Acts and resolutions of the General Assembly of the state of Georgia 1999 [volume 3]

Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia Georgia Law, Georgia Georgia. Acts and resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia 19990000 English


GEORGIA LAWS 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME ONE Acts and Resolutions of General Application 1 Proposed Amendments to the Constitution 1273 VOLUME TWO Acts and Resolutions of Local Application 3501 County and Consolidated Government Home Rule Actions 4929 Municipal Home Rule Actions 4991 Order of the Superior Court of Douglas County dissolving the City of Lithia Springs 5197 VOLUME THREE Acts by Numbers-Page References I Bills and Resolutions-Act Number References VI Appellate Courts-Personnel XII Superior Courts-Personnel and Calendars XIII Index-Tabular XXV Index-General LXIV Population of Georgia Counties-Alphabetically CXLIII Population of Georgia Counties-Numerically CXLIX Population of Municipalities CLI Population of Judicial Circuits CLVII Georgia Senate Districts, Alphabetically by County CLX Georgia Senators, Alphabetically by Name CLXII Georgia Senators, Numerically by District CLXV Georgia House Districts, Alphabetically by County CLXVIII Georgia Representatives, Alphabetically by Name CLXX Georgia Representatives, Numerically by District CLXXVIII Status of Referendum Elections CLXXXVI Governor's Proclamation on Ratification or Rejection of Constitutional Amendments at the 1998 General Election CCCXLV Vetoes by the Governor CCCXLIX COMPILER'S NOTE General Acts and Resolutions of the 1999 session of the General Assembly of Georgia will be found in Volume I beginning at page 1. Proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia will be found in Volume I beginning at page 1273. Local and Special Acts and Resolutions will be found in Volume II beginning at page 3501. Home rule actions by counties and consolidated governments and by municipalities filed in the Office of the Secretary of State between April 1, 1998, and April 1, 1999, are printed in Volume II beginning at pages 4929 and 4991, respectively. There are no numbered pages between page 1276, the last page of Volume I, and page 3501, the first page of Volume II. This allows both volumes to be printed simultaneously. In order to eliminate the need for hand stiching of thick books and to reduce costs, the index and other material is now in a separate Volume III, and Volumes I or II, or both, may be divided into two or more books. Page numbers will run consecutively between books in the same volume. Indexes; lists of Acts, Bills, and Resolutions and their Georgia Laws page numbers; material related to courts; population charts; lists of members of the General Assembly; referendum results; the report of the state auditor on concurrent funding of retirement bills; and the Governor's veto message are printed in Volume III. Indexes cover material in both Volumes I and II. The tabular indexes list matter by broad categories. The general index is a detailed alphabetical index by subject matter. When possible, general Acts have been indexed by reference to the titles of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated which they amend and the tabular index contains a list of Code sections which have been amended, enacted, or repealed. Each Act and Resolution is preceded by a caption written by the compilers of the Georgia Laws solely to assist the reader in quickly determining the subject matter of the Act or Resolution. This caption includes the Act number assigned by the Governor and the House Bill or Senate Bill number which it was given when it was introduced in the General Assembly. The caption for each Resolution contains the Resolution Act number assigned by the Governor and the House Resolution or Senate Resolution number. These captions are not part of the Act or Resolution when they are enacted or adopted by the General Assembly. Each Act or Resolution which was signed by the Governor is followed by the approval date on which it was signed by the Governor.

Page I

ACTS BY NUMBERS, PAGE REFERENCES Act No. Page 1 3501 2 1 3 3505 4 2 5 3508 6 3511 7 3513 8 3518 9 3549 10 3552 11 3565 12 3570 13 3595 14 3599 15 5 16 6 17 9 18 10 19 13 20 3602 21 20 22 21 23 23 24 3606 25 29 26 40 27 3611 28 42 29 3614 30 3616 31 49 32 52 33 3621 34 67 35 3624 36 80 37 81 38 112 39 153 40 156 41 3628 42 158 43 3630 44 159 45 3633 46 3636 47 3668 48 3671 49 3683 50 3694 51 3696 52 3699 53 3702 54 3706 55 3709 56 3711 57 3714 58 3717 59 3727 60 3729 61 3751 62 3753 63 3755 64 3757 65 3781 66 3783 67 3786 68 3790 69 3799 70 3802 71 3804 72 3806 73 3808 74 3810 75 3814 76 3882 77 3884 78 3886 79 3890 80 3893 81 3895 82 3898 83 3904 84 3909 85 3915 86 3919 87 3922 88 3926 89 3928 90 3932 91 3935 92 3938 93 3946 94 3970

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Act No. Page 95 3972 96 3974 97 3977 98 3979 99 3982 100 4013 101 4016 102 4046 103 4051 104 4055 105 4058 106 4062 107 4064 108 4067 109 4069 110 4072 111 4078 112 4081 113 4083 114 4087 115 4091 116 4094 117 4096 118 4098 119 4100 120 4104 121 4106 122 4112 123 4115 124 4118 125 4122 126 4124 127 4127 128 4130 129 4132 130 4135 131 160 132 4138 133 4139 134 4143 135 4145 136 4147 137 4151 138 4158 139 4163 140 4167 141 4169 142 4176 143 4178 144 4180 145 161 146 166 147 4185 148 4190 149 4194 150 4198 151 4203 152 4207 153 4211 154 4215 155 232 156 234 157 4219 158 4223 159 252 160 266 161 273 162 4228 163 4230 164 4232 165 4234 166 4236 167 4239 168 4241 169 4243 170 4274 171 4277 172 4281 173 276 174 4283 175 4286 176 4289 177 4319 178 4322 179 4327 180 4330 181 4342 182 4345 183 4356 184 4366 185 4373 186 4376 187 4384 188 4386 189 4388 190 4394 191 4397 192 4413

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Act No. Page 193 4416 194 4432 195 4439 196 4442 197 4446 198 4449 199 4452 200 4455 201 4458 202 4462 203 4464 204 4466 205 4469 206 4472 207 4503 208 4539 209 4541 210 4543 211 4545 212 4551 213 4553 214 4555 215 4559 216 4595 217 4611 218 4613 219 4618 220 4622 221 4624 222 4626 223 4631 224 4633 225 4635 226 4640 227 4642 228 4645 229 4647 230 4649 231 4651 232 4653 233 4656 234 4659 235 4661 236 4665 237 4668 238 4670 239 4673 240 4675 241 4677 242 4693 243 4695 244 4697 245 4701 246 4704 247 4707 248 4710 249 4712 250 4717 251 4723 252 4725 253 4731 254 4738 255 4744 256 4751 257 4757 258 4764 259 4770 260 4777 261 4783 262 277 263 289 264 4786 265 4805 266 293 267 4807 268 296 269 317 270 319 271 322 272 323 273 326 274 327 275 329 276 333 277 334 278 4810 279 335 280 342 281 350 282 362 283 4815 284 365 285 368 286 370 287 372 288 377 289 379 290 381

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291 387 292 391 293 400 294 402 295 405 296 4832 297 4836 298 4839 299 4842 300 4874 301 4886 302 438 303 449 304 464 305 465 306 466 307 467 308 469 309 472 310 483 311 485 312 507 313 515 314 516 315 519 316 520 317 521 318 536 319 537 320 539 321 546 322 549 323 552 324 556 325 556 326 557 327 559 328 560 329 562 330 567 331 574 332 584 333 589 334 590 335 591 336 592 337 633 338 634 339 636 340 637 341 638 342 642 343 643 344 647 345 648 346 651 347 653 348 654 349 656 350 656 351 657 352 658 353 660 354 661 355 663 356 666 357 667 358 674 359 715 360 720 361 721 362 725 363 731 364 734 365 736 366 737 367 741 368 748 369 749 370 757 371 758 372 760 373 761 374 765 375 765 376 4923 377 769 378 775 379 777 380 780 381 781 382 782 383 784 384 785 385 789 386 791 387 796 388 4925

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389 797 390 798 391 800 392 805 393 809 394 813 395 817 396 822 397 827 398 828 399 830 400 831 401 832 402 834 403 834 404 835 405 836 406 837 407 845 408 846 409 847 410 848 411 850 412 853 413 860 414 862 415 866 416 867 417 868 418 869 419 871 420 873 421 877 422 878 423 890 424 891 425 904 426 906 427 910 428 913 429 1040 430 1041 431 1043 432 1062 433 1071 434 1190 435 1194 436 1206 437 1211 438 1212 439 1213 440 1219 441 1222 442 1223 443 1224 444 1225 445 1227 446 1229 447 1232 448 1234 449 1236 450 1237 451 1242 452 1248 453 1249 454 1267 455 1271 RESOLUTIONS BY NUMBERS, PAGE REFERENCES Res. Act No. Page 1 3 2 361 3 915 4 916 5 917 6 918 7 919 8 957 9 961 10 962 11 963 12 964 13 964 14 965 15 969 16 991

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17 992 18 997 19 999 20 999 21 1001 22 1003 23 1004 44 1275 24 1005 25 1006 26 1007 27 1007 28 1008 29 1009 30 1010 31 1011 32 1012 33 1014 34 1015 35 1023 36 1025 37 1026 38 1026 39 1027 40 1030 41 1031 42 1032 43 1068 BILLS AND RESOLUTIONSACT NUMBER REFERENCES House Bill Act No. Page HB 6 Vetoed HB 26 332 584 HB 30 320 539 HB 32 1 3501 HB 33 333 589 HB 34 334 590 HB 37 335 591 HB 43 336 592 HB 53 337 633 HB 55 338 634 HB 56 310 483 HB 67 339 636 HB 73 340 637 HB 74 41 3628 HB 77 341 638 HB 78 342 642 HB 80 321 546 HB 84 282 362 HB 88 443 1224 HB 93 274 327 HB 100 439 1213 HB 101 451 1242 HB 106 343 643 HB 121 344 647 HB 128 345 648 HB 134 6 3511 HB 140 444 1225 HB 143 146 166 HB 144 433 1071 HB 145 2 1 HB 147 346 651 HB 148 432 1062 HB 149 293 400 HB 155 42 158 HB 158 347 653 HB 159 263 289 HB 165 348 654 HB 173 349 656 HB 176 350 656 HB 183 351 657 HB 184 43 3630 HB 185 352 658 HB 189 4 2 HB 190 12 3570 HB 196 3 3505 HB 197 8 3518 HB 199 162 4228 HB 200 163 4230 HB 201 164 4232 HB 210 446 1229 HB 211 294 402 HB 213 155 232 HB 215 353 660 HB 217 354 661 HB 218 159 252 HB 224 295 405

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HB 230 275 329 HB 233 44 159 HB 238 23 23 HB 241 355 663 HB 249 356 666 HB 250 441 1222 HB 253 45 3633 HB 256 311 485 HB 261 37 81 HB 262 21 20 HB 263 450 1237 HB 264 22 21 HB 273 264 4786 HB 274 265 4805 HB 277 46 3636 HB 278 322 549 HB 279 323 552 HB 283 357 667 HB 286 165 4234 HB 287 324 556 HB 289 445 1227 HB 292 31 49 HB 295 156 234 HB 297 358 674 HB 312 359 715 HB 317 360 720 HB 318 363 731 HB 330 440 1219 HB 332 166 4236 HB 334 47 3668 HB 356 435 1194 HB 360 5 3508 HB 370 364 734 HB 371 365 736 HB 374 269 317 HB 378 48 3671 HB 381 276 333 HB 388 362 725 HB 397 26 40 HB 399 36 80 HB 403 49 3683 HB 404 50 3694 HB 406 366 737 HB 407 Vetoed HB 412 11 3565 HB 417 312 507 HB 418 51 3696 HB 421 277 334 HB 427 167 4239 HB 430 52 3699 HB 433 168 4241 HB 436 169 4243 HB 437 7 3513 HB 438 17 9 HB 439 367 741 HB 444 313 515 HB 448 53 3702 HB 458 368 748 HB 459 369 749 HB 462 370 757 HB 474 371 758 HB 477 170 4274 HB 478 54 3706 HB 483 55 3709 HB 484 56 3711 HB 502 372 760 HB 508 283 4815 HB 510 449 1236 HB 522 373 761 HB 530 32 52 HB 531 25 29 HB 541 374 765 HB 544 57 3714 HB 547 Vetoed HB 548 375 765 HB 553 161 273 HB 554 171 4277 HB 555 376 4923 HB 558 377 769 HB 559 58 3717 HB 560 314 516 HB 561 315 519 HB 562 378 775 HB 578 380 780 HB 580 379 777 HB 604 270 319 HB 605 302 438 HB 606 278 4810 HB 610 19 13 HB 618 381 781 HB 627 382 782 HB 632 59 3727 HB 635 266 293 HB 636 448 1234 HB 641 172 4281 HB 644 60 3729 HB 647 61 3751 HB 652 14 3599


HB 655 62 3753 HB 660 325 556 HB 661 63 3755 HB 673 64 3757 HB 677 Vetoed HB 678 383 784 HB 680 296 4832 HB 681 384 785 HB 688 65 3781 HB 690 66 3783 HB 691 67 3786 HB 692 267 4807 HB 693 68 3790 HB 695 429 1040 HB 696 430 1041 HB 697 69 3799 HB 699 385 789 HB 700 70 3802 HB 704 71 3804 HB 709 72 3806 HB 710 73 3808 HB 711 10 3552 HB 713 316 520 HB 717 160 266 HB 721 74 3810 HB 723 75 3814 HB 724 76 3882 HB 725 77 3884 HB 726 33 3621 HB 727 173 276 HB 728 174 4283 HB 729 175 4286 HB 730 78 3886 HB 732 281 350 HB 733 79 3890 HB 735 80 3893 HB 739 176 4289 HB 742 177 4319 HB 752 40 156 HB 753 81 3895 HB 759 82 3898 HB 760 83 3904 HB 762 84 3909 HB 768 85 3915 HB 769 86 3919 HB 771 87 3922 HB 779 317 521 HB 780 178 4322 HB 781 179 4327 HB 782 16 6 HB 783 88 3926 HB 788 318 536 HB 789 89 3928 HB 806 90 3932 HB 810 91 3935 HB 812 319 537 HB 821 92 3938 HB 822 39 153 HB 824 93 3946 HB 825 94 3970 HB 827 95 3972 HB 828 96 3974 HB 829 9 3549 HB 831 97 3977 HB 832 297 4836 HB 833 180 4330 HB 834 98 3979 HB 836 99 3982 HB 838 100 4013 HB 839 101 4016 HB 842 181 4342 HB 843 13 3595 HB 845 102 4046 HB 849 103 4051 HB 851 104 4055 HB 852 447 1232 HB 855 386 791 HB 856 105 4058 HB 857 27 3611 HB 860 20 3602 HB 861 182 4345 HB 866 183 4356 HB 867 184 4366 HB 869 185 4373 HB 871 186 4376 HB 872 361 721 HB 874 147 4185 HB 875 148 4190 HB 876 149 4194 HB 877 150 4198 HB 878 106 4062 HB 879 107 4064 HB 883 108 4067 HB 884 187 4384 HB 885 188 4386 HB 889 189 4388 HB 894 387 796 HB 895 190 4394

