Polk's Brunswick (Glynn County, Ga.) city directory 1935 including Arco

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U m . ff, L. PHILIPS, PNiidMt

nai EsSift


of Brunswick

our banking business is solicited on the basis of record of service during the forty-odd years ur existence.










C. H. SHELDON m ., ?,y







B . A. LE

Complete Home FurnUhmi

Where Quality ie Higher than Prime


Newcastle S t ST





If It's
Y ou W ill Find It A t
(1935) R. L. POLK & CO.'iS

V *

JUL 1 8 1 - T


Buick and Pontiac

Sales and Service




(Incorporated 1889)
The Oiliest Bank in Brunswick
F. D. AIKEN, President M. J. W ELSH, V ice-P resid en t I. M. AIKEN, V ice-P resid en t and C ashier W . E. GEIGER, A sst. Cashier and Trust Officer
Accounts of Banks, Corporations and Individuals Invited

Lady Assistant
Phone 70
A m bulance Service D ay or N ite
(1035) B. L. POLK & CO.'S

P O L K 'S
Including Arco
C o n ta in in g a n A lp h a b e tic a l D ire c to ry o^f B usiness C o n cern s a n d Pri' v a te Citizens, a D irectory of H ouseholders, O ccupants of Office Buildings and O ther Business Places, Including a C om plete Street and A venue G uide; also a
and a Com plete
Classified Business Directory
R. L. PO LK & CO., Publishers
Member Association of North American Directory Publishers Copyright, 1935, by R. L. Polk & Co.

Section 28, Copyright Law lit Force July 7, 1909
That any person who w ilfully and for profit shall infringe any copyright secured by this act, or w ho shall knowingly or wilfully aid or abet such infringem ent, shall be deemed guilty of a misdem eanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by im prisonm ent for not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor m ore than one thousand dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court.
PUBLISHERS NOTE The inform ation in this D irectory is gathered by an actual canvass and is com piled in a w ay to insure maximum accuracy. The publishers cannot and do not guarantee the cor rectness of all inform ation furnished them nor the com plete absence of errors or omissions, hence no responsibility for same can be or is assumed. The publishers earnestly request the bringing to their attention of any inaccuracy so that it m ay be corrected in the next edition of the directory.
R. L. POLK & CO., Publishers



Abbreviations ..................................................................... 36 Alphabetical List of N am es............................................... 37 Apartment B uildings.......................................................... 242 Associations and Clubs--Commercial............................... 242 Banks ................................................................................... 245 Board of T r a d e ................................................................... 55 Buildings--Office and P u b lic ........................................... 247 Bus and Coach Lines--Motor .......................................... 247 Buyers' Guide ..................................................................... 21

Cemeteries .......................................................................... 248

Churches .............................................................................. 248

City G overnm ent'............................................................... 55

Classified Business Directory ........................................... 241

Clergym en............................................................................ 249

C lu b s..................................................................................... 250

County O fficers...........................................................


Fire D epartm ent................................................................. 55

Golf Clubs and Courses ..................................................... 257

Halls ..................................................................................... 258

Hospitals and D ispensaries............................................... 259

Justices of the P e a c e .......................................................... 263

Labor Organizations .......................................................... 263

Libraries .............................................................................. 264

Newspapers.......................................................................... 266

Parks and Playgrounds...................................................... 267

Police Department .............................................................. 55

Post Office .......................................................................... 187

R ailro ad s.............................................................................. 269

Schools--Parochial .......................................................... 271

Schools--P u b lic ................................................................... 271

Schools, Colleges and Academies .................................... 271

Societies--Benevolent and F ra te rn a l............................... 272

Societies--Miscellaneous ................................................... 272

Societies--Patriotic ............................................................ 272

Street and Avenue G u id e................................................... 201

United States Government ............................................... 186



Andrews Drug S to r e .................................... left top lines

Baker S W ............................................. left top lines and 22

Baldwin & E d g e........................................back cover and 26

Brunswick Bank & Trust Co....................back cover and 3

Brunswick C a f e ......................... right and left side lines

Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling Co.............right top lines

Brunswick Floral C o .......................................................... 25

Brunswick Hardware Co .................................................. 2

Brunswick L au n d ry .................................front cover and 30

Brunswick News ................................................................. 31

C & O Dry C leaners.................................front cover and 24

Coastal Chevrolet C o rp ........................... left top lines and 22

Coney & Parker C o ...............................right top lines and 24

Consolidated Realty C o ..........................left top lines and 33

Crandall Hardware C o ...............................right top lines

Damon's Sign S h o p .................................. . .left top lines

Downing Co Inc ................................................................. Z

Duggan Motor C o .................................... left top lines and 22

Five-Transportation Co ....................................................... 30

Friedman's Jewelers In c...................................................... 29

Gannaway Motor Co I n c ......................... back cover and 3

Gibson-Hart Funeral Home................ stencil edges and 4

Gilmore & W oods........................................... 35 and opp 240

Glynn Ice & Coal C o ...............................back cover and 27

Gould Motor Co I n c ............................................................ 22

Grantham Insurance A gency.............................................. 28

Guarantee Shop T h e ............................................................ 30

H & H Service S ta tio n ...............................backbone and 23

Hopkins Mutual Ins A gency...................left top lines and 29

Lang Planing Mill .................................. back cover and 30

Lewis B A ................................................. front cover and 26

Lunceford J L ............................................. right top lines

McGarvey C Inc ................................................................... 26

Miller Edo .............. .................................back cover and 25

National Bank of B runsw ick...........................................

front cover, right top lines and North Star Dairies I n c ................... . 7 ........` ........... 7

23 24

Parker, Burroughs & W a y .......................front cover and 28

Parker Realty C o ...................................... front cover and 32

Philips R L C o ............................................front cover and 29

Phoenix Grocery C o .............................right top lines and Robb L S ..................................................................................


Royal, Fendig & S h e la n d e r..................... front cover arid 29

Sea Island Co ......................................................................... 34

Sinclair Service S ta tio n .....................right top iines arid 23

Smith Printing H o u se ........................ left top lines and 32

Stewart Plate Glass W o rk s .................................................. 27

Universal C le a n e rs .................................... back cover and 25

W hittle Furniture Co I n c ................... right top lines and 27

R. L. PO L K & CO ., publishers of m ore than 750 city, county, state and national Directories, present to subscribers an d th e general public, this, the 1935 edition of the B runs wick City D irectory. A n entirely new feature, the designation of tenant-ow ned hom es in the D irectory of H ouseholders sec tion, m arks this edition.
C o n fid e n c e in th e g ro w th o f B runsw ick's in d u stry , p o p u lation an d w ealth, and in the advancem ent of its civic and social activities, will b e m aintained as sections of this D irec to ry a re consulted, for th e D irectory is a m irro r truly reflect ing Brunswick to the w orld.
T h e e n v ia b le p o sitio n o ccu p ied b y R. L. P O L K & C O .'S D irectories in the estim ation of the public throughout the country, has been established by rendering the best in D irec tory service. W ith an unrivaled organization, and having had the courteous and hearty cooperation of the business and p ro fessional m en and residents, the publishers feel that the result of their labors will m eet w ith the ap proval of every user, and th at the Brunsw ick D irectory will fulfill its mission as a source of authentic inform ation pertaining to the city.
Population T h e p o p u latio n of B runsw ick is estim ated a t 15,538, based on the num ber of personal nam es in the A lphabetical section of the Directory, with due allow ance for those under D irectory age. T errito ry im m ediately adjacent, w hich is p a rt of th e city, as far as business an d social life are concerned, is included in the D irectory, and, likewise, in the population estim ate.
Four Major Departments T he four m ajo r departm ents are arranged in the follow ing order:--
T H E B U Y E R S ' G U ID E , p a g e s 21 to 36, p rin te d on tinted paper, contains the advertisem ents of leading m anu facturing, business and professional interests of Brunswick. T he advertisem ents are indexed under headings descriptive of th e business rep resen ted . T his is reference ad v ertisin g a t its best, and m erits a survey by all buyers eager to fam iliarize them selves w ith sources of supply. In a progressive com m unity like Brunswick, the necessity of having this kind of inform ation im m ed iately available, is obvious. G en eral a p preciation of this fact is evidenced by the m any reference users of this City D irectory service.
T H E A LPH A B ETIC A L LIST O F NAM ES of residents an d business an d professional concerns is included in pages 37 to 199.x T h is is th e o n ly re c o rd in ex isten ce th a t aim s to



show the nam e, m arital status, occupation and address of each adult resident of Brunswick, and the nam e, official personnel, n a tu re a n d a d d re s s o(f each firm a n d c o rp o ra tio n in th e city.
T H E D IR EC TO R Y O F H O U SEH O LD ERS, INCLUD IN G ST R E E T A N D A V EN U E GUIDE, covers pages 201 to 238. In this section the nam es of the streets are arranged in alphabetical order; the num bers of the residences and business concerns are arranged in num erical order under the nam e of each street, and the nam es of the householders and concerns are placed opposite the num bers. T he nam es of the intersect ing streets appear at their respective crossing points on each street. A new feature of this section is the designation of tenant-ow ned homes.
T H E C LA SSIFIED BUSINESS D IR E C T O R Y is included in pages 241 to 2 75. This dep artm en t lists the nam es of all business and professional concerns in A lphabetical o rd er u n d er ap p ro p riate headings. T his (feature constitutes an invaluable and indispensable catalog of the num erous interests of the com m unity. T h e D irectory is th e com m on in term ed iary b e tw een buyer and seller. A s such it plays an im portant p art in the daily activities of the com m ercial and professional w orld. M ore buyers and sellers m eet through the Classified Business D irectory than through any other m edium.
Municipal Publicity
The D irectory reflects the achievem ents and am bitions of the city, depicting in unbiased term s w hat it has to offer as a place of residence, as a business location, as a m anufacturing site and as an educational center. To broadcast this inform a tion, the publishers have placed copies of this issue of the D i recto ry in D irectory Libraries, w here they are readily available for free public reference, and serve as perpetual and reliable advertisem ents of Brunswick. T here are nearly 450 of these D irectory Libraries, installed an d m aintained in th e chief cities of th e U. S. an d C an a d a through the courtesy of m em b ers of the A ssociation of N orth A m erican D irectory Publishers, under w hose supervision th e system is o p e ra te d an d of w hich R. L. P olk & Co. is a m em ber.
The publishers appreciatively acknow ledge the recogni tion by those progressive business and professional m en who hav e dem o n strated their confidence in the City D irectory as an advertising m edium , w ith assurance that it will bring a com m ensurate return.
R. L. PO L K & CO.,

Statistical Review
Form of G overnm ent-- Com m ission-m anager. Population-- T otal, 14,022; males, 6,772; fem ales 7,250; total colored, 6,049; white m ales of age, 2,398; w hite fem ales of age, 2,375 (1 9 3 0 U. S. C ensus). A m erican-born, 9 8 % . Predom inating nationalities of foreign-born residents: Portu guese and Greek. A rea-- 2 6 square miles. A ltitude-- 14 feet above sea level. Clim ate-- M ean annual tem perature, 68.4 degrees F .; average annual rainfall, 50 inches. T ax R ate-- $21 p er $1,000. Financial Facts-^-2 banks, w ith total deposits of $2,776,000 (Dec. 31, 1934), and total resources of $3,691,000. Postal Receipts-- $46,550.70 (calendar year 1934). T elephones in Service-- 1,604. Churches-- 32, representing leading denom inations. In d u stry -- 19 m an u factu rin g establishm ents, w ith p rin ci pal products as follow s: N aval stores, gasoline and refined oils, creosoted lum ber, packing crates, canned fruits, can n ed shrim p, cigars, ice, mill supplies an d building supplies. N ew spapers-- 1 daily and 2 weeklies. H otels-- 2, w ith am ple accom m odations. Railroads-- 3: Southern; A tlantic Coast Line; A tlanta, Birm ingham & Coast. H ig h w ay s-- U. S. 1 7, 50 a n d 341. A irp o rts-- 2 (1 p riv a te ly -o w n e d a n d 1 C o u n ty ). A m usem ents-- L argest auditorium in city seats 900 p e r sons. M oving-picture theatres seat total of 1,313 persons. 3 golf courses. H o sp ita ls-- 1, w ith 75 b ed s. E ducation-- 8 public schools, including 2 high. 1 p aro chial school. N um ber of pupils in public schools, ^,343j teachers, 74. V alue of public school property, $400,000. P ubllcT L ibraries-- 1, w ith 3 ,0 0 0 volum es. City Statistics-- T o tal street m ileage, 78, w ith 12.2 miles paved.' M iles of sewers, 33. C apacity of w ater w orks (p ri v a te ), 2,160,000 gallons; daily average pum page, 600,000 g allo n s; n>iles of m ains, 3 5 ; v alue o f p lan t, $ 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 . F ire departm ent has 1 1 men, w ith 1 station and 5 pieces of m otor equipm ent. Police d e p a rtm e n t has 14 m en, w ith 1 station and 5 pieces of m otor equipm ent.
General Review
T he city of Brunswick occupies the center of the region know n as Coastal Georgia. On the north, south and w est it is bordered by vast areas of health-giving pine forests; on the



east, stretching out for miles, are the famous streams and marsh-meadows, familiarly known as "The Marshes of Glynn." Beyond these lie a chain of sea islands-- jew els of the Georgia Coast-- abounding in w ild life and gam e, steeped in four centuries of history and romance reaching back to the Indian and Spanish occupation, covering the English and Colonial period, the prosperous plantation era, and on up to the present day, which represents prosperity, growth, building and enjoym ent.
This unspoiled region is being brought to the attention of tourists, vacationists, hom e-seekers and industrialists, in a m ost forceful manner, and is being reached today by motor over all-p aved highw ays from north, south and w est; b y air, in both land and sea planes; by rail, from every point in the United States, and by palatial yachts steaming through the Inland Passage.
T he Brunswick B oard of T rade, w ith the co-operation of the city and county, ad o p ted four years ago an extensive tourist program , the first step of w hich w as the building of the attractive V isitors' Club, situated in a park at the northern entrance to the city and adjacent to the island resorts. This club is now th e hom e of th e B runsw ick B oard of T ra d e , an d represents the m ost ad v an ced idea in service to the vacationist and m otoring public that has yet been undertaken by any city in th e U nited States. It is th e open d o o r through w hich visitors to the city obtain their first im pressions of Brunsw ick an d the nearby islands, and through w hich they pass, w ell-inform ed as to the m any recreational, industrial and agricultural ad van tages this section has to offer.
A lth o u g h th e B runsw ick B oard of T ra d e is m ajo rin g on its tourist program , and C oastal G eorgia has gained a rep u ta tion as a reso rt area, the city an d th e co u n ty is w ell d ev elo p ed along other lines, including p o rt and shipping, industrial and agricultural. Som e of the principal industries consist of the A tla n tic R efin in g C o .'s la rg e oil refin ery, w hich b rin g s its crude oils from T exas an d M exico in its ow n fleet of tankers, refining its products at Brunswick and distributing the fin ished products to the entire Southeast; the H ercules Pow der C o .'s n a v a l sto re s p la n t, th e la rg e st o f its k in d in th e w o rld ; th e G e o rg ia V e n e e r & P a c k a g e C o .'s p la n t fo r th e m a n u fa c ture of fruit and vegetable packages; the G eorgia Creosoting Co. and the G ulf States C reosoting Co., producers of creosoted piling, poles and crossties; the Brunswick M arine C on struction C orp., engaged in shipbuilding and repair w ork, and a num ber of plants engaged in shipping fresh and canned shrim p. In addition to this, the H. H. Pike Co. im ports each year through the p o rt of Brunswick, m illions of pounds of H ershey sugar from C uban plantations.
T he agricultural revolution in the South has reached a high peak in Glynn County, and rice and cotton, once staple crops of this section, have given w ay to citrus fruits, truck crops, the production of flower bulbs, dairying and poultry raising.



W hile these m odern developm ents have insured a balanced and healthy grow th to Brunswick and the surround ing territory, the progress along industrial, shipping and agri cultural lines has in no wise m inim ized the natural charm for which Brunswick and the C oastal Islands have long been fam ed. T he old traditions, the historic associations, the natural b eauty in trees and native plants, have been wisely preserved b y leaders in the civic an d social life of the com m unity, and these charm ing elem ents, all com pounded into a perfect set ting for perfect enjoym ent, contribute to the happiness of the visitor to Coastal Georgia.
T he Coastal Islands
O nly a few m iles d istant from Brunsw ick is S aint Sim ons, central of the fam ous G olden Isles of G eorgia, and also the o n ly o n e o(f th ese islan d s n o t p riv a te ly -o w n e d . A t th e se a w ard end of Saint Sim ons is Sea Island, w here the C loister H o tel an d unusually fine recreational facilities have m ad e it o n e o f A m e ric a 's le a d in g a ll-y e a r reso rts.
Sea Island and Saint Sim ons are accessible from the m ain lan d by a m o to r causew ay, an d th e Sea Island Y ach t C lub is located directly on the Inland W ater Passage. T he finest of seaside and inland golf are available on the Colt and Alisondesigned course at the Sea Island G olf Club, and excellent saddle horses m ay be had from the Sea Island Riding A cadem y for rides over the w ooded trails and the beach.
Both pool and surf bathing are popular at the Sea Island C asino, w h ich is th e c e n te r 0(f th e su m m er activ ities on th e islands. A n open-air ballroom furnishes a cool, breezy set ting for dances on sum m er evenings, and bow ling and other diversions are featured.

T he C it y D ir e c t o r y
represents the City and its institutions in every cor* ner of these United States
A re Y ou Properly R ep resen ted In It?
The Classified portion catalogues the professions and goods handled here
" Think It O ver99

P o lk 's Bankers Encyclopedia

This bank directory of the world includes reference data of every-day practical im portance no other bank directory offers.
It is the on ly bank directory w h ich gives bank statem en ts in detail, in clu d ing item s of capital, surplus, undivided profits, analyzed deposits, together with the usual asset items of loans and discounts, due from banks, cash and exchange and segregation of bonds. It also reports the q u otation of bank stocks and dividend rates. A m ong other features it gives the clearing-house rules of all cities having such associations, the names of their officers, and the city officials. It reports the nam es and lo ca tio n of national bank exam ip ers and state bank su perintend en ts and exam iners. It has a com p lete list o f m em bers of the Invest ment Bankers A ssociation and principal stock exchange members, dealers in com mercial paper as well as a selected list of general Investment dealers.
The usual features such as laws regulating banking and banking practice, directors of banks, reliable attorneys, accessible banking towns, maps of the various States and Canada, are conveniently presented.
This publication is issued in M arch and Septem ber each year.
Price $15.00 per copy In Canada and Foreign Countries $20.00
Subscribers to P o lk 's Bankers E n cyclop ed ia can m aintain an u p -to-d ate bank directory by subscribing to
This consists of m onthly bulletins in cum ulative form covering new, m erged and closed banks b etw een issu es of P o lk 's Bankers E ncyclop ed ia.
Subscription $ 1 0 .0 0 per year

Polk's Bankers Encyclopedia Company

Executive Office 431 Howard Street
Detroit, Mich.

Division of
R. L. POLK & CO.

N ew York Office
3 5 4 -6 0 4th A ve* New York City

T h e B uyers'Guide contains the advertisements and business cards (of the more progressive business men and firms in m ecity classified according to lines o f business
R. L. POLK & CO.
Atlanta, Ga.





Hudson -- Terraplane and W illys 77

602 Gloucester St.

Sales and Service

Phone 414

Coastal Chevrolet Corp.

Sales and Service

1002 Gloucester St.

Phones 161-162

Duggan Motor Company
Opposite Postoffice P h o n e 13S
Chrysler - - Plymouth
Oldest Plym outh D ealer in Brunswick
Gould Motor Co. Ibic.

1608-12 Newcastle St.


Phone 12
(1935) It. L. POLK & CO.'iS







Coal -- Coke and W ood

1 129 Ray St.

Building Materials

Phones 17^18


North Star Dairies, Inc.


104 George St.

Phone 466


Dry cleaning, properly done, is not only a rejuvenating m easure, it is also a clothes insurance in-as-m uch as it m akes your gar ments wear longer as well as look better.
Our service insures the proper dry cleaning. We brush out the seams and reshape the garment to its original mold. Close attention is paid to loose, broken and missing buttons and worn edges.

Phone "Seven Eleven"
You C an't Forget That Number

(1935) R. L. POLK & CO.'S




French C leaners and D yers



(Come Clean W ith Us)

Florists -- N urserym en
C u t F l o w e r s ----P l a n t s ----S h r u b b e r y ----T r e e s Greenhouses and Sales Offices
6 th a n d J o h n s o n ----T el. 6 5 6
W a t e r L ilie s----A q u a t i c P l a n t s ----G o l d a n d T r o p i c a l F i s h Water Gardens
5th and Johnson -- Tel. 656

Miller Funeral Home


Exclusive Ambulance Service





Complete Home Furnishings

Furniture and Interior Decorating


EST. 1886



(1935) R. L. POLK & CO.'S




Complete Household Furnishings

Radio and Refrigeration Sales and Service Authorized T .V .A . Ranges and W ater Heaters
Electrical Contracting and Housewiring






Stewart Plate Glass Works

Everything in Glass


Richmond Street

Phone 1047




Phoenix Grocery Company
" B r u n s w i c k 's O l d e s t G r o c e r y "

Staple and Fancy Groceries
Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-1728 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45 and 76


Pure, Crystal, Taste-Free Ice

Air Conditioned Refrigerators General Cold Storage





Parker Burroughs & Way

513 Gloucester St., Brunswick, Ga.

All Lines of Insurance Except Life

Fire Automobile Casualty Fidelity Bonds Surety Bonds

Marine Steam Boiler Public Liability Accident and Health Workmen's Compensation

Stock and Mutual

Prom pt and Efficient H andling of Claims



Insurance A gency

Phone 376

Lane Bldg.

(1935) R. L. POLK & CO.'S






Hopkins Mutual Insurance Agency

Dividend Paying Insurance

Phone 99


D unw ody Bldg.

MRS. R. L. PH IL IP S, P re sid e n t
General Insurance
Real Estate -- Rentals
183-- PHONE-183

Royal, Fendig & Shelander
1517 Newcastle St.
2 8 7 -- Phones-- 2 8 8

Quality Jewelry


Factory Distributors for Bosch Radios






R eady-to-W ear -- Millinery

Telephone 8 58
Tell us when to call and we' ll be there at the same time of day each week. Your work will be returned to you on regular schedule or we can
give you 10-Hour service when it is necessary.
Get the Laundry habit. It saves you time, protects your clothes or linens and insures them being ab solutely clean.
Phone 31 for
Brunswick Laundry
151 0 Richmond St.


A. E. FIV EA SH , President

C. O . FIV E A SH , M an ag er


Atlanta, M acon, Brunswick, Savannah, Jacksonville


Phone 30

(1935) R. L. POLK & CO.'S




Every Business Afternoon
Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press Member: The Georgia Press Association

O ffers to advertisers in this section of G eorgia unequalled opportunities as an advertising m edium . R ates consistent w ith circulation.
N ew s Publishing C om pany
C. H. LEA V Y , President and Editor



Commercial Printing
Legal Blanks -- Lino-Tabler


TEL. 135



Parker Realty Co.

DAN M IDDLETON, JR ., M anager

Property Management -- Appraisals
Residential Properties Business Locations Industrial Sites Island Properties Estates
" If I t 's R eal E state, See Us ''

------- C A U T I O N
Pay no m oney in advance to itinerant Directory Canvassers. W e are led to m ention this from the fact that certain parties have been fraudulently using our publications as specimens, and by that m eans collecting m oney in advance. B e f o r e s i g n i n g a n o r d e r , s e e t h a t it h a s t h e n a m e o f R. L.. P o l k & C o . p r i n t e d thereon. W e ask no p ay m en t until the w o rk is delivered, an d o u r solicitors have strict orders not to take paym ent for either advertising or subscriptions.
R. L. POLK & CO.
(1935) R. L. POLK & CO.'S




Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties Island Properties -- Tim ber Lands Rentals -- Surety Bonds
AGENTS FOR: Century Insurance Company of London, and Edinburgh, Empire State Insurance Company of Watertown, N. Y., Baltimore American Insurance Company of New York, National
Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company of New York

207 -0 8 Gordon Bldg., 403^jj Gloucester

Tel. 10

" The Land M an"
If It's Real Estate, I Have It

Lane Building, 5 0 2 ^ Gloucester St.

Phone 376

"Mailing Lists That Pull"
Send for a copy of our folder contain ing "MAILING LISTS THAT PU L L " It is a list of lists which Polk clients every where in America have found to be big producers of sales. Gives full informa tion regarding quantities, prices, etc*
R. L. POLK & CO.
Publishers of over 700 City, County, State and National Directories. The advance inform ation for these publications is the source of Polk M ailing Lists.




Cloister 5Mel ea M anb

Georgia's Famed Resort
An All-Year Playland

Pool and Surf B athing H unting F ish in g

H orseback Riding B oating Skeet and Trapshooting Private School

Resort Property and Rentals

(1935) R. L. POLK & CO.'S





1418 Richmond Street, Brunswick, Georgia
Phone 2 2 8


B a rre tt's Built-up a n d Roll Roofing
A m bler A sbestos Shingles Bonded Roofers

G alvanized Iron Steel Sheets, Tin and C opper
V alley Tin, G utters and Down Pipe

Sheet Metal Developments
A ny Size or Shape

The Sign, over yorardoor

tells the passer-by that you are there ready to serve him.
But you also want to teD people, in all parts o f the community, where you are and what you do.
The sign is only seen, however, by the small portion o f the popu lation who pass your way. Being fixed, it cannot reach out and teD somebody, a good prospect, on the other side of town about your business.
Tour D ire cto rv A d vertisin

It directs buyers from aD parts of the community to your business and to any par ticular service which they may require.

isb efw th e
e n tir e contnM n

The advertisers stand out as the leading and permanently pro., gressive firms of the community.

You should make it easy for people to End you by putting in thei directory such information as a buyer wants to know.

For FREE suggestions on how to make your advertising most effective write--

R. L. PO LK & CO.








acct . . . . accountant drsmkr .. dressmaker mechl . ... mechanical ret ................. ret'all

adv ........ advertising e or E ............. East mer .......... merchant Rev ............ Reverend

agrl . . . agricultural elec .......... electrical Met . . . Metropolitan Ry .............. Railway

agt ................. agent electn . . . electrician mfg ..manufacturing RyMS .................

al ..................... alley electro ..electrotyper mfr .. manufacturer Railway Mail Service

Am .......... American appr ___ apprentice

elev ............ elevator embdr .. embroiderer

mgr .......... manager mkr ................ maker

s or S .......... South san .............. sanitary

apts . . . . apartments emp ............ employe mkt .............. market sav .............. savings

archt ........ architect asmblr . . . assembler Assn .. Asssociatlon asst .......... assistant a t n d t ........attendant atty .......... attorney auto . . . . automobile av ............... avenue bdg .......... boarding bet .............. between bgemn .. baggageman bkbndr .. bookbinder bkpr . . . . bookkeeper bldg .......... building bldr .............. builder blk ................. block blksmlth . .blacksmith blrmkr .. boilermaker b lv d ..........boulevard br ................. branch brklyr . . . bricklayer brkmn . . . . brakeman cabtmkr cabinetmaker capt ............ captain carp ........ carpenter cash ............. cashier Ch ................ Church chauf . . . . chauffeur chf ................. chief c i v ..................... civil elk .................. clerk clnr .............. cleaner collr .......... collector coml __ commercial comn __ commission comnr ..commissioner compt .. comptometer cond . . . . conductor confr .. confectioner cons . . . . consulting contr . . . . contractor cor ................ corner corres correspondent ct ................... court ctr ................. cutter del ............. delivery dep ............. deputy dept . . . . department dicta . . . . dictaphone dlspr . . . . dispatcher dist .............. district d i v ............... division dir ................. dealer dranst'r demonstrator do . . . ditto or same dom .......... domestic

emp agey............. employment agency
eng ............ engineer engr .......... engraver es .............. east side est ................. estate exch . . . . . exchange exp .............. express expmn .. expressman fety ............... factory flgmn .......... flagman fnshr .......... finisher formn ........ foreman forwn . . . forewoman frt ................ freight ft ....................... foot ftr ................... fitter furn ........ furniture furn rms .............
furnished rooms furngs ... furnishings gasftr ........ gasfltter gdnr .......... gardener gds ................. goods genl .............. general govt . . . government gro ............... grocer h .......... householder hairdrsr . hairdresser hd ................... hand hdqrs .. headquarters hdw .......... hardware hlpr .............. helper hngr ............ hanger hosp .......... hospital hsekpr .. housekeeper Hts ............... Heights implts .. Implement's imptr ........ importer inc . . . incorporated ias .......... insurance Inspr ........ Inspector instr ........ instructor int rev .................
internal revenue j r ....................... junior jwlr .............. jeweler kpr ............... keeper lab .............. laborer I b r ....................lumber lieut . . . . lieutenant lino ............ linotype litho .. lithographer lndrs ........ laundress lndrymn ..laundryman ltd ............... limited mach . . . . machinist

mldr .............. molder mlnr .......... milliner mn .......................man mono ........ monotype msngr . . . messenger mstr mech ..........
master mechanic mtrmn . . . motorman mus ....................music mus tchr.music teacher mut .............. mutual n or N .......... North Natl .......... National ne ............ northeast nr ..................... near ns ............ northside nw .............. northwest .. . property owner opp ............ opposite opr .............. operator osteo . . . . osteopath pass ........ passenger pat ................ patent pdlr .............. peddler pharm .. pharmacist photog .photographer phys ........ physician pk ..................... park pkr ................ packer pkwy .......... parkway pi ................... place plmbr ........ plumber plshr ........... polisher plstr .......... plasterer pntr .............. painter PO .......... postofflee PS . . . . Public School pres .......... president prin .......... principal prod ............ produce prof .......... professor prop ........ proprietor prov ........ provisions prsfdr . . pressfeeder prsmn . . . . pressman ptrnmkr patternmaker pub ........ publishing publr ........ publisher purch . . . purchasing r . .. .resides or rooms R C. ..Roman Catholic rd ..................... road RD . . Rural Delivery real est .. real estate rec ............ receiving rep .. representative

sch ................. school se ............ southeast sec ............ secretary sergt .......... sergeant ship .......... shipping slsmgr.. salesmanager slsmn . . . . salesman slswn . . . saleswoman smstrs . . . seamstress soc ................ society solr ............ solicitor s p l ....................special sq ................. square ss .............. southside sta ............... station sta eng ...............
stationary engineer sten . . . stenographer stereo . . . . stereotyper stmftr . . steamfltter str ................... setter supt ..superintendent supvr . . . . supervisor surg ............ surgeon sw .......... southwest swtchmn .. switchman tchr ............ teacher tel ............ telephone teleg ......... telegraph ter ............... terrace tmkpr . . . timekeeper t m s tr .......... teamster tndr .............. tender trans . transportation trav .......... traveling treas ........ treasurer twp .......... township undtkr . . undertaker uphol .. upholsterer US .......United States USA .....................
United States Army USMC..United States
Marine Corps USN .....................
United States Navy vet .......... veterinary vulc ........ vulcanizer w or W .......... West whol ........ wholesale whsemn ...............
........warehouseman wid ................ widow wkr .............. worker wks ................ works ws .............. westside wtchmn .. watchman

dr ..................... drive mdse .. merchandise reprmn . . . repairman ydmn ........ yardman

drftsmn .. .draftsman mech ........ mechanic restr . . . . restaurant ydmstr .. yardmaster




Abraham . . . . . . Abr Alexander .. Alfred ........ . . . Alt Archibald .. .. Arch Arthur ........ August ........ . . . Aug Benjamin .. .. Ben]

Catherine .. . . . Cath Charles . . . .. Chas Daniel ........ . . . Danl Edward . . . . . . . Edw Elizabeth . . . EH7! Eugene . . . . . . . Eug Frederick .. .. Fredk

George ........ . . . . Geo .Tames ........ . . . . Jas Joseph ........ . . . . Jos Katherine . .. Kath Margaret' - Michael . . . . Mlchl Patrick . . . . . .. Patk

Richard ........ Rfchd Robert .............. Robt Samuel ............ Sami Solomon ............ Sol Stephen .......... Steph Theodore ........ Theo Thomas .......... Thos William ............ Wm

4-31 (1935) R. L. POLK & CO.tS

P O L K 'S
C opyright, 1935, by R. L. P olk & Co.
For List of Abbreviations see opposite page
Alphabetical List of Names
Abbott Buck pntr r304y2 Gloucester Abbott Cleveland V (Sula) ice 1401 meats 1201-05 Newcastle
hlOOO Union Abbott David C filling sta 2700 Norwich r500 I Abbott Herman J (Willie) ice mn Cleveland V Abbott h721
Egmont Abbott Jesse E (Kath) pres Home Furn Co Inc h501 Wolf Abbott Jesse E jr elk Home Furn Co Inc r501 Wolf Abbott John B (Bessie) furn 2628 Norwich h500 I Abbott John W slsmn Abbott Motor Co r Newcastle and Glou
cester Abbott Mary (wid Thos) r l l l l Oglethorpe Abbott Motor Co (Cleveland V Abbott) autos 2020-24 Nor
wich Abbott Reginald elk Home Furniture Co Inc r501 Wolf Abbott Vernon r l l l l Oglethorpe Abbott Woodrow r i l l Oglethorpe Abrams Isaac editor rl615 Reynolds Abrams John T (The Independent Ledger) rl615 Reynolds Abreu Francis L archt 406y2 Gloucester R6 r Sea Island
Beach Acosta H Cavata oiler Hercules Powder Co rl205 M Adams Florence waiter Parmelee's Cafe Adams Geo H (c) lab rl818 Lee Adams Herbert E puncher Hercules Powder Co r2128 Union Adams Jesse P (Bessie S) collr Whittle Furn Co Inc h2128
Union Adams John P student r2128 Union Adams Longie (Lizzie) lab h2301 L Adams Miriah jc ) hl409 I Adams Nancy (wid Arth L) hl200 1^ Adkins see also Atkins 4 Adkins Geo (c) lab h l l l l F


T e l. 9170
in Best
Sea Foods
Newcastle Street



1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161-162

Adkins Jas (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl601 G Adkins Rena B (c) lab rl601 G Adkinson Arth (c; Minnie) porter hl719 Wolf Adkinson Wm H (Eloise) pdlr r800 Egmont Afro American Life Insurance Co (c) Chester W Murray (c)
managing agt 1303y2 Gloucester AIKEN FRANK D (Buford K), Pres Glynn Ice and Coal Co
and Pres The Brunswick Bank & Trust Co, r StSimons Island, Tel 56 Aiken Hugh F (Claire) asst chemist The Atlantic Fefining Co h2006 Elm av AIKEN ISAAC M (Alice H), V-Pres-Cashr The Brunswick Bank & Trust Co, h802 London, Tel 516 Aikens Kenneth L (Eliz) eng Hercules Powder Co h711 Rich mond Akins Elsie (c) lndrs h917 Bartow Akra Sami (c; Lula) trimmer Hercules Powder Co hl911 Al bany Akridge Eliz (wid Henry A) h501 Dartmouth Albritton Viola W (c) maid h2107 Johnson Alderman Jas (c) r2129 Cochran av Alderman Lena (c) lndrs r2129 Cochran av ALDRICH FRED N (Bernice C), Physician (Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat), Andrews Bldg 5 0 7 Gloucester, Tel 319, h. 1811 Kay av, Tel 463 Alexander F A (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Alexander Louis (c) clnr Hercules Powder Co hl405 Wolf Alexander Maggie (c) h908 Amherst Alexander Maude Mrs marker C & O Dry Cleaners hl612 Union Alexander Pace (c; Easter) lab Hercules Powder Co hl815 Albany Alexander Susie (c) h i 120 Cochran av Alexander Victoria (c) r908 Lee Alexander Walter C (Maude) trav hl612 Union Alexander Walter M (c) lab h.2100 Gordon Alford Elzy (c) r3220 Franklin Alford Gladys (c) maid r3220 Frankiln Alford Jas (c; Patsy) lab h3220 Franklin Alford Nathan (c) lab r3220 Franklin Allen Allison G elk W T G rant Co rl311 Union Allen Annie (c) lndrs r2010 Wolf Allen Annie (c) maid rl214 Albany Allen Benj J (c; Annie) clnr Hercules Powder Co h2212 Cochran av
Allen Benj J jr (c) r2212 Cochran av Allen Calvin F (Maude) city police hl225 Egmont Allen Cora (wid Wm E) elk r609 H Allen Dan (Emma) lab The Atlantic Refining Co h8 Pine
(Arco) Allen E treater The Atlantic Refining Co Allen Elbert C (Courtney Q) formn Peoples Water Service Co
of Ga h800 Albemarle Allen Flora (c) r914 Albany Allen Henry (c) lab rl908 Albany Allen Herbert (c; Josephine) lab Gulf States Creosoting Co
hll04 G Allen Howard (c) lab rl214 Albany



Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Allen Jas (c; Matilda) lab Lang Planing Mill rl019 Stone wall
Allen John (c; Hazel) lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp h921 Stonewall
Allen John B student rl805 Norwich Allen Jonah (c; Betty) lab hl416 Wolf Allen Lula (c) lndrs rl320 Albany Allen Mary (c) rlll3 Amherst Allen Nell Mrs opr SouBellT&TCo r502 F Allen Roberta slswn S H Kress & Co rl805 Norwich Allen Rosa (wid Wm N) furn rms 608 G h do Allen Russell H hlpr O K Billiard Parlor r609 H Allen Sadie (c) cook rl214 Albany Allen Sami (c) lab r2202 Bartow Allen Wm (c; Lucinda) lab h2012 Amherst Allen Wm E (Mary) hl2 Sycamore (Arco) Allen Wm F (Nelle) lab Hercules Powder Co r2119 Cleborn, Allen Wm G (Hulda S) barber Ramsey's Barber Shop hl805
Norwich Alman Edw baker Vienna Bakery Alston Emma L (c) lndrs r3326 Brailsford av Altman Harry J (Birdie; Altman Shoe Store) h509 G Altman Isadore slsmn Altman Shoe Store r509 G Altman Sami mgr Altman Shoe Store r509 G Altman Shoe Store (Harry J Altman) 1505 Newcastle Alverson Robt (c) lab rl927 Cleborn Alverson Sarah (c) lndrs hl927 Cleborn American Legion Auxiliary meets Riflemans Armory Glou
cester cor Bay American Legion Post No 9 meets at Riflemans Armory
Gloucester cor Bay American National Insurance Co Roy R Youles agt 502y2
Gloucester R3 American Sugar Refining Co (Warehouse) Geo H Cook mgr
ft 5th av Ames Roland H (Elizabeth) pipe ftr Ga Pub Utilities Corp h
1210 George Ames Walter C (Mamie) eng Georgia Power Co hl415 Mag
nolia av Ammond Cleo fcty wkr r2404 Ellis Ammond Wm (Martha) h2404 Ellis Ammond Willie M r2404 Ellis Ammonds Chas H (Cina) hl619 Norwich Ammons Claude P (Serene) collr Independent Furn Co h
1200 Mansfield Ammons Ida (wid Sidney A) h609 H Ammons Kenneth E (Frances A) desk sergt City Police h
1907 Gloucester Ammons S M eng The Atlantic Refining Co Ammons Wm D (Verdie) lab Hercules Powder Co r Burns
ville (Arco) Anderson Allen J (c; Elnora) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl908
Gordon Anderson Allie (wid Martin A) hl201 George Anderson Andrew (c; Dora) lab h914 Stonewall Anderson Bessie hl406 Union Anderson Chas J (c) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co rl405

T e l.
Newcastle Street




: r.

. \

. . s'.





TEL. 135

Anderson Chas M (Pearl) still opr The Atlantic Refining Co h3l Dixie av (Arco)
Anderson Chester V hlpr Hercules Powder Co rl203 Albe marle
Anderson Clifford (Lois) opr Hercules Powder Co hl211 3d av
Anderson Dafine (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl928 Lee Anderson Dave (c) oiler Hercules Powder Co r2024 New
castle la Anderson Dolores sec to Jack J Lissner jr r601 Union Anderson Earl r601 Union Anderson Eliza (c) maid r2328 Albany Anderson Fannie (c) maid r2003 Cochran av Anderson Frank (c; Flossie) lab h2320 Albany Anderson Frank (c; Nancy) lab hl002 Albany Anderson Frank (c; Julia) lab hl008 Johnson Anderson Geo E (Estelle) lab Southern Ry r Dock Junction
Ga Anderson Henry (c; Dafine) lab hl928 Lee Anderson Jas B slsmn Isadore Schreiber rl201 George Anderson Jas J (c) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co r2621 Al
bany Anderson Jas W (Mildred) appr r601 Union Anderson Jeanette tchr Prep High Sch rl201 Union Anderson John (c; Bettie) lab hl525 Stonewall Anderson John lab rl200 L Anderson John I (Alice) r2225 Wolf Anderson John W (Odell) lab hl311 Prince Anderson Jos (c) lab Hercules Powder Co h2003 Cochran
Anderson Jos (c; Daisy) lab hl913 I Anderson Leona (c) maid r2005 Davis Anderson Lenora (c) rl017 Wolf Anderson Louise (c) lndrs rl503 F Anderson Louise k (wid Wm) h601 Union Anderson Lufenia (c) r929 Bartow Anderson Mabel (c) r922 Amherst Anderson Martha (c) lndrs r2403 Gordon Anderson Mary rl021 Wolf Anderson Mary Mrs rl519 Union Anderson Mary L (wid W Chester) hl203 Albemarle Anderson Ransom B (Florence) h501 F Anderson Rebecca (c) h l8 1 & y2 Amherst Anderson Roosevelt (c; Ilia) lab hl521 Amherst Anderson Viola (c) lndrs r2011 Newcastle la Anderson Wm (Lottie) inspr r912 Carpenter Anderson Wm (c; Eliza) lab h2328 Albany Anderson Wm (Nellie) lab h i 105 L Anderson Wm jr rll05 L Anderson Wm C archt hl408 Mansfield Anderson Wm H (Minnie) h729 Egmont Andress Rilla (c) r2017 Stonewall Andrews Building 507y2 Gloucester Andrews Cleo r2000 Union ANDREWS DRUG STORE (James L Andrews), Retail Drug
gist, Prescriptions 511 Gloucester, Tel 37 (See left top lines) Andrews Geo W (Annie) h2000 Union





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

ANDREWS JAMES L (Maude; Andrews Drug Store), h915 Egmont, Tel 539
Andrews John B (Bettie L) bldg contr 1801 Goodyear av h do
Andrews John D (Lucille) slsmn hl606 Gloucester Andrews Robt D (Sarah) hlpr r2000 Union Andrews Sadie accounting elk Ga Emergency Relief Admin
hl015 Union Andrews Spurgeon rl715 Reynolds Anthony David (c) lab rl705 L Anthony Edw (c; Anne) lab hl705 L Arco Colored School north end Magnolia (Arco) Arco Filling Station (Theopolis L Rick) es Norwich 1 s Dixie
av (Arco) Arco Methodist Church Dixie av nr 9th (Arco) Arco School Mrs Louise Connally prin 6 Dixie av (Arco) Armond Paul (c; Julia) longshoremn h2121 Amherst Armstrong Clarence (c) lab rl611 Lee Armstrong Geo (c; Ella) lab hll03 J Armstrong Geo E (c; Mary V) baker hl610 I Armstrong Henry (c; Lucille) lab The Downing Co hl409
Cochran av Armstrong J Henry (c; Dorothy) carrier PO hl720 Albany Armstrong J Thos (c; Dora B) barber 1728 Amherst hl800
G Armstrong Jonathan M (Ida T) dist mgr Ga Power Co h.922
Union Armstrong Learn (c) puller Hercules Powder Co rl722 Wolf Armstrong Lemuel (c; Dollie) lab hl812 Johnson Armstrong Mary (c) maid rl610 I Armstrong Matthew (c; Sarah) agt Pilgrim Health & Life
Ins Co h809 J Armstrong Roosevelt F (c; Canarah) baker Vienna Bakery
r!210 H Armstrong Sheridan (c) restr 12011 h do Armstrong Willie (c) lndrs rl610 Albany Arnett Edwin B mach Hercules Power Co r2800 L Arnette Wm R (Minnie) sawyer hlOll P Arnold Claude D (Bazelear) labi Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2810
Union Arnold J Milner (Vera M) elk Ga Creosoting Co h800 Monk Arnold Wallace (c; Eliz) lab r2204 Norwich la Artau Alice V (wid Lazarus) h628 Union Artau Delores E tchr r628 Union Arzie Wendel K (Mazie) butcher h2225 Dartmouth Asbell Dudley H h2425 Wolf Ash Roy (c; Lizzie) lab hl008 Albany Ashley Mary (c) dom h2115 Amherst Ashmore Geo H (Louise) oiler Hercules Powder Co h.2401
Talmadge av Atkins see also Adkins Atkins Alice G (c) h i 121 Cochran av Atkins Jas (c) lab rl929 Cleborn Atkinson Clare rl022 Carpenter Atkinson Cora (c) maid rl205 London Atkinson Elijah R (c; Cora) lab The Downing Co hl205 Lon
don Atkinson Eliz (wid Edw) r729 Grant Atkinson Isaiah (c; Burnett) lab hl801 London


A N D R E W S The Rexall Drug Store


"Save W ith Safety"
Prompt Deliveries TEL. 37

Atkinson Israel (c; Irene) lab hl518 Amherst Atkinson Jos (c; Lillie M) lab hl016 Lee Atkinson Jos P (c; Lucile M) carrier PO hl524 Albany Atkinson Loudester (c) ftcy wkr hl816 Stonewall Atkinson Mamie H cash Ga Power Co h729 Grant Atkinson Marie (c) lndrs rl512 Albany Atkinson Mary rl022 Carpenter Atkinson Mary (c) pract nurse hl207 Albany Atkinson Michl (c) h.1205 Egmont Atkinson Nancy (c) rl416 Wolf Atkinson Pauline (c) r2528 Albany Atkinson Rena (c) student rl207 Albany Atkinson Richd rl022 Carpenter Atkinson Sallie C (wid Wm H) hl022 Carpenter Atlanta Birmingham & Coast Ry Miles A Werner genl agt
1625 Newcastle Atlanta Life Insurance Co (c) Chas A Moore dist agt 13031/ 2
Gloucester Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co Hamilton K Lamb agt ft
ws Gloucester shops es Bay bet 1st and 2d av Atlantic Lodge No 82 F&AM Chapman K Curry sec meets
2d and 4th Monday 7:30 p m at Masonic Hall 1418y2 Newcastle ATLANTIC REFINING CO THE, M J Welsh Genl Mgr, "Arco" North of City Limits, Tel 1020 Atlantic Refining Co The filling stations 701 Gloucester 1624 and 2111 Norwich Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co (See Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co) Atwater Ellen (c) lndrs h2004 Stonewall Atwater Gertrude E (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch r2004 Stonewall Atwater Prince (c) delmn Phoenix Gro Co r2004 Stonewall Audingston Fred (c) lab rl013 Gordon Augusta July (c) r916 Albany Austin Arth (c) lab rl912 Albany Austin Arth (c; Charity) lab h921 Gordon Austin Arth L (c; Martha) lab h809 Howe Austin Ephram (c) rl912 Albany Austin Jas (c) dishwshr Plaza Cafe rlll4 Albany Austin John (c) rl9 0 9 V 2 Ellis la Austin John (c) lab rl201 F Austin Katie F Mrs cash Phoenix Gro Co rl519 Union Austin Mary (c) maid 1709 Norwich Austin Mertie B (c) rlOll Gordon Austin Phillip (c) hlpr Guy O Bryant r3101 Norwich Austin Sami (c) shoe shiner Earl C Landers r21Q4 Gordon Avera John B (Elise) phys 1503y2 Newcastle R205 h715 Rich mond Backus Lester gdnr Oglethorpe Hotel r Ball Pk Bacon Adeline (c) lndrs hl929 Davis Bacon Albert C (Harriette B) yd supt The Downing Co h509 George Bacon Gladys O (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2722 Albany Bacon Jos E (Mamie) hlOl George Bacon Leroy (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl722 Wolf Bacon Percy S (Sara G) asst supt The Downing Co hll05 George



Building Material

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Bacon Shelman (c; Gertrude) lab Hercules Powder Co hl312 Cochran av
Baggett Lois V opr Sou Bell T & T Co rl311 Union Bailey Abraham (c) fishermn rll21 Cochran av Bailey Alonzo (c) lab h2221 Gordon Bailey Amanda L (c) maid h2425 Lee Bailey Arvol E (Myra) dept mgr Coastal Chevrolet Corp h
1614 Union Bailey Callie h2810 Union Bailey Claude (c; Gladys) lab rl904 Albany Bailey David driver r707 Monk Bailey Ella (c) maid hl723 Lee Bailey Geo E (Annie) eng Georgia Power Co r729 Egmont Bailey Hattie (c) lndrs rll06 F Bailey Jerry (c; Flossie) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2108 Al
bany Bailey John H (c; Lillie) lab hl904 Albany Bailey John T (c) r824 Amherst Bailey Kate (wid David) r707 Monk Bailey Lee E (c) carp hl815 Reynolds Bailey Mary (c) rl017 Amherst Bailey Otis B (Thelma) inspr h424 Wolf Bailey Phoebe (c) cook rl811 G Bailey Wm H (Louise) atndt Gulf Refining Co rl527 Eg
mont Bailey Willie (Sallie M) agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co r
1325 Amherst Bailey York (c; Annie) hlQ17 Amherst Baker Amos (c; Eva) lab hl924 Gordon Baker Annie tchr Community Sch r RD Baker Beatrice (c) lndrs h921 Bartow Baker Birdie (c) maid rl317 Cochran av Baker Carrie E (wid Marcus A) furn rms 1107 Gloucester h
do Baker Chas (c; Nellie) porter rl916 Cochran av Baker Edna (c) maid 1618 Norwich Baker Francis A (Fenton B) slsmn Ga Power Co r611 Reyn
olds Baker Georgie A (c) elk Guaranty Life Ins Co rl701 Albany Baker Henry (c; Mattie) lab hl421 Cochran av Baker J (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Baker John W (Allie) fishermn h2313 Union Baker Leola (c) maid rl705 G Baker Lou (wid Jas Rogers) h Bartow sw cor 2d Baker Nellie (c) maid rl916 Cochran av Baker Ophelia (c) lndrs hl211 Amherst Baker Richd A (c; Geneva) lab Hercules Powder Co h2126
Wolf BAKER S W (Cora A), Automobile Dealer, Hudson, Terra-
plane and Willys 77 Motor Cars 602 Gloucester, Tel 414 hl406 Union, Tel 883 (See left top lines and page 22) Baker Sadie (c) maid rl318 Albany Baker Susie (c) fety wkr rl916 Wolf Baker Sylvester (c) r2007 Cochran av Baker Wm (c; Eliz) driver h2208 Amherst Baker Wm (c; Emma) lab The Downing Co Inc h2227 Am herst Baker Wm (c; Georgia A) lndrymn hl701 Albany Balden Sarah (c) maid r!714 Newcastle


MRS. LEE S. M A LLA R D , Pres.-Sc.-Treas. MRS. M A R IA N A. BROWN, Vice-President R. R. H O PKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals T a l 1 A

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403^2 Gloucester

I d a Aw

Baldwin Archie slswn S H Kress & Co rl407 Union Baldwin Geo (c; Lizzie) farmer h es Newcastle nr 2d BALDWIN JAMES D (Isabella; Baldwin & Edge), hl522
Richmond, Tel 517 Baldwin Wm P jr (Ruby) hlpr Hercules Powder Co rl527
Egmont BALDWIN & EDGE (Jas D Baldwin, Cecil E Edge), Funeral
Directors, Ambulance Service 1522 Richmond, Tel 517 (See back cover and page 26) Baltman Wm (c) lab rl705 G Bankers Health & Life Insurance Co Leo A Browne dist mgr 1419 Newcastle Banks Aaron (c; Mary) lab hl627 Johnson Banks Eliz (c) rlll9 Cochran av Banks Georgia (c) hlpr Brunswick Cafe hl714 Wolf Banks Harry (c; Ida) h2116 Amherst Banks Sarah (c) rl311 Amherst Banks Wm (c; Lucy) lab The Downing Company Inc rl210 Albany Bankston Byron E (Velma) electn hl612 Ellis Bankston Jas B millwright Lany Planing Mill hl600 Norwich Barbee Ira (Bertie) elk hl007 G Barber Carrie R r2015 Union Barber Dorothy Mrs r H L Conley Barber Lula (wid Burrell) h2015 Union Barber Matthew driver rl700 Kay av Barber N J (c) rl460 Wolf Barfield John F (Thelma) lab hl508 Carpenter Barker Benj A (Beatrice M) mgr Suwannee Store hl907 Norwich
Barker Geo F (Maude) eng The Atlantic Refining Co h8 Sycamore (Arco)
Barkuloo Willie D h.1021 Grant Barnaman Jacob (c; Clara) lab Hercules Powder Co hl802
Wolf Barnard Jos A (Delilah) lab h2320 Norwich Barnard Louis D (Reba) lab h2324y2 Ellis Barnard W E lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2326 Union Barnes Callie (c) maid 509 F Barnes Emily (c) maid r2115 Lee Barnes Essie (c) maid r2115 Lee Barnes Fannie (c) r2017 Lee Barnes Fred W (Marie) elk Ga Power Co hl514 Norwich apt
Barnes Geo (c; Amelia) atndt hl721 Lee Barnes Jas B (Maggie) h2322 Wolf Barnes Martha (c) cook Oglethorpe Hotel hl816 Wolf Barnes Theo (c) lab Kulman Orange Crush Bottling Co r
2115 Lee Barnes Varman (c; Emily) butler h2115 Lee Barnhill Chas F (L Belle) bndr Glover Bros Inc h901 G Barnhill Grocery Co (Chas F and M Frederica Barnhill) 2120
Norwich Barnhill M Frederica (Barnhill Gro Co) r2118 Norwich Barnwell Edw E (c; Essie L) lab rl826 Johnson Barr Chas H (Effie) lab hl402 Mansfield Barrett Colonel (c; Maude) lab hll07 H Barron John A (Mary L) chiropractor 502V2 Gloucester R8
hl407 Union apt 1



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

"W E FIX F L A T S " D o n 't Cuss-- C all U s

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
Gloucester and Ellis Sts.

Barswick T N lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Bartlett Jas O (Mamie) formn The Atlantic Refining Co h37
Dixie av (Arco) Baskin John (c; Bertha) longshoremn h2024 Wolf Baskins Geo E (c; Lucille) porter Ga Power Co hl308 Glou
cester Bates Aubrey R com rep r805 Monk Bates Benj H (Ella J) h805 Monk Bates Jessie (c) rl212 H Bates Jos driver New York Tailoring Shop r805 Monk Batten Clinton (Mary) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r Burns
ville (Arco) Batten Frank (Amanda) h i 109 Q Battle Carrie (c) rl410 Cochran av Battle Connie (c) barber Jesse L Battle r901 Cochran av Battle Jas L (c) lab The Downing Co Inc rl410 Cochran av Battle Jesse L (c; Vivian O) barber 1307 Gloucester rl311
Mansfield Battle Leander (c; Melvina) lab StJohns River Line Co hl420
Cochran av Battle Perry (c; Lizzie) janitor Glynn School r2111 John
son Battle Vivian O (c) tchr Colored Memorial School rl311
Mansfield Battles Howard E (c; Cynthia M) barber Wm M Floyd hl618
Lee Baumert Aug H (Kath) hl809 Reynolds Baumert Martha J opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co rl809 Reynolds BAUMGARTNER A F MRS (Glynn Water Gardens), r 6th
and Johnson, Tel 656 Baumgartner A VanHauten Mrs h4 Frederica sq Baumgartner Carrie (wid John) h719 Wolf Baumgartner Fred (Julie) r 6th and Johnson Baumgartner Henry C marine eng r719 Wolf Baumgartner Jack (Marion) slsmn hl520 Reynolds Baumgartner John slsmn Coastal Chevrolet Corp r719 Wolf Baumgartner Lotta r4 Frederica sq BAUMGARTNER M H (Brunswick Floral Co), h 6th and
Johnson, Tel 656 Baumgartner Marion Mrs rl528 Reynolds Baumgartner Rudolph T (Fannie) elk The Atlantic Refining
Co h2 W 9th (Arco) Bayley Wm P (Lillie M) boat wkr es Newcastle ft O h605
M Beach Frances P (wid Jacob L) elk Glynn County Tax Re
ceiver hl511 Egmont Beach Gerald (Lelia; Valona Shrimp Co) rl928 Union Beach Louis W (Annie) hl928 Union Beagle Anthony (c; Lucy) lab hl214 Albany Bean Edw supt Swift & Co rl519 Union Beard A Durant (Jerry) projectionist Community Theatre
Enterprises rl313y2 Newcastle Beard Barr A (Mamie) formn Hercules Powder Co rl026
Richmond Beard Jas T (Lillian) blrmkr Hercules Powder Co h2811 Wolf Beard Jerry Mrs doormn Community Theatre Enterprises
rl3131/2 Newcastle Bearde Alice h es 8th 2 w Hardee av (Arco) Bearden Algin H (Ida L) carp h!418 Reynolds





Sales and Service


Beasley Lydia (c) hl016 Johnson Beasley Sallie (wid Benj B) hl413 Ellis Beasley Wm E (Callie) marine mech h902 Oglethorpe BEATTY ROBT L (Floy), 2d V-Pres The Downing Co Inc h
920 Richmond, Tel 735 Beck Fred A (Hazel) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2208 Wolf Beck Geo A lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl203 M Beck Mollie (wid Robt) h i203 M Beck R Oscar lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl203 M Beck Sara tchr Purvis Grammar Sch r801 Monk Beckham Albert C driver Hercules Powder Co r Southern
Junction Ga Beckham Leroy R (Nellie) water tndr Hercules Powder Co
h3528 Cleveland av Beckham Louis (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Beckham Wm (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2223 Stonewall Beckworth Janie D r804 L Belcher Lula (c) maid The Sherman House rl409 Mansfield Belios Gus (Voula; Sanitary Cafe) h804 G Bell Alice (c) hl020 Gordon Bell Bus Lines Claude F Bell opr 1531 Newcastle Bell Claude F (Marjorie) opr Bell Bus Lines hl311 Egmont Bell Eula M (c) rl406 London Bell Henry M (Laura B) eng h2101 Atlanta av Bell J Amos (Amy) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2318 Reyn
olds Bell Jas (c) lab hl708 Lee Bell Jas B (Hayton) carp Brunswick Marine Constr Corp
h301 Wolf Bell Jesse (c; Virginia) blksmith hl407 Amherst Bell John D (Mildred) sawyer r2829 Norwich Bell Maggie (c) lndrs hl709 Gordon Bell Maggie student r301 Wolf Bell Mildred Mrs elk Archie E Johnson r2829 Norwich Bell Rufus V (Maggie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl012
Bell Wesley (c) r2115 Amherst Bell Wm H (Maudie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r Barns-
ville (Arco) Bellingrath Walter D v-pres Lerio Patent Cup Co r Mobile
Ala Belvin Lula (c) rl627 Wolf Benjamin Bertha (c) maid r2424 Gordon Benjamin Hattie (c) cook hl705 G Benjamin Inez (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl905 K Benjamin Lillie (c) lndrs hllOl J Benjamin Minnie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Benjamin Prince (c) lab hl905 K Benjamin Steve (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2424
Gordon Benjamin Susan (c) lndrs h2223 Stonewall Benjamin Wm (c) lab Hercules Powder Co h2019 Albany Benjamin Wm (c) lab h904 Amherst Benn Aphatrus (c; Julia) driver rl606 George BENNET L JULIAN (Margt W; Reese Scarlett Bennet &
Highsmith), Attorney-at-Law 1312y2 Newcastle, Tel 35, h502 London, Tel 156 Bennet Mary (wid Jos W) r502 London Bennett Andrew J lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2329 Ellis


In Sterilized Bottles




Tel. 144

Bennett Burney K lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2414 El lis
Bennett Elbert M r509 London Bennett Geo C (Mildred C) meat ctr h2419 Stonewall Bennett Geo W (Alice) formn Ga Veneer & Package Co h
2329 Ellis Bennett Germaine cash ACLRRCo r600 Monk Bennett Green B (Minnie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl008
Bennett Harry G (Modessa J) reprmn Ga Power Co h505 Howe
Bennett Jacob (c; Agnes) lab hl402 Prince Bennett Jas F (Jessie M) mgr Union Investment Co h2803
Norwich Bennett John E (Fannie) eng h509 London Bennett Jos (c; Maggie) hllOO H Bennett Josh T (Susie) eng h204 London Bennett Josh T jr electn r204 London Bennett Joyce elk Whilden's Shoe Store r2102 Union Bennett Kelly C (c; Annie B) dist mgr Guaranty Ins Co r
Needwood Bennett Leonard F (Iva M) city firemn r2102 Union Bennett Mamie (c) maid rl811 London Bennett Martha (c) hl811 London Bennett Minnie L (c) maid rl605 Ellis Bennett Paul M (Opal) auto mech H & H Service Sta h i 500
Gloucester Bennett Ralph V (Letha) mech Coastal Chevrolet Corp h
1815 Norwich Bennett Ruth (c) hll26 Cochran av Bennett Sadie tchr Community Sch r204 London Bennett Sank (c; Ada) mason hl406 Cochran av Bennett Sarah (wid Wm) h2312 Wolf Bennett T Edgar r301 Wolf BENNETTS DRUG STORE, Hoke S Brown Mgr, 1431-33
Newcastle cor Gloucester, Tel 253 Benson Frances D Mrs dental asst Dr H L Paris rl308 Union Benton Dolphus (c) lab rl325 Stonewall Benton Josephine (c) hl325 Stonewall Benton W Roy sta mgr Atlantic Refg Co rl709 Norwich Berrie Kenneth G (Ruby) elk PO r Darien rd at 4 Mile Post BERRIE RUBY MRS, Asst Sec Brunswick Board of Trade, r
Darien rd at 4 Mile Post Berry Lloyd (c; Evalena) lab Ga Creosoting Co hl625 Stone
wall Bethel Baptist Church (c) 1213 Albany Bethune Claude J (Mamie A; Brunswick Oil Sta) hl203y2
Newcastle Bethune Lena V slswn S H Kress & Co rl203y2 Newcastle Bethune Lillian W student rl203y2 Newcastle Bethune Mamie A Mrs slswn Isadore Schreiber hl203y2 New
castle Bethune Wm meat ctr Cleveland V Abbott rll25 Newcastle Bijou Cafe (Edw C Hyer) 1523 Newcastle Bijou Theatre 1313 Newcastle Bing Melvin W (c; Eliz) barber Wm M Floyd hl225 Albany Birdsey Flour Mills Geo A Owens mgr 1401 Newcastle Birdsong Thos B bottler Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling Co r
1204 Newcastle



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Bishop Geo (c) hl828 Amherst

Bishopp Dollie K captain The Salvation Army hl621 Union

Bisson Jimmie H (Anna L) city police rl627 Reynolds Blach Christina (c) lndrs rl225 Albany

Black Mell (wid Chas) rl205 Union

Black Wm M (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl708 Newcastle la

Blackberry Davis G hlpr Hercules Powder Co r RD

Blackburn Danl J (Ada) mach Hercules Powder Co hllOO Howe

Blackburn Evelyn rllOO Howe

Blackburn Thelma. R rllOO Howe

Blackwell Sarah slswn S H Kress & Co rl311 Egmont

Blain Maria C rl021 Grant

Blaine Lelia M (c) rl908 Gordon

Blaine Moses (c) lab rl9Q8 Gordon

Blair Eula rl925 Ellis

Blair Fannie Mrs h2202 Cleborn

Blair Wm H lab h2102 L

Blake Edwina E (c) maid rl411 Amherst

Blake Elias (c; Ruth) firemn hllOO I

Blake Jas W (c) lab rl411 Amherst

Blake Nelson (c; Helen) lab hl411 Amherst

Blake Robt (c; Laura) r20 Magnolia (Arco)

Blake Viola (c) lndrs hl920 Stonewall

Blash Ailey (c; Pearl) lab hl713 L

Blash Kermit (c; Evelyn) lab Hercules Powder Co h2010


Blay Mary E Mrs hl812 Newcastle

Blay Sidney rl812 Newcastle

Blidge Belle (c) maid rl919 Johnson



Blidge Janie*(c) r917 Gordon t t Q . P 'P

Blitch Geo 4 rl619 Reynolds *

Bloodworth Eugene N (c) barber Wm M Floyd rl904 Stone


Bloodworth John (c; Hattie) lab Coney & Parker Co hl821


Bloodworth Madelle rl821 Albany

Bloodworth Wm J (Ester L) atndt Standard Oil Co rl821 Al bany

Bloomfield Ernest (c; Mary L) hlpr Gillis Garage rl510 Al bany

Blount J B lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Blount Jas W (Maggie) formn h525 Wolf

Blue Anna M (c) hl318 Stonewall

Blue Ed (Rosa) h3400 Cochran av

Blue Gorum (c; Ellen) lab h2309 Albany

Blue Henry (c; Victoria) lab hl624 Norwich la

Blue Henry B (c; Mariah) lab Ga Creosoting So hl218 Ellis Blue Janie (c) rl016 Gordon

Blue Jos (c; Rosie) lab r2222 Stonewall

Blue Lester (c; Irelonia) lab hl018 Gordon

Blue Mamie (c) rl829 Bartow

Blue Mary (c) maid hl305 F

Blue Primus (c; Queen) lab h.2026 Cochran av

Blue Richd (c; Cora) lab h i906 Ellis

Blue Sarah (c) maid rl920 Bartow

Blue Wm (c) delmn John Katicas rllOO G

Blue Wm (c; Mary L) lab h2422 Lee



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TE L. 23

Bluestein Marjorie student rl411 Union Bluestein Sadie (wid Benj; Vienna Bakery) hl411 Union BOARD OF TRADE (See Brunswick Board of Trade) Boatwright Arvin lab rl523 Ellis Boatwright John (Nancy) pntr hl523 Ellis Bodani Wm X (Martha) tailor 500y2 Monk hl925 Ellis Boden Amanda (c) maid r2127 Bartow Bohanon Levi F (Alma) lab h Hopkins av Boisfeuillet Rosa (c) nurse Glynn County Bd of Health
rl504 F Boland Cullen K instr S H Kress & Co r903 Monk Bolding Agnes F (wid Wm B) r806 Mansfield Bommera Rosalie (wid Chris) tel opr rl826 Norwich Bonaman Allen (c) lab r2012 Johnson Bone Della Mrs hsekpr Oglethorpe Hotel rl021 Union Bonnell Chas H (M Eliz) rl611 Niles av Booe Levitt P (Hester) musician hl413 Lee Booker Burdell rl07 Albemarle Booker Contcis lab rl07 Albemarle Booker Horace B hl704 Albemarle Booker John W (Anne M) blr mkr h711 Ellis Booker Jos W (Mary) hl07 Albemarle Boom Josephine (c) lndrs hl510 Albany Boone Ida rll08 R Boone John lab hll08 R Boone Robt E (Agnes) tender Hercules Powder Co h2721
Booth John M (Lizzie) pntr h2523 Johnson Borchardt Jos (Minnie G) h505 Norwich Borchardt Rachel (wid Rayford) rl316 Union Borchardt Rayford elk Rogers Inc rl316 Union Boston Lander (c) lab rl6Q0 H Boston Margt (c) lndrs rl312 Amherst Boston Rosalie (c) lndrs rl710 Albany Boston Roy J (Sarah) eng Glynn County Bd of Health rl302
Union Bourne Lois C tchr Glynn Sch r Chappel Crossing Bourne Vernon C (Edna) slsmn H C Roughton Co r Chappel
Crossing Ga Bourne Wm B (Gertrude) slsmn hl323 Union Bowden Anna L (c) rl306 Wolf Bowden Aurora M (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl306
Wolf Bowden Beatrice Mrs (c) baker Vienna Bakery hl621 Lee Bowden Christine (c) rl621 Lee Bowden Lucy E (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl306 Wolf Bowden Miles (c; Clara M) lab hl420 Albany Bowden Nicy (c) rl306 Wolf Bowden Willie (c; Minnie) prsr Morgans Dry Cleaning Co
h i 115 Amherst Bowen Bernard elk r2315 Ellis Bowen Carlie (wid Geo) h2315 Ellis Bowen Clarence W driver r709V2 K Bowen Francis M atndt Standard Oil Co r Herbert A Mul-
anson Bowen Frank L (Jennie) meat ctr Norwich St Meat Mkt h
709i/2 K Bowen Lottie (c) maid r2213 Stonewall Bowen Nancy L (c) maid r2002 Gordon

Served 3 000 Satisfied Customers Last Year
Bowen Walter M (Mazie) carp hl908 Newcastle Bowens Isaac (c; Sadie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl405 L Bowens Pinkie (c) rlll8 Albany Bowens Rita (c) h i 118 Albany Bowens Serena (c) cook hl917 Cleborn Bowick Henry A (Clara B) mech Gould Motor Co rl204 New
castle Bowles Minnie (c) beauty opr hl617 Lee Bowles Sun (c; Arlene) lab hl912 Stonewall Bowman Wm (c) hl304 Cochran av Boy Scouts of America V H Royal exec Meeting Hall New
castle troop No 2 601 George Boyd Martha (c) hll07 I Boyett Chester A (Alice) mech Ga Creosoting Co h.623 Coch
ran av Boyett Lily waitress Palmetto Tourist Camp Boyser John (c; Dolly) lab rl21l F Brackette J Brown (Betty) h904 Oglethorpe Bradham G W lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Bradham Henry (Carrie) h3406 Gladstone av Bradham John B (Ada) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl900
Union Bradham Viola waiter Parmelee's Cafe rl900 Union Bradham Walter R (Christine) inspr h710 4th Bradley Danl (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2012 John
son Bradley Euletha (c) h i 925 Cleborn Bradley Lillie (c) maid r923 Reynolds Bradley Wm M (c; Eliz) lab hl906 J Bradnack Mamie (wid Geo) rl813 Macon av Bradwell Lucinda (c) rl417 Wolf Brady Cornelia nurse rl402 Sycamore av Brady Jas W (Amanda E) slsmn, Arth P Leotis hl402 Syca
more av Brady Rosa (c) grader Ga Veneer & pkg Co h2129 Albany Brady Ruth nurse rl402 Sycamore av Brady Susie (c) r2129 Albany Brailey Apartments 1514 Norwich Branch Alton S (Marie L) pharm h i 107 Gloucester Branch Azzerlie (c) cook Palmetto Tourist Camp r2158
Wolf Branch Ennis (c) r2518 Wolf Branch Herbert (c; Bennie) h2518 Wolf Branch Wesley (c; Azalie) r2518 Wolf Brandies Arth H (Fannie E) lab hl05 Dartmouth Branham Harris M (Daisy T) phys 22 Glynn av h do Branham Harris M jr r22 Glynn av Branic Wm (c; Bessie) lab hl909 Gordon Brannon Marion T Mrs h2028 Union Brasell Doney Mrs hl017 Johnson Braswell R T mech Brunswick Marine Constr Corp Braswell Ralph mach South Atlantic Marine Co Brawton Danl (c) hl021 Lee Breedlove John (c; Lela) lab hl810 Ellis la Breland Ethridge L (Maggie) electn Hercules Powder Co h
2208 Newcastle Breland Glenarvan B swtchmn Hercules Powder Co rl205
Brett Andrew J (Lee) pdlr hl309 1st av


Radiator Repairing

w '!S S S ? S "2 S S &



! 1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Brewer Allison lab r2403 Talmadge av Brewer Kelly (c; Annie M) lab h2016 Amherst Brice Lee (c; Jeannette) lab Gulf States Creosoting Co h
1912 Amherst Bridger Alice (wid Jas) h2323 Ellis Bridger Jas lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2323 Ellis Bridger John opr r2323 Ellis Bridwell Robt M (Bessie) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co h2208
Norwich Briggs Courtland H (Edna) hlpr Swift & Co h lll5 Ogle
thorpe Bright John B (c) lab rl320 Cochran av Bright Peal L sten Parker Realty Co r Chappel Crossing Brinker Chas M (Irma) slsmn hl606 Union Brinson Julia (wid Jas) r2117 Cleborn Brinson Lucy (c) maid h2210 Barton Brito Antonio (c; Sarah) janitor hl026 Stonewall Britt Chas C (Emma) blrmkr The Atlantic Refining Co hl5
Dixie av (Arco) Britt Harry D (Myrtle) tester The Atlantic Refining Co h i
W 9th Britt Helen G sten Hopkins Mutual Ins Agcy rl5 Dixie av
(Arco) Britt Mozella (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Britton A Mack driver r2610 Albany Britton Mary A cigar mkr Prim Cigar Factory Broach Ed (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Broach Lula M (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Broach Maggie (c) rl300 Wolf Broach Thelma (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Broadwater Susie Mrs hl212 Reynolds Brock Ernest D meat ctr r2620 Newcastle Brock Geo L (Rilla) fishermn h2601 Union Brock Jas W lab rl526 Newcastle apt 5 Brock John T fishermn r2620 Newcastle Brock Mary C (wid W Horace) h.2102 Newcastle Brock Roy H (Ada) r2102 Newcastle Brock Wm E flagmn r2102 Newcastle Brock Wm E (c; Lillian I) lab r2226 Johnson Brockington Alf A pilot r StSimons Island Ga Brockington Frances (wid Sami) r629 Nowich Brockington Geo (c) hl202 London Brockington Hazel rlOOO Satilla sq Brockington Raymond student rlOOO Satilla sq Brockington Sami jr (c; Victoria) delmn Andrews Drug
Store hl223 Albany Brockington Sami A (Medora) pilot hlOOO Satilla sq Brockington Walter W (Arabella) pilot h629 Norwich Brogsdale Anderson (c; Julia) sealer Hercules Powder Co h
1625 Lee Brogsdale Bennie (c) shoe shiner Thos Poole r Arco Brooker Annie (wid Jas M) rl210 Mansfield Brooks Beesley (c) lab rl811 Ellis la Brooks Chas (c; Frances) lab The Downing Co h i 805 Ellis
la Brooks Elijah (c; Lovey) lab hl421 Albany Brooks Esther L (c) maid rl821 Albany Brooks Floy E (wid Wm T) bkpr Ga Emergency Relief Ad
min h2411 Norwich






2 0 8 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

Brooker Jas P city treas City Hall hl409 Egmont Brooks John O (c; Mittie) lab hl807 Ellis la Brooks Josephine tchr Glynn Academy r809 Monk Brooks Lonnie M (c; Alma) lab Gulf States Creosoting Co h
1818 Wolf Brooks Louis J (c; Florida) ins agt h i600 Lee Brooks Mittie (c) cook Glynn County Jail rl807 Ellis la Broughton Emerson (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl809 Bar
tow Broughton Shirley (c; Ella) lab The Downing Co Inc h502
H Brower Hobson rl627 Reynolds Brown Ada (c) cook hl413 Amherst Brown Addie L Mrs rl304 Mansfield Brown Adele r l l W 9th (Arco) Brown Agnes B slswn F W Woolworth Co r718 Amherst Brown Andrew (c; Lou I) porter Gould Motor Co hl220
Wolf Brown Anna M (c) smstrs h807 Howe Brown Arnita (wid Chas M) h.503 N Brown B B (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Brown Beatrice (c) rl613 Amherst Brown Belle (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2009 Johnson Brown Beulah M rl520 Reynolds Brown Burrell T r202 Albany Brown Chas (Bertha) bldg contr 1318 Union h do Brown Christie L (c) cook rl817 Gordon Brown Christopher C (c; Viola) lab hl817 Gordon Brown Clinton D gro 1012 Bay r do Brown Clyde r711 Georgia Brown Daisy (wid Robt C) h718 Amherst Brown Della cook Royal Hotel rlOlO G Brown Doyle J (Gladys) slsmn Gould Motor Co r Bijou Apts Brown Dupont H (Johnnie) lab r2320 Norwich Brown Earline waiter rl520 Reynolds Brown Edw (c; Nola) cooper Downing Co h2209 Newcastle la Brown Eliz (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Brown Eliz (c) maid 900 Union Brown Eliz slswn Guarantee Shop rl810 Niles av Brown Ella (wid Herman) rl807 Reynolds Brown Ellen (c) midwife 2900 Wolf h do Brown Eloise beauty opr Oglethorpe Hotel rl612 Union Brown Emma (c) maid rl526 Stonewall Brown Ephriam (c) rl406 Amherst Brown Ethel M (c) rl016 Lee Brown Felix (c) lab hl909 Newcastle Brown Florie (c) lndrs hl705 H Brown Fred T (Anne J) tchr Glynn Academy h2301 Atlan
tic av Brown Fredk C (Mary) carp h205 Albany Brown Fredk T carp r205 Albany Brown Geo (c) lab rll25 Wolf Brown Geo M (c) delmn r2017 Lee Brown Hattie (c) rl918 Wolf Brown Henry (c) firemn Ga Creosoting Co rl518 Cochran av Brown Hoke S (Ruth C) mgr Bennett's Drug Store h905
Union Brown House The (Mrs Anna M Nelson) furn rms 711 Glou



City of Brunswick County of Glynn


State of Georgia United States of America

Brown Hoyt W (Frances) eng Hercules Powder Co hl811 F

Brown Ida (c) lndrs r2100 Gordon

Brown Jas (c) rl600 H

Brown Jas (c; Geraldine) h924 Wolf

Brown Jas A (Ruby) opr h ll W 9th (Arco)

Brown Jas C r l l W 9th (Arco)

Brown Jas L (Vernisha) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co h

15131/2 Ellis

Brown Janie (c) rll22 Wolf

Brown Jerry B (c; Luther M) barber hl802 Cochran av

Brown Joanna (c) maid rl817 Gordon

Brown John B (c) rl413 Amherst

Brown John P (Alla M) elk PO r RD

Brown Jos (c; Docia) r2114 Albany

Brown Jos (c) lab hl719 Albany

Brown Jos (c) lab rl406 Amherst

Brown Jos (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl919 Gordon

Brown Jos H (Isabelle) lab hl319 Ellis

Brown Leah K hl026 Richmond

Brown Lee (c) maid rl817 Gordon

Brown Lela (c) maid rl424 Amherst

Brown Leo A (Sara A) dist mgr Bankers Health & Life Ins

Co h2207 G

Brown Leon (c) bell boy Royal Hotel rll09!/2 Albany

Brown Leon B (Essie M) carp hl323 Ellis

Brown Lewis (c; Anna B) lab hl919 Gordon

Brown Lillian (c) lndrs r2214 Amherst

Brown Lillian M (wid Ort) h2204 Cochran av

Brown Lillie (c) lndrs hl806 Amherst

Brown Lillie G (c) lndrs rl913 Cochran av

Brown Lonnie S (Erlene) lab r503 N

Brown Louis (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co

Brown Lucy (c) lndrs r2900 Wolf

Brown Lula (c) cook Edo Miller hl704 Newcastle

Brown Lula Mrs pbx opr The Atlantic Refining Co hl307


Brown Lyle rl318 Union

Brown Mack (c) lab h lll9 Albany

Brown Major D (c; Josie) brklyr h3203 Brailsford av

Brown Marguerite r2204 Cochran av

Brown Maria (c) lndrs h rear 2308 Stonewall

BROWN MARIAN A (wid Solomon K), V-Pres Consolidated

Realty Co, rl301 Dartmouth

Brown Marie (c) rl411 George

Brown Mary (c) rl410 Wolf

Brown Mary (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co

Brown Mattie (c) rl311 London

Brown Medad D (c) bell boy Oglethorpe Hotel rl817 Gor


Brown Melinda (c) r Smart Collins

Brown Minnie (c) lndrs hl907 Wolf

Brown Mollie (c) hl919 Amherst

Brown Mose (c) lab r ll 19 Stonewall

Brown Moses (c) lab hl710 Albany

Brown Moses (cl student rl600 H

Brown Nona (c) maid 1620 Norwich

Brown Norwood G (Cath) electn h i923 Ellis

Brown Otis doormn Community Theatre Enterprises rl421



T e l. 9170
Newcastle Street




1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161-162

Brown Pearl (c) cook r2004 Bartow Brown Peter (c) ydmn rl310 Stonewall Brown Powell (c; Florence) orderly hl311 London Brown Powell (c) lab h2008 Bartow Brown Rachel (c) cook Rish's Pharmacy hl406 Amherst Brown Rena (c) h2024 Newcastle la Brown Robt (c) lab rl710 Albany Brown Robt (Mary) firemn Georgia Power Co hl929 Ellis Brown Robt (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Brown Robt B (c; Georgia) lab hl014 Johnson Brown Robt G banking Natl Bank of Brunswick r718 Am
herst Brown Robt M (Lula) bicycle repr 1305 George hl307 do Brown Robt T Rev (c; Lucy A) h2017 Lee Brown Robt T jr (c) firemn r2017 Lee Brown Roscoe (c; Marie) h2029 Cochran av Brown S Hadley (Ethel D) real est 1503& Reynolds R1 h4
Glynn av Brown Sami (c) lab rl607 Amherst Brown Sami (c) lab r2900 Wolf Brown Simon E (Juanita) carp r205 Albany Brown Steph (c; Janie) h925 Albany Brown Susie (wid Simon H) h202 Albany Brown Ulysses (c; Pearl) lab h2026 Lee Brown Vida (c) lndrs h i 823 Cochran av Brown Virginia (c) lndrs h2005 Wolf Brown Vonice elk W T Grant Co r718 Amherst Brown Wilhelmina (c) h901 Cochran av Brown Wm (c) framer Gulf States Cresoting Co rl207 Am
herst Brown Wm (c) lab r2229 Cleborn Brown Wm (c) lab rl415 Wolf Brown Wm F elk GtA&PTeaCo rl627 Reynolds Brown Willie M (c) h l l l l Albany Brown Winnifred (wid Geo) hl200 Union BROWNE CHAS F (F Irene; Phoenix Grocery Co), h!724
Norwich, Tel 576 Browne Hoke S elk Phoenix Gro Co rl724 Norwich Browne Jeff D (Nell) elk Phoenix Gro Co hl720 Norwich Browne Robt S (Helen A) broker hlOOl Gloucester apt 2 Browne Troy B (Mary E) elk Phoenix Gro Co h607 H Browning Artie J (Louette) lab hl822 Newcastle la Browning Clayton W barber r J B Tankersley Browning John H rl7 Dixie av (Arco) Browning Leon H pipeftr Hercules Powder Co rl606 Glou
cester Browning Lillian (wid Harry H) r509 Prince Browning Marie E sten The Atlantic Refg Co rl7 Dixie av
(Arco) Browning Thos J (Marion) pharm Andrews Drug Store r
1602 Gloucester
Browning Thos M (Rosalie) still opr The Atlantic Refg Co h27 Dixie av (Arco)
Browning Viola (wid Henry F) postmstr (Arco) hl7 Dixie av (Arco)
Bruand Nora (wid Chas) r2301 Ellis Bruand Sami B (Ada T) printer News Pub Co hl624 Johnson



Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Bruand Wm A (Daisy M) collr C McGarvey Inc r502 D art mouth
Bruce Eliz C Mrs pres YWCA r Sea Island Bruce Helen tchr Prep High Sch r!201 Union Bruce J Robt (Cath M) lawyer 406y2 Gloucester R4 r Sea
Island Beach Brunegraff Benj A mach Brunswick Marine Constr Corp
r RD 1 Brunegraff Marie M slswn S H Kress & Co r RD 1 Brunson Sarah E (wid J C) marker C & O Dry Clnrs h2003
BRUNSWICK BANK & TRUST CO THE, Frank D Aiken Pres, Michael J Welsh V-Pres, Isaac M Aiken V-Pres-Cashier, Wm E Geiger Asst Cashier and Trust Officer, 1419 New castle, Tel 33 (See back cover and page 3)
Brunswick Bank & Trust Co (Arco Branch) Dixie av nw cor 9th (Arco)
Brunswick Billiard Parlor (Patk Horan) 1602 Newcastle BRUNSWICK BOARD OF TRADE, T L Huston Pres, E H
Diemmer 1st V-Pres, A S Kloss 2d V-Pres, I M Aiken Treas, Richd C Job Managing Sec, Mrs Ruby Berrie Asst Sec, Glynn av and StSimons Highway, Tel 236 BRUNSWICK CAFE, Tom Thomas Prop, Jerry Leonidas Mgr, Sea Foods and Western Steaks, 1420 Newcastle, Tel 9170 (See left and right side lines)
Brunswick Chapter No 66 RAM J O Taylor sec meets 1st and 3d Fridays at 8 p m at Masonic Temple
CITY HALL, 1229 Newcastle Board of Education Clarence B Greer pres Norwich bet
Monk and Mansfield Building Inspector's Office Winfield C Towles City Hall
1229 Newcastle City Court Hon Eustace Butts judge 2d fl Court House CITY HOSPITAL, Richard C Job Mgr, Bertha Smith Supt
Nurses, 529 Norwich, Tel 171 Fire Dept John H Harrison chf 1210 Newcastle Growers Market 502 Mansfield Incinerator John T Holmes in charge Watkins se cor M Jail 1308 Richmond MANAGER'S OFFICE, Fernando J Torras Manager, City
Hall 1229 Newcastle, Tel 448 Meat Inspection Dept Dr Chas H Ellis jr inspr 1307 Reyn
olds Police Dept Jas E Register chf 1308 Richmond Public Works Dept Wm H Slaughter supt 1309 Reynolds Secretary's Office Hugh Burford city sec City Hall 1229
Newcastle Sewerage Pumping Station 1301 Reynolds Tax Assessor Rob Roy MacGregor City Hall 1229 New
castle Treasurer's Office Jas P Brooks treas City Hall 1229 New-
BRUNSWICK COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, Millard A Cope land Pres, Millard A Copeland Jr Sec-Genl Mgr, Bot tlers and Distributors of Coca-Cola, 508 Mansfield, Tel 144 (See right top lines)

T e l. 9170
Specializing in
Sea Foods
Newcastle Street




TEL. 135

Brunswick Council No 20 JOUA A L Strayer rec sec meets every Tuesday evening 1513 Newcastle
Brunswick Development Co Max Isaac (New York City) pres Fred Pfeiffer sec real est 1329 Newcastle
Brunswick Fisheries Inc (Danl A Krauss) ft London BRUNSWICK FLORAL CO (M H Baumgartner), Florists, Cut
Flowers, Plants, Shrubbery, Greenhouses and Sales Of fice 6th and Johnson, Tel 656 (See page 25) Brunswick Funeral Home (c; Wendell P Holmes) 1101 I Brunswick Golf Course 1403 Palmetto av BRUNSWICK HARDWARE CO, Richard Y Smith Pres, Guy H Walker V-Pres, Richard A Gould Sec-Treas, Hard ware, Building Materials, Paints, Sporting Goods, 505507 Gloucester, Tels 53 and 54 (See page 2) BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, Thos McFaden Mgr, 1510 Rich mond, Tel 31 (See front cover and page 30) Brunswick Lodge No 79 Royal Order of Moose Dr Harry D Cummings sec meets every Friday night 8 p m at 1302 Bay Brunswick Lodge No 691 BPOE J E Lambright sec meets every Thursday night at Elks Home 1509 Union Brunswick Manor Apartments 1001 Gloucester Brunswick Marine Construction Corp Wm H Montgomery genl mgr ft Dartmouth Brunswick Maude (c) h lll2 Wolf
BRUNSWICK NEWS THE, C H Leavy Pres-Editor, 1604 New castle, Tel 188 (See page 31)
Brunswick Office Supply Co (Henry G Johnson, Lucy Olsen) 1514 Newcastle
Brunswick Oil Station (Claude J Bethune) 200 Gloucester Brunswick Pilot Assn Wm Loback sec 1124 Bay Brunswick Public Library Mrs Eleanor B Stiles librarian 1229
Newcastle Brunswick Riflemen Armory Gloucester cor Bay Brunswick Shoe Repair Shop (Sotirin Bros) 1306y> Glou
cester Brunswick Studio (Verna L Frink) photog 1317 Newcastle Brunswick Tailoring Co Matthew Stuart (c) mgr 508 Monk Brunswick Visitors Club The (Operated by Chamber of Com
merce) Glynn av and StSimons hwy Bryan Alex (c; May M) lab Hercules Powder Co h2100 Lee Bryan Curdy (c) maid rl814y2 Amherst Bryan Luscius (c; Gertie) lab h i 814y2 Amherst Bryant Angeline (c) maid rl512 K Bryant Baptist Church (c) 1100 F Bryant Curtis (c) lab rl512 K Bryant Fleming B (c; Angeline) lab The Downing Co hl512
K Bryant Gracie (c) rl304 Cochran av Bryant Gussie (c) lndrs r2024 Newcastle la Bryant Guy O (Irene) fruits 3101 Norwich h3404 Treville av Bryant Leland S (Ethel) guard The Atlantic Refg Co hlO W
9th (Arco)
Bryant Lester (c) lab The Downing Co rl304 Cochran av Bryant Lundon (c; Annie) lab hl206 Ellis Bryant Marie E (c) maid rl206 Albany Bryant Maude (c) maid hl809 Ellis la





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Bryant Max C (c; Penny O) porter Gould Motor Co hl419 Albany
Bryant Pinkney (c; Mary) lab hl722 Newcastle la Bryant Rachel (c) hl003y2 Albany Bryant Rufus (c; Ida) lab Hercules Powder Co h.1508 Am
herst Bryant Theo (c) rlll4 Albany Bryant Wm (c; Lucille) rlll8 Wolf Buchanan Ernestine (c) r l l l l Amherst Buchanan Neal (c; Leslie) lab h l l l l Amherst Buggs Clarence C (c; Willie L) tchr rl311 Mansfield Buggs Honorine M (c) maid rl405 Amherst Buggs Jas S (c; Lula C) bldg contr 1405 Amherst h do Buggs John W (Leonora V) phys 1305/2 Gloucester hl311
Mansfield BUICK MOTOR CAR DEALER, Gannaway Motor Co Inc,
1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See back cover and page 3) Bullard Eliza (c) lndrs h805 H Bullard Wm (Ada) lab h2119 Stacy Bullock Louise (c) restr 1311 K h do Bullock Raymond C atndt Gould Amoco Sta rl619 Reynolds Bunkley Edw rll08 Mansfield Bunkley Gertrude M sten The Downing Co Inc rl201 Union Bunkley Horace r501 N Bunkley J Alvin (Annie L) pntr hl522 Ellis Bunkley Mary E Mrs rl522 Ellis Bunkley May J tchr Glynn Academy r827 Union Bunkley Mildred sten Parker Burroughs & Way Ins Co rl200
Prince Bunkley R Lee jr (Maude) eng Parker Towing Co rlll2 Rich
mond Bunkley Richd W (Bertie) h501 N Bunkley Robt T (Edith S) elk h i 108 Mansfield Bunkley Walter J (Bettie) displaymn A J Gordon Dept Store
hl629 Union BUNKLEY WM C (Edna M), Locksmith and Gunsmith, Safe
Expert, All Work Guaranteed, 202 Monk bet Oglethorpe and Grant, h do Bunkley Wm H (Minnie) lab h609 J Bunkley Wm W elk Womack's Mkt r609 J Burch Dora (c) hl724 Newcastle la Burch Omer E (Ora L) asst chf City Police Dept h.603 Nor wich Burford Ashton rl014 Richmond Burford Benj A (Henrietta S) pharm Andrews Drug Store h lll3 Union BURFORD EDW, Attorney-at-Law, 203 Dunwody Bldg 15031/2 Newcastle, Tel 220, rl017 Egmont, Tel 77 Burford Gertrude (wid Robt E L) hl017 Egmont Burford Henrietta S Mrs tchr Glynn Sch h i 113 Union Burford Hugh city sec City Hall rl014 Richmond Burford Mary K (wid Hugh) hl014 Richmond BURFORD ROBT S (Mae), Physician, Andrews Bldg 507Vk Gloucester, Tel 255, hl017 Egmont, Tel 77 Burgay Edith C (wid Hamilton K) h809 G Burgay Edith J r809 G Burgay Henrietta (wid Henry) r206 George Burgess Arth (c) rl728 Wolf


A N D R E W S The flexall Drug Store


"Save W ith Safety"
Prompt Deliveries
TEL. 37

Burgess Carlton D soda dispenser Rish's Pharmacy rl601 Union
Burgess Carrie K (wid Geo N) hl601 Union Burgess Georgia sten rl601 Union Burgess John E prin Prep High Sch r903 Monk Burgess Marie (c) lndrs r3001 Wolf Burgess Roy E (Marie) sailor r75 Hardee av (Arco) Burgess Stella (c) lndrs rl720 Norwich la Burgess T B (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl722 Stonewall Burgess Thos (c; Bertha) lab h2227 Albany Burk Irvine (Helen) mech hl206 3d av Burke Annie (c) maid r2017 Stonewall Burke Jake (c; Pinkie) lab hl222 Albany Burke Jos (c) lab r2017 Stonewall Burkes Sherman (c; Marie) lab rl425 Cochran av Burkhalter Mary C (wid Jas J) rl312 Union Burkhimer Mary (wid John) smstrs r806 Mansfield Burks Pauline prin Community Sch r RD Burnett Ada W (wid Julian) h i 103 Egmont Burnett Edgar (c) lab rl604 Lee Burnett John (c) lab rl604 Lee Burney Andrew J (Mary) gro 2328 Union h do Burney Jas L Rev (c; Ella) pastor Shiloh Baptist Ch hl406
Monk Burney L lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2314 Union Burney Peter (c; Amanda) lab hl304i/2 Oglethorpe Burney Robt B (Hassie) florist h328 Albany Burns Alton F (Hortense) elk Hercules Powder Co h509
Prince Burns Body Shop (Thos B and Jennings R Burns) 1315
Grant Burns Jas F (Fannie) butcher r Burnsville (Arco) Burns Jennings R (Mary D; Burns Body Shop) hl600 Union Burns Luther L (Maude) pntr h2315 Union Burns Mary E (c) maid hl703 L Burns Thos B blksmith 1316 Oglethorpe rl205 M Burns Thos M (c; Bertha) carp rl703 L Burr Wm (c; Lottie) lab hl519 Stonewall Burrison Wm L (c) lab The Downing Co rl716 Albany Burrough Corer (c) lab rl723 Stonewall Burroughs Davis (c) r2124 Albany Burroughs Ellen (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co BURROUGHS MAC H (Eliza Mcl), Pres Parker, Burroughs
& Way, h708 Howe, Tel 650 Burroughs Richd W (c; Sarah R) lab hl611 F Burroughs Viola E (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl611 F Burrus Wm (c) lab rl716 Albany Burts Theron E (Agnes) slsmgr Gould Motor Co h720 Union Bush Louise (c) lndrs rl916 Cochran av Butler Annie (c) lndrs hl325 Amherst Butler Aretha (c) r918 Gordon Butler Austin (c) lab h919 Cochran av Butler Bessie M (c) rll20 Amherst Butler Chas A (Nettie) h311 Wolf Butler Chas C lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl311 Albemarle Butler Chas C (Sadie) slsmn rl518 Norwich Butler Chas H (Ruth) eng Ga Power Co hl616 Union Butler Charlotte slswn S H Kress & Co r428 Albany



Coaly Coke and Wood

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Butler Cooper (c) lab rl715 Wolf Butler E lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl311 Albemarle Butler Fred B (c) r803 H Butler Lena (c) rl207 Egmont Butler Mildred E sten Coastal Chevrolet Corp rl616 Union Butler Rachel (c) smstrs hl608 G Butler Richd C (Lottie) carp hl200 3d av Butler Ruth Mrs smstrs A J Gordon Dept Store h i 616 Union Butler Sami (c) hlpr rl722 Wolf Butts Eustace Hon judge Brunswick City Court r Blythe
Island Butts Lucile h i 125 Union Byard Abr (c) lab rlOlO Gordon Byard Jas (c; Addie) lab hlOlO Gordon Byard Walter (c) lab rlOlO Gordon Byers Marshall S (Eliz) supvr Hercules Powder Co hl407
Palmetto av Bynes Comer (c) hlpr rl728 Wolf Bynes Edw (c; Mabel) lab hl728 Wolf Bynum Edwin elk Rogers Inc rll02 London Byrd John (c; Victoria) filling sta 1328 and wood 1324 Al
bany hl412 do Byrd Mirtie (c) maid hl008 Cochran Byrd Stella (c) lndrs hl604 Lee Byrd & Hall Undertaking Co Inc (c) John Byrd pres-treas
Benj J Gibbs v-pres David D Hall sec 1412 Albany Byrne Eliz hsekpr 1120 Newcastle Byrne Laurel E Mrs slswn J C Penney Co rl629 Union C & O DRY CLEANERS, Thos McFaden Mgr, 1515 Reynolds,
Tel 711 (See front cover and page 24) Cafiero Louis mgr L P Maggioni & Co r711 Gloucester Cail Frank (c; Sarah) hlpr Geo Baldwin Cain Furniture Co (Thos L Cain) 1409 Gloucester Cain Sarah L (c) hl916 Cochran av Cain Thos L (Cain Furn Co) hl409 Gloucester Caldwell Chester D (Helen) mstr mech The Atlantic Refg Co
h47 Dixie av (Arco) Calfee Donald elk Ricks & Stuckey r2610 Albany Calhoun Dora C (wid John C) h808 Monk Califf Isaac (c; Nancy N) porter Mortons Auto Service hl202
Albany Callaway Walter P (Ivylyn) slsmgr Duggan Motor Co r805
3d av Calnan Bridget M rl604 Union Calnan Cornelius T jr (Daisy) elk HerculesTowder Co hl811
Goodyear av Calnan Jas J (Gladys E) slsmn hl807 Goodyear av Calnan Mary V (wid Cornelius T) hl604 Union Calvary Meeting House Rev Leonard M Rouse pastor 111
Darten Cameron John D (c) cooper Downing Co hl826 Johnson Cameron Lillie E (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl826 John
son Cameron Ollie (c) stevedore rl407 Albany Camilla Flora (wid Chas) hl606 Ellis Camilla Mary rl606 Ellis Campbell Adam (c) lab h2108 Gordon Campbell Addie (c) r901 Cochran av


MRS. LEE S. M A LLA R D, Pres.-Seo.-Treas. MRS. M A R IA N A. BROWN, Vice-President R. R. H O PKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Tel. 10 Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

4031/2 Gloucester

Campbell Frank H (Sue) electn Taylor Elec Co h lll2 Reyn olds
Campbell Havalla (c) hl606 George Campbell J Wesley mldr Brunswick Marine Constr Corp Campbell Janie Mrs r609 H Campbell Lewis (Alvina) mason hl07 Dartmouth Campbell Mary (c) lndrs hl007 I Campbell Nellie (c) rl510 London Campbell Peter J (c; Ella) lab hl608 Newcastle la Campbell Walter (c; Ella B) fishermn h2202 Newcastle Cannon Jos B (c; Sallie) lab rl922 Albany Cannon Robt (Tempie) lab rll05 P Canty Jas (c) lab The Downing Co rl409 Cochran av Capes Luila (c) cook r2112 Cochran av Capps Wm (c) lab hl804 Wolf Carey Jas P (Myrtle) carp r204 Howe Carlin Chas R tester The Atlantic Refg Co r2303 Norwich Carlin Edith M mus tchr 2303 Norwich rd o Carlin Jas H (Nellie) range It kpr h2303 Norwich Carlton Wm M elk Southern Tire & Supply Co r StSimons
Island Caron Cynthia slswn S H Kress & Co r RD 2 Carpenter Maria (c) h918 Amherst Carr John J atndt Texas Oil Co rlll3 Grant Carraway Purvis (wid Benj) hl05y2 Monk Carroll Allen C (Iva) gro Glynn av 14 n Hopkins av h901 I Carroll Arth G Rev (Effie) pastor The Church of God hl828
Reynolds Carroll Arth G jr lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl828 Reynolds Carroll Nelson fctywkr rl828 Reynolds Carroll Wm G (Lucy M) U S dep Colir of Customs h708
Richmond Carroll Wm P (c) elk r2328 Bartow Carruthers Gerald M asst to Dr J P Harrell rl606 Kay av Carruthers Jos S (Charlotte G) U S associate eng hl606
Kay av Carswell Geo (c) lab Hercules Powder Co Carswell Martha (c) hl821 Wolf Carswell Thos (c; Susie) firemn Parker Towing Co rl!04
Stonewall Carswell Viola L (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl821 Wolf Carswell Walter D slsmn The Texas Co rl82i Kay av Carswell Wm (c) lab Lazarus & Co Inc rl821 Wolf Carter Alice L Mrs cash Southern Bell Tel & Teleg Co r501
Dartmouth Carter Anna (c) lndrs hl807 Gordon Carter Anna B (c) rl304 Cochran av Carter Bernice (c) rl607 Monk Carter Chas (c; Rosa L) hll22 Ellis Carter David L (c; Thelma) vehiclemn Ry Exp Agcy hl407
Cochran av Carter Dunwoody (Tresa) driver StJohns River Line Co r RD
17 Carter Estelle r2301 Albany Carter Isaac (c) puncher Hercules Powder Co rl809 Bartow Carter Isadore (c; Pauline) lab h.2119 Amherst Carter John (c) tender Hercules Powder Co rl706 Albany Carter John R (Hattie) meats 2301 Albany h do



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

"W E FIX F L A T S " D o n 't Cuss-- C all U s

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
G loucester and Ellis Sts.

