The Stormy Petrel, 1993-1994


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Page 1/The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993

Th e Stormy Petrel

Volume 69, Issue 1

Student ALumi

Association see*
more involvanerrt

The beginning of

the great back
peck adventure

OSA begins

new year

Page 6

,1'm still

pissed off



like no other



CXrtland, Chaos

Ml Ham...


say mare?

Edge 14

Comics: 12-13
Editorials: 8-9
Entertainment :


Features: 4-5

Gateway : 8

Mews: 2-3

Organizations :


Opinions: 9

Soundcheck-: 11

Spectate: 15

Sports: 14-15

Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University

September 13, 1993

Housing delays continue

By Chopper Johnson

It looks like a new con-
struction zone of a small residen-
tial community, still several
months away from completion.
Six little spec houses, all in a row,
surrounded by bulldozers, work-
men and red dirt. But this is not a
small residential community, and
these houses are (hopefully) not
several months away from comple-
tion. This is Oglethorpe's newest

addition, Greek Row.

The new Greek
housing was supposed to have
been completed by August
15th, and be waiting for its
occupants when everyone
moved in on August 29th.
Due to numerous delays and
disasters, though, it looks as
if the last four houses will not ,
be completed until October
1 5th. What has caused a two
month delay in finishing
these six houses? Surely it

Inside out A view of Incomplete Delta Sigma Phi, Chi Phi house*, from
what will toon be the Kappa Alpha house. photo by Tim Evans

was not the complexity of each,
individual design. With the ex-
ception of the counter tops and
color schemes, the houses are
identical. It also does not ap-
pear to be the majestic landscap-
ing, as none has been completed
yet The contractors? Possibly.
It seems that several of the sub-
contractors have been holding
the whole project up with trivial
delays. The weather? Ah, now
there is something to blame it
on. Due to the late spring rains
that doused most of the south-
east, Greek Row was not much
more than red mud and gravel
by the beginning of June. Slips
and underground water caused
major delays in laying the foun-
dations, which dictated when
the rest of construction could be-
gin. However, the weather prob-
lems are over for the most part,
and it appears that Delta Sigma
Phi and Kappa Alpha will actu-
ally be able to take possession
of their houses by the weekend
of Sept 25th.

Even though KA and
Delta Sig have the upper hand
in moving times, when the other
two fraternities and the two so-

rorities move in, things will be
intrinsicly even. Each of the
3000 square foot houses will be
able to accommodate eight
people in the upstairs bedrooms
(and an almost infinite number
on the floor on a Saturday morn-
ing). The kitchen and "social
area" will be downstairs, with a
finished patio. A landscaping
plan is in progress, and includes
plans for approximately sixty
parking spaces (much to the re-
lief of lower quad drivers).

Even though it is well
known that the purpose of a fra-
ternity is not just to drink, it is
important to note that all of
Greek Row will be under the
same regulations and jurisdic-
tion as the residents halls are.
There is also supposed to be a
Greek housing code, complete
with do's and don't's, finished
by the time everyone has moved

So the wait is almost
over, and (if nothing else wrong
happens) we will shortly be wel-
coming the Greeks to campus.
Congratulations on your pa-
tience, and best of luck.

Parking problems increase

By: Tim Evans
Photography Editor

Imagine this. It's 2:30
am Thursday morning. Studying,
carousing, and thinking deep
thoughts about Bobby Cox's phi-
losophy of the game has left you
very hungry. Now suppose you
and four of your friends climb into
a small economy size car (Honda 's
law of relative size: every car is
"economy size" when there are
five people involved). You and
your four friends are about to make
the biggest mistake known to stu-
dent-kind. That trip to Burger
King will cost you more than the
price of the food, gas and food poi-
soning, it's likely to cost you a
parking space.

At 2:30 am, on an aver-
age Thursday morning, there was
one parking space available from
the Traer, upper and lower Resi-
dent Quad, and Student Center
parking lots. That one space was
next to the maintenance shed in

Seemlnly, the only free apace In the upper quad parking lot

the Student Center parking
lot. Four cars were illegally
parked near the gate in the
residence quad. Where did all
the cars come from? The new
additions made to the resi-
dence quad parking lot seem

minimal with the flood of cars
on campus this fall. The scar-
city of parking spaces around
the residence halls has caused
many students to place a higher
premium on good spaces near
the residence quad.

photo by Tim Evans

There has always been
a high value placed on "good"
parking spaces close to the resi-
dence halls as opposed to the
space 30 feet further from the
dorm, but the fall surge of ve-
sae Parking on page 2

Page 2/The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


UPC begins with Hesperus

By Christie Willard

On Friday, Septem-
ber 24, 1993, the University Pro-
gram Committee will present
the first musical event of the
new academic year. After re-
turning from a twelve city, five
country tour of the Far East, the
HESPERUS Crossover Trio will
grace the stage of Lupton Audi-
torium for a performance that
promises to be spellbinding.
The program will begin
promptly at 8:00 p.m. and ad-
mission is free. The ensemble,
in residence at the renowned
Smithsonian Institution's Na-
tional Museum of American
History, performs traditional
music from various time peri-
ods. Although original in style
and technique, HESPERUS
combines the best of recent
American and very old Euro-
pean music to delight every lis-
tener The ensemble is com-
prised of Tina Chancey, Bruce
Hutton, and Scott Reiss. The
trio's instrumental abilities
range from banjos and guitars
to the 19th century lap dulcimer
and mouth bow. Formed in

1979 by Scott Reiss,
HESPERUS has been praised
for their "willingness to explore
many related influences in mu-
sic with exciting and innovative

Named after the
evening star and the west wind,
HESPERUS creates an incorpo-
ration of modem and historic
traditions. When questioned
about their unique musical ap-
proach, Tina Chancey explained
that "the crossover stuff is a mix
of folk and classical, more like
a salad than a cream soup. You
can see the individual pieces in
juxtaposition." The trio records
most often under the Golden
Apple Records label, which was
founded in 1989 and is now a
division of HESPERUS. Re-
cordings on that label include
"Baroque Recorder Concert!,"
"American Roots," "Spain in
the New World," and "For No
Good Reason at All." Their
newest release "Crossing Over"
is available on the Greenhays/
Flying Fish label.

The program will con-
sist of twenty-one selections.
Many of the works will be in-
tertwined for a novel effect.


continued from page 1

hides on campus has caused
Oglethorpe residents to appre-
ciate that parking space 30 feet
further from their door. The
nearest available parking space
can be as far away as the aca-
demic quad. Some students pre-
fer to take their chances by park-
ing in undesignated areas, but
be forewarned. Security has and
will continue to issue one warn-
ing for violators before a fine.
Some on the security staff have
noticed a substantial increase in
the number of warnings issued
for parking violations for the be-
ginning of the year. However,
most violations have been iso-
lated occurrences. The security
staff claims no noticeable in-
crease in tickets issued for fist
offenders,. ..yet

The number of students
on campus has put a temporary
squeeze on available parking

Parking relief is not

likely to occur from repainting old
parking lines to add spaces. Lo-
cal fire ordinances limit expansion
of existing lots because fire lanes
must be preserved. However, don't
expect the squeeze on available
parking to last. The completion
of the greek housing complex will
include additional parking for the
upper quad. That may provide re-
lief as far away as Traer, since it
will free up spaces at the upper
parking lots and the student cen-

Unfortunately, the park-
ing around the academic buildings
will probably remain limited dur-
ing class-hours. Staff members
from the community life office are
encouraging on-campus residents
to walk to class rather than drive
so that commuter students and fac-
ulty members may. However, on-
campus students should remain
aware of their safety and the po-
tential security risks of walking
alone at night.

"Cantiga," a 13th century
Spanish song, will be fused
with "Ballad of Little Sadie,"
a traditional folk piece. The
artists rely on instinct to re-
produce the music that once
thrived so long ago. "We have
no living links to early music
or how to perform it; we can
only speculate on how it could
have sounded." In doing so,
HESPERUS, keeps with tra-
dition by performing in an

improvisatory manner. Lan-
guages also play an important
role in fusion music. Quechua
(Peru), Chilidugu (Chili), Na-
tive American Nahuatal, and
Canichana (Bolivia) are only a
few of the languages to be heard
in the upcoming performance.
For the music lover with diverse
interests, this trio is sure to be a
favorite. The musical styles are
as varied as the instruments they
play. Cajun, folk and ragtime

music will be heard along with
early medieval and Renaissance

Students are strongly
encouraged to attend this per-
formance, which has been said
to be "eclecticism at its very
best" It is a concert with great
entertainment value, and one
that will certainly leave the lis-
tener with a lighter heart It will
be an opportunity to travel back
in time through music!

SAA to boost membership

By Jonelle Thomas
News Editor

The Student Alumni Association is a campus organization that works to promote in-
creased involvement (social and professional) of university alumni with present students. Upcoming
events mclude l)a mentoring program of alumni in various career fields with interested students,
2)Movie Nights in the library screening room, and 3)Planning for Homecoming and Alumni week-
ends. For more information concerning any or all of these activities, contact co-advisors Roby Hill at
364-8439, or Pari Smart at 365-2696. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 14, at 5 p.m. in the
small dining room.

Oglethorpe Student-Alumni Association

Mentor Program Application



School AddressL

School Phone:

Year of Graduation:

Please check the area(s) listed below which best describes your career interest







Business (General I
Office Support)




Please describe you career field of interest, types of job responsibilities in more detail in order to
obtain a better match from among the alumni mentors (especially if you marked a broad field, such
as business).






Service industry



Page 3/The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


Big year planned for students

By Gina Clance

Special to The Stormy Petrel

Although many stu-
dents do not know the members
of the University Program Com-
mittee, everyone will be famil-
iar with the activities they plan
this year.

The 1993-94 UPC
events calendar is full of con-
certs, lectures and theatre pro-
ductions, and committee mem-
bers feel they have accom-
plished their goal once again
to provide cultural program-
ming for students, faculty and
staff as well as the community
at large.

Dr. Michael Rulison is
teaching a course this fall en-
titled "The Physical Sciences:
Cosmology," and the UPC was
able to incorporate a Cosmology
Lecture Series into its calendar
to complement the new core
course. The class, according to

Dr. Rulison, will "provide an
introduction to and investiga-
tion of the three cornerstones of
man's modem view of the physi-
cal universe." Three well-
known cosmologists will be vis-
iting campus this fall as part of
this series Edward Kolb (Sep-
tember 1 5), head of the NASA/
Fermilab Accelerator Labora-
tory in Illinois; Heinrich
Eichhom (October 6), professor
of astronomy at the University
of Florida; and Virginia Trimble
(November 4), professor of
physics at the University of Cali-
fornia, Irvine. Each lecture will
be held in the Talmage Room
in the Student Center at 7:30

The UPC has chosen to
focus on quality rather than
quantity this year with two ex-
ceptional programs. Two mu-
sical events, The Hesperus
Crossover Trio (September 24)
and Cotton Patch Gospel
(March 4), promise to entertain

and draw large crowds.

Hesperus is an interna-
tionally known group that per-
forms an infectious mixture of
old-time American and classic
European music. Renaissance
and medieval selections share
the stage with blues, Cajun, rag-
time and vaudeville styles. The
Cotton Patch Gospel program,
which is being co-sponsored by
the Programming Board, has
been described as a 'legslappin '
hoe-down of a story that retells
the gospels of Matthew and
John translated into present
day Southern vernacular."

Lectures by various
scholars have always found a
place on the UPC calendar, and
1993-94 is no exception. Along
with the Career Services Office,
the UPC is sponsoring Donald
Asher (November 3), who will
advise students on the best ways
to get into graduate school.
Pamela Jensen, a political sci-
ence scholar, is scheduled to be

Security report released

Compiled by Harold Johnson
Director of Oglethorpe Security

The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act (Public Law 101-542), as recently
enacted by the Federal Government, requires that all institutions of higher education publish informa-
tion about campus security policies and crime statistics. An annual notice is required to be distributed
to employees and students by September 1 of each year disclosing statistics for the prior calendar year on
certain crimes that are in the Security records. The initial notice issued September 1, 1992, reported the
incidents of crimes on campus for the period of January 1 - December 3 1 for the years 1990 and 1991.
This notice includes statistics for the period January 1 - December 3 1, 1992, as well as a clarification for
the years 1990 and 1991.




Crimes To Be Reported

Reported in 1990

Reported in 1991

Reported in 1992




Aggravated Assault


Larceny Theft








Vehicle Theft




Drug Arrests

Liquor-Law Violation Arrests

Weapons Violation Arrests

Incidents of larceny thefts (which do not involve forced entry) were previously reported under burglary
for 1990 and 1991.

Information on campus safety and security, including the Security Department responsibilities,
Traffic and Parking Regulations, and helpful hints to avoid security problems is distributed each fall and
throughout the year. If additional information or clarification of Security policies and procedures are
needed, please contact the Vice President for Student Affairs in the Emerson Student Center (Telephone
Number: 364-8336).

on campus in the spring, and
other lecturers are planned.

All UPC events can be
found on the Arts and Ideas cal-
endar posted in many locations
around campus. If you have

suggestions for future UPC pro-
gramming, please deliver them
in writing to the Public Rela-
tions Office or to any commit-
tee member.

Career Corner

By Katherine Nobles
Special to The Stormy Petrel

Over the summer the
Career Planning and Placement
Office changed its name to Ca-
reer Services. Katherine
Nobles, the Director, is available
to assist you with applying
for internships, in exploring ca-
reer options and in job search
preparation. Career
Services is located in the Stu-
dent Center.

September Dates to
"Resume Writing Workshops:

Monday - Friday, Sep-
tember 13 - 17, 12:00 noon
(Choose one).

Glass meeting room, Student

Interview Preparation

Monday - Friday, Sep-
tember 20 - 24, 4:00 p.m.
(Choose one).
Glass meeting room, Student


"Career Day, co-sponsored by
Emory University, Agnes Scott
and Oglethorpe:

Monday, September
27, 9:30 a jn. - 4:30 p.m. Emory
University, Cox Hall, Asbury



BER 22 .

"Wcidwami Night, (pro-
nounced Wicked Wammy) or
What Can I Do With a Major In

Wednesday, September
29, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m., Talmage
Room. Panelists will explore
career options for business ma-
jors in accounting, economics,
finance, management, market-
ing, and human resources. Stu-
dents should bring dinner trays
or bag meals to the Talmage
Room. Special dessert coffee

PB seeking
new members

By Clay Barrineau

Special to The Stormy Petrel

We are looking for two dedicated individuals to assist
the Programming Board in nuking decisions concerning anything
social (for the most part) that happens at Oglethorpe. We decide on
the bands, comedians, dancers, stripers, etc. who will perform here
on campus. The Programming Board is composed of nine mem-
bers: a senator from each class, the treasurer of O.S. A, Marshall
Nason, and two students outside of O.S. A This application is for
the position of the two non-O.S. A members. The Programming
Board needs to make decisions in the best interests of the student
population so as to have great student participation in planned so-
cial events. We would appreciate interested students filling out the
following questions and returning them to any O.S. A member.

Application Questions:

1) Why do you feel you are qualified for this posoition?

2) What is your name, P.O. Box # (or address), telephone V>

3) What do you think O.S. A needs to do in order to get better
student participation with its social events?

4) What do you think the Pope wears under his robe?

Page i/The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


Changes occur in dining services

By Theresa Liebarger

With the start of the
school year, both the cafeteria
and the Bomb Shelter acquired
new looks. The changes come
as a response to student ideas
and requests.

In the cafeteria, the
most noticeable change is the
food contractor. The Service
America Corporation,

Oglethorpe's former food con-
tractor, sold its higher education
division to DAKA Oglethorpe,
following this change, now has
its contracts with the DAKA
company. Although the cafete-
ria has a new contractor, the ser-
vice workers remain basically
the same.

Student requests and
ideas brought about some other
changes in the cafeteria. To
answer student concerns about
having healthier food, a new
steamer was bought to cook veg-
etables in a more nutritious
manner. To add character to the
cafeteria, decorations and pic-
tures were added. This gives the

cafeteria more of a diner atmo-

The Bomb Shelter re-
ceived a new look and a new
menu as well. The canteen, now
referred to as Ground Zero, now
has an Italian menu. Hamburg-
ers and french fries are no
longer served to avoid duplica-
tion of food served in the caf-
eteria. The new Italian menu
includes subs, sandwiches,
pizza, and different types of cof-
fee. To complete the atmo-
sphere, umbrellas have been
placed on the tables in the court-

Students will still be
able to use their meal plans in
the Bomb Shelter. Students can
charge S2.7S against their meal
plans. If the total food order is
over $2 75 , then the student will
have to pay the difference in

To accommodate stu-
dent schedules, the Bomb Shel-
ter has expanded its hours.
Meal cards may be used during
the following hours: Monday-
Thursday 1 1 AM-2 PM and 5
PM-7 PM Friday 1 1 AM-2 PM.

Job Searching?

Call Job Search Systems


*Free consultation*

* Student discount*

*Group rate avaiable*


September 21, 1993

9:00 PM


Tony Warner

Director of Atlanta InterVarsity Chapters
In The Talmage Room

The Bomb Shelter's hours are
as follows: Monday-Thursday
11 AM-11 PM and Friday 10

Two promotional plans
are also being worked on to
bring more business to the Cof-
fee Club. It will involve a punch
card by which thirty-six cups
can be purchased for $10.00.

The second promotional plan
was the work of Robbie
Romeiser. The plan is called
Dollar Days. After 7 pm every
night, prices will lowered and
no item will cost more than

The changes in the
Bomb Shelter have been insti-
tuted to benefit students. The

food service personnel are inter-
ested in hearing feedback from
students for future changes,
ideas, or comments. Every
Tuesday at 3 PM the food ser-
vice committee meets, and all
students and faculty are wel-
come to attend. A comment box
ia also located in the dining
room of the cafeteria.

How to carry a house
on your back: Part one

By: Tim Evans
Photography Editor

Looking for a
millionaire's vacation on a shoe-
string budget. Try backpacking.
If growing up to visions of the
Marlboro Man and the occa-
sional episode of Northern Ex-
posure hasn't turned you on to
the idea of exploring the outdoor
wilderness, then maybe your
pocket book will. Backpacking
can be an inexpensively fun and
rewarding vacation for a couple,
friends, or even for oneself. But
mind, it may not be for the weak
at heart.

I've found that the best
way to test one's readiness for
the first trip, is to ask oneself a
few simple questions. For in-
stance, ask yourself "Am I ready

to forgo my hot shower, electric-
ity, central heat/air and, most
importantly, internal plumbing?
Am I ready to hike several miles
in a day with a heavy pack on
my back? Will I be able to ne-
glect my vanity for a few days
(make-up does not travel well on
sweaty faces)?

If you answered yes to
all of these questions, feel free
to run outside, take off all your
clothes and roll around in the
dirt and leaves. You are ready
for the wilderness. For those of
you who aren't sold on the idea
of a vacation without a hot-
shower, free HBO or a hot-tub
you might want to watch those
nutty woodsy-types from a dis-
tance and observe the reality of
backpacking before you fall in
love with the idea of backpack-


Backpacking isn't for
everyone. The rewards can ap-
pear spectacular, but it takes
hard work to find that perfect
place. Many might prefer to see
the wilderness on HBO with Sly
Stallone dancing in the fore-
ground claiming "Cliffhanger"
status... it's much easier than
getting there in person. That's
O.K. for some, but if you aren't
going to be happy until you
climb your first ridge, reach
your first summit, or hike
through landscaping that makes
you think the gods have a sum-
mer home away from Olympus
stay tuned. There will be more
to come about what to take,
where to get it for ScheapS, who
to call, and where to get more
information about your dream
vacation in upcoming issues (or
M long as Sam will publish it).

Dear Kat:

I need your help because I think that I'm being whipped. Check it. I have a girlfriend but she
is back home and I'm here. Well, there is this older woman who happens to be a grad student with lots
of potential. Needless to say, she has hooked and reeled me in with all of her fancy things, and now, all
I can do is sit and wait by the phone for her. I'm becoming her love slave a puppet. I think about her
all the time and I have to wait for her to decide the next time that we will be together. Miss Kat, have
I lost control?

She's Got that Whip Appeal

Dear Babyface:

You need to check yourself because you are about to lose face. What in the world? Did you
just forget about your girlfriend? Obviously, you thought that you were the man and that you were
mack enough to bum the candle at both ends.

First of all, you need to take care of business at home before you go off starting new affairs
(that you cannot even handle). Now, get your mind off that old bag. She's been stringing you along
like some hungry puppy, and I can't stand it. Be a man or pretend, at least. Didn't your mother ever
tell you not to make yourself so available? Therefore, you sit and wait by the phone for no one.

Honestly, you should go out and hang with the fellas or find some extra-curricular activities.
Do whatever it takes, but never let anyone call on you when they finally feel like being bothered with
you. That trick is taking you for granted. So, get some business about yourself and regain that control.
Until then, she's the mack! ! !

Page 5/Ttie Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


OU English Department hires new professor

hm.i :_ .11 .k^.t B fu4 it nnw has has made a w

By Brandon Gallaway
Feature Editor

This year will see

many changes on Oglethorpe's
campus-new classes, new stu-
dents in unheard of numbers,
and a new Greek row. Over the
summer O.U. was graced with
an addition to the English de-
partment as well. Dr. Michael
McClure is replacing Madelene
Picciotto as both director of the
writing program and the Aca-
demic Research Center. This en-
thusiastic educator comes to us
with a PhD in composition and
rhetoric. Dr. McClure studied
English and Education at the
University of Michigan at Ann
Arbor for five years prior to re-
locating to Atlanta. However,
reading and writing are not his
only passions; he left behind a
fiancee in Ann Arbor - a fellow
English major. When not teach-
ing, Dr. McClure enjoys run-
ning, attending football games
and writing his own original
works. He writes according to
his fancy, he says, sometimes
poetry, sometimes essays, some-
times diortstorie^J^eAapsJuB

versatility will make him the
perfect man to teach this
semester's journalism workshop
- yet another new duty.

What would make a
man move from Michigan to a
tiny school in Atlanta with a
funny name? For Dr. McClure,
it's all about teaching. He was
attracted to Oglethorpe by the
fact that the relatively small stu-
dent body places emphasis on
faculty-student relations rather
than areas like research and
publishing which are often
stressed at larger institutions of
higher learning. Dr. McClure
believes that the most important
part of teaching is direct en-
gagement with students", and
he enjoys interacting with stu-
dents on a one-to-one basis. In
particular, Dr. McClure likes
helping students wrestle with
life issues that are bound to ap-
pear in the study of writing or
literature. This is appropriate
because this semester Dr.
McClure is teaching two sec-
tions of analytical writing - the
newly-revised Composition I
centered around five Core Ques-

1) What are our
present ways of understanding
ourselves and the universe?

2) How do these
ways of understanding evolve?

3) How do we
deal with conflicts in our ways
of understanding?

4) How do we
decide what is of value?

5) How do we
decide how to live our lives?
Dr. McClure sees these ques-
tions as "the heart of teaching
writing". He stresses that writ-
ing is much more than an exer-
cise in grammar - it is impera-
tive to create your own views,
support them, and express them

As it would seem, Dr.
McClure has a hand in just
about everything on campus this
semester, including the Stormy
Petrel itself. This year he will
be aiding Dr. Brightman in ad-
vising the newspaper. Dr.
McClure is also directing
Oglethorpe's rapidly expanding
Academic Resource Center
(ARC). The ARC, located in
Goodman Hall, makes peer tu-
toring available to all students











in all subjects, and it now has
more than twenty tutors. Dr.
McClure is eager to let students
know this resource is at their
disposal, saying, "One of the
exciting things is .. so many
more people are involved this
year." He also adds that the
teacher often learns as much as
the student in ARC endeavors.
It appears Oglethorpe

has made a wise choice in Dr.
McClure - a talented man who
is obviously willing to share hs
gifts with O.U. students. Cer-
tainly more faculty like him will
help us all live up to our poten-
tial. With so many empty shoes
around here, we are glad to see
Dr, McClure jumping in with
both feet

3r Michael McMlure replace* Madelen. Picciotto. photo by Tim Evens

The Wachovia College Account.

We know you've got a thousand and one things on
your mind. So we'll make this quick. You're going to need
a bank account. Why not get one that makes life easier?'
For $2.50 a month, (free during the summer) you can
write up to 10 checks a month and get money out of the
ATM as many times as you want.

It's as simple as it sounds. Of course you can get
other things like overdraft protection.' Phone Access? 1
a savings account and even your own credit card.'
We could go on. But we realize reading about
banking's about as exciting as doing the laundry. To
open your account or to find out more, drop by when
you get a minute. That way you'll only have a thousand
things left to think about.

The Wachovia College Account. No hassles. No joke.


Member FDK

Page 6/Tha Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


OSA begins year with new officers

By Robbie Romieser

OSA President

Special to The Stormy Petrel

Hey! We're back!
Back to those classes where we
practice our rubber band shoot-
ing techniques, back to those
late nights when Lettermaii
makes Aristotle that much more
unappealing, and back to those
glory days when food fights in
the dining hall represent the best
use for those eats on our plates.
It's great to be back in school,
isn't it?

In addition to rubber
band showdowns, Letterman
marathons, and food fights, be-
ing back in school means that
the various student organiza-

tions around campus are getting
cranked up. Among these or-
ganizations is the Oglethorpe
Student Association (OSA).
OSA's purpose is to enhance the
educational experience of the
student population at OU. We
strive to do this in number of
ways, such as by providing so-
cial activities for students (like
the annual Homecoming
Dances, Casino Nights, and
Stomp the Lawn concerts) and
by meeting regularly with the
OU administration to keep them
in touch with student concerns.
But most importantly, the OSA
serves the student body by lis-
tening and responding to the
concerns of individual students.
We, the members of OS A iden-

tify and address students' con-
cerns to the best of our abilities,
but we require your constant
feedback in order to know if we
are serving you well. So. please,
if you recognize a campus prob-
lem, identify an improvement
for the school, or possess any
thoughts that will benefit the
student body, please let OSA

This is how you can let
OSA know. OSA meetings are
open to anyone wishing to at-
tend. Executive Council meet-
ings arc held every Monday at
4:00 PM in the OSA Room
across from the Student Center
Post Office. Senate meetings are
held every Wednesday night at
10:00 PM in The Grenwald

Alpha Phi Omega
plans many fall events

By Chris McDuffie
Corresponding Secretary
Alpha Phi Omega
Special to The Stormy Petrel

I hope everyone had
a good and restful summer. I
know you're all ready for pack-
ing in those projects and attend-
ing those exciting committee
meetings. Just to remind you of
the officers: Jen Wyatt will serve
with distinction as President and

she won't take crap form any-
one! The ever-so-energetic
Kimberly Wilkes will serve as
Vice-president of service. Jim
Faasse (has his hair gotten red-
der?) will be our Vice-president
of membership. Melanie (what
is her last name, anyway?!) will
be our Fellowship Chairperson.
Heath Coleman, who promises
to completely memorize the
constitution, will be our Parlia-
mentarian Chris McDuffie will

be our Corresponding Secretary,
Joel Cox will be our Recording
Secretary, and Sarah Henry will
be our Historian.

Everything went well
with graduation and registra-
tion. Coming up this fall, we'll
possibly be working with the
food bank, Chastain Stables,
concessions stand at the Geor-
gia Dome, the Atlanta Hunger
Walk, Blood Drives, and much

ICC asks for help on the
organizational calender

By Jamie Walker

OSA Secretary

Special to The Stormy Petrel

The Interclub Coun-
cil will soon be meeting to co-
ordinate organizational calen-
dars in order to avoid schedul-
ing conflicts. In addition to com-
piling this basic logistical infor-
mation, the ICC would also like
to create an agenda of campus-
wide goals on which

Oglethorpe 's various student or-
ganizations can collaborate.
Lastly, it behooves all student
organizations to be represented
in the ICC because it is an im-
portant forum at which issues
which effect the university as a
whole can be addressed. The
ICC is also the most immediate
liaison between student organi-
zations and the Oglethorpe Stu-
dent Association, thus the ICC

serves as a valuable source of in-
formation and resources for all
campus organizations.

In order to facilitate
the development of this year's
ICC, please submit a list of your
organization's officers to
Marshall Nason in Community
Life. Also, please watch for an-
nouncements concerning ICC
meeting times which will be
posted sometime soon.

Room of the Student Center. If
you cannot or do not wish to at-
tend meetings, you can contact
any OSA member individually.
The names are as follows (fresh-
man class president and sena-
tors will be included after elec-
tions in the coming weeks):


Robbie Romeiser, President
Rob Hutcheson, Vice-President
Clay Barrineau, Treasurer
Jamie Walker, Secretary
Jason Fisher, Parliamentarian
Brian Davis, Senior Class Presi-

Alan Gibson, Junior Class

Pat Mulheam, Sophomore Class


Seniors: Tim Evans, Sam
Hutcheson, Mary Catherine

Cutcliffe, Angie Dickerson

Juniors: Penny Brandt, Priti

Kuvadia, Brian Fryman, Lu


Sophomores: Jim Faasse, Mark

Boyt, Jennifer Fowler, Reed


Please keep an eye out
for the Oglethorpe Student As-
sociation. Let us know what we
can do for the student body and,
hey, let us know if we're not
doing our job. See ya.


BER 16 AT 9:00 PM IN

YOU! ! !

OSA Movie Night
September 22, 9:00pm


' - ~ \f .'

/ ^...i3\" - J- -~*\*^.

I ^- 1 .. s \i :i\ .

-' r-



Eig'ffljjtegs, two langs and an attitudeSp?^

Ir i BB !

Page 1 /The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


If you are in a campus organi-
zation, you must read this

Dear Organization Leaders,

When we set up the new page layout for the 1993-94 Stormy Petrel, we sought to address the problem of the Organizations pages. In past years there has been some
misunderstanding, as well as misuse, of these pages. We hope that we, in cooperation with you and your respective organization, can address and correct these problems.

These pages are intended as a medium for various organizations to voice themselves in this paper. In order for us to continue these pages, we need your contributions.
We ask that your articles be S00-7S0 words in length and that they be intelligible to all readers. For further information, call 365-842S, or contact Sam Hutcheson or Brian
Davis personally.

Thank you.

Sam Hutcheson

If you are in a fraternity or so-
rority, or are affiliated with the
Greeks, you must read this

Dear Greeks,

Much as you may have inferred if you read the note to organizations in general, we at the Stormy Petrel wish to represent all Oglethorpe Students. In attempting to
accomplish this, we are re-instituting the Greek Columns. In order for this to work, it is unequivocably necessary that we receive contributions from your organizations.

Editorial policy concerning the Columns will be the same as all other policy. Like all organization articles, we ask that your contributions be 500-750 words in length,
and intelligible to all readers.

We have recently been in contact with a representative of Pan-Hellenic and the IPC. For more information, contact us at 364-8425, or contact Sam Hutcheson or Brian
Davis personally.

Thank you.

Sam Hutcheson

Deadline for Issue 2:
Wednesday, September

22, 5:00pm.

Page B/Tha Stormy Pstrel/September 17, 1993


Something off the top of my head

By Kenl McKay

I've been here three
years and I'm still pissed off. It
was the second week of my
freshman year when I first at-
tempted to draw a distinction be-
tween fairness and justice in a
class. Dr. Picciotto (who I love
dearly and really miss) looked
at me as if I had a hairy wart
growing in the middle of my
forehead, then proceeded to ig-
nore me. I have since had the
same experience with at least
three other teachers. They say
"Fairness, justice, whatever.
They're the same thing." But -
HELLO- they're not.

Justice is a traffic light
When it turns red, you must
stop; extenuating circumstances
are irrelevant. Justice is a fire.
Whether you get shoved into the
fire or intentionally stick your
finger in, you will get bumed
just as bad. Fairness, on the
other hand, is what one might
witness on a playground, or in
England. Fairness is that
infatiguable sense of fair play

which we are trained to observe
at all times and which invari-
ably surfaces when people find
that they are on the down side
of a situation. Fairness would
have been if the officer had let
me off the hook when I slid
through the red light attempt-
ing to not hit another car on that
rainy night in Kentucky. But
hey, as is often noted, Life's just
not fair. We all realize this, and
this is my point

There exists a natural
set of causes and effects, respon-
sibilities and consequences
which we are all keenly aware
of. and which we all must deal
with on a daily basis. Water will
wet, and fire will bum. It just
doesn 't matter why you get your-
self in the fire or water. That's
justice. It isn't fair at all. When
people first banded together to
form a civil society, they quickly
came to the realization that
some people would cheat, some
people would lie, some people
would try to beat the system, and
no one would ever have the in-
sight or wisdom to discern what
was fair for everyone in every

Welcome from alumni

Student Alumni Association provides many
opportunities for success

On behalf of our fel-
low alumni, we would like to
welcome both the new members
of our community and returning
students to Oglethorpe. We fully
expect that you will find this to
be an enjoyable and prosperous

Oglethorpe is an insti-
tution that is increasingly aware
of the demands of success. Part
of the success of schools of
Oglethorpe's caliber is regular
alumni-student involvement.
Together with Roby Hill,
Oglethorpe's Alumni Director,
we founded the Student Alumni
Association to help facilitate
this involvement We urge you
to support S AA's new President,
Amy Zickus, join SAA, and
avail yourself of the programs
and services it will offer.

We also need to know
where you feel alumni involve-
ment can make a difference.
Please tell Roby, Amy, or your

OSA representative when you
find an opportunity for alumni
to help an event be more suc-

The alumni, through
the Oglethorpe Alumni Associa-
tion and the Young Alumni
Club, will be visible on
Oglethorpe's campus this year.
We will work to help Oglethorpe
develop into the South's pre-
miere liberal arts college, and
the best way to do that is through
supporting student efforts.

While we will develop
our own programs, we believe
that successful alumni programs
begin by improving the current
student's experience. We look
forward to hearing from you.

We wish all members
of the Oglethorpe community
continued success.


Robert W. Drake '93
Julian E. Pawlowski '92

situation. Hence, they approxi-
mated the natural order of
things, assigning specific con-
sequences to specific actions.
For instance, if you skid through
a red light (regardless of the fact
that you might have been avoid-
ing the worse evil of hitting an-
other car), the officer will fine
you $78.50. The action of run-
ning the light has the artificial
cosnequence of a fine just as the
action of sticking a finger in the
fire has the natural consequence
of a bum. Just as surely as it is
our individual responsibility to
keep our fingers out of fires, it
is our responsibility to follow the
law, to not run the light, and if
we act responsibly, we will not
experience either the natural or

legal punishments.

Often, we hinder our
understanding of how we relate
to each other and to the world
around us by not drawing this
distinction between fairness and
justice. It is so easy, and it is
such a cop-out, to yell for jus-
tice (meaning what we think is
fair) when we feel that we have
been wronged. Then, when jus-
tice arives we often say "That's
not fair". (As in "Officer you
shouldn 1 give me a ticket; there
were extenuating circum-
stances") In either case we are
not sure, or do not care, whether
we are really referring to justice
or fa imess, (and so for these pur-
poses the words might as well
be interchangeable.) Generally

what we care about is ending up
better than we were before we
protested for justice/ fairness.
To actually come to grips with
how we relate to the natural jus-
tice, and the sense of fair play,
which both exist in the world
around us, we must first become
more acquainted with their ac-
tual, individual definitions.
This, it would seem, should be
a very intergral part of a higher
education, a part we may have
been missing out on due to the
fact that our teachers, like our-
selves, find it easy to say, "Fair-
ness, justice, whatever. They're
the same thing."

This first happened
three years ago, and I'm still
pissed off.

An intolerance for intolerance

By Jennifer Chiofalo

In fear of sounding
like someone who just pur-
chased a t-shirt from Gadzooks,
I'd like to make a request: Stop
The Hate. Just stop it. Make a
conscience decision and QUIT
IT. I overheard my roommate
discussing with someone the
other day the recurrence of
prejudice and racism as of late.
She blamed it on the economy
and how everyone is in such dire
straits lately. Well L for one,
don't buy it. Economy or not,
there is simply no valid excuse
for racism. This is the 90s, and
I really thought we were smarter
than this. I'm not pointing the
finger and saying "you, you and
YOU are racist; you are preju-
diced against certain groups."
No, I'm just generalizing for
convenience's sake, and because
I feel we all need a little slap-
ping around, just for good mea-

Lately I've encoun-
tered such racist statements
from customers at Underground
Atlanta, where I work, who have
asked me "if it was safe for white
people to walk around down
there," or if it was true "that
black people had taken over all
of Underground."

I saw the skin-heads in
Little Five Points hit an African-
American man over the head
with a bottle the other night.

Sadly enough, I've
been hearing the faint murmurs

of general hatred more and more
recently. Suddenly, even people
who I considered decent have
been letting their prejudices rear
their ugly heads. For instance,
my friend Larry works at the Dr.
Stress cart at Underground At-
lanta, and in talking with him
recently about his new apart-
ment near Georgia Tech, Larry
suddenly blurted out, "I like
where I live. It's away from all
the fags. I'd never live in mid-
town-that's where they all con-
gregate. Stupid fags-I hate
them." Gee, and I used to think
Larry was above the ignorance
of the stupid people.

I certainly don't con-
sider the commissioners of Cobb
County to be decent people, but
their recent decision not to fund
certain theater performances of
a homosexual nature still came
as a surprise to me. As a former
resident of Cobb County, who
has personally locked horns
with the commissioners on cer-
tain issues in the past, the anti-
gay decision was just one more
headache in a long series of ag-
gravations and disappointments
from our elected leaders.
Oglethorpe professor Douglas
McFarland described it accu-
rately when he explained that
the leaders were afraid that in
viewing a theater performance
about homosexuals, we just
might be able to see through the
writer's eyes. Isn't THAT a dan-
gerous thing? What if we were
to actually be able to see another
group's point of view? We

might be able to empathize.
Oooh, scary.

I think its also scary
that it's 1993 and bigots, neo-
nazis, and homophibics still ex-
ist I consider these descriptions
to be interchangeable, but the
ones whom they describe like to
stress that bigots, neo-nazis, and
homophobics are all different,
separate groups with their own
special characteristics. They all
have one characteristic in com-
mon, though: stupidity. I have
to admit, myself, that I have a
prejudice: I have high contempt
for intolerant people.

These examples are
only a few chance incidences
that I happened to witness as of
late. Who can even begin to
name all the occurrences of
prejudice and irrational hate
that happen at every minute of
every day? We as a society have
come so far in our development,
yet at times we seem to take one
step forward and three steps
back. The element of racism
and violence is getting tiring. I
can't offer a solution to this re-
occurring problem, nor can I
cleanly separate the groups who
fall victim to such prejudices. I
can, however, offer food for
thought: instead of using the
characteristics that make us dif-
ferent from each other to fuel the
fires of hate, or to force each
other apart; start looking at
these attributes as qualities
which make each one of us even
more special and valuable.

Page 9/The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


The Palmetto Bugs suffer injustice

By Chopper Johnson

Friends of Equality
and Brothers of Freedom, it is
time for us once again to unite
and stand against a common foe.
The problem, as I am sure
you are aware, is that of the
administration once again look-
ing on those below it as simply
numbers to be dealt with, while
forsaking their feelings and
comforts. I am speaking of the
trials and tribulations of our
friends slightly down the food
chain, the common and friendly
Palmetto Bug. That's right,
people. It is time for us to stop
crying over our trivial over-
crowding problems, and think
about our little brethren on the
floor. According to reports from
the Nation Society for the Suc-
cessful Non-Violent Co-Exist-
ence of the Palmetto Bug and

Man (NSSNVCEPBM) some of
these brave creatures are having
to cram 40, 50, even 60 insects
to a suite.

There have been several unsub-
stantiated reports from Alumni
of the single suite populations
ranging well over 100 (Just talk
to anyone who lives there!) . To
compound matters, I have docu-
mented reports from my floor
level companions of having to
dodge as many as ten separate
feet in their daily jaunts from the
toilet to the fridge. Several
people have suggested that each
dorm be given that updated ver-
sion of the conventional
RoachMotel, the newly rede-
signed and redecorated
RoachCondo. This insensitive
proposal has been shunned by
the NSSNVCEPBM for two
very important reasons. The fust
of these is the well-known du-
bious safety records of these wee

What a culture shock...

ByPaulina Van Ulie

Is everybody running

around with a gun? Does ev-
eryone live in skyscrapers? Do
these people eat junkfood in
front of the television all day
(Before you come here you see
that as something positive)? Is
this what America is like?

All this is as much the
truth as that holland (where I
come from) is part of
Scandinavia, that everybody
there walks around in wooden
shoes everyday and that people
speak German there.

Anyway, what is it that
strikes you when you are fresh
from the Netherlands (yes, that
is the same as Holland) and you
walk out of the plane in Atlanta?

First of all everybody
seems so extremely kind! Ev-
erybody asks you how you're
doing, where as in Holland
you'll hardly mumble some-
thing to someone you do know.
Quite soon, however, you find
out that people don't really care
about your cat being ill or that
your car broke down. But it
sounds very kind, anyway.

Of course there are a
lot of other things to get used to
here: the climate (but they re-
ally help you get used to heat
fast in Schmidt Hall with a non-
functioning air-conditioner) and

speaking American all day long.
One of the biggest problems I
encountered though was an-
swering the phone. Why don't
Americans just say who they are
when they answer the phone?
Things get so complicated.
"Hello." "Hello, this is Maggy."
"Oh." "Can I speak to Andrew."
"Speaking..." How about the
dutch way? "Hello, this is
Truus." "Oh hi, it's me Yenda,
how are you doing?..." Maybe
I'll get the point later, until that
time I'll play the "guess-who's-
who game."

Talking about games.
There's something I don't quite
get. How come that in a coun-
try that is known for its violence,
a mass event like a Braves game
can pass off without major inci-
dents? In Holland whole shop-
ping centers are being torn
down after a soccer game and
extra police forces are needed to
keep the spectators from doing
worse things? (Is it a lack of
excitement? Don't you have the
straight from the heart happi-
ness or disappointment? Or did
I just seriously offend some
people here?!?)

As you see, this land
keeps surprising me, but I
slowly get used to all your cus-
toms and I have the feeling that
I'll have a lot of subject matter
when I go back to Holland,
maybe an article called: "Com-
ing back to the Netherlands."?

confines. The second, and more
tragic of the two, is this insen-
sitive reference to our compan-
ions as roaches (the vile disgust-
ing disease carriers) when we
are in fact talking about our
friends, those sweet and cud-
dly Palmetto Bugs.

A representative of the
NSSNVCEPBM was not able to
be reached for comment on this
gross injustice, but the well
known insectoid author archie
was quick to let his displeasure
be known: "it isdisgraceful.
There was a time when we were
respected and feared; now we

are just stepped oa Then we
were stepped on too, but it was
out of respect," A resident as-
sistant who prefers to remain
nameless offered this solution,
"When the Greek housing is fin-
ished, that should solve a lot of
the problems with bugs in the
dorms. For those that don't
naturally migrate to the more
familiar surroundings, the uni-
versity is planning to set up a
micro bussing network." Thank
you, Unnamed Informant. And
to the rest of you, I simply say,

My worst nightmare

Racisim evokes fear among many people
in today's world

By Brandon Gallaway
Feature Editor

Everywhere we look
these days, there are headlines
about race relations - Rodney
King., Reginald Denny, the
black tourist set afire by white
men in Florida. Coming from
Mississippi, 1 thought I knew
something about prejudice and
race relations. Unfortunately,
this summer I learned more than
I ever wanted to know. A few
weeks ago, my cousin and her
boyfriend came to Atlanta for a
visit. We were leaving the gates
of Six Flags when we heard an-
gry voices behind us. Two black
boys (and I say boys because
neither of them could have been
older than fifteen) were appar-
ently offended by my cousin's
cigarette smoke. When I asked
that they leave us alone, the
older one spewed at me some of
the most vile, racist, misogynist
language I have ever heard in
my twenty-one years on this
planet Suddenly I was in the
midst of a racial incident. To
them I was just a white bitch
whose life meant nothing. They
told me so.

All sorts of thoughts
ran through my head. Should I
have kept my mouth shut?
Should we run? Where was all
this hatred coming from? Might
this child have a gun? (Having
had a gun pulled on me earlier
this summer by another black
youth at the Waffle House where
I worked has made me fright-
fully aware of this possibility.)
Because we were so close to the

park, I reasoned that we were
probably safe. After some fur-
ther trading of insults, they left
us in peace. My cousin and her
friend were terrified. However,
they realized that this was only
one of many black people we
encountered that day - and most
of them were just like us.

How do we make sense
of incidents like these is an in-
creasingly violent world? First
of all, let me say that the fact
that these kids were black and I
am white makes no difference.
Racists come in all colors,
shapes and sizes. They are all
equally dangerous, armed or
not. When we begin to arbi-
trarily hate people on the basis
of groups to which they belong
(racial or otherwise), we devalue
all human beings. No one
should be treated the way I was
treated that day; the sad reality,
however, is that more and more
people face this kind of hate
each day. The danger in this is
that racism is contagious. One
bad experience can perpetuate
the fear and hate that we as edu-
cated people should be working
to eradicate. However, studies
indicate that racial intolerance
is more prevalent in young
adults than in older ones. What
kind of world are we creating
for ourselves? Extremists talk
of an inevitable race war. This
is my worst nightmare. My
cousin and her boyfriend are
right; most people- black, white,
yellow, red, or green - are just
like us. We're all human. If we
forget that, we all have many
more long, hot summers in front
of us.

Something Special
From Tim...

By Tim Evans
Senior Class Senator

Dear Editor,

I'm disturbed by the
latest developments in the Up-
per Quad. This is my fourth liv-
ing on campus in the Upper
Quad, and I believe the recent
actions of the housing staff con-
flict with the aims of building
community life.

Last Friday, a group of
students was gathered between
Trustee and Dempsey, talking.
It was shortly after midnight.
The facts are still unclear, but
they were ordered to disperse,
and some students were written
up. I passed the group, and
nothing seemed out of the ordi-
nary for a Friday night. But
something was.

For those of us that can
remember a time when Traer,
the Student Center, and the Up-
per Quad were all but barren on
the weekends, the seemingly
new policy of strict enforcement
of housing rules is a painful re-
minder of what Oglethorpe is
like without a life after 12:00
AM on the weekends. One
would hope that the housing
staff is chosen, in part, for its
good judgement and ability to
control situations without
impeading community life. Per-
haps that is not the case. The
way I see tit, there are some ad-
vantages and disadvantages to
strict enforcement Til define
what I mean by strict enforce-
ment as enforcement to the let-
ter of the housing handbook.
IVe listed some of the advan-
tages and disadvantages below.
You decide what you think is
important for yourself. Voice
your opinion, Pve voiced mine.


- We have order and quiet after
12:00 AM.

- It makes the RD's job easier:
RD's ass is covered at all times;
no gray areas; no need for dis-

- No Braves on the Quad.

- No noisy students outside.

- No on-campus gatherings af-
ter 12:00 AM.

- No students bothering the RD.


- Absolute order and quiet after

- It makes the RD's job tougher:
accused of Gestapo policing; no
cooperation; diminishing re-
spect and credibility from stu-
dents; students make noise; stu-
dents dont play fair.

- No one outside to talk to.

- No tolerance.

- No students talking to the RD.

- No Braves on the Quad.

Page 10/Hie Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


Wednesdays in hell: A taste of Club Fetish

By Kim Jones

Three amateur

Atlanlians entrust their lives to
the hands of an Oglethrope
transfer student form the At-
lanta area, and jump into a
lighted cab heading for the big

We stand outside the
club like children on Christmas
morning, anxiously awaiting
our turn to show out proof of
maturity and enter the "big-
town" club. Upon entering we
are over-whelmed by the blast
of industrial music and cigarette
smoke. Nervous, we sit and
watch a man dancing with a
wall as his partner, women
dancing in cages. The dancers
work here. They wear next to
nothing, as do most other people
in the club. The little they do
wear is made up of chains,
leather, and lace, 100% black.

Our guide, Explains
that the professional whipper is
sick, so we will not be seeing a
whipping tonight. After a
while, the show begins. A man
lies on a table, and is blind-
folded. One of the ladies begins
spraying whipped cream on his
chest, arms, and legs, followed
by chocolate syrup that runs
down his thighs. She, another
girl, and a male dancer lick him
from head to toe, stopping oc-
casionally to feed each other, or

lick each other's faces. As I
watch them, I can not help be-
ing envious of the confidence,
and amazed with their show.

The music slows down
a little bit and the crowd begins
to dance a little closer. Its as if
some cosmic force had opened
the eyes of the entire crowd,
making everyone on the dance
floor extremely aware of their

At 2 am, this party is
still intense, but we make our
way to the telephone, call a taxi,
and head back to campus, all the
time talking about the most awe-
somely strange time we had just
had. People had said we might
feel awkward or "out of place."
This is not the case. The club
was different, to say the least. I
have never seen so many people
with so little clothing, and so
much prideful spirit. I have
never seen a show like the one I
saw that night either, but it was
interesting to see. The inten-
sity in the crowd during the
show alone was enough to keep
me interested. Whether there to
dance, see the show, or be part
of the show, the crowd was gen-
erally aware of themselves and
their bodies without shame.
This club is not the place for
everyone, but as Mary Lynch
said, "I didn't feel as out of place
as I thought I would. Anyone
could fit in, as long as they act
like themselves." It is definitely






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a one-time for almost anyone.

I got the chance to
speak with one of the dancers,
Scott Cloud, a financial analyst
and mortgage broker. When I
asked him about his dancing at
Club Fetish, he spoke to me
about his intrigue when he first
saw the show. He became in-
terested in the submissive as-
pect, and in being involved. The
shows range from whipping,
candle wax being poured on the

body, human sundae extrava-
ganzas. When asked about the
pain, he replied, "Pain is an sen-
sation people don 't get a chance
to experience on a day to day
basis. People are taught to feel
pain. If they can get past that
fear, it can be a pleasurable ex-
perience." For me, Club Fetish
was a pleasurable. I have been
twice now, and will probably go
again. It is a club of intense
dancing, and a place to let your

hair down and be your true self.
Masquerade has three
levels: Heaven, Purgatory, and
Hell. On Wednesday night,
Club Fetish, only Hell is 'open.
This is where the dance floor is,
and where the shows take place.
Other nights at Masquerade in-
clude: Tuesday - Xanadu,
Wednesday - Club Fetish,
Thursday - Old Wave, Friday -
Rock-n-Rage, and Saturday and
Sunday - Techno.

What you Need to see...

By Mary Lynch

Recently I decided to

go over to the theater and check
out "Needful Things," the lat-
est Stephen King book-tumed-
movie. Having read the book
and seen other attempts at con-
verting King's novels to mov-
ies, I naturally did not expect too
much. The previews looked
promising though, so I decided
to give it a chance.

The plot of the movie
is pretty much congruous with
that of the .iv. with only slight
variations. Basically, the Devi]
moves into Castle Rock, Maine
and opens up a sort of odds-and-
ends store, called "Needful
Things." The store just happens
to stock items that are deemed
priceless by the various citizens

of the town. Each person would
then buy their designated item
and pay not with money, but in
return for some deed. Eventu-
ally it becomes apparent that all
the deeds tie together, and the
result is total chaos in the town.
This is revealed to the audience
through the eyes of the sheriff
of Castle Rock, who is the hero
of the story.

The movie was very
well done, with good special ef-
fects (the movie ends with a
bang, literally), and very good
performances by all the actors.
The musical score was also well
chosen, and provided excellent
throughout the movie, having
the Ave Marie play in the back-
ground while two women slice
each other to death, for ex-

I would highly recom-

mend this movie to anyone who
is neither squeamish nor an ani-
mal rights activist (one scene
features a skinned dog hanging
in a closet), and to anyone who
has not read the book, for even
though this is one of the best at-
tempts to turn a King novel into
a movie, time and time again it
is proven that it just can not be
done. King's novels are just far
too complex to be covered in a
two hour movie, and after hav-
ing read the book L for one, am
always disappointed when some
detail that I considered vital is
left out.

However, it's a great
movie when judged indepen-
dently and not in contrast to the
book, and I think anyone who
goes to see it will consider it
time and money well spent.

Playmakers perform Shakespeare

By Yolanda Hemadez

Next month the
Playmakers will be performing
the Shakespearean comedy
"Love's Labour's Lost." The
main plot concerns the humor-
ous story of a king and three
friends who decide to seclude
themselves for three years from
wine, women and song in order
to focus on their studies. How-
ever, when the Princess of
France arrives on business with
three of her friends, the men lose
sight of their initial ambition.
The theme of wanting what you
cannot have unfolds as the men
pursue the women and the
women tease the men.

"Love's Labour's Lost"
will be enacted in the Lupton

Auditorium October 14th, 15th,
and 16th at 8:00 PM and Octo-
ber 17th at 2:00 PM. Students
who have previously paid their
activities fee are admitted free
by simply presenting their
school identification. However,
to sit in the reserved section in
the front of the auditorium stu-
dents are urged to pick up a
ticket in L-3 1 5 prior to the show.
Faculty will be charged S2.00
and the general public $6.00.
On November 20th

and 21st Alpha Psi Omega will
be performing two one-act
plays. One production will be
"The Show Must Go On," and
the other has yet to be decided.
In February, "Thirteen
O'clock," a children's musical,
will be preformed. An all male
drama about child will be the
Playmakers focus for Spring.

So mark your calendar
for next month's amusing pro-
ductions and support the acts at

Earn $500-$ 1000 weekly stuffing en-
velopes. For details - RUSH $1 .00 with
SASE to:


57 Greentree Drive, Suite 307

Dover, DE 19901

Page 11/The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 3 .993


Craig Karges brings illusions and telepathy to OU

By Chris Brown
Entertainment Editor

Not long ago some
friends and Idecided that David
Copperfield was in fact the
devil- 1 mean, who has to this
day figured out how he made the
jet dissappear? Or the Statue of
Liberty? The illusions he cre-
ated were of such an imagina-
tive power that no rationality (
that I'm capable of, anyway) can
make simple sense of it.. Rather,
w/ such feats the mind gives
over to the magic its greatesr
wonder, it participates in the
world of possibility, the super-
natural, the spiritual. Devil?
Probably not. But certainly a

gift entertainer of the mind.
Magic of the mind
It is fitting that one of
our first shows of our year deals
with precisely this kind of
facination. Craig Karges, a
mental ist, ESP showman, and
illusionist will bring his award
winning talent to lupton Audi-
torium, September 16 at 9:00
p.m. His show, called Magic of
theKfind, challenges the brain's
capacities and our depth of un-
derstanding. Not only will he
perform such things as " Levi-
tation," but will work with the
audience in making predictions
( that will come "true" during
the course of the show!), call-
ing off serial number of random
bills, mystically linking finger

rings borrowed from viewers
and in producing a pre-written
description of someone's dream
car. At one point he wil literally
risk his payment for performing.
He will place his check in one
of several envelopes and let a
viewer chose which envelopes
to bum. Hopefully, the last re-
maining envelope will contain
his money- hopefully, because
there have been times that he
has given free performances this

Like Copperfield he
does not reveal the secrets be-
hind his illusions. But, unlike
the Devil, he has an underly-
ing message: the power of the
mind. Those things invisible
that seem beyond reason, are ac-

tually within the limits of our
brain. Says Karges; " We only
use to 20 percent of our minds.
Think about the capabilities that
must lie within that 80 to 90
percent of our unused minds."

Karges has performed
around the country at colleges
and universities, and was Enter-
tainer of the year in 1991 : as
well, he gives seminars and mo-
tivational performances of busi-
ness and cooperation and re-
mains in high demand as

Above all, is he an en-
tertainer, Devil? Probably not.
But, Magic of the Mind prom-
ises to be a facinating experi-
ence. Who knows, maybe it will
even be free.

Arts Festival provides culture and enjoyment for all

By Jennifer Chiofalo

The 40th Annual
Arts Festival of Atlanta is here!
Literally, by the time you read
this article, it will almost be
over. If you haven't been yet you
don't know what you're miss-

Nationally acclaimed,
the Arts Festival is getting even
better with its old age. This year
it has added even more visual
and performing artists, which
really stand as the foundation for

the show. In the pavilion is a
visual arts display called "The
Language of Force." It is an
exhibit which explores the fac-
tors which lead to violence in
America. The title of the ex-
hibit is fitting in that its mes-
sage is a strong one, and comes
across as such.

Moving into a lighter
scene is the exhibit inside the
bath house. Entering, you'll be
greeted by an archway of
vacuum cleaners and motorized
rocking horses.

The performance art-

ists are also branching out (as
hard as it may be to think that
they could come up with any-
thing more exploratory than in
years past). This year's artists
contain such elements as physi-
cally disadvantaged performers
and audience participation.

Even if you have been
in past years, this Arts Festival
is one not to miss. The spon-
sors have emphasized a more
unified show, expanded to allow
more than one artist in some of
the 340 booths that make up the
artist market. There is also the

return of the really weird Bazaar
Bizzoso, as if some of the art
wasn't strange enough.

So get out of your
RollerBlades, take the money
form your Ramen Noodle fund,
and get to Piedmont Park before
you realize too late what you've

The Arts Festival of
Atlanta runs from September
11th to the 19th, 11 AM - 9:30
PM (except for the last day
which ends at 8:00 PM) at Pied-
mont Park at Midtown.


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((ISoundChei ^

B y Chris Brown

Ei itertainment Editor

Lallapaloozi i '93 has
received mixed revit :ws; and
ft om what I have hea rd it was
tt ie smaller, lesser knc wn bands
tl lat kept it togethe r. Word
s) tread quickly about 9 uch bands
ai > Rage Against the Machine
a nd Front 242, who* s post-tour
ii iterest thrust them i n the pub-
li ic eye, and launched promising
r tcord sales for both . Likewise
for Tool, the broo< ling-metal
b and, whose new re alease Un-
d ertow is sure to at tract equal,
i f not greater, alter tion in the
" alternative" music market.

Tool's nev i disk is as
s ubtly intriguing a s it is bla-
t antly angry. The j niitar works
I tetween high enei gy grooves,
c crushing power riffc ., and almost
melodic bridges/ solos. The
i hythm section te nds towards
t he heavy, head-bar iging variety,
f ind often lacks on ginality; but
I he group is smai t enough to
i elax the beat (or d rop it out all
t ogether) and let t he subtleties
of the guitar/vc >cals come
t hrough. Together , the musical
s ound rages from < enthralling to
1 lallucinatory, to c oke induced
i -age to pot cloudec I dreaminess.
Lyrically, however,
t here are no tend er moments.
' Ihe explicit lyrics (repeated use
< if "luck") are not i mmature bra
' ^ado, howeverth ey fit into a
i consistent mood. It's an "up-
; (-our s" attitude, a kind of de
i .non-like rage foui id in songs
like "Sober" and "1 Intolerance,
which scream out, perhaps
Ironically, al social! y destructive
forces - violence, dishonesty,
and organized reli gion. Songs
like "Crawl Away," " Swamp
Song," and "Bottom" all look
out into a frustrating universe,
and, perhaps as a way of cop-
ing, loudly curse it

But there is playful-
ness, too. Balancing the obvious
'rage are numerous speeches,
suggestive noises (a simulated
bong hit for example), and a 1 5
minute finale (track 69) consist-
ing of animal noises and a dirge.
All in all. their studio
effort is powerful new music.
Even if the Lallapalooza tour
didn't knock you out of your
panties, this disc is an enthral-
ling dive into dark, brooding
and funkish metal. Highly
Reccommended. Available at
Atlanta CD.

Page 12/The Stoirmy Petrel/September 17, 1993


YEAH BOB by Darryl Klutkowskl

C H AO S by Brian SMuster


Page 13/lhe Stormy Fetrel/Sepl member 17, 1< 193


Che Stormy
^ Petrel ,


Sam Huteheson

Managing Editor:
Brian Davis

Comics Editor:

David Barnhart

Copy Editor:
Steven Cooper

Editorial Editor:
Justin Hayes

Entertainment Editor:
Chris Brown

Feature Editors:

Angie Dickerson
Brandon Gallaway

Layout Editors:
Ryan P. Queen
Jason Thomas

News Editors:
Barbara Miller
Jonelle Thomas

Organization Editor:

Priti Kuvadia

Photography Editor:
Tim Evans

Sports Editor:



Dary] Brooks

Jennifer C hiofalo

Yolanda Hernandez


Chopper Johnson

Kim Jones


Theresa Linebarger

Mary Lynch

Tomika Powell

Daniel Rosenthal

Pauline Van Ulie

Christie Willard

Academic A dvisors:

Bill Brightman
Michael McClure

THE Crossword


8 SnWH
10 Rum. mi

14 Poet bird

15 Pw^ianOUs

16 Liu

17 Happening

18 In ant's rtght

19 Unde'a wife

20 Bothered
22 Old

24 Lib animal

25 Join together

26 High regard

30 Rusa. mountain

31 End

32 Giving totaling

37 Mo Mo tl of dotot

38 Perk. Colo.

39 Family member

40 Ocean liner

42 Liquid measure

43 Word* of

44 Impede

45 Deeply effected
49 Arthur of TV
50Pre4. G.

51 Lend feeing


56 Celebes p

57 Sototudo


60 Give money to

61 Gen. Robert

62 Subterfuges

63 Existence

64 Plant producer

65 Boutique


1 Kind of school

2 Fine review

3 Singer Burl

4 Small value coin
6 Want in

6 Ham of value

7 foodfian

8 Peter

9 Deleeta soundly

i i < i ' tK" j "

H<> H

I H"

k n Bn a

- .._:_ jF -B-WI

n Bin In is m

pf _H"

" ^ _FT

17 '.At >

|C BBi' |3 U W U

jg7 h h^i

K>- | u

r , l' 5

CIW3 TrOunt IM4 S*rvttH *C

AH Aif*t RMfv0

10 Accumulate

1 1 Awaken roughly

12 Oakley

13 Not now
21 Sheep

23 " lang syne

25 Move slowly

26 Abates

27 Man'a attire

28 Floor cover

29 A Fitzgerald

30 Loosen

32 Pale

33 Leave out

34 Cheerio

35 Part ol USA:

36 Fat

36 Perfumes

41 Smalt amount

42 Horseshoe

44 vintage car

45 Low marshy


46 Neck adornment
of hones

47 Golf clubs

49 Kind

51 Gratis

52 German: abbr.

53 Too

54 Actor WII

55 Gaelic
58 Beer


13 Reasons why Ogllethorpeshoul id
host an Olympic ovent in 1996

13) It'd bo fun telling a 350- -pound Russia n

weighttifter that he had to put his beer in a cup.
12) It'd be fun watching all the RA's r e a c t i o r is

when the athletes celebrated duri ng quiet hours.
11) It'd be neat having all o ur rooms redone ju: it

like Killian's.

10) It wouldn't cost the city a dime. . . work stud y

could handle everything.

9) With the revenue brougl it in the Stanton:;

could re-landscape their yard (mc >re flowers!)
8) It'd give us yet another c hance to get the Woo-

druff PE center from Emory.

7) It'd be fun watching sect, irity tow all the ille-

gally parked cars during the ope ning ceremonies...
6) Even the Petrel is better i than Whalizit...

5) No chance of terrorism hi ae, Will Mullis can talk

them to death...

4) Overweight athletes can li ve in Third Floor Alumni

and sweat off their weight...

3) The athletes can live in the new Greek housing.

It'll be ready by then, won't it?

2) Runners can stay in sha pe by chasing roaches

around the rooms...
1) Speed bumps make excel lent hurdles...


Melissa Stinnett: "Mix dless goons are people,

Melbsa Stinnett: "I don 't want to go anywhere, I
want to go somewhere."

Melissa Stinnett: "Som stimes you have to pick
the dead horse up off the ground a nd give it a swift kick in
the butt."

KimKimer: "I never say anything quotable. Bugs
are flying up my shorts."

Stacy Geagan: "Fwozer i."

omreuwo or t .-**** MMe S ei waw -

,*M;t* ac w amvi-g//






NttUSH...Ur* ATWlti.fflUSftIN Ufc NIK,. ."

Pag e 14/Tho Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


Gieorgia football: Back in season, again

By Sam Hutcheson
Ed; ,tor-In-Chief

When August swi ngs
inl o September and the G> sor-
gi. in summer begins giving ' * ay
to autumn, you can be relath ely
as sured of two things. F irst,
sc hool will begin again, and sec-

nd, but of absolutely no less im-
p ortance to the communities
v fhich thrive around those
s chools, high school fool ball

1 >egins a new season.

Georgia is, and will
. ilways be, a football state . In
communities the size of this
campus and smaller, the citi zens
live and die with their sc hool
colors. Trust me, I was 1 x>m,
and lived my first eigh teen
years, in just such a commi inity.
Baxley, GA is a city of i bout
twenty thousand located t hirty
minutes south of Vidali; i (of
onion fame) on US 1 , and a bout
two hours away from anyl hing
else. Draw a concentric c ircle

around Macon-Savannah-
Brunswick- Jacksonville, FL-
Va id os La -Macon, look directly
into the center, into that portion
of the state which has a lot of
trees and wild animals, and you
will see my home town. It was
there, in that seemingly insig-
nificant dot on the state, that I
acquired my great respect for
high school football.

Now understand, I am
no great fan of football in gen-
eral. At most, I see the game as
a more barbaric form of basket-
ball (i.e. something to watch be-
tween baseball seasons.) But the
high school game is quite dif-
ferent. While the NFL pays
large, violent men a lot of money
to bash each other around, and
college ball is little more than a
training ground for professional
headbashers, high school foot-
ball serves a much more poetic
purpose. (Yes, I did just use the
word poetic in reference to the
game of football.)

Take for example, the
above mentioned Baxley, GA
Baxley is in many ways caught
in a temporal loop. Often when
I go home, I expect to see civil
rights marches beginning in
front of the court house. Much
of my home town has yet to ad-
vance beyond 1955. Blacks and
whites seldom live in the same
neighborhoods, the high school
cafeteria is still as segragated as
any physical wall or law could
make it, and generally, people
are truly afraid to do anything
that is not customary. Baxley
could be a frightening place,
especially if you were not born

But this is where high
school football comes in. In
small towns like Baxley, this
game serves as the great equal-
izer. When you step into Jimmy
Swain Stadium, you cease to be
a race, you cease to have a color,
at least as far as pigmentation
goes. You are either Red and

All Dunn: My book o 1 useful facts

By Dunn Neugebauer
Someone Special

After working long

hours this summer, we ha\ e fi-
nally come up with an ao ;ept-
able student codebook/ r and-
book/piece of junk that sr lould
help all of you students, both
new and old, in getting ar ound
this year. Feel free to add t o the

Things to Remember:

The new fraternity am 1 so-
rority house will eventuall y get

Good luck finding a pai -king
place if you come back ti ) the
campus after 11:00 p.m.

The dollar movie theat! ne off
Buford Hiyhway costs $ 1.50.
Go figure...

If the Briives make it I o the
playoffs, don't expect quiet
hours at the iihird floor, A lurani
Hall. Come

visit. Bring friends.

If you don't feel like < sating
the food, get Cecil to mal ce you
a ham & chei;se omelet..

There arc; 10 speed bumps
from the front entrance to the
back parking lot.

Her name : is Gina am i she's
a junior from Shiloh High
School and sr ,e plays basl elbal i .

Inventing things for ; itudent
life is perfect ly acceptab le.

Support your athletic pro-
grams. .

Enjoy yourself..

Go to class..

Take notes for me while
you're there..

People you need to
meet and Why:

Dean Moore: If you get in
trouble, you'll have to meet him
anyway. Why not be assertive
and make first


Brian Davis: He's the presi-
dent of the senior class and a
basketball player that shoots
right-handed, lay-ups real good.
He can steer you right..

Tim Evans- Another
senior..He's a good guy and will
probably talk you into playing
tennis here. I like


The women's tennis team:
They're all babes..

Steve Jobe- He's tall, but
he's friendly and harmless..
Sure he'll make you watch "
Spinal Tap" about

six times, but he's okay af-
ter that..

Meredyth Grenier She
likes to eat, talk, listen to coun-
try music and work out.. Go say
hello to our volleyball/ basket-
ball assistant..

The blond-haired lady that

runs the dining hall: Getting in
good with the people that feed
you is never dumb move..

Bobby Holman He came
from a land far, far away, but we
like him anyway..

Beevus and Butthead...

Some Suggestions For
NoParticular Reason:

Keep a journal of your first
year in college..

Get real good at tennis, then
go see the coach..

Play 'Taboo" against Brooke

Put peer pressure on the soc-
cer players to win us our first
ever SCAC title..

Drink lots of water..

Say hello to a new freshman
(not just the pretty ones!)

If in a bad mood, check out
the movies "The Sure Thing,"
"Fletch," or "Stripes" from your
local third floor alumni movie

Take a walk..

Stay in touch..

I gotta go..

P.S. Brooke, bring
"The Couch Trip" back, it's a
week overdue... Phil Wendel,
Jill McLester, Kin Kimer, phone
home... Sam Hutcheson, don't
work so hard...

Black (yes, we were very much
patterned after Athens) or you
are not. It is that simple. For
three hours every Friday night,
for three months, four if the
team is good, one hundred years
of fear and hatred and loathing
are dismissed if not forgotten.

Now, anyone could ar-
gue that a football game is a very
little thing in the search for ra-
cial equality. You could say that
I was overrating a simple small
town tradition. You could say a

lot of things. But until you have
lived there, experienced the tra-
dition, and seen the ways in
which small communities vent
fear and misunderstanding
without open violence, do not
feel you can judge. Trust me on
this one. And the next time you
see those high school scores
flashed up on the sports report
with the same importance of the
latest Braves-Giants updates,
remember, the surface of a sport
is never the real thing.

Men's Soccer shows great potential

Jason Thomas
Layout Editor

Welcome back to the
wonderful world of Stormy Pe-
trel soccer. The OU soccer team
is coming off a third place fin-
ish in the SCAC last year. Their
final record was 12-7-1, the best
in over four years. Last season
the Petrels also secured their
first playoff berth in over four
years. Unfortunately, the OU
soccer team lost two very key
players this year, Samson Desta
and John Schaefer. At
was thought that replacements
for these two starters would be
hard to find.

Luckily for the Petrels,
the freshman recruits have
proven to be some of the most
productive and talented fresh-
man ever at Oglethorpe.
Michael Turner has stepped
into the midfield slot to assist
in the easing of the loss of
Desta. His speed and technique
are of great value this season.
Sophomore team member,
Micheal Billingsley said,
"Turner, also known as Ricky
Racoon, will be an excellent ad-
dition to the OU squad. He has
good skill and is adjusting to the
"hard core" style of play that we
use." He already started for the
Petrels in their debut match
against Brandeis University. In
the backfield, Jason Williams, a
sophomore transfer student
from Wake Forest, has proven
to be a solid defender in the
mighty Petrel defense. His
stamina, skills, and aggressive-
ness have been great assets to
the defense. Another new de-
fender, Dusty Bost, has proven
to be an excellent freshman de-
fender. He has already stepped
in to give solid relief in the
backfield. GiffBriggs has also
shown some promise. Unfortu-
nately, he was injured in the pre-
season and may be forced to not
play this year. If he is able to

return this year, he will be able
to contribute in the midfield and
up front. Will Lukow com-
mented, "If the freshman stay
healthy and mature well, then
they will easily fill the vacated
holes left by the loss of Samson
and Schaefer."

All of these freshman
are complimented by the tal-
ented returning players. Will
Lukow is back this year after
being chosen for the All-South
Team. Also, he received an
Honorable Mention for the Ail-
American Team and was SCAC
Player of the Year. Lukow, a
junior, is one of the captains and
presently owns the school scor-
ing record at fourty-seven goals.
Fellow captains are senior
Cameron Bread) and junior
David Larette. Bready was se-
lected for the Academic All-
South Team and will provide for
a solid central defender in the
Petrel defense. Larette was se-
lected as an All-Conference
player. Other returning players
with honors are: Senior Joe
Akyempong, All-South; Junior
John Nunes, All-Conference;
and Sophomore Rob Fearon,
All-Conference. There are also
other returning players who are
expected to contribute greatly to
the OU soccer team.

This season should be
one of the most successful sea-
sons for soccer ever at
Oglethorpe. The team was
ranked third in the conference
during the pre-season, but this
team could be the team that
brings home the first SCAC
schampionship to OU. Con-
cerning the team's expectations,
Lukow stated, "Don't expect
anything and you won't be let
down." Despite a slow start, you
can't help but to expect some-
thing good from this team.
Come out and watch the men
beat Centre College at 2:00 PM
on Saturday, September 20.

Page 15/The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993


Yet, another pennant race... Lady Petrels begjn year wjth confidence

By Sam Hutcheson

If you were inclined
to do such a thing, which I am
sure most of you are not, but if
you were, you would be hard
pressed to find a time of the year
when I am happier than I am
during late August, September
and early October. As most ev-
eryone who has had the oppor-
tunity to know me for any ex-
tended time is sure to know, I
live, breathe and die baseball.
Baseball is as close as I can see
to Divine Intervention into the
modern world. So it really
should come as no great shock
that the point where the pennant
races get serious is the point
where my life takes on just a
tinge more of meaning. With
that in mind, I present to you
some generic thoughts on the
season thus far...

August 24, 1993: At-
lanta trails San Francisco by 6
1/2, the closest they have been
since the All-Star break. Dunn
Neugebaur. Quote, "Sam, I'll
be damned if the Braves aren't
going to win this thing." As of
1:30am, September 10, Atlanta
trails the Giants by one and a
half and the Cards just hit a
grand slam to take a 9-2 lead
into the seventh.

My greatest hope and
greatest fear is very much pos-
sible this year. The Braves are
not only chasing the Giants, but

they are doing so in such a way
that most will be surprised if
they do not catch them. The
White Sox are currently "cruis-
ing" with a five game lead in
the AL West. This could quite
possibly be the year of the
Braves-ChiSox Series.

First, the hope. Gant,
Justice, McGriff versus Black
Jack MacDowell. Roc Raines,
Robin Ventura, and Frank "The
Big Hurt" Thomas, (Is he God?)
versus Glavine, Maddux, Avery,
Smoltz. Even more so, the
chance to be within a city block
of Bo Jackson.

Now the fear. Who the
hell do I cheer for?

Why has Kent Mercker
not been our fifth starter all
year? In three starts he has
given up six hits. HITS. Not
runs, HITS. What was Pete
Smith's ERA, 7. 127 Once again
the managerial strategy of
Bobby Cox confounds and
amazes me.

What the heck hap-
pened to Mike Stanton?

Who the heck is Greg

Where the heck is Javy

If the Expos actually
pull off the run of the century,
(read as "if the Phillys pull of
the choke of the century") I will
owe Steve Jobe a lot of bever-
ages. Just in case, he called it.

Intramurals at OU

By Daryl Brooks

Attention fel-

LOWPETRELS!!! Did anyone
out there play high school sports
but figured college is a different
level, so why bother? Well
here's your chance. Intermurals
are here.

Oglethorpe offers 4
intermural sports open to both
men and women. The
intermural season kicks off with
football and continues with vol-
leyball, basketball and Softball.

Most teams are made
up of fraternities and sororities,
however intermurals are also
open to independent teams.

For those teams that
battle in all four sports there is
the prestigious Intermural Cup.
This award is given on the ba-
sis of overall record and sports-

There are also indi-

vidual awards for the best male
and female athlete. Last year's
recipients were Sean Hyde and
Lori Green.

This year's football
season gets underway Sept. 20
as Delta Sig attempt* to defend
their title. Games will be played
Friday and Sunday afternoons
on the field inside the track. The
season will run until Oct. 17.
The schedules will be posted ei-
ther Sept. 15 th or 16th.

Each team will play
each other once and there will
be playoffs at the end of the
regular season. Teams are made
up of seven players and as many
subs as are needed.

Additional informa-
tion can be obtained by contact-
ing Steve Tate in the Athletic

By Shelly Robinson and

Kirsten I lanzsek
Guest Writers

1993 is a year of

changes for the OU women's
soccer team. Despite losing
three seniors to graduation, the
changes that have been made
will allow for the best season,
yet After losing Zoe Hughes,
Dawn Roberts, and Danielle
Oxford, the petrels are strength-
ened by a talented freshman

Also adding to the

strength of the team isCoach
Todd Yeltin. Coach Yeltin is
also a history teacher at Tucker
High School. He has brought a
sense of stability and unity to the
women's team this fall.

Providing a strong
base for Coach Yeltin are those
players return from last season.
These players include; striker
Kirsten Hanzsek, midfielders
Fawn Angel, Michele Ponte,
Andrea Beasley, and Brooke
Robertshaw, fullbacks Shelley
Robinson and Patricia
Villavincencio, and our star

keeper Brooke Henier.

Helping the returning
players are Terra Winthrop, Jane
Perkins, Kristen Herbert, Tirmie
Waterston, Kim Williams, Me-
lissa Lamb, and Dawn Bristol.

The outlookfor this
years Lady Petrels is a promis-
ing one. They will be very
compete! i ve in their conference.
This years conference home
opener is on Saturday, Septem-
ber 18th at 12:00 PM versus
Centre College. Come support
and cheer the Lady Petrels.

Upcoming Sports Events

Men's Soccer

September 18 versus Centre College at 2:00 PM at Home

September 21 versus Toccoa Falls College at 4:00 PM at at Taccoa, Georgia

Septemeber 25 versus Millsaps College at 2:00 PM at Home

September 26 versus Rhodes College at 2:00 PM at Home

September 30 versus Piedmont College at 4:00 PM at Home

Women 's Soccer

September 18 versus Centre College at 12:00 PM at Home

September 22 versus Wesleyan College at 4:00 PM at Home

Septemebr 25 versus Millsaps College at 12:00 PM at Home

September 26 versus Rhodes College at 12:00 PM at Home


Septemeber 17 versus Tennessee Temple at 6:00 PM at Chattanooga

September 21 versus Spelman College at 7:00 PM at Spelman

September 24 versus Centre College at 8:00 PM at Nashville

September 25 versus Swanee and Fisk TBA at Nashville


Septemeber 18 Georgia State Invitational

September 24 Double Dual at Home


October 1-3 Rolex Tournament at Emory

October 7 Ladies versus Spelman at OU

More Sports Schedules to Come Next Issue

Page 16/The Stormy Petrel/September 17, 1993




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The Stormy Petrel

Volume 69, Issue 2 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University

October 1, 1993

Student's car

Page 2

Eating for the wrong

Page 3

The great backpack
adventures part two

Page 4


Page 7

"Yeah, I'm a Nerd"

Page 9

"Les Miserables"

Page 10

Annie Leibovitz's

Page 11

What's Hot..
What's Not

Page 14

Comics: 13-14

Editorials: 8-9

Entertainment: 10-


Features: 3-5

News: 2



ProFile: 5

Screentest: 11

Soundcheck: 12

Sports: 15-16

Rush '93: It's finally over!

By Chopper Johnson
Production Editor

After three

weeks of intense Greek activ-
ity, the parties and dinners are
over. The bids have been sent
and accepted or declined, and
the brothers and sisters of the
future have been announced.
Oglethorpe Rush '93 is done.
It was once again
a successful rush, with a total
of 46 fraternity pledges and 3 5
sorority pledges. The break
down of the bids and pledges
were as follows: Delta Sigma
Phi bid 24, pledged 1 1 and of-
fered three wildcat bids; Sigma
Alpha Epsilon bid 1 7, pledged
nine; Kappa Alpha bid 16,
pledged 12, and offered one
wildcat bid; Chi Phi bid 12,
pledged 1 0. Of the two sorori-
ties, Tri Sigma accepted 20
pledges, and Chi Omega ac-

cepted 15. Fraternity bids
were sent out on Friday, Sep-
tember 1 7, with sorority bids
going out on Saturday, Sep-
tember 25.

Fraternity Rush
week this year offered its usual

the rushees, the brothers of that
fraternity, and two representa-
tives of the other three houses.
SAE and Chi Phi offered in-
formal gatherings at their
houses, while KA borrowed
President Stanton's house for


, -i

%Ms ~ ~1


HjjjpBj^k ^ j

Alden Carroll and Shannon Beehan just before bid day


array of good food and enter-
tainment. Each fraternity put
on one open house and one
dinner, which were attended by

photo by Tim Evans
their open house. Delta Sig
offered a bit of a change of
pace by staging a carnival in
Emerson student center. Large

amounts of candy and soon-to-
be-dead goldfish were win by
the rushees. The dinners were,
as usual, one of the highlight
of Rush Week, with the pro-
spective being offered a range
of food from hors d'oeuvres at
The Peasant Uptown in
Phipps's Plaza, where KA held
their dinner, to a whole roasted
pig at the SAE house. Delta
Sig set out home cooked steaks
while Chi Phi served beef ribs.
On the whole, the dinners pro-
vided a good atmosphere and
great food.

Sorority Rush
Week began on September 20,
and ended on September 25
when bids were sent out. The
week consisted of
introductional parties every
night. The first two nights
were open, with each rushee
visiting each both of the sorori-
see Rusn on page 2

O.U. museum highlights Roerich

By Kim Jones

Not many

Oglethorpe students bother to
venture all the way up to the
third floor of the library. If a
student was, however, to go
upstairs on any afternoon
Tuesday-Sunday, 1-4 p.m.,
they may be surprised to find
a museum with a relaxing at-
mosphere provided by back-
ground classical music and 29
paintings portraying the Hima-
layan mountains and ancient
Asian legends. This fall show
of the Oglethorpe museum is
one that will last until Decem-
ber 1 2. The 29 paintings are
from the Boiling Collection of
art by Nicholas Roerich, Rus-
sian artist, philosopher, and
cultural anthropologist.

Before he began
this great collection of more
than 40 paintings, Roerich
journeyed 6,000 miles from
the southern tip of Asia to Si-
beria with his family, explor-
ing Asian culture and collect-
ing information with his pen
and paint brush. Asian legends
set in the Himalayan moun-
tains are depicted in these tem-
pera paintings of brilliant col-
ors. "You'll be inspiredby the
beauty of the landscapes and
the wisdom of the ancient leg-
ends, and you'll come away
awed by the brilliant way
Roerich blinds them together,''
says Museum Director Lloyd

Roerich was an
accomplished man in many
fields. He helped Stravinski
with the idea for "The Rite of
Spring," and helped design

sets for the ballet. Along with
his wife, he founded a version
of Hindu philosophy which is
internationally renowned. In
1 929 he was nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize due to the
Roerich Peace Pact. This pact,
which Roerich designed, is an
international treaty protecting
art and culture in times of war.
It was signed by President
Franklin D. Roosevelt and 20
presidents of other countries.
The symbol of this pact, a
white flag with three red
circles, is on display in the
museum with his paintings.

The 29 paintings
shown are a combined collec-
tion of two private collectors.
When the Nicholas Roerich
Museum in New York was
movingto a new location, sixty
of the paintings were sold to
Baltzar Boiling, an Ohio in-

dustrialist. After his death, his
four sons were each given 1 5
of the pieces of work. The 29
pieces now in the museum are
on loan from two of the
Boiling brothers. These pieces
were seen in the New York
museum in 1984, but before
then had not been seen in close
to 50 years. Nicholas Roerich
is the "most important un-
known artist of the 20th cen-
tury," says Museum Director
Lloyd Nick. "As people find
out about him, they can't be-
lieve they don't know him."

Along with the ex-
hibit, lectures will be given on
the subject of Nicholas
Roerich, and the library will be
showing "Nicholas Roerich:
Messenger of Beauty," a 40
minute video every Sunday
(until the end of the show in
see Museum on page 2

Page 2/The Stormy Petrel/October 1 , 1993


Criminal activities strike Oglethorpe again

Student's car vandalized this past weekend

By Jason Thomas

On September

26, 1993 at around 1 :50 am ,
the most recent serious act of
vandalism struck Oglethorpe
University. Shalini Patel, a
student at OU, had her car bro-
ken into by what were de-
scribed as four black males.
Andy Travis and Bryan
Adams witnessed the four men
running into the woods be-
tween Woodrow and the soc-
cer field.

Stolen from the
car were Shalini's purse and a
camera. The purse was later
recovered from behind the
equipment shed adjacent to the
field. The purse had been
dumped and certain items,
such as credit cards, checks

and her cash were all missing.

The area was then
searchedfor any clues relating
to the crime. Luckily a few
items were found that night.

thirty yards into the cross
country path a piece of carpet
was hung off of a tree branch.
Directly to the right of the car-
pet was another piece of car-
pet which was laid over a low
part of the barbed wire fence,
and directly below the second
piece was a flashlight which
was hidden under the pine

This seems to be
the criminals means of en-
trance and exit from our cam-
pus. What worried some stu-
dents even more than this easy
access to our school is the fact
that Shalini believes she was


continued from page 1

ties. Wednesday and Thurs-
day were invitational parties,
where the sororities invited
back the young ladies they
were interested in biding. The
Rush Week was capped off
with the preferential parties on
Friday, where the rushees were
asked to attend the party of the
sorority that they wished to
join. There is a very good feel-
ing between the sororities on
this year's pledge classes, as

Museum _

continued from page 1

December) at 2 p.m. in the
Viewing Room. The schedule
of lectures can be found in the
library, and will include speak-
ers such as Daniel Entin, di-
rector of the Nicholas Roerich
Museum, New York on Octo-
ber 18th at 7 p.m. in the Sky-
light Gallery, and one with our
very own Lloyd Nick on Oc-
tober 13th at 12 noon, "The
Art of Nicholas Roerich: A

watched that night as she left
her car. She feels she was
watched because she placed
her purse and valuables in a
compartment that was hidden
from view in her Acura
Integra. Therefore, the thieves
must have watched her place
the articles there because they
did not steal or attempt to steal
anything other than the items
in that compartment. The
radion and other electronic
valuables were left unharmed.

Meta Swaim, the Chi Omega
pledge trainer, said, "Chi
Omega is eagerly anticipating
an exciting semester with our
dynamic class."

Rush Week '93
was a great success on the
whole. As one fraternity
rushee explained, "I think that
everyone should go through
rush, even if they don't plan on
joining. It is a good way to
meet people, freshman and
upper classmen alike."

Technical Analysis."

Student admission
is free and the museum is open
to the public, as well. Even if
everyone does not have
enough time to attend all of the
lectures or see the video, ev-
ery student should take this
opportunity to spend an after-
noon in what Lloyd Nick says
is the most major exhibit At-
lanta has seen in a long time."

For many stu-
dents, this incident rasises
many questions about the
competency of our security

Will Mullis, one
of OU's security guards and
the guard on duty at the time
of the crime said, "It is ex-
tremely difficult for one per-
son to watch over the entire
campus, especially on week-
ends. It would be great if the
number of full-time officers

could be increased by 2-4.
Then, more guards would be
available yo continually patrol
the campus at all hours."

It does seem obvi-
ous that something must be
done to improve security, es-
pecially with the Greek hous-
ing being accessible to the road
on the other side of the cam-
pus. The only way the secu-
rity will be improved, it seems,
is only is the students step up
and speak their concerns.

Page 3/The Stormy Petrel/October 1, 1993


Eating for all the wrong reasons

An interview with Gail Allison

By Trish Hinton

She walked into

the office and was seated in the
main waiting room. An attrac-
tive 5 '6" with a decent figure,
she looked out of place in this
office. It would have been
hard to tell that she had just
finished off a large pizza and
a side order of wings. Feeling
guilty, she'd ran to the bath-
room and thrown it up. She
was twenty-one and had been
doing this since the age of four-
teen, but the doctors said her
throat ulcers would never heal
if she didn't get help scon.

One out of every
ten college females have or
will develop, an eating disor-
der. This statistic is troubling
to social workers that special-
ize in food disorders. Gail
Allison Phillips is clinical so-
cial worker that has her work
cut out for her. Phillips has
been an eating disorders treat-
ment specialist for over five

years after receiving her Mas-
ter of Social Work degree in
1988 from the University of
Southern California. She has
worked as a therapist with
FACE., an eating disorders
treatment center, as well as
done therapy with Lenox
Healthcare and Glendale Me-
morial Hospital employee as-
sistance programs and the Psy-
chiatric Institute of Atlanta,
where she also operated as a
case manager. She has done
medical social work with
Glendale Memorial Hospital,
case work with Los Angeles
County adoptions, and worked
as a counselor with the Penny
Lane Residential Treatment
Center. She enjoys public
speaking and views it as an
opportunity to educate people
about the dangers of eating
disorders. For the answers to
some more technical questions
about the disorders, The
Stormy Petrel had a one-on-
one interview with an expert.
What are eating

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They include
anorexia nervosa, bulimia
nervosa, and compulsive eat-
ing. Anorexia is a form of self-
starvation and fear of food. In
a severe case, a woman 5 '6"
may weigh as little as 90 lbs.
Bulimia is the binge and purge
disorder. The person, possibly
depressed, hurt, or angry, eats
more than she should, so she
compensates through some
type of purging It may be self-
induced vomiting, laxatives,
over-exercise, or starvation. It
creates a cycle that could re-
peat itself three to six times a

Why do people
develop eating disorders?

Most are trying to
cope emotionally and they eat
or don't eat to comfort them-
selves. Many are having prob-
lems with relationships,
school, or dissatisfaction with
physical appearance. Some
may have a history of sexual

What are the

1. Repeated or
unsuccessful dieting

2. Feeling out of


3. Dissatisfaction
with body size

4. Difficulty with

5. Significant
weight change

6. Secret eating

7. Purging (vom-
iting, laxatives, exercise, star-

8. Obsessive pre-
occupation with food or calo-

9. Depression or

Not that you have
to have every symptom to be
diagnosed with an eating dis-
order or that if you fall into a
couple of categories you do
have one, but it's when any of
these behaviors become
chronic or uncontrollable.

What is it that
you do to help a patient over-
come her problem?

I provide psycho-
therapy for the eating disorder,
but also help the patient with
the grief, depression, stress,
anxiety, or relationship prob-
lems that often lead to the eat-
ing disorder. I try to promote

and improve self-understand-
ing and self-acceptance.

What are the
goals of this therapy?

To define the prob-
lem, gain an awareness of feel-
ings, challenge the fear, grieve
the pains and losses, express
and resolve the anger, and
from there build up inner
strength and feel whole and
healthy again. Most important,
is learning to value the self.

What types of
treatment are there?

Individual coun-
seling, support group therapy,
family therapy, nutritional
counseling, and, in more se-
vere cases, medical involve-

For anyone who
thinks she may have an eating
disorder ofhas questions about
them that were not covered in
the interview, you can call Gail
Allison Phillips, LCSW at
982-9010. The call is confi-
dential and may be done
anonymously. The serious-
ness and severity of eating dis-
orders is real, and playing the
game is not only dangerous,
but deadly.

Women's studies now offered

For the first time women's studies is taught at 0. U.

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

This semester

Oglethorpe is offering an intro-
ductory class in women's stud-
ies for the first time. The class,
a mixture of reading, research,
and discussion, is still in the
experimental stages but is off
to a good start. The twelve stu-
dents (eleven females and one
brave male) represent a wide
variety of backgrounds includ-
ing English, art, history and
psychology. This pioneer
group is headed by Dr. Vir-
ginia Kent Anderson Leslie,
former acting assistant direc-
tor of women's studies at
Emory University. Oglethorpe
faculty members and outside

speakers will also be involved.
Dr. Leslie comes
to us with a broad academic
background. She originally
studied biology, but says the
experiences of "having daugh-
ters and being Southern"
turned her interests toward
women's issues. She then stud-
ied at the Institute of Liberal
Arts at Emory, and is now writ-
ing a book on women in the
antebellum South. A number
of Oglethorpe faculty mem-
bers are also involved in the
teaching of the class. Dr.
Nancy Kerr, Dr. Linda Taylor,
Lee Boggus Knppenberg, and
new faculty member Michelle
Cox will each be teaching
works within their disciplines.
The class has already had one

guest speaker and will have
three more before semester's

What does the fu-
ture hold for women's studies
at Oglethorpe? The outlook is
promising. Dr. Taylor hints, "
It would be nice, eventually, to
have a minor..." As a student
in the current class, I second
the motion. Along with Dr.
Taylor, I feel a "special can-
dor" within the class. For the
immediate future, however,
the powers that be are looking
into a follow-up class in Janu-
ary. If you are interested, let
someone know - Dr. Kerr, Dr.
Taylor - or someone in the
class. With your help,
Oglethorpe could broaden its

Page 4 /The Stormy Petrel/October 1 , 1993


How to carry a house on your back: Part two

By Tim Evans
Photography Editor

There's a cer-
tain thrill about changing one's
identity to that of the wonder-
ing nomad and experiencing
nature with a simplistic short-
term perception. Well, it's ob-
viously not too thrilling, or
we'd all be living out of tents
right now. But the sense of
independance and self-suffi-
ciency is neat-o for a vacation.
That's probably not the way
Thoreau would have put it, but
then again he's boring, stuffy,
and dead (dwm). Which
would you rather experience:
boring and dead, or neat-o.
That's what I thought.

Unfortunately, it's
not as simple as picking up a
buddy, some stuff and heading
off to the woods, or is it? Sure
it is. If you know a few things,

Who to Go with?

Some people don't realize
what alone is, until they spend
a night in the wilderness by
themselves. Not fun. It's also
not very safe (Dunn's Axiom:
bad things happen when
you're alone). Take a buddy.
Go with someone, or plan a
group thing. Oglethorpe
Expiditions Unlimited is one
source of bodies. O.E.U.
group things have been known
to happen, just ask Will
Coram (he's in the book, call
him up, tell him his dorm's on
fire.. .he likes it).

There aren't any easy rules for
finding camping buddies.
Recreational Expeditions In-
corporated (REI) off of 1-85
does offer some trips, but that
service costs money, and you
may get stuck with a bunch of
losers, or worse, a bunch of

yuppies. The best source for
adventurous thrill-seekers
may be right around you. Col-

lege students are crazy, and
will usually try anything
once,... or twice. Backpack-

turkey treatment for a relation-
ship, but stranger things have
worked. Your best bet for a

Kilian Edwards fearlessly looks over the edge.

A good resume: Your
ticket to the job you want

A resume is the most valuable
tool in your search for a job

Lisa Ledbetter

You look

impecable. The conservative
blue suit was definately the
right choice. You practiced
that firm firm handshake with
everybody you know. You
have rehearsed every single
possible question and answer.
Your confidence is so strong
you could do anything. All of
this is not going to help you n
the least if your resume is ter-
rible. The employer is not go-
ing to remeber your sty I ish and
perfect haircut when he or she
cannot understand your re-

sume. They are not going to
remeber your newly mani-
cured nails while they are toss-
ing your resume in the trash
can. Resume writing is not an
easy task, but there are a few
simple rules that you can fol-
low that will have employers
calling you instead of the next

1 ) Employers do not read re-
sumes; they skim them. Treat
your resume like an advertise-
ment, not an autobiography.

2) Do not use excessive
amounts of numbers or dates.
Stick to mportant numbers,
like your telephone number.

3) Use action verbs. Do not
use the verb 'lobe" at all. This

way employers can actually
visualize you doing some-

4) Do not use any negative
words. Negative words attract
the eye like a magnet. Be dis-
gustingly positve.

5) Include a cover letter. They
are usually not read, but if you
include the company's name
or interviewer's name, it might
be read.

6) Expect a phone call. Most
employers do not write letters.
A professional-sounding an-
swering machine is a definite

Just remeber, a
great interview does not end
when you walk out of the door.
Your resume stays, and a great
resume can get you and your
professional blue suit the job
you want.

ing in small groups (3 or more)
can be a lot of fun with a little
luck and chemistry. But if
you're thinking about camp-
ing with just one other face, try
to use good judgement.

Ask friends you really get
along with. Couples can be
fun, under the right circum-
stances, but keep in mind this
is not a good first date for
couples. You will be sharing
very little space and a lot of
time. A strong relationship is
a good thing to have with this
person whether its a friend or
a significant other. But, don't
rule out camping with some-
one you've had a falling out
with if you both want to patch
things up. Backpacking can
be an excellent vehicle for re-
lationship repair and mainte-
nance as well as building
stronger bonds.

The world renound relation-
ship counselor Phil Wendel
recommends hiking/camping
to any couple or group of
friends that may be having
problems communicating -
"You have to talk." It'sacold-

photo by Tim Evans

good camping buddy is going
to be someone with whom you
share many interests and could
enjoy a few days together,
alone, with the trees, rivers,
and grrrr-animals.

For convenience
sake, I've made a few gener-
alizations about good camp-
ing-buddy types..

school buddies, soulmates,
roomates, couples (usually)
and teamates tend to make re-
ally good combinations,
on the other hand...

self, brothers, sisters, relatives
in general, vain people, and
ax-weilding serial killers tend
to make challenging combina-

Unfortunately, most people
fall somewhere in a happy me-
dium between soul-mate and
ax-weilding serial killer.
Choose wisely. How to ask
them is entirely up to you.
However, I recommend blud-
geoning into submission.. .it's
less taxing.

Next time, What to Take...

Page 5/The Stormy Petrel/October 1, 1993


Atlanta Politics from 1947 to present: The class

By Daniel Rosenthal

Have you ever

been interested in local politics
but did not know how to find
out about what really goes on
in the city? If you answered
yes to that question then "At-
lanta Politics From 1947-
Present" is just the class for
you. In the class many speak-
ers that have helped shape the
city in which we live and go to
school are heard. So far the
class has heard two distin-
guished men who are promi-
nent in the area. The class is
scheduled to hear at least seven
more speakers, and the best
part of all is that the speeches
can be attended by anyone who
is interested. The speakers will
be appearing on Wednesdays
at 2:30 p.m. throughout the

The first speaker
the class heard was Mr. Ceorge
Goodwin, who enjoyed a long
career as organizational prede-
cessor to the Central Atlanta
Progress. Although he has re-
cently retired he is currently
involved in raising money for
the second Forward Atlanta
Campaign. His purpose in
coming to class was to give
background on Atlanta before
1 947 and how we got to where
we are today. In his own words
he stated his purpose as being,
"truly and sincerely useful."
That he truly was. Mr.
Goodwin submitted that there
are two basic factors that come

together to produce any place:
geography and character of the
people who happen to be there.

Mr. Goodwin
claimed that the single most
important thing that happened
to Atlanta was that Stephen
Long did not get killed by the
Native Americans. Long was
the one who eventually drove
the stake in the best place pos-
sible. Mr. Long put it far
enough away from the river so
it would not be closed in like
St. Louis or Memphis, making
sure for future generations that
there would always be plenty
of room for expansion.

After the civil war
the city was forced to rebuild
and the people who rebuilt it
were going to make sure that
no one screwed it up. There
would be no maritime domi-
nance that would limit the
city's economic growth. Mr.
Goodwin was careful to point
out that after the civil war no
one in Atlanta or for that mat-
ter the entire south had any
money. The Confederate dol-
lar became worthless as soon
as the South surrendered. The
First National Bank took ten
years before it had its first mil-
lion dollars. Despite all the
rebuilding it did not take long
before Atlanta was promoting
itself. 1881 was its first pro-
motional attempt. In 1925,
Forward Atlanta was estab-
lished and by 1 988 the Demo-
cratic convention was held
here. The Superbowl will be
held here in 1994 and, in

Everything you need
to close down a crackhouse.

You sxenl helpless when am an
Invades your neighborhood You're
fully capable of helping pol toe and
they're ready to show you how

Ttu C * of The tasto* rarer.

When oraok moved Into a row
Love* or Quiet blocx of Sxanum
Park in Washington. DC. route
decided to serre an eviction

They met with police to find
out what they could do to
keep drug's out of th aor

The cope tol d thaiu to
keep an eye out to let
police know whenever
eometnlng suspKSoua
happened They began to
notice facet.

IS -

down bcsnae nunibri of strange cars
They notedthe times of odd behavior.
They worked with 6ac n outer They
worked with thi police. Arm sd with
field glaeees, note pads and telephonee
folks kept Inofcof U neighborhood.
Within one month, enough
evidence had been gathered.
Pol ice moved In Crack
moved ouL

Citlsen participation beat
crime in D C. It oan do the
Bam a foryou. For more
success storlee. write Zhe
Btsejnl* TUaa, 1 prows-
Meet way, wumlmfum, DC.

Police become even more
reeponelre when their
people are their partners
Together we
oan help...

1996, the Olympic Games.
All this would not have been
possible had it not been for the
forward-looking leadership
Atlanta seemed to have from
the beginning.

Perhaps the great-
est town leader of his day was
William Hartsfield. He came
into office in 1937 when the
city had a three-million dollar
debt; in his almost thirty years
of office he pulled the city out
of debt and kept it there. Per-
haps the greatest testament to
the man was the fact that he
was well respected within the
black leadership. Without the
support of the black vote
Hartsfield would of lost in sev-
eral of his re-election cam-
paigns. Mr. Goodwin who
knew Hartsfield well, empha-
sized the mayor's relationship
with Robert Woodruff, the
Coca-Cola magnate. It was
with his business connections
and Hartsfield's relationship
with the black leaders that
helped prevent this city from
becoming a Birmingham or
Little Rock when the trying
times of the 1960s came

The second

speaker that the class heard
was State Senator Leroy
Johnson, who is the first black
legislator since Reconstruc-
tion. Mainly, Senator Johnson
spoke on the importance of
being involved in the commu-
nity. When discussing the im-
portance of being a politician,
Senator Johnson had some in-
teresting advice that any aspir-
ing politician should adhere to.
He said, "in politics, it is not
what you deserve, it is what
you negotiate." He cited sev-
eral examples when, in
Atlanta's past, the art of nego-
tiating kept this city from ex-
periencing many of the prob-
lems other cities did during
desegregation. The coalition
of white business leaders and
the Atlanta Negro Voters
League got together and de-
cided where this city should

The only way that
blacks could get any of their

deserved rights was to register
to vote. One of the first thing
accomplished by getting the
blacks on the registration list
was the appointment of black
police officers. It was a long
drawn out process, but the At-
lanta Negro Voters League
soon proved to be a very pow-
erful force. Unlike the white
voters of the time, they could
go Hartsfield and later Ivan
Allan, and guarantee a certain
number of votes on any given
issue. This was important to
any politician who wished to
stay in office for any length of

The mayor after
Hartsfield, Ivan Allan Jr., had
to deal with sit-ins and the
death of Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. during his reign as
mayor. Although he made
some mistakes, he generally
had a good heart. Senator
Johnson mentioned the fact
that Allan was the only South-
em leader to go to Washing-
ton DC. to speak in favor of
the civil rights bill. This was
considered to be political sui-
cide. Under his reign, the
downtown area was desegre-
gated and baseball was
brought to the city.

Senator Johnson
concluded his speech with
some more advice for young
politicians. "The power to put
in office is the same that can
put out. Perception of power
is as great as power itself."
And my personal favorite was,
"Things come to those that
wait but only the things left
behind by those who hustled."
That ended his speech for the
day and he stayed and an-
swered questions.

Overall, I was im-
pressed with the speakers, and
I would recommend anyone
who doesnt have class at 2:00
p.m. on Wednesdays to join the
class to learn about our truly
unique city. Mr. Bath is the
teacher, and Dr. Knippenberg
knows when the speakers will
be coming. Some upcoming
speakers will be coming on
September 29th, October 6th,
and October 11th.

Another new

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

One exciting ad-
dition to the staff here at
Oglethorpe is Dr. Alexander
Martin - one of the first teach-
ers specializing in Russian
History to come to Oglethorpe.
This semester he is certainly
hitting the ground running He
is currently teaching Europe in
the 19th Century, the first half
of a year-long Russian History
course, and two sections of
The West and the Medieval
World. Dr. Martin's yet-un-
cluttered office hints that he is
a newcomer here, but it holds
a few clues to him as well. On
his desk sits a picture of his 1 4-
month old son, who has just
begun talking. (Dr. Martin's
favorite word - in English or
Russian - has just become

Dr. Martin and his
wife, an attorney, moved here
after confronting what he calls,
"the sordid realities of the job
market" Part of the choice
was due, says Martin, to the
small, friendly classes at O.U.
- and in spite of brutal summer
weather, he adds. Dr. Martin
also notes that he has come to
appreciate Oglethorpe's
"sharp faculty", as well as a
classroom atmosphere that al-
lows for a great deal of discus-
sion. Indeed, Oglethorpe's size
differs greatly from that of in-
stitutions (like Cornell and
Columbia) attended by Mar-
tin. He recalls being told as a
student that his best chance of
catching his advisor was to
wait by the men's room! It's
good to know he found his
niche at Oglethorpe -and we
promise h wont be outside the

Page 6/The Stormy Petrel/October 1 , 1993


University Singers begin new year with foreign flair

By Sarah Buzzard
Staff/ OU Singer

With a new

sound, and a number of new
faces, the University Singers is
forging ahead into the fall se-
mester. The group is composed
of 33 singers, 13 of which are
new members. The Singers are
also blessed this year with a
unique international represen-
tation: they have three ex-
change students from the
forner Soviet Union Mos-
cow, Dioldavia, and Tiblisi,
Georgia. "We have often had
international students, but
never all from the same place
like that," comments director
Dr. Irwin Ray.

The University
Singers is a cc-curricular class
(a class as well as an organi-
zation) which carries one hour
of credit. Although the Sing-
ers is full for the fall semester,
anyone interested in audition-
ing for the spring semester may
contact Dr. Ray at 364-8429.
To get an inside view of what
being a "Singer" is like, talk
to any of the current members,
particularly the officers:
Kristie Mahan, president,
Mary Poteet, vice-president,
Stephen Cooper, secretary/
treasurer, Thomas Taylor,
manager, and Chanda Creasy
and Sarah Henry, co-commu-
nications directors.

You can hear the
Singers first at the Parents'

Weekend Showcase on Friday,
October 2 at 7:30 in Lupton
Auditorium. Also, mark your
calendars now with these fu-
ture dates: the University Sing-
ers' annual fall concert will he
on Nov. 1 2 at 8 P. M. in Lupton
Auditorium. They will also
perform at ^ie Annual Boar's
Head Concert in Lupton at
7:30 on December 3. The
group will sing at two local
churches this semester, as well
as presenting a concert at At-
lanta Bible College in Mor-

The University
Chorale is the select, audi-
tioned chamber choir drawn
from the Singers. It consists of
eight members this year: Re-
turning mpmbers Kristie

RHA to host Fall Carnival

By Randy Tidwell

Residents Hall Association would like to announce that on October 1, it

will be hosting a Fall Carnival. The carnival will last from 3 :00 to 7:00 P.M. on that Friday.
There are many activities planned for that day.

Some of the highlights will include a cotton candy machine for making your
own cotton candy. The return of the "moonwalker," and chance to throw pies at some of
your favorite on-campus personalities. Other games will be going on as well.

Dinner will be served on the academic quad, which is also where the carnival
will occur. Join your RH A representatives as we welcome your parents to campus for Parent's

College Republicans receive honors

By Tracy Frey

College Republicans Alumni


The Oglethorpe

University College Republi-
cans are pleased to announce
that they have been awarded
as the Most Active Small Col-
lege Republican Club in the
state of Georgia. The award
was given to the Oglethorpe
College Republicans by the
Georgia Federation of College

Republicans at their annual
state convention beld in April.
In 1991, the
Oglethorpe College Republi-
can chapter was reactivated
after being inactive during
1990. Since then, the club has
steadily grown in size and has
become very involved in po-
litical activities. The
Oglethorpe College Republi-
cans participated in rallys,
demonstrations, political cam-
paigns (at federal, state & lo-

cal levels) and party
fundraisers. Oglethorpe Col-
lege Republicans have also
had the opportunity to meet or
see many political leaders in-
cluding President Bush, Dan
Quayle, Barbara Bush,
Marilyn Quayle, Jack Kemp,
Newt Gingrich, John Linder,
Bob Barr, John Knox, Paul
Coverdell and Bobby Baker
(Oglethorpe Class of 1979).
The College Republicans are
looking forward to another
award-winning year.

Mahan, Mary Poteet, Thomas
Taylor, and Rick Hibbets, and
newly-auditioned members
Julie Agster, Jenifer Parks,
Roy Mays and Mark Boyt.
(Congratulations, new mem-
bers!) The Chorale will per-
form at most Singers' concerts,

as well as making a special
appearance at the General
Oglethorpe Memorial Service
in the museum at 4 P.M. on
October 10. Come and hear
your Singers and Chorale at
any, or all, of their concerts this

Your best bet to be
heard is to join RHA

By Randy Tidwell

I, Randy

Tidwell, do solemnly pledge
not to stand on tables to get
people interested in RHA
However, I will tell you this:
If you want your voice to be
heard about on-campus is-
sues, your best bet is on

In one past 2
years, RHA has been suc-
cessful in pushing back visi-
tation hours to 2:00 AM.
and in putting an arm gate
at the entrance of the school.

RHA presents the views of
the students to the adminis-
tration of the school.

Among the
ideas for this year are to
keep the student center open
longer and making it more
active. Keeping the library
open until 1 1 :00 P.M., dur-
ing the weekend and han-
dling other concerns which
came before us.

All you have to
do is show up to be heard.
Don't sit around and
mumble about how dead the
campus is. Speak up and
contribute to student life
through RHA

OSA future plans

By Jamie Walker
OSA Secretary

In the last week,

OSA has focused a lot of time
and energy addressing student
concerns regarding the en-
forcement of residence hall
policies. A poll was submit-
ted for students to respond to
on September 23rd and 24th
concerning the extension of
Quiet Hours on the weekends.
The results from this poll will
be available in the next issue
of The Stormy Petrel.

On the lighter side,
the Programming Board has
been busy planning some on-
campus entertainment. On

Wednesday, October 13 at
9:00 PM in the Bomb Shelter,
Rick Kelly, a coffee house per-
former, will be entertaining the
masses. Come on in for some
Java and a good time. Also,
mark your calendars for Oc-
tober 22, when S&L Sounds,
a video dance party, returns to

If you havre any
questions or comments for
OSA, feel free to attend a
meeting, (Executive Council
meets at 4:00 PM on Mondays
in the OSA roomand Senate
meets 10:00 PM on Wednes-
day in the grenwald room) or
simply speak with any OSA

Page 1 '/The Stormy Petrel/October 1, 1993


Programs Assisting Residents + You

By Jamie Walker
Resident Assistant

This year's
theme for Resident Assistant
programming is Programs As-
sisting Residents + You. This
means that RAs really know
how to PARTY! Resident stu-
dents have already had oppor-
tunities to participate in fun
and educational programs
sponsored by their resident as-
sistants. Those who craved a
taste of culture ventured to
Piedmont Park with Will
"Trusty Trustee RA" Coram

for an afternoon at the Atlanta
Arts Festival. Residents who
don't find the upper quad
cockroaches scarry enough
might have gotten a thrill from
David "the Hand" Bamhart's
latest prgram

Alienfest. This pro
gram was not for the
weak of heart (or of
stomach); but there's
nothing like three Alien
in a row to put your life in per-

On a more serious
note, Schmidt's RA, Barbara
Miller, recently organized a
program to address the issue

of women's health services.
Along with OU's nurse, Patsy
Bradley, Barb explained what
resources are available in and
around the Oglethorpe com-
munity for women concerned


m films %/ sinpj,,

not only with their reproduc-
tive health, but also with their
general well-being.

Physical health is
just one of the aspects of the
overall wellness model on

which RAs base their pro-
grams. Other aspects of this
model include values, social
wellness, emotional wellness,
and life planning issues. Resi-
dents should mark their calen-
dars for upcoming pro-
grams based on this
model. Upcoming pro-
grams include: A
"movie night" featuring
Singing in the Rain sponsored
by Gina "Gladyss" Fraone.
This program will take place
on September 30 (sometime in
the evening, watch for flyers
for specifics) in the library
viewing room. Another one to

watch for is "Getting in touch
with your inner child", spon-
sored by Jamie Walker. This
program will be a fun oppor-
tunity for residents to tap their
inner creative resources
through some very "playful"
exercises. This program will
be on Wednesday, September
29 at 8:00 in the Traer 2nd
floor lounge.

So the next time
you see your RA, don't just
ask him or her when your air
conditioner is going to be
fixed, ask him or her, "Where's
the PARTY?"

Deadline for issue #3 is Wednesday,
October 6 at 5:00pm

Life's too short.

Leadership Conference Education Fund, Inc. &k\

Page 8 /The Stormy Petrel/October 1 , 1993


What we need is a little on campus social life

By Justin Hayes
Editorial Editor

I have a friend

who goes to a small liberal arts
college in rural South Caro-
lina. The school is about the
same size as Oglethorpe, but
the town is very small. Stu-
dents have to drive thirty miles
to see a movie, and then it's
usually to see one that has been
out for about two months. The
town the school is in has a
Hardee's, two gas station/con-
venience stores, a liquor store
or two, and I think they are
getting a McDonald's soon.
Basically, there's not much to
do in the town besides school-
related activities with fellow
students. No High Museum of
Art, no Omni, no Fox or Cen-
tre Stage Theaters, no (gasp!)
Fat Tuesday's. Oh, yeah, you
also are not allowed to live off
campus until you are 2 1 .

While this may

seem to be a bleak place to at-
tend college, my friend loves
it His older brother graduated
from the school, he will gradu-
ate this year, his younger
brother in two years. He
doesn't even come home dur-
ing the summer. He wants to
stay in this town with "noth-
ing to do." Obviously, there
is something desirable about
the place.

What has hap-
pened for the students there is
that they have been trapped in
a dull place and have created
an active community of stu-
dents. Fraternities and Sorori-
ties are huge for such a small
school, athletic events are al-
ways packed and the crowds
enthusiastic bordering on ra-
bid. And parties there, even on
a campus and a Greek row
about the size of ours (when
completed), are incredible.

Contrast this to the

last years at Oglethorpe, for
those of you who have been
here that long. Organizations
here try, and some have flour-
ished in spite of the odds, to get
large numbers of members, but
most fail. Some sports get a
lot of support, but certainly not
that of more than one-third of
the student body. When's the
last time anyone saw even 300
students at an Oglethorpe
game or match? Many people
used to pack up and go some-
where else to have fun on
weekends, leaving many open
parking spaces but little to do.
However, this
trend seems to be turning
around, as it certainly should.
There are more students living
on campus now than at any
time since the 1 960s, to quote
President Stanton. The dining
hall is full, well, crowded. And
on labor day weekend I actu-
ally had to park at the student

center and walk to the upper
quad; apparently University
planners don 't understand that
more students with cars might
necessitate construction of a
few new spaces. People roam
around the quad talking to
each other, and apparently the
Greeks are gearing up to re-
cruit large numbers of new

Now I know that
this sort of social life does not
appeal to everyone. But we
have improved the library
drastically and endowed new,
and much needed, faculty po-
sitions, so academic life has
not been exactly diminished to
make way for social life. The
fact is that most of my friends
who have really enjoyed col-
lege have liked their classes,
professors, et cetera, but they
have their fondest memories of
the fun that they've had with
fellow students. I'm not say-

ing that Oglethorpe has never
had any fun. What I am say-
ing is that with conditions as
they are now, Oglethorpe
could become the kind of place
that people look back on with
great memories, not just as the
place where they got their de-
gree. Hopefully, increased
numbers in different groups
will lead to some interaction
between them, rather than hav-
ing parties looking like people
are gathered in their usual
seats in the cafeteria.

We have a great
opportunity to have a good
time this year, and for future
Oglethorpe students to have
good times. Early indications
this year seem to show that this
is entirely possible. There
can't be any excuses now; we
have the people here, now we
just have to get them to stay
on weekends. I don't mind
parking at Hearst if I have to.

The main question: Will I rush, and why?

By Chopper Johnson
Production Editor

How many ques-
tions does a freshman ask him-
self when he finally gets to col-
lege? What am I doing here?
Where do I go from here?
What am I going to list as my
major? Why did I sign up for
an 8 am calculus class? All of
these seem like fairly funda-
mental questions. There is one
more very important question
that every freshman should ask
themselves. That is: Will I
rush, and why?

"Will I rush" is a
personal question that every-
one should answer for them-
selves, but the "Why" part has
some generic reasons. To meet
people. To feel accepted. To
feel important. Possibly just
from the tremendous pressure
that Greeks can put on fresh-
man during the push for new
members. Does anyone go
through two weeks of open
house and dinners, not to men-

tion the anxiety of bid day,
simply to be treated like dirt
when they accept a bid?

For almost a
month we have seen these
people whom we thought are
our friends. They carried our
bags in on opening day. They
bought us beer with "their
own" money. They feed us
well at the dinners. These
people are "supposed" to be
our friends. And they are.
Until bids are accepted. Then
we see the Jekyll and Hyde
effect. They take their place
as the hierarchy, and we are the
peons. I know pledging is sup-
posed to be hard, even harsh
at times, but does this include
fundamental assaults on self-

I don't want to
sound like I'm coming down
on the whole Greek system.
On the contrary, it has some
great advantages, not the least
of which is always having a
good party to go to. What I
do have to come down on is
the facade that most fraterni-

ties rush under. Two weeks of
sugar and spice seem to dis-
solve rather quickly after bid

Are there any so-
lutions to this other than a
complete overhaul of human
nature? I there is actually a
simple solution. Move rush to
second term. This has already
been mandated at many other
colleges and universities. I
think it would be a positive
step for all involved if OU ac-
cepted this change voluntarily.
As I see it, this would serve two
major advantages. First, the
way the system is now, you are
asked to make one of the most
important decisions of your
college life before you can
even remember which classes
you are taking. Greeks are
important, but I think that stu-
dents should be given more
time to settle in first. Secondly,
nobody can hold much of a
pretense for a whole semester.
A second semester rush would
give freshmen more time to
examine the fraternities, and

sororities for that matter, with
out the pressure of rush week.
Also, as you are naturally go-
ing to congregate towards the
people whom you feel most
comfortable with, having a
free semester would allow
more people time to decide
where they feel most comfort-
able, which would in turn

lower pledge drop out rates,
and strengthen camaraderie
among the pledge classes.

I personally chose
to go Greek, and I'm very glad
that I did so. I just think that
the system of rushing could be
amended to better serve the
rushees and the fraternities and
sororities that accept them.

Gripes? Compliants?

This is your chance to be

heard, shout out, or say

what you want.

Send all your "Letters to the

Editor" to Box 450 or call Jason

Thomas at 364-8425

Page 9 /The Stormy Petrel/October 1, 1993


"Yeah, so what if I'm a Nerd, SHUT UP!"

By Elizabeth Stockton
Special to The Stormy Petrel

The "Friday

Night Incindent" has been
talked about all over capus. I
was not there, so I am not go-
ing to talk about the actual in-
cident in this editorial. I
would, however, like to dis-
cuss one of the major results
of that night: the movement to
push the weekend quiet hours
back to two o' clock in the

First, I want to
address the idea that quiet
hours are unfair because they
do not treat students like
"adults." The school unjustly
places limitations on how
much "fiin" students can have.
This argument may hold up
with visitation hours, but I am
not sure that it works in this
instance. Unfortunately, the
"adult" world sets limits on
how much noise people make,
also. For example, most apart-
ments and neighborhoods have
noise ordinances. In other
words, if you live in an apart-
ment and your neighbor is
making lots of noise, causing
your floor or ceiling to shake,
you have the right to call them
and ask them to be quiet.
Then, if they do not, you may
call the building's superinten-
dent or even the police. At

Oglethorpe, residents call the
noise-makers, and then, they
can call their R. A, if the noise
continues. Unlike most apart-
ments, however, complaining
residents here don't get en-
forcement until after rules are
broken in other words, af-
ter quiet hours. So, I don't
think we can say that quiet
hours come from an evil au-
thority which treats residents
like children.

Either people have
said that most parties wind
down by 2 a.m. anyway. So,
by extending the quiet hours,
we better include the times that
people party. That way, Resi-
dence Life does not have to
confront so many offenders,
and residents can enjoy them-
selves more. This reason does
not seem quite right to me, ei-
ther. If most partiers head to-
ward bed around 2, what time
do you think the non-partiers
are settling down for bed?
Probably before 2. So, envi-
sion this: I'm in my co-ed
dorm at 1:30 in the morning.
I'm a nerd, so I'm trying to go
to sleep, or at least settle down.
My floor is shaking from the
bass downstairs. I don't think
that most people in my situa-
tion would walk into a room
full of large drunk men and ask
them to please turn their ste-
reo down because, "I am try-

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ing to sleep!" or worse yet
I am trying to study!"

So, I hear people
out there saying, "The nerd
can call an RA!" R.A'sface
hostility now for breaking up
parties at 1 AM (during quiet
hours). 1 AM under new rules
would not even be quiet hours.
Would residents really turn the
party down when they aren't
breaking any rules, just be-
cause other residents want
them to do it?

So what about our
Residence Life Staff? Right
now, they are on duty (in their
rooms) until 2 AM two
hours after quiet hours are in
effect. With these new hours,
wouldn't they have to stay up
until 4 in order to enforce quiet
hours? If a party for some
strange reason just happens to
continue after 2 AM, then an
R. A will have to walk into a
party as late as 2:30 or 3:00
AM asking people to be quiet.
The people will probably have
been drinkinq for about five
hours, and the R. A will have
been on duty for six and a half.
It seems, to me that this situa-
tion is potentially more explo-
sive than the incident on the

1 0th. And no one seems very
happy about that niqht.

Another problem
with this reasoning is essential
to this debate, and I hope OS A
is listening. The QUIET hours
are not enacted or enforced for
convenience. They are to en-
sure that people who want
quiet can have it. I think more
residents want it to be quiet
than people realize. Many stu-
dents go to church on Sunday
mornings. Many have jobs
that require them to be up
somewhat early. Many people
on campus just like sleeping.
And some people have a good
time just having friends over
until late at night. These ac-
tivities all border the impos-
sible if a party is being thrown
next door. Like I 've said I dont
think many residents have the
nerve, and understandably so,
to demand their right to pri-
vacy (in other words, not be-
ing forced to 1 isten to some one
else's music and someone
else's screaming). They
should not have to try to con-
vince people to be quiet
singlehandedly. The quiet
hour may be an issue where
majority rule is not appropri-

I really do not
want people to stop having fun
on campus. I know that hav-
ing quiet hours does place lim-
its on what kind of fun people
can have at certain hours.
However, in a few weeks,
Greek housing opens, and I
think that will prove fairly ef-
fective in giving people a place
to party in their own backyard.
(Remember the incident on the
10th occured during Rush
Week, when no fraternity
could throw a party. Coinci-
dence??) Also, it is possible
to have a good time in your
room without getting written
up, if you steer clear of yell-
ing and bass-filled music.

I agree that cam-
pus life does need more "life"
pumped into it. However, ex-
tending weekend quiet hours
probably isn't the answer. The
Residence Life Staff will face
longer hours and drunker resi-
dents, probably resulting in
stricter policy enforcement.
Not only that, but new quiet
hours really ignore an impor-
tant part of our campus even
if they are not the so-often-ca-
tered-to majority.

Lets go play out in the rain

By Daniel Rosenthal

Oglethorpe stu-
dents drop those awful umbrel-
las and go play out in the rain!
Sound silly, or a great way to
get sick? Well, it's not. Rain
can be a very cleansing
epperience, literally washing
your troubles away. Plus, what
better way to waste precious
study time than by finding a
near by mud hole and jump-
ing in it? Many of the O.U.
students must think that they
will melt upon getting wet.
Unless you happen to be the
wicked witch from the Wizard
of Oz, then you do not have
much to fear. Personally, I
think all umbrellas should be
baned and the owners be
forced to stand out in rain and

play. There is no reason to stay
indoors during a shower, un-
less of course there is a light-
ning storm.

Of course, not all
us like the rain, unfortunately
for some, the rain can actually
be a depressant. If when it
rains your thoughts get
gloomy don't worry, just step
outside and receive natural
and free therapy. I, luckily
enough, love the rain. To me
there is nothing better than a
good rainfall. It gives me the
chance to run around and
make a complete fool of my-
self (although I don't really
need the rain to do that).
Sometimes, if you have that
special someone in your life,
it is always good to cuddle up
with them next to an open win-

dow and just listen to the rain.
It has been said that rainfall
can be a very erotic experi-
ence. No wonder so many
people flock to Niagra Falls
everyday to get married. On
the otherhand, too much rain
can be very depressing. Just
ask anyone who has lived near
Seattle, Washington and all
they talk about is the rain.
Fortunately, we do not receive
that kind of rain. The rain here
in Georgia is a pleasant warm
rain that is common to the
South. To conclude, next time
it is raining outside and you
feel like you just need to get
wet, don't hesitate to run
around and jump and play in
the rain. Don't worry about
looking foolish alone because
I will be out there so we can
be foolish together.

Page 10/The Stormy Petrel/October 1 , 1993



Les Miserables" is a performance you must see to believe

By Tomika Powell

Because I had

never seen a "real" Broadway
play, and because all of the re-
views were so wonderful, and
because all of the conditions
were favorable for an enjoy
able evening (right time, right
place, right company), I de-
cided that maybe it was just the
"right" time for me to see "Les
Miserables." And so my ad-
venture began...

That night, the
opening night, there was such
a sense of excitement and an-
ticipation in the air. My ex-
citement and anticipation,
though, were due to the fact
that it was my first real night
out in the big city. All I knew
about "Les Miz" was that ev-
eryone wanted to see it. The
little I had heard about the
story was not enough for me
to really know what to expect,
so I went into the Fox com-'
pletely ignorant of the fact that
I was about to see the'best play
I had ever seen before in my

It was the story of
Jean Valjean, a man who after
nineteen years of working on
a chain gang for stealing a loaf
of bread, finds that even after
he is released, his status as a
convict has left him an outcast
among the townspeople.
Naturally, he has become em'
bittered and even the kindness
of the Bishop of Digne doesn't
affect Vaijean who, in ex-
change for this kindness, steals
some silver. After getting
caught by the police and
brought back before the
Bishop, Valjean is so moved
that the Bishop lies to the po-
lice for him that he decides it
is time for him to turn his life
around. Over a period of eight
years, (during which Valjean
has broken his parole) he has
changed his name and become
a well-respected mayor and a
factory owner.

One day when
some of the factory women
find out about an employee of
Valjean 's illegitimate child,

they ask for her to be fired.
The foreman fires her because
she turned down his proposi-
tions earlier. This now unem-
ployed woman, Fantine, for
her livelihood and that of her
child, Cosette, turns to a life
of prostitution after selling all
of her belongings. Sick, tired,
and finally humiliated, Fantine
becomes disgusted with her
job and has an altercation with
a prospective clieht. She is al-
most taken away to jail when
our hero, Jean Valjean, inter-
venes and has her sent to a
hospital instead. Around this
same time, the "Mayor" saves
a man who had been pinned
beneath a runaway cart. This
test of strength reminds the
police inspector, Javert, of
someone else who had
once exhibited such /

strength, a prisoner >g^>y
24601, Jean
Valjean. Al-
t h o u g
of no one
else with
such ab

ing water for the people with
whom she lives. When Valjean
and Cosette return to the home
of her "caretakers," he offers
to pay them to let him have
Cosette and easily sways their
initial refusals by adding more
bills to the pile already on the

Years later,
Cosette and Valjean are in
Paris where at any moment the
tension may break and the
revolution might begin. Javert,
who is still in hot pursuit of
Valjean, is anxious to <


m a 1

strength, his mind was
at ease because he
knew that Valjean
had been captured /J^--
and was about to *^ ' " ^
stand trial. The
real Valjean could not stand by
silently and watch an innocent
man go to prison. He goes to
the court, confesses to every-
one that he is Jean Valjean,
prisoner 2460 1 , and flees im-
mediately. He arrives back at
the hospital in time enough to
promise the dying Fantine that
he will find her daughter and
look after her. Unable to let
the man he had been after for
years get away, Javert follows
Valjean to the hospital and at-
tempts to arrest him, but once
again, our hero escapes.

Valjean goes off in
search of Cosette whom he
finds out in the woods fetch-

him, using any means neces-
sary. The Thenardiers,
Cosette 's former caretakers,
are ready for the revolution to
begin so that they can scav-
enge when the chaos clears.
Their daughter, Eponine, is
desperately fighting for the
love of the student, Marius,
who is falling in love with

One night M.
Thenardier and his gang were
lurking outside of Valjean's
home when Eponine came
along and stopped them.
Valjean, not seeing the culprits,
was convinced that it was
Javert and decides that he and

Cosette must leave the coun-

Meanwhile, the
students were building a bar-
ricade in anticipation of the
ensuing revolution which
eventually claims the lives of
Eponine and all but one of the
students, Marius. Vaijean
saves Marius by taking him
into the sewers and leaving
him in the hospital in Cosette 's
care after he makes a safe get-
away. Javert jumped from a
bridge and killed himself
because he couldn't live
with the fact that he let
Valjean go so that he
could take Marius to
the hospital.

After Marius re-
covers, he and
Cosette marry and
Valjean decides
that in order for
them to live in
safety he must
go away. Be-
fore he goes,
he gets sick
and ends up
the secret
of her
h e

planned never to tell her, in his
hospital room just before he

The plays finale
begins when the spirits of
Eponine and Fantine appear to
take Valjean with them. Then,
the entire cast comes together
on the stage and delivers one
of the most moving songs of
the entire play. It was the type
of song that makes your heart
pound, your stomach fill with
butterflies, and your eyes well
up with tears. It was the type
of play that brought about a
feeling so strong that such in-
tensity is difficult to translate
into words. At times the on-

stage movement was hard to
follow and the almost con-
stantly revolving stage did not
make it any easier, but the
music, the singing as well as
the instruments, dictated when
to feel the emotional shift.
Cosette's sweet, childlike
voice coupled with the rich-
ness of Valjean' s created an
unlikely juxtaposition of
sounds, yet made it all seem so
natural. For a moment, it felt
like maybe on the streets of
Paris everyone does sing and
dance, every person is a char-
acter with untold secrets and
private traumas.

Most of all, the
play gives credit to the French
revolutionaries for their bold
strength and courage in the
face of not only adversaries
like poverty, crime, famine,
and sickness, but also death,
the undefeatable foe. And still,
after the battle-smoke clears
and the dead are taken away,
there still remains a love story
with all the irony and power
of real life's love stories. For
love of her daughter, Fantine
dies; for the love of Marius,
Eponine dies; for the love of
justice, Javert dies; and for
love of their country, Enjolras
and the other student revolu-
tionaries die.

I could say that
yes, the conditions were ripe
for me to have enjoyed the
night out on the town, regard-
less of the play's actual impact,
but I won't because "Les
Miserables" did have an im-
pact, a moving power that left
its mark in the wide-eyed,
open-mouthed expressions of
the people in the audience as
they headed out the door. It
was a tremendous display of
talent on the part of the musi-
cians and actors, the director
(Cameron Mackintosh) and
set designers, the make-up and
lights people, the playwrights
who turned it into a musical
(Alain Boublil and Claude-
Michel Schonberg), and the
novel's author, Victor Hugo.
May I simply say, it was re-
markable, and an honor for me
to witness it.

Page 11/The Stormy Petrel/October 1, 1993


Leibovitz shoots for the stars

By Mary Lynch

Like Water for

Chocolate, for those of you

who haven't heard of it, is a
foreign film that you won't
exactly see playing in all of the
big theaters around town. It's
going to be a little harder to
find, and you'll also have to
put up with subtitles (be sure
to sit behind someone short
I didn't!), but if these two im-
pediments won't bother you
then it's definitely something
you should see.

Like Water for

Chocolate is a Mexican film,

set at the turn of the century.
The plot, while not overly
complicated, would be pretty
hard to summarize quickly,
but I will tell you that it is ba-
sically the life story of a girl
who is not allowed to marry
because she's the youngest
child and must live out her life
in service to her mother (it's
more interesting than that
sounds though I promise).

The movie is
beautifully done, with great
acting by everybody in the cast
and a fabulous story line that
keeps you hanging on every
word. There is marvelous
symbolism (yes, that title
means something) which it is
very prominent throughout the
movie. Also, and this pleas-
antly surprised me, there is a
good bit ofhumor thrown in
but you have to look for it a
little. If I still haven't peaked
your interest, then maybe you
should also note that one of the
movie's central themes is sex,
and there is a little bit of the
supernatural thrown in as well.

I can't praise this
film highly enough, partly due
to the fact that Like Water for

Chocolate is not one of the

mainstream, mindless movies
that we always see. It goes into
your head and stays there, and
its beauty will really touch
you. So if you have the time
you really owe it to yourself
to check it out; you'll be glad
you did

High Museum Press Service

Portraits of

John Lennon, Ella Fitzgerald
and Whoopi Goldberg and
early black-and-white essays
on the Roiling Stones and
President Nixon's resignation
are among the more than 120

zine made in the 1970s; por-
traits commissioned by Vanity
Fair magazine from 1983 to
1990; and images from the
American Express "Portraits"
advertising campaign. Also on
view are Leibovitz s black-
and-white photojournalism
produced for Rolling Stone in

images in "Annie Leibovitz
Photographs 1970-1990,"the
first museum exhibition cov-
ering the extraordinary 20-
year career of photographer
Annie Leibovitz. The exhibi-
tion opens on September 2 1 at
the High Museum of Art and
will remain on view through
November 28.

Ned Rifkin, direc-
tor of the High Museum of Art,
comments, "Annie Leibovitz
is both a superb photographer
and an inspired chronicler of
late-20th-century culture. It
is especially appropriate for us
to be able to present this out-
standing exhibition to Atlanta
during our 10th anniversary
season in the High's award-
winning building. Both are
striking celebrations of the art
of our time."

The exhibition in-
cludes Leibovitz's first por-
traits for Rolling Stone maga-

the '70s, early black-and-
white reportage work and se-
lections from her latest work.

Annie Leibovitz's
style is an uncanny amalgam
of humor, curiosity and com-
passion. She has created some
of the most vivid, instantly
known portraits of the day,
such as her photographs of
Bette Midler covered in
roses or John Belushi and
Dan Ackroyd as "The
Blues Brothers." Her
works have helped shape
and define the look of
American popular culture.

Exhibition cu-
rator Willis Hartshorn of
the International Center of
Photography attributes
much of Leibovitz's suc-
cess to her skill as a direc-
tor and says that she has a
unique ability to inspire
people to reveal them-
selves. Leibovitz has a tal-

ent for getting the picture
she wants. In her best im-
ages we can sense the ex-
change between the photog-
rapher and the subject an
interaction that generates in-
timacy and understanding."
Leibovitz's gift
for portraiture, and her de-
were clear
when she won
her first assign-
ment with
Rolling Stone
in 1970, while
still a student
at the San
Francisco Art
Institute. Her
portfolio im-
pressed the
editor of the
magazine so
much that she
was hired to do
the cover por-
trait of John
lennon. By
1973, she was
the magazine's
chief photog-

her career be-
gan, Leibovitz
has been published nationally
and internationally producing
stills for motion pictures, al-
bum and book covem. posters
for the World Cup Games,
photo spreads for major maga-
zines and commissioned work
for publishers and corpora-


Among the many
honors Leibovitz has received
are awards from the American
Society of Magazine Photog-
raphers and the International
Center of Photography as well
a Grammy, Kelley and Clio

Admission to
Annie Leibovitz Photographs
1970-1990" is included in the
Museum admission fee of $5
for adults, $3 for college stu-
dents and senior citizens and
$ 1 for children ages 6- 1 7. Ad-
mission is free at all times for
Museuin members and chil-
dren under 6. Admission is free
for the general public on
Thursdays from) 1 to 5 p.m.

The High Mu-
seum of Art is located at
Peachtree and 1 6th streets at
the Woodruff Arts Center in
midtown Atlanta. Hours are
Tuesday through Samrday, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday noon
to 5 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 9
p.m., and closed on Mondays.

For further infor-
mation about High Museum of
Art programs, call 404-892-

Page 12/The Stormy Petrel/October 1 , 1993


The music of Oglethorpe University

By Sarah Buzzard

Whether you

like to participate in. or sim-
ply listen to, good music,
Oglethorpe offers many activi-
ties to tempt your musical
tastebuds. If singing is your
thing, check out the University
Singers and the University
Chorale (see article in the Or-
ganization section). The uni-
versity also has three extracur-
ricular music groups in exist-
ence, and two more waiting in
the wings.

The stage band,
which plays pop, swing, big
band, and jazz, is open to any-
one who is interested. Contact

director Thomas Taylor at
365-2559. For an older sound,
we have the Oglethorpe Re-
corder Ensemble, which plays
renaissance and medieval mu-
sic on antique instruments. For
more infomation or to get in-
volved in this group, contact
Dr. Ron Carlisle at 364-8345
or drop by his office, Lupton
317. The Oglethorpe Winds
also welcomes new members.
Contact the director, Dr. Dana
Carton, box number 30.

If none of these
three groups seem to fit your
musical interests or abilities,
perhaps you would be inter-
ested in the Ogletnorpe Strings
or the Oglethorpe Brass. Start-
ing these organizations de-
pends on interest, so if you

would like to get involved,
contact Dr. Irwin Ray at 364-

You can hear
Oglethorpe's musical groups
perform at several concerts
during the semester. At the
Parents' Weekend Showcase
on Friday , October 2 at 7:30
in Lupton, the stage band, Uni-
versity Singers, and University
Chorale will perform. On Fri-
day, November 19 at 8 p.m.,
the Annual Night of the Arts
wll be held in the Great Hall
of Hearst. It will feature per-
forming groups as well as in-
dividuals. Anyone interested
in participating should contact
Elizabeth Stockton at 365-
2596. The Annual Boar's
Head Ceremony and Concert,

on December 3 at 7:30, will
feature performances by all of
Oglethorpe's musical organi-
zations. These concerts are all
free and everyone is welcome.

Finally, there are
two more performances this
semester in the Skylight Gal-
lery Series at the art museum.
On Sunday, Oct. 24, at 4 P.M.,
flutist James Zellers will per-
form chamber music. And on
Sunday, Nov. 14, at 4 P.M..,
the museum is hosting te
Quintetto Barocco, a quintet of
baroque and neoclassical in-

From this smor-
gasbord of musical activities,
feel free to sample any for your
musical enjoyment this semes-

Tarantino has made a disturbing film

By Jim Cambell

The verdict is in,

Quentin Tarantino has
avoided the sophomore blues.
His second effort, True Ro-
mance, while not as poignant
and focused as his first screen-
play, Resevoir Does, is a
clever, well-paced, somewhat
disturbing film.

No doubt the dis-
turbing aspect is quite inten-

tional. In an age of fluff and
meaningless formula pictures,
Tarantino has somehow bro-
ken into the mainstream with
a different brand of movie.
Like Resevoir Dogs. True
Romance offers no patented
Hollywood endings, no rides
off into the sunset, but rather,
casualties and tragedies that
seem to scream "Life is often
crazy, unfair, cruel, and de-
pressing." Tarantino's films
are truly not for everyone.
Thank God.

While the screen-
play is exceptional, what's a
great script without a great
cast? True Romance has it
covered. The cast reads like a
list of presenters at an awards
show. Christian Slater,
Patricia Arquette, Dennis
Hopper, Gary Oldman, Brad
Pitt, Christopher Walken, and
Val Kilmer all turn in fine per-
formances. Together they give
fervent life to Tarantino's
frightening visions.

The plot, two kids


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on the run from the bad guys,
is nothing extremely original.
That's fine, though, becuase
the beauty of the film lies in
Tarantino's ability to infuse
old ideas with something of his
own, something fresh and dif-
ferent. His originality is
splashed all over the film from
the way he handles violence
(Arquette fights back against
a 250 lb. mafia hitman) to his
take on male sexuality.

If there's one ques-
tionable aspect to the film it's
the use, no the robbery, of the
theme song from the 70's clas-
sic Badlands. The song is used
in the same manner right down
to the quirky female dialogue
spoken over it. But then again
T.S. Eliot once said, "A good
writer borrows, a great writer

Bottom line, ev-
erything in this movie works.
If you get a chance to break
away from the non-stop fun
and excitement on the OU
campus, check out True Ro-
mance . You'll laugh, you'll
cry, you'll cringe, you may
even get sick, but you will
definately not be bored. Bravo

In Utero

By Chris Brown
Entertainment Editor

If anyone bought
into the idea that Nirvana was
going to put out an .under-
ground album, I 'm here to tell
you that all the hype, distor-
tion, and angst in the world
couldn't keep them from writ-
ing catchy-catchy pop songs.
Their latest effort, In Utero,
utilizes the kind of tones Neil
Young and Iggy pop explored
in the 70 's, that is, a wide range
of guitar sounds to the effect
of making this disc seem loose,
expiatory, and grungy. But,
what their "exploration"
amounts to really is covering
up the sometimes obvious in-
fluence of Lennon/McCarthy
which means, simply stated,
that the alternative sound they
mean to have pioneered is
nothing more than "Help"
turned up and distorted
enough to please the lazy ears
of todays pop culture.

Nearly all the
songs on In Utero draw from
the success of Nevermind; if
you listen closely, you can sing
"In Bloom" and " Smells like
Teen Spirit" to several songs.
The primary difference this
time around is that lyrically-
there are no anthems. Yes, I'm
still the one who likes to sing
along, but, I don't feel so uni-
fied and brotherly singing
"Rope Me."

All in all, when
stripped of its pretentious and
media play, In Utero is a fairly
intricate and skillfully ren-
dered pop construction. Yes,
Nirvana will still be among
the hypist most killerest
groups, only now, having
earned free licence to not be
prophets and spokesmen, cool-
ness takes the form of some-
thing more genuine.

Page 13/The Stormy Petrel/October 1, 1993


CHAOS by Brian Shuster

Preg nant Pause *0T

The Amputation Diet Plan

When cartoon characters get fed-up.

Page 14 /The Stormy Petrel/October 1 , 1993


The Stormy

Jason Thomas

Managing Editor:
Brian Davis

Copy Editor:

Steven Cooper

Editorial Editor:

Justin Hayes

Entertainment Editor:
Chris Brown

Feature Editors:

Angie Dickerson

Brandon Gallaway

Layout Editor:
Ryan P. Queen

News Editor:
Jonelle Thomas

Photography Editor:
Tim Evans

Production Editor
Chopper Johnson


Daryl Brooks

Jennifer Chiofalo

Yolanda Hernandez

Trish Hinton

Sam Hutcheson

Kim Jones

Kathy Lea

Theresa Linebarger

Aretha List

Mary Lynch

Barbara Miller

Shannon Montgomery

Tomika Powell

Daniel Rosenthal

Randy Tidwell

Pauline Van Vliet

Christie Willard

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman

Robert Drake

Michael McClure

THE Crossword

1 Louver
5 Adds liquor to
10 Doorway part

14 Material tor

15 Likeness


17 Mr. Sharif

18 Burn a little

19 Stringed

20 Licenses
22 Most


24 Makes indignant

25 Merriment

26 Mount

29 Unsullied

33 Pertaining to

34 Lean

35 Uncle

36 Gloomy

37 Nasal speech
36 "I cannot

tell "

39 Work in versa

40 Holy one

41 Kitchen item

42 Be Nke

44 Heavy beer

45 Move on wheels

46 Sod

47 Safe place
50 Recites


54 Surmounting

55 Defile

58 After-bath

59 Young horse

60 Kind of orange

61 Duck-like bird

62 Remnants

63 Longed

64 River in


1 Standstill

2 Rickey flavoring

3 Winglike




a 4























































CIW3 Tritun* Umu SarvicM. inc.
All R>gnre Rwervwl

4 Station

5 Lend an ear

6 Wrongly

7 Tinplate vessel

8 Kind of timer

9 Young plant

1 City in Illinois

11 Fever

12 New York team

13 Borsch t

21 An element
23 Take a break

25 Concede

26 Steam .

27 Get away from

28 Makes angry

29 Tool for

30 Ait

31 Artless

32 Asian ruler
34 Drink greedily

37 Place mat's

38 Service branch
40 Air pollutant







3 N













6 3




H 1










EllHiaU fcllKJll



























































49 Pleat

51 Time for lunch

41 Classify

43 Explodes

44 Kicked a pigskin 52 Black

46 Hint of color 53 Hardens

47 Track event

48 School on the

56 "Do say,
not ..."

57 Writer Fleming

T/MPoRr/WT issdtTi
SxRRoocjo PAfC.
r\C*eUii PEOPLE, Oftvl&S
FAiUA>t ORAOfcc...,

PiftC SCARCE, j\nQ


Wlwt's Hot..
What's Not

What's Hot:

Dunn on campus
What's Not:

Dunn off campus

What's Hot:

The girl in the tight jean
What's Not:

The fact that she is only a
figmant of my imagina

What's Hot:

Ellie May Clampet
What's Not:

Mrs. Drysdale

What's Hot:

What's Not:

The broken fussball table

What's Hot:

Will Lukow's shaved legs
What's Not:

Our loss to Toccoa Falls

What's Hot:

Playing trivia at Chicago's
What's Not:

Not having a parking
space when you get back

What's Hot:

Going to Masquerade to
get away from the people
at OU
What's Not:

Everyone from OU is at
Masquerade when you get

By: Michael Billingsley
and Bobby Holtnan

Au these f#oBiv<*,
all rnEs.e decisions.,
Awrj r'rtt <,riu_ at coos

vjlix rH CHitOHooO



aX ct,lC *


SMrirLy [(

by Scott Selsor199g

Page 15/The Stormy Petrel/October 1, 1993


All Dunn: Twenty steps to a successful you

By Dunn Neugebauer
All- Around Good Guy

So we're not ofT

to a very good start this semes-
ter. Morale is down, every-
body is mad at somebody or
something, the weather is aw-
fully weird, you have a paper
due, and Bill Clinton is still
our president.

I, Coach Dunn,
have decided to help the resi-
dent director staff, as well as
the student body, out a little bit
by composing a little article
list that should be of use to
those involved. I would tell
you to come by my room and
offer suggestion, but my roof
is offl units and I just dont trust
anybody anymore.

Ways Of Blowing OfT


2) Meditate.

3) Beat up your roommate.

4) Go rafting up the Ocoee.

5) Rent a helicopter and fly
into the Grand Canyon.

6) Have a good old pillow
fight (before quiet hours, or

7) Play solitaire on Eleanor
Fulton's computer.

8) Dont cheat.

9) Hold your breath until
you blow up.

1 0) Sit in third Alumni on a
hot day until you blow up.

11) Go to the mall and flirt
with Tony Gibson or that
cute girl that works at the

12) Play tackle football in
the rain.

13) Go mud wrestling.

14) Play stickball wth Sam.

15) Put on a suit and go for a
job interview. It wont be
much fun, butit sure as hell
will make you miss college.

16) Make Shelly Anderson

start giggling.

17) Watch Lori Green and
Ann Mason constantly


18) Invite Will Mullis into
your room and see if he

can talk completely through
the Braves at 7:30, the
Giants at 10:30, and Rush
Limbaugh at 2:30.

19) Take a chair and sit in
the shower (dont forget to
turn the water on, it is more
fun that way).

20)Put a punching bag in
your room and beat it

Random Questions for No
Particular Reason

1 ) What takes longer, warm-
ups before a volleyball game
or sudden death of a soccer

2)Who will be the first OU
team to win a conference

3) How many roaches can
possibly fit in one room?
4) Why are they gathered all
in mine?

5) Can Will Lukow score
100 goals in his career?

6) Will he beat me up for
continually writing this?
7)How many people will
throw up on the first day of
conditioning for men's and
women's basketball?

8) When is that guy going to
stand on his chair in the
dining hall and tell us about

9) Can picture Billy Popp
breaking up the fights at
basketball games instead of
Pete Meyer?

10) Will Ward Jones return
to work the clock? (Just
kidding Ward, you do a good
job reagrdlessof what those
irate fans tell you).

11) Can Moccio and
Gambino continue their
academic comeback of the


12) Can the lines get any
longer in that dining hall?

13) Is it legal to park in the
woods across from the dining

1 4)Has anybody heard from
Jill McLester?
1 5)Smile, everything is
going to be all right...

Until next time a
little poem in signing off..

Roses are red,
Viloets are blue,
You got written up,
I did too.

Dont let it get to you,
Just smile and be a sport,
They wont get me again,
I'll be on thecourt.


Dunn, James Dunn

OU Lady's soccer team off to its best start

By Jason Thomas

The Oglethorpe

Lady Petrel soccer team is off
to its best start in the history
of OU women's soccer. Pres-
ently the team stands at 4-2
with a 2- 1 conference record.

After beqining the
season with a loss to Emory
University, the Petrels bounced
back and won four staight
games, two of which were con-
ference matches. The
women's first victory came to
the dismay of Agnes Scott
College. ASC proved to be a
much tougher opponent than
expected. The Petrels were
down 0-1 the majority of the
game until Kirsten Hanzsek
equalizthed the match, send-
ing it into overtime. Melissa
Lamb then scored for the Pe-
trels to give them their first vic-

The next victim

was Centre College. This
game also went into overtime,
and the women came away
with a victory because of qoals
from Hanzsek, Michelle
Ponte, and Dawn Bristol. The
next victory was a 5-1 stomp-
ing of Wesleyan University.