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HB 896 191 4397 HB 898 109 4069 HB 899 110 4072 HB 900 298 4839 HB 902 192 4413 HB 903 193 4416 HB 906 111 4078 HB 909 112 4081 HB 912 151 4203 HB 913 194 4432 HB 915 152 4207 HB 917 195 4439 HB 920 113 4083 HB 921 114 4087 HB 922 196 4442 HB 923 197 4446 HB 924 115 4091 HB 925 198 4449 HB 926 116 4094 HB 928 117 4096 HB 929 199 4452 HB 930 118 4098 HB 931 200 4455 HB 932 201 4458 HB 933 119 4100 HB 936 120 4104 HB 938 202 4462 HB 940 203 4464 HB 941 29 3614 HB 942 121 4106 HB 943 24 3606 HB 944 204 4466 HB 948 205 4469 HB 949 206 4472 HB 950 207 4503 HB 951 122 4112 HB 952 157 4219 HB 953 123 4115 HB 954 208 4539 HB 955 209 4541 HB 956 210 4543 HB 957 211 4545 HB 960 30 3616 HB 961 212 4551 HB 962 388 4925 HB 963 213 4553 HB 965 158 4223 HB 966 214 4555 HB 968 215 4559 HB 969 124 4118 HB 970 299 4842 HB 972 216 4595 HB 973 217 4611 HB 974 218 4613 HB 976 219 4618 HB 979 220 4622 HB 980 221 4624 HB 982 222 4626 HB 983 125 4122 HB 985 223 4631 HB 986 224 4633 HB 989 225 4635 HB 990 226 4640 HB 991 Vetoed HB 992 126 4124 HB 1000 227 4642 HB 1001 228 4645 HB 1002 35 3624 HB 1003 300 4874 HB 1004 229 4647 HB 1005 230 4649 HB 1007 127 4127 HB 1008 128 4130 HB 1009 231 4651 HB 1010 232 4653 HB 1011 233 4656 HB 1012 234 4659 HB 1013 235 4661 HB 1014 236 4665 HB 1015 237 4668 HB 1016 238 4670 HB 1017 239 4673 HB 1019 240 4675 HB 1021 241 4677 HB 1022 129 4132 HB 1023 153 4211 HB 1024 154 4215 HB 1034 130 4135 HB 1035 242 4693 HB 1036 243 4695 HB 1049 244 4697 House Resolution Resolution Act No. Page No. HR 47 3 915 HR 57 4 916

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HR 94 5 917 HR 95 6 918 HR 119 7 919 HR 122 8 957 HR 157 9 961 HR 161 10 962 HR 162 11 963 HR 164 12 964 HR 166 13 964 HR 167 14 965 HR 169 15 969 HR 200 16 991 HR 204 17 992 HR 207 18 997 HR 208 19 999 HR 209 20 999 HR 214 21 1001 HR 261 22 1003 HR 267 23 1004 HR 269 44 1275 HR 304 24 1005 HR 325 25 1006 HR 334 26 1007 HR 364 27 1007 HR 365 28 1008 HR 379 29 1009 HR 412 30 1010 HR 416 31 1011 HR 425 43 1068 HR 437 32 1012 SB 1 284 365 SB 3 389 797 SB 9 390 798 SB 10 391 800 SB 12 392 805 SB 13 452 1248 SB 17 131 160 SB 20 393 809 SB 24 285 368 SB 28 394 813 SB 29 304 464 SB 32 305 465 SB 34 453 1249 SB 39 395 817 SB 41 396 822 SB 42 397 827 SB 47 398 828 SB 49 286 370 SB 51 287 372 SB 56 399 830 SB 57 38 112 SB 59 18 10 SB 61 271 322 SB 62 272 323 SB 63 400 831 SB 64 401 832 SB 66 288 377 SB 72 Vetoed SB 74 289 379 SB 77 402 834 SB 82 403 834 SB 83 326 557 SB 94 327 559 SB 98 438 1212 SB 99 404 835 SB 100 262 277 SB 103 405 836 SB 105 406 837 SB 108 328 560 SB 109 28 42 SB 110 407 845 SB 111 408 846 SB 113 290 381 SB 115 409 847 SB 117 34 67 SB 128 411 850 SB 130 412 853 SB 133 291 387 SB 134 245 4701 SB 136 132 4138 SB 138 306 466 SB 139 413 860 SB 140 414 862 SB 143 415 866 SB 145 416 867 SB 146 417 868 SB 148 309 472 SB 150 418 869 SB 151 133 4139 SB 154 419 871 SB 163 329 562 SB 164 292 391 SB 165 331 574

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SB 167 134 4143 SB 170 420 873 SB 177 431 1043 SB 178 421 877 SB 179 436 1206 SB 180 307 467 SB 181 422 878 SB 184 135 4145 SB 192 273 326 SB 193 442 1223 SB 195 308 469 SB 196 423 890 SB 197 434 1190 SB 200 279 335 SB 204 136 4147 SB 205 424 891 SB 206 137 4151 SB 207 246 4704 SB 208 138 4158 SB 209 139 4163 SB 210 280 342 SB 217 140 4167 SB 218 455 1271 SB 220 141 4169 SB 222 303 449 SB 223 142 4176 SB 230 145 161 SB 231 15 5 SB 236 425 904 SB 237 143 4178 SB 238 144 4180 SB 240 454 1267 SB 241 268 296 SB 242 437 1211 SB 243 301 4886 SB 245 426 906 SB 248 427 910 SB 256 330 567 SB 258 247 4707 SB 259 410 848 SB 262 428 913 SB 269 248 4710 SB 270 249 4712 SB 275 250 4717 SB 278 251 4723 SB 279 252 4725 SB 280 253 4731 SB 281 254 4738 SB 282 255 4744 SB 283 256 4751 SB 284 257 4757 SB 285 258 4764 SB 286 259 4770 SB 287 260 4777 SB 288 261 4783 Senate Resolution Resolution Act No. Page No. SR 17 2 361 SR 22 33 1014 SR 45 34 1015 SR 77 35 1023 SR 88 1 3 SR 101 36 1025 SR 108 37 1026 SR 109 38 1026 SR 150 39 1027 SR 151 40 1030 SR 157 41 1031 SR 184 42 1032

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SUPERIOR COURTS JUDGES, DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, AND CALENDAR As of February 25, 1999 ALAPAHA CIRCUIT HONS. BROOKS E. BLITCH III, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 335, Homerville, GA 31634-0335 CARSON DANE PERKINS, Judge, P.O. Box 606, Nashville, GA 31639 ROBERT ELLIS, JR., D.A., P.O. Box 125, Nashville, GA 31639 AtkinsonFirst Monday in April and October BerrienFirst Monday in February and August ClinchThird Monday in March and September CookSecond Monday in January and July LanierFourth Monday in April and October ALCOVY CIRCUIT HONS. MARVIN W. SORRELLS, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 805, Monroe, GA 30655-0805 JOHN M. OTT, Judge, P.O. Box 1146, Covington, GA 30210-1146 SAMUEL D. OZBURN, Judge, P.O. Box 2816, Covington, GA 30210-7816 ALAN A. COOK, D.A., 1124 Clark Street, Covington, GA 30209 NewtonSecond and third Mondays in January, April, July and October WaltonFirst and second Mondays in February, May, August, and November APPALACHIAN CIRCUIT HONS. BOBBY C. MILAM, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 2079, Blue Ridge, GA 30513-2079 BRENDA S. WEAVER, Judge, P.O. Box 545, Jasper, GA 30143-0545 ROGER G. QUEEN, D.A., Gilmer County Courthouse, Ellijay, GA 30540 FanninSecond Monday in May and November GilmerSecond Monday in April and October PickensSecond Monday in March and September ATLANTA CIRCUIT HONS. THELMA WYATT CUMMINGS MOORE, Chief Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4905, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 ROLAND BARNES, Judge, 136 Pryor Street, Suite C-848, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 T. JACKSON BEDFORD, JR., Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4755, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 ALICE D. BONNER, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4705, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 ALFORD J. DEMSEY, JR., Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4955, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 DORIS L. DOWNS, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T7955, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 PHILIP P. ETHERIDGE, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8705, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 JOHN J. GOGER, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, SW., Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 ISAAC JENRETTE, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8905, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 BENSONETTA TIPTON LANE, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T1955, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 ELIZABETH LONG, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8655, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 STEPHANIE MANIS, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4855, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643

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CONSTANCE C. RUSSELL, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8755, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 WENDY LEE SHOOB, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T7905, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 MELVIN K. WESTMORELAND, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T3905, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 GAIL S. TUSAN, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8955, Atlanta, GA, 30303-3643 CYNTHIA D. WRIGHT, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4655, Atlanta, GA 30303-3643 PAUL HOWARD, D.A., Fulton County Courthouse, 136 Pryor Street, Room 301, Atlanta, GA 30303 FultonFirst Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November ATLANTIC CIRCUIT HONS. JOHN R. HARVEY, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1018, Pembroke, GA 31321-1018 DAVID L. CAVENDER, Judge, P.O. Box 713, Hinesville, GA 31310-0713 ALBERT RONNIE RAHN III, Judge, P.O. Box 280, Reidsville, GA 30453-0280 ROBERT L. RUSSELL III, Judge, P.O. Box 581, Darien, GA 31305-0581 TOM DURDEN, D.A., P.O. Box 9, Hinesville, GA 31313-0009 BryanThird Monday in March; first Monday in November EvansFirst Monday in February and August LibertyThird Monday in February and September LongFirst Monday in March; third Monday in August McIntoshFourth Monday in May; first Monday in December TattnallThird Monday in April and October AUGUSTA CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM M. FLEMING, JR., Chief Judge, 305 City-County Building, 530 Greene Street, Augusta, GA 30911 ROBERT L. ALLGOOD, Judge, 312 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 CARL C. BROWN, JR., Judge, 312 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 NEAL W. DICKERT, Judge, 311 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 J. CARLISLE OVERSTREET, Judge, 320 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 ALBERT PICKETT, Judge, 320 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 DUNCAN WHEALE, Judge, 530 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 DANIEL J. CRAIG, D.A., 551 Greene Street, Augusta, GA 30901 BurkeFourth Monday in April and October ColumbiaFourth Monday in March and September RichmondThird Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November BELL-FORSYTH CIRCUIT HONS. RICHARD S. GAULT, Chief Judge, 100 Courthouse Square, Suite 160, Cumming, GA 30040 PHILIP SMITH, D.A., 100 Courthouse Square, Suite 200, Cumming, GA 30028 ForsythSecond Monday in March, July, and November BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT HONS. FRANK C. MILLS III, Chief Judge, 90 North Street, Suite 270, Canton, GA 30114-2707 C. MICHAEL ROACH, Judge, 90 North Street, Suite 260, Canton, GA 30114-2754 GARRY T. MOSS, D.A., 90 North Street, Suite 390, Canton, GA 30114 CherokeeSecond Monday in January, May, and September

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BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT HONS. A. BLENN TAYLOR, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 879, Brunswick, GA 31521-0879 JAMES R. TUTEN, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 1473, Brunswick, GA 31521-1473 E. M. WILKES III, Judge, P.O. Drawer 1540, Hazelhurst, GA 31539-1540 AMANDA F. WILLIAMS, Judge, P.O. Box 879, Brunswick, GA 31521-0879 STEPHEN D. KELLEY, D.A., P.O. Box 1661, Brunswick, GA 31521 ApplingSecond and third Mondays in February; third and fourth Mondays in October CamdenFirst Monday in April and November GlynnSecond Monday in March and September Jeff DavisFirst and second Mondays in March; fourth Monday in September; first Monday in October WayneThird and fourth Mondays in April and November CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT HONS. KENNETH B. FOLLOWILL, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31902-1340 JOHN D. ALLEN, Judge, P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31902-1340 ROBERT G. JOHNSTON III, Judge, P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31902-1340 DOUGLAS C. PULLEN, Judge, P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31902-1340 WILLIAM J. SMITH, Judge, P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31902-1340 GRAY CONGER, D.A. P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31902-1340 ChattahoocheeFourth Monday in March and September HarrisSecond Monday in January, May, and September MarionFourth Monday in April and October MuscogeeFirst Monday in February, April, June, August, October, and December TalbotSecond Monday in March and November; third Monday in August TaylorSecond Monday in February, June, and October CHEROKEE CIRCUIT HONS. TOM POPE, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1117, Calhoun, GA 30703-1117 JEFFERSON L. DAVIS, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 1986, Cartersville, GA 30120-1986 SHEPERD LEE HOWELL, Judge, 135 W. Cherokee Avenue, Suite 322, Cartersville, GA 30120 T. JOSEPH CAMPBELL, D.A., 135 W. Cherokee Avenue, Suite 368, Cartersville, GA 30120 BartowFirst Monday in February and August; fourth Monday in April; third Monday in October GordonFirst Monday in March, June, and December; second Monday in September CLAYTON CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM H. ISON, Chief Judge, 315 Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, Jonesboro, GA 30236 DEBORAH C. BENEFIELD, Judge, 309 Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, Jonesboro, GA 30236-3694 ALBERT B. COLLIER, Judge, 215 Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, Jonesboro, GA 30236 MATTHEW O. SIMMONS, Judge, 209 Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, Jonesboro, GA 30236 ROBERT E. KELLER, D.A., Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, 121 S. McDonough Street, Jonesboro, GA 30236