Carter John R (c; Verdella) puller Hercules Powder Co h 2904 Albany
Carter Julius H (Alice L) banking Natl Bank of Brunswick r501 Dartmouth
Carter Kelly M (Margt) delmn Cleveland V Abbott rl811 Albemarle
Carter Mae (c) h2123 Cochran av Carter Maude (c) maid Royal Hotel rl412 Wolf Carter Osborn (c; Maude) lab rl412 Wolf Carter Peter r912 Oglethorpe Carter Ralph elk J R Carter r2301 Albany Carter Steven (c) lab r921 Amherst Carver A Cleveland (Mary P) lab hl212y2 Reynolds Carver Geo (Phyllis) lab The Atlantic Refg Co hl4 Magnolia
(Arco) Carver J G v-pres Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Glynn av extd Carver Maurice (c; Alberta) lab rl320 Cochran av Casey Fuller B (Jewell M; Royal Hotel) hl614 Newcastle Cash Calvin (c; Marian) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl718
Albany Cash Roosevelt (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl718 Albany Cason Alvin B (Hester) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2308 Reyn
Cason Rilzie E beauty opr Elite Beauty Shop rlll9 New castle
Cason S Reppard hlpr r2424 Ellis Cassell John (c; Essie) sealer Hercules Powder Co hl516
Amherst Cassels Mark A (c; Mabel H) dentist 1303y2 Gloucester hl700
Wolf Cassey Andrew J (c) rl917 Bartow Cassidy Earl E rl503 4th Cassidy Eula H (wid Geo E) hl503 4th Cassidy Geo W rl503 4th Cassidy John J (Dora I) carp h2600 Ellis Cate Henry restr 1700 Norwich rl803 do Cate Margt D (wid Gus V) h901 H Cate Vassa (Cecil; Cate's Drug Store) hl803 Norwich Cate Vassa jr student rl803 Norwich Cate's Drug Store (Vassa Cate) 1801 Norwich Cato Abr (c; Hattie) hlpr Peoples Water Service Co of Ga
hl218 Wolf Cauley Geo H driver Glovers Taxi & U-Drive-It rl804 New
castle Cauley Harley lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Cauley Lula (wid John) hl804 Newcastle Cauley Pearl M sten Grantham Ins Agcy rl804 Newcastle Cauley Sami F (Mae) tester The Atlantic Refg Co h709 F Causey Maggie (c) smstrs h2719 Albany Cave Wayman W (Thelma) auto mech hl200 Mansfield Cayson Elmira L (c) cook hl314 Amherst Cease Bishop (c) lab h2105 Cochran av Central Mercantile Co Lanier Hyers mgr furn 1828 Wolf gro
1204 I Cepok Arundel carp hl750 Goodyear av Chalker Chesterfield (Emma) h2115 Reynolds Chalker Lloyd H driver Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling Co
r2115 Reynolds





Sales and Service


Chalker Ottis D (Rita) elk Allen C Carroll r2115 Reynolds Chalker Sallie r2115 Reynolds Chalker Wm R driver Gulf Refg Co r2115 Reynolds CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Tillinghast L Huston Pres, Edw
H Diemmer V-Pres, Arthur S Kloss 2d V-Pres, Isaac M Aiken Treas, Richd C Job Managing Sec, Mrs Rubie Berrie Asst Sec, Glynn av and StSimons Hwy Chamblers Addie (c) maid r2026 Stonewall Chamblers Wm J (c; Addie) lab h2026 Stonewall Chambles Jas (c) lab h2010 Johnson Chambles Minnie (c) rl617 Lee Chambles Robt (c; Rosa L) lab h2019 Bartow Chambles Sami (c) lab r2010 Johnson Chambles Thos (c) lab r2010 Johnson Chambliss Eva M (c) rl210 G Chambliss Fannie M (wid Benj B) hl413 Stonewall Chambliss Susie rl413 Stonewall Champion Carrie rl815 Union Champion Ernest M (Agnes) whse mgr hl415 Egmont Champion Thos C (Ethel) fruits 1111 H h i 109 do Champion Thos O pdlr hl815 Union Chancy Dewey (Beckie) wtchmn h603 Cochran av Chancy Wm (Cassie) firemn h601 Cochran av Chander A G (c; Sarah) h2727 Stonewall Chandler Arinethel (c) maid hl813 Johnson Chandler Ed D (c) r2727 Stonewall Chandler Fletcher (c; Annie) lab h2311 Albany Chandler R (c) framer Gulf States Creosoting Co Chaney Doyle (c; Mable) lab Hercules Powder Co hl422 Albany
Chaney Eug (c; Genetta) tender Hercules Powder Co hl505 G
Chaney Louis (c; Dora) rll06 Wolf Chaney Mary (c) rlll7 Albany Chaney Rosetta L (c) cook hl204 Albany Channel Fred (c) lab rl712 Gordon Chapel Lula (c) rl204 Albany Chapman Wm T (c; Wilbia M) phys 1300y2 Gloucester hl626
Chapman Wm T jr rl626 Albany Chappel Edw (c; Sallie) lab h917 Amherst Chappel Lizzie (c) r800 Amherst Chasten Thos (c; Debora) carp hl821 Lee Cheek Mathew G (Margt E) pipeftr Ga Pub Utilities Corp
h2109 Union Cheney G W Holmes (Frances) phys 708 London h do Cherrio Grill (Mrs Leslie O Smith) 1600 Newcastle Cherry Booker T (c) student rl613 Stonewall Cherry Otha D (c) student rl613 Stonewall Cherry Sami (c; Melvina) lab hl613 Stonewall Chester Jas E (Mary) carp h2007 Ellis CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS, Coastal Chevrolet Corp Deal
ers, 1002-04 Gloucester, Tels 161 and 162 (See left top lines and page 22) Chilton C H pres Coastal Chevrolet Corp China Zephram rl610 Niles av Chiot Pierce B atndt Gulf Refg Co r Savannah hwy Chipp Janie B (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl722 Wolf


DRINK In Sterilized Bottles




Tel. 144

Chipp Lonnie (c; Idelle) lab Hercules Powder Co hl911V2 Bartow
Chipp Sadie (c) maid rl912 Lee Chipp Van (c; Janie B) lab Hercules Powder Co hl722 Wolf Chipp Wm (c; Emma) lab Miller Lbr & Supply Co hl912 Lee Chissam Sadie (c) maid rl721 Cochran av Chitty Clements E (Marie M) driver Five Transportation Co
hl314 Reynolds Chitty Helen (c) maid rll25 Amherst Chitty Jos L (Eliz) toll opr h409 G Christian Science Society Belle Priddy librarian 502V2 Glou
cester R4 Christie Ainsley (wid Alf) hl901 F Christien Wm T pntr r808 Richmond Christopher Maude (c) hlOOO Cochran av CHRYSLER MOTOR CARS (Duggan Motor Co Dealers),
Gloucester cor Union opp Post Office, Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22) CHURCH AUGUSTUS L (L Bella), Pres Georgia Veneer & Package Co, V-Pres The National Bank of Brunswick, h815 Union, Tel 815 Church Jennie B (wid Bishop S) h3220 Norwich Church of Christ 1526 Johnson Church of God The Rev Melvin S Pitman pastor 2128 Ellis Church of God The 2718 Ellis Church of God The Rev Arth G Carroll pastor 2817 Ellis Church of Jesus Christ 109 Dartmouth City Barber Shop (Chas W Lane) 502 Gloucester CITY DIRECTORY, R L Polk & Co Publishers, Atlanta, Ga City Drug Store (Fred M Lockwood) 1330 Newcastle City Fruit Store (John Pappageorge) 1325 Newcastle CITY HALL, 1229 Newcastle City Investment Co (Herman H Jackson) 1403y2 Newcastle City News Stand (Richd W Peters jr) 1522 Newcastle
CITY OF BRUNSWICK (See Brunswick--City of) City Transfer Co (Arlie E Fiveash) 301 Gloucester Clack Dave jr pipe coverer Hercules Powder Co Clack Forrest M (Blanche) pipe coverer Hercules Powder Co
h2305 Albany Clarence Minnie (c) lndrs h2120 Wolf Clarence Wm (c) h2011 Amherst Clark Adelia C (wid J Willis) hl702 Norwich Clark Almira (wid Thos) r211 Dartmouth Clark Annie O (c) ins agt Atlanta Life Ins Co hl004 Albany Clark Aretha (c) maid r2217 Cleveland Clark Benj (c; Emma C) lab h22l7 Cleborn Clark Bert B (Ida M) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl205 Reyn
olds Clark Bertha (c) cook Oglethorpe Hotel r922 Amherst Clark Bessie (c) hl301 J Clark Body Shop (Wm B Clark) 1712 Newcastle Clark Calvin (c) lab Glynn Ice & Coal Co rl416 Wolf Clark Cath E sten r809 Monk Clark Cecil (Aurie B) mgr WUTelCo r901 F Clark Clarence (c) lab rl625 Wolf Clark Della (c) maid r2401 Johnson Clark Dennie M (c) r2119 Cochran av Clark Eliza (wid Henry) rll09 P



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Clark Ernest (c; Mattie M) soft drinks 110 Monk h2019 Lee Clark Essie M (c) maid r2217 Cleborn Clark Everett L fishermn r600 Amherst Clark Fergus (c; Gussie) lab hl401 J Clark Fredk J r809 Monk Clark Geo (c) rl301 J Clark Geo (c) lab rl707 Albany Clark Geo W (c; Laura) lab Hercules Powder Co hl506 Am
herst Clark Gladys r211 Dartmouth Clark Harold V agt Gulf Life Ins Co rl606 Reynolds Clark Henry jr (c; Bertha) lab hl508 Cochran av Clark Irby W (Anna M) lab r2317 Cleborn Clark Jacob F (Annie F) fishermn h604 Oglethorpe Clark Jas lab h211 Dartmouth Clark Jas A (Minnie E) h809 Monk Clark John B elk J W Crosby Dept Store r2210 Ellis Clark John H (Lizzie) formn Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hll09 P Clark John J (Ora) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2210 Ellis Clark Leroy (c) puncher Hercules Powder Co rl620 Wolf Clark Lucy (c) lndrs h2119 Cochran av Clark Malinda Mrs h912 Oglethorpe Clark Minnie (c) rl801 London Clark Mollie (c) maid h2222 Stonewall Clark Napoleon B rl701 Niles av Clark Nathaniel J (Cornelia) h610 Oglethorpe Clark Nephi carp Hercules Powder Co r514 Amherst Clark Renick O (Vernon T) slsmn W A O'Quinn r503 George Clark Robt L jr (Lucille) driver hl606 Newcastle la Clark Roxie (c) r2024 Newcastle la Clark Stella (c) maid Oglethorpe Hotel r2401 Johnson Clark Thelma r903 Lee Clark Thos H (c; Beulah) r2122 Albany Clark Thos N (Annie) wtchmn h600 Amherst Clark Valeska r2403 Talmadge av Clark Vernon T Mrs cash C & O Dry Clnrs r503 George Clark Vincent r2210 Ellis Clark Wm B (Exie; Clark Body Shop) hl810 Newcastle Clark Wm C (Myrtle) fishermn h611 Grant Clark Wm H (c; Letitia) lab hl617 Wolf Clark Wm M (Liller F) lab h2317 Cleborn Clark Wm P (Jeannette A) logging supt Ga Veneer & Pkg Co
hl712 Wilson av Clark Wm R (Frances) lab h2406 Newcastle la Clark Willie (c; Jessie M) lab Hercules Powder Co h lll5
Clary David A (Vicey) carp hl416 Reynolds Clary Emmett S (Virginia) barber 2702 Norwich h2624 do Clattenburge Lizzie (wid Geo) r2102 L Clayton Thos R (Lorene) bodymn Burns Body Shop hl303
Clements Jas (c; Nellie L) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2024 Cochran av
Clements Wilson W barber Dixie av nw cor 9th (Arco) r Chappell Cross
Clemmens Lee H lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl500 Gloucester Cleveland Frances tchr Prep High Sch r!200 Union


General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TE L. 23

Clinch Sami (c; Minnie) lab Ga Creosoting Co hl717 Stonewell
Cloer John W (Docia) gro 2703 Norwich h2729 Wolf CLOISTER GARAGE, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 632 CLOISTER HOTEL, Operated by Sea Island Co, Sea Island,
Ga, Tel 600 (See page 34) Clubb Jas A h706 K Coastal Auto Wrecking Co Leo Lazarus mgr es Glynn av 2 n
K Coastal Brokerage Co Edwin Fendig pres food products 1511
Newcastle 2d fl COASTAL CHEVROLET CORP, J L Owens V-Pres-Genl Mgr,
Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, General Motors Service, 1002-1004 Gloucester, Tels 161 and 162 (See left top lines and page
Cobb Dorothy (c) maid rl912 Wolf Cobb Eunice (c) rlO Pine (Arco) Cobb Frank (c; Lurelia) lab rl912 Amherst Cobb Wm (c; Alice) lab The Atlantic Refg Co hlO Pine
(Arco) Coburn Alma (c) nurse Oglethorpe Hotel rl612 Newcastle la Coburn Edw (c; Alma) hl612 Newcastle la COCA-COLA (See Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling Co) Cofer Jadie G opr WUTelCo rl712 Ellis COGDELL COLON J, Attorney-at-Law, 1316!/2 Newcastle, Tel
330, r St Simons Island Cohen Abr (Mary) mgr Cohen's Dept Store hl608 Norwich Cohen Chas slsmn rl608 Norwich Cohen Helen dishwasher Plaza Cafe rl308 Gloucester Cohen Jos (The Style Shoppe) hl608 Norwich Cohen Louis asst mgr Cohen's Dept Store rl608 Norwich Cohen Mary Mrs (Cohen's Dept Store) rl608 Norwich Cohen Morris bkpr Cohen's Dept Store rl608 Norwich
COHEN'S DEPARTMENT STORE (Mrs Mary Cohen), Ladies' and Men's Ready-to-Wear, Shoes and Furnishings, 1405 Newcastle, Tel 303
Cole Chas (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Cole Edw lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Cole Thos (c; Susie) lab rl424 Albany Cole Vernon nurse City Hosp Coleman David B (Emma) guard The Atlantic Refg Co h2l25
Reynolds Coleman David B jr slsmn r2125 Reynolds Coleman Dorothy L (c) student rl513 Stonewall Coleman Frank Rev (c; Evergreen) pastor Welcome Baptist
Ch hl900 Lee Coleman Hubert H (c) student rl513 Stonewall Coleman Iney V (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl513 Stone
wall Coleman Irvin (c; Mary) lab hl523 Amherst Coleman Jas C (Neta) county police Glynn Co Police Dept
h809 I Coleman Lawrence W (c; Arah) barber Wm M Floyd rl513
Stonewall Coleman Lawrence W jr (c) student rl513 Stonewall Coleman Robt L (Susie) carp h2428 Wolf Coleman Wm I (Susan) cooper Downing Co h2026 Newcastle Colesberry Nellie M h!417 Egmont

Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year
Collard Elijah (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Collier Porter (c; Cornelia) lab Hercules Powder Co h929
Gordon Collier Priscilla tchr Glynn Academy rl200 Union Collins Austin (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r Smart Collins Collins Clara (c) rl004 Amherst Collins Edmond E (Effie) guard The Atlantic Refg Co h5
Dixie av (Arco) Collins Edw (c; Mae) lab hl004 Amherst Collins Eug (Mary) h2415 Ellis Collins Geo (c; Lillian) restr 1718 Amherst hl720 do Collins Herbert (c; Sarah) puller Hercules Powder Co hl506
George Collins Jas W (Valeria) bldg contr 814 Carpenter h do Collins Jos (Ellen) hl807 Reynolds Collins Jos R carrier r5 Dixie av (Arco) Collins Julia (c) cook hl417 Amherst Collins Martha (c) hll07 J Collins Robt (c; Coralee) lab hl322 Oglethorpe Collins Smart (Annie) h ns S 1 e Lee Collins Sophie Mrs h i 107 1st av Collins Wm (c) cooper Downing Co r2117 Amherst Colonial Oil Co Danl C Cowart agt ws Bay 3 s Albemarle fill
sta 2129 Norwich Colored Memorial School Cornelius V Troup prin (c) ws Al
bany bet H and I Colson Jas T (Willodeen F) lawyer 1314i/2 Newcastle h824
Albany Colson Jas T jr student r824 Albany Colson Willodeen r824 Albany Colter Benj (c) lab h2025 Johnson Colter Benj (c; Kate) lab hl015 Lee Colter Randolph (c) lab rl015 Lee Colter Thos (c; Clara) lab h i014 Lee Colton Randolph (c) delmn Peter Portulas Colvert Elijah (c; Renelda) lab h2126 Amherst Colvert Geo (Nola) fishermn h2406 Norwich Comer Louis C (c; Annie) hl300 Stonewall Community Theatres Enterprises operating Bijou and Ritz
Theatres Mrs Alma W King mgr 1528 Newcastle COMPTON J D, V-Pres-Genl Mgr Sea Island Co, Office Sea
Island, Ga, Tel 613 Cone Sarah C tchr Glynn Sch r820 Richmond Cone Virginia E opr WUTelCo rl308 Union Cone W V mech Coastal Chevrolet Corp CONEY & PARKER CO INC, Harry du Bignon Parker Pres-
Treas, Don R Roberts V-Pres-Sec, Wholesale and Retail FaLDea.Iers' Builders Supplies, Roofing, 1129 Bay, Tel 17 (See right top lines and page 24) Conley Harley L (Valilia) lab h ws N Glynn av 2 n Hopkins av Conley John R (Claudie) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2422 Norwich Conley Jos lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Conn Webb (Martha) phys 1801 Norwich hl322 Union Connally Louise Mrs prin Arco Sch r728 Union Conner Levie D (Pearl) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r510 Howe Conoley Ethel r915 Union


Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Conoley John J (Kezia) h915 Union Conoley Kezzie r915 Union CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, Mrs Lee S Mallard Pres-Sec-
Treas, Mrs Marian A Brown V-Pres, R R Hopkins Sales Manager, Real Estate and General Insurance, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403 Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33) Conyers Christopher B (Kath H; Conyers & Gowen) h910 Union
CONYERS & GOWEN (Christopher B Conyers, Chas L Gow en), Attorneys-at-Law, 1-2 Lane Bldg 502^ Gloucester, Tel 133
Cook Badford r Herbert A Mulanson Cook Edna L Mrs hl803 F Cook Edw J elk Earl E Walker r201 Wolf Cook Fredk (Wyolene) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h521 Wolf Cook Geo H (Helen) whse mgr Am Sugar Refg Co h807 Al
bany Cook Geo H jr laboratory asst Hercules Powder Co r807 ,
Albany Cook Hugh B r809 G Cook Jas M elk A&PTeaCo r201 Wolf Cook John hlpr Hercules Powder Co Cook John J Rev (c; Dorthula) pastor StAndrews A M E Ch
hl205 K Cook L Haskell (Annie) hlpr Hercules Powder Co hl904
Union Cook Lynwood O (Nell O) agt Industrial Life & Health Ins
Co r610 Newcastle
Cook Paul H elk rl803 F Cook Rosalia E (wid Duncan C) r809 G Cooke Eliz M (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl513 Stonewall Cooler Wm R (Suller) driver h2800 Newcastle Cooper Beatrice (c) rl005 Albany Cooper Cath (c) drsmkr 1700 Wolf r do Cooper Clemmie (c) rll23 Albany Cooper Henry (c) lab r2108 Gordon Cooper John (c) rl005 Albany Cooper Lincoln (c; Mary) puller Hercules Powder Co hl926
Wolf Cooper Margt (c) rl203 I Cooper Matilda (c) maid h921 Amherst Cooper Nathaniel (c) lab rl719 Albany Cooper Robt O (c; Susie) porter hl712 Stonewall Cooper Wm (c) waiter Royal Hotel rl529 Albany Cooper Wm H (Lillie B) mach Hercules Powder Co h819
Grant Cooper Zach L (c; Mary) lab Hercules Powder Co hl404 I Cope Myers (Hattie) lab r 1916 Newcastle Copeland Carl L (Lucille) driver hl914 Reynolds Copeland Herbert D (Helen) city police hl206 Mansfield Copeland Isabella (c) rl610 Lee Copeland Luvetta C (c) cook rl610 Lee Copeland Manufacturing Co (Millard A, Millard A Copeland
jr and Wm A Whittle) 1218 Richmond Copeland Maybelle (c) cook rl710 Newcastle COPELAND MILLARD A (Willie), Pres Brunswick Coca-
Cola Bottling Co, h729 Union, Tel 728






2 08 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

COPELAND MILLARD A JR (Claire), Sec-Genl Mgr Bruns wick Coca-Cola Bottling Co, h501 Dartmouth, Tel 356
Copeland Richd (c; Roberta) lab hl213i/2 Amherst Copeland Robt (c; Cornelia) clnr Hercules Powder Co hl710
Newcastle Copeland Thos (c; Bettie) rl710 Newcastle Copps Arline (c) rl818 Amherst Copps John (c) rl818 Amherst Coralan Sarah (wid Thos) h503 H Corbett Archie C (Mary C) h2107 Norwich Corbett Wm C (Nolie) elk ACLRRCo h905 G Corbett Wm M (Cervera) auto mech Duggan Motor Co h503
George Cornelious Isabella (c) lndrs hl929 Cleborn Cornelius Maggie (c) maid rl915 Cleborn Cornelius Myrtle sten Guarantee Shop rl6l9 Reynolds Correll Alston D (Eliz F) slsmn J C Penney Co hl228 Carp
enter Cothran Wyman lab Lerio Patent Cup Co r Dock Junction
RD 1 Cotretsos Andrew elk Arth Tilles rll06 L Cottingham Robt A formn Harley Barrel Co r Blythe Island Coulter Kinzie (c; Marie) lab hl605 G Counts Geo (Mabel) tender Hercules Powder Co h901 L COUNTY OF GLYNN (See Glynn--County of) Courson Edw D (Lillian) hlpr h es Norwich 2 n 7th (Arco) COURT HOUSE, G between Reynolds and Ellis Courvoisier Hath (wid Harry C) r902 Wright sq Cowan Louise tchr Arco Sch r721 Grant Cowart Anthony M elk Hercules Powder Co L nr Glynn av Cowart Danl C agt Colonial Oil Co rl412 Union Cowart Geo B lawyer 403V2 Gloucester R210 hl514 Norwich
apt 12 Cowart Jos B (Dorothy) h2224 Albany Cowart Lydia (wid Danl) rl4l2 Union Cowart Tommie L cash Oglethorpe Hotel rl420 Union Cowart Wm J (Mabel) atndt Standard Oil Co hl017 Albany Cowen Levi E (Esther) slsmn rl702 Norwich Cowman Angeline E cash J C Penney Co rl923 Ellis Cowman Geo F (Ruth M) formn Geo W Cowman h2214 Ellis Cowman Geo W (Josephine) bldg contr 2300 Newcastle h901
Cowman John H (Tallulah) electn The Atlantic Refg Co h7 W 9th (Arco)
Cowman Ruth G (wid Fred) hl516 Union Cox Annie H Mrs r2212 Wolf Cox Arth B (Louise) lab rlOOl Q Cox Brooker J (Emma G) elk Royal Hotel h i 608 Reynolds Cox Edith H student r2105 Union Cox Jas B (Mary) hlOQl Q Cox Jos L elk r2105 Union Cox Mylow J (Ida) carp h2105 Union Cox Nedith V student r2105 Union Cox Wm D (Edna) pile driver h2212 Wolf Cramer Viola (c) maid Oglethorpe Hotel hl319 Amherst CRANDALL HARDWARE CO (W F Crandall), General Hard
ware, Builders Supplies, Sherwin-Williams Paints, 2123 Norwich, Tel 23 (See right top lines)



Pl \ oc car ut l ir va *c *.

0RneemaDinosl,aYrou0rust of Ten


Crandall Jas E elk Crandall Hdw Co rl606 Reynolds CRANDALL W F (Annette; Crandall Hardware Co), h2ll8
Norwich, Tel 149 Cranford Homer C (Bettye M) auto mech hl015 O Cranford Locke L (Louise; Modern Dry Clnrs) h802 Albe
marle Cranshaw A J millwright Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Cravey Trelice (wid Loche) slswn Cohen's h601 1st av Crawford Arth E (Willie J) guard hl526 Norwich Crawford Arth E jr rl526 Norwich Crawford Frank D beverages 1600 Albany rl601 Newcastle Crawford Frank G barber 1425 Newcastle rl601 Newcastle Crawford H C mech Gould Motor Co Crawford Marion (c; Lela) lab hl928 Cochran av Crawford Wm B mgr Piggly-Wiggly rl716 Ellis Cray Ezra C (c; Mabelle) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hll22i
Amherst Creach Charlotte (c) rl605 London Creighton John H (c) lab rl812 Lee Crews Chas elk r2312 Union Crews Edw (Gerthie L) carp h2312 Union Crews Lyman trucker Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Crews N N hlpr The Atlantic Refg Co Crews Robt C auto mech r2404 Union Crews Stanley L (Sallie) h2404 Union Cribb Benj elk Cribbs Gro rl415 Stonewall Cribb E Columbus (Susie) collr hl415 Stonewall Cribb Ernest (Nellie B; Cribb's Gro) hl900 Wilson av Cribb Oliver carp rl415 Stonewall Cribb Viola L (wid Milel L) rl900 Wilson av
CRIBB'S GROCERY (Ernest Cribb), Groceries and Meats, Retail, Quality and Service, 1412-14 Gloucester, Tels 26 and 27
Crine Robt V pres North Star Dairies Inc r Cairo Ga Crisp Daisy waiter h2125 Johnson Crittenden Clarence (c; Sarah) lab The Downing Co h2211
Bartow Crittenden Theo R (c; Louise) janitor StJoseph's Sch h2100
L Croft Carl E (Floura T) inspr Glynn County Bd of Health r
22081/2 Norwich Croft Carl E (Velma) toolrm kpr Hercules Powder Co hl823
Union Croft Ralph V (Cordelia) driver Five Transportation Co h
2020 Wolf Crolley Walter (c; Ophelia) h2205 Albany Crook John W (c) hlpr r2107 Amherst Crosby A F lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r Norwich Crosby C C lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2704 Newcastle Crosby Emory h2826 Norwich Crosby Ethel H Mrs (Milady's Beauty Shop) hl526 New
castle apt 6 Crosby Geo E (Katie) eng h i 128 Richmond Crosby J W Dept Store (John W Crosby) 2128 Norwich Crosby John W (Henrietta; J W Crosby Dept Store) h2209
Norwich Crosby Leila (wid Roy) hl017 Cochran av 6 Crosby Lillian (wid Wm H) smstrs r2002 Reynolds



T el. 9170


1002 Gloucester St.


phone 161-162

Crosby Luby E (Annie L) fruits 1921 Norwich h do

Crosby Myron E (Irene A) supt Gulf States Creosotmg Co r

Chappel's Crossing

Crosby Vernon C (Ethel H) elk J W Crosby Dept Store hl526

Newcastle apt 6

Cross Batista (wid Manuel) rlll9 Grant

H Cross Celia (wid Wm D) rlll3 Oglethorpe Cross Cullen hlpr Down Town Garage Cross John (Mary) h lll4 Oglethorpe Cross John B fishermn rl314 Reynolds Cross Lannie (c) lndrs hl519 Albany Cross Manuel fishermn Jos Mendes & Co h722 Oglethorpe

Cross Manuel (Algusta) fishermn h i 123 Grant

Cross Rose nurse 1000 Egmont r do

Cross Wm C jr mech rlll3 Oglethorpe

Crouch Lucius F (Clara) driver Brunswick Coca-Cola Bot-

tling Co h i 110 Mansfield

Crovatt Maude N Mrs r900 Carpenter

Crum C D (May) carp Geo W Cowman r RD 1

Crum Jas I puncher Hercules Powder Co r RD 1

M terna


Crumby Chas (c; Marie) lab rl506 J Crummey Henry C (Sallie) formn h3429



Cruse Walter h616 Union

Crutchfield Calvin (c; Mildred) h918 Lee

Specializing Crutchfield Jennie (c) dishwasher Palmetto Tourist Camp


rl307 K


Crutchfield Leonard (Sarah) lab The Atlantic Refg Co ho


Pine (Arco)


Crutchfield Mollie (c) maid hl622 Stonewall Crutchfield Thos J (Rosa) lab The Atlantic Refg Co h5 Mag

nolia (Arco)
F o o d s Crutchfield Troy L (c) student rl622 Stonewall

Culpepper Frank D slsmn J C Penney Co r2800 Norwich

Cumbell Chas (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co

Cumming Glada C rl312 Union

Cummings Clara (c) rl725 Albany

Cummings Dwight (c) hl920 Bartow

W estern CUMMINGS HARRY D (Llewellyn), Chiropractor, Advance Chiropractic Treatments, Massage, Dietetics, Etc, Office


302 Gordon Bldg 403V2 Gloucester, Tel 65, hl312 Union, Tel 1090 Cummings Irvin (c; Stella) janitor City Hall hl201 London Cummings M Zella (wid Jas R) rl312 Union

C u ts

Cummings Mamie (c) rll22 Wolf Cummings Mary J (c) maid rl310 Ellis

Cummings Cummings

Mary Robt

J (c


S H Kress & J) lab hl310

Co rl312 Ellis


Cummings Thaddeus (c; Ophelia) lab hl607 Lee

Cunningham Fredk W elk Cunningham Jewelry Store r3

Halifax sq


Cunningham Geo M r 8 Halifax sq Cunningham Jas L (Lulline) mech h79 Hardee av (Arco)


Cunningham Jewelry Store (Robt L Cunningham) 405 Gloucester


Cunningham Mary S asst mgr order office Montgomery Ward & Co r 8 Halifax sq

Cunningham Robt (Willie; Cunningham Jewelry Store) h8

Halifax sq


Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Cunningham Sue r8 Halifax sq Curet O carp Brunswick Marine Constr Corp Curry Bessie M (wid Arth) h706 Dartmouth CURRY CHAPMAN K (Clara), Dealer (Sinclair Service Sta
tion), r821 Union Curry Cornelius (c; Susie M) fishermn h2328 Bartow Curry Katie h Hopkins av Curry Maxwell G (Mary E) soda dispenser Andrews Drug
Store hl406 Lee Curry Miner (c; Ophelia) lab hl912 Bartow Curry Sarah (c) rl818 Johnson Curry Wm (c; Lila M) hl911 Amherst CUSTOM HOUSE (See United States Government) Cuthbert Amelia (c) rl911 Albany Cuthbert Harry C (c; Constance E) carrier PO h2125 Wolf Cuthbert Jas (c) lab rll05 Amherst Cuyler Ada M (c) maid r2107 Amherst Cuyler Nehemiah (c; Ada M) lab The Downing Co h2107
Amherst Cyler Annie L (c) hlpr hl620 Amherst Cyler Eliz (c) maid rl620 Amherst Dallas Investment Co John C Dildy mgr 1408 Gloucester Dallas Thos (c; Ethel M) sealer Hercules Powder Co hl810
Johnson DAMON J FRED (Damon's Sign Shop), rl403 Grant cor
Monk Damon Jabez P (Minnie) bldg contr 13271/2 Grant h do DAMON'S SIGN SHOP (J Fred Damon), Sign Painters and
Manufacturers 1403 Grant cor Monk (See left top lines) Damron Claire student rl216 Union Dance Katie (c) r2412 Johnson Dance Theo (c; Daisy) lab h2412 Johnson Dancing Lucille (c) rl822 Lee Daniel Bess Mrs rl619 Norwich Daniel Chas B (Hattie) slsmn h2416 Ellis Daniel Edw (c; Eliza) lab rl414 Ellis Daniel Ethel L (c) maid hl213 Amherst Daniel Gilbert C (Beulah W; Moses Daniel Sons) hl912 Wil
son av Daniel Giles B (Hattie E) elk Brunswick Hdw Co r2416 Ellis Daniel Melville M (Moses Daniel Sons) r Blythe Island Daniel Moses jr supvr Hercules Powder Co rl416 Oglethorpe Daniel Moses Sons (Gilbert C and Melville M) plmbrs 1416
Oglethorpe Danielly Wm (Maude) chemist The Atlantic Refining Co h
21 Dixie av (Arco) Daniels Chas (c; Rosa) lab rl923 Albany Daniels Chas H (c; Rosa) barber 204 Monk rl410 Ellis Daniels Edria nurse City Hosp r204 London Daniels Edw (c) rl705 L Daniels Edw (c) cooper Downing Co rl410 Ellis Daniels Lena (c) lndrs r Geo W Hose Daniels Jacob D (Sallie) fishermn hl007 Oglethorpe Daniels Olan (Alma) fishermn rl007 Oglethorpe Daniels Wm (c) elk rl622 Stonewall Darby V Lee (Ruth H) phys 503y2 Gloucester hl629 Wilson
av Darden Esther (c) lndrs r2202 Norwich la

Tel. 9170
Newcastle Street

Darden Thos (c) lab M D Wade r2011 Union Dark Rowland (c; Willie) cook h i 122 Reynolds Darley Bailey (Jewel) city firemn h2800 Norwich Darley Clarence J opr Hercules Powder Co r RD Dart Annie (c) lndrs hll06 F DART CLAUDE (Annie J), Justice of the Peace, 502 Monk
at Richmond, Tel 109, hl710 Wilson av, Tel 1150 Dart Claude L tender Hercules Powder Co rl710 Wilson av Dart Edwin D (Kathryn C) ordinary Glynn County hlO
Glynn av Dart Ethel (c) cook rl308y2 Oglethorpe Dart Ethel (wid Earl) h2700 Cochran av Dart Fred (Carrie) cooper Downing Co hl518 K Dart John P r8 Glynn av Dart Julia (wid Chas U) sten Reese Scarlett Bennet & High-
smith r8 Glynn av Dart Kathryn C Mrs elk Glynn County Ordinary hlO Glynn
av Dart Laura (c) cook hl3Q8y2 Oglethorpe Dart Linwood emp rl710 Wilson av Dart Margt ("Billie") sten Consolidated Realty Co rl909 Ha
bersham Dart Matthew (c) lab rl308y2 Oglethorpe Dart Mattie E (Marguerite) hl909 Habersham Dart Maurice I lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h 8 Glynn av Dart Pearl (c) lndrs r 1308y2 Oglethorpe Dart Sadie E r4 Glynn av Dart Vergie M (c) lndrs rl308y2 Oglethorpe Dart Wm R elk News Pub Co rl909 Habersham Darten Thos (c) driller rl728 Wolf Daughters of America Mrs Grace Sparks councilor Angeline
Couman rec sec Ethel Hill treas meets 2d and 4th Mon days at 1513 Newcastle 3d fl Daughters of Arherican Revolution Lila Stallings registrar meets at home of members every 3d Thursday in each month Dave's Cycle Supply Co (John D Jacobson) 500 Monk Davenport Chas L beverages 1412 Grant Davenport Jas P (Stella) agt D B Franton & Co h929 Egmont David Bessie L asst mgr Cafeteria Glynn School r811 Mans field Davidson Ella maid Oglethorpe Hotel rl825y2 Wolf Davis Alex (c) cleaner Hercules Powder Co rl410 Prince Davis Alex (c) lab rl613 Amherst Davis Alex (c) lab The Downing Co Inc r2304 Johnson Davis Alex Rev (c; Annie) pastor African Baptist Church h2304 Johnson Davis Allen lab r2521 Johnson Davis Archie H (Alice) cabtmkr h2704 Newcastle Davis Arth lab r2521 Johnson Davis Bass (c; Margt) caretkr 410 Union rl619 Norwich la Davis Beatrice (c) h i802 London Davis Chas (c) rlOlO Stonewall Davis Chas H pipeftr The Atlantic Refining Co rl2 W 9th (Arco) Davis Clarence (c) lab hl915 Stonewall Davis Daisy M (c) maid Palmetto Tourist Camp r2027 Bar tow Davis Earl (c) delmn Marion N Ridley





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Davis EdwjLfc: Daisy M) lab r2027 Bartow (^DaVirTTnielL^Eunice) tester The Atlantic Refining Co h26
.. T3aTT'(Arco) Davis Elliott A (c) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co hl712 Wolf Davis Elnora (c) rl408 Cochran av Davis Elzaber r2129 Putnam Davis Francis H (Evelyn) compositor The Independent Led
ger rl606 Reynolds Davis Frank (c; Mary) h928 Wolf Davis Georgia E rlllO Mansfield Davis Gilbert (c) oiler Hercules Powder Co r Josh Davis Davis Gilbert (c; Mattie) orderly City Hosp h2002 Ellis Davis Gladys T Mrs (Elite Beauty Shoppe) r39 Dixie (Arco) Davis Grover fishermn r625 Cochran av Davis Harry (c; Mary J) lab h2303 Albany Davis Henry (Margt) car repr h625 Cochran av Davis Henry E (Gladys T) purifier The Atlantic Refining Co
r39 Dixie av (Arco) Davis Jack C soda dispenser Bennett's Drug Store r25 Dixie
av (Arco) Davis Jas (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl809 Johnson Davis Jas A (c; Blonde) driver Miller Lbr & Sup Co r2304
Johnson Davis Jas C pntr h25 Dixie av (Arco) Davis Jas E (Mary) woodctr h39 Dixie av (Arco) Davis Jas L tester The Atlantic Refining Co r25 Dixie av
(Arco) Davis Jas L (c; Louise) lab hl311 Albany Davis Jas O (Lola M) slsmn B A Lewis h 7th ne cor Hardee
av (Arco) Davis Jas U (c) lab rl317 Amherst Davis Jeff (c) lab rl902 Ellis Davis John (c) lab hl328 Amherst Davis John (c) lab rll27 Stonewall Davis John A (Daisy K) elk The Downing Co hl510 Glou
cester Davis John B (Kate) slsmn hl303 Prince Davis John H (Katie) lab h252l Johnson Davis John L slsmn rl806 Newcastle Davis John T (Bernice L) city firemn h l l l l Dartmouth Davis Jos (c) hlpr Guy O Bryant r3101 Norwich Davis Josh (c; Abbie) h 4th se cor Gordon Davis Katie (c) cook rl208 Albany Davis Lavelle r2704 Newcastle Davis Leona elk W T Grant Co r2129 Putnam Davis Lillie (c) rl708 Albany Davis Lloyd H (Aline) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h.2416 Wolf Davis Mack C (c; Marie) puller Hercules Powder Co h2016
Johnson Davis Margt (c) maid rl619 Norwich la Davis Margt (c) nurse 1125 Amherst r do Davis Mary Jane (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Davis Maude Mrs smstrs rl814 Newcastle Davis Nathaniel (c; Myrtie B) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h
1809 Johnson Davis Nolan C (Myrtle) slsmn Lazarus & Co Inc h711 Albany Davis Oliver (c) lab Palmetto Tourist Camp r2323 Albany Davis Oscar (c) rl610 Cochran av Davis Polly (c) maid rl717 Stonewall


A N D R E W S The Rexall Drug Store


"Save With Safety"
Prompt Deliveries
TEL. 37

Davis Roberta P Mrs bkpr North Star Dairies Inc h901 F Davis Sallie (c) h2315 Albany Davis Sami (c) driver Wright & Gowan Co Inc r2005 Albany Davis Sami E (Ellen) formn Hercules Powder Co hl526
Union Davis Sarah (c) lndrs h2006 Bartow Davis Silas (Mamie) lab h rear 1108 Stonewall Davis Susie (c) ins agt Atlanta Life Ins Co hl406 H Davis Theda rl526 Union Davis Thos J (Hattie L) baker Vienna Bakery rl527 Good
year av Davis Timothy E (Harriette) mach Brunswick Marine Constr
Corp hl410 Union Davis Troy T printer Smith Printing House rl806 Newcastle Davis Wm B (c) driver City Fruit Store r2005 Albany Davis Wm M r25 Dixie av (Arco) Davis Willie (c) cook hl600 H Davis Willie L (c) lndrs rl710 Albany Davis Winfield F (Dora) h ns S 3 e Lee Davison C Hillman student r710 Mansfield Davison Chas C Rev (May G) pastor First Baptist Church
h710 Mansfield Davison E Eliz student r710 Mansfield Dawson Chas (Cora) lab hl206 Richmond Dawson Edith L Mrs rl624 Reynolds Dawson Elliott (c) lab rl815 Albany Dawson Geo W (c) barber Jesse L Battle r2003 Lee Dawson J Earl (c) lab r2003 Lee Dawson Luke (c; Fannie) barber 202 Monk h2003 Lee Dawson Peter (c; Janie) lab h2013 Johnson Day Alvin (c) lab Cain Furn Co rl407 Stonewall Day Bessie (c) hl407 Stonewall Day Reuben (c) lab Cain Furn Co rl407 Stonewall Day Ruby (c) rl407 Stonewall Deal Frank lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Dean Geo M r509 Albemarle Dean Lorena elk Miller Lbr & Sup Co r509 Albermarle Dean Miner (c; Eliz) lab hl502 G Dean Roy A (Josephine K) pharm Rish's Pharmacy rl809
Goodyear av Dean Thos L (Anne) inspr D B Frampton & Co h509 Albe
marle Dear Annette (c) lndrs hl729 Amherst Deas Annie (c) h2011 Newcastle la Deason Stanley D (Thelma) formn The Atlantic Refining Co
h9 W 9th (Arco) Deaver Dorine V slswn Ga Power Co rl504 Gloucester Deaver Edw A (Armontine) driver rl601 Gloucester Deaver Frances (wid Atquilla T) r629 Norwich Deaver Geo E (Alberta) hl601 Gloucester Deaver Herman L (Mazie) saw filer hl510 Stonewall Deaver Jas O (Evelyn) tie inspr hl311 Dartmouth Deaver Norris S (Lettie) hl504 Gloucester Deaver Rex N student rl601 Gloucester Deaver Virginia E student rl510 Stonewall Dekle Geo W (Evelyn) mgr Vienna Bakery rl6Q9 Norwich Dekle Mayne C (wid Geo W) hl327y2 Newcastle Dekle Mayne M rl327y. Newcastle



Building Material

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Dekle Paul E laboratory asst Hercules Powder Co rl3271/2 Newcastle
Delagore Mary (c) h923 Amherst Delamar Mattie M (c) lndrs hl923 Gordon Delaney Emma (wid Wm) r2008 Putnam DeLaney Lillian (c) maid rl823 Gordon Delaney Mamie (c) rll22 Reynolds DeLaney Susie (c) cook rl823 Gordon Delay G Raymond r817 Egmont Delegar Bertha (c) hl009 Lee Dellenger Lorrine (wid Russell) r800 Albemarle Dellinger Lorene Mrs r l l l 8 Carpenter Dellinger Lorraine D (Lorraine's Beauty Salon) r l l l 8 Car
penter Dellmont Mattie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r Albany DeLoach Albert (c; Carrie) hl62l Amherst DeLoach Alice C (wid John) hl610 Union DeLoach Allie Mrs rl822 Reynolds DeLoach Arth H (Mildred) elk Phoenix Gro Co r608 G DeLoach Carrie E (c) hl610 Albany DeLoach Chas A game warden rl610 Union DeLoach Clara L rl610 Union DeLoach David (c; Rosa) lab ACLRR h2118 Albany DeLoach Horace W opr rl610 Union DeLoach Jas M (Lottie R) janitor Parker Realty Co hl919
Lee DeLoach Jos A hlpr Hercules Powder Co r Blythe Is DeLoach Lucian elk rl610 Union DeLoach Luther (Ella) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h704 G DeLoach Margt floor walker F W Woolworth Co r704 G DeLoach Marguerite slswn The Style Shoppe rll28 Richmond DeLoach Robt B delmn Palmer's Grocery r704 G DeLoach Schley r l 6l 0 Union DeLoach Thos M (Mary) guard rl610 Union DeLoach Wm H hlpr Hercules Powder Co r3328 Norwich Deloach Willie M (c) maid r803 H Deloney Ivison (c; Willie) lab h916 Gordon Demery Alice L (c) rl710 Gordon Demery Minnie (wid Elmo) r2817 Wolf Demery Wm E mech Hercules Powder Co r2817 Wolf Deming Mary EMrs hl901 Union Demmier Rena (c) cook hl208y2 Albany Denby Jas H (Maranda) atndt John M Giddens r2602 Nor
wich Denby Morgan (Thelma) r2602 Norwich Denegal Jerimiah (c) clnr Hercules Powder Co rl206 Al
bany Denegal Mary (c) lndrs City Hosp rl707 Stonewall Denegal Rebecca (c) maid City Hosp rl318 Stonewall Dennis Geo (c) rl306 H Dennis Wm H (c; Rosalie) clnr New York Tailoring Shop r
1920 Stonewall Dennison Frank (c; Mary) lab h240O Wolf Dennison Maggie (c) h 8ll Cochran av Dennison Maggie (c) lab Brunswick Fisheries Inc r811 Coch
ran av Dent A B (Sarah) lab h2600 Union Dent Callie E (wid Wm M) hl009 P Dent Etta M slswn F W Woolworth Co r2217 Reynolds


MRS. LEE S. M A LLA R D , Pres.-Sec.-Treas. MRS. M A R IA N A. BROWN, Vice-President R. R. HOPKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Tel. 10 Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals

207-08 Gordon Bldg

403(/2 Gloucester

Dent Gerline fctywkr r2600 Union Dent Henry (c) huckster hl009 I Dent Hugh G (Etta) eng Georgia Power Co h2217 Reynolds Dent Jas T plmbr r2217 Reynolds Dent Jos r2022 Ellis la Dent Naomi waiter Oglethorpe Hotel r do Dent Pauline fctywkr r2600 Union Dent Sami G (c; Eleanor J) carrier PO hl717 Albany Dent Sidney (Louise) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co rl017 Al
bany Dent Virginia L slswn S H Kress & Co rl607 Union Dent W Henry rl009 P Denty Geo T (Rockie) pipeftr The Atlantic Refining Co h7
Oak (Arco) Denty Jas W (Ethel) carp h808 Mansfield Denty Jessie L accounting elk Ga Emergency Relief Admin
r808 Mansfield Denty Ralph E carp Hercules Powder Corp r 3 Oak DePlater Jas C lab rll05 L DePlater Jos carp rll03 L DePlater Lou rll05 L DePratter Denzle (Vivian) lab h2511 Gordon DePratter J Frank (Doris) lab h2221 Wolf Devaris Peter (Andremache; Savoy Restaurant) hl412 Car
penter Deveaux Priscilla (c) h914 Amherst Deveaux Richd (c) lab Jos Mendes & Co r914 Amherst DeVoe Bert Mrs waiter Cheerio Grill rl522 Norwich DeVoe Cath (c) hl407 George Devon Wm (c) lab rl306 Albany Dial Geo W (Frances) formn Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl407
Union apt 2 Dial R W lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl506 Union Dickens Addie (c) h.2001 M Dickens Joe (c; Maggie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2307
Bartow Dickens Jos H (c) bottler Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling Co
r2307 Bartow Dickey Onnie D (Georgia) fishermn r Burnsville (Arco) Dickinson Belle bkpr Dr Fred N Aldrich r503y2 Gloucester Dickson Abe (Ophelia) h2602 Johnson Dickson Robt (Gertrude) lab h2628 Clebom DIEMJVIER EDW H (Myrtle), Genl Mgr Glynn Ice & Coal
Co, h2300 Talmadge av, Tel 906 Diggs Chas (c; Edna) sealer Hercules Powder Co hl925 Bar
tow Diggs John (c; Algertha) lab hll06 H Dildy Everett L (Jimmie) collr Glynn Furn Co rl512 Car
penter Dildy John C mgr Dallas Investment Co rl715 Reynolds Dill Eug S (Winona J) mgr real est dept R L Philips Co
rl608 Gloucester Dill Winona J Mrs sten Gould Motor Co rl608 Gloucester Dillard Kathryn asst The Salvation Army rl62l Union Dinkins Clara (c) rl710 Newcastle Dinkins Sherman R Rev (c; Hattie) pastor StPaul A M E
Church h i522 Wolf Dixie Kitchen (Hobson H Tarte) 2121 Norwich Dixon Addie M (c) rl723 Albany



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)
"WE FIX FLATS" Don't Cuss-- Call Us

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
G loucester and Ellis Sts.

Dixon Adelle D driver rl818 Norwich la Dixon Allison C (Maude) carp r Enoch H Dixon Dixon Amelia (c) hl528 Wolf Dixon Eliz (c) rl723 Albany Dixon Eliz Mrs r2317 Wolf Dixon Ella (c) hl306 J Dixon Ella (c) hl812 Lee Dixon Enoch H (Kate) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h es N Glynn
av 3 n Hopkins Dixon Eug C hlpr Hercules Powder Co r2014 Reynolds Dixon Harry jr rl807 Reynolds Dixon Henry (c) lab rl306 J Dixon Jas A (c; Lena) lab h2216 Lee Dixon John L (c; Ella) ins agt Afro American Life Ins Co r
2422 Lee Dixon Lizzie (c) r2023 Newcastle la Dixon Mary D rl807 Reynolds Dixon Mary L r Albert A Pitts Dixon Meldron C (Ethel) barber h2028 Reynolds Dixon Minnie Mrs h2014 Reynolds Dixon Nick (c) lab rlOlO Johnson Dixon Ollie (wid Harry) hl807 Reynolds Dixon R (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Dixon Simon (c) farmer h2528 Albany Dixon Wm (c; Lula) lab The Downing Co hl414 Cochran av Doane Edw W (Minnie) mech Hercules Powder Co hl021
Oglethorpe Dobeacle Jennie R (c) hl309 Gloucester Dock Alberta (c) rl913 Cochran av Donelan Dollie hl3271/2 Newcastle Donnelly Henry R fishermn rl807 Reynolds Donnelly J Albert (Betty) fishermn hl807 Reynolds Dorgan Alf V (Alice H) bkpr H & H Service Sta r803 Egmont Dorgan Alice H Mrs sten The Downing Company Inc r803
Egmont Dorming John H (Lettie) barber Frank G Crawford hl522
Union Dorris David E carp hl6l0 Ellis Dorsey Florence (c) lndrs rl601 I Dorsey Jas (c; Florine) porter Strachan Shipping Co r916
Lee Dorsey Jas M (Leola) shoe repr 807 I hl906 Ellis la Dorsey Jas M jr (Ethel F) formn hl422 Reynolds Dorsey Leroy delmn Rainbow Soda Shoppe rl601 I Dorsey Lizzie (c) lndrs rl207 H Dorsey Paul (c; Rosa) gro 1611 London h do Doss Clyde O (Lillie) formn h2315 Norwich Doss O Caldwell (Emma L) driver Standard Oil Co r2400
Ellis Dotson Arth B (Virginia) slsmn B Frank Mann Dougan Egbert Rev (c) pastor Grace Methodist Episcopal
Ch hl710 Wolf Doughtry Mattie (c) cook rl807 Bartow Douglas Berry (Leila) agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co hl207
Reynolds Douglas Chas (Erline) r609 H Douglas Claude L (Marie) eng tender h704 Amherst Douglas Emma (c) maid hl305 Stonewall Douglas Fred (c) waiter rl622 Amherst





Sales and Serviee


Douglas Ida r609 H Douglas Jas Q (Eva M) r728 Union Douglas Lloyd r609 H Dow Frank W Capt (Mary) capt h w end Griffith (Arco) Dowell Geo (c) sealer Hercules Powder Co rl614 Cochran av Dowell Sandy (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl614 Cochran av Dowling Harry L (Virginia) genl formn Southern Ry r Dock
Junction Ga Dowling Hugh C elk The Downing Company r916 Union Dowling Hugh G (Effie) train mstr h916 Union Down Town Garage (John L Glover) 300-04 F Downie Robt E (Jelma) city firemn hl307 Egmont Downing Co Augustus C Kaufman supt barrel mfrs 2001 New-
castle DOWNING COMPANY INC THE, Millard Reese Pres, Geo T
Rives Exec V-Pres, P Miller Nightingale V-Pres-Sec, Robt L Beatty and Clarence P Dusenburg V-Prests, Warren G Helms Treas, Naval Stores Factors, Wholesale Groceries, 1325-1329 Bay, Tel 1 (See page Z) Downs Edw (c; Ida) lab hl913 Amherst Downs Jos (c) rl913 Amherst Downs Pearl (c) rl913 Amherst Downs Preston (c) hl014 Gordon Downs Wm L (Eliz) formn h i601 Norwich Dozier Clyde T (Inez) city firemn r Canal rd Dozier Geo I (Rose) eng hl228 Carpenter Dozier Madeline Mrs sten r2217 Reynolds Draden Matilda (c) Indrs r3002 Wolf Drady Robt B (Pearl R) emp rl4 Glynn av Drake Edw P Rev (Carolyn) pastor McKendree M E Church h903 K Drake Jas W atndt rl915 Ellis Drake Otis L (Alice) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl915 Ellis Drake Thos driver rl915 Ellis Drawdy Alma opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r2103 Union Drawdy C Eug oiler Hercules Powder Co rl900 Union Drawdy C J lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl900 Union Drawdy C W lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2316 Albany Drawdy David D (Inez) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r Burns ville (Arco) Drawdy Mathew W sawyer Hercules Powder Co r2912 Nor wich Drawdy Robt lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Drawdy Thos W (Hattie) crane opr Hercules Powder Co h 2316 Albany Drawdy Wilbur C ashroller Hercules Powder Co rl208 3d av Drayton Ida (c) fctywkr hl714 Lee Drayton Mary (c) rl3l9 Amherst Drayton Rena (c) rl203 H Drummer Henry (c; Viola) puncher Hercules Powder Co r 1203 I Drury Adolph M (Maggie) dist bkpr Ga Emergency Relief Admin hl410 Union Drury Agnes Mrs rl917 Union Drury Benj (Lucille) lab h i 103 L Drury Frances (wid O P) fruits Norwich sw cor 8th (Arco) h do Drury John lab r2728 Norwich


DRINK In Sterilized Bottles




Tel. 144

Drury Leon B atndt Standard Oil Co r809 Gloucester Drury Liston M (Agnes) filling sta 2IIOV2 Norwich rl917
Union Drury Lucille Mrs waiter Purbis Grammar Sch h i 103 L Dubberly E Arth (Myrtle) puncher Hercules Powder Co h.900
K Dubberly Jeff D (Annie B) poultry 1817 Norwich h do Dubberly Jeff D jr hlpr J D Dubberly rl817 Norwich Dubberly Melba student rl817 Norwich Dubberly Wm E (c; Louise E) hlpr Hercules Powder Co hl903
G duBignon Alex (c; Eleanor) porter Gillican Jewelry & Repair
Co h2015 Albany Dubignon Edw (c; Hannah) lab hl818 Lee duBignon Henry F elk of court Glynn County h716 Union duBignon Jos C (c; Rosa) interior decorator hl325 Lee Dubignon Merril (c; Celia) porter h lll2 Union duBignon Wm (c) lab The Downing Company Inc r2901 Al
bany DuBose Jas E (Lula E) elk PO h429 Wolf Dubs Clarence J (Inez V) jwlr 1422 Newcastle hl409 ^ Rey
nolds Duchene Betty hl411 London DUGGAN JAMES R (Lilly A; Duggan Motor Co), h805 3d av DUGGAN MOTOR CO (James R Duggan), Chrysler-Plym-
outh Sales and Service, Gloucester cor Union opp Post Office, Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22) Dugger Carson (Lorena) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h201Q Cook Dugger Chas E (Helen) mech Hercules Powder Co h20Q9 Nor wich Duke Madison F (Irene) bldg contr 3409 Treville av r do Dukes Edw (c; Eugenia) cook h2Q21 Albany Dunbar Edw (c) hlpr Central Mercantile Co rl403 I Duncan Jas F (c) restr 1603 Gloucester hl601 Amherst Duncan Stella (c) r921 Amherst Dunham Agnes (c) maid rl509 Albany Dunham Annie (c) cook rl206 Ellis Dunham Bessie (c) maid r 8Ql Howe Dunham Henry T (c; Zula) lab Am Sugar Refining Co hl504 Monk Dunham Jas (c; Bessie) lab h801 Howe Dunham Sarah (c) lndrs hl629 Cochran av Dunham Zula (c) maid City Hosp rl504 Monk Dunlop John S (Ida) tmkpr The Atlantic Refining Co hl9 Dixie av (Arco) Dunlop Wm K rl9 Dixie av (Arco) , Dunn Jas (c; Alice) lab hl505 H Dunn Thos (c; Agnes) servicemn Sinclair Service Sta rl513 Albany Dunnaway Thos W (Ivaleen) chf mech hl821 Kay av Dunning Mattie T (wid Robt O) r71l F Dunwody Building 1503y2 Newcastle Dunwody Fannie (wid Wm) hlOOO Egmont Dupes Edw delmn Rainbow Soda Shoppe r2020 Albany Dupree Hattie (c) hl8211/2 Lee Dupree Patk (c) lab rl413 Amherst Dupree Wm (c) lab rl413 Amherst Durden Alvin rl205 3d av



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Durden Carrie (c) rl506 Wolf Durden Chas A (Dora L) city police hl801 F Durden Chas M (Laura) carp h2309 Cochran av Durden Dennis (Minnie B) driver h2212 Newcastle Durden Hallie E (Clyde) barber 1911 Norwich r608 G Durden Kelley R (Addie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl205
3d av Durden Mitchel L (Ada) h2320 Wolf Durden W P lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl810 Newcastle Durham Daphnie (c) h919 Stonewall DUSENBURY CLARENCE P (Nell O), 2d V-Pres The Downing
Company Inc, h601 Albemarle, Tel 563 Dyal John (Della) bldg supvr h i210 2d av Dyals Julia waiter David Kitchen r2119 Stacey Dye John F (Mozell) guard hl422 Lee Dye Sarah (wid Wm) rl422 Lee Dykes A Edw (Mima) fruits 2113 Norwich h2311 do Dykes Gordon lab Glynn Ice & Coal Co r2311 Norwich Dykes J Willis (Mary) br mgr Colonial Oil Co h2229 Norwich Dykes S Mae elk W T Grant Co r2311 Norwich Dykes Wm H r523 Wolf Eadie John student r704 Union EADIE RILEY D (Nannie S), Supt County Schools, Office
Memorial High School, Tel 550, h704 Union, Tel 248 Earley John W (c; Ada) gro 1312 Monk h do Earley Mary (c) hl312 Monk Early Henry (c) rl620 Stonewall Easley Rosella (c) cook David Kitchen r2015 Bartow Easley Thos (c; Rosella) lab h2015 Bartow Eason Jas H (Lois) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2429 Wolf Eason Ralph (Mattie) lab Southern Ry r Dock Junction Ga Eason s Edw (Dora) carp h2006 Norwich Eason Thos W (Agnes) trucker hl904 Union Easter Delores (c) r921 Bartow Easterling Howard S mech r412 Wolf Easterling Myra (wid Jacob S) h412 Wolf Eastern Justine (c) rl925 Cleborn Easters A1 (Bettie) mech rl021 Union Easters V/ A mech Coastal Chevrolet Corp Eastman Evelyn L student rl814 Wilson av Eastman Floyd B Rev (Crystal B) hl814 Wilson av Easton Delores (c) maid r921 Bartow Easton Eulethia (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Eaves Fred (c; Ruby) cook Bijou Cafe rl512 Albany Eberhardt Alice r703 Johnson Eberhardt Thos P (Bertie) h703 Johnson Edenfield Clarence (Maggie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
2110 L Edenfield Claude lab Ga Veneer & Packing Co r2110 L Edenfield Iris r2110 L Edenfield Mamie C elk W T Grant Co rl506 Union Edenfield Minnie F Mrs h i506 Union Edenfield Wm (Olivia) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2726 L EDGE CECIL E (Lillian M; Baldwin & Edge),1522 Richmond
Tel 517 Edith Henry (c; Helen) hlpr hl816 Norwich la Edmond Benj (c; Willie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl203
Egmont Edmond Eula (c) h i 128 Cochran av



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TEL. 23

Edmond Willie M (c) maid rl203 Egmont Edmundson Latham (c) porter Magnolia rl30l G Edwards A M auto mech h i 108 Mansfield Edwards Allen C (Minnie) lab hl4Q2 Mansfield Edwards Anna (c) rl712 Gordon Edwards Dan (Annie) lab The Atlantic Refg Co h l8 Pine
(Arco) Edwards Dorothy R opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r43 Dixie av *.
(Arco) Edward Ernest (Margt) water tndr The Atlantic Refg Co h43
Dixie av (Arco) Edwards Ivy L (c) lab rl409y> George Edwards Jas (c; Mary) carp hl914 Stonewall Edwards Jas (c; Dolly) lab h%129 Cochran av Edwards Jas (c) porter Texas Oil Co rl409y2 George Edwards John D (Callie) formn hl716 Newcastle Edwards Lee (c) lab The Texas Co r George Edwards Lillie r501 N Edwards Mitchell (Frances) asst eng r l l l 8 Oglethorpe Edwards Ross E city police r Dixie av nw cor 9th (Arco) Edwards Sami (Ora) gro Dixie av nw cor 9th (Arco) h do Edwards Thos M oiler rl911 Gordon Edwards Thos W (Susie) h l l l 8 Oglethorpe Edwards W Henry toll opr h2608 Wolf Edwards Wm M (c; Ethel) framer Gulf States Creosoting
Co h2210 Amherst Eisenman Robt J (Bertha) still opr The Atlantic Refining
Company h9 Dixie av (Arco) Elder Loretta T tchr Prep High School rl521 Johnson Elders Ted reprmn Ga Power Co rl804 Gloucester Elite Beauty Shoppe (Mrs Gladys T Davis) 1521 Newcastle Elkins Daisy (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2010 Johnson Elliott Cargyle rll08 Richmond Elliott Maude (wid Sill) h i 108 Richmond Elliott Monroe B slsmn Ralph G McCrary rll08 Richmond Elliott Mozelle (c) cook hl307 Albany Elliott Steve (c; Mamie) lab h2015 Cochran av Elliott Wm (c; Hassie) lab hl603 Stonewall Ellis Annis (c; Bertha) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r922 Am
herst Ellis Benj E (c; Eliz) lab h2006 Johnson Ellis Chas H jr (Mae S) veterinarian Glynn County Bd of
Health h624 Union Ellis Edw H (Virginia) patrolmn h2501 Ellis-' Ellis Lillie (c) h2125 Albany Ellis Sidney (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rll23 Amherst Elsberry Mildred beauty opr Milady's Beauty Shop rl526
Newcastle apt 6 Elverson Hattie (c) gro 1311 G h do Emanuel Nathan ins agt h3 Wright sq Emanuel Virginia sten Reese Scarlett Bennet & Highsmith
r3 Wright sq Emcrum Allen (c) filler Hercules Powder Co rl911 Gordon English Frances tchr Glynn Grammer Sch rll27 Union English Fred (c) prsr rl908 Wolf English Robt (c; Lena) lab The Downing Co h2120 Am-
licrst English Wm G (Mae) plmbr 1328y2 Newcastle hl423 Union

Served 3 000 Satisfied Customers Last Year CORNER MONK AND GRANT STS.
Ennis Emory J (Eva R) printer Glover Bros Inc hl229 Syca more av
Ennis Eva R Mrs elk Ga Power Co hl229 Sycamore av Epping Jas (c; Willie) lab Southern Ry rl811 K Epps Harden (c) student r2002 Gordon Equitable Life Insurance Co Boyce M Royal spl agt 503y2
Gloucester Ervin Jas E (Natalie) radio mech Friedmans Jewelers Inc r
608 G Evans Hugh elk r414 Albany Evans Ira cook Rainbow Soda Shoppe r915 Amherst Evans Jesse lab Hercules Powder Co r Gordon Evans John W (c) lab rl805 Albany Evans Jos (Birtie) h408 Albany Evans Leo (c; Ira) lab h915 Amherst Evans Marguerite (Thos Evans Grocery) r414 Albany Evans Marie C sten Hercules Powder Co r408 Albany Evans Minnie (wid Thos; Thos Evans Grocery) h414 Albany Evans Ola (c) lndrs hl220 Ellis Evans Richd (c; Hester) lab h i 515 Amherst Evans Richd (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co rl407 Albany Evans Thos Grocery (Minnie, Marguerite and Thos H Evans)
1400 Bay Evans Thos H (Thos Evans Grocery) r414 Albany Evans Wm J (Ida B) lab PO h415 Albany Everett Horace J (Mary) cabt mkr h706 Carpenter Everett John W (Frances) timekpr Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r703
Union Everett Juanita (c) tchr rl608 Cochran av Everett Marie r912 Carpenter Everett Mary Mrs bkpr Brunswick Fisheries Inc h706 Car
penter Everett Robt H h912 Carpenter Everett Rosa (c) maid hl608 Cochran av Everett Walter (c) sealer Hercules Powder Co Exley Jos M (Thelma) gro 1516 Ellis hl517 Egmont Extrowich Frances nurse 1520 Reynolds h do Fabbris Lola M waiter Dixie Kitchen rl516 Reynolds Fabris Sidney R (Idella H) auto mech Gannaway Motor Co
Inc r2416 Ellis Fahm Arth (c; Corintha) lab r2029 Bartow Fain Alfred R banking Natl Bank of Brunswick r3220 Nor
wich Fain Henrietta slswn S H Kress & Co r508 3d Fain Lillie C r3220 Norwich Fain Wm B (Emma) h508 3d Faircloth Clifford (Genie) elk Gulf Refining Co hl421 Union Faircloth John E (Lucille) collr Wade H Lewis hl418 Lee Falegan J (c) lab The Atlantic Refining Co Fallen Edw J (Olga E) decorator h2305 Talmadge av Fallen Emma L (wid Edw J) r2305 Talmadge av Fallen Olga E Mrs sec-bkpr Oglethorpe Hotel r2305 Tal
madge av Fallings Jos (Lily M) h20 Magnolia (Arco) Farley Earl E (Maud L; Novelty Shoe Store) hlOlO Carpen-
FARLEY'S CLOTHING STORES, Christopher C Jenkins Mgr, Clothing for the Entire Family, Convenient Terms, 1424 Newcastle, Tel 922


Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Aoetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Farmer J D lab Hercules Powder Co r RD Farmer John F wtchmn Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Farmer Roland L (Eliz) pntr h2024 Albany Farmer Thos R (Fannie) r2907 Norwich Faroba Antonio (Mary C) fishermn hl023 Oglethorpe FARR HENRY O (Lucille B; Farr & Mitchell), Attorney-at-
Law 14011^ Newcastle, Tel 804, hl513 Lee, Tel 753 Farr Lucille B Mrs tchr Glynn Grammer Sch hl513 Lee FARR & MITCHELL (Henry O Farr, Vance E Mitchell),
Attorneys-at-Law, 140114 Newcastle, Tel 804 Farrell Ellen E bkpr Singer Sewing Mach Co r2305 Atlantic Farrell John J (Mary) plant supt Georgia Power Co h2305
Atlantic av Farrell Mary Mrs tel opr Oglethorpe Hotel rl816 Reynolds Farve Dennis (c; Beatrice) lab hlOlO Stonewall Faulk Chas E (Anna) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2705 Nor
wich Faulk Thos J hlpr Hercules Powder Co Fechtel Vincent J (Annie J) mgr S H Kress & Co h811 Mans
field FEDERAL BUILDING, ns Gloucester between Reynolds and
Union Felder Susie (c) h2119 Bartow Felson Nancy (c) hl207 London FENDIG ALBERT (Gladys), Attorney-at-Law, V-Pres Royal
Fendig & Shelander, Office 1517 Newcastle, Tel 287, h 410 Union, Tel 842 FENDIG EDWIN R (Emwynn), V-Pres Royal Fendig & Shel ander, rStSimons Island, Tel 65 Fendig Emwynn Mrs v-pres Fendig Outdoor Adv Co r St Simons Island
FENDIG OUTDOOR ADVERTISING CO, Edwin R Fendig Pres-Treas, Mrs Emwynn Fendig V-Pres, Albert Fendig Sec, Outdoor Advertising 1511 Newcastle 2d fl, Tel 287
Fendig Outdoor Advertising Co (Work Shop) 1410 Ogle thorpe
Fenn Raymond H (Mae) h514 Wolf Ferguson Edna A lawyer 131214 Newcastle hl200 Prince
FERGUSON SAIDIE B, Office Mgr Reese, Scarlett, Bennet & Highsmith, rl200 Prince, Tel 667
Ferkel Albert J asst supt The Atlantic Refining Co rll03 Egmont
Ferreira Manuel (Etelvina) fishermn hll28 Oglethorpe Ferrell Hazel L student r3416 Treville av Ferrell Paten B (Mary) city firemn h921 Grant Ferrell Stephen (Clifford) caretkr h34l6 Treville av Ferrell Walter J (Mary) rl816 Reynolds Fields Arth (c) lab rl915 Cleborn Fields John (c) orderly City Hosp h2002 Ellis Fields Moses (c) r2002 Ellis Fields Ozell (c; Miriah) lab hl409 George Finch Frances (c) lndrs hl8l3 Albany Finch Louise (c) maid rl813 Albany Finlayson Julius V (Florence) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h
2200 G Finnell Edith R (wid Alex M) hl720 Macon av Finnell Harold C (Rosa) boatmn rl720 Macon av FIRE DEPT (See Brunswick--City of)






20 8 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

First African Baptist Church (c) Rev Alex Davis pastor 1418 Amherst
First Baptist Church Rev Charles C Davison pastor 1224 Union
First Born Holiness Church (c) 2100 Stonewall First Jordan Grove Baptist Church (c) 2012 Cochran av First Methodist Episcopal Church (South) Rev Luther A
Harrell pastor Norwich ne cor Monk First Presbyterian Church Rev Thos W Simpson pastor 605
George Fisher John (c; Ollie) hl929 Albany Fisher Lottie (c) h919 Gordon Fisk Chas W (Mary) carp hl816 Macon av Fitzgerald Chas A (Mallie) linemn Ga Power Co r2107 Nor
wich Fitzgerald Mallie Mrs accounting elk Ga Emergency Relief
Admin r2l07 Norwich FIVE-TRANSPORTATION CO, Arlie E Fiveash Pres, Chas
O Fiveash Mgr, Motor Freight and Express Lines 301 Gloucester, Tel 30 (See page 30) FIVEASH ARLIE E (Edna), Pres Five-Transportation Co, h 1525 Union, Tel 673 Fiveash Arth F (Olivia) mgr City Barber Shop r208 London FIVEASH CHAS O (Ruby), Mgr Five-Transportation Co, h Kings Sq, Tel 351 Fiveash U-Drive It (Chas O Fiveash) 301 Gloucester Flaggs Willie (c) r818 Amherst Flanders Alex sta opr rl202 George Flanders Auto Electric Co (Hugh B Flanders) 2030 Nor wich Flanders Carlethia (c) rl314 Albany Flanders Cath (c) r2402 Wolf Flanders Chas E (Mary D) plstr h410 Wolf Flanders Claborn (c; Sarah) lab h2402 Wolf Flanders Hugh B (Agnes R; Flanders Auto Electric Co) h 1202 George
Flanders Leon (Gertie) meat ctr Lovett's Groceteria h i 528 Reynolds
Flanders Margt P (c) cook r2329 Cleborn Flanders Mary (c) lndrs r2402 Wolf Flanders Pearl E (c) cook h2329 Cleborn Flanders Thos (c; Mae) lab h2216 Albany Fleming Cath (c) maid Magnolia rl912 Albany Fleming Charlton W (Kate) supvr Hercules Powder Co h718
Carpenter Fleming Claude (c) lab r2004 Amherst Fleming Henry jr (c; Martha) lab rl912 Albany Fleming Jas (c) lab r2004 Amherst Fleming Paul lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Fleming Sidney T (Ruth) adjuster 1503y2 Newcastle R211 h
1220 Carpenter Fleming Thos Q r502 London Fletcher Barney D rl814 Newcastle Fletcher Chas (c) lab rl606 Stonewall Fletcher Edwin formn Lerio Patent Cup Co rl814 New
castle Fletcher Geo W waiter rl814 Newcastle Fletcher Inez (c) maid r2400 Lee Fletcher Robt (c; Rosa) hl617 Norwich la



City of Brunswick County of Glynn


State of Georgia United States of America

Fletcher Robt (c) lab r2005 Wolf Fletcher Sami (c) baker Vienna Bakery rl606 Stonewall Fletcher Wm C (Vesper) brklyr hl814 Newcastle Fletcher Wm H brklyr rl814 Newcastle Flexer Elmer F (Susie M) h928 Newcastle Florence Dennis (c; Lillie) driver hl025 Cochran av Florence Margt maid rl025 Cochran av Flowers Aaron (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2118 Amherst Flowers Florence (c) maid rl307 Mansfield Flowers Hester E cigar mkr Prim Cigar Factory r516 Ellis Flowers John (c; Viola) baker Vienna Bakery h2230 Bartow Flowers Julia (c) lndrs rl307 Mansfield Flowers Louis J (Belle) T W mech Grover Bros Inc h516
Ellis Flowers Walker (Bernice) r516 Ellis Floy Leonard jr (c) lab r2323 Albany Floyd Alex (c; Lucy) lab U S Govt Army Engineers hl605
Amherst Floyd Cath (c) cook hl5I3 Albany Floyd Dora (c) maid r2328 Albany Floyd Edw (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r409 L Floyd Elmo (c) house boy 828 Albany Floyd Ernest (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2002 Norwich la Floyd Harry (c) r922 Amherst Floyd Hastina (c) h 8l 8 Amherst Floyd Henrietta (c) r923 Gordon Floyd Henry (c) jan Hercules Powder Co rll05 Monk Floyd Jas (c; Mary) lab h i724 Amherst Floyd Jas L (c; Lillie B) fishermn hl204y2 Albany Floyd John (c; Mamie) lab hl715 Lee Floyd Jos (c; Rosa) lab Hercules Powder Co h2113 Amherst Floyd Leonard (c; Josephine) lab r2323 Albany Floyd Mamie (c) maid hl413 Cochran av Floyd Margt (c) lndrs rl728 Albany Floyd Mary (c) r2311 Amherst Floyd Rosa (c) lndrs rll05 Monk Floyd Sarah (c) maid r912 Amherst Floyd Stancher (c) lndrs hl201 F Floyd Wm M (c; Eloise J) barber 1413 Newcastle hl504 F Floyd Willie (c) lab Jos Mendes & Co r912 Amherst Flynn Malinda (c) maid h2005 Cochran av Flynn Mose (c) lab hl207 H Flynt Wesley (Fannie) hl223 Egmont Fohm Ruth (c) maid rl517 Albany Folds Annie (c) maid rl610 Albany Folds Viola (c) maid rl613 Amherst Folk Needham (Edna) lab h2215 Habersham Fonga Harry A hl808 Wolf Forbes Louis (c) lab hl211 Egmont Ford Annie (c) rl610 Albany Ford Benj J (Maggie L) h303 Wolf Ford Cornelia (c) r914 Gordon Ford Dicie (c) maid r2512 Cochran av
FORD MOTOR CARS, Gould Motor Co Inc Sales and Serv ice 1608-12 Newcastle, Tels 12 and 13 (See page 22)
Ford Ned (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r Geo W Hose Ford Patk (c) lab hl410 Albany Ford Richd P (c; Dicy) h2512 Cochran av 7 Ford Thos A (Nell) eng h404 Albemarle

Te l.
Newcastle Street




1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161*162

Ford Wm E chem r303 Wolf Foren Mary (wid Thos M) h2329 Union Forester Mary L (c) prin Arco Colored School r808 G Forman Jos S carp h804 L Forrester Jessie h507 Prince Forrester Mamie elk Southern Ry r507 Prince Fort Annie L (wid John S) hl524 Richmond Foster Ella (c) h2302 Lee Foster Ellis (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2302 Lee Foster Eug (c) tailor rl2l4 Ellis Foster Freeman (c; Deanie) lab The Downing Company Inc
h2013 Bartow Foster Gordon C (Paralee) porter The Downing Company
Inc hl607 Monk Foster Luvenia (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2013 Bartow Foster Willamae (c) r2015 Bartow Fouche Glynn E yardmn Miller Lbr & Sup Co r2116 Union Fouche Lewis M hlpr Hercules Powder Co h Glauber Fouche Sami A (Annie E) slsmn B Frank Mann h2123 Reyn
olds Fouche Walter F (Kate M) slswn B A Lewis h2116 Union Fountain Lillie V sten r222l Norwich Fowler Carl E (Estelle M) elk AB&CRy h800 Mansfield Fowler Jas E (c; Lucinda) lab hl504 G Fox Alice (wid Robt) r913 Newcastle Fox Wm A (Agnes S) genl agt StJohns River Line Co h800
Dartmouth Fraley Eloise (c) rll25 Cochran av Fraley Henry (c) carp h i Oil Stonewall Fraley Herman (c) rlOll Stonewall Fralingy Ruth (c) maid hl517 Albany Frampton D B & Co Jas P Davenport agt 109 George Francis Albert N (Maida) asst supt Ga Creosoting Co h827
Francis Gertrude (c) lndrs rl207 F Frank Evaline smstrs r2312 Wolf Frank John J (Bertha M) atndt h901 R Frank Thelma slswn S H Kresge & Co r901 R Franklin Benj plmbr h i 118 Carpenter Franklin Jennie elk Ry Exp Agcy rl519 Union Franklin John B (Audrey M) parts mgr Coastal Chevrolet
Corp hl828 Union FRANKLIN JOSEPHINE, Sec Royal Fendig & Shelander, h
1310 Union TTol 200
FRANKLIN JUNIUS C (Ada L), Furniture Repaired and Finished, Expert Cabinet Work, 1729 Reynolds h do
Fraser Guy A lab r2714 Norwich Fraser Mack delivery boy John R Ritch r727 Norwich Fraser McDonald (Mary) driver h725 Norwich Fraser Sarah E (wid Donald B) h2714 Norwich Frasier Maude Mrs r2129 Putnam Frasier Thos (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2026 Lee Frasier Warren (c) janitor rl215 Amherst Frazier Alma (c) cook rl708 H Frazier Blanche (c) lndrs r2015 Cochran av Frazier Clifford (c) chauf Brunswick Funeral Home rl708
H Frazier Eldora (c) maid rl827 Wolf Frazier Essie (c) r2015 Albany


Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Frazier Eugene (c) lab hl808 Norwich la Frazier Jas (c) lab rl815 Johnson Frazier John (c; Dora L) lab hl827 Wolf Frazier Jos (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl311 G Frazier Wm (c) lab rl924 Wolf Frederick Geary (c) student rl823 Johnson Frederick Lizzie (c) lndrs hl823 Johnson Frederick Norris (c) lab rl823 Johnson Freeman Annie Mrs h505 M Freeman D Anna (c) lndrs rl617 Cochran av Freeman Henry (c; Rebecca) lab hl928 Gordon Freeman Herman (c) porter rl823 Cochran av Freeman Jas (c; Nancy) lab h2004 Gordon Freeman K (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Freeman Margt (c) rl617 Cochran av Freeman Nora L h2224 Ellis Freeno Danl (Myrtle) h516 Amherst
FRIEDMANS' JEWELERS INC, Chas I McDougle Mgr, Retail Jewelers and Radio Dealers 1504 Newcastle, Tel 760 (See page 29)
Friendship Baptist Church (c) 1010 Lee Frink Earl W seamn r2206 Norwich Frink Maude L asst cash S H Kress & Co r2206 Norwich Frink Myrtle A Mrs h2206 Norwich Frink Verna L (Brunswick Studio) r2206 Norwich Frith Cornelia M (wid Jos L) hl519 Lee Frith Earl D cashier The Downing Company Inc rl519 Lee FRUCHTMAN ISIDOR (Laura), Prop The Guarantee Shop,
h lll5 Union, Tel 605 Fuller Sylvester (c) student rl809 Lee Fuller Thos (Isabella K) hl009 Egmont Fuller Willie M (c) maid rl8l7 Johnson Fulton Cleveland (c; Ella) firemn Gulf States Creosoting Co
hl605 F Fulton Ella cook Rainbow Soda Shoppe rl605 F Funderburk Frank J (Cammie) blrmkr The Atlantic Refin
ing Company h3 w 9th (Arco) Funderburk Fred C (Zelda) firemn The Atlantic Refining
Company h3 Ash (Arco) Funderburk Ruey K marine r3 W 9th (Arco) Funkenstein Louis jr elk Ga Power Co rl804 Gloucester Furlong Benj A msngr W P Tel Co r809 K Furlong E*enj F (Maude) druggist Dixie av nw cor 9th (Arco)
h Hardee av se cor 9th (Arco) Furlong Jos A (Evelyn) mach Hercules Powder Co h809 K Furlong Jos L msngr W U Tel Co r809 K Futch Robt (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl924 Bartow Futch Virginia (c) cook r2005 Wolf Gail Mildred r lll6 Bay Gaines Rosa (c) r3002 Wolf Gainey Henry (c; Louise) puller Hercules Powder Co r lll3
Gale Albert lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Gale Alvin D (Beatrice L) supvr Hercules Powder Co h2400
G Gale Clem (Bernice) salvager Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r606 L Gale Fred (Gertrude) tow boat opr h2728 Norwich Gale Gilbert rl003 Q Gale Henry rl003 Q

Tel. 9170
Specializing in
Sea Foods
W estern
Newcastle Street




, TEL. 135

Gale Howard lab h Glauber Gale Josephine smstrs hl003 Q Gale Leonard (Creola) h2308 Union Gale Maria (wid John) r Howard Gale Gale Woodrow J r Howard Gale Gamble Andrew M cooper Downing Co r2100 Newcastle la Gamble Earl rl907 Ellis Gamble Janie (c) cook hl8l2 H Gamble Mary (c) lndrs hl712 Gordon Gamble Noah H Rev (c; Laura) rl400 London Gamble Robt D (c;Eloise) ins agt Afro American Life Ins
Co hi 102 G /'" Gamble Semuel L Mrs rl907 Ellis Gamble Silas J Rev (c; Bessie) hl927 Lee Gamble Thos B (Ruby) lab hl907 Ellis Gambles Earl G (c; Etta M) lab h22l7 Lee Gambles Etta M (c) dresser Marion N Ridley r2217 Lee Gambles Leona M (c) r2217 Lee Gambles Louis D (c) lab r2217 Lee Gambles Lydia M (c) student r2217 Lee Gambles Robt A (c) chauf Edo Miller r2217 Lee Gannaway Christein student r805 Egmont GANNAWAY FLORINE S MRS, Sec-Treas Gannaway Motor
Co Inc, h805 Egmont, Tel 571 GANNAWAY MOTOR CO INC, Oakley B Gannaway Pres,
Florine S Gannaway Sec-Treas, Buick and Pontiac Mo tor Cars, Sales and Service 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See back cover and page 3) GANNAWAY OAKLEY B (Florine S), Pres Gannaway Motor Co Inc, h805 Egmont, Tel 571 Gant Ed (c) h3d se cor Lee Gant Robt (c) lab rl207 F Garbett Moultrie (c) chauf Brunswick Funeral Home rl418 Wolf Gardner Constance r2100 Putnam Gardner Edna (c) rl008 Cochran av Gardner Jack (Clara B) mgr Oglethorpe Hotel r do Gardner Jas W (Louise) wtchmn Hercules Powder Co h2100 Putnam Gardner John O agt Southeastern Express Co rl216 Union Gardner Jos B blksmith Hercules Powder Co r2124 Norwich Gardner Jos B (Christine) gro 2800 L h do Gardner Mary Mrs opr SouBellT&TCo hl514 Norwich apt 8 Gardner Patty (c) hlQ09 Johnson Gardner Rephart (c; Mamie) cook hll25 Wolf Garner Chas (c; Mary) lab hl208 G Garner Jackson (c; Maude) porter hl706 Albany Garner Jeannette A (wid Geo W) rl528 Reynolds Garner Julia L (c) lndrs hl514 Amherst G arrett Donald W (M Addie) r924 Union Garris Herman C hlpr Hercules Powder Co r2423 Bartow Garriss Jas E carp h i 126 Oglethorpe Garriss Robt L fishermn rll26 Oglethorpe Garvin Jas (c) lab rl307 Amherst Garvin Jimmie M (c) maid rl307 Amherst Garvin Peter (c; Jessie) lab hl307 Amherst Garwood Jesse C (Annie M) chf elk ACLRRCo h515 Albany Gary Jas L (c) lab r2426 Gordon Gary Robt (c) lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp r2102 Lee





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Gary Rogers (c; Susie) lab h2426 Gordon Gary Susie (c) lndrs r2504 Gordon Gary Vera (c) student r2426 Gordon Gashe Lulu waiter Oglethorpe Hotel rl803 Reynolds Gaskett Edgar (c; Ida) lab r2119 Cochran av Gaskin Lanie (c) maid rl712 Wolf Gaskin Lula (c) h2211 Gordon Gaskin Robt (c; Edna) lab Hercules Powder Co r2211 Gordon Gaston Henry (c) lab r2222 Gordon Gaston Ruby (c) cook hl216 Ellis Gates Thos R (c) tender Hercules Powder Co r2212 Amherst Gause Oscar (c) lab r!607 I Gause Wm W (Lottie M) dept mgr Rogers Inc h.708 Glou
cester Gay Carris W (Willamae) millwright Hercules Powder Co
h709 I Gay Geo W elk Brunswick Billiard Parlor rl600 Reynolds Gay Herman F (Minnie C) laboratory asst Hercules Powder
Co h607 F Gay John H pipeftr Hercules Powder Co r2208 Norwich Gay Monroe driver rl600 Reynolds Gay Sarah J (wid Geo F) hl600 Reynolds Gaynor Walter (c) lab rl406 G Geiger Jas F (Daisy) driver Swift & Co h2422 Ellis GEIGER WM E (Madeline), Asst Cash and Trust Officer The
Brunswick Bank & Trust Co, hlOOl Carpenter, Tel 1274 Gelow Otto (Lula) wtchmn h511 Reynolds Gelpi Jacinto cigarmkr Prim Cigar Factory r604 Union GeorgWm C (Ida) lab Southern Ry r RD Brunswick Ga George Frances cash Plaza Cafe rl521 Union George Peter (Alice; Plaza Cafe) hl621 Reynolds George Peter jr (Frances) bar tender Plaza Cafe rl641 Rey
nolds George Sophie cash Plaza Cafe rl521 Union GEORGIA CREDIT ASSOCIATION, Ernest K McLendon
Manager, Member Natl Retail Credit Assn, 311 Gordon Bldg, 4031/2 Gloucester, Tel 41 Georgia Creosoting Co Willis Pierce supt ft Bay GEORGIA HARDWARE CO, C M Peddicord Pres-Treas-Mgr, Retail Hardware, Dealers Tools, Cutlery, Sporting Goods 205-207 Monk, Tels 47 and 48 Georgia Power Co Jonathan M Armstrong dist mgr 1510 Newcastle Georgia Public Utilities Corp John A Sheahan mgr 500 Glou cester Georgia Public Utilities Corp Jesse A Moore supt gas plant 2128 Newcastle Georgia Stevedoring Co Andrew M Ross mgr 101-09 Howe GEORGIA VENEER & PACKAGE CO, A L Church Pres, J T Whittle Sec, Manufacturers of Fruit and Vegetable Pack ages, Glynn av, Tels 88 and 89 German Henry (c; Mabel) mortar mixer hll03 G German Mabel asst cook Oglethorpe Hotel rll03 G Gerner A G rl627 Reynolds Gertman Ed lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Gibbs Benj J (c; Georgia) ins 1303y2 Gloucester hl305 do Gibbs Chas jr (c) oiler Hercules Powder Co h2224 Stonewall Gibbs Ellen (c) cook r2224 Stonewall



The Rexall Drug Store
"Save W ith Safety"
Prompt Deliveries
TEL. 37

Gibbs Essie M (c) hl807 Wolf Gibbs Geo G (Georgia) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl920
Union Gibbs Jas (c) lab r705 N Gibbs W B solr Glynn County Superior Court r Jesup Ga Gibbs Watson (c) hll21 Albany Gibson Anna (c) maid r824 Amherst Gibson Boysa (c; Carrie) presser Pope's Pressing Club rl201
Gibson Carl (Lucille) lab rl4 Glynn av GIBSON DEWEY J (Runie H), Pres and Mgr Gibson-Hart
Funeral Home, hl521 Norwich, Tel 70 Gibson Gertrude (c) maid r2003 Cochran av Gibson Gus (c; Sarah) lab h2124 Amherst GIBSON-HART FUNERAL HOME, Dewey J Gibson Pres
and Mgr, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service 1521 Norwich, Tel 70 (See stencil edges and page 4) Gibson Leroy L (c) porter GtA&PTeaCo rl505 G Gibson Mose (c; Vina) lab Ga Creosoting Co hl206 K Gibson Sarah (c) maid r2124 Amherst Gibson Trudy (c) rl307 London Gibson Walter B (c; Georgia) lab hl317 Amherst Gibson Willie (c) lab rl816 Stonewall Gibson Willie M (c) lndrs rl505 G Gibson Wilton R (c; Anna) agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co h824 Amherst Giddens John M (Lois M) fill sta 2600 Norwich h2602 do Gignilliat Leslie E marker C & O Dry Cleaners rl529 Rey nolds Gignilliat Sarah J (wid Harry) h.918 Carpenter Gignilliat Wm M (Mary L) hl529 Reynolds GILBERT JOHN J (Dorothy A; Reese, Scarlett, Bennet & Highsmith), Attorney-at-Law 1312^ Newcastle, Tel 36, h810 2d av, Tel 989
Gilchreast Thos S (Linnie) wire chf SouBeliTel&TelCo hl411 Lee
Gilchreast Thos S jr slsmn Gould Motor Co rl411 Lee Gilchreast Wm student rl411 Lee Gilchriest Lonnie (c; Louise) lab Hercules Powder Co h
1401 K Gilcrest Danl (c; Alice) lab h2011 Johnson Gilcrest Dicie (c) r2011 Johnson Gilcrest Rosetta (c) r2009 Johnson Gilder Jas lab r701 Johnson Giles Minnie (wid Walter H) elk W T Grant Co r2928 Nor
wich Gill Mamie (c) hlpr hl607 Amherst Gill Ralph E (Annie) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h609 Wolf Gillen Sol (c; Martha) lab rl922 Stonewall Gillians Martha (c) cook rl922 Stonewall Gilliard Phillip (c; Lucy) lab Coney & Parker Co hl922 Wolf Gillican Delores C tchr r805 George Gillican Jewelry & Repair Co (Newton E Gillican) 1503
Newcastle Gillican Newton E (Lola C; Gillican Jewelry & Repair Co) h
805 George Gillis Garage (Lester Gillis) 1207 Newcastle



Coalv Coke and Wood

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Gillis John J (Minnie R) slsmn Georgia Hdw Co hl713 Wil son av
Gillis Lester (Jerusha L; Gillis Garage) hl401 Lee Gillis Minnie R Mrs sten The Downing Co Inc hl713 Wilson Gillyard Lula (cf midwife 1707 Gordon h do GILMORE JOHN H (Gilmore and Woods), hl602 Kay av, Tel
593 GILMORE JOHN L, Plmbr Gilmore and Woods, rl602 Kay av,
Tel 593 Gilmore Lonnie (c) lab The Atlantic Refg Co hlO Magnolia
GILMORE AND WOODS (John H Gilmore and Thomas J Woods), Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab insert at Classified and page 35)
Ginlock Kate (c) maid hl724 Cochran av Gipson Cliff lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Gipson Mamie (c) maid hl719 Stonewall Gipson Robt (c; Julia B) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2306
Johnson Girtman Edw B hlpr Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Girvin Connie lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Glass Benj (c; Bessie) lab h i604 Stonewall Glover Alver S (Jack) (Bessie) v-pres-sec Glover Bros Inc
hll02 London Glover Brothers Inc Thos E Glover pres-treas Alver S (Jack)
Glover v-pres-sec 1506-08 Richmond Glover Clarence B (Esther F; Glover's Taxi & U Drive It)
hl027 Egmont Glover Doris student rll02 London Glover Irvin C (Lucyle E) hl708 Goodyear av Glover John L (Evelyn W; Down Town Garage) hl923 Union Glover Lee (c; Evalina) lab h2122 Wolf Glover Myrtle rl012 Richmond Glover Stoney plmbr r2706 Ellis Glover Thos E (Stella) pres-treas Glover Bros Inc hl012
Richmond Glover Wm (c) lab rl613 Stonewall Glover's Taxi & U Drive It (Clarence B Glover) 300-04 F Glynn Academy Ralph E Hood prin 1001 Mansfield GLYNN--COUNTY OF
COURT HOUSE, G bet Reynolds and Ellis BOARD OF EDUCATION, Dr C B Greer Pres, Riley D
Eadie Supt, Office Memorial High School, Tel 550 BOARD OF HEALTH, Dr Millard E Winchester Health
Commissioner, 1304 Richmond, Tel 154 Clerk of Courts Henry F duBignon 1st fl Court House County Commissioners Office Malcolm B McKinon
chairmn 1st fl Court House Engineers Office Wm N Gramling 2d fl Court House Jail Robt S Pyles sheriff 1728 Newcastle Ordinary Edwin W Dart 1st fl Court House Police Department Lonnie O Godwin chf 1st fl Court
House SHERIFF Robt S Pyles Sheriff, Court House, Tel 490 Superior Court Hon Gordon Knox judge 2d fl Court House Tax Collector Wm L Harwell 1st fl Court House Tax Receiver Robt M Scarlett 1st fl Court House


M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-Seo.-Treas. M RS. M A R IA N A. B R O W N , Vice-President R. R. H O PKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Tel. 10 Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

4031/2 Gloucester

GLYNN FURNITURE CO (Joel J Heard), 1209 Gloucester, Tel 821
Glynn Grammer School Lila Stallings prin 1000 Mansfield
GLYNN ICE AND COAL CO, Frank D Aiken Pres, James McLardie Sec-Treas, Edw H Diemmer Genl Mgr, Wholesale and Retail Ice and Coal, George and Cochran av, Tels 391 and 392 (See back cover and page 27)
Glynn Insurance Agency (Fred Pfeiffer) 1329 Newcastle Glynn Oaks Tourist Home (Mrs Bessie V Knight) 706 G
GLYNN WATER GARDENS (Mrs A F Baumgartner), Water Lilies, Aquatic Plants, Gold and Tropical Fish, 5th and Johnson, Tel 656 (See page 25)
Gober Malinda (wid Robt A) r509 F Godley Danl H (Laura) driver StJohns River Line Co h501
H Godley J Clifton (Hattie M) auto mech hl814 Newcastle Godley John driver Brunswick Marine Constr Corp Godley Richd T (Cath) carp Brunswick Marine Constr Corp
h601 Wolf Godley Richd T (Julia E) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co r501 F Godley Rita r601 Wolf Godwin Jennie (c) rl804 Johnson Godwin Lonnie O (Mamie) chf Glynn Couty Police Dept r
PO Box 420 Godwin Wm (c; Willie L) lab hl804 Johnson Goethe Cleo (c; Ethel) rl815 Ellis la Goin Sophronia (wid John) r703 M '( Goings John (Janie) rl004 Carpenter Goins Arth V county police Glynn County Police Dept r
StSimons Island
Goins Claude W (Willie M) city police rl619 Reynolds Goins Ella V (wid Jas S) h2003 Reynolds Goins J Frank storage dept Gould Motor Co r2003 Reynolds Goins Robt D plmbr r2003 Reynolds Goins Willie M Mrs elk Vienna Bakery rl619 Reynolds Golden Alberta waiter Bijou Cafe rl608 Albany Golden Chris (c; Alberta) bell boy Oglethorpe Hotel h i 608
Golden Jas (c; Susie) wood 1509 G h do Golden Jennie I (wid Edw S) hl611 Union Golden John P rl611 Union Golden Nellie (c) maid r2514 Cochran av Golphin Allen (c; Ella) lab Hercules Powder Co hl610y2 I Goodbread Herbert B filling sta 3320 Norwich h do Goodbread John L hlpr Hercules Powder Co r2027 Davis Goodbread Matt butcher r Burnsville (Arco) Goodbread Silas (Stella) h2316 Amherst Goodman Corinne rl205 3d av Goodwill Buford (c; Rosa) lab Hercules Powder Co h.1020
Stonewall Goodyear Chas P student rl202 Reynolds Goodyear E Marie tchr rl202 Reynolds Goodyear Eliz M (wid Chas P) hl202 Reynolds Googe Jessie Mrs rl809 Gordon Googe Niles E lab r2311 Cleborn Googe Robt (Minnie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2311



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

" W E FIX F L A T S " D o n 't Cuss-- C all U s

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
G loucester and Ellis Sts.

