numerous the heats great the Country and Air must be said
to be very fine & wholesome. Jones has been by our Influence much
more diligent this year in running out our Lands and several Industrious
people in this Town have gott [sic] up the Cattle and the publick [sic]
have now the Benefit and Enjoyment of them.

Your Honours Orders to me relating to Willm. Little the Infant
have been Obeyed and the Guardianship given to the Mercers.

I could Wish your Honours [sic] would give me leave to Settle
Improvements in Town and my own Lott [sic] for life to such persons as you
should Approve of and grant me 500d Acres on the River Vernon on the
Usual Conditions. I should by that means be able in a more conspicous [sic]
manner to Convince your Honours [sic] how much I had at heart the Welfare and
Service of the Colony and remain your Honours [sic] Most faithfull.[sic]

And Obliged humble Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Robert Howes to the Trustees Dated
at Savannah 30th May 1735.


I make bold to let your Honours [sic] know the Nature of my Case,
hoping that your Goodness will excuse me. I have tended as Parish
Church Clerk and performed all the parts of the said Office
from Aprril [sic] 1734, Six months we had no Minister, which in
his Absence I have read Prayers on a Sabbath Day, visited the Sick,
buryed [sic] the Dead and tended on several Persons which lay under
Sentence of Death, which has took me up some time. Likewise I and my
Brother did work 10 Weeks for the first People when I was in my best
Health and without receiving any Satisfaction for the same.

Wherefore I humbly hope that your Honours [sic] will take into
Consideration, I having a large family and none to help me, find it
difficult to Support them.

The Honble. Mr. Oglethorpe did promise that I should have Twelve
months Provision for a Servant and did leave Word with Mr. Causton to
let me have it, but he has denyed it unto me, so that I am in great
Want still for a Servant to Assist me in Clearing my Land and helping me
to do other Work; But I humbly hope your Honours [sic] will consider of
it, and Your Petitioner will ever pray


Copy of a Letter from Mr. Sami. Eveleigh to Mr. Oglethorpe dated
at Savannah 30th May 1735.

Honoured [sic] Sir

Yesterday morning I went up to Augustine's Plantation and from
thence paid my Respects to Sir Francis Bathurst who lives in a small
House 20 foot long and 12 broad divided into two parts. One is a Bed
Room and the other a Dining Room; the Sides, Ends and Coverings of
Clapboard, it may he in some measure water tight hut I am certain it
cannot be wind tight; he seems to be tolerably well contented. When I came
there he was just going to Breakfast, he invited me and I partook of
part thereof, there was a large Dish of Cat Fish and Perch fry'd caught
the Evening before by his Son, and a good piece of cold Pork. I carried
with me two Bottles of Punch and two Bottles of Red Wine, the former we
drank after Breakfast the latter I left with him and in the last Glass
we drank his Cousin*s Health my Lord Bathurst. He has planted eight
Acres of Corn and if the Season proves good I believe he will have a
good Produce therefrom, 'tis now in the Weeds but Mr. Causton has
promised to send him two of the Trustees Servants to help him out.
Augustine and others on the Bluff give a good Character of the old Gentle
man and tell me that his Wife and Son work in the Fields themselves.
It is great pity he has not where with all to buy him some Cows, Calves
and Hogs which would contribute very much to their more comfortable
Living; his Plantation has a pleasant Situation and would be more
agreable [sic] if the Trees were fallen round it, but that he cannot do
yet having but one Servant.

This place hath a very great Conveniency for Cattle if what
Augustine informs me be true, Augustine Creek goes up one Side I believe
8 or 10 miles and he says there is another Creek So that a Fence from
Creek to Creek which may be about one mile and half or Two miles would
inclose many thousands of Acres, in which are a vast Quantity of Cane
Savannahs. In one place Augustine assured me there was no less than one
Thousand Acres of choice Land, and I do believe that if the Trustees
would buy 1 or 200 Cows and Calves and put them upon it under the Care
of a diligent carefull [sic] Man it would be in 2 or 5 years time of vast
Service to this Town & Province.

About 10 o'clock Augustine being very hot he and I went up his
Creek in a Canoe to the place where they design to build a Saw Mill, for
which they have made a good Progress; And it would have been much better
had they not been hinder'd by Sickness. He has a Partner named Layson
who seems to he a discreet Man, he told me that he had been concern'd
in making Mills in Pensilvania these 20 Years.

