Yamacraw, 1981



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)lume 50, 1981

Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia

1 52 pages. 7 sections

An Oglethorpe View Of 1981

The title is more or less self-
explanatory. This is our effort to recall,
tvith some semblance of organization, the
Deople and events that surfaced memora-
Dly during the past year. This is where we
;alk about all those good and bad times,
:hose worldwide and miniscule happenings
;hat make up the great College Exper-
ence. It's standard - after all, why else
A'ould this be called a yearbook? So, a
:ouple of decades from now, when your
cids (or your neighbor's kids, if you're not
;he marrying kind) ask what things were
ike back in the 1980s, when you're so
:hoked up over the remake of Star Wars
3r Dan Rather's retirement that you can't
emember how it all got started, or when
/ou just want something better to do than
A'atch big screen cable T.V. after dinner,
/ou can pull out the 1981 annual, turn to
sage 1, and go on a memory trip - that
s, if we've done our job correctly.

Despite the isolation from the world
Dutside college that students sometimes
experience, news of certain events and the
jrevailing attitudes that go with them
A'ork their way inside the stone walls and
ron gates to be discussed, debated, and
jventually committed to memory. The
Tiajor happenings of the year and the
joncurrent emotions are unfortunately,
lowever, not always bright and cheery. As
1 matter of fact, one of the noticeable
Tioods of the season has reflected
uncertainty and fear.

The world you groggily see out your
A-indow every morning can often be a big
ind frightening place, especially when you
lappen to be a college student still
struggling to pass too many exams
scheduled too close together and are still
not sure what you plan to do with your
ife when the exams are over. Sometimes
;t seems as if the fight to do well or even
iust to tread water and stay afloat is

impossible to win, and other times it even
feels like it has no purpose in the end.
It's hard for anyone, especially the
young, to remember that the present isn't
the only rough time in history, and that,
incredibly enough, it's not even the worst.
But the world of 1981 does have its
problems. Everything seems endangered,
in trouble, or on its way to being on its
way out. They just don't make things like
they used to - or people either, according
to some critics of society. It's a world of
light bulbs that go "pop" after thirty
seconds and cars that fall apart (especial-
ly, it seems, the American ones) a week
after the warranty expires, and where the
Wonderful World of Disney can even be
kicked off the air after two decades of

Sunday nights. What can you say about
a world that hates Donald Duck? A world
where Democrats can lose a seemingly
sound Senate majority in a short couple
of hours and where you have to think twice
about what's in the water you maybe
shouldn't be drinking? And you notice we
didn't even mention the fuel crisis (gasp,
sigh). Also this year, stories of overseas
Continued on Pg. G-I

For a school its size, Oglethorpe offers a wide variety
of sports programs, giving many students the
opportunity to compete. For the stories on all the
teams, see Section C.




A- 2

Greek Week

A- 4


A- 5




B- 4

Miss Yamacraw B-38






C- 1


C- 6






D- 1






E- 1


E- 9





Personal Ads

F- 8





Oglethorpe University

Established 1919 GOLDEN EDITION * Volume 50, 1981

The Yamacraw

Nicki Brown

Dr. John A. Thames

The Company

Mr. Bill Wolfe


The University

Manning M.
Pattillo, Jr.


Let's Have A Brand New U!

An Editorial (?)

Atlanta is a city on the move (at least, so they tell us during
the "public service" messages during station identification),
although its exact direction has yet to be settled. It is only fitting,
then, that Oglethorpe, the city's - maybe even the "New South's"
lone Suburban University should find itself on the move as well.
This year, students were electrified by a number of unexpected
and unique new improvements - some said they had never known
or dreamt of their like before. If the administration is wise
enough, they can seize the moment and initiate a sweeping
program of changes that will change the face of the present O.U.
and set it on a path straight into the late 1940's.

First, the President would be well advised to secure the
college's shaky status as part of the suburban scene. Contributions
from alumni, increases in tuition, and cutbacks to school services
can allow the school to purchase pesky outposts of civilization
such as Limelight and Lenox Square. The latter can easily be
remodeled in the Gothic style and converted into extra space for
the expanded E.L.S. program. Offending sidewalks and parking
lots between the regular campus and this new annex can be torn
up by now idle work-study students and turned into fertile
countryside again. Trees and shrubbery can be solicited from
friends of the University all over the globe - after all, if it worked
for Israel, why can't it work for us? Why, the possibilities are
as endless as they are exciting.

Money left over from this bold new project can be used to
complete the extra floors of Faith Hall that had originally been
planned. Famed architect John Portman could oversee the
construction, not only to attract the national press, but he could
also erect a monolith to dwarf the now passe Peachtree Plaza
Hotel. Think of the publicity of PM Magazine when the 80th
floor was finished and girders for the 81st put into place! No
more obscurity for the namesake of General James Edward.
Within a few generations, the curriculum could even be expanded
to fill part of the space. Meanwhile, our sprawling Fine Arts
program will lend its budding young sculptors to provide gargoyles
and other gothic accessories for this and other buildings. Hearst,
for instance, could do with a good set of flying buttresses.

Continued Pg. A-5

Education Of
One's Own Making

An Editorial

Oglethorpe University takes pride, rightfully, in its unique
position as "Atlanta's Suburban University" - the administration
of the University is quick to elaborate on the advantages of such
a location. At a small liberal arts college such as Oglethorpe,
faculty-types will tout, a student will find the close-knit
atmosphere among students and professors to be of great value
in his academic and social education, while the cultural and
economic opportunities inherent in an urban mecca such as
Atlanta also provide incalculable opportunities for a more fully
rounded education - if the student is willing to search out these
opportunities. It is true that Oglethorpe's size and location, as
well as its faculty's impressive credentials, offer students
numerous advantages. Yet many students here complain of
Oglethorpe's lack of social atmosphere, its lack of course variety,
and in short, its lack of excitement. While these charges are also
true (but the same could be said of any college or university),
take a look around Oglethorpe - at the offerings of the various
organizations and departments. Perhaps the very students who
complain loudest of "this boring campus" are significant
contributors to their own lament.

Consider first, for a sampling of excitement and glamour,
the productions staged every semester by the University's drama
department, the O.U. Players. There are no academic
prerequisites for involvement in this club; in fact, a member who
works a certain number of hours on a particular production is
eligible for academic credit. Here, as in most Oglethorpe's clubs,
little is required of a potential member but a willingness to learn
and participate. Is there a waiting list to belong to such an
open-minded club? Hardly. The Players recruit avidly for
membership each year. Where, then, are those who complain of
not having anything to do? Complaining of not having anything
to do, no doubt. Continued Pg. A-3

Extra-curricular activities at Ogleth-
orpe allow students to do anything
from discussing philosophy to learning
karate. Or, if you're feeling destruc-

tive, you can blow up the chemistry lab
with the .^CS. To find out about what
has been happening outside the
classroom, see Lifestyle, section B.

Residents Relocated


Alumni Remodelling Underway

Students whose favorite
topic of conversation is how
lousy dorm life is may find
themselves in trouble - when
they soon have less to com-
plain about. Stately old
Alumni Hall is going through
a facelift, to the tune of a
quarter of a million dollars.
Plans call for the work to be
wrapped up by the Fall 1981
semester (so hopefully some
will be reading this in a dorm

What can students,
especially those of the male
persuasion, expect from this

colossal cash committment?
Reportedly a lot. Residents,
and even casual visitors
should be able to notice the
differences immediately. The
basic renovation, of course, is
modelled after the work done
on Trustees Hall a few years
ago. The enlarged rooms will
all have private access (no
corridors) except on the third
floor, with individual bath-
room and shower facilities.
But even more improvements
are in store. Better sound-
proofing and climate control
units will be installed, and

The Oglethorpe Student Association
and its Social Committee are responsi-
ble for planning many major social

events (namely dances and parties),
and of course, providing the refresh-
ments. See OSA, page B-l

many interior items such as
doors and tiles will be
replaced. New shingles will
also be added to the list.
Finally, a room for the
handicapped will be opened
on the first floor, providing
easy access to the rest of the
hall and to the outside.

If Trustees is any indica-
tion, the changes should be a
huge and welcome success. In
the short time since this dorm
was revamped, its rooms have
become perhaps the most
coveted on campus. Former
Alumni residents will be

given first choice at the
all-new version, but all male
campus-dwellers can take
heart - the other three
buildings are scheduled for a
beauty treatment sometime in
the future. So, with any luck,
everyone can enjoy Holiday
Inn style living sometime
before the end of the decade.
In the meantime, be sure to
step carefully around those
sinks and toilets out in the
middle of the quad.

As students were leaving for summer
vacation, this was the extent of the


remodelling efforts. Hopefully, plans
for redecoration are underway.

Continued from Ps. A-1

For the literary minded on campus, there are three major
publications put out regularly at Oglethorpe. As any editor of
there is never an abundance of contributors, writers, typists or
layout people on staff. The requirement for membership in these
respective organizations sounds familiar: willingness, on the part
of the potential staff member, to be active and learn. "\'et. there
are some students who prefer to lay back and let involvement
find them.

In athletic activities as well. Oglethorpe provides programs
involving intramural and intercollegiate competition. However.
such programs are defined by the athletes who choose to become
involved. The operative word, again, is "choose." .Although
basketball and soccer teams recruit players, other teams rely
heavily on volunteers. The question, then, is almost too tired to
be asked: Why sit and stare at the dorm room walls when there
is so much to become involved and active with here? College,
my friends, is not so distanced from the real world that an age
old axiom can be ignored; life is, ultimately, what you choose
to make it.


Brothers And Sisters
Fight For Fun At O.U.

During the spring, the
Greeks almost seem to disap-
pear into the masonry. Hard-
ly a partying peep can be
discerned, yet brothers and
sisters can occasionally be
found making furious plans.
Then suddenly Greek Week
begins, and the Greeks are all
back in sight, loyally cheering
for their various groups for a
week of intramural competi-

The Greek Week Cer-
emonies, which are a tradi-
tion at Oglethorpe, are pat-
terned after the ancient
Greek Olympics, but more
than athletic skills are
matched nowadays. This
year's festivities, held April
12-18, seemed to include a
little of everything. The
Week formally began with
the traditional Chariot Race.
Although SAE, it was
judged, had the best looking
chariot, Chi Phi proved to all
in the actual race that beauty
is only skin deep.

Both men and women
continued the competitions
with Softball, but the rest of
the athletic competitions were
slightly different for men and
women. The women's field
events were the three-legged
race, the sack race, the
obstacle course, the orange
pass, the egg race and egg

toss, and the softball throw.
For track events, the women
ran the 440 relay and the 100
yard dash, and competed in a
walk race.

The men's field events also
included the softball throw
and the egg race, but the men
also matched skills at Frisbee,
weightlifting, and arm wres-
tling. Track events were the
100 yard dash, 440 relay, the
long jump, the shot put, the
mile and a marathon run.
Continued on Pg. B-25

Highlights of Greek Week festivities.
Top: Chi Omega sisters showing their
talents at the sing. Middle Left: The
Delta Zeta skit, "The Adams Family."
Above: Chi Phi gets into the true Greek
spirit. Far Left: The pirates of Kappa
Alpha in the Skits. Left: Sigma Alpha
Epsilon participates in the fraternity


Players Take Dramatic New Steps

It has been an exceptional
year for the Oglethorpe
Players. While they have yet
to do Shakespeare in the
park, they have brought two
successful major productions
to Lupton Auditorium: the

comedy "You Can't Take It
With You" and the musical
"Pippin." Both shows
brought new challenges to the
Players in the areas of
performing and production -
fiery special effects, cut-away

walls, magic tricks, and, of
course, music and dancing,
were introduced to the drama
club's ever-growing personnel
and to its public.

The Players began the year
enthusiastically with "You

Can't Take ft With You."
The scene: the Vanderhof
household, a refuge for people
with unusual interests, such
as snake raising, ballet danc-
Continued Pg. B-14

Scenes from the Oglethorpe Players' major productions: at left, from "Pippin," the spring musical, and at right, from "You Can't Take It With You." performed
in the tall. '^

Brand New U!

Continued from Pg. A-2

Other additions and ploys can further serve to catch the
notoriously fickle eye of the public. Instead of that tired old shade
of green, the grass out front should be painted in more vogue
shades such as chartreuse, electric blue or aquamarine. What
better to turn the heads of preoccupied pedestrians on Peachtree
Road? And why should Six Flags have a monopoly on the
amusement park business? A few rides in the quad, a
roller-coaster or two at the edge of the athletic field would not
only draw people to the campus from all over the metro area,
but provide a nice after-class relaxer for jittery students as well.
A sky lift over Hoh Chi Minh would add to the effect while
speeding tardy men's dormitory residents to class. The World of
Sid and Marty Kroft and Lion Country Safari failed, but that's
no reason why we should.

A dynamic new calendar of community and cultural events
is an absolute necessity. Hermance Stadium is the perfect setting
for the host of sword-and-chivalry movies sure to come along in
the wake of Excalibur, and our pool area is a great place to hold
swim meets and water polo/ballet festivals. Remember, too, that
the site of the 1988 Olympic games has yet to be determined
- we've already got an advantage there, since O.U. is in no
position, at least not presently, to invade a small and helpless
country, causing political turmoil and boycotting. Bill Strozier is
a ready-made translator, to boot.

Visiting symphonies, dance troupes and theater companies
could find an incomparable home on our renowned stage in

Lupton with its exquisite ceiling - the abandoned Fox could finally
go with the wind as it should have long ago.

While we're at it, there's nothing stopping us from
transforming the really nowhere Sandwich Shop in the Student
Center into a really decent New Wave bar and nightclub.
Hardpressed undergraduates pulling all-nighters could po"p in for
a fast Pink Lady (they could even order the drink bv the same
name!) and a dose of the Talking Heads.

Finally, all this increased activity on campus calls for a more
advanced security system. The ne guardhouse desperately needs
magnetic metal detectors, binoculars with infra-red night' vision.
and at least one good pair of tripod mounted machine-guns. On
top of this, Dean Mac and his valiant crew could certalnlv find
use for some items from the Army-Navy surplus - a nice' tank,
for instance, would make a wonderful replacement for that boring
old station wagon in use at present.

The time is now, and the challenge is here. Will Oglethorpe
stir itself to life and take the actions needed? Will it^act with
decision and force '^ For the powers-that-be at Lupton. the answer
is obvious. But they can do nothing without the support of the
students, a group infamous for noT knowing what is best and
proper for their own welfare. The real power lies with the O.S..\.
Let's all band together and show them how we feel or has that
motion already been made'^ Or was it tabled':* I move we put
it to a vote . . .


It Wasn't Montreal in '76, but .

The Dorm Olympics were
born within the innovative (or
deranged, which ever fits)
minds of the Men's Dorm
Council, particularly that
belonging to Jim Kelley. The
Council had been trying to
think of functions in which
dorm students could par-
ticipate just because they were
dorm students (in other words,
team or fraternity alignments
would be unnecessary). Once
the Dorm Olympics became
the format, the Council had to
choose events. Jim and Don
Henry were the instrumental
planners from this point. They
wanted it to be "zany" but
also include a few serious

The events that made up the
competition were Ice Cream
Eating, a Greased-Water-

melon- in- the- Pool-Grabbing
Race, a Dorm Obstacle
Course Race, Pinball and Pool
Competitions, and Frisbee
Golf. Two people per event per
dorm could enter, and par-
ticipation turned out to be
excellent. Alumni Dorm won
the overall "gold medal"
position of the games.

Since the Olympics were so
successful, a repeat perfor-
mance was planned for
1981-1982 with a few more
sane events. There may even
be competitions in the spring
semester. Cited as special
helpers by the Council are
Dean Thames, who coordinat-
ed and attended all the events,
and Peter Garland, designer of
the Frisbee Golf course which
extended from the academic
buildings to the men's dorms.

This "appetizing" tidbit is one of many
main attractions at the traditional
Boar's Head ceremony, Which marks
the beginning of the Yuletide season

and serves as the induction ceremony
for Omicron Delta Kappa. For the
story, see Page B-33.

Oglethorpe is filled with colorful
personalities. Here, Chuck Wingo

models the latest styles to be found in
the University Bookstore. To find out

more about Chuck and other favorites,
see Personalities, Section D.


Cover Walsworth's Glotone on Natural Beige
Linen, Yamacraw Photo.

Endsheets: Standard White

Paper Stock: 80 pound gloss enamel

Type Face: Times Roman.

Press Run: 700 copies

Photography: Student portraits by Georgia
Photographies. Atlanta. All other b&w
photographs taken and processed by staff
photographers, unless otherwise indicated.
Four color processing by Kodak, Inc.,
Chamblee. separations by Walsworth.

Copy Staff: Too Many

Layout Staff Too Few

Funding: The YAMACRAW receives funds from
the Oglethorpe Student Association as
determined by Oglethorpe University. Addi-
tional revenue comes from staff fund-raisers
and advertising sales, solicited by Anthony
Advertising. Inc.. Atlanta, and by the
Yamacraw staff.

Management: The YAMACRAW operates
under the auspices of Oglethorpe University,
but also answers to the Oglethorpe Student
Association, and takes orders and complaints
from just about everybody. The content of the
book is the responsibility of the editor and staff

Correspondence: P.O. Box 586, 3000 Woodrow
Way; Atlanta, Georgia; 30319

Office: Lower level. Student Center. "We Never





Section B

OSA Keeps Students Active

The Executive^ Council of the Oglethorpe Student
Association: Bob Kane (vice president), Don Henry
(sophomore class president). Drew Findling (pre-
sident), Bob Rasile (junior class president), Craig

Reinheimer (freshman class president), Terry
Tribbet (secretary), Greg Stiles (senior class
president), John Wilson (treasurer) NOT PIC-
TURED: Mike Brant (parliamentarian)

The Oglethorpe Student Association
acts as a liaison between the administra-
tion and students. Not only does the OSA
work to communicate student needs to the
administration, but it also works to meet
those needs directly. The OSA Executive
Council, which consists of the nine elected
officers of the OSA, has many varied
responsibilities. This year, they approved
the allocation of funds to needy campus
organizations, and sponsored academic
events such as the speech by noted
psychologist and author Rollo May. Also,
student grievances and opinions with the
administration were voiced in an OS.A
sponsored "Town Meeting."


Below Left: Dr.^ Rollo May gave his talk "Did the
Sexual Revolution Bring Freedom'^" on .April 3.
Below Right: The OSA hard at work at an Executive
Council meeting.



The greatest part of the OSA budget
is spent on student activities, namely
parties and dances, providing students
with that necessary break from the same
old routine. The Social Committee of the
OSA has the tremendous task of planning
and executing these parties. This year's
Social Committee has done an admirable
job of bringing a wide variety of
performers on campus, and of creating
consistently appealing themes for school
dances. Their versatility and dedication
created the success of all of the social
events for the year.

The fall Welcome Back Dance
featured K.C. Cass and Associates, two
talented female disc jockeys with a
spectacular light show. The next event was
an old OU favorite, the Halloween Dance.
Its popularity is obviously due to the
spectacular costumes displayed there.
Winners of the costume contest included
The Crayolas (Mike Burke, Dawn Sonsini,
Rachel Lerman, John Pfautz, Marnie


Above: At the Town Meeting on November 20, issues
such as the activity fee, admissions policies and
women's athletics were discussed by students and
administration. Dr. David Thomas was moderator for
the event. Right: Scenes from the Halloween dance.


The Social Committee: BACK ROW: Karen Keiser,
Kathy Laskey, Don Henry, Marcia Carter, Ed
Odenkirchen, Mike Brant ROW 2: Mike Goetke,
Terri Guth, Craig Reinheimer, Ray Widdowson,
Andy Bieger, Jon Fagerstrom, Donald King

SEATED: Tricia McCuilogh, Drew Findling, Eric
Crunick NOT PICTURED: Rose Richardson, Lynn
Nagle, Robert Wilds, Shelaine Lockhart, Anthony
Moody, Greg Stiles, Paul Smith, Ellen Heckler, Jeff
Shelton, Paula German, Scott Exposito, Torsten

Balsler, Lisa Wessler. Donna Cron. Dave Milk,
Terry Tribbet, Susan Johnson, Bob Rasile, Debbie
Schreiber, Karen Malachi. Mike Burke. Joanie
Kelley. John Wilson, Howard Barr, Dale Jollev



(Pi^'j ri-Ei^\Knii-fi

Top Left: 1981 Lord and Lady Oglethorpe, Doc
Torrance and Terry Tribbet. Top Right: Cheer-
leaders panic as Petrels defend a narrow lead - final
score in over time: Petrels 75, LaGrange 73. Bottom

Right: Jack Berkshire coaches the Stormy Petrels to
victory. Bottom Left: The winning entry in the
banner contest, submitted by Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Ellis, Diana Hill, Lisa Franza, Melanie
Davison and Peter Dolce), Big Bird (Pete
Milot), The Midgets (Beth Laufer and
Bob Kane) and a Flapper (Diane Flatley).
The popular band Ruckus and a light
show compliments of wizards Jon Fager-
strom, Ed Odenkirchen, Chuck Nicholas
and Andy Bieger provided the entertain-
ment. In a November Collaboration
Dance, Oglethorpe's cafeteria and
students went back in time to the era of
the 1950s and 1960s. The band, calling
themselves the Retreads, played all the old
favorites from beach music to Led
Zeppelin, and were well received.

Two other dances were held during
the fall semester: The Black and Gold
Formal and the Christmas Dance. The
Formal is an old Oglethorpe tradition
which was re-initiated just last year, with
cheers from many. This year's formal
featured a soul-disco band billed as Danny
Miller and the Chevelles and a champagne
breakfast after midnight. To end the
semester the Christmas Dance was well
attended. The Balls Brothers Band
entertained a crowd on the dance floor
until the wee hours.

Then, just after students returned for
the spring semester, they were invited to
another Welcome Back Dance. This time
they partied to the beat of a new wave
band known as The Penetrators.

The remaining Social Committee
calendar for the spring was scheduled to
honor Oglethorpe traditions some new,
some old. The first of these events was the
Homecoming celebration. This dance was
held in the cafeteria after the Basketball
Petrels defeated LaGrange in an exciting
overtime game and honored their victory.
1981 Lord and Lady Oglethorpe, other-
wise known as Doc Torrance and Terry
Tribbet, led off each set of music played
by Riff Raff

The Freshman-Sophomore Dance
was held in late spring and had an
unprecedented student turn-out. The
featured performers at this event were an
OU favorite. Ruckus. The large attendance
at this event demonstrated clearly the
Social Committee's new vibrance. The
success of this dance is to be credited to
Craig Reinheimer, Freshman Class Pre-
sident, and Don Henry, Sophomore Class

President. ^



Field Day was highlighted by the ODK-sponsored
Faculty/Student Softball game, giving everybody at
Oglethorpe a chance to have a good time together.
Balloons, hot dogs, beer and good music also
provided a festive atmosphere.

At the '50s and '60s dance, a graffiti board was
provided so that people could express anything
groovy or heavy that was on their minds. Can you
dig it? The way-out costumes rivalled only those at
the Halloween dance.

HA 1^



The final two events for the 1980-81
OSA calendar were the Field Day and, of
course, the Junior-Senior Formal. The
Field Day was held about four weeks
before the end of school, and was very
successful. Two bands played in the field
house due to cloudy skies. Cool Breeze, a
local jazz band just now coming into its
own, played the first set while a
student-faculty softball game went on in
Hermance Stadium. The Shorty Watkins
Band finished off the afternoon with some

lively rock "n roll. All in all it was a very
enjoyable event.

