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History of the Coat of Arms

IN choosing the armorial bearings for Oglethorpe University, none other
than the famous coat of arms of the illustrious General Oglethorpe was
considered and adopted. The above illustration of the coat of arms of
General Oglethorpe, was taken from an old book in the Carnegie Library of
Atlanta. The shield consists of a field argent, with a black chevron and
three boars' heads, two heads above the chevron and one below. It is sur-
mounted by a larger boar's head, with a green twig and tusk showing. The
motto on the scroll beneath reads, "Nescit Cedere."

The original coat of arms has remained unchanged, except the motto,
"Nescit Cedere," has been changed to, "Manu Dei Resurrexit."


My Dedication

By Thornwell Jacobs

/ehovah, God of Sabaoth, to Thee

I dedicate the labor of my hands,
I, one of many millions of all lands,

Pray, bending, Holy Father, at Thy knee.

One of Thy sculptors lays his chisel by

And searches for a Master's kindly smile.
From Him whose guiding hand had all the while
Struck every blow this newest tool would try.

This line I grave that all who read may know:
Wherein I struck for that whereof I dreamed.

Thou knowest. Lord, how light the struggle seemed,
Aye, Thou, Whose hand alone did strike the blow.

Of some I heard: "I will not!"; some, "I fear!"
And some held back till "Victory" was said,

And some most wisely doubted how the dead
Could ever rise from out her sable bier.

So, out of all my love for all her past,
Out of my deep desire for what should be.

There came this wondrous thing; that I could see.
Yet follow, blind, the die that I had cast.

But surely there were footprints on the sand.
And everywhere I found the way prepared

By Him through Whose wise whispers I had dared
To hold the tool He fitted to my hand.

Ah, Lord, how little do we men below

Yet understand from whence Thy footsteps tread?
Of all the millioned words that men have said

What one reveals the whither Thou dost go?

Till this I learned, that He who buildeth well
Is greater than the structure that He

And wiser he who learns that Heaven hears
Than all the wordy wisdoms letters spell.

For once, 1, helpless, hung upon His will.
And twice 1 waited, hopeless, for His word,

Till, lo, the wise mulberry leaves were stirred
What time He planned His promise to fulfill,

]\Iy mantle for my God, my Oglethorpe,
If I did weave thee with a trembling hand.

The virtue of Jehovah's magic wand,
Lo, this the shuttle and the woof and w

How like to Him, who, walking, dreamed was 1,
And dreaming, walked beyond some Bethel'

In answer to the angel's kindly tones

That bade him trust their ladder to the sky!

How like to her who ventured to the door
Of Persian palace, driven and afraid.

Not knowing how she for the times was made
To wield the sceptre that she trembled o'er.

How like to him, forthsummoned as he bent
Beneath his fig tree, musing on his deed.

To marvel when he learned whereto would lead
The path that followed where his Master went

Like him of trembling heart who fain would try
To tread the waters of a stormy sea.

Amazed that waves a willing path could be
For those who hear the whisper: It is I.

Aye, like to him who trusting, cast his net
As One commanded forth into the deep.

Wherein the Master loves and yearnings sleep.
Wherewith the lines that lift the world are wet


IN view of the fact that the fore-
word to a college annual is al-
ways written on a hackneyed,
made to order plan, which con-
sists in naming the obstacles that
have been encountered, the lack
of a precedent, the enormity of
labor expended in its compilation
and the hopes for its success, and
in view of the further fact that
the Yamacraw staff is anxious for
you to know all these things, but
realizes the futility of getting it
read, this book appears without a



John H. Goff Editor-in-Chief

Morton T. Nicholes Associate Editor

L. Newton Turk, Jr Associate Editor

J. Render Terrell, Jr Historian

William C. Johnson . Bus. Mgr. and Asst. Sporting Ed.
Robert G. Nicholes . . Adv. Mgr. and Sporting Editor

Chas. S. Tidwell Assistant Business Manager

Warren C. Maddox Prophet

Henry M. Bonny Poet

Francis Y. Fife Cartoonist

Oglethorpe An Historical Sketch

ON a long, low ridge, called Midway, near Milledgeville, Old Ogle-
thorpe grew from a state normal training school into an historic
university, whose renowned halls gave Georgia some of her greatest
men, and gave the world our own Sidney Lanier.

Oglethorpe College was formally opened in 1835 under the direction of
the Synod of Georgia. Princeton College had been growing in New Jersey,
and was largely patronized by the youth of the entire nation, and especially
this section of the South. Owing to the long distances, which must be
traveled on horseback, it was suggested that a college similar to Princeton
be founded in the South. This suggestion materialized, and Oglethorpe
College was the outcome. Old Oglethorpe was the first denominational insti-
tution of learning to be founded below the Virginia line, between the Atlantic
and Pacific, and we justly claim that she was the mother of all that brilliant
group of colleges which were built in this area.

The same idea, characteristic of the New Oglethorpe, of getting men of the
highest educational attainments to hold professorships is revealed by such
names' as the following, who were members of the Oglethorpe College
Faculty: Joseph Le Conte, the eminent geologist; James Woodrow, uncle of
President Woodrow Wilson, Professor of Science; Samuel K. Talmadge, the
brilliant administrator, and many others.

The facilities of Oglethorpe College were as good as could be had at that
time. The main building was considered to be the handsomest in the South-
east, and "contained the finest college chapel in the United States, not except-
ing Yale, Harvard, oi Princeton."

In the President's office today may be seen a crayon drawing of Sidney
Lanier, an Oglethorpe alumnus of world-wide fame, showing him when he
was fifteen years old, his age when he entered college. Hanging beside this
picture is his diploma, bearing the name of the then president of Oglethorpe,
Dr. Samuel K. Talmadge. We do not hesitate to say that any college would
pay a fabulous sum for them, if the honor of having graduated so famous a
poet could be included in the bargain. It is needless to say that we value the

privilege of claiming Lanier as one of our alumni. Some day there will be
erected on the Oglethorpe campus a beautiful memorial building to him,
our foremost and most distinguished graduate.

Shortly after the graduation of Lanier, the Northern and Southern States
became at odds, and the deplorable Civil War followed. Lanier and all of
his college comrades who could qualify, with the greater number of the
facuhy, answered the call of the South.

Being so thoroughly convinced that the South was in the right, and so
imbued with Southern rights, Oglethorpe shut its doors; her student body
marched away to meet their Northern brothers. Not satisfied with furnish-
ing all of her available man power, Oglethorpe invested her funds in Con-
federate bonds. Her beautiful main building was used as a hospital and
barracks, and was later burned.

An effort was made to revive the institution after the war, but the dark
days of the reconstruction and the insolvency of the South would not permit,
and after a couple of years the doors were closed for the second time. But
even in so short a while she graduated some distinguished men, among them
a governor of Georgia.

Oglethorpe died at Gettysburg, where she meekly bowed to the victorious
armies of our brothers of the North. Old Oglethorpe lives today on the
pages of history a stainless character, determined to let the world know that
she was true to the principles of those who had founded her. Of all the
strong colleges on the American continent, Oglethorpe alone died for her
ideal. She loved the lofty conceptions of the South. And this spirit, we are
proud to say, has been inherited by the Oglethorpe of today. She stands
today, like the impregnable Gibraltar, a champion for right and justice to
all. The humblest Freshman is given the same consideration as the highest
officer. Each man of her first class will attest that fact.

It is with bowed heads that we recall those days of adversity, when Ogle-
thorpe answered the call of the stricken South, shut the doors of the college,
and gave freely of her life on the battle fields. Her sacrifices and sorrows
are our heritage, and today, standing in the full dawn of her renewed youth,

we rejoice with our Alma Mater, "whose history breathes and burns in legend
and in story."

Under the leadership of Dr. Thornwell Jacobs, now president of Ogle-
thorpe University, Old Oglethorpe was resurrected. Only eight years have
elapsed since he, working with a band of indefatigable business men of
Atlanta, began the monumental task of reviving an institution which had
been forgotten, save to students of history. The resurrecting process was
begun in the face of the greatest war in which man has ever been engaged.
But in spite of financial disaster and utter turmoil, Oglethorpe has forged
ahead, until today she is universally and favorably known. Her subscrip-
tions have long since passed the million-dollar mark.

The corner stone of Oglethorpe University was laid on January 21, 1916,
with her truthful and triumphal motto engraven upon it: "Manu Dei



As good fortune would have it, her doors opened again, this the third
time ("the third time is the charm"), in September, 1916, after fifty years of
rest beneath the chairred ruins of fratricidal strife. Her first magnificent
building, made of granite, trimmed in limestone, and as near fire proof as
human skill of the Twentieth Century could make it, was ready to welcome
the first class of Oglethorpians. A Faculty, every member of which held the
highest degree the world can bestow in their departments, had been assembled.

Following the first building, the Board of Directors have made plans for
erecting fourteen more of the same type. As Dr. Jacobs has said, "All of
this has been done in the midst of financial distress that darkened the spirit
of the whole nation, and against the evil influences of a colossal war, which
caused the very joints of the world to gape."

The resurrection of Oglethorpe reads like a romance. Beginning eight
years ago with a subscription of $1,000, Oglethorpe soon enlisted the sympa-
thy and friendship of a great number of liberal Southern patriots. In the
President's office may be seen today several huge volumes of names, each
pledging sums ranging from fifty cents to $50,000. They are members of the
immortal Founders' Club, who have brought Oglethorpe thus far, and who


are determined to stop only when she shall have equaled in true greatness
any college, anywhere. All of these names are to be compiled into one great
book; the name of this book is to be the Founders' Book.

The contributions from founders residing outside Atlanta are being
separately recorded, to be used in establishing memorial professorships or
buildings representing each Southern State.

In this short sketch of Oglethorpe, we must not omit that most potent
force and staunch friend. The Oglethorpe Women's Board, the purpose of
which is to aid the University in every wise and efficient way. They have
done invaluable work for Oglethorpe, and we shall always have a deep feel-
ing of appreciation for them.

This historical sketch could be carried much further. Half the story has
not been told. We sincerely hope that every reader of The Yamacraw, who
has not heard the interesting and wonderful story of Oglethorpe University,
will some day have that privilege.

J. Render Terrell, Jr.,

Historian of the Senior Class.

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The Lupton Gift

THE beautiful building given to Oglethorpe by Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Lupton, of Chattanooga, Tennessee,
will contain the University's library. The building
is now in process of construction. It will be built of
granite, concrete and steel, which will be an almost fire
proof construction. When the building is completed, it
will be one of the finest college buildings in the whole
country. The gift, which was given in memory of Mr.
Lupton's mother, was received with most grateful enthu-
siasm by the Faculty and students of Oglethorpe, because
the need of another building has long been felt.

^ ^

Members of the Board of Founders



Members of the Board of Founders

Top row, center top Hamlin W. Ford. Second row, left to "ght Chas M Gibbs, D I.
Maclntvre and Dr. E. % Gillespie. Third row L. C. Mandeville, Jr., and C. C. Good. Fourth
fow-Dr W A. Carter, Wm. Bensel and Frank L. Hudson. Fifth row-Dr J. Sev.er and
J. O. Varnedoe. Si-xth row J. P. Stevens, Wilmer L. Moore and C. C. Houston. Bottom

v J. W. Brawner and W. E. Floding.


Members of the Board oj Founders
Top, center Dr. W. P. Jacobs. Second row Dr. T. D. Tacobs and Ilr. W. S. Jacobs,
Third row, center oval Geo. E. King. Fourtli row Sidney Holderness and \V. D. Ma!ey.
Fifth row Dr. W. B. Y. Wilkie and F. M. Mack. Si.xth row E. S. McDowell, C. H. Ash-
ford and Dr. W. Moore Scott. Seventh row J. Russell Porter and Rev. C. O'Martindale.
Eighth row J. E. Patton and Dr. E. F. Davis. Lowest of three large center ovals Ivan E.
Allen. Lower semi-circle of four J. Epps Brown, Rev. E. D. Brownlee, Dr. D. \. Planck
and Jas. R. DuBose.


Members of the Board of Founders

Top, center Dr. H. J. Gaertner. Three large centers', top to bottom Hoke Smith, Clarke
Howell and W. R. Hearst. Lower center T. M. McMillan. Second row, left to right J. D.
Green and T. E. Gary. Third row B. M. Shive and W. A. Neal. Fourth row Henry Massey
and M. S. Kennedy. Fifth row Frank Lake and Lucien L. Knight. Sixth row Claude Little
and W. H. Fleming. Seventh row Stewart McGinty and F. Stacy Capers. Bottom row Dr.
R. M. Hall and R. W. Deason.


(O <3

Board of Founders of the University

trolled by a Board of Founders. This General
Board of Founders meets once each year, at com-
mencement time, on the university grounds in Atlanta, to
inspect the institution, to review all matters of large im-
portance in the life of the University and to give directions
to the Executive Committee which is elected by them, and
from their number, and which will look after the details
of management of the institution between the meetings of
the Board of Founders. Each member of the Board repre-
sents a gift of one thousand dollars or more to the Uni-

Nothing more ideal has ever been proposed in the man-
agement of an institution. It is already in operation and
its perfect practicability is largely responsible for the
marvelous success of the University.

The Oglethorpe Women's Board

ONE of the most remarkable gatherings, even in this city of remark-
able gatherings, was the assembling of approximately two hundred
of the representative women of the city of Atlanta at the home of
Mrs. Thornwell Jacobs, November 25, 1916, to organize a Women's Board
for Oglethorpe University.

The purpose of the Board is to aid the University in every wise and
efficient way. Already more than three hundred of the finest workers and
most representative women of the city have joined the organization. Their
activities are directed toward the support and development of Oglethorpe in
every phase of its growth and activities. Each of the ladies is assigned to
the committee on which she feels best able to serve. These committees cover
the various departments of the University.