Ponte had two goals, while
other goals came from
Hanzsek, Bristol, and Terra

This past weekend
the ladies played Millsaps Col-
lege. The Lady Petrels upset
the favored Majors by a score

of 2-1. Goals were scored by
Ponte and Lamb. Unfortu-
nately, to end the weekend the
women suffered a loss at the
hands of Rhodes College. The
Petrels held strong for the first
half and were trailinq only 2-
1. During the second half,

Practice. Practice. Practice. It seems to work.

photo by Tim Evans

though, injuries and fatigue
hurt the ladies and Rhodes
took advantaqe of that, scorinq
three more qoals to end the
game at 5-1.

Despite the recent loss, the
women are still very optimis-
tic about the season. Junior
Captain, Shelley Robinson
stated, "The season is going
verywell. This is the best team
in OU women s soccer history.
We have the most talented
team we have ever had com-
bined with the greatest work
ethic." She also stated, "I want
to give credit where credit is
due and a lot of our success is
because of our new coach,
Todd Yelton."

The team looks as
if it will easily become the best
team 0U women soccer has
ever seen. Come out and
watch the women play this
weekend at 1 :00 PM on Sat-

Page 16/The Stormy Petrel/October 1 , 1993


Men's soccer has ups and downs

By Jason Thomas

The good, the

bad, and the ugly. That would
be the way to describe the
Oglrthorpe Stormy Petrel
men's soccer team. The team
had started very poorly this
season despitehaving a very
talented team. They are pres-
ently 2-5-1 after this recent
weekend. This weekend
showed the sides of the good
and the ugly.

On Saturday, the
men played Millsaps Univer-
sity. The game was a magnifi-
cent display of their true tal-
ent and their ability to play as
a talented. The Petrels de-
feated the Majors 5-2. The
firstand second goals were
scored by Will Lukow. The
later being a fourty yard solo
effort. The Majors then coun-
tered and made the score 2-1 .
John Nunes then widened the
lead for the Petrels by scoring

and making the score 3-1. To
cap the first half, Cameron
Bready had a well placed free
kick to bring the score to 4- 1 .

In the second half,
the Petrels contnued to play
well, although their scoring
was not as prolific. The Ma-
jors closed their defecit to 4-2
early in the second half. Will
Lukow then completed his hat-
trick by converting a penalty
kick with twenty -two minutes
left to play.

Overall, the team
played very well defensively
despite the loss of starting out-
side defender Jason Williams.
Williams was sick for the Pe-
trels game against Millsaps.
Bobby Holman, a sophomore
defender, stepped in and
started in the place of Will-
iams. Holman played an ex-
cellent game for the Petrels and
provided a solid defender the
entire game. David Lerette
and Rob Fearon also played
outstanding defensive games.

Every player on the OU soc-
cer team played against the
Majors, it was an entire team

This game up-
lifted the Petrels, who had been
in a three game losing streak.
After the victory, their S.CAC
record was 1-0-1.

The following day
the Petrels faced the defending
SCAC champions, the Rhodes

College Lynx. Rhodes proved
to be an overwhelming force
for the Petrels as they defeated
Oglethorpe 7-0. After the
game, no team member wished
to comment on the game. It
was a very disheartening loss
for the Petrels. The team did
not possess the ball well, as
they had the day before. The
team that played Rhodes did
not appear to be the same team

that defeated Millsaps the day
before. This loss dropped their
conference record to 1-1-1.
No member of the team was
pleased with their individual or
team performance on Sunday.
The OU men's team plays
Thursday at 4:00 at OU ver-
sus Piedmont and Saturday at
3:00 at OU versus Thomas
More. Come out and cheer the
Petrels on to victories.

Fall baseball season begins

By Daryl Brooks

As the Braves

put the finishing touches on
another championship season,
many of you may think base-
ball is almost over until spring.
But just as good old mom was
always there for you, baseball
will always be around. Need
proof? Come out to the sta-
dium on any sunny afternoon
and watch the OU baseball
team practice.

Now I know many
of you may still be confused.
Doesn't baseball start in the

spring? Well, officially, yes.
But in the fall the baseball
team prepares for spring with
a lot of hard work, practice,
and five scrimmages.

The team's first
scrimmage was a rain-short-
ened affair at Emory. The
game was scoreless when play
was stopped in the bottom of
the third inning. Vinny
McGrath allowed 1 hit for the
Petrels. Jimmy Moccio banged
out the Petrels only hit.

The rest of the
team's fall schedule includes
another game with Emory on
September 2 8 at 3 :00; Sept 3

vs. Dekalb 3 :00; October 9 vs.
Young Harris at 12:00.

All games will be
played away due to continu-
ing construction on the field.
On Sunday Oct. 10 the team
will play its 100-inninggame.
The purpose of this game is to
raise money for the team's
opening road trip to Texas.
(Anyone who would like to
make a pledge, find a baseball

This year's ver-
sion of the Petrels will be lead
by Bill Popp. Coach Popp took
over for Pete Meyer who left
to become head recruiter at
Valdosta State.

Petrel volleyball crushes Wesleyan

By Randy Tidwell

Volleyball sea-
son has began at Oglethorpe to
the changes of many oppo-
nents. The home opener was a
triple-header which appeared
to be a formidable obstacle to
the Lady Petrels. The Lady Pe-
trels easily passed with flying

The first match
was Wesleyan College. To get
a feel for how this game pro-
gressed , maybe you should
know how long it lasted 23
minutes. It took longer for the
teams to warm-up than it took
to play the game. Lori Green
won the first 13 pts. in a row.
At only one point in the game
were the Petrels even chal-

lenged. At 11-0 one of the
Wesleyan players "spiked" a
ball that actually went over the
net. Hustling by our players
helped keep the rally going.
Game 1 was a 1 5-0 shutout.

Game 2 was pretty
much the same way, though
Wesleyan did score a point.
Our Ladies completely domi-
nated the Wesleyan team. The
big shock was just how
quickly the match ended. The
final score was 15-1.

The second match
started in a much more dubi-
ous way. Agnes Scott beat us
up in game 1 15-5. The set-
back was really a springboard
as the Petrels came out strong
for game 2.

With a 1-0, Ann
Mason smashed one of her

biggest spikes of the day. This
spike wowed the crowd, who
had missed the first match.
At 5-5 in the 2nd game Lu
Green hit a big spike to give
the Petrels the lead for good.
Later Ann Mason would get
blocked for the only time of the
day, but the block went out of
bounds. Sue Poston made an
incredible block to give the
Petrels 14-5 lead. The Petrels
won 15-5.

Game 3 was really
only a continuation of game 2.
Lori Green served up 7 points
in a row and the match was in
hand with a 15-5 win. If you
want to know how the third
match went, ask Sam
Hutcheson. He has the notes,(
we hope) of how it went.

Lu Green prepares to serve.

Photo by Tim Evans

Page 1/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993

The Stormy Petrel

Volume 69, Issue 3 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University

October 22, 1993

Psychology professor

held up in


page 2

Security update
page 3

The Greeks

are back

page 7

Solution to Bosnia
page 9

Theatre season


page 10

All Dunn: The test
page 14

Comics: 12-13

Editorials: 8-9



Features: 4-5

News: 2-3



ProFile: 4

Screentest: 10

Soundcheck: 11

Sports: 14-15

Greek housing finished at last

Delta Sigma Phi and Kappa Alpha open their doors (well, maybe later...)

By Jason Thomas

The Oglethorpe

University fraternities of Delta
Sigma Phi and Kappa Alpha
were scheduled to move into

ously this date was not met ei-
ther. The reason for this
change in date was due to a
couple of factors, some of
which were uncontrollable by
the administration in charge if
this affair. During the spring

> :


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The completed Delta Sig

photo by Tim Evans


only slightly more than the
frames to show for the sup-
posed long months of hard
work this summer on the
Greek houses.

The next serious
delay came when the Greek
members living in the houses
found that there were not go-
ing to be any stoves available
in the houses, nor were any
stoves allowed to be placed in
the houses. This was because
the original architect who de-
signed the house placed the
kitchen in the basement as was
requested. What he failed
to do was design
proper ven-

their newly built houses on
campus this past weekend, but
because of lack-luster deci-
sions made by various faculty
members concerning construc-
tion, the houses have yet to be

The majority of
the new Greek housing was
to be completed by middle
to late August. Unfor-
tunately, due to many
problems, the stu-
dents who are v
supposed to live
in the houses
have yet to
move into
their re-
Presently, the
Delta Sig house and the KA
house have been entirely com-
pleted, but for some reason
failed inspection. This,
though, was only the most re-
cent of delays.

The next sched-
uled move-in date was set for
the 25th of September. Obvi-

and early summer, heavy
rain slowed the
progress of the
because it

impossible to
lay solid founda-
tions for the houses when
the group was as moist as it
was. Once construction began
and the frames of the houses
were begining to be built, it be-
came obvious that
construction would take
much longer than expected. If
you took notice upon arriving
at OU this year, you would
have noticed that there was

tion to
How for
stoves in the
Greeks be-
lieve the true root of the
problem is in the office of
Community Life. They say the
main reason that the construc-

tion is taking so long is be-
cause the contractor was not
properly informed that these
were technically boarding
houses, not residential houses,
under Dekalb County ordi-
nances. Therefore, these
houses have to undergo differ-
ent inspections and must be
equiped with different safety
items than those of a normal
residencial house.

Thus, a new en-
trance date had to be set in or-
der to accomadate for the con-
struction workers to properly
vent the house so
that stoves
could be
placed in the
This set the
new date for
moving in back
to October 15.
On October 15th,
the houses seemed to be
completed (Delta Sig and
KA). Optimism was in the
Everything looked very
hopeful for the anxious
Greeks, but when all seemed
good, all went bad. Both the
Delta Sig and the KA houses
failed inspection. To make
matters worse, Chi Phi was
about to be forced out of their
house with no where to place
all their possessions from their
present house off of Wieuca
See Delays on page 3

Chi Phi brothers begin the move photo by Pat Mulheam

Page 2/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


Career Services and what it can do for you

By Robbie Romeiser
Special to The Stormy Petrel

Career Services

offers a wide range of pro-
grams available to sopho-
mores, juniors, and seniors.
Freshman are very welcome to
take a look, too. This wide
range of programs includes
internships, co-ops, graduate
school preparation and search
services, career fairs, career
research software, resume
workshops (putting together a
good resume ain't as easy as

you think), an Alumni/Student
Mentor Program, and much
more. Make use of these valu-
able services and get a leg up
on the competition. Some of
the upcoming events sched-
uled by Katherine Nobles in
Career Services are as follows:

Monday, October
18 from 1:00 - 4:00PM at
Emory University, Cox Hall:
Graduate/Professional School
Day. Over 115 grad school
programs will be represented
from all over the country.

Wednesday, Octo-
ber 27: Wicked Wammy
Night (What can I do with a
majorin...). Panelists will dis-
cuss career options for psy-
chology, sociology, and social

Wednesday, No-
vember 3 at 3:30PM in the
Talmage Room: Graduate
School Preparation Seminar.
Author/lecturer Donald Asher
will speak on "How to Gain
Admission to Highly Competi-

Annual Health Fair to
be held on October 27

By Patsy A Bradley
University Nurse

The Health Fair

will take place in Conference
Room C, Emerson Student
Center on Wednesday, Octo-
ber 27, from 1 1 :00 AM - 3 :00
PM. This is a convenient, free
and relatively painless way of
testing certain aspects of your
health such as: blood pressure,

cholesterol, body fat, lung ca-
pacity, vision and hearing.
The Sickle Cell Foundation
will be here to test for Sickle
Cell Anemia as well as other
types of anemia. Except for
the $5.00 charge for the cho-
lesterol test, screenings are free
and are provided by Volunteer

Come to the
Health Fair and find out just
how healthy you really are.

New psych professor
held up in immigration

By Brandon Galloway
Features Editor

Dr. Adrian Brock

is Oglethorpe's newest profes-
sor of psychology, but for now
he could also be The Invisible
Professor. Brock was hired re-
cently for this semester, but
don't expect to see him around
campus-not yet anyway. Dr.
Brock comes to us from Brit-
ain, and it seems the immigra-
tion process has made it an es-
pecially long trip. Dr. Brock
has made the best use of his
forced vacation; he was mar-
ried this summer in Canada.

For now, adjunct
faculty have been hired to
teach his classes, but psychol-
ogy majors take heart. Dr.
Brock is scheduled next se-

mester to teach Psychological
Inquiry, Theories of Personal-
ity, and History and Systems
of Psychology - and we think
he's going to show. In the fu-
ture, Dr. Brock will also teach
courses in social and abnormal

Dr. Kerr says one
reason Brock was chosen was
for his "eclectic qualities and
interests." Indeed his aca-
demic background speaks for
itself. He has studied at sev-
eral European universities in-
cluding Cambridge in En-
gland, the University of
Leipzig, and the Goethe Insti-
tute in Berlin. He also spent
time in Argentina and Canada.
Dr. Brock is multilingual and
has been published in at least
two languages. We look for-
ward to his arrival.

tive Graduate Programs.

Saturday, Novem-
ber 6 from 8:30 AM - 2 :00PM.
Sheraton at 1-75 North: CDS
International Career Forum.
Learn about career opportuni-
ties in the international arena
in finance, manufacturing,
non-profit, education, and law.
Registration forms available in
Career Services.

Friday, November
19 from 11:00AM - 4:00PM
at the Georgia International

Convention Center: Career
Opportunities '93. Learn of
career employment opportuni-
ties from businesses and orga-
nizations throughout Georgia
and the country.

Further information about
these and other programs is
offered by Katherine Nobles in
Career Services located in the
Student Center next to the
Community Life office. The
hours of the Community Life
office are Monday-Friday
from 9:00 AM. to 5:00 P.M.

Page 3/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


Delays, delays and more delays

continued from page 1

Road. Presently, all of the
items that were being moved
by Chi Phi are in a U-Haul
parked next to the future Chi
Phi house. As for the five
members living in the house,
they are presently living with
the parents of Cole Maddox,
a brother of Chi Phi. When
asked what he thought of the
problems with moving, Rod
Smith, a Chi Phi brother
responded, "The houses arent
done yet, and we are basically
a fraternity living out of suit-
cases during midterms."

The poor timing
seems to be the largest com-
plaint concerning the incom-
plete Greek houses. Tim
Matthews, a brother of SAE,
sums up many greek's feelings,
"We are very anxious, but like-
wise we are also becoming
very impatient" There are also
many other concerns and com-
plaints about the slow comple-
tion of the houses.

Another main

complaint is concerning the
poor organization of the Hous-
ing Board to properly house
the sorority women who are
scheduled to move into a
Greek house. All of the
women who were scheduled to
live in a Greek house are pres-
ently displaced in one of the
extra rooms adjacent to many
of the upper quad dormitories.
The living areas are not
comprable to those of any of
the women's residence halls, as
stated by many of the women
living in them. Most of the
men have a comparable dorm
to those of the other men liv-
ing on campus (with the excep-
tion of the five Chi Phi broth-
ers). Much of this poor orga-
nization is channelled by
Greeks back to Community

What seems worse
to many of the women in-
volved is the poor meal plan,
or lack thereof, for the tempo-
rary residents. The school did
not provide the Greeks with a

meal plan that would compen-
sate them for being forced to
live on campus, instead it now
costs them more money. As
Bridget Ceccirmi, a Tri -Sigma
sister, stated, "Part of the rea-
son I wanted to live in aGreek
house was so that I could cook
my own meals and save money
at the same time. Now be-
cause of all the delays, want-
ing to live in a house has cost
me even more money than liv-
ing on campus normally."

Lack of organiza-
tion seem to be the overall
problem for the incomplete
state of the Greek housing.
Teri Butle, a Chi Omega sis-
ter, believes that," The comple-
tion and time problem, along
with the dorm disorganization
was not handled properly by
the administration." Jen
Fowler, another Chi Omega,
agreed and said, "Probably the
biggest reason for the inconve-
nience is due to the fact that
they(Community Life) failed
to inform the Greeks that they
would not be living in houses
when they showed up for

Oglethorpe security update

By Will Mullis

- On Sunday,

September 26th, in response to
the concern over the car break-
in reported in issue 2 of the Pe-
trel, Harold Johnson,
Oglethorpe's Director of Secu-
rity, created a new shift. The
guard on this shift, which runs
from 1 l:00pm-5 :00am, seven
days a week, is responsible for
patrolling the parking lots that
service the Upper Quad dorms
and the newly created Greek
Row. This new position al-
lowsthe 12:00-8:00 patrol of-
ficer to more closely monitor
Traer, Goodman, campus
buildings, and the outer perim-
eter fence.

- On Monday Sep-
tember 27th, a student called
Security to report that her car,
which was parked in front of

the SAE house, had its alarm
activated by an attempted
break-in. The car's door had
been forced open but nothing
was taken.

- On Thursday,
September 30th, a Traer resi-
dent reported that she has been
receiving annoying phone
calls in the middle of the night
from an unknown male caller.

- On Friday, Octo-
ber 1st, maintenance reported
that the door to the Dempsey
RA lounge had been kicked in,
and that a pool ball had been
thrown through the window.

- On Monday, Oc-
tober 4th, a maintenance
worker reported that he had
seen one student driving a Jeep
hit another car and then speed
off campus. The Jeep's driver
was later identified but fortu-
nately there was minimal dam-

age to the other car.

- On Tuesday, Oc-
tober 5th, Ric Bemis, Director
of the Physical Plant, reported
that an extensive amount of
equipment had been stolen
from the maintenance shop. A
report was filed with Dekalb
County Police.

- On Thursday,
October 7th, a student hit an-
other student's car as she went
through the entrance to the
Emerson Center Lot. The stu-
dents chose to handle the
wreck between themselves.

- On Sunday , Oc-
tober 10, Security was called
to Traer when a male student
refused to leave a female
student's room at 3:1 Sam.
When the security officer ar-
rived, and reminded the male
student of visitation hours, he
agreed to leave amiably.


Community Life
is not actually the root of all
the delays. The problem is that
they are the most accesible to
blame, and are the ones whom
the Greeks have contact with.

All parties involved in the con-
struction of the Greek houses
are to blame for one reason or
the other, contractors, archi-
tects, workers, and the
adminsistration are all partly
to blame, not just Community

Bound for
graduate school?






"How to Gain Admission to Highly Competitive Graduate


a Lecture by Donald Asher, author of

Graduate Admissions Essays: What Works. What Doesn't,

and Why


A San Francisco-based writer specializing in ca-
reer education.

Contributing writer for The National Business Em-
ployment Weekly and Managing Your Career magazines, both
publications of the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones. Inc .

Author of Graduate Admissions Essays. From Col-
lege to Career. The Overnight Resume, and The Overnight
Job Change Strategy .

President of Resume Righters, serving the job-
search need of managers and executives.

The talk covers much more than just Asher's es-
say. Here are some of the topics covered:
How to target programs
Questions to ask yourself before applying
Organizational tips for managing the
Admissions process
How the admissions decision is made
Self assessment before writing an essay
Writing tricks that make for great essays
How to select recommenders
What to do if you're wait-listed
What to do this summer if you're applying

next year
What to do if you don't get in

Some topics not covered intensivelyare
financial aid and graduate exams.

Co-sponsored by University Program Committee
and Career Services

Page A/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


One of the best kept secrets

An inside
view of new
teachers at

By Brandon Galloway
Features Editor

This week the

profile is onMichele Cox. Ms
Cox is a new part-time En-
glish professor here at
Oglethorpe, but she exhibits
full-time enthusiasm. This se-
mester she is teaching two sec-
tions of Analytical Writing
and an American literature
class. As a student in the
American literature class, I
must say that Michele Cox
seems to have a pioneer spirit
of her own.

Originally from Vir-
ginia, Ms. Cox received her
undergraduate degree at Vir-
ginia Tech. and then moved to
Montana to see the West and
get her masters degree. Her
thesis was on feminist literary
criticism. While out West Ms.
Cox taught at a community
college in Oregon and at the
University of Montana in
Mazula. Cox describes
Mazula as "the most beauti-
ful place I've ever been" and
adds that the city has the high-
est number of writers per
capita of any city in the U.S.

Now Ms. Cox is try-
ing to decide whether or not
to forge ahead to a PhD. It's a
difficult decision, says Cox,
because she enjoys teaching
part-time. She specifically
likes having extra time to fo-
cus on her classes. Whatever
the future holds for Michele
Cox, we at Oglethorpe are
lucky to have her for the
I present

By Sarah Buzzard

Are you aware

of what Dr. Kerr calls "one of
our best-kept secrets" at
Oglethorpe? If not, you may
be missing out on an experi-
ence which will complement
your classroom learning, en-
hance your resume, and help
you to identify career goals. It
may even land you a job. This
invaluable experience is an

Stacy Geagan
goes so far as to say that in-
ternships should be required.
And she should know. Stacy
is currently interning with
Channel 5, as a producer for
"Good Day Atlanta." She sets
up the equipment and makes
arrangements by phone for the
shots. She says of her super-
visors, "They respect me.
They don't ask me to do fil-
ing, or copying, or anything
like that." She also says that
"the experience is something
you'll never get from a class-
room." When asked if her in-
ternship has any disadvan-
tages, Stacy responds, "the
hours." The original arrange-
ment was 15-20 hours per

week; in reality Stacy works
45-50 hours every week. But,
she says, "I love it; it's great."

How do you go
about getting an internship?
First, you must be at least a
sophomore with a G.P.A of
2.8 or higher. If you meet
these requirements, talk to
your advisor or Katherine
Nobles about internship op-
portunities. Katherine Nobles
can help you create a resume
and apply for several positions.
She pojnts out that it is an in-
dividualized process. If the
position a student wants
doesn't exist, Katherine
Nobles will try to create that
position within an organiza-
tion. She says, "Most compa-
nies welcome high-quality stu-
dents. Employers enjoy being
students' mentors.

Most internships
are unpaid positions, but a stu-
dent is awarded credit, up to a
maximum of 15 hours. An
internship for three hours
credit or more must be ap-
proved by the Internship Com-
mittee, which consists of
Katherine Nobles, a member
of each division of the faculty
appointed by Dr. Caprio, and
two student representatives.

These are students who have
had internships.

Katherine Nobles
says that Oglethorpe's intern-
ship program compares favor-
ably to other schools' pro-
grams because of the richness
of opportunities in the Atlanta
community. Typically 20-25
Oglethorpe students do intern-
ships each semester. An intern-
ship can benefit a student of
any major. Andrea Beasley, a
senior psychology major, cre-
ated an internship at the Geor-
gia Mental Health Institute.
She works there six hours a
week for two hours of credit.
"I provide companionship for
the patients, play games with
them, give them someone to
talk to," she says. Andrea says
one of the biggest advantages
of her internship is that "I get
to narrow down my options of
what I want to do in the future.
I get to see what the mental
health workers and other staff
in the hospital do." As a
former intern said, "At worst,
you'll find out what you don't
want to do; at best you'll find
out what you want to do."

Faculty advisors
of interns generally require
some sort of written work to

complement the internship ex-
perience. For example. Dr.
Kerr has her students keep a
journal in which they record
and reflect on the experiences
of each day they work. They
also write a paper in which
they integrate their experience
with academically-based
knowledge from classes and
books. The interns whom Dr.
Knippenberg oversees also
keep a journal and write a
"quasi-research" paper on a
topic connected to their intern-

The work of an
internship can have tremen-
dous rewards. Dr.
Knippenberg gives the ex-
ample of an Oglethorpe gradu-
ate who interned last year with
Zell Miller's campaign and is
now working in the governor's
office. Dr. Herr has also seen
several students offered jobs
by the companies with which
they interned.

The possibilities
of an internship are virtually
unlimited. So take advantage
of the opportunity before your
college career ends. As
Katherine Nobles says, "No
student should miss out!"

Life's Corner: The little engine that could

A source of inspiration

By Aretha List

Readers, do you

remember the story of "The
Little Engine That Could?"
You know, the story about the
little red choo-choo who, when
faced with what appeared to
him to be an impossible ob-
stacle, doubted his ability to
succeed. It is a common
enough fable which almost all
of us were exposed to at one
time or another as children.
Unfortunately, the moral of the
story is buried in the process
of growing up and surmount-
ing our own "impossible ob-
stacles" as adults. In the pro-
cess we often forget that sue-


cess is possible no matter what
the given obstacles, as long as
we persevere and do our best.
Although perse-
verance sounds good, it is of-
ten a hard tool to apply when
you are on the verge of losing
all steam and hope of ever suc-
ceeding. However, it has been
demonstrated that persever-
ance can be quite effective
when all else fails. Take for
example the following histori-
cal anecdote from The Execu-
tive Speechwriter Newsletter :

During the Tonkin Gulf situ-
ation, Henry Kissinger asked
an assistant to prepare an
analysis. The assistant
worked night and day for a

week and put the document
on Mr. Kissinger s desk, only
to receive it back within an
hour. Affixed to the report
was a note asking that it be
redone. The assistant duti-
fully redid it; he slept a total
of nine hours for a week. The
document again went to Mr.
Kissinger 's desk, and an hour
later it was returned with a
note from Mr. Kissinger as-
serting that he expected bet-
ter and asking that the work
be done again. And so the as-
sistant went back to the draw-
ing board once more. An-
other week of intense work,
and then the assistant asked
if he might present it person-
ally to Mr. Kissinger. When

he came face to face with
Henry Kissinger, he said,
"Mr. Kissinger, I've spent
another sleepless week. This
is the best I can do. " Said
Henry Kissinger, "In that
case, now I'll read it. "

This anecdote not
only reminded me of a few
demanding professors here at
Oglethorpe, but it also demon-
strates the effectiveness of con-
tinuous effort.

So, the next time
you feel you have a little too
much attached to your caboose
and the tracks to success seem
all up-hill, remember to do
your best and persevere. And
just like the Little Engine That
Could you'll not only think
you can -you will!

Page 5/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


How to carry a house on your back: Part three

By Tim Evans

Your equipment

is burning a hole in your closet
Your feet are itching and your
nostrils are already tingling in
the fresh mountain air. Maybe
not If you're ready to go, but

you afraid of ggrrranimals (me
too)? The best thing you can
do for your trip is to get good
information about where
you're going ahead of time.

Whether you
know exactly where you want
to go but not what you'll see,
or if you know what you want

addition to all that the topo-
graphic map displays eleva-
tion changes, usually in incre-
ments of 100 feet These maps
can give you an idea of the
physical conditions any par-
ticular trail might demand. If
you don't know how to read a
topographical map, don't

Killian Edwards wanders up a narrow trail

you don't know where, how-
ever, then you aren't ready
enough. There are many dif-
ferent factors that you can con-
sider before you pick out the
wrong trail for the experience
you want Do you want a level
hike or a climb? Do you care
if you get your feet wet? Are

to see but not where to find it
a good topographical map can
be invaluable. Topographical
maps of parks and hiking ar-
eas typically show hiking
trails, horse trails, service
roads, highways, water
sources, and camping sites as
well as points of interest. In

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photo by Tim Evans

worry - you'll pick it up in no
time. Just treat it like a road
map with fewer roads and re-
member to follow the lines to
figure out the elevation at any
particular spot on the map. In-
terpreting the map, however,
can be a little more cumber-

Some things' to
consider when looking at a to-
pographical map are:
-Higher altitudes will usually
mean cooler temperatures.
-Streams that cross the trail
may or may not have bridges,
don't be surprised if you have
to do a little wading.
-Count the number of avail-
able water sources.
-Arethere any rapid changes in
elevation and the number of
upsies and downsies on your

-Is it a hiking only trail or are
horses allowed (beware of
road apples, ugggh!)?
-Can you find a looping trail,
or will you only be able to hike
out and straight back?
-Where is the nearest ranger
station\road\phone should
something go wrong?
-Is the trail in a state or na-

tional park (e.g. Unicoi,
Chatahoochee, Nantahala) or
an international bioreserve
(e.g. Great Smokey Moun-
tains)? State and national
parks are often open to intelli-
gent hunters and gun-wielding
idiots during deer, bear, and
turkey seasons (November -
March). Accidents happen.

maps are available at most
camping stores and some park
ranger stations. REI Outfitters
(PH# 404-633-6508) at 1800
1-85 North Access just before
N. Druid Hills Road has topo-
graphical maps for many,
many different parks in the
U.S. and some in Canada.
Some of the better parks to
look for in our area are Unicoi,
Nantahala, Chatahoochee Na-
tional Forest and The Great
Smokey Mountains (PH#
615-436-1231). TheAppala-
chian Trail Conference (PH#
304-535-6331) publishes a
trail guide to the southern sec-
tion of the Appalachians in-
cluding trail descriptions and

topographical information.
REI also carries that guide as
well. Other trail guides are
available in book form with
trail descriptions for many dif-
ferent parks. I would highly
recommend reading a little
about the trail you're interested
in before you go. Trail de-
scriptions offer some things the
topographical maps cant

A good trail de-
scription will include informa-
tion about where the popular
attractions, great views and
wildlife are. In addition to all
that, good trail descriptions
may offer information about
safe or hazardous water
sources, trail conditions, and
other information and sugges-
tions for specific trails. Get-
ting good information doesn't
mean nothing will go wrong
on your trip. Inevitably some-
thing probably will, but that's
part of the allure to hiking; it
can be unpredictable. How-
ever, having good information
about your trip isnt just smart,
it's very smart

Kllllan Edwards on the peak

photo by Tim Evans

Page 6/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


The ramblings of the Romeiser

By Robbie Romeiser
OSA President

"Hello, my name

is Robert Romeiser, and I just
wanted to find out what you're
all about and what exactly you
are looking for?"

"Well, Robert, it's
nice to meet you. This is what
we're all about . . ."

Let me tell you, I
was nervous. Wearing a coat
and tie and calling myself Rob-
ert in front of a bunch of
strangers made me feel very
self-conscious. I was afraid

they might think I was an anal-
retentive stuffshirt or
something...OK! Sotheirfirst
impressions were correct, but
if you call me Robert to my
face I simply will have to kill
you. Or worse yet, I'll make
you live with Sam! ! !

Once I got over
the nervousness, life was good.
I listened intently to what they
had to say, and then I prodded
(Oh, if you think I'm anal be-
cause I prod, you don't know
the half of it!) them further for
information on how they could
benefit me. I drooled over

Greetings Brothers and
pledges of Alpha Phi Omega,

The Mu M u chapter is proud to announce the

induction of 38 pledges into the fall class of 1993. In order to
save space and trees, I'll refrain from typing the names of all
of them. Let me just say: "Congratulations Fall '93." Work
hard and have fun. And remember, "you get out of it what you
put into it!" I hope that the Alpha brother-pledge relationships
are going well. We will have our official Big Brother, Little
Brother party on Saturday, the 9th of October. Actually, I'm
sure that the event has come and gone by now so let me just
say that I hope it was great and I hope that those Big Brother-
Little Brother relationships are going well.

As far as projects go we will be going to the
Chattahoochee NatureCenter for Halloween. We will also be
participating in the Scottish Rite Strong Legs Run and the
Interfaith Outreach Home Children's Program.

Keep up the good work!

Your loving
Corresponding Secretary

Greeks are back

By Kevin Benefield
Greek Editor

Rush is finally
over. The Greek Village is
nearing completion (now
scheduled to open in time for
the 1996 Olympic Games).
Pledge programs are well un-
der way. And Greek men and
women are busy doing the im-
portant work of making the
Oglethorpe community a bet-
ter place to work and live. It
is good to be back in the Pe-

trel and to be afforded the an
opportunity to share with other
Greeks and independents news
of both the work and play that
goes on within our community.
If anyone has any Greek-re-
lated items, give me a call at
365-2599 or drop a note ad-
dressedtomeatBox#25. I'm
excited about the Greek sys-
tem at Oglethorpe and what
we have to contribute to one
another, to campus life, and to
the University community.

those benefits. As I listened,
my apprehension turned into
elation, and during the course
of a three-hour period I
switched from a path of uncer-
tainty to one with direction.
Like I said before, life was

OK Are you in-
terested yet in what the heck I
am babbling about? I sure
hope so because I am about to
tell you. I am babbling about
the Career Connection held at
Emory on the afternoon of
September 27. On that day I
walked into Cox Hall at
Emory University wondering
if I was going to get anything
at all out of skipping my
Hetherington class for this
(Sorry, Dr. H.). I didn't won-
der very long. I received three
very important things by at-
tending this career fair: assur-
ance, clarification, and bewil-

I found assurance
that the field I thought I would
like to enter after graduation,
the financial field, was really
appealing to me. I knew that I
liked economics and economic
theory, but I didn't know
whether or not entering the
field of finance would be cool.
Could I live at a desk making
margin calls all day? Or
would that be my task? What
would I do in the financial

Another thing I re-
ceived from attending the fair
was clarification. As I just
mentioned, I didn't have a clue
what kind of position in the fi-
nancial field I would like or
qualify for. By talking with

different financial reps, I dis-
covered that entry level posi-
tions for college graduates in
this field usually consist of
sales positions. Most of the
programs I learned of, those
offered by the banks and stock
brokers, for example, train
employees for these sales posts
with the inclination that some
day they will become manag-
ers or even franchise with the
company to own their own
businesses. Sounds cool to me.

Finally, I found
bewilderment at the career fair.
Never in my wildest dreams
did I expect to get excited
about being a salesman of any-
thing, let alone life insurance!
That's right, life insurance.
Maybe I'll throw in a few
bonds and money market ac-
counts in there, too. The com-
pany that impressed me the
most was The Prudential. The
notion of helping normal
people like myself invest
wisely in insurance and finan-
cial instruments never oc-
curred to me before the fair,
but it's been occurring to me
ever since. And, hey, if I got
hired I could earn over
$40,000 in my first year with
options in the future to grow
my salary to six digits and to
start my own Prudential firm.
I like that piece of the rock!

So what's the
moral of the story? Well, it
sure as hell isn't that the life
insurance business is for ev-
eryone. The moral is that
Oglethorpe University benefits
from a fantastic Career Ser-
vices program. The hard work
of Katherine Nobles helped me

to find the initial answers to a
lot of questions about my post
Oglethorpe life. These an-
swers are not yet final, but I
hope to work my way to the
final answers by using more of
the services offered by Mrs.
Nobles, such as more career
fairs and a wonderful Alumni/
Student Mentor Program that
enables students to learn infor-
mation about different job
fields from Oglethorpe alumni
who have gone on to work in
those fields. Heck, there is a
good chance that such a men-
tor relationship could result in

You may be won-
dering what my motivation for
writing this article was. I saw
three Oglethorpe students at
Emory that day: myself, Bar-
bara Miller, and Sonya who
works in the bookstore. (Sorry,
Sonya, I don't know your last
name.) I also saw three re-
cently graduated OU alumni.
I was disturbed to see as many
alumni as students, and I also
wondered, "Didthey do this
last year and not get lucky, or
did they not do this last year
and wish that they had?" In
order to prevent anyone at OU
now from answering in the lat-
ter way after they graduate, I
wanted to write this to let ev-
eryone know how useful the
Career Services Department at
OU is and that it has worked
and will work wonders for me.
It is just as important as any
class or extracurricular activ-
ity that you will participate in
atOU. The latter two help to
prepare you for real life; Ca-
reer Services actually puts you

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Page 7 /The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993

Chi Omega

By Holly Harmon
Chi Omega

Chi Omega is

busily making its way through
another semester. Rush is fi-
nally over, and we are proud
to say that it was a huge suc-
cess. We would also like to
congratulate Sigma Sigma
Sigma on a great Rush this
year. Thanks to everyone who
helped and supported us! We
could not be more pleased with
our twenty wonderful new
pledges: Kendra Brewbaker,
Juile Clarke, Melissa Drouin,
Ashley Dupuy, Stephany
Godlewski, Yoli Hernandez,

Rebecca Hester, Ellen
Kimbrell, Kate Knott,
Stephanie Mannis, Renee Nix,
Barbara Noblin, Erin O'Brien,
Kristi Pelletier, Kim Poppe,
Ahna Sagrera, Angela
Satterfield, Emily Sircy,
Tinnie Watterson, and Kim-
berly Williams. Excitement is
high as the sisters and pledges
work together on our plans for
the year to come. Both Orange
Crush and the pledge retreat
were lots of fun and we look
forward to Panhellenic For-
mal, as well as mixers with
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and
Kappa Alpha, and our Christ-
mas Formal.

Delta Sigma Phi

By Chuck Denormandie
Delta Sigma Phi

After a great

Fall Rush, we now have 15
pledges to go along with our
30 brothers. Both of these
numbers exceed those of the
other fraternities on campus.
Our Fall pledges are as fol-
lows: Chip Davies, Shane
Hester, Bill Lavigne, Randy
Roberson, Adam Gellert, Rob
Jackson, Jay Levy, James
Jaehnig, Eric Claybaugh, Dan
Sandin plus wildcat bid
acceptees Michael Lassiter,
Steve Taylor, Jason Thomas,
and carry-over pledges from
last year Brian Sweeney and
AlanTudors. Congratulations
to all the other fraternities on
such a great fall rush.

We are still wait-
ing to move into the new
house. With all the delays that
the University keeps imposing,

I will be surprised if we are in
by Thanksgiving. Hopefully
it will be sooner and the on
campus activities (mainly par-
ties) will pick up making
Oglethorpe a much more fun
and attractive place.

Intramural foot-
ball went well once again for
Delta Sig 1. After three
straight intramural champion-
ships, we decided to pull the
Michael Jordan and retire.
Seriously, though, going into
the first playoff game, we did
not have enough players show
up so we had to forfeit. I am
sure we will be back next year,
however. We are really look-
ing forward to volleyball
which is set to start near the
end of October.

Hopefully, I will
see you all at the new house
once we get in and throw our
first real party of the year.

Sigma Sigma Sigma

By Bridget Ceccinni
Sigma Sigma Sigma

Greetings from

Tri-Sigma World. After a ter-
rific Rush headed by the in-
credible Ashley Sutherland,
we added twenty wonderful
new members: Julie Agster,
Fawn Angel, Shannon
Beehan, Alden Carroll, Suzi
Frink, Glennis Grimwood,

Christina Humphries, Kim
Jones, Hope LeBeau, Mary
Lynch, Meagan McMurray,
Jane Perkins, Katherine
Petrizzo, Diana Rothe, Joanne
Slahta, Jenny Slater, Amanda
Strainis, Pauline VanVliet,
Susan Waage, and Terra

to Chi Omega and all the fra-
ternities on their new pledges.

Kappa Alpha

By Jayme Sellards
Kappa Alpha

The brothers of

Kappa Alpha-Beta Nu are
happy to announce the addi-
tion of thirteen new men to
their ranks. Jermy Beaird,
John Bowen, Phillip Childress,
Jonathan Correia, David
Fraser, Justin Gisel, Brian
Shipley, Pete Sulkowski, Mike
Thomas, Kevin Waycaster,
Marc Wilhelm, and Eddie
Yates were inducted on the
evening of Monday, Septem-
ber 20. Dusty Bost, who ac-
cepted a wildcat bid, was in-
ducted on Sunday, October 17.
We would like to

Chi Phi

By Rod Smith
Chi Phi

Chi Phi has had

an exceptional semester so far.
We are especially proud of our
new pledges: Glen Booth,

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

By Jason Fisher
Sigma Alpha Epsilon

After a very

busy summer, we at Sigma
Alpha Epsilon look forward to
an even more hectic fall.

Overall, our Geor-

gia Eta Chapter had a very
prosperous summer. In June,

we sent delegates to the Na-
tional Convention in New Or-
leans. We followed that up by
having four brothers attend the
National Leadership School in
Evanston, Illinois. At the
awards ceremony there, our
chapter was honored with the
National Scholarship Award,
which carried a SS0O stipend,

a Risk Management Award,
and a prestigious Chapter
Achievement Award.

Since we have re-
turned to school, our schedule
has become busier than ever.
While trying to prepare for
moving, we held a successful
Rush Open House and Dinner
(catered by Benny's Bar-B-Q).

take this opportunity to thank
the following ladies for their
help during Rush: Ingrid
Carroll, Jennifer Chiofalo,
Chanda Creasy, Angie
Dickerson, Leslie DuBose,
Julie Franek, Shannon
Gebhardt, Kelly Holland, Me-
lissa King, Kate Knott, Melissa
Lamar, Lori Long, and Lisa
Rock. Again, your help was
invaluable to our success dur-
ing this year's Rush and is
greatly appreciated.

Mark Bingham, at
long last, was initiated into the
Order on Friday, October 15.
We congratulate him on be-
coming a full brother.

The brothers

Kevin Huitt, Paul Strizhevsky,
Richard Cheney, Brandon
Smith, Eric Anderson, Jeff
Pyron, Jason Reese, Chopper
Johnson, and Dave Sanders.
Also on our agenda is the
Greek Housing ordeal. As al-
ways, we plan to continue

Our efforts culminated in a
very successful Bid Day which
brought us nine pledges: Ja-
son Atkins, John Breton,
Daryl Brooks, Ray Ingram,
Pedro Niembro, Andy Noble,
Paul Pacevich, Ek
Tangsujaritpunt, and Anthony
Wilson. Michael Billingsley
joined the Fall 1993 pledge

The trip to Stone Mountain
was fun for both Sigmas and
their dates, and we are look-
ing forward to Epsilon Theta's
annual Halloweenie Roast so
start getting those costumes
ready. We are also planning
mixers with fraternities both
on and off campus. Hopefully
we will see you soon at the
open house for our brand new
Sigma house.

would also like to thank the
sisters of Chi Omega and
Stacy Rasmussen in particular
for an enjoyable Orange
Crush. We look forward to the
Pajama Party mixer with the
Chi O's on Saturday, Novem-
ber 13

KA eagerly antici-
pates the opening of the new
house and the opportunity to
have a hand in revitalizing the
social life of the campus. The
brothers are also committed to
maintaining Kappa Alpha's
distinction of ha ving the high-
est fraternity GPA for Spring

many social events (read P-A-
R-T-I-E-S), climaxing in the
traditional Halloween Party.
The Chapter will soon cel-
ebrate its 25th Anniversary at
Oglethorpe; an event Brothers,
Alumni, and Pledges are all
looking forward to.

class by accepting the wildcat
bid that he was issued.

In addition to all
of these activities, we are still
managing to have fun. On
October 9, we hosted our First
Annual Natural Mystic
Reggae Party, and our tradi-
tional Boxer Rebellion is
scheduled for early November.

Page 8 /The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


Letter to the Editor: The problems with poverty

Shannon Montgomery

A few months

ago, I answered an advertise-
ment in the Atlanta Journal-
Constitution for people to do
Gallup polls. Having long
been a CNN newt junkie, I
jumped at the chance to call
strangers on the phone to find
Clinton's approval rating. I
called, scheduled an interview,
was hired, and am now an of-
ficial "Gallup interviewer."
Having been on the job just
about two weeks now, a few
things both comical and
very, very serious have hap-
pened that changed some of
my perceptions.

I have already had
my share of odd people, from
the 72-year-old man who kept
repeating that Bill Clinton was
Satan-spawn" to the 1 8-year-
old college student who told
me that if I went to Detroit, I
would die. A man in Los An-
geles wanted my home phone
number so be could call me to
talk because I was such a good

Then there was
"Lisa." I don't know her real
name, of course, because that
isn't part of the information we
ask at Gallup. Lisa is a single
mother in a large city with four

children lO, 8, 5, and 2. Lisa
is twenty-three. (For you math
majors, that's exactly right;
Lisa had her first child shortly
after she turned thirteen). No
father sends child support to
these children.

Lisa told me that I
was the first person who had
ever asked her opinion on any-
thing, and when 1 "assured"
her that the opinions of our
interviewees are kept com-
pletely confidential, she nearly
burst into tears. She wanted
people to know who she was
and what her story was. Lisa
is convinced that she is where
she is because of ignorance
both her personal ignorance,
and the ignorance of society
about her.

When Lisa was
thirteen, she had her first child.
Two years later, she had her
second. The man who fathered
those children left. Lisa, try-
ing to live off of welfare (no
mention of her parents at all),
turned to prostitution. Be-
tween living on the streets at
night and trying to get her
GED during the day, she man-
aged. She did get her GED.
Then she got pregnant selling
herself to feed her children.
Three years after that doing
the same thing she had a
fourth child. She is presently

living on welfare. She has no
one to keep her children should
she get a real job which she
desperately wants to do. She
could get a job that pays mini-
mum wage, but what would
she do for childcare? She has
four small children, one not in
school. (When I was
babysitting over the summer,
I got paid $5 an hour more
than minimum wage. And for
four children?) She says she's
doing okay she gets $400
for welfare a month but her
rent is $398 a month. She uses
a temp service to do part-time
jobs, and she has to leave her
children alone. This makes
her feel incredibly guilty, but
she has to do that in order not
to see her children starve.

Lisa has just found
out that welfare will be cut.
Before this, she had plans to
live for three years until her
youngest got in school. Then
she would go to college dur-
ing the day. After four or five
years of that, she planned to go
out and get a real job. She
could have managed, too,
working some temp jobs and
skimping the best she could.
The govemrtient would pay
just about all of her college
because she is so poor, and
what they didn't cover, a loan
would. But welfare will be

Now Lisa is trying
to find a cheaper place to stay
since she will no longer be able
to afford their apartment in two
months. She expects to be out
on the street, with her four
kids. She is devastated.

I don't condone
prostitution. I don't think thir-
teen-year olds should be hav-
ing sex or children. I don't
think people who can 't support
what children they have ought
to be having more. I believe
that people who don't work
should. And I have always
believed that it isn't the re-
sponsibility of the government
to play babysitter/father figure
to its citizens. But I don't have
an answer for Lisa. And I re-
ally don't have an answer for
her children, children who
have done nothing wrong.

I hated to go
through that questionnaire. I
hated to ask her if she thought
we should give aid to the Pal-
estinians. As 1 dreaded, when
1 did ask her, she began to cry.
She cannot feed her children,
and her government is sending
money to former terrorists. I
almost began to cry with her.
Our government, she said,
needs to look closer to home.
Listening to her, I began to

I don't know if
Lisa's story will mean any-

thing to anyone else. It hurt
me deep down inside, to see
firsthand the truth of our na-
tion that we are an unjust
society with starving children.
I'm not generally a compas-
sionate person. I don't tend to
have much pity for those who
don't make an effort to help
themselves. This, however,
touched me in a place I thought
I was numb. I had an intellec-
tual knowledge that yes, there
are starving people out there,
but it didn't mean anything to
me. I wish I could do some-
thing to help her, but I don't
have her name or her phone
number or any information.
Besides, I know that she is one
of thousands perhaps more.
What can I do? I'm only one
college student, working part-
time. My idea of community
service has been to put in two
hours a week tutoring other
students. I've always wanted
to do more, but who has the
time? Around church and
school and job and music and
writing and tutoring.... What
can anyone expect of me?
What can I expect of myself?
I don't know. All I know is
that Lisa's out there... some-
where... and she's going to be
living on a park bench in two
months unless somebody does

Obscene caller aggravates Oglethorpe women

By Mary Lynch

It'i four o'clock

in the morning. You're sleep-
ing comfortably in your bed.
Suddenly, the phone rings.
Groggily, you reach over and
pick up the receiver, lifting it
to you ear.

"Hello ..." you

"Hi! This is Shan-
non." is the reply.

If you have expe-
rienced this recently, you are
not alone. Many of the female
students on campus have com-
plained of have some run-in
with the infamous "Shannon."

No one knows
where he will call, who he will
call, or why he is calling. Un-
fortunately, if he calls, you can
be sure of what he will say.
"Shannon" is quite fond of
phone sex, I'm afraid. If you
receive a phone call from him
you might as well just hang up,
because all you are going to
hear is a bunch of garbage.

He claims to be an
Emory pre-med student who
lives off campus and works at
the Coronet Club, but used to
be a Chippendale dancer. He
may offer you free passes to his
next show, or he may just say
obscene things to you which I
cannot repeat in this paper. He

claims to be six feet tall, tan,
and blonde with green eyes
and an eight and a half inch
long penis. He usually calls
up pretending to have reached
a wrong number, and then asks
if you'll talk to him anyway.
Then the conversations last for
as long as you'll put up with

Here is what some
girls on campus had to say
about "Shannon." (Some of
them wish to remain unani-

"I felt kind of vio-
lated, and I'm pissed off"

"He called me at
my work, and nobody knows
where I work (it's confiden-

tial), and he called asking for
my alias. I don't know how
he would know information
like that about me."

"I don't think he
goes here, because he's been
doing this for a while. He
called my roommate two
weeks before he called me; he
called another girl two years

"He needs to get a
life; anyone who gets off on
calling girls up and asking
them to imagine erotic things,
etc. is really a loser."

"I think he's a fool
with nothing better to do than
call girls. He must be really
hard up for a woman."

"I wish I knew
who he was so I could call him
up when he's trying to sleep for
about a week."

"I think he does go
here, because it sounds like he
kind of knows who he's call-

"I was mad when
he called because I was

No one knows if
these calls will continue, and
if they do no one knows how
long it will be before they stop.
If you receive a call, it's up to
you whether or not you want
to talk to him. Just be warned,
"Shannon" is a pervert and
talking to him is really a waste
of time.

Page 9/The Stozmy Petrel/October 22, 1993


U.N. sponsored ethnic cleansing: A proposal

By Mike Chambers
Special to the Stormy Petrel

It b time for a new

and realistic solution to the
war in Bosnia, one which will
not only stop the fighting but
will hold the prospect of pre-
venting future conflicts. The
world community, through the
U.N., W.E.U., or N.A.T.O.,
should become actively en-
gaged in moving populations
within the former Yugoslavia
in order to create three ethni-
cally homogeneous states, one
of which will be a single,
united Bosnian state with ac-
cess to the Adriatic Sea.

These goals would
require a comprehensive plan.
Specifically, the Bosnian Mus-
lim controlled area around
Bihac in Northwestern
Bosnia-Herzogovinia should
be ceded to the Bosnian Serbs.
The Bosnian Muslims would
be compensated by being
given Croat-controlled land
stretching from south of
Sarajevo to the Adriatic Sea.
The Croats in turn would be
given the Krajina region,
which is controlled by Serbs,
but lies within Croatia proper.
Finally the Bosnian Muslims
would surrender their Eastern
enclaves in Bosnia, including
Srebrenica and Gorazde, to the
Serbs, in return for territorial
concessions by the Serbs south
of Sarejavo.

All land transfers
would be accompanied by
population transfers. Ethnic
groups would be moved to ar-
eas in which their respective
group has control, i.e. Muslims
from Bihac would move to ar-
eas south of Sarajevo, and
Serbs from Krajina would
move to areas around Bihac.

In addition, the
Serbian and Croatian areas

within Bosnia-Herzegovinia
will be allowed, after two
years, to unite with Serbia and
Croatia proper. Thus the end
effect of this plan would most
likely be the existence of three
ethnically homogeneous

Although the popu-
lation transfer aspect of this
plan may seem repugnant to
western governments, it is es-
sentially what the West has
been allowing the Bosnian
Serbs, and to lesser extent the
Bosnian Muslims and Croats,
to do violently and brutally
during the past two years of the
conflict I believe that this plan
is, given the existing situation,
the best possible solution.

As opposed to all
current plans being discussed,
this plan would create a single,
compact, defensible, and eco-
nomically viable Bosnian
state, which would not have to
worry about being cut off from
the sea, Bihac, or its Eastern

This plan sets the
framework for a lasting peace
by permanently separating the
three warring groups. The
German Polish corridor prob-
lem was only solved after
World War Two when the
Poles and Russians forcefully
ejected the German popula-
tion. Given the ferocity and
violence of the current conflict,
and the history of the area, it
is absurd to assume that a
settlement which does not
separate the populations can

This plan would abo
create a Bosnian state which
is strong enough to protect it-
self, but not strong enough to
seriously threaten its much
larger neighbors of Serbia and
Croatia. The immediate ap-

peal of this plan to the warring
parties would be that it would
provide a framework to stop
the war and bloodshed. How-
ever, each party in the conflict
has other goals or needs which
would be addressed by this

For Serbia, this plan
offers the acquisition of terri-
tory into a Greater Serbia, and
an end to international sanc-
tions which have decimated its

The Bosnian Serbs
will have their main goal of a
Greater Serbia met and sub-
sequent international recogni-
tion of that goal.

The Bosnian Mus-
lims will retain an independent
Bosnian state, that will have
access to the sea and be both
militarily defensible and eco-
nomically viable. The plan, in
ending the war will also end
the siege of Muslim cities and
towns, along with violent eth-
nic cleansing, thus facilitating
the free flow of humanitarian
goods into Bosnian Muslim
areas. It will also allow for the
immediate restoration of basic
services such as water and

This plan also pro-
vides gains for the Croats, in
both Croatia and Bosnia, by
allowing for a Greater Croatia,
and through solving the
Krajina problem.

The question will
arise as to how ethical is it for
the United Nations, and iro-
puesuV the stales of the world,
to actively support peaceful
ethnic cleansing? However,
how ethical is it for the world
to passive ly accept violent eth-
nic cleansing, as it has been
doing for the past two years?
This plan substitutes violent
ethnic cleansing with peaceful

population transfers. These
are transfers in which indi-
viduals are allowed to keep
their possessions, move peace-
fully and not under duress, and
in which those being moved
are guaranteed shelter in an-
other part of Bosnia. If the
world does not act, ethnic
cleansing and bloodshed will
continue to occur. This plan
merely substitutes friendly
peacekeepers for hate-monger-
ing racist soldiers. It is clearly
not a panacea, but a lesser of
two evils.

The point may also
be brought up that in forcing
ethnic transfers, and giving the
Bosnian Muslims a viable
united state, this plan will fa-
cilitate Muslim radicalism and
thus terrorism.

This however will
most likely occur no matter
what the settlement is. By cre-
ating a single Bosnian state, it
will be possible for the govern-

ment to at least control some
of the internal elements of its
society, as opposed to a
Bosnian state which is decen-
tralized, isolated and spread
throughout the former Bosnia-
Herzegovinia, in which local
leaders and gangs will have far
more influence.

The Bosnian Mus-
lims have, or will soon lose the
war. It is regrettable that a plan
such as this one should be con-
sidered, but given the West's
continuing reluctance to do so
much as lift the arms embargo
against the Bosnian Muslims,
there seem to be no real alter-
natives. The West should swal-
low its pride, stop issuing high-
sounding resolutions, and be-
gin to work to insure that the
Bosnian Muslims and the
Bosnian states survive. This
plan makes a realistic assess-
ment of the situation. It is time
that the West did the same.

The Stormy Petrel

welcomes all letters
to the editor,

editorials, cartoons

and general



Send all articles to Box

450, or drop them off at the

newspaper office in the

Student Center.

Page 10/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


Here is what's happening at the theaters

By Chris Brown
Entertainment editor

Here's what is
going on in theaters around

The Alliance

Two Trains Running, by Au-
gust Wilson, Pulitzer Prize-
winning playwright, directed
by Kenny Leon. A compas-
sionate and colorful look at
American life in 1 969, where
the regulars of Memphis Lee's
homestyle restaurant have
gathered at the lunch counter
to discuss events of the day.
Set in a time when America at
large is torn by massive
struggles and radical rethink-
ing, this play turns a sensitive
ear to the quiet echoes of
mighty changes in common-
place lives. The "regulars" are
caught up in their daily search
for jobs, luck, companionship,
peace of mind and ultimately
for a fair shake and for pay-
ments due on past promises.
They only hear the names of
Martin Luther King, Jr. and
Malcom X in passing, amid the
more pressing news of employ-
ers in town who may have
work, the names of those in the
community that have done
well, those who scramble and
make do, those with griev-
ances and dreams big and
small. Two Trains Running is
Wilson's most recent addition
to an ongoing chronicle of the
lives of twentieth-century Af-
rican Americans.

The show runs
through November 14, Tues-
days-Saturdays at 8p.m. and
Sundays 2:30 and 7:30 p.m./
tickets $14-34, discount rates
for 15 or more, and $13 rush
tickets at 5p.m., available at
the box office and at the High
Museum gift shop,/ charge
Visa, Discover, Mastercard at

The Fox My.
Fair Lady, by Alan Jay Lerner
and Frederick Loewe, pre-
sented by the Theater League
of Atlanta/ directed by
Howard Davies and choreo-

graphed by Donald Saddler.
Starring Richard Chamberlain
as Henry Higgins, this stage
and screen classic promises to
capture the imagination.
Based of Bernard Shaw's
"Pygmalion," My Fair Lady is
the story of a modern day
Cinderella. With the help of a
seemingly loveless patron, a
cockney flower girl transforms
into an aristocratic rose, turns
the tables on her teacher, and
shows him the ways of the

The show runs one
week only from Tuesday, Oc-
tober 19 through Sunday ,
October 24, Tuesdays-Satur-
days at 8p.m. and Sundays at
7:30 p.m. with Sat.-Sun. mati-
nees at 2 p.m./ tickets $49-
162, discount rates for 20 or
more, available at the Fox
Theater box and all
Ticketmaster/ charge at 817-
8700 or 249-6400/ call 873-
4300 for more information.

Theatrical Out-
fit Beowulf, adapted by
Mary Fisher, original music by
Phillip DePoy, choreography
by Nicole Livieratos. This
original staging of the fantas-
tic epic poem tells the story of
the ultimate hero. King
Hrothgar's banquet hall is ter-
rorized by Grendel, a horrific
monster that lives in the
marshes and feasts nightly of
Hrothgar's warriors. The hero
Beowulf hears of the monster,
comes to the aid of the king
and his people, and meets face
to face with unspeakable hor-

The show runs
through October 31, Wednes-
days-Saturdays at 8p.m. and
Sundays at 3p.m./ tickets $ 1 5,
$5 for students, and $10 for
senior citizens, group rates
available/ for reservations call

Horizon Six
Degrees of Separation, by
John Guare, winner of the
1 99 1 Obie award for outstand-
ing playwright/ directed by
Rosemary Newcott. In this
brilliant and suspenseful com-

edy-drama, a dazzling black
stranger charms his way into
the cozy world of an affluent
Manhattan couple, with dev-
astating results. This fast-
paced Broadway hit paints a
scathingly funny portrait of
urban Americans as we are

now the wealthy, down-and-
out, the hustlers, the liberal
chic, the star struck, the Catch-
ers in the Rye.

The show runs
through November 14, with
possible extension, Thursdays
and Fridays at 8p.m., Satur-

days at 8:30p.m., and Sundays
at 5p.m./ tickets $8-16, group
rates available/ tickets avail-
able at Horizon box office off
Euclid Ave. in Little Five, or
for reservations call 584-

Six Degrees of Separation at the Horizon Theatre Company

photo by Kathryn Kolb

Restaurant Review: Burton's Grill

Good food at even better prices

By Daniel Rosenthal

Most restau-
rants will try to impress you
with their reputation or their
elaborate decor. Burton's
Grill relies on neither of
those two pitfalls. The res-
taurant relies on the fact that
it serves great food at ex-
tremely low prices. Once
voted best Southern Cooking
in Atlanta, Burton's has
seemingly disappeared from
the scene. The food, how-
ever, has only improved,
which is hard to believe con-
sidering how good it is. The
decline in our collective
knowledge of Burton's may
have to do with where the
restaurant is located, which
is literally right across the
street from Irinmen Park-
Reynaldstown, a neighbor-
hood that has declined in-
credibly over the last couple

of years. As a matter of fact,
one could probably ride
M ARTA everyday in that area
and not know were it is lo-
cated. For example, I don't
even know how to get there by
car, but I do know how to get
there by MARTA Go to the
Brookhaven Rail station, go
south until Five Points, trans-
fer over to the East Rail and
get off at Innmen Park-
Reynaldstown and look for the
faded Dr. Pepper sign and
there it is: Southern cooking
the way it was meant to be. It
is cafeteria-style service, much
like here at Oglethorpe, but
fortunately the food is about
100 times better. After you
have the fried chicken, you
may never want to try any one
else's. The meal itself consists
of fried chicken, white or dark
meat, mashed potatoes or rice
and gravy, com bread, and a
vegetable of your choice, usu-
ally peas or com, then to fin-

ish the meal off with apple
or peach cobbler. The best
ice tea this side of heaven to
wash it all down, all for
$5.60! Then if you want sec-
onds (believe me, you will)
you can have what they call
a snack. A snack consists of
three pieces of meat for only
$1.50. The only problem is
you may not want to ever
leave or eat the school food

Burton's Grill
may not be the fanciest-look-
ing restaurant in the world,
but the atmosphere and the
food more than make up for
the lack of decor. It takes
about forty-five minutes to
get there by MARTA but the
trip is well worth it. So if you
are missing good old-fash-
ioned southern cooking or
you have never had good
Southern cooking, Burton's
is the place to go.

Page 11/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


Cafe Diem is the place for poetry

By Kim Jones

The room is full
of energy, as waitresses are
walking back and forth trans-
porting capaccinos and
espressos, while people are
chatting and reading over the ir
coffee. Tempera and oil paint-
ings, photographs, and prints
cover the walls. There is a
slignt scent of the smoke from
a pipe which pleases me, and
extremely mellow, non main-
stream music like the Cure
which eases my anxiety a tad.

I am sitting at a
small table inside of Cafe
Diem. The porch tables just
outside are completely filled
with people, since that is go-
ing to be where the poetry
reading will be taking place
(outside). It starts between
9:00 and 9:30 p.m. which
should be rather soon. A few
of us go outside to sign up to
read. A poetry lotto? They
p -

have you sign your name next
to a number, and during the
evening if they happened to
pick your number than you
have five minutes to impress
them with everything you've

It is almost time
for the reading to start People
begin moving their chairs out-
side, taking their drinks along
with them. Soon there is no
room for anymore chairs, and
a couple of us wind up sitting
on the concrete almost in the
middle of the group (front row
seating). The first man who
reads seems to be the guy in
charge of the whole thing. His
energy is rising and his voice
crashes down on all of us like
thunder as he begins reciting
his piece, very upbeat, very
political, and very loud.

I sip my
mochaccino (expresso and
steamed chocolate milk topped
with milk froth), the sweet,
mild chocolate taste helping to

ease my nerves. I hop I do not
have to read after someone as
awesome as that. Things do
not change: the whole next
hour is filled with powerful
readings, both emotionally and
politically. Unfortunately, my
number never comes up. Two
people from our party, Dr.
Linda Taylor and Elizabeth
Stockton, however, do get the
chance to read. Dr. Taylor
does and impressive job, al-
though her voice and manner
are quite a change form the
overwhelmingly booming
voices of all of the men that
have gone before her. Eliza-
beth can be seen shaking a
little, but she remains calm and
does a beautiful job as well.

There is a five
minute break after about a half
an hour, and they begin pass-
ing out numbers for the secret
grand prize at the end of the
evening. There is an extremely
long line for the bathroom, and

I miss the next poet. After an-
other half an hour of readings,
some ramdom, and a few po-
ets who work at Cafe Diem, at
least for the poetry reading,
they thank us all for coming,
and pick the grand prize num-
ber. Some lucky lady wins a
magazine, a couple of lolli-
pops, and a condom. She is

Overall, the
evening went weell. I did not
get the chance to read, but I
plan to go again next month.
The readings take place the
first Tuesday of every month,
and usually the first people to
sign up, starting at 8:30 p.m.
are the people who get the
chance to read. Two things I
recommend for everyone who
plans on going: find a seat
outside long before the read-
ing begins unless you want to
sit on the floor (which I en-
joyed), and use the bathroom
before the readings begin.


Clip this coupon and save $1 on your next

purchase of any compact disc in stock above

$9. Offer is not applicable on sale items or

with any other discounts.

Atlanta CD

4060 Peachtree Rd. (Brookhaven), 239-0429. Open Mon.-Sat.:
10am-9pm, Sun.: 12pm-6pm

By Chris Brown
Entertaiment Editor

Redd Kross'
second release, Phaseshifter.
moves on from where the Ma-
mas and the Papas left off, they
finish the ham sandwich, so to
speak. The California-based
band, who has been lauded as
the "next generation" of pop
music, blends the liquid har-
mony and smooth song writ-
ing of the late sixties vocal
groups with the image and
sound of the contemporary
"alternative" scene.

The most salient
quality of this disc is its musi-
cality one is forced to accept
and then to dive into, the wide
range of sounds and voices
woven in and out of the me-
lodic carpet. It is not an exer-
cise in prowess, however;
nearly all the songs have a
soulful heart beneath the slick
surface, and enough variation
in sound to keep even the lazi-
est ear in tune.

Songs like

"Jimmy's Fantasy", "Mono-
lith", "Dumb Angel", "Vision-
ary", and "Only a Girl" utilize
fantastic vocal tracks with spe-
cial attention to harmony .
This, saddled with distortion
and power chords, makes for
a very "retro" sound. Lurk-
ing in the corners are little de-
mons tiny explosions in en-
ergy: screams, feedback,

Ironically, be-
cause of their control over a
wide range of styles, the band
lacks a unified sound. Sadly
enough, good song writing
isn't all that's needed to get air
play or disc sales one must
have a fresh trademark or sig-
nature to their music.

But for those in-
terested in a sound deep in tra-
dition but alive with explora-
tion, Redd Kross' Phaseshifter
has some fantastic offerings.
Available at Atlanta CD.

Page 12/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


CHAOS ay Brian snuatw

mam pdppius soffeReo


"Darn these cutbacks!' 1

Page 13/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


The Stormy


Jason Thomas

Managing Editor:

Brian Davis

Layout Editor:

Ryan R Queen

Copy Editor:

Stephen Cooper

Editorial Editor:

Justin Hayes

Entertainment Editor:

Chris Brown
Feature Editors:

Angie Dickerson

Brandon Gallaway

Greek Editor:

Kevin Benefield

News Editor:

Chopper Johnson

Photography Editor:

Pat Mulheam


Daryl Brooks

Sarah Buzzard

Jennifer Chiofalo

Tim Evans

Yolanda Hernandez

Trish Hinton

Maria Johnson

Kim Jones


Lisa Ledbetter

Aretha List

Mary Lynch

Will MuUis

Shanon Montgomery

Tomika Powell

Daniel Rosentha

Randy Tidwelll

Pauline Van Vliet

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman

Robert Drake

Michael McClure

THE Crossword

1 Relaxes
6 Fruit drink
9 Unhappy

12 'You Glad
You're You?"

13 Green fruit

15 Weary

16 Trie "
Reynolds film)

18 Stake

19 Superlative

20 Shipshape

21 Greater in size
23 Shed

25 Magna

26 Poetic word

27 Texas city

28 Sauft Marie
31 beam

34 Kind of policy

36 Dry

37 Peeled

39 " Karenma"

40 Imposing homes

42 Sleds

43 Omelet need

44 Finished

45 Franklin

46 Worship
48 Comes in
52 Atr. antelope
54 Vended

56 Fib

57 Cheer (for)

58 One behind

61 Extra

62 Cupid

63 Horseman

64 Dined

65 Wonder

66 Bird food


1 Artist's stand

2 Get up

3 Actress Berger

4 Sch. sub|

5 Sparing spender

6 One-celted plant

7 Force

8 Big bird

9 of six
pence ..."






s 1





















H 25

































51 |S1








V s


< 1993 Treuo* MM* ServCM. IK
A* Riqbis Reserved


10 TV S

11 Bambi, eg
14 intertwined
















Mil V 1

3 lU





















V d


17 Advertising gas







22 Eiv.s Presley

24 Requires

25 ' Fear"
27 Not as good
29 Musical sound




























i la v








30 Times of note









31 Metallic fabric











32 "To . and a
bone .. ".

33 Asian land
35 intimidate







































37 church









38 Bancroft or

41 Rocker Billy

42 Banks, at limes
45 Ringer
47 Appointment
49 Omit a syllable

50 Angered

51 Prophets

52 My Friend -

53 Debatable

54 Winter sight

55 Monster of myth

59 Yankee

60 Expression of


The Stormy

Welcomes all
cartoons and
comic strips

by Scott SelsorOl992

Ask HE? O0T,

ask HtRour.
PtSK HU o>t.
AS* 6ft aT-.

Ask rERour.
ask vex. OUT,
Ask hex out!

1ES 7

T f>lc*v\J, OH, Ui*,

T 1-ms vJoNoati^t.

MSQX., T TvrtT
UArH0 rtl KWO" 1 ,

Wauip uk.

Page 14/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


All Dunn: The only test you are allowed to fail

By Dunn Neugebauer
The Man Without A Title

If you're taking

tests in all your classes, you
might as well be taking them
with The Stormy Petrel.
Check your score and, if you
get them all right, you have a
serious problem. Relax, it's
okay if you don't make an A
on this one.

1) Who scored the first 3-point
basket in OU women's his-

a) Shelly Anderson

b) JillMcLester

c) Gina Carellas

d) Kim Jackson

2) How big did her cute little
eyes get after she scored it?

3) Two years ago, Brian
Riggins scored a basket at the
buzzer to give OU an 82-80
win over Piedmont. Name the
infractions he committed be-
fore scoring it.

a) walking

b) charging

c) walking

d) charging

e) an elbow to the groin

f) all of the above.

4) In the aftermath, the visit-
ing coach and some fans at-
tacked the above visually im-
paired referee. What OU
coach had to break it up?

a) Dunn Neugebauer (yeah,

b) Jim Owen

c) Brett Teach

d) Pete Meyer

5) If one of the fans would
have punched out coach, how
many baseball players would
have killed him/her?

a) all of them.

b) all of them.

c) all of them.

d) all of the above.

6) Three weeks ago, a tribe of
bees flew under the Centre
College men's soccer coach
and stung him.

a) How many times did he get


b) How loud did he scream?

7) What OU staff person
killed the above bees?

a) Dunn Neugebauer (don't
you know better by now?)

b) Brett Teach

c) Dave Fischer

d) Edmund Brunson

8) The new Greek Housing:

a) Will be made into a Chick
Fillet School

b) Is almost finished, so hang
in there.

c) Will be the official housing
of the '96 Olympics.

d) Will be where Jerry
Glanville hides after Falcon
fans find him.

9) Speaking of the Falcons,
their next new coach will be.

a) Sam Hutcheson

b) RayGoff

c) Chuck Tanner

d) They'll be 0-8 by then, so
who cares?

10) Who holds the OU
women's basketball record for
shots in one game?

a) Eleanor Fulton

b) Gina Carellas

c) Brooke Hennier

d) Kim Jackson

11) I bet you a beer you don't
get that one right.

12) Last year, the OU
women's tennis team went on
nine road trips. How many
consecutive weeks was Susan
Poston late?

a) nine

b) nine

c) nine

d) all of the above..

13) Whose record (in another
sport) did she break?

a) Jill Molester

b) Jill McLester

c) Jill Mclester

d) Jill Mclester

14) In 1974, Hank Aaron hit
his 7 1 5th home run. What At-
lanta Braves pitcher caught the
ball? (Some of you were actu-
ally alive then)

a)Tom House

b) Buzz Capra

c) Larry McMurtry

d) Chris Warren

1 5) In 1 966 (none of you were
alive then), there was an ob-
scure hit called "Bubble Gum
Music" out that not even
Kasey Casern bothered to put
on his Top 40. Who sang it?

a) Sam Hutcheston and Tim

b) The Byrds

c) Jobe and the Jameroos

d) Simon and Garftinkle

e) The Double Bubble Trad-
ing Card Company of Phila-

16) An autographed tennis
ball from Brian Young for
whoever gets that one.

Answers I) a 2) Very big,
very blue... 3)f 4)d 5)d 6)
a) 23 b) very loud, very loud
7) a 8)b 9) a 10) a 11)
Brooke says she'll break it this
year..l2)a 13)b 14)a 15)e,
Great song, the Bee Gees
would've been proud... 16)
will get him to sign it if he ever
comes to practice....

Oglethorpe men's soccer finally begins winning ways

By Jason Thomas

The Oglethorpe

University men's soccer team
has recently begun its best
streak of games this year. In
its past six games, with the
exception of Berry College,
the men are 4-1-1. The victo-
ries include a tie with and a
major upset over two teams
who were ranked in the south.

On September
30th, the Petrels routed Pied-
mont College 3-0. The game
was dominated both offen-
sively defensiively by the Pe-
trels. Goalkeeper Rob
Hutcheson had very few chal-
lenges during the match. In the
first half, Piedmont recorded
only one shot on goal.

Will Lukow went
on a goal scoring frenzy, as he
scored three goals in the first
half, adding more points to his

already school-record total.

In the second half,
the Petrels still controlled the
flow of the game, but were not
as prolific offensively. Al-
though no one scored in the
second half, the game was eas-
ily controlled by the Petrels for
the remaining 45 minutes.

The men contin-
ued their winning way as they
defeated the Thomas More
College Rebels by the score of
2-0. Scoring for the Petrels

were freshmen Gift" Briggs and
Michael Turner. Like Pied-
mont, the Petrels controlled the
majority of this game also.

On October 6th,
the Oglethorpe men's soccer
team played one of its best
games this season. The men
defeated Maryville, who was
ranked sixth in the south. The
men played a brilliant game
both offensively and defen-
sively. Lukow scored both OU
goals in the winning effort.



i 1

\* fc


Will Lukow beats another opponent, photo by Pat Mulheam

Three days later in
Sewannee, Tennessee, the men
suffered a defeat at the hands
of The University of The
South. The Petrels simply did
not play up to their potential
as they had the three prior
games. The Petrels lost three
to one. The only goal for the
men was a goal scored by
Kerem Bilgin.

On October 13th,
the men played another great
game. They tied the Emory
University Eagles 1-1. This
was the first time in almost a
decade that the Petrels have
not been defeated by Emory.
It was truly a great match for
the Petrels. Bobby Holman
stated, "We played an excellent
game, especially defensively.
Our defensive held strong
against Emory's powerful at-
tack. Our offense did well,
also. They took advantages of
Emory's mistakes in the


On October 18th,
OU played Shendoah, a con-
sistently strong team. The Pe-
trels dismantled Shendoah
with an incredible 5-0 victory.
The OU players went on a
scorefest as five different play-
ers scored while Will Lukow
was sidelined for a game be-
cause of penalty points. Scor-
ing for the Petrels were Joe
Akyempong, Jason "Big
Country" Williams, Giff
Briggs, John Nunes, and Mark
Bingham. This was truely a
great team effort as every
player on the the team played.

The team has three
remaining games; Savannah
College of Art and Design on
October 23, Trinity on Octo-
ber 30, and Hendrix on Octo-
ber 31. Cheer the team on as
they finish their season. Good
luck guys!

Page 15/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993


Many changes needed to keep Braves on top

By Darryl Brooks

Since the end of

the NLCS rumors and ques-
tions have flying about the
Braves. Ron Gant for Bryan
Harvey. What to do with Sid
Bream and Greg Olson? Ba-
sically what people have been
asking is if John Scheurholtz
should dismantle the Braves
that have won three division
titles and two pennants. Well,
unloading Sid, an outfielder or
two, a catcher and a middle
infielder are not only necessary
to make way for the future but
they are necessary steps to
keep the Braves competitive
for the next five years.

As a native of
Richmond, home of Atlanta's
AAA team, I can tell you that
the talent in the minors is phe-
nomenal. Ryan Klesko, Chip-
per Jones, Mike Kelley, Tony
Tarasco, Ramon Caraballo
and Javy Lopez will all be pro-
ductive ball players before
their careers are done.

This collection of
talent won 100 games two
years ago at AA Greeenville.

They won their division this
year at AAA and would have
won the International League
if their mindshad not wandered
to Atlanta. This group has
twice been named one of the
best minor league teams in his-

So obviously these
players are ready to take the
next step, the bigs. If these fine
athletes are left another year in
the minors, their development
will be stunted and their loy-
alty to the Braves could be
shot Loyalty is becoming a
bigger factor than many may
think with salaries as high as
they are today.

So the question
that now faces the Brave hier-
archy is who to move to get
these players where they need
to be. Although I obviously
have no say in the matter, here
are my meaningless sugges-

First, if there re-
ally is something to the Gant
for Harvey deal, pull the trig-
ger and make the trade. At
times Gant is one of the best
players in the league. But
when he falls into a slump

things can get ugly. Tony
Tarasco is Gant's equal in the
field and should be more
consistant at the plate. He hit
.300 at Richmond. Once
Harvey is aquired, he can be-
come the closer, Greg
McMichael can be moved to a
set-up role and Mike Stanton
can be released.

Second, a decision
must be made between Deion
and Otis. These two can not
coexist in the same outfield.
Although they will both prob-
ably start the season with the
Braves they may not finish the
season here in Atlanta.

Third, as much as
I hate to say it, Sid must go.
Sid helped turn this team
around, both on and off the
field. But his contract is up and
there is really no point in re-
signing him. In Sid's absence,
Ryan Klesko will step in and
be an understudy to Fred
McGriff Given this year of
major league experience
Klesko should be ready to be-
come the starting first baseman
when McGriff's contract is up
after next season.

Fourth, room must

be made for Javy Lopez. This
could mean that the relation-
ship between the Braves and
Greg Olson could be coming
to an end. It's either Olson or
Damon Berryhill and if this
past season was any indica-
tion, the Braves will stick with
Berryhill. No matter who stays
and who goes now, Javy Lopez
is the catcher of the future, so
whoever doesn't go now will
be gone sooner or later.

Fifth, someone
must be let go to make room
for Chipper Jones. Although
he is not yet the best defensive
infielder, the boy can flat out
hit He lead the IL with a .330
something average. At his
young age both the defense
and the hitting will improve.
The most likely candidate for
release is Bill Pecota.

If necessary, Mark
Lemke could take over
Pecota 's utility infielder spot.
Eventually Chipper will force
the Braves to move Jeff
Blauser to second and Jones
will take over at shortstop.

A few other
changes could be made to fine
tune this stacked team, such as
trading Fransisco Cabrera to

the American League where
he can become a DH, making
Kent Mercker the fifth starter
and dumping Marvin Free-

Pitching is obvi-
ously the Braves' strength and
they will be fine in this depart-
ment for years, which is fortu-
nate because that is the weak-
est part of the Braves farm sys-

Of course, the fi-
nal factor in all of this is
money. This is why the Braves
need to give these rookies a
chance now, so they can keep
their ever-important payroll

So if anybody is
planning to drop off the planet
for the next five years don 't be
surprised to see this lineup for
the Braves when you return:
LF Tony Tarasco, CF Mike
Kelley, RF Dave Justice, 3B
Ramon Caraballo, SS Chipper
Jones, 2B Jeff Blauser, IB
Ryan Klesko, and catcher Javy

Although these
may seem like pretty radical
changes, I'll bet my tickets to
watch the Braves in the 1998
World Series that they occur.

Oglethope women's soccer faltering in mid- season

By Jason Thomas

The Oglethorpe

Lady Petrel soccer team has
recently fallen into a depres-
sion, losing six of their last
seven games. The outlook,
though, is hopeful as they
stopped their losing streak
against Shenandoah.

On October 2nd,
the women fell to the feet of
Piedmont College in a dis-
heartening 3-2 overtime loss.
The ladies were down 0-2 go-
ing into the second half when
both junior Kirsten Hanzsek
and sophomore Melissa Lamb
exploded for the game tying
goals. Unfortunately, Pied-
mont capitalized in the over-
time period and defeated the
ladies . That put the women at
two loses in a row.

The women then
suffered four more straight
loses. Terra Winthrop was the
only Petrel to score for
Oglethorpe. Winthrop scored
against Maryville to bring the
score to 3-1 in favor of

In the following
three games, the women all
played well, individually and
as a team, but were merely
outplayed by the tough oppo-
nents. The women lost 2-0 to
The University of the South on
October 9th. On the 1 5th, the
ladies lost a tough game to
Lynchburg College by the
score of 2-0. The foloowing
day at Piedmaont College, the
ladies lost 1 -0 in a very physi-
cal game that eventually re-
sulted in a fight and an ejec-
tion of junior midfielder Fawn
Angel. On October 18th, the

Senior Michelle Ponte
Igniting the OU attack

photo by Pat Mulheam

ladies played Shenandoah.
They tied 1-1 with a goal be-
ing scored by Terra Winthrop.
The ladies played an excellent
defensive game, as they also
saw their faltering attack be-
gin to improve.

Junior captain
Shelley Robinson seems to be
pleased with the ladies recent
tum-around. "We are begin-
ning again to stay organized
and we are definitely working
out of our immaturity as a
team", she stated after the
game against Shenandoah.

Many players
have shown great improve-
ment inthe last few games.
Michelle Ponte at stopper,
Winthrop at striker, and
Brooke Hennier in the goal
have all been strong players
for the Petrels recently. Come
support them at their final two
home games.

Page 16/The Stormy Petrel/October 22, 1993

Do you want money?

If so, here is a way for you to earn
lots and lots of money . .

The Oglethorpe Stormy Petrel is look-
ing for someone to take over the
advertising department.

The best thing is that you (yes, you) get 20%
of all revenue generated by adveritising.

Call 364-8425 for information... ask for Brian Davis

The Oglethorpe Stormy Petrel

is looking for
a few good writers

If you are interested in any way, shape, or form in writing

for the Oglethorpe newspaper,

please call 364-8425 for information.

The Stormy Petrel

Volume 69, Issue 4 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University November 8, 1993

OU Singers hold
Fall Concert

Page 2


Page 5


part two

Page 6

Problems with

Page 8


Page 10


Page 14

Comics: 12-13

Editorials: 8-9



Features: 5

Grapevine: 4

Greeks: 7

News: 2-4

Open Line: 9

Organizations: 6

ProFile: 4

Screentest: 10

Security: 2

Soundcheck: 11

Sports: 14-15

OU students solve Atlanta's future gridlock

By Eric Coffey

Duffey Communications, Inc.

Help is on the

way for Atlanta's traffic prob-
lems. Some of the area's
brightest college students have
devised new ways to help man-
age the region's traffic growth,
which they presented as part of
the Data General Games com-
petition, "Atlanta's Gridlock
Solutions: 2013."

A team of
Oglethorpe University stu-
dents won the Games, which
also challenged students from
the Georgia Institute of Tech-
nology and Morehouse Col-
lege to devise solutions to traf-
fic issues in the face of the
area's growth and expansion
over the next 20 years.

The Games, spon-
sored by Data General Corpo-
ration and held at Inforum on
October 26, were judged by a
panel of local traffic experts.
These included: David
Beasley, of The Atlanta Jour-
nal-Constitution; Keith
Kalland of Z-93 FM, WGST
640 AM, and STAR 94 FM;
Herb Emory of WSB-AM; Jan
Grossman, president of the
North American Data General
Users Group (NADGUG);
Marion Waters of the Georgia
Department ofTransportation;
Joy Barge of WXIA-TV 11
and V- 103 FM, and Jay
Burnworth, vice president of
Atlanta-based Genuine Parts

"The Data Gen-
eral Games has given Atlanta's
future business leaders the op-
portunity to showcase their
knowledge and skills while
addressing a real-life chal-
lenge," said Ronald L. Skates,
Data General president and
chief executive officer. "Also,
the solutions they presented
will have a genuine impact on
Atlanta and the area's quality

The Oglethorpe
team members will receive an

all expenses paid trip to the
1994 Uniforum conference in
San Francisco, March 21-24.
Additionally, Data General is
donating state-of-the-art color
laptop computers to each of the
participating schools.

tern including cars, trucks,
buses, MARTA trains and
emergency units. The nerve
center would both receive and
transfer information to and
from vehicles, maintaining
constant surveillance of the

alternate routes available to

Georgia Tech's
team designed a system which
would "accommodate traffic
through improved communi-
cation, rather than changing

The i Data General Games


4U i

v i r

idlock Solutions: 2013

Pictured from left are: Ronald L. Skates, President &CEO of Data General; David Stevens,
senior; Paul Mahar, junior; Michelle John, sophomore; Katie Farreli, junior; Tom West,

Senior Vice President.

Oglethorpe's win-
ning proposal recommends
creating an automated Nerve
Center, which would be in
contact with all elements of
Atlanta's transportation sys-

photo courtesy of Duffey Communications, Inc.

overall traffic situation. Ve-
hicles would be in contact with
the Nerve Center via on-board
monitors, which would keep
drivers aware of accidents, in-
clement weather and possible

people's travel habits," accord-
ing to team captain Jeff Davis.
The school's proposed Con-
gestion Management System
would automatically oversee
see Traffic on page 3

OU Museum exhibits masterpiece

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

The Oglethorpe

University Museum, in its sec-
ond month of exhibitions, will
be displaying one of the great
masterpieces of Renaissance
art, "The Three Ages of Man,"
by Giorgione, from October
27 to December 22.

"The Three Ages:
is on extended loan to
Oglethorpe form John and
Elfriede Harrington of Florida,
who have expressed great en-
thusiasm about it being shown
here. Mr Harrington is a
former Atlanta building con-
tractor who specialized in the

restoration of historic struc-
tures, and was an active sup-
porter of the arts during the

Although the re-
cent history of this masterpiece
is unknown, it was discovered
in an Atlanta warehouse. The
piece has since been validated
by several authorities, who
have accepted the piece as a
rare and genuine work by
Giorgione, who was consid-
ered by his contemporaries to
be the equal of Leonardo da

The artist was
bom around the year 1 475 and
died in 1510. He began to
typify the move away from the

traditional Christian themes of
art, as he began the technique
of framing his subject in a po-
etic mood. Giorgione, along
with da Vinci, were the pri-
mary architechs of of the por-
trait as we view it today.

"The Three Ages"
has been analyzed by the team
of researchers famous for chal-
lenging the authenticity of the
Shroud of Turin. It has been
scientifically dated to the pe-
riod of 1 500 AD., plus or mi-
nus 10 years. Researchers
have theorised a probably pro-
gression of ownership of the
painting, and this has been re-
affirmed by several leading art
see Masterpiece on page 2

Page 2/The Stormy Petrel/toovember 8, 1993


. Upda te,

By Will Mullis

- On Monday,

October 11, a woman began
experiencing severe abdomi-
nal pain while in Hearst Hall.
An ambulance was called to
transport the woman to
Northside Hospital, However,
she recovered enough to go to
the hospital by a car driven by
Continuing Ed staff.

- On Wednesday,
October 13, a national soror-
ity adviser severely cut her foot
while touring the Greek Row.
The Security officer called
Dekalb EMS. A medic ar-
rived, bandaged the foot, and
sent her to Northside Hospital
for stitches.

- On Monday, Oc-
tober 18, Betty Carter, of
DAK A, reported that $320
had been stolen from the safe
in the cafeteria. Dekalb Police
were called to file a report

- On Wednesday,
October 20, a student who had
received a warning for a mi-
nor parking violation came to
the gatehouse and cursed and
threatened the guard working

- On Friday, Octo-
ber 22, a Security officer pa-
trolling through the Greek
Row noticed that a can of paint
had been poured over the lion
on the lawn of the unfinished
SAE house. He rinsed the
paint off with a hose. Fortu-
nately, the paint washed off

On Saturday,
October 23, SAE reported that
someone had attempted to pull
their lion off its pedestal using
a rope and a truck. They asked
that a closer eye be kept on the
lion until the house is occu-

By Sarah Buzzard

Featuring music

from diverse times and places,
the University Singers and
University Chorale will
present their Fall concert on
Friday, November 12 at 8:00
p.m. in Lupton Auditorium.
They will perform selections

ranging from German love
songs to an Israeli folk tune,
including composers from
Handel to the contemporary
Daniel Pinkham.

The Singers will
open the concert with samples
from the Baroque era by
Handel, Tallis, and Scarlatti.
These selections will be fol-
lowed by Daniel Pinkham's

"Wedding Cantata," featuring
soloists Kristie Mahan and
Stephen Cooper. A piano in-
terlude will follow with one of
the Singers' three accom-
plished accompanists, Kathrin
Vodjdani, playing Beethoven's
"Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia."
The University
Chorale, the eight-member
ensemble drawn from the

University Singers to present Fall Concert

Singers, will also perform dur-
ing the evening. They will
bring to the concert an inter-
national flavor with a Spanish
madrigal, the Irish song
"Eileen Aroon," the Italian
"Lirum Bililirum," and other
selections. Other ensembles
besides the Singers and Cho-
rale will perform, including the
men of the Singers, who will
sing the spiritual "Sometimes
I Feel Like a Motherless
Child." The women of the
Singers, in turn, will present
Bach's "Bist Du Bei Mir".
Kristie Mahan and Mary
Poteet will perform a German
duet, also by Bach.

Following three
German songs of love by
Mendelssohn, the concert will
close with the ever-popular
"Danny Boy" and the tradi-
tional finish to every Singers
concert - the Oglethorpe Uni-
versity Alma Mater. All in all,
the evening promises to be one
of diverse musical enjoyment.
Both students and the public
are invited to attend this free

1993-94 Oglethorpe University Singers.


continued from page 1

historians. A study of the
painting is to be included in the
upcoming book, Gioreione in
America, by Dr. Klara Garas,
an international expert on the
Renaissance masters.

Dr. Garas is art
historian-in-residence this fall
at Oglethorpe and director
emeritus of the Budapest Mu-
seum of Fine Arts. She said
precise dating of the
Harrington painting is very
important. "Within the early
1 6th-century time frame, only
Giorgione could have con-
ceived of this picture. It is his
concept, his composition."

The Harrington
painting has been scientifically
analyzed and dated by Dr.
Walter McCrone at his insti-
tute in Chicago: "Everything
about the painting is com-
pletely consistent with the pe-
riod during which Giorgione
painted...." OU Museum di-
rector Lloyd Nick said, "Very
few paintings have been sub-

photo courtesy of Dr. Irwin Ray, Jr.

jected to such thorough vali-
dation procedures. Of more
than 300 works examined at
the Mc Crone Research Insti-
tute in Chicago, 97 percent
have been rejected. It is a privi-
lege for our museum to show
a painting worthy of the finest
museums in the country."

Lanier Graham,
editor of the World Art Press.
expressed his views on the
painting by saying, "In a world
where it is common for special-
ists to disagree, this degree of
consensus among world-class
authorities on a rediscovered
masterpiece is highly uncom-
mon. The presence of the
painting at Oglethorpe gives
students and the Atlanta com-
munity a unique opportunity
to see a rare masterpiece, and
to learn how such paintings are

Information and
quotes taken from a news
brief supplied by Oglethorpe
Public Relations.

Page 3/The Stormy Petrel/November 8, 1993


The Stormy


Business Manager:
Copy Editor:
Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editor:
Feature Editors:

Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:


Wendy Barber
Sarah Buzzard
Yolanda Hernandez
Maria Johnson
Kathy Lea
Aretha List
Shannon Montgomery
Tomika Powell

Ryan P. Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Justin Hayes
Chris Brown
Brandon Galloway
Angle Dickerson
Kevin Benefield
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas

Daryl Brooks
Tim Evans
Trish Hinton
Kim Jones
Lisa Ledbetter
Mary Lynch
Will Mullis
Daniel Rosenthal

Conference on mutual respect

Randy Tidwell

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman Robert Drake

Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Thursdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 30319, or drop them off in
the box on the newspaper office door.

By Wendy Barber

America's melt-
ing pot embraces a diverse ar-
ray of religious beliefs. For-
tunately, our society is rela-
tively tolerant of the diversity
of its citizens' faiths; so can we
really understand why the
bloodshed is taking place in
the middle-east in the name of

As the Parliament
of World Religions in Chicago
indicates, Americans have
only scratched the surface in
attempting to understand the
various faith systems practiced
in this country. Understanding
of the prominent faith system
in addition to tolerance can
benefit us all. On November
14 and 15 Emory University
is presenting their first-ever
Conference on World Reli-
gion. The goal is to familiar-
ize those attending with the
practice and character of many
faith traditions, and thus cre-
ate an atmosphere of mutual
respect. Scholars and religious
leaders will be centering dis-
cussions on the theme "How
Can Mutual Suspicion Be-
come Mutual Respect?" If a
particular faith interests you,
there will also be six concur-
rently running workshops con-
ducting in-depth discussion
and dialogue.

The conference
will open Sunday, Nov. 14 and
begin with a session on "Inter-
faith Understanding: What
Does My Faith Offer?" Pan-
elists representing six faith tra-
ditions will speak from 2 to
4pm in Winship Ballroom of
the Dobbs University Center.

Included among
the speakers in the plenary ses-
sion are: Rebecca Chopp, pro-
fessor at Emory's Candler
School of Theology; Pam
Erdman, M.D., a member of
the Baha'i faith; Sherry Frank,
Southeast Area director of the
American Jewish Committee;
Rabbi Brett Isserow, assistant
rabbi of The Temple in At-
lanta; S. Mahadevan of the
Hindu Temple in Nashville;

Raman PateL past-president of
the India-America Cultural
Center, Y. Khalid Siddiq,
president of al-Faroug Masjid
of Atlanta; Dawn Smith,
M.D., of the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention in
Atlanta and a member of the
Baha'i faith; Thomas
Thangaraj, professor at Can-
dler School of Theology, and
Chodak Tsempal, a Tibetan
monk and translator of Jampa

After the prelimi-
nary opening session, the six
concurrent workshops will of-
fer dialogues between:
Baha'is and Christians; Chris-
tians and Jews; Christians and
Native Americans; Hindus
and Muslims; Hindus and
Sikhs; and Jews and Muslims.

Following the
workshops, Azim Nanii, a na-
tive of Kenya, and a professor
and chair of University of
Florida s religion department
will be the keynote speaker
addressing the conference
theme in the Woodruff Health
Sciences Center auditorium at
7:30pm. Nanji has been a con-
sultant on Islamic culture to
the Smithsonian Institution
and is an expert on the Ismaili


continued from page 1
and monitor accidents, provide
vehicle rerouting as needed
and offer traffic-adaptive sig-
nal control for the Interstate 85
corridor, an area of intense
current and future growth.

College's team devised H\e At-
lanta Transportation Com-
mand and Control System
(ATCCS), which would offer
a number of different speed
lanes on main roads, allowing
safe driving at up to 80 miles
per hour. The undergraduates
also proposed the design of a
"smart car," mastered by a
central processor, that would
eliminate poor driving habits
and reduce accidents by con-
trolling the vehicle's accelera-
tion and brake pedals.

and Sunni Muslim traditions.

A teach-in on
"What Can Be Done to Ad-
vance Mutual Respect" will
conclude the conference on
Monday, Nov. 15 from 6 to
8pm, and will take place in the
Woodruff Health Sciences

The Conference
on World Religion is part of
Emory's 1993 Unity Week,
intended to celebrate unity
through diversity. The confer-
ence is sponsored by the
Emory University Chaplain
and Religious Life Office, the
Department of Religion, The
Hightower Lecture Series,
Candler School of Theology,
and The Eternal Quest and
Multicultural Programs and

To allow for ad-
equate seating at workshop
sessions, call for registration
information- The cost for the
conference is $5 for non-stu-
dents and S3 for students.
Registration fees may be
mailed to university
Chaplain's Office, Emory Uni-
versity, Drawer A, Atlanta,
GA 30322. For more confer-
ence information or questions
concerning registration call

The Data General
Games were held in conjunc-
tion with the company's
COMBO '93 event, a conven-
tion of more than 2,000 Data
General users, customers,
VARs, business partners and
employees, held in Atlanta for
the first time at the Infonim,
October 25-28. The event co-
incided with Data General's
25th anniversary.

Data General Cor-
poration is an open systems
computer company that spe-
cializes in providing servers,
storage products and services
to information systems users
worldwide. The company,
which is headquartered in
Westboro, Mass., reported rev-
enues of $ 1.1 billion in fiscal

Page 4 /The Stormy Petrel/November 8, 1993


OU instructor named Heritage Foundation Scholar

By Sarah Buzzard

Former Profes-
sor of Political Studies Bruce
Frohnen has been appointed a
Bradley Resident Scholar at
The Heritage Foundation, one
of the country's leading think
tanks. He is one of three schol-
ars named to this program for
the 1993-94 academic year.
Dr. Frohnen taught at
Oglethorpe on a part-time ba-
sis from the summer of '92
through the summer of '93,

before leaving for Washington
D.C. on a ten-month fellow-

The Bradley Resi-
dent Program enables distin-
guished scholars to work and
study at The Heritage Foun-
dation for periods of up to one
year. This gives scholars an
opportunity to work on long-
term research projects while
immersing themselves in the
Washington policymaking
community, says Vice Presi-
dent for Educational Affairs

Adam Meyerson. The schol-
ars also teach in the Conser-
vative Curriculum, a series of
graduate-level seminars spon-
sored by Heritage.

During his fellow-
ship at Heritage, Frohnen will
work on his forthcoming book
examining the

"communitarian" philosophy
of New York Governor Mario
Cuomo, a number of President
Bill Clinton's advisors, and
other "new Democrats."
Frohnen is the author of Vir-

tue and the Promise of Conser-
vatism: The Legacy of Burke
andTocqueville. a book which
"has attracted a good bit of at-
tention," according to Dr.
Knippenberg, professor of po-
litical studies at Oglethorpe.

Dr. Frohnen
earned a Ph.D. and M.A. in
government at Cornell Univer-
sity, and a B. A in government
and economics at California
State University in Sacra-
mento. He also earned a J.D.
at the Emory University

School of Law. Frohnen
taught four courses during his
time at Oglethorpe. Dr.
Knippenberg says that accord-
ing to the course evaluations
and other feedback, Frohnen
was "a very good teacher." He
"liked the students and found
the atmosphere congenial." Of
Oglethorpe's role in Frohnen's
accomplishment, Knippenberg
says, "We are willing to pro-
vide at least a temporary home
to a promising young scholar
with unconventional views."

Heard it through the Grapevine

Upcoming events in and around Oglethorpe University

The Oglethorpe

University Singers and Uni-
versity Chorale will present a
fall concert of choral music
Friday, Nov. 12, at 8:00 p.m.
irl Lupton Auditorium. Selec-
tions will include "Wedding
Cantata" by Daniel Pinkham;
"Herbstlied," "Abendlied" and
"Ich Wollt', Meine Lieb'" by
Felix Mendelssohn; and a
grouping of the choral music
of J.S. Bach. Among the other
composers represented in the
concert will be G.F. Handel,
Alessandro Scarlatti, Thomas
Tallis and Stephen Paulus.
The concert is free to the pub-
lic. For more information, call

Donald and Bar-
bara Boiling, collectors of
paintings by Russian artist
Nicholas Roerich, will speak
at the Oglethorpe University
Museum at 7:00 p.m. on Tues-
day, November 9. Their col-

lection is on display in the cur-
rent exhibit, "Messenger of
Beauty: Nicholas Roerich
from the Boiling Collection."
The Museum is located in
Philip Weltner library on cam-
pus. Admission is free. Ample
free parking is available. Call
364-8555 for more informa-

Oglethorpe Uni-
versity students, faculty and
staff will present an evening of
music, arts and poetry on Fri-
day, November 19, at 8:00
p.m. in Hearst Great Hall. The
program will include a display
of student art; readings of
original poetry and prose; and
musical performances. The
event is open and free to the
call 364-8329.

Georgia State

University will be holding a

full-day educational seminar
geared towards teaching those
interested in starting a busi-
ness. The program, entitled
"Planning Your Business,"
will be held Wednesday, De-
cember 1, from 8:30 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. at GSU. The topics
covered will be the business
plan, legal issues, tax forms,
marketing and financing. The
program fee is $25. For more
information call Pam Davis at
651-3550. The program is
sponsored by the Small Busi-
ness Development Center at

Vanya Nick, hu-
manities division of DeKalb
College will present "The
Spiritual Art of Nicholas
Roerich," at noon on Friday,
November 19, in the
Oglethorpe Museum. Call
364-8555 for more informa-

The Playmakers

will present "Laughing Wild,"

by Christopher Durang in
Lupton Auditorium on Satur-
day, November 20, at 8:00
p.m. and Sunday November
21, at 2 p.m. Call 364-8343
for ticket information.

If you know of any
upcoming events that need to
be published, this is your
page. Drop a note to: The
Grapevine. Attention Chop-
per Johnson. Box 287 or drop
them in the box on The
Stormy Petrel's office door.

Q uin tett o

Barocco will perform lively
and stylish interpretations of
Baroque and neo-classic rep-
ertoire on Sunday, November
14 at 4:00 p.m. in the Skylight
Gallery of the Oglethorpe
Museum. Tickets are $5. For
more information, call 365-


The Playboy College Fiction Contest is taking original unpub-
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Send manuscript, along with name, address, phone number, and college affiliation to:
Playboy College Fiction Contest, 680 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, II 606 1 1 .

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Page 5/The Stormy Petrel/ttovember 8, 1993


Bavarian Delights only a short drive

By Nicole J. Petro

Special to The Stormy Petrel

With the chang-
ing seasons and the fresh, wel-
come crispness in the air,
many people's thoughts turn
to travel and fall festivities.
The trees begin to change their
washed-out summer green for
the brilliant, short-lived colors
of autumn. But where can a
city-dweller go to catch a
glimpse of all this splendor? I
have the answer, and it is less
than a two hour drive from
Atlanta - Helen, a small town
in the North Georgia moun-

Originally settled
by Germans, Helen's archi-
tecture is that of a small
Swiss village, with ski-lodge-
shaped buildings abounding,
and street names such as

During the month
of October, this town cel-
ebrates Oktoberfest in true
German style, with everything
from Bratwurst to a varied se-
lection of beers.

Crowds are some-
what of a problem during
Oktoberfest, so plan to leave
early in the morning and spend
the entire day. Otherwise, you
might end up stuck in traffic
for a good two hours trying to
make the last ten miles into
town. Parking is plentiful, and
the crowds, once in town, are
not as bad as they would ap-
pear from the traffic.

If you don't al-
ready have reservations for a
hotel room, you most likely
will not find one, and if you
do, it will be about twice the
rate of the off-season (which is
any time other than October
and September). So make it a
day trip. You will have plenty
of time to enjoy the oom-pah
bands, the bratwurst, and the
beer swilling.

So if you don t
mind crowds, and you like
beer, this is a good time to see
Helen at its most lively, as well
as some beautiful fall foliage
along the way.

If crowds are not

your thing, Helen still makes
a great place to visit, and pro-
vides a quiet, relaxing week-
end get-away almost any time
of the year except for the
month of October. For such a
small town, there are numer-
ous decent hotels within walk-
ing distance of everything.
"Everything" consists of a
main street lined with Alpine-
theme shops, which sell every-
thing from coffee and pastries
to hand-made candles to lo-
cally made arts and crafts.
Also in town several good Ger-
man-American restaurants can
be found, where you can or-
der German specialties
(knockwurst and sauerkraut,

for example), or a good thick

Helen is a town
that can easily keep just about
anyone occupied for a week-
end, although night-life is
somewhat sparse (the major-
ity of the town is asleep by nine
p.m.). The town offers a few
bars, patronized mainly by
the over-forty-five-biker red-
neck crowd. If you want to
drink, take my suggestion: buy
it at one of the abundant liquor
stores, and drink it in your ho-
tel room.

Besides thrilling
night-life, Helen offers close-
ness to Unicoi state park, and
Anna Ruby Falls, both beau-

tiful spots all year round, but
especially in spring and au-
tumn. Both these areas are
good for short day hikes, or
longer camping trips.

Other than that,
Helen is generally a very quiet,
peaceful little town. This is not
necessarily a bad thing,
though, as it can lead to some
quality relaxation and even
some much-needed sleep - all
very conducive to a restful
couple of days.

So the next time
you feel the need to get out of
the city for a weekend, or are
craving a bit of Bavarian, try
Helen. It will truly take you
away from the city, without
taking you too far.

College students: WE'RE BROKE!

By Killian Edwards
Special to The Stormy Petrel

College stu-
dents we're broke. You're
probably broke; I know I'm
broke. I'd bet you that I have
less money than you do, but,
well anyway. So I'm not
going to spend any time com-
ing to the well-known conclu-
sion that we don't have any
money. That's not the point.
The point is that we want to
have some fun even though we
don't have any money. My
point is that it's possible. Here
is just a very small sampling
of what you can do in Atlanta
for very little or no money at

For starters, check
out Hartsfield International.
Yes, the airport. I'm serious.
I know most of you think of
horrible food and day-long
layovers when you think of the
airport, but think again, in a
different way. This is the
prime spot for people watch-
ing, plane watching, roaming
around and having a great
time. Lu Green says she and
her friends have always talked
about dressing up very nicely,
going to the airport, and act-
ing like they were famous, just
to see how people would react.

Carla Hall recalls an evening
spent with several friends
when, "we just hopped on
MARTA and rode all the way
out to the airport. We spent
all night watching the people
and the planes, and stayed so
late that the airport train shut
down and we had to walk back
from Concourse C." You
don't even have to have a car
for this outing; it can all be
yours for just $2.50 in
MARTA fare, roundtrip. And
the Brookhaven MARTA sta-
tion is within easy walking dis-

If you are looking
for romance, and find yourself
once again short of cash, never
fear. We've got just the spot
for you and it will cost you
nothing more than the gas to
drive there the Holiday Inn
Crowne Plaza-Ravinia, at
4355 Ashford Dunwoody Rd.
N.E. (across from Perimeter
Mall). No, the rooms aren't
free, but walking in the garden
is. And this isn't just any gar-
den. The garden adjacent to
the Ravinia is enormous, and
definitely romantic. It is filled
with beautiful plants and flow-
ers, with wooden bridges
crossing streams and trails
winding by waterfalls. Walk-
ing along the trails, you can't
even hear traffic from the not-

so-far-off street, and the foli-
age is so dense that in places
you can barely see the hotel.
What could be better for a
moonlight stroll than this gar-

Looking for some-
thing a little more on the
quirky side? Try Oakland
Cemetery for a Halloween
themed date or just an interest-
ing day out. You can spend
an afternoon wandering
around this 1850 cemetery,
looking at the gravestones of
many famous Atlantans, now
long gone. Located at 248
Oakland Avenue S.E., the
cemetery is the resting place
for Civil War soldiers, city
mayors and officials, state gov-
ernors, and Margaret Mitchell,
among others. A self-guided
tour will cost you only $1.25
for a map and a brochure indi-
cating 5 1 "highlights" of the
cemetery. These guides can be
purchased at the cemetery of-
fice Monday through Friday
and from a paper box in front
of the office on weekends. Call
577-8163 for more informa-

It can be done.
These and other great oppor-
tunities to have a terrific time
on a low budget are all over
the city, if you just know where
to look.

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

"Who's the new

teacher with the cool leather
jacket?" The answer is Dr.
David Chawszczewski, (that's
cha-zoo-ski) professor of edu-
cation. He is already off to a
busy start. In addition to Intro-
duction to Education, Second-
ary Curriculum, and Student
Teaching Seminar,

Chawszczewski is also teach-
ing two graduate classes - In-
troduction to Education Re-
search and Topics in Social

Originally from
Chicago, Chawszczewski ob-
tained his PhD at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin in Madison.
His specialties are secondary
education and social studies.
"I love all my classes," he
states simply, claiming no fa-
vorites. Dr. Chawszczewski is
also complimentary when it
comes to his students' educa-
tion, describing them as,
"bright, very thoughtful in
their discussion." Apparently
this feeling goes both ways.
Education major Melanie
Rosen, a member of the Sec-
ondary Curriculum class, finds
Chawszczewski flexible and
innovative, adding "I've really
gotten a lot out of his class."
Dr. Chawszczew-
ski chose Oglethorpe partly
because of his affinity for small
schools and the opportunity to
become an involved faculty
member. At this point, how-
ever, he is understandably
"overwhelmed with teaching"
In his rare spare time, Dr.
Chawszczewski enjoys read-
ing, music appreciation, and
cooking. So for, he and
Oglethorpe seem to be a good
Correction: In last
week's profile on Michele
Cox, the town of Missoula,
Montana was accidentally
misidentifled as Mazula.

Page 6/The Stormy Petrel/Hovember 8, 1993


The Ramblings of the Romeiser, part two

By Robbie Romeiser
OSA President

We were having

a heated, albeit completely off
the subject conversation today
in one of my classes when sud-
denly someone jumped up on
the table with mouth frothing,
eyes shooting fire, steam wisp-
ing from his collar and yelling,
"Oh yeah, well I want to get
an internship but I don't know
what to do." Taken com-
p lete ly aback by the horrid dis-
play of ill will and anger, my
fellow students and I, for fear
of our lives, were forced to
strap the beastly student down
and hurl him out the window.
Yes, we were saddened by this
loss of life, but it was neces-
sary for the safety of all con-

Okay. So we
didn't kill the guy, and the dis-

cussion wasn't all that heated,
but the question about how to
get an internship did arise. I
am guessing (and hoping) that
a lot of students are interested
in internships. I am afraid,
however, that many of those
interested students don't know
the first steps to obtaining one.
So here are a few pointers for
those of you who want to get
involved with internships.

Of course, you
should gather information
about opportunities available
in your fields of interest. First,
I recommend asking your fac-
ulty advisor if he or she pos-
sesses any literature on intern-
ship opportunities, like bro-
chures, booklets, or applica-
tions. Find out what these
people know about the intern-
ship literature they possess,
and then continue your in-
formation gathering with a

Freshmen breathed
new life into BSC

By Trish Hinton

The entering

freshmen class 1993-94
brought with them a remark-
able upsurge in the number of
black students on campus at
Oglethorpe. This rise is a wel-
come change as our school
struggles to become more di-
versified. The freshmen have
also breathed new life into a
group known collectively as
the Black Student Caucus
(B.S.C.). As an organization,
the B.S.C. still considers itself
a newborn especially since we
have yet to develop a strong
voice within the O.U commu-

But mark your
calendars because we are plan-
ning on making not only
B.S.C. history, but also O.U
history. After weeks of orga-
nizing, planning, and coordi-
nating, we proudly present our
brainchild only THE best
dance party O.U. has ever
seen. You may have noticed

the curious signs spread across
campus (you know,.. ."Check
yo' self!"). Well, all of that
was in preparation for what we
ve titled the "Shake It 'TilYa'
Break It" Dance Marathon.
By now tickets are probably
running out for contestants,
but check with any B.S.C.
member and s/he will be sure
to hook you up. But first, a
word about the dance...

The idea is that if
you think you can outlast your
peers on the dance floor, then
let's see you there! And in re-
turn, you get to party, a dance
workout (what could be more
fun!), and the chance at win-
ning the first or second place
cash prizes (is it too late for me
to enter?).

Just remember,
Friday night, November 12 the
dining hall becomes party cen-
tral for all you party people!

Tickets: $ 5

$2 non-O.U.
students w/I.D. Free for O.U.
students w/I.D.

visit to Katherine Nobles in
Career Services, located in the
Community Life office of the
Student Center. Chances are
that she can offer you more
information about the intern-
ship your faculty advisor men-
tioned and that she can provide
you with leads into several
other opportunities.

The next step is
analyzing the info you have
gathered and deciding which
opportunities are worth pursu-
ing (like the kind that give you
money). Making such deci-
sions rests on your shoulders,
obviously, but I recommend
using your faculty advisor and
Mrs. Nobles as consultants
before making your final de-
cisions. They know the ins and
outs of internship offerings that
you may not be able to see
reading a brochure. Also,
chances are that other students
who have participated in the

internships you are interested
in have let "the consultants" in
on their experiences. That spe-
cial student insight may play
a big role in your decision to
pursue or not to pursue an op-

There are many
helpful hints out there for fill-
ing out internship applications,
for preparing resumes, and for
conducting a kick-butt inter-
view. I know a couple, and
maybe I'll write another article
later about them, but for this
article h is sufficient to say that
I learned most of my tips ahead
of time from Katherine Nobles
and Dr. Joseph Knippenberg,
my faculty advisor.

You can obtain
academic credit for participat-
ing in an internship. You must
have a 2.8 GPA and complete
an assignment or two for your
advisor to obtain credit, de-
pending on the amount of

hours you want for credit.
However, Oglethorpe Univer-
sity does not require that you
receive academic credit for an
internship, leaving the gate
open for those who don't have
the GPA or just don't want to
do the assignments. The ex-
perience is still great to have,
and having an internship listed
on your resume is a big plus.
If you choose not to receive
academic credit for your in-
ternship, you will still get the
amount of help you need from
your advisor and from Career
Services. In other words, they
won't shun you because you
aren't paying the school for
credit hours. I say this from
experience because I did not
take credit for my first intern-
ship, and I still got lots ofhelp.
Take it easy. If
you want to find an internship
you know where to start look-

Dear Brothers across the Fruited Plain

The Mu Mu chapter here at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta sincerely hopes
that all of you are working hard at having fun. We are quite busy this semester with 38 pledges
for the Fall 93 pledge class! They have all been assigned big brothers, and everything seems to
be going well. As far as service projects go, our more than capable VP of service has helped us
tap into service with the Interfaith Outreach Home (IOH), which is a center dedicated to help-
ing kids while their parents work, etc, the Atlanta Blood Drive, the Chattahoochee Nature
Trail Halloween extravaganza for kids, a trick-or-treat event for the poor on Halloween night,
and much more. Even with such a heavy service load, we're all still finding time to have fun.
Our fellowship chairman has organized a hayride in November and our Big Brother, Little
Brother party was a blast. We at Oglethorpe University wish all of the brothers out there a
merry holiday season and a rewarding semester!


Alpha Phi Omega
Mu Mu Chapter
Oglethorpe University

Earn $500 to $1000 weekly stuffing en-
velopes. For details - RUSH $1 .00 with
a SASE to:


57 Greentree Drive, Suite 307

Dover, DE 19901

Page 7 /The Stormy Petrel/Hovember 8, 1993


By Kevin Benefield
Kappa Alpha

At long last the

new Kappa Alpha house was
opened on Friday, October 22.
Due to the opening and the
heavy rain, the pledge retreat
to Camp Deliverance was re-
located to the house. Judging
by the complaints made by the
brothers and the pledges con-
cerning the lack of hot water
and phone service at the house,
it was probably a good move
to nix the camping trip.

All things consid-
ered, we are having a great
time out on the frontier with
our new neighbors, the broth-
ers of Delta Sigma Phi. Apart
from the mud slides, the con-
tinued lack of phone service,

By Rod Smith
Chi Phi

Despite our cur-
rent state of homelessness, Chi
Phi had a great time this past
weekend. Many of our
alumni showed up for a re-
union including a walk-
through of the new house, a
dinner party at Dante's Down
the Hatch, a farewell gather-
ing at the old house, and a
party at Embassy Suites. This
weekend (which will have
passed by the time this edition
is released) is the weekend of
the traditional Chi Phi Hallow-
een Party which will be housed
by Sigma Alpha Epsilon. It
should prove a "hammering"
night for everyone, as it has

By Bridget Cecchini
Sigma Sigma Sigma

The Tri-Slgma's

are rapidly moving through
yet another fall semester. In
between mid-terms and study
hours, we have kept quite
busy. The recent New Mem-
ber Retreat was fun for all,
even the girls sleeping in the
bathroom. Clue Week for the
new little sisters was exciting,
although a couple new mem-
bers now believe we are com-

the occasional loss of water
and electricity, and, of course,
the much feared native ele-
ment "We hope someone
does not have to be raped or
killed. . ." all is well among
the Village People. We eagerly
await the arrival of our other
Greek brothers and sisters.

Thanks to every-
one who made it to the KA-
Delta Sig Brave New World
Party on Saturday, October 30.
We hope you all had a good
time and will come again.

The KA-Chi O
Pajama Party Mixer has been
rescheduled for Friday, No-
vember 12 to avoid conflict-
ing with OSA's Casino Night.

Again, life is good
at Old KA, and we encourage
everyone to come by and see
the house.

since 1968. We would like to
thank all of the other fraterni-
ties for offering to house this
event, and SAE for allowing
us to take over for the night.
Also coming soon is the Chi
Phi/Sigma Sigma Sigma
mixer, which all of us are look-
ing forward to. As far as hous-
ing is concerned we still have
none, but once we get in keep
an eye out for a house-chris-
tening party to kick-start the
Greek Row. It would also be
a good idea for all of us greeks
to pay a nice, neighborly visit
to those who live across the
street to avoid any future prob-
lems. On an end note, if any-
one wants to buy some
couches, we can't fit all 13 in
our house.

pulsive liars. Our mixers with
both Pi Kappa Phi and Phi
Kappa Tau at Georgia Tech
were great successes with
some Sigmas even getting in-
vited to formal. Our 8th an-
nual Halloweenie Roast was
tons of fun and hot dogs again
this year. Everyone was
decked out in fabulous cos-
tumes, even a tube of tooth-
paste. We are looking forward
to our mixer with Chi Phi on
November 13 as well as our
annual Christmas Party.


By Alan Gibson
Delta Sigma Phi


Contrary to that

factitious article Jason T.
wrote, there are now actual
Delta Sigs Jiving in an actual
fraternity house. We had a
great time throwing our bash
with the KA's and we hope to
continue this trend into the
near and distant future. Also,
thanks Rob-Bob for the handy-
dandy copier. As of yet, there
has been no winner in the raffle
to see who the first is to photo-
copy his butt-cheeks.

If you saw young
men out on the roads with or-
ange vests this Saturday, no,
those weren't convicts (well,
maybe some were), they were
the Delta Sig's taking care of
their stretch of Highway out on
Peachtree Industrial for the
Adopt-A-Highway Program.


By Holly Harmon
Chi Omega

Chi Omega has

had a great semester so far!
Last week was our big sister/
little sister revelation. After a
week of clues and guessing,
everyone was excited to finally
discover who they had. Con-
gratulations to our hard-work-
ing pledge class for their great
job selling Halloweenie-


By Jason Fisher
Sigma Alpha Epsilon

We here at

Sigma Alpha Epsilon look for-
ward to an exciting November.
Congratulations to the other
three fraternities on moving
into the "Greek Village." We
are tenatively scheduled to
move in on November 5th, and
our lion has already been
erected in front of the new
house. Someone has already
attempted to pull the lion from
its foundation, resulting in
nothing more than damage to
his truck. In addition, it has
already been painted twice.
However, once we move in, we
hope that such juvenile acts of

In addition, all of our brothers
who attended the Panhellenic
Formal would like to thank all
of our escorts for a wonderful

In the coming
weeks, we have our pledge re-
treat coming up. We're not
sure where, but is that really
all that important? However,
if we do it in Pickens, the first
person to make a move on my
sister will spend the remainder
of the weekend removing a
size 1 3 shoe from a place a size
1 3 shoe normally does not fit .
If not there, we might do it in
the land of the bad Pancreas,
courtesy Zack Butler. The
Pledge Party is coming up
soon, so be looking to have
even more fun at the NEW
HOUSE. Reverse greetings
and may Echton be with you
(especially Joel).

grams. I hope everyone en-
joyed them! Panhellenic For-
mal was a lot of fun. It was
exciting to see the pledges for-
mally introduced. Our mixer
with SAE was great a few
weeks ago, and we are look-
ing forward to our upcoming
mixer with KA Chi Omega
is also busy choosing officers
to lead us into next year, and
we are planning a community
service trip to the Briarcliff
Retirement Center.

vandalism will not occur.

This month's so-
cial calendar contains the
SAE's biggest fall events. Our
traditional Boxer Rebellion
will be held on Saurday, No-
vember 13th. We are also
looking forward to our Fall
Formal at the Peachtree Plaza
on November 20th.

Social events are
not the only plans for the
month, though. Philanthropy
projects are also planned; the
brothers and pledges will make
the annual Walk-to-Macon for
charity on November 13th,
and we will be starting our
Christmas Card Campaign to
benefit Scottish Rite
Children's Hospital.


By Kevin Benefield
Greek Editor

Fraternities and

sororities function as umbrella
organizations under which
many diverse activities are
undertaken. The assumption
that joining a Greek organiza-
tion involves little more than
wearing letters and drinking
on weekends is wholly false.
Involvement in fraternities and
sororities is qualitatively and
quantitatively different from
that in other organizations.

In addition to the
social outlet and
philanthropical work for
which the system in respon-
sible, Greeks have a direct ob-
ligation incumbent upon them
to support and discipline those
in their ranks. This is a dimen-
sion if organization involve-
ment that is unique to the
Greek system. As a member
of, say, the accounting club,
one's behaviors would be un-
likely to impact the reputation
of that group. However, if a
Greek acts in an unseemly
manner, one can rest assured
that it will reflect badly upon
that member's entire house
and, perhaps, on the Greek
community as a whole.

The system is also
set apart by the financial obli-
gations that are placed upon its
membership. Many Greek are
forced to work off campus in
order to pay dues. This fur-
ther eats away at any time they
might have to involve them-
selves in other campus activi-

Greeks ARE ac-
tively involved on campus.
They DO play important lead-
ership roles in the community,
though non-Greeks may not be
in a position to appreciated
fully just how much their work
impacts Oglethorpe. Men and
women are not limited by the
Greek system, but are able ul-
timately to utilize h to contrib-
ute more fully to the Univer-
sity community.

Page 8/The Stormy Petrel/November 8, 1993


There is something dreadfully wrong here

By Shannon Montgomery

Fact: Part of the
core curriculum at Oglethorpe
University is one year-long lit-
erature course (chosen from
four year-long courses of-

Fact: The core of
the English major at
Oglethorpe is completion of
the four year-long literature
classes offered.

Fact: In an aver-
age year-long literature class,
there will be many sopho-
mores of all majors, from his-
tory to computer science. In
all probability, there will also
be a few junior and senior En-
glish majors.

Fact: For science
in the core curriculum, classes
are offered such as cosmology
or anatomy (instead of Chem-
istry I or Biology I). Instead
of taking these entry-level
classes, science majors take
Chem I or Bio I.

Opinion: Some-
thing is dreadfully wrong here.

I am a junior at
Oglethorpe, and I am major-
ing in English. After this year
is over, I will have completed
all four of the year-long litera-
ture sequences. Having expe-
rienced these classes, I have
noted a great discrepancy in
the ways which they are ap-
proached by the professors.
Some of these classes seem to
be taught on the level of the
three or four English majors
taking the course. These
classes I have found the most
enjoyable; however, I have of-
ten wondered if it is fair to
those students just taking the
course for core credit. Is it fair
to grade a sophomore biology
major and keep in mind that
this is a requirement, not an
elective by the same criteria
that a senior majoring in the
field is graded? The other
classes, the ones which are
treated only as core classes,
could almost be considered a
waste of my time, as much as
taking Introduction to Cos-
mology would be a waste of
the time of a physics major.

I will allow that
there are advantages to having
non-majors in literature
classes. It is often valuable and
enlightening to have a variety
of interests and wavs of think-
ing, listening to people oper-
ating from a different mindset
than "English major." There
are also disadvantages. Non-
majors will opt to study for
courses appropriate to their
major rather than the "core"
courses. I know as an English
major, I was less concerned
with both the material and my
performance in, for example,
Human Nature and the Social
Order. It was not that I did not
enjoy the class or feel that it
was worth my time; I simply
found my English classes to be
more enjoyable. A biology
major, when faced with the
choice of studying for a litera-
ture exam or a biology test is
(hopefully) going to prefer to
study for the course within his/
her major. This brings me
again to the question of fair-
ness to the non-majors who are
graded against people who by

1 ways in which the South
could have won the war

There were many faults in the South's strategy

By Daniel Rosenthal

Since we all

know that hindsight is twenty-
twenty, after seeing
Gettysburg. I know I was right.
During the movie I saw many
faults in the Southern strategy.
Now, I feel I need to share with
you the tactics that would have
possibly won the war for the

#1. The use of
grits instead of cannonballs
really would have confused
the North.

Southern artillery commander:
"All right boys load the
grits," (pause)
Northern soldier: " Incoming"

Sound effect: Splat, plop
Northern soldier: "What in the

Northern soldier 2: "That'sthe
smallest rice I ever saw!"
Southern commander: "Now
that we ' ve got them confused,

#2. Show that
southern classic Deliverance
to all the Yankee soldiers

#3. Have the
Rebels carry flags with slogans
like "You sure gotta purty
mouth, boy!"

#4. Let the South
carry all their huntin' dogs
with them

Southern soldier: "You dirty
Yankees killed my best dawg!
Now you're gonna die!"

#5. Instead of

bayonets and swords the south
should have issued axe

#6. Tell the
Southern soldiers that the
Northern guys insulted their

#7. Offer a six
pack incentive for each soldier
after each Southern victory.

#8. Show the saga
of Walking Tall to all the
Southern soldiers before each

#9. Sell the North
mobile homes for use as por-
table headquarters:
General U.S. Grant: "Where
are all these tornadoes coming

#10. Feed the
Oglethorpe cafeteria food to
the Northern soldiers.

necessity take the class more

Please do not mis-
understand me, I do not be-
lieve that English majors have
the edge on understanding lit-
erature. I know people from
all disciplines who have a deep
love for the language. In the
Shakespeare class, for in-
stance, there are many non-
majors whose discussions con-
tribute to my understanding of
the text. They share a common
bond, however, in wanting to
be there in the class. The key
is that it is unfair to all parties
involved to have as a core re-
quirement the center of the
English major, especially in
the fight of the inconsistency
that this is only true of the En-
glish major.

There is another
question about our curriculum
that has been raised. Students
at this institution take five
classes per semester, teachers
teach four. At comparable in-
stitutions (similar quality of
work required), students take
four classes and teachers teach
three. The idea of having stu-
dents take five classes is con-
sidered by many to be out-of-
date. Since my arrival at
Oglethorpe over a year ago, I
have heard people students
and faculty complaining
about the heavy work load. I
had believed that it was just the
grumbling of the indolent un-

til someone explained to me
that what was proposed was
not a lessening of the work

Instead of taking
five three-hour classes, stu-
dents would take four four-
hour classes. This would al-
low for a deeper study of the
disciplines. Class time would
be increased proportionately,
as would the work load in each
class. I find this a very attrac-
tive proposition. While the
argument "everyone else is
doing it" never worked with
my mother, if every other col-
lege of comparable quality is,
indeed, on a four-class plan,
there must be a reason for it.
At the least, it deserves to be

Some of you may
recall Alex Kay's editorial last
year about this same issue. So
why, if the campus network
has been buzzing about it for
over a year, has nothing been
done either positively or nega-
tively? I wonder. Perhaps it
is time for the students to make
our feelings known: would we
rather have five classes a se-
mester, or four? If you have
an opinion on this issue, why
not write a letter to the Petrel
or, better yet, the chair of your
academic department? As I
write this, the faculty and ad-
ministration are debating this
issue. If we do not speak now,
we will not have a voice.

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Page 9/The Stormy Petrel /November 8, 1993


As campuses go green, students can make a difference

By Nick Keller

National Wildlife Federation

Ten years ago,

college environmental activ-
ists were a rare breed. On a few
campuses, students borrowed
a pick-up truck once a week
to collect newspapers for recy-
cling. An occasional adminis-
trator, stung by rising fuel
prices, offered an ice cream
bash to the dorm that cut its
energy use the most.

In 1993, environ-
mental awareness on cam-
puses runs so high that stu-
dents and administrators are
successfully reworking the
fabric of university life. Their
techniques for treading lighter
on the earth have changed
campus landscaping, food
preparation, procurement of
supplies, and treatment of
waste. Their political savvy
allows them to hold a board of
directors accountable to a new
standard of environmental
awareness for university in-

Campus projects
come in all shapes and sizes,
from Michael Kaelin's nearly
single-handed effort to launch
a recycling program at South-
em California College to the
Tufts University student cam-
paign to force their school 's di-
vestment from a hydro-electric
dam project which threatens to
devastate a huge swath of Que-
bec (and destroy the way of 1 ife
of two Native Nations in the

Because no cam-
pus is a hermetically sealed
tower, these innovations help
change the world at large. And
student activists, high on the
efficacy of their new-found
skills, are going out into the
workplace confident of then-
ability to make a difference.
What started as a tiny act of
conscience or a just budding
friendship with the person who
needed help with the recycling
bins has blossomed into a
full complement of profes-
sional skills and career

It's easy to think of
these student activists as fun-
damentally different from you.

You ' ve just lugged home your
stack of books for the new se-
mester, and you 're a little wor-
ried about organic chemistry,
say, or freshman English. But
the truth is that environmental
action has never been easier,
and you don't need to found a
whole student organization to
get started. Individual students
across the country are making
lasting changes on their cam-
puses, and being transformed
into extraordinary people in
the process.

I should know. In
the past year, the staff in the
Campus Outreach (or Cool
It!) Program at the National
Wildlife Federation visited
139 schools in 33 states, kept

up to date on 1 53 environmen-
tal projects, and gave 150
workshops on topics ranging
from recyclingto environmen-
tal justice. This year's review
of the successes grew by seven
sections, as we struggled to
accommodate the widening
array of issues students have
taken on.

Entitled Students
Working for a Sustainable
Future: Campus Year in Re-
view 1992-93, this resource
makes it easy for you to de-
velop your own environmen-
tal agenda. It maps the steps
taken to achieve each victory,
provides names and phone
numbers of contacts for each
project, and saves you the

trouble of reliving someone's
past mistakes. (Your work gets
even easier when you register
your project with Cool It! and
have our staff of organizers
themselves recent campus ac-
tivists provide you with
facts, skills training, organiza-
tional pointers, and contacts on
other campuses.)

The guide in-
cludes articles on campus ad-
ministrators; community col-
leges; Historically Black Col-
leges and Universities; Tribal
Colleges; and women. Cam-
pus projects are then presented
by issue area: the campus en-
vironmental audit, coalition
building, conferences, the en-
dangered species program, en-

ergy efficiency and recycling
competitions, environmental
justice, environmental literacy,
food issues, investment/divest-
ment, landscaping, organizing,
procurement, and the "four
r's" (refuse, reduce, reuse, re-

Each project
brings its own rewards. But
common to all of them is the
thrill of making something
happen. Once you start, you'll
want to keep at it. Why not
get an education and make a
difference, too!

To order Working
for a Sustainable Future:
Campus Year in Review
1992-93, contact NWF's
Campus Outreach Division at
(202) 797-5435.

Petrel's Open Line. . .

The things to know about vomiting

By Patrick Fossett

Your freshman

year of college is one in which
you don't realize its full im-
pact until later in life. Prob-
ably years down the road
you'll look back and think
"What the hell was I doing?"
For many this virgin voyage
from home houses sizable
stresses and pressures.

The pressures take
on different forms depending
on the individual. For some
eating is a crutch to lean on.
You ' ve heard of the "freshman
10". Others simply go mad.
My freshman year I was a
foaming maniac. Today I am
merely a donut short of a
dozen. Many discover the al-
tered reality of intoxication for
the first time. While I'm not
out to endorse or condemn this
activity, all too often drinking
produces its share of conse-

I simply want to
offer some advice to the fresh-
men who may not have their
act together yet. Not that up-
perctassmen know everything
like we think we do. In fact,
few students couldn't learn
something by reading on.

drinking will continue with, or
without my influence until to-

tal human genocide occurs.
Since it will happen, let me
give some pointers to those
who may have too much. Be-
cause to be quite frank, many
sauced sods out there are
clueless in how to properly
purge themselves. Vomiting in
a socially acceptable manner
is a road seldom traveled by
the masses. My aim is to make
you better barters.

Vomiting is a skill
that takes time to master. Start-
ing out you're bound to make
mistakes, and that's human.
Few will have a virgin drunken
hurl that they will be proud of
Odds are you won 't be the only
soul effected by your effort.
The following are some guide-
lines I've compiled to help you
avoid some unnecessary mis-
takes. No need to thank me...

Rule #1: If you
know you're going to drink
too much, plan ahead. Those
who fail to plan, plan to fail.
First and foremost, don't wear
expensive clothes. Forget
dressing to impress the oppo-
site sex at the party. If you're
drunk, what you're wearing is
far removed from the opposite
sex's mind. Being soiled in
your own regurgitates is just
as self-debasing in an SAE
mixer T-shirt as it is in a

sweater from Lord and Taylor.

Rule #2: Learn
the hierarchy of suitable places
to vomit. A white shag
nonstain-resistant carpet is the
wrong place to puke. Wood is
better but tile or linoleum is
preferred. Always keep in
mind the best places to hurl
and don't make yourself inac-
cessible to these places. The
safest rooms are generally
bathrooms and the kitchen.
Not only is the floor easy-
cleaning but cleaning supplies
are often kept nearby. Beside,
sinks and toilets practically
have "spew here" signs on

Mind you the toi-
let is a deceptive target. Sure
it has a bigger drain than the
tub or the sink, but it's low to
the ground. When you're
drunk, your balance is off and
bending over can send your
head spinning. What was once
an inviting target has become
one slippery opponent. The
next morning you look like an
insufferable boob for what ap-
pears to be a 3 60 degree power

To me, the best
place to perform this delicate
procedure is a sink with a gar-
bage disposal. It's waist high,
has an oversized unclogging
drain, and the disposal is much

more simple.

Rule #3: Outside
is better than inside. Rule #2
should be heeded in emergen-
cies only. Sheer simplicity and
ease of cleanup makes the out-
doors the best place to take
care of business. Why do you
think that the back of the old
Chi Phi house was so popular?
Privacy, an enormous drop-
zone, and the rains will even-
tually come and nature will
run its course (easy cleanup).

Preferred loca-
tions are tall grass (like behind
Chi Phi's old house), and down
a hilltop. Tall grass provides a
barrier against ankle
splatterings, which is nice. And
barfing downhill provides the
peace of mind that gravity is
taking cargo away instead of
forming a lake around your
feet. Tracking vomit inside is
definitely a faux pas.

If these rules are
observed you're well on your
way to a lifetime of happy
hurling. These 3 rules are
hardly a complete guide to all
there is to know. I would
hardly call myself the master,
merely an avid amateur. Next
issue, assuming this article
gets printed, I'll discuss "I've
puked, now what?" In the
mean time enjoy the life you

Page 10/The Stormy Petrel/November 8, 1993


By Daniel Rosenthal

The movie A

Nightmare Before Christmas

should be titled A Nightmare

That Should Never Be Seen .

it is that bad. Rated PG, it is
not a good date movie, and it
is not something I would take
my family to go see. It com-
pletely insults Christmas, and
the animation is not all that
special. Remember those
cheezy Christmas movies with
the little wooden figures that
moved? Well, that's how bad
the animation is in this film.
Plot line, you might wonder
let me save you the agony of
going by stating; there is none.

I suppose for those
poor souls that still want to see
it 1 should talk about what the
movie is about. Jack the
Pumpkin King discovers
Chistmastown and all the won-
der that goes with it. He de-
cides that the people of
Halloweentown will do Christ-
mas this year. Sally, his even-
tual love interest, knows that
it will be a disaster if Jack
takes on Christmas. Jack kid-
naps Santa Claus and goes off
to bring Halloween-style
Christmas to the land. Jack
does ruin Christmas, but don't
fear, he returns to free Santa
Claus from the Boogie Man
and Christmas is saved. Jack
and Sal ly find out that they are
meant to be together and the
movie, thankfully, ends.

Almost a love
story, almost a heartwarming
Christmas tale, the movie falls
way short of its intended goal.
If you have seen the commer-
cials, you have seen all the
furmy" lines in the movie. If
your boyfriend/girlfriend
wants to see it, break up with
them to spare yourself from
wasting time and money. The
movie is worse than the school
food, and I wouldn't have my
worst enemy go see it.

Gettysburg is as good as the hype

By Daniel Rosenthal

By now the hype

has made this movie into a
classic. The story behind the
production of Gettysburg is
almost as good as the movie
itself. Ted Turner the televi-
sion and movie mogul wanted
this film to be a made for tele-
vision epic. The costs got too
high and he decided to make
this the longest movie ever.
There will be no sequel to this
film, the South lost. Why
make a film in which the con-
clusion is already known?
Perhaps the director himself
best answers this question
when he states, "I believe that
in some measure our ancestors
who met at Gettysburg a hun-
dred and thirty years ago will
re-enter the consciousness of a
nation through our film." Af-
ter seeing the movie I believe
that statement to be correct.
The movie makes one feel as
if they are actually there.

On July 1, 1863,
more than 1 50,000 soldiers
were drawn by fate to the de-
ciding moment of the Civil
War. Men of honor in an age
when honor meant everything,
they fought out of loyalty to
country or homeland, or to pre-
serve states' rights; many more
were moved to the defense of
individual freedom. However
one feels about the Civil War
or war in general, the movie
carefully covers all the bases.
One does not have to be a lover
of history to appreciate this
movie. The movie concen-
trates on the psychology of war
and of the soldier. It makes
one understand how men
wanted to be led to their death
for the right cause. The movie,
based on the Pulitzer prize-
winning The Killer Angels by
Michael Shaara, is what direc-
tor Ronald Maxwell calls "an
exploration of the human
soul." Maxwell continues:
"[OJne of the ironies of Killer
Angels, is that we understand
and identify with each one of
the characters. We have great
sympathy for them; we care
about them, we admire their
zeal, their compassion, their
commitment. Every character
is quite exemplary, quite lik-

able. At the same time, each
one of them is ready to kill for
what he believes in; each one
of them embodies the killer
and the angel in the human

The movie really
takes this viewpoint to its ex-
treme. One almost feels that
the war was glorified by the
movie. The Southern soldiers
in the film are made out to be

it on too long.

The soldier's men-
tality, a subject that many
books are now being written
on, was brought out by the
film. The willingness for men
to fight and die for some cause
has fascinated psychologists
and this author for some time.
Two of the main characters un-
derstood that this battle would
be a tragedy for both sides, but

Major General George E. Pickett (Stephen Lang, right) sa-
lutes Lieutenant General James Longstreet (Tom Berenger,
left) in the Civil War epic Gettysburg presented by Turner
Pictures and New Line Cinema. photo by Merrick Morton

honorable people who were
fighting the good fight. I felt
as if I should be rooting for the
South to win. In my opinion,
the Northern soldiers all were
under the influence that they
were fighting to free the slaves
and only because they had re-
ally bad generals did the war
last as long as it did. While it
is historically true that the
South had some of the great-
est generals this country had
ever seen, that does not make
the 'cause' right. Actually, the
biggest complaint about the
movie was how the director
milked Pickett's Charge for all
its worth. One of the most fa-
mous charges in American his-
tory, and one of the most
doomed, the charge took place
over an mile-wide stretch of
open field Yes, the charge was
astronomical in size and effort
but the movie really dragged

the battle still occurred. One
Southern general even told
General Lee that he did not
believe they would win this
battle using Lee's strategy.
Lee, often considered as a tac-
tical genius, didn't listen and
was wrong. Unfortunately for
20,000 Confederate soldiers
he was dead wrong. The
amazing thing is the film
shows that even after the South
had lost there were still troops
willing to die for Lee. Maybe
I don 't understand how people
can be willing to be led to their
death or how generals know-
ing that the fight will be lost
still send men off to their death.
Maybe I am a pacifist or a hu-
manist, but these questions
filled my mind as the carnage
filled the screen. Luckily, the
director didn't feel the need to
show the horror of war like in
Platoon or Born on the

Fourth of July, but he still
manages to get his message
across. The message in my
opinion is that war is hell, but
at times it is necessary. While
I don't personally agree with
that statement, I still enjoyed
the movie as an historical

It was filmed on
location, with actual profes-
sional re-enactors. The film is
almost as historically correct
as it can get. 5,000 re-enac-
tors gave the characters they
played a real feel to them that
regular actors couldn't have.
Military and history buffs from
all over the world came to-
gether to make this movie
work. They had on-set histori-
cal consultants and military
choreographers that helped the
production become what is
probably the most accurate
Civil War film ever made.

The cast didn't
hurt either. With such heavy-
weights as Tom Berenger, Jeff
Daniels, Sam Eliott, and Mar-
tin Sheen, the movie couldn't
go wrong. Sheen played Gen-
eral Robert E. Lee, and while
I do not know how historically
correct the portrayal was, it
was amazing. Lee was de-
picted as a southern gentleman
and an extremely pious indi-
vidual. Duty was the highest
commitment that a human be-
ing could make. The charac-
ter of Lee embodies the soldier
mentality that I have touched
on briefly in this article.

In conclusion the
film, at four hours and eight
minutes, is one of the longest
movies ever made. It has an
intermission, but overall flows
rather quickly. As mentioned
previously, my only real com-
plaint is with Pickett's Charge,
which I felt to be a bit drawn
out. This is not really a great
date movie, but it definitely
worth seeing just for the sheer
scale of the film. I felt as if I
was a soldier in the army fight-
ing for the 'cause'. While I
will never defend warfare or
the South, the film is so his-
torically realistic that it is im-
possible not to find oneself
rooting for one side or the
other. In the end, Lee is shown
as a broken and dishearten
man, still willing to fight. The
northern soldiers are just glad
it is all over.

Page 11/The Stormy Petrel/November 8, 1993


"Love's Labor's Lost" entertains

By Yoli Hernandez

On October 14-

17, the Playmakers success-
fully performed Shakespeare's
comedy "Love's Labour's

Helen Holifield, and three la-
dies, Kimberley Worley, Jen-
nifer Wyatt, and Stacey
Geagan, come to Navarre on
a diplomatic mission. The
four men of Navarre become
intrigued with the French
women and write
__ sonnets to them.
^, The women, find-
ing the king and
his court

"Love's Labour's Lost" is
filled with wordplay. The ac-
tors consistently held the
audience's attention with their
puns and word games. Neva-
was there a dull moment
throughout the duration of this
muddled love story. Laughter
was kept in the air with char-
acters such as Nathaniel and
Mote. Micheal Billlingsley,
who played the effeminate

to grasp; their vivacious per-
formances really heightened
the comedy to its peak.

The Playmakers
success was so evident that
they appeared in a segment of
"Good Morning Atlanta."
The talk show filmed the
Playmakers live at one of their
rehearsals while focusing on
their "fast food Shakespeare"
production. ^^^The play in


Nathaniel, was its *V^\ entiret


Lost." Under the di-

rection of Lee Knippenberg,
they performed the story of
how King Ferdinand of
Navarre, played by Chris
Brown, and three friends,
played by Tharius Sumter,
James Gramling, and Troy
Dwyer, decide to retire into the
woods and spend three years
in study and fasting, speaking
to no woman. However, their
plan is destroyed when the
Princess of France, played by

iers are coming masked to woo
them, mask themselves and see
to it that each man gets the
wrong girl. After this is
cleared up, a rustic entertain-
ment is enjoyed, when word
comes that the King of France
is dead, and the princess must
return. King Ferdinand asks
the princess to marry him, and
his lords propose to her ladies,
who join the princess in post-
poning their answer for a year
and a day.

As a typical
Shakespearian comedy,

greatly amusing with his al-
tered, softened voice and with
the gestures he made with his
scarf. Mandy Gardner did an
exceptional job with her
portrayl of the male side-kick
Mote. Her enthusiasm and
witty replies are worth noting.
Overall, the whole cast, which
also included Pat Mulheam,
Jon Shiley, Anthony Wilson,
Kelly Moynes, Sarah Henry,
Erin O'Brien, Kent McKay,
and Heath Coleman did a won-
derful job enacting a
Shakespearian play whose lan-
guage could have otherwise
been difficult for the audience


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would be about

hours when

m e d .

Monologues and extraneous
dialogue had to be cut out in
order to make it the one and a
half hour production that
would be understandable to
the average theatre goer.

It was obvious that
the cast worked well together
and that as a whole they ex-
erted a great effort in making
the play as effective as it was.
Troy Dwyer represents the
feelings of the cast: "I think
we were all really surprised at
how well received this play
was. It was great, particularly
after all the hours of tedious
rehearsal time we put in. Of
course, some people had more
of a cross to bear than others.
I mean, you've never seen pain
and suffering until you ' ve seen
Jamie Gramling in control-top
tights. Not pretty."

The talented thes-
pians of Oglethorpe will con-
tinue to work diligently on
their three upcoming produc-
tions. November 20 and 2 1 st,
Alpha Psi Omega, the drama
fraternity, will put on Christo-
pher Durang's "Laughing
Wild." In February, a
children's musical entitled
"Thirteen Clocks" will be per-
formed. Finally, the
Playmakers will enact Larry
Atlas' all male production
"Total Abandoa" Hope to see
you there.

By Chris Brown

Entertainment Editor

What remains

riveting about Pearl Jam's Jen
is the character type leering at
us from every musical cranny:
Eddie Vedder, tastefully inject-
ing his own deeper self into the
pop-rock mold. We are fasci-
nated with the sense of it, the
intertwining of vivacious riff
and rhythm with the disjointed
long-flowing spell of lyric
voice, the celebration of sad-
ness, an appropriate appraisal
of what our lackluster and hap-
less youngsters need; for them,
Ten will endure.

Coming away
from such a phenomenal suc-
cess on their first try, Pearl
Jam's testing ground waited
for them in the studio, the cre-
ation of a second album. For-
tunately, what they have cre-
ated in Versus is something
equally impressive as the first,
but made so without rely ing on
the same sounds and images.
Pearl Jam seems to have
stepped outside of themselves:
lyrically, the perspective has
changed form outside to in-
side, social criticism as it were,
and musically, the drives and
swells seem to be an ostensible
reworking of older traditional
forms, clever mimics of their
root history folk and blues.
In essence, Pearl Jam has man-
aged to shed the grunge-god
label and metamorphasized
into, simply, a powerful song
writing and performing group.

Don't believe for a
minute, however, that the min-
strels have stopped being exu-
berant; the musical backbone
of the album is still driven and
solid, and funky. Also the mel-
ancholy, though turned in new
directions, is still poignant and
convincing The core of Pearl
Jam remains, only now they
have managed to de-hole
themselves and expand into a
world-class pop group, not just
an alternative one.

Page 12/The Stormy Petrel/November 8, 1993


It was so dose to his Tantasy-come-trua.

Page 13/The Stormy Petrel/November 8, 3.993


THE Crossword


1 Tepid
5 Hits hard
10 Smelting

14 Bewildered

15 Ghostly

16 Senate

17 Heavenly object
16 Pertaining to


1 9 Newspaper

20 Line of cliffs
22 Organic


24 They play at

25 Suffer pain

26 Wander

29 Examined again

33 "Half is
better ..."

34 Walked in water

35 River: Sp.

36 Intelligence

37 Ranted

38 Venetian resort

39 Night before

40 Wise ones

41 Potato e.g.

42 Kinsman

44 Rattan workers

45 Oven

46 Chagall

47 in a spin
50 Big cats

54 Paper quantity

55 Muse of poetry

57 Cleveland's lake

58 Clothing

59 Ind. money

60 Gr. peak

61 Butterine

62 Time periods

63 do-well


1 Stinger

2 Movie dog

3 Actual

4 Xylophone

5 Lawmaking

































































6 Is ahead

7 Comic Johnson

8 Miss Farrow

9 Chose

1 Treats

1 1 Tardy

12 Ripening agent

13 Valuable

21 Ego

23 Farm building

25 Mosquito genus

26 More crude

27 Animated

28 Traveler's

29 Poe's bird

30 Indian group

31 Duck

32 Wall openings
34 Horse-drawn


37 Banter

38 Noon meal

40 Recipe direction

41 Sour












V 1






































































































































































43 With hands on 49 Rabbit

44 Water craft

46 Alma

47 Jason's ship

48 Whip mark

50 Father

51 Gaelic

52 Get up

53 Scorch
56 Regret

IN l







7 tt ' s m




,^rr ^Fleers
) THf i/AVT

^ VOID X q
_SWS in

' VooR.

by Scott Selsor1993

Pages 14/The Stormy Petrel/Movember 8, 1993


Knightmare on Peachtree Street has returned

By Flandy Tidwell

What's the hot

test game in Atlanta these

Baseball? The
season is over and well, they
j usl could not win it all. This
tieam will need a miracle to
stay together in 1994. Otis
Nixon's decision to become a
free agent is a bad start to what
will be a rough offseason for
Braves' fans.

Football? More
people go to the Dome to see
if Elvis has actually claimed
the ticket coach Jerry
Glanville has reserved for him
than to watch the Falcons play.
The good news is that one of
the Braves in playing well for
the team. Some are expecting
Tom Glavine to try out as a
backup to quarterback Bobby

Basketball? The
Hawks will be improved fun-
damentally, but there are too
many good teams to expect a
long run in the playoffs.

Hockey? In the
South? The only ice in the
South is the ice which keeps
your Coca-Cola cold. Atlanta
Knights hockey is a dream

come true for Atlanta sports
fans and a Knightmare for
their IHL opponents.

The Knights play
in the highly competitive Inter-
national Hockey League. The
players in this league are con-
sidered the top prospects for
the National Hockey League.
The teams in the IHL all have
"parent" NHL teams. This
means that the parent sells
these teams contracts of some
of their younger players so that
they may prepare for the inten-
sity of play in the NHL. Also,
many IHL teams have former
NHL players who are either
trying to get back into the big
leagues or maybe just trying
to squeeze out one more sea-
son on the ice. There experi-
enced players often serve as
role models to the younger

The Knights last
year were led by captain Keith
Osbourne. He has been report-
edly called up to play in
Tampa Bay and probably will
not be back for a long time.
Some of the players you will
probably see this year are:
Keith LaPuma, one of last
year's heaviest hitters, Brett
Gretzky, the younger brother
of the great Wayne Gretzky,

and Manon Rheaume, the first
female to play professional
sports with men.