I am all together unacquainted with the Nature of Mill Work. He
told me how he designed to perform it which to me appeared feasible but
I am afraid the Charges will he too great for their Pockets. There are
abundance of choice Pines round the Place.

Prom Augustine up to the place where the Mill is to he is four
Miles, and I observed as we went up several Bluffs fit for Settlements
and the Creek in two or three places divided which I believe leads
up to more; and in our Passage up I took Notice of a vast Quantity of
Grapes, some of which hung down to the water. I returned on foot to
Augustines House passing through several Cane Savannahs and Gullies,
and on our right hand I observed one that was very large and spacious,
a great part of which as he informed me is at Spring Tide covered with
Water which undoubtedly is extraordinary good for Rice and may be
planted for ever and will never fall, it being extraordinary rich; and
will never fail of a Crop because it will never want Water. I am


Your most Obedt. Servant

Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Vat to Mr. Newman dated at Ebenezer
30th May 1735.

Honoured [sic] Sir

Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter I had the Honour [sic] of writing to You
the 10th of Febry. last wch. I suppose to be in your Hands long before

343 (515)

this time, Few Days afterwards I was so ill and brought so low that on
the 15th of February v/hen Hr. Causton Mr. Jones and Capt. Dunbar were
here I could hardly stand upon my Legs which Weakness continued for
several weeks; But upon taking proper Medicines of Mr. Zwiftler and
recovering some Strength although the Defluction upon my Eyes held on,
I resolved about Easter to leave this place and return to England.

Which Resolution however I since altered upon a Rumour of some motions
of the Indians in the Spanish Interest, & I am thinking of continuing
here till I hear of the final Resolution of the Trustees for Georgia
concerng. the present Settlement of the Saltzburghers; for should the
People be obliged to Settle in this barren place I could not but with
the greatest Grief behold the Misery that must inevitably attend them.

The Experiments we have made this Spring evidently confirm the opinion
and the dismal Accounts given by every Body concerning Pine Barren
Lands; for all the Seeds we had from the Trustees were Sowed in due time
and most of them came forth plentifully to the great Joy of the People,
but there being no Substance in the Ground of Sand hardly any of them
are coming to any Seed. The Kidney and Sandwich Beans will scarcely
yield one pint for Sowing next Spring, and the Indian Com which the
People have planted here and there every week since the beginning of
Febry. last gives but a very small Prospect there being only here
and there a fine Plant coming up; Yet Mr. Causton, who together with
several Persons hath been here thrice within these three months,
magnifieth [sic] a small Spot of Ground of about 20 feet square in the midst
of an inclosure of half an Acre near Guhwandel's house where some Cattle
stood for some months & thence concludes that by a small Stock of Cattle
this Soil may be improved so as to produce plentifully hereafter, and
crieth this place up as the best Land in all the Province.

It even seems by his Actings that he is fully bent upon the Continuance
of the Settlement in this place, for on the 14th of Febry. last he sent
hither two Men for Sawing of Boards for finishing the Six Houses ordered
by Mr. Oglethorpe to be built here; one of them, vizt. Mr. Bolzius's being
finished; Two others, vizt. the Storehouse and the Schoolmasters joining
together are so wretchedly slight, that by making one single Step both
Houses shake so as to be in danger of falling to the Ground, and upon
any Rain I am forced to shift my Bed in one of the Rooms therein
occupied by my self and three Families besides; And the Frames of the Three
others now Standing naked are so bad that I wonder how any one will be
prevail'd on to occupy them when they shall be covered and boarded.

These Sawyers have Sawed no more than 159 Boards & have left off working,
but Mr. Causton says he will send other Sawyers to finish the said
Houses. Upon the Return of some of our Men from Savannah, the Women
resolved to clear some Ground by themselves for Gardens; Thie Single Men
took thereby Occasion to do the like, and then on the 3d of March the
Men began jointly to clear a Spot of Ground which has been since fenced
in and planted with Indian Corn and Pease. [sic] On the 8th of March hearing
of some Disturbances at Savannah We began the building of a Block watch
House 28 feet in length and 18 feet in breadth, which is now made
use of as a Church and School as also as a Warehouse. And we afterwards
built a Bridge over the River in this Town & another Bridge over a
small Swamp in going hence to the Landing place in order to bring thence
our Provisions partly upon our Backs or by a small Waggon, [sic] whilst the
Waters are so low that no Boat could be of any Service since the l6th of
April last to this time; And this is like to he so all this Slimmer.