Officers and chairmen of the various committees have been unanimously
chosen as follows:


Mrs. TH0R^'WELL Jacobs

Mrs. Lee Ashcraft

First Vice-President
Mrs. J. B. Campbell

Second Vice-President
Mrs. Arnold Broyles

Third Vice-President
Mrs. Hugh Richardson

Fourth Vice-President
Mrs. Cora Steele Libby

Fifth Vice-President
Mrs. I. R. Carlisle

Mrs. E. D. Crane

Mrs. John K. Ottley

Chairman of Executive Board
Mrs. Harry Hebmance

Chairman of Campus Committee
Mrs. Haynes McFadden

Chairman of Press Committee
Mrs. Lee Ashcraft

Chairman of Entertainment Committee
Mrs. Jas. T. Williams

Chairman of Hospital Committee
Mrs. Norman Sharp

Co-Chairman of Hospital Committee
Mrs. N. B. Browne and

Miss Rebecca Nesbit

Representatives of the Westminster
Presbyterian Church
Mbs. Hugh Bancker and

Mrs. W. F. Buchanan

Representatives of the Central
Presbyterian Church

Mrs. J. B. Brooks

Representative of the Inman Park
Presbyterian Church
J\lRS. Charles Whitehead

Representative of the West End
Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Katherine H. Connerat

Representative of the Baptist Church
Mrs. C. R. Haskins

Representative of the Congregational
Mrs. Harry Schlesinger

Representative of the Jeivish Church
Mrs. E. L. Chalenor

Chairman of Library Committee
Mrs. De Los Hill

Chairman of Music Committee
Mrs. J. Dillard Jacobs, Mrs. Thomas
Brumby, Jr., Mrs. E. F. Pitman,
Mrs. Albert Thornton, Mrs.
Mamie Adams, Mrs. T. R. Sawtell,
Mrs. Morris Brandon, Mrs. E.
Rivers, Mrs. J. Cheston King, Mrs.
H. M. Nicholes and Mrs. George
Advisory Board
Mrs. E. Phillips, Mrs. Frank Runyan
and Mrs. W. T. Elder
Representatives of the First Presbyte-
rian Church
Mrs. J. Russell Porter, Mrs. Ernest
KoNTz and Mrs. W. M. Camp
Representatives of the North Avenue
Presbyterian Church

Oglethorpe's First Commencement

OGLETHORPE'S first commencement was marked by a series of sen-
sational events and announcements. At the banquet preceding the
announcement proper, and again during that ceremony, Dr. Jacobs
reported that the University for the first time was out of debt, that it had
received gifts and pledges amounting to one million and fifty thousand dol-
lars, and that the year just passed had witnessed four large gifts to the col-
lege, fifty thousand dollars for a stadium from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hermance,
a gift from Dr. Cheston King of a library of English books worth about twenty
thousand dollars, a gift from Mrs. Lee Ashcraft of band instruments worth
one thousand dollars, and a gift of about twelve hundred dollars from the
Oglethorpe Women's Board.

The new stadium, which will stand near Peachtree Road, south of the
present college buildings, will be the finest in this part of the world, and
comparable with any elsewhere.

The Cheston King Library of English will be the first real research library
to be established south of Washington. There are other research libraries,
but they are incomplete, and their efficiency lies in the realm of future hopes.
Oglethorpe's is now a reality. This library was the property of one of the
most distinguished German students of English, the late Dr. Victor of Mar-
burg, in Germany.

The band instruments given by Mrs. Ashcraft are silver plated, and up
to the Oglethorpe standard, which is to say they are the best that can be

The money raised by the Women's Board will be used for several pur-
poses, library, campus and student orchestra.

Another gift of a year ago is beginning to show its fruits in the splendid
blue-grey granite walls of Lupton Hall, the second of the permanent univer-
sity buildings, now about half finished.


One of the most beautiful ceremonies that ever marked the end of a col-
lege year was incorporated into the church service at the Baptist Tabernacle
on the morning of Sunday, June sixth, when the official commencement of
Oglethorpe took place.

The first degree of all was conferred not upon a student, but upon a
valiant knight, upon a gentleman whose father was a trustee of the old Ogle-
thorpe of ante-bellum days, and whose uncle was there, a professor. The
gentleman was Woodrow Wilson, whose gracious letter of acknowledgment
was read with appropriate remarks by Mr. Edgar Watkins, Chairman of the
Executive Committee of Oglethorpe.

Next came the conferring of the academic degrees. In the days of chiv-
alry the young knight, after a period of fasting, bathed, took the sacrament.


and then kneeling before his sovereign, swore to protect with his sword the
rights of the helpless and those who could not defend themselves. The
Oglethorpe Seniors took no oath of service, but Dr. Vance, in a powerful
sermon preceding the accolade, pointed out the old truth, ever new, that a
world without God is headed for disaster, that modern society needs men
who cannot do without God, but who can do, when necessity demands, with-
out money gains. And the minds of the audience, flashing ahead of Dr.
Vance's words, added, we need champions to defend mankind against wrong,
greed, oppression, avarice and political cunning.

Then, as education, when it is good education is always sacred, the
graduates of Oglethorpe, in caps and gowns, came to the pulpit to receive
their diplomas. They were introduced, the graduates in the humanities by
Dr. Nicolassen, those in literature by Dr. Routh, those in science by Dr.
Sellers, those in business administration by Dr. Libby and the graduate
students who had attained the master's degree by Dr. Gaertner. As the
President handed each man his diploma, the man kneeled and the professor
who presented him threw over his head the collegiate hood.


Honorary degrees in divinity were conferred upon the Rev. Henry D.
Phillips of Sewanee in recognition of the religion of General Oglethorpe,
who was himself a member of the Church of England; upon the Rev. Clarence
W. Rouse of Newton, New Jersey, in recognition of the Northern Presbyterian
Church, and of the fact that old Oglethorpe knew no Northern and Southern
churches; and upon the Rev. C. I. Stacey, whose connection with old Ogle-
thorpe forms a tie binding the new traditions to the old college.


The sermon preached by Dr. Vance of Nashville, President of the Ogle-
thorpe Board of Trustees, was one of the most eloquent and powerful ever
delivered in the country. Another talk, though shorter and of secular
character, made a mark for itself in the annals of Oglethorpe, the ad-
dress of Mrs. Harry Hermance, President of the Women's Board, whose
distinguished and graceful personality and fresh, inspiring sentiments will
long be remembered by those present.

Other distinguished participants in the ceremony were Rev. Dr. Flynn,
who won the official representation of the Presbytery of Atlanta, Rev. Dr.
Ham, pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle and Mr. Sheldon, city organist and
organist of the First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, who with Miss Wood-
berry lead the music.

The Executive Committee of the Oglethorpe Board of Trustees, the Exec-
utive Committee of the Women's Board, a part of the Faculty, the student
underclassmen and other officials of the University, occupied the choir halls
behind the pulpit platform.

Mr. Warren Maddox of the Seniors spoke the salutatory address, Mr. Wil-
liam Rhodes Carlyle the valedictory.


Monument of Sidney Lanier, Oglethorpe's Famous Poet-Graduate, Piedmont Park



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i-Room on tAe Second Floor
e Oak Furniture, and Room Equipment




<^SF- ^^1

A Typical Stud
Note the Bath-Room to the


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Thornwell Jacobs

A.B., Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Medalist and Valedictorian (first
honor); A.M., Presbyterian College of South Carolina; Graduate of Princeton Theo-
logical Seminary; A.M., Princeton University; LL.D., Ohio Northern University; Pastor
of the Morganton, N. C, Presbyterian Church; Vice-President of the Thornwell College
for Orphans; Author and Editor; Founder and Editor of the Westminister Magazine;
Author of the Law of the White Circle (Novel); The Midnight Mummer (Poems);
Sinful Sadday (Story for children); Life of William Plumer Jacobs (Biography^;
President Oglethorpe University.

George Frederick Nicolassen

A.B., University of Virginia; A.M., University of Virginia; Fellow in Greek, Johns
Hopkins University, two years; Assistant Instructor in Latin and Greek in Johns Hopkins
University, one year; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Professor of Ancient Languages
in the S. P. U., ClarksviUe, Tenn.; Vice-Chancellor of the S. P. U.; Author of Notes
on Latin and Greek, Greek Notes Revised; The Book of the Revelation; Editor of
Digest, General Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian Church, 1911; Chi Phi; Professor
of Ancient Languages.

Hermann Julius Gaertner

A.B., Indiana University; A.M., Ohio Wesleyan University; Ped. D., Ohio Northern
University; Teacher and Superintendent in the common schools and high schools of Ohio
and Georgia; Professor of Mathematics in Indiana Normal College; Professor of Mathe-
matics and Astronomy in Wilmington College, Ohio; Professor of History in Georgia
Normal and Industrial College, Milledgeville, Ga.; Member of the University Summer
School Faculty, University of Georgia, six summers; Assistant in the organization of
Oglethorpe University; Sigmu Nu; Professor of Mathematics and Germanic Languages
and Literature.

James Edward Routh

A.B., and Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Tocqueville Medalist, Johns Hopkins
University; Winner Century Magazine Essay Prize for American College Graduate of
1900; Instructor, University of Texas and Washington University; District Secretary,
American Dialect Society; Life Member, Modern Language Association; Author, Two
Studies on the Ballad Theory of the Beowulf, The Rise of Classical English Criticism,
The Fall of Tollan; Contributor to various Language, Philological and Popular Maga-
zines; Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi; Professor of English.

James Freeman Sellers

A.B., and M.A., Univershy of Miss.; LL.D., Miss. College; Graduate Student at the
University of Virginia and the University of Chicago; Teaching Fellow Analytical
Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1896-98; Professor of Chemistry, Miss. College; Pro-
fessor of Chemistry and Dean of Mercer University; President Georgia Chemical Society,
1908-09; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1907;
Educational Secretary, A. E. F. (stationed in England), 1918; Professor of Chemistry
in the University of Beaune, in France, 1919; American Men of Science, 1915; Delta
Psi; Head Department of Science.


Arthur Stephen Libby

Ph.B., Bowdon College, 1902; A.B., University of Maine 1903; A.M Sorbonne,
Paris, 1903; A.M., Brown University, 1904; Ph.D., University of Pans, 1)6; Professor
of modern languages. Converse College, 1904-12; President Southern Travel-Study Bureau;
Circled the world in special study and investigation of international politics and world
travel; Lyceum lecturer; Professor of History and Political Science, Wofford College;
U. S. Consular Corps, Major in the Interpreters Corps; Delegate from S. C, to the Inter-
national Congress of Education at Brussels, Belgium, in 1910; Kappa Alpha; Dean ot the
School of Commerce and Professor of Political Science and International Law.

Eugene Schofield Heath

AB Ohio Welleyan; A.M., University of Nebraska; Completed residence require-
ments for Ph.D., University of California; Head Departmem of Botany, Pomona College,
Cal Conducted summer session work in marine botany at the Laguna Beach Marine
Biological Laboratory; Edited The Pomona College Journal of Economic Botany; Head
Department of Biology, Fresno, Cal., Junior College; Instructor of Botany, University of
Cal 1916-17; Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, Lalitornia
Botanical Society, National Geographic Society, Palaeontological Society of America;
Sigma Xi (honorary scientific fraternity) ; Professor of Biology.

Frank Butner Anderson

AB University of Georgia, 1904; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Athletic
Director,' University School for Boys, two years; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and
Athletic Director, R. E. Lee Institute, 1 year; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and
Director of Athletics, Gordon Institute, two years; Coach, University of Georgia, two
years- Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Athletic Director, Riverside Military
Academy, six years; Sigma Chi, Sphinx Club; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and
Director of Athletics.

Edward Carroll James, Jr.

AB Oglethorpe University; Appointed Assistant in Science at Oglethorpe, 1918-19,
in charge of laboratory sections for Physics, Biology and Sophomore Chemistry; Instructor
in Biology and Freshman Physics for summer term, 1919; Kappa Alpha; Instructor m

James Render Terrell, Jr.

Senior in Oglethorpe University; winner of medal offered by Independent Magazine
for best historical sketch of American Short Story; author of several articles published
by Westminster Magazine; teacher of German, Oglethorpe University, Summer School,
1919; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Instructor in English, Oglethorpe University.

Elwyn De Graffenreid

Graduate Carnegie Library School of Atlanta, Ga.; Assistant Main Library, New
York Public Library; Assistant St. Gabriel's Park Branch, New York Public Library;
Assistant in Charge Children's Department Fort Washington Branch, New York Public
Library; Librarian.

Ira V. Maxwell


Alma Mater

By Thornwell Jacobs

Fair Alma Mater, Oglethorpe,

Thou didst for others die,
And now, above thy broken tomb.

Thy God doth lift thee high!
For He doth live in every stone

We worthily have brought.
And He doth move in every deed
We righteously have wrought.

We give to thee our lives to mold

And thou to us dost give
Thy life, whose pulse-beat is the truth

Wherein we ever live.
And as the times pass o'er our heads

In this we shall rejoice.
That we may never drift beyond

The memory of thy voice.

Fair Alma Mater, Oglethorpe,

Thou didst for others die.
So now above thy broken tomb

Thy Lord uplifts thee high!
To all thy past of pain and toil.

Thy future's brilliant goal
We promise loyalty and love;

We pledge thee heart and soul.


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Senior Class History

ITH the pious devotion of "grown-ups" of our Alma Mater, we,
the first class of Oglethorpe, greet you!

We of the New Oglethorpe are not strangers in the classic his-
tory of the South, but trace our proud lineage to those dauntless men of the
Old South who gave us our Alma Mater, and to whom we now offer our
tribute of esteem and admiration.

This first class, with the exception of a few men, began their labors at
Oglethorpe in September, 1916, when Oglethorpe began its new life after
a lapse of fifty-one years. The 19th of September found sixty-nine Fresh-
men on the Oglethorpe campus, eagerly seeking the Pierean Spring. To this
number nine Sophs were added in 1917; some had taken the "first degree"
at other colleges, while others were fortunate enough to make Dr. "Nic"
believe that they had done sufficient work to admit them to the Sophomore
Class. These new men were, H. M. Bonny, J. H. Goff, Jr., S. I. Golden, W.
Carlisle Johnson, N. S. McLeod, J. Render Terrell, Jr., I. H. Wender, and
J. P. Wilson. In 1918 Oglethorpe was fortunate enough to attract the atten-
tion of L. N. Turk, Jr., who came to us from Piedmont College.

The proud boast of this first Senior Class of Oglethorpe is that they have
never bowed their heads as Freshmen before the clippers and straps of a
Sophomore; we began our days at Oglethorpe when there were no such
animals here. But to this class belongs the honor of initiating the first gang
of Freshmen, and this we did to the queen's taste in September, 1917.