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ClaytonFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November COBB CIRCUIT HONS. GEORGE H. KREEGER, Chief Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 JAMES G. BODIFORD, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 ROBERT E. FLOURNOY, JR., Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 S. LARK INGRAM, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 KENNETH O. NIX, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 DOROTHY A. ROBINSON, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 MARY E. STALEY, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 MICHAEL STODDARD, Judge, 30 Waddell Street, Marietta, GA 30090-9643 PAT HEAD, D.A., 10 East Park Square, Cobb County Admin. Bldg., Suite 330, Marietta, GA 30090-9619 CobbSecond Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November CONASAUGA CIRCUIT HONS. COY H. TEMPLES, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 732, Dalton, GA 30722-0732 WILLIAM T. BOYETT, Judge, P.O. Box 2582, Dalton, GA 30722-2582 CHARLES A. PANNELL, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 596, Dalton, GA 30722-0596 JACK PARTAIN, Judge, P.O. Box 2535, Dalton, GA 30722-2535 KERMIT MCMANUS, D.A., P.O. Box 953, Dalton, GA 30722-0953 MurraySecond Monday in February and August WhitfieldSecond Monday in January and July CORDELE CIRCUIT HONS. WHITFIELD R. FORRESTER, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 701, Cordele, GA 31015-0701 G. MALLON FAIRCLOTH, Judge, P.O. Box 873, Cordele, GA 31015-0873 JOHN C. PRIDGEN, D.A., P.O. Box 5510, Cordele, GA 31015-5510 Ben HillSecond and third Mondays in January; first and second Mondays in April; third and fourth Mondays in June; third and fourth Mondays in September and Monday following CrispThird and fourth Mondays in February and Monday following; second, third, and fourth Mondays in May and November; second and third Mondays in August DoolyFourth Monday in January and Monday following the third and fourth Mondays in April, July, and October WilcoxSecond and third Mondays in March; fourth Monday in August and Monday following; first and second Mondays in December COWETA CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM F. LEE, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 8, Newnan, GA 30264 A. QUILLIAN BALDWIN, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 1364, LaGrange, GA 30241-1364 AUBREY DUFFEY, Judge, P.O. Box 338, Carrollton, GA 30117 ALLEN B. KEEBLE, Judge, 119 Ridley Avenue, Suite 201, Colonial Building, LaGrange, GA 30240 JOHN SIMPSON, Judge, P.O. Box 338, Carrollton, GA 30117 PETER J. SKANDALAKIS, D.A., 118 Ridley Avenue, LaGrange, GA 30240 CarrollSecond Monday in January; first Monday in April and October; third Monday in June CowetaFirst Monday in March; first Tuesday in September


HeardThird Monday in March and September MeriwetherThird Monday in February, May, August, and November TroupFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November DOUGHERTY CIRCUIT HONS. LORING A. GRAY, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1827, Albany, GA 31702-1827 WILLIE E. LOCKETTE, Judge, P.O. Box 1827, Albany, GA 31702-1827 HERBERT E. PHIPPS, Judge, P.O. Box 1827, Albany, GA 31702-1827 KEN HODGES, D.A., 225 Pine St., P.O. Box 1827, Albany, GA 31703 DoughertySecond Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November DOUGLAS CIRCUIT HONS. ROBERT J. JAMES, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 794, Douglasville, GA 30133-0794 DAVID T. EMERSON, Judge, Douglas County Courthouse, 8700 Hospital Drive, Douglasville, GA 30134 DONALD B. HOWE, JR., Judge, Douglas County Courthouse, 8700 Hospital Drive, Douglasville, GA 30134 DAVID McDADE, D.A., Douglas County Courthouse, Room 205, Douglasville, GA 30134 DouglasSecond Monday in April and October DUBLIN CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM M. TOWSON, Sr., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 2069, Dublin, GA 31040-2069 H. GIBBS FLANDERS, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 2100, Dublin, GA 31040-2100 RALPH M. WALKE, DA., P.O. Box 2029, Dublin, GA 31040 JohnsonThird Monday in March, June, September, and December LaurensFourth Monday in January, April, July, and October TreutlenThird Monday in February and August TwiggsSecond Monday in January, April, July, and October EASTERN CIRCUIT HONS. PERRY BRANNEN, JR., Chief Judge, 133 Montgomery Street, Room 422, Savannah, GA 31401-3241 JAMES F. BASS, Jr., Judge, 133 Montgomery Street, Room 21, Savannah, GA 31401-3241 PENNY HAAS FREESEMANN, Judge, 133 Montgomery Street, Room 204, Savannah, GA 31401-3239 MICHAEL L. KARPF, Judge, 133 Montgomery Street, Room 212, Savannah, GA 31401-3239 CHARLES B. MIKELL, JR., Judge, 133 Montgomery Street, Room 203, Savannah, GA 31401-3239 JOHN E. MORSE, JR., Judge, 133 Montgomery Street, Room 213, Savannah, GA 31401-3239 SPENCER LAWTON, JR., D.A., 133 Montgomery Street, P.O. Box 2309, Savannah, GA 31402 ChathamFirst Monday in March, June, September, and December ENOTAH CIRCUIT HONS. HUGH W. STONE, Chief Judge, 114 Courthouse Street, Box 2, Blairsville, GA 30512 DAVID E. BARRETT, Judge, 59 5. Main Street, Suite K, Cleveland, GA 30528-4501 STAN GUNTER, D.A., Lumpkin County Courthouse, 99 Courthouse Hill, Suite H, Dahlongea, GA 30533


LumpkinFourth Monday in February and August TownsJanuary 1 and July 1 UnionJanuary 1 and July 1 WhiteFirst Monday in April and October FLINT CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM H. CRAIG, Chief Judge, Henry County Courthouse, 2nd Floor, McDonough, GA 30253-3293 ARCH W. MCGARITY, Judge, Henry County Courthouse, 3rd Floor, McDonough, GA 30253-3293 E. BYRON SMITH, Judge, Lamar County Courthouse, Box 5, Barnesville, GA 30204 TOMMY K. FLOYD, D.A., Henry County Courthouse, No. 1 Courthouse Square, McDonough, GA 30253-3220 ButtsFirst and second Mondays in February and November, first Monday in May; third and fourth Mondays in August HenrySecond, third,, and fourth Mondays in January, April, July, and October LamarFirst and second Mondays in March. June, and December; second and third Mondays in September MonroeThird and fourth Mondays in February, May, and November; first and second Mondays in August GRIFFIN CIRCUIT HONS. CHRIS EDWARDS, Chief Judge, 140 Stonewall Avenue, West, Suite 211, Fayetteville, GA 30214 JOHNNIE L. CALDWELL, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 916, Thomaston, GA 30286-0916 PASCHALA. ENGLISH, JR., Judge, 145 Johnson Avenue, Fayetteville, GA 30214-2198 BEN J. MILLER, Judge, P.O. Box 1527, Griffin, GA 30224-1527 BILL MCBROOM, D.A., P.O. Box 871, Thomaston, GA 30286 FayetteFirst Monday in March; second Monday in September PikeThird Monday in April and November SpaldingFirst Monday in February, June, and October UpsonThird Monday in March and August; first Monday in November GWINNETT CIRCUIT HONS. DEBRA TURNER, Chief Judge, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30045-6900 FRED A. BISHOP, JR., Judge, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30045-6900 MICHAEL C. CLARK, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045-6900 MELODIE CONNER, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045-6900 K. DAWSON JACKSON, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045-6900 JAMES W. OXENDINE, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045-6900 RICHARD T. WINEGARDEN, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045-6900 DANIEL PORTER, D.A., 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045-6900 GwinnettFirst Monday in January, March, May, July, and November; second Monday in September HOUSTON CIRCUIT HONS. GEORGE F. NUNN, JR., Chief Judge, 300 houston County Courthouse, Perry, GA 31069 EDWARD D. LUKEMIRE, Judge, 300 houston County Courthouse, Perry, GA 31069

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KELLY R. BURKE, D.A., 1009 Jernigan St., Perry, GA 31069 HoustonFirst Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT HONS. JON B. WOOD, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1185, LaFayette, GA 30728-1185 KRISTINA COOK CONNELLY, Judge, P.O. Box 179, Summerville, GA 30747-0179 WILLIAM RALPH HILL, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 525, LaFayette, GA 30728-0525 RALPH VAN PELT, JR., Judge, Catoosa County Courthouse, Ringgold, GA 30736 HERBERT E. FRANKLIN, D.A., P.O. Box 1025, LaFayette, GA 30728 CatoosaFirst Monday in March; second Monday in September ChattoogaFirst Monday in February and August DadeFirst Monday in April; second Monday in October WalkerFirst Monday in May and November MACON CIRCUIT HONS. WALKER P. JOHNSON, JR., Chief Judge, 310 Bibb County Courthouse, Macon, GA 31201 S. PHILLIP BROWN, Judge, 310 Bibb County Courthouse, Macon, GA 31201 MARTHA C. CHRISTIAN, Judge, 310 Bibb County Courthouse, Macon, GA 31201 G. BRYANT CULPEPPER, Judge, 310 Bibb County Courthouse, Macon, GA 31201 THOMAS D. WILCOX, JR., Judge, 310 Bibb County Courthouse, Macon, GA 31201 CHARLES H. WESTON, D.A., 661 Mulberry Street, 3rd Floor, Macon, GA 31201 BibbFirst Monday in February, April, June, August, October, and December CrawfordThird and fourth Mondays in March and October PeachFirst and second Mondays in March and August; third and fourth Mondays in November MIDDLE CIRCUIT HONS. WALTER C. McMILLAN, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1015, Sandersville, GA 31082-1015 MARVIN B. HARTLEY, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 869, Lyons, GA 30436-0869 RICHARD A. MALONE, D.A., P.O. Drawer J, Swainsboro, GA 30401 CandlerFirst and second Mondays in February and August EmanuelSecond Monday in January, April, July, and October JeffersonSecond Monday in May and November ToombsFourth Monday in February, May, August, and November WashingtonFirst Monday in March, June, September, and December MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT HONS. JAMES E. CORNWELL, Chief Judge, P. O. Box 758, Toccoa, GA 30577 E. H. (BUCKY) WOODS III, Judge, P.O. Box 485, Clarkesville, GA 30523-0485 MICHAEL CRAWFORD, DA., P.O. Box 738, Clarkesville, GA 30523-0738 HabershamJanuary 1 and July 1 RabunJanuary 1 and July 1 StephensJanuary 1 and July 1 NORTHEASTERN CIRCUIT HONS. C. ANDREW FULLER, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 3362, Gainesville, GA 30503 JOHN E. GIRARDEAU, Judge, P.O. Box 49, Gainesville, GA 30503-0049

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KATHLENE F. GOSSELIN, Judge, P. O. Box 1778, Gainesville, GA 30503 LYDIA SARTAIN, DA., P.O. Box 1690, Gainesville, GA 30503 DawsonFirst Monday in March: second Monday in September HallFirst Monday in May and November: second Monday in January and July NORTHERN CIRCUIT HONS. GEORGE H. BRYANT, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 950. Hartwell, GA 30643-0950 JOHN H. BAILEY, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 645, Elberton, GA 30635 LINDSAY A. TISE, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 709, Carnesville, GA 30521 ROBERT W. LAVENDER, D.A., P.O. Box 515, Hartwell, GA 30643 ElbertThird Monday in January: fourth Monday in July FranklinThird Monday in March and September HartThird Monday in February and August MadisonThird Monday in April and October OglethorpeThird Monday in May and November OCMULGEE CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM A. PRIOR, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 728, Madison, GA 30650-0728 JAMES LEVI CLINE, JR., Judge, 10 Jefferson Avenue, Eatonton, GA 31024 HULANE EVANS GEORGE, Judge, P.O. Box 1050, Milledgeville, GA 31061-1050 JOHN LEE PARROTT, Judge, P.O. Box 111, Monticello, GA 31064-0111 HUGH V. WINGFIELD III, Judge, P.O. Drawer 1539, Gray, GA 31032 FRED D. BRIGHT, D.A., P.O. Box 1209, Gray, GA 31032 BaldwinSecond Monday in January, April, July, and October GreeneFourth Monday in January, April, August, and November HancockFourth Monday in March and September JasperSecond Monday in February, May, August, and November JonesFirst Monday in February and August: third Monday in April and October MorganFirst Monday in March, June, September, and December PutnamThird Monday in March, June, September, and December WilkinsonFourth Monday in February: first Monday in April and October; third Monday in August OCONEE CIRCUIT HONS. PHILLIP R. WEST, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1058, Eastman, GA 31023-1058 H. FREDERICK MULLIS, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 4248, Eastman, GA 31023 TIMOTHY VAUGHN, D.A., P.O. Box 1027, Eastman, GA 31023-1027 BleckleyFirst Monday in March: second Monday in July and November DodgeThird Monday in February, May, August, and November MontgomeryFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November PulaskiSecond and third Mondays in March and September; second Monday in June and December TelfairFourth Monday in February and June; third and fourth Mondays in October WheelerSecond Monday in February and October; third Monday in June OGEECHEE CIRCUIT HONS. FAYE S. MARTIN, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 803, Statesboro, GA 30459-0803 JOHN R. TURNER, Judge, P.O. Box 1453, Statesboro, GA 30459-1453 WILLIAM E. WOODRUM, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 805, Millen, GA 30442-0805

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R. JOSEPH MARTIN III. D.A., P.O. Box 1640, Statesboro, GA 30458 BullochFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November EffinghamFirst Monday in June and December JenkinsFirst Monday in March and September ScrevenSecond Monday in January; first Monday in April, July, and October PATAULA CIRCUIT HONS. JOE C. BISHOP, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 759, Dawson, GA 31742-0759 EVERETT T. MOULTON, JR., Judge, P.O. Drawer 687, Blakely, GA 31723-0687 CHARLES M. FERGUSON, D.A., P.O. Drawer 30, Cuthbert, GA 31740 ClayThird Monday in March and November EarlyThird Tuesday in January and third Monday in July MillerFourth Monday in February and October QuitmanFourth Monday in March and September RandolphFirst Monday in May and November SeminoleSecond Monday in April and October TerrellFirst Monday in June and December PIEDMONT CIRCUIT HONS. T. PENN McWHORTER, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 685, Winder, GA 30680-0685 ROBERT W. ADAMSON, Judge, P.O. Box 39, Homer, GA 30547 DAVID MOThS, Judge, P.O. Box 670, Jefferson, GA 30549-0670 TIMOTHY G. MADISON, D.A., P.O. Box 276, Jefferson, GA 30549 BanksFirst and second Mondays in April and October BarrowLast Monday in January; first and second Mondays in February; second and third Mondays in August; first and second Mondays in May and November JacksonFirst and second Mondays in March; second and third Mondays in September ROCKDALE CIRCUIT HONS. DAVID B. IRWIN, Chief Judge, 922 Court Street, Room 200A, Conyers, GA 30012 SIDNEY L. NATION, Judge, P.O. Box 289, Conyers, GA 30012-0289 RICHARD READ, D.A., Rockdale County Courthouse, 922 Court Street, Room 201, Conyers, GA 30012 RockdaleFirst Monday in January, April, July, and October ROME CIRCUIT HONS. ROBERT G. WALTHER, Chief Judge, 310 Floyd County Courthouse, Rome, GA 30161 WALTER J. MATTHEWS, Judge, 320 Floyd County Courthouse, Rome, GA 30161 F. LARRY SALMON, Judge, 312 Floyd County Courthouse, Rome, GA 30161 TAMI COLSTON, D.A., 401 Tribune St., Suite 302, Rome, GA 30161 FloydSecond Monday in January, March, July, and September; first Monday in May and November SOUTH GEORGIA CIRCUIT HONS. A. WALLACE CATO, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 65, Bainbridge, GA 31718-0065 J. RICHARD PORTER HI. Judge, P.O. Box 729, Cairo, GA 31728-0729 J. BROWN MOSELEY, D.A., P.O. Drawer 1843, Bainbridge, GA 31717