On the 15th of Aprril [sic] last I went to Savannah and prevail'd with Mr.
Causton to Send us Provisions for Six months; He agreed with Mr. Mamour
to bring part of them in his Pettiaugua. to the Landing, but Mamour could
come no higher than within two miles of the mouth of Ebenezer River;
From thence we carried them in our own small Boat to the Landing. As
about 40 Bushels of Indian Corn were Scattered loose in the Pettiaugua,
and some Hogs and Pigs lyeing [sic] among it which our People cannot eat for
its Hastiness; And as there were Six Inches of a Cask of Wine, of 26
Inches deep sent by another Boat, wanting; I desired Mr. Causton to buy
a proper Boat for our carrying our own Provisions. That Pettiaugua
employed 12 days in coming from Savannah Town to the mouth of our River,
and one Mr. Guthry has since made Two Trips in five days each with part
of our Provisions from Savannah Town to our landing place for which he
is to have L 40 Currency, and Mamour L 30 besides the Wages of five Men
at 18d a day each. This shews that the Charges of Carrying down or
bringing up any thing will for ever keep our People in a very low State,
even were the Soil as good as some People would have it. And I cannot
see how the poor People will get any thing for procuring Linnen & Shoes,
of which they are now in great want; not to mention many other Necessaries
as Earthen ware and other Utensils for the Kitchen.

I could wish the Society had given Orders for one Hand Saw to each Freeholder
instead of having but 8 for all; also some large Coppers for boiling of
Beer, the River Water being very bad especially in Summer. We indeed
were lately upon Searching for a Vein of Water and fixing a Rice Cask,
found a very fine and strong Spring, but in this great Drowth [sic] it runs so
very small that it is apprehended it will soon he dried up. It is very
observable that hitherto all our Child bearing Women are delivered of
their Children before their full Growth, and that most of the women
died; And the former happen'd to Mrs. Smith an English Woman who lately
miscarried in this Town. So that such of our woomen as are now pregnant
are in deadly Apprehensions that the present Soil is pernicious both to
the Growth of Children and Seeds. The list of such as died since we
have been here is as follows.

January 23. Margaretha Schoppacher

26. Christian Steiner

February 13. Maris Hueber

April 2. Margaretha Gsetwandel

4. Maria Schoppacher

8. Anna Schwaigger

16. Ruprecht Schoppacher

30. Hans Madreuter.

As the Bread kind Provisions of 6 pounds a week p Head will not
admit baking of Bread, it is Supposed the Want of Bread is of no small
Detriment to the health of our people who were used thereto from their
tender Years. We have no Ovens but some of us bake Bread in our large
Iron Pots which is very tedious, as well as our grinding of Corn with
small Iron Hand Mills almost good for nothing. Some Mill Stones of a
middling Size would be very usefull,[sic] as also some fishing Tackle for
catching Fish. As Sebastian Glautz who died at Purysburh without a
Will and no Relations here left some small matter, I desire to know the
pleasure of the Trustees concerning his Effects, Mr. Bolzius being
of opinion for dividing them to the poorer Sort of his Congregation
which may be attended with some Difficulties; But lay opinion is for
Selling them to the highest Bidder and for lodging the Produce thereof
in Mr. Bolzius's Hands.