When 1918 came, and we found ourselves a rung higher on the ladder of
college life, these same ruthless fellows, who had wielded a monarchical
scepter for two years, found that they were compelled to surrender their
title to one Lieutenant Montgomery G. Potter, an eighteen-year-old shave-tail,
and a fellow who had spent only one year in college! Imagine the crest
fallen appearance of these one-time monarchs when they realized that they
were the vassals of young lieutenants. But this state of affairs was terminated
in December, 1918, when the S. A. T. C. disbanded. January, 1919, found
us all back, and ready to resume the crown we had been forced to surrender.

Though we do say it, this first class of Oglethorpe is going down on the
pages of history in indelible ink as greater than any ever graduated from the
Old Oglethorpe, or that will ever be turned out by the New, which has been
"Manu Dei Resurrexit." In our small number there are men who have taken
active part in every form of student activity.


In basketball we have been represented by seven men. We have sent out
upon the baseball diamond six men, and we have furnished the gridiron six
men. At the last Georgia Tech Field Meet, in which several colleges partici-
pated, our "Peter" de Jarnette ran off with the hundred-yard dash medal.
This is the athletic side.

"Bill" Carlisle has represented Oglethorpe in two debates; "Jesse" James
in one. There are three members of the Senior Class who have been made
instructors at Oglethorpe. They are: E. Carroll James, Jr., Chemistry and
Biology; T. Powell Moye, Spanish, and J. Render Terrell, Jr., English and

We regret that space prohibits our giving a full history of this, Ogle-
thorpe's first class. If you desire to hear the rest of the story, ask any of
our number when both of you have plenty of time.

Now, as to our good friends, the Juniors. To you, the second graduating
class of our Alma Mater, we would bequeath the joy of walking the "straight
and narrow paths," hewn out by this august body. Every foot of her soil is
dear to us, and we would lay upon your capable shoulders the pleasant task,
so long our own, of fighting her battles, and making her history "worthy of
the past and prophetic of the future."

In taking our leave, we would recall the unfailing bond of sympathy
that has existed between students and Faculty. Our lives have been sur-.
rounded by high and lofty influences, that will be like "signal fires on the
highlands, calling our heroic hearts to duty."

It is our proud boast that the Oglethorpe training has tended to cultivate
an honest and manly character, and it is the cherished ambition of the alumni
to serve their college and nation as men of worth and stainless patriots.

We are conscious of the dignity and proud attitude which Oglethorpe
presents to the world through the wisdom of our President and Faculty and
the devotion of the student body.

Lastly, we pay grateful homage to the steadfast friends of Oglethorpe,
who have enshrined themselves in our memories by their munificient gifts.
J. Render Terrell, Jr., Historian.


We recollect with tender hearts
The times we've spent with thee,

Like him who sorrows e'er he starts
To sail life's untried sea.

We know and feel thy spirit bright,

As far apart we roam,
Will prove to us a beacon light

To guide our barks safe home.

With purpose fixed and steady aim

e'U strive to weave our warp,
Reflecting honor on thy name.
Our dear old Oglethorpe.

Atlanta, Ga.

Varsity Football Team, 1917-18; Oglethorpe Players, 1918-19-20; Yam-
acraw Staff, 1920; Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

"Kid" Bonny, better known as "Iron Man," planted his number 9 on the
verdant Oglethorpe campus in the good year 1917. Since going to his first
class, "Kid" has always refused to let his work disturb his slumbers, but he
has pulled through with flying colors just the same. We don't know what
"Kid's" future intentions are, but we are willing to give odds that he will make
good; and we bid him good-luck.

"Care will kill a cat"


Greensboro, Ga.

Captain Football Team, 1917; Captain Basketball Team, 1917; Varsity
Football Team, 1917-18; Baseball Team, 1917; Manager Baseball Team,
1919; Captain Track Team, 1919; Varsity Basketball Team, 1917; Vice-
President Athletic Association, 1917-18.

"Cap" Boswell is a rare specimen; we do not look upon his like every
day. He began his career in a little broad place in the road by the name
of Greensboro, but the lad soon outgrew this little burg, and Oglethorpe,
together with the attractions of the city, brought him to Atlanta in 1916.
"Cap" came to Oglethorpe via Davidson. The only man to ever captain
three different teams while at Oglethorpe.


''A woman is behind every scrap"


Atlanta, Ga.

Assistant Librarian, 1917; President Athletic Association, 1918-19; Pres-
ident Y. M. C. A., 1918-19; President Oglethorpe Players, 1918-19; Ogle-
thorpe-Mercer Debate, 1919; Correspondent Atlanta Journal, 1917-19; Top
Sergeant in S. A. T. C; Phi Kappa Delta (Honorary) ; Kappa Alpha Fra-
ternity ; Valedictorian.

This promising fellow is a product of Boys' High School. While there
he took a leading part in all school activities, and at Oglethorpe he has done
the same. Bill, by hard work, got his Oglethorpe dip in three years, and
while his comrades were still hanging over books for Senior credits, he was
"proffing" at Columbia Military Institute.

"I'll put a girdle 'round the world in thirty minutes"


NoRCROss, Ga.

Varsity Football Team, 1917; Assistant Science Department, 1919; Man-
ager Football Team, 1919; Varsity Baseball Team, 1917-18-19; Winner 100-
Yard Dash, Georgia Tech Field Meet, 1919; Captain Track Team, 1920;
President Senior Class, 1920; The Petrel Staff, 1919-20; Phi Alpha Club;
Kappa Alpha Fraternity.

Peter migrated to Oglethorpe from Norcross, Ga., in September, 1917, and
since that time has been a valuable man. We have only one fault to find with
Peter, and that is that he insists on wearing a little, terrapin-shaped derby on
special occasions.

"Live and learn"



Atlanta, Ga.

Baseball Squad, 1918-19-20; Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

If an ever-ready tongue will get one where he's going, this brilliant fel-
low, after whom a little sack of tobacco has been named, will certainly get
there. We say this because if you are lucky enough to know "Bull" you will
find that he has a reply ready for any question that you might ask.

"A parlous boy"



Vice-President Oglethorpe Players, 1918-19; Alpha Lambda Club.

Here is a rare combination. Gaertner has succeeded in mixing with real,
honest-to-God study all sorts of pleasures: a real ladies' man, a good sport
and a hard worker is he. "Wop," by good luck and pluck, succeeded in
ringing up a B.S. in three years and one summer.

"Give me a girl, a lonely spot, and I'll do the rest."



Carrollton, Ga.

Alpha Omega Club.

One cold December day the 11th, 1899, to be exact "Sid" Holderness,
came upon this transitory stage. Before coming to Oglethorpe, he attended
Carrollton High School, but the gay lights of Atlanta wouldn't let him stay
there long enough to get a "dip," so he lit a rag for Oglethorpe and arrived
here in time to sign up with the first who entered in 1916.

"It isnt the mark you make, but what you learn that counts"


College Park, Ga.

Secretary and Treasurer Athletic Association, 1919; Oglethorpe- Auburn
Debate, 1919; Instructor Science Department, 1919-20; Phi Alpha Club;
Oglethorpe Players, 1919; Phi Kappa Delta (Honorary) ; Kappa Alpha

"Jesse" James is a product of that much-admired old state, Virginia. He
first blinked his blue eyes on the 19th of September, 1898. Having had the
opportunity of knowing all the Cox College girls, you would think, "Jesse"
would be a sure enough vamp, but he isn't; he has withstood the temptations.
After entering Oglethorpe with advanced standing, he received his degree
and wound up by teaching some of his comrades.

"I'll not budge an inch"


Atlanta, Ga.

Varsity Football Team, 1917-18-19; Varsity Baseball Team, 1917-18-19;

Vice-President Athletic Association, 1919; Oglethorpe Players, 1919-20;

President Debating Club, 1920; Yamacraw Staff, 1920; Petrel Staff, 1920;

Boar's Head (Honorary) ; Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.

This handsome boy was born in Atlanta one pretty day, April 16, 1899.
Bill entered Boys' High School in 1913. The next school which drew his
attention was Oglethorpe; he came to us in September, 1917, and from that
time proved that he is worth having. He has taken a part in every activity.
With this to base our judgment on, we predict for him a big future. Bill
says he is going to study medicine, and if he does we will bet that he draws
a big patronage from the ladies.

"Semper fidelis"


sident Senior Class; Alpha

lonely one. He and his twin

Decatur, Ga.

Varsity Basketball Team, 1917; Vice-Pr
Omega Club; Phi Kappa Delta (Honorary).

"Mart's" journey to this world was not a , ^ ,

brother, Warren, were born on June 20, 1899. After graduating from the
Decatur High School, he entered Oglethorpe in 1916. An all-round good
fellow is he, a thorough student, a good mixer and a top-notcher in basket-
ball. The lady who gets him will certainly land a nice one.
"Vincit, qui se vincit"

Varsity Basketball Team, 1917; Yamacraw Staff, 1920; Vice-President
Debating Club, 1920; Players' Club, 1920; Salutatorian; Alpha Omega
Club; Phi Kappa Delta (Honorary).

"Fat" Maddox is a product of Decatur, Ga.: that's the reason why he's so
bad. We cannot say whether Agnes Scott had anything to do with his bad-
ness or not, but we are inclined to think that it did. Despite all this, how-
ever, he has stuck by his books and the result is that he is a "walking
encycloepedia." "Fatty" is an authority on Greek and Latin.

''A bold, bad maii'


Atlanta, Ga.

Varsity Baseball Team, 1917-18-19; Varsity Football Team, 1917-18;
Varsity Basketball Team, 1917; President Debating Club, 1919; President
Athletic Association, 1917-18; Captain Basketball Team, 1918; Alpha
Lambda Club.

Of course you have seen by the expression on this fellow's face, that he is
a product of Boys' High School. "Claud" came to Oglethorpe with the first.
While here he took a leading part in all sorts of activities. We are also
told that he is some "ladies' man," and we don't doubt it, for he certainly has
a way of making you like him.

'Though last, not least in love'


Morrow, Ga.

Bookkeeper at Oglethorpe, 1917; Manager of the Oglethorpe Farm;
Assistant Postmaster; Manager of the Co-op. Store and Monitor, 1920; Alpha
Lambda Club.

"Joe" came to Oglethorpe via Locust Grove Institute, where he did every-
thing but marry, which he saved to do while at Oglethorpe. We could say a
lot about "Joe," but for his sake we'd better leave it off. We are told that
he has to be in every night by nine o'clock. Poor boy!

"Marriage is a desperate thing"


Atlanta, Ga.

Yamacraw Staff, 1920; Oglethorpe Players, 1920; Correspondent Atlanta
Constitution, 1916-17; Correspondent Atlanta Georgian, 1920; Organizer
American Legion at Oglethorpe; Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity; Boar's Head

"Mortie" came to Oglethorpe in 1916, but left school in 1917 to answer
his country's call to arms. He was a lieutenant in the 118th Field Artillery
of the Dixie Division, going overseas with that division. He was later an in-
structor at the Camp Taylor Field Artillery School, and afterwards Intelli-
gence Officer at Camp Knox. This is a good record and we are proud of him.
Since returning to the University in 1920, he has taken an active and leading
part in all college activities.

"Lock sicker"


Varsity Football Team, 1917-18-19; Captain Football Team, 1918; Var-
sity Baseball Team, 1917-18-19; Varsity Basketball Team, 1917; Track Team,
1919; Correspondent Atlanta Constitution, 1917-18-19-20; Founder of The
Petrel; Yamacraw Staff, 1920; Petrel Staff, 1919-20; President Athletic As-
sociation, 1916; President of the "0" Club, 1920; Toastmaster Football
Banquets, 1918-19; Oglethorpe Players, 1920; Phi Alpha Club; Boar's Head

In years to come athletes and coaches of Oglethorpe teams' will point back
the deeds of one Robt. G. Nicholes. It would take too long to enumerate his
diamond and gridiron. Suffice it to say that he has made every athletic team ev
Oglethorpe. He ranks among the best tackles of the South, and in addition to
player has the happy faculty of leading his team mates on to greater efforts.

He is the founder of The Petrel, the athletic paper of the University : one
movers' in the launching of the YAMACRAW, the first college annual. His first interest ahvayi
his college, never too busy at something else when there was something he could do fo:

"His speech is a burning fire"

ith pride to
feats on the

of the


Greenville, Ga.

Instructor in English, 1919-20; Instructor in German, 1919; Yamacraw

Staff, 1920; Petrel Staff, 1919-20; Correspondent for Atlanta Georgian, 1917-

19; Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity; Phi Kappa Delta (Honorary) ; Boar's

Head (Honorary).

"Judge" is' the living embodiment of his
everything. From his nickname you would
but he is far from that. He has
affable attitude. He came to us from the G
lucky one for Oglethorpe.
:)resents the highest type of college man.
loss by graduation will be greatly felt by

"A little diplomacy goes a long way

using policy.

Oglethorpe has been greatly benefited


Atlanta, Ga.

Oglethorpe Players, 1917-19-20; President Oglethorpe Players, 1920;
Yamacraw Staff, 1920; Petrel Staff, 1919-20; Football Squad, 1918-19;
Alpha Lambda Club.

"Charlie" is another ruler of the ladies, who though only twenty-one,
has had the experience of three score and ten to back him. "Charlie" en-
tered Oglethorpe in 1916, after finishing at Boys High School. In all the
plays given by the Oglethorpe Players, "Charlie" has gotten the part that
required the most kissing. "Charlie" should go on the stage. He would
certainly make a success, for with the pull of his friends on the Loew's
Circuit, he could land a good place.

"The very flower of youth"

TURK, LUCAS NEWTON, Jr., "Big Chief"
Homer, Ga.

Varsity Football Team, 1918-19; Varsity Baseball Team, 1919-20; Cap-
tain Baseball Team, 1920; President Athletic Association, 1919-20; Yama-
craw Staff, 1920; Vice-President "0" Club, 1920; Student Proctor, 1920;
Kappa Alpha Fraternity; Phi Kappa Delta (Honorary).

