Annual Catalogue of the LaGrange Female College, LaGrange, - Georgia.





'roperty of tfeg North Georgia Conference M. E. Cnurc!) South.




Lagrange* Female *(5ollem


Lagrange,- Georgia.

i "v S88i<-88M - :

-: :

" Fo Educate Woman is to Refine II, e World."

jBoard of %tmtm.

cci.. Jaw - m I'.imi-
ii., n' K. Cox,

1 1 . . N . 1!. ii. BlOHAM,

Jobh EL Bboohb, K*l
Da. Jobs a. Bai oh,

Wm. II. HlMIKV. Km;..
JaKBJ f. OOUttBl I '. !>'(

Da ii. ii. (aky.

I)n. W. E. .Mrnriii.v,
Wm B. With am. Ksc; ..


1{. S. M< Km;..
F. P. EUXSUt, Est;.,
Col.. OSO. M. ROLAH,

Phof. .1. l). Hooks,
Dm. A. Q. Kmoky, -

Hon. B. I. Kimijall.
William A. HiMiim.i.. Esq.,
Hon. Hiham P. Bill,
Mai. A. I). Ap.kmiam,

Got. a. II. Coi.^i itt. -
Bet. W. h. Poms, n.l>..

Ki.v. J as. It Haybqb, -
Kkv. QSO. W. V AHi;iior<;n.
Kkv. William D. SSSCBMH,

KKV. AnDKKSOX .1. jAUItKl.l.,

Bar. W. A. Puiks.
Kkv. Jamks W. Les,
Dr. E. D. Pitman,
Jobs 0. Bxwpswos, Em;..

ROHK.KT II. .]A< KSOS. Es(j..

1/iii ,;i
l.'il, in
dm in.
I, ill.'ii.i

H'/u't, dulph


hid miii
Rock V

/;., .iiii//iiiiii, Xt.

Ni >r Yi

( il III m

Rome, <k

h'il;/i irorni, Irt.



(iitiliixr-'lli, '*

I. ill i.


COL. JAMES M. BEALL, President. A. E. COX. Secy & Treasu

,1- "' iaw*mu un bruuwa MM

(Officers and Teachers

L881 83.


fc JOHN W. IIKIDT. |)|)., |- l;IMI) ,, NTi

I'mf,-.,, of M ,i a ,| M n ,, I.,,;,,,.,,,,,, ..' Ch.MianiK .

am ..f Am i,., UatMtWMMI i.ii.mii.,,.. ,,i Hataai Sli ,,,.

Bv. I EL KAY80N, A.M.,

Km... rim- PmfcMOrof Mathi-matim.




Kjumfoinetu ALICE stkkciii,

'' " !l "'" r I**** Ml ' ami AaalatMrt in Knir.'i-li UtaMtam.


'i.T Of PriMIJ ll.|,:ir>ii.|lt.



iUusic tlepavtmcnt.

Tiai'hiT of tiMniini III , M

Mm iiassii; HAMPTON,
hat of focal Mu

Km katik i; BAROI8,
\ i-i;nii la fiialiiiiiii atal Koatc

Ten bci ol \ i.iiin and Oottar.

JVvt tlcpavtmcnt.

Tnaihci of limwiiii; ami PalBttnf.


TO, ., i, m tappet We Inn, made ersr, etert, be. tar. raited to pi a om,

Jlwlll.M-.M.d-r fgatlons ... ,,.., I "to > "' "* " rk N "* '""

;",. ,,,,> .1..,,...., n..t Included In Ihfa. IK - *- B- .... .,f anv,
minus herein prlnlnl.

Datmiiicl slnmnai are marked thaw *

Mrs Barak B. Bwaneon, m Cameiem,

Bamh T. Hill, no Cameron,

Mum Adelaide i: Big-ham. *
Mr*. Barah II Newton, rm Copper
Tabltba B. Howard, rut Hill.*
Martha It. Potu, "" Hill.*
Ml - Rebecca V. Marshall,




Mrs. Mar

Man A IContgomaTj, BronghtoB,

BUM -I Martin, '< Bryan.
AmarinthaC Gibson, Mi Cameron,
Sarah Jeter, net Clayton,
Catherine P. Whii-. M Doaier,
Prances J, Perry, mi Greenwood.

Mr*. .If".'] niiii- 11 . Tutuni. M Akin.*
Georgia C. WUUame, net Bbjnam,

Mi-- Henrietta Broome,

.Mr-. Dorltba A. Mathews, net Chapel,

Mia Sophronls B. Campbell,

Mr- Francos A. OoMamith, net ravnr.
Mary I'.Ni'al. Ml GrlggS,'

Mn> iuiwalti T (;uni.,i. eat Botha,
Francee K bong, m BrongMon,

Martha B.Hall, Ml Dixon,

|nal-llu K AJBOas, Ml Dongiaiw,

" Nani-aW llailcv. me Hun-la .

Rebecca G . run Forbes,

" Margaret A. Goodman, rm GUlman,

Mi- Marv K Ciritttn,

Mrs. Barak C. Long, m Griggs,

Mr Man M. Heard, aasAWord,
Man J. Kener, Ml Cnx,
" Taliila Wells, mi Carter,

Mi-- Man M licmglan,*

Mrs. snaan W. , nm Dinii-las.

Mi- Bllaaheth L Bark.*

Mrs. Barak C Barber, m Ha in
Mi- Ophelia A Oeborn,
Mr-. Hasan J. Bunkley, r
Mi Man A Baundars.*

Mrs. .lane K. -. Ml Gilbert,

s.naii B Iti"-. " King,
irah ! Camp, net Kldd,
panllne Abercroroh
" Kli/.ahfth Ttgnor, net Parbam.'



Mr- Arcadia E. Dowdoll

Amanda . et DnBese,

" Susan A. Maddor,

* Maacr net Headers,

Ann k Doaier, aa Pitts,

Elisabeth A BadclinT, rm

Mi- Mary A. Thompson.*

Mr*. Mariha F. Harper, >,> Barvey,

' Bnsan M. Brown, rut Metders,

Ann B. Akers, rm McGinn,*

Cordelia A -I -. net Redding,

Rebecca A Sicoleon. nn -

' Caroline 8 hank-.

" Helen A. Mitchell, net TaU,

" Barah C. Doaier, am Newton,

" Catherine C. Seal, net Stlnsoa,"


Mr-, .lam- B WeetOB, Ml Dune,

" Ann Ml Davis,

Man K. Phillips, mi I>rak<\

Mi-- Mary Glares,

/ <'./.' i MH-: //: i/. i/./; 11, 1 1 /._-,,/

I. i ' Mi li impton,

- I Meal 11,11,

K .1 Lam ki,M.

Hampton, rur Mi <; hit .
I! A BoyntoB, Butlodge,


Mi-- Ann l(,i,|.

M T ReM,
nn Ii .i.,! . ,, Hbarp

' rw Kpicvr,

Jam- Newton.





Sarah A Pott*. /'' Ak,-r,*

|,i. rnn' H li

Alberta V Heard, "" AJaoaa,

i^nifft . P" Bryan,

Isabella Itnldrh k*
rutin rim i 'oleman,

Sappington, /... Craven,'
Man Eliza I>i\. net Colquitt,
surah B CaaaefOJI,

I '-oinir'l. "" ' ameron,*
Kil.-ii Gaffney, < Cllne,
Miry Full.


M Bann-
Ann I

Margaret Cunningham,*
Mr* Mary Green, /," Colqnttt.
Harriet Anderson, n EdmaiMboa,
inda Edmondaaa,
mcea 11 Kimball, /,<. 1 1 n

: iry A- . i"' Kiiil'.

inda Ley,
Up Liny Smith /... Morrow,

i ravi ii net McCamle,
in Burnett, net Newton,



I. B M .IT. n. ,. Kdnitindsoii

Mary , ,,.

Mary Bradneht M I
Snaan . nee Parr)

. m Pace,

m Ware, '
Mary Aahford, a Whitfield.

Mi- Huacnirl Pitta,


Mi- Georgia Allen. rM Patrick

Sarah f, <irant. nat Id hi
M g trah 1 1 siiiiih.
Mi-. Sarah .1 HarriBg, mi 81 imbrklge,
" Man Btephena,
" K T Taliaferro,
i ornelia Tyler,
Hn Miry Young, m Yancey.*


f |jtitin .1. Anal

\ i ogbill,
sarah A . I;iv\ hin-,

K Edmnthtou,
I I In in -
Mn. II. Uolland,

\h !ia N I. .

I'll, hi- i, Mabry.*
. II K. Kimbrough, V
iMargeret K McDowell,


M-- M A. M' i rati . < Appleby,

I Judge. / Blackburn,

"OD, net i .'1111,1,11,.