Capt. Dunbar has I doubt not by this time given You an Accot, of
our Voyage and of the Situation of this place, and I hope a faithful
Representation of the Nature of the Soil thereof. As in the Account of
the Stores put on board the Prince of Wales mention is made of a Box of
Medecines [sic] Shipped by Mr. Newman, but as we could find no such Box we
Suppose a Trunk of Medecines [sic] B C No. 5 which Mr. Zwiftler has rec'd is
meant thereby. The Barrel of Molasses was so slight that it was broke
at Sea, and though we shifted the Molasses into another Cask yet we
Saved only 54 Quarts thereof when we received it here. Captain Thomson
as also Mr. West will doubtless give You a falthfull [sic] Account of the
Barrenness of this place as having both been here. And I submit it to
the Consideration of the Society whether in Case the People are moved
hence to a better Soil; They will be so kind as to send the following
Particulars vizt. Some Sand Hour Glasses, Tin Funnels, Pewter Quarts,
Pints and half Pints for measuring Wine and Beer, Bushels, half Bushels,
Pecks &c for measuring Corn &c, diverse Sorts of Ropes, some small
Scales of about 18 Inches Diameter and Brass weights. Gold Scales &
weights for weighing small things, diverse Sorts of Iron Wires, one
middling Sized Bell for ringing to Church and public Work, some Joyners
Glew, [sic] Flannels for night Wastecoats, [sic] some great Guns for Alarm &
Defence, [sic] Blacksmiths Tools, some Coopers Tools for making of Pails and
Casks, and large Bellows, Tin Plates, Sieves of several Sizes and Turners
Tools. But every thing is to he pack'd up, for the Sailors broke
3 of the 4 Lanthorns [sic] sent on hoard the Prince of Wales and they
took several of the Beddings Blankets which we could never see again.

When I was last at Savannah I went several times to Mr. Spangenbergs
Five Acres Lot to See his Men who seem to he very industrious at Work.
I could wish the Soil of Ogeechee which is designed for Count Zinzendorff
may he as good as that within Two miles of Savannah Town, for I
look upon the beginning of a Settlement as upon the foundation of
Houses, unless these he Solid in them selves the Superstructure must in
course he affected; And that a Soil to he made good by Dung is an Under
taking too precarious for poor Husbandmen and not so easily to he done
as some Persons would persuade others who know the Consequences thereof
by Experience. And it is no small Discouragement to our Saltzburghers
that they do not yet know their respective Lots, altho in the printed
Accounts published in Germany they had Promises of having immediately
at their Arrival here their Portions of Land assigned to them. And in
this the Reputation of the Revd. Mr. Senior Urlsperger and some of the
chief Magistrates at Augsburgh is highly concerned, for it was upon
their Publickly [sic] appearing in the Affair that these innocent People
ventured their All in leaving their Services in good Families; And the
Roman Catholicks [sic] of that Town will not he wanting in Insults for sending
People into such a Desert, where in two Years they cannot reap the Corn
or Seed they Sowed. Some People here indeed lay the fault upon the
unseasonable Coming of the first Saltzburghers into this Country and upon
their not knowing the manner of Sowing and Planting therein; Likewise
upon the extraordinary Heat of this Spring almost without any Rain.

Next Year perhaps the Fault will he laid upon the rainy Season, but I
am fully persuaded and convinced that the real Cause of its not producing
is in the foundation of the Soil as being Sandy without any
Cohesion of Particles. This seems to he the Reason that Pine Trees
wholly consumed and burnt leave no manner of Ashes but only Sandy
Particles; and Pine Trees cut and thrown down and lying on the Ground
one year are generally decayed and rotten as if they had been Twenty
years before on the Ground. As to the Cattle they do indeed at present
look very well but it is quite the reverse in the heat of the Summer and
dead of the Winter being obliged to range a great Way off for getting
their Subsistance [sic] in Swamps or Cane Lands, the Grass being too rank
and sour. The old Saltzburghers did not see their Cattle all last
Winter, and of 30 heeds of Cattle given them last Year they have now but
5 Cows that casted their Calves this Spring, the others being either
wild or lost. At the latter End of February last Hr. Causton sent 12
Hogs to Abercorn for the Hew Saltzburghers, one of them died in bringing
it hither, two of them broke loose from the Ropes and are lost; And
after having kept the others several weeks in a Sty Three of them like
wise run away and have not since been seen. Mr. Causton has given Us
Six Bushels and an half of rough Rice for Sowing in some of our swamps
which are now quite dry. We are very glad of trying every Thing and are
now preparing a proper Place for that purpose; But I apprehend that
the Success thereof will be no better than with the Indian Corn. For
it is to be observed that in Carolina the Negroes are the only proper
Planters thereof ere made use of, and that whenever white People are
employed in that way of working they die like Flies, as being unable to
endure the Waters in such Swamps, much less the Heat of the greatest
part of the Day in Summer; the clearing of such Swamps being more
difficult and laborious than the dry Land be it never so much over run with
large or small Wood of any kind; and considering that these People
were born and bred in high and rocky Lands which are as different from
the nature of those here as the Day is from the night. Some knowing
People say, It would be better to Shoot the People at once than to put
them into such a Way of Planting.