No, he isn't a dusky redskin, despite the fact that his name might indicate
such. He got his name on the warpath all right, by leading Oglethorpe's
fighting nine to victory over many of the South's best teams. He came to
Oglethorpe, from Piedmont College, to join the S. A. T. C. Fortunately,
things around here made a good impression with him, so he has been with
us ever since.

"Here is metal more attractive"



DoTHAN, Ala.

Varsity Football Team, 1917; Y. M. C. A. Council, 1919-20; Pi Kappi
Phi Fraternity; Oglethorpe Orchestra, 1918-19-20; Manager Baseball Team,
1918; Student Proctor, 1920; Boar's Head (Honorary).

Though we have many representatives from that popular little city,
Dothan, Ala., "Joe" was the first to come from there. He must have had a
lot of pull back home, for whenever he came back for another year, he
always brought a lot of fellows along with him. This shows that Joe has
made Oglethorpe a good man. However, we would like to know why he
hasn't brought along a few co-eds. Huh?

"Don't let work interfere with pleasure"


We have here another product of Boys High School. Anderson is a
fellow of rare qualities and many good things may be said of him. He
hasn't been with us long, but we feel sure that when he gets his "dip" and
hies away to some law school, Oglethorpe will have a mighty good man
representing her.

"/ always say just what I think"



This fellow was first seen on the Oglethorpe campus in September of
1917, and from that time on, "Wender" made many friends. He hails from
Boys High School. While at Oglethorpe Wender made a record as a scientist.

"Can we ever have too much of a good thing?"

'Picture unobtainable

GOLDEN, SOLOMON ISAAC, "Solomon," "Bolsheviki"
Atlanta, Ga.

The above countenance was first seen in the far-away land of Lithuania,
on a pretty day, in the good year 1898, made memorable by his birth. By
his interest in Zionism and a few other "isms," "Solomon" has won the title
of "Bolsheviki".

"Let any man speak long enough, and he will get believers"
*Picture unobtainable

LEFKOFF, ISRAEL, "Lefcoffee"

Atlanta, Ga.

Oglethorpe Players, 1918-19.

Though he favor a Bolsheviki or some old time music writer who needed
a haircut, "Lefcoifee" is one of our number, and as such he has done his big
part. He has brought a "storm of applause" from many an audience while
playing with the Oglethorpe Players. We think he will surely supplant
Robert Mantell.

"I'll take the cash; you may credit"

*Picture unobtainable

lO ^i

Senior Class Prophecy

A BODY of young men, twenty-eight in number, constitute the first class
to be graduated by Oglethorpe University. Of this number, each
'and every single man shall be turned and twisted, solemnized and
ridiculed by direful fate.

The utterances that are penned as follows, have been carefully adjusted,
regulated and forestalled by those impartial creatures, whose time is spent
in forming circumstances for mankind, with means unfair and foul, and who
are themselves oft cursed and joked by believer and disbeliever.

Much stupefied and weary, the prophet, who hath received these mock-
eries, begins, for impatient is he to hold in silence, what through vapor
horror he has learned.

Much time with the Muses have I spent.
Little assistance to me they've lent;
The lots are shaken in the urn,
Here's how they fell and what will turn.

Iron Man Bonny, long-drawn, lanky, blandly smiling, good-natured, and
quiet. You are too slow, fate will run over you while you are snoozing.

"Judge" J. Render Terrell, Jr. Although "Judge" can boast no favors
that the Muses have deigned to confer upon him as yet, 'tis certain he's some-
what in love with them.

"His worth, his honor, all the world will approve
His foes will much fear him and friends, aye love."

Dame Fortune is constant only in her own fickleness, and the long list
she here unfolds, encounters one cool, black-haired youth from the south
of the state Neill McLeod. "Mac" is a great fellow and from his industry
we know:

That the pines of South Georgia will tumble and fall.

He'll be a rich man or chop down them all.


"Order is Heaven's first law; and this contest,
Some are and must be greater than the rest.
More rich, more wise; but who infers from hence.
That such are happier; shocks all common sense."

This is the distinction that prognosticates the career of "Little Willie''



"Two little upright, pert, tart tripping wights."


"I've tuned my pipes to playful notes," and may Fortune deal so with
these two: Albus Durham and Sidney Holderness. "God made them for
men, we'll let 'em pass." But beware ye small of stature, your sizes are no
guarantee of your happiness.

"Had I but an hour to live.
This little hour to bliss I'd give."

And this is the boast of Joe Porter Wilson, who will be president of some
; railway company 'ere long.

Use what has been given you well. The prophecy falls upon the brow of
T. Powell Moye, "Whose very foot hath music in it". He is too cunning and
may give the mystic the slip, blessed as he is with power of mind, whose very
hands make leaves tremble.

People sometimes praise me,
Though I must own, as many still,
As far abuse me.

Robert Moore. Beware the sleepy nature of Iron Man Bonny, but pray
associate with those upon whom nature has fully bestowed the power to let
no wish go unheard, and you will imbibe a little glibness of tongue.

"So blithe and glad and with such a lively air" Charlie Tidwell.
Crowns, fiddles, sceptres, decorations for Charlie.

'He will laugh and sing and shake his leg
As lang's he dow."

Junior Class History

S we approach the goal toward which we have been striving for the
past three years, let us glance back to the time we entered college
and briefly review our experiences of those three years.

On September 19, 1917, a memorable day for all of us, some fifty odd
distracted and forlorn bipeds of different degrees of greenness, arrived at
Oglethorpe University to begin their journey along the road of learning, and
soon declared themselves loyal students of that great institution of learning.

It was with pride, indeed, that we took up our classroom duties, as Ogle-
thorpe's second Freshman Class, and it will be with pleasure to look back in
after years, as having been a member of Oglethorpe's student body during
its second year of existence.

The history of our Sophomore year is a unique and varied one in the
annals of the college, in that it is marked by the rise and fall of the Student's
Army Training Corps and the return to civilian life. We worked under
many difficulties until Christmas, returned in January, depleted in number,
to resume our weary burdens, and worked manfully until June, when Summer
vacation began. Some were ambitious enough to return on July 7th to at-
tend summer school, while the remainder of the class spent the summer in
various other ways.

With the opening of college in 1919, we found the class had dwindled to
ten men. Those who returned were of a much more serious nature than ever
before, and they began to realize what they had, apparently, not realized
before; namely, how little they really did know. And so, with the deter-
mination to increase their knowledge, they plunged earnestly into their

Thus, through varied experiences we have arrived at the third crossing
in the pathway of our college life, and though small in number, we warn
the student body of Oglethorpe to "Stop, Look and Listen," for next year
you will hear about, see and feel our influence.

F. K. Sims, Jr., Historian.


Carl I. Pirkle President

Joel H. Price Vice-President

Marquis F. Calmes Secretary and Treasurer

Frank K. Sims, Jr Historian

Junior Class Roll

Marquis F. Calmes
DwiGHT B. Johnson
Lester McClung
Carl I. Pirkle
Joel H. Price
Frank K. Sims, Jr.
Justus T. Trimble
Jesse J. Trimble

Morrow, Ga.
Oglethorpe Players, 1918-19; Varsity Football, 1918-19; Alpha Lambda.
Entered Oglethorpe, 1916.

Atlanta, Ga.
Alpha Omega Club.
Johnson entered Oglethorpe in 1918 from Boys High School, Atlanta Ga.




Clearwater, Fla.
n K $ Fraternity

Entered Oglethorpe in 1917, coming from Clearwater High School.


President Junior Class; n K $ Fraternity.
Entered Oglethorpe, 1918, coming here from Norcross High School.




Locust Grove, Ga.

Vice-President Junior Class; Finance Officer of American Legion at Ogle-
thorpe; Vice-President Y. M. C. A., 1920; Assistant Bookkeeper Oglethorpe
University; Varsity Basketball, 1917; Varsity Tennis, 1919; Boar's Head
(Honorary) ; n K A Fraternity.

Entered Oglethorpe from Locust Grove in 1916.

FRANK K. SIMS, Jr., "Frank"

Dalton, Ga.

Historian Junior Class; Petrel Staff; Orchestra; Oglethorpe Players;
Boar's Head (Honorary) ; n K $.

Entered Oglethorpe, 1919, from Presbyterian College of South Carolina.

Chamblee, Ga.
Alpha Omega Club.
"Jesse" is the other of the famous Trimble twins. He came here in 1916.

Chamblee, Ga.
Alpha Omega Club.
Entered Oglethorpe in 1916.






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The Sophomore Class History

THE real beginning of the Sophomore Class dates back to nineteen
hundred and eighteen, the days of the Student's Army Training Corps.
Excepting the Fall Term, which was mostly taken up in military drill,
and in giving experience to a few newly appointed lieutenants, the record of
the Sophomore Class begins with the opening of the Winter Term, in Janu-
ary, nineteen hundred and nineteen.

It was then that we Sophomores assembled at Oglethorpe to enter upon
a long, perilous journey which terminates with an A.B. degree. From the
first day it was clear that an unusual bunch of Freshmen had arrived.- We
attended exercises and partook of all things generally, but ever being espe-
cially careful to see that our importance and intelligence was at all times
impressed upon the upper-classmen, and the Sophomores in particular. Evi-
dently we must have pressed too hard, for the upper-classmen inaugurated
an emergency court before which many a helpless Freshman was brought
and convicted. With our pride injured a bit, we began to sink gradually
into obscurity, and at the same time effected a gradual recovery from our
drunken conceitedness.

We have a remarkable collection of characters in our class with talents
ranging all the way from athletics through "Bullology," which is proving
one of the most profitable pursuits of the present time. In the fields of
athletics a number of Sophomores have won fame and glory. Among the
first on deck is "Nut" Chestnutt, a splendid athlete, and also our distin-
guished president: and Captain Cecil Lemon, who skillfully guided our nine-
teen-nineteen football team to victory. Another famous athlete to whom we
owe credit is Linton Cooper, better known as "Coop Cooper from Com-
merce". "Cree" Davenport, "Foxy" Knox, and Hugh Turner have deserv-
edly won the glory and praise that has been heaped on them by Oglethorpians
and others who have recognized their ability. There is valuable material
being saved for the future and the ones to whom it is entrusted are "Jule"
Price and "Battle Axe" Walton. It is almost impossible to portray the
Sophomore Class and to depict all the characteristics of its members. If
you could only know the studious "Jamey" Jameson, Harold Trimble, with
all his pomp and manner, the eccentric Tom Morgan, Chas. Newsom and his
wit, "Kid" Sims' sarcasm, our handsome Elwyn Gary, who is a devout ad-
herent to the lighter side of life, particularly the ladies; the critical Mr.
Burns, the grouchy Roy Conine, the well meaning Mr. W. C. Hillhouse, the
good natured Paul Agnew, the conscientious Ernest Moore, the good, easy-
going Kelly Bitting, and all the rest who cannot be explained, you could
begin to understand the Sophomore Class.

Turning to the more serious part of college life, we find that the schol-
astic record of this ill-sorted bunch is beyond reproach. It is one to be
proud of, and there is little danger of it being surpassed in the near future.
In conclusion we feel that the Sophomore Class is a part of, and has
become indispensable to our Alma Mater, and when the opportunity presents
itself, we hope that we may reflect honor and credit on her as our duty for
the preparation and protection that she has given us.

L. 0. Stevens, Historian.



Officers of Sophomore Class

Homer C. Chestnutt President

Cecil M. Lemon Vice-President

Harold C. Trimble Secretary and Treasurer

Linton 0. Stephens Historian

Sophomore Class Roll

p. W. Agnew
W. M. Acton
N. K. Bitting


J. H. Burns
H. C. Chestnutt
S. Cain
P. H. Cahoon
H. L. Cooper
W. R. Conine
J. A. Davenport
F. Y. Fife
E. R. Gary
P. M. Good

D. M. Hayes
L. W. Hope

Sophomore Class Roll

W. B. Jameson


J. S. Knox
C. M. Lemon


E. E. Moore
T. E. Morgan
T. V. Morrison

A. L. McAnally
J. M. McNeill
C. R. Newsom

J. J. Price

C. Sims

C. H. Stewart

B. L. Simpson
H. C. Trimble
H. I. Turner



Freshman Class History

THE Freshman Class came into existence on September 27, 1919, when
the school opened for the 1919-20 session. On November 15th all
the students registered as Freshman were called together for the pur-
pose of organizing the class. Dr. Libby acted as chairman until Ashley
Sellers was elected president, Ford Little, vice-president, and Miss Martha
Shover, secretary and treasurer. Unfortunately though. Sellers, our presi-
dent, only served a short time before he was forced to quit school. Ford
Little then became president of the class, and Wayne Johnson was elected
to the vice-president's place.

There are forty-one members of the Freshman Class. A large percentage
of them have chosen to take the commercial course. However, many of them
enrolled as A.B. students to study classics, literature and science.

In all the various activities of the school, some member of the class has
taken a prominent part.

R. W. Chance was unanimously elected by the student body as the dele-
gate to the great national conference of college students, held at Des Moines,
Iowa, during January of 1920. Later Chance was elected president of the
Y. M. C. A. for the 1920-21 session. Percy Weeks, who holds the honor of
making the highest marks in the University, was elected secretary and
treasurer. Miss Martha and Elise Shover and Anne Lewis were elected
members of the Oglethorpe Players Club. Besides these we are represented
in the orchestra by Chance, Little and Rodriguez. In athletics we are proud
to say that our class has furnished many men to both the varsity and scrub
football teams. Among these are Johnson, Smiley, Morris, Dickens, Bussey
and Crawford.

We are still Freshmen at the bottom of the ladder, but we are coming,
so watch the Class of 1923.

C. E. Crawford, Historian.


Officers of Freshman Class

Ford D. Little Presideni

Wayne C. Johnson Vice-President

Miss Martha Shover Secretary and Treasurer

Charles E. Crawford Historian

Student Activities

OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY opened her doors to the young men of
the South in September, 1916. That has been only four years ago,
and in this brief span of time the student activities of Oglethorpe
have been indeed remarkable, especially her athletic record, which has prob-
ably been the most brilliant of any young college in America.

During the four years Oglethorpe has put out three football elevens,
four baseball teams, one basketball quintet and two track teams. She has
also staged a tennis tournament and engaged in boxing, taught by the master
hand of Hume McDonald, one of America's foremost instructors.