GORDON A J DEPARTMENT STORE (Abraham J Gordon), 1500 Newcastle, Tel 113
Gordon Abr J (Sadie L; A J Gordon Department Store) h 1120 Union
Gordon Building 403y2 Gloucester Gordon Carrie E r2029 Union Gordon David (Claira) mgr A J Gordon Dept Store h2219
Gloucester Gordon Edw (Lillian) lab rl911 Union Gordon Ellen Mrs h2029 Union Gordon Geo J slsmn Isadore Schreiber rlll7 Grant Gordon Helen (wid Richd) rl209 3d av Gordon Inez Mrs hl205 3d av Gordon Jeanne A Mrs sten Ga Credit Assn r25 Dixie av
(Arco) Gordon Jennie h i 117 Grant Gordon John H (c; Nettie) lab h2112 Newcastle la Gordon Jos rlll7 Grant Gordon L E pipeftr The Atlantic Refining Co Gordon Louis (c; Mary) lab hl623 Wolf Gordon Mose (Ray) rl3261/2 Newcastle Gordon Ray Mrs gro 1129 Albany rl3261/2 Newcastle Gordon Robt D pipeftr Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Gordon Sadie L Mrs bkpr A J Gordon Dept Store h i 120 Union Gordon Thelma elk r2029 Union Gordon Thos Q (Jeanne A) pumper The Atlantic Refining
Co r25 Dixie av (Arco) Gordon Thos W (Ella) lab h2119 Cleborn Gordy Chas E (Sarah) tender Hercules Powder Co h2006
Cook Gormley Frank M elk Hercules Powder Co rl216 Union Gornto E Dowling (Annie) mach Brunswick Marine Constr
Corp h2009 Norwich Gornto Edith G r706 K Gornto Julian C Rev (Leona) missionary rl601 Norwich Gorton Jennie (wid Steph) rl828 Reynolds Gould Amoco Station Clayton H Morgan mgr 400 G filling
sta 1628 Newcastle Gould Clara Mrs sec Gould Motor Co Inc h815 Albany GOULD JAMES D JR (Clara), Pres-Treas Gould Motor Co
Inc, h815 Albany, Tel 1044
GOULD MOTOR CO INC, James D Gould Jr Pres-Treas, Franklin D Aiken V-Pres, Mrs Clara Gould Sec, Ford Sales and Service 1608-12 Newcastle, Tels 12 and 13 (See page 22)
Gould Potter F (Lois) h805 2d av GOULD RICHARD A (Carrie S), Sec-Treas Brunswick
Hardware Co, hl227 Union, Tel 252
Gowen Chas L (Evelyn W; Conyers & Gowen) rl302 Dart mouth
Gowen Chas M dentist 304y2 Gloucester 2d fl h828 Albany Gowen Clarence B hl302 Dartmouth Gowen Geo W (Sarah W) sec Wright & Gowen Co h804 Al
bany Grace Methodist Episcopal Church (c) Rev Egbert Dougan
(c) pastor 1711 Albany Graham Ellen tchr Community Sch r RD Graham Frances (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl607 Gordon




Sales and Service


Gramling Wm N (Daisy) county eng Glynn Co r StSimons Island
Grant Alex (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2119 Cochran av G rant Alma (c) maid rl706 Lee G rant Bertha (c) maid rl811 Johnson G rant Blanche (c) maid rl811 Johnson Grant Carrie B maid Oglethorpe Hotel Grant Danl (c; Ida) hl918 Albany G rant Earl W (Bernice E) dept mgr Gould Motor Co h300
1st Grant Ed Louise (c) r806 L Grant Eveline G .(c) lndrs h2403 Gordon G rant Frazier (c; Essie) puller Hercules Powder Co h2022
Gordon Grant Fred (c; Mary) puller Hercules Powder Co h2601
Gordon Grant H (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Grant Henrietta (c) h i 109^ Albany G rant Henry (c) lab rl403 Stonewall Grant Ida (c) maid rl918 Albany Grant Jas (c; Mamie E) driver Hercules Powder Co h2312
Lee Grant John A (c; Carrie) lab rl825 Wolf Grant Joshua W (c; Doris) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r802
Amherst Grant Myrtle bkpr Cain Furn Co r Darien Ga Grant Professor (c) lab r3326 Brailsford av Grant Raymond (c; Alma) cook rl706 Lee Grant Rosa (c) maid rll0 9 1/2 Albany Grant Sandy (c; Bertha) lab hl016 Gordon G rant Theo R (c; Roberta) restr 1930 Cochran av hl923
Amherst Grant W J (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Grant W T Co Jas C Longwell mgr dept store 501 Gloucester Grantham Alma r2223 Reynolds Grantham Benj F (Frances; Grantham Insurance Agency)
rl216 Union Grantham Cecil F hlpr Hercules Powder Co r2223 Reynolds
GRANTHAM INSURANCE AGENCY (Benj F Grantham), General Insurance 5 Lane Bldg 502^ Gloucester, Tel 376 (See page 28)
Grantham Willis C (Estelle) wtchmn h2223 Reynolds Gray Abner (c; Rose) lab Hercules Powder Co hl902 Ellis Gray Eddie L (c) lab rl914 Bartow Gray Edw R (Hattie) pilot hl012 Carpenter Gray F Wm (Ogle) hlpr r2408 Newcastle Gray Helen rl012 Carpenter Gray Jane (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Gray W F lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Gray Wm (c; Carrie) lab hl914 Bartow Gray Wm L (Annie) wtchmn h2409 Newcastle la Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co gros 1301 Gloucester, 1400
and 1508 Newcastle and 1903 Norwich Green Alton L (c) lab rl200 Albany Green Angie (c) hl307 London Green Anna (c) hl005 Stonewall Green Arnold lab r Wm S Liles Green Belle (c) lndrs h2317 Albany


In Sterilized Bottles



508 M A N S F IE L D

Tel. 144

Green Bessie (c) h917 Gordon Green Chas (c) rl506 G Green Clara (c) smstrs h i200 Albany Green Danl (c; Florida) lab rl711 Amherst Green E L lab The Atlantic Refg Co Green Edna (c) janitor Glynn County Bd of Health rl612
Stonewall Green Ellen (c) hl005 Bartow Green Elliott D (c; Olivia) tchr Colored Memorial Sch hl720
Wolf Green Elsie (c) r2115 Amherst Green Everett (Nealie) driver h3533 Cleveland av Green Foy B (Cary L) lab Southern Ry h i 116 Oglethorpe Green G Arnold (Venie S) lab StJohns River Line Co r US
Route 17

Green Herbert (Ella M) lab The Atlantic Refg Co h31 Mag nolia (Arco)
Green Joel H (Rosa) lab h204 Howe Green John fishermn h929 Bay Green John (c; Eliz) porter Bd of Trade rl712 Cochran av Green Julia (c) h802 Amherst Green Julius (c; Malissie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
1922 Stonewall

Green Kenneth (Nellie) hl021 Wolf Green Lester (c) lab r2212 Johnson Green Lizzie (c) h2402 Gordon Green Loland (c; Louvenia) porter Nightingale Service Sta

hl813 Wolf

Green Lou I (c) hl410 Prince

Green Maggie (c) lndrs hl813 Ellis la

Green Maybelle (c) maid r2402 Gordon

Green Noel W (Isabelle C) driver StJohns River Line Co

h903 Lee Green O D lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Green Ollie (c) atndt Morton's Auto Service hl613 Norwich


Green Osward (Allene E) lab h2313 Cleborn Green Philip (c; Mabel) lab hl606 Stonewall Green Robt A (c; Mary) lab The Downing Co h2212 Johnson Green Rosa V (c) maid rl809 Barton Green Roy V (Lucretia) lab StJohn's River Line Co r2010 L Green Rubin (c; Frances) fishermn h2004 London Green Sarah (c) r2112 Newcastle la Green Silas (c) rl612 Albany Green Wesley L mech Hercules Powder Co r Arco

Green Wilbur (c; Mamie) lab hlllO Wolf

Green Wm (c; Julia) lab Glynn Ice & Coal Co hl423 Cochran


Green Wm (c) lab rl506 G Green Wm (c) lab rl700 Lee Green Wm (c) lab rl526 Stonewall Green Wm M (Mary L) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2122
Bartow Green Wm P h708 G Green Willie B (c) rl005 Stonewall Green Winnie maid Oglethorpe Hotel hl715 Wolf Greenfield Annie (wid Wm O) h.1805 Reynolds Greenfield John C h2323 Reynolds



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Greenfield John W (Irene) firemn rll24 Richmond Greenfield Lola (wid Winton) h2625 Reynolds Greenfield Wesley H (Tillie) h2126 Reynolds Greenwood Cemetery (c) Frank Roberts caretkr (c) es New
castle bet T and 2d GREER CLARENCE B (Alma), Physician Andrews Bldg 507y2
Gloucester, Tel 926, h!127 Union, Tel 408 Greer John W (c; Lena) lab h807 H Gregg Harrison (c) lab rl815 Lee Gregg Janie (c) hl815 Lee Gregg Turner H porter Oglethorpe Hotel rl815 Lee Greggs Benj (c) lab h2415 Bartow Gregory Reuben E (Lunelle) gro 1931 Cochran av h do Gregory Walter (Elsie) USA hl515 Bartow Gregory Wm E (Estelle) eng hl507 Reynolds Griffin Chas H Rev (c; Drucilla) pastor Paynes Chapel AME
Church hl303 L Griffin Clyde elk W T Grant Co r300 Albany Griffin Eula M (c) cook rl712 Gordon Griffin Willie (c) puller Hercules Powder Co rl712 Gordon Grimes Aaron (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Grimes Danny (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Grimes Jas H opr Hercules Powder Co r2119 Stacey Grimes Jos (Marie) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2117 Cleborn Griner Andrew G (Susie) formn Gulf States Creosoting Co h
2518 Norwich Griner Jacob (Minnie) rl623 Reynolds Griner Lacy M (Edna M) auto electn Flanders Auto Elec Co
r2512 Norwich Griner Mary (c) dishwasher Sanitary Cafe rl404 Wolf Griner Willard (c; Marie) lab hl404 Wolf Grogan Patrick J (Alice M) reprmn Ga Power Co hl514 Nor
wich apt 7
Grondahl John (Mabel S; Windsor Construction Co) h StSimons Island
Grondahl Mary Mrs v-pres YWCA r StSimons Island Grooner Henry lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Grossman Doris student rl221 Union apt 2 Grossman Oscar (Sarah) mgr Metropolitan Life Ins Co hl221
Union apt 2 Grover Glasco (c) lab r2Q07 Bartow Grubbs Albert rl905 Newcastle Grubbs Lena (wid Haywood) hl905 Newcastle
GUARANTEE SHOP THE, Isidor Fruchtman Prop, Ladies and Misses Ready to Wear and Milliners 1506 Newcastle, Tel 858 (See page 30)
Guaranty Life Insurance Co (c) Kelly C Bennett dist mgr 1303y2 Gloucester
Guest Allen W driver Hercules Powder Co r617 Ellis Guest Andrew r617 Ellis Guest Ben F (Pearlie) tester The Atlantic Refining Company
h5 Oak (Arco) Guest Claude fishermn r617 Ellis Guest Wm O (Willa) h617 Ellis Gulf Life Insurance Co Harold V Clark John L Harris and E
R Smalley agts 1503y2 Newcastle R200 Gulf Refining Co filling stas 1025 Bay, 702 Gloucester, 1700
Newcastle and 2200 Norwich



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TE L. 23

Gulf States Creosoting Co M E Crosby supt Glynn av 15 n Hopkins av
Gunter Hilda slswn S H Kress & Co r8 W 9th (Arco) Gunter Wm V (Cora) mach The Atlantic Refining Company
h8 W 9th (Arco) Gyler Elnora (c) rl700 George H & H SERVICE STATION (Otto J Hood and Wilton D Har
rington), Automobile Service Station, 800 Gloucester cor Ellis, Tel 666 (See backbone and page 23) Habisher Lucy (c) rl405 Prince Hackett Eugene (Anna A) seeds 1328 Newcastle h2814 Nor wich Hackett Guy T slsmn hl421 Lee Hackett Minta (wid Wm A) rl421 Lee Hackett Thos N carp h506 Monk Hafford Rudy (c) prsr Morgans Dry Cleaning Co rl217 Al bany Hagan Frank C (Mary C) slsmn Wright & Gowan Co Inc h 1018 Carpenter Hague Lloyd (c; Matilda) lab Southern Ry hl806 Cochran av Hagy Hazel student rl516 Union Hall Adam (c) porter Cain Furn Co hl317 Cochran av Hall Albert L (Frances) ashroller Hercules Powder Co hl808 Niles av Hall Aven lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2008 Putnam Hall Chas (c; Mamie) h 1st nw cor Cleborn Hall Curry (c; Rosa B) lab hl323 Stonewall Hall David D (c; Estella) sec Byrd & Hall Undertaking Co Inc h2014 Wolf Hall Edresser (c; Rosetta) fishermn hl207 Mansfield Hall Elsie (c) maid hl820 Stonewall Hall Ethel M (c) maid rl526 Stonewall Hall Gladys (c) r2127 Amherst Hall Houston O (Bernice) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h221I L Hall Ike W (c; Ruth) lab r2216 Lee Hall Isaiah (c) lab r2107 Johnson Hall Jas (c) lab hl904 Amherst Hall Jas (c) lab rl723 Stonewall Hall Jas A (Mary J) gro 2201 Albany h do Hall Jas M (Clyde) elk Phoenix Gro Co hl905 Norwich Hall Jas M (c) lab rl526 Stonewall Hall Leon W (Gladys) pipefitter Hercules Powder Co h3500 Treville av Hall Lewis J (Eva) carp h2008 Putnam Hall Louise (c) maid rl311 Albany Hall Nora r2117 Cleborn Hall Robt L (c) rl407 Stonewall Hall Rosetta (c) maid rl207 Mansfield Hall Sami (c) lab rl317 Cochran av Halladay Ruby (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Halligan John W r2316 Amherst Ham Frances A Mrs sten Francis L Abreu r409 Wolf HAM GID B (Frances A), Printer Smith Printing House r 409 Wolf, Tel 875 Hamilton Clarence (c) lab r905 Gordon Hamilton Erma (c) hl309 London Hamilton Fred Rev (c; Helen) hl515 Stonewall Hamilton Henry (c) fishermn h!322 Cochran av

Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year
Hamilton Hubert J hlpr Hercules Powder Co r2224 Ellis Hamilton Irma dishwasher Oglethorpe Hotel rl307 London Hamilton John (Julia) driver hlOlO O Hamilton Jos H (c; Julia) lab hl608 Norwich la Hamilton Julia (c) maid r Norwich la Hamilton Nedien (c) student rl309 London Hamilton Newell (Vivia) agt Industrial Life & Health Ins Co
r608 G Hamilton Walter S (Pearl L) city firemn hl013 Albany Hamlett Eliz M Mrs bkpr B Frank Mann rl022 Union Hammonds Thos L (Cora) pumper The Atlantic Refining
Company h ll Ash (Arco) HAMMONS JAMES S, Asst Gibson-Hart Funeral Home, r
1114 Union, Tel 669 Hammons Sarah student rlll4 Union Hammons Wm L (Sarah) supt Ga Veneer & Package Co h
1114 Union Hancock Chas H (Cora) driver h i 126 Egmont Hancock Estella (c) rll25 Cochran av Hancock Neal B lab Hercules Powder Co r Glynn av Hand Alex (Cassie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h ws N
Glynn av 3 n Hopkins Hand Aubrey (Gladys) lab h ws N Glynn 3 n Hopkins av Hand Jos B lawyer 1401y2 Newcastle Hand Larstin (Ouida) tender Hercules Powder Co hl911
Ellis Handy Beatrice (c) cook hl901 Gordon Handy Rosa (c) maid rl207 Mansfield Hankerson Amos (c) lab h2320 Stonewall Hankerson John L (c; Eugenia) delmn Stuckey Grocery Co
hl707 G Hankerson Lillian (c) maid r2514 Cochran av Hankerson Sarah (c) maid h2514 Cochran av Hankins Julia A (c) hl507 Albany Hankins Lida E (c) elk Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co rl507
Albany Hanley Burnest (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2218 Albany Hanley Earnest W (c; Obie) lab Hercules Powder Co h2218
Albany Hanner Robt H (Libbie) mach h2910 Norwich Hannon Jos (c; Lela) lab hl913 Gordon Hansen Geo A (Dorothy) concrete contr 1600 Gloucester
h do Hansen Jas O (Gladys E) brklyr rl600 Gloucester Hansen P Warren tender Hercules Powder Co rl600 Glou
cester Hansen Vera E sec to Albert Fendig rl600 Gloucester Harbin A Louise elk r709 Howe Harbin Alma E sten Community Theatre Enterprises r709
Howe Harbin Anna B (wid Jos W) h709 Howe Harbin Jas A oiler Hercules Powder Co r501 F Harbin Jos L (Louise E) br mgr GtA&PTeaCo rl616 Union Harbin Nell D cash Community Theatre Enterprises r709
Howe Harbin Wm P (Virginia M) student rl519 Lee Hardage Eleanor Mrs elk Gulf States Creosoting Co r718
Richmond Hardcastle Nellie r707 Gloucester

Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Hardcastle Thos pntr h707 Gloucester Harden Florence (c) maid rl904 Stonewall Harden Lee B lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rll09 P Hardie Carroll (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Harding Gus (c) lab rl812 Lee Hardison Edwin C (Bessie N) U S chf probation officer h2201
Reynolds Hardy AH (C & O Dry Cleaners) r Augusta Ga Hardy C (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Hardy Gus (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Hardy Hillman (Anna) h 1st ne cor Lee Hardy Wm (c; Fannie F) lab hl508 Albany Hardy Wm C (Ella) eng h520 Ellis Harker Wallie K Mrs bkpr Wm G English r Blythe Island Harlan Walker Mrs lab r es Glynn av (rear) 2 n Hopkins av Harley Barrel Co (W McDonald Harley) 1501 Prince Harley Robt G (Beulah) carrier h711 George Harley W McDonald (Harley Barrel Co) r StSimons Island Harmon Ellaphine accounting elk Ga Emergency Relief
Admin rl619 Reynolds Harmon Henrietta (c) rl816 Wolf Harmon Luscius (c; Thelma) janitor hl621 Wolf Harmon Myrtle (c) h925 Lee Harper Carrie S Mrs chief opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co h2520
Wolf Harper Chas E sten Glynn County Superior Court r Way-
cross Ga Harper Clifton driver r2520 Wolf Harper Geo P uphol rl514 Union Harper Jimmie r2520 Wolf Harper Josephine (c) hl005 Albany Harper Laulie Mrs h i 520 Reynolds Harper Robt S (Louise) pntr The Atlantic Refining Company
h20 Oak (Arco) Harper Robt W (Edith M) sec Lazarus & Co Inc agt New
York Life Ins Co h507 Norwich Harper Wm (c; Coralee) porter Gannaway Motor Co Inc h
1425 Cochran av Harrell Danl B (Delia) mgr Rogers Inc h801 Monk Harrell Jas F Rev (c; Eliz) pastor StPaul Baptist Church
(c) h i810 Amherst Harrell Johnnie M (c) r l l l l Albany HARRELL JULIAN P (Minnie), Physician Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat Specialist 212 Dunwody Bldg 1503% Newcastle, Tel 342, r Oglethorpe Hotel Harrell Luther A Rev (Mary) pastor First M E Church (South) hl321 Union Harrell Margt student rl321 Union Harrell Minnie Mrs specialist rl601 Newcastle Harrell Wm E elk Rainbow Soda Shoppe rl716 Ellis Harrington Ida M (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl721 Wolf Harrington Margt student r3 Halifax sq Harrington Victoria (c) hl813 Lee Harrington Wade H (c; Ida M) bldg contr 1721 Wolf h do Harrington Wilton D (Mary L; H & H Service Station) h3 Halifax sq Tel 97 Harrington Wilton D jr student r3 Halifax sq Harrington Woodrow A asst mgr H & H Service Sta r3 Hali fax sq






2 0 8 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

HARRIS A MYDDELTON (Edna W), V-Pres-Cashr The Natl Bank of Brunswick h710 Carpenter, Tel 1068
Harris Alec (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Harris Alma L tchr Glynn Grammer Sch rl005 Oak pi Harris Angie (c) lndrs hl825 Wolf Harris Annie B (c) maid r2726 Albany Harris Barry P (Lollie L) formn Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h503
George Harris Chas (c; Meter) lab h904 Lee Harris Chas (c) tchr rl700 Wolf Harris Chas H (Mabel) pntr hl926 Ellis Harris Clifford M (wid Wm H) hl005 Oak pi Harris Dellie lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2315 Union Harris Dena (c) cook h2105 Cleborn Harris Dena M (c) r2105 Cleborn Harris Dilworth W (Ethel) r Burnsville (Arco) Harris Edna W Mrs sec U D of C 138 h710 Carpenter Harris Edw (c; Ellen) hlOOl Albany Harris Edw (c; Edith) lab rl402 Prince Harris Edw (c; Ella) formn The Downing Co h2325 Amherst Harris Eliz (c) maid rl624 Amherst Harris F Marion r2813 Wolf Harris Foster (Onita) opr Hercules Powder Co h2102 Rey
nolds Harris Funeral Home (Oscar J Harris) 1129 Cochran av Harris Geo (c) lab r2004 Amherst Harris Gus (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl506 J Harris Harry (Willie) lab h2116 Albany Harris Harry (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Harris Helen (c) rllOl Monk Harris Isom lab h2317 Wolf Harris Jas (c; Maggie) lab rl928 Lee Harris Jas (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl300 Stonewall Harris Jerry (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r Broadfield Harris John (c) lab hl609 Wolf Harris John L (Cora S) agt Gulf Life Ins Co h2418 Ellis Harris John P (c) lab hl816 Amherst Harris Kat'h J elk Brunswick Studio r2206 Norwich Harris Leo H (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl706 Wolf Harris Lewis D (c; Leila D) porter Reese Scarlett Bennet &
Highsmith h i209 Monk Harris Lou (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2105 Cleborn Harris Louise E (wid Frank) h502 Dartmouth Harris Luther H (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl506 J Harris Madge (c) maid r2116 Albany Harris Mellvina Mrs dishwasher Sanitary Cafe rl611 Wolf Harris Meta r502 Dartmouth Harris Minnie (c) hl314 Albany Harris Ned (Lula) trucker r Burnsville (Arco) Harris Nick lab r2002 London Harris Oliver G (c) lab h2226 Johnson Harris Oscar (c; Eliz) hl405 Prince Harris Oscar J (c; Harris Funeral Home) hll25 Cochran av Harris Ruth M tchr Arco Sch rl005 Oak pi Harris Sami lab h2002 London Harris Stella (c) student rlOOl Albany Harris Taylor (c; Janie) sec Sampson Lodge No 417 AF&AM
hl913 H
Harris Thurla M (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2105 Cleborn

Harris Vincent (c; Leola) tchr hl706 Wolf Harris Wm (c; Maida) hlOll Wolf Harris Wm (Lucille) hlpr h2813 Wolf Harris Wm H (Creola M) h2025 Cleborn Harris Wm H (Mattie J) opr Hercules Powder Co hl627
Goodyear av Harris Willie opr Hercules Powder Co Harris Woodrow (c) rl506 J Harrison Adam (c) lab rl818 Amherst Harrison Alfred V (Lottie) collr h i 108 George Harrison Arth T (Sylvia) elec contr 2216 Ellis h2222 do Harrison Edwin lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Harrison Eliz (c) hl402 Stonewall Harrison Frank (c; Inez) lab hl510 G Harrison Helen cook Brunswick Cafe Harrison John H chf Fire Dept h808 M Harrison John W (Alice) eng The Atlantic Refining Company
h27 Oak (Arco) Harrison Kenneth (Sally L) city firemn h80SV 2 M Harrison Marjorie elk W T Grant Co r808 M Harrison Myrtice Mrs elk Miles News Stand hl715 Reynolds Harrison Nelson B r27 Oak (Arco) -- Harrison R B (Hester) h e s n Glynn 5 n Hopkins av Harrison Robt J r R B Harrison Harrison Sami T (Myrtice) barber Ramsey's Barber Shop h
1715 Reynolds Harrison Spencer (c) prsr Universal French Clnrs & Dyers r
1008 Cochran av Harrison T D Mrs case aide County Relief Admin r l l l l Eg-
mont Harrison Thos E lab Hercules Powder Co r Chapel Crossing Hart Eug (c)`lab h2023 Johnson Hart Evelyn (c) cook rllOl Monk Hart Freeman (Gibson-Hart Funeral Home) r Macon Ga Hart Juanita (c) maid rllOl Monk Hart Needa (c) maid rllOl Monk Harvey Alex A (Alice) agt Standard Oil Co h428 Norwich Harvey Alma J cash Community Theatre Enterprises r905
Grant Harvey Harris r905 Grant Harvey Ira M (Fleta) opr Hercules Powder Co h2229 Rey
nolds Harvey Jeanette cash r905 Grant Harvey John L driver r905 Grant Harvey Lillie M (wid Jasper G) h2029 Reynolds Harvey Wm L (Hester) cigar mkr h905 Grant HARWELL WM L (Josephine), State and County Tax Col
lector Office Court House, Tel 224 h2217 Gloucester, Tel 235 Hasbrook Marjorie h825 Egmont Haskins Emory E elk Suwannee Store rl907 Norwich Haslett Dorothy E opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co rl829 Reynolds Haslett Mertice Mrs assorter rl829 Reynolds Hathaway Benj (Sadie) lab rl524 Richmond Hathaway Emma M (wid Jas A) h i806 Newcastle Hatten Jas (c; Pearl) lab rl023 Cochran av Haven Waldo (Cleo) electn Hercules Powder Co hl703 Niles av 8 Hawk Wm (c; Estella) lab hl!05 Cochran av


Tel 9170
Specializing in
Sea Foods
W estern
Newcastle Street



1002 G loucester St.


Phone 161-162

Hawkins Harry J (Margt) h817 Wolf Hawkins Hartwell slsmn Coastal Chevrolet Corp rl716 Ellis Hawthorne John W (Ida) eng The Atlantic Refining Co h6
Sycamore (Arco) Hayes Andrew L (Sarah) inspr hl926 Reynolds Hayes Arabenne fctywkr rl926 Reynolds Hayes Dalton D (Helen) hlpr h514 3d Hayes Ealey pipe ftr Hercules Powder Co h3529 Cleveland av Hayes Eliz (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2006 Johnson Hayes Jas W (c; Ella) porter hl518 Cochran av Hayes John L (Margt L) elk Lazarus & Co Inc h501 Howe Hayes Jos (Willie B) carp hl312 Wolf Hayes Lizzie (c) maid hl708 Gordon Hayes Veronia rl926 Reynolds Hayman Bertha L (wid Raymond E) gro 2328 Norwich r2308
do Hayman Herbert elk Mrs Bertha L Hayman r2308 Norwich Haynes Oscar (c; Helen) hllOO G Hayward Emily (c) rl312 Albany Hayward Willie F (c) cook hl303 Mansfield Haywood Lena (c) lndrs h2128 Amherst Hazelhurst Hattie M (c) maid rl904 Lee Hazelhurst Henry (c) lab rl704 Newcastle Hazelhurst Willie M (c) lndrs rl911 Amherst Hazlehurst Jim (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2014 Am
Hazzard York (c; Amelia) lab hl210 Albany Head Clara (wid Edmond) h Isaacs Head Fannie (wid Henry T) hlOl Dartmouth Head Harold A (Viola) USA hl808 Union Head John H pilot rlOl Dartmouth Head Marguerite rlOl Dartmouth Head Ophelia S slswn S H Kress & Co 1505-9 Newcastle Head Rufus M (Louise) hlpr hl007 L Head Sam W emp Federal Relief r Isaacs Head Wm H (Nola) meat ctr r58 Hardee av (Arco) Heard Joel J (Willie M; Glynn Furniture Co) hl512 Carpen
Heard Joel J jr student rl512 Carpenter Heath Albert G (Jincy) collr John B Abbott h2009 Ellis Heath Anthony (c; Rebecca) lab hl818 Johnson Heath Wm B r2009 Ellis Heath Wm E (Adeline) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2009
Ellis Heaton W W office mgr The Atlantic Refg Co r Sea Island
Beach Heidt Arnold bellboy Oglethorpe Hotel r809 J Heidt Mary D (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2015 Bar
tow Heisler Amy J Mrs hl809 Gordon Heller Jacob H (Bella R) collr rl518 Norwich Helmly Fredk N (Florence) bkpr Brunswick Hdw Co hl423
Lee Helms Gordon student rl212 Union HELMS WARREN G (Clare A), Treas-Auditor The Downing
Company Inc, hl212 Union, Tel 1295 Henderson A & P (Algie and Pauline) children's clo 1327
Newcastle Henderson Algie (A & P Henderson) r821 Grant


Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Henderson Augustus bellboy Oglethorpe Hotel r904 Lee Henderson Augustus (c; Lottie) lab rl409 Cochran av Henderson Ben C (Martha) mech Gould Motor Co h4 Hardee
av Henderson Jas E asst chf Fire Dept hl610 Reynolds Henderson John (c; Ella) r2000 Ellis Henderson Lucille rl610 Reynolds Henderson Mary tchr Prep High School rl212 Union Henderson Nathan (c; Rosa) lab rl308 Gloucester Henderson Pauline (A & P Henderson) r821 Grant Henderson Robt (Minnie) opr Hercules Powder Co h2311
Norwich ' Henderson Susie (c) lndrs rl704 Newcastle Hendricks Sami T (Lee) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2121
Cleborn Hendricks Souder (Redetha) lab h2229 Bartow Hendricks Wm (Marie E) lab h2214 Bartow Hendrickson Ray B (Mattie E) mach Hercules Powder Co h
1200 Oglethorpe Hendrix Otis L (Estelle R) supvr Hercules Powder Co h23
Glynn av
Heniford Kay L (Lucille) electn Hercules Powder Co hl708 Wilson av
Hennies John H (Emma) phys 1928 Reynolds h do Henry Fred (c; Cornelia) lab h922 Gordon Henry Fred (c) student rl422 Wolf Henry Ike (c; Nellie) lab hl422 Wolf Henry Julius (c) lab rl821 Gordon Henry Lillian (c) rl410 Wolf Henry Peter (c) lab h i821 Gordon Hensel Hattie (wid Augustus R) r407 Wolf Hensel Oscar G (Edith T) firemn PO h407 Wolf Hensley Rosa L Mrs gro 1729 Lee r502 Albany Henson Alice (c) hl016 Cochran av Henton Rufus (c; Aline) lab hl619 Norwich la Herbert Stafford (c) lab rl705 H Hercules Powder Co L nr Glynn av Herfel Marion T (wid Chas A) hl521 Union Hermida Cigar Factory (Jose R Hermida) 1300y2 Oglethorpe Hermida Jose R (Rosa; Hermida Cigar Factory) hl627 Wil
son av Hermida Mary rl627 Wilson av Herndon Sidney (Editha) pntr hl818 Niles av Herndon W Evelyn student rl818 Niles av Herrin Asbury J (Ellen) farmer r2905 Hopkins av Herrin Frank (Edith O) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2317
Wolf Herrin Isom lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Herrin Jasper (Nora) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2917 L Herrin Lawton (Naomi) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2905
Hopkins av Herrin Susie lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2905 Hopkins av Herring Andrew J (Sarah) opr Hercules Powder Co h3411
Treville av Herring Danl C (Ruby) caretkr h821 Grant Herring John A (Cora) eng Glynn Ice & Coal Co r2025 Nor
wich Herring Jos elk Lovett's Groceteria rl619 Reynolds

Te l.
Newcastle Street

Herring Leroy mach Brunswick Marine Constr Corp r Blythe Island
Hershey Corp (whse) Dewey A Holm mgr ft Union Hess Jas (c) lab h2024 Amherst Hester Malcolm G collr Glynn Furniture Co rl806 Newcastle Hester Sami (c; Mary) lab Gulf States Creosoting Co hl611
Lee Hickman Carrie tchr Prep High School rl908 Gloucester Hicks Chas H (Minnie) waiter Dixie Kitchen h2208 Norwich Hicks Susie (c) rl417 Wolf Hicks Wm lab h2114 Newcastle la Higdon Mattie maid Oglethorpe Hotel Higdon Peter (c) r922 Amherst Higdon Peter (c; Martha) h915 Stonewall Higganbotham Addie (c) hl510 London Higgenbotham Annie (c) maid hl928 Johnson Higgenbotham Elliott F jr (Laure D) bldg contr 2401y2 Tal-
madge av h do Higgenbotham Geo lab The Downing Co Inc r2122 Wolf Higginbotham Ballard (Georgia E) atndt Gulf Refg Co rl619
Reynolds Higginbotham Georgia E Mrs cash Lovett's Groceteria rl619
Reynolds Higginbotham Jas P (Dixie) lab The Atlantic Refining Co r
end E 9th (Arco) Higginbotham M elk Gulf States Creosoting Co Higginbotham Oscar K atndt Gulf Refining Co r Savannah
hwy Higgins Cora (c) lndrs hl203 K Higgins Jos (Winnie) fishermn hl03 George High Sallie L Mrs genl sec Young Women's Christian Assn
rl514 Norwich apt 3 Highsmith Cleo waiter rl006 Johnson Highsmith David A (Essie) collr Dallas Investment Co h
1418 Reynolds HIGHSMITH E WAY (Theresa; Reese, Scarlett, Bennet,
& Highsmith), Attorney-at-Law, 1312^ Newcastle, Tel 35, h802 2d av, Tel 269 Highsmith Henry T driver Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Highsmith J formn The Atlantic Refining Co Highsmith Nora L waiter Plaza Cafe r409 G Highsmith Norman L (Rosa) carp hl827 Union Highsmith Paul (Mae) h i006 Johnson Hightower Geo (c; Mamie) lab hl808 Lee Hightower Josephine (c) lndrs hl312 Amherst Hightower Mary E rl615 Wolf Hightower Roy H (Mildred) lab rl917 Union Hightower Wm E (c; Mamie) delmn Phoenix Gro Co hl615 Wolf Hilary Willie (c) r920 Cochran av Hill Anna P (c) tchr rl923 Lee Hill Annie (c) lndrs h2226 Gordon Hill Brewer B student r803 4th Hill Chas (c; Jennie) chauf Byrd & Hall Undertaking Co Inc rl424 Amherst Hill Chas (c; Angie) lab hl923 Lee Hill Claudie h ns S 2 e Lee Hill Emma B Mrs (c) maid Elite Beauty Shoppe rl526 Stone wall





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Hill Ernest (c; Mamie) oiler Hercules Powder Co hl611 Gor don
Hill Ethel M elk Guy O Bryant r503 4th Hill Evelyn (c) lndrs r2005 Albany Hill Geo D (Sallie) fishermn h811 4th Hill Gladys (c) maid Oglethorpe Hotel rl609 Cochran av Hill Irvin (c) lab r2005 Albany Hill Jas B (Emily) treater The Atlantic Refining Co h803 4th Hill Jennie (c) maid rl424 Amherst Hill John (c) lab Hercules Powder Co h2007 Cochran av Hill John B (Lula) contr 503 4th h do Hill John B (Essie M) puncher Hercules Powder Co rl803 F Hill Jos (c; Edith) lab hl517 Amherst Hill Louis (c; Susie) lab hl809 Wolf Hill Melvin (c) cleaner Hercules Powder Co rl913 H Hill Miles (c; Annie) lab h2120 Gordon Hill Otto (c; Mary L) lab hl722 Gordon Hill Peter (c) lab r500 H Hill Rufus (c) lab r2226 Gordon Hill Thos J waiter Bijou Cafe rl526 Stonewall Hill Valeria nurse 811 4th r do HILL WM F (Bertie; Lang Planing Mill), h701 Newcastle,
Tel 924 Hilliard Stella (c) rl914 Amherst Hills Eugie (c) cook rl614 Lee Hilton Wm (c; Eleas) lab Ga Creosoting Co hl919 Stonewall Hinckley Dana L piano tuner rll22 Carpenter Hines Benj (c) lab rl425 Cochran av Hines Katie prin Purvis Grammar Sch r900 Union Hines Ora B (c) r2311 Amherst Hinson W T lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Hippard Matilda (c) lndrs r2328 Bartow Hippard Maud (c) maid hl727 Stonewall Hires Jesse L (Gertrude) guard The Atlantic Refg Co h2323
Norwich Hitchcock Jasper (c; Queen) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
1821 Johnson Hitchcock Wm (c; Amelia) lab Ga Creosoting Co hl811 Wolf Hite Arnold (c) porter r809 J Hixon Olin H (Lillian) rl002 Dartmouth Hobbs Anne (wid Chas) slswn J C Penney Co rl220 Carpen
ter Hobby Jos E (Rudene) auto mech Burns Body Shop 111317%
Newcastle Hodge Chas E (Pearl) mach The Atlantic Refg Co hl2 W 9th
(Arco) Hodge Jane r2017 Gordon Hodge John r2017 Gordon Hodge Mary (c) lndrs hl929 Lee Hodge "Melvin r2017 Gordon Hodge R C (Ethel) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h es n Glynn
av 3 n Hopkins av Hodges John M (Myrtle) formn The Atlantic Refg Co h33
Dixie av (Arco) Hodges Rosalie tehr Glynn Sch rl716 Ellis Hogan Julius (c) lab rl717 Stonewall Hogarth C Frank (T Ethel) cabt mkr Cain Furn Co Hogue Jas (c) lab hl704 Lee Holland Andrew (c; Essie M) lab h918 Albany


A N D R E W S The Rexall Drug Store


``S a v e W ith S afety "
Prompt Deliveries TEL. 37

Holland Evalina (c) cook Jas F Duncan rl614 Cochran av Holland J Talmadge (Lois L) barber Frank G Crawford h708
Gloucester Holland Jas elk r405 G Holland Louise (c) rl417 Wolf Holland Pearl (wid Murray) h405 G Holland Victoria elk A J Gordon Dept Store r405 G Holland Wm (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co rl715 Oglethorpe Holland Willie M (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl403 I Holley Columbus (c; Janie) lab h2200 Bartow Holley Mabel (c) cook r L Holley Matthew (c; Maybelle) barber 1309 L h do Holley Tarton (c) lab h2102 Cleborn Holliday Mary E (c) h2016 Albany Holliday Vassal (c; Ruby) lab hl709 N Holliday Vassell (c) driver r2016 Albany Hollis Emma J student r808 Dartmouth Hollis Grady M (Anah) agt The Texas Co h808 Dartmouth Holloway Claude C hlpr Hercules Powder Co r Blythe Is Holloway Nelson (c; Laura) porter Holody's Drug Store h
1609 Wolf Hollaway Thos (c; Sallie) h2012 Reynolds Holm Dewey A whse mgr Hershey Corp r805 George Holm Edw (c; Mary) fishermn h912 Stonewall Holmes Addie (wid Lyman H) smstrs hl627 Bartow Holmes Alex E lab r2409 Watkins Holmes Andrew R (Jennie) h Isaacs Holmes Annie (c) r2726 Albany Holmes Archie (c; Lucy) lab h i024 Cochran av Holmes B lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h County Holmes Chas G carp rl626 Johnson Holmes Chas G jr lab r2329 L Holmes Chester (c; Edith) lab rl704 Cochran av Holmes D fishermn r Wm S Liles Holmes Don (Verla) lab h2314 Johnson Holmes Florence (c) rl929 Cleborn Holmes Hubert N (Lena) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h Isaacs Holmes Jas D (Josephine) h2227 Reynolds Holmes Jasper (c; Marie) filler Hercules Powder Co h2027
Lee Holmes Joel E (Myrtle) plmbr h Isaacs Holmes John (c; Lora) lab Hercules Powder Co h2726 Albany Holmes John T (May C) in charge City Incinerator h2409
Watkins Holmes K Berrie (Muriel) agt hl410 Carpenter Holmes Lester E (Alice E) plmbr h2703 Hopkins av Holmes Lyman L reprmn Brunswick Office Supply Co rl627
Bartow Holmes Mamie r2101 Atlanta av Holmes Marie (c) maid hl909 Ellis la Holmes Mary (c) hl916 Bartow Holmes Mary L (c) maid r912 Stonewall Holmes Mose (c) stevedore rl407 Albany Holmes Myrtle (c) rl607 Cochran av Holmes Oliver (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co r George Holmes Raymond S (Willie) loco eng Hercules Powder Co r
Andrew R Holmes Holmes Sami (c; Rosa) h2307 Amherst Holmes Susie J Mrs r2329 L



Building Material

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Holmes Thos B carp hl626 Johnson Holmes Wendell P (c; Lula; Brunswick Funeral Home) r
1009 I Holmes Willa E h2329 L Holms Charlton student rl212 Union Holms Lucille (c) maid 815 Albany Holms Oliver (c; Maggie) janitor hl700 George Holody Althea E Mrs cash Fendig Outdoor Adv Co hl315
Union Holody Geo T (Althea E) pharm Holody's Drug Store hl315
Union Holody W Cone (Holody's Drug Store) rl302 Union HOLODY'S DRUG STORE (W Cone Holody), Retail Drug
gist 1530 Newcastle, Tel 116 Holsenbeck Kathleen Mrs rl017 Cochran av Holt John (c) porter AB&CRy h2022 Newcastle la Holtzendorf Irene Mrs gro 2429 Norwich h do Holtzendorf Reginal E (Irene) h2429 Norwich Holtzendroff John H carp r2216 Bartow Home Furniture Co Inc Jesse E Abbott pres 1318 Newcastle Home Laundry (Frank Osborn) 206 Monk Honester Chas (c; Janie) lab Lang Planing Mill hll27 Stone
wall Honester Della (c) rll23 Stonewall Hood Eva (wid Jas B) rl908 Gloucester
HOOD OTTO J (Polly; H & H Service Station), h927 Union, Tel 773
Hood Ralph E prin Glynn Academy hl908 Gloucester Hooks Arth L (c; Janie L) lab hl409 Ellis Hooper Annie (c) h2114 Albany Hoover Leona Mrs hl217 Wolf Hoover Nan S Mrs mgr order office Montgomery Ward & Co
r9 Wright sq Hope Cleve C (Dorothy R) msngr ACLRRCo h2505 Union Hope Homer P (Pearl) trucker The Downing Co Inc r921
Grant Hope O T eng Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Hope Pearl Mrs opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r921 Grant Hope Thos (Cora) seamn hl706 Ellis la Hopkins Angela S (wid Robt) h710 Union Hopkins Danl (c; Lena) r912 Stonewall Hopkins Edith E (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl518
Cochran av Hopkins Ella (c) tchr rl518 Cochran av Hopkins Elmer B window clnr rl621 Norwich HOPKINS J HUNTER (Irene W; Hopkins Mutual Insurance
Agency), hl801 Gloucester, Tel 98 Hopkins J Hunter jr atndt Atlantic Refg Co rl801 Glouces
ter Hopkins Jos (Lillie) h2 Magnolia (Arco) Hopkins Jos A (Rossie S) agt hl621 Norwich Hopkins Margt W Mrs business mgr Vivian Morgan School
of the Dance r711 Union
HOPKINS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY (J Hunter Hop kins), 208 Dunwody Bldg 1503Y2 Newcastle, Tel 99 (See left top lines and page 29)
HOPKINS R R (Lula), Sales Mgr Consolidated Realty Co, h 711 Union, Tel 151

M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-Sec.-Treas. M RS. M A R IA N A. B R O W N , Vice-President R. R. H O PKINS, Sales M gr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403> /z Gloucester




1 A

Hopkins Robt R jr meter reader Peoples Water Service Co of Ga r710 Union
Hopkins Susie (c) maid rl006 Albany Hopkins Thos S (Margt) sea capt r711 Union Hopkins Wm H delmn Tait Feed & Seed Co rl621 Norwich Hopkins Willie (c) rl006 Albany Horan Edna E elk W T Grant Co rl614 Goodyear av Horan Patk (Edna E; Brunswick Billiard Parlor) hl614
Goodyear av Horn Alta M (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2120 Albany Horn Ephriam (c; Carrie) h2306 Albany Horn Henry (c) r2120 Albany Horn Jas (c; Lizzie) lab h2118 Amherst Horn Lottie M (c) lndrs r2718 Wolf Homester Dora (c) hl020 Amherst Hornsby Fannie B (wid Wm) r2202 Cleborn Hornsby Jas A (Janie B) prsmn News Pub Co h2428 Cleborn Hornsby John rl311 Union Horton Carol W crane opr Ga Creosoting Co r609 R Horton Donald lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Horton Harry (c; Mary J) lab The Downing Co r2303 Al
bany Horton Ira H (Oneil) swtchmn Hercules Powder Co h2114
Wolf Horton Loyd S (Olive M) pntr Hercules Powder Co h3417
Norwich (Arco) Horton Mai C (Sarah L) slsmn Vienna Bakery r706 Carpen
ter Horton Marvin E student r200 London Horton Robt L jr (Mattie) hlpr Arth T Harrison r200 Lon
don Horton Robt L (Avie) meats 1203y2 Gloucester h200 London Hose Geo W (Virginia) formn h es N Glynn av 6 n Hopkins
av Hose Geo W jr (c) lab r Geo W Hose Hospital (See City Hospital) Hotch Clare student rl406 Lee Hotch Douglas student rl406 Lee Hotch Hettie h i 128 Norwich Hotch John N student rl406 Lee Hotch John T (Susie) capt Parker Towing Co hl406 Lee Hotch Theodosia librarian rl406 Lee Houd Aubry lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h Glynn av Houseman Ernest (Eliz) slsmn r l l l l Egmont Houser Ethel (c) hll07 Albany Houser Vondelle (c) tchr rll07 Albany Houston Abe (c) clnr Hercules Powder Co h2217 Amherst Houston Beatrice (c) lndrs h2113 Cochran av Houston Dennis (Leola) agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co r
RD 1 box 38 (Everett City) Houston Jas (c; Eliz) hl309 J Houston John (c; Sadie) lab h2213 Lee Houston Robt (c; Eva) lab h2722 Albany Howard Alpha (c) maid rl207 Monk Howard Annie (c) cook rl208y2 Albany Howard Benj (c; Alpha) lab h i207 Monk Howard Chas R fctywkr h2022 Ellis la Howard Clara (c) lndrs r2412 Johnson Howard Emory (c) lab rl618 Stonewall



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

"W E F IX F L A T S " D o n 't Cuss-- C all U s

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
G loucester and Ellis Sts.

Howard Frank (c) lab hl613 Cochran av Howard Gale lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Howard Geo W (Jeffie) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2420 Nor
wich Howard Guy S (D Belle) boxmkr r2129 Union Howard Irene (c) maid rl618 Stonewall Howard John (c; Annie) lab The Downing Co Inc hl814
Norwich la Howard John W (c; Rachel) lab Hercules Powder Co hl601
G Howard Lillie M (c) maid rl213 Amherst Howard Matthew (c) barber r2410 Stonewall Howard Pearl r24 Oak (Arco) Howard Sallie (c) lndrs hl505 F Howard Theo J (c; Dollie) lab h2410 Stonewall Howard Thos (Celia) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2600 L Howell Henry (c) lab rl407 H Howell Major L (Josephine) county tax collr h.2217 Glouces
ter Hoyle Sandy (c; Geneva) lab hl815 Ellis la Hoyt Colson plmbr L D Hoyt h2126 Union Hoyt Geo H r2016 Wilson av Hoyt Gladding P (Marie) elk The Atlantic Refining Co h23
Dixie av (Arco) Hoyt Leander D plmbr 1413 Grant h2108 Ellis Hoyt Rachel (wid Louis D) r2108 Ellis Hubbard Cath (c) rl201 F Hudson Albert (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl403 I Hudson Andrew (c; Eliz) lab Hercules Powder Co hl826 Am
HUDSON MOTOR CARS, S W Baker Dealer, 602 Gloucester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and page 22)
Hudson Rosa (c) lndrs r2204 Newcastle Hughes Anna B (c) rl622 Cochran av Hughes Carlton (c) porter Wayside Home rl720 Norwich la Hughes Chas (c) lab rl301 J Hughes Chas (c; Mary) lab h2406 Union Hughes Dorothy (c) maid rl720 Norwich la Hughes Eliza (c) hl404 London Hughes Florence (c) cook Parmelee's Cafe hl805 Albany Hughes Glenn (c) porter Wayside Home rl720 Norwich la Hughes Isaac T (Irene) r2612 Wolf Hughes Jas (c; Eloise) hlpr h2408 Union Hughes Marie N Mrs r900 Carpenter Humes Alberta (c) maid r902 Amherst Humes Clara (c) rl004 Johnson Humes Fannie (c) hl004 Gordon Humes Henry (c; Alberta) longshoremn h902 Amherst Hummel John G (Abidee) tester The Atlantic Refining Co
r3 Dixie av (Arco) Hummel Landon E (Ophelia) pumper The Atlantic Refining
Co h22 Sycamore (Arco) Hummel Wm (Ruth) elk Strachan Shipping Co h801 Al
bany Hummel Wm H (Brownie L) water purifier The Atlantic Re
fining Co h3 Dixie av (Arco) Hunter Bertha (c) rl203 I Hunter Chas G carp r2028 Reynolds Hunter Cleo slswn S H Kress & Co r!612 Union





Sales and Service


Hunter Gladys (c) maid r2102 Cleborn Hunter Harley B puncher Hercules Powder Co r2028 Rey
nolds Hunter M Louise rlO ll Grant Hurlbutt Guy asst U S Probation Officer r StSimons Island Huston Tillinghast L pres Brunswick Board of Trade r Sea
Island Ga Hutchinson Mildred D (c) sten Jas S Peterson r921 Amherst Hutto Fred lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2801 Reynolds Hutto Homer elk Barnhill Gro Co r2801 Reynolds Hutto Jas B hl025 Wolf Hutto John (Angie) lab h2801 Reynolds Hutto Walter D (Avie) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2428 Rey
nolds Hyer Edw C (Clara B; Bijou Cafe) r804 George Hyer Miriam Mrs sten The Atlantic Refining Co rl601 New
castle Hyer Paul (Miriam) inspr The Atlantic Refining Co rl601
Newcastle Hyers Lanier (Maude L) mgr Central Mercantile Co hl828
Wolf Hyers Mildred r!828 Wolf Ideal Garage (Fredk A Kennedy) 1620 Newcastle Independent Furniture Co (Mrs Maria L Wood) 1923 Nor
Independent Ledger The (John T Abrams) 908 H Independent Transfer Co (Otto Vogel, John VanDyke) 1212
Newcastle Industrial Life & Health Ins Co Newell Hamilton and Len-
wood Cook agts 1503y2 Newcastle R209 Ingram Corinne Mrs r714 Ellis Inman Grace (c) lndrs r2109 Lee Inman Jas O asst mgr Piggly-Wiggly rl422 Lee Inman Wm F (c; Thelma A) shoe shiner Modern Shoe Re
pair Shop h2109 Lee Innman Henry (c; Rosa) hl605 Wolf Irvin Maggie (c) rl823 Johnson Israel Cath (c) hl007 Gordon Israel Evelyn (c) hl013 Gordon Israel Lonnie (c) lab Hercules Powder Co hlOll Lee Ivanhoe Apartments 1221 Union Ivey Susie waiter Plaza Cafe rl619 Reynolds Jackson Aaron (c) lab r2114 Cochran av Jackson Abr (c) lab rl005 Stonewall Jackson Ada E (c) maid hl811 G Jackson Andrew (c) lab r2404 Bartow Jackson Anna L (c) cook cafeteria Glynn School hl602
Stonewall Jackson Campbell E (c; Sarah) lab hl214 Ellis Jackson Celia (c) maid r918 Cochran av Jackson Chas (c) lab rl514 Amherst Jackson Clifford E (Emily) asst service mgr Gould Motor Co
rl026 Richmond Jackson Cooper (c) h918 Cochran av Jackson Edw (c) elk Nick Sharpalezos Jackson Edw (e; Florine) lab hl218 Albany Jackson Edw (c; Rebecca) lab hlOOl Gordon Jackson Edw (c) lab rl300 Wolf Jackson Eliz (wid Robt) h804 2d av


DRINK In Sterilized Bottles




Tel. 144

Jackson Elliott (c; Minnie) lab r2009 Newcastle la Jackson Ersey (c; Rosalie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl307
Mansfield Jackson Evalene (c) maid rl514 Amherst Jackson Florine (c) maid 1519 Union Jackson Florrie nurse Glynn County Bd of Health r624
Union Jackson Geo H Rev (c; Leola) pastor Zion Rock Baptist Ch
h3408 Franklin av Jackson Gertrude r609 R Jackson Henry H jr (May K) adv mgr hl520 Reynolds Jackson Herman H (Irene J; City Investment Co) rl403Vi
Newcastle Jackson Irene case aide County Relief Admin rl506 Albany Jackson Irma J (c) maid rl506 Albany Jackson J D (Estelle) eng The Atlantic Refining Co h8 Oak
(Arco) Jackson Jas (c; Mamie) clnr Hercules Powder Co hl909 Al
bany Jackson Jane (c) rl325 Lee Jackson Janie (c) lndrs h2114 Cochran av Jackson Jennie L (c) lndrs h2215y2 Newcastle la Jackson Jesse W firemn Hercules Powder Co r2720 Norwich Jackson John (c; Alma) lab hl417 Wolf Jackson John H (Nellie) carp hl009 Q Jackson Jonas (c; Essie) lab Hercules Powder Co rl307 J Jackson Jos F (Hettie) ptrnm kr Hercules Powder Co h2720
Norwich Jackson Julia (c) h i913 Cochran av Jackson Kennon (c) janitor Hercules Powder Co rl913 I Jackson Lawrence porter Ga Power Co r811 H Jackson Lillie (c) rlO ll Stonewall Jackson Lucille (c) rl913 I Jackson Lucille (c) cook hl215 Amherst Jackson Maggie (c) hlOlO Johnson Jackson Maggie (c) lndrs hl207 Amherst Jackson Major J (c) lab hl424 Albany Jackson Mathew (c; Lucille) swtchmn hl317 Stonewall Jackson Mattie (c) cook rl621 Wolf Jackson May K Mrs tchr rl520 Reynolds Jackson Miles (Mattie) mach h719 Norwich Jackson Minnie (c) lndrs hl406 G Jackson Miriam student rl403y2 Newcastle Jackson Myrtice L rl009 Q Jackson Napper (c; Bonnie L) lab Ga Creosoting Co hl626
Stonewall Jackson Nathan (c; Pearl) lab The Downing Co Inc hl627
Cochran av Jackson Peter (Anna) lab h ss S 2 e Lee Jackson Raymond N (c; Arneta M) phys 1506 Albany h do Jackson Robt (c) hlpr Abbott Motor Co Jackson Rosa (c) maid rl307 Mansfield Jackson Rosetta (c) lndrs r2011 Newcastle la Jackson Ruby L (c) maid rl712 Gordon Jackson Rufus (c; Rebecca) lab r2308 Johnson Jackson Sallie (c) janitor Colored Memorial Sch hl306 H Jackson Virginia (c) lndrs h2319 Albany Jacobs Fred B (c; Gertrude) lab Harley Barrel Co hl927



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Jacobs Gertrude (c) maid rl927 Amherst Jacobs Pauline (c) cook hl212 H

Jacobs Sarah (c) hl211 F

Jacobs Willard rl902 Newcastle

Jacobs Wm (Barbara V) r2620 Newcastle

Jacobs Woodrow lab rl902 Newcastle

Jacobson John D (Dave's Cycle Supply Co) r503 F

James A C lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl2 Oak (Arco)

James Anne (c) maid hl407 Wolf James Bell (c) hll25 Amherst

James Bertha (c) hl718 Lee

James Gaither H (Mildred) lab Hercules Powder Co rl522 Norwich

James Harvey P (Martha) metalmn Burns Body Shop r2314 Wolf

James Janie (c) lndrs hl706 Lee

James Jos (c) porter rl719 Albany James Lucy (c) lndrs hl308 Ellis

James Malissa (c) lndrs hl526 Stonewall

James Mell (c) puncher Hercules Powder Co h2114 Amherst

James Monroe (c) lab rl718 Lee

James Perry lab Hercules Powder Co r2201 Norwich

James Richd (c; Mattie) hl923 Albany

James Vinie (c) hl822 Ellis

James Wilma (Wilma's Beauty Shoppe) 807 Gloucester Jarvis Marshall M (Eunice) mason h723 Egmont Jassop I L collr Whittle Furn Co Inc r903 Monk

Jaudon Harry M (c; Eliz C) lab Hercules Powder Co h2410



Jeffords Talmage T (Lillie L) auto mech hl627 Bartow

Jenkens Emma (c) lndrs hllOl F

Jenkins Annie (c) cook r!703 L

Jenkins Christopher C (Ernestine B) mgr Farley's Clothing Stores h508 Union

Jenkins Isaac (c; Dora) h!805 Wolf

Jenkins John (c; Belle) lab h!105 I Jenkins Mack (c; Della) lab hl028 Stonewall

Jenkins Raymond (c) lab r2325 Bartow Jenkins Sallie (c) r2001 Johnson Jenkins Telfair (c; Viola) janitor h lll2 Albany

Jenkins Wm (c; Eula) lab h.2400 Union

Jenkins Willis E (c; Mamie) fish 1324 Oglethorpe h802 Howe

Jennings Robt E (Maude) slsmn Georgia Hardware Co h

6071/2 F Jennings Robt E jr surveyor r607y2 F Jernigan DeWitt (Mary L) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
1513 Ellis

Jessop Carolyn sec to v-pres The Downey Co Inc r722 Rich mond

Jessop Marjorie beauty opr r722 Richmond Jessop Ruth student r722 Richmond Jessop Sarah sten Ga Creosoting Co r722 Richmond

Jessop Walter S (Carrie) refrig eng h722 Richmond Jessup Iva L slsmn r903 Monk

Jeter Wm A (Mary E) broker hl800 Gloucester

Job David W rl618 Norwich Job Eliz M rl618 Norwich

Job Gwenith E rl618 Norwich

Job I Grace student rl618 Norwich



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W iliiams Paints and Varnishes


TE L. 23

JOB RICHD C (Emma M), Managing Sec Brunswick Board of Trade, hl618 Norwich, Tel 1190
Johannesen Kate L Mrs rl2 Oak (Arco) Johannesen Neil A (Hazel) tester The Atlantic Refining Co
hl2 Oak (Arco) Johns Austin (Gertrude) hl518 Union Johns Chas H jr (Maie T) dentist 15031/2 Newcastle R210 h
927 Union Johns Geo R (Ollie Mae) guard The Atlantic Refining Co h
10 Oak (Arco) Johns Geo W (Emma) mgr Singer Sewing Mach Co h511 1st
av Johns Lucille slswn S H Kress & Co rl518 Union Johns Milton H (Nancy) blrmkr The Atlantic Refining Co h
11 Oak (Arco) Johnson Albert A (Gertrude M) driver City Incinerator h
2217 Newcastle la

Johnson Annie M (c) lndrs r2304 Stonewall Johnson Archie E (Ila L) gro 2916 Norwich h506 Dartmouth Johnson B Beatrice (c) nurse r2210 Gordon Johnson Bertha (c) rl306 G Johnson Beula (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl904 Lee Johnson Blaine (c; Susie) lab The Atlantic Refining Co h
2412 Lee Johnson Cecil R (Grace) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
Player Johnson Chapman (c) lab rl720 Amherst Johnson Chas (c) lab hl008 Ellis Johnson Clara E Mrs elk The Downing Co Inc hl514 Norwich
apt 3

Johnson Clinton J (Gladys) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h

2900 Hopkins av


Johnson Columbus (c) delmn Rainbow Soda Shoppe rl415

Cochran av

Johnson Cora lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Johnson Daisy (c) lndrs h2027 Bartow

Johnson Earl W (Myrl) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h3527

Cleveland av

Johnson Edna maid Oglethorpe Hotel

Johnson Edw E r2526 Norwich

Johnson Ellen (wid Elijah) tchr Glynn Grammar Sch h700


Johnson Emma (c) maid rl700 H

Johnson Emmett A trucker Ga Veneer & Package Co r2309

Talmadge av

Johnson Essie (c) lndrs hl621 Cochran av

Johnson Ethel (c) hl026 Cochran av

Johnson Fannie (c) lndrs h2117 Amherst

Johnson Frances (c) rl201 Gloucester

Johnson Frank (Emma) lab h2402 Union

Johnson Frank D (Pearl) r2429 Norwich

Johnson Geo (c; Senia) lab hl927 Cochran av

Johnson Geo R (Bessie) hl924 Norwich

Johnson Gladys lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Johnson Glenn (c) lab hl3 Magnolia (Arco)

Johnson Gus (c; Cornelia) ins agt Atlanta Life Ins Co h

2304 Stonewall

Johnson H Clifford (Ada) lab h2726 L

Johnson Hallow M (c) r3406 Franklin av

Served 3 000 Satisfied Customers Last Year CORNER MONK AND GRANT STS.
Johnson Hanford W (Markey) lab h es Glynn av 1 n Hopkins Johnson Harley (c) lab rl700 H Johnson Harry (c) lab Miller Lumber & Supply Co rl412
Albany Johnson Harvey (c) lab rl415 Cochran av Johnson Hazel opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r2400 Norwich Johnson Helen M r2526 Norwich Johnson Henry (c; Louise) lab h2122 Albany Johnson Henry G (Brunswick Office Supply Co) hl520 Rey
nolds Johnson Henry J (Rachel) h2903 Hopkins av Johnson Henry J (Nellie) lab r2900 Hopkins av Johnson Henry L (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl904 L6e Johnson Hershell V (Ophelia) lab h2204 Wolf Johnson Iola (c) r811 H Johnson Irene (wid Marvin) rl924 Norwich Johnson Ishma (c) rl304 Cochran av Johnson Jake (c) h!208 H Johnson Jas B (Allie) formn Seacoast Oil & Supply Co hl412
Union Johnson Janie (c) hl907 Amherst Johnson Jobie lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Johnson John A (c) bellboy Oglethorpe Hotel rl705 Wolf Johnson John H (c; Rosa) lab hl700 H Johnson John L (c) lab rl305 G Johnson John W (Mamie) h Hopkins av Johnson Jos (c) lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp r3406
Franklin av Johnson Josephine (c) maid rl723 Reynolds Johnson Julius E (Thelma) firemn Brunswick Marine Constr
Corp h3406 Franklin av Johnson Kinchen (c; Johnnie) porter C McGarvey Inc hl410
H Johnson Lela Mrs asst Dr Webb Conn rl526 Union Johnson Lillian A (wid Hilton) rl508 Stonewall Johnson Lillie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl904 Lee Johnson Lizzie (c) lndrs hl415 Cochran av Johnson Louis V (Pearl) h606 L Johnson Maggie (c) h lll8 Amherst Johnson Mamie (c) cook 902 Wright sq Johnson Markey lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Johnson Mary (c) hl019 Cochran av Johnson Mary (c) maid rl700 H Johnson Mary E (wid Jas) rl600 Norwich Johnson Mary L Mrs elk Union Bus Sta r409 F Johnson Mattie Q (c) tchr r2210 Gordon Johnson Meta lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Johnson Mildred tchr Purvis Sch r918 Union Johnson Mitchel A (Margt) pntr h2314 Union Johnson Monroe D (Vivian) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co
h35 Dixie av (Arco) Johnson Moses (c) lab h2308 Stonewall Johnson Nash V (c; Rosetta) lab hl904 Lee Johnson Nellie lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Johnson Neta puller r606 L Johnson Otis (c; Jessie) janitor h811 H Johnson Ottis C (Leila D) slsmn Sinclair Service Sta rl526
Union Johnson Otto elk J W Crosby Dept Store r2209 Norwich

1 15

Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Johnson Peggie M (c) lndrs rl415 Cochran av Johnson Raby (Martha B) sta mgr Texas Oil Co h802 G Johnson Rachel lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Johnson Raiford (Lizzie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2901
Hopkins av Johnson Randall (c; Magnolia) h2210 Gordon Johnson Rayford W (Lula) filling sta 2901 Norwich h2526 do Johnson Renelda (c) maid h2102 Cochran av Johnson Robt (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2024 Lee Johnson Robt E (Sarah) lab h2400 Norwich Johnson Robt Q (Sarah) gro 56 Hardee av (Arco) h58 do Johnson Rosa (c) maid r Norwich la Johnson Roy L (Mary L) mgr Union Bus Sta r409 F Johnson Salina (c) maid r2027 Gordon Johnson Sami (c) lab hl700 Lee Johnson Sami (c; Annie) porter R L Philips Co hl213 E Eg-
mont Johnson Susie (c) lndrs h i926^ Albany Johnson Sydney E (Frances) acct elk Ga Emergency Relief
Admin h722 Carpenter Johnson T E still opr The Atlantic Refining Co Johnson Tressie (c) cook hl306 G Johnson Troy B tester The Atlantic Refining Co rlO Oak
(Arco) Johnson Vance (Mamie) atndt Texas Oil Co h807 Gloucester Johnson Victoria (c) lndrs h2027 Gordon Johnson Victoria (c) student r2102 Cochran av Johnson Wesley (Corrie) lab r Hopkins av Johnson Wilbur C hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co r l l Oak
(Arco) Johnson Wm (c) lab r2213 Stonewall Johnson Wm L (c) janitor rl029 Gordon Johnson Wm L (Anna B) pntr rl204 Gloucester Johnson Wm S (Dovie) carp hl204 Gloucester Joiner Anson W (Lessie) formn Hercules Powder Co hl611
Norwich Joiner Jesse (c) lab The Downing Co rl022 Amherst Joiner Nerman (c; Clara) lab The Downing Co Inc rl325
Amherst Joiner Wilbur soda dispr rl611 Norwich Joines Eug circulation mgr News Pub Co r804 Lee Joines Percy D (Fannie) reprmn Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co h804
Lee Joines Percy D jr lino opr News Pub Co r804 Lee Jones Abbie M (wid Benj F; Wayside Home) hl721 Norwich Jones Abr (Martha) lab h 4th av 3 e Cochran av Jones Abr (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl927 Bartow Jones Alf (c) lab rl922 Bartow JONES ALFRED W, Pres Sea Island Co, Office Sea Island,
Ga, Tel 623 Jones Alvin R (Myrtle L) pntr r2328 Reynolds Jones Anderson (c; Nancy) lab Hercules Powder Co hl408 L Jones Anna (c) cook r2210 J Jones Arth L (c; Maggie) lab The Downing Co hl522 Coch
ran av Jones Azlee (c) maid 306 Albany rl823 Cochran av Jones Bartholomew W (c; Viola J) lab h2115 Johnson Jones Bertha (c) rl625 Stonewall Jones Carrie (c) cook Brunswick Cafe r!522 Cochran av





208 Dunwody Bldg.

Phone 99

Jones Chas r2307 Union Jones Chas (c; Fannie) lab h2504 Gordon Jones Chas O inspr Southern Ry r RD Brunswick Jones Columbus (c) porter D B Frampton & Co rl808 Ellis Jones Danl F (Fay) mech Coastal Chevrolet Corp r2308 Nor
wich Jones Darkus (c) h908 Stonewall Jones Deacon (c; Mae) lab hl407 K Jones Delia (c; wid Chas) r Luke Miller Jones Edw (c; Bessie) lab hHO?1/^ Wolf Jones Edw D (c; Maggie L) lab hl507 Amherst Jones Edw V (Sarah) h2129 Reynolds Jones Ethel (c) rl410 Cochran av Jones Flossie (c) maid rl508 Cochran av Jones Frank P barber Ramsey's Barber Shop rl9 Glynn av Jones Harry (c) h i 108 Albany Jones Harry (c; Sarah) lab hl406 Albany Jones Henry (c; Fannie) lab rl014 Johnson Jones Ida V tel opr The Downing Co Inc r2129 Reynolds Jones Irvine (c) student r829 Cleborn Jones Jas (c) countermn Herbert F Owens r200 Monk Jones Jas (c; Lucille) lab h2108 Cochran av Jones Jas (c; Addie) lab hl014y2 Johnson Jones Jas L (Julia) chem eng Hercules Powder Co hl41l Syc
amore av Jones Jas M (Annie) real est 1407 Union apt 4 h do Jones Jennie (c) r2005 Wolf Jones Jesse (c; Ettie) lab The Downing Co rl417 Wolf Jones John (c; Nathalee) hl403 K
JONES JOHN N, Bkpr Gilmore and Woods, r2129 Reynolds Jones John P (Sophie A) dentist 403y2 Gloucester R303 r
1525 Bartow Jones Jos (c; Annie) lab h829 Cleborn Jones Jos (c) lab rl914 Stonewall Jones Jos (c) sealer Hercules Powder Co r2003 Wolf Jones Jos (c) trucker ACLRRCo rl612 I Jones Julia (c) r925 Albany Jones Leon (Florence) trucker r Burnsville (Arco) Jones Lizzie (c) ironer hl716 Albany Jones Madeline (c) cook Oglethorpe Hotel h922 Amherst Jones Maggie hlpr Brunswick Cafe rl522 Cochran av Jones Mary (c) r908 Stonewall Jones Mattie (c) maid hl609 Norwich la Jones Maudie (c) rl224 Wolf Jones Miriah (c) rl207 London Jones Mose (c; Ellen) h i 114 Wolf Jones Nero (c; Vernett) lab Coney & Parker Co hl019 Gor
don Jones Nero jr (c) deck hd Parker Towing Co rl019 Gordon Jones Norman lab r2115 Union Jones Ophelia E (wid Wm T) r2503 Stonewall Jones Oscar (c; Ella) lab Hercules Powder Co h2223 Gordon Jones Oscar L jr (c) firemn North Star Dairies Inc r2223
Gordon Jones Queenie E (c) maid rl819 Johnson Jones R Clair (Vera H) malaria control Glynn County Bd of
Health r StSimons Island Jones Ralph (c) lab rl922 Bartow Jones Robt R lab h2306 Bartow


City of Brunswick County of Glynn


State of Georgia United States of America

Jones Roosevelt (c) delmn Georgia Hardware Co rl407 George
Jones Rufus (c) lab The Downing Co Inc rl407 K Jones Russel (c) lab rl209 Amherst Jones Sarah (c) lndrs hl711 F Jones Sarah (c) maid rl601 Ellis Jones Shad (Anna) h n end Gordon Jones Sidney (c; Henrietta) lab hl922 Bartow Jones T Wyche (Alberta) trav rl721 Norwich Jones Thos (c; Eliz) lab Hercules Powder Co h2124 Albany Jones Tillman (Annie) lab h2528 Wolf Jones Tilton (c) puller Hercules Powder Co r2003 Wolf Jones Uley rl200 L Jones Walter (c; Flossie) lab rl508 Cochran av Jones Wayne (Grace) radio reprmn Taylor Electric Co h!617
Union Jones Wm (c; Bertha) lab rl806 Amherst Jones Wm C (c) barber hl725 Albany Jones Wm D (Agnes) lab h2503 Stonewall Jordan Benj (c) lab rl207 F Jordan Bruce (Jessie D) elk The Downing Co h501 I Jordan Chas (c; Emma) firemn hll28 Albany Jordan Della (c) lndrs rl610 Albany Jordan Grove Baptist Church (c) Rev James Whittaker (c)
pastor Cochran av nr J Jordan Jacob (c; Hattie) lab h lll6 Albany Jordan Leila (c) maid rl908 Albany Jordan Mary (c) lndrs h2202 Bartow Jordan Misha (c) lndrs h2017 Stonewall Jordan Nathaniel (c; Queenie) lab r2126 Wolf Jordan Oscar (c; Ella) carp hl310 Cochran av Jordan Queen (c) maid rl625 Wolf Jordan Rosa Lj(c) cook rl625 Wolf Jordan Theresa (c) smstrs Wm H Rice rl603 Stonewall Jory Phil garden supvr County Relief Admin r Jacksonville
rd Joyner Emma (wid Wilder L) rl220 Carpenter Joyner Evans eng The Atlantic Refining Co Joyner Georgia V (wid Baker) r2229 Davis Joyner Gussie Mrs h808 Richmond Joyner Hannah (c) hl003 Albany Joyner Henry W (Dora) carp h75 Hardee av (Arco) Joyner John C (Eunice L) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2229
Davis Joyner John G (Ella M) carp hl414 Magnolia av Joyner Lee (Maggie) elk Wm S Newman h2806 Newcastle Joyner Margt H (wid Steve M) r49 Dixie av (Arco) Joyner Wilbert E (Annie) taxi driver Glovers Taxi & U-
Drive-It rll09 P Joyner Wm E h49 Dixie av (Arco) Joyner Willie M (c) maid rl607 Amherst Juheyans Bettie (c) lndrs hl825 Albany Junior Order Hall 1513 Newcastle 3d fl Jurnigan Martha F Mrs elk W T Grant Co r6 Oak (Arco) Jurnigan Woodrow W (Martha F) elk G W Pafford r6 Oak
(Arco) K of P Bldg 1600y2 Hall K of P Hall 1600y2 Newcastle 9 Kaigler Jas L (c; Fannie) bill poster hl71Q Stonewall


O D S 1420
Newcastle Street



1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161-162

Kaiser Geo (c; Eloise) lab h2025 Cochran av Kalcos Peter gro 1800 L h do Kammerer Albert G (Ruth M) refrig eng h710 George Kammerer Ralph W (Susan) mach Hercules Powder Co h
1514 Union Karakatsanis Spiro elk John Pracas rl500 G Katicas John (Lavonia E) gro 801 I h do Kaufman Addie L Mrs bkpr Brunswick Marine Constr Corp
hl714 Norwich Kaufman Alkie C banking Natl Bank of Brunswick r RD 1 Kaufman Augustus C (Fannie) supt Downing Co r PO Box
50 Kaufman Gertrude Mrs cash W T G rant Co hl522 Reynolds KAUFMAN JOHN C (Addie L), Asst Mgr Phoenix Grocery
Co, hl714 Norwich, Tel 771 Kaufman Lester F (Gertrude) formn Downing Co h i 522
Reynolds Kaufman Lewis (Warren) asst agt h3410 Gladstone av Keany Mary (wid Thos) r729 Johnson Keany Thos W (Marion) drftsmn h729 Johnson Kee Sam lndry 1409 Newcastle r do Keele John W (Mime) carp h2309 Union Keele Jos (Marilla) lab r2309 Union Keene Cecil elk Hercules Powder Co rl216 Union Keith Della (c) r715 Oglethorpe Keith Earl H elk Birdsey Flour Mills rl709 Norwich Keith Frank (c) musician rl813 Albany Keith Grace (c) r715 Oglethorpe Keith Henry (Myrtle) millwright Hercules Powder Co h2313
Norwich Keith John (c) wtchmn Brunswick Marine Constr Corp h715
Oglethorpe Keller Apartments 1407 Union Keller Arth J (Eliz) h i 102 Gloucester Keller Eliz Mrs (Magnolia Home for Tourists) rll02 Glou-
Kelley Elijah (c) lab h2214 Lee Kelley Louise (c) hlpr Oglethorpe Hotel hl217 Albany Kelly Edith D Mrs cash A J Gordon Dept Store hl417 Lee Kelly John (c; Georgia) lab hl611 Amherst Kelly Marie (c) lndrs r21Q5 Wolf Kelly Ruth (c) lndrs r2105 Wolf Kelly Sami (c; Mary) lab h2105 Wolf Kelly Sarah J (wid Henry) r Hopkins av Kelly Thos (Edith D) elk H Powell McDonald hl417 Lee Kemble Sarah (c) cook hl620 Lee Kemp Eula C (wid Ira J) r927 Union Kemp Fred (Victoria) lab h2327 Reynolds Kemp Hattie (c) rl617 Lee Kennedy Arth A (Lovell) inspr ACLRR hl412 Dartmouth Kennedy David C soda dispenser Bennett's Drug Store rl422
Reynolds Kennedy Emma (c) maid h2000 Wolf Kennedy Fredk A (Clacel A; Ideal Garage) h!204 2d av Kennedy Geo fishermn r929 Bay Kennedy Hortence student r700 Amherst Kennedy J Hoke (Kathleen) elk Valona Shrimp Co h2009
Reynolds Kennedy Jolly H (Alma) elk Standard Oil Co r714 Richmond



Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Kennedy Ramona nurse City Hospital r714 Richmond Kennimore Lucy M (c) smstrs h2621 Albany Kennison Essie (wid Clifford) h2821 Norwich Kennison Maude C waiter Elmer A Mitchell r2821 Norwich Kennon Janie (c) h2901 Albany Kent Jonathan M carp hl709 Goodyear av Kent Robt H (Lillian L) br mgr Gulf Refg Co rlOll Grant Kersey Benj L (India) gro 2124 Norwich h do Kersey Janie L (wid Thos W) h2316 Ellis Kessel Bakery (Jas E Kessel) 1331 Newcastle Kessel Helen A r l l l l Prince Kessel Jas E (Etta S; Kessel Bakery) h i m Prince Kessel Jas E jr (Madaline T) baker Kessel Bakery r l l l l
Prince Kieffer Ruth r814 Richmond Kiff Ella (wid John H) hl909 Ellis Kiff Eunice rl909 Ellis Kiff John driver North Star Dairies Inc rl909 Ellis Kiff Lonnie A (Dorothy) opr Hercules Powder Co hl909 Ellis Kiff Willard rl909 Ellis Kilby Henry W (Alida T) bkpr Five Transportation Co h710
Richmond Kilgore Luther C (Laura E) mgr Ry Exp Agcy Inc h908
Richmond Killebrew Oswill S (Eliz H) mgr United Small Loan Corp h
623 Albany Killian L firemn Gulf States Creosoting Co Killian Paul (Nell R) mgr Peoples Water Service Co of Ga
h917 Egmont Killin John (c; Ruth F) h i803 Albany Killin John (c; Dessie) lab hl612 Albany Killin Leon (c; Addie) restr 2001 Albany hl918 Wolf Killin Ruth F cook Savoy Restaurant h i803 Albany Kilpatrick Mildred M Mrs rl518 Ellis Kinchen Amanda (wid Jas T) hl829 Reynolds Kinchen Jas O hlpr Hercules Powder Co r Blythe Island Kinchen John T hlpr Hercules Powder Co hl822 Reynolds Kinchen Jos B rl829 Reynolds Kinemore John (c) caretkr rl408 Albany King Alma W Mrs mgr Community Theatres Enterprises r
804 George King Beatrice (c) maid rl804 K King Bobbie L rl809 Goodyear av King Carlton elk PO r903 Monk King Cecil ship elk rl216 Union King Chas A (Mettie) formn L P Maggioni & Co hl211
George King Corinne rl928 Ellis King Edw R (Mary) lab hl928 Ellis King Fletcher H (Gertrude) bridge tndr hl306 George King Ida (c) lndrs hl408 Albany King Major M (Annie) lab h2217 Wolf King Osborn (c; Lizzie) tender Hercules Powder Co h20221/2
Newcastle la King Pauline rl928 Ellis King Virginia Mrs sten Glynn Ice & Coal Co rll28 Norwich King Wm (c; Eva) firemn Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl711 H Kirby Sidney (c) sealer Hercules Powder Co r!601 G

Tel. 9170
Specializing in
Sea Foods
W estern
1420 Newcastle





Kirk Bennett L (Cora) wtchmn Hercules Powder Co h2102 Putnam
Kirk Berford J hlpr Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Kirkland Chas B projectionist Community Theatre Enter
prises r604 Monk Kirkland Coy M mach r2824 Ellis Kirkland Daisy elk County Relief Admin rl619 Reynolds Kirkland Ira H hides 1421 Oglethorpe r604 Monk Kirkland Mamie Mrs waiter Oglethorpe Hotel h509 F Kirkland Minnie H (wid Ira H) h604 Monk Kirkland Norman D hide buyer r604 Monk Kirkland Wade H (Lydia) carp h2824 Ellis Kirkland Wadley formn r827 Union Kirkpatrick Eldred L (Naomi) well driller h rear 1113 Grant Kitchen Clara (c) rl800 Wolf Kitchen David restr es Glynn av 3 n K h do Kitchen Dock (c) lab hlSOO1/^ Wolf Kitchen Geo (c) hl800 Wolf Kitchen Hawk lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2213 Stone
wall Kitchen Pauline (c) rl805 Albany Kitchen Riley (c) lab Hercules Powder Co Kitchen Robt (c; Susie W) lab Ga Creosoting Co hl515 Al
Kitchen Robt (c) lab h2014 Amherst Kitchen Rollie (c; Eliz) lab hl723 Norwich la Kitchen Roosevelt (c) lab Hercules Powder Co hl403 L Kiwanis Club The Paul Killian sec meets every Tuesday
Oglethorpe Hotel Kline Dennis H elk Hercules Powder Co rl514 Norwich apt 8 Kloss A Schubert (Jean) mgr Hercules Powder Co h825 Al
bany Knight Albert C (Ruby W) dept mgr The Downing Co Inc h
1111 Union Knight Amelia (c) hl013 Wolf Knight Andrew S (Mattie) formn h2024 Union Knight Artis (Sallie) driver Gulf Refining Co h2317 Ellis Knight Benj F (Carrie) rl315 Ellis Knight Bessie V Mrs bkpr B Frank Mann h706 G Knight Beulah M Mrs h2015 Gordon Knight Bunyan W (Bessie) formn h706 G Knight Bunyan W jr r706 G Knight Clarence N (Beulah) pumper The Atlantic Refining
Co h25 Oak (Arco) Knight Cletus student rl915 Newcastle Knight Corbitt (Lila) lab hl315 Ellis Knight Elige L (Nellie) pipeftr Hercules Powder Co h3530
Cleveland av Knight Elliott H oiler Hercules Powder Co r221 Stacy Knight Ellis lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl003 Q Knight Eva Mrs h201 Wolf Knight Ferman slsmn C & O Dry Cleaners rl915 Newcastle Knight Frank G (Gladys) hlpr Moses Daniel Sons h404 I Knight Gertrude (c) maid r2400 Amherst Knight Herbert (Josie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2015
Ellis Knight Herbert W lab r2707 Wolf Knight Homer L (c; Mattie) lab hl514 Albany Knight Jas C (Mollie) opr h2017 Ellis





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Knight Jas S (Lillian M) elk The Downing Co r800 Egmont Knight Jos L (Maude) opr Ga Public Utilities Corp hl208
3d av Knight Jos R (Emma) formn hl915 Newcastle Knight Mary (c) maid rl611 Mansfield Knight Mary (wid John) rl807 Reynolds Knight Mildred student r706 G Knight Mose (c; Gertrude) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2400
Amherst Knight Mozella V (c) ins agt Afro-American Life Ins Co r
2400 Amherst Knight Nathan (Cath) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2707
Wolf Knight Otis (Ruth) driver rl004 Carpenter Knight Parthenia cook Rex Hotel rl522 Cochran av Knight Randolph (Mary) accounting elk Ga Emergency Re
lief Admin h2207 Reynolds Knight Roy B (c; Eula) porter hl514 Wolf Knight Sami (c; Parthenia) cook rl522 Cochran av Knight Susie (wid Abr) r2724 Norwich Knight Thos (c; Ruth) hlpr r2400 Amherst Knight Travis (Pearl) lab hl817 Union Knight Tucker L (Lois I) mech Hercules Powder Co h2710
Newcastle Knight Walter W mach rl627 Reynolds Knight Will (c; Mary) porter Nightingale Serv Sta rl611
Mansfield Knight Wm D (c; Cora) lab hl607 Stonewall Knight Wm H (Mary) pntr hl507 Ellis Knight Wm M (Leila) driver h i 102 N Knight Willie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Knox Elliott H jr elk Gulf States Creosoting Co rl619 Rey
nolds Knox Gordon Hon judge Glynn County Superior Court r
Hazelhurst Ga Knox Jos B (Lois) formn Gulf States Creosoting Co rl619
Reynolds Knox Lester N meat ctr rl619 Reynolds Knox Mollie (wid Elliott H) bdg 1619 Reynolds h do Knudsen Peder (Mamie) carp rll07 1st av Knudsen Timmons E (Gladys) mach Hercules Powder Co h
3200 Norwich Konetzko Ruth E bkpr Moses Daniel Sons r Blythe Island Konetzko Wm P laboratory asst Hercules Powder Co r Blythe
Island Koons Levi J (Minnie B) wtchmn Hercules Powder Co h600
Union Kovatch Frank (Agnes S) supvr Hercules Powder Co hl801
Kay av Kovatch Genevieve F rl801 Kay av Krauss Carl F (Marion) millwright Hercules Powder Co h
2020 Davis Krauss Chas W (Margt) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2602 New
castle Krauss Danl A (Eunice S; Brunswick Fisheries Inc) h708,
Dartmouth Krauss Danl W (Minnie L; Krauss & Strong) lawyers hl302
Union Krauss Fred D planer r2602 Newcastle


A N D R E W S The Rexall Drug Store


"Save With Safety"
Prompt Deliveries
TEL. 37

Krauss Geo A (Helen T; Krauss Tire & Battery Co) r Dar ien Highway
Krauss Jesse lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2602 Newcastle Krauss Lee (Lillie) agt rl302 Union Krauss Richd student Brunswick Fisheries Inc r708 D art
mouth Krauss Tire & Battery Co (Geo A Krauss) 1412 Newcastle KRAUSS & STRONG (Danl W Krauss), Attorneys-at-Law
2d Floor Wright Bldg 3041^ Gloucester, Tel 85 Kress S H & Co Vincent F Fechtel mgr 1505-09 Newcastle Kulman Orange Crush Bottling Co (Philip Kulman) 1314
Bay Kulman Philip (Anna J; Kulman Orange Crush Bottling
Co) h511 Howe Kumler Edna G (wid Longdon) hlOOl Gloucester apt 1 Kyler Manzie (c; Lenora) lab h2026 Amherst Lacombe Justin F (Fannie L) opr Hercules Powder Co h2122
Reynolds Ladd Wm F (Ella M) optician 506 Monk hl620 Reynolds Ladnier Chas r711 Gloucester Ladson Robt (c; Laura) lab The Downing Co Inc hl004 Wolf Lafield Rufus lab h2419 Reynolds Lamb Amy E (wid Sedgwick D) h2829 Norwich Lamb Bert (c; Hattie) lab The Downing Co hl009 Wolf Lamb Guy meat ctr Cleveland V Abbott rll24 Richmond Lamb Hamilton K (Vivian B) agt ACLRRCo rl928 Union Lamb Hattie (c) maid rl009 Wolf Lamb Jas (c) student rl009 Wolf Lamb Obed (Lola) elk Southeastern Express Co h708 I Lambert Agnes (c) maid rl419 Cochran av Lambert Albert (c; Annie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl819
Johnson Lambert Benj pdlr h602 Oglethorpe Lambert Chas (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r Phyllis Lam
bert Lambert Phyllis (c; wid Chas) h 4th 2 e Cochran av Lambert Robt (c) lab rl204 Albany Lambert Sarah (wid Benj) r602 Oglethorpe Lambert Ship (c; Agnes) delmn Vienna Bakery rl419 Coch
ran av Lambright Edwin student r601 Dartmouth Lambright Frank G student rl611 Niles av Lambright Harold J atndt Nightingale Service Sta r2329
Gloucester Lambright Jas R atndt rl611 Niles av Lambright Jos E (Maude) editor Glover Bros Inc h601 Dart
mouth Lambright Jos M (Nevada) bus driver hl611 Niles av Lambright Jos M jr atndt Mortons Auto Service rl611 Niles
av Lambright Leonel U student rl611 Niles av Lambright Maude Mrs case aide County Relief Admin h601
Dartmouth Lambright Roswell K student rl611 Niles av Lambright Thos G (Addie C) h2329 Gloucester Lambright Willodeen student r2329 Gloucester Lampkin Mary (c) lndrs rl523 Stonewall Lampkin Wm (c) lab rl417 Wolf Lancaster Kenneth O boilermkr Hercules Powder Co r RD 1



Coal, Coke and Wood

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Lancaster Luther lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Lancaster W B forerun Ga Veneer & Package Co Landane Roy L (Annie L) br mgr Gulf Refg Co rl022 Union Landerss Earl C (Mary) barber 1920 Norwich r2308 Norwich Landis N elk The Atlantic Refining Co Landon B W (Lula) still opr The Atlantic Refining Com
pany h7 Ash (Arco) Landrum Betty Mrs restr 2112 Norwich r2106 do Landrum Edw G (Nettie E) elk Central Mercantile Co rl807
Newcastle Landrum Ranee L i(Betty) guard The Atlantic Refining
Co h2106 Norwich Landrum Wm G (Mamie) flagmn h i807 Newcastle Lane Bertha M sec to Abr A Nathan r Old Jesup hwy RR 1
Box 85 Lane Building 502V2-505^ Gloucester Lane Chas W (Doris O; City Barber Shop) hl5 Glynn av Lane Henry lab rll08 Stonewall Lane Lawrence A (Maude) hl911 Union Lane Lucille (c) maid r2023 Stonewall Lane M H (Claude) carp h52 Hardee av (Arco) Lane Minnie (wid Will) h3412 Gladstone av Lane Nelson (Alma) h i 108 Stonewall Lane Saul (c; Dicie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hll06 J Lane Sherod A (Annie) lab StJohn's River Line Co hl800
Newcastle Lang Angeline (c) r!415 Wolf Lang Dorothy accounting elk County Relief Admin r711
George Lang Dudley (c) lab r!0Q4 Gordon Lang Geo lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r623 Cochran av LANG HUBERT W (Marie; Lang Planing Mill), h2300 Nor
wich, Tel 223 Lang Igelow J (Virginia) carp h rear 201 Wolf Lang Jas (c; Sadie) lab Brunswick Fisheries Inc h.923 Gor
don Lang Maggie (c) rl016 Cochran av Lang Marie Mrs sec YWCA h2300 Norwich LANG PLANING MILL (Hubert W Lang, Wm F Hill), Lumber
and Building Material 1500 Prince, Tel 400 (See back cover and page 30) Lang Wm C (Eva) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2526 Wolf Langford Bertram C (Elneeta) firemn Ga Creosoting Co h 514 Amherst Lanier Fenton A (Hazel) br mgr GtA&PTeaCo h908 I Lanier Pearl Mrs hl311 Union Lankford Wm B (Kath) custom officer hl618 Goodyear av Larkin Elnora (c) rl019 Cochran av Larsen Walter (Olga) rl8Q9 Reynolds Larson Lucinda (c) h i 023 Lee Latham Benj B r2028 Ellis Latham Blair F (Norwich St Meat Market) r RD 17 Latham Clyde W (Celia M) mattress mkr h2206 Cleborn Latham Harry lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Latham John A bottler Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling Co r2028 Ellis Latham Julia r2028 Ellis Latham Kathleen (wid Wm J) cigar mfr 2527 L h do Latham Mary C (wid Jas F) h2028 Ellis

M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-Sec.-Treas. M RS. M A R IA N A. B R O W N , Vice-President R. R. H O PK IN S, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands-- Rentals

4 A

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403i/2 Gloucester

H " 9 a JSuxJf

Latham Susan (wid Benj F) r2102 Newcastle Latham Tollie (Froney) mldr Brunswick Marine Constr Corp Latham Wm J opr r2527 L

Latimer Phil H (Louise) elk Hercules Powder Co h920 Car penter

Law Albert E rl202 George

Law Louis F (Lucille) agt h508 Albemarle

Lawrence Otis (c) shoeshiner City News Stand rl722 Albany Lawrence Thurlow (c; Eloise) porter hl627 Wolf Lawson Bessie (c) lndrs hl40iy2 K

Lawson Edna tchr Glynn Grammar Sch rll27 Union

Lawson Sami (c) lab Lazarus & Co Inc r 1401Ms K Lawton Frances cook Bennett's Drug Store rl411 K

Lawton Jos (c; Henrietta) porter Standard Oil Co h2127 Albany

Lawton Queen (c) maid rl405 Wolf Lawton Sami (c; Frances) driver hl411 K Layfield Cecil driver r607 M

Layfield Oscar H (Gladys) slsmn Ga Power Co r720 Union Layfield Rufus (Eliz) formn Miller Lbr & Supply Co h607 M Layton Othe L lab Hercules Powder Co rl802 Wolf

Lazarus Abr (Ida) pres-treas Lazarus & Co Inc hll03 Al bemarle

Lazarus Ida Mrs v-pres Lazarus & Co Inc h i 103 Albemarle Lazarus Leo (Rose) mgr Coastal Auto Wrecking Co h l l
Glynn av

Lazarus & Co Inc Abr Lazarus pres-treas Mrs Ida Lazarus v-pres Robt W Harper sec whol gros 1317-21 Oglethorpe
Leake Marian (c) rl406 H Leake Marie (c) rl406 H

Leary Jas (Lizzie M) porter Bennett's Drug Store r Selden Institute
Leavey Sarah (c) lndrs rl626 Lee

Leavy A Heywood (Pauline) slsmn Gould Motor Co h621 A1-.