Hr. Bolslus has taken a Memorandum of such Demands as some of
our People have to make in the Archbishoprick [sic] of Saltzburgh or of some
of their Countrymen who are gone into Prussia. The Attempt of getting
them in is, as I humbly conceive, a Work to be recommended by the Crown
of Great Britain; Moreover should the Trustees think fit to remove hence
these industrious and worthy People, I should notwithstanding the
Indisposition upon my Eyes be inclined to assist them in a new Settlement
till next Spring; And in that Case I hope the Society will give proper
Instructions for my Support, for I receive from the Stores no more than
any other Men; unless when I am at Savannah Mr. Causton and his Lady
overheap [sic] me with Goodness and Civility and I am constantly troublesome
to them.

I am

Honoured [sic] Sir

Your most Obedient and
most humble Servant

Fra. Piercy's [sic] letter to the Revc. Mr. Forester
Georgia. 1 June 1735

Honourable [sic] Lord, and Worthy Sir

Having now an opportunity to let your Lordship and you Mr. Forester
hear from me and from Georgia I hope my letter shall find both you and
my Lord and Lady in good health, as I thank God I am at this present.

I have sent my Lord Some tea which grows here in the Collony,[sic]
and which the Indians call Casseny [sic] Tea: it is very wholsom [sic] and good to
Cure the gout, and my Lord being Subject to it I have some for his
Lordship to try if it do him any good, and he please to send to me by
any Ship that Comes to Georgia or to Charlestown, I will send his Lordship as much as he pleased for his own use, for it is very wholsom [sic] for
any body else as well as those that have the gout, and the Indian king
told me himself that it is the only cure for it he ever could meet with
and that he had tryed [sic] many ways but none could do but this. How I came
to know this, was my Wife and Sr. Francis Bathurst and his Lady were
walking, and Sr. Francis being lame, the King asked him what was the
matter, Sr. Francis answerd [sic] that he and all his Forefathers had the gout:
so then the King told him that this Casseny Tea was the only thing for
it and the wholsomest [sic] That any body could drink for the preserving their
health, and Sr. Francis declares it is the only thing he ever
tryed: now all the Gentry of the Town drink it frequently, and I find
that it does me more good than when I drank Rum: For now I am marry'd,
instead of drinking Rum in a morning, I drink tea with my Wife, and by
the advice of my Wife and Father and Mother in Law, (Sr. Francis and my
Lady) I have left of drinking quite, and I thank God live very happy and
loving with my wife, and all the Gentry in the town respect me very
well, and more on account of marrying Sr. Francis Bathurst's daughter.

I may thank you Mr. Forester for this, and so I do, for I want for
nothing I thank God; So now I hope that God has pleased to place me in
the mouth of Fortune, and as for my Unkle [sic] he was very good to me in
money and goods and advancing my Fortune considerably more than I thought
he would. I am with Sr. Francis at present till his house is built, for
the Builders and Brick makers cannot make and build fast enough for the
Inhabitance of the place, people coming from all parts of America as well
as from England.

Trading and planting goes on very fast, and the Town of Savannah
is so large, that from fourty [sic]houses there are now almost four hundred,
besides hutts [sic] for the town is a mile long and so much wide and it is
almost built. There is a great deal of Silk made and the name of it
fills the Colloney [sic] so full that if it goes on so for 7 years it will be
the largest City or town in all the Continent of America.

The Product of the Country is at present some Silk and Pitch and
tar, and corn and pease [sic] and Cattle for we have more than two thousand
head already. Our Oranges come on finely but as for our vines they are
Scorched so much by the dry weather, that there will be no wine made
this year at all; but I hope in two or three years more to send you
Something of my own raising; for I have got planted this year Some
Coffee & coco Nutts [sic] that they say is the right Chocalet, [sic]
and Nisick Nutts, [sic] and lignum vita, & more Sorts of things, &
ginger, besides more of the East & West India Kinds of things for we
have almost every thing of that kind, but we have not got the Nutmeg tree,
& we want to get that if we could for the heat v/ill bring them as well
here as where they grow.