Oglethorpe has made great success in her athletic endeavors, and today
is ranked with the best colleges of the South.

Oglethorpe University also has a strong dramatic club, and for four
successive years has given a play at the Atlanta Theatre, which have brought
niost favorable comment from all sides.

The debating teams have also been active and Oglethorpe has staged two
intercollegiate debates, one with Auburn and the other with Mercer.

A college weekly. The Petrel, has been started, after overcoming many

An orchestra and band are other features of student activities.

j ^gHACR:gg ^

The Hermance Stadium Gift

OGLETHORPE was the recipient of a most liberal donation from two
of her most ardent admirers and benefactors when she received
$50,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Hermance for the erection of
an athletic stadium. This gift was first announced at the big football banquet
held in December, 1919, and which came as a surprise to everyone. Even
the President knew nothing of what was to happen that night. Several months
previous to our bequest, Mr. Hermance had told a group of football men that
he had an ambition to help Oglethorpe raise the $50,000 for a stadium, but
it never occurred to any of them that he and Mrs. Hermance would be the
donors. The students passed resolutions requesting the Board of Directors to
name the stadium Hermance Field in honor of the donors.

The construction of the stadium will follow the architectural policy of
Oglethorpe. It will be constructed of granite as are all the other buildings.
Ultimately we plan to build a stadium the equal of any in the East. And if,
in the future, we find as dear friends as our above-named benefactors, the
success of this plan is certain.

1 ^'^^^

Wearers of the "0" Now in College




1. Nicholes, Bob 3 11. Moore, Robt

2. Johnson, Bill 3 12. Wilson, Joe

3. Cooper, Linton 2 13. Bonny, Henry

4. Chestnutt, Homer ... 2 14. Walton, "Battle Axe

5. Lemon, Cecil 2 15. Duffy, Ernest

6. Davenport, "Cree" ... 2 16. Smiley, Jack

7. Knox, John 2 17. Morris, Hal

1 8. Turner, Hugh 2 18. Sims, "Kid"

. 2
. 1
. 1
' 2

9. Turk, "Chief" 2 19. Cat.mes, Marquis ....

Ip 10. DE Jarnette, "Peter". 1 20. Johnson, Wayne

21. Kidwell, Harry



t 1. Nicholes, Bob 3 8. Knox, John

[ 2. Hope, Lucian 2 9. Lemon, Cecil

r] 3. DE Jarnette, "Peter". 3 10. Chestnutt, Homer ..

Wl 4. Johnson, Bill 2 11. Walton, "Battle Axe

f+i 5. Sims, Kid 1 12. Price, "Jule"


6. Moore, Bob 1 13. Davenport, "Cree" . .

7. McNeill, D. C 1 14. Turk, "Chief"


1 li!



1; 1. Nicholes, Bob 1 3. Maddox, W. C

1 1

n 2. Price, "Daddy" 1 4. Maddox, M. A

' 1



vSl years

'jj 1. DE Jarnette, "Peter". 1





1. Lemon, Cecil 1 2. Price, "Daddy"



Coach Anderson

IT was indeed a lucky day for Oglethorpe when Coach Frank B. Anderson
decided to cast his lot with her. It took a brave man to decide on such
a task, for the school was in its infancy, and had practically no athletic
future at that time. But that is just the kind of a man our beloved coach is,
always ready to shoulder any burden provided Oglethorpe was the cause.

He came to us from an Atlanta High School in 1917, a graduate of the
University of Georgia, where he made a baseball record paralleled by none.
Since his connection with the college was to be permanent, the Faculty gave
lim the position of athletic director and coach of the baseball, football and
track teams.

From material which seemed valueless Coach Anderson has made some
wonderful athletes. Being confronted with obstacles which, to the ordinary
coach, would seem impossible to overcome, Anderson has bravely faced them,
and in nearly every case has come out on top. Time and again he has been
complimented on the showing of his young teams, and all their credit be-
longs to him.

When it comes to baseball Frank Anderson is the leader among Southern
college coaches. He takes his hat off to none. He has always studied the
game from every angle, and played it fairly and success has been his reward.
In regard to the other sports which he coaches, he does not profess to be the
best, but his 1919 showings in football, and 1919 track men surely give him
much credit.

He is the boy's pal, a boy amongst boys : their coach, leader, and adviser.
We all love him for what he has done for us, and admire him as a man among
men for the difficult tasks he has so worthily accomplished.



Coach Malone

M Coach Anderson's right hand man in football for the past two sea-
sons, as assistant coach of the Petrels.

One becomes immediately attached to "Punk" because of his genial per-
sonality and his simple ways. He is a friend of every man, even down to the
humblest scrub.

He has been a valuable aid to Coach Anderson, especially in developing
the varsity line and bringing out the fighting qualities of the scrub team.
One of "Punk's" heart-to-heart talks with the fellows just before a game does
more good than a barrel of nuxated iron.

"Punk" formerly played with the University of Georgia, where he made
a brilliant football record, and was honored with an All-Southern position
by many football critics of the South.


Athletic Association Officers

L. Newton Turk President

LuciAN W. Hope Vice-President

William C. Johnson Secretary and Treasurer


"0" Club Officers

ROBT. G. NiCHOLES President

L. Newton Turk Vice-President

Clifford Sims Secretary and Treasurer

THE "0" Club was founded on February 6, 1920, through the efforts
of Mr. Frank B. Anderson, Faculty athletic director and coach, and
several prominent athletes of the University.

The object of the club is to aid in uplifting the ideals and standards in
college athletics, which Oglethorpe has acquired and desires to maintain.

Only men who have made the varsity "0" in some form of athletics, rec-
ognized by the athletic council, are eligible for membership in the club.

0" Club

Bob Nicholes
W. Shaw
J. J. Price
L. W. Hope
M. F. Calmes
H. M. Bonny
Hal Morris
L. N. Turk
M. A. Maddox
*C. M. Lemon
*J. S. Knox
H. L. Cooper
Wayne Johnson

C. Sims

J. P. Wilson
0. C. Walton
W. C. Johnson
N. M. DE Jarnette
W. C. Maddox
H. I. Turner

D. C. McNeill
Jack Smiley

A. J. Davenport
H. E. Chestnutt
J. H. Price
R. A. Moore


Not in picture



.ui^x^ e


^ = E ^-^ 1




J .d>d^






tr J^llll



1 !



Captain Cec
. J. Smiley,

slant coach;
A. Moore,
Price, G.



r^ffilBsK "




w, lef

es, L.

utt, R

0. C
F. C







Bob Nicholes has been the outstanding
player on every football team in the history of
Oglethorpe. As a tackle he ranks with the
best in the South and had he been playing on
a college with more reputation, would no
doubt have made all-Southern. He has played
every minute of every game for three years
at right tackle. The Florida coach saw fit to
say "there's the best tackle I have seen this
year." He is a big aggressive player, weigh-
ing 190 lbs., a hard charger and a demon on
defense. It would take too long to enumerate
his deeds, so suffice it to say that he has earned
a place in Oglethorpe history which future
players and coaches will refer to when telling
about the "high spots" of previous glorious

By his graduation this year he leaves a hole
on the right side of the line which will call
for a mighty man to fill.

Vale, Bob! and good luck to you.

Bob is twenty years old and was captain of
the 1918 team.

Frank B. Anderson.

William C. Johnson, or "Bill," as he is most
affectionately known by all Oglethorpe men, is
a man and athlete, the like of which we do
not see often. Bill is a credit to any college
he represents. For three years since Ogle-
thorpe started football, he has played on the
team, and has always given the best he had.
He has the distinction of scoring the first
touch-down ever made by an Oglethorpe man.
In addition to being a good athlete. Bill has
never failed to stand at the head of his classes,
proving that athletics and studies will mix if
handled correctly. Bill Johnson graduates, but
he leaves a mark future Petrels should seek to

Bill is an Atlanta boy, twenty years old, and
weighs 160 lbs.


Linton Cooper, or "Coop" as he is familiarly
known, plays left tackle for the Petrels. He
has played two years on the team, and today
stands as one of the best tackles in the South.
"Coop" is an ideal build for a tackle; tall,
rangy and fast. His work in the Citadel game
caused the Charleston papers to say he was the
best tackle seen in that city during the season.

Cooper and Nicholes made a pair of tackles
that bore the brunt of the Oglethorpe defense
and penetrated every line.

"Coop" Cooper hails from Commerce, Ga.,
is nineteen years old, weighs 185 lbs., and is
alternate captain of the 1920 team.

Newton "Chief" Turk is a good football
player, but has not been allowed to show his
real ability, because Coach Anderson did not
care to take many chances with his great pitch-
ing arm. Turk is an all-Southern pitcher, and
Oglethorpe needed him more for baseball than
football. However, he has made the team both
years since entering college, and will be missed
when graduation causes his loss. His work
against Auburn in 1918 stamped him as a real
football player.

"Chief" is twenty-one years old, and weighs
170 lbs.

Hugh Turner has been the regular left half-
back of the Petrels for the last two years.
Hugh came from Tech High School, where he
had a brilliant athletic record. He is a good,
dependable man, and his defensive work is
above par. The "little man" especially showed
class in the game with Chattanooga.

Hugh is only nineteen, and scales at 155.


Homer C. Chestnutt, or "Chess," has held
down left-end on the varsity for the past two
seasons, and has done it well. "Chess" is a
good snatcher of forward passes and his goal
kicking is excellent. The very difficult angle
from which he kicked goal after the touch-
down in the Florida game will never be for-
gotten by his team mates.

"Chess" is from Columbus, Ga., weighs 150,
and is twenty-one years old.

Ernest H. Duffy claims Morrow, Ga., as his
home town. He has been a lineman for the
Petrels for the past two years. Duffy had no
prep school experience, but by hard work he
clearly earned the right to wear the varsity
"O." He did great work in the Camp Gordon
game on Thanksgiving morning in 1918.

Ernest is twenty-one years old, and scales
at 175.

Robert "Scrappy" Moore is another Petrel
who has seen service with Uncle Sam. In
1917, as a member of Oglethorpe's first foot-
ball team, "Scrappy" was a mainstay at full-
back. In 1918 he was in the nav)-, but the
1919 season found him back in college where
he again made the block "O."

Scrappy is twenty-three, and weighs 154. He
will also be lost by graduation.



Ralph "Dixie" Reeves, the Petrels' right-end,
is one of the gamest and best ends that ever
stepped on a gridiron. His work during the
year brought favorable comment wherever
Oglethorpe played. The tackling of Reeves
was deadly, and in the Thanksgiving game with
Florida he showed what real "guts" are.

Dixie is twenty-two years old, weighs 146,
and claims Atlanta and Cartersville as home.

Clifford Sims, or just "Kid," was the quar-
ter-back of the 1919 Petrels. "Kid" came to us
in 1916 from Gordon, where he had made a
great rep. After pitching on the first baseball
team, Sims answered the call of his country
and served in France two years. However, he
returned in the fall of 1919, and made Coach
Anderson a dependable little quarter-back, and
was probably the best blocker on the team.

"Kid" calls Richland, Ga., home, is twenty-
three years old, and scales at 150.



Wayne Johnson bears the distinction of
coming from Easley, S. C. Before entering
Oglethorpe, he was a lieutenant in the S. A.
T. C. at Yale. This did not keep him from
coming out for football though, and before the
year was over he had made a berth on the
varsity squad. While a little inexperienced at
the game, Johnson shows promise, and he will
surely put Easley on the map before he leaves

Wayne is nineteen years old, and weighs 175.

Robert Collins came to Oglethorpe from Car-
tersville, Ga. He had never played football be-
fore, so was naturally green at the game. How-
ever, Collins was ambitious and faithful to
practice. These qualities, together with his
especially his feet, caused him to get
in many games at a guard position.

Robert is twenty-one, and weighs 185.

N. Meredith de Jainette, commonly known
as "Peter," was manager of the 1919 Petrels.
In this capacity he served faithfully, and his
efforts were always for the best interest of
Oglethorpe. "Peter" was a member of the 1917
team, but was too light for the later teams.
He graduates this year and has always taken
a wholesome interest in all kinds of athletics.

"Peter" hails from Norcross, Ga.

Maiquis Calmes, the youngest of the Petrel
gridiron warriors, has always had ambition
since entering Oglethorpe to make his letter.
After two years of faithful scrubbing, he has
been justly rewarded with a block "O". Mar-
quis got in several games at an end position,
and while a bit inexperienced, shows promise
for the future. He will bear watching in 1920.

Marquis weighs 150, and is only seventeen.

The 1919 Football Team

HE 1919 season was a huge success, and yet it
was not a complete success. It was decidedly the
hardest luck season that any Oglethorpe athletic
team ever experienced. Not from the standpoint of in-
juries, however, for in this respect the Petrels were very

Games were almost won and then lost with the play of
fate. Many times the Petrels would be within striking
distance of the opponent's goal where a touchdown would
mean victory, and then a fumble or something would
happen. Forward passing caused Oglethorpe's downfall
in several games.

The team was also handicapped by playing every
game, except the one with Mercer away from home, and
this called for much traveling. The Petrels covered
over 3,000 miles during the season, traveling all over
the South, playing in Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia
and Florida. While Oglethorpe lost more games than
she won, the Petrels made a lasting impression wherever
they appeared, not only by their athletic prowess, but
for the gentlemanly way in which they conducted them-
selves at all times.

Captain Lemon

The season opened with a practice game with the heavy
Fifth Division team of Camp Gordon. Overconfidence and lack of teamwork
spelled defeat for Oglethorpe.

Next came the first college game of the year when Oglethorpe met Furman
University in Greenville, S. C. Here again poor team work, aided by the
mediocre referee, caused defeat, 13 to 0. The work of Knox, Cooper, Reeves
and Captain Lemon featured.

Then followed the University of Chattanooga in that city to whom Ogle-
thorpe handed their second successive defeat by a score of 19 to 0. The
Petrels improved considerably over their play in the Furman game, and
Captain Lemon, Knox, Turner, Sims, Collins, Nicholes and Cooper all did
good work.