- '.
" Untie W. i nnnlngbam,

.1 it DeLoach,
Bbtabeth 11 DeLoach,
M J. Bdwarda,

Ii Herring, na KIH-.
" sn-uii (; simti, ..... Darrell,
" Anna M Banwick, > II

' idowa,
Mi- Margaret A. Bxaell, *a Mooney,

Blanche William*
Mi- Mary F. Redwbie,
Sarah W. Rene,

its I. , /,., Bella k.

' Eliza O. M,,r. - phi nl

' Man P. 1 1 nl


Sarah E

Mr-,. Nnn, v i | ||ij|

Harriet N. Kir ,i . /,.. Llpxcomb
Martha P. Craven, ,, .M, Kamie,
Mi- Anna II Meadowa,
Mary A, Powi
Rebeci n ii Powell,
' s. Indiana Pitta.
Sophia i. Baundera,
" Frai ,!-, in.

Harj i . Tyler,
Mi- Phllogrtda WttlMrapooa, .... War*.


*- M E. ILard net Alford.
*i- Francea Andrews,

M V Atkin-.,|,

0. A Baldrick.*
s Nittle K. Oglexby. net Berry,

Hadena Traywlck, /-< livid
an A Cameron,
' Mary c. Cole.*

Laura A. Oarllngton.

Mr- SaaanV. Marbnry, we Ilarrell.
Mi- Addle l(. Powell,

Rattle A Shuinatc,
Mr-. Elizabeth chirk,-. ~ Smith.
Mi-- \iii.ii BtaagaJL

Mr-. Man .1. TlL'iior. na Stinwill.

Anna E. Bwanaoo, net Swaaaon.
" Martha Tooke,
" Mr- Pannle A. Johaeon, nm Ward

I .,,// | VUti /'/" 1/ > nil l.'.i:.

Ml . ,, . m Boraer,

Mi- I.. II. Brown

V. ll Clayton,
v,- ! \ Van Rpi'

M. A. Toggle, w Col
HI H k. C. Crowdcr,



I k Oordon,
\ s Orwn wimmI ,
M. A E Hamilton,
M .1 Hamilton.
i; \ Hamilton
a C. Hanki,

I s.V.i.





Mar] 1. '
Huaan B. Baaa,
m i. R dli
Emma Boatfek,

i Carlatn,
Hattie Carlton,
Fletcher Hiiriliii,

i.nilin. m '
Settle Melton.

\niia . "" <Wi

A. -|" it. M MoreUUHi,
C. Craven, /," McKamie,


Mr- fcama Lattmanaon, Bm h I"

Anna M Oalnway,

Claude V. Carlton,
Mn Blaa J. akere, nm Cox,

H I B Irene,
Mi- l' i Dixon, " Hew


Angnatt M. Tnompaon, " HHI,
Fannie Jeu r,
Mr- M F McLaw, rw Johneon,
' N. A. Maddox, ! Johnaon,

Mlaa I 8 '
J. It. Leney,

Mi- L A. BW,

Julia Bohannon.

(;. A. Brooghton,
Maggie Bnmalde,

K mcron.

Ella M. Cunningham.
Mr- K. M. Law, < D
Miw-Sallie R.Jeter.
Mi- . . M. E1IU, " Ledbetter,'

Mr- I: M. Map, v

M M B Pollen,

Mm K McFarlin, n*. Itnifonl.

\|.\ It,,.:, In . nn Kmith,
Mi-- Mettle H Shepherd,

" Mary Bbepherd,

tree, /.- Stlnn

Achaata Mareh, /.< Turner,

Uphelia Tumlln. I
Mi- Tinelie Wlneton.*
Mr-. R K Heme, m Wood*
\. :- Sarah Won

Hn, Ali" : Ledbetter,

" g C. Lovejoy,

M. ' Mnotv. ;,.. Millar,

Fredonia Mel BalfoM,
Aline B. Heeao,

Mr- Pollj Hammond, no Kol
Bdna M. i alulian .- U -ii
Mu In
|jmra .1. Branham, . Saxm II
- - ' r. m,

Mollle .1. Sniilh.

I. c Winfrey.


Mi-. I. B, Harwell, na
Mi s I.. Moreland.
Mr- Bill i B Callaway
C. Phllllpa,
I.. C. I'ullin.
I. L. Kendall.
i . K. II. i'i.
Mi- Genie Cameron, i
Misx 8. ] '>'
Mi-. Bmma C. Bryant.

I. ip -,1.1111.





Mi-- Man, A. Balwick, - I'. B

Ham.' B. Callaway

\nna B. Bvni,

Mattfe Held,

i.ui-v A. Fleming,

Mary F. Gilmer,

Li/./'i"- Godwin.

Jennie Goodwin,

Bebecca Harrington,

Mary A Haym -.

Kllu'll. Hill,

Georgia Hodnett,

" Buean A. Hogg,

Mr-. Katie Homady, n* Beall.

Addie i'.iiiiliii-"ii. " I
Mi- Hettie Callaway,

LUric I.

BatHe Leslie,

Mi i;. ttli Howi II.
Ha lie A. Knight,
Pallii A. Litl
Anna Lyon,
c p. M.i ..lie .
Kate O. .Mcrriu .

Mary Moouey, o'Neil.

K. Owena,
Clara Packard,
Mettle D. I'it'-.
" Wimbiah.


Mi- Annie Martin,
Mattle Mur-liall.
Belle McCain,
Mr-. GeralineHpi v aae.

Mi-- Anna Turner.

hiUB \nqm vkhalk volume,

j(,.. Eli/ 1 Al
Ida '


n i i i l dtaway,

\| r . tnnii C V' i loi I .irlri^-lil

BraxMeld, Pitman,



M - Fannli || a ||

Nora owi iw,
Pannli Pb


Mi-- Lali Culbenog

" Alary Hill.

M rri<- Pitman,

M M pel, .... Poythrct

y . \1 u i ( l I! I--
Dr. Dun M

M i.. MciIIil- II. !! Bvui*.
lie Lou IfanUton,


Mi-- tail Wan],
Mr-. Maggie Foote. /./. Wttlaker
' Addle 0, Anthony, ,,., Wbn'niah

UaJennli m

: v Alford,
,inli;i Omnally,
Annli i



Mi- Aldora Qanldtng.

Mi- i DoduM Rlchardaom,

Kllllllu J'ulllllT.

\ iru'i' Htlice.

Hi Ochci


Hi i >... Sli i.-.

Lizzie Tmjrlor,

" Leliall

le Williams,
Fannie White,


M ittie Taylor.

HnJennic Atkinaon,
" Mattif C(M)k.
Salli* 1 Dowtnao,
- Fannie Dorman,


MiM Ida I... Km. in.
Hattii li
Myrtle McFarfin
Boma Stipe.

i l.uia Wntkin.
Klla I. i -
l.nla Walker,

FJi Vanghan.
Angnata Vaognan,

All lia Kuril-.


Mm 1 1 li K. In
K Baxter Mabry,
Mi.llie I! Whiiakcr.
Myrtle Gaie.-.
Lola A. Uranium.



MiM AJioa lioykin Tr " ,1 l l county, *

< lenerra Gholaon !* LaGrange, *

" Lily Howard, second honor and salutatory Palmetto, Gt

[da Palmer, Oral honor Atlanta,*

' Mollle Btipe, flm honor ami valedietory Rockmart, Gt

May Fannie Turner Geneva, Gt

Bertha Walker LaGrange, Gt

Irene Ward LaGrange, *

Ida Wilkinson. .!? Hogwwville, Gt

Loula Wilkinson. IS. HoganavUle, Gt


Mi JuUetteAken LaGrange,*

Helen Baldwin Greenville, 0*

Cmie IJnllard N "'

Annie Bradley Atlanta,*

Ha] Candler Geneva,*

Susie Candler ,: ""

KvaCl.nums UBna%

jUa Covington Mtart r *

Miriam CoWM UGran l

L,.iia Dunson Troup county, *

WUlaKdwardi Ope!ika,Ah

Katie Uargii "**

Lorwteie Heard Troupe,,,,,

" Carol-el Heid. I.a< oamre, <a

NellaJone* ( ; arter8V "*' *

., - t .... ,. Seminole, al

.lessie Lawtoii

" Alne MeCrary J ^ m *

Li/./.-.e MeFarlin ^f?