Now I come to give you a true Account of how many towns there are in the
Colony besides the City of Savannah as we call it here. Here is a
place at the mouth of the Sea call'd Tybee, then we go up the River to
fort Arguile, [sic] Thunderbolt and come to the City of Savannah. Go still up
the river & the next is Hampton Court where the Indian Kings Palace is
and his Cowpen; west (torn) Battery, Abercorn, Mill bluff, Ebenezer,
Purysburgh, Pallychacolas & Skidway [sic] So we have in all 15 Towns in
Georgia but Savannah is the head town among them all.

I beg you wont expose my bad writing an Spelling, and one
thing is very Scarce and that is pens Ink paper and Sealing wax. This
from your ever dutyfull [sic] servant to command.

I Still remember frippon. [sic]

Francis Percy or Poor Frank

NB. Purysturg
belongs not
to our Colony
and he has
omited [sic] Hempstead and
High Gate.

Copy of an anonimous [sic] Letter to The Earl of Egmont dated at
Savannah in Georgia 5th June 1735.

My Lord
Your generous Endeavours [sic] for the publick [sic] Good and the many
Christian Virtues that adorn Your Person are two great Reasons for
laying at Your Lordships feet in the most humble manner the Grievances
of the Colony.

1st. That the Storekeeper and Superintendent should at the same
time be a Chief Bayliff [sic] prevents Redress in the Court of J
ustice for any reasonable Complaint relenting to the Store or
Publick Works.

2dly. That his Power is so great in relation to Publick [sic] Works
and other Affairs that he may bypass the Jury and others. It is the
opinion even of his Friends that one of those Employs is enough to
take up all his time and that both is more than he can manage.

3d. That if the Jury does not bring a Verdict pleasing to him
they are called Traitors &c. If it he in Actions of Debts on Account,
that the Party who lose the Cause may appeal to Chancery of which he is
Judge and can do there without a Jury, So that if a Cause goes contrary
to his Will by Common Law it is needless to the Person who gets the
Cause since the same Judge as Chancellor may alter the Sentence as he

4th. That he being a Lawyer he tells the Jury the Law is so and
so, none of them being Lawyers or understanding in the Law know not
whether he says true or no; and no other Lawyer being allowed to oppose
Arguments, he has certainly great Advantages in Causes wherein he is
Prosecutor & Judge.

There is one thing we very much desire to know how many Jury
Men may be Challenged without giving ary Reason for it, and how many
with strong Reasons for so doing? Another We also desire to know
whether we may not appeal to Your Honours [sic] in all Cases? It has been
said on the Bench that we must Suffer first before we can Appeal, that
is bear the Punishment, Fine or pay a Debt before we can appeal; If so
what Recompence for a Corporal Punishment or for a Debt paid to a
Person who is a Stranger and does not reside here.

5th. That in difficult Cases often a special Jury is called,
the Majority of which are Free Masons which have often been challenged,
but as no other Reasons could be alledged [sic] against them but their being
Free Masons the Court has overuled the Objection.

6th. That Peoples Houses are searched and their Papers examined
to see if any complain to the Honble. Trustees. That it is
dangerous to write from hence and one of the greatest Difficulties to
know how to Send a letter safe to any Friend in England or to receive any
from thence without Danger of being opened, which the People here think
a great Hardship; And the more since they know if a certain Person here
finds they write any thing that displeases him they are sure of his
Frowns, and their Ruin if he can pick a Hole in their Coat for
he is noted for Severities and Revenge to the uttermost, but not for
one Sole generous good Action. From an evil Tree no good Fruit can be

The intended Tryal [sic] of Lieut. Parson of Port Royal was thus, but
he hearing of it made his Escape.

The Hangman to be his Judge, 12 Transport Servants Jurymen, and
then toss'd in a Blanket and by force his Papers taken from him. Which
some People say was Executing Justice without a legal Court or a legal
Jury and on one of his Majesty's Officers.

The Tryal [sic] of Savy of Carolina. The Saying
now he was glad that he had an opportunity to Punish a Carolinean.
The Punishment was to be Pillory'd. The Jury desired his Sentence might
be moderated which alter'd immediately the Severity designed. The
Carolineans, tho they do not care for Savy, are greatly affronted at
those Words.

Objections against the Administration of a certain Bayliff <&c.