The game with Mercer was the most important, from an Oglethorpe stand-
point, of the season. Here the Petrels were to play their only home game of
the year before their supporters. What would they do? She completely
routed the Mercer team by the huge score of 73 to 0. The Baptists never
had a chance, and only made one first down during the game. To mention
any particular star would not be fair to the others, as the whole team played
top-notch ball, and Coach Anderson used his whole team, including the
scrubs, before the game ended.

The wonderful showing against Mercer put added enthusiasm in the
Petrels, and they determined to win every remaining game on the schedule.

They received a set-back, however, when they met the heavy Maryville Col-
lege team, at Maryville, Tenn., and were there defeated 14 to 7. The ^vork
of Nicholes, Sims, Davenport and Knox featured for Oglethorpe.

Next came the game with Sewanee, at Sewanee, Tenn., which was the real
test of the Oglethorpe team. Sewanee won 21 to 0, and was the only team
to really outclass the Petrels during the season. However, the Petrels once
held the Tigers for four straight downs on their two-foot line. The work of
Reeves, Knox and Cooper in this game was brilliant.

Then followed a long trip on which the C. C. A. C. was played in Sa-
vannah, and the Citadel in Charleston, S. C. Oglethorpe played off form
and lost the Savannah game, 12 to 0. The defensive work of Nicholes fea-
tured. The Citadel encounter resulted in a tie, though the Petrels
should have won by at least two touchdowns. In the fourth quarter, Citadel
staged a great rally, after being completely outclassed the first three periods,
and only the brilliant defensive work of Cooper, Nicholes and Reeves staved
off defeat. Cooper especially did good work in backing up the line at defen-
sive center. The Charleston papers lauded the work of "Coop" and declared
him to be the best tackle they had seen that season in Charleston.

The Thanksgiving game in Gainesville, Fla., with the University of Flor-
ida proved to be one that Oglethorpe will never forget. Outweighed nearly
20 pounds to the man, with all odds against them, and the temperature 90
degrees, the Petrels went into play, determined to fight. The hard luck team,
as stated in the first of this story, was never more in evidence than in this
game. Oglethorpe completely outplayed the 'Caters and outclassed them in
every department of play, yet they lost 14 to 7. The Petrels made more first
downs, gained more yards, and kept the powerful 'Cater team on the defen-
sive most of the game. However, Fate took a hand, and space forbids to tell
how the Petrels were "nosed" out of a victory.

The work of Knox proved conclusively that he ranks with the best backs
of the South. Walton, Reeves, Cooper, Turner, Chestnutt, Captain Lemon
and Sims all did good work. E. Moore, playing his first college game, did

Bob Nicholes, at right tackle, closed his Oglethorpe football career in a
blaze of glory. He was declared by the Florida coach to be the best tackle
he had seen during the season. His work was easily the feature of the game.
Bob has played in every football game for the past three years, and has never
missed a minute from the line-up in any game.

Summing up the year, the Petrels made such a great showing that in 1920
they will have such teams as Tech, Georgia, Sewanee and Florida on their
schedule. Due credit must be given the line who held like a stone wall all
season. Only two touchdowns were made through the Petrel line the whole

Record of 1919 Season Follows:

Fifth Division Camp Gordon, 26 Maryville, 14 Oglethorpe, 7

Oglethorpe, Sewanee, 21 Oglethorpe,

Furman, 13 Oglethorpe, C. C. A. C, 12 Oglethorpe,

Chattanooga, Oglethorpe, 19 Citadel, Oglethorpe,

Mercer, Oglethorpe, 73 Florida, 14 Oglethorpe, 7


1918 Football Team

URING the 1918 season Oglethorpe was blessed
with the existence of the S. A. T. C, which
brought about three hundred boys to the college.
Coach Anderson and Captain Bob Nicholes determined to
take full advantage of the greatly increased enrollment
and put Oglethorpe on the football map of the South.
With an average of thirty men reporting each afternoon,
it was much more encouraging than with the meager
handful that was out in 1917. Oglethorpe opened the
season on the local campus with a practice game by de-
feating Boys' High School 19 to in easy fashion. Next
game the big Camp Gordon team was played, and again
Oglethorpe was outclassed 55 to 0, largely through the
brilliant playing of the famous Everett Strupper. While
the hard Camp Gordon game "bunged" the team up con-
siderably, the Petrels had little trouble in defeating Tech
High School 21 to in a practice game.

With the squad still in a crippled condition. Coach
Anderson took the men to Auburn for a game with Mike
Donahoo's Plainsmen. While the Petrels were decisively
defeated, 58 to 0, they won the respect of everyone who saw the battle, when
in the last minutes of the game, although outweighed and crippled, they held
the heavy Auburn team for eight consecutive downs on their one-foot line.
Captain Nicholes, Lemon and Turk did the best work for Oglethorpe.

Next came a game with the heavy Non-Com. School team of Camp Gordon,
which Oglethorpe lost through unfairness of the officials, 13 to 6.

Then Dahlonega was played on the local campus, where the Petrels got
ample revenge for the 1917 defeat, when they trounced the Mountaineers 28 to
in a pouring rain.

Now came the time for Oglethorpe to make her first official bow to the
Atlanta football public, when she played the University of Chattanooga at
Grant Field. The Moccasins came down for a practice game, but left
decisively beaten 39 to 0, being able to make only one first down. The
entire team played brilliantly, but Knox, Lemon and Cooper were the bright

Captain Nicholes

A return game was played Thanksgiving morning with the Non-Coms. of
Camp Gordon. The brilliant Chattanooga victory had caused a relax in the
team, and with four regulars out of the line-up, except for the superhuman
efforts of Captain Nicholes and Lemon, Oglethorpe would have gone down
in defeat. The Petrels won on a thrilling last-minute safety by a score of
9 to 7.

In passing, it might be said that the 1918 team did put the Petrels in the
football limelight, and was directly responsible for the hard schedule
arranged for 1919.

Boys High School, Oglethorpe, 19

Camp Gordon, 55 Oglethorpe,

Tech High School, Oglethorpe, 21

Auburn, 58 Oglethorpe,

Non-Coms. Camp Gordon, 13

Oglethorpe, 6

Dahlonega, Oglethorpe, 28

Chattanooga, Oglethorpe, 39

Non-Coms. Camp Gordon, 7. Oglethorpe, 9

Varsity Football Squad, 1918

Top row, left to right Coach Anderson, Captain Bob Nicholes, C. M.
Lemon, J. S. Knox, A. J. Davenport, H. C. Chestnutt, 0. C. Walton, T. E.
Camp, W. R. Brannon, R. Gaston. Bottom row L. N. Turk, C. C. Mason,
A. F. Laird, G. Q. Reynolds, J. C. Lane, W. C. Johnson, W. D. Poe, H. L
Turner, W. J. Boswell, F. M. Fambrough, E. H. Duffy.



1917 Football Team


, NE morning, early in October, 1917, Mr. Frank B.
] Anderson addressed the students of Oglethorpe
concerning the possibility of Oglethorpe attempt-
ing to put out a football team. Could she do it?

It was already late to start practice, only about seventy
boys were in college, and no schedule arranged. It was
certainly not encouraging, but about twenty men offered
Coach Anderson their support, and practice started. W. J.
Boswell of Greensboro, was elected captain of the first
football team.

After two weeks of practice, the first game was played
with the Fifth District A. & M. School on the Oglethorpe
campus, which resulted in a victory for Oglethorpe by the
score of 18 to 0. Bill Johnson had the honor of making
the first touchdown ever made by an Oglethorpe man.
Captain Boswell, Johnson, Simpson, and Nicholes fea-
tured in the victory.

The second game was played against the great Camp
Gordon team that had Bob McWhorter and Kirk Newel
in their line-up. While the Petrels fought gamely, they
were outclassed 53 to 0.

The third and last game was played in Dahlonega against the N. G. A.
College, where Oglethorpe was defeated 18 to 0, mainly through over-con-

While the season was no great success, it was the start of Oglethorpe's
football teams which were destined to rank with the best in the South.

Captain Boswell

Varsity Football Squad, 1917

Oglethorpe's first football team. Left to right, standing Coach Ander-
son, N. M. de Jarnette, G. B. Thompson, H. M. Bonny, F. S. Wilkerson, man-
ager; W. C. Johnson, J. R. Murphy, A. F. Laird. Kneeling W. B. William-
son, J. P. Wilson, R. A. Moore, F. D. Thompson, Captain W. J. Boswell, E.
Jones, R. G. Nicholes. Sitting J. C. Lane, C. C. Mason, B. F. Hawkins.

The Scrub


When the football season rolls around,
Some loyal fellow can be found.
Who is ready to die and do his best.
That his Alma Mater may mount the crest.

The season has not made much advance.
When he sees that he has not a chance
To make the team, the varsity, that season.
But he is out fighting, fighting for a reason.

And this is the reason you all may know:
He's fighting that glory for his college will glow;
He knows that when the scrub team was good.
Just that much higher the varsity stood.

Though he be battered and torn apart,
Not one time does he ever lose heart.
And by many he is often called a dub,
But all hail to the ever fighting scrub.


1^ ^

1920 Baseball Team

f^*\ OACH ANDERSON was determined that the fourth
i baseball team of Oglethorpe University should

^^ be one that would be a strong contender for S. I.
A. A. honors. The record to date has been impressive,
but the team has just begun to play real baseball and
before the season ends Oglethorpe should rank with the
best half dozen college teams of the South.

In Captain Turk and Hope the Petrels have probably

G'jB the best college battery in the S. I. A. A. Turk has
\ W pitched five college games to date, striking out fifty-five
fi >M men and allowing only twenty-five hits. These were
|ffln against some of the strongest teams in the South, and
^K with proper support he no doubt would have won all his
H games. As a catcher Lucian Hope is a man of rare
V ability.
^L Getting away to a bad start Oglethorpe lost the first

three games of the season to Georgia and Auburn. Then
came the game with Georgia Tech which surprised every-
one but Coach Anderson and his fighting men. On Saturday, April 10th,
Oglethorpe defeated Tech 5 to 1, at Grant Field before a crowd of about
2,500 people. Captain Turk held the hard-hitting Jackets at his mercy, al-
lowing only two clean hits and striking out nine men.

The whole team played great ball, but we must take space to mention the
work of Hope, Davenport, Carlisle, and Willis, who aided greatly in the

Mercer was played a thrilling twelve-inning, 3 to 3 tie-game at Macon, in
which Turk deserved an easy win.

Oglethorpe opened the South Carolina trip with a 4 to 1 victory over
Furman at Greenville, Turk again being master of the situation.

Rain has hampered the progress of the Petrels, causing changes in the

1920 Varsity Baseball Team

Left to right, top row F. D. Little, pitcher; J. S. Knox, first base;
R. G. Nicholes, outfield; C. C. Smith, pitcher; C. Sims, right field; F. B.
Anderson, coach. Middle row A. J. Davenport, second base; Captain L. N.
Turk, pitcher; H. C. Chestnutt, short stop; P. W. Willis, outfield; L. W.
Hope, catcher; 0. C. Walton, third base. Bottom row J. J. Price, infield;
C. M. Lemon, left field; Geo. Tally, assistant manager; R. L. Carlyle, center
field; A. Durham, infield.

Complete 1920 record and schedule:

Games played to date: Results:

March 31 Georgia in Athens Georgia 6, Oglethorpe 1

April 1 Georgia in Atlanta rained out

April 2 Auburn in Atlanta Auburn 7, Oglethorpe 4

April 3 Auburn in Atlanta Auburn 3, Oglethorpe 1

April 9 Georgia Tech in Atlanta rained out

April 10 Georgia Tech in Atlanta Tech 1, Oglethorpe 5

April 15 Mercer in Macon .... Mercer 3, Oglethorpe 3 (12 innings)

April 16 Mercer in Macon rained out

April 19 Furman in Greenville Furman 1, Oglethorpe 4

Games yet to be played:

20 Furman in Greenville.

21 University of South Carolina in Columbia.

22 University of South Carolina in Columbia.

23 Erskine in Due West.

24 Newberry in Newberry.

27 Maryville in Atlanta (double-header).

29 Georgia in Atlanta.

5 Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

6 Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

7 Auburn in Auburn.
-Auburn in Auburn.
13 Mercer in Macon (pending).
14 Mercer in Macon (pending).


1919 Baseball Team

Catcher Walton

Pitchers Turk, Mason and Holbrook

1st Base Reynolds (Captain)

2nd Base Davenport

3rd Base Reid

Short-stop Chestnutt

Right Field Lemon

Center Field Nicholes and Scott

Left Field Knox and Johnson, Wm.

Substitutes . . . Cooper, L. A., Price, J. J., de Jarnette
W. J. BoswELL Manager

Note: No picture ever made of this team.

1919 Baseball Season

THE 1919 baseball season was the best that Ogle-
thorpe has ever experienced. Seventeen college

\^J A games were played, and the Petrels made a good

^j3L impression wherever they appeared. Oglethorpe met

^""^x some of the best college teams in the South, and their

record shows that they have improved wonderfully in
three years.

Three men in particular played brilliantly all season
and were the mainstays of the season. These were Cap-
tain "Snake" Reynolds, on first; Cecil Lemon, right field,
and "Big Chief" Turk, all-Southern pitcher.

Captain Reynolds proved himself to be about the best
first sacker in the South, and batted about 325 easily
the best batter of any initial guardian around these parts.

Lemon was a first-class outfielder, and a strong batter.
Cecil looked good to hit over .350, but an unexpected
slump just at the close of the season brought his average
down to .315.

"Chief" Turk was the "find" of the season, and his
work was truly remarkable. With proper support he
would have won nearly every game he pitched. In the
ten college games he twirled, "Chief" compiled a grand
total of 110 strike-outs, and fifty-five hits, an average of
eleven strike-outs a game and less than six hits. For his
great work he was honored on several all-Southern picks.

Oglethorpe opened the season in Athens, with the University of Georgia
in a two-game series. The first game Georgia won 10 to 0, when Turk was
given rotten support by his mates, who seemed to have stage fright. How-
ever, he struck out ten men and only gave up seven hits. The next day the
Petrels staged a grand come-back, with Holbrook pitching; they tied Georgia
2 to 2. The work of Chestnutt was great in this series.