BakerThird Monday in January and July CalhounLast Monday in May and November DecaturFirst Monday in May and November GradyThird Monday in March and September MitchellThird Monday in April and October SOUTHERN CIRCUIT HONS. H. ARTHUR McLANE, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1349, Valdosta, GA 31603-1349 HARRY J. ALTMAN II, Judge, P.O. Box 1734, Thomasville, GA 31799-1734 RICHARD M. COWART, Judge, P.O. Box 806, Valdosta, GA 31603-0806 FRANK D. HORKAN, Judge, P.O. Box 2276, Moultrie, GA 31776-2276 J. DAVID MILLER, D.A., Lowndes County Courthouse, P.O. Box 99, Valdosta, GA 31603-0099 BrooksFirst Monday in April and November ColquittFirst Monday in February and August EcholsFirst Monday in February and August LowndesFirst Monday in March and the first Tuesday immediately following the first Monday in September ThomasFirst Monday in April and October SOUTHWESTERN CIRCUIT HONS. THAD W. GIBSON, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 784, Americus, GA 31709-0784 R. RUCKER SMITH, Judge, P.O. Box 784, Americus, GA 31709-0784 JOHN R. PARKS, D.A., P.O. Box 1328, Americus, GA 31709 LeeFourth Monday in April and October MaconSecond Monday in May and November SchleySecond Monday in February and August StewartThird Monday in March and September SumterFourth Monday in February, May, and August: Monday following the fourth Thursday in November WebsterSecond Monday in January and July STONE MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT HONS. ROBERT J. CASTELLANI, Chief Judge, 402 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 DANIEL M. COURSEY, JR., Judge, 303 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 GAIL C. FLAKE. Judge, 504 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 HILTON FULLER, Judge, 306 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 MICHAEL E. HANCOCK, Judge, 403 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 LINDA WARREN HUNTER, Judge, 505 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 ROBERT P. MALLIS, Judge, 905 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 CLARENCE F. SEELIGER, Judge, 801 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 JAMES H. WEEKS, Judge, 900 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 ANNIE WORKMAN, Judge, 120 West Trinity Place, Callaway Building, Room 310, Decatur, GA 30030 J. TOM MORGAN, D.A., 700 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 DeKalbFirst Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November


TALLAPOOSA CIRCUIT HONS. ARTHUR W. FUDGER, Chief Judge, 201 Paulding County Courthouse, Dallas, GA 30132 F. MARION CUMMINGS, Judge, Polk County Courthouse, Room 203, Cedartown, GA 30125 WILLIAM A. FOSTER HI, Judge, 11 Courthouse Square, Room 201, Dallas, GA 30132 JAMES R. OSBORNE, D.A., 11 Courthouse Square, Room 101, Dallas, GA 30132 HaralsonThird Monday in January and August PauldingThird Monday in February and September PolkThird Monday in March and July TIFTON CIRCUIT HONS. JOHN D. CROSBY, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 891, Tifton, GA 31793-0891 GARY CLINTON McCORVEY, Judge, P.O. 7090, Tifton, GA 31793-7090 C. PAUL BOWDEN, D.A., P.O. Box 1252, Tifton, GA 31793-1252 IrwinThird and fourth Mondays in February; second and third Mondays in May and November TiftFirst Monday in March and September; first and second Mondays in June and December TurnerSecond and third Mondays in January and July: second Monday in April and October WorthFourth Monday in January, April, July, and October TOOMBS CIRCUIT HONS. E. PURNELL DAVIS II, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 66, Warrenton, GA 30828-0066 ROGER W. DUNAWAY, Judge, P.O. Box 480, Thomson, GA 30824 DENNIS C. SANDERS, D.A., P.O. Drawer 966, Thomson, GA 30824 GlascockThird Monday in February, May, August, and November LincolnFourth Monday in January and July; third Monday in April and October McDuffieSecond Monday in March, June, September, and December TaliaferroFourth Monday in February, May, August, and November WarrenThird Monday in January: first Monday in April, July, and October WilkesFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November WAYCROSS CIRCUIT HONS. CLARENCE D. BLOUNT. Chief Judge, Ware County Courthouse, Waycross, GA 31501-3549 STEPHEN L. JACKSON, Pierce County Courthouse, Blackshear, GA 31516 JOSEPH B. NEWTON, Judge, P.O. Box 1507, Waycross, GA 31502 RICHARD CURRIE, D.A., 201 State Street, Ware County Courthouse Annex, Waycross, GA 31501 BaconThird Monday in April: second Monday in October BrantleyFourth Monday in January: second Monday in September CharltonFourth Monday in February and September CoffeeThird Monday in March and October PierceFirst Monday in May and December WareFirst Monday in April: second Monday in November


WESTERN CIRCUIT HONS. JOSEPH J. GAINES, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 8045, Athens, GA 30603-8045 STEVEN C. JONES, Judge, P.O. Box 133, Athens, GA 30603 LAWTON E. STEPHENS, Judge, P.O. Box 8064, Athens, GA 30603-8064 HARRY N. GORDON, D.A., 325 E. Washington Street, Athens, GA 30601 ClarkeSecond Monday in January, April, July, and October OconeeSecond Monday in March and September

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INDEX TABULAR INDEX PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Ad valorem taxes; homeowner's incentive adjustment 1275 OFFICIAL CODE OF GEORGIA ANNOTATED Code Section 2-8-54; amended 765 Code Section 2-9-1; amended 800 Code Section 2-9-5; amended 800 Code Section 2-9-9.1; enacted 800 Code Section 2-9-34; amended 800 Code Title 2, Chapter 18; enacted 1249 Code Sections 2-18-1 thru 2-18-5; enacted 1249 Code Title 2, Chapter 18; enacted 721 Code Sections 2-18-1 thru 2-18-6; enacted 721 Code Title 2, Chapter 18; enacted 1062 Code Sections 2-18-1 thru 2-18-8; enacted 1062 Code Section 3-3-7; amended 1225 Code Section 3-3-21; amended 81 Code Section 3-7-2; amended 1225 Code Section 3-8-6; enacted 1225 Code Section 4-6-3; amended 800 Code Section 4-6-49; amended 800 Code Section 5-3-21; amended 81 Code Section 5-5-42; amended 81 Code Section 5-6-51; amended 81 Code Section 7-1-31; amended 1213 Code Section 7-1-31; amended 910 Code Section 7-1-110.1; enacted 674 Code Section 7-1-111; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-111.1; repealed 674 Code Section 7-1-112; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-243; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-282; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-287; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-288; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-391; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-414; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-510; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-511; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-514; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-532; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-532; amended 81 Code Section 7-1-550; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-551; amended 81 Code Section 7-1-551; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-556; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-590; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-591; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-592; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-593; amended 674


Code Section 7-1-600; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-601; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-602; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-603; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-604; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-605; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-606; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-607; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-608; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-621; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-622; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-623; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-628.1; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-628.3; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-628.4; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-628.5; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-628.6; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-650; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-704; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-731; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-845; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1001; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1003; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1003.1; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1004; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1006; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1007; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1009; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1010; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1013; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1018; amended 674 Code Section 7-1-1019; amended 674 Code Section 7-5-2; amended 674 Code Section 7-5-3; amended 674 Code Section 7-5-4; amended 674 Code Section 7-5-6; amended 674 Code Section 8-3-50; amended 737 Code Section 8-3-106; amended 737 Code Section 9-2-21; amended 296 Code Section 9-10-31; amended 734 Code Section 9-10-200; amended 81 Code Section 9-10-202; amended 81 Code Section 9-10-203; amended 81 Code Section 9-10-204; amended 81 Code Section 9-11-28; amended 848 Code Section 9-11-119; amended 81 Code Section 9-11-124; amended 81 Code Section 9-11-131; amended 81 Code Section 9-11-132; amended 81 Code Section 9-13-140; amended 6 Code Section 9-13-142; amended 6 Code Section 9-14-6; amended 81


Code Section 9-14-53; amended 660 Code Section 9-15-15; amended 81 Code Section 10-1-31; amended 1229 Code Section 10-1-33.1; enacted 1229 Code Section 10-1-39; amended 1229 Code Section 10-1-42; enacted 1229 Code Section 10-1-393.2; amended 81 Code Section 10-1-622; amended 1194 Code Section 10-1-623; amended 1194 Code Section 10-1-641; amended 1194 Code Section 10-1-653; amended 1194 Code Section 10-1-654; repealed 1194 Code Section 10-1-661; amended 1194 Code Section 10-1-662; amended 1194 Code Section 10-1-663; amended 1194 Code Section 10-1-664; enacted 1194 Code Section 10-1-664.1; enacted 1194 Code Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 22, Part 7; enacted 1194 Code Section 10-1-670; enacted 1194 Code Section 10-4-12; amended 800 Code Section 10-4-213; amended 81 Code Section 10-5-4; amended 329 Code Section 10-6-36; amended 485 Code Section 10-6-141; amended 485 Code Section 10-6-142; amended 81 Code Section 10-6-142; amended 485 Code Section 10-9-6; amended 1040 Code Section 10-12-3; amended 323 Code Section 10-12-4; amended 323 Code Title 10, Chapter 13; enacted 725 Code Sections 10-13-1 thru 10-13-4; enacted 725 Code Section 11-8-101; amended 81 Code Section 12-3-10; amended 81 Code Section 12-3-10; amended 159 Code Section 12-3-55; amended 81 Code Section 12-3-192.1; enacted 160 Code Section 12-3-318; amended 835 Code Section 12-5-23.3; amended 81 Code Section 12-5-135; amended 760 Code Section 12-8-40.1; amended 780 Code Section 12-13-6; amended 658 Code Section 12-13-9; amended 658 Code Section 12-13-10; amended 658 Code Section 13-6-15; amended 775 Code Section 14-2-120; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-127; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-140; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-202; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-501; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-722; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-1006.1; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-1104; amended 405


Code Section 14-2-1110; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-1131; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-1302; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-1501; amended 405 Code Section 14-2-1622; amended 405 Code Section 14-3-120; amended 405 Code Section 14-3-122; amended 405 Code Section 14-3-127; amended 405 Code Section 14-3-140; amended 405 Code Section 14-3-202; amended 405 Code Section 14-3-501; amended 405 Code Section 14-3-1005.1; amended 405 Code Section 14-3-1622; amended 405 Code Section 14-4-101; amended 81 Code Section 14-4-102; amended 81 Code Section 14-4-121; amended 81 Code Section 14-9-101; amended 405 Code Section 14-9-104; amended 405 Code Section 14-9-109; enacted 405 Code Section 14-9-202; amended 405 Code Section 14-9-206; amended 405 Code Section 14-9-206.2; amended 827 Code Section 14-9-206.3; enacted 405 Code Section 14-9-906; amended 405 Code Section 14-9-1101; amended 405 Code Section 14-11-101; amended 405 Code Section 14-11-102; enacted 405 Code Section 14-11-206; amended 405 Code Section 14-11-209; amended 405 Code Section 14-11-405; amended 822 Code Section 14-11-601; amended 822 Code Section 14-11-601.1; enacted 822 Code Section 14-11-602; amended 822 Code Section 14-11-603; amended 405 Code Section 14-11-604; amended 822 Code Section 14-11-610; amended 405 Code Section 14-11-1101; amended 405 Code Section 15-1-9.2; amended 81 Code Section 15-1-12; amended 81 Code Section 15-3-1; amended 10 Code Section 15-3-4; amended 10 Code Section 15-6-1; amended 67 Code Section 15-6-2; amended 67 Code Section 15-6-2; amended 49 Code Section 15-6-2; amended 40 Code Section 15-6-3; amended 81 Code Section 15-6-3; amended 67 Code Section 15-6-3; amended 158 Code Section 15-6-27; amended 81 Code Section 15-6-28; amended 736 Code Section 15-6-61; amended 81 Code Section 15-6-72; amended 636


Code Section 15-6-92; amended 81 Code Section 15-9-1.1; amended 81 Code Section 15-9-63; amended 765 Code Section 15-9-63.1; enacted 765 Code Section 15-10-2; amended 834 Code Section 15-10-48; amended 81 Code Section 15-10-50; amended 81 Code Section 15-10-132; amended 81 Code Section 15-11-5; amended Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 15-11-9.1; amended 81 Code Section 15-11-17.1; enacted 1232 Code Section 15-11-20; amended 81 Code Section 15-11-37; amended 81 Code Section 15-11-81; amended 252 Code Section 15-11-90; amended 252 Code Title 15, Chapter 11, Article 4; enacted 507 Code Section 15-11-150 thru 15-11-155; enacted 507 Code Section 15-12-7; amended 836 Code Section 15-12-40; amended 890 Code Section 15-12-40.2; enacted 890 Code Section 15-12-83; amended 81 Code Section 15-14-24; amended 868 Code Section 15-14-36; amended 81 Code Section 15-14-37; amended 848 Code Section 15-16-27; amended 81 Code Section 15-16-51; amended 81 Code Section 15-18-14; amended 81 Code Section 15-18-14; amended 365 Code Section 15-18-14.1; amended 81 Code Section 15-18-19; amended 81 Code Section 15-18-29; enacted 913 Code Section 15-18-30; enacted 913 Code Section 15-18-45; amended 365 Code Section 15-21-143; amended 296 Code Section 16-3-20; amended 81 Code Section 16-3-24.2; amended 81 Code Section 16-5-20; amended 381 Code Section 16-5-20; amended 562 Code Section 16-5-21; amended 381 Code Section 16-5-23; amended 381 Code Section 16-5-23; amended 562 Code Section 16-5-23.1; amended 562 Code Section 16-5-24; amended 381 Code Section 16-5-45; amended 81 Code Section 16-5-70; amended 381 Code Section 16-5-94; amended 81 Code Section 16-6-1; amended 666 Code Section 16-6-5.1; amended 562 Code Section 16-6-13.2; enacted 472 Code Section 16-8-41; amended 81 Code Section 16-9-20; amended 720 Code Section 16-9-121; amended 81