The Tybee Affair has cost already near i) 1,500 Sterling and
hardly any thing to he seen for it to the Amazement of the Freeholders
here; & shews how carefull [sic] and saving the Publick [sic] Money ought
for the future to he taken Care off.

The Stinking Meat bury'd, the other Provisions wasted and

His Accots. of the Receipts and Issuing of the Provisions from
the Store ought to he thoroughly examined, and he obliged to produce
his Vouchers for the same. Tis a matter of great Concern and deserves
to he enquired into, those that know how they stand might say more than
I do; A thorough Examination will shew whether he deserves the Character
of a just Steward.

I shall pass over whipping and ducking those that have ask'd
him for Money and other Faults leaving that to others. I shall only
add that Could his Chief Clerk in the Store has for a long time openly
sold Rum in Defiance of the Trustees Orders; and that he has fined Mr.
Amatis for Selling a small matter more than he knew what to do with,
and has countenanced the said Gould in that Trade.

And that he himself has sold on his private Account Goods in the
Store at a considerable Profit to the poor People who had worked for
the Publick;[sic] & when he accompted [sic] with them paid himself
first, Mr. Gould next, 3dly those that owed him and then if there was
any thing left it was paid to the poor People or to their other Creditors.

From his Behaviour [sic] to the Freeholders many entertain the opinion
that he Acts without Orders in many things, Others that they are to be
deprived of the British Liberties and therefore they intend for Great

There has been so much, damaged Provisions in the Store that it
is a Shame on the Colony; now that Corn and Pease [sic] are wanted for
planting the Freeholders have asked for, and they have been told
that of one of them there is none in the Store and the other is not
fit to plant with. See the Damage to the Colony by such Neglect and
Carelessness. People complain sadly, and indeed not without Reason.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Paul Amatis to the Trustees dated at
Savannah 6th June 1735.

Honoured [sic] Sirs

I had the Honour to write to You last January by Capt. Yoakley
with a bundle of Silk made here, and in February I wrote by Charles
Town. Hearing that Capt. Yoakley is safely arrived I doubt not but he
has delivered the Silk Letter to Your Honours, [sic] and I hope also
that mine p Charles Town is also come to Your Hands. Finding therefore
no Answer though I had great Season to expect it I am much concerned
and very uneasy to find my self thus disappointed, and the rather because
I had wrote Your Honours [sic] that I wouldld have gone from hence to
London this month if I had not Your Orders to prevent the same. Accordingly
I was preparing to go with Capt. Thomson but Mr. Montacute, Mr. Eveleigh, Mr,
Dobree and several others of my Friends have advised me to Stay lest
with the Complaints that I have to make against the Proceedings of
certain Persons in the Colony might occasion some Disorders and Broils
in this place, and also lest in my Absence Your Garden might greatly
Suffer now it is in a thriving way; I have therefore resolved to
Sacrifice my private Interest than to act in any ways wheiein it might
in the least appear that the publick [sic] Good might suffer. Altho most of
those that know me know that I have at all times prefer'd the publick [sic]
to my private Interest; My Intent is now to stay with Patience till a
Trustee or some other Person fit to Govern this Colony comes over, to
him I will Surrender the Garden or follow such Orders as he shall
think convenient to lay on me.

I think with humble Submission that I may venture to acquaint You
with the following Particulars.

That I having a small Quantity of Rum for my Provision and finding
it was more than I could spend and being as I thought on my Departure
for London, I thought it was no Crime to dispose of what I did not
want Seeing it was publickly [sic] Sold by many others who never
were disquieted or fined on that Account.

The 19th last month Mr. Causton fined me L 7. Currency for
Selling a few Gallons of Rum, I paid the Fine very freely not being
willing by an ill Example to dispute the same. But for me to pay it
and no others there seems Partiality; and since the Fine goes for the
Benefit of the Colony I shall be the more easy since the Province reaps
the Benefit of it, but to what Account it is applyed [sic] is yet unknown
to us.

The following Persons are known publickly [sic] to Sell Rum, and still
continue except Mr. Christie who immediately left off.

Mr. Edward Jenkins, Mr. John Ambrose, Mr. John Fallowfield, Mr.
Patrick Houstoun, Mr. James Gould Chief Clerk of your Publick [sic] Store,
Mr. Christie, All the publick [sic] Houses, the Masters of Pettiauguas [sic]
and several others.