,, . r i (Jainesvi e. I*

" C'nrne Parks

Clara Km* LaGrange,*

Effle Thompson Newna.*

. , , ,. Newnan, wt

" .lame ANadsworth *

.-.- 1 roup eountv.ut

" Lilarette \ oung '


BeutahArBold Kmm, Ga

" M: "> Br "' LaGrange,Ga

" A "-" h,:l llrwrll , Iu;i|l .,. A1[i

" Uun Kni - 1 " Watkinaruk, Ga

' Fuiie McAfee CanUm, Ga,

" ,;,!l " 1 '"' r Hatria County, <;.,

" N " lli '' l!i '. v Griffin

" ft*8ul Aflanta,Ga

" , '" 11 "- Si """- Ufauta, < la

Addle \\ sdaworth Kewnan, < la

L "" lil Zi """ ir LaGrange, ( la,


Mi- Pauline Arnold. Newnaa, Ga

" Bddie ( '"" k LaGrange] Ga

" WorrleCkK* LaGrange, Ga

" K "<'' ' '""I"' 1 ' LaGrange, ( la

" Johnle Heidi LaGrangi

" Minnie I [eidl Mario* , ' hi

" Minnie Hill I,,,,,;, Cam . ( ; a

" Beaale Jackaon LaGrange, Ga

" GoldieJaodon Tillman. 8. C.

Daisy Knitrlil Greentflle i:.

' I'''' Lowrey LaGrange, Ga.

- Bailie Lowrey LaGrange, ( la

Maud WcFarltn LaGrange, < la.

" hura Moreland Orantville, Ga.

' Willie Miiler Troup coast]

Georgia Pope LnGran e, Ga.

" Helen Ret il Atlanta, Ga


Dennis Brady LaGrange, Ge

Mi- Annie Cole LaGrange, c.

Maggie Cook LaGnarge, Ga.

Jennie Cooper LaGrange, Ga

Mary Lou Daushy LaGrange, Ga

Bbtnche MeFarlin LaGrange, Ga.

MaryMarab Ulanta, Ga

Maggie Moon LaGrange, Ga.

" Poriow Wai Ism hi li, Ga.

Pearl White LaGrange, Ga,

" Tillie Zinmer LaGrange, Ga,


leottie Abraham LaGrange, Ga,

Warn n Aken LaGrange, Ga

Kattie Beall LaGrange, Ga.



George BeaU LaGrange, %

Mattie Bradfteld LaGran

Mamie Bradley * tlanta, Q

I.ily Brady LaGran i

Hay Brady LaGrani Q

Douglaa Cooper LaOran

( arrie I .<< Do* ' * Gni

Annie Hi* LaGran

Henry Qtentoa LaGrang Q

Tainret Baralene LaGrai

...i BeMI l - i "" : "

Guile Held! ' LaGrange, ft.

Jamie Beidt UGrai

I [enry Jackaoa LaG n '

Hugh Jackaoa ' * Grai

LUyJackaon LaQtw

Bam Jonei UGran

TennieJonei UGnu

Willie Jocee u ' ; ' :i;

Fuller Longley ' :l,; ''"

\,,,..- May Martin LaGrange,*

Ella Lou Martin '"' ini

Janie Lou McFarlin '- : " ir;,!

Minnie McFarlin UOnD

Umax McOane Tr "i> " ,,ln: > '

Wade McCane Troup county. G

Beanie Mulford I " ,(i,: '

Oracle Mulford LaGrange, ft

GeorgePerry Ll4,!ri1 '

Walter Perry LaGrange,*

Ban Pope LaGrange.*

OlinPope '- a,;,:i!

Jimmie Sledge UQni

Roe Ward LaGrange,*

Ruby Ware , - :i,,n "

AJbert Wilder Troup cou.

Jeannie Wilder Troup eouaty, ft

Mai Whitfield '' i,,;rai

Charlie White '

Bessie Wllkee Naehville. Im.

Minnie Willingham [* Gni

Georg^Zhnmer UQnn ft

Johnnie Zlmmer LaGrange,*

/ or i vox n:\i.\i.i-: cou.kqh.


jFupils in instrumental Ittusic.


' v Siniiii- Abraham,
Beulata Arnold,
Pauline Arnold,
Helen Baldwin,
Carrie Ballard,
Hi; < 'andler,
Buile < andler,
Florrie Cook,
ie Cock,
Jennie Cooper,
Katie Cooper,

Julia ( 'o\ Ington,
Willi Bdwarde,
Katie Bargia,
Augusta Harwell,

Mi- Carobel Heidt.



Louvicie Heard,
" Carobel Heidt,

Jamie Heidt,
" Jobnie Heidt,

Minnie Hill,

I.ily Howard,
" Nrlia Jon

Tennie .lone-,
" Daiijr Knight,

" Bessie I.awton.
Fannie McAfee.
" Alice Met rary.
" Blanche McFariin,

Kattd McFariin,
" Mary Marah,

Miss Minnie Heidi.

Mi- Willie Miller
" Itura Moreland,

Maggie Moore,

Ida Palmer,

Carrie Parks,
" Qenie Poor,
" Georgia Pope,

" Helen Reed,

" Flla Saul,
" Jennie simms,
" Motile Btipe,
" Effle Lee Thompson,

May Fannie Tomer,
' Ruby Ware.

Min Coidie Jaudon.


Bertha Walker.


Mary Broome,
May < 'andler,
Busie ( 'acdler,

Florrie Cook,
Katie < kx>per,
Julie < o\ ington,
Wili.-t Edwards,
Katie Hargis,


Mi>^ LUarette Young.


Mi" I.ouvicie He;, nl. Mil

Carobel Heidt,

" Jamie Heidt,

Johnie Heidt,

" l.ily Howard,

Goldie Jaudon,

Nelia Joni "

' l>e--ie I.awton.

Alice McCrary,

Willie Miller,'

Georgia Pope,

Helen Peed.

Ftlie LeeThompaoB,
Bertha Walker,

Lilarette Young,

friQht-j&cading and d'hovus >iihumv


Mi Juli< tie Akers,

Beulah Arnold,

" Pauline Arnold,

" Helen Baldwin,

' Carrie Ballard,


Daisy Knight,
Ida Lowrey,
Bailie Lowrey,
Pannii McAfee,
Lizzie McFariin,

Miss Genie Poer,

" Etta Saul,

" Jennie Siimn-,

Mollie Stipe,

" Mav Fannie Turner,



Mm Alice Boykin,
" Annie Bradlej .
Minnie Hill. '
" Bessie Jackson,

Mi>< Scottie Abraham
Warren Akera,
Miitiie Bradfleli
" Mamie Bradley,
" Annie ( lole,
" Maggie Cook,
" Jennie Cuuper.

Douglas Cooper,
" Carrie Cox,
" Annie !>i\.
Henry QlaotOD,
Earnest Haralson,

Miss Maud McFarlin,
[turn Morrland,
[da Palmer,
Carrie Parka,


Henry Jackaon,
1 lu_'U Jackaon,
1, Mi Lily Jackaon,
Sam Jom i,
Tennie Jones,

Willie .Lines,

Blanche McFarlin,
Janie Lou McFarlin,
Mary Marsh,

Ella Lou Martin,
Maggie Moore,
Fuller Longlcy,

Mist Addie Wadsworlli
Janie WadsworuY

" Irene Ward,
" I. ul, i Zimmer.

Miss Buns Pope,
( Hin Pope,

" .1 iiimi "n - Sh

Kuril. u Wadsworft

I'ne Ward,
" Minnie \\ lUinghaa
" Bessie Wilkes,

Mai W liilliel.l,

Charlie White,
Pearl Whin,
Tillie Zimmer.

JVvt Mtxpile,

Miss Susie < landler,
John Heidi,

Miss Julia Covington,


Miss Aliee McCrary,
Lizzie McFarlin,
Bessie Lawton,


Jamie Heidt,
Miss < 'arobel Heidt.

Miss Helen Reed,
" Etta Waul.

Miss Mary Marafa

Miss Carrie Ballard,
May Candler,
Sa-ie Candler,
Julia Corington,
Willu Edwards,


Miss Bessie Lswtoa,

' Alice Mi Ciin .

" Ida Palmer,

" Effic Thompson,

Miss Katie Hargis,

Vieie Heard,

" Carohel Heidi,
Lily Howard,
" Neliii Jones,


Miss Mary Broome,
" Florrie Cook,
" Katie Cooper,

Master John Heidt,
Miss Daisy Knight,

" Laura Knight,

" Augusta Harwel

Mis* Love Moreiand,
" Georgia Pope,
" Helen Reed.


(Course of Stttdg.

The emnplotlon of the rtudlea in the Sub-Freahmaa Claai la BccaHairto

,M!,rin- the Kreahmnn I lam A pupil deairing to i liter an advanced t'ollew
eh** muni -urn. I m> approved examination in the Btudicx or tlie nrecedine


Orthography Bwinton'* Wonl Primer I I listen"- Kecood Oral French.

Arlihraciic mi Huford'a i Penmanship , nneanimliii

ft) mill, nap drawing) .. Corneir. I Object I-!..,,,. In all branched

81 I'.- 1 lll>ilMAN CLASS TWO Vi;.\K.- - COIK.SK.
I I US I Yl-.Alt.

iphy (with written ex. n - i

Arithmetic (through ft
BMpaphy Swh

Grammar Fir-t Leasoni |

"M' VKAI1.