A fitting close to the year came on
the first of May, as couples attended the
Junior-Senior Formal at the Holiday Inn
Ballroom on Powers Ferry Road. Usually
this event is held on a riverboat at Stone
Mountain, but the people dancing to the
music of The Producers didn't seem to
notice much more than their partners. The
dance was a beautiful affair, and
acclaimed as a success.

The Junior-Senior Formal was a good
chance for everybody to get dressed up,
get romantic, or just "get down." Music
was provided by The Producers, a band
that is making a name for itself across
the nation.


Somebody Has To Be Responsible

Women's R.A.s: Sue Swaby, Kath- Marcia Carter, Karen Malachi

leen Ahearn, Mrs. Fostine Womble,

Men's R.A.s: BACK ROW: Mr. Jim
Walsh, Mike Brant, Kevin Egan, Jim
Kelley, Karl Hall FRONT ROW:

Drew Findling, Greg Stiles. Andy

The Men's Dorm Council: BACK ROW: Don
Henry, Juan Vilanova ROW 2: Ray Widdowson, Mr.
Jim Walsh, Craig Reinheimer, Tony Jennings
FRONT ROW: Eric Crunick, John Marshall

The Men's Dorm Council many not
be precisely famous (yet), but let no one
say that its job is small or unimportant.
According to chairman Don Henry, the
group "provides a sounding board between
students and those who make decisions."
Its role, in short, is to keep lines of
communication open between dorm re-
sidents and the sometimes formidable
administration. This year, the Council has
conferred with the powers-that-be on
improvements for the new Alumni Hall,
and has also suggested drinking fountains
for third floor areas (and paper towels for
the restrooms!). The Council has even
been credited with reducing vandalism. Its
major project of the year was the
unforgettable Dorm Olympics.

The Women's Dorm Council: BACK ROW: Terri
Guth, Maureen Robinson ROW 2: Ellen Heckler,
Mamie Ellis ROW 3: Marcia Beck, Constance
Gannaway FRONT ROW: Michele Cubit, Jill
Lesko, Arleen Jones NOT PICTURED: Lisa
Franza, Terry Tribbet, Ann Montanaro, Mrs.
Fostine Womble

The Women's Dorm Council was
formed as a means of drawing the girls
residing in Traer into one big family.
(There are certainly enough disputes over
washers and dryers and bathrooms to
equal some sisterly conflicts!) Along with
the R.A.s, the Dorm Council helped to
organize the dorm parties at Christmas
and Valentine's Day, and the cosmetic and
self-defense demonstrations. The Council's
main concern is that of helping the
freshman girls adjust to dormitory living.
They make themselves available to discuss
roommate problems, class problems and
professor problems. Of course, they are

also there to show the freshmen how to
enjoy all aspects of dorm life.

Despite firm allegations by Women's
Housing Director, Fostine Womble. four
members of the resident female communi-
ty categorically deny being R..A.S. These
girls have been incriminated by many
eyewitnesses. They have been spotted
participating in such shady activities as
checking new students into the dormitor-
ies, throwing dorm parties, coordinating a
rape prevention seminar, sponsoring a
cosmetic demonstration and putting on an
open house. Other eyewitnesses reported
seeing these girls chasing men out of the
dorms late at night. Many people are
having difficulty believing the denials of
these girls, whose offenses include such
actions as locating lost vacuums and
stopping toilet overflows.

Like Maytag repairmen and people
who drive the speed limit. Men's R..\.s are
a lonely breed - and it's not hard to
understand why. Not only must Resident
Assistants (no one ever calls them that)
shepherd students through the always-
thrilling checking-in procedures, they
must also keep an eye on vandalism and
squabbles, and see that people who can't
act human do so anyway. They are, in
other words, all-purpose troubleshooters:
administrators, uncles, bottle-washers,
diplomats, dictators and even extermina-
tors. This dedicated group is under the
able direction of former fighter pilot Jim
Walsh, whose combat experiences in the
Pacific have prepared him for such
maneuvers as Nuke the Whales.


TOP ROW: John Wilson, Peter Garland, Mike
McCracken, Jeff Shelton, Bobby Martinez ROW 2:
John Crowe, Laura Fowler, Rob Buck, Kevin
Kincheloe, Jill Woodham, Allan Losek, Nola
Richardson. Rose Richardson, David Tucker, Emma
Lee Booker, Laura Anne Riley FRONT ROW:
Yvonne Mapp, Stephanie Staples, Anna Maria

Platanis, Lee Boggus, Nicki Brown NOT PIC-
TURED: Kathleen Ahearn, Mark Barbaree, Charles
Brookshire, Mike Burke, Eric Crunick, Dominique
Daniel, Melanie Davison, Paul Gandolfo, Peggy
Goodwin, Paula German, Steve Harris, Judy Hunt,
Rob Joseph, Joanie Kelley, Rita Llop, Mallory Long,
Sandra Lynch, Donna Monroe, Maureen Murphy,

Donna Passaro, Glenn Prescott, Craig Reinheimer,
Anne Sams, Harry Stern, Hide Takei, Donna
Tucker, Robert Wilds, Kim Bunting, Firoozeh
Farhand, Kelley Goff, Mandy Hough, Cary
Kleinfield, Sue McDonald, Sandee Michael, Sherry
Seidenstein, Steve Skakandy, Sue Weston

Stephanie Staples

Robert Wilds

Nicki Brown, editor



What Can Be Said?

Paul Gandolfo
Jeff Shelton
John Crowe

It's easy for us to tell you about
almost any group on campus except
ourselves, especially after such a year as
the YAMACRAW has had. Through it
all, the book is out. We did it . . . but
who is "we"?

Every editor has said that putting out
a yearbook is difficult, tedious work. It
interferes with your school work. It
interferes with your life. At Oglethorpe,
other factors have made the job even more
demanding and less rewarding. This year,
all those problems were demonstrated.
Now it is time to begin again.

We didn't end up with the book we
started with, nor did we end up with the
staff we started with. Some people have
worked hard, only to see their work redone
because of the mid-year change of
command. No two people ever do one job
the same way. If apologies are in order,
I apologize. I am grateful to those who

I couldn't give out any "assistant
editorship" titles, but Paul Gandolfo took
the responsibilities of a #2 in command.
Nothing would have been the same
without his organization, common sense
and threatening letters. Pete Garland, in
a similar capacity, was reliable and helpful
on last minute emergency projects.
Business Manager Donna Tucker, survivor
of an ill-fated ad campaign, was faithful
to the end for no good reason. The Miss
Yamacraw Contest was created and
organized single-handedly by Jeff Shelton
without too much worrying from my
corner. In the area of photography, much
of the work in this book was done by
Robert Wilds. Although he will deny it,
he has extraordinary talent; his absence
was severely felt this spring. Laura Anne
Riley, Craig Reinheimer and Mallory
Long are also primarily responsible for
bringing you the year in pictures. We
would have been lost without their reliably
high quality work. Copy was especially
important with our newspaper format, and
many are those who contributed, but
honorable mention goes to Kevin Kinch-
eloe, David Tucker. John Crowe, Stepha-
nie Staples and Rob Buck among others
for extra initiative and valuable help.
These are some of the people 1 have

to thank for "service above and beyond the
call of duty," but everybody was fantastic.
I couldn't have asked for a greater group
to work with. They let me nag them for
assignments, and they still came through
for me . . . usually. They told me to go
home, study, and get a good night's sleep
when 1 needed it. They read my
announcements and called me "incompe-
tent" to keep me humble. They let me
make mistakes. They were helpful at the
last minute or late into the night. They
were willing to learn and willing to teach
me. They're my friends. 1 hope 1 can make
the YAMACRAW, for them, worth
coming back to next year.

Who made the YAMACRAW possi-
ble? I will let each person have his opinion.
It has had two editors editing it. more than
fifty people staffing it at one time or
another, untold numbers doing it little
favors now and again, and all of
Oglethorpe being interviewed or photo-
graphed twice or three times for it,
worrying about it, pulling for it. and
waiting too long for it. What can be said
except -THANK YOU" ?

Thanks go to the STOR.MY PE-
TREL, the O.U. Players and Alpha Phi
Omega: organizations from which I
borrowed ideas and personnel, and got
much support. .A.lso, .Marshall Nason.
Katherine Amos. Bill Wolpin, Bud Payne
and the guys in maintenance. .-Xdrina
Richard, Chuck Wingo and everybody in
the Bookstore were all especially respon-
sive and helpful.

Mr. Bill Wolfe of Walsworth Publish-
ing Company answered many little
questions, and kept us within our budget
and on our toes. Dean John Thames and
Mr. Robert Evans were our advisors.
(Mr. Evans, 1 miss your "financial aid
office" style: you were efficient and good
with numbers.) Dean Thames deser\es all
our thanks just for letting us be a
responsible college staff and make our own
decisions. He organized the bills, showed
interest, and was available with help and
approval. .\s for these three, again. I
couldn't have asked for better.

Y.AM.ACR.-XW lives. It ain't perfect,
but it's in your hands. Enjov. -Ed.

Pti W M ."^ ' f '" "^ "^"''^





Stormy Petrel: Still Moving Ahead


Voted "Most Improved" by the
Georgia Press Association in 1980, the
STORMY PETREL continued to move
forward this year. Under the leadership of
editor Elaine Minor, the staff put together
thirteen bi-weekly issues, offering students
the chance to communicate their ideas on
a large scale.

For staff members, work with the
PETREL was an opportunity to improve
their writing and other related skills, while
dealing with the reality of deadlines. In
turn, the PETREL also offered its readers
concise, accurate accounts of campus
events, sports coverage, and submissions
from various campus organizations. Also
among its regular features were movie and
concert reviews for the students' dis-
criminating tastes, and the thought-
provoking "Pro and Con" debates of
Editorial Editor Tricia Smith and colum-
nist Tim Tassopoulos.

The STORMY PETREL is one of
the most vital and powerful tools of the
Oglethorpe students as the only consistent
source of current campus-wide informa-
tion, and as a means of communication for
the entire Oglethorpe Community.

Editor; Elaine Minor
Assistant Editor: Kevin Kincheloe
News Editor: Gerald Kemp
Assistant News Editor: David Tucker
Features Editor: Debbie Morgan
Assistant Features Editor: Valerie Hall
Layout Editor: Anne Atkinson
Sports Editors: Jim Kelley, Bob Rasile
Assistant Sports Editor: Mallory Long
Photography Editor: Rita Llop
Asst. Photography Editor:

Craig Reinheimer
Editorials Editor: Tricia Smith
Editorial Columnist: Tim Tassoupoulos
Greek Societies Editor: Linda Triguero
Contributing Editor:

Marybeth Robertson
Business Manager: Emma Lee Booker

Above right: Editor-in-chief Elaine Minor. Right:
"Pro and Con" editorialists Tricia Smith and Tim
Tassopoulos. Middle Right: Linda Triguero and
Anne Atkinson. Far Right; Debbie Morgan and
Gerald Kemp.


e Stormy Petrel staff: BACK ROW: Kevin
ncheloe, Laura Fowler, Andy Farr, Anne
kinson, Valerie Hall, Mike McCracken. Debbie
Drgan, Margie Vaught. Tricia Smith, Emma Lee
oker, Gerald Kemp, Denise McMullen, Jim
lley, David Tucker, Tim Tassopoulos, Eric
unick ROW 2: Michele Cubit, Stephanie Staples,

Kim Bunting, Bette Shornick, Donna Passaro
FRONT ROW: Elaine Minor, Rita Llop, Marjorie
Weiffenbach, Tracy Marshall, Mallory Long NOT
PICTURED: Marybeth Robertson, Linda Triguero,
Mark Lisicky, Kathleen Ahearn, Marcia Carter,
Irani de Araujo, Theresa deBenedetto, Kelley Goff,
Karl Hall, Ellen Heckler, Don Henry, Diana Hill,

Ann Montanaro, Jim Nutt, Mike Powers. Gilben S.
Price, Craig Reinheimer, Laura Anne Riley, Rose
Richardson, Lidewey Slegt. Paul Smith. Terry
Tribbet, Robert Wilds, John Wilson. Bob Rasile,
Joanie Kelley, John Crowe, Theresa Fuerst, Karen
Jenkins, Bob Kane. Cindy Larbig. Cassandra
Massengil, Maureen Murphy


Tower Staff Is An Inspiration

During the 1980-1981 year, the
Tower continued to give Oglethorpe a
quality literary magazine each semester in
addition to providing support for aspiring
writers in the community.

Regarding the activities the staff
promotes in proportion to the size of the
group, the Tower is one of the most
productive organizations on campus. Most
Oglethorpe students recognize the fact
that the staff meets each semester to
produce a special magazine consisting of
creative contributions of their fellow
students - a magazine that occasionally
reveals a side of writers that nobody
recognizes. Not as many people are aware
of the careful selection process by which
the entries are chosen, or of the thought
and effort that goes into making the
booklet smooth reading through the
groupings of entries and layout.

Even those who understand what
turns a bundle of creative work into the
Tower sometimes aren't aware of the other
projects the staff launches. In October, for
example, the Tower co-sponsored the
second annual Night of the Arts. The
special guest was Nancy Simpson Brant-
ley, an award-winning North Carolina
poet, who read some of her works. The
Night of the Arts also displayed the talent
of some "locals." Mona Buck and Ivan
Bilancio, Oglethorpe students, and Betsy
Dzuro, an alumnus, read some of their
own original works. Music was also
featured during the evening, with Princell
Dunbar and Ann Montanaro singing with
the accompaniment of Professor Jim
Bohart. Susan Bennett and Torsten
Balsler played their own instruments and
sang, and Dr. Fusillo contributed a few

folk songs, tying up a successful presenta-

The Tower also had its contribution
to the academic world with its Poetry
Workshop. Gene Ellis of the Callanwolde
Fine Arts Center attended the four-hour
event, critiquing submitted works and then
holding individual conferences during
which he offered suggestions to help the
participating poets to better express their

The Tower, despite its typically small
staffing, managed to make big plans and
execute them this year.

Award winning poet Nancy Simpson Brantley was
the guest speaker at the Night of the Arts, October

The Tower Staff: STANDING: Jill Lesko, Kimberly
Emerson, Lili Alboum (editor). Dr. Linda Taylor
SEATED: Ivan Bilancio, Marcia Carter (assistant

editor) NOT PICTURED: Scott Burrell, Dave Mill:
Brigitte Mogree, Donna Monroe, Mark Nolan, Su
Weston, Laura Wilson


Chorale Shows Versatility

The Collegiate Chorale is a co-ed
group of Oglethorpe students that met at
least three times a week in the 1980-81
year to sing together. Directed by Jim

Bohart, this group practiced and per-
formed a wide range of choral music,
including pieces from recent musicals as
well as pieces from the classical era.

The Collegiate Chorale: BACK ROW: Wanda
Grimes, Mr. James Bohart, Tricia Smith, Emma Lee
Booker, Stephanie Staples, Laura Fowler, Virginia
Parker, Peggy Goodwin, Nicki Brown, Kim Morrison,
Janice Kendrick, Arlene Jones ROW 2: Rita Todd,
Ann Montanaro, Princell Dunbar, Mollie Simmons,

Constance Gannaway, Patricia Brady FRONT
ROW: Gerald Kemp, Ruel Poston, Bobby Martinez,
Eric Gilgenast, Hideaki Takei, Mike McCracken,
John Wilson NOT PICTURED: Scott Exposito,
Diane Flatley, Maureen Murphy, Donna Passaro,
Koji Rikuta

Some of the major programs in which
the Chorale was involved were a Cabaret
in the Great Hall of Hearst (which
included performances by several of the
group's soloists as well as lively choral
numbers such as "She's the One." from
Chorus Line), a rendition of a difficult
Mass written by the child .Mozart, and a
variety show which also combined .solos
and group numbers to encompass various
musical styles. In addition to these
performances, the Chorale made its yearly
appearance at the Boar's Head Ceremony.
singing songs from the time of the
origination of the ceremony, and sang at
the Honors and Awards Ceremony in

The Chorale was also glad to
welcome guest artists to its ranks in
addition to performing alone. It welcomed
high school instrumentalists who par-
ticipated in the Mozart program and other
Oglethorpe students who helped with the
variety show. Very basically, alone and
with other musicians, the Chorale pursued
its goal of individual and group im-
provement in the understanding and
performance of music.

Scenes from the Chorale's Fall Cabaret, featuring
soloist Constance Gannaway.



Continued from Pg. A-5

ing, fireworks manufacturing,
candy making, printing,
painting, and xylophone play-
ing (usually all at the same
time). The busy "routine" is
interrupted when Grandpa
(Mike McCracken), who
doesn't believe in taxes, starts
getting letters from the IRS.
More problems ensue when
his youngest granddaughter
Alice (Sheila Marx) brings
home her new boyfriend Tony
Kirby (Rob Joseph) and tries
to reconcile the differences
between the proper, upper-

class Kirbys and her own
rather eclectic family. "You
Can't Take It With You" was
a delight for everyone with its
offbeat characters, comic
situations, and, of course, a
very happy ending.

In the spring, the Ogleth-
orpe Players took a brave step
by deciding to attempt a
musical. Many warned that a
musical at Oglethorpe
"couldn't be done," but after
long debate, it was decided


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The cast of "You Can't
Take It With You" included
Robin Johns (Far Left),
Mike Burke and Brenda Peed
(Top Left), Jack Dowd and

John Wilson (Left), Barbara
Kernel and Mike McCracken
(Top Right), Donna Monroe
and Gilbert Price (Middle
Right), Carter Berkeley (Bot-

tom Right), Rob Joseph and
Sheila Marx (Top Far
Right). Not Pictured; John-
nie Badges, Mark Nolan.
Kevin Kincheloe, Jim

McCoy, Eric Gilgenast (see
page 5) Far Right: Ogle-
thorpe Players" advisor Dr.
N'icki Weiss at a Saturday set
construction meeting.



The cast oi "Pippin" was
highlighted witii a chorus
group including D ; minique
Daniel, Eric Gilgcnast,
Bobby Martinez, Cassandra

Massengill, Kim Morrison,
Mollie Simmons, Lidewey
Slegt, Harry Stern, Paul
Sykes and Mia Wadopian.
Also featured were Nicki

Brown, Bob Kane and Diane
Peer (Bottom Left), Ann
Montanaro and Mike
McCracke (Top Center
Left), Gerald Kemp (Center

Right), John Wilson (Right),
Donna Passaro (Far Right),
Chuck Nicholas and
Stephanie Staples.

llf, YAMACKAW 198) B-17

The Oglethorpe Players: BACK
ROW: Ann Montanaro (treasurer),
Mollie Simmons, Donna Passaro,
Mia Wadopian, Andy Bieger (pre-
sident), Paul Sykes, Laura Anne
Riley, Lee Boggus, Nicki Brown,
Kevin Kincheloe. ROW 2: Mike
Burke, Harry Stern, Laura Fowler,
Mark Nolan, Mike McCracken.
FRONT ROW: Seretha Masdon,
Dr. Victoria Weiss, Lidewey Slegt,

Sheila Marx (secretary). Dawn
Sonsini, Eric Gilgenast, John Wilson,
Terry Tribbet. NOT PICTURED:
Johnnie Badges, Carter Berkeley,
Cathy Brown, Rob Buck, John
Crowe, Eric Crunick, Jack Dowd,
Jon Fagerstrom, Dean Foreman,
Peter Garland, Steve Harris, Robin
Johns, Rob Joseph, Bob Kane,
Barbara Kernel, Gerald Kemp,
Cindy Larbig, Kathy Laskey, Jill

Lesko, Sandra Lynch. Bobby
Martinez, Cassandra Massengil, Jim
McCoy, Tricia McCullogh, Donna
Monroe, Kim Morrison. Peggy
Mueller, Chuck Nicholas, Ed Oden-
kirchen, Brenda Peed, Diane Peer.
Glenn Prescott. Gilbert S. Price.
Anne Sams, Debbie Schrieber, Mara
Schultz, Sherry Seidenstein.
Stephanie Staples. Paul \\'eiland,
Robert Wilds

that the spring production
would be "Pippin," a musical
comedy set in the middle
ages. The characters in the
play emerge from a dramatic
troupe led by a Leading
Pla\er (John Wilson) who
narrates the story as it is
enacted. Pippin (Bob Kane)
is the scholarly young son of
Charlemagne (.Mike Mc-
Cracken) who goes out into
the world searching for some
way to make his life "fulfill-
ing." With guidance from
the Leading Player and the
other characters. Pippin tries
everything from war to
religion and from love to
murder, and. finding that he
can live an "extraordinary"
life in ordinary ways, he
settles down with a widow,
Catherine (Nicki Brown) and
her daughter Cleo (Diane
Peer). The Players may have
set a new precedent with
"Pippin." the first real mu-
sical to be performed at O.U.
since anyone can remember.
The success of "Pippin" has
indicated that "it can be
done" - even at Oglethorpe.
.\lthough the cast of any
show is the most visible, the
test of any dramatic group is
the talent and ability of those
who work behind the scenes
- on sets, costumes, lighting,
make-up. publicity, directing,
and other backstage chores.
Throughout the year, the
Oglethorpe Players have
shown improvement in every
area. Under the leadership of
the vibrant Dr. Victoria
Weiss, the Players are grow-
ing in numbers, increasing
their versatility, and general-
ly keeping everyone well


Alpha Phi Omega: BACK ROW: Eric Gilgenast,
Mike McCraclcen, Kathy Burnett (co-historian, fall),
Kevin Egan, Kelley Goff, Stephanie Staples, Laura
Fowler ROW 2: Andrea Gelfon, Sherry Seidenstein,
Terri Roberts, Diane Peer, Jack Dowd (par-
liamentarian, fall), Bette Shornick, Peggy Mueller,
Donna Passaro (co-historian, co-rush chairman),
Emma Lee Booker (treasurer, spring). Dale Tobias,
Cathy Isiminger, Diana Hill, Robert Wilds FRONT

Top Right; APO gets rowdy. Middle Left: Getting
exposed at the annual toga party. Center: Spring
pledges Andrea Roberson, Laura Anne Riley,
Sandee Michael, Mona Buck, Rob Buck, Lee
Boggus, Glenn Pre.scott, Michelle Minyon, Paul
Sykes, Lotte Geisscndorfer, Harry Stern. Middle
Right: Brothers with bslloons for Heart Fund
project. Above: Cars aren'i all that get washed.
Bottom Far Left: A donor gets first aid at an APO
blood drive. Bottom Left: A scene from the
Halloween party held at the Georgia Retardation
Center, Bottom Right: Does Oglethorpe really claim
these people? Bottom Far Right: Festivities at Fall
rush parly. E.xtra photos courtesy Dawn Sonsini.

ROW: Donna Tucker (treasurer, vice-president -
service), Lidewey Slegt (vice president - service,
president), Susan Swaby (secretary), Mia Wadopian
(president, fellowship chairman), Mike Burke (vice
president - membership, fall) NOT PICTURED:
Peter Dolce, Melanie Davison, Cary Kleinfish, Paul
Gandolfo, Rachel Lerman, Tricia Smith, Dawn
Sonsini, Kim Bunting


APO: Service With A Smile

Alpha Phi Omega is a National
Service Fraternity. Founded in 1925 at
Lafayette College in Fasten, Pennsylvania
on the principles of the Boy Scouts of
America, the fraternity centers its
activities around the cardinal principles of
leadership, friendship, and service. The
service aspect is divided into four parts,
these being service to the college, service
to the community, service to the members
of the fraternity, and service to the nation
as participating citizens.