Leavy C Howard jr (Janet) lawyer 403y2 Gloucester R305 h 905 Union

LEAVY CLARENCE H (Sarah), Pres The News Publishing' Co and Editor The Brunswick News, h7Q5 Union, Tel 432
Leavy Cornelia r705 Union

Leavy Louis J (Dell B) managing editor News Pub Co hl205 Union

Lecount Hattie L (c) lndrs h2112 Albany LeCount John (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl815 Albany LeCount Lucille (c) maid rl312 Cochran av LeCount Richd P (c; Margt) lab rl507 Amherst LeCount Wm (c) oiler Hercules Powder Co r2H2 Albany Lee Amos (c; Stella) lab hl424 Amherst Lee Arth (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2317 Lee Lee Bessie (c) maid r905 Union

Lee Eddie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2317 Lee Lee Eliz (wid N S) r3416 Treville av

Lee Everlina (c) h920 Cochran av Lee Geo L (D Gentry) agt h805 Monk

Lee Gertrude (c) student rl602 Stonewall Lee J Clarence (Orene E) filling sta 3331 Norwich h do Lee Jas R (c; Phoebe) lab h2012 Stonewall Lee Jeff E (Nettie M) brklyr h2512 Norwich

Lee John (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl921 Cleborn



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)
"W E FIX F L A T S " D o n 't Cuss-- C all U s

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
G loucester and Ellis Sts.

Lee Jos (c) h923 Reynolds Lee July (c; Marilee) lab Coney & Parker Co h2317 Lee Lee Leroy (c; Janie) r806 Howe Lee Mollie W Mrs r ss Hanover sq 1 w Richmond Lee Namrah r506 Dartmouth Lee Nora (c) lndrs hl810 H Lee Othan (c) student r2317 Lee Lee Robt L (Louise M) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co hl204
Mansfield Lee Rosetta (c) r2317 Lee Lee Sarah K (wid W Barnett) r506 Dartmouth Lee Silas (Annie) h ns 1st 1 e Lee Lee Thelma (c) h i 119 Cochran av Lee Wesley (c) student r2317 Lee Lee Wm (Sallie) carp r4 Sycamore (Arco) Leggett Geo H (Annie) lab Hercules Powder Co h606 Am
Lemon Rosa (c) lndrs rl807 Lee Lemon Sadie (c) maid rl211 Amherst Lemon Sami (c; Maria) lab hl620 Gordon Leonard Eunice (c) cook rl307 Albany Leonard Thos (c) r2010 Wolf LEONIDAS JERRY, Mgr Brunswick Cafe, rl624 Reynolds Leonidas Robt (Savoy Restr) r501^ Monk Leotis Arth P (Juanita) pres-treas Leotis Inc h527 Union Leotis Inc Arth P Leotis pres-treas J Ernest Odum sec whol
gro 1324 Newcastle warehouse 1422 Bay Leppo Reginald W wtchmkr C J Dubs rl409 Reynolds Lerio Louis pres-genl mgr Lerio Patent Cup Co r Mobile Ala Lerio Patent Cup Co Louis Lerio pres-genl mgr Walter D
Bellingrath v-pres Robt E Williams sec-treas 1523 Ogle thorpe Levine Abr M (c; Gertrude) caddy master Brunswick Golf Course h2021 Stonewall Levine Mary (wid Herman P) hl326V2 Newcastle Levine Sami (Wilma) clothing 2d hd 203 Monk h203y2 do Lewis Annie M (c) hlpr rl611 Cochran av Lewis Arnell r800 Albany Lewis Avery hlpr r2200 Wolf Lewis B J lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2225 Wolf LEWIS BENJ A (Ruby), Retail Furniture Dealer, Complete Home Furnishers 1423 Newcastle, Tel 166, h80Q Albany, Tel 960 (See front cover and page 26) Lewis Betsey Mrs cash Rish's Pharmacy r927 Union Lewis Campbell (c; Ellen) lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp hlOlO Bartow Lewis Campbell (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl510 London Lewis Claudie mgr Cafeteria Glynn School h811 Mansfield Lewis Cleveland (c) lab h3000 Norwich Lewis Cora Mrs elk Clinton D Brown rll27 Newcastle Lewis Crab Factory (Sami L Lewis) canners ws Bay 4 s Al bemarle Lewis Eliza Mrs h2225 Wolf Lewis Emeline (c) r2009 Amherst Lewis Ethel (c) maid h i 105 H Lewis Eva K r2017 Ellis Lewis Geo (c) lab rl626 Wolf Lewis Georgia M (c) rl815 Wolf





Sales and Service


Lewis Georgia M (c) cook rl700 H Lewis Gus W (c; Ida L) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2000
Cleborn Lewis J Edw (Annie) h2200 Wolf Lewis Leah K Miss tchr Perry Business Schools rl611 Union Lewis Leo Y (Louie) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co h 6 Oak
(Arco) Lewis Louise (c) cook rl921 Cleborn Lewis Mary B (c) hl815 Wolf Lewis Mollie (c) lndrs hl306 Albany Lewis Myrtle r2200 Wolf Lewis Pearl M (c) maid rl907 Amherst Lewis Sallie M (c) rll05 H Lewis Sami T (Millie; Lewis Crab Factory) hl311 Albemarle Lewis W M (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl905 K Lewis Wade H (Nan) furn 2100 Norwich h807 K Lewis Wm (c; Lucy) delmn Phoenix Gro Co hl916 Albany LEYBOURNE A E & CO (Allen E Leybourne), Real Estate,
Rentals and Insurance 503*4 Gloucester, Tel 587 Leybourne Allen E (A E Leybourne & Co) hl027 Albany Leybourne Jas G (Evelyn H) banking Natl Bank of Bruns
wick r709 Albany Liberty Temple No 15 Pythian Sisters Mrs Edo Miller M of
R & C meets 1st and 3d Mondays at K of P Hall Life Edw (c; Julia) vehiclemn Ry Exp Agcy h2007 Albany Ligeour Ethel M Mrs (Ligeour's) r2301 Gloucester Ligeour Jos C (Ethel M) r2301 Gloucester Ligeour's (Mrs Ethel M Ligeour) gift shop 1524 Newcastle Light Ernestine (c) r715 Oglethorpe Lightsey Alfred r2008 Newcastle Lightsey Barto A (Virginia) barber 2012a Newcastle h2008 do Liles Burwell (Frankie) seamn r2112 Wolf Liles Frankie Mrs elk W T Grant Co r2112 Wolf Liles Isabell (wid Andrew J) h2112 Wolf Liles Wm S (Helen) h Glynn av nr P Lilienthal Clarence (Ida B) h500 Union Lindsay Alva G student rl404 George Lindsay Robt A (Myrtle) meat ctr Robt C Lindsay rl402
George Lindsay Robt C (Stella) gro 1400 George hl404 do Lindsey Elvira (c) cook rl204 Albany Lindsey Herbert (c) lab The Downing Co Inc rl805 Wolf Lippman Theo (Louise D) associate Hopkins Mutual Ins
Agcy rl504 Gloucester Lipthratt C Vernon (Mary) pntr The Atlantic Refining Co h
1 Oak (Arco) Lipthratt Cyril M (Sara) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co r
Burnsville (Arco) Lipthratt David C (Martha L) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co
h2222 Norwich Lipthratt David M (Laura) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co r
Burnsville (Arco) Lisman Olivia C (Helen) h9 Glynn av Lissner Helen rl327 Union LISSNER JACK J JR, Attorney-at-Law 206 Gordon Bldg
403i/2 Gloucester, Tel 421, rl327 Union, Tel 545 Lissner Jacob J (Flora) hl327 Union Lister Donald rll03 Egmont Little Adam (c) barber 1305 Monk h do


In Sterilized Bottles



508 M A N S F IE L D

Tel. 144

LITTLE WM C (A Josephine), Attorney-at-Law 301 Gordon Bldg 4031/2 Gloucester, Tel 180, h2201 G, Tel 1022
Little Wm C jr student r2201 G Lively Mellie (c; Lillar) firemn Ga Creosoting Co h lll3 Al
bany Livingston Albert E (Louise) plmbr h2006 Reynolds Livingston Albert S hlpr r2Q06 Reynolds Livingston Ernest wtchmn Gulf States Creosoting Co r719
Norwich Livingston Florida rl311 Union Livingston Joe (c) lab rl204 London Livingston Jos (c; Ella) lab hl525 Amherst Livingston Nannie (wid Burrell) r719 Norwich Livingston T Alex (Jeanett) lbrmn r2527 L Livingston Thos (c) lab rl318 Stonewall Lloyd Gertie (c) lndrs rl723 Norwich la Loback Wm (Belle) sec Brunswick Pilot Assn hl302 George Lockerman Aaron L (Marie) elk Glover Bros Inc hl921
Union Lockette Helen sten Ga Emergency Relief Admin rl216
Lockette Wm T (Ruth) hl216 Union Lockford Mack (c; Rosa) hl721 Cochran av Locklear Marion L refrigerator mech rl33iy2 Newcastle Lockleer Marion S (Betty E) slsmn r600 Monk Lockleer Willard electn h511 Ellis Lockwood Fred M (Ida F; City Drug Store) and drugs 1300
Gloucester h721 Union Lockwood Louis (c; Geneva) sealer Hercules Powder Co h
1607 Norwich la Lockwood Mary H elk City Drug Store r!330y2 Newcastle Lockwood Nancy elk City Drug Store hl330y2 Newcastle Lofton Andrew (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2118 Albany Lofton Frank (c) lab Hercules Powwer Co r2118 Albany Logan Carrie (c) rl216 Albany Logan Eliz (c) r Peter Jackson Logan Everlina (c) h914 Gordon Lommler Dora (wid Geo) rl514 Norwich apt 11 Lomon Susie (c) lndrs hl513 Amherst Londen John (c) lab rl201 Monk London Chester (c) lab hl911 Newcastle London Martha W (c) lndrs h2308 Johnson Long John (c) lab hl320 Albany Longwell Jas C (Eleanor) mgr W T Grant Co hl409 Reynolds Lonn Leo (Mona) hl516 Carpenter Lopes Jack Packing House (John Lopes) shrimp packers ns
Bay 2 s Albemarle Lopes John (Anna; Jack Lopes Packing House) Y illlS V z
Lopes John T jr mgr Jack Lopes Packing House r Jackson ville Fla
Lord G A lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Lorentzson Andrew jr student rl301 Dartmouth Lorentzson Andrew M (Julia B) agt Metropolitan Life Ins
Co hl301 Dartmouth Lorentzson Grace tchr Preparatory Sch rl301 Dartmouth Lorentzson Julia opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r200 London Lorentzson Julia Mrs treas U D of C 138 hl301 Dartmouth



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Lorraine's Beauty Salon (Lorraine D Dellinger) 502Vh Glou cester R7
Lotson Amanda (c) maid rl601 London Lotson Benj (c) rl003 Davis Lotson Carrie (c) h916 Albany Lotson Chris (c) h i601 London Lotson Delia (c) hl407 H Lotson Rubin (c) lab rlOQ3 Davis Lotson Rufus (c; Rosa) lab hl003 Davis Lotson Wm (c) rl003 Davis Lotson Wm (c; Pearl) lab hl612 London Lott Benj H (Ellen) driver North Star Dairies Inc h i 129
Newcastle Lott Benj J student rll29 Newcastle Lott Beulah tchr Glynn Academy r827 Union Lott Danl chem Hercules Powder Co rl303 Union Lott Edw delmn Cribbs Grocery rll29 Newcastle Lott Gertrude (wid Joel J) r827 Union Lott Marjorie (wid Warren) r601 Prince Lott Ruth (c) lndrs rl40iy2 K Lott Warren N r601 Prince Loughlin Geo F (Beatrice M) mldr Hercules Powder Co h
1606 Johnson Louise Martha (c) r2022 Gordon Lovett Cecil M (Josie) mgr Lovett's Groceteria rl610 Union Lovett Jeannette tchr rl216 Union Lovett Leroy (Effie) firemn The Atlantic Refining Co h21
Oak (Arco) Lovetts Groceteria Cecil M Lovett mgr 1418 Newcastle Lowe Annie (c) maid hl714 Stonewall Lowe Emma (c) rll06 Albany Lowe Jas (c) lab rl914 Bartow Lowe Jas A (Alberta M) pntr h2004 L Lowe Jas S (c; Beulah) lab hl823 Gordon Lowe John (c; Betty) driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co hll06 Al
bany Lowe Lessie M (c) r31 Magnolia (Arco) Lowe Oscar (c) rl813 Albany Lowe Walter (c) lab Glynn Ice & Coal Co rll06 Albany Lowther Mary bkpr rl203 Prince Lowther Sallie (wid Luther) rl203 Prince Loyd Robt (c) trimmer Hercules Powder Co Lucas Hendrex (c; Jessie) lab hl4091/2 George Lucree Anthony (Lawana) formn Ga Power Co h517 Wolf LUNCEFORD JULIUS L (Nannie M), General Automobile
Repair Shop, Radiator Repairing, Welding and Brazing 1217 Richmond, Tel 58, h604 Mansfield, Tel 1085 (See right top lines) Lunceford Tommie H student r604 Mansfield Lundy Cassie (c) maid h911 Lee Lunsky Addie M Mrs h2224 Davis Lunsky Frank lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2213 L Lyles Rosa M rlll3 Union Lynn Hettie (wid John) rl412 Union Lynn Newton C (Fannie) firemn The Atlantic Refining Co h24 Oak (Arco) Lynn Wm M (Ollie K) sec Georgia Hardware Co hl420 Car penter Lyon Janie (c) dishwasher Savoy Restr hl814 Amherst



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TE L . 23

Lyons John (Agnes) driver r506 Howe Lyons Mary E r24 Sycamore (Arco) Lyons Staff J gro 1929 Stonewall h do Lyons Walter B (Estelle) water tndr The Atlantic Refining
Co h24 Sycamore (Arco) Mabry J G sten Ga Veneer & Package Co hl809 Union MacDonell Cath A tchr Glynn Sch rl201 Union MacGregor R R (Ida H) city tax assessor h908 Carpenter MacGuire Fred (Marjorie) int rev officer r901 F Mack Albert (c; Freda) hl505 Monk Mack Alvin (c) rl004 Cochran av Mack Benj (c; Jennie) hl004 Cochran av Mack Daisy (c) lndrs r917 Bartow Mack Damon (c; Emma) lab hl624 Albany Mack Frierson M (c; Maggie A) lab h2228 Lee Mack Geo (c; Florence) lab h2027 Cochran av Mack Mabel (c) rl004 Cochran av Mack Martha (c) rl300 London Mack Timothy (c) h405 H Mack Wm (c; Mary L) lab rl312 Ellis Mack & Co Sami J McCoy mgr loans 514 Monk Mackie Wade M (Selma) mgr r623 Albany MacLauchlin E Geneva slswn J C Penney Co rl915 Norwich MacLauchlin Edith G (wid John A) hl915 Norwich MacLauchlin J Archie hsemn rl915 Norwich Macon Jane tchr Glynn Academy rl208 Union Macpherson Julia student rll08 Union Mada Irene (wid Henry) hl725 Kay av Madden Josephine (wid Thos T) r2026 Cleborn Maddison Anthony J W Capt (Mary) supt Georgia Stevedor
ing Co h2001 London Maddison Richardson (Agnes) opr Hercules Powder Co h509
Ellis Maddox Alex (c; Janie) firemn hllOl Monk Maddox Janie (c) maid rllOl Monk Madray Hovas L (Lucille) pipeftr The Atlantic Refining Co
rl33iy2 Newcastle Madray Minnie E Mrs (Rex Hotel) h l3 3 iy 2 Newcastle Madray Robt W (Minnie E) hl331 Newcastle Maggioni L P & Co Louis Cafiero mgr shrimp pkrs sw cor
Bay and Prince
MAGNOLIA HOME FOR TOURISTS, Mrs Elizabeth Keller Hostess, A Southern Home for Tourists, Heat and Gar ages 1102 Gloucester on Coastal Highway, Tel 542
Magwood Alice (c) r905 Gordon Magwood Geo (c; Addie) lab rl301 J Magwood Major (c; Edith) lab h910 Lee Magwood Stephen (c; Minnie) hl823 Albany Magwood Steven S (c; Ida) farmer h905 Gordon Mahn Mary J (wid Carl) r719 Wolf Mahnke Ernest K (Bertha) carp h2307 Gloucester Mahoney Anna rl709 Reynolds Mahoney Julia rl709 Reynolds .Mahoney Mary rl709 Reynolds Mahoney Wm hl709 Reynolds Major Alice (c) maid Rex Hotel h914 Albany Major Chas (c; Grace A) lab Hercules Powder Co h2300 Al
bany Malbert Louis (Annie M) taxidermist 2830 Norwich h2832 do

Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year
Malbrer Holland lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Malett F (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co MALLARD LEE S MRS, Pres-Sec-Treas Consolidated Realty
Co, r910 Richmond, Tel 439 Mallard Thos W (Nellie J) auto slsmn r910 Richmond Mallard Sami L (Lee S) emp Tide Water Dept State of Ga
h910 Richmond Mallon Addie Mrs h2214 Newcastle Malone A1 V sten Hercules Powder Co Malone Edgar (Alverna) bkpr hl803 Goodyear av Malone Georgia (c) lndrs Palmetto Tourist Camp rl715 Lee Malone T Logan (Helen) elk Oglethorpe Hotel r729 Grant Maloy Clifford N (Myrtice) inspr hl808 Kay av Malphurst Lucille (c) rl013 Wolf Malvin Rosa L (c) maid hl802 J Manita Domingo r925 Grant Manita Mary Mrs h925 Grant Mann Albert rl022 Union Mann B Frank (Lollie B) furn 1404 Newcastle hl022 Union Mann Croker S (c; Leola) auto mech h.2002 Stonewall Mann Leola (c) lndrs rl617 Lee Mann Lilia pantry Oglethorpe Hotel rl300 London Mann Lula (c) rl719 Albany Mann Rosa (c) hl207 Egmont Mann Sinclair (c; Julia) lab r929 Cochran av Mann W B Furn Co (warehouse) 1408-10 Richmond Manning Alvin (Marie) h600 Cochran av Manning B Grooms (Maude) hl021 Amherst Manning Carrie (c) hl308 Cochran av Manning Edgar (c; Florine) carp rl308 Cochran av Manning Ernest G (Mary) hlpr Hercules Powder Co hl311
1st av Manning Fannie L Mrs supvr r409 G Manning Florie (c) maid rl308 Cochran Manning Glover fishermn r2319 Union Manning Hattie (c) r2621 Albany Manning Homer delmn Mrs B L Hayman r2316 Norwich Manning Ira r2316 Norwich Manning Jas C (Mildred) opr Hercules Powder Co h3204
Norwich Manning Louis D msngr WUTelCo r409 G Manning P Lee (Mada) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2316
Norwich Manoe J Edw (Eunice) formn h508 1st av Manoe Janie W (wid Watt) r223 Wolf Manoe Laura C (wid Edw H) r508 1st av Manor Chas P (Clara M) formn Hercules Powder Co h.2201
M Manor Emory B hlpr Hercules Powder Co rl810 Niles av Manor Jos E B (Mamie) farmer hl810 Niles av Manor Julius (c) porter Texas Oil Co rl9Q9 M Markham Martin V (Phoebe) h618 Bay Marks Amelia (wid Simon) rl327 Union Marr Bertha waiter Elmer A Mitchell r Commercial Hotel Marr Mozell Mrs rl017 Johnson Marrow Delia (c) rl406 Prince Marshall Matilda (c) h912 Albany


Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Aeetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Marshes of Glynn Chapter Order Eastern Star Mrs Clara L Rivers sec meets 1st and 3d Thursday 8 p m Masonic Hall
Martin Beatrice (c) maid rl916 Cochran av Martin Chas C (Julia) hll06 Q Martin Clarence E (Matilda) pntr h3041/2 Gloucester 3d fl Martin Claude B rll06 Q Martin Corinne (c) agt Guaranty Life Ins Co hl322 Stone
wall Martin Dahlie (c) rl326 Stonewall Martin Donald O hlpr City Barber Shop rl704 Norwich Martin Earl pntr rl926 Ellis Martin Elberta sten Hercules Powder Co rl200 Union Martin Elmer L (Betty) lab hl026 Bay Martin Fannie dist home supvr Ga Emergency Relief Admin
rl208 Union Martin Genoe (c) elev opr A J Gordon Dept Store rl326
Martin Georgia (wid Shepard A) hl914 Newcastle Martin Gilbert M seamn rll06 Q Martin Jack (Mary) marine capt h i 119 Grant Martin John C (Mary T) fishermn hll28 Reynolds Martin John H (c; Mittie) barber hl326 Stonewall Martin John H F Rev rl324 Stonewall Martin Lonnie (c; Mary) hl614 Cochran av Martin Louise E rll06 Q Martin Lula (wid Frank) rl926 Ellis Martin Richmond T (wid Sami W) h703 Union Martin Theo h i510 Amherst Mason John (c; Lillie) restr 1201 Monk h do Mason Nora (c) oyster opener h2418 Stonewall Masonic Hall (c) 1400 Amherst Masonic Temple 1418Vk Newcastle Massey Butler (c; Ophelia) lab hl709 Amherst Massey Jas (c; Viola) porter Gould Amoco Station hl622
Norwich la Massey Wm (c; Daisy) lab hl606 Wolf Massey Rollie L (c) rl607 4th Massey Wm H Rev (Mary) missionary h2301 Ellis Massey Willie V (c) maid r2010 Lee Masterson Jas slsmn Kulman Orange Crush Bottling Co h
600 Monk Mathews Harold r706 Carpenter Mathews John cabt mkr r706 Carpenter Mathis Eugene (Mattie E; Mathis & Son) h2520 Norwich Mathis Harvey O (Ada) pntr h2713 Reynolds Mathis Hazel r2520 Norwich Mathis Hiram E (Mamie L; Rainbow Soda Shoppe) rl529
Reynolds Mathis Ida (c) hlllO Albany Mathis Juanelle elk Rainbow Soda Shoppe rl529 Reynolds Mathis Lacy (Fannie; Mathis & Son) h2420 Norwich Mathis & Son (Eug and Lacy) uphol 2522 Norwich Matlock Ida (c) rl621 Cochran av Matson Albert W (Jewell) restr 2012b Newcastle r Sterling
Ga Matthew Lee (c) r2116 Amherst Matthews Harold lab r703 Johnson Matthews John lab r703 Johnson





208 Dunwody Bldg.

Phone 99

Matthews Nick janitor County Relief Admin rl415 Grant Matthews Rosie (c) lndrs rl320 Albany Maugoodan Jeff (c) hl407 J Maulden Remer B (Nellie) carp h720 Amherst Mavromat John A (Cath) slsmn hl727 Lee Maxey Florence r811 Union Maxey Florence (wid Henry) r811 Union Maxwell Aaron (c) porter Cates' Drug Store rl811 Ellis la Maxwell David (c; Ada) puller Hercules Powder Co hl605
London Maxwell Dena (wid Jos W) r514 Wolf Maxwell Grandison (c) lab rl807 Wolf Maxwell Jas E elk GtA&PTeaCo rl529 Reynolds Maxwell Lacy slsmn rl629 Union Maxwell Lawrence (c) longshoremn rl017 Amherst Maxwell Leona (c) rl816 Johnson Maxwell Maggie (c) maid rl817 Gordon Maxwell Mamie (c) cook rl510 G Maxwell Mamie (c) lndrs hl816 Newcastle la Maxwell Minnie (c) maid rl719 Stonewall Maxwell Toby (c) gro 1700 London r do Maxwell Trudie B (c) hl811 Ellis la May Retha (c) maid rl723 Lee Mayers Eula elk Glynn County Tax Collector rl523 Union Mayers Lula M (wid Jesse L) r2318 Johnson Mayers Wm G (Eula) barber Frank G Crawford hl5231A
Union Mayfield Olive (wid Jos H) photog Brunswick Office Supply
Co rl519 Union Maynard Eugene D (c) dist mgr Pilgrim Health & Life Ins
Co r2115 Albany Maynard Homer C (Myrtie M; Maynard Shoe Shop) hl626
Kay av Maynard Shoe Shop (Homer C Maynard) shoe repr 1516
Newcastle Mayo Mary (c) maid rl923 Gordon Mayo Wm (c; Jennie) stevedore h2628 Wolf Mays Henry (c) r2105 Albany Mazek Rufus J (c; Nellie H) cooper Downing Co hl004 Lee Mazoe Cecil fishermn r2310 Union Mazoe Harry W (Cath) butcher r Burnsville (Arco) Mazyck Hennie M (c) maid rl807 Gordon McBee Alvin (Bessie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r Burns
ville (Arco) McBee Clarence (Josielee) elk r204 Howe McBee Homer A msngr Postal Teleg-Cable Co r Burnsville
McBee Jas R (Drucilla) mgr J Ernest Odum hl304 Mans field
McCaghern Carl J (Cassie B) collr Union Investment Co h 1608 Niles
McCant Ida (c) lndrs hl624 Amherst McCaskill Don asst eng County Relief Admin r StSimons
McClellan Travis (Loney) pipeftr The Atlantic Refining Co h 604 Newcastle
McClenden Inez (c) rl708 Albany McClenden May (c) lndrs h i708 Albany



i\ c s u iv c .

One Dollar Out of Ten Remains Yours


McClendon Alex (c; Toy) hlpr Nehi Bottling Co hl808 Ellis McClendon Lillie (c) rl311 K McClinton Alex (c) lab rl808 Ellis McCloud Albert (c; Sarah) trimmer Hercules Powder Co h
1906 Wolf McCloud Alice (c) maid rl907 Albany McCloud Elmer delmn Rish's Pharmacy rl207 I McCloud Isaac (c) rl812 Wolf McCloud Mildred (c) lndrs hl907 Albany McCloud Raymond (c; Lucille) puller Hercules Powder Co h
1812 Wolf McCloud Walter (c) porter W T Grant Co rl812 Wolf McClure Chas H (c; Florence) confr 1827 Gordon h do McClyde Henry (c; Edna) lab hl812 Norwich la McCord Lillie (c) hl406 Stonewall McCormack Henry J tchr Glynn Academy r827 Union McCosker Andrew M formn Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 McCosker Chas J (Janie) carp Hercules Powder Co h2900 L McCosker John (Winnie) opr Hercules Powder Co r es Glynn
av 1 n K McCo_sker Winnie waiter Harris H Mobley r es Glynn av 1 n

McCoy Grace Mrs waiter rl331 y2 Newcastle McCoy Mattie (c) maid r Lou Baker McCoy Sami J (Maud V) mgr Mack & Co hl607 Norwich McCrary Ralph G (Louise) autos 904 G rll08 Richmond McCrary Sybil (wid Harrison) h707 Monk McCravey Jas D (Hattie) hll07 M McCray Charity (c) maid rl310 Stonewall McCray Osborne student rl200 Mansfield McCuller Jos W (Thelma G) bkpr rl602 Kay av McCulloch Helen rll03 3d av McCullough Benj F asst mgr Community Theatre Enter
prises r600 Mansfield McCullough Carl S elk rll03 3d av McCullough Cecil T hlpr Brunswick Marine Constr Corp r
1103 3d av McCullough Edna waiter Parmelee's Cafe rl706 Norwich McCullough Etta (c) hl303 Stonewall McCullough Geo H (Annie) blksmith Brunswick Marine
Constr Corp hi 103 3d av McCullough Geo H jr boilermkr Brunswick Marine Constr
Corp rll03 3d av McCullough Lawrence L (Eliz J) wtchmn Ga Veneer &
Package Co h600 Mansfield McCullough Lillie (c) rl303 Stonewall McCullough Mildred B waiter Sanitary Cafe rl520 Reynolds McCullough Pompie (c) lab rl303 Stonewall McCullough Walter A doormn Community Theatre Enter
prises r600 Mansfield McCullough Wm D (Laura) lab hl508 Stonewall McCullough Wm Q (Ruby) radio repr 1922 Reynolds h do McDonald Chas B wtchmn Hercules Powder Co r l Oak McDonald Dena Mrs h2805 Norwich McDonald Eugene r804 L McDonald H Powell (Marvel J) cigars 1427 Newcastle hl416
Lee McDonald Hoke S (Renna L) eng h2403 Talmadge av 10 McDonald I Louis (Dorothy) lab rl914 Newcastle


Tel. 9170
Specializing in
Sea Foods
W estern
Newcastle Street



- SALES AND SERVICE 1002 G loucester St.

Phone 161>162

McDonald Jas (c; Janie) lab hl914 Amherst McDonald Leighton R (Glendola) soda dispenser Holody's
Drug Store rl022 Carpenter McDonald Mada tchr Glynn Sch rl416 Lee McDonald Rowland L (Louise H) meat broker hlOOO Albe
marle McDonald Sarah (wid John) r201 Wolf McDonald Thelma B r600 Monk McDonald Timothy (c) hlpr Miller Lbr & Supply Co r2304
Johnson McDonald Wm (c; Carletha) driver Miller Lbr & Supply Co
rl912 Albany McDonald Wm (c) lab h2200 Newcastle McDonald Wm A formn Hercules Powder Co r StSimon Is
land McDonnell Cath tchr rl201 Union McDOUGLE CHAS I (Julia A), Mgr Friedmans' Jewelers
Inc, h811 Mansfield, Tel 442-J McDowell Frank (Thelma) fishermn h900 Oglethorpe McDowell Fredk E (Lillian B) lab h600 Oglethorpe McDowell Horace D (Marion) towboat opr r600 Oglethorpe McDowell Martin Verne carp Hercules Powder Co rl416 Rey
nolds McDowell Myra (wid Jas) r904 Oglethorpe McDuffey Robt (c) hsemn rl411 N McEackin lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2211 L McElrath John J lab hl509 Ellis McElveen Clarence A hlpr Hercules Powder Co McEvan Harold elk Earl E Walker r503 H McFadden Tenner (c) r2117 Davis McFADEN THOS, Mgr Brunswick Laundry and C & O Dry
Cleaners, hl5l0 Richmond, Tel 31
McGARVEY C INC, Virginia M McGarvey Pres-Treas, Cormac M McGarvey V-Pres, Margaret A McGarvey Sec, Furniture Dealers 1312 Newcastle, Tel 214 (See page 26)
McGarvey Carlotto (wid Cormac) h504 Dartmouth McGarvey Cormac M v-pres C McGarvey Inc r504 D art
mouth McGarvey Margt A sten Hercules Powder Co r504 Dartmouth McGarvey Virginia M pres-treas C McGarvey Inc r504 D art
mouth McGaughey John E (Bessie) formn The Atlantic Refining
Co h45 Dixie av (Arco) McGhin Andrew J (Mattie) blrmkr The Atlantic Refining
Co h9 Oak (Arco) McGill Floyd (Arna) ticket agt hl303 Dartmouth McGoogan Robt B (Mae) opr Hercules Powder Co h320 Al
bany McGowan Forrest H (Virginia) rl009 Egmont McGraw Andrew J (Gertie) carp h2907 Norwich McGraw Elmer R r2907 Norwich McGraw John E (Valda) driver Standard Oil Co h2812 Nor
wich McGregor Ernest M (Ola) tender Hercules Powder Co h211
1st av McHale Clydie smstrs r2313 Union McIntosh Bernice (c) maid r2029 Bartow McIntosh Clara (c) hl609 L McIntosh Corintha (c) r2029 Bartow



Brunswiek's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

i 726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

McIntosh Fannie (c) h904 Lee McIntosh Louis C (c; Lucy) lab rl022 Gordon McIntosh Lucille (c) r911 Stonewall McIntosh Lula (c) cook 502 London McIntosh Mischek (c) fisherman rl813 Gordon McIntosh Mathew (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2029
Bartow McIntosh W Avery (Thelma H) trav rep The Downing Co Inc
h922 Richmond McIntyre Andrew (c; Hattie) porter Central Mercantile Co
h2004 Albany McIntyre Carrie I (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch h808 G McIntyre Mary (c) r808 G McIntyre Roy (c) brakemn rl802 London McKay Maude (wid Hayden) r502 Dartmouth McKee Anna S sten AB&CRy r803 Gordon McKee Chevellette G banking Natl Bank of Brunswick r803
Gordon McKee Ethel S r803 Gordon McKee John H meter rdr Ga Power Co r803 Gordon McKee Paton (c; Charlotte) r715 Oglethorpe McKee Wm E h803 Gordon McKeever Benj (c; Peggy) lab hl407 Albany McKeller Magdeline (c) maid rl706 Newcastle McKeller Major (c; Maggie L) sealer Hercules Powder Co h
1706 Newcastle McKendree Methodist Church Rev Edw P Drake pastor 2101
Norwich McKenney Jesse caretkr 1127 Union hl017 Wolf McKenzie H L service mgr Gould Motor Co McKinney Wm P (Madie) mech rl322 Union McKinnon Elias bellboy Oglethorpe Hotel r2307 Amherst McKinnon Gladys rlOOl Egmont McKinnon Katherine student rlOlO Union McKinnon Malcolm B (LeCena) produce comm 1521 Ogle
thorpe hlOlO Union McKinnon Mary B (wid Leonidas T) hlOOl Egmont McKinnon Stella (wid Duncan N) r528 Union McKinsey Adeline (c) maid r801 H McKinsey Oliver (c; Adeline) lab h801 H McKinzie Emma (c) lndrs hl808 L McKinzie Etta (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl909 M McKenzie Geo W hlpr Hercules Powder Co rl500 Gloucester McKinzie Henry (c) lab hl706 G McKinzie Jas (c) student rl909 M McKinzie Obie (c; Eva) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl700
McKosker Grady lab Ga Veneer & Package Co McLain Spencer (c) barber Wm M Floyd rl904 Stonewall McLain Wm (c; Liza) lab hl408 J McLamb Jas W rl729 Norwich McLane Leila Mrs bkpr Perry Business Schools r503 London McLARDIE JAMES (Grace), Sec-Treas Glynn Ice and Coal
Co, h815 Newcastle, Tel 1079 McLaughlin Jas E (Marion) still opr The Atlantic Refining
Co hl3 Dixie av (Arco) McLean Spencer (c) lab rl904 Stonewall McLendon Ernest K (Mary B) mgr Georgia Credit Assn r
1022 Carpenter

T el.
Newcastle Street

McLendon Dexter soda dispenser Rainbow Soda Shoppe r 1623 Reynolds
McLendon Homer L (Sallie) mattress mfr hl623 Reynolds McLendon Hugh waiter rl623 Reynolds McLendon Mary (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co McLendon Russell K mgr GtA&PTeaCo rl623 Reynolds McLendon W J storekpr The Atlantic Refining Co McLeod Alice (c) maid rl907 Albany McLeod Belle nurse Dr T V Willis rl523V2 Union McMillan Addie (c) lndrs hl617 Cochran av McMillan Carl (c; Lucy) lab hl817 Albany McMillan Jas (c) hl608 Monk McMillan Jas M (Jessie) mgr The Motor Supply Co Inc h
800 G McMullen Josephine (c) maid rl417 Albany McNeal Phyllis (c) hlpr hl611 Cochran av McNorrell Claudius L (Edith) city police h80Q Monk McQuaig Jas R (Mary A) bkpr Ga Veneer & Package Co h
608 Carpenter McQuaig Mary A r608 Carpenter McRae C Parker slsmn Ga Power Co r804 George McRae Geo (c; Ella) bottler Nehi Bottling Co hl808 Ellis McVeigh Mary E (wid Andrew J) h600 Monk McVeigh Wm J (Lizzie) formn Ga Creosoting Co h3308 Nor
wich Mead Ida (c) cook rl717 Stonewall Meadows John W (Minnie L) barber Frank G Crawford r
708 Gloucester Meadows Ollie lab r2002 London Mealing W E asst farm supvr County Relief Admin rl716
Ellis Meeks Alynne cash Piggly-Wiggly rl416 Union Meeks John Rev (c; Mary) evangelist rl502 G Meeks John C (Thelma G) elk Southeastern Express Co h
1607 Niles av Meeks Jonas (c) barber Wm M Floyd rl502 G Meeks Sarah (wid Archie) hl522 Norwich Meeks Wm T (Lilia) mech hl416 Union Meir Jos E (Evelyn. L) launch eng rl203y2 Newcastle Meira Paul (Ethel) fisherman rll28 Oglethorpe Melson Olive tchr Glynn Grammar Sch r918 Union Melton Chas P r7 Dixie av (Arco) Melton Forrest rl609 Reynolds Melton Goode A (Thelma) inspr ACLRR hl609 Reynolds Melton Guerry G r7 Dixie av (Arco) Melton Harry W r7 Dixie av (Arco) Melton Sarah Mrs slswn Guarantee Shop r Arco Ga Melton Watt C (Sarah) treater The Atlantic Refining Co h
7 Dixie av (Arco) Melvin Jos D (c) lab r2011 Newcastle la Mendes John pres Jos Mendes & Co Mendes Jos & Co John Mendes pres shrimp pkrs ws Bay 1 s
London Menefee Cornelius D (c; Margt) porter Atlantic Refining Co
hl808i/2 Ellis Menendez Alex (Mary) beverages 1002 Oglethorpe h do Menendez Manuel rl002 Oglethorpe Mention Rosa (c) lndrs hl529 Albany Merchant Vender L (c) maid rl811 Ellis la





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Meridy Anderson (c; Clara) h816 Amherst Merner Miles A (Ola) genl agt AB&CRy hl221 Union apt 4 Merrill Henry (c; Hattie) lab hl727 Amherst Merrill Howard H (c) restr 112 Monk rl727 Amherst Merritt Madge Mrs h306 Albany
y2 Merryweather Josephine (wid Geo) r629 Norwich
Metropolitan Life Ins Co Oscar Grossman asst mgr 403 Gloucester R306
Metz Ethleen Mrs music tchr 1403 Union r do Metz Fisher (Claudia) carp h2115 Union Mewborn Jas C (Laura) watch mkr Friedman's Jwlrs Inc r
3 Wrights sq Meyer Chas J (Cath) mach Hercules Powder Co r es Norwich
2 n 7th (Arco) Michos Spuro (Lula) elk Geo Petalos rl211 H Mickle Zachery R (c; Louise) shoe repr Sami Levine hl510
Wolf Middleton C C lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Middleton Carolyn r711 Monk
MIDDLETON DAN W, Sec-Treas Parker Realty Co, r711 Monk, Tel 1088
Middleton Danl W (Caroline L) collr Central Mercantile Co h711 Monk
Middleton Ed (Susie) r n end Stonewall Middleton Eva h600 Albany Middleton Rufus (c) porter Royal Hotel rl306 G Mier Harvey C r2801 Norwich Mier Jos N (Winnie) inspr Southern Ry h.2801 Norwich Migdol Lodge No 318 1013 Nai Brith J E Lambright sec meets
at Synagogue at call Milady's Beauty Shop (Mrs Ethel H Crosby) 1526 Newcastle
apt 3 Miles Maggie E (wid Jas; Miles News Stand) rl715 Reynolds Miles News Stand (Mrs Maggie E Miles) 1512 Newcastle Miley John D (Lessie L) elk PO rl601 Union Miller Addie L Mrs M of R & C Liberty Temple No 15 Pythian
Sisters hl626 Newcastle Miller Alice (c) maid hl510 L Miller Annie M (c) rl906 Wolf Miller Augustus P sec-treas Miller Lmbr & Sup Co rl022
Albany Miller Barney F (Inez) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl4
Glynn av Miller Benj (c; Maggie) h lll7 Albany Miller Carl driver Glynn Ice & Coal Co rl623 Norwich Miller Carl W delmn rl300 Mansfield Miller Carrie (c) r924 Gordon Miller Cecil P (Pearl) elk Wm F Strickland r2027 Davis Miller Chas (c) bellboy Oglethorpe Hotel r2409 Albany Miller Chester (c; Martha) lab hl414 Ellis Miller Clayton (Norine) atndt Gulf Refining Co rl308 Union Miller Clinton N (Della) lab r2928 Norwich MILLER EDO MORTICIAN (Addie Lee; Miller Funeral
Home) 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196, h do (See back cover and page 25) Miller Edw lab r2728 Norwich Miller Eliz (c) r924 Gordon Miller Ella (c) rl704 Newcastle Miller Franklin M driver North Star Dairies Inc r806 G



The Rexall Drug Store
"Save With Safety"
Prompt Deliveries TEL. 37

Miller Fred pntr r2022 Ellis la MILLER FUNERAL HOME (Edo Miller) 1626 Newcastle, Tel
196 (See back cover and page 25) MILLER G BLANTON (Irene) Asst Mgr Miller Funeral
Home, rl801 Gloucester Miller Grover C (Beulah M) crane opr Ga Creosoting Co h
1300 Mansfield Miller Herbert (Blanche) slsmn B Frank Mann h2011 Ellis Miller Herbert D (Ursula) lab h2129 Union Miller Herbert H (c) lab rl607 Gordon Miller J Thos elk Fred M Lockwood rl300 Gloucester Miller Jackson (c; Susie) lab h2409 Albany Miller Jackson jr (c) lab r2409 Albany Miller Jeanette rl626y2 Newcastle
MILLER JIMMIE A (Theresa A) Asst Mgr Miller Funeral Home, hl626y Newcastle, Tel 196
Miller John (Clarice) lab John Byrd r 3d nw cor Bartow Miller Jonathan R (Karen) electn Arth T Harrison h2326
Norwich Miller Julia (wid Jas) h2928 Norwich Miller Laurence A (Mary E) pres Miller Lbr & Sup Co Inc h
1022 Albany Miller Laurence S (Ouida) archt Miller Lbr & Sup Co hl016
Miller Lee (Victoria) lab Southern Ry rll20 Oglethorpe Miller Leona slswn S H Kress & Co r2129 Union Miller Lorene opr rl311 Union Miller Luke H (Daisy) beverages 1500 L r 3d ne cor Bartow Miller Lumber & Supply Co Inc Laurence A Miller pres
Augustus P Miller sec-treas 1900-10 Cochran av Miller Margt (c) r2115 Amherst Miller Margt (c) maid rlll7 Albany Miller Martha (c) maid rl414 Ellis Miller Mary (c) lndrs hl607 Gordon Miller Mary E rl022 Albany Miller Mary W rl300 Mansfield Miller Nell (c) cook hl315 Cochran av Miller Norine Mrs opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r!308 Union Miller Otha C carp Hercules Powder Co rl300 Mansfield Miller Robt O (Frances) ticket agt hl514 Norwich apt 5 Miller Susie (c) lndrs r2409 Albany Miller Thos (c; Lucille) lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp
h924 Gordon Miller Thos W (Eliz K) opr Hercules Powder Co hl809 Good
year av Miller Wm L (Eudell) storekpr Brunswick Marine Constr
Corp hl517 Ellis Miller Wm M (Alma) meatetr Rogers Inc h806 G Miller Wm O (Georgia B) mason Hercules Powder Co hl210
Mansfield Miller Willie (c) lab rl510 L Milliron Jessie L Mrs (c) maid YWCA Milliron John L (c; Jessie L) lab hl706 Cochran av Millison Love (c) lab The Downing Company Inc Mills Albert (c; Cath) lab rl020 Gordon Mills Blanche T Mrs beauty opr Elite Beauty Shoppe r l l l 9
Newcastle Mills Carter B (c; Rosa) lab hl203 F



Building Material

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Mills Cath (c) maid rl020 Gordon Mills Chas (Blanche T) pntr rlll9 Newcastle Mills Emily (c) cookrl209*/2 Amherst Mills Estella (c) maid rl016 Gordon Mills Marinda (c) lndrs hl2091/2 Amherst Mills Oliver (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Mills Ruby Mrs beauty opr Milady's Beauty Shop r New Jes
sup rd Mills Rufus F (Evie) slsmn Nehi Bottling Co hl218 Carpenter Mills Wm (c) rl407 Wolf Milsaps Nellis L (Carolyn) guard The Atlantic Refining Co h
911 Bartow Milton Lonnie (c; Cassie) lab h.1203 H Milton Shellie (c) maid hl815 Johnson Mims Della (c) rl320 Cochran av Mims Eleanor (c) lndrs r3001 Wolf Mims Henry (c) hlpr Southern Ry h3001 Wolf Mims Theo (c; Sarah) lab Hercules Powder Co hl909 K Minchew Wm M (Eliz) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2005 Rey
nolds Miner Tommie L (c) maid rl419 Albany Minor Ennis (c) h2011 Albany Minor Eunice F (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch r2011 Albany Minor Mabel (c) maid rl613 Norwich la Mintz Jas (c; Laura) puller Hercules Powder Co h2412 Cle-
born Mintzer Henry (c; Audrey) lab rl716 Stonewall Missildine Alice (wid Thos) h718 Richmond Missildine Fredk D stockmn S H Kress & Co rl814 Macon av Missildine Thos H (Gertrude L) lino opr News Pub Co hl814
Macon av Mitchell Alice S Mrs sten R L Philips Co rl611 Union Mitchell Canerah (c) hl210 H Mitchell Christ (c; Rosalie) gdnr h2015 Lee Mitchell Eddie (c) filler Hercules Powder Co rl601 G Mitchell Elmer A (Malinda) restr 300 Gloucester r Commer
cial Hotel Mitchell Estelle (c) lndrs hl829 Bartow Mitchell Fannie (c) hl310 Stonewall Mitchell Fannie R elk Brunswick Bank & Trust Co rl028
Union Mitchell Geo (c) porter Standard Oil Co rl705 8th Mitchell Gertrude (c) hl0221/2 Amherst Mitchell Hagar (c) hl406 Prince Mitchell Harold (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl829 Bar
tow Mitchell Kaiser (c; Willie) sealer Hercules Powder Co hl911
Bartow Mitchell Molly (c) rl614 London Mitchell Olive auditor Brunswick Bank & Trust Co hl028
Union Mitchell Sami (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl210 H
MITCHELL VANCE E (Farr & Mitchell), Attorney-at-Law 1401^4 Newcastle, Tel 804, rl028 Union
Mitchell Wm (c; Celia) lab hl508 G Mitchelson Arth J (Mildred) slsmn Coastal Chevrolet Corp
h913 Newcastle


M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-Sec.-Treas. M RS. M A R IA N A, B R O W N , Vice-President R. R. H O P K IN S , Sales M gr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals

_ | 4A

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403>/2 Gloucester

I GBa A ll

Miven Allie M (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2124 Am herst

Mixon Clement (Naomi) agt Bankers Health & Life Ins Co h 2011 Norwich

Mize Edw (Dorothy) lab h ws Norwich 1 n 8th (Arco) Mizrahi Jos S (Mary M; Modern Shoe Repair Shop) hl521

Mobbs Oscar J (Mamie) filling sta 1820 Norwich h do Moblerley W M trucker Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Mobley A Carroll (Bernice) lab h2328 Ellis Mobley Esther M (c) lndrs h2517 Albany Mobley Guite G (Bettie L) h2209 Davis ,, Mobley Harmon H r2209 Davis

Mobley Harris H lunch es Glynn av 1 s K h d<|

Mobley Herschal janitor Arco School

Mobley John $ r2324 Ellis



Mobley Louise fctywkr r2324 Ellis

Mobley Nolan M (Ruby M) mech Hercules Powder Co h2212 Davis

Mobley Thos (Eula) carp h2324 Ellis Mobley Wates (Nellie) lab h21l2 Bartow Mock Chas S (Estelle) inspr Southern Ry hl015 Grant

Mock Chas S jr (Lillie M) eng The Atlantic Refining Co h4 Oak (Arco)

Mock Clarence rl015 Grant

Mock Edgar R (Jewell) meatctr Earl E Walker r713 Egmont Mock Helen rl015 Grant

Mock Jos A (Estelle) meatctr h713 Egmont Mock Malcolm r713 Egmont

Mock Marion W plmbr L D Hoyt rl521 Union Mock Thelma slswn S H Kress & Co r2129 Putnam Modern Dry Cleaners (Locke L Cranford) 116 Monk

Modern Shoe Repair Shop (Jos Mizrahi) 1407i/2 Newcastle Mojo Clance (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r Stonewall Moland Robt B (c) lab h2229 Cleborn Molette Abr H (c; Katie) shoe shiner 1309y2 L h2028 Lee Molette Florence (c) rl807 Ellis

Molette Moses (c; Sarah W) porter Natl Bank of Bruns wick hl807 Ellis

Molette Sarah T (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl807 Ellis Mollett John (c) lab hl512 L

Mollette Fred (c) lab r2227 Cochran av Mollette Hattie (c) h2227 Cochran av Mollette Louvenia (c) r2227 Cochran av Moman Sadie (c) maid r25I2 Cochran av Mongien Jas (c; Lucille) lab hl702 Lee Monk Arth (Alice) h2724 Norwich

Monroe Dave (c) lab Hercules Powder Co hl519 Amhurst Monroe Ely (c; Lizzie) lab r2307 Bartow Monroe Jas P (c) carrier PO hl201 Gloucester Monroe Jeanette (c) hll29 Egmont Monroe Lucinda (c) hlOlO Albany Monroe Mary J (c) rl312 Cochran av

Monte Vista Lodge (Chas W Lane) furn rms 15 Glynn av Montgomery Ward & Co Mrs Nan S Hoover mgr (order
office) 1517V2 Newcastle Montgomery Wm H genl mgr Brunswick Marine Constr Corp
h522 Union



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

"W E F IX F L A T S '* D o n 't Cuss-- C all U s

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run" Gloucester and Ellis Sts.

Mooczkowski Jas (Inez) slsmn Gould Motor Co Moody Agnes Mrs opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co hl418 Reynolds Moody Geo (c) r2013 Amherst Moody Geo F lab Hercules Powder Co Moody Jesse H (Pansy) driver Hercules Powder Co hl307
Wolf Moody Lamar (c; Fannie) delmn Rainbow Soda Shoppe r
1609 Cochran av Moody Leroy (Bessie M) driver h2521 Wolf Moody Otis (c; Ernestine) rl617 Cochran av Moody Raymond L (Agnes) hl418 Reynolds Moody T (c; Lufenia) lab Gulf States Creosoting Co h929
Bartow Mooney J J dist auditor Ga Emergency Relief Admin r Ogle
thorpe Hotel Moore Aaron (c; Luella) evangelist rl020 Amherst Moore Ada (c) lndrs rl622 Stonewall Moore Adell (c) r922 Gordon Moore Arth E (c; Isabel) filler Hercules Powder Co rl822
Stonewall Moore Baybud (c; Louise) lab rl713 Stonewall Moore Chas A (Corine M) dist agt Atlanta Life Ins Co hl518
Albany Moore Ellen E (c) rl720 Wolf Moore Frank (c) puller Hercules Powder Co rl525 Stonewall Moore Frank L (Mae) opr Hercules Powder Co h2008 Cook Moore Fred (c) lab rl319 Amherst Moore Geo (c; Agnes) lab hl506 G Moore Grover P (Pearl I) dept mgr Gt A & P Tea Co r619
Norwich Moore Harry (c) waiter Bijou Cafe r l l l 8 Ellis Moore Hazel r2213 L Moore Isabel (c) maid rl822 Stonewall Moore Jacob C (c; Lillie) h2109 Albany Moore Jas A (Nellie) lab r2112 Bartow Moore Jas F (Belle) eng Hercules Powder Co hl811 Albe
marle Moore Jas M r2213 L Moore Jesse A (Edna) supt Ga Public Utilities Corp h2104
Moore John H (Minnie L) formn hl204 Newcastle Moore John L jr emp Gould Motor Co rl204 Newcastle Moore Josephine (c) lndrs r2305 Lee Moore Leo (c; Minniola) porter Ramsey's Barber Shop rl609
Wolf Moore Levi (c; Frances) lab hll05 Amherst Moore Lillie (c) rll25 Albany Moore Louise (c) r l l l 8 Ellis Moore Lucy (c) lndrs h2305 Lee Moore Mary (c) r l l l 8 Ellis Moore Mattie (c) hlpr hl818 Amherst Moore Nellie Mrs maid r2112 Bartow Moore Oscar J (c) swtchmn rl721 Stonewall Moore Pearl Mrs smstrs Guarantee Shop r619 Norwich Moore Pink (Pennie; c) lab h i 118 Ellis Moore Sami (c) janitor Brunswick Bank & Trust Co rl811 G Moore Tamor (c) rl410H Moran John (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co rl522 Cochran av





Sales and Service


Moran Wm G (Mary M) pharm Stutts Drug Co hl514 Nor wich apt 6
Moreria Lawrence (Mary) fishermn hll21 Grant Morgan Alice Mrs cigarmkr Hermida Cigar Factory rl09
Mansfield Morgan Auburn J collr r901 J Morgan Billie Mrs waiter Cheerio Grill rl521 Union Morgan Clayton H sta mgr Gould Amoco Station r Com
mercial Hotel Morgan Doris r2526 L Morgan Frankie tchr Preparatory Sch r801 Monk Morgan Harold F (Lucille A) fishermn hl09 Mansfield Morgan Horace (Minnie) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2526 L Morgan J Osborne slsmn Coastal Chevrolet Corp rl520 Lee Morgan Julius A slsmn B A Lewis r901 J Morgan Lemuel T (Marie A; Morgan's Dry Cleaning Co) h
1810 Goodyear Morgan Lucille A Mrs cigarmkr hl09 Mansfield Morgan Pearle O (wid John H) rep hl520 Lee Morgan Vivian M (Vivian Morgan School of the Dance) r
gan), Brunswick Bank & Trust Co Bldg 3d Floor 1419 Newcastle, Tel 79 Morgan Walter E student rl09 Mansfield Morgan's Dry Cleaning Co (Lemuel T Morgan) 510-12 Monk Mormon Sadie (c) maid r2512 Cochran av Morris Alex (c; Mollie) lab Ga Public Utilities Corp h2215 Wolf Morris Alvin L (Gladys) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co h9 Ash (Arco) Morris Anne B (wid Hervey C) rll03 Egmont Morris Bertha (c) lndrs h2023 Newcastle la Morris David (c; Sue) lab Glynn Ice & Coal Co hll29 Stone wall Morris Lillie (c) r800 Howe Morris Minnie L (wid Jas M) hl205 M Morris R Baxton (Esther) collr Wade H Lewis rl915 Union Morris Roy (Christine) dist eng Ga Emergency Relief Admin hl608 Union Morris Wm G (Sarah) coppersmith h2918 Union Morrison Arlee (c) lndrs rl322 Albany Morrison Henry (c; Maggie) lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp hl012 Bartow Morrison Matha A mech Five Transportation Co r Mitchells Hotel Morrison Willie Mrs (c) dishwasher Elmer A Mitchell rl408 Albany Morse Abe (c) lab hl823 Lee Morse Frank (c) rl823 Lee Morton Betty L student rl008 Union Morton Paul (Stella T; Morton's Auto Service) hl008 Union Morton's Auto Service (Paul Morton) 512 Gloucester Mosely Benj F rl306 Mansfield Mosely Janie (wid Valdosti) reliefwkr hl306 Mansfield Moses David (c; Jonnie) lab h2418 Lee Moses Edith (c) r903 L Moses Sallie (c) lndrs h903 L


In Sterilized Bottles




T d . 144

Moses Wm (c; Mabel) lab h912 Cochran av Mosley Benyon (Ivy) pdlr r602 Oglethorpe Mosley Dessie r i l l 1st av Mosley John H (Selma) lab hll08 L Mosley Josephine (c) r914 Amherst Mosley Julian (Maudie) r i l l 1st av Mosley Lee (Ruth) lab h i l l 1st av Mosley Mae hlOll Oglethorpe Mosley Mingo J (c) lab Glynn Ice & Coal Co h l l l 5 y 2 Albany Mosley Molly Mrs h821 Johnson Mosley Sylvester (Eddie) lab h i 106 Stonewall Mosley Wallace L (Gertrude) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co
h2902 Norwich Moss Chas H Rev (Maude) pastor Norwich St Baptist Church
h3205 Norwich Moss Martha (c) h913 Amherst Motley Uriah (c) lab hl922 Albany Motor Supply Co Inc The Jas M McMillan mgr whol 1622
Newcastle Mott Ethel M (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch r2115 Davis Mott Katie (c) r l0 0 S y 2 Albany Moultree Sami (c; Esther) hll29 Amherst Mt Olive Baptist Church (c) Rev Elijah J Rozzell pastor 1928
Mroczkowski Jas (Inez) slsmn r2018 Putnam Mroczkowski Thaddeus M (Ruby) h2018 Putnam Mulanson Herbert A (Irene) filling sta ws Glynn av 1 n
Stacy h do Mulligan Michl lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl4 Glynn av Mulligan Walter W (Gladys) firemn Hercules Powder Co h
1508 Stonewall
Mullis Helen (c) maid r2011 Newcastle la Mungin Ernestine (c) r2011 Bartow Mungin Geo (c; Pauline) driver City Fruit Store rl407 Wolf Mungin Henry (c; Susie) lab Brunswick Fisheries Inc h905
Cleborn Mungin March (c; Addie) draymn h2327 Albany Mungin Mary (c) lndrs h2011 Bartow Mungin Wm (c; Evelyn) lab Hercules Powder Co hl912 Wolf Municipal Athletic Field K bet Cook and Couper Munn Gordon C (Mary) firemn r505 Howe Muns Della (c) lndrs Palmetto Tourist Camp Murdock Chas R stockmn S H Kress & Co rl811 Miles av Murdock Furman (Essie L) reprmn Sou Bell & Tel Co hl811
Niles av Murphy Alma tchr Prep High School r801 Monk Murphy Edw (c) taxi opr rl314 Amherst Murphy Edw W (c; Nina) hl623 Lee Murphy Emma (c) h2008 Albany Murphy Fannie M (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl005
Bartow Murphy Herbert (c) rl623 Lee Murphy Jas (c) lab rl707 F Murphy Jas H (c; Alethia M) del mn Maynard Shoe Shop r
1821 Albany Murphy Mozena (c) rl809 Ellis la Murphy Wm (c; Mary L) lab hl707 F Murphy Wm S jr (c) student rl707 F



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Murrah Bascom W (Mary) collr Ga Power Co r806 G MURRAY BRUCE W (Kate V), Sec-Treas North Star Dairies
Inc, hl020 Richmond, Tel 368-W Murray Charlie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Murray Chester W (c; Lillian) managing agt Afro American
Life Ins Co h909 Cochran av Murray John (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Murray John (c; Lethia) lab The Atlantic Refining Co h l8
Magnolia (Arco) Murray Pauline (c) maid Brunswick Cafe r2325 Amherst Murry Sarah (c) maid rl607 G Murta Alvaro C (Ella) fishermn h esi N Glynn av 4 n Hop
kins av Music Curtis (Lillie) h2006 Newcastle Mutual Life Insurance Co of N Y Albert M Way dist mgr
513 Gloucester Myers Agnes (c) hl321 Stonewall Myers Amanda (c) maid h2102 Lee Myers Bessie (c) h911 Stonewall Myers Grover B (Lena) h706 Oglethorpe Myers Harrell G elk r4 Glynn av Myers Jas R (Jimmie) pipeftr The Atlantic Refining Co hl2
Ash (Arco)
Myers Joel J (Stella) carp h610 Newcastle Myers John W (c; Floria) pile driver h2210 J Myers Macky (c) tailor hl304 Oglethorpe Myers Marjorie M (c) rl321 Stonewall Myers Wesley (c) farm demonstrator rl305 Gloucester Myrick Owens (c; Tessie) car clnr hl525 Albany Nall J Everett (Mildred W) meter rdr Ga Public Utilities
Corp r!706 Ellis Namra Chas (Mina) inspr hl805 Newcastle NATHAN ABE A (Helen), Attorney-at-Law 209 Gordon Bldg,
403^2 Gloucester, Tel 62, h523 Union, Tel 1178 Nathan Bertha (wid Simon) hl800 Norwich Nathan Sidney H mgr Fred Pfeiffer rl800 Norwich Nathan Walter S (Esther) supt Brunswick Marine Constr
Corp hl804 Gloucester NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK THE, C Holmes .Sheldon
Pres, Augustus L Church V-Pres, A Myddelton Harris VPres-Cash, J Oliver Taylor Asst Cash, 1513 Newcastle, Tels 83 and 84 (See front cover, right top lines and page 23) Neal Chas A elk Ga Creosoting Co r StSimons Island Neal Warren (c) lab rl810 H Nedlaw Lois elk h2625 Norwich Neely Chas (c) lab rl724 Newcastle la Nehi Bottling Co (Leslie G Sutton) 104 Gloucester Nelson Albert (c) prsr Modern Dry Cleaners r805 8th Nelson Anna M Mrs (The Brown House) h711 Gloucester Nelson Arlene (c) ironer Home Laundry r809 H Nelson Fannie (c) lndrs r2115 Amherst Nelson Hjalmar (Minnie) h2309 Ellis Nelson Jas (c; Arline) lab h809 H Nelson Jefferson (c) lab rl215 Amherst Nelson Magnolia (c) maid rl215 Amherst Nelson Oscar lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp r2309 Ellis



G eneral H ardware----S toves an d R an ges-- G arden T ools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes



Nelson Vernon (Anna M) mgr Lerio Patent Cup Co h711 Gloucester
Neptune Chapter 153 Order Eastern Star Mrs Miriam Thomas sec meets 2d and 4th Thursday at 8 p m Masonic Hall
Nesby Dollie (c) hl901 London Nesselquist John (Emma) marine eng r511 Reynolds Nettles Coy r2501 Union Nettles Elzie M (Maggie) carp h3408 Gladstone av Nettles Eva (wid Coy) h2501 Union Nettles Hugh r2501 Union Nettles Isaac J driver r2501 Union Nettles Josephine sten County Relief Admin r2501 Union Nettles Lilia M maid Oglethorpe Hotel rl825V2 Wolf Nettles Orin (c; Lillie) hl825y2 Wolf New York Tailoring Shop (Hyman R Radelman) 212 Monk Newbern Etheldred (Easter) pumper The Atlantic Refining
Co r ss 8th 1 w Hardee av Newborn Danl L (c) lab h l021 Stonewall Newborn Wm W (c; Fannie) lab The Downing Co Inc hl406

Newham Ethelyne elk r506 Howe Newham Geo N elk Palmer's Grocery r506 Howe Newham Ruby (wid Frank) h506 Howe Newham Walter r506 Howe Newlander F E dist farm supvr Ga Emergency Relief Admin
rl608 Union

Newman Fredonia E r801 K

Newman Walter J (Fredonia) eng City Sewerage Pumping

Station h801 K

Newman Walter J jr (Lois) auto mech City Sewerage Pump

ing Sta r801 K


Newman Wm S (Lillie) gro 2012 Newcastle h2010 do Newman Wm S jr (Thelma E) elk Wm S Newman h2100

Newmans T J pipeftr The Atlantic Refining Co News Publishing Co Clarence H Leavy pres publrs The
Brunswick News 1604 Newcastle

Newsom Jas r505 M Newsom Novey A r821 Johnson Newsome Earl (c; Beulah) fishermn hl907 Gordon Newton Ruth Rev pastor Wesleyan Methodist Ch r2316 Ellis Newton Wm H (Edris) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r l l l l --

Nicolau Daisy L (c) cook hl807 Lee Niemeyer Henry L tester The Atlantic Refining Co r709 K Niemeyer Louis C (Margt) wtchmn Hercules Powder Co h709



NIGHTINGALE BERNARD N, Attorney-at-Law 214 Dun-

wody Bldg 1503y2 Newcastle, Tel 413, r803 London, Tel


Nightingale Braswell r902 Halifax sq

Nightingale C Downing r902 Halifax sq Nightingale Douglas (Anna) r811 Union

Nightingale Maria H (wid John K) h900 Carpenter

Nightingale Nathaniel G (Mary; Nightingale Service Sta) h803 London

Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year
NIGHTINGALE P MILLER (Ethel D), 2d V-Pres-Sec The Downing Company Inc, h902 Halifax Square, Tel 352
Nightingale Service Station (Nathaniel G Nightingale) fill ing sta 901 Gloucester
Nimmons Dee (wid Walker) rll02 George Nimmons Dewey O elk Arth P Leotis h i 102 George Nisi Wm (Johannah) gro 1828 Norwich hl826 do Nisi Wm A hlpr Hercules Powder Co rl826 Norwich Nix Clyde F (Blanche) mech Gould Motor Co h2905 Norwich Nixon Jas (c; Pearl) hll20 Ellis Nixon Minnie (c) cook hl524 Cochran av Nixon Nellie D (c) dietician hl709 Stonewall Noble Dudd (c; Lucy) cooper h2213 Albany Noble Elvin (c) sealer Hercules Powder Co r2111 Ellis Noble John (c) lab hl714 Amherst Noble Paul (c) puller Hercules Powder Co Noble Robt L (Minnie; Noble's Tourists Home) h2327 Nor
wich Noble Robt L jr (Edna D) U S probation elk hl421 Union Noble's Tourists Home (Robt L Noble) 2327 Norwich Nobles Walter T (Bertha) driver Five Transportation Co h
1019 Oglethorpe Norman Jos (c; Rosa) lab h i204 London Norman Will (c; Willie M) porter Gt A & P Tea Co hl420
Wolf Norris M Ruby elk r2300 Ellis Norris Robt L (c) hlpr Five Transportation Co rl704 New
castle Norris Ruby slswn S H Kress & Co r2300 Ellis Norris Wm H (Myrtle) storekpr The Atlantic Refining Co
h2300 Ellis North Henry C (Linnon) cond hl016 Carpenter NORTH STAR DAIRIES INC, Robt V Crine Pres, Bruce W
Murray Sec-Treas, 104 George, Tel 466 (See page 24) Northington Ida D (wid Wafford P) nurse 1528 Reynolds h
do Norton Sereno G (Grace) chf chem Hercules Powder Co h
1405 Palmetto av Norwich Street Baptist Church Rev Chas H Moss pastor 2401
Norwich Norwich Street Meat Market (Blair F Latham) 1901 Norwich Norwood Bill (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Norwood Dennis (c; Bertha) filler Hercules Powder Co hl219
Amherst Norwood Edw (c; Mollie) lab The Downing Co hl626 Am
herst Norwood Effie (wid Wm P) h503 G Norwood Jas L r503 G Norwood Julius (c) trm r Hercules Powder Co rll23 Amherst Norwood Sidney (c; Irene) oiler Hercules Powder Co h i 123
Amherst Norwood Tommie L cash r503 G Norwood Wm (c; Cornelia) lab Hercules Powder Co hl221
Amherst Novelty Shoe Store (Earl E Farley) 1504 Newcastle Nowell John L (Gertrude) eng Hercules Powder Co hl620
Kay av Nunnally Irma L r2409 Newcastle la


Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Aeetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Nutt Audry elk Oglethorpe Hotel r do Nutt Chas rl816 Reynolds Nutt Ernest W (Mary) sta mgr Gulf Refining Co hl526 New
castle apt 1 Nutt Fannie M bkpr rl816 Reynolds Nutt Jas R (Lovie) hl816 Reynolds Nutt Mary A Mrs sten City Hospital rl712 Ellis O K Billiard Parlor Earl F Pierce mgr 1521 Newcastle Oak Grove Cemetery Cochran av bet Howe and Mansfield Oak Terrace Tourist House (Marion Wood) 1707 Gloucester Oates Dorothy B (wid Walter M) hlOOl Union Oattis Martha C case supvr County Relief Admin rl303
Union Ocean Lodge No 214 F & A M . D C Staley sec meets 1st and
3d Friday 8 p m at Masonic Hall Ocean Oil & Gasoline Co Frank B Quarterman mgr se cor
Bay and Prince O'Connell John C elk Georgia Stevedoring Co rl622 Rey
Odham Araneta tchr Glynn Grammar Sch r728 Union Odham Marietta P (wid Lorenzo D) h728 Union Odom B Dewitt (Mattie) lab h2306 Reynolds Odum German D (May) slsmn rlll7 Grant Odum J Ernest slsmn Arth P Leotis hl610 Niles av Odum Walter M phys 504 F h do Ody Annabel (c) r2600 Johnson Ody Sami W (c; Frances) lab h2600 Johnson Ody Wm E (c) puller Hercules Powder Co r2600 Johnson Ogden Elbert (Beatrice) h602 Amherst Ogden Eva nurse City Hospital r do Ogden Hazel waiter Oglethorpe Hotel rl528 Reynolds Ogden John (Katie) h512 Amherst Ogden Martha C (wid Jack) r512 Amherst Oglethorpe Guards Headquarters 2d Battalion 121st Infantry
meets Riflemen Armory Maj W L Harwell comndr J B Touhey 1st lieut & bn adj Gloucester cor Bay
OGLETHORPE HOTEL, Jack Gardner Manager, ws New castle bet F and G, Tels 470 and 581
Oglethorpe Hotel Beauty Shop Margt Willis mgr Oglethorpe Hotel
y Oglethorpe-Rathbone Lodge No 45 K of P Fred Pfeiffer K of R and S meets every Tuesday night 8 p m at 1600 2 Newcastle Oil Workers Union Local No 310 J L Rimes sec meets every
Thursday evening 1513 Newcastle 3d fl Old Town Pump (John Silva, John Ornellas) 1830 Newcastle OLDSMOBILE MOTOR CARS, Coastal Chevrolet Corp Deal
ers 1002-04 Gloucester, Tels 161 and 162 (See left top lines and page 22) Olive Ada L (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl600 Lee Oliver Adam (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2022 Newcastle la Oliver Anthony (c) fishermn h726 Oglethorpe Oliver John (c) lab r2005 Davis Oliver Lina (c) r!720 Stonewall Oliver Lizzie (c) lndrs h2005 Davis Oliver Lucille (c) rl915 Clebom Oliver Manuel (Mary) fishermn rl314 Reynolds Oliver Robt (c; Lucille) lab rl915 Cleborn





208 Dunwody Bldg.

Phone 99

Oliveros Inez F Mrs dist admnstr Ga Emergency Relief Ad min r81l Union
Ollor Virginia sten h2325 Reynolds Olsen Cath slswn Isadore Schreiber rlll3 Grant Olsen Jas L (Lucy) asst eng Hercules Powder Co rlll3 Grant Olsen Lucy Mrs (Brunswick Office Supply Co) rlll3 Grant Olsen Rosa (wid Jas) h i 113 Grant O'Neal Bernito (c) hl204 London Oneal Jas L (c) lab The Downing Co r2305 Lee Oneal Sami (c; Lucille) lab The Downing Co h2310 Amherst Osborne Ophelia (c) cook rl204y2 Albany O'Quinn Benj F lab Hercules Powder Co O'Quinn Elouise cash F W Woolworth Co rl915 Ellis O'Quinn Helen bkpr r601 Prince O'Quinn Lester C (Lois) freight agt Southern Ry h601 Prince O'Quinn Peter L (Lillie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl607
Union O'Quinn Wiley A (Jennie J) men's clo 1430 Newcastle rl216
Union Orange Square Park ws Reynolds bet L and M Orman Chas L (Louise) formn Ga Creosoting Co rl026 Rich
Ornellas John (Old Town jPump) irl830 Newcastle Osborn Frank (Sarah C; Home Laundry) h206 Monk Osborn Luvinia (c) hl016 Lee Osborne Jas H (M Lucile) elk PO r2016 Wilson av Osborne Margt E (wid Wm R) h2016 Wilson av Osterhout Harry (Ida) inspr r918 Carpenter Outlaw Carl C (c; Olivia) janitor The Atlantic Refining Co r
1518 Cochran av Outlaw Phoebe (c) cook hl522 Albany Outlaw Robt A (c; Ruth F) janitor The Atlantic Refining Co
hl416 Albany OutlAawlbaRnyuth cash Community Theatre Enterprises rl416
Outlaw Uriel (c) labrl522 Albany Overstreet Mary (wid S J) h i606 Reynolds Overstreet W water tndr The Atlantic Refining Co Owens Amanda (c) hl409 K Owens Ann r2226 Norwich Owens Arth L (Exie) waiter Elmo P Owens rl411 L Owens Arville C r2318 Johnson Owens Augustine student r2318 Union Owens Carl lab r2600 Union Owens Chas F (Eva) wtchmn Hercules Powder Co h2319
Union Owens Chas J lab h2318 Johnson Owens Elmo P restr 1411 L h do Owens Geo A (Mollie) mgr Birdsey Flour Mills r2226 Nor
wich Owens Geo M (Maggie S) dep sheriff Glynn County hl728
Newcastle Owens Geo W (Anne F) men's furngs 1527 Newcastle h2226
Norwich Owens Harry W soda dispenser rl728 Newcastle Owens Herbert F (Corine) beverages 200 and 211 Monk h609
M Owens Jas C elk The Downing Co Inc r2226 Norwich



City of Brunswick County of Glynn


State of Georgia United States of America

OWENS JOSEPH L (Lois), V-Pres-Genl Mgr Coastal Chev rolet Corp, r Windsor Park, Tel 578
Owens Julius W opr Hercules Powder Co r2318 Union Owens Lee (c; Sarah) lab h2226 Stonewall Owens Magnolia r2319 Union Owens Mamie (c) maid hl419 Cochran av Owens Marvin (c; Nona) lab h2107 Lee Owens Marvin A elk Geo W Owens r2226 Norwich Owens Mary E student nurse rl728 Newcastle Owens Minnie Mrs fctywkr rl610 Ellis Owens Mitchell E (Peggy) h Cleveland av nw cor 7th Owens Phenious (c; Lelia) lab Hercules Powder Co h2311
Amherst Owens T Bernard elk Hercules Powder Co r2318 Union Owens Versie L (Irene) slsmn Gulf Refining Co hl612 Good
year av Owens Walter T (Josephine) toll collr h2318 Union Owens Wm B (Lois) slsmn hl315 Union Owes Curley C (c; Dora) lab rl9l3 I Owes Curtis (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl525 Stonewall Oxford Wm J B (c; Melinda) janitor Glynn County Court
House rl828 Lee Padgett Azilee Mrs bkpr rl507 Gloucester Padgett Eloise Mrs rl027 Albany Padgett Jas B (Azilee; Peoples Investment Co) hl507 Glou
cester Pafford Amanda (wid Newsome T) hl403 Union Pafford Anne beauty shop 1403 Union r do Pafford Evilee r3 Oak (Arco) Pafford Ira R r3 Oak (Arco) Pafford Jesse R (Ella R) still opr The Atlantic Refining Co h3
Oak (Arco) Pafford Lillian J beauty opr Anne Pafford rl403 Union Pafford Oliver H (Eva L) poultry 2022 Wolf h2020 do Pafford W G (Bennie) gro 9th sw cor Hardee av (Arco) r do Page Ella (c) maid r2202 Newcastle Palmer Bertha (c) cook rl609 Cochran av Palmer Eliz M Mrs bkpr Palmer's Grocery h706y2 Gloucester Palmer Eug H (Eliz M; Palmer's Grocery) h7061/^ Gloucester Palmer John P (V Maude) meatetr Palmer's Grocery hl410
v, Palmer Julius (c; Gladys) waiter h2010 Lee Palmer's Grocery (Eug H Palmer) 706 Gloucester Palmetto Lunch Room Lucile Roddenberry mgr Glynn av 14 n Hopkins av Palmetto Tourist Camp (Zachary T Yates) Glynn av 14 n Hopkins av
Pappageorge John (City Fruit Store) rl325 Newcastle Parham Annie E hl515 Ellis Parham Jesse N (Louise) distr Gulf Refining Co h607 Union Paris Frances student r928 Union Paris H Linton (Annie C) dentist 403^2 Gloucester R203 h928
Union Paris Hattie (c) rl612 Stonewall Paris Maggie (c) maid rl612 Stonewall Parish Leroy lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Parish T M lab Ga Veneer & Package Co 1 1 Parish W L lab Ga Veneer & Package Co


Te l.
Newcastle Street



1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161-162

y Parker B Elmo lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2212 Newcastle
Parker Building The 1503 2 Reynolds PARKER BURROUGHS & WAY, Mac H Burroughs Pres, Mrs
May Wright Parker V-Pres, Norman A Way Sec-Treas, General Insurance 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and 846 (See front cover and page 28) Parker Clarence L (Lucille) inspr rl014 Union Parker Eliz r505 I Parker Frank J (Gertrude L) sta mgr Standard Oil Co h600 Prince Parker Frank L jr janitor Brunswick Bank & Trust Co r600 Prince PARKER HARRY du BIGNON (Polly B), Pres-Treas Coney & Parker Co Inc and V-Pres Parker Realty Co, h927 Carpenter, Tel 987 Parker Hugh E (c; Clara B) carrier PO hl528 Stonewall Parker Jas H (Frances M) treas-mgr Wright & Gowen Co h 501 Dartmouth Parker Lela D (wid Wm F) h9 Halifax sq Parker May (wid C Daune) h811 Union
PARKER MAY WRIGHT (wid Wm H), Pres Parker Realty Co, h900 Union, Tel 323
Parker Neat (c; Annie) lab The Downing Company Inc r n end 2d nr Cleborn
Parker Niles lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2208 Wolf
PARKER REALTY CO, Mrs May Wright Parker Pres, Harry du Bignon Parker V-Pres, Dan W Middleton Sec-Treas, Real Estate and Mortgage Loans 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and 846 (See front cover and page 32)
Parker Thos A (Neva) elk Phoenix Gro Co hl008 H Parker Towing Co (Harry du Bignon Parker) 1129 Bay Parker Wm L (Cora J) city police h505 I Parmelee Ellis (Dorothy S; Parmelee's Cafe) h714 Ellis Parmelee Miranda (Parmelee's Cafe) rl528 Reynolds Parmelee's Cafe (Ellis Parmelee, Miranda Parmelee) 1518
Newcastle Parnell Ellis G (Helen) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h3 Hardee
av Parr Raymond L slsmn Friedmans Jewelers Inc rl522 Rey
nolds Parrish Arth (Julia) lab The Atlantic Refining Co h20 Pine
(Arco) Parry Susie B Mrs slswn Guarantee Shop rl810 Niles av Partin Ada L (wid Ray) hl729 Norwich Pascal Lizzie (c) maid hl908 Bartow Pate Martha tchr Preparatory High Sch rll27 Union Patterson B lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Patterson Geo (Regina) slsmn rl412 Carpenter Patterson John L (Ethel) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2009
Norwich Patterson Willard A (c; Mamie) phys 1300y2 Gloucester h
1409 Mansfield Paul Geo (c) clnr Hercules Powder Co rl722 Stonewall Paul Laura B Mrs sec to Conyers & Gowen rl529 Reynolds Paul Lizzie (wid Ancil) hl013 Oglethorpe Paul Thos (c; Janie) oiler Hercules Powder Co hl722 Stone
wall Paulk A Belle waiter Savoy Restaurant rll28 Richmond



Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Paulk Geo (c; Rosa L) lab hl320 Cochran av Paulk John B D comnr Glynn County Comnrs r RD 1 Paulk Leon B (Selma) elk AB&CRy h603 Mansfield Paulk Melba tchr Glynn Grammar Sch r916 Union Paynes Chapel A M E Church (c) Rev Chas H Griffin pastor
1301 L Peacock Obadiah (c; Elmira) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r
3d se cor Gordon Pearce Willis W (Ozelle) supt Ga Creosoting Co h2215 Glou
cester Pearsall Benj S asst supt rl024 Union Pearsall Jerry J rl024 Union Pearsall Myrtle S Mrs prac nurse hl024 Union Pearson Verdenal E (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch r2228 Lee Pease Benj G (Mary E) slsmgr Swift & Co r800 1st av Peavy Hubert C (Berta) swtchmn h621 Norwich Peddicord Clarence M (Myrtice) pres-treas-mgr Georgia
Hardware Co hl209 Prince Peerson Everett M (Sallie E) carp h701 Johnson Peerson Jas B (Ruby L) supvr ACLRRCo hl911 Reynolds Peerson Jas E (Jessie P) elk The Downing Co Inc hl605
Gloucester Penabad Eliz J (wid Vincent) h2600 L PENNEY J C CO, Wm L Tomlinson Mgr, Department Store
1426 Newcastle, Tel 181 Pennington Arth E (Janie) barber Thos Poole r75 Hardee av
PEOPLES INVESTMENT CO, James B Padgett Mgr, Salary and Wage Buyers 1001 G cor Norwich
Peoples Water Service Co of Georgia Paul Killian mgr 1525 Grant
Perkins Betsie (c) r2202 Bartow Perkins Nancy (c) maid hl612 I Perkins Ophelia (c) maid 1607 N Perkins Wm (c; Mamie) lab h2220 Albany Perry Alton H (Etta L) pres Perry Business Schools h5011
London Perry Building 406^ Gloucester Perry Business Schools Alton H Perry pres Mrs Etta L Perry
sec 1426 Grant Perry Claudie (c) tchr rl802 Johnson Perry Eliz (c) lndrs r2418 Lee Perry Etta L Mrs sec Perry Business Schools h5011 London Perry F Lester (Mavel) artesian well eng h707 Wolf Perry Francis M rll20 Newcastle Perry Geo F (c; Ryelander) porter Ramsey's Barber Shop
hl806 G Perry Harry P (c; Nannie A) porter The Downing Co Inc h
1819 Bartow Perry Janie L (c) maid hl802 Johnson Perry Jesse J (Mary) lab h2515 Johnson Perry Julian C Rev (c; Bertha N) pastor StAthanasius Epis
copal Church hl321 Albany Perry Margt (c) tchr rl802 Johnson Perry Richd H (c) ins agt Atlanta Life Ins Co rl802 Johnson Perryman Jos E (c; Lessie B) carp h i 508 L Perryman Mary L (wid Thos H) r2021 Davis

Specializing in
Sea Foods
W estern
Newcastle Street





TEL. 135

Person Wm (c; Lizzie) janitor Colored Memorial Sch hl523 Albany
Petalos Geo (Mary) gro 1211 H h do Peter Geo (Plaza Cafe) 1621 Reynolds Peters Clifford A (Harriet D) hlpr Hercules Powder Co hlO
Glynn Peters Margt elk City News Stand rl014 Union Peters Ralph (c; Queen) cooper Downing Co h2213 Bartow Peters Richd W jr (Evelyn; City News Stand) rll28 Norwich Peters Richd W (Nettie) hl014 Union Peters Wm student rl216 Union Peterson Alice (c) r711 J Peterson Beulah (c) maid hl724 Stonewall Peterson Carrie (c) lndrs h2205 Bartow Peterson Eliz (c) maid rl700 George Peterson Geo (c; Annie) puller Hercules Powder Co hl314
Cochran v Peterson Jas S (c) real est 1408y2 Gloucester r2023 Lee
Peterson Lillie S Mrs rl409*4 Reynolds Peterson Wm (c) delivery boy Robt C Lindsay rl016 Lee PFEIFFER FRED (Regina), Grocer and Confectioner 1329
Newcastle, Tel 270, hl800 Norwich, Tel 345 Philips Fannie N rl601 Newcastle
PHILIPS R L CO, Mrs R L Philips Pres-Treas, General In-* surance 1511 Newcastle, Tel 183 (See front cover and page 29)
PHILIPS R L MRS, Pres-Treas R L Philips Co, Office 1511 Newcastle, Tel 183, r Sea Island Beach, Tel 671
Phillips Caroline T (wid J Mitchell) h!527 Goodyear av Phillips Cecil (Estelle) meatetr Cribbs Grocery r StSimo'ns Phillips Ella M (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch h922 Albany Phillips Eug driver rl403 Lee Phillips Frank E (Lula) sta mgr Standard Oil Co h2425 Rey
nolds Phillips Frank E jr hlpr r2425 Reynolds Phillips Helen M rl527 Goodyear Phillips John C (c; Lula) carp h i904 Stonewall Phillips Kathleen r2425 Reynolds Phillips Lawrence (Chrissie) hl403 Lee Phillips Louise (c) r922 Albany Phillips Pearl (c) r922 Albany Phillips S J (Thelma) auto mech rl805 Norwich Phillips Simmons atndt Standard Oil Co r2425 Reynolds Phillips Stanley lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2425 Reynolds Phillips Thelma Mrs slswn Cohen's rl805 Norwich Phillips Thos M r2425 Reynolds Philson Hannah (c) lndrs hl208 Ellis Philson Victoria (c) lndrs rl208 Ellis Phinny Windham rlOOO Egmont Phoenix Bertha (c) rl815 Johnson PHOENIX GROCERY CO (Chas F Browne), John C Kauf
man Asst Mgr, Groceries Retail, Feed and Flour Dealers 1726-1728 Norwich, Tels 44, 45 and 76 (See right top lines and page 27) Phoenix Julia (c) cook hl921 Clebom Phoenix Thos (c) rl921 Cleborn Phyles John (c) lab r2008 Newcastle la Pickens Anderson (c) lab r2204 Norwich la




Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Pickens Belle (c) cook Bijou Cafe h2204 Norwich la Pickens Carrie L (c) rl405 Wolf Pickens Milton F (Lottie) hlpr h2427 Wolf Pickens Timothy D (c) bell boy Oglethorpe Hotel r2204 Nor
wich la Pickerin J A lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Pickerin Ulmer lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r912 Oglethorpe Pickett Robt (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co r2127 Cochran av Pickren Aldeen (Eliz) driller r2017 Ellis Pickren Alva H (Ora) msngr WUTelCo hlOOO Cleborn av Pickren Chas F (Anita) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h21l7 Stacy Pickren Della Mrs h2309 Cleborn Pickren Dollie Mrs h2307 Cleborn Pickren Frank (Leona) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2215
Cleborn Pickren Gus J delmn Palmer's Grocery r2309 Cleborn Pickren John H (Madie) lab Hercules Powder Co h2912 Nor
wich Pickren John J (Susie) eng Hercules Powder Co hl921 Union Pickren Mary rlOOO Cleborn Pickren Milton filler Hercules Powder Co r2600 L Pickren Tot driver r2307 Cleborn Pickren Ulmer M (Mollie) mach opr hl004 Carpenter Pickron Jos C uphol 114 Monk h do Pie Ernest (Cora) r7 Ash (Arco) Pierce Danl I (Dorothy) slsmn hl924 Reynolds Pierce Earl F (Ruby L) mgr O K Billiard Parlor rl308 Union Pierce Geneva (c) h i905 Cochran av Pierce Jas F (Hattie) hl308 Union
PIERCE LOVXCK W (Julia C), Physician (Urology), Andrews Bldg 507y z Gloucester, Tel 316, h720 Richmond, Tel 834
Pierce Mary (c) h2620 Wolf Pierce Nancy (c) hl605 Ellis Pierce Seaf (c) lab r2620 Wolf Pierson Elias (c) lab h2126 Cochran av Piggly-Wiggly Wm B Crawford mgr gros 1520 Newcastle Pilgrim Health & Life Insurance Co (c) Eug D Maynard dist
mgr 1300^ Gloucester Pinckney Nathan (c; Virginia) lab hl715 Johnson Pinion Hattie (c) maid rl023 Cochran av Pinkney Agnes (c) r2004 London Pinkney Alberta (c) dom rl624 Amherst Pinkney Clifton (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl720 Norwich
la Pinkney Eliz (c) rl714 Newcastle Pinkney Elliott (c; Pearl) yd boy h918 Gordon Pinkney Eloise (c) tchr r2102 Cleborn Pinkney Hezekiel (c; Carrie) lab The Downing Co hl305
J Pinkney Joanna (c) h3326 Brailsford av Pinkney Jos (c; Eliz) lab hl405 London Pinkney Mabel (c) rl608 Norwich la Pinkney Sami (Lula) janitor The Atlantic Refining Co hl607
4th Pinkney Sarah (c) h lll4 Albany Pinkney Wm (c; Mabel) porter Union Bus Sta h908 Lee Pinon Wm (c) lab r910 Lee Piper Annie (c) maid r!600 London


The Rexall Drug Store
"Save W ith Safety"
Prompt Deliveries
TEL. 37

Piper Hattie (c) nurse City Hosp hl029 Gordon Piper Wm (c) carp hl626 Lee Pitcher Larned F (Meta R) h409 F Pitman Melvin S (Thelma) pastor The Church of God h.2126
Ellis Pitman Robt (c; Virginia) lab hl708 Newcastle la Pitt Helen A steri rl800 Goodyear av Pitt Matthew M (Elsie A) inspr eng hl800 Goodyear av Pitt Millie A sec to Ringel & Ringel rl800 Goodyear av Pitt Nellie A sten Perry Business Schools rl800 Goodyear av Pitt Thad J (Anna J) cond hl719 Norwich Pittman Cebe (Viola) firemn Lang Planing Mill h201 Albany Pittman Claude (Beulah E) reprmn Oscar L Pittman hl622
Reynolds Pittman John H (Cath) eng Glynn Ice & Coal Co h220 Wolf Pittman Katherine Mrs hl303 George Pittman Lucile M elk W T Grant Co rl622 Reynolds Pittman Merrill C agt Bankers Health & Life Ins Co rl622
Reynolds Pittman Oscar L cabtmkr 1308 Oglethorpe rl622 Reynolds Pitts A A eng Ga Veneer & Package Co r ws Glynn av 1 n of
Hopkins Pitts Clyde A (Grace) electn Ga Veneer & Package Co h707
Dartmouth Pitts Jas (c) hl824 Amherst Pitts Jas M (c; Matilda) restr 1602 Albany hl203 Gloucester Pitts Matilda (c) restr 1203 Gloucester h do Pitts Paul Z supt Ga Veneer & Package Co rl407 Union apt 2 Plater Rogers rll05 L Platt Annie M (wid Hubert) hlpr r2928 Norwich Platt Lepron lab North Star Dairies Inc rl025 Oglethorpe Plaza Cafe (Peter George) 1519 Newcastle Plummer Wallace (Mabel) millwright Hercules Powder Co h
1100 O
PLYMOUTH MOTOR CARS (Duggan Motor Co Dealers), Gloucester cor Union opp Post Office, Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22)
POLICE DEPARTMENT (See Brunswick--City of) Polite Alice (c) maid rl308 Amherst Polite Buster (c; Gertrude) puller Hercules Powder Co h2029
Johnson Polite Elmo (c; Algertha) lab h919 Bartow Polite Frank (c; Phoebe) lab rl612 London Polite Hampton (c; Bessie) gro 1401y2 I hl401 do Polite Iona (c) maid rl203 K Polite Joe (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2029 Johnson Polite Sanders (c; Alice) lab hl308 Amherst Polite Winslow (c; Ophelia) h3130 Brailsford av Polk John lab h2816 Newcastle POLK R L & CO, Publishers Brunswick City Directory, At
lanta, Ga POLK'S BANKERS ENCYCLOPEDIA, R L Polk & Co Publish
ers, 431 Howard, Detroit, Mich Pollard Wm (c) hl604 Cochran av Pollens Ella (c) hl328 Cochran av Pollens Thos (c; Virginia) hl402 Cochran av Ponder Cornelia C (c) hl512 Albany Ponder Willie M (c) maid rl409 Mansfield



Coal, Coke and Wood

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Pondexter Burnel (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2204 New castle
Ponsell Daisy B (wid J T Ponsell) r Burnsville (Arco) Ponsell David E (Laura) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl4
Glynn av Ponsell Geo B r Burnsville (Arco) Ponsell John T r Burnsville (Arco) Ponsell Ralph J (Mattie M) truck driver h i 113 Oglethorpe PONTIAC MOTOR CAR DEALER, Gannaway Motor Co Inc
1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See back cover and page 3) Poole Gertrude (c) cook rl519 Albany Poole Jas (c) lab hl922 Lee Poole Madeline D Mrs asst Dr John P Jones rl526 Union Poole Thos M (Madeline) barber 2110 Norwich rl526 Union Poore C H mech The Atlantic Refining Co Pope Bertha M (c) rl824 Wolf Pope Elton B (Robbie) constable h3525 Cleveland av Pope Emma B (wid Geo B) h901 I Pope Frankie I student r3525 Cleveland av Pope Orin driver H C Roughton Co r RD 1 Pope Randolph J (c; Rose B; Pope's Pressing Club) hl824
Pope Ruth V (c) rl824 Wolf Pope Willie M banking Natl Bank of Brunswick r901 I Pope's Pressing Club (c; Randolph J Pope) 1207 Gloucester Poppell Edw W hlpr Hercules Powder Co r2129 Putnam Poppell Geo W (Mamie) ydmn Glynn County House h2129
Putnam Popwell Spencer W formn Hercules Powder Co r800 F Popwell Spencer W jr hlpr Hercules Powder Co r800 F Porch Benj J welder Clark Body Shop r500 G Porcher Ardelia (c) cook Royal Hotel hl509 Albany Pore Clarence H (Ruby) eng h2026 Ellis Porter Benj (c) lab The Atlantic Refining Co Porter Byron (c) lab rl714 Amherst Porter Chas H (Sadie L) cash Peoples Water Service Co of
Ga hl708 Norwich Porter Dorothy L sten Brunswick Bank & Trust Co r708 F Porter Eva rl5 Glynn av Porter Harry C (Vera) h4 Magnolia (Arco) Porter Jerry (c; Gertrude) wtchmn Lang Planing Mid hl007
Cleborn Porter Marvin B (Daisy) embalmer hl913 Norwich Porter Mary A (Porter's Hat Shop) h708 F Porter Richd B (c; Corrie) cook h820 Amherst Porter Wm (c) lab rl007 Cleborn Porter's Hat Shop (Mary A Porter) 1327 Newcastle Portoulas John S (Ethel) restr 208 Monk h i 116 Reynolds Portulas Peter (Mary) gro 730 Bay hl02 Albemarle Porzio Nicholas (Marguerite; Porzio's) rlll2 Richmond Porzio's (Nicholas Porzio) ice cream mfrs 1319 Newcastle POST OFFICE (See United States Government) Postal Telegraph-Cable Co W Spencer Way jr mgr 302 Glou
cester Poulso'n Andrew (A Helena) hl4 Glynn av Poulson Andrew W (Annie L) h2402 Talmadge av Poulson Thelma slswn S H Kress & Co r2402 Talmadge av Poulson Thos E (Nellie K) hl603 Goodyear av


M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-Seo.-Treas. M RS. M A R IA N A. BROWN, Vice-President R. R. HOPKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timljer Lands-- Rentals TP a I 4 A

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403>/2 Gloucester

I " ! X V

Pound Leroy (c; Nancy) lab r2012 Amherst Pounds Chas B (c; Josie) carp h2511 Cleborn Pounds Jack (c) lab r2511 Cleborn Pounds Sami (c) lab r2511 Cleborn Powell Abr (c; Marie) lab Hercules Powder Co h2026 John
son Powell Camilla (c) lndrs r2020 Johnson Powell Davis cooper Downing Co r RD 1 Powell Duncan (c; Julia) pdlr h2411 Amherst Powell Edw (c) lab rl802 J Powell Ethel rl527 Egmont Powell Gray tchr rl021 Albany Powell Hector (c; Marie) lab h2028 Amherst Powell Herbert (c; Ruth) lab r2518 Wolf Powell Ida (wid Jap) rl527 Egmont POWELL J THOMAS (Lillian A), Attorney-at-Law 1316Vk
Newcastle, Tel 777, hl021 Albany, Tel 742 Powell John (c) puller Hercules Powder Co r2028 Amherst Powell John S (Ruby P) atndt Atlantic Refg Co rl527 Eg
mont Powell John T (Josephine L) lawyer hl021 Albany Powell Leroy (c) rl711 Amherst Powell Lillian rl021 Albany Powell Mercides R Mrs sten The Downing Company Inc r501
Albemarle Powell Minnie L cook Parmelee's Cafe rl907 Wolf Powell Pauline E (c) lndrs hl408 K Powell Roy driver Brunswick Coco Cola Bottling Co h501
Albemarle Powell Sylvia (c) r2022 Newcastle la Powelson Dorothy M student rl901 Gloucester Powelson Phil F (Carolyn M) dept supt hl901 Gloucester Powelson Philip F jr asst mgr Thrift Auto Supply Co rl901
Gloucester Powers Edw (c) lab h2007 Bartow Pozio Nicholas (Marguerite) rlll2 Richmond Pracas John gro 1500 G h do Pray Albertha (c) maid rl522 Amherst Pray Bennie (c; Cath) lab Hercules Powder Co rl015 Lee Pray Jas (c; Rebecca) marker Hercules Powder Co rl522
Amherst Prep High School J E Burgess prin 1101 Mansfield Presbyterian Church 605 George Prescott Rilla Mrs h i 115 Reynolds Preston Madeline (c) student rl007 Gordon Price Dunaway K collr Royal Fendig & Shelander rl609
Norwich Price Ellen (c) hl306 Cochran av Price Jas M (Annie M) supvr Hercules Powder Co hl729
Nile av Price R Lena (wid Jasper R) hl609 Norwich Price Williamson T (Rebecca L) asst mgr Grocery Dept The
Downing Company Inc hl203 Prince Price Williamson T jr slsmn The Downing Company Inc r
1203 Prince Prichard Dollie (wid Clifford) waiter Purvis Grammar Sch
hl907 Ellis la Priddy Belle (wid Edw) librarian Christian Science Society
h i022 Ellis



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)
"WE FIX FLATS" Don't Cuss-- Call Us

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run" G loucester and Ellis Sts.

