Rebecca Morrison interview with Mollye Gillespie, Hallie Hackler, Matt Alden, Nadine Wilson, Elizabeth Morrison, and Elizabeth Si

The John Burrison Georgia Folklore Archive recordings contains unedited versions of all interviews. Some material may contain descriptions of violence, offensive language, or negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a particular period or place. There are instances of racist language and description, particularly in regards to African Americans. These items are presented as part of the historical record. This project is a repository for the stories, accounts, and memories of those who chose to share their experiences for educational purposes. The viewpoints expressed in this project do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the Atlanta History Center or any of its officers, agents, employees, or volunteers. The Atlanta History Center makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in the interviews and expressly disclaims any liability therefore. If you believe you are the copyright holder of any of the content published in this collection and do not want it publicly available, please contact the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center at 404-814-4040 or
Mollye Gillespie starts this recording by reciting two stories about her 3rd-great-grandfather, Jacob Shook, losing his temper with his children and a wandering pig. At 2:09, Gillespie tells two more stories about her family; in the first, her distant uncle goes missing for years after milling corn for his wife; and in the second, a different uncle goes pasture hunting. At 4:07, Hallie Hackler recalls a story about her great-grandfather raising money for his daughters wedding. Then at 11:45, Matt Alden tells a humorous story about dogs in school. At 12:21, Gillespie tells another story about Jacob Shook; in this one, he plows corn and converts to Christianity. At 13:29, Nadine Wilson repeats a story she heard from her grandmother about a boy surviving a cyclone. Then at 14:33, Elizabeth Morrison recounts two stories from her childhood; in the first, she remembers seeing Florence Martus (1868-1943), known as the waving girl wave at incoming ships in Savannah, Georgia; and in the second, she recounts a Birmingham, Alabama, legend about a soldier saying goodbye to his lover by lodging a sword in a tree. From 16:45 until the end of the recording, Elizabeth Sinclair recalls her early life in Madison, Georgia, specifically the years following her marriage. Topics include her husband, children, and domestic workers. At 20:27, she describes her neighbors, the Jones, and how coarse they were to members of her household, particularly her Black cook, Mary. She concludes the story talking about the importance of having good, respectful neighbors.
Mollye Shook Gillespie (1903-1993) was born in Clyde, North Carolina, and had one sister, Mozella Polly Leatherwood (1909-2002). She spent the first thirty years of her life in and around Clyde before moving to Atlanta, Georgia. She and her husband William Dewey Gillespie (1898-?) had two children, Margaret Morrison (1927-2018) and Neal Gillespie (1933-?). Hallie C. Hackler (1892-1984) was born in Edwards, Mississippi. She had one daughter, Mrs. Jake Trainer, and a sister, Mrs. Pitman Sutton. Matt Alden (1961- ) was born in Decatur, Georgia, and attended Shamrock High School. Nadine Stringer Wilson (1922-2008) was born in Monroe County, Georgia. Orphaned early in life, she lived in several places in Georgia including Monroe County, Decatur, Avondale Estates, and Social Circle. Elizabeth Henderson Morrison (1907-1986) was born in Dothan, Alabama. She and her husband, Roderick Ruel Morrsion Sr. (1896-?), moved to Atlanta in the 1920s and had two children, Roderick Ruel Morrison Jr. (1929-2022) and Gail Morrison Lagomarsino. She was a homemaker, and member of Grace Methodist Church and the Henry Grady Lions Club. Elizabeth Sinclair (1891-?) was born in Madison, Georgia. She taught elocution for fifty years, was married, and had two daughters. Additional biographical information about the interviewees has not been determined.