Then the Petrels took a trip into South Carolina, playing five games, and
winning three. In the first game with Furman at Greenville, Turk held the
Hornets in check, and Oglethorpe won 8 to 2. Jack Reed's triple with the
bases loaded was the feature of the game. Furman turned the tables the
next day, and won 9 to 0.

From Greenville, the Petrels went to Clinton, the old home of Dr. Jacobs,
to meet P. C. of S. C. in a two-game series. Oglethorpe won the first game
6 to 1, and Turk fanned eighteen men. The next day, Turk tried an iron-man
stunt, and twirled again. He had the Presbyterians beaten until the ninth
inning, when a critical error gave Presbyterian College the game, 4 to 3.

Newberry College was scheduled for the next day, but the game was
rained out. Then Oglethorpe went on to Columbia, where they met the
Carolina Game Cocks. It was a beautiful game, and for eight innings, neither

Captain Reynolds





side scored. In the ninth inning. Captain Reynolds singled, took second, and
scored on a double by Nicholes, who was sent in as a pinch hitter. This
proved to be the only run of the game, and Oglethorpe won, 1 to 0.

On this trip, Turk made a record that few college pitchers can equal.
"Chief" pitched four games in six days, winning three of the four and striking
out fifty-six men. With proper support, he should have won all four games,
as he pitched great ball.

After the South Carolina trip came a two-game series in Atlanta with the
University of Alabama, the only appearance of the Petrels at home. Though
Oglethorpe played the Crimson much closer games than many other colleges,
she was simply outclassed, and lost both games, 6 to 2, and 5 to 2. Alabama
finally won the undisputed championship of the S. I. A. A., losing only one
game the entire season.

Then followed two games with Auburn; with Turk pitching steady ball,
the umpire missed several close ones, and Auburn nosed out the first in the
ten-inning game, 3 to 2. The Tigers easily won the second game, 6 to 1. The
batting of Reynolds and Knox featured.

For the second time during the season, the Petrels completely blew up at
Macon when they were routed in the first game by Mercer, 11 to 1. How-
ever, similar to the Georgia series, Oglethorpe staged another grand come-
back in the second game, and would have won except for the marked gener-
osity of the umpire. Mercer won, 3 to 1.

The four last games of the season were played in Birmingham with How-
ard College and Birmingham Southern. Oglethorpe won the first Howard
game, 1 to 0, as a result of Davenport's triple and Turk's pitching. "Chief"
gave up only one hit; Howard won the second game, 3 to 2.

The first game with Birmingham Southern College, Oglethorpe won
5 to 2, and Turk pitched a no-hit game. He received ample reward for his
efforts from a certain good-looking Birmingham girl.

The last game was pitched by "Claud" Mason, who closed his career as a
Petrel. Mason pitched great ball, and deserved to win as a fitting tribute to
his splendid athletic record at Oglethorpe, but was accorded rotten support,
and the Petrels lost, 4 to 3. Thus ended the 1919 baseball season.

The complete record follows:

Georgia, 10 Oglethorpe, Auburn, 3 Oglethorpe, 2

Georgia, 2 Oglethorpe, 2 Auburn, 6 Oglethorpe, 1

f;"^"' 2 Oglethorpe, 8 Mercer, 11 Oglethorpe, 1

pT^"f r V Oglethorpe, Mercer, 3 Oglethorpe, 1

i,- 'x- "l 5- C' 1 Oglethorpe, 6 Howard, Oglethorpe, 1

P. C. of S. C, 4 Oglethorpe, 3 Howard, 3 Oglethorpe, 2

South Carolina, Oglethorpe, 1 Birmingham, 2 Oglethorpe, 5

Alabama, 6 Oglethorpe, 2 Birmingham, 4 Oglethorpe, 3

Alabama, 5 Oglethorpe, 2


1918 Baseball Team

THE season of 1918 was Oglethorpe's first real
baseball year, for it was not until this year that
she won a place in the S. I. A. A. The season
and also that year's playing was featured by "Red"
Wingo's playing, who later made good as a big-leaguer.
"Red" owes much of his later success to the training of
Coach Anderson. He held down the third sack for most
of the season. Hope was all-Southern material this year
nd won the hearts of all baseball fans by his wonderful

The season opened with Georgia Tech. This was
mostly a practice game in which the Yellow Jackets de-
feated the Petrels by a close score. After Tech came
Davidson College, with one of the season's best teams.
They had little trouble defeating the Oglethorpians, who
showed they lacked "pep," and were a little green at the

The first trip of the season was to Clemson College,
and it was not until this game that the Petrels really
showed that they could play ball. Clemson was predi-
cated to be the S. I. A. A. champs, and on their own "back yard" they were
sure to win. But everything went against the dope, and with Mason's good
pitching and jam-up support from his team mates, the Petrels came out vic-
tors by the score of 3 to 2. On the next day Clemson won by the count of
7 to 6.

Then came the great team from Tennessee, who thought they could crush
the Georgia bunch. But they were mistaken, for the Petrels played the
game of their life, and defeated Vanderbilt 1 to 0, in one of the prettiest
games of the season.

The next, opened with Dahlonega, and much to our disgust we let the
little mountain team defeat us in the first day's game 4 to 2, but only to come
back strong the next day with a 4 to victory.

It was now Clemson's chance for revenge, and she took advantage of it
by completely routing the Petrels in two games at Ponce de Leon Park. The
Gold and Black bunch were away out of tune and played like "kids." How-
ever, they succeeded in defeating Dahlonega at Grant Field, 4 to 1, the next

Although the scores were against us in most cases, the reader must con-
sider the teams we played that year, and also remember it was the Petrel's
first showing.

Varsity Baseball Team, 1918

Coach Anderson, Captain L. W. Hope, catcher; A. H. "Red" Wingo, third
base and pitcher; R. G. Nicholes, right field; *E. Warwick, pitcher; C. C.
Mason, second base and pitcher; G. 0. Reynolds, first base. Bottom row
S. B. Pollock, left field; D. C. McNeill, outfield; W. C. Johnson, short stop;
N. M. de Jarnette, center field.
* Deceased

Red Wingo, 1918

AMONG the candidates out for the team of 1918,
was seen a husky lad of about nineteen years,
wearing a New York uniform, with crimson stock-
ings. He had a mighty swing, which usually met some-
thing more substantial than the air. And throw a base-
ball well, it took our first baseman fully three weeks
before his hand became tough enough to withstand the
streak of lightning. This red-headed boy was none other
than the famous "Red" Wingo, brother to the big Cin-
cinnati catcher.

"Red" made a wonderful showing in college baseball,

nhe actually set things afire. His ability to crack the ball
for several bases was remarkable, and his style was all
that could be asked of any Southern Leaguer.
He was soon a member of Charlie Frank's crew, and
while with Atlanta lead the team in batting. You just
't hold a good man down, so "Red" next went to the big league, and is
now making good with the Philadelphia Athletics.


an Mtmotp of

Crnesit lartoicfe

2forn J^cccmtjcr 6, 1897
J^ici august 18. 1918

^tar ^outlipaU) of tfje 1918 Petrels

a ^plentrtb athlete of
Sterling Character

Ctjougl) l^e tjai PaiSgeb from <ur Jjaibjit

^ii efforts! in ^eijalf of O^gletfiorpe

tnill Htnser Mtimpi


k3 ^i

1917 Baseball Team

I for her first baseball team. This was the first year

N the Spring of 1917, Oglethorpe started practice

^BT of the University's existence, and although the ath-

" ^ letic authorities thought best for Oglethorpe not to at-

tempt a football team the first season, it was decided to
make a stand in baseball.

Six college games were played, and while Oglethorpe
did not win a game, she did put up a creditable showing,
considering her handicaps.

Hugh Ricks, of Thomasville, Ga., who played short-
H '' stop, was elected captain of Oglethorpe's first team.

I ' '* Other members included Lucian Hope, "Snake" Reynolds,

^ |H "Kid" Sims, "Cap" Boswell, Claud Mason, Bob Nich-

H W oles, and "Peter" de Jarnette. Hope, the catcher, was

I IL ^^^ "find" of the team.

^ ^QiV Frank Anderson was appointed coach late in the sea-

Captain Ricks son, and immediately began to lay plans for the 1918
team, as very few colleges could be gotten for 1917.
However, Tech, Georgia, and Clemson met and defeated the Petrels by the
respective scores of 6 to 3, 7 to 0, and 9 to 2. A Florida trip was made,
where Palmer College won three games, aided by league athletes, who were
in training at De Funiak Springs.

The 1917 Baseball Squad

Oglethorpe's first baseball team. Left to right, standing Dewitt Forbes,
B. I. Morris, T. B. Burks, D. C. McNeill, L. H. Owens, J. R. Murphy, W. J.
Boswell, T. E. Edwards, Captain Hugh Ricks, J. A. Heck, L. W. Hope, P. A.
Watkins, W. S. Jacobs, Jr., 0. C. Rocquemore. Kneeling F. S. Wilkerson,
T. E. Barton, M. T. Nicholes, J. J. Trimhie, H. C. King, F. C. Thompson,
G. E. Caldwell, M. A. Maddox, S. Holderness, Jr. Sitting W. S. Shaw, C. C.
Mason, A. G. Bearse, R. G. Nicholes, N. M. de Jarnette, G. 0. Reynolds, E. H.
Duffy, G. H. Verner.

OGLETHORPE University had never done
very much in the line of track work until
the Spring of 1919, when she entered her
first team in the S. I. A. A. meet held at Georgia
Tech. This team was composed of six men, and
all of them did credit to the University, for they did
their best. But to one do we especially owe much
praise, for his hard and steady work, and finally
for winning the 100-yard dash in the big meet. We
refer to none other than 1920 track Captain Mere-
dith de Jarnette, of Norcross, Ga.

Tennis Tournament

OGLETHORPE'S first tennis tournament was held in the Spring of
1919, and proved to be most successful. It was a novelty, for it
was our first. However, great enthusiasm was shown and heated
matches were pulled off. All the matches were watched by large galleries in
spite of the extremely hot weather for that season of the year. Coach Ander-
son acted as referee. After the drudgery of the first few matches was over,
the tournament proved most exciting, both in the doubles and in the singles.

The winners were not hard to pick, for all during the tournament they
played a wonderful game, easily defeating all opponents. It was not until
the finales that they encountered any great difficulty and after a grueling
match, Lemon and Price finally defeated their opponents, winning the
doubles honors.

The singles were not as exciting as they might have been, for few of the
contestants were in any kind of condition. Lemon and Price again had to
fight it out, but not this time for double honors. Price fought hard but was
finally snowed under by the champion for 1919, Cecil Lemon.


Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Flower: Red Ro


Founded at The College of Charleston, 1904
Established at Oglethorpe, 1918
Colors: White and Gold



Henry Mason Bonny, Jr. Samuel Herbert Gilkeson

Albus Durham Duncan Campbell McNeill, Jr.

Joe Porter Wilson



Sylvester Cain, Jr.
Lester McCorkle McClung

Carl Ivan Pirkle
Frank Knight Sims, Jr.


William Mitchell Acton
Nick Kelley Bitting
Charles Elliot Boynton, Jr.
Homer Clyde Chestnutt
Daniel Moore Hayes

William Charles Hillhouse, Jr.
Francis Bartow Liddon
Charles Ridley Newsome, Jr.
Julius Jackson Price
Clifford Sims


James Lamar Bussey Ford Dean Little

Charles Willouchby Hood, Jr. Lennox Edgeworth Morgan, Jr.
William Marvin Lewis, Jr. William Penn Selman
Alexander John Whiddon

Kappa Alpha Fraternity

DeSales Harrison
Sidney Daniel Smith, Jr


Founded at Washington and Lee University, 1865

Founded at Oglethorpe, 1871

Chapter Revived, 1918

Colors: Crimson and Old Gold Flowers: Magnolia and Red Rose

Arthur Stephen Libby, Ph.D.


Post Graduate

Edward Carroll James, Jr.


Nathan Meredith DeJarnette Neill Smith McLeod
John Hedges Goff Lucas Newton Turk, Jr.


Elwyn Ray Gary John Sommerville Knox

Hugh Inman Turner


William Anderson McCarty Mark Ashley Sellers
Ted Logine Staton

Associate Members

Tel Kimbel

Benjamin Forney Wyly

Alpha Lambda Club

Established at Oglethorpe, 1916
Colors: Gold and Black Flower: American Beauty Rose


Robert Allen Moore Joseph Rogers Murphy

Charles Speer Tidwell


Ernest Hardee Duffy

Cecil Morefield Lemon
Ernest Everett Moore

Theodore Virgil Morrison
Harold Calhoon Trimble

Associate Members
George Ernest Alfred Chesley Bostwick Howard, Jr.

Thomas Bryan Burks Claudius Chandler Mason, Jr.

Marion Adolph Gaertner Emmette Sam McDowell

John Andrew Heck Glee Brock Thompson


\<i <3I

Harold J. Morris Joel H. Price

Thomas M. Smiley, Jr.


\l. Carlisle Johnson J. Render Terrell, Jr.

The Boar's Head


Established at Oglethorpe University,

Colors: Old Gold and Black

Flower: Black Eyed Susan

THE Boar's Head was founded at Oglethorpe in January, 1920, and
was the first honorary club to be organized. Only men who have
been prominent and successful in academic life and school activi-
ties are eligible. Membership is also limited to the Junior and Senior

The title of the organization is taken from the coat of arms of Ogle-
thorpe University, a boar's head being a prominent feature of the escutcheon.
The University armorial bearings are copied after that of General James
Oglethorpe's family, for whom our University is named.

The Phi Kappa Deha Fraternity

Established at Oglethorpe University, 1920


Post Graduate
John Hedges Goff Edward Carroll James, Jr.


Martin Augustine Maddox James Render Terrell, Jr.
Warren Calvin Maddox Lucas Newton Turk, Jr.

W. R. Carlisle

THE Phi Kappa Delta Fraternity was established for the purpose of
having in the University, some honorary organization which selected
its members for their scholastic attainments. The fraternity has no
secrets and no initiations. Membership in the society is limited to twenty
per cent, of the graduating class. Before being elected as a member of the
fraternity, a student must have attained a fine scholastic record, and must be
a man of integrity. The ultimate purpose of the society is to have a chapter
of the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity installed in Oglethorpe.