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Code Section 16-10-24.2; amended 81 Code Section 16-11-127.1; amended 362 Code Section 16-11-170; amended 81 Code Section 16-11-184; amended 2 Code Section 16-12-1; amended 232 Code Section 16-12-35; amended 1224 Code Section 16-12-100.2; enacted 232 Code Section 16-12-120; amended 81 Code Section 16-12-171; amended 81 Code Section 16-13-1; amended 81 Code Section 16-13-21; amended 643 Code Section 16-13-28; amended 643 Code Section 16-13-32.6; amended 556 Code Section 16-13-41; amended 81 Code Section 16-13-46; amended 81 Code Section 16-13-71; amended 643 Code Section 16-13-71; amended 81 Code Section 16-13-72; amended 643 Code Section 16-13-72.1; amended 81 Code Section 16-14-3; amended 81 Code Section 16-15-3; amended 81 Code Section 17-1-1; amended 81 Code Section 17-4-45; amended 81 Code Section 17-4-46; amended 81 Code Section 17-4-47; amended 81 Code Section 17-6-1; amended 391 Code Section 17-6-30; amended 546 Code Section 17-6-56; enacted 546 Code Section 17-6-57; enacted 546 Code Section 17-6-58; enacted 546 Code Section 17-7-30; amended 81 Code Section 17-10-3.1; amended 391 Code Section 18-3-19; amended 81 Code Section 18-4-22; amended Vetoed HB 6 Code Section 18-4-66; amended 81 Code Section 18-4-118; amended 81 Code Section 19-3-2; amended 81 Code Section 19-5-7; amended 81 Code Section 19-5-12; amended 81 Code Section 19-6-28; amended 633 Code Section 19-6-28.1; amended 81 Code Section 19-6-28.1; amended 329 Code Section 19-6-32; amended 1237 Code Section 19-6-33; amended 1237 Code Section 19-6-33.1; enacted 1237 Code Section 19-7-5; amended 81 Code Section 19-7-27; amended 81 Code Section 19-7-47; amended 81 Code Section 19-8-4; amended 252 Code Section 19-8-5; amended 252 Code Section 19-8-6; amended 252 Code Section 19-8-7; amended 252


Code Section 19-8-10; amended 252 Code Section 19-8-11; amended 252 Code Section 19-8-23; amended 252 Code Section 19-8-26; amended 252 Code Section 19-8-26; amended 81 Code Section 19-9-1; amended 329 Code Section 19-9-1; amended Vetoed HB 407 Code Section 19-9-3; amended 329 Code Section 19-9-3; amended Vetoed HB 407 Code Section 19-11-9.3; amended 81 Code Section 19-11-9.3; amended 329 Code Section 19-11-12; amended 81 Code Section 19-11-12; amended 906 Code Section 19-11-14; amended 81 Code Section 19-11-27; amended 296 Code Section 19-11-30.2; amended 81 Code Section 19-11-30.4; amended 81 Code Section 19-11-58; amended 81 Code Section 19-12-3; amended 81 Code Section 19-15-2; amended 81 Code Section 19-15-3; amended 81 Code Section 19-15-4; amended 81 Code Section 20-2-55; amended 813 Code Section 20-2-68; enacted Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-133; amended 296 Code Section 20-2-145; amended 438 Code Section 20-2-145; amended 362 Code Section 20-2-146; enacted Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-146; enacted 465 Code Section 20-2-150; amended Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-153; amended Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-156; amended Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-160; amended Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-168; amended Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-210; amended 438 Code Section 20-2-257; amended 81 Code Section 20-2-258; enacted Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-262; enacted 400 Code Section 20-2-290; amended Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-520; amended 1236 Code Section 20-2-690.1; amended Vetoed SB 72 Code Title 20, Chapter 2, Article 16, Part 2, Subpart 1A; enacted 438 Code Section 20-2-735 thru 20-2-741; enacted 438 Code Section 20-2-751.3; repealed 438 Code Section 20-2-751.4; enacted 362 Code Section 20-2-751.4; enacted 370 Code Section 20-2-766.1; enacted Vetoed SB 72 Code Section 20-2-769; amended 438 Code Section 20-2-880; amended 296 Code Section 20-2-891; amended 592 Code Section 20-2-896; amended 296 Code Section 20-2-910; amended 296


Code Section 20-2-919; amended 592 Code Section 20-2-924; amended 296 Code Section 20-2-984.5; amended 81 Code Section 20-2-989.7; amended 81 Code Section 20-2-991.1; enacted 326 Code Section 20-2-1000; amended 81 Code Section 20-2-1160; amended 81 Code Section 20-2-1185; amended 379 Code Section 20-2-2067; amended 81 Code Section 20-2-2068; amended 81 Code Section 20-3-84; amended 1219 Code Section 20-3-201; amended 402 Code Section 20-3-295; amended 81 Code Section 20-3-295; amended 329 Code Section 20-3-513; amended 402 Code Section 20-3-514; amended 402 Code Section 20-3-516; amended 296 Code Section 20-3-519; amended 81 Code Section 20-3-519.1; amended 81 Code Section 20-3-519.3; amended 81 Code Section 20-3-519.7; amended 81 Code Section 20-3-519.8; amended 81 Code Section 20-8-5; amended 362 Code Section 21-2-5; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-5; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-14; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-30; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-45.1; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-70; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-76; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-110; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-131; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-131; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-132; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-132; amended 23 Code Section 21-2-133; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-133; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-134; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-135; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-136; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-170; amended 23 Code Section 21-2-217; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-217; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-231; amended 52 Code Title 21, Chapter 2, Part 4; amended 29 Code Sections 21-2-365 thru 21-2-369; amended 29 Code Section 21-2-370; repealed 29 Code Section 21-2-371 thru 21-2-379; amended 29 Code Section 21-2-381; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-382; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-384; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-384; amended 21


Code Section 21-2-386; amended 29 Code Section 21-2-390; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-408; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-411; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-471; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-480; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-480; amended 29 Code Section 21-2-481; amended 29 Code Section 21-2-484; amended 29 Code Section 21-2-484; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-500; amended 29 Code Section 21-2-501; amended 21 Code Section 21-2-501; amended 52 Code Section 21-2-570; amended 52 Code Section 21-4-3; amended 21 Code Section 21-4-5; amended 21 Code Section 21-4-5; amended 23 Code Section 21-4-8; amended 23 Code Section 21-4-8; amended 21 Code Section 21-4-9; amended 21 Code Section 22-2-104; amended 81 Code Section 22-2-105; amended 81 Code Section 24-9-40.2; enacted 516 Code Section 25-2-15; amended 81 Code Section 25-12-2; amended 656 Code Section 26-2-31; repealed 642 Code Section 26-2-231; amended 638 Code Section 26-2-236; repealed 638 Code Section 26-2-237; repealed 638 Code Section 26-2-238; amended 638 Code Section 26-2-239; amended 638 Code Section 26-2-241; amended 638 Code Section 26-2-410; amended 81 Code Section 26-3-22; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-4; amended 277 Code Section 26-4-5; amended 277 Code Section 26-4-5; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-28; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-28; amended 277 Code Section 26-4-29; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-41; amended 277 Code Section 26-4-42; amended 277 Code Section 26-4-44.1; enacted 277 Code Section 26-4-46; amended 277 Code Section 26-4-60; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-60; amended 277 Code Section 26-4-61; amended 277 Code Section 26-4-61; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-80; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-89; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-110; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-110; amended 757


Code Section 26-4-116; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-144; amended 81 Code Section 26-4-146; amended 81 Code Title 26, Chapter 4, Article 10; enacted 277 Code Sections 26-4-170 thru 26-4-179; enacted 277 Code Section 27-1-2; amended 81 Code Section 27-2-16; amended 81 Code Section 27-3-4; amended 81 Code Section 27-4-6; amended 81 Code Section 27-4-150; amended 81 Code Section 27-4-151; amended 785 Code Section 27-4-170; amended 81 Code Section 28-1-8; amended 1242 Code Section 28-2-2; amended 42 Code Section 28-5-42; amended 761 Code Section 28-5-85; amended 798 Code Section 28-5-104; amended 798 Code Section 29-5-13; amended 485 Code Section 30-5-5; amended 562 Code Section 30-5-7; amended 562 Code Section 30-5-8; amended 562 Code Section 31-1-3.2; enacted 266 Code Section 31-1-9; enacted 464 Code Section 31-1-23; enacted 537 Code Section 31-2-6; amended 296 Code Title 31, Chapter 5A; enacted 296 Code Sections 31-5A-1 thru 31-5A-6; enacted 296 Code Section 31-6-2; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-20; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-21; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-21.1; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-22; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-40; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-40.1; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-40.2; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-41; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-42; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-43; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-44; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-45; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-45.1; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-45.2; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-46; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-47; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-48; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-49; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-50; amended 296 Code Section 31-6-70; amended 296 Code Section 31-7-75; amended 296 Code Section 31-7-89.1; amended 850 Code Section 31-7-94.1; enacted 469 Code Section 31-7-155; amended 296


Code Section 31-7-282; amended 296 Code Section 31-7-400; amended 850 Code Section 31-7-409; amended 850 Code Section 31-7-412; amended 850 Code Section 31-8-106; amended 296 Code Section 31-8-151; amended 296 Code Section 31-8-155; amended 296 Code Section 31-11-12; amended 81 Code Section 31-16-7; amended 296 Code Section 31-23-1; amended 832 Code Section 31-23-3; amended 832 Code Section 31-34-8; amended 296 Code Section 31-36-6; amended 485 Code Section 31-36-10; amended 81 Code Section 31-36-10; amended 485 Code Title 31, Chapter 36A; enacted 485 Code Sections 31-36A-1 thru 31-36A-7; enacted 485 Code Title 31, Chapter 37; repealed 296 Code Sections 31-37-1 thru 31-37-3; repealed 296 Code Section 32-5-1; amended 112 Code Title 32, Chapter 5, Article 3; enacted 112 Code Sections 32-5-30 and 32-5-31; enacted 112 Code Section 32-6-3; repealed 81 Code Section 32-6-23; amended 567 Code Section 32-6-24; amended 567 Code Section 32-6-24; amended 828 Code Section 32-6-25.1; enacted 784 Code Section 32-6-28; amended 567 Code Section 32-6-75.2; amended 81 Code Section 32-9-2; amended 112 Code Section 32-9-11; amended 112 Code Section 33-3-8; amended 584 Code Section 33-3-11; repealed 878 Code Section 33-3-13; amended 584 Code Section 33-3-26; amended 584 Code Section 33-3-30; enacted 584 Code Section 33-9-3; amended 335 Code Section 33-10-14; amended 592 Code Section 33-10-15; repealed 592 Code Title 33, Chapter 11, Article 1; designated 592 Code Section 33-11-1; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-2; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-3; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-5; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-8; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-16; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-23; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-24; repealed 592 Code Section 33-11-25; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-26; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-27; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-30; amended 592


Code Section 33-11-33; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-34; repealed 592 Code Section 33-11-35; repealed 592 Code Section 33-11-36; repealed 592 Code Section 33-11-37; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-39; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-42; amended 592 Code Section 33-11-42; amended 584 Code Section 33-11-43; amended 592 Code Title 33, Chapter 11, Article 2; enacted 592 Code Sections 33-11-50 thru 33-11-67; enacted 592 Code Title 33, Chapter 11, Article 3; enacted 592 Code Sections 33-11-80 thru 33-11-89 formerly 33-11A-1 thru 33-11A-10; redesignated 592 Code Title 33, Chapter 11A; repealed 592 Code Sections 33-11A-1 thru 33-11A-9; amended 592 Code Section 33-20-5; amended 81 Code Section 33-20-22; amended 592 Code Title 33, Chapter 20A, Article 1; designated 350 Code Section 33-20A-1; amended 350 Code Section 33-20A-3; amended 350 Code Section 33-20A-3; amended 327 Code Section 33-20A-4; amended 350 Code Section 33-20A-5; amended 350 Code Section 33-20A-5; amended 342 Code Section 33-20A-6; amended 342 Code Section 33-20A-7; amended 342 Code Section 33-20A-9.1; enacted 342 Code Section 33-20A-10; amended 350 Code Title 33, Chapter 20A, Article 2; enacted 350 Code Sections 33-20A-30 thru 33-20A-41; enacted 350 Code Section 33-20B-2; amended 81 Code Section 33-20B-5; amended 81 Code Section 33-21-3; amended 342 Code Section 33-21-13; amended 342 Code Section 33-21-28; amended 342 Code Section 33-21-29; amended 296 Code Section 33-23-1; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-2; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-12; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-20; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-28; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-30; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-31; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-32; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-34; amended 878 Code Section 33-23-40; amended 878 Code Section 33-24-13; amended 878 Code Section 33-24-27.2; enacted 327 Code Section 33-24-28.4; enacted 377 Code Section 33-24-32; amended 878 Code Section 33-24-44; amended 834


Code Section 33-24-56.1; amended 296 Code Section 33-24-59.1; enacted 317 Code Section 33-24-59.4; enacted 289 Code Section 33-24-59.4; enacted 368 Code Section 33-24-59.4; enacted 559 Code Section 33-24-59.5; enacted 289 Code Title 33, Chapter 24, Article 3; enacted 319 Code Sections 33-24-70 thru 33-24-72; enacted 319 Code Section 33-28-2; amended 536 Code Section 33-28-3; amended 536 Code Section 33-29-3; amended 289 Code Section 33-29-22; enacted 289 Code Section 33-30-6; amended 289 Code Section 33-32-6; enacted 647 Code Section 33-34-6; amended 834 Code Section 33-40-13; repealed 878 Code Section 33-45-3; amended 296 Code Section 33-56-9; amended 1234 Code Section 33-56-10; amended 1234 Code Title 33, Chapter 57; enacted 335 Code Sections 33-57-1 thru 33-57-8; enacted 335 Code Section 34-1-6; enacted 464 Code Section 34-7-6; enacted 519 Code Section 34-8-151; amended 521 Code Section 34-8-151; amended 449 Code Section 34-8-155; amended 521 Code Section 34-8-155; amended 449 Code Section 34-8-156; amended 521 Code Section 34-8-156; amended 449 Code Section 34-8-180; amended 521 Code Section 34-8-180; amended 449 Code Section 34-8-181; amended 521 Code Section 34-8-181; amended 449 Code Section 34-8-185; amended 521 Code Section 34-8-185; amended 449 Code Section 34-8-193; amended 521 Code Section 34-8-193; amended 449 Code Section 34-9-103; amended 817 Code Section 34-9-127; amended 817 Code Section 34-9-200.1; amended 817 Code Section 34-9-221; amended 817 Code Section 34-9-226; amended 817 Code Section 34-9-245; enacted 817 Code Section 34-9-261; amended 817 Code Section 34-9-262; amended 817 Code Section 34-9-265; amended 817 Code Section 35-1-9; repealed 809 Code Section 35-1-11; enacted 777 Code Section 35-1-11; enacted 654 Code Section 35-2-1; amended 1211 Code Section 35-2-56; amended 560 Code Section 35-3-39.1; enacted 574