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W;J'S6QO. --- --- --i...oLL.t's_vLl.\~r-k.e.l"'\.+_u.~'t-a. .. 1:-icl C::c\w...-:s. i::t-.coc._t'J _: :c.~- --._l.l)QQt __ +o __ >+o.r .. :+b.1sw :m. kb.. 0- ... Sl;.,.clet\(.e., - -------.--.~---+ho...t. he. __ (,,O(Dk_ \'("\ .. '\LS d1a..C1f .. Of'l_:Ue,L!..e..CC\hl-Lh ... ----------- -\:be_ __ S1x..\-:b_J_J.'8"_1--!:\. 0--n.d. _ +bo..t LOOLS ___ +b ;-:,_v.0_1.SJ'-'-- __.r .:..:. ,)e-~~Jr'1"'i=he___\,_o,cl \5_rn;nol{.u..L_o~--~15 ..... own ... '_' _ ...... LC.,\..e.o,:c;,_tt\,oQ.-tl XG-\re.Wtf'\1:w..h C)_~_1i1--1s +h,"------ -~~now_g{a_;' ted _ :f0-.ll I n1 i fl Oe..:obLLh ctnd. _ Ja.s-\e.ol Lu:YI:: ..___ _ --- ____ 't'\ctre_b}_ancl the.., &c; f.s ho.cl_p,Jeol--1..1.p ... so .. _ _ -'- ____ Q.g.Qtlf\.St_+b~ :fe\C\~e:o., +ba:\:- __ +be..'-( .. -we.-ce__ .. -----dl.,tS_t _-\::tn.n.s~o-1 mrol iC\-\:0 __ wcx.LLs_1_-LLnd. Jhe-_caa.d --tie-tL0e..e.J"l.r_ L,Lh_J __ \ ooJ<.e..d .. \ ;\-i~_a__ Joa~_L.Ctn.~:\:~ .. ~-- -~+-LLi'\n~.t. -- ----- -- ...... -- --. __ U'n_Cclea..c::, --tn\clQ~_'f\'\1.\- 3n:,...11d.-&0ttl1W'\_tv:i..d hsu,L__ __ --.. -'ai'fft:c;..LA.l ~--if\. \J1st+1 n5-hi "::. f20..C13hionu,\...">:ib.'----- ___ .. w_o.~_o_ .. CLflce..s_b4'\ericm{u..hi-0...1:v:lhe..._\'\Clcl ...... __ ---- -----r.,OL. .CJ_) \. .. _c,.i.LJ-'{'.''<T'\~ LLL::tl.\1' 1'\ \L'1>S11:'n n:).'T-\'L $.re..op L~ ,.uel~.. ~O...Ll_f,'e.,_ . - --- ---____ of_i:h-e. .. ::\eccib\e.s~ow a...nd. so __ be.mctd.e..., ....... ___ _ - ___ ffi()S 0Chis..\11S1t'S 1'n +he.- .s.lti3nybeh;fld_0~1 f:>ohJ--- --- .. .... +:he. . bo - LLhs C.b or:;; e"J . .... . An cl LLh M'{ 'ci n:::tncl roo +h Lt h1 _ .. _ _ --- _2\; ::z..CLbe.:\-b_'\Alth,~n 1.wc:i.s. de{)cived _~_ffiLl('. .. b __ - _of -!::he.. Bocio.Llt~e., ()-(;, +h<'.'.\..t beC-C\..L..LSe, LLh .... --.-.she.. d.{cl..V"l 1 l 1 .... c.ou..ld.1t1'+ ~o w~o\--V\_D.1fY\ __ he.., ..... -- I /fl - _ ___ _ __ u)~QL':\:ht&b LOQS '.30 Je.,rci'blR.. __ C1L.t..'C1'0i +bo..t -~D:-t u..V\, _ ____ Utl _(:cJen.-cs+'o.roc,,.t) we.1 L,+he.."\ LLh,}r'ie..\f\ - - -I __ ______ _ ___ Y'Pl-d-0-0_ cJde,st dau.s1rtk'C n.a.m~ __ lJ.e_s+u..l'"'J , ______ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _0,.:c,.d sb e., _ wa..s e..,3 h.1e..~o _a_ocl sh 12.., w_a..s _ 1 -- --- - ~l"\.toQ."2>~d. +o b\::... __ '(r\a_,c_u..hd_,''C\_ h~_e.a.cll( _________ _ --- --------------Sv.c1 t\..5- __ :6___ ().__'-1; OC,La5 --~-OC.~ ___ 6-\tf"\D_ h\.es'f'\Dj. -- - _____________ 6t. __ C.,\a_c_\<s\l;JJe.J_~~.J1'lr.~ss~. illOC...~b- _ _ _ ____ ___ __ _ l'--n D. -\-le.r c, 03 ___ W QS m4 ___ 9-'i]'.LO.Gtfu..1::hL.(.h __ _ DocluV\ _ _ - -- -- w_;Jsoo. WQS_m4 ~Ce.ct::!= occu1dfQ'f-hc..JQ. So Cc\eax-s -\hma.'1--:J D -- - - ___ 'J)Qc.,,~n(' m~)LL_[\_ r 12) (etn.d_{o_--f-lrikh_ hctd pcoiD. \_ ~ e.d --- --- -- ___ Ue.StkhJ-bOLi-__ she.,,_m1'121bi- _bQV's::.. _OL __ s LLK. olre.'S.S J--- _____________ _ __ ________________ Jj'.)_1 _ (\LA.t\ ___ weddin:;cl.n:.. s ~.J+ad __ fuis_dre.ssUlaS ____ _ - ---- -- c_obe... bovei'f:\t Ll..'.l1'h_ (Y'\Cl.CC'1 CL<2)~ {_'e,.e_";:,, bKt---_+_b12., ___ -- - --- ---------fLLQct ___ lUQ <;:,_~-r-ow ;n~_'2,lCJwl{--PeC'..Qu_Se. ,n, t...L'<\1 -- - ---- J-h'T _ a,_+:_ 1ha1.J- _+; IY\-e, 1-:b.e.... _ ~ees __ ~ ~Qi,,; d. _ __ _ _ ____ _ -- ---- ~--lD-h~l!..,\_4- b"\- u__~ -P oi-o..,_-\--oes _ _ m oLet.Ls ses _ ~~--QD.d _c_o-- LLnr,, Cc.c,~'J Q._()d. :-\-_Din<3sLil'\e_-M-u. _ ~- _QDd LLh.,_llie _tt.J<2a..tlcl.,b bad be.~ so bad __ ____ ---- :!-oo+b.(?_Qb_ nad. not beei\ _ _\}_e,"t mo...(\~------- - --- -- -- - J'()a.rci~e..cs_.so_+he ___ fuv:'\d {-\-\Qi: __ fD- 1 'nu..h __ Che...c-:1_ ----- ----- ______ ---- _____ J,0e.JJ.l'C'\2) .. was ___ not __ ~TTllQ~ n3 \Jen ... dr"\ __ (.S-\--. _______ _ - - ---1>LA.-\:-- ~i no. ll4 cr.e,.,, d.a..~,-l,\_h ffi1s-\::vl\_ ffi1'c__l-) ~ .- ----- _ C) 1 C-an0.uh who u}c\_s ______ :su..c..c..,e..ss_~4.\ :\-obctc...c..o __ --------- plC\..f\_1=u.h 1 LLr\ o_\s l<(e_d _tirn ___ c:, _ o-~~~1Q'\-e.. .'he ______ _ ........ _ ____ mCLcc;cx.~e .o<:c .. his .. da.u..9h+L\.h __ (Da_3S31.:eJ a..ncl _ - - -- _ _ _ _ __ m o,.,.ge~e _ Q.C\d, LLti.,_b\e.~--k.,_j-, UJLth rea1 eood {ri ends. . . ...... ----- .... ___ Sc,\_Cc.Je.rus +hro:a.1.Jbe~ aJL wt.Jx_~ e\ . ... . .. _.. ........ __ __ k~e---the..\{ K t1euJ~--lkv:il-L .I DistLLtL OI C.on l"\u..f\ WCLS l .. _ -- -- -- ~-we.o..ttn \)LQtn..-1-!,J-:i n..ad_ ilit1.i-b~W<'lu(d_9~1J \;'.,.. ... ... . . .. . - ___ __ Je~----~ , __ ._'(~L~oocl ~e.)j--c\_01 t:he.. we.dd;Q'J, .___ ..... ___ _ ...... -- --.~ fe.e, ,_ r:: Cb."'9 b'J___ . -- - --- . ---- - --- .. ----A n.ol. {'(\ etS ~Le.' s_ koLA.sSea,w__pQcL_been_+he.-__ +a..l K of_ -- --- __ Jbe..Lo.d,e.s f'lrd_s~C!...te+l,(Jr\_:\d_{he_spo.1'si--bhIT:e ('r)lll'IW) ........ __ . ---ax1ctAbe..-_who1:e., (,Lh _,O)ffifY1ulD.d'{ L09<.S_jL(.S:i--7LLn 1 80-- __ _!L_c,1Ju..b _<.,. -lrtC1.t 1 1 she._((,)QS ___ _ --- ------ioonQ__ hCL\Je. ._._'+hcee. oc ... cfo ,-,u__t\ s1JK. clc.essesks1de,5.... _ _ __ _ ____ + he ... _ ob Lill_+ W_sk\e._wa.s. 3o_t)l:,a._ hau12- __ Qn&__u..:ias_ gmnct ___ _ _ .. ... _ 1-----.... he1~ .,'ll_e, <f)CL;_,,._u_h~_shces~So,LLti, 91 acLnnw __ _ +hct.t lhei ... LLh1.mu_~ccu:cif0Lc1.<.b-o..d ~:fn.nd.roo+ht.tb_:leH, :t'naJf-------- m@{=LL\::\.C:!he.'iq da.LL9bde{" .. would_be,cll\12, :b_ha.ue.., som~ __ __ _000.t.t.J,r:fuL wilb_+bctJ_wedd.1'0.3 :Cee_ ___ __ . __ ._[:Wh15flecs-fo3mi\,k(J _ CJb~--.. Ce..t=rs __ -firo('.Q_. ------ - -- --- . tLLs:D.. ,+c. of_._ Q__ffiif\LLt.e..,[!:::lere_l'flrs,J:la.cJs..lec r~l(_'E;W. ___ foe 0- room~ _ -\-o_c.