What should you
expect at a hockey game? The
rule is that fans go to a fight
and a hockey game breaks out.
This is not quite true. You'll
see lots of talented skating,
heavy hitting, excellent skills

at handling a hard rubber
puck, and OK, don't be sur-
prised if a couple of players get
too rough for each other's lik-

Fans at the game
enjoy many opportunities to
feel a part of the game. Fans
up close to the action may see

the effects of a powerful body
check against the boards. Oth-
ers get to scream the famous
line "Knights on Power Play"
when the opponent is penal-
ized for misconduct.

The Knightmare
on Peachtree Street has re-

Petrel baseball team plays
a "hard-nosed" fall season

By Daryl Brooks


is how coach Bill Popp de-
scribes his team after their suc-
cessful fall campaign. Popp,
in his first year at the helm of
the Petrel ship, guided his team
to a 5-3-1 record over the fall
season. This record includes
wins over Gordon Junior Col-
lege 10-3, Young Harris 7-3
and Emory 3-1 and 5-4.
Coach Popp gave his team a
B grade for the fall season.
"The key to this year s success
will be pitching," stated Popp.
"We've worked hard on the
pitching and it has come

through for us this fall."

This year's pitch-
ing staff will be lead by Vinny
McGrath, Mike Thomas, and
Chip Evans. These three
workhorses will be supported
by Brian Parker, Adam
Gellert, Tim Crowley, Tom
Gambino, Chuck De-
Normandie, Tony Fernandez
and John Newbill. Coach
Popp will make no predictions
about how his team will fare
in the spring. Right now he

feels good about his squad.
The team opens the spring sea-
son with three games in Texas
against Southwestern Univer-
sity. The team will also travel
to Tennessee and Kentucky in
search of the conference title.
The Petrel 's quest for the con-
ference title will end right here
as O.U. plays host to the
Southern Collegiate Athletic
Conference Baseball Champi-
onships April 21-23.

Petrel volleyball team goes
to conference tournament

By Daryl Brooks

After finishing

a successful regular season
with a 21-9 record the Petrel
volleyball team now prepares
for the conference tournament.
The team ended
the regular season with a vic-
tory over SCAD and a loss to
Emory. In this hard fought
match the Petrels rallied from
a 2 games to 1 deficit to defeat
SCAD3 games to2 (15-5, 13-
15, 15-13, and 16-14). The
lady Petrels were paced in this
match by junior ou (side hitter
Ann Mason and junior middle
hitter Lori Green.

In the team's final
outing of the regular season
they were defeated by a tough
Emory team. After winning
the first match 1 5 - 1 3 the team
lost the final 3 matches by 9-
15, 5-15, and 11-15 counts.

"We have played a
tougher schedule [this year]
and we've beat people who we
have not beat before. We have
also played a more compli-
cated offense this year," stated
coach Brenda Hillman on her
team's play this season. How-
ever coach Hillman also feels
her team "needs to do a better
job of blocking and we need
to play at a regional level."

Last week the
team prepared for last
weekend's (November 5-7)
conference tournament at Cen-
ter College in Danville, Ken-
tucky. The lady Petrels have
the #3 seed for the tournament
and will face the #4 seed
Rhodes in the first round. The
Petrels and Rhodes have
locked horns once this season
with Rhodes winning in 4
games at home. "We have a
good shot at making the cham-
pionship game," commented
coach Hillman. "Trinity is the
team to beat but we should
play well and make it to the
championship game."

campus organiza-
tions, highly

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Page 15/The Stormy Petrel/Movember 8, 1993


All Dunn: It's time to get serious (yea right)

By Dunn Neugebauer

Haven't been

serious all year and now is no
time to start Some lists, for no
particular reason.

Classic Quotes:
An OU student, on whether or
not she plays any sports: "No,
not athletically."

Brett Teach, on his treatment
of referees: "I never, ever yell
at an official. I just help them
and encourage them a little

A football coach at the now
defunct North Fulton High
School, speaking about his
team: "We got everybody
coming back from last year,
but when you got everybody
back from a 1-9 team, I don't
know if that's good or bad."

Another football coach, at
Westminster: "We're so
banged up we need to put red
cross symbols on our jerseys."

Jill McLester to Shelley
Robinson, after Robinson
sprained her ankle on the cen-
ter tap in a home game last
year: "Come on Shelley, we
ain't even got started good."

McLester to Coach Hillman,
during a home game, explain-
ing how she cut her knee and
why it was bleeding: "I was

walking downstairs to get an-
other plate of spaghetti and I
tripped and fell."

Predictions for basketball sea-

1) Brenda Hillman will for-
get her scorebook at least once.

2) Tony Lentini will carry on
a conversation with me, but
damned if I'll know what

3) The women's basketball
team will win their first three
home games.

4) There won't be enough
electrical jacks at the scorers
table to fit the stat computer,
the shot clock, the clock and
the stereo system.

5) Above problem will mys-
teriously disappear when
Coach Berkshire walks into
the gym.

6) Jim will pace the floor, fran-
tically searching for work
study before home opener;
they will arrive, fashionably
late as expected.

7) Ward Jones will never, ever
forget to start the clock again.

8) Steve Jobe won't care
about any of the above, be-
cause he'll be making recruit-
ing calls.

9) On Feb. 25, 1994, the men
will win the conference. Party
at the Love Shack immedi-
ately thereafter. BYOC.
(Bring your own chair)

10) Davis, Schutt and Vickers
will play so well, the Atlanta
Journal will actually consider



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putting them in the paper.
But... the Emory student that
studies while on roller skates
will get top billing instead..

11) Above newspaper burned
to ground in mysterious fire.

12) Brooke Hennier will for-
get about a morning practice
at least once.

13) Meredyth Grenier won't
be able to decide between
wearing the green suit with the
cowboy boots or the blue
slacks with the elevator shoes.

14) The concession stands
will run out of Starburst by

15) Who's going to run the
shot clock without Dr.

Books to read/not to read:

1) Congo : Michael Crichton...
You thought "Jurassic Park"
and "Rising Sun" were his best
but you were wrong..

2) Real Magic : Wayne Dyer...
Sometimes you don't have to
read motivational material to
achieve greatness; sometimes
you have to read it just to stay

3) General's Daughter :
Nelson DeMille... It's a mur-
der mystery told by an
everyday, hormonal smart
aleck. A more serious

4) Less Than Zero : Brett
Easton Ellis... Worst piece of
#&@!&* I've ever read.

5) Vision Question : Terry
Davis... As good as the movie.

6) The Shining : Stephen
King.. Picturing Jack
Nicholson and reading
Stephen King at the same time
is an excellent combination.

7) Anything by Douglas
Adams or Tom Robbins...
Two very bizarre young men.

8) Ransom : Jay Mclnemey:
See explanation of No. 4.

9) Midnight : Dean Koontz:
Good stuff, believable even.

10) Be True to Your School :
Bob Greene; A diary of high
school. Loved it.

Honors, Miscellaneous:
1) Congratulations to Steve
Jobe, for correctly predicting
the Jays in six.

2) Ditto to Sam Hutcheson for
calling the Braves winning the

3) The cross country teams,
forcompilinga41-l dual meet
record since 1990.

4) The OU women's volley-
ball team, for defeating those
large women from SCAD in
an exciting five-game match.

5) Katrina Heath, for averag-
ing a foul every 6.2 minutes
during her OU hoops career
and setting record for fouling
out in only seven minutes of
play vs. Piedmont.

Got to go now, un-
til next time, study hard or
marry somebody rich...

Dunn, James

Petrels survive
soccer season

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The Oglethorpe

University soccer season is fi-
nally over. For the women, it
was a definite improvement
over the past seasons. Unfor-
tunately, for the men, it ended
much worse than last season.
On the weekend of October 30
and 31, then Petrels were at
Trinity and Hendrix, respec-
tively. On October 30, both
teams suffered losses to the
ranked Trinity Tigers. The
men fell by the score of 3-1.
Tony Avila scored the lone
goal for the Petrels. This game
lacked five different starting
players who were not allowed
to play due to ineligibility
complications. This hurt the
Petrels very much as substi-
tutes were forced to play in
different positions and had to
fill the shoes of some of our
most prolific players.

The Lady Petrels
suffered a harsh loss to the #4
nationally ranked Lady Tigers
by the score of 8-1. Scoring
for the Petrels was Terra
Winthrop. The next day
proved to be a much better
game for the women as they
defeated Hendrix College 1 -0.
Kirsten Hanszek scored the
goal for the Petrels. This game

marked the final game for
Michelle Ponte and Andrea
Beasley, who will both be
graduating this year. Both
were consistent starters for the
Lady Petrels during their years
at Oglethorpe. Their contribu-
tions to the team will be greatly

On Sunday, Octo-
ber 31, the men suffered an-
other loss, this time to the un-
derdog team, Hendrix. The
game was a sloppy display of
poor soccer combined with
poor officiating. Both
Cameron Bready and Will
Lukow were ejected from the
game on poor calls by the ref-
eree. The fans for Hendrix
also frustrated the OU men's
team. The men lost 2-1 with a
goal from Lukow. It is unfor-
tunate the season had to end
the way it did, especially for a
team that contained so much
potential. The men will also
be losing players to graduation
this year. Captain Cameron
Bready, Joe Aykempong, and
Rob Hutcheson will all be
graduating this year. Their
talent and contribution to the
team will be greatly missed
and will leave many slots open
on the field. Thank you to all
five seniors for your hard work
and leadership for all the years
playing at OU.

The Stormy Petrel wants you

Please attend our weekly meetings if you are
interested in writing for the Petrel.

Page 16/The Stormy Petrel/November 8, 1993




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The Stormy Petrel

Vo lume 69, Issue 5 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University November 22, 1 993

Congressman speaks at Oglethorpe

Boar's Head

Page 2

New addition to
field house

Page 3

A tutor speaks

Page 7

Letter to the

Page 9

Doug Pack
makes Nationals

Page 16

Comics: 12-13

Editorials: 8-9



Features: 6-7

Grapevine: 4

Greeks: 14

News: 2-4

Open Line: 6

Organizations: 5

ProFile: 7

Screentest: 10

Security: 2

Soundcheck: 11

Sports: 15-16

By Daniel Rosenthal

On Friday, November

12, U.S. Congressman John
Linder, 4th District, Georgia
held a meeting in the
Grenwald Room in
Oglethorpe University's
Emerson Student Center.
Linder represents the district in
which Oglethorpe is in. The
objective of his being at O.U.
was to speak on his viewpoint
for about ten minutes and then
open the floor to questions
from the audience. The ques-
tions were moderated by Dr. J.
Knippenberg. Linder, in his
opening statement professed
his belief that this country is
at what he called "the great
philosophical divide." He be-
1 ieves that we have fundamen-
tal differences in this country.
Linder, a Republican, stated
that Clinton and the left know
exactly how the future should
look. They believe that it is
the obligation of the govern-
ment to tax people and then
make the decisions for you.
Linder has no claim on what
the future will bring, but he
and the Republican people,
believe in less government.
Linder finished his remarks by

stating the belief that human
beings move in the following
pattern of development: bond-
age freedom compla-
cency/dependence bondage,
and that this country is some-
where between complacency
and dependence. At that point
he opened the floor to ques-

Immediately, the North
America Free Trade Agree-
ment (NAFTA) and his posi-

tion on it was brought up.
Linder said that after careful
consideration on the matter he
would vote for it. NAFTA he
said "is not going to cost jobs,
nor is it going to create jobs."
He also feels that the media has
made a bigger deal out of
NAFTA than is necessary. Ap-
parently there were some con-
cerned citizens in the room,
who on their own time had re-
searched NAFTA and all that

U.S. Congresman John Linder, 4th District, Georgia.

photo courtesy of Congressman Lindets D.C. office

it meant to this country, and
expressed their fears. Linder,
assured the audience that he
had carefully studied the ques-
tions the audience had raised
and was assured that the U.S.
sovereignty would not be com-
promised. He said that there
was a six month escape clause
along with a three year escape
clause so the U.S. had nothing
to fear. "And if I am wrong
you can vote me out of office,"
he said.

Next, he was asked
about health care and the
Clinton plan. He went back
to opening statement in an-
swering questions on the
Health Care plan. Saying that
it was basically a choice be-
tween ideals, and that the
Clinton Plan would not pass.
He said that Clinton's Plan
called for taking over the en-
tire insurance business, which
makes up 14% of the entire
U.S. economy. By doing so,
Linder believes that the deci-
sions will be taken out of the
hands of the people and put
into the bureaucrats hands. He
concluded by asking if that is
what America wants, because
he doesn't think the govern-
ment should be making deci-
sions for all of us.

Strategic Planning about to reveal findings

By Trish Hinton

A year ago, the begin-

nings of what became
Oglethorpe's Strategic Plan-
ning Committee started exam-
ining just where Oglethorpe
University stood as a small,
private liberal arts college.
They estimated future growth
and de%'elopments, goals and
wishes. In rechecking their
wish list, the committee de-
cided that with the resources
and positive points associated
with the university, much of
the seemingly out of reach
"wishes" were indeed attain-


George Keller was hired
to assist in the organization of
the committee's goals and
plans. A grant was provided
that would take care of the fee
for his services. His major role
was to help the committee ana-
lyze what exactly sets O.U.
apart from other similar col-
leges. The result? hat does
make O.U. better than its
peers? Most important and
most unrecognized was At-
lanta. The city itself provides
opportunities galore as an in-
ternational city of global es-
teem. It was the greatest re-
source that was not even close

to being tapped to the fullest. liberal arts schools. Over the

They also discovered that
among universities similar in
focus to O. U, we had the least
amount of outside financial
resources. As committee
member, Dr. Victoria Weiss
commented, "he taught us how
to think strategically and gave
us perspective."

The committee's pur-
pose, then, lay before them: to
incorporate O.U.'s positive
qualities and plan expansions
and new programs that will
emphasize those qualities as
well as offer prospective stu-
dents something that they can-
not receive from other s%iall

summer, they met and devel-
oped a rough draft of their
ideas and spent this fall semes-
ter strengthening, revising, and
refining them. In the past, a
committee had been formed
that decided to enhance
Oglethorpe by pushing the
academic excellence of its stu-
dents. The S.AT. scores fi-
nally averaged well above
1000 and O.U increased its
selectivity. With these goals
achieved, the next includes a
focus on expanding the staff
and faculty, increased enroll-
ment, new buildings, and new
see Strategic Planning page 3

Page 2/The Stormy Petrel/November 22, 1993




- On Saturday, Octo-
ber 30, at 2:35 am, a male stu-
dent driving towards Greek
row struck a Ga Power Pole
on the side of the road. Both
the vehicle and the pole were
severely damaged. Fortu-
nately, the driver was unin-
jured but his passenger was
taken to Northside Hospital to
be treated for minor injuries
she suffered during the colli-
sion. She was released from
the hospital the same night.
The pole was repaired on
Tuesday, November 2nd.
Since public propery, the light
pole had been damaged,
Dekalb County Police were
called to file a report. A Geor-
gia Power repairman came out
at 4:33 am and surveyed the
damage. He said that given the
severity of the damage, the
pole could not be fixed until
the next Monday.

- On Sunday, November
7th, a student's mother skipped
on loose grating in front of
Alumni Hall. Her chin had a
slight laceration. She was sent
to the hospital to have stitches
on the wound.

- Also on Sunday, No-
vember 7th, at 10:00 pm, the
library called to report a pos-
sible electrical fire on the 2nd
floor of the library. When the
officer on duty, Dr. Knott, and
John Ryland, the librarian, ar-
rived to check it out, they
found that water had shorted
out a smoke detector and that
emergency exit signs on the
2nd floor were out. Mainte-
nance discovered that several
fuses in the breaker box had
been blown. He, the mainte-
nance worker, decided that
while the library was in no im-
mediate danger, the 24 hour
study room should be closed
for the night, until repairs
could be made in the morning.
The student center was left
open to provide an alternative
study she.

Boar's Head Celebration opens season

By Tim Evans

Among the more for-
mal holiday events this year
(and every year) is the Boar's
Head Ceremony, Concert and
Reception. These three events,
jointly known as The Boar's
Head Celebration, serve as the
official induction of members
into the Omicron Delta Kappa
(ODK) Society, as well as pro-
viding an opportune time for
faculty, staff, students and
alumni to get together during
the holiday season. The cel-
ebration will begin Friday
evening, December 3.

This year's Boar's Head
Ceremony will open
Oglethorpe's holiday season
quietly and solemnly at 6:30
pm. The ceremony will be
held in the Great Hall. Mem-

bers of ODK will gather
dressed in the traditional black
robes. The ceremony, unlike
the concert and reception, is
closed to the public. The cer-
emony is the start of the eve-
nings activities. The ceremony
is an induction for those stu-
dents faculty and staff that
have been selected for mem-
bership in Omicron Delta
Kappa. The ceremony will
end shortly before the begin-
ning of the concert, and the
ODK members, faculty and
staff (led by the boar's head)
will process into Lupton Au-
ditorium for the beginning of
the concert.

The concert will com-
mence at 7:30 pm. Everyone
within the Oglethorpe commu-
nity is invited to this formal oc-
casion. This year's concert will

feature a variety of holiday en-
tertainment performed by
many familiar faces. The con-
cert will be a culmination of
holiday readings, songs and
instrumental performances.
Standing-room-only was the
rule at last year's concert. It
has a reputation of excellence
among holiday performances.
Those intending to sit should
plan to arrive early. The con-
cert will be followed by a re-
ception in the Museum/Gal-

Following the concert,
the celebration will move to
the Museum Gallery atop the
library for the reception hosted
by the Oglethorpe Student As-
sociation. Thanks to the
Alumni Board, the Museum
will be decorated for the holi-
day season along with the
Nicholas Roerich exhibit.

Live music and food will be
provided. The Oglethorpe
Stage Band and the Winds
Ensemble will play for
everyone's delight The recep-
tion promises to be an experi-
ence of sight, sound, and taste.
The Boar's Head Cel-
ebration represents a culmina-
tion of Oglethorpe's talents
and resources. The participa-
tion and performances may be
a surprise for many
Oglethorpe Students.

Student's may see many of
their professors in a new con-
text. The celebration is as
much a part of Oglethorpe's
time-honored traditions as it is
an annual labor of love for
those involved. There is no
charge for attending the con-
cert and reception. The events
are free and open to the
Oglethorpe Community.

Omicron Delta Kappa taps eleven

By Ronald L. Carlisle
ODK Faculty Secretary

On Tuesday, Novem-
ber 2, the Oglethorpe Univer-
sity Circle of Omicron Delta
Kappa, National Leadership
Honor Society, tapped nine
students and two faculty mem-
bers for induction into the so-
ciety. The new student mem-
bers are David Loien
Barnhart, Brian Alexander
Davis, Kathleen Marie Farrell,
Stacy L. Geagan, William
Teamo Girton, Ann Mason,
Jill Marie Reiss, Jamie Chris-
tine Walker, and Jennifer
Marie Wyatt. President
Donald S. Stanton and Profes-
sor Dean Tucker are the new
faculty initiates.

Omicron Delta Kappa
was organized in 1914 at
Washington and Lee Univer-
sity. Its purposes are to recog-
nize college leadership of ex-
ceptional quality and versatil-
ity, and to bring together out-
standing students, faculty and
administrators in the spirit of
mutual interest, understanding
and helpfulness.

Omicron Delta Kappa
places emphasis on the devel-
opment of the whole person,
both as a present member of
his or her college community
and as a prospective contribu-
tor to a better society.

The Oglethorpe Circle
of Omicron Delta Kappa was
chartered in 1976, when it re-
placed our original Boar's

Head and Duchess Societies.

Induction into Omicron
Delta Kappa is one of the high-
est honors an Oglethorpe stu-
dent may achieve. The By-
Laws of the Oglethorpe ODK
Circle limit membership to at
most fifteen student members.

The new members of
Omicron Delta Kappa will be
inducted into the Society im-

mediately preceding the
Boar's Head Ceremony on
Friday evening, December 3.
They will be presented for-
mally at Boar's Head.

Congratulations to these
new members of ODK. Their
induction is a recognition of
great accomplishments and
many significant contributions
to the Oglethorpe community.

New and old members of ODK.

photo counesy or Marshall A/asor,

Page 3/The Stormy Petrel/November 22, 1993


Dedicated alumnus makes addition possible

By Ryan P. Queen
and Chopper Johnson
News Editor

"Mr. Oglethorpe,"
Steve Schmidt, and his wife,
Jeanne, are making possible a
22,000-square-foot addition to
the existing structure of
Dorough Field House to be
built as soon as the remainder
of the funds are raised, perhaps
as early as next fall. The new
facility will be used primarily
for recreation and intramural

Athletic Director Jack
Berkshire said, 90 to 95 per-
cent of the building will be
dedicated to these purposes.
"With the help of student em-
ployees, the new facility can be
kept open during non-class
hours, meeting an important
need for the students who are
not on varsity teams," he said.
Dr. Donald Stanton expressed
his great support for the addi-
tion by saying that it will "meet
the athletic and recreational
needs of the average student."

The addition will in-
clude a basketball-volleyball
court encircled by a running
track, four offices, a confer-
ence room, two locker rooms,
a weight room, two handball/
racquetball courts and an en-
trance lobby. The style of the
building will be very func-
tional, in contrast to the Nec-
Gothic works of the Academic
Quad It will extend south (to-

wards Hermance Drive) and
east (towards Anderson Field)
from the field house.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Schmidt both graduated for
Oglethorpe University, Steve
in 1940, and Jeanne in 1942.
Steve was a star athlete who
also worked on the Crypt of
Civilization during his college
years. It was his athleticism
that caused him to be at
Oglethorpe, as he attended all
four years on a scholarship for
football. He recalls fondly his
time spent playing baseball
and football, on which he
played, and beat, such peren-
nial powerhouses as Univer-
sity of Kentucky, Georgia and
Miami. He has maintained his
very close ties to the school
since he graduated, though.
Dr. Stanton referred to Mr.
Schmidt as "the most active
alumni I have ever known."
An Oglethorpe trustee for 3 1
years, he served a 1 4 year ten-
ure as the Chairman of the
Board of Trustees of the uni-
versity. For he dedication and
donations to the school , one
of the dorms in the Upper
Quad bears his name, Schmidt
Hall. His dedication to the
school can be seen again in that
that Schmidt, also a World
War II pilot, named his
bomber "The Flying Petrel."
He is currently chairman and
chief executive officer of The
Dixie Stamp and Seal Com-

On the subject of the

Artist's view of the new addition to the field house, courtesy
additions he said, " For many coaches have already done a

years, I have dreamed of hav-
ing a larger and better
equipped athletic facility.
Jeanne and I view this project
as just one of the steps towards
Oglethorpe's becoming one of
the finest liberal arts institu-
tions in the nation. ..The

great job on the soccer and
baseball fields, , now it will be
good to expand the field house
so that the other students on
campus can benefit from the
school's facilities."

The addition is expected
to cost between $700,000 and

of Oglethorpe Public Relations
$800,000. "Most of the funds
will be provided by the
Schmidts," according to Presi-
dent Donald Stanton, who ex-
pressed deep appreciation to
the donors. "We are attempt-
ing now to raise the remainder
from former student-athletes,
interested parents and other
friends of the University."

Strategic Planning.

O.U. alumnus Steve Schmidt, with his wife, Jeanne

courtesy of Oglethorpe Public Relations

Continued from page 1

programs that will more
closely tie Oglethorpe to the
"Olympic City." All of this
will, of course, be accompa-
nied by an increase in the cost
of attendance, but executive
vice-president, Dr. John Knott,
hopes that the increase won't
be as great a leap as we have
been experiencing.

When asked how the re-
ception of the proposal is ex-
pected to go, all members of
the committee seemed quite
hopeful. The final draft must
still be presented to the faculty
and staff in an upcoming meet-
ing. After this meeting, the
committee will meet with OS A
and gauge their reception. An
open forum with the entire stu-
dent body is also planned in the
near future. Dr. William
Brightman (English) stated
that they had made significant
progress towards their goals.

Dr. Knott also commented that
he was very pleased with the
progress. The only potential
dispute may be in allocating
the funds once they are ob-
tained. Prioritizing the pro-
grams when they are all very
much needed may cause some
dissention, but eventually they
hope the money will come and
all of the programs may be
implemented. The committee
has a marketing plan that fur-
ther details how they will ob-
tain this money.

The role of the Strategic
Planning Committee will be
somewhat halted after the pre-
sentation of the report which
will be written up by Dr.
Brightman. Dr. Knott sug-
gested that the committee's job,
later, may involve doing rou-
tine checks on the progress of
the plan, possibly through a
SACS. (Southern Associa-

tion of Colleges and Schools)
study which the school may
undergo in the near future.
The SACS, study is an ex-
tended internal examination
that evaluates whether a
school should retain their ac-
creditation or not. The story
will definitely be followed
closely by The Stormy Petrel
reporters so that the student
body, faculty, and staff can re-
main abrest of the changes and
progress. But as Dr. Weiss
stated, quoting the former U.S.
president and Stanford Univer-
sity president, Woodrow Wil-
son: "It's easier to move a
cemetery than to effect change
on a college campus." Hope-
fully, though, Oglethorpe will
rise to meet the challenge of
change and to become not only
the best liberal arts school in
our area, but to move up in the
ranks nationally, as well.

Page 4/The Stormy Petrel/November 22, 1993


Heard it through the Grapevine

News and events in and around Oglethorpe University

Prereglstration for

the Spring 1994 semester was
held during the week of No-
vember 15-19. The schedule
went as follows: seniors (9 1 or
more credit hours) on Monday
November 17, juniors (61-90
credit hours) on Tuesday No-
vember 16, sophomores (31-
60 credit hours) on Wednes-
day November 17, freshman
(30 or less credit hours) on
Thursday November 1 8, and
all classes on Friday Novem-
ber 19.

The Spring ^4 semester
schedule was available for stu-
dents beginning the week of
November 8.

After many comments

from the students and faculty
about the disrepair of the
approximatly seventeen
speedbumps on campus,
maintainence has begun to re-
pair this (not so little) problem.
To date, only two of these have
been repaired and straight-
ened, but, as there are still sev-
eral major trouble spots on the
campus roads, maintainence

will probably be getting
around to Fixing the rest of
these slight inconveniences in
the near future.

Beginning in late No-
vember through December, the
federal processor will begin
mailing to each 1993-94 fed-
eral aid applicant a pre-printed
federal Renewal Application
for the 1994-95 academic
year. The application will look
very much like the current Stu-
dent Aid Report, but will be
white in color. It will be
mailed to the student's home
address, so families should be
on the look out for this very
important material.

Although the renewal
applications will be available
much earlier this year, families
must not sign, date, or mail the
application to the federal pro-
cessor unitl after January 1,

If, by the end of Decem-
ber, your pre-printed renewal
application has not been re-
ceived by your family, please
contact the Financial Aid Of-

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Book-loving volun-
teers are needed to prepare for
the Southeast's Largest Sec-
ondhand Book Sale, which is
held each February at
Northlake Mall. Volunteers
help to sort over 250,000
books for the annual sale. In
1993, this sale raised
$154,000 for Goodwill's job
training programs for poeple
with disabilities.

Available hours are
Monday through Friday 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m., and occasional Sat-
urdays. The Fall/Winter sort-
ing Saturdays that remain are
December 4 and January 9.
Volunteers work at Goodwill's
main offices in Southeast At-
lanta. Volunteers benefit from
a love of books, although no
formal training or prior expe-
rience is necessary.

To be a part of this ex-
citing volunteer program, call
Shelley Egan at Goodwill In-
dustries at 377-0441, ext. 24.

The Washington Cen-
ter for Internships and Aca-
demic Seminars will sponsor
three academinc seminars this
January in Washington.

Leadership 2000 will
introduce students to leaders in
the public, private, and non-
profit sectors. Participants wil
lhave the opportunity to ques-
tion and be challenged by
guest speakers who will ad-
dress topics of current interest
in various filed. Briefings and
site visits, small group discus-
sion, workshops and other
activities will help students to
explore leadership in uinque
contexts and settings. The
seminar runs form January 2-
15, 1994.

Global Village: World
Politics and Economics will
provide an overview of United
States international relations
and foreign policy in the post-
cold war era. It will help stu-

dents understand American
political, economic, and envi-
ronmental interdependence
with the world population, as
well as foster an understand-
ing of different societies and
cultures. This seminar will run
concurrently with Leadership

Participants may want to
stay and attend Inside Wash-
ington: Politics and the Me-
dia. This seminar will offer an
intimate introduction to the
impact of the media on the po-
litical issues that influence na-
tional and international deci-
sion making. This seminar
will run from January 16-22,

For more information on
attending or receiving credit
for the Seminars, please call
Laura Hudson, Director of
Academic Seminars, at (800)

Friday night, Novem-
ber 12, just as the Black Stu-
dent Caucus (B.S.C.) pro-
jected, the dining hall was defi-
nitely the place to be. Atten-
dance for "Shake It Till 'Ya
Break It" dance-a-thon was
pretty high among O.U. stu-
dents, but several visitors also
stopped in. One visitor,
Cheronae Porter, stopped in
and walked out the next morn-
ing with $50. Fifteen other
contestants comprised the rest
of the determined dancers.
Many of the contestants came
prepared, dressed in their
"dance contest attire."

At 2 a.m., the dining hall
closed to the general public
and only eight of the contes-
tants were left standing. These
last dancers began to wane late
into the night (or early in the
morning). Finally, at about 7
a.m., Giff Briggs left after
about ten hours of dancing,
leaving the battle between
sophomore Brian Ahert and
visiting Agnes Scott student,
Cheronae Porter. From some

unknown source, they tapped
the energy to continue going
for another hour. After much
deliberation and bargaining, at
8:35 a.m., we had a winner.
Brian settled for the second
place prize of $25 with an ad-
ditional bonus of $5, donated
by the B.S.C. advisor.
Cheronae Porter, then, re-
ceived the first prize of $50.

"Several Dancer

Core" presents the Fall '93
Fieldwork Showcase at 5 p.m.
Tuesday, December 7, at
Seven Stages Performing Arts
Center, 1 105 Euclid Avenue in
Little Five Points. Tickets for
the event, which feature artists'
works- in-progress, are $5.
Call 373-41 54 for reservation
and information.

Participants in the
Spring '93 Fieldwork session
include Cherie Carson (facili-
tator), Renata Brinker, Gail
Giovanniello, Helen Durant,
Douglas Scott, Betsy Gilner
and Shannon Hummell. For
information about the next
Fieldwork session, contact
Several Dancer Core at 373-

Theda Kirby is a stu-
dent in continuing education
who is employed full time by
Fannie Mae. On November
14 she ran in the New York
marathon and finished with a
time of 4 hours and 54 sec-
onds. She ran as part of a 60
person team from Atlanta who
received pledges for a Leuke-
mia victim supported by the
Leukemia Society of America.

If you know of any news
or upcoming events that need
to be published, drop a note
to: The Grapevine, Attention
Chopper Johnson, Box 287
or drop them off in the box on
the newspaper office's door.

Page 5/The Stormy Petrel/ttovember 22, 1993


Open letter to all freshman from your president

By Kelly Holland
Freshman Class President

Greetings, Freshman!

Here we are, three
months into our college career-
I hope that everything is go-
ing well for each and every one
ofyou! Good luck at tackling
your first set of college exams
at the end of the semester!

Things have been mov-
ing right along in the world of
the Oglethorpe Student Asso-
ciation. As your class presi-
dent, I attend Executive Coun-
cil meetings every Monday
afternoon. The topics of dis-
cussion usually range from the
distribution of O.S. A funding
to the question of altering the
weekend quiet hours.

You are also very fortu-
nate to have four hardworking
and dedicated senators attend-
ing Senate meetings each
Wednesday evening just for
you ! Becky Ellis, MerrylFeld,

Chopper Johnson, and Hope
LeBeau are the Senate repre-
sentatives for the Freshman
Class. Approximately twice a
month, a joint meeting be-
tween the two houses of OS. A
is held.

So you see, you have a
total of FIVE representatives
in the student government who
have your best interests in
mind and who are working
diligently to see to it that the
Freshman Class is well repre-
sented. Now, if any of you
have any questions, com-
ments, or concerns regarding
ANYTHING (that includes
things that go on in O.S.A.
meetings or something around
campus that has attracted your
attention and has raised some
concern) you have absolutely
no reason to keep it to your-
self-you have five willing and
able-bodied people to listen to
your gripes, comments, etc.
and hey, we might actually be

Mentors help students
decide on a career

By Sarah Buzzard

The Student Alumni

Association (SAA) offers you
opportunities to improve both
your college career and your
life after college. SAA has
been active this semester with
the alumni mentor program
and the Monday night movie
series. Applications are still
being processed for the alumni
mentor program, so it is not too
late to turn one in. This is a
great opportunity to meet an
Oglethorpe alum who has a
career which interests you. If
you are unsure of your major
or your career direction (sev-
eral applications have been
turned in by people who
marked their major as "unde-
cided"), this is your chance to
explore areas which might ap-
peal to you. If you are decided
about the direction in which
you are headed, your mentor
can help you acquire refer-
ences and experiences in your

chosen field. Once all the ap-
plicants have been matched up
with mentors, a mixer will
probably be held to give the
mentors and students a chance
to get to know each other. If
you need an application, con-
tact David Cheung, the men-
tor program chair, at 365-

The next movie in the
Monday night movie series
will be Monty Python's "The
Meaning of life" on Monday,
November 22nd in the library
viewing room. All students
are welcome, so come and
bring a friend. If you have rec-
ommendations for movies next
semester, talk to Amy Zickus,
David Cheung, Jim Faasse,
Jonelle Thomas, Clay
Barrineau, or Eileen Cohen.

Upcoming events spon-
sored by the SAA include
Alumni weekend and Home-
coming. Meetings are held on
the second Thursday of every
month at 5 pm in the small din-
ing room. All students are wel-
come not just seniors! !

able to do something about it!
(gasp!). The wonders of stu-
dent government.

Throughout my cam-
paign for office, I stressed that
I wanted all ofyou to feel like
you can come to me with any-
thing that is concerning you I
meant that. The whole reason
that I am in office is to serve
you. Nothing can ever be ac-
complished if none ofyou at-
tempt to approach me (or any

of the senators) about things
that are important to you. So
please know that myself and
that senators are interested in
what you have to say- we want
to represent you to our fullest
potential. The only way that
we are going to be able to do
that is if there is open commu-
nication between the class and
its representatives. I encour-
age all of you to contact one
of us whenever you have a

problem or concern. All of us
can be reached here on cam-
pus. You can contact us by
phone or by mail. My box
number is 251, and all of the
phone numbers are printed in
the directory. So if you don't
get a chance to speak to one of
us in Chemistry lab or in the
dining hall, please take advan-
tage of other forms of commu-
nication. We can't do our job
without help from you .

Pre-med students visit MCG

By Maria Johnson

When the city of Au-
gusta, Georgia is mentioned,
images of golf clubs, bright
green grass and Jack Nicklaus
instantly come to mind. Au-
gusta is important for more
that just the Masters Golf
Tournament, however, for it
also is the home of the Medi-
cal College of Georgia, the
1 lth oldest medical education
institution in the United States.
On Friday, November 12, a
group of Oglethorpe pre-med
association students got to take
an inside look into med school

After a two and half
hour drive, the group finally
reached MCG. Three current
medical students, one who at-
tended Oglethorpe, led the
group on a tour of the college's
campus, which included the
classrooms, laboratories, a
524-bed teaching hospital,
residence halls, a student cen-
ter, and an outstanding medi-
cal education library. Jenny
Guerrero, president of the pre-

medical association, particu-
larly appreciated the insight
one of the tour guides,
Samantha Anderson, gave into
the medical college.
"Samantha gave us a person-
alized view of life aside from
the typical facts and figures
that one usually hears about
medical school," said Jenny.

At one point in the tour
Samantha Anderson explained
med school this way: "while
in under grad you probably
plan the time you intend to
study, in medical school you
plan the time you intend to
take off. You might say, well,
on Friday night from 10 to 12
I am going to spend time with
friends and relax. All during
the rest of the week you would
be studying."

The idea of so much
stress and studying is very in-
timidating, but everyone who
went on the trip agreed that
medical school would be an
incredible experience. Alana
Knight was pleased to discover
the monetary savings of going
to MCG. "Compared to Mer-
cer and Emory," she said, "the

Medical College of Georgia is
an economical education."
Because the medical college is
a public school, the state of
Georgia must pay most of the

Many of the Oglethorpe
students found what some
would call disgusting to be
very fascinating, when they
toured a laboratory in which
cadaver dissections were being
conducted. Samantha pointed
out the regions of the heart and
lungs on one cadaver, and told
the group to get used to the
sight of preserved flesh and
organs. Since dissections are
a mandatory part of the
anatomy curriculum, any po-
tential medical student should
be able to stomach the smell
of formaldehyde and the feel-
ing of slicing human flesh.

For many Oglethorpe
students becoming a doctor
seems to be an intangible goal.
Experiencing the medical
school atmosphere gave much
meaning to the work, studying,
and Aufderheide's chemistry
tests that Oglethorpe pre-med
students go through.

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Page 6/The Stormy Petrel/toovember 22, 1993


How to carry a house on your back: Part four

By Tim Evans

Backpacking's popu-
larity has grown in the last de-
cade. The National Park Ser-
vice estimates the growth rate
of traffic on hiking trails (day
and overnight) at about 12.5%
per annum for the past 7 years.
The sport's newfound popular-
ity has gone yuppie. As far as
demographics can explain, the
"Boomers" like to hike. The
larger populations entering
state and national parks has
renewed park officials' interest
in establishing "camping eth-
ics" education. The latest cam-
paigns include titles like "Low
Impact Camping" and "Mini-
mum Impact Behavior."

Many different groups
have their own literature on the
subject. Backpacking Maga-
zine, REI, The National Park
Service, Sierra Club, and in-
dividual national and state
parks are just a few of the ma-
jor groups. Most of the litera-
ture on minimum impact
camping tends to focus on the

same issues. However, they do
differ on a few things. I've in-
cluded two issues that are top
on the list of most minimum
impact pamphlets.

I. Secure all food items
and garbage in a tree. This is
for the camper's own safety
and assurance as much as it is
a part of keeping the local en-
vironment intact. Tents, back-
packs and duffle on the ground
will not stop a bear or raccoon
from ripping through to your
food and garbage. Not only
will the camper lose his din-
ner, damage gear and create a
mess by leaving food unpro-
tected, but the bear is taught a
valuable lesson - humans carry
food on their backs. It doesn't
take long for a smart Barney
Bear to figure out backpack =
food. It is not common for
well-trained bears to accost
hikers on the trail in search of
food on the hikers' backs, but
it does happen. At this point,
the bear is considered a men-
ace. Menace Bears are often
exterminated by park officials
for the sake of public safety.
The sad irony is that the pub-

lic taught the bear how to be-
have in the first place.

The figure shows a
popular way of "bear-proof-
ing" food. The food-bag
should be approximately 10
feet from the ground and well
away (50 ft) from your tent or

camp sight. Suspending the
food in this way will protect
your food from most grrr-ani-
mals. A thin gauge rope is pre-
ferred because it will be lighter
to carry, and more importantly
raccoons find it difficult to
tight-wire walk thin ropes.

Proper food storage technique

Courtesy of NPS

II. Leave your camping
site as you found it. This
means doing different things in
different parks. It usually
means picking up your own
garbage as well as the garbage
left by previous visitors. Some
parks provide the convenience
of "bear-proof trash cans.
However, fire circles are not
garbage cans. Those little foil
lined packs of hot chocolate
and cider don't burn all the
way. All food packaging
thrown into the fire has the
potential to become a safety
hazard. Grrr-animals learn to
check the fire on a regular ba-
sis and drag its contents out.
Because the park's services
differ from one to another, cu-
rious campers should call the
particular park for information
on their policy for trash dis-
posal as well as dispersing the
fire circle.

For more information on
these topics, call the particu-
lar park you're going to hike,
or drive down to REI on 1 800
NE Expressway Access Road
(1-85 N).

Petrel's Open Line. . .

More things you need to know about vomiting

By Patrick Fossett

Today I shall continue

my discussion on a subject
matter most folks won't touch.
Last time I briefly discussed
how and where to vomit. Now
I shall dive into the problem
of, "I've puked, now what?"
It is a delicate matter to tip-toe
around, to say the least.

Let me begin by telling
you the story of a lovely lady. . .
whoops, wrong story. Our
story begins in Athens GA,
Quite possibly the highest per-
cent barf-per-capita city in the
state. Details are scarce and
fuzzy but I do remember I had
been drinking all day celebrat-
ing Howie Furstien's birthday
in an apartment 3 stories up.
Eyewitnesses report a fiinnel
with 3 cans ofbeer poured into
it It was offered to a sensible

female who turned it away. A
slobbering Pat took the fiinnel
and emptied its contents. It is
then told my eyes rolled back
resembling two fuel gauges
pointing past full and about to

I was dragged into the
kitchen lest I should hurl (ob-
viously someone had the
brains to bring me someplace
high in the hierarchy of places
to vomit). When I had a clear
path, I made a bee line for the
door (outside is better than in-
side). Leaning over the third
floor balcony I began to heave
heartily. Unfortunately, the
wind blew a sizable portion of
my payload into the first floor
porch below. It was quite an
impressive sight

Other than a bad hang-
over, my toe-nails mysteri-

ously painted neon pink, and
a guilty conscience, I suffered
no repercussions from the in-
cident. I tell this story to make
a point because except for the
parts I made up, it is com-
pletely true. I honestly felt
guilt and pity for the person
who, without any say in it, re-
ceived a part of me. I tell it for
those of you out there who
have guilty consciences (such
as the mystery person who
puked next to (Obviously a
novice) the toilet in the Delta
Sig House's upstairs bathroom
on Oct. 23rd).

There is a difference be-
tween guilt and embarrass-
ment. Embarrassment is when
you walk outside of Space
Mountain and blow chow in
front of a couple hundred
people. Guilt comes from

barfing in a complete
stranger's sunroof. A breath
mint and a stiff drink will
handle embarrassment. The is
little to no documented rem-
edies to handle the guilt from
gag. There needs to be a uni-
versal sign for: "Sorry I puked
and ruined your day, but I'm
notgoingtocleanitup." This
is, of course, for those who
have accomplished their task
in complete anonymity. Oth-
erwise, I won't be held respon-
sible for what happens to your
person or property because
people get sore.

Since our culture has no
such common gesture, I have
elected myself to create one, a
token gesture to fill the void.
And this is what I have come
up with: send an ensemble of
white and yellow carnations

affixed with this note:

"So sorry you had to
clean my wretch, hope these
brighten your day."

Assuming a position of
unelected authority, I proclaim
this the manner in which
people of culture and taste
shall handle the guilt of the
common "wretch and run."
This concludes my lesson for
now, and is probably the last
installment in my series on
vomit. It's beginning to worry
me how involved I'm getting
in it. If you wish to exchange
your views or comment feel
free to give me a call 847-
9682. If this is the last story
on vomit, expect something
new and fresh for a change.

Page 7 /The Stormy Petrel/Movember 22, 1993


A tutor speaks about the A.R.C.

By Killian Edwards
Special to The Stormy Petrel

What is an A.R.C,

anyway? One hint it 'snot a
really big boat, and those of us
"on board" don't come in
twos. Actually, sometimes
there are three or four of us at

As opposed to Noah's
ark, Oglethorpe's AR.C. isn't
made for a flood, but it can
help you keep afloat in class,
that is. The Academic Re-
source Center offers FREE tu-
toring to any Oglethorpe stu-
dent who wants it or needs it
in order to swim instead of

It all began back in 1988
with an organization called
The Writing Company. Under
the leadership of then
Oglethorpe writing professor
Dr. Madeleine Picciotto, The
Writing Company helped stu-

dents work on papers for their
classes. It didn't matter what
class the paper was for if it
was written in English, we tu-

During the fall of 1992,
the tutors were first told about
the possibility of a larger tu-
toring center being started at
Oglethorpe. Dr. Anthony
Caprio, Provost, believed that
students, especially freshmen,
could greatly benefit from tu-
toring in all areas, not just writ-
ing, and worked to form the
Academic Resource Center, to
be directed by Picciotto.

The soon-to-be A.R.C.
was allocated four rooms in
Goodman Hall, which were
remodeled and refurbished es-
pecially for the tutoring cen-
ter. Picciotto and the existing
Writing Company tutors de-
cided to use three of the rooms
for specialized tutoring pur-
poses. One room was set up
with two desks for individual

From the Feature Editor

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

In this season of

Thanksgiving, I thought that
it would be appropriate to
thank Oglethorpe for some of
the changes here that have
made my life easier over the
past four years. While our
campus is continually growing
and changing, we have, in-
deed, come a long way.

First and foremost, the
Speed Bumps From Hell have
been fixed! Oglethorpe has
truly turned mountains into
molehills. I could probably
attend class free my last semes-
ter here if I could deduct ex-
penses for having my car re-
aligned from tuition costs.

Believe it or not, the
parking situation has also im-
proved tremendously. The
back section of the Hearst Hall
lot was, until recently, a tennis
court. Now it only requires ten
minutes of circling, on aver-
age, to find a space. Beware,
however, of parking in forbid-
den areas (security is cracking
down this year).

The most obvious im-
provement of late is the addi-
tion of on-campus Greek hous-
ing. While some gorgeous
woods were sacrificed, it is al-
ready clear that this central
location will help unify not
only Greeks, but all students.
Speaking of our woods, the
fire circle off Ho Chi Minh
trail has been improved as
well. The path to the circle has
been widened, and a bridge
and tables added. There's even
a light at the circle itself. What
was once a dark and spooky
clearing is now a place every-
one can enjoy.

Finally, I am thankful
forthe quality of the food Yes,
I said the food. Not only are
cafeteria entrees labeled, the
labels match the food. (I re-
member a time when not even
the food service employees
could tell for sure!) The can-
teen in the bomb shelter is also
great for service with a smile.
I, for one, am hoping that
Oglethorpe will continue to do
its best to keep on top of things.
Now go home, eat turkey and
be thankful.

tutoring, one with a conference
table for small group sessions,
and a lounge for larger groups
and as a base for the tutors (this
room was wonderfully fur-
nished with the "old" Admis-
sions office fiimiture we've
got a couch so comfortable it's
been registered with a trade-
mark!). The fourth room was
to become Picciotto 's office,
moved from the third floor of

(We tutors were thrilled
with the accommodations,
which is especially under-
standable if you have seen our
previous "facility." If you
haven't, take a field trip up to
it one day. Go up the staircase
in the Great Hall to the third
floor, hang a left, go all the
way to the end of the hall, and
it 's the last room on your right.
A tiny, hole of a place with
broken window panes, one
large desk, and a few chairs.
This isn't to say we didn 't have
a certain love for the place,

The A.R.C. officially
opened for business in the
spring of 1 993, on a trial basis
to see if the need for tutoring
in all disciplines was really
that great. We found new tu-
tors in new and different areas,
spanning everything from Bi-
ology to Economics. For the
first time at Oglethorpe, tutor-
ing was officially available in
all the core courses, and in
many upper level, "special-
ized" courses. And many stu-
dents did come for help the
need was there. We passed the
trial period, and became a per-
manent fixture at O.U., ready
to tutor anybody in just about

The A.R.C. Now:

This fall, headed by Dr.
Linda Taylor, the AR.C. re-
opened for the year, and has
been busy ever since. We have
over twenty tutors this year,
and are open five days a week.
Along with individual tutoring
sessions, we have also been
holding many group study ses-
sions prior to tests. Response
has been terrific, and we plan
to continue the group sessions,
attempting to offer one before
every test in a core class.

By midterm, the ARC.
had tutored sixty-six different
students in individual sessions,
the actual number of sessions
being over one hundred. Also,
over one hundred students
have come to group study ses-
sions for tests in subjects rang-
ing from Chemistry to Human
Nature and the Social Order to

Tutoring is on a first
come, first served basis, and
we have a wide range ofhours.
Our schedule is located on the
bulletin board outside
Goodman 4. If you want tu-
toring, all you have to do is
look on the schedule to see
what time the subject you want
is tutored, and then simply
show up at that time. How-
ever, if you prefer to have first
priority with the tutor, we have
a sign-up sheet posted by the
schedule which will guarantee
you first chance to be tutored
(if you show up on time at the
time you signed up for).

Currently, we are also
looking for good tutors for
next semester. If you think you
might be interested, here is
what you need to know. Tu-
tors are required to be in the
A.R.C. two hours a week
(hours of your choosing, to fit
in with your schedule), and to
attend a tutors meeting once a

For this, you receive one
hour of credit, and a lot of sat-
isfaction and fun. (In our little
spare time when students
aren't keeping us busy, we
write to each other and draw
on the chalkboard!) If you are
interested even in the slightest
call Dr. Taylor at her office
(364-8398) or call the ARC.
(365-2671) and leave a mes-
sage on the machine. We
promise, we want you.

So that's us, that's the
ARC. A far cry from a sea-
going vessel, but great none-
theless. If you want tutoring
in anything, or if you just want
to see what the couch looks
like, please come by
Goodman. We will be more
than happy to help you.

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Bradford Smith is one

history professor who looks his
part, .his clothes, glasses, and
beard all help to complete a
simple yet distinguished pro-
file. Last year Dr. Smith
served as an adjunct and this
year he is teaching full-time.
Smith's course load includes
Renaissance and Reformation,
Ethnicity and Violence in the
Balkans, and two sections of
the West and the Medieval
World. Dr. Smith specializes
in the history of central Europe
in the late middle ages and the
early modem period (roughly
1250 -1750).

During his time here.
Smith says, "I've come to ap-
preciate what Oglethorpe
stands for." Dr. Smith himself
was a German major at the
University of Michigan, then
moved on to graduate studies
at Emory. Having come to us
from such large universities
has given him the opportunity
to observe the "very different
underlying principles" of a
small liberal arts school ver-
sus those of a larger institution.
At a place like Oglethorpe,
notes Smith, students "can
have a uniform experience.

One of Dr. Smith's main
interests is using archaeology
as a tool for learning history.
He believes "physical aspects
of the past" can help make dis-
tant places and events real for
students. A man of many tal-
ents, Dr. Smith enjoys cook-
ing, drawing, and spending
time with his wife. He also
plays oboe and keyboards and
participates in Ron Carlisle's
harpsichord group. Lan-
guages - including Greek,
Latin, Czech, and old Norse -
are yet another hobby of
Smith's. We are glad to have
him with us and hope he will
stay and spread the wealth of
his knowledge.

Page 8 /The Stormy Petrel/November 22, 1993


A simple plea for everyone to do something

By Kim Jones

Science may have found a

cure for most evils;
but it has found no remedy for
the worst ofthem all the apa-
thy of human beings.
-Helen Keller (1927)

You are at a small liberal
arts school in the middle of a
big city-Atlanta, Georgia.
You would expect a mass of
politically-minded, liberal ac-
tivists, but no, that is not the
case, not at Oglethorpe Uni-
versity. This small liberal arts
school is a challenging learn-
ing center for some very intel-

ligent students who are doing
nothing about anything. Do
the students at Oglethorpe
have any concerns besides
their money, their grades, and
alcohol? I have really begun
to wonder. Maybe the con-
cerns are there, but the energy
is not. If this is the case, get
off your lazy butt!

On any day of the week,
at any time of the day (unless
I have just been through the
library taking them out), alu-
minum cans can be found
throughout the study room, in
the garbage cans. Do we not
know that there is a recycling
bin in the room with the vend-
ing machines? Even if you are

Protect yourself

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Looking back on my

freshman year at Oglethorpe,
I realize how naive I was then.
I knew that Atlanta was a big
and sometimes dangerous city,
but I felt safe tucked away here
at Oglethorpe. My door was
rarely locked that first year.
Amid the beautiful trees and
the familiar faces, it was easy
to wonder, "What crime, what
violence?" Four years later, I
am asking different questions,
and I am locking my doors.
My experiences have con-
vinced me that the crime prob-
lem is everyone's problem ,
even the lofty Petrel. My pur-
pose is not to scare you to
death, but to make you more
secure through awareness. I,
like most students I know, tend
to wander around in a daze,
oblivious to the outside world.
We are too busy worrying
about homework and money
and parties to think about
whether we're generally safe
or not. Well, it's time to think
about it. Atlanta is growing,
and so is Oglethorpe. The bur-
glary of a student's car earlier
this semester should be heeded
as a timely warning not to be

Don't get me wrong; I

do not believe Oglethorpe is
experiencing a crime wave.
On the contrary, many times I
have forgotten some valuable
belonging (purse, sweater,
even my word processor once),
only to discover it later exactly
where I had left it. Until re-
cently, I never would have
thought I might be a victim of
a crime, and that's why we're
so vulnerable. Crime today
occurs, without warning, often
without reason. Random vio-
lence accounts for more deaths
everyday. It doesn't matter
who you are or where you are
- it could happen to you. That
being said, what can you do to
reduce your chances of becom-
ing a victim?

First, be aware of your
surroundings. The best way to
deal with a dangerous situa-
tion is to avoid it altogether.
You should also trust your in-
stinct. If somebody on
M ARTA gives you the creeps,
wait for the next bus or train.
Another good idea is to keep
valuables hidden. Don't flash
your cash or leave your purse
in plain view on the car seat.
Finally, take action to make
yourself safe. Don't walk
alone at night; ask security for
a ride. Tell friends and room-
mates where you 're going and
when to expect you. And, hey,
let's be careful out there.

not an environmental activist,
there is something to say for
taking the two seconds to help
just a little, especially when it
is so convenient. These same
aluminum cans can be found
throughout the halls of Hearst
and Goslin, in garbage cans
only five feet away from recy-
cling bins. Need I say more?
Before writing this ar-
ticle, I tried to conduct a phone
survey to find out exactly what
kind of indifference we are
dealing with. After about 50
phone calls I gave up; ten of
those people were too busy to
answer five questions. My re-
sults are not very concrete, I
know, because of the small
number of students from
whom I managed to get re-
sponses. I did, however, man-
age to get a small idea of the
problem of apathy we are fac-
ing on the Oglethorpe campus.
Out of the six journalism ma-
jors I managed to talk to, none
of them are involved in the
school paper, ten people that I

talked to had neither a job off
campus, work study, nor are
they involved in any sort of or-
ganization, half of the people
with whom I had the chance
to speak read the paper and
half of them never pick it up.

These all may seem like
minute details when it comes
to me generalizing about the
lack of interest of the entire
campus, but it is these little
things that are so easy to pin-

I am not by any means
putting down liberals, as it
may seem. Actually, I am an
extremely politically-minded
liberal, but because of my job,
do not have much time to get
involved in very many things.
I do find it very depressing,
however, that there seem to be
no liberals at this school who
have time, in some cases, con-
cern enough for our campus,
our community, anything to
get involved. Conservatives,
by far, have us beat on this one,
guys. The College Republi-
cans have a good 7 or 8 every-

meeting members, and have
close to 50 people on roll,
while the College Democrats,
last year, could not get three
people to hold their banner for
the re-opening of the library,
and this year it seems as if they
do not exist at all. Is it that a
lot of liberals are anarchists or
just lazy? I am concerned. If
someone, anyone has the an-
swer, let me know. Maybe
Alison Bess has it figured
when she said, "there are too
many liberals in speech, and
not enough in action." Amen,

If you are interested in
anything, anything at all, get
involved. Do something, even
if it seems minute, do it to
make you feel like you have
done something, like you are,
in fact, involved. Don't be
afraid to start your own orga-
nization if there is nothing here
that interests you, but most of
all, don't be afraid to voice
your opinion. That is what I
leave you with, a plea for ev-
eryone to do SOMETHING.

There ought to be a law!

By Doug Ceto

Special to The Stormy Petrel

When walking around

the mall on October 16th, I
noticed Christmas decorations
in Macy's and Rich's. Hallow-
een had not even arrived yet
and Christmas was already
being advertised.

What do you get the
ones close to you? How much
do you spend on each person?
Where do I go shopping?
These were all very common
questions that started coming
to mind. Wait!! Christmas at
the time was still two and a half
months away. I almost fell into
the departments stores' trap to
buy gifts now. Then it hit me
the holiday breathes down our
neck like a mammoth retail
monster. Stores are out of con-
trol in trying to make a buck.

I remember the day,
which wasn't long ago, that
Christmas decorations came
out after Thanksgiving. But

before Halloween! As John
Turpin says, "That ain't

Christmas has evolved
into a retail monster that ma-
nipulates the consumer and
rapes people's bank accounts.
It's all money-driven and
stores only care about profit

Christmas could even be
turning into the work of the
devil. People are now worried
about material things more
than the true meaning of
Christmas. Greed, power, and
money are on the forefront of
everyone's mind. At times,
someone will even become
angry about not receiving what
they wanted.

There ought to be a law
imposing stiff penalties on re-
tail stores that put up Christ-
mas decorations too early.
These penalties could consist
of chopping off the executives '
big toes or Chinese water tor-
ture. It not only is a cheap at-

tempt to suck more sales from
the consumers pockets, but it
also encourages radio stations
to play that barking dog
"Jingle Bells" sooner. Before
we know it Christmas decora-
tions might never come down
and the Christmas tree could
become a year-round icon in
the American society.

People will start decorat-
ing the trees differently for
other holidays. A great ex-
ample would be Ground Hog
Day. We will hang ground
hogs over our mantles and start
stuffing little gifts in their

During Easter we will
start hanging colored eggs on
the trees and have an omelet
feast on Easter Eve. Songs will
be written like "All I Want for
Easter is My Two Front

Just beware of the day
when Santa's sled will be
pulled by a rabbit, ground hog,
and turkey and guided by a

Page 9/The Stormy Petrel/ttovember 22, 1993


Letter to the Editor:

The Stormy


Business Manager:
Copy Editor:
Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editor:
Feature Editors:

Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:


Wendy Barber
Sarah Buzzard
Yolanda Hernandez
Maria Johnson
Kathy Lea
Aretha List
Shannon Montgomery
Tomika Powell
Randy Tidwell

Ryan R Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Justin Hayes
Chris Brown
Brandon Galloway
Angie Dickerson
Kevin Benefield
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas

Daryl Brooks
Tim Evans
Trish Hinton
Kim Jones
Lisa Ledbetter
Mary Lynch
Will Mullis
Daniel Rosenthal
Pauline van Vliet

Christie Willard

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman Robert Drake

Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Thursdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 30319, (phone #: (404)364-
8425) or drop them off in the box on the news-
paper office door.

Wake up and smell the formaldehyde

By Jennifer Guerrero

I would like to com-
ment on and commend Shan-
non Montgomery's article,
"There's something dreadfully
wrong here," in the November
8th issue of the Stormy Petrel .
She addresses the "fact," as she
calls it, that OU's core curricu-
lum requires its students to
take sophomore level litera-
ture classes, which are real lit
classes, and to take core sci-
ence classes, which are wa-
tered-down renditions of biol-
ogy, chemistry and whatever
else is offered. I would like to
thank her for pointing out this
discrepancy in our core.

You may be thinking
that I am a junior biology ma-
jor just whining about having
to take core humanities classes
when I could be spending my
time studying for my hard sci-
ence classes. Honestly, that is
not the case. As a biology
major who is currently taking
a World Lit class, I admit to
the world that I absolutely love
the class. (No, this is not an
attempt at brown-nosing! )
Seriously, this class and the
other humanities classes that I
have taken here in the past two
years are a relief to me from
my science classes. These
classes allow my creative
juices to flow, my mouth to run
and serve as a release from
number-crunching and note
taking. Anyone who knows
me knows that I like to talk
and to carry on a good intel-
lectual discussion. (Frankly,
that's how I manage to stay
awake in class, but I also
LEARN something, too!)

My concern is that core
science classes deprive OU's
students of the wonderful,
practical and hard working
field of science. I hear many
of my fellow students who are
taking these "science" classes
rave about how easy they are.
I just want to tell them "Hello,
that's not how it really is." I
may sound like I'm griping,
but another thing that bothers

me is that these "science"
classes have no labs! A sci-
ence course cannot truly be a
science course without labs. A
friend of mine who goes to the
University of Tampa, another
liberal arts school, has told me
that she was required to take a
core chemistry class, though
watered-down, with a lab. As
a matter of fact, the University
of Tampa requires labs with
all their core science classes.
I cannot stress enough that
labs, although they take an-
other three hours out of my
week and are like another class
with tests of their own, rein-
force what I learned in lecture.
Besides, labs can be fun, and
they strengthen the friendships
shared between classmates
simply because students have
to work and spend more time

According to the 1 992-
94 Bulletin, one of the pur-
poses of this university is to
acquaint the students "with the
methods of inquiry of math-
ematics and science." One of
those methods of science is
laboratory work. So aren't we
depriving our students by not
offering labs with our core sci-
ence courses? Furthermore,
inquiring about math and sci-
ence requires a different train
of thought. For instance, I can
do well in my lit class by intel-
ligently contributing to the
class discussion as long as I
have some sort of opinion on
the subject, even if I have not
read the book (not that I do

that, mind you), where as in
my science classes, I cannot
PASS without cracking open
my book and attempting
chemistry problems.

Since the core requires
students to take real lit classes,
real math classes and real his-
tory classes, it should require
students to take real science
classes. Maybe OU's non-sci-
ence majors are not ready for
real science classes because
they think, "How is this going
to help me in my career or in
my life?" I think about how
practical it is to know the phys-
ics behind a car accident where
someone has broadsided you,
as well as how to prove that it
was the other person's fault!
As for careers, the job market
today is something fierce, but
there is a shortage of workers
in the field of science. A
plethora of jobs are available
in medicine, engineering, re-
search, etc. in the today's and
tomorrow's market. Keep in
mind that there are other
people out there besides fellow
graduates of Oglethorpe Uni-
versity competing for the same
jobs that you want. I'm not
asking you to change your
major, but I am asking you to
realize and to appreciate how
important being exposed to
and learning about real science
is. Oglethorpe claims to pre-
pare its students for the future.
Without requiring real science
courses, how much is
Oglethorpe preparing its stu-

Fraternities, Sororities,

campus organizations,

highly motivated


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Page 10/The Stormy Petrel/Hovember 22, 1993


Three Musketeers live up to expectations

By Yoli Hernandez

Romance, Drama

and Adultery. This is the over-
all plot of Martin Scorsese's
new movie "The Age Of In
nocence." Set in New York in
the 1 870 's, it tells the story of
the esteemed Willard Archer's
(Daniel Day Lewis) forbidden
lust in an upper-class society
that revolves around gossiping
at fancy balls and superficial
dinners. We first meet Mr.
Archer when he is happily en-
gaged to May, Winona Ryder.
She is naive and soft spoken,
yet, she comes from one of the
more prominent families of
New York. The factor of be-
trayal is presented when Ellen,
played by Michelle Pfieffer,
returns to New York after sev-
eral years. She is the vivacious
cousin of May who was unsuc-
cessfully married to a wealthy
Count in Europe. The pin-
nacle of the movie evolves as
Ellen and Willard secretly re-
veal the undying love they had
for one another since they first
met. Scorsese takes us through
the passage of time of the three
main characters until their old
age. The ending is not the
"happily ever after" one that
the audience anticipates in a
love story, yet it is a justified

"The Age Of Inno-
cence" is a movie I greatly en-
joyed and highly recommend.
It takes you back intime to the
era when New York's size was
small enough to allow the up-
per-class social circles to know
ever, one and everything Hy-
pocrisy and materialism were
dominant. Martin Scorsese,
with his unusual style, once
again does a marvelous job in
directing. If you like love sto-
ries set in the past, then you
will enjoy watching "The Age
Of Innocence." It is well worth
everyone's time.

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Any time a great novel

is brought to the silver screen,
there are high expectations for
it. The Three Musketeers is
one film that lives it to those
hopes. One can easily see why
it is currently leading the box
office, grossing over $10 mil-
lion its debut weekend. Direc-
tor Stephen Herek says, "We
want to bridge the gap between
young and old... But most im-
portantly, we want to take ev-
eryone back in time." The film
accomplishes both these mo-
tives, sticking to the dramatic
plot while lightening the trip
with humor for younger audi-

The Three Musketeers
is the story of a young man,
D'artagnan, and his attempt to
find and join the Musketeers,
the personal guards to the king
of France. Unfortunately for
our hero, the Musketeers are
disbanded by the evil Cardinal
Richelieu, who handles affairs
of state for a young Louis XIII.
Only three of the men - Athos,
Porthos, and Aramis -refuse to
give up their swom duty. To-
gether D'artagnan and the re-
maining three Musketeers un-
cover a plot to assassinate the
king. Their efforts to protect
France lead to a show that
amuses, amazes, and delights.
One of the most impres-
sive aspects of this film is the
incredible scenery. Most of the
movie was shot in the Austrian
countryside, or in that
country's ancient castles and
palaces. Each and every shot
was on location; no sets or
stages were used - and it
shows. Even when the Mus-
keteers are fencing or riding
horseback, the audience is
right there with them.

The absolute best thing
about the Three Musketeers is
the casting. I must admit that
I had my reservations at first.
Kiefer Sutherland and Charlie
Sheen, the young guns, as au-
thentic literary figures? Tim
Curry, the infamous Dr.
Frankenfurter, as Cardinal

Pichelieu? I was wrong - each

actor was uncannily suited to

his role. Athos was strong and

dicatcd: Porthos w

jokester, Aramis is the spiri-
tual one. In short, this film is
a everything a good P.G.

i iovie should be - dramatic

funny, and appropriate for al-
most everyone - and it's ex-
actly what the industry should
iE. Bravo!

Chirs ODonnell (left) stars as rjArtagnan, and Kieter Sutherland (right) is the brooding Athos,
in the saga of the Musketeers Photo by Frank Connor

International students shine

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By Pauline van Vliet

As everyone knows

there are students from all over
the world studying at
Oglethorpe University. Satur-
day, November 6th there was
an opportunity for everybody
to experience all these differ-
ent cultures. The International
Club organized the annual In-
ternational Night in the dining
hall of the Emerson Student

A full program was
planned for this evening.

There was a display of article
brochures, pictures and tradi-
tions from all continents.
Some of the students were
walking around in their na-
tional costume. Oglethorpe's
international students had pre-
pared some of their national
dishes. Visitors could enjoy
food from Jamaica, Vietnam,
Poland and many more coun-
tries. The rest of the evening
was filled with entertainment
raging from a Japanese dance
of happiness to a sentimental
Georgian (Republic of Geor-
gia) love song to the Greek
Sirvaki, not to forget the belly-

dancer who really knew to
catch everyone's attention.
The two Russian musicians/
singers even got the audience
to sing along with their (Rus-
sian!) songs. It was a long ,
full and very entertaining

A big crowd of people
came to Oglethorpe to attend
this international night. The
audience consisted of children.
Students and adults altogether
it was an evening with a lot of
information, good food and
variation. It was a big success
which will probably be re-
peated next year.

Page 11/The Stormy Petrel/November 22, 1993


Everybody must get Dazed and Confused

By Wendy Barber

Dazed and Confused,

as the title suggests, is the re-
alistic portrayal of the bewil-
derment most typical Ameri-
can kids experience in the vari-
ous transitions of growing up.

The film is set in 1 976 and ex-
plores the activities of kids
entering high school, in high
school, and those who can't
quite seem to break away from
the high school scene. The fo-
cus of the film shifts from one
group of kids to another, pro-
viding insight into the feelings,
fears, and desires of the kids

struggling to make sense of
their lives and to have a good
time while doing it.

Most of the scenes in the
movie are centered around
group gatherings partying,
smoking dope, drinking, or
otherwise getting into trouble,
but this is really just a back-
drop for expressing much

OU's musical groups featured

By Sarah Buzzard

One of the most-loved

traditions at Oglethorpe is the
annual Boar's Head Cer-
emony and Concert to be held
this year on Friday, December
3 at 7:30 p.m. in Lupton Au-
ditorium. The program will
feature a sampling of
Oglethorpe's musical groups
including the University Sing-
ers and Chorale, the recorder
ensemble, the wind ensemble,
and the Atlanta Early Music
Consort with our own Dr. and
Mrs. Carlisle. In keeping with
tradition, the evening will also
include the solo performances
of Dr. Cramer, Scott Stag on
the guitar, and Dr. Stanton who
will sing "I Heard the Bells on

r- - -

Christmas Day." Organist
Michael Bryant will perform
at his third Boar's Head Con-
cert. The concert will also fea-
ture the talent of some of
O.U. 's "extended family":
Mary Lynn Ryland, wife of li-
brarian John Ryland, will en-
tertain us with her skill at the
piano, and Yoko Nishimura
will sing "Rejoice Greatly"
from Handel's "Messiah."

The audience will also
get the chance to participate in
this evening of music as they
join with the Singers and in-
strumentalists in three Christ-
mas carols. Other highlights
of the concert will include the
University Chorale's presenta-
tion of "The Twelve Days Af-
ter Christmas," a humorous
take-off (complete with ac-

tions) on the well known "The
Twelve Days of Christmas."
For a unique cultural flavor,
the Singers will perform "Holy
Infant's Lullaby" by South
American composer Dellajoio.
The tradition of the
Boar's Head originated at Cor-
pus Christi College, Oxford,
General Oglethorpe's alma
mater. Dr. Ray voices the
thoughts of many in the
Oglethorpe community when
he says, "Boar's Head is a
wonderfully beautiful tradi-
tion, and I am personally hon-
ored to be at a school that ob-
serves it. It is one of the few
events that brings faculty, staff,
and students together in a real
community." Boar's Head is
an event that you won't want
to miss. Come be a part of an
age-old Oglethorpe tradition.


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more about growing up. There
is a subtle, yet powerful, mes-
sage about the rites of passage
American kids experience
both in and out of school. One
focus is on the fear the boys
entering high school feel, hear-
ing the seniors threatening to
"kick their asses" while wav-
ing wooden paddles. The kid
whose older sister tells her
friends to "go easy on him"
gets his behind beaten espe-
cially hard, but once he is ini-
tiated, he can hang out with the
older crowd and he is intro-
duced to his first beer, his first
joint, and his first encounter
with Mom when he returns
home early the next morning.

The notions of initiation,
bonding, and friendship are
repeatedly expressed in all the
groups. Other issues, such as
adult authority, are addressed
in the film as well. For ex-
ample, the senior football
quarterback is in conflict with
his coach and his own con-
science. The coach is requir-
ing team members to sign a
contract stating that they will
abstain from drinking and
drugs over the summer and
into the next season. Randy,
the quarterback, strongly ob-
jects to signing the contract
because he drinks beer and
smokes pot. Signing the con-
tract will be a form of lying,
not signing may risk his eligi-
bility to play. His friends sug-
gests that, in the form of a com-
promise, Randy "throw a little
grass on the contract, roll it up,
sign the outside, and give that
to the coach."

The humor in Dazed
and Confused elicits loud
laughter from the audience,
but really, one of the most ap-
pealing features of the movie
is the likelihood of seeing parts
of yourself and at least one or
two friends in the characters on
the screen. I've seen it twice
already and I'll probably see
it again check it out because
if you went to high school,
you'll find something about
Dazed and Con/used to which
you can relate.

Gone Wrong

By Chris Brown
Entertainment Ediotr

How do you pay trib-
ute to a man who inspired and
enthralled an entire generation
with his songs, attitude, and
performance? Well, for one
thing you stick by him in the
low spots, have faith, offer sup-
port - no matter how far from
his youthful, soulful home he
seems to be. And yes, It's been
hard to stick by Bob Dylan.

World Gone Wrong is
Dylan's most generous offer-
ing in years. There are no
originals, just a handpicked
selection of his favorite folk/
blues songs made magical
with him and his acoustic gui-
tar; no band, no backups, no
harmonica just bare bones.
One thinks immediately that
Bob Dylan's telling us his own
story, his musical narrative.
He's young again (plays and
sounds fifteen years younger)
and doesn't cover up his mis-
takes. You know he means
every note, every word.

To many of you, this
means nothing. Bob Dylan,
Snob Dylan, right? Just a pre-
tentious chump who couldn't
sing. Well, I challenge you to
re-listen. He was Jimi
Hendrix's idol. He was the
major influence of the Rolling
Stones. He introduced the
Beatles to pot He's more se-
rious and enthralling than you
know. And he's somebody
you stand by because every
now and then, just when
you're not looking just when
you've given up hope he
turns you back to the soul of
things to the sad world, the
glad one, the dull and the won-
derful, the decadent and the
deadly, even the world gone

Even a World Gone

Page 12/The Stormy Petrel/November 22, 1993


Page 13/The Stormy Petrel/November 22, 1993


THE Crossword

1 Coarse file
5 Kind Of energy
10 Pile

14 Israeli airline

15 Penetrative

16 Bombeck

17 Taj Mahal city

18 Beginning

19 Keyed up

20 Wet weather

22 Cancel

24 Bakery item

25 Location

26 Fire residue
29 Organic

31 Patient's need:

34 Graphs

36 Wash

37 Old car

38 Footed vases

39 Cognizant

41 Line through a
circle: abbr.

42 Danson

43 Food regimen

44 Jacket part

46 McMahon and

47 Church official

49 Thing of value

50 Places tor

51 Elec. units
53 Mask

56 Gifts

60 Action of unruly

61 "Tempest"

63 Drive out

64 Fr. magazine

65 Breakfast food

66 Music quality

67 Color changer

68 Uses a sieve

69 Kind Of cookie


1 Raise (as a

2 Seaweed

3 Hindu garment








7 t





































































'1993 Tribune Media Services. Inc.
AH Rights Reserved

4 Flower holders

5 Animal trail

6 Very fancy

7 Misplaced

8 Actor Vigoda

9 Gets back

10 Throw

11 Therefore

12 Frenzied

13 Senate

21 People in a play
23 Raisond

25 Heavenly object

26 Kind of angle

27 Tatter

28 Crew members

30 Roofing material

31 Attempts

32 Depart

33 Sky traveler
35 Water craft

40 Marries

41 Dinner courses
43 College VIP











































































A 1








































































































Answers for Issue 4,
November 8, 1993.

48 Most scarce
50 Liquid

52 Thaws
45 Trips around the 53 Scon
track 54 Unctuous

55 Beauty mark

56 Singer Edith

57 Midday

58 Salad fish

59 Pace

62 King: Fr.


rrs tan r<\E

UP TH C*0<*6 To
ftPfftoACM HtR. T.
Cp+rf BKK.tfI Hw\

I'U 6tfUM CrtJb HVt

THIS. l-LMCtt. >t> 1EXU

by Scott Selsor<)1993

Page 14/The Stormy Petrel /November 22, 1993




By Chopper Johnson
Chi Phi

Chi Phi has finnally

settled in nicely to our new
house, as should have been
apparent at our Annual Hat
Party, held last Staurday night.
We also have to thank the
Sigma's for the success of llhe
Chi Phi-Tri-Sigma mixer held
last week. On the same note,
a special word to all my pie dge
brothers on the decorations! for
the mixer - Great job! (E.ven

though there are still several
multi-colored paint stains on
the patio.)

On a much more serious
note, we at Chi Phi have a new
president and secretary. Our
new president is Rod Smith, a
sophmore, and our new secre-
tary is Jason Arikian, a junior.

We expect great things
from our new officers and our
new house, so keep in mind
our Christmas Party is coming
up and stay tuned for more in-
formation from the new house.


By Holly Harmon
Chi Omega

It's been a busy and

exciting week for Chi Omega.
Friday night was our Pajama
Party mixer with Kappa Al-
pha. Thanks for a great mixer

Officer elections were
held last weekend. "(Tie Chi
Omega officers for 1994 are:
President, Melissa Ki ng; Vice
President, Kelly Moymes; Sec-
retary, Teri Butler, Treasurer,
Carrie Adkins; Pledge Trainer,
Chanda Creasy; I'ersonnel
Chairman, Jennifer Trevisan;
Rush Chairman, M ary Poteet;
Panhellenic Delegate, Holly
Harmon; Panhellcinic Presi-
dent, Penny Brandt;
Panhellenic Trea surer, Priti

Kuvadia; Assistant

Panhellenic Rush Chairman,
Stacy Rasmussen; and House
Manager, Michelle

Williamson. Congratulations
to everyone. It looks like we
have a great year ahead of us!
Congratulations are also
in order for the academic
achievements of sisters: Meta
Swain, Alpha Chi; Angie
Dickerson and Melissa Lamar,
Who's Who Among American
Colleges and Universities;
Christa Kreegar, OU Poet
Laureate 1993-94; and Kelly
Moynes, Outstanding Fresh-
man, Phi Eta Sigma, and Al-
pha Psi Omega.

Our last big event for the
semester is our Christmas For-
mal which we are looking for-
ward to on December 4.

By Kevin Benefield
Kappa Alpha

The Kappa Alpha-Chi

Omega Pajama Party mixer
proved to be a great deal of fun
for all of our brothers and
pledges. Our thanks go out to
the sisters and pledges of Chi
Omega for an enjoyable mixer.
Special recognition goes to
Stacy Rasmussen and Shana
Bowes whose hard work made
for an entertaining evening for

Kappa Alpha's Slumber
Party, while departing from its
original design and ending
around 3 AM, was a good time
all the same. In the future, we
at Kappa Alpha might do well
to pace ourselves and our
guests to insure that everyone
is able to make it through the
night. William Blake might
well have known what he was
saying when he wrote, "The
road of excess leads to the pal-
ace of wisdom," but so far as
the Slumber Party was con-
cerned that road led to an early
night and a late morning for
most guests.

We cannot begin to ex-
press our gratitude to Lisa
Rock for single-handedly pull-
ing off the KA Thanksgiving
Dinner. Lisa has been and con-
tinues to be an incredible as-
set to the chapter. We will miss


By Jason Thoma s
Delta Sigma Phi

Cong rati nations to all
of my fellow p' ledge brothers
for the excell ent party we
threw Saturda.y night. Our
pledge party w as an entire suc-
cess. We (the pledges) would
like tp thank the brothers for
use of the hou se and especially
Brian Adams for the use of his
sound systen i.

Our pi ledge retreat last
weekend we nt well as varous
members of ' Delta Sig joined
the newly fc >rmed Lake Ocoee
Polar Bear Club. Can you say
froze our "/ 4$#' VA %'s off? Just
ask Allen how cold it was.

her terribly when she gradu-
ates in December. We love
you Lisa.

The KA Christmas Party
is scheduled for Friday, De-
cember 3 opposite the Boar's
Head. One cannot imagine the
calls we have fielded from the
University begging us to
change the date. We've tried
to assure them that our event
won't seriously impact turnout
at Oglethorpe's traditional
Christmas Gala, but of course
we do have the McGuigan fac-
tor working on our behalf.
Everyone place your bets.

We commend our
brother Clay Barrineau for
doing a spectacular job on
Casino Night. Clay continues
to contribute substantially
both to the University commu-
nity and the chapter. Good
work, Clay.

In closing, we would
like to express our outrage at
the lack of action taken by the
Community Life Office re-
garding the tearing of KA's fla-
mingo from its foundation in
our front yard. We trusted that
such juvenile acts of vandal-
ism would not occur while we
occupied the house, but we
accept that such beliefs were
simply a pipedream. We will
simply have to be more watch-
ful of the glorified lawn orna-
ments that we place on our
property in the future.

Thanks to Tim Digennaro for
getting us the cabin... and the
other necessary items. Oh
yeah, if you have fish as pets
in your dorm, don't invite
James Jaehnig over to see

The last of our most
valuable information would be
the fact that we finally have
our pool table in the house. We
are looking forward to the
Delta Sig Christams Formal,
and all that other neat stuff.
We are also looking forward
to the day when all of the
pledges actually pass the same
pledge test. As always we are
still enjoying the fact that
Delta Sig has a house. That's
about it. Until next time....


By Shannon Beehan
Sigma Sigma Sigma

The Sigmas have

much to be excited about this
month. All new members
passed their initiation test to
become sisters, and on Satur-
day, November 20th the new
members will drag themselves
out of bed at 7 AM for an ex-
tremely long initiation.

The Chi Phi-Sigma
Sigma Sigma mixer was a
great success. Thanks to all
the brothers and pledges for a
crazy time with garbage bags
and Dr. Seuss.

We are well on our way

to next year with our new of-
ficers: Stephanie Powell,
President; Shelly Poston, Vice
President; Christy Hall, Secre-
tary, Heather Champion, Trea-
surer, Cathy Skinner, Educa-
tion Director; and Megan
McMurray, Membership/
Rush Director. Many new
members and sisters also re-
ceived chairmanships.

Sigma's purple and
white volleyball teams are on
a roll, ranking first and second,
and are sure to finish off with
a spike.

Hey all you lucky men,
look forward to Sigma's An-
nual Christmas Party on De-
cember 4.


Kevin Benefield
Greek Editor

Having read over all

of the columns submitted to
me this week by my fellow
Greeks, I could not but recog-
nize that a great deal of our
news in this issue deals with

I have always held it is
not the purpose of the mixer
to alienate other Greek orga-
nizations nor is it the function
of a mixer to solidify socio-
political alliances within the
Greek system; rather I feel that
mixers are (or should be)
planned with the intention of
meeting members of other or-
ganizations that one might not
know and having fua

I realize that some
houses are, so far as the bulk
of their membership is con-
cerned, more closely tied to-
gether. That is not at issue.
What is at issue is the unwill-
ingness of many Greeks to
show common courtesy to one
another and leave open the
possibility that good relations
might emerge between tradi-
tionally hostile houses.

The character of chap-
ters changes dramatically over
time. Why then should we be
ruled by conventions of the
past that have rendered them-
selves, unbeknownst to us,

As an advocate of Greek
unity and empowerment, I am
encouraged to see the mixing
of fraternities and sororities
that have not done so for years.
We can ony become stronger
as a system and realize more
of the goals we set for our-
selves by working together and
that must begin on a personal

Basically, I would impel
Greeks to give one another a
chance to disprove stereotypes.
I'mnotsuingforpeace. Com-
petition and good-natured
pranks are essential parts of
the Greek experience. Hate
and pettiness are not.

Page 15/The Stormy Petrel/ttovember 22, 1993


All Dunn: Lets give credit where credit is due

By Dunn Neugebauer
Petrel Non-Correspondent

This is old news by

now but I don't care. Since I
doubt the Journal and all those
other papers will bother, I want
to save this space for some
people that deserve it The
A1I-SCAC team was an-
nounced two weeks ago in
both soccer and cross country.
As of this writing, volleyball
wasn't to be named until later
in November. Anyway, you,
probably know who they are,
but I'll mention them (and
something about them) any-

Will Lukow-First
team All-Conference and Co-
Player of the Year Men's
Soccer When told of his
honor, he replied, "Me?... Re-
ally?" Yes, you.... really.
Lukow again led the team in
scoring, grew his sideburns,
ran real fast, went to class and
dated Dawn Bristol all at the

same time. Good job...

Joe Aykempong Se-
nior First-Team Men's
Soccer A four-year starter,
very quick. Coach Teach com-
mented that sometimes Joey
could do things with the ball
that he couldn't really figure
out It's okay, coach, some-
times Joey couldn't either. Just
kidding. A deserved honor...

Cameron Bready
Senior Second team
Men's Soccer How can you
keep him off an All-Confer-
ence team? He's clean cut,
makes straight A's, always ac-
knowledges when you walk
past, already has a job and is
your basic good guy. When I
tried to get a bold comment out
of him by congratulating him,
he simply said, "thanks," then
picked up his books and went
to class and made a 97 on an
Economics test. Your mother
didn't have to warn you about
guys like him...

John Nunes Jun-

ior Second team Men's
Soccer Fun to watch. Kinda
calm and good natured off the
field, then sniffs some heat bal-
sam before a match and turns
into an animal...

Rob Fearon Sopho-
more Second team Men's
Soccer What can you say?
Dunwoody High School and
their graduates are striking
gold these days. Way to go
Rob. When you make A1I-
SCAC honors, you don't have
to shave...

Kirsten Hanzsek
Junior-First team Women's
Soccer Always a pleasure
watching nice, pretty blonds
smile and give you a high-five
one second, then trot onto the
field and run over people the
next. A competitor and a

Michelle Ponte Se-
nior Second team
Women's Soccer Yes, that
little one out there is a senior
and even if the knee brace is

just as big as she is, it doesn't
mean she can't play. One of
the top scorers during her four
years here. Tough to lose this

Tinnie Waterson
Freshman Second team
Women's Soccer Diagno-
sis? An animal off the field
and an animal on it. Tried to
get comments from her on her
honor, but she just gave me
five and ran away because she
was late for class. Hang in
there. You got three more

Stephanie Chaby
Sophomore First team
Cross Country It's impos-
sible to interview cross coun-
try runners, they run too fast.
Anyway, she finished third in
the conference race. Post
awards comments? No, just a
jog and a smile...

Doug Pack Sopho-
more First Team Cross
Country This man has no
time for comments. He took

fourth in the conference meet,
he takes a full load of classes,
he runs for Coach Bob, he has
a wife and two kids. Doug,
you don't have to say any-
thing. You're a stud...

Closing words Our
volleyball team went 29-11
and if some of our girls aren't
on there, we will break out the
heavy artillery. Not to men-
tion any names, but their ini-
tials are Ann Mason, Lu
Green, the Japanese girl with
the sidearmed serve, Sue, Jill,
Brandi,, etc., etc

Also, congratulations to
the women's tennis team for
finishing the fall season ranked
# 1 in the south, and the men's
tennis team finished 15th.
How did they do it? How the
hell do I know, I'm just the

Until next time, Leave
me alone, I'm moving... (Want
to help???)

Dunn, James Dunn

High hopes for Oglethorpe's basketball team

By Daryl Brooks

Expectations are high

for the 1993-94 version of Pe-
trel basketball. The guys have
been picked to finish second in
the Southern Collegiate Ath-
letic Conference (SCAC) by
the coaches in the league. The
team is coming off a third
place conference finish last
year in which they finished
with an overall 15-9 record
and 10-4 in the conference.

The Petrels also had
three players named to the first
and second preseason all
SCAC teams. Senior center
Brian Davis and junior for-
ward Andy Schutt were named
to the first team, while sopho-
more forward Ryan Vickers
was named to the second team.
Davis also received one first
place vote for preseason player
of the year honors.
The petrels will open the sea-
son November 1 9 at the Wash-
ington and Lee Tournament in

Lexington, Virginia. Their
first home game is Wednesday
December 1st against
Otterbain College.

"Our offense is progress-
ing satisfactorily," according
to coach Jack Berkshire, com-
menting on the progress of his
team. "Our offense is ahead
because we have concentrated
on it. We need to improve the
defense." With nine of last
years top ten players returning,
much is expected of this year's
squad. The probable starters
are as follows: Junior Cornell
Longino, a 6 '2" guard, who
was voted best defensive
player and was fourth in
league assists with 3.8 a game.
Longino also averaged 4.7 re-
bounds and 8.5 points per
game last year. Sophmore
Tripp Pierson, third in the
league in steals with 4.5 a
game last season, will occupy
the other guard spot. The
afore-mentioned Davis, who
last year finished third in the
country in field goal percent-

age (65.5) and averaged 17.6
points (fourth in the league)
and six rebounds a game (tenth
in the league), will hold down
the center position. One for-
ward spot will be held by
Schutt whop was tenth in the
league in scoring (1 5.3), tenth
in rebounding (6.0), fourth in
field goal percentage (.541),
fourth in blocked shots (.9),
and sixth in free throw percent-
age (.806). The other forward
spot will be reserved for
Vickers who was second in the
league in three point percent-
age (.48 1 ) and averaged 1 1 .2
points per game last season.
Coming off the bench in the
all-important sixth man role
should be senior Nathan
Briesmiester. Nate finished
fifth in the league in free pVb\st -
percentage last season (.813),
dropped in 7. 1 points per game
and hauled down 4.4 rebounds
per game.

Although the Petrels are
tough, their schedule may be
tougher. The team plays Di-

vision 1 opponent Davidson
December 13th and ranked
opponents such as Otterbein
College, Maryville College
and West Connecticut later in
the season.

"In order to win the con-
ference we need to improve the
defense," stated coach Berk-
shire. "We had a young team
last year, and hopefully we will
be smarter and understand
more on defense this year."


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Page 16/The Stormy Pet re I/fcoveinber 22, 1993


A strange, strange season for soccer

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

At long last, the soc-
cer season is finally over. To
call the men's team a heckle
and jive, excuse me, Jeckyl
and Hyde team would be an
understatement. The men's
team finished the season with
a 7-9-2 record, placing them

sixth in the SCAC. The lady
Petrels, on the other hand, fin-
ished with their best record
ever for the school. The
women finished with a final
record of 8-8-1, placing them
third in the SCAC.

What makes this season
so odd for the men is the fact
that they possessed some of the
best players ever at
Oglethorpe Even stranger

Wilt Lukovv ui tobies pasi upixjiiciiis vn ins way 10
Co-Player of the year. photo by Pat Mulhearn

than that is the fact that the
men tied two teams which
were both ranked in the South-
em Division III poles, Centre
College who was ranked sixth
and Emory who was ranked
eighth. They also defeated the
number five team in the South,
Maryville. Despite this phe-
nomenal play, the men some-
how ended their season with a
loss to Hendrix College who
was ranked seventh in the
SCAC. This season was an
odd one to say the least. The
season was plagued with inju-
ries, arguements, ejections
from games, and ineligibility

The men did have a
glimmer of hope after the sea-
son was concluded as the All-
Conference selections were
released. Will Lukow was
named Co-Player of the Year.
Joe Aykempong was named to
the first team. Named to the
second team were Cameron
Bready, John Nunes, and Rob
Fearon. Congratulations guys.

The girls had their best
season yet. This was a good

surprise considering the youth
of many of the players. The
younger players stepped up to
the competition and provided
for both strong offensive and
defensive play. A lot of the
success has been granted to
their new coach Todd Yelton.
All of the ladies have shown
extreme happiness with his
style and techniques of coach-

ing. The ladies ended their
season on a good note as they
beat new conference rival,
Hendrix. The ladies also had
players named to the All-
SC AC team. Making the first
team was junior Kirsten
Hanszek. On the second team
were senior Michelle Ponte
and freshman Tinnie
Waterston Congratulation?

i-irst team All-SCAC selection, Kirsten Hanszek del eats
another defender. photo by Pat Mulheam

Cross country star makes NCAA Nationals

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

Last weekend, Doug

Pack, an Oglethorpe sopho-
more, became only the second
person in the history of the
school, and the first in more
than twelve years, to receive an
invitation to the NCAA Divi-
sion III national Cross Coun-
try tournament.

At the region meet on
November 13, Pack ran the 8
kilometer (4.93 miles) course
in 26 minuets and 4 seconds
to place fourth overall, and to
win one of the four "at-large"
bids form the southern region.
The region consists of almost
30 teams, with almost 100
runners competing at the tour-
nament. The finish also placed
him as the fastest sophomore
in the region this year.

The fourth place victory
means even more to Parks be-
cause only the week before at

the SCAC conference tourna-
ment he finished fourth be-
cause of severe back spasm at
the four-mile mark. However,
running healthy at regions he
finished before all three of the
runners who had beaten him
the week prior.
He now will compete the
weekend of the 20th with more
than 1 80 other runners for the
national championship.

Pack is confident about
his chances, especially consid-
ering the fact that he is only a
sophomore. "I want to ^et
somewhere in the top 14 to
twenty. I think that is a realis-
tic goal." As his coach pointed
out, however, the conditions of
the day may have a lot to do
with the caliber of a perfor-
mance. "Its been known to
snow on occasions at Nation-
als, so we'll just have to see
about the weather."

Pack, who is married
with two small children, began

running when he was in eighth
grade. He ran five years of
track, and four years in cross
country. He says that he
wanted to start with cross
country in the fall of his eighth
grade year, but according to
him, "I was this small guy
wandering around this huge
high school, and, to make a
long story short, I could never
find the cross country coach."
He also ran his freshman year
at O.U., placing third in the
conference tournament, and
14th overall at regions.

Coach Unger said that
Doug's practice schedule this
week will not vary from his
regular season workouts. The
cross country team normally
odes relatively low mileage
work out, with the emphasis on
speed training and hill train-
ing. As Unger said, "We usu-
ally do around 45 miles a
week, while some other
schools in the conference are

doing time and a half of that.
This, though, I doubt that
Doug will run twenty miles,
but all of it will be speed
work." When asked to specu-
late on Park's performance at

Nationals, he simply said ,
"How he does doesn't matter
nearly as much as the fact that
he made it there, because he
has joined a very elite com-


Letters to the Editor

Layout personell

Adversiting Manager

Individuals interested

in Journalism

Please contact The Stormy Petrel at
(404) 364-8425, ask for the Editor-in-
Chief, Ryan P. Queen, or the Business
Manager, Brian Davis

The Stormy Petrel

Volum e 69, Issue 6 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University December 8, 1993

Oglethorpe releases Strategic Plan

Beavis and

Page 3

Dealing with

Page 4

Where to eat
when cramming

Page 5

Top 5 ways to
relieve stress

Page 5

Addatns Family

Page 6

Dunn's Christ-
mas Carol

Page 8

Comics: 8

Editorials: 3

Entertainment: 6

Features: 4-5

Grapevine: 2

Greeks: 7

News: 2

ProFile: 4

Security: 2

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

After much analysis of

the state of this university, the
final draft of the Oglethorpe
Strategic Planning Committee
Report was released to the
public late last week.

The report, which shows
a comprehensive breakdown
of the finances of the univer-
sity as well as a theoretical
plan for the path of the school

search peers, Oglethorpe falls
short in most categories, ex-
ceeding them only slightly in
the value of the physical plant
and in enrollment."

In addition to these fi-
nancial findings, the report
also states a plan of action that
hopes to allow Oglethorpe to
become one of the premier
universities of its size. These
initiatives, called simply Pro-
gram Initiatives, and what they
hope to accomplish, are as fol-

volving the student as an ac-
tive learner); programs for car-
rying Oglethorpe's legacy of
core curriculum into the future
(a commitment to continuous
improvement of the core cur-
riculum). All of these pro-
grams are detailed in the plan
itself, which is available to stu-

To implement these Pro-
gram Initiatives, the plan pro-
poses five major Resource Ini-
tiatives: educational and gen-

year 1998. The report states
that tuition will remain the pri-
mary source of income for the
university. To supplement the
endowment and improve "fi-
nancial stability," it proposes
to increase this figure from
$11,500,000 to $18,000,000
by 1998. To facilitate the im-
provements to the structures
on campus, Oglethorpe has
cited new construction and
renovations (including a new
residence hall, improvements


Rank Comparison of 74 LA-1 Colleges
Academic & Resource-Base Ranking

Academic Peer
Resource Peer





inn EQiP




(c utiJ-iim |

WttB :



\ cpfrac I

I uufcOrrtfl

y^r-pT- vivM )

\ Untune j |



Unstable Position In Lpng-Run

ru I


Academic Ranking (Index)


Academic and Resource-base Rankings of 74 Liberal Arts I Colleges. The seventy four co-educational Liberal Arts I institu-
tions with enrollment less than 2000 are ranked by two indices. The ACADEMIC INDEX Is a composite ranking of the
percentage of faculty with PhDs, the SAT or ACT average of entering students, and Barron's ranking. The RESOURCE Index
is a composite of educational and general revenues, endowment market value, physical plant value, total headcount, and
number of full-time faculty.

into the twenty first century,
has brought to the surface
some disturbing facts about its
monetary infrastructure. It
seems that the university is dis-
tinctly behind most of its peers
in respect to financial stability.
To quote from the report itself,
"With respect to its academic
peers, Oglethorpe falls far
short in each resource cat-
egory. With respect to its re-

lows: programs for integrat-
ing the liberal arts and the
American city (a commitment
to linking the Atlanta commu-
nity and the classroom); uni-
versity college programs (a
commitment to delivering
high-quality educational pro-
grams in the liberal arts to non-
traditional students); active
and collaborative learning pro-
grams (a commitment to in-

Graph courtesy of Oglethorpe Administartion.
eral revenues; endowment; to the student center/dining

new buildings and improve-
ments in the physical plant;
growth and development of
faculty and staff; and enroll-
ment growth. Each of these
strategies is detailed as well,
but deserve a little explanation
here. The plan proposes an
increase in the OU operating
budget from $12,000,000 to
almost $19,000,000 by the

hall, and a campus-wide com-
puter network) that will total
$24,500,000, of which the
university believes they will be
able to secure $ 1 8,000,000 of
it in gifts and pledges by 1998.
No precise figures have been
stated for the growth and de-
velopment of new faculty, but
it seems logical for an increase
see Strategic Planning page 2

Page 2/The Stormy Petrel/tecember 8, 1993




-On Thursday, No-
vember 1 1, a resident of Greek
Row came out to the parking
lot and discovered that the rear
window of his vehicle had
been smashed. There were
glass shards lying in the seat.
However, nothing was taken
from the vehicle.

- Also on Thursday, No-
vember 1 1 , a resident of Greek
Row reported that what ap-
peared to be a BB gun pellet
had been fired at his window
and made a hole in the outer

-On Wednesday, No-
vember 17, a student called to
report that a valuable textbook
left in the bookshelves of the
cafeteria had been taken dur-
ing dinner.

-On Saturday, Novem-
ber 20, between 2:10 and2:30
a.m. an unknown vehicle
drove through the side vehicle
gate. The padlock holding the
gates shut held, but the right
gate was torn off the hinges.
Dekalb Police were called to
file a vandalism report. Forthe
rest of the night a guard
blocked the entrance with a
security vehicle. Maintenance
used chains to repair the gate
on Saturday morning so that
it could be closed but the gate
was not able to be unlocked for
regular use for several days as
it was unstable if opened.

-On Saturday, Novem-
ber 20, at 11 :55 p.m.,the Resi-
dent Director on duty called
because a former student
banned from Oglethorpe's
campus was refusing to leave.
Security located the student
and escorted him off campus.

-F.Y.I. There will con-
tinue to be 24 Hour Securitty
throughout the semester
Break, even on Christmas! !

Strategic Planning

continued from page 1

proportional to that of the other
improvements on campus.
The last major Resource Ini-
tiative is enrollment, which the
school hopes to increase from
1,200 to over 1,500 in the next
five years.

All of these programs for
the future, as well as a exhaus-
tive financial report are de-
tailed in the Strategic Plan,
which can, and should, be
picked up by all students of
Oglethorpe University in the
Community Life office.

There will be open meet-
ings held on Thursday, De-
cember 9, in the conference
room of Weltner Library to
discuss this plan with students.

Comparision of Resources
Oglethorpe & its Peers

academic r



Resource Measure

A bar graph showing Oglethorpe's financial relationships to its academic and resource
peers. Graph courtesy of Oglethorpe Administration.

Heard it through the Grapevine

News and events in and around Oglethorpe University

"The Three Ages of

Man," considered by many
critics to be Giorgione's redis-
covered master piece, is on dis-
play at the Oglethorpe Univer-
sity Museum through Decem-
ber 22. Museum hours are
Tuesday through Sunday, 1 :00
to 4:00 p.m. Admission is free.

Terry Cox, Kroger

General Office Vice-President,
will speak at Oglethorpe Tues-
day, December 7, at 4:00 p.m.
in the Viewing Room of Philip
Weltner Library on campus.
The lecture is sponsored by the
Mack A. Rikard Business
Lecture Series. Cox's topic
will be "The 'Perishable' Dy-
namics of Non-Foods: Com-
peting in the '90's and the Year

Cox began his grocery
career during college and en-
tered the Kroger Management
Program immediately upon
graduation from Ohio State
University. He has held posi-
tions of store manager, buyer,
grocery/drug merchandiser,
vice-president of merchandis-
ing and president of Kroger's
Peyton Division. The lecture
is free to the public. Call 364-
8329 for more information.

The National Library

of Poetry has announced that
$12,000 in prizes will be
awarded this year to over 250
poets in the North American
Open Poetry Contest. The
deadline for the contest is De-
cember 31, 1993. The contest
is open to everyone and entry
is FREE.

Any poet, whether pre-
viously published or not, can


be a winner. Every poem en-
tered also has a chance to be
published in a deluxe,
hardbound anthology.

To enter, send ONE
original poem, any subject and
any style, to The National Li-
brary of Poetry, 11419
Cronridge Dr., P.O. Box 704-
ZT, Owings Mills, MD 2 1 1 17.
The poem should be no more
than twenty lines, and the
poet's name and address
should appear on the top of the

page. Entries must be post-
marked by December 31,
1 993 to be considered eligible.

A note of thanks goes

out to the brothers and pledges
of Chi Phi for their annual as-
cent to the top of the Lupton
Bell tower to put up the
Oglethorpe Christmas tree.
Many people braved stagger-
ing heights and staggering
winds to accomplish this feat.



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Page 3/The Stormy Petrel /December 8, 1993


Don't blame Beavis & Butthead

The Stormy


Business Manager:
Copy Editor:
Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editor:
Feature Editors:

Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:


Wendy Barber
Sarah Buzzard
Yolanda Hernandez
Maria Johnson
Kathy Lea
Aretha List
Shannon Montgomery
Tomika Powell
Randy Tidwell

Ryan R Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Justin Hayes
Chris Brown
Brandon Galloway
Angie Dickerson
Kevin Benefield
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas

Daryl Brooks
Tim Evans
Trish Hinton
Kim Jones
Lisa Ledbetter
Mary Lynch
Will Mullis
Daniel Rosenthal
Pauline van Vliet

Christie Willard

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman Robert Drake

Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Thursdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, AUanta, GA 30319, (phone #: (404) 364-
8425) or drop them off in the box on the news-
paper office door.

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Kim Jones' plea for

everyone to do something here
on campus struck a chord with
me. As an editor, I know the
frustration of trying to moti-
vate people to write, to come
to meetings, to do anything
around here. Ms. Jones also
noted that this apathetic atti-
tude was especially out of
place at a liberal arts univer-
sity - where are our liberals?
So today, I'm going to do
something liberal. I'm going
to stand up for the most mo-
ronic duo in history - Beavis
and Butthead.

In case you've been
trapped in a biosphere project
or something and don't al-
ready know, Beavis and
Butthead are cartoon charac-
ters with an incredibly popu-
lar show on MTV. The pair
represent every disgusting, vile
and repulsive aspect of Ameri-
can male adolescents from the
tendency to turn every conver-
sation into a sexual reference
to a fascination with all bodily
functions. By the show's own
admission, Beavis and
Butthead are sarcastic, lazy,
ignorant and sexist. They are
also one other thing (at least
to most of my generation and
MTV viewers) they are

The reason Beavis and
Butthead are so funny is be-
cause they've hit the nail on
the head with a little TV-
style exaggeration, of course.
How many of us suffered
through junior high with a
couple of grossly adolescent
psychotics giggling idiotically
in the background. Watching
Beavis and Butthead is like

watching my 17 year old
brother and his friends, as my
mother would say, "rude,
crude, and socially unaccept-
able." But are Beavis and
Butthead dangerous? This is
now the question.

One characteristic
Beavis and Butthead share
with most children and young
adults is a flair for flame. They
play with matches and 1 ighters,
chant "Fire! Fire!" when fire
is shown on a video (their fa-
vorite pastime), and ignite the
most unlikely concoctions.
Lately, this has gotten them in
trouble not in TVland, but in
the all too real world. It seems
that this year, like every year,
several children have acciden-
tally or intentionally caused
fires in their homes. In at least
two cases, these fires have
claimed the lives of other chil-
dren. Naturally, the culprits
are the destructive duo them-
selves Beavis and
Butthead. Suddenly, they are
in danger of being yanked off
the air and have already been
removed from prime time

First let me say that I am
not making light of these trag-
edies; I doubt there is much
that is harder in this world than
to come to terms with the death
of a young, innocent child.
However, are we really going
to pawn off our responsibility
for raising our children on tele-
vision cartoons? First of all,
kids have always loved to play
with fire. Kids have always
loved to use bad language,
watch dirty movies and pick
their noses just like Beavis
and Butthead. This is a case
of art imitating life, not the
other way around. This is ex-
actly the reason Beavis and

Butthead are so funny and, at
the same time, frightening.
The show is demonstrating
exactly what will happen if we
continue letting the media
raise the next generation. The
answer is not to get these de-
viants offthe air, it's to get their
real-life counterparts out from
in front of the TV.

Let's suppose for a mo-
ment that the boys who started
the house fires had never
thought of such a thing before
watching the show. After all,
one of the arsonists was only
four or five years old. There
is a simple solution. MOM,
THE TV! What the hell is a
preschooler doing watching
MTV and playing with butane
lighters? Anything he wants,
it would seem. Where was his
mother the woman who
blames Beavis and Butthead?
Why wasn't she reading to
him, playing in the park, or
watching an appropriate
children's show with him? I
used to come down on my par-
ents pretty hard for censoring
what I watched Now I under-
stand why they sheltered me,
and I am grateful. Parents
should look at the example
they set for their children be-
fore placing the blame else-
where. My brother had a few
pyromaniacal urges when he
was young, but he's no
Butthead, and the credit lies
with my parents, not some
Neilsen family. Taking Beavis
and Butthead off the air will
only deprive adults of the right
to waste their minds as they see
fit. But someone should be
watching the children as
well as what the children are

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Page A/The Stormy Petrel /December 8, 1993


By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

This edition's profile
focuses on a familiar name
around campus rather than a
new one, Dr. Amerson.
Malcolm Amerson has been a
part of Oglethorpe for 25
years, serving for 12 years as
Dean of the College and ever
since as a professor of biology.
This semester Amerson
teaches Human Biology and
General Biology in addition to
Science Seminar. Science
Seminar serves as a sort of
capstone class where students
hear lectures and present pa-
pers; this semester cosmology
is the theme. Dr. Amerson be-
lieves the class gives students
practical experience in re-
search and public speaking

It is no secret that Dr.
Amerson is a favorite with stu-
dents, and the feeling seems to
be mutual. When asked what
has kept him here for over two
decades, he quickly responds,
"Oh, the students,... They're
wonderful folks." Amerson
also notes that students - not
just at Oglethorpe, but every-
where - have changed since the
sixties. The "hippy genera-
tion" has given way to what he
sees as a more conservative,
job-oriented student body. Dr.
Amerson has also seen a
change or renovation in virtu-
ally every building on campus
during his time here. In fact,
during his first years here his
office was in Lowry Hall, bet-
ter known as the library, where
the circulation desk is now.

Outside of class. Dr.
Amerson enjoys sports of all
types, especially hunting, bas-
ketball, and football. He also
plays the role of family man
to his wife, son, and daughter
Jennifer, an O.U. graduate.
Dr. Amerson 's good humor
and easy-going manner have
made him a great asset to both
Oglethorpe and its students -
here's to another 25 years!

How to deal with stress during finals

By Trish Hinton

Stress it can cause

damage ranging from head-
aches and anxiety to heart
problems and nervous condi-
tions. How do we deal with
stress? And which ways are
best? As college students, a
tremendous amount of stress is
put on us each and every day,
but, as most of us have experi-
enced, nothing that compares
to Final Exam time!

We are asked to spew
back the information that we
barely crammed in before a
test from six weeks ago. We
study all night hopingto retain
just one more pertinent fact.
At a time when the amount of
stress demands more rest than
ever, we deprive our bodies
and minds of the only thing it
craves sleep. We study
through dinner, then spend late
nights in the library or at the
Waffle House consuming un-
healthy food. Is there a solu-
tion to this problem?

A solution probably
doesn't exist for most students
because it would require, as a
good friend of mine likes to
say: "Studying a little each
day." Who wants to study
when no exam or paper is com-
ing up anytime soon? But
something is needed to deal
with the stress of final exam

My solution is to find a
hobby. For those of you who
know me, I practically live in
the Bomb Shelter because I
enjoy shooting pool. I find it
very relaxing and an excellent
"study break." Now, this

doesn't mean that I want all of
you running down to the Stu-
dent Center or to Dempsey on
your study breaks because I
don "t like having to wa it on the
table. What this does mean is
that you should find something
you enjoy doing that you find
relaxing. Don't choose any
activity that strains you men-
tally (you get enough of that
from studying). Physical
strain, as long as it's refresh-
ing, not tiring, is also good. It
gets the blood flowing, wakes
up those weary senses, and
stimulates the brain.

The problem with trying
to overcome final exam stress

and anxiety is that it can be
overdone. For example, you
are on a winning streak.
You ' ve been undefeated on the
pool table for thirty minutes
now. Your break should have
ended ten minutes ago, but no
one has taken control of the
table from you yet. What do
you do? Oh sure, it's a whole
lot easier to stay and shoot
pool, but what happens to
studying? Say for your break
you take a nap. Ideally, they
should be thirty to sixty min-
utes, but you fall fast asleep,
hit the snooze button twenty
times, and wake up fifteen

minutes before the exam the
next day.

Nervous breakdowns
aren't worth it, trust me. So,
don't sweat over exams that
you've studied for as best you
can. You're probably more
prepared than you think. This
semester go into finals relaxed.
Take breaks at least once ev-
ery two hours when you study.
Keep break time, as well as
nap time, to a minimum.
Study hard. Take breaks.
Breathe deep. Ready?... Take
the test. Go home. See how
easy a stress free exam can be?

Good Luck!!

How to succeed on finals

By Maria Johnson

As final exam week

approaches, the Oglethorpe
student body has begun a fran-
tic search for the easy way out.
If some mind reader listened
to the communal thought pro-
cesses going on at Oglethorpe,
he or she would hear the uni-
versal question: "How can I
synthesize the most amount of
material in the shortest amount
of time?" Unfortunately, this
search is always in vain be-
cause real learning is impos-
sible without work and a lot of
time. The process can be made
much easier, however, by sim-
ply following a few of the ba-
sic rules and tips provided by
your fellow Stormy Petrels.

Soren Ryland says "start
early; don't wait until the last
minute because you'll never
have enough time to finish it
all." If you start your study-
ing late, you'll probably end

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up cramming all night. Stu-
dents who have stayed up all
night studying have been
known to write gibberish on
exams that they think makes
total sense. For instance, on a
recent Biology exam, a stu-
dent, when asked to describe
the difference between a sten-
tor and an Amoeba, answered,
"Wine is fine, but whiskey is
wetter. Suicide is so much bet-
ter," and he had no idea that
this was indeed an incorrect

Another tip, provided by
Freshman Jeff Pyron, is:
"Don't fall asleep the night
before an exam when you
should be studying because
that really sucks." Obviously,
you should not give in to the
siren-like call of sleep when
exams loom. Yes, granted that
sleep is a beautiful beautiful
gift from God, but it is lethal
for your grades. If possible,
practice "power-napping," a
trick of sleeping for 1 5 min-
utes, and then waking totally
refreshed. I have never been
able to successfully complete
a power nap because 1 always
end up waking up three hours
later to discover that the sun
has set. I've heard that
through practice, though, any-
one can learn to power-nap
Jeff Pyron also operates under
a theory concerning REM.
sleep. Apparently, getting an
odd number of hours of sleep,
say three, is better than getting
and even number like four,

because of the REM. dream-
ing patterns.

Basically, there is no
way to bypass studying If you
start to get too stressed out
about the whole ordeal, then
take Pauline van Vliet's advice
and "realize that 30 years from
now, when you're married and
have five kids, no one includ-
ing you cares if you made an
80 or a 90 percent." The dif-
ference between a 50 and a 60
percent is rather major, how-
ever, so my final study tip is
this: "If you're reading this
article, stop because you
should be studying!"


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Page 5/The Stormy Petrel/December 8, 1993


Where to go to cram your mind and stomach

By Will Mullis

It's late and you are

starved. You simply can't eat
any more Ramen noodles or
Spaghettios and you know ev-
eryone at Domino's by name.
Where on earth can the late-
night crammers go to feed their
bodies whi le they nourish their
minds with knowledge. While
many restaurants extend their
hours on Fridays and Satur-
days, a few are available for
midnight (or later) snacks
seven days a week. Scrape
together some dough (or use a
credit card) and check out

Piedmont, Open 24 Hours,

Where is it? Turn right
out of O.U. Go down a couple
of miles and turn left onto
Lenox Road. Pass under 1-85.
Stay on this road (now
Cheshire Bridge) and go past
a dozen or so lingerie model-
ing parlors. Don't be tempted.
Cheshire Bridge dead-ends
into Piedmont. Two Pesos is
on the comer.

What to expect Prices
are reasonable on good
nachos, burritos, tacos, fajitas,
combo plates, and $.99
margaritas, what more can you

ask for? Also Video games,
free refills on soda, cool decor.
There is also a serve yourself
bar with salsa, peppers, onions,
pico de gallo, and more.

Who will you see?
O.U. super jocks Lu Green
and Will Corum, people who
just can't get enough Mexican.

everywhere, Open 24 Hours.

Where are they?
Where isn't there a Waffle
House? You can go the new
one in front of the Brookhaven
Malta station but I personally
prefer the one that you turn left
out of O.U. and is a couple of
miles down on the right Why?
Partially loyalty and besides
it's the only one where you can
see Michael Hawks and Neal
Bryant sing along with "I'm
proud to be an American" as
they stand in their seats.

What to expect rea-
sonable prices on good eggs
and bacon, waffles, coffee,
burgers, and hash browns with
everything imaginable on
them, including the infamous
Bert's chili. Usually very
friendly and prompt service.

Who will you see?
My favorite location (see
above) is the safest place in
Atlanta as there are always at
least 2-3 police officers drink-
ing coffee and flirting with the

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waitresses. Be on the lookout
for Neal and Hawks.

5295 Buford Hwy. Open un-
til 3 a.m. 457-6788.

Where is it? Go left out
of O.U. Go down to Chamblee
Dunwoody road and turn
right. When you hit Buford
Hwy., turn left. First China is
down on the right.

What to expect deli-
cious Chinese food, either
eaten inside in the nice dining
room or taken home. Good
service by the wait staff, even
ifh's 2:30 a.m. The soups and
steamed pot stickers are good
as are the entrees such as Beef
or Chicken War Bar, Shrimp
with lobster sauce, Mongolian
Beef, Golden Crown Veg-
etable Delight, General Tso's
Chicken, and everything else.
The atmosphere is nice and

Who will you see?
the ultimate badge of authen-
ticity for any Chinese restau-
rant, Chinese customers. Also,
Americans who have discov-
ered the place.


MEZZO 1845 Peachtree,
open until at least 2 a.m.

Where is it? turn right
out of Oglethorpe. Stay on
Peachtree past Lenox and all
the bars, go a few more miles
and it's on the left. Go there
once and you're hooked! !

What to expect Beau-
tiful music, an incredible va-
riety of extraordinary desserts,
a full selection of coffees,
espressos, cappuccinos, li-
queurs, Italian sodas, and com-
plete bar. "Dessert tours,"
where the dessert person will
describe all 25-35 succulent
desserts on display are avail-
able on request.

Who will you see?
Yuppies galore, people return-
ing from theater performances,
Oglethorpe students who have
saved their pennies.

3009 Buford Hwy. Open un-
til at least 1 :30 a.m.

Where is it? Tum
right out of O.U. and then left
onto North Druid hills. Tum
left when you hit Buford Hwy.
Applebee's is on the right.

What to expect Al-
most everyone can find some-
thing they like at Applebee's.
There are great salads, sand-
wiches, and appetizers, as well
as steaks and other full din-
ners. Particularly good are the
riblet and chicken finger bas-
kets. There are also daily spe-
cials on food as well as drink
specials. The atmosphere is
lively, the wait staff is friendly,
and the decor is super.

Who will you see?
just about everybody,
Applebee's is a melting pot for
all sorts of Atlantians.

Druid Hills, Open 24 hours.

Where is it? Go right
out of O.U Turn left onto
North Druid Hills, cross over
Buford Hwy and it's on the

What to expect The
famous Krystal burgers and
the more recent addition, com
pups. For those unfamiliar
with Krystal, they are small
square burgers with onions,
mustard, and pickle. While

Krystals aren't exactly great
for your digestive system, they
are inexpensive and will fill
you up. Krystal also had good
thick chocolate shakes.

Who will you see?
Oglethorpe students who have
scraped together $1.97 in
change from under their sofa

1725 Peachtree Rd. Open
24 hours.

Where is it? just past
Cafe Intermezzo, in other
words, turn right and go until
you see it.

What to expect IHOP
is where to go if you are look-
ing for a place that features a
full menu of breakfast, lunch,
and dinner items. However, it
is questionable if you should
go this far when similar fare is
available at the nearby Waffle

Who will you see?
Those trying to recover from
severe over-indulgence in
Buckhead before they go home.

Top Five Ways to
Relieve Stress

5. Making hand critters in the spotlights in front of Hearst and

Lupton (Lyndra Givens).

4. "Laughing wild amidst severest woe" (Amy Marie


3. Relaxing each muscle in your body one at a time. "It

works you go to sleep whether you want to or not" (Bill


2. Crushing can one at a time. "It's better if you write words

on them like 'organic test'" (Susan Shirley).

1. Crossing intersections shouting "walk" at the top of your

lungs (Michelle Curtin).

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Page 6/The Stormy Petrel/becember 8, 1993


"Addams Family Values" proves to be better

By Will Mullis

At the beginning of

"Addams Family Values,"
Gomez emerges from the de-
livery room and proudly pro-
claims to his anxiously wait-
ing family "It's an Addams! !"
That's right, the madcap
Addams family has returned.
Following on the heels of the
highly successful first film,
"Addams Family Values" is a
better film in nearly every way
than its predecessor. The hu-
mor has become both sharper
and darker since the frantic
antics of the first film.

As the story unfolds,
poor lonely Uncle Fester
(Christopher Lloyd) yearns to
have a family like his brother
Gomez (Raul Julia). Addi-
tionally, Morticia (Angelica
Huston), after having her third
child, the adorable baby
Pubert, decides she wants to be
a 90s woman and have a ca-
reer to go along with her lov-
ing family. Accordingly, they
decide to hire a nanny to watch
over Baby Pubert, and keep
him safe from his murderously
jealous siblings. After a series
of nannies is unsuccessful in
taming Wednesday and
Pugsley, the insanely cheerful
Debbie Jellinsky (Joan
Cusack) enters and wins the
job. Uncle Fester is, of course,
enamored with this beautiful
addition to the macabre home
and woos her like only an
Addams can. When Pugsley
and Wednesday begin to sus-
pect her of being the infamous
"Black Widow Bride" Debbie
realizes her only chance is to
send them away to summer
camp so that they can not in-
terfere with her nefarious
plans. It is at this summer
camp for the young, rich, and
blond, where Wednesday and
Pugsley are forced to submit
to all sorts of indignities before
their spectacular triumph The
camp sequences are probably
the most humorous of the en-
tire film.

Joan Cusack is a wel-
come addition to the cast, who

all returned for "Values." Her
character, particularly when
interacting with Morticia pro-
vides some great comic scenes.
Raul Julia and Angelica
Huston are again marvelous,
as is Christina Ricci, who has
the best dead-pan line delivery
of any actor around. David
Krumhoitz, another addition
for "Values," does an excellent
job as the kindred spirit who
has a summertime romance
with Wednesday.

As in the first film, all the
sets are elaborately horrific
and therefore perfect for the
Addams family. The horror on
Morticia 's face when she ex-
amines Debbie's pastel-deco-
rated home is truly hilarious.
The only major criticism that
can be made about the film is
that its plot and subplots are
remarkably similar to those of

the first film: a greedy stranger
in the house, summer camp
memories, a dazzling dance
number, etc. Of course, who
can blame director Barrv

Sonnenfeld and producer Scott
Rudin for emulating a movie
that was such a financial suc-
cess. However, the test audi-
ence I viewed the film with

was comprised of various ages
and all seemed to heartily en-
joy it, laughing throughout. I
would definitely urge anyone
who liked the first film to see
this superior sequel

Gomez (Raul Julia) has his nanas full keeping baby Pubert out of mischief in "Addams
Family Values." photo by Melinda Sue Gordon

Gay and Lesbian films showcased

By Will Muilis

The Fifth Annual Gay

and Lesbian Film Festival was
showcased at the Plaza The-
ater in Midtown from Novem-
ber 1 2th to the 2 1st It boasted
of "showing the best of Gay
and Lesbian film and video on
two screens over 10 days."
The Festival, which was spon-
sored by SAME (the South-
eastern Arts and Media Edu-
cation Project) and the South-
ern Voice newspaper, is now
the fifth largest in the United
States, and is in Atlanta every
November. When questioned
about the Festival's purpose,
Jeffery Layman, of the Board
of Directors of SAME, said
that it is "To bring films that
would otherwise not be shown
in the Atlanta area." He went
on to explain that all of the
films are independently made
and are usually not major the-
atrical releases because they
often find it difficult to sign
with major film distributors.
The Festival is truly an inter-
national one. Films were
shown from Israel, Asia, Af-
rica, Canada, Germany,

France, and the Netherlands, to
name a few.

Contrary to what you
might think, very few of the
films were sexual in nature.
Instead most of the films fo-
cused on documentary histo-
ries, short skits, relationships,
the fight for equal rights, and
homosexual parents. In the
words of Mr. Layman, "Each
film in some way celebrates
the spirit and diversity of the
Gay and Lesbian community."
One film that has achieved
some notoriety this year is Paul
Yule's "Damned in the USA"
This film, which was slated to
be distributed throughout the
country, was made by Yule
who was originally doing a
documentary on the National
Endowment for the Arts fund-
ing controversy for British TV.
Yule interviewed many people
on both sides of the New
World Order "Culture War"
that he discovered here in the
United States. However, the
film is still tied up in litigation,
as Donald Wildmon, president
of the American Family Asso-
ciation, decided after being in-
terviewed, that his own com-
ments put him in a very unflat-
tering light. So far the film had

only been able to be shown on
Public Television.

Another film shown,
which may still be released by
a major distributor, was "One
Nation Under God." This
film, which was both hilarious
and frightening, was a docu-
mentary about the right wing
religious groups that have tried
to "cure" homosexuals. The
film begins and continually
returns to the story of Gary and
Michael. These two men, who
together co-founded the larg-
est conversion organization,
Exodus International, and then
married and had children, later
fell in love with each other and
denounced the movement as a
sham. Also featured was the
historian Martin Duberman,
author of "Cures: A Gay
Man's Odyssey," who for most
of his life struggled to change
his sexuality which he was told
was a defect before learning to
accept and respect himself.
Frightening images are juxta-
posed in the film which reveal
that the overall methods
(mainly fear and unrealistic
promises ofheterosexual bliss)
used by those claiming to cure
homosexuals have changed
little over the years. Homo-

sexuals in the past ( 1 940s and
50s) were subjected to shock
treatments and nausea drugs.
Absurd educational methods
of that time featured psychol-
ogy professors and other "ex-
perts" that taught their stu-
dents that homosexuality was
simply a sick disorder that was
caused by mothers "who love
too much," and could be cured
with treatments like those
above or "orgasmic reorienta-
tion." It is quite shocking
when these black and white
images are repeatedly con-
trasted with interviews from
the present generation of
groups practicing "reparative
therapy," such as Love in Ac-
tion and the still existing Exo-
dus International. Both of
these organizations have used
fear of AIDS and promises of
nonexistent cures for AIDS to
increase their numbers. The
film also uncovers the fact that
most of the counselors in these
modem organizations have no
psychological training for the
counseling they do. "One Na-
tion Under God" is recom-
mended to be seen when it is
released as a good bit of it is
very funny while all of it is
extremely interesting.

Page 7 /The Stormy Petrel/becember 8, 1993


By Bridget Cecchini
Sigma Sigma Sigma

Well, we have FI-
NALLY moved into our soror-
ity house. We would like to
say hello to all of our neigh-
bors in the Greek Village and
invite everyone to come by and

Besides, moving into the
house, we have been quite
busy lately. Tri Sigma would
like to welcome our newest
member Tracy Hicks and look
forward to her initiation next
semester. On November 20,
we initiated our new members
in the early hours of the morn-
ing. We all ended up wishing
we had slept a little more Fri-
day night but were every
happy to have initiation in the
new house. New Member
awards were given out as fol-

lows: Shannon Beehan-Most
Spirited. Glennis Grimwood-
Most Scholarly, Megan
McMurray-Outstanding New
Member, Jenifer Lynen's
group-Best Crew, and Hope
LeBeau-Honor Initiate. Con-
gratulations to all of our new

Our Alumnae Brunch
was a success with both young
and old Sigmas combining tal-
ents to decorate our house for
Christmas. Everything was
beautiful for our annual
Christmas party. Sigmas and
their dates welcomed in the
holiday season with festive
music and food. The center of
attention, however, was the
mistletoe. Thanks to Shalini
for getting us such cool flan-
nel boxers.

Good luck to everyone
on finals and we hope you
have a restful holiday break.


By Holly Harmon
Chi Omega

After a semester of

homelessness, Chi Omega has
finally been able to move into
theirhouse. We are still work-
ing on furniture, but most ev-
eryone has gotten settled in.
The eight girls living in the
house are Shannon Gebhardt,
Melissa Lamar, Angie
Dickerson, Lisa Ledbetter,
Julie Franek, Meta Swain,
Melissa King, and Jennifer
Trevisan. Last week the Chi

Omega's enjoyed exchanging
Secret Santa gifts. At our
Christmas Formal last Satur-
day night the sisters found out
who the gracious gift-givers
were! The Formal was from
9 to 12 at the home of
Stephanie Mannis. Friday we
had a party to decorate our
Christmas tree. As the semes-
ter comes to a close, so does
our pledging. The pledges
(and sisters!) can look forward
to the beginning of next semes-
ter when our initiation will fi-
nally take place!


By Jason Thomas
Delta Sigma Phi

Delta Sigma Phi is still

alive and well. We are pres-
ently looking forward to our
Christmas Semi-Formal which
is on December 1 1 . That's
about all we have scheduled
until next semester. Our vol-
leyball teams are good, bad,
ugly, and apathetic. Delta Sig
1 is finally beginning to play
consistently well, at last Some
of the brothers and pledges
gathered during the Thanks-

giving Holidays for a little
shin-dig. Dave was really

We would like to con-
gratulate Nick Kricos who was
recently elected our new presi-
dent. We would also like to
thank Dave Sabel for spend-
ing numerous waking hours
precisely designing and setting
up our wonderful Christmas
Tree. There you go Dave, are
you happy, your name is in the
newspaper (twice).

Well, that about covers
everything. Happy Holidays
and Hail Echton.


By Kevin Benefield
Kappa Alpha

The brothers of

Kappa Alpha welcome our
new neighbors the sisters of
Sigma Sigma Sigma and the
sisters of Chi Omega to the
Greek Village. We share your
excitement and enthusiasm in
finally occupying your houses
and look forward to the good
times we will all share in the

Having had a great time
at our Christmas Party on the
evening of December 3, we at
KA are now beginning to con-
centrate on the upcoming ex-
ams. May God be with us!

The pledge class has
completed all of their tests and
are awaited the administering
of the final exam. We at KA
are happy to announce that all
thirteen men have made it to

this juncture and look to be-
come full members on Janu-
ary 28, 1994. Congratulations
pledges on all that you have
achieved. The brothers are
proud of you and look forward
to welcoming you into our

This has been a tremen-
dously successful semester for
Kappa Alpha. We extend our
thanks to all of you who sup-
ported us and believed in our
ability to re-establish KA's
position as a force in both the
Greek system and the larger
university community.

In closing, we would
wish luck to everyone on their
exams and express our hope
that this holiday season is a
happy one. We look forward
to seeing you all at KA's Safe
Sex, Sixties, and Apocalypse
Now parties in the Spring.
Until then. . .


By Jason Arikian
Chi Phi

We at Chi Phi are

finding ourselves entering the
month of December with
mucho, mucho, things done,
and even more things planned.
The tenth of this month marks
our annual Christmas party.
We are sure that it will be a
time to remember. We are also
still basking in the glow of our

newly renovated downstairs.
Thanks to the diligent efforts
of our housing corp. Chair-
man Jon Rawls, we now have
a brand new bar to go along
with our new blue and black
paint job. We have more (mi-
nor) things planned for Greek
Village beautification, but I'll
keep those on the Q.T.

In any event keep work-
ing hard and playing hard and
we'll do the same, we swear!


By Jason Fisher
Sigma Alpha Epsilon

As Christmas break

approaches and the semester
winds down, we at Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon are busy prepar-
ing for final exams and trying
to have a fun end to Fall 1993.
The athletic and social calen-
dars are still full. There are
social events yet to plan and
volleyball games hopefully yet
to win.

We have had a very en-
joyable semester from a social
standpoint. Our most recent
event was the Fall Formal at

the Westin Peachtree Plaza
which was enjoyed by all who
attended. Also the pledges are
busy planning the traditional
Dead Day Party, so be look-
ing forward to that event on
Monday, December 13.

The volleyball teams of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon are fol-
lowing in our football success.
Gold has rolled to a 14-0
record and the regular season
title in Division I. In Division
II, the pledge team, White, has
looked impressive going 12-2.
Purple has also been success-
ful, posting a 10-6 mark. Ev-
eryone keep studying and have
a Merry Christmas!


Kevin Benefield
Greek Editor

This being my last col-
umn of the semester, I feel im-
pelled to express my concerns
regarding our first Christmas
in the Village. Most impor-
tantly, to the sisters of Chi
Omega, whether you've been
naughty or nice won't much
matter if Santa can't get past
the security system. Think
about it and please don't leave
any firearms lying around. I'd
hate for Muffin to gun down
Old St. Nick while he was do-
ing his thing. I hope that the
sisters of Sigma Sigma Sigma
get everything they need for
the much-talked-about
'room. ' I believe a mirrored
disco ball is in order. I'll check
with Schram. To the brothers
of Sigma Alpha Epsilon: I
sincerly hope that Santa isn't
feeling at all mischievious
when he reaches your house
because if he harnassed up
Dasher and Dancer and the
rest of the gang I doubt the big
cat would have a prayer. I just
hope if so heinous an act were
committed by the old man that
he'd know to use nylon cable
and not rope. I'd sure hate to
see Blixen maimed It's regret-
table that Chi Phi had to re-
move their letters from the
roof. I worry now about the
possibility of a mix-up 'cause
I know you guys have no use
for the gun rack and flannel
shirt that Santa promised Clay
and I really don't know what
we'd do with lipstick and
handcuffs. Let's keep our fin-
gers crossed guys. To the
brothers of Delta Sigma Phi:
I implore you not to make the
pledges steal, paint, or in any
way damage the sleigh. God
knows it might appear funny
to you, but these juvenile acts
of vandalism must cease. That
ju9t about does it for me.
Merry Christmas to all and to
all a good night!

Page 8/The Stormy Petrel/t)ecember 8, 1993


Dunn's Christmas Carol, and other weirdness

By Dunn Neugebauer
Generally Confused Person

Santa Claus said he

was sick of reading all of my
columns so he decided he'd
help me out a little. He's al-
most through delivering toys,
but he suggested I get this
poem printed as a hint of things
to come...

Christmas at Oglethorpe

I'm flying around over At-

Haven't got much more to do..
Left all the good stuff for
But I have some left for OU...

Since hoops season is all

cranked up...

I'll leave a conference title for

And when they go out to cel-
I'll put a deck on Taco Mac...

And there will be more cover-
age for volleyball..
This year it was the worst...
Though they had three make
second team..

We all know they should 've
been first...

What about Coach Bob's run-
ning teams?.

You 'd think they'd print some-
thing large...

The last time they lost a dual
I think Ronald Reagan was in


And we'll leave the tennis

coach on campus...

For his pocket book nothing

could be finer...

But ifhe loses anymore female


We'll be shipping him to South


I'll bring good luck to the
baseball program,
For I think the new coaches are

Why shouldn't they win base-
ball games

Just because they don't rant
and rave like Pete?

And the women's soccer pro-
gram will still move up...

They've improved by miles

and yards..

The men w.ill regain their old

pace.. .

Because I 've taken the refs red


And I'll never forget women's


But there are so many things

to consider...

They will go over .500 this


But I just can't make them any


As for Edmund, he gets a new


Keep taking care of Billy

Popp's grass...

Ward Jones keep helping them

with stats,

And Brooke and Sam, find
your way to class!

Meredyth Grenier, she gets a

new laugh,

It sometimes drives me to


She'll have a great year of


And in the process will age

Brenda by years...

Good luck to all you folks,

Hope your Christmas is all but


And if you keep being good


I might even drop off a new



Santa Stud Claus,



Volume 69, Issue 7 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University

February 3, 1994


Page 4


Page 6

Died at

Page 7

Batman returns

Page JO

News: 2

Editorials: 3-5

Features: 6-7

Organizations: 8

Greeks: 9

Comics: 12-13
Sports: 14-15

Security: 2
Grapevine: 2
Open Line: 4

Profile: 6
Grapevine: 11

Historical focus for Oglethorpe Day

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

On the morning of

Thursday, Feburary 10, 1994,
students, faculty, administra-

tions." The theme of this
Oglethorpe Day is "Died at
Gettysburg: The Life and De-
mise of Old Oglethorpe." A
piece by the same title, written
by the Registrar, Paul Hudson,

Hetherington and members of
The Playmakers. Next will be
music of the period performed
by the University Singers. Fol-
lowing both of these, Donald
Stanton will deliver his



One 'half mile west of this point is the site
of old Oglethorpe University established the Hopewell Presbytery in 1835. Its first
president. Carlisle P. Beman. was succeeded in
1841 by Samuel K. Talmadoe. In 1861 students
and faculty entered Confederate service,
among them Sidney Lanier. Classes were
suspended in 1863. and the buildings used
as a Confederate hospital. Reopening in 1366
the college succumbed to economic crises.
closing in 1869. Two noted professors were
Dr. Joseph Le Conte. famous scientist, and
Dr. James Woodrow. probably the first teacher
in Georgia to hold the Ph. D. degree.

The Georgia state historical market that once marked the grounds of the original Oglethorpe
campus. During Oglethorpe Day, there will be a campaign for each person to donate one
dollar toward restoring this marker to Its original place. Photo courtesy of Donald Moore

appears on page 7 to give a Oglethorpe Day

tors, and friends of Oglethorpe
University will gather in
Lupton Auditorium to hear the
convocation speech that will
officially open "Oglethorpe
Day 1994."

Oglethorpe Day, as ex-
plained by Dean Donald
Moore is a time for those close
to the University to "reflect on
our history, examine our heri-
tage, and renew our tradi-

more detailed history of the old

The events of this year's
Oglethorpe Day will include a
convocation address by Dr.
Donald Stanton, at 1 1 :00 AM
in Lupton Auditorium. This
will be followed by a dramatic
production based on old
Oglethorpe at the outbreak of
the Civil War, featuring Dr.

Message, in which
he will announce
plans to restore the
Central Hall comer-
stone memorial now
located on the At-
lanta campus, as
well as to replace the
historical marker
that is missing at the
Midway, Georgia

Class Schedule for
Oglethorpe Day

8:30 AM classes will meet at 8:30 - 9:30 AM.

10:00 AM classes will meet at 9:45 - 10:45 AM

12:30 PM classes will meet at 1:15 -2:15 PM

2:00 PM classes will meet at 2:30 - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM labs will meet at 2:30 PM

site of old Oglethorpe.

At Noon the festivities
move outside for the "Petrels
of Fire" Race on the Academic
Quad. Then, at 12:15 PM
lunch will be served in the
Emerson Student Center.

In addition to the events
on Thursday, the library will
be having a week-long exhibi-
tion to display some of the ar-
chives of the old campus. The
exhibit will feature Trustee
minutes from the early days
and photographs of the old
Oglethorpe site.

One of the major plans
for Oglethorpe Day is to start
to raise the money to replace
and renovate the old historical
marker on the site of the old
Oglethorpe campus. The way
that the school proposes to do
this is by asking everyone who
is present at the opening cer-
emony to donate one dollar to
this fund. The school consid-
ers this a small contribution to
preserve the history of this

Dr. Hetherington, in historical Confed-
erate garb, will participate In Oglethorpe
Day. Photo courtesy of Dr. Hetherington

Page 2

February 3, 1994



By Will MuUis
Co-Feature Editor

Heard it through the Grapevine

News and events in and around Oglethorpe University

- On Monday, Decem-
ber 27, a Security officer found
that the Goslin Math Lab had
been destroyed by a fire dur-
ing the night All the equip-
ment within was ruined. For-
tunately the lack of windows
(oxygen) coupled with the fire-
resistant carpet prevented the
fire from spreading to the other
rooms on the 3rd floor. The
room itself was cleaned and
painted by maintenance but
the equipment has yet to be

- On Wednesday, Janu-
ary 5th, a member of the
housekeeping staff reported
that a bedroom door lock in an
Upper Quad room had been
kicked off and that the room
could not be locked.

- On Friday, January
1 4th, it was discovered that the
glass next to the door of an
Upper Quad room had been
smashed and the room entered
However, nothing appeared to

- Also on Friday January
14th, two residents in the Up-
per Quad reported that their
VCR had been stolen from
their room during the night

- On Sunday, January
1 6th, a student slipped and fell
on ice in the Upper Quad. He
was taken to Northside Hos-
pital by Security where it was
discovered he had broken a
bone in his hand.

- On Tuesday, January
18th, two Upper Quad resi-
dents reported that36 CDs and
10 CD cases had been stolen
from their room during the

. OnFriday January 2 1,
it was reported that the above
incident, where glass was
smashed to enter a room, was
indeed a robbery. Theresident
said that a speaker system and
car alarm worth approxi-
mately $1300 were stolen
from his room.

The Red Cross needs

your blood!!! Blood levels are
the lowest they have been in
five years. The situation has
gotten so crucial that elective
surgery is being postponed
until levels in the blood banks
rise. You can help save lives.
Alpha Phi Omega's Spring
Blood Drive will be on Febru-
ary 7, from 10:30-3:30 pm.
You will be ableto donate in
the comfort of the Emerson
Student Center and of course
enjoy the traditional feast of Hi
C, Nutter Butters, and
Cheeze-its afterwards. Giving
blood is a truly generous act
that will make you feel that
you have made a genuine gift
to your fellow man. And no,
it isn't painful! The Red Cross
nurses are all very experienced
with taking blood painlessly,
even from first time donors. If
you have never given blood
before and are an eligible do-
nor this is an excellent oppor-
tunity to start! However, if you
cannot make the drive on Feb-
ruary 7 and would still like to
participate, the main office of
the Red Cross is on nearby
Monroe Drive, and can be
reached by calling 881-9800
to set up a time.

Goodwill Industries

of Atlanta's 14th annual book

sale will be held at Northlake
Mall on February 7-13, 1994.
The sale will be open from
10:00 am. to 9:30 p.m., Mon-
day through Saturday, and
12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on

Over 200,000 titles will
be available at the Southeast's
Largest Secondhand Book
Sale. The majority of the
books are priced from fifty
cents to one dollar. Forty cat-
egories of book will be avail-
able including mysteries, sci-
ence fiction, popular novels,
comics, history, biography,
cookbooks, paperbacks, col-
lectibles and books for chil-
dren. In response to customer
suggestions, a 20-table special
section has also been added to
display all collectible and
southern-interest books on the
first day.

The mega-sale, which
was named as one of
February's "Top 20 Events" in
1992 and 1993 by the South-
east Tourism Society, draws
over 40,000 people from the
U.S. and Canada.

The book sale benefits
Goodwill's vocational reha-
bilitation for people with dis-
abilities and other barriers to
employment. For additional
information or to volunteer,
call Goodwill at (404) 377-


Live-in female student to take
care of eight year old daughter

of single mom.

Weekday hours begin at 2:30pm.

Some weekend work required.

FREE room, board, utilities

and food.

Light house work and reference

Sandy Springs/Dunwoody area

Call Ellen at 671-8992

University Singers

Mark Boyt Claire Buzzard,
Sarah Buzzard, Mark Caprio,
Rick Hibbets, Kristie Mahan,
Kent McKay, Jennifer Parks,
Thomas Taylor, and Katie
Trucksis represented

Oglethorpe in the 1993-94
Georgia All-State Collegiate
Chorus which performed in
Savannah on January 29.

Homecoming is com-
ing up soon. Check the Fea-
tures section for more details
and a calendar of events for the
entire weekend.

The Oglethorpe Uni-
versity Museum is currently
holding an exhibition of Bud-
dhist and Hindu ceremonial
art, in a collection called "Tra-
ditional Nepalese Thangka
Paintings: by Mukti Singh
Thapa," on display to March
27, 1994.

Thangka paintings are a
ceremonial art form used in
Buddhism and Hinduism for
meditation, prayer and heal-
ing. They contain richly col-
ored symbols, often surround-
ing a large image of the cen-
tral diety.

Dr. Stephen Halkovic,
specialist in Himalayan art and

culture, will present exhibition
lectures Wednesday, February
9 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March
20 at 4 p.m.

The Museum hours are
Tuesday, Thursday and Sun-
day, 1-4 p.m. and Wednesday,
1-7 p.m. Admission is free.
Call 364-8555 for informa-

Here is your official

preview of what will be hap-
pening musically at O.U. this

Thursday, February 10,
1 1 :00 a.m. Oglethorpe Day,
Lupton Auditorium. The Uni-
versity Singers will perform
"Song of the Future."

Friday, March 4, 8:00
p.m., Lupton Auditorium.
Oglethorpe will host "The Cot-
ton Patch Gospel," a musical
starring Tom Key.

Saturday, March 12,
8:00 p.m., Skylight Gallery.
The Martha Bishop Early
Music Consort.

Sunday, April 10, 4:00
p.m., Skylight Gallery. The
Kokopelli Consort.

Friday, April 29, 8:00
p.m., Lupton Auditorium, The
Singers will present their
spring concert, featuring
Haydn's "Te Deum" with guest
accompanist Eleanor Burgin,
Dr. Stanton's secretary.


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February 3, 1994


Page 3

Hidden aspects (and costs) of the Strategic Plan

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

First of all, I'd like to start
with a public apology to any-
one who was at the forum on
the Strategic Plan. If you do
not know me, I was the rather
upset sounding one in the back

There is a reason to war-
rant all of this discontent
though. This reason is the
"Strategic Planning Committee
Report: Strategic Initiatives for
the "Twenty-First Century."
For those of you unfamiliar
with the plan, it is the
University's ideal plan for
growth and development over
the next five years. The impor-
tant word in that statement is
not growth or development, but
ideal. In a slightly less than
ideal setting (such as the real
world), some relatively major
gaps appear in the Committee's
logic, but these I'll get to a little
bit later.

Before I go any farther,
though, I would like to say that
I am not condemning the idea
of a comprehensive plan for
growth, or anything of the sort.
I believe it was a very forward
thinking move for the Univer-
sity to start this, and a daring
idea to publish the results and
let them stand against public
critique. What I am saying,
however, is that they released
some financial information that
I personally would have tried
to keep well hidden.

To understand these fi-
nances, let me attempt to ex-
plain how the school worded its
comparisons. The Strategic
Plan itself compared our fi-
nances to two major groups,
those called our academic peers
(schools under 2000 enroll-
ment, listed as either "Highly
Competitive" or "Very Com-
petitive" by Barron's, and hav-
ing a percentage of faculty with
terminal degrees within phis or
minus 7.5% of Oglethorpe's
[i.e. 88% and above]) and those
called our resource peers (ba-
sically schools within the same
financial bracket as Oglethorpe
[for a complete breakdown of
this, go by Community Life and
ask for a copy. It makes very
interesting reading]). Among
our academic peers are schools
like Rhodes, University of the
South, and Hobart & William
Smith. On the other extreme,

among our resource peers are
schools like Ripon (Wiscon-
sin), Rockford (Illinois), and
Lebanon Valley (apparently
somewhere in Pennsylvania).
As you might be able to see,
these schools are not gener-
ally considered strong aca-
demic powerhouses. Now
that that's out of the way, let's
talk about finances.

The best place to look
to see the deteriorating finan-
cial base of this school is the
endowment. In comparison

follows the same pattern - less
than 25% of that of our aca-
demic peers. But there is more
to this school than just money,
you say. I agree. Let's talk
about students and faculty.

According to the 1990-
1991 statistics (which are the
only ones that the school pro-
vided comparative data for),
Oglethorpe had 41 full time
staff, and 729 full time under-
graduate. Our academic peers
were at 111 and 1335 respec-

End EGR Plant Gift Endlc FacU-qrad

Graph of comparative resources among Oglethorpe (front
line) and its Resource (second line) and Academic (back
line) Peers, in the catagories of Endowment, Educational
and General Revenue, Physical Plant, Gifts to the school,
Income from Endowment (all in millions of dollars), FullTime
Faculty (x10), and Full Time Undergraduates (xi 00).

Information courtesy of Oglethorpe Administration.

to both of the above catego- lively, and our resource were

ries, our endowment is abys-
mally low. There is really no
other way to say it. Our aca-
demic peers average $85.1
million, our resource peers,
$13.5 million. "What is
ours?," you ask. $9.8 mil-
lion. No, I didn't miss any
decimal places. That's it,
that's all of it. Slightly un-
der 73% of our resource
peers, and less than 12% of
our academic peers. For any-
one out there who is numeri-
cally challenged, that is
wait, there's more.

Also included in this
spectacular deal (remember,
for a limited time, only
$5,999 per semester) is a
physical plant (libraries,
classrooms, student centers,
athletic facilities) that is ex-
actly one third that of our aca-
demic peers. The amount of
gifts coming into the school

at 59 and 721. These numbers
may not say a whole lot, so let's
look at student-teacher ratios.
Academic peers, 12 students
per teacher. Resource peers,
12.22 students per teacher.
Oglethorpe, 17.78. Doesn't
exactly remind me of the fig-
ures I originally heard about
this school, but I must have
been mistaken.

There are some good
points brought up in the plan,
though. Well, okay, maybe

just some good ideas. These
center on three major plans for
the future. The first of these is
to revamp the curricula
(again), creating something
called the University College
(basically just beefing up the
night program), and becoming
more involved with the city of
Atlanta. Again, for anyone in-
terested in reading about these
in their original form, just stop
by Community Life and ask.

They plan to have the
money to do all of this by mys-
teriously increasing the en-
dowment (I'm still kind of
fuzzy about how they intend
to do this), and increasing en-
rollment from 1200 to 1500
by 1998, roughly a 25% in-
crease. So, what's the first
thing to think of with a pos-
sible 300 more students here
in the next five years? The first
thing would be housing, as in
new residence halls. Don't
worry, it's covered in the plan.
Actually, over $24 million
worth of construction is pro-
posed in the plan, including
new residence halls, revamp-
ing Goslin and Emerson, and
building a new science build-
ing. The only problem is that
the plan only accounts for
about $18 million to be able
to be spent by 1998. I'm not a
math major, but I still think
this leaves us about six million
short. I sure that the Univer-
sity will figure it out though.

So, after housing, what
is the next major concern for
these 300 theoretical students?
My guess would be to expand
the faculty, considering that
the full lime faculty here is
spread thin enough as it is. We
could handle another 15 full
time teachers with no enroll-
ment increase. But I'm sure
that the University will figure
this problem out also. Hey, it's
even written in the plan. "In-
creased Faculty & Staff." Big,

bold letters. The only problem
with increasing faculty and
staff is that this takes money.
Money that at the moment we
don't seem to have. But don't
worry, it's written in the plan.
They plan to increase the op-
erating budget from $12 mil-
lion to almost $19 million.
This I could handle, but when
I saw the phrase "tuition will
remain the primary source of
operating income" (page 5), I
started to get scared. Like
many other students here, 1 can
barely afford tuition as it is. So
I started to look for the
school's loophole in all of this.
Guess what I found...

"Since the primary
source of EGR is tuition, we
intend to increase our enroll-
ment so that we will reach a
1500 headcount by 1998. At the
same time, we will increase tu-
ition by approximately 6%
each year until 1998." (page

Direct from the words of
the plan itself, folks. 6% per
year. With tuition at basically
$6,000 a semester now
($12,000 a year), this would
be an increase to over $16,000
per year by 1998. This is over
$4,000 a year, FOUR THOU-
you say it, that's one heck of
an increase for a student body
that can barely afford to be
here now. And, just think, this
is what the school proposes to
raise enrollment. What would
they do to lower it? Drop the

If this has been an unfair
attack on the administration or
the Committee itself, I apolo-
gize. I would like to hear any
response from the Administra-
tion (mainly Dr. Stanton, Dr.
Knott, or Dean Moore), as well
as students. Remember, this is
your forum, also. Please ad-
dress responses to Chopper
Johnson, Campus Box 450.


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Page 4


February 3, 1994

Shannon Faulkner: pioneer or simply trouble maker?
Point! CounterPoint!

By Daniel Rosenthal

This just in folks: a

news brief from the Sunday
edition of the Tampa Tribune.
January, 16, 1994. "The
woman who wants to become
the first female to join the
Citadel's all-male ranks said
she got a telephone call from
Attorney General Janet Reno
offering her personal support.
Reno telephoned Shannon
Faulkner at her parents' home
on Friday afternoon, Faulkner
said Saturday. The Justice De-
partment has already backed
Faulkner's attempts to join the
state-supported military's
corps of cadets."

You may be wondering
why 1 take interest in this.
Well, it had been my under-
standing that this battle had
been fought and won with the
landmark decision Brown vs.
The Board of Education of
Topeka, Kansas. There is no
difference in the Citadel's re-
fusal to let Ms. Faulkner en-
roll in classes than when the
University of Mississippi re-
fused to let James Meredeth
attend or when the Little Rock
Nine had to be escorted to class
by state troopers.