Arithmetic (completed) RoMason

iphj irompletcd) Hatper

i it.-iiiiiii.-ir 'completed)

nf tin I nlt< d - Deny

lli.iuriuil Parti, of the Bible.

I nlversal Hi-tory.
oral French.

- la raadiag, writing: aad

Krrn.-t, i Primer Ahn-

Latin, begun.... Ilarkne**' [ntrodsctory iHM.k
Especial attention to reading, penmannhlp,
composition ami orthography.



i- in Composition , . . Qnackenboi


Irammar and Reader Hsrlrnoss


fnav b (optional) Buffet

liooaehold Economy

History of England Anderson

Bible History.

Reading, writing, penmanship aad original


asetorlc Qoackenbn

Al.-l.ra completed Ro

etry . (iinin.-ii.-ed Robinaon

I Irammar

Latin Prose Composition Barknem

Vinril. Cicero,


Fr, ni I, optional, BiitT.-i

Physlologv ontter

Natural Philosophy

Outline* of History Swlnton

Bible with ({nestiana.

Spelling, penmanahlp, cotnpoattioa, tlocntton


Moral Philosophy I

Natural Philosophy completed w.ii-

Btoaietrj completed Rob

Trisoiiometry and Conic Sections

Utin Grammar

Lathi Prose . 'ompoettJon Barknaai

sra ce . Llvy.

Ur.-.-k (optional),

french .optional) Telemaqo*

English Literature collier

1 'In -niirtry Toomana

Qennaa Prlncipm. i'art l

Bible, with Questions.

;,r.-. with Lectures,

Penmanahlp, Qoeutkmary Handings Spelling
and Composition.


Analytical Geometry

nnronoiny "

(toman (optional) selection* from baal Gee
man writers, ana < lemutn composition.



(optional), LangueUier el Monsanto.

Mm.-. .I.- Kevlgne

Paydcal ;. ography Maurv

l.ntin criticism, with lectures.

M.-ntal Physiology Haven

Logic True

Evidence* of Christianity Alexander


Shakespeare, with leetnfa*.

Chemiitry, completed Youman

Penmanship, Composition, Spelling.
Qrammar, Geography, Aritlimetie. rethmad.



The Instruction in this department aimi at the highest style of culture, h
rlaaalral miisirt The rule is to admit no models ol doubtful merit forth]
piano-forte, the works of Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Haydn, Clcmentl, Moan,
Cramer, Beethoven, Moscheles, Weber, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Bchumsse,
iind Liszt form the foundation ; and for the organ, those of Bach, liink. [lean,
and Bitter. In singing, the methods, vocalises, solfeggi, etc, of Garth
\ kccaj, Oonoone, Bardogni, and Marches!, together with :ntu- from the b*j
Italian and French operas, and songs by Bchubert, Bchumann, Mendelssohn,
It. Pranz, and other good composers, are used,

Our object ii to give complete courses of musical education, in single]
pUno-forte and organ playing, to those who hare the requisite gifts andaa
prepared i<> submll to the accessary discipline.

The branohes taughl arc the following :

1. Tmkoky ok Mi -sn -embracing harmony, or thorough bass (obligator)
for all organ students), canon nod fugue; forms of composition and instsj

8, Bworaoembiecmg elementary classes for sight-reading, chorus das**,

and solo-singing.

8. Piaho-fobt PLATDte embracing elementary and technical <\*rciaet.
easemble-piaymg (duos, trios, quartettes), and training in artistic performers^
us respects style, Bxprossion, artistic conception, etc,

L Onean PLAYnra with ipecisl reference to the ass of the Instruments'
church services, ami i competent knowledge of its constrat

5. Hnrrosr or Mumc. Mi-k-w. jEsthbtics Acoosnos,

The instruction is given partly in lectures, partly to classes, and partly in
individual lessons. Lessons on the piano-f orte or the organ will be gives*
single persons; thou in -"1" singing, to one alone or to t\\o or more simulu
neously ; those in chorus singing and in harmony or composition, to cht

There will be periodical examinations of every student; and her sdvam

ment Will Ik' determined by her proticiemy, as thus tested.

For each student a course of instruction will he marked out by the Director,

adapted to her specta! purpose. Applicants for instruction in singing shod)
possess a good voice, a healthy constitution, and an a c qu ai n tan c e with ti
rudiments of music: applicants for instruction on the organ ihould hai

previous knowledge of piano forte playing.
The time required by each student to complete a full course in any brass)

of music, and to obtain a diploma, will he determined by her previous attain-
ments, and by the rata of her progress as dependent on her talent and her in-


This department v directed by an accomplished artist, who has devoted
years to the study of ar' in its various branches and who seeks to cultivate in

the pupil a lo\e of the study as well as to impart technical knowledge

The course embraces drawing and painting. In drawing, free hand exer-
cises, object drawing, sketching from nature, and the study of nguresfj

taught In paintinir. the several branches of oil and water-colors, and al*>

UQR I M.I I I \l Mi: OOLLKfi)


d.iim decoration are Included, The Art Rail i- large, well lighted, ami ail
ni jr:ililv adapted i" it- u--s.


allopti tl studies, audi m mode, roeaJ and laatrumental; drawlne

painting, and French, Oerman ami Greek, are laugh) m h to Inter*

.- possible with the regular atudka of the pupils Ho pupil having com
ni'Ti< -i-il an optional trod) ran diaoontinue ii without the itrmlarion <if the
faculty, given at the requeel of the parent ot guardian. Tims,. puplli *ho
t.ik<- the regular eourae in French art- not required to study Latin in order to
graduate bui thoae who decline to take either Latin nr Preach, may. broom
plating tiii !"'] Engliah eourae, receive a diploma ai graduate in whmce.


Pupils coming to ua nol fully prepared fur the regnlar oouraa, ami who da

.in in graduate, may puma mch ipecla] -tudics as will fit them for thi-

foung ladies not desiring to graduate, bui wishing to enjoj the advantages
rfthe Music ami An Department, or to complete rpecial studies, may be re
dlred, and mi finishing auch itudiei will be entitled to a certificate of pro
Idency. Such pupils boarding in flic college must be subject to all the ragu-
Uiimi- affecting boarding pupiU.

foong ladiea who have graduated at thia college, or institutions of similar

may inter a- poet graduatee, ami after completing an advanced eourae

oftwo or more years, may. upon satisfactory examination, receive the degree

A M.


Toung ladles baring completed the regular eourae, and irtanding approved

BDUnlnationa, will be entitled to a diploma with the degree of A. 1!.

Those completing the ecientifli conrae in like manner will Iw entitled to a
diploma with the degree of B. B. Those eompleting the post graduate oourae
will receive the degree of A. M.


The Alumne of the College hold an annual meeting to revive the eaanrln

t the peat and contribute, a- far a- poaaible, to the prospe rit y of the

Alma Mater.


The collegiate year is one continuoue session, divided into two terms. The
Full Term begins on the sec mid Wednesday in September and closes the last
a* January. The Spring Terra begins the Brat of February and closes the
Keond Wednesday in June, which is Commencement Day.
The annual vacation extends from Commencement Day to the second Wed-
in September.


Four honor-, designated First, Second, Third, and Fourth Honor, shall be
Referred on the four falgheat of the graduate- in the degree of A. B.,in the
onler of their final Standing. The youni: lady reeeivim: the First Honor shall
liver the Valedictory addresses. The one receiving the Second Honor shall


deliver tlit- Salutatory addresses, Tha "in receiving the Third Bonor iM

read a Philosophical sassy. The ""' receiving tin- Fourth Honor ihall ratif

Scientific essay.
In the Junior class, twelve young ladle* having the highest clam atandlga

may be appointed to read original compoaitiona during the commenceaai

ezeroiaaa. To oontend fur thii diatinction a young lady tnual have received s,

i, aat live monthly reporti of In r claai itandlng,

In the Bopbomon class a- many a- twelve young ladies may be tela

read extraota during the < nenoemenl exercises. Theae appointments aj

nude tolaty on the ground of superior excellence in elocutionary resdlat
good deportment, ami attenttoa to duty.

Theae distinctions an awarded m i sording i" the relative itanding of pgjSj
for the time they aw together In the name claae; bul in every ease they ausj
begin the year together, complete every study ami pa all the required exanj

Proper consideration la given, where time, labor, and expense are requite]
for extra itudlea.

All dues must he settled he!,, re any distinctions, award- or diplon



Dr. William K. If urpby, of L&Qrenge, 8a., a Trustee < >f the College, h
endowed two prise medals, first and second, to he awarded annually t tl*

two young ladies of the Sophomore class adjudged to 1h- most excellent in elo-
cution. These medals are awarded with a suitahle address,

Hon. George M. Nolan, of McDonOUgh, Qa., has endowed a iirizc m,

the best esaay written by any member of the Junior claaa,

.Messrs. Mayer Bros., merchants of LaGrange, Qa., have endowed a prat

medal for excellence in VOCal mu-ie.