<"=c_Q\~eL+:: _hec fuou~b~~--- ..... .. __ ----- _ - .__S0; .... LL-hr_m4 3-ca..od-1=oL.1=.b.u.h..wa.s_r~<2-.d.lf .. --- Jo -<?JO - __ or'\. +:h- ..... S1iL16 _ o:f'_;::[)ecJ~.rl'\bkh ----o +he-......... -- ........ bl'~we.c.ld.tn3 ...... &,._'\cl ... . - .be. -~CLcL--the.- ....... . N .. ~ .... ~C'--' boy ... --.... _____ (Lt . +he- house -l-o, LLb , R1-kh-O L1_6ob 4o +he_ _ __ _ ..... _______ s\e..,gh. -Onothe l'.:lLLi: tl,\_h.\'\._(ea..~\'{'J _ __ _ _ io._Jhe. .... o.:f.+u.b!l\C>Of\r becaw:;e._ lY\,\.\.-3~rnDfuc..,._h 1 ......... . . _ _ ----~ Ct~1d ... +ha_+ .... he...,_m13b_-l: _ 1Je ...... _. _ u_\--.7 no+1::i~1 _ ---- ____ a..ble.. .+o 5e.,,--t: _{b_~~---kf\ _CfuereJ .. . __ Cc.,\eaxs_furc:n_-t) ---- _ .. _ __ _ ___ QQ.(j__c.c.ou...Q.::\-__ ['.c..\ec,.rs +hcoo..t:::] ...... Ch_fu~ De,Q.'1',(_S..naw_ ........... . _ . ________ ,bL-Lt: h~. ~1C\.0c.L\.<-f~o+ ... -tt{:,'{::-LL'n a.x)&_ 1 _ 0...-fh he.'.cl_ _ ___ _ ______ w_a..' med. n~s_Y\Q0.c\s_a.__. l1t-l:l-e.._h1..+ __ QnoL. --~--- .. __ _ . _ ~LL.t\rc,. 2}Cee.Je_ol ffiG:,._Q~LoC\nLLb_who :+old < ;rn ___ _ _ ___.+~* S',t\12... _ WC\.S so so_ccw..h_b.C\.J, 3_t.,,_,hJrou...6-..... ---~:Cl'.\adfuohktt _ CJ)l.Lld 'n)--C.Dlbe) b_0...-l:\-:-t12... __ -1x,td_tec_ ----~__c. llio... tre_/OM\..\:: Wa..ss1Q..,\'., _ O\.Cl.Cl_.Q.t')ffi._ ~ ... _ ___ c.01..d.d I n~ r .LLh_1 ___ QJ'I- sb..e. _ c.ouJd' n. ' __ C.ofi'te, . _ ----~--.So. o.. bou..-\- +h0tt + iMe__i_-\-__ WQ'S_ .CU\OQLLOC'..e.c\._'\,hQt-: __ . __ -3::t\,~. .. WLL~_ce..o...clLL'A.~01 .... the."')~-a.nd .... -----1--C....\~C\.~ +nroa.f] ... +'rte.,_LL\t\m.Jff\CJll'() 1!2..,_CO(bing, --- --- _t1.h, c.0-me.- .dowt\_:the,_ :;;JE:..,\)5,_o.nd c1JL J.h~i""'1e-m~ . --- :9. COJ\d:fo,1h.u...h _ wa.s+:h;f"\.\<, ~ ri 1 CLbo1...c1::: 1 ev1c~ ,s-1-e,.p __ ---- _ -------S b..e.. +o o K J he .. wo0-Lcl= he...._. tiJDu...Ld_ i=b,'CLDs_oJ:u .. cl:- _ -~---three. 1 lr<-.dre.;;se.s .. th.cce- ,sitKolceS$c;cS_._ . , ...- - __ bree. ...... si ~.t< ......,sses ............ a.o.di_ib.C'.\.,+ ... [V}OLg'3Le. _... .. . _ _ ______ ha..d.~. O.QcQ cb e.nr_'ok.'\---___ h.~s--cl c:u.u+kh1 fr'\43c<' -- - --mo+\\u..h, ... wouJd. i Ltst- t\.Q.\l\';-. ~- ...... Dne. ";':, 11\'.".,c:lc~sA _ _ . - - _ fC\d. DE;. J,uOu..tcL be- e:o pcou..cl_ c tlct t) PU-: h~ .......... _ J.D_Cl\..'S . '(ea..l eJl~~ -kct. I;:. c..,mx-s mcoQ{J 14) _ - - _____ __ ------..\ nl)._ \,\,~1 wne.x:\ +-'ne... Q,e.rem<D rt I.(_- uJQ';':i. o \.I u._ I"\ _ _ -- ______ o . r1d __ ~1J~!coctct_t'\ LOO. -sho..~r\{ a.l'd:+oJKi () 1 ov:,c\, ------- -- I ___ .. ___ . c.,0~3r:0!..1-1CL+la1 ::\,f\e,_ bctde.~a.d gcoomJ_o.., ......... ---~----N~~r:~.-bQ\.[-'n_ C\Aol ... sa.t' d lhaJ::./1\c:-..s... . _QI_ C.,o ci i::cu.h_ wo .. n.Jed 1-u.b. se.:e. .. b ! CO-c to -t-cb1_ ........ _ __ .. __ _ ___ _ o...aoskbu.h'l'.ooom ...... A_';;,_. he._ wo..L\<,ed+t<..h. J ,'n -she.. _ _ ,n --____ hC\..ct _ Q,1.., ___ t)\0_11es!'.\.'.e..c ho...c\cL,.LLCI.Cl ... z:.he.- ..... -- .. -. _____ ,S.G.tdi''_JJb, ... J:lo~+t.., .. h. WiLon,X_wc,u.lq/_J,'Ke.. +a_ . _ ____ _ --(j 1\112,, "I, ot.&_\:.55C- ';j-Lov e.s_-\-o _i.o.Ke __ {o ~o-:u..J:, ~ . _ _ -------.w;{e.._8a..;.cl> .. t.lthe.'-\.-o...b _ 1'_rupo~.-l::ed._ .. 9Jo\Je.$ct.Qd. . . _ _ . hi2..\\_bo..ue _ iJL beQl.Li:1.'\LLL _ L;n.i'.n3 .. _f)aclX_hop~ -----s.h.e. wi:U ..... l~l:S~ Lem .. o.ncl.,ak. 7_hcuJe. CL lo.t ... __ _ .. _ o{._ .... LLh_~~- .... gaod_.We.et_::LLh_I:we.a...c'J_e,u..,t:_of_ .. --- .. ~~~t _,m. .tC\_+bi:s_e,o.Lct wea..thw.b. '{J._._ . . . . -- _ - ..... --. ___ .......... We..LL-1n11.- 60.,'dTlLb, h~ .-\--h.ClD.kect._c u__b --- . __ . _-0:, 1 ... :-be rn _.arui_f,.h, be wlcl h kb lliQ-l_h e..,_ -- - . - -- . ___ _wow....1.cl_bec_~la.d_ :+o_ .. ~K~ tbem.o be,r:an_~_ .. _ ----- ____,_ be---1-e.c he....Je.A.t.l\ ri.,3 bec..o .. L<..Se.._\,,~.ha.d . --- ---- _. _a... ... loo.3 '4.a,cd. -- c-DM. o..ben.aLo{'_.(.. 1/h __ +o. . ~~- - -- 9e,+ _DDO'}J2, ~~~ ~~-~~~~ - - -- -- - ... - _. ____ . _ Well.. n..\l -be-WCLl holY\~ be. was SD _ ____ d1so..p,po\'a..1.ed 'e .. d1'&1 n1 _bn?.)t.Q ... wncct=. Y do . . ---~- --.a...a' .. le cl-1d1 a.1 1--\not.tJ J1Jhct.:I: ;:o __ .-\::t\e...._wvrld ... __ . - - . - he- wouJct . \cl\ ........ ~ .... , ...... li--hrn> .teJL tY\Llh . ~ felcd - . _ ... . ~~- __ moili{_,\_\t'\x ML.H~tkh1 hi's da.u..3h.Lc.b .. a.n.d. ....... _ ..... . tJ.,.h \-che, OIDLLV'\ CU'}.cl bu' 'S) b;s.wi'.f..J (QW")_ . ....... ~c-~co.rt& f0QWct.h ,................... ... . ___ ................ . .... ... __ - L0~.h-e.,.[-the..'{"J.eiot .. +he{"~,hei+ +o..lKi ... ... .. . ._.l\..lDn.~ \'<2..._Qo.dU~.=-\,zojJe.i . :b m~-\.(~mo..t. . -tbe._.;.. . ----- d.D~u.V'\ .. a.rd -Lui ..em\:i,0-.ttd liro OJ1d..~ .. sh.s:... ~- -- .~-"-WQ.