Prier Ernest (c; Ester) lab h i221y2 Amherst Priester Robt T slsmn Abbott Motor Co rl627 Reynolds Prim Cigar Factory (Jaime Prim) 603 Ellis Prim Jaime (Josephine; Prim Cigar Factory) h604 Union Prim Jaime jr electn The Atlantic Refining Co r604 Union Primitive Baptist Church (c) 1210 I Prince Wm E (c; Pauline) lab hl716 Stonewall Proudfoot Prince (c; Penny) lab Hercules Powder Co h2112
Cleborn Prye David (c; Anna B) lab The Downing Co Inc rl502 Monk Pryor Mack (Johnnie M) lab h2307 Union Pullen Addison (c; Lou E) r2125 Albany Pullen Hyman (c; Nettie) lab h2007 Wolf Purdie Ethel (c) maid r921 Amherst Purdy Fannie (c) cook r2005 Cochran av Purdy Lula (c) hl308 L Purdy Susie (c) hl923 Cleborn Purvis Grammar School A Katharine Hines prin 2010 Nor
wich Purvis Jessie Mrs rlll5 Reynolds PYLES ROBT S (Julia), Glynn County Sheriff Office Court
House, Tel 490, h821 Union, Tel 614 Quarterman Carroll student rl60l Macon av Quarterman Eula r2106 Newcastle Quarterman Felder A lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl601 Macon
av Quarterman Frank B (Julia) mgr Ocean Oil & Gasoline Co
r2106 Newcastle Quarterman Frank B jr (Dorothy) r2106 Newcastle Quarterman John H (Maggie) lumber broker hl601 Macon
av Quarterman John H jr hlpr Hercules Powder Co rl601 Ma
con av Quarterman Malvina M elk W T Grant Co r2222 Norwich Quarterman Victoria (c) cook r2105 Albany Quarterman Willie M slswn F W Woolworth Co r800 Albe
marle Quartermon Jos (Rebecca) lab The Atlantic Refining Co r2
Pine (Arco) Quillan Lucile Mrs pres Womens Club hl221 Union Quillan Willard P (Lucile) agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co h
- 1221 Union apt 3 Quinn C (c) framer Gulf States Creosoting Co Quinn Camilla (c) maid Womacks Market r2306 Lee Quinn Cecelia L (c) student r2306 Lee Quinn Chas W (c; Camilla) framer Gulf States Creosoting
Co h2306 Lee Quinn Chas W jr (c) student r2306 Lee Quinn Josephine (c) maid r2222 Gordon Quinn Noah J (c) porter Stutts Drug Store r Amherst Quinn Nora J (c) maid r2222 Gordon Rabun Geo L lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h523 Wolf Radelman Hyman R (Sophia; New York Tailoring Shop) h
1001 Gloucester Raedy Mary E Mrs h i728 Gordon Raffo Delores S asst r628 Union Raffo Olive rl603 Reynolds Raffo Sarah L (wid Jas S) hl603 Reynolds Raffold Julien (c; Mollie) lab hl209 Reynolds




Sales and Service


Ragland Jas elk A & P Tea Co rlll6 Carpenter Ragland Jas M (Alma) bldg contr 1122 Carpenter h do Raiford Maggie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Railway Express Agency Inc Luther C Kilgore agt 108
Gloucester RAINBOW SODA SHOPPE (Hiram E Mathis), 1529 New
castle, Tel 433 Rainey Chas C meat ctr rl828 Ellis Rainey Marlin (c) barber Jesse L Battle rl411 Stonewall Rainey Paul O (c) formn The Downing Co hl411 Stonewall Rains Henry w rl229 Sycamore av Rakestraw Thos W Rev (c; Ella) hl523 Stonewall Ralston Margt L elk Strachan Shipping Co r817 Egmont Ralston Marie L sec Glynn County Bd of Health r817 Eg
mont Ralston Susie r817 Egmont Ralston Wm (Bessie) elk Hercules Powder Co hl728 Niles Ramsey Benj T (Florence M) asst postmaster PO hl312
Union Ramsey LeRoy (Beatrice) barber Ramsey's Barber Shop h
1527 Egmont Ramsey Webster C (Ramsey's Barber Shop) r Baxley Ga Ramsey Wm (c; Lucille) h i 107 Amherst Ramsey Willie rll07 Union Ramsey's Barber Shop (Benj T and Webster C Ramsey) bar
bers 15191/2 Newcastle Randolph John (c) rl807 Wolf Randolph Rena (c) maid hl817 Wolf Randolph Wm O rl906 Newcastle Raney Earl L (Addie) lab h2812 Newcastle Raney Mildredge (Flossie) roofer r2812 Newcastle Raney Morris hlpr r2812 Newcastle Rantz Mamie Mrs r720 Amherst Rastick Rebecca (c) cook rl208i/2 Albany Ratcliffe Grover C (Rose) elk hl523 Union Ratcliffe Helen tchr Glynn Academy r800 1st av Ratcliffe Robt L comnr Glynn County Comnrs r RD 1 Ratliff J Frank elk Hercules Powder Co r901 H Ratliff Ursaline O (c) maid h2325 Bartow Raulerson Jos (Bessie) h2208 Wolf Raulerson Louis L (Addie) lab h2210 Wolf Raulerson Wm J hlpr r2208 Wolf Rawls Sophie (c) rl504 Monk Ray Eliz V (wid Wm) h913 Ellis Ray Franklin sawyer Hercules Powder Co rl913 Ellis Ray Grace B (c) cook cafeteria Glynn School rl417 Albany Ray Hester Mrs h2017 Gordon Ray Jesse (c; Hattie) clo clnr 1104 L hllOO do Ray John V (Annie) h425 Wolf Ray Rebecca tchr Glynn Academy r809 Monk Ray Susie (c) r914 Amherst Rayburn Hattie M bkpr Royal Fendig & Shelander rl603
Reynolds Rayford W (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Rayna Danl barber Thos Poole r504 F Readdick Hoyt L (Estelle) mason r723 Egmont Reagen Danl barber r504 F Reddick Herbert atndt Gulf Refining Co r Blythe Island Reddick Oscar H Rev (c; Alma) hl2201/2 Albany


In Sterilized Bottles




Tel. 144

Reddick Thos (Annie) fishermn h503 M Redding Julius (c; Rosa) lab Coney & Parker Co hl729 Am
herst Redding Letha (c) maid rl800 Stonewall Reddish Emory W (Nora) grinder Hercules Powder Co r2706
Norwich Reddish W Perry lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2705 Norwich Reed Eliz (c) lndrs hl411 Cochran av Reed Jas C (c) lab rl41l Cochran av Reed Lady (c) maid hl610 Newcastle la Reed Lena (c) r807 Howe Reed Leroy (c) lab rl601 G Reed Martha (wid Henry W) r2122 Union Reed Mary (c) hlpr rl916 Wolf Reed Rena (c) rl013 Gordon REESE MILLARD (Emily C; Reese, Scarlett, Bennet & High-
smith), Attorney-at-Law 1312% Newcastle, Tel 35, h428 Union, Tel 805 REESE SCARLETT BENNET & HIGHSMITH (Millard Reese, Frank M Scarlett, L Julian Bennet, E Way Highsmith and John J Gilbert), Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 1312% Newcastle, Tels 35 and 36 Reeves Andrew J (Ida) lab Hercules Powder Co hl914 Rey nolds Reeves Elbert H (Willa M) mgr Southern Tire & Supply Co hl710 Gloucester Reeves Leroy oiler Hercules Powder Co rl405 Wolf Regals Nick T (Esther) gro 1201 Albany h do Register Jas E (Louella) chf City Police Dept hl316 Union Reid Sadie M (c) maid rl423 Albany Reinl Carl R (Ella) trucking 1700 Gloucester h do Reu Albert H (Lucille) asst supt Hercules Powder Co h807 Egmont Rex Hotel (Minnie E Madray) 1331% Newcastle REXALL DRUG STORE, (See Andrews Drug Store) Reynolds Ada (c) h i 121% Albany Reynolds Claudia (c) hl224 Wolf Reynolds Gertrude (c) 1909 Cochran av Reynolds Sami porter Bennett's Drug Store rl909 Cochran Rhea David J (Nona) guard The Atlantic Refining Co h77 Hardee av (Arco) Rhem Eaw F (c; Ida M) lab h2111 J Rhem Jack (c) student r2111 J Rhoddenberry Janie (wid Lester) r2301 L Rhoden John S (Callilian) pipeftr Hercules Powder Co hl806 Niles av Rhoden Riley L (Bertha) still opr The Atlantic Refining Co h 29 Oak (Arco) Ribbon Thelma (c) lndrs rl722 Albany Ribbron Chas H (Priscilla) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co h 41 Dixie av (Arco) Ribron Anna r2704 L Ribron Henry F (Lola) lab h25l9 Johnson Ribron Susie (wid Peter) h2704 L Rice Chas (c; Christine) lab h2213 Stonewall Rice Christine (c) maid r2213 Stonewall Rice Wm H (c) clo prsr 1207% Gloucester h do Richardson Able (c) lab rl422 Albany Richardson Annie (c) lndrs rl922 Albany


Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Richardson Clyde waiter rl410 Union Richardson Dorothy (c) hl409 Albemarle Richardson Ferdenand (c; Matilda) hl404 Stonewall Richardson Geo (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co rl701 Gordon Richardson Jas M (Rachel) slsmn h i 124 Richmond Richardson Lillie (c) lndrs hl7l8 Stonewall Richardson Madeline (c) h i 122 Wolf Richardson Madge sten Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r900 M Richardson Maria (c) maid rl409 Albemarle Richardson Maude E bkpr R L Philips Co h900 M Richardson Okla N (Edria) meat ctr Barnhill Gro Co h.510
Howe Richardson Richd (c; Eliz) hl710 Gordon Richardson Richd jr (c; Pearl) porter Standard Oil Co r
1710 Gordon Richardson Robt E (Naomi) carp h lll6 Bay Richardson Thelma R sten The Downing Company Inc r900
M Richmond Addie (c) maid rl207 Albany Ricketson Wallace plstr r512 3d Rickett Ernest H (Frances M) r708 F Ricks Elley M atndt Arco Filling Sta r RD 1 Ricks Percy (Annie M) firemn The Atlantic Refining Co h
22 Oak (Arco) Ricks Robt M (Lena; Ricks & Stuckey) h603 1st av Ricks Ruby elk W T Grant Co r Arco Ga Ricks Sami T (Lorena) slsmn Singer Sewing Machine Co h
507 1st av Ricks Theopolis L (Neta; Arco Filling Station) r RD 1 Ricks & Stuckey (Robt M Ricks, Walter E Stuckey) 404 G Ridens Velma Mrs r202 Monk Ridley Alvin rl623 Norwich Ridley Fred L (Frances L) wtchmn h2025 Norwich Ridley Hazel sten County Relief Admin r2025 Norwich Ridley Louis F (Angie) elk Marion N Ridley hl623 Norwich Ridley Marion N poultry and sea foods 1810 Norwich rl623
do Ridley Mildred J slswn J C Penney Co r2025 Norwich Ridley Walker J carp r2025 Norwich Riggins Gladys r2002 Reynolds Riggins Lorena Mrs smstrs r2002 Reynolds Riley Ellen (c) tchr r2111 Ellis Riley Jas (c) wtchmn h720 Oglethorpe Riley Jas T Rev pastor StFrancis Xavier Church hll20 New-
Riley Katie (c) lndrs h2003 Wolf Riley McKinley (c; Blomer) lab hl720 Stonewall Riley Minnie (c) h2111 Ellis Riley Robt (c) lab rl407 Stonewall Riley Rosa (c) cook hl723 Stonewall Riley Susie (c) tchr r2111 Ellis Riley Ted (c) carrier r2111 Ellis Rimes John L (Johnnie) sta mgr Standard Oil Co hl608 Kay
av Rimes Jos L (Nona) opr h26 Sycamore (Arco) Rimes P Maloy r26 Sycamore (Arco) Rimes Wm C banking Natl Bank of Brunswick rl716 Ellis Rineset Jas (c) lab r2213 Stonewall Ringel Herbert A (Ringel & Ringel) lawyer r!906 Gloucester



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


T E L . 23

Ringel Louise Mrs pres Temple Sisterhood of Hebrew Ch r 1906 Gloucester
Ringel Philip S (Louise; Ringel & Ringel) lawyer hl906 Gloucester
RINGEL & RINGEL (Philip S and Herbert A Ringel), Attorneys-at-Law 204-05 Gordon Bldg 403^ Gloucester, Tel 575
Ripley Louisa (c) maid hl020 Stonewall Risbardean Clydie waiter Cheerio Grill rl410 Union Rish Ralph F (Ruth; Rish's Pharm) h927 Union Rish's Pharmacy (Ralph F Rish) 1501 Newcastle Ritch John R (Lou M) gro 802 Egmont h619 Norwich Ritch Ruby elk John R Ritch r619 Norwich Rittenhouse Doris pkr r203 Dartmouth Rittenhouse Edgar F (Margt) still opr The Atlantic Refining
Company h4 Ash (Arco) Rittenhouse Roy H (Nora) carp h203 Dartmouth Ritz Apartments 1526 Newcastle Ritz Theatre Mrs Alma W King mgr 1528 Newcastle Rivers Clara L Mrs sec Marshes of Glynn Chapter O E S r
132714 Newcastle Rivers David (c) cook rll07 Albany Rivers Fannie (c) restr 1512 G rl316 Cochran av Rivers Jas (c) hl926 Albany Rivers Stanford L (Clara J) dentist 406y2 Gloucester R1 h
1228 Carpenter Rivers Wm (c; Fannie) hl316 Cochran av Rivers Wm L (c; Lola I) h924 Cochran av RIVES GEO T, Exec V-Pres The Downing Company Inc r
Oglethorpe Hotel Robb Emily J Mrs nurse 19 Glynn av h do ROBB L S (Emily), Real Estate, Acreage, Winter Resorts,
Office 5 Lane Bldg 502*4 Gloucester, Tel 376, hl9 Glynn, Tel 761 (See page 33) Robbins Ninion B r503 H Roberson J E (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Roberts Aleen W (c) h804 Howe Roberts Alex H (c) rl705 Wolf Roberts Alton (c; Ellen) marker Hercules Powder Co h2027 Newcastle la Roberts Andrew (c; Florence) lab hl919 Cleborn Roberts Christein (c) r821 Cochran av Roberts Cleo (c; Ruby) lab rl020 Lee Roberts Danl (c; Minnie) lab rl705 Wolf ROBERTS DON R (Ruby B), V-Pres-Sec Coney & Parker Co Inc, hl609 Gloucester, Tel 657 Roberts Eric Y (Myrtle D) rl609 Gloucester Roberts Ernest (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Roberts Etho rl007 G Roberts Eustace G (Lillie) driver Guy O Bryant h3413 Treville Roberts Frank (c; Georgia) caretkr Greenwood Cemetery h 1705 Wolf Roberts Frank H (Edith) pharm h i704 Gloucester Roberts Harold H (Lucille) slsmn h.2000 Newcastle Roberts Henry (c) rl400 London Roberts Henry (c; Irene) lab h lll6 Wolf Roberts Irene (c) maid h821 Cochran av Roberts Jas (c; Clara) hl408 Cochran av

Served 3 000 Satisfied Customers Last Year CORNER MONK AND GRANT STS.
Roberts L Glenn auto mech Abbott Motor Co rl211 Ellis Roberts Lucian D (Mattie) pntr Cleveland av sw cor 7th
h do Roberts Oler Mrs rl007 Oglethorpe Roberts Pernel E (Minnie M) br mgr r90l F Roberts Reason lab hl211 Ellis Roberts Reginald E curb service Bennett's Drug Store h!528
Reynolds Roberts Sidney rl002 Dartmouth Roberts Stanley rl807 Goodyear av Roberts Tanny Mrs waiter Brunswick Cafe rl528 Reynolds Roberts Thelma nurse 1002 Dartmouth r do Roberts Tight (c; Daisy) lab Gulf States Creosoting Co h
1410 Cochran av Roberts Wm (c; Annie) chauf h2125 Cochran av Roberts Wm (c; Pearl) porter Rish's Pharmacy r800 Am-
herst Roberts Windsor (c) rl705 Wolf Robertson Andrew (c; Frances) lab hl612 Norwich la Robertson Anna maid Oglethorpe Hotel rl609 Cochran av Robertson Eliz cash Community Theatre Enterprises rl615
Reynolds Robertson Eug (c; Ida) r2202 Newcastle Robertson Jas (c; Anna) lab hl609 Cochran av Robertson Jas (c) lab Lang Planing Mill Robertson Jas O (Gertrude E) slsmn hl615 Reynolds Robertson Jas O jr baker Kessel Bakery rl615 Reynolds Robertson Jasper R (Mary L) crane opr Ga Creosoting Co h
2823 Norwich Robertson John (c) wood 1601 Cochran av rl708 do Robertson Proverb (c) r908 Lee Robertson Rena (c) hl403 Stonewall Robertson Robt (c; Frankie) r405 H Robertson Rosa (c) r2410 Union Robertson Wilbert (c; Flossie) lab hl622 Amherst Robertson Wm (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Robertson Wm McK (c) lab r2410 Union Robeson Jas L archt Francis L Abreu r23 Glynn av Robey Corine Mrs waiter Oglethorpe Hotel rl619 Reynolds Robinson Clifford (c) maid rl015 Gordon Robinson Cora (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl915 Cle-
born Robinson Edw B (c) lab rl6l2 I Robinson Ernest (Gertrude F) inspr The Downing Co h917
Newcastle Robinson Ernest W student r917 Newcastle Robinson Harvey F (c; Norma) cooper Downing Co hl600 L Robinson Henry (c; Elvera) lab Lazarus & Co Inc h i804 G Robinson Isabel tchr Preparatory Sch rl215 Union Robinson Jas janitor Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co hl015 Gordon Robinson Jesse (c; Annie) lab rl018 Gordon Robinson John (c) wood hl704 Cochran av Robinson Jos (c; Lucy) lab The Downing Company Inc r918
Lee Robinson Jos F Rev (c; Josephine) hl405 George Robinson Lee A (Sophie) h i008 Carpenter Robinson Lee A jr asst tax assessor rl008 Carpenter Robinson Lillie (c) rl015 Gordon Robinson Lucian E r917 Newcastle


Radiator Repairing

w w k m * S ael!SSliito



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Robinson Lucretia (c) lndrs rl609 L Robinson Nona (c) student rl015 Gordon Robinson Ruth (c) maid rl015 Gordon Robinson Sami W (c; Eliz) gro 1511 London h do Robinson Sarah J Mrs hl406 Mansfield Robinson Sophie M tchr Purvis Sch rl008 Carpenter Robinson Thos (c) hl500 London Robinson Thos (c; Cora) lab h803 H Robison Harry (c; Mary) lab Miller Lbr & Sup Co h2208
Cochran av Robson Bertie J (Lula) lab h2702 L Roby Louis F (Corinne) hlpr rl619 Reynolds Roces Leon H (Helen) bkpr hl627 Union Roddenberry Lucile mgr Palmetto Lunch Room r Glynn av
14 n Hopkins av Rodnell Lenora (c) rl529 Albany Rodnell Lenora (c) rl023 Gordon Rodnell Richd (c; Rosa B) lab The Downing Company Inc
hl023 Gordon Rodriguez Geo carp hl617 Newcastle la Rodgers Chas (c; Jessie) chef Plaza Cafe hl308 G ROEBUCK JACK L (Lucy), Plumber, Heating and Gas Fit
ting, Water Heaters, Plumbing Fixtures, 504 Monk, Tel 487, h504i/2 do Rogers Clara (c) h2410 Union Rogers Frances (c) maid rl503 F Rogers Geo (c; Frances) lab h i503 F Rogers Hattie M (c) rll20 Amherst Rogers Inc Danl B Harrell mgr gros 1408-10 Newcastle Rogers Jesse H (Montez) reprmn Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co hl602 Gloucester Rogers Julius (c) puller Hercules Powder Co r Rt 1 Rogers Leroy R (Pearl) opr Hercules Powder Co h2013 Nor wich Rogers Lucy (c) cook rl404 I Rogers Marietta (c) h2021 Cleborn Rogers Obb (c; Mary L) wtchmn Gulf States Creosoting Co h2023 Stonewall Rogers Rosa Mrs h802 Richmond Rogers Wesley (c; Gertrude) lab hl301 I Rogers Wm L (Laura) driver hl318 Union Rogers Wm M (Nita P) U S customs inspr hl402 Lee Rogers Willie M (c) r2410 Union Rogers York (c; Lucy) rl404 I Rollins Walter (c) lab r2120 Albany Romeira Jos A (Alexandrina) fishermn h905 Reynolds Romprey Jos V (Annie) trucking 1210 Richmond h do Rones Theo restr 2102 Norwich h do Roole Chas (c) rlllO Albany Roper Hayward (c; Willie D) prsr hl924 Johnson Ross Allen T (Carrie M) mgr Southern Bell Tel & Teleg Co hl229 Union Ross Andrew M (Margt) local mgr Strachan Shipping Co h602 Dartmouth Ross Andrew M jr student r602 Dartmouth Ross Bonnie rl518 Norwich Ross Caroline E (wid John D) hl518 Norwich Ross John formn North Star Dairies Inc hl025 Oglethorpe Ross Leo student r602 Dartmouth






2 0 8 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

Ross Lillie (c) rl913 I Ross Viola (c) cook h22101/2 Bartow Rotary Club The Jos E Lambright sec meets every Tuesday
Oglethorpe Hotel Roughton H C Co (Hodges C Roughton) gros 1419 Oglethorpe Roughton Hodges C (Ruth; H C Roughton Co) h927 Union Roundtree Eliz (c) r l l l l Albany Roundtree Ethel (c) r915 Amherst Rourk Cecil W slsmn Kessel Bakery rl410 Union Rourk Henry M (Sarah O) rl410 Union Rouse Leonard M Rev pastor Calvary Meeting House rl807
Reynolds Rouse Mac lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Rowe Elijah wtchmn Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Rowe Harry pdlr r2010 Newcastle Rowe John J (Marie) bridge tender h2100 Prince Rowe Mac (Georgia) h Isaacs Rowell Mattie L Mrs rlll6 Bay Rowland Benj (c; Drucella) lab h i 106 Wolf Rowland John (Chloe) bldg contr h500 Dartmouth Roy Grace B (c) cook hl417 Albany Royal Boyce M (Amy) spl agt Equitable Life Ins Co hl021
ROYAL, FENDIG & SHELANDER, Villard H Royal Pres, Edwin R Fendig V-Pres, Albert Fendig V-Pres, Adolph N Shelander Treas, Josephine Franklin Sec, General In surance and Real Estate, 1517 Newcastle, Tel 287 (See front cover and page 29)
ROYAL HOTEL (Fuller B Casey), Dining Room in Connec tion 1614 Newcastle, Tel 506
ROYAL VILLARD H, Pres Royal Fendig & Shelander, hl224 Carpenter, Tel 638
Royal Warren W (Annie) hl224 Carpenter Royall Jas E (Marion S; South Atlantic Marine Co) h608
Union Rozar Chas M (Ruth V) sec Coastal Chevrolet Corp hl907
Wilson av Rozier Benj C (Lillian) slsmn h2407 Norwich Rozier E Ward atndt Atlantic Refining Co rl526 Newcastle
apt 4 ROZIER JAMES M (Bama G; Universal French Cleaners &
Dyers), hl526 Newcastle Rozier B Rayford curb server Bennett's Drug Store r2407
Norwich Rozier s Jird (Lizzie) fishermn h2316 Union Rozier Susie crab picker r2316 Union Rozier Wm (Nettie) lab h2517 Johnson Rozzell Elijah J Rev (c; Mabel) pastor MtOlive Baptist Ch
h2221 Stonewall Ruffin Geo (c; Rosa) lab hl610 Norwich la Russell Bonnie M (wid Wm W) r917 Egmont Russell Dela N (Helen) elk AB&CRy h8 Wright sq Russell N D acct 403y2 Gloucester R207 r508 Albemarle Rutledge Ida (c) rl019 Gordon Ryals Ernest r41 Dixie av (Arco) Ryals Irene opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co rl314 Reynolds Ryals Lavicia Mrs h2220 Norwich la Ryals Lucille (c) r2228 Lee Ryan Emory (c) lab r2118 Lee



D acaK ta. I\e S 0 1 V e .

One Dollar Out of Ten Remains Yours


Ryan Mose (c) lab h2118 Lee Rynes Mose (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Sadler Steve (c; Martha) lab hl911 Gordon StAndrew A M E Church (c) Rev John J Cook pastor 2101
Albany StAthanasius Episcopal Church (c) Rev Julian C Perry pas
tor 1212 Monk StAthanasius Memorial Hall 1319 Albany StElmo Commandery No 21 Knights of Templar Robt E Sher
man sec meets 1st and 3d Friday 8 p m at Masonic Hall StFrancis Xavier Church Rev Jas T Riley pastor Howe se cor

of'l p

StJames A M E Church (c) 1410 I StJames Lutheran Church Rev Roy B Setzer pastor Glou
cester sw cor Wolf StJohn Paul M (Elsie E) prsmn Glover Bros Inc h4091/2 Wolf StJohns River Line Co Wm A Fox genl agt 2 Mansfield StJoseph's School 1120 Richmond StMarks Episcopal Church Rev Royal K Tucker pastor Glou
cester sw cor Norwich StPaul A M E Church Rev Sherman R Dinkins pastor es Wolf
3 s F StPaul Baptist Church (c) Rev Jas F Harrell pastor (c) 1928

StPaul's Episcopal Church 2200 Cleborn Saitua Anthony (Willie) fishermn rl013 Oglethorpe Sallens Peter (c; Minnie) lab h2115 Davis Sallie Chas C (c; Corinne) lab hl217 Amherst Sallins Sadie (c) hl411 George Salter Chester S pntr Hercules Powder Co Salvation Army The (Citadel) Dollie K Bishop capt 1625
Union Sampson Lodge No 417 AF&AM (c; Masonic) Taylor Harris
sec meets 2d and 4th Monday evenings at 1400 Am herst Sams Annie L (c) r2322 Amherst Sams Helen (c) student r2322 Amherst Sams Henrietta (c) hll08 Wolf Sams Henry (c) r2322 Amherst Sams John (c; Lillie) lab Hercules Powder Co h2322 Am herst Sanders Julia (c) lndrs rl816 Newcastle la Sandifer H M (Billie) hl909 Wilson av Sands Henrietta (c) maid rll08 Wolf Sands Lucille (c) maid rl712 Gordon Sanitary Cafe (Gus Belios) 1429 Newcastle Sant Jos (c; Ethel) netmkr hl206 Howe Santos Jos rll28 Reynolds Santos Jos M jr sec Jos Mendes & Co rll28 Reynolds Sapp Clinton (Edna) h2108 Bartow Sapp David A (Martha) h528 Union Sapp Edna lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Sapp Grover C (Annie L) carrier h i609 Niles av Sapp Hettie (wid Robt H) midwife 2910 Norwich r do Sapp Leona Mrs h2216 Dartow Sapp Mary E student r528 Union

Sapp Peter H (Mary) still opr The Atlantic Refining Co h4

Sycamore (Arco)


12 Sapp Reatha lab Ga Veneer & Package Co


Tel. 9170
Specializing in
Sea Foods
Newcastle Street



1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161-162

Sapp Robt A student r528 Union Sapp Virginia r528 Union Sapp Woodrow (Retha) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2104
Bartow Sappe Jos (Pearl) transfer hll06 M Sappenfield Albert (Ruby) rl522 Norwich Sappenfield Matthias (Norma W) elk The Downing Co r412
Albany Sarvis Nettie (c) rl318 Albany Sasser Ralph W agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co r820 Richmond Sasser Thelma Mrs rl412 Union Sattenfield M M cooper Downing Co r RD 1 Satterfield Trammel elk Bijou Cafe rl521 Union Sauls Sami (c; Elmira) lab Glynn Ice & Coal Co hl928 Am
herst Saunders Frank (c; Louise) lab rl404 Amherst Savoy Restaurant (Peter Devaris, Robt Leonidas) 210 Glou
cester Sawtell Howard B (Estelle) real est hll08 Union Sawyer Annie R tchr Glynn Grammar Sch rl716 Ellis Sbother Jack B druggist Bennett's Drug Store rl520 Lee Scarlet Rina (c) hl002 Cleborn Scarlet Rita (c) rl002 Cleborn

SCARLETT FRANK M (Mary M; Reese, Scarlett, Rennet &

Highsmith), Attorney-at Law 1312% Newcastle, Tel 35,

h902 Wright Square, Tel 599

Scarlett Robt M tax receiver Glynn County r RD 1

Scarlett Susie (c) lndrs hl921 Lee

Schade Jos M (c; Louise) shoe shiner hl423 Albany

Schell Claude r405 G

Schenar Georgia (c) h2000 Ellis

Schipman Wellington J (Lucy) fruits 1829 Norwich h do

Schmitz Frank G (Anna L) mech Coastal Chevrolet Corp h

307 Albany

Schmitz Josephine (wid Alex) h305 Albany

Schoeppel Ruby E hl409% Reynolds

Schreck Herman (Rone) cabtmkr h2926 Newcastle

Schreiber Building 1403% Newcastle

Schreiber Isadore (Bloomy) clo 1407 and dept store 1403

Newcastle hl315 Union

Schriver Sami rl315 Union

Schroeder J mach The Atlantic Refining Co

Schuppan Wesley S r809 Monk

Schwarz Florence student r800 1st av

Scott Agnes (c) maid Palmetto Tourist Camp r2217 Cle


Scott Addie fctywkr r2503 Ellis

Scott Alf E (Effie) carp h900 J

Scott Allen lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2503 Ellis

Scott Butler (c; Sarah) h201l Cochran av

Scott Edw (c) lab Lany Planing Mill hl810 Amherst

Scott Ella (c) lndrs h2718 Wolf

Scott Emanuel (c; Hattie) lab Southern Ry h2401 Johnson

Scott Estelle (c) hl607 Wolf

Scott Fred (c; Sophie) fishermn h lll9 Stonewall

Scott Herbert B (c) auto mech hl927 Bartow

Scott Herman r2503 Ellis

Scott Josephine (c) h2222 Gordon Scott Julian (c; Viola) stevedore h2629 Wolf

* <



Brunswiek's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Scott Lady (c) maid r2222 Gordon

Scott Leroy R (Gladys S) sta mgr Atlantic Refg Co h900 G

Scott Lucy (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2222 Gordon

Scott Mattie (c) hi 109 Amherst

Scott Rebecca (c) lndrs hl620 Wolf

Scott Spencer (c; Marie) lab Am Sugar Refining Co h i 105


Scott Walter R (Wynelle) city police hl515 Egmont

Scott Wm J (Isabell) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2503


Scoville Laurence M (Mary) slsmn Ga Creosoting Co h808

2d av

Scriven Lillie M (c) lab hl311 J

Sea Coast Service Stores E H Palmer pres Fred Pfeiffer sec-

treas 1329 Newcastle Sea Ethel (c) rl719 Albany

SEA ISLAND BOAT CLUB, StSimons Island, Tel 9114-5

SEA ISLAND CASINO, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 9133 and 689

SEA ISLAND COMPANY, Alfred W Jones Pres, J D Compton

V-Pres-Genl Mgr, Offices Sea Island, Ga, Tel 613 (See

page 34)

SEA ISLAND FISHING CAMP, North End Sea Island Drive,

T el*) T ill

T pl

SEA ISLAND GOLF CLUB, Retreat Road StSimons Island,

Tel 37-2


County, Tel Colesburg, Ga

SEA ISLAND NURSERY, StSimons Island, Tel 36-2

SEA ISLAND POST OFFICE, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 629


Island Tel 37-3

SEA ISLAND SCHOOL (Private), Sea Island, Ga, Tel 686

SEA ISLAND YACHT CLUB, StSimons Island, Tel 75-2, Dock

Tel 9114-2

Seacoast Oil & Supply Co Danl C Cowart agt ws Bay 3 s


Seagroew Emma (c) r2024 Wolf

Seagroew Jos (c) lab r2024 Wolf

Seagrove Lizzie (c) r2115 Ellis

Seagrove Robt (c) h2115 Ellis

Seagrove Robt (c; Annie M) lab r2115 Ellis

Seagrpve Viola (c) maid h i 117 Amherst

Seals Luellen (c) rl408 Prince

Seats Wm H (c; Sarah) lab hl408 Prince

Sears Lonnie (c; Sarah) longshoremn h i 125 Albany

Sears Walter K (Louise) broker rll03 3d av

Seay Bishop (c) filler Hercules Powder Co r2020 Lee

Seckinger Ellis M (Iris F) ship elk The Downing Company

Inc hl929 Union

Seckinger Iris F Mrs sten The Downing Company Inc hl929 Union

Second Advent Christian Church 703 H

Segui Jane L (wid Jos J) h2026 Cleborn

Segui Jos H (Caroline) carp Ga Veneer & Package Co h2017 Davis

Segui S Leroy r2026 Cleborn

Selman Forrest R (Ola M) electn Hercules Powder Co rl623 Reynolds

Selph Lizzie Mrs r2805 Norwich


Senior Alf M msngr WUTelCo rl305 Egmont Senior Bernice H (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl420 Al
bany Senior Hazel rl305 Egmont Senior Wilson (Jessie) carp hl305 Egmont Serra Manuel (Marguerite) fishermn h907 Reynolds Sessions Alma E private sec News Pub Co rl701 Niles av Sessions Mary L rl701 Niles av Sessions Robt H (Sallie E) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl701
Niles av Sessions Rollie H (Ouida) asst eng Hercules Powder Co h729
Norwich Setzer Roy B Rev (Harriet E) pastor StJames Lutheran Ch
h i 621 Goodyear Seventh Day Adventist Church (c) 2028 Cochran av Shackelford Alice (wid Walter) hl906 Newcastle Shader Dale W (Edith J; Shader's Buick Service) hl909 G Shader Geraldine slswn S H Kress & Co rl909 G Shader's Buick Service (Dale W Shaders) 1309 Grant Shadrick Alberta (c) maid rl213 Amherst Shanson John (c; Dorothy) lab hl909i/2 Ellis la Sharp Frances (c) lndrs h.2008 Newcastle la Sharp Glover (c; Jessie) hlpr hl905 Wolf Sharp Josephine (c) maid hl708 Newcastle Sharp Mitchell (c) delmn Wm S Newman r2008 Newcastle
la Sharpalezos Nick (Evelyn) gro 1400 Albany h do Shaw Danl W (Ruby) gro 1828 Newcastle r2206 Norwich Shaw Jennie (c) h lll7 y 2 Albany Shaw John H rl710 Albany Shaw Louise (c) cook hl802 L Shaw Lyman S (Nora) gro 1911 L h do Sheahan John A (C Patricia) mgr Ga Public Utilities Corp
h908 Union Shearouse Winifred tchr Purvis Sch r3 Halifax sq Shedford Rosa L (c) r202l Albany Sheffield Carrie (c) hl405 Gloucester Sheffield Donald H (Shirley T) chemist Hercules Powder Co
h918 Union Sheffield Estelle (c) maid r2222 Bartow Sheffield Harry M (Irene) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r
Burnsville (Areo) Sheffield Jas (c; Viola J) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
2404 Barton Sheffield Oscar (c; Retha) beverages 1308 J h2009 Amherst Sheffield Shepherd (c; Stella) lab h2222 Bartow SHELANDER ADOLPH N (Selma), Treas Royal Fendig &
Shelander, h826 Union, Tel 173 Shelander Roberta student r628 Union SHELDON C HOLMES (Sallie Lowe), Pres The National Bank
of Brunswick, h526 Union, Tel 284 Shelter Eustace L bkpr Gould Motor Co rl407 Union Shelley Florence W (wid Jesse) drsmkr 806 Mansfield h do Shelton Edw (c) lab r916 Gordon Shepard Edgar G (Myra) lab h707 I Shepard Rhoda fctywkr r707 I Shepard Richd C asst comr of health Glynn County Sheppard Corinne tchr Arco Sch rl201 Union Sheppard Cuffie (c; Lorena) lab h2024 Gordon





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Sheppard Herbert (c; Ledie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2102 Gordon
Sheppard Lanier S rl217 Wolf Sheppard Maggie (c) cook h2104 Gordon Sheppard Marion (c) driver Lang Planing Mill rl816 John
son Sheppard Morrison (c; Mollie) lab hl816 Johnson SHERIFF--(See Glynn--County of) Sherman Calvin (c; Estella) lab PO h.1608 Lee Sherman Edwin L (Edith G) asst sec-treas The Downing
Company Inc hl221 Union apt 1 Sherman House The (W Ward Sherman) 1417 Union Sherman John (c) carp hl708 Cochran av Sherman Robt E (Julia) solr Royal Fendig & shelander h820
Richmond Sherman W Ward (The Sherman House) hl417 Union Sheward H Albert (Nannie) pipeftr Hercules Powder Co h
1618 Union Shields Doretha (c) r800 Howe Shields Florida (c) r800 Howe Shiell Jas A (Anne) supvr Hercules Powder Co h501 Norwich Shillman Willie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Shiloh Baptist Church (c) Rev Jas L Burney pastor 1217 Eg-
mont Shipman Lollie (c) rll24 Wolf Shirley John R (Margt) hl015 Union Shirley John R jr (Jaculine B) emp Parker Realty Co rl015
Union Shiver Jas G (Addie) carp h2729 Norwich Shiver Jas S (Martelle) carp r2729 Norwich Shiver Robt T (Madeline) carp h2725 Norwich ^ Short Emma (c) h2115 Albany Short Jas V (Pauline A) cash Ry Exp Agcy h2124 Union Short Louise (c) maid r2115 Albany Sibley A Persey r902 Oglethorpe Sibley Sophia (c) r2017 Lee Signal Rosa (c) drsmkr rl207 Albany Sikes L T mech Coastal Chevrolet Corp r Brooks Ga Sikes Rena M Mrs smstrs hl818 Norwich la Silva John (Old Town Pump) rl830 Newcastle Silva Mary (wid Rufino) rl830 Newcastle Silva Mary B h208 London Silva Wm (Mary) slsmn hl818 Newcastle Simmons Addie P Mrs asst to Dr John W Simmons h924
Union Simmons Benj (c) lab rl201 I Simmons Carrie (c) hl412 Wolf Simmons Etolia (c) maid hl910 Wolf Simmons Jas (c) hl018 Johnson Simmons Jas O laboratory asst Hercules Powder Co r924
Union Simmons John W (Addie P) phys 1503y2 Newcastle R201
h924 Union Simmons Leavance (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Simmons Narcissa (c) r918 Albany Simmons Ollie M (c) rl409 K Simmons Rebecca (c) r715 Oglethorpe Simmons Sami s (Bernice) guard r3500 Treville av Simmons Vanderbilt B (c; Sarah) lab h!322 Albany


A N D R E W S The Rexall Drug Store


" S a v e W ith S afety'*
Prompt Deliveries
TEL. 37

Simmons Vanderbilt B jr (c) student rl322 Albany

Simmons Virginia (c) lndrs rl910 Wolf

Simmons Wilfred student r2001 Cook

Simmons Wm (c; Rosie) lab hl918 Lee

Simmons Wm (c; Carrie L) lndrywkr h i707 Lee

Simons Rosie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Simons W H lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Simpson John (c) lab r2125 Albany

Simpson Thos W Rev (Sarah) pastor First Presbyterian Ch

h609 George

Sims John W (c; Corinne) atndt Sinclair Service Sta hl918

Cochran av


Automobile Service and Accessories 801 Gloucester, Tel

71 (See right top lines and page 23)

Singergan Rosa (c) lndrs rl2 ll F

Singleton Alex (c) lab hl520 Amherst

Singleton Edw (c; Joanna) lab h2309 Gordon

Singleton Frank (c) lab r2309 Gordon

Singleton Jack (c) beverages 1326 Amherst h do

Singleton John (c; Nancy) lab h2222 Lee

Singleton Julia (c) maid rl422 Albany

Singleton Leroy (c; Ruth) lab rl306 Cochran av

"'Singleton Marion (c) student rl916 Cochran av

Singleton Rosa L (c) lndrs hl206 Albany

Sinkhorn John B (Almeda) linemn Ga Power Co h622 Am


Sissis Nick shoe repr 301 Monk h502y2 do

Sitton Raymond L (Avis) X-Ray opr City Hosp h807 Dart


Sizemore Otis (Beatrice) h l l l l George

Skalton Agnes tchr Glynn Academy r915 Newcastle


Skarpolezos John (Winnie) gro 2001 Bartow h do " V"

Skarpolezos Nick beverages 1303 Monk gro 1400 Albany h do

Skelton Agnes tchr Glynn Academy r915 Newcastle

Skipper Herbert (Beulah) cooper Downing Co rl818 New


Skipper Jas inspr r9Q5 G

Skipper Rena V (wid Wm R) h2620 Newcastle

Skipper Sherman B (Ruby) hlpr Ga Veneer & Package Co

hl907 Ellis

Slack Lena (c) hll23 Stonewall

Slack Oscar (c) lab rll23 Stonewall

Slaughter Jas C (Sussie M) agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co

h817 Newcastle

Slaughter Wm H (Edna) supt Public Works h300 Albany

Slauter Lonnie E>(Sarah) hl708 Ellis

Small Sarah (c) h912 Amherst

Smalley Erastus R (Beulah) agt Gulf Life Ins Co h2427


Smallwood King W (c; Josephine) lab Hercules Powder Co

r2104 Gordon

Smart Alf (c; Dolly) h2324 Wolf

Smiley Thos (Corinne) emp Arth P Leotis h727 Oglethorpe

Smith Adelia (c) rl707 Amherst

Smith Alberta (c) lndrs hl707 Amherst

Smith Alma L r507 M

Smith Alvin elk Earl E Walker r717 Egmont

Smith Amanda (c) lndrs h2214 Amherst



Building Material

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Smith Anne (c) h800 Howe Smith Benj (c; Odessa) lab hl216 Albany Smith Bertha supt City Hosp r do Smith Bettie (c) lndrs h2307 Albany Smith Blanche E rl828 Union Smith Carl asst sta mgr Standard Oil Co rl329 Palmetto av Smith Chas (c; Millie) lab hl316 Albany Smith Chas (c) lab rl300 London Smith Chas jr (c; Ruby) lab hl318 Albany Smith Clara A r2119 Union Smith Clarence (c) lab rl612 Albany Smith Clarence L carp Hercules Powder Co r2119 Union Smith Claudia (c) lndrs r2625 Albany Smith Clyde (Bettie) driver rl307 Union Smith Clyde J atndt Colonial Oil Co r2119 Union Smith David E (c; Lala N) lab Am Sugar Refining Co hl409
Albany Smith Donnie C pdlr r507 M Smith Dora W (wid Seaborn M) rl828 Union Smith Dorcas L (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl409 Albe
marle Smith Douglas B (Agnes) h2 Oak (Arco) Smith Doyle K (Birtie) lab hl705 K Smith Edith (c) rl403 George Smith Edna Mrs fctywkr h507 M Smith Edw (Zona) lab hl208 Richmond Smith Effie (c) cook hl819 Wolf Smith Elsie (c) cook hl708 H Smith Ersely W (Irene) opr Ga Public Utilities Corp h805 L Smith Frances r721 Grant Smith Fred H (Caroline) opr rl516 Union Smith Fredk A (Bertha) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h500 L Smith Gene (wid Eardley h717 Egmont Smith Geo (c; Phoebe) ins agt Atlanta Life Ins Co h821 Cle-
born Smith Geo M (Nellie) still opr The Atlanta Refining Co h i
Dixie av (Arco) Smith Geo P (Ernistine) hll28 Union Smith Gilbert (c; Willie) lab hl404 Albany Smith Gladys (c) rl724 Newcastle la Smith H Clinton (Bertha) cook r717 Egmont Smith Harry D (Ruth R) bkpr Lazarus & Co Inc rl514 Nor
wich Smith Hattie M (c) maid rl316 Albany Smith Henry (Donnie) lab hl09 Albemarle Smith Henry (c; Cassie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl623
Cochran av Smith Henry (c; Louise) lab Glynn Ice & Coal Co rl300
London Smith Henry B (Eunice C) chf elk Southern Ry hl728 Kay av Smith Herbert L elk GtA&PTeaCo rl715 Reynolds Smith Herbert T garage 1511 Grant h do Smith Hoke (Viola) formn Ga Creosoting Co h305 Wolf Smith Hoke lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2316 Norwich Smith Ira E (Nora) U S customs storekpr r Cypress Mills Smith Isom B jr atndt Herbert B Goodbread r RD 1 Smith Jas (c; Callie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl614 Am
herst Smith Jas A elk r507 M


M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-Sec.-Treas. M RS. M A R IA N A. B R O W N , Vice-President R. R. H O PKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands-- Rentals

4 A

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403(/2 Gloucester

I " fla a V

Smith Jas D (Vera) firemn Georgia Power Co h2408 New castle
Smith Jas T (Lila) carp h2507 Union Smith Janie (c) lndrs h2009 Newcastle la Smith Jeffie (c) lndrs h2223 Albany Smith Jennie (c) h915 Lee Smith Jessie (c) cook r2223 Albany Smith Jet (c; Louise) lab h i614 London Smith John C atndt r2119 Union Smith John D hlpr Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Smith John G (Jewel) gro 9th cor Hardee av (Arco) h do Smith John L (c) lab rl704 Cochran av Smith Johnnie A (c) student rl322 Amherst Smith Josephine h721 Grant Smith Katie (c) maid h l4 ll n Smith Leslie O Mrs (Cherrio Grill) h903 Monk Smith Lester C hlpr r2119 Union Smith Lindsay A (c; Mary) porter Whittle Furn Co Inc rl924
Johnson Smith Lola M (c) dishwasher Oglethorpe rl417 Wolf Smith Lucius (c; Ida) hl206 H Smith Luther P (Essie) h2002 Reynolds Smith M Harris r2128 Union Smith Maggie (c) maid hl311 Amherst Smith Mark A (Ada M) h2128 Union Smith Marvin A (Wilma E) ashrllr Hercules Powder Co h
1900 Union Smith Marvin M rl705 K Smith Mary (c) cook rl704 Newcastle Smith Mary (wid Harley) h2316 Norwich Smith Mattie M (c) maid r914 Stonewall Smith Merle opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r921 Grant Smith Mildred r717 Egmont Smith Minnie (c) lndrs r2315 Albany Smith Mose (c; Hilda) lab h2625 Albany Smith Mose jr (c) lab r2625 Albany Smith O B mech Coastal Chevrolet Corp Smith Octave (Adelle) formn Hercules Powder Co h2119
Union Smith Olive elk PO hl329 Palmetto av Smith Pency G (wid Jas M) rl705 K Smith Pete R carp Hercules Powder Co r Blythe Is SMITH PRINTING HOUSE (W Ralph Smith), Commercial
Printers 1416 Richmond, Tel 135 (See left top lines and page 32) Smith Ralph M (Wilma M) atndt Atlantic Refining Co h2303 Gloucester Smith Reuben J (c) porter Henry Cate r2307 Albany SMITH RICHARD Y (Daisy F), Pres Brunswick Hardware Co, h9 Wright sq, Tel 796 Smith Richd Y jr slsmn Brunswick Hdw Co r9 Wright sq Smith Roy lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2316 Norwich Smith Ruby (c) rl300 Wolf Smith Sallie (c) cook rl819 Wolf Smith Sami (c) r2625 Albany Smith Sami (c) porter AB&CRy r Cochran av Smith Sami T (c; Edith) lab hl322 Amherst Smith Shelton B hlpr Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Smith Stella (c) rl513 Amherst


C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

" W E FIX F L A T S " D o n 't Cuss-- C all U s

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
G loucester and Ellis Sts.

Smith Vasker C (c) hl300 London Smith Virginia (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Smith W Braxton (Marie) filling sta 3301 Norwich h909 3d SMITH W RALPH (Peggy F; Smith Printing House), h711 F Smith Willard (c) beverages 204 Monk r do Smith Wm (c; Stella) atndt Morton's Auto Service rl203 H Smith Wm (c; Louisa) lab hl408 Ellis Smith Wm D (Carrie L) mill formn Miller Lbr & Sup Co h
2322 Norwich Smith Wm R (Rosina) elk County Relief Admin r503 George Smith Willie M cook Parmelee's Cafe Smith Woodrow W lab r2322 Norwich Smock Ray (Marie) carp r808 Richmond Sneed Carolyn N elk W T Grant Co rll07 George Sneed Mattie (c) Indrs hl410% Albany Sneed Wm D (Estelle) sign pntr h i 107 George Snell Geo (c) lab r2305 Lee Snellgrove Mamie (c) hl908 Albany Snelling Harriet (wid Wm M) case aide County Relief Admin
rl708 Niles av Snodgrass Mary (wid Sami) smstrs hl916 Newcastle Snodgrass Wm F (Mynnis) hlpr h2014 Newcastle Solomon Malissa (c) hlOOO Albany Solwent Sami (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2403 Lee Sotirin Bros (Nicholas, James and Michael) confr 1306
Gloucester Sotirin Jas (Sotirin Bros) rl306 Gloucester Sotirin Michl (Sotirin Bros) rl306 Gloucester Sotirin Nicholas (Sotirin Bros) rl306 Gloucester South Atlantic Marine Co (J E Royall jr) ws Bay 1 s Albe
marle Southard Laura (wid Madison) hl813 Macon av Southeastern Express Co Jas O Gardner jr agt 504 Glou
cester Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co Allen T Ross mgr
1414 Richmond Southern Railway Freight Depot Lester G O'Quinn agt 6
Mansfield Southern Tire & Supply Co Elbert H Reeves mgr 408 Glou
cester Southwell Belle Mrs furn rms 809 Gloucester r do Southwell Chas L student r809 Gloucester Southwell Leon M (Belle) sawyer h809 Gloucester Southwell Wm H elk Thrift Auto Supply Co r809 Gloucester Spalding Leonard D (Laura) sawyer h2323 Union Spalding Willis (c; Cath) rlll6 Albany Spann Lige (c; Mamie) lab h2225 Albany Spann Robt L (c) r2225 Albany Sparks Annie (c) maid rl709 Lee Sparks Geo A (Grace) genl mdse 810 Mansfield hl217 Union Sparks Georgia (c) hl924 Wolf Sparks Grace Mrs councilor D of Amer hl217 Union Sparks M C (c; Hannah) lather hl709 Lee Sparre Holger Johanna carp hlOOl Grant Sparre Kai (Willie J) carp h802 Gordon Sparre Nan rlOOl Grant Spaulding Basil R (Mary E) plmbr hl709 Bartow Spaulding Eva (c) cook rl308 Amherst





Sales and Service


Spaulding Gus (Lizzie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2328 Reynolds
Spaulding Henry D (Mamie) fishermn h3025 Ellis Spaulding Jos (Dollie) capt h n end Stonewall Spaulding L D lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Spaulding Lucille (c) maid r2000 Cleborn Spaulding Lucy (c) lndrs h2329 Bartow Spaulding Luther r5 Hardee av (Arco) Spaulding McKinley (c) lab rl813 Johnson Spaulding Milton T (Allie) fisherman h2100 Newcastle la Spaulding Paul J (Annie) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h3508
Treville av Spaulding Walter W (Ellen) h5 Hardee av (Arco) Spaulding Willie porter Gould Motor Co Spear Abbie (c) rl808 H Spearing Jack (c; Cedessa) lab Palmetto Tourist Camp h
2027 Bartow Spears Mary A T (wid John J) hl716 Ellis Spell Curtis S hlpr Hercules Powder Co r800 F Spell Danl M (Grace) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2122 Union Spell Eula M fctywkr h2326 Ellis Spell Forest tel opr r800 F Spell Frankie smstrs r2326 Ellis Spell Geo W (Mattie) h800 F Spell Grady E firemn Ga Power Co r800 F Spell Jos S lab rl822 Reynolds Spell Julius R (Verdie L) boilermkr Hercules Powder Co h
1819 Macon av Spell Wm T (Frances) hl822 Reynolds Spence Geo (Mildred) elk hl629 Union Spencer Birdie (c) maid r2222 Stonewall Spencer Chas (c) r2107 Johnson Spencer E M (Lorraine) h21 Magnolia (Arco) Spencer Eug (c; Geneva) restr 1712 L h do Spencer Geo C (Mildred) elk Bennett's Drug Store r Arco Ga Spencer Jasper (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2117 Al
bany Spencer Jas (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r!819 Reynolds Spencer John (c; Carrie) lab hl510 K Spencer John F (c; Minnie) lab h2117 Albany Spencer Katie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2107 John
son Spencer Sue dist case supvr Ga Emergency Relief Admin r3
Halifax sq Spencer Wm (c; Ophelia) gro 1612 L h do Spikes Arth (c) lab rl417 Cochran av Spikes Chas (c) r2215 Amherst Spikes Edw (c) lab r2215 Amherst Spikes Elisha (Betha) lab Hercules Powder Co h2708 Nor
wich Spikes Leona (c) r2215 Amherst Spikes Lula (c) cook StJoseph's Sch hl417 Cochran av Spikes Mark (Eliza) h2808 Newcastle Spirakis Jos student rl621 Reynolds Spirakis Sami B waiter Plaza Cafe rl621 Reynolds Spikes Viola (c) lndrs h2215 Amherst Spivey Geo M (Jimmie) r81 Hardee av (Arco) Spoon Wm M (Ruby) lab h907 L Spooner Harry A hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co rl716 Ellis


In Sterilized Bottles



508 M A N S F IE L D

Tel. 144

Spoons Willie lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Spriggin Wm (c) rl816 Newcastle la Springer Gus (c) rl811 Wolf Springer Janie B (c) hl301 Stonewall Springer Maria (c) lndrs hl715 Newcastle la Stacy Agnes Mrs br cash Brunswick & Trust Co r520 Ellis Stacy Frank L (Margarite L) city slsmn The Downing Co Inc
hl303 Union Stacy Goulding A (Agnes) r520 Ellis Stacy M Louisa (wid Thos G) rl303 Union Stacy Mary L (wid Palmer G) rl227 Union Stacy Thos S rl303 Union Stafford Georgia tchr Purbis Grammar Sch r801 Monk Stafford Gracie (c) rl324 Cochran av Stafford Leroy (c) lab rl324 Cochran av Stafford Lillie M (c) lndrs rl407 Ellis Stafford Mattie (c) hl324 Cochran av Stafford Mildred (c) maid rl815 Johnson Staley Dudley C (Ruby) emp Cleveland V Abbott h206 George Staley Dudley C jr emp Cleveland V Abbott r206 George Staley Henrietta student r206 George Staley Leona (c) maid rl719 Albany Staley Theodosia (c) rl719 Albany Stallard Jas C (Eva) lab Hercules Powder Co h2201 Norwich Stallard Richd L hlpr Hercules Powder Co rl705 Norwich Stallings Lila prin Glynn Grammar Sch rlQ17 Egmont Standard Oil Co Plant No 421 Alex A Harvey agt 2412 New
castle filling sta Gloucester sw cor Glynn 600 Gloucester 1629 and 2529 Norwich Stanfield Perry hlpr r2013 Norwich Stanley Etta (c) hl929 Wolf Stanley Hattie (c) maid rlSO?1/^ Wolf Stanley Howard (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl929 Wolf Stanley John (c) lab h2112 Cochran av Stanley Lottie (c) rl929 Wolf Stanley Minnie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Stanley Retha (c) rl929 Wolf Stapleton Jas J (Wilhelmina) unit allowancer The Downing Co Inc rl513 Egmont Starke Carl F (Alice J) formn Hercules Powder Co hl511 Gloucester State Highway Dept (warehouse) 1225 Grant Staten John (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2016 Lee Stebbins Wm O (Irhonia) h2129 Amherst Steele Edw (c; Isabell) lab hll08 H Steele Mary E student rl308 George Steele Oscar D (Lillie P) swtchmn hl308 George Steiner Ida G (wid Chas L) h2308 Norwich Stelle Ellen (wid Geo A) r601 1st av Stephen Geo (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co rl918 Bartow Stephens Brown (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl916 Bartow Stephens Clara R Mrs sten hl002 Dartmouth Stephens Clyde T (Viola) bkpr Swift & Co hl529 Bartow Stephens Danl (c; Susie) janitor Purbis Grammar Sch hl926 Bartow Stephens Edw L (Lillian) hl201 Union Stephens Fannie lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Stephens Frank lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Stephens Geo (c; Leola) lab hl918 Bartow



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Stephens Henry (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2203 Gor don
Stephens Lou M Mrs elk City Hall rl708 Niles av Stephens Lynch lab r2229 Habersham Stephens M lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Stephens Orange C (c) agt Afro American Life Ins Co r818
Amherst Stephens Peter A (Arizona) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
2229 Habersham Stephens Robt M (Lou M) hl708 Niles av Stephens Rufus B (Fannie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
2842 Hopkins Stephens Sami (Lillie) r2229 Habersham Stephens Thos lab r2229 Habersham Stephenson Chas A (c) driver r806 L Stephenson Gus (c; Leola) porter Fred Pfeiffer r 806 L Stephenson Wm (c) h806 L Stevens Anna E (c) lndrs hl713 Stonewall Stevens Grover B (c; Lenora) lab r921 Cochran av Stevens Henry (c) lab r2023 Newcastle la Stevens Jos (c) lab r2004 Wolf Stevens Lula (c) r2019 Cochran av Stevens Robt formn County Relief Admin r StSimons Island Stevens Shernlee (c) lab h2029 Amherst Stevens Thos (c) lab h2019 Cochran av Stevens Thos (c) lab rl802 Johnson Stevens Weemari (Dora) h2528 L Stevens Wm (c) lab Lang Planing Mill Stevenson Bertha A Mrs society editor News Pub Co rl415
Magnolia Stevenson Leola (c) maid rl311 Amherst Steward Jesse L (c; Mamie) lab hl303y2 Mansfield Steward John (c; Nettie) lab hl404 Amherst Stewart Ada M elk W T Grant Co rl915 Ellis Stewart Chas (c; Matilda) lab The Downing Co hl814 Wolf Stewart Columbus- C (Mary) pumper The Atlantic Refining
Co h2303 Ellis Stewart Eliz Mrs rll05 P STEWART G BURNICE (Stewart Plate Glass Works), r207
Monk Stewart Geo L (Effie) barber City Barber Shop hl704 Nor
wich Stewart Hattie (c) hlpr r2122 Wolf ^Stewart Herbert (c) porter r2122. Wolf 'Stewart J G hlpr The Atlantic Refining Qo Stewart Jas L (Susie E) hl627 Reynolds Stewart Jesse (c; Corinne) lab hl909 Amherst Stewart Jesse (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2027 Newcastle la Stewart John (c; Nettie) cement wkr hl404 Amherst Stewart Nettie (c) r2303 Albany Stewart Paul R wtchmn Hercules Powder Co r Arco STEWART PLATE GLASS WORKS, G Burnice Stewart Prop,
Everything in Glass 1406 Richmond, Tel 1047 (See page 27) Stewart Ralph rl627 Reynolds Stewart Robt (Helen) supt plant The Atlantic Refining Co h29 Dixie av (Arco) Stewart Wyley A (c; Martha G) billiards 1304 Gloucester h 1527 Amherst



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TE L . 23

Stiles Eleanor cash Henry Cate r911 Union Stiles Eleanor B Mrs librarian Public Library h911 Union Stiles Florida (c) lndrs hl814 Newcastle la Stiles Hattie (c) cook rl819 Reynolds Stiles Israel J Rev (c) pastor Union Baptist Church hl819
Reynolds Stiles John (c) lab rl814 Newcastle la Stiles John student r911 Union Stiles John C (Eleanor B) cash h911 Union Stiles Mary (c) rl814 Newcastle la Stiles Willie (c) lndrs rl819 Reynolds Stinson Lucille (c) maid hl613 Amherst Stipe Chas E (Mildred E) pipe ftr Ga Public Utilities Corp r
2029 Reynolds _ , S to c k to n Florida (c) bkpr hl602 Amherst Stockton Mack (c; Cora) lab The Downing Co Inc h2111
Cleborn Stockton Myrtice (c) lndrs r2004 Amherst Stokes Allen (c) lab r2110 Gordon Stokes Hattie (c) lndrs h2101 Lee Stokes John L r2212 Wolf Stokes Louise h!015 Cochran av Stokes Luther (c) lab h2110 Gordon Stokes Richd E hlpr Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Stone L D lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Stone Wm L (Minnie M) carp h2100 Bartow Story Clayton student r510 R Story Edw (Mary M) lab h510 R Story Fred (Mollie) carp h2710 Norwich Story Jos D hlpr r510 R Strachan Mary (wid Frank D M) h822 Union STRACHAN SHIPPING CO, R W Groves (Savannah, Ga)
Pres, A M Ross Local Mgr, Steamship and Forwarding Agents, Howe ne cor Bay, Tel 880 Stratis Peter shoe repr 1323 Newcastle r do Strayer Albert L (Mary E) driver Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling Co hl518 Ellis Strayer John H bottler Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling Co r 1518 Ellis Strayer Willa G cigarmkr Prim Cigar Factory rl518 Ellis Street Liza (c) maid rl610 Albany Strickland Albert C (Julia) h2529 Wolf Strickland Allen M (Lenaj lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h 2023 Davis Strickland Arth V firemn The Atlantic Refining Co r2704 L Strickland Benson lab Ga Veneer & Package Co rl900 Union Strickland Bevolyn O r BUrnstown (Arco) Strickland Brantly (Ida) slsmn Vienna Bakery hl516 Egmont Strickland Cecil hlpr r2529 Wolf Strickland Cecil E (Ruby) slsmn Gould Motor Co r208 Howe Strickland Cecil H (Eloise) linemn Ga Power Co h2108 Wolf Strickland Chas hlpr r2529 Wolf Strickland Chas (Mabelle) lab rl524 Richmond Strickland D C lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r503 N Strickland DanI H (Mamie) firemn The Atlantic Refining Co hlO Ash (Arco) Strickland Danl H jr rlO Ash (Arco) Strickland Edw r2704 L



Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year

Strickland Erwin lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Strickland Ethel H Mrs elk A J Gordon Dept Store r2029


Strickland Eug E grinder Hercules Powder Co r3117 Norwich

Strickland Eug W Rev (c; Mary) hl622 Cochran av

Strickland Frances r2529 Wolf

Strickland Geo W (Emma) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h

2006 L


Strickland Harry A fishermn r2110 L

Strickland Herbert F (Margt) r2027 Davis

Strickland Ida (c) maid rl924 Bartow

Strickland J Clark (Alice) asst formn Ga Creosoting Co r412 Wolf

Strickland Jas E (Pauline) bridge tndr h i 106 Reynolds

Strickland Jas L (Ethel) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2424 Ellis

Strickland Judge lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Strickland Lambert (Colei) auto mech Abbott Motor Co r

rear 2020 Norwich

Strickland Leslie (wid Jasper) h702 Bay

Strickland M Hazel bkpr r2027 Davis

Strickland Minnie L student r3117 Norwich

Strickland Missouri Mrs r2002 London

Strickland Mollie (wid Danl) r2110 L

Strickland O Brantley (Ida) slsmn rl521 Egmont

Strickland Paul M elk Wm F Strickland h2027 Davis

Strickland Raymond L (Mildred) carp h2209 (2309) Talmadge av

Strickland Reubin B (Mamie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r Burnsville (Arco)

Strickland Ruby Mrs asst stewardess Oglethorpe Hotel r208 Howe

Strickland Troy (c; Millie) lab hl924 Bartow

Strickland Ward (Bessie) auto mech Abbott Motor Co h rear 2020 Norwich

Strickland Wm F gro 1401 G h2027 Davis

Strickland Worry L (Mary) carp h3117 Norwich

Stricklin Danl s (Leslie) sta mgr Standard Oil Co hl407 Union apt 3

Strong Edmond (c; Susie) lab rl909% Ellis la

Strong Willard (c; Mattie) firemn Ga Veneer & Package Co h2122 Amherst

Stuart Matthew (c; Laura) mgr Brunswick Tailoring Co h 1719 Lee

Stuckey Eugene A (Sadie; Stuckey Grocery Co) hl521 John son

Stuckey Grocery Co (Eugene A Stuckey) 1210 Gloucester

Stuckey Walter E (Thelma; Ricks & Stuckey) r603 1st av

Stutts Drug Store (Thos J Stutts) 2026 Norwich

Stutts Thos J (Stutts Drug Store) rl601 Newcastle

Stutts Wm S (Virgie) driver Hercules Powder Co hll06 R

Style Shoppe The (Jos Cohen) women's furngs 1420y2 New-


Styles Emily (c) hl203 I

Sullivan Amelia (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2123 Am herst

Sullivan Benj (c) lab L,ang Planing Mill h2427 Gordon Sullivan Ellen V (c) student r2427 Gordon

Sullivan Emaline (c) rl923 Lee



Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Sullivan Ephraim D (c) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2403 Lee Sullivan Henry (c) student r2403 Lee Sullivan Jas (c) lab The Downing Co Inc r2403 Lee Sullivan John (c; Ida) firemn Ga Veneer & Package Co h
2106 Cochran av Sullivan Sami (c) lab r2403 Lee Sullivan Susie (c) grader h2127 Amherst Sullivan Susie (c) maid r2210 Bartow Sumner Grady (Gussie) hl902 Newcastle Sumner Levi T grinder Hercules Powder Co r2024 Reynolds Sumner Wm L (Lora) h2024 Reynolds Surrency Ethel M Mrs cook Sanitary Cafe r901 G Surrency Jas prsr Universal French Clnrs & Dyers Sutlive Carey R (Cecille) teleg editor News Pub Co h lll2
Richmond Sutton Henry (c; Mary) hl207 I Sutton Leslie G (Katie; Nehi Bottling Co) hl615 Macon av Sutton Rosa L student rl615 Macon av Suwannee Store Benj A Barker mgr gros 1421 Newcastle Swain Annie M (c) maid S H Kress & Co rl8131/2 Wolf Swain Arth (c; Amanda) lab h i813^ Wolf Swain Robt (c; Minnie) puller Hercules Powder Co rl707
Stonewall Swan Mabelle A student r l l Dixie av (Arco) Swan Peter C (Mabelle) elk The Atlantic Refining Co h ll
Dixie av (Arco) Sweat Archie C (Jennie M) h223 Wolf Sweat Jas D (Lucy) hl611 Reynolds Sweat Jas N reprmn Clark Body Shop rl611 Reynolds Sweat Larry C elk Brunswick Bank & Trust Co r223 Wolf Sweet Edna (c) cook hl210 G Sweetwine Matthew (c) lab r2418 Lee Swett Ephonia (c) cook rl207 Monk Swift & Company Benj G Pe^se slsmgr 1519 Oglethorpe Swindle Henry (c; Henrietta) lab hl928 Bartow Swoger Howard C (Alma) custodian Glynn County Court
House h end E 9th (Arco) Sykes Glynn D (Cecelia) slsmn W A O'Quinn hl514 Norwich
apt 10 Sykes Jennie B (c) maid h2024 Lee Sykes L Tifton (Ruth) auto mech h709 F Sykes Theo R (Clara) hlpr r2608 Wolf Sykes Wm (c) lab hl811 Johnson Sykes Willie (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl919 Cleborn Sylvia Edw B (Cath) linemn Ga Power Co h2111 Davis Symmes Thos D (Lillian) mech eng The Atlantic Refining Co
hlOll Grant Symons Eliza R (wid Wilfred F) hl812 Kay av Symons Fe M sec to Fernando J Torras r StSimons Island SYMONS HORACE D (Kathrine), Justice of the Peace 1412
Richmond, Tel 300, hl8 Niles av, Tel 992 Symons Howard R (Nell D) inspr rl701 Wilson av Symons J S Morel h714 Ellis Symons J S Morel jr r714 Ellis Symons John F inspr D B Frampton Co hl701 Wilson av Symons John F jr student rl701 Wilson av Symons John T student r714 Ellis Symons Lucile (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r2226 Stonewall Tabbot Alvin pntr r428 Wolf





208 Dunwody Bldg.

Phone 99

Tabbot Clarence elk John R Ritch r428 Wolf Tabbot Emory mech r428 Wolf Tabbot Eug S (Sallie) pilot h428 Wolf Tabbot Madeline r428 Wolf Tabbot Mildred r428 Wolf Tabertt Albert marine eng r610 Oglethorpe Tabertt Edw marine eng r610 Oglethorpe Taft Christein opr W U Tel Co rl308 Union Taft Nellie beauty opr Elite Beauty Shoppe rl308 Union Tait Chas S (Margt) florist h903 Dartmouth Tait Ethel D jr Mrs bkpr The Downing Co Inc rl618 Good
year av Tait Feed & Seed Co (Hugh S Tait) 1320 Newcastle Tait Hugh S (Pearl K; Tait Feed & Seed Co) h528 Newcastle Tait Margt E bkpr Friedman's Jewelers Inc r903 Dartmouth Tait Robt V (Eliz) elk Oglethorpe Hotel hl228 Carpenter Talbant Wm (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Tankersley Cecil A elk Glynn Ice & Coal Co rl801 Goodyear
av Tankersley Claude A (Ola V) h3328 Norwich Tankersley Edw W r3328 Norwich Tankersley Hazel C waiter Plaza Cafe r3328 Norwich Tankersley Hugh B r3328 Norwich Tankersley J B (Annie M) h Hardee av nw cor 7th (Arco) Tankersley Julius (Ethel) elk Glynn Ice & Coal Co rl510
Gloucester Tapman Rebecca (c) hl403 George Tapwell Christiana (c) r!411 Stonewall Tarkildsen C Platon r2123 Ellis Tarkildsen Esther nurse r2123 Ellis Tarkildsen Harry hlpr r2123 Ellis Tarkildsen Lena (wid Hance) h2123 Ellis Tarkildsen Otto S electn r2123 Ellis Tarte Hobson H (Agnes; Dixie Kitchen) hl516 Reynolds Tarte John G (Lpis) hlpr Hercules Powder Co r2815 Norwich Tarte Julian K (Lucy) h2815 Norwich Tarver John (c; Lillie) hl620 Cochran av Tarver Lillie (c) maid Oglethorpe Hotel rl620 Cochran av Tate Benj (c) filler Hercules Powder Co rl910 Bartow Tate Chas V (c; Estella) marker Hercules Powder Co h i809
Lee Tate Earl E (c; Willie M) lab Hercules Powder Co hl910
Bartow Tate Jas I mgr F W Woolworth Co rl216 Union Tatnall Alf (c) driver Lang Planing Mill r2109 Ellis Tatnall Clara A (c) rl528 Stonewall Tatnall Harold (c; Margt) carp h i600 London Tatnarr Chas caretkr 822 Union Tatnell Alf (c; Willie) lab r2111 Ellis Tatner Sami (c; Lizzie) sealer Hercules Powder Co hl717
Cochran av Taurbell Larry (Madeline) rl700 Gloucester Taylor Archie B (Florrie) blrmkr The Atlantic Refining Co
h2 Ash (Arco) Taylor Archie B jr sailor r2 Ash (Arco) Taylor Bertie L r2007 Cleborn Taylor Brentice L (Louise) dept mgr Piggly-Wiggly rl517
Egmont Taylor Chas (c) lab h i 626 Wolf


In Sterilized Bottles



508 M A N S F IE L D

Tel. 144

Taylor Chas H (Bettie) h803 G Taylor Clyde A jr (Hildreth F; Taylor Electric Co) h ss Han
over sq 1 w Richmond Taylor DeWitt (c; Julia) chauf hl723 Amherst TAYLOR ELECTRIC COMPANY (Clyde A Taylor Jr), Elec
trical Wiring and Contracting, Radios, Sales, Service, Re pairing, Automatic Coin Phonographs and Amusement Games Mezzanine Floor Andrews Drug Store 511 Glou cester, Tels 37 and 911 Taylor Ella (c) rlOOO Cochran av Taylor Frankie cook Brunswick Cafe rll08 F Taylor Fred (c; Annie) lab hl711 Stonewall Taylor H Douglas comnr Glynn County Comnrs r StSimons Island Taylor Hattie (c) rl415 Wolf Taylor Henry (c) sealer Hercules Powder Co rl505 F TAYLOR J OLIVER (Nell), Asst Cash The National Bank of Brunswick, h706 Union, Tel 616 Taylor J Oliver jr parts Coastal Chevrolet Corp r706 Union Taylor Jas (c; Irene) lab hl610 Amherst Taylor Jas (c; Sadie) lab hl907 Johnson Taylor Jas (c) plstr rll03 G Taylor Jas M (Mary) elk Wm S Newman h2004 Newcastle Taylor Jas W (Maggie G) formn Nehi Bottling Co hl212 Carpenter Taylor Lee jr (c) lab hl602 H Taylor Mae waiter Parmelee's Cafe rl522 Norwich Taylor Rosa (c) hll25 Egmont Taylor Sadie (c) maid rl907 Johnson Taylor Seaborn T (Maggie) pntr Hercules Powder Co h609 R Taylor Wm C (Emmaline) mach The Atlantic Refining Co h4 W 9th (Arco) Taylor Wm H r920 Carpenter Taylor Wm J (Mary L) lab h2007 Cleborn Taylor Wm M (c) lab The Downing Co h2215 Albany Teague Paul G (Allie C) auto mech S W Baker r609 H Temple Ouida J pres U D of Confederacy Chapter 138 rl716
Ellis Temple Sallie M tchr Purbis Grammar Sch rl716 Ellis Temple Sisterhood of Hebrew Church Affiliation meets 1st
Monday at homes of members Mrs P S Ringel pres Temples Ouida J tchr Glynn Academy r Wistaria Inn Temples Sallie M tchr Purvis Sch r Wistaria Inn
TERRAPLANE MOTOR CARS, S W Baker Dealer 602 Glou cester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and page 22)
Texas Company The Grady M Hollis agt oils 1001 Bay filling sta 1701 Norwich
Tharin Eliz r2610 Albany Tharin Emily r2610 Albany Tharin Geo N carp h2610 Albany Tharin Geo N jr elk r2610 Albany Tharps Laura (c) lndrs hl804 K Thigpen Gilbert (c) prsr Jesse Ray rllOO L Thomas Addie rl03 Albemarle Thomas Banner (Alta) oiler Hercules Powder Co r2726 Nor
wich Thomas B ertha (c) rl210 G 13 Thomas Buck lab Ga Veneer & Package Co

Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year
Thomas Chas (c) lab rl203 I Thomas Chas C pntr hl508 Union Thomas Clifford (c; Minnie) lab Hercules Powder Co h2002
Gordon Thomas Dorothy V rl028 Cochran av Thomas Edna M waiter rl706 Norwich Thomas Edw (c) lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp r923
Stonewall Thomas Edw C (c; Irma) porter Whittle Furn Co Inc hl309
J Thomas Ellen M (c) nurse 1509 J r do Thomas Emma (c) h409 L Thomas Enoch (cJllab rl607 Amherst Thomas Esther (c) maid rl700 H Thomas Fannie M (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl509 J Thomas Frank (Mamie) fishermn h i03 Albemarle Thomas Helen A r2111 Prince Thomas Henry (c; Pearl) lab h2004 Bartow Thomas Hilton (Clara) optometrist h2111 Prince Thomas Hortful (c; Nettie) lab hl014 Stonewall Thomas Isaiah (c) lab hl019 Stonewall Thomas Jas M (Clyo) carp hl706 Norwich Thomas Jas T (Georgia) auto mech hl909 Newcastle la Thomas Jerry (c; Clewie) lab hl410 Amherst Thomas Jesse J (Alice) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2626 Nor
wich Thomas Jos (c; Clara) lab rl421 Amherst Thomas Joshua r2726 L Thomas Joshua jr r2726 L Thomas Justine (c) maid rl517 Albany Thomas L Marco (c) waiter rl509 J Thomas Levy (c; Minnie) lab Hercules Powder Co h2119 Al
bany Thomas Lillie M (c) rl624 Albany Thomas Martha (c) lndrs h805 Howe Thomas Mary (c) lndrs hl822 Stonewall Thomas Mary (cim aid r2001 M Thomas Mary E student rl706 Norwich Thomas Mildred Mrs slswn The Style Shoppe rl810 New
castle Thomas Minnie L (c) grader Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Thomas Miriam Mrs sec Neptune Chapter 153 OES r2111
Prince Thomas Mozella (c) lndrs r2329 Bartow Thomas Norman (Madie) rl909 Newcastle la Thomas Oscar E (Gertrude) gro 1028 Cochran av h do Thomas Rebecca (c) h923 Stonewall Thomas Sadie cir mgr r607 H Thomas Sarah E rl028 Cochran av Thomas Thos J Rev (c; Mary J) hl628 Lee Thomas Thurman auto mech Down Town Garage rl905
THOMAS TOM (Brunswick Cafe), hl624 Reynolds Thomas Wm (c) filler Hercules powder Co r2113 Cleborn Thomas Wm (c; Bessie) lab h2117 Davis Thompkins Dottie M rl210 Reynolds Thompkins Rena (wid John) hl210 Reynolds Thompson Alex rl023 Wolf Thompson Carl E hlpr Hercules Powder Co r3302 Norwich



City of Brunswick County of Glynn


State of Georgia United States of America

Thompson Chris fishermn r929 Bay Thompson Clara L (c) cook Purbis Grammar Sch rl507 F Thompson Delma (Lovie) chauf The Atlantic Refining Co h
3304 Norwich Thompson E T adv mgr News Pub Co rl520 Reynolds Thompson Emma (wid Theo) hl023 Wolf Thompson Florence (c) rl807 Ellis Thompson Hobson r3309 Franklin Thompson Irvin (c; Clara) lab hl507 F Thompson Jacob H (Tedia E) h3309 Franklin Thompson John E (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl507 F Thompson John H (c) lab hl210 Ellis Thompson June r3309 Franklin Thompson Lamar del boy Cleveland V Abbott rl310 Wolf Thompson Mamie (wid Bruce) hl310 Wolf Thompson Marcus A hlpr Hercules Powder Co r901 J Thompson Marie (c) lndrs hl929 Cochran av Thompson Merville E (Lillian) filling sta 2501 Norwich rl521
Egmont Thompson Otis (c) prsr Universal French Clnrs & Dyers r
1824 Wolf Thompson Robt (Sarah) legal constable Claude Dart h2G06
Norwich Thompson Robt (Nettie) customs inspr hl521 Egmont Thompson Robt W (Eliz) fishermn r3309 Franklin Thompson Ruth waiter Brunswick Cafe rl528 Reynolds Thompson Sylvester (c; Mattie) lab hl506 Wolf Thompson Tillie (wid Rufus) r2706 Ellis Thompson Wm W wtchmn Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Thorne Wm M (c) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl710 Albany Thornton Benj F (Irene) h2208 Ellis Thornton Edw driver rl021 Oglethorpe Thornton Tollie box mkr r23241/fe Ellis Thorpe Thaddeus E (c; Rebecca) lab h i 110 F Thorpe Thelma B (c) tchr Colored Memorial Sch rl527 Am
herst Thrift Auto Supply Co B Freeman Warren mgr 509 Glouces
ter Thrower Auzle (Ruth) driver Hercules Powder Co r2208 Nor
wich Tift Alma J (c) maid Glynn Sch hl406 London Tigue Paul (Allie) auto mech r609 H Tiller Chas E (Lucy N) assistant auditor The Downing Co
Inc h923 Union Tilles Arth (Cath) gro 1106 L h do Tillman Arth (c; Estelle) lab The Atlantic Refining Co h i
Magnolia (Arco) Tillman Etta M (c) lndrs r2306 Johnson Tillotson Ralph C (Rebecca) boat opr U S Govt Army Eng
ineers h800 Egmont Timmons Jennie (c) hl611 Stonewall Timmons John (c; Annie L) brklyr hl620 Stonewall Tindall Leroy lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Tindall R Jos (Glennie) sign pntr h309 Wolf Tinsley Danl shoe repr Sotirin Bros rl522 Albany Tippin Ora M (c) maid rll24 Wolf Tippin Wm (c; Ora) lab h i 124 Wolf TIPPINS JOSEPH A (Nancy), Printer Smith Printing House,
hll02 Howe

Te l.




1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161-162

Tison W S 2d chef Plaza Cafe rl319 Stonewall Todd Geo W eng Hercules Powder Co r2129 Putnam. Tohm Raymond (Lois) dist eng rl812 Kay av Tolliver Wm H (Geneva) bkpr Ga Emergency Relief Admin
h428 Albany Tomberlin Emma V chf elk. Ga Public Utilities Corp rl624
Union Tomberlin Maude M (wid Geo W) hl624 Union Tomberlin Ollie M sec Glynn County Comnrs rl624 Union Tomberlin Wade barber H R Durden rl704 Norwich Tomer Edw (c; Patsy) lab h2212 K Tomlinson Wm L (Mildred L) mgr J C Penney Co h925 Car
penter Tootle Claude E lab r2503 Stonewall Torkildsen Clinton P elk Valona Shrimp Co r2123 Ellis Torkildsen Ester B nurse Glynn County Bd of Health r2123
Ellis Torkildsen Fritz H (Sophie O) elk PO r RD 1 Torkildsen Otto S electn Hercules Powder Co r2123 Ellis TORRAS FERNANDO J (Nell H), City Manager Office City
Hall, Tel 448, hl027 Union, Tel 920 Torras Marie rlll2 Richmond Tostensen Andrew H (Wilda) mate Parker Towing Co r608 G Tostensen Wilda A sec Glynn County Clerk of Courts r RD 1 Touhey J B (Helen R) chf elk Hercules Powder Co hlllO
Prince Towles Louis pntr r613 Albany Towles Winfield C (Amy) city bldg inspr City Hall h613 Al
bany Towles Winfield C jr sign pntr r613 Albany TOWNSEND ALFRED O (Ila), Deputy Clk Superior and City
Courts and Clerk Comnrs Roads and Revenues, Office Court House, Tel County 3002, hl220 Union, Tel 242 Townsend H Augusta furn rms 1709 Norwich h do Toy John (c; Lucille) framer Gulf States Creosoting Co h 2205 Newcastle la Tracey Chas J rll20 Newcastle Tracy Bernice tchr Glynn Academy rl212 Union Tareye Chas (c; Julia), firemn h911 Cochran av Traeye Jos (c; Annie) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl925 Al bany Trainor Della waiter r2125 Johnson Trapp David (c; Gertrude) hlpr Atlantic Refg Co Wolf Trapp Leo (c) rl013 Lee Trapp Wm (c; Della) lab hl013 Lee Treadwell Jas B lab Hercules Powder Co rl818 Niles av Tresvant Natahan (c) porter Community Theatre Enter prises rl608 Albany Treyes Bernard (c; Olivia) lab hl802 London Tri Mi Beauty Shoppe (Mrs Eliz Woodbury) 1327y2 New castle Trimming Hattie (c) rl411 Wolf Trimming Johanna (c) hl212 Ellis Trimmings Carrie (c) lndrs hl407 Ellis Trimmings Hamilton (c; Lillie M) porter Arth P Leotis r 1206 Ellis Trimmings Jas jr (c) lab rl407 Ellis Trimmings Lillie (c) hl414 Wolf



Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Trimmins Howard (c) student rl518 Cochran av Trisband Harold (c) r2115 Ellis Trisvant Alice (c) maid rl807 Bartow Trisvant Alphonso (c; Victoria) lab Glynn County Bd of
Health rll06 H Trisvant Christ (c; Ruby) porter Frank G Crawford hl808
H Trisvant Florene (c) maid hl807 Bartow Trisvant Henry (c; Rosa L) reprmn Volpian Bicycle Shop h
1900 Bartow Trobaugh H Earl (Georgia) slsmn The Motor Supply Co Inc
h814 Richmond Troup Cornelius V (c; Katie C) prin Colored Memorial Sch
hlOlO G Troupe Boyd F (Evelyn) plmbr Wm G English rl818 New
castle Troupe Joshua W (Dora) hlpr ACLRR h203 Albany Truett Alvera nurse rl729 Norwich Truett Geo M (Martha) h500 G Truett Wm L slsmn Farley's Clo Stores r500 G Trull Emory W (Delma) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h Hopkins
av Trull Jas M (Bertha) city firemn hl705 Norwich Trunnell Geo L (Annie) formn Hercules Powder Co h2221
Norwich Tucker Chelie R (Gertrude) carp r end Gladstone av Tucker Chelie R jr pntr r Chelie Tucker Tucker Connar O driver r Chelie Tucker Tucker Horace (c) lab r22151/2 Newcastle la Tucker Jas H student r603 Mansfield Tucker John (c; Rosa L) lab The Downing Co hl904 Ellis Tucker Josie (c) r2600 Cochran av Tucker Julie rl423 Egmont Tucker Otis asst mgr Rogers Inc rl416 Carpenter Tucker Royal K (Juliette) pastor StMarks Episcopal Church
hl423 Egmont Tucker Walter L r603 Mansfield Tucker Wm M (c; Hattie) lab The Downing Co hl023 Coch
ran av Tucker Wm P (Pearl) guard The Atlantic Refining Co h2420
Ellis Tucker Winslow S (Anna L) h603 Mansfield Tullis Henry D (Lucille) rl517 Egmont Turk Wm (c; Maud) lab hl223 Amherst Turner Albert lab r2314 Amherst Turner Alex G (Marie) lab h2202 Wolf Turner Alvin D carp Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Turner Anne D librarian Glynn Academy rl200 Union Turner C W rl03 Dartmouth Turner Doss M (Leola) lab h2122 Cleborn Turner Eliz (wid Martin) hl002 Johnson Turner Fletcher (c) lab The Downing Co Inc r2311 Albany Turner Grant C r2212 Wolf Turner Jas H (Essie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h2027
Johnson Turner Jas M (c; Alice) lab hl813 Gordon Turner Jay S r2314 Amherst Turner Lawson r!03 Dartmouth

Specializing in
Sea Foods
W estern
Newcastle Street





___________ .

_____________________ TEL. 135

Turner Lemuel (c; Rosetta G) bell boy Oglethorpe Hotel r 2329 Cleborn
Turner Leroy R hlpr Geo W Cowman r2!22 Cleborn Turner Louis P r2311 Cochran av Turner Maggie Mrs h2314 Amherst Turner Mamie (wid Calquit T) hl03 Dartmouth Turner Mary (wid M L) h2311 Cochran av Turner Maude (wid Lem D) hll05 P Turner Rena (c) maid rl311 Mansfield Turner Rosa (c) hl300 Wolf Turner Thos (c) lab r2223 Stonewall Turner Verdie lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2212 Newcastle Turner Wm lab rl03 Dartmouth Tuten Darcy E (Eliz H) solr Morgans Dry Cleaning Co rlll9
Newcastle Tuten Lois rlll9 Newcastle Tuten Mary L usher Community Theatre Enterprises rlll9
Newcastle Tuten Stewart elk Hercules Powder Co r lll9 Newcastle Tuten Susie (wid John A) h lll9 Newcastle Tuten Willie M sten rlll9 Newcastle Tyre Luther L (Donahue) driver Five Transportation Co h
1519 Ellis Tyson Beulah (c) h i 124 Albany Tyson Clarence (c; Martha) porter B A Lewis hl319 Stone
wall Tyson Eloise (c) maid rl513 Cochran av Tyson Lillian (c) maid rl207 Albany Tyson Rebecca (c) maid hl321 Amherst Tyson Ulysses (c) cook rl319 Stonewall Ulmer Kath tchr Glynn Academy r820 Richmond Underwood John (c) lab r929 Cochran av Underwood Mamie (c) h929 Cochran av Union Baptist Church (c) Rev Isarel J Stiles (c) pastor cor
K and Wolf Union Bus Station Roy L Johnson mgr 1531 Newcastle Union Investment Co Jas F Bennett mgr 406y2 Gloucester
R3 Union Marie O (c) hl720 Lee United Daughters of Confederacy C A Evans Chapter 138
meets at home of members 1st Wednesday each month Ouida Temple pres Mrs A M Harris sec Mrs A Lorentzson treas United Powder & High Explosive Workers of America Local No 125 B J Koons sec meets every Friday evening 1513 Newcastle 3d fl United Realty Co Max Isaac (New York City) Fred Pfeiffer sec 1329 Newcastle United Small Loan Corp Oswill S Killebrew mgr 1503y2 New castle R207 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT
FEDERAL BUILDING, ns Gloucester bet Reynolds and Union
Army Engineers Jos S Carruthers associate eng Custom House
CUSTOM HOUSE, 2d fl Federal Bldg Deputy Collector of Customs Wm G Carroll dep collr of
customs in charge Custom House





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT--Contd District Court Probation Officer Edwin C Hardison ehf probation officer Custom House POST OFFICE, Lewis L Wolfe Postmaster, Renj T Ram sey Asst Postmaster, ns Gloucester bet Reynolds and Union Post Office (Arco) cor 9th and Dixie av (Arco) Public Health Service Dr John B Avera acting asst surgeon 1503y2 Newcastle R205
UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEANERS AND DYERS (James M Rozier), Quality Cleaners 1316 Newcastle, Tel 298 (See back cover and page 25)
Upchurch Mae Mrs elk h2428 Albany Upchurch Minnie (wid John) r2428 Albany Uratich Laurie nurse 710 4th r do Usher Etta M r2301 L Uzzell Myrtie (c) lndrs h2221 Albany Valion Richd (c; Carrie) hl711 Amherst Valona Shrimp Co (Gerald Beach) ws Bay 2 s London Vance John W (Effie) h918 Wolf VanDaly Ernest L (Mamie) pile driver h2310 Union Vandegriff Aline rl608 Reynolds Vandegriff Jas (c; Lucretia) lab hl421 Amherst Vandegriff Lucretia (c) maid rl421 Amherst VanDyke John (Independent Transfer Co) r506 Norwich Vann Elzie (Bennie) timber buyer rll28 Richmond Varnadoe Paul M (Margt A) pkr The Downing Co Inc h2021
Davis Vaughn Eliz r603 Norwich Vaughn John (Missouri) lab h2111 M Vaughn John W (Alma) fishermn r2600 R Vaughn Lemuel (c; Annie L) lab hl607 I Vaughn Mack delmn rl526 Newcastle apt 4 Vaughn Missouri lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Vaughn Patk R lab r2111 M Vaught Wm (c; Emma) lab h806 Howe Vaught Willie (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl501 F Veal Jas (c) delmn Robt Wentz rl203 K Vergis Jos boatmn rl214 Reynolds Vergis Manuel boatman rl214 Reynolds Vergis Manuel A boatman hl214 Reynolds Vernedoe W Arth (Sallie) formn Southern Ry r Wolf and 5th
av Vickers Harry B (Essie M) elk PO hl416 Carpenter Vickers Jack J (Rosa) buyer B Frank Mann hll07 Union Vickers Rosa rll07 Union Vickers Royce E stockmn F W Woolworth Co r!416 Carpen-
tGr Vickers Viola (c) lndrs h2308 Albany VIENNA BAKERY (Mrs Sadie Bluestein), Wholesale and
Retail Bakers, Aunt Betty's Butter Bread 1616 Newcastle Tel 374 Vilas Royal L (Julia C) sis mgr Ga Veneer & Package Co r 815 Union Vince Maggie (c) lndrs hl716 Lee Vincent Geo (c; Maude) stevedore h2710 Wolf Vinson Maude (c) maid r2710 Wolf Vision Maggie (wid Morris) elk A J Gordon Dept Store rl829 Reynolds


A N D R E W S The Rexall Drug Store


"Save W ith Safety"
Prompt Deliveries
TEL. 37

Vogel Frank (Mary P) bkpr r9 Halifax sq Vogel Otto (Anna; Independent Transfer Co) h506 Norwich Volk F W supvr Hercules Powder Co r708 London Volpian Bicyclei Shop (Sami B Volpian) 1311 Grant Volpian Dora rll20 Oglethorpe Volpian Sami B (Dora; Volpian Bicycle Shop) hll20 Ogle
thorpe Waddell Sarah (c) rl812 Norwich la Wade Bros Grocery (Jerry and Lamar Wade) 1309 George Wade Cora tchr rlOOl Gloucester apt 2 Wade Jerry (Wilma; Wade Bros Grocery) r807 Gloucester Wade Joan Mrs hl021 Union Wade Lamar (Wade Bros Grocery) rl021 Union Wade Lucille slswn S H Kress & Co rl021 Union Wade Morgan D (Clifford) well driller 2011 Union h do Wadley Bertie (c) r806 Howe Wages Chas W (Rachel) h81 Hardee av (Arco) Wages Elmer W (Nellie) carp hllOO M Wages Fred (Kath) hlpr The Atlantic Refining Company h5
Ash (Arco) Wages H W hlpr The Atlantic Refining Co Wages Lester (Inez) water purifier The Atlantic Refining Co
h i Ash (Arco) Wages Talmage (Lettie) asst custodian Glynn County Court
House hllOl L Wagner Karl asst mgr United Small Loan Corp r623 Al
bany Wahlberg Jas (c) h2321 Albany Wainright Everett M (Kathleen) formn Gulf States Creo-
soting Co hl700 Kay av Wainright J Owen driver rl700 Kay av Wainwright Margaretta slswn F W Woolworth Co rl619
Reynolds Waitman Alice W rl402 Union Walberg Emma (c) cook h2408 Stonewall Walburg Hampton (c) lab hl817 Johnson Walburg Henry (c) lab rl817 Johnson Walden Thos H (Sadie E) formn Hercules Powder Co hl715
Bartow Walker Andrew W (c; Maggie) hl800 George Walker Annie lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Walker Chas (c; Senie) hlpr hl810 Ellis Walker Chas (c; Lizzie) lab hl012 Johnson Walker Chas (c; Hattie) longshoremn h2215 Lee Walker Chas B (Gladys) 2d hd clo 2213 L h do Walker Chas F pipefitter Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Walker Clara (wid Richd E) h208 Howe Walker Danl H (Minnie) h2206 Wolf Walker Dewey (Effie) trucker hl922 Ellis Walker Earl E (Opal) gro 801 Albemarle h803 Egmont Walker Edw (c) lab rl719 Albany Walker Elliott E (c) cleaner Hercules Powder Co rl604 H Walker Ephrain A (Mattie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
2326 Union Walker Ethel (c) maid h2023 Albany Walker Frank L (c; Berta) chauf Brunswick Funeral Home
hl607 Cochran av Walker Fred (c) porter Gould Amoco Sta rl624 Albany



Coal, Coke and Wood

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

WALKER GUY H (Minnie), V-Pres Brunswick Hardware Co, hl706 Ellis
Walker Harlan (Annie) lab h es Glynn av (rear) 2 n Hop kins dr
Walker Jas C (Annabel) slsmn Swift & Co hl608 Union Walker John W (Ophelia) pipeftr Hercules Powder Co h2312
Norwich Walker Julia (c) beauty opr rl606 Wolf Walker Louvenia (c) rl815 Ellis la Walker Lyle tchr Glynn Sch r900 Union Walker Mamie (c) rl528 Wolf Walker Mary C (c) lndrs r2403 Gordon Walker Mary P tchr Glynn Grammer Sch rl215 Union Walker Mattie (c) lndrs rl623 Wolf Walker Milton lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co Walker Mollie (c) lndrs h2001 Johnson Walker Ralph L (Pearl) ydmn Lang Planing Mill hl305 3d av Walker Rinher (c) lndrs hl610 Cochran av Walker Rosa (c) hlOll Gordon Walker Rosa L (c) maid rlO ll Gordon Walker Wilber (c; Edna) lab hl612 Stonewall Walker Wm (c) lab rl012 Johnson Walker Wm M (Ethyl) water tndr The Atlantic Refining Co
h5 W 9th (Arco) Walker Wm R (Maggie) carp h412 Albany Wallace Esther Mrs hl3271/2 Newcastle Wallace Luther (c) firemn Ga Veneer & Pkg Co hl601 I Wallace Norris (c) porter Chas L Davenport rl823 Johnson Wallace Russell (c; Rosalee) hlpr Ga Veneer & Pkg Co r
1904 Lee Wallace Sarah (c) rl913 Cochran av Wallace Wm (c; Anna B) lab r919 Stonewall Walling Raymond H (Virgie) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h2817
Wolf Walling Robt (Mary L) hlpr Hercules Powder Co h413 Wolf Walter Chas T (c; Sarah) porter B Frank Mann hll02 F Walter Matthew W (c) lab rll02 F Walters Harry r725 Grant Walters Hazel opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r725 Grant Walters Ivan (Theresa) carp h725 Grant Walters John (c) lab rl608 Norwich la Walters Virginia R elk Novelty Shoe Store r725 Grant Walthour Wm (c; Julia) lab Hercules Powder Co h916 Coch
ran av Walton Geo E (Mary E) bkpr The Downing Co Inc hl527
Norwich Walton Geo L (c; Eunice C) lab Hercules Powder Co h2127
Bartow Walton Monroe (c; Lizzie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl403&
K Waltower Rosa L (c) lndrs hl722 Albany Wanton Henry (Mary) lab The Atlantic Refining Co h33
Magnolia (Arco) Ward Bryant (Allie) r601 Wolf Ward Carlyle M (Cath S) druggist Bennett's Drug Store h
1620 Norwich Ward Daisy bkpr Glynn Ice & Coal Co r3 Halifax sq Ward Horace (Ola) hl215 Wolf Ward Jas (c; Allie M) lab h!909 Johnson

M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-So.-Treas. M RS, M A R IA N A. B R O W N , Vice-President R. R. H O PKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Tel. 10 Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

4031/2 Gloucester

Ward Jas D (c) r2307 Albany Ward Joshua H (Henrietta) lab hl213 Ellis Ward Rachel (c) rl613 Amherst Ward Robt G (Ivey) sawyer h2414 Ellis Ward S A tester The Atlantic Refining Co Warnell Judie (Eunice E) slsmn Lazarus & Co Inc h803 G Warren B Freeman (Ellen S) mgr Thrift Auto Supply Co h
811 Mansfield Warren Lee (c) hlpr John Robertson rl508 G Warren Preston (c;Bessie) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co h
2423 Bartow Warwood Tommie L cash S H Kress & Co r503 G Washington Hannah (c) h2105 Albany Washington Jas (c; Josephine) lab Hercules Powder Co h
1020 Lee Washington Madison (c) student rl314 Cochran av Washington Paul (c; Nora) lab hl007 Johnson Washington Wm (c; Gertrude) lab hl409 Wolf Waters Annie (c) maid rll08 Albany Waters John R (Winifred) formn hl009 G Watkins Gordon A (Birdie M) carp hl505 Gloucester Watkins John H student rl505 Gloucester Watkins L M lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Watkins Ruth tchr Glynn Grammar Sch r918 Union Watson Fred (c; Gertrude) restr 1806 L rl802 do Watson Jas P (Winifred M) electn The Atlantic Refining
Co hl514 Norwich apt 11 Watson L N elk The Atlantic Refining Co Watson Newton eng Glynn Ice & Coal Co rl028 Cochran av Watson Otis (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl425 Cochran av Watson Ralph L (c; Birdie L) barber Wm M Floyd hl801
Watson Thelma slswn S H Kress & Co rl622 Reynolds Watson Wm (c) driver rl308y2 Oglethorpe Watson Wm M (c; Fannie) hl701 Wolf Watson Winifred M Mrs beauty opr Oglethorpe Hotel Beauty
Shop hl514 Norwich apt 11 Watts Jennie (c) hl704 Wolf Watts John (c; Carrie) lab hl723 Albany Watts Russell N (c) porter Gordon bldg rl704 Wolf Watts Sidney (c; Lizzie) puller Hercules Powder Co h2020
Watts Virginia elk Ga Emergency Relief Admin rl208 Union Way Albert M (Corinne Q) dist mgr Mutual Life Ins Co of
N Y hl208 Union Way Caroline sten r501 Prince Way Cath (c) r925 Gordon Way Eliz (wid Jos E) h501 Prince Way Joanna (c) h925 Gordon Way Julia (c) maid r2127 Albany Way Lydia C (wid Wilson S) rl203 Albemarle WAY NORMAN A (Sarah S), Sec-Treas Parker Burroughs
& Way, h503 Prince, Tel 256 Way Prince (c; Fannie) lab hll09 Albany Way Priscilla (c) h i305 G Way Sarah (c) cook rl620 Cochran av Way W Spencer jr mgr Postal Teleg-Cable Co hl203 Albe
marle Wayside Home (Mrs Abbie M Jones) furn rms 1723 Norwich



C. K. CURRY (Deafer)

" W E F IX F L A T S " D o n 't C uss-- C all U s

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
G loucester and Ellis Sts.