I wonder how Judge
Thomas will decide on this is-
sue, for we all know how much
he loves women's rights. I also
wonder if Judge Thurgood

Marshall, who was the lawyer
in the aforementioned Su-
preme Court case is not spin-
ning in grave at this turn of
events. Perhaps he would say
if he were alive, "Have we not
heard this before?"

The Citadel has no legal
or moral ground on which to
argue. Their belief that men
receive a better education
separated from women be-
longs in 1894, not 1994. Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. 's birth-
day is being celebrated all over
the nation, and often his mes-
sage is thought to be applied
only to blacks, but that is not
true. His dream applies to ev-
eryone, including Shannon

Petrel's Open Line. . .

The defining factor: UNDERWEAR!

By Patrick Fossett

There is a larger,

more subtle difference be-
tween the sexes other than the
appendages we were born
with. There's also something
different in our brains which
makes us function in ways
which seem odd to the oppo-
site sex. For instance,! is rare
for a female to truly appreci-
ate the virtues of a four-barrel
carburetor or the 3 Stooges.
Males on the other hand. . .
well I cant think of anything
we aren't good at offmy head.
However, one fault will surely
come to mind. My main point
is that there are men, and there
are women, and they are dif-
ferent. Allow me to demon-

Women will constantly
goto stores like Victoria's Se-
cret and buy all kinds of frilly,
lacy, pretty things One would
think that women are really
into underwear, but such is not
the case, my friend. It's all a
big secret Women buy it, then
hide it away, much to my cha-
grin. What's the point of buy-
ing frilly, lacy pretty clothing
if you're not going to show it

Men, on the other hand,
will wear the same pair of

plain white underwear until it
disintegrates. It has even be-
come a fashion statement to
leave a substantial portion of
one's underwear band ex-
posed It's a statement I don't
care to make because it makes
me speak in a high voice. Nev-
ertheless, males show much af-
fection towards their under-
wear, never wanting to part
with it Should a pair develop
a hole (or a few) it is not worn
out Oh no! It is merely alter-
ing its contours to better ac-
commodate the owner's
wretchedly expanding poste-

When a man finds a pair
that he really likes, he per-
forms a ritual that has never
been disclosed until now. It's
been a closely guarded secret
which men have kept from
women for generations. How-
ever, I feel that the open com-
munications ultimately will be
for the good of all. Man will
set his favorite pairs free to
graze the floor. What a woman
thinks is a pair of dirty under-
wear lying on the floor is re-
ally a grazing pair that is in-
stinctively freezing in an at-
tempt to camouflage itself.
Grazing underwear feeds on
carpet lint. It uses the lint to
repair holes and to enlarge it-

self A well grazed size 28 can
grow to a size 36 in about five
years. This is why men sel-
dom vacuum because it takes
away the underwear's food
supply. It sounds crazy and
your boyfriend will deny it but,
ladies, it is the truth.

What women do with
ttteir underwear is still a mys-
tery that eludes men in general,
but I have a theory. It came to
me by chance a couple of years
ago. Two female students
were stealing all the posters
out of my dorm room. A
harmless prank yes, but one
that wasn't going to get by
without merciless retaliation.

First a crack-commando
unit was assembled and inge-
niously disguised as a bunch
of slobbering college men. I
then suggested we.. .Imean the
team, get intoxicated to better
blend in with the surrounding
wildlife. Our best agent was
cleverly disguised as my room-
mate in need of help in Con-
temporary Lit.

One of the female
wrongdoers was fooled into
letting the agent into her sec-
ond floor Schmidt dorm room.
The agent left the door un-
locked, which the female had
been regularly locking in fear
of our retaliation. With blind-

By Robert Miller

Special to The Stormy Petrel

On Thursday, January

20, 1994, the era of an all male
corps of cadets ended at the
Military College of South
Carolina the Citadel. Since
the late 1850's, the Citadel
offered an educational oppor-
tunity offered only by a hand-
ful of similar institutions
across the country. On Janu-
ary 20 of this year, Shannon
Faulkner attended her first day
of class at the Citadel. The
question that remains unan-
swered is "Why?"

If the argument is a logi-
cal one (as Ms. Faulkner's
lawyer claims), the answer lies
in the funding of the Citadel.
Public funding should not,
under any circumstances, be
extended to institutions which
segregate. Unfortunately, this
argument is not valid. Every
school in the United States is
subsidized by both the state
and federal government If we
consider this argument to be
valid, every all-male, all-fe-
male, and all-black college in
the nation would be in viola-
tion of the Constitution.

If the argument is an
emotional one (as the NOW

claims), a serious constitu-
tional question is posed.
Whose rights are more impor-
tant? The right of Shannon
Faulkner to attend the Citadel,
or the rights of males at the
Citadel to attend an all-male
institution? Remember all
those all-female and all-black

If the argument is a per-
sonal one in which Shannon
Faulkner wishes to find out if
she can handle the military life,
there are many other institu-
tions which posses that ability.
Virginia Tech, Texas A&M,
Norwich Military Institute,
and all three service academies
come to mind. There is also
at least one southern all-female
school with an independent
Corps of Cadets (Mary
Baldwyn College).

The matter boils down to
a group of feminists whichsees
an opportunity to destroy a
proud tradition that represents
an imaginary barrier to equal-
ity, a tradition which just hap-
pens to represent the reason
why this country exists. It is
sad to note that some radical
groups live each day of their
lives with the burden of such
an imaginary chip on their

ing speed and ruthless effi-
ciency, the commando squad
stormed the room and pilfered
every pair of panties she had,
save the ones she was wearing.
The ill-gotten booty was
the brought to my room to be
distributed. Our intent was to
have as many men possible
wear her underwear the next
day. A greatly embarrassing
situation indeed. The female
was hot on our trail after she
was released in relative com-
fort Soon she was beating on
our door and screaming like
someone had gotten murdered.
Since all our posters had been
stolen there was nothing to
cover up our door-window and
we could clearly see her beat-
ing and whining, and to be
honest we were getting sick of
it. Jon Perry and I each
stripped down to a pair of her
underwear and began to ballet

dance to the Nutcracker Suite
while eating bowls of Wolf's
Chili (a substance which is a
story in itself) in the common
room. This intensified her
pounding and screaming It
could have been the sight of
two men about to fart (can you
say fart in the Petrel?) in her
underwear. But I feel from the
look in her eye that we had
stumbled onto a dark secret:

Women like to dance
around in their underwear and
poot away!

It's the truth, admit it!
Yet many women have told me
that women are anatomically
incapable of such a thing. To
me this is fascinating because
men also like to fart in their
underwear. We just choose to
do it while watching football,
drinking beer and eating Fruit
Loops. There you have it:
There are men and there are
women and they are different.

February 3, 1994


Page 5

The Stormy


Business Manager:
Copy Editors:

Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editor:
Feature Editors:

Greek Editors:

News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:


Wendy Barber
Sarah Buzzard
Yolanda Hernandez
Maria Johnson
Aretha List
Shannon Montgomery
Randy Tidwell

Ryan R Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Heather Carlen
Justin Hayes
Chris Brown
Brandon Galloway
Will Mullis
Kevin Benefield
Jason Arikian
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas

Daryl Brooks
Tim Evans
Trish Hinton
Kim Jones
Mary Lynch
Daniel Rosenthal
Pauline van Vliet

Christie Willard

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman Robert Drake

Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Tuesdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 30319, (phone #: (404)364-
8425) or drop them offin the box on the news-
paper office door.

Letter to the


By Shannon Montgomery

As a Christian, I have

for as long as I can remember
been an ardent opponent of
abortion and an ardent sup-
porter of capital punishment.
The abortion argument is
simple enough; a Christian
reads in the Bible that life be-
gins at conception. Since the
value of life is infinitely great
from the Christian perspective,
it is wrong and immoral to take
that life hence, the belief that
those who support abortion
support murder. This argu-
ment is an old and tired one,
having been beat around by
Christians and non-Christians,
"right-to-life" supporters and
"right-to-choice" supporters.
By the same token, the neces-
sity of capital punishment is
one of the beliefs that most
Christians I know maintain.

I can see in our society
the effects of a poor criminal
justice system that rarely (if
ever) acts as a deterrent to
crime. With the majority of
prisoners paroled in less than
half of their sentenced time,
major offenders are out on the
streets in years often
months after being sen-
tenced. This is if they were
found guilty and did not es-
cape through the loopholes of
our system... if they were even
found and tried in the first
place. It would seem logical
to me that there would be
fewer murders if murder were
consistently punished by for-
feiture of life. In addition to
that, I value human life so
highly that I believe the tak-
ing of another makes one's
own life forfeit. "Playing
God" like that is more than
wrong; it is frightening, and
people who take it upon them-
selves to decide who lives and
who dies should be killed to
protect the rest of us. Talk of
"rehabilitation" is nice, but
how often does it actually
work? Isn't it true that many
criminals are repeat offenders
who have already been
through the prison system at

Editor. . .

. . Christianity?

least once? I believe that one
of the basic human rights is the
right to survival, the power
over one's own life. In order
to ensure that right, then
people who kill should be pun-
ished with a punishment equal
to the severity of the crime
in this case, forfeiture of life.

A majority of the US
population claims to believe in
God as close to the Christian
concept of Him, and I share
such beliefs. As a Christian,
however, can I reconcile my
inclination to support capital
punishment with the Bible? I
am uncertain. The passages
that are often used to support
this belief (the eye-for-an-eye
passage, etc.) are all found in
the Old Testament. The Old
Testament law was very strict
about murder and a number of
other sins. We, however, pur-
port that we are no longer un-
der the law but under grace.
The New Testament has a
much different perspective;
Christ came to save the sin-
ners, heal the sick, find the lost.
If this is true, how can we rec-
oncile capital punishment with
the knowledge that God sees
all of our sin as equally evil?

Consider the case of
Saul/Paul. He was a murderer.
He sought, in fact, the lives of
Christians. On the way to
Damascus, the warrant in his
hand to seize and kill many
more Christians, Christ
stopped him. Saul was con-
verted, became Paul, and
worked the rest of his life to

bring Christ to the Gentiles.
Paul is considered the arche-
type of the Christian, one who,
though a vile sinner, found
grace and redemption through
the person of Jesus. Jesus, in
fact, spent the majority of his
three years of teaching with the
publicans and prostitutes, the
"dregs" of society. He did not
condemn them but lifted them
up to be his equals "joint
heirs" in the kingdom to
come. Given the person of
Christ and the tenets of Chris-
tianity, do Christians have the
right to believe in capital pun-

From a non-Christian
perspective, many believe it
unethical to take the life of
another person regardless of
the "crimes" they have com-
mitted. I wonder what these
humanists propose as deter-
rent? Others believe that we
should kill all murderers sim-
ply as punishment and deter-
rent. Have they thought
through the ethical implica-
tions of taking the life of a hu-
man being? What do you have
to say on the subject? I am not
interested in knowing whether
capital punishment "works" or
not, only if it is indeed ethical
and moral. It is obvious that
capital punishment works. The
governments in which it is
justly implemented have a
lower murder rate than gov-
ernments which do not have
such penalties. Address re-
marks to The Stormy Petrel,
Campus Box 450.

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Page 6


February 3, 1994

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

This semester ProFile

will be examining influential
students around campus.
Hopefully this will allow us all
to know a little more about
who is doing what on campus.
If you have a suggestion for a
student you would like to read
about in this space, please
drop us a line or call the news-
paper office - 364-8425.

The first in line for the
spotlight this semester is Lu
Green. Lu is an O.U. junior
from Jeffersonville, Indiana.
With a double major in En-
glish and Asian Studies (an in-
dividually-planned major), Lu
is obviously a student who
loves a challenge. She recently
obtained an internship with the
Japan America Society, an
organization that assists Japa-
nese immigrants adjust to the
United States and American
culture. However, Lu Green is
much more than just a student
here at Oglethorpe - she also
serves as an O.S.A. junior
senator and a member of the
O.U. women's volleyball

In addition to her official
responsibilities, Lu finds extra
ways to help others. She is part
of the new mentor program,
through which upperclassmen
help teach freshman seminar.
Lu rates the program a suc-
cess, and notes that freshman
seminar is now less painful
than it has been in years past.
In her rare spare time, Lu en-
joys traveling and horseback
riding. Career goals are vague
at this point, but she is plan-
ning on graduate school and
considering a career in jour-
nalism. With her outstanding
background at Oglethorpe, we
are confident that Lu Green
will be successful no matter
what her next endeavorr is.

Oglethorpe celebrates Homecoming

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Next weekend

Oglethorpe will celebrate its
homecoming weekend in style.
The festivities will begin with
a bonfire Thursday night. The
next event will be the
Oglethorpe women squaring
off against the Hendrix Lady
Warriors Friday, February 1 1
at 6:00 p.m., followed by the
men's game at 8:00 p.m. Sat-
urday will be a full day begin-
ning with the Hall of Fame
Luncheon ($ 1 5 ) at noon in the
Talmage Room. New mem-
bers will be inducted into
Oglethorpe's Hall of Fame,
and Virlyn Moore will be the
keynote speaker. This year's
inductees will be Perrin
Walker - track (1939), Jack
Russel - football (1940), Pat
Stephens, Sr. - basketball
( 1 927), Pat Stephens - basket-
ball (1959), Earl L. Shephard
- basketball (1928), and Alice
Richardson -tennis (1975).
Following lunch will be the
grand opening of the new
Greek Row, including open
viewing of the houses and re-
freshments from 2:00 to 4:00
p.m. At 3:00 there will be a
dedication and ribbon cutting
ceremony, complete with
awards for the best yard deco-

rations. From 4:00 to 6:00
p.m. the fraternities and sorori-
ties will hold alumni reunions.
The highlight of the
weekend will be the formal
dance Saturday night at 9:00
p.m. This year the homecom-
ing dance will he held in the

fabulous Egyptian Ballroom
of the Fox Theater. Entertain-
ment will be provided by the
band Groove Box, and you
can be part of the fun for only
$10 per couple. Sunday the
Lady Petrels face Trinity at
noon, and the Stormy Petrels

play at 2:00. During the
games, there will be a tailgate
party complete with alumni,
refreshments, and noisemak-
ers. This weekend offers some-
thing for everyone, so plan to
be a part of Oglethorpe's
homecoming weekend!

Homecoming Events

Friday, February 11:

Oglethorpe women versus Hendrix Lady Warriors 6 p. m.

Oglethorpe men versus Hendrix Warriors 8 p. m.

Saturday. February 12:

Oglethorpe Athletic Hall of Fame 12 noon

* Talmage Room, Emerson Student Center, $15
Grand Opening Greek Housing 2 p. m.

* Free, all are invited to see new houses

Opening Ceremony, awards presentations 3 p.m.

* Awards for best decorations, ribbon cutting
Campus Organization Reunions 4 p. m.

* Various, TBA

Private Greek Open Houses for Greek alumni
Oglethorpe Homecoming Formal 9 p. m.

* Egyptian Ballroom, Fox Theater

Band: Groove Box, estimated $10 per couple
Sunday, February 15:

Oglethorpe women versus Trinity Lady Tigers 12 noon

Tailgate Party ongoing

* Keg, refreshments outside Field House
Honoring of Hall of Fame inductees

Oglethorpe men versus Trinity Tigers 2 p. m.

Culture Shock II

By Pauline van Vliet

A few weeks after my

arrival here (from Holland) I
wrote an article in this news-
paper about the "Culture-
Shock" I had experienced. I
assumed that it would be a one
time thing and that I would be
used to all the American hab-
its and traditions by now. BIG
mistake. Still everyday I en-
counter things in the American
lifestyle that surprise me.

These thing can vary
from seeing the newspaper boy
throwing newspapers out of
the window of a car, to com-
ing across the first Christmas
decorations by the end of Oc-
tober. Also, I have to say
something about the drinking
age. I know the reason why
they enforce this law and I defi-

nitely don't want to criticize
the decision made. But for me
the situation right now is
weird. I have never seen
young people drinking as
much as they do here, where
it's forbidden. In Europe you
may have a glass of wine at
dinner every night when you
are seventeen. Here, even
someone twenty years old,
who possibly is married, has a
job and a child, will be refused
a drink because he is not
twenty-one, almost funny.

I also need to say some-
thing very positive about this
country. Americans travel a
lot and speak highly of Eu-
rope, Asia, etc. Sometimes
they seem to forget how beau-
tiful their own country is. This
is a country to be proud of and
it's a great feeling to be part of
this country for one year.

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February 3, 1994


Page 7

Died at Gettysburg: Reflecting on Old Oglethorpe

Oglethorpe's Registrar and Lecturer in History tells of the antebellum campus

By Paul Hudson
Registrar and
Lecturer in History

Oglethorpe students

know that the University was
founded in 1835. Many, how-
ever, are not conversant with
the history of Old Oglethorpe.

The antebellum institu-
tion was located at the old
community of Midway, two
miles from Milledgeville, then
the capital of Georgia. The
classical college had a curricu-
lum of Latin, Greek, theology,
mathematics and a surprising
variety of natural science. Old
Oglethorpe flourished about a
quarter century, until it died
during the Civil War.

Oglethorpe's president
during the antebellum era was
Samuel Talmage, an eminent
minister and educator. Other
notable faculty members were
Joseph LeConte, destined to
earn fame in geology, and
James Woodrow, the first pro-
fessor in Georgia to hold the
Ph.D. degree. The school's
most famous alumnus was
poet Sidney Lanier ('60) who
remained at Oglethorpe as a
tutor in 1861, when he, with
other cadets, marched off to

Fortunately, there are
excellent original sources on
the story of Old Oglethorpe.
Chief among these are the
manuscript Trustee Minutes.
They were legibly written in a
large leather-bound volume of
more than 250 pages, which
serves as a rich history of the
antebellum college.

Dr. Thomwell Jacobs,
who from 1913 to 1915 re-
founded Oglethorpe at its
present location, collected the
old manuscript minutes and as
many school sources as he
could. Jacobs deposited them
in the archives of the "new"
university. Other extant
records include circulars, jour-
nals, and texts.

Thornwell Jacobs'
grandfather, Dr. Ferdinand
Jacobs, had been a professor at
Old Oglethorpe. In the 1880s

in Clinton, South Carolina, the
old man told stories of
Oglethorpe University to his
young grandson. Thornwell
Jacobs later related how he
never forgot the profound sad-
ness of learning "how the
school died at Gettysburg."
When the Civil War be-
gan, there was much excite-

to render a continuation of the
college session impracticable."
The board made a resolution
it would later reiterate, but
could not fulfill successfully,
ever again, at the old location.
The college was projected to
open on the 'Tirst Tuesday of
October of the following year."
In May 1862, thetrust-

lege endowment of $1 0,000 in
Confederate bonds. (After the
war ended, the trustees, in
September 1865, gently di-
rected that what they knew as
worthless Confederate bonds
"be sealed up and deposited in
the treasury." At the same time
the board added that the bonds
"would not be reckoned

Central Hall - Old Oglethorpe

merit at Old Oglethorpe. Stu-
dents formed an ad hoc mili-
tary company, the University
Guards. The Guards were
then reorganized into the Jor-
dan Grays, under professor of
Chemistry, Nathaniel Pratt,
and the company was formally
mustered into service to the

One Oglethorpe senior,
John Green ('61) of Tunnel
Hill, Georgia, left a detailed
memoir of the time when he
left college. "Our student
body was aglow," Green
wrote, and "books had no nec-
essary attention." On May 26,
1 86 1 , according to the Trustee
Minutes, the faculty awarded
John Green and his classmates
their diplomas early and with-
out formal ceremonies.

On May 27, 1861, the
Trustees noted that "the pecu-
liar national distractions, due
to the existing state of war be-
tween the United States and
the Confederate States, seems

University, c. 1840.
ees were obi iged to repeat their
murky resolution to reopen
Oglethorpe "the following
year." War was in earnest, and
no end was in sight. Four stu-
dents conscripted by the Con-
federacy were approved for
their degrees, since they "had
nearly completed the college

On June 12, 1863, old
Oglethorpe University finally
died, when the faculty closed
the college. Within a month
the South lost the pivotal battle
of Gettysburg. On July 21 the
trustees met at a parlor in the
Milledgeville Hotel. The
board formally confirmed the
decision to close the college
but resolved, for the third con-
secutive year, to resume
classes "the first Tuesday in
October next as usual."

In their July 1863 meet-
ingthe Oglethorpe trustees, in
an extraordinary measure of
devotion, authorized their trea-
surer to invest the entire col-

photo courtesy of Paul Hudson

among the available assets of
the University. ")

By 1863, Old
Oglethorpe had neither en-
dowment nor students. Its sci-
entific apparatus, on loan to
the Confederate government
laboratories in Augusta, Geor-
gia, had been destroyed by a
great fire. The college had also
lost its popular president, old
Dr. Talmage. He suffered pa-
ralysis and convulsions, and
died at the Georgia Asylum in

Although Old

Oglethorpe died in 1863, the
institution afterward experi-
enced involuntary heartbeats,
with enough life still to serve
the Confederacy. By 1864,
when General William
Sherman began his march to
the sea through Georgia,
Oglethorpe was a Confederate
medical facility. Flying in
front of the main campus struc-
ture. Central Hall, was a yel-
low flag, denoting the building

as a military hospital.

In 1 864 a curious Union
soldier left occupied
Milledgeville to visit the
Oglethorpe campus. His
brother, W W. Clay ('57)
among the Confederate dead,
had graduated from
Oglethorpe, about which he
expressed the fondest memo-
ries. The federal soldier lo-
cated Oglethorpe's sole surviv-
ing faculty member. The two
men visited the Doric chapel
at Central Hall, where Clay
had delivered the 1857 Vale-
dictory address.

Surviving graduates of
old Oglethorpe felt keenly the
loss of their college. In 1910
Confederate alumni from the
old institution at Midway met
in Columbus, Georgia. The
veterans reflected how they
were "transformed from the
peaceful joys of the old cam-
pus to the bloody fields of
battle." Their sense of loss was
acute all involved with the
institution believed, with
Sidney Lanier, that

Oglethorpe was a "college of
the heart." There was some
solace for six alumni in 1915.
They were present at the lay-
ing of the cornerstone of the
revived Oglethorpe University,
thus linking the old college
with the new.

Today there is no salient
evidence of Old Oglethorpe.
All of its buildings have dis-
appeared. A Georgia Histori-
cal commission marker, which
once commemorated the old
college site, was frequently
vandalized and disappeared
some years ago. Improbably,
a few huge oak trees on the old
campus site bear slight, silent
witness to the heavily forested
area that characterized the
campus environs of Old
Oglethorpe University.

Few things are as sad as
an unmarked grave. As we
reflect on Oglethorpe Day
1994, let us all pledge to give
one dollar to replace the
marker of the old campus. It
is the least we can do for the
college that died for its ideals.

Page 8


February 3, 1994

The Ramblings of the Romeiser: Propaganda!

By Robbie Romeiser
OSA President

1. Mentallst Craig Karges

2. Rick Kelly

3. S & L Sounds Dance Party

4. Casino Night

5. Margaritaville with David

6. The Alpha Experience

7. Rhythm and Blues with
K.J. James

8. Movie Nights

9. Weekend Quiet Hours Ex-

10. Stomp the Lawn Concert

11. Strategic Plan Campus

12. Campus Radio Station

13. Homecoming Formal

14. Graduation Speaker

15. Recognizing new student

16. Sound System rentals (for
athletic events, student group

17. Monetary assistance to
student organizations

18. Providing Free admission
for students to OU Playmakers

19. Senior party.

20. Bringing student concerns
directly to the administration.

These are -just some of
the things that the Oglethorpe

Student Association has ad-
dressed this year to make life
at Oglethorpe University a
little more enjoyable for stu-
dents. The elected members
of OSA strive to give you, the
student body, what you want
out of your college experience.
If there is a social event that
you would like to see at
Oglethorpe, let an OSA mem-
ber know. If there is something
that you would like expressed
to the administration (living
conditions, curriculum con-
cerns, etc.), let an OSA mem-
ber know. If your student
group needs help getting orga-

nized or needs monetary assis-
tance, let an OSA member
know. The Oglethorpe Student
Association is here for you.

Robbie Romeiser, President
Rob Hutcheson, Vice Presi-

Clay Barrineau, Treasurer
Jason Fisher, Parliamentarian
Jamie Walker, Secretary
Senior Class Officers
Brian Davis, President
Helen Holifield, Senator
Tim Evans, Senator
Mary Catherine Cutcliffe

Angie Dickenson, Senator
Junior Class Officers
Alan Gibson, President
Priti Kuvadia, Senator
Brian Fryman, Senator
Lu Green, Senator
Michael Baron, Senator
Sophmore Class Officers
Pat Mulheam, President
Jim Faasse, Senator
Jennifer Fowler, Senator
Mark Boyt, Senator
Simon Huyken, Senator
Freshman Class Officers
Kelly Holland, President
Chopper Johnson, Senator
Merryl Feld, Senator
Becky Ellis, Senator
Hope LeBeau, Senator

ODK Geek Week: Not just for Geeks anymore

Wall Street Geek, Slidentity and the 640K Spreadsheet Run headline this year's events

By Tim Evans
Omicron Delta Kappa

Is your organization

in need of funds?
Oglethorpe University, OSA
and ODK may have a solu-
tion to your fiscal crisis.

As you may know,
Geek Week has become an
annual event offering group
and individual prizes for
those student who excel at
competing in the liberal arts
arena. This year, the pot is a
little sweeter than usual. In
addition to the overall compe-
tition, several Geek Week
events have additional cash

prizes and gifts. Here is a
break-down of the prize sched-

Geek Week Competition
Place Individual Group
first $75 $75

second $50 $50

third $25 $25

How to Win: Enter as many
events in the Geek Week
schedule as humanly possible.
Score in the top three point to-
tals for the entire week and you
can win. See contest rules for

Sponsored Competitions:
Wall Street Geek
first place: $50
second place: $25



Working mother needs loving
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care for baby boy 7:30 a.m. -
6:30 p.m. weekdays. Occasion-
ally, with a week or more notice,
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Full time starting January.
Prefer care in our home.

Call 993-2315.

How to Win: Invest a
fictional $100,000 in the
Stock Market for one week to
win. Prizes only awarded for
first and second place and only
if the contestant can beat the S
& P 500 Index. Purchasing
decisions must be made by
9:15 each morning. Monday
is the first day to play.
Wednesday is the last day to
enter the contest. Contest ends
at market close on Friday. See
Dr. Straley for more details.
Sponsored by Division V.

first place: $25
second place: $15

How to Win: Identify
information about famous
works of art -the painter, style,
name of painting, etc. The
contest will be held in the
Faith Classroom this coming
Monday at 1 PM. Sponsored
by the Art Department.

The 640K Spread-
sheet Run

first place: $50
second place $25

How to Win: Use your
knowledge to find a solution
to a complex problem. Report
to the third floor computer lab
in Lupton Saturday, Feb. 5 for
the contest. Presentations will
be made Saturday afternoon.
Sponsored by Division V.

Still Life Drawing
first place: $35
second place: $25

How to Win: Draw.
Contest will be held in the
Faith Studio on Wednesday at
3 PM. Sponsored by the Art

first place: $20

How to Win: Answer
questions about specific movie
soundtracks and showtunes to
win. Sponsored by the Young
Alumni Association.


You may register in the
Community Life Office with
Betty Knissley or you may
contact Tim Evans (365-
2595). Registration is $5 per
person due at registration.
Groups may consist of 2-4
people but the members must
be declared at registration.
Teams may not "swap" mem-
bers back and forth. By the
way, when groups are entered
in Geek Week the members of
those groups are automatically
entered in to the individual
competition and their points
count towards both the group
and their individual efforts.

Tee Shirts will be avail-
able for Geek Week partici-
pants for $2 (limit one per par-
ticipant). The shirt is 100%
natural cotton with the Geek
Week logo and sponsors.
Shirts will be available after

Earn $500 to $1000 weekly stuffing en-
velopes. For details - RUSH $1.00 with
a SASE to:


57 Greentree Drive, Suite 307

Dover, DE 19901

February 3, 1994

Page 9




Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Welcome back to all

and congratulations to our new
brothers who were recently ini-
tiated at our national temple in
Chicago, IL - Michael
Billingsley, Daryl Brooks,
Pedro Niembro, Andy Noble,
Paul Pacevich, Brian
Schaffernoth, Ek

Tangsuj antpunt and Anthony

Wilson. Speaking of Chicago,
it's good to be back in the
South, where there actually is
such a thing as sweet tea, car-
bonated beverages are called
"Coke" and not "pop," the
temperature manages to stay
above zero, and people are
genuinely friendly. We would
also like to congratulate the
new brothers of Chi Phi, Delta
Sigma Phi, and Kappa Alpha
on their initiations. We are

looking forward to quite an
active semester with Home-
coming, our annual Paddy
Murphy party, among others,
along with our traditional ski
retreat and beach trip.

Well kids, its time I'm
outta here, but make sure you
watch your Letterman and
your Looney Tunes, you get
your two Flintstone
chewables, and may the force
be with you. Na-noo na-noo.


By Holly Harmon
Chi Omega

Greetings from Chi

Omega. We would like to con-
gratulate our newly initiated
sisters into the Delta Theta
chapter of Chi Omega. We
would also like to thank KA
for providing their house for
our initiation party, as well as
Chi Phi for the white carna-

tions. Thanks and congratu-
lations to all those involved.
We held our chapter elections
just prior to the break. Those
elected were: Melissa King,
president; Kelly Moynes, vice-
president; Carrie Adkins, trea-
surer, Teri Butler, secretary,
Chada Creasy, pledge trainer,
Jennifer Trevisan, personnel
chairman; Mary Poteet, rush
chairman; Holly Harmon,

Panhellenic delegate; Michelle
Williamson, house manager,
Penny Brandt, Panhellenic
president; Priti Kuvadia,
Panhellenic treasurer; and
Stacy Rasmussen, assistant
Panhellenic rush chairman.
Congratulations to all those
who were elected. Finally, we
are looking forward to a great
semester, our mixers with
Delta Sig and Chi Phi, and our
White Carnation Ball.


By Chopper Johnson
Chi Phi

Once again, hello

from the new house. The se-
mester has started off well for
the Brothers of Chi Phi Rho
Delta. We are recovering well
from the holidays, not to men-
tion an impromptu Lansdown
Drive concert and a great Su-

per Bowl Party (One for Rod -
Go Cowboys!). But enough
about ourselves for right now.
First of all we would like
to congratulate the new Broth-
ers of the other fraternities on
campus, as well as the new
initates of Chi Omega. We
know that you all will be a
benefit to Oglethorpe Greek
life. But while we are hand-

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ing out congratulations, let's
not forget our own. Congrats
to all of my pledge brothers on
initiation, becoming Brothers,
and aquiring some much
sought after jerseys. Also, con-
gratulations to Jason Arikian
on finally making it back to
school from Virginia. And he
thinks I'm just referring to the
snow. To Paul Strizhevsky-
the car looked better before
Pulaski, but its good to see it
back. To Dave Sanders- the
hair looked better before Mike,
but its good to see Fuzzy
Wuzzy back.

We're looking forward to
one (bleep) of a semester, so
everybody stay tuned. Our
first real party (not counting
spontaneous concerts) will be
the Great American Chi Phi
Groundhog's Day Party, this
Friday, Febuary 4. Also look
out for the triumphant return
of WHORE to (he Bomb Shel-
ter stage in the near future.
Should be interesting. And
hey, if we are nothing else, we
are interesting. Later, mate.

Sigma Sigma Sigma

Sigma Sigma Sigma

is getting started on a great se-
mester. We're recovering from
Christmas, and our New
Year's resolutions are going
well. Our ranks are growing.
We can't wait to welcome
Tracy Hicks as a new sister.
The Sigmas would like to ex-
tend congratulations and wish
good luck to Chi Omega and
their new sisters. We hope they
have a successful semester.
The Panhellenic Banquet was
fun for all of Oglethorpe's
Greek women. Together we
can make our sororities grow.
We wish all of the new
Panhellenic officers an out-
standing year. Tri Sigma
would also like to applaud all
of the recently initiated Greek
brothers. All of the fraterni-
ties can be proud of their new

On the Sigma social cal-
endar, we're looking forward
to our mixers with KA, Delta
Sig.andS.AE. It looks like our
futures are full of Oglethorpe

On January 26 we held
our second annual dinner auc-
tion. Thanks to all who came
out to bid. We appreciate the
support and hope you enjoy
your dinners. Tri Sigma has
many other fund raisers
planned. For Valentine's Day,
buy a balloon from a Sigma for
that special someone. Perhaps
this will lead to some more
lucky Sigmas with lavaliers
and pins. Good luck Tiffany
and Katherine. It appears that
our list of future military
brides is growing.

We are off to a great
start, and the Sigmas are ready
to make things even better as
1994 continues.


By Kevin Benefield
Kappa Alpha

On Friday, February

4, ten men wil I be initiated into
the Order. On the following
evening, Saturday, February 5,
KA will host the Safe Sex
Party. Everyone is invited to
come out and celebrate.

In the following months
KA BN will celebrate its 75th
anniversary, host the Peace
Party and the Apocalypse Now
Party, and travel to New Or-
leans for Old South.

Congratulations to Mike
Thomas and Melissa King on
their engagement. We wish
them years of happiness.


By Jason Thomas
Delta Sigma Phi

Aloha and welcome

back to the wonderful world of
the Oglethrope University
Campus. We started off, the
year with our Get "Lei" d -
Can't Say No Party Part
Deux. It was tremendous suc-
cess and we hope everyone had
a good time.

We would like to con-
gratulate all of our newly ini-
tiated brothers. Eight were ini-

tiated on January 1 S and one
more is scheduled for this
weekend. It was a very, very
cold experience. Just ask Dan.
We would also like to con-
gratulate the new sisters of Chi

We are looking forward
to our mixers with Chi Omega
and Tri-Sigma. And, we are
also preparing for some of our
many parties this semester.. .we
have some good ones.

Well, that just about cov-
ers it. .until next time...

Page 10

February 3, 1994


Batman returns. . . to face a new enemy

By Troy Dwyer

Special to The Stormy Petrel

Few pop fiction char-
acters have received such
widespread exposure as has
Bob Kane's comic book vigi-
lante Batman. Within the past
twenty-five years the DC
Comics hero has been the star
of a prime-time television se-
ries, three Saturday morning
cartoons, two big-budget
blockbuster films, a daily
newspaper strip, and no less
than sixty limited-release and
ongoing comic magazine

Now, Warner Bros. Ani-
mation, riding the success of
their popular syndicated show
Batman: The Animated Series,
has brought the Dark Knight
to the big screen once again in
Mask of the Phantasm:
Batman: The Animated
Movie .

Engineered by the same
creative team that birthed the
afternoon television series, and
featuring the same cast of
voice talents, the film serves as
a vehicle to explore some
slightly more complex and, for
lack of a better word, adult
themes implicit in the Batman

"I was very interested in
doing a Bruce Wayne love
story," says Batman: TAS pro-
ducer, writer, and story editor
Alan Burnett. "We had not
touched on Batman's personal
life in our TV series and we
hadn't given him a romance
other than Catwoman."

Indeed, in the film we
find Batman's aforementioned
alter ego, millionaire Bruce
Wayne, encountering former
flame Andrea Beaumont and
entertaining the prospect of
hanging up his crime-fighting
obsession forever. Complicat-
ing this reunion is the appear-
ance of the Phantasm, an enig-
matic and apparently super-
natural assassin bent on dis-
patching Gotham City's most
notorious gangsters. Both
Bruce and Andrea soon find
themselves hopelessly en-
snared in the Phantasm's mur-
derous plan, which expands to

involve Batman's insane arch
nemesis, the Joker.



However, Mask of the

Though it is rated PG,

Batman faces two adversaries in The Dark Knight's continuing crusade against crime in
Warner Bros', first animated adventure on big screen, "Batman: Mask of the Phantasm."

phofo courtesy of Warner Bros.
Phantasm utilizes two of the

this flick might be a bit intense
for the under-seven crowd. It's
slightly heavier on the
violence and sex than
the TV show, and has
protracted segments of
dialogue that might
leave the littler bat-
freaks yawning. (Case
in point: Bruce and An-
drea share morning
coffee wearing a single
suit of pajamas be-
tween them and discuss
the ramifications of the
previous evening.)

But don't worry,
fashion, there is plenty
of action to keep you
with one hand on your
utility belt. One of my
favorite scenes features
the Joker (played by
Mark "Luke

Skywalker" Hamill)
getting one of his teeth
knocked out of his
head in a spiraling jet
of crimson blood.

Mask of the Phantasm
has enjoyed a merci-
lessly short run at
mainstream movie the-
aters. As of the writ-
ing of this article, it is
playing nowhere
within the Perimeter,
but will most likely be
showing up in the hal-
lowed halls of the Dol-
lar Fifty soon. Holy study

The animation in this
film is more polished and fluid
than that of a typical
afternoon's episode of
Batman: TAS, which - and if
you're a fan you know this -
has better days than others.

Because of the monu-
mental effort and cost involved
in producing a daily animated
series, Warner Bros. Family
Entertainment employs sev-
eral different Japanese anima-
tion production companies to
illustrate the show. As a re-
sult, there are subtle (but de-
tectable) differences in overall
visual quality from episode to
episode, depending on the pro-
duction company that did the

best, Don Yang Animation,
Inc. and Spectrum Animation
Studio, which both achieve the
trademark "dark deco" feel
that has made the animated
series so popular among kids
and adults alike.

But don't get too caught
up in the innovative visuals. If
you can, just close your eyes
and listen. Composer Shirley
Walker's score is, in my opin-
ion, one of the real treats of this
film. For instance, the main
title sequence features the
Batman theme rendered cho-
rally, a cappella and in Latin.
Man, it was so cool my eyes
were rolling back into my


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February 3, 1994

Page 11


Movies that need to be seen and talked about

By Daniel Rosenthal

This winter vacation

I had the pleasure of seeing
two incredible movies, two
movies that everyone should
see. These movies were Phila-
delphia and Schindler's List .
They might not seem to have
much in common, but a close
look reveals some startling

Philadelphia, another in
a long procession of great act-
ing jobs by Denzel Washing-
ton, has Washington in the role
of Joe Miller, a character that
is not necessarily homophobic,
but does typify what many
American males were raised to
feel towards people who are
gay. Tom Hanks, as Andrew
Beckett, is also very convinc-
ing. On the whole, though, I
was not drawn into the movie
as much as I was Schindler's
List but this may simply be
due to the different styles that
the individual directors

brought to the movies. Over-
all, I applaud Hollywood for
releasing Philadelphia because
I feel it will change how people
view the victims of AIDS. It
is also a good movie about
human nature and how people
deal with death from disease.
But as Tom Hanks said in a
recent interview, "Unfortu-
nately, the people who need to
see it the most will not." That
is probably also true of
Schindler's List .

Before I began to write
this article, and when I thought
about comparing these two
movies, I saw the quagmire
that I might be getting myself
into. What I am about to write
comes from the heart and may
offend some, but before you
get angry, I ask you to see both
movies, think about them and
your feelings and talk to some-
one afterwards. I am, in print,
encouraging people to talk
about two things most people
do not want to talk about un-
less they directly affect them:

AIDS and the Holocaust.
People say the same thing
about AIDS that they said
about what took place in Nazi
Germany. "It won't happen to
me, that kind of thing only
happens to others." AIDS has
no prejudices, and Hitler did
not just killJews. Schindler's
List concentrates on just that
one aspect of the absolute hell
of Nazi Germany, as Philadel-
phia just deals with how AIDS
affects gays. Neither one of
these horrible plagues was or
is confined to these two
groups. We have known of
AIDS for thirteen years but no
one really wanted to do any-
thing about it until it started
affecting "normal" people.
President Roosevelt and the
U.S. government knew what
Hitler was doing but only got
involved due to the attack on
Pearl Harbor. The movie is
filmed in black in white so the
viewer does not get distracted
by the scenery or the colors is
the most graphic description of

what took place ever to be put
on film. This movie should be
seen in history classes. The
sad thing about these two is
that I cried during Schindler's
List but was left wondering at
the end of Philadelphia. I was
left wondering at exactly what
I should feel. Schindler's List
is perhaps more gruesome, be-
cause we cannot understand
nor deal with man committing
crimes against man, while
Philadelphia deals with anony-
mous death, which can more
easily be dealt with. I may be
way off base, but that is why I
would truly like some dia-
logue to come out of this ar-
ticle. These two movies will
change how you think and feel.
They are not to be seen by
yourself and you may need a
cab to take you home. They
are that depressing. But they
need to be seen, for one simple
reason: If we tum our backs
on the past or the AIDS crisis
we will never progress as hu-
man beings. These two films

feature the central character
slowly changing over time as
they come to realize that Tom
Hanks, who plays the charac-
ter who has AIDS, is a human
being who just happens to be
gay, and Oskar Schindler, the
Nazi, who comes to realize the
inhumanity of what his party
is doing Joe Miller and Oskar
Shindler, one fictional, and one
real, both realize that we are
all human beings who have the
same wants and needs and
rights as the people in power.
Go see both movies, bring
plenty of tissues and most im-
portantly, talk about how you
feel with who you went with
or, if no one else, with me. You
do not need to be Jewish to feel
the pain of life in the concen-
tration camps and you do not
need to be gay to understand
what Andrew Beckett is going
through. You only need to be

Entertainment Grapevine..., and not io
The Andrew Lloyd

Webber & Tim Rice rock mu-
sical, Jesus Christ Superstar,
is coming to the Fox Theatre
for one week only, February
15-20. This tour unites two
of the major stars of the mo-
tion picture of 20 years ago,
as Ted Neeley's Jesus of
Nazareth once again meets
Carl Anderson's Judas.

aultuzal, events in and axound crftLanta

The Los Angeles Daily
News described it as: "A heart
pounding piece of theater.
Neeley and Anderson sing
with searing rock power."
Variety called it "an amazing
technicolor close encounter
between Steven Spielberg and
Salvador Dali."

Tickets are on sale at the
Fox Box Office and all
TicketMaster locations, or to

charge, call 8 1 7-8700 or 249-
6400. Weeknight ticket prices
are $35.50, 33.50, 25.50 and
10.00, with weekend prices
slightly higher.

"World War II: Per-
sonal Accounts- Pearl Harbor
to V-J Day," a recently opened
exhibit at the Jimmy Carter Li-
brary, will remain open until


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Atlanta CD

4060 Peachtree Rd. (Brookhaven), 239-0429. Open
L _ _ H Mpn.- i Sat: B| 10ani^9ni J Sun.:_12pm-6pm

May 22, 1994. This is the
only stop in the southeast for
what has been called the great-
est historical exhibit on WWII
ever collected.

The collection contains
over 250 authentic pieces,
ranging from a six-minute film
taken during the Japanese at-
tack on Pearl Harbor to the
actual surrender documents of
Germany and Japan that ended
the war.

The Carter Library is at
Cleburne and N. Highland
Ave. Call 331-0296 for fur-
ther information.

Come and hear the

tales of Br'er Rabbit and Br'er
Fox at the Wren's Nest evey
Saturday afternoon at 2PM,
until the end of May.
Storytelling is $1 per person.
The Wren's Nest is lo-
cated at 1050 Ralph David
Abernathy Blvd., S.W. (for-
merly Gordon St.). Call 753-
7735 for further information.

The Georgia Wildlife
Federation is taking over the
Atlanta Expo Center for the
weekend of February 4, 5, and
6, for their annual Fisharama.
That's right the Fisharama.
Admission is $6.00 for adults,
and one of the seminar speak-
ers is David Fritts, 1993 Bass
Master Classic winner. Call
Doug Rithmire at 929-3350
for more details.

The Carriage Works

Gallery is opening an exhibit
of Stephen Schatz's "Recent
Works" on Febuary 1. The
show will run through March
3 1 . The show is part of the
Georgia Council for the Arts'
plan to feature local artists that
have been honored with grants
or some other form of recog-
nition. The Gallery is free to
the public and located in the
Carriage Works, 530 Means
St.,N.W. Call 65 1-7626 for
more information.

Page 12

February 3, 1994


"Oh no, it's my husband! Quick, get back on the floor.

February 3, 1994

Page 13


THE Crossword

1 Goby
5 Speedy
10 Vaulted budding

14 Painful

15 Poetic Muse

16 Error

17 Study in haste

18 Stretched tight

19 Resiliency

20 Desirable
22 Blur

24 Feel pain

25 Short play

26 On land
29 Malicious

33 Small opening

34 Quick bread

35 shoestring

36 Wee

37 Balloon basket

38 Befit

39 Assn.'s cousin

40 Make points

42 French income

43 Hire again

45 Former White
House name

46 Smell (be

47 Stare

48 Sufferer of a

51 Very hungry

55 Give off

56 Hot under the

58 Thomas

59 Competent

60 Uproar

61 Antlered animal

62 Row

63 Pine

64 Minced oath

'\ reaty between

2 Land measure

3 Phony

4 Musical work

5 Hit the hay

6 Common

7 Spasm

































30 31


































*>1994 Tribune Media Servicer Inc.
All RigfHS Reserved

8' a girl!"
9 Soft leather

10 Shrewd

11 Walk heavily

12 Vocalize

13 Dueling weapon
21 Ottoman

23 A very little

25 Seedlike body

26 Player

27 County in Eng.

28 Device on a

29 Frightening

30 Spring of water

31 Join

32 Thereafter
34 Get going!
38 Sing to

40 Brisk

41 Make

42 Level

44 Make a

45 Grotto

47 Croc's cousin






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48 Edible portion

49 Both: pref.

50 Make peevish

51 avis

52 Mr. Casslni

53 Eye part

54 Red gem

57 Medicinal herb


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by Scott Selsor1993

Page 14

February 3, 1994


The best (and the worst) of 1993, Dunn style

By Dunn Neugebauer
Just glad to be here..

The best and the worst

of 1993...

In this writer's opinion,
the best thing about 1993 is
that it's over. In pro sports, all
the famous athletes died, the
Braves didn't make the World
Series, the Falcons remained
the Falcons and Shannan
McCarthy broke into the top-
1 50 in the world in tennis and
never called me once to tell me
about it.

On the OU campus,
Mike Benne left us, Phil
moved, the volleyball team got
reamed at the year-end A1I-
SCAC awards, Sam disap-
peared behind a grill at Chili's,
a guy kissed me on the cheek
at the stroke of New Year's
and the windscreens on the ten-
nis courts fell down.

It wasn't all bad though,
and I'll attempt to recap both
sides of the year that finally

Some positive notes:
The OU Greek housing got
built, approved, finished and is
now being lived in.
The two worst speed bumps
on campus were smoothed
over where you don't spill
your drink all over your lap
when you ride over them. The
bad news is they still have

eight more yet to work on.
The Coke machine in
Schmidt will successfully give
you your Coke and your

Episodes of Columbo
could be seen both on Mystery
Theater on the Arts & Enter-
tainment Channel AND on
Channel 36 late at night.
Like them or not, Florida
State and Coach Bobby
Bowden finally got to trot off
the field as the # 1 team in the

Georgia and Georgia Tech,
both with very mediocre foot-
ball teams, at least gave us
some entertainment by beat-
ing the absolute #$%#$ out of
each other in a fight at the end
of their game. (I think Geor-
gia coach Ray Goff won that

Our cross country and vol-
leyball teams did great, and
the basketball teams have
started strong.

They renovated Perimeter

They put extra sauce on the
chicken wings at Taco Mac.
Will Lukow was named
Co-Player of the Year in soc-

Most interesting

bumper stickers seen around

"Humpty Dumpty was

"My son beat up your honor

roll student."

"Don't blame me, I voted for


"Get over it, your candidate


"How's my driving? Dial 1-


Best signs on campus...
"Don't laugh, your daughter
may be in here..." (on Bobby
Holman's door)
"Amuse us or we will come to
your room..." (Tim and
Robbie's door)

"500 pounds combined, 450 of
muscle, 50 more of body hair
(same door)

Worst quote from a
sports caster...

"Did you see that! He just in-
tercepted that ball right out of

Best quote from a stu-
dent on why he skipped class...
"I was dreaming I was on a

date and I had gotten her back
to my room. I knew that what-
ever I got up to do wouldn't be

as good as that, so I just kept

on sleeping."

Best note passed in


"You see that girl over there

named Leigh,"

"Well she looks pretty darned

good to me, "

"She's cute and has class,"

"Oh God what a lass"

"Think of what a great couple

we'd be!"

Best reply from above

"You're crude, you're warped
and you're sick,"
"Do you really think she cares
a lick?"
"There's no way you'll reach

Lady Petrels off to a good start

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The Lady Petrel Bas-
ketball team, like the men, is
off the a very good start. The
women are presently 8-6 (2-2
in conference) and ranked
fourth in the SCAC. The la-
dies have won four of their last
six, which included a last sec-
ond victory over the Rhodes
Lynx. The game was decided
at the buzzer as Jennifer
Johnson hit a back door play
to Kim Jackson who sunk the
game winning basket. Unfor-
tunately, the ladies were de-
feated by the Millsaps Majors
the next day.

The ladies have also pro-
duced many mid season league
leaders. The team as a whole
is ranked first in scoring, av-
eraging 73.9 points per game;
they also lead the league in the
turn-over margin category
with a +9.3 difference.

Individually, the Lady
Petrels have three women in
the top ten for scoring, Eleanor
Fulton has 13.7 points per
game, Becky Ellis has 12.4,
Kim Jackson has 10.8. One
of the most impressive stats is
that of Jennifer Johnson, who
is leading the league in assists
with an average of 6.1 assists
per game. She is a full two
assists per game higher than


"So just listen to your teacher,"
"And maybe one year you'll
have your pick..."

Until next time,
Send me tennis players,
dunn, james dunn

Petrel Weather

By Will Mullis
Co-Feature Editor

It was a dark and

stormy night. The rain was
pouring down and it wasn't
exactly warm either. Of
course, if you know your mas-
cot, you'll remember that the
Stormy Petrel is a bird that in-
spired sailors in the midst of
storms by languidly flying
around, seemingly impervious
to the elements of nature. It
seems that eagles are not so

Our cross-town rivals,
the Emory Eagles, were
pounded solidly for the second
time this season by the men's
basketball team, as Coach
Berkshire earned the 250th
win of his career at
Oglethorpe. The Petrels are
now 10-5 overall against the
Eagles and have swept the sea-
son series.

The Petrels were led by
senior Brian Davis who
poured in 19 points and also
grabbed five rebounds. He
was helped by Nathan

Briesmeister and Bryon
Letourneau, who both added
seven points to the effort. The
Petrels never trailed past the
first minute of the game as they
dominated most of the first
half. Emory had a good run
toward the end of the first half
to cut the deficit to 41-33 but
the Petrels returned from the
locker room with a grim deter-
mination that soon left Emory
hopelessly behind. A 20-6 run
begun by Jack Stephen's three-
pointer also included three lay-
ups by Brian Davis and eight
points by the suddenly scorch-
ing Andy Schutt. After Emory
made a brief comeback at-
tempt the Petrels bounced back
following a time-out to end the
game with a 17-8 run. For
stats, Schutt and Stephens both
had ten points along with
Davis' 19. Cornell Longino
and Tripp Pierson scored eight
and Scbutt and Ryan Vickers
both pulled down six re-
bounds. After the game the
Petrels are a solid 8-3 on the
season and appear to only be
getting stronger as the season

the next player. Another im-
pressive stat is also one of
Fulton's, who is presently lead-
ing the league in rebounding
with 10.0 rebounds per game.
The Lady Petrels also have
three players in the top five for
steals. Ellis, Fulton, and
Shelly Anderson are 3rd, 4th
and 5th in the league, respec-
tively. Jackson is also third in
the league in FG percentage
with 49.1%.

The ladies show a lot of
talent this season and expecta-
tions are high for a good fin-
ish. Come out and support the
Lady Petrels. Good luck, la-


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February 3, 1994

Page 15


This country needs a College Football Playoff System

By Daryl Brooks

Another college foot-
ball season has come and gone,
and it's apparent once again
that the NCAA needs a play-
off system for college football.
For the third time in four years,
controversy has surrounded
college football's mythical
National Championship.

It started four years ago
in 1990 when Georgia Tech
(the only undefeated division
I team in the nation) and Colo-
rado (who beat Missouri on
the disputed "fifth down" play)
tied for the National Champi-
onship. Again in 1991 the vot-
ers couldn't decide whether #1 and #2 teams according to

Miami or Washington should
be #1, so they picked them
both and once again we had
split champions. Having back
to back split National Cham-
pions concerned enough
people that they attempted to
come up with a solution. Af-
ter all, it hadn't happened since
1973 and 1974, when Notre
Dame, Alabama ahd Okla-
homa, USC split the polls, re-
spectively. So what these
people (I don't know who
"these people" are, but they
must be very important some-
where) came up with the Bowl

The Bowl Coalition is a
confusing system in which the

the Bowl Coalition poll play
each other in a New Year's
Day bowl and we have an un-
disputed National Champion.
This system worked fine last
year, as # 1 Miami met #2 Ala-
bama in the Sugar Bowl.
There was no controversy, no
whining from Lou Holtz, no
nothing. Alabama was the
champion, no questions asked.
The coalition was a success
and some people were happy.
This year, once again,
#1 Nebraska met #2 Florida
State in a New Year's Day
bowl. However, this years no
one was certain if these top two
teams were really the best.
West Virginia thought that
they should be in the game for

the National Championship
because they were undefeated.
Notre Dame thought they
should be playing for the Na-
tional Championship for two
reasons; first, they were Notre
Dame and should always play
for the National Champion-
ship, and second, they beat
Florida State, therefore they
should be playing Nebraska,
instead of FSU. Of course if
Notre Dame can make this
claim, then so can Northwest-
ern. You see, Northwestern
beat Boston College, who beat
Notre Dame, who beat Florida
State. So according to this
logic, Northwestern should be
National Champs.

The obvious solution to
this problem is a playbff sys-

The Stormy Petrels are flying high!

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The Oglethorpe

Stormy Petrel Men's Basket-
ball teams is off to one of its
best starts in history. The men
are presently 1 2-3 (4-0 in con-
ference) and ranked 16th in
the national division III poll.
As of Friday, the men were on
a six game winning streak.
The beginning of the streak
was a massive victory over
ParksCollege, 126-73. They
then defeated Emory 80-57,
Fisk 90-55, Centre 88-78,
Rhodes 81-74, and Millsaps

The biggest of those
games was the victory over
Rhodes, who at the time was
ranked first in conference. Not
any more. The Petrels dis-
mantled the Lynx in a well-
played game both offensively
and defensively. This vaulted
the men to first in the confer-
ence and lifted them to their
national ranking. Also in this
game, Brian Davis scored his
1 000th point for the Petrels on
an assist from Cornell Longino.
Davis received the pass from
the right side and laid it in for

Oglethorpe presently
leads the league in both scor-


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ing and field goal percentage,
averaging 83.9 points per
game with a 52.3% field goal
average. The Petrels also lead
the league in free throw per-
centage (70.7%) and assists
per game (20.7). The Petrels
are also first in three point field
goal percentage with 38.4%.
This season has also pro-
duced many individual league
leaders this year. Brian Davis
is fourth in the league in scor-
ing, averaging 18 points per
game. Davis is also ranked
13th in the nation in field goal
percentage with 67% outdis-
tancing his closest conference
rivals by over 10%. Sopho-
more Ryan Vickersis9thinthe
conference in scoring, averag-
ing 13.8 points per game.
Cornell Longino is third in the
conference in assists at 4. 8 per
game, followed closely by
Tripp Pearson with 4.6.

Vickers is also second in the
league in blocked shots with
16 blocks on the season. Andy
Schutt is sixth in the league in
field goal percentage with
52.1%. Schutt and Davis are
6th and 10th in the league re-
spectively in rebounding.

If that wasn't enough,
the Petrels also own a group
of single game seasonal super-
latives. Tripp Pearson had 1 1
assists against Adrian. Ryan
Vickers had four blocked shots
against Parks College and also
had six three pointers for a
75% average. For the team,
the Petrels scored 126 against
Parks, had 32 assists and 46
FG made.

The Petrels are on their
way to their and the school's
first ever SCAC champion-
ship. Come out and cheer
them on. Good Luck Guys!

If mini**


Medium 2 topping pizza: $6.99
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tern for college football. Al-
though I have no say in the
matter, if I did, this is how I
would run things. First, elimi-
nate the Kick Off Classics.
These contests match two re-
spectable teams from the pre-
vious year. These games are
always lopsided contests that
nobody watches. .August is too
early for this kind of football;
save these big games for De-
cember and January. The
playoff system should work
like this. Take the top eight
teams according the combined
AP and UPI polls. Teams on
probation would obviously not
be included in the poll. These
top eight teams would play on
the third Sunday in December.
This gives each team at least a
week off since most teams end
their seasons by the end of
November. The first round
would be played in the follow-
ing Bowls: Citrus, Peach,
Cotton, and Fiesta. The sec-
ond round would be played the
next week in the Sugar and
Orange Bowls. The champi-
onship game would be played
the first or second week in
January in the Rose Bowl.
Also in this system the game
sites could change from year
to year so the site of the cham-
pionship game would rotate
every year and every bowl in
this system will have the big
game every seven years. Un-
der this system the nation will
finally have what it wants: an
undisputed National Champ.

Although this scenario
may seem unlikely, with CBS
now out of the baseball and
NFL television pictures, they
are looking to bankroll some
new sporting events. They're
getting pretty desperate, too. I
read today that CBS is think-
ing of signing a contract to
televise the Big East football
and basketball conferences.
Talk about boredom! The col-
lege football playoff system
could be just the thing CBS is
looking for.

Finally, although some
may argue that this plan will
not work because it will run
into the N FL playoffs, I believe
that college football could very
easily hold its own against
anything the NFL can throw at

Page 16

February 3, 1994

They operate on him tomorrow.
\bu should be there.

Blood. Give a little so someone can live.

American Red Cross

BUxkI S(_Tvkvs / Atlanta Region
National lilotxl Hi-sourcc Education Program

\jlkmjl tk*.n. Uin>'., -*rxl ]M( k h I IrwiUilc: Nmiitml liiriliuius <il IU-..I1I1, I'ublii lk*uilh St-riwv: ' -S. EX'ivintiH'IU <f lltuillh iiiui Human "tcrvuvj*

Alpha Phi mesa's Spring Diced Drive i

February 7, 1994

Emerson Student Center


Stortmf Petrel

Volume 69, Issue 8 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University February 14, 1994

Valentine's Day

Pages 5-7

Flag controversy

Pages 8-9


Page 11

Olympic TV

Page 17

News: 2-4

Features: 5-7

Editorials: 8-11

Organizations: 12

Greeks: 13

Comics: 18-21
Sports: 22-23

Security: 2
Grapevine: 4

Profile: 6
Open Line: 10
Screentest: 14
Grapevine: 16

Security catches would-be burglars

Co-Feature Editor

For the 2nd time in

little over a year, Security Of-
ficer Bernard Potts has appre-
hended would-be burglars at-
tempting to rob the Oglethorpe

On Saturday, January
29, as Officer Potts was check-
ing Traer Hall at 3:55a.m. that
night, he noticed two men at-
tempting to force open the win-
dows on the backside of
Emerson Student Center fac-
ing the Library. The two men
noticed him walking their way
and froze to avoid being seen.
Officer Potts did not want to
scare them while he was still
quite a distance away so he
casually strolled away from
them and took the Security
truck and slowly drove down
the driveway running down
the left side of Emerson. The
two perpetrators remained fro-
zen and by this time were hid-
ing under the bushes. When
Officer Potts got out of the ve-
hicle, the two men began to run
through the back wooded area
of the Student Center leading
towards the back area of the
library. He immediately began

to pursue them on foot. He
caught up to them at the gravel
pit behind the library, and, af-
ter putting them on the ground,
asked their names. The two
men, who looked young
enough to be in college, re-
sponded that they were frater-
nity pledges doing a required
prank but refused to name

themselves or their supposed
fraternity. They also said that
they had no IDs. Officer Potts
then radioed the gatehouse to
have the RA and RD on duty
come to identify if the perpe-
trators were indeed Oglethorpe
students. He also radioed the
other patrol officer on duty to
assist him in preventing the

Security Officer Bernard Potts.

photo by Will Mullis

men from fleeing. After nei-
ther the RA or RD could iden-
tify the men as students and the
men still refused to give
names, Officer Potts radioed
for Dekalb Police to come take
them into custody. The re-
sponding police officer ar-
rested the two men, who then
realized the game was up and
admitted they were not stu-
dents and gave their names.
The two men said that they had
jumped the outer perimeter
fence and decided to have a
look around. The Dekalb po-
lice officer then took the men
to jail. The next day Officer
Potts went before the magis-
trate to have the two men for-
mally arraigned on charges.

Potts said of the incident,
"I am very offened when any-
one attempts to disturb our
campus. Security takes its job
very seriously."

Officer Potts works on
the third shift every night, and
is therefore not always the
easiest person to catch during
the day. However, Oglethorpe
is extremely fortunate to have
someone who does such a thor-
ough and conscientious job.
We should all be thankful that
he is keeping watch over us
and the campus.

The intense competition drews to a close

By Stephen Cooper
Co-Copy Editor

After a week of in-
tense competition, Ogle-
thorpe's fifth annual Geek
Week drew to a close, leaving
a few geeks a little bit richer.

Geek Week, sponsored
by Omicron Delta Kappa, is a
series of competitions running
the academic gambit, from
economics to mathematics, to
history to literature, and even
to sports trivia The top ten fin-
ishers in each competition
were awarded points ten for
first, nine for second, and so
forth. Team scores were found

by taking the highest-scoring
individuals from each team.
At the end of the week, all the
points were tallied, and cash
prizes awarded to the top three
individuals and team finishers
$75 for first, $50 for sec-
ond, and $25 for third.

The competition

throughout the week was very
tight, and many teams and in-
dividuals were in the race for
first until the very last day.
When the dust cleared on Sat-
urday, the lead geeks and nerd
herds had been crowned. In
first place was sophomore
Stephen Cooper with 136
points. Following Cooper was

junior Bill Girton, who as late
as Thursday, had been in 7th
place but made a last-minute
surge to finish second with 1 1
points. In third place, there
was a tie between senior Will
Corum and sophomore Eliza-
beth Stockton. Due to the ex-
tremely competitive nature of
Geek Week (and the disap-
pointment of having to split a
cash prize), a tie breaker was
necessary, this was accom-
plished by Stockton and
Corum playing Trivial Pursuit
"to the death" a Geek Week
tradition. After a close-fought
battle, Corum emerged victo-
rious, claiming the $25 for

himself alone.

In the team competition,
the Justice League, consisting
of seniors Dave Barnhart,
Lyndra Givens, Corum, and
Stockton, claimed top honors,
earning 1 89 points. Close be-
hind was the team of @#*?!
(pronounced "drat, drat,
drat"), with 1 74 points. This
team included junior
Mischelle Curtin, freshman
David Leach, Girton, and
Cooper. Claiming third place
was APO's own A & W team
with 1 08 points. A & W con-
sisted of junior Heath
Coleman, and sophomores
see Geek Week page 3

Page 2


February 14, 1994


By WillMullis
Co-Feature Editor

On Sunday, Janu-
ary 23, a student just return-
ing from winter break reported
that 60 CDs had been stolen.
The student thought that the
CBs had probably been taken
during die same burglary that
occurred on January 14 when
a VCR was stolen (see Issue
7). They found thai the room's
storm window had been re-
moved and that the thief had
probably crawled through the
window, which had been left

On Monday, January
24, a student reported that his
cycling computer had. been
stolen from his bike while it
was chained in front of Goslin

On Saturday, January
29, ai 2: 15 am., a Security Of-
ficer spotted two students
banned from the dorm areas at-
tempting to remove the screen
and climb in the window of a
dorm room. The officer radi-
oed for backup and the two
officers then escorted the two
intoxicated students away
from the room and offthe cam-
pus. The Officers then woke
the student sleeping within the
room and asked that all the
windows be locked all the time
for safety reasons.

Also on Saturday,
January 29, at 4:00 am, a Se-
curity officer apprehended two
men attempting to break into
Emerson Student Center.
(Please see larger article).

Please be advised that
due to repeated problems cars
parked in handicapped spaces
without the proper permit will
be towed away as of February

Also a reminder to
please keep all car and dorm
windows and doors locked at
all times to protect yourself
and your possessions.

Buddhist spiritual traditions on display

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

The Oglethorpe Uni-
versity Museum is currently
running an exhibition of Bud-
dhist and Hindu spiritual tra-
ditions by Mukti Singh Thapa.
This exhibit will run until
March 27, 1994.

Thangka paintings are a
common ceremonial art form
used in Buddhism and Hindu-
ism for meditation, prayer and
healing. They contain richly
colored symbols, often sur-
rounding a large image of the
central deity. In a laborious
process that has almost disap-
peared because of lack of royal
and religious patronage,
Mukti Singh Thapa recreates
styles of Indian, Nepalese and
Tibetan art forms from differ-
ent historical periods. He is
known for combining these
traditions into what he calls
"fighting style" thangkas.

Mukti creates thangkas
with the same materials used
for centuries. He paints on
cotton cloth, which is coated

with a mixture of white clay
or chalk and glue, then
smoothed by hand with a
stone. He often spends months

Buddhist and Hindu spiritual traditions are now on display
in the museum. photo coutesy of Oglethorpe P.R. Office

preparing the paints from
ground minerals and insect
bodies. He carefully re-
searches the icons, symbols
and design to ensure consis-
tency with religious formulae.
After this lengthy preparation,
the detailed paintings may still
take three months to three
years to complete.

Mukti is a native of
Nepal and lives in Kathmandu
with his wife and two daugh-
ters. He has received national
and international awards for
his art. The Oglethorpe will
be his second museum exhibi-
tion in the United States.

The Museum is located
in the Philip Weltner Library
at Oglethorpe University,
4484 Peachtree Road, Atlanta.
Hours are Tuesday, Thursday
and Sunday, 1-4 p.m. and
Wednesday, 1-7 p.m. Admis-
sion is free and ample free
parking is available. For more
information, call 364-8555.

Emory gets grant for Virtual Library Project

By College Press Service

Books, schmooks. We

want instant computer access
to digitalized information,
preferably from dorm rooms
and offices.

That's the wave of the
future, anyway, and universi-
ties are working to transform
libraries of yesteryear into li-
braries of the future to accom-
modate changing needs.

Emory University re-
cently received a $300,000
grant from the Luce Founda-
tion in New York City that en-
ables the school to start a three-
year, $900,000 project to de-
velop a blueprint of a virtual
library - a library in which
books and other bound mate-
rials are transferred to digital
information available at the
touch of a computer button
and connection of a telephone

Serious discussions have
been underway between
Emory, Harvard University,
and Yale University to collabo-
rate on the project so the uni-

versities could work together
to solve problems inherent in
sharing resources electroni-
cally and to increase the quan-
tity of material available in
electronic form, said Jan
Gleason. executive director of
Emory's News and Informa-
tion office.

Issues dealing with
copyright law, usage, and stor-
age capability are just some of
the enormous challenges of
such a project, Gleason said.
But the rewards of virtual li-
braries are also huge.

Imagine, for instance,
being able to access an entire
novel from the comfort of your
computer work station in a
home or office and using a
keyword search to find a cer-
tain bit of information.

Access to digital librar-
ies is extremely helpful in re-
search. For instance, an art
history student at Emory who
needs access to a book at the
Harvard library might be able
to download the needed infor-
mation by modem if the book
were stored digitally. Without

electronic access, the student
either would have to travel to
Harvard to do the research or
go through the complicated
process of getting the book by
loan - if it were available that

Several factors are driv-
ing the trend toward virtual li-
braries, but one of the biggest
is financial considerations.
Books have become much
more expensive in recent
years, the number of publica-
tions has increased and the
costs of maintaining decaying
collections have risen as well.

"It has become increas-
ingly untenable for college and
university libraries to meet the
information needs of their fac-
ulty and students through the
traditional avenue of addingto
their collections," said Bill
Frye, Emory's interim presi-
dent and provost.

Pat Battin, president of
the Commission on Preserva-
tion and Access, said compat-
ibility and cooperation were
keys to the success of any digi-
tal library consortium. "The

productive use of digital tech-
nology requires first and fore-
most a collaborative mecha-
nism to create a compatible
nationwide infrastructure so
that scholarly materials can be
economically stored and
readily shared on an interna-
tional basis, including the ca-
pability to convey digital ma-
terials into such forms as pa-
per or film for those users who
do not have access to sophisti-
cated technology," Battin said.
Other universities also
are working on virtual library
projects. Columbia

University's Law Library in
New York is currently scan-
ning and digital izing 10,000 to
20,000 volumes per year in a
five-year project. A total of
750,000 volumes exist in its
collection. The University of
Florida, the University of
Southern California, Carnegie
Mellon University of Pennsyl-
vania, and Rutgers University
of New Jersey are some of the
other institutions working on
projects related to virtual li-

February 14, 1994


Page 3

Surveys conflict about jobs for graduates

By Jennifer Burgess
Special Correspondent
College Press Service

For new college

graduates now may be the time
to update their resumes and in-
terview clothes - there are
plenty of jobs out there for the

But then again, perhaps
you should make plans to
move back home and leech off
Mom and Dad until the job
outlook improves.

Are there jobs out there?
It depends on whom you want
to believe.

The bright news: An in-
crease in hiring is projected in
1994 for new college gradu-
ates, according to the 23rd an-
nual edition of Recruiting
Trends, a Michigan State Uni-
versity report

The bad news: The out-
look is bleak and recent gradu-
ates are going to face stiff com-
petition for jobs, according to
the U.S. Department of
Labor's Occupation Outlook

The more reassuring
survey for graduates, which
was researched by Michigan
State, reported a 1.1 percent
increase in hiring over last
year. This is the first increase
projected in the past five years.

In addition to an in-
crease in jobs, starting salaries

are expected to be 0.4 percent
higher than last year, Recruit-
ing Trends said. The highest
anticipated increases are for
majors in chemistry, computer
science, industrial, civil and
mechanical engineering, math-
ematics and accounting.

According to the Re-
search Trends survey, several
fields are emerging with vast
opportunities for employment.
Among the rising occupations
reported by the surveyed com-
panies are computer-related
fields, business systems ana-
lysts, environmental engineers
and scientists, health care and
medical specialists, and com-
munications and multi-media

The highest starting
salaries for graduates with
bachelor's degrees are chemi-
cal engineering majors at
$40,300. The results are based
on the responses of 4,600 em-
ployers in industry and gov-
ernment agencies.

When asked what ad-
vice the employers have for
recent college graduates, the
most frequent response was to
have realistic expectations.

"Get in touch with real-
ity, reduce your 'hat size,'" the
Michigan State survey said.
"New graduates cannot dem-
onstrate that they are over-
qualified for a job until they
try it on for size."

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Employers also said that
if you get a new job and it's
not what you expected, don't
worry. Most companies re-
ported that they don't expect
to hire a college graduate and
have that person be with the
company for a lifetime. There
is so much change happening
in the workplace that most
companies cannot guarantee
lifetime employment.

"The expectation for an
individual to 'marry' an orga-

nization is no longer the
norm," the survey said.

Employers recommend
starting at an entry-level posi-
tion. "Get started in an orga-
nization that offers a career
ladder and produce outstand-
ing results," the survey said.
"Promotions will come later."

If you have a job, that is.

"Employment projec-
tion for the 1990-2005 period
indicate that the average an-
nual openings in jobs requir-

ing a degree will number fewer
than during the 1984-1990 pe-
riod," wrote economist
Kristina J. Shelley in the Oc-
cupation Outlook Quarterly.
Work experience will
become as important, if not
more important than education
for some jobs, according to
Shelley, because of the grow-
ing number of bachelor's de-
grees awarded each year that
force graduates to compete for
fewer jobs.

Pi Kappa Phi distributes
graphic AIDS poster

By Diana Smith
Staff Writer
College Press Service

Officials at Pi Kappa

Phi's national headquarters
were frustrated: the message
about AIDS just wasn't getting
through to young college men
and women who were putting
their lives at risk by having
unprotected sex.

So the fraternity decided
to do something to illustrate
the danger in a more graphic
and humorous method, and the
result was an eye-catching
wall poster designed to startle
students into action.

Subtle it ain't.

The 22-inch-by-28-inch
color poster, taken from an
ancient Indian painting and
first published in 1883 in the
Kama Sutra of Vatsyavana,
shows an amorous couple
locked in a rather athletic
sexual position. A strategically
placed warning box says, "If
you think this looks danger-
ous, try doing it without a
condom." Smaller print reads,
"No sexual act is more death-
defying than sex without pro-
tection. Don't put yourself in
that position."

Copies of the posters
were mailed to the fraternity's
140 chapters throughout the

Durward Owen, chief
executive officer of the na-

tional fraternity, said Pi Kappa
Phi officials knew they would
catch some heat for the poster,
which he frankly admitted
"borders on pornography," but
he said the importance of the
message ultimately out-
weighed questions of taste.

"We had to get
someone's attention," he said.
"I felt comfortable with it, al-
though I knew we would be on
the edge of criticism."

In a letter that accompa-
nied the posters, Owen wrote:
"This is a poster which will un-
doubtedly be controversial. It
is our sincere hope that it gets
your attention. If it does not...
then it has been for naught."

The letter further points
out that, "Sex was never safe
and it is less safe now than it
has ever been. Sexual
lovemaking between humans
is not, and cannot be, the
thoughtless instinctual cou-
pling of animals; it is not rec-
reation; it is not safe."

Geek Week

continued from page 1
James Green and David

In the past, Geek Week
activities have attracted much
outside attention and sponsor-
ship, including coverage by
Atlanta-based CNN last year.
This year was no different, as

Before mailing the post-
ers, many different people, in-
cluding feminist groups, were
consulted about its graphic
message, Owen said. About
eight out of every 10 people
agreed with the decision to dis-
tribute it.

"The sexuality of it I
don't particularly like myself,
but if that's what it takes to get
their attention, that's what it
takes," he said.

Permission to use the
image from the Kama Sutra
was given by a British collec-
tor who wished to remain
anonymous, Owen said.

The fraternity also pro-
duced a 1986 poster about
date rape that won a national
award from the National Or-
ganization for Women.

Written inquiries about
obtaining a copy of the poster
should be directed to Owen at
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, P.O.
Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C.

many outside sponsors were
involved in supplying Geek
Week with awards, including
Harris Teeter and Atlanta CD.
Thanks, from all the geeks, for
these companies and the art
department and economics
department for their monetary

Page 4


February 14, 1994

Heard it through the Grapevine . . .

News and events in and around Oglethorpe University

For any students in-
terested in area politics, Con-
gressman John Linder will be
holding upcoming Town Hall
Meetings in and around At-
lanta. The dates include:
Thursday, Feb. 17, 2:00-4:00
PM at the Snellville City Hall;
Thursday, Feb. 17, 7:30-9:00
PM at Stone Mountain High
School; Saturday, March 5,
10:00-12:00 Noon at the
Gwinnett Justice & Adminis-
tration Center, in
Lawrenceville; and Saturday,
March 5, 2:00-4:00 PM at the
Chamblee Civic Center. For
more information or directions
to any of the town meeting
sites, please contact Congress-
man Linder 's Fourth District
Office: 3003 Chamblee-
Tucker Road, Suite 140, At-
lanta, GA 30341, or at 936-

Looking for an alter-
native to the standard beach
scene for spring or summer va-

Opportunities for stu-
dents to assist with domestic

and international human de-
velopment projects are de-
tailed in a free catalog from
Global Volunteers, a private
nonprofit organization work-
ing in six developing coun-
tries, two emerging democra-
cies and the southern United

Global Volunteers is ac-
tively seeking student groups
and individuals to work for
one, two or three weeks at
project sites in Russia, Poland,
Tanzania, Indonesia, Jamaica,
Guatemala, Mexico, Costa
Rica and in rural communities
in the U.S.

Volunteers have been re-
quested to teach English, help
build schools, communities
centers and health clinics, con-
struct housing, develop po-
table water systems, repair and
renovate buildings and paint
community structures.

For more information, a
free schedule, and group infor-
mation, please contact Michele
Gran at Global Volunteers at
1-800-487-1074, or write to
E. Little Canada Rd., St. Paul,
Minnesota 55117.

The Miss National

College Photo Model contest
is looking for contestants for
their 1994 competition.

Entrants must be cur-
rently enrolled in a college or
university, be between the ages
of 18 and 26, single (never
married), with no children, and
not have been convicted a
felony. Photographs will be
judged on overall appearance,
originality and creativity, and
the quality of the photographs.

For an application and
information send a self ad-
dressed stamped envelope to:
S. Peterson, National College
Director, 5400 W. Cheyene
#1098, Las Vegas, NV
89108. Deadlines are ap-

The Small Business

Development Center at Geor-
gia State University will offer
a program for those interested
in starting a business. Bud-
ding entrepreneurs will hear

about legal issues of starting a
business, marketing a new
business, financing a business,
and why a business plan is
helpful in a full day program
called "Planning Your Busi-

"Planning Your Busi-
ness" will be held Friday,
March 4 from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. at Georgia State
University. The fee for "Plan-
ning Your Business" is $35.
For registration information,
call Pam Davis at 65 1-3550.

The Small Business

Development Center at Geor-
gia State University will offer
a continuing education pro-
gram for family owned busi-
nesses. "Endangered Species:
Family-Owned Businesses" is
a series of four seminars on
Monday evenings from 4:30-
7:30 p.m. from February 21
through March 14 at Georgia
State University North Metro
Center. Business owners will
learn about developing the
business plan, family and busi-
ness systems, marketing and

sales management The fee for
the program is $195.

For registration informa-
tion on "Endangered Species:
Family-Owned Businesses,"
call Pam Davis at 65 1-3550.

College students get

"extra credit" at Walt Disney
World during spring break
with the "Disney Break."

This popular program
offers significant savings on
both theme park and Pleasure
Island admissions. For $25
(plus tax), students can enjoy
a day at Epcot '94, the Magic
Kingdom or Disney-MGM
Studios. For an additional $5
(plus tax) add-on, a whole
night of fun awaits at Pleasure
Island, Disney's nighttime en-
tertainment mecca.

This offer is good Feb-
ruary 1 5 through March 25 for
students with a valid college
I.D. Students must be 18 or
older to take advantage of the
Pleasure Island add-on. Tick-
ets are available at Walt
Disney World ticket locations
and Disney's Ocala Welcome
Center on 1-75.

Summer jobs better than waiting tables

Over the past couple

of months, a lot of information
about various summer oppor-
tunities has come across my
desk. With only three months
until graduation, I felt that this
would be a good time to pass
it along.

Has cash flow kept you
from going abroad? Then you
should know about an easy, af-
fordable way to see the
world... working abroad. The
nonprofit Council on Interna-
tional Educational Exchange
(CIEE) administers a unique
Work Abroad program which
enables college students and
recent graduates to work for
three to six months in Britain,
Ireland, France, Germany,

New Zealand, and Costa Rica.

For only $160, CIEE
will provide the necessary le-
gal documents, so there's no
red tape to worry about When
they arrive, participants re-
ceive an in-depth orientation
from CIEE's overseas office,
which also provides job and
accommodations listing, and
general support services
through the stay.

To receive a free Work
Abroad brochure, call (212)-
661-1414, ext. 1130,orwrite
to CIEE, Work Abroad Pro-
gram, 205 E. 42nd St. New
York, NY 10017-5706.

This spring six college
undergraduates from across
the nation will be chosen to

attend Historic Deerfield Sum-
mer Fellowship Program in
Early American History and
Material Culture. For the
thirty-ninth year, a select
group of students will live in
Deerfield, Massachusetts from
mid- June to mid-August while
participating in an intensive
examination of early Ameri-
can history, architecture, deco-
rative arts, museum interpre-
tation, and museum opera-

Each applicant ap-
pointed to the program is
awarded a fellowship which
covers tuition, books, and vis-
its to other museums. The fee
for room and board for the nine
week program is $1750. Fi-
nancial aid for room and board
is available for students with

demonstrated need. Appli-
cants to the program must be
undergraduate students of
sophomore, junior, or senior
standing in a college of univer-
sity as of January 1, 1994.
Completed applications will
be reviewed after April 1,

Interested students
should request a Fellowship
brochure and application by
writing Dr. Kenneth
Hafertepe, Director of Aca-
demic Programs, Historic
Deerfield, Inc., Deerfield, MA
01342, or by telephoning

College students from
across the country are being
sought for summer jobs at one

of the nation's most spectacu-
lar national parks.

Glacier National Park,
located in the northwest comer
of Montana, is best known for
its rugged mountain wilder-
ness and its historic lodges.
Glacier Park, Inc., is looking
for students to fill more than
900 summer jobs in all seg-
ments of the hotel and hospi-
tality areas. Employees are
needed this year from mid-
May to early October. The
highest demand is for employ-
ees who can work through late
September and early October.

For details on jobs and
salaries call Glacier Park, Inc.,
at (602) 207-2620, or write
Glacier Park, Inc., Dial Tower,
Phoenix, AZ, 85077-0924.

February 14, 1994


Page 5

Intangible dreams of this thing called love

By Trish Hinton

As I spoke to a friend

of mine about what in the
world I could possibly think of
to write about "love." She
whined and told me: "Love
sucks!" Then, in a moment of
sheer brilliance and a wisdom
above and beyond her calling,
she added: "The opposite of
love is not hate, but indiffer-
ence." I think a large part of
her problem arose from a re-
jection received from her most
recent love interest, but in all
ofher misery I think she made
a very valid point that deserves
some attention.

In this issue of the paper,
in honor of the festival of love
that occurs annually on the
14th of February, you will hear
much concerning the wonders
and the evils of love, hate, re-
lationships, and the like. So
often we, as infallible humans,
feel passions that we label with
the strongest emotion we can
muster. We seem convinced
that this feeling is the right one,
the perfect one. This guy, this
girl is "the" one. An exaggera-
tion is what this seems to be

from a healthy point of view,
but when one is in love and
actually experiencing these
feelings mental health does not
appear first on the list of things
to care about. Undoubtedly, as
I, and I am sure many others
will attest to, love is an over-
whelming feel ing that can and
does inspire people to do what
would not have been thought
of otherwise. It is a strong and
moving force whether between
mother and child, brother and
sister, or boyfriend and girl-
friend. In studies done as far
back as the 1 3th century, emo-
tional deprivation (essentially
lack of love or affection) has
proven deadly. We know, then,
that we need love. The prob-
lem is whether or not we place
too much emphasis on that
single emotion.

Must people consume
themselves with this passion?
And if not love, must its ant-
onym, hate, then be true? I
don't want to sound like a
jilted lover, embittered through
years of active hatred, but los-
ing myself in someone's eyes,
losing control of my own pas-
sions and emotions, and feel-
ing weak in the knees at the
sound of someone's footsteps
does not appeal either to my

sense of reason or to my sensi-
tive side (yes, I so have one). I
believe that a certain medium
can be attained, a balance be-
tween theloveandthehate that
often stirs our imaginations
into a frenzy. As the friend
quoted earlier stated, there ex-
ists a certain level of indiffer-
ence that can be more painful
than the hate or total lack of
love we envision when rejected
or ignored. But instead of ac-
knowledgingthis indifference,
we fan the flames of our love/
lust and regard their lack of
interest in us as the disgust or
hatred they must feel for us.
We punish ourselves, and yet
attempt to raise ourselves
above human height by claim-
ing ourselves martyrs dying
of lovesickness.

Allow me to clarify my-
self. Although there's nothing
wrong with love and passion,
when taken to excess and en-
tered into "blindly," as we
commonly refer to love, the
result is a gush of uncontrol-
lable emotion, not a touching
and sincere relationship be-
tween two sensible individu-
als. I think most people would
agree that this "calmer" love
is better, but the second they
fall in love, they behave just

as immaturely and become
just as sappy. My only words
are lo be careful. Human pas-
sions are strong; love and hate
both carry connotations of the
eternal, but are abused describ-
ing every twinge of a feeling

The Top Ten Gifts at

Valentine's For
Oglethorpe Students

By Bobby "Big Driver" Holman
Special to The Stormy Petrel

10. A couple more speed bumps (can't have too many).
9. Oreo cookies for everyone.
8. A trip to the "Big Dance," Division III style.
7. A summary of the book The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton.
6. Completion of that huge athletic complex.
5. Niki Taylor to enroll at OU. Her beautiful body umm... personality

would be welcomed by all.
4. A successful bonfire this year.

3. Free beer, wine, and food all the time, not just Homecoming.
2. Less partially hydrogenated soybean oil in our diets.
1. A free ticket to the Steve Taylor shrine in Trustee 12.

we experience. We need to
learn to accept a level of indif-
ference, to not hide our pains
under a mask of hate, and to
not inflate our likes and plea-
sures into intangible dreams of
this thing called love.

CounseIInq Presents:

Three interactive, supportive, life-skills
groups. All groups are led by Betsy Ryland,
PhD. Psychologist.

These groups are designed with your par-
ticular needs in mind. Each group is 4 ses-
sions in length and focuses on a specific theme.

You'll learn, share, and gain support.

1. " Yipes. I'm a senior! "

Join with other to learn about and face the
thrill and panic of being a SENIOR!
Thursdays 1:45-2:30 p.m. Faith Hall.
February 17 and 24, and March 3 and 10.

2. " Building self-esteem: Positive self-talk"

Learn how to talk to yourself with words
of wisdom. It works!
Fridays 12:45-1:30 p.m. Faith Hall.
February 18 and 25 and March 4 and 11.

3. " Ah. Relaxation Training"

It's about time to learn how to relax. Learn
ing to cope with stress spells a lifetime of
success for you.

Fridays 1:45-2:30 p.m. Faith Hall.
February 18 and 25 and March 4 and 11.

Everyone is welcome!

For information contact Betsy Ryland,
Ph.D. at 364-8413.

Counseling is a free confidential service
for students.

The Counseling Office is located in the
University Health Center - Faith Hall.

Roommate Wanted!

Recent graduate looking for

responsible laid-back M/F


Call Anne (404) 889-0658.
Moving to Atlanta area.

Page 6


February 14, 1994

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

The student on

ProFile this issue is probably
a familiar face to many of you,
especially if you live on the
third floor of Traer. That's
right - it's your Resident As-
sistant Gina Fraone! For those
of you who haven't met her
around the dorms, you may see
her in the bookstore where she
spends a great deal of her time
working. Gina is a junior ma-
joring in political studies with
a minor in writing and is a
former editor of The Stormy
Petrel. She says her biggest
challenge this year is "to bal-
ance my academic schedule
with being an R. A." Accord-
ing to women on her floor,
Gina Fraone is doing a great
job. Traer resident Colleen
Grogan says she especially
enjoyed the John Hughes film
presentation Gina organized
for Halloween. The best thing
about the job, Gina comments,
has been "getting to know the
housing people".

Gina decided to leave
her native Massachusetts for
the opportunity to study in
Atlanta, and she found
Oglethorpe best suited to her
needs. Atlanta has proved to
be a good choice for Gina who
enjoys visiting the High Mu-
seum and listening to music,
especially Peter Gabriel. Gina
hopes to one day become a
political journalist, but for now
she is busy with R A duties for
this semester. One of her plans
for February is to hold a self-
defense program which will be
open to all women on campus.
Oglethorpe student Jennifer
Johnson will serve as the in-
structor. Gina also intends to
become more involved with
groups like RH. A and the Stu-
dent Alumni Association in
order to get ideas for other pro-
grams. It seems like Gina
Fraone is already off and run-
ning towards making O.U.
housing a better place to be.

Does being in love really stink?

By Will Mullis
Co-Feature Editor

"Being in Love Really

Sucks." This is the title of a
very amusing song by Meryn
Cadell. Does being in love re-
ally suck? First, ask people
who have been ruthlessly jilted
by someone they loved and
they will probably readily
agree. Then ask someone
whose loved one has been
forced to move away and leave
them behind forever. They
would probably hop on the
"Love Sucks" train too. Fi-
nally, talk to someone who has
a brand new love and is still in
the blinded stage where the
other person's faults are non-
existent. Most likely you will
receive some greatly contrast-
ing responses. Some people's
hearts have never been

pierced, some hearts heal eas-
ily, and some people can't
seem to forgive or forget the
great love that would not or
could not be theirs. All of us
know people who fit into each
of these categories. Their is
nothing more agonizing than
watching a lovestruck friend
crash and burn in a relation-
ship, with the notable excep-
tion of it happening to you!
The irony being that you are
most likely to meet someone
wonderful minutes after you
have resolved to never falling
in love again!!! And when you
are ready and willing to take
the plunge suddenly the cup-
board of available lovers is

And unfortunately those
of us who aren't in a loving
relationship at present have
been getting nothing but re-

The history of
Valentine's Day

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

For most of you,

Valentine's Day probably con-
jures up mental images of
hearts, flowers, candy, and
greeting cards, of course. In
truth, the holiday is grounded
in facts that are not quite so
pretty. It is fairly common
knowledge that St. Valentine is
thought to be the patron saint
of lovers, but how did we get
from holies to Hallmark? The
holiday began as a day of feast-
ing to commemorate two mar-
tyrs, both named Valentine,
who died near Rome on the
same day. The first man was
a priest killed during the per-
secution of the Goths. He was
supposed to have cured a
young blind girl of her handi-
cap. The second Valentine was
the Bishop of Terni, rumored
to have healed the deformed
son of a Greek man living in
Rome. Both men were be-
headed and buried along the
same road - not exactly the
stuff season's greetings are
made of.

Another explanation of
the holiday's celebration is not
quite so gruesome. A popular
medieval belief held in France
and England was that the mat-
ing season for birds began at
the start of the second fortnight
of the second month. This led
to a more general celebration
of new life (and love) in the
spring. Geoffrey Chaucer may
have been the first to mention
the holiday in literature. In his
Parliament of Foules Chaucer
penned these lines, "For this
was on seynt Valentynes day,
when every foul cometh ther
to chese his make." By the late
Middle Ages it was common
for lovers to send each other
notes on this day, and with the
organization of postal systems,
the custom grew to exchang-
ing cards with friends and fam-
ily as well. Valentine's day is
still special for couples, and
hearts and flowers are fine.
Just remember on February
1 4, you owe whatever love to-
kens you may receive to a
couple of dead Romans and or-
nithological mating habits.

minders lately that Valentine's
Day is nearly upon us. Ahh,
Valentine's Day, which was
originally intended to celebrate
the deaths of two Christian
martyrs. Now it is another
holiday which has been hyped
through the stratosphere by
card companies, florists, jew-
elers, and the people that make
those cheap little candy hearts
with cute messages. Never
mind the fact that you just
spent a bundle on all your
loved ones during the semes-
ter break. The merchants of
America want any funds you
might have left: example:
"For your anniversary tell her
you'd marry her all over
again." Has anyone ever
stopped to consider how much
jewelry men are urged to pur-
chase in a calendar year?
Something for Valentine's
Day, Mother's Day, her birth-
day, for Christmas, and one
just to "express your love."
That's a considerable amount
of diamonds and pearls (five
if you weren't counting)! Is
this what love is about? Let's
hope not.

I would urge those who
are lucky enough to be in a
loving relationship at present
not to base any of their feel-
ings on the giving or receiving
of material gifts such as those
offered above. While they are
certainly nice, time, patience,
and consideration are the best

gifts lovers can give each other.
The affairs of the rich and
powerful certainly confirm the
old saying that money can't
buy you love. It is unneces-
sary to spend a lot of money
on your love, instead make a
commitment to giving the per-
son the energy and caring that
any relationship needs if it is
meant to be lasting. Go for
walks, communicate openly
(not hinting), and listen to
what your loved one is saying
to you. Always remember that
relationships need constant
maintenance and work if they
are to continue running
smoothly. The best of luck and
love to everybody who is in a
good relationship! As for the
rest of us who are wondering
what to do on Valentine's Day,
I proudly present eight mov-
ies to remind us that relation-
ships aren't always what they
are cracked up to be. 1 . Basic
Instinct 2. Fatal Attraction 3.
9 and 1/2 Weeks 4. Betrayed
5. The Age of Innocence 6.
The Lover 7. Untamed Heart
8. Sliver 9. Wild at Heart 10.
Final Analysis

Keep in mind that when it
comes to relationships some-
times you will feel like Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. did
"Free at last, Free at last,
Thank God Almighty, I 'm free
at last!" (suggested by Kim-
berly Wilkes and Amy


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February 14, 1994


Page 7

Personal Valentine's Day messages from the heart


We've lived together.
We've learned together.
We've loved together.
May we always be


I love you.
Valentine's Day!

Lori Lynn


To Mark Bingham,

I have had the best S
months of my life, thanks to
you. You are my happiness,
my sunshine. I love you,

Happy Valentine's Day!
Love always,


A good friend is better
than a guy, anyway! I love my
awesome roommate!

Happy Valentine's Day!


I'm glad we have our
love to hold us together, even
though we are physically
apart. I know that our love
will last forever. Happy
Valentine's Day!

Love always,


To Heather,

Only four and a half
months? Whether months or
years, thanks for everything.



For the Figment of my imagi-

O you whom I have of-
ten and silently come where
you are that I may be with you.

As I walk by your side
or sit near, or remain in the
same room with you,

Little you know the
subtle electric fire that for your
sake is playing within me.
- Walt Whitman


Hey Baby, what's up?
May your future be filled with
sunshine and smiles.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Alexander the

Michael Claxton,

Psst! Don't tell anyone!

I have a crush on you.

Your secret Intel-
lectual admirer

Howdy Dave,

Only at Denny's

Dear J.F.,

HeyCutie! Want to go
into the city? I'll meet you at
Tiffany's! Happy Valentine's
Day! I love ya lots! Thanks
for Everything!

Your N.J. Snow-

E)omino 9 s


Medium 2 topping pizza: $6.99
Large 2 topping pizza: $8.99


To Gray:

"Unuttered words hold

Won 't you please talk to

We can unlock this mis-
ery. . .

Can't you show me how
you feel now.

Come on, come talk to


Princess Brown

On Valentine's Day it is
finally time.

To write to thee this
Medieval Rhyme.

At each days passing
these feelings grow stronger.

Tis a secret I cannot keep
any longer.

Alas, I can say she cap-
tivates me so.

And not a moment too
soon it's beginning to show.

For certain you are the
apple of my eye.

Tis only you I wish to
hold under the midsummer

In darkness I listen for
your whisper when you 're not

I'm reminded of none
more perfect, none more fair.

Suzanne my love, the
one I covet the most.

Do I wish to raise my
glass and make this toast.

Here's to you the one I

Out of sincerity and
nothing more.

For seeing your smile is
something of divine.

So now I see there is
none more fine.

In your honor I place
atop your golden hair this
lovely crown.

For you are truly a prin-
cess Miss Suzanne Brown.

Phidippides seeks psychology
major with an artistic bent for
field studies and conversations
both cranial and humerus.
Reply through P.O. Box 331.

Hey Kid-o,

Will you be by Valen-


For Joseph Lee:

Today is a special day
for friends and lovers, but we
do not share any of them.
However, in the center of my
heart and in my mind you
smile will always last.

I keep in silence what I
feel for you. I patiently wait
for the day that I could share
with you all this and more is
what I am going to he from


Your secret friend

Dear Lu Green:

This black haired math-
ematics major has an immense
infatuation with you. Lu, you
are the most beautiful lady on
the OU campus.

Your secret

To my wonderful roommate,

I hope you have a great
Valentine's Day.

Love always,

P.S. 85 Rules

Hey Sexy,

Don't get ALARMED!
It's just Valentine's Day. En-
joy it under the stars.

"Sleepless in

D- "


"To love is nothing. To
be loved is something. To love
and be loved is everything."
Hopefully one day something
can grow into everything.

WOW seeks passionate BAD
boy for fulfillment of flannel
fantasies, late-night escapades,
and stimulating conversation.

Sexy, mysterious SWF with
desire to dance seeks long-
haired lover who can find the

For happy hearts or hurting

Call Counseling Office

Faith Hall


Betsy Ryland, Ph.D.

To the Suite girls of 207, 208:
It's been a really long
trip, strange and all that. We've
basically hated all of the
Valentine's Days we've been
through together. But this is
the last - 1 love Y'all!

To Pat Mulheam:

But once I dared to lift
my eyes,

To lift my eyes to thee;
And since that day be-
neath the skies,

No other sight they see.
- George Gordon,
Lord Byron

To the student body:

I wanted to take this
space and say a big "Thank
You" to all the students that
responded to the Valentine's
Day section of this issue. Our
paper is written by students,
published by students, and
supported by student's re-
sponses. Please keep up the
responses in all divisions of the

Ryan P. Queen
Editor- In- Chief

Page 8


February 14, 1994

The continual Georgia State Flag Controversy


A flag is nothing more than a symbol of the people

By Shannon Montgomery

A flag is nothing more
than a symbol of a people.
Like a national anthem or a
picture of the capital, a flag
captures community spirit and
defines patriotism. The key
word is community. Out flag
is a symbol of a unified vision.
Georgia now represents more
than just descendants of Con-
federate soldiers.

When I hear people say
that we should keep the Con-
federate flag, I listen to their
reasons. Most of them seem
to center around the traditions
of the Confederacy, so I will


first address this issue of heri-
tage and history. We have a
marvelous smorgasbord of
ethnicity, and the Confederacy
does not seem (to many of us)
to be a grand tradition. I real-
ize that slavery was not the
only issue in the Civil War,
however, it does seem to be the
most remembered. I am dis-
gusted that my forefathers and
foremothers would participate
in the owning of other human
beings, or even tolerate it.

More importantly, the
Confederacy has little to do
with our current flag. The
present flag was adopted in
1956, a year of civil unrest, for
the express purpose of making

an anti-desegregation state-
ment. The state legislature
was, at that time, dominated by
white men who were threat-
ened by the probable loss of
their power if desegregation
were to become fully effected,
voted to add the Confederate
flag as a symbol of their deep
feelings of hatred and preju-
dice. This is plain history, re-
corded in the annals of the leg-
islature. For those who feel
that the flag is a potent sym-
bol of a rich heritage, I respect
that. The fact remains, how-
ever, that those who adopted
the flag did not do so for that

Oh, proud tradition! Oh,

A little tolerance for my heritage

By Darvl Brooks

As I sat and watched

Super Bowl XXVIII some-
thing besides the game was on
my mind. By the way, if Buf-
falo ever makes it to another
Super Bowl, I suggest only
watching the commercials.
But anyway, the other thing
that was on my mind was the
Georgia state flag. Many
people protested the flying of
the flag because of the pres-
ence of the Confederate battle
flag on the Georgia State flag
To these people I suggest a
little toleration for my heri-

While talking about the
flag issue Bruce Smith of the
Buffalo Bills stated, "It's un-
fortunate. It's ignorance. It
offends me." I support Smith's
right to make this statement
It's a free country and Smith
can make any statement he
wants to. But I believe a little
toleration and understanding
should be involved before
making a public statement

Most people associate

the Confederate flag with the
Civil War, the South, and rac-
ism. Most believe the Civil
War was fought over the issue
of slavery. However, this as-
sumption is wrong. The Civil
War was fought over whether
or not the South had the right
to secede from the union or

Although many igno-
rant, stupid, and racist people
still believe that the flag stands
for white supremacy, these
people make up a small, small
minority of southerners.

To me the Battle Flag of
the Army ofNorthem Virginia,
as it should truly be called, rep-
resents my past and heritage.
My great-great grandfather
fought and died defending this
city and what he believed in.
To my knowledge he did not
own any slaves. To me the
battle flag represents my heri-
tage and I resent people trying
to take this away from me.

The same people who
oppose my past have a heritage
of their own and they have ev-
ery right to this past. The Rev-
erend Dr. Martin Luther King

Jr. and Malcolm X were two
prominent figures in the civil
rights movement and I would
never attempt to erase their
names from the history books.
However, many people are at-
tempting to erase my past from
the history books.

I personally find some of
Malcolm X's statements offen-
sive. His belief in violence and
the fact that he did not believe
that whites could be converted
to racial integration is what
leads me to this belief.

Despite the fact that I do
not agree with Malcolm X I
am not offended by people
wearing Malcolm X t-shirts or
other paraphernalia. How-
ever, the first time many people
see the Confederate flag they
take offense.

I think a little toleration
is needed in this world. Ev-
eryone has the right to say
what they want to say, wear
what they want to wear, and
believe what they want to be-
lieve. And in turn everyone
should be respected and toler-
ated, no matter what their

flag of my fathers! Oh, let us
keep this symbol of our heri-
tage! Personally, 1 feel re-
pulsed, not proud, of this relic.
The Georgia flag has nothing
to do with the Confederate sol-
diers fighting to defend their
homes. It has everything to do
with men so afraid of change
that they refused to admit the
equality of their brothers and
sisters. Perhaps we should re-
member our history. But do
we really want to "air our dirty
laundry"? Is this the image
that we wish to present to the
rest of the world? I think not.
Is the war that ravaged out
state a fitting symbol of our
present glory? I think not.

But if morality and
honor do not move you to
change this symbol of igno-
rance, perhaps economics will.
Why did Atlanta almost lose
the 1996 Olympic Games?
Why is the NFL hesitant to
place Atlanta into the regular
rotation of cities who fre-
quently host the Super Bowl?
Black athletes are uncomfort-
able performing under a sym-
bol of what meant, one-hun-

dred and fifty years ago, sla-
very to them. Can we blame

Of course, the freedom
of speech that we have means
that people are allowed to
make use of whatever symbols
they please. People may freely
fly the Confederate flag over
their houses if they choose, but
they do not have the right to
say that it represents our en-
tire state. And let us not for-
get that a flag is a symbol of
an entire group, not a minor-

Most of the African-
American people I know are
nonchalant about the flag. As
one high school senior in At-
lanta put it. "1 already knew
that this state is a racist state,
anyway. It's only fitting that
they throw it up at me... the
flag is a fitting symbol for this
state." That is not what I want
people to think when they
think of Georgia. Georgia is a
proud state of all ethnicities,
and close-minded prejudice
belongs with the Confederate

In the past.


Sororities, campus

organizations, highly



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February 14, 1994

Page 9


Business Manager:
Copy Editors:

Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editor:
Feature Editors:

Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:


Daryl Brooks
Tim Evans
Trish Hinton
Maria Johnson
Aretha List
Robert Miller
Kate Przylepa
Daniel Rosenthal
Pauline van Vliet

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman

Ryan P. Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Heather Carlen
Justin Hayes
Chris Brown
Brandon Galloway
Will Mullis
Jason Arikian
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhcim
Jason Thomas

Sarah Buzzard
Yolanda Hernandez
Helen Holifield
Kim Jones
Mary Lynch
Shannon Montgomery
Helen Quinones
Randy Tidwell
Christie Willard

Robert Drake
Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Tuesdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 303 19, (phone #: (404)364-
8425) or drop them off in the box on the news-
paper office door.


Pr oFlag

By Robert Miller

The state flag of Geor-
gia should continue to repre-
sent the state in its present
form. The Georgia state flag
represents a proud tradition
which extends back to the ear-
liest settlers of the state. Some
groups argue that the flag rep-
resents oppression and slavery.
These are valid emotional ar-
guments; however, they hold
little historical substance.
Education, not upheaval, is
the answer to the problems
facing the Georgia state flag.
To understand the flag debate,
we must look back at South-
em history.

The problem cited with
the Georgia state flag is its
likeness to the battle flag of the
Confederate States of
America. The Confederate
banner flew over the camps of
slave owners, white suprema-
cists, and other assorted thugs
in the Civil War period. It also
flew over the camps of farm-
ers, merchants, and gentlemen
such as General Robert E. Lee
who detested slavery. These
men sought to protect their
homes, their families, and tlieir
way of life from the scourge
of invading forces.

Their loss and the sub-
sequent death of many led to
the bitterness which still
haunts us today. Slavery was
the rallying cry for the North
in the later years of the war
(1863-65). This issue caused
deep resentment within the
South. Abraham Lincoln pro-
posed that after the war, slaves
should be allowed to return to
Africa (forming the nation of
Liberia). Those who remained
in the United States would be
released into society in phases
after passing through a pro-
gram of education and job

Lincoln's idea died with
him as died any chance for
a peaceful reconstruction.
With the radical reconstruction
came a total and immediate
release of the slave population
with no structured education
and economic hardship for the

Southern small farmer. The
repercussions are still being
felt today in the poverty and
division of the South.

Tensions eased during
the period following the recon-
structioa The Ku Klux Klan
disbanded in 1868, segrega-
tion was firmly in place, and
hatred became entrenched in a
large segment of southern so-
ciety (both white and black).
This situation remaind un-
changed until the mid- 1 950 's.

The 1950s were turbu-
lent years for the United States.
The Supreme Court chal-
lenged separate but equal
schools in the South, The
Black Panthers formed in re-
action to a terrorist group who
called themselves the Ku Klux
Klan after the vigilante group
formed in the late 1860s. As
the situation swirled to the
brink of open warfare, a pact
formed between moderate
whites and the leadership of
the pseudo-Klan. One of the
products of this alliance was a
new Georgia state flag. The
addition of the Confederate
battle flag served as a symbol
of defiance to one group and a
way to preserve the heritage of

Presently, the confeder-
ate battle flag and the Georgia
state flag serve as the symbols

of a struggle between radical
groups from both sides.
Caught in the crossfire of this
argument based on hatred are
hundreds of thousands of de-
scendants of slaves and con-
federate war veterans who
wish to allow the flag to re-
main as a silent reminder of the
sacrifice made in defense of a
proud way of life.

The issue of the Georgia
state flag is not a racial one.
Of all Confederate war veter-
ans, over 90% did not own
slaves. Speaking from per-
sonal research, of the 23 Con-
federate veterans in my fam-
ily (11 never came home),
none owned slaves. Most were
poor farmers who saw their
homes and crops destroyed,
their land pillaged, and their
women defiled (ever heard of
Sherman's march). Over
90,000 blacks served the
South during the Civil War.
Of those, some 10% were
freedmen who fought for the
same reasons as the poor white
farmer. If he were still alive,
the homesick black freedman
who wrote the song "Dixie"
would tell you the issue is not
racial. It is about remember-
ing where you came from so
you will know where you are

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Page 10


February 14, 1994

Vietnam helps U.S. maintain foreign policy integrity

By Robert Drake

Special to The Stormy Petrel

Never mind the $100
million plus market, never
mind finally ending years of
tense standoff, never mind that
socialism has effectively been
dead there since 1984. End-
ing the ban on trade with Viet-
nam is the right thing to do
because it helps advance our
foreign policy aims in Asia and
in the rest of the world.

Bill Clinton's message
and timing were impeccable.
Clinton said that he was end-
ing the trade ban because the
United States had laid out four
criteria for beginning the pro-
cess of normalization and Viet-
nam met all four criteria. Fur-

ther, Vietnam gets its reward
just as the United States wants
countries in Asia need a sig-
nal that those who cooperate
with the U.S. will benefit.

China and North Korea
are the central countries in
question. Both want economic
access to the United States and
both have been under fire for
political practices we find
frightening. China has been
accused of eugenic practices,
exterminations in Tibet, and
general quashing of dissent
North Korea has also garnered
a horrid human rights record
and is clearly developing
nuclear technology.

Economic enticements
have been part of the bargains
discussed to get China and

North Korea to "correct" their
actions. Vietnam also has been
engaged in practices the U.S.
did not like. Private property
was eliminated, Cambodia
was invaded, and Vietnam had
been uncooperative in verify-
ing the whereabouts of our
MIAs and POWs.

When Vietnam began to
cooperate on remains, diplo-
matic contact began between
the Washington and Hanoi. At
the end of 1987, Nguyen Van
Linh ordered a reformation
allowing foreign corporations
to again own property and op-
erate in Vietnam. As a result,
U.S. companies such as Hill
and Knowlton used their Aus-
tralian divisions and entered
the Vietnamese market. Viet-

Petrel's Open Line. . .

Elvis is ALIVE!. .

By Christopher S. Raper

Elvis b alive! As un-
believable as this sounds, it is
nothing but the truth. Priscilla
is lying to keep her money and
her sanity. The Colonel is ly-
ing to keep his royalty checks
coming in the mail. The Na-
tional Enquirer is lying to
keep it's readership up. The
only reliable source of infor-
mation on the "King" is my-
self Let me explain.

I first met Elvis in a
doughnut shop when I was six-
teen. I was having a cup of
deceive and an apple fritter
while the "King of Rock and
Roll" was inhaling a couple of
dozen glazed jobs. I couldn't
believe my eyes. He was a
behemoth of a man. His glis-
tening "D.A" had turned into
a kind of knotted, shoulder
length shrub. His jowls of the
seventies were still there, only
bigger. The pelvis was not
gyrating any more, it was jig-
gling. Ed Sullivan and the
moral majority need not worry.

Just as I started believ-
ing the coffee was just too
strong and this was an ex-

tremely weird hallucination,
he looked up into my eyes. I
froze in fear. He slowly pulled
his hulk of a body out of his
chair and started coming my
way. What was I going to say?
'I My mother has all your al-
bums.", or "You're the reason
I'm hooked on peanut butter
and 'nanner sandwiches." I
was terrified. To my astonish-
ment, he sat down directly
across from me, smiled, and-
spoke. "Hey man, er. . .you
gonna finnish the resta that frit-
ter?" "N. .N. No," I said, "It's
all your yours." He smiled at
me with sincere gratitude.
"Thanks man, you don't know
how good it feels to be out-n-
about again, know-what-uh-
mean?" I just kept nodding in
agreement. I still had not re-
covered from the initial shock
of sharing a doughnut with Mr.
"Blue Suede Shoes" himself.
"You wanna hear a story?", he
said. I whispered a yes. He
told me everything.

He rambled for hours,
only pausing for a bite of frit-
ter or a slurp of Java. He ex-
plained all, from problems
with Priscilla, to the faking of
his overdose at Graceland. He


took me out to his Cadillac and
showed me all of the paper-
work. I browsed the falsified
documents. We laughed as we
watched the video taped foot-
age of his funeral on the
Caddy's VCR. He sang
"Love Me Tender" with such
feeling! almost cried. What a
great guy. You might say he's
a "King." We exchanged
phone numbers that night and
have kept in touch ever since.
You might want to know why.
I might tell you.

Elvis told me he had a
specialjobforme. He wanted
me to spread the word. He
wants everyone to know he's
not dead. You see, he's plan-
ning a come back in '96. He
says he'll make Axl Rose look
like Donnie Osmond, and I
believe him. I'm not telling
you this for fame or fortune,
or the satisfaction of telling
you "I told you so." I'm tell-
ing you these things because
my friend, Elvis Presley, wants
you to know. He wants you to
come down and see him in '96.
Most importantly, he wants
you to know he misses all his
fans. He wants you to believe
he's still there, and so do I!

nam became vested in work-
ing with the United States.

Vietnam will become
even more vested now that the
embargo has been lifted. The
same inducements can be used
with China and North Korea.
North Korea will see that if
they agree to return to non
nuclear status, we will uphold
our agreements to move to-
ward a more open trade pol icy.

China is the most inter-
esting case. They have two
reasons to pursue the changes
the U.S. wants more actively.

First, they have Vietnam's case
to show we keep our word.
Second, as a long time rival of
Vietnam for influence in South
East Asia, China cannot allow
too much attention to be se-
cured by Vietnam.

The result is that the
Clinton policy should mean
trade opportunities for U.S.
countries, better information
about our losses, and better
successes in our Far East for-
eign policy. And for Clinton,
3 out of 3 ain't bad.

the U.S. wants more actively. J om OI J ain l baa -

Thank you for
no unpleasant

By Mary Lynch no room searches or anytl

By Mary Lynch

Last semester I

depledged from one of the
campus' two sororities. For
those of you unfamiliar with
Greek Life this means that I
pledged during Fall Rush and
then during my pledge period
decided (for whatever reason)
to leave the group. There are
a couple of unpleasant rever-
berations that accompany
depledging. The first is that
you lose all of the money that
you have already invested in
the sorority. This bothered me,
but I expected it and felt that
joining and quitting were both
my decisions, and I would
have to accept the conse-
quences of both. What I did
not expect was the fact that you
have to return everything that
you own that bears sorority
letters, even if it was a gift or
you purchased it yourself. The
though that the sorority could
take things away from me that
I bought with my own money
angered me. I did not feel that
pictures of my friends were no
longer my property just be-
cause there were Greek letters
on them. I was also told that I
would have to return a T-shirt
that I had designed! But when
the day came to give things
back only things I chose to
give were taken. There were

no room searches or anything
like that I had my t-shirt hang-
ing right in the closet and my
pictures taped to the walls and
no one said a word about re-
moving them.

I was still worried about
getting treated badly, however.
I had heard horror stories
about how sisters often
stopped liking and speaking to
depledges. I didn't want to
lose the friends I had made,
and I was upset that people
who had been my friends days
before could turn on me when
I stopped giving them money.
This turned out to be a sense-
less worry, however. People
not only continued to speak to
me, but many went out of their
way to prove that they did not
care that I had depledged One
girl told me that she would like
me whether I was a Tri-Sigma,
a Chi Omega, or in no soror-
ity at all. Another told me that
she didn't care what my rea-
sons were, she would always
be my friend.

I do not regret my deci-
sion at all, I thought about it
for a long time and know that
I am just not cut out for the
Greek system. However, my
experiences after depledging
were great and I just wanted
a chance to thank the sisters for
being so accepting and for lik-
ing me for who I am about not
for what group I belong to.

February 14, 1994


Page 11

The Strategic Plan debate continues . .

Response! CounterResponse!-

By Dr. William C. Schulz
Division of Economics &

Thank you for pub-
lishing your editorial com-
ments about Oglethorpe's
Strategic Plan in the Feb. 3
Stormy Petrel. It is important
to continue the dialogue about
this ongoing strategic planning
process, and I'd like, in that
spirit, to reply to your edito-
rial. I am a member of the Stra-
tegic Planning Committee, and
have my Ph.D. in Strategic
Management-so the issue is
close to both my heart and pro-

One of the most impor-
tant aspects of a good strate-
gic planning process is that it
engages the members of an
organization (Oglethorpe) to
look honestly and carefully at
themselves it should prompt
them to both ask and answer
the questions: "who are we,
what do we stand for, and who
do we want to be?" The plan
that you criticize addresses
these questions head-on in an
honest and clear fashion. The
key to the plan is that it pro-
vides a vision for what
Oglethorpe ought to strive to
be: A superlatively good small
Liberal Arts Institution that is
Rooted in the Atlanta Commu-
nity and that focuses on help-
ing students achieve their great

The plan, as presented,
builds on the best of
Oglethorpe and in no way di-
minishes the current educa-
tional product, despite your

interpretation. Your "analysis"
seriously distorts the informa-
tion that is contained in the
plan, as you have taken cur-
rent data in the wrong context
arid drawn faulty conclusions.
For example: you state that,
"the best place to see the dete-
riorating financial base of this
school is the endowment
(Feb.3, p.3)". You then show
that our endowment is lower
than most other schools, and
even emphasize it with under-
linedtext. Well, what you have
shown is that our endowment
is lower than we would like it
to be you have not shown
that the financial base of OU
is deteriorating, as you claim.
In fact, since 1988 the endow-
ment atOU has grown 54%!!
Some deterioration (interpre-
tation for the truly numeri-
cally illiterate).

While I will agree that
our student to faculty ratio is
not where we would like, for
all OU students on an FTE
basis (FTE students/FTE fac-
ulty) the ratio is 12.91 this
year, not out of the ballpark.
Further, the average class size
for non-core classes in 1993
was 14, and I have taught
many upper division courses
with 4-8 students in them a
quality fact that I will put up
against any of our academic

Now, since money is an
important factor in your edi-
torial, I'dlike to turn to your
distorted reasoning with re-
spect to EGR and tuition in-
creases. First, the things you
like in the plan (which you



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ignored to educate your
reader about), and which will
make for a more relevant and
quality education at OU are
not free! Adding faculty, staff
and programs will cost money.
Solely within the context of
your numerically "slow" rea-
soning however, things aren't
as you state. The six percent
increase in tuition per year is
a nominal measurement in
real terms (corrected for gen-
eral inflation) it'scloser to 3%.
Further, relative to the in-
creases at nearly all educa-
tional institutions (average is
close to + 7 % nominal) our
tuition increases are less than
average. And where many
other schools are shedding
programs as they raise tu-
ition, we are building pro-
grams and building our re-

The plan provides a di-
rection to help us better attract
resources from private donors.
As we implement the plan,
there will be more money
available for OU merit-based
scholarships, and the out of
pocket expenses should be
stable. So, you have mis-lead
your readers by using tricky
numeric reasoning to scare
them into thinking that we are
taking them to the cleaners.
We are not we are providing
for a way to improve the Uni-

The strategic plan pro-
vides an architecture from
which we, as a community, can
begin to realize our vision. It
gives us a base from which we
can build for the future the
implementation will take
time and the details will be
worked out by all of us that are
honest in our desire to make
the plan a reality. You must re-
think how you approach
analysis of this plan to be
fair requires that you put
things in proper context and
perspective. Oglethorpe has
come a long way in the past
ten years, and we will achieve
great things between now and
the year 2000 if we can have
constructive input as to how to
make it happen.

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

Before I begin this, my
third article on the Strategic Plan,
I would like to say a couple of
open comments. First of all, I
must thank all of the faculty that
wrote responses to the February
3 issue of the Petrel. All re-
sponses, positive and negative, are
welcomed. This paper is a pub-
lic forum for thought, with the
emphasis on public. Secondly, I
would like to say that I did not
cover nearly all that I had wanted
to about the Plan in the last issue.
Sometimes one page is not
enough space to summarize 32.
Thirdly, don't worry, there are no
graphs this time.

Now, on to the issue at
hand, Dr. William Schulz's rather
pointed response to my last ar-
ticle. First, sir, thank you for the
opposing viewpoint (These things
are no fun at all if they are one-
sided. What would Cicero have
been with out his Catiline?) I
must commend the Doctor for his
unquestionable devotion to the
school that is apparent in the ar-
ticle, and for not succumbing to
the urge to let his Ph.D. in Stra-
tegic Management ride
roughshod over the speculative
ramblings of a first semester

Apparently in writing my
last article I have seriously dis-
torted information, drawn faulty
conclusions, used tricky numeric
reasoning, and implied that the
school has been "taking [us] to
the cleaners." However to quote
Mark Twain, "There are three
types of lies. Lies, damn lies, and
statistics." I believe that the Doc-
tor is implying that someone who
has just recently entered college
has bamboozled the statistics of
this committee so much as to elicit
a response as harsh as this. And
of course, all the statistics that he
has come back with are perfectly
legitimate. Of course. By the
way, let's look at some of those
statistics if we could.

First, he brings up the mat-
ter of endowment. I do have to
make one concession about my
statements. The endowment is
not, technically, deteriorating.
That was an unfortunate state-
ment on my part. However, com-
pared with the recent growth in
the endowments of our academic

peers the 34% increase he claims
is only slightly more dramatic
than, say, comparing the military
growth in Germany and Poland
prior to World War II. But let's
talk numbers again, since that
54% seems to stand out so much.
For the five year period between
1986 and 1991 (which were the
only figures published in the Plan.
I am assuming that the school
used numbers that would give
them the benefit of the doubt, so
I'll let them have it.), the mean
Oglethorpe endowment increase
was 44. 1%. The mean increase
for our academic peers was
108.5%. Makes 44% seem al-
most incidental, eh? Yet another
category in which we fall roughly
60% behind our competitors.

Attempting to dismantle
my argument on the endowment
was apparently not enough. He
then moved on to the student/fac-
ulty ratios that I had cited. How-
ever, he talks only about the FTE
ratios, without bothering to ex-
plain these letter; to any of the
readers, including me. Because
of this, I was going to try to clarify
the situation, and talk only about
the full time faculty. This was for
three major reasons: the full time
faculty is the nucleus of the
school, including the summer and
night programs; the adjunct fac-
ulty does not serve as advisers,
do not do any admissions work,
do not supervise internships and
theses, ecL; very few adjunct fac-
ulty teach the class load that a full
time teacher is asked to accom-
plish. To back up some of these
reasons, in the summer of 1992,
exactly half of the summer
courses (62 of 124) were taught
by full-time faculty. Or shall we
say, full-time-and-a-half faculty.
I knew though, that if I completely
switched the frame of reference
away from (he statistics that Dr.
Schulz used, I would be accused
of skirting his issue. Therefore I
will look at data for both the FTE
faculty and the full-time faculty.

Before I continue, please
note that I am using data that is
from the 91 -92 and 92-93 school
years. It was first presented by
Dr. John Knott to the Budget
Committee in the winter of 1 993.
Unlike some people in this dis-
cussion, I have not been made
privy to the current information
and statistics that the Strategic
Planning Committee has at its dis-
see Startegic Plan page 13

Page 12

February 14, 1994


The aerobics class makes you "shake that body"

By Yoli Hernandez

Ever since last semes-
ter all I've been hearing from
countless girls all over campus
is "Ahna kicked my butt!"
No, my friends, Ahna Sagrera
is not beating up half of
Oglethorpe; she is teaching
aerobics classes. Since I am
not much of an exercise enthu-
siast, I ' ve tried to overlook this
new form of getting in shape.
Yet, despite my apathy the sub-
ject has been unavoidable. It
has creeped up on me during
lunch conversations, at parties,
and in between classes. Fi-
nally, I've decided to dust off
my sneakers and find out what
is so special about these

I enter the Grenwald
Room where there are about

fifteen girls, some of which are
surprised to see me there. We
begin by doing warm up exer-
cises and floorwork to the beat
of modem music. There are
only three mats, so some of the
girls have to lie on the ground.
Then Ahna begins to pick up
the pace by making us "grape-
vine" and "shuffle" all over the
room. There she is screaming,
"Come on girls, you're doing
good!" while I am about to
collapse on the floor. By the
time the hour had passed and
we were almost done with the
cooling down exercises, I
thought my body was going to
dismember in the middle of

Well, we are back from
break and the aerobic classes
have resumed. However, they
are still in the Student Center,
with borrowed mats and with-

A message from the
Senior Class President

By Brian Davis
Senior Class President

With three months

remaining in our Oglethorpe
careers, the seniors are busily
preparing for graduation and
life after Oglethorpe Univer-
sity. 175 students have applied
for May graduation. If you are
planning to graduate in May,
but have not applied in the
Registrar's Office, you must
do so immediately. Currently
the Seniors are deciding on a

class gift and searching for a
graduation speaker. For those
seniors unable to attend our
last meeting, graduation an-
nouncements will be going on
sale in the bookstore in a few
weeks and information on
class rings can be found there
also. Good luck to everyone
in their last semester. If you
have any questions concerning
the Senior Class, contact Brian
Davis at 365-2609 or through
Box 1 17 in the Student Cen-

Alpha Phi Omega

By Joe Cox
Alpha Phi Omega
Corresponding Secretary

Welcome back to old

and new Brothers. We are
looking forward to a busy se-
mester. On behalf of the Red
Cross I would 1 ike to thank ev-
eryone who participated in the
Blood Drive on February 7.
Alpha Phi Omega helped
Goodwill with its annual
Booksale at Northlake Mall,
and we are participating in the

Special Olympics basketball
camp every Monday from
5:30to8:00. Please bring your
used Christmas cards to Kim
Wilkes; they will be recycled
and used as a fund-raiser for
St. Judes Hospital. The At-
lanta Community Food Bank
extends its thanks to everyone
who participated in the Rush
Service Project. Alpha Phi
Omega just finished its Spring
'94 Rush Week and inducted
its pledge class. Congratula-
tions Pledges!

out steps. Despite the lack of
better resources, the aerobics
classes are still generating ex-
citement and support from the
women on campus. They con-
tinue to grow with the antici-
pation of soon being moved to
the "Pit" in the basement of
Lupton. They are taught at
9:15 p.m. in the Grenwald
Room by Ahna Sagrera Mon-
days and Wednesdays, and

Tuesdays and Thursdays by
Stephanie Giles. Jen Fowler,
an avid aerobics fan, says she
greatly enjoys this new and fun
way of exercising, "I work
during the day so it's great to
be able to go at night to gel' in
shape and get my butt kicked!"
As for my personal en-
counter with physical fitness,
I must say it was an intriguing
experience. The day after the

class every muscle in my body
was throbbing. Yet, the pain
just made me realize how out
of shape I am. My goal is to
continue attending the classes
in the hopes of decreasing my
panting when trek up the hill
on my way to the academic
quad. I can now proudly join
in the female tirade of aerobic
participants and say "Ahna,
you kicked my butt!"

Ambassadors select new officers

By Ryan P. Queen

Co- Publicity Chair Person

The Oglethorpe Uni-
versity Ambassadors, a spe-
cially selected volunteer orga-
nization that assists the admis-
sions office with prospective
student recruitment, has se-
lected new officers for the
Spring and Fall 1994 semes-
ters. The new officers are as
follows: President, Jim Fasse;
Tour Chair, Trish Hinton;
Male Housing Chair, Bruce
Wilkes; Female Housing
Chair, Hope LeBeau; and Pub-
licity Chairs, Ryan P. Queen
and Christie Willard.

The upcoming Ambas-
sador events for the Spring
1 994 semester are Winter Visi-
tation Day, phone campaign,
and Springfest '94.

Winter Visitation Day is
Saturday, February 19, 1994.
The Ambassadors will help
out with registration for visi-
tation day, tours of the
Oglethorpe campus, event and
direction guides, and any other
necessary assistance.

The phone campaign
runs from mid-February
through March. The Ambas-
sadors will be contacting pro-
spective students to try and
answer any questions or prob-

lems that they might have
about attending Oglethorpe

Springfest '94 is from
April 7-9. It is an action-
packed preview weekend for
accepted freshman applicants.
Springfest '94 provides a three
day excursion into college life.
The Ambassadors assist with
games, events, student hosts,

In addition, the Ambas-
sadors hold monthly meetings
on the first Thursday of the
month at 5:00 p.m. in the Stu-
dent Center. Our March meet-
ing is on March 3, 1994. All
Ambassadors, please attend.

Attention All Literary Writers!

The Tower, Oglethorpe's literary magazine, is looking for art, po-
etry, prose, and music submissions from the student body.

There will be a cash award for the first entry accepted for publica-
tion. Submissions should be left in Campus Box 463 in the Student
Center or Hearst 301.

Please contact Mary Anne Locke or Elizabeth Stockton
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February 14, 1994

Page 13




By Jason Arikian
Chi Phi

A hearty howdy from

theworldo'Chi. Thankstoall
in attendance at the Great
American Groundhog Day
Party. It was a smashing suc-
cess. Congrats to our newly
inducted little sister Shana
Bowes, yet another kindred
spirit embraced with open
arms. A few general an-
nouncements: we're having a
movie night this Wednesday,

to my knowledge we haven't
picked out a flick yet so come
over and be pleasantly sur-
prised. It will, as always, be
one of your favorites. Also,
Chi Phi is pleased to announce
the Whore spring concert tour,
complete with new songs and
a new sound, "come" check
them out at the Bomb Shelter.
As far as everything else goes,
it's status quo and good to go.
We hope this issue finds every-
one else in a similar condition.
Watch out for the ferrets.


By Holly Harmon
Chi Omega

Chi Omega is off to a

big start this semester with our
initiation. Congratualtions to
our 15 new sisters: Shana
Bowes, Kendra Brubaker,
Melissa Drouin, Stephanie
Godlewski, Yoli Hernandez,
Rebecca Hester, Ellen
Kimbrel, Stephanie Manis,
Barbara Noblin, Erin O'Brien,
Kristi Pelletier, Kim Poppe,
Ahna Sagrera, Angela
Satterfield, and Tinnie

Waterston. Also, congratula-
tions to Meta Swain who did a
wonderful job of putting it all
together. We would like to
thank Delta Sig, KA, and Chi
Phi and everyone else for their
support. Chi Omega's Home-
coming couple this year is
Holly Harmon and Jason Tho-
mas. The plans for the rest of
the semester are looking great.
We just had our 25th Birthday
and an open house this past
week. Coming soon are our
White Carnation Ball on
March 12th and our mixers
with Delta Sig and Chi Phi.

By Jason Thomas
Delta Sigma Phi

Well, here are again,

the wonderful world of the
Greek Page in the Oglethorpe
Stormy Petrel. And, once
again I have the great honor
of revealing to you the com-
plex happens of Delta Sigma
Phi... We are trying to finally
get organized for our Mardi
Gras mixer with Tri-Sigma
coming up this weekend.
Right now, we are making
plans for Greek Week, our
Formal, and our mixer with


By Kurt Hirshman
Sigma Alpha Epsilon

I would first like to

welcome our newest pledge of
SAE, Chris Wintrow. Once
again everyone had a great
time on our 4th annual ski trip
to North Carolina. While
many skied, other witnessed

the second annual crackerball
championship which resulted
in the Dream Team success-
fully defending their crown.

Also WWSAE is com-
ing to a ring near you! Good
luck to Gold, Purple, and
White in basketball. Lookout,
here he comes!

Strategic Plan

continued from page 11
posal. I have to make due with
what I have. If there is a major
discrepancy, L again, apologize.
I have, to this stage, not men-
tioned the fact that Dr. Schulz's
rebutal uses data that I have never
seen, and as far as I know, do not
have access to. Maybe I am again
mistaken, and this is not the bla-
tantly unfair advantage that it
seems to be. But enough bicker-
ing, back to the figures.

The ratio of FTE students
to full time faculty in 1992 was
20.7 (980:42). The ratio of FTE
students to [full time faculty plus
support staff] was 19.8 (980:44).
The ratio of FTE students to FTE
faculty was 16.3 (980:60). The

ratio of FTE students to [FTE
faculty plus support] was 15.8
(980:62). Even considering this
last figure, we have to take a sub-
stantial leap to reach the 12.91
of Dr. Schulz's argument this
year. With the 75 FTE faculty
this semester (information re-
ceived on Feb. 9 from the
Provost's office), a FTE student/
FTE faculty ratio of 1 2.91 would
indicate a total FTE student
headcount of 968. I do not have
the exact figures for student
population this year, but I was
led to believe that the FTE
headcount was much, much
closer to 1200.

This brings us to the aver-
age class size that is mentioned
in the previous article. A 14 stu-

Chi Omega. We initiated
Steve "No Memory" Taylor
on the 4th and held formal
intiation for Alan Tuders and
Steve on the 6th. We also
have numerous parties
planned for this semester, one
of which is our Toga Party
tenatively scheduled for
March 12. Well, that just
about covers everything in our
social stratosphere. Good
luck, have fun, and console
Dave and Dog for not making
it all the way to the Homecom-
ing court... they were so cute


By Bridget Cecchini and
Heather Hosko
Sigma Sigma Sigma

Happy Valentine's

Day from Tri-Sigma World!
We hope everyone had a fun-
filled Homecoming. We know
we did. We are all especially
anticipating Tracey's initia-
tion, especially her big sis Suzi.
Our totally awesome social
chairwoman Heather Hosko
has planned terrific mixers.
The Mardi Gras mixer with
Delta S igma Phi promises to be
exciting with famous couples
and fabulous t-shirts. We are
also looking forward to Two
Stepping in the Twilight with
the KAs. Congrats guys on all
your new initiates.

The third annual

Parent's Banquet is scheduled
for March 12 in our beauti-
fully decorated house. Thanks
to our housing corporation and
sisters for putting our house in
order. Mr. and Mrs. Williams,
Trina Duncan, and the Drakes
all contributed their valuable
time and we trult appreciate
them. Watch out for your
Valentine's Day balloons from
our annual fundraiser. Epsi-
lon Theta has the honor of
hosting Leadership School for
our region. Sigmas from all
over the Southeast wil 1 be here
sharing ideas and t-shirts.
Welcome to all of our sisters.
Hey guys, start checking your
mailboxes for Purple Passion
Party invitations and come to
find out who your secret ad-
mirer is.

dent average in non-core classes
is nice, but for a university that is
proposing to increase freshman
retention to 90%, it seems to me
that average core class size is a
much more pertinent issue than
that of non-core classes. As for
upper level classes with 4-8 stu-
dents, this is great. However, if
the school can not keep students
here until they get to these upper
level classes, it seems to have lost
the war while gloating over the

As for the tuition issue, I
simply restated what the Plan it-
self said. If I misquoted it, please
tell me. If my math was faulty,
and a six percent increase over five
years would not result in a tuition
of over $16,000 by 1998, please

tell me. As for the other increases
in our peers, it might have been a
good idea to point this out in the
Plan itself, instead of as an after-
thought when someone else
pointed it out.

As for the plan in general,
I must again, as I said originally
several weeks ago, complement
the administration on its fore-
thought in making this step. The
finances now are, shall we say,
less than exemplary. They can be
improved, but it will take decisive
action from the administration to
accomplish this. They have taken
the first step. All I am trying to
do in these articles is to point out
what they might trip on later. Dr.
Schulz, once again, thank you,
and louche,

By Jason Arikian
Greek Editor

First, a universal

disclaimer: I didn't mean it
like that, and on the odd
chance that I did, get over it.
Now, on to the pillage.
Greetings and salivations
Greeks, I, Jason Arikian, am
your new Greek editor. Stop
laughing. It's not my fault,
really. Two weeks ago you
could have told me that I'd
be up at 4 a.m. writing this
column and I would have
looked at you like you had
lobsters crawling out of your
ears. And yet, here I am,
prostrate before the masses.
The only things I can at-
tribute it to is that no one else
accepted and that I was too
stupid to realize that I had a
million other things to do.
So, without further ado, my
token cheers and jeers for
this week.

Cheers to the school
for finally providing us with
basketball hoops. I'm quite
sure they '11 provide for years
of entertainment and healthy
inter-Greek competition.
Although I don't wish to be
the one whose windshield is
shattered by the first errant
ball or the first errant drunk
man on the court. But what
is more, I do not wish to be
that errant drunk man. C'est
la vie, the hoops are here,
they're queer, I'll get used to
them. That's about all I've
got for now, and if there is
anything out there in
Greekdom that you want
laughed about, praised, or
torn to shreds, jot it down
and drop it by the Chi Phi
house. This is your column,
too. Until next time, watch
out for the ferrets.

Page 14

February 14, 1994


By Chris Brown
Entertainment Editor

"The Piano"


Holly Hunter

Harvey Keitel


A non-traditional ro-
mance story of a woman and
the two men who love her,
Ada (Hunter,) speaking only
with sign language and her pi-
ano, is sent to the remote bush
of 19th century New Zealand
to live with her arranged hus-
band, Stewart (Neill). Of All
her belongings Stewart refuses
to transport her piano, and it
is left behind on the beach.
Unable to bear its possible de-
struction, Ada bargains with
an illiterate tattooed neighbor,
Baines (Keitel); she can earn
her piano back if she allows
him to do a few certain things
while she plays for him one
lesson" for every black key.
This arrangement draws all
three deep into a complex emo-
tional/sexual bond, remark'
able in its naive passion and
frightening in its disregard for

"The Piano" is not a run-
of-the-mill love triangle but,
rather, is a compassionate at-
tempt to show the reign of pas-
sion and emotional want over
the formalism of marriage
Hunter, without speaking a
single word, becomes the voice
of love and sexual energy:
Keitel, as usual, carries his
passions just below the surface
where they can be seen fight
ing to come out; and Neill, in
a surprisingly sensitive role af-
ter "Jurassic Park," plays a
nice stiff foil to the amorous
neighbor and his wife.

Everything about "The
Piano" is stunning. The cin-
ematography (shot in New
Zealand) is awe-inspiring, and
the music from composer
Michael Nyman ("The Cook,
The Thief, His Wife and Her
Lover" and Prospero's
Books") is eloquently modem.
Most of all, the sexual energy
is riveting and tastefully erotic.

Oliver Stone completes his trilogy

By Will Mullis
Co-Feature Editor

The word for "rice

chaff' in Vietnamese is gao
kho. This word that describes
the dried husk that blows away
in the wind was adopted by
peasant farmers to describe
themselves during several de-
cades of war as they watched
their country being torn apart
by successive waves of con-
flicting ideologies the
French, the Vietnamese ofboth
communist and capitalist per-

suasions, and finally the

Oliver Stone has finally
completed the third part of his
momentous Vietnam trilogy
begun with "Platoon" and
"Born on the Fourth of July"
with the epic movie, "Heaven
and Earth." Unlike the first
two films, this movie comes
from the fascinating perspec-
tive of a Vietnamese woman,
Le Ly Hayslip, who is played
by extraordinary first-time ac-
tress Hiep Thi Le. LeLy'slife
is torn apart as her brothers

leave to join the Vietcong. She
is inhumanely brutalized by
soldiers of both sides. Later
she marries a kind American
soldier and returns with him to
the U.S., unaware of the preju-
dice that she will face, and the
demons that lurk within her
temperamental husband.

Hiep Thi Le makes an
impressive debut in the film.
A physiology major at Cal-
Davis University, she was bom
in Da Nang, Central Vietnam,
Hiep exited her country in
1979 as a nine-year-old "boat

it; '**

* "' ' * ' ' I i I" $ * * ""1SL'

i a *



Hiep Thi Le stars as Le Ly in the epic drama "Heavan and Earth." photo by Roland Neveu

OU produces "Thirteen Clocks"

By Yoli Hernandez

The time has come for

yet another Oglethorpe pro-
duction. What's unique about
this upcoming show is that it
is a children's musical. "Thir-
teen Clocks" tells the unusual
tale of the beautiful Princess
Saralinda who is being held
prisoner by her cruel, cold
uncle, the Duke. He refuses
to give her hand away because
"it is the only warm hand in
the castle." However, there

comes along a young prince
who is determined to marry
Saralinda. The play revolves
around the various impossible
tasks the Duke gives the Prince
to fulfill if he is to win
Saralinda. Filled with song
and humor, "Thirteen Clocks"
follows the Duke in his 99
hourjourneytofind 1000 jew-
els and set the frozen clocks
back in motion. Lee
Knippenburg, the play's direc-
tor, is planning on giving it a
modem, 20th century twist.

Children will be bused to
Lupton Auditorium to enjoy

the play. Proceeds made from
the production will go to a
charity selected by the cast.
The show times are 10a.m.
February 1 6 and 1 7. The Feb-
ruary 18th show at 7p.m. and
the February 19th show at
2p.m. will be open to
Oglethorpe students who enter
free with their student IDs. Off
campus adults pay $4 on Fri-
days and kids pay $3. The
Saturday matinee is $3 for
adults and $2 for children.

Don 't miss out on a great
and humorous musical. Hope
to see you there! !

person," undergoing a danger-
ous journey with her seven-
year-old sister as her only com-
panion. Her family of nine
was not reunited until the early
1980s. Her character is re-
quired to go through incredible
trauma and age 30 years. Le
is backed by a formidable cast
of actors. Tommy Lee Jones,
most recently in "The Fugi-
tive," is Steve Butler, the war-
haunted Marinne who falls in
love with Le Ly and takes her
back to California as his
youthful bride. Joan Chen,
most famous for her work in
"The Last Emperor" and
David Lynch 's cult hit TV se-
ries, "Twin Peaks," plays Le
Ly's mother. Rounding out the
starring roles is Dr. Haing S.
Ngor. The 1984 Academy
Award-winner for "The Kill-
ing Fields" was chosen to play
Le Ly's father. Like Le Ly, Dr.
Ngor endured terrific suffer-
ing during the Southeast Asian
conflicts to emerge as a pow-
erful force for healing.

Searching for the right
place to shoot "Heaven and
Earth," Stone scouted through
the Philippines, Malaysia, and
Thailand. He finally settled on
Phang-Na, in the south of
Thailand. This village fea-
tures beautiful limestone for-
mations rising dramatically
from the green earth and bears
a remarkable similarity, in
both landscape and spirit, to Le
Ly's village. The views and
village are simply dazzling,
even by the high visual stan-
dards of Stone's other films.

"Heaven and Earth"
has all the other components
that any Stone movie pos-
sesses, great acting moments
of extreme violence, and an
emotional catharsis for the
movie audience. This film will
definitely run the gamut of its
viewers' emotions: sadness,
happiness, anger, and even
horror. This film is recom-
mended for anyone who en-
joys a dramatic story, and es-
pecially for those who enjoyed
Stone's prior Vietnam sagas.
Come prepared to be enrap-
tured by Le Ly's courage and

February 14, 1994

Page 15


An good explaination for Whore?

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

For anyone who was

in the Bomb Shelter on Febru-
ary 23, 1993, the 1993
Oglethorpe day, the band
Whore does not need to be ex-
plained. You will probably
still have a vivid mental image
of Mike Rowe, the band's lead
screecher, wondering back and
forth across the stage in his

Catholic school girl's dress
and pink dred locks. Or of the
Battle of the Bands in which
the audi ance was sprayed by a
Super Soaker full of Yoo-Hoo.
For anyone who was not at
either one of these events, let
me attempt to explain.

Whore is a band that had
its origin in a random Open
Mike Night last year. Two
very good friends from Grif-
fin, GA, freshman Tommy

Ison and sophomore Mike
Rowe, decided that they would
get together and play a couple
of songs from one of their old
high school bands, Nasal Sex.
They set up an in-depth prac-
tice schedule, so as to reach
their maximum potential be-
fore the show, and then rigor-
ously avoided it. Fifteen min-
utes before the show started,
the pair finally got around to
working on the old songs.

Tommy Ison and Mike Rowe, with dog, of the band Whore.

photo by Ryan P. Queen


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However, Rowe's creative
juices, had started to flow, and
a song mysteriously wrote it-
self in several minutes. Hence,
"Nuke the Gay Whales for
Jesus" was bom. Next came
the problem of image, what
would this fledgling creative
venture be called. Rowe got a
far off look in his eyes, and
with spirit of conviction (or
convictions) said, "Whore,
man. We're all just prostitut-
ing ourselves to accomplish
this thing that is mistakenly
called happiness. It's got to be
Whore, man."

Thus the image was
formed. Rowe and Ison re-
cruited two other Brothers of
Chi Phi, Rod Smith of Piano,
Texas, and Jon Shiley of
Aiken, South Carolina, on lead
guitar and drums, respectively.
As Rowe says, "We've got
Rod on the guitar, and he's
from Texas so he's a great gui-
tar player. The worst guitar
player from Texas is better
than the best from anywhere
else. Then we found de Dog,
Jon Shiry. We didn't even
know he could play, but man,
he could." The next major
event in Whore's life was the
1993 Battle of the Bands, in
which they came in second
place by one point. Rowe still
considers this a conspiracy
because he believes that the
administration fear a Whore
Rebellion. Definitely some-
thing to be fearful of.

For some strange reason
the administration had invited
Whore back to the Bomb Shel-
ter. Anyone that missed these
epic experience of last year,
should be there in the front
row, right beside Troy Dwyer.
But that's another story. The
show has just recently been
postponed, but has been prom-
ised for sometime in March.
Make sure to call Community
Life for all the deatails. For
all diehard Whore fans, there
may be a special shock in this
concert: Mike Rowe's real
hair color. For now though,
just remember "Texas is a
great place to dry heave," and
of course, "Shake, its great."
Be cool, but stay hort.

By Maria Johnson

Time-proven artists

such as Neil Young, Bruce
Springsteen, The Indigo Girls,
Peter Gabriel, and the Spin
Doctors comprise the label of
the "Philadelphia" soundtrack,
and the result reaches levels of
meaning which are higher than
anyone probably expected.
Because each of these per-
formers contributes his or her
own distinct interpretation of
the movie "Philadelphia," the
listener is bombarded with a
multi-faceted music experi-
ence. Such an experience is
uncommon in today's musical
world, because most albums
are either a collection of songs
written by one group, or are a
collection of songs in a certain
musical genre. Each of the
unique "Philadelphia" tracks
brings forth a different per-
spective on a theme of fear
versus courage and alienation
versus love.

Many otherwise open-
minded music lovers often fear
to buy movie soundtracks be-
cause these albums seem to be
a hodgepodge collection of
boring background music.
"Philadelphia," however, con-
tains only one typical back-
ground song-"PrecedenL" All
other songs have musical merit
in their own right, such as
Bruce Springsteen's "Streets
of Philadelphia" (which has
already won a Golden Globe
awardX or they tie directly into
the movie, such as the aria "La
Mamma Morte," performed
by Maria Callas.

An interesting note is
that the producers of "Phila-
delphia" asked Neil Young to
write an upbeat rock song for
the picture, and he came up
with a ballad. They then asked
Bruce Springsteen for one, and
got . . a ballad These two
ballads, "Streets of Philadel-
phia," and "Philadelphia," al-
though they aren't what the
producers asked for, are what
truly express the ideals of the
movie, and make the album

Page 16

February 14, 1994


Readers' Theatre produces "Dandelion Wine"

By Christie Willard

u . . . the town covered

over with darkness and at ease
in bed. Summer gathered in the
weather, the wind had the
proper touch, the breathing of
the world was long and warm
and slow." With these nostal-
gic words, the audience gets its
first glimpse into the mystical
world of twelve-year-old Dou-
glas Spalding. As if upon
command, Lupton Audito-
rium quickly becomes sleepy
Greentown, setting for the
Readers' Theatre production
of Dandelion Wine . It is a
heartwarming play about a
young boy who discovers the
meaning of life through Sum-
mer. Opening night is sched-
uled for February 22 at 8:00

p.m. Admission is free, and all
students are encouraged to at-
tend what promises to be a
memorable performance.

The script for the play is
taken from the novel Dande-
lion Wine by Ray Bradbury.
It is an adventurous tale about
growing up in a small town
and realizing for the first time
that someday everyone must
die. The cast consists of both
new and old talent at
Oglethorpe. Some members
have been featured many times
in drama department produc-
tions, while this will be the first
time on stage for others. Cast
members include: Chris
Brown, Killian Edwards,
Mathew Farley, Mary Anne
Locke, Kent McKay, and
Christie Willard. The actors
have to be versatile in their

acting since the play calls for
them to assume various roles
throughout the performance.
Even though the play may be
more challenging for some
than others, all of the actors are
finding the play to be an inter-
esting variation of acting.

Dandelion Wine is a
Readers' Theatre play. That
means that there is more actor
interaction between the audi-
ence and the text rather than
each other. There tends to be
more emphasis on the voice
instead of movement. Kent
McKay, who portrays the main
character, Douglas Spalding,
said that "the play requires
mental activity on part of the
audience. Every performance
of a Readers' Theatre play is
likely to be different because
no two audiences respond the

same way." Since the new
drama department has devel-
oped at Oglethorpe, this is the
first performance of a Readers'
Theatre play.

Besides displaying some
of Oglethorpe's finest talent on
stage, Dandelion Wine also
exhibits the drive and creativ-
ity of a student director. Mel-
issa Stinnett is the lady behind
the scenes who keeps the ac-
tors on a tight schedule and
pulls chaotic practices together
in the end for a thrilling per-
formance. She is working on
a apprenticeship for theatre
and decided to direct Dande-
lion Wine because the novel
was a childhood favorite.
When asked about the positive
aspects of the play, Melissa
said, "The smaller parts are
more developed than I thought

they would be. We have a
couple people who have never
performed before and they are
really bringing the parts to life.
Mathew is doing an excellent
job. He understands all the
characters. . and this is his first
time on stage."

Dandelion Wine prom-
ises to offer something for ev-
eryone, young and old. Kent
said' that "grownups are so
guarded about what they say
and do. The beauty of this play
is that there is a twelve-year-
old boy who does, thinks, and
says what he feels."

The performance is Feb-
ruary 22nd at 8:00. Admis-
sion is free and everyone is in-
vited. For more information,
please call Melissa at 365-

Entertainment Grapevine.

CxjdhxxaL, ana not 10 auLtuxaL, zuznti. in and around c^jiLanta

The High Museum of

Art will be showing several
films during the month of Feb-
ruary. On Friday, Feb. 1 8, the
High will show "Andrei
Rublev," a 1966 film, banned
in Russia for five years, that
recreates the violence of the
Tartar invasion with savage in-
tensity. On Saturday, Feb. 19,
Marco Williams presents "In
Search of Our Fathers," an
autobiographical video that
explores questions of family
structure and responsibility,
particularly as they relate to
African- Americans. "The Old
Dark House," a tongue-in-
cheek horror film starring
Boris Karloff will be shown
on Friday, Feb. 25. For these
shows, general admission is $4
or $3.50 with a student ID.
Finally, on Saturday, Feb. 26,
David Skal will host "The
Monster Show: a Cultural His-
tory of Horror," using images
from horror classics to discuss
the ways in which horror has
reflected the major social trau-
mas of the 20th century. Tick-
ets to this showing will be $5

for general admission and
$4.50 with a student ID. All
shows begin at 8:00 p.m.