$-..SO gletd. Ja.f.e_L1(Q.OS\d. --~-cllie..Ct~1..(J ...... -. . . ..ia .\\<..e.c\.. _C\.ad. .- \..aJKi::d an.ct .... 1<e-_d,dn4.f"lQ.'{. . C\.tuD'd. --~ a..hou.i: .... 'i-ba..wddi.qs ~. -/lucLA-',nctLh1_, .... __ ~ec1 Sn?.; so,.t'd ... sbe . .sa.1d 1 1lu.)e..tL whllt .o.bou--!h.. ........... . - .. _____ -----L,ue..dd~ ng :fe.e.3'!' And .. \,\e._d,rew {\-ie.,alo\leS.Qu.:t~--- -~o-\'.. b.1:s_pc,cKe;:...t .. C\C\ct _90..\J~.lem {o le.c .. ., h~;;;. __ _ . -~w~fe. ... c1.nd _SC\.~Ji\l Wclhi'~.t~ .. -+he., . wddt'n5 r ,, -- .e.e.. ..... __ ...... We.-l\.m-"-~-~fa...ndmothJ--1.,h was_ .. __ d_;sCLppO I o..ecL5'c\e.,_ . ..5u.~--t _Sa..t olown1.iJ.M. shes::_. _ __ h~o..c'I.D.W\.LJJ\'h.l'.1.D ~c...b.'t.n\ beo.. ..~ .sh.e.... .............. ---- .. ------- .. -be.ep-r:'\. -k, __ JooK-.o..+ ... tb(:__~Jove,SLJi).l,\,she..._sa..1'd) _ --.u..1:-i r''WelL. 'tV'\8-f ... (l_(\_t)e.a.w..-+i~4..Le\0.v~s ,ax1.0C . ---- --- -- _ _t\i.~ w~JL.h-e- 'Eiol'Y\e+h.Lni we.. CQ,n __ \-\a...\ .. c::o,.a __ _ ---;-a.dd o. . .. _J-le..s--h.t.h'~ . 'ffiu..SSt::.Q.l"'- o..nu_nwa..t..,_.{--- ---~ Sh1c. _C..O...t\. have.CL .. be.c\..LL+~~c..-.t .pRt'=L<--h._o-!_ __ Bl ave..~. z, ............ ___ .. - _A.t)d LCJe.as5.1:h.roa..-i=:]~c,. QS_she.. Sa,-\-,. __ ___ - ... me..\:\ _.she.... 'o~a.Y'I oli&e.nt:) o...b$e..l'\i-Le.h pu..\l1Q~_ --\:hem Qr, o.n.d +ni:::...b __ wo..s Q.[\ ..... cb$ -- -- _______ (l..,--\: .. eo.c_b _ ~\ new,.b __ cf' +he_9-\Ne . __ AacL,so. sh~ .. _ _ _____ Jc,oKeccl dC:iwo aef11n_ctrvl .. shc_._.,_8c::t'1~ ..... 0-. .. c.c4, __ _ _______ she...&:>-.l~'\Dh rn't ol~_-_\r,J loot<-)ffibnDf.}11 And 1 -- - ...... _ _ ___ ... the..h LUO.,'>. a... ... te:a d.olL~6---.biJL_1CL ..... ~~ -~~~---- . -- --cJ:lE?Sb---n ... Q,ox\. .... n::t.vt:::, t\lJl.h.._si\K dre.:ss __ o_n.d., ______ ; __ -~-ffix:, W~LSQ..\I}+ u.~ _ 1-k,t;.o"e.. ~oi~_o he,\_lhOJ:\K{L<..Ll~ ...... ___ _ - -- _______ r e- e.o~ d e.d r LLb 1 ... ffi'-1_-gc()..Qci+h Lt b +-ha.C\K~uUl( ~ .. __ c~c.o 1 d~d.... tC\ _hts __ cl1a.c1.A.~'1-=r_h~ . Lo c-d ... , s .. -- -- - -- l'cll r'.\ol-'LcLCJ~ 1--tt's 6L0[) . 1 I ------- ----------- ------------------ -- _____ , __ ------- -- ------------------ --- ------------- ----1 --------------------- ------ -- -------- ------------------- -- -------------------- --- -- - -- -~ ...... --- .. . ... .. _ .... --. .~ N~s : CC\B'r .T ..... 8 bbEJ\L_ ... fi&S: .. ta_ - -. _ _ -B \.RT hlfll8~E..: l)_ref\TOR J G e__oRG-lG- - _ _ _ ___ __C,Q kJ,,_2.,e:..,-r.fJJ_ : __ ffi fl 'i fu_J l q '1 3 _ _ __ - --- ------- ) ------ _ _.c__ ___ [Qa_ + ... i:.s. _m4 De....- dooc_ ne<9 t\ boc _ . ---~---hle_l iis _l.-:.\lecL . CLt_Jag/o ..... EocK_C.,,ee_K_"'tco__~J_ __ l "lt - ____ _i'_a.._Ile_~o._+u .. x:- __ fo-c hn_Lf o{ _hi'.s .+weJ\Le_ -- --- --- --~-'4-e_o,__cs_L_!--li's __ ,&:0,...l he_, 1 .... 0,__ C.b C._eJnp lo'{_'e.~-j-r\ eef<S'----- . --- . ~-~-ne..,,-C'a.xn:14 ec..onomte_0-cLL1..f-WclL.6f-~ ... _______ _ __ _____ ffi()__t+ __ .. Le.o..c n.e_d _ed-oi_m__co_m__ _ ___ f\.1$ moihecrlu M ba.s _ b<2.0-Cd_l"J ...... a1L.hex::._ __ _ _ ___ t;fecc __ She... klcl.._b~ m .. be..\ --~-- _____ __\)~ C,_QStu:LL_51-\-u.o,J1.'tlDJ_bLLt_Wo__-s._J-oo ___ . --- _ _ __________ e_IT\ __ fu __ ~~ecti~jt. ~c __ me_Lffict_H> _ __ __ _ howe0 ~si _ be(o.5- Q...._ j-\f~J'co,L .. +we_hie.--\.{eo..':::::.0Id1 __ .. -- - -- --~cxs_rnoce__ ... ~ b.c:tFP'i+c,_{eJL tt,_ __ _ __ _ ------'-- _ -- IJne_ _ ';;)--\-0,l{_ WQS_ce_c..ocd~ ......... r'f\._'t: he.., _ ____ __ _ t\_ Lcle..n 's *co<'\-\: curd __ c n. _ a _S u..nola.i_ _ 0t.{{~'f"r,oon . __ -- ---- ffil{- Siske E...\.!sE'-.1 ODe..._ o+ _ffia_'l::+~s -\e..llciw ....... - .... '<f::S;wc-LS-~(e.sen .S,pe..<:LciJl4. -\-o __ -- --- --~D.~OLLCOfie.,- him, fficx-1-+ d/cL tlu.Je., _ .. . __ . - O'f\c r\15 CLQl'\_ 1h ciwe.ver,..... e.SfeC.. ia\L~ a. t . - - J-h~_'-' d~ ,-\.'i 11 pct.c+s, .......... __ ......... _ .. ............... _ . ._::C:\C\;s_so,L( ciCL-k.-'.:> bctL~ ...... tb b~et\. 1D. - _ . - >\"J:\'t_m;l'{fo-c o... loll\'] -\-ime. o.n.d \ olct.e.s .... __ ._ __\:)o..c..,t.-h2_wbe.-11 clog-s. we.(\'t. A-D_ sc..hooL .. __ . ---.--- ._We.1L.s'e..e.y01..L\ _d63S.-0--se.d.. +a_ 130-+o . . __ ... rloot. _ ftn.cL_~e..e.,J.h~,casshole wDLCldn ':1, ...... i_ ~-..i .. t=hJ:t;)us.b .1-Y'le...._donr .. 50,__ - . ---~--.-::+CLK~-lera _ ~ o.J'1 fL-Li: tem .v.p_c,r::'-.__:\::b'_rw.1'L. __ . .... __ --~~~~QnJ .... of'\~. .... oL03.1 .... b~_LDa..r\kd.:ki_plCLl(--. ... -- _a_ ci:c...k. c:io .. lernJ bLso..,J,_~~tir,e.,J f,ce..L' 1 ... - . ___ So .. +h~ o.Ll '"'Qr\ old) M\ asshole...~~- - . -- __ em.oL sor+tu'::..tuhl.{-;-~ro0'\.l"ltiw.on1 QL'--- -----. __ do::r5_0JY\clL ... e.a.cJr'\ .... cd:be.x- a.ssboJe.'Thf:.4 1 C(::_, . __ _ _n~}D 1 ..... --\:o_inol _h~c .... own. ---., ---- ------------------- -~~-ffi"".." "" o~+~;f..,_s: ... fr._~a~t':S.5.5.