Oglethorpe's chapter of Alpha Phi
Omega, Mu Mu, is the only co-ed chapter
in Georgia. Since its reactivation in 1975,
the chapter has been striving to grow and
improve, usually displaying visible success.
The fall and spring activities of the Mu
Mu Chapter are examples of the efforts
of the fraternity to expand under the


guidelines of the cardinal principles.
Under the leadership of President Mia
Wadopian and the other fall officers, APO
kept busy working for others. They
sponsored a Halloween party for the
Georgia Retardation Center, a fall blood
drive, and a collectathon for Muscular
Dystrophy. Many of the members par-
ticipated in the Turkey Trot to win the
turkey, which the fraternity then included
in a Thanksgiving basket for a needy
family. They also had a Thanksgiving
party for residents of the Ashton Woods
Nursing Home. The fall pledge class
raised quite a sum for the Scottish Rite
Hospital through 100% participation in
the annual walk-a-thon, and they also
sponsored a successful Muscular
Dystrophy Dance-a-thon.

To give a little attention to the
friendship aspect as well as that of service,
the brothers (a title given to all initiates
regardless of sex) also had a few fall social
events. These included a bowling party, a
cocktail party, and a special champagne
breakfast for the pledges.

After Christmas break, with a new
group of officers led by President Lidewey
Slegt, the Mu Mu chapter launched
another semester of service. The group
threw an ice cream social at Ashton
Woods for Valentine's Day, spent a day
conducting a road block collection for the

Heart fund, and discovered an especially
enjoyable (and exhausting) project,
working with the youngsters of a local
Boys' Club. They arranged their annual
Ugly Person on Campus Contest, with
proceeds going to North DeKalb Menial
Health Center. The spring pledge class
held a dance and a raffle, donating the
proceeds to the American Cancer Society.

These service activities were inter-
spersed with some parties which varied in
their degree of craziness. One was a toga
party, which promoted the wearing of such
costumes as a "Confederate" toga (which
was sculpted from a Confederate flag),
and a "preppy" toga, complete with a little
Izod alligator. Another, more serious event
was the Spring formal, which featured the
band "Atlantis," and proved to be the "big
event" of the semester.

In addition to its other activities, the
Mu Mu Chapter is proud of the progress
it made at the Alpha Phi Omega Sectional
Conference, which was held at West
Georgia College. The chapter achieved a
long-time goal, the scheduling of next
year's Sectional to be held at Oglethorpe.
The selection of Mu Mu to host the
conference was a sign that other chapters
realized the tremendous progress made
since re-activation.

The chapter finished the year by
electing fall officers and by making plans
to begin preparing for the Sectional
Conference over the summer. The brothers
were pleased with their success and with
the unity they had realized through the


Delta Zeta

Since being reinstated in February
1980, the Beta Phi chapter of Delta Zeta
has been growing rapidly in size. Rushes
in the fall and spring brought the total
membership up to 26 girls.

One of Delta Zeta's main goals this
year was to establish a firm financial base
for the sorority. Money was generated
from several fund-raising ventures, which
included bake sales, a car wash, a slave
auction, a tuck-in service, and a Valen-
tine's Day flower sale. In addition, a "Mr.
Legs" contest and a "Basket of Cheer"
raffle were held.

These successful fund-raisers enabled
Delta Zeta to donate money to such good
causes as the Atlanta School for the Deaf
and the Atlanta Humane Society. Another
favorite charity, the Scottish Rite Hospi-
tal, was the site of a memorable
Halloween Party.

The sisters of Delta Zeta also enjoyed
numerous social activities throughout the
year. In addition to a Christmas party and
the spring formal, an Outdoor Party was
held, treating participants to the music of

Athletes from Delta Zeta participat-
ed in all intramural sports, including
soccer, basketball, and badminton. The
sorority was also victorious this year in
Greek Week.

The Delta Zeta Sorority: BACK ROW: Denise
Suyehiro, Marjorie Weiffenbach, Anita Wright,
Laura Bell, Gina Peterson, Jane Fishman, Nancy
Schwartz, Betsy Sale, Michelle Lend, Laura Turner,
ROW 2: Sharon Hould, Linda Barkis, Debbie

LaBonne, Sally Petree, Dave "Beau" Levine, Linda
Triguero, Anne Marie Messerschmidt, Sharon Rudy,
Liz Rosen FRONT: Maria Cohen NOT PIC-
TURED: CeCe Crandle, Jenny Giles, Dawn Hutton,
Kelly Marshall, Tracy Marshall, Leslie Schlag, Lyn

Above Left: Delta Zeta sorority in their Halloween
costumes for a cheery visit to Scottish Rite. Above
Right: DZ welcoming rushees to their Rush Party.
Right: DZ bringing warm smiles to the children.


The Chi Omega Sorority: BACK ROW: Holly
Lucas, Leigh Norris, Margie Vaught, LeAnne Cox,
Karen Jenkins, Nell Somers, Jolita Rix ROW 2: Ann
Montanaro,. Catherine Clegg, Sheila Marx, Carol
Cavanaugh, Sandra Lynch, Wendy Werne, Sheryl

McCarthy FRONT ROW: Donna Cron, Dawn
Sonsini, Tracy Bauer, Rachel Lerman, Judy
Etheridge, Lynn Prettyman NOT PICTURED: Amy
Fithian, Judy Domiano, Debbie Morgan, Dominique
Daniel, Kathy Isiminger, Kim Byrne

Chi Omega

All of the Greek societies on campus
do a good job of l<eeping fresh and active,
and the Chi Omega sorority is certainly
no exception. This year, the Delta Thela
chapter found itself with a happily full
agenda. Events included an Apple
Polishing Tea, which, as the name implies,
was held to honor the faculty and
administration, and a formal Pumpkin
Cutting for the fraternities. .Members also
paid a cheer-up visit to a children's
hospital. November brought the annual
Sigma Nu Sweepstakes, a sort of
mini-Greek Week in which Chi-O girls
competed with Georgia State sororities in
such fun events as tug-of-war.

In the spring came the Eleusinian
Celebration, a festive event commemorat-
ing the organization's founding, with
members of the original chapter attending.
Less than a week later, on April II. the
girls attended the State Day meeting at
the Cherokee Country Club, a gathering
of Chi Omega sisters from all over
Georgia. The Spring Formal was held on
Saturday, April 25. followed by the
March-of-Dimes Walk-a-thon the next
day. (Oh. those aching feet!) Capping off
a busy year was the eagerly anticipated
yearly pledge party.

Chi Omega now consists of 22
members and pledges, all dedicated to
exploring and upholding Hellenic and
Christian ideals. Obviously, one important
criteria for membership is the desire to be
involved - verv involved.

Above: A party was held at the end of the year by
the pledges for the sisters. Far Left: A casual
afternoon at the Chi-O house. Left: The reason
everyone is smiling is that spring pledges have just
been inducted. Extra photos courtesy Sheryl


Chi Phi

The brothers of Chi Phi began the
year in a typical fashion, returning to
school early to put the house in order and
plan for Rush. When the rest of the
students were settled in, the fraternity
held three Rush parties, the highlight of
which was the well known Jungle Juice.

With Rush completed, the brothers
settled down to the serious business of
planning some memorable parties and
activities. One of the first of these was the
"Hat Party," to which all Oglethorpe
students were invited, as indicated by their
creative hat posters all over campus. A
little later in the year, around October, the
brothers and pledges got together for a
campout at Cochran Falls, Georgia. The
trip held attractions for all interests, as
some brothers went mountain climbing,
hiking, or just relaxing in the great
outdoors. Also in October was the
Halloween costume party, which attracted
some rather strange characters. Although
some of the windows didn't survive the
night, the guests enjoyed the atmosphere.

During the month of November, some
of the brothers and little sisters were all
wet (and cold besides) after their rafting
trip down the Chattahoochee River. The
fraternity experienced a more comfortable
ride in December, with a hayride at Alex's
Farm. Chi Phi tied up the fall social
calendar with a Christmas party. The
eggnog was somewhat lethal, but the party
was successful up to and during the arrival
of Santa, complete with a bag of surprises.

Chi Phi also took part in Intramural
football during the fall, making it all the
way to the championship game.

When everyone returned for the
spring, more plans were made for a social
and sporting semester. The highlight of
the semester was the chapter's founding
celebration, including a formal at the
Perimeter Marriot. A scattering of other
parties and another raft trip also helped
to lighten the hassle of classes.

Much of the fraternity's spring efforts
went into the planning of Greek Week.
For the fourth consecutive year, Chi Phi
was overall winner of the men's division.
This victory, in addition to the success of
its parties and the addition of several new
brothers allowed Chi Phi to boast
continued success at Oglethorpe.

The Chi Phi Fraternity: BACK ROW: Karl Hall, Pete
Garland, John Gazituia, Sheldon Inge ROW 2: Dave
Polanco, Chris Gackstatter, George Diple, William
Myers ROW 3: Edward Furbee, Scott Raymond, Mark
Stephens, Mark Turcot, Rob Joseph, Lee Campbell

FRONT ROW: Ken Buie, Howard Barr, Harry Stern,
Paul Swanson, Monte Burnbach, John Bryan, Mike
Mills. Jim Burk, Chuck Allen, Mike Browoleit, Terry
Fallat NOT PICTURED: Charles Littman, Sam
Cranley, Bob Ivy, John Burdakin.

Above Left: A few fraternity brothers
looking distinguished in the Chi Phi
fashion. Above: Weightlifting for Greek
Week competition. Left: Chi Phi poses
with their Greek Week trophy.


The Order of Kappa Alpha BACK ROW: John
Steen, Mark Andrews, Mike Friedman ROW 2:
Doug Kissell, Larry Pond, Simon Nash, Mike
Sheridan, Andy Goldstein, Carlos Mejides, Ricky
Croes, Mike Emery ROW 3: Dan Walden, Jeff

Epstein, Dave Gilfillan, Craig Buckner, Jamie
Stanton, Kris Furstenberg FRONT ROW: Brian
Hubbert, Mark Lisicky, Mike Voeltz, Jim McCoy,
Dave Levine, Tiffy, Don Conklin

Above left: A scene from a KA New Wave Party.
Above Right: A sampling of the new wave costumes
worn at the infamous party. Left: KA: a fraternity
in the Southern tradition.

Kappa Alpha

KA was formed just after the Civil
War (they might call it the War of
Northern Aggression) by a group of
Washington College students. From the
start, the new order was given a religious
motif, with members being pledged to
uphold the ideals of its spiritual father.
General Robert E. Lee. Even before his
death, the ex-Confederate leader was
renowned for his chivalry, and KA was set
up partly to carry on his ideals of courage,
spiritual devotion, and gentlemanliness.

The idea caught on. so that now 100
campuses throughout the southeast can
boast of a Kappa .Alpha chapter. .Members
proudly refer to themselves as "Southern
Gentlemen" and point out the central
difference between K.A and standard
fraternities. KA. according to brother
Dave Gilfillan, is an order, that is it selects
recruits who it thinks measure up to its
standards instead of inducting pledges and
then trying to fit them into the Greek
mold. The ranks of KA now stand about
twenty strong.

Kappa Alpha is always active in
campus events, making a very strong
showing this year in such intramural
events as football and volleyball. It
managed to place second in the annual
Greek Week competitions.

One of the orders biggest successes
over the last semester was its New Wave
parties, featuring the spaced-out sound of
the Space Heaters. The festivities were
open to all students, and many showed up
in well, uh. unusual costumes. The
last such event almost literally brought the
KA house down, with the noise and
vibration jarring loose part of the roof.

Fun is important, of course, but there
must be come reason beyond even that for
the continued popularity of Greek letter
societies like KA. How else could they
have stayed around so long? Gilt~illan
explains it this way: "All frats have
scholarship programs and offer contacts
which extend beyond college. But they
also remind you of friends back home.
The\ become a kind of substitute family.
\'ou arrive on campus as a confused
freshman, and it"s nice to know a group
of people you can go to for help, who
would do almost anything for you."
Robert E. Lee would be proud.


Sigma Alpha Epsilon

SAE, the largest fraternity in the
nation, is dedicated to the promotion of
leadership, scholarship, friendship, and the
true spirit of brotherhood. Founded at the
University of Alabama in 1856, SAE has
spread through the country so that
chapters exist from north to south and
from coast to coast.

SAE also serves the country,
community, and school through various
fund-raising activities, service projects,
and donations. Among those in the local
area are fund raisers for an eye and kidney
bank, and a leukemia research fund.
During the Jerry Lewis Telethon, SAE
always pitches in to help.

Here on the Oglethorpe campus, the
fraternity had an interesting year. In
addition to inducting six pledges for the
year, they participated in Greek Week,
competing with other Greeks in some
athletic and some not-so-athletic events.

The chapter had several socials,
which included Christmas and Halloween
parties and a special Sweetheart party.
They also planned for a revival of their
"End of the World" party, the first of
which was held during the Three Mile
Island crisis and included such hits as
"radiation punch." The chapter also
thought of others, having a collection for
charity. All in all, SAE at OU had an
easy-going, enjoyable year.

BACK ROW: Richard Lindsay, Stuart White, Chris Mikle FRONT ROW: Don Owen, R,

Raths, John O. Mitchell. John Pfautz, Jeff Levy Madonna, Kurt Merolla, Joe Exum

ROW 2: Todd Wills, Beau Moore, Bill Bazzell. Tom

L. Owen, Ed


Brothers and Sisters

Continued from Pg. A-4

Competition for the Greeks
also included arcade events,
where competitors tested
each other in such games as
Space Invaders, ice cream
eating, pool, backgammon,
ping pong, foosball and the
beer chug.

The first social event was
the Best Dressed Greek
competition, which was to
single out the most attractive
and authentic toga. The
winners were Chi Phi and Chi
Omega. Next was the Sing

competition, where faculty
judges selected the group
with the best two songs.
Again, Chi Phi and Chi
Omega appealed most to the

The Speech is often con-
sidered the most important
event, as it gives each com-
peting Greek organization a
chance to state its objectives
during Greek Week. The
most effective speakers were
Mark Andrews of Kappa
Alpha and Sharon Hould of

Delta Zeta. The final social
event was the Skits, which
required the most fore-
thought and planning. Ac-
cording to the judges, the
most entertaining were the
takeoffs on "The Adams
Family, performed by Delta
Zeta, and "Welcome Back
Kotter," by Chi Phi.

The final winners of Greek
Week competition were cho-
sen by totaling the points
accumulated from the events.
Delta Zeta was the women's

winner, and Chi Phi was the
men"s winner with Kappa
-Alpha taking second place.
To finish the week off with a
rousing Greek celebration,
the Interfraternity and Pan-
hellenic Councils put on a
fantastic party at the Elk's
Club with live music from
Taxi, where trophies were
awarded, and all the brothers
and sisters could relax after a
hectic but exciting week.

BACK ROW: Sheila Marx (co-secretary), Betsy
Sale. Sharon Hould (treasurer) FRONT ROW:
Carol Cavanaugh (president). Donna Cron, Tracy

Marshall, Marjorie Weiffenbach (co-secretarv)
NOT PICTURED: Kelly Marshall. Laura Bell '

The Panhellenic Council was reinstat-
ed at Oglethorpe in February. .\ new
constitution and set of by-laws were
written, along with rules for Greek Week.

With such a late start, the Council
was not able to participate actively in the
Oglethorpe community this year. How-
ever, members hope eventually to sponsor
social activities, and possibly some
school-wide civic and academic functions.
The Council also concerned itself with
improving Greek Week so as to make it
a more positive activity for the Greeks.

How do }0u get a bunch of
competitive spirits like the Greeks
together? .Ask the Interfraternity Council.
It organizes the all-important rush periods
at the start of each semester and is in
charge of setting up all the various
activities for Greek Week in the spring.

IFC members: NOT PICTURED: Greg Carson.
Stuart White. Ed Rapp. Chris Gackstaiier. Sam
Cranlev. Jim Burk. Howard Barr

1 B-26 1981 THE YAMACRAW









RUDD: The Alternative

The RUDD Social Club is an
alternative to fraternity life at Oglethorpe.
Its membership policy is democratic, and
its activities are designed to promote
friendship and support for members. For
instance, it sponsors teams for intramural
sports each year, and organizes parties and
other activities (such as pool shooting in
the afternoon) for its members.

RUDD is proud not only of its record
in intramurals, but of the academic
achievements and extra-curricular invol-
vement of its members. RUDD has also
acquired a reputation for being able to
pick campus beauties. Their Homecoming
representatives, Terry Tribbet and Doc
Torrance, won the Lord and Lady
Oglethorpe titles this year. In addition,
RUDD candidate Sheila Marx was
crowned "Miss Yamacraw."

RUDD: BACK ROW: Doc Torrance, Mark
Moskowitz, Joe Exum, Michael Brant, Andy Bieger,
Pete Milot ROW 2: Bruce Searles, Ed Odenkirchen,
Bob Kane. Dave Mills FRONT: Chuck Nicholas,

Dale Jolley NOT PICTURED: Lee Van
Smith, Jim Spinelli, Kevin Egan, Paul
Bozarth, Don King, Scott Faith

Grack, Paul
Sykes, Gene

Karate Club Is Getting Defensive

The Karate Club began in the Fall
semester of 1980-81. Dylon Grant, an
Oglethorpe student, began the Club and
acted as the instructor for the group. A
black belt himself, Dylon conducted
classes three times a week in Korean
Karate as practiced by the Mooduk Kwan

As Dylon's students quickly learned,
his classes were extremely demanding,
both mentally and physically. They began
with warm-ups which included incredible
amounts of sit-ups, painfully deviant
push-ups, and splits. The class then
studied karate moves (learning both their
English and Korean names), and forms,
which are combinations of techniques.
Although the class focus was on the
perfection of basic punches, kicks, and
blocks, the students also learned some
innovative self-defense techniques. In
addition, they discovered a little bit of the
meditation that is important to karate as
a way of life.

Both beginning and advanced
students came to be cJucated in the ways
of karate. Several students achieved
colored, or advanced, bells during the
year. As a new organization on the
Oglethorpe campus, the Karate Club was
quite successful.

Above Left: A student receives individual instruc-
tions. Below Left: Students practice their karate
kicks. Right: Black belt instructor Dylon Grant
displays his karate moves.


B.S.C. Promotes Brotherhood

Black Student Caucus: BACK ROW: Marcia
Carter, Eric Young, Donna Ward, Patricia
McDonald, Donald King ROW 2: Susan Johnson
(secretary), Randy Heath, Denise Boone, Rose
Richardson (parliamentarian), Dylon Grant ROW
3: Donna Monroe, Janice Kendrick, Michele Cubit,

Kelly Woodland, Melna Inge, Bryan Weaver
FRONT ROW: Wanda Glover, Carol Banks
(treasurer), Constance Gannaway (vice-president),
Anthony Moody, Loyd Pinkston INSET: Karen
Malachi (president)

The Black .Student Caucus devotes
itself to promoting academic, social, and
cultural equity in the Oglethorpe

Some of this year's activities have
included a blood pressure clinic, a
Halloween party for the children of the
Linwood Park community, and represen-
tation at the National Black College
Student Conference. The B.S.C. also
participated in Homecoming and held a
spring dance, with proceeds going for
library books by and about blacks.

The B.S.C. enjoyed a successful
Black History Week in February. Profes-
sor Hine of Purdue University came to
campus to give a talk on "Blacks in the
Professions." The club also put on a play,
and sponsored an essay contest for
Linwood Park children.

In addition to bringing black artists
and speakers to campus, the B.S.C.
continued to pursue its goal of getting a
full-time black professor hired by the
university. Although the club has not yet
reached this goal, it has succeeded in
bringing this cause to the attention of the

Appreciating The Great Outdoors

Jldoors Club: BACK ROW: Dan Walden, Terry
lerst, Melissa Sunay, Mike Voeltz FRONT ROW:
Ti Nutt, Debbie Morgan, Carol Lerman, Simon
ash, Anna Jojose, P. C. Charnley, Gail Zeisal

(treasurer). Bob Sellars (president), Karl Hall NOT
PICTURED: Greg Garson (vice-president), Nancy
Schwartz, Ricky Croes, Miguel Barranco

The Outdoors Club had quite a busy
year. Returning treasurer Gail Zeisal got
things started with the season's first
camping trip to Tray .Mountain. As the
year went on, vice president Greg Garson
was able to organize the group's very first
weekend ski trip to the Chattaloochee Ski
Resort in North Carolina's Maggie
Valley. The hardest part was trying to get
five cars, packed with people and
equipment, to follow the leader. .After six
hours of driving and only one lost car (it
got there ahead of the rest, anyway), they
arrived to find nine gorgeous inches of new
fallen snow. Needless to sa\. a good time
was had by all, especially by those who
had never seen the fiuffy white stuff
before. During the year, there were also
numerous camping and hiking excursions
to the North Georgia mountains. .A.nd
what about 1981-1982'' The Outdoors
Club has plans to hit the Smokies for some
serious bear watching. Let's hope the
bears don't watch them first.


International Club Promotes Unity

In its fourth year of existence, the
International Club was one of the most
active and productive organizations on
campus. The International Club gives
Oglethorpe's growing number of interna-
tional students opportunities for friendship
and involvement in campus life. One
indication of their achievements came in

November with the overwhelming success
of the International Club Dinner. Approx-
imately 160 guests were served 22 dishes
from seven different countries around the
world. In a brief speech, International
Club president Irani de Araujo described
the event as "a lesson in which we request
that you make sincere efforts to respect

and understand our cultural differences.
By sharing our food and our music with
you, we want to show you that despite
nationality, race, sex and religious
differences, we can sit at a table of

Scenes from the International Club Dinner. Left:
Guests at the dinner had a choice of 22 dishes from
11 countries. Center: Carolina Antonini and Jose
Campos of Venezuela were one of many groups
providing international musical entertainment.
Right: Marshall Nason presented Irani de Araujo a
plaque as a tribute to his dedication and service to
the International Club.


The International Club: SEATED: Nilgun Yazici,
Turkey; Maryam Givtash, Iran; Margarita Jaramil-
lo, Colombia; Ana Maria Macrides, Colombia;
Joanna Whalen, Nicaragua; Janice Kendrick, U.S.A.
STANDING: Jamal Al-Hazmi, Saudi Arabia;
Abdulla Mohanna, Saudi Arabia; Saleh Al-
Mushary. Saudi Arabia; Juan Carlos Vilanova,

Spain (vice-president); Assaf Al-Assaf, Saudi Arabia
(program chairman); Jose del Pozo, Ecuador; Gilbert
Lopez, Aruba; Ekachai Sitkrongwong, Thailand;
Bolivar Miranda, Ecuador; Marshall R. Nason,
U.S.A. (Foreign Student Advisor); Cedric Croes,
Aruba; Irani de Araujo, Brazil (president, fall);
Fahad Al-Assaf, Saudi Arabia; Ivan Acoca, Panama;

Vichai Dolbanbarnchoke, Thailand; Andreas Kafa-
tos Greece; Vehdat Gurtan, Turkey NOT PIC-
TURED- Gonzalo Fernandez, Ecuador (president,
spring); Carolina Antonini, Venezuela (secretary);
Arman Davoudian, Iran (treasurer)


The Oglethorpe Christian Fellowship: BACK ROW:
Dr. Monte Wolf, Tom Crawford, Kevin Kincheloe,
Eric Gilgenast. Jill Woodham, Scott Faith, Dan
Burzinsky ROW 2: Joan Pritchard, Brant McKeown,

Melanie Davison, Laura Wilson, Robin Johns,
Princell Dunbar (president) FRONT ROW:
Kimberley Emerson, Constance Gannaway, Seretha
Masdon, Sheila Marx (president), Carol Banks

Hillel: Carter Berkeley, Dave Gerhardt, Sandy
Grossman (president). Rabbi Louis Reiser, Howard
Barr, Lee Van Grack NOT PICTURED: Jeff

Epstein, Bob Levine, Jim Burk, Rob Joseph, Chuck

Christian sorority Alpha Omega: Sandee Michael, Mollie Simmons, Jill Woodham, Arlene Jones, Janice
Kendrick, Anne Sams

Religious Groups
More Spirited

The Oglethorpe Christian Fellowship
might be called a born-again club.
Membership in the group has sky rocketed
since last year, when it consisted of a
handful of students meeting in a private
room in Goodman Hall. During
1980-1981, the OCF has been involved in
a whole host of new and exciting activities.