The High Museum

will also be hosting "Ansel
Adams: The Early Years," an
exhibition chronicling the first
20 years of the photographer's
career, until March 19. It fea-
tures 77 rare photographs, in-
cluding early examples of his
spectacular landscapes of
Yosemite. The galleries are
easily reached by taking
MARTA to Peachtree Center
Station, Ellis Street exit. The
exhibition will be open Mon-
day through Saturday, 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., and admission is
free. Call 577-6940 for more

On Sunday, February

27, Gainesville Theatre Alli-
ance presents an audio-de-
scribed performance of "An
Act of the Imagination," a

brainteasing whodunnit by
Bernard Slade. This thriller,
set in London during the era
of the beehive and short skirt,
begins at 2:30 p.m. in the
Georgia Mountains Center
Theatre in Gainesville. Thirty
complimentary seats have
been set aside for the visually
impaired and a driver on a first
come basis. A walk around the
set will start at 1 :30 p.m. To
reserve a seat for the audio-
described performance, call
Gainesville Theatre Alliance
at (404) 535-6224. For other
performances, February 15-
27, ticket prices range from
$6-12 and may be purchased
by calling the above number.

Tri-Ci ties Theatre will

open "Humans and Other Ani-
mals," an evening of one-act
plays, on Feb. 3 through 13 at
The Discovery Arena at
Neighborhood Playhouse, 430
W. Trinity PI., Decatur, Geor-
gia. The evening will include
Edward Albee's "The Zoo

Story," "Frost at Midnight," an
original play by Gary Corseri,
and "Hello Out There" by
William Saroyan. The perfor-
mances are scheduled for
Thursday, Friday, and Satur-
day nights at 8:00 p.m. and
Sunday matinees at 3 :00 p.m.
with free parking. Tickets are
$8. For reservations, call 681 -

The Alliance Theatre

Company will be presenting
"La Bete" by David Hirson, a
hilarious comedy spoof of a
17th century French acting
troupe, from Feb. 1 6 through
Mar. 20. Tickets are $14-34
and may be purchased at the
Woodruff Arts Center Box
Office or at the High Museum
Gift Shop at Perimeter Mall.
Call 892-2414 for more infor-

The Alliance

Children's Theatre presents an

adaptation of Hans Christian
Andersen's "The Snow
Queen" from Feb. 26 to Mar.
12. Performances will be at 1 1
a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Satur-
days. Tickets are $6 and avail-
able at the Woodruff Arts Cen-
ter Box Office or at the High
Museum Gift Shop at Perim-
eter Mall. Call 892-2414 for
more details.

"A beautiful princess.

. . an evil duke. . . a magical
golux. . . and a prince who save
the day. . ." The Playmakers,
Oglethorpe University The-
atre, will present "The Thir-
teen Clocks," a children's the-
atre production, Friday, Feb.
1 8, at 7 p.m. in Lupton Audi-
torium on campus. A second
performance is scheduled Sat-
urday, Feb. 19, at 2 p.m.

Tickets for Friday's per-
formance: adults $4, children
$3; Saturday's matinee: adults
$3, children $2. Call (404)
364-8343 for reservations.

February 14, 1994

Page 17


We must have some sympathy for Seattle

By Jim Campbell

Special to The Stormy Petrel

Poor Eddie Vedder.

You think you have problems?
Think again. Imagine what
he's had to endure in the past
three years. First he got the
chance to join a really good
rock & roll band. Then they
all clicked. The songs came
and Pearl Jam was born. But
wait, it gets worse. Next the
band got signed to a record la-
bel. By a cruel twist of fate,
they had to travel around the
world playing music. No, not
yet, hold back your tears. Fi-
nally they became successful.
They were getting paid mil-
lions of dollars to fly around
the world doing something
they all loved. Their voices,
their message, and their art
were being received with ap-
preciation from Seattle to
Singapore and everywhere in
between. No doubt, a tragic
story that would wring sympa-
thy and compassion from the
hardest heart. All bow your
heads in a moment of silent*

prayer for Pearl Jam, espe-
cially Eddie Vedder. He's had
it so rough lately. I wonder
how much more he can take.

All sarcasm aside, if I
hear one more "alternative"
rock star in taped up Chuck
Taylors and torn up Levis
complaining about how they
hate being famous, I'm going
to get on a plane, fly to Seattle
and beat the hell out of him
with his MTV award. Seri-
ously, folks, does anyone buy
this depressed teen angst crap
that Kurt Cobain and Eddie
Vedder shovel on our heads
every time they're inter-
viewed? Don't get me wrong;
I like their music. I think
they're very talented people.
It's their politics and their im-
age I can't dig.

Think about it. If they
really wanted to remain "un-
derground" and pure, they
wouldn't have signed six fig-
ure contracts with giant record
labels. They wouldn't make
two million dollar videos. And
they definitely wouldn't pose
for Rolling Stone if they really

loathed seeing their faces on
magazine covers, as they are
always bitching about It has
become really hip nowadays to
bite the hand that feeds and I
don't understand it. If you
don't want to be big and popu-
lar, take a cue from bands like
Fugazi and stay underground.
Otherwise shut up and like it.
Smile once in a while. I would
if I had six million dollars in
the bank.

I speak from experience.
I am in a band and we are cur-
rently recording a CD with
which we will subsequently
attempt to land a record deal.
Believe me, it's a conscious at-
tempt to succeed. It doesn't
happen by accident. Guys like
Pearl Jam and Nirvana busted
their butts to get where they are
and it is really insulting to our
collective intelligence to act as
if they don't want to be there.
Maybe they think they'll lose
their original fans if they ad-
mit they love success. If this
is true, here is a little bit of
wisdom for their fans: pay at-
tention to the music, not the

February Campus
(Paper6ac^ (Bestsellers



The Days Are Just Packed, by Bill Watterson. (Andrews & McNeel,
$12.95.) More "Calvin and Hobbes" cartoons.
The Pelican Brief, by John Grisham. (Dell, $6.99.) Law student
finds herself on the run from killers of two Supreme Court justices.
The Far Side Gallery 4, by Gary Larson. (Andrews & McNeel,
$12.95.) Collection of cartoons.

MTV's Beavis and Butt-head, by Sam Johnson and Chris Marcil.
(MTV/Callaway/Pocket, $10.00.) Cartoons.
The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro. (Vintage, $11.00.)
English butler recalls his many years of service.
The Chickens are Restless, by Gary Larson. (Andrews & McNeel,
$8.95.) New collection of cartoons.
Young Men and Fire, by Norman Maclean. (University of
Chicago, $10.95.) Story of the catastrophic Montana forest fire in

The Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara. (Ballantine, $5.99.)
Dramatic recreation of the Battle of Gettysburg.
The Way Things Ought To Be, by Rush Limbaugh. (Pocket Star,
$6.50.) Controversial issues - that's Limbaugh territory.
10. The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan. (Ivy, $5.99.) Destinies of
Chinese immigrant women and their Chinese- American daughters.




magazine covers or the music
charts. Get it through your
heads that popular bands can
still make good music. The
term "alternative music" has
become meaningless and
passe. I see thirteen year old
girls in the suburbs wearing
Ministry t-shirts. All that mat-

ters now is: does the music still
do it for you? If so, go buy the
record so these guys can quit
the sullen, underground, out-
cast bit and start spending their
money. And please hurry,
'cause Eddie Vedder desper-
ately needs some new clothes.



TeiEvisioN GuidE

Monday Feb. 14

Monday Feb. 21

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

8:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.

12:35 a.m. - 1:35 a.m.

8:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.

Men's 500m speed skating,

1:05 a.m. -2:05 a.m.

Men's downhill skiing, Men's

Ice dancing, freestyle skiing,

luge singles

Ice hockey

Tuesday Feb. IS

Tuesday Feb. 22

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

8:00 p.m. -11:30 p.m.

8:00 p.m. -11:00 p.m.

1:05 a.m. -2:05 a.m.

12:35 a.m.- 1:35 a.m.

Pairs figure skating, Women's

Short-track skating, Ice

Super-G skiing, Ice hockey

hockey, Cross-country skiing

Wednesday Feb. 16

Wednesday Feb. 23

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

8:00 p.m. -11:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

12:35 a.m. -1:35 am

12:35 a.m.- 1:35 a.m.

Moguls skiing, Men's 1500m

Ladies' figure skating,

speed skating, Women's luge

Women's 1000m speed skat-

ing, Men's giant slalom

Thursday Feb. 17

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Thursday Feb. 24

8:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

12:35 a.m. - 1:35 a.m.

8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Men's figure skating, Men's

12:35 a.m. - 1:35 a.m.

Super-G skiing, Ice hockey

Freestyle skiing, Women's gi-

ant slalom, Short-track skiing

Friday Feb. 18

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Friday Feb. 25

8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

11:35 p.m. -12:35 a.m.

8:00 p.m.- 11:30 p.m.

Ice dancing, Men's 1000m

1:05 a.m. -2:05 a.m.

speed skating, Men's luge

Ladies' figure skating, Ski


jumping, Men's combined sla-


Saturday Feb. 19

1:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.

Saturday Feb. 26

7:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.

11:35 p.m.- 12:35 a.m.

7:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

Men's figure skating.

11:35 p.m. -12:35 a.m.

Women's 500m speed skating,

Women's downhill skiing

Sunday Feb. 27

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Sunday Feb. 20

4:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon

8:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

3:30 p.m. -6:00 p.m.

11:35 p.m. -12:35 a.m.

8:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

Men's slalom. Bobsled, Ice

11:35 p.m. -12:35 p.m.

hockey, Closing Ceremony

Ice dancing, Bobsled, Ski


All times Eastern.

Page 18

February 14, 1994


February 14, 1994

Page 19


THE Crossword

1 Kuwait's ruler
5 Popeyes girl
10 Hook

14 Cable

15 Russian hero

16 Charles Lamb

17 the Red

18 Copenhagen

19 Supply

20 Lives

22 Quieted with

24 Little brte

26 Wire measure

27 Leave
3D Rose up

35 Send out of the

36 Kinsman: abbr.

37 A few

38 Mil. title

39 Robber

43 Feel sick

44 B.A. word

46 Jogged

47 Confuse
49 Normal way

51 Critical states

52 Electrified

53 Vendor's desire
55 Storm

59 Ennui

63 Surmounting

64 The end

66 First-class

67 Stable mate?

68 Wear gradually

69 Let it stand

70 Scheme

71 Put in place

72 Being


1 Pitcher

2 Mud

3 Spring bloom

4 Musical

5 First-born

6 Smallest

7 Hotel







































































p 1994 Troune MeCia Services, inc
All Bighis Reserved

8 Contends

9 Musical group

10 Happens

11 Landed

12 Stir up

13 Hairless

21 Has the nerve to
23 Machine pattern

25 Short shopping

27 Fr. painter

26 Put forth effort
29 Columbus' ship

31 Moray

32 Burdens

33 M. Zola

34 Removes, in

40 Give over to

41 Hearing organ

42 More unusual
45 Little piece
48 Sickness

50 Deer

51 Storeroom
54 Wait patiently


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58 Wheel covering 65 Integers: abbr.


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"Hit "COvaMom

by Scott Selsor1993

Page 20


February 14, 1994

* i**a 5o\\4ikig tSe WM- imagine.

February 14, 1994

Page 21


LACK Or rOCUS wSd Kin gdom


Scratch Here For

The Fresh Smell

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py Aiwi#ny Ktfh<fK| Jr.

"Misfortunes, when asl eep, ore not to be awak ened. ' English Proverb



Andy Singer






itiu ^ui


By Chns Farrar




Nafer*! Siud Nw *-vic* 16

Page 22

February 14, 1994


Dunn's passing shots for no particular reason

By Dunn Neugebauer
SID/Tennis Coach/Student/

Some passing shots, for no

particular reason:

-Just when I thought I
had nothing to write about,
Nate Briesemeister came bar-
reling around the corner off the
spread offense, took a Jack
Stephens shot off the back of
the rim and jammed the abso-
lute -&--' out of the ball. My
God man, did you see that

Roswell boy jump up there!
You ever wonder what got into
him? I mean, what was he

Since you asked, I'll tell
you. You'dthinkthattheslam
was his reward for hard work,
training and preparation.
Maybe. But for the record, it
was built-in anger left over
from the Hendrix/Trinity trip.
It seems that Brian Davis stole
his omelet at the Waffle House
in Conway, Arkansas (don't
ever get in the middle of that,

mind you) and Nate was a l ittle
upset Davis went up to grab
the rebound, when Nate de-
cided to get his revenge. Boy
did he ever. A"10"foraggres-
sion and a "9" for crowd im-

-Thumbs down, way
down that is, to the wonderful
media, for making a hero out
of Tonya Harding. Did you
know that she likes to play
pool, she drives a truck and
considers herself just an aver-
age person? I'll only say this

Oglethorpe Men's Basket-
ball continues their streak

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The Oglethorpe Uni-
versity Men's Basketball is
stillonaroll. The team is pres-
ently 17-3. They are ranked
third in the south and in one
poll, they are 16th in the sea-
son. The Petrels most recent
victories came to Sewanee,
Fisk, and Centre.

On February 2nd, the
men defeated The University
of the South 82-76. Andy
Schutt was the leading scoring
with 20 points. Bryon
Letourneau went 6 for 7 from
the field and scored 1 5 points
total. Cornell Longino led re-

bounding with 9 rebounds.

On February 4th, the
men beat Fisk 93-58. Themen
shot 64% from the field as
Ryan Vickers led the team go-
ing 9-10 from the field and 4-
5 from the line, scoring 24
pointstotal. Schutt went 8-10
from the field, scoring 16.
Brian Davis went 7-10 from
the field and scored 16 points,

On February 6th, the Pe-
trels defeated their most recent
opponent, Centre College, 84-
70. In this game, Davis led all
players with 22 points. The
obvious highlight of the game
was the slam dunk by Nathan
Briesemeister near the end of

the game. Brian Davis ex-
plained it best when he stated,
"I was about to go in when I
saw out of the comer of my eye
Nate on a full sprint from the
three point line. And then all
of a sudden. Whoosh!" Nat
pulled off a rim crushing dunk
from a missed lay up by Jack
Stephens. When Stephens was
asked by teammates how he
missed the lay up in the first
place, his only response was
"If I miss lay ups and Nate
does dunks like that, I'll miss
more lay ups more often."

The men's team plays
this weekend for the Home-
coming match. Good luck
guys. Come out and support
the team.

The OU Men's basketball team practices for the Homcoming game photo by Ryan P. Queen

once.. .who gives a $h!t?

-Why do people continu-
ously get themselves psyched
up for the Super Bowl? There
is NO SUCH THING. At least
we got to hear what kind of
music Emmitt Smith likes,
what side ofthe bed Jim Kelly
sleeps on, etc. (Repeat above
last sentence regarding Tonya

-Never, I mean never,
play air hockey with Cornell
Longino. It's really hard to
score when he sticks his mal-
let inside the net.

-Always, I mean always
play air hockey with Brian
Davis. He's hard to beat, but
he always forgets to take his
left hand off the table. Have
you ever seen how red his face
gets and how wide his mouth
opens when he's in pain?

-Did you hear what one
of the morning radio stations
said about Oglethorpe? They
said that we would be the only
school in the area that
wouldn't go to the national
basketball tournament. Feel
free to call them with verbal
abuse. Send them stats even
(if I can find them).

-Congratulations to
Brett Teach, who will offi-
cially be a Ga. State Panther
after spring break. Nice job,
but who's going to box out on
the boards in intramural bas-
ketball for our team? Who's
gonna guard Mike Thomas
and Mike Beran and all those


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big forwards. Me? Right, have
another beer.

-Congratulations to
Eleanor Fulton and Jennifer
Johnson for staying in the sta-
tistics leaders in rebounds and
assists. And to Becky Ellis for
her school record in steals. And
while I'm at it to Kim Jack-
son for being the coolest thing
on two feet.

-A statement from
Briesemeister, regarding life in
Arkansas: "You can buy a
house here for ten bucks."

-While we're on travel-
ing: A big high-five to the OU
basketball parents. Thanks for
your support and your going
wherever we go, thanks for
giving us a huge morale boost
and thanks for not beating the
absolute dog*&%# out of
those people in Trinity that
Sunday afternoon. We'll just
win and leave, thank you very

-Somebody send me a
medic... tennis season has
started and I'm going to have
1 or 1 1 women on my roster.
Also, we had five practices the
other week and Brian Young
came to every one of them.

-A closing comment
that's none of my business... I
love Eleanor Fulton and I love
Phil Wendel... whether they're
dating or not.

Until next time,
How's Ron Gant's leg any-

Dunn, James Dunn

February 14, 1994

Page 23

OU Track looks impresive


By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

It looks as though

1994willbethe strongest year
yet for the Oglethorpe track
program, headed by coach
Bob Unger. Both the men's
and women's teams are com-
ing off strong duel meet sea-
sons last year, posting a record
of four wins and one loss, yet
finishing in the bottom half of
the conference.

The men's team is bring-
ing back many positive factors
from last year's squad. Prob-
ably most promising among
these is tri-captain Nathan
Breismiester, who won the

conference high jump compe-
tition with a jump of 6'6", with
legs that were substantially
less than 100%. He also fin-
ished second in the triple jump,
set a school record, and was
named all-conference for his
performance. Another tri-cap-
tain is Beau Lyons, who set out
the cross country with injuries,
but is one of the strongest five
and ten kilometer runners on
the team and, according to
Unger, the best three kilome-
ter steeplechaser in the history
of the school. The other tri-
captain is Brian Davis, ofbas-
ketball fame, who is also a
potential star in the discus and
javelin, as well as a prominent

Linda Davis runs at the 1993 SCAC Tournament.

photo courtesy of Linda Davis

Intramural Basketball
season is underway

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The OU Intramural

Basketball season is just un-
derway and this year it is ex-
pected to be a rather competi-
tive league. To start, the Clan
of the Peter Dragons was
forced to split into two teams
to make it fair to the rest of the
basketball league. Come on
now it's really not that fair to
have a team full of "retired"
OU basketball players. From
the fraternity aspect, SAE is
expected to have a fairly com-
petitive team. Their only prob-
lem is that they lack some

much needed height Delta Sig
should bring forth a pretty
strong team, but then again,
the Delta Sig 1 volleyball team
was supposed to be good .too.
Another team with high expec-
tations is Steve's Squad, a
team "coached" by OU's own
powerhouse center - Steve
Taylor. The Coaches Team
could falter a little due to the
loss of power forward Phil
Wendel, but rumor has it that
they have recruited an un-
named assistant baseball coach
( ). The season should run
until early March, ending just
before Spring Break. Good
luck and have fun.

face in the open quarter mile.
Another potential star to watch
is the sophomore Doug Pack,
the first runner in the school's
history to make the NCAA
tournament in cross country.
In all, it looks like a strong
field returning to the men's
track program, as well as the
fresh legs that the freshman
class will bring in.

The women's team
looks to have a slightly more
difficult time ahead of them, as
all three all-conference runners
from last year have graduated.
Unger assures us that they wi II
be many people to fill these
spaces, though. The most no-
table is captain Katie Farrell,
who is a threat to bring in
points in any and all distances.
The women's lead cross coun-
try runner, Cathy Chappell,
can also be expected to be a
major factor in this team. An-
other prominent cross country
runner that will be joining the
team is Linda Davis, who,
even though she ended the
cross country season hurt, still
shows great promise in the
middle distances. The women
this year have all of the ele-
ments to become one of the top
teams in the conference, and
should do well this season.

Both of the track team
will open their seasons on Feb-
ruary 26, with the Oglethorpe
Relay Carnival, starting at
10:00 a.m.. The next home
meet is the Oglethorpe Invita-
tional on March 6, which will
be run on a tri-match format.
Then, on March 1 2, the team
travels to Charleston, SC, to
take on two Division I oppo-
nents, Winthrope (Rock Hill,
SC) and College of Charles-
ton. Following this will be the
teams' biggest meet of the sea-
son, the Emory Classic on
March 16. This meet is ex-
pected to draw 3 5+ teams from
all over the southeast. The last
home meet of the season
should be a special treat as
Oglethorpe will host this
year's SCAC track tourna-
ment on April 22 and 23.

This should be a fruitful
culmination of a strong year
for both the men's and
women's track programs.

Great expectations
from '94 baseball

By Daryl Brooks

Much is expected of

the 1994 Stormy Petrel base-
ball team. The team returns
seven of eight starters and lost
only one member of their
pitching staff. Despite these
losses the Petrels are ready to
capture their first conference

"I'm really excited
about my first year as head
coach here at Oglethorpe,"
stated coach Bill Popp. "We
should have a successful sea-

The starting line up will
look similar to last year's
squad. Junior Ward Jones will
again all the signals behind the
plate. Backing up Jones will
be the very competent sopho-
more Jon Newbill. Freshman
Tim Crowley from New York
will patrol the hot comer for
the Petrels. The incumbent
returns to the shortstop posi-
tion as sophomore Tony
Fernandez returns for his sec-
ond year at short. All-Confer-
ence, All-South selection jun-
ior Tom Gambino will again
hold down second base for the
team. At first base will be the
powerhouse combo of junior
Chip Evans and All-Confer-
ence pick junior Mike Tho-
mas. Junior Marshall Reiser

will add infield depth.

The outfield returns all
three starters and is better than
ever. The outfield is led by
junior co-captain Jim Moccio,
who will patrol centerfield.
All-Conference junior Matt
Weiner will hold down left
field and give speed to the lead-
off spot. Right field will be oc-
cupied by junior Chris Warren.
Sophomore Joe Lee will pro-
vide a capable backup for the
outfield and freshman Daryl
Brooks from Virginia may see
a little playing time.

Chip Evans, Mike Tho-
mas, and senior Vince
McGrath will make up the
pitching staff for the Petrels.
This staff will be supported by
sophomore Brian Parker,
sophomore Chuck

DeNormandie, and three
freshmen: Adam Gellert from
Texas, Chester Jackson from
Georgia, and Tim Crowley.

Also new to the Petrels
this year are two new assistant
coaches, Brady Weiderhold
and Steve Marcinak.

All in all this could be
one of the most exciting base-
ball seasons in Oglethorpe his-
tory. The team opens their sea-
son Feb. 12 and 13 in Texas
against Southwestern. They
open their home schedule Feb.
20 against Greensboro Col-

Girls split weekend
home games

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The Girls basketball

team went 1-1 this past week-
end against Fisk University
and Centre College. The girls
started off the weekend with a
74-67 win over Fisk. This
game was possibly one of the
best games for a couple of the
Lady Petrels. Becky Ellis
went on a rampage, scoring 24
points, pulling down 10 re-
bounds, and stealing the ball
5 times. Eleanor Fulton also
had an excellent game, as she

scored 12 points and pulled
down 9 rebounds.

The next day the girls
suffered a severe loss to Cen-
tre Col I ge At the half the
Lady Petrels were down by
only three points. Unfortu-
nately, Centre College domi-
nated the second half of the
game and won by the score of
81-55. Only one lady scored
in the double digits, Shelley
Anderson with 1 points.

Good Luck Ladies. Ev-
eryone come and support the
Lady Petrels.

Having a BAD day? ! ?





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guard dog consumes a neighborhood tabby
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Storm tf Petrel

Volume 69, Issue 9 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University February 28, 1 994

Growing up

Page 5


Page 11

OU clinches
conference title

Page 23

News: 2

Editorials: 3-8

Features: 9-11

Organizations: 12

Greeks: 13


Comics: 18-19

Dunn: 20-21

Sports: 22-23

Security: 2
Grapevine: 2
"O"pinions: 8

Profile: 10

Open Line: 11

Screentest: 14


Math Lab repairs almost finished

By Ryan P. Queen

As reported in the

Security Update in Issue 7,
February 3, 1 994, there was a
fire in the Math Lab on the
third floor of Goslin Hall. The
remains of the fire were dis-
covered on Monday, Decem-
ber 27, 1993 by the Security
officer on duty at the time. As
pointed out by Ric Bemis,
Head of the Physical Plant, due
to the rounds of the Security
officers, it was determined that
the fire probably took place
between 2:30 p.m. Sunday,
December 26, and 2:30 p.m.
Monday, December 27.

It is believed that a cof-
fee machine that was appar-
ently left on when the teachers
took off for the Christmas
break was the cause of the fire.

The fire extinguished it-
self due to the way in which
the room was built. Two fac-
tors that helped this were the
lack of windows providing
oxygen in the room, and that
the floor was covered with a
fire resistant carpet Also judg-
ing from the damage, or the
lack thereof, the fire was not a
hot fire. It was mainly a smoke
fire without a lot of flames. As
pointed out by Bemis, the fire
must not have reached a tem-
perature of 45 1 degrees Fahr-
enheit or above. This was ap-
parent because a paper sign
above the exit door (reading
"please turn off all equipment
before leavingthe room") was
still there when the remains
were discovered. Due to the
fact that this piece of paper did
not have any burnt edges
proves that there were not
many flames or high tempera-

The damage or loss of
equipment was much less then
previously reported. Most of
the equipment inside the room
was salvaged. Dr. Dan
Schadler, head of the Math

Lab, stated that only two com-
puters were completely lost in
the fire. So far, there were only
slight repairs needed to the
other three computers. Most
of the other equipment only
needed to be thoroughly
cleaned of smoke. The televi-
sion and VCR needed a new

with new circuits, lighting, etc.
Also due to the intense smoke
from the fire, there was a film
of smoke dust and an intense
smell on everything on the
third floor of Goslin Hall. The
maintenance crew had to thor-
oughly clean the entire floor.
Each professor's office was

Math Lab In its final stages of ( by Pat Mulhearn

case because the original cases
were melted. As far as any-
one can tell, the fire has not
affected the working ability of
either the TV nor the VCR.
The only thing that has not
been checked for repairs, to
this point, are the printers.

The other damage was
that the Math Lab room had
to be completely redone. The
carpet was replaced, the walls
were repainted, and the entire
room was completely rewired

cleaned by hand, and the
floors, walls and laboratories
were also cleaned.

Although the room and
equipment was insured, Bemis
and others did not file a claim
to the insurance company.
This is due to the fact that the
estimated total damages do not
even equal the insurance de-
ductible, and if they were to
file a claim, this would only
increase their insurance premi-
ums. The insurance deduct-

ible is $10,000 and the under-
standing was that if there was
ever a fire in which everything
was completely lost, then the
costs would be greater than
$ 1 0,000, therefore requiring a
claim to the insurance com-
pany. Dr. Schadler said that
the initial amounts show that
the total cost of damage and
repairs will be way under the
$10,000 figure.

At this point, the money
to fix the Math Lab has come
from two places: Ric Bemis
(the physical plant) and Dr.
Schadler (science division
funds). The physical plant has
covered the cost of the cleanup
and the internal repairs to the
room. The money for the
equipment repairs and replace-
ments have come from science
division funds. Dr. Schadler
has said that although they are
paying for the immediate re-
pairs, John B. Knott, Execu-
tive Vice President, has in-
formed him that they will be
reimbursed for the payment
through an internal reserve
fund that is set aside for such

At this point, the room
and equipment (except for the
printers) are almost com-
pletely finished. Due to the
lack of major damage and the
quickness of repairs, the Math
Lab should be fully opera-
tional very shortly.

ARC welcomes students

By Stephen Cooper
Co-Copy Editor

Need help studying

for your next test? Have you
run out of ideas on that paper
and don't know where to turn?
Do you simply want help
learning how to study? If you
answered "yes" to any one of
these questions, then the Aca-
demic Resource Center is the
place for you.

The ARC is a free, on-
campus tutorial service and
co-curricular center staffed by
students and offering academic
support in most core courses
West and the Modem World,
Art and Culture, Psychologi-
cal Inquiry, Analytical Writ-
ing, Philosophical Concep-
tions, and all mathematics, sci-
ence, and literature core
classes. In addition, there is
tutoring in many different lev-

els of foreign language, and
many tutors can tutor upper-
level classes as well.

The ARC began several
years ago as the Writing Com-
pany, a tutoring service for
paper-writing consisting of a
few people and working out of
an office on the third floor of
Hearst. Now, the ARC has ex-
panded to over 40 students and
possesses four rooms
See ARC page 2

Page 2


February 28, 1994


Entertainment Editor

- On Monday, Febru-
ary 7, a Traer resident reported
that someone had struck her
vehicle during the night She
noticed the damage upon leav-
ing for work that morning.
She was advised to call Dekalb
Police to make an oral report

- On Tuesday, February
8, at 5 :40 pm, a Traer resident
noticed a man in a sporty se-
dan in the Traer parking lot
She asked him ifhe needed any
help and he said no. She again
noticed the man driving
around the lot five minutes
later, against the usual flow of
traffic. She stopped him again
and asked him if she could
help him. The man replied,
"Maybe you can." At this
point the student looked down
and saw that the man was not
wearing pants, and was manu-
ally stimulating himself. The
man then drove out the back
gate. Unfortunately, the stu-
dent was too stunned to take
note of the car's license plate.

- On Wednesday, Febru-
ary 9, a student reported that
$40.00 had been removed
from her wallet during the day
while inside her car's glove
compartment. Nothing else
was missing from the car or

- Also on Wednesday.
February 9, a sinkhole ap-
proximately 10 feet deep
opened on the road behind
Lupton Auditorium. Security
directed traffic around the hole
as there was a basketball game
in the gym and a lecture in the

- Reminder that all yel-
low curbs and No Parking -
Fire Lane signs have been se-
lected and ordered by the
Dekalb County Fire Marshall.
Any vehicles parked in these
areas must be ticketed and/or
towed away.

for more information on any
Museum activity.

Heard it through the Grapevine . . .

News and events in and around Oglethorpe University

Lloyd Nick, director

of the Oglethorpe Museum,
will present a lecture on Hima-
layan art and culture on Sun-
day, March 20 at 4:00 p.m. in
the Skylight Gallery. This will
compliment the ongoing exhi-
bition "Traditional Nepalese
Thangka Paintings: Mukti
Singh Thapa," which will run
through March 27. The Mu-
seum and the lecture are both
free to the public. The Mu-
seum will also sponsor a con-
cert of Bach sonatas for viola
de gamba and harpsichord,
performed by Martha Bishop
and Randolph James. The
concert will be held at 8:00
p.m. in the Skylight Gallery of
the Museum. Call 364-8555

In salute of National

Women's History Month, ob-
served in March, the Atlanta-
Fulton Public Library System
presents a series of programs,
displays and activities
throughout the Library Sys-
tem. This year's theme is "In
Every Generation, Action
Frees Our Dreams."

Artist Louise Madia will
present her works and talk
about the significance of art in
everyday life from noon to
2:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 2, at the Roswell

Branch Library.

Authors Celestine
Sibley, Elizabeth Daniels
Squire and Kathy Trocheck
will talk about their latest
books during the "Sisters in
Crime" program scheduled
from noon to 2:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 16, at the
Central Library. For more in-
formation on these or other
programs, call 730-1775.

and Mary Kratt, an alumna of
Agnes Scott. All of these dis-
tinguished will give readings
over the two days, as well host-
ing a panel discussion of stu-
dent work. There will also be
a reception to follow the first
night's activities. All events
are free and open to the pub-
lic. For further information,
call 37 1-6294, or, after March


Continued from page 1
Goodman 2, 4, 5, and 6
which are accessible by the
entrance adjacent to the
Goodman parking lot behind
Hearst. The facilities include
an office, a large-group study
lounge, a small-group confer-
ence room, and a one-to-one
tutoring area.

ARC 's tutoring services
are designed to aid students in
all stages of the learning pro-
cess, and usually focus more
on the student than on the tu-
tor. Math and science tutors
help guide students through
their difficulties by allowing
the student to work through
problems and helping them
over the rough spots. History
and literature tutors often dis-
cuss the topic of interest with
the students to draw out their
ideas and then attempt to ex-
plain tilings that are unclear.
Foreign language tutors often
help students with conversa-
tional skills and understanding
new material. The methods are
similar in other areas as well.

Tutors are also available
to help with papers in all ar-
eas, no matter at what stage the
paper is in thought and for-
mulation, free-writing, or
draft-writing. Yet this "help"
is not simply proofreading, and
the tutors do not simply give

answers. Says English profes-
sor and ARC advisor Dr.
Linda Taylor, "In working
with you on writing your pa-
pers, tutors don't just fix your
commas. They are like
coaches who ask you ques-
tions to help you think harder
or differently about subjects,
find more evidence, make evi-
dence more concrete, and sup-
port your point better." This
rings true in other areas as
well, from working chemistry
problems to discussing histori-
cal topics.

The ARC makes a spe-
cial effort to offer a range of
tutoring hours, including
mornings, afternoons, and eve-
nings in order to accommodate
day and evening, full-time and
part-time students. The ARC
also offers assistance to stu-
dents for whom English is not
their first language. All hours
of tutors in all disciplines are
posted on the bulletin board
outside Goodman 4.

Sign-up sheets are also
on this bulletin board for re-
serving time with specific tu-
tors. If you'd like to find out
about available hours of tutor-
ing or anything else about the
ARC, call extension 671 or
675 or drop by Goodman 2.

Are you thinking of

becoming a private consult-
ant? The Small Business De-
velopment Center at Georgia
State University will offer a
program for those interested in
finding out how to start a con-
sulting business. "Starting
Your Own Consulting Prac-
tice" will be held Tuesday,
March 15 from 5:00 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. at the main down-
town campus of GSU. The
program fee is S45.

For more information,
call Pam Davis at 651-3550.
Call now to make your reser-
vations for this program.

The annual Agnes

Scott College Writers' Festival
will be held on March 24 and
25. Participating will be au-
thors Lee Abbott, Carolyn
Forche, Melissa Fay Greene,

The Atlanta Associa-
tion of Black Journalists has
just sent out registrations for
its 1994 AABJ Xernona
Clayton Scholarship Compe-
tition. The essay style contest
is open to all African-Ameri-
can college students pursuing
a degree in journalism, com-
munications or public rela-
tions, and consists of three
monetary awards from $300 to
$1000. Die topic of this year's
competition is "Would ban-
ning violence oriented rap
music have an impact on vio-
lence among teens in
America?" Each newspaper
style article must be four to six
doubled spaced pages, includ-
ing a fitting headline. A com-
pleted entry form must used as
a cover sheet for any articles
submitted. The Stormy Petrel
has copies of the entry form for
anyone interested in participat-
ing. Entries must be post-
marked by March 15, 1994.

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7 Greentree Drive, Suite 307
Dover, Delaware 19901

February 28, 1994


Page 3

Pressure to perform comes from within

By Trish Hinton

I heard someone say

that compared to the athletes,
the scholarship recipients (in
particular, the recipients of the
J.E.O. full scholarship) hardly
contribute anything to the
school, yet they receive the
most amount of financial as-
sistance. I would like to take a
moment and respond to that

Oglethorpe is a very se-
lective university. The num-
bers you need in order to get
accepted are on average some-
what higher than Joe Schmoe
University, agreed? The stu-
dent wanted is one who will
excel here and contribute to the
school everything he or she has
to offer, whether in an aca-
demic, athletic, or leadership

Personally, I enjoy
school spirit and appreciate my
oppprtunity to be at a school I
truly love. I also don't like to

see people without school
spirit. If you plan on staying
here for four years, I think you
ought to like it and be in-
volved. But if that's not what
a person's about, then fine
just don't complain about
boredom to me. There are
some people here, though, that
feel a little resentment towards
those that don't take an active
role in nonacademic life, in
particular, students on schol-

The athletes bring a lot
to the school spirit and feeling
of comraderie. They also help
bring in some revenue by the
admissions charge for non-stu-
dents to the basketball games.
But I am sickened at the idea
that anyone would consider
leadership or participation in
other activities as less impor-
tant. We don't all contribute
in the same way nor should we
if the school is to be truly di-
verse. Maybe those you see as
non-contributing JEOs are ac-
tive in leading class discus-

sions and keep their focus on
academics. Maybe they add a
certain spice to the smaller or-
ganizations to which they be-
long, organizations that obvi-
ously don't count as a contri-
bution in some of our estima-

The requirements for the
scholarship have already been
achieved when it's granted.
Retaining the scholarship is
between the student and the
school, not some uninformed
other party. A minimum 3.2
GPA is required, but on the
renewal application you must
also provide information on
your current activities, leader-
ship positions, etc. The stan-
dards are high and you don't
get it or keep it by sitting on
your a just studying all day!

Most importantly, col-
lege is a place where you can
grow, develop, and do what
you want to do. You are pay-
ing to go here whether by
handing over the cash, taking
out the loans, or signing over

Homecoming week is a
time for school spirit

By Robbie Romeiser
Special to The Stormy Petrel

Homecoming Week-
end! It's a time for fun and
frolic, for competition and
sportsmanship, and for school
spirit. Homecoming weekend
is great in all these ways, but
it probably has no nobler pur-
pose than to draw very diverse
groups together in support of
our basketball teams on
Homecoming game day. Ev-
ery year OS A tries to encour-
age students to support the
teams by sponsoring a banner
contest Also every year, some
individual or individuals rip
down at least one banner that
is submitted to the contest.
This year, someone ripped
down the banner contributed
by the Black Student Caucus.

I do not claim to know
why someone ripped the BSC
banner. I do know, however,
that the person(s) who decided

to destroy the BSC banner has
no concept of teamwork. The
banner contest exists to en-
courage the student body to
work together to support our
basketball teams. By ripping
BSC's banner down, someone
completely rejected this con-
cept of teamwork and snubbed
the OU basketball teams for
whom BSC made their banner.
Although I said above
that I do not claim to know
why someone ripped the BSC
banner down, I fear that the
banner may have been ripped
as a result of some prejudice
against BSC. If this were the
case, then I am ashamed for
Oglethorpe University.
Oglethorpe students often take
pride in being at a university
that is a step above most oth-
ers in many respects, includ-
ing social tolerance. But if the
ripping of BSC's banner is evi-
dence of an underlying preju-

dice on campus, then I ques-
tion how far social tolerance
pervades our university. I do
not propose universal love for
all mankind. I do propose,
however, leaving those whom
we do not love alone to live
their own lives and to do their
own things without obstruc-
tionism or vandalism. If the
ripping of BSC 's banner rep-
resents a prejudiced attack on
BSC, then some OU students
do not understand the concept
of social tolerance that so
many OU students, faculty,
and staff encourage on cam-

I hope I am way off on
this. I hope that I am foolish
for even thinking that BSC's
banner was ripped down be-
cause of prejudice. But if I am
not as foolish as I hope, then I
must reevaluate the pride I
have in my university. I don't
want to do that.

the scholarship check. Where
would the fans be if everyone
was an athlete? Who are the
followers when everyone
wants to be the leader? What
is the student government run-

ficer? Who, then, is it repre-
senting? No one has the right
to criticize any student's con-
tribution or seeming lack of.
Pressure to perform comes
from within just as pressure to

ning when everyone is an of- participate should.

What happened
to the OGLA on
this campus?

By Kim Jones

Once upon a time,

there was a Gay/Lesbian Or-
ganization on the campus of
the small liberal arts school of
Oglethorpe University.
OGLA the Oglethorpe Gay/
Lesbian Alliance, was a small
but vocal group for a short
amount of time. I have just
recently heard stories of this
group, and the hardships that
they encountered. I have been
here for an entire semester, and
did not even know that such
an organization once was.

I am sitting in the news-
paper meeting one Tuesday,
and hear some reminiscent talk
remembering when. These
"remember when's" turned
into a discussion about some
kind of big controversy during
the 9 1 -92 school year that ap-
parently had a lot of press cov-
erage by our very own Stormy
Petrel. The stories I heard, you
know how rumors are, in-
cluded death threats to near-
riots and lots of pain. I was in
shock. Is it possible that col-
lege students at a liberal arts
school cannot be who they are
openly without harassment? I
spoke to a few people outside
of the Stormy Petrel, and real-
ized that everyone knows. Ev-
eryone seems to remember
these bad times, yet nobody
wants to talk about them, and
newspaper issues from that
year seem to have, for the most
part, disappeared.

"The worst part of the
whole ordeal of the 91-92 year
was when an extremely popu-
lar brother of one of the Greek

fraternities came out to his big
brother, and was ruthlessly
driven out of Oglethorpe. "It
was horrifying to see how he
was persecuted," says senior
Will Mullis.

The organization does
not seem to be extremely ac-
tive anymore, but in fact,
seems dead. I am sorry for the
pain that the people that were
in this organization once en-
countered, but feel as though
it is a worth-while organiza-
tion, if for nothing else, for
support. It is none of my con-
cern whether the homosexual
population at Oglethorpe
wishes to remain anonymous,
or deal with it in their own
ways, each person as an indi-
vidual. I also have no idea
about the reasons for the dis-
engagement of the organiza-
tion or if the fact that it dis-
solved has anything to do with
the harassment during the
years of 1991-92, but believe
our generation to be in a very
sorry state, if harassment is all
that it takes.

My point, vague as it
may seem, is not to beat a dead
horse, but simply to stale, as I
have before, that college is for
us. College is for you, and
college is for me. If we quit
being you and me, then we are
nothing, and can be nothing.
If you have something to say
then say it. If you have some-
thing that you need to do then
doit. Don't judge me, and I
will not judge you. If we at
this small liberal arts school
cannot get along well enough
to be ourselves and accept one
another, then maybe we are in
the wTong place for education.

Page 4


February 28, 1994

A response to the Capital. . . Christianity issue

By Daniel Rosenthal

First, I would like to

say that I am very glad to see
such a well-written article on
an important subject (in re-
gards to the Capital. . . Chris-
tianity article in the Februrary
3 issue). Now, on to my
thoughts on this truly wonder-
ful article. Our criminal jus-
tice system, while perhaps the
best in the world, does have
major flaws: this was one of
the outcomes of our Constitu-
tion. As society progresses,
and new and inventive ways of
killing people are found,
people will start wondering
just what is wrong. Actually,
nothing is wrong, except the

fact that people still get mur-
dered. The problem is not a
new one, as Ms. Montgomery
pointed out, because there are
several passages in the Old and
New Testaments and Koran
that deal with murder. Appar-
ently, killing the killer was not
a deterrent then nor is it one
now. I seriously doubt that
Ms. Montgomery will ques-
tion the validity of what the
New Testament has to say as
readily as she doubts our im-
perfect legal system.

Since these three books
were written at different times
in history, it is not hard to draw
the conclusion that the writers
of these wondrous books were
not troubled by this problem.
I am troubled by this problem,

but I think that by consulting
the Bible or Koran is not the
right way to determine how to
feel about it We can never
have insights into what the
authors thought; this is true of
any work of literature. One
must read, decide for them-
selves what the authors in-
tended, and apply it to today's
world. So far, I have not said
how I feel on the subject and I
only do that with the reserva-
tion that the reader take into
consideration that it is only my
opinion, which has been
formed with the help of many
outside influences. I person-
ally think it is hypocritical to
believe both in capital punish-
ment and be against abortion.
One thing you never hear from

Contemplating the moral
issues of shrubbery

By Stephen Cooper
Co-Copy Editor

Shrubbery. It's one of

those words in the English lan-
guage that, for most people,
carries absolutely no emo-
tional connotation. You don't
see people arguing over the
moral issues of shrubbery.
I've never known anyone to sit
down and contemplate the ul-
timate meaning of shrubbery.
And, in most places in the
world, people don't spend too
much effort wondering
whether or not they have
enough shrubbery around.

"Most places in the
world," however, do not in-
clude Oglethorpe University.
For those of you who haven't
had a good reason to visit the
Upper Quad recently (those
reasons are few and far be-
tween), make a swing by and
see our tuition dollars hard at
work beautifying the Upper
Quad. Or, better yet, if the
visitation policy allows, spend
the night with a friend and be
awakened at 8:30 by the
sounds of clanging shovels and
heavy machinery. Nothing
like it, I guarantee.

And why? Why is the
administration spending
money on landscaping? To
make the campus a better eco-
logical environment? Well,
shrubbery isn't going to help
that Forthe viewing pleasures
of the students? Get real. So
maybe the shrubberies have
come to attract new students
and make our brochures more
attractive to perspectives.
How many 17 and 18-year-
olds do you think will visit our
campus and examine our bro-
chures, turn to their parents
and say, "I want to go here!
They have shrubbery!" No
one, I would hope.

Now understand me.
I'm not vehemently anti-
shrubben, or anything; I mean.
I'm not about to grab a picket
sign and march wild-eyed
around the Upper Quad chant-
ing, "We, Bub, want no
shrubs!" Like I said, shrub-
bery in itself really holds no
emotional context for most
people, and I'm one of them.

It's just when I look
around the school and see all
the things that could be re-
paired, not just beautified, it
disturbs me to see money

otherwise spent. Why not use
the shrub funds for repairing
those wonderful old windows
in Hearst and Lupton? You
know, the ones that are bent
out or broken out and covered
with cardboard or simply left
open, providing nice, wintry
drafts? Why not save up a
little to replace the antiquated
plumbing around the Univer-
sity? How about recarpeting
and refurnishing our shoddy-
looking Student Center? The
administration could even use
the money to increase DAKA's
budget and see if the quality
of food improves.

Admittedly, the Upper
Quad does look better with its
newest plant residents. And
maybe, once all the mudslides
stop, they'll help keep erosion
down (although grass could
have done that). But there are
better uses for the money than
simply to make our campus
more fitting for brochure pho-
tos. It might be nicer to repair
what's broken in the facilities
so that, when perspective stu-
dents become actual students,
they won't feel like they've
been fooled by a few plants.

anti-abortion groups is their
calling for women who have
abortions to be treated as mur-
derers. Yes, they call them
murderers, but they never
press charges. If a jury found
a woman guilty of murder, and
the state penalty for murder
was the electric chair, then fry
her, but if they found her in-
nocent... Hillel, one of the
great Jewish philosophers,
when asked to summarize Ju-
daism in one sentence while
standing on one foot, an-
swered, "do on to others as you
would have them do unto you;
the rest is commentary." Jesus,
not a bad person to listen to
either, had plenty to say on the
subject of forgiveness. My
point is that some of the great-
est minds of history under-

stood that killing the killer
does not work-
Ms. Montgomery brings
up a valid point in her article
when she asks about rehabili-
tation. It is my understanding
that since this is a relatively
new way of dealing with mur-
derers, the statistics are not
available to say one way or the
other whether or not it works.
I say let's give it a fair chance.
Man has been putting other
men to death for centuries; re-
habilitation is a new concept.
I say give it four thousand
years give or take a billion and
then we will see if it works.
Until then do not be too hasty
in calling for the death penalty
because it can be used on you
as well.

We need a truly
memorable campus

By Heather Carlen
Co-Copy Editor

Shrub mania has hit

OU. Idon'treallyknowwho's
responsible for the plants that
have appeared all over the
Upper Quad, but I have to
cheer the effort to make this
campus beautiful. My only
question: do we need a beauti-
ful campus or do we need a
truly memorable campus?

Memorable, you ask?
I'm talking about little tilings
that would make OU stand out
in someone's mind or make
life a little livelier for its stu-
dents. Every college campus
has plants. Not every campus
has a dorm that could pass for
a cheap motel (Traer, which
incidentally may be rented out
like one forthe 1996 C_Ties),
so why don't we take this and
do something with it? The
center of Traer is one, big,
plain green space just waiting
for somebody to go crazy with
it. Namely, me.

So naturally, I was
standing in front of the first
floor lounge a few days back
and suddenly had a vision:

McDonaldland. As a kid, I
used to adore the big, brightly
colored slides and swings that
stood outside every notewor-
thy fast food place. . . since my
experience in college has been
a largely regressive one, char-
acterized by long periods of
time playing in FAO Schwartz
or the Warner Bros, store, why
not put a small playground in
Traer? Aspirating slide from
the third floor, several tall
swings, maybe a sandbox and
jungle gym too?

The obvious reason for
refusal (besides funding)
would be liability. "What if
someone gets hurt?" Why is
this rarely a question when
someone wants to build a play-
ground for little kids? Let's
put safety rails on the slide and
get over this hang-up for liti-
gation I ' m convinced that it's
more dangerous to eat cafete-
ria food than fall three stories
onto solid ground, anyway,
and no one seems to be losing
sleep worrying about that.
Besides, this is OU, and our
biggest hang-up is over shrubs.

February 28, 1994

Page 5


I was growing up blind


Business Manager:
Copy Editors:

Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editor.
Feature Editor:
Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:

Ryan P. Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Heather Carlen
Justin Hayes
Will Mullis
Brandon Galloway
Jason Arikian
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas


Daryl Brooks
Sarah Buzzard
Tim Evans
Yolanda Hernandez
Helen Holifield
Kim Jones
Aretha List
Robert Miller
Kate Przylepa
Daniel Rosenthal
Randy Tidwell


Chris Brown

Jim Campbell

Lu Green
Trish Hinton
Maria Johnson
Christa Kreeger

Mary Lynch

Shannon Montgomery

Helen Quinones

Ahna Sagrera
Pauline van Vliet

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman Robert Drake

Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Tuesdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 30319, (phone #: (404)364-
8425) or drop them off in the box on the news-
paper office door.

By Christie Willard

"KiU all Fags. . . ." It

was not in a newspaper or
magazine article that I first
read those words, but on the
back of a desk in my history
class. Beside them, scrawled
in a rough hand, someone had
retaliated with the statement,
"Not if we kill all Hets first."
Both were obviously penned in
anger and out of desperation
to be heard. One lashed out
against a lifestyle different
from his own, the other against
a society that refusedto under-
stand him. I found myself
caught in the middle.

Coming from a small
farm town in South Carolina,
I grew up believing that the
color of my skin determined
how far I would go in life and
that certain people just were
not acceptable in society -
those certain people being ho-
mosexuals. There were only
two homosexuals in Chester.
Well, only two that were open
about their sexuality. I remem-
ber seeing them around town
or in the grocery store, trying
to lead normal lives while
people whispered behind their
backs as they walked by. Chil-
dren were told not to go near
them and never to speak to
them. It was as if they had a
horrible disease. I was one of
those children.

When I was in the fifth
grade, my friend Tyler told me
that his mother was a lesbian
and that his parents were get-
ting a divorce. It did not take
long for the whole town to find
this out. Everyone felt sorry
for Tyler, but no one reached
out to help him through this
ordeal. Parents did not want
their sons around him in fear
that he might be homosexual
also. He went from being one
of the most popular kids in
school to having no friends. I
did not understand.

Being in Atlanta has
opened my eyes to many dif-
ferent ways of life. I have been
exposed to homosexuality sev-

eral times downtown or in the
malls. I used to stare when I
saw two men or two women
together because it was so ab-
normal to me. And it definitely
took me awhile to realize that
I could be friends with some-
one whose sexual preference
was different from mine. I
have grown up a lot since I
came to college.

I received a letter last
week from a friend. It began,
"I have to tell you someUiing.
Michael is gay." Michael was
one of my best friends during
high school. We had met at a
summer camp after my fresh-
man year, and even though we
lived three hours apart, we
wrote each other faithfully.
We spent our summers to-
gether, and we always man-
aged to see each other during
holidays. He was the last per-
son I expected to be homo-
sexual. The letter continued,
saying, "Please don't tell
Michael that you know. He
was not sure how you'd react,
so he doesn't want you to
know yet."

I put the letter on my
desk and cried, not because
Michael was gay, but because
he could not come to me first.
I looked at myself in the mir-
ror and wondered, "Am I re-

ally that prejudiced?" It was
the first time that he had hurt
me. . . or had I hurt him? I
remembered all the homo-
sexual jokes that had been
passed around in conversation
when he had visited me before.
Inside, he was probably dying.
Without realizing it. I had been
hurting the one person I loved
as much as I did my family. I
felt ashamed.

I had never been person-
ally effected by homosexual-
ity until now. Michael is my
best friend, and I cannot turn
my back on him simply be-
cause he dates men rather than
women. I am a Christian and
a big part of being a Christian
is loving people for who they
are, regardless of whether or
not I agree with their lifestyles.
I have not written Michael
since I received that letter. I
am still debating whether or
not I should bring the issue up
and tell him that I will be his
friend no matter what happens,
or if I should wait for him to
tell me. Either way, I have
learned so much about myself
from this. The hatred needs to
be stopped on both sides. Life
is too short and too precious
to worry about who someone
goes to bed with!

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Page 6


February 28, 1994

Is "disgusted" the right word for my experience?

By Trish Hinton

I have yet to decide if

"disgusted" is the right word
to describe nausea I experi-
enced when I read the "Pro-
Flag" articles published in the
last issue of the paper. "A little
tolerance for my heritage?"
How about a little less toler-
ance for this type of ignorance.
Most people associate
the Confederate flag with the
Southern states that were a part
of the Confederacy during the
Civil War. This war was
fought for several reasons:

social, political, and economic.
The central issue connecting
them, though, was slavery.
Many in the North felt slavery
was wrong and unjust as a so-
cial institution The subjection
and humiliation of an entire
race is wrong, isn't it? Sec-
ondly, Southerners felt as
though a certain political free-
dom was being taken from
them: the right to own "prop-
erty." They felt invaded by
Union demands and went to
arms to defend their rights,
farms, and homeland. Finally,
the South sat at the heart of
agriculture. Cotton and to-

Just remember
where we are

By Robert Miller

Gentlemen, we must

remember where we are and
what we are doing. We are in
college. It is our right to ques-
tion what goes on in and
around our campus; however,
getting into a verbal war is not
the best way to get an educa-
tion (let alone win friends and
influence people). We are here
to learn, to communicate, and
to leam how to communicate.
Questions are great things
when presented with tact An-
swers are great things when
they are not given in a conde-
scending tone.

Although I know very
little about the financial situa-
tion at Oglethorpe, I would
like to inject a little bit of com-
mon sense into this ever grow-
ing pile of intellectual B.S.

We must first stop to
consider those who sit on the
Strategic Planning Committee.
Although no humans are per-
fect, I do not believe that they
deserve to be portrayed as a
group of blathering idiots by
anyone - let alone a student
that is generally just as igno-
rant as myself. Such actions
are simply unprofessional and
show a lack of respect for those
who have certainly put a great
amount of effort into the Stra-

tegic Plan. The proper ap-
proach is to ask intelligent
questions and judge the fruits
of the plan as they become ap-

What has the past shown
us about Strategic Planning at
Oglethorpe? One only has to
look as far as our new library
to see that although mistakes
have been made, Dr. Schulz
and his esteemed colleagues
do not rely on a psychic hotline
to find out what is best for this

It is truly regrettable (al-
though understandable) that
Dr. Schulz' response was writ-
ten in such a condescending
tone. By answering fiery ques-
tions with both a calm voice
and solid facts, great respect
and admiration is gained. Such
a response would be altogether
fitting from a person of such
outstanding scholarship.

Questioning and debat-
ing topics are parts of the learn-
ing process. When properly
accomplished, both sides stand
to gain understanding about
both positions and the true
situation at hand. The net gain
is an increase in the intelli-
gence and awareness of all in-

If we cannot gain from
the debate at hand, we must
take the advice of Beavis and
Butt-head: Ahhhh, shut up.

bacco poured out of the south-
em plantations. The free la-
bor was probably anything but
a hindrance, so the
slaveowners fought to retain
their free laborers. This was
the setting in the 1860s. No
one is attempting to change
history or erase what was, but
must we dwell in it by identi-
fying ourselves and our state
with that particular symbol?
I completely understand
the pride of the Confederate
soldiers, of the poor farmers
who defended their homes, and
even of the black slaves and
freedmen who defended the
South during the Civil War,
but it's over. It's over. The
war is over. The South lost.
We're one big happy country


On both a state and na-
tional level we are becoming
more diverse. We no longer
share the same heritage. How
can everyone be expected to
tolerate a heritage that toler-
ated the enslavement of its
people? To the descendants of
the statesmen and Ku Klux
Klan members that formed
that "alliance" back in the
1950s (see 2/14 p. 9), maybe
the flag does serve as a sym-
bol of the struggle between
radical groups. Unfortunately,
all Georgia residents don't
have them as ancestors. Some
of us even come from families
that were against the Confed-
eracy and don't appreciate
your heritage being accepted
as representative of our state.

Gradually, as a race, as
a people, African-Americans
have picked up the pieces and
bit by bit worked toward gain-
ing an equivalent status, reach-
ing out of the hole in which
centuries of enslavement
landed us. But what a crush-
ing reminder it is to look up at
the Stars and Bars slapped on
our very own state flag. This
"heritage" makes me and mil-
lions of others cringe with the
remembrance that a little over
a century ago, my and others'
ancestors were owned and en-
slaved. That flag will serve as
a constant reminder and a re-
flection on the social change
and progress that has occurred,
which is obviously still too
close to none.

My thoughts on this Plan

By Daniel Rosenthal

No, I do not have a

copy of the Plan in front of me.
No, I am not a math wizard,
so you won't see any numbers
in this article. I just want to
write my thoughts on the Stra-
tegic Plan. At first, that is at
the time the plan was made
public to the students, I was
worried. I even voiced my
concerns at the meeting and
later at dinner. Since that time,
however, I have taken the mat-
ter into consideration. This is
just a Plan, maybe not the best
Plan, maybe not even a Plan
that will ever happen, but a
Plan nevertheless. Plans are
one of those things that are nice
to have if one wants to or if a
group ever Plans on getting
anything done in life. For in-
stance, I Plan to graduate, and
to do so, I have to take certain
courses that the University
seems appropriate, plus the
ones designed to get me a de-
gree in something. It might not
work and it might not happen
(my parents are probably
scared at the second thought),
but at least I have some vague
idea. The school is no differ-

ent I read the Plan, then I read
the Plan again. The school is
vague about certain issues and
specific on others. It mentions
how everything that they want
to build is going to cost some
amount of money (since I
promised no numbers in this
article, I suggest you look in
the Plan for more details) and
other wondrous information.
Really, reading the Plan is
quite exciting; I mean who
doesn't get excited when they
see numbers! Lots and lots of
numbers! Man, my head was
spinning. I just don't know
how to explain the excitement
Not only is the Plan fill! of

numbers, it also has words like
"physical plant" and "new sci-
ence building." You would
think that it would take more
than a doctorate in something
to come up with those truly ex-
citing and wonderful words.
With the joy of it all, I almost
had to miss class for the next
week, I was so awe-struck.
Thankfully, I was snapped out
of what can only be described
as ecstasy by my roommate
who pointed out that dinner
was being served. If that was
not bad enough, I realized then
what I know now to be true:
the plan is a good idea; just
having one.that is.



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February 28, 1994

Letters To The Editor . . .

By John B. Knott
Executive Vice President

To the Editor:

This is among what is to be a series of reports to the Oglethorpe community regarding our
new Strategic Plan. These reports will come from various individuals. Since space is somewhat
limited, readers may have further questions about comments made here. I invite such readers to
bring their inquiries to me, and I will be happy to provide further information. If the questions
seem to have broad interest, I will include them in future communications through the Stormy

On February 9, Oglethorpe's Board of Trustees enthusiastically adopted the university's
Strategic Plan. This action was the final step in a very important process to prepare the university
to control the direction of its change. The next steps in the process are the preparation of opera-
tional details (and the consequent adjustments to the plan), implementation and continuing report-
ing on progress.

The content of this first report will be controlled by the areas mentioned in Chopper Johnson's
editorial in the February 3 issue of this newspaper. As pointed out, the plan demonstrates that
Oglethorpe's financial base is significantly below that of what are called our academic peers. The
plan shows that Oglethorpe is unique among what the Carnegie Commission classifies as Liberal
Arts I institutions in that it is poorer by far than other very selective colleges. This, however, is not
something to hide but, in one respect, is something to celebrate. It is a significant tribute to
Oglethorpe's faculty and staff that such a strong academic program has been built primarily upon
their commitment and ability rather than upon significant financial resources. On the other hand,
such committed and talented individuals can do even more with expanded resources. Obtaining
those resources is a significant goal of the Plan.

As noted in Dr. Schulz's February 1 4 response to the February 3 editorial, far from "deterio-
rating,"' Oglethorpe's financial base is expanding. While we are relatively poor today, we were
far poorer in the recent past. To cite just those financial factors in the editorial, in the five years
ending June 30, 1993 (our last fiscal year), the endowment increased by 54.6%, the physical plant
by 86.3% and gifts (for the operating budget only), 35.3%.

The goals for 1998 will be achieved in much the same way as the progress in recent years.
For endowment, this growth has been primarily through market gains, with some significant gifts.
The increase in the value of buildings and equipment (plant) is the result of gifts for that purpose.
Operating budget gifts are in addition to gifts for endowment or plant. Donors are increasingly
generous to the university.

In both the February 3 and 14 issues of The Stormy Petrel, Chopper points out that these
growth figures lag our academic peers. For the most part, this is true and is a primary point of the
Strategic Plan. They have more money than do we and, for the foreseeable future at least, they will
continue to have more money. It serves no useful purpose to chastise ourselves for not having the
financial strength of our academic peers. It does serve a purpose for us to determine that we are
now in a position to dedicate more of our resources to raising larger amounts of money for the

Tuition will continue to increase but at lower rates than in the past. I anticipate increases
ranging from somewhat less to somewhat more than 6% in the coming years. Reverting back to an
earlier issue, the relatively low level of tuition is one contributing cause of the fact that Oglethorpe's
financial resources are so much less than our academic peers. For 1 993-94, the average tuition of
our academic peers is $15,841 compared to Oglethorpe's $1 1,990, a difference of 25%. While
our tuition is relatively low, it is still expensive. For that reason, we have developed a very gener-
ous financial aid budget. Of the costs of our educational budget (this includes no money for the
expansion or renovation of buildings or for growth in endowment), our students pay only 58%. If
financial aid from sources other than Oglethorpe were included, the percentage paid by students
would be even less. In closing, it is very important to note that the Plan builds upon the strengths
of the past and present. Oglethorpe, at the end of implementation of the Strategic Plan, will look
far more similar than dissimilar to the Oglethorpe of today. All of us, students, faculty, staff,
trustees and other supporters can be proud of Oglethorpe today. At the same time, we can envision
many improvements in our programs. The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to guide us as we make
those changes.


Page 7

To students, faculty, and friends of Oglethorpe:

The Stormy Petrel welcomes all Letters to the Editor. If some-
thing in this publication has annoyed you, pleased you, or stimu-
lated thought, we want your opinion to be heard, send us a letter!

By Mike Steele
Dear Editor:

In Dr. Schulz's article, he criticized Chopper for quoting
tuition increases in nominal rather than real figures. In the same
article, Dr. Schulz stated that the endowment has grown 54%
since 1988. If this is a nominal figure (and he made no mention
of it being inflation-adjusted), then he is distorting his figures
the same way. Assuming that 54% is the nominal increase in
the endowment, the real increase is approximately 21%.

As to the tuition increases, when I applied to Oglethorpe in
1981, the tuition was $1995 per semester. The current rate of
$5995 is an increase in nominal terms of 200%, approxi-
mately 80% adjusted for inflation. The school has not im-
proved by 80% by any stretch of the imagination.

However, some advice for Chopper, and anyone who agrees
with him. In the REAL WORLD, actions matter more than
words. I bitch about the tuition increases as much as anyone. I
have also written extremely large checks to Oglethorpe. No one
in education, or any other business, cares how much I whine
about their prices as long as I keep paying them.

In spite of the 80% real increase in tuition since I first
took classes at here, enrollment has been stable. As soon as a
tuition increase is answered with a mass exodus of students, the
administration will decide that tuition is too high. I don't know
how much worse the retention rate has to get before the admin-
istration takes the hint.

I have been told that the tuition is high, but worth it.
This usually means one of two things:

1 ) Daddy's paying it.

2) I'm on the faculty.

The administration realizes the significance of "Daddy's
paying it." Most of the students who send the bill to Daddy are
full-time day students. Most night students pay their own way,
and would go to Georgia State if asked to pay the same tuition
that day students pay.

It works kind of like air fares. Air fares are designed to
screw the business traveler, who probably doesn't buy his own
tickets anyway. Tourists are given better rates, not because air-
lines are generous, but because many would take the bus
before they would pay what business travelers do. I have flown
on planes with people who paid five times as much as I did to
go the same place. I also take night classes at Oglethorpe with
day student who pay about twice what I do to take the same
classes. SUCKERS!!! I wonder if the administration could
take another hint from the airlines and charge three times as
much to the geeks that want to sit in the front row?

Also, someone has informed me that Oglethorpe is cheap
because it only cost one fourth as much as Emory. All of these
comparisons to academic peers imply the same thing. Let's use
this logic on other commodities. I would like to have a Lexus
400 Coupe. It's cheap! It only costs one fourth as much as the
Bentley Turbo that I really want. In the REAL WORLD, when I
apply for the loan with my income, that logic would get me
laughed out of my local Lexus dealer.

Finally, I haven't really decided what to think about
Oglethorpe's reputation. Members of the faculty assure me that
this is a prestigious school. My degree got me into the only
Masters program that I applied to,(speaking of reputations, has
anyone ever heard of Alaska-Pacific University?) so it's served
its purpose. However, I have met more people than I care to re-
member who live inside 1-285 and have never heard of
Oglethorpe; too many to believe that it is all that prestigious.

Page 8


February 28, 1994

Have you ever had an hour and a half to kill?

By Daniel Rosenthal

Ever had about an

hour and a half to kill before
your next class? The dining
hall is closed (thankfully) but
you are hungry. What to do?
What to do? That's it, I'll go
to the Bomb Shelter!!! Pizza,
Coke floats, Chicken sand-
wiches, Kent -- Lord

Oglethorpe, serving you, pool
table, ping pong, foozball, etc.
The Bomb Shelter, home of the
worst pool table in the known
universe, and, as many have
pointed out, my home. That
is correct, if you read some-
thing in the paper you just
don't like, or if you want to
beat me in pool, I am always
there every day of the week.
Sounds sad, but wait until you

taste those grilled made-to-or-
der chicken sandwiches served
to you by one of your peers
you too will become a Shelter

Not only is the Bomb
Shelter a great place to hang
out and play pool, but
Animaniacs is always on the
TV. come four-thirty. Unfor-
tunately, I have to work so I
have not seen any episodes this

entire semester and I am go-
ing through serious with-
drawal. If you would like to
send money to the "Get Better
Daniel Fund" my P.O. Box is.
. . Seriously, the Bomb Shel-
ter has more to offer than just
me playing rather badly at
pool; Open Mike Night calls
it home, and many concerts
and other nighttime happen-

ings, such as comedy, take
place in its warm confines. So
next time you hear yourself
saying, "I'm bored, this school
-#%-$&-," go to the Bomb
Shelter, have a Coke float and
smile, because this is the only
place on campus that the food
is edible, the service is great,
and the pool table makes the
concept of physics a joke.


Question: What do you think of the Strategic Plan?

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

"I don't know what it is.'
Tonya Gibson

"The editorial I saw was rather

Julian Robichaux


"I don't agree with the strat-

Killian Edwards


"I know it costs a lot of money
and it involves bringing in
more students."

Mark Bowen


"I think somebody's goat is

Tim Evans


"Basically, I think it is a step
in the right direction. Right
now the school is in an un-
stable position and we need to
concentrate on boosting our

Cameron Bready


"All I know is it involves ex-
panding the field house. I
think there's a new cafeteria
and new dorms."

Heath Coleman


"I think it's a good step in the
right direction, but by no
means comprehensive."

Jamie Walker


"The plan sounds good as long
as it doesn't cost us more in

Renee Nix


"Good first step: we have a
long way to go to make it a

Robbie Romeiser


To all interested students:

Applications for an editor posi-
tion for the 1994-95 The Stormy Petrel
staff are being accepted now through
March 29, 1994. Please stop by the Pe-
fre/office in Emerson Student Center to
pick up an application.

Ryan P. Queen

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velopes. For details - RUSH $1.00 with
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February 28, 1994


The controversy of insurance for students

Page 9

By Helen Holifield

Insurance. Isn't that

an ugly word? It conjures vi-
sions of automobile accidents,
and angry fat men yelling
about "your insurance better
pay or I'll sue!" and nurses at
stale hospital desks, looking
over their bifocals and sneer-
ing "No insurance? Really?
Well, I think our hospital is full
right now." Or even that huge
rock, Prudential, gliding
through cities, past glittering
financial buildings, stable and
solid. Insurance. A sad fact
of reality that we students
don't have to worry about right
now. Or do we?

Living as a resident on
Oglethorpe's campus, it's
comforting to venture out into
Atlanta (crime capital of the
South) for a little fun, and then
return to a nice, safe dorm
room. One knows that Secu-
rity is ever-protective, RAs are
ever-vigilant, and, in case of
disaster, OU Housing Office is
ever-understanding. And
kind. Even providential. Or
is that so?

When Christmas break
rolls around, it's always won-
derful to be able to go home to
Mom and Christmas cheer. It's
always even more wonderful
to come back to school again,
sometimes maybe a little bit
early, bringing back all those
groovy Christmas presents
you racked up. One doesn't
really worry about their safety
in the dorm room because,
well hey, this is Oglethorpe,
right? But, maybe you should.

Case in point: a basket-
ball player returned to school
early, January 5 1994 instead
of January 16, in order to par-
ticipate in scheduled games.
The condition of the room was
the same as when he left it. He
brought Christmas gifts with
him to go in his room. He left
town for a basketball game a
few days later, returning again
on the 16th, the day the resi-
dence halls opened. Upon his
arrival, he discovered his room
was flooded. Water was ev-
erywhere. There was a lovely
new addition to the cracks in
his ceiling: a long, wide-open
one with water leaking out of
it. The several hundred dol-

lars worth of Christmas pre-
sents had been completely ru-

How did this happen?
Apparently, the administration
says, the window in the room
upstairs had been left open and
the heater turned off, causing
the water pipe in the heater to
freeze and burst. The water
soaked through the floor and
flooded the basketball player's
room When students leave for
Christmas break they are no-
tified to leave their windows
closed and the heaters running,
in order that this particular
accident does not occur. If,
when the RAs do their room
checks at the semester's end,
this has not been done, the stu-
dent is told there will be a fine
of an unspecified amount.

When the upstairs base-
ball players left, these guide-
lines had been followed.
Friends of the residents re-
turned to the room to set it up
for a surprise party on Janu-
ary 9. When the residents fi-
nally got back to campus, the
accident had occurred.

The situation stood that
an irate basketball player had

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damaged property due to no
fault of his own, and that the
baseball players had done
nothing wrong to that end.
The basketball player turned
to the Housing Office for com-
pensation of his property, only
to be told no. Yes, you read
correctly, the Housing Office
refused to pay for the ruined
presents, saying that it wasn't
their fault; there was nothing
they would or could do about

In the past, the Housing
Office has generally been good
about paying for property
damaged through

maintainance problems. A
resident in Traer had her com-
puter monitor damaged by a
power surge in her room;
Housing paid for the repair.
Another resident had clothes
marred by a leak in the ceiling
of her closet; Housing offered
to pay for the dry-cleaning
upon receipt of the bill. So
why the problem now with
paying for the Christmas pre-

In the Residence Hall
Agreement, section J, number
Students are encouraged to
carry adequate personal prop-
erty insurance." Clearly, the
school is within its rights to not
pay for any sort of damages,
no matter who is at fault. In
the past, the University has
tried to be fair in compensat-
ing for damages caused by the
school. In a case so nebulous
as this particular basketball
player's, the school is reluctant
to assume responsibility.

When Housing does pay
for a student's damages, the
money comes out of the
University's pocketbook. The
school doesn't have any insur-
ance that would automatically
cover these instances because
it would be too costly. The
school's pocketbook is essen-
tially our parents' pocket-
books. The more the Univer-
sity has to spend paying on
claims, the less money they

have, and the more they ask for
next year for our tuition.

The University has gen-
erally followed the precedent
set by apartment complexes
and other landlords; when
damage is clearly the fault of
the management it is paid for
by the management. Dean
Moore would like to see
Oglethorpe follow another pre-
cedent set by other landlords,
that of renter's insurance. This
insurance would be similar to
student health insurance ob-
tained through Oglethorpe.
For a fee, students could vol-
untarily obtain renter's insur-
ance to cover any sort of prop-
erty ruined or destroyed in any
way. This would get the Uni-
versity completely off the
hook, so long as the student
had insurance.

But if a student doesn't
have this insurance, then
what? I don't like the phrase
in the Residence Hall Agree-
.... DAMAGE TO" any stu-
dent property. Dean Moore
assured me that this was go-
ing to be amended for next
year to more clearly state what
would and wouldn't be cov-
ered. I think that a revision or
amendment is necessary. But
it needs to be one that will
place responsibility where it is
due; Housing needs to be re-
sponsible for damages caused
through their negligence of
management, especially con-
sidering the deteriorating con-
dition of many of the residence
halls, and the fact that students
pay about twice as much for
on-campus housing as they
would off campus.

This issue is a complex
one. I began writing this ar-
ticle feeling completely anti-
insurance. Upon study of the
intricacies of the situation, it
seems there is no one clear an-
swer. The availability of in-
surance to students in the
dorms is needed. But so also
is a re-evaluation of what
Housing should offer students.
Clearly, not the least important
aspect of this issue is money.
Consider for me, what is your
housing worth to you?

Page 10


February 28, 1994

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

The lucky student on
ProFile this week is Matt
Bamhill, a sophomore from
Fairhope, Alabama (just out-
side of Mobile). Matt is an art
major whose career goals are
in the field of "computer ani-
mation or some kind of illus-
tration" and whose dream is to
create and design computer
games. As for what brought
him to Oglethorpe, Matt sim-
ply shrugs and says,
"Oglethorpe is a vortex which
sucks people in." Expanding
further on this theory, Matt
notes that it takes twice as long
to get to the Upper Quad via
Ho Chi Minn than it does
down the road (even though
the distance is the same) and
the pool table in the bomb shel-
ter clearly defies the laws of
gravity. It 's not hard to tel I that
Matt is a philosophy minor -
even his favorite teacher is a
philosophy professor, Dr.
Nishimura. Why? "1 just like
the way he says 'philosophy. '"

Matt doesn't spend all
his time joking, though. He
really likes Oglethorpe's
classes, especially the teaching
styles, the books used, and the
emphasis on discussion. His
position on the Dean's List is
a tribute to his emphasis on
academics. Outside interests
for Matt Bamhill include mu-
sic, learning about his Celtic
heritage, and membership in
the little known Kashima-
Shinryu Martial Arts Club.
The club, which is avidly seek-
ing additions to its member-
ship of about ten, meets at 8:00
p.m. on Mondays and Wednes-
days and at 3 : 00 on Saturdays
in the Pit (By the way, if you
haven't checked out the Pit
lately, it is much improved - so
stop by. It's in the basement
level of Lupton Hall near the
entrance to the auditorium.)
Members of the club study a
500 year old Samurai art, a
combination of sword fighting
and jujitsu, which originated
in Japan. Needless to say, Matt
is one well-rounded O.U. stu-
dent, and we can look forward
to two more years of him livJ
ening up our campus.

A "Night Under the Stars" in the Fox

By Yoli Hernandez

For those of us who

didn't go to Mardi Gras and
engage in its intoxicating de-
bauchery, the weekend of Feb-
ruary 12th was still an excit-
ing one. Instead of parading
down Bourbon Street, we were
able to experience a "Night
Under the Stars" on Peachtree.
Held at the Egyptian Ballroom
of the Fox Theater, this year's
Homecoming was a glamor-
ous one. Beginning at 9:00,
people with and without dates
entered the Fox, where they
gave in their tickets and
checked in their coats. A
marble staircase led to the
large ballroom decorated in the
style of the interior of an Egyp-
tian tomb. About 300 current
Oglethorpe students and
alumni were all congregated to
celebrate this annual tradition
sponseredbyOSA It was nice
to look around the room and
see everyone dressed so el-
egantly. We are so used to see-

ing our fellow classmates in
the cafeteria in jeans and a
sweatshirt, that when we see
them in a su it or long dress, we
have to look twice.

On both sides of the
room there were two bars
stocked with free beer and
wine. Yet, anyone can imag-
ine how quickly those were
taken advantage of. The long
lines quickly diminished after
the cash bar was in effect,
charging $3.75 for a beer.

The band Groove Box
kept people dancing through-
out the entire night. They set
the mood with songs like Eric
Clapton's "Wonderful To-
night" and picked up the en-
ergy again with songs like
"Brown Eyed Girl." How-
ever, at the beginning of the
night they had their music
turned up so loudly, that it kept
people from engaging in any
conversation other than "HI!"

Later on in the night
there was a pause as Alan
Gibson, Junior Class Presi-
dent, took the microphone to

Ode to the OU cafe

By Pauline van Vliet

It is a shame that the

biggest part of The Stormy
Petrel consists of negative ar-
ticles. People complain about
the speed bumps, the delay of
the Greek housing, or the poli-
cies of the housing staff So I
thought, why not write some-
thing positive this time? The
problem was however... about
what? Than I got this great
idea: "The dining hall, let's
write an ode to the dining
hall?" "THE DINING
HALL??????" you will prob-
ably exclaim right now. So I'll
repeat it: "Let's write an ode
to the dining hall." There's no
subject on earth that provides
more subject matter then our
own cafeteria. Thanks to this
place we always have some-
thing to talk about. Actually,
for some of us, it is almost
therapeutic. When you are
frustrated once again about a
bad grade or because your par-

ents refuse to send you more
money, is it fair to load all your
bad energy on your room-
mate? Isn't it much more
harmless to curse on some-
thing as harmless as a real caf-
eteria fried. . . well whatever it
is. That brings me to the next
point: "What is it," the most
played game in the cafeteria.
Everybody sits around the
table and guesses what is on
someone's plate. The one who
wins doesn't have to eat it and
gets money to eat at Mc
Donald's. To make it a little
bit easier, you can use the
menu-board in the window. In
this case, the person who
knows to match the most
menu-items with the stuff in
the containers in the "food
court" wins.

See how much fun we
have thanks to the cafeteria:
subject matter for every mo-
ment of the day. It even gave
me an opportunity to write in
this paper. Yes, dining hall,
thank you, thank you for EV-

announce this year's Lord and
Lady Oglethorpe. The repre-
sentatives for each organiza-
tion were: Kelly Holland and
Mark Bingham for KA Mel-
issa Stinnett and Kent McKay
for APO, Jenny Adkins and
Jason Fisher for SAE and Tri
Sigma, Lu Green and Pat
Mulhearn for Chi Phi, and
Holly Harmon and Jason Tho-
mas for Chi Omega and Delta
Sig. Delta Sig had originally
nominated "Dog" and Dave
Sable but the Fox's rule of not
allowing living animals into
the theater shattered that in-
tent. The student body's
choice, for three years in a row,
was APO. The runners-up,

losing by a few votes, were Chi
Omega's representatives.

By the end of the night,
many had kicked off their
shoes, released their inhibi-
tions, and preoccupied them-
selves with dancing and hav-
ing a good time. When two
o'clock rolled around and the
band played its last U2 song,
it was hard to clear the ball-
room. "I think Homecoming
was an exciting night for ev-
eryone who went. When it
came time to leave, we were
all having so much fun that we
wished the night could have
been longer." (Jenny Slater)

Clearly, the night was a
great success.

Everything Old is
New Again . . .

Mary Mac's Tea Room

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An Atlanta Tradition Since 1945

February 28, 1994


Page 11

My endless search for marvelous Mexican

Stops one and two on my journey

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

Stop I: El Potro -

3396 Buford Highway, 325-

How to get there: Turn
right out of O.U. Turn Left
onto N. Druid Hills. Turn left
at 2nd light and go to Buford
Highway. Turn left onto
Buford and El Potro is almost
immediately on your left.

"The music is great, I
love the dog song." - Karmen
Kaiser. "I've been to Mexico
several times and El Potro is
the closest I've found to au-

thentic Mexican food." - Jason
Arikian. "I'm from Texas so
I know what good Mexican is
like." - Rod Smith. These are
just a few of the quotes about
the restaurant the Chi Phi Fra-
ternity has adopted as their
"official" place to go for food
and merriment. It's run by a
friendly and courteous staff
who genuinely welcome col-
lege students and treat them
accordingly. El Potro features
a full menu of drinks, appetiz-
ers, and dinners, including the
standard combo plates (25 to
choose from) as well as 25 spe-
cial dinners. Some good

choices include Quesadillas
Rellenas, nachos, the fajitas,
the Super Burrito, and the
Taquitos Mexicanos. Also
they are one of the few Mexi-
can restaurants to correctly
prepare Flan, a custard dessert
topped with caramel.

Thumbs Up For: afford-
able prices (crucial for stu-
dents) the above-mentioned
staff, some truly unique music,
a friendly and relaxed atmo-
sphere, authentic tasting food,
ample free parking, a nice
deck, and if you are 21, great
margaritas in lime or straw-
berry flavor.


Ashford Dunwoody Rd. & Johnson Ferry Rd.




Roommate Special

Small Pizza + 3 Toppings * IndividViol Dinner, Tossed or Spinach Salad, Garlic Bread
ffiffDQJVKr f^r WM , m JU.35_vak5jO.50_

"mix VmatciT

Wings, Fingers, Pdolo Skins (Any Combo of Three)
mWMVL _5im__o__ _ _ __ S]3.50TO|_e 110.50,

Cheese Pizza + 3 Toppings

2 Large $13.95 2 Medium $1 1.95 2 Small 59.75
PWKL m _ _ _ ftBfflBflt.


1 Large Pizza wirfi 1 Topping, Buffalo Wings, Chicken Fingers or Potato Skins
ttEDtWitt E^WWW _ _ __ 2.wb {10.95,

Double Dinner Special

2 Dinners |your choicef 2 Garlic Bread 2 Small Solods
OS, DZUVm_ e_.V30/M ^ , $13.90 value $11.50

Double Sub Special

2 Subs (yoor choice] 2 Bags Chips 2 Soft DrirJs
ffEEPflJVttr &pir*y/30/?4 $1 1 00 vdve 59.50


Room for improvement:
expanding choices for vegetar-
ians, making the salsa less
runny, occasional delays
caused by staff confusion.

Stop II: El Torero -
5575 Peachtree Industrial,

How to get there: Turn
left out of O.U. Go through a
bunch of lights past Clairmont,
Chamblee-Tucker, and
Chamblee Plaza on your left.
El Torero wll be on the right,
next to Pizza Hut.

Stop II of the Mexican
Search took us to El Torero on
Peachtree Industrial. El
Torero from the start looked
suspicious. For one thing,
there were no Mexican cus-
tomers, this usually does not
bode well. Generally any eth-
nic restaurant (Mexican, Chi-
nese, Italian, Greek, and so on)
that has no customers of that
ethnicity should be ap-
proached with extreme cau-
tion! Unfortunately our fears
proved to be well-founded. El
Torero has an extensive menu,
featuring 46 combo plates (all
of which can be prepared veg-
etarian). There are also quite
a few special orders and other
dinners to choose from. You

can also order some giant beers
and margaritas if you 're in the
mood. While the food is rather
good, the staff was impatient
and hurried us throughout the
meal. This was especially bad
since the restaurant was not
crowded and there was no one
waiting for a table. Addition-
ally, since this is one of those
restaurants that won't give you
free Coke refills, we grumbled
and ordered a pitcher. Fine,
except when we checked the
bill and saw that we had been
charged for a pitcher of beer.
It took several minutes of
questions before this was re-
solved. Since the prices are
slightly on the high side to be-
gin with, this was especially

Thumbs Up For: Some
pretty good food, including the
Chimichangas and the cheese
nachos, good chips and salsa,
nice decor, open and light din-
ing room, good portions.

Room for improvement:
customer service by all staff,
give free refills on soda, not
charging more for chicken in
combo items, atmosphere is
hectic like that of a fast food
outlet (unlike El Potro). All
of these could easily be cor-

Petrel's Open Line. . .

Where's my hat?

By Lt James L. Green

While lunching and tutoring with one of O.U. 's best,
Someone purloined my western hat from the waiting area

outside the cafeteria.
It's made of amber shades of colored reeds and has taken on

a pleasant warm patina.
This summer straw protects my hairless head during hottest

days of summer.
It has become a prop when I read my lines on the Midtown

poetry circuit.
It's been featured in Atlanta Magazine's February issue,
The right brim turns up Aussie style and has a red band

reading Roundup Committee.
It's a part of me not intended to be your trophy.
Be you Jill or Jack,
You ignore my notices so,
Please bring my damn hat back!

Page 12

February 28, 1994


Romeiser rambles: The Radio Station Lives

By Robbie Romeiser
OSA President

Who needs 99X?

Who cares about Star 94?
Bump B98.5 because here
comes OU Radio!!!

That's right!

Oglethorpe University has
committed to begin rebuilding
its long-lost campus radio sta-
tion. At some point in the fall
semester of 1994 (Hopefully
at the beginning!), Oglethorpe
students will be able to turn on
their radios and listen to fellow
Oglethorpians ranting and rav-
ing on the tuner. Following is
a quick history of the radio
station's story, some details
about the radio station itself,
and information on how you
can get involved in OU's new
radio era!

Summer 1993:

1. Elizabeth Stock-
ton and Mary Ann Locke be-
gan asking the administration
about starting a new radio sta-

2. Dean Moore hired
a consultant to come to OU
and determine the feasibility
and costs of starting up a sta-
tion on this campus.

Fall 1993

1. Elizabeth Stock-
ton, Robbie Romeiser, and
Marshal Nason (Assistant

Dean of Community Life)
spent the entire semester at-
tempting to address logistical
concerns of a station such as
programming, location, start-
up funding, operating ex-
penses, and staffing.
2. Members of the
Oglethorpe Student Associa-
tion repeatedly pitch the radio
station to the OU administra-
tion and OU trustees.
Spring 1994

1. Student leaders of
the radio station, particularly
Elizabeth Stockton and several
OSA members, developed a
tentative strategy for the sta-
tion and committed to making
the station a reality.

2. The Oglethorpe
Student Association continued
to press the OU administration
for start-up funding.

3. The OU adminis-
tration voted to fund the start-
up costs for the radio station.

Start-up costs :

Location :

Student Center

Reception :

Dorms, Greek Row, and
Student Center. This radio sta-
tion is not wireless. It works
with a technology called car-

APO has many
projects left

By Joe Cox
Corresponding Secretary

Alpha Phi Omega is

pround to announce that there
is at least one service project
planned for every remaining
weekend this semester.
Projects include building
homes for the homeless, plant-
ing trees along Peachtree
Street, and working at the
children's wing at Grady Hos-
pital. For information on any
service projects please contact
Kimberly Wilkes at 365-2642.

The petitioning Alpha Phi
Omega chapter at the Univer-
sity of Georgia would like to
thank all the brothers who
have helped them in their ef-
forts to reestablish their chap-
ter. On February 26, brothers
form our chapter attended the
Sectional Conference at the
Middle Georgia Girl Scout
camp in Macon, Georgia and
obtained many ideas for im-
proving our chapter. Stay
tuned to see these ideas put
into action.

rier current. Receivers will be
set up in dorms, Greek houses,
and Student Center. Receiv-
ers will transmit signal on the
wiring in the buildings. Stu-
dent radios will be able to pick
up the signal from the build-
ings' wiring.
Band :


FCC regulations :

NONE! We're not wire-
less, so we can say what
we want!


At least four committed
DJs and two station managers.
These numbers will grow with
student interest.

Programming :

Music, talk shows,
sporting events; whatever you

Operating hours :

(tentative) Monday -
Thursday, 6:00 PM to Mid-

Volunteer DJs. show hosts all


1 . Become a regular
D J or station manager from the
very beginning.

2. Become a volun-
teer DJ or show host and do
your own specials when you
feel like it.

***If you're interested
in being an active part of re-
building OU's radio legacy,
please contact Elizabeth
Stockton or Robbie Romeiser
(both available through your
student directory).

Information about one of
our largest organizations

By Stephen Cooper
Small Group Leader

Have you ever walked

through the Student Center
any Tuesday night and heard
music wafting from the
Talmage or Grenwald room?
Maybe you've seen an inordi-
nate number of people enter-
ing Jacobs 22 on a Wednesday
night or Traer third floor
lounge on a Thursday. These
are the signs of life of
Oglethorpe Christian Fellow-
ship, one of the largest organi-
zations on campus with almost
45 members.

So far this year, OCF has
sponsored many on-campus
and off-campus events, includ-
ing Bible studies, service to the
Atlanta Food Bank, prayer
meetings, T-shirt sales, and a
Jericho Walk, which consists
of walking around the school
grounds and praying for differ-
ent areas of the campus.
Weekly events are also a large
part of the OCF experience:
large group meetings every
Tuesday night in the Student
Center at 9:00, Bible studies
at 9:00 Wednesday night in
Jacobs 22 and Thursday night
in Traer 3rd floor lounge and
in the Student Center, and
prayer meetings at 10 pm on
Monday, Wednesday, and
Thursday nights and at 2:15

on Wednesday afternoons, all
in the Student Center.

OCF is a chapter of
Intervarsity, an interdenomina-
tional group reaching out to
the needs of Christians across
the United States. IV, in turn,
is a division ofthe Intemationl
Fellowship of Evangelical Stu-
dents, which serves college
campuses all around the

OCF officers are Presi-
dent Jim Bowling, Large
Group Coordinator Meredith

Kemp, Evangelism Co-Coor-
dinators Paola Barrerra and
Lew Leckrone, Secretary
Carta Hall, and small group
leaders Dave Bamhart, Lyndra
Givens, Michael Claxton,and
Stephen Cooper. The OCF
advisor is UNC alumna Amy
Asaki. For more information
about OCF, call Meredith
Kemp and Paola Barrerra at
extension 808 or Jim Bowling
Lew Leckrone at extension


Sororities, campus


highly motivated


Travel FREE plus earn up to
SPRING BREAK trips to Cancun-
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February 28, 1994

Page 13


By Jason Thomas
Delta Sigma Phi

Hello to all from Delta

Sigma Phi. We would first of
all like to thank Tri-Sigma for
providing their house for our
mixer with them on February
18. The party afterward was
a success we hope everyone
had a good time (including
Nick- ask him what he re-

Presently we are making
plans for The Delta Sig For-
mal on April 23. We are also
getting prepared for our party
on Saturday of Springfest
Weekend and our Toga Party
on March 11. We are also
looking forward to our mixer
with Chi Omega.


By Jenn Fowler
Chi Omega

Hello my friends! As

usual, we are all diligently pur-
suing our academic endeav-
ors... but following the healthy
tradition of college life. We
plan to relax and take a break
to enjoy some of the exciting
events for this semester. To
start us off, we are looking for-
ward to relieving any immedi-
ate stress (especially me) on
Feb. 24 as we take on Chi Phi

for our paintball mixer! All I
can say is watch out guys! We
are also anticipating our mixer
with Delta Sigma Phi, which
will be held in April. Chi
Omega is also eagerly antici-
pating our White Carnation
Ball, which is to be held on
Mar. 12 at the Swiss Hotel.
Chi Omega would like to ex-
tend congratulations to Sigma
Alpha Epsilon on their newest
pledge. That 'sail for now -see
you later!

To all greek writers:

The deadline for greek sto-
ries for Issue 10, March 14, 1994 is
Friday March 4. Please turn the sto-
ries in to the Greek Editor, Jason
Arikian, or directly to me. If the sto-
ries are not received by March 4,
then they will not be published.
Please do not pass up this opportu-
nity to let the activities your greek
organization be publically an-
nounced to the rest of Oglethorpe


Ryan P. Queen



We did our monthly
good deed this past weekend
by picking up litter for our
Adopt-A-Highway program.
Our basketball teams are do-
ing all right Delta Sig 2 is un-
defeated, and we already have
two injuries for the season
Wade Wilson (screwed up
ankle) and myself (really
screwed up knee).

We are also getting pre-
pared for Greek Week. Plans
our looking, well....uh... we
have plans - talk to Beau, he
knows what they are, just don't
ask him about National. Well,
that about covers everything.
So, have a happy day, be merry
and tell Dave to shave, he's got
a little too much stuble.

By Christina Humphries
Sigma Sigma Sigma

Tri Sigma is growing!

We are happy to welcome
Tracy Hicks as our newest sis-
ter. Her initiation on Febru-
ary 20th was a special time for
all Sigmas.

February was a good
month for Tri-Sigma. Our
study room will get the needed
improvements thanks to the
awards for our Homecoming
banners. A big pat on the beak
to all the sisters whose artistic
abilities created those great
banners. Also congratulations
goes to the Black Student Cau-
cus for their winning banner.

As an end to a success-
ful month, Epsilon Theta chap-
ter hosted other Sigma sisters
from regional chapters during

a Leadership School on Feb-
ruary 26th and 27th. The
school was fun and beneficial
to all sisters and we had a good
time meeting sisters from other

On February 18th we
had a great mixer with Delta
Sigma Phi. A big thanks to all
who planned and put it to-
gether. Congratulations to
Dave and Shelly on being cho-
sen king and queen of Mardi

Well, the Sigmas are
now looking forward to a busy
March. The ever-dreaded
Midterms are coming. But on
a brighter side, so are more
mixers, the Purple Passion
party, and Spring Break!
Good luck to everyone on their


By Kevin Benefield
Kappa Alpha

On the evening of Fri-
day, February 4, Jermy Beaird,
Dusty Bost, Phillip Childress,
Jonathan Correia, Justin Gisel,
Brian Shipley, Pete
Sulkowski, Mike Thomas,
Kevin Waycaster, and Eddie
Yates were initiated into the

On the Sunday follow-
ing the initiation, Dawn
Bristol, Teri Butler, Ingrid
Carroll, Kelly Holland, Yoli
Hernandez, Lori Long, Renee
Nix, and Tinnie Waterston ac-

cepted invitations to serve as
Kappa Alpha Roses.

C.J. Whyte accepted a
bid from KA on the same
evening and was inducted
Wednesday, February 16.

Everyone is encouraged
to come to KA's annual Peace
Party on Saturday, March 5
and celebrate with us.

A final note: Elvis has
left the building. KA will be
planning a trip to visit him at
the game ranch. Anyone in-
terested in joining us, let us
know. "Wise men say, only
fools rush in..."


By Jason Arikian
Chi Phi

Once again my

friends, we are back in effect.
Chi Phi is extremely pleased
and proud to announce the
newest additions to the family.
On February twentieth, Chi
Phi extended little sister invi-
tations to Bridget Cecchini,
Tessa Daly, Jennifer Fowler,
Linda Davis, and Jennifer
Trevisan; all accepted. We
anticipate a mammoth celebra-

tion at El Potro this Friday.
Chi Phi is also looking forward
to painting Chi Omega red this
Saturday at our paintball
mixer (and maybe even at the
party afterwards). We are ab-
solutely sure a good time will
be had by all. Also, a rather
large and "special" party is
planned for March fourth, all
are not only welcome but en-
couraged to drop by: listen for
special guests! Until next
time, watch out for the ferrets.


By Jason Arikian
Greek Editor

Well, it appears as

though it is once again time to
find approximately three hun-
dred words to write about
greekdom. Intramural basket-
ball is once again in full swing.
I haven't any stats for you, but
I trust that everyone is either
doing well, or if not, then at
least having fun with it That
is why we do it, isn't it? I'm
not implying anything by this,
I'm just asking. Completely
loathing and detesting any-
thing athletic, I often find my-
self at a loss for why people do
it at all; it's alien to me. Many
things are afoot in greekdom
aside from sports though. I
don't think that many people
have missed the signs placed
around campus by an enter-
prising group of women trying
to start an Alpha Delta Pi
chapter. The best of luck to
you, the more the merrier. If
things get rolling quick
enough, it might make Greek
Week and SpringFest slightly
more interesting. I hate to be
the one to remind, but Greek
Week is fast approaching. I
know that IFC is already con-
templating the matter by turn-
ing Greek Week over to the
Greek Week committee that
has been, and is there to take
care of it. Just kidding, that
would be too good to be true.
It's late, I must have been
dreaming. Back in reality
though, SpringFest is ap-
proaching as well, and is once
again overlapping Greek
Week. As if everyone isn't go-
ing to be busy enough racing
chariots, we have to rush too.
I'm not really complaining, in
fact, I'm sure that, as always,
it will even make things all the
more exciting. Enough for
now mes amis. And until ear-
lobes become obsolete via evo-
lution, watch out for the fer-

Page 14

February 28, 1994


By Maria Johnson

Sii degrees or separa-
tion exist between every per-
son in the world. That is, in
order to be connected with
some individual you could go
through a chain of six people.
This bit of information comes
into play in the movie "Six
Degrees of Separation" as the
Kittredges try to find a young
man who conned them.

The movie is a true story
about an incident that hap
pened in New York City. A
black homosexual male con-
vinced various Manhattan so-
cialites that he was a friend of
their children, who were at
college. He concocted an en-
tire story about being mugged
so the family would take him
in and give him money. He
also told them that his father
was Sidney Poitier and that he
would be able to get them parts
as extras in the movie version
of "Cats." What makes the
situation so funny is the ease
with which Paul, played by
Will Smith, fools the socialites.

Paul has all of the upper-
class mannerisms down per-
fectly, yet you always get the
feeling that he is contemptuous
of the society he is pretending
to be a part of. Stockard
Channing plays Weeza, one of
Paul's con victims, who really
admires him for his talent with
words and his grace. The
movie is "framed" by Weeza
and her husband's narration of
the story as they tell it to their
friends at various cocktail par-
ties, weddings, and benefits
around New York City.

"Six Degrees of Separa-
tion" has humor which spans
many social and ethnic back-
grounds. For example, where
I saw the movie, there were
black viewers, gay viewers,
upper-class white viewers, and
students, like me. This, in it-
self, is reason enough to see
Six Degrees of Separation"
because it is a mind-opening,
entertaining experience.

Feel free to walk "On Deadly Ground"

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

Steven Seagal's direc-
torial debut, "On Deadly
Ground," came to area the-
aters Friday, February 18. The
film stars Seagal in his sixth
film along with an impressive
Michael Came and Joan Chen.
Seagal's five hit movies, in-
cluding "Above the Law" and
last year's megabit "Under

Siege," has now given him the
star power to produce and di-
rect his own productions.
Caine is, of course, an estab-
lished star with over 70 pic-
tures under his belt. He won
Best Supporting Actor for
"Hannah and Her Sisters," as
well as being nominated for
Oscars for "Educating Rita,"
"Sleuth," and "Alfie." Chen
first attracted attention as the
opium-addicted Empress in

"The Last Emperor." Since
then she has several major
roles including playing the
mother in "Heaven and
Earth," as well as regularly ap-
pearing in David Lynch 's cult-
TV hit "Twin Peaks."

Seagal shot the film on
location in Alaska and North-
em Washington state. The plot
of "Deadly Ground" is this:
The dastardly Aegis Oil Com-
pany under the leadership of

Steven Seagal, right, suspects his employer, Michael Caine
safety of their Alaskan drilling site in "on Deadly Ground."

of threating the enviromental
Photo by Joel Warren


The Greatest Show on Earth"

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

"The Greatest Show

on Earth" is what P.T.
Bamum, a master showman,
called his circus when it
opened over one hundred years
ago in Brooklyn. Today the
Ringling Brothers Barnum
and Bailey Circus is still car-
rying on the tradition of a
simple man from Connecticut
whose goal was to amuse the
common people. The circus
was in town at the Omni from
February 1 1 through 20, and
it was quite a spectacle. For
less than the price of most con-
cert tickets ($20 and under),
the audience was treated to

over two and a half hours of
laughs, thrills and amazement
of all kinds.

From the opening
whistle to the final parade, all
three rings were full of the
funny and fantastic. Clowns,
acrobats, trapeze artists, and
contortionists all wowed the
crowd with their perfor-
mances. Troupes from as far
away as Mongolia and Russia
participated in the parade of
acts. The animal cast of char-
acters was impressive also, in-
cluding overtwenty elephants,
twelve tigers, horses, ponies,
zebras, some type of bison or
buffalo and several, unidenti-
fied, antlered creatures. One
clown's act included audience

participation, much to the cha-
grin of the volunteers, who
were thoroughly made fun of
and loved every minute of it.
The final act truly merits the
adjective death-defying: three
speeding motorcycles and one
small, brave girl locked inside
a spherical steel cage. Over-
all, Bamum and Bailey is a
treat for all ages that can be
depended on year after year. If
you've never been, make sure
to catch the show next year. Be
forewarned, however, P.T.
Bamum was a salesman as
well as a showman. Vendors
are everywhere hawking
pricey toys, cotton candy and
$6 programs. My advice - eat
before you go, but go.

renegade president Michael
Jennings (Caine) has begun
aggressive drilling activities in
Alaska. When Forrest Taft
(Seagal), a roughneck who
puts out oil-rig fires for
Jennings, learns of Aegis' en-
vironment-threatening behav-
ior, he attempts to stop the
company from drilling on na-
tive Alaskan (Inuit) land, but
instead finds himself fighting
for his own life against
Jennings and his men. Taft
teams with Masu (Chen), an
Inuit activist, to defend himself
and his homeland against the
oil company, which culmi-
nates in an explosive battle of
wits and muscle. Guess who

Of course, is the plot re-
al ly important in a Steven
Seagal movie? As in many of
the classic Clint Eastwood
flicks, the plots of Seagal's
movies really aren't important.
It's surprising that Seagal
chose to compete with co-stars
having such impressive skills
and credentials. Chen and
Caine's performances high-
light Seagal's rather limited
acting talents. After all his
character has basically re-
mained static through all six
films. Rebellious tough guy
defeats evil (drug dealers,
murderers, terrorists, etc.)
while cracking witty one-lin-
ers. His movies always con-
tain the Three Bs of Holly-
wood success: babes, bullets,
and bloodshed. It's no won-
der then, that they have all
been so successful. They are
pure American entertainment
(violence, explosions, etc.)
with no confusing story to fol-
low or moral ambiguities to
ponder. The macho characters
he portrays embody the lone-
wolf hero most people fanta-
size about being from time to
time. While the plot is clearly!
a shameless attempt to capital
ize on the current pro-Earth,
anti-oil company mentality
popular in the USA it is a su>
perb example of Hollywood
escapism at its best. However,
if an engaging plot is impor-
tant to you, stay away from
"Deadly Ground."

February 28, 1994

Page 15


Partake of the three Bs of Mardi Gras

By Maria Johnson

Lent Is a time for self-
denial and the ascetic lifestyle.
One must put aside his or her
worldly desires in order to
reach a higher plane in the
battle of mind over body. De-
sires of the flesh offer no al-
lure and all low carnal urges
are forgotten. Through Lent,
strong-willed humans are able
to take a step up on the evolu-
tionary ladder from their base
animal ancestors.

Fortunately for full of
life young college students,
such as those who fill the class-

rooms of Hearst Hall, one last
tango with temptation remains
before Lent begins: Fat Tues-
day, or as it is more commonly
known in French, Mardi Gras.
People travel from all over the
world to New Orleans, where
they partake of the three Mardi
Gras Bs: beads, booze, and...
well, you know the third.

Beads are worth much
more than money in New Or-
leans during the Mardi Gras
season. People will do any-
thing to accrue more beads, no
matter how many they may
already have stuffed into their
bag. As the day wears into
night, however, quality over-

One of many marching parade bands of Mardi Gras.

Photo by Maria Johnson

rules quantity in terms of bead
status. Thick, long pearl bead
necklaces garner the most
prestige, as well as necklaces
with some type of unique char-
acteristic. For example, in one
parade I caught a purple bead
chain with a medallion en-
graved in gold with the name
of the god "Bacchus." As I
walked down Canal St., I en-
countered many envious looks
and kept hearing people say-
ing stuff like "Cool... did you
see that medallion? It said
Bacchus, man." Yes, New Or-
leans during the Mardi Gras
season is a henotheistic soci-
ety, the god of choice being
Bacchus, the Roman deity of
wine which brings us to our
next B, booze.

Beer, Hurricanes, Hand
Grenades, daiquiris, and Jello-
shots are just a few of the fa-
vorite ways of consuming al-
cohol in New Orleans. In
preparation for the sobriety of
the Lent season forward-think-
ing, responsible people from
all over the world use this last
chance to purge their alcoholic
desires before Lent begins
(yeah, right). Since drinks are
relatively expensive - bartend-
ers aren't taken in by the
"beads are worth more than
money" thing most people
choose to take advantage of
the happy hours from 4 to 8
p.m. at the bars on Bourbon


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Street. The bars are really fun
because they each have a dif-
ferent style, but mostly be-
cause 18-year-olds are al-
lowed in! (Buckhead may be
too exclusive for 1 8, 1 9. and 20
year olds, but Bourbon Street
appreciates them!) As the
evening wears on, the balco-
nies of these bars become
loaded with people, and the
bartering begins. This brings
us to the third and final B, the
one to which all the guys read-
ing this article skipped to be-
fore reading anything else.

The third B is "body
parts." The most commonly
heard Mardi Gras phrase is
"Show us your *&%$!" Yes,
in order to acquire precious
(plastic) Mardi Gras beads,
both men and women show
parts of their anatomy, which
at all other times of the year
remain hidden to the public
eye. Thrill-seekers stand on
balconies, tantalizing all who
walk by with a string of beads.
Most keep on walking past
what they see as ridiculous 50
cent trinkets. Others, however,
get caught in some type of
bead-hypnosis, in which the
beads sparkle with a luster that
puts real gold or pearls to
shame. These people are ei-
ther extremely drunk, or are
some relation of Tonya
Harding's brilliant bodyguard,
Shawn Eckardt. They decide
that these beads are better than
all the rest, and they then flash
some body part in order to at-
tain them.

Well, this short little
story of Mardi Gras is over,
except for one final idea for all
of the vengeful angry females
out there. The obscenity laws
in New Orleans declare any-
thing above tlie waist legal and
anything below the waist ille-
gal. Therefore, when men
show their stuff for beads, they
get arrested! It's really fun to
find an area where a large per-
centage of the police are fe-
male officers, tantalize a man
with beads until lie gives in and
shows his body part, and then
watch him get arrested by a
female officer' .Another fe-
male victory in the battle of the

By Chris Brown

Uncle Tupelo has in-
jected themselves into the "al-
ternative" scene in avery par-
ticular way. Much like Neil
Young, the St. Louis band
mixes folk/country/bluegrass
with the distorted guitar feel
familiar to today's Nirvana-
generation of culture consum-
ers. There are strong ties to a
"country home," a small town
landscape reflecting John
Cougar's earlier efforts. But,
it goes back further than Keith
Richards these guys include
the banjos and fiddles between
the traditional form and tire
less structured rock "para-
digm." They literally make
the music similar; one be-
comes a progression of the

Anodyne (a drug that
eases pain) covers a whole
range of topics, primarily be-
tween love and home. Be-
tween the two there is an inti-
mate connection both are
somewhere else, somewhere
outside us, but they become
the focus of attention con-
stantly; they become nostalgic
and often unreal. L'nfortu-
nately, there is presented an old
solution common to the alter-
native generation escape.
Like so many other groups
who find solace from the dis-
solution of love and home by
turning away from the condi-
tions, Uncle Tupelo moves us
toward simple consolement
"'s foolish to think
everything'll be O.K.
anpdyne, anodyne" ("The
Long Way Out") - or an old
way of life, ("Give Back the
Keys to My Heart"), or even
just to music. There is a re-
deeming sense, though, that
there's a kind of recovery in
the music the very nature of
finding an old style to support
or give rise to a new one brings
with it a way of continuing
hope, as it were. The music of
Uncle Tupelo finds stability
(and a place in the music in-
dustry) on this premise that
the stability of the present de-
pends on its progressing from
the past, a past that needs con-
struction and alteration.

Page 16

February 28, 1994


The Southern Jesus visits Oglethorpe University

By Christie Willard

Jesus was really born

in Georgia and his disciples
spoke with an awful Southern
accent. Does this sound a little
odd compared to what you
learned in church? It almost
makes Jesus sound like one of
"us." Well, that is the point
behind Cotton Patch Gospel,
the thrilling story of Jesus
Christ's life in familiar South-
ern settings. The Oglethorpe
University Programming
Committee is sponsoring the
performance that will open for
one night only, Friday, March
4. Admission will be free, but
interested students need to re-
serve seats ahead of time in the
Community Life Office. One-
hundred-fifty seats in Lupton
Auditorium were made avail-
able to the public for reserva-
tion and they have all been
filled. Students can reserve
two seats, but should do so
promptly because spaces are
quickly being filled.

Cotton Patch Gospel,

starring Tom Key, is an award
winning musical drama that
retells the Gospels of Matthew

and John using Southern dia-
lect. It brings the far away
places of Nazareth,

The Cotton Patch Gospel performers.

Photo courtsey of Dr. Irwin Ray Jr.

Bethlehem, and Jerusalem
closer to home, Atlanta and
Valdosta. From Jesus' birth in
a Gainesville trailer to His
Good Friday lynching and
Easter Sunday victory, the tri-
umphant story of Mary's son
is presented with much fervor
and overwhelming excitement.
Tom Key first ran Cot-
ton Patch Gospel as a one-man
play based on the idea of a con-
temporary "Matthew" telling
Christ's story as though he
were bom in Georgia. The
play was adapted from Dr.
Clarence Jordan's New Testa-
ment " Cotton Patch " Para-
phrases . In 1981, Key teamed
with Drama Desk Award Win-
ner Russell Treyz as co-author
and director, Broadway Pro-
ducer Philip Getter, and the
late singer-songwriter Harry
Chapin. Together, they devel-
oped the play into a five-per-
son musical with the last eigh-
teen songs that Chapin wrote
serving as the musical score.
It premier was off-Broadway
in October, 1 98 1 at the Lambs
Theatre, where it ran success-

fully for over 200 perfor-

Cotton Patch Gospel
seeks to make the Gospels un-
derstood by all. It is a humor-
ous and delightful musical
drama that will keep the audi-
ence laughing from beginning
to end. The musical selections
have been called the "best that
Harry Chapin ever wrote."
For those who are not familiar
with other works by Chapin,
he composed well-known hits
such as "Cat's in the Cradle"
and "Taxi." Harry Chapin
considered himself "born to
write the music for Cotton
Patch Gospel. "

All students are encour-
aged to attend this spell-bind-
ing performance. Reserva-
tions need to be made in ad-
vance, as no seats will be avail-
able at the door. Opening night
will be March 4 in Lupton Au-
ditorium. Come and see why
theatergoers across the coun-
try return again and again to
Cotton Patch Gospel .

Professional athlete tries his acting ability

By Lu Green

Blue Chips Is far from

an academy award winner, but
it does generate more enter-
tainment than the NBA AI1-
Star Game. Granted, I am a
native Hoosier. Indiana is that
mid-western state where it's a
state felony not to have a bas-
ketball goal within 25 feet of
your house. Children are bom
with a round orange ball at-
tached to their hands, the
coaches of the local high
school hold more prestige than
the mayor, and people have
"Bobby Knight for President"
bumper stickers on their cars
and are serious. I am also a
huge basketball fan.

Nick Nolte plays Pete
Bell, the decorated coach from
Western University with two
NCAA Championship rings
on his fingers, which is a far
cry from the .500 season he is

struggling to make the current
year. He has always run a
clean program, no padding the
pockets of recruits or having
Dean's List scholars take his
players' exams. The only
smudge on his squeaky record
is an allegation of a point
shave, which is questioned by
Ed O'Neil (yes, Al Bundy), a
newspaper reporter deter-
mined to catch Bell cheating.
In order for Bell to re-
gain his status and winning
seasons, he leaves the West
Coast to recruit the best play-
ers in the country. He travels
to Chicago to watch Butch,
played by the former Memphis
State star and NBA All-Star
Anfemee Hardaway. There he
meets Jerry Tarkanian and
Jim Boheim also trying to re-
cruit the young star. He then
goes to Basketballand U.S. A
French Lick, Indiana, home of
Larry Bird, to coax farmboy
sensation Ricky Roe, played

by Matt Nover (a former Indi-
ana University basketball
player) to play for his team.
Finally, he ventures to the
Bayou where Neon, whose
ball-playing is as illustrious as
his name, is busy bending
goals. Neon is played by Or-
lando Magic superstar
Shaquille O'Neal.

Every other coach has
promised these stars all the
money, cars (a tractor for
Ricky), and glory they can
handle. Bell refuses to give in
to such dishonesty, but the
pressure of being a top-twenty
coach and from the diamond-
studded alumni is more than
he can endure.

Mary McDonnel

( Dances With Wolves ) plays
Bell's strong-willed ex-wife,
who offers more than just
coaching advice. Cameos by
Rick Pitino, Bobby Hurley,
and Dick Vitale also add to the
thrill of the movie. Of course,

the highlight for me was Bell 's
opening game of the new sea-
son against Bobby Knight and
the Indiana Hoosiers.

All in all, the movie is
fairly predictable and lacks a
strong plot, but to a true bas-

ketball fan, you can ignore this
and concentrate on seeing
some great basketball and
watching some of the greatest
names in the sport try their
skills in acting.

E)omino 9 s


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February 28, 1994

Page 17



Reality Bites" is worth a matinee outing

By Jim Campbell

"Reality Bites" is a
new movie directed by Ben
Stiller, starring Winona Ryder
and Ethan Hawke. It's a pretty
good movie and has neat ac-
tors. It's worth a $3.50 mati-
nee outing.

There, now that the cus-
tomary "movie review" is
over, let me explain what's re-
ally going on. As I walked up
to the theater, I noticed the
poster advertising the film:
"Reality Bites: A Love Story
for the Nineties." In the At-
lanta Journal, Eleanor Ringe!
referred to the movie as "a
comedy-romance for Genera-
tion X." That's it. I've had

enough. Everywhere I turn,
I'm inundated with comments
about Generation X (slackers,
twenty-somethings, etc.).
Congratulations, kids, we've
all been lumped into some
vague generation which can be
labeled but not defined. Seri-
ously, what the heck is Gen-
eration X anyway?

I'll tell you. It's no more
and no less than a marketing
dream. Somewhere some kid
decides that he's pissed off
about the world and his plot in
it. He has genuine feelings.
He expresses them. Then the
same "Society" that he's dis-
gruntled with sucks him up,
mass-markets him and spits
some mutated form back out
to unsuspecting young people

everywhere. By the end of the
process, the genuine feeling,
the soul, are gone. Greasers,
hippies, yippies, slackers, skat-
ers, punks. Different haircuts.
Same people. Same drugs.
Same result.

This is what's happened
with our generation. It's a
sickness and "Reality Bites" is
a symptom. Not that it's a bad
movie; again, there were sev-
eral talented people involved.
I liked it, on one level. On
another level, it's just one more
damned unfocused teen angst
conveniently packaged for im-
pressionable minds from
Maine to California. The film
has all the prerequisites: con-
fused young people, baggy
clothes, unkempt hair, bands,

songs, flannel shirts, cynicism,
pot, AIDS, out-of-touch par-
ents, you name it. Stiller has
done a great job of displaying
nineties pop culture but he
doesn't say anything about it.
Maybe that would be too risky.
The movie executives might
not "dig" that, "dude."

What should he say? I
don't know, maybe something
like "the kids of the nineties
are not special. Sure they face
problems but what generation
hasn't?" In the movie,
Winona Ryder says something
about how are kids supposed
to deal with damage the older
generations have left them.
How about quit whining and
bitching and get on with it.
Does anyone really believe

that our generation has it any
harder than the ones before us?
If so, imagine being a 1 9 year-
old Jew in Germany in 1942.
Or how about an 1 8 year-old
in Tennessee in 1863. Now
there's a couple of serious
cases to be made for teen angst.
Bottom line: sometimes
reality does bite. It's always
been that way and it always
will be. Bite back! And for
God's sake don't let Ben
Stiller, Winona Ryder, MTV,
Kurt Cobain, or anyone else
convince you that you have a
right to be any more angst-rid-
den or disillusioned than any
other young adult in history.
Cause as someone once said,
"the world's not any crazier
than it ever was; the news cov-
erage is just better." Peace.

Americans did unexpectingly well in Olympics

By Kate Przylepa

In 1984, the Winter

Olympic Games took place in
Sarajevo, four years later in
Calgary, and two years ago the
Olympic torch blazed above
the slopes of the Alps in
Albertville. This year, the
small town of Lillehammer,
Norway, has the attention of
the world. And again, billions
of people from all the countries
will witness this uplifting
event. Not only will we watch
the best athletes compete for

gold and glory during the next
sixteen days, we will also be
brought together to celebrate
human spirit, peace, and
friendship among all the na-
tions of the world. We will
have a chance to see the return
of professional stars like Brian
Boitano and British ice danc-
ers Torvill and Dean. The
great comeback of Katarina
Witt should make the events
more compelling than ever.

On Saturday night, dur-
ing the opening ceremony, the
Olympic torch was lit by
Norway's Crown Prince


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driving record, good car, and experi-
ence with children. Some evening/
weekend babysitting possible, or
summer employment. Open to either
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Haakon. The actual competi-
tion started with Men's down-
hill the following day, and the
first gold medal was won by
Tommy Moe of Palmer,
Alaska, who beat the favored
Europeans. Silver was won by
K. Aamodt from Norway and
bronze by a Canadian, Eddie
Podivinski. The race was full
of nice surprises, but not for
Frank Heiner from Switzer-
land who kicked off his ski at
the starting gate.

Tuesday was a lucky
day for Diann Roffe
Steinrotter, who won a second
gold medal for U.S. in Super
G. Megan Gerety (Tom Moe's

girlfriend) unfortunately did
not manage to finish the race.

On that day we also ad-
mired an incredible cross
country skier, the gold medal
winner from Italy - Manuela
Di Centa.

The '88 Olympic cham-
pions in Pairs figure skating,
Gordeeva and Grinkov from
Russia (now married and with
a baby), gave a terrific perfor-
mance and won gold. The
Olympic champions from
Albertville, Mishkutenok and
Dmitriev, did not manage to
beat their rivals from St Pe-
tersburg. The bronze medal

was a nice surprise for the Ca-
nadian pair, Brasseur and

There is more to come in
these Olympics. We are anx-
ious to see Donna Weinbrecht
(Free style skiing moguls), the
speedskater Bonnie Blair, Tom
Nieminen of Finland in Ski
jumping, and of course the
man best known for his flings
with beautiful women and his
incredible skiing, Alberto
Tomba from Italy!

So let the Games go on!
I will be in touch with you to
tell you more about this won-
derful sports event.

Straight from the heart of Griffin, Georgia:

Unsdown Drive

will be perfonning on the Oglethorpe campus

Friday, March 4. The show will start at

10:00 p.m. at the Chi Phi house. The band

intends to play as long as people are dancing,

so show up early, and stay late.

Page 18


February 28, 1994

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February 28, 1994

Page 19


THE Crossword

1 High mountains
5 Halt by legal

10 Resting
1* Protective cover

15 Blackbird

16 Center

17 Completed

18 More frigid

19 Carton

20 Footing the bill
22 Serene

24 Oslo natives

26 Under the

27 Country home
30 Vaporized

34 Fold over

35 Thrn leather belt

37 Venerate

38 Continent

40 Wicked works

42 Lat. abbr

43 Hackneyed
45 Spews

47 Carbohydrate:

48 Fee lor

50 Provided party

52 Grande

53 Mex. title

54 Like a powerful

58 Injure

62 Indian princess

63 Place for sports

65 Productive

66 God of love

67 Private person

68 Tennis needs
G9 Desire

70 Great name in

71 Being






5 6 7









































T \m
























1993 Trtiune Media Services. Int:
All Flights reserved

6 Champagne

7 Very short time

8 Dairy item

9 Allow

10 Praise

11 Hugging snakes

1 2 Gaelic

13 Transfer

21 Negative votes
23 Entreaty
25 Poll

27 Necklace

28 Speed

29 Of bees

30 Fit together

31 Engine
















































































































































































32 Rub out

1 Above

33 Struck out

2 Volcanic

36 Goat

49 Sums up


39 One causing

51 Luxury lur

3 Quarry


53 Play section

i 4 Run

41 Normal course

54 Sketched

5 Move to another

44 Eng. essayist

55 avis


46 Gr. portico

56 Soon

57 Golf club

59 Fruit

60 Obtains

61 Comfort
64 Tchrs ' gp


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by Scott Selsor1993

Page 20

February 28, 1994


All Dunn: A recap of the miracle season

By Dunn Neugebauer
Petrel Basketball Fan

A Look at the Miracle

A lot of times, when
100% adrenaline is needed to
get me going or wake me up, I
plug in an old tape of mine.
Skip Caray is the voice and it's
the play-by-play call of Fran-
cisco Cabrera singling to left
and driving in two runs to put
the Pirates away in 1992.
, "Two balls, one strike, what
tension," it begins and it goes
on through the dramatic mo-
ment. Good stuff. Guaranteed
to get the goose bumps going.

While on a basketball
road trip this month, one of the
players grabbed me en route to
the game and asked the ques-
tions, "Why do you go on
these road trips? We never
even see you. What do you do
on these things?"

Well, besides sleep and
read every book ever written
in the 20th century, I have been
useful, though I'm not sure
anyone knows it yet. I've
found some adrenaline in
things that hit closer to home
than Cabrera's single or Sid
Bream's slide.

It's called OU basket-
ball. Really? Yeah, really.

The season of slam
dunks. Close games. Three-
point shots from the most
unlikeliest of people. Losing
teeth. Playing Taboo in the '
vans. Losing in air hockey.
Washing dirty uniforms. Jog-
ging in Conway, Arkansas,
wherever that is. Airports,
Waffle Houses, MTV in hotel

It's been a good year,
great even, though as I write
this it ain't over yet. We still
have Sewanee and the national
tournament to play. Still, when
you feel the juice, you go with

For what it's worth and
the way I see it, this is what

Nov. 19-20 Washington &
Lee Tournament Lexing-
ton, Virginia

It all begins in Lexing-

ton, with six inches of snow on
the ground outside and an
opener against Western Con-
necticut State, a team that has
been to the NCAA national
tournament nine straight years.
Coach Berkshire and his ner-
vous Petrels promptly go out
and find themselves down 27-
12 in the opening 10 minutes,
but close the gap to 40-39 at
half. The last five minutes are

that they can play with
of them, who just can't beat

Down 5 at half, OU
knots it up at 69 at the end of
regulation, then carries the
momentum over for an 80-77
win. Balance is the key here,
as Schuft scores 20, Vickers
15, Pierson 12 and
Briesemeister 1 1 on 5-of-5

character builder with some
positive aspects. One, we got
money to go there; two, we got
a good article in the Journal
about the game; and three, you
always learn when you get

Things happen right off
the bat that tells us we're a
little out of our league. A
Davidson player greets Jack
Stephens at half court and tells

Senior Brian Davis being lifted onto the fans' shoulders after the Homecoming victory.

Photo by Pat Mulhearn

the difference in this one, how-
ever, as OU goes on a roll and
"upsets" WCS by an 80-72
margin. Brian Davis scores 24
on 1 1 of 15 shooting and Tripp
Pierson, sporting a stronger
frame and hair on his head,
contributes 17.

Night 2 is a little differ-
ent, as a tough John Carroll
team, with a mascot as funky
as our Petrels (the Blue
Streaks), lead by 5 at half and
go on to beat the good guys 82-
67. Davis scores 20, Schutt
scores 1 9 and OU returns from
the road at 1 - 1 . good for play-
ing on the road during most

The Petrels, after top-
ping Emory on the road in a
70-54 sleeper, faces a major
tough challenge in Otterbein.
The victors come in ranked in
the nation and with two con-
secutive wins over Division II
colleges. Otterbein, a Division
111 power, prove once again

Quotes from after the

"Dang, we might be
pretty good." An OU fan.

"We played like
& *,aa. ^ otterbein

After shellacking At-
lanta Christian 103-79, the
good guys have another tough
one on the schedule
Maryville College. With play-
ers taking the GRE beforehand
and Christmas on the brain,
could the Petrels stay focused?
Not a problem.

This one wasn't close.
Ryan Vickers made 10 of 1 3
shots and 3 of 3 three pointers
and Davis hit 1 1 of 1 5 as the
two combine for 52 points.
Final score: OU 80, Maryville

The Petrels travel to
Davidson to face a Division I
school. This game proved not
to be a highlight, but merely a

him, "Man, we're going to
beat the -&"& out of ya'll,
Vickers is nailed in the head
with a Jason Karnes pass in
warmups and Pierson pulls off
his sweats to find he's forgot-
ten his jersey.

For the record, we lose
this one 98-63 but come home
with stories to tell.

After closing out 1993
with a split at the Stormy Pe-
trel Classic, the Petrels face
Emory in their last
nonconference contest. Visit-
ing cdach Pete Manuel says
before the game that his team
needs to start hitting early if
they're going to be able to
hang in there. Not tonight; they
make 2 of their first 1 3 and OU
rolls to an 80-57 win. More
importantly, the win is Coach
Berkshire's 250th. The play-
ers sign the ball and Coach
talks to the press by saying
what he's supposed to say, but
his mind is somewhere else,

and with a good reason. The
conference season, the real sea-
son, begins Friday.
1-14 Road trip

The Petrels load up on
the big bus and make the four-
hour drive to Nashville (two
movies plus one nap). The ra-
dio tells us it's the coldest day
all year in their city (5 degrees
and falling), but that doesn't
stop the OU parents from
showing up in force.

Fisk University features
a new floor and new paint on
the wall, but the same Fisk
team. OU leads by 19 at half
and cruises to a 90-55 win.
Four score in double figures
and Cornell Longino hands
out 7 assists. There's a long
way to go, but we're 1-0 in the
conference and tied for first

Twenty below zero and
falling. Fifteen inches of snow
expected later tonight. Would
tell you where we are but my
glasses are fogged up and the
van won't start. Steve Jobe
tells me we're in Danville,
Kentucky, and about to take on
Centre. Not usually good
news. Nobody beats Centre at
Centre. Nobody. Two years
ago, we had just as good a
team as they had. And at half-
time, we were down 36-11
when we played here. 36-1 1 !

That was then.... The
Petrels shoot 67% from the
floor in the first half and open
up a 51-30 lead. Still, you
can't relax here and we soon
learn why. The Colonels make
every 3-pointer in sight down
the stretch and cut the lead to
10. The Petrels hold on, how-
ever, for an impressive 88-78

The bus rolls out at 5:30,
only 30 minutes ahead of 16
inches of snow. Kentuckians
and the Briesemeisters are left
stranded for a while.

After game quotes:

"We never lose this bad
at home. Never." A Centre

"Are we really this
good?" Brenda,talkingtome.

Rhodes College, picked

February 28, 1994

Page 21

Dunn continues his recap


first in the SC AC, comes to our
place. On paper, the Lynx are
the most talented team of them
all, though injuries have taken
their toll. The commissioner
and his assistant are on hand
for this one as well as a noisy
Petrel crowd and a noisier
Rhodes assistant coach.

You can feel the tension;
it starts in the dining hall and
it carries right over into our
outing at Taco Mac, as the
Petrels successfully stake their
claim at the top. The Lynx get
23 out of their big man and 22
more out of Thomas Johnson,
but four Petrels score in double
figures and Longino hands out
8 more assists as we roll, 81-

Another milestone is
achieved in the process in this
one. Early in the first half,
Pierson dribbled at the key,
then hit Davis, who faked left
and rolled to his right for a
right handed layup. It was his
1 ,000th career point. Fans held
up signs that said "We Love
Davis," and the crowd got up
pretty good. Brian just smiled
and ran down the court with
his mouth wide open. He hit
7 of his 9 field goal attempts
and the Petrels shot 60% from
the floor. Petrels win, Petrels
win, Petrels win. Man, is there
going to be some property de-
stroyed tonight!

After game quotes:

"Wasn't that fun?" Steve

"I think we are pretty
good." A less confused Petrel

After a 12-point win
over Millsaps, it's time to take
to the road again. It's not hard
to get up for this one. Hendrix
College is the team that ended
it all for us last year, upsetting
us and putting us out of the

It doesn't start good,
though. We fly into Little Rock
into stormy, windy weather.
The plane pitches from side to
side and a stewardess is prac-
tically knocked from her feet.
Robert Miller says, "This is
fun," and Davis holds his
hands up as if he's on the

Screan Machine, but the rest
of the Petrel clan rush to the
airport bathroom and change
their underwear after a safe

And. . . the van company
we rented from went bankrupt
three weeks ago, we find out,
so now our crew that was wor-
ried about being alive 30 min-
utes ago is worried about
transportation to Conway. All
except Kim Jackson, of course.
She just throws down her bags
and starts studying for a Physi-
ology test.

On yeah, the game it-
self... We're down 30-27 at
half and the world is not good.
A repeat of last year? Have
another beer.. .The Petrels
come out on fire in the next 20
minutes and open up a IS
point lead.

But. . . the Warriors nail
about six three-pointers down
the stretch and suddenly, we're
up only three and we're ner-
vous again. Some Hendrix
fans get thrown out of the
game by some refs at this
point, for throwing up a doll
with a ref uniform on it and
sticking it with a spear. (How
come we don't do stuff like

For some reason, we
take advantage of the quieter
playing conditions and coast to
a 77-69 win. Davis scores 2 1
on 7 of 9 shooting and runs
over our manager, Robert
Miller while trying to beat the
Hendrix press and Jack
Stephens scores 13.

After game quotes:

"Who in the hell is Jack
Stephens?" A Hendrix coach..

"Ya'll got a pretty good
team, man." A drunk Hendrix

The flight to San Anto-
nio was great, the breakfast
buffet was awesome and con-
ditions for a Trinity upset over
the Petrels aren't very favor-
able. There's no real love-loss
between these two teams, and
today wouldn't help that very

We're tied at half, 32-32
in a very physical contest.
Stephens has already gotten

thrown to the floor face first
and Cornell almost lost his leg
going for a rebound.

We make a bunch of free
throws down the stretch and 23
of 30 overall. Vickers scores
2 1 and Davis scores 1 8 while
entertaining the Trinity fans at
the same time.

Afterwards, I find my-
self on the court, somehow
wedged in between an angry
6-8 Steve Taylor and a just as
angry Trinity player. "If you
hit me, I'll fall," I tell them,
though I realize if I don't get
out of the way, they might any-

Peace is restored, we
make our flight with 25 min-
utes to spare, and we're head-
ing to the Petrel dome for five

After game quotes:

"Where's my tooth?
How can I get a date for home-
coming with no teeth?" Jack


OU82 Sewanee76
Sewanee loses their coach
early in the second half and
their assistant seems to be a
little confused about the rules.
We play like *&*(&, but hold
on for a win.
2-4 OU 93 Fisk 58


The big one... Second
place Centre comes in looking
to get back into this thing.
They've lost only one confer-
ence game to us and they're
coming offa win over Rhodes.

With 11:02 left, they're
still riding high and they're up
56-55. Three time-outs later,
we've gone on a 25-2 run and
this one's over. The highlights?
Listening to Brian Davis tell
it was better

"Stephens went up for
the layup and it hit off the top
rim. I was going up for the re-
bound, when I saw Nate com-
ing on a full sprint from the top
of the key. He had this look in
his eyes.

As he went straight up,
he reached up with his left
hand, and slammed the re-
bound back home. The crowd

went nuts. Final score: OU 84
Centre 70.


"Did you see that man
get up there?" Many fans...

A 98-64 laugher over
Hendrix... The only two ques-
tions the opposing coaches had
in this one was "Where are we
going after the game?" and
"How do we get there?"

It's really too bad Larry
Munson or Skip Caray wasn't
doing the play-by-play on this
one. This one was a storybook
ending... (A happy ending, not
weird and demented like all
that !&! (we read nowadays)..

Anyway, coming into
this one, Brian Davis had at-
tempted 677 field goal at-
tempts and, with the exception
of the horse games in practice
with Cornell when Coach
wasn't looking (sorry Brian),
none of them had been a three-
pointer. Not a one.

Anyway, homecoming
appears to be a distraction for
the good guys, as we kick the
ball around and find ourselves
down 6 with a 1 :30 to go. Our
title, trip to nationals, etc. is in
some real serious danger.

But after two field goals
and two Andy Schutt free
throws with 8 seconds left,
we're back. At the start of the
OT, we score the first four
points and I'm thinking, this
one's over. Right, stick to ten-

The Tigers hit a 3. an-
other field goal and a free
throw and with 8 seconds left,
we find outselves down 1.
Pierson dribbles left, shoots
from eight feet.... No good.
Trinity rebound. This one's in
the books.

But. . . they make the
first free throw and miss the
second. Five seconds left...
Pierson brings it up... four...
three... We love you Tripp,
but you 're too far out to shoot.
Two.... Oh God, don't throw
it to Davis.. Not from there!

He does... Brian grabs
it with one second and lets it
fly... As I write this, it's still
up there... It hits the

backboard, the front rim and
it's in. It's over.

He goes to his knees and
is mobbed by the homecoming
crowd. Even Coach Berkshire
interrupts his 1 8-year habit of
walking straight over and
shaking hands with the other
coach. He just stands and
watches. Jim Owen looks like
a truck ran over him. Steve
Jobe wants to join in, but re-
members that he's a coach and
should restore order.

Davis is carted off on
someone's shoulders, then goes
to the dining hall to a standing
ovation. When's the last time
someone got a standing ova-
tion in dining hall? Three
times... One, when former OU
coach Mike Mitchell got a
date; Two, when Tommy
Gambino made a 4.0; and
three, when Brooke Hennier
went to three straight classes
without a miss.

Road trip to Memphis...
seven hours (two movies plus
one Taboo game plus one nap)
The miracle lives on, though
no longer in the undefeated
variety. Rhodes jumps out to
a 39-15 lead and hold on,
though, to our credit, we cut it
to 4 at one point. Vickers is our
brightest spot, scoring 23 (or
22, depending on which stats
you believe). We shake their
hands and we leave. Quickly.

We're supposed to win
this one and we do, 87-76 over
Millsaps. This one clinches the
SCAC title outright. Cornell
gets 20 and 10 boards, Vickers
scores 21 in limited playing
time due to foul trouble.

The highlight? Davis
and Jim Bowling grab the
cooler after the game. Coach
Berkshire is standing outside
the locker room, high fiving
his players as they walk in.
One by one. Smile on his face,
nice suit, nice tie.

Bowling moves to his
left and Davis nails him. Head
to foot. (The nerve of those

He just smiles and says
"I've always wondered what
that would feel like."

Page 22


February 28, 1994

OU basketball teams go one for four overall

Men split and women drop two games on weekend road trip

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

Two weekends ago,

the men's and women's teams
went on a weekend road trip
first to Memphis, Tennessee to
play Rhodes College and then
to Jackson, Mississippi to play
Millsaps College Unfortu-
nately, only one win resulted
from the four matches. None
of the games had a bearing on
conference championships or
playoff standings for the Pe-
trels. The men had already
clinched the SCAC champion-
ship and a playoff slot with a
71-72 win over Trinity Uni-
versity. The women had un-
fortunately already slipped
from high conference rankings

earlier in the season.

On Friday, February 1 8,
the Petrels took on the Rhodes
Lynx. Both OU teams suffered
defeats. The men lost 89-80.
The women were defeated 77-
60. In the men's game, the
high scorer was Ryan Vickers
with 23 points. Vickers was 6
for 1 3 from the field, includ-
ing. 3 for 5 from outside the
perimeter Adding to this he
was 8 for 9 from the free tlirow
line. Cornell Longino also had
a good game with 15 points,
going 6 for 13, hitting one
three pointer and making two
of three free throws. Longino
also led the team in rebounds
with 6.

The women were led by
Beckv Ellis, who scored 18

points, shooting 5 for 1 1 from
the field and 8 for 1 3 from the
line. Kim Jackson also had a
good game with 1 5 points, as
she shot 7 for 9. Eleanor
Fulton and Shelley Robinson
helped control the boards as
they each brought down 8 re-
bounds. Fulton also had three
steals on the game.

On Sunday, Febraury
20, the Petrels took on the
Millsaps Majors. The men
defeated the Millsaps 87-76.
and the women lost 81-63.
For the men. Vickers had an-
other good game as he scored
21 points as he hit 5 three
pointers. Longino had another
strong game, too. He scored
20 points, as he went 5 for 1
from the field with 3 three

Intramurals led by The Clan

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The intramural sea-
son is off and running well.
Despite a few problems with
cancel games for uncontrol-
lable reasons (letting Trinity
practice). The favorite for
champions of the basketball
season has emerged - The Clan
of The Peter Dragons. The
only problem is figuring out
which of the two teams is go-
ing to end up the champion.
Both teams are undefeated at
4-0. Will Team it 1 win it with
Mike Barrons. Craig Dennis,
and Kevin Carlisle as the lead-
ers; or will the winner be Team
#2 with Kevin Henderson. Jus-
tin Hayes, and Scott Garrett
leading the way. That will be
answered in the playoffs.
Delta Sig 1 still remains a
threat, as does SAE. Both
teams have 2-2 records. Fac-
ulty and Steve's Squad are
pulling in the rear right now.
each with a 1-3 record.

On the women's side.
not a whole lot is happening.
There have only been two
games and that is due to the
fact there are only two teams.
Lu's Team (she couldn't re-
member the real name of the

team when I talked to her) has
won both games over Tri-
Sigma. one of which was by
forfeit. She did sav that pres-

ently there is an interest in hav-
ing the girls play in the men's
second division, but nothing is
definate. vet.

Kill ian Edwards breaks down court. Photo by Pat Mulheam

pointers and went 7 for 9 from
the field. Longino also had an
incredible rebounding game,

for 1 and converted two free
tlirows. Fulton added eleven
points and made 4 for 8 from

OU basketball team prepares

as he pulled down 10 re-
bounds. He also had 4 assists
and three steals. Brian Davis
also added valuable points, as
he scored twelve points total.
For the women. Ellis,
Jackson, and Fulton once
again led the team. Ellis had
1 7 points, going 5 for 8 from
the field and 7 for 8 from the
line. She also added 6 re-
bounds. Jackson scored a to-
tal of 1 2 points as she shot 5

for a game.

Photo by Pat Mulhearn

the field. Shelley Robinson
had a very strong rebounding
game again as site pulled down
eight rebounds for the second
game in a row. Jennifer
Johnson also added to the
teams effort with 8 assists.

The men as of Thursday
before the Sewanee game were
20-4 and 12-1 in conference.
The women were 10-14 over-
all and 3-10 in conference.


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February 28, 1994

Page 23


OU beats Trinity and clinches conference title

Homecoming game won in last second, puts Petrels in playoffs

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

If you missed OU's

Homecoming Game on Febru-
uy 13, then this will have to
je a "wish you were there"
itory. This game was possi-
jly one of the best games of
he year for OU men's basket-
rail. This game was also a
jivotal point in Oglethorpe
ithletic history. OU played

points when Andy Schutt con-
verted two free throws to bring
the game within two. Then,
Ryan Vickers converted one of
two free throws to bring the
Tigers lead down to one. With
13 seconds left, Trinity's
Kevin Kloss increased the lead
back to two. Then with 8 sec-
onds remaining, Schutt was
fouled and given the chance to
tie the game with two free
throws. Schutt converted both

Irian Davis scores two of his

trinity for our Homecoming
;ame before a crowd of almost
jix hundred spectators. This
5ame was not overwhelmed
nth high scores or dazzling
lunks, but instead kept the
Sntire crowd (and both teams)
<n the edge of their seats. The
ead changed hands fifteen
imes and was tied ten times
luring the course of the game.
n the end, after overtime, the
'etrels prevailed by the score
tf 72-71.

The majority of the sus-
pense of the game was within
lie last couple of minutes of
le second half and the over-
me. With 37 seconds left, the
etrels were down by four

24 points against Trinity.

Photo by Pat Mulheam

of the free throws to go 5-6 and
tie the game at 59. The score
remained the same until the
end of regulation.

In overtime, the Petrels
jumped to a quick four point
lead which was then brought
back to a tie. With just under
a minute remainingthe Petrels
were up by four when
Johnathan McNulty hit a three
pointer for Trinity to close Hie
gap to one. Then, McNulty
sank two free throws to give
Trinity a one point lead. Rick
Skeen then converted another
free throw for Trinity and in-
crease the lead to two. Five
seconds remained as OU
inbounded the ball. With a
fraction of a second left Brian
Davis released his first ever
three point attempt in his en-
tire OU career, and made it to
give the Petrels a one point
lead and victory over the Trin-
ity Tigers.

Davis was promptly
"dog-piled" by the entire OU
basketball team and part of the
crowd. The only injury was
Steve Taylor who cut his up-
per lip.

This victory clinched
OU's first ever SCAC athletic
title. The leading scorer for the
game was Davis who had 24
points. Davis also had 13 re-
bounds. Cornell Longino had
1 1 rebounds. Schutt was the
next highest scorer with 11
points which included the two

clutch free throws. This was a
great victory for the Petrels
was part of a great season in

general. Now, we're in the
playoff, so support the men on
their road to the Big Dance.

Andy Schutt guarding Weston Heide from Trinity.

Photo by Pat Mulhearn

If you hit them,
they will fall

Cornell Longino passes up court. Photo by Pat Mulheam

By Daryl Brooks

"If you build it, he will

come," the voice stated in
"Field of Dreams." If this
same voice was talking to the
Petrel baseball team, it would
say, "if you hit them, they will
fall." It took a while for the
hits to fall for the team but
once they did the Petrels ex-
ploded for 10 runs against
Greensboro College.

The team got off to a
slow start on their trip to Texas
by dropping all three games to
the Southwestern University
Pirates. The Petrels lost by
scores of 3-0, 8-2, and 3-2 (in
extra innings). These losses
could be attributed to some
early season lapses and lack of
execution at key moments of
the series.

However, the Petrels'
home opener against Greens-
boro was a different story. The
team pounded out 10 runs, all
of them coming in two innings
on their way to a 1 0-2 rout of
Greensboro. Under the blaz-
ing sun, Vince McGralh shined
for OU. McGrath pitched a
complete games six-hitter
while striking out three and
only allowing one earned run.
At the plate, the Petrels were
led by Tom Gambino, who had
2 hits, including a double and
a home run.

Congrats to Coach Popp
on his first win as head coach.
The team opens its conference
schedule March 5 and 6 ver-
sus Fisk. So everyone, come
out and admire the new dug-
out (hopefully with a roof), the
sod direct from Fulton County
Stadium and watch the Petrels
pound out hit after hit after hit.


Nicholas Esponito, killed Oct. 13, 1989 at 8:25 pm.

Next time your friend insists on driving drunk, do whatever it takes to stop him.

Because if he kills innocent people, how will you live with yourself?



Volume 69, Issue 10 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University

March 14, 1994


Page 3

Spring Break

Page 10-11

"Greek Unity"

Page 13

The end to a
great season

Page 20

News: 2-3

Editorials: 4-8

Features: 9-11

Organizations: 12

Greeks: 13

Comics: 18-19
Sports: 20-23

Security: 2

Grapevine: 2

Letters: 7

ProFile: 10

"0"pinions: 11

Screen test: 14


Oglethorpe adds four new faculty

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

With four or its Ave

faculty searches completed,
Oglethorpe University has an-
nounced the names and re-
sumes of four of the recently
hired teachers for the Fall se-
mester of 1994.

Three of the positions
that have already been filled
are Assistant Professorships,
with the other being the
Proffessorship of Philosphy
that will be vacated by Dr. Ken
Nishimura as he leaves for a
two year sabbatical. The As-
sistant Professorships are in
Politics, History, and Spanish.
A fifth search will be starting
shortly to fill a new position in
the Education Program.

The new visiting Phi-
losophy professor is Jason
Wirth. He is currently finish-
ing his doctorate at the Univer-
sity of New York at
Binghamton. His specialties
include German philosophy
from Kant to the present, and
modern French philosophy.
He expects to enter next semes-
ter with his full doctorate.

The Spanish position
has been given to a native of
Argentina who did her under-
graduate work in Buenos
Aires. Dr. Vivian Plotnik re-
ceived her masters from

Century Latin American Lit-

An adjunct has won the
seat in the History Depart-
ment, after teaching part-time
since the fall of 1992. Dr.

New Assistant Professor of History, Brad Smith (right),

Photo by Pat Mulheam

helps a student.

Belgrano University, then re-
ceived a doctorate in from
University of New York. She
has a specialty in Twentieth

Brad Smith applied along with
everyone else, but when the
seat was awarded, the school
stayed close to home. Dr.

Smith has his doctorate from
Emory University.

The new Assistant Pro-
fessor in Politics is Robin
LeBlanc. She is currently fin-
ishing her doctorate in Politi-
cal Science at the Carl Albert
Center of Congressional Stud-
ies at the University of Okla-
homa. Her primary specialty
is in Japanese Philosophy, as
well as concentrations in Com-
parative Politics, American
Politics, and Modem Political

This increase in faculty
at core positions will lighten
the burden on the present full
time faculty as the student
body of Oglethorpe grows.
With the proposed increases
over the next several years, the
faculty will have to continue
to grow for the University to
maintain its academic integ-
rity. As Dr. Donald Stanton,
President of the University
states, "This is only the begin-
ning of a five year plan to
phase in new people."

The Stormy Petrel
wishes these new faculty the
best of luck with their posi-
tions, and hope they will re-
main with us.

Panhellenic looking into new sorority

By Helen Quinones

Despite all sorts of

support and opposition, confu-
sion and anger, Panhellenic is
looking for a third sorority to
extend itself onto this campus.
The slow process of extension
is now in the planning stages.
The initiative to bring
another sorority to Oglethorpe
was taken by two females who
approached the panhellenic
council and decided to re-
search bringing a third soror-
ity. Contrary to the misinfor-
mation circulating,

panhellenic is not shooting
down the effort. According to
the Tri-Sigma delegate to
panhellenic, Bridget Ceccinni,
"We on panhellenic recognize
a third sorority as a good idea. "
But whether Oglethorpe gets
a new sorority depends also on
the National Panhellenic
Council. The university first
applies to NPC, sending pack-
ets promoting the school and
giving statistics on rush, the
number of girls on campus and
existing sororities. Nationals
then responds to Oglethorpe,
and then an interview process
begins. Ceccinni agrees exten-

sion "takes a long time."

This is not the first time
extension has been attempted.
Three years ago several stu-
dents showed interest in add-
ing a sorority, and two years
ago a fraternity almost ex-
tended itself onto this campus.
Part of the reason why adding
more Greek letters takes so
long is that it is a multi-phase
process. After NPC approves
Oglethorpe, they form a
colony here, which is a group
of uninitiated pledges similar
to a pledge class. After nation-
als decide that they still want
to extend a chapter here they

would send an official chapter
here to install the fraternity or
sorority and give the charter.
At any time during this colony
period nationals can choose
not to extend onto this campus.
All these procedures re-
quire plenty of support from
students. If most present
Greeks are satisfied with their
fraternities or sororities, then
the kind of fervent support nec-
essary must come from non-
Greeks. However adding an-
other sorority might alleviate
any tension created from hav-
ing only two, a number which
see Sorority page 2

Page 2

March 14, 1994


tJpdate .


Entertainment Ed itor

- On Friday, 2/18/94,
a Security officer noticed that
the lion statue on the lawn of
the SAE bouse appeared to
have been spray-pairt ed black.
Upon a closer look, he found
thai the statue had been
wrapped in toilet paper and set
on fire. He also found a
burned holiday wreath on the
ground a few feet away.

On Monday, 2/21/94,
a Greek Row resident reported
that $1 00 in fraternity funds
had been stolen from a hiding
place within the house.

-Also on Monday, 2/2 1/
94, another Greek Row resi-
dent reported that someone
had attempted to pry open the
rear window ofh is vehicle dur-

- On Thursday, 2/24/
94, a student reported that his
car had been burglarized while
parked in the Upper Lot of the
co-ed residence halls. Taken
from the car was a Sony radio/
CD changer valued at
$450.00 and five CDs valued
at $75.00. The burglar entered
through the passenger door.

- On Sunday 2/27/94,
several students were driving
oh the track when one fell off
the tailgate of the vehicle. For-
tunately the student was not se-
riously hurt and did not require
professional medical attention.
Allowing persons to ride on the
outside of a vehicle violates
Georgia law.

: - Reminder #1 - The
posted campus speed limit is
15mph and the Dean has re-
quested that the rampant
speeding problem be amended
by catching and ticketing vio-
lators. Please observe the

- Reminder #2 - Persons
attending Greek Row func-
tions are encouraged to walk.
If you must drive please park
in legal spaces or completely
off the road that connects
Greek Row to the upper lot

Heard it through the Grapevine .

News and events in and around Oglethorpe University

Earlier this month,

two worthy non-profit organi-
zations held annual fund-rais-
ers. On March 3, Friends of
Animals held their first annual
Rock & Roll for Breeding
Control Benefit at the Cotton
Club. Eight local bands enter-
tained animal lovers and mu-
sic lovers while raising money
to help fight pet overpopula-
tion. One of the acts, Un-
claimed Pets, helped organize
the program in celebration of
the passage by the Georgia leg-
islature of a bill regarding ani-
mal overpopulation.

On March 5, the 1994
Cracker Crumble was held by
the Georgia Press Educational
Foundation and the members
of the Georgia Press Associa-
tion. This event attended by
Governor Zell Miller and other
state and federal legislators, is
a series of songs and skits at
the expense of political figures.
Subject matter ranged from
Presidential promises to the
Georgia lottery and the Atlanta

Both events were suc-
cessful and can be counted on
to be back next year.


continued from page 1

is naturally conducive to ri-

Meetings have recently
been held, the first on Febru-
ary 22, to discuss interest in
adding a specific sorority.
According to Christine Bailey,
support was greater than ex-
pected, with 14 girls turning
out only two days after she
posted flyers. Support also
comes from a few sisters who
belonged to the sorority at
other schools before transfer-
ring here. Although some
people with specifics in mind
would appear to be rushing
into things, continued support
is necessary for years before a
charter arrives, so there is little
chance of making hasty deci-
sions as to specific sororities.