-.. o\D<ci\o~l'c,;)h'is_pQ.,.1en.t-~i'~ht-a. nol _ se.e.K<;;,_ti.(wQ."t_clo~s .... __ - . . ... _._JooK c:t..t_~ne... CLno.+he.1=-~e.c __ _ - ____ lhe..k~J') _ L~) _ -- _____ _ _ J3 .aaJ.L'J .".:_ .S{)e.cLK~n'3ciasl'f) . --- B ~3;-:L. - eic.hool D{ O.. X\~moJs._._ . -~\e..T::1,~s~ A.OOA - .. d.o~ _ \ose<;,_h~-;, ~CL+enl::_c,ei-ht.a..QcL ......... - __ _ _ . .. _S~S_it C wh.'t do':)::, lcbi\_oJ- .. -. 6ne... -\ch12...1'-et;lJ (_!) - - .. __ _ __ _ __ N Ptm.,: _[[LB,s._ N 8J)lNE..._ 8--rRlN&~R Wth-Sd N . . ...... - _ _ _ _ A_&c : 5_~ ..... .. __ __ ___ ... __ _ _____ BtRT t,1.fllEtc_s_:_JY\oN8-Qc.,_couc\i'l:Lt J_G:eoR&LA- 1 __ __ _ C.,ol\.-8::'._-:CU)_: ___ ffi&':L. <o1 _Lq_'l3 -- .. ------- i .... -- --. ..... -- .. O_C()ha.n~.d._ .. etl.,C\\,..\_. 1'1-:\ __ L~-fe_._l_mrs. _ ---__ w_~Jsoa_ha__s __ J\\le.cL {a._'i':,e..-.\leso,l f>Li'.l<!.eS_C (\ -- _____ __,_Geocs-1:L _i C\. c...Lu..di "3--m O f\. roe.. .C .oLLa.i t.t,--k.'t :t..l.> r. _ __ . __ A \!OGdQle__ o..ocl Soc..1'Cl.L C.,\:ce:.le... She b..o.s _ ___ Li\Je.d I I"\ CL mo&es+, b.ouseJbu.;Lt -- -- ___ by. _ b_~d,ec..e0s::.ed_ 0Jc.ob.Dl,'c:_.bu..shc::q',d.J _io_c __ . . - . ~+k pas+_+w.e.oJ,4 .yea_c~._m.cs,_wl'L-sD '-----------~' s ... ffil( __ bo4fc(~s ..... moilte..e., .. __ ----- AbQ._(\_d.oa.1~_bec ___ t.L-sllCLL _+e<.LKR1:i'~ .. --- ___ J'C\o .. n_l'\.e1C1_ ffirs. _ W_;\so r\... wets. ce.J u. ~+a.[\_'+ ... :-to _ _ ___ .. . __ , - __ x- eC.i:i_Cct .. S-t0i_mrr . wbic..,h _:she..., .. from_ -- __ he..c_ .. <=3.Ccu:'\.cl mo.1-b.e..r:; __ 'She__ eKp{e.'Ss12..o( ei:Lc a,G. ___ _ __ ..... LLS(Qcc)ica{)C~.-E.D~ii_<;:ih .. _.She, ........ ct.lso ... d;_olo'l _______ _ - -----WD..f\.1:_ to hEL'C __ b.e.c \.Jotce_o[\__J-o...f<::;,_ .... ~.~nC<.LL11 _ ...... ____ _ - .she...._weo,+ ... 1Q1o_o.._ _,c-ocm_b4_be.c:ie..l-f a.r1aL _ .... ... __ _ - ___ ' __ bec-S:\:68i;,. .. __ ___ --- ..... __ ao ~ ---~- ."1\\\; 3tCLMmo~ used :\:o __ kll_m<2.. cz. -------- _____ gJc,~1.\-a,___\oo_u_-:t_R- . \ 1+--l-le...- \oo'{_ Jbccl_wa.s_ ... btYcn ---.- _ __\cn~_:\:t-cne.._Ot~o __ a_n_d _a.___-f6c+~-te .. 1le__c_oc __ _ ..... _________ _ __ ,soo_-f='.-1-si\\;ec--\old bern_fcho..--t ... he wol,\._.lct J)~ _J __ __ K~L\_ed _'o\.\- __ l1- C...\l,<~..16'f\:e_._. __ '.So_ e\J~ 1\ me.,_ a__![ud __ _ __ c..,\Du.d - lA,.,p 1 W.\\_ WO(Ti~_ClX'\_cl_Wocr-1<:::'._aL . _ GLbot,ct-1+,etod _ 0 _\1'\al\.4. \'\ 1S.. do.dd4 jltS"t=_ ---- __ __ _ _ _ __ ___ bu_1l __ 0-.._J1J-\:le- S'tD'(\e... -hOLL:S~ ~t;__'{ .be..\-\1f\cl Jb?1 C~- __h C)U.$ __ (),_ [\d.,_;:,,\)e"\ . time- __ C\.__Sioc:rn u.p _________ ne~--fLL"iibe_\1'-t-\-lQ, 00i_i(\ _ the _ s1ore__bcus~.-- Sa,_(}._ __ (:,'te!..,\O n~ ccunQ..,_on~-M~-OJ'lu._si_ --. __ b_\_eu .. \ _)LlSt d@__mo1ish~d.-t-he- l,t:1,~s--h'.:lne.._hc,usP~. __ o..nal __ te...-f--t_+he b i'~_ho~~-ahcid1D.2_._Bk'\-: __ + h12... - __ ltJl~- b'\- ha,,.o\_,so'Cf\etic,w_J'f\c,.._f\ o,_<2ie_d I he-fu, ~--:::l-_b~_ _ ... --- c.._\\-c.,\c:,n~ ..... hi}:,- _-\-o ~ ~-\: __ ou_t O\' __ +be.._L'+t~-- hou. se.. .. ---____ ett\d. WQs __ ... t,.Xl\K.1.'f\~ .. b~K ... Jo,e,_,_-\:be\ r .. __ _____b t'~ ..... bnu.-s~ ........ Qf\d. .l0.Q$ __~ -i--8:l-i_:C:_'2:ilL\!flO.S';___ .... _.. _ ~-- -+ttcd-prr:,~~~ +bo..1:-_'{0LL'_ce_ Ju_E>: _Q'S s0cfe _or-,e..___ __ .. _ ----~~\fil.-_ o..s o..,.no'{\t\e.,\f .. . wb~ _CL _ slt,r:in_cames \.A.f), ------------ __ _ ---- -efnfil1:\S~ __ G:3o3. q. '-1.b.l-:--=- flCO()-heq~d~{t) _ h(_siorrn - _Ta.\e..:lc:(.p es: l\lon_e.. .f'oLLnd_ --------------- -- - ---- ----------- ........ - ~Hms: ffi-Rs. EI-..LABBGT\-l ..... .. .... .. ... .... Pi G:E., : lo (Q . ... .............. . -. - BI e.-r.1-l P kB ~E.., .~ 1) o"t w AN, .. 8 1cc s s A mft. _ . _ - . . _QOLk-E..c__T E...1::\.:_ rt\ 8'-\ L3.J Lctt-c 3 ----- ------P\B.'S._m 08-t<-l 'S61N J l'b\,{-po...+ecnc::..,L. --- ......... -- ('o.e.r; .... (s_ .1':; ooWl\ .... o._ Q.JL.Q.S.''C..ts si'e,_" . _ ___.Sb~ ffio\lecl ::b:,. _ f\+ \ c\..QO-.. covn_.'1Jo..bamo._; .... .. ... W\b he..c .. hu.sbCI...O..ol.i'.!\- ... .he.- 19.8-.Q'_:s.~- .. -- .5-\09-U::_an.cL s-l:o~Y... cec-fJ.!::'.c~ - - __ f:.t.ssi e's.. 101.Je..._cC)f co ffiCLDC.(:..,_ an.oL ~e.c_SoLL{J112.rrt .... -~br:ee.d~.n5. Bo+h_.'.les ..... acc.., .. Joe.o-,L .......... (e.~ends5:ihe_ ... . -----'ne.asd ..... as_0- .... l...\a~o~.~Lt:LlD h~te..._Jhe._ - --....... ti.--\:.\ClX\{a_ 'SoLLroo~ 'SLA-oo~.thCl_:\G..~L'le..,Ct:b.r:ci.~d ................ -- - - ..... .!he. Siac~ .Df +he., l'.W o...u; fl.'.) &~ cl~~-..CL_wl\; le . __ -----'bo.J'..J(1. C.,i'ss,e, di.sCl5ce.ed.w_.'Jh~:\:s.if\ec()ce..+a.+io.n .. _ ____ of _J-h.e....._le.send L S he....-('eL+_ lhcd:: h<2-(c:t<!+ Jhe... .... ... . - ... -- ... _t,ua..