Code Section 35-6A-4; amended 846 Code Section 35-8-2; amended 777 Code Section 35-8-20.1; amended 777 Code Section 35-8-21; amended 777 Code Section 35-10-6; amended 81 Code Section 36-1-19.1; amended 81 Code Section 36-11-5; amended 81 Code Section 36-15-9; amended 81 Code Title 36, Chapter 21; enacted 1190 Code Sections 36-21-1 thru 36-21-10; enacted 1190 Code Section 36-32-9; amended 831 Code Section 36-45-7; amended 637 Code Section 36-60-15.1; enacted 80 Code Section 36-60-21; amended 81 Code Section 36-60-22; enacted 1248 Code Section 36-60-22; enacted 748 Code Section 36-70-24; amended 789 Code Section 36-70-27; amended 789 Code Section 36-80-18; enacted 556 Code Section 36-88-3; amended 333 Code Section 36-88-6; amended 81 Code Section 36-88-8; amended 333 Code Title 36, Chapter 89; enacted 273 Code Sections 36-89-1 thru 36-89-6; enacted 273 Code Title 36, Chapter 89; enacted 1267 Code Sections 36-89-1 thru 36-89-8; enacted 1267 Code Section 37-2-6; amended 860 Code Section 37-2-7; amended 860 Code Section 38-3-3; amended 372 Code Section 38-3-20; amended 372 Code Section 38-3-27; amended 372 Code Section 38-4-7; amended 1213 Code Section 38-4-55; amended 796 Code Section 40-1-1; amended 334 Code Section 40-2-20; amended 81 Code Section 40-2-20; amended 784 Code Section 40-2-21; amended 667 Code Section 40-2-21; amended 741 Code Section 40-2-41.1; enacted 791 Code Section 40-2-49.1; enacted 791 Code Section 40-2-78; amended 791 Code Section 40-2-88; amended 741 Code Section 40-2-130; amended 334 Code Section 40-3-4; amended 334 Code Section 40-5-1; amended 731 Code Section 40-5-2; amended 809 Code Section 40-5-25; amended 537 Code Section 40-5-57; amended 515 Code Section 40-5-64; amended 391 Code Section 40-5-82; amended 731 Code Section 40-5-83; amended 731 Code Section 40-5-121; amended 391


Code Section 40-6-2; amended 654 Code Section 40-6-70; amended 904 Code Section 40-6-275; amended 904 Code Section 40-6-374; amended 81 Code Section 40-6-391; amended 293 Code Section 40-6-391; amended 391 Code Section 40-6-393; amended 391 Code Section 40-6-394; amended 391 Code Section 40-8-27; amended 828 Code Section 40-8-76.1; amended 276 Code Section 40-9-31; amended 871 Code Section 40-9-101; amended 560 Code Section 40-13-63; amended 334 Code Section 40-14-2; amended 1227 Code Section 40-14-3; amended 1227 Code Section 40-14-11; amended 1227 Code Section 40-14-17; enacted 5 Code Section 41-2-2; amended 467 Code Section 41-3-1.1; amended 467 Code Section 41-3-2; amended 467 Code Section 42-1-12; amended 81 Code Section 42-1-12; amended 837 Code Section 42-2-6; amended 1213 Code Section 42-2-6; amended 910 Code Section 42-4-13; amended 648 Code Section 42-5-2; amended 296 Code Section 42-5-54; amended 296 Code Section 42-5-56; enacted 591 Code Section 42-8-34; amended 1271 Code Section 42-8-110; amended 391 Code Section 42-8-111; amended 391 Code Section 42-9-2; amended 867 Code Section 42-9-5; amended 1213 Code Section 42-9-5; amended 910 Code Section 42-12-3; amended 847 Code Section 42-12-7.1; enacted 847 Code Section 42-12-7.2; enacted 847 Code Section 43-1-12; amended 81 Code Section 43-1-24; amended 81 Code Section 43-1B-6; amended 296 Code Section 43-6-22.1; amended 592 Code Section 43-8A-1; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-21; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-22; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-23; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-24; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-40; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-41; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-42; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-43; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-44; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-80; amended 891

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Code Section 43-8A-81; amended 891 Code Section 43-8A-82; amended 891 Code Section 43-10A-17; amended 81 Code Section 43-11-1; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-2; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-5; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-7; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-11; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-12; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-13; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-14; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-17; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-19; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-20; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-21.1; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-22; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-42; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-43; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-44; enacted 234 Code Section 43-11-47; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-49; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-50; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-51; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-73.1; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-75; amended 234 Code Section 43-11-82; amended 234 Code Section 43-11A-3; amended 81 Code Section 43-11A-4; amended 81 Code Section 43-11A-16; amended 81 Code Section 43-13-1; amended 81 Code Section 43-14-2; amended 81 Code Section 43-15-9; amended 81 Code Section 43-15-26; amended 81 Code Section 43-15-29; amended 81 Code Section 43-17-2; amended 81 Code Section 43-27-2; amended 296 Code Section 43-27-5; amended 296 Code Section 43-29-18; amended 81 Code Section 43-34-20; amended 81 Code Section 43-34-21; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-22; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-24; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-24.1; enacted 296 Code Section 43-34-26.1; amended 81 Code Section 43-34-27; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-32; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-35; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-36; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-37; amended 81 Code Section 43-34-37; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-39; amended 296 Code Section 43-34-45.1; enacted 266

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Code Section 43-34-103; amended 81 Code Section 43-35-5; amended 81 Code Section 43-39-7; amended 81 Code Section 43-39-8; amended 81 Code Section 43-39-20; amended 81 Code Section 43-39A-4.1; enacted 715 Code Section 43-39A-6; amended 715 Code Section 43-39A-18.1; enacted 715 Code Section 43-40-3.1; enacted 715 Code Section 43-40-6; amended 715 Code Section 43-40-22; amended 592 Code Section 43-40-25.2; enacted 715 Code Section 43-44-3; amended 387 Code Section 43-44-5; amended 387 Code Section 43-44-7; amended 387 Code Section 43-44-7; amended 266 Code Section 43-44-8; amended 387 Code Section 43-44-11; amended 387 Code Section 43-45-24.1; amended 81 Code Section 43-47-1; amended 81 Code Section 43-50-1; amended 81 Code Section 43-50-54; amended 81 Code Section 43-51-1; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-67; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-221; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-222; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-223; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-224; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-225; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-226; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-227; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-228; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-229; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-230; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-231; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-232; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-233; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-234; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-240; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-241; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-242; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-244; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-245; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-246; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-247; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-248; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-250; amended 81 Code Section 44-2-252; amended 81 Code Section 44-5-149; amended 296 Code Section 44-7-21; amended 81 Code Title 44, Chapter 12, Article 8, Part 1; enacted 862 Code Section 44-12-310 and 44-12-311; enacted 862


Code Title 44, Chapter 12, Article 8, part 2; enacted 862 Code Section 44-12-320 thru 44-12-322; enacted 862 Code Section 44-13-7; amended 81 Code Section 44-13-11; amended 81 Code Section 44-14-3; amended 862 Code Section 44-14-67; amended 81 Code Section 44-14-232; amended 81 Code Section 44-14-233; amended 81 Code Section 44-14-320; amended 81 Code Section 44-14-362; amended 81 Code Section 44-14-366; amended 81 Code Section 45-7-4; amended 1213 Code Section 45-7-4; amended 1242 Code Section 45-7-4; amended 910 Code Section 45-7-21; amended 1242 Code Section 45-7-21; amended 721 Code Section 45-7-21; amended 1249 Code Section 45-9-110; amended 81 Code Section 45-12-55; amended 797 Code Section 45-12-203; amended 112 Code Section 45-12-205; amended 112 Code Section 45-16-1; amended 869 Code Section 45-16-7; amended 869 Code Section 45-16-27; amended 869 Code Section 45-16-32; amended 869 Code Section 45-17-2.1; amended 81 Code Section 45-18-1; amended 296 Code Section 45-18-5; amended 81 Code Section 45-18-5; amended 813 Code Section 45-18-12; amended 296 Code Section 45-18-13; amended 592 Code Section 45-18-13; amended 296 Code Section 45-18-15; amended 296 Code Section 45-18-16; amended 296 Code Section 45-18-18; amended 296 Code Section 45-19-2; amended 81 Code Section 45-20-21; enacted Vetoed HB 677 Code Section 45-24-6; amended 81 Code Section 46-3-322; amended 81 Code Section 46-3-423; amended 81 Code Section 46-3-468; amended 81 Code Section 46-4-156; amended 153 Code Section 46-5-75; amended 81 Code Section 46-5-122; amended 873 Code Section 46-5-123; amended 372 Code Section 46-5-124; amended 81 Code Section 46-5-124; amended 873 Code Section 46-5-124.1; enacted 873 Code Section 46-5-133; amended 81 Code Section 46-5-133; amended 873 Code Section 46-5-134; amended 81 Code Section 46-5-134; amended 873


Code Section 46-5-134; amended 466 Code Section 46-5-134.1; enacted 873 Code Section 46-5-171.1; amended 877 Code Section 46-5-183; amended 81 Code Section 46-8-42; amended 81 Code Section 46-9-230; amended 81 Code Section 47-2-264.1; amended 20 Code Section 47-3-127; amended 866 Code Section 47-23-100; amended 20 Code Section 47-23-105; amended 20 Code Section 47-23-124; amended 20 Code Section 48-1-2; amended 483 Code Section 48-2-2; amended 1213 Code Section 48-2-2; amended 910 Code Section 48-2-44; amended 81 Code Section 48-2-105; amended 81 Code Section 48-3-14; amended 81 Code Section 48-4-46; amended 81 Code Section 48-4-77; amended 81 Code Section 48-4-79; amended 81 Code Section 48-4-80; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-7.1; amended 589 Code Section 48-5-7.4; amended 589 Code Section 48-5-7.4; amended 656 Code Section 48-5-7.4; amended 590 Code Section 48-5-32.1; enacted 1043 Code Section 48-5-41.1; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-47; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-47.1; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-48.1; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-103; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-183; amended 782 Code Section 48-5-220; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-242; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-269; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-306; amended 1212 Code Section 48-5-306; amended 1043 Code Section 48-5-306.1; enacted 1043 Code Section 48-5-311; amended 1043 Code Section 48-5-314; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-349.2; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-359.1; amended 557 Code Section 48-5-440; amended 667 Code Section 48-5-448; amended 667 Code Section 48-5-473; amended 667 Code Section 48-5-478; amended 81 Code Section 48-5-478.1; amended 557 Code Section 48-5-491; repealed 667 Code Section 48-5-492; amended 667 Code Section 48-5-494; amended 667 Code Section 48-5-507; amended 667 Code Section 48-5-508; amended 667


Code Section 48-7-21; amended 13 Code Section 48-7-26; amended 81 Code Section 48-7-27; amended 13 Code Section 48-7-29.3; enacted 651 Code Section 48-7-40.6; amended 13 Code Section 48-7-42; enacted 9 Code Section 48-7-56; amended 81 Code Section 48-7-86; amended 483 Code Section 48-8-3; amended 634 Code Section 48-8-67; amended 81 Code Section 48-8-111; amended 781 Code Section 48-10-7.1; enacted 741 Code Section 48-10-7.2; enacted 741 Code Section 48-11-23.1; enacted 156 Code Section 48-13-1; repealed 749 Code Section 48-13-5; amended 749 Code Section 48-13-9; amended 749 Code Section 48-13-10; amended 749 Code Section 48-13-14; amended 749 Code Section 48-13-15; amended 749 Code Section 48-13-20; amended 749 Code Section 48-13-22; amended 749 Code Section 48-13-26; amended 749 Code Section 48-13-51; amended 81 Code Section 48-13-51; amended 663 Code Section 48-13-51; amended 769 Code Section 48-17-1; amended 1223 Code Section 48-17-15; enacted 1223 Code Section 49-2-11; amended 296 Code Section 49-2-14; amended 574 Code Section 49-4-6; amended 296 Code Title 49, Chapter 4, Article 6; repealed 296 Code Sections 49-4-120 thru 49-4-128; repealed 296 Code Section 49-4-121; amended 81 Code Section 49-4-141; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-142; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-143; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-144; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-146; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-146.3; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-147; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-147.2; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-148; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-149; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-149.1; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-150; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-151; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-152; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-153; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-155; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-156; repealed 296 Code Section 49-4-156.1; amended 296

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Code Section 49-4-157; amended 296 Code Section 49-4-188; amended 845 Code Section 49-5-60; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-60; amended 574 Code Section 49-5-62; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-62; amended 574 Code Section 49-5-63; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-63; amended 574 Code Section 49-5-64; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-64; amended 574 Code Section 49-5-65; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-65; amended 574 Code Section 49-5-66; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-66; amended 574 Code Section 49-5-67; enacted 539 Code Section 49-5-67; enacted 574 Code Section 49-5-68; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-68; amended 574 Code Section 49-5-69; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-69; amended 574 Code Section 49-5-69.1; amended 539 Code Section 49-5-253; amended 296 Code Section 49-5-272; amended 296 Code Section 49-10-1; amended 296 Code Section 50-4-7; amended 789 Code Section 50-5-1; amended 1213 Code Section 50-5-1; amended 910 Code Section 50-6-20; amended 910 Code Section 50-7-3; amended 1041 Code Section 50-8-4; amended 789 Code Title 50, Chapter 8, Article 8; enacted 1206 Code Sections 50-8-190 thru 50-8-195; enacted 1206 Code Title 50, Chapter 9, Article 6; enacted 661 Code Sections 50-9-110 and 50-9-111; enacted 661 Code Section 50-13-2; amended 721 Code Section 50-13-9.1; amended 296 Code Section 50-13-42; amended 296 Code Section 50-14-1; amended 549 Code Section 50-14-4; amended 549 Code Section 50-16-32; amended 653 Code Section 50-18-70; amended 552 Code Section 50-18-71.2; amended 552 Code Section 50-18-72; amended 1222 Code Section 50-18-72; amended 552 Code Section 50-18-72; amended 809 Code Section 50-18-74; enacted 552 Code Section 50-18-77; enacted 809 Code Section 50-23-4; amended 112 Code Section 50-26-19; amended 296 Code Section 50-29-12; amended 322 Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Article 1; enacted 112 Code Sections 50-32-1 thru 50-32-4; enacted 112


Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Article 2; enacted 112 Code Sections 50-32-10 thru 50-32-20; enacted 112 Mode Title 50, Chapter 32, Article 3; enacted 112 Code Sections 50-32-30 thru 50-32-39; enacted 112 Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Article 4; enacted 112 Code Sections 50-32-50 thru 50-32-54; enacted 112 Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Article 5; enacted 112 Code Section 50-32-60; enacted 112 Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Article 6; enacted 112 Code Section 50-32-70; enacted 112 Code Title 50, Chapter 32; enacted 161 Code Sections 50-32-1 thru 50-32-6; enacted 161 Code Section 51-1-29.1; amended 81 Code Section 51-1-48; enacted 350 Code Section 51-1-49; enacted 350 Code Title 51, Chapter 12, Article 4; enacted 853 Code Sections 51-12-70 thru 51-12-77; enacted 853 Code Section 52-4-2; amended 81 Code Section 52-5-3; amended 81 Code Section 52-7-12.5; amended 81 Code Section 52-7-13; amended 657 Code Section 53-4-24; amended 81 Code Title 53, Chapter 5, Article 7; enacted 805 Code Sections 53-5-60 thru 53-5-71; enacted 805 Code Section 53-12-52; amended 81 Code Section 53-12-54; amended 81 COURTS SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA Justices; compensation 1213 Justices; compensation 1242 COURT OF APPEALS OF GEORGIA Judges; compensation 1213 Judges; compensation 1242 Number of Judges; divisions; quorum; elections; terms; appointment 10 SUPERIOR COURTS Ad valorem taxes; agricultural use, bona fide conservation use, and bona fide residential transitional use property; recording fees 589 Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons; petitions; practice and procedure 562 Bleckley County; terms; grand juries 158 Butts County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Clayton County; clerk; compensation 4668 Clayton County; district attorney; salary supplement 4127 Clayton County; sheriff; compensation 4651 Clayton County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 4670 Clayton Judicial Circuit; district attorney; salary supplement 4127 Clayton Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4670