The Reason some of the above Gentlemen do not pay a Fine is because
they are intimate to Mr. Causton. I don't Say because they are Free

Since my Arrival in this Colony I have seen many things transacted
contrary to the Interest of the Trustees and the Colony, and my
Intent in representg. the same is to prevent for the future that
the Interest of both may not suffer; And as I have the Hounour [sic] to be
employed in Your Service I think it is my Duty and I should be much to
blame if I should sit quietly and see Your Interest and the whole Colony
at Stake and not inform Your Honourable [sic] Board thereof. These are my
Reasons and I hope I shall not incur your Displeasure in so doing, but
if I should I have the Satisfaction that in this I have done nothing but
my Duty.

I conceive (with humble Submission) that Your Honourable [sic] Board
will not approve altogether what has been done. As to my Person I
cannot avoid Complaining at the Proceedings against me considering the
Confidence reposed in me by your Honourable [sic] Board with the
Direction of the Silk Undertaking, the Chief and almost the only Article
for which this Colony was Settled & which Thanks be to God is brought
so forward as to give great and reasonable hopes that in some Years
the Province will produce as good if not better Silk than Piedmont and
that in vast Quantitys [sic] as may more fully appear by a Manuscript
of mine which I am now preparing for London.

I doubt not in the least but that some of my Enemies (though I
have but few here) may have spread false Reports against me as they
have against others but I doubt not in the least to justify my Conduct
when it will not be in their Power to justify theirs.

The Honble. Mr. Oglethorpe was pleased to tell me that there
should be Merchandizes lodged in the Trustees Store with an Intent to
Sell them at first Cost, and 5 P Cent Interest to the Freeholders in
order to ease them In their Infancy and enable them to continue
here with Comfort & Satisfaction, but now it is otherwise. The Store is
fill'd up with Goods sold for the private Benefit and Advantage of Mr.
Causton who sells the same to the poor Freeholders at such extravagant
Rates as 40 to 50 p Cent Profit, by which means they greatly suffer and
he gets abundance of Money; Especially from the Men who are employed in
the Publick [sic] Works. Those People have been chiefly paid in Goods as
much as they could well take and if any thing was still due to them Mr.
Gould was to he paid preferable to any of their Creditors.

I cannot believe that Mr. Causton will easily pass his Account
of Provisions and shew Vouchers for the same; it is well known that many
Barrels of Meat have been buried in the Ground, the Stench being so
great that it was not prudent to keep them any longer above Ground; And
as for other Provisions great has been the Damage thereon from the
Carelessness & Indolence of those who might have taken better Care, and
I cannot think the loss can be computed less than L 200 Sterling. I am
very free in discovering and giving Your Honours [sic] the Trouble of this
Information which I think I am bound in Duty so to do; But if I should
find hereafter that I am wrong and such Proceedings of mine disagreeable
I shall immediately leave off, for in doing this I run the Risque [sic] of
incurring the Displeasure & Revenge of those who are my open and bitter

The Affection I have for this Colony and its Inhabitants induces
me to wish them all manner of happiness and Prosperity, assuring them
that it will be a particular Satisfaction & a great Delight in me at
all times to do them the best Services I can.

Mr. Causton by Your Orders (as he tells me) has taken away since
the End of Novr. lest from the Garden Six of the Servants, there was
then but four left one is run away on board one of the Men of War at
Charles Town either Capt. Auson or Capt. Lloyd and Sailed for England.
Another is gone since last week but where we do not know, he went with
diverse other Servants belonging to the Freeholders of this Town.
I have been obliged to be at great Charges to defray the Expenses of
your Garden as your Honours [sic] may see by my Accompt. I have always
endeavoured [sic] to do the best I could to bring that Garden to that
Perfection that You might with Season expect. I beg You will be pleased to
send more Servants, I suppose your Intentions are to have nothing
wanting to promote the Benefit of that Garden; On my part nothing shall
be wanting on that head, having greatly the Interest and the Power of
doing Good to the Freeholders in all my Actions. I have been obliged
to hire some few Servants, but for the future I think with humble
Submission it would be most for your Interest to Send me some more of your
own from England; All which I humbly submit to Your Great Wisdom, and am
most respectfully

Honoured [sic] Sirs

Your most devoted humble
and Obedient Servant