Fraternity History of Oglethorpe

jATING from a time when she was considered first among the institu-
tions of the South, Oglethorpe's fraternity history is divided into
three periods.

The first dates from the establishment of chapters in 1859 by Beta Theta
Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. This period came to an abrupt end in 1861,
when the loyal sons of Oglethorpe marched away to defend the Southland.

The second period was a brief and unfortunate one. It dates from 1870-
73, when the University was re-established in Atlanta, only to fall in the
general crash caused by the financial disaster of the reconstruction days.
However, the fraternity spirit was active at this time for Kappa Alpha, fol-
lowed by Chi Phi and Phi Delta Theta, installed chapters in the school.

The third period dates from May 17, 1918, when Pi Kappa Phi was the
first fraternity to install a chapter in new Oglethorpe. This was followed
by Kappa Alpha, on December 1, 1918, who revived her chapter of 1871.

Besides Kappa Alpha and Pi Kappa Phi, there are two local clubs, the
Alpha Lambda and the Alpha Omega. All of these have prospered, and
they have aided in establishing a fraternal spirit that bids fair to make
Oglethorpe one of the most prominent fraternity schools of the South.






The Oglethorpe Players' Club


Charles Tidwell President

William Johnson Vice-President

Ernest Moore Treasurer

Henry Bonny
Joseph Murphy
Warren Maddox
Morton Nicholes
Ted Morrison
Ernest Duffy
RoBT. Nicholes

Elise Shover
Martha Shover
Anna Lewis
Harold Trimble
Carroll James
Parker Cahoon

The Oglethorpe Players

THE Oglethorpe Players Club was organized in the fall of 1916, im-
mediately after the opening of school, with Marion Gaertner, pres-
ident; Chesley Howard, vice-president; Joe Murphy, business man-
ager, and Charles Tidwell, treasurer. From the very start, the Club had the
very highest of ideals in all dramatic lines, and not one time have they
fallen short. Every play presented has been one well worth while.

In the Spring of 1917, the Players Club secured the services of Miss
Carolyn Cobb, as director, and it has been through her persistent efforts
that the Club has attained success.

The first play presented by the Oglethorpe Players was "You Never Can
Tell," by Bernard Shaw, given during the Spring of 1917, and it met with
overwhelming success as an amateur production.

The Cast of "You Never Can Tell" was:

Valentine Charles Tidwell

Dolly Clandon Elsie Trippe

Phil Clandon Fain Thompson
Mrs. Clandon Louise Dourough
Mr. Crampton Chesley Howard
William Marion Gaertner
Gloria Clandon Maud Barker Cobb
McComas Joe Murphy

Mr. Boone -A.. H. Hardy

Waiter Bryan Burks
Maid Lucile Wells

During the Spring of 1918 the great play of Zangwill, "The Melting Pot,"
so appropos to the time, was presented and many compliments were paid the
Club by dramatic critics of the city. In the writeups in the daily papers,
many critics compared it favorably with professional shows. Mr. Israel
Lefkoff carried off the banner role with the skill and ease of a professional.

The Cast of "The Melting Pot" was :

David Quixano Israel Lefkoff

Mendel Quixano Marion Gaertner

Quincy Davenport Fain Thompson

Herr Pappelmeister W. R. Carlisle

Baron Ravendal Joe Murphy

Baroness Ravendal Mary Dusenbury

Kathleen O'Reilly Elsie Trippe

Vera Quixano Louise Dourough

Maid Mary Belle Lee Hatte

Frau Quixano Ellison Bedell

Last year, under the guidance of William Rhodes Carlisle, as president,
the Oglethorpe Players enjoyed its most successful season. The play, which
was "The Magistrate," by Pinero, was sponsored by the Oglethorpe Woman's
Board, and due to the untiring efforts of this Board, a full house greeted the


actors on the night of June 6. Atlanta papers called this "the cream of all
amateur productions," and further stated that "it would have done credit to
many a professional company." All of Atlanta was anxiously awaiting the
next production from this group.

The Cast of "The Magistrate" was as follows:

Magistrate Marion Gaertner

Alternate Magistrate Ernest Moore

Colonel Luken William Carlisle

Captain Vale William Johnson

Achille Bond Ernest Duffy

Isadora .... Charles Tidwell

Messiter .. Caroll James

Cis Farringdon Chesley Howard

Mr. Wormington Harold Trimble

Lugg Henry Bonny

Harris Ted Morrison

Wyke Henry Bagley

Agatha Posket Sarah Wagstaff

Charlotte Gertrude Kelly

Beatie Lomtinson Elsie Trippe

Popam Mary LaHatte


This year another of Pinero's farces, "The Cabinet Minister," will be pre-
sented, and a very successful year is prophesied for the Club.

The Cast is as follows:

Sir Julian Twombly

Lady Twomblv

Brooke Twombh

Imogene ..

Dowager Countess of Drumduris

Lady Euphenia Vibart

Earl of Drumduris

Countess of Drumduiis

Lady Mcphdil

Colin Mcphail

Valentine White

Mrs. Gaylustre

Mr. Joseph Lebanon

Mr. Melton

Mr. Munkittreck

Mrs. Munkittreck

Probyn ....

..Marion Gaertner

Sarah Wagstaff

William Johnson

Elsie Trippe

Ester Cherry

Gertrude Kelly

Ernest Moore

Martha Shover

Odessa Moore

Henry Bonny

Charles Tidwell

Mary Merritt

Parker Cahoon

Harold Trimble

Warren Maddox

Parrie Taylor

'1 ed Morrison

The Oglethorpe Players owe a great deal of their success to the young
ladies who have so ably aided them in their casts and to the members of the
Woman's Board, who have worked untiringly to get large and appreciative
audiences to the plays presented. The members of the Club are grateful for
these services, and they have the thanks not only of the members, but of the
Faculty and student body as well.

Boys' High S


W. C. Johnson

Jack Smiley


L. R. Cody


D. B. Johnson

A. Durham

M. F. Calmes

H. M. Bonny

J. S. Knox

*C. M. Lemon

C. S. Tidwell

in picture



Norcross Club

J. T. Rainey

N. M. DE Jarnette

C. I. Pirkle

A. C. Davenport

Frank Simpson
L. C. Dickens

N. W. Adams
S. Cain

Alabama Club

W. M. Lewis, Jk. A. J. Whiddon

W. M. Acton F. B. Liddon

C. R. Newsom, Jr. J. P. Wilson

L. E. Morgan, Jr.



W. C. Johnson President

W. C. Maddox Vice-President

Walter B. Jameson Secretary and Treasurer



The Orchestra

THE Oglethorpe Orchestra has been in existence for two years, and in
that time they have made several appearances in public, all of which
have reflected favorably on the members. Their efforts were recently
rewarded by a gift of $500 from the Women's Board of the University, the
money to be used in the purchase of more instruments.

The personnel of the orchestra is

J. R. Murphy, Violin
H. C. Trimble, Violin
Frank Sims, Flute
R. W. Chance, Drum


THE University maintains at all times in the build-
ing an infirmary, with a graduate nurse in attend-
ance, for the prompt treatment of accidents and
of such cases of sickness as may occur. By this means
prolonged and serious illness can often be prevented.
During the recent influenza epidemic vigorous measures
were taken at once, with the result that, while there were
a relatively small number of cases, there were no fatalities.
There is a University physician who can be secured on
short notice when his services are needed.

The infirmary was established during the S. A. T. C.
regime at Oglethorpe.

Miss Mary Feebeck is at present in charge of the in-
firmary, and under her capable management practically no
sickness has befallen the Oglethorpians.

The Oglethorpe Farm

^HORTLY after the opening of the University, the school authorities
realized the impracticability of buying all farm and dairy products
from retailers, owing to the high prices.

So, in the Spring of 1918, a dairy was installed on the campus. Through
the generosity of Dr. Milton N. Armstrong, it was started by the donation
of a pure-bred Jersey cow. More cows were rapidly added, until the dairy
became large enough to furnish the school with all milk required for use by
the students.

Another feature of the farm, which is nearly as important as the dairy,
is the truck farm. Nearly all of the vegetables consumed by the boarding
students are raised by this department.

Besides the two departments named, there is a "Hog Department." This is
composed of forty head of swine.

The poultry department is as yet in its infancy. However, at the present
time, it furnishes the Oglethorpians with about eight dozen eggs weekly.

Beginning with approximately six acres of land, the Oglethorpe farm has
grown to one hundred and twenty-six acres, through the gifts of the Silver
Lake Park Co. and Mr. Stewart, one of Oglethorpe's loyal supporters.


I'CS <3

The Petrel

THE Petrel was founded at Oglethorpe on September 25, 1919, by R. G.
Nicholes, assisted by N. M. de Jarnette, John H. Goff, and W. C. John-
son. As the University's athletic teams are called the stormy Petrels,
it was decided to adopt this name for the college paper.

The Petrel appears every Friday, published by the students of Oglethorpe,
who, represented by the editors, control the paper's policy.

N. M. de Jarnette, as managing editor, has charge of the finances and the
arrangement of the copy for the press. John Goff, with W. C. Johnson, act
as news editors. R. G. Nicholes, who is the athletic editor and general
manager, has, by indefatigable work, been the mainstay of the publication.
It was only by his untiring efforts that the paper was able to get on its feet
financially, which was the greatest problem encountered in its founding.
J. R. Terrell, Jr., editorial writer, has filled his position well. He has
made many valuable suggestions pertaining to the different phases of school
life, both pro and con. J. H. Burns has shown ability in his work. His
baseball stories, "Bench Gossip," are very readable. The circulation and
exchange work have been ably attended to by F. K. Sims, Jr., and C. S.

The S. A. T. C. at Oglethorpe

FROM October 1st to December 5th, 1918, Uncle Sam had charge of
the Oglethorpians. September 20th found about 400 men on the Ogle-
thorpe campus, all desiring a place in the ranks. But owing to the
limited quarters, only 250 of that number were enrolled. Actual training
started under the direction of Major E. T. Winston on September 25th, but
the men received no compensation for their work until after October 1st,
Congress having passed certain laws to that effect.

Immediately after the induction of the students, three lieutenants were
sent to Oglethorpe, all of whom were graduates of Junior Plattsburg. They
were: Montgomery G. Potter, who was made company commander by Major
Winston; Robert G. Goldsby, administration officer, and Ross P. Cox, in-
structor of small arms.

Under the direction of these officers, the Oglethorpe men learned much
about warfare, and many were picked for training camps for officers, but
owing to the early ending of the war, none of the men ever adorned them-
selves with shoulder bars.

The Main Building was not spacious enough to accommodate all the
men, so fifty tents were sent in by Camp Gordon, which served as temporary
homes for the men until the Government could erect proper barracks.

With the signing of the armistice on November 11th, the fighting spirit
at Oglethorpe began to wane, for the men saw that a trip across was not to
come their way.

Though every Oglethorpian is proud of having been in the service of his
country, all were glad to get a discharge from the army after the war was
over, and this they received on December 5th, 1918, together with a bit of
money, each man being paid $30 a month and his $60 bonus.


The Harold King Post of the American Legion

THE Harold King Post of the American Legion was organized at Ogle-
thorpe University in January, 1920, by Morton Nicholes, formerly a
Lieutenant of Artillery of the United States Army, and veteran of
overseas service. This post is composed of former S. A. T. C. and ex-service
men. The post is named in honor of Harold King, a former Oglethorpe
student who lost his life in the service. It is a rule of the American Legion
that a post of the Legion can be named for no living person.

The post has adopted a constitution which is modeled after the State and
National Constitution of the American Legion.

The Harold King Post is advocating several reforms. It is taking an
active part in American Legion work in Georgia. A contribution was made
by the Harold King Post to a fund which is to be used for the erection of a
monument on the site of the First Battle of the Marne in commemoration of
the victory of the French forces there in 1914. This monument is to be a
gift to France by the American people. It will stand almost in sight of the
graves of 50,000 American soldiers who died there.

The following men are officers of the Harold King Post: Walter B.
Jameson, post commander; Frank Simpson, vice-commander; E. C. James,
Jr., post adjutant; J. H. Price, finance officer; Herbert Gilkeson, historian;
Dr. A. S. Libby, chaplain.

Jameson, a veteran of foreign service, did brilliant work with the Twenty-
Sixth Division. He was overseas eighteen months, and was a sergeant in the
Signal Corps of that Division. He was engaged in all battles in which that
Division took part. The other men are ex-S. A. T. C. soldiers, with the ex-
ception of Dr. Libby, who was a Major in the Intelligence Department of
the General Staff of the United States Army. He was overseas for practically
the duration of the war.



THE Oglethorpe Library has been built by contributions from all over
the country. It now contains something over eight thousand volumes,
including the best German reference library in the South. The
Women's Board of Oglethorpe recently contributed a sum of nearly five
hundred dollars, to be expended by the librarian, for badly needed reference
books. The library has been under the charge of Miss Elwyn de Graffenreid
ever since Oglethorpe opened in 1916.

Dr. Cheston King, one of the trustees of Oglethorpe, has presented the
University with a magnificent library of English reference books. This
library, which is valued at about $20,000, will be known as "The Cheston
King Library". It was the property of the late Dr. Theodore Victor of
Marburg, Germany. Dr. Victor was one of the most distinguished German
students of English. These volumes were the personal, private collection of
Dr. Victor, collected during his life time. This will be the most complete
library of English south of Washington. By means of this library it will be
possible to carry on Ph.D. in English. The collection consists of about 2,500
bound volumes and 3,000 pamphlets. This addition will bring the nimiber
of books in the library up to about 10,000 volumes. The library will be
housed in the new Oglethorpe building, Lupton Hall, the gift of J. T. Lupton
of Chattanooga, Tenn.

IN completing this volume
thanks should be rendered to:
Blosser- Williams Co., Printers,
C. R. Beckwith, who rendered
valuable assistance in securing
advertisements; Thurston Hatcher
Photographer, and Dr. Thornwell
Jacobs, President Oglethorpe
University. This book was made
possible by the untiring efforts of
certain members of the Yamacraw

C Now that you have come thus
far in this volume please pay
very careful attention to the ad-
vertisements that are to follow
and patronize them whenever
"opportunity" presents herself.



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