The Faculty of the Mu-ie Department have endowed prize medals fur in
provement in vocal moaic. Also for excellence In Instrumental music ml
improvement in Instrumental music.


The Principal of the Art Department off era a prize medal for excellence!




Mr< l..rh i IMI(,, fl ,, r . n , iri/1 . aWhlp ,,,,*,. , ,, awarded ,,. '.
^J*^*^ My of the So,,h,.nu,r,-. Junior ,,,! ^-nior ,. t u^-. w ,

H Bw Wgbrt pnmi average i all departments t tll , ^ '" sstH ' wh "


Ae J^Jy<>Jr a prte HfeoknUp m,,lul ... the yoaa My of the f.,-,,

mm -hlreshniai, eta-fwho has the highest ,e ,,,,, ^ ,, 2 ,
aytmenta for the year.

Ike Meter of Fr-nd, often mU for th, be* pronunciation of FrenH,.

The Principal of the Primary Department offers two prim.

Distinctions (Conferred in 1882.

Valedictory addnaaaa, First Honor, Mi<s MoBk ft Stipe, Rockmart, Oa

Pint Honor, Mi> Ma Palmer, Atlanta, Oa.

Mutator; i rirlr ea , Becood Honor, Miss Lily Howard, Palmetto, Oa

Km Faculty Medal for Scholarship i three highest classes, Mis.. Caml.el
Heidt. LaGnnge, Oa.

Second Faculty Medal for S, h ':.,slup in lower classes, Miss Ma-gie Cook,
(Grange, <ia.

Oeo. N. Nolan Medal for l)C8t essay in the Junior Class, Miss Carrie I).
Ballard, of Scnoia, Ga.
Hi Wm. ft Murphcy Medal, for c.ucllenec in Elocution first prize, Mha

Sims, Atlanta; second prize. Miss Etta Saul. Atlanta.
Mayer Bros. Medal for excellence in Vocal Music, Miss Carols] Ileidt. |. M

Family Prize Medal, for improvement in Vocal Music, Miss Katie

Cooper, LaGrange, Ga

Italic Faculty Medal for excellence in Instrumental Music, Miss May Cand-

k Geneva, Oa For improvement in Instrumental Music, Miss Bffie Lee

Tbompson, Newnan.

The French Medal for l>est prominciation, Miss Daisy Knight, Greenville.

The first and second prizes for penmanship in the Primary Department were
mrdeil respectively to Miss Lily Jackson, LaGrange, and Miss Mamie Brad-
rj, Atlanta, Ga.

The prize for spelling to Miss Baejfa Wilkes, of Nashville, Tenn.




Hoard. Including liulits and furl per MhoiMtiC J W |1H |

Washing 1: ' "

Litem? Tuition, ( Sollegtate Di partmenl B|

Literary Tuition, Boblreehman claai

Litem? Tuition, Proparatory Department

Literary Tuition. Primary Departmenl Ml

Katie Tuition, n Piano

Music Tuition, on Organ

Voice cultuiv

oil Painting or PMtri

Painting on China

, 10 m

llxw " rk

Drawing ,

Embroidery and Needle work, per annum

Dm of Ptano or Organ foi practice Vi <

Incidental (ee ;

IV,,.. ink, chalk, paper for written examination

Diploma at graduation

No nctra charge for French, class ringing, or cnliethenka.

Two hundred ami sixty ris dolkn will m-- the i ipcnae. of noard, Wm
7 mg, UfWe, rum, Utemy, Pr-cn mi Musi.- Tuition use of p.ano.m
in. Mentals for the scholastic year.

All the above charges for hoard and tuition arc required to be paid, or*t
factorily secured, one-half in ieptembet and balance ,n February.

Ncw'pupiN are charged from .! beginning of the month in , whichft,
;,.,. ,.,,', for board, when the entrance is after the middle of the mo*

STLo^fli, admitted foratomtim. than to the end of the ton.

Former pupils, returning after the tennis opened, arc charged tmuon k
the whole term, if carried on with the same class.

No refunding of money paid for board, unless the abmnce of the pupt!
cce^c^e.nontl^n.nefortuition, unbss actual mriOU. lllnee. demand

removal of the pupil.
No charge for tuition is made against the daughters of clergymen **

/ tU ministry. .

It wffl be seen from the above that we furnish a thorough and c-omplrtK*
le da7eedcca,ion a, r.,es lower than usual in institutes of he e**J*
Our facilities for teaching have been, and are being. Increased Our h*
1" highly educated and experienced teachers and *;-
a tentton to the ornamental branches, we have regard for the J-
SSup of our pupils and -heir training for the practical dot*, of


CicncnU information.


ftrough thel, ,,,,,. ,, r ,, N in ( .^ lllWlill , fM

pad*. LaOraiige has bag been tamed ai . chief center of ,,|,



rtecoH^eoocuplei . mo* wgDMoenl rite, in full rln of mastic l an ,|

"- ^ Beara. pt of the Peabody JW, J ,

k, , hat he had tovetod exteamvel, in Rurope ,,,, ,,,,,, vi . itilllt ^JJh
d College*, hut hud ,,,.v,. r seen on, to equal this for bean* and adulation


Hfce principal buildings an the College and the OoOcm How

The <^hritaill Of brick and MOM and , overed with tin, n.akin, i, ..
. ' ." '"' X '- ' f ';'' '"" **" M* towd front. The n,s, tloor
MMdtM. |,y wide hulls, crossing each other a. the ,,,, UlmM affording
perfec ventilation I pon it there arc ,, rooms, devoted to recitation"
liontory, mueeom and office*

On the second tloor is the Chapel and a complete arrangement of Music \r,
skiKv and Library room, admirably adapted to their aaM and convenient'
toe ( bapel.


The Chap, I is 80x100 leet, with a Capacity for l,fl persons. It is beauti

h.ed by large windows, and has four entrances. 1, ha- !,.,, ,,,.
I l.y distinguished rUtetl to be the finest audience room in the south.


The Home is conveniently near fa) the Colle-e. It is two stories high, built
(hick with tin roof, and contains sixteen rooms, IS feet square. Cross halls

hide both tloors. Kadi room has two or i * large windows, two doors ami

i transom over each door. The thickness of the walls of the building is a
paction against the extreme* of heat aad cold, and young ladies find their
orafortable in every season. In view of the increasing patronage the
-Wltces have resolved to enlarge the boarding department.


ta seven acres in extent, and beautiful by nature, arc diversified with ter-
med groves and gardens. The young ladies find in their shady walks, and
let retreats, healthful outdoor exercise and pleasant retirement.



I,, private household is there employed | doner or mora intellig,
pervtttoo am Oh Inmatei than \t ban exerdaed oro Hie health '.I Uu
tag pnptli The ilighteel allmenta arc promptly treated. In eerioui can,
the beal medh al edvtoa li tecurad and eompeteri mwaw provided. (
,/ phmteion wd /*** <fprlfa re* *- ;""' d, wl.rrein*
known to the Prntident, li acrupulouelj '-i" , "' ! A " the -"ditnmi |
proper sanitation are carefully obeerved. Day pupil- are not pennitte
dom their health Little children are provided with play room within do*
durina the Inctemenl wtntar weather The regular drill In Caliathenlc. ift
dumhbelle, wandi and rtngn, ; "" 1 ta free aymnaetica, aide In promoting *
Mtntriatag ioniid health, mimnto* fevetoptnenl and graceful carriage.


Hoarding pupils study In the aftern and two hoars after tea and

rare of a (eacher No deeultory or aimleM itudy is allowed. The prorata
redly dwftto the adiantagea which boarding puplli, over the* *
not inmates of the bonae. Under men Judicial regimen pn,

habits of earnest and Intelhgnnl application, and, ai a rate, our boar,!**

amongst the foremost of the school.


The College ha, bua> onpltod wWl a now and complet.
sophieal apparatus, manufactured bj Ittt ****** bona. Of Rhchi. A hi

1> "" iton MUSEUM.

The museum ha. bn n , cntly enlarged hy a .oil,, .ion of rare mineral, ol.
, m l from the Qedogtad department of the State of Georgia, Additk-J
contributions from friends are earned* eoUdted, and will be duly.
knowledged. litrary SOC i ETY and LIBRARY.

The Iranian Socictv is accomplishing much In the College. CnalJfM
societies ex* in insitutionsof thii aha. loencomuge rivalry, but unfortaatj

rWal y, partieuiarly unong glrk, ota generate, WtUrae*, win,
to avoid by having hut on* The S,ie,y tneets Friday afternoon, a*d M
rises consist of readings, narratives, recitation., eaaaye, etc., in alnd...