Clerks; index of military discharges; recording additional information regarding veterans 636 Cobb County; deputy clerk; compensation 4618 Cobb County; judges; chief judge; salary supplements 4239 Cobb County; sheriff; chief deputy, chief investigator, and executive assistant; compensation 3915 Cobb Judicial Circuit; judges; chief judge; salary supplements 4239 Dawson County; additional judge 40 District attorneys; compensation 1213 District attorneys; compensation 1242 District attorneys; district attorney emeritus; honorary office created; qualifications; powers; assistance; compensation 913 District attorneys; special drug prosecutors 365 Dodge County; terms; grand juries 158 Dougherty County; judges; salary supplement 4446 Dougherty Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4446 Flint Judicial Circuit; composition 67 Flint Judicial Circuit; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4169 Forsyth County; civil service system; sheriff's employees 4925 Habeas corpus; clerks; court costs related to indigent persons 660 Habeas corpus; prisoner litigation reform; actions in forma pauperis 847 Hall County; additional judge 40 Haralson County; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 Henry County; Flint Judicial Circuit; composition 67 Henry County; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4169 Houston County; terms 81 Houston Judicial Circuit; terms 81 Judges; compensation 1213 Judges; compensation 1242 Juries; expense allowance 836 Juries; jury lists; sources; drivers' licenses 890 Lamar County; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 Lamar County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Law clerks; law assistants; court administrators 736 Lee County; additional judge 49 Macon County; additional judge 49 Monroe County; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 Monroe County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Montgomery County; terms; grand juries 158 Murray County; clerk; compensation 3974 Muscogee County; sheriff; transfer of duties and employees from Municipal Court of Columbus, Georgia; referendum 4432 Northeastern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 40 Oconee Judicial Circuit; terms; grand juries 158 Paulding County; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 Polk County; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 Pulaski County; terms; grand juries 158 Rockdale County; clerk; compensation 4744


Rockdale County; judges; salary supplement 4777 Rockdale County; sheriff; compensation 4738 Rockdale Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4777 Schley County; additional judge 49 Southwestern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 49 Stewart County; additional judge 49 Sumter County; additional judge 49 Tallapoosa Judicial Circuit; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 Telfair County; terms; grand juries 158 Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Towaliga Judicial Circuit; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 Venue; codefendants residing in different counties 734 Webster County; additional judge 49 Wheeler County; terms; grand juries 158 STATE COURTS Candler County; judge and judge's secretary; compensation 3699 Carroll County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3970 Chattooga County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4710 Clayton County; chief judge; solicitor-general; compensation 4665 Cobb County; additional judge; division 1 3611 Cobb County; clerk and chief deputy clerk; compensation Vetoed HB 547 Cobb County; clerk and chief deputy clerk; compensation 3602 Cobb County; judges; compensation 4058 Cobb County; solicitor-general; compensation 4241 Cobb County; solicitor-general; vacancies; duties; deputy assistant; assistant solicitors-general; compensation 3624 Coweta County; clerk and personnel 3505 Douglas County; creation of state court 3606 Effingham County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 3621 Fulton County; chief clerk; court administrator 3781 Henry County; jurors 4176 Houston County; temporary presiding judge; compensation 3633 Juries; expense allowance 836 Muscogee County; solicitor-general; chief assistant and senior assistant solicitors-general; compensation; appointment 3802 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Public nuisances; places used for unlawful sexual activity or substantial drug related activity; actions 467 Rockdale County; judge; compensation 4764 Stephens County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4541 Stephens County; terms; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4115 Venue; codefendants residing in different counties 734 Ware County: judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4373 Washington County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4069 JUVENILE COURTS Cobb County; judges; compensation 4458 Cobb County; judges; compensation; designation of judge 3919 Contributing to the delinquency of minors; computer pornography and child exploitation 232


Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Jurisdiction; proceedings by local school boards against parents concerning student behavior Vetoed SB 72 Mental competency of children; proceedings; stays; reports; hearings; commitment; jurisdiction 507 Public school discipline; student codes of conduct; contents; filing; distribution 370 Temporary care and supervision of a child in an emergency; Department of Human Resources; powers 1232 PROBATE COURTS Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons; petitions; practice and procedure 562 Bacon County; magistrate court; judge of the probate court to serve as chief magistrate 4631 Carroll County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3614 Clayton County; judge; compensation; deputy election superintendent 4661 Cobb County; clerk; compensation 4342 Judges serving as chief magistrates or magistrates; minimum salaries; increases 765 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Rockdale County; judge; compensation 4770 Temporary Health Care Placement Decision Maker for an Adult Act 485 MAGISTRATE COURTS Bacon County; judge of the probate court to serve as chief magistrate 4631 Carroll County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3970 Fulton County; number of magistrates 3783 Jurisdiction; civil claims 834 Murray County; chief magistrate; compensation 3972 Probate courts; judges serving as chief magistrates or magistrates; minimum salaries; increases 765 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Rockdale County; chief magistrate; compensation 4725 Union County; chief magistrate; election; terms; vacancies 3799 MUNICIPAL COURTS Braselton; penalties; judge 4712 Cartersville; jurisdiction; contempt; punishment 5056 Columbus, Georgia; marshal's office abolished; transfer of duties and employees to sheriff; referendum 4432 Columbus, Georgia; municipal court; jurisdiction 4649 Cumming; municipal court; creation; judges; jurisdiction; powers 3616 Jurisdiction; shoplifting 831 Kennesaw; probation fee 5185 Macon; penalties 4993 Macon; remission of sentences; provisions repealed 4999 Marietta; clerk 5075 Marietta; probation fees 5100 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Sylvania; probated sentences 5046 Villa Rica; penalties 3979

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OTHER COURTS City courts in municipalities of 300,000 population or more having jurisdiction over traffic offenses; venue 830 Richmond County; civil court; personnel; marshal; compensation; powers 3508 NAMED COUNTIES Athens-Clarke County; coroner; compensation 3628 Atkinson County; board of education; compensation 4384 Bacon County; magistrate court; judge of the probate court to serve as chief magistrate 4631 Baldwin County; board of education; districts; elections; terms 3751 Baldwin County; conveyance 992 Baldwin County; state property; lease; amendment 969 Barrow County; board of commissioners; districts; terms 3909 Barrow County; board of education; districts; terms 3898 Bartow County; Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 Ben Hill County; Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Charter Commission; creation; charter; referendum 4397 Ben Hill County; Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Development Authority; executive secretary 4394 Bibb County; Joint Unification Study Commission; funding; membership; reports 3511 Bleckley County; superior court; terms; grand juries 158 Brantley County; board of commissioners; compensation 4319 Brantley County; board of education; compensation 4645 Bulloch County; board of education; compensation 4094 Bulloch County; tax commissioner; compensation 4281 Butts County; superior court; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplement 4158 Butts County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Candler County; state court; judge and judge's secretary; compensation 3699 Candler County; William Lovel Lanier, Sr., Highway; designated 1001 Carroll County; board of commissioners; compensation 4464 Carroll County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3970 Carroll County; McIntosh Reserve Historical Authority; abolished; Act repealed 4539 Carroll County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3614 Carroll County; state court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3970 Catoosa County; board of utility commissioners 4416 Catoosa County; tax commissioner; clerical help 4236 Chatham County; board of commissioners; compensation 4622 Chatham County; homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4211 Chatham County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4215 Chatham County; state property; conveyance 969 Chattooga County; state court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4710 Cherokee County; board of elections and registration; terms 3755 Cherokee County; Cherokee County Parks and Recreation Authority; bonds; payment; termination of authority 4096 Cherokee County; Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 Clarke County; coroner; compensation 3628 Clayton County; board of commissioners; compensation 4653 Clayton County; board of education; compensation 4130

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Clayton County; civil service board; members; continuing requirement 4931 Clayton County; Clayton County Water Authority; chairperson, secretary, and members; compensation 4673 Clayton County; Clayton County, Georgia Public Employee Retirement System; credited service; normal retirement age; twenty-four hour personnel 4979 Clayton County; Clayton County, Georgia Public Employee Retirement System; pension benefit formula 4941 Clayton County; coroner; compensation 4656 Clayton County; district attorney; salary supplement 4127 Clayton County; probate court; judge; compensation; deputy election superintendent 4661 Clayton County; sheriff; compensation 4651 Clayton County; state court; chief judge; solicitor-general; compensation 4665 Clayton County; superior court; clerk; compensation 4668 Clayton County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 4670 Clayton County; tax commissioner; compensation 4659 Cobb County; board of commissioners; compensation 3595 Cobb County; board of education; districts; elections 4356 Cobb County; community improvement districts; purpose 4138 Cobb County; easement 969 Cobb County; juvenile court; judges; compensation 4458 Cobb County; juvenile court; judges; compensation; designation of judge 3919 Cobb County; Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 Cobb County; Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge; designated 1030 Cobb County; probate; court; clerk; compensation 4342 Cobb County; sheriff; chief deputy sheriff, chief investigator, and executive assistant; compensation 3915 Cobb County; state court; additional judge; division 1 3611 Cobb County; state court; clerk and chief deputy clerk; compensation Vetoed HB 547 Cobb County; state court; clerk and chief deputy clerk; compensation 3602 Cobb County; state court; judges; compensation 4058 Cobb County; state court; solicitor-general; compensation 4241 Cobb County; state court; solicitor-general; vacancies; duties; deputy assistant; assistant solicitors-general; compensation 3624 Cobb County; state property; conveyance 957 Cobb County; state property; easement 919 Cobb County; superior court; deputy clerk; compensation 4618 Cobb County; superior court; judges; chief judge; salary supplements 4239 Cobb County; tax commissioner; chief clerk, executive secretary, and administrative specialist; compensation 3928 Cobb County; William and Andre Cooper Memorial Highway; designated 1027 Coffee County; Herbert Eugene Belcher Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 Columbia County; Dr. Pierce Gordon Blanchard Memorial Highway; designated 918 Coweta County; state court; clerk and personnel 3505 Crawford County; board of commissioners; compensation 4695 Dawson County; superior court; additional judge 40 DeKalb County; board of education; conveyance of state property 1015 DeKalb County; board of zoning appeals; hearings; appeals; tree protection ordinance 4986 DeKalb County; chief executive; powers; personnel; department heads; DeKalb County Merit System; referendum 4704

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DeKalb County; community improvement districts; creation authorized in county and municipalities in county 4786 DeKalb County; community improvement districts; short title of Act; Unincorporated DeKalb County Community Improvement District Act of 1998 4805 DeKalb County; DeKalb County Civic Center Authority; members; appointment 4462 Dodge County; board of commissioners; meetings: parliamentary procedure; purchases 4132 Dodge County; superior court: terms: grand juries 158 Dougherty County; Al Holloway Interchange; designated 1012 Dougherty County; board of commissioners; compensation 4118 Dougherty County; Joint County-Municipal Board of Registration and Elections for Dougherty County and the City of Albany; members; terms 4234 Dougherty County; sale of state property in county 969 Dougherty County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 4446 Douglas County; Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003 Douglas County; community improvement districts; boards; membership 4466 Douglas County; conveyance of state property 969 Douglas County; Douglas County Airport Authority; site selection; referendum 4413 Douglas County; state court; creation 3606 Effingham County; board of commissioners; compensation 3696 Effingham County; Effingham County Family Connection Commission; creation 3922 Effingham County; state court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 3621 Emanuel County; L. C. Shot Strange Highway; designated 1011 Emanuel County; regional development center boundary changes 789 Evans County; state service delivery region boundary changes 789 Fannin County; C. F. Coote Mason Highway; designated 916 Fannin County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4277 Floyd County; conveyance of state property 1015 Forsyth County; board of commissioners; compensation and expense allowance 4551 Forsyth County; board of commissioners; purchases; bids 4934 Forsyth County; civil service system; sheriff's employees 4925 Forsyth County; homestead exemptions; county taxes; referendum 4545 Fulton County; Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge; designated 1030 Fulton County; magistrate court; number of magistrates 3783 Fulton County; state court; chief clerk; court administrator 3781 Gilmer County; Gilmer County Family Connection Commission; creation 3683 Glascock County; conveyance of state property 1015 Gordon County; board of elections; creation 4106 Greene County; Greene County Family Connection Commission; membership 3804 Gwinnett County; James D. Mason Memorial Intersection; designated 361 Gwinnett County; Springbrook Golf Course Commission; creation 4677 Hall County; Hall County Commission for Children and Families; creation 4874 Hall County; state property; conveyance 969 Hall County; state property; conveyance 957 Hall County; superior court; additional judge 40 Hancock County; board of commissioners; compensation and expense allowance 4055 Haralson County; Haralson County Family Connection Authority; creation 4083 Haralson County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4087 Henry County; Flint Judicial Circuit; composition 67 Henry County; Henry County Water and Sewerage Authority; members; compensation 4647 Henry County; state court; jurors 4176


Henry County; superior court; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4169 Houston County; board of education: compensation 4640 Houston County; state court; temporary presiding judge: compensation 3633 Houston County; superior court; terms 81 Jackson County; board of commissioners; membership; elections; districts; compensation; county manager; referendum 3570 Jackson County; Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority; powers 3549 Jasper County; Jasper County Water and Sewer Authority; creation 4595 Jeff Davis County; board of commissioners; compensation; chairperson 4135 Jefferson County; board of commissioners; expense allowance 3893 Jefferson County; board of education; compensation 4167 Johnson County; board of elections and registration; creation 4046 Johnson County; regional development center boundary changes 789 Lamar County; homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4051 Lamar County; superior court; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 Lamar County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Laurens County; Dublin-Laurens County Recreation Authority; creation 3671 Laurens County; Rubert Hogan Bridge; designated 999 Laurens County; state property; conveyance 957 Lee County; board of elections and registration; creation 3938 Lee County; superior court; additional judge 49 Liberty County; board of elections; additional member 4122 Liberty County; Joint Liberty County and City of Hinesville Vocational-Technical School Authority; creation 4626 Lowndes County; Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority; creation 4072 Lumpkin County; advisory referendum on land use and zoning regulations for unincorporated area 3694 Lumpkin County; Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 1031 Lumpkin County; Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 964 Lumpkin County; Jean Anderson Intersection; designated 1004 Macon County; board of education; compensation 4081 Macon County; superior court; additional judge 49 Macon County; William S. Robinson Bridge; designated 1014 McIntosh County; Marshall Shirah Memorial Bridge; designated 1023 Meriwether County; board of education; members; per diem allowance 3753 Meriwether County; Meriwether County Public Facilities Authority; definition; powers 4624 Miller County; board of commissioners; districts 4442 Monroe County; coroner; compensation 4611 Monroe County; homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4613 Monroe County; superior court; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 Monroe County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Montgomery County; Fisher Barfoot Highway; designated 1012 Montgomery County; superior court; terms; grand juries 158 Morgan County; William P. Ponder Memorial Bridge; designated 1009 Murray County; board of commissioners; county manager; sole commissioner form of government; referendum 4345 Murray County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 3501