The central goal of the fellowship is
to provide a relaxed atmosphere in which
believers can meet, worship, and just have
fun. Meetings, which were held in Traer's
second floor lounge every two weeks or so.
regularly featured singing, joking. Bible
study, group prayer and. of course, the
all-important refreshments. The backbone
of the OCF has probably been Joan
Pritchard, a lively graduate student from
Emory. Giving freely of her time and
talents, Joan always livened up gatherings
with her trust) guitar and fresh, off-beat

During the year. Hillel offered
Oglethorpe's Jewish students the op-
portunity to get together on a weekly basis
to have discussions and meet prominent
people in the .Atlanta Jewish community.
Topics at the Wednesday meetings
included such diverse things as Iranian
Jewr\ and the lifestyle of the Jewish
woman. In addition to the weekly
get-togethers. Hillel sponsored a shabbat
dinner. Guests from Georgia Tech and
Emory attended the event, which ended
with a service and singing after the meal.

1981 marked the third year of
existence for Hillel. For its members,
Hillel offers a chance to bring a sense of
stability and well-being to college life,
through the joining together of people with
common religious beliefs.

Early in the fall semester, a need was
expressed for a sorority that was not only
based on Christian principles, but also
suited the Christian lifestyle. So. a group
of girls began planning for a new campus
organization, and called themselves .\Ipha
Omega. Their plans include organizing
chapel services for students, holding Bible
studies and discussions, and working
closely with the other sororities and senice
organizations. Much of their time this
year was spent finalizing plans to be
recognized as an official campus organiza-


They Can Argue With Success

Aristotle once claimed that there are
only two parts to a successful argument
making it and then proving it. Anyone
who's struggled through an analytical
course like English Comp. knows that this
idea often isn't as easy as it sounds. Yet
a tiny group of dedicated students seems
to have mastered this elusive art of apt
argument. They call themselves the
Oglethorpe Debate Team and although a
good many students have yet to hear of
them, they're not worried. They have not
yet begun to cross examine.

The team currently consists of senior
Amy Fithian and sophomores Debbie
Morgan and Kevin Kincheloe. This
summer, the trio attended a two-week
workshop in Tuscon, Arizona. In their first
"real" debate at East Tennessee's
Mountain Empire Tournament, Debbie
and Amy tested their skills against fifteen
other teams from across the country and
managed to come in a surprising second,
and future debates were soon planned. In
March the group hosted a pair of their
British counterparts.

The amount of progress that the team
has made is almost remarkable under the
circumstances. Not only does it have its

novice status to deal with, it also has to
make do somehow without such benefits
as separate facilities, full-time coaches,
and a large-scale budget. Anyway, who
says you can't argue with success?

The Debate Team: Debbie Morgan, Dr. Robert
FusiUo, Amy Fithian NOT PICTURED: Kevm

YAF: Seeing Things as Right or Wrong

Some Old Ideas

The Thalian Society was reorganized
at Oglethorpe during the Fall semester.
The Society had existed in the 1840's and
1850's while the school was located in
Milledgeville; it had also met on the
present campus until 1974 when member-
ship restrictions caused it to fail. At that
time the club became closed to anyone
who was not a philosophy major.

Although it is a philosophical society,
the Thalian Society is now open to all, not
just students of philosophy. Initiations
take place yearly and the group meets
every two weeks to discuss philosophical
issues. For example, one of the meetings
was dedicated to debate concerning the
existance of good and evil and definitions
thus implied (what constitutes an evil
act?). The questions usually arise from
philosophical works such as the existen-
tialist writings of Camus.

Meetings were open to anyone
interested in the matters to be discussed.
This open invitation included faculty and
alumni of the society.

Officers for the year included Suzanne Schaefer,
president; Jackie Mate, vice-president; Virgmia
Parker, secretary; Dolores El, treasurer; Jack Dowd,

Young Americans for Freedom
(YAF) is the nation's largest conservative
youth organization. Its membership
includes many different political types,
from traditionalists to libertarians. Local
activities include giving an award to
conservative Congressman Larry McDon-
ald (see photo), maintaining an anti-
Communist bulletin board on the second
floor of Hearst Hall, and conducting
various protests such as Tax Day and May
Day, although no one has burned any flags
this year. Oglethorpe hosts the state
newsletter. The Eagle's Dispatch.

In these landmark political times,
YAF is definitely in the thick of things.
It remains the information and action
network for rig;"-of-center young people
at Oglethorpe ana cross the Republic, for
which it stands.

Members incluu Mark Slaw
(chapter chairman), Patricia Goodwin,
Mandy Hough, R. L. Owen, Bob Kane,
Kevin Kincheloe, Eric Roberts, Eric
Gilgenast (Maryland), Lew Gordon

7th district U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald
accepts an award from the John Singlaub Chapter,
shown with members Ryan Murphy and Mark Slaw.

The Thalian Society: Mike Connor, Jack Dowd,
Virginia Parker, Jacqueline Mate, Dolores El,
Suzanne Schaefer, Ellen Lukens, Dr. Nick Caste,
Dr. Ken Nishimura.


The Sociology/ Psychology Club: Phyllis May,
Gregory Hunt, Howard Jones, Bette Shornick, Dr.
Martha Vardeman, Dr. Robert Moffie, Dr. Claire
Coles, Mix Evertz, Donald King NOT PICTURED:

Gene Senfad, Johnnie Badges, Lisa Rangazas, Linda
Barkis, Susan Swaby, Jolita Rix, Judy Etheridge,
Terry Schmidt, Mara Schultz, Peter Dolce, Karen

Student Affiliates of the American Chemical
Society: BACK ROW: Jon Fagerstrom, Pete Milot,
Paul Sykes, Ed Odenkirchen, Dan Burzinsky

FRONT ROW: Peggy Mueller, Peggy Goodwin,
Debbie Bradley, Diane Peer, Andrea Gelfon, Dave
Mills, Dr. Monte Wolf.

The Student National Education Association:
STANDING: Nancye Rankine, Dr. Lavon Talley,
Dr. Louise Valine, Leslie Tindall, Amy McCune,
Brenda Peed, Donna Tucker, Dr. Ann Wheeler,
Barbara Doughty, Bathsheba Romero, Dr. John

Stevens, Charlotte Sorrell, Paul Gandolfo. Nelsie
Wade SEATED: Mary Elliott, Lisa Wright, Eloise
Mallory NOT PICTURED: Linda Leiand, Robin
Johns, Lynne Serby, Kathy VanDuser, Chris Sertich,
Tracy Marshall, Mike Emery, Danette Vanhuss

Soc. /Psych.

The Sociology/ Psychology Club is
composed of people interested in areas and
specialties of psychology and sociology.
The purpose of the group is to explore
those areas of interst through speakers,
discussion groups, and field trips.

Early in the fall, organizational
meetings were held to elect officers and
plan the remainder of the year. Alix
Evertz and Lisa Rangazas were elected
co-presidents and their planning brought
about such activities as a talk on "Adult
Development" by Dr. Claire Coles in
October and a field trip to the Dekalb
Drug Addiction Center.

This spring Linda Barkis and Karen
Keiser were elected to replace the
interning Evertz and Rangazas. Events for
the semester included a Stress Reduction
Clinic held by Dr. Johnna Shamp and a
lecture on Careers in Com.munitv Mental

/\. V--. 1^,

For the third year in a row. Dr. Monte
Wolf, a familiar face to many science
majors at Oglethorpe, has sponsored the
American Chemical Society. The organ-
ization this year had Ed Odenkirchen as
President, Peggy Mueller as Vice-
President, and Peggy Goodwin as Trea-
surer. The ACS had a total of 15
members. The purpose of the .ACS is to
further an interest in chemistry and the
sciences in general. It does this through
organized participation in projects chosen
by the members. Members may also
attend monthh meetings of local chapters.


The S.N.E.A. is a professional
organization focusing on issues and
concerns in education. Membership is
open to all education majors and
interested students.

Through the national organization, a
wide selection of benefits, sen'ices. and
programs is offered. These include
discount books, free publications, and tort
liability insurance.

Informational meetings and social
events help students become better
acquainted and foster a professional
awareness of the responsibilities and
challenges of the teaching profession.

Other goals and activities included
the sponsoring of a charity project and a
doughnut sale in February to help
establish an aw ard for a teacher education


PPLA Keeps Up With All The Issues

The Politics and Pre-Law Association
provides the Oglethorpe campus with an
avenue for expressing its political views
and seeks to guide the pre-law student in
his or her pursuit of the legal profession.
Three major events highlighted the
1980-81 school year for the PPLA. The
first took place on October 23 and 24 in
the form of a mock election, co-sponsored
with Omicron Delta Kappa. Over 500
respondents cast their votes for their
choice in the 1980 Presidential and
Senatorial races. Proving to be a unique
cross section of the United States,
Oglethorpians favored Carter with 51.6%
of the vote. Reagan came in second with
39.9%, followed with Anderson's 5.6%.
Oglethorpe predicted the Georgia Sen-
atorial race correctly though Mattingly
was favored by 70.9% while incumbent
Senator Talmadge lagged behind with
28.6% of the vote.

The PPLA also sponsored a Presidential
Debate on October 28. Representatives of
the Democratic, Libertarian, Republican
and Independent parties were present. The
debate was followed by questions from the
PPLA Panel consisting of Tim Tas-
sopoulos, Mark Moskowitz, Lee Van
Grack and faculty member Dr. David
Thomas, an expert on the U.S. party
system. The debate proved to be an
informative event; those who attended
heard the various platforms in each race
and were able to confront the candidates'
spokesmen on all the issues.

The third major event took place during
the spring semester when the PPLA
co-sponsored a special multi-media pre-
sentation on the music and politics of the
1960's. The event was organized by
Professor James Bohart and, judging by
the turnout, was a complete success.

One of PPLA's most successful projects was the
Presidential Debate, featuring representatives of all
the major presidential candidates.

The Politics and Pre-Law Association: BACK ROW:
Cindy Larbig, Jenny Francik, Tim Tassopoulos (vice
president), Lee Van Grack, Mark Moskowitz, Rita
Llop (secretary), Drew Findling ROW 2: Chris

Sertich, Mark Lisicky, Michele Cubit, Marybeth
Robertson (president) FRONT ROW: Kim Bunting
(treasurer). Howard Barr. Bruce Johnson, Michelle
Fryer, Debbie Morgan


The Boar's Head/Duchess Club Circle of Omicron
Delta Kappa: BACK ROW: Lew Gordon, Greg
Stiles, Marcia Carter, John Thames. Manning
Pattillo ROW 2: Tim Tassopoulos, Marybeth
Robertson, Rick Kaiser, Sheila Marx, Terry Tribbet,
George Waldner FRONT ROW: Robin Johns,

Elaine Minor, Dave Mills, Drew Findling, Lisa
Rangazas, Tricia Smith NOT PICTURED: Kath-
leen Ahearn, Malcolm Amerson, J. Brien Key,
Martha Vardeman, Roy Goslin, Charles Sullivan,
Charlton Jones, John Stevens, William Strozier













^^W.\-' .9^






^ ^ ^^^V'

ODK: Honor
and Prestige

Omicron Delta Kappa, the National
Leadership Honor Society, recognizes
outstanding achievement both inside and
out of the college classroom. The Boar's
Head/ Duchess Club Circle of Omicron
Delta Kappa is the most prestigious honor
society on the Oglethorpe campus.
Composed of only the most select
individuals. ODK requires its members to
be active leaders in a variety of

The members of Omicron Delta
Kappa for 1980-81 were "tapped" during
regular class hours on November 21. A
reception was held for the new members
immediately after the tapping ceremony.
These students were then inducted into
ODK at the Boar"s Head Ceremony on
December 5. This traditional Yuletide
program is the highlight of the Oglethorpe
holiday season.

As well as recognizing outstanding
leadership, Omicron Delta Kappa fulfills
important service functions. In September
ODK sponsored an extremely successful
Mock Presidential Election along with
co-sponsors Phi Alpha Theta and the
Politics and Pre-Law .-Xssociation. In
addition, the members sold Christmas
cards to raise funds for UNICEF.
decorated Hearst Hall and Lupton for
Christmas, co-hosted speaker Diane Hine
on February 13, co-hosted a spring
province conference for ODK circles from
North Georgia and South Carolina on
April 3 and 4, sponsored the faculty-
student Softball game in the spring, and
attended a luncheon at Emory which
included all .Atlanta circles with Hamilton
Jordan as guest speaker. These activities
were an important part of the Omicron
Delta Kappa program to recognize the
leaders of today, as well as to develop the
leaders of tomorrow.

The Boar's Head Ceremony highlights the Christmas
season. Above Left: Dr. John Cramer reads an
entertaining Christmas story at the ceremony. .Above
Right: ODK initiates sign a book of membership as
they are inducted into the Circle. Left: Initiates
taking an oath of membership.


Honoraries: Oglethorpe's Finest

The Alpha Nu chapter of Sigma
Zeta, the science honorary society, was
established in 1971, thus making this year
the tenth anniversary of the club's
founding. Sigma Zeta's membership is
limited to sophomores, juniors and seniors
majoring in the sciences or mathematics
and having at least a 3.3 average in their
major courses and a 3.0 overall average.
Members annually sponsor speakers on
campus and participate in various ongoing
projects to encourage excellence in the
study of the sciences. An initiation
ceremony was held on November 10; the
speaker for the occasion was Dr. J. Harvey
Young, who presented an illustrated talk
on "American Medical Quackery."
Tapped for membership this year were
Andy Bieger, Roger Brooksbank, Mark
Coles, Tom Crawford, Tony Jennings,
Rob Joseph, Dennis McPeak, John
Marshall, Mike Quick, Karen Anne Sams,
Brian Sass, Morris Taiwo, and Dan
Walden. They joined current members
Debbie Bradley, Jon Fagerstrom, Pat
Goodwin, Rachel Lerman, Tracy Mar-
shall, Sheryl McCarthy, Dave Mills,
Peggy Mueller and Ed Odenkirchen.

Phi Alpha Theta, the International
History Honor Society, recognizes out-
standing scholastic achievement in the
study of history. Initiation into this society
is the highest honor that may be bestowed
upon a student of history. The Oglethorpe
University Sigma-Sigma chapter of Phi
Alpha Theta plays an important role in
this recognition of scholastic excellence.

The fall activities of the group
included the induction of new members
followed by a reception held in their honor
in late October. On November 6, the
Society sponsored a reception for out-
standing freshman and sophomore history
and political science students. Phi Alpha
Theta also sponsored a presidential
symposium: in October, following the
PPLA presio. i! debate. In the sympo-
sium, faculty mi. :ts and students were
able to voice their cws on the debate.

Spring also proved u be a busy time
for the Sigma-Sigma chapter. On Fe-
bruary 19, they co-sponsored with the
PPLA a multi-media presentation on the
1960"s which was organized by Professor

Sigma Zeta: BACK ROW: Tony Jennings, Brian
Sass, Roger Brooksbank, Rob Joseph, Mark Coles,
Mike Quick ROW 2: John Marshall, Andy Bieger,
Jon Fagerstrom, Ed Odenkirchen. Dave Mills, Tom
Crawford, Dennis McPeak FRONT ROW: Anne

Sams, Dr. Monte Wolf, Debbie Bradley, Dr. Dan
Schadler, Patricia Goodwin NOT PICTURED:
Rachel Lerman, Peggy Mueller, Tracy Marshall,
Sheryl McCarthy

Phi Alpha Theta: FRONT ROW: Donna Tucker,
Jacqueline Mate, Lidewey Slegt, Harriet Edblad,
Kim Bunting BACK ROW: Chris Sertich (vice-

Bohart. The following week, on February
26, they co-sponsored speaker Dr. Diane
Hine who spoke on the topic of "Blacks
in the Professions," which was followed by
a luncheon. The Oglethorpe chapter also
attended the Phi Alpha Theta Province
Conference on April 3 and 4 at Fort

president), Mark Moskowitz, Liz Graydon, Tim
Tassopoulos (president). Matt Schuster, Jack Dowd,
Mark Lisicky, Karen Jenkins (secretary)

Valley State University.

All of these activities fulfill the
purposes of Phi Alpha Theta: to recognize
high achievement in the study of history
and to promote this study throughout the
entire Oglethorpe community.


Alpha Psi Omega: BACK ROW: Jack Dowd, Mike
Burke ROW 2: Brenda Peed, Mia Wadopian, Andy
Bieger ROW 3: Donna Passaro, Sheila Marx
(secretary), John Wilson, Bob Kane, Terry Tribbet

FRONT ROW: Dr. Victoria Weiss, Chuck Nicholas
(president) NOT PICTURED: Cathy Brown. Jim
McCoy, Lidewey Slegt

Beta Omicron Sigma: Dr. Charlton H. Jones
(advisor), Elaine Minor (president), Tricia Smith

(vice-president), Mike Brant (secretary-treasurer)

Over the past few years the Ogleth-
orpe Players has grown and grown.

Each year, the students who volunteer
their lime and skills to the Players' work
have something very special to aim for:
Alpha Psi Omega - a National Honorary
Dramatic Fraternity. The Chi Kappa cast
of Alpha Psi Omega was formally
chartered here on campus in 1977, and has
become a group wherein status as a
member is much sought after.

Besides honoring students who are
involved in all aspects of dramatic
productions by granting them membership
honors through induction. Alpha Psi also
awards those students who have worked
very hard on dramatics at Oglethorpe, but
have not yet accumulated a record of
service which is deemed acceptable for
membership. .Alpha Psi Omega members
are one of the many reasons why the
Oglethorpe Players have become such a
dynamic group in our campus community.

Beta Omicron Sigma is the business
honorary society here at O.U. The
purposes of this financially minded
organization are to reward scholarship
among students of economics, accounting,
and business administration and to foster
integrity in the conduct of business

Since BOS is determined, in the word
of its founder Dr. Charlton Jones, to
"recognize and honor the students who do
the best job." its membership is highly
select. Only juniors and seniors with the
highest GPA are invited to join, and such
an invitation is generally considered the
highest honor the Business and Economics
Division can bestow.

.Alpha Chi is Oglethorpe's primary-
academic honor society. Membership in
this prestigious group is open to juniors
and seniors who have maintained a high
academic average and have been recom-
mended by the faculty. .An honor society
as opposed to a recognition society. Alpha
Chi predicates its membership on accom-
plishment rather than on interest or
participation. It is a general honor society,
admitting students from all academic
areas. Its purpose is to promote exemplary
character and scholastic excellence. .Alpha
Chi"s activities have included the award-
ing of scholarships to desen'ing freshman
students and participation in the meetings
of the regional and national chapters of
.Alpha Chi.

Alpha Chi: BACK ROW: Dr. Monte Wolfe, Mike
Brant, Doug Kissel ROW 2: Tim Tassopoulos,

Catherine Clegg, Elaine Minor, Tricia Smith
FRONT ROW: Greg Stiles, Lisa Rangazas


Robin Johns

Jim Keiley


Karen Malachi

Who's Who Among
American Colleges
and Universities

Not Pictured: Marybeth Robertson

Tricia Smith

Greg Stiles

Tim Tassopoulos


Miss Yamacraw: A New Tradition

Ann Montanaro - first runner-up

Karen Malachi - first runner-up

Leigh Norris - third runner-up

The success of the First Annual Miss
Yamacraw Contest is a sure sign that it
will become a new tradition at Oglethorpe.
The event, held as a fund-raiser for the
yearbook, attracted eleven contestants
from various organizations on campus.
The girls were judged in an interview by
a panel including Steve McCoy from
WZGC Radio, Gwen Chambers of the
Fashion Institute of Atlanta, and Libby
Trest and Dean John Thames of Ogle-
thorpe. The judges had such a difficult job
that they created a third runner-up
position in order to make a decision. The
prizes for the contest were donated,
making it a profitable venture. THE
YAMACRAW would like to thank all the
contestants and sponsoring organizations
for making the Miss Yamacraw Contest
an event worth continuing.

The Miss Yamacraw court: BACK ROW: Tricia
Smith (Alpha Phi Omega), Mollie Simmons
(Chorale), Ann Montanaro (Oglethorpe Players),
Karen Malachi (Black Student Caucus), Leigh
Norris (Chi Omega), Diane Flatley (Chi Phi)

FRONT ROW: Linda Triguero (Stormy Petrel),
Michele Cubit (Cheerleaders), Sheila Marx
(RUDD), Marcia Beck (Sigma Alpha Epsilon) NOT
PICTURED: Sally Petree (Delta Zeta)


WSl Miss mm^cxa


^/ -



^ . -






Commencement: A Beginning

Spring, so they say, is a time of
freshness and rebirth, growth and green-
ery. It is the time, they say, when the
fancies of young men (and since this is
1981, young women, too) turn to thoughts
of love. But at least one part of the
population finds itself with a little more
on its mind this time of year. They are
the graduates, and theirs is the respon-
sibility for the future - theirs and, in part,
at least, ours. For them, spring is a time
of sadness and farewells, pride and plans,
worry over suddenly having to make their
way in a sometimes crazy "real" world,
and wonder over this same newfound
responsibility. For most, it is the finishing
note to at least sixteen years of constant
schooling and the first note of a lifetime
of constant . . . what? It's appropriate,
then, that schools traditionally hold
graduations during a part of the year
usually associated with new life.

Oglethorpe is no different, at least in

this respect. 1981 commencement cer-
emonies were held on Sunday morning.
May 17. About 100 seniors marched into
the redecorated athletic building to walk
across the basketball court and pick up
their diplomas. However, as in any good
academic occasion like this, there was
more to it than that. At least some pomp
and circumstance (but not the musical
kind - someone must have figured that we
had heard enough of that in high school)
was an absolute necessity. Graduates and
faculty alike were dressed in full regalia
with caps and gowns, and there was the
usual talk of moving on beyond the
sheltered environment of a small college
and, well, commencing full adult life. In
addition, a contingent of the Atlanta
Symphony Orchestra was on hand to play
a few non-scholastic favorites like
"Nadia's Theme" and "Some Enchanted
Evening." assisted by the talents of Mr.

and Mrs. Bohart. , r-> ,-

Continued on Pg. U-32

Above; Members of the Atlanta
Symphony Orchestra provided the
music for graduation. Right; Dr. Wolf
and Dr. Moffie are the distinguished
leaders of the procession.