Weadon Blandelle Mrs r901 F Weathers Jewel slswn S H Kress & Co rll25 Newcastle Weathers Seth M (Mollie) county police Glynn County Po
lice Dept h i 125 Newcastle Weaver Burnell (Louise) lab h2204 Newcastle Weaver Carlos lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Weaver John B elk Robt C Lindsay rl511 Dartmouth Webb Hattie L sten Atlanta Life Ins Co rl405 Gloucester Webb Louise (c) cash rl405 Gloucester Webb Walter (c; Lavonia) lndrymn rl620 Amherst Webber John H (c) lab rl919 Johnson Webber Simon H (c; Maggie) lab Brunswick Marine Constr
Corp hl919 Johnson Webster Jos M (Grace) blrmkr Hercules Powder Co hl820
Kay av Weinberg Elvenia (wid Wm) rl904 Union Welch Nina C (wid Thos J) hl915 Union Welch Wm rl915 Union Welcome Baptist Church (c) Rev Frank Coleman pastor
2028 Cochran av Weldon Alex (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co Wells Eula r512 3d Wells John R atndt Gulf Refining Co r2115 Reynolds Wells Sylvester (c; Florida) lab hl207 F Wells Thos J (Berta) flshermn h512 3d Welsh Fanny r801 Union Welsh John S msngr Postal Teleg-Cable Co rl708 Wilson av WELSH MICHAEL J (Alice), Genl Mgr The Atlantic Refin
ing Co, V-Pres The Brunswick Bank & Trust Co, h801 Union, Tel 844 Welsh Thos J (Inez) driver hll27 Newcastle Wentz Mamie E (wid John) h611 Newcastle Wentz Robt (Vivian) gro 1401 L r611 Newcastle Wenze Frank (c; Ethel) hl400 Cochran av Wesleyan Methodist Church Rev Ruth Newton pastor 2307 Ellis West Robt (c; Birdie) lab hll22 Albany West WmM (c; Mollie L) lab h903 Cleborn Westberry Eva Mrs h2706 Ellis Westberry Frank C (Alma) firemn h2025 Union Westberry G tester The Atlantic Refining Co Westberry Mary J (wid Albert) r2025 Union Westberry Otis D r2108 Cleborn Westberry Roy V (Ocie O) lab h2108 Cleborn WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO Cecil Clark Mgr, 506 Gloucester, Tel Western Union Weston Lena (c) rl910 Wolf Whidden Letha B (c) maid rl811 Ellis la Whilden Guy L (Lillian E; Whilden's Shoe Store) rl410 P Whilden's Shoe Store (Guy L Whilden) 1411 Newcastle White Alberta (c) smstrs hl812 Ellis White Amorett L Mrs r2329 L White Bonie (c; Frances) lab h2103 Johnson White Donella (c) maid rl614 Lee White Dorsey (c; Fannie) cooper Harley Barrel Co h2004 Cleborn White Ed (c) r2600 Johnson White Frances rlll6 Richmond White Geo (c) lab rl209 Amherst





Sales and Service


White Jas (c; Ella) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co hl724 Al bany
White Jas (c; Julia) lab h2017 Amherst White Jos (c) lab rl209 Amherst White Laura (c) lndrs hl628 Amherst White Mary (c) hl614 Lee White Mary E (c) maid r2004 Bartow White Maude (c) rl802 Johnson White Maudie M r2015 Gordon White Minnie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co White Nancy (c) rl201 Gloucester White Robt (c) lab h500 H White Robt L (Fannie M) bldg contr 1527 Johnson h do White Robt M (c; Eva M) firemn hl610 Lee White Ruby R Mrs r619 Norwich White Sami D (c; Helen) lab h2212 Amherst White Sandres (c) lab Hercules Powder Co White Sarah (c) lndrs rl715 Wolf White Van (c; Bertha) janitor Union Bus Sta hl822 Lee White Venable (c) lab rl724 Newcastle la White Wiley F (Freddie) formn ACLRR h i 116 Richmond White Wm (c; Rosetta) lab hl404 Prince White Willie P (c) maid r2114 Amherst White Zernie M lab Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Whitehead Estella (c) maid rl201 London Whitehead Simon (c) farmer h3002 Wolf Whitehead Wm (c; Susie) h Q cor Gordon Whiters Rachel (c) hl400 London Whiters Richd (c) longshoremn hl908 Stonewall Whiteside Jos L (Lois G) auto mech Ralph G McCrary r2512
Norwich Whitfield Belle (c) lndrs h2010 Wolf Whitfield Chas (c; Anna) restr 1300 L h do Whitfield Clinton J (c; Florence) lab Hercules Powder Co h
1725 Lee Whitfield Georgia A (c) gro 1728 Albany rl416 Cochran av Whitfield Hazel (c) rl416 Cochran av Whitfield John W (c; Georgia) ins agt Atlanta Life Ins Co
hl416 Cochran av Whitfield Letha (c) r908 Lee Whitlow May nurse City Hospital r do Whittaker Amelia (c) cook Dixie Kitchen h2125 Amherst Whittaker Jas (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co Whittaker Jas Rev (c) pastor Jordan Grove Baptist Ch r711
J Whittaker Lester (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co Whittaker Retha (c) maid r711 J Whitten Carlton (c) lab The Downing Co Inc rl720 New
castle la Whitten Danl (c; Emily) lab hl720 Newcastle la Whitten John A (Sallie) carp hl319 Egmont Whitten Joshua carp rl319 Egmont Whittier Jay (Joan) bkpr Whittle Furn Co Inc r StSimons
WHITTLE FURNITURE CO INC, Mrs Margt B Whittle Pres, Ray W Whittle V-Pres and Business Mgr, Lucian A Whit tle Sec-Treas, 1808 Norwich, Tel 567 (See right top lines and page 27)



In Sterilized Bottles


T e l 144

Whittle John T (Louise) sec Georgia Veneer & Packing Co h 1102 Prince
WHITTLE LUCIAN A, Sec-Treas Whittle Furniture Co Inc, h903 Monk, Tel 1014
WHITTLE MARGT B (wid Chas E), Pres Whittle Furniture Co Inc, r Lynchburg, Va
WHITTLE RAY W, V-Pres and Business Mgr Whittle Furni ture Co Inc, r903 Monk, Tel 1014
Whittle Ruth student rll02 Prince Whittle Wm A (Eliza T) bkpr Brunswick Coca-Cola Bottling
Co r Jessup hwy 5 miles out Whittle Wm A jr (Copeland Manufacturing Co) r Jessup hwy
5 miles out Wields W J lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Wiggins John H (Laura) slsmn h3209 Norwich Wiggins Luther (c; Willie M) driver Five Transportation Co
rl308 Ellis Wiggins Michl R (Clacy) lab Ga Veneer & Pkg Co h2425 Wolf Wiggins Ollie L (Alice) still opr The Atlantic Refining Co h
Hardee av sw cor 7th (Arco) Wiggins W Curtis atndt Colonial Oil Co r3209 Norwich Wilchar Leila (wid Doules) r206 George Wilcher Edgar E (Delia) hostler Southern Ry r Blythe Island Wilcher Robt L (c; Rosie) lab h2220 Stonewall Wilcox Dora B (c) rll20 Amherst Wilcox J Perry (Leila) carp h2612 Wolf Wilcox Lula (c) rll20 Amherst Wilde D M lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2117 Cleborn Wilder Allen M r2023 Davis Wildes Wm J (Queen) r2726 L Wilds Marie (c) maid rl308 Gloucester Wilds Mary (c) lndrs rl308 Gloucester Wiley Fannie (c) lndrs rl911 Albany Wilkerson Sami J (c; Eleanor) tchr Colored Memorial Sch r
1405 Gloucester Wilkes Ellie (wid Lorenzo D) nurse City Hospital r do Wilkes J Ray (Rena D) cash StJohns River Line Co r RD 1 Wilkes Millard M formn Hercules Powder Co Wilkes Wilton L (Marie) gro 1210 London rl204 Mansfield Willert Chas Mrs r24 Oak (Arco) Williams Aaron (c; Eliz) hlpr Vienna Bakery rl609 Norwich
la Williams Aaron (c; Verdie) lab Hercules Powder Co hl713
Wolf Williams Abr H (c; Geneva) puller Hercules Powder Co h
1805 Johnson Williams Alex (c) lab rl305 F Williams Alice C (c) waiter James F Duncan rl512 Albany Williams Almalee (c) lndrs r2210 Cochran av Williams Amanda (c) lndrs hl208 Albany Williams Andrew (c; Daisy) lab hl307 J Williams Anna (wid Francis) rl315 Union Williams Annie B (c) hl502 Monk Williams Arth (c) lab Ga Public Utilities Corp r409 L Williams Beatrice (c) h2Q04 Wolf Williams Carrie B (c) maid r2210 Cochran av Williams Celia (c) r921 Cochran av Williams Charlotte (c) r921 Cochran av Williams Clara (c) h ll2 iy 2 Cochran av



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Williams Clara (c) lndrs h2210 Cochran av Williams Clarence (c; Roxie) lab hl725 Norwich la Williams Clifford (c) rl403 L Williams Clifford (c; Lula) lab h705 N Williams Cooper (c) hl613 Wolf Williams Cornelia (c) lndrs hl908 Wolf Williams D J elk The Atlantic Refining Co r6 Ash (Arco) Williams David (c) lab r916 Gordon Williams Dewey (c) lab Hercules Powder Co r2015 Amherst Williams Douglas (c) porter rl708 Newcastle Williams Edna (c) lndrs hl721 Reynolds Williams Edw lab Harley Barrel Co r2215 Amherst Williams Edwin W (Ada) compositor The Independent Led
ger hl3271/2 Newcastle Williams Eliz (c) lndrs r2120 Amherst Williams Ellen (c) rll2 1 1/2 Albany Williams Eloise (c) rl600 London Williams Esse M (c) rl411 Wolf Williams Ethel (c) maid rl608 Norwich la Williams Eug (c; Laura) h lll3 Amherst Williams Evalina (c) cook Bijou Cafe rl513 Amherst Williams Fannie L (c) maid YWCA hl707 Stonewall Williams Frances tehr Arco School rl201 Union Williams Geo L elk Rish's Pharmacy rl024 Union Williams Georgia (c) rl017 Wolf Williams Gertrude (c) lndrs hlSO?1/^ Wolf Williams Gladys r6 Ash (Arco) Williams Gladys (c) lndrs hl721 Stonewall Williams Gussie (c) maid rl907 Johnson Williams Hattie (c) dish washer Oglethorpe Hotel hl312 Al
Williams Helen (c) r2205 Bartow Williams Henrietta (c) r922 Gordon Williams Henry (c) clnr Hercules Powder Co r2125 Amherst Williams Henry (c; Lula) pdlr h800 Amherst Williams Henry A (c; Pearl) lab The Downing Co hl308
Stonewall Williams Horace (c; Ethel) lab Lang Planing Mill rl711
Stonewall Williams Ira T (c; Ruth) lab h2013 Amherst Williams Irvie B (Ruby) acct elk Ga Emergency Relief
Admin h603 Mansfield Williams Isaac (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl714 Newcastle Williams Jacob (c) hl022 Gordon Williams Jas (c) porter rl607 Wolf Williams Jas E (c; Geneva) lab Coney & Parker Co rl611
Stonewall Williams Jennie (c) maid rl612 Norwich la Williams Jesse (c) lab rl603 Stonewall Williams Jessie (c) cook rl704 Newcastle Williams John (c; Ella) filler Hercules Powder Co hl512
Wolf Williams John (c; Charlotte) lab rl523 Stonewall Williams John (c) lab hl924 Stonewall Williams John (c) lab rl411 Wolf Williams John porter S H Kress & Co rl600 London Williams Leila (c) lndrs hl714 Newcastle Williams Leo (Gertrude) lab h 4th 1 e Cochran av Williams Lige (c) lab rl806 Amherst



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TEL. 23

Williams Lillie M (c) maid rl305 G Williams Lonnie (c; Aidinia) hll04 Amherst Williams Lucille (c) rl414 Wolf Williams Lucinda (c) hl411 Wolf Williams Lula (c) maid hl903 Gordon Williams Mack C (c) caddy rl608 Newcastle la Williams Manuel (c) lab Lazarus & Co Inc h921 Cochran Williams Marie (c) maid rl312 Albany Williams Mary (c) rl724 Albany Williams Mary (c) h919 Lee Williams Mary M tchr Glynn Academy r820 Richmond Williams Matthew (c; Bessie) driver Brunswick Hdw Co h
1312 Ellis Williams Melvin (c) lab Lazarus & Co Inc rl414 Wolf Williams Nancy (c) maid rl621 Amherst Williams Nathan W (c; Mary) janitor The Atlantic Refining
Co hl9 Magnolia (Arco) Williams Ollie M (c) rl203 I Williams Oscar (c) lab rl305 F Williams Paris (c; Bertha) lab Hercules Powder Co hl401
George Williams Patricia tchr rl403 Union Williams Perry (c; Flora) prsr hl705 Amherst Williams Peter (c; Julia) lab Hercules Powder Co h2015 Am
herst Williams Phillip (c) lab r921 Cochran av Williams Pricella (c) lndrs hl618 Stonewall Williams Prince (c; Anne) seaman rl600 London Williams Rayfield (c; Dora) lab The Downing Co h ss S 1 e
Lee Williams Robt E sec-treas Lerio Patent Cup Co r Mobile Ala Williams Rosa (c) r914 Amherst Williams Rufus (c) lab The Downing Co Inc rl610 Albany Williams Sadie (c) lndrs hl809 Bartow Williams Theo (c; Rina) puller Hercules Powder Co r!514
Wolf Williams Theo D eng The Atlantic Refining Co r6 Ash (Arco) Williams Theopalis (c) rl417 Albany Williams Thos (c; Celia) hl722 Amherst Williams Thos (c) sealer Hercules Powder Co h913 Gordon Williams Thos P (c) tchr rl707 Stonewall Williams Virdie M (c) lndrs rl924 Stonewall Williams Wiley (Era) treater The Atlantic Refining Co h6
Ash (Arco) Williams Willie M (c) r l l l l Amherst Williamson Annie M r2007 Norwich Williamson Isaac E (Mary) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r
2420 Norwich Williamson John R (Millie J) driver hl320 Ellis Williamson John R jr (Frances) driver rl320 Ellis Williamson Luke (c) lab The Downing Co hl906 Stonewall Williamson Minnie P Mrs h809 L Williamson Pearl waiter Plaza Cafe rl320 Ellis Williamson Rhody (wid Jas) r605 M Williamson Whewell L collr Wade H Lewis r809 L Williamson Wm J (Mabel) gro 2119 Norwich h2007 do Williamson Wm J (Lillie) warden h7020 Albany Willis Annie (c) lndrs h2215 Newcastle la

Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year
Willis Arth (c; Lizzie) lab Gulf States Creosoting Co h2024 Johnson
Willis David (c; Beatrice) lab hl923 Wolf Willis Lizzie (c) lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Willis Margt mgr Oglethorpe Hotel Beauty Shop rl612 Union Willis Otis (c) caddy r2024 Johnson Willis Tom V phys 1503y2 Newcastle R205 hl821 Kay av Willmore Hattie (c) rl524 Cochran av WILLYS 77 MOTOR CARS, S W Baker Dealer, 602 Glouces
ter, Tel 414 (See left top lines and page 22) Wilma's Beauty Shop (Wilma James) 807 Gloucester Wilson Aaron (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl720 Lee Wilson Annie r913 Egmont Wilson Arabella W Mrs r913 Egmont Wilson Carrie B (c) drsmkr 2023 Lee h do Wilson Chas J (Kath V) bkpr Brunswick Bank & Trust Co h
915 Newcastle Wilson Clara (c) maid r2005 Davis Wilson Edgar S student r913 Egmont Wilson Eleanor (wid Sherman) rll03 3d av Wilson Elfonso (c; Maggie) lab hl206 I Wilson Ella (c) hl912 Albany Wilson Eug (c) rlll9 Cochran av Wilson Geneva (c) lndrs hl916 Wolf Wilson Geo W slsmn Singer Sewing Mach Co r511 First av Wilson Harry (c) lab hl022 Lee Wilson Inie (c) r912 Amherst Wilson Jas (c; Mary) lab r2003 Wolf Wilson John W (c) lab hl917 Bartow Wilson Jos lab Ga Veneer & Package Co r2129 Putnam Wilson Laura (c) rlll7 Amherst Wilson Lillian rl712 Ellis Wilson Lizzie (c) cook hl604 H Wilson Mack (c; Mattie) lab hl207 J Wilson Marie (c) r910 Amherst Wilson Mattie Mrs h2225 Amherst Wilson Osbon W (c; Anna) carp hl920 Amherst Wilson Raymond (c) porter rl912 Albany Wilson Rebecca lndrs Rex Hotel rl510 K WiLson Relious J (c; Hattie) lab h2120 Lee Wilson Rube (c) lab Hercules Powder Co rl022 Lee Wilson Thelma (c) h i 120 Albany Wilson Thos F (Blanche) jailor City Police Dept hl712 Ellis Wilson W L (c; Rosa) lab rl406 Monk Wilson Walton student r913 Egmont Wilson Wm (c) lab Lang Planing Mill rl307 Mansfield Wimberly Ella F (wid Jos J) hl402 Union WINCHESTER MILLARD E (Ruth), County Health Comnr,
hl409 Palmetto av Windsor Construction Co (John Grondahl) 1503y2 Reynolds Windsor Park bet Sycamore av and Palmetto Wingate Chas E (Missouri A) elk PO h706 Monk Winn see also Wynn Winn Anna (c) maid rl912 Lee Winn Maggie (c) maid rl610y2 I Winn Warren L (Pauline P) elk h807 Gloucester Winn Wm (c) lab hl607 G Winter John S (Annie) carp The Atlantic Refg Co h3408
Treville av


Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Aeetylene Welding Workmanship Guarantead



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Witherington Thos W (Louise) auditor Ga Veneer & Pack age Co h403 Dartmouth
Woeltjen Marion tchr Arco Sch r2 W 9th (Arco) Wolfe Doris rl307 Union WOLFE LEWIS L (Nettie L), Postmaster PO, hl307 Union Womack Alf J (Clifford) auto mech hl526 Newcastle apt 5 Womack Clifford Mrs musician rl526 Newcastle apt 5 Womack Wm E (Fae; Womack's Market) hl003 J Womack's Market (Wm E Womack) gros 1928 Norwich Women's Club Mrs W P Quillian pres Mrs Louise Ringel
treas meets at YWCA Wood Alf V (Elvera T) service mgr Morton's Auto Serv rl417
Egmont WOOD ARTHUR J (May Bell), Real Estate and Insurance,
Office 4 Parker Bldg, 15031^ Reynolds, Tel 8, h914 Rich mond, Tel 837 Wood Ethel L Mrs elk Ligeour's h230l Gloucester Wood Frances Mrs tchr rl026 Richmond Wood Maria L (wid Thos C; Independent Furn Co) hl711 Reynolds Wood Marion (Oak Terrace Tourist Home) hl707 Gloucester Wood Oren rl711 Reynolds Wood Ray G (Ethel L) bkpr D B Frampton & Co h2301 Gloucester Wood W T Mrs tchr Prep High Sch rl028 Richmond Wood Wm H (Lela R) slsmn Coastal Chevrolet Corp h714 Richmond Woodard John (c; Janie) h2305 Reynolds Woodbury Claude H (Eliz) dentist 13271/2 Newcastle h do Woodbury Eliz Mrs (Tri Mi Beauty Shoppe) hl327Vfe New castle Woodcock Alice P (wid Frank W) r9 Halifax sq Woodham Robbie Mrs waiter Sanitary Cafe r2208 Norwich Woodham Roy (Robbie) lab h2208 Norwich Woodmen of the World J C Garwood elk meets 1st and 3d Mondays in each month 1513 Newcastle 3d fl Woods Mary A Mrs sec to Geo B Cowart r2001 Atlantic av Woods Roscoe V (Hazel) mach opr The Atlantic Refg Co h 8 Ash (Arco) Woods S Ashley (Aline T) pipe ftr Ga Public Utilities Corp h 902 G Woods Therla (c) rl909 Ellis la WOODS THOS J (Bertha B; Gilmore and Woods), h2001 At lantic av, Tel 20 WOODS THOS V, Plumber Gilmore and Woods, r2001 Atlan tic av, Tel 20 Woodson Teecie (c) maid rl311 Albany Woolworth F W Co Jas I Tate mgr notions 1428 Newcastle Wooten Alvin driver r2024 Reynolds Wooton Marjorie tchr Purvis Sch rl200 Union Worsham Walter B (Virginia) serv mgr Gannaway Motor Co Inc r703 Union Wray Gertrude Mrs h2424 Norwich Wray Ralph W elk Womack's Market r2424 Norwich Wright Amos (c) lab Brunswick Marine Constr Corp r908 Amherst Wright Annie L (wid Jas S) h913 Egmont Wright Arth (c; Carrie) chauf hl301 G Wright Building 304-304^ Gloucester





2 0 8 D unwody Bldg.

Phone 99

Wright Captain (c; Oddette) lab Gulf Refg Co hl012 Gor don
Wright Cath (c) lndrs h407 L Wright Cora (c) rll03 J Wright Edith (c) r lll8 Wolf Wright Eliza E (wid Jas B) r900 Union Wright Ella (c) lndrs hl908 Johnson Wright Elliot V (c; Mary L) carrier PO hl404 H Wright Eloise J (c) rl504 F Wright Felix (c; Cath) lab hl516 Albany Wright Geo W (Mollie) brklyr h2216 Norwich la Wright Horace (c; Ophelia) lab hl323 Amherst Wright Isaiah (c) lab rl712 Cochran av Wright Louise (c) h910 Amherst Wright Mabel (c) h i 118 Wolf Wright Ollie M (c) hl418 Wolf Wright Ophelia (c) cook City (Hosp rl323 Amherst Wright Peter (c) lab The Downing Co Inc rl418 Wolf Wright S Bruce (Bessie) brklyr h2228 Ellis Wright S Bruce jr student r2228 Ellis Wright Thos J (Ida) h804 George Wright Wash (c) r2322 Amherst Wright Wheeler (c; Agnes) lab hl712 Cochran av Wright Will (Pearl) lab h 2d se cor Lee Wright Wm (Epsie) driver Colonial Oil Co hl925 Union Wright Wm (c; Marie) lab The Downing Co Inc hl406 K Wright Willie (c; Anne M) hl410 Wolf Wright Y Chas (Eugenia) rll22 Carpenter
WRIGHT & GOWEN COMPANY, Geo W Gowen Sec, Jas H Parker Treas-Mgr, Retail Hardware Dealers, Ship Chandlery and Builders Supplies 1300-1302 Bay cor Mansfield, Tels 336 and 337
Wyatt Dooley (Eva) lab h2113 Johnson Wyatt Eliza (c; widL) r31 Magnolia (Arco) Wylly Jas (c) wtchmn Brunswick Marine Constr Corp r
Oglethorpe Wynn see also Winn Wynn Hilton (c) lab h2121 Cochran av Xavier Hall 1122 Newcastle Yale John C (Odell) cooper Downing Co hl922 Norwood Yancey Clark M hlpr Hercules Powder Co rl9 Glynn av Yancey Geo L hlpr Hercules Powder Co r RD 1 Yarborough Ernest E (Julia) eng Hercules Powder Co h3421
Cleveland av Yarnall B S lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Yarnall Lewis L hlpr Hercules Power Co r RD 1 Yates Albert C lab r Z T Yates Yates Anne (wid Arnold) r504 F Yates Irene A Mrs cash Cherrio Grill r903 Monk Yates Zachary T (Ethel; Palmetto Tourist Camp) h Glynn
av 14 n Hopkins av
Yawn A Gilmer (Mary L) hlpr Swift & Co rl516 Union Yeomans Edw F (Maude) hlpr hl828 Ellis Yeomans Ella r2311 Union Yeomans Hoke r2311 Union Yeomans Jesse (Lillie) lab rl009 P Yeomans Mae r2311 Union Yeomans Mary E (wid John) h2311 Union


Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1 7 2 6 -2 8 NO RW ICH S,T.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

Yeomans Sami (c; Nettie) hlpr Hercules Powder Co hl714 Albany
YoppMaud (c) maid hl800 Stonewall Youles Robt R (Maggie) agt American Natl Ins Co hl917
Union Youmans E Jacob (Rachel) wtchmn hl420 Union Youmans Geo T (Cornell L) slsmn The Motor Sup Co Inc r
1420 Union Youmans Jacob E (Hazel L) mech Krauss Tire & Battery Co
rl420 Union Young Albert (c) lab rl917 Gordon Young Anderson (c; Wilhelmina) lab Coney & Parker Co r
1125 Amherst Young Andrew (c; Lula) lab h2004 Amherst Young B R eng Hercules Powder Co Young Chas R hl215 Union Young Clifford J (Esther) driver hl209 3d av Young Eddie (Emmalee) h4 Pine (Arco) Young Lottie E (c) lndrs hl924 Amherst Young Lucille (c) rl202 London Young Mary (c) hl917 Gordon Young Mary (wid Lovick) r Burnsville (Arco) Young Men^s Club Geo B Cowart pres C H Porter sec meets
at YMCA Young Myrtis (c) rlO14y2 Johnson Young Ralph (c) tailor rl724 Cochran av Young Sarah (c) maid hl625 Wolf Young Simon (c) lab Ga Creosoting Co rl923 Gordon YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Mrs Eliz C
Bruce Pres, Mrs Mary Grondohl V-Pres, Mrs Marie Lang Sec, Mrs Sallie L High Genl Sec, 501^ Gloucester, Tel 417 Youngblood Carey Y (c) h2018 Amherst Youngblood Carey Y jr (c) hlpr Edo Miller r2018 Amherst Younger Harry lab Ga Veneer & Package Co Younger Jas A (Martha) gro es N Glynn av 2 n Hopkins r RD Youngner Eva opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co r Darien hwy Youngner Wilfred L (Theo L) mech Glynn Ice & Coal Co h 1905 F Zanders Mary (c) hl910 Stonewall Zant Wm (c) lab r913 Gordon Zell's Inc Carley Zelmenovitz v-pres Maurice Zelmenovitz sec Julius Zelmenovitz treas dept store 1402 Newcastle Zellner Mary sten r901 F Zelmenovitz Carley (Anne) v-pres Zell's Inc hl612 Norwich Zelmenovitz Julius treas Zell's Inc rl612 Norwich Zelmenovitz Maurice (Mary) sec Zell's Inc hl606 Norwich Zion Rock Baptist Church (c) Rev Geo H Jackson pastor 1611 G Zion Rock Baptist Church (c) 2d av ne cor Lee Zizos Nicholas gro 1201 Egmont r do Zizos Peter gro 1628 Wolf h do


The Rexall Drug Store
"Save With Safety"
Prompt Deliveries TEL. 37

The City Directory
is the most effective and most economical method of reaching all the people all the time. Those who buy without looking at the list of those who sell do them selves great injustice. The classified lists in the Business Directory form the best Buyers' Guide on earth. ^ A modem, up-to-date method of getting what you w ant




One Dollar Out of Ten Remains Yours


P O L K 'S

Directory of Householders, Occupants of Office Build ings and Other Business Places, Including a Complete Street and Avenue Guide

C opyright, 1935, by R. L. P olk & Co.

In the fo llow in g list the streets are arranged in alph abetical order, the intersecting streets being shown. The number of each building on the street is given in num erical order, and opposite the num ber is placed the nam e of the occupants or houseow ner or tenant. In the business blocks containing offices the occupants are shown by room num bers where practicable, in apartm ent hom es the number denotes the num ber of the apartm ent. In all streets both sides o f the street are in cluded in one list. The profession or business of individuals or firms is given only at their respective place of business; to find occupation of others refer to A lphabetical List of Names.
Num erical Streets are com piled in w ith Named Streets in their regular A lphabetical order.
T h e sym bol follo w in g a h o u seh old er's n am e in d icates that w e have received inform ation during the canvass that the house is owned by som e member of the family, but as the publisher cannot and does not guarantee the correctness of the inform ation furnished, nor the com plete absence of mistakes, no responsibility for errors can be or is assumed, nor can the publisher furnish further inform ation than that shown.
(c ) D enotes colored.

ALBANY--From Fifth av n to First 8 e of Newcastle 201 Pittm an Cebe 202 Brown Susie Mrs 203 Troupe Joshua W 204 Vacant 205 Brown Fredk C
Fourth av intersects 300 Slaughter Wm H 302 McGoogan Robt B 305 Schmitz Josephine 306 M erritt Madge Mrs 307 Schmitz Frank G 328 Burney Robt B
Third av intersects 408 Evans Jos 412 Walker Wm R 414 Evans Minnie Mrs 415 Evans Wm J 428 Tolliver Wm H

515 Garwood Jesse C Second av intersects First av intersects
600 Middleton Eva 613 Towles Winfield C 621 Leavy A Heyward 623 Killebrew Oswill S
Dartmouth intersects 709 Vacant 711 Davis Nolan C
Albemarle intersects 800 Lewis B Arnold 801 Hummel Wm 804 Gowen Geo W 807 Cook Geo H 815 Gould Jas D jr 824 Colson Jas T 825 Kloss A Schubert 828 Gowen Chas
Prince intersects


Tel. 9170
Specializing in
Sea Foods
W estern
Newcastle Street



1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161-162

ALBANY--Contd 912 Marshall Matilda (c) 914 Major Alice (c) 916 Lotson Carrie (c) 918 Holland Andrew (c) 922 Phillips Elnora (c) 925 Brown Steph (c) London intersects 1000 Solomon Malissa (c) 1001 Harris Edw (c) 1002 Anderson Frank (c) 1003 Joyner Hannah (c) 1003% Bryant Rachel (c)
1004 Clark Annie O (c) 1005 Harper Josephine (c) 1006 Hopkins Susie (c) 1008 Ash Roy (c) 1010 Monroe Lucinda (c) 1013 Hamilton Walter S 1016 Miller Laurence S 1017 Cowart Wm J 1020 Williamson Wm J 1021 Powell John T 1022 Miller Laurence A 1027 Leybourne Allen E
George intersects 1106 Lowe John (c) 1107 Houser Ethel (c) 1108 Jones Harry (c) 1109 Way Prince c) 1109% G rant Henrietta (c) 1110 Mathis Ida (c) 1111 Brown Willie M (c) 1112 Jenkins Telfair (c) 1113 Lively Mellie (c) 1114 Pinkney Sarah (c) 1115 Clark Willie (c) 1115% Mosley Mingo J (c) 1116 Jordan Jacob (c) 1117 Miller Benj (c) 1117% Shaw Jennie (c) 1118 Bowens Rita (c) 1119 Brown Mack (c) 1120 Wilson Thelma (c) 1121 Gibbs Watson (c) 1121% Reynolds Ada (c) 1122 West Robt (c) 1123 Cooper Clemmie (c) 1124 Tyson Beulah (c) 1125 Sears Lonnie (c) 1128 Jordan Chas (c) 1129 Gordon Ray Mrs gro
Howe intersects 1200 Green Clara (c) 1201 Regals Nick T gro 1202 Califf Isaac (c) 1203 Vacant 1204 Chaney Rosetta L (c) 1204% Floyd Jas L (c) 1206 Singleton Rosa L (c) 1207 Atkinson Mary (c) 1208 Williams Amanda (c) 1208% Demmier Rena (c) 1209 Vacant 1210 Banks Wm (c) 1212 Vacant 1212% Vacant 1213 Bethel Baptist Church (c) 1214 Beagle Anthony (c) 1216 Smith Benj (c) 1216% Vacant 1217 Kelley Louise (c) 1218 Jackson Edw (c) 1219 Vacant 1220 Hazzard York (c) 1220% Reddick Oscar H Rev (c)

1221 Vacant 1222 Burke Jake (c) 1223 Brockington Sami (c) 1225 Bing Melvin W (c)
Mansfield intersects 1304 Vacant 1306 Lewis Mollie (c) 1307 Elliott Mozelle (c) 1309 Vacant 1311 Davis Jas L (c) 1312 Williams Hattie (c) 1314 Harris Minnie (c) 1316 Smith Chas (c) 1318 Smith Chas jr (c) 1319 StAthanasius Memorial Hall 1320 Long John (c) 1321 Perry Julian C Rev (c) 1322 Simmons Vanderbilt B (c) 1324 Byrd John (c) wood 1328 Byrd John (c) filling sta
Monk intersects 1400 Sharpalezos Nick gro 1404 Smith Gilbert (c) 1406 Jones Harry (c) 1407 McKeever Beni (c) 1408 King Ida (c) 1409 Smith David E (c) 1410 Ford Patk (c) 1410% Sneed Mattie (c) 1412 Byrd & Hall Undertaking Co
Inc (c) 1416 Outlaw Robt A (c) 1417 Roy Grace B (c) 1419 Bryant Max C (c) 1420 Bowden Miles (c) 1421 Brooks Elijah (c) 1422 Chaney Doyle (c) 1423 Schade Jos M (c) 1424 Jackson Major J (c)
Gloucester intersects 1506 Jackson Raymond N (c) phys
1507 Hanxins Julia A (c) 1508 Hardy Wm (c) 1509 Porcher Ardelia (c) 1510 Boom Josephine (c) 1512 Ponder Cornelia C (c) 1513 Floyd Cath (c) 1514 Knight Homer L (c) 1515 Kitchen Robt (c) 1516 Wright Felix (c) 1517 Fralingy Ruth (c) 1518 Moore Chas A (c) 1519 Cross Lannie (c) 1522 Outlaw Phoebe (c) 1523 Person Wm (c) 1524 Atkinson Jos P (c) 1525 Myrick Owens (c) 1529 Mention Rosa (c)
F intersects
1600 Crawford Frank D beverages 1602 Pitts Jas M (c) restr 1604 Vacant 1608 Golden Chris (c) 1610 DeLoach Carrie E (c) 1612 Killin John (c) 1624 Mack Damon (c) 1626 Chapman Wm T (c)
G intersects 1701 Baker Wm (c) 1706 Garner Jackson (c) 1708 McClenden May (c) 1710 Thorne Wm (c) 1711 Grace Methodist Episcopal
Church (c) 1712 Vacant


PHOENIX GROCERY COMPANY Brunswick's Oldest Grocery Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

ALBANY--Contd 1714 Yoemans Sami (c)

2218 Hanley Earnest (c) 2219 Vacant

1716 Jones Lizzie (c)

2220 Perkins Wm (c)

1717 Dent Sami G (c)

2221 Uzzell Myrtie (c)

1718 Cash Calvin (c) 1719 Brown Jos (c)

2223 Smith Jeffie (c) 2224 Cowart Jos B

1720 Armstrong Henry (c)

2225 Spann Lige (c)

1722 Waltower Rosa L (c)

2227 Burgess Thos (c)

1723 Watts John (c)

2229 Vacant

1724 White Jas (c) 1725 Jones Wm C (c)

M intersects 2300 Major Chas (c)

1728 Whitfield Georgia A (c) gro 2301 Carter John R meats

I f in fp rcp p fs: 2302 Vacant

Colored Memorial School (c) 2303 Davis Harry (c)

1803 Killin John (c)

2305 Clack Forrest M

1805 Hughes Florence (c)

2306 Horn Ephriam (c)

1813 Finch Frances (c)

2307 Smith Bettie (c)

1815 Alexander Pace (c)

2308 Vickers Viola (c)

1817 McMillan Carl (c)

2309 Blue Gorum (c)

1821 Bloodworth John (c)

2311 Chandler Fletcher (c)

1823 Magwood Steph (c)

2315 Davis Sallie (c)

1825 Juheyans Bettie (c)

2316 Drawdy Thos W

I intersects 2317 Green Belle (c)

1904 Bailey John H (c) 1907 McCloud Mildred (c)

2319 Jackson Virginia (c) 2320 Anderson Frank (c)

1908 Snellgrove Mamie (c)

2321 Wahlberg Jas (c)

1909 Jackson Jas (c)

1911 Akra Sami (c) 1912 Wilson Ella (c) 1913 Vacant 1915 Vacant 1916 Lewis Wm (c) 1918 G rant Danl (c)

2327 Mungin March (c) 2328 Anderson Wm (c)
N intersects 2400 Vacant 2401 Vacant 2409 Miller Jackson (c)

1922 Motley Uriah (c) 1923 James Richd (c) 1925 Traeye Jos (c) 1926 Rivers Jas (c) 1926% Johnson Susie (c) 1929 Fisher John (c)
J intersects 2001 Killin Leon (c) restr 2004 McIntyre Andrew (c) 2005 Murphy Emma (c) 2007 Life Edw (c) 2011 Minor Ennis (c) 2015 du Bignon Alex (c) 2016 Holliday Mary E (c) 2019 Benjamin Wm (c) 2020 Vacant 2021 Dukes Edw (c) 2023 Walker Ethel (c) 2024 Farmer Roland L

2428 Upchurch Mae Mrs

O ends 2517 Mobley Esther M (c) 2528 Dixon Simon (c)

P intersects

2610 Tharin Geo N

2621 Kennimore Lucy M (c)

2625 Smith Mose (c)

Q intersects 2719 Causey Maggie (c)

2722 Houston Robt (c) 2726 Holmes John (c)

R intersects

S intersects

2901 Kennon Janie (c)

2904 Carter John (c)

3000 Vacant

T intersects

TC in fp p c p p fc
2101 StAndrews A M E Church (c) 2105 Washington Hannah (c) 2108 Bailey Jerry (c) 2109 Moore Jacob C (c) 2112 Lecount Hattie L (c) 2114 Hooper Annie (c) 2115 Short Emma (c) 2116 Harris Harry (c) 2117 Spencer John F (c) 2118 Deloach David (c) 2119 Thomas Levy (c) 2120 Horn Alta M (c) 2122 Johnson Henry (c) 2124 Jones Thos (c) 2125 Ellis Lillie (c) 2127 Lawton Jos (c) 2129 Brady Rosa (c)
L intersects 2201 Hall Jas A gro 2205 Crolley Walter (c) 2213 Noble Dudd (c) 2215 Taylor Wm M (c) 2216 Flanders Thos (c)

ALBEMARLE -- From the River east to Cochran av, 7 e of Glou cester Bay intersects 103 Thomas Frank 107 Booker Jos W 109 Smith Henry Oglethorpe intersects Grant intersects Newcastle intersects
404 Ford Thos A
Richmond intersects 501 Powell Roy 508 Law Louis F 509 Dean Thos L
Reynolds intersects 601 Dusenbury Clarence P
Union intersects Ellis intersects
Egmont intersects 800 Allen Elbert C 801 Walker Earl E gro

F 0 O D S
Newcastle Street




TEL. 135

ALBEMARLE--Contd 802 Cranford Locke L Norwich intersects Carpenter intersects 1000 McDonald Rowland L 1103 Lazarus Abr Wolf intersects 1203 Anderson Mary L Way W Spencer jr Albany intersects 1311 Lewis Sami T Amherst intersects 1409 Richardson Dorothy (c) Cochran av intersects 1811 Moore Jas F
AMHERST--From Fourth av north to Fifth st, 9 east of Newcastle Third av intersects Second av intersects
512 Ogden John 514 Langford C Berttram 516 Freeno Danl
First av intersects 600 Clark Thos N 602 Ogden Elbert 606 Leggett Geo H 662 Sinkhom John B
Dartmouth intersects 700 Johnson Ellen Mrs 704 Douglas Claude L 718 Brown Daisy Mrs 720 Maulden Remer B
Albemarle intersects 800 Williams Henry (c) 802 Green Julia (c) 816 Meridy Anderson (c) 818 Floyd Hastina (c) 820 Porter Richd B (c) 824 Gibson Wilton R (c)
Prince intersects 902 Humes Henry (c) 904 Benjamin Wm (c) 908 Alexander Maggie (c) 910 Wright Louise Oc) 912 Small Sarah (c) 913 Moss M artha (c) 914 Deveaux Priscilla (c) 915 Evans Leo (c) 917 Chappel Edw (c) 918 Carpenter Maria (c) 921 Cooper Matilda (c) 922 Jones Madeline (c) 923 Delagore Mary (c) 924 Vacant
London intersects 1004 Collins Edw (c) 1017 Bailey York (c) 1018 Vacant 1020 Homestes Dora (c) 1021 Manning B Grooms 1022 Vacant 1022% Mitchell Gertrude (c)
George intersects 1104 Williams Lonnie (c) 1105 Moore Levi (c) 1107 Ramsey Wm (c) 1109 Scott Mattie (c) 1111 Buchanan Neal (c) 1113 Williams Eug (c) 1115 Bowden Willie (c) 1117 Seagroves Viola (c) 1118 Johnson Maggie (c) 1119 Vacant 1120 Wilcox Lula (c) 1122 Cray Ezra C (c)

1122% Vacant 1123 Norwood Sidney (c) 1124 Vacant 1125 James Bell (c) 1129 Moultree Sami (c)
Howe intersects 1207 Jackson Maggie (c) 1209 White Geo (c) 1209% Mills Marinda (c) 1211 Baker Ophelia (c) 1213 Daniel Ethel L (c) 1213% Copeland Richd (c) 1215 Jackson Lucille (c) 1217 Sallie Chas C (c) 1217% Vacant 1219 Norwood Dennis (c) 1221 Norwood Wm (c) 1221% Prier Ernest (c) 1223 Turk Wm (c)
Mansfield intersects 1307 Garvin Peter (c) 1308 Polite Sanders (c) 1309 Vacant 1311 Smith Maggie (c) 1312 Hightower Josephine (c) 1314 Cayson Elmira L (c) 1317 Gibson Walter B (c) 1319 Cromer Viola (c) 1321 Tyson Rebecca (c) 1322 Smith Sami T (c) 1323 Wright Horace (c) 1325 Butler Annie (c) 1326 Singleton Jack (c) beverages 1328 Davis John (c)
Monk intersects 1400 Masonic Hall (c)
Sampson Lodge No 417 AF&AM (c)
1404 Steward John (c) 1405 Buggs Jas S (c) contr 1406 Brown Rachel (c) 1407 Bell Jesse (c) 1410 Thomas Jerry (c) 1411 Blake Nelson (c) 1413 Brown Ada (c) 1417 Collins Julia (c) 1418 First African Baptist Church
(c) 1421 Vandegriff Jas (c) 1424 Lee Amos (c)
Gloucester intersects 1506 Clark Geo W (c) 1507 Jones Edw D (c) 1508 Bryant Rufus (c) 1510 Martin Theo 1513 Lomon Susie (c) 1514 Garner Julia L (c) 1515 Evans Richd (c) 1516 Cassell John (c) 1517 Hill Jos (c) 1518 Atkinson Israel (c) 1519 Monroe David (c) 1520 Singleton Alex (c) 1521 Anderson Roosevelt (c) 1522 Pray Jas (c) 1523 Coleman Irvin (c) 1525 Livingston Jos (c) 1527 Stewart Wiley E (c)
F intersects 1601 Duncan Jas F (c) 1602 Stockton Florida (c) 1605 Floyd Alex (c) 1607 Gill Mamie (c) 1610 Taylor Jas (c) 1611 Kelly John (c) 1613 Stinson Lucille (c)





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

AMHERST--Contd 1614 Smith Jas (c) 1615 Vacant 1616 Vacant 1618 Vacant 1620 Cyler Annie L (c) 1621 DeLoach Albert (c) 1622 Robertson Wilbert (c) 1624 McCant Ida (c) 1626 Norwood Edw (c) 1628 White Laura (c)
G intersects 1705 Williams Perry (c) 1707 Smith Alberta (c) 1709 Massey Butler (c) 1711 Valion Richd (c) 1713 Vacant 1714 Noble John (c) 1715 Vacant 1718 Collins Geo (c) restr 1720 Collins Geo (c) 1722 Williams Thos (c) 1723 Taylor Dewitt (c) 1724 Floyd Jas (c) 1727 Merrill Henry (c) 1728 Armstrong J Thos (c) barber 1729 Dear Annette (c)
H intersects 1806 Brown Lillie (c) 1810 Scott Edw (c)
Harrell Jas F Rev (c) 1814 Lyon Janie (c) 1814% Bryan Luscius (c) 1816 Harris John T (c) 1818 Moore Mattie (c) 1818% Anderson Rebecca (c) 1824 Pitts Jas (c) 1826 Hudson Andrew (c) 1828 Bishop Geo (c)
I intersects 1904 Hall Jas (c) 1907 Johnson Janie (c) 1909 Stewart Jesse (c) 1911 Curry Wm (c) 1912 Brice Lee (c) 1913 Downs Edw (c) 1914 McDonald Jas (c) 1919 Brown Mollie (c) 1920 Wilson Osbon W (c) 1923 Grant Theo R (c) 1924 Young Lottie E (c) 1925 Saul Sami (c) 1927 Jacobs Fred (c) 1928 StPaul Baptist Church (c)
J intersects 2002 Vacant 2004 Young Andrew (c) 2009 Sheffield Oscar (c) 2011 Clarence Wm (c) 2012 Allen Wm (c) 2013 Williams Ira T (c) 2014 Kitchen Robt (c) 2015 Williams Peter (c) 2016 Brewer Kelly (c) 2017 White Jas (c) 2018 Youngblood Carey Y (c) 2024 Hess Jas (c) 2026 Kyler Manzie (c) 2028 Powell Hector (c) 2029 Stevens Shernlee C (c)
K intersects 2107 Cuyler Nehemiah (c) 2109 Vacant 2113 Floyd Jos (c) 2114 James Mell (c) 2115 Ashley Mary (c)

2116 Banks Harry (c) 2117 Johnson Fannie (c) 2118 Horn Jas (c) 2119 Carter Isadore (c) 2120 English Robt (c) 2121 Armond Paul (c) 2122 Strong Willard (c) 2123 Sullivan Amelia (c) 2124 Gibson Gus (c) 2125 W hittaker Amelia (c) 2126 Colvert Elijah (c) 2127 Sullivan Susie (c) 2128 Haywood Lena (c) 2129 Stebbins Wm O
L intersects 2205 Vacant 2208 Baker Wm (c) 2210 Edwards Wm M (c) 2212 White Sami D (c) 2214 Smith Amanda (c) 2215 Spikes Viola (c) 2217 Houston Abe (c) 2225 Wilson Mattie Mrs 2227 Baker Wm (c)
M intersects 2307 Holmes Sami (c) 2310 Oneal Sami (c) 2311 Owens Phenious (c) 2312 Vacant 2314 Turner Maggie Mrs 2316 Goodbread Silas 2322 Sams John (c) 2325 Harris Edw (c)
N intersects 2400 Knight Mose (c) 2411 Powell Duncan (c) ARCO--Adjoining Brunswick at
northern limits ASH (Arco)--From 19 Dixie av w
to Cypress 1 Wages Lester 2 Taylor Archie B 3 Funderburk Fred C 4 Rittenhouse Edgar F 5 Wages Fred 6 Williams Wiley 7 Landon B W 8 Woods R'oscoe V 9 Morris Alvin L 10 Strickland Danl H 11 Hammond Thos L 12 Myers Jas R ASH AV--From Boulevard west to Walnut av, 4 s Gloucester ATLANTA AV--From Johnson east to Macon av, 1 n of Gloucester 2001 Woods Thos J
Niles av begins 2101 Bell Henry M
Goodyear intersects 2301 Brown Fred T 2305 Farrell John J BARTOW--From Ocean av to
Walnut av and from Gloucester north to T, 17 east of Newcastle
London intersects Prince intersects 911 Milsaps Nellis 917 Akins Elsie (c) 919 Polite Elmore L (c) 921 Baker Beatrice Cc)



BARTOW--Contd 929 Moody Timothy (c)

London intersects 1005 Green Ellen (c)

George intersects 1010 Lewis Campbell (c) 1012 Morrison Henry (c) 1515 Gregory Walter

Atlanta av intersects 1525 Jones John P 1529 Stephens Clyde T

F ends Kay av begins 1627 Jeffords Talmadge T Holmes Addie Mrs

1709 Spaulding Basil R G intersects 1715 Walden Thos H



H intersects Florence (c)

1809 Williams Sadie (c)

1819 Perry Harry P (c)

1821 Vacant

1829 Mitchell Estella (c)

I intersects

1900 Trisvant Henry (c) 1908 Pascal Lizzie (c) 1910 Tate Earl E (c) 1911 Mitchell Kaiser (c) 1911% Chipp Lonnie (c) 1912 Curry Miner (c) 1914 Gray Wm (c) 1916 Holmes Mary (c) 1917 Wilson John W (c) 1918 Stephens Geo (c) 1920 Cummings Dwight (c) 1922 Jones Sidney (c) 1924 Strickland Troy (c) 1925 Diggs Chas (c) 1926 Stephens Danl (c) 1927 Scott Herbert B (c) 1928 Swindle Henry (c)

J intersects

2001 Skarpolezos John gro 2004 Thomas Henry (c) 2006 Davis Sarah (c) 2007 Powers Edw (c) 2008 Brown Powell (c) 2011 Mungin Mary (c) 2012 Vacant 2013 Foster Freeman (c) 2015 Easley Thos (c) 2019 Chambles Robt (c) 2027 Johnson Daisy (c) 2029 Fahm Arth (c)
K intersects 2100 Stone Wm L 2104 Sapp Woodrow 2108 Sapp Clinton

2112 Mobley Wates 2119 Felder Susie (c) 2122 Green Wm M 2127 Walton Geo L (c)

2200 Holley Columbus L(c)intersects 2202 Jordan Mary (c) 2205 Peterson Carrie (c) 2210 Brinson Lucy (c) 22101/2 Ross Viola (c)

2211 Crittenden Clarence (c) 2213 Peters Ralph (c) 2214 Hendricks Wm 2216 Sapp Leona Mrs 2222 Sheffield Shepherd (c) 2229 Hendricks Souder

The Rexall Drug Store

"Save W ith Safety"
Prompt Deliveries TEL. 37

2230 Flowers John (c) M intersects
2306 Jones Robt R 2307 Dickens Jos (c) 2325 Ratliff Ursaline O (c) 2328 Curry Cornelius (c) 2329 Spaulding Lucy (c)
N intersects 2404 Sheffield Jas (c) 2415 Greggs Benj (c) 2423 Warren Preston (c)

BAY--From First av north to F, 3 w of Newcastle Georgia Creosoting Co ACLRR Shops 618 Markham M artin V Dartmouth intersects 702 Strickland Leslie 730 Portulas Peter gro Albemarle intersects
ws 1 s South Atlantic Marine Co mach
ws 2 s Lopes Jack Packing House shrimps
ws 3 s Colonial Oil Co Seacoast Oil & Supply Co Lewis Crab Factory
sw cor Maggioni L P & Co shrimp pkrs Prince intersects
cor Ocean Oil & Gasoline Co 929 Green John

London intersects ws 1 s Mendes Jos & Co shrimp
pkrs 1001 Texas Company The oils ws 2 s Valona Shrimp Co 1006 Vacant 1006y2 Vacant 1012 Brown Clinton D gro 1025 Gulf Refg Co 1026 Martin Elmer L 1029 Vacant

1101 Vacant

George intersects

1116 Richardson Robt E

1124 Brunswick Pilot Assn

1129 Coney & Parker Co coal and

bldg mtls

Parker Towing Co

1210 Vacant 1226 Vacant 1228 Vacant 1230 Vacant 1232 Vacant

Howe intersects

1ii3n0n0,-0n2o Wright & GowanintCeroseIcnt<! hdw
1304 Vacant 1304% Vacant 1306 Vacant 1308-10 Vacant

1314 KutllimnganCoOrange Crush Bot 1316 Vacant 1318 Vacant 1318% Vacant 1320 Vacant 1322 Vacant 1324 Vacant 1325-27-29 Downing Co The Inc
gro whol 1328 Vacant

Monk intersects



Building Material

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

BAY--Contd 1402-04 Vacant 1406-08 Vacant 1410-12 Vacant 1414-16 Vacant 1418-20 Vacant 1422 Leotis Inc (whse) 1424-26 Vacant
Gloucester intersects BERRY AV--From 2500 Lima av
north to Whitehill av BON AIR AV--Sw from end of
Bartow av BOULEVARD--From foot of New
castle northeast to end of Glou cester BRAILESFORD AV--From First n to limits, 2 e of Norwich 3130 Polite Winslow (c)
Second intersects 3203 Brown Major D (c)
Third intersects 3326 Pinkney Joanna (c) CARPENTER--From First av north
to F, 7 e of Newcastle 608 McQuaig Jas R
Dartmouth intersects 706 Everett Horace J 710 Harris A Myddelton 718 Fleming Charlton W 722 Johnson Sydney E
Albemarle intersects 814 Collins Jas W contr
Prince intersects 900 Nightingale Maria H 908 MacGregor R R 912 Everett Robt H 918 Gignilliat Sarah J 920 Latimer Phil H 925 Tomlinson Wm L 927 Parker Harry
London intersects 1001 Geiger Wm E 1004 Pickren Ulmer M 1008 Robinson Lee A 1010 Farley Earl E 1012 Gray Edw R 1016 North Henry C 1018 Hagan Frank C 1022 Atkinson Sallie C Mrs
George intersects 1118 Franklin Benj 1122 Ragland Jas M contr
Howe intersects 1212 Taylor Jas W 1218 Mills Rufus F 1220 Fleming Sidney T 1224 Royal Wai'ren W 1228 Rivers Stanford L
Tait Robt Dozier Geo I Correll Austin D
Mansfield intersects Monk intersects
1410 Holmes K Berrie 1412 Devaris Peter 1416 Vickers Harry B 1420 Lynn Wm M
Gloucester intersects 1508 Barfield John F 1512 Heard Joel J 1516 Lonn Leo

CLEBORN--From Boulevard north to London and from I north to limits, 16 e of Newcastle 821 Smith Geo (c) 829 Jones Jos (c) Prince intersects 903 West Wm M (c) 905 Mungin Henry (c) London intersects
1000 Pickren Alva H 1002 Scarlet Rina (c) 1007 Porter Jerry (c) 1915 Robinson Cora (c) 1917 Bowens Serena (c) 1919 Roberts Andrew (c) 1921 Phoenix Julia (c) 1923 Purdy Susie (c) 1925 Bradley Euletha (c) 1927 Alverson Sarah (c) 1929 Cornelious Isabella (c)
J intersects 2000 Lewis Gus W (c) 2004 White Dorsey (c) 2007 Taylor Wm J 2021 Rogers Marietta (c) 2025 Harris Wm H 2026 Segui Jane L Mrs
K intersects 2100 Vacant 2102 Holley Tarton (c) 2105 Harris Dena (c) 2108 Westberry Roy V 2111 Stockton Mack (c) 2112 Proudfoot Prince (c) 2113 Vacant 2116 Vacant 2117 Grimes Jos 2119 Gordon Thos W 2121 Hendricks Sami T 2122 Turner Doss M 2124 Vacant
L intersects 2200 StFaul's Episcopal Church 2202 Blair Fannie Mrs 2206 Latham Clyde W 2217 Clark Benj (c) 2229 Moland Robt B (c)
M intersects 2307 Pickren Dollie Mrs 2309 Pickren Della Mrs 2311 Googe Robt 2313 Green Osward 2315 Pickren Frank 2317 Clark Wm M 2319 Vacant 2329 Flanders Pearl E (c)
N intersects 2412 Mintz Jas (c) 2428 Hornsby Jas A
O intersects 2511 Pounds Chas B (c)
P intersects 2628 Dickson Robt (c)
CLEVELAND AV--From Fourth n continuation of Norwich
3421 Yarbrough Ervin E Fifth intersects
nw cor Owens Mitchell E sw cor Roberts Lucian D pntr 3525 Pope Elton B 3527 Johnson Earl W 3528 Beckham Leroy R 3529 Hayes Ealey 3530 Knight Elige L 3533 Green Everett


M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-Sec.-Treas. M RS. M A R IA N A. B R O W N , Vice-President
R. R. HOPKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands-- Rentals


207-08 Gordon Bldg.

4031/2 Gloucester

I d a JLv

COCHRAN AV--From Boulevard north to limits, 10 e of Newcsstlc 600 Manning Alvin 601 Chancy Wm 603 Chancy Dewey 623 Boyett Chester A 625 Davis Henry Dartmouth intersects Albemarle intersects 811 Dennison Maggie (c) 820 Roberts Irene (c) Prince intersects
901 Brown Wilhelmina (c) 909 Murray Chester W (c) 911 Traeye Chas (c) 912 Moses Wm (c) 913 Vacant 916 Walthow Wm (c) 918 Jackson Cooper (c) 919 Butler Austin (c) 920 Lee Everlina (c) 921 Williams Manuel (c) 924 Rivers Wm L (c) 929 Underwood Mamie (c)
London intersects 1000 Christopher Maude (c) 1004 Mack Benj (c) 1008 Byrd Mertie (c) 1015 Stokes Louise 1016 Henson Alice (c) 1017 Crosby Leila Mrs 1019 Johnson Mary (c) 1023 Tucker Wm M (c) 1024 Holmes Archie (c) 1025 Florence Dennis (c) 1026 Johnson Ethel (c) 1028 Thomas Oscar E gro

.. _

George intersects

1105 Hawk Wm (c)

1119 Lee Thelma (c)

1120 Alexander Susie (c)

1121 Atkins Alice G (c)

1121% Williams Clara (c)

1125 Harris Oscar J (c) -

1126 Bennett Ruth (c)

1128 Edmond Eula (c)

1129 Harris Funeral Home (c)

Howe intersects

Oak Grove Cemetery



Mansfield intersects Wm (c)

1306 Price Ellen (c)

1308 Manning Carrie (c)

1310 Jordan Oscar (c)

1312 Bacon Shelman (c)

1314 Peterson Geo (c)

1315 Miller Nell (c)

1316 Rivers Wm (c)

1317 Hall Adam (c)

1320 Paulk Geo (c)

1322 Hamilton Henry (c)

1324 Stafford Mattie (c)

1328 Pollens Ella (c)

1400 Wenze

Monk intersects Frank (c)

1402 Pollens Thos (c)

1406 Bennett Sank (c)

1407 Carter David L (c)

1408 Roberts Jas (c)

1409 Armstrong Henry (c)

1410 Roberts Tight (c)

1411 Reed Eliz (c)

1413 Floyd Mamie (c)

1414 Dixon Wm (c)

1415 Johnson Lizzie (c)

1416 Whitfield John W (c) 1417 Spikes Lula (c) 1419 Owens Mamie (c) 1420 Battle Leander (c) 1421 Baker Henry (c) 1423 Green Wm '(c) 1425 Harper Wm (c)
Gloucester intersects 1503 Cain Furniture Co (whse) 1508 Clark Henry jr (c) 1518 Hayes Jas W (c) 1522 Jones Arth L (c) 1524 Nixon Minnie (c)
F intersects 1601 Robertson John (c) wood 1604 Pollard Wm (c) 1607 Walker Frank L (c) 1608 Everett Rosa (c) 1609 Robertson Jas (c) 1610 Walker Rinher (c) 1611 McNeal Phyllis (c) 1613 Howard Frank (c) 1614 Martin Lonnie (c) 1615 Vacant 1617 McMillan Addie (c) 1619 Vacant 1620 Tarver John (c) 1621 Johnson Essie (c) 1622 Strickland Eug W Rev (c> 1623 Smith Henry (c) 1627 Jackson Nathan (c) 1629 Dunham Sarah (c)
G intersects 1704 Robinson John (c) 1706 Milliron John L (c) 1708 Sherman John (c) 1712 Wright Wheeler (c) 1717 Tatner Sami (c) 1721 Lockford Mack (c) 1724 Ginlock Kate (c)

H intersects 1802 Brown Jerry B (c) 1806 Hague Lloyd (c) 1823 Brown Vida (c)

I intersects 1900-10 Miller Lumber & Supply
Co Inc 1905 Pierce Geneva (c) 1909 Reynolds Gertrude (c) 1913 Jackson Julia (c) 1916 Cain Sarah L (c) 1918 Sims John W (c) 1927 Johnson Geo (c) 1928 Crawford. Marion (c) 1929 Thompson Marie ic ) 1930 G rant Theo R (c) restr 1931 Gregory Reuben E gro

2001 Vacant

j intersects

2003 Anderson Jos (c)

2005 Flynn Malinda (c)

2007 Hill John (c)

2011 Scott Butler (c)

2012 First Jordan Grove Baptist

Church (c)

2013 Vacant

2015 Elliott Steve (c)

2019 Stevens Thos (c)

2023 Vacant

2024 Clements Jas (c)

2025 Kaiser Geo (c)

2026 Blue Primus (c)

2027 Mack Geo (c)

2028 Seventh Dav Adventist

Church (c)



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

" W E F IX F L A T S " D o n 't Cuss-- Call U s

Phone 71

"Cornin' on The Run" Gloucester and Ellis Sts.

COCHRAN AV--Contd 2029 Brown Roscoe (c)

707 Pitts Clyde A 708 Krauss Danl A

2102 Joh, nson Renalda K(ci)ntersects 2105 Cease Bishop (c) 2106 Sullivan John (c) 2108 Jones Jas (c) 2110 Vacant 2112 Stanley John (c) 2113 Houston Beatrice (c) 2114 Jackson Janie (c) 2119 Clark Lucy (c)


Ellis intersects

800 Fox Wm A

807 Sitton Raymond L

808 Hollis Grady M

Egmont intersects

903 Tait Chas S

Norwich intersects

1002 Stephens Clara R Mrs

Roberts Thelma nurse

1004 Vacant

2121 Wynn Hilton (c) 2123 Carter Mae (c) 2125 Roberts Wm (c) 2126 Pierson Elias (c) 2127 Vacant 2129 Edwards Jas (c)

1109 Vacant Carpenter intersects
1111 Davis John T Albany intersects
1301 Lorentzson Andrew M Wolf intersects

2204 Brown Lillian M LMirnstersects 2208 Robinson Harry (c) 2210 Williams Clara (c) 2212 Allen Benj J (c)

1302 Gowen Clarence B 1303 McGill Floyd 1311 Deaver JasAOmherst intersects 1400 Vacant

2227 Mollette Hattie (c)

1412 Kennedy Arth A

M intersects 2309 Durden Chas M 2311 Turner Mary Mrs

Cochran av intersects 2225 Arzie Wendel K
ft Brunswick Marine Constr

N intersects


O intersects

2512 Ford Richd P (c)

DAVIS--From Prince North to

2514 Hankerson Sarah (c)

George and from I north to Q,

,,27,,,,00,, D~ art Ethel (c)

P intersects

18 e of Newcastle 1003 Lotson Rufus (c)

Fourth intersects 1929 Bacon Adeline (c)

3400 Blue Ed (c)

Davis intersects

COLSON--From N north, 22 e of Newcastle

2005 Oliver Lizzie (c) 2017 Sequi Jos H 2020 Krauss Carl F

COOK--From L north. 24 e of New castle
2001 Vacant 2006 Gordy Chas E 2008 Moore Frank L 2010 Dugger Carson
J intersects

2021 Varnedoe Paul M 2023 Strickland Helen M 2027 Strickland Wm F
K intersects 2111 Sylvia Edw B 2115 Sallens Peter (c) 2117 Thomas Wm (c)

COUPER--From N north, 21 e of Newcastle

L intersects 2209 Mobley Guite G 2210 Vacant

DARTMOUTH--From Bay east to Cochran av, 8 s of Gloucester 101 Head Fannie Mrs

2212 Mobley Nolan M 2214 Vacant 2224 Lunsky Addie M Mrs 2229 Joyner John C

B ay in tersects
103 Turner Mamie 105 Brandies Arth H 107 Campbell Lewis 109 Church of Jesus Christ

M intersects N intersects O intersects P intersects


Oglethorpe intersects

203 Rittenhouse Roy H

211 Clark Jas

DIXIE AV (Arco) also known as Dixie Highway--From Sycamore 1 Smith Geo M

Grant intersects

3 Hummel Wm H

Newcastle intersects 403 Witherington Thos W

5 Collins Edmond E 6 Arco School

Richmond intersects 500 Rowland John 501 Akridge Eliz Mrs

7 Melton Watt C 9 Eisenman Robt J 11 Swan Peter C

Copeland Millard A Parker Jas H 502 Harris Louise E Mrs 504 McGarvey Carlotto 506 Johnson Archie E

13 McLaughlin Jas E 15 B ritt Chas C 17 Browning Viola Mrs 19 Dunlop John S 21 Danielly Wm

Reynolds intersects 601 Lambright Jos E 602 Ross Andrew M

23 Hoyt Gladding P 25 Davis Jas C 27 Browning Thos M

Union intersects 706 Currie Bessie M Mrs

29 Stewart Robt 31 Anderson Chas M





Sales and Service


DIXIE AV (Arco)--Contd 33 Hodges John M 35 Johnson Moroe D 37 B artlett Jas O 39 Davis Jas E 41 Ribbron Chas H 43 Edwards Ernest 45 McGaughey John E 47 Caldwell Chester D 49 Joyner Wm E nr 9th Arco Methodist Church
nw cor 9th Edwards Sami gro Turlong Benj T druggist Brunswick Bank & Trust Co Arco Branch Clements Wilson W barber
end Atlantic Refg Co The
DU BIGNON--From N north, 20 e of Newcastle
EGMONT--From First av north to F, 5 e of Newcastle 713 Mock Jos A 717 Smith Genie Mrs 721 Abbott Herman J 723 Jarvis Marshal M 727 Vacant 729 Anderson Wm H Albemarle intersects 800 Tillotson Ralph C
802 Ritch John R gro 803 Walker Earl E 805 Gannaway Oakley B 807 Reu Albert H 817 Ralston Susie 825 Hasbrook Marjorie
Prince intersects 913 Wright Annie L Mrs 915 Andrews Jas L @ 917 Killian Paul 919 Vacant 929 Davenport Jas P
London intersects 1000 Dunwody Fannie Mrs
Cross Rose nurse 1001 McKinnon Mary B Mrs 1009 Fuller Thos 1017 Burford Gertrude Mrs 1021 Royal Boyce M 1027 Glover Clarence B
George intersects 1103 Burnett Ada W Mrs 1111 Vacant 1119 Vacant 1125 Taylor Rosa (c) 1126 Hancock Chas H 1129 Monroe Jeanette (c)
Howe intersects 1201 Zizos Nicholas gro 1203 Edmond Benj (c) 1205 Atkinson Michl (c) 1207 Mann Rosa (c) 1211 Forbes Louis (c) 1213 Johnson Sami (c) 1217 Shiloh Baptist Church (c) 1219 Vacant 1221 Vacant 1223 Flynt Wesley 1225 Allen Calvin F
Mansfield intersects 1303 Clayton Thos R 1305 Senior Wilson 1307 Downie Robt E 1311 Bell Claude F

1319 W hitten John A Monk intersects
1415 Champion Ernest M 1417 Colesberry Nellie M 1423 Tucker Royal K Rev
Gloucester intersects 1511 Beach Frances P Mrs 1515 Scott Walter R 1516 Strickland Brantly 1517 Exley Jos M 1521 Thompson Robt 1527 Ramsey Leroy

ELLIS--From Second av north to

limits, 4 east of Newcastle

Second av intersects

509 Maddison Richardson

511 Gelow Otto

Lockleer Willard

516 Flowers Louis J

520 Hardy Wm C

First av intersects

603 Prim Cigar Factory

617 Guest Wm O ,,

709 Vacant

710 Vacant

Dartmouth intersects 711 Booker John W

714 Symons J S Morel

718 Vacant

722 Vacant

909 Vacant

1006 Vacant London intersects

1008 Johnson Chas (c)

1022 Priddy Belle Mrs

George intersects 1112 duBignon Merrill (c)

1118 Moore Pink (c)

1120 Nixon Jas (c)

1122 Carter Chas (c) 1204 Vacant

1206 Bryant Lundon (c)

1208 Philson Hannah (c)

1210 Thompson John H (c)

1211 Roberts Reason

1212 Trimming Johanna (c)

1213 Ward Joshua H

1214 1216

Jackson Gaston

Campbell Ruby (c)


1218 Blue Henry B (c)

1220 Evans Ola (c)



Mansfield Lucy (c)


1310 1312 1313

Cummings Robt (c) Williams Matthew (c) Vacant

1315 Knight Corbitt 1319 Brown Jos H

1320 Williamson John R

1323 Brown Leon B

Monk intersects

1404 Vacant

1407 Trimmings Carrie (c)

1408 Smith Wm (c)

1409 Hooks Arth L (c)

1410 Daniels Chas H (c)

1413 Beasley Sallie Mrs

1414 Miller Chester (c)

1417 Vacant

1419 Vacant

Gloucester intersects

1507 Knight Wm H

1509 McElrath John J

1513 Jernigan DeWitt

1513% Brown Jas L


DRINK In Sterilized Bottles




Tel. 144

ELLIS--Contd 1515 Parham Annie E 1516 Exley Jos M gro 1517 Miller Wm L 1518 Strayer Albert L 1519 Tyre Luther L 1522 Bunkley J Alvin 1523 Boatwright John
F intersects 1605 Pierce Nancy (c) 1606 Camilla Flora Mrs 1610 Dorris David E 1612 Bankston Byron E

G intersects 1706 Walker Guy H 1708 Slauter Lonnie E 1712 Wilson Thos F 1716 Spears Mary A T
H intersects 1801 Watson Ralph L (c) 1805 Brooks Chas (c) 1807 Molette Moses (c) 1808 McRae Geo (c) 1808% Menefee Cornelius D (c) 1810 Walker Chas (c) 1812 White Alberta (c) 1822 James Vinie (c) 1824 Vacant 1828 Yoemans Edw F 1902 Gray A.bner (,c) I intersects 1904 Tucker John (c) 1906 Blue Richd (c) 1907 Skipper Sherman B
Gamble Thos B 1909 Kiff Lonnie A
Kiff Ella Mrs 1911 Hand Larstin 1913 Ray Eliz V Mrs 1915 Drake Otis L 1922 Walker Dewey 1923 Brown Norwood G 1924 Vacant 1925 Bodani Wm X 1926 Harris Chas H 1928 King Edw R 1929 Brown Robt

2o0n0nn0 Socxh.enar G^ eorgia (Jc)intersects 2002 Fields John (c) 2004 Vacant

2006 Vacant

2007 Chester Jas E

2009 Heath Albert G

2011 Miller Herbert 2015 Knight Herbert 2017 Knight Jas C

2026 Poore Clarence H

2028 Latham Mary C

K intersects 2108 Hoyt Leander D

2111 Riley Minnie (c)

2115 Seagrove Robt (c)

2123 Torkildsen Lena Mrs

2126 Pitman Melvin S

2128 Church of God The

2o2n0n4, V,, acant,

L intersects

2208 Thornton Benj F 2210 Clark John J

2214 Cowman Geo F

2216 Harrison Arth T elec contr 2222 Harrison Arth T

2224 Freeman Nora L Mrs

2228 Wright S Bruce

Orange sq

2300 Norris Wm H M intersects

2301 Massey Wm H

2303 Stewart Columbus C

2307 Wesleyan Methodist Church 2309 Nelson Hjalmar

2315 Bowen Carlie Mrs

2316 Kersey Janie L Mrs 2317 Knight Artis

2323 Bridger Alice Mrs

2324 Mobley Thos

2324% Barnard Louis D

2326 Spell Eula M

2328 Mobley A Carroll

2329 Bennett Geo W

2400 D,, oss O Caldwell N intersects

2401 Vacant

2404 Ammond Wm

2414 Ward Robt G

2415 Collins Eug

2416 Daniel Chas B

2418 Harris John L 2420 Tucker Wm P

2422 Geiger Jas F

2424 Strickland Jas L

2501 Ellis Edw H

0 intersects

2503 Scott Wm J

2600 Cassidy John J P intersects

2706 Westberry Eva MrQs intersects

2718 Church of God The

2824 Kirkland Wade HR intersects

S intersects

,,3,,0,,2,,o S,,paulding Henry TD intersects

ELLIS LANE--From F north to P

% blk, east Norwich

1706 Hope Thos

G intersects

H intersects

1807 Brooks John O (c) 1809 Bryant Maude (c)

1810 Breedlove John (c)

1811 Maxwell Trudie B (c)

1813 Green Maggie (c)

1815 Hoyle Sandy (c)

1 intersects

1906 Dorsey Jas M

1907 Prichard Dollie Mrs

1909 Holmes Marie (c)

1909% Shanson John (c)

,,2,,0,,2,,2 Howard Chas R J intersects

ELM AV (Windsor Park)--From Magnolia east to Boulevard, 3 south of Gloucester
2006 Aiken Hugh F 2101 Vacant Palmetto av intersects

F--From Bay east to Bartow, 1 north of Gloucester 2,,,,08 VacantOglethorpe intersects
,,3,,0,,0-04 Down TowGnrGanatraingteersects Glovers Taxi and U Drive I t Newcastle intersects



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

F--Contd 409 Pitcher Larned F
Richmond ends 501 Anderson Ransom B 504 Odum Walter M phys 509 Kirkland Mamie Mrs

Reynolds intersects 607 Gay Herman F 607% Jennings Rotat E 611 Vacant


Union intersects

708 Porter Mary A

709 Cauley Sami F

Sykes L Tifton

711 Smith W Ralph

8,,0,,0,, S_pel,,l Geo W Ellis intersects 809 Vacant

Ellis la intersects 901 D_ avi.s Ro,berEtagmPonMtrsintersects

Norwich intersects Norwich la intersects 1100 Bryant _BaCpatirspteCntheurricnhter(cs)ects 1101 Jenkins Emma (c) 1102 Walter Chas T (c) 1104 Nixon Annie (c) 1106 Dart Annie (c) 1108 Jones Cath L (c) 1110 Thorpe Thaddeus E (c) 1111 Adkins Geo (c)

1102/0111 F-mlioyd^ Stanc,heWr o(clf) intersects 1203 Mills Carter B (c)

1207 Wells Sylvester (c) 1211 Jacobs Sarah (c)

1305 Blue Mary $ bany intersects
Cochran intersects i1c5n0o3 Rogers ^GeoAm(c)herst intersects 1504 Floyd Wm M (c) 1505 Howard Sallie (c) 1507 Thompson Irvin (c)
Stonewall intersects 1605 Fulton Cleveland (c) 1611 Burroughs Richd W (c)
Lee intersects 1707 Murphy Wm (c)
Gordon intersects 1711 Jones Sarah (c) 1801 Durden Chas A 1803 Cook Edna L Mrs 1811 Brown Hoyt W
Johnson intersects 1901 Christie Ainsley Mrs 1905 Youngner Wilfred L
Barton intersects Kay av intersects

FIFTH (Lawrenceville) -- From Newcastle east, 5 north of T

FIFTH AV -- From Bay east to Cochran av, 13 south of Glou cester ft Am Sugar Refining Co (whse)

FIRST (Lawrenceville) -- From Newcastle east, 1 north of T

FIRST AV -- From Bay east to Cochran av, 9 south of Glou cester

111 Mosley Lee

Oglethorpe intersects

211 McGregor Ernest M

Grant intersects

Newcastle intersects

501 Vacant Richmond intersects

507 Ricks Sami T

508 Manoe J Edw

511 Johns Geo W



Reynolds Trelice Mrs


603 Ricks Robt M

Union intersects

800 G rant Earl W Ellis intersects

Egmont intersects

Norwich intersects



Carpenter Sophie Mrs


Wolf intersects

Albany intersects 1309 Brett Andrew J

1311 Manning Ernest G

Amherst intersects

FOURTH (Lawrenceville)--From Newcastle east, 4 north of T 503 Hill John B contr 710 Bradham Walter R Treville av intersects 803 Hill Jas B
Hardie av intersects 811 Hill Geo D
Hill Valeria nurse Cleveland av intersects
1503 Cassidy Eula H Mrs
Cochran av intersects 1607 Pinkney Sami (c)

FOURTH AV--From Bay east to Cochran av, 12 south of Glou cester

FRANKLIN AV (Lawrenceville) -- From First north to limits, 1 east of Norwich
3220 Alford Jas (c) Third intersects
3309 Thompson Jacob H 3406 Johnson Julius E (c)
Fourth intersects 3408 Jackson Geo H Rev (c)

FRflEDERICA SQ--Between Car penter and Norwich, 1 north First av 4 Baumgartner A VanHouten Mrs

G--From Bay east to Glynn av, 2 north of Gloucester Newcastle intersects 400 Gould Amoco Station 404 Ricks & Stuckey gros
405 Holland Pearl Mrs 409 Chitty Jos L
Newcastle la intersects 500 Truett Geo M 501 Vacant 503 Norwood Effie Mrs 509 Altman Harry
Reynolds intersects



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing

Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TEL. 23


608 Allen Rosa Mrs furn rms

----- Court House

1st fl Ordinarys office

Clerk of Courts Tax Receiver

County Commissioners

Glynn County Police Dept 2d fl Superior Court

City Court

County Engineers office


Union intersects

704 DeLoach Luther

706 Glynn Oaks Tourist Home Knight Bunyan W

708 Green Wm P

800 McMillan Jas MEllis intersects

802 Johnson Rahy 803 Taylor Chas H

Warnell Jordie

804 Belios Gus

806 Miller Wm M

808 McIntyre Carrie (c)

800 Burgay Edith C Mrs

9_00 S_co^tt LTe,,RoyEllis la intersects

901 Barnhill Chas P

902 Woods S Ashley

904 McCrary Ralph G autos

905 Corbett Wm C

,, , Norwich intersects 1001 Peoples Investment Co 1007 Barbee Ira

1009 Waters John R

1010 Troup Cornelius V (c)

Norwich la intersects 1100 Haynes Oscar (c)

1102 Gamble Robt D (c)

1103 German Henry (c)

1104 Allen Herbert (c)

Wolf intersects 1206 Vacant 1208 Gam er Chas (c) 1210 Sweet Edna (c)

Albany intersects 1301 Wright Arth (c) 1305 Way Priscilla (c) 1306 Johnson Tressie (c) 1308 Rogers Chas (c) 1311 Elverson Hattie (c) gro

Amherst intersects 1401 Strickland Wm P gro
Abbott Cleveland V ice 1406 Jackson Minnie (c)

Cochran intersects 1500 Pracas John gro 1501 Vacant 1502 Dean Miner (c) 1503 Taylor Henry (c) 1504 Fowler Jas E (c) 1505 Chaney Eug (c) 1506 Moore Geo (c) 1508 Mitchell Wm (c) 1509 Golden Jas (c) wood 1510 Harrison Frank (c) 1512 Rivers Fannie (c) restr

Stonewall intersects 1601 Howard John W (c) 1605 Coulter Kinzie (c) 1607 Winn Wm (c) 1608 Butler Rachel (c) 1609 Vacant

1611 Zion Rock Baptist Church (c)


,.L e e intersects

1705 Benjamin Hattie (c)

1706 McKinzie Henry (c)

1707 Hankerson John L (c)

1710 Vacant

1i 800onAAramstroi.ng JosGTor(dc)onintersects 1804 Robinson Henry (c) 1806 Perry Geo F (c) 1811 Jackson Ada E (c)

1m9n0o3 tD'vub,.berl,y WJmohnEso(nc) intersects 1909 Shader Dale W

Barton intersects Kay av intersects 2oo2/0ir0t FTMinlieyson J,Nulli!uess aVv intersects 2201 Little Wm C 2207 Browne Leo A

2oo3/0ia0 tVtacan/Gt oodyear av intersects

o2A40n0n Gale ,A, lvWani*Dson av intersects

Macon av intersects Glynn av intersects
G ends

GEORGE--From Bay east to Gor. ojm 4 south of Gloucester 101 Bacon Jos E 103 Higgins Jos 104 North Star Dairies Inc 109 Framton D B & Co rr ties 206 Staley DOudglleetyhoCrpe intersects
503 Harris,, BarryGrPant intersects Corbett Wm M
509 Bacon Albert C
6c0a1i Bt>oy Socou^tsRoefynAomldsTrionoteprsNeocts2 605 First Presbyterian Church 609 Simpson Thos W Rev 710 Kammerer AlUbenritonG intersects 711 Harley Robt G 8Q/0Yy4i Wrighxt T'hos J Ellis intersects 805 Gillican Newton E
Egmont intersects Wright sq intersects
Norwich intersects 11 110ao2 Nn.Ti-mmons CDaerwpeeyntOer intersects 1105 Bacon Percy S 1107 Sneed Wm D 1108 Harrison Alf V 1110 Vacant 1111 Sizemore Otis
Wolf intersects 1201 Anderson Allie 1202 Flanders Hugh B 1210 Ames Roland H 1211 King Chas A

1iq3a0o2 Lobacik iWTTm Albany intersects 1303 Pittman Kath

1305 Brown Robt M bicycle repr

1306 King Fletcher H


1307 Brown Robt M

1308 Steele Oscar D

1309 Wade Bros Grocery

11 /4ia0a0 Lt m- dsay R,, oAbtmChegrsrto*intersects



Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year CORNER MONK AND GRANT STS.