The 1994 American

Craft Council Craft Fair At-
lanta runs March 26 and 27.
The opening night gala to ben-
efit the Georgia Trust for His-
toric Preservation will be held
Friday, March 25 from 6:30
p.m. to 10:30 p.m. The show
is open to the public on Satur-
day and Sunday 10:00 am -
6:00 p.m.

The fair will be held at
the Georgia Dome.

On Thursday, Febru-
ary 24, the toilet in the suite of
Traer 205 and 206 backed up
and overflowed, causing a
large of amount of standing
water in the rooms. This wa-
ter leaked through the floor
into the suite directly below,
and into the closets of room
107. All of the girls had to
leave their rooms, and find
lodging for themselves. Four
days later a securities guard's
apartment was offered to the
displaced Traerians, and all
five accepted the invitation.

Ceccinni of Panhellenic would
like to see extension "done the
right way," which is bound to
happen in such a complicated
lengttvy process.

Still, some people would
like to think that a new soror-
ity would arrive on this cam-
pus as early as this fall. Two
fraternities have even offered
their houses for social pur-
poses. Paperwork and bureau-
cracy will lengthen the wait if
a charter even arrives here.
Particularly considering how
long it took for the present
Greek housing to be opened on
campus, it seems any attempts
to change Greek life need
some intense support if they
are to happen.

Shortly after this, several of
these girls left, claiming that
the smell in the rooms was
easier to deal with than the
cramped living quarters that
the school had provided. Af-
ter all of this had transpired,
and the pipes had actually been
fixed, the school said that they
would not reimburse the stu-
dents for any damage to prop-
erty due to the leakage. This
non-reimbursed damage in-
cludes: ruined clothing, dry
cleaning (one's person's bill
was $220), suitcases, back-
packs, hiking boots, and sev-
eral heavy winter coats.

Four of Oglethorpe's

basketball players, as well as
the men's coach, were named
with SCAC All-Conference
selections, and two more were
named as honorable mentions.
Brian Davis, who led the
conference in field goal per-
centage, was fourth in scoring
and eighth in rebounding, was
name Player of the Year.
Coach Jack Berkshire was
named Coach of the Year for
leading the Petrels to the
NCAA tournament for the first
time since 1969. RyanVickers
and Cornell Longino were
named Second Team All-Con-
ference, the only two under-
classmen to gamer a selection.

Andy Schutt was named Hon-
orable Mention.

For the Lady Petrels,
Eleanor Fulton was named
Second Team All-Conference,
and Becky Ellis received an
Honorable Mention. Con-
gratulations from the Petrel on
all of these awards.

Orville Redenbacher

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30 years and old, who are cur-
rently working towards a de-
gree. 30 ofthese $1000 schol-
arships will be handed out,
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of study. Applications for the
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accepted from March 1 to May
1,1994. If you are interested,
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The Stormy Petrel
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Mrs. Kay Norton, Housing
Director, on the arrival of her
new baby girl, Melanie
Catherine Norton. The baby
was bom on March 1, weigh-
ing 6 pounds, 5 ounces.

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March 14, 1994


Page 3

Do you have any unanswered questions?

The Stormy Petrel sits down to talk with Dr. Stanton

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

Questions about the

scholarship changes over the
next five years? About the
new faculty that is being
hired? About where the food
service will be next year?
About whether or not Dr.
Stanton is a basketball fan?
All of these things were run-
ning through my head as I
walked up the stairs of Lupton
to interview the 1 4th president
of Oglethorpe University. The
answers were quite interesting.

SP. First, I know that I
have talked rather negatively
about the Strategic Plan in the
recent past, but now that it has
passed the Board, it is prob-
ably more profitable to move
on to the positive aspects. I
remember you mentioning
something about an increase in
scholarships due to the in-
creased endowment money.

STANTON: Yes, there
will be an increase in the to-
tal amount invested in schol-
arships. With a rising enroll-
ment, it will be very important
to increase the budget for
scholarships. This will happen
in two major ways. The first
is through current fund schol-
arships. Say that a person
gives a certain amount, such
as a thousand dollars, which is
not nearly enough to endow a
scholarship. That money is
spent during the year for a stu-
dent that meets the criteria of
that particular scholarship.
That's one way.

The other way is what's
called an endowed scholar-
ship. This is when a person
gives a large sum of money,
like $50,000 or $ 1 00,000, and
the University only uses the
yield of the invested contribu-
tion for scholarships. That
way it's a permanent thing,
and it is there every year for
students. The goal to be raised
by 1998, is about $6,250,000
for scholarships. $3,250,000
of that is the goal in endowed
scholarships, and the rest for
annual scholarships. So, it

won't be a noticeable jump in
money, but should be a steady
rise in the funds available
over the next five years and
beyond that time.

SP. Moving on to an-

time we aimed for $1 8 million,
and received just over that. We
project that this campaign
will bring in more than $30
million in gifts and pledges,
during a period of about five

Dr. Donald Stanton, Oglethorpe University's 14th
President. Photo courtesy of Dr. Stanton

other part of the plan. I know
that there is a specific part of
the plan that deals with updat-
ing the physical plant and
building new buildings and
planting shrubs, but is there
any money set aside simply for
little repairs, like the glass in
the auditorium, or the pipes in

campaign includes an amount
for renovating what is already
here. The figure for that is
about $2.45 million, and that
is for renovation of buildings
that we now have. In addi-
tion, there is about $350,000
for a new maintenance build-
ing, so plant personnel can
move out of the little shed
they've been working in. But
I've got to say that these are
"asks," not gifts yet, so we still
have to find the donors. I be-
lieve that we can do that. Last


SP. I have heard that
we have some new faculty that
have been hired, or are in the
process of being hired. Is there
anything that you would basi-
cally say about thai?

STANTON: I can't
really give you many specif-
ics on that, because that is pri-
marily Dr. Caprio's field. But,
I have personally interviewed
ten or twelve of them and I can
tell you one thing. The qual-
ity is terrific. The tilings that I
always want to know about
them are if they are interested
in teaching and if they are in-
terested in spending time with
students, or if they want to
spend all their time scheduled
in research. I want to know
about their communication
skills, because I assume they
all know their fields. Nearly
all of them apply with PhD. 's,

but I want to know if they can
relate in a classroom to under-
graduate students.

SP. I think it's time to
move to some lighter notes.
SpringFest is coming up
shortly. Do you have any feel-
ings on that?

just that it's a lot of fun. When
the students get involved with
something like that, I always
get a kick out of it personally.
I wish the students a lot of fun.

SP. I think most of the
Greeks on campus saw you at
the dedication of Greek Row,
and with the talk of a possible
third sorority, I wondered if
you had any particular feeling
towards the fraternities and
sororities here?

STANTON: I think
that Greek life is a real plus for
the University. I'm really glad
that they're on campus. I think
we want more students on
campus; that's the reason
we're buildinga new residence
hall. I want to see a university
where there is a lot of interac-
tion and a lot of learning go-
ing on outside the classrooms,
in the Greek housing and the
residence halls. I personally
think that all of the special
interest groups, the Greeks,
drama, music, athletic teams
and others are a plus to student
life and to the university. I
think the Greeks have done a

good job with the houses.
Each one's different.

SP. There's starting to
be a lot of individualism.

went through all of the Greek
houses at the dedication, and
each one seems very charac-
teristic of the particular group
of people.

SP. One last question
about a topic that has been on
a lot of people's mind recently.
I was just wondering if you
were a basketball fan, and
what you thought about the
team this year.

STANTON: I think
they did a great job. And I'm
proud of the women's bas-
ketball team, too. Everyone
has been talking about the
men's team, but for the length
of time that the women have
had a team, they also are do-
ing very well. I also am
pleased about our other teams,
both male and female. I don't
know if I ever have seen such
a crowd in the field house as
the night that we played
Hampton-Sydney in men's
basketball. I know the score
was not what we hoped for, but
the team has nothing at all to
feel ashamed about. They had
a terrific season. They played
some tough competition from
throughout the nation. I think
that our entire university can
be proud of our athletic teams.

To all interested students:

Applications for an editor po-
sition for the 1994-95 The Stormy
Petrel staff are being accepted
now through March 29, 1994. We
are graduating five senior editors;
so these and all other positions will
be available to the most qualified
applicants. Please stop by the
Petrel office in Emerson Student
Center to pick up an application.
Ryan P. Queen

Page 4


March 14, 1994

Junior describes her life after transferring

By Helen Quinones

Having been at

Oglethorpe for about two
months now, I can write about
this place, which happens to be
school number three for me.
Oglethorpe is an incredibly
drastic change from my other
two schools, the University of
Georgia and Georgia State

After ping-ponging
around this state's university
system (I also made a last
minute decision not to go to
Georgia Tech) I can honestly
say it needs some serious help.
For starters, most applications
require no essays. Not only
does UGA's application not
require an essay, it only offers
three lines of space for one sen-
tence, which is optional. This
says scary things about the in-

telligence ofUGA's applicants.
After a month there I regret-
ted picking the cheaper school.
1 can't even think of the hor-
rors of registration without
feeling sick: the hours of
standing, the packed waiting
rooms, rushing around to see
what sorry classes were left,
and the agony of waiting for
the ancient mainframe com-
puter to spit out results. A blue
and white schedule causes
much cheering and dancing all
the way out of the registration
building. A yellow card means
more time in purgatory, and
resignation that the only thing
left to take is an entomology
class at 7:50 a.m. on the east

bumble part of campus.

"Doesn't Oglethorpe
seem small to you?" I have to
laugh whenever anyone asks
me this. I love to hear people
complain about how ridicu-

lously tiny this campus is, then
see these very people fight for
a ride to class. I am thrilled to
ride and content to walk to
class, because at Georgia, my
classes were at least a fifteen
to twenty minute walk. I had
to cross multiple streets and
walk up some intolerable hills
that should be equipped with
ski lifts. Some classes took a
good half hour of walking, or
I could hop on a university
bus, ride around the entire
campus listening to country
music, arriving at the same
time as someone who walked.
No, the campus is not too
small, but it feels just big
enough that it's a pain to walk
but small enough that it's a
pain to drive.

"But this place is dead!"
I smile at that cry. My experi-
ence with Georgia, the self-
prcclaimed party capital of the

Fee to benefit OU students

By Lu Green

The Indigo Girls, The

Black Crowes, Jerry Seinfeld,
David Letterman, Lewis
Grizzard, and Maya Angelou
could be coming to

During the next few
weeks, the OU student body
will be bombarded with infor-
mation and advertising con-
cerning increasing the student
activities fee. The student ac-
tivities fee is currently $20/se-
mester/full-time student With
that money, the Programming
Board has been able to bring
in such performers and activi-
ties as hypnotists, Casino
Night, the Alpha Experience,
and coffee house performers
like David Carter, Natalie
Fan*, and the Comedy Zone. In
addition, Stomp the Lawn and
better Homecoming Dances
are a result of this nominal fee.
Before the activities fee (it's
only three years old), activities
like these simply did not exist

The proposed increase in
the activities fee is as follows:
$30-fall 1994,$40-spring
1995, $50-fall 1995 and be-

yond. I have done some re-
search at some local schools
and schools similar in size and
atmosphere to Oglethorpe to
see what their activities fees

1 . Agnes Scott College
enrollment: 600

Student Activities/Events Fee:

2. Centre College
enrollment: 1000

Student Activities Fee: $300/

3. Emory University
enrollment: 5000 undergradu-

Student Activities Fee: $50/

4. Morris Brown College
enrollment: 1800

Student Activities Fee: $363/

5. Rhodes College
enrollment: 1100

Student Activities Fee: $158/

6. Spelman College
enrollment: 1800
Student Activities Fee:
$43.50/semester, includes

Also to consider, various
ticket prices: The Black
Crowes (1992): $20.00 +

$2.75 handling fee;
Lemonheads(1993): $14.50;
Tori Amos (1994): $19.00;
Jerry Seinfeld (1993): $35.00
& $50.00; The Punchline
Comedy Club (1994): $7.00-
weeknights, $12.00-weekend;
One movie at Phipps Plaza
with Student I.D./monuV se-
mester (1994): $4.50 x 5 =
$22.50; Admission to Mas-
querade (most weekends
1994): $5.00+.

The Programming
Board is to be commended on
a tremendous job of providing
the student body with enter-
tainment. However, with a
small increase in the activities
fee, we could have bigger and
better names and we wouldn't
have to drive to see them. I
also think that an increase of
$10 a semester is minimal.
When you take into consider-
ation that tuition is currently
$8 1 25 for on-campus students
and $6015 for commuters
(and will most likely increase
for Fall 1994), 1/812.5 more
is minuscule. Voting to in-
crease the activities fee will not
only improve campus activi-
ties but it will get some of the
best performers in the country
on Oglethorpe's campus.

south, was that unless you
have the connections, in a
school that big you will miss
out on everything. Here when
somebody throws a party the
whole school shows up. I
haven't seen that anywhere.
Maybe it's because I spend
time with friends off campus
also, but it feels like there's
plenty to do here and there has
yet to be a dull weekend. In
this category, I can't even men-
tion Georgia State, the com-
muter campus that everyone
hates so much that they take
off after class just so they don't
have to run into anyone and
hang around any longer.

Regardless of what Se-
curity will say about this cam-
pus, Oglethorpe is safe. At
State, I am shocked that I beat
the odds and never got
mugged. Along with their ac-
ceptance letter, they send an
entire brochure about crime on
campus. The statistics are so
scary that it's a wonder any-
one goes there. UGA isn't
much better. The highly pub-
licized murders aren't all that
goes on over there. Downtown
Athens is the perfect place to
get mugged, and the dorms are
the ideal place to get acquain-
tance raped. Where the UGA
Police Department will file
away and forget any offense
short of murder, the
Oglethorpe Security flies into
action at someone jumping the
fence. I may lovingly refer to
the gatehouse gestapo, but

don't get me wrong, of course
this is good. While at Georgia
every other day a slip of paper
would appear in everyone's
mailbox alerting residents as to
the horrors occurring on cam-
pus, here at Oglethorpe the
housing staff keeps this kind
of information from their resi-
dents so the people living here
don'tevenknowwhat happens
night over their heads. This
false sense of safety can create
other problems, and make the
job of campus security seem

Residence halls here are
also drastically different. At
Georgia everyone gets an iden-
tical cube of a room with a
community bathroom. The
rooms and bathrooms may be
tiny, but for the most part
pipes, don't usually burst and
ceilings don't cave in very of-
ten. I enjoy having a common
room and my own bathroom,
but certain large creepy crawl-
ing critters falling out of the
light fixtures before the fixture
itself crashes to the floor call
for some attention.

These observations and
comparisons are made as con-
structive criticism because
Oglethorpe really is worth im-
proving, not just because this
is a school paper and the en-
tire staff must complain about
every aspect of school life, ca-
pable of improvement or not.
If that were the case, I would
have attacked the cafeteria one
more time, but some things
just seem beyond help.

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March 14, 1994

Page 5


A response to homosexuality

The Stortmf


Business Manager:
Copy Editors:

Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editor.
Feature Editor:
Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:


Daryl Brooks
Sarah Buzzard
Lu Green
Trish Hinton
Maria Johnson
Christa Kreeger
Shannon Montgomery
Helen Quinones
Ahna Sagrera

Ryan P. Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Heather Carlen
Justin Hayes
Will Mullis
Brandon Galloway
Jason Arikian
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas

Chris Brown
Tim Evans
Yolanda Hernandez
Helen Holifield
Kim Jones
Robert Miller
Kate Przylepa
Daniel Rosenthal
Pauline van Vliet

Christie Willard

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman Robert Drake

Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Tuesdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 30319, (phone #: (404)364-
8425) or drop them off in the box on the news-
paper office door.

By Josh Geary

Special to The Stormy Petrel

After reading Kim

Jones' and Christie Willard's
editorials in the last edition of
The Stormy Petrel, I felt in-
clined to write a sort of re-
sponse from a different per-
spective: the gay one. The
whole OGLA "controversy"
occurred during my first se-
mester at this school. I was not
active in the organization,
mainly because I had just
"came out" to myself and I was
afraid of harassment shattering
my new-found self-image, and
also because of my "under-
cover" involvement with
someone who wished his sexu-
ality to remain a secret Ac-
cording to him, if I were to in-
volve myself with the other
homosexuals on campus, I
might jeopardize his "secrecy,"
and partly because of stupid-
ity and partly because of disil-
lusionment, I listened to him.
Thus, my first year as a gay
college student was the most
emotionally difficult time I
have ever experienced. In my
opinion, Christie's friend
could probably use all of the
support from his closest friends
that he can get. Since he is
now forming his gay identity
and this is something that can
be very trying, he needs people
around him who will say that
everything is okay and that he
will be okay. But back to the
real story: there was some ha-
rassment against OGLA but I
don't remember it having been
so escalated as Kim heard

Nevertheless, OGLA all
but disappeared, as did most
of the "out" gays at
Oglethorpe. Many moved off
campus, distancing themselves
from the "community life;"
others left Oglethorpe all to-
gether. I, however, perse-
vered blending into the
"straight" Oglethorpe lifestyle
as the only "out" gay on cam-
pus. And I took pride in it. At
one point during the 92-93
school year, I was approached
with the prospect of resurrect-
ing OGLA for the new class
of freshman. I declined the

idea, knowing there was no or
not enough impetus or support
for a homosexual community
on this campus. If there were
or are any other gays on this
campus, they don't want sup-
port, what OGLA was sup-
posed to offer, they want se-
crecy and silence. They want
the utter torment that comes
with living a lie: saying one
thing, being another. It is my
belief that people are afraid to
come out on this campus be-
cause of its size and they're too
worried about what other
people will think. Well, screw
those other people.

Being gay is difficult at
times. But who doesn't have
some difficulty in their life,
who doesn't have problems?
A gay person's problems are
just the same as a straight
person's: "He hasn't called me
back. All he was interested in
was sex," or "She's just toying
with me. I don't know what
she wants." The only special
problems a homosexual might
have is the fact that they don't
know how to handle their
sexuality. They don't under-
stand themselves, they ask
themselves "why do I have to
be this way," or they become
ashamed of their sexual pref-
erence. They don't know how
to deal with being gay, and if
they can 't deal with it ho w are
their loved ones supposed to?
No one should have to deal

with being gay, they should
just be gay. Be proud to be
gay. I'm proud of my sexual-
ity. I don 't make special efforts
to hide it from people, but I
also don't flaunt it At least
no more than a normal straight
guy flaunts his "straightness."
Kim is right in saying
that "our generation is in a
sorry state" if harassment is
what keeps people from speak-
ing out. If people are so wor-
ried about being harassed that
they don't stand up for them-
selves, then how will harass-
ment ever be stopped? Earlier,
I mentioned that I was afraid
of being harassed at one time.
I got over it because I realized
that if someone has to harass
another person, its because
they're so uncomfortable with
who they are that they feel the
need to take it out on someone
else. So, if there is someone
out there who wants OGLA to
come back and isn't afraid of
what others think, then speak
up. I never have, because there
was no interest in it. But if
other people speak out then
they've got my support And
if you're worried about being
harassed, if you're worried
about somebody calling you
"fag," "dyke," "queer,"
"homo," or some other color-
ful vulgarity, let them. Be-
cause all you have to do is look
that person in the eye and say
"You're right and I'm proud
of it"

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Page 6


March 14, 1994

The confessions of an Oglethorpe minority

By Daniel Rosenthal

Once, when I was very

young, I discovered hatred for
the first time. It was a very
telling experience, one that
would echo in my mind for-
ever. I lived in a very small
suburb of a very small college
town in southern Michigan. I
was a happy child with plenty
of friends and not a care in the
world. Life was so new and
wonderful, every little aspect
of it fascinated me it still
does. Yes, I was sheltered, my
parents had filled my world
full of love. I was not a big
television watcher, as books
always held a special place in
my heart.

One of my many friends,
Daniel Schaffer, introduced
me to his new neighbor,

"Robbie, this is Daniel,
my best friend. He is Jewish."
Robbie picked up a
rock, and threw it at me, and
called me all sorts or names I
had never heard before that ter-
rible day. I ran home crying
to my mom. The torment
would begin and not end until
I finally moved in fourth
grade. I got in fights all the
time. Robbie knew he had a
way to get me mad and he did.
I was always in trouble. My
teacher, who was black and a
female always seemed to side
with Robbie. I never under-
stood why. Had not her people
suffered great indignity at the
hands of the white man? Why
did he hate me so? I never did
learn what I had done to anger
him and make hate me my
parents had raised me to love
everyone. They had never said
anything negative about any-
one; as long I was happy they
were happy. My teacher's only
explanation for her seemingly
unfair punishment system was
that she thought that by fight-
ing back I was lowering my-
self to his level. She told me
about Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr., who had been beaten for
what he believed in, yet he
never fought back with vio-
lence, just action and words.

She said people accomplish
more in life through non-vio-
lent means. I listened, and I
tried not to fight back, but it
was so hard His words and ac-
tions were so mean - 1 had to
defend myself!

I moved to Florida in the
summer in between my fourth
and fifth grade year. In
Florida, there were black
people, Italians, Hispanics,
Asians, white people, it was so
different from where I was
raised. Since my parents had
never said anything about any-
one, always accepting any of
my friends, I instantly made
friends with people of all races.
It seemed that we all had simi-
lar feelings and experiences, so
why not? Generally, my years
in Florida were peaceful. I
made a great friend in one
Kevin Rodriguez, who has
been my constant companion
since fifth grade. The pain of
my childhood slowly left my
mind, only to be remembered
during nightmares or any his-
tory class. Oddly enough, the
racism in Florida was not as
blatant as the racism I experi-
enced. It was there, it was just
that children who had grown
up together wouldn't say it to
each others face. For instance,
I remember, some White asso-
ciates of mine making very
racist remarks about a Black
friend of mine, since I am
white in color they assumed
that I would laugh along and
not be offended by that word
(I almost never use that word,
because for the longest time I
didn't know what it meant so
I looked it up. I was so dis-
gusted that any human would
use that word in reference to
another person that I vowed
never to use that word). In-
stead of laughing at their joke,
I said, "I thought you were
friends with him. Don't you
know what that word means?"
They laughed at me, and

called me a lover. So,

I got in a fight. Since, there
were more of them than me, I
got beat up pretty badly. I
never spoke to those people
again. I also learned some-
thing important about my self:

I am not White, I am not
Black, I am just Daniel
Rosenthal, and that people can
pretend to like someone as
their friends and still fear them
behind their backs.

After that life was pretty
uneventful. More and more I
learned that not believing in
Christ was a pretty big deal,
especially with the fathers of
the girls I dated. College was
beginning to look appealing to
me. I actually believed that at
college were everyone was
educated that racism was just
something to talk about and
compare memories, but not to
actually encounter. Man, was
I wrong. At the first school I
went to, which happened to
have a large Jewish popula-
tion, I encountered it from my
own people! Vou see, I was not
Jewish enough for them. I
can't speak Hebrew and I date
Christian girls (actually, I
dated girls of other religions as
well. My only requirement for
the girls I date is that they have
a good time). So I left, not
necessarily because of that, but

that was one of the factors in-
volved. Well, here I am at
Oglethorpe, older, wiser and

Once again, racism oc-
casionally rears its ugly head
in my direction. There seems
to be a rather large number of
Christians on this campus, and
while I am sure they all mean
well, I honestly don't think
you will burn in ever lasting
fire for dating someone who
does not believe in Jesus, or is
Black, or anyone who maybe
is different from you. And why
the homophobia? No, not all
of the Christians are ignorant
racists (This is a term I came
up with for people who are
being racist either because they
think the Bible sanctions it,
when it does not, or the people
who are racist and just don't
realize it) or racist at all. I am
not too interested in passages
that say they are committing
"sins." I know that the pas-
sages are there, but are they not
people who have feelings just
like you? Answer no, and you
are going, against some of
Jesus's strongest wishes. An-

swer yes, and you will discover
love and brotherhood, just
what Jesus wished for his fol-

By now, you may be
wondering why the boring life
story? Good questions and I
have a good answer. On Fri-
day, at my job, which is at a
private Episcopal school, a
sixth grader told me he wanted
to be a Nazi when he grew up.
This child knows I am Jewish.
I did not know what to do. I
walked away fearing that I
would say something that I
would regret. I also did not
want to start crying. I got
home after barely making it
through dinner. I got on the
phone with my mom and cried
for about twenty minutes. It
seemed so unfair that at such
a young age children can have
so much hatred or fear. That
groups like the Nazis appear
to be so appealing to them. I
just didn't understand why
there had to be so much hatred
in the world. I didn't under-
stand it when I was six, and
fourteen years later I still dont
understand it

Maintain radio silence!!!

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

I read with more than

considerable dismay in the last
issue about OSA President
Robbie Romeiser's cheerful
announcement about our sup-
posed radio station. I won-
dered where would this money
come from, so I decided to go
to the source. I asked Presi-
dent Romeiser about his ar-
ticle, and he mentioned that
since that time, estimated costs
for the proposed station will be
well in excess of the $1 5,000
figure originally claimed. We
then discussed the fact that
Oglethorpe funding is a zero-
sum game, that is to say, that
$15,000-20,000 will have to
come out of some another
department's budget.

Why do we need this ra-
dio station? Go spin the radio
dial. There are dozens of sta-
tions appealing to every kind
of listener's preference - clas-

sic rock, classical, alternative,
rock 'n' roll, country, soul,
jazz, talk shows, pop, hip-hop,
gospel, etc., etc. If you can go
completely through all the sta-
tions on both the FM and AM
band and can't find something
appealing, aren't you are be-
ing overly selective? And this
station will not help
Oglethorpe lose its mystery
school status because the sta-
tion wont even be broadcast-
ing off our campus! Sorry,
Brookhaven, you will be miss-
ing out!

A radio station for stu-
dents to fool around on is not
a bad idea in principle. If the
funding ($15,OO0-$2O,OO0
just for start-up costs) was be-
ing provided by some wealthy
alumni or corporation ex-
pressly for that purpose, then
it would not be an issue worth
discussing. However, this is
not the case. Where else might
this $20,000 be better spent?
For one, you could reimburse
the VICTIMS of this year's

numerous plumbing disasters.
Or you could put it towards the
installation of thermostats and
a modern heating/cooling sys-
tem in the Academic buildings
and Upper Quad so those staff
and students wouldn't have to
alternately freeze and sweat all
year. Or you could strengthen
an existing department like
Art, Drama, Security, or the
Health clinic. For God's sake,
this school doesnt even have
a real health center! ! ! Nurse
Bradley is a wonderful person
who does all she possibly can,
but the doctor is only here for
three hours a week! But, I
guess we can listen to the ra-
dio station when we are sick.
Instead, this radio sta-
tion will be going on air with
no real purpose, unless it is
supposed to enhance the re-
sumes of our Communications
majors. I would urge every-
one to ask the administration
and Trustees to reconsider al-
locating funds for this frivo-
lous "addition."

March 14, 1994


Page 7

Letters to the Editor.

A response about being in love

By Lori L. Schachter
Dear Editor:

This letter is written in response to the article "Does Being in Love Really Stink?" Having
personally experienced one of the most upsetting circumstances one can ever imagine, I've been
forced to love across the miles. I am one of those unfortunate ones where the love of my life moved
away and left me behind at only the age of fifteen. Yet, the only difference is that our separation
didn't mean the end; it meant the beginning. The beginning of a new life to explore on my own,
without having that special someone there to help me travel the road of life.

With having a long-distance relationship for over three years now, I've had to go through
three Valentine's Days receiving gifts and cards through the postal system. It makes me upset to
walk through school and see balloons, candy, and roses in everybody's hand but mine. One of the
things that upsets me, yet seems ironic, is that the majority of people who walk around on Valentine 's
Day with a grin on their face are those who aren't part of a relationship. And me - I'm sad yet
madly in love.

Now that my love and I have grown up together, we too have learned together. Learned the
true meaning of commitment, trust, hope, and most importantly, love. Now that I'm 18and ready
to graduate from high school, I have to start planning for my new life at college. No matter where
I am, I'll always believe in our love, and no matter where I go, he'll always be right there next to
me, inside my heart

In conclusion, I would like to share a poem that I found in a local newspaper here in Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida. It's entitled "Is It Love or Infatuation?"

"Infatuation is instant desire - one set of glands calling to another.

"Love is a friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows, one day at a time.

"Infatuation is marked by a feeling of insecurity. You are excited and eager, but not genu-
inely happy. There are nagging doubts, unanswered questions, little bits and pieces about your
beloved that you would just as soon not examine too closely. It might spoil the dream.

"Love is the quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection: it is real. It gives
you strength and grows beyond you - to bolster your beloved. You are wanned by his presence,
even when he is away. Miles do not separate you. You want him near. But near or far, you know
he is yours and you can wait

"Infatuation says 'We must get married right away. I cant risk losing him.' Love says, 'Be
patient He is yours. Plan your future with confidence. '

"Infatuation has an element of sexual excitement Whenever you are in one another's com-
pany, you are hoping it will end in intimacy. Love is the maturation of friendship. You must be
friends before you can be lovers.

"Infatuation lacks confidence. When he's away, you wonder if he's cheating. Sometimes
you check. Love means trust You are calm, secure, and unthreatened. He feels your trust and it
makes him even more trustworthy. Infatuation might lead you to do things you'll regret later, but
love never will.

"Love lifts you up. It makes you look up. It makes you think up. It makes you a better
person than you were before." Author Unknown

This poem is hung right above the desk in my room where I can easily see it. Every day I
read it and realize how much love has changed my life and me as a person.

So, does being in love really stink? Think about that the next time you stand next to your
girl/boyfriend. Maybe you'll appreciate your "other half' a little more when you're able to hold
hands rather than to exchange letters.

Letters to the Editor Policy

I have taken this space In order to reiterate The
Stormy Petrel's Letters to the Editors Policy. Although we
highly encourage comments on anything that we publish, all
material is subject to editing for content and/or style at the
discretion of The Stormy Petrel.

Ryan P. Queen

A message from your
Vice President
concerning planning

By John B. Knott
Executive Vice President

To The Editor:

Last November, students returning from previous semes-
ters completed the Student Opinion Survey. Over the past eight
years, this survey has provided important information for our
planning. Changes that can be attributed to the survey include
the Sweat Shop, the volleyball court, improvements in security,
counseling, and tutoring, among others.

Analysis of responses include comparing Oglethorpe scores
to the average scores of private colleges participating in the sur-
vey. The top ten characteristics are registration procedures, aca-
demic advising, financial aid information, class size, bookstore,
availability of advisor, value of advisor, activity fee uses, racial
harmony, and availability of faculty.

The bottom ten are condition of buildings and grounds,
religious activities, student newspaper, student union, orienta-
tion, lab facilities, athletic facilities, variety of courses, computer
services, and food service.

Dean Moore and I recently met with the OSA Executive
Council to discuss these and other characteristics to be certain
that we understood the survey results. There were few surprises
among the best and worst. Both the Strategic Plan and annual
planning have targeted many of these areas for improvement.
The recent discussions regarding "the moral dimensions of shrub-
bery" stem in part from attempts to improve the buildings and
grounds. Longer range (read: more expensive) plans include
repairing the windows in Hearst and Lupton and replacing the
HVAC systems in these and other buildings. (In part, then, I
agree with Stephen Cooper.) Other, longer range projects which
speak to some of these ten weaknesses are a new science build-
ing, a field house extension, and renovation and expansion of the
student center. Additionally, various renovation projects in the
other buildings on campus will be done as funds are available.
Incidentally, almost none of the costs of such repairs and expan-
sions stem from money paid by or on behalf of students to

Among the weak areas which you can count on being dealt
with in the coming months are the condition of buildings and
grounds (this will be a continuing project), athletic facilities,
computer services, and last, and certainly not least food service.
None will be ignored, the ones just cited are those which I am
certain can be improved in the near future.

I invite suggestions and recommendations from all of our
students. For example, in the last issue of this newspaper, Heather
Carlen had an outstanding idea for the courtyard of Traer which
would speak to both the condition of the grounds and athletic
facilities. Her reference to McDonald! and makes me somewhat
nervous, however. Any slides, swings and jungle gyms would
necessarily be made of granite and wood rather than bright plas-
tic which would not fit our architectural motif. Certainly, a three
story collegiate Gothic slide would be memorable.

Whether anyone's thoughts are as creative as Heather's or
not, I am interested in them. Students with good ideas should
call or come by my office on the second floor of Lupton to let me
know of them.

Page 8


March 14, 1994

What is an appropriate flag for Georgia?

Entertainment Editor

Recently it has been

very interesting to observe that
the Georgia State Flag issue
has not been resolved or laid
to rest There is obviously a
lot of passion and thought on
both sides of this recently emo-
tionally-charged issue. Some-
times I wonder if an outside
observer would think that we
in Georgia live in a Utopia,
since we have time to involve
ourselves and the whole state
government over the issue of
what pattern on a cloth will fly
in our schools and over our
buildings. After all, the impor-
tant issues that plague most
states must have already been
solved if people are more con-
cerned over a flag than press-
ing social, political, and eco-
nomic issues! While the flag
has undeniable symbolic sig-
nificance, it is questionable if
it should be such a frequently
discussed topic.

As a lifetime Georgia
resident, I can assure you that
Georgia is no Utopia, and
never has been. Georgia con-
sistently ranks at or near the
bottom when compared to
other states in telling catego-
ries such as crime, education,
and infant mortality. Georgia
students perform consistently
near the bottom when com-
pared to other states, and the
differences are even more dra-
matic when compared to other
countries. Georgia's economy
is also not among the best.
There are sharp and virtually
permanent distinctions be-
tween those who live in
guarded mansions with high
walls on West Paces Ferry and
those who "stay" in urban
housing projects that are vir-
tual war zones or in shockingly
primitive rural living condi-
tions. Georgia's state welfare
system is overloaded and un-
productive. It is simply a
handout with no incentive for
recipients to strive to better
their situation. Despite the
boosts recently provided by the
Super Bowl and the one that
will hopefully come with the

1996 Olympics, Georgia's
economy remains stagnant.

As for Georgia politics,
where does one begin? The
"Good Ole Boy" system con-
tinues to run Georgia politics.
A rural congressmen named
Tom Murphy has exercised a
virtual stranglehold over the
legislature for years. And it is
only in recent years that Geor-
gia has developed a true two-
party political system, after
over 100 years of anti-Repub-
lican backlash for their harsh
treatment of the defeated Con-
federate states. As Oglethorpe
history professor Dr. Thomas
will tell you, there have been
no Republican Governors
since the Reconstruction.

Finally on social issues,
Georgia 's history is quite dark.
Many Georgians have always
been leaders in promoting
harsh intolerance against those
who are different in any way
to themselves. One of the
states that most harshly
worked slaves and was deadset
on utilizing slave labor to the
end, Georgians fought tooth
and nail against integration
and allowing minorities the
same basic rights afforded to
other citizens. Georgians also
tend to be intolerant to any al-
ternative lifestyle that does not
revolve around the nearby
church. Believe it or not, it is
actually illegal for an unmar-
ried heterosexual couple of
any sort to engage in sexual
intercourse. And you had best
be extremely careful in reveal-
ing to anyone that you are ho-
mosexual or willingly choos-
ing to become a single parent.

What is the background
of this flag that seemingly
supercedes all the above is-
sues? It was during the begin-
nings of the civil rights
struggle in the 1950s that the
Georgia legislature decided in
1956 to adopt the Confederate
Battle Flag as the State Flag
as a gesture of defiance to all
those working for these
changes. Thus, the reasons for
changing the flag were not
noble in intention and were
certainly never directly meant
to honor anyone's supposed


The point to all of the
above is that Georgia obvi-
ously has no shortage of eco-
nomic, social, and political
problems that desperately need
to be addressed. Why then do
the citizens of Georgia and its
government spend so much
time and energy on this is-
sue?!? It is a true mystery.
However, if the flag issue must
be resolved so that the legiti-
mate business of the state can
resume, so be it. I find it quite
surprising that anyone of a
Southern background (my
own extends back past the
Civil War to before the Revo-
lutionary War) would not ac-
tually be insulted by the sug-
gestion that Confederate Battle
Flag is appropriate to represent
all of Georgia's rich cultural
and historical heritage.

One of the main reasons
for the establishment of the
Georgia colony by the British
monarch was to provide a
buffer state to safeguard the
prized South Carolina colony
against Spanish encroachment
from Florida. The English
gentleman that our school is
named for, General James Ed-
ward Oglethorpe, was sent
with colonists in 1 733 to de-
velop the desired buffer state.
It was then that the proud mar-
tial heritage of military service
began. General Oglethorpe
successfully accomplished his
mission and Georgia became
a viable state. Georgians
fought bravely in the Revolu-
tionary War, playing an impor-
tant part in the eventual tri-

After the Revolutionary
War ended, the rest of the states
that make up what was called
the South came into being, in-
cluding Mississippi, Alabama,
Louisiana, Arkansas, and Ten-
nessee. These states followed
Georgia's example in what
was to become a strong South-
em tradition: loyal military
service whenever needed by
the country. The South has
always provided the United
States with an exceptional
number of men and women
whether during wartime or

peace from the Revolutionary
War to the present The only
exception, of course, is the
Civil War, when Georgians
fought fiercely and bravely, as
usual, but this time against the
United States.

To a great extent, the
Civil War was truly "A rich
man's war and a poor man's
fight." The wealthy aristoc-
racy in the South, desperate to
maintain its privileged status,
pulled the general Southern
populace, almost all of whom,
as Robert Miller correctly
pointed out, were not slave
owners, into a bloody, destruc-
tive, futile war against the
United States. Many feared
that the Southern tradition of
service to the country had died
with the Confederacy, and that
the South would no longer be
the strong resource it had al-
ways been in the past. These
fears were put completely to
rest at the onset of the Span-
ish-American war, when
Southerners again came out in
droves to fight for their re-
united country, as they have
ever since.

So based on this proud
history what would be an ap-
propriate flag to represent
Georgia? Many have pro-
posed a return to the flag that
flew from the end of Recon-

struction until 1956, which
was a combination of the State
Seal on the left, as it is now,
and the Confederate national
flag on the majority. Neither
that flag nor the present one are
appropriate to represent our
state. Georgia has been
around as part of the United
States for well over 200 years
now and was only part of the
Confederacy for four years. If
people want to have a Confed-
erate national or battle flag to
commemorate that portion of
Georgia history, that is their
right. However, to suggest that
the four years of insurrection
out of over 200 years appro-
priately represents Georgia
heritage is illogical. It also is
an insult to the honor of all the
Georgians who have fought
bravely in our country's nu-
merous wars before and after
the Civil War.

Therefore, an appropri-
ate flag for Georgia would be
a return to the "Loyalty Flag"
which flew from the end of the
Revolutionary War until the
beginning of the Civil War.
The flag features the state seal
on a solid background of dark
"loyalty" blue. Returning to
this flag is the proper way to
pay tribute to all of Georgia's
true heritage.


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March 14, 1994


Page 9

My endless search for marvelous Mexican

Stops three and four on my journey

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

Stop III: U.S. Bar y

Grill 4058 Peachtree Rd, 8 1 4-

How to get there: Turn
right out of O.U. Then turn
right into same plaza as At-
lanta CD, MotoPhoto, and
Gorin's are in. Parking is in
the rear.

Stop III took us down
the street to the U.S. Bar y
Grill. U.S. Bar y Grill is part
of a small chain here in At-
lanta. It is a very friendly res-
taurant Three or four people
may be taking care of your
table at the same time. The
decor is nice, as is the ambi-
ence. The restaurant is divided
into three sections. When the
weather is nice, there is a large
area with metal chairs and
tables for outside dining. On
the right in the inside is a large
bar area complete with a big
TV for watching sports, etc.
The bartenders are friendly,
and if you are dining alone, it
is a nice place to sit. However,
we opted for the general din-
ing area on the left. This area
features authentic photos of
Mexico and booths consisting
of wooden benches.

The chips and salsa that
are brought to the table imme-
diately are very good. One
extremely refreshing feature of
U.S. Bar is the menu. Rather
than a mind-numbing list of
dozens of combos, the menu
lists steaks, fajitas, chicken
dishes, etc. Opting to begin
with a couple of appetizers, we
batted .500. The Shrimp
Ceviche sounded delicious,
described as "a true authentic
specialty from the Mexican
coast" consisted of shrimp in
a mild mixture of salsa, avo-
cado, and celery. Unfortu-
nately the cilantro in the dish
was overpowering. A better
choice was the Chile Con
Queso. This was a good por-
tion of smooth melted
Monterrey Jack cheese with
jalapenos and spices.

On to the entrees, we
chose the U.S. Pechugas (a
grilled chicken breast) and the

Cabrito (goat), which is the
house specialty after checking
to make sure it was not Elvis,
the recently departed and
much beloved Kappa Alpha
Order mascot. Both these
dishes were a hit and are
served with specially seasoned
long grain rice, retried beans,
and probably the best
guacamole to be had in At-
lanta. The U.S. Pechugas con-
sist of a large, grilled, mari-
nated, boneless, chicken breast
covered with with fresh sliced
mushrooms, spinach, bell pep-
pers, onions, and smothered
with cheese sauce. This was a
delicious dish but the Cabrito,
described as "a true Mexican
experience" was even better.
The Cabrito is marinated,
baked, and mesquite roasted,
and served with boracho beans
(pinto beans baked in a beer
sauce). If you like roast, you
will love Cabrito. It was a
juicy and flavorful delight.
Other good choices at the U.S.
Bar y Grill are the enchiladas
and the fajitas.

Thumbs Up For: all of
the above - good music, decor,
service, food, etc. Also the
"tablecloths" used by U.S. Bar
y Grill are fresh paper cut off
for each new party. If asked,
they will gladly provide cray-
ons which are great for enter-
taining children and students.

Room for improvement:
hidden down below the side
orders is a line informing you
that salsa and chips after the
first basket is eaten are $1.00.
For the prices they charge,
which are not cheap, this is
madness! Also it can be con-
fusing as to which staff mem-
ber is actually serving you
when you need something,

Stop IV: El Toro 5071
Peachtree Industrial Blvd455-

How to get there: Take
a left out of O.U., go through
a few lights, and El Toro is on
the right in Peachtree Dekalb

No this is not a reprint,
last time was El Torero, this is
El Toro! There are actually
nine area locations, but tins is

the closest to Oglethorpe. El
Toro has been around in At-
lanta since 1974. It is a res-
taurant, like Po Folks, that has
seriously suffered from "chain
syndrome." As the locations
have become more numerous,
there has been an inversely
proportional decrease in qual-
ity. This location, which is
listed, as number 7, is no dif-
ferent. The decor at El Toro is
extremely cheap and unin-
spired and the staff appears to
want to be anywhere other
than at work. The manager
talked loudly on the phone at
the register for the entire time
we were inside, and I do mean
the entire time, including when
we were standing at the regis-
ter to pay. This was both un-
professional and extremely

vor, the smoking and non-
smoking sections are com-
pletely separated, which
means non-smokers will not

On to the food: El Toro
dishes up the good chips and
salsa freely, without charging
you for refills. However, the
guacamole and cheese used in
dishes are indicative of the
above-mentioned "chain syn-
drome." Both are bland and
obviously come from a can. El
Toro's menu is similar to that
of El Potro and El Torero.
There are 25 combinations
and about 15 other choices.
The difference here is that
most of the food at El Toro
embodies the old joke that
"Mexican food is nothing but
six ingredients prepared 100

nation dinners, and the accom-
panying rice and beans are
definitely not memorable.
There are some bright spots on
the menu, mainly the fajitas
and the Enchiladas Rancheras.
On the whole, this was not a
great pitstop on the journey.

Thumbs Up For: the fact
that El Toro frequently has 2
for 1 coupons, which makes
the food cheaper. Also all of
the employees speak and un-
derstand English without any

Room for improvement:
besides the above, El Toro
should turn off the blaring big
screen TV showing the Span-
ish channel since, by the looks
of the customers, the only
people who understand it are

bothersome. In El Toro's fa- different ways." The combi- the employees.

One of the hidden treasures

By Heather Carlen
Co-Copy Editor

The King & I is one of

the hidden treasures of our
area - located on Peachtree
Road behind Gorin's and the
abovementioned U.S. Bar y
Grill, it's difficult to spot from
the road unless you look for it.
You'll find it behind Gorin's
outdoor seating area, which is
where I happened to be sitting
when I first noticed the won-
derful smells coming from fur-
ther down. I made a point to
try it out - and I have, several
times. I have not been disap-

The King & I specializes
in Thai and Chinese food, run-
ningfrom the familiar chicken
and vegetables to Thai noodle
dishes. My personal favorite
is actually an appetizer: the
spring rolls for two, which
come sliced neatly with a bowl
of heavenly peanut sauce. I
had some trouble deciding
how to eat them properly (fin-
gers? fork? chopsticks?) but
once I started eating, it really
didn't matter anymore. The
egg drop soup, which I also
have had, is good but not out-
standing, and my companion
assured me that the hot and

spicy soup, which I wasn't
brave enough to try, was deli-

The common conception
of Thai food is that it is excep-
tionally spicy, which I was a
little apprehensive about. The
spicy dishes, as in most Orien-
tal restaurants, are marked
with an asterisk, so most con-
servative diners such as myself
can steer clear of them. The
descriptions of the entrees and
appetizers are fairly complete
and give you a good idea of
what's actually in each one,
which I have found not always
to be the case in other restau-

Service has been fairly
good, in my experience. We
did have a little trouble on one
visit while sitting in the smok-
ing section, since we were the
only ones in it. but the service
seems to be better in nonsmok-
ing. (Sorry, smokers!) Once
we ordered, the appetizers ar-
rived at our table remarkably
quickly, followed by our en-
trees. Plenty of rice is pro-
vided, with additional bowls
for no charge if you need it.
The rice itself is clumpy like
rice ought to be (no Minute
Rice for them!) and comes in
interesting silvery bowls.

The King & I has never
been very crowded when I've
eaten there, even on a week-
end night. Reservations are
accepted, but in my opinion
not necessary, since I've never
had to wait for a table. Since
the restaurant has such prompt
service and relatively few din-
ers, I don't feel rushed to va-
cate the table after I 'm through
eating, which I do at many
other places, particularly on a
weekend. I recommend stay-
ing for an hour or so and tak-
ing your time. Enjoy yourself.

Speaking as a typically
impoverished college student,
I can vouch for the fact that the
King & I is affordable by most
standards. Entrees tend to run
about $8 a plate, depending on
what you order, and consist of
a great deal of food. Two
people can eat quite well for
under $25, including appetiz-
ers and drinks. Everything
I've had has been good re-
heated on the next day, too.

All in all, I have found
the King & I to be an enjoy-
able and satisfying dining ex-
perience and I strongly recom-
mend it. And if you can talk
someone out of one of the rice
bowls, let me know.

Page 10


March 14, 1994

By Brandon Galloway

Feature Editor

For this edition, the

ProFile is focused on a mild-
mannered English major from
nearby Lithonia, GA. -
Michael Claxton, a.k.a. the tie
man. If you've seen Michael
around campus, then you've
probably noticed the tie he was
wearing. It may be big or
small; it maybe bold or meek,
it may match or not, but it will
always be there. According to
Claxton, the tradition started
when he was a freshman in
high school and came across a
tie with a picture of the Atlanta
Stadium on it He got such a
reaction when he wore the tie
one Friday, that he began to
wear one every Friday. Today
Claxton's cravat collection to-
tals over 300 ties. Ties aren't
Michael's only recreation,
however. He and his parents
buy and sell antiques, and they
have a booth at the monthly
Don Scott Antique Show. In
addition to these hobbies,
Michael also enjoys magic his-
tory. When his Oglethorpe ca-
reer ends in May, Michael
Claxton plans to study English
literature and hopes to teach at
the college level eventually.

During his years here,
Michael has been an active
student leader and academic
success. He is a member of Phi
Eta Sigma and the Oglethorpe
Christian Fellowship, for
which he co-leads a Bible
study. He also serves as vice-
president of Alpha Chi and
Secretary of Sigma Tau Delta,
the English honor society.
When asked how he feels
about his Oglethorpe experi-
ence, Michael says that over-
all, he has been impressed, and
he holds special praise for the
English department. "The
classes have been a real chal-
lenge and fun too. . people
complain about the little
things., .but the education has
been well worth the money my
dad paid for it." Well said,
Michael, and good luck!

Reminders for those Spring Breakers

By Kim Jones

The hair fiber origi-
nates at the hair papilla where
we can find lots of blood ves-
sels. Each hair papilla has at-
tached to it arrector pilli
muscles which... note to my-
self don't forget to bring an
extra bathing suit and those
white sandals.

Do your notebooks look
like this? Yes, spring break is
approaching, and spring fever
has hit. The sun has finally
come out again, and it is get-
ting harder and harder to make
to that one o'clock class.
When we do make it to class
we are day dreaming about
going to the park, or making
lists in our biology notebooks
reminding ourselves what to
bring on the trip to Florida. It
is you I am addressing, those
of you who plan on spending
your spring break away with
friends, especially those of you
going to the beach.

You may have been
planning your trip for weeks
now, but you can never do too
much planning. There's so
much to do - from reservations,
to car tune-ups, getting the
time off work, to planning
your crew. This last one may
be the most important a task
we do not usually think of as
very much of a task, but one
that should not be taken lightly
if you are ready for a good trip.

Imagine all the people:
you are sitting in the car with
your boyfriend, your best
friend, his or her girlfriend/
boyfriend, a girlfriend, and a
guy that you used to spend a
lot of time with and have not
talked to in a while. Your girl-
friend and your boyfriend had
never met but have decided by
now that they hate each other.
You have been sitting in the car
for five hours and everyone is
tired of driving and tired of
being so close to one another.
You cannot decide what mu-
sic to play and get in a stupid
squabble over that. Someone
keeps smacking their gum and
you want to hit them. You get
to Florida and plan to spend

the first night going to some
cool club down the shore.
Suddenly your girlfriend is
tired and wants to go to the
movies. She wants you to go
with her. Your boyfriend
wants you to go with him out
for a bite to eat and the couple
want to take a walk on the
beach, alone. Everyone in the
group gets into a huge fist fight
and teeth fly. The huge party
becomes a week-long cat fight.
Your boyfriend likes to dress
in drag, and your girlfriend
thinks he is gross. Your girl-
friend wants to dig for worms
outside the hotel, and your
boyfriend keeps spitting on
her. He wants to smoke weed,
and she wants to turn him in.
what a mess! Meanwhile the
couple breaks up, and the girl
runs away with a bell-hop to
Bosnia. Everyone needs your

help with something, but you
have problems of your own;
you broke a nail, got stung by
a jelly-fish, and realize you
forgot to pack underwear.

If you have a group of
friends that always spend time
together, then this may not
seem to be a problem, but if
your friends are different
people with different ideas of
a good time, then this may be-
come a reality for you. Take
the time to carefully plan the
group with whom you are
going on your trip. You may
be able to invite a friend that
doesn't know anyone, but be
sure that your friend's person-
ality does not clash with any-
one else's. This by all means
does not mean that you want a
lot of people with the same
personality, but you should

remember that you will be
spending hours in a car and
days over vacation with these
people. It would help if they
could get along.

Tips for personalities not
to invite on the same trip:

1. Perry Farrel and Hank
Williams Jr.

2. a girl who is
with a girl who is

3. someone who makes
their bed every morning with
hospital comers and someone
who wears the same under-
wear for three days.

4. a heroine addict and a

5. Rush Limbaugh and
Howard Stem.

6. a smoker and a former-

7. Lorena Bobbit and An-
drew Dice Clay.

Warning: Spring Break ahead!

Some spring break dreams that are
cursed to never come true

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Ah, Spring Break.

The season when the weather
hopefully turns warmer and
the thoughts of most college
students turn from books to
beer. But be warned - there are
those unfortunates like myself
who are cursed to never have
their Spring Break dreams
come true. Year after year,
whatever my plans, things
never seem to go quite right.
Since I have limited space
here, I will only cover my top
three Spring Break bombers
here - to serve as a warning to
those of you who think you
can leave school for a week
and just have fun. Or at least
maybe you'll feel sorry for me,

The first Spring Break in
my recollection is my seventh
grade year. Members of our
student council and other stu-
dents were going skiing in
North Carolina, and we
stopped in Atlanta on the way.
That year North Georgia was

experiencing some of the win-
try weather we have been for-
tunate enough to miss out on
this season. Soon about ten of
us were involved in what we
thought was a snowball fight.
Before I knew it I was bleed-
ing from a rather nasty cut
right under my nose. I spent the
whole trip with what looked
like a red arrow on my face,
pointing upwards as if to say,
"check out the dumbbell from
Mississippi who doesn't know
the difference between ice and

The next time I traveled
for Spring Break, I decided to
try the beach rather than the
mountains. A friend and I trav-
eled to Navarre Beach, Florida
during my tenth grade year. I
learned my lesson about vaca-
tioning with friends more at-
tractive than myself. She was
off every night with some hunk
while I was running from the
youngest and geekiest stalker
ever known to the Eastern
United States. Our last night
in Florida we had security
throw him out for sleeping

outside our door and he still
bribed the hotel clerk for my
address and harassed me by
mail for two months! Why
me? as Nancy Kerrigan would

Finally two years ago I
journeyed home to the Coast
from OU. hoping for simply
a little sunny weather, some
camping at the river and a
chance to celebrate my
brother's sixteenth birthday
with him. No way. There was
an incredible rainstorm, and by
the time we floated home from
the mudhole that was once
Wolf River, my family was
nowhere to be found. It seems
my brother and his appendix
had different plans for his
birthday. Finally, my senior
year, I have the Spring Break
blues beaten This year I do not
intend to plan any fun whatso-
ever. In fact, I have scheduled
surgery for that week. For
those among you who are
brave or naive, go ahead. Eat
drink, and be merry - get a tan,
even. I know better.

March 14, 1994


Page 11

Are you counting the days until Spring Break?

By Wendy Barber

Special to The Stormy Petrel

As if you did not know
already, spring break is
quickly approaching. Yes, of-
ficially beginning March 20
and ending March 27, you will
have no schoolwork to stress
out about One full week of
relaxation. Perhaps many of
you already had spring break
in mind back in January and
took advantage of the low rates
and package deals offered for
exotic trips to far away
beaches or snowcapped moun-
tains. As over a dozen travel
agencies have confirmed,
some people definitely had
spring break top on their pri-
ority list, and the deals are
gone. Unless you want to or-
ganize a vacation with a ten-
person minimum, a romantic
getaway to the tropical island
of your choice will probably
cost you full price, somewhere
between SS00 and a $ 1000 per
person. So, how about having
a good time right here in Geor-
gia? You will not need a pass-
port nor a huge amount of
money, and you can combine

activities with relaxation.

Listed below are a num-
ber of different options for
those of you seeking last-
minute get-away ideas. They
are based on various economic
levels and time consumption
for those of you who still feel
compelled to study or must

1. Saint Simons Island
and Sea Island offer the beach,
tennis, golf, horseback riding,
boating, fishing, and a fun
nightlife. Approximately 5-6
hours by car. Days Inn has
rates from $49- $79 per night
Call 1-800-325-2525 for in-

2. Callaway Gar-
dens... Explore the excellent
walking, hiking, and biking
trails through woods and
around streams and lakes. Pic-
nic areas are available, as are
restaurants. For information
call 1-800-282-8181.

3. Helen, Ga. provides
a natural setting for low-im-
pact camping, hiking, and
horseback riding. A drive
through the area offers many
overnight options from hotels
to Mountain Madness cabins.

An average stay costs approxi-
mately $100- $150 for two
over a weekend.

4. Camping areas in
Georgia: Mt. Trey, Mt. Yonah,
Tullulah Gorge/Falls, Blood
Mountain... Make sure you
have your own gear, a map,
plenty of food, and lots of fun.

5. Paintball Atlanta...
Spend an afternoon with a
group of friends (or enemies)
and shoot one another with
paint. You'll don camouflage
gear and safety helmets, then
run through rough terrain, get
dirty, and have an outrageous
workout. An excellent way to
reduce mental and physical
stress. Approximately $40-
$70 per person.

6. Malibu Grand
Prix... Pretend you are a race
car driver, as many Allantans
believe themselves to be. Cost
is about $30.

7. Piedmont Park...
Enjoy an afternoon with a pic-
nic, frisbee, your dog, and
friends. Hey, it's free!

8. Morgan Falls,
Tullulah Gorge, Province Park
(Alpharetta)... Rock climbing
is possible at these locations as

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a challenging form of exercise,
but be careful. Also free.

Some rainy day sugges-

1. Ice skating... Par-
kaire. $10- SI 5, and look out
for Tanya. Bad joke.

2. Quazar Tazar Tag
at parkside, Sandy Springs.
$15- $20

3. The High Mu-
seum... culture of all kinds,

ers, cards, games, etc... $5.

If you don't have any
plans and none of these sug-
gestions appeal to you, then
you are on your own. Remem-
ber that spring break is meant
to be enjoyed, so have a great
time wherever you are and
whatever you are doing, but do
it safely so you can come back
to O.U. in time for exams. Did
I mention summer is coming

and a neat gift shop for post- up?

"Opinions. . ..

What's the best and
worst thing about Oil?

Best: "The basketball team." Best: "The cheerleaders.

Worst: "The Food."
Suzanne Brown

They are good lookin'"
Worst: "8:30 classes, 'cause I
never go."

Andy Schutt


Best: "My roommate.
Worst: "Speed bumps.

Kirsten Hanzsek


Best: "Weekends."

Worst: "Attendance Policies.'

John Bowen


Best: "Basketball fan sup- Best: "Small size of the

port." school."

Worst: "The +/- grading sys- Worst: "People who know too

tern." much about you."
Ryan Vickers Pedro Niembro

Sophomore Freshman

Page 12

March 14, 1994


Aerobics queen: Things are different now

By Yoli Hernandez

Well, my fellow Jane

Fondas, the Aerobics Queen is
back. Things have changed in
the aerobics world since my
last article, so I felt it was my
duty to dust off my sneakers
once again and report the
progress to you. About three
weeks ago, I found out that the
classes had finally been moved
to the Pit and the steps had
been constructed. So of
course, I thought I'd check
things out myself in order to
give you my up close and per-
sonal reaction...

I entered the doorway of
Lupton on the left-hand comer,
facing Hearst, and ran down
the wooden stairs that lead to
the infamous "Pit." It's a spa-
cious room, still undergoing its
final touches of construction,
with two mirrors mounted on
its walls. I was running about
ten minutes late, so I figured I
would just have missed the
warm up exercises. Yet, to my
surprise the 17 girls present
had already started using the
black wooden steps that look
like miniature coffins. I got
my own step, went to the back
of the room, and made an at-
tempt to catch up with the
class. Unfortunately, this was
not an easy task for me. I've
come to the conclusion that I
have no co-ordination whatso-
ever. I finally managed to get
the foot pattern down, but the
moment Stephanie Giles, the
instructor, started adding the
arm motions to it, I almost
threw up my hands and de-
clared myself hopeless. It only


By Joe Cox
Corresponding Secretary

The Oglethorpe

Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega
is proud to announce that we
will be hosting a field day on
April 1 7, for all the Alpha Phi
Omega chapters in Georgia.
Activities will include many
sporting events, a cookout, and
a small business meeting at

made me feel better when I
looked to my right and saw the
only two guys in the class also
in a state of bewilderment.
Anyhow, after about ten te-
dious minutes, I got the rou-
tine down and started feeling
like I could actually do this.
Just then Stephanie says,
"O.K. That was the warm-up.
Let's take a break before we
move on." "What?" I won-
dered. "That was just the
warm-up! Well, that's fine," I
consoled myself. I'm pumped,
I'm ready. I could make it
through this. Just then,
Stephanie instructed us to take
our pulse. We are healthy and
in good shape if we get a 26-
29 heart rate per minute. Well,
I got a 30. Now I was think-
ing discouragement was a
good adjective for the belit-
tling feeling that overwhelmed
me. Yet, for the sake of this
article and for the sake of those
who will be going to the beach
with me this summer, I per-

We then began doing
more intense step aerobics
which I managed to follow
fairly well. Needless to say, I
was very relieved when the
lights were turned off and we
ended with some cool down

The final construction of
the steps and the Pit is some-
thing that has been greatly ap-
preciated by our school's
aerobics community. The
steps add a whole new dimen-
sion to the routines while the
Pit's mirrors let us double
check that we are doing the
movements correctly. A big,
big thanks must be given to

which the chapters represented
will vote to decide if we are
willing to host a regional con-
ference for all of the Southeast
in December of 1995. David
Cheung would like to thank all
of the Brothers who helped
with the renovation of the APO
room, which is now complete.
For any information on service
projects, please call Kimberly
Wilkes at 365-2646.

maintenance and Marshall
Nason, whose services have
helped Kim Jones and Lillian
Ringsdorf materialize their
hopes for aerobics classes on
our campus. New mats have
also been purchased and have
improved the overall classes.
Since the classes moved to its
new location, the class times
have also been changed. Mon-
day through Thursday they are
held at 7:30. A "Super" Sun-

from 3:00-4:30. Don't be
scared, there are 5-10 minute
breaks in between.

For those of you who
haven't experienced the sheer
joy of these classes, I strongly
suggest you give them a try.
Please don't let my personal
traumas keep you from going.
My hardships and I probably
represent only a minority of the
class. Guys are also very
much welcomed. We all have

aerobics. Aside from burning
fat, aerobics, according to
Stephanie, helps us stay men-
tally stable. "When you are
doing cardiovascular aerobics,
your brain releases a 'feel
good' chemical (endorphins)
that helps combat depression."
So next time you are
feeling stressed and suicidal, or
you just want "your butt
kicked," pass by the Pit Trust
me, it is quite a treat, my

day class is now being offered a lot to gain from doing friends.

Greek Week is almost here

By Cole Maddox
Greek Week Chairman

In less than a month,

if you stand at the gate next to
the Greek houses, I am sure
that you '11 hear, "Margaret, get
all the kids in the cellar, put
up the breakables, lock up the
beer, and for God's sake bring
the dog inside; those damn
Greeks are loose again!" Yes,
that's right, Greek Week is less
than a month away!

The Greek Week Com-
mittee has been diligently
working away at creating a
week which we will all never
forget, no matter how hard we
try. Thanks to the benevolent
graces of the InterFratemity
Council, the Greek Week
Committee has been given the
power to make the decisions
about Greek Week. Why, who
knows what the fraternities can
do with that kind of power.
Oh, wait, its not just the fra-
ternities anymore. Thanks to
the hard work of the
Panhellenic Council and the
Greek Week Committee,
Greek Week will finally live
up to its name. It has been a

long time since the sororities
have participated in the week
of festivities, and I for one am
glad that they decided to par-
ticipate. Their presence has
been long overdue.

For those of you who
were wondering just exactly
when you should plan you va-
cation, Greek Week begins
April 2 and runs through April
9. Sometime after the 10th it
should be safe to come back.
The first event will be Ultimate
Frisbee, but the real festivities
begin on Sunday, when the
Greeks will try out their sing-
ing voices at the Sing compe-
tition. (For those of you with
sensitive ears, I would advise
earplugs.) Although most of
the Greek Week events are not
structured for general viewing
entertainment, I would en-
courage everyone to come out
on Wednesday night for the
skit competition. The skits are
usually entertaining and often
quite hilarious. I still have
vivid memories of Greeks on
stage in costumes ranging
from the Easter Bunny to
Judge Stone from "Night
Court." If you have never seen

the skits then please come and
laugh at our expense.

Greek Week concludes
on Saturday with the field
events. If the skits were not
funny enough for you, come
and try to watch a bunch of
Greeks pretend to be coordi-
nated at eleven o'clock in the
morning after a night of party-
ing. If you do come, you will
be treated to watching Greeks
spinning around in a circle ten
times, and then trying to run
in a straight line. Or, better yet,
you will get to watch two
Greeks from each team trying
to down a dozen donuts and
then run twenty yards. (This
event is not to be observed by
those with a weak stomach.)
After tallying the points, and
cleaning up the mess, the week
will finally be over and
Oglethorpe can return to the
quiet and safe neighborhood
we have all known and come
to love.

In closing, I would just
like to say thank you to all
those involved with the plan-
ning of Greek Week. Its not a
pretty job, but we all got stuck
doing it.

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March 14, 1994

Page 13



By Jason Arikian
Chi Phi

Once again, hello

from Chi Phi. So much won-
derful stuff has happened, its
unbelieveable. First off the
party, oh, the party. Lansdown
Drive rocked the campus in-
side and out If you missed it,
then you really missed it For
those with an affinity for
Lansdown Drive (close to my
own) it will interest you to hear
that they plan to return to O.U.
at SpringFest and compete in
the Battle of the Bands, every-
thing is tentative though.

A good time was had by
all at the paintball mixer with
Chi Omega. Everyone got

painted, some even got welted.
Ask anyone who went how
much fun it was, there's just
not enough space here for me
to go into it. Last but not least
Chi Phi plans to make it a
regular event (now that warm
weather has returned to the
Peach State) to have block par-
ties out in front of the house.
We had one a few days ago and
will continue to have them as
long as people have as much
fun as was had at the first If
you see us out there, come
over. On a parting note, the
brothers of Chi Phi wish to of-
fer Kay Norton our warmest
congratulations on the birth of
her daughter. Until next time,
watch out for the ferrets.

Is it bickering
or unity on
Greek Row?

Special Greek Writer

I was attempting to

study in my room on Greek '
Row on a Monday night, when
suddenly, what did I hear? It
wasn't Santa. It wasnt Secu-
rity asking me to move my car.
What could it be? 1 looked out
my front door and what did I
see, why it was a Greek Block
Party. There were SAEs, Sig-
mas, Chi Phis, and Chi Ome-
gas dancing, drinking (non-al-
coholic beverages of course),
and, in general, having a good
time. Bui wait wasn't it Mon-
day night, a school night? And
what were these people doing
at 1:00 a.m.? I ventured out
to investigate.

There was somebody
passed out on the ground,
probably from consuming too
much of his non-alcoholic bev-
erage, and somebody else was
up dancing before the crowd.
Yet another person was sitting
on the ground trying to be so-
ber. I could not believe my
eyes. Some poor slob was run-

ning around with a pack of
Delta Sigs running after him.
It was like I had walked into
Dean Moore's, and the A.A-
ministration's, dream of Greek

The original conception
of Greek Row, in my mind,
was exactly what I was seeing
before my eyes. And to think
that it only took us three
months of living together to
achieve this dream. Or have
we? Was this a one time
event? Will it never happen

I would love to partici-
pate in another of these "Block
Parties." I would like to think
that we, as young adults, can
party and have fun dispite the
letters on our chest. I would
like to think that we can get
past the bickering and arguing
which had arisen prior to this
event Maybe, if we try, we
could actually get along rather
than continue this fascade we
have created called "Greek
Unity.*' Let's face it folks, the
only people we are fooling are


By Jason Thomas
Delta Sigma Phi

Hello, hello, hello. I
guess the first thing I should
say is that the war is over. The
Ostrogoth - Visigoth War has
finallycome to an end. We
only had one major injury, Eric
Dilts, who nobly threw himself
over his vehicle of warfare in
an attempt to annihilate the en-
emy... OK so it wasn't as noble
as I make it to be. To any of
the innocent by-standers who
may have been accidentally at-
tacked in the middle of a battle
- we apologize... especially to
Nate Briesemeister for the
ruthless attack from Steve

On a different note, our
Toga Party was this past week-

end. We hope everyone had a
good time. We have many
more planned already. Our
Formal is planned for April 23
at the Occidental Hotel, right
Bobby, right? Also, those of
us who were invited to the Chi
Omega White Carnation For-
mal would like to say thank

Right now, we are get-
ting prepared for Greek
Week... nobody really knows
what's going on, but I don't
want to get into that.
Intramurals are going well,
and we haven't had any severe
injuries since the last issue.
That about covers our section
of Greek Row, so good luck
with life and goodbye.


By Christina Humphries
Sigma Sigma Sigma

Hello from Tri-Slgma.

We are still busy and loving
every minute. On February 5,
we held our annual Purple Pas-
sion Party. All Sigmas and
invited guests had a great time.
On February 1 1 , we enjoyed a
great mixer with KA Two-
Steppin' in the Twilight was
lots of fun. On February 12,
our parents came to meet and
mingle. We had a wonderful
time showing off our house
and the rest of campus. A
round of applause goes to all
those Sigmas who got up early
on February 13 and spent the

day helping at the Atlanta
Food Bank.

Congratulations goes
out to Jema Day on her en-
gagement. We couldn't be
happier for her. Also, special
cheers to Bridget Ceccinni for
being named as a Chi Phi little

Thanks to everyone who
supported Panhellenic with
our Data Match. Hope every-
one likes who the computer
paired them up with. Ending
on a bright note, spring break
is nearly upon us! We hope
everyone did well on their mid-
terms and that all have fun
wherever spring break leads


By Kevin Benefield
Kappa Alpha

The past few weeks

have been incredibly busy ones
at Kappa Alpha, and we are all
very anxious for Spring Break
to arrive. On the morning of
March 5, some of the brothers
went with members of APO to
plant trees in the downtown
area. Other brothers were
making preparations for the
night's annual Peace Party
which began in earnest around
eleven and hung on until four
in the morning.

On Friday, March 1 1
Kappa Alpha mixed with the
sisters of Sigma Sigma Sigma.
We would like to thank the
Sigmas for a wonderful
evening of two-steppin'.

On returning from
Spring Break in St. Augustine,
Kappa Alpha will be looking
to outshine last year's Greek
Week sing no more snappy
covers of "Happy Happy Joy
Joy." Friday, April 8 is the
date of our next party. When
we have more details, we'll be
in touch.


By Jason Arikian
Greek Editor

Hey Greeks! So,

what's going on around the
Row? I need for you guys to
tell me, so that when it comes
time to write this column it can
be substantial and interesting.
Those few things that I do
know, I will try to divulge in
the most tactful way possible,
if that is what is needed. Oth-
erwise, I'll just plain spill
them. I hope that Delta Sigma
Phi has not had too many ca-
sualties over the past week,
watching the brothers gun each
other down has been quite un-
nerving for me. If there are any
neutral areas, please be sure to
let the rest of us know about
them so that we in turn do not
find ourselves in the cross fire.
The peace was already shat-
tered in my own house when
an unnamed Chi Phi decided
to be a mercenary and interject
himself into one of the fire
fights. He then sought refuge
in the house which, much to
my dismay, then was no longer
a neutral haven but rather the
battle ground for a brief but
horrific exchange. Being a
member of that organization,
let me take the time to assure
you that his actions were com-
pletely his own, in brief, don't
shoot me. If that were to hap-
pen, I dont think that it would
be long before all of Greek
Row would be plunged into a
full scale war of Biblical pro-
portions. Just think about it:
1FC would "dissolve" itself,
treaties and cease fires would
fail, Greeks would be carrying
weapons to class, and key ad-
ministrative officials would
find themselves on the operat-
ing end of a super soaker (I
know it's tempting, but banish
the thought). For those that
have no idea what I'm talking
about be thankful. For those
that do perhaps you should
arm yourselves, water pistols
are $1.09 at the drug store
across from Waffle House.
Until next time, watch out for

Page 14

March 14, 1994


By Christa Kreeger

The previews for

"Angie" lead you to believe
that its going to be a story
about best friends. Not so, at
least not entirely. The title of
the film is one singular name
for a good reason, and Geena
Davis brings that name alive
in her leading-role perfor-
mance. Yes, this is a film that
tends to appeal more to women
than men. But it's not the two-
role that Davis played in
"Thelma and Louise." It is,
rather, the story of a young
woman trying desperately to
find the path that will take her
in the direction that she wants
her life to go. Angie (Davis) is
a young woman born and
raised in the Italian neighbor-
hood of Bensonhurst, Brook-
lyn. I coincidentally had the
pleasure of viewing this film
with a young woman from
Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, who
gladly informed my naive
Southern self that Davis' per-
formance of the this role was
right on the money. But the
movie was much more than
just a New York neighbor-
hood. Angie is a woman
searching desperately to go
above and beyond her sur-
roundings. She must come to
terms with the obstacles of an
unexpected pregnancy and the
dark secrets ofher own mother
as well. Martha Coolidge's di-
rection of this film is stunning,
and one could easily argue that
this is Geena Davis' best per-
formance to date. Irish actor
Stephen Rea, nominated for an
Academy Award for his role in
"The Crying Game," also liv-
ens the screen to share some
of Angle's happiest moments.
But it is the story of this
woman and her struggle with
life and herself that dominates
the movie. "Angie" is a movie
for mothers or women who
have ever wantedtobeone.In
fact, they may even allow boys
with soft spots to see H as well.

Life is a terrible thing to sleep through

By Maria Johnson

People who are numb

to the beauty of life fill the
world. They walk through ev-
ery day, never noticing how
incredible it is to be alive.
"What's Eating Gilbert
Grape?" a new Paramount
Pictures release, tells the story
of one of these people, a young
man who lives in Endora,
Iowa, population 1,091.

Johnny Depp, who plays
the title character, says, "Gil-
bert has had to leave his
dreams behind because of cir-
cumstances. He has a hostil-
ity that he can't express be-
cause ofhis duties and respon-
sibilities to the family. To be
able to deal with himself ev-
eryday, he's had to make him-
self sort of numb so that he's
not affected too much by ev-
erything." The circumstances
Gilbert must deal with are in-
deed indomitable... in more
than one sense of the word.
First, his mother weighs 500
lbs, and she hasn't left their
home since Gilbert's father left
town seven years ago. Gilbert
has to work long hours at the
local grocery store in order to
feed her, and he is in charge of
getting the house, which is

sinking due to her extra
weight, repaired. Second, Gil-
bert has to watch out for his
mentally disabled little brother
Amie, who has a strange habit
of climbing up the town's wa-
ter tower when he is left unat-
tended. Gilbert is Amie's sur-
rogate father and his best
friend; Amie is totally depen-
dent on him.

Darlene Cates plays
Gilbert's mother. Peter
Hedges, the screenwriter, dis-
covered her on an episode
of "Sally Jesse Raphael," and
brought her to the attention of
Lasse Halistrom, the director.
Leonardo DiCaprio plays
Amie, and he has been nomi-
nated for an Academy Award
for his performance. His man-

Johnny Depp stars as Gilbert Grape and Leonardo
DiCaprio co-stars as his brother, Amie, in "What's Eating
Gilbert Grape." Photo by Peter lovlno

nerisms perfectly imitate the
characteristics of autistic chil-
dren, but he also makes Amie
very appealing because he is
so free, open, and honest.
Amie's personality contrasts
sharply to Gilbert's, who is
very serious and solemn about

When Becky, a well-
traveled outsider played by
Juliette Lewis, shows up in
Endora, Gilbert's perspective
begins to change. Becky
awakens his emotions and
opens Gilbert's eyes to the pos-
sibilities ofhis own existence.
The relationship between
Becky and Gilbert is at the
center of "What's Eating Gil-
bert Grape?," and their con-
versations convey the impor-
tance of the movie.

"What's Eating Gilbert
Grape?" provokes introspec-
tion in the form of the question
"What do I want from my
life?" Gilbert Grape learns to
answer this question by the end
of movie. Hopefully many
real people will ask themselves
this question, and then open
their eyes to the beauty of life.
As the "What's Eating Gilbert
Grape?" movie poster says,
''Life is a terrible thing to sleep

Macbeth at the Shakespeare Tavern

By Kim Jones

The lights dim, the

curtains open and we are en-
joying the taste of cold meat
pies on paper plates and stale
brownies covered in old cream
cheese. We even get a cup of
coffee, no refills, all for the low
price of six dollars, feel, wear-
ing a skirt and flats, a little
over-dressed for this cozy little
theater and cold finger food.
But we are not in this little
smoke-free theater with a hun-
dred other people for the ex-
otic cuisine.

It is February 18, and
The Atlanta Shakespeare
Company proudly presents
William Shakespeare's
Macbeth at The Shakespeare


The play begins slowly.
The company works together
to dazzle us with Old English
and Shakespeare brilliance,
but they just don't seem to be
enjoying themselves. Few of
them seem comfortable with
their characters, and none of
them impress me. I keep
catching myself looking at my
watch, and I'm ready for a
smoke break.

Now comes the famous
scene. Macbeth kills Duncan,
and Lady Macbeth checks to
see that the job is done cor-
rectly, and suddenly the play-
ers seem interested in what
they are doing. When inter-
mission arrives, I am ready to
stand up for a few minutes, but
a fifteen minute wait for the

bathroom! We file back into
the theater, and take our seats,
sipping our cold coffee.

The lights dim once
again, and I do not notice my
watch again until the show has
ended The company seems to
have re-grouped Their enthu-
siasm through the rest of the
show amazes me, and even
moves me to tears (something
hard to do with a Shakespeare

It ended up being a fan-
tastic show. It may have
started out poorly and seemed
to progress slowly, but this
may be because I have never
read the play. It did, however
turn out to be a pretty worth-
while show. I would not see it
again, but I am glad that I have

seen it. If you have never seen
a Shakespeare play done pro-
fessionally, this is not the one
to see, but if you have an extra
$10, your student I.D. card,
and you have read the play, I
definitely recommend seeing
this production. If you have
not read it, I suggest reading it
first. Either way, if you plan
to see this production, there are
a few things to remember be-
fore you venture to the theater:

1. Eat a satisfying meal
before you leave home.

2. Use the bathroom before
the show starts.

3. Be sure to smoke a ciga-
rette, if you are a smoker, im-
mediately before entering, be-
cause the tavern is smoke-free.

4. Most importantly, do not
try the brownie. - -

March 14, 1994

Page 15


Charles "Roc" Dutton shines at benefit

By Will Mullis

: Entertainment Editor

There are many fans
of the hit Fox-TV sitcom
"Roc." On this show, actor
Charles Dutton plays the char-
acter for which the show is
named, a hard-working family
man. He has received consid-
erable acclaim for his work in
the show. Dutton 's film cred-
its have also been impressive,
including memorable roles in
"Alien3", "The Distinguished
Gentleman," and "Menace II
Society," to name a few. What
his fans may be unaware of is
before his break into Holly-
wood, Mr. Dutton was a Tony-
nominated Broadway actor for
'Ma Rainey's Black Bottom"
and "The Piano Lesson." Mr.
Dutton appeared at the 14th
Street Playhouse downtown on
March 4 and 5 to perform in a
benefit for the Clark-Atlanta
University Annual Arts Schol-
arship fund, which provides a
full four-year tuition scholar-
ship in the range of $40,000
to a talented incoming fresh-
man who pursues a degree in
the fields of art, music, drama,
creative writing, or film mak-

Called "An Evening of
Shakespeare," the production
had two purposes. The first
was to contribute to the above
fund and the second was to

honor the first black
Shakespearean actor, Ira
Aldridge Bom a free Ameri-
can black in 1 807, Aldridge
realized he could never over-
come the deep-seated racism in
both the North and South af-
ter the all-black Shakespeare
theater Aldridge performed at
in New York City was burned
in 1823. Aldridge went to
Europe at the age of seventeen
and became the first African-
American to pursue an acting
career in a foreign country. On
March 25th, 1833, the famed
English actor Edmund Kean
became ill on stage playing the
role of Othello and died shortly
after. Sixteen days later,
young Ira Aldridge replaced
Kean in the role. After two
electrifying performances,
Aldridge became immediately
sought after by productions
throughout the continent, and
went on to become one of the
most famous Shakespearean
actors in European theater his-
tory, although his legacy has
been scarcely remembered in
America. Many of the man-
nerisms Aldridge developed to
characterize famous roles such
as Richard III and Othello
were appropriated by white
actors who received credit for
their invention.

The only word to de-
scribe Dutton 's performance is
spectacular. Acting out lead

roles in scenes from Richard
III, MacBeth, A Winter's Tale,
Julius Caesar, King Lear, and
Othello, Dutton was a continu-
ally commanding presence.
His acting was dynamic and
emotional as he recited the fa-
mous Mark Antony speech
from Julius Caesar and the
tragic death scenes from
Othello and King Lear. The
other roles were mainly played
by drama students in the
Clark-Atlanta University
Players, who were also all ex-
traordinary, especially consid-


ering that the whole show was
conceived of, planned, prac-
ticed, and performed in less
than a month. In addition to
these students, John
Ammerman, a familiar face to
Oglethorpe as an annual actor
in the Georgia Shakespeare
Festival made a wonderful
cameo appearance as Iago in
Othello. "An Evening of
Shakespeare" was truly won-
derful and Mr. Dutton is to be
heartily commended for his
fine performance for this wor-
thy cause.

Tommy" at Fox

By Chri Brown


the Broadway musical adapted
from the 1975 movie interpre-
tation of The Who's
soundtrack of the same name,
will be appearing live at the
Fox Theater from Wednesday,
March 16 through Sunday,
March 20.

"The Who's Tommy" is
a five-time Tony award-win-
ning show including Best
Score (Pete Townshend), Best
Director (Des McAnuff), Best
Choregraphy (Wayne

Cilento), Best Scenic Design
(John Amone), Best Lighting,
(Chris Parry). It chronicles the
adventures of young Tommy


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Walker, who after a traumatic
childhood withdraws from the
world into his own Pinball uni-
verse only to emerge as the un-
willing hero to an equally de-
praved generation of "follow-

Though it maintains
much from the original movie
version, "Tommy" has been
produced to fit the stage as the-
ater, which means that some of
the script has been altered and
enlivened for live perfor-
mance. However, in keeping
with its contemporary audi-
ence, many of these techniques
reflect the familiar "clip" style
of video presentation and in-
cludes a massive array of tech-
nologically produced images
and effects.

Premiering on Broad-
way in April of last year,
"Tommy" received outstand-
ing critical acclaim and broke
the day-after box office sales
record (previously held by
"Guys and Dolls"). It was de-
scribed as "the stunning sur-
prise that has brought this
Broadway season to life. An
entertainment juggernaut so
full of feeling and creative
dazzle it lifts the audience out
of its seats." Frank Rich, The
New York Times

It stars Steve Isaacs, a
former MTV veejay, and in-
cludes new material from The
Who member Pete

For ticket information,
call the Theater League of At-
lanta at 876-4300 or any
Ticketmaster outlet.

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

At long last Tom Petty
and the Heartbreakers have
put out a greatest hits CD.
They are to be commended for
waiting to put out a collection
of genuine hits, instead of an
album containing a few hits
and a bunch of filler songs they
wish had been hits, as many
artists/groups do. The album
contains a solid sixteen hits,
one to four from each of the
previous albums. In addition
there are two new songs. Petty
and the Heartbreakers have al-
ways been especially popular
in the South, with their songs
containing numerous refer-
ences to Southern dreams and
small towns. This album con-
tains some of the distilled clas-
sics from each album, al-
though some of his long-time
fans are undoubtedly upset
that a personal favorite was
omitted in favor of the true
commerial hits!

Greatest Hits begins
with the rollicking "American
Girl," a song last featured as
the one the unknowing victim
in "Silence of the Lambs"
sings along with in cheerful
abandon right before her ab-
duction. From there on Petty
works his lyrical and musical
magic. While Petty songs cer-
tainly have distinct stylistic
characteristics, it is continually
impressive how easily his
group shifts tempo and mood
from song to song. Some other
songs include "Breakdown,"
"Don't Do Me Like That,"
"Here Comes My Girl," "I
Won't Back Down," and "Free
Fall in.'" This compilation
also has the monster-hit,
"Mary Jane's Last Dance,"
which has been getting "We'll
play it til you hate it" rotation
on MTV, VH-1, and an un-
precedented four different At-
lanta stations at the same time.
If you remember and like the
hits of Tom Petty, this is a
worthwhile CD to add to your
collection. It is available at
Atlanta CD.

Page 16

March 14, 1994



House of the Spirits" is a heavenly movie

By Helen Quinones

Familiar big names

like Glenn Close, Jeremy
Irons, Meryl Streep, and
Winona Ryder star in a virtu-
ally unheard of movie, "House
of the Spirits," from Miramax
films. With such an impres-
sive selection for the leading
roles, everything else had bet-
ter be good, and is.

The story is an adapta-
tion of the novel "The House
of the Spirits" by the Chilean
author Isabel Allende about
her family and her country.
The novel, originally written
in Spanish, covers four genera-
tions of the Triieba family in
depth. The film version cuts
the family down to three gen-
erations, and of these only two

are seen in great depth. This
attempt to make the story more
concise works well; in compar-
ing the film to the novel conti-
nuity is preserved and mean-
ing is not lost.

Views beautifully domi-
nate the first half of the film,
accenting the hard work in-
volved in creating the Trueba
hacienda from nothing by
Esteban Trueba, a patriarch of
sorts, played convincingly by
Jeremy Irons. With dirt caked
hands, suntanned face and
messy black hair, Irons plays
a realistic Chilean. Glenn
Close stars as his sister Ferula,
who despite a black hair dye
job, cannot hide her pale skin
and freckles, making it diffi-
cult to imagine her as Irons 's
sister. Not to say that all Latin-
Americans have dark hair,

skin and eyes, because they
don't; for instance, Meryl
Streep 's character is blonde,
yet she is convincing as Clara,
the mute clairvoyant Since
her youth Clara levitated ob-
jects and made predictions
which the entire family re-
spected, but also laughed off
and tried to hide from the eyes
of visitors. Left dumb after
viewing the crude autopsy of
her beloved sister, she utters
her first words when she agrees
to many Esteban Trueba. She
invites her sister-in-law Ferula
to live with them, against her
husband's wishes, and the
story begins to roll.

Ferula lives with the
newlyweds and the odder as-
pects of this family begin to
show. As the couple sleeps and
partakes of the marriage bed,

Sparkling Dandelion Wine

By Anna Sagrera

If you go home this

summer, remember to bottle
dandelion wine every day so
you can remember exactly
what happened on every
blessed summer day. Do not
run! If you walk slowly
enough, time will pass much
slower and you will have
much more time to spend at
home. If unforeseen tragedy
befalls you, remember that
God is doing the best that He
can. Lastly, go to visit your
grandparents or older rela-
tives. They are "time ma-
chines" that can link you to
places that are only accessible
to you through movies or

What in the world does
all of this advice have to do
with the Reader's Theater pro-
duction of Dandelion Wine?
Plenty. A young boy named
Doug spends his summer
learning about the "adult"
things of life such as death,
separation of loved ones, self-
worth, and hope by partaking
in various adventures. Kent
McKay, who played the part of
Doug, had a memorable per-
formance. No stranger to

Oglethorpe theater, Ken's ex-
perience really shined through
in that he was required to act
out emotions ranging from
rage to bliss in the space of an

Imagine that these are
the last words that your dying
great-grandmother says to
you, "That's about all you
have left her in this bed, fin-
gernails and snake skin. One
good breath would send me up
in flakes." These lines were
delivered in one of the most
emotional scenes of the play.
The great-grandmother,
played by Mary Ann Locke,
was trying to teach Doug that
when someone is no longer
useful in this world it is best
that they move into the next
one. Mary Ann was very con-
vincing and she conveyed her
grave message in a heartwarm-
ing way.

Matthew Farley was ex-
tremely diverse in having to
play the role of the grandfa-
ther, the shoe store owner,
Pawnee Bill, and Miguel. His
singing of the Battle Hymn of
the Republic was quite memo-
rable. Through his perfor-
mance, he implored me to
think about the importance of
the innocence of my youth and

the feelings that should be tran-
spired into my adult life.

Chris Brown was
Doug's younger brother, Tom.
He also played the "time ma-
chine." Doug and one of his
friends went to visit a retired
army colonel who told them
tales of long ago. His recount
of the Civil War was beautiful
in that he could not remember
the side that he fought for. I
realized through his confusion
that the message was that war
and the reasons for it fade over
time, but the damage war
causes does not.

The telephone operator,
Lucy, and the mother were all
played by Christie Willard.
Christie did a great job play-
ing the three roles and I hope
to see her in more of
Oglethorpe's productions.

The narrator, Killian
Edwards, was essential in that
she weaved the entire story to-

Cheers to the student di-
rector, Melissa Stinnett. Mel-
issa organized practices that
were held four days a week
since the beginning of this se-
mester. She did a great job and
her efforts were recognized by
both the cast and the audience
after the production.

Ferula experiences a strange
jealousy of her brother for be-
ing with Clara, who she is con-
vinced must be an angel. She
also is jealous of Clara for be-
ing married and not having to
grow into an old maid like her-
self, which she confesses to a
priest in a confessional in a
humorous scene. The wide-
eyed priest entertains himself
with Ferula's colorful stories
and encourages her to reveal
her secret desires and discov-
eries made while spying on the
couple. It's these types of
sometimes psychic, erotic, and
other times politically revolu-
tionary scenes which make
Allende 's story so shockingly

Winona Ryder makes an
impressive performance as
Clara's daughter, Blanca. For
the film, screenplay writers
took the experiences of
Blanca 's daughter Alba and
applied them to her mother.
This cut is carried out
seamlessly. Ryder's perfor-
mance is marked by her pas-
sionate resistance to her father
for punishing her secret lover,
a field hand. Near the end of
the film her best acting shows
in scenes following her arrest
in which she is taken away
blindfolded and is tortured and
molested by her illegitimate
half brother. Allende plays on
the irony here, since he has the
chance to torture her thanks to
his own father recommending
him and financially backing
him for the first time when he
shows interest in the military.

Action is vivid. Revo-
lution comes violently; it's
ugly, crude, horrifying and un-
fair. Scenes of passion are in-
tense, joy is fulfilling. This
film elicits a rich emotional
response. It is not a "girl
movie" or a "guy movie" as
many people say. It has
drama, it has sex, blood and
battles. Some scenes are quiet
talks, others are filled with
roaring tanks. The film is clas-
sified as a drama but it has
other elements of a full life.

Scenery is absolutely
gorgeous. Panoramic shots
reminiscent of "Far and Away"
show depth, color variation

with seasons and time of day,
and reflect the mood of the
characters. Scenes of super-
natural or psychic phenomena
are handled reasonably so that
although the average skeptic
might not believe what's go-
ing on, the average person
feels that if a person could per-
form certain paranormal acts,
this is believably what it would
look like. A levitating table
and postmortem appearances
orchestrated by Clara are so
well done that they do not dis-
tract the viewer from the

Costumes and settings
are well designed and discreet,
as they should be in such in-
tense drama. Makeup is ap-
plied well, not necessarily
making the characters pleasant
to look at, since this in not a
pleasant story. Lighting re-
flects the gloom of the plot as
death alternates with rapes,
prostitute houses, death threats
and revolution.

Politics plays a major
role, showing the horrors of
revolution and the terror of po-
litical betrayal and military
rule. Shocking scenes, like the
one in which Blanca is left
bleeding and filthy and nearly
beaten to death in a cube of a
room after her half brother
abused her sexually, make any
viewer glad to be anyone but
her. It is family and politics
which finally cause the previ-
ously rigid Esteban Trueba to
bend in the direction of change
and acceptance, which he
fights continuously through-
out the film.

The film as well as the
novel capture the world of a
family, a society, a country and
humanity. A thought-provok-
ing film, it upsets and at times
disgusts the viewer, yet there
is a prevailing theme that pro-
vides hope. Although pre-
sented in a slightly sugar-
coated manner in the film
among so much torture and
gloom, Clara's diaries hold the
secret that keeps the strong on
the road to survival after her
death, by showing that the
point is not to welcome death
but to defeat it because life it-
self is a miracle.

March 14, 1994

Page 17


England's James lights up the Roxy Theater

By Christa Kreeger

The first thing that I

ever saw or heard of James
was on MTV's snowing of the
1 99 1 Redding Music Festival.
At that time I threw them into
that ever-so-broad category of
cute late eighties English
bands spawned off of the
Manchester scene of New Or-
der and the Smiths. That was
the time when the movement
was really, booming with an
endless stream of Stone Roses
and Ride and Happy Mon-
days. If you really liked that
stuff, the late eighties were
great, but if you didn't, it all

started to sound like a trickle
down from Morrissey. Now
the movement has slowed
down, or if not, at least lost a
good bit of its popularity. And
yet James has emerged as a ris-
ing star, earning that much
coveted position as one of
99X's "alternative" bands
with an endless amount of air
time. But despite all of this, I
still expected James' stage per-
formance February 26 to be a
repeat of all the other bands
that fall into their category.
You know, some guy with a
lovely accent who doesn't look
at the audience much and is
obviously very enlightened by
his own presence. Boy, was I

wrong. Firstly, James was elec-
trifying, literally. These guys
have figured out anything and
everything to do with stage
lights, falling short only of
Pink Floyd and their laser
show. The Roxy was con-
verted into an absolute aura of
multi-colored abstract images,
which were projected onto the
walls, the audience, the band
members, and even a rotating
disco ball in the center of the
stage. You couldn't help but
become lost in weird state of
light and sound, and the mu-

sic fell into the lighting per-
fectly. But even above and be-
yond the light show was the
dynamic stage performance of
lead vocalist Tim Booth who
completely stole the show.
This guy did anything but just
stand there and sing. In fad, if
you closed your ears he be-
came almost reminiscent of a
very early Michael Stipe, with
his gyrating movements and
wavy flop hair. The band
opened the show with an
acoustic version of their popu-
lar single and title track "Laid"

(a song funny enough to get a
chuckle out of even the most
dim-witted of listeners) and
closed the first set with the
"plugged-in" version. They
also played my personal favor-
ite, "Bom of Frustration," off
of 1992's Seven album, and
much of tile show was accom-
panied by the imposing, yet
beautiful electric violin. Over
all, James' stage show was
extremely entertaining, even
though I was seeing spots all

Can the supermarket be a

au, ehii u you uiun l, u an iu uwh pic^ciiwc. ehjv, was i m m ^^

TheAccompanists" llfe changing experience?

is a passionate film

By Yoli Hernandez

Regardless of whether

or not you are a fervent fan of
foreign films, you will be ex-
cited about the latest French
film released by Sony Pictures.
The Accompanist is a passion-
ate and moving film set in
Paris, 1942. With World War
II in the background, France
is in an economic state of tur-
moil. Yet, there is the minor-
ity upper-class, whose life is
virtually untouched by this in-
ternational warfare. Among
these fortunate is the Brice
couple. She is an elegant and
famous opera singer, he is a
shrewd, ruthless businessman.
Then comes along Sophie, a
humble twenty year-old girl
with a talent for playing the
piano. She is hired as Irene
Brice 's accompanist and im-
mediately enters her world of
luxuries and frivolities. From
the start, Sophie is in awe of
this glamorous woman who
has the world in the palm of
her hand. She leaves home to
go tour Europe with the
Brices. As she gets closer to
Irene, she becomes obsessed
with her life-style. Quietly, she
abhors her own plain, dull life
while she occupies herself with
being there for Irene's every

whim. Sophie secretly follows
her around town when she es-
capes to her frequent meetings
with her lover, who happens to
be a former business comrade
of her husband's. The plot
thickens when the Brices must
leave France because of Mon-
sieur Brice 's betraying trans-
actions with the Germans.
Sophie chooses to go along
with them on the dangerous
journey to London. She for-
sakes her widowed mother,
gives up a chance for mar-
riage, and loses her dignity as
she devotes her life to this op-
era singer that has now become
an idol.

It is in the tragic ending
that Sophie is left betrayed and
alone. Her three years of loy-
alty and jealousy amounted to
nothing It is a sombering end-
ing, yet one that makes the film
even more poignant and po-
tent. The Accompanist com-
municates to us with English
subtitles and the rich music of
Mozart, Schubert, Schumann,
Berlioz, and Strauss. It opens
March 4 at the Lefont Garden
Hills Cinema. Described as "a
cinematic triumph; moving,
sensitive, and highly entertain-
ing," I strongly recommend
that you do not let it pass you

By Christie Willard

Have you ever consid-
ered a trip to the supermarket
to be a life changing experi-
ence? Not many people do
until they get a glimpse of
Christopher Durang's satirical
Coming to the Alliance Studio
Theatre March 16 through
May 15, the comedy unravels
as an excited woman comes
out of nowhere, pounces and
knocks to the floor an unsus-
pecting shopper who has
stopped to select a can of tuna.
Directed by Lawrence Keller,
this commentary on modem
life features the extraordinary
talents of two of Atlanta's fa-
vorites, Shelley McCook and
David de Vries.

described by Clive Barnes of
The New York Post as being
"entertainment poised oddly
and uncertainly between
Samuel Beckett, Spalding
Gray, Monty Python, and Sat-
urday Night Live." Through
the "stand-up" monologues
presented by each of the play's
two characters, we meet, sepa-
rately, a man and woman
whose lives are brought to-
gether in the canned meat isle
of a supermarket.

"I wanna talk to you
about life. It's just too diffi-
cult to be alive, isn't it?" With

these lines, the woman begins
her monologue entitled
"Laughing Wild" She bursts
into mad fits of laughter as she
explores various topics such as
the "sad longing" brought
about by Sally Jesse Raphael,
Dr. Ruth, Mother Theresa, and
of course, Alcoholics Anony-

In "Seeking Wild" the
man takes the stage and begins
what is supposed to be a lec-
ture on positive thinking. This
pessimist tells about his bi-
sexuality, his wild encounter
with the crazy woman in the
supermarket, and asks ques-

tions about God and AIDS.
The show's two themes are fi-
nally drawn together by the
two characters in a second act
titled "Dreaming Wild."

The play will be shown
at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Sat-
urday with performances at
2:30 and 7:30 and Sunday.
Ticket costs are $20 and $25.
They may be purchased at the
Woodruff Arts Center Box of-
fice or by calling 892-2414.
For more information on dis-
counts for group tickets to
contact Carolyn Gant at 898-

1. The Pelican Brief, by John Grisham. (Dell, $6.99.) Law
student finds herself on the run from killers of two Supreme Court

2. The Far Side Gallery 4, by Gary Larson. (Andrews &
McMeel, $12.95.) Collection of cartoons.

3. Ruby, by V.C.Andrews. (Pocket, $6.50.) Young Cajun girl
searches for the truth of her family's past

4. The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro. (Vintage,
$1 1.00.) English butler recalls his many years of service.

5. Schindler's List, by Thomas Keneally. (Touchstone.
$12.00.) Nazi party member rescues Jews in Poland during

6. The Chickens are Restless, by Gary Larson. (Andrews &
McMeel, $8.95.) New collection of cartoons.

7. Care of the SouL by Thomas Moore. (Harper Perennial,
$12.00.) Guide for spirituality in everyday life.

8. The Days Are Just Packed, by Bill Watterson. (Andrews
& McMeel, $1 2.95.) More "Calvin and Hobbes" cartoons.

9. Interview with the Vampire, by Anne Rice. (Ballantine,
$6.99.) Chilling confessions of a vampire.

1 0. The Way Things Ought To Be, by Rush Limbaugh. (Pocket
Star, $6.50.) Controversial issues - that's Limbaugh territory.

Page 18



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March 14, 1994

Page 19


THE Crossword

1 Frigid
5 Dismay: var.

14 Inter

15 Shout of

16 Taboo

17 Thin

19 Six to an

20 Is unable to

22 Bitter regret

24 Facilitate

25 Cookie

26 Mimics
29 Born

31 Nervous
35 Synthetic

37 Family cars

38 diem

39 Cozy homes

41 Some lawyers,
for short

42 Alii

45 Stratagem

48 A Ford

49 Color

50 Daggers

51 Anchor
63 lowa city
55 Remeindor
58 Kiddors

62 Baking pleoe
83 Heavy tropical

65 Eye pail

66 Give use of

67 Entertain

68 Coin of Iran

69 God of k>ve

70 Urwts of force

71 A Fitzgerald


1 Young cow

2 Buttehne

3 Truth stretcher

4 Penis

5 Assists

6 Carriage of a

7 Friend







7 H
































































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8 Disinclined

9 Acinous; So plug

10 Pried

11 Rain hard

12 Picnic pests
t3 Thorny tlower
21 Bridge position
23 Bettor half

26 Pome

27 Beg fix mercy

28 Merits

30 Written article

32 Low point

33 Nosn

34 Curves

36 Neither Rep. nor

37 Fast plane

40 Forma) written

43 Asks firmly

44 N.C. college
46 Brainchild

49 Wonderful
52 Group of





































































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54 Small lanes $9 Satanic

55 Tree trunk 60 True

56 State vigorously 61 Room in a case

57 Comic Jay 64 Pluy on words



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Page 20


March 14, 1994

The end to a great Petrel basketball season

Oglethorpe falls in first round of NCAA Championship Tournament

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

To only say that the

Oglethorpe Men's Basketball
team lost in the first round of
the NCAA Championship
Tournament would be quite
unfair. This team, which ob-
viously is the best we have had
in a long time, proved to be one
of the greatest teams in Divi-
sion III basketball this year.
The men finished on top of the
SC AC to give Oglehorpe their
first ever SCAC championship
in any sport. Brian Davis
scored his 1000th point On
top of that, OU had 3 other
players in the top ten of vari-
ous scoring and playing cat-
egories. This was an overall

incredible season for the OU
men's basketball team.

On Thursday, March 3,
1994 at 8:00 p.m., in front of
a crowd of 1312 fans, #4
Oglethorpe University took on
#5 Hampden Sydney in the
first round of the NCAA Divi-
sion III Basketball Champion-
ship Tournament. In the end,
the underdog prevailed by a
score of 91 - 79. The Petrels
only had the lead once in
game, which was early in the
first half. The men played
tough though pulling back
over and over again, but
Hampden Sydney proved to be
too tough for the Petrels.

A big factor in the game
was determined at the foul line.
Hampden Sydney shot an in-

credible 91%, going 20 for 22,
while OU only shot 57%, go-
ing 4 for 7. The officiating
was therefore a major factor
also, but I won't get into that
because this isn't an editorials

Hopes were still high
with about 4 minutes remain-
ing in the game when the Pe-
trels pulled within four points,
but Hampden Sydney held
strong and pulled away for
good and the Petrels never got
closer than 6 points behind.

The rest is history.
Those who were there saw it
all, the good and the bad. we
saw Brain Davis fouling out
of his last game ever at OU,
Nate Briesemeister coming in
for some strong support, and
Jim Bowling coming in and

Basketball earns top honors

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

Oglethorpe Univer-
sity Basketball has earned the

two highest individual honors
for men's basketball this year.
Senior captain, Brian Davis
earned the SCAC Player-of-
theYear Award as he received

Brian Davis lays it up for two.

Photo by Pat Mulheam

six first place votes and a total
of 64 points overall. The next
closest point leader was 10
points behind. Davis led the
team in scoring with 17.2
points per game, field goal per-
centage with 63.4%, and
rebounbding with 6.2 re-
bounds per game. He also led
the entire SCAC in field goal

The other high honor
was awarded to head coach,
Jack Berkshire. Coach Berk-
shire was selected Coach-of-
the-Year for the SCAC. Berk-
shire led the Petrels to a 20-6
overall record (including tour-
nament play) and a 12-2
record and first place finish in
conference. Coach Berkshire
also earned his 250th win this
season and now owns a 262-
209 overall record.

Other players who
earned honors are: sophomore
Ryan Vickers, second team;
junior Cornell Longino, sec-
ond team; and junior Andy
Schutt, honorable mention.
On the women's side, Eleanor
Fulton earned a spot on the
All-SCAC second team, and
Becky Ellis earned an honor-
able mention. Congratula-

then leaving and receiving his
standing ovation. Davis stated
after the game, "The whole
thing was incredible, seeing all
those fans in the stands, and
playing in the tournament. It
was incredible. I wish I could

thank everyone of them out
there." The only thing I could
say was, "Don't worry, Davis,
you already have. This sea-
son was good enough thanks
for everyone."

Cornell Longino goes (way) up for two points.

Photo by Pat Mulheam

Petrels pound Fisk

By Daryl Brooks

During one three

game series, the Stormy Petrel
baseball team scored 56 runs,
pitched two no-hitters, and tied
a national record with six
triples in one game. All of this
came in the first conference
games of the year against the
Fisk Bulldogs.

After struggling through
the Reebok Southern Baseball
Classic, losingto hanover Col-
lege, Ferrum Collge, and
Emory, the Petrels fell to 1-8.
Most of these losses could be
attributed to inability to hit the
baseball. The one thing that
had been haunting the Petrels
finally came through against

In the first game, Mike
Thomas pitched a complete
game no hitter and struck out
seven. At the plate, the team
was led by Chris Warren (2-2
1RBI), Chip Evans (2-3 1
RBI), and Ward Jones (2-2
2 RBIs). When it was all over,
the Petrels defeated Fisk 1 2-0.

The second game of the
twin bill was more of the same
for OU. Freshman Adam
Gellert Chuck DeNormandie
scattered two hits over five in-
nings- The offensive on-
slaught in this game was led
by Jon Newbill (2-3 3RBI),
Brian Parker ( 1 -2 4 RBI), and
Daryl Brooks (2-3 1 RBI).
Many people who usually see
little playing time came off the
bench to lead the team toa 13-
3 win in the second game of
the series.

In the final game of the
series, Vinny McGrath,
Chester Jackson, and Chuck
Denomandie combined for a
seven inning no-hitter. The of-
fense pounded out 3 1 runs and
tied a national record with six
triples. Tom Gambino had 3
hits and 6 RBIs. Jones had 5
hits and 7 RBIs, while Jimmy
Moccio had 4 hits and 2 RBIs
to lead the petrels assault. Af-
ter a slow start, the Petrels now
appear to be on the rise. If this
series was any indication of the
future, the Petrels appear
ready to win their first confer-
ence title.

March 14, 1994

Page 21


Sceptic thanks the men's basketball team

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

I vividly remember

sitting in front of the television
at all hours of the day last
March, and making sure that I
was the fust one each the pa-
per in the mornings to find out
anything I had missed. And of
course, there was the 2:30 am.
showing of Sports Center.
Why all this fanaticism, you
ask? Simple. March Madness.

March, for those that do
not consider themselves to be
sports aficionados, is the time
when college basketball ceases
to be a game and becomes the
quest for the one team in the
land that will win six games
straight against the toughest of
competition, and go home car-
rying the trophy, and the net,
of the Final Four. An invita-
tion to the NCAA tournament
is a honor to everyone, but all
eyes are on the title. Only one
team goes home a winner.

I understand that there
are people who are not this
devoted to college basketball,
but you must understand one

thing about me. I'm from
North Carolina. I can see the
blank stares that this last com-
ment just evoked, so let me
explain. Georgia is a football
state. Just look at UGA and
Tech. Alabama, with Auburn
and the Tide, is a football state.
South Carolina, with schools
like Clemson and USC, and
Division II powerhouse
Furman, is, you guessed it, a
football state.

North Carolina, though,
from the coast to the Appala-
chians, from Charlotte to the
Virginia boarder, is a basket-
ball state. Chapel Hill. Duke.
N.C. State. Wake Forest Two
perennial powerhouses, and
two more formidable ACC
competitors, all packed into
one conference and one state.
Its hard to grow up in an envi-
ronment like this and not be a
basketball fan.

This fanaticism was one
of the only major reservations
that I had about coming to a
Division III school, especially
one that I had never heard of
in terms of sports. Runner up
in the SCAC conference.

A great team gives
a big thank you

By Brian Davis

The men's basketball team would like to take this
opportunity to thank the student body, faculty, and adminis-
tration for their support over the past season. The crowds at
Oglethorpe were better then any place we visited. We drew
off your excitement to lift ourselves to new levels. You prob-
ably do not understand how much a large and loud crowd
can help a team during a game, but you were a tremendous

The team finished with a 1 3 and 2 record at home, with
one of those losses coming while the students were away on
Christmas break. We won the school's first SCAC Champi-
onship and advanced to the NCAA tournament for the first
time in 24 years. Although the tournament game did not go
as we all would have liked it to, it was a memorable experi-
ence as over 1300 fans packed the Field House.

We need to extend a special thanks to the women's bas-
ketball team, the cheerleaders, Robert Miller, and all others
intimately involved with our program. THANK YOU! We
are looking forward to next year and the defense of our SCAC
title. We hope to see you then. In the meantime, please join
us as we support the baseball, tennis, track and golf teams as
they begin their seasons. Good Luck.

Right Can I say that I was less
than impressed? This was be-
fore I saw the mighty Petrels,
or Pretzels if you will, take the

I don't remember when
the first game I saw was, but I
began to see that this was not
just glorified high school hall,
but the real thing. I started
keeping up with the team, and
as the season went on, and I
began to see more stats from
the conference, I was hooked
126 points on January 7. 32
assists and 46 field goals made
in the same game. 30 free
throws made on January 28.
Tripp Pearson's 1 1 assists in a
game. Ryan Vickers' four
blocked shots. Highest team
scoring average in the confer-
ence. Brian Davis' phenom-
enal shooting percentages, as
well as his all-around play in-
side. None of this, however,
prepared me for what hap-
pened on February 13.

I'm sure you were there,
or at least heard the stories.
Trinity was coming in for the
Homecoming game. The Pe-
trels had the betting odds, but
apparently no one got around
to telling Trinity this. Down
by 6 late in the game, the
dream season seemed to be

heading for an abrupt awak-
ening. Two last second free
throws from Andy Schutt and
the good guys managed to
squeak into overtime.

The overtime played
back and forth until Trinity hit
a free throw to go up by two
with seconds left. Everybody
was on their feet, jumping,
screaming, hoping. Tripp
brings the ball down. No open-
ings to penetrate. No open
passing lanes. He dishes off
behind him to... Davis. Why
Davis was there? I don't
know. Why Tripp didn't pass
inside? I don't know. Why
did Davis take the shot? Be-
cause it was the only thing he
could do. As I saw him plant
for the shot, one image came
to mind, an image that comes
back every time I think about
that shot

The situation was the
same. The good guys were
down late in the game, need-
ing one shot to win. A tall,
scrawny freshman from
Wilmington, North Carolina,
got the ball, planted his feet
and released a perfect shot.
The year was 1982. The
teams, University of North
Carolina and Georgetown.
This modem day three pointer
clinched Dean Smith's first

ever National Championship.
Oh yeah, the player. A nine-
teen year old freshman named
Michael Jordan.

The shot fell, the Petrels
clinched a share of the title, the
crowd exploded and the sea-
son continued, proving to be a
dream after all. The Petrels
won the conference for the first
time and were invited to the 40
team NCAA Division III tour-
nament for the first time in
over twenty years. They suf-
fered a heart breaker at the
hands of Hampton-Sydney,
but showed themselves to be
very strong for next year. With
senior leadership from Cornell
Longino and Andy Schutt, and
explosive shooting from Ryan
Vickers, I don't see how they
could be anything other than

This season was a real
eye-opener for me. I had al-
ways been around basketball,
and loved the sport But to me,
basketball had always been
Dean Smith and Coach K, and
even occasionally Bobby
Knight. This year has taught
me that you don't have to have
10,000 seat stadiums and big
money to have heart stopping
action. We've got it all right
here. Thanks for proving me

What are the Olympic Games?

By Kate Przylepa

During the closing

ceremony on Sunday, the
Olympic Torch was officially
put out. After these two weeks
I ask myself: what are the
Olympic Games? Are they just
another sports competition?
No, they are the greatest sports
event ever. They are history,
and tradition. They also have
their special meaning and pur-
pose. They are the most impor-
tant international competition,
and winning the Olympic gold
is the biggest dream of every

In ancient Greece, the
Olympic Games were a festi-
val held every four years and
consisting of international ath-
letic contests. Today, the
Games are a modified revival

of an ancient Greek festival.
The word "modified" is very
important here, because the
Olympics have changed
throughout the years. Nowa-
days, we have new disciplines
(both summer and winter),
modem equipment and more
and more countries participat-
ing in the contest. But the
meaning and the purpose of the
Olympic Games have re-
mained the same. They are stil I
a healthy competition among
the best athletes of the world.
They are also a manifestation
of human spirit and friendship.
Lillehammer became a battle-
field for some of the sports-
men, who seemed to have for-
gotten what the real qualities
of an athlete should be. How-
ever, I am not going to write
about these embarrassing.

disappointing and "non-Olym-
pic" moments of the 1994
Winter Games. I'd rather for-
get about them and concen-
trate on the true athletes and
their success. Americans did
unexpectedly well in Olym-
pics. Tommy Moe, Bonnie
Blair, Dan Jansen, Cathy
Turner - these are our heroes!
Of course, I should also men-
tion gold medalists from other
countries: Oksana Baiul of
Ukraine, Manuela Di Centa of
Italy, or Johann Olav Koss of
Norway, to mention only a

The Olympics are fi-
nally over. Now, we have a lot
to talk about, and a lot to re-
member. I hope we will keep
in mind only these moments of
the 1994 Winter Games that
were truly Olympic.

Page 22

March 14, 1994


From a different prospective: behind the bench

By Robert A. Miller

We have already dis-
cussed the good and bad expe-
riences shared by the basket-
ball team during the regular
season just completed. The
sports staff breaks the season
apart in terms of highlights,
and The Dunn breaks the sea-
son down into freakish epi-
sodes in vans and on aircraft.
Allow me to break the season
down in terms of the little
things that went on during my
eighth season behind the

What is my job descrip-
tion? I do just about everything
at one time or another. From
preparing water bottles to tap-
ing ankles, from hooking up
electrical equipment to coun-
seling players on personal
matters, there just isn't a lot I
don't do.

The beginning would be
a good place to start from. Pre-
season and practice is a time
for learning names, faces, and
the little quirks that make up
our personalities: Jack
Stephens' look of anger as he
exclaims "What's my name?"
on the second day that I
worked with the team. Gee,
Jack, didn't your mom handle
that one? My obsessive-com-
pulsive personality became
apparent through my neat fold-
ing of towels and perfect align-
ment of water bottles behind
the bench - caps down, names
facing out Brian and Cornell
never let me live that one down
- 1 would get my revenge.

The pre-season allows
you to learn names and faces,
but only a road trip allows you
to learn about personalities.

The trip to Washington
and Lee allows us the oppor-
tunity to learn about Jim
Bowling worrying about his
GRE, Steve Taylor vainly at-
tempting to start a singing ca-
reer while in a state of semi-
consciousness, and Nathan
Br..... doing what he does best
-sleep. What a trip! It isn't
often that you get to appre-
ciate breathtaking scenery (the
mountains and the ladies at

W&L), break in a new running
course (3 miles of hills - Dave
Lerette still swears that I'm
insane), and enjoy touring the
sixth oldest college in the
United States.

As the season
progresses, the unique charac-
ter of a team becomes more
defined. I can't say that I have
ever been a part of a team
where the three seniors have a
combined IQ higher than that
of a common house plant. Let
me tell you a little about these
guys - two are going to work
for prestigious accounting
firms upon graduation. The
third hasn't figured out
whether he is going to Duke
or Vanderbilt for grad school
in Physics or Math. Further
explanation would be redun-

The second road trip
took us to Davidson College
in North Carolina. You know
you are in trouble when you
visit a team who mopped the
floor with UNC-Charlotte 48
hours earlier. Yes, we did get
beat by 35 points, but the
comic relief was more than
sufficient. Vickers gets plas-
tered in the head by a pass from
Jason Karnes, Tripp breaks a
land speed record when he re-
alizes he has left his jersey in
the locker room thirty seconds
before the game, and Coach
Owen wants me to run the
camera. If you have never
been exposed to my ineptness
with video equipment, con-
sider yourself lucky - it was
definitely time for revenge.

When the team finished
warm-ups, Rob was nowhere
to be seen. The towels were
folded neatly over every other
chair - skipping the first three
for the coaches. The magnetic
board was placed under the
first chair for Coach Berkshire.
The no-slip pad was placed in
exact line with the coach's box.
The water bottles were neatly
aligned with caps down and
names facing out - about three
feet apart all along the
Oglethorpe half of the sideline.
Hi fellas! Rob wuz here! But
wait, the night wasn't over! I
spent the rest of the evening

telling Davis and Nate about
how I had a "really cool" time
breaking my back and separat-
ing my shoulder at the Naval
Academy last year (Davis later
confirmed the Lerette theory
that good old Rob's elevator
just doesn't quite go all the
way to the top of the prayer

The new year sees a start
of the conference schedule.
With this came my first real
exposure to our Lady Petrels.
If a team were made up en-
tirely of my sisters, I don't be-
lieve I would feel any more at-
tached. Folks, if you didn't
come to support them this sea-
son, I just don't have a lot to
say to you. The fact that their
shots just didn't fall toward the
end of the season should not
overshadow the marvelous ef-
fort and character displayed by
the Lady Petrels this season.
Winning is not just displayed
on a scoreboard, it is also dis-
played by the players who are
able to say that they left every-
thing they had on the court.

The Petrels have won a few
games this season after which
we were unable to leave the
court knowing that we had
given our best effort.

Speaking strictly from a
manager's point of view, the
Lady Petrels are the only team
that I have ever worked for
that always managed to say
"thank you," and never
whined about helping with the
tons of equipment I need to
carry. I can assure the mem-
bers of this university that this
team has truly earned the right
to be called Lady Petrels, not
just because of their gender,
but also because of their atti-

As the season rolls on,
good teams become a family.
The Petrels are the best I have
ever worked for. That should
indicate the strength of the fab-
ric that makes up this family.
Just as we share the ups
(Brian's first three vs. Trin-
ity) and downs (Cornell's
failed Scottie Pippen impres-
sion vs Fisk) of the season as a

team, we share the ups and
downs of our personal lives as
friends. Brian's love life on the
next Geraldo.

When the years begin to
roll by as quickly as the final
games of this season, it will be
by this last measure that we
remember the 1 993-94 season.
I will quickly recall some
plays, but soon the mind turns
to being a part of Meredith's
Memphis Marathon and
Dunn's trek through the back-
woods of Conway, Arkansas.
I will remember forever the
look on Shelly 's face after her
back injury at Trinity - the
little voice in the back of my
head saying "you were there
once not too long ago." Like-
wise, I will never forget the
expression on Brian's face as
he considered the physics of a
long, long bank shot. Don't
forget to call glass.

No, we will never forget
We may forget to call glass
every now and then, but we
will never forget.

Track team begins season

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The Oglethorpe Uni-
versity track team is off and
running again (no pun in-
tended). The team looks like
it should be fairly strong this
year as many new athletes
have joined the team and many
of the veterans are steadily
improving. On March 5 and
6, the Petrels had two meets.
The first was against West
Georgia and the second
against Fort Valley State. The
women won both meets, de-
feating West Georgia 96-25
and defeating Fort Valley State
63-59. The men split their
meets, defeating West Georgia
91-25, but lossingto Fort Val-
ley State 55-72. Despite the
loss, Coach Bob Unger still
has very positive expectations
for the season.

In the meets, Katie
Farrell placed first in the 3000
meter run and the ladies swept
the javelin competition as

Tinnie Waterston, Melissa
Drouin and Shelley Robinson
placed first, second, and third
respectively. On the men's
side, Coach Unger said that
Mark Hannah continues to
throw the javelin better each
time, even from last year. The
mile relay is also improving

quickly. The team consists of
Jayme Sellars, James Green,
Alan Tuders, and Doug Pack.
Coach Unger expects good
things from this relay team.

This coming weekend,
the Petrels enter the
Morehouse Relays. Good
luck team.



Medium 2 topping pizza: $6.99
Large 2 topping pizza: $8.99


March 14, 1994

Page 23


All Dunn: A few questions to think about

By Dunn Neugebauer
Dazed and Confused

Did we really beat Fisk
3 1-0? I didn't think we had a
football team anymore.

Did you get choked up
when Brian Davis left the bas-
ketball court in tears after foul-
ing out against Hampden-

Did John Candy really

Did that lead singer ever
recover from his overdose? Do
they ever?

Can we stop hearing
about Tonya Harding now?

Did Phil Wendel really
just call me from West Palm
Beach, telling me that Steve
Avery just bought him a beer
and he was just hanging out
with some guys named
Blauser, McGriff and Justice?

Shouldn't I be there?

Where is Jill Reiss going
to grad school and does Yale
really give a stipend of
$15,000 per year? If I added
my GRE score with Killian "s,
could we get in there?

Sony, but spring is here
and I have no uniform
thoughts as usual. Just wanted
to slip in a few words about our
sports programs and some
other nonsense.

First, to Billy Popp...
how are you going to be se-
lected as the non-coach of the

year when your team keeps
playing like that? After a 1-8
start, young Coach Popp was
considering a career in bank-
ing, but after his squad scored
a hundred, or so runs in a
three-game set against Fisk, I
think he's reconsidered. You
might say his team loosened up
the lumber somewhat in his
31-0 game. I still wish ESPN
had a camera crew on hand for
that first baseman's attempt at
catching a routine fly ball.
Give him credit, he had good

Wouldn't it have been
awful to have had to keep stats
in that game?

And wasn 't that Tommy
Gambino that hit a stand up
triple? On purpose?

To the men's tennis
team, congratulations on that
win over Wabash College.
We've never done that since
I've been here; the only reason
I schedule them is because
they come through on spring
break and I could never think
of a good excuse not to play
them. Even their coach con-
gratulated us afterwards.

On the same subject,
Mark Krabousanos and Brian
Young are unbeaten at No. 1
doubles. How long will that
last? Well, they play against
the No. 1 team in the south the
Thursday before spring break
(Methodist), so we shall see
what they're made of.


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As far as the rest of them,
Tim and Robbie are still
steady, William Ku is a pleas-
ant addition, Mike Beran is
hanging in there, Jeff Bates is
learning fast and Bobby
Holman is still one crazy
young man.

Congratulations to
Becky Ellis and Eleanor
Fulton of the women's tennis
team, for NOT knowing that
their third set tie breaker
against Georgia Southwestern
decided the whole match They
won it 7-2 to clinch a 5-4 win,
but if you see Eleanor or
Becky, be sure not to tel I them.

As far as women 's notes,
Susan Poston and Marta
Willman are starting off
okay,(though Sue still swears
she's retarded), Becky,
Eleanor and Pam Cochran are
doing fine and Shelly Ander-
son, Hope Lebeau, Killian

Edwards, Iva Petrovic, Kirsten
Hanzsek and Ipek (forgot how
to spell her last name) are all
pleasant additions.

In track, Coach Unger
has a bunch of new people and
some veterans are experiment-
ing in different events. They
took third out of five in their
opener and the men split their
dual meets on March 5, while
the women beat both Ft. Val-
ley State and West Georgia.
The rumors have it that Alan
Tutors, Will Corum, Tinnie
Waterston and Carol Chisom
are offto good starts. (If that's
not true, blame Kate Farrell,
not me!) Actually, Kate's
probably off to a good start,
too, she was just too modest to
tell me. Also, Melissa Druin
pulled a clutch win in the field
events and Coach Unger just
told me that 80% of Mark
H anna 's throws have been fur-
ther than 100% of his throws

a year ago. That reminds me
of questions on the GRE, but
the point is, he's doing well

Closing thoughts-

-There was someone on the

roof of Alumni last weekend

and it wasn't me.

-Use your gift...

-When approaching a woman,

approach with confidence or

don't approach at all.

-Study out in the sun.

-Don't get mad if you get hit

by an errant volleyball.

-Congratulate the basketball

players and staff.

-And finally, where in the hell

was the Atlanta media during

our championship game? I'll

speak to the sports information

director about that one...

Until next time,
Call me whenever you want to
go to Waffle House...
Dunn, James Dunn

OU tennis off to a good start

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The Oglethorpe Uni-
versity men's and women's
tennis teams are back in full
force for the spring season.
Already, both teams have
jumped out to good starts.
Both squads have a mix of ex-
perienced veterans and tal-
ented freshmen. The men are
presently 4-1 and the women
are 3-2.

The biggest game for the
men was a 6-3 win over Clark
Atlanta. The men face their
toughest opponent this Thurs-
day, though, as they take on
Methodist College who has the
# 1 ranked doubles team in the
south. Brian Young and Mark
Krabousanos will be playing
that particular match at U\
doubles for OU. Both Young
and Krabousanos are unde-
feated in singles and doubles
play this season.

On the women's side, the
Lady Petrels have defeated
Clark Atlanta, North Georgia,
and Georgia Southwestern.
Their biggest victory came
against Georgia Southwestern
as they won 5-4. Becky Ellis

and Eleanor Fulton won a third
set tiebreaker in #2 doubles
to lift the Lady Petrels to a vic-

This year's roster for the
women includes (in order of
rank): Susan Poston, Marta
Willman, Becky Ellis, Eleanor
Fulton, Pam Cochran, Shelly
Anderson, and Hope LeBeau.
For the men, the team includes
(in order of rank): Brian
Young, Mark Krabousanos,
William Ku, Robbie
Romeiser, Tim Evans, Mike

Beran, Bobby Holman, and
Jeff Bates.

This year, the squads are
looking at a much tougher
schedule. When asked about
the team's expectations, head
coach Dunn Neugebauer
stated, "Our goal for both
teams is to go . 500 for the sea-
son. It may sound like a poor
goal considering we went 10-
5 last year, but this year our
schedule is much more diffi-

Correction To The
Sports Pases...

Last week in the story about intramural

basketball titled "Intramurals led by the Clan"
there was a misspelled name in the article. Mike
Beran's name was spelled improperly, reading
Mike Barrons. We at The Stormy Petrel would
like to formally apologize for the great error. We
hope Mike forgives us. We promise that will never
ever spell his name wrong again (that is if he
ever gets him name in the paper). Anyway Bears-
Dog, we are really sorry. Our deepest apologies
to you and you loved ones.

-The Petrel Sports Staff

Ever Get Somebody Totally Wasted!

% ik ten




US. Dapvlmanlof Turaoonsferrt


Volume 69, Issue 11 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University

April 1, 1994

Problems with
Financial Aid

Page 6

Greek Week

Page JO

Crowded House

Page 15

The AT&T

Page 22

News: 2-3

Editorials: 4-7

Features: 8-11

Organizations: 12

Greeks: 13

Comics: 18-19
Sports: 20-23

Security: 2
Grapevine: 2

ProFile: 8

"O"pinions: 9

GreekSpeak: 13

Screentest: 14


Third annual Stomp the Lawn at OU

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

For the past two years,

the weekend of spring orien-
tation at Oglethorpe Univer-
sity, SpringFest, has also
brought Stomp the Lawn, a
collection of outdoor music
and comedy, to this campus.
This year is no exception, as
comedian Cary Long and At-
lanta based singer Michelle

Malone will headline '.he fes-


Evening at The Improv,"
"MTV's 1/2 Hour Comedy
Hour," and the "Showtime
Comedy Club Network." He
has even done combined per-
formances with comedians
such as Jay Leno, Dana
Carvey, Paula Poundstone,
and Jerry Seinfield. As Ron
DiNunzio, owner of "Punch
Line" that Long performs in,
say, "Cary plays all our clubs.
He keeps everyone in the
crowd relaxed and Imiphino

at its brightest, though, Malone
began to see that she was be-
ing manipulated by the label,
and began to realize that she
could never give Arista the
image they wanted. "I kinda
woke up one day and realized
what a negative experience it
had become." She broke with
her label and her band simul-
taneously, and began to move
in her own artistic direction
again. Since the release of her
newest album, Fnr Ynii Not

Micheile Malone & band de Soieil wili be peihummy at the third annual Stomp the Lawli

festival on April 8.

tivities, beginning at 2:30 p.m.

on Friday, April 8.

Long, winner of the
Great Southeast and Mid-
South LafT-Offs, will be visit-
ing the campus for the second
time. The first visit was dur-
ing last year's SpringFest,
where he managed to entertain
most of the Academic Quad,
despite less than cooperative
weather. Long has appeared
in a number of different com-
edy shops across the country,
including several of the fa-
mous "Improvs," as well as
"Punch Lines," from Atlanta
to San Francisco, and even
"The Comedy Oasis" in
Manitoba, Canada. His tele-
vision credits include "An

By Ryan P. Queen
and Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Photo courtesy of Marshall Nason
the whole hour! His act is full
of everyday situations that ev-
eryone can relate to. People
always ask to get Cary back."
Michelle Malone, the
musical headliner for Stomp
the Lawn, lias also had a much
traveled career. She recorded
her first album, New Experi-
ences, on her own record la-
bel, allowing herself complete
artistic freedom. Her combi-
nation of smoky vocals and
powerful electric and acoustic
guitar came to attention of

For Them, she has been tour-
ing with her new band, Band
de Soieil, a three piece led by
Malone 's strong vocals and
guitar. Her incredible vocal
talents seem to be what sepa-
rate this 26-year old Atlantan
from the majority of "new tal-
ent" that seems to be saturat-
ing the alternative air waves
today. Even though her pri-
mary influences as a child
were Blues giants such as
Billie Holiday and Bessie
Smith, the most common anal-
ogy critics draw about her is
to Janis Joplin. As Karen Iris
Tucker, a writer for the maga-
zine Creem, said in a July
1993 issue, "[Malone] is fre-
quently compared to Janis
Joplin and Bonnie Rain, but
neither of these descriptions is
precise. Patti Smith's poetics
on stage with, say, the energy
of the Black Crowes comes a
little closer."

Oglethorpe is pleased to
welcome both of these fine en-
tertainers to campus, and in-
vites the entire student body,
as well as anyone else who
would like to join in, to come
Stomp the Lawn in the Aca-
demic Quad on April 8.

SpringFest returns

Arista Records, who signed
Malone and her first band,
Drag the River, to a multi-al-
bum deal. This led to a con-
cert tour with the band ZZ
Top. When all seemed to be

Once again, the tune

for SpringFest is here. Pro-
spective students from far and
wide will come to participate
in a variety of activities and see
for themselves what
Oglethorpe University has to

The festivities will begin
on Thursday, April 7 with stu-
dents arriving between 3:30
and 5:00 p.m. and dinner be-
tween 5:00 and 6:00. There

will be an open meeting and
team name discussion starting
at 6:15. At 7:15 the fun will
begin with OU's version of
"Family Feud," followed at
8:30 by game night and an
open party for all students in
the Bomb Shelter.

Friday morning, place-
ment tests will begin and 8:30
a.m. After the tests, class at-
tendance for students and au-
ditions for the OU Singers will
be held between 10:00 a.m.
and noon. Friday afternoon,
Fresh Focus sessions and ad-
visement meetings will be
See SpringFest page 3

Page 2


April 1, 1994


Entertainment Editor

-On Monday 2/28/94,
an unknown perpetrator en-
tered the baseball team's
locker room while the team
was at an away game and stole
approximately $150 and sev-
eral meal tickets.

- On Saturday, 3/5/94,
Security officers noticed a stu-
dent pulling parking signs out
of the ground along the drive-
way leading to Greek Row.
Security stopped the student
and escorted him to his dorm
room for the night. The stu-
dent soon returned and at-
tempted to put the signs back
in the ground. A short time
later, the same student was
again spotted damaging signs
along the road.

- On Sunday, 3/7/94, at
430 am, two off-duty Security
officers noticed that a bike's
tire in front of Alumni Hall
was on fire and that leaves
around the bike were begin-
ning to bum. After attempt-
ing to wake the Resident As-
sistant, the officers obtained a
fire extinguisher and put out
the flames; Later in the day,
the victim reported that he had
been receiving prank phone
calls lately.

- On Tuesday, 3/8/94,
Maintenance workers discov-
ered that one of the gates on
the front of Hermance Stadium
had been tampered with dur-
ing the night. A hinge pin had
been removed, allowing the
gate to be opened and entered.

-On Sunday, 3/13/94, a
student reported that his car
had been dented twice on the
right side by an unknown ve-

- On Wednesday, 3/16/
94, another student's car was
victim to a hit-and-run acci-
dent. The car was hit in the
rear while parked in Hearst lot
and the car's bumper and
trunk lid were damaged.

APO has volunteer opportunities

By Kimberly Wilkes
Special to The Stormy Petrel

This article is for all

you crazy people who want to
work for other people for free !
Recently I have been asked
when and what service activi-
ties does Alpha Phi Omega
volunteer for. As usual, all of
the volunteer projects we par-
ticipate in are open for all those
on or off campus, and we
would love to have your help!
For all projects below, the
times listed are the times we
meet in the TV lounge of the
Student Center. Also, if any
other groups or individuals
would like to get to me oilier
volunteer opportunities, all
information can be sent to the
APO Box, number 452. If you
have any questions, or would
like more information about
these projects, please give me

a call at 365-2646. I would
love to talk to you about what
we are doing and about how
you can help.

For the week before and
after Spring Break, Braves
Tickets will be sold outside the
Dining Hall during meals.
The tickets are $10 for
Wednesday, April 13 against
the Giants; Friday, June 3
against the Dodgers and other
dates. Tickets for Monday,
May 9 against the Phillies are
only $5. The money from the
sale of these tickets goes di-
rectly to the Starlight Founda-
tion. This is the organization
that grants terminally ill chil-
dren wishes, a wonderful way
to make an impact upon a

Also to be sold for the
above dates are Macy's "A
Cause for Celebration" Tick-
ets. These tickets are $5 in

advance and are good for one
day only, Tuesday, April 26
from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Every cent goes directly to the
Atlanta Humane Society to
help the animals. Also, if you
attend the event, Macy's will
donate another $3 per person
to the Humane Society. The
store will be closed that day
except for those with a ticket.
The tickets are also good for
10% or 20% off the already
marked prices, and there will
be entertainment, prize give-
aways and gourmet food.

Special Olympics are
from 5:30 to 8:00 every Mon-
day. Regularity and consis-
tency is required for the chil-
dren. Duties are simple, sim-
ply play basketball with the

Saturday, April 9 from
about 9:00 a.m. until 1:00
p.m., we will be planting trees

with Trees Atlanta along
Peachtree Road. Wear clothes
you wouldn't mind getting
dirty and bring work gloves as
well (if you have any). This
project especially hits home
since it will beautify the areas
surrounding our campus.

Also Saturday, April 9 at
8:00 a.m. is the Multiple Scle-
rosis Walk. Individuals collect
pledges to help support the MS
Society in its work such as sup-
port groups, counseling, medi-
cal equipment and therapeutic
recreation. This is a 10k walk
and groups are encouraged!

The morning of Satur-
day, April 2, is an Oglethorpe
Clean-Up Day. Help make
this campus litter-free. Look
for more details on campus
shortly. This project is spon-
sored by the Resident Housing

May 29. The Oglethorpe Uni-
versity Museum hours are
Tuesday-Friday and Sunday,
1-4 p.m. The Admission is
free. Call (404)364-8555 for
more information.

Heard it through the Grapevine . . .

News and events in and around Oglethorpe University

Oglethorpe Junior

Laury Baker would like to an-
nounce her engagement to
1990 alumnus Tim
Richardson The wedding cer-
emony will be June 4th at St.
Andrews's Catholic Church in
Roswell, Georgia. The couple
will be married by Mr.
Richardson's father, Ray
Richardson, a deacon of the
church. Participating in the
ceremony will be O.U. alums
Willie and Angela Williams,
"92 grad Patrick Connor, se-
nior Jennifer Suvoski, and Ad-
missions Counselor Daryl

On Tuesday, April 5 at

1 p.m. "Pandora's Box: Pastel
Paintings From Cultural Hot
Spots" will be on exhibit in the
Oglethorpe University Mu-
seum. Atlanta artist Martha
Bator, Oglethorpe alumna
(1951), presents brilliant pas-
tel paintings of cultural relics
from Eastern Europe, the
Balkans, and the Middle East.
It will be on display through

Agnes Scott College is

offering a new one-year bac-
calaureate program beginning
this summer that prepares
women for medical school,
veterinary school, and other
health professions. The new
Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medi-
cal and Allied Health Sciences
Program helps women who
have graduated from college
and wish to change careers
acquire the necessary courses
for application to medical
school or other professional
specialties in the growing
health care field.

The intensive program
composed of classes, laborato-
ries, seminars, and internships.
It may be completed in one or
two years, depending on pre-
vious academic work and in-
dividual circumstances.

Application deadline to
begin the program in June is
May 15. For more informa-
tion, contact the Director of
Special Programs at 638-

Due to the hard work

of Oglethorpe Maintenance

and Security officer John
Gibbs, seventeen new parking
spaces were created behind
Goodman Hall by converting
the old basketball court and
painting lines. Hopefully, this
will free up some of the sug-
gestion that has plagued stu-
dents and staff going to Hearst
Hall. Thank you to John and

I < mim %


Medium 2 topping pizza: .... $6.99
Large 2 topping pizza: $8.99


April 1, 1994

New RAs chosen for 1994

By Maria Johnson

Maintenance re-
quests. Leaky rooves. Noise
after quiet hours. Blatant dis-
regard of the closed container
policy. Keys in dorm rooms.
Eternally-flushing toilets.
Bugs. Mice. Roommate quar-
rels. Exploding toilets. All of
these and more are situations
that the 1 993 RAs had to over-
come in order to make each
students' year at Oglethorpe a
success. Fortunately for them,
their tour of duty will soon be
over and a new group of lead-
ers will be stepping into their

The new Resident Assis-
tants are: Jim Faase: Trustee,
Pat Mulheam: Alumni, Bill

Girton: Jacobs, Jeremiah
Schults: Dempsey, Tonya
Gibson: Schmidt, Brooke
Bourdelat-Parks: Goodman,
Stephanie Carouthers: 1st
floor Traer, Jamie Walker 2nd
floor Traer, Mary Poteet and
Gina Fraone: 3rd floor Traer.
All of these students
were chosen to be RAs after
going through a rigorous selec-
tion process involving inter-
view and an application.
Qualities such as leadership
ability, responsibility, and
communication skills served
the basis of selection. Pari
Smart and Elizabeth Smith,
the Resident Directors, have
this to say concerning the new
RAs: "It's going to be a very
exciting year. We have a good
group of RAs."

Resident Assistants
serve an integral part in mak-
ing Oglethorpe student life
more smooth. Without them,
we wouldn't have anyone that
we could officially complain to
about our roommate or all of
our maintenance problems.
Also, we wouldn't be able to
take part in special activities
our RAs plan. Bill Girton is
particularly excited about this
aspect of the job, saying "I'm
going to come up with creative
and ingenious programs to
keep everyone busy all year.
I'm so excited; if I'm this hy-
peractive now, just imagine
what I'll be like when I'm in
charge of a whole building!"

Because of RA's like
Bill and the rest of the group,
next year can only be exciting.

View t*e Cklllhf film
"flit laaerltors"

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This disturbing, but true to life film depicts the
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Tuesday, April 5th

7:00 PM

Multi-media Theater in the Library

Call 727-2086 for further information

Sponsored by Oglethorpe Hillel (A division of Atlanta YAD: The Jewish Young
Adult Agency) with support from the North American Jewish Students Appeal


Page 3


Continued from page 1
held. At 2:00 p.m. there will
be "Puzzle Hunt," and at 2:30,
the third annual Stomp The
Lawn concert will begin.

That night SpringFest
prospectives will be given a
choice of attending the
Playmakers' production, "To-
tal Abandon," at 8:00 p.m. or
attending an Atlanta Knights
hockey game (loading for vans
will begin at 6:45).

Saturday, April 9 will
begin with a continental break-
fast at 8:30 a.m. and a short
housing presentation at 8:45.
At 9:00 there will be the
"$16290 Pyramid" followed

by drawing for "Puzzle Hunt"
prizes. The grand finale of ac-
tivities will be one huge game

Saturday, starting at
10:30 a.m., there will be an
activities fair, as well as a
chance for next year's fresh-
men to choose roommates and
pre-register for classes. At
1 1 :30 a.m. will be the closing
meeting and awards presenta-
tion, and at noon, the tryouts
for drama scholarships.

Anyone interested in fur-
ther information should con-
tact the Admissions Office in
Lupton Hall. Please keep in
mind that this schedule is sub-
ject to change.

SpringFest 1994


3:30 p.m.

Out of state students arrive

4:00 p.m.

Metro area students arrive

5:00-6:00 p.m.


6: IS p.m.

Open meeting

6:30 p.m.

Separate into 4 groups for meeting

and team name discussion

7:15 p.m.

"OU Family Feud"

8:30 p.m.

Game night and welcome party at

the Bomb Shelter (open time for



8:15 a.m.

Morning welcome

8:30 a.m.

Placement test

10:00 a.m.

Foreign language placement test


Class attendance for students

Auditions for OU Singers

12:00 p.m.

Open rehearsal for OU Singers

12:30-2:00 p.m.

Fresh Focus sessions and


2:00 p.m.

"Puzzle Hunt"

2:30 p.m.

Stomp the Lawn III

6:45 p.m.

Load vans for MARTA station

7:30 p.m.

Atlanta Knights Hockey

8:00 p.m.

Playmakers production "Total



8:30 a.m.

Continental breakfast

8:45 a.m.

Short presentation of housing

9:00 a.m.

"The $16,290 Pyramid"

9:35 a.m.

Drawing for "Puzzle Hunt" prizes

9.40-10:20 ajn.

"OU Twister"

10:30-11:20 am

Registration for classes

Activities Fair

Roommate selection

11:30 a.m.

Closing meeting and awards


12:00 p.m.

Tryouts for Drama scholarship

Page 4


April 1, 1994

OU residents deserve security information!

By Helen Quinones

In my article last issue
on transferring, I touched on
the subject of the safety of this
campus. What upsets me is
not whether this campus is safe
or not, or what actually goes
on here, but the fact that resi-
dents are not allowed to make
an intelligent decision as to
whether the place where they
live is safe. Due to efforts on
the part of housing and secu-
rity, residents are spoon-fed

only a partial version of the
transgressions occurring on
campus. I am particularly
shocked that residents are de-
nied access to information that
pertains to their safety.

Housing and Security
collaborate here to decide what
should be publicized and what
should be kept in the quiet.
Despite whatever valid rea-
sons they have for keeping this
information to a select few,
these reasons are less impor-
tant than protecting the safety
of those who live here. I am

not contradicting myself; I
truly believe that compara-
tively speaking, as far as cam-
puses go, Oglethorpe is safe.
However, what makes it un-
safe is students not taking
safety, precautions, like never
locking their doors, because
they don't think there is any
need to.

If something question-
able happens, residents should
be told. I am not asking that
everything be printed up neatly
in detail in The Stormy Petrel.
I understand that the school

Alarmed about new alarms

By Kimberly Wilkes
Special to The Stormy Petrel

Ah! The freedom of

Fort Traer. For those of you
who don't know, Traer has
gone back to the medieval
ages. According to a flyer re-
ceived a week and a half be-
fore Spring Break, changes in
the security ofTraer have been
made. A security phone in the
entrance near the laundry
room has been installed.
When the doors are locked at
midnight, visitors have to call
your room for you to go to
open the door so that they can
be left in. Phone numbers of
those who wish their number
to be posted are listed outside
the door. Also, part of the plan
is an alarm that sounds "very
loudly" when the door is
propped open or open for over
forty-five seconds. Not even
my parents are that strict.

First of all, why were the
residents of Traer not con-
sulted about this. This is our
dorm, our room and board
money being spent, and now,
our nuisance. Since it is the
Resident Hall staff and the
Community Life Office that
decided on this plan, I think the
alarm should ring only there
or in the rooms of the RA on
duty that night. Why should
the people who have the mis-
fortune to just happen to live
by the doors have to be the
ones to suffer the severest? I
know that if I personally lived
by the doors, I would want to


Second, what is the point
of this? If someone wants into
Traer and doesn't have a key,
and doesn't have anyone to
call, the person simply waits
about ten minutes and some-
one is sure to go either in or
out of Traer. Also, why does
Traer need so much security?
I believe that crime is much
lower than it is in the upper
quad. So should we put a wall
around that and put an alarm
there? Also, if any doors
would need alarms, I would
think that the third floors of the
upper quad dorms and
Goodman should be the ones
since they all have community
baths, leaving people in there
more vulnerable. We also
won't have the capability to
track those who are leaving the
doors open in order to punish
them (a plan that was dis-
carded because of the ex-
pense), so it's not going to
catch the right people. I per-
sonally think that it is only to
impress safety upon the minds
of the parents of the incoming
freshman. Well, not having
those alarms before didn't dis-
courage me or anyone else
here, so why would it start

Third, we have the con-
cern over pranksters and the
alarms. Even the flyer that
Traer residents received asks,
"Please no jokes with the
alarms." That is going to be
really effective I'm sure. Ifthe
alarm is to be as loud as they

say, the people who will be
most affected are those who
are asleep. Consequently,
those who are not having any
visitors over, and thus not the
problem, will be most pun-
ished by having their sleep in-

Fourth, since we have so
much money lying around
Oglethorpe without any good
use, we might as well spend it
on this. Now if this were true
I might be a little more agree-
able, but we all know that there
are a million better uses for this
money. Uses that would ben-
efit the students, that the resi-
dents would not find to be a

I appreciate the concern
over the safety of the residents
ofTraer. I also appreciate the
amount of time and effort that
went into the research and
preparation of this plan. But
the fact of the matter is, I re-
ally don't think this is a good
plan for Traer. Granted, the
doors of Traer are frequently
left open after hours, but this
isn't the way to solve the prob-
lem. And I admit, I don't have
a better solution, but I really
don't think that this is very se-
rious. We still have the doors
to our rooms to protect us un-
like the community bath
dorms which are lacking that
second layer of protection.
There are a lot of concerns that
I have regarding Oglethorpe,
but this is not one of them. All
I can say is I hope they don't
build a moat around Traer as

should strive to preserve a cer-
tain facet of image for public
relations purposes. There is no
need to fully expose all of the
school's faults. That would be
a poor marketing strategy.
Still, there is no need to keep
this information from resi-
dents, especially since it could
be disseminated so easily.
Resident Assistants could plan
an occasional hall meeting, or
flyers could be given out to all
residents through campus
mailboxes, or to individual
residence halls on doors. The
school need not tarnish its pub-
lic image by exposing its ev-
ery fault to the outside world,
but its primary obligation is to
all of us inside the fence.

The assumption that this
campus is completely safe
makes the Security guards
seem unnecessary. Let's be
honest, how many of us have
chuckled at Security, and
why? Because we think we
don't need them when we do.
How many times have we seen
Security guards frustrated and
exhausted after an evening on
duty, and all they can say is
that we have no idea. I don't
think this should be held
against me. Nor I don't know
what goes on here whatever it
may be. Who knows? So
much secrecy leaves the door

open for anyone to think that
maybe there is a reason for
things to be hidden. Not
knowing only fires my imagi-
nation about what happens to
people who get caught doing
something inappropriate on
campus. How are the more
serious offenders punished?
What, if any action is taken
against them?

Housing may think they
are accomplishing a noble mis-
sion by sparing residents cer-
tain information. They may
think residents are being done
a favor by keeping us from
freaking out. We all are big
boys and girls, and consider us
perfectly capable of knowing
what goes on around here. Not
that Security can't protect us,
but we need to protect our-
selves, know what we're up
against. Security is designed
to ensure our safety; higher ad-
ministrative powers and hous-
ing should not interfere with
their efforts. If it makes stu-
dents look bad, too bad. If re-
vealing the truth makes out-
side visitors seem reckless, oh
well. Names are unnecessary,
events and places are what
matters. On a campus this
small, with a community this
closely knit, can't we trust and
respect ourselves enough to
tell the truth? I think so.

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April 1, 1994

Page 5

The Stortmf


Business Manager:
Copy Editors:

Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editor:
Feature Editor:
Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:

Ryan P. Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Heather Carlen
Justin Hayes
Will Mullis
Brandon Galloway
Jason Arikian
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas


Daryl Brooks
Sarah Buzzard
Lu Green
Trish Hinton
Maria Johnson
Christa Kreeger
Shannon Montgomery
Helen Quinones
Ahna Sagrera


Chris Brown
Tim Evans
Yolanda Hernandez
Helen Holifield
Kim Jones
Robert Miller
Kate Przylepa
Daniel Rosenthal
Pauline van Vliet

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman Robert Drake

Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Tuesdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 30319, (phone #: (404) 364-
8425) or drop them off in the box on the news-
paper office door.


The defense of a minority

By Jennifer Guerrero
To the Editor:

I am writing in response
to Daniel Rosenthal's article,
"The Confessions of an
Oglethorpe minority," that was
featured in the March 14,
1 994 issue of The Stormy Pe-
trel. I have had my share of
dealing with racism myself. In
the United States, I have two
strikes against me. I am an
Asian American whose heri-
tage is Filipino and am female.
1 have heard many racist and
sexist slurs directed at me in
my past. However, I am not
writing this article about my
experiences with racism.
Rather I am writing about
Daniel's attack on Christian-

I do not know what kind
of prejudice Christians have
conveyed to him or oilier Jews,
but I want to clarify the Chris-
tian standpoint on people who
do not believe in Jesus or who
chose to live an unbiblical
lifestyle. As bom-again Chris-
tians, we do not believe that
people will "bum in everlast-
ing fire for dating someone
who does not believe in Jesus,
or is Black or is different from
you" as he so eloquently put
it. The Bible, in the New Tes-
tament, explicitly quotes Jesus
saying that "No one comes to
the Father except tlirough me."
(John 14:6). I know that Jews
do not read the New Testa-
ment, but this is where the be-
lief that anyone who does not
accept Christ as their personal
savior and have a personal re-
lationship with Him will bum
in everlasting fire comes from.