Section C

Stormy Petrels Shoot For The Title

Under the leadership of
Coach Jack Berkshire, the
Stormy Petrels qualified for
the District Playoffs for the
third time, but unfortunately,
the Petrels were eliminated in
that game by Southern Tech.
Despite an overall season
record of 11 wins and 14
losses, the team's dedicated
spirit made possible such
achievements as qualifying
for the District Playoffs and
also making runner-up in the
O.U. Invitational Tour-

Outstanding sophomore
player Brian Sass holds
several season records this
year. They include the field
goal percentage record
(0.594), most points scored in
one game (32 points in the
Shorter game), most field
goals in one game (15 out of
18 attempts in the Shorter
game), and most free throws
in one game (14 out of 18
attempts in the Convenant

Other single game high
marks for the season were
held by junior Steve Hol-
loman and freshmen Jay
Vanderhorst. Holloman held
the season record for most
rebounds in one game (13 in
the Southwestern game).
Vanderhorst made the most
assists (8 in the Convenant

The top three scorers for
the season were Brian Sass
with 353 points, sophomore
Roger Brooksbank with 312
points, and junior Bruce
Hoke with 236 points.

rrirr li ii^n ..- -^.^a^Bji^^gs


Coaches' Corner

Jack Berkshire

Oglethorpe's entire athletic
program is under the leader-
ship of Jack Berkshire, Athle-
tic Director and Head Bas-
ketball Coach. Coach Berk-
shire has an impressive record
as both a basketball coach
and player. In college at
Mississippi State, Berkshire
was captain of two conference
champion teams. As a coach
he has seen many teams to
the playoffs. Since he arrived
at Oglethorpe, the Stormy
Petrel's basketball record
has improved dramatically,
bringing O.U. in 1979 its first
winning season in nine years.
In 1980, he led the Petrels to
the G.I.A.C. championship,
and was named "Coach of the
Year" of both the G.I.A.C.
and the N.A.I, A. District 25.
When he is not at the
basketball courts, he enjoys
tennis and golf.

Top Left: Coach Jack Berkshire calls
the shots from the sidelines. Top
Right: Both teams wait to see if John
Shelnutt scores on his free throw
attempt. Bottom Far Left Richard
Johnson tries to out-j rip his
opponent and secure the L. 1 for
O.U. Bottom Left: Coach Berki
and the team discuss their strateg.
during a time out. Bottom Right:
With defenders all around, Steve
Holloman attempts a lay-up. Bottom
Far Right: Setting up the offense.


The 19S0-1981 Stormy Petrel Basketball Squad:
BACK ROW: Coach John Wilson, Roger Brooks-
bank, Brian Sass, John Shelnutt, Richard Johnson,

Steve Holloman, Chris Sertich, Mike Buckelew,
Coach Tommy Darrah FRONT ROW: Coach Jack
Berkshire, Rodney Wyatl, Keith Allen, Bruce Hoke,

Jay Vanderhorst, Dave Mills, John Nfarshall. Tony
Jennings, Manager Mike Emery NOT PICTURED:
Manager Mark Andrews


Coaches' Corner

John Wilson

John Wilson is the Assis-
tant Basketball Coach and
Men's Tennis Coach. His
background lies with basket-
ball, which he played for
Mississippi State as an under-
graduate. During his career,
he has served as Head Coach
at Campbell of Smyrna High
School, receiving in 1978 the
Cobb County "Coach of the
Year" Award. Wilson's hob-
bies include hunting, fishing,
and white water rafting.

Oglethorpe Opponent

97 Covenant 83

97 Flagler

52 West Georgia

63 Berry

61 Sam ford
82 Greensboro
65 N.C. Wesleyan
80 Georgia College
80 Ga. Southwestern

62 Covenant

70 Flagler
39 South Florida
37 LaGrange
62 Southern Tech
54 Piedmont

73 Shorter
45 North Georgia
48 Ga. Southwestern
75 LaGrange

71 Southern Tech
79 Piedmont

74 Shorter
82 Georgia College
70 North Georgia

64 Southern Tech

Top: Rodney "Pee Wee" Wyatt flies
through the air to score another goal.
Middle Left: Tension mounts as
cheerleader looks on in desperation.
Middle Right: Roger Brooksbank
out-jumps defense for another 2.
Bottom: Petrels plan offensive stra-


Cheerleaders Promote Petrel Pride

The 1981 Stormy Petrel Cheer-
leaders: ABO\"E: Leigh Norris
(co-captain). Sheila Marx (.co-
captain) ROW 2: Anne Atkinson.
Sandra Lynch. Kathy Zenuch. Beck\
Raines ROW 3: Mic'hele Cubit. Nell
Somers. Wendy Werne

Photos courtesv Kristv Stevens


Soccer Team Gets A Kick Out Of Winning

The 1980 Stormy Petrel Soccer
Squad put together a great season despite
what could have been hampering obsta-
cles. First and foremost, the transition
involved working under a new coach can
cause problems in terms of strategy, style
and key plays. Sometimes it takes players
a long time to adjust, but under the
leadership of Coach Melvin "Bucky"
Reynolds, this year's team adjusted
quickly and easily.

The small number of varsity par-
ticipants could also have been a problem,
but somehow the team overcame these and
other obstackles. Team play, determina-
tion and a lot of skill went into the
enviable record the squad achieved by the

end of the season. The Petrels also took
2nd place in the 25th N.A.I.A. District
Playoffs, although some said it wouldn't
happen for the second year in a row.

The team's 7-5-1 record speaks for
itself, and the awards received by
individual players say even more. Vahid
Salehi (Forward) and Irani de Araujo
(sweeperback) were named first team
All-District, with Allan Repetto (goal-
tender) making the second team All-
District and Farhad Modaressi and
Gonzalo Fernandez receiving District
Honorable Mentions. Vahid Salehi placed
4th in the nation for N.A.I.A. scoring

Top: Gonzalo Fernandez demonstrates an important
soccer skill: the thigh trap. Middle Left: Goaltender
Russ Fuller makes another great save. Far Left: A
soccer high kick. Left: AM Sanai heads the ball in
mid-flight. Right: Scoring champion Vahid Salehi
heads the ball to a waiting Tom Smith. Far Right:
A goaltender demonstrates the advantage of using
the hands.


< -1

The 1980 Stormy Petrel Soccer Team: BACK ROW:
Allan Reppetto, Russ Fuller, Omid Kanani, Gonzalo
Fernandez, Dave Gerhardt, Bob Kane, Irani de

Araujo, All Sanai. Coach "Bucky" Reynolds Al-Assaf. \fike Voeltz. Farhad Modaressi. Arman

FRONT ROW: Tom Smith, John Wilson, Assaf Davoudian, Vahid Salehi.






Univ. of the South



B'ham Southern



Univ. of Alabama



B'ham Southern



Mercer Atlanta



Univ. of Alabama



West Georgia



Mercer Atlanta


Univ. of the South



North Georgia


Mercer Macon


Georgia College






Top Left. Top Right, Middle Right,
and Above: Vahid Salehi shows off
some of the skill that made him so
valuable to the Petrels this year, both
on offense and defense. Middle Left:
John Wilson prepares to volley the
ball back upficld. Bottom Left:

Farhad Modaressi makes a powerful
kick past Dave Gerhardt. Right:
Arman Davoudian joins his team-
mates after another victory. Far Left:
Team spirit helped lead the Petrels to
a winning season.

j 9C^

fill YAMACRAW 1981 C-9

->.'* ^' i^ir ^-^^"T Tf "i^iT^^'^^

Coaches' Corner


Melvin Reynolds

Coach Melvin "Bucky"
Reynolds came to O.U. from
Tennessee Wesleyan. where
he successfully coached
soccer for eight years. He
holds a masters degree in
psychology, and was a college
professor in that subject for
many years, also. Today, he
divides his time carefully,
working mornings in the
admissions office (Bucky has
helped the new computerized
system become the admission
staffs best friend), and
afternoons coaching the varsi-
t} soccer and track teams.
Bucky has also demonstrated
his athletic abilities in the
fieldhouse. at basketball and
especially at badminton, and
on the Softball diamond.


Volleyball Spikes Up Their Best

The 1981 Stormy Petrel
women's volleyball team never
experienced the thrill of vic-
tory, but they did not give up,
and continued to carry our
school name with pride, show-
ing the true spirit of sports-

manship. Despite the hard-
ships this year's team faced,
they are hoping for a better
season next year as many of
the members return with more



Coaches' Corner

Mary Ann Ingram

Mary Ann Ingram served
this year as Women's Volley-
ball and Tennis Coach, and
as Women's Intramural Dir-
ector. She holds a Master of
Education degree, and re-
ceived a teaching graduate
assistantship from Georgia
Southern. Mary Ann trained
with Bob Westbrook in the
Atlanta National Volleyball
Association, and now plays
and coaches on the Atlanta
Volleyball Club's senior level.
Division A team. In her spare
time, she also likes to jog and
play raquetball.

Petrels Serve Up Victory
















Georgia Tech
Georgia S.W.
West Ga.
Mercer Univ.
Agnes Scott
Georgia S.W.















The O.U. Women's Tennis
Team got off to a slow start this
year, but since the beginning of
April, they won most of their
matches. The achievements of
the tennis team are due to the
dedicated efforts of players
Kelly Marshall (9 wins), Prin-
cell Dunbar and Lisa Rangazas
(with 8 wins each), and Mi-
chelle Fryer (7 wins). Kelly
Marshall made it to the semi-

Top Right: Michele Fryer. Bottom
Right: Princell Dunbar. Above: Kelly
Marshall. Not Pictured: Ofelia Owen,
Lisa Rangazas, Tricia Smith, Debbie
Wolfe. Extra photos courtesy


The 1981 Stormy Petrel Men's Tennis
Team: Coach John Wilson, Gilbert
Price, Matt Schuster, Philip Law.
Howard Barr, Alan Head, Russell

Sinacore NOT PICTURED: John
Marshall, Bruce Hoke, Doug Strick-

Under the leadership of
Coach John Wilson, the
men's tennis team was 1 1-3 in
the conference this year,
placing them second. This
noteworthy achievement is
due to such players as senior
Alan Head and junior Matt
Schuster who make up the
Petrels' doubles team, which
has gone undefeated in the
conference. In singles, Matt
takes first place, Alan is

second, and sophomore Philip
Law is 3rd. Scott Price, a
sophomore, places 4th in
singles and has played with
the Petrels for 2 years. .Also
on the team are sophomore
Doug Strickland and soph-
omore Howard Barr. and
alternate players junior Bruce
Hoke, sophomore John Mar-
shall, and freshman Russell



Cent. Iowa Won

St. Francis Won

North Dekalb Lost

Lynchburg Won

Carson-Newman Won

Shorter \\'on

Elmhurst Won

Berry Lost

LaGrange Lost

Emory Won

Georgia S.W. Lost

Southern Tech Lost

Dekalb Cent. Won

Georgia S.W. Lost

Ga. College Lost

North Ga. Lost

Berry Lost

Ga. College Lost

Shorter Lost

LaGranae Lost


Track and Cross Country
Get The Run Around

The track team this year
had only 4 members under the
capable leadership of Coach
"Bucky" Reynolds. The Petrels
this year were: senior Allan
Reppetto, sophomore Brian
Crenshaw, freshman Billy
Bryant, and senior Bob Kane.
According to Brian, "Allan is
the backbone of the team. He
has a father-type image - he
holds the team together."
Allan's repertoire of events is

quite diverse and includes the
shotput, the 100 yard dash, the
longjump, and the 110 yard
high hurdles which he placed
2nd in the District Meet. Both
Billy and Brian are the long
distance runners: this includes
the 1 and 3 mile races. On the
other hand, senior Bob Kane
specialized in the javelin throw
which earned him 3rd place
honors at the District Meet.

The Stormy Petrel Track Team: Coach "Bucky" Reynolds, Bob Kane, Allan Reppetto and Frodo, Brian Crenshaw, Billy Bryant


The Stormy Petrel Cross Country Team: Billy Bryant, Brian Crenshaw, Ray Widdowson, Don Henry

This year's Cross Gjuntry
team was hampered by its
small size, but nonetheless
made some remarkable
achievements. Tommy Dar-
rah served as coach of the 4
member team of Don Henry,
Ray Widdowson, Billy
Bryant and Brian Crenshaw.
Because of the team's size,
members ran as individuals
rather than as a team (of-
ficially, five people are
required to make a leamj.

Don Henry took the lead
by placing first in the
N.A.I, A. District 25/
G.l.A.C, meet and establish-
ing himself as both District
and Conference champion.
Don also earned the distinc-
tion of breaking the course
record at this meet. Billy
Bryant and Ray Widdowson
also participated, placing 3rd
and 9th respectively, and
helping make a strong show-
ing for Oglethorpe. This very
dedicated team looks forward
to a promising 1981 season
under coach-to-be Marshall


Intramurals Are Good Sports

The men's and the
women's intramural pro-
grams were very successful
this year, as evidenced by the
increased and widespread
student participation.

Women's intramural sports
included tennis, soccer and
volleyball in the fall, badmin-
ton and basketball in the
winter and softball in the
spring. The men's sports were
flag football and volleyball in
the fall, basketball in the
winter, tennis and badminton
tournaments and softball in
the spring.

The Intramural Councils
allowed students to have
input into the program by
acting as intermediates
between the student athletes
and Intramural Directors,
Mary Ann Ingram and
Tommy Darrah. The councils
this year consisted of Shel-
aine Lockhart (Chats, Sheryl

Men's Volleyball

1st - Kappa Alpha I
2nd - Kappa Alpha 2

McCarthy (Chi-O), Tracy
Marshall (DZ), and Elaine
Minor (Independents) for the
women; John Bryan (Chi Phi),
Tex Andrews (KA), Bob Kane
(RUDD), and Stuart White
(SAE) for the men.

Men's Intramural
Flag football

1st - Kappa Alpha

2nd - Chi Phi

3rd - Faculty

4th - Sigma Alpha Epsilon

5th - RUDD

"Spike" Spikes it!



Women's Intramural

1st - Chi Omega

2nd - Independents

3rd - Delta Zeta


,^. ^'





Good Sports

Coaches' Corner

Men's Intramural Basketball

1st - Devil Dogs

2nd - Kappa Alpha 1

3rd - Committee

4th - Sigma Alpha Epsilon

5th - Chi Phi

6th - RUDD

7th - Kappa Alpha 2

Tommy Darrah

Tommy Darrah was Og-
lethorpe's Graduate Assistant
Coach for basketball and also
served as Cross Country
Coach and Men's Intramural
Director this year. He attend-
ed Gainesville and LaGrange
Colleges on basketball
scholarships, played tennis
for two years, and received
All-District N.A.I. A. and
G.A.I.C. honors before com-
ing to O.U. His future plans
are to teach and coach in the
secondary schools. Tom en-
joys all athletics and horse
back riding, and is a member
of the Fellowship of Christian

Women's Intramural Volleyball

1st - Delta Zeta

2nd - Independents

3rd - Chats

Women's Intramural Basketball

1st - Independents

2nd - Chats

3rd - Delta Zeta

Women's Intramural Badminton

1st - Independents
2nd - Delta Zeta






Soft-Speaking Leadership.
Some men have to go through
life learning to adapt, while
others seem to find the
perfect spot for themselves

and settle right down into it.
University President Man-
ning M. Pattillo, Jr. is one of
the latter. Though he has
travelled all over the country

and the world and has known
about every kind of college
there is to know, he remains
in tune with Atlanta's only
gothic university. One of the

things he finds most attrac-
tive about Oglethorpe is its
deliberate resemblance to
Oxford's Corpus Christi Col-
lege "We're very much a
part of the British tradition of
personalized education and
small classes." It is obvious
that Pattillo's belief in abroad
and liberal education plays a
big part in his life, and that
he is exactly where he wants
to be: at the top, putting his
ideas into practice. His road
to Lupton"s upstairs was a
long but rewarding one. His
other occupations have
ranged from teaching educa-
tion at New York University
to directing a large grant-
making organization in St.
Louis. Along the way. this
deceptively soft-spoken

educator has picked up five
honorary degrees. Today, Dr.
Pattillo, in addition to his role
on campus, has many
community responsibilities,
such as sening as President
of the Special Olympics and
holding memberships with
the Association of Private
Colleges and Universitites of
Georgia. the English-
Speaking Union and the
.\tlanta Rotary Club, just to
name a very few. In his
scarce leisure hours, he likes
to read, take walks and
travel. However, his wife,
Martha, three grown children
and a trio of grandchildren
remain big concerns in this
quiet man's big life.



All The President's Men

Working the Ropes. Ever
wondered how good old eter-
nal O.U. keeps in the black-
and-marble in a world of
budget slices, double-digit
inflation, and stratospheric
taxes? The next time you do,
spare a thought for John
Knott III, unsung hero and
guardian of the college's
gothic greenbacks. It's his job
as Dean of Administration to
make sure the school's struc-
ture is sound and its financial
machinery running smoothly
while others take care of the
academics. Outside the of-
fice, he loves to fish, camp,
and putter around the house
as an undercover handyman.
Woodworking, landscaping,
and spending time with his
children are important parts
of his life. Overall, though,
Dean Knott has been with the
school for ten years and will
probably be an integral part
of Oglethorpe's future. Who
would ever have expected all
this of a philosophy teacher
even Epicurus would be

And If Four Years Aren't
Enough For You . . . After a
long and full career, it's nice to
have something left to look
forward to. Just ask Dr. Carl
Hodges. As Dean of Continuing
Education, he is in that position
right now. "We live in an age
where adult education is a
growing enterprise," he claims,
and as a result, the department
he ably administers for Ogle-
thorpe has been growing yearly
as well. Hodges was no novice
when he arrived four years ago.
He has been a school principal,
a Superintendent of Schools,
and the Executive Director of
The Georgia Association of
Educators. He likes to spend his
free time reading fiction or
biographies, golfing and fishing.
He and his family have
travelled all over the world,
from the Carribbean to Siberia,
and he can proudly boast that
his daughter Janet followed him
into the business; she is a
reading teacher. Speaking of
teachers, how does Dean
Hodges find his colleagues at
Oglethorpe? "It is my exper-
ience that the level of instruc-
tion is far above average." It
almost makes you want to come
back for more. But then he's
counting on that.


John B. Knott, III, Dean of Administration

Carl V. Hodges, Dean of Continuing Education


G. Malcolm Amerson, Dean of the Colleges

John A. Thames, Dean of Students

Elgin F. MacConnell, Dean of Services

Big Mac to Go. "While I
have had numerous jobs
around Oglethorpe, I enjoy
most my present job as Dean
of Services," says Elgin
"Dean Mac" MacConnell
explaining, "I still have
contact with the students. I
feel that I make a difference

and a contribution. I never
find the job dull . . .frustrat-
ing sometimes . . . dull,
never!" To relieve the occa-
sional tensions brought on by
these stone walls. Dean Mac-
Connell enjoys retreating to
"a cabin in the North Geor-
gia Mountains, or any place

around Helen, Georgia, or the
Nachachoochee Valley." Ge-
sundheit. Dean Mac!

Who Is Leading the Lambs?
While pursuing his major in
Entomology and minors in
Zoology and Physiology. Dean
of the College G. Malcolm
Amerson found himself re-
searching, of all things, German
cockroaches and becoming
attached to the little pests. "I
developed a fondness for these
animals and lost a sizeable bet
to my Biology class when I
predicted that the American
Astronauts would be greeted b\
a big cockroach when they
landed on the moon several
years ago." Anyway, back on
Terra Firma Dean .\merson
confides, "My greatest rewards
have been the successful stories
of Oglethorpe graduates."
Showing that there is indeed
humor in high places. Dean
Amerson quipps: "If the Pres-
ident of a college is the
shepherd of the flock, then the
Dean surely is the crook of the

A Man For All Reasons.
You don"t have to have
swimming pools or bell
towers to have a university.
but you do have to have
people. That is where Dean
of Students John A.
Thames comes in. It's his
job to look after everyone
who makes the grades at
Oglethorpe, making sure
they stay basically happy,
satisfied, and in one piece
- and at O.U. Thames is an
early riser, often getting up
before dawn to prepare
speeches for the Sandy
Springs Toastmaster Club
of which he is a member.
He has extended an open
invitation to any member of
the Oglethorpe community
w ho would like to join him
for its 7:00 a.m. meetings
every Thursday morning.
So far. only two students
have had the courage or the
energy. He is also a
member oi the Citizens"
.Advisor) Council of the
North Dekalb Mental
Health Center.


You Can't Beat The Organization

For Whom the Bells
Toll. Having manned Ogle-
thorpe's main switchboard for
a mere two semesters already,
receptionist Gloria Moore
moans, "I've developed a
great compassion and under-
standing for Lily Tomlin's
Ernestine." While she insists
"I really like my job," Ms.
Moore might find a kindred
Tomlinesque character
The Incredible Shrinking
Woman. "Sitting behind the
plexiglass in my little cubby-
hole really separates me from
the rest of the campus," she
regrets. "It's almost like I've
become invisible."

Signed, Sealed, Delayed.
"Being a mailroom supervisor
gives me a chance to come in
contact daily with most of the
faculty and staff, and this is
fun," declares O.U.'s holder
of this position, Mrs. Betty
Nissley. Apparently, she and
her crew enjoy themselves in
the bottom of Lupton Hail,
where the P.O. is located. She
says, "My boss is Jim Nes-
bitt, and I think he is very
special. I also supervise
several work study students,
and they are fun to work
with." At least someone
appreciates the postal service.

Gloria Moore, University Receptionist

Charlotte Morrow, Secretary to the Dean of the College

Saturday Night Formals
"I really, really love my job",
stresses Charlotte Morrow. But
even the most loyal nine-to-fiver
must cut loose and trip the light
fantastic every now and again.
"I like to dance," confesses
Charlotte, "especially ballroom
dances. I took lessons." Fore-
warned is forearmed. Ginger

Bettye Scott, Secretary to the Dean of Administration (1980)


Mary Lou Newby, Secretary to the President

Linda W. Bucki, Director of Personnel

But Too Young For Social
Security?"\ really have no time
for any hobbies and interests,"
explains Mary Lou Newby,
Secretary to Dr. Pattillo, "other
than my children." Well, after
all, young ones to require lots
of Mommy's attention. How old
are the little dickens, anyway?
"Actually," coos Mary Lou,
"they're old - too old for you to
ask about."

Goodbye Ayatollah.
Grace Chambless, Secretary
to Dean Knott, once led a
"Mata-Hari"-ish exi.slence
performing top-secret tasks
for the State Department, but
much prefers life at Lupton
now. Says Grace, "We had to
move to a different country
every two years. And they
weren't always friendly - once
we were stationed in Iran. I
would never go back to that
job." Breathe easy. 007.

Grace Chambless, Secretary to the Dean of Administration (1981)

The Leader of the Pack. If
you are strolling through Lup-
ton and you happen to see a
flashy motorcyle helmet amidst
the business-like surroundings
of the adminstrative offices, you
must be at the Personnel office
of Linda Bucki. During the
week, she sees to the employee
fringe benefits and is responsi-
ble for the general welfare of
Oglethorpe staff members. But
on her off hours she likes to
leave the flatlands behind and
join friends on motorcyle trips
to hillier country. In fact, not
only can you find Linda Bucki
riding on any terrain, but also
in all sorts of weather, even
rain, sleet or snow.

Prudy Hughes, Faculty Secretary

Everybody's Girl Friday.