^eSS SA young ft*, of the S,,,,y have -%
and library room. The hall is in the college building, 20x34 feet, lilra?
; ,n H '0 fee. The* room, fntnlah a perfeel outfli for all the pu

So ie v It- earnotlv hoped that all the friend, of the Society wffl

young ladies to read, are as valuable as new ones.
The members of the Irenian Society publiah the Caeket TO. ^t*JJ
has been * admired by the subscribers and Complimented h ->

is strictly an original paper: very few extracts Bnd a place In Ita *a

UORANOK //; 1/ .)/./; OOLLEOM.


Ti. young ladioi have ben largely hanattod by tka paper, n grvai nn, .,
hwwkxlgeof journalism not to be obtaJned in any other w%j. They m
s x iii- to continue the publication, if the lubecription lie! will even pay for
^printing. The lubecription price i- only fifty centi pet scholastic yea*
fhe first number of the next volume win be lamed October, (889, and clcee
rithJune, 1883. Bnbacriptioiu may be tent to Rev. P. A. Heard, LaGrange
,; :1 All the profits are devoted to the lociety library. It i- hoped that the
piKription list will be largely tn crcaao d and many valuable books may (hereby
[ tddcd to the collection,

ffe seek to give the moat constant attantion to (ha moral and reUgfom train-
hj of our pupils. Religious services are held morning and evening. Pupils
(toad such churches and achoola in the <ify on Babbatb morning as their
MBta may deeigaate Social reUgioui meetingiare held daring the week.
Bible lessons arc part of the curriculum. Sectarianism la eschewed, but ii hi
.Kir aim to commend (be Christiaa teligiou by precept and example.


I'ndcr proper restriction, boarding pupils are allowed to receive lady visitors
kB the City, and near male relatives, provided tliey call at such hours as do
jteonflict with College duties.

Thej may al occasional]] v i - i t Meadl in the city, when parents make

jyseial application* In writing to tha Preeideat, fmfaalnnal auaioal aofaeea,
|ad entertainments by the Literary Society, to which select panic- are invited, as many social advantage-, oBtalda of the College family, as are proflta
Bj to young ladies si ichool.
Rea-iving cmt making vhdUon the Sabbath day cannot ha allowed; aaapt tn

cam*, and the viaita must then be hrief.


Iimild hut firm. The pupil is taught to respect herself, and to maintain her
lfn.'-pec !. and the respect "I those around her. by obasrvblg the propri.

tf life in all her conduct, and in her intercourse with her fellow-pupils aad
Eptructora. The effect is first to establish good principles, and then govern
kerti\ teaching her to govern bcrself in aocordaace with those priaciplea But h

metprit <>> earja i-> thus secured n- render- rigid discipline rarely necessary.


Every effort is made to lecttre the Utmost neatness and order on the part of
the young ladies, In the arrangement and can of their rooms, clothing and

The Matron Inspects tha rooms of boarding pupils daily, and notes all in-
ances of disorder, negligence or untidiness.

while no uniform drees la prescribed, every effort is made to secure such
fkinness and simplicity in the style of dressing as is consistent with sound
etraomy and good taste.



Hie iMpiag apartments of the College are sccommodated each to four in.

mat' -. The heavy articles of I uinilurr. mi, I, U Beds t ead*, WashstSSnj

Tables, Wardrobe* and Chain, are furni-lud by the College. The bosrdi
are expected to furnish theti own outfit for the room. Bach one etas]
furnish one pair of Sheets, one pair of Blankets or Comforts, one CoTerkl i
Spread, one pair of PUkm can i, one doeen Towela Baa* pupOAouidk ,,,
pUedJttkapatrifnMtr$,a *aUr-pro*f, arntan aasSrsfle.

ling ladies boarding in the 1 n-t itul j..n IN not allowed to open ai.nmit. j;

stores, or contract any .lil-t-. All MOaMMJ shopping ll atttntli.l to for lli-m

either by some <>f the ofaeers or their ladies Ro request from parents t
allow their daughter! to do shopping for themselves. Of liny OM else, will >,

complied with.
All pnraham are made for earn, which must, for this purpose, be di

with some member of tin Faculty.
Boardanare not allowed to keep money In their own room sweat attk*

own ri*k.

ri,ts and guardian* en resumes! to witMM from Heir datightmmi

wards (hi ''''""

[tii jah en areaf* dfaBWW< tOramganet M Arm. School <//vw* riwaj

| ,,/.,/ and "/'/''' '" ' '" '"* /r ' """''"'"''' * ""' '"'" / " / -
Drmmdumld,Mfara$pim ftathtmt. Ztoawa* 'o, , /<(*

. r eshwresd ,7 ,././ lam

The offlcen families, and the boarding pupils, an partaki at the an
table and coimtttumow large family, iii which the p*nrhoa and ened

the oro.ils devolve upon the President, seriated by tie SSSOClatC* The ha

moaioui and kindly feelmg thus generated obrtatm the necessity of st
ivcly rigorous dlaslpHaa. Oonndeaee between papfli and oflcen is mnw

ami secured.

Wh.mevvr a pupil is entered in rolh-e. the Faculty consider that an
contract is made between themsetei and the patron, by which the latter >.

.,, h , lUml ,,,,, the pupil in CollrL-e until the close of tl C term. .
the Faculty are hound to instruct her for that time. Those who take saj
their daughters for a raw days, without weighty reasons for such sbsencsj
only impair the scholarship of their daughters, hut Impose unnecesssi

upon the Faculty, tad introduce a restless,,,- la the minds of all, very una

voralilc to study. . , ..

Parents who, for any cause, desire their daughters to con,,, home, short
first, o.nmunica., with the President on the subject, and specific mstru.le
M to ,he time and Manner of 1, aving, should, in every case, be -,,,,.,, Mm.

A report of each pupil's standing in her studies, attendance, and,l,i>oruaS
in every respect. Is mat to her parent ,.r guardian a. the end of every mon4
All are required to pass approved examinations in the studies which theyt*

SU , These examinations are c hated in writing, and under such

iis as to afford a. jus. criterion of the scholarship of each jmpil BaM
the examination ,,a, thus produced is graded to its cxcclle.

ImGRANGR //: )l alb colli or


id from the avenge of this trademark, and Umm ef the monthly mwrti

j! " ,v ' ''' '.'"'"' landing mark .,f the pupil in each rtudj I. obtained

u """''I'-'-'i"" can be made to pan,,!, tending their daughter* men

table* a-fruiu, the practia of lending them bow. of rkXand grrn t ti

>), as matte, eah i, He., it meet decidedly reprehended. The fare of H
Doiiege table la certainly ai generooi m ihould be allowi ,1 to itadenta.


fecial Utiles for foarding gnpttc,


1. Prompt obedience to the retiring, rising; prayer, and lehool bells.

2. Prompt and punctual attendance at meal*,

a. Orderly arrangemeai of mom baton tearing in the morning.

I. Btrict obeerranca of study and real hours.

5. Quiet and i rderiy observance of the Babbath,

ii. Inatant compliance with the directiona of the offlcenof the OoHe

:. ObedJeoca tooommanda of Lad; Principal in r eference to dnai and

g, At tend a n ce and propriety at Sabbath icbool and church,
a. Prompt report of ricfcneei to the proper officers.
Out door enrobe onder direction of the officers when the weather ai



!. absence from any duty or angaglllliaill without permission.

j. Leering the College ground* without permiaaion, or withonl aaoefi

:}. Assembling or walking about the doors, in ball*, or paampa at any

t. Rending or reoeiriag anything by or from day pupils.
.">. Defacing in any way the walls or furniture of any building on the

premises, or injuring grass, trees or shrubbery in the yard.
1 BoiatentU noise of any kind in the College building*,
T. Throwing anything, or conversing, from the windows.

\ Communication* of any kind from young gentlemen.

I. Borrowing clothing, book*, jewelry, or anything from other pupil*.

in i.> aring any clam without consent of parent and Principal

11. Leaving pianos open after practice, or visiting music room.

12. Meeting visitor*, except in the reception-room,
it, Spending the night out of the College.

14. Leaving books, music, ihawte, or any other articles out of place.

15. Exchanging rooms without permiiakm,


1 1 /..- ft l NO E FB MM. S VOL / /.'.' B

(Calendar for 1882.

May U i" .1 tin*- 9, Aniuiiil Written Bxamlnatione,

.lime iii. !i \. u .. Heating Board Walton.

.luni' in, ',i \. m., Heating Board Tru rt eei

Sunday. June 11. Banna by Bar. w. n. Potter, l>.I>.

At 1 i\ a., Mtttinir of Cottage Htatioaarj Boctaty.