As for homophobia,
Christians may come across as
"ignorant racists" as he cre-
atively labels them, but I
would like to explain why it
looks that way on the outside.
The Bible sanctions that ho-
mosexuality is sinful because
God does not want unions be-
tween a man and a man or a
woman and a woman. Daniel
claims to be proud of being
Jewish yet he says that he is
"not too interested in those

passages that say they are com-
mitting 'sins.'" If he is proud
ofbeing Jewish, then he would
have to accept what the Old
Testament, the Jewish part of
the Bible, says. For example,
in Leviticus 18:22, an Old
Testament reference, the Lord
told Moses to tell the Israelites
the following law (among oth-
ers), "Do not lie with a man as
one lies with a woman; that is
detestable." Being a born-
again Christian myself, I do
not agree with the homosexual
lifestyle, yet I do not consider
myself homophobic. I still
treat homosexuals with respect
and kindness because they are
God's creations. One of my
dear Cliristi an friends has told
me that God teaches us to sepa-
rate the sinner from the sin. We
can love and accept the sinner
without loving the sin. Also, I
am not one to judge how an-
other person leads his or her
life, either. That is one of the
many tilings Christ has taught

Christianity teaches un-
conditional love and forgive-
ness. That means that we are
to accept people the way that
they are regardless of the sins
they commit. The Bible suites
that "All have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God."
(Romans 3:23) Because man
has a sinful nature, we Cliris-
tians hate the sin within our-
sel ves so we stri ve to be Clirist-
like to overcome our sinful
nature. As disciples of Christ,
we try to live our lives for
Jesus and as He lived His. As
hard as it is to love someone
who hurt us, tins unconditional
love makes forgiveness come
easier. All those Bible verses
thai I quoted were not put in

the Bible to take the fun out of
life and replace fun with do's
anddon'ts. Instead, God gave
us these guidelines to live by
for our own good because He
loves us. 1 have compassion
for those people who feel that
some professing Christian may
have unfairly judged them for
being Jewish, homosexual or
whatever. As I stated earlier,
we are not perfect because we
fall short of the sight of God,
which is what makes us hu-
man. Only God is perfect To
God, there is no hierarchy to
sin whether it is lying, adultery,
prejudice, murder, homosexu-
ality, etc. Therefore, we must
come to the Lord to ask for His
compassion and forgiveness.
Prejudice comes from unfair
assumptions. Assuming that
Christians are homophobic
and close-minded seems like
grounds for prejudice. The
idea that America is a melting
pot has always been one of its
strengths that sets it apart from
the rest of the world. However,
it is a shame that the people in
this country with all their eth-
nic mixing and religious diver-
sity cannot get along. It's also
a shame that young children
are taught not to respect some-
one because of the way they
look, worship or live.
Through Christianity I have
learned how to deal with those
racist and sexist remarks cast
at me without harboring bitter-
ness. I have forgiven those
people and have compassion
for those who have such pain
in their lives that they have to
take out that hostility on me.
We should not judge anyone
without knowing the facts. We
should not judge anyone. Pe-
riod. We'll leave that to God.

Editorials reflect the

individual opinions of

the writers and not

necessarily those of

The Stormy Petrel staff

or Oglethorpe University

Page 6


April 1, 1994

Is there redemption for the Bomb Shelter?

By Yoli Hernandez

Correct me If I am

wrong, but I always thought
the Bomb Shelter was sup-
posed to be synonymous with
quickness, Oglethorpe's ver-
sion of fast food It is supposed
to be a place to go if you
missed the cafeteria's hours. It
is supposed to be a lot of things
that it is not...

I ran into the Bomb
Shelter one Wednesday at
11:45. I had a 12 o'clock class
so I didn't have the time to
stand in the long lunch lines. I
went to the Bomb Shelter
thinking that since the food
was already cooked, I could

just whip out my meal card,
get a chicken patty, and eat it
on my way to class. Well, to
my surprise there was nothing
in the little glass display. It sat
there with nothing to keep
warm. I asked if there was
anything cooked and was told
no. If I wanted a chicken patty
I would have to wait about 25
minutes. Someone had just
walked in before me and asked
for pizza. That would have to
be heated and then my sand-
wich would be cooked sepa-
rately because they require dif-
ferent temperatures. I then
asked the nice girl behind the
counter if she could just make
me a chocolate milkshake.
"Well," she replied, "there is

no ice cream." "I see," I
smiled, anger igniting within

About a week later I
found myself running into the
Bomb Shelter once again; this
time it was 6:35. The cafete-
ria had just closed, and I fig-
ured that I could still grab a
bite to eat at the Bomb Shel-
ter, since it is open until 7:00.
Well, to my surprise the
counter had been boarded up
so that those painted flying
army planes were face to face
with my growling stomach. I
asked a couple who was play-
ing pool at what time the
counter had closed. "About an
hour ago." the girl answered.
"I see," 1 smiled, tlie anger now

Problems with Financial Aid

By Kim Jones

I have been gone all

summer and did not receive
any of my mail from
Oglethorpe concerning finan-
cial aid. I call the school Fi-
nancial Aid department in Au-
gust to find out the status of
my file. I am told the amounts
of my loans, scholarship, and
grant money. The total of the
three leave me nothing left to
pay. A month alter school has
started I hear talk of people
signing loan checks. Of course
I am confiised because I have
yet to sign anything. I climb
three flights of stairs to the Fi-
nancial Aid department to find
out that the amounts they cited
over the phone are estimated
and that my file is incomplete
because of missing W-2 forms.
I call my parents to have them
send the W-2 's.

Another month or so
later I receive a notice that my
W-2 is needed so I climb an-
other three flights to the finan-
cial aid department to deliver
my W-2 to them. Another two
months, another notice... my
parents' W-2's are still lack-
ing in my file. Apparently they
were lost in the mail or lost in
the department. Why didn't

they tell me they were missing
when they informed me of the
need for my W-2?

Finally I get copies of
my parents' W-2's, this time
sent directly to me. I hand de-
liver them up the three flights
of stairs.

At the end of February I
finally get a final offer of fi-
nancial assistance. Now my
Plus loan has doubled in
amount. When my Plus loan
totaled a little less than a thou-
sand dollars a year in my "es-
timated over the phone cita-
tion" I was working to pay it
in cash rather than taking the
option of the loan. Now, how-
ever, I ha ve to change my bank
choice because my bank does
not do Plus loans. Also here
come the arguments about
how I am going to pay back
my parents for taking out this

I am still waiting on loan
applications from Citibank.
Meanwhile, I have been com-
pleting application to a nurs-
ing school in Louisiana. My
Oglethorpe transcript was due
March 1, but because of the
status of my files, and my enor-
mous balance, Admissions re-
fuses to send my transcript.

I am stuck at Oglethorpe
paying $16,000 that I do not
have with loans I have yet to

apply for, and questions Finan-
cial Aid cannot/will not an-
swer. They will not even au-
thorize my transcript being
sent so I will have hope of get-
ting out of here.

Every chance between
classes and work that I have
to take tlie time to go to Lupton
and climb three flights of
stairs, I am greeted by a smil-
ing work-study student. She
listens to my problem, goes to
some mysterious back-room to
tell it to some mysterious di-
rector of Financial Aid. She
comes back to ask my name
and social security number,
and returns again with some
long, nonsensical explanation
of my file is incomplete.
Work-study is a nifty idea, but
it has no place in the depart-
ment of Financial Aid.

I am beginning to feel
sorry for incoming freshman
who are trying to make it on
their own. When applying to
Oglethorpe University we re-
ceive letters and Christmas
cards, even phone calls asking
if we have any questions about
the application process, finan-
cial assistance or anything
else. Once we get here, we get
the run-around up and down
tliree flights of stairs and only
work study students who will
speak with us.

blazing within me...

So now here I am voic-
ing my opinion. I've never
written an editorial simply be-
cause I like to give people the
benefit of the doubt. 1 know
that the food service in general
has been under harsh criticism
many times before, but since I
know many people share my
frustration and since I know I
would explode, otherwise, I've
decided not to stay silent.

First of all, I want to
commend our school's food
service, Daka, for its efforts to
improve our cafeteria. It is
wonderful that they are want-
ing our opinions, decorating
the cafeteria, and overall, try-
ing to make our meals more
enjoyable. However, I ask
them not to forget about the
Bomb Shelter. This semester,
it has made damaging alter-
ations. First, the food is no
longer pre-cooked and avail-
able when you first walk in.
Thus, its purpose of obtaining
a quick meal is defeated. I
found out that the reason for
this is that there had been a
surplus of food at the end of
the day that had to be thrown
out. I also found out that had
been particular employees
who would unrestrainingly
cook way too much food
which led to this waste. As a
result, the decision was made
to stop pre-cooking food alto-
gether. This is where a prob-
lem arises. I understand that
this disposing of the excess
food produces a loss in money,
but I'd like to think that there
must be other solutions to re-
ducing this loss other than
eliminating a primary reason
for why students opt for the
Bomb Shelter. One could
come up with an estimated
guess of how many students
eat from the Bomb Shelter
daily. You don't have to cook
20 chicken patties at a time,
but instead always have a few
in the glass display. As those
are consumed, cook more. But
my point is, always liave some
food ready for those students
who are in a hurry and look
towards the Bomb Shelter as

a quick way to eat. In the end,
if you still have those few pat-
ties left, it won't be a big fi-
nancial loss and it will have
retained the Bomb Shelter's

The second change this
semester in the Bomb Shelter
is that it has not kept up with
the hours it should be serving
food. Any student can tell you
that it has not always been
open from 1 1 -2 and 4-7. My
plea to this is please follow
those times. They were de-
signed purposely to stay open
1/2 an hour after the cafeteria
closes. Many students have
depended on it as a place to get
something to eat on campus if
they missed the cafeteria's ser-
vices. Closing up early is just
another form of diminishing
the very existence of the Bomb

The Bomb Shelter has
always been an alternative to
the cafeteria. If one didn't like
the food being served, a walk
down the stairs could always
guarantee you a chicken patty,
pizza, or sub. Yet, the Bomb
Shelter also possesses the valu-
able purpose of offering quick
food even after regular lunch
and dinner hours Unfortu-
nately, the significant decline
in these factors has instigated
me to write this article. I hope
that the persons responsible
will read it and realize that the
Bomb Shelter has been under-
estimated. Its advantages have
been sacrificed as a result of
the poor management, which
must account for the loss in
money. I hope that the Bomb
Shelter's purposes will be re-
examined and other solutions
be incorporated. I think we all
miss its guarantee and security
when we are in a hurry or
when we miss the cafeteria's
dimier. The monetary losses
of the Bomb Shelter have been
dealt with improperly. The
Bomb Shelter should not be
overlooked negligently but re-
formed properly. After all, a
plausible reason for these fi-
nancial lapses could be a loss
in customers who have reacted
to these negative changes.

April 1, 1994


Page 7

A Christian response to an Oglethorpe minority

By Robert A. Miller

It is with a heavy heart

that I return from prayer meet-
ing tonight. It seems that sev-
eral people have spoken out in
the last edition of the Petrel
with heavy hearts themselves.
I feel that it is my duty as a
Christian Youth Minister to
respond to the two of the edi-
torials in the March 14th issue.

I would first like to re-
spond to the article by Josh
Cleary. I applaud Josh for
clearing the air about OGL A
I was not here during this very
black period in Oglethorpe his-
tory, however, the horror sto-
ries on both sides of the issue
have become tiresome. There
are many "Christians" who
consider it a birthright to hate
all those who do not agree with
their way of thinking. They
are wrong. It is unfortunate
that these people spend so
much time talking and so little
time walking in the ways of

I cannot condone or con-
demn Josh's lifestyle: I don't
have the authority. I am a sin-

ful human just like Josh. I do
stupid, reprehensible things
every day of my life. I'm not
perfect, just forgiven.

There are three ways
Christians can reach out to the
unsaved: through prayer,
through testimony, and by
providing a living example. I
know that sometimes I am not
a great example. I was once
asked to name the greatest at-
tribute of my girlfriend. I
thought for a minute and re-
plied, "she tolerates me." As
a youth minister, my door is
always open. I will be here to
serve as a counselor, a minis-
ter, a sympathetic ear, or a ver-
bal punching bag if necessary.
We will be praying for you.

The second article that
troubled me greatly is by
Daniel Rosenthal. I would
1 ike to start by saying that I can
relate to Dan in many ways. I
am sure it is not easy growing
up and being hated for a rea-
sons you do not understand.
Hostility grows within the in-
dividual until that individual
realizes that there is more to

Being the only white

male child in my neighbor-
hood taught me about the same
fear and hatred from the oppo-
site end of the spectrum. I
spent my first six years of life
avoiding assaults from black
youths on my block. I think
everybody should have to live
just one day of that kind of hell
to understand. If I hadn't got-
ten away from Memphis and
gotten more in touch with my
faith, God only knows what
would have happened. How-
ever, it is not appropriate for
anyone to classify any other
race in one group. Each of us
are judged as individuals in the
only way that really matters.

Last time checked, I (a
white male) do not own slaves
(I called Mom yesterday, hon-
est), nor am I a member of the
pseudo-KKK or any other or-
ganization filled with empty
people. When you have as
many bad experiences as Dan
has, it gets really tough not to
generalize; however, it is no
way to win friends and influ-
ence people.

The second part of Dan's
editorial touches me even
more that the first. I am quite

Student responds to racism

By Monica Bracewell
Special to The Stormy Petrel

I just received a phone

call from my 1 5-year old sis-
ter. Yeah, so what, you may
say. There is a significance in
this. First of all, she never
calls, so this is of monumental
concern. Second, what she
said put me to tears.

My sister attends a
small, rural high school, the
same one I attended, in central
Georgia It is integrated peace-
fully, for a public Georgia high
school. At least it always has
been until today. East
Laurens has finally warranted
itself newsworthy. For the first
time since its integration
policy, there was a race war.
Supposedly, the blacks and the
whites had set a time to meet
this morning, to battle it out
until the end. Fifty white guys
showed up, and one black guy.

They beat the hell out of him.
Other black guys joined, and
pretty soon 80% of my alma
mater were brawling like idi-
ots. A male and female teacher
were injured, a black and
white female were beaten up
by the white and black males,
and seven people were rushed
to the hospital. The first boy
is in unstable condition Many
were talking of going home
and getting guns. Where was
the principal during all of this?
I am told he was nowhere to
be found. He's been fearing
this would happen, but he's
done nothing to prevent it. He
has a policeman escorting stu-
dents to class, shattered doors
and windows and a scar that
won't likely heal.

I never thought of this
when I attended East Laurens.
The relationship between
black and white has faded to
fray. This school is not in the

inner city; in a small county
town. To my knowledge, most
of us were not concerned with
color. It is a shock to see this
happening now. My commu-
nity, my school is being
brought on its knees because
of ignorance. It made me think
of Oglethorpe. I haven't wit-
nessed racism, but am I just
conveniently blind to its real-
ity? How many times day is a
black, Jew, Hispanic, Oriental,
or any other race forced to
think about racism? Because
of the hatred that has slowly
been brewing in my home-
town, I'm forced to face the
fact that people everywhere
hate, whether it be in a small,
country high school or a small
private college. I has previ-
ously put OU on a pedestal,
thinking we are all to intelli-
gent to have such medical be-
liefs. I honestly hope that I'm
not forced to take our school
down from that pedestal.

sure that you will never bum
in hell for dating a Christian
girl. If anyone tells you other-
wise, astound them with a
couple of passages from the
Gospels, "let he who hath not
sinned cast the first stone," or
"judge not, lest ye be judged
by the same measure." They
are wrong, period. I catch
myselfjudging other people all
the time. It is just as tough for
me to break as my habit of
swearing. Just slap me on the
head if you catch me doing it.
I know most of the ac-
tive Christians on this cam-
pus most of us belong to
OCF (I really would hate to be
considered an inactive Chris-
tian). I can state with great
assurance that few if any of us
are racist or homophobic.
Don't believe me? Come to

any of our meetings on Tues-
day night. If one person dis-
plays anything but brotherly
love towards you, I will be
glad to print a full retraction
in the next issue.

Dan, you and I both
know full well that none of us
can selectively choose what to
believe out of the Bible. Ei-
ther you believe or you don't
believe. It's that simple.
Speaking strictly for myself, I
feel that homosexuality is both
spiritually and scientifically
inappropriate behavior. This
does not change the fact that I
love my brothers and sisters
chose to behave in this way. I
extend the same invitation to
them come Tuesday night at
8:45 to the Talmage room and
see for yourself. God bless,
and we will be praying for you.

Just don't do it

By Lu Green

Where could you live

for $800 a month? Visions of
a one bedroom apartment at
Post Brookhaven dance
through my head. I spend
about $1 25 on food per month.
. . no more macaroni and
cheese and tuna fish sand-
wiches for dinner every night!
What? I could also live on-
campus at Oglethorpe for the
same price?! All my dreams
have come true!

First of all, a single room
on-campus for the summer is
$200/week, and a double
room on-campus is $155/
week. Easy math will tell you
that a single is $800 month
and a double is $620/month.
I believe that this is a ridicu-
lous amount to charge a stu-
dent wanting to live on cam-
pus during the summer. Espe-
cially when you consider that
it is only $502.50/month to
live in a double room during
the regular school semesters.
For the same price as a double
room two people could get a
two bedroom apartment and
pay together $1240/month.
With a down payment, you
could be making monthly pay-
ments on a house.

Also, several kids'
camps use Oglethorpe for their
housing and facilities during
the summer months. Tuition
for these camps typically in-
cludes room, board, and in-
struction fees. The Advanced
Placement Summer Institute
includes fees of $415.00 for
tuition and $340 for room and
board for two weeks. This
means that a student involved
in this program is only paying
$170/week for room and
board. I don't know if it's for
a single room or double, but
all prices should be uniform.
Even more shocking to me is
the fact that Basketball and
Soccer camps, which are the
only two athletic camps which
stay on-campus, are only
$250/week including room,
board, and instruction fees. I
have a hard time believing that
the athletic department is only
getting $95/participant ($250
- $155 for a double room per
week = $95). If Oglethorpe is
so set on hosting camps at our
campus, which I realize is
great publicity for the school,
all room and board costs
should be equal. If anyone
deserves a break on the cost of
living on campus, it should be
the students who live here

Page 8


April 1, 1994

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

One friendly face

you're likely to see in a vari-
ety of places around campus
is that of Ann Mason. Ann is
an English major and philoso-
phy minor who was recently
elected president of Omicron
Delta Kappa, the junior/senior
leadership honor society. She
is also a member of the English
honor society, Sigma Tau
Delta, and an advanced Span-
ish student.

Ms. Mason grew up in
Florida with a healthy appre-
ciation for sports. She plays
basketball for the Lady Petrels
and has won all-SCAC awards
for volleyball all three years.
While Ann is a member of the
junior class, she already has
earned enough hours for senior
status. When she's not in class
or in the court, Ann Mason can
be found twice a week in the
Academic Resource Center
tutoring in literature. While
Ann says she has really en-
joyed helping her fellow stu-
dents, the turnout could be bet-
ter. So, if you need help with
your next paper, drop by
Goodman on Monday be-
tween 6:00 and 7:O0 or
Wednesday between 4:00 and
5 :00 and seek Ann's guidance !

In addition to her school
responsibilities, Ann enjoys
scuba-diving, reading and
writing. After three years on
campus, she still loves
Oglethorpe and seeing famil-
iar faces around O.U. After
graduation, Arm hopes to at-
tend graduate school, or study
abroad. Ms. Mason is a true
scholar who learns for the sake
of learning and savors "the
school atmosphere." Con-
gratulations Ann, on the ODK
election, and have a great se-
nior year.

Come down and Stomp the Lawn

By Helen Holifield

"It was such a beauti-
ful day." A smile crosses her
face as she reminisces fondly.
"The sun was shining, flowers
were blooming, the food tasted
great and there we were, jam-
ming out to all of our fave OU
bands. Wow. Those were the
days." It's 15 years from now
and your old college friend is
re-hashing some of /all's best
times at Oglethorpe. One of
those, of course, is Stomp the
Lawn, '94. You remember it
for its really loud music, really
funny comedian, and really
SUNNY day. Everything
about it was exactly what an
outdoor music fest should
have been. Of course, sitting
here in the present, you're
wondering what will make it
so memorable. Well! Let me
just tell you.

Stomp the Lawn, for
those of you who've never ex-
perienced this phenomenon,
began two years ago. Some
really bright organization
(OSA) came up with the idea
of using a portion of the activi-
ties fee to hold an outdoor
spring conceit. A naming con-
test was held (the event was
almost called Looney Tunes),
a band the Jody Grind
and a comedian were con-
tracted, some nice weather was
ordered from God, and Presto!
a tradition was bom, right here
on our very own academic
quad. I was unfortunately un-
able to attend this blessed
event because I was working

on a paper (plague of my life)
but managed to catch the last
ten minutes as I ran to Hearst
to turn in my paper by 5 :00. I
was jealous. I wanted to be
there. People were wearing
sunglasses and shorts and
straw hats, dancing around,
eating hamburgers, and the
music was great! The Jody
Grind was a grooving band.
Lucky for us (not so lucky for
them) Oglethorpe was cne of
the last shows the band did
before several members were
killed a week later in a car ac-
cident. The weirdest things
happen at Oglethorpe...

Anyway, such a good
time was had by all that OSA
decided to do it again. Stomp
the Lawn, '93. A great ex-
ample of what not to do. No,
that's really being too harsh.
The weather did not cooperate.
That's all that needs to be said,
but I'll say more. An OU
Battle of the Bands was held a
few days before the show to
decide who the opening music
would be on Friday. (This
year Battle of the Bands will
be held at Stomp the Lawn.)
On the anticipated date, the
sun was shining beautifully,
promising a wonderful day.
Until one stepped outside and
discovered that it was FREEZ-
ING. Really really really cold.
My friends and I had already
decided that we were going to
live up the springtime and
drink Fat Tuesday's as we
watched the Hellhounds.
Great big squeegie bottles of
Fat Tuesday's. Yum. Frozen
drinks. Just what we needed.

Attention Prospective Students:

The Stormy Petrel is seeking tal-
ented new writers to add to the '94-'95
team. There are also a limited number
of editor positions available to those with
previous experience. If you would like
to be considered for one, please send
samples of previous work to:

Ryan P. Queen


The Stormy Petrel

3000 Woodrow Way, Box 450

Atlanta, GA 30319

We and about twenty other
brave souls huddled under
blankets, dressed in layers and
gloves, and we were the audi-
ence. Pretty sad. It made
Oglethorpe look kind of pa-
thetic. But we were there,
damn it! Freezing. Drinking
frozen drinks. (Am I obsessing
about this?) The show itself
was... okay. The comedian
was really funny. But it was
just too cold.

But this year! This year
will be different! Clay
Barrineau, Mr. In-Charge-of-
it-All, assures Oglethorpe of
this. There will be no rain. No
lightning. No snow. What
there will be is Battle of the
Bands, performing on two
stages, starting at 2 p.m. The
best Oglethorpe has to offer
will be playing: Black Atlas,
December's Children. Whore,
Black Abner, and maybe a few
surprise entries. They will
compete for three cash prizes
of$300,$150.and$50. (hey,
I've got this band...) After the
competition the OU Dancers
will make their spring appear-
ance. Clay had to send Christ-
mas cards to get this act.
Natalie Farr, who you may
have seen a few weeks ago in
the Bomb Shelter or, if you've
been at Oglethorpe a very very
very long time, when she was
a student here, will play for
about 45 minutes or so with
her band. The comedian who
was here last year and almost

laughed us warm, Carey Long,
will perform at 4:30 during
dinner. He'll make you laugh
so hard those french fries will
come right out of your nose.
Gross what are you talking
about Helen? sorry, I've been
sick lately. Speaking of food,
DAKA will provide a deli-
cious and nutritious dinner on
the academic quad for your
dining enjoyment. Band de
Soleil with Michelle Malone
tops offthe festivities, playing
until 7:30. Speaking of food
once again this band's not
stupid. They didn't want to eat
DAKA cuisine. They ordered
all kinds of stuff they had to
be served I think it's all pretty
funny, so I'll just briefly list a
few items: 1 pack American
Spirits cigarettes, I pack
Camel Ultra Lights, 1 case
Caffeine-free Diet Coke, 1
case Rolling Rock, 2 gallons
distilled water, a veggie tray,
a fruit tray, blue corn chips
with 2 kinds of salsa. . .the list
went on for a page, and NO
Styrofoam. Wow, Michelle,
can I come eat with you? Too
bad, we can't. These requests
were negotiated; now, instead
of getting food and cigarettes,
they're getting a $ 1 200 sound
system from Serious Sound,

Did I happen to mention
when all of this wonderful en-
tertainment is going to occur?
April 8, 1994. The Academic
Quad. Stomp the Lawn. Be
there. I will, with bells on.



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April 1, 1994


Page 9

A student remembers a fabulous SpringFest

By Heather Carlen
Co-Copy Editor

In April, 1993, I ar-
rived on Oglethorpe's campus
for SpringFest with my non-re-
fundable tuition deposit in my
hands, having already made
up my mind that I wanted to
come to OU after visiting the
campus twice before. That
weekend, I found myself sur-
rounded by a host of fellow
seniors who, like me, were try-
ing to either make up their
mind about where to attend
college and eventually justify
those decisions to ourselves. I
think it's fair to say that we
were mostly confused, but ex-
cited to be here.

During the course of the
first day I changed my mind a
dozen times. Since I arrived
early, I stood for a long time
in the Admissions Office, wait-
ing for SpringFest to begin of-
ficially. I had ample time to
contemplate my decision: had
I chosen the right school? Ner-
vousness set in a little, until I
met another prospective fresh-
man who was friendly andjust
as nervous as I was. I relaxed

more completely once I was
registering in the student cen-
ter, surrounded by prospects
who would later become my

The next two days are a
blur for me. My host intro-
duced me to dozens of unfa-
miliar faces whose names
slipped quickly past me. Af-
ter asking someone his or her
name several times, I began to
catch on and remember, ex-
changing busy smiles with the
people I recognized. One of
the best results of SpringFest
for me was coming to OU in
the fall and running into people
I had initially met in April.
I've played the "do you re-
member exactly when we met"
game with a lot of friends this
fall, and it's been hilarious, in
many cases, to stumble across
old memories and to see how
accurate (or inaccurate'.) my
first impressions of someone
actually were. "You had to
have been on my team for Win,
Lose, or Draw - I remember
you! You actually managed
to draw oxygen\"

Thankfully, I met my
fall semester roommate at

SpringFest. A lot of my anxi-
ety about going away to col-
lege was alleviated by the fact
that I wasn't worried about liv-
ing with a total stranger, and I
knew that I would have some-
one near me who was just as
inexperienced in college mat-
ters as I was.

Over the summer we
made such earthshaking deci-
sions as who would bring
dishes or a television set, and
through these rather trivial
decisions I began to get excited
about coming to college in-
stead of being nervous. The
change proved to be beneficial
in many ways, since I arrived
on campus in an optimistic and
friendly mood rather than an
anxious and untalkative one.

For me, the most impor-
tant contribution to the college
transition that SpringFest of-
fered was a taste of Oglethorpe
life. I took placement tests', I
bonded with a group of fellow
students through games and
parties; shamefully, I must
admit that I skipped my first
class; I saw the dorms that
would likely house me for four
years of my life; I confirmed

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my feelings for a school I had
fallen in love with on the very
first time I had set foot on the

I have had many small
doubts about OU during and
since SpringFest. I have oc-
casionally questioned my de-

cision and I have fantasized
about life at the other colleges
I applied to. But I have never
once been truly unhappy, and
this year has been arguably the
best of my life so far.

It all started with

"Opinions. . .

"What should Spring-
Festers know about

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

"If there's something you
would like to see changed at
Oglethorpe, it's possible to do
it yourself."

Marshall Nason
Associate Dean of
Community Life

" Three words Yearly tu-
ition increases."

Justin Hayes


"Stomp the Lawn is a fun
event, and you should goto all
the parties."

Clay Barrineau



Oglethorpe gossip grapevine is
well tended and much loved."

Kalherine Griffin


"The food is not as good as 1
had anticipated."

Katie Trucksis


"College lite is not like

Jennifer Wyatt


Page 10


April 1,1994

Eurail: A great way to experience Europe

By Pauline Van Vliet

The spring break is

over. You probably moved
back to your dorm room and
classes have resumed. Are you
getting bored with campus life
yet and are finals start to worry
you already? Don't freak out,
because there is life alter fi-
nals. . . the summer vacation!
Of course you first need some
time to recover from your eat-
ing, sleeping and drinking dis-
orders, but if you are ready for
major excitement after that,

For everybody who has
always wanted to explore Eu-
rope and who didn't know
how, here's the solution: take
the train. This will give you the

opportunity to visit most of the
big European cities and at least
ten different countries within
a month.

Imagine hopping on the
train in Amsterdam with a
backpack, containing all your
necessities for a whole month.
In the train to, for example,
Berlin, you are guaranteed to
meet some foreigners who are
doing the same thing. At Ber-
lin Zoo you will say good-bye
to your new friends, but not for
good, because the chance is re-
ally good that you will meet
them again three weeks later,
let's say, in Barcelona, Spain.
First thing to do after you ar-
rive is find a place to stay. A
Youth-hostel is a great solu-
tion: cheap and a great oppor-
tunity to meet more people

from all over the world. Found
a place to stay? You can start
exploring the city. Either the
bus or your own legs can take
you anywhere you want to go.
Traveling on through the
Czech Republic, Hungary,
Austria, Italy, Spain, France
and virtually every otlier coun-
try you want, you will find
yourself one day between the
bright green mountains of the
Alps among German-speaking
people, while the next day, the
train will take you along the
beautiful Coast Azure, while
chatting French with some
travel companions. Along the
way you will make new
friends every day and you may
travel with them for a while.
Eurail is a vacation

filled with challenges. It begins
with packing your backpack.
You will end up having to
leave three quarters of every-
thing you wanted to take at
home. Then, every day, you
need to find a place to spend
the night. Sometimes that
means sleeping in a night train,
in a railway station, or on the
beach. A real challenge, how-
ever, is ignoring the way you
smell after two showerless
days or the looks of your
clothes with no iron around for
a couple of weeks. It is all part
of the experience however and
looking back, it is the charm
of it.

The biggest dilemma for
Eurailers will be the money.
You will need to fly to Europe

and you need to get a train
pass. But there are a lot of pos-
sibilities and as a student (un-
der 26) you can get discounts.
Of course, you also need
pocket-money for on the way.
But by looking for cheap hos-
tels, bringing a tent, taking
night trains as often as pos-
sible, by gathering your dinner
in supermarkets instead of eat-
ing out and by being careful
not to get ripped off as a tour-
ist, you should be able to sur-
vive for between $200 and
$300. Yes, altogether, ft is a lot
of money, but you will see
more then you would usually
see in five summers. So if you
are making plans for this sum-
mer don't forget to consider
Eurail. You won't regret it; I
guarantee it!

Displaying a complete lack of social grace

By Chopper Johnson
News Editor

If you have looked

over the Greeks page yet, or if
you've kept a ear in any gen-
eral direction of the campus
fraternities and sororities, you
have probably heard the rum-
blings of a great commotion in
the near future. Yes, friends
and neighbors, Greeks and
non-Greeks, it is time again for
that massive display of
uncoordination and complete
lack of social grace - GREEK

During the week of Sat-
urday, April 2, and Saturday,
April 9, the entire campus is
encouraged to come out and
support the Greeks in their
annual competition to discover
the best, well, I guess its to dis-
cover the best something.
More importantly, its is a time
for all of the Greeks (and with
the addition of the sororities to
the compassion this year, we
can truly say all) to get to-
gether and generally just have
a good time.

For those of you unfa-
miliar with Greek Week, it is
a week-long series of events in
which each of the four frater-
nities, and two teams with rep-
resentatives from each soror-
ity, participate in a variety of
athletic and social events to

gamer team points. At the end
of the week, an atliletic cham-
pion and a social champion is
crowned. If you don't under-
stand the breakdown of "ath-
letic" and "social" events, let
me try to explain.

This year, the individual
athletic events will consist of:
above and below 160 lbs. arm
wrestling; the "batman relay,"
in which each of the four team
members will run half the
length of the soccer field, place
his head on a standing baseball
bat, turn around in a circle ten
times, and then attempt to run
back; the "dash and dine," in
which in which one team mem-
ber carries the other half the

length of the soccer field, then
the two consume a dozen do-
nuts and two pints of milk,
switch places and return down
the field. You may be able to
tell that this is not a good event
to combine with the batman
relay; a three man egg toss; an
800 meter run; Frisbee golf,
consisting of four man teams
and a nine hole "golf course;
1 8 holes of golf; a keg roll, in
which someone stands on top
of the keg to roll it; long jump;
100 meter dash; 1 .5 mile run;
Softball throw; doubles tennis;
a classic three legged race; a
three point shoot-out, as seen
at half time of the homecom-
ing game; above and below

160 lbs. bench press; and a
wheelbarrow race. There will
also be the team events of bas-
ketball, midnight bowling, a
"classical" chariot race, flag
football, Softball, tug of war,
and Softball. Topping off the
athletic side of Greek Week
wil I be the seven event Decath-
lon, in which a single member
from each team will compete
in seven events (arm wrestling,
800m, long jump, 100m, 1.5
mile, softball throw, and

event is social. This year the
social events will consist of:
best dressed Greek; best look-
ing chariot; speech; 30 minute
skits; and three songs of the
teams choice.

The third category is
"Hosted Events," in which
each fraternity chooses one
event, generally to be held at
their house, that they "host."
This year the hosted events
are; SAE, the Anchorman Re-
lay; KA, a Tricycle Race;
Delta Sig, Ultimate Frisbee;


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Subscribe to
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If you would like a subscription to
The Stormy Petrel for the 1994
95 school year, please fill out the
form below and send it, along with
$20, to:

The Stormy Petrel
3000 Woodrow Way

Box 450
Atlanta, Qa 30319



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April 1, 1994


Page 11

My endless search for marvelous Mexican

Stops five and six on my journey

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

Stop V - Pancho's,

2641 Buford Highway,

How to get there: Turn
right out of O.U. Turn left
onto North Druid Hills. Take
a right at intersection with
Buford Highway. Pancho's is
about a mile down on the left,
past Chicago Pizza and before
Lenox Road.

Stop V took us down to
Pancho's, which bills itself as,
"The Home of the Monster
Margarita." This particular
restaurant has been around for
well over ten years. It is a
popular gathering place for
business people from the
Lenox area at lunch time.
However, in the evening the
customers tend to be a more
relaxed bunch. There are three
areas in which to sit. A large
bar area, a nice outdoor patio
overlooking scenic 1-83, and
a main dining area at the front.
We seated ourselves in the
main dining area, which fea-
tures several large TVs. Salsa
and chips were quickly
brought to the table and
slammed down by an ex-
tremely agitated waitress. Af-
ter we tried these, which were
the absolute worst ever, we
were apprehensive. After all,
how could any Mexican place
serving you glorified tomato
sauce and extremely greasy
chips possibly have anything
good to offer? A quote from
the waitress when questioned
about the salsa: "I don't know,
there's just something wrong
with it!"

Surprise, surprise,
Pancho's other food wasn't too
bad despite the salsa. The
menu is set up somewhat simi-
lar to U.S. Bar y Grill. There
are 26 combo platters but there
are also quite a few special din-
ners to choose from. Still re-
covering from the salsa
trauma, we skipped appetizers
and went straight to dinners.
First up was shrimp
quesadillas. The quesadillas
themselves were quite good,

containing a good amount of
nicely spiced shrimp. How-
ever the flavorless glops of
cheap sour cream and
guacamole thrown on top left
a lot to be desired. The
Acapulco Steak was similarly
disappointing. Designed to be
cut up and eaten with toppings
in Hour tortillas, fajita-style,
the meat was flavorful but ex-
tremely tough. Trying to take
a bite resulted in a ghastly
mess wiili a disintegrating tor-
tilla. Other selections at
Pancho's suffer from these
same kinds of letdowns. It
appears as if Pancho's tries
hard in some areas and lets
other slide to compensate.
Overall, it is hard to justify
going to Pancho 's for anything
other than margaritas.

Thumbs Up For: Spe-
cific selections for vegetarians,
amazing margaritas in an ex-
tensive variety of flavors, rela-
tively inexpensive prices.

Room for Improvement:
The service could be a lot bet-
ter and friendlier, as could be
the salsa and other ingredients
used in preparing dishes.

Stop VI - Rio Bravo

Canlina 3172 Roswell Road,

How to get there: Turn
right out of O.U. Go past
Phipps, Lenox, and Tower
Place, and through intersection
with Piedmont. As soon as
you hit Buckhead, turn right
as if going to the Roxy The-
ater, and immediately turn
right again onto Roswell. Rio
Bravo is on the left.

After the above debacle,
we were tempted to stray from
our beloved Mexican and try
something else. Stop VI had
to be good, or else! Fortu-
nately, Rio Bravo couldn't
have been more great. Faith
and love for Mexican were
completely restored. Rio
Bravo is another Atlanta
standby. This location, which
is one of the oldest, has always
been extremely popular, and
for good reason. Enthusiasti-
cally greeted by the hosts, we
were shown to a nice patio

table after walking by the bar
area crowded with yuppies.
Rio Bravo has perhaps the best
ambience of any Mexican
place in Atlanta. Billing it-
self as "Rio Fresh" the ma-
chines which make the tortillas
and chips are visible behind
glass, reminiscent of Krispy
Kreme. The tables and decor
are also superb, and are per-
fect to put you in the Mexican

A friendly waiter imme-
diately brought out bowls of
wonderful salsa and chips.
The salsa at Rio Bravo has to
be experienced. Containing
finely chopped fresh ingredi-
ents, this salsa is the perfect
mix between salsa that is too
runny or too thick. The only
improvement would be larger
bowls of salsa so that we
wouldn't have to keep sending
the waiter back for more!

Rio Bravo are the large cups
water and soft drinks are
served in. These thirst buster
size drinks enable you to en-
joy your meal without con-
stantly begging for refills. Rio
Bravo is one of only a few res-
taurants to do this.

The menu is thorough
and well laid out. Specializ-
ing in fajitas and burritos, there
are also several specialties,
combos, and vegetable entrees
to choose from. Rio Bravo
also features several intriguing
desserts instead of nothing but
flan. We tried the

chimichangas and the chicken
conqueso. Both were big hits.
The chimichanga was a very
large flourtortilla stuffed with
retried beans, chile con queso
and good chicken or beef. This
delicious mixture was topped
with quality guacamole, sour
cream, pico de gallo, and black

beans were also impressive.
The chicken con queso, a
chicken breast topped with
fresh veggies and chile con
queso was also very good We
were also frequently checked
on by the waiter and once by
the manager himself. Rio
Bravo basically reaffirms the
old adage, "You get what you
pay for." It is not the cheapest
place around, but the food is
prepared fresh with quality in-
gredients and served by a
well-trained staff.

Thumbs Up For Nearly
everything, Rio Bravo may
even convert those who have
never been Mexican fans be-
cause of previously bad expe-
riences with other places.

Room for Improvement:
Unfortunately, not arriving
early means that you will have
to give your car to the valet,
which will set you back an

Another refreshing feature of olives. The rice and retried extra buck or two.

Lions Camp helps children

By Kim Jones

A group of 80 people,

ages 8 to 26 painted red, white,
and blue, and carrying red,
white, and blue banners, pull-
ing wagons and pushing
wheelchairs decorated in the
same motif, march to the
campfire singing of watermel-
ons and fishing holes. We all
situate ourselves around the
huge bonfire and prepare for a
glorious show of fireworks.

It is the Fourth of July
at the Louisiana Lions Camp
for crippled children, where we
swim every day, leam archery,
neat games and about appre-
ciating life and friends.

A co-counselor and I
take hold of an arm, with as
much strength as we can mus-
ter, in order to support
Michelle's body weight as she
struggles to move one foot in
front of the other. Out of
breath, with tears in her eyes,
she takes the last step, and we
help her into her chair that our
blind camper has been push-
ing behind us. She is deter-

mined to walk once a day, and
that she does. By the end of
the week, I also have tears in
my eyes as we make it to her.
Michelle amazes me with her
spirit and ability to keep the
other girls in my group the
most spirited girls at camp
with her cheers and "the girls
are great" chants.

Louisiana Lions Camp
is ten weeks long, with one
week to get to know the other
counselors and leam what we
need to know about dealing
with seizures, wheelchairs, and
learning sign language. We
then have nine one-week ses-
sions, beginning on Sundays
and ending on Saturday morn-
ings. The "in -between" week-
ends are spent with co-coun-
selors relaxing at the mall and
oilier local hang-outs.

The first two week-long
sessions are for the mentally
handicapped, then five weeks
for the physically handi-
capped, then two weeks of
Diabetic Camp. Throughout
the weeks we leam a lot about
helping each other, and about
living. We have the opportu-

nityto leam blood-testing dur-
ing Diabetic Camp and
catharization during the ses-
sions for the physical handi-

There's Starlight Sing-
ers for those counselors and
lifeguards that have a voice,
and positions as archery in-
structors along with the senior
counselor (do everything) po-

Summer is approaching
quickly and there are a lot of
decisions to make, from living
with parents or away from
home, to what kind of job or
internship you are looking for.

If you are interested in
the medical profession or in
helping people, consider Lions
Camp. If you want to be out-
side working and playing ev-
ery day, living close to and
meeting new people, consider
Lions Camp. The pay is me-
diocre, but accommodations
are provided, including meals.
Moreover, you are provided
with experience and good
times that will last a lifetime.

('If interested, contact
Kim Jones*)

Page 12


April 1, 1994

Oglethorpe academic team closes out season

By Stephen Cooper
Co-Copy Editor

The Oglethorpe Aca-
demic Team will travel to Au-
burn University April 15-16
for the Al Ludden Invitational
Tournament. This tournament
will mark the end of the sea-
son for the team.

OAT, captained by jun-
ior Billy Girton, as of right
now has compiled a 36-49
record in 7 tournaments
around the Southeast, includ-
ing Vanderbilt and North

Carolina State, with their best
effort coming at the season-
opening Berry College Invit-
ational, where they accumu-
lated an 11-5 record en route
to a fifth-place tie. Schools
defeated include Vanderbilt
University, North Carolina
State University, Emory Uni-
versity, University of Georgia,
Georgia State University, Uni-
versity of Tennessee, Auburn
University, Hampden-Sydney
College, Huntingdon College,
Berry College, Auburn Uni-
versity-Montgomery, Duke

University, Georgia Tech, and
Florida State University.

The academic team is a
team made up of four people
per round. Every round, 20
questions from a variety of
academic areas are asked, and
speed is of the utmost impor-
tance, as the first player to an-
swer the question correctly
earns his team ten points and
a chance at a bonus question
of up to 30 points for his team
only. The team with the high-
est point total at the end of the
round is the winner. Most




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tournaments are played on as
round-robin tournaments,
meaning all teams play each
other; the team with the best
record at die end of the tour-
nament wins first. In case of a
lie, head-to-head records are

Members of the
Oglethorpe Academic Team
include senior Lyndra Givens;
juniors Mischelle Curtin and
Girton; sophomores Susan
Shirley, Stephen Cooper, and
Elizabeth Stockton; and fresh-
men Tony Drake, Gregory


Daspit, and David Leach.
Cooper has garnered all-star
honors four times this year.

Anyone interested in
joining OAT or watching a
practice to find out what OAT
is, should come to the OSA
room Fridays at 3:00. Prac-
tice lasts until 5:00. Formore
information about OAT, call
Billy Girton at extension 561
or Stephen Cooper at exten-
sion 576. The Oglethorpe
Academic Team is coached by
Marshall Nason.

By Lucy MacGregor and
Brooke Robertshaw
Alpha Phi Omega

Alpha Phi Omega has
been very busy this semester.
It began with our Spring Rush.
Due to the tireless work of the
brothers we have 10 new
pledges, and they include:
Monica Bracewell, Feleica
Christian, Audrey Fillop,
Christing Heslop, Farah
Khatoon, Casey Kuffrey,

Stephanie Miller, Jeanette
Randall, Dempal Sheth, and
Patricia Villavicenclo. We also
have done many Service
Projects, and they include:
Bowling for Kids Sake, work-
ing with children at Grady
Hospital, Special Olympics,
and planting trees with Trees
Atlanta. And finally, Mu Mu
is excited to be hosting a Field
Day for all of the chapters in
our section (the state of Geor-
gia) on April 17.





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April 1, 1994


By Jason Thomas
Delta Sigma Phi

Greetings from Delta

SigLand A lot of things took
place and are about to take
place in our sector of the Greek
Village. This past week we
held our first Spring Dinner for
various ladies on OU's cam-

Nothing extremely ex-
citing happened during Spring
Break. Those of us who
stayed at the house just hung
out and watched a lot of
movies. ..Steven Tyler
P Js,... Steven Tyler PJs. Possi-

Page 13


bly the greatest changes are
those things that are missing
from our fraternity: l)Wade
Wilson's cast, 2) Bobby
Scott's hair, and 3) Dog (we
will miss her greatly). We
hope that everyone else had a
good time.

Right now we are still
getting prepared for Greek
Week, SpringFest, and our
White Carnation Ball which is
on April 15... and it is definite!
There are no intramurals go-
ing on and we haven't had any
parties recently, so that about
sums up our activities.


By Jason Reese
Chi Phi

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the wild and wacky world of

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Chi Phi? Well, now that we've
all returned from a joyous
spring break and finally got-
ten cars repaired from various
mishaps, we will be gearing up
for what will surely be a spec-
tacular Greek Week. Come
out and support your favorite
Greeks and witness amazing
feats of unccordination as we
all attempt to exert some physi-
cal effort. From the singing,
skit performances, and the as-
sortment of track events that
will take place, Greek Week
will certainly be an experience
to remember and recuperate

Also be on the lookout
for WHORE to pop-up and
turn this campus upside down
with their upcoming perfor-
mances. Our own Mike Rowe,
Rod Smith, Jon Shiley, and
Tommy Ison will belt out their
greatest hits for your musical
enjoyment. Rumor even has
it that the group will be in the
"Battle of the Bands" at this
year's Stomp the Lawn. We
can only hope.

On a final note, the
brothers of Chi Phi Rho Delta
wish to give a sad farewell to
the one and only Boyd Calvert
who will be leaving for New
Orleans. Even though we'd
rather keep you here forever,
we all wish you the best of

By Christina Humphries
Sigma Sigma Sigma

Welcome back from

wherever Spring Break led
you! Although we wish it
could have lasted longer,
Sigma has faced the facts and
gotten back into our normal
busy routine.

Along with the grass and
flowers, Sigma is once again
growing. We are so excited to
welcome our new member,
Sophana Lim. We're sure
she's going to be a great addi-
tion to our sisterhood.

Also before the break,
we had a great time celebrat-
ing the birthday of our chap-
ter advisor, Sue Livingston.

Again, Happy Birthday Sue,
we love you.

Looking into the future,
it seems that Greek Week is
coming up soon. All of the
Greek girls are excited about
competing this year. We're
making great plans and it
looks like a lot of fun. Watch
out boys, you've got real com-
petition this year. We are also
looking forward to our annual
spring formal in a few weeks.
We've already begun making
lists of possible dates. Get
ready men.

On a final note, we hope
everyone has a happy Easter.
Watch out for the bunny, and
enjoy the eggs.


By Jason Luginbuhl
Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

would like to welcome every-
one back from spring break.
Our brothers are recovering
from wet and wild excursions
to Fort Lauderdale, Gulf
Shores, Panama City,
Daytona, and even France.
Tanned, bunt, hung-over, and
relaxed, we are reluctantly re-
turning to Oglethorpe class-
rooms. We hope everyone had
as good a time as we did!

SAE is looking forward
to a month packed with social
functions. With Greek Week
starting April 2, we will begin
a week full of competition,
fun, and much absence of
sleep. Look for our traditional
hosted event, the Anchorman
Competition, late in the week.

After Greek Week, our social
calendar kicks into high gear.
Our second annual Bad Boys
Party is scheduled for April 15.
The following Monday will
begin our week-long celebra-
tion of Paddy Murphy, culmi-
nating in an epic bash on Sat-
urday, April 23. On Friday,
April 22, we are looking for-
ward to our mixer with Tri-
Sigma. Finally, our awesome
April ends with a beach trip on
the west coast of Florida dur-
ing the weekend of April 30.

We wish all the other fra-
ternities luck in the upcoming
Greek Week competition. We
would also like to wish both
Panhellenic teams luck as they
join in the competition and fun
this year.

Remember, keep an eye
out for Paddy. He's coming!


By Holly Harmon
Chi Omega

Welcome back! I

hope everybody had a great
Spring Break! The Chi Ome-
gas' are refreshed and ready
for a great end to a semester.
First of all, we are all busily
practicing and preparing for
Rush. Second, the girls who

are participating on the
Panhellenic Greek Week
Teams are getting in shape.
We look forward to our first
Greek Week as participants
and want to wish everyone
Good Luck! Also, our mixer
with Delta Sigma Phi is com-
ing up soon. WE also wanted
everyone to know that our
White Carnation Ball was a
blast! Well, that's all!


By Cole Maddox
Temporary Greek Editor

You know, its really

difficult to write a column
about what's been going on in
Greek life when everyone has
been away on Spring Break,
well, everyone except those of
us without money. Those of
us who could not afford to go
on Spring Break found out just
how boring life can get with-
out cable TV. But now every-
one is back and things are
pretty much back to normal.
There's people playing basket-
ball at midnight and people
outside my door making an
incredible amount of noise.
Ah yes, living in a Greek house
is great.

In all reality though, I
really can't say too many bad
things about living in the
Greek houses. Aside from the
lack of cable, a problem soon
to be solved, the houses are not
that bad. Yeah, we've had our
problems with the houses, but
at the same time, its nice to live
in a house without having to
worry about leaks in the roof
when it rains. Besides, the
houses do provide a great
place to relax. You can go
downstairs and stare at the
snow on the TV, you can have
a drink without worrying
about the R As, and the houses
provide a place for everyone
to get together. Admittedly,
having to listen to people con-
versing outside your door at 3
a.m. is annoying, but when
you're one of the people in the
conversation, its not so bad.

To the SpringFesters
who may be reading this ar-
ticle, I would encourage you
to come up and see the Greek
houses. Going Greek may not
be what you want to do, but
who knows. Maybe after
meeting the Greeks who live
in the houses you might
change you mind. You may
find that Greeks aren't the
drunkards we're made out to
be, but that depends on which
night you come to the houses.

Page 14

April 1, 1994


By Christa Kreeger

Is school really start-
ing to piss you off? Do you
find yourself just wanting to
get away from it all, even
though spring break has al-
ready come and gone? Well,
everybody knows that movies
are America's favorite escape,
and "Four Weddings and a Fu-
neral," a Gamercy Pictures
release, is the perfect one to
make you feel just a little
happy for a while. Set in jolly
old England, it is the story of
8 friends and their experiences
at yes, four weddings and a
funeral. The plot centers
around a member of the group,
Charles (Hugh Grant) and his
unavoidable love for Carrie
(Andie MacDowell), a beau-
tiful American that he meets at
the first wedding. Although the
core of the plot is simple tried
and true "boy meets girl and
cant have her" story, the real
entertainment of this film are
the particular events that tran-
spire in each scene. Parts of
the weddings had me abso-
lutely rolling in my seat with
laughter. Filmmaker Mike
Newell, who also directed the
Oscar-nominated "Enchanted
April," really knows how to
take a beautiful and traditional
English wedding and turn it
into a constant frolic of outra-
geous events. There are also
the expected romantic mo-
ments here and there through-
out the film, but they are rela-
tively easy to swallow and
quite harmless to the overall
quality of the picture. Be pre-
pared, though, for one tiny
tear-jerking scene, but it also
passes quickly enough without
jeopardizing the lighthearted
mood of the movie. Overall
"Four Weddings and a Fu-
neral" can be described as ab-
solutely delightful, a must-see
for anyone who doesn't want
to think too much and just
wants to walk away with a
smile on their face.

"Sirens" proves to be disappointing

By Helen Holifield

The sirens of Greek

mythology sang to the sailors
to leave the safety of their ships
and throw themselves into the
sea. In the film "Sirens", pro-
duced by Miramax, they call
to others to leave their sacred
vessel, as religion deems the
body, and lose themselves in
the sea of sexuality. The de-
sire to find the beauty of the
sirens song in the sea com-
pelled sailors; the desire to find
voluptuous fulfillment in sen-
suality enchanted those in "Si-
rens." Unfortunately, so pro-
vocative a theme does little in
"Sirens" to provoke much of

An Australian film, "Si-
rens" is set in the 1930'sinthe
Blue Mountains of Australia.
Norman Lindsay (Sain Neil),
an historic Australian artist, is
the god of the movie, allowing
things to happen and watching
over all. On his estate, an iso-
lated fantasy land inhabited by

his uninhibited models, he
paints and sculpts nudes. To
this estate come clergyman
Anthony Campion (Hugh
Grant) and his prudish wife
Estella (Tara Fitzgerald), sent
to ask Lindsay to withdraw his
blasphemous painting, "The
Crucified Venus," from an in-
ternational exhibit. Estella
becomes fascinated by
Lindsay's crude but comely
models Prue (Kate Fischer)
and Sheela (Elle MacPherson
yes, she gets naked) and is
befriended by his sometime-
servant, sometime-model
Giddy (Portia de Rossi). A
train derailment strands the
Campions' at Lindsay's for
several days, during which
time wanna-be sophisticate
Anthony argues religion and
sex with Lindsay, and Estella
battles sex and religion within
herself. Sex wins, hands down.
I didn't especially like
this film. But neither did I dis-
like it. It was just kind of flat.
I left the theater feeling unim-
pressed by anything in it.

Upon reflection, I discovered
some things in it I found inter-
esting, but which weren't ter-
ribly interesting in the movie.
The idea of sex being good is
one religion does not encour-
age. Religion creates morals
to guard against enjoying sex.
Although Estella wants to feel
natural about the sensual feel-
ings she is having, she feels
guilty about them because of
her religion. But how does one
have morals without religion,
enjoying yet placing restraints
on sex? This is a problem.
Giddy presents us with an ex-
ample of this in a character
more complex than it first ap-
pears. Working as a maid for
Lindsay, she's encouraged to
pose nude for him, but won't
until she decides she's ready.
Nothing holds her back but
herself. She lusts for the blind
gardener Devlin, but seduces
him in her own time. Even
then she won't have sex with
him: "he is a bit beneath me"
(although he wasn't beneath

The scenery in "Sirens"
is really very beautiful. It was
filmed on Lindsay's estate,
which is exactly the way it was
when he lived there. Much of
the imagery of the film, the
water imagery especially, was
< lovely, very sensualistic. But
it was too obvious for me.
Ponds, oceans, ships, snakes
and falling rose petals were
shown over and over again. It
really made me feel like the di-
rector expected his audience to
be stupid and not get it. And
in so "sophisticated" a film and
topic as sexual awakening, the
audience is generally not stu-
pid. I like imagery more subtle
and indistinct. This was nei-
ther Consequently there was
no flirting with meaning, no
teasing of ambivalence, no
slow build to climax. It was
all very obvious and, some-
how, cheap. Which is where I
would recommend seeing it,
someplace cheap, like the
$1.50 movie. I think you'd
feel cheated if you spent more.

"Let's Play Two" at Horizon Theatre

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

Now playing at the
Horizon Theatre in Little Five
Points is Anthony Clarvoe's
"Let's Play Two," an ex-
tremely witty romantic com-
edy about love and baseball.
In this two-person play, well
directed by Horizon Co-artis-
tic Director Jeff Adler, two in-
corrigible Braves fans, Grace
and Phil, bond over their un-
dying passion for the home
team during the 1991 season
and discover that the mating
game can be far trickier than
their favorite sport. Phil,
played by acclaimed Atlanta
actor Scott Reeves, is a 28
year-old free-spirited "kid,"
and Grace, played by Atlanta
actress Clarinda Ross, is the 34
year-old realistic "older"
woman. While Grace is a ca-
reer professional and brides-
maid with a ticking biological
clock, Phil is a carefree fellow
who thinks a lasting relation-

ship is one that goes to the sec-
ond date!

Says Adler of the play,
"'Let's Play Two' shows that
love and baseball have a lot
more in common than we
might think. Whether in love
or baseball, the players must
jump in fully, with spirit and
conviction in order to bond
into a community of 'us.' In
both love and baseball, it's
commitment that counts."

The action of the play
takes place mostly in Phil's car
as Grace is heading to be a

bridesmaid yet again in an-
other ridiculous dress. They
become hopelessly lost and
wind up on a spontaneous road
trip that evolves into a journey
of mutual discovery. Because
of the small cast. Reeves and
Ross are required to be on-
stage for the entire show. Both
actors do a terrific job of be-
coming their characters. As
we are brought up to date on
their relationship through a
series of flashbacks during
their tumultuous journey, the
frustration, anger, sorrow, and

joy that most relationships
contain are fully and convinc-
ingly demonstrated. The rela-
tionship spirit that the play
endorses is also an uplifting
and commendable one.

"Let's Play Two," which
runs through April 24, is a
wonderful play to see with a
friend or for a couple. Tickets
are $1 2.00 for Thursdays and
Sundays; $14.00 for Fridays;
$16.00 for Saturdays; and are
available by calling the Hori-
zon Theatre Box Office at

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April 1, 1994

Page 15


Crowded House to rock the Roxy

By Heather Carten
Co-Copy Editor

Crowded House first
began to gain recognition in
theU.S. in 1987, when "Don't
Dream It's Over" was running
rampant over radio stations na-
tionwide. Their self-titled de-
but album was filled with op-
timistic, sunny, and definitely
lively songs dealing with sav-
ing a relationship, ending a re-
lationship, or praising a rela-
tionship, for the most part.

The band's growth is re-
flected in their second venture,
Temple of Low Men, de-
scribed as "more dense and
moody" by Capitol Records.
Temple hit upon more substan-
tial topics, such as infidelity,
obsession, and again fulfilling
love. The song which stands
out from that album more than
any other was the mostly
acoustic "Better Be Home
Soon," which showcases Neil
Finn's talents as both a vocal-
ist and a songwriter.

It was three long years
until the next album,
Woodface. was released. Join-
ing the band for this album was
Neil's older brother Tim, who
with Neil had formed part of
an earlier pre-punk band, Split
Enz. The two voices harmo-
nized and the two songwiiteis
collaborated on a large portion
of the album's songs, produc-

ing a smoother sound than on
the earlier albums. Several
critics of this time period
lauded the band as becoming
better and better as they be-
came less commercially suc-
cessful, at least in the U.S. The
album went top 20 in eight
countries, including Australia

and New Zealand, where the
band formed.

Now, three years after
Woodface. the new album is
Together Alone, which has
been pointed to as the best, and
certainly most original, work
yet produced by the band. Af-
ter an exhausting 18-month

The band Crowded House from left to right: Nick Seymour,
Paul Hester, Neil Finn, and Mark Hart.

Photo by Youri Lenquette

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tour for Woodface. Crowded
House retreated to Kare Kare,
an isolated beach along New
Zealand's western coast, and
produced 13 of their most dy-
namic and adventurous songs
to date. As Capitol Records'
PR release says, the Waka
Huia Maori Choir, a brass
baud, and log drummers con-
tributed to several songs, "all
recorded live in the house to-
gether in a day," making for a
different, more exotic sound
than in any of the previous al-
bums. Although no longer a
member of Crowded House,
Tim Finn rejoins the band on
several of the album's songs
and has recently released a
solo album, Before and After .

"We thou glit it would be
great to get together all these
elements that to us are evoca-
tive of the South Pacific with-
out trying to be high-minded
about it," says Neil Finn. "Just
have fun with it and throw
Iheni together." They did
much more than throw some-
thing together. The album
combines in many parts the
spontaneity of live shows with
the careful production of con-
ventional albums. In general,
it is a fantastic showcase for
the band's performing talents
and Neil Finn's lyricism.

The tour promoting To-
gether Alone hits the Roxy on
April 14. Capitol bills the
Crowded House as "a hugely
entertaining live band No two
shows are ever alike; the band
writes songs on stage, swaps
instruments, and holds infor-
mal talent quests." From
MTV's 1987 Spring Break
concert, a fledgling Crowded
House played together, obvi-
ously having a fantastic time
on stage, ending up with Neil
Finn playing bassist Nick
Seymour's guitar for him with
a drummer Paul Hester's
sticks. Even from a distance
it was a great show. The up-
close and personal April 14
concert promises nothing less.

Tickets are $20 and cur-
rently on sale at any
TicketMaster location, the
Roxy, or call TicketMaster at

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

Enigma has lived up

to its name from the beginning.
Like Oleta Adams, the initial
effort of the group was very
well-received but no new mu-
sic seemed to be forthcoming.
Many fans have been eagerly
awaiting a second release since
it has been four years since the
release of their debut,
MCMXC a.D. After the first
album became extremely
popular in dance clubs and on
radio, the group chose to make
only a very short tour. Addi-
tionally, songs off the debut
suddenly were being featured
in steamy scenes in a variety
of films, particularly the
smash-hit, "Principles of
Lust." After teasing fans by
providing a short new song for
yet another steamy movie
scene in "Sliver," the group
decided the time was right to
release The Cross of Changes .
The new album should
please those who were fans of
the first because it features the
same elements; haunting vo-
cals provided by "Curly" M.C.
(Michael Cretu) and Angel
combined with sultry dance
music and reworked brief
samples from a variety of dif-
ferent artists. Beginning with
two good instrumentals, the
third track is the hit "Return
to Innocence." Next comes
another song with the typically
interesting Enigma lyrics, "I
Love You... I'll Kill You."
They then jumps on the cur-
rent PC music trend with the
somewhat pretentious "Silent
Warrior," which damns
"White men... with the cross as
alibi." After another instru-
mental comes "Carly's Song,"
from "Sliver," a hot song
likely to be the next single.
Last but not least are, "Out
From The Deep," and the title
track. While it might have
been nice to see Enigma break
a little new ground musically,
fans certainly will be en-
thralled by Cross of Changes
Available at Atlanta CD.

Page 16

April 1, 1994


Rain" at Marietta Theatre in the Square

By Christa Kreeger

Oddly enough. It

seems that these days going to
the South Pacific only requires
a short drive to Marietta. Yes,
the town where Fred Tokars
practiced law and the commis-
sioners practice open bigotry.
For the last fewyears I've held
the ideal that nothing good
comes out of my home town
of Marietta, but that was also
before my first trip to Theatre
in the Square. You might re-
member that this was the place
that came under attack last
summer for presenting plays
which portrayed homosexual-
ity and other issues which did
not promote "family values."
Like these "values" would ac-
tually make a good play or
something: I don't even think
those little-known playwrights
like Shakespeare had any idea
what family values are, do you
Mr. Commissioner? Well,
even if there weren't any moral
lessons to be learned, I still
somehow managed to thor-
oughly enjoy my visit to The-
atre on the Square, and a drive
up there is well worth the trip.
For starters, the place is really
small. It only seats 226 people,
so there's not a bad seat in the
house. They also serve lovely
beverages in the lobby like
wine coffee and hot spiced tea
for less than the normal "the-
atre outrageous price." Not to

mention that the play was also
quite likable. Like I said be-
fore, a trip to see Rain is like a
trip to the South Pacific, liter-

show I found myself surprised
that it wasn't actually raining
outside. The play itself, di-
rected by John R. Briggs, is set

though she is there to escape
the skeletons in her closet,
Pago Pago is also crawling
with missionaries who are de-

Ruth Reid and Bruce Evers perform in Rain.

ally. The set design, done by
Jolm Thigpen, was absolutely
incredible. Somehow they
were able to reproduce a tropi-
cal rainstorm onstage. So real,
in fact, that when I left the

on the island of Pago Pago in
the 1920's. The play explores
the coming of Miss Sadie Th-
ompson (Ruth Reid), an dar-
ling and fun-loving young
woman, to the island. Al-

Photo by Kathryn Kolb

termined to save her "sinner's
soul," specifically the Rever-
end Alfred Davidson (Brace
Evers). The play explores con-
trasts of "right and wrong" in
many terms, both the obvious

and the less than obvious. It
also hints at the bounds of hy-
pocrisy within individuals, and
wraps up with a surprise end-
ing and an underlying, unex-
pected twist. Although Reid
and Evers give a high quality
performance, the true stellar
acting in the production be-
longed to those playing sup-
porting roles. Two thumbs up
to Lindy Wood, who plays
Mrs. McPhail. You might re-
member her from her abso-
lutely astounding performance
of Saint Joan at the Atlanta
Shakespeare Tavern a few
years back. Also to be com-
mended is John Purcell for his
role as carefree innkeeper Joe
Horn and Jack Mason for the
enigmatic pipe smoker Dr.
McPhail. Overall, this play
was extremely entertaining,
not to mention that I felt I had
escaped to a relaxing Pago
Pago rain shower for a couple
of hours.


Playing through April 16
Theatre in the Square
1 1 Whitlock Avenue
Just offof the Square in down-
town Marietta

Performances Tuesday-Satur-
day at 8 p.m.

Sunday at 3 p.m. and 7p.m.
Tickets are $ 1 3-S23 and $ 1 off
for students on Sunday
Info (404) 422-8369

The Dead: so much more than just a concert

Grateful Dead at the Omni March 30, 31 and April 1

By Christa Kreeger

Yes, my friends, it Is

that time of year again. The
time that brings some of us into
the calm ecstasy of an annual
ritual, while others simply roll
their eyes and groan, "Not
again!" Yes, my friends, the
Grateful Dead are once again
making their pilgrimage into
town. And with them, they
bring a sub-cu! Lure, a very dis-
tinct version of what some
people like to refer to as the
hippie. With their buds and

Birkenstocks, they create a
fanfare gypsy gathering, a
sight that I feel almost every
person should experience at
least once in their lifetime. And
it will all be happening at the
Omni, March 30, 31, and
April 1. As always, all three
shows are sold out. But don't
think for a minute that if you
don't have tickets you can't
take part in the celebration,
because along with the concert
there comes the infamous
"Lot." The Lot is where all of
the people congregate before,
during, and after the shows to

basically party Dead style. It
is really just a gravel parking
lot, located very close to the
Omni, which is transformed
into a sea of tie-dye. It is also
a market, of sorts, a place
where the people who follow
the Dead around the country
try to make the money to stay
on the road. There is an end-
less potpourri of wares and
trinkets that are bartered for
the sole purpose of maintain-
ing a lifestyle. Rainbows of T-
shirts and jewelry is spread for
any potential buyer to see and
there are some really great

things, so bring some extra
cash. There's also a wide vari-
ety of delicious food being
sold, things like burritos,
veggie pockets, cookies... the
sort of things that are made
with vegetarians in mind.
Mixed with these great culi-
nary smells is also incense,
among other tilings, but we'll
stay away from that end of the
spectrum. Music and dancing
are also a very important part
of the Lot experience. You
may at any time run into a
number of people playing
tribal drums with an even.

greater number of people
dancing rhythmically around
them. It is very entrancing
People are also usually play-
ing some kind of mood-appro-
priate music out of the cars.
Better be careful or you might
get caught in a "YMCA"
dance party on the roof of a
Volkswagen Bus. Needless to
say, the Lot is an experience, a
party, a gathering of tribes. So
even if you don't have those
ever-popular tickets in your
possession, make the trip down
to Omni and catch a few vibes
at the Lot.

April 1,1994

Page 17


Take a time-out to see Leary as "The REF"

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

"The REF" is a new

Touchstone Pictures release
starring Denis Leary, Judy
Davis, and Kevin Spacey and
directed by Ted Demme
("Who's the Man?"), the cre-
ator of "Yo! MTV Raps." It
is an entertaining Christmas
movie, even in March or April.
The set-up is this: It's Christ-
mas Eve, and cat burglar Gus
(Leary) has just messed up a
big burglary, been bruised by
an amazing alarm system, and
forced to take two obnoxious
hostages: Caroline and Lloyd
Chasseur (Davis and Spacey),
a married couple who find no
greater delight than in pain-
fully humiliating each oilier as
much as possible. Gus's happy
holiday heist quickly evolves
into mediating between this
family from hell, hence the
name "The REF." Making
matters worse for Gus are the
impending visit of resentful
relatives coming to dinner and
an increasingly thorough man-

hunt by the police. After all
the relatives arrive and begin
to tear each other to pieces,
Gus begins to wonder if sur-
rendering to the police might
be less torture.

This unorthodox plot for
a Christmas movie will put
you right in the holiday spirit.
Denis Learv. the white-hot co-

median from MTV, is finally
getting to do comedy after
playing psychos in "Demoli-
tion Man" and "Judgment
Night." The laughs come con-
tinuously in this

dialogue-driven farce, set al-
most completely in the
Chausser's Connecticut man-
sion. Watching the Chaussers'

never-ending bickering over
the most trivial and serious
topics will remind you of ev-
ery silly argument that you
have ever seen or been en-
gaged in. Spacey ("Iron Will,"
"Consenting Adults") and
Davis ("Husbands and
Wives," "A Passage to India"),
who both have extensive the-

Denis Leary, center, takes two horrible hostages, Caroline Chasseur (Judy Davis, left) and
her husband Lloyd (Kevin Spacey, right), in "The REF." Photo by Jack Rowand

ater experience, are simply
perfect as the sadistic
Chausseur couple, a
kidnapper's worst nightmare.
They will absolutely not stop
loudly degrading and contra-
dicting each other, even when
Leary waves a loaded pistol in
their faces. It is only when, in
sheer desperation, Leary steps
in to mediate, that the malevo-
lent Chausseurs realize how
much they really love each

Leary clearly relishes
this opportunity to do some
comedy, which is what made
him a star in the first place. The
interplay between all the char-
acters is delightful and the sup-
porting cast, including the
Chaussers delinquent son
Jesse (Robert J. Steinmiller
Jr.), Gus's drunken partner
(Richard Bright), the horrific
relatives, and the Keystone
Kops-style police also do an
excellent job of making this a
true comedy from start to fin-
ish. After you have gone to see
all the serious pictures, like
"Schindler 's List" and "Phila-
delphia," it is worth taking a
time-out to go see "The REF."

Ru San's beginner's guide to Japanese culture

By Christa Kreeger

Admit it Chances are

the word "sushi" makes you
cringe. After all, how can raw
fish appeal to even the bravest
of palates? But before you
shrug your shoulders and say,
"It's just not for me," take a
few words about this Japanese
delight to mind. First and fore-
RAW FISH! hi fact, it's not
even always fish, not to men-
tion that it's absolutely deli-
cious. Now repeat after me,
"Well, okay. I'll try anything
once." Now that you've made
this giant step in your search
for culinary adventure, grab
some friends and head to Mid-
town for the dining experience
of your life. I'm speaking, of
course, about Ru San's, the
only place to have your first
"sushi experience."

As soon as you walk in

the door of Ru San's, all of the
sushi chefs yell greetings at
you from behind the bar. Don't
be intimidated, they do it to
everybody, and nobody else in
the restaurant even notices
over the excellent tunes play-
ing. When you get the menu,
there are two very important
tilings to keep in mind. Firstly,
Ru San's has a lot more to of-
fer than sushi, so there's plenty
to try even if you are still
scared of the S-word. Second,
and most importantly, (almost)
everything is a dollar! So you
can experiment around with all
different types of things to fig-
ure out what you like best,
without risking your entire
dinner. Doesn't this sound like
fun? The only hard tiling is
picking what to get I'm the
endless array of choices, so
here's sort of a "Ru San's
Starter's Guide," including
some of my own favorites.
Okay, everyone must

start with a bowl of the Miso
Soup. It's indescribably deli-
cious, so just trust me on this
one. Then there are the non-
sushi items, which on the dol-
lar menu inciude Yakitori,
Tempura, and Kushiage.
Yakitori is grilled with a
teriyake-type sauce, and there
are numerous meats, veg-
etables, and seafood to chose
from. I would suggest either
the Chicken or the Mushroom
Yakitori. Next is the Tempura,
which is lightly breaded and
fried and served with a delicate
sauce. The Shrimp Tempura is
not to be missed. Lastly is the
Kushiage, which is breaded
and fried with a thicker dip-
ping sauce. The Sesame
Cheese with its sesame seed
crust seems almost a Japanese
version of fried cheese. Now
we get to the sushi, and the real
fun begins. It is essential to
know that there are several dif-
ferent ways that sushi is

served. Two of the main ways
are Nigiri (the item is served
simply on a small cake of rice)
and Maki (item is rolled in rice
and seaweed with other items).
The safest thing to order if you
are a sushi novice is a Califor-
nia Roll, which is Maki with
crab and avocado (no, it 's not
raw). Moving up on the Maki
taste ladder, there are excellent
choices such as Spicy Grilled
Chicken (for non-fish eaters),
Spicy Tuna, and my personal
favorite, Rock & Roll (eel and
avocado). Don't forget the
Nigiri, from which I would
suggest Saki (smoked
salmon), Hamachi (Yellow-
tail), and Wakaine (Seaweed
Salad). They even have an en-
tire list of vegetarian sushi,
with choices like Avocado or
Cucumber rolls and Inari
(Tofu) Nigiri. For a slightly
higher price, Ru San's offers
their own original sushi, with
hard to pass up delights like

the Spider Roll - (fried soft
shell crab, masago, and
veggies) and the Japanese Ba-
gel (smoked salmon, cream
cheese, and avocado). Yet if all
this still doesn't satisfy your
adventuresome taste, there is
always the Sushi Pizza, but
you're on your own on that
one. So if you're looking for
a really happening place with
some great food that bears ab-
solutely no similarity to the
"Oglethorpe Dining Experi-
ence," go Run San's. I prom-
ise that no matter how timid
your taste is, you will not be

Ru San's Sushi
1529 Piedmont Avenue,
across from Ansley Mall
Lunch M-F 11:30-2:30
Dinner M-T 4:30-12:00

Fri., Sat. 4:30-1:30

Sun. 4:30-11:00
(404) 875-7042

Page 18

April 1, 1994



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April 1, 1994

Page 19


THE Crossword


1 Misses a step
$ Lftb animals
10 Long fishes

14 Michigan's

15 Potpourri
16" for All

17 Got up

16 Dr. Sagen

19 Descartes

20 Disavowal
22 Dasher or

24 Boxing losses

26 Guided

27 Surrounds with

31 Ship letters

32 Helicopter part

33 Peruses
35 Woman's

38 Soon
3d Montana city

40 Satiate

41 Recipe meas.

42 Entire range

43 Sweet stuff

44 Lad

45 Line of bold

; 47 Eight-sided

51 Monthly

52 Thought

54 Made points

58 Unlit

59 MemOer of

61 Act

62 It. family

63 Snare

64 Lariat

65 Relax

66 Fast planes

67 Made a


1 Food fish

2 Entice

3 Heavy element

4 Put into place








7 1

























































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Ai- fliqms Reserved

5 Gym shoe

6 Fabled bird

7 Wingiike

8 Wearies

9 Isolation

1 Bed of roses?

11 Turk, title

1 2 Saree wearer

13 Mortimer
21 Ship's diary
23 Loch

25 Watery portion
of blood

27 Nasty child

28 Long periods of

29 Road sign

30 Inaugurate

34 Fragrant oil of

35 Simpte green

36 Stir into action

37 "Jane "

39 Knives on rifles

40 Buyer


42 Kind of dancer

43 Heartfelt

44 Berry container

46 " Miserables"

47 Decree

48 Halt

49 Small pies

50 Approaches
53 Minced oath

55 Lion's sound

56 Kitchen end

57 Lock or line
60 Some records:


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'^^ 3 rolS

By John Chevs

NMonjJ Sludool Now? Sarvic*. 1993

Page 20


April 1, 1994

Oglethorpe tennis teams steadily improve

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The Oglethorpe Uni-
versity men's and women's
tennis teams are both off to a
good start, as both teams are
5-3. Both men's and women's
#1 doubles teams are unde-
feated, as well. The men have
beaten Wabash, Clark Atlanta,
Piedmont, Georgia Southwest-
ern, and Millsaps. They lost
to Emory, Kenyon and highly
ranked Methodist. The
women beat Emory JV, Geor-
gia Southwestern, Clark At-
lanta, North Georgia, and Sa-
vannah State, but lost to
Kennesaw State, Kenyon, and
Agnes Scott

In the men's most recent
match, against Millsaps, the
men dominated the court win-
ning 8-1. There were three
third set victories coming from
Tim Evans, Robbie Romeiser,

and William Ku. Brian Young
and Mark Krabousanos also
won continuing their unde-
feated streak at # 1 doubles.

On the down side, the
men lost to Methodist Univer-
sity who is ranked in the top
1 5 in the nation. Coach Dunn
said, "We played them very
well, as we had third set
matches at #1 and #2 singles
and had tough matches at #4
and #5 singles. We're not
beating the top teams yet, but
we're earning some respect

When asked about the
individual team members,
Dunn stated, "Brian Young is
finally getting back in the
groove, and Mark
Krabousanos is probably the
most improved player in the
team. He split with Kenyon
and Methodist, and can play
with anyone else at #2. Will-
iam Ku is a super addition and
in coming around. He should
be a force by SCAC tourna-

ment time. Robbie Romeiser
and Tim Evans are our senior
leaders. And Mike Beran,
Bobby Holman, and Jeff Bates
are putting in some quality

On the women's side of
the team, Sue Poston and
Marta Willman are still unde-
feated at U 1 doubles. The team
as a whole is also coming off a
very big victory over Emory
University's junior varsity
squad. The women won that
match 6-3. Dunn stated that
"the women are solid at the top
of the line up and improving
with every match at the low

The individual members
of the team are very strong and
improving as the season
progresses. Dunn stated, "Sue
Poston is starting to realize thai
she can compete at # 1 singles.
Marta Willman is presently
ranked #19 in the South.
Becky Ellis is a good addition
to the team and a true competi-

tor who will only get better
with time. Eleanor Fulton is
very quick and is one of the
teams best doubles players.
Pam Cochran is the most im-
proved women's player and is
playing well right now. Shelly

Anderson covers the court as
good or better than anyone on
the team; she's a good athlete.
We also have good depth with
Hope LeBeau, Killian
Edwards, Ipek Ozilhan, Iva
Petrovic, and Kirsten Hanszek

OU mens' tennis team. Photo courtesy ol Dunn Neugebauer

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April 1, 1994

Page 21


Realignment provides a new face for MLB

By Daryl Brooks

It's that time of year

again, and, like them or not,
the boys of summer are back.
The return of the Dodgers to
Vero Beach, the Cubs back in
Arizona and the return of the
Braves to West Palm Beach
means that it's time for Spring

The coming of Spring
Training means our national
pastime, like the flowers in
your front yard, is born again.
Rookies get to live out their
dreams by playing with the
likes of Roger Clemens, Frank
Thomas and Tom Glavine.
Without a doubt, Spring Train-
ing is the best time of the year.

As baseball celebrates its
1 2 5 th anniversary it has a few
changes up its sleeve. Unfor-
tunately these changes are not
the elimination of the DH,
Astroturf or domed stadiums;
however these changes should
help the game of baseball. The
first change is splitting each
leagues into three divisions
(East, West and Central). In
the American League, Balti-
more, Boston, Detroit, New
York and Toronto will make
up the Eastern division. The
Central will consist of Chi-
cago, Cleveland, Kansas City,
Milwaukee and Minnesota.
The Western Division will be
made of California, Oakland,
Seattle and Texas. In the Na-
tional League the Braves have
finally returned to their right-
ful home, the East Joining the
Braves in the East will be
Florida, New York, Montreal
and Philadelphia. In the Cen-
tral Cincinnati, Chicago,
Houston, Pittsburgh and St.
Louis will battle it out for the
title. Colorado, Los Angeles,
San Diego and San Francisco
will make up the Western Di-

The second change for
baseball is the addition of an-
other round to the playoffs.
The second place team with
the best record will receive a
playoffbirth. Not only will this
system add an extra round to
the playoffs but it will add mil-

lions to the owners coffers.
Had this system been in place
last season, both the Braves
and the Giants would have
made the playoffs.

Now many of you may
be wondering who will win
these new divisions. Well
that's what I'm here to tell

I'll start in the National
League East where the Braves
should dominate. Despite the
loss of many players, includ-
ing Otis Nixon, Ron Gant and
Sid Bream, the Bravos are still
the team to beat The Braves
have the best starting rotation
in all of baseball, bar none. Al-
though the bullpen isn't quite
as strong the addition of Gregg
Olson will help. If Olson's el-
bow doesn't return to closer
form look for Mark Wohlers
to step up and close out some
games. Calling the signals for
the staff will be 23 year old
Javy Lopez. Although he is a
rookie, Lopez will offensively
replace Greg Olson and
Damon Berryhill. Lopez is not
quite as adept behind the plate
as last year's tandem was, but
the acquisition of Charlie
O'Brien should help Lopez.
The Braves infield remains
intact with Terry Pendelton at
third, Jeff Blauser at shortstop,
Mark Lemke at second and the
Crime Dog Fred McGriff at
first. The outfield for the
Braves is a little different story.
Left field appears to be in the
capable hands of another
rookie, Tony Torasco. The loss
of Ron Gant will hurt, but
Torasco is a younger and pos-
sibly even better player.
Torasco will hit more for av-
erage than Gant did and will
supply power as well. Ryan
Klesco may also see time in
left, although he will more
likely back up McGriff at first.
Finally, Deion Sanders will get
his shot at playing every day.
And to be accepted in the Chop
Shop he better perform be-
cause he has some big shoes
to fill taking the place of Otis.
In right field remains MVP
candidate David Justice. His
40 home runs and 120 RBIs
will be needed in the heart of

the Braves order.

The biggest competition
for Atlanta in the East will
come from Montreal and
Philadelphia. The Expose
have a great deal of young tal-
ent and one of the best out-
fields in baseball with Larry
Walker, Moises Alou and
Marquis Grissom. The Phillies
still have most of the same
squad that won the pennant
last year. John Kruk will be out
two months with cancer, how-
ever, Ricky Jordan should fill
in admirably.

In the National League
Central, it appears to be a
battle between Houston and St.
Louis. Behind the Braves,
Houston has the best staff in
the league. Doug Drabek, Pete
Harnish, Greg Swindell and
Darryl Kile will be the four-
some that teams will be fear-
ing all season.

The Cardinals will be
lead by the best outfield in
baseball. Mark Whitten, Ber-
nard Guilkey, Ray Langford
and even Brian Jordan in case
of injury make up this outfield
foursome. The Redbirds don't
have a great rotation but could
piece enough of one together
to be competitive.

The West can be
summed up in two words:
Barry Bonds. This division is
the Giants and then everybody
else. The Giants return the
same team that won 103
games last year. Plus they
added pitcher Mark Portugal,
who was 18-4 with a 2.77
ERA for the Astros. Not much
else needs to be said.

In the American League,
the best race should be in the
East between Baltimore and
two time Champs, Toronto.
The O's were the most active
team in the free agent market
over the off season. The
signings of Sid Fernandez, Lee
Smith, Rafael Palmero and
Chris Sabo filled all the holes
in the O's armor.

The Blue Jays are com-
ing off Joe Carter's dramatic
Home Run to win the World
Series last season. The Jays
will win most of their games
by pounding out many hits.

What else could be expected
from a line up that consists of
Devon White, Roberto
Alamar, John Olerude, and
Paul Molitor. The Jays' pitch-
ing will suffer from the loss of
Jack Morris but will still be
good enough to contend.

The American League
Central appears to be the
White Sox 's for the taking.
With Jack McDowell on the
hill and big Frank Thomas in
the heart of the line up the Sox
will be tough. McDowell's
supporting cast includes Alex
Fernandez, Wilson Alverez ,
and closer Roberto Hernandez.
Helping the Big Hurt score
runs will be Robin Ventura,
Tim "Rock" Raines and free
agent signee Julio Franco.

Out in the American
League West it looks like this
may be the Rangers' year.
Texas has the power with Ivan
"Pudge" Rodriguez, Juan

fully) a healthy Jose Canseco,
and Dean Palmer to go places.
Of course nobody can go any-
where in the bigs without
pitching (just ask Detroit) and
the Rangers may just have
enough to squeak by. This
years staff will be lead by
former Georgia Tech standout
Kevin Brown. Brown has big
shoes to fill with the absence
ofNolan Ryan, but Brown just
may have the smarts, not to
mention the fastball, to do the

After all the division
play is over and I look like a
fool because none of these
things happened, I like the
Braves and the White Sox in
the World Series. This may be
the Braves' last chance for a
while to win the whole thing ,
so I like them in six games.
Baseball is a strange game,
and a lot can happen over 162
games but right now, that's the

Gonzalez, Will Clark, (hope- way I see things.

OU baseball
hitting in stride

By Daryl Brooks

The OU baseball team

appears to ready to hit their
stride. The Petrels are play-
ing great baseball after win-
ning 1 1 of their last 12 games.
The Petrels are 12-9 overall
and 9-0 in the conference.
They are leading the league in
fielding and pitching. OU has
the two leaders in strikeouts in
Vinny McGrath and Chip
Evans. League leaders for the
Petrels include Mike Thomas
in ERA Tom Gambino and
Chris Warren in the top 1 2 in
hitting and Tim Crowley and
Gambino tied for third in hits.
Vinny McGrath was even
named pitcher of the week in
the SCAC for March 7 to
March 20. Over this week
McGrath was 3-0 with a 2.33
ERA All three of these wins
were complete games and
McGrath only allowed 7
earned runs while striking out

In the Petrels' latest con-

ference series they defeated
Centre by scores of 12-3, 8-7
and 9-6. In the first game
Chip Evans scattered 6 hits
over 7 innings and struck out
8. At the plate Mike Thomas
hit a home run, Gambino was
2-4 with a double and a stolen
base and Chris Warren was 2-
5 with a double.

In the second game of
the double header the Petrels'
perfect conference record ap-
peared to be in jeopardy. At
the end of 7 innings the score
was tied at 7 (only 3 of
Centre's runs were earned).
Then with two outs in the top
of the 8th, Tony Fernandez hit
a home run to win the game
for the Petrels.

In the series finale,
McGrath struck out 11, and
Matt Wiener went 2-5 includ-
ing a home run as the Petrels
swept Centre.

I asked a few players for
comments on their success,
however they decided not to
say anything and just let their
record speak for itself.

Page 22


April 1,1994

The AT&T Challenge brings tennis to Atlanta

By Heather Carlen
Co-Copy Editor

Professional tennis

conies to Atlanta once a year,
and that time is now. The
AT&T Challenge will be held
at the Atlanta Athletic Club in
Duluth from April 23 to May
1. The event will consist of
two parts, a 32-draw men's
singles tournament and a 16-
draw men's doubles tourna-
ment. All matches will be
played on Har-Tru green clay.

The field at this point
includes Andre Agassi,
Michael Chang, Jimmy
Connors, Todd Martin, Aaron
Krickstein, and MaliVai Wash-
ington. More players will be
confirming as the tournament
draws nearer.

Agassi, who has slipped
in the Association of Tennis
Professionals (ATP) tour
rankings since his 1992
Wimbledon victory, may have
something to prove in an event
in which he has been largely

successful in past years.
Chang, the 1989 French Open
winner, is particularly at home
on clay. Martin, the 1994
Australian Open runner-up
and winner at the 1994 ATP
event in Memphis, Tennessee,
looks to continue his outstand-
ing year with his second title
of 1 994. Krickstein, attempt-
ing a comeback after breaking
a toe bone in August 1992, is
always a tough competitor on
any surface. Washington, a
relative newcomer compared

Ticket Prices for the 1994 AT&T
Challenge, Duluth, Georgia

Saturday, April 23
Sunday, April 24
Monday, April 25
Monday, April 25
Tuesday, April 26
Tuesday, April 26
Wednesday, April 27
Wednesday, April 27
Thursday, April 28
Thursday, April 28
Friday, April 29
Friday, April 29
Saturday, April 30
Saturday, April 30
Sunday, May 1

















Series Ticket to all 13 sessions and qualifying

rounds -$237
Weekender Ticket (both Saturday sessions and

finals) - $95

Send all ticket orders

(plus $5 handling charge) to:

AT&T Challenge Tickets

Five Concourse Parkway, Suite 1920

Atlanta, GA 30328

(404) 395-3500

with the rest of the current
Held, is a solid serve-and-
volleyer and is steadily im-
proving. And Connors, facing
a crowd of "youngsters," is
never predictable but always
a showman.

Past winners of the
AT&T Challenge include such
noteworthy players as Andre
Agassi, Ivan Lendl, John
McEnroe, and Boris Becker.
Last year's winner, Jacco
Eltingh, will likely be return-
ing to Atlanta to defend his

College students with
limited budgets (and an extra
tennis racquet) may be at-
tracted to the Tuesday after-
noon session, designated as
"Raise a Racquet Day." Any-
one donating a useable racquet
to the AT&T Challenge ACE
Program will receive a general
admission ticket free for that
session, which would normally

cost $19.

The AT&T Challenge is
celebrating its tenth year in
Atlanta in 1994. For three
years, the Challenge has been
sanctioned as an ATP event,
which contributes toward each
player's official ATP ranking;
before that, it was a prize-
money exhibition. As a World
Series event in the ATP Tour,
there are 1 40 ranking points at
stake for the winner and
$300,000 worth of prize
money for the players in-
volved. The stadium at the
Atlanta Athletic Club holds
7,500, and over 80,000 fans
from the Atlanta area and be-
yond are expected to attend the
event over the course of the

Tickets are now on sale
to the general public. For more
information, call ProServ, the
tournament promoter, at 395-

Andre Agassi in action at The AT&T Challenge.

Photo copyrighted by Michael Baz

Due to an editorial oversight, David
Lerette's name was omitted from the article
last issue in which the basketball team sent
thank yous to all those who offered support
over the course of the season. The basket-
ball team wishes to recognize him for his hard
work over the last three years and thank him
for not only being a manager, but also a
friend. Thanks Dave.

April 1, 1994

Page 23


All Dunn: Yet another random campus quiz

By Dunn Neugebauer

Man Who Didn't Get to Go to


Welcome home and I
hate all of you that have these
awesome sun tans while I have
wrinkles on my butt from sit-
ting in the dorm and watching
cable. Anyway, it's time to
make sure you didn't lose too
many brain cells over the
break. Below is a list of quotes,
questions and other nonsense...


Tim Evans, after his ten-
nis coach told him to MOVE
HIS FEET! "That would
mean I'd have to change my

Wabash tennis coach,
after being complimented on
his having one or two good
players... "That's the problem,
I've got one or two good ones;
everybody we play has five or

Bobby Holmon, report-
ing his score after a match
against DeKalb: "We split. I
won the first game, he won the
next two sets."

Brett Teach, trying to
keep Billy Popp's spirits up
after Popp missed two straight
20-footers in intramurals.
"How'd you expect to make
it? You were too close to the

Brian Young, on his at-
tendance policy for his six
o'clock class... "The professor

thinks I have a tennis match
every day. In fact, he thinks
our team's record is 35-29."

Susan Poston...

"Coachie, why am I so re-

Multiple Choice Quiz Ques-

1 ) Who scored the first bas-
ket ever in the Division 111
tournament history for
Oglethorpe in the game
against Hampden-Sydney?

a) Brian Davis

b) Andy Schutt

c) Cornell Longino

d) Jack Stephens

e) Ryan Vickers

f) Beavus

g) Robert Miller

2) What is the greatest

a) number of people that
stayed at Sue Poston 's house
over break...

b) number of guys that
chased Jennifer, Gina, Becky
and Shelly in Panama City...

c) number of articles
Will Mullis has in the Stormy

d) number of people
written up for keg violations
three weeks ago...

e) all of the above..

3) What is the golf team's

4) In a 3 1-0 baseball win
over Fisk, Oglethorpe tied an
NCAA Division 111 record.
What category was it in?

a) Number of people


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that passed out from running
around the bases...

b) Pencils used up in
keeping the stats...

c) Triples

d) Homers

e) Attendance

f) Errors by an oppos-
ing team...

5) In an intramural game
before spring break, the fac-
ulty went for 10:29 without
scoring a single point Who fi-
nally broke the ice?

a) A player on the other

b) One of the officials..

c) Billy Popp

d) That short guy that
works in admissions...

e) Phil Wendel

6) Who won the intramural

basketball championship, men
and women?

7) What would be the
worse thing that could hap-

a) Rain for three days
during the Springs Sports Fes-
tival at Oglethorpe in April.

b) Running out of beer
at the coach's party on Friday

c) A long-winded
speaker at graduation.

d) Putting Bill Clinton
on the cover of Sports Illus-

8) When students were
asked what they did over
spring break, the three most
common replies were:

a) ate, slept and worked.

b) caught rays, played

volleyball and jogged.

c) stayed at school,
watched TV, stayed bored.

d) drank, drank and

9) Who will win the March
Madness hoops title?

a) Farleigh Dickinson

b) Arkansas

c) Duke

d) It'll be played in
April, so who cares?

e) Marist

f) none of the above

10) No further ques-

Until next time, don't read
"Lost Boys" by Orson Card..
It's too depressing..

dunn, james dunn

Petrel golfers on the loose

By Lu Green

"Fore!" Watch out!

Steve Taylor has a golf club
and bucket of golf balls. The
1994 Golf Team has teed off
their spring season. Golfers
Chip Davies, Bill Davis,
Shane Hester, Kevin
Henderson, Scott Tomlinson,
and Taylor are busy practicing
their putts and swinging their
irons. Jim Owen is coaching
the team this season with the
help of the pro-golfer at Lake
Lanier's Golf Course, Darren

The team "got off to a
rough start," according to
Davies with a loss at the Berry
Invitational. "But it inspired
us," he said. "I think as the
season goes on we 're going to
mature a lot."

"We've been playing on
different courses and playing
a lot of practice rounds," said

The team will prepare
for the upcoming Southern
Collegiate Athletic Confer-
ence (SCAC) by playing
Reinhart College, LaGrange
College, and Emory in the
Royal Lakes Tournament.

This year is the team's
third year as an organized
sport, and only the second year

of competing in the SCAC.
The team is anxious about the
upcoming SCAC Tournament
which will be played at Atlanta
National Golf Course.

Davies said that the
course at Atlanta National is
especially difficult. "There
will be a lot of high scores at


Taylor said, "If we play
our potential we can compete,
but it's be tough."

Davies concluded, "If
everyone progresses as much
as they have in they past two
weeks, then we'll be ready."

Thanks for all
the memories

By Robert A Miller

I would like to extend my thanks to all those closet}

related to the Oglethorpe University basketball program. A
no time in my eight years of managing and training athletics
teams have I been closer to a group of fine young people. A
demonstrated by their actions, each member of the men's anc
ladies' teams serves as a fine example of what college athlet-
ics are all about.

Congratulations and farewells are due our departing se
niors. They leave behind many wonderful memories of games
past for themselves and for all of us. Brian ("Hey Cornell
check out those water bottles!"), Jim ("Don't laugh, it's nol
funny."), and Nate ("Rob, can't you find a T-shirt an)
tighter?") shared with us a season that can only be describee
as unforgettable. Any bench, anywhere, anytime, I'll work il
with a smile.

To the ladies and gentlemen of the Oglethorpe basketball pro-
gram, I close with the same words I used to address the jun
iors and seniors after the curtain fell on the Hampden-Sydne)
game, "Gentlemen, as a season progresses, a good team be-
comes a family. I am very proud to have been called a part o]
your family. See you guys in class."



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^Storwtf Petrel

Volume 69, Issue 12 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University

April 13, 1994


Page 3

911 is a Joke

Page 5

Island of

Page 8

Greek Week

Page 9

Activity Fee

Page 14

News: 2-3

Editorials: 4-7

Features: 8-9



Comics: 13

Organizations: 14

Sports: 15

Security: 2

Grapevine: 2

Letters: 6

ProFile: 8

"O"pinions: 9


"he radio tradition of WJTL returns

By Helen Holifield

A tradition returns to

Oglethorpe. The much dis-
cussed radio station on OLTs
campus is finally becoming a
reality. Of course, this won't
be the first station on campus.
From 1970 till 1975, WJTL
AM radio was transmitted
across campus. According to
newspaper articles from this
time, the station was under
funded; they received from
OS A a budget of $200 out of
a requested $1,200. The
equipment was also poorly set
up. A transmitter in one of the
guys dorms never was in-
stalled properly, and when
things broke down or blew up,
there was no money to fix
them. The station finally died
when a transmitter cable was
cut while a telephone cable
was being dug up. The admin-
istration never got it fixed; ra-
dio management believed
there was a plot to kill the sta-

Whatever ulterior mo-
tives the administration may
have had twenty years ago, the
go-ahead and funding has fi-
nally been received from them
to have an operable station by
fall semester. However did this
occur? Some of you may re-
member a petition that was
passed around a few years ago
urging support for an on-cam-
pus radio statioa Administra-
tive support for this was non-
existent; I remember a Dean
telling me that the only wayto
get this station would be to "go
to Florida to buy a lottery
ticket and pray." Needless to
say, that idea died.

1 don't think that prayer
was on the minds of then fresh-
man students Elizabeth Stock-
ton and Mary Anne Locke last
spring when they talked to
Marshall Nason about the pos-
sibility of starting a station on
campus. Robbie Romeiser

heard of their interest; it was
an idea that he had also con-
sidered. Robbie contacted
Elizabeth and together they
began in the fall of '93 to drum

ber, they at last said yes to the
idea. They would find the
money to finance it to have it
operable by September.

So, the radio station will

to find housing and be set up.
Community Life had a con-
sultant come in to estimate the
cost of start-up costs. That was
$15,000. The biggest cost will

The Oglethorpe University radio station, WJTL, at the time of It's first return In 1976 after a

year and a half of silence.

up support for the station
she among the students and he
among the administration.

Robbie went to every
meeting he could think of to
push the idea of the radio sta-
tion: trustee meetings, commu-
nity life, and senior adminis-
trators among others. The big-
gest obstacle was funding
where would it come from?
Finally, Robbie received a
positive answer last February
after the last senior
administrator's meeting; after

Photo taken from Volume
become a reality. Just how will
this reality work? The station
will operate on a carrier cur-
rent, which means that the wir-
ing in particular buildings will
act as the antenna. Therefore
its signal will be limited to the
University campus. All of the
dorms will be wired to receive
it as well as the student center
and Greek houses. The aca-
demic buildings will not get it,
nor will you be able to pick it
up in your car. No one is cer-
tain yet where it will be

52, Issue 3, October 25, 1976.
be getting the circuitry hooked
up, then buying radio equip-

Once the equipment is in
place and operable, what then?
Resident Director Pari Smart
will act as the station's staff
advisor. Pari majored in Ra-
dio Communications at her
university. Elizabeth Stockton
will serve as one of the two sta-
tion managers; the other posi-
tion still has to be filled. Cur-
rently, there is a projected need
for eight DJ s, but that num-

petitioning them last Septan- housed, but the equipment has See Radio Station page 2

College student disappears

By Maria Johnson

On Saturday March

26, an Emory Sophomore dis-
appeared from the Softball
Country Club on North
Decatur Road. The student
Shannon Melendi, left the soft-
ball field at 12:40 p.m. for
what appeared to be a break,
but she didn't tell anyone that
she was leaving. Melendi
never returned to work.
Emory University is stunned.

"The students' sense of secu-
rity has been shattered," said
Casey Weeks, a senior at
Emory. The student body has
worn yellow ribbons to re-
member Shannon, and had a
special prayer service to help
them cope with the situation.
The Atlanta community
has also reached out to help in
Shannon's recovery: Kinko's
printed free "Missing Person"
posters, and Domino's Pizza
put flyers with Shannon's pic-
ture on them on all of their

pizza boxes.

Shannon has yet to be
found, however, and this situ-
ation raises many question
concerning security and safety
with Atlanta's college stu-

First, Shannon disap-
peared in the full light of day.
She was last seen at around
1 :00 p.m. at a Citgo Gas Sta-
tion, and her car was found
there with the keys still in the
ignition. "It lets you know
See Dlsapperance page 2

Page 2


April 13, 1994


Entertainment Editor

On Monday, 3/21/
94, a man jumped the fence on
Hermance Drive after attempt-
ing to purchase illegal drugs
in the Lynwood area. He cut
his leg, arm, and stomach on
the barbed wire while suppos-
edly fleeing from several at-
tackers who took his money
and began to chase him. The
man was carrying a bloody
brown bag containing a bottle
of liquor. Stumbling into
Greek Row, his injuries were
attended to by a couple of gen-
erous SAE brothers who then
phoned Security. The re-
sponding Officer took the man
to Northside Hospital to have
his cuts looked at and sum-
moned Dekalb County Police
to take a statement from the
man about his alleged assault.

- On Tuesday, 3/29/94,
a Traer resident reported that
she had received five obscene
phone calls at around 2 a.m.
Apparently these calls are part
of a larger problem of numer-
ous obscene calls which have
been being received lately by
residents in Traer and
Goodman Halls.

- On Saturday, April 2,
a Goodman resident called to
report that there were people
on the roof of the residence
hall. The responding officer
spotted two male Oglethorpe
students getting off the roof
who said they were "just
checking things out"

- This is yet another re-
minder that the posted campus
speed limit is 15 ntp.h. Secu-
rity officers have been forced
to write dozens of tickets in
recent weeks for speeding en-
tirely too fast, thus , endanger-
ing themselves and pedestri-
ans. Please be cautious. Be-
ing on time isnt worth hitting

The applications will be
judged based on criteria that
include originality, consis-
tency with the ideals of the
Olympic Games, and repre-
sentation of the diversity of
Atlanta. Application forms
can be picked up at any
MARTA station or by calling
1-800-494-COKE. The appli-
cation deadline is May 3,

The Coca-Cola Centen-
nial Olympic Wall will feature
approximately 40 faces upon
its completion in January of
1996. There will be four ad-
ditional selections after the ini-
tial phase.

Hot Spots," which runs
through May 29.

An alumna of
Oglethorpe, Bator has painted
textiles, costumes, and cultural
relics collected in 23 years of
travel in Eastern Europe, the

Balkans and the Middle East
for her Oglethorpe show.

The Museum is located
in Philip Weltner Library. Ad-
mission is free and ample free
parking is available. Call 364-
8555 for information.


Heard it through the Grapevine.

News and events in and around Oglethorpe University

The Coca-Cola Com-
pany is looking for a few lucky
people to help greet Olympic
visitors to Atlanta in a very big
way. The initial selection pro-
cess for the Coca-Cola Centen-
nial Olympic Wall is opening
to metro residents whose faces
will be immortalized in a
monumental 15-story-tall
Olympic-themed mural.

In January, the
Summerhill Neighborhood
Development Corporation and
The Coca-Cola Company en-
tered into an agreement for
Coca-Cola to display Olympic
murals on Summerhill's
Carter Hall property, which
sits across Capital Avenue
from the new Olympic Sta-
dium and existing Atlanta
Fulton County Stadium.

Six Atlantians will be
chosen in this initial selection
process. Applicants will be
asked to explain in 200 words
or less their story of why they
live in Atlanta and what liv-
ing here has meant to them.

Atlanta artist Martha

Bator will discuss her works
at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
April 20, in the Oglethorpe
University Museum. Her visit
coincides with an exhibition of
her paintings, "Pandora's Box:
Pastel Paintings from Cultural

Radio Station.

Continued from page 1
ber depends on interest and
true need. The beginning pro-
posed hours of programming
are from six to eleven, Mon-
day through Thursday. Again,
these may change depending
on interest. There has been
talk of making this part of the
Communications major, but
currently it can serve as inde-
pendent study for that major.
There is also some talk of giv-
ing credit hours for those in-
volved, but nothing definite on

Actually, a great deal
about the radio station is up in
the air right now. Which is not
to say that nobody knows what
to do with it, but that those in-
volved are waiting to see what
the students will make of it.
This is our radio station. Any-
one who wants to can apply to
be a DJ. The positions won't
be limited to a certain major,
or certain type of person, but
to anyone with creativity and
a radio voice. The type of pro-
gramming is not set In 1975,

the station's mostly musical
programming was very pro-
gressive. "We play Crosby-
Stills, Jefferson Airplane, Neil
Young, Bob Dylan. Whatever
anyone wants to hear." It is ex-
pected that the new station's
programming will include
music, but is not limited to
that. When I heard that my
imagination soared I pictured
Thalians' discussions on air,
comic routines - Laurel and
Hardy-esque, political com-
mentaries, editorials on cam-
pus life, Oglethorpe game
shows. Wow! I almost wanted
to be here next year to try and
get a show. Well, I thought
about it maybe three seconds.
But most of you will be here
next year. It's a great oppor-
tunity, if you want to be a DJ,
you can talk to Pari Smart or
Elizabeth Stockton about it.
They have applications to fill
it. You will also have to sub-
mit a tape of your voice and
give some idea of the type of
show you'd like to have.

Continued from page 1
how unsafe we are," said Col-
leen Grogan, "She was
snatched at one o'clock in the
afternoon. We all think we're
safe at one o'clock in the af-
ternoon!" Erin O'Brien
agreed saying "It's very sad
and scary to think that some-
one could be that vulnerable."
The earlier disappear-
ance of another coed raises
more concern. Claudia Ficik's
almost unrecognizable body
was found March 27 in an At-
lanta area river, and may have
been there for up to four
weeks. Ficik was a Southern
Tech student who disappeared
February 16. "Because of
Claudia Ficik's disappear-
ance, Melendi's abduction
makes me a little wary," said
Brooke Robertshaw. "It could
be s serial thing - maybe there
is someone targeting college

Many Oglethorpe stu-
dents feel that if this is the case,
then safety should be a top con-
cern. FarahKhatoon feels that
we have a false sense of secu-
rity here at Oglethorpe. "Its
very different from going to a
large university, but we should
still pay attention to our
safety." When asked how she
would change her activities,
Farah said "I probably won't
study alone in the library late
at night anymore."

No ties have been found
in the Ficik - Melendi cases as
of yet. Many possibilities re-
main even as to why the two
women disappeared. "I be-
lieve Melendi could have com-
mitted suicide, and her body is
yet to be found so she could
have run away. Of course, that
is just another possibility,"
said Jose Barrera.

The Emory Wheel
helped in writing this report.


Subscribe to
the Petrel

If you would like a subscription to
The Stormy Petrel tor the 1994-
95 school year, please fill out the
form below and send it, along with
$20, to:

The Stormy Petrel
3000 Woodrow Way

Box 450
Atlanta, Qa 30319





April 13, 1994


Page 3

Oglethorpe wants to be in tune with the '90s

By Julian Robichaux
Special to The Stormy Petrel

The question is: "Is

Oglethorpe in with the 90 's?"
Well, while the answer is
rather subjective, one thing is
certain at least we're try-
ing. We have a sparkling new
computer lab in Goslin, a li-
brary building with plenty of
room for our ever expanding
card catalogue, and a Strate-
gic Plan that just won't quit.

Since the 90 's are so fo-
cused on speed and efficiency,
the role of computers is more
important than ever. We look
for instant information, and in
many cases, we can get it. As

a step in this direction, the
Strategic Planners at
Oglethorpe are looking into
providing a way to allow for
this demand. The future, it
seems, is in networks.

Many of you will recog-
nize at least the names of some
of the networks that are out
there: Prodigy, America On-
Line, CompuServe. Through
the magic of phone lines, these
networks access your com-
puter to information from lit-
erally all around the world.
You can read the New York
Times, the Atlanta Journal, or
Newsweek right on your com-
puter screen. Library informa-
tion is at your fingertips, as are




To increase your dining pleasure, a dinner
theater presentation will be:


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More that 70% of jobs found are located
through networking. Career Services is spon-
soring Steve Hines, a prominent Atlanta au-
thor and career consultant, to tell you how to
utilize this successful method.


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Library, large viewing room


bulletin boards on subjects
ranging from chess to vam-
pires. A world of information
is yours for the taking.

In addition to its educa-
tional aspect, a network also
allows you to send and receive
e-mail. E-mail is a system of
electronic "letter-writing" that
you can use to communicate
with anyone else on a network
by simply typing a message
and sending it off to the cor-
rect "mailbox" through your
computer. It allows for con-
versations between users, and
it's a lot cheaper than a long-
distance call. Also, the num-
ber of network users is cur-
rently in the tens of millions.
This means that, besides your
college buddies on other cam-
puses (chances are, their col-
lege already has an extensive
network in place), you can
probably communicate with
long lost friends and family,
like your parents.

The network that
Oglethorpe is looking into is
the Internet Internet is sort of
the "mother of all networks",
with approximately 20 mil li on
users worldwide and access to
just about anywhere you want
to call. Just about every ma-
jor college across the country
is a subscriber. Since Ogle-
thorpe has been trying so hard
lately to be competitive, this is
a serious consideration, right?

Adrina Richard, Ogle-
thorpe's Director of Purchas-
ing thinks so. She researched
the cost of setting up the
Internet right here at OU. The
approximate annual cost
would be $11,400, which in-
cludes phone bills, connection
fees, and membership fees. An
initial start-up cost of $1,600
would also have to be paid for
the first year.

These, however, are only
the costs once the hardware is
put in place. The plan is to
have Internet connections in all
of the dorm rooms, as well as
in the Library and other cam-
pusbuildings. Naturally, each
student who wants to access
the Net from their room would
have to have their own com-
puter, but, kind of like cable

TV, at least the option would
be there. The total cost for
such a campus-wide system is
estimated in the Strategic Plan
to cost $1,000,000.

In regards to this large
figure, Adrina Richard had a
few things to say. First, she
said that we could almost cer-
tainly get the system installed
for less than that, but that the
$1,000,000 figure is in place
for two reasons. First, it is a
good round number for the
Strategic Planning committee
to use, since it is fairly close to
an estimated cost. Second, in
terms of fundraising, it is bet-
ter to shoot for a number that
is bigger than the actual
amount that you are trying to
raise. The figure is comprised,
in a large part, of the cost of
purchasing and installing the
fiber optic lines necessary for
a campus-wide network.

She also pointed out
that, while fiber optic lines are
more expensive than regular
phone lines, the quality of sig-
nal that they produce is far
superior to phone lines. Such
a network would provide the
added benefit of improving
student-faculty communica-
tions. Students and teachers
would be able to converse via
the Internet, allowing for po-
tentially more contact and con-
versation between students
and faculty.

Naturally, this is only a
recommendation. It is some-
thing that the school wants to
have rather than something
that the school is definitely
going to have. Apparently,
Oglethorpe will either do it
whole hog, or not at all. There
are no other provisions, such
as just having the Library
hooked up, or just having the
Goslin math lab hooked up.
As the plan holds, the entire
school is going to be wired,
just as soon as the money
comes in. No projected dates,
no promises as to when.

In the meantime, the Li-
brary already has its own link
to the Internet. It has been ac-
tive on an international net-
work for a short time now, able
to access other library re-

sources around the world.
John Ryland, Oglethorpe's
Head Librarian, and Emily
Gwynn have been working on
the system for a few weeks.

While the Internet can be
a lot of fun, writing to friends
and browsing the Bulletin
Boards, the Library sees it in
a different light Mr. Ryland
views the Internet as a way to
touch base with other Librar-
ies and gather necessary infor-
matioa He sees it as a way to
access information that might
otherwise be inaccessible to
Oglethorpe students.

"I know of a student
who researched an entire pa-
per just using the Internet," he
says. While he admits that
printed reference materials are
often easier to find information
in than a network, he concedes
that the Internet can put a lot
of information at a single
user's fingertips. He also
makes light of the fact that sim-
ply because the Library is now
on a network, every student
will not be able to take advan-
tage of the entire system. If a
student needs help with re-
search, or wants to look for a
book in another library, such
information will be there for
the asking. If, however, the
student wishes to scan a few
Bulletin Boards for some
trivia, the Library may not be
able to provide much help.

After all, at this point the
cost of the Library network is
coming out of the Library bud-
get, not the University budget
They are running a kind of
"poor man's" network to get
the information that they want,
buying only the minimum
amount of network resources
that they need. As Mr. Ryland
points out the Library budget
is there to buy books, not to
buy network toys.

So as it stands,
Oglethorpe wants to buy into
the Internet system, and has a
plan to do so. The concerns
that remain are: Can we af-
ford such an expense? and, Do
we need such a system?
Oglethorpe wants to be in tune
with the 90's . . . how bad do
we want it?

Page 4


April 13, 1994

Why do we need attendence policies at OU?

By Kim Jones

"Mom, I need a writ-
ten excuse for yesterday ex-
plaining that I was sick."

Blast from the past! Re-
member high school, when we
needed written excuses for
missing school and got written
as tardy for being a minute late
to class. We needed a hall pass
to go to the bathroom and a
note to get out of class a little
early for a doctor's appoint-
ment We are adults now; well,
college students anyway. We
don't need a hall pass or a note
from our doctor to miss class.

College is a time when
we decide what we want to

learn. We pay tuition at the
school that we choose to attend
because of location or course
majors offered. We choose a
liberal arts school for a liberal
education or a technical school
if we do not wish to be required
to take philosophy and litera-
ture courses. College is a time
when we get the chance to
motivate ourselves to get up in
the morning and to go to bed
at night.

In high school, we were
allowed to miss somewhere in
the range often school days in
a semester. These days could
be sick days, appointment
days, or skip days, as long as
we had a note. In college, we
get sick, we go to the doctor,

and sometimes we even use
class time to get a little extra
sleep. We make the decision
to miss class with the knowl-
edge that if we do not get the
lecture notes we may not be
prepared for the next exam.
The point is that we make the
decision, or do we?

It seems that several pro-
fessors seem to have some
crazy idea of a required atten-
dance policy. What is really
nuts is that some of the profes-
sors have attendance policies
allowing for no more than
three absences! We had more
freedom in high school!

There are basical ly three
kinds of classes in the higher
learning environment:

A false sense of security

By Sarah Buzzard

Several weeks ago, a
friend of mine, an Oglethorpe
student, was attacked while
getting in her car late one night
after work. A man came up
behind her and told her to get
in the car and drive him where
he wanted to go. Fortunately,
my friend knew what to do in
this situation; she threw her
keys as far as she could,
screamed, and pretended to
faint Some people walking
nearby heard her scream, and
the man took off.

Incidents like this one,
when they happen to people I
know, jolt me into an aware-
ness of crime which I think we
all need to have. I don't mean
that we should walk around in
a state of perpetual paranoia;
we should simply have a
healthy awareness. Watching
the almost daily reports of
murder (or the recent reports
of missing people) on the
evening news can provide that
healthy awareness of crime.
Atlanta is not exactly one of
the safest places to live. In
1992, Atlanta saw more inci-
dents of crime per 100,000
inhabitants than New York
City: 7392 to 6201. This is a
significant number higher than
a city we tend to think of as

our country's crime capital.
Atlanta also beat out the 7408
incidences of crime in Los
Angeles, a city we might see
as a center for crime because
of its gang warfare and recent
race riots.

Inside Oglethorpe 's hal-
lowed walls, we lull ourselves
into a false sense of security.
But consider the numerous
thefts and break-ins reported in
the Security Update in the Pe-
trel , or the recent case of the
pervert who was discovered
circling the Traer parking lot
in his car, with no clothes on
except his shirt and tie. Such
an incident is not funny. It re-
minds us that, at least during
the day, almost anyone can
drive right onto this campus
through the back gate.

Last semester, a police
officer visited Oglethorpe to
make a presentation about
crime. I was shocked and dis-
appointed to find that only five
people showed up. Only five
people found it important
enough to spend an hour of
their time to learn how to avoid
crime situations, and how to
react if you are involved in
one. You may assume that this
information is common sense.
But throwing your keys,
screaming, and fainting, as my
friend did, goes beyond simple
common sense. These reac-

tions must be thought out be-
forehand. Common sense
tends to fly out of the window
in terrifying situations.

I am no w try ing to make
a habit of locking the doors as
soon as I get in the car. This is
because the police officer's
presentation made me see
clearly and reminded me
that carjackers are looking for
the easiest victims, people
stopped at stoplights with their
passenger doors unlocked. I
also carry pepper gas now, be-
cause this has been proven an
effective means of self-defense.

But I am not a salesper-
son for pepper gas . What I
urge you to do is to take ad-
vantage of opportunities (such
as the police officer's presen-
tation at Oglethorpe) to be-
come informed about being
safe. Take the time to think
through potentially dangerous
situations and how you should
react in each one. Take wise
preventive measures, such as
locking your car doors and
room doors and carrying pep-
per gas on your key chain.
Cultivate a healthy awareness
of crime, in other words, be
alert and be informed. Be-
cause my friend was informed,
and acted on her information,
she remained unhurt that night
she was attacked in the park-
ing lot.

1. Lecture classes are
composed of students with
pens and paper watching a pro-
fessor as he/she stands in the
front of the class for three
hours a week relaying mate-
rial covered in the reading
material, only a little more ex-
tensively. These classes re-
quire no more than reading the
book and having a basic un-
derstanding of the lecture
notes. After a missed class
period, the material from the
book should be read. Any
vague chapters should then be
related to the missed notes
from a peer. Any still linger-
ing questions should then be
addressed to the professor.

2. Math based
classes are concept classes
which require a great deal of
concentration during class
time. Basic understanding of
the problems and methods
used is important. The pur-
pose of the professor is to come
to class three hours a week and
guide the students in the right
direction, answering questions
along the way. After a missed
class, the problems should be
attempted, and questions
should be brought to the
professor's attention during
office hours or after the next
class period.

3. Discussion classes

are group-taught, and require
a reading of material before
coming to class. The purpose
of the professor in these type
of courses is to guide a discus-
sion offering questions, not
necessarily answers, and to
keep the students teaching
themselves. Once a discussion
class is missed, the discussion
is lost. There is no way in
which to retrieve the benefits
of the missed class. This does
not mean, however, that dis-
cussion classes need strict at-
tendance policies. We are, like
I have already said, college

I am by no means say-
ing that nobody should ever go
to class but simply that there
are times when we wake up in
the morning and cannot make
it because we are ill or too tired
to concentrate. Maybe we
have an appointment or maybe
we need to work some odd
shift to make bill payments this
month and work a couple of
extra hours during class time.
In any case, we understand
that our grades will reflect our
absences, we also understand
the consequences of missed
discussion, but that is our de-
cision to make and not the
place of our professor to
threaten us with failure due to
excessive absences. Higher
learning cannot be forced.

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April 13, 1994

Page 5

The Stortmf


Business Manager;
Copy Editors:

Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editors
Feature Editor:
Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:


Daryl Brooks
Sarah Buzzard
Tim Evans
Yolanda Hernandez
Maria Johnson
Christa Kreeger
Shannon Montgomery
Helen Quinones
Ahna Sagrera
Kimberly Wilkes

Academic A dvisors:

Bill Brightman
Robert Drake

Ryan R Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Heather Carlen
Justin Hayes
Will Mullis
Brandon Galloway
Jason Arikian
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas

Chris Brown
Felicia Christian
Lu Green
Helen Holifield
Kim Jones
Robert Miller
Kate Przylepa
Daniel Rosenthal
Pauline van Vliet
Christie Willard

Linda Bucki
Michael McClure


911 is a joke in Dekalb Co.

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Tuesdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 30319, (phone #: (404) 364-
8425) or drop them off in the box on the news-
paper office door.

By Kim Jones

Theresa, dressed in

her Waffle House uniform,
gets off of the Chamblee bus
at Brookhaven station at
10:15 p.m. the night of March
23rd. She stumbles down the
stairs repeating "Gotta go to
work, gotta go to work."

One of the many
M ARTA police persons relates
all of this to me to let me know
that Theresa is not in a state to
come to work and that he has
already called Dekalb emer-
gency to come pick her up. If
she was shaking and stumbling
like the way he explained it to
me, then there has to be more
to it than "not in a condition
to go to work." I handed my
ticket book to the other wait-
ress and ran over to the
MARTA station. Sure enough,
she was having a mild seizure!
She was sitting on a bench, and
I ran up, sat down next to her,
and put my aims around her.
I followed my seizure steps:

1 . Look at your watch.

2. Have someone call for

3. Have someone clear the

It was at step 2 that I
found out that 9 1 1 had already
been dialed. After a few min-
utes, two other Waffle House
employees showed their faces.
Everyone was concerned
about Theresa and wondering
where the ambulance was. It
was now 10:35 and the ambu-
lance had been called almost
twenty minutes ago. There
was a MARTA policeman
standing nearby, and I could
hear someone on his radio,
asking "where was the
MARTA station emergency?"
The policeman explained to
them the exact location be-
tween the two terminals at the
Brookhaven station.

Do you know what your
name is?

Do you know what day
of the week it is?

Are you on any medica-

When the ambulance
does show up, they surround

her and hound her with ques-
tions. She never dropped into
any kind of severe seizure, but
was still in a mild one. She
looked so helpless as she sat
staring into the strange faces
of the smothering paramedics.
Why they felt the need to
hound her with questions she
could not really answer, I will
never understand. I began tak-
ing initiative to answer their
questions. I had fished some
identification out of her purse
and showed them, as well as
explaining to them that she had
been in this seizure for over a
half of an hour. What they said
next is what shocked me.

"Has she been shaking
like this the whole time? It
seems as if she is just cold."
How could he even suggest
that after I had just showed
them medical identification
that showed she was epileptic.
She could not even answer
their questions. How in the
hell could they even suggest
that it was just a chill?

They finally took her
into the ambulance, and we
retreated back to work. This,
however, has not been the only
occasion which moved me to
talk in this way of the inad-
equacies of the Dekalb Emer-
gency system.

Months before:

An older gentleman lies
on the floor behind the high
counter after he throws his cof-
fee cup at me. He now lies

there screaming obscenities at
my customers and screaming
at me about slow service,
swearing that he had ordered
his food an hour ago, when in
reality he had only come into
the store moments before.

I dial 9 1 1 at direction of
my grill-cook and am on hold
for more than three minutes.
"Please do not hang up. You
have reached Dekalb Emer-
gency..." The words still ring
in my ears. How can there not
be enough operators to answer
calls immediately? Two po-
licemen did finally show their
faces and escort the gentleman
out of the store.

I do not understand how
problems like being put on
hold for over three minutes and
waiting thirty minutes for an
ambulance can be overlooked.
9 1 1 is an important emergency
measure and should be kept up
to par with the needs of the
area. I find the inadequacy of
this emergency system com-
pletely unacceptable.

If you need medical at-
tention or police assistance
you can, contrary to popular
belief, dial 9-9-1-1 from your
dorm room. It may take five
minutes to talk to an operator
or an hour for someone to ac-
tually arrive, but the choice
between calling 911 or cam-
pus security is a draw, and
your decision to make when
the time comes.

[)omino 9 s


Medium 2 topping pizza: .... $6.99
Large 2 topping pizza: $8.99


Page 6


April 13, 1994

One minority says, "I'm black and I'm proud."

By Felicia Christian

Have you ever been

stared at as though you had a
third eye in the center of your
forehead or as if you had
sprouted another leg? If you
answered in the affirmative,
close your eyes and recon-
struct a personal scenario of
when this happened to you.
Try to recall the circumstances
that provoked the passerby to
blatantly stare at you. Was it
because of your attire or height
or body weight? Now, remem-
ber the emotions that you felt
when you realized you were
the object of someone's star-
ing eyes. Did you feel angry,
outraged, embarrassed, defen-
sive, indifferent, or glad that
you received a response from

When I remember some
of the times I have been in that
situation, I am amazed once I
realize that the color of my
skin is the main thing that pro-
voked a great deal of these
curious stares. I can vividly
recall numerous occasions
when this would happen to me
in my own hometown. I didn't
really start noticing that it was
a fine line between white and
black in my town until I started
driving and actually visiting
my "other friends." My
friends and I did not see any-
thing wrong with such rela-
tionships, but other people in
our town were not quite as lib-
eral and they were not afraid
to show us how they felt about
it Some people would stare
at us as we cruised down the
highway or strolled through
the mall. One woman (who
had stopped beside my friends
and me at a red light) was so
shocked to see us together that
she literally stared at us with
her mouth hanging open. Can
you believe it? Personally, I

I used to visit a lot of my
white friends very frequently
and it was just pathetic how
people would look at me. I
remember once when I went
over to visit a good friend. The
minute I stepped out of my car,

my hair stood on end. I didn't
fear for my l ife or anything like
that but I was spooked be-
cause all the kids playing out-
side just sort of got really quiet
until I went into my friends
house. Their facial expres-
sions reminded me of the
"Children of the Damned" be-
cause they were so intense and
focused on me. I attributed
their rudeness to the fact that
black people did not enter into
their neighborhood a lot but
it did not make me feel less un-
comfortable. In fact I short-
ened my visit because I felt so
uneasy. Unfortunately, the
stares did not end here. Other
people added to our dismay by
doing the same thing as the
woman at the stop light.

Lately, I have been
forced to truly open my eyes
and face the hard, cold reality
that the people in my home-
town were not the only ones
who had a hard time adjusting
to other people's color or
gawking at something that
seemed out of place from the
norm. Since I have stepped
foot in Atlanta, I have gotten
weird stares from passers-by.
I distinctly remember one eld-
erly gentleman staring at me
when I first arrived pn campus.
I kid you not when I say that
he stared at me as though I had
just stepped offthe Mayflower
in pilgrim garb and he was
stunned by the arrival of a pil-
grim in the twentieth century.
I really do not think he real-
ized that his facial expression
clearly said to me, "I'm
shocked to see her on cam-
pus!" Granted, I could have
jumped to conclusions and
prejudged what he intended,
but I honestly don't think so.
This instance angered me a
little, but I just dismissed it as
someone showing no respect
for others. It's one thing to
show curiosity and quite an-
other to be outright rude.

Just like at home, the
stares did not stop with the first
encounter. To this day, I still
have days when someone
comes on campus and rudely
stares at me. It just makes me
wonder why they do it. Is it

because I'm female, short,
mean, or BLACK? I have
thoroughly discussed how
these situations make me feel.
The students and faculty I
have revealed my problem to
are all sympathetic, but are
unable to provide me with a
feasible way to overcome my
feelings of frustration and an-
ger towards these people.
Sometimes, people make me
so frustrated that I feel like
calmly walking up to someone
who gives me "the look" and
kindly saying, "Guess what
I'm black and I'm proud!" I
would love to see their facial
expression. The mere thought
of it makes me laugh so hard
that tears come to my eyes.
This may seem silly to some
people, but doesn't staring at
someone because they are dif-

ferent seem equally silly to

Once I thought about it
my situation is quite similar to
the ones concerning OGLA
and the shunning of gays/les-
bians because the concept is
the same: being different form
the majority is sometimes
good, but is not frequently sup-
ported and often frowned upon
by some narrow-minded indi-
viduals. To those of you who
find yourselves in a similar
situation, I implore you to take
pride in you individuality,
race, style, goals, etc., and hold
your head high even when oth-
ers cast demeaning stares your

My article was in no
way directed toward one indi-
vidual or organization. I just
wanted to voice my opinion

that everyone should be ac-
cepted for who they are, not
what they look like or how
they dress or even their sexual
preferences. It would be so
wonderful if everyone, myself
included, tried to understand
where others are coming from
instead of just staring at them
and whispering behind their
backs. All I am saying is that
if you're curious about some-
thing you see that strikes you
as odd or someone holds a
view different from yours,
don't be a coward and look at
the person as if they're from
Mars. Be bold and find out
about it if it interests you. Oth-
erwise, respect people enough
to mind your own business!

Note: I would love to
hear any comments or criti-
cisms about my article from
the general public. Thanks!

Letters to the Editor. . .

In defense of confessions

By Zach Schwab
To the Editor:

I used to think that Oglethorpe University was the source of all apathy in the world. All
that changed, however, with two articles in its school newspaper that has sent the campus into a
(comparative) flurry of debate. The first was by Dan Rosenthal. Depending on whom you talk
to, it was anything from a spiteful attack on an undeserving group of Oglethorpe students to a
brilliant offensive against the forces of injustice in this country. The second was written by Josh
Geary, and it tried to describe life from the gay perspective. Reaction to it has been a little more
subdued. That these authors have raised such controversy can be truly mystifying if you under-
stand the point that each of them are trying to make. In order to truly understand the debate, one
must first understand the forces that led both authors to write, and that caused others to respond.

There are those who have attempted to portray Dan's article as an attack on Christianity.
Yet the essay shows that he has a great deal of admiration for the figure of Christ with state-
ments speaking of the "love and brotherhood, (which is) just what Jesus wished for his follow-
ers." So if Dan's article is an attack aimed in the direction of the Church, it is not aimed at
Christianity, but at Christians themselves. Does he feel the way he does towards all Christians?
Not at all "No, not all of the Christians are ignorant racists." So to whom is this article
written? Is it even an attack at all?

The answer lies within the tie that binds Dan's article to Josh's. The purpose of either
article is not to attack, but simply to describe what it is like to be a minority in this country. Here
we are supposedly equal regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Both articles
show that this is simply untrue. The pictures they paint are a disquieting reminder that this
country, and that people, are not always what they claim to be. All well and good Now why the

When we see a picture of the way we really treat the downtrodden in our society, there are
several ways we can react We can be jolted into action, and call for the injustices to be laid to
rest. We can ignore it Or, we can be overcome by guilt and deny h, such as the historical
revisionists trying to claim that the Holocaust never happened. The latter case unfortunately
seems to be rather prevalent on this campus. If you are offended by the fact that Mr. Rosenthal
and Mr. Clean have each stood up and said to our much vaunted concepts of equality and civil
rights and exposed them for the shams that they sometimes are, what does that say about you?
Odds are, if their articles offend you, they probably also describe you.

April 13, 1994


Page 7

The precious memories are ours, Lewis!

A student reflects on some of Lewis Grizzard's best columns

By Chris McDuffie

Special to The Stormy Petrel

Lewis Grizzard

passed on in March of 1994. I
am writing this as a tribute to
him. He gave me and many
of his thousands of readers a
renewed love of life. He re-
minded us of the simple things
in life, like fruit jars, mama's
smile, fried chicken, and a
good bird dog.

Lewis loved his mama
so much that he wrote a book
about her entitled Don't For-
get to Call Your Mama. I Wish
I Could Call Mine . In his' col-
umn about her written just
days after she died, he reminds
himself of how "it hurts when
I think I will never see her
again. Will never hear her
speak. Will never get to lean
over her in that bed and stroke
her hair and kiss her and say
'mama, I love you.'" You see,
Lewis didn't forget about the
sacrifice that his parents made
for him. "My mother loved
me, she protected me, she con-
soled me. She gave me knowl-
edge and values. She inspired
me. And when there was no
man available, she went out-

side and tossed a baseball with
me." We all should call our
mamas more often!

Aside from Lewis's love
of his mother, he also loved
two dogs, or "dawgs," very
dearly: Catfish, his black lab.
and the Georgia Bulldogs.
Lewis's dog Catfish was a
chewer and a barker, just like
mine. As Lewis writes, "I
think that he barks now at ap-
proaching old age, at the fact
that Alpo is now making a cat
food, for God's sake. At the
fact that things are changing so
quickly around him that he can
t keep up with it all and that
squirrels just keep getting
younger and faster every day."
I don't know about you, but
this sounds all too familiar to
me. This is a crazy world and
things are quickly changing.
Don't be afraid to admit it!
Lewis certainly wasn't. In
fact, Lewis tells us that Cat-
fish was sometimes the only
friend that he had. Lewis,
thank you for reminding us
that even in this ever changing
world in which we live in, a
dog is still a man's best friend!

But as much as Lewis
loved Catfish, his beloved


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Georgia Bulldogs remained
dearest in his heart. "Saturday
was a wonderful day on the
Georgia campus. I said a
blessing before lunch and the
game. I thanked the Lord for
fried chicken, potato salad and
for the fact he had allowed me
the privilege of being a Bull-
dog. And dear Lord, bless all
those not as fortunate as I!"

Georgia was up against
Number 2 in the nation,
Clemson, that day. Embar-
rassment seemed eminent for
the young Bulldog team.
Would a miracle occur be-
tween the hedges? YES! ! !
As Lewis poignantly de-
scribes, "the ground trembled
and shook, and many were
taken by fainting spells. I
hugged perfect strangers and
kissed a fat lady on the mouth.
Grown men wept"

Obviously, Lewis had
his passions. He loved life.
Yet as many reasons as he had

for living, he would have given
up his life for his beloved
South. Lewis, and myself in-
cluded, were growing tired of
the relentless "Bubba -bash-
ing" that takes place by
"Northern transplants"
against, white southern males.
Yet is this ruthless stereotyp-
ing legitimate? After all, you
won t find anyone going into
an Atlanta bar to celebratejust
being transferred to New Jer-
sey! (Sorry Jen and Jim!) I
do feel a need to at least at-
tempt, in Lewis's honor, to
set the record straight. No,
southern white men are not all
named Bubba, Billy-Joe,
Billy-Ray, or Billy-Bob. Yes,
we like our tomatoes ("mat-
ers" for short) raw, our grits
hot, and if chicken was meant
to be baked, then the Good
Lord would not have invented
frying pans! In short, and in
the precise fashion that only
Lewis could muster up, south-

em men are tired of being ste-
reotyped as "ignorant swine
who wear caps of the names of
heavy equipment dealers on
the front, shoot anything that
moves, listen to music about
doing bodily harm to hippies,
and pour beer on their grits. "
And furthermore, for the
Northerners who insist on ste-
reotyping us in this way, Delta
is ready when you are!

On a more serious note,
I'd like to thank you Lewis for
helping me and your many
other readers to develop a
deeper appreciation for the
simple things in life. Whether
you were talking about crisp
fall Saturday afternoons on the
Georgia campus, the peace
and serenity of mama's hugs,
or the innocence of a friend-
ship that can exist between a
man and his dog, you found a
way to help us laugh and touch
our hearts. The precious
memories are ours, Lewis!

Attention Graduating? Students

The Stormy Petrel will be accepting your parting remarks
or "Last Wills" to be published in the April 25 issue.
Submissions should be 100 words or less and must be
received by Monday, April 18. Send all "Last Wills" to
Campus Box 450. For more information call 364-8425.


Contribute to the Class Gift

The Gift money this year will be
spent on refurbishing and improving
the bells on top of Lupton Hall.

Page 8


April 13, 1994

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Paola Barrera is a

student with slightly different
origins than most, and yet she
is here for reasons similar to
those of most of us at
Oglethorpe, paola is a native
of Caracas, Venezuela and has
been studying at Oglethorpe
for three years. After having
been educated in Venezuela
and Switzerland, Ms. Barrera
moved to the United States in
1989. Like many other stu-
dents here, Paola Barrera
chose Oglethorpe because she
was accustomed to small
schools and because of the at-
tractions of the city of Atlanta.
She also had the extra incen-
tive that her brother Jose is a
student here. While at
Oglethorpe, Paola has decided
to major in international stud-
ies and has particularly en-
joyed classes in political his-
tory with Dr. Martin and soci-
ology with Dr. Woolfolk.

Thanks to her interna-
tional background, Paola
speaks Spanish, French, and
Italian in addition to English.
In her spare time, she enjoys
visiting her eight brothers and
sisters and other relatives and
loves a good game of ultimate
firisbee. Ms. Barrera also reads
the Bible extensively and be-
longs to the Oglethorpe Chris-
tian Fellowship (open meet-
ings are at 9:00 every Tuesday
intheTalmageroom). Follow-
ing college, Paola hopes to be
able to put her experiences and
talents to work as a mission-
ary, calling this dream "some-
thing that's very close to my
heart." It is easy to see why
students like Paola Barrera
help to add culture and di ver-
sify to our campus, making the
Oglethorpe experience more
pleasant for everyone.

Cumberland, island of enchantment

By Christa Kreeger

It's very hard for me
to avoid sounding like an ad-
vertisement when I talk about
Cumberland Island. After all,
I practically grew up there, and
I love it like my own backyard.
For those of you who have
never heard of it, Cumberland
is the southernmost in a string
of barrier islands located just
off the coast of Georgia often
referred to as the "Golden
Isles." You may have visited
some of the other islands like
Jekyll and St. Simons, but if
you have been to Cumberland,
then you understand me when
I say that it is a place apart
from all the others. Coming
from parents who love the sea,
I've been to what seems like
every island between South
Carolina and the Equator, but
never have I found a place that
compares with my tiny heaven
of Cumberland. The island is
a National Seashore and
makes up part of our beauti-
ful National Park System
(thanks to my hero, Teddy
Roosevelt). The only way to
get there is by boat, and the
only cars belong to the very
few private residents. The best
way to visit the island is by
camping, which is provided at
the best possible rate for col-
lege students: absolutely free.
A ferry leaves twice daily from
the small coastal island of St.

Mary's to the island, at a cost
of around $10 per person
round trip. You can camp on
the island for up to seven days,
in either Sea Camp (very close
to the boat dock with a bath
house), or several camp-
grounds in the back country
(primitive camping further
away, with no bath house).

If camping does not ap-
peal to you, there are two other
ways to experience the island.

The first is the Greyfield Inn,
which is a small hotel that pro-
vides all meals and compli-
mentary bicycles for around
$100 a night. Secondly is the
Pink Cottage, which is a house
that sleeps ten people rented at
the rate of $900 a week. Both
Greyfield and the Pink Cottage
are reached by the Ferguson
Ferry which leaves out of
Fernindina Beach.

Cumberland is an absolute

Cumberland Island Is apart from the other "Golden Isles"
off the coast of Georgia. Photo by Christa Kreeger

nature-lover's heaven. The
addition to camping, there is a
vast amount of beautiful hik-
ing trails. One can explore a
virtual potpourri of bio-
spheres, including the quiet
mysteries of the salt marsh, the
straight and never-ending
Main Road, lined with live
oaks, Spanish moss, and pal-
mettos, or the beach, with its
huge stark-white dunes. Wild-
life abounds on the island,
from the raccoons that are ev-
ery camper 's nightmare, to the
peculiar armadillos, to the
mass of wild horses that roam
free. Cumberland is also rich
in history, spanning from In-
dians, to Spanish soldiers and
missionaries, to Nathaniel
Greene, to the infamous
Carnegie family. There are
ruins to explore, such as
Dungeness, the home of An-
drew Carnegie, and desolate
cemeteries where ghost pres-
ence will bring a chill to any
soul. Beach lovers can sun
themselves without seeing a
soul for miles, and the tide
brings beautiful shells abound-
ing. Explore it, feel it, live it
But above all, do not miss it,
because Cumberland Island is
truly a natural treasure.

For camping and ferry
reservations at Cumberland Is-
land National Seashore, call
(912)882-4335. To reach SL
Mary's take 1-95 to GA 40
(exit #2).

A senior reminisces about college

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Four years of college.

When you 're a junior or senior
in high school, that may sound
like an eternity. I know it did
to me. I guess I ' ve been one of
the lucky ones, because ever
since I visited Oglethorpe the
first time, I knew it was where
I wanted to attend school. Sud-
denly, it's fouryears later, and
I'm starting over again with
law school. Where does the
time go? 1 want first to thank
a few people who have in-
spired me and helped me along

during my years here: Dr. Kerr,
Dr. Hand, Dr. Brightman, Dr.
Taylor and Paul Hudson. Your
encouragement has been much
appreciated; I couldn't have
done it without you and oth-
ers like you who believed in
me. Another big thank you to
this year's Stormy Petrel staff
- 1 think we've done a great
job, and it's been lots of fun.
Finally, I'll offer just a couple
of hints for those of you may
have a few years yet to go.

1. Oglethorpe is
beautiful - take advantage of
the trees, the grass, the flow-
ers & the squirrels.

2. Go to the library -
check out the museum and
other nooks and crannies
you've never seen. The books
aren't bad either. While the
system may seem confusing at
first, I've never had to go to
an off-campus library for ma-

3. Get involved in
something - if there is nothing
to do, it's your own fault. Join
something, start something,
write for the paper even, and
vote for the new activities fee!

4. Make friends with
the nurse, the career counse-
lor, the cleaning staff, the caf-

eteria staff and your advisor.
These people can make a big
difference in your life at

5. Go to class once in
a while. You just might learn

Any other seniors gradu-
ating this May or August may
send their parting remarks or
advice to The Stormy Petrel
office in the student center for
publication in this year's final
issues. Submissions should be
1 00 words or less and must be
received by Monday, April 1 8.
Place all graduating remarks
in campus box 450.

April 13, 1994


Page 9

Greek Week: "Thank God it's finally OVER!"

By Cole Maddox
Greek Week Chairman

I can't tell you how

happy I am that Greek Week
is finally over. Those who
were up on Greek Row Satur-
day night can attest to how
happy I was. I remember the
rum, but that's about it So
now, here I am, hung-over,
having thoroughly sworn off
all forms of alcohol, and at-
tempting to write an article
about Greek Week. The only
thing I can say about Greek
Week is, "It's OVER!" No
more having to sit in IFC for
hours. No more Greek Week
meetings. The neighbors can
come out of hiding, and the
bottom floor Traer lounge is
safe for residents to enter.

This year, Greek Week
went over fairly well. As
usual, a couple of people got
screwed, but it wouldn't be
Greek Week if somebody
wasn't allowed to participate.
There was also some contro-
versy over the rules, but this
also seems to be a Greek Week
tradition. Hopefully the mis-
takes of this year won't be re-
peated next year, yeah right,
and I'm going to sell all of the
Greek Week T-shirts.

By the way, for a limited
time only you too can own one
of the fabulous GREEK
right! For only ten dollars, you
too can own one of these fabu-
lous, 100% cotton GREEK
WEEKSHIRTS! And,forthe
first time in history, it features
not only the fraternities, but it
also has both of the sororities!
And, as a bonus, it features
your favorite Greek advisors
Dean Moore and Kay Norton!
Buy yours NOW! Order
yours today... or IFC will be

On the whole, however,
Greek Week was a lot more
fun this year than in years past
In the past there has been so
much competition and ani-
mosity between the fraternities
that fights were not uncom-
mon. This year, I am proud to
report there were no fights and
there was very little arguing.
It seemed that everyone is fi-
nally learning that Greek
Week is about having fun and
not about competition. Yeah,
there was still a lot of competi-
tiveness and there always will
be, so long as the male ego ex-
ist but hopefully things will
continue to improve. Hope-
fully everyone will remember

things like the basketball game
between Chi Phi and Delta Sig,
KA's scooter race, or the so-
rorities version of Saturday
Night Live. Hopefully next
year will be even better than
this year.

About the only thing left
is to announce the winners.
The winner amongst the fra-
ternities was SAE. With a to-
tal of 754 points SAE was able
to win another Greek Week.
Strong performances in the
Dine and Dash as well as in
the Batman Relay helped put
SAE on top. Delta Sig placed
a close second and took home
a victory in the sing competi-
tion... surprise, surprise. I
don't think any of the other fra-
ternities are going to have a
chance in this event until Bill,
Thomas, and the rest of the
Delta Sig chorus graduate. In
the Anchorman, KA regained
its title as Beer Chug champi-
ons with Chi Phi placing a
close second. Delta Sig won
the KA Scooter race with SAE
coming in second, KA third.
Chi Phi placed fourth in this
event mainly because their
rider was so drunk that he
could not stay on his scooter
and fell face first on the pave-
ment. In the battle between the

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two Panhellenic teams, Team
2, captained by Shel ly Polston
and Mary Poteet won by only
15 points thanks to a victory
in the Tug-o-War. On the
whole, it seemed as though
both of the Panhellenic teams
had fun and hopefully next
year they can be involved in
even more events. They, more

the fraternities that Greek
Week is about having fun.

Well, that's the report
from Greek Week. I would
like to thank all those who par-
ticipated, and I would espe-
cially like to thank those who
gave me cigarettes and alcohol
throughout the week. I
couldn't have made it without

than anything else, reminded you. See you next year.

"O "Pin ions. . .

"What do you think of
the recent changes in
the OU Cafe?" '

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

"The food is much better now.
I can almost look forward to
going to the cafeteria."

Elizabeth Stockton


"There's more variety and
there's always a potato bar."

Amanda Strainis


"I think they're great. The
food is usually better now."

Kelly Boyd


"I love the table service,
come around now."

Christy Daley



"I think there are some good
changes but nothing too sig-
nificant yet."

Gina Fraone


"It would've been nice if they
had done something before six
weeks 'til graduation."

Will Mullis


Page 10

April 13, 1994


By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

With Honors*' is one

great sound track, having as-
sembled a diverse group of art-
ists for a delightful combina-
tion of 1 2 tracks. Although it
begins slowly with an abso-
lutely dreadful Duran Duran
cover of Led Zeppelin's
"Thankyou," the music
quickly picks up from there,
although the movie's mediocre
theme song, "I'll Remember"
from Madonna, is a little too
reminiscent of most movie
theme songs such as "If You
Leave" from The Breakfast
Club. It is a somewhat sappy
song about friends and forget-
ting, etc. Go ahead and skip
to track tliree, which is where
this sound track gets going
with the driving "She Sells
Sanctuary." Four brings Belly
frenetically belting out "It's
Not Unusual" and five is the
pensive "Cover Me" by
Candlebox. Track six is the
pretty and haunting Kristin
Hersh duet "Your Ghost" that
she performs with the man
with the Midas touch of late,
REM's Michael Stipe. It has
been getting frequent radio air-
play. The Pretenders kick in
the college-movie appropriate
"Forever Young," followedby
Grant Lee Buffalo's slow and
languid "Fuzzy." Rounding
out "With Honors" is a spooky
"Run Sliithead Run" (love that
title) by Mudhoney, the very
danceable and beat-driven
"Babble" by Tribe, Julia's
hubby Lyle Lovett giving a
Vegas lounge-singer cover of
the Benny Goodman jazz clas-
sic "Blue Skies," and the
plaintive "On the Wrong
Side," by Lindsey


Unfortunately, most
movies with great sound tracks
fall short of equaling the mu-
sic they contain. However,
"With Honors" is a compila-
tion worth having regardless,
and is available down the street
at Atlanta CD.

Dante's has the recipe for fondue

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

Dante's Down the

Hatch bills itself as "A night-
club with a limited menu." It
has been a fixture of Atlanta
night-life since 1970. There
are two locations, the original
is located in Underground At-
lanta. The newer, and larger
location is across from Lenox
Square on Peachtree Road.
Live jazz music is provided
seven days a week by the Paul
Mitchell Trio, which has per-
formed there since the opening
in 1970. Dante's has more
ambiance than most restau-
rants can even dream about.
Perhaps this is why is has been
voted "Best Place to Propose"
by Atlanta Magazine. The res-
taurant is divided into several
different areas. There is an
1 8th century village wharf and
seaport area that includes the


bar and several living alliga-
tors that swim around the ship,
which is where the band plays.

Dante's lists its goals as
"A better mixed drink, em-
ployees who give a damn...
and an atmosphere both genu-
ine and relaxed," and certainly
lives up to them. All of the
staff is very friendly, the mu-
sic is wonderful, and the res-
taurant is very intimate.

Dante's has several spe-
cialties. Besides the jazz mu-
sic, the drinks menu includes
the house special, a frozen
strawberry daiquiri, an exten-
sive wine list, and an impres-
sive selection of nonalcoholic
but still delicious drinks, in-
cluding a wonderful virgin
Pifia Colada. There are also
Cheese Tours of the World,
different trays which contain
cheeses from particular coun-
tries and imported crackers.
However, the real specialty is

the fondue. The menu states
"Communal eating reflects the
ancient belief that sharing food
and drink, or eating out of the
same dish or pot, will produce
an intrinsic relationship among
the participants. We believe it

The appetizers at
Dante's include beef stew, Ba-
varian artichokes and an im-
ported cheese fondue. With
the cheese fondue you receive
a fondue pot full of melted
cheese, apple slices, and
chunks of bread. The bread or
apples are placed on fondue
forks, swirled around in the
cheese, and then eaten. This
was simply fabulous. For
those of you who have not had
fondue, it is prepared by spear-
ing raw chunks of meat and
vegetables and placing them in
a flame-heated pot full of soy-
bean oil and allowing them to
cook for approximately 1-2

minutes. The results are sim-
ply delicious. Available for
fonduing are shrimp, chicken,
beef imported from Tasmania,
and an array of vegetables.
After cooking each morsel,
there are four different deli-
cious sauces to dip them in,
although the food doesn 't need
dipping to be great Meals also
come with two kinds of fabu-
lous bread and butter. Also
available for vegetarians is an
entree version of the cheese
fondue consisting solely of
veggies, apples, bread, and
cherry tomatoes.

We were simply too full
to want dessert but these in-
clude pecan pie, chocolate
fudge cake, and New- York
style cheesecakes homemade
by Dante's mother herself. For
those who would like to try the
delightful Dante's Down the
Hatch, reservations are avail-
able by calling 266-1600.