\J\C\:1) C2J i cL_a~vec.ffiCL,ci e..c\/.1.Jr:ts. pro of a ... .... - _pee 6eo.,,CQ.h. ~ c:: ....... he..c lo.s. Jov e_:c .... - ...... . ~the.. .. s+c.cie.s..we.cce.... ... cec.ord-e.d. Lf\. a.f'\ ......... --- --U{)5~~t5 coomof'. +he....ffiorcisoa'".', ffioco.i'n<3Sid(;:_ ................ Dc. 1(\l.f.1 f\Jlo.n.:h.,. (e.S1de.r:'\e..e.. .. 'The.. ....... 1'd.~ ct. - .. -be_Lf'\~ ce<.:orde.d lf)h',loi-\e.d 'tb'2.., ... u.Su.Ql(y .c:tocrncr+~d ....... - ...... - 0-Dc\ .. LKo..+l\Je..C.lss ,e. ... She..1 n.a..Ll4 ..... et3ce.e.O\ . - .c>.ce.J:'. . o,d.ior\+he- CoQd.,'-1-cion.+bett no ane_. bY..t k)hro:I wctS ... Q.._\{;CJ~ 2},r\J m~ ___ - . __ mrucne..r .Ctn.alt WOLLlol .... cao +o ...... SCLVQr\nO{Y)y - -- --__ - . G:e.o C-8)\Cly--:l:o S:t,k:tnncth 1'3<::tod~.b, ClD.cl_"T'{cbe-12... B'e.Cllc_h 1 - __ _ __ __ -~\ ._ha.d .... a...C\ .O.LL0.1 , ....... Au.n_+_c.i0-c,1~Jfuo_i-_____ T---- __ \11Je.d +herer .. o..n.cL_she..Wot.1 . .Ld .... ~cc4LLs ox) __ ' - . __ {hese_ bacct-___ e.x_QJ,-t..cs1on.s. Ql"\cl'I oJuJa._'I_.S-- ......... . -~ J Cl\JW -+o--<2P ~a . boo...--l e.J<.-~1()Q$ ______ _ _ __ ___ b:ec.nLcSc:::..~.we __ COL<..Ld_&t::.<:;...+bg___tD01.\J1n<3-3~cL'-._ __ __ ___ _ _ SbecW_QS jw..<St_a._ \.\D~- ~1,l}a..o2_f>he_ . ----- - -- _ ... bl.\. o\.o..~1-6hk_ W<'.ll-<...\d (J)o...\Je...r,e..c C()(:',.,S:DJa.nd .... ________ _ - ____ b"\ f\19ib.t .. she, LDot.ud __ be,c._._._lo.nie-cn. _ _ - - .... ----- .... _Qt"\_ol he.'f_' ih~ \~e.r\d W_ctS_, .. ---b.Q+ he,c _ _\o\! u.b __ bo..d __ ~ one..- etwa4 _ -\:o _wa.c --- __ a.oc\ __ b~d-t"le.\lec __ '[e~ned)Cl/ld5he..., ... k e.p.t_ _ ___'5 _r'ee,10 b+do,~--~ WO.\L,D_3 .... hec. ___ _ ___ __ lo..a.e..crL b't _ ni'51--\t , ..... WQi'-\ci''j 4ch~!'Y\-.-+o . ------- ------'~ffi~_ba_c_.K_._ . _ ... ___ -- -~------Ao.o\. _ rec..e.Q{l4J-=r::,_so.u.L1n +h.-eTL,tJ''l,~, _ . .. - 8le1.n.'t0-- ZLol\.,,ttC'(. I 1h~i:;1_ SO.l d +hl'lt __ 5 he.. __ ... _____ Wou..lcl to:uie.. ... bl,\.i: 1_ d~ci_nat 3ite., _ he, ___ .... ---- ----1~e,.Gd_ o-f ..... be-r lc\J ec .. fl Dd. I s+~Ll ..... hoLd+o --- -- Jb~ . \ e_~end. of Jb.OLt be<:AL.t,se.. x_+h I n.K _ _ -- ---th.Q--\--. Ltn.S ....... ceA.ll4_ be..,_0c-.~-12l' n.cd_,,_,_socy_ _ -- _W_he.t\I uJQ$ . o,__ \~+.l\e ~1r\ 1 I_\l\ ..... - . . .. -- _ __ i_D 8 ~ c- O"\~l'\~f\.Qfo.J R\Qb 0.Jho.._._. .. . . ... ax:'Lcl {-heJCe~ s._. ------- G..- Je~e..nd _+,\-:u.-\-'1hi''S. .. _soldi'e...ct0CLS - 1 ... _ ___ _ _--\:e,_\jj n '._h'is gwe~heo..ct ~oDalhl.{e.i O-f'td_ he.~ -- ... _ ~- S-= s:\:L1.<c..K--h1::, _SWDcdJ.I'\ .+:.'cu-s._so_~_\1.01.. .- l-cee..~- ... __ ... ----CL'/\at_ he..-\-otcl_he.,c ..... whe.JC\ .... -- {hQ._Wa.S.._ .. ~- __ -~---h-1'.$... .. e..i'\ole..CLc\~ Jeiv_~, and .. -hbaJ::. ets _ .La~- .. - . _ as h,e___JovecL __ ( u..laCbec'J_1_+h.0-._:/::he _ _ - -- ......... ~-S.W_ocd wou._~d e:,:+a_l.{_in. __ {b.is_J,ee..,_An.d,. he..,_ ... . -- ....... _ __f\e,\ler_CJ:U'Y\e. .b.eH~J1 ecnd Ll.l)_};_L_.J-h.Ls ...... - . _ _ d'-'-1 i .. -\-be _ suJC):cL.ts .si1L i' n.--i-he.-.-hree...-----. ;:+'s ...... _(L_tte.'CQgJ\do.tts .oa\<., _ ftetoL_-\,ti~\fJLA.S:L '-- _ ..... ___ ~-~SCQo.,LL_ ~~c-\-__ C>: _be ... ... St~\!.-K.~0 1 --- -CiLLt of._it\e., ......_ +,e.:e_. _... .. --- ___ _ -- -- --[ - ----- - ----- ---- - .. -- f"cLLc_do,.\.\S JCL+e~rfi,,,a_st<;e_d __ 0')<2..._+o .... ...... inclL-td;e ....... Q._pa..c_.Cr\'_.1be ... So.Clf-W.b.t'c.,b she., _ -- . ----- -- .. n()_olfoc-'30-\:kv\ du.c11'\5.Jhe..JOf;-n~ 6.~SS1on. -- -- _Sbe --1::b~CL.Clcide.o\ ... -\::o+ne.,_-t\..d_.of. +he- -- . . - -- - .. ::>o~_:H1e.. SLLppose.d_f'o,.c_+_.tha..-t_:ne gi'rL_ -- .............. . - --- _-- ho.d. VJl?-\l~ q coLOt\ __ olde.r:--- she .... cem.a.~ned -- - -- ... J'nn.t $QD\Q.. a.eie..,, ffieJ'\+aJl~> he, ::;he.. . _ ct, d l'\ 1 l(k:Lf'\."t _ n e:_ h QQ 5e.. ::J_ .. --- .. ... . . - m \ L3~L-:- oCL~"1 :t(Lt:;e,n_oo _ sword 1) L33%'cD~I -:::_Q~1n5 'P:~ .. -'i-CL'ldRd - --- j\(\u_c.h_ +o rnl\ oli srnct~ i ':t. +ou.n .. d m.'i \ h.uo 1'n~o f"l"Y-\_Q(\_-+S {__ue..,e... r,o\J ~d1'r.~ me l(J 1"-th cpe...c--sor,_u. l e.. v. ?e.,c--; ,Oc. +-he.., +h__q_r, -\'o l K+ QLe..S , 'I ~LA..(\.d. th.e..i, ha.., p::t_+ t\ Je_s so 1'n.+e.,eshn5 houJe.l/e..r1 +ha..+ I dec..,de..d. --1-o 01\e. o{; I \ +h e..rn or-_ --\-f-\e, --l-a.p e , n..o+ a.s ~ci ll<:;_ +oJe..s bu..+ Gs nos-\-a.t ~1'c o.c..c .. .ou.r\-ts o-fdetlj_ s ?)Of\(:.. by' l'f\'f::i. E..\'t-h S, 1--e..lle.., of -1:ne f\CLcra..+,ve.,, b~!1,s o...+ IA./&> ol'""\. +he. J (s -k-u..\L\ - a... SouJ-hen, lo..d'i o+ +he.. e:ild sc...h.ool. The. me.rno,ie..s of -t--h~ l' b e.s + ye..,t'o d '' of h e..r \ ; te.- , wkl c..l, -s h. e... shaxe.d t n. he.r a..e.e.ou..n.-{ 1 Loe...,e... q__},Lcte.... wu..e.h,':_3 , 0 t--ne..i", V' 1 v ;d.r\ 2-i'<?)h.+~ -+wo -l\eo.r-old \Y\.rs. S ,n.c..,\.a.i'r wo..s CL +-eo_e_h~ o-t e...lae..u.+iar, (o, {:.,~-\-~, Bon, i'(\ \'Y'\o...d~Sol'\i&~1<3iCL, gh,e Loo,Ke.d rri.ost o-f he..