The ne.xt time you gaze at a
syllabus in shocked horror or
stare blankly down at a
midterm wishing you had
pulled an all-nighter, think of
Prudy Hughes. After all, she
is at least partially involved.
Prud\ 's job as Faculty Secre-
tary includes typing up such
items, as well as preparing
study guides and articles.
When she's not toiling away
on the third tloor of Hearst.
Ms. Hughes likes to sharpen
her karate skills and give
herself a workout playing
football or softball. When not
in a sporting mood, she's been
know to relax with a good
book. Her husband Ronnie is
also involved in education,
working religiously on his
Master's degree in Pastoral



Writing It All Down

Best Understatement

Award. Hilda Nix, who has
been with the University for
twelve years, says, "Those
years have been both exciting
and memorable. There have
been bad times," she remin-
isces, no doubt thinking of
Freshman Registration every
year, "but I feel the good times
will outlive the bad." Ah,

optimism! Mrs. Nix retains her
fondest memories in the up-
bringing of her children. She
has a married daughter with a
son of her own. As for Mrs.
Nix's son, he is one of those
few good men a Marine,
that is. In her spare time, she
enjoys "trying" to do oil

Hilda Nix, Associate Registrar

Marjorie MacConnell, Registrar Emertius

Special Lady. Marjorie
MacConnell, now Registrar
Emeritus, left O.U. last October
after 30 successful and happy
years. She says that now she
lives "just like any other normal
person." Her special interest
these days is people, whom she
enjoys more than anything else.

Cle Hall, Associate Registrar

Chipmunk Punk. Carrie
Lee Hall, nicknamed Cle, is a
cheerful and vivacious person
who has somehow maintained
her enthusiasm for "every-
thing" despite more than ten
years of struggling with Og-
lethorpe student academic
records (they fight back some-
times!). Ms. Hall has found her
special interest to be music,
dancing and young people

(who, she acknowledges, are
really human, too, despite
rumors to the contrary). Her
hobby is life, and that isn't the
cereal. "Each day that I am
given is a memorable exper-
ience," she says. With a hobby
like that, maybe she can
answer one of the mysteries of
life: Which Registrar is
"Chip" and which is "Dale"?


Business Office

Betty Amerson, Controller


-I' I
' 4



Kristy Stevens, Accounts Receivable Clerk

Taking It All Up

Say Cheese! Betty
Amerson is the Controller at
Oglethorpe, which means
that she is the "Head Hon-
cho" of the Business Office.
Aside from the time she
devotes to her work here,
Mrs. Amerson likes to spend
time gardening, decorating
and paying attention to her
large family, which includes
two dogs and a cat along with
lots of people. She won't
mention it, but she is also a
pretty impressive photo-
grapher, even if she can't get
her little grandson to hold
still long enough to snap
many pictures.

No Rubber Checks. .Marie
Williams probably looks at
more unpaid bills than anyone
would ever want to see, since
she is in charge of paying the
University's bills. However,
that's her job, and she has
outside interests to help her
forget all those filthy paws
reaching out for money. She
enjoys gardening, cooking,
needlepoint and hiking. .Maybe
that's handy; if the new recipe
flops, she can walk to .McDon-

Marie Williams. Accounts Pavable and Pavroll Clerk

John W. Ferry, Director of Data Processing

My Partner Won 't Talk To
Me. Jack Ferrey, Director of
Data Processing, has to
contend daily with the most
unsympathetic, inhuman
member of the O.U. admin-
stration: the computer. The
University adopted a new
computer system during the
1980-81 year, so Jack" was
kept running. Away from this
uncommunicative workmate.
Jack and his famih raise and
show horses. He also has
interests in photography,
farming, and kayaking. He is
especially proud of his
daughter, who is apparently
quite a horsewoman.

Eat My Dust. Kristy
Stevens is not only in charge of
student accounts, but she her-
self is a student here seeking an
Elementary Education degree.
She is a Cheerleader Sponsor
and a basketball scorekeeper.
She is a busy person with many
hobbies, such as photography,
gardening, writing and sports.
Kristy's special friend is her
dog, Maaie O'Reillv.


Financial Aid

Handing It All Out

Robert Evans,
Director of Financial Aid

Bye Bye. Bob. Bob Evans
departed Oglethorpe early in
1981 to assume a position at
Kansas State University. Just
prior to his departure, he was
given a special party by his
colleagues which included a
mild roasting and a special
singing telegram of fractured
Christmas carols. Oglethorpe
was sorry to lose a friend and
wishes him the best in

Howdy! Fred Carter ar-
rived to succeed Bob Evans as
Director of Financial Aid in
the Spring Semester of 1981.
His arrival was almost
simultaneous with the
inaugural of President
Reagan, so a few questions
arose as to the similarity
between his name and
Jimmy's - but Mr. Carter
soon emerged as quite his
own person and anything but
an imposter. He is a native
Atlantan who enjoys jogging,
and he derives satisfaction
from solid relationships. May
he find many at Oglethorpe!

/ Want to Be Alone. Pam
Beaird's longtime experience
with the Oglethorpe admin-
istration has made her quite
a Lupton celebrity. Given

credit for helping to maintain
stability in the Financial Aid
department during the Director
switch, Pam keeps very busy
attending to business. Pam is a
family person behind the
scenes, happy with her husband
and children.

Rapunzel. Susan Dunn
spends a great deal of her time
listening to heavy breathing.
This, however, is natural since
the people who actually journey
to the 3rd floor Financial Aid
office usually have to rest
before speaking. Mrs. Dunn
enjoys jogging, which is proba-
bly a very functional interest
for her. In addition, she likes
golf, tent camping and ballet.
She says, "I especially enjoy the
contact with students in the
Financial Aid Office." In that
lonely tower, contact with
anyone must be a godsend.

Last Name First? Associate
Director of Admissions Jonath-
an Jay has spent quite a bit of
time trying to find his true
calling. The crystal ball shows
Jonathan in Canada "almost"
playing hockey, then gracing
Connecticut and Vermont,
teaching English in a tiny town.
Next, the crystal places him in
New York . . . but he moves to

Fred Carter,
Director of Financial Aid

Pamela Beaird,


Director of Financial Aid

Atlanta, afraid of growing
roots. Finally, he finds satisfac-
tion at O.U. Mr. Jay is a
diverse man, enjoying the
Braves, beer and ballet. He also
likes an occasional cigar. (He
warns copy writers as an
afterthought that he sues for
slander but can be bribed with
a hamburger.)

Alarm Clock Blues. Roxann
Garber is a vivacious, busy lady
who has a love affair going with
the city of Atlanta. Now, that
takes a pretty big heart! She
enjoys working with students

Susan Dunn,
Secretary, Financial Aid

even when she has to wake up
at 5:00 a.m. to meet and talk
to a high school student in
Washington D.C. at 8:30
a.m. An important aspect of
her job is to see the students
whom she helped to select
graduate, especially her first
group which graduated in
May of 1981.

Roast Elk. .4mo/7e? Randy
"Which Holiday Inn is this?"
Smith leads a rather interest-
ing life. He is interested in
national and international
politics, classical and modern



Bringing Them All In

James A. Nesbitt, Director of Admissions

Jonathan Jay, Associate Director of Admissions

Roxann Garber,
Assistant Director of Admissions

music, and college and
professional sports. Some of
his experiences are especially
unusual. For example, he has
backpacked through the
Pacific Northwest (eating elk
for the first time), represent-
ed the U.S. in international
swimming meets, and sur-
vived the bicentennial in
Washington D.C. He
especially enjoys explaining
to students the opportunities
available to them in college
and "what college is and

Carol Gamble,
Assistant Director of Admissions

Randy Smith,
Assistant Director of Admissions

Helen Schofield,
Admissions Office Manager

Mary Ellen Perkins,
Graduate Admissions Counselor

Admissions on the Half-
Shell. Director of .'Admissions
James .'\. Nesbitt has a
passion for oysters: for him.
they're both "a hobby and an
interest." He also dabbles in
oil painting, bird-hunting,
and checking up on the
history and geneology of his
ancestors, the Cherokees.
Before joining the O.U. scene
in 1977, Nesbitt visited much
of the Carribbean in a yacht
and has taken in such exotic
locales as Mexico. The Lesser
Antilles and Greenwich Vil-
lage (the most unusual of
them all). He also casually
dropped in on Ted Kennedy
for a weekend. However, now
we have Jim back where he
belongs, as one of the few-
native Atlantans left on the

From Ph.D.'s to ABCs.
Dr. Mary Ellen Perkins.
.\dmissions Counselor for
Graduate Students finds "the
students and staff members
at Oglethorpe University are
interesting people to work
with." But when she's not
working at Oglethorpe, she
works with elementary and
middle schools on accredita-
tion by the Southern Associa-
tion of Colleses and Schools."


Continuing Education

There's More In Store

Teaching New Tricks. Mar-
lene Howard, Associate Dean
of Continuing Education offers
this job description: "I am
primarily in charge of the
adult non-credit program.
Short, informal courses are
offered three times a year
fall semester and spring. These
courses include aerobic danc-
ing, backpacking, photo-
graphy, sailing and many
Gthers." Marlene tactfully

avoids discussing whether or
not working with the trouble-
some adults is particularly
trying, but she does reveal
where it is she gets her
patience. "Much of my leisure
time is spent preparing and
teaching a Singles Adult Sun-
day School class at Faith
Memorial Assembly of God
Church. I also do volunteer
work for various Christian

Marlene Howard, Associate Dean of Continuing Education

Bill Gates, Assistant Dean of

Serving Uncle Sam. Before
becoming Oglethorpe's As-
sistant Dean of Continuing
Education in January, 1981,
Bill Gates served a thirty-
three year hitch in the
military and civil service.
While with the U.S. Civil
Service Commission, Mr.
Gates was an associate direc-
tor of the General Man-
agement Institute, which
handled federal management
training in eight states. Who
knows? Maybe O.U. can one
day boast of the ^.xme ef-
ficiency in its operations as
the Federal Bureaucracy does
in its! Here's hoping Mr.
Gates learned from Big
Brother's multitude of red-
taped sins.

Continuing Education (1981)

Cool. Pat Elsey never knows
what to expect next in the
Continuing Education office
with all the lost people wander-
ing through Hearst and the
half-crazed Business Concepts
students searching for Gary
Roberts to contend with. How-
ever, Mrs. Elsey always has a
calm, cool disposition. Perhaps
she developed some of her
"cool" at home, as mother of
three children. Maybe she uses
her pastime, golf, to forget the
jungle at O.U. In any case,
anyone who peeks into the
Continuing Education office
can still see her there, calmly
prepared for the next mad

Pat Elsey, Secretary of Continuing Education

Gary Roberts, Assistant Dean of Continuing Education (1980)

TIK- Y\M\r F.- \\V 1981 D-II

3 Alumni and Development

E Keeping The Image Up

John E. Mays, Director of Development

O.U.'s Top 40 Nils: -In the
Navy" and "I Write the Songs"
John Mays, Director of
Development, says his job
chiefly entails public relations
and money-raising for the
University. College work is his
third career; he previously
served in the Navy and worked
in a family-owned jewlery
business. At home he devotes
much of his time to sports, and
has a special fondness for
football and basketball. Direc-
tor of Alumni Affairs. Bill
Wolpin, doesn't find it neces-
sary to write much music any
more. Yet, he spent two years
early in his career at an
advertising agency doing so and
he says he still composes music
for himself. At Oglethorpe, he

supervises the alumni pro-
gram and is in charge of all
publications of the Universi-

Service With a Smile.
Charles Sullivan, former Dir-
ector of .Admissions, is now in
charge of annual giving. An
outgoing person, he likes to
be helpful. For example, he is
a Special Olympics volunteer
and participates in Rotary
Club service projects. He is
single and enjoys tennis,
backgammon, and displaying
unusual aerial photographs of
the University to his office
visitors. He is e.xcited by the
prospects of his new position.
especially the new opportuni-

William M. Wolpin, Director of Alumni Affairs & Public Information

Charles Sullivan, Director of .Annual Giving

Polly Perry, Secretary to the Director of Alumni Affairs

Julie Rummel. Administrative Assistant for Development


Sharyl Vest, Secretary to the Dean of

From Madison Avenue to Peachtree.
How many of you ever thought of
laid-back Counselor Lew Gordon as a
high-powered Madison Avenue type? How
about as a pioneering brain researcher?
Believe it or not, both labels, and many
others, fit this versatile person. Before
dedicating his life to helping poor confused
students, Gordon had spent most of it in
the feverish world of advertising. At one
time he was even a partner in his own
agency. "I made a lot of money, and spent
a lot. But money is just a fringe benefit,
not the end all." He found himself in a
counseling career after a near-fatal
accident forced him to rethink priorities.
With the support of several scientists,
Gordon is now trying to determine which
side of their brains students use - the
business-like left side or the creative right.
It may not sound like much, but no
research has been done, so Lew may make
history. Although Gordon may not have
time for golf or hunting, at least the
soon-to-be Ph.D. is getting help with his
career counseling duties. His secretary,
Sharyl Vest, takes an active part,
maintaining the job bulletin board and
trying to locate jobs for students. When
she is not giving the workers of tomorrow
a boost, Ms. Vest enjoys photography and
cooking and looking out for her own
future worker, her daughter Amy.

Lewis F. Gordon, Counseling and Career Development

Fostine Womble, Women's Housing Director

Life On The Front Lines. Though she
no longer teaches math to military
personnel in the Panama Canal Zone,
Fostine Womble may sometimes long to
see the old battle fatigues again. Mrs.
Womble now serves as Director of
Women's Housing. Mrs. Womble says her

time is spent "in supervising the dorm
council, choosing resident assistants,
supervising dorm activities, and turning in
reports galore." Hmmm, no mention of
guarding against excessive mingling
among the enlisted men and women?


Student Services

We Do It All For You

Marshall Nason, Student Center Director

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' ^^^1









^^^^^mmm .^^^^^^^1


Katherine Amos, Student Center Secretar>

Poetry and the Peace Corps. If you've
ever been impressed with the efficient
operation of the Student Center, you have
one person to thank: the intrepid but
modest Marshall Nason (yes, that's his
first name - he doesn't carry a badge).
Marshall must like people a lot. Not only
does he listen to the gripes of pampered
Americans, but he also serves as O.U.'s
foreign student advisor and sponsor of the
sizable International Club. Perhaps his
work in the Peace Corps better prepared
him for some aspects of life here.

Many of those trying to see Marshall
are first greeted by the smiling face of his
secretary. Katherine .Amos. Katherine also
works for the G.M. Marketing Services
program here and is active in the youth
program of her church. She also writes
poetry - but only for her own enjoyment.

James Walsh, Men's Housing Director

Dorm Commander. If the men's
dorms sometimes remind you of a war
zone, you have a kindred spirit in James
Walsh, their director. Mr. Walsh fiew
combat missions in WWII against the
Germans and Japanese - in fact, as the
twelfth man in the U.S. to be drafted, he's
spent a good chunk of his life in the
service. After his first year at Oglethorpe,
though, he sees his new position of
authority more challenging than those in

the Navy. His duties now include
maintaining files on everyone in his
charge, handling special matters like
relocating Alumni residents (sort of like
a wartime evacuation), and handling
complaints. So, if your shower water
freezes in mid-spurt, your fioor feels hot
enough to fry an egg, or you just want to
hear a good, funny airplane story, you
know the man to see. Salute!


All For You

You Can 't Judge a Book by
it's Cover. After making it
through two full decades as
part of the Oglethorpe
community, Librarian

Thomas Chandler under-
standably has some strong
views on the school's nicer
points. "Oglethorpe's educa-
tional philosophy and small
size appeal to me I believe
in a system where one can
obtain a liberal edcuation
with the benefit of individual
attention," he muses. Since
coming here in 1961, he has
seen the library he serves
grow remarkably, and takes
justifiable pride in its expand-
ed facilities. He seems to be
spiritually in tune with his job
too, since his spare time is
filled with quiet pursuits such
as photography and the
pleasures of music and films.
Chandler has a special inter-
est, though, in Japanese art
("remarkable for its unpar-
alleled beauty") one could
almost say he was oriented
towards it. Quiet please no
groaning in the library. At
least not while Mr. Chandler
is calmly and competently
in charge.

Not Just Stuck in the
Stacks. When you're a vor-
acious bookworm, what's the
closest approximation to
heaven you can find right
here in Atlanta? Besides a
used paperback shop, it has to
be a library - with loads and
loads of books on all kinds of
subjects, and every one of
them free. Fran P. Flowers
and Mary Lou Mulvihill
would surely agree that it
almost makes the graveyard
shift worthwhile. The two
women like nothing better, it
seems, than settling down
with a nice, long book. Mrs.
Flowers, however, has a soft
spot in her heart for sewing,
tennis, and simply being with
her family. And what about

Miss Mulvihill? She's into
gardening and cloisonne (a type
of jewelry familiar to well-
trained art-appreciation stu-
dents). She must also enjoy her
job, just as we've guessed - she's
been at it now for 10 years.

Non-fiction, Really. Perhaps
dispelling forever the image of
the librarian as a no-
talking-please stuffed shirt.
Reader Services Librarian
George C. Stewart reminisces
on his youth in New Orleans: "I
always had a taste for the
Gothic. I was an alligator
hunter, played accordion in an
all night Cajun dance band, and
worked part-time with the New
Orleans Harbor Patrol, drag-
ging the river for dead bodies."
Accustomed by now to life at
Lowry, the former thrill seeker
now finds himself "avoiding
trends in popular culture as
much as possible."

Dewey Decimal Disco. Li-
brary Assistant Ronnie Allan
Few finds life away from the
stacks exciting even though
he confesses to a passion for
cross-word puzzles, mysteries,
and cooking. "I love dancing
and parties (especially those
that really get down)," he
claims. Presumably this has
nothing to do with the rhythmic
echoes insiders claim can be
heard emanating from the
library's haunted towers
although Ronnie doesn't reveal
where he practices.

The Library Staff: STANDING: Fran Flowers, Assistant Librarian - Cataloging;
George Stewart, Assistant Librarian - Readers Services; Ronnie Few, Library
Assistant; SEATED: Mary Lou Mulvihill, Library Assistant; Thomas W.
Chandler, Jr., Librarian.


William G. Erickson, M.D., University Physician

Is There A Doctor In The
House? Certainly, but when
Dr. William Erickson is not
available, Patsy Bradley is
O.U.'s faithful modern
Nightingale that has to be
prepared to face any crisis, in
war or peace. Still, how often
do nurses find themselves
watching over a whole univer-
sity full of semi-suicidal
intramural athletes and
students who would rather
study than eat? Part of
Patsy's job is to concern her-
self with the health of these

people and everyone else on
campus, but she tries to go
further, encouraging them to
keep up a lifestyle that will
keep them going through the flu
and all-nighters. Dispensing
medical aid and wisdom from
Oglethorpe's most secluded
office makes for a drab exis-
tence but she claims that it's
still rewarding. Patsy sees to
her own well-being by hitting
the tennis courts and enjoys
long, brisk walks. In her quieter
moments, she even finds time to
read. Nurse, heal thyself.

Science Fiction and What-
chamacallits Fight for First
Place at O.U. There's more to
running a college bookstore
than working a cash register
and dispensing Whatchamacal-
lits (the chocolate candy kind
and otherwise). Adrina Richard
places importance on ordering
books she feels will interest
O.U. students science fiction
receives a lot of emphasis. But
books aren't the only thing. She
also tries to see that all kinds
of items, essential and trivial,
are on hand everything from
office supplies to refrigerators
and stuffed animals.

Wingo's Wacky on
Computers. Man\- people are
impressed by Assistant Book-
store Manager Chuck Wingo's
efficiency, but few would sus-
pect he has a crush on com-

puters. To be more specific,
he's on close terms with a
few at Georgia State right
now. Chuck is working on
his Masters Degree in
Information Science with a
view of one day using
bright little machines in the
fields he likes best
biology and evolution.
"Right now I'm on a sort
of Darwin kick." When
he's not messing around
with input and output, he
enjoys a very Darwinian
hobby backpacking in
the mountains and com-
muning with nature. Then,
of course, there's his job in
the not-e.\actly-sprawling
School Store, one he des-
cribes as "waiting subser-
viently on students." Kneel,


All For You

The Cafeteria Staff: BACK ROW: Joel Clay, John NOT PICTURED: Maria Cohen, Johnnie Smith,
Nolton. Rosetta Childs, Humberto Pulido FRONT Miguel Barranca, Roger Resales
ROW; LeRoy Brown, Dino Ramierz, Ricky Croes

Rick Kaiser, Epicure Management Services


Always On The Lookout

The Sandwich Shop Staff: Donna
Humberto Pulido, Terri Hardeman


Friendly Ghost. Harold Johnson is

the one who arrives around evening and

makes himself subtly visible in the brown

vehicle that O.U. students know as "the

security car." His subtlety, in fact, can be

unnerving to unsuspecting passers-by,

such as the times when he, clad in his dark

security uniform, steps from the shadows

where he has been casually keeping a

watch on things, or the times when the

seemingly unoccupied brown car starts up

with a blaze of lights and drives away.

Harold, however, does not possess a scary

personality. The campus ghost is very

friendly, and he says that he enjoys

working with the Oglethorpe students.

When not ensuring the security of the

campus and its inhabitants, Harold enjoys

car collecting; he likes to paint and repair

old cars. He has a farm in Covington, Ga.,

where he raises dogs. He likes to walk

through the woods with his canine pals.

Among his favorite memories are trips to

Hawaii and to Israel (the Holy Land).

Harold Johnson, Security Guard

Buildings and Grounds

Behind The Scenes

Till. YAMACkAW 198) D-17

The Buildings and Grounds Staff: Bud Payne,
Lorenzo Bell, Luther Dixon, John Hood. Jessie
Walters, Hoke Lewis, Charles Pendley, Shirley Veal,

Robert Jennings, Columbus Chatman, Bill Breland,
Virginia Choates, Eddie Anglin, Lillian Lawson,

Donnie Taylor, Thelma Smith. Howard Parker.
Christine Smith, Brenda Boyd

Henry Eskew, Security Guard
NOT PICTURED: Irani de Araujo

Trapped. Although Henry Eskew
says, "Everyone here is very nice - I enjoy
my work," some may find that hard to
believe. Mr. Eskew has so many hobbies
and interests that keep him on the move,
it's a wonder he doesn't go crazy sitting
trapped for hours in the guard house or
the security car. just waiting for
something to happen. On his days off, he
enjoys relaxing with camping or fishing if
he's not busy dancing or travelling places.
He is also a member of the American
Legion. Perhaps his hours hanging around
Oglethorpe are the only ones he gets to
take it easy - let's hope Dean Mac doesn't
find out.

Bud Payne. Buildings and Grounds Super\isor



Teaching The Finer Things In Life

Off We Go. Like many other teachers
at O.U., energetic Professor of English Dr.
Victoria Weiss is "on the go." This phrase
had more than one connotation for "Doc"
over the summer. She spent a large part
of the '80-"81 school year making plans to
take a group from Oglethorpe on a 22-day
tour of Europe. A dedicated Medievalist,
she aspired to show her companions all the
things which interest her personally, as

well as those which might help them in
their subsequent classes. This trip was an
exception to her usual routine, but
planning for it did not keep her from
fulfuUing her duties. The seemingly
hyperkinetic Dr. Weiss invested a huge
amount of time and effort in her primary
extra-curricular project; she advises the
O.U. Players.

Linda Taylor, Associate Professor of English

Literary Aspirations. Ever been in a
class and wondered if the teacher has ever
tried assignments like the ones she is giving
you, or if she could really do a better job
than you if she did try? Some professors
don't have to worry about such questions,
and the English Department's Dr. Linda
Taylor is one of them. Not only does she
teach creative writing; she also writes
creatively herself. Dr. Taylor will soon have
a scholarly collection of reviews published,
and she hopes one day to see her poetry
printed in book form. Meanwhile, she
attends every poetry reading she can, and
helps Oglethorpe's creative writers find a
place for their best work in the Tower.