Dreamgirls" at 14th St. Playhouse

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

"Dreamgirls," the

Tony-Award winning Broad-
way Hit Musical is now being
presented in Atlanta at tlie 1 4th
SL Playhouse by Jomandi Pro-
ductions. "Dreamgirls" has
been thought to be an adapta-
tion of the Supremes story;
however, the original play-
wright, Tom Eyen, says tliis is
not the case. The story, which
follows three young singers
who start out as the
Dreamettes and eventually
become the Breams, is instead
a broad story that examines
how commerce can have a cor-
rupting influence on art. The
vicious competition that exists
in the music business and how
it affects the innocence of the
Dreamettes is clearly the main

"That's why we chose to
do 'Dreamgirls,'" says director
Tom Jones. "Not only does the
play have wonderful music,
but a very strong and power-
ful storyline, as well. In light
of Atlanta's recent emergence

on the music scene, we thought
it an appropriate and still
timelystorytotell. .And really
only 'Dreamgirls', could cap-
ture the spirit of the excep-
tional talent that we have to

Starring as Eflie, the
Dreamette with the
powerhouse-of-a-voice that is
pushed to the side because of
her size, is the dynamite Sheila
Stroud. Clearly the star of this
production, the invigorated au-
dience was brought to its feet
as the end of the first act, as
well as giving her a standing
ovation at the end. Also star-
ring as Deena Jones, the

Dreamette who is abruptly
forced into the spotlight, is
Jomandi's Co- Artistic Director
Marsha Jackson.

Every actor in this large
cast did a wonderful job.
Charles Bullock, playing
Jimmie Early, the fading star
who cant let go of the spotlight
despite his decline, was very
impressive. Mark Ford stars
as the con-man. turned star
manager, Curtis Taylor Jr.,
who first woos Effie before
later marrying and dominating
Deena. His performance was
reminiscent of the impressive
one turned in last year by
Lawrence Fishburne's Ike

Turner in "What's Love Go to
do with it." Rounding out the
solid principle cast are three
actors last seen in Jomandi's
"Julius Caesar," Dwain A
Perry, J. Karen Thomas, and
Deidre Henry.

If you would like to get
a good taste of Broadway
without flying to New York,
please call the Jomandi Box
office at 873-1099.
"Dreamgirls" will be playing
through May 1 at the 14th St.
Playhouse Wednesdays
through Saturdays at 8 p.m.
and Sundays at 3 p.m. Student
tickets are available for $9 on
Wednesdays and Sundays.

Earn $500 to $1000 weekly stuffing en-
velopes. For details - RUSH $1.00 with
an SASE to:




57 Greentree Drive, Suite 307
Dover, DE 19901

April 13, 1994

Page 11


Grateful Dead exceeded every expectation

By Chrisla Kreeger

I guess that I had sev-
eral ideas about what a Grate-
ful Dead concert would be. I
had heard the tales... "I heard
them do Dark Star in Raleigh"
and "I freaked my $h!t in New
York. " But I admit that once
I was actually experiencing
my first show, I realized that I
hadn't really known what I
was in for.

As you may remember
from my last Dead article, I
had done the infamous "Lot
thing" in years past But noth-
ing could prepare me for what
the concert actually was.
Firstly, one must know that the
cops at a Dead show are abso-
lutely horrendous. I mean,
they really have the SWAT
team out there, like Deadheads
are going to start some kind of
riot or something. It was quite
intimidating. Tickets were
checked in every detail to
prove their authenticity and
bags were fervently searched.
I was ready to be arrested any
minute just for breathing. But
once inside the Omni, the at-
mosphere became the relaxed
aura that I had expected. I laid
back in my seat, breathed in
my surroundings, and pre-

pared myself for what was sure
to be the concert experience of
a lifetime. When the lights
when out, you might of
thought that the entire audi-
ence operienced a catharsis or
something, because all of these
peaceful Deadheads suddenly
went absolutely crazy.

For those of you who
keep close tabs on each show
and the set that they play, this
was the Thursday night show.
I was surprised when they
opened up with "Touch of
Gray," since this is one of the
Dead's most popular songs.
But the crowd did not mind
one bit. The first set was very
fast moving, with everyone

focused on the god-like aura
of Jerry Garcia and his guitar.
They also played a few other
favorites, including an ex-
tremely slowed-down version
of "Friend of the Devil," and
the great Southern anthem
"Tennessee," during which
everyone "lit up." There was
also a very interesting version
of "King Bee," a cover shared
with the likes of Syd Barrett.
The show was divided by an
intensely long intermission,
and restlessness filled the air
in anticipation of the next set
When the lights were lowered
and a few more songs past, I
fell in awe of what I had heard
described as "drums and

space." This was a very intense
two-man drum show, followed
by a spaced-out guitar set. I
liked the drums the best; they
often went off the deep end of
improvisation, becoming a
sexual intertwining of music
with the audience.

About this time the
crowd became so entranced
that nearly everyone sat down
and let the lights and rhythms
surround them. When this part
of the show ended, everyone
was so relieved to be set free
of the spell that they leaped to
their feet. High points in the
last set included "Walking on
the Moon," a cover of "This

Could Be the Last Time" (was
that a hint?), and the grand fi-
nale cover of "I Fought the
Law." To put it bluntly, when
the show finally ended I was
speechless. The show did not
stop short of an incredible light
and sound experience.

I heard from friends that
the Wednesday and Friday
show were of equal measure,
with the likes of "Sugar Mag-
nolia" (Wednesday) and my
personal favorite "Ripple"
(Friday) being played. I guess
that all I can say is that if you
missed them, you missed out.
Maybe you'll have a chance
again next year.

"The Paper" is quality entertainment

By Helen Holifield

"The Paper" is out-
standing. It has been a long
time since I have seen a movie
I considered really quality en-
tertainment This is definitely
it. This movie is involving on
every level. I laughed, I cried,
I cheered, I raged. I ran the
full range of emotion in this
engrossing story of a day in the
life of a tabloid newspaper.

Henry (Michael Keaton)

is editor for a New York news-
paper which was scooped the
day before by a rival. His driv-
ing ambition of the day is to
find the story that will put
them back on top. The story,
that is, within the lines of hard
news and real reporting, not
just any trash that will look
good and sell a newspaper.
Within the course ofhis search,
he battles the sour, money-
minded managing editor Ali-
cia (Glenn Close), his pregnant
wife's insecurities and hypo-

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thetical situations (say the
newspaper was on fire and
your wife was being held hos-
tage, who would you save
first?), surly cops and incom-
petent photographers. The day
is fraught with struggle, tur-
moil, ambition, desire, and yes,
even love.

I loved the characters in
"The Paper." Not only is the
audience allowed to see them
as they interact with each other
in the newspaper office, but we
follow them out into the whirl-
wind of New York into vari-
ous activities of their lives.
This allows us a deeper insight
and understanding of the char-
acters, which would be denied
us if we did not see them alone.
Henry and Alicia, at odds
throughout the movie, become
especially rich and full.

There are some truly
funny one-liners tliroughout
the film. "Why don't you just
pour battery acid down your
throat?" Marty asks Henry as
he jump-starts the morning
gulping a cup of coffee. His
great college student reply:
"No caffeine." When
McDougal and Henry finally
get the scoop, McDougal's
muse visits him in the way ev-
ery English major longs for. "It
writes like butter. There is
actual butter coming out of my

pen." Entire scenes kept me
laughing long. Okay, maybe
I was the only one in the the-
ater, but they were furmy! The
writing is witty, rough but with
that jaded sophistication only
a journalist could have. Ev-
ery character's language is ab-
solutely real.

It's rare to find a movie
that can combine such great
humor with a true sensitivity
to its characters, and a humani-
tarian feeling over all. As ten-
sion builds throughout the day
will Henry get the story?
and the stakes are raised, true
human emotion comes into
evidence. Several tense and
poignant scenes near the end
appeal directly to that emotion,
but without manipulation. I
cried. The honest portrayal of
people and events is manifest
throughout the film, leaving
me with a respect and appre-
ciation for the director's sen-
sitivity to his audience. Ron
Howard, whose truly great
film "Cocoon" showed many
of these same feelings, has
done an incredible job of di-
recting. I give "The Paper"
four stars, although I guess
were I a real criticl'd only give
three and a quarter or some-
thing. "The Paper" is not a
film that I will soon forget.

Page 12

April 13, 1994



HAIR": "The Age of Aquarius" 25 years later

By Lu Green

and Helen Holifield


"Hair" is incredible.

We loved it. It would be im-
possible to adequately say in
words how great it was, but
we'll try. Monday night, April
4, trusty Petrel reporters Helen
Holifield and Lu Green made
their way to the Fox Theater
for the opening night of the
25th Anniversary Celebration
tour of "the tribal love-rock
musical" "Hair." Twenty-five
years ago "Hair" shocked and
wowed audiences on Broad-
way with its High-energy rock
music and audacious displays
of sexual freedom. "Hair" has
not lost the power to shock and

The story of "Hair" is
simple. A freedom-loving
war-hating group of hippies
called the Tribe spend together
the day before one of their
friends, Claude, is drafted and
sent to Vietnam. They sing,
dance, get high, have sex, play
games and just stay together.
On the second day, they march
on the recruitment center,
Claude is drafted, and it ends.

But it doesn't end there.
The music and sprit of "Hair"
stays with you. Neither of us
could study after we saw the
show, we both spent all night
raving to friends about it.

We knew that the show
would be good when we got
our tickets and saw row C on
them. When we got to our
seats, the cast was roaming the
theater. One guy was blowing
a conch shell, another was
making balloon animals. He
made a heart for us and put it
around our necks. We have
never seen such a relaxed at-
mosphere in the Fox as this
made by the playful, exuber-
ant, bell-bottomed, halter-top
clad hippies. There was no
such thing as a boundary be-
tween the stage and audience.
The Tribe became a part of us,
and by the end, we had become
a part of the Tribe.

Technically, the set was
very spare. Six steel towers of
light on either side of the stage

were the only physical scenery.
The effect that would have
been created by scenery was
done by psychedelic pictures
shown on the back wall of the
stage. Laser lights swirled
across the stage creating hal-
lucinogenic effects. When ev-
erybody got high, smoke
swirled across the stage, cre-
ating a dreamland. The band
consisted of two synthesizers,
guitar and bells. The was on
stage, not down below, to show
what a prominent place music
takes in "Hair."

And what music it was!
From the opening sounds of
"Aquarius," through such ir-
reverent tunes as "Hashish"
and "Holy Orgy" (accompa-
nied by demonstrations of
sexual positions). The show
rocked. We heard favorites
like "Hair," "Black Boys/
White Boys," and "Good
Morning Starshine." We also
discovered some new favorites
like "Where Do I Go?" and
"Ain't Got No." The lively
music had people dancing in
their seats; I don't think any-
one was unaffected. But the
songs weren't merely fiin, they
all coined a message and an
attitude. While it may be hard
to understand the politics of
1968 that prompted these
songs, it isn't hard to under-
stand the emotion they created.
They are universal desires for
peace, love, and freedom.

We wonder if the actors
of "Hair" live the lives they do
onstage. The absence of a set
wasn't even noticeable be-
cause of the ever-changing
costuming. Lots of bell bot-
toms and blue jeans, mini
dresses, halter tops, barefeet,
fringe from Hell, beads, beads,
and more beads, as well as
birthday suits. Yes, they all get
naked in "Hair." An afternoon
spent at a Be-in results in their
display of nudity. No matter
how jaded or sophisticated we
might think we are this scene
still has the power of state-
ment. Seeing 26 people
emerge naked from under the
parachute with which they'd
been playing is indescribable.
We were stuck with breathless

wonder. To be naked is to be
completely vulnerable, espe-
cially on stage. There is abso-
lutely nothing between the ac-
tor and audience. But at the
same time, while they were so
stripped, they were also com-
pletely whole and strong in a
way. This is who they are, with
no apologies. It was incred-
ible. And so ended the first act.
The beliefs and ideals
represented in "Hair" were
those of a generation. A de-
cade of war in Vietnam drove
youth to desire honesty, love,
peace, innocence, and under-
standing. The establishment
was opposed to these prin-
ciples with which many be-
lieved it could be overcome.
One of the most poignant
scenes in Act I occurs at the
Be-in, where all the men bum
their draft cards. AsJeanehold
the cauldron high, the Tribe
chants "Bum it, bum it, bum
it," and one by one the draft
cards get dropped in. Claude
can't do it. He desperately
wants all of these thing he be-

lieves in, but without having
to sacrifice for them. At this
moment you truly realize what
was at stake in 1968 - what
straggles people were going
through to reconcile their be-
liefs with reality. It was espe-
cially true for one age group,
which the Tribe represents.

Tribe has gone to the recruit-
ment center to protest They
look for Claude, but he is
gone. He has donned a uni-
form and cut his hair. He has
attained his wish of the night
before: "If I'm unseen I can
do miracles. That's the only
tiling I want to do on this dirt."
He has become invisible to the
Tribe. Standing in their midst,
they cannot see him. Once the
audience realizes the implica-
tions of this, Claude leaves,
.and the Tribe takes the front
of the stage with "Let the Sun-
shine In." The song throbs on
and on, growing with power
and meaning. The orange red
lights intensify, the voices

are raised in the air, fists
clinched. Wow. At the height
of sound, the Tribe leaves the
stage. Only Benji, the power-
fully charming but childlike
leader of the group, is left with
the music. His rage and con-
fusion are apparent in the in-
tensity of his dance, he twirls
around and around, like a bird,
seeking in his desperate frenzy,
an answer to the chaos he sees
around him. The final move-
ment is heart-breaking, beau-
tiful, and powerful.

Feeling drained, but
caught up on the moment, we
applauded the actors of "Hair"
as they took their bows. Then,
feeling too good to stop, they
began "Let the Sunshine In"
again. We danced in our seats
and danced our way on-stage
along with 30 or so Atlantans.
We were on stage at the
#*!@& Fox Theatre! Lusang
in the microphone Hud held
for her and Helen hugged
Berger. Peace and love yall,

swell louder and louder, arms we did it all.

Zoot-suiting" Shakespeare

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

The Alliance

Theatre's Kenny Leon and
David H. Bell have teamed up
to direct a major new revival
of the Rodgers and Hart musi-
cal "The Boys From Syra-
cuse." This "high-stepping,
zoot-suiting" music and dance
extravaganza will be featured
there through May 1st. "The
Boys from Syracuse" is based
on Shakespeare's "Comedy of
Errors, " and is the first Broad-
way musical to be based on a
Shakespearean play. Origi-
nally appearing in New York
in 1938, it was touted as an
immediate success and the
songs "Falling in Love with
Love," "This Can't Be Love,"
and "Sing For your Supper"
became immediate Broadway
favorites. .

This hilarious show is a
tale of mistaken identities and
uproarious improbabilities
combined with Big Band mu-
sic and blues and swing time
rhythm. It tells of the misad-

ventures of two sets of i dent i- needed to be somewhat simi-

cal twins, two masters and
their servants, and the compli-
cations resulting when their
friends and creditors can't tell
them apart. One wife can't
even distinguish which twin
she's married to, and ulti-
mately decides to keep them
both! It takes some concen-
tration to keep up with the
flurry of action constantly
whirling in front of your eyes.
This fantastic musical is
choreographed by Bell, who
adapted the show for this new
revival and season finale, in-
cluding adding new songs, af-
ter wowing audiences through-
out this Silver Anniversary
season. Leon is of course a
nationally known director who
is also famous for his own ex-
traordinary talents on stage.
Leading the excellent cast in
"The Boys from Syracuse,"
are Adrian Bailey and LaParee
Young, playing the Antipholus
twins. One might expect that
Leon might have had to make
a sacrifice in talent in choos-
ing two pairs of actors that

lar in looks and build. This is
definitely not the case, either
with the pair playing
Antipholus or the pair playing
the servants named Dromio,
Jack Plotnick and Jeff
Edgerton. All four are simply
outstanding, as are other At-
lanta favorites in the cast, in-
cluding Patty Mack as the lov-
ing wife Adriana and Denise
Connolly as the lonely
Luciana who is racked by guilt
because she thinks she's fall-
ing for her sister's husband.
Crystal Fox also gives a dyna-
mite performance as the sultry
courtesan and the rest of this
athletic and extremely ener-
getic cast also deserve kudos
for non-stop entertaining.

"The Boys From Syra-
cuse" is a true romantic com-
edy that is definitely worth see-
ing and should not be missed.
Show times are at 8 p.m. Tues-
day through Saturday with
performances at 2:30 and 7:30
p.m. on Sunday. Tickets may
be purchased by calling the
Woodruff Arts Center Box
Office at 892-2414.

April 13, 1994

Page 13


T nemm smees of
are-- wm, mmeme,



.By Robert Stack


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By Chris Farrar

Page 14


April 13, 1994

The ramblings of the Romeiser: The Finale!

By Robbie Romeiser
OSA President

Boy, I bet you're

happy. It's almost May, and
I'm almost out of here, which
means no more hokey articles
spitting out OSA propaganda.
Put it's almost May. I ain't out
of here yet, so you have to en-
dure the Romeiser propaganda
machine one last time. I prom-
ise to be brief, though
(Right !!!), so please bear with


Over the past two years,
have you enjoyed Stomp the
Lawn (with comedians Wayne
Federman and Rick Kelly and
bands Jody Grind and The
Hellhounds), Casino Night
hypnotist Ronnie Romm,
mentalist Kraig Karges,
Homecoming at the Inforum
and at the Fox, Margaritaville
with David Carter, the Alpha
Experience, and Cotton Patch
Gospel. Your student activi-
ties fee helped fund all of these
events and many more.

Would you like to see

more of the same as well as
acts that are bigger, better, and
more frequent than these? If
your answer is yes, then sup-
port OSA's proposal to raise
the current fee of $20/semes-
ter to the meager fee of $50/
semester by Fall 1995. OSA
suggests raising the fee to $30
for Fall of 1994, to $40 for
Spring of 1 995, and to $50 for
Fall of 1995 and for every se-
mester after that unless raised
again by a student referendum.
If you like the idea of a
better OU social life, then vote

Vote "Yes" on Activity Fee

By Jason Fisher
OSA Parliamentarian

To all full-time students,

As you may already be
aware, there will be a referen-
dum for an increase in the ac-
tivity fee in conjunction with
OSA elections. In a previous
issue of The Stormy Petrel, an

article on this subject was writ-
ten by Lu Green. She elo-
quently presented the argu-
ment for the change, so I will
not expound too much on the
reasons for voting for this ref-

I cannot stress enough,
though, the positive impact
that an activity fee increase
would have on campus. The


The student activity fee currently mandated by the OS A
Constitution is $20 per semester. In order to better serve and
entertain the student body, both the Senate and Executive
Council of OSA have approved, by a 2/3 majority, a resolu-
tion to gradually increase the fee.

Article XIII currently reads:

The OSA shall establish a student activity fee to be as-
sessed each semester to every full-time day Oglethorpe stu-
dent. The fee shall be $5 for fall 1991, $10 for spring 1992,
$15 each semester for 1992-93, and $20 each semester for
1993-94. The fee shall remain $20 unless changed by a 2/3
majority of those voting in a referendum of the student body.
Activity fee funds not expended will carry over into the next
fiscal year. A reserve hind shall be maintained equaling not
less than 10 percent of the total activity fees collected during
the previous fiscal year.

If this referendum passes by a 2/3 majority, with 50
percent of the full-time day student body voting, Article XIII
would read:

The OS A shall establish a student activity fee to be as-
sessed each semester to every full-time day Oglethorpe stu-
dent. The fee shall be $30 for Fall 1994, $40 for Spring 1 995,
and $50 for Fall 1995. The fee shall remain $50 unless
changed by a 2/3 majority of those voting in a referendum of
the student body. Activity fee funds not expended will carry
over into the next fiscal year. A reserve fund shall be main-
tained equaling not less than 10 percent of the total activity
fees collected during the previous fiscal year.

programming board would
have more than twice the funds
that it presently has, and that
would translate into a doubly
fun Oglethorpe social calen-
dar, with big-name bands, the
most recent movies, and the
most incredible Homecoming
Formal Oglethorpe has ever
seen. Just for comparison, the
University of Georgia charges
$135 per quarter for its activ-
ity fee, whereas the Oglethorpe
Student Association seeks only
to raise ours to $50 per semes-
ter over a span of three semes-
ters (which may not even be
equal to the rate of increase of
tuition by that time).

Please vote yes to the ref-
erendumjncluded below when
you vote on your OSA repre-
sentatives beginning April 14.


yes to raise the student activi-
ties fee!

Please vote on the refer-
endum during OSA Executive
Council Elections on April 14
and 15.


It's that time of year
again: OSA election time!
Yeah, and there was much re-
joicing I know you're excited,
so calm yourself

If you would like to run
for student body president,
vice president, parliamentar-
ian, secretary, or treasurer, or
if you would like to run for one
of the class president positions,
please note the following:
Declaration deadline : April 8
Voting : April 14, 15
Run-offs : April 18, 19

There will be a debate
for these Executive Council
positions on Wednesday, April
13 at 11:30 AM in the
Talmage Room.

(Since this paper may be
out a little late for the April 8
deadline, please note that if
you didn't declare by April 8
you may still conduct a write-
in campaign for any position
you choose. Please notify Ja-
son Fisher at 385-5820 of
write-in candidacy after April

If you wish to run for a
class senator position:
Declaration deadline:

By Kimberly Wilkes
Vice President

The last article about

service opportunities was for
all those people who wanted to
do hard work for no money.
This one is for all of you who
have far too much work to do
already, and need additional,
creative ways to procrastinate
(and blow off a little steam).

On Thursday, April
14th, meeting in the TV
lounge of the Student Center
at 5:30 and returning at 9:00,
is a trip to the Atlanta Food
Bank. The Food Bank col-
lects all of the donated, non-
perishable items from the At-


Voting : April 25, 26

Run-offs : April 28, 29

The qualifications for
office are as follows:
Executive Council : Full-time
student with a 2.5 GPA.
Senate : Full-time student with
a 2.0 GPA


AT 365-2595 OR JASON
FISHER AT 365-5820.



Start April 23 right with
an Earth Day/OSA Service
Day morning of cleaning up
OU's campus. Several large
cash prizes will be given to
participating groups and indi-
viduals. The events of the day
include trash pickup, can and
bottle recycling, and a game
called "Finding the Stormy
Petrel." Finish the day out
with lunch in the Academic
Quad and an afternoon of
sporting events at the SCAC
spring sports conference tour-
nament hosted by OU.
TIME : 9:00 a.m.
LOCATION : Upper Quad
DATE : April 23

lanta-area grocery stores. It
then sorts the items by type
(which is what this project in-
volves), and lastly, places them
in their distribution room
where non-profit organizations
in the area can pick up the
items for dispersement at their
location. This project requires
you to get a I ittle dirty. It 's hard
work, but with a group of
people, it is a great time.

As always, we are going
to the Special Olympics prac-
tices on Monday nights from
5:30 until 8:30. Meet in the
TV Lounge in the Student
Center. For this project we
play with young kids, helping

to prepare them for the Special
Olympics which they partici-
pate in annually.

On Saturday, April
23rd, from 11:30 until 3:30
and 2:30 until 6:30, we will be
going to help with the Family
Fun Day with the Task Force
for the Homeless. This is a
project where we play with the
children doing relays and
games. Its a fun and playful
way to spend a Saturday after-

Well that pretty much
finishes up the projects for this
year. If you have any ques-
tions, feel free to call me at

April 13, 1994

Page 15


All Dunn: The talk about this couples thing

By Dunn Neugebauer

Sorry I didn't supply

any of the answers to last
time's quiz, but I didn't know
any of them.

Quick comments about
spring sports

-Good job baseball
team! They've won 15 of 16
and are unbeaten in conference
play. Wish them luck in the
SCAC tournament..

-The men and women
track teams are at . 500 despite
competing against tough com-
petition from Division I and II
schools. Coach Bob's squad
will represent us well come
tournament time.

-Men's tennis is 8-3, the
women are 7-3. Mark
Krabousanos and Brian
Young are unbeaten at No. 1
doubles and everyone, men

and women, are playing quite

-The golf team has been
playing tough competition and
should put on a
good show come late- April.

Moving forward, there
was a lot of talk about this
couple's thing that's going
around lately. You know, the
one where you fill out a sur-
vey and they list your mate. In
light ofthat, I have been asked
to discuss the couples that al-
ready exist.

Brian Young-Sue
Poston If you averaged it
all out, they probably date on
even number days and are
broke up on odd ones. The
funnest tiling is to watch them
two try and figure it out. Any-
way, instead of answering
people's questions about them,
I've just changed my answer-

ing machine.

"Good day and thanks
for calling OU...

"We have a match and I
can't find Sue...

"Don't mean to be pry-

"But she's fighting with

"Just what is a coach
supposed to do?

Tim Evans-Killian
Edwards Last summer,
Killian wanted to jump down
off the bleachers and needed
Tim to catch her. Instead of
doing it, Tim's eyes got real
big and he said "Are you kid-
ding? I'd have to be an epic
hero to be able to catch you."
Tim - any girl that lets you get
away with that one is a girl to
hold on to. (Don't try that line
at home, ladies and gentle-

Ryan Vickers-Gina

Carellas What does it mat-
ter whether they're dating or
not., don't you think they'd be
the world's prettiest couple?

Becky Ellis-Harem
Another answering machine,
on Becky's phone..

"My name is Becky and
I'm not the type to boast...

"But don't you think
just one guy could be gross..

"With three you can't
scare em...

"Don't you mess with
my harem.

"I'm hanging with
Gamby, Ward and Mocc.

Stacy Geagan-Justin
Hayes Rumor has it there
is a surgeon in northeast At-
lanta that could remove them
from each other. Just kidding.
. .best of luck...

Ann Mason-Brian
Davis Sorry. .. they made
me put this, Brian and Ann....

I promise..

Mike Beran-Hope
LeBeau No comment, I
coach them both. Mike, keep
the ball toss in front of you.
Hope, move your feet!

Will Mullis-girl One
day he was riding around in his
security truck eating a Big
Mac, the next he had some girl
in his arms.

Andy Schutt-Kirsten
Hanzsek Kinda reminds
me ofthat "Moonlighting"
show that came out years ago.
They're together now... prob-
ably should have been years

Got to go now.

Until next time, Go
Braves, congratulations Ar-
kansas and thank you Florida

Dunn, James Dunn

The 1994 World Cup of soccer is almost here

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

In a few short months,

the most important sporting
event to the rest of the world
and the least important sport-
ing event to America will take
place. From June 1 7 to July
1 7, the twenty three teams will
come to the US representing
their respective countries in the
largest, and most prestigious
soccer tournament in the

world. It is the World Cup.

The World Cup brings
the best soccer teams form
each section of the world. It is
held every four years. The
World Cup technically started
about two years ago as quali-
fying matches began in each
one of the divisions or sections.
There were originally over
200 teams competing for spots
and now the field has been re-
duced to the top twenty four.
These top twenty four now


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enter into a round robin phase
of the finals of the Cup. Each
team is placed in a group, A
through F, with three other
teams. The teams then play a
round robin tournament and
the winner (and usually, run-
ner-up) of the group receivies
an automatic bid into the sec-
ond round. There are then a
few open spots remaining for
bids and those are selected by
records and the goals allowed/
goals scored differential. The
second round begins a single
elimination toumamnet of 16
teams, which culminates in a
final match at Los Angeles in
the Rose Bowl stadium be-
tween the two best teams at
World Cup 1994,

The first game will be on
June 17 and will be a match
between the defending World
Cup Champion Germany and
Bolivia. The opening match
will take place in Chicago at
Soldier Field. Other matches
will then follow at various sites
around the nation, the closest
ones to us being RFK Stadium
in Washington DC. and the
Citrus Bowl in Orlando,

The United States Na-
tional Soccer Team will be
playing in Los Angeles at Rose
Bowl Stadium and in Detroit
at the Pontiac Silverdome.
The United States is also one
of the six seeded teams in the
tournament This is a great
step for a team that had it 's first
appearence in the World Cup
in over 50 years at the 1990
World Cup. At the 1990
World Cup, the US was
quickly eliminated, but had a
good showing against excel-
lent European teams, Italy and

This World Cup, the
United States will be facing
Switzerland (June 18), Co-
lumbia (June 22), and Roma-
nia (June 26). If the United
States defeats these teams and
advances to the second round,
it will be the first time in his-
tory that America will have
advanced past the first round.
The Americans will have a
tough road ahead of them
though, because they will be
playing teams whose country's
are die-hard soccer fans and
the players have been brought
up under the best training and

are probbaly some of the most
skilled players in the world.

Some of the greatest
players in the world will be at
the Cup. Marco Van Basten,
Jurgen Klinsman, Roberto
Baggio, Tab Ramos, and
Branco will be some of the
more popular names heard in
the press box. This event high-
lights some of the finest there
is in the world of soccer.
Suprisingly, there will be an
abscence of certain power-
houses of the past. England,
which was in the past gener-
ally considered a definite to
make the Cup, failed to pass
the qualifying matches and
was not given a bid to the 1 994
World Cup. Also missing are
France and Scotland.

Despite these abscences,
the 1994 World Cup in
America should be an entire
success. So, if you have a
chance try to catch some of
thge games on TV or if you are
burdened with a few hundred
extra dollars you could try ot
purchase a few tickets from
scalpers because all ofthe first
round games are already sold

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Alpha Phi Omesa's Spring Bleed Drive

Thursday April 21, 1994

Emerson Student Center

-Stormtf Petrel

Volume 69, Issue 1 3 Above and Beyond Oglethorpe University

April 27, 1994


Page 4

Scoop on

Page 7

"Last Wills"

Page 8

The Year of Dunn

Page 23

News: 2-3

Editorials: 4-7

Features: 8-11

Organizations: 12

Greeks: 13

Comics: 18-20
Sports: 21-23

Security: 2

ProFile: 8

Open Line: 6

"O"pinions: 9

GreekSpeak: 13

Screentest: 14


Sports ProFile: 23

Nishimura to take two year sabbatical

By Chopper Jolmson
News Editor

After the commence-
ment services on May 14,
1994, Dr. Ken Nishimura,
head of the Oglethorpe Phi-
losophy Department, will be
leaving for Tokyo, Japan,
where he wi II begin a two year
sojourn teaching at the
University's Japanese sister
school, Seigakuin University.

Dr. Nishimura 's purpose
for teaching at Seigakuin has
many facets. Perhaps tiie one
that lies closest to the
professor's heart is the fact that
he studied there for several
years while he was living in
Tokyo and, having graduated
from both the middle school
and the high school on the
University's campus, consid-
ers it his alma mater. Another

strong tie to Seigakuin is the
academic exchange program
that Dr. Nishimura has re-

cently become very active in
trying to promote. The third
reason is that Nishimura ac-

cepted, in 1990, a two year
position in Tokyo in light of
see Nishimura page 3


Seigakuin University in Tokyo.

Image courtsey of Seigakuin Atlanta International School

Boorstin to speak at OU graduation

By Justin Hayes
Editorial Editor

Oglethorpe Uni-
versity's 1994 graduates will
have the privilege of hearing
one of America's greatest
thinkers deliver their com-
mencement message on May
14. Professor, author, and his-
torian Daniel J. Boorstin, will
receive an Honorary Doctor of
Letters from Oglethorpe. Dr.
Boorstin graduated from
Harvard College with highest
honors, and attended Oxford
as Rhodes scholar. At Oxford,
he received two degrees of law.
He received his doctorate from
Yale University in 1940.

Dr. Boorstin has
authored twenty books, and
has won the Bancroft Prize
(1959), the Francis Parkman
Prize (1966), the Pulitzer Prize
(1974), andthe National Book
Award (1989). He was ap-
pointed Librarian of Congress
in 1975 by President Gerald

Ford, and held the position
until 1987; he is now Librar-
ian Emeritus of the Library of
Congress. Dr. Brad Stone,
Professor of Sociology', sa>s of
Boorstin, "I think he is quite
simply America's greatest liv-
ing historian, and probably the
greatest historian of his gen-

What makes Boorstin so
distinguished is his ability to
focus not on a narrow histori-
cal issue or lime period, but,
instead, to write insightfully on
many different issues, from the
founding fathers to the effects
of the media on culture. In an
age of narrow specialization,
Boorstin has lamented the
death of die "amateur," who he
says in his work Hidden His-
tory, "pursues his enterprise
not for money, not to please the
crowd, not for professional
prestige or for assured promo-
tion . . . but because he loves
it." In this sense of the word,
Boorstin has been a true ama-

teur, writing, teaching, and
speaking for the love of learn-
ing and understanding. And
by doing so, Boorstin has be-
come highly honored, even
though such honors were not
the object of his intellectual

Boorstin also returns to
Atlanta after lus family moved
West in the early twentieth cen-
tury, when he was an infant.
According to Parade maga-
zine. Boorstin's father served
as "one of the attorneys for Leo
Frank, a Jewish factory owner
who was sentenced to death on
fabricated evidence for the
murder of a worker named
Mary Phagan." When
Georgia's governor at the time
reduced Frank's sentence from
death to life in prison, Frank
"was lynched by a mob near
Marietta on August 16,
1915." This incident com-
pelled his family to move to
Oklahoma. Now, at the age of
80, Boorstin returns to At-

lanta, the place of his birth, yet
a place which his family was
forced to leave due to religious

Boorstin returns to At-
lanta after a life of learning, of
teaching, and writing, a life
which has been filled with
some of the highest intellectual
honors in existence. He is an
exemplar of a time when learn-
ing and teaching were gifts, not
burdens, when amateurs, not
professionals nor bureaucrats,
were most highly esteemed.
And throughout his life, he has
wanted us not to seek calcu-
lated experiences which make
us more marketable, but in-
stead to choose a path of dis-
covery and enlightenment, a
path which he has followed for
80 years. When Dr. Boorstin
delivers his brief message on
May 14, we should all be lis-
tening. It is Oglethorpe's, and
Atlanta's, honor to have him
with us.

Page 2


February 28, 1994


Entertainment Editor

On Saturday, April
9, Security officers spotted a
man who had twice been de-
nied entrance at the gatehouse
walking towards Greek Row.
He had apparently parked his
car on Woodrow Way and
jumped the fence. The man
was stopped, questioned, and
escorted off campus.

- Also on Saturday, April
9, Security was summoned to
Greek Row as there was a fire
in the parking lot Surround-
ing the fire were various
people, none of whom admit-
ted to knowing the fire's ori-
gin. The Security officer put
out the fire with an extin-

- On Monday, April 1 1 ,
Security was called by yet an-
other victim of the obscene
phone caller problem that has
troubled the campus lately.
The student reported repeated
unnerving phone calls.

-On Thursday, April 14,
Security noticed that the SAE
lion had again been spray-
painted with various colors but
the perpetrator was nowhere to
be found.

- On Saturday, April 16,
a student reported thai his car
had been damaged by another
hit-and-run incident. Please
inform Security if you see any
traffic accidents, regardless of
the severity.

- Also on Saturday, April
16, four Traer residents re-
ported that a threatening ob-
scene message had been left on
their answering machine.

- On Sunday, April 17,
a student banned from the
dorm areas verbally assaulted
an Upper Quad resident assis-
tant when he was asked to

- On Wednesday, April
20, Security was called after
an altercation between a stu-
dent and a visitor to the cam-
pus escalated with both part ies
threatening to use violence.

A new future for the Bomb Shelter?

By Yoli Hernandez

Picture a place, in the

bottom level of the Student
Center, where one could sit
down in a booth and order
nachos and wings. This is a
place run by students that
would be open all day long and
into the night, possibly seven
days a week. Yet, it is not just
for those who want quick, in-
expensive food. One could go
shoot a game of pool on the
new billiard table, watch the
latest Braves game on the wide
screen TV equipped with
cable, or boogie on the dance
floor while the band is playing.
These are the visions senior
Kent McKay had in his mind
when he spoke to Dr. Bi II-
Schultz about improving the
Bomb Shelter. From then on
the idea of integrating the
Bomb Shelter as a program in
the business curriculum has

For quite some time
now, Dr. William Schultz, Dr.
Dean Tucker, Dr. Bruce
Hetherington, and Dr. William
Slraley have been listening to
students' comments about
how the Bomb Shelter has not
been fulfilling the needs of the
student body this semester.
Many of these professors have
spent class time with their
business students discussing
other alternatives to the present
management of the Bomb
Shelter. The result is a plan in
which the university would
buy the snack area and have it
run by students in a similar
method as the book store. The
details are obscure; as Dr.
Schultz put it, "the program is
still in its exploratory stages."
The idea behind it is to make
it a course in which the stu-
dents could earn credit. The
rough sketch of operation con-
sists of four or five students
who will make up the "top
management team." These
will be juniors and seniors who
are majoring in the business
field. Accountants would be
doing the books and market-
ing majors would be conduct-
ing studies of the students'

wants and needs. Sophomores
and other interested students
would take courses with one
hour lab components for
credit. They would be doing
the actual work in the Bomb
Shelter, hi the following years,
they would get promoted to the
management team. "I'm hop-
ing by a year from this com-
ing fall, we will have some-
thing in place where we could
attract students to be a part of
this program," anticipates Dr.
Schultz. The first group of stu-
dents who would run the
Bomb Shelter will have gone
through an application process
and selection by the faculty.
From then on the management
team will select the next four
or five who will replace them
the following year.

This project would also
involve remodeling the Bomb
Shelter and revamping its food
selection. Again these areas
are cloudy but the intention is
to start from scratch and allow
the students in charge to re-
decorate the facility. The food
offered will still remain quick
and simple. Dr. Schultz points
out that our school is too small
to have a chain such as Chick-
Fil-A come to run the Bomb
Shelter. However, connections
with Taco Mac have been pre-
sented. The expectation is to
buy equipment similar to
theirs in order to cook the sort
of food they offer. Yet, this is
not definite. The university
will be reaching out into the
community and utilizing any
connections possible.

Because the undertaking
of the Bomb Shelter is a recent
issue, many aspects have not
been confirmed. For example,
the question arises as to
whether the meal card will be
valid when purchasing food.
Will this be a place where stu-
dents would have to pull out
money from their own pock-
ets? Because the current food
service company is being paid
for their management of both
the cafeteria and the Bomb
Shelter, will their contract be
altered once their obligations
of the Bomb Shelter are re-
leased? Will Daka, or the cur-

rent food service under con-
tract at the time, look towards
this endeavor as a threat? Dr.
Schultz hopes not; he looks at
this with an optimistic view-
point. "Competition in the
business world is a good thing.
It will keep both [the separate
cafeteria and Bomb Shelter
managers] honest and both
will improve their services
over time."

Presently, the first step is
being pursued. Dr. Schultz
and the oilier motivated fac-
ulty are conducting "focus
groups" with the interested
students to gather their input.
However, the problem that has
arisen is that students like Kent
McKay, who have been pursu-
ing this project, are graduating
seniors. Current juniors and
underclassmen that express an
interest in this must be identi-
fied, for they will be the ones
who will eventually be the firet
experimentalists of the plan.
From this step the next one can
be taken of confronting the rest
of the administration and the

current food service. If things
go well, work may begin this

So far, the overall re-
sponse has been a good one.
It seems that people have rec-
ognized a deficiency in the
present quality of the Bomb
Shelter. Dr. Schultz specu-
lates, "the Bomb Shelter di-
verts too many resources from
their (Daka, the current food
service) central function of
taking care of the cafeteria So,
they haven't been paying as
much attention to it." This
problem has propelled a need
for change on this campus.
Because similar programs
have succeeded in many other
schools, there is a great expec-
tation that this project will be
prosperous here too. Senior
Tim Evans believes its success
depends on how it is run and
the attitude adopted of the
people who will run it. "As
long as they figure out who the
students are they are serving
and what they want, it can be
a very successful operation."

Field House
work has begun

By Helen Quinones

Construction has be-
gun! Long awaited plans to
expand the field house are fi-
nally reality. Beginning Satur-
day April 9 construction was
under way for the plan that will
double die size of the facilities.

These new gym facilities
are for recreational and intra-
mural purposes. The benefits
for the intercollegiate program
will be needed expansion of
office space for coaches. The
existing structure will remain,
and a new addition will be con-
structed on the Hermance
Drive side of campus. Work is
scheduled to be completed six
months from now in October.

According to Dr. John
Knon, who leads the expan-
sion, the new facilities will
double the size of the field
house, and to everyone's de-

light, add air conditioning to
the building. Aside from bas-
ketball and volleyball courts
the gym already has, the new
structure will include two
handball courts, dressing
rooms, a weight room, an
aerobics room, expanded of-
fice space for coaches, a train-
ing room, and a lobby.

The new addition will
not replace the old gym, which
will not be torn down; it will
just improve and expand the
existing one. New dressing
rooms should turn out to be an
enormous improvement from
the ones currently in use, and
now students can have access
to handball courts. The focus
is on encouraging recreational
and intramural activities on
campus, not just intercolle-
giate sports, giving students
one more tiling to do around

February 28, 1994


Page 3


continued from page 1

the fact that Seigakuin is cur-
rently trying to establish a
School of Humanities on their
campus. To accomplish this
goal, they have offered
Nishimura a position as the
head of their Philosophy de-
partment for the period that the
School is undergoing evalua-
tion for their academic accredi-

The prominence of the
exchange program is one of
Dr. Nishimura 's top priorities
before the end of the semester,
though. He recently held a
meeting that included Dr.
Lutz, head of the exchange
program, four interested stu-
dents, and the president of
Seigakuin. Technical aspects
of the exchange program, such
as room and board rates, trans-
ferability of credit for courses
taken at Seigakuin, and what
courses would be offered, were
all discussed. According to
Nishimura and Lutz, all of the
courses that exchang students
will participate in will be
taught in English. These

courses will probably include
Japanese Philosophy, Eastern
Religions, Japanese as a Sec-
ond Language, and several
Japanese and Asian history

Seigakuin also offers a
wide range of extracurricular
activities to exchange students.
Among the sports offered are
American football, baseball,
badminton, and the traditional
martial arts of judo and kendo
There is also a strong musical
program, supporting a chorus
and a handbell choir, as well
as jazz, folk, and formal danc-
ing. For people with other in-
terest, there is a climbingclub,
swim team, ski team, and a
traveling club that takes day
and weekend trips out from the

As for the room and
board arrangement, the most
feasible option appears to be a
host family. In this arrange-
ment, a student from
Oglethorpe would stay with a
Japanese family, usually with
children roughly the same age
as the student, and live as a

member of the family, like an
exchange student. The room
charge for tins %vould be mini-
mal compared to normal To-
kyo rates, roughly $550 a
month versus $300 a week,
and would allow the student
total immersion in typical
Japanese culture.

Another of the advan-
tages of the Seigakuin ex-

change is that all financial as-
pects of the program are
handled through Oglethorpe,
including transferral of all fi-
nancial aid excluding room
grants. This means that any-
one that can afford going to
Oglethorpe can handle the fi-
nancial responsibilities of this
exchange program.
The Stormy Petrel

would like to wish Seigakuin
University the best of luck in
it endeavours, and congratu-
late Dr. Ken Nishimura on al-
most thirty years of teaching
at Oglethorpe. We know that
you will be a valuable addi-
tion to Seigakuin's faculty, and
we are looking forward toyour
return in the Fall of 1996.

Has anyone seen this professor?
It Is none other than Dr. Ken Nishimura, head of the
Oglethorpe Philosophy Department, as his picture appeared
In the 1 972-73 Yamacraw. Photo courtesy of The Yamacraw

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Page 4


February 28, 1994

Student calls for the legalization of marijuana

By Kim Jones

It Is AprU 2, 1994,

Easter weekend What seemed
to be close to 13,000 people
looking out for their rights as
American citizens gather at
Piedmont Park for the fifth
annual Pot Festival.

Venders interested in the
cause and bands even more in-
terested get together to put on
a no-admission show. Bands
such as Michelle Malone,
HQH Posse, and the Grapes
were my favorites. Best of all
was the crowd. People inter-
ested in politics, interested in
their rights, and interested in
having a good time made up
this peaceful group of people.

Are you a smoker of
marijuana? Even if you are
not, do you believe marijuana
advocates should be impris-
oned, as is the case presently
in this country? There does
not seem to be much to say

these days on the subject, but
I have decided that it is an im-
portant issue that we should no
longer ignore. Apparently, as
can be seen by the festival,
there are many people inter-
ested in the cause and ready to
fight for their rights. If we
could just get some more of
our generation - the college
students of the 90s - con-

At Oglethorpe Univer-
sity there are fraternity parties
or mixers of some kind most
weekends. It is not unusual to
see people intoxicated, carry-
ing six-packs under their arms,
or holding a large thermos of
a mixed drink of some kind in
each hand. These are not only
our "adult" students, but many
who are under the legal drink-
ing age of 2 1.

This campus is small, so
we do not see many gang fights
about date rape every day, or
other kinds of craziness. These
things are very prominent at

other schools, however, and
something to worry about
most times when you plan to
go to events populated mostly
by intoxicated individuals.
People are just more aggres-
sive, more apt to want to ar-
gue, push people around, and

We hear about crimes
every day which involve drunk
drivers hitting and killing chil-
dren, older people, pedestrians.
We hear every day about
people who were depressed,
became intoxicated, angry at
their spouse/brother/parents
and shot them. People that go
on drunk rampages are not
uncommon to hear about on
the five o'clock news.

Now, my question: How
many cases have you heard of
that a person under the influ-
ence of marijuana has gotten
violent and tried to kill some-
one? How many cases have
you heard of that involve an
individual under the influence

Do people read the paper?

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

Does anyone read the

paper? Does anyone care?
These are thoughts I've had
from time to time over the past
four years while sitting down
at this word processor trying
to pound out yet another
ProFile. I'm happy to report
that this year I have found an
answer: yes, someone does
care. For the first three years
that I wrote for the Petrel, I just
sort of wandered into meetings
occasionally and took a story
off some relieved upper-
classman's hands. There is
only one word I can think of
to accurately describe not only
my involvement with the pa-
per, but the general operation
of the paper itself: inconsistent.
Editors came and went faster
than spring break disappears,
and we were sometimes lucky
to get out a few short issues a
year. Don't get me wrong; I'm
not blaming anyone (I have the
utmost respect for anyone who
actually tries to run this publi-

cation, my duties as feature
editor have been pretty much
confined to writing what I
want and showing up for meet-
ings), I'm just trying to point
out that getting people off their
butts to actually do something
and do it well around here is a
tough job.

Then something strange
happened. Ryan Queen, a
humble sophomore and trans-
fer student, accepted the cursed
job as Editor-in-Chief of The
Stormy Petrel. And he stayed
in the position - for the whole
rest of the year! We got to-
gether some staff writers and
editors, and lo and behold: the
writers wrote! The editors ed-'
ited! Meetings were held and
people came!

The Stormy Petrel has
leapt from a small, undepend-
able paper to usually over
twenty pages of actual news,
sports, editorials and entertain-
ment. We have become a for-
real, honest-to-God, active
Oglethorpe organization with
dedicated members. Anyone
who's been here a while will

tell you how rare those are.
What's been even better is that
it's been a lot of fun. We are
spending every penny of our
budget that we can and enjoy-
ing it immensely. The Petrel
office looks like a totally dif-
ferent place - everything from
neat computer junk that I don't
understand to a full-sized re-
frigerator and weekly pizza.

My point is this. Ryan
and lots of other dependable
people are already setting
things up for next year. The
student newspaper has grown
tremendously this year, and it
needs you, the students, to help
continue that trend. Of course,
we are always looking for a
few good writers, but even if
you dont write, we can always
use any suggestions you can
give us and your support. Be-
ing a part of the newspaper has
been one of the best things
about my senior year. I just
hope the students next year
don't take all the hard work
that's been done this year for
granted. And to next year's
staff: keep up the great job.

of marijuana to drive reck-
lessly killing innocent people?
How many people do you
know who actually smoke
marijuana and feel compelled
to drive, fight, or any such non-
sense? I would wager that it
is not many. Maybe I am mis-
informed. Maybe the people I
know are exceptions, but I
doubt it.

Something to think
about: alcohol and marijuana
are both drugs. They are each
bad for your health in some
respect. Where alcohol can
cause cirrhosis of the liver and
kidney failure, marijuana can
cause sterility. They both have
psychological downfalls from
depression and aggression
with alcohol to paranoia with
marijuana. How can such an
aggressive drug like alcohol,
however, be left as a choice to
be made by adu lis over the age
of 21, and a peaceful, mind-
opening drug like marijuana
be made completely illegal?
They both have downfalls for
the individuals who are par-
taking of the drug, but the so-
cietal side effects caused by al-
cohol are much greater than
those of marijuana. It does not
make any sense to me. If, how-
ever, the government tried to
outlaw alcohol, the country
would be in an uproar because
of the restriction of their rights.

Why do we not have an uproar
anyway? As far as I know,
marijuana, unlike some other,
harder drugs, has no proven
physical addictions whatso-
ever. (If I am wrong, some-
one let me know.)

One friend of mine had
a crazy idea, "Maybe Colum-
bia owes the United States a
lot of money. Since marijuana
is Columbia's chief staple
product, if it were made legal
in this country, Columbia
would not be able to make
very much money, and if they
owe money to our govern-
ment, they would never be able
to pay the owed amount." Al-
though this seems kind of zany,
maybe Thomas Bonis is onto
something. Does Columbia
owe our country any money?

Anyway, the prices of
marijuana would decrease sig-
nificantly if it were made le-
gal. Michelle Malone seemed
to think that the inexpensive
availability of marijuana may
solve bigger drug problems, by
eliminating them as the chosen
drug. When I asked her why
she played at the Pot Festival,
she replied, "I think people
should have a choice. It should
be made legal. I think it would
solve a lot of problems on the
street." Michelle Malone also
said that the festival was just a
lot of fun.

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February 28, 1994


Happiness: you decide

Page 5

The Storrnif


Business Manager:
Copy Editors:

Editorial Editor:
Entertainment Editors
Feature Editor:
Greek Editor:
News Editor:
Photography Editor:
Sports Editor:


Daryl Brooks
Sarah Buzzard
Tim Evans
Yolanda Hernandez
Maria Johnson ,
Christa Kreeger
Shannon Montgomery
Helen Quinones
Ahna Sagrera
Kim Wilkes

Academic Advisors:

Bill Brightman
Robert Drake

Ryan P. Queen

Brian Davis
Stephen Cooper
Heather Carlen
Justin Hayes
Will Mullis
Brandon Galloway
Jason Arikian
Chopper Johnson
Pat Mulhearn
Jason Thomas

Chris Brown
Felicia Christian
Lu Green
Helen Holifield
Kim Jones
Robert Miller
Kate Przylepa
Daniel Rosenthal
Pauline van Vliet
Christie Willard

Linda Bucki
Michael McClure

The Stormy Petrel is Oglethorpe University's
student newspaper. The comments and opin-
ions in the articles are the opinions of the writ-
ers and not those of the university. The Stormy
Petrel welcomes Letters to the Editor and other
articles anyone wishes to publish. The Stormy
Petrel holds weekly meetings, open to every-
one that is interested, on Tuesdays at 5:00pm
in the newspaper office in Emerson Student
Center. Please send all letters or articles to
The Stormy Petrel, 3000 Woodrow Way, Box
450, Atlanta, GA 30319, (phone #: (404) 364-
8425) or drop them off in the box on the news-
paper office door.

By Jeremy Erspamer
Special to The Stormy Petrel

At any given moment

in time this world we live on
can be heaven or hell. One day
you feel content and in com-
plete control The next day
your life could be flying off
into a great abyss. These feel-
ings that change so much are
brought on by changes or dis-
turbances around you, but the
actual feelings of happiness
and grief can only come from

I learned this the hard
way. The past year has thrown
new problems on me which
have caused feelings of anxi-
ety and helplessness to a de-
gree I have never experienced
before. It started with my fam-
ily moving to Cincinnati from
Memphis, my home for 13
years and where all my friends
live. We moved during the
summer after my senior year
in high school. I felt I missed
out on what could have been a
great time in Memphis. In
Cincinnati I did not know any-
one but my parents so I did
nothing but sulk and complain
about my situation. I felt de-
pressed because I perceived
myself to be helpless against
my situation. Meanwhile, my
parents were discovering new
friends and activities. I re-
sented them and blamed them
for my unhappiness. I left for
college scared of the academ-
ics, but looking forward to the
social life.

My first month of col-
lege life was nothing like I had
expected and hoped it would
be. The academics part was
going well but I felt totally
alienated and alone. Very few
people seemed to give a damn
about me at all. My room-
mates were nice, but we did not
seem to have much in com-
mon. I couldn't tum to my
parents for support because
there was still a gap in our re-
lationship left over from the
summer's events. I didn't
know what to do, so I fell even
further into depression's tight-
ening grip.

I began a desperate
search for something to hold
on to. The first thing I tried
was being a great academic
student, but I had never had
much interest in studying and
learning just for the sake of
grades. This attempt quickly
failed and had the reverse ef-
fect than what I had intended.
Instead of raising my grades
and giving me something to
cling to, my grades declined
and classes became yet another
source of aggravation. I quit
being myself and became an-
other person, one of the kinds
I had always despised.

I became the type of per-
son who doesn't laugh or smile
much. I started becoming in-
different to everything. "So?"
became a typical response to
anything said to me. I didn't
get out of my room much and
when I did I came back curs-
ing the fact I went out. Every-
thing in my life started becom-
ing a routine of helpless bore-
dom, regret of the changes in
my life and hatred of my im-
mediate situation. I knew I
probably needed to talk to
somebody, but I thought
sooner or later I would snap
out of this emotional hole.

On November 1, my
birthday and right in the
middle of my depression, I got
a birthday card from my par-
ents. The words were kind (as
was the check), but what
struck a chord inside me was
a quote from Caesar my mom
had put in the card. My mom
knew I liked to read quotes and
this was one I had never seen
before. The quote read, "Cow-
ards die many times during
their life, but the valiant tastes
of death but once." I think that
is what it said, but the impor-
tant thing is the meaning it had
forme. I took it to mean that I
must face problems valiantly.

For about the next week,
off and on, I thought about
what it means to face your
problems "valiandy." I finally
came to the conclusion that the
most valiant person I can be is
my true self. If I let my prob-
lems take over my way of life

and thought, I am running
away and thus being a coward.
If I become so resilient to my
problems that I fail to recog-
nize what I want, then that is
living under false pretenses.
My idea of a valiant person
does not do either. I decided
to bring back the energetic joy
and curiosity that made me so
happy and content in Mem-

This was not an easy
process; I had dug myself a
deep hole with my former ac-
tions. I first had to solidify in
my own mind that I would rec-
ognize sources of unhappiness,
but not let them change my
outlook on life and its activi-
ties. Then I would have to
convince other people that I
wasn't really the kind of per-
son I had been acting like.
From the moment I began to
again approach life in a cheer-
ful mental spirit, things started
getting better.

Nothing physically
changed; my parents were still
in a city where I knew nobody,
my friends back home were
still gradually leaving my life,
college academics became no
easier, and my roommates and
I still had little in common.
The only thing that had
changed was my mental out-
look on life and how I let
things affect me. Problems still
get me down every once in a
while, but I quickly overcome
them by attacking the problem
mentally. It is a skill I wished
I would have learned much

Life is a maze that we all
must go through. There is no
time for you to lay your prob-
lems on others or on situa-
tions, because they are usually
too busy or unable to solve
them for you. Besides, who
knows what you want better
than you. The only person
who can permanently fix your
problems is you. So as you
make your way through life,
remember, nothing is depend-
able but your own thoughts
and feelings. Make sure they
are taken care of.

Page 6


February 28, 1994

What to do when venturing out into the city

By Daniel Rosenthal

Often at dinner or

lunch I find myself discussing
Atlanta and its relative safety.
Relative, of course, compared
to other major cities or relative
to one's perspective. This lat-
ter subject has caused me to
write this editorial about go-
ing out into the city at night by
yourself. That is right: alone.
Many people, my parents
among them, think I am abso-
lutely insane, but I have never
had cause for fear in this city.
Whenever I raise this point,
many people male and female
alike state that it is because I
am a male and therefore less
likely to come to harm.
Whether or not that is true or
not is not the subject of this
article. I do not have statistics
available on the probability of
males surviving over females,

but my guess would be that we
are both equally at risk. I am
personally disgusted at the fact
that here in "the greatest coun-
try" on earth we are afraid to
travel in our own streets at
night. Maybe that is why I do
it, just to prove to myself that
I have the freedom that each
of us should enjoy. Enough of
the soapbox, here are some tips
on how I do it.

First, calculate how
much money you will need. If
you are unsure about cover
charges, call the place up.
Make sure you know exactly
where the place is; people on
the street can tell when you are
lost. This is when you get ap-
proached. Stay calm; they'll
ask you if you're lost and if
you are say so. They will tell
you how to get to where you
are going for money. I guess
what I am trying to say is,
never look lost or like a tour-

ist. It is very important to not
have too much money on you;
the homeless do exist. Also,
take MARTA. As much as I
hear people tell me that they
are scared to take MARTA
even with their friends, I again
feel that this is the safest way
to get around Atlanta. Late at
night there are more MARTA

If you are going out and
a homeless person, or any-
body, asks you for money, it
has been my experience to talk
to them. Some of you are
shuddering at the mere thought
of talking to them, but guess
what? They are human be-
ings. Yes, they will ask you
for money, and if you have
some, give it to them. If not
say so, and they will leave you
alone. I have never had one
follow me after an encounter
or threaten me. I honestly be-
lieve it is because I do not treat

Petrel's Open Line. . .

The Voice of a Generation

By Katie Fletcher

November 29, 1993 -

Nirvana at the Omni. The
rambunctious lead singer
stopped singing in the middle
of "Turnaround" to yell at
some stupid idiot who was
touching a girl's breasts. Ever
the feminist, he stopped the
guy from going further with
the girl he didn't even know.
Way to go, Kurt!!!

That was my image of
him, but the weekend of April
8 was a very strange one for
me. Not only did I spend most
of the weekend secluded in a
small room crying to myself
after I heard the news, but I
also started reconsidering my
image of the band. Kurt
Cobain was found dead of a
self-inflicted shotgun wound to
the head. I was devastated.

Kurt Cobain, the contro-
versial ring leader of the once
underground, now popular
Nirvana, was cited time and
time again as the voice of our
generation. Not only was he
the voice of a generation, he

was a genius. He wrote about
everyone's pain and happiness.
Whether you were a fan from
the very beginning or a new-
comer to the popular songs
played only on radio, or even
if you didn't know who in the
world Nirvana was, Kurt knew
about your problems, and he
wrote about them in hopes that
people would start understand-
ing each other.

It obviously didn't work
out the way he had planned. I
was a fan of the band before
their debut album Bleach hit
the music scene. I remember
listening to them and I hear all
the voices asking me, "Who is
Nirvana?" My only response
to them was that they would
know soon enough. And they
did. A few years after that first
album was released, the ever
popular Nevermind was re-
leased, and everyone around
the country and the world
turned into an instant grungie.
Not that there's anything
wrong with that, but the fame
and popularity must have been
too much for Kurt to handle.

He always said that the band's
goal was not to be popular, but
instead it was to send messages
to people - people like them,
people who hurt inside. This
overwhelming popularity
placed a tremendous responsi-
bility on the band. A lot of
people dreamed of living the
life of someone like Kurt, and
who can blame them? Kurt
had it all - money, intelligence,
personality, followers, and a
beautiful wife and daughter,
among other things.

My point is not to glam-
orize Kurt's suicide like all the
power hungry mass media
junkies will be doing; I don't
know why he did it, and no-
body else does. My point is
that even though we think that
suicide was a cop-out, Kurt
probably did what he thought
was right. He loved his fam-
ily, his friends, and especially
his fans. And even though I
for one am very hurt right now,
I know that he decided to pull
that trigger for a reason, and I
have no right to judge him. No
one is perfect, not even the
voice of a generation.

them as if they do not exist. I
am not trying to make myself
out to be some do-gooder, but
I am just giving some com-
mon-sense advice. Another
thing you can do if you want
to give them money and do not
want to have them spend it on
drugs or alcohol (no, not all
people asking for money are
going to spend it on those two
substances) take them to the
nearest IHOP or Waffle
House. Seriously, you may

discover something about life
in the process. Final advice to {
those of you who are sick of I
campus life and do not want
to go to a fraternity party and
your friends will not go out i
with you (which, by the way,
is the real reason I go out by ]
myself): do not flash money
or act like you even have
money. Do not wear excessive |
jewelry or fancy clothes, and
you will be just fine. After all,
that do not forget to have fun.

Class Capers is
one great way to
raise money

By Daniel Rosenthal

For once instead of

just asking questions and not
providing suggestions on how
to improve tilings, I have an
idea that everyone could do.
Class Capers. Simple, fun and
great way to raise money for
your class and a good bond-
ing experience for everyone.

OK, what is it? Simple:
every class comes up with a
topic and then puts on a play -
student written, directed, per-
formed, everything. Judges
from the community are gath-
ered to judge the perfor-
mances, but they alsojudge by
how many tickets each class
sold, and which class had the
best publicity (i .e. posters,
etc.). Then the play is per-
formed three nights and the
best overall class wins. Wins
what? Nothing but the knowl-
edge that they put on the best
play for that year (or semes-
ter, it does not matter). The
Greeks get tremendous pride
from winning Greek Week
(OK, maybe SAE cares, but
that is not the point), so why
can not the individual classes
feel the same way. Another
benefit is that it gives every-
one in the class a chance to
show off their abilities, from
marketing skills, to painting,
to dancing, to writing, to act-
ing, to lighting, to props; ev-

eryone who wants to contrib-
ute can. That is also a category
the judges decide on - total
participation. Finally, the fac-
ulty can get involved because
every class would have to have
a faculty advisor (yes, that was
how it was done in high school,
and silly, but I have a feeling
the faculty would not mind
being involved). They can not
write nor direct the play; they
just help get people a little or-

I am writing this article
because after seeing Greek
Week and "Total Abandon" it
reminded me of Class Caper
in high school. The rush of
being on stage or writing
something and seeing it work,
or working with you peers and
then winning is something that
I think could really bring this
campus together. Yes, it pits
class against class, but really
there is no hatred afterwards -
until next year. The fraterni-
ties and sororities survived
Greek Week, maybe even
closer than before because this
is the first year that everyone
has a house on campus, but it
brought each brother and sis-
ter closer together, and this will
bring classmates closer.
Maybe people campaigning
for O.S. A or executive coun-
cil should think about it. Let
us try to do something for ev-

February 28, 1994


Page 7

The "inside" scoop on Oglethorpe Security

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

Did you know that At-
lanta is the first city to have
received the FBI's declaration
as the absolute worst city for
crime (beating New York or
Los Angeles) for five straight
years? The university has
many distinctions that the pub-
lic relations department loves
to talk about An unpublicized
feature of the school is that it
is the only college or univer-
sity in the state of Georgia that
does not possess its own police
department. Oglethorpe,
which has some of the highest
tuition and room and board
rates in Georgia does not feel
compelled to provide a simi-
lar amount of protection for its
students, faculty, and staff.
Oglethorpe instead relies on a
security "force" consisting of
five full-time officers and ap-
proximately 20-23 part-time
student workers.

For the last two years I
haved worked for the
Oglethorpe Security depart-
ment I have also done an ex-
tensive amount of work for
several private security firms
around Atlanta. Let me begin
by saying that most of the fol-
lowing problems stem mainly
from under-budgeting.

First of all, the founda-

tion of any good security sys-
tem is a strong, criminal-deter-
ring outer perimeter. The
Oglethorpe outer perimeter
fence, which has five sides, is
an all but meaningless gesture
in terms of preventing unau-
thorized persons from coming
on campus. The problems
with the current fence are
these. On two sides, (those
facing Peachtree Road and
Lanier Drive), the fence only
consists of rapidly deteriorat-
ing iron bars. Any person with
normal agility can scale this
fence in seconds. On the other
three sides (those facing
Woodrow Way, Windsor Park-
way, and Hermance Drive)
which consist of a chain link
fence that varies from 5-6 feet
in height topped with very old
barbed wire, the situation is
hardly better. The low height
allows anyone of normal size
to casually reach up and cut
the barbed wire with wire cut-
ters, throw a rope ladder over,
or more simply, to just throw
a rubber mat over the wire, as
has been done before.

Another very obvious
problem is that the barbed wire
is turned in the wrong direc-
tion! Putting the barbed wire
facing in, concentration-camp
style, was not some idiotic,
never-corrected mistake. I was
told by an administration offi-

The Stormy Petrel

1994-1995 Editors


Ryan P. Queen

Assistant Editor:

Chopper Johnson

Business Manager:

Jason Thomas

Copy Editor:

Stephen Cooper

Editorial Editors:

Robert Miller

Shannon Montgomery

Entertainment Editor

: Heather Carlen

Feature Editors:

Maria Johnson

Kim Jones

Greek Editor:

Cole Maddox

Layout Editor:

Helen Quinones

Organization Editor:

Kimberly Wilkes

Photography Editor:

Pat Mulhearn

Sports Editor:

Daryl Brooks

cial that it was so designed to
reduce legal liability in case
someone injured himself while
attempting to climb over.
However, the present fence
discourages absolutely no one
from coming onto campus. For
example, a man who was a vic-
tim of an alleged attack in
March after a drug deal went
bad in the area behind the uni-
versity on Windsor Parkway.
Fleeing from his "attackers,"
he climbed the fence while
holding on to a bottle of liquor
in one hand and barely injured
himself. The problem is that
"amateur" criminals, whether
they be car thieves, burglars,
or vandals, have the potential
to commit more serious crimes
such as rape, murder, and ar-
son, regardless of their origi-
nal intentions. Criminals, "se-
rious," or "amateur," feeling
themselves to be in danger,
tend to act in an unpredictable,
and sometimes very violent

The next area of security
that must be improved is
strengthening the number of
full-time personnel. Presently
there are five full-time officers
(including Director of Security
Harold Johnson) who each
work forty hours per week, for
a total of 200. This constitutes
less than half of the 425 shift
hours that are worked each
week. The remaining 225
hours per week are done by
approximately 22 students.
These students usually receive
hasty training, yet they are
asked to assume more respon-
sibility than any other student
workers at Oglethorpe.

As for the fiill-time offic-
ers the university does have,
there are also problems. The
full-time officers (excluding
Chief Johnson) are compen-
sated with a below-average
salary, a small on-campus
apartment they are required to
live in, and the standard uni-
versity benefit package. The
very low salary engenders very
little loyalty in the full-time
officers. Instead, most per-
ceive the job as a stand-by un-
til something better is avail-
able. In 1993 three of the four

officers (75%) quit and were
replaced, and one of these po-
sitions became open twice in
six weeks. The positions must
be made more attractive to
those with previous experience
in security or law enforcement.
At present only one of the four
full-time officers (again ex-
cluding Chief Johnson) pos-
sessed any prior security expe-
rience before his hiring.

The final major problem
with Oglethorpe Security is the
lack of any formal training for
the full-time officers the school
presently employs. When of-
ficers are hired by nearly any
Atlanta private security firm,
they are almost always re-
quired to attend brief courses
on the laws of Georgia (crimi-
nal and traffic), arrest power,
effectively dealing with intoxi-
cated persons (believe me you
do a lot of that here), basic first
aid, nonviolent intervention
techniques, and so on. All of
these courses would undoubt-
edly be valuable to
Oglethorpe's full-time officers,
as all of the above skills are
needed at one time or another.

Instead, at Oglethorpe,
newly hired full-time Security
officers are taught how to open
and secure campus buildings,
given as much advice as pos-
sible from their "trainer," and
put to work immediately. It
seems contradictory that
Oglethorpe worries about li-
ability when it comes to the
barbed-wire fence but does not
consider it a legal risk to pro-
vide virtually no training for
Security officers. These
courses, which are readily
available from local police
departments and professional
trainers, are not overly expen-
sive. For instance, sending
someone to the state police
academy, as many universities
do, costs less than $700 per
person. However, because of
the above-mentioned full-time
officer retention problem, 1
have been told that Oglethorpe
considers it a waste of money
to invest in any of these
courses. It is very easy to see
how a vicious cycle is perpetu-
ated. Full-time officers are

hired at low salaries and given
virtually no training. Quickly
becoming disenchanted, they
soon leave, therefore justifying
not spending the training funds
on the next person to be hired.
This is perhaps the best ex-
ample of the deleterious effects
under-budgeting has on the
Security department. The
newly announced '94-'95
budget apparently has allo-
cated the funds to hire a sixth
full-time officer, and also to
add $4000 to the annual oper-
ating budget (total budget mi-
nus salaries). However, the
value of this is questionable
since the officer being hired is
a present employee and will
simply be making more money
for doing the same job. As for
the $4000, while it will allow
Security to buy some much-
needed better equipment
(truck, radios), it will not be
used to procure any training
for the new officer or the offic-
ers already on the job.

The one school official
who does deserve sincere com-
mendation for his efforts to
improve campus security is
Donald Moore, Dean of Com-
munity Life. I have heard sto-
ries that before his tenure be-
gan in the Fall of 1986, Secu-
rity consisted of a solitary per-
son driving around at night for
a few hours. However, I urge
the university and its execu-
tives (Dr. Knott, Dr. Stanton)
to take the next step now. They
should take an active approach
towards preventing future
problems rather than waiting
for a huge uproar from stu-
dents after violent crimes be-
gin happening again at
Oglethorpe, as they have in the
past. Yes, there have been as-
saults, rapes, armed robbery,
and even murder committed
on this campus. After all, there
are approximately 425 stu-
dents who live on campus.
Even if all those people only
paid the double room rate
($4200 per year), that
amounts to $1,785,000 paid
per year, just for room and
boardfees! It is simply not just
for Oglethorpe University to
reinvest so little to protect ev-

Page 8


February 28, 1994

By Brandon Galloway
Feature Editor

No final edition of this

year's paper would be com-
plete without a ProFile of
Brian Davis. If Oglethorpe
has a "big man on campus,"
Brian is it Davis is currently
president of the senior class,
business manager for The
Stormy Petrel, captain of the
basketball team, co-captain of
the track team, and a member
of Omicron Delta Kappa, the
"O" Club and the accounting
club. Brian, an accounting
major from nearby Marietta, is
graduating in May and has
accepted a job right here in
Atlanta with Price- Waterhouse
and will start in the falL Be-
fore he begins work, Brain
plans to travel to Europe this

For someone else with
such a busy senior year, pick-
ing the highlight might be dif-
ficult, but not for Briaa For
him it was definitely the bas-
ketball season and "having the
NCAA game here at the
school." Anybody who saw a
few games this year knows
about Brian and basketball.
Davis was named SCAC
player of the year, set a new
school record for scoring per-
centage and placed in the top
five in scoring in the history of
Oglethorpe basketball. He
was even asked to try out for
an overseas team; "They
wanted me to pay to try out,"
he says incredulously.

The face of Brian Davis
is one that will definitely be
missed around the Oglethorpe
campus next year. Thanks
Brian, for great O.S.A.
projects like "Stomp the
Lawn", for the many breath-
taking last-second basketball
games, and for your patience
with the Petrel's business.
Congratulations and good

Oglethorpe seniors' "Last Wills"

sound mind and body, do
hereby bequeath the following:
-To Jeremy and John: the Se-
curity truck and everything
that goes with it, extraordinary
salary, benefits, etc. Let the
Apocalypse begin!!! Also, a
little can of WD-40. Enjoy!

- To Pedro: one special woman
who will treat you like you

- To my lil' bro Homey: one
Oglethorpe degree, please pick
up before the Olympics!

- To Andi: a degree from any-
where, so you can get your dia-

- To Dunn: one Big Mac, since
I have a "girl" now, who won't
let me eat it.

- To my other lil' bro,
MandaPanda: one unused bi-
ography, original edition.

- To BSC: some fresh rolls of
film for the great events of '94-

- To Dr. Hetherington: New
York in the World Series soon.
Let's go Mets!!!

- To The Stormy Petrel staff: :

Domino's on Tuesdays and
free tickets to everything.

- To Ryan and Chopper: twin
beds, a shower, a Jacuzzi, and
a bullwhip (for staff meetings).

- To Kimberly: All of my love.
You are absolutely wonderful.

We always say good-
bye this time of the year, the
difference is thistime I'm leav-
ing. I don't mind leaving
things like the O.U. Cafe, the
speed bumps, and the lack of
parking, but in spite of these
tilings, the thought of leaving
makes me sad.

Oglethorpe has not only
given me gray hair and
wrinkles, it has given me my
closest friends. I want to say
good-bye to Tri Sigma and
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Other
good byes to my good friends
(yes Jean, this includes you).
By the way, what is in Dr.
Amerson's cup?

Jenny Adkins

Springfest review

By Feleica Christian

"It was great and I'm

glad I decided to come."

"The classes seem very

"Stomp the Lawn was
the best part of it."

"Total Abandon was so
intense and was performed
very well!"

These are some of the
comments I received from
the Springfesters that visited
our campus last week. All of
them arrived safely on cam-
pus and were given the oppor-
tunity to participate in the vari-
ous games and activities that
had been scheduled for them.
When I asked some of the up-
coming students about their
general impression of
Springfest and Oglethorpe, the
majority of them agreed that
it was a worthwhile investment
to undertake and a good way
to determine if they would at-
tend this school. Not only did

they have the benefit of partici-
pating in the fun and games,
they also got the chance to get
to know Oglethorpe and the
people who make it what it is

On the last day of
Springfest, the upcoming stu-
dents ended their session by
attending an activities fair,
signing up for roommates, and
pre-registering for classes.
Lots of good-bye hugs were
given to tlie Springfesters from
their hosts and vice versa. By
noon, everyone was starting
their journey home. Hope-
fully, these Springfesters will
become fellow Oglethorpians
in the near future. A lot of
preparation was made by tlie
admissions staff and tlie stu-
dent body in order to insure
these prospective students of a
good time and I would like to
personally congratulate them
on a job well done. I know the
Springfesters noticed and ap-
preciated tlie hard work that
was done for them.

As every Oglethorpe

student knows, life on this
campus is full of unreasonable
demands: digesting the O.U.
Dining Hall food, maintaining
our sanity while taking 5 tests
in a week, and driving 15
m.p.h. through campus, to
name a few. Now I am chal-
lenged to cover four wonder-
ful years in 100 words or less.
How can I possibly?! Some-
how I'll manage, I always do...
(or I'll try anyway concise is
not in my vocabulary.)

To my dear Sigma sis-
ters: I'm so glad that we're
sisters forever because I hate
to say good-bye. Thanks for
showing me a new meaning of
sisterhood. I love you all.

To my darling SAEs:
It's been an honor to be your
Little Sister these past four
years. I've had so much fun
with you guys! Y'all are the

To those others who've
been my classmates over tlie
years: thanks for passing notes
with me, having study sessions
with me, and giving me such a
hard time. I've loved every
minute of it.

To tlie World's Greatest
Faculty: You can breathe a big
sigh of relief I'm almost
gone. Thanks for making me
work, keeping me straight, and
giving me the benefit of the
doubt. I have the utmost re-
spect and admiration for you
and a great deal of affection as

"Thanks for tlie memo-

Rebecca Greene

WOW!!! It's almost
over four years down the
drain (well not really). Look-
ing over my career here I find
several things I look forward
to be leaving: 8:30 classes with
Professor Bohart, the wonder-
ful OU cafe, and, of course, my
personal favorite, the "Rumor
Mill". I do, however find my-
self a little sad to be leaving
my great roomie Heather (only
one more year buddy!), the
men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
(y'all are the best!), and fi-
nally, all of my wonderful sis-
ters in Sigma Sigma Sigma (I
wish all of you the best of
luck). Finally, my fellow
Sigma Seniors we are the
"Fab Four."

Heather Hosko

I, Jennifer Wyatt, being
of sound mind and (thanks to
Ahna and Kate) sound body,
do hereby bequeath the follow-

-To Sarah H. Amanda W.,
Maggie M., Kate K, and Jen-
nifer J.: my Interlibrary Loan
cards to GSU and Emory, and
Psych Lit - may it always give
you the information you need
-To Gloria J.: my database,
and the Division of Education:
Good Luck!

-To the next president of APO:
my keys, my gavel, and an
economy size bottle of aspirin:
you're going to need them!
-To Jamie W. : any ice cream
with my name on it in the Traer

-To Kimberly W: my place in
aerobics class.

The Stormy Petrel

staff would like to

wish everyone a

long and enjoyable

summer break

February 28, 1994


Page 9

The first year from a freshman's perspective

By Maria Johnson

The human brain has

many limitations. One of these
limitations is an inability to
grasp certain concepts. For
example, pondering ideas like
eternity, death, and the size of
the universe never results in a
definitive conclusion on what
the idea actually means.

Well, it's the end of an-
other school year, and time
once again to ponder over that
most ungraspable of
ungraspable concepts - the pas-
sage of time.

For me and all of the
other freshmen I talked to for
this article, the year has been
incredible. We've met more
new friends, had more adven-
tures, and grown up more this
year than any other year of our
lives. Oglethorpe fulfilled
most of our expectations, and
in some cases we got much
more than we expected. It
seems strange to think that our
freshman year is over, but it is!

College is a learning ex-
perience. The most memo-

rable lessons of this year, how-
ever, came outside of class. "I
learned that you can't always
get what you want - like an A,
a certain class, or a good
night's sleep," said Colleen
Grogan. An unidentified male
freshman said that he learned
the value of the following life
advice this year: "Drink.
Drink heavily." I personally
also learned a lot this year: ( 1 )
to always get explicit direc-
tions before I go somewhere
and (2) to always pay atten-
tion to radio announcements to
hear about how to get in
tapings of new videos (the In-
digo Girls in particular).

In-class experiences also
helped me along the path to
adulthood, except when I was
being distracted by the couple
flirting behind me in Wednes-
day afternoon Chemistry Lab.
Dr. Aufderheide taught me
that fear is the best motivation
to study, and Dr. Rosenthal
taught me that yes, science can
be fun sometimes. The main
tiling I learned this year, how-
ever, is to take advantage of
what's available - whether it be

great professors, a social event,
or a free afternoon.

Other Oglethorpe Fresh-
men also experienced very ex-
citing years: "Ah, the memo-
ries..." said Stephanie Giles,
"this year has definitely been
the soap opera of my life!
Watching the blue lights on the

runway, almost making it to
Masquerade Fetish night (but
not quite!), locked in Hearst
before Christmas, Denny's at
4 a.m., playing cards at Phipps
Plaza, the ledge at Silver
Spoon after the Chi Phi party,
forever dancing and falling

down stairs... man, I can't wait
to see what the adventure will
be next year!"

Christopher Wintrow,
another Oglethorpe freshman,
summed it all up, however,
when he said "It came. It
went. I had a good time."


"What did you think of the 1993-
1994 The Stormy Petrel?"

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

"It defintely improved this


Rhonda Walls
Continuing Ed. Staff

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"It did a good job of allowing
people to participate in mak-
ing their opinions known."
Dr. John Knott

Exec. Vice President

"It's been remarkably better
than last year, both in layout
and in quality of the articles."
David Bamhart


"I liked the new format, less
errors, and the diversity of the
opinions expressed."

Jenny Guerrero


"I think it's been remarkably
energized and carefully done.
I look forward to every issue."

Dean Anthony Caprio


"I loved the new format. Great


Chuck Wingo
Bookstore Manager

"This year's staff likes and re-
spects each other; they get
along and it shows!"

Kimberly Wilkes


Page 10


February 28, 1994

Growing up as an American while in Europe

By Christing Heslop
Special to The Stormy Petrel

For many, the thought

of growing up in another coun-
try can be scary. The thought
of having to leave behind
friends, relatives, familiar
sights, and the school you've
known all your life can be
frightening, especially when
you are only twelve years old
and in your mind everything
seems like it will last forever.
Well that's just what happened
to me in 1987. I moved to

When I left America, I
had no real concept of what it
would be like living in En-
gland, or how long we'd be
there. In fact, the first thing I
did when I arrived in England
was cry. It was an impact I
never felt before, as I think
most people haven't. Things
were so different from the start.
I had left California full of tall
skyscraper buildings and
fancy sports cars, wide roads
and lots of action. But here it
was old buildings, little minis,
tiny old winding roads, and die
only action was people walk-
ing along the streets into
nearby shops. In so many
ways, it was like leaving 1 987
in bustling, modernized Cali-
fornia, to arrive in damp, me-
dieval England.

The first thing my fam-
ily did when we arrived in En-
gland was buy a house in
Peterborough, twenty minutes
from RAF Alconbury, the mili-
tary base my father was work-
ing at. RAF Alconbury is fif-
teen minutes from Cambridge,
and an hour and thirty minutes
from London. My parents en-
rolled me in the American
school there, a school for chil-

dren in grades 7-12 of which
there were only 394 students
and teachers of all nationali-
ties and occupations.

The house we lived in
was very small, as are most
houses in England. To describe
the house I lived in is very
simple. One Traer suite was
the entire downstairs including
kitchen, dining room, living
room, hall, stairs and closet.
Upstairs we had three bed-
rooms and one bathroom. The
bedrooms were all smaller
than any Traer bedroom. In
fact, my bedroom was smaller
than the bedrooms in Upper
quad. It was the size of a tiny
bathroom, and I had to have a
special bed where there was a
top bunk and a desk and closet
on the bottom. No space for
anything else.

There were so many
things to get used to in that first
year. The Tele, which con-
sists of only four channels.
Listening to the English accent
whenever I turned on the tele-
vision, radio, or went shop-
ping, or walked my dog I also
had to get used to English pro-
grams and watching Uieir En-
glish games such as cricket
and snooker, instead of base-
ball or basketball. I had to get
used to English jokes and see-
ing the royal family or the
Prime Minister on TV instead
of the President. I had to get
used to the telephone system,
which side of the road I was
supposed to be on, and most
of all the language. I had to
get used to hearing words such
as "posh," "nicked."
"wicked," "luv," "tea,"
"smashing," and the use of
"garden" for yard, "carpark,"
for parking lot, "torcli," for
flashlight, "plaster," for Band-

Aid, and "fag," for cigarette.
The English weather was also
unique; for they say the En-
glish people have four seasons
in one day. What a change that
was from the constant hot, hu-
mid weather of California.

Living in a foreign coun-
try can be scary, leaving you
feeling isolated in so many
ways. Yet unless you take a
bold step to get out there, it
isn't going to come to you. I
was lucky; I had parents who
knew that and encouraged me
to get out there and experience
new things. They realized be-
fore I could that this was an
opportunity most children my
age never get the chance to

What made my experi-
ence in England much more
important to me, is that it oc-
curred during the formative
years of life. I was twelve
when I moved to England, and
eighteen when I left. I didn't
join the average high school
clubs that they have in
America, or spend my week-
ends cruising in a car around
the neighborhood, since the
law in England is that you
must be seventeen to get a
driver's license. I ended up
joining clubs that allowed me
totravel all over the world, and
hike and camp in places that
were perfect for picture post-
cards or adventure stories. I
was able to meet extraordinary
people and visit the places we
read about in our English
books. I was able to view
America as an outsider and see
how other countries reacted to
Americans. Mostly, though, I
got to grow up in England in a
way that life in California
would never have provided for

Today my family has re-

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tired in Huntingdon, England,
and the kids I grew up with are
in college or the military. I'll
never see the friends I made in
England again, and keeping in
touch is hard. They gave me
so much camaraderie and
strength. Even the teachers
were exceptional and encour-
aging and made my experience
one that I cherish very much.
People ask me all the
time, "Where are you from?"
I really dislike this question. I
was bom in America, lived in
Thailand for two years, moved
back to America again, and

lived six years in England. But
where does that make me
from? I'm not sure. The place
I've lived the longest? Or the
place I remember most? I
much prefer the question,
"Where do you consider
home?" In which case it
would be England. My house
is there, the memorabilia I've
collected over the years is
there, my dog is there, my
school is there, my family is
there, my happiest memories
are of there. But most of all
my heart is there, the one thing
that makes a place your home.

Why Oglethorpe?

By Pauline van Vliet

"Well, they offered

me a good scholarship."
"They say it's easy to get into
medical school from here."
These are the kind of answers
I get when I ask people why
they came to Oglethorpe.
People never tell me that they
are here because they really
like the school. When I listen
to students and when I observe
specific situations here, I'm in-
clined to conclude that
Oglethorpe is just a place you
go to learn something. You
don't come here to enjoy be-
ing in college. And yes, there
is a lot that keeps this place
from being perfect; living on
Schmidt third floor is not ex-
actly paradise, all gossip
makes at least five laps over
campus and 1100 students
can't make the things happen
that 50,000 students at other
colleges can. But, living here
for a year has made me love
this place and everything that
goes with it. Now I can see
how unique and wonderful this
close and light community is.
When you walk over
campus it is like you are in a
nice little village. People greet
each other and chat. Wherever
you are within **ie Oglethorpe
gates, you recognize the faces
you see. Of course this is ex-
actly what drives us crazy once
in a while. But since Atlanta
is not a little town there is al-
ways die possibility of getting
away for some time. I feel
more comfortable in a living

environment that is familiar
than in one so big that I don't
even know my home.

Not everybody may
agree with me, but I think that
Oglethorpe has a good mix of
people. Different races, nation-
alities, religions and beliefs are
represented here. Even though
most groups form clubs, indi-
viduals mingle and friendships
exist between everybody. Par-
ties by fraternities are open for
all and even though there are
always jokes back and forth, I
never saw any real hostility
between brothers from differ-
ent fraternities.

Oglethorpe is a small
school. No, we don't have
shuttles riding over campus,
we don't have a famous foot-
ball team and we don't have a
McDonalds on campus. But
the things we do have make up
for it. Hey, who wants Bull-
dogs if they have a basketball
team like ours anyway. Events
like homecoming weekend
and the Stomp the Lawn con-
cert were absolutely great. Af-
ter die changes that have been
made there's no place I would
rather go to eat than the caf-
eteria (well, let's not get too
excited). Do we need a bigger
school for sitting outside like
we do on sunny weekends?

Anyway, all I want to
say is that I think Oglethorpe
is a neat school. I have only
been here for a year but it
seems so much longer. Hope-
fully more people will see the
sunny side of Oglethorpe Vil-
lage. For now, farewell and see
you around campus!!

February 28, 1994


Page 11

OU alum recalls adjusting to Japanese life

By Patrick Gray
Oglethorpe alumnus

Before I came to Ja-
pan, I knew only five phrases
in the language: "Good morn-
ing," "Good-bye," "Thank
you," "I'm hungry," and "Ev-
ery rose has its thorn." Shortly
after arriving in Tokyo I
learned another phrase, from
a friend currently studying at
Oglethorpe University. "Go ni
iile-wa go ni shitagac," while
not a direct translation, is the
Japanese equivalent of "when
in Rome, do as the Romans
do." Of all the practiced prov-
erbs I would drop in conver-
sations with Japanese, this one
never fa iled to gamer me heaps
of praise for my linguistic
abilities. Particularly when
uttered as a response to a com-
pliment on my aptitude with
chopsticks, "When in Rome"
was cited as virtual proof that
I had become fluent when, ac-
tually, nothing could have
been further from the truth.

I 'm still not certain what
accounts for such reactions to
a phrase any mina bird could
learn to recite. Perhaps the ex-
cess praise is simply an ex-
ample of polite Oriental hyper-
bole. Or perhaps in language
learning, as in comedy, timing
is everything and mine is such
that I somehow appear to be
so immersed in Japanese that
it is all I can do to keep from
unconsciously declaring the
wisdom of the ancients in the
form of Eastern proverbs ev-
ery time I open my mouth. At
times I entertain the suspicion
that my Japanese friends are
smiling on my recognition of
Japan's efforts in internation-
alization, of which "When in
Rome" is one vernacular ex-

But it is just imagina-
tion? Internationalization is
the craze mat's sweeping the
nation. In Japan you can't
swing a dead cat without hit-
ting a celebrity, a school, or an
institution that endorses inter-
nationalization as what we
need most today. In fact, the
story of Japan over the last
century and a half, since Com-

modore Perry and the U.S.
navy forced open Japan in
1853, consists of attempts at,
and reactions to, internation-
alization. After 250 years of
self-imposed isolation, Japan
was lagging industrially and
saw the need to adapt Western
technology in order to avoid
the fate of other Asian nations
that had come into contact
with the West. The ensuing
break-neck race towards mod-
ernization left no part of Japa-
nese society untouched. The
backlash contributed to the
rise of the nationalist- fascist
dictatorship that led Japan into
its military hijinks in Asia and
its ill-advised attack on Pearl

Even with all the talk of
internationalization, most
Japanese are not terribly sur-
prised or offended when for-
eigners come to Japan and
don't try to conform to local
customs. Neitlier are Japanese
renowned for "going native"
while abroad. But it is not my
intent to criticize how people
spend their vacations or go
about surviving in a foreign

Nevertheless, the behav-
ior cited above on both sides
of the Pacific strikes me as
curious. Going abroad one of-
ten expects to "broaden one's
horizons," to get a firsthand
look at a way of living and
thinking considerably different
from one's own. The currency
of internationalization would
seem to suggest not only for-
eigners being anxious to live
in accordance with local cus-
toms, but also more than a
measure of consternation on
the part of the "hosts" whose
culture is so quickly pigeon-
holed. However, this is the ex-
ception rather than the rule.

Internationalization, as
currently conceived in the
West, is dedicated to the propo-
sition that all cultures are cre-
ated equal and equally arbi-
trarily. Interestingly, one of the
factors contributing to the in-
creased emphasis on interna-
tionalization was the reaction
in the West to ethnocentrism.
The condemnation of ethno-

centrism was in response to
real injustices in Western civi-
lization racism, religious hy-
pocrisy, exploitation and the
like. But overcoming ethno-
centric thinking is only the first
step in a journey of a thousand
miles, to paraphrase a message
I once found in a fortune
cookie. The study of different
cultures, one avenue of inter-
nationalization, gives access to
a variety of different ways t)f
seeing the world. Yet as long
as the view of cultures as arbi-
trary phenomena holds, the
basis for such investigation
vanishes into thin air. Given
this approach to international-
ization. Uie experience I men-
tioned above of strangers in a
strange land remaining as such
with little protest from the na-
tives is not mysterious. If no
principles, no questions tran-
scend culture, everyone is sim-
ply following tiie argument to
its logically valid conclusion:
it doesn't matter. I only need
to study or conform to the cul-
ture as far as it is interesting
or useful to me.

Modem transportation
and telecommunications have
effectively annihilated the no-
tions of space and spacious-
ness. It really is a small world
after all. But while the same
forces seem to have brought
tile peoples of the world closer
and to have eliminated much
cross-cultural difference, real
discrepancies between the East
and West still remain. Trying
to ignore such differences in
the name of "openness" is an
injustice to any culture, each
of which begs consideration in
its entirety. As Allen Bloom
writes in The Closing of the
American Mind. "Practically
all that young Americans have
today is an insubstantial
awareness that there are many
cultures, accompanied by a
saccharine moral drawn from
that awareness: We should all
get along. "(35)

In the course of examin-
ing a foreign culture it is in-
evitable that differences will
emerge. The standard way of
accounting for such diver-
gence is to refer to the fact of
its appearance in a foreign cul-

ture. This is all well and good
but it does no more than bela-
bor the obvious. We are no
closer to understanding why
the Japanese family differs
from the American family than
at the beginning. Our identifi-
cation of any two cultures as
distinct is based in large part
on the existence of these dif-
ferences. That customs are
purely arbitrary and that opin-
ions are formulated and held
forno reason is not only an un-
founded and illogical premise
that discourages meaningful
investigation, it is also an in-
sult. Nevertheless, this is the
approach proposed by cultural

Thus education and phi-
losophy have become the
handmaids of internationaliza-
tion, which is unfortunate con-
sidering how vaguely con-
ceived it is at present. Interna-
tionalization is now the over-
riding aim of progressive
circles but no one asks to what
end it is being pursued. If one
does ask, the reply is that the
great diversity we become
aware of through "internation-
alizing" proves that truth is
relative to culture. The result
is a kind of cultural hit parade,
complete with flying carpets,
exotic recipes, and quaint Ori-
ental dances, rather than a true
atmosphere of robust inquiry.
I was witness to a more harm-
less case of this when a girl to
whom I was teaching English
thought that the word ethnic
was an adjective referring only
to hot and spicy cuisine.

The inability to deal sub-
stantively with international
issues can be seen in our re-
sponse to more serious cultural
differences - the institutional-
ization of suttee, or widow-
burning, in India and slavery
in the United States until well
into the 1 9th century, the per-
secution of Japanese Chris-
tians in the 1 7th century, eth-
nic cleansing today in the
former Yugoslavia, to cite a
few examples. Condemnation
of such atrocities by an out-
sider is taboo as long as inter-
nationalization proceeds along
relativistic lines. In this inter-
national age, such problematic

issues are like the drunk busi-
nessmen on a Tokyo subway
train or the homeless to be
found in most major American
cities: maybe if we ignore them
long enough they will go away.

If the recent Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation con-
ference is any indication,
America is realizing more and
more the importance of its ties
with the East. Most likely this
will be accompanied by in-
creased interest in non-eco-
nomic aspects of the East as
well. For some time Zen Bud-
dhism has enjoyed consider-
able popularity in America
and though not indigenous to
Japan, it is more closely iden-
tified with Japan than with any
other country. One of the cen-
tral tenets of Zen is that no
meaningful truths can be ar-
rived at through rational
means. In order to break free
from the chains of reason and
"turn back to the roots of con-
sciousness," the novice is sub-
jected to sudden shrieks or
strikes to the shoulders and is
required to meditate on riddles
like "What is the sound of one
hand clapping?" While this
may work for attaining en-
lightenment, it is not a very
helpful model for international
understanding, and no one se-
riously insists that it is. Un-
derstanding and consensus are
difficult enough as it is, and
impossible if there is nothing
to agree upon. Positive inter-
nationalization requires dis-
cerning students of culture and
cultural difference who are not
so quick to throw out the baby
with the bathwater.

This is not a call for po-
litical, economic, or intellec-
tual isolation. Isolation is as
undesirable as contact with
foreign cultures is unavoid-
able. Going abroad allows one
to experience a different way
of doing things but it also pro-
vides the opportunity to re-
think one's own way of doing
things. Rethinking involves
neither the thoughtless return
to or rejection of the old, nor
the blind, indiscriminate ac-
ceptance of the new. Either
course is a bad omen for inter-
national understanding

Page 12

February 28, 1994


Resident Hall Association hosts Spring Party

By Kimberly Wilkes

The Resident Hall As-
sociation is having its Spring
Party on Friday, April 29 from
3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. with
dinner provided by the dining
hall outside. The theme is
"Egyptian Excitement" and is
going to feature a lot of zany
games. Some of the events in-
clude: Human Pyramid con-
test, Cleopatra look-a-like con-
test, Win-Lose-or-Draw Hi-
eroglyphics, Camel races,
Belly-dances, Camel Spitting,
Staring like a Sphinx contest,
Walk like an Egyptian Con-
test, Mummification Volley-
ball, and an Artifact Hunt.
The residence halls will be on
different teams, competing
against each other in these
events. Hope to see you there.

We've had a good year
in RH A this year. We've done
a lot of different things, includ-
ing some new ideas and we
resurrected some old ideas as


well. To bring back all those
old memories, I thought that
we would do a brief Semester-
in-Review (I can't remember
back to the fall semester, too
long ago!).

At the beginning of this
semester, we had our "Back to
School" party in the Bomb
Shelter to help get us back into
the college, studying kind of
mood (like we have ever been
in a studying frame of mind!).
We also had a Dining Hall
Appreciation day when we
gave all of the dining hall
workers name buttons,
Oglethorpe cups with their
names on them and candy in-
side of the cups. All the din-
ing hall staff seemed to enjoy

RHA conducted the visi-
tation survey to find out how
the residents felt about this
policy. All of the results are
still not in (in fact, I'm one of
the worst about having to get
mine done still) so we don't
know the outcome yet. RHA

and the Housing Office will
keep you posted on this.

We had a movie night in
the library and watched one of
our favorites, "The Little Mer-
maid." Hopefully next year
we will be able to do movie
nights on a regular basis in the
Bomb Shelter, assuming that
there is some interest in doing

In case you didn't know,
the birthday cakes and bal-
loons that get delivered to your
room on your birthday are
done by RHA in conjunction
with your parents. This is a big
project, but a fun, and reward-
ing one. We also offered
"Phantom of the Opera" tick-
ets to Oglethorpe students at
the group rate for next Octo-
ber. Hopefully, the "music of
the night" will stay with us for
a long time to come. Another
bit of culture: RHA took a trip
to the High Museum on a
Thursday (when it is afford-
able to college students, free!)
for a high-classed afternoon.

By Kimberly Wilkes

The school year Is

over! Well, it's not quite over,
we still have finals and all, and
when you're in a perpetual
spring break mind frame, like
I am, it seems like it is never
going to end. But Alpha Phi
Omega still has a lot of stuff
going on.

Last Saturday was a lot
of fun with three service
projects going on simulta-
neously. We helped Lucy
MacGregor and Task Force
for the Homeless with their
Family Fun Day. We also par-
ticipated in OSA's Service Day
(don't you love those early
morning projects!), cleaning
up our campus And lastly, we
did our continual project with
Grady Hospital's Hugh
Spalding Children's Hospital.
This is our third time for this
project this year, and I think it
is safe to say that the children
enjoy our visits just as much
as we do. We also brought

those handmade Get Well
cards to Hugh Spalding,
Egleston, and Scottish Rite

We also participated in
OSA's Garbage Olympics, a
great project because it in-
volved the whole campus,
went to a good cause, and was
fun as well. Thanks a lot OS A.
especially Merryl Feld, Kelly
Holland, and Hope LeBeau,
the organizers of it. Keep up
the good work!

We just had another suc-
cessful blood drive, with this
year (all three drives) being
our best ever! Thanks to all
on campus (and those who
make a special trip to give) for
your continued support of the
Blood collecting efforts in our
community. For the size of
Oglethorpe, we have one of the
best donor ratios in the area,
somewhere around 20% (I
think). Congratulations to you
all for your civic-mindedness.

Lastly, Alpha Phi
Omega is looking forward to
the future. We will have new

officers for next year after our
voting on May 1 , and we have
perhaps our first mixer ever.
On April 29th, we have a
mixer with Kappa Alpha.
Hopefully, this will be the first
(mixer) of many. Can't wait
to mix with you Beta Nus

And for all of the out-
doors-type brothers, on April
30th, we have a white water
rafting trip on the Nantahala
planned. Those of you who
don't like getting taken down-
stream by the current in a river
(Jack's River, for instance),
may have second thoughts
about going, but for the rest of
you, it should prove to be a
great day!

Good luck on finals ev-
eryone, and have a nice sum-
mer. Don't forget, service
doesn't have to stop with the
beginning of the summer.
Also, don't forget the summer
conference in August, perhaps
someone from Mu Mu will go
this year since after all, we host
it every year! Until next year...

Lastly this year, RHA
along with the RAs hosted the
Tie-Dye party that was held
April22. (For once, the funky
colors on our clothes was not
due to the Oglethorpe washing

Hope everyone else had
a good year (or semester, de-
pending on how far back your
memory goes!), and that you
have a safe, fun, unstressful,
relaxing summer vacation.
See you in the fall!

Healthy checkup
for Pre-Medical

By Susan Shirley

Attention all Goslin

Geeks! If you have had a
spare moment this semester to
put down those dissecting kits,
organic books and Quant lab
manuals, then you might have
noticed the flyers posted
around campus for the Pre-
Medical Association. Our of-
ficers for this semester are
President Leia Inzerello, Vice
President Jennifer Dattolo, and
Secretary/Treasurer Susan
Shirley. The advisor is Dr.
Daniel Schadler.

We have been very busy
this semester. Speakers forthe
meetings included John D.
Schriner from the Ohio Col-

lege of Podiatric Medicine and
Oglethorpe's own Dr. Martha
Rosenthal. Our annual ban-
quet was held on April 16.
There were three speakers that
evening: a genetic counselor,
a urologist, and a physician's
assistant. The selection of
speakers was designed to be
representative of other options
in health care fields besides
becoming a doctor.

On April 19, Dr. Roger
Comeau, the Dean of Admis-
sions for Mercer Medical
School, came and spoke to stu-
dents considering medicine as
a career. It was an informa-
tive time with positive results.

Well, until next year,
have a nice summer!

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February 28, 1994

Page 13




By Jason Reese
Chi Phi

As the end of school
draws near, there's a whole lot
goin' on in the world of Chi
Phi. First and foremost, con-
gratulations to Ryan P. Queen
and Matt Thompson who re-
cently pledged Chi Phi, and are
most welcome as new addi-
tions to the fraternity. Another
kudos to Ryan who walked
away with the Donald C.
Agnew Award for Distin-
guished Service to the students
of Oglethorpe University at the
Awards Night Ceremony on
April 1 8. And to end our list,
we would like to wish the sis-
ters of Chi Omega and
Tri-Sigma a happy national
founder's day for April 5th and
20th, respectively.

As you all know, our

annual Blackout Party was on
Friday April 22. Hope that
everyone came out of it in one
piece. After various hangovers
are dealt with, we will be gear-
ing up for our 25th Anniver-
sary on the weekend of April

Chi Phi also went out of
control and elected new offic-
ers for the upcoming fall se-
mester. We elected Mike
Rowe as President, Reed
Horsley as Vice-President,
Brandon Smith as Treasurer,
Jason Reese as Secretary,
Kevin Huitt as House Man-
ager, and Dave Sanders as His-

Now that all has been
said and done, make sure that
every waking moment of your
existence is spent studying for
those exams (yeah, right!). A
Big Ol' Bye From Chi Phi!


By Bridget Cecchini
Sigma Sigma Sigma

Greetings from Tri-
Sigma! Well, considering all
that we have been doing, the
finals coming up are the last
thing on our mind. Greek
Week was a blast and we en-
joyed working with Chi-
Omega even if no one had a
schedule until the week of.
Thanks to 1FC for including us
this year and we hope to be
even more involved in the fu
ture. Besides being

Panhellenic in Greek Week,
we also participated in an Edu-
cation/Rush program. Thanks
to Diana, Carrie, and Stacey
for making it informative and
fun as well as feeding us junk


Saturday, April 16 was
exciting with Founder's Day
and Sigma Formal. First
Founder's Day provided the
opportunity to celebrate our
origins and interact with alum-
nae. It is wonderful to talk
with Tri-Sigmas, old and new.
Our annual Pearls, Girls, and
Memories was held at the
Hyatt Downtown thanks to the
magnificent Heather Hosko.
Dinner with everyone was ter-
rific and Sophana's big sister
revelation was exciting. The
seniors' surprise was quite
amusing and a good time was
had by all. Well, until we have
another Sigma news update,
don't be a card.

By Ahna Sagera
Chi Omega

The Chi-Omega

house has been condemned.
The girls will not have a house
for another two years! There
was a foot of water in the base-
ment. All of the furniture is
ruined! The Greek Village
will not have water for five
days. If you heard some or all
of these rumors, you are not
alone. I am in Chi-Omega and
I heard and believed these sto-

Well, it is time to put
some of these OU.-generated
rumors to rest. I spoke with
Julie Franek, who lives in the
house, and this is what really
happened. On the evening of
the twelfth of April, water
started seeping in the down-
stairs of the house from the
walls in the direction of the
center of the room. The girls
called maintenance twice be-
fore they showed up. They
informed the girls that part of
the foundation had sunk about
a foot. The main water pipe
that runs under the Chi-Omega
house had burst and that was
the cause of part of the dirt
under the foundation being
washed away. Maintenance
had to shut off the water for the
Greek Village so they could
repair the pipe. Amazingly
enough, the water was turned

Thanks to all the

Greeks for their

support on the

Greek Page this

year. It will be

back next fall!

on the next day at around 4:00
P.M. instead of four days later
as the original estimate de-

As for permanent dam-
ages, only one old sofa was
ruined and the carpet will have
to be cleaned or possibly re-
placed. There probably would
have been more damages if the
other fraternities and sororities
had not come to the rescue.
One of the girls called all of
the other houses to let them
know that they would not ha ve
any water. (For anyone who
says that Greeks do not get
along, this part is for you.)
People from every house in the
Village came over to help the
Chi-Omegas without even be-
ing asked! Bricks, towels, and
a powerful vacuum were
brought over as well as many
helping hands. A big thank
you to all those who helped!

As for what will happen
to the house, who knows?
Maybe Oglethorpe will feel
bad about the entire incident
and build us a mansion where
we can all live. Or, maybe
they will buy us a new house
and give MufFin decorating
rights. But, something tells me
that they will probably just fix
our house when they get
around to it. Have a great
summer and we'll see you next


By Jason Thomas
Delta Sigma Phi

Finally, I'm writing

the last article for the newspa-
per this year. School is almost
out. The seniors are about to
graduate, but we still can't get
rid of Bobby and Tom. Ath-
letics are pretty much over for
most sports. .Chuck got to bat

Even Intramurals are almost
over. The formal actually
happened. ..Pops and

Pumpkinhead were really

Nothing extremely in-

tense or exciting is about to
happen. We have one party
left, and we hope everyone
comes out for it.. .By invitation
only, of course... whatever!

We would like to con-
gratulate our new officers who
were recently elected to office
on April 17, 1994. Amaz-
ingly, the mud slinging and
blood stayed at a low level.
Well, here they are: President

- Zach Butler, Vice President -
Alan Gibson, Treasurer - Beau
Lyons, Secretary - Chance
Nevitt, and Sergeant At Arms

- Wade Wilson. Congratula-


By Cole Maddox
Temporary Greek Editor

In the old house where

I lived the roof leaked, the
pipes leaked, and we had some
major electrical problems.
One night while going up to
my room in the old house, the
light switch fell oflfand started
to catch fire. Then, out of no
where, the school comes up to
us with this great offer, NEW
HOUSES! This was abso-
lutely unbelievable! No more
leaky roofs! No more leaky
pipes! No more electrical
problems! So, myself and
some of my other brothers
move in with my parents while
our houses are being finished.
We waited and we waited and
then finally they said we could
move in. From the minute we
moved in, I realized that I did
not like the new houses. I was
so used to having all of the
usual problems at the old
house, that living in a new
house felt very strange to me.
I missed my old home.

The whole house
smelled new. I was afraid to
touch anything for fear that
something would break. Well,
as 1 found out, if you do touch
something in these houses it
has a good chance of breaking.
First, one of the sinks broke,
followed by all of the outside
lights breaking. Then, the
water main breaks. The school
fixes it only to have it break
again. So the school fixes the
break, and, sure enough, it
happens again. However, this
time the water main broke next
to the Chi-O house and
flooded their entire downstairs.
Luckily, with help of their
neighbors, the Chi-O's were
able to save everything. But
wait, it gets worse.

One of the brothers in
my house went to turn on his
light, and the light bulb ex-
ploded sending shards of glass
throughout the room. When I
heard this, I thought to myself,
"all home sweet home."

Page 14

February 28, 1994


By Christa Kreeger

From the previews,

the new Tri-Star Pictures
movie, "Threesome," appears
to be a hip commentary on col-
lege life, growing up, and
growing into sexual identities.
But the key word here is "un-
realistic." If you were planning
to see this film in order to make
shocking discovery about the
nature of human sexuality,
don't. If you are looking to be
moderately entertained with a
funny story about three college
kids, okay.

I'm not saying that
"Threesome" is a bad movie.
In fact, I rather enjoyed watch-
ing it. I just don "I think that it
achieves the goal it was striv-
ing for. If you have yet to hear,
the story is basically about a
girl named Alex (Lara Flynn
Boyle) who gets stuck in a
dorm with two other guys due
to her mistakenly masculine
name. Alex totally falls for one
guy, while the other guy
(Stephen Baldwin) falls for
her. To complicate matters
even more, the guy that Alex
falls for is gay (Josh Charles),
and has become infatuated
with his other male roommate.
The three eventually realize
this situation, and make a pact
that they all must remain best
of friends and nothing else.
(Yeah right.)

While "Threesome"
skims the surface of these dif-
ficulties of life, it fails to de-
liver the powerful emotional
punch that should leave the
audience feeling just as they

The ending of the movie
was also a weak melodrama
that left me feeling absolutely
nothing. But I must give this
movie credit for making me
laugh. While "Threesome" did
not bore me, it did not move
me either. It was just simply a
good way to pass a couple of
hours and escape from what
college is really like.


Five Guys Named Moe" at the Fox

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

The American Ex-
press Atlanta Broadway Series
presented tlie hit musical,
"Five Guys Named Moe"
from April 12th through the
17th at the Fox Theatre. Un-
fortunately, by the time this
issue is in your hands, the
show will already have de-
parted. However, when it re-
turns, be sure to see it, as this
song and dance celebration,
featuring the music of 1 940 's
jazz great Louis Jordan, was
simply sensational. For those
who don't know the name,
Louis Jordan was a pivotal fig-
ure in the development of
rhythm and blues. He holds
the all-time record for Top 10
R&B hits (55) and R&B
Number l's(18). Among
those profoundly influenced
by Jordan's "jump blues" were
Chuck Berry, B.B. King, and
Fats Domino. "Five Guys
Named Moe," produced by
Cameron Mackintosh (Les
Miserables. Miss Saigon) ,

way at the Eugene O'Neill
Theatre in April of 1992. It
was later nominated for a Tony
Award that year for Best Mu-

In the show, a cast of six
male singer/dancers romp
through such well-known Jor-
dan songs as "Let the Good

Moe, and Little Moe, and their
romantic advice, told through
song, to Nomax (Kirk Taylor),
who is lonely and drinking
heavily after losing his best
girl. Stubbornly macho and
resentful at first, Nomax
gradually comes to appreciate
the unsolicited advice given to
















?> >i "










The excitement of "Five Guys

Times Roll," "Caldonia," "Is
You Or Is You Ain't Ma'
Baby," just to name a few. The
musical's plot centers around
the five Moes, Eat Moe , Big

Named Moe." Photo by Jay

him by the free-wheeling
Moes. All of the Moes and
Taylor are wonderful in both
song and dance, a tribute to
director and choreographer

constant energy and excite-
ment from all five Moes, the
sharp cast never missed a beat.
Also encouraging audience
participation, the Moes were
dashing around all sections,
including the balcony, asking
people to sing and dance. A
conga line that encompassed
most of the people
seated in the lower
seating level of the
Fox was formed as
part of the calypso
finale "Push Ka Pi
Shi Pie" ending the
first act. Returning
for the second act,
the Moes werejust
as vigorous, mak-
ing the night a
memorable one for
all in attendance.

This produc-
tion has received
rave reviews wher-
Thompson ever it has played

Fortunately, shows as well re-
ceived as tliis one usually re-
turn to Atlanta within a year
or two, so you can look for-
ward to seeing the fantastic

Moe, Four-Eyed Moe, No Charles Augins. Requiring "Five Guys Named Moe.'

originally opened on Broad-

Crowded House doesn't disappoint

By Heather Carlen
Co-Copy Editor

Crowded House's

April 14 appearance at the
Roxy was a show that every-
one should have seen. Sheryl
Crow opened up for the band
with music that ranged from
bluesy to enthusiastic rock,
reminiscent of Bonnie Raitt's
recent efforts. However good
Crow was on stage, she
summed it up well when she
told the audience that
Crowded House, "the band
you're all here to see," would
be next. "You're all in for a
treat," she said as she began
her last song.

And we were. Made
restless by the delay between
performers, the crowd erupted
when the band came on stage
at last. Crowded House began
with several songs off their
new album, Together Alone.
and moved into a few songs
from their three earlier albums.

As the band played, they be-
gan to grow more relaxed and
tlie audience began to get more
into the music. At one point
between songs, lead singer
Neil Finn and bassist Nick
Seymour conducted what they
jokingly called "audience
viewpoint." For some strange
reason the subject of national
health care came up, and Finn
and Seymour held the micro-
phone into the audience to
gather some opinions. State-
ments ranged from "Get rid of
Clinton!" to "New Zealand
sucks," which caused some
raised eyebrows from the
band, consisting mainly of
New Zealanders.

The concert, particularly
in its latest stages, was ex-
tremely lighthearted and play-
ful on the part of the band.
They took their bows and left
stage, drawn back by the
cheers of the audience. The
encore lasted not the couple of
songs I figured it would, but a

good hour more. And what an
hour. The band, to the horror
of the crew, played basically
whatever songs came into their
mind and bantered back and
forth with each other and the
crowd. It was easy for me to
tell that Crowded House is a

group of guys who honestly
like each other.

All good things must
come to an end, and after
nearly two and a half hours on
stage, Crowded House said
goodnight to Atlanta and the
Roxy. Next time they're in
your area, don't miss them.

r f mim %


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February 28, 1994

Page 15


Total Abandon: An intense thriller

By Kimberly Wilkes

I really didn't know

what to expect. I had found
out from one of the cast mem-
bers that there was going to be
profane language at times and
that it involved child abuse. I
had read in the Atlanta Jour-
nal-Constitution that it was
about a father who was trying
to keep his child on life sup-
port. Neither of these
sources adequately prepared
me for what I saw and heard
that Saturday night.

Total Abandon, by
Larry Alias, was first devel-
oped in 1981 as a work-in-
progress at the Perry Street
Theatres. Funding for this
project was provided by Walt
Disney Productions. The
play officially premiered at the
Booth Theatre in 1984, with
Richard Dreyfuss playing the
role of Lenny. It was per-
formed at Oglethorpe Univer-
sity by the Playmakers April
10-13 in Lupton Auditorium.
The cast is small five
men. The set is plain a table
and a couple of chairs. The
audience sits on stage with the
action (consequently, the
shows were limited to only 60
a night), thus it is very intimate
and personal, as it must be
considering the content of the

The show starts out with

Lenny Keller (Michael
Billingsley) sitting in a chair
on one side, while Henry
Hirsch (Jon David Shiley) and
Walter Bellmon (Troy A.
Dwyer) talking on the other
side. A lot is laid out in this
initial scene, for instance, the
viewpoints of the doctor,
Walter Bellmon, and the psy-
chologist, Henry Hirsch.
However, it doesn't make
much sense to you at this point
but intrigue you it must

The plot seems simple,
yet infinitely complex as well.
Lenny Keller has abused his
two-year old son, is in jail for
it, and awaiting trial. The doc-
tors have declared his son le-
gally dead and wish to take the
child off of life support in or-
der to afford him a humane
death. Is Lenny fighting this
action, out of love for his son,
to avoid a charge of murder
rather than assault, or perhaps
some other reason not quite
pinpointed? Lenny loses the
removal of life-support case
and his son dies. When Lenny
discovers that his son is gone,
the psychologist, Hirsch,
brings out of Lenny all that
had happened and why Lenny
did it, much to the consterna-
tion of his attorney, Ben
Hammerstein (Heath

Coleman) and the doctor. His
confession is riveting, appall-
ing, shocking, sad, and very

Even when it was all
over, I had to think about it I
had to try to figure out why
did it happen and could it have
been prevented. I talked about
it for quite some time, days
afterwards, it was that power-
ful. The feeling I got from it
stayed with me.

The acting was all supe-
rior (as I have found at all
Oglethorpe performances, and
I haven't missed one yet! ) de-
spite the demanding nature of
the roles. Michael Billingsley
turned out another winning
performance as a very believ-
able, emotional, confused
Lenny Keller. Joseph Keller,
Lenny's father, played by
Chris Brown, was also very
striking. Chris was able to
make you hate Joseph and pity
him at the same time, a very
difficult feat. We're going to
miss his acting talents as this
senior leaves us for better
things. Heath Coleman as the
lawyer, was your typical court-
appointed attorney, he wanted
no attachment, completely
cool and businesslike at all
times, just do the case and
move on. Heath did a wonder-
ful job of fighting the involve-
ment until the end, when he has
to become a part of it. Troy
Dwyer, the doctor, was com-
pletely business-like, techni-
cal terms and all, which he was
able to portray with complete
confidence as if he had been a

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doctor for years. We'll miss
you next year, Troy! Lastly,
the psychologist, who keeps
you guessing all the time.
What does he know, what does
he suspect? Jon Shiley slowly
but carefully revealed all of it
to us. Unfortunately, Jon is
also a senior and will be leav-
ing us too.

When I asked director
Lee Boggus Knippenberg
about the cast, she had noth-
ing but good things to say.
"The ensemble of actors
worked well, they developed a
chemistry," she said. "They
were all very flexible, I could
have recast it several different
ways, but I think this was the
best,. ..they showed wonderful
development in their roles."

Mrs. K (as she is called),
thought the playwright mak-
ing this an all-male cast was
very interesting considering
the subject was child abuse.
When asked if she would do
an all-male show again, she
said that she would if she had
enough talented men and the
right show.

Mrs. K was pleased with
the turnout at the shows, with
both Friday and Saturday
nights sold out; however, she
wishes that the show could
have been full as the other two
performances since there were
only 60 seats. She wasn't that
disappointed considering that
dramas and spring shows both
attract smaller audiences. The
one other problem she found
with the show was that it didn't
let the audience cry, a relief
perhaps every drama needs.

Looking towards next
year, Mrs. K is still tossing
around different ideas. As
usual, the fall show will be a
comedy, followed by the win-
ter show by Alpha Psi Omega,
the national dramatic honor
fraternity. Second semester
brings the children's theatre
which may or may not be a
musical this year. Lastly, the
drama has already been cho-
sen. It is called Shadow Boxes
and is about three different
pseudo-families each of which
has someone who has a termi-
nal disease. We all look for-
ward to seeing these shows
next year!

By Will Mullis
Entertainment Editor

"So what should I

get?," I asked the friendly staff
at Atlanta CD. "Phish" said
the guy at the counter. Hooked
at the CD, which has a sickly
horse in a hoist on the cover,
and thought twice. "Get
Phish," he insisted, "I swear
it's cool." "O.K," I said, and
walked out with Phish 's debut
album, Hoist Phish has all
kinds of instruments jamming
together, including guitars,
drums, upright basses, strings,
mandolins, violins, and the
"Tower of Power" horn sec-
tion. Every song has its own
feel, some have female vocals,
some incorporate the horn sec-
tion, some are traditional rock.
This disc proved to be an in-
teresting mix of tunes in its 1 1

Starting with the catchy
"Julius," which will have your
fingers snapping, the next
track is "Down with Disease,'
which sounds like a mellowed-
out Red Hot Chili Peppers
tune. Followed by the thought-
ful "If I could I would," the
next treat on the CD after the
forgettable "Axilla," is the
acoustic "Lifeboy," where lead
vocalist Page McCormell qui-
etly sings "God never listens
to what I say, and you don't
get a refund if you overpay."
Other highlights on Hoist are
the jazzy "Wolfman's
Brother," the amusingly idi-
otic "Scent of a Mule," and the
eclectic attempt at a love song,
"Dog-Faced Boy," where
Phish tells an old love, "I cant
spare a moment on the dog-
faced boy. I wont lend another
hand to the worm-girl of
Hanoi, Don't deplete my oxy-
gen for the guy who's turning
blue. But ask me, and I'll do
anything for you." If you are
looking for some new tunes
and are pretty open-minded
about your music, check out
Hoist It's available at Atlanta

Page 16

February 28, 1994


Spring concert is something for someone

By Christie Willard

Ah! you finally made it
to the weekend and you are
just in the right mood for a
fabulous night of music and
entertainment. The only prob-
lem is that you do not have
twenty or thirty dollars for a
concert ticket and you cer-
tainly do not feel like dealing
with all the backed up traffic
of downtown Atlanta So what
do you do? Should you order
Chinese take-out and watch
Sanford and Son reruns all
night? No. You should put

on your Sunday best, that one
nice outfit that you wear to
every special occasion, and get
ready for an evening full of
spectacular music and instru-
mental performance right here
at Oglethorpe University.

On Friday, April 29,
1994, the University Singers
will present their Spring con-
cert in Lupton Auditorium.
The concert will not start until
8:00, so you will have plenty
of time to get all those neces-
sary things taken care of for the
weekend: laundry, trips to the
bank to make sure you still
have money, laundry. No traf-

Eat some Krishna

By Christa Kreeger

When you think of

the Hare Krishnas, you prob-
ably get images in your mind
of airports, bald heads, pam-
phlets and books in your face,
and strange chants that every-
body seems to know. But sur-
prise, surprise... these people
can cook, too. Hare Krishnas
arc well known for their fer-
vent vegetarian and "Karma-
free" diet. But you do not have
to join them to enjoy their cui-

Nestled in a upscale resi-
dential area of Midtown is the
Hare Krishna Temple, adja-
cent to which is Govinda's
Dinner Club. This place is an
excellent find for vegetarians
or anyone who wants some
good food without a big hunk
of meat on their plate. For
$5.99 you are treated to an al 1-
you-can-eat buffet served by
some very nice people who do
not have shaved heads and
look like they could be your
mother in an Indian dress. Not
to mention that the food is
pretty tasty, as well.

The "entree" vegetable
that is served rotates from day
to day, but salad bar, rice, fresh
bread, soup, and dessert is al-
ways available. On the night
that I visited the dinner club,
the entree was "Dal Baras"
baked in buttermilk, which is

ground split peas in small,
fried patties with tomatoes and
spices. There was also Basmati
rice with cranberries and
brown rice, as well as steamed
cauliflower with peas. The
soups served were Toor dal
with tamarind, which was veg-
etable soup with a sweet taste,
and russian beet borscht. The
salad bar was also great, serv-
ing the usual carrots, cucum-
bers, etc. along with pasta
salad, fresh fruit, and a yogurt
Italian dressing that stepped
beyond the ordinary. My meal
was also complimented by the
beautiful Krishna music that
was played, inspiring a discus-
sion of religiosity between my
companion and I.

Govinda's Dinner Club
serves their vegetarian delights
Tuesday through Saturday and
some other recent entrees have
included Hungarian Vegetar-
ian Goulash, Vegetarian
Shepherd's Pie, Vegetables Au
Gratin, and North Indian Cur-
ried Cauliflower and Potatoes.
Even though I am not a veg-
etarian, I left Govinda's with
a full stomach and a good
karma, but I still have yet to
shave my head.

Govinda's Dinner Club
can be found on S. Ponce de
Leon just past the intersection
of Ponce and Moreland. Din-
ner is served Tuesday-Thurs-
day 5:00-8:30 p.m. and Friday
and Saturday 5:00-9:30 p.m.

fie, no trampling crowds; just
sit back, relax and listen as the
University Singers travel the
world through music. Admis-
sion is free. That is right, all
you have to do is be there. And
since you are a college student
(which means you are dirt
poor), this would not be a bad
idea for a date!

The concert literature
includes a wide variety of
songs ranging from "Duerme
Negrito," a Cuban lullaby, to
" Wondrous Love," an Appa-
lachian dulcimer tune. The
program will feature six differ-
ent categories of music, with a
brief intermission after the

The performance will
begin with the "Star-Spangled
Banner" by John Stafford
Smith. This piece was ar-
ranged for the University Sing-
ers by Dr. Irwin Ray, Director
of Musical Activities at
Oglethorpe University, for
Oglethorpe Day 1993. The
opening category of music will
present pieces to be performed
by the University singers as a
whole. "Make A Joyful Noise
Unto The Lord" is a beautiful
composition that was chosen
to represent American music
at the 20th Anniversary of the
United Nations. Following
will be a special piece entitled
"Song Of The Future." Ar-
ranged by Edwin Robertson,
"Song Of The Future" is a

work that was commissioned
by Oglethorpe University for
the University Singers in
1992. To add an elegant
touch, the women of the sing-
ers will be featured in "Water
Under Snow is Weary" while
Claire Buzzard accents the
piece with a flute accompani-

The University Chorale
will take the stage in the sec-
ond category. Franz
Schubert's "Lebenslust" and
John Wilbye's "Thus Saith My
Cloris Bright" are two of the
selections to be performed by
the University Chorale.
"Lebenslust" is a romantic
song in German.

Joseph Haydn's "Te
Deum In C" is one of the big-
gest highlights of the Spring
concert. Sang in Latin, it was
originally composed for the
Empress Marie Therese. This
is considered to be among the
best of Haydn's short, ceremo-
nial works for a chorus. The
pianist for the selection will be
Ms. Eleanor Burgin, secretary
to Dr. Stanton.

After intermission,
things will begin to lighten up
as various music with humor
is performed. "Duet For Two
Cats" is an operatic parody.
Instead of humans, it was writ-
ten to be sung from the view-
point of two cats. Kristie
Mahan will sing soprano while
Mary Poteet will sing con-

tralto. The animal theme is
continued in "I Bought Me A
Cat." This delightful piece
includes several barnyard
sounds and is sure to be a fa-
vorite with the audience.

The Southern spirituals,
both black and white, will
dominate the fifth category of
music. "When Jesus Wept" is
a colonial fugue tune by com-
poser William Billings. Exhib-
iting the strong voices of ten-
ors Stephen Cooper, Thomas
Taylor, and Roy Mays will be
"Ain't Got Time To Die" by
Hall Johnson. It was written
as a slave work song in a call
and response form.

The University Singers'
Spring concert will come to a
conclusion with the perfor-
mance of the Oglethorpe Uni-
versity Alma Mater. Dr. Linda
Taylor wrote the words to the
Alma Mater, and the music
was taken from Brahms.

The concert will take
place April 29, 1994 at 8:00
in Lupton Auditorium. Ad-
mission is free, and everyone
is encouraged to attend what
promises to be one of the best
performances of the year by
the University Singers. Come
out to show your support for
the University Singers and to
say thank you for another won-
derful year of beautiful music.
What could be a better way to
spend a Friday evening?

Review of Eafs Epicure

By Heather Carlen
Co-Copy Editor

Eat has been describ-
ed by several British maga-
zines as "shamelessly scrump-
tious," "in the top five great-
est live bands ever," and "ex-
citing and original," to list only
a few of the band's numerous
accolades. Willi labels such as
these, it is all too easy for a
band to fall short of the
listener's expectations.

Not so with Epicure, the
band's sophomore effort on
Fiction Records. From the first
American single, "Shame," to
"Bleed Me White," which fea-

tures Jesus Jones' Mike
Edwards and the Wonder
Stuff's Miles Hunt, the band
mixes the best of punk with
nineties rock, with hints of the
influence of rave from the
band's earliest beginnings.
Dolittle cites Tangerine
Dream, Santana, and Jethro
Tull as influences, mentioning
also Jane's Addiction, the Red
Hot Chili Peppers, and Led
Zeppelin as favorites. Eat has
a unique sound and not an easy
one to categorize. Lead vocal-
ist Ange Dolittle commands
attention with a dark, compel-
ling voice that ranges from a
purr to a howl, and the songs

on Epicure vary nearly as

New Music Express de-
scribes Eat's live performances
as "battered mic stands, pools
of water, puddles of sweat and
throbbing ears." The energy
and power of a live show trans-
lates amazingly well onto the
medium of Epicure . Express
goes on to laud Eat for "deliv-
ering manic guitar pop with an
edge that's been missing from
so much for so long."

Epicure hit American
music stores on February 22.
Go look for it - this album is
well worth your while.

February 28, 1994

Page 17


Simply marvelous "Markings of the Soul"

By Will Mull is
Entertainment Editor

"Markings of the
Soul" sounded innocuous
enough. Billed as a "life-af-
firming tribute to the relation-
ship between two brothers -
both coming to terms with
themselves, their lives, and
each other," I was completely
caught off-guard by this auto-
biographical one-man show
that simply pulled out every
emotion possible from its au-
dience. This incredible piece
by New York actor Kerry
Burns managed to evoke
laughter, anger, dread, and
sadness in a remarkable fash-
ion while telling the story of
how he came to realize, "Love
wasn't always the easiest road,
but it yielded the greatest
gains." Bums had extensive
experience in Atlanta Theatre
before moving north, includ-
ing shows with Tri-Cities,

Actor's Express, Neighbor-
hood Playhouse, and Onstage

This Tri-Cities Theatre
production, which ran from
April 15-23 at the !4th Street
Playhouse, was written by
Bums about himself and his
big brother, the late Atlanta
artist Timothy Alan Bums. It
consists of a remarkable 90-
minute monologue in which
Bums traces their lives from
childhood under their hard-
working, hard-playing Irish
father to the late 80's, when
Kerry took care of his brother
as the latter suffered and died
as one of the early victims of
AIDS. He gives a poignant
recollection in his riveting non-
stop delivery ofhis piece, stop-
ping only to wipe his brow and
take a drink from a water
bottle. He recollects being the
"good son" as he and his
brother grew up. He played
sports continuously and emu-

Rental Classic. . .

It's a crazy summer

By Lu Green
Summer is only a few

weeks away, and although we
can all hope that its days will
be filled with sunshine and
excitement, there will be rainy
and boring days to overcome.
So, what 's a great alternative
to reading Nietzche, doing
laundry, or watching the Brady
Bunch episode where the fam-
ily goes to Hawaii? Rundown
to your local movie store and
rent an old summertime favor-
ite of mine, "One Crazy Sum-

Before Demi Moore was
seen posing nude and pregnant
on the cover of Vanity Fair and
most of us were in junior high,
she starred in this looney, but
highly entertaining film. John
Cusack plays Hoops McCann.
a washed-up basketball star
from Generic High School
who also has artistic talents
and wants to find love and a
scholarship to art school (Do
men like this still exist?). Any-
way, he and his friend George

(Curtis Armstrong) pile into
an old El Dorado and venture
to Nantucket for a summer of
fun and adventure.

They meet up with Clay
(William Hickey) and Egg
Stork (Bobcat Goldthwait)
their friends on the Island, and
with Cassandra, played by
Moore. Cassandra is trying to
raise $3000 to buy the mort-
gage on her dead grandfather's
home before the wealthy,
country-club obsessed
Beckerstead's can buy it and
build a lobster restaurant.
Hoops helps Cassandra out
and he finally finds love.

Yeah, yeah, Lu, sounds
stupid. Well, maybe it's my
deranged sense of humor, but
it's one of the funniest movies
I've ever seen. Blame Ann
Mason, Jill Reiss, and Killian
Edwards too. They also really
like it. Pay close attention to
George getting stuck in the
sand and Egg in the Godzilla
suit. Have a terrific summer,
y'all. And if this movie bores
you, you can always come
visit me in Indiana.

lated his father while his
brother Tim repeatedly re-
belled, refusing to play foot-
ball, and steadily distancing
himself from their father, cul-
minating with the announce-
ment that he was gay. Bum's
skillful emulation of their
childhood under the driving,
World War II and Korean War
veteran, is simply stunning.

Moving into their adult-
hood. Burns relates his
brother's move to Atlanta and
launching of an art career
while he chose to do manual
labor, drink and do as many

drugs as possible, and cruise
with friends screaming insults
at gays in Atlantic City. Bums
received strong wake-up calls
when his father succumbed to
cirrhosis of the liver after a life-
time of drinking and his
brother Tim told him that he
had the mysterious and deadly
"GRID," later to be renamed
AIDS. Moving to Atlanta to
care for his brother, Bums en-
dured evangelicals telling him
AIDS was a wonderful bless-
ing from God and organized a
successful showing of his
brother's complete works dur-

ing the final months of illness
before spending an agonizing
time watching his brother
lapse into a coma and die like
so many others have. Thetell-
ing of these last moments had
many in the audience, most of
whom have experienced simi-
lar losses, in tears or close to
them. It is unfortunate that this
powerful performance has al-
ready departed Atlanta, but
anyone interested in great the-
atre should run to see this show
when and if the extraordinary
Kerry Bums returns.






No purchase necessary. Employees of Warner Bros, ineligible.
Regular Engagement Starts April 29*

Page 18


February 28, 1994

Romance for Men
;eAi James Dallas


Francesco, his arm hair wafting in the Iowa wind,
swung slwolv ia the porch swing, his legs, lithe but
muscled, filling his socks fully.

I He gazed out upon the barren dust of
" ' i farm, his marriage and his life.

Suddenly, a pick-up stopped before
him. The door opened and out

&IW By RiCX jgfrgyj

60M6 10 86 /\ 6X6Af


...7W 1 H'AS


rooAj Mjf Husem


February 28, 1994

Page 19


THE Crossword

1 Markdown event
5 Lacking interest
9 Sharp blow

13 Support

14 Hum

15 Party nosh

16 Against

17 Exact likeness

18 Poker stake

19 Personnel list
21 Impetus

23 Pitcher

25 Gull kin

26 Facial

30 Prescribed

33 Bowling alley

34 Delicate

36 Made a mistake

38 Frost

39 Prying one

41 Wrath

42 Soft flat cap

45 Acid

46 Maneuver

47 Wood dye
49 Offered

51 Chain of rocks

53 Scrutinize

54 Advises
58 Publishing


62 Otherwise

63 Singing pairs

65 Docile

66 Dregs

67 Wanton looks

68 Frank

69 Wrongful act

70 Catch sight of

71 Speak


1 Practice boxing

2 It. river

3 Portions of

4 Typical example

5 Branch

6 Wander

7 Metal bar



































































1994 Tribune Med* Services. |nc
All Rights Reserved

8 Thought

9 Kind of wrench

10 Desire

11 Aleutian island

12 Abound
14 Conducts
20 Memorable

22 Penna. port
24 Inclines

26 Smoothly fluent

27 Speed contests

28 Unable to move

29 Large ladle

31 Threesomes

32 Tennis start
35 Circular

37 Notable act
40 Production


43 Zealous

44 Bonds

46 TV checking

48 Provoke
50 Cushion



































































































































































52 Chimney

57 Ooze


59 Bark cloth

54 Briton

60 Augury

55 Margarine

61 Torn

56 Addict

64 Attempt




By Chris Farrar

Page 20


February 28, 1994

February 28, 1994

Page 21


Men's and women's tennis teams finish well

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

The men's and wo-
men's tennis teams finished
well despite an extremely
tough schedule this season.
There have been many good
points to this season, though.
The women, just prior to con-
ference play, were 11-5. The
men were 10-7 and were com-
ing off two defeats the week-
end before.

The women had their
best match of the season prior
to conference as they took on
Agnes Scott College. For the
first time in a very long time,
the women defeated ASC. The
beat them 7-1. Highlights in-
cluded Sue Poston (9-7) com-
ing back from 0-5 in the final
set to win at # 1 singles. M aria
Willman was down one set and
came back to win with second
and third set victories 6-0, 6-

Other performers were
Shelly Anderson who is 9-5 at
#6 singles, and doubles part-
ners Becky Ellis and Eleanor
Fulton who won 6-4 in the
third at #2 doubles. Pam
Cochran is also steadily im-
proving and battling at the #6
singles spot.

The ladies also defeated
La Grange 9-0, but lost to
Sewanee the weekend before,

The men are coming off
two rough losses to Centre (7-

2) and Sewanee (9-0) just
prior to conference. On a good
note though, Brian Young nar-
rowly lost to W.C. Home of
Sewanee (ranked #4 in the
South) as he was up 6-4, 3-1,
but couldn't hold on for the
victory. The nest day, though,

and William Ku were defeated
in back to back tie breakers 7-
6, 7-6 against Sewanee. Tim
Evans and Mike Beran also
put in competitive play at #5
and #6 singles.

In the conference tour-
nament, the men placed fifth

came against Centre College,
the suffered a heart breaking
5-4 loss to the Colonels.
Coach Dunn Neugebauer
stated after the match, " The
guys played with intensity the
entire match. They got
pumped up and played as well
as I could have asked them to
play. They really earned a lot
of respect. The men then took
on Hendrix in the first round
of the consolation bracket and
beat them 6-2. In the final
game of the consolation
bracket the Petrels defeated
Millsaps college 6-3. The men
had tliree players named to the
All-SC AC team, Brian Young,
Mark Krabousanos, and Will-
iam Ku, OU's #1, #2, and #3
singles players. The doubles
team of Brian Young and
Mark Krabousanos also re-
ceived a spot on the All Con-
ference team.

On the women's side of
the tournament, the ladies de-
feated Hendrix 9-0 in the first
round and then suffered losses
to University of the South, 9-
0, and Rhodes, 7-2. in the
match against Hendrix, the
doubles team of Eleanor
Fulton and Becky Ellis won 7-
6 in a third set tie break at #2
doubles. Pam Cochran also
won in three sets. All other
matches were won 6-0, 6-0.
Versus Rhodes, Becky Ellis
was a part of both wins as she
won her singles match and
teamed up with Fulton to win
in doubles, also. Neugebauer
was very pleased with the end
of the season as he stated, "We
played really well and finished
with some excellent matches.
We ended up 12-7 and were
only expecting to go about
.500. the wins over Agnes
Scott and Hendrix were big."

Tennis hits Atlanta

A spectator's view of OU tennis practice.

he bounced back for a 6-1, 6-
crushing of Centre's #1
singles. Mark Krabousanos
(#2 singles) who is battling a
hamstring injury headed into
the conference playoffs with a
9-7 record. The closest match
was probably played at #2
doubles as Robbie Romeiser

Photo by Pat Mulheam
and the women placed fourth
overall. Trinity took first and
Sewanee took second in both
men's and women's tourna-
ments. The men Petrels are
ranked 14 in the South with a
12-8 record and the women's
rankings come out in a few
days. The men's first match

By Heather Carlen
Co-Copy Editor

For the second year,

the Atlanta Athletic Club in
Duluth plays host to the AT&T
Challenge, beginning April
25, 1994 and running until
May 1, 1994. The Challenge
is Atlanta's premiere tennis
event, one of only 1 1 World
Series tournaments played on
the North American continent.
Seeds for the tournament
are #1 Michael Chang, #7



Live-in/out Vinings area. Seeking
experienced, responsible, enthu-
siastic non-smoker for long-term
position w/loving couple to care for
newborn. Mon-Fri 8A-6P begin-
ning mid-July. Occasional over-
nights, light housekeeping. Own
transportation. Great home in
friendly subdivision. Competitive
salary - references a must. Leave
detailed message @ 676-5421.


Full OR Part-time.


Carrina Gore, Mgr


For Interview

We schedule with your schedule in mind.

Todd Martin, #3 Andre
Agassi, #4 Aaron Krickstein,
#5 MaliVai Washington, #6
Brad Gilbert, #7 Mikael
Pernfors, and #8 Jason
Stoltenberg. Other noteworthy
players in the draw include
Jimmy Connors and Mats
Wilander, along with Atlanta
resident Bryan Shelton, cur-
rently ranked in the Associa-
tion of Tennis Professionals
top 100 singles rankings.

Atlanta teaching profes-
sional Howard Herr, winner of
the 1994 AT&T Million Dol-
lar Wild Card Challenge, faces
Todd Martin in the first round.
Herr stands to win SI million
if he wins the tournament, a
position he earned through
competition with Atlanta's
best in mid-March.

The competition looks
to be intense as excellent clay-
courters such as Chang and
Agassi face a wide-open field.
Agassi, a four-time winner of
the event, looks for his fifth
title after sitting out last year
with a wrist injury while
Chang and others look to
claim their first-ever AT&T

For ticket information,
call ProServ at 395-3500.

Page 22

February 28, 1994


Oglethorpe places fifth and sixth in SCAC

By Jason Thomas
Sports Editor

In this past weekend's

spring sports festival,
Oglethorpe men's and
women's track placed firth and
sixth, respectively. Despite the
low finishes, there were many
highlights at the conference
meet. Many athletes per-
formed personal bests and
there were a few All-Confer-
ence winners.

On the men's side,
Nathan Breismeister soared to
a first place finish in the high

jump, jumping 6'6" with a
pulled hamstring. His present
best this season is only one
inch shy of a possible bid to
nationals. Will Corum also
brought forth an All-SCAC
performance as he came in sec-
ond in the 5000. He also
placed forth in the 10,000
where he improved on his per-
sonal best by over one minute.
Alan Tudors also received a
spot on the All-SCAC team
with his second place finish in
the 3000 steeplechase. He
also placed sixth in the 400
hurdles. Beau Lyons placed

fourth in the 3000 steeple-
chase. In the long jump,
Jayme Sellars placed, and Jim
Bowling placed in the triple

For the women, Katie
Farrell had an excellent show-
ing as she placed second and
received an All-SCAC honor
in the 10,000, placed third in
the 800, and placed fourth in
the 3000 and 1500 runs.
Tinnie Waterston also had a
good performance placing
third in the long jump, she also
placed fourth in the triple jump
and the 200. Kim Jackson

Petrel baseball falls short

By Daryl Brooks

As the Stormy Petrel

Baseball team headed into this
years SCAC tournament they
thought that this may just be
their year to break their con-
ference jinx. After all they
were playing at home and had
a perfect (17-0) regular season
record. Unfortunately the Pe-
trels completely fell apart at a
time when they could least af-
ford to.

In the teams first game
of the tournament they faced
the Trinity Tigers from San
Antonio, Texas. The Tigers
jumped out to a 4-0 lead in the
first. The Petrels scrapped
back to cut the lead to 4-3,
however they were never able
to push across another run.
Vinny McGrath scattered 7
hits over 9 innings (4 of those
coming after the first inning).
Tony Fernandez had a big day
at the plate going 3-4 with 2
singles and a double. Tom
Gambino and Mike Thomas
also had big days at the plate.
By losing this first game the
Petrels had to win four games
in two days to take the title in
the double elimination tourna-

Still confident that they
could win the whole thing the
Petrels battled, and easily
handled Centre 8-3. Chip
Evans pitched a complete
game 7 hitter to lead the team
to victory. Evans only gave up

two earned runs and K'd 8. At
the plate Tony Fernandez was
again the star of the game.
"Chico" as he is affectionately
called by his teammates, was
2-4 with a home run. a single
and a walk. Tim Crowley and
Joe Lee also had big day com-
bining for 4 hits and a walk.

A few hours later OU
again faced Trinity in the fi-
nals of the losers bracket.
Things got off to a bad start
when, in the first, Gambino
was ejected for retaliating to a
hard and unnecessary half
slide by a Trinity base runner.
Things went straight downhill
from there for the Petrels. "It
was the worst performance of
the year," according to assis-
tant coach Steve Marcinak.
When all was finally said and

done OU had suffered a hu-
miliating 1 6-2 loss.

As for the season as a
whole, it could probably be
described best as a good learn-
ing experience. The team fin-
ished with a 21-14 record
(with one game against Meth-
odist on May 1st pending).
Coach Bill Popp was not to
happy about the end of the
tournament, but said that he
had learned a lot in his first
season as a head coach.

Once again next year the
Petrels should make a run at
the conference title. The team
returns everyone except
pitcher Vinny "Vingamin"
McGrath. With 8 seniors on
next years roster things could
be very interesting next season.


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rounded off the women's side
with a fifth place finish in the

Overall, Rhodes College
finished first on the men's side
and University of the South
finished first for the women.
Regardless of the low finish in
this years conference meet,
there is still much optimism for

next year. Captain Katie
Farrell stated, "Both teams
were really young this year,
and there was a lot of improve-
ment made during the season.
There was some disappoint-
ment about point scoring and
placing, but overall we had fun
and that's what it's all about."

OU track athletes warm-up.

Photo by Pat Mulheam


Lou Gehrig Night
Braves vs Houston Astros
Tuesday, May 24, 1994
7:40 PM
I have tickets available at $5.00 each - gen-
eral admission. This is a major fund-rais-
ing event for the Amyotrophic Lateral Scle-
rosis (ALS) Chapter of Atlanta. $2.00 from
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for your support!

Carol Duffy

February 28, 1994

Page 23


A recap of '93-'94 through the eyes of Dunn

By Dunn Neugebauer
Glad to be here

It seems like we were

just unloading our stuff,
watching soccer games and
doing up our room getting
ready for a new year.. . and now
we're through with spring
sports, making plans for the
summer, and deciding
whether or not to go to gradu-
ation. That was fast.

Anyway, it's time for the
year in review (already) and to
wish you the best of luck this
summer. Come visit me if you
want, just bring your own
chair and don't expect me to
be hospitable if the Braves lose
a lead in the ninth.

Classic Quotes...

Brian Young, after his
coach chastised him for cheat-
ing on his sprints: "Coach, I
realize that I'm only cheating
myself and if I can deal with
it, then you should be able to."

Sam Hutchenson, after
his girlfriend got on his case
for not tell ing her ahead of time
when they were going out,
what time they were leaving
and where they were going:
'"Geez, if I wanted to have to

go through all that stuff, I
wouldn't have a girlfriend."

Classic Reading...

"The Chicken" by
Michael Claxton. It's a take-
off on the "Raven" by Edgar
Allan Poe, only a lot better...

Cutest message on answering

"There goes a drive,
deep left field...that ball is go-
ing to be... outta here! And so
am I. Please leave your name,

Don't Call me a Liar award...
Goes to an unnamed stu-
dent... who went on a date
wearing a brand new shirt and
pulled the cardboard out from
under his collar to prove it...

Best sports memories...

OU volleyball team
coming from 14-11 down in
the fifth game to beat those
very large women from Savan-
nah College of Art & Design.

Women's soccer - finish-
ing at .500 for the first time.

Men's soccer - lots of
talent and a Player of the Year
in Will Lukow.

Nate Briesemeister's

Subscribe to
the Petrel

If you would like a subscription to
The Stormy Petrel for the 1994-
95 school year, please fill out the
form below and send it, along with
$20, to:

The Storm y Petrel
3000 Wood row Way

Box 450
Atlanta, Qa 30319



State: Zip:


Eleanor Fulton's 26
points and 15 rebounds vs.
Tennessee Temple.

The men's basketball

Another unbeaten sea-
son for cross country.

Backdoor play... Jenni-
fer Johnson to Kim Jackson...
Petrels win... Petrels win!

Coach Berkshire's
250th win.

Brian Davis's 1,000th

The reemergence of the

Time spent with my ten-
nis teams... eight crazy guys,
1 1 pretty girls.

OU baseball... Petrels
31... FiskO.

The Florida Gator bas-
ketball team, for rolling into
the Final Four and winnng me
some money in the process.

Purest Moment...

His last home game as a
senior, at homecoming, Brian
Davis nails a 3-pointer to
clinch the game, the confer-
ence title and the trip to nation-
als. Where were you when this
happened, how many people
did you hug after he did it and
did you see what Justin Hayes
did afterwards? Watch it on
tape, it's priceless. . .

Best idea for a sports hand-

Bob Unger for his cross
country/track brochure: team
picture on the front, shoes
burning in front of the team
and a sign that reads "Just Did
It." Sell it to Nike and retire.

Biggest disappointments...

The SCAC women's
volleyball coaches, for not put-
ting Ann Mason on the first

Getting to tlie dining hall
at 6:31 p.m.

Sitting down to a nice
hot meal and bumping your
knees on those *&* bars un-
der the tables.

Braves not going to the
World Series.

Forgetting to send my
video movie club card in and

getting a copy of "Attack of the
Killer Tomatoes" and "Grease

Stillman College not
showing up for a tennis match
against our priceless Petrels.

Last call at Taco Mac.

last article that ain't a couple
no more.. Sorry Beran, please
don't beat me into submission.

Until next time...

Don't graduate or get


To the couple I put in my Dunn, jamesdunn

Sports ProFile. . .

Vince McGrath

By Daryl Brooks

As the Stormy Petrel

Baseball team attempts to cap-
ture their first conference title
ever, they will be lead by the
team's lone senior Vince
"Vinny" McGrath. The 22
year old from Carme! New
York has helped lead the team
to a perfect ( 1 7-0) regular sea-
son conference mark.

McGrath is currently 7-
3 with a 3.36 ERA He is also
in among the league leaders in
strikeouts with 57 in 72.1 in-

McGrath's childhood
could be called far from typi-
cal. He was bom in Yonkers
N.Y. His parents divorced
when he was 4, leaving him
and his brother (who is one
year older) with his mother.
His mother eventually remar-
ried and opened an exotic lin-
gerie shop.

"The divorce of my par-
ents helped me to be more in-
dependent, while the family
business helped me to keep an
open mind about things," said

Vinny, "bag of dough-
nuts," as he is called by his
teammates, has been playing
baseball since he was 7. His
greatest moment on the field
occurred his senior year in
high school. His team (who
ended up N.Y. state runners-
up in 1989) were playing in
the Rregional finals. As
McGrath describes it, "The
pitcher that game got hurt and
I got to pitch and won the


McGrath came to
Oglethorpe via Georgia Tech.
Vinny attended Tech for one
year and then left. "The size
of the school was too big, it
was impersonal, you were just
a number." The one good
thing that McGrath gained
from Tech was his initiation
into the Delta Sigma Phi fra

After his one year at
Tech, Vinny took a year off to
work. It was after this year that
McGrath enrolled here. He
didn't play baseball his first
year here because he was still
working. However, he joined
the team last year and lead the
squad in appearances with 17
Although his ERA was a little
bloated last year, he has im-
proved his control and the
ERA has come down.

The thing McGrath will
miss most about baseball here
is "the, craziness. The team is
a bunch of sick kids." He'll
miss "being abnormal and be-
ing able to fit in."

The math major's future
plans include teaching high
school and coaching baseball.
He may even further his edu-
cation in sports administration,
math or computer science.
Somewhere way down the
road this voracious reader,
may even own his own book-

Whatever McGrath ends
up doing, there's no doubt that
things will always be interest-
ing around the sometimes
crazy, sometimes controversial
Vincent McGrath.






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