~ l:-Ce.... "Thu.s I +-he re..riod wh.en sit~ cUd n..o+ h_C1..ue.... -\-o wo,l<,: > t-h~ pe.n'od of' he, t;4:.- whi c...h she.. r-e..(a.. 4e.s t' (\ he..r na..,c-a.{,ve...1 wa ':':. or,e.. ot' +-he.... h,,ah poi'n.i-5 crf' ~- l,-'\e. . fr\.-rs. 5 ~ f\ r wo.s e..s.,:H:.c__ 1'C\.l Ll( OJ\..t'ous {ho_+ '\--~e.. kle... C!Dn.\Je_'f +-ne.... +:\CL\JO, of Sau..'-1-he..n; l,\11()3 a:s ~+ CJnee LOct.S - +he LLnse.\~ts h ne1<2Jh boc- l; n ess C\.M -\-he.- L,tJ't t LL e.s+ioneol love.. -\OX- one., l'S \I hi '('e._cl heJ.p. fl m,s. ~ , ne..lo..~1 i M; +crhot'!S {){'. {.he COf\..\/e..( sa...+i Dn s O~ h e..r 6 \ CL e...K r\u..r5e. <:,Jtd \3 0.c.K c: D o t-<;. Qf e. 1 de-li'cJht"\c.......l 1 as ,s 'nex \1 ::S-aw-jo--'' o...<'.Le.Y\t. Be-\.0,e.. tre '("e.CTlll dt n~ sessr'cin' rn rs , ~ 1nc..,lG1.1, rt'rYto.r-keJ. +het.t- <She ltope.ol mLI prD{e..sso-r wDu.Jd no+. be. o.__ '-la.r'\Ke.e who ff\,9h+ be. o\'--\ende_c{ p~ he.r s-+ory, -RELEASEBy letting us collect your traditions--stories, songs, music, remembrances, or beliefs of earlier days--you hav,~ . ac,e a valuable contribution to preserving and understanding so,xthei 'l history, and especially the wa:y of life of your community. Beca1 re you have given unselfishly of your t:lme to do this, the Georg: .a Folklore Archives, whose representatives are dedicated to preserving these traditions, wants to protect your rights to this material by guaranteeing that it will not be used for unscreyulous commercial profits. By signing this sheet, you are giving us permission to use this material for educational purposes so that people who are interested can understand how life was in the old-timey days. If you don't want your name to be used, say so--we respect your right to privacy. Thank you for the time you have given to help us record a heritage that is an important part of American life. "I hereby grant permission to the Georgia Folklore Archives and its Director, John Burrison, to publish, or otherwise make use of, the material recorded from me by the agent of the Georgia Folklore Archives whose name appears on this sheet," Agent of Georgia Folklore Archives @Llf'.ca~ yY]f}l)lr11JJ)fc11 Additional Witness _ __,c:5.,.'""y""l""'-6L9::::''-:;;;;___,fq;....:....O/VU.:;;.;::...;i1..:,/4at(\f..,,).i..::,~-----Georgia Folklore Archives c/o Professor John Burrison Georgia State University 33 Gilmer Street South East Atlanta, Georgia 30303 .... -RELF.ASEBy letting us collect your traditions--stories, songs, music, remembrances, or beliefs of earlier da.ys--you haye made a valuable contribution to preserving and understanding Southern history, and especially the way of life of your co!ll!IIU.'lity. Because you have given unselfishly of your time to do this, the Georgia Folklore Archives, whose representatives are dedicated to preserving these traditions, wants to protect your rights to this material by guaranteeing that it will not be used for unscrupulous commercial profits. By signing this sheet, you are giving us permission to use this material for educational purposes so that people who are interested can understand how life was in the old-timey days. I:f' you don't want your name to be used, say so--we respect your right to privacy. Thank you for the time you have given to help us record a heritage that is an important part of American life. "I hereby grant permission to the Georgia Folklore Archives and its Director, John Burrison, to publish, or otherwise make use o:f', the material recorded from me by the agent o:f' the Georgia Folklore Archives whose name appears on this sheet." Agent of Georgia Folklore Archives J'4 &:>4t 4&-z., Additional Witness _72J_,_.__.,. <.'..\ ..,._,11_,-9Qo:.,_..Af;;:..;..:..D._;""/4'"'""44c"""',""r'-Vl=.,._.)'--_______ (/ Georgia Folklore Archives c/o Professor John Burrison Georgia State University 33 Gilmer Street South East Atlanta, Georgia 30303 fo 1973 ) -RELEASEBy letting us collect your traditions--s:,o: ies, songs, music, remembrances, or beliefs of earlier days--you he. re made a valuable contribution to preserving and understanding Sou ;hern history, and especially the way of life of your community, B~'cause you have given unselfishly of your time to do this, the Georgia Folklore Archives, whose representatives are dedicated to preserving these traditions, wants to protect your rights to this material by guaranteeing that it will not be used for unscrupulous commercial profits. By signing this sheet, you are giving us permission to use this material for educational purposes so that people who are interested can understand how life was in the old-timey days. If you don't want your name to be used, say so--we respect your right to privacy. Thank you for the time you have given to help us record a heritage that is an important part of American life. "I hereby grant permission to the Georgia Folklore Archives and its Director, John Burrison, to publish, or otherwise make use of, the material recorded from me by the agent of the Georgia Folklore Archives whose name appears on this sheet." Signed Address 0'.D AW ~ ' Agent of Georgia Folklore Archives 7;?o}x c co,, 'f}7ru;u 4/}jv Additional Witness ......