GEORGE--Contd 1401 Williams Paris (c) 1403 Tapman Rebecca (c) 1403% Vacant 1404 Lindsay Robt C 1405 Robinson Jos F Rev (c) 1406 Newborn Wm W (c) 1407 DeVoe Cath (c) 1409 Fields Ozell (c) 1409% Lucas Hendrex (c) 1411 Sallins Sadie (c)
Cochran av intersects 1506 Collins Herbert (c) 1507 Glynn Ice & Coal Co
Stonewall intersects 1601 Vacant 1606 Campbell Havalla (c)
Lee intersects 1700 Holms Oliver (c) 1704 Vacant 1706 Vacant
Gordon intersects 1800 Walker Andrew W (c)

GLADSTONE AV -- From 505 Fourth north to limits, I east of ACL Ry
3406 Bradham Henry 3408 Nettles Elzie M 3410 Kaufman Lewis 3412 Lane Minnie Mrs end Tucker Chelie R

GLOUCESTER--From river east to limits, crossing Newcastle at

ft U S Govt Army Engineers (whse)
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co

Bay intersects

104 Nehi Bottling Co 106 Vacant 108 Railway Express Agency Inc

Oglethorpe intersects 200 Brunswick Oil Sta 210 Savoy Restaurant

300 Mitchell ElmeGr rAanrtesintrtersects 301 Fiveash U-Drive It
Five Transportation Co City Transfer Co 302 Postal Teleg-Cable Co 304-304% Wright Building 2d fl Gowen Chas M dentist Krauss & Strong lawyers 3d fl Martin Clarence E


Newcastle intersects

403% Gordon Building


201 Vacant

202 Vacant

203 Paris H Linton dentist 204-05 Ringel & Ringel lawyers 206 Lissner Jack J jr lawyer 207-08 Consolidated Realty Co
Russell N D acct 209 Nathan Abr A lawyer 210 Cowart Geo B lawyer 211 Vacant 301 Little Wm C lawyer 302 Cummings Harry D chiro 303 Jones John P dentist 304 Vacant 305 Leavy- C Howard jr lawyer 306 Metropolitan Life Ins Co

307 Vacant 308 Vacant 309 Vacant 310 Vacant 311 Georgia Credit Assn Street continued 405 Cunningham Jewelry Store 406% Perry Building Rooms:
1 Rivers Stanford L dentist 2 Vacant 3 Union Investment Co 4 Bruce J Robt lawyer 5 Vacant 6 Abreu Francis L archt Street continued 408 Southern Tire & Supply Co
Richmond intersects 500 Ga Public Utilities Corp 501 G rant W T Co dept store 501% Y W C A 502 City Barber Shop 502%-507% Lane Building Rooms:
1-2 Conyers & Gowen lawyers 3 American Natl Ins Co 4 Christian Science Society 5 Grantham Ins Agency
Robb L S real est 6 Vacant 7 Lorraine's Beauty Salon 8 Barron John A chiropractor 9 Vacant Street continued 503% Equitable Life Ins Co
Darby V Lee phys Leyboume A E & Co real est 504 Southeastern Express Co 505-07 Brunswick Hardware Co 506 W U Tel Co 507% Andrews Building Aldrich Fred N phys Burford Robt S phys Greer Clarence B phys Pierce Lovick W phys 509 Thrift Auto Supply Co 511 Andrews Drug Store Taylor Elec Co 512 Morton's Auto Service 513 Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y
Reynolds intersects ne cor Federal Building
U S Post Office Custom House U S Engineers Office U S Army Engineers U S Deputy Collr of Customs U S Dist Court Probation
Officer opp Post Office Duggan Motor Co 600 Standard Oil Co filling sta 602 Baker S W autos
Union intersects 701 Atlantic Refining Co filling
702 Gulf Refining Co 706 Palmer's Grocery 707 Hardcastle Thos 708 Gause Wm W
Holland J Talmadge 711 Brown House The furn rms
Nelson Vernon Ellis intersects
800 H & H Service Sta 801 Sinclair Service Station


Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

GLOUCESTER--Contd 807 Winn Warren L
Johnson Vance 809 Southwell Leon M
Southwell Belle Mrs furn rms Egmont intersects
sw cor StMarks Episcopal Church 901 Nightingale Service Sta
Norwich intersects 1001 Brunswick Manor Apts Apartments;
1 Kumler Edna G Mrs 2 Browne Robt S 3 Radelman Hyman R Street continued 1002-04 Coastal Chevrolet Corp
Carpenter intersects 1102 Magnolia
Keller Arth J 1103 Vacant 1107 Baker Carrie E Mrs furn
rms sw cor StJames Lutheran Church
Wolf intersects 1200 Vacant 1201 Monroe Jas P (c) 1203 Pitts Jas M (c)
Pitts Matilda (c) restr 1203% Horton Robt L meats 1204 Johnson Wm S 1205 Pope Randolph (c) clo presser 1207 Pope's Pressing Club (c) 1207% Rice Wm H (c) clo presser 1209 Glynn Furniture Co 1210 Stuckey Grocery Co
Albany intersects 1300 Lockwood Fred M pat
medicines 1300% Patterson Willard A (c)
phys Chapman Wm T (c) phys Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co
(c) 1301 A & P Tea Co 1302 Vacant 1303 Duncan Jas F (c) restr 1303% Atlanta Life Ins Co (c)
Cassels Mark A (c) dentist Afro Am Life Ins Co (c) Guaranty Ins Co (c) 1304 Stewart Wyley A (c) billiards 1305 Gibbs Benj J (c) ins 1305% Buggs John W (c) phys 1306 Sotirin Bros confr 1306% Brunswick Shoe Repair
Shop 1307 Battle Jesse L (c) barber 1308 Baskins Geo E 1309 Dobeacle Jennie R (c)
Amherst intersects 1400 Vacant 1401 Vacant 1405 Sheffield Carrie (c) 1408 Dallas Investment Co 1408% Peterson Jas S (c) real est 1409 Cain Furniture Co furn reprs 1410 Vacant 1412-14 Cribb's Grocery 1416 Vacant
Cochran intersects 1500 Bennett Paul M 1502 Williams Annie B (c) 1504 Deaver Norris S
Dunham Henry T (c) 1505 Watkins Gordon A
Mack Albert (c)

1507 Padgett Jas B 1510 Davis John A 1511 Starke Carl F
Stonewall intersects 1600 Hansen Geo A contr 1601 Deaver Geo E 1602 Rogers Jesse H 1605 Peerson Jas E 1608 Andrews John D 1607 Foster Cleveland (c) 1608 McMillan Jas (c) 1609 Roberts Don R
Lee intersects 1700 Reinl Carl R trucking 1704 Roberts Frank H 1707 Oak Terrace Tourist Home
Wood Marion 1710 Reeves Elbert H
Gordon intersects 1800 Jeter Wm A 1801 Hopkins J Hunter 1804 Nathan Walter S
Magnolia intersects 1901 Powelson Phil F 1906 Ringel Phillip S 1907 Ammons Kenneth E 1908 Hood Ralph E
Barton intersects 2215 Pearce Willis W 2217 Howell Major L 2219 Gordon David
Goodyear av intersects 2301 Wood Ray G 2303 Smith Ralph M 2307 Mahnke Ernest K 2329 Lambright Thos G
Macon av intersects sw cor Standard Oil Co filling sta
Glynn av begins

GLYNN AV -- From east end of Gloucester north and east 4 Brown S Hadley G ends 8 Dart Maurice I

9 Lisman Olivia C 10 Dart Edwin D
Peters Clifford A 11 Lazarus Leo

H ends

Talmadge av intersects

14 Poulson Andrew 15 Monte Vista Lodge
Lane Chas W 19 Robb Levi S
Robb Emily J Mrs 22 Branham Harris M phys 23 Hendrix Otis L

StSimons hwy begins

-----Brunswick Board of Trade Chamber of Commerce Brunswick Visitors Club The S t a c y begins
ws I n Mulanson Herbert A es 1 s Mobley Harris H lunch
K intersects es 1 n McCosker John es 2 n Coastal Auto Wrecking Co es 3 n Kitchen David restr
L intersects ----- Pitts Albert A
Georgia Veneer & Package Co Liles Wm S
P intersects Hopkins av intersects






2 0 8 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

GLYNN AV--Contd ----- Johnson Hanford W
Conley Harley L Walker Harlan Younger Jas A gro Hand Alex Hand Aubrey Hodge R C Dixon Enoch H M urta Alvaro C Harrison R B Hose Geo W (c) Carroll Allen C gro Palmetto Tourist Camp Palmetto Lunch Room Gulf States Creosoting Co GOODYEAR AV--From 2301 Glou cester north to Vi blk beyond Talmadge 1527 Phillips Caroline T Mrs 1603 Poulson Thos E F intersects 1612 Owens Versie L 1614 Horan Patk 1618 Lankford Wm B 1621 Setzer Roy B Rev 1627 Harris Wm H 1708 Glover Irvin C G intersects
H intersects 1709 Kent Jonathan M 1750 Cepok Arundel 1800 P itt Matthew M 1801 Andrews John B contr 1803 Malone Edgar 1807 Calnan Jas J 1809 Miller Thos W 1810 Morgan Lemuel T 1811 Calnan Cornelius T jr
Talmadge av intersects GORDON--From Bon Air av north
to George and from Gloucester north to limits, 14 east of New castle
Ocean av intersects 802 Sparre Kai Prince intersects 803 McKee Wm E 905 Magwood Steven S (c) 9113 Williams Thos (c) 914 Logan Everlind (c) 916 Deloney Ivison (c) 917 Green Bessie (c) 918 Pinkney Elliott (c) 919 Fisher Lottie (c) 921 Austin Arth (c) 922 Henry Fred (c) 923 Lang Jas (c) 924 Miller Thos (c) 925 Way Joanna (c) 929 Collier Porter (c)
London intersects 1001 Jackson Edw (c) 1007 Israel Cath (c) 1010 Byard Jas (c) 1011 Walker Rosa (c) 1012 Wright Captain (c) 1013 Israel Evelyn (c) 1014 Downs Preston (c) 1015 Robinson Jas (c) 1016 Grant Sandy (c) 1018 Blue Lester (c) 1019 Jones Nero (c) 1020 Bell Alice (c)

1022 Williams Jacob (c) 1023 Rodnell Richd (c) 1025 Vacant 1029 Piper Hattie (c)
George intersects Gloucester intersects
F intersects 1607 Miller Mary (c) 1611 Hill Ernest (c) 1620 Lemon Sami (c)
f l itifp p c o p fc
1707 Gillyard Lula (c) midwife 1708 Hayes Lizzie (c) 1709 Bell Maggie (c) 1710 Richardson Richd (c) 1711 Vacant 1712 Gamble Mary (c) 1713 Vacant 1715 Vacant 1722 Hill Otto (c) 1728 Raedy Mary E Mrs 1807 Carxter Anna (c) H intersects 1809 Heisler Amy J Mrs 1813 Turner Jas M (c) 1815 Vacant 1817 Brown Christopher C (c) 1821 Henry Peter (c) 1823 Lowe Jas S (c) 1827 McClure Chas H (c) c o n f r
I in tersects
1901 Handy Beatrice (c) 1903 Williams Lula (c) 1907 Newsome Earl (c) 1908 Anderson Allen J (c) 1909 Branic Wm (c) 1911 Sadler Steve (c) 1913 Hannon Jos (c) 1917 Young Mary (c) 1919 Brown Louis (c) 1921 Vacant 1923 Delamar Mattie M (c) 1924 Baker Amos (c) 1928 Freeman Henry (c) 2002 Thomas Clifford J intersects 2004 Freeman Jas (c) 2015 Knight Beulah M Mrs 2015% Vacant 2017 Ray Hester Mrs 2022 G rant Frazier (c) 2024 Sheppard Cuffie (c) 2027 Johnson Victoria (c) 2100 Alexander Walter KMin(ct)ersects 2102 Sheppard Herbert (c) 2104 Sheppard Maggie (c) 2108 Campbell Adam (c) 2110 Stokes Luther (c) 2120 Hill Miles (c)
L intersects 2203 Stephens Henry (c) 2210 Johnson Randall (c) 2211 Gaskin Lula (c) 2218 Vacant 2221 Bailey Alonzo (c) 2222 Scott Josephine (c) 2223 Jones Oscar (c) 2226 Hill Annie (c)
M intersects 2309 Singleton Edw (c)
N intersects 2402 Green Lizzie (c) 2403 Grant Eveline G (c) 2424 Benjamin Steve (c) 2426 Gary Rogers (c)


City of Brunswick County of Glynn


State of Georgia United States of America

GORDON--Contd 2427 Sullivan Benj (c)
O intersects 2504 Jones Chas (c) 2511 DePratter Denzle
P intersects 2601 Grant Fred (c) n end Jones Shad (c)

GORDON LANE -- From Prince north to George bet Gordon and Johnson

GRANT--From Fourth av north to F, 1 west of Newcastle Third av intersects Second av intersects First av intersects 611 Clarke Win C Dartmouth intersects 721 Smith Josephine 725 Walters Ivan 729 Atkinson Mamie H Albemarle intersects 819 Cooper Wm H 821 Herring Danl C Prince intersects 905 Harvey Wm L 921 Ferrell Paten B 925 Manita Mary Mrs

London intersects 1001 Sparre Holger 1011 Symmes Thos D 1015 Mock Chas S 1021 Barkuloo Willie D
George intersects 1115 Olsen Rosa Mrs rear Kirkpatrick Eldred L 1117 Gordon Jennie 1119 M artin Jack 1119% Lopes John 1121 Moreria Lawrence 1123 Cross Manuel
Howe intersects 1225 State Highway Dept (whse)

Mansfield intersects 1309 Shaders Buick Service 1311 Volpian Bicycle Shop 1315 Burns Body Shop 1322 Vacant 1326 Vacant 1327 Vacant 1327% Damon Jabez P contr

Monk intersects

1403 Damon's Sign Shop

1405 Vacant

1407 Vacant

1409 Vacant

1409% Vacant

1410 Vacant

1412 Davenport Chas L beverages

1413 Hoyt Leander D plmbr

1415 Vacant

1415% Vacant

1417 Lewis B A (whse)

1426 Perry Business Schools

Gloucester intersects

1501 Vacant

1511 Smith Herbert T garage

1515 Five Transportation Co


1525 Peoples W ater Service Co of


Georgia Power Co (power



H--From Newcastle east to Macon av, 3 north of Gloucester 405 Mack Timothy (c) Newcastle la intersects 500 White Robt (c) 501 Godley Danl H 502 Broughton Shirley (c) 503 Coralan Sarah Mrs Reynolds intersects 607 Browne Troy B 609 Ammons Ida Mrs Union intersects 703 Second Advent Christian Church Ellis intersects 801 McKinsey Oliver (c) 803 Robinson Thos (c) 805 Bullard Eliza (c) 807 Greer John W (c) 809 Nelson Jas (c) 811 Johnson Otis (c) Ellis la intersects 901 Cate Margt D 908 Independent Ledger The publrs Norwich intersects
1008 Parker Thos A
Norwich la intersects 1100 Bennett Jos (c) 1104 Vacant 1105 Lewis Ethel (c) 1106 Diggs John (c) 1107 Barrett Colonel (c) 1108 Steele Edw (c) 1109 Champion Thos C 1111 Champion Thos C fruits
Wolf intersects 1203 Milton Lonnie (c) 1206 Smith Luscius (c) 1207 Flynn Mose (c) 1208 Johnson Jake (c) 1210 Mitchell Canerah (c) 1211 Petalos Geo gro 1212 Jacobs Pauline (c)
Albany intersects 1306 Jackson Sallie (c)
Amherst intersects 1404 Wright Elliott V (c) 1405 Vacant 1406 Davis Susie (c) 1407 Lotson Delia (c) 1408 Vacant 1410 Johnson Kinchen (c)
Cochran intersects 1505 Dunn Jas (c) 1511 Godfrey Mamie (c)
Stonewall intersects 1600 Davis Willie (c) 1602 Taylor Lee jr (c) 1604 Wilson Lizzie (c)
Lee intersects 1700 Johnson John H (c) 1701 Vacant 1705 Brown Florie (c) 1708 Smith Elsie (c) 1711 King Wm (c)
Gordon intersects 1808 Trisvant Christ (c) 1810 Lee Nora (c) 1812 Gamble Janie (c)
Johnson intersects


T e l.
Newcastle Street



1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161-162

H--Contd 1913 Harris Taylor (c)
Bartow intersects Kay av intersects Niles av intersects Goodyear av intersects Wilson av intersects Macon av intersects Glynn av intersects
HABERSHAM--From I north, 19 east of Newcastle J intersects
1909 Dart Mattie E K intersects L intersects
2215 Folk Needham 2229 Stephens Peter R
M intersects N intersects O intersects P intersects
HALIFAX SQ -- Intersection of Prince and Norwich 3 Harrington Wilton D 8 Cunningham Robt L 9 Parker Lela D Mrs
902 Nightingale P Miller
HANOVER SQ--From Richmond to Grant het London and Howe
ss 1 w Taylor Clyde H jr
HARDEE AV (Lawrenceville) -- From Third north to limits, 1 west of Norwich 3 Parnell Ellis G 4 Henderson Benj C 5 Spaulding Walter W 52 Lane M H 56 Johnson Robt Q gro 58 Johnson Robt Q 75 Joyner Henry W 77 Rhea David J 79 Cunningham Jas L 81 Wages Chas W
se cor Furlong Beni F sw cor Wiggins Ollie L ne cor Davis Jas O nw cor Tankersley J B
HARVEY--From N north, 23 east of Newcastle
HOLLY AV--From Magnolia east to Boulevard, 1 south of Glou cester
HOPKINS AV (Montpelier)--From DuBignon to Glynn av
2703 Holmes Lester E Hunter intersects
2842 Stephens Rufus B 2900 Johnson Clinton J 2901 Johnson Raiford 2903 Johnson Henry J 2905 Herrin Lawton
HOWE--From River east to Stone wall, 3 south of Gloucester 101-09 Strachan Shipping Co Georgia Stevedoring Co Bay intersects Oglethorpe intersects 204 Green Joel H

208 Walker Clara Mrs Grant intersects
Newcastle intersects se cor StFrancis Xavier Church
Richmond intersects 501 Hayes John L 505 Bennett Harry G 506 Newham Ruby Mrs 510 Richardson Okla N 511 Kulman Philip
Reynolds intersects Union intersects
707 Vacant 708 Burroughs Mac H 709 Harbin Anna B Mrs
Ellis intersects 800' Smith Anne (c) 801 Dunham Jas (c) 802 Jenkins Willis E (c) 803 Wilson Bertha (c) 804 Roberts Aleen W (c) 805 Thomas M artha (c) 806 Vaught Wm (c) 807 Brown Anna M (c) 809 Austin Arth L (c)
Egmont intersects Carpenter intersects 1100 Blackburn Danl J 1102 Tippins Jos 1115 Prescott Rilla Mrs
Wolf intersects 1206 Sant Jos (c)
Albany intersects Amherst intersects Cochran av intersects

I--From Newcastle east to Bartow,

4 north of Gloucester

404 Knight Frank G

Newcastle la intersects 500 Abbott John B

501 Jordan Bruce

505 Parker Wm L

Reynolds intersects



Union Edgar G


708 Lamb Obed 709 Gay Carris W




Ellis intersects gro

807 Dorsey Jas M shoe repr 809 Coleman Jas C

901 Pope Emma B Mrs

905 Lanier Fenton A

1003 Vacant Norwich intersects 1005 Vacant 1007 Campbell Mary (c) 1009 Dent Henry (c)

Norwich la intersects 1100 Blake Elias (c)

1101 Brunswick Funeral Home (c) 1103 Vacant 1105 Jenkins John (c)

1107 Boyd M artha (c)

Wolf intersects

1201 Armstrong Sheridan Cc) restr

1203 Styles Emily (c)

1204 Central Mercantile Co gros

1205 Vacant

1206 Wilson Elfonso (c)

1207 Sutton Henry (c) 1210 Primitive Baptist Church (c)

Albany intersects

1301 Rogers Wesley (c)

Amherst intersects


Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

I--Contd 1401 Polite Hampton (c) 1401% Polite Hampton (c) gro 1403 Holland Willie M (c) 1404 Cooper Zack (c) 1409 Adams Mariah (c) 1410 StJames A M E Church (c)
Cochran intersects Stonewall intersects 1600 Vacant 1601 Wallace Luther (c) 1607 Vaughn Lemuel (c) 1610 Armstrong Geo E (c) 1610% Golphin Allen (c) 1612 Perkins Nancy (c)
Lee intersects Gordon intersects Johnson intersects 1913 Anderson Jos (c) Bartow intersects Cleborn intersects Kay av intersects Niles av intersects

J--From Newcastle east to Glynn av, 5 north of Gloucester Newcastle intersects 6_0_9__Bunkley WRmeynHolds intersects

711 W hittaker JasUnRieovn (icn)tersects 809 Armstrong Matthew (c)

Ellis la intersects

900 Scott Alf E 901 Carroll Allen C 910 Vacant

Norwich intersects 1003 Womack Wm E 1007 Vacant 1101 Benjamin Lillie (c) 1103 Armstrong Geo (c) 1106 Lane Saul (c) 1107 Collins M artha (c)

Wolf intersects 1207 Wilson Mack (c)

Albany intersects

1301 Clark Bessie (c)

1305 Pinkney Hezekiah (c)

1306 Dixon Ella (c)

1307 Williams Andrew (c)

1308 1309

Sheffield Oscar (c) Houston Jas (c)


1311 Scriven Lillie M (c)

Amherst intersects

1401 Clark Fegus (c)

1407 Maugoodan Jeff (c)

1408 McLain Wm (c)

1506 Harris Gus (c)

1509 Thomas Edw C (c)

Stonewall intersects 1606 Vacant
Lee intersects Gordon intersects 1802 Malvin Rosalee (c) 1806 Vacant Johnson intersects 1906 Bradley Wm M (c) Bartow intersects Cleborn intersects 2111 Rhem Edw F (c)
Davis intersects 2210 Myers John W (c)
Habersham intersects Watkins intersects

JOHNSON--From Ocean av north to George and from Gloucester north to limits, 13 east of Newcystic 701 Peerson Everett M 703 Eberhardt Thos P Boulevard intersects 729 Keany Thos W Albemarle intersects 321 Mosley Molly
1002 Turner Eliz 1004 Humes Fannie (c) 1006 Highsmith Paul 1007 Washington Paul (c)
London intersects Prince intersects 1008 Anderson Frank (c) 1009 Gardner Patty (c) 1010 Jackson Maggie (c) 1012 Walker Chas (c) 1014 Brown Robt B (c) 1014% Jones Jas (c) 1015 Vacant 1016 Beasley Lydia (c) 1017 Brasell Doney 1018 Simmons Jas (c) 1521 Stuckey Eug A
A tla n ta a v begins
1526 Church of Christ 1527 White Robt L contr
F intersects 1606 Loughlin Geo F 1611 Vacant 1624 Bruand Sami B 1626 Holmes Thos B 1627 Banks Aaron (c)
G intersects 1707 Vacant 1715 Pinckney Nathan (c)
H intersects 1802 Perry Janie L (c) 1804 Godwin Wm (c) 1805 Williams Abr H (c) 1807 Jackson Annie (c) 1809 Davis Nathaniel (c) 1810 Dallas Thos (c) 1811 Sykes Wm (c) 1812 Armstrong Lemuel (c) 1813 Chandler Arinethel (c) 1815 Milton Shellie (c) 1816 Sheppard Morrison (c) 1817 Walburg Hampton (c) 1818 Heath Anthony (c) 1819 Lambert Albert (c) 1821 Hitchcock Jasper (c) 1823 Frederick Lizzie (c) 1826 Cameron John D (c)
I intersects 1907 Taylor Jas (c) 1908 Wright Ella (c) 1909 Ward Jas (c) 1919 Webber Simon H (c) 1924 Roper Hayward (c) 1928 Higginbotham Annie (c)
J intersects 2001 Walker Mollie (c) 2006 Ellis Benj E (c) 2009 Brown Belle (c) 2010 Chambles Jas (c) 2011 Gilcrest Danl (c) 2012 Bradley Danl (c) 2013 Dawson Peter (c) 2016 Davis Mack C (c) 2020 W atts Sidney (c) 2023 Hart Eug (c) 2024 Willis Arth (c)

Specializing in
Sea Foods
Newcastle Street




TEL. 135

JOHNSON--Contd 2025 Colter Benj (c)

2026 Powell Abr (c)

2027 Turner Jas H

2029 Polite Buster (c) K intersects

2103 White Bonie (c) 2107 Albritton Viola W (c)

2111 Battle Perry (c)

2113 Wyatt Dooley

2115 Jones Bartholomew W (c)

2125 Crisp Daisy

L intersects

2206 Vacant 2212 Green Robt A (c)

2222 Vacant 2226 Harris Oliver G (c)
M intersects

2304 Davis Alex Rev (c) 2306 Gipson Robt (c)

2308 London M artha W (c)

2314 Holmes Don

2318 Owens Chas J

2326 Vacant

N intersects

2401 Scott Emanuel W (c)

2412 Dance Theo (c) O intersects

2515 Perry Jesse J

2517 Rozier Wm 2519 Ribron Henry F

2521 Davis John H

2523 Booth John M

P intersects

2600 Ody Sami W (c) 2602 Dickson Abe (c)

JOHNSON LANE--From London north to George, bet Johnson and Bartow

K--From Newcastle east to Glynn av, 6 north of Gloucester 706 Clubb Jas A 709 Niemeyer Louis C 709% Bowen Frank L Reynolds intersects Union intersects Ellis intersects 801 Newman Walter J 807 Lewis Wade H 809 Furlong Jos A 900 Dubberly E Arth 903 Drake Edw P Rev Norwich intersects Wolf intersects
1203 Higgins Cora (c) 1205 Cook John J Rev (c) 1206 Gibson Mose (c)
Albany intersects 1307 Vacant 1311 Bullock Louise (c) restr
Amherst intersects 1401 Gilchrist Lonnie (c) 1401% Lawson Bessie (c) 1403 Jones John (c) 1403% Walton Monroe (c) 1405 Vacant 1406 Wright Wm (c) 1407 Jones Deacon (c) 1408 Powell Pauline E (c) 1409 Owens Amanda (c) 1411 Lawton Sami (c)
Cochran intersects 1505 Vacant 1510 Spencer John (c)

1512 Bryant Fleming B (c) Stonewall intersects Lee intersects
1705 Smith Doyle K Gordon intersects
1804 Tharps Laura (c) Johnson intersects
1905 Benjamin Prince (c) 1909 Mims Theo (c)
Bartow intersects Clebom intersects
Davis intersects 2212 Tomer Edw (c)
Habersham intersects Watkins intersects
----- Municipal Athletic Field Cook intersects
Putnam intersects Stacy intersects
Cleveland intersects
KAY AV (Urbana) -- From junc Bartow and F northeast to I, 1 east of Niles av
1602 Gilmore John H 1606 Carruthers Jos S 1608 Rimes John L 1620 Nowell John L 1626 Maynard Homer C _
f l in fp p cp p fc
1700 Wainright Everett M 1725 Mada Irene Mrs 1728 Smith Henry B
H intersects 1801 Kovatch Frank 1808 Malvy Clifford N 1811 Aldrich Fred N 1812 Symons Eliza R Mrs 1820 Webster Jos M 1821 Dunnaway Thos W
I intersects
KING SQ -- Bet Richmond and Grant, 1 south of London 8 Fiveash Chas O
L--From Newcastle east to limits, 7 n of Gloucester 407 Wright Cath (c) 409 Thomas Emma (c) Newcastle la intersects 500 Smith Fred A Reynolds intersects 606 Johnson Louis V Union intersects Ellis intersects 804 Forman Jos S 805 Smith Ersely W 806 Stephenson Wm (c) 809 Williamson Minnie P Mrs 901 Counts Geo 903 Moses Sallie (c) 907 Spoon Wm M Norwich intersects
1007 Head Rufus M 1008 Bennett Green B
Norwich la begins 1100 Ray Jesse (c) 1101 Wages Talmage 1103 Drury Benj 1104 Ray Jesse (c) cloclnr 1105 Anderson Wm 1106 Tilles Arth gro 1108 Mosley John H
Wolf intersects 1200 Adams Nancy Mrs





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

L--Contd '1205 Vacant
Albany intersects 1300 Whitfield Chas (c) restr 1301 Paynes Chapel A M E Church
(c) 1303 Griffin Chas H Rev (c) 1308 Purdy Lula (c) 1309 Holley Matthew (c) barber 1309% Molette Abr H (c) shoe
shiner Amherst intersects
1401 Wentz Robt gro 1403 Kitchen Roosevelt (c) 1405 Bowens Isaac (c) 1408 Jones Anderson (c) 1411 Owens Elmo P restr
Cochran intersects 1500 Miller Luke H (c) beverages 1501 Vacant 1508 Perryman Jos E (c) 1508% Vacant 1510 Miller Alice (c) 1512 Mollett John (c)
Stonewall intersects 1600 Robinson Harvey (c) 1609 McIntosh Clara (c) 1612 Spencer Wm (c) gro
Lee intersects 1700 McKinzie Obie (c) 1703 Burns Mary E (c) 1705 Anthony Edw (c) 1712 Spencer Eug (c) restr 1713 Brash Ailey (c)
Gordon intersects 1800 Kalcos Peter gro 1802 Shaw Louise (c) 1806 Watson Fred (c) restr 1808 McKinzie Emma (c)
Johnson intersects 1911 Shaw Lyman S gro
Bartow intersects 2000 Vacant 2004 Lowe Jas A 2006 Strickland Geo W 2009 Vacant 2010 Vacant
Cleborn intersects 2100 Crittenden Theo R (c) 2102 Blair Wm H 2110 Edenfield Clarence
Davis intersects 2211 Hall Houston O 2213 Walker Chas B 2d hd clo
Habersham intersects 2301 Adams Longie 2329 Holmes Willa E
Watkins intersects 2526 Morgan Horace 2527 Latham Kathleen cigar
mfr 2528 Stevens Weeman
DuBignon intersects 2600 Penabad Eliza J Mrs 2702 Robson Bertie J 2704 Ribron Susie 2726 Johnson H Clifford
Cook intersects 2800 Gardner Jos B
Putnam intersects 2900 McCosker Chas J gro 2917 Herrin Jasper
Stacy intersects Cleveland intersects Glynn av intersects

LAWRENCEVILLE -- From New castle to Cochran av, nw of city
LEE--From Ocean av n to limits, 13 e of Newcastle 203 Dawson Luke (c) 804 Joines Percy D Prince intersects 903 Green Noel M 904 Harris Chas (c)
908 Pinkney Wm (c) 910 Magwood Major (c) 911 Lundy Cassie (c) 914 McIntosh Fannie (c) 915 Smith Jennie (c) 916 Dorsey Jas (c) 918 Crutchfield Calvin (c) 919 Williams Mary (c) 921 Vacant 925 Harmon Myrtle (c)
London intersects 1009 Delegar Bertha (c) 1010 Friendship Baptist Church
(c) 1011 Israel Lonnie (c) 1012 Vacant 1013 Trapp Wm (c) 1014 Colter Thos (c) 1015 Colter Benj (c) 1016 Osborn Luvenia (c) 1017 Vacant 1018 Vacant 1019 Vacant 1020 Washington Jas (c) 1021 Brawton Danl (c) 1022 Wilson Harry (c) 1023 Larson Lucinda (c)
George intersects Howe intersects
Mansfield intersects 1325 duBignon Jos C (c)
Monk intersects 1401 Gillis Lester 1402 Rogers Wm M 1403 Phillips Lawrence 1406 Hotch John T 1411 Gilchreast Thos S 1413 Booe Levitt P 1416 McDonald H Powell 1417 Kelly Thos 1418 Faircloth John E 1421 Hackett Guy T 1422 Dye John F . 1423 Helmly Fredk N
Gloucester intersects 1507 Vacant 1513 Farr Henry O 1519 Smith Cornelia Mrs 1520 Morgan Pearl O Mrs
F intersects 1600 Brooks Louis J (c) 1604 Byrd Stella (c) 1607 Cummings Thaddeus (c) 1608 Sherman Calvin (c) 1610 White Robt M (c) 1611 Hester Sami (c) 1614 White Mary (c) 1617 Bowles Minnie (c) 1618 Battles Howard E (c) 1620 Kemble Sarah (c) 1621 Bowden Beatrice (c) 1623 Murphy Edw W (c) 1625 Brogsdale Anderson (c) 1626 Piper Wm (c) 1628 Thomas Thos J Rev (c)
G intersects





1700 Johnson Sami (c)

1702 Mongien Jas (c)

1704 Hogue Jas (c)

1706 James Janie (c)

1707 Simmons Wm (c)

1708 Bell Jas (c)

1709 Sparks M C (c)

1711 Vacant

1714 Drayton Ida (c)

1715 Floyd John (c)

1716 Vince Maggie (c)

1718 James Bertha (c)

1719 Stuart Matthew (c)

1720 Union Marie O (c)

1721 Barnes Geo (c)

1723 Bailey Ella (c)

1725 Whitfield Clinton J (c)

1727 Mavromat John A

1729 Hensley Rosa L Mrs gro

1801 Vacant

H intersects

1806 Vacant

1807 Nicolau Daisy L (c)

1808 Hightower Geo (c)

1809 Tate Chas V (c)

1812 Dixon Ella (c)

1813 Harrington Victoria (c)

1815 Gregg Janie (c)

1818 Dubignon Edw (c)

1821 Chasten Thos (c)

1821% Dupree Hattie (c)

1822 White Van (c)

1823 Morse Abe (c)

1828 Oxford Wm J (c)

I intersects

1900 1904

Coleman Johnson

Frank Nash

Rev fc) V (c)

1912 Chipp Wm (c)

1918 Simmons Wm (c)

1919 1921 1922

DeLoach Jas M (c) Scarlett Susie (c) Poole Jas (c)

1923 Hill Chas (c)

1927 Gamble Silas J Rev (c)

1928 1929

Anderson nenry Hodge Mary (c)


J intersects

2004 Mazeke Rufus J (c)

2010 Palmer Julius (c)

2015 Mitchell Christ (c)

2016 Staton John (c)

2017 Brown Robt T Rev (c)

2019 Clark Ernest (c)

2020 Vacant

2023 Wilson Carrie B (c) drsmkr

2024 Sykes Jennie B (c)

2026 Brown Ulysses (c)

2027 Holmes Jasper (c)

2028 Molette Abr H (c)

K intersects

2100 Bryon Alex (c)

2101 Stokes Hattie (c)

2102 Myers Amanda (c)

2107 Owens Marvin (c)

2109 Inman Wm F (c)

2115 Barnes Varman (c)

2118 Ryan Mose (c)

2120 Wilson Relious J (c)

2213 Houston John

L intersects (c)

2214 Kelley Elijah (c)

2215 Walker Chas (c)

2216 Dixon Jas A (c)

2217 Gambles Earl G

2222 Singleton John (c)

The Rexall Drug Store
"Save W ith Safety"
Prompt Deliveries TEL. 37
2228 Mack Frierson (c) M intersects
2302 Foster Ella (c) 2305 Moore Lucy (c) 2306 Quinn Chas W (c) 2312 G rant Jas (c) 2317 Lee July (c)
N intersects 2403 Sullivan Ephraim D (c) 2410 Jaudon Harry M (c) 2412 Johnson Blaine (c) 2418 Moses David (c) 2422 B'lue Wm (c) 2425 Bailey Amanda L (c)
O intersects P intersects LIMA AV -- From 3500 Berry av west to Whitehill av
LONDON -- From Bay east to Boulevard, 5 s of Gloucester ft Brunswick Fisheries Inc Oglethorpe intersects 200 Horton Robt L 204 Bennett Josh T Daniels Bebe nurse 208 Silva Mary B Mrs Grant intersects Richmond intersects
501 Perry Alton H 502 Bennet L Julian 509 Bennett John E 708 Cheney G W Holmes
Ellis intersects 802 Aiken Isaac M 803 Nightingale Nathaniel G
Egmont intersects 1102 Glover Alver S
Wolf intersects 1201 Cummings Irvine (c) 1202 Brockington Geo (c) 1204 O'Neal Bernito (c) 1205 Atkinson Elijah R (c) 1206 Norman Jos (c) 1207 Felson Nancy (c) 1210 Wilkes Wilton L gro
Albany intersects 1300 Smith Vasker C (c) 1307 Green Angie (c) 1309 Hamilton Erma (c) 1311 Brown Powell (c)
Amherst intersects 1400 Whiters Rachel (c) 1401 Vacant 1403 Vacant 1404 Hughes Eliza (c) 1405 Pinkney Jos 1406 Tift Alma J (c) 1411 Duchene Betty
Cochran av intersects 1500 Robinson Thos (c) 1510 Higganbotham Addie (c) 151*1 Robinson Sami W (c)
Stonewall intersects 1600 Tatnall Harold (c) 1601 Lotson Chris (c) 1605 Maxwell David (c) 1611 Dorsey Paul (c) gro 1612 Lotson Wm (c) 1614 Smith Jet (c)
Lee intersects 1700 Maxwell Toby (c) gro 1704 Vacant 1706 Davis Beatrice (c)
Gordon intersects



Coal, Coke and Wood

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

LONDON--Contd 1801 Atkinson Isaiah (c) 1802 Treyes Bernard (c) 1811 Bennett M artha (c)
Johnson intersects 1901 Nesby Dollie (c)
Bartow intersects 2001 Maddison Antony J W
Clebom intersects Davis intersects
2002 Harris Sami 2004 Green Rubin (c)

M -- From Newcastle east to Du

Bignon, 8 n of Gloucester

503 Reddick Thos

505 Freeman Annie Mrs

507 Smith Edna Mrs Reynolds intersects

605 Bayley Wm P

607 Layfield Rufus

609 Owens Herbert F Union intersects

701 Vacant

703 Vacant

Ellis intersects

808 Harrison John H

808% Harrison J Kenneth

900 Richardson Maude

901 Cowman Geo W Norwich intersects

Norwich la ends

1100 Wages Elmer W

1101 Vacant

1106 Sappe Jos 1107 McCravey Jas D
Wolf intersects

1203 Beck Mollie Mrs

1205 Morris Minnie L Mrs

Albany intersects

Amherst intersects

Cochran intersects

1909 McKinzie Etta (c)

Bartow intersects

2001 Dukens Addie (c) Clebom intersects

2111 Vaughn John Davis intersects

2201 Manor Chas P Habersham intersects

Watkins intersects

MACON AV--From 2400 Gloucester north Atlanta av intersects
1601 Quarterman John H 1615 Sutton Leslie G
G intersects 1720 Finnell Edith R Mrs
H intersects 1813 Southard Laura Mrs 1814 Missildine Thos H 1816 Fisk Chas W 1819 Spell Julius R
Talmadge intersects

MAGNOLIA (Arco) -- From E Ninth n to Griffith, 2 e of A C L B1y Tillman Arth (c) 2 Hopkins Jos (c) 4 Porter Harry E (c) 5 Crutchfield Thos J (c) 7 Vacant 9 Vacant 10 Gilmore Lonnie (c) 12 Vacant

13 Johnson Glenn (c) 14 Carver Geo (c) il5-17 Vacant 18 Murray John (c) 19 Williams Nathan W (c) 20 Fallings Jos (c) 21 Spencer E M (c) 22 Vacant 31 Green Herbert (c) 33 Wanton Henry (c)
Arco Colored School
MAGNOLIA AV (Windsor Park) -- From Gloucester southwest to Walnut av, 3 east of Cochran av
1414 Joyner John G 1415 Ames Walter C MANSFIELD--From Bay east to
Lee, 2 s of Gloucester 2 StJohns River Line Co 6 Southern Ry (frt depot)
Bay intersects 106 Vacant 109 Morgan Harold F
Oglethorpe intersects Grant intersects
Newcastle intersects Richmond intersects 502 Growers Market 508 Brunswick Coca Cola Bottling Co Inc Reynolds intersects 600 McCullough Lawrence L 603 Tucker Winslow S Paulk Leon B Williams Ivie B 604 Lunceford Julius L
Union intersects 710 Davison Chas C Rev
Ellis intersects 800 Fowler Carl E 806 Shelley Florence W Mrs drs-
mkr 808 Denty Jas W 810 Sparks Geo A genl mdse 811 McDougle Chas I
Warren B Freeman Lewis Claudie Fechtel Vincent J
Egmont intersects 1000 Glynn Grammer School 1001 Glynn Academy
Carpenter intersects 1101 Prep High School 1108 Edwards A M
Bunkley Robt T 1110 Crouch Lucius F
Wolf intersects 1200 Cave Wayman W
Ammons Claude P 1204 Wilkes Wilton
Lee Robt L 1206 Copeland Herbert D 1207 Hall Edresser (c) 1210 Miller Wm O
Albany intersects 1300 Miller Grover C 1301 Odum J Ernest gro 1303 Hayward Willie F (c) 1303% Steward Jesse L (c) 1304 McBee Jas R 1306 Mosely Javie Mrs 1307 Jackson Ersey (c) 1310 Vacant 1311 Buggs JohnW (c)
Amherst intersects


MRS. LEE S. MALLARD, Pres.-Sec.-Treas. MRS. MARIAN A. BROWN, Vice-President R. R. HOPKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

,, .

Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals T a l 1 A

207-08 Gordon Bldg.___________

403i/2 Gloucester

I 61b AV

MANSFIELD--Contd 1400 Vacant 1402 Edwards Allen C
Barr Chas H 1404 Vacant 1406 Robinson Sarah J Mrs 1408 Anderson Wm C 1409 Patterson Willard A (c)
Cochran av intersects

MONK--From Bay east to Mag nolia av, I s of Gloucester 103 Vacant 405 Vacant
105% Carraway Purvis Mrs 108 Vacant 110 Clark Ernest (c) beverages 112 Merrill Howard H (c) restr 114 Pickron Jos C uphol 116 Modern Dry Cleaners
Oglethorpe intersects 200 Owens Herbert J beverages 202 Bunkley Wm C gunsmith
Dawson Luke (c) barber 203 Levine Sami 2d hd clo 204 Daniels Chas (c) barber
Smith Willard (c) soft drinks 204% Vacant 205-07 Georgia Hardware Co 206 Home Laundry
Osborn Frank 206% Vacant 208 Portoulas John S restr 209 Vacant 210 Vacant 211 Owens Herbert F beverages 212 New York Tailoring Shop

,,,,,, .

Grant intersects

301 Sissis Nick shoe repr

302 Vacant

Newcastle intersects 500 _Dave's CyRcliechSmuponpldy iCnotersects 500% Bodani Wm X tailor 502 Dart Claude justice of peace 502% Sissis Nick 504 Roebuck Jack L plmbr 504% Roebuck Jack L 506 Ladd Wm F optician 506% Hackett Thos N 508 Brunswick Tailoring Co (c) 510-12 Morgan's Dry Cleaning

514 Mack & Co loans

Reynolds intersects 600 McVeigh Mary E Mrs 604 Kirkland Minnie H Mrs



Union Chas E


707 McCrary Sybil Mrs

711 Middleton Danl W


Arnold J

Ellis Milner


McNorrill Claudius L

801 Harrell Danl B

804 Vacant

805 Bates Benj H

Lee Geo L 808 Calhoun Dora C Mrs 809 Clark Jas A



Egmont Lucian


Smith Leslie O Mrs

Norwich intersects



Carpenter Alex (c)


1105 Scott Spencer (c)

1107 Vacant 1109 Vacant

Wolf intersects

1200 Vacant

1201 Mason John (c) restr

1207 Howard Benj (c) 1209 Harris Louis D (c)

1212 StAthanasius Episcopal Ch (c)


Albany intersects Skarpalezos Nick beverages

1305 Little Adam (c) barber

1308 Vacant

1312 Earley John W (c) gro

Earley Mary (c)

1404 Vacant Amherst intersects 1406 Burney Jas L Rev (c) 1407 Vacant 1409 Vacant 1410 Vacant

1607 Foster

Cochran Gordon C


N--From Newcastle east to limits, 9 n of Gloucester

5,,0,,1 _BunkleyNRewicchadstlWe la intersects

Newcastle la intersects


Newcastle intersects

503 Brown Arnita Mrs

Union intersects

Reynolds intersects

705 Williams Clifford (c)

Norwich intersects

1, 11A0O2 Kni.g,ht Wm MEllis intersects

Amherst intersects Albany intersects
Wolf intersects 1411 Smith Katie (c)

Cochran intersects Stonewall intersects
Lee intersects 1709 Holliday Vassal (c)
Gordon intersects Johnson intersects Bartow intersects Cleborn intersects
Davis intersects Habersham intersects
Watkins intersects

NEWCASTLE--From south end of Boulevard north to 4th, 3 e of Bay
es nr 2d Baldwin Geo (c) Greenwood Cemetery .(c)
528 Tait Hugh S First av intersects
604 McClellan Travis 610 Myers Joel J 611 Wentz Mamie E Mrs 623% Mackey Wade
Dartmouth intersects Albemarle intersects 701 Hill Wm F 815 McLardie Jas G 817 Slaughter Jas C
Prince intersects 913 Mitchelson Arth J 915 Wilson Chas J 917 Robinson Ernest



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

" W E FIX F L A T S " D o n 't Cuss-- Call U s

Phone 71

"Cornin' on The Run" G loucester and Ellis Sts.

NEWCASTLE--Contd 928 Flexer Elmer F London intersects George intersects Hanover Park intersects 1119 Tuten Susie Mrs 1120 Riley Jas T Rev 1122 Xavier Hall 1125 Weathers Seth M 1127 Welch Thos J 1129 Lott Benj H Howe intersects
1201-05 Abbott C V ice and meats 1203% Bethune Claude J 1204 Moore John H 1206 Vacant 1207 Gillis Garage 1210 City Fire Dept 1212 Independent Transfer Co 1229 Brunswick Public Library
Building Inspector City Hall City Manager's Office City Secretary City Tax Assessor City Treasurer
Mansfield intersects 1312 McGarvey C Inc furn
Queens sq intersects 1312% Reese Scarlett Bennet &
Highsmith Ferguson Edna A lawyer 1313-15 Bijou Theatre 1314 Vacant 1314% Colson Jas T lawyer 1316 Universal French Cleaners &
Dyers 1316% Cogdell Colon J lawyer
Dallas Investment Co Powell j Thos lawyer 1317 Brunswick Studio photog 1317% Hobby Jos E 1318 Home Furniture Co Inc 1319 Porzio's ice cream mfrs 1319% Vacant 1320 Tait Feed & Seed Co 1321 Singer Sewing Mach Co 1323 Stratis Peter shoe repr 1324-26 Leotis Inc whol gros 1325 City Fruit Store 1326% Levine Mary Mrs 1327 Porter's Hat Shop Henderson A & P 1327% Dekle Mayme C Mrs Donelon Dollie Tri Mi Beauty Shoppe Wallace Esther Mrs Williams Edwin W Wdbury Claude H dentist 1328 Hackett Eug seeds 1328% English Wm G plmbr 1329 Glynn Ins Agency Pfeiffer Fred gro and confr Brunswick Development Co United Realty Co Sea Coast Service Stores 1330 City Drug Store 1330% Lockwood Nancy 1331 Kessel Bakery 1331% Rex Hotel Madray Robt W
Monk intersects 1400 Great A & P Tea Co 1401 Birdsey Flour Mills 1401% Farr & Mitchell lawyers
Hand Jos B lawyer

1402 Zell's Inc dept store 1403% Schreiber Building
City Invesment Co Jackson Herman H 1403 Schreiber Isadore dept store 1404 Mann B Frank furn 1405 Cohen's dept store 1407 Schreiber Isadore clo 1407% Modern Shoe Repair Shop 1408-10 Rogers Inc gros 1409 Kee Sam lndry 1411 Whilden's Shoe Store 1412 Krauss Tire & Battery Co 1413 Floyd Wm M (c) barber
Jekyl sq intersects 1418 Lonett's Groceteria 1418% Masonic Temple 1419 Bankers Health & Life Ins
Co Brunswick Bank & Trust Co
The Brunswick Bank & Trust Co
Bldg Morgan Vivian School of the Dance 1420 Brunswick Cafe 1420% Style Shoppe The 1421 Suwannee Store gros 1422 Dubs Clarence J jwlr 1423 Lewis Benj A furn 1424 Farley's Clo Stores 1425 Crawford Frank G barber 1426 Penney J C Co dept store 1427 McDonald H Powell cigars 1428 Woolworth F W Co dept store 1429 Sanitary Cafe 1430 O'Quinn Wiley A men's clo 1431-33 Bennett's Drug Store
Gloucester intersects 1500 Gordon A J Dept Store 1501 Rish's Pharmacy 1503 Gillican Jewelry & Repair Co 1503% Dunwody Bldg Rooms: 200 Gulf Life Ins Co 201-02 Simmons John W phys 203 Burford Edw lawyer 204-05 Avera John B phys
Willis Tom V phys 205 United States Public Health
Service (relief sta) 206 Vacant 207 United Small Loan Corp 208 Hopkins Mutual Ins Agency 209 Industrial Life & Health Ins
Co 210 Johns Chas H jr dentist 211 Fleming Sidney T adjuster 212 Harrell Julian p phys 214 Nightingale Bernard N lawyer Street continued 1504 Friedman's Jewelers Inc
Novelty Shoe Store 1505 Altman Shoe Store 1505-09 Kress S H & Co dept store 1506 Guarantee Shop The women's
furngs 1506% Vacant 1508 A & P Tea Co 1510 Georgia Power Co 1511 National Bank of Brunswick
The Philips R L Co ins 2d fl Coastal Brokerage Co Fendig Outdoor Advertising





Sales and Service


NEWCASTLE--Contd 1512 Miles News Stand 1513 Junior Order Hall 1514 Brunswick Office Supply Co 1516 Maynard Shoe Shop shoe
reprs 1517 Royal Fendig & Shelander
ins Fendig Albert lawyer 1517% Montgomery Ward & Co
(order office) 1518 Parmelee's Cafe 1519 Plaza Cafe 1519% Ramsey's Barber Shop 1520 Piggly-Wiggly gros 1521 O K Billiard Parlor 1521% Elite Beauty Shoppe 1522 City News Stand 1523 Bijou Cafe 1524 Ligeour's gift shop 1526 Ritz Apartments Apartments:
1 Nutt Ernest W 2 Vacant 3 Milady's Beauty Shop 4 Rozier Jas M 5 Womack Alf J 6 Crosby Vernon C Street continued 1527 Owens Geo W clo 1528 Ritz Theatre
Community Theatre Enter prises
1529 Rainbow Soda Shoppe 1530 Holody's Drug Store 1531 Union Bus Station
Bell Bus Lines F intersects
Oglethorpe Hotel Oglethorpe Hotel Beauty
Shop 1600 Cherrio Grill 1600% K of P bldg
K of P Hall 1602 Bruswick Billiard Parlor 1604 Brunswick News The
News Publishing Co 1608-12 Gould Motor Co autos 1614 Royal Hotel
Casey Fuller B 1616 Vienna Bakery 1618 Vacant 1620 Ideal Garage 1622 Motor Supply Co Inc The 1624 Gannaway Motor Co Inc 1625 A B & C Ry pass and frt sta 1626 Miller Edo Mortician 1626% Miller Edo 1628 Gould Amoco Sta 1700 Gulf Refining Co filling sta
G intersects 1704 Brown Lula (c) 1706 McKeller Major (c) 1708 Sharp Josephine (c) 1710 Copeland Robt (c) 1712 Clark Body Shop auto reprs 1714 Williams Leila (c) 1716 Edwards John D 1728 Glynn County Jail
Owens Geo M H intersects
1800 Lane Sherod A 1801 Vacant 1804 Cauley Lula Mrs 1805 Namra Chas 1806 Hathaway Emma M Mrs

1807 Landrum Wm G 1810 Clark Wm B 1812 Blay Mary E Mrs 1814 Fletcher Wm C
Godley J Clifton 1818 Silva Wm 1826 Vacant 1828 Shaw Danl W gro 1830 Old Town Pump beverages
I intersects 1902 Sumner Grady 1905 Grubbs Lena Mrs 1906 Shackelford. Alice Mrs 1908 Bowen W alter M 1909 Brown Felix (c) 1911 London Chester (c) 1914 M artin Georgia Mrs 1915 Knight Jos R 1916 Snodgrass Mary Mrs
J intersects 2000 Roberts Harold H 2001 Downing Co barrels) 2004 Taylor Jas M 2006 Music Curtis 2008 Lightsey Barto A 2010 Newman Wm S 2012 Newman Wm S gro 2012A Lightsey Barto A barber 2012B Matson Albert W restr 2014 Snodgrass Wm F 2016 Vacant 2018 Vacant 2026 Coleman Wm I
K intersects 2100 Newman Wm S jr 2101 Sinclair Refining Co storage
2102 Brock Mary C Mrs 2106 Quarterman Frank B 2128 Georgia Public Utilities Corp
gas plant L intersects
2200 McDonald Wm (c) 2202 Campbell Walter (c) 2204 Weaver Burnell (c) 2208 Breland Ethridge L 2212 Durden Dennis 2214 Mallon Addie Mrs
M intersects 2300 Cowman Geo W bldg contr 2302 Vacant
N intersects 2400 Vacant ----- Bayley Wm P boat wks 2408 Smith Jas D 2412 Standard Oil Co bulk sta
O intersects P intersects 2602 Krauss Chas W 2620 Skipper Rena V Mrs Q intersects 2704 Davis Archie H 2710 Knight Tucker L R intersects 2800 Cooler Wm R 2808 Joyner Lee 2808 Spikes Mark 2812 Raney Earl L 2816 Polk John S intersects T intersects 2926 Schreck Herman
NEWCASTLE LA--From F north to P, 1 west of Newcastle
1606 Clark Robt L jr





In Sterilized Bottles


TeC lU 144


2 Baumgartner Rudolph

1608 Campbell Peter J (c)

3 Funderburk Frank J

1610 Reed Lady (c)

4 Taylor Wm C

1612 Coburn Edw (c)

5 Walker Wm M

1617 Rodriguez Geo

7 Cowman John H

G intersects

8 Gunter Wm V

1708 Pitman Robt (c)

9 Deason Stanley D

1715 Springer Maria (c)

10 Bryant Leland S

1720 W hitten Danl (c)

11 Brown Jas A

1722 Bryant Pinkney (c)

12 Hodge Chas E

1724 Burch Dora (c)

H intersects NORWICH--From Fifth av north

1814 Stiles Florida (c)

to limits, 6 e of Newcastle

1816 Maxwell Mamie (c)

Fourth to Second avs intersect

1818 Vacant 1822 Drowning Artie J
I intersects

428 Harvey Alex A Second av intersects
500' Vacant

1909 Thomas Jas T J intersects

501 Shiell Jas A 505 Bochardt Jos

2008 Sharp Frances (c)

506 Vogel Otto

2009 Smith Janie (c) 2011 Deas Annie (c)

First av intersects 507 Harper Robt W

2022 Holt John (c)

529 City Hospital

2022% King Osborn (c)

603 Burch Omar E

2023 Morris Bertha (c)

619 Ritch John R

2024 Brown Rena (c) 2026 Vacant

621 Peavy Hubert C 629 Brockington Walter W

2027 Roberts Alton (c)

Dartmouth intersects

K intersects 719 Jackson Miles

2100 Spaulding Milton T

725 Fraser McDonald

2104 Vacant

Crispin sq intersects

2112 Gordon John H (c)

729 Sessions Rollie H

2114 Hicks Wm (c)

Albemarle intersects

L intersects 2207 Brown Edw (c) 2208 Toy John (c) 2211 Vacant 2215 Willis Annie (c) 2215% Jackson Jennie L (c) 2217 Johnson Albert A
M intersects N intersects 2406 Clark Wm R 2409 Gray Wm L 0 intersects P intersects

Howe intersects Satilla sq intersects Halifax sq intersects 1128 Hotch Hettie Wright sq intersects
Howe intersects ne cor First Methodist Episcopal
Church (South) -----Board of Education 1514 Rrailey Apts Apartments:
1 Vacant 2 Barnes Fred W 3 Johnson Clara Mrs

NILES AV (Urbana)--From Atlan ta av north to I
1607 Meeks John C 1608 McCaghren Carl J 1609 Sapp Grover C 1610 Odum J Ernest 1611 Lambright Jos M
G intersects 1704 Sessions Robt H 1703 Haven Waldo 1708 Stephens Robt M 1728 Ralston Wm 1729 Price Jas M
H intersects 1806 Rhoden John S 1808 Hall Albert L 1810 Manor Jos E B 1811 Murdoch Furman 1818 Herndon Sidney
Talmadge av intersects 1 intersects

4 Vacant 5 Miller Rudolph O 6 Moran Wm G 7 Grogan Patk J 8 Gardner Mary Mrs 9 Vacant 10 Sykes Glenn D 11 Watson Jas 12 Cowart Geo B Street continued 1518 Ross Caroline E 1521 Gibson-Hart Funeral Home 1522 Meeks Sarah 1526 Crawford Arth E 1527 Walton Geo E 1600 Bankston Jas B 1601 Downs Wm L
F intersects 1606 Zelmenovitz Maurice 1607 McCoy Sami J 1608 Cohen Abr

Niles av ends

1609 Price R Lena Mrs 1611 Joiner Anson W

NINTH W (Arco)--From 29 Dixie 1612 Zelmenovitz Carley

av w to Cypress

1615 Vacant

cor Smith Jonn G gro

1618 Job Richd C

sw cor Pafford W G gro

1619 Ammonds Chas H

1 Swoyer Howard C

1620 Ward Carlyle M

Britt Harry D

1621 Hopkins Jos A



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

NORWICH--Contd 1623 Ridley Louis F 1624 Atlantic Refining Co filling
1629 Standard Oil Co filling sta G intersects
1700 Cate Henry restr 1700% Vacant 1701 Texas Oil Co filling sta 1702 Clark Adelia C Mrs 1704 Stewart Geo L 1705 Trull Jas M 1706 Thomas Jas M 1708 Porter Chas H 1709 Townsend H Agusta furn
rms 1714 Kaufman John C 1719 P itt Thad J 1720 Browne Jeff D 1721 Jones Abbie M Mrs 1723 Wayside Home tourists 1724 Browne Chas F 1726-28 Phoenix Grocery Co 1729 Partin Ada L Mrs
if infp r^pp f?
1800 Nathan Bertha Mrs 1801 Cate's Drug Store
Conn Webb phys 1803 Cate Vassa 1805 Allen Wm G 1808 Whittle Furniture Co Inc 1810 Ridley Marion N poultry and
seafoods 1815 Bennett Ralph V 1817 Dufferly Jeff D poultry 1820 Mobbs Oscar J fill sta 1825 Vacant 1826 Nisi Wm 1828 Nisi Wm gro 1829 Schipman Wellington J fruits
I intersects 1900 Vacant 1901 Norwich St, Meat Market 1903 A & P Tea C.o gros 1904 Vacant 1905 Hall Jas M 1906 Vacant 1907 Barker Benj A 1911 Durden Hal'lie E barber 1913 Porter Marvin B 1915 MacLauchlin Edith G Mrs 1920 Landers Earl C barber 1921 Crosby Luby E fruits 1922 Yale John C 1923 Independent Furniture Co 1924 Johnson Geo R 1928 Womack's Market gros 1929 Vacant
J intersects 2001 Vacant 2003 Brunson Sarah E Mrs 2006 Eason S Edw
Thompson Robt 2007 Williamson Wm J 2009 Patterson John L
Gornto E Dowling 2010 Purbis Grammar School 2011 Mixon Clement 2013 Rogers Leroy R 2020-24 Abbott Motor Co rear Strickland Ward 2025 Ridley Fred L 2026 Stutts Drug Store 2029 Vacant 2030 Flanders Auto Electric Co 2100 Lewis Wade H fum

2101 McKendree Methodist Church K intersects
2102 Rones Theo restr 2106 Landrum Ranee L 2107 Corbett Archie C 2108 Glynn Ice Co (br) 2110 Poole Thos barber 2110% Drury Liston M fill sta 2111 Atlantic Refining Co fill sta 2112 Landrum Betty Mrs restr 2113 Dykes A Edw fruits 2115 Vacant 2118 Crandall W Franklin 2119 Williamson Wm J gro 2120 Barnhill Grocery Co 2121 Dixie Kitchen restr 2122 Vacant 2123 Crandall Hardware Co 2124 Kersey Benj L gro 2128 Crosby J W dept store 2129 Colonial Oil Co fill sta
L intersects 2200 Gulf Refining Co fill sta 2201 Stallard Jas C 2206 Frink Myrtle A Mrs 2208 Hicks Chas H
. Bridwell Robt M 2209 Crosby John W 2210 Vacant 2221 Trunnell Geo S 2222 Lipthratt David C 2226 Owens Geo W 2229 Dykes J Willis
M intersects 2300 Lang Hubert W 2303 Carlin Jas H
Carlin Edith M mus tchr 2308 Steiner Ida G 2311 Dykes A Edw 2312 Walker John W 2313 Keith Henry 2315 Doss Clyde O 2316 Smith Mary Mrs
Manning P Lee 2318 Henderson Robt 2320 Barnard Jos A 2322 Smith Wm D 2323 Hires Jesse L 2326 Miller Jonathan R 2327 Noble's Tourists Home
Noble Robt L 2328 Hayman Bertha L Mrs gro
N intersects 2400 Johnson Robt E 2401 Norwich St Baptist Church 2402 Vacant 2406 Calvert Geo 2407 Rozier Benj C 2411 Brooks Floy E Mrs 2420 Howard Geo W 2422 Conley John R 2424 Wray Gertrude Mrs 2425 Vacant 2427 Smalley Erastus R 2429 Holtzendorf Irene Mrs gro
Holtzendorf Reginald E O intersects
2500 Vacant 2501 Thompson Merville E filling 2502 Vacant 2512 Lee Jeff E 2518 Griner Andrew G 2520 Mathis Eug 2522 Mathis & Son uphol 2524 Vacant



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiam s Paints and Varnishes


TE L. 23

NORWICH--C ontd 2526 Jo h n so n R ay fo rd W 2527 V acan t 2529 S ta n d a rd Oil Co filling s ta
P intersects 2600 G iddens J o h n M filling s ta 2602 G iddens J o h n M 2624 C lary E m m ett S 2625 N edlaw L ois 2626 T hom as Jesse J 2628 A bbott J o h n B fu rn
O in fp rcp p ic
2700 A bbott D avid C filling s ta 2701 V acan t 2702 C lary E m m ett S b a rb er 2703 Cloer Jo h n W gro, 2704 V acant 2705 F au lk C has E 2706 R eddish E m ory W 2708 Spikes E lisha 2710 S tory F red 2714 F ra s e r S a ra h E M rs 2720 Jack so n Jo s F 2724 M onk A rth 2725 S h in e r R o b t T 2726 T hom as B a n n e r 2728 G ale F red 2729 S hiver J a s G
R intersects 2800 D arley B ailey 2801 M ier Jos V 2803 B e n n e tt Ja s F 2805 M cD onald D en a M rs 2806 V acant 2812 M cG raw J o h n E 2814 H a c k e tt Eug 2815 T a rte Ju lia n K 2818 V acant 2821 K en n iso n Essie M rs 2823 R obertson Ja s p e r R 2826 Crosby E m ory 2829 L am b Amy E M rs 2830 M albert Louis ta x id e rm ist 2832 M albert Louis
S intersects 2901 Jo h n so n R ay fo rd W filling sta 2902 Mosley W allace L 2905 Nix Clyde F 2907 M cG raw A ndrew J 2910 H a n n e r R obt H
Sapp H ettie Mrs midwife 2912 P ick ren J o h n H 2916 Jo h n so n A rchie E gro 2928 M iller Ju lia M rs
T infpfQ P pfc
3000 Lewis C leveland (c) 3101 B ry a n t G uy O fru its
First intersects 3117 S trick lan d W orry L 3200 K n u d sen T im m ons E 3204 M an n in g J a s C
Second intersects 3205 Moss C has H R ev 3209 W iggins Jo h n H 3220 C hurch Jen n ie B M rs
Third intersects 3301 S m ith W B ra x to n filling sta 3304 T hom pson D elm a 3308 M cViegh W m J 3312 V acan t 3320 G oodbread H e rb e rt B filling
3326 V acan t 3328 T an k ersley C laude A
Fourth intersects

3331 Lee J C larence filling sta 3417 H o rton Loyd S
NORWICH LANE--From F north to limits bet Norwich and Wolf
1607 Lockwood Louis (c) 1608 H am ilto n Jos H (c) 1609 Jo n es M attie (c) 1610 R u ffin Geo (c) 1612 R o bertson A ndrew (c) 1613 G reen Ollie (c) 1617 F le tc h e r R obt (c) 1619 H en to n R u fu s (c) 1622 M assey J a s (c) 1624 Blue H enry (c)
G intersects 1720 B urgess S te lla (c) 1723 K itc h e n R ollie (c) 1725 W illiam s C larence (c)
H intersects 1808 F ra z ie r Eug (c) 1812 McClyde H enry (c) 1814 H ow ard Jo h n (c) 1816 E d ith H enry (c) 1818 Sikes R en a M M rs
I intersects J intersects K intersects 2202 Floyd E rn est (c) 2204 P ickens Belle (c) 2216 W rig h t Geo W 2220 R y als Lavicia M rs
O--From Newcastle east to limits, 10 n of Gloucester Union intersects Cochran av intersects Davis intersects Habersham intersects Watkins intersects Stonewall intersects Lee intersects Gardon intersects Johnson intersects Bartow intersects Clebom intersects
1010 H am ilton J o h n Newcastle la intersects Reynolds intersects Union intersects Ellis intersects
1012 Bell R u fu s V 1015 C ran fo rd H om er C
Norwich intersects 1100 P lu m m er W allace
Wolf intersects Albany intersects
OAK (Arco)--From 9 Dixie av w to Cypress 1 L ipthrott C Vernon 2 Sm ith Douglas B 3 Pafford Jesse R 4 Mock C has S .ir 5 Guest Ben F 6 Lewis Leo Y 7 Denty Geo T 8 Jackson J D 9 M cGhin Andrew J 10 Jo h n s Geo R 11 Jo h n s M ilton H
12 Jo h a n n e se n Neil A 20 H a rp e r R obt S 21 L o v ett Leroy 22 R icks Percy 24 L ynn N ew ton C



Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year

OAK (Arco)--Contd 25 K n ig h t C larence N 26 D avis Ellie L 27 H arriso n J o h n W 29 R ho d en R iley L
OAK AV (Windsor Park)--From end of Mansfield east to Syca more av
OAK PLACE--From Egmont to Carpenter, bet Albemarle and Dartmouth
1000 B rockington Sam i 1005 H a rris C lifford M M rs
OCEAN AV--From Cochran av east to limits, continuation of Albe marle
OGLETHORPE--From Fourth av n to F, 2 w of Newcastle 600 McDowell F re d k E First av intersects 602 L am bert Ben.i 604 C lark Jacob F
610 C lark N a th a n ie l J 706 M yers G rover B
Dartmouth intersects 715 K eith J o h n (c) 720 R iley J a s (c) 722 Cross M an u el 726 O liver A nth o n y (c)
Albemarle intersects 727 Sm ile T hos
Prince intersects 900 McDowell F ra n k 902 Beasle W m E 904 B rack ette J B row n 912 C lark M alinda
London intersects 1002 M enendez Alex cafe 1007 D aniels Jacob D 1011 Mosley Mae 1013 P a u l Lizzie M rs 1019 Nobles W a lte r T 1021 D oane Edw W 1023 F aro b a A ntonio 1025 Ross Jo h n
George intersects 1111 A bbott M ary 1113 Ponsell R a lp h J 1114 Cross J o h n 1115 B riggs C o u rtlan d H 1116 G reen Foy B 1118 E dw ards T hos W 1120 Colpian S am i B 1126 G arriss J a s E 1128 F e rre ira M anuel
Howe intersects 1200 H endrickson R ay B 1215 V acant 1225 V acant
Mansfield intersects 1300 V acant 1300% H erm ida C igar F acto ry 1304 M yers M ackey (c) 1304% B urney P e te r (c) 1308% D a rt L au ra (c) 1310 V acant 1311 V acant 1312 V acant 1315 V acant 1316 B urns Thos B blksm ith 1317-19 L azarus & Co In c whol

1322 Collins R o b t (c) 1324 Je n k in s W illis E (c) fish 1326 V acan t
Monk intersects 1402- 04 G eorgia H ard w are Co
whse 1403- 05-07 V acan t 1409-11 V acan t 1410 F endig O utdoor Adv Co
(work shop) Sneed Sign Service 1415 V acan t 1416 D an iel M oses S ons p lm b r 1419 R o u g h to n H C Co 1421 K irk la n d Ira H hides
Gloucester intersects 1519 Sw ift & Co m e a t p krs 1521 M cK innon M alcolm B prod
comm 1523 L erio P a te n t Cup Co
F intersects
P--From Newcastle east to limits, 11 n of Gloucester Newcastle intersects Reynolds intersects Union intersects Ellis intersects Norwich intersects
1009 D ent Callie E M rs 1011 A rn ette W m R 1105 T u rn e r M aude M rs
Wolf intersects Albany intersects Amherst intersects Cochran intersects 1108 V acan t 1109 C lark Jo h n H Stonewall intersects
Lee intersects Gordon intersects Johnson intersects Bartow intersects Clebom intersects
Davis intersects Habersham intersects
Watkins intersects
PALMETTO AV (Windsor Park) -- From Gloucester south to Lon don, 1 west of Boulevard
1329 S m ith Olive Holly av intersects
1403 B runsw ick G olf Course 1407 B yers M arsh all S 1409 W in ch e ster M illard E
PALMETTO SQUARE--From El lis to Reynolds, bet R & Q
PINE (Arco)--From E Ninth n to Griffith, 1 e of A C L Ry 2 Q u a rte rm o n Jo s (c) 4 Young Eddie (c) 6 C rutchfield L eonard (c) 8 Allen D an (c) 10 Cobb W m (c) 14-16 V acant 18 Edw ards D a n (c) 20 P a rrish A rth (c) 22 V acant
PRINCE--From Bay east to Boule vard, 6 s of Gloucester Richmond intersects Bay & Reynolds Richmond & Bay


Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

PRINCE--C ontd 501 W ay Eliz 507 F o rre ste r Jessie 509 B urns A lton F 600 P a rk e r F ra n k J Reynolds intersects 601 O'Q uinn L ester C Union intersects C arpenter & Ellis 711 V acan t
------U nion & C arp e n te r 1102 W h ittle J o h n T 1110 T ouhey Jo h n B 1111 K essel J a s E
Wolf intersects 1200 Ferguson E d n a A 1203 Price W illiam son T 1209 Peddicord C larence M
Albany intersects 1303 D avis Jo h n B 1311 A nderson J o h n W
Amherst intersects 1400 V acan t 1401 V acan t 1402 B e n n e tt Jaco b (c) 1404 W h ite W m (c) 1405 H arris O scar (c) 1406 M itchell H ag ar (c) 1408 Seals W m H (c) 1410 G reen Lou I (c)
Cochran av intersects 1500 L ang P la n in g Mill 1501 H arley B arre l Co 2100 Rowe J o h n J
Stonewall intersects Lee intersects
Gordon intersects Johnson intersects
Bartow intersects Cleborn intersects
Davis intersects Boulevard intersects 2111 T hom as H ilto n
PUTNAM--From J north, 25 e of Newcastle
2008 H all Lewis J J intersects
2018 M roczkowski T h a d d e u s M K intersects
2100 G a rd n e r Ja s W 2102 K irk B e n n e tt L 2129 Poppell G eo
L intersects
Q--From Newcastle east to limits, 12 n of Gloucester Norwich intersects
1001 Cox J a s B 1003 G ale Josephine 1009 Jack so n J o h n H 1106 M a rtin C h as C 1109 B a tte n F ra n k
Wolf intersects Albany intersects Amherst intersects Cochran intersects R--From Newcastle east to limits, 13 n of Gloucester Newcastle intersects 510 S to ry Edw Reynolds intersects 609 T aylor S eab o rn T
Ellis intersects Union intersects

901 F ra n k Jo h n J Norwich intersects
1106 S tu tts W m S 1108 Boone J o h n 1518 D a rt F red (c)
REYNOLDS--From Fifth av north to limits, 2 e of Newcastle Second av intersects First av intersects Albemarle intersects Dartmouth intersects 819 V acan t Prince intersects
905 R om eira Jo s A 907 S e rra M anuel 923 Lee Jos (c)
George intersects London intersects 1106 S tric k la n d Ja s E 1112 Cam pbell F ra n k H 1115 V acan t 1116 P o rto u las Jo h n 1122 D ark R ow land (c) 1128 M a rtin Jo h n C
Howe intersects 1202 G oodyear Eliz M M rs 1205 C lark B e rt B 1207 D ouglas B erry (c) 1209 R affo ld Ju lie n (c) 1210 T ho m p k in s R en a M rs 1212 B ro ad w ater Susie M rs 1212% C arver A C leveland 1214 Vergis M anuel A
Mansfield intersects 1301 Sew erage P u m p in g S ta tio n 1307 M eat In sp ectio n D epot 1309 Public W orks D ept 1310 V acant 1310% V acan t 1314 C h itty C lem ent E
Monk intersects 1409Longwell Jas 1409% Schoeppel R uby E M rs
Dubs Clarence J 1410 P a lm e r J o h n P 1416 C lary D avid A
Highsm ith David A Moody Raym ond L Bearden Algin H 1422 D orsey Ja s M jr
Gloucester intersects 1503% Parker Building The R oom s:
1 Brown S Hadley real est 2-3 V acan t 4 Wood Ai'th J real est
Wood A rth J 5 W indsor Construction Co
contrs Grondahl John Street continued 1507 G regory W m E 1507% V acan t 1515 C & O D ry C leaners 1516 T a r t H obron H 1520 H a rp er Laulie M rs Jackson Henry H jr Extrowich Frances nurse Johnson Henry G 1522 K a u fm a n L ester F 1528 N o rth in g to n Id a D M rs
nurse Flanders Leon Baum gartner Jack 1529 G ig n illiat W m M





2 0 8 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

REYNOLDS--Contd 1600 G ay S a ra h J M rs 1603 R affo S a ra h L M rs
F intersects 1606 O verstreet M ary M rs 1608 Cox B rooker J 1609 M elton Goode A 1610 H enderson J a s E 1611 Sw eat J a s D 1615 R obertson J a s O
1619 K nox Mollie M rs b oarding 1620 L add W m F 1621 G eorge P e te r 1622 P ittm a n C laude 1623 M cL endon H om er L 1624 T hom as T hos 1627 S te w a rt J a s L
G intersects 1709 M ahoney W m 1711 W ood Maria. L M rs 1715 H arrison S am i T 1721 W illiam s E d n a (c) 1723 S h arp Josep h in e (c) 1729 F ra n k lin Ju n iu s C fu m re p r
H intersects 1803 G reenfield A nnie M rs 1807 D ixon Ollie M rs
Donnelly J Albert Collins Jos 1809 B au m ert Aug H 1815 B ailey Lee E (c) 1816 N u tt J a s R 1819 Stiles Isa re l J R ev (c) 1822 K in ch en Jo h n T Spell Wm T 1828 C arroll A rth G R ev 1829 K in ch en A m an d a M rs
I intersects 1911 Peerson J a s B 1914 C opeland C arl L
Reeves Andrew J 1922 M cC ullough W m Q rad io
repr 1924 Pierce D an l I 1926 H ayes A ndrew L 1928 H ennies J o h n H phys 2002 S m ith L u th e r P
J intersects 2003 G oins E lla V M rs 2005 M inchew W m M 2006 L ivingston A lbert E 2009 K ennedy J Hoke 2012 Holloway T h o s (c) 2014 D ixon M innie M rs 2024 S um ner W m L 2028 D ixon M eldron C 2029 H arvey Lillie M M rs 2102 H arris F o ster
K intersects 2115 C halker C hesterfield 2122 Lacombe J u s tin F 2123 Fouche S am i A 2125 C olem an D avid V 2126 G reenfield W esley H 2129 Jones Edw V
L intersects ws bet L and M Orange Square
Park 2201 H ardison Edwin C 2207 K n ig h t R an d o lp h 2217 D en t H ugh G 2223 G ra n th a m W illis C 2227 H olm es J a s D 2229 H arvey I r a M
M intersects 2305 W oodard J o h n (c)

2306 Odom B D ew itt 2308 C ason Alvin B 2318 Bell J Amos 2323 G reenfield J o h n C 2325 O llor V irginia 2326 V acan t 2327 K em p F red 2328 S pau ld in g G us
N intersects 2419 Lafield R u fu s 2425 P h illip s F ra n k E 2428 H u tto W alter D
O intersects P intersects 2625 G reenfield L ola M rs Q intersects 2713 M ath is H arvey O R intersects 2801 H u tto Jo h n
RICHMOND--From First av n to F 1 e of Newcastle Dartmouth intersects First av intersects 708 C arroll W m G 710 K ilby H en ry W 711 Aikens K e n n e th L
714 W ood W m H 718 M issildine Alice 720 P ierce Lovick W 722 Jessop W a lte r S
Albemarle intersects 802 R ogers R osa M rs 808 Jo y n er G ussie 814 T ro b au g h H E arl 820 S h erm a n R obt E
Prince intersects 908 K ilgore L u th e r C 910 M allard S am i 914 W ood A rth J 920 B e a tty R'obt L 922 M cIn to sh W Avery
London intersects 1012 G lover T hos E 1014 B u rfo rd M ary K, 1020 M u rray B ruce W 1026 B row n L eah K
George intersects 1108 E llio tt M aude 1112 S utlive C arey 1116 W hite W iley F 1120 S tJo se p h 's School 1124 R ich ard so n J a s M 1128 Crosby Geo E
Howe intersects 1206 D aw son C has 1208 S m ith Edw 1210 R om prey Jo s V tru c k in g 1217 L unceford Ju liu s L w elder 1218 C opeland M fg Co
Mansfield intersects 1304 G ly n n C ounty B oard of
H ealth 1308 Police D ep t
City Jail 1310 V acan t 1314 V acan t
Monk intersects 1406 S te w a rt P la te G lass W ks 1408-10 M an n W B F u rn Co
(whse) 1412 S ym ons H orace D ju stice of
peace 1414 S o u th e rn Bell T el & Teleg Co 1416 S m ith P rin tin g H ouse


R esolve: One Dollar Out of Ten Remains Yours

RICHMOND--Contd 1418 Gilmore & Wood
Gloucester intersects 1506-08 Glover Bros Inc stationers 1510 McFaden Thos 1520 Vacant 1522 Baldwin & Edge 1524 Fort Annie L Mrs
F intersects Richmond ends S--From Newcastle e to limits, 14 n of Gloucester
SATILLA SQUARE, between Egmont and Carpenter, 1 s Albe marle
1000 Brockington Sami A SECOND--From Newcastle, e 2 n
of T
SECOND AV--From Bay e to Coch ran av, 10 s of Gloucester Oglethorpe to Richmond Union to Norwich Bay intersects Oglethorpe intersects Grant intersects Newcastle intersects Reynolds intersects Union intersects 802 Highsmith E Way 804 Jackson Eliz Mrs 805 Gould Potter F 808 Scoville Laurence M 810 Gilbert John Egmont intersects Wolf intersects
1204 Kennedy Fredk A 1210 Dyal John
Norwich intersects Wolf intersects
Albany intersects Amherst intersects Cochran av intersects SIXTH (Lawrenceville) -- From Newcastle e, 6 n of T
STACEY--From J n, 26 e of New castle J intersects K intersects
2117 Pickren Chas F 2119 B u llard W m
Prince intersects
STONEWALL--From Ocean av n, 12 e of Newcastle 908 Jones Karkus (c) 910 Vacant 911 Myers Bessie (c) 912 Holm Edw (c) 914 Anderson Andrew (c) 915 Higdon Peter (c) 919 Durham Daphnie (c) 921 Allen John (c) 923 Thomas Rebecca (c) London intersects
1005 Green Anna (c) 1010 Farve Dennis (c) 1011 Fraley Henry (c) 1012 Vacant 1014 Thomas Hortful (c) 1017 Vacant l b 1019 Thomas Isaiah (c)

1020 Goodwill B u fo rd (c) 1021 N ew born D an l L (c) 1026 B rito A ntonio S (c) 1028 Je n k in s M ack (c)
George intersects 1106 Mosley Sylvester 1108 L an e N elson rear Davis Silas 1119 S co tt F re d (c) 1123 Slack L en a (c) 1127 H onester C h as (c) 1129 M orris D avid (c)
Howe intersects
Mansfield intersects 1300 C om er Louis C (c) 1301 S p rin g er Ja n ie B (c) 1303 M cC ullough E tta (c) 1305 D ouglas E m m a (c) 1308 W illiam s H enry A (c) 1310 M itchell F a n n ie (c) 1317 Jack so n M athew (c) 1318 Blue A n n a M (c) 1319 Jack so n C larence (c) 1321 M yers Agnes (c) 1322 M a rtin C orinne (c) 1323 H all C u rry (c) 1325 B en to n Josephine (c) 1326 M a rtin J o h n H (c)
Monk intersects 1402 H arriso n Eliz (c) 1403 R o bertson R e n a (c) 1404 R ich ard so n F e rd e n a n d (c) 1406 M cCord Lillie (c) 1407 D ay B essie (c) 1411 R ain ey P a u l (c) 1413 C ham bliss F a n n ie M M rs 1415 Cribb E Colum bus 1416 V acan t
Gloucester intersects 1508 M cC ullough W m D
Mulligan W alter W 1510 D eaver H e rm a n L 1513 C olem an L aw rence W (c) 1515 H am ilto n F re d R ev (c) 1519 B u rr W m (c) 1523 R ak e stra w T h o s W R ev (c) 1525 A nderson J o h n (c) 1526 Ja m es M alissa (c) 1528 P a rk e r H ugh E (c)
F intersects 1601 V acan t 1602 Jackson A nna L (c) 1603 E llio tt W m (c) 1604 G lass B enj (c) 1606 G reen P h ilip (c) 1607 K n ig h t W m D (c) 1611 T im m ons Je n n ie (c) 1612 W alker W ilbur (c) 1613 C herry S am i (c) 1618 W illiam s P ricella (c) 1620 T im m ons J o h n (c) 1622 C rutchfield Mollie (c) 1625 B erry Lloyd (c) 1626 Jack so n N ap p er (c) 1628 V acan t
G intersects 1707 W illiam s F a n n ie L (c) 1709 N ixon Nellie D (c) 1710 K aig ler J a s L (c) 1711 T ay lo r F re d (c) 1712 Cooper R obt O (c) 1713 Stevens A nna E (c)
1714 Lowe A nnie (c) 1716 P rin ce W m E (c) 1717 C linch S am i (c) 1718 R ichard so n Lillie (c)


Tel. 9170
Sea Foods
Newcastle Street



1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161*162


SYCAMORE AV (Windsor Park)

1719 G ipson M am ie (c)

--From Gloucester south to Wal

1720 R iley M cK inley (c)

nut av, 1 east of Magnolia av

1721 W illiam s G ladys (c)

1229 E n n is E m ory J

1722 P a u l T hos (c)

1402 B rady J a s W

1723 R iley R osa (c)

1411 Jo n es J a s L

1724 P eterso n B eu lah (c)

Holly av intersects

1727 H ip p ard M aud (c)

Elm av intersects

H intersects

1800 Y opp M aud (c)

T--From Newcastle east to limits,

1816 A tkinson L oudester (c)

15 north of Gloucester

1820 H all Elsie (c)

1822 T h o m as M ary (c)

TALMADGE AV (Urbana)--From

I intersects 1904 P hillips J o h n (c)

1818 Niles av north to Glynn av Goodyear av intersects

1906 W illiam son L uke (c) 1908 W h iters R ich d (c) 1910 Z an d ers M ary (c) 1912 Bowles S u n (c) 1914 E dw ards J a s (c)

2209 S trick lan d R ay m o n d L Wilson av intersects
2300 D iem m er Edw H 2305 F allen Edw J 2401 A shm ore G eo H

1915 D avis C larence (c)

2401% H ig g en b o th am E llio tt F jr

1919 H ilton W m (c)


1920 B lake Viola (c) 1922 G reen Ju liu s (c)

Macon av intersects 2402 P oulson A ndrew W

1924 W illiam s J o h n (c) 1928 M t Olive B a p tist C h u rch (c)

2403 M cD onald H oke S Glynn av intersects

1929 Lyons S ta ff J gro

Talmadge av ends

J intersects
2002 M an n C rocker S (c) 2004 A tw ater E llen (c) 2010 B lash K e rm it (c) 2012 Lee J a s R (c) 2017 J o rd a n M isha (c) 2021 Levine A br M (c) 2023 R ogers Obb (c) 2026 C ham blers W m J (c)
K intersects 2100 F irst B orn H oliness C hurch

L intersects 2213 Rice C h as (c) 2220 W ilcher R o b t L (c) 2221 Rozzell E lijah J R ev (c) 2222 C lark Mollie (c) 2223 B e n jam in S u sa n (c) 2224 G ibbs C has J (c) 2226 Owens Lee (c)

M intersects

2304 Jo h n so n G us (c) 2308 Jo h n so n Moses (c) re a r Brown M aria (c) 2320 H an k erso n Amos (c)

N intersects 2408 W alberg E m m a (c) 2410 H ow ard T heo J (c) 2418 M ason N ora (c) 2419 B e n n e tt Geo C

2503 Jo n es W m D

O intersects

P intersects 2727 C h an d ler A G (c) end M iddleton Ed
Spaulding Jos Capt

SYCAMORE (Arco)--From Dixie av west to Cypress 4 Sapp Peter H 6 Hawthorne John W 8 Barker Geo F 12 Allen W m E 22 H um m el L an d o n E 24 Lyons W alter B 26 R im es Jos L

THIRD--From Newcastle east, 3 north of T 508 F a in W m B 512 W ells T hos J 514 H ayes D alto n D 909 S m ith W B ra x to n Treville av intersects Norwich intersects

THIRD AV -- From Bay east to

Cochran av, 11 south of Glouces


805 D uggan J a s R

1103 M cC ullough G eo H

1200 B u tle r R ich d C

Wolf intersects

1203 V acan t

1205 G ordon In ez M rs

1206 B u rk Irv in e

1208 K n ig h t Jos L

1209 Y oung C lifford J

1211 A nderson C lifford


Albany intersects

1305 W alker R a lp h L

TREVILLE AV (Lawrenceville) -- From Fourth north to limits, 2 east of A C L Ry
3404 B ry a n t G uy O 3408 W in te r J o h n S 3409 D uke M adison F c o n tr
Fourth intersects 3411 H errin g A ndrew J 3413 R oberts E u stace G 3416 F errell S te p h 3429 C rum m ey H en ry C
Fourth intersects 3500 H all L eon W
Fifth intersects 3508 S p au ld in g P a u l J

UNION--From Boulevard north to First, 3 east of Newcastle ft Hershey Corp (whse) 410 F en d ig A lbert 422 M ontgom ery W m H 428 Reese M iller M Second av intersects 500 L ilien th al C larence



Building Material

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

UNION--Contd 508 Jenkins Christopher C 523 Nathan Abr A 526 Sheldon C Holmes 527 Leotis Arth P 528 Sapp David A
First av intersects 600 Koons Levi J 601 Anderson Louise K 604 Prim Jaime 607 Parham Jesse N 608 Royall Jas E 614 Mills Rufus P 616 Cruse Walter 624 Ellis Chas H 628 Artau Alice V
Dartmouth intersects 703 Martin Richmond T Mrs 704 Eadie Riley D 705 Leavy Clarence H 706 Taylor J Oliver 710 Hopkins Angela S 711 Hopkins Robt R 716 duBignon Henrv F 720 Burts Theron E 721 Lockwood Fred M 725 Vacant 728 Odham Marietta
Albermarle intersects 801 Welsh Michl J 811 Parker May 815 Church Augustus L 821 Pyles Robt S 822 Strachan Mary 826 Shelander Adolph N 827 Francis Albert N
Prince intersects 900 Parker May W 905 Leavy C Howard jr
Brown Hoke S 908 Sheahan John A 910 Conyers Christopher B 911 Stiles John C 915 Conoley John J 916 Dowling Hugh G 918 Sheffield Donald H 922 Armstrong Jonothan M 923 Tiller Chas E 924 Simmons John W 927 Hood Otto J
Johns Chas H jr Rish Ralph F Roughton Hodges C 928 Paris H Linton
London intersects 1000 Abbott Cleveland V 1001 Oates Dorothy B 1008 Morton Paul 1010 McKinnon Malcolm B 1014 Peters Richd W 1015 Shirley John R 1021 Wade Joan 1022 Mann B Frank 1024 Pearsall Myrtle S 1027 Torras Fernando J 1028 Mitchell Olive
George intersects 1107 Vickers Jack J 1108 Sawtell Howard B 1111 Knight Albert C 1112 Copeland Miller A 1113 Burford Benj A 1114 Hammons Wm L 1115 Fruchtman Isadore 1120 Gordon Abr J 1125 Butts Lucile

1127 G re e r C larence B 1128 S m ith G eo P
Howe intersects 1200 B row n W in n ifre d 1201 S tep h en s Edw L 1205 Leavy Louis J 1208 W ay A lbert M 1212 H elm s W a rre n G 1215 Y oung C has R 1216 L ockette W m T 1217 S p ark s Geo A 1220 T ow nsend Alf O 1221 Iv an h o e A p artm en ts A partm ents:
1 Sherm an Edwin 2 Grossman Oscar 3 Q uillian W illard P 4 M em er Miles A Street continued 1224 F irs t B a p tist C h u rch 1227 G ould R ich d A 1229 Ross Allen T
M ansfield intersects
1302 K ra u ss D an l W 1303 S tacy F ra n k L 1307 W olfe Lewis L 1308 P ierce J a s F 1311 L an ier P e a rl M rs 1312 R am sey B enj T 1315 S ch riv er Isad o re
Owens Wm B Holody Geo T
1316 .R egister J E rn est 1318 R ogers W m L
Brown Chas contr 1321 H arrell L u th e r A R'ev 1322 C onn W ebb 1323 B ourne W m B 1326 V acan t 1327 L issner Jaco b J
Monk intersects
1402 W im berly E lla F M rs 1403 P a ffo rd A nne b eau ty shop
Pafford Amanda Mrs Metz Ethleen Mrs mus tchr 1406 A nderson Bessie 1407 K eller A p a rtm en ts A partm ents: 1 Barron John A 2 Dial Geo W 3 Stricklin Danl S 4 Jones Jas M real est Street continued 1410 D avis T im o th y E D rury Adolph M 1411 B luestein S adie M rs 1412 Jo h n so n J a s B 1416 M eeks W m T 1417 S h e rm a n House T h e rm s Sherm an W W ard 1420 Y oum ans E Jacob 1421 Noble R o b t L j r Faircloth Clifford 1423 E nglish W m G 1506 Edenfield M innie L M rs rear Jernigan D eW itte W 1508 T h o m as C has C 1514 K a m m e re r R a lp h W
Gloucester intersects 1516 Cow m an R u th G M rs 1518 J o h n s A ustin 1519 F ra n k lin Jo sep h in e 1521 H erfel M ario n T M rs 1522 D orm iny J o h n H 1523 R atcliffe G rover C


MRS. LEE S. M A LLA R D, Pres.-Sec.-Treas. MRS. M A R IA N A. BROWN, Vice-President R. R. HOPKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403i/2 Gloucester

Tel. 10

UNION--Contd 1523% M ayers W m G
McLeod Belle nurse 1525 F iveash Arlie E 1526 D avis S am i E
F intersects 1600 B u rn s Je n n in g s R 1601 B urgess C arrie K M rs 1604 C aln an M ary V 1606 B rin k er C has M 1607 O 'Q uinn P e te r L 1608 W alker J a s C
M orris Roy 1610 D eLoach Alice C M rs 1611 G olden Je n n ie I M rs 1612 A lexander W a lte r C 1614 B ailey Arvol E 1616 B u tler C has H 1617 Jones W ayne 1618 S hew ard H A lbert 1621 B ishopp Dollie K 1624 T om berlin M aude M M rs 1625 S alvatio n A rm y T h e (citadel) 1627 Roces Leon H 1628 V acan t 1629 Spence Geo
Bunkley W alter J
G intersects H intersects 1808 H ead H arold A 1809 M abry J G 1815 C ham pion T hos O 1817 K n ig h t T ravis 1823 C roft C arl E 1827 H ig h sm ith N o rm an L 1828 F ra n k lin Jo h n B
I intersects
1900 S m ith M arvin A Bradham John B
1901 D em ing M ary B 1904 E ason T h o s W
Cook L Haskell 1911 L ane L aw rence A 1915 W elch N in a C M rs 1917 Youles R o b t R 1920 G ibbs Geo G 1921 P ickren J o h n J
Lockerman Aaron L 1923 Glover Jo h n L 1925 W rig h t W m 1928 B each Louis W 1929 S eckinger Ellis M
J intersects 2000 A ndrews Geo W 2011 W ade M organ D well d riller 2015 B arb er L ula M rs 2024 K n ig h t A ndrew S 2025 W estberry F ra n k C 2028 B ran n o n M arion T M rs 2029 G ordon E llen M rs
K intersects 2102 B e n n e tt L eonard F 2103 V acan t 2104 Moore Jesse A 2105 Cox Mylow J 2109 Cheek M atth ew G 2115 M etz F ish e r 2116 Fouche W alter F 2119 S m ith O ctave 2122 Spell D an l M 2124 S h o rt J a s V 2126 H oyt Colson 2128 S m ith M ark A
Adams Jesse P

2129 Miller Herbert D L intersects
Orange Sq Park M intersects
2307 Pryor Mack 2308 Gale Leonard 2309 Keele John W 2310 VanDaley Ernest L 2311 Yeomans Mary E Mrs 2312 Crews Edw 2313 Baker John W 2314 Johnson Mitchel A 2315 Burns Luther L 2316 Rozier S Jird 2318 Owens Walter T 2319 Owens Chas F 2323 Spalding Leonard D 2326 Walker Ephraim A 2328 Burney Andrew J gro 2329 Foren Mary Mrs
N intersects 2400 Jenkins Wm (c) 2402 Johnson Frank 2404 Crews Stanley L 2406 Hughes Chas (c) 2408 Hughes Jas (c) 2410 Rogers Clara (c)
O intersects 2501 Nettles Eva Mrs 2505 Hope Cleve C 2507 Smith Jas T
P intersects 2600 Dent A B 2601 Brock Geo L
Q intersects R intersects 2810 Bailey Callie S intersects 2918 Morris Wm G T intersects First intersects

WASHINGTON HEIGHTS--From Cochran av east to Cleburne, 4 north of T

WATKINS AV--From M north, 20 east of Newcastle J intersects K intersects L intersects M intersects
se cor City Incinerator N intersects
2409 Holmes John T O intersects P intersects

WHITEHILL AV--From 3500 Lima av south to Berry av

WILSON AV -- From Atlanta av northwest to J, 2 south of Glynn av
1627 Hermida Jos R 1629 Darby V Lee

G intersects

1701 Symons John F

1708 Heniford Kay L

1710 Dart Claude

1712 Clark Wm P

1713 Gillis John J




H intersects B Rev

1907 Rozar

Talmadge intersects Chas M



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)

"WE FIX FLATS" Don't Cuss-- Call Us

Phone 71

"Coinin' on The Run" G loucester and Ellis Sts.

WILSON AV--Contd 1909 Sandifer H M 1912 Daniel Gilbert C
T in fp v cp p fc
2016 Osborne Margt E Mrs Osborne av intersects J intersects Wilson av ends

WOLF--From Fifth av north to First, 8 east of Newcastle
es 3 s StPaul A M E Church (c) 201 Knight Eva Mrs rear Lang Igelow J

Third av intersects 220 Pittman John H 223 Sweat Archie C

Fourth av intersects 301 Bell Jas B 303 Ford Benj J 305 Smith Hoke 307 Moody Jesse H 309 Tindell R Jos 311 Butler Chas A


Third av intersects

407 Hensel Oscar G

409 StJohn Paul M

410 Flanders Chas E

412 Easterling Myra

413 Walling Robt

416 Vacant

422 Vacant

424 Bailey Otis B

425 Ray John V

426 Vacant

428 Tabbot Eug S

429 DuBose Jas E

Second av intersects 501 Abbott Jesse E 514 Fenn Raymond H 515 Garwood J Cole 517 Lucree Anthony 521 Cook Fredk 525 Blount Jas W
Rabun Geo L

First av intersects 601 Godley Richd T 605 Vacant 609 Gill Ralph E

Dartmouth intersects 707 Perry F Lester 719 Baumgartner Carrie

Albermarle intersects 817 Hawkins Harry J

913 Vacant

Prince intersects

London intersects 918 Vance John W 924 Brown Jas (c) 928 Davis Frank (c)

London intersects 1004 Ladson Robt (c)

1,,0,,,,0,,9 L, amb Bert (Gc)eorge intersects 1011 Harris Wm (c) 1013 Knight Amelia (c) 1017 McKenney Jesse (c) 1021 Green Kenneth 1023 Thompson Emma Mrs 1025 Hutto Jas B 1106 Rowland Beni (c) 1108 Sams Henrietta (c) 1110 Green Wilbur (c) 1112 Brunswick Maude (c) 1114 Jones Mose (c) 1116 Roberts Henry (c)

1118 W rig h t M abel (c) 1122 R ich ard so n M adeline (c) 1124 T ip p in W m (c) 1125 G a rd n e r R e p h a rt (c)
Howe intersects 1215 W ard H orace 1217 Hoover L eona M rs 1218 C ato A br (c) 1220 B row n A ndrew (c) 1224 R eynolds C laudia (c)
Monk intersects Mansfield intersects 1300 T u rn e r R osa (c) 1306 B owden Nicy (c) 1310 T hom pson M am ie M rs 1312 H ayes Jo s
Monk intersects 1404 G rin e r W illard (c) 1405 A lexander Louis (c) 1407 Ja m e s A nne (c) 1407% Jo n es Edw (c) 1409 W ash in g to n W m (c) 1410 W rig h t W illie (c) 1411 W illiam s L u cin d a (c) 1412 S im m ons C arrie (c) 1414 T rim m in g s Lillie (c) 1415 L ang A ngeline (c) 1416 A llen J o n a h (c) 1417 Jack so n Jo h n (c) 1418 W rig h t Ollie M (c) 1420 N orm an W m (c) 1422 H enry Ike (c)
Gloucester intersects 1506 T hom pson Sylvester (c) 1508 V acan t 1510 M ickle Z ach ary R (c) 1512 W illiam s J o h n (c) 1514 K n ig h t R oy (c) 1522 D in k in s S h e rm a n R R ev (c) 1528 D ixon A m elia (c)
F intersects 1605 In n m a n H en ry (c) 1606 M assey W m (c) 1607 S co tt E stelle (c) 1609 H allow ay N elson (c) 1611 H a rris J o h n (c) 1613 W illiam s Cooper (c) 1615 H ightow er W m E (c) 1617 C lark W m H (c) 1620 S co tt R ebecca (c) 1621 H arm o n L uscius (c) 1622 V acan t 1623 G ordon Louis (c) 1625 Y oung S a ra h (c) 1626 T aylor C has (c) 1627 L aw rence T hurlow (c) 1628 Zizos P e te r gro
G intersects 1700 Cassels M ark A (c)
Cooper Cath drsm kr 1701 W atso n W m M (c) 1704 W a tts Je n n ie (c) 1705 R o b erts F ra n k (c) 1706 H arris V in cen t (c) 1710 D ougan E gbert R ev (c) 1712 D avis E lliot A (c) 1713 W illiam s A aron (c) 1714 B an k s G eorgia (c) 1715 G reen W innie (c) 1719 A dkinson A rth (c) 1720 G re e n E llio tt D (c) 1721 H a rrin g to n W ade H (c)
contr 1722 C hipp V an (c) 1728 B ynes Edw (c)
H intersects




Sales and Service



1800 Kitchen Geo (c)

1800% Kichen Dock (c)

1802 Barnaman Jacob (c)

1804 Capps Wm (c)

1805 Jenkins Isaac 6c)

1807 Gibbs Essie M (c)

1807% Williams Gertrude (c)

1808 Fonga Harry A

1809 Hill Louis (c)

1811 Hitchcock Wm (c)

1812 McCloud Raymond (c)

1813 Green Loland (c)

1813% Swain Arth (c)

1814 Stewart Chas (c)

1815 Lewis Mary B (c)

1816 Barnes Martha (c)

1817 Randolph Rena (c)

1818 Brooks Lonnie M (c)

1819 Smith Effie (c)

1821 Carswell Martha (c)

1824 Pope Randolph J (c)

1825 Harris Angie (c)

1825% Nettles Orin (c)

1827 Frazier John (c)

1828 Central Mercantile Co fum

1901 V acan t

I intersects

1903 V acan t

1905 S h a rp G low er (c)

1906 M cCloud A lbert (c) 1907 B row n M innie (c)

1908 W illiam s C ornelia (c) 1910 S im m ons E to lia (c) 1912 M ungin W m (c)

1916 W ilson G en ev a (c)

1918 K illin Leon (c)

1922 G illiard P h ilip 6c) 1923 W illis D avid (c)

1924 S p ark s G eorgia (c)

1926 Cooper L incoln (c)

1928 ,,V acan t,

J intersects

1929 S tan ley E tta (c)

2000 K ennedy E m m a (c) 2003 R iley K a tie (c) 2004 W illiam s B eatrice (c) 2005 B row n V irginia (c) 2007 P ullen H ym an (c)

2010 W hitfield Belle (c) 2014 H all D avid D (c)

2020 C ro ft R a lp h V

Pafford Oliver H

2022 P a ffo rd O liver H p o u ltry 2024 B askin J o h n (c)

2100 ,,V acanJt

K intersects

2105 K elly S am i (c)

2108 S trick la n d Cecil H

2112 Liles Isabel! M rs 2114 H orton Ir a H

2120 C larence M innie (c)

2122 G lover Lee (c)

2125 C u th b e rt H a rry C (c) 2126 B ak er R ic h a rd (c)

2127 V acan t

L intersects

2200 Lewis J Edw 2202 Turner Alex G 2204 Johnson Hershell V 2206 Walker Danl H 2208 Raulerson Jos 2210 Raulerson Louis L 2212 Cox Wm D 2215 Morris Alex (c) 2217 King Major M 2221 DePratter J Frank 2225 Lewis Eliza Mrs
M intersects 2312 Bennett Sarah Mrs 2314 Vacant 2317 Harris Isom 2318 Vacant 2320 Durden Mitchel L 2322 Barnes Jas B 2324 Smart Alf (c)
N intersects 2400 Dennison Frank (c) 2402 Flanders Clabom (c) 2416 Davis Lloyd H
N intersects 2425 Wiggins Michl R
Asbell Dudley H 2427 Pickren Milton F 2428 Coleman Robt L 2429 Eason Jas H

O intersects

2518 Branch Herbert (c) 2520 Harper Carrie S Mrs 2521 Moody Leroy 2526 Lang Wm C 2528 Jones Tillman (c) 2529 Strickland Albert C

P intersects

2608 Edwards W Henry 2612 Wilcox J Perry 2620 Pierce Mary (c) 2628 Mayo Wm (c) 2629 Scott Julian 6c)

Q intersects

2707 K n ig h t N a th a n 2710 V in cen t Geo (c) 2718 S co tt E lla (c) 2721 Boone R obt E

2729 Cloer J o h n W ---'

2811 B eard J a s T R intersects 2813 H a rris W m 2817 W alling R ay m o n d H

S intersects 2900 B row n E llen (c) m idw ife

___ , .

T intersects

3001 M im s H en ry (c)

3002 W h iteh ead Sim on (c)


First intersects

WRIGHT SQUARE -- From Egmont to Carpenter bet London and Howe 3 Emanuel N athan 8 Russell DeLa. N 9 Sm ith Richd Y 902 S c a rle tt F ra n k M



Radiator Repairing




1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085









to patronise those concerns who are in business to stay.
It's Human to expect that such busi ness establishments always stand back of the wares they sell.)
The advertising in this Directory is suggestive of the stability and per manency of the advertisers.)
Frauds, fakes, get-rich-quicks and other schemers have little use for directory advertising.) It lives too; long.
The modern City Directory Is ai, business institution.) It occupies a place peculiarly its own.) It is as necessary to the progress and de velopment o f a! city generally as anything naturally would be which deals with such a fundamental as the citizens themselves.)
If you are not advertising your busi ness in the Directory, may we ex plain how and why it will pay you?