Victoria Weiss, Assistant Professor of English

Emily Thrush, Lecturer in English

Triska Loftin Drake, Lecturer in Art

She's Been Around. Even though she
may often be confined to Faith Hall,
Triska Drake has known her share of
globe-trotting. Art Appreciation students
can easily disperse their 8:30 blues by
listening to her first-hand accounts of the
world's artistic treasure troves-everything
from Michelangelo to the Parthenon. Her
most recent trip was a fall foray to


In Search of the Bard. Appropriately
enough for someone who studies the Globe
Theatre, English professor and bon vivant
Robert Fusillo has seen more than his
share of the world and its people. An
expert on Shakespeare, Fusillo attended
school in Britian and claims to have
crossed the Atlantic at least 50 times.
Often he returns from an overseas visit
with a new addition to the huge, wonderful
and strange modern art collection that fills
his home. A curator from the High
Museum of Art has praised his as being
"the finest and most adventuresome" in
the city. Still, Fusillo's passion for this
avocation comes from the same source as
his love for the subjects he teaches -

No Run-On Sentences. Whoever
came up with the idea that book-loving
English teachers and athletes don't go
together obviously never met Dr. William
Brightman. Brightman. who has been here
since 1975, loves to play tennis (with the
likes of Professor Bilancio) and take part
in long distance running competitions like
the Peachtree Road Race - when he"s not
enjoying a new novel. Brightman probably
finds Oglethorpe a rest after his stint in
the Philippines as a part of the Peace
Corps where he "studied the landscape,
social and physical." His main hobby is
gardening, especialh growing roses.

James Bohart, Assistant Professor of Music

Nelle Crowe. Lecturer in English

Rambh'n' Around. As State President
of the American Choral Director's
Association, music professor Jim Bohart
finds himself on jaunts all over the
country. Besides representing Georgia and
O.U. at this year's A. CD. A. convention
in New Orleans, he has traveled extensive-
ly through all eleven southeastern states
as well as such exotic, faraway lands as
Texas. Apparently fond of hard work, he
spent the year taking trips, organizing

conventions and directing his church choir,
in addition to serving as the driving force
behind the Collegiate Chorale's variety
shows and Mozart program. Finally, he
somehow found time to coordinate the
music for the O.U. Players" Pippin. No
wonder he claims, "it was not uncommon
for me to catch an 11:00 p.m. tTight out
of Atlanta after rehearsal. onl\ to hurjy
back the next day."


Finer Things

Not Just Minding Her Own Business.
What can you do with your life after
you've graduated from college with an
English major? Dr. Barbara Clark found
an unusual way to solve that dilemma
she also decided to study something a little
more practical, like business. Today, she
does double duty by teaching English
Literature IV by day and Business and
Personal Taxes by night. In her off hours,
she is strongly involved in the feminist
movement as a member of NOW.

How Great Thy Art. Not only has the
unassuming Ben Smith entered some of
his artistic efforts in one man shows, he's
also displayed his collections in a variety
of group exhibits. Smith, who tries to get
Oglethorpe students to discover the magic
of painting and drawing, has been the
proud recipient of a host of awards and
scholarships. His works have also found
their way into museums across the United
States, including Atlanta's own High
Museum. Mr. Smith also teaches art
classes at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
and The Atlanta College of Art.

Barbara Clark, Associate Professor of English

Talks to All But the Animals.
Oglethorpe may not have the largest or
most varied faculty in Atlanta, but it may
have the most interesting. Bill Strozier, for
instance, O.U.'s venerable Professor of
Languages, has created his own miniature
version of the United Nations right here
on campus. Strozier somehow manages to
impart his expertise in Spanish and
French to a diverse student body,
including natives of some 30-40 different
nations. He began his multi-lingual career
teaching Latin at Emory and migrated up
here to Oglethorpe 16 years ago.
Proficient in at least eight tongues,
including Greek and Portugese, the good
professor has held down an instructor's
position in France and led tours through-
out the continent of Europe. The
University, in appreciation of his many
years of hard work and his linguistic
accomplishment, awarded him the degree
of Doctor of Humane Letters at the 1981

Ben Smith, Lecturer in Art

William Strozier, Professor of Foreign Languages


Philosophical Philanthropist. As head
of the Humanities Division, the august Dr.
Ken Nishimura seems to enjoy well,
humanity. Like his colleague Professor
Fusillo, this teacher of philosophy likes
both travel and art. Not surprisingly, his
taste in the latter runs to the Oriental.

"Nish", as he is affectionately called, has
seen some of the earth's farthest flung
corners, from China to Caracas. He still
feels a kinship with Japan, the country of
his boyhood, where he lived through the
ordeal of wartime bombing raids by the
land he now calls home.

Ken Nishimura, Fukaislii Professor of Philosophy

Akiba Harper, Lecturer in English

Poetry In Motion. Akiba Harper,
dynamic new part-time composition
teacher, is an example of a woman who
loves - and lives - her work. When not
prodding her students to put pen in hand,
she enjoys reading Afro-American litera-
ture and composing letters. Although she
happily remarks that she learns many
things from her students and enjoys
teaching them, Akiba's most memorable
moments have been her meetings with
famous writers, including black poetess
Gwendolyn Brooks. Yet another teacher
born under a wandering star, Ms. Harper
took a recent month-long trip to Ghana,
an important West African nation. Some
of Akiba's interests, however, are less
literary. She enjoys contemporary dance
and relaxing to Stevie Wonder music.

The Class Struggle. After being
raised in the slums of Brooklyn. U.S. .A.,
Nicholas Caste set out to find his fortune,
but only got as far as Emory University,
where his professors "reminded me of the
bullies in my old neighborhood." But he
perservered, received his Ph.D., and today,
the quiet, easy-going scholar has spread
his harmony to Oglethorpe, w here he finds
life "also reminiscent of my childhood, but
replete with philosophical s\mbolism."
Two other jobs augment his "struggle for
existence." At the present time, this
scholar of Socrates is completing a great.
American novel about the turbulent
nineteen-sixties. His life as yet has been
"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
but he aspires to become a great youth
leader and appear on the Dick Cavett

Nicholas Caste, Lecturer in Philosophy


Social Studies

. And The Rest Is History

Georgia on His Mind.
Orginally from Georgia, Dr.
David Thomas is one of the
few faculty members that is
a native. Teaching such
courses as Georgia History
and American History, Dr.
Thomas expresses his love of
history and knowledge of
Georgia. He enjoys learning
more about history through
his travels across the United

On the Orient Express.
While away on a sabbatical
during the spring semester. Dr.
George Waldner pursued his
interests in Japan. His work
involves the country's trade
relations with the United
States. Having spent over a
year in Japan doing research
and studying the language, Dr.
Waldner has a fine foundation
on which to base his new ideas.


Philip Palmer, Professor of Political Science

Victimless Crimes Be
Damned. In the book he is
writing. Dr. Philip Palmer
expresses the idea of personal
privacy. According to Dr.
Palmer, personal privacy is
"that consentual relationship
between two adults in which
the state has no compelling
interest." Originating from his

interests in criminology, ideas
in the book express his feelings
concerning no direct mention-
ing in the U.S. Constitution
about personal privacy and
victimless crimes. Possible
titles for the book include
Victimless Crimes and The
Law Be Damned: Privacies of

' tnammmmm ^msem'

David Thomas, Professor of History

George Waldner, Associate Professor of Political Science


Leo Bilancio, Professor of History

WWII Is My Racquet. Inter-
ests of Professor l,eo Bilancio
include sports and the Nazi
Fascist period of history. Keep-
ing fit through tennis, Prof,
Bilancio enjoys challenging
other faculty members. Al-
though he spends some time on
the tennis court, Prof. Bilancio
always finds time for his
historical interests and his
students. During the European
Student Tour, he was able to
combine the two, visiting many
of Adolf Hitler's retreats.

Living in the Past. Ogleth-
orpe, offering "education in the
English tradition," certainly
has an appropriate history
professor in Dr. J. B. Key. Dr.
Key, a confirmed Anglophile,
brings his attitudes into the
class in the form of wry,
straight-faced jokes. Most
freshmen don't get them. "The
19th century is delightful
because it is so corrupt," he
says. The Rogue's Gallery in his
office similarly confuses the
casual observer. It takes a year
or two to understand the style
of this man, but when it comes,
it's worth the wait. There is
much to be learned from Dr.
Key as a professor and as a
man. He crusades to save the
English language (never say
"the reason is because" in
class), and he lives in the past,
which in his case is exactly the
right thing to do.

J. B. Key. Professor of History


Teaching Is A Science

Diplomatic Relations.
Although he has a Ph.D. in
Organic Chemistry, he also
recognizes the value of a
lesson in foreign affairs. Dr.
Monte Wolf, Assistant
Professor of Chemistry, ex-
plains that while a doctoral
candidate at the University of
California, "I had a French
minor . . . until she lost her
visa." Ah, c'est la vie.
Nevertheless, Dr. Wolf re-
tains his dynamic outlook on
life, and still holds great hope
for the future. "This year
alone," he deadpans, "I won
250 in the Coke bottlecap

People Who Need People.
Biology Professor Nancy P.
Groseclose lists as her hob-
bies, "People, places and
things with interesting stories
associated thereto; especially
if the people are healthy
minded young people." If
there are any of the latter left
out there, Ms. Groseclose
would know she's been
teaching since 1947, includ-
ing a stint at Miranda House
of Delhi University, India.
She also admits to a fondness
for "beautiful designs, includ-
ing all plant and animal
tissues, upon histological

A Real Birdbrain. Scientists
are still trying to create life in
the laboratory, but is there any
life going on outside it? Appar-
ently there is, at least in the
case of John Cramer. If he is
not lecturing on the practices of
protons and the quirks of
quarks, he can probably be
found off camping, hunting,
casting a reel or generally just
soaking up the great outdoors.
He also has more than a passing
interest in ornithology, finding
fun both in watching our
feathered friends and in carving
them yes, carving. This may
sound like a turkey's fate at
Thanksgiving, but it is actually
a sophisticated kind of whit-
tling. Singing (birdcalls,
maybe?) and amateur photo-
graphy take up the rest of his
time. "I have too many hobbies
to keep up with all of them," he
admits. He should, at least, find
greater opportunity to pursue
his interests here in the sunny
south than he did at Kings
College in New York. (After
all, what healthy specimen of
any species stays healthy long
near the Big Apple?)

Monte Wolf, Assistant Professor of Chemistry



John Cramer, Assistant Professor of Physics



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Nancy Groseclose, Lecturer in Biology


George Wheeler, Professor of Physics

Daniel Schadler, Associate Professor of Biology

Decreasing Functions. Al-
though he taught at Ga. Tech.
for 10 years. Prof. George F.

Wheeler admits his primary
interest has been "to teach in a
small college." Compared with
Georgia's Technical Monolith,
does Wheeler find Oglethorpe
keeps him fulfilled as an
acadcmian'.' "My experience at
Oglethorpe has been most
satisfactory in that respect." he

Grass Roots Passion. It's not
surprising that Dr. Dan Scha-
dler, who holds a Ph.D. in Plant
Pathology with minors in Bio-
chemistry and Plant Physiology
spends his leisure time toiling in
the good earth, but surely man
does not live by peat moss
alone. "I'm also interested in
Old Timey Music," he insists,
"especially the music of the
Original Carter Family."
Imagine, a Ph.D.'d hor-
ticulturist and Mother May-
belle. Eat your heart out.
Johnny Cash.

Foundations of Science.
Every time Dr. Roy Goslin
decides to take a tour of the
Science building, he can feel
proud. After all, it's his at
least if the name is any indi-
cation. Goslin, of Goslin Hall
fame, is no longer teaching
on campus but is still widely
remembered. At the moment,
he bears the honorable title

of Professor Emeritus. He
even got his doctorate at, of
all places, O.U., after study-
ing at Nebraska Wesleyan
and the University of Wyom-
ing. During his many, many
years here at Oglethorpe Che
came here in 1946j, Goslin
taught physics and math, but
he probably never dreamed
that a stone and glass memor-
ial would be built to him.
After all, how many people
have a building named after
them'^ .Maybe he should get
together with .Mr. Empire

Brottierliood of the Bored.
Dr. Keith .Aufderheide. a
very accomplished newcomer
to the chemistry department,
jokingly describes his varied
activities during a typical
working day: "Preparing lec-
ture notes, playing backgam-
mon, preparing lecture notes,
listening to the Stones and
George Thoroughgood. and
preparing lecture notes."
How does the 1980 recipient
of a National Research
Council Cooperative Associa-
teship Award relieve his new-
found excitement? "Well."
he confesses, "I slander Dr.


Roy Goslin, Professor Emeritus of Physics and

Keith Aufderheide, Assistant Professor of



Natural Logarithms. Math Professors
David Mosher and Dennis Missavage
share something in addition to graduate
studies at Georgia Tech - both are
outdoorsmen and advocate running as a
way to relax and unwind from a day of
inverse functions and negative integers.
Mr. Missavage also lists philosophy and
the creative arts as an area of interest,
giving fresh meaning to the phrase,
"derivative art."


Dennis Missavage, Lecturer in Mathematics

Experimenting With Oglethorpe. The
Chairman of the Department of Biology
at Gustavus Adolphus College in Minne-
sota, Dr. William Heidcamp spent this
year as a visiting Professor of Biology, as
well as doing cancer cell research at the
Center for Disease Control. His other
scientific endeavors include compiling an
administrative review of Allied Health at
Georgia State. Married with two offspr-
ing, one XX and one XY, he plans to
return with his family back to Minnesota
after this year, when his leave is up.

David Mosher, Associate Professor of

^L "'^'^

William Heidcamp, Associate Professor of

Education and Behavioral Sciences

Meeting of the Minds


/ Want to Be a Clone. This might
well be the secret wish of Professor of
Education T. Lavon Talley, who has
enough responsibilities for two people. He
has so many things to do and so many
places to go, it is a wonder he doesn't pass
himself going the other way. Here at O.U.
he is responsible for giving overall
supervision and direction to the graduate
and undergraduate education programs, as
well as being an instructor. In addition.
Dr. Talley is the liaison representative to
the Georgia State Department of Educa-
tion. Away from O.U., his leadership
extends to his church and related

T. Lavon Talley, Professor of Education

Wheeler. Assistant Professor of Education

John Stevens, Associate Professor of Education

Two for the Price of One. Most of us
would probably do well to survive a few
courses in one or the other subject, but Dr.
John Stevens thrives on the challenge of
teaching both science and mathematics
education classes. "I enjoy teaching and
the content areas in which I work," says
Dr. Stevens, who feels especially lucky to
have found a school in which he could
become involved in both disciplines. "If
my work had involved only one of these,
I would have pursued the other as a
hobby." We hope no one in the payroll
office is listening.

activities. He is chairman of the depart-
ment of Christian education and Sunday
School superintendant there. When he
actually takes time to slow down, he
enjoys golf, reading, travel and history of

Nowhere to Go But Up. Surprisingly
enough, this seemingly sorry condition is
one in which Ann Wheeler found herself
a few years back. Apparently. .Mrs.
Wheeler, then an initiate at a candlelit
sorority pinning, took a wrong step - or
maybe she just slipped. At any rate, she
found herself at the bottom of a flight of
stairs, having descended them the hard
way. The sisters were so startled that they
forgot their candles and annointed each
other with candle wax. (We've heard of
starting out on the wrong foot, but this is
ridiculous!) Ann has recovered her
prestige since those days. She now trains
prospective teachers and instructs
graduate students here at O.U. .Among her
favorite pastimes are playing the piano
and reading. Note that both of these keep
her safely seated and away from stairs.
However, she also enjoys the active sport
of tennis. All it takes is remembering to
put one foot in front of the other.

Teacher of Teachers. Those who can.
do; those who can't, teach. This is an old
saying, but in the case of Dr. Louise
Valine, it is proven dead wrong. By
teaching, she w doing. Dr. \aline educates
those who want to be educators and
lectures to those who want to do a little
lecturing of their own one day. Life for
her. however, is not all chalk and erasers.
Dr. Valine's off-duty pleasures include
collecting antique spoons, reading and
sharpening her skills at needlework. Her
favorite activity of all is traveling. Just
recently, for instance, she took a
memorable trip to Greece - to learn more
about the Socratic method, perhaps?

Louise Valine, Associate Professor of Educatii



Brian Sherman, Assistant Professor of Sociology

Martha Vardeman, Professor of Sociology

Jill of Trades. Not only does Dr.
Vardeman, Professor of Sociology, have
special interests in intergroup relations,
criminology, and population, she also has
an active church and family life. She
undoubtedly practices her group relation-
ship theories on her husband, four
children, two granddaughters, parents and
siblings. Who is able to best manipulate
this group of relatives?

Born to Run. Dr. Brian Sherman,
Assistant Professor of Sociology, says he
became a sociologist "in order to do
something about the social world, a world
that is not as good as it could be. I see
sociology as a vehicle for improving it."
His efforts brought him to Oglethorpe in
1976, and he has since developed an
interest in Atlanta's "art, culture,
celebrations and friendship chains. Also, I
am the percussionist in Tinnitus, an
experimental dance band." Dr. Sherman's
other major interest is running - which
comes as no surprise to anyone who has
been in his class. "I like road racing," says
Oglethorpe's answer to Jesse Owens,
"especially marathons."

Janie Little, Lecturer in Sociology


Robert Moffie, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Johnna Shamp, Associate Professor of Psychology

Hey, Stony! No, this is not the
beckoning call for your local druggie.
Rather, it's the nickname of a well-liked
professor on campus, Dr. Robert Moffie.
Posing as a mild-mannered psychology
professor, Moffie is an avid cinemato-
grapher and runs his own film production
company. (But what can you expect, since
his birthplace is Hollywood, California?)
His favorite foods are chicken. Dr. Pepper,
Snickers bars and Japanese food, "but not
necessarily all at the same time."

Any Volunteers Out There? Dr.
Shamp's academic interest focuses on the
experimental investigation of higher
mental processes. She applies her
academic interest to topics which range
from Psychology of Sex Difference to the
Psychology of Leadership. Her outside
activities include motorcycling, ballet,
travel and diving. Dr. Shamp is also very
active as a consulting psychologist,
applying characteristics of the behavioral
sciences to the business environment.

Claire Coles, Lecturer in Psychology

The Lighter Side. Psychology lecturer
Dr. Claire D. Coles admits "My most
memorable experiences are probably not
suitable for light reading they run to
things like births, deaths, divorces,
graduate school like everyone else's."
Dr. Coles does find enjoyment in activities
such as "the theater, ballet, symphony,
and dinner with friends. I also enjoy my
research on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,
which documents the effects of maternal
alcoholism on the child. This research
involves infant testing at 3 - 4 days old,
and following the child through his third
year of life to determine the alcohol's
intellectual, social and emotional effects."
On the wagon, mothers-to-be.


They're Not Just Giving
You The Business

Kick in the Grass Spectator. Dr.
Shropshire, Chairman of the Division of
Business and Economics Department, uses
a time constraint graph to proportion his
time in order to devote equal time and
satisfaction to watch his son, daughter and
wife play soccer each week. He used to run
in marathons, but now he relies on his
creativity and agility in his hands to build

Play Money! If you want to start an
O.U. chapter of the New York Mets fan
club, Bruce Hetherington, prophet of
profits and all-around fun guy may be the
faculty advisor for you. Besides being an
avid Mets fan, Hetherington is Ogle-

thorpe's newest (and most unusual) Profes-
sor of Economics. He can probably
identify with students who have problems
with authority, since he himself takes a
dim view of government meddling with the
money supply. He describes himself as an
isolationist, a monetarist, a libertarian and
a faithful supporter of the free-market
system. Sound impressive? With Hal-
loween dress-up days, stock market
contests and funny hats, he somehow
made it easy to understand economics. At
present, this monetary historian (does that
mean he likes old money?) is happy
working on his doctorate, telling strange
stories in class about his old friend "Grit"
from Virginia and raising his baby son.

William Shropshire,
Callaway Professor of Economics

Bruce Hetherington, Assistant Professor of Economics

Linda Dykes, Assistant Professor of Accounting

Figuratively Speaking. If forced to
give a brief summary of her philosophy of
life, this easy-going professor claims that
"not taking life or myself too seriously"
is her key to success in most situations. A
CP.A. in the State of Georgia, who is
about to complete her doctorate, Dr.
Linda Dykes is married to another CP.A.
(she claims they do not sit around and
discuss accounting issues), and is also the
proud mother of an eight-month-oid girl,
Amanda. An overall sports enthusiast, she
loves playing tennis, camping and trout


Charlton Jones, Associate Professor of Business Administration

Daniel Anglin.
Lecturer in Business Administration

Jacqueline Nicholson,
Lecturer in Business Administration

Philip Olds. Lecturer in Accounting

Car Buff. Professor Charlton H.
Jones (the proud owner of a ten year old
Siberian Husky who occasionally drags
him to Chi Phi parties) is interested in
automobiles. Not only does he enjoy
automobile racing, but he also likes to
build race cars. Aerobatic flights and
building airplanes are also favorite
activities of Professor Jones. He frequently
tries making students exercise their minds.
In addition, in compliance with his car
mania, he maintains an 18 year old V.W.

Get The Bug. Anyone who has ever
been on campus in the summer knows that
in.sects can be a problem Jacqueline
Nicholson's experience with them is
unique. The Lecturer in Business Admin-

istration claims that her arrival at
Oglethorpe was a consequence of her 1979
victimization by the "college-teaching
bug." Before this occurrence, she had
enjoyed a diversified series of jobs,
including retailing and marketing research
in the medical fields. Though her major
in marketing and minor in journalism gave
her potential in quite a few fields, she
chose to settle down to homemaking in
1970. Even while raising a family,
however, she found time to free-lance for
various marketing firms. Then she was
bitten by the bug. She comments, "I like
'small' college teaching the best. I think
Oglethorpe students are super. "" Awa>
from work, Mrs. Nicholson relaxes with

Present and .Accounted For. Philip
Olds, Lecturer in .Accounting is candid
about his subject: "It's one of those
courses that's hard to make entertaining.
It's a challenge." However, he claims,
some call accounting "the language of
business." To someone entering a business
career, it is just as important as English
is to a writer. \\'hen not hitting^ the
ledgers. Olds spends time with his" wife
and his two cats. He also enjoys cooking
(especially baking bread) and reading The
U'a// Street Journal (what else?)? His
favorite hobby is bicycling. In fact, he
could be seen pedalling to school during
the fall semester. Unfortunately, next vear
he will be cycling in Richmond, Virg'ina,
but that's none of our business.


Class of 1981

On behalf of the departing class, the
university was presented with an impres-
sive new bench to be placed out on the
quad. The highlight of the ceremony was
the introduction of venerable and well-
loved Professor of Languages William
Strozier by Dr. George Wheeler and the
presentation of the degree Doctor of
Humane Letters to Professor - now Doctor
Strozier. The students that he helped
convince that French could be fun and
Spanish splendid were all appreciative,
and the duo managed to add a sprightly
tone to what could easily have been an
austere and even corny moment.

So there you have it. Oglethorpe isn't
the biggest school in the area, but it still
has its share of style. And next year, it
will have its share of new students to
replace the ones who have gone on to
(hopefully) bigger and better things. All
right, whose turn is it next?

Continued from Pg. B-40


Scenes from the 1981 Commen-
cement ceremony. Above: The
senior gift. Left: Dr. George
Wheeler eloquently introduces
Professor William Strozier.





Section f:

Remember the Time . . . ?

Well, it's finally all over. All of the
strain, strife, and struggle has at last come
to an end, and now all the world lies in
front of you. If you can remember back
now to that first year, you probably recall
the feeling that your working days at
Oglethorpe would never end.