( ...,,,,. '.,.O.....,~. ..k ),_.Q""'- 1 _r(-'-b..J:,>-j'YjU.U.,.L }_.i.::....::.::::,::w..1&J.....:....;;;::.,_ ___ Georgia Folklore Archives c/o Professor John Burrison Georgia State University 33 Gilmer Street South East Atlanta, Georgia 30303 (o ) 1913 -RELEASEBy letting us collect your traditions--stories, snngs, music, remembrances, or beliefs of earlier days--you have mad, a valuable contribution to preserving and understanding Southern u.story, and especially the way of life of your collllllUnity. Because you have given unselfishly of your time to do this, the Georgi~ Folklore Archives, whose representatives are dedicated to preserving these traditions, wants to protect your rights to this material by guaranteeing that it will not be used for unscrupulous commercial profits. By signing this sheet, you are giving us permission to use this material for educational purposes so that people who are interested can understand how life was in the old-timey days. If you don't want your name to be used, say so--we respect your right to privacy. Thank you for the time you have given to help us record a heritage that is an important part of American life. "I hereby grant permission to the Georgia Folklore Archives and its Director, John Burrison, to publish, or otherwise make use of, the material recorded from me by the agent of the Georgia Folklore Archives whose name appears on this sheet." Signed Address ~_na _ M_~~~Zv.~~-~)-=.::;._..:3~us~l~Z/=~=~R~d~~=-AAgent of Georgia Folk.lore Archives Additional Witness Georgia Folklore Archives c/o Professor John Burrison Georgia State University 33 Gilmer Street South East Atlanta, Georgia 30303 ' . ~LEASE By letting us collect your traditions--stories, songs, music, sayings, riddles, or beliefs 0 earlier days--you have made a valuable contribution to preserving and understanding Southern history, and especially the history and way of life of your community. Because you have given unselfishly of your time to do this, the Georgia Folklore Archives, whose representatives are dedicated to preserving these traditions, wants to protect your rights to this material by guaranteeing that it will not be used for unscrupulous commercial profits. By signing this sheet, you are giving us permission to use this mater~ ial for educational purposes so that people who are interested can understand how life was in the old-timey days. Your material will probably not be printed or issued on a record, but if it is, and you don't want your name to be used, say so--we respect your right to privacy. Thank you for the -time you have an important part of American life. that you l1ant to send along to us so given to help us record a heritage that is If you remember any more old-timey things that it will always be preserved, write to: Signed For Ga. Fl. Archives: Georgia Folklore Archives c/o Prof. John Burrison Georgia State University 33 Gilmer Street South East Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Address Witness ~'fncYllliMh i
A PDF transcript exists for this recording. Please contact an archivist for access.
Professor John Burrison founded the Atlanta Folklore Archive Project in 1967 at Georgia State University. He trained undergraduates and graduate students enrolled in his folklore curriculum to conduct oral history interviews. Students interviewed men, women, and children of various demographics in Georgia and across the southeast on crafts, storytelling, music, religion, rural life, and traditions.
As archivists, we acknowledge our role as stewards of information, which places us inaposition to choose how individuals and organizations are represented and described in our archives. We are not neutral, andbias isreflected in our descriptions, whichmay not convey the racist or offensive aspects of collection materialsaccurately.Archivists make mistakes and might use poor judgment.We often re-use language used by the former owners and creators, which provides context but also includes bias and prejudices of the time it was created.Additionally,our work to use reparative languagewhereLibrary of Congress subject termsareinaccurate and obsolete isongoing. Kenan Research Center welcomes feedback and questions regarding our archival descriptions. If you encounter harmful, offensive, or insensitive terminology or description please let us know by Your comments are essential to our work to create inclusive and thoughtful description.