Gilmore and Woods
Domestic Engineers
Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work


JO H N H. G IL M O R E -- T H O M A S J. W O O D S

Heating, Piping, Air Conditioning
Steam, Water W arm Air Heating W illiams Oil-O-Matic
Oil Burners Boiler Burners Water Heaters Boiler Burner Units
Cast Iron, Sectional and Round,
Orr and Sem bow er W elded and Riveted
Steel Boilers
(Any Specifications)

Plumbing Supplies
Standard, Crane and Rundle Fixtures Bath Accessories
(W hite and Colors) Cast Iron Pipe Fittings,
W ater Pipe Valves, Pipe Cut-to-Measure (A ll Machine Threads)
Sheet Metal
G alvan ized Iron, Steel Sheets, Tin and Coppe
V alley Tin, Gutters and D ow n Pipe,
Sheet Metal D evelopm ents
(Any Size or Shape)

Plum bing Supplies at M ail-O rder P rices

Motor W heel Oil Burning Utilities
Water Heaters, Circulating Heaters,
Domestic and Commercial Ranges

B arrett's B uilt-U p and Roll Roofing
A m bler A sbestos Shingles Bonded Roofers

1 4 1 8 Richmond Street BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA

Gilmore and Woods Domestic Engineers
Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work


JO H N H. G IL M O R E -- T H O M A S J. W O O D S

Heating, Piping, Air Conditioning
Steam, Water W arm Air Heating
Williams Oil-O-Matic Oil Burners
Boiler Burners Water Heaters Boiler Burner Units

Plumbing Supplies
Standard, Crane and R undle Fixtures
Bath Accessories (W hite and Colors) Cast Iron Pipe Fittings, W ater Pipe Valves, Pipe Cut-to-Measure (A ll Machine Threads)

Cast Iron, Sectional and Round,
Orr and Sem bow er W elded and Riveted
Steel Boilers
(Any Specifications)

Sheet Metal
G alvan ized Iron, Steel Sheets, Tin and Copper
V alley Tin, Gutters and D ow n Pipe,
Sheet Metal D evelopm ents
(Any Size or Shape)

Plum bing Supplies at M ail-O rder P rices

Motor W heel Oil Burning Utilities
W ater Heaters, Circulating Heaters,
Domestic and Commercial Ranges

Barrett's Built-Up and Roll Roofing
A m bler A sbestos Shingles Bonded Roofers

1 4 1 8 Richmond Street BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA

R esolve: One Dollar Out of Ten Remains Yours

P O L K 'S

C lassified B usiness D irectory



Associations and Clubs-- Com m ercial, Buildings-- Office and P u b

lic, C em eteries, C hurches, C lergym en, Clubs, H ospitals a n d Dispensaries,

Labor Organizations, Libraries, Parks and Playgrounds, Schools-- Public,

Schools, Colleges and Academies, and Societies.


C opyright, 1935, by R. L. P olk & Co.

Names appearing under headings marked thus ( *) are inserted only when specially contracted for.

Accountants and Auditors Russell N D 403 y2 Gloucester R207
*Acetylene Welding and Cutting LUNCEFORD JULIUS L, 1217 Richmond, Tel 58 (See right
top lines)

*Acreage CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 4031/2
y2 Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33)
ROBB L S, 5 Lane Bldg 205 Gloucester, Tel 376 (See page

Adjusters Fleming Sidney T (ins) 1503y2 Newcastle R211

Advertising--Outdoor DAMON'S SIGN SHOP, 1403 Grant cor Monk (See left top
FENDIG OUTDOOR ADVERTISING CO, 1511 Newcastle 2d Floor, Tel 287

*Air Conditioning Systems GILMORE AND WOODS, 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab
insert at classified and page 35)

Ambulance Service

BALDWIN & EDGE, 1522 Richmond Tel 517 (See back cover


and page 26)


Specializing in
Sea Foods
and ,
Newcastle Street



1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161*162

Ambulance Service--Contd GIBSON-HAIIT FUNERAL FUNERAL HOME, 1521 Norwich,
Tel 70 (See stencil edges and page 4) MILLER EDO MORTICIAN, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25) MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See back
cover and page 25)

Apartment Buildings Brunswick Manor 1001 Gloucester Brailey 1514 Norwich Ivanhoe 1221 Union Keller 1407 Union Ritz 1526 Newcastle

Architects Abreu Francis L 406% Gloucester R6

Associations and Clubs--Commercial Brunswick Board of Trade Glynn av and StSimons hwy Brunswick Pilot Association 1124 Bay Chamber of Commerce Glynn av and StSimons hwy Kiwanis Club The Oglethorpe Hotel Rotary Club The Oglethorpe Hotel

*Attorney s-a t-L a w BURFORD EDW, 203 Dunwoody Bldg 1503% Newcastle, Tel


COGDELL COLON J, 1316% Newcastle, Tel 330

CONYERS & GOWEN, 1-2 Lane Bldg 502% Gloucester, Tel


FARR & MITCHELL, 1401% Newcastle, Tel 804

FENDIG ALBERT, 1517 Newcastle, Tel 287

LISSNER JACK J JR, 206 Gordon Bldg 403% Gloucester, Tel


LITTLE WM C, 301 Gordon Bldg 403% Gloucester, Tel 180

NATHAN ABE A, 209 Gordon Bldg 403% Gloucester, Tel 62

NIGHTINGALE BERNARD N, 214 Dunwoody Bldg 1503%

Newcastle, Tel 413

POWELL J THOMAS, 1316y2 Newcastle, Tel 777


p q q f l p HTplc

O p /4 9 C

RINGEL & RINGEL, 204-05 Gordon Bldg 403% Gloucester, Tel 575

Automobile Accessories and Parts--Retail Southern Tire & Supply Co 408 Gloucester Thrift Auto Supply Co 509 Gloucester

Automobile Accessories and Parts--Wholesale and Jobbers Motor Supply Co Inc The 1622 Newcastle

^Automobile Accessories and Supplies--Retail GANNAWAY MOTOR CO INC, 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See
back cover and page 3) H & H SERVICE STATION, 800 Gloucester cor Ellis, Tel 666
(See back bone and page 23)


Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION, 801 Gloucester, Tel 71 (See right top lines and page 23)

Automobile Body Manufacturers Burns Body Shop 1315 Grant

^Automobile Dealers BAKER S W, 602 Gloucester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and
page 22) COASTAL CHEVROLET CORP, 1002-04 Gloucester, Tels 161
and 162 (See left top lines and page 22) DUGGAN MOTOR CO, Gloucester cor Union opp Post Office,
Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22) GANNAWAY MOTOR CO INC, 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See
back cover and page 3) GOULD MOTOR CO INC, 1608-12 Newcastle, Tels 12 and 13
(See page 22)

Automobile Dealers--Commercial Cars and Trucks COASTAL CHEVROLET CORP, 1002-04 Gloucester, Tels 161
and 162 (See left top lines and page 22) GANNAWAY MOTOR CO INC, 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See
back cover and page 3)

Automobile Dealers--Passenger Cars Abbott Motor Co 2020-22-24 Norwich Gould Motor Co Inc 1608-12 Newcastle McCrary Ralph G 904 G

Automobile Dealers--Used Cars BAKER S W, 602 Gloucester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and
page 22) COASTAL CHEVROLET CORP, 1002-04 Gloucester, Tels 161
and 162 (See left top lines and page 22) DUGGAN MOTOR CO, Gloucester cor Union opp Post Office,
Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22) GANNAWAY MOTOR CO INC, 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See
back cover and page 3)

Automobile Garages CLOISTER GARAGE, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 632 Down Town Garage 300-04 F Gillis Garage 1207 Newcastle H & H SERVICE STATION, 800 Gloucester cor Ellis, Tel 666
(See back cover and page 23) Ideal Garage 1620 Newcastle Smith Herbert T 1511 Grant

^Automobile Radiator Repairing LUNCEFORD JULIUS L, 1217 Richmond, Tel 58 (See right
top lines)

Automobile Renting Fiveash U-Drive It 301 Gloucester

Automobile Repairing BAKER S W, 602 Gloucester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and
page 22)

1420 Newcastle

Automobile Repairing--Contd Clark Body Shop 1712 Newcastle DUGGAN MOTOR CO, Gloucester cor Union opp Post Office,
Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22) Flanders Auto Electric Co 2030 Norwich GANNAWAY MOTOR CO INC, 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See
back cover and page 3) H & H Service Station 800 Gloucester LUNCEFORD JULIUS L, 1217 Richmond, Tel 58 (See right
top lines) Shaders Buick Service 1309 Grant
*Automobile--Sales and Service BAKER S W, 602 Gloucester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and
page 22) COASTAL CHEVROLET CORP, 1002-04 Gloucester, Tels 161
and 162 (See left top lines and page 22) DUGGAN MOTOR CO, Gloucester cor Union opp Post Office,
Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22) GANNAWAY MOTOR CO INC, 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See
back cover and page 3) ^Automobile Storage
GOULD MOTOR CO INC, 1608-12 Newcastle, Tels 12 and 13 (See page 22) *Automobile Tires
H & H SERVICE STATION, 800 Gloucester cor Ellis, Tel 666 (See backbone and page 23)
SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION, 801 Gloucester, Tel 71 (See right top lines and page 23) ^Automobile Tubes
H & H SERVICE STATION, 800 Gloucester cor Ellis, Tel 666 (See backbone and page 23)
SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION, 801 Gloucester, Tel 71 (See right top lines and page 23) Automobile Wreckers
Coastal Auto Wrecking Co es Glynn av 2 n K ^Automobiles
BUICK MOTOR CAR DEALERS (Gannaway Motor Co Inc), 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See back cover and page 3)
CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS, Coastal Chevrolet Corp Deal ers, 1002-04 Gloucester, Tels 161 and 162 (See left top lines and page 22)
CHRYSLER MOTOR CARS, Duggan Motor Co Dealers, Glou cester cor Union opp Post Office, Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22)
FORD MOTOR CARS (Gould Motor Co Inc), 1608-12 New castle, Tels 12 and 13 (See page 22)
GANNAWAY MOTOR CO INC, 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See back cover and page 3)
HUDSON MOTOR CARS, S W Baker Dealer, 602 Gloucester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and page 22)





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

OLDSMOBILE MOTOR CARS, Coastal Chevrolet Corp Deal ers, 1002-04 Gloucester, Tels 161 and 162 (See left top lines and page 22)
PLYMOUTH MOTOR CARS, Duggan Motor Co Dealers, Gloucester cor Union opp Post Office, Tel 138 (See left top lines and page 22)
PONTIAC MOTOR CAR DEALERS (Gannaway Motor Co Inc), 1624 Newcastle, Tel 313 (See back cover and page 3)
TERRAPLANE MOTOR CARS, S W Lewis Dealer, 602 Glou cester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and page 22)
WILLYS 77 MOTOR CARS, S W Baker Dealer 602 Gloucester, Tel 414 (See left top lines and page 22)

Bakers--Retail Kessel Bakery 1331 Newcastle Vienna Bakery 1616 Newcastle

Bakers--Wholesale Vienna Bakery 1616 Newcastle

*Banks BRUNSWICK BANK & TRUST CO THE, 1419 Newcastle, Tel
33 (See back cover and page 3) NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK THE, 1513 Newcastle,
Tels 83 and 84 (See front cover, right top lines and page 23)

Banks--National NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK THE, 1513 Newcastle,
Tels 83 and 84 (See front cover, right top lines and page 23)

Banks--State BRUNSWICK BANK & TRUST CO THE, 1419 Newcastle, Tel
33 (See back cover and page 3)

Barbers Armstrong J Thos (c) 1728 Amherst Battle Jesse L (c) 1307 Gloucester City Barber Shop 502 Gloucester Clary Emmett S 2702 Norwich Clements Wilson W Dixie av nw cor 9th (Arco) Daniels Chas (c) 204 Monk Dawson Luke (c) 202 Monk Durden Hallie E 1911 Norwich Floyd Wm M (c) 1413 Newcastle Holley Matthew (c) 1309 L Landers Earl C 1920 Norwich Lightsey Barto A 2012A Newcastle Little Adam (c) 1305 Monk Poole Thos 2110 Norwich Ramsey's Barber Shop 1519V2 Newcastle

Barrel Manufacturers Downing Co 2001 Newcastle Harley Barrel Co 1501 Prince



The Rexall Drug Store
"Save With Safety"
Prompt Deliveries
TEL. 37

*Bath Room Fittings and Fixtures GILMORE AND WOODS, 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab
insert at Classified and page 35)

Battery Dealers and Service H & H SERVICE STATION, 800 Gloucester cor Ellis, Tel 666
(See backbone and page 23) SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION, 801 Gloucester, Tel 71 (See
right top lines and page 23)

Beauty Shops Elite Beauty Shoppe 1521 Newcastle Lorraine's Beauty Salon 502y2 Gloucester R7 Milady's Beauty Shop 1526 Newcastle apt 3 Oglethorpe Hotel Beauty Shop Oglethorpe Hotel Pafford Anne 1403 Union Tri Mi Beauty Shoppe 1327y2 Newcastle Wilma's Beauty Shop 807 Gloucester

Bicycle Dealers and Repairers Brown Robt M 1305 George Dave's Cycle Supply Co 500 Monk Volpian Bicycle Shop 1311 Grant

Billiard and Pocket Billiard Rooms Brunswick Billiard Parlor 1602 Newcastle O K Billiard Parlor 1521 Newcastle Stewart Wyley A (c) 1304 Gloucester

Blacksmiths Burns Thos B 1316 Oglethorpe
Blank Book Manufacturers SMITH PRINTING HOUSE, 1416 Richmond, Tel 135 (See
left top lines and page 32)

Boarding Houses Knox Mollie Mrs 1619 Reynolds
Boat Builders Bayley Wm P es Newcastle ft O
Bookbinders SMITH PRINTING HOUSE 1416 Richmond, Tel 135 (See
left top lines and page 32) Bottlers--Carbonated Beverages
BRUNSWICK COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, 508 Mansfield, Tel 144 (See right top lines)
Kulman Orange Crush Bottling Co 1314 Bay Nehi Bottling Co 104 Gloucester
^Bottlers--Soft Drinks BRUNSWICK COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, 508 Mansfield,
Tel 144 (See right top lines) Box Manufacturers--Wooden
Georgia Veneer & Package Co Glynn av



Building Material

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Brokers--Food Products Coastal Brokerage Co 1511 Newcastle 2d fl

^Builders Hardware BRUNSWICK HARDWARE CO, 505-07 Gloucester, Tels 53
and 54 (See page 2)

^Builders' Supplies CONEY & PARKER CO INC, 1129 Bay, Tel 17 (See right top
lines and page 24) CRANDALL HARDWARE CO, 2123 Norwich, Tel 23 (See
right top lines)

Building Materials and Supplies Coney & Parker Co 1129 Bay Georgia Creosoting Co ft Bay LANG PLANING MILL, 1500 Prince, Tel 400 (See back cover
and page 30)

*Building Materials and Supplies--Dealers WRIGHT & GOWEN COMPANY, 1302-1304 Bay cor Mans
field, Tels 336 and 337

Buildings--Office and Public Andrews Building 507y2 Gloucester Brunswick Bank & Trust Co Bldg 1419 Newcastle City Hall 1229 Newcastle Dunwoody Building 1503^ Newcastle Glynn County Court House G bet Reynolds and Ellis Gordon Building 403y2 Gloucester K of P Building 1600y2 Newcastle Lane Building 5021/2-5051/2 Gloucester Parker Building The 1503y2 Reynolds Perry Building 406y2 Gloucester Schreiber Building 1403l/2 Newcastle Wright Building 304-304y2 Gloucester

Bus Stations Union Bus Station 1531 Newcastle
Bus and Coach Lines--Motor Bell Bus Lines 1531 Newcastle
^Business and Industrial Property PARKER REALTY CO, 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and 846 (See
front cover and page 32) Cabinet Makers
Franklin Junius C 1729 Reynolds Pittman Oscar L 1308 Oglethorpe
*Cabinet Work--Special LANG PLANING MILL, 1500 Prince, Tel 400 (See back cover
and page 30)

BRUNSWICK CAFE, 1420 Newcastle, Tel 9170 (See left and right side lines)


M RS. L E E S. M A L L A R D , Pres.-Seo.-Treas. M RS. M A R IA N A. B R O W N , Vice-President R. R. H O PKINS, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands-- Rentals T a I 1 A

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403</2 Gloucester

I 61a X U

Canners Lewis Crab Factory ws Bay 4 s Albemarle Lopes Jack Packing House ws Bay 2 s Albemarle Mendes Joe & Co ws Bay 1 s London Valona Shrimp Co ws Bay 2 s London

*Carbonated Beverages--Manufacturers BRUNSWICK COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, 508 Mansfield,
Tel 144 (See right top lines)

Carpets, Rugs and Floor Coverings--Retail LEWIS B A, 1423 Newcastle, Tel 166 (See front cover and
page 26) McGARVEY C INC, 1312 Newcastle, Tel 214 (See page 26) WHITTLE FURNITURE CO INC, 1808 Norwich, Tel 567 (See
right top lines and page 27)

*Catalogue Printers SMITH PRINTING HOUSE, 1416 Richmond, Tel 135 (See
left top lines and page 32)

Cemeteries Oak Grove Cemetery Cochran av bet Howe and Mansfield

Chiropractors Barron John A 502y2 Gloucester R8 Cummings Harry D~403y2 Gloucester R302

Churches ADVENTIST Seventh Day Adventist Church (c) 2028 Cochran av AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL Grace Methodist Episcopal Church 1711 Albany Paynes Chapel A M E Church 1301 L StAndrew's A M E Church 2101 Albany StJames A M E Church 1410 I StPaul A M E Church es Wolf 3 s F
BAPTIST Bethel Baptist Church (c) 1213 Albany Bryant Baptist Church (c) 1100 F First African Baptist Church (c) 1418 Amherst First Baptist Church 1224 Union First Jordan Grove Baptist Church (c) 2012 Cochran av Friendship Baptist Church 1010 Lee MtOlive Baptist Church (c) 1928 Stonewall Norwich Street Baptist Church 2401 Norwich Primitive Baptist Church (c) 1210 I StPaul Baptist Church (c) 1928 Amherst Shiloh Baptist Church 1217 Egmont Union Baptist Church (c) cor K and Wolf Welcome Baptist Church (c) 2028 Cochran av Zion Rock Baptist Church (c) 2d av ne cor Lee Zion Rock Baptist Church (c) 1611 G
CHRISTIAN Second Advent Christian Church 703 H




C. K. CURRY (Dealer)
"WE FIX FLATS" Don't Cuss-- Call Us

Phone 71

" Cornin' on The Run"
G loucester and Ellis Sts.

EPISCOPAL St Athanasius Episcopal Church (c) 1212 Monk StMark's Episcopal Church Gloucester sw cor Norwich StPaul's Episcopal Church 2200 Cleborn
HOLINESS First Born Holiness Church (c) 2100 Stonewall Church of God The 2128 Ellis Church of God The 2817 Ellis Church of God The 2718 Ellis
LUTHERAN StJames Lutheran Church Gloucester sw cor Wolf
METHODIST Arco Methodist Church Dixie av cor 9th (Arco) First Methodist Episcopal Church (South) Norwich ne cor
Monk Grace Methodist Episcopal Church (c) 1711 Albany McKendree Methodist Church 2101 Norwich Wesleyan Methodist Church 2307 Ellis
PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 605 George
ROMAN CATHOLIC StFrancis Xavier Church Howe se cor Newcastle
MISCELLANEOUS Calvary Meeting House 111 Darten Church of Christ 1526 Johnson Church of Jesus Christ 109 Dartmouth Salvation Army The 1623 Union

Cigar Manufacturers Hermida Cigar Factory 1300y2 Oglethorpe Latham Kathleen Mrs 2527 L Prim Cigar Factory 603 Ellis

Cigars and Tobacco--Retail McDonald H Powell 1427 Newcastle

Clergymen Brown Robt T (c; AME) 2017 Lee Burney Jas L (c; Bapt) 1406 Monk Carroll Arth G (Holiness) 1828 Reynolds Coleman Frank (c; Bapt) 1900 Lee Cook John J (AME) 1205 K Davis Alex (c; Bapt) 2304 Johnson Davison Chas C (Bapt) 710 Mansfield Dinkins Sherman R (c; AME) 1522 Wolf Dougan Egbert (c; ME) 1710 Wolf Drake Edw P (Methodist) 903 K Gamble Noah H (c) 1400 London Gamble Silas J (c; Bapt) 1927 Lee Garnto Julian C (Advent) 1601 Norwich Griffin Chas H (AME) 1303 L Harrell Jas L (c; Bapt) 1810 Amherst Harrell Luther A (ME South) 1321 Union Jackson Geo H (c; Bapt) 3408 Franklin av Moss Chas H (Bapt) 3205 Norwich





Sales and Serviee


Clergymen--Contd Perry Julian C (c; Epis) 1321 Albany Pitman Melvin S (Holiness) 2126 Ellis Riley Jas T (RC) 1120 Newcastle Robinson Jos F (c) 1405 George Rouse Leonard M 1807 Reynolds Rozzell Elijah J (c; Bapt) 2221 Stonewall Setzer Roy B (Luth) 1621 Goodyear av Simpson Thos W (Presby) 609 George Stiles Isarel J (c; Bapt) 1819 Reynolds Tucker Royal K (Epis) 1423 Egmont Whittaker Jas (c; Bapt) 711 J

Clothes Pressers and Cleaners C & O Dry Cleaners 1515 Reynolds Modern Dry Cleaners 116 Monk Morgan's Dry Cleaning Co 510-12 Monk New York Tailoring Shop 212 Monk Pope Randolph J (c) 1205 Gloucester Pope's Pressing Club (c) 1207 Gloucester Ray Jesse (c) 1104 L Rice Wm H (c) 1207^2 Gloucester

*Clothes Pressers and Repairers BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, 1510 Richmond, Tel 31 (See front
cover and page 30) C & O DRY CLEANERS, 1515 Reynolds, Tel 711 (See front
cover and page 30) UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEANERS & DYERS, 1316 New
castle, Tel 298 (See back cover and page 25)

Clothing Dealers--Children's and Infants'--Retail Henderson A & P 1327 Newcastle

*Clothing Dealers--Credit FARLEY'S CLOTHING STORES, 1424 Newcastle, Tel 922

Clothing Dealers--Men's and Boys'--Retail Farley's Clothing Stores 1424 Newcastle O'Quinn Wiley A 1430 Newcastle Owens Geo W 1527 Newcastle Schreiber Isadore 1407 Newcastle

Clothing Dealers--Second Hand Lavine Sami 203 Monk Walker Chas B 2213 L

Clothing Dealers--Women's and Misses'--Retail Farley's Clothing Stores 1424 Newcastle Guarantee Shop The 1506 Newcastle Style Shoppe The 1420y2 Newcastle

Clubs Brunswick Visitors Club The Glynn av and StSimons hwy SEA ISLAND BOAT CLUB, St Simons Island, Tel 9114-5 SEA ISLAND GOLF CLUB, Retreat Road St Simons Island,
Tel 37-2


DRINK In Sterilized Bottles




Tel. 144

SEA ISLAND YACHT CLUB, St Simons Island, Tel 75-2, Dock Tel 9114-2
Women's Club YWCA Young Men's Club YMCA Young Women's Christian Assn 501y2 Gloucester

Coal Dealers--Retail Yards CONEY & PARKER CO INC, 1129 Bay, Tel 17 (See right top
lines and page 24) GLYNN ICE AND COAL CO, George and Cochran av, Tels
391 and 392 (See back cover and page 27)

*Coal Dealers--Wholesale CONEY & PARKER CO INC, 1129 Bay, Tel 17 (See right top
lines and page 24) GLYNN ICE AND COAL CO, George and Cochran av, Tels 391
and 392 (See back cover and page 27)

*Coffee and Teas--Retail PHOENIX GROCERY CO, 1726-28 Norwich, Tels 44, 45 and 76
(See right top lines and page 27)

*Coke Dealers CONEY & PARKER CO INC, 1129 Bay, Tel 17 (See right top
lines and page 24) GLYNN ICE AND COAL CO, George and Cochran av, Tels 391
and 392 (See back cover and page 27)

*Cold Storage GLYNN ICE AND COAL CO, George and Cochran av, Tels 391
and 392 (See back cover and page 27)

^Commercial Printers SMITH PRINTING HOUSE, 1416 Richmond, Tel 135 (See left
top lines and page 32)

^Commercial Signs DAMON'S SIGN SHOP, 1403 Grant cor Monk (See left top
lines) Confectioners--M an u fac tu rin g
Copeland Manufacturing Co 1218 Richmond Confectionery and Ice Cream--Retail
McClure Chas H (c) 1827 Gordon Pfeiffer Fred 1329 Newcastle Sotirin Bros 1306 Gloucester
Contractors--Building--General Andrews John B 1801 Goodyear av Brown Chas 1318 Union Buggs Jas S (c) 1405 Amherst Collins Jas W 814 Carpenter Cowman Geo W 2300 Newcastle Damon Jabez P 1327y2 Grant Duke Madison F 3409 Treville av Harrington Wade H (c) 1721 Wolf Higgenbotham Elliott F jr 2401y2 Talmadge av



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Contractors--Building--General--Contd Hill John B 503 4th Ragland Jas M 1122 Carpenter White Robt L 1527 Johnson Windsor Construction Co 1503y2 Reynolds R5
Contractors--Concrete Hansen Geo A 1600 Gloucester

Contractors--Loading and Discharging Georgia Stevedoring Co 101-109 Howe

Coopers DOWNING COMPANY INC THE, 1325-1329 Bay, Tel 1 (See
page Z)

^Credit Jewelers FRIEDMANS' JEWELERS INC, 1504 Newcastle, Tel 760 (See
page 29)

^Credit Reports GEORGIA CREDIT ASSOCIATION, 311 Gordon Bldg 403y2
Gloucester, Tel 41

*Cutlery CRANDALL HARDWARE CO, 2123 Norwich, Tel 23 (See right
top lines)












*Dairy Products NORTH STAR DAIRIES INC, 104 George, Tel 466 (See page

Dancing Academies and Teachers Morgan Vivian School of the Dance 1419 Newcastle
Dentists Cassels Mark A (c) 1303y2 Gloucester Gowen Chas M 304y2 Gloucester 2d fl Johns Chas H 1503y2 Newcastle R210 Johns Chas H jr 1503y2 Newcastle R210 Jones John P 403y2 Gloucester R303 Paris H Linton 403^2 Gloucester R203 Rivers Stanford L 406y2 Gloucester R1 Woodbury Claude H 1327y2 Newcastle
Department Stores COHEN'S, 1405 Newcastle, Tel 303 Crosby J W Dept Store 2128 Norwich GORDON A J DEPARTMENT STORE, 1500 Newcastle, Tel
113 PENNEY J C CO, 1426 Newcastle, Tel 181 Schreiber Lsadore 1403 Newcastle Zell's Inc 1402 Newcastle



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


TE L . 23

Department Stores--5c to $1.00 Grant W T Co 501 Gloucester Kress S H & Co 1505-09 Newcastle Woolworth F W Co 1428 Newcastle

Diamonds and Precious Stones FRIEDMANS' JEWELERS INC, 1504 Newcastle, Tel 760 (See
page 29)

*Dining Rooms BRUNSWICK CAFE, 1420 Newcastle, Tel 9170 (See left and
right side lines)

^Drapery Cleaners BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, 1510 Richmond, Tel 31 (See front
cover and page 30) C & O DRY CLEANERS, 1515 Reynolds, Tel 711 (See front*
cover and page 30) UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEANERS & DYERS, 1316 New
castle, Tel 298 (See back cover and page 25)

Dressmakers Cooper Cath (c) 1700 Wolf Shelley Florence W Mrs 806 Mansfield Wilson Carrie B (c) 2023 Lee

Druggists--Retail ANDREWS DRUG STORE, 511 Gloucester, Tel 37 (See left
top lines) Bennett's Drug Store 1431-33 Newcastle Cate's Drug Store 1801 Norwich City Drug Store 1330 Newcastle Furlong Benj F Dixie av nw cor 9th (Arco) Holody's Drug Store 1530 Newcastle REXALL DRUG STORE (Andrews Drug Store), 511 Glou
cester, Tel 37 (See left top lines) Rish's Pharmacy 1501 Newcastle Stutts Drug Store 2026 Norwich
*Dry Cleaners BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, 1510 Richmond, Tel 31 (See front
cover and page 30) C & O DRY CLEANERS, 1515 Reynolds, Tel 711 (See front
cover and page 30) UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEANERS & DYERS, 1316 New
castle, Tel 298 (See back cover and page 25) Dyers and Cleaners
BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, 1510 Richmond, Tel 31 (See front cover and page 30)
C & O DRY CLEANERS, 1515 Reynolds, Tel 711 (See front cover and page 30)
UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEANERS & DYERS, 1316 New castle, Tel 298 (See back cover and page 25) *Eating Places
BRUNSWICK CAFE, 1420 Newcastle, Tel 9170 (See left and right side lines)

Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year CORNER MONK AND GRANT STS.
Electrical Contractors Harrison Arth T 2216 Ellis Taylor Electric Co mezzanine fl 511 Gloucester WHITTLE FURNITURE CO INC, 1808 Norwich, Tel 567 (See
right top lines and page 27)
Express Companies Railway Express Agency Inc 108 Gloucester Southeastern Express Co 504 Gloucester
PHOENIX GROCERY CO, 1726-28 Norwich, Tels 44, 45 and 76 (See right top lines and page 27)
Tait Feed & Seed Co 1320 Newcastle
Fish Dealers--Retail Jenkins Willis E (c) 1324 Oglethorpe
Fish Dealers--Wholesale Brunswick Fisheries Inc ft London
*Fishing SEA ISLAND FISHING CAMP, North End Sea Island Drive,
Sea Island, Ga, Tel 678 Florists--Retail
BRUNSWICK FLORAL CO, 6th and Johnson, Tel 656 (See page 25)
SEA ISLAND NURSERY, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 36-2 Flour Dealers--Retail
Birdsey Flour Mills 1401 Newcastle PHOENIX GROCERY CO, 1726-28 Norwich, Tels 44, 45 and
76 (See right top lines and page 27) ^Freight Lines--Automobile
FIVE TRANSPORTATION CO, 301 Gloucester, Tel 30 (See page 30) Fruit Dealers--Retail
Bryant Guy O 3101 Norwich Champion Thos C 1111 H City Fruit Store 1325 Newcastle Crosby Luby E 1921 Norwich Drury Frances Mrs Norwich sw cor 8th (Arco) Dykes A Edw 2113 Norwich Schipman Wellington J 1829 Norwich
*Fruit and Vegetable Package--Manufacturers GEORGIA VENEER & PACKAGE CO, Glynn av, Tels 88 and
*Fruits and Vegetables--Retail PHOENIX GROCERY CO, 1726-28 Norwich, Tels 44, 45 and
76 (See right top lines and page 27)


Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

Funeral Directors BALDWIN & EDGE, 1522 Richmond, Tel 517 (See back cover
and page 26) Brunswick Funeral Home (c) 1101 I Byrd & Hall Undertaking Co Inc (c) 1412 Albany GIBSON-HART FUNERAL HOME, 1521 Norwich, Tel 70 (See
stencil edges and page 4) Harris Funeral Home (c) 1129 Cochran av MILLER EDO MORTICIAN, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25) MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25)

*Funeral Homes BALDWIN & EDGE, 1522 Richmond, Tel 517 (See back cover
and page 26) GIBSON-HART FUNERAL HOME, 1521 Norwich, Tel 70 (See
stencil edges and page 4) MILLER EDO MORTICIAN, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25) MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25)

Furnished Rooms Allen Rosa Mrs 608 G Baker Carrie E Mrs 1107 Gloucester Brown House The 711 Gloucester Glynn Oaks Tourist Home 706 G Magnolia Home for Tourists 1102 Gloucester Monte Vista Lodge 15 Glynn av Noble Robt L 2327 Norwich Sherman House The 1417 Union Southwell Belle Mrs 809 Gloucester Townsend H Agusta 1709 Norwich Wayside Home 1723 Norwich

Furniture Dealers--Retail Abbott John B 2628 Norwich Central Mercantile Co 1828 Wolf GLYNN FURNITURE CO, 1209 Gloucester, Tel 821 Home Furniture Co Inc 1318 Newcastle Independent Furniture Co 1923 Norwich LEWIS B A, 1423 Newcastle, Tel 166 (See front cover and
page 26) Lewis Wade H 2100 Norwich Mann B Frank 1404 Newcastle McGARVEY C INC, 1312 Newcastle, Tel 214 (See page 26) WHITTLE FURNITURE CO INC, 1808 Norwich, Tel 567 (See
right top lines and page 27)

Furniture Finishers Franklin Junius C 1729 Reynolds

Furniture Repairing (See Also Upholsterers) Cain Furniture Co 1409 Gloucester FRANKLIN JUNIUS C, 1729 Reynolds






2 0 8 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

*Garden Tools CRANDALL HARDWARE CO, 2123 Norwich, Tel 23 (See
right top lines)

*Gas Ranges LEWIS B A, 1423 Newcastle, Tel 166 (See front cover and
page 26)

Gasoline and Oil Service Stations Abbott David C 2700 Norwich Arco Filling Station es Norwich 1 s Dixie av (Arco) Atlantic Refining Co 701 Gloucester and 1624 and 2111 Nor
wich Brunswick Oil Station 200 Gloucester Byrd John (c) 1328 Albany Colonial Oil Co 2129 Norwich Drury Liston M 2110y2 Norwich Giddens John M 2600 Norwich Goodbread Herbert B 3320 Norwich Gould Amoco Station 400 G and 1628 Newcastle Gulf Refining Co 702 Gloucester 1700 Newcastle and 2200
Norwich H & H SERVICE STATION, 800 Gloucester cor Ellis, Tel 666
(See backbone and page 23) Johnson Rayford W 2901 Norwich Lee J Clarence 3331 Norwich Mobbs Oscar J 1820 Norwich Morton's Auto Service 512 Gloucester Mulonson Herbert A ws Glynn av 1 n Stacy Nightingale Service Station 901 Gloucester SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION, 801 Gloucester, Tel 71 (See
right top lines and page 23) Smith W Braxton 3301 Norwich Standard Oil Co (For Servide Stations see Alphabetical
Section) Texas Oil Co br 1701 Norwich Thompson Merville E 2501 Norwich

General Merchandise--Retail Sparks Geo A 810 Mansfield

Gift Shops Ligeour's 1524 Newcastle

*Glass--Automobile Windshield STEWART PLATE GLASS WORKS, 1406 Richmond, Tel 1047
(See page 27)

*Glass Dealers STEWART PLATE GLASS WORKS, 1406 Richmond, Tel 1047
(See page 27)

Glass Dealers--Stained and Leaded STEWART PLATE GLASS WORKS, 1406 Richmond, Tel 1047
(See page 27)


City of Brunswick County of Glynn


State of Georgia United States of America

Glass Dealers--Window and Plate STEWART PLATE GLASS WORKS, 1406 Richmond, Tel 1047
(See page 27) *^Gl3<ss signs
DAMON'S SIGN SHOP, 1403 Grant cor Monk (See left top lines)

Golf Clubs and Courses Brunswick Golf Course 1403 Palmetto
Grocers--Retail Barnhill Grocery Co 2120 Norwich Brown Clinton D 1012 Bay Burney Andrew J 2328 Union Carroll Allen C Glynn av 14 n Hopkins av Central Mercantile Co 1204 I Cloer John W 2703 Norwich Cribb's Grocery 1412-14 Gloucester Dorsey Paul (c) 1611 London Earley John W (c) 1312 Monk Edwards Sami Dixie av nw cor 9th (Arco) Elverson Hattie (c) 1311 G Evans Thos Grocery 1400 Bay Exley Jos M 1516 Ellis Gardner Jos B 2800 L Gordon Ray Mrs 1129 Albany Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co (For branches see Alpha
betical Section) Gregory Reuben E 1931 Cochran av Hall Jas A 2201 Albany Hayman Bertha L Mrs 2328 Norwich Hensley Rosa L 1729 Lee Holtzendorf Irene Mrs 2429 Norwich Johnson Archie E 2916 Norwich Johnson Robt Q 56 Hardee av (Arco) Kalcos Peter 1800 L Katicas John 801 I Kersey Benj L 2124 Norwich Lindsay Robt C 1400 George Lovett's Groceteria 1418 Newcastle Lyons Staff J 1929 Stonewall Maxwell Toby (c) 1700 London McCosker Chas J 2900 L Newman Wm S 2012 Newcastle Nisi Wm 1828 Norwich Odum J Ernest 1301 Mansfield Pafford W G 9th sw cor Hardee av (Arco) Palmer's Grocery 706 Gloucester Petalos Geo 1211 H Pfeiffer Fred 1329 Newcastle PHOENIX GROCERY CO, 1726-28 Norwich, Tels 44, 45 and
76 (See right top lines and page 27) Piggly Wiggly 1520 Newcastle Polite Hampton (c) 1401/2 I Portulas Peter 730 Bay Pracas John 1500 G Regals Nick T 1201 Albany 18 Ricks & Stuckey 404 G

Tel. 9170




1002 Gloucester St.


Phone 161*162

Grocers--Retail--Contd Ritch John R 802 Egmont Robinson Sami W (c) 1511 London Rogers Inc 1408-10 Newcastle Sharpalezos Nick 1400 Albany Shaw Danl W 1828 Newcastle Shaw Lyman S 1911 L Skarpolezos John 2001 Bartow Smith John G 9th cor Hardee av (Arco) Spencer Wm (c) 1612 L Strickland Wm F 1401 G Stuckey Grocery Co 1210 Gloucester Suwannee Store 1421 Newcastle Thomas Oscar E 1028 Cochran av Tilles Arth 1106 L Wade Bros Grocery 1309 George Walker Earl E 801 Albemarle Wentz Robt 1401 L Whitfield Georgia A (c) 1728 Albany Wilkes Wilton L 1210 London Williamson Wm J 2119 Norwich Womack's Market 1928 Norwich Younger Jas A es N Glynn av 2 n Hopkins Zizos Nicholas 1201 Egmont Zizos Peter 1628 Wolf

Grocers--Wholesale DOWNING COMPANY INC THE, 1325-1329 Bay, Tel 1 (See
page Z) Lazarus & Co Inc 1317-21 Oglethorpe Leotis Inc 1324 Newcastle whse 1422 Bay Roughton H C Co 1419 Oglethorpe
Gunsmiths Bunkley Wm C 202 Monk
^Gunsmiths and Locksmiths BUNKLEY WM C, 202 Monk bet Oglethorpe and Grant
Halls Junior Order Hall 1513 Newcastle 3d fl K of P Hall 1600y2 Newcastle Masonic Hall (c) 1400 Amherst Masonic Temple 1418i/2 Newcastle StAthanasius Memorial Hall 1319 Albany Xavier Hall 1122 Newcastle
Hardware Dealers--Retail BRUNSWICK HARDWARE CO, 505-07 Gloucester, Tels 53
and 54 (See page 2) CRANDALL HARDWARE CO, 2123 Norwich, Tel 23 (See right
top lines) GEORGIA HARDWARE CO, 205-207 Monk, Tels 47 and 48 WRIGHT & GOWEN COMPANY, 1300-1302 Bay cor Mans
field, Tels 336 and 337 Hat Cleaners and Blockers
UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEANERS & DYERS, 1316 New castle, Tel 298 (See back cover and page 25)


Brunswick's Oldest Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries -- Hay, Feed and Grain

1726-28 NORWICH ST.

PHONES 44, 45, 76

*Heating Engineers GILMORE AND WOODS, 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab
insert at Classified and page 35)

Hides, Skins and Furs--Dressed--Dealers Kirkland Ira H 1421 Oglethorpe

*Hosiery and Gloves--Retail GUARANTEE SHOP THE, 1506 Newcastle, Tel 858 (See page

Hospitals and Dispensaries City Hospital 529 Norwich

Hotels CLOISTER HOTEL, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 600 (See page 34) OGLETHORPE HOTEL, Newcastle ws bet F and G, Tels 470
and 581 Rex Hotel 1331^ Newcastle ROYAL HOTEL, 1614 Newcastle, Tel 506

House Furnishing Goods--Retail WHITTLE FURNITURE CO INC, 1808 Norwich, Tel 567 (See
right top lines and page 27)

*House Furnishings LEWIS B A, 1423 Newcastle, Tel 166 (See front cover and
page 26)

^Household Furnishings BRUNSWICK HARDWARE CO, 505-507 Gloucester, Tels 53
and 54 (See page 2)

^Hunting Preserve SEA ISLAND HUNTING PRESERVE, Woodbine, Ga, Camden
County, Tel Colesburg

rpp_npalprc Abbott Cleveland V 1401 G GLYNN ICE AND COAL CO, George and Cochran av, Tels
391 and 392 (See back covr and page 27)

Ice--Manufacturers and Wholesale Abbott Cleveland V 1201-05 Newcastle GLYNN ICE AND COAL CO, George and Cochran av, Tels
391 and 392 (See back cover and page 27)

Ice Cream Manufacturers NORTH STAR DAIRIES INC, 104 George, Tel 466 (See page
24) Porzio's 1319 Newcastle

^Insurance--Automobile GRANTHAM INSURANCE AGENCY, 5 Lane Bldg 502i/2
Gloucester, Tel 376 (See page 28) HOPKINS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 208 Dunwoody
Bldg 1503i/2 Newcastle, Tel 99 (See left top lines and page 29)

Specializing in
Sea Foods
W estern
Newcastle Street




TEL. 135

Insurance--Automobile--Contd PARKER, BURROUGHS & WAY, 513 Gloucester, Tels 845
and 846 (See front cover and page 28) PHILIPS R L CO, 1511 Newcastle, Tel 183 (See front cover
and page 29) ^Insurance--Casualty
CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403*/2 Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33)
PHILIPS R L CO, 1511 Newcastle, Tel 183 (See front cover and page 29) *Insurance--Fire
CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403y2 Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33)
GRANTHAM INSURANCE AGENCY, 5 Lane Bldg 502y2 Gloucester, Tel 376 (See page 28)
HOPKINS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 208 Dunwoody Bldg 1503y2 Newcastle, Tel 99 (See left top lines and page 29)
PARKER, BURROUGHS & WAY, 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and 846 (See front cover and page 28)
PHILIPS R L CO, 1511 Newcastle, Tel 183 (See front cover and page 29) in su ran ce--General
CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 4031/2 Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33)
HOPKINS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 208 Dunwoody Bldg 1503y2 Newcastle, Tel 99 (See left top lines and page 29)
LEYBOURNE A E & CO, 503y2 Gloucester, Tel 587 PARKER BURROUGHS & WAY, 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and
846 (See front cover and page 28) ROYAL FENDIG & SHELANDER, 1517 Newcastle, Tel 287
(See front cover and page 29) in su ra n ce --Life
GRANTHAM INSURANCE AGENCY, 5 Lane Bldg 502V2 Glou cester, Tel 376 (See page 28) in su ran ce--Marine
PHILIPS R L CO, 1511 Newcastle, Tel 183 (See front cover and page 29) ^Insurance--Mutual
HOPKINS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 208 Dunwoody Bldg 1503y2 Newcastle, Tel 99 (See left top lines and page 29)
Insurance Agents CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403*/2
Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33) Gibbs Benj J (c) 1303y2 Gloucester Glynn Insurance Agency 1329 Newcastle
y HOPKINS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 208 Dunwoody Bldg 1503 2 Newcastle, Tel 99 (See left top lines and page 29)





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Leyboume A E & Co 503% Gloucester Philips R L Co 1511 Newcastle Wood Arth J 1503y2 R efo ld s R4

Insurance Companies Afro American Life Insurance Co (c) 1303% Gloucester Agricultural Insurance Co of Watertown N Y R L Philips
Co agts 1511 Newcastle American Eagle Fire Insurance Co of New York N Y R L
Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle American National Insurance Co (life) 502% Gloucester R3 American Surety Co of New York N Y R L Philips Co agts
1511 Newcastle Atlanta Life Insurance Co (c) 1303% Gloucester Atlantic Mutual (fire) Royal Fendig & Shelander agts 1517
Newcastle Baltimore American Insurance Co of New York Consolidat
ed Realty Co agts 403% Gloucester R207 Bankers Health & Life Insurance Co 1419 Newcastle British America Assurance Co of Toronto Canada R L Philips
Co agts 1511 Newcastle Carolina Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Charleston S C
1503y2 Newcastle R208 Carolina Mutual Insurance Co of Charleston S C R L Philips
agts 1511 Newcastle Camden Fire Insurance Royal Fendig & Shelander agts 1517
Newcastle Central Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Van
Wert Ohio 1503y2 Newcastle R208 Central Surety (plate glass) Royal Fendig & Shelander agts
1517 Newcastle Century Insurance Co of London and Edinburgh Consoli
dated Realty Co agts 403% Gloucester R207 Citizens Insurance Co of New Jersey R L Philips Co agts 1511
Newcastle Columbian National Life Insurance Co of Boston Mass
R L Phillips Co agts 1511 Newcastle Commonwealth Fire Insurance Co of New York N Y R L
Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle Empire State Insurance Co of Watertown N Y Consolidated
Realty Co agts 403% Gloucester R207 Equitable Life Insurance Co 503% Gloucester Fidelity & Casualty Co of New York N Y R L Philips Co agts
1511 Newcastle Fidelity & Guaranty Fire Corp (fire) Royal Fendig & She
lander agts 1517 Newcastle Fidelity Phoenix Fire Insurance Royal Fendig & Shelander
agts 1517 Newcastle Fire Association of Philadelphia Royal Fendig & Shelander
agts 1517 Newcastle Fireman's Fund Indemnity (casualty) Royal Fendig & She
lander agts 1517 Newcastle General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Corp Ltd of Perth
Amboy Scotland R L Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle Glens Falls Insurance Co of Glens Falls N Y R L Philips Co
agts 1511 Newcastle Great American Insurance Co (fire) Royal Fendig & She
lander agts 1517 Newcastle Guaranty Insurance Co (c) 1303% Gloucester


The Rexall Drug Store
"Save With Safety"
Prompt Deliveries TEL. 37

Insurance Companies--Contd Gulf Life Insurance Co 1503% Newcastle R200 Hartford Fire Insurance Royal Fendig & Shelander agts
1517 Newcastle Home Insurance Co (fire) Royal Fendig & Shelander agts
1517 Newcastle Homestead Fire Insurance Co of Baltimore Md R L Philips
Co agts 1511 Newcastle Industrial Life & Health Insurance Co 1503% Newcastle
R209 Insurance Company of North America of Philadelphia Pa
R L Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle Liverpool & London & Globe (fire) Royal Fendig & Shelan
der agts 1517 Newcastle Lumberman's Mutual Casualty Co of Chicago 111 1503% New
Lumberman's Mutual Casualty Co of Chicago 111 1503% New castle R208
Lumberman's Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Mansfield Ohio 1503 % Newcastle R208
Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Co of Chicago 111 R L Phil ips Co agts 1511 Newcastle
Lumbermen's Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Mansfield Ohio R L Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle
Maryland Casualty Co of Baltimore 502% Gloucester R5 Mechanics & Traders Insurance (fire) Royal Fendig & She
lander agts 1517 Newcastle Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Co of New York Consoli
dated Realty Co agts 403% Gloucester R207 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co 403% Gloucester R306 Mill Owners' Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Des Moines Iowa
1503% Newcastle R208 Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Co of Milwaukee Wis R L
Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York 513 Gloucester National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford Conn R L
Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle National Union Fire Insurance Co of Pittsburg Consolidated
Realty Co agts 403% Gloucester R207 New Brunswick Fire Insurance Royal Fendig & Shelander
agts 1517 Newcastle New York Underwriters Insurance Co (fire) Royal Fendig &
Shelander agts 1517 Newcastle North British & Mercantile Insurance Co (fire) Royal Fen
dig & Shelander agts 1517 Newcastle Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co of New York 502% Glou
cester R5
Occidental Insurance Co (fire) Royal Fendig & Shelander agts 1517 Newcastle
Palatine Insurance Company of London Eng R L Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle
Pennsylvania Lumberman's Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Philadelphia Pa 1503% Newcastle R208
Pilgrim Health & Life Insurance Co (c) 1300% Gloucester Providence Washington Insurance Co of Providence R I R L
Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle Queen Insurance Co (fire) Royal Fendig & Shelander agts
1517 Newcastle



Coal, Coke and Wood

1129 BAY ST.

PHONES 17-18

Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool England R L Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle
Shelby Mutual Plate Glass & Casualty Co of Shelby Ohio 1503y2 Newcastle R208
Southern Mutual Insurance Co (fire) Royal Fendig & Shelander agts 1517 Newcastle
Standard Fire Insurance Company of Hartford Conn R L
y Philips Co agts 1511 Newcastle
Travelers Insurance Co of Hartford Conn 502 2 Gloucester R5
Union Assurance Society (fire) Royal Fendig & Shelander agts 1517 Newcastle
United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co (casualty) Royal Fendig & Shelander agts 1517 Newcastle

Jewelers--Retail Cunningham Jewelry Store 405 Gloucester Dubs Clarence J 1422 Newcastle FRIEDMANS' JEWELERS INC, 1504 Newcastle, Tel 760 (See
page 29) Gillican Jewelry & Repair Co 1503 Newcastle

Justices of the Peace Dart Claude 502 Monk Symons Horace D 1412 Richmond

Labor Organizations Oil Workers Union Local No 310 1513 Newcastle 3d fl United Powder & High Explosive Workers of America Local
No 125 1513 Newcastle 3d fl

*Ladies' and Misses' Ready-to-Wear GUARANTEE SHOP THE, 1506 Newcastle, Tel 858 (See page

*Lath and Shingles LANG PLANING MILL, 1500 Prince, Tel 400 (See back cover
and page 30)

Laundries--Chinese Kee Sam 1409 Newcastle
^Laundries--Family Wash BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, 1510 Richmond, Tel 31 (See front
cover and page 30) Laundries--Hand
Home Laundry 206 Monk

*Laundries--Steam BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, 1510 Richmond, Tel 31 (See front
cover and page 30) ^Laundries--Wet Wash
BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, 1510 Richmond, Tel 31 (See front cover and page 30)


MRS. LEE S. M A LLA R D , Pres.-Seo.-Treas. MRS. M A R IA N A. BROWN, Vice-President R. R. H O PK IN S, Sales Mgr.

Real Estate and General Insurance

Loans and Investments -- Country Properties -- General Insurance

Island Properties -- Timber Lands -- Rentals X a I 1 A

207-08 Gordon Bldg.

403>/2 Gloucester



Lawyers Bennet L Julian 1312% Newcastle Bruce J Robt 406% Gloucester R4 Burford Edw 1503% Newcastle R203 Cogdell Colon J 1316y2 Newcastle Colson Jas T 1314y2 Newcastle Conyers Christopher B 502 y2 Gloucester R l-2 Conyers & Gowen 502y2 Gloucester Rl-2 Cowart Geo B 403y2 Gloucester R210 Farr Henry O 1401% Newcastle Farr & Mitchell 1401y2 Newcastle Fendig Albert 1517 Newcastle Ferguson Edna A 1312y2 Newcastle Gilbert John J 1312y2 Newcastle Gowen Chas L 502y2 Gloucester Rl-2 Hand Jos B 1401% Newcastle Highsmith E Way 1312% Newcastle Krauss Danl W 304% Gloucester Krauss & Strong 304y2 Gloucester Leavy C Howard jr 403y2 Gloucester R305 Lissner Jack J jr 403y2 Gloucester R206 Little Wm C 403 y2 Gloucester R301 Mitchell Vance E 1401% Newcastle Nathan Abe A 403y2 Gloucester R209 Nightingale Bernard N 1503% Newcastle Powell J Thos 1316% Newcastle Reese Millard 1312% Newcastle Reese Scarlett Bennet & Highsmith 1312% Newcastle Ringel Herbert A 403% Gloucester R204-05 Ringel Philip S 403% Gloucester R204-05 Ringel & Ringel 403% Gloucester R204-05 Scarlett Frank M 1312% Newcastle

Libraries Brunswick Public Library 1229 Newcastle

Light, Heat and Power Companies Georgia Power Co 1510 Newcastle Georgia Public Utilities Corp 500 Gloucester

Loans--Collateral and Salary City Investment Co 1403% Newcastle Dallas Investment Co 1408 Gloucester Mack & Co 514 Monk Peoples Investment Co 1001 G cor Norwich United Small Loan Corp 1503% Newcastle R207

Locksmiths Bunkley Wm C 202 Monk

Lumber--Retail LANG PLANING MILL, 1500 Prince, Tel 400 (See back cover
and page 30) Miller Lumber & Supply Co Inc 1900-10 Cochran av
Lumber--Wholesale Gulf States Creosoting Co Glynn av 15 n Hopkins av





Complete Household Furnishings on Liberal Terms

Machinists Brunswick Marine Construction Corp ft Dartmouth South Atlantic Marine Co ws Bay 1 s Albemarle

Mail Order Houses Montgomery Ward & Co (order office) 1517y2 Newcastle
IX/Ta o f c -P p f n |1
Abbott Cleveland V 1201-05 Newcastle Carter John R 2301 Albany Cribbs Grocery 1412-14 Gloucester Horton Robt L 1203y2 Gloucester Norwich Street Meat Market 1901 Norwich

Meats--Wholesale Swift & Co 1519 Oglethorpe

Medicine Manufacturers--Patent and Proprietary Lockwood Fred M 1300 Gloucester

Mercantile Agencies Georgia Credit Assn 403^ Gloucester R311

Midwives Brown Ellen (c) 2900 Wolf Gillyard Lula (c) 1707 Gordon Sapp Hettie Mrs 2910 Norwich
Millinery GUARANTEE SHOP THE, 1506 Newcastle, Tel 858 (See page
30) Porter's Hat Shop 1327 Newcastle
*Mirrors Re-Silvered STEWART PLATE GLASS WORKS, 1406 Richmond, Tel 1047
(See page 27) ^'Mortgage Loans
PARKER REALTY CO, 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and 846 (See front cover and page 32)

*Morticians BALDWIN & EDGE, 1522 Richmond, Tel 517 (See back cover
and page 26) GIBSON-HART FUNERAL HOME, 1521 Norwich, Tel 70 (See
stencil edges) MILLER EDO MORTICIAN, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25) MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25) Motion Picture Theatres
Bijou Theatre 1313-15 Newcastle Ritz Theatre 1528 Newcastle*
*Motor Freight Transportation FIVE TRANSPORTATION CO, 301 Gloucester, Tel 30 (See
page 30)



Sales-- Service

Opposite Postoffice

Phone 138

Moulding- M an u fac tu re rs LANG PLANING MILL, 1500 Prince, Tel 400 (See back cover
and page 30)

M nsir T parhp rs
Carlin Edith M (piano) 2303 Norwich Metz Ethleen Mrs 1403 Union

^Mutual Insurance HOPKINS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 208 Dunwoody
Bldg 1503y2 Newcastle, Tel 99 (See left top lines and page 29)

Downing Co The Inc 1325-27-29 Bay *Naval Stores Factors
DOWNING COMPANY INC THE, 1325-1329 Bay, Tel 1 (See page Z)

City News Stand 1522 Newcastle Miles News Stand 1512 Newcastle
Newspapers BRUNSWICK NEWS THE, 1604 Newcastle, Tel 188 (See page
page 31) Independent Ledger The (weekly) 908 H
Nurserymen BRUNSWICK FLORAL CO, 6th and Johnson, Tel 656 (See
page 25) GLYpNaNgeW25A)TER GARDENS, 5th and Johnson, Tel 656 (See SEA ISLAND NURSERY, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 36-2
Nurses--Graduate Cross Rose 1000 Egmont Daniels Bebe 204 London Davis Margt (c) 1125 Amherst Extrowich Frances 1520 Reynolds Hill Valeria 811 4th McLeod Belle 1523^ Union Northington Ida D Mrs 1525 Reynolds Robb Emily J Mrs 19 Glynn av Roberts Thelma 1002 Dartmouth Uratich Laurie 710 4th
Office Supplies and Equipment Brunswick Office Supply Co 1514 Newcastle SMITH PRINTING HOUSE, 1416 Richmond, Tel 135 (See
left top lines and page 32)
Oil Refiners ATLANTIC REFINING CO THE, "Arco" n of City Limits, Tel



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


T E L . 23

Oils and Lubricants--Dealers Colonial Oil Co ws Bay 3 s Albemarle Gulf Refining Co 1025 Bay Ocean Oil and Gasoline Co se cor Bay and Prince Seacoast Oil & Supply Co ws Bay 3 s Albemarle Standard Oil Co (Plant No 421) 2412 Newcastle Texas Co The 1001 Bay

Opticians--Retail Ladd Wm F 506 Monk

Paint, Oil and Varnish Dealers--Retail BRUNSWICK HARDWARE CO, 505-07 Gloucester, Tels 53
and 54 (See page 2) CRANDALL HARDWARE CO, 2123 Norwich, Tel 23 (See right
top lines) STEWART PLATE GLASS WORKS, 1406 Richmond, Tel 1047
(See page 27)

Parks and Playgrounds Municipal Athletic Field K bet Cook and Couper Orange Square Park ws Reynolds bet L and M Windsor Park bet Sycamore and Palmetto avs

Photographers Brunswick Studio 1317 Newcastle

Physicians and Surgeons ALDRICH FRED N (Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat), Andrews
Bldg 5071/2 Gloucester, Tel 319 Avera John B 1503y2 Newcastle R205 Branham Harris M 22 Glynn av Buggs John W (c) 1305y2 Gloucester BURF0RD ROBT S, Andrews Bldg 507y2 Gloucester, Tel
255 Chapman Wm T (c) 1300y2 Gloucester Cheney G W Homes 708 London Conn Webb 1801 Norwich Darby V Lee 503 y2 Gloucester GREER CLARENCE B, Andrews Bldg 507 y2 Gloucester, Tel
926 Harrell Julian P 1503y2 Newcastle R212 Hennies John H 1928 Reynolds Jackson Raymond N (c) 1506 Albany Odum Walter M 504 F PIERCE LOVICK W (Urology), Andrews Bldg 507y2 Glouces
ter, Tel 316 Simmons John W 1503y2 Newcastle R201 Willis Tom V 1503y2 Newcastle R205 Winchester Millard E 1304 Richmond

Planing Mills Lang Planing Mill 1500 Prince*

*Plants, Bulbs and Trees BRUNSWICK FLORAL CO, 6th and Johnson, Tel 656 (See
page 25)

Plumbers Daniel Moses Sons 1416 Oglethorpe English Wm G 1328y2 Newcastle GILMORE AND WOODS, 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab
insert at Classified and page 35) Hoyt Leander D 1413 Grant
Plumbers and Steamfitters GILMORE AND WOODS, 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab
insert at Classified and page 35) Roebuck Jack L 504 Monk
Plumbing Supplies--Dealers GILMORE AND WOODS, 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab
insert at Classified and page 35) Roebuck Jack L 504 Monk
Poles, Posts, Piles and Ties Frampton D B & C o 109 George
Poultry Dealers--Retail Dubberly Jeff D 1817 Norwich Pafford Oliver H 2022 Wolf Ridley Marion N 1810 Norwich
*Prescriptions ANDREWS DRUG STORE, 511 Gloucester, Tel 37 (See left
top lines) Printers--Book and Commercial
SMITH PRINTING HOUSE, 1416 Richmond, Tel 135 (See left top lines and page 32) Produce Commission Merchants
McKinnon Malcolm M 1521 Oglethorpe *Property Management
CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403 y2 Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33) Publishers--Book, Newspaper and Periodical
News Publishing Co 1604 Newcastle *Radiator Repairing
LUNCEFORD JULIUS L, 1217 Richmond, Tel 58 (See right top lines) Radio Repairing
McCullough Wm Q 1922 Reynolds Taylor Electric Co mezz fl 511 Gloucester
*Radio Sets and Supplies--Dealers FRIEDMANS' JEWELERS INC, 1504 Newcastle, Tel 760
(See page 29) Radio Sets and Supplies--Retail
TAYLOR ELECTRIC COMPANY, Mezzanine Floor Andrews Drug Store 511 Gloucester, Tels 37 and 911
WHITTLE FURNITURE CO INC, 1808 Norwich, Tel 567 (See right top lines and page 27)



C. K. CURRY (Dealer)
"WE FIX FLATS" Don't Cuss-- Call Us

Phone 71

"Cornin' on The Run" G loucester and Ellis Sts.

Railroad Passenger Stations Atlanta Birmingham & Coast Railway 1625 Newcastle

Railroads Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co ft ws Gloucester

Real Estate Brown S Hadley 1503y2 Reynolds R1 Brunswick Development Co 1329 Newcastle CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403y2
Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33) Jones Jas M 1407 Union apt 4 LEYBOURNE A E & CO, 5031/2 Gloucester, Tel 587 PARKER REALTY CO, 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and 846 (See
front cover and page 32) Peterson Jas S (c) 1408y2 Gloucester Robb L S 502% Gloucester R5 ROBB L S, 5 Lane Bldg 502y2 Gloucester, Tel 376 (See page
33) ROYAL FENDIG & SHELANDER, 1517 Newcastle, Tel 287
(See front cover and page 29) SEA ISLAND COMPANY, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 613 (See page
34) United Realty Co 1329 Newcastle WOOD ARTHUR J, 4 Parker Bldg, 1503y2 Reynolds, Tel 8

^*Rc[iltors CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403 y2
Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33) ROBB L S, 5 Lane Bldg 502y2 Gloucester, Tel 376 (See page

^Refrigerators GLYNN ICE AND COAL CO, George and Cochran av, Tels
391 and 392 (See back cover and page 27) LEWIS B A, 1423 Newcastle, Tel 166 (See front cover and
page 26) McGARVEY C INC, 1312 Newcastle, Tel 214 (See page 26) WHITTLE FURNITURE CO INC, 1808 Norwich, Tel 567 (See
right top lines and page 27)

^R enta ls CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403y2
Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33) PARKER REALTY CO, 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and 846 (See
front cover and page 32) ROYAL FENDIG & SHELANDER, 1517 Newcastle, Tel 287
(See front cover and page 29) SEA ISLAND COMPANY, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 613 (See page

Resorts SEA ISLAND, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 600

Restaurants and Lunch Rooms Armstrong Sheridan (c) 1201 I Bijou Cafe 1523 Newcastle BRUNSWICK CAFE, 1420 Newcastle, Tel 9170 (See left and
right side lines)





Sales and Service


Restaurants and Lunch Rooms--Contd Bullock Louise (c) 1311 K Cate Henry 1700 Norwich Cherrio Grill 1600 Newcastle Collins Geo (c) 1718 Amherst Dixie Kitchen 2121 Norwich Duncan Jas F 1303 Gloucester Grant Theo R (c) 1930 Cochran av Killin Leon (c) 2001 Albany Kitchen David es Glynn av 3 n K Landrum Betty Mrs 2112 Norwich Mason John (c) 1201 Monk Matson Albert W 2012B Newcastle Merrow Howard H (c) 112 Monk Mitchell Elmer A 300 Gloucester Mobley Harris H es Glynn av 1 s K Owens Elmo P 1411 L Palmetto Lunch Room Glynn av 14 n Hopkins av Parmelee Cafe 1518 Newcastle Pitts Jas M (c) 1602 Albany Pitts Matilda (c) 1203 Gloucester Plaza Cafe 1519 Newcastle Portoulas John S 208 Monk Rainbow Soda Shoppe 1529 Newcastle Rivers Fannie (c) 1512 G Rones Theo 2102 Norwich Sanitary Cafe 1429 Newcastle Savoy Restaurant 210 Gloucester Spencer Eug (c) 1712 L Watson Fred (c) 1806 L Whitfield Chas (c) 1300 L

Riding Academies SEA ISLAND RIDING ACADEMY, Retreat Road, StSimons
Island, Tel 37-3

*Roofing Contractors GILMORE AND WOODS, 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab
insert at Classified and page 35)

*Roofing Materials CONEY & PARKER CO INC, 1129 Bay, Tel 17 (See right top
lines and page 24)

*Rug Cleaners BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY, 1510 Richmond, Tel 31 (See front
cover and page 30) C & O DRY CLEANERS, 1515 Reynolds, Tel 711 (See front
cover and page 30) UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEANERS & DYERS, 1316 New
castle, Tel 298 (See back cover and page 25)

Safe Deposit Vaults BRUNSWICK BANK & TRUST CO, 1419 Newcastle, Tel 33
(See back cover and page 3) NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK THE, 1513 Newcastle,
Tels 83 and 84 (See front cover, right top lines and page


In Sterilized Bottles



508 M A N S F IE L D

Tel. 144

*Salary and Wage Buyers PEOPLES INVESTMENT CO, 1001 G cor Norwich

Schools--Parochial StJoseph's School 1120 Richmond

Schools--Private SEA ISLAND SCHOOL, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 686

Schools--Public Arco Colored School n end Magnolia (Arco) Arco School 6 Dixie av (Arco) Colored Memorial School (c) ws Albany bet H and I Glynn Grammar School 1000 Mansfield Prep High School 1101 Mansfield Purbis Grammar School 2010 Norwich

Schools, Colleges and Academies Glynn Academy 1001 Mansfield Perry Business Schools 1426 Grant

*Sea Foods BRUNSWICK CAFE, 1420 Newcastle, Tel 9170 (See left and
right side lines)

Seeds--Retail Hackett Eug 1328 Newcastle Tait Feed & Seed Co 1320 Newcastle

M pfol
GILMORE AND WOODS, 1418 Richmond, Tel 228 (See tab insert at Classified and page 35)

Shoe Dealers--Retail Altman Shoe Store 1505 Newcastle Novelty Shoe Store 1504 Newcastle Whilden's Shoe Store 1411 Newcastle

Shoe Repairers
Brunswick Shoe Repair Shop 1306y2 Gloucester Dorsey Jas M 807 I Maynard Shoe Shop 1516 Newcastle Modern Shoe Repair Shop 1407y2 Newcastle Sissis Nick 301 Monk Stratis Peter 1323 Newcastle

Shoe Shiners Molette Abr H (c) 1309y2 L

Sign Painters and Manufacturers DAMON'S SIGN SHOP, 1403 Grant cor Monk (See left top

Sign and Card Writers DAMON'S SIGN SHOP, 1403 Grant cor Monk (See left top
lines) '

Societies--Benevolent and Fraternal BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS Brunswick Lodge No 691 1509 Union
B'NAI B'RITH Migdol Lodge No 318
JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERICANS Brunswick Council No 20 1513 Newcastle 3d fl
KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Oglethorpe Rathbone No 4 K of P Hall Oglethorpe-Rathbone Lodge No 45 1600^ Newcastle
Pythian Sisters Liberty Temple No 15 K of P Hall
LOYAL ORDER MOOSE Brunswick Lodge No 79 1302 Bay
MASONIC Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Simpson Lodge No 417 (c) 1400 Amherst
Free and Accepted Masons Atlantic Lodge No 82 Masonic Hall 14181/2 Newcastle Ocean Lodge No 214 Masonic Hall
Royal Arch Masons Brunswick Chapter No 66 Masonic Hall
Knights Templar StElmo Commandery No 21 Masonic Hall
Order Eastern Star Marshs of Glynn Chapter Masonic Hall Neptune Chapter No 153 Masonic Hall
. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Woodmen of the World 1513 Newcastle 3d fl
Societies--Patriotic American Legion Auxiliary Gloucester cor Bay American Legion Post No 9 Gloucester cor Bay Boy Scouts of America Newcastle Daughters of America 1513 Newcastle 3d fl
Societies--Miscellaneous Christian Science Society 502y2 Gloucester R4
*Soft Drinks--Bottlers BRUNSWICK COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, 508 Mansfield,
Tel 144 (See right top lines) Clark Ernest (c) 110 Monk Crawford Frank D 1600 Albany Davenport Chas L 1412 Grant Menendez Alex 1002 Oglethorpe Miller Luke H (c) 1500 L Old Town Pump 1830 Newcastle Owens Herbert F 200 Monk Owens Herbert F 211 Monk Sheffield Oscar (c) 1308 J Skarpalezos Nick 1303 Monk Singleton Jack (c) 1326 Amherst Smith Willard (c) 204 Monk
Sporting Goods--Retail BRUNSWICK HARDWARE CO, 505-07 Gloucester, Tels 53
and 54 (See page 2)



General Hardware-- Stoves and Ranges-- Garden Tools Cutlery-- Builders' Supplies-- Roofing
Sherwin-W illiams Paints and Varnishes


T E L . 23

Stationers SMITH PRINTING HOUSE, 1416 Richmond, Tel 135 (See left
top lines and page 32)

Stationers--Retail Glover Brothers Inc 1506-08 Richmond

Steamboat Lines Parker Towing Co 1129 Bay

Steamship Agents Strachan Shipping Co Howe ne cor Bay

^Steamship and Forwarding Agents STRACHAN SHIPPING CO, Howe ne cor Bay, Tel 880

*Store Front Signs > DAMON'S SIGN SHOP, 1403 Grant cor Monk (See left top

Stoves and Ranges--Retail Crandall Hardware Co 2123 Norwich LEWIS B A, 1423 Newcastle, Tel 166 (See front cover and
page 26) WHITTLE FURNITURE CO INC, 1808 Norwich, Tel 567 (See
right top lines and page 27)

^Summer Resorts SEA ISLAND, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 600

^Surety Bonds CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO, 207-08 Gordon Bldg 403V2
Gloucester, Tel 10 (See left top lines and page 33) HOPKINS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 208 Dunwoody
Bldg 1503y2 Newcastle, Tel 99 (See left top lines and page 29) PARKER, BURROUGHS & WAY, 513 Gloucester, Tels 845 and 846 (See front cover and page 28) PHILIPS R L CO, 1511 Newcastle, Tel 183 (See front cover and page 29) ROYAL FENDIG & SHELANDER, 1517 Newcastle, Tel 287 (See front cover and page 29)

Tailors Bodani Wm X 500V2 Monk Brunswick Tailoring Co (c) 508 Monk New York Tailoring Shop 212 Monk

Taxicab Service Glover's Taxi & U Drive It 300-04 F

Taxidermists Malbert Louis 2830 Norwich

Telegraph Companies Postal Telegraph-Cable Co 302 Gloucester WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, 506 Gloucester, Tel
Western Union




Served 3000 Satisfied Customers Last Year
Telephone Companies Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co 1414 Richmond

Tire Dealers and Repairers H & H Service Station 800 Gloucester Krauss Tire & Battery Co 1412 Newcastle

Tourists' Camps Palmetto Tourist Camp Glynn av 14 n Hopkins av

Tourists' Homes Magnolia Home for Tourists 1102 Gloucester Oak Terrace Tourist Home 1707 Gloucester

Transfer Companies City Transfer Co 301 Gloucester Independent Transfer Co 1212 Newcastle Independent Transfer Co 1212 Newcastle

Transportation--Freight--Automobile FIVE TRANSPORTATION CO, 301 Gloucester, Tel 30 (See
page 30) StJohns River Line Co 2 Mansfield

Trucking and Teaming Reinl Carl R 1700 Gloucester Romprey Jos V 1210 Richmond

Trust Companies BRUNSWICK BANK & TRUST CO THE, 1419 Newcastle,
Tel 33 (See back cover and page 3) NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK THE, 1513 Newcastle,
Tels 83 and 84 (See front cover, right top lines and page 23)

Turpentine Cups and Aprons--Manufacturers Lerio Patent Cup Co 1523 Oglethorpe

*Turpentine Tools DOWNING COMPANY INC THE, 1325-1329 Bay, Tel 1 (See
page Z)

^Undertakers BALDWIN & EDGE, 1522 Richmond, Tel 517 (See back cover
and page 26) GIBSON-HART FUNERAL HOME, 1521 Norwich, Tel 70 (See
stencil edges and page 4) MILLER EDO MORTICIAN, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25) MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 1626 Newcastle, Tel 196 (See
back cover and page 25)

Upholsterers (See also Furniture Repairing) Mathis & Son 2522 Norwich Pickron Jos C 114 Monk

Vending Machines Taylor Electric Co mezz fl 511 Gloucester

1". ii
lip f llii S

Radiator Repairing

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Workmanship Guaranteed



1217 Richmond St.

Tel. 58; Night Tel. 1085

*Water Garden Supplies GLYNN WATER GARDENS. 5th and Johnson. Tel 656 (See
page 25)

Water Supply Companies Peoples Water Service Co of Georgia 1525 Grant

o tifl RrQTPfc
LUNCEFORD JULIUS L, 1217 Richmond, Tel 58 (See right top lines)

Well Drillers and Borers Wade Morgan D 2011 Union

^Winter Estates ROBB L S, 5 Lane Bldg 205y2 Gloucester, Tel 376 (See page

P PQArfc SEA ISLAND, Sea Island, Ga, Tel 600

Wood Dealers Byrd John (c) 1324 Albany CONEY & PARKER CO INC, 1129 Bay, Tel 17 (See right top
lines and page 24) Golden Jas (c) 1509 G Robertson John (c) 1601 Cochran av

* D ire cto ries * Com piled from a Door-to-Door Canvass Are The Cornerstone*
Of All ,
Good M ailir^ Listsj





2 0 8 D unw ody Bldg.

Phone 99

The City Directory
is the most effective and most economical method of reaching all the people all the time. Those who buy without looking at the list of those who sell do them selves great injustice. The classified lists in the Business Directory form the best Buyers' Guide on earth. A modem, up-to-date method of getting what you want.


irrw ^s


T his Publication

Is T h e P roduct o f a M em ber o f

-- thus assuring you the ultim ate service that skill and care can produce in the w ay of City Directories or other reference media, and providing pro tection against fraudulent advertising schem es w hich operate under the name of Directories.
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The publisher of a Directory should dedicate his best efforts to the cause of business uplift and social service, and to this end pledges himself:
1. T o consider, first, th e interest of the user of the book.
2. To subscribe to and work for truth, honesty and accuracy in all departm en ts.
3. To avoid confusing duplication of listings, endeavoring to classify every concern under the one head ing that best describes it, and to treat additional listings as advertis ing, to be charged for at regular rates.
4. To increase public knowledge of what Directories contain; to study public needs and make D irec tories to supply them ; to revise and standardize m ethods and classifica tions, so that what is wanted may be most easily found, and the D irec tory be made to serve its fullest use

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5. To decline any advertisem ent which has a tendency to mislead or which does not conform to business integrity.
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'$100 Reward w ill be paid by the Association of North American Directory Publishers for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons engaged ie the Publishing, collecting or canvassing for any fraudulent or fake directories.

Association of North American

Directory Publishers

354-360 4th AVE.

New York City



Population of U. S. Cities of 2 5 ,0 0 0 Inhabitants or M ore in 1930

(As per final figures of the 1930 United States Census Report)

A labam a Birmingham . . 2 5 9 ,6 7 8 Mobile ............. 6 8 ,2 0 2 Montgomery . . 6 6 ,0 7 9

A rizona Phoenix ........... 4 8 ,1 1 8 Tucson ............... 3 2 ,5 0 6

A rkansas Fort Smith . . 3 1 .4 2 9 Little Rock . . . 81.679 Texarkana . . . 10.764

C alifornia Alameda .......... 3 5 ,0 3 3 Alhambra . . . . 2 9 ,4 7 2 Bakersfield . . . 2 6 ,0 1 5 Berkeley . . . . 82 ,1 0 9 Fresno .............. 5 2 ,5 1 3 Glendale ____ 6 2 ,7 3 6 Long Beach. . . 14 2 ,0 3 2 Los A ngeles. ..1 .2 3 8 ,0 4 8 Oakland ........... 2 8 4 ,0 6 3 Pasadena . . . . 76.086 Riverside . . . . 2 9 .6 9 6 Sacramento . . . 9 3 ,7 5 0 San Bernardino 37,481 San Diego. . .. 1 47,995 San Francisco. 634,394 San Jo se ........... 5 7 ,6 5 1 Santa A na. . . . 3 0,322 Santa Barbara. 3 3,613 Santa M onica.. 3 7 ,1 4 6 Stockton . . . . 4 7 ,9 6 3

C o lorado Colorado S ngs.. 3 3 .2 3 7 D e n v e r .............. 2 8 7 ,8 6 1 Pueblo .............. 5 0 .0 9 6

C onnecticut Bridgeport . . . 1 4 6 ,7 1 6 B r i s t o l .............. 2 8 .4 5 1 H artford .......... 1 6 4 ,0 7 2 Meriden .......... 3 8 .4 8 1 New B ritain . . 6 8 ,1 2 8 New H a v e n .... 1 6 2 .6 5 5 New London. .. 2 9 .6 4 0 Norwalk ........... 3 6 ,0 1 9 Stamford .......... 4 6 ,3 4 6 Torrington . . . . 2 6 ,0 4 0 Waterbury . . . . 9 9.902

D elaware Wilmington . .. 1 06,597

D istrict of Colum bia Washington . . 4 8 6 ,8 6 9

F lo rid a Jacksonville . . 12 9 .5 4 9 M iam i .............. 1 1 0 ,6 3 7 Orlando ........... 2 7 ,3 3 0 Pensacola . . . . 3 i,5 7 9 St. Petersburg. 4 0,425 Tampa .............. 1 0 1 .1 6 1 W. Palm Beach 2 6 ,6 1 0

G eorgia A tlanta ............. 2 7 0 ,3 6 6 A u g u s t a ........... 6 0 ,3 4 2 Columbus . . . . 4 3 ,1 3 1 Macon .............. 5 3 .8 2 9 Savannah . . . . 8 5.024


Alton ................ 3 0 .1 5 1

A urora ............ 4 6 ,5 8 9

Belleville ____ 2 8 ,4 2 5

Berwyn ............. 4 7 ,0 2 7

Bloomington . . 3 0 ,9 3 0

Chicago ........... 3 .3 7 6*438



Danville .......... 3 6 ,7 6 5

Decatur ........... 5 7 ,5 1 0

East St. Louis. 74.347

Elgin ............... 3 5 ,9 2 9

Evanston .......... 6 3 ,3 3 8

Galesburg . . . . 2 8 ,8 3 0

Granite C ity. . 25 ,1 3 0




Moline _ .


Oak Park


Peoria .............. 1 0 4 ,9 6 9

Q u in c y .............. 3 9 ,2 4 1

Rockford . . . . 85.8 6 4

Rock Island . . 3 7 .9 5 3



Waukegan . . . . 33.499


A n d e rs o n .......... 3 9 ,8 0 4

East Chicago. . 5 4 ,7 8 4

E lkhart ........... 3 2 ,9 4 9

Evansville . . . . 1 0 2,249

Fort Wayne


Gary ................ 1 0 0 ,4 2 6

Hammond . . . . 64,5 6 0

Indianapolis . . 3 6 4,161

Kokomo . . . . . 3 2 .8 4 3 Lafayette . . . . 2 6 ,2 4 0

Michigan City. 26 .7 3 5

Mishawaka . . . 2 8 ,6 3 0

Muncie ............. 4 6 .5 4 8

New Albany . . 2 5 .8 1 9


Richmond . . . . 32,49.3

New Hampshire


South Bend . . 1 0 4 ,1 9 3 Terre Haute . . 62,810

Concord ........... Manchester . . .

2 5 ,2 2 8 P ortland .......... 3 0 1 ,8 1 5 7 6 ,8 3 4 Salem .............. 2 6 .2 6 6

Iowa Burlington . . . 2 6 ,7 5 5 Cedar Rapids. . 50,097

Nashua ........... 3 1 ,4 6 3 New Jersey

P e n n sy lv a n ia Aliquippa . . .. 2 7 .1 1 6

Clinton ................ 2 5 .7 2 6 A tlantic C ity. . 6 6 ,1 9 8 Allentown . . . . 9 2 .5 6 3

Council Bluffs. 4 2 ,0 4 8 Bayonne

8 8 .9 7 9 Altoona ........... 8 2 ,6 5 4

Davenport . . . . 60,751 Des Moines . . 1 4 2 ,5 5 9

Belleville Bloomfield

2 6 .9 7 4 Bethlehem . . . 5 7 ,8 9 2 3 8 ,0 7 7 Chester ............. 5 9 ,l6 4

Dubuque .............. 4 1 ,6 7 9 Camden .

1 1 8 .7 0 0 Easton .............. 3 4 ,4 6 8

Ottumwa .......... 2 8 ,0 7 5 Clifton . .

4 6 ,8 7 5 E rie .................. 1 1 5 .9 6 7

Sioux City . . . 7 9 ,1 8 3 E ast Orange

68.020 Harrisburg , . . 80,339

Waterloo . . . . . 4 6 .1 9 1 Elizabeth

1 1 4 ,5 8 9 Hazleton . . . . 3 6 .7 6 5

K ansas Hutchinson . . . Kansas City . . Topeka ................ W ichita ...........

2 7 ,0 8 5 121,857
64,120 111,110

Garfield Hoboken Irvington Jersey Oity. Kearny . . . M ontclair

5596,, 72 66 31
316,715 4 0 .7 1 6 42,017

Johnstown . . . . Lancaster . . . . Lebanon ........... McKeesport . . Nanticoke . . . . New O astle. . .

66,993 59.949 2 5 ,9 6 1 54,632 2 6 ,0 4 3 4 8 ,6 7 4

34,656 K entucky

Newark . .

4 4 2 ,3 3 7 Norristown . .. 3 5 ,8 5 3

Ashland ............... 2 9 .0 7 4 New Brunsw k.

Philadelphia ..1 ,9 5 0 ,9 6 1

Covington . . . . 6 5 .2 5 2 Orange

35,399 Pittsburgh . . . 669,817

Lexington . . . . 4 5 ,7 3 6 Passaic

6 2 .9 5 9 Reading .......... i l l . 1 7 1

Louisville . . . . 3 0 7 .7 4 5 Paterson

1 3 8 .5 1 3 Scranton .......... 1 4 3 .4 i 3

Newport ............... 2 9 ,7 4 4 P erth Amboy

4 3 ,5 1 6 Sharon .............. 2 5 .9 0 8

Paducah .............. 3 3 .5 4 1 Plainfield

3 4,422 W ilkes-Barre . 8 6 .6 2 6

L o u isian a Baton R o u g e ... Monroe ...............

30,729 26.028

Trenton . Union City. W est New York

123,356 58,659 37.107

Wilkinsburg .. Williamsport .. York ................

29,539 45.729 5 5 .2 5 4

New Orleans . . 4 5 8 .7 6 2 Shreveport . . . 7 6,655

New Mexico Albuquerque . . 26 ,5 7 0

Rhode Island Central F a lls.. 25,898

M aine Bangor ............ 2 8 ,7 4 9

New York

Cranston .......... 4 2 ,9 1 1 Newport .......... 2 7 ,6 1 2

Lewiston .......... 3 4 ,9 4 8 Albany ............. 1 2 7 ,4 1 2 Pawtucket . . . . 7 7 ,1 4 9

Portland .......... 7 0 ,8 1 0 Amsterdam . . . 3 4 ,8 1 7 Providence . . . 2 5 2 ,9 8 1

M aryland Baltimore . . . . 8 0 4 ,8 7 4 Cumberland . . . 3 7 .7 4 7 Hagerstown . . . 3 0 .8 6 1
M assachusetts Beverlv ............. 2 5 ,0 8 6 Boston .............. 7 8 1 ,1 8 8 Brockton . . . . 63,7 9 7 Cambridge . . . 1 1 3 ,6 4 3 Chelsea . . . . . 4 5 ,8 1 6

Auburn ............. 36,&o2

Binghamton . . . 7 6 .6 6 2

Buffalo ............. 5 7 8 ,0 7 6



Jamestown . .


Kingston . . . 2 8.088

Mt. Vernon. .


Newburgh . . . 3 1 .2 7 5

New Rochelle

5 4 ,0 0 0

New York


Bronx Boro. 1 ,2 6 5 ,2 5 8

Woonsocket . .. 4 9 .3 7 6

South C arolina

Charleston . . . Columbia . . . . Greenville . . .. Spartanburg . .

62.265 51,581 29,154 28.723

South D akota Sioux F a l l s . . . 3 3 ,3 6 2

Chicopee . . . . 4 3 ,9 3 0 Everett ............. 4 8 ,4 2 4

Brooklyn Boro


........................ 2 .5 6 0 ,4 0 1 Chattanooga . . 1 1 9 ,7 9 8

Fall River . . . 11 5 ,2 7 4 Fitchburg . . . . 40,692

M anhattan Boro ...........1 ,8 6 7 .3 1 2

Johnson C it y .. 2 5 .0 8 0 Knoxville . . . . 1 0 5 ,8 0 2

Haverhill . . . . 48 .7 1 0

Queens B o ro .1 .0 7 9 ,1 2 9 Memphis

.... 2 5 3 .1 4 3

Holyoke .......... Lawrence . . . . Lowell .............. Lvnn ................. Malden ............. M e d fo rd ........... New Bedford. . Newton ............ Pittsfield . . . . Quincy ............. Revere .............. Salem ............... Somerville . . . Springfield . .. Taunton .......... Waltham .......... Worcester . . ..

56.537 85,068 100,234 102.320 58,036 59,714 1 1 2 ,5 9 7 65,276 49,677 71,983 35,680 43,353 103,908 149,900 37,355 39.247 195.311

M ichigan Ann Arbor . . . 26,944 Battle Creek. . 43.573 Bay City . . . . 4 7 ,3 5 5 Dearborn . . . . 50,358 D etroit ..............1 .5 6 8 ,6 6 2 F lin t ................ 1 5 6 ,4 9 2 Grand R apids.. 168,592 Hamtramck . .. 56,268 Highland Park. 5 2 ,9 5 9 Jackson ........... 5 5 ,1 8 7 Kalamazoo . . . 5 4 ,7 8 6 Lansing ........... 7 8 ,3 9 7 Muskegon . . . . 4 1 ,3 9 0 Pontiac ............ 6 4 ,9 3 8 Port Huron . . 31,361 Saginaw .......... 8 0 ,7 1 5 Wyandotte . . . 2 6 ,3 6 8

M innesota D uluth ............. 1 0 1 ,4 6 3

Richmond Boro 158,346
Niagara F alls. 75 .4 6 0 Poughkeepsie . 4 0 .2 8 8 Rochester . . . . 3 2 8 .1 3 2 Romo ............... 3 2 .3 3 8 Schenectady . . 9 5 .6 9 2 Syracuse .......... 2 0 9 ,3 2 6 Troy ................ 7 2 .7 6 3 U tica ............... 1 0 1 ,7 4 0 Watertown . . . 3 2 .2 0 5 White P lain s.. 3 5 ,8 3 0 Yonkers .......... 1 3 4 .6 4 6

North Carolina

Asheville . . . . Charlotte . . . . Durham ........... Greensboro . . . . High Point. . . Raleigh ........... Wilmington . . Winston-Salem

50.193 82,675 52.037 53,539 36.745 37.379 32.270 75.274

North Dakota Fargo ............... 2 8 .6 1 9

Ohio Akron .............. Canton ............ Cincinnati . . . Cleveland . . . . Cleveland H ts.. Columbus ......... Dayton ............. E ast Cleveland. Elyria .............. Hamilton . . . . Lakewood . . . .

255.040 104,906 4 5 1 .1 6 0 900.429
50,945 290,564 2 0 0 .9 8 2
39.667 25,633 52.176 70.509

Nashville . . . . 1 5 2 .8 6 6
A marillo .......... 4 3 ,1 3 2 A ustin .............. 5 3 .1 2 0 Beaumont . . . . 57 ,7 3 2 Corpus C hristi. 2 7 ,7 4 1 Dallas .............. 2 6 0 .4 7 5 "El P a s o ........... 1 0 2 ,4 2 1 Fort Worth . . 163.447 Galveston . . . . 5 2 ,9 3 8 Houston . . . . . 29 2 .3 5 2 L a r e d o .. 3 2 ,6 1 8 Port A rthur.. . 50,902 San Angelo . . . 2 5 ,8 0 8 San Antonio . . 2 3 1 ,5 4 2 Texarkana . . . . 16.602 Waco ............... 5 2 .8 4 8 Wichita F a lls.. 43.690
U tah Ogden .............. 4 0 ,2 7 2 Salt Lake City. 1 4 0.267
V irginia Lynchburg . . . 4 0 ,6 6 1 Newport N ew s.. 3 4 ,4 1 7 Norfolk ............. 1 2 9 ,7 1 0 Petersburg . . . . 28,564 Portsmouth . .. 4 5,704 Richmond . . . . 18 2 ,9 2 9 Roanoke .......... 6 9 .2 0 6
W ashington Bellingham . . . 3 0 ,8 2 3 Everett ............. 3 0 ,5 6 7 Seattle ............ 3 6 5 .5 8 8 Spokane .......... 1 1 5 ,5 1 4 Tacoma ........... 1 0 6 ,8 1 7

Minneapolis . . 4 6 4 ,3 5 6 Lima ................ 4 2 .2 8 7

W est V irginia

St. Paul .......... 2 7 1 ,6 0 6 Lorain .............. 4 4 ,5 1 2 Charleston . . . 6 0 ,4 0 8

M ississippi Jackson ............. 4 8 ,2 8 2 Meridian . . . . 31 ,9 5 4

Mansfield . . . . Marion ............ Massillon . . . . Middletown . ..

33.525 3 1 ,0 8 4 26.400 29.992

Clarksburg . . . Huntington . . . Parkersburg . . Wheeling . . ...

28,866 75,572 29,623 61,659

M issouri Joplin ............... 3 3 ,4 5 4 Kansas City. .. 399,746 St. J o s e p h .... 80,9 3 5 St. Louis . . . . 8 2 1 ,9 6 0 Springfield . . . 57 ,5 2 7 University City. 2 5 ,8 0 9
M ontana Butte ............... 3 9 .5 3 2 Great F a lls .... 28.822

Newark ........... Norwood .......... Portsmouth . .. Springfield . . . Steubenville . . Toledo .............. W arren ............. Youngstown . .. Zanesville . . . .

30,596 3 3 .4 ll 42.560 68,743 3 5 ,4 2 2 290,718 44,062 170.002 36,440

Oklahoma Enid ................ 2 6 ,3 9 9

W isconsin Appleton .......... 2 5 .2 6 7 Eau Claire . . . 2 6 ,2 8 7 Fond du Lac. . 2 6 ,4 4 9 Green Bay . . . 3 7 ,4 1 5 Kenosha .......... 5 0 ,2 6 2 La Crosse . . . . 3 9 ,6 l 4 Madison .......... 5 7 ,8 9 9 Milwaukee . . . 5 7 8 ,2 4 9 O s h k o s h ........... 4 0 ,1 0 8 R a c i n e ... 6 7 .5 4 2

N ebraska

Muskogee . . . . 3 2 ,0 2 6 Sheboygan . . . 8 9 ,2 5 1

Lincoln ........... 7 5 ,9 3 3 Oklahoma City. 1 8 5 ,3 8 9 Superior .......... 3 6 ,1 1 3

Omaha ............. 2 1 4 ,0 0 6 Tulsa ............... 1 4 1 .2 5 8 W est A llis . . . 3 4 .6 7 1

(1935) R. L. POLK & CO.'S

T el. 1
W holesale G roceries C ooperage
M cKoy Patent H ocks
Resources . . . Service . . . Experience

8*Thi OMttl Banl In Braitiwicfc"___________________ Invifis Taar Aeeeimi

Universai French



Cleaners and Dyers

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Motor Company, Inc.


B U IC K A N D P O N T IA C Sale* nd $ roice 1



Glynn Ice and Coal


George St. anil Cochran A m

Bp r Wumrsti Directors


Ambulance Service