But you might also recall the more
recent fear experienced as your Senior
year drew to a close, whether you went on
:o take a 9 to 5 job or to get even more
education. Perhaps you ended your final
semester with the feeling that the only
:hing Oglethorpe classes taught you was
ust how little you really know. But in the
'inal analysis, this tradition-filled, Gothic-
ityled place you called home for so long
vill be just one thing: A beautiful

And what will that memory be filled
with, then? Will you remember the beauty
of the dogwoods that blossomed in the
main quad? Or will you think of the
famous "Jacobs Dorm Lake" that
mysteriously appeared every time it rained
the way it does here? If you traveled to
Atlanta from another state or country, you
probably had to adjust to the different
pace, flavor, and accent of life in Georgia.
Or if, perhaps, you were already a
dyed-in-the-wool Southerner, you'll likely
enough recall the funny way those crazy
Northerners said "New Joisey", or looked
at you quizzically when you asked,
"Where y'all fixin' to go?" Most of your
memories will be of the little things that
made up the hours in your college lives.

Continued Pg. E-8

While the carillon bells ring out and the rain falls,
stately Lupton Hall stands proudly overlooking the
main quadrangle.

Fareed Ali

Talal Al-Zain

Mark Andrews

Irani de Araujo


Kevin Bennett

Jean Bogart

Michael Brant

John Bryan

Catherine Clegg

Maria Cohen

Karen Conrad

Alejandro Cuartin


John Dilts

Harriet Edblad


Judy Etheridge

Peter Dolce

Debbie Durrance

Li "' * 'i: V' ^ 1^


Kevin Egan

"// the right side of the
krain controls the lt>i- d^,

Kimberly Emerson


Hidenori Era

Amy Fagerstrom

Houshang Farsad

Drew Findlina


Kris Furstenberg

Constance Gannaway

Patricia Goodwin

Malcolm Head

Dana Hinden

Essa Hussain

Karen Jenkins

Robin Johns

Judith Johnson

Bob Kane

Stanley King

Doug Kissell


Cary Kleinfield

Deborah LaBonne

Larry Lehmann

William Leung

Richard Lindsay

Rosemarie Linpinsel

Rita Llop

Jim McCoy

Cindy McNamara

Karen Malachi

Jacquelyn Mate


Alvaro Mejia

Tom Mikle

Elaine Minor

Bolivar Miranda

Joseph Peterson

Lisa Rangazas

Scott Raymond

Allan Reppetto


Jolita Rix

Marybeth Robertson

Vasmine Rogus

Avis Sanders

Elizabeth Sargent

Lynne Serby

Chris Sertich Bette Shornick

Lidewey Slegt

George Spring

Jamie Stanton

John Steen


Greg Stiles Ron Summers

Susan Swaby

Hideaki Takei

Tim Tassopoulos

Continued from Pg. E-I
You will think back on those core courses,
the 8 a.m. classes that you could barely
drag yourself out of bed for, and the
afternoon labs. You will be reminded of
the dorm rooms you slept in, the cafeteria
you ate in (aaugh), and the student lounge
in Hearst where you bought junk food.
And, like it or not, you will also remember
the cockroaches, the parties at which you
overindulged (whoops), and the class you
just couldn't do anything right in. Still, the
good memories are bound to outweigh the
bad ones. That's the way a beautiful
memory gets made. After all, college is a
lot more than just classes, homework,
midterms, and final exams. Colleae is an

Diane Wilson

Lisa Wright

experience; a memory that loses something
big if you break it down into little pieces.
You have to take the pieces and re-work
them into the intricate puzzle that depicts
the past years.

Perhaps the most important pieces in
that puzzle are those which contain the
memories of the people you met at
Oglethorpe. If you ever joined a fraternity
or a sorority, you will never forget the big
brothers or sisters who watched over you,
nor will you fail to remember the pledges
who looked up to you. Members of one of
the many athletic teams (intramural or
intercollegiate) are sure to cherish the
thoughts of contests won and friends
gained. As a member or participant in

Hiroshi Yamaguchi

O.U.'s many clubs and activities you will
carry with you lessons learned and
memories of special people who share your
interests. And those few special friends
with whom you spent most of your time
have changed your life - whether you know
it or not.

Yes, it's all over now, and your life
is different because you chose to attend a
tiny University founded long ago in honor
of the founder of the colony of Georgia.
You graduated from Oglethorpe.

You'll miss the place, you know, and
we'll miss you and remember you as being
a part of our lives. We salute your struggle
to achieve, to succeed, to excel.




For Underclassmen

Life (at O.U.) Goes On

It's not all over yet for most of you.
Whether you only have two more
semesters to pull before you can call your
life your own (or at least your boss"), or
whether you're still trying to adjust to the
idea of being a sophomore instead of a
"scum-of-the-earth" freshman, you still
have a little time before you have to say
good-bye to college - and college life.
Can't wait? Well, before you start
dreaming in lit class about careers and
promotions and raising a family, take time

to look carefully at all aspects of "Life at


By now, you've guessed that the food
in the Kaiser cafe isn't rated four stars and
can't rival .Maxim's in Paris. You've seen
that the pool isn't as close to Olympic-size
as it looked in the brochures, and that the
gothic buildings near the gate don't look
as impressively gothic on the inside. But
every college - every thing - has a dark
side. At least you don't have to squint or
use a refracting telescope to see a teacher
in front of a 300 member class. You don't
have to memorize any computer numbers
just to have an identity here or have your
own transportation to get from one end of
campus to the other. And of course.
everyone knows each other here. Even
though that may lead to a soap-opera
atmosphere, it can be nice in a modern
world where T.V. stars are easier to
recognize than your next door neighbor
back home.

Those classes you take too early in the
morning or the labs too late in the
afternoon (they are screwing up your life)
often don't seem to mean much, .\fter all.
do you really need to hear Dr. Thomas tell
you about the Battle of .Marathon or let
Dr. Taylor make you write about the day
your dog died if you're going to be a
doctor? But, as you've heard President
Pattillo say again and again, these things
can, just possibly, give you a well-rounded
education. You also avoid the risk of
learning everything about your major but
not how to spell rite or speak too good.
All that work you have to struggle
with now won't seem like work later. It's
easier to forget about term papers and
organic chemistry tests and just remember
the parties, the fads, and most of all. the
different kinds of people that you would
never have never known as well at a huge
school. It is nice to come back to
Oglethorpe and see your friends, and even
a few professors again. It may sound corny
(the problem with life is that it often
insists on being corny like that), but it's
true. Besides, you alw ays know you'll find
a warm welcome here, especially in the
warmer months when they still haven't
turned the heat otT.


Kathleen Ahearn
Ali Ahmed

Abdullah Al-Abiedy
Fahad Al Assaf

Assaf Al Assaf
Adel Al Dosari ^

Saad Al Dossari
Jamal Al Hazmi

Saad Al Saleh
Zuraib Al Zoabi

Ahmed Alakki

Lili Alboum
Mahamed Aldawd

Mary Alexander
Rashid Alfandi


Chuck Allen
Keith Allen

John Allgaier
Abdullah Almohanna

Carolina Antonini
Edward Arias
Martha Arias
Christopher Atkins
Anne Atkinson

Mike Attawav

Torsten Balslev

Ofer Baron


Amy Barbanel

Mark Barbaree

Linda Barkis

Howard Barr

Tracy Bauer

Dale Baughman

Marcia Beck

Laura Bell

Karen Bender

Kevin Bennett

Stuart Bercun f

Carter Berkeley

Peter Berry

Andrew Bieger


Linda Biersler

Jane Bilecky

Marilyn Billips
Lisa Birer
Randy Bishop
Jan Bius
Lee Boatright

Buck Bohac
Emma Lee Booker
Denise Boone
Porsha Bowen
John Box

Gene Bozarth
i Ed Bradbury
Debra Bradl'ev

Harold Breece
Deborah Brian
Ro2er Brooksbank



Charles Brookshire

Nicki Brown

Scott Bryant

William Bryant

Ali Bukhamsin

Mona Buck

Robert Buck

Michael Buckelew

Craig Buckner

Ken Buie

Michael Burke

Michael Burnett

Scott Burrell
Kathy Burton

Dan Burzynski
Debra Byrd


Kimberlee Byrne
Connie Bvruna

Lee Campbell
Jose Campos

Connie Caycedo
Theresa Chambers
Phyllis Charnley
Brenda Childs
Paula Collett

Mike Conner

Edie Cowan

LeAnne Cox


Cecily Crandall

Robert Cranley

Tom Crawford

John Crowe

Donna Cron

Silvia Cuartin

Michelle Cubit

Scott Curlew

Judy Damiano

Melanie Davison

Maria Daviila

Arman Davoudian

Theresa DiBenedetto

George Dippe
Steven Docekal
Vichai Dolbandarchoke

Jack Dowd

Princeli Dunbar
Dolores El
Marnie Fllis r*


Mike Emery

Jeff Epstein
Chachi Eri
Scott Exposito
Joe Exum

Jon Fagerstrom
Scott Faith
Marci Faranto
Lori Farber
Firoozeh Farhand

Andy Farr
Amal Fatani
Abdulla Fawzia
Laurie Feitman
Gonzalo Fernandez


Noni Fernandez

Jade Filler

Eduardo Final

Jane Fishman

Laura Fowler

Jennifer Francik

Tammy Frentress

Michelle Fryer

Theresa Fuerst

Ed Furbee

Chris Gackstatter

Aoun Gahtany

James Gale
Paul Gandolfo

Peter Garlanc!
Gregg Garson


Gassim Gassim
John Gazilva

Andrea Gelfon
David Gerhardt

Paula German
Veolia Gibson
Jenny Giles
David Gilfillan
Eric Gilgenast

Maryam Givtash
Marcia Glenn

Wanda Glover
Michael Goetke

Kellex Goff
Kevin Goff


Beth Gordon '
Linda Graff

Dylon Grant
Harvey Griffith

Wanda Grimes
Sandy Grossman

Terri Guth

Nowland Gwynn

Anne Hajosy

Karl Hall

Valerie Hall

Wesley Hall '
Dori Halpryn

Steven Harris
Becky Hartley


David Hawser
Eva Hayka

Randy Heath
Theresa Heath

Ellen Heckler
Willhelm Helerich
Don Henry
Chung Heon-mo
Diana Hill

Henry Hocker
Bruce Hoke

Charles Holcomb
Steve Holloman

David Holloway
Tokscana Hon


Mandy Hough
Ken Howard

Charles Hubbert
Kristal Hudson

Betsy Hughes

Gregory Hunt

Judith Hunt

Dawn Hutton

Akemi Ima

Melna Inge
Sheldon Inge

Cathy Isiminger
Bob Ivey

Armin Jaber Abo Ansari
Nancy James


Margarita Jaramiilo
Tony Jennings

Bernadine Johnson
Bruce Johnson

Dale Jolley
Karen Jolley

William Jolly
Arleen Jones
Howard Jones
Robert Joseph
Darrel Kaeding

Andreas Kafatos
Omid Kanani

Shufid Kazim
Barbara Kean


Negest Kebede
Karen Keiser
Gerald Kemp

Janice Kendrick

Abdel Khalaieeny

Koji Kikuta

Kevin Kincheloe

Mary Ann Kinnard

Armand Kouame Yace

Lisa Krauss
Alison Kreis

Heidi Kroger
Curtis Lane [

Cindy Larbig

Kathleen Lasky
Rhett Laurens

Philip Law
Kimberly Leaird


Michele Lend
Ann Lenzer

Paul Leonard
Carole Lerman

Jill Lesko
Brandon Levine
David Levine
Eileen Levitt
David Lew

Missy Levy
Nancy Lewis

Mark Lisicky
Charles Littman

Fred Lockhart Jr.
Christi Lona


Mallory Long
Gilbert Lopez

Allan Losek
Ellen Lukens

Harry Lung
Sandra Lynch
Speer Mabry ^
Edward Madonna *
Raymond Manley

Ileen Mann

Yvonne Mapp

Ross Marcum


John Marshall
Kelly Marshall
Tracy Marshall
Christopher Martin
Bob Martinez

Sheila Marx
Seretha Masdon
Terri Massa
Cassandra Massengill
Phyllis May

Becky McCarley
Diane McClinion

Michael McCracken
Patricia McCulIogh


Sue McDonald
Brant McKeown

Joanna McLeroy
Mary McMahon

Donna McMillan

Denise McMuIlen

Ken McMuilen

Carey McNeilly

Kim Merlin

Kurt Merolla
Ann Messerschmidt

Daniel Meyer
Bill Meyers

Sandra Michael
Jorge Miladeh


ii.f<n-V d

CT'CJH Andrew Miller
Paul Miller
Dave Mills
Michael Mills
Peter Milot

Michelle Minyon
Elaine Mitchell
Farhad Modaressi
Robert Moehring
Aisha Mohammed

Layla Mohammed
Donna Monroe
Ann Montanaro
Anthony Moody
Paula \loonev


Beau Moore

Debbie Morgan

Kim Morrison

Carol Moses

Peggy Mueller

Nabil Muhaisen

Doug Murdock

Mary Ann Murphy

Lynn Nagle

Jodi Nash

Pam Nehleber

Charles Nicholas
Debbie Nickerson

Sandra Ninnick

Mark Nolan

Leigh Norris
Jim Nutt



Ed Odenkirchen
Donald Owen

Donna Padgett
Chris Page

Maria Papp
Michael Parisie

Virginia Parker
Donna Passaro
Brenda Peed
Diane Peer
Munuel Perez-Alonso

Sally Petree
Llovd Pinkston

Anna Maria Platanis
David Platz


Mark Plymale
David Polanco
Roberto Poleo
Ron Policella
Ricardo Ponce

Larry Pond

Rue! Poston

Mike Powers

Guston Prado

Glenn Prescott

Lynn Prettyman

Gilbert Price

Michael Quick
Gil Ramirez
Lois Randolph P*^'

Nancy Rankine

Bob Rasile

Chris Raths


Anne Register
Craig Reinheimer

Cathy Repa
Deborah Repa

Nola Richardson
Rose Richardson
Laura Ann Riley
Terry Roberts
Andrea Robertson

Maureen Robinson
Liz Rosen

Leslie Rosenberger
Sharon Rudv

Jeff Rutel

Vahid Salehi


Lisa Salvador
Anne Sams

Dori Samson
David Sanders

Ali Sanai
Kim Sapecky

Brian Sass

Suzanne Schaefer

Leslie Schlag

Tony Schaii

Milene Schott

Debra Schreiber
Mara Schultz
Steve Schultz

Mall Schuster

Nancy Schwartz

David Scoles


firuce Searles
Sherry Seidenslin
Jamal Sharbani

Bonnie Shellebarger
John Sheinutt
Jeff Shelton

Mike Sheridan
Todd Shook
Jeff Simmon
Mollie Simmons
Ekachai Sitkrongwong

Mike Smith
Tom Smith

Tricia Smith
Kathy Snipes

Merrill Snyder
Donald Sol'inskv


Adrienne Spear

James Spinelli

Sheila Spinks

Stephanie Staples

Lynn Stelle

Harry Stern

Mary Strain

Doug Strickland

Kim Strickland

Helen Summers

Melissa Sunay

Paul Swanson

Paul Sykes

Dale Tobias

Morris Taiwo


Rita Todd
Doc Torrance

Richard Travers
Terry Tribbet

Linda Triguero
Denise Trosky

David Tucker
Donna Tucker
Robert Tucker
Mark Turcot
Laura Turner

Peter Valentino
Jav Vander Horst

Lee \'an Grack
Tricia \auahan


Juan Vilanova
Mike Voeltz
Nelsie Wade

Mia Wadopian
Dan Walden

Julie Walton

Steve Washington

Brian Weaver

Wendy Werne

Lisa Wessler

Cindy West
Sue Weston

Joanna Whalen
David White

Ray Widdowson


F^aul Wieland
Theresa Wigion
Robert Wilds
Todd Wille
David Wilson

John Wilson
Jill Woodham
Kelly Woodland
Andrea Wright
Anita Wright

Rodney Wyatt
Russell Yeilin
Eric Young
Mansor Zahi
Kathi Zenuch


iff^^s Follies

Gain and BearXt

.. O.K.




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S-;clion G

Continued from Pg. 1
conflicts, particularly those in El Salvador,
left concerns that the United States might
again bite off a bigger hunk of foreign
policy than it could manage. Closer to
home, supposedly unimposing Mount
Saint Helens blew its lid and ran the
pollution index right off the charts.
Unusually flammable hotels, especially
the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, made
people think twice before going on

Also, certain individuals became
suddenly, unexpectedly newsworthy, if
only because they were members of
bereaved families. Newly widowed Yoko
Ono came into focus as thousands
complied with her request for ten minutes
of silence to honor and remember the slain
John Lennon. Nancy Reagan and Sarah
"Raccoon" Brady were publicly scrutin-
ized as they, and families of other victims

of the assassination attempt on President
Reagan, gradually normalized their lives,
and unknown numbers of Catholics and
other Christians throughout the world
anxiously awaited news on the condition
of Pope John Paul 11.

Perhaps the most memorable
mourners, though, were those whose
names only a few photographic memories
can recall. In our own Atlanta, 28
different families became a unit as they
each lost a member to a senseless and
terrible death. The nation rallied to the
plight of these people: green ribbons
appeared on shirts and blouses every-
where; thousands of dollars poured in as
reward money for the cessation of the
tragedy; hundreds of people gathered early
on Saturdays to search for evidence. Still,
every death was one too many, and the
fate of these young black people was a sad,
blatant reminder of how far humanity has
yet to go.

If all these less-than-golden memories
give you the shakes or if they make you
wonder what such a nice piece of gloom
is even doing in a yearbook, be sure to wait
just a moment before you despair. One of
the shortcomings of human interest is that
it tends to overshadow good news with
bad, so take a moment to remember the
events that weren't so depresssing.

This was the year, for instance, when
the hostages in Iran were finally released,
and on one short Inauguration Day,
America, bedecked coast-to-coast with
yellow ribbons, stood tall and proud to
usher in a new leader and welcome its own
back home. For a generation raised on
student protests and national self-criticism
followed by general apathy, it was a nice
change of pace to be unblushingly

patriotic. The \ear also boasted the arrival
of the Space Shuttle. Earth's first real
spaceship and an example of man's better
points: ingenuity, cleverness, and the
ability to dream. You might have
witnessed the birth of a new era - that's
pretty impressivel

if you think back, you probably
remember times >ou had right on campus
in your own little bit of space that made
you glad about life and the living of it.
You might have been proud that you
didn't throw the alarm clock against the
wall and forget about classes. Maybe your
special moment was getting a particular
grade, an intramural game you didn't
expect to win. or even something really
corny like a walk with someone special or
a sunset in a pure orange and violet-pink
sky. Maybe it was meeting someone who
shared your love for New Wave music or
the Grateful Dead, or who hated (or wore)
those Izod alligator shirts almost as much


^V. /f /// <dn. - in/- '


Cleo Ficklin was Oglethorpe's receptionist until
she was stricken with cancer last year. During her
career here, which began in 1970, she also worked
as a registrar and as faculty secretary, basically
helping out wherever she could. Many people may
only have known her telephone voice, while others
remember her extensive knowledge of Oglethorpe's
people and activities - the way she kept up with them
and cared about them. Those who knew her best
think of her as a generous person and a true
Christian, who loved people, and who would "do
anything in the world - for anybody." She will always
be remembered as a very special lady, and will be
missed by those minv people with whom she
cheerfully and patiently came in contact daily at the



as you (lid. it could be anything. Whatever
the moment, it was all yours.

Amidst all these emotional events.
Oglethorpe University has been sitting
quietly in its own little corner of the city.
trying to claim fame as "Atlanta's
.Suburban University," even though so few
Atlantans are aware of its history, people
or activity, and so many of its students are
from the Northeast, Florida or South
America. But it takes more than a catchy
slogan to symbolize Oglethorpe. The
Stormy Petrel and the Boar's Head seal
also represent the school, but none are as
memorable as the bell tower in its Gothic
architecture, chiming the time of day with
its unique melody.




I /


Unless you care enough to look
closely, one year at Oglethorpe looks
pretty much like another. The college year
might have seemed chaotic for freshmen
and transfer students, particularly those
who had to adapt to a new country as well
as a new school, but for most, it offered
predictability. Many things are simply
characteristic of a college, like having to
rework chemistry lab and invent the data
that was supposed to come out, copying
a neighbor's notes from a missed lecture,
or getting together with your friends (or
whoever can provide coffee and encour-
agement) to pull an infamous all-nighter
before an exam. And the years progress
as usual. Semesters come and go.
Cafeteria food is always . . . cafeteria
food, Georgia rains drench the campus
year-round (unless it snows, but it didn't
this xyinter), there is never enough hot
water for all the dormitory dwellers, and
it seems like the mailboxes are always
empty. If this all sounds routine, then you
have the basic idea. Most people who
choose to attend Oglethorpe come here
because it is a quiet place to learn, not
because they are looking for Disney
World, round-the-clock parties or excite-
ment to last a lifetime.

The school year did, however, sport
a few changes in the yearly schedule that
gave it a touch of character. For example,
even though the lawn in the "ther-
mometer" received quite a load of dye, the
college lost a lot of green tearing down the
old wooden gatehouse (can anyone
remember exactly what it looked like?)
and conjuring up a new one out of
hopefully imposing stone and mortar.
According to reports, it is the only
collegiate gothic gatehouse in America.
Whether the Guinness people were
contacted remains a mystery.

The campus also waved goodbye to


Alumni Dorm, never again to see it in its
old and not so dear form. Sobs tore the
night air, especially from those who found
they had to move out of the building and
crowd themselves in somewhere else.
Okay, so it seemed trivial, but who knows
how many undergrads have laughed,
played ball, or staggered sleepily through
its halls, and who those people really
were? Finally, of course, this is the year
when we almost didn't get you the black
and beige yearbook you are holding. In
fact, we almost didn't get it anywhere, but
we managed it in the end, and there's a
moral hiding in there somewhere. The
year was also marked by smaller,
day-to-day, unexpected events. Some were
as uncommon as the landing of balloons
in the intramural field, or as funny as the
little white dog with the unprintable name,
who made his way into the hearts and
under the feet of all Oglethorpe. But what
really makes a year unique are the
different people, with their diverse
combinations of interests, talents, and
strengths. We have a community of
writers, dancers, athletes, music lovers,
comedians, philosophers, politicians, party
goers, scientists, artists, actors, realists,
individualists, humanitarians . . . you
name it. Each person has his or her part
in the character of the year.

Like the rest of the world, Oglethorpe
had its changes. However, in view of such
evolution, it becomes apparent that one of
the school's finest qualities is its staying
power. The year in question may have
seemed insane or disastrous at times, but
the school has tolerated that and more. It
has survived the eras of Queen Victoria
and Warren G. Harding, the Charleston,
the Hustle and the Peppermint Twist. It
saw its way through the Great Depression,
two World Wars, a "police action" in





Korea and another conflict that people
still don"t like to talk about much. It has
lived through Ragtime and Benny
Goodman and the Beatles, and is even
surviving New Wave. It silently endured
student activism, Weltner fires, low-flying
airplanes, whale-nuking, and a near fatal
budget squeeze in the 1960s. All these
examples indicate that Oglethorpe is here
to stay, and that it is destined to play a
significant part in the development,
mental and emotional, of those people who
call it theirs.

Now that you have reminisced on the
year this book tries to capture, you can
show your neighbor's kids what you looked
like "back then"' in the pictures. We hope
that we successfully covered a segment of
your O.U. College Experience, and
reminded you, if only a little, of the people
and happenings that helped shape you into
the person you are.