Monday, Jane It, at i< o'doei \. m , Bophonora Reading!, addreata
Rev. .1. W Lea, A. M , tad delivery of nedata

At s o'eweh ft a., Annual Exhibition r i in- Primary D ep a rtmen t

Tuesday. June 18, at 9 BO \. a., Original eaaayi by the Junior dam %j
dram and delivery of QaowM. HotaaPrtae Hedal for Ike beet eaaay, by (a*
A. EL Colquitt.

At i p. m., Annual Oatebtntioa of the Iranian Bodaty,

At s r, m.. Qrand Ooaeeri

Wednesday Joaa 14, * a. a., Graduating eiarrieaa, Original eaayibj
the Beaior Ctaaa Baocalanreate addraaa, Com me ncement Oration liy It*v
Horgan Callaway, D.D.

At 8 i'. m., Bodal Reunion.

Fall Term begins Wednesday. Bentember loth.

Hoard of Visitors, 1882.


M\.i. W. A. TtitNKi!, Cnainaan.

Col. T. If. Latham, Se cr e ta ry ,

Kkv. .1. W. Lam

Bar. J, w. Robbbtb.

Ret. J. 8. ijkvan.

SSloman's JVUssicmavu Society.

Tata Bodaty, wip**"' 1 of tne pupils of the LaOranga Female Cottage, sad
ooadnctedexdnaiTely by them, la pardy voluntary, and i- auxiliary to ta

North Oaorgta Conference Woman's Missionary Bodaty. Its Bpecial objaeti
to assist in sustaining some female missionary Is heathen lands, and the tlilfu
sion of knowledge on the subject of Christian missions.

The following are the officers:

President Miss Lily Howard.

Vice President Miss Bertha Walker.

Corresponding Secretary Miss Ida Palm e r .

Recording Secretary Miss Alice Boykin.

Treasurer Miss Caroljel Heidt.



We propose to gin tin mdm of on bright CmU i brief hi-ton- .f eaw
colli-!."-, its wanti and prospect*.

The LaGraoge Penile College, founded ir, in|, WM . in ha infamv aa
Kademy of high grade, and its I* teacher of note was lt, v Thomm Stealer
lnth.-y.,-.r 1840, Doder the prmsomwy of Mr. .1. T Itontgomery a charter
an procured, and the academy became a collage After arreral rear, of
Hprecedented prosperity-ofteo more than 300 girl- being In attendance-ttie
rtok college property wai told to the Georgia Animal Oonfereoc* of the M
I Church, South. The trustees ehnled i new earn of oompeteal teachers,
pad, in September, 1857, the college began in distinctive won of Christian
ahication under the presidency of Bar. W. 0. Conner, a member of the Cot
bjeace. U enjoyad patronag e from all parti of thia and adjoining a^ >tM

Under the presidency of Rev. W. A. Harris. D.D., in I8M, it took the lead
rfchurch school* in tending out the tir.-i resideat graduate dam in the Booih
a* which Mr.. Alios Culler Cobb, now i mccesaful teacher in the Wealeyaa
male College, was aa honorad member. Well established in a career of
aJsrged and increasing usefulneaa, its work was arrested l, v a disastrous Arc
the 38th of March, 1840. The college property, constating of a magnifl
ctnt building, an ample chemloal and philosophical apparatus, a complete
ampmeni of costly musical instrument., large and well-selected llbratiai ew

nwimed. But such a great work aa the higher education of woman was not
to be hindered even by a calamity like this. The friend- of the College rallied
fern willing heart- ami open peuma to rebuild, and toos the hammer of the
carpenter was beard The completion of the work was prevented by the war
through the energy and perseverance of Rev. Jas. R, May-son, late president
the building was put in oMidition to be used In the midst of general deprea
! businesa prostration resulting from the war, be succeeded in rataiag
4000 for the work, principally from the noble eiti/.ens of LaGrange. After
jmral yean of prosperous labor, be resigned hi- position in order to return to
k pastorate. The Trusteei then elected Rer. John W. Ileidt, D.I)., I'n-i
dj-iit. In obedience to thia call, he left the largest pastoral charge In tin
V.rtl, Georgia Conference. With an energy and devotion, born of Ugh
purpose and strong conviction, be entered upon his duties. The educa
tkal facilities of the College am being multiplied, its curriculum advanced
alia patronage enlarged. It is still laboring under disadvantages. One
irge room needs to be finished anil furnished: the laboratory, museum, are
completed, and the architectural ornamentation is to be done. We are
Meeting libraries, and would most earnestly call the attention of our friends
Mail need. With mam pressing wants supplied, the boarding department
Urged, and the attractive grounds lK-autiflcd. this College will be amply
"quipped for its grand work. These facts make their own appeal to the
Send- of Christian education throughout the world. This College belongs


to Unchurch, and any tid afforded will 1h' tor the advancement of Uu
of Christ Someofour lister colleges art the object of noble beu
limn large hearted Christian patriots of various lectioni of the coustrj
Would thai wrae George I. Beney could see our opportunity and our want.
^nt his generous soul might be moved toward us, No College can be roasj

more worthy. The climate of LaGraage Is healthy, free fr the i it

m.! com! the air bracing, water pun' and abundant The College oosi
pics a moil commanding site, surrounded by picturesque landscapes. All iu
conditions as an educational center are equal, if not superior, to any in ti*
South, and it cannol fail to return large dividends on judicious investments!
the future. Irtnian Qukit.


We arc gratified to murk the permanent Improremements thai havi
made during the last year in the facilities for Instruction in Uu College. Th.
philosophical apparatus recently received will supply long fell want in tin.
institution. The mineralogies] specimens also, being a duplicate of tan
displayed at the Atlanta Exposition, arc of peculiar value We have can
fnUy investigated the condition of the College property, and are pli
say that it Is In good preservation. Every evidence exists in the bulkhasj
and throughout the grounds that careful attention has been paid todeanlnsj

, in ,l tO all lh. precautions thai pertain to healthfulncs ami comfort.

Kaeh department ol InstrnctioB, of science, of literature and of art, hss
ecived careful and thorough investigation, through our committees, and di
personal attention of every member of the Board, and we heartily congn*
late President Heidt, an. 1 .very member of Us aocompUshed Faculty, sndl
patrons and friends of the Cottage oa the thorough excellence that prevslit
We extend our congratuhrtlons to the pupils, too, because the good
attained prove they have made good use of the privileges they have en

The performance in iniwc which WBS exclusively by the pupils, onthegnsj

organ and piano-, during the entire exercise., indicating careful instruction ni
thorough drill in time and technique by the talented teachers and the evident
particular attention to scientific voice culture, (that most charming of all accom-
plishments! 60 each and every pupil, deserves special mention. Also, the hiA
order of excellence shown by the pupils in reading and elocution. We baaf
no fulsome compliment, but it is due to the President and the Faculty th;
we should sny the n mil of their MSOn enahlcs OS to confidently invite ink!!;-
gent parents and guardians to compare not only our curriculum, which III

high grade, but also the work Of our Faculty and -iiece-s of our pupils with
that of any other similar institution of learning known to US. We feel W-
ranted in saying to all. we are now prepared, in the LaOnnge FenutieCoDajj
to extend to" their daughters most desirable privileges for perfecting thents*i
in the higher grades of education. The moral discipline and religion- into
ence in the College are enmmendable. A general revival of religion has *

UO i; i NO B n;v. i / /; < <>i i. mg.


<" rn '' ' " ,llllM - "" 8 ' , ' r, - i ' 1< ' 1 ". i"' njctehaj !*, to y in his mti

a, resulting College baa ben "the .,,,,.,. , every pupil fl , r <,,.,

Tl,r Wl "";/.' ' ' h L ' iv "" '" (i '"' ; ""< *al i> s-rivin, for holim

h.'.irt and life

The Higjrestlons made by the Presided m to lbs emUtfaeaeni of ,i. i,ii,i
n<l other Improvement command ow careful consideration and will
pesive i. ur beartj co operation.

B*old, That the Secretarj furnish a copy oi .hi- rmtatka to John W
Heidi. I> I) . Preaidenl of the College, with there*** that I,, eonununlcato'
fce aame to the member, of the Pacohy, win, oar rfnotn approval and the

<M ion of the respectful esteem we entertaio for aacfa and every on.- of


The foregoing i- a true extract from tin- minutes of the Board of Trastea
pfthe LeGrange Female College, LaOrange, Oa., June ifth, iss-.>_

A. K. (o\, Secretary.


The committee appointed by the North Georgia ( onferenn to vi-it the La
range Female College, met m the office of the President on Saturday before
commencement, and entered at once upon the work for which ii wu appoint
l The papera of five cham wen submitted to the committee, embracing
the leading rl epa rtn enta of collegiate itody, from orthography to Latin.

After patient and careful e\atnination of these papers, the answer- to the sev-
eral question! propounded, the akgaaee ami taate implied in the oonstructioa

f their sentence-, it is the opinion of the eommittee that the,- Brian OOStci-

,-ntiou- and Intelligent work on the part of teachers, ami commendable appli-

cation on the part of students. The paper- we examined wan very fair indi

.,s .,1 the amount of knowledge the various eh,sses had gettea from the ooune
of study during the peat term. Proper answan to the qaeatioaaaaked involved
very thorough knowledge of the different hranehea of learning gone over.
Thi >' answers were generally correct

We witnessed with great pleasure the general prosperity of the College. A
|nd many repair! have bean made in the boarding department. The ground-.
pnrlooking tin beautiful city of LaGnBge, have been greatly improved.

An air of thrift, life and good cheer pervaded the entire Institution, Dr.
llcidt ha- recently added greatly to the College by the purchase of new philo-
nphicul apparatus, beside- a number of new piano- and a line organ.

The Board of Trustees perhaps never had ao much bops fur the future of

College the present time. They are resolved on large measures and

pad plans. Below we give preambls and resolutions adopted by the ijoard
in 1H7M:

"WuEBKAS, The sjiecial friends of the LaGrange Female Collage, lo whom
sk looked for patronage, a- also the people of the South generally, are largely
impoverished hy the results of the late war as well s the unfortunate issues
OS; and,

TaQRANQR fkmalk collkuk.

ffmniift f, Our people cmnaol uniformly, bec ane e of thi ir preaenl RirroBBj

inu r s, educate their diiiiuhlers, Living M they < 1 < . remote from Kbooll; iniic),

li bh tl" y give iiirin that liberal education m in former yean of affluence,
which education can almoal i1om l"' had at ooi CoUegea, flow . therefore, a
iiiil hs fur us we aaa tent] etruggUng father tad Botfcet in the Bute to educat

- liberally educatetheir daughter-,

111 Bmthtd, By the Board of Trueteee of the LeGraage Female Collegt i n

annual meeting assembled, thai we will 00 everything in our power to provii.
facilities beyond those already provided bj our cxten-ive buildim.'-. to edtttaj
the daughters of the land.
Id, Bwieaf, Thai knowing the inability of our people generally to educe*,

their daughters beyond the primary ichool, We pTOpoN to raise for the J,,

> Orange Female College an endowment fund of one hundred thouaand dollars.

the interest of which alone -hall be Oaed in boarding and cducatii,
ladies, whose mean- or WfaoM parents cannot educate them.

lid. flmnfrfrf. Thai we hereby pledge, win never the -aid HUB of one baa
drad thousiind dollars is raised, and tin interest thereof made available togjj
Hoard of Trust, to board and educate in all the regular department- of the
OoUege annually, free of charge to them, thirty or more young ladic-, -e| t ,i!
in such way and from such district- M may be deemed DtOBt promotive tOthl
great work intended,"

From this it will be -ecu that the Hoard of Trustees is seeking an cmW
inent for the Colli ge, and that every dollar of the endowment fund will bdf
to pay the I oaid and tuition of some girl who would otherwise be without -^

Sunday afternoon the andienee were delighted by quite a novel feature

the commencement cxeroi-e-. The young ladic- of the Ircnian Society IicMi
missionary meeting, in wliich they gave recitations and original es-ays tin the
subject Of mi-sions. It was. perhaps, the tir-t time Ilia! a missionary Berth]
formed a part of the programme of a College Commencement. The cxerci-.
,,f ( oniniem-ement week, we say, with no menial reservation, were c\i ee(lins.v,

The President had everything BO parall'l with paopie'l comfort and innate
common senee, that the] went olT praiang him and ill love with bin 1
heard nothing but eommetiilation from all who attended. We think lie h
of the beat managers of a commencement pr o g ramme we have seen. Tl,.
boarding capacity of the College has been full the paat term. More room i-
Deeded A larger number of sn, dents than ever is looked for next term. Wt
hope the triends of the College will rally to its support.

J. \V. Lkk,
J. W. Roamm,

W. A.

T. W. Latham,
Visiting Committee of North Georgia Conference.


LaOBAKOR FEMALE co /././;<,/; 2 fl


II l-I.U SIollT, JINK 18, 1HM2, IIV TH1 IMIMI.s.

BMTM i- the l.irlli place of miiMC, anil Khali !>< il.- limtl home."-/*-. I.i, ,...,/,.
1'lltM. l:\MMK. I'AIIT I.

I,v "'" in ' I . Dame Blanche | BoeildJeu) Hon-

mama K Cooper, .1. Stmma, K. Baal, F. McAfee.

|eeal Solo L'uitgnuolo Memtcano (Mora

Mi-> Vieic Heard.

.Mmny Bcfanoker Descriptive Ohoru* Hix

Primary Singing Class thirty vt.i-

Grand Organ Solo Handel's Harmonious Blacksmith

Min Oarobel Heidt

Vix-al Duett Hatter Cupid Vernnr

i<l B. Mc~

HiaiM ML Hill and B. McFarlin.

Siege de OorieaUM

Miami C. BaDard, V. Heard. K. Hargis, 0. Parka

i>vi rtiire ,j ..... . . .Sjcge de Coricnthe Burehard

Instrumental Solo (Jems of Scotland Rive King

Miss Bffle Thompson.

Full Chorus Aprile Concone


Mazurka des Traineaoi Btaeee

Five pianos and organ.
Mioses 1. I'ahner. ('. Ballard. V. Heard, L. Howard. K. Rargia, M. Stipe,
J. Covington, C. 1'arks, ML r. Turner, E. Thompson.

Solo Kerry Dance Molloy

Wa Katie Cooper.

Instrumental Duet Midsummer Night's Dream Mendelssohn

Misses ('. Ballard and S. Candler.

focal Solo with Vocal Accompaniment Whither Little Maiden Scott

Siloist Miss C. Heidi. Accompanists Misses C. Parks, E. Thompson.

K. Hargis.

Instrumental Solo Moonlight Sonata Beethoven

Miss May Candler.

Ileal Solo Uobert Le Diable Cavatina Meyerbeer

Miss Carobel Heidt

Grand Duo de Xorma Wells

Misses May Candler and Bffle Thompson.

Full Chorus QreeUnfi to Spring Wilson

Advanced Singing Class forty voices.

Accompaniment Two pianos, oriran, 1st and 2d violins. Piano, Misses M.
Candler, Ida Palmer, E. Tbonpeoa, 0. Ballard. First violin, Prof
Kierulff; 2d violin, Miss Walker.


poiur ni ATKii.i
Mr. Cady's Visit to the LaGrangc Female College.

Mr. ('. M. Cady. the well known oonoerl manag e r and accompUahed n
critic, visited <ur dty far the parpoee of a t te n d i ng the concert given by the
pupiU of tlu iAGraoge Female College, After hearing them be pronounce]
the tzeeution Una, end idmired eepecbny the drill through which the iutnj
mental perftamati bad been carried, and the a tt ention paid to it] le and tone)
in playing, and to Auger gymnastica and tachi

lie also commanded Dr. Heidt'i ezcellenl Idea of bringing before the public
and perfeettng oar/ each mnata m is need in elegant parlor entertainments.
and which only will benenl young hadiea in their rabeequeal aodetjr ami
home life.

Mr. Cndy congratulated M-- BouM and HamPtOTI OB the case and elegance

with which the concert was directed, and the perfect time aadeipronkra with
which the pieces were rendered. He was ehil>oratc in his praisesof the Grand
Duo da (forma which was so finely executed. .Mi" Hampton's advanced
ringing chess did her great credit in the beautiful chorus, "Greeting toSpriag'

li was pronounced the flneet choruaeverauaf In LaGrancr. Exporter. A.


/ ,jir. and bequeath to n Tnutett : LaOrtmgi Ftmal OoBeot n ,., ,,/

t haum n d doBan, t i,. oppropriaitd bg tht Tnuttm for th. bentdU of n

(.y/'.v, (" "!' manner at in their dtsaretlon then thaU think "<" ' *

and bequeath to tin Trustee* of I !' ,.ii. CeOegt tin turn of

th ou s an d doUan, to be tafdg inn ttedhg them andeaBei tin Seholar-

i4i;i Fund. Th interest of this fond *haU bt applied to aid doming thtdenlt in
[eQrangt Fkmalt College.

and bequeath to tht Trustee* <>/ LaOrwngx Wemah CbBap the turn of

thousand doBon, tent mtflhj fmuuttod bt) them, and tatted At em

Wmi ni Fund. The interest *lmii in applied to tin payment ef tin ttdariet of
in LaQranfn Fwmalt Ostttgs, aeth Trustees thaB dtmt *wp*di*mt.

and bequeath to tin Trustee* vf LaOrangt FemaM OoOegi the mm of
thousand dotte tn , to l used h,u than ;,, th, purehaa of books for the

JMrary, of apparatus for th* urn of th College, or in xnrl, other manner n> theg
Aiiil deem ejtpethont.