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Murray County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; compensation 3972 Murray County; superior court; clerk; compensation 3974 Murray County; tax commissioner; compensation 3974 Muscogee County; board of education; compensation and expenses 3977 Muscogee County; sheriff; transfer of duties and employees from Municipal Court of Columbus, Georgia; referendum 4432 Muscogee County; state court; solicitor-general: chief assistant and senior assistant solicitors-general; compensation; appointment 3802 Oconee County; board of education; compensation 4675 Oconee County; board of education; compensation 3926 Oconee County; Frank Earl Stancil, Sr., Interchange; designated 1007 Oglethorpe County; Hamilton McWhorter, Jr., Highway; designated 1027 Paulding County; Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003 Paulding County; Herman H. Watson Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 Peach County; board of commissioners; chairperson; compensation 4098 Pickens County; Tara and Megan Bishop Intersection: designated 1023 Pierce County; board of commissioners; chairperson: compensation Vetoed HB 991 Pierce County; board of education; compensation 4642 Pulaski County; consolidated government of Hawkinsville-Pulaski County: referendums 3518 Pulaski County; county commissioner; compensation Act amended; contingent on consolidation 4228 Pulaski County; county commissioner; office abolished; contingent on consolidation 4230 Pulaski County; superior court; terms; grand juries 158 Rabun County; lease of state property located in county 969 Randolph County; board of commissioners; compensation 3630 Richmond County; Augusta Port Authority; membership; appointment; terms; vacancies 4286 Richmond County; Augusta, Georgia; 1945 Richmond County Employees' Pension Fund; benefits 4938 Richmond County; Augusta, Georgia; Augusta Canal Authority; membership 3890 Richmond County; Augusta, Georgia; mayor and commission; vacancies 4143 Richmond County; board of education; compensation; meetings; fines; superintendent of schools; removal; contracts; qualifications 4322 Richmond County; board of education; elections; vacancies 4327 Richmond County; board of tax assessors; membership; districts; appointment 3599 Richmond County; civil court; personnel; marshal; compensation; powers 3508 Rockdale County; coroner; compensation 4751 Rockdale County; board of commissioners; compensation 4757 Rockdale County; board of commissioners; personnel policies 4947 Rockdale County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; compensation 4725 Rockdale County; probate court; judge; compensation 4770 Rockdale County; sheriff; compensation 4738 Rockdale County; state court; judge; compensation 4764 Rockdale County; superior court; clerk; compensation 4744 Rockdale County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 4777 Rockdale County; tax commissioner; compensation 4731 Schley County; superior court; additional judge 49 Screven County; state service delivery region boundary changes 789 Spalding County; board of commissioners; compensation 4839

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Spalding County; Griffin-Spalding County School System; board of education; compensation 4543 Stephens County; homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes; referendums 4717 Stephens County; state court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4541 Stephens County; state court; terms; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4115 Stephens County; Veterans Memorial Way; designated 999 Stewart County; board of commissioners; chairperson; compensation 3932 Stewart County; superior court; additional judge 49 Sumter County; conveyance 992 Sumter County; superior court; additional judge 49 Tattnall County; R. P. Balkcom, Jr., Memorial Highway; designated 1026 Tattnall County; Romie Waters Highways; designated 1026 Tattnall County; state service delivery region boundary changes 789 Taylor County; Taylor County Building Authority; powers 4723 Telfair County; superior court; terms; grand juries 158 Thomas County; board of commissioners; chairperson and members; compensation; officers; clerk 3786 Thomas County; Thomas County Emergency Services Board; creation 4807 Tift County; board of commissioners; compensation 4783 Toombs County; Charles Durst Memorial Highway; designated 1012 Toombs County; Fisher Barfoot Highway; designated 1012 Troup County; coroner and chief deputy coroner; compensation 3886 Twiggs County; board of commissioners; compensation and expenses 4923 Union County; board of education; compensation 4178 Union County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; election; terms; vacancies 3799 Union County; Union County Family Connection Commission; creation 4139 Upson County; board of commissioners; jurisdiction; county manager; clerk 4388 Upson County; J. Irvin Hendricks Highway; designated 1027 Upson County; Johnnie L. Caldwell, Sr., Highway; designated 1027 Walton County; board of commissioners; administrative assistant and personnel 4968 Walton County; board of commissioners; chairperson; duties 4971 Walton County; board of commissioners; office of county manager; creation 4975 Walton County; board of commissioners; personnel authority 4958 Walton County; board of commissioners; supervisory authority over employees 4964 Walton County; Major General Thomas Wayne Robison Memorial Highway; designated 963 Ware County; board of commissioners; repeal as part of unification; contingency 3882 Ware County; state court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4373 Ware County; Unified Government of Waycross-Ware County; created; charter; referendums 3814 Washington County; state court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4069 Webster County; board of commissioners; districts 4283 Webster County; superior court; additional judge 49 Wheeler County; superior court; terms; grand juries 158 Whitfield County; board of commissioners; compensation 4386 Whitfield County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4455 COUNTIES AND COUNTY MATTERS BY POPULATION 400,000 or less; taxicab self-insurers 560 50,000 or fewer; hospital authority projects 850

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COUNTY MATTERS HOME RULE AMENDMENTS Clayton County; civil service board; members; continuing requirement 4931 Clayton County; Clayton County, Georgia Public Employee Retirement System; credited service; normal retirement age; twenty-four hour personnel 4979 Clayton County; Clayton County, Georgia Public Employee Retirement System; pension benefit formula 4941 DeKalb County; board of zoning appeals; hearings; appeals; tree protection ordinance 4986 Forsyth County; board of commissioners; purchases; bids 4934 Richmond County; Augusta, Georgia; 1945 Richmond County Employees' Pension Fund; benefits 4938 Rockdale County; board of commissioners; personnel policies 4947 Walton County; board of commissioners; administrative assistant and personnel 4968 Walton County; board of commissioners; chairperson; duties 4971 Walton County; board of commissioners; office of county manager; creation 4975 Walton County; board of commissioners; personnel authority 4958 Walton County; board of commissioners; supervisory authority over employees 4964 NAMED CITIES Albany; Joint County-Municipal Board of Registration and Elections for Dougherty County and the City of Albany; members; terms 4234 Alma; council; terms; elections 4124 Alpharetta; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4836 Ashburn; mayor and council; compensation; appointment of officers and employees 5111 Athens-Clarke County; coroner; compensation 3628 Atlanta; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Atlanta; community improvement districts; boards; vacancies; terms 4439 Atlanta; Jondelle Johnson Drive; designated 1001 Atlanta; Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Overview Committee; creation 965 Atlanta; urban enterprise zones; commercial enterprise zones; effective dates 3706 Atlanta; urban enterprise zones; local enterprise zones; effective dates 3709 Atlanta; urban enterprise zones; residential enterprise zones; effective dates 4274 Atlanta; urban enterprise zones; residential enterprise zones; effective dates 3711 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; 1945 Richmond County Employees' Pension Fund; benefits 4938 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; Augusta Port Authority; membership; appointment; terms; vacancies 4286 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; board of education; elections; vacancies 4327 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; board of education; superintendent of schools 4322 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; board of tax assessors; membership; districts; appointment 3599 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; civil court; personnel; marshal; compensation; powers 3508 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; mayor and commission; vacancies 4143 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; Augusta Canal Authority; membership 3890 Austell; mayor and council; elections; terms 4701 Avondale Estates; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Avondale Estates; new charter 4886 Berkeley Lake; new charter 3636 Bloomingdale; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4203


Blue Ridge; corporate limits 4635 Blythe; mayor and council; terms; election 4078 Braselton; municipal court; penalties; judge 4712 Buckhead; new charter 4472 Cartersville; Cartersville Public Schools; budgets; taxation 5053 Cartersville; city owned utilities; sale; franchises and contracts for public utilities 3727 Cartersville; municipal court; jurisdiction; contempt; punishment 5056 Cedartown; Cedartown Development Authority; membership 3895 Chamblee; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Chamblee; council; quorum 5038 Chamblee; mayor and council; oath 5043 Clarkston; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Colquitt; new charter 4503 Columbus, Georgia; marshal's office abolished; transfer of duties and employees to sheriff; referendum 4432 Columbus, Georgia; municipal court; jurisdiction 4649 Conyers; Conyers Convention and Visitors Bureau Authority; creation 4151 Conyers; Conyers-Rockdale Amateur Athletics Authority; name changed to Conyers Athletics Authority; membership; powers 4163 Cornelia; homestead exemptions; city taxes; referendums 3904 Covington; council; membership; mayor and council vacancies 4452 Cumming; municipal court; creation; judges; jurisdiction; powers 3616 Cusseta; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4555 Cuthbert; new charter 4243 Dallas; Foster Family Bridge; designated 1012 Dalton; Board of Water, Light and Sinking Fund Commissioners; members; terms; vacancies 5142 Dalton; City of Dalton Airport Authority; purposes; powers 5152 Dalton; employees' pension plan; benefits; participation; age; contributions 5114 Dalton; employees' pension plan; Dalton-Whitfield Regional Solid Waste Management Authority; membership 5147 Dalton; employees' pension plan; eligibility; city attorney 5131 Dalton; employees' pension plan; Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center Authority; membership 5134 Dalton; mayor and council/board of aldermen; compensation 5139 Dalton; public safety commission; city employees; qualifications; city attorney 5124 Danielsville; mayor and council; organizational meetings; mayor's term; veto of ordinances 3714 Dawsonville; council; meetings 5156 Decatur; board of education; powers; debt; property; ad valorem tax rate 4810 Decatur; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Doraville; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Doraville; mayor pro tempore; council; compensation 5030 Doraville; mayor; compensation 5028 Douglasville; new charter 4559 Dublin; Dublin-Laurens County Recreation Authority; creation 3671 East Ellijay; new charter 4289 East Point; city retirement plan; class v employees 5008 East Point; Human Resources Department; Economic Development Department 5018 East Point; mediation for employees and officials; legal disputes 5001 Elberton; conveyance of state property 1015


Fitzgerald; Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Charter Commission; creation; charter; referendum 4397 Fitzgerald; Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Development Authority; executive secretary 4394 Forsyth; Neil Jordan Holton Hazardous Materials Training Facility; designated 1006 Fort Gaines; elections; plurality voting 4067 Gainesville; Gainesville Redevelopment Authority; powers; definitions; projects; amendments 4697 Garden City; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4185 Gray; sewerage, drainage, and waterworks 5040 Griffin; Griffin-Spalding County School System; board of education; compensation 4543 Grovetown; mayor; powers and duties 4145 Hawkinsville; charter repealed; contingent on consolidation 4232 Hawkinsville; consolidated government of Hawkinsville-Pulaski County; referendums 3518 Hazlehurst; corporate limits 4693 Hinesville; Joint Liberty County and City of Hinesville Vocational-Technical School Authority; creation 4626 Hiram; Dewey Pendley Bridge; designated 1001 Jefferson; City of Jefferson Public Building Authority; creation 4330 Jesup; cemetery lots; conveyance 5036 Junction City; new charter 3757 Kennesaw; charter; renumbering; corporate limits 5159 Kennesaw; corporate limits 4366 Kennesaw; municipal court; probation fee 5185 Lavonia; corporate limits 4553 Lithia Springs; dissolution; court order 5197 Lithia Springs; new charter; contingent repeal 4842 Lithonia; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Luthersville; new charter 3982 Macon; council; call of special meetings 5016 Macon; Joint Unification Study Commission; funding; membership; reports 3511 Macon; Macon Fire and Police Employees Retirement System; cost-of-living adjustments 5033 Macon; Macon Pensions and Retirement System; compensation 5005 Macon; Macon Water Authority; purposes; powers; industrial development; contracts 4832 Macon; Macon Water Authority; state property; easement 919 Macon; municipal court; penalties 4993 Macon; municipal court; remission of sentences; provisions repealed 4999 Madison; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4469 Manchester; mayor and council; elections; terms 3668 Marietta; Board of Water and Lights; chairperson; vice-chairperson; board manager 5079 Marietta; city manager; duties 5067 Marietta; city manager; residency 5072 Marietta; civil service board; hearings; continuances 5097 Marietta; civil service board; meetings 5103 Marietta; civil service board; membership 5060 Marietta; council; expense allowance; travel 5059 Marietta; Marietta Police and Fire Civil Service System 5086 Marietta; Marietta Police and Fire Civil Service System; membership; director of personnel 5108 Marietta; mayor and council; compensation 5083

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Marietta; municipal court; clerk 5075 Marietta; municipal court; probation fees 5100 Marietta; training requirements 5105 McDonough; corporate limits; referendum 4147 Monroe; franchises; gross revenue 3935 Newnan; Newnan Convention Center Authority; creation 3717 Newton; new charter 4016 Pelham; council; board of education; districts 3513 Pembroke; council; districts; elections 4100 Pendergrass; corporate limits 4104 Perry; corporate limits 4112 Pine Lake; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Pooler; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4190 Port Wentworth; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4198 Powder Springs; Fred Lee Brady Bridge; designated 1027 Pulaski; new charter 3946 Rayle; mayor and council terms 4062 Riverdale; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4013 Rochelle; mayor, mayor pro tempore, and council; compensation 5051 Rockmart; consent to annex state property into corporate limits 1025 Rockmart; Raymond Lester Bridge; designated 999 Rome; City of Rome Recreational Facilities Authority; creation 3552 Rome; state property; easement 919 Savannah; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4223 Savannah; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4215 Siloam; mayor and council; terms 3808 Sky Valley; council; residency; compensation; voting; agencies and departments; oaths; meetings 4995 Snellville; corporate limits; qualifying for municipal office; mayor and council; terms; powers 4376 Snellville; homestead exemptions; city taxes; local constitutional amendment repealed; referendum 3565 Statesboro; city council; districts 5189 Statesboro; franchises 4091 Statesboro; mayor and council; terms 4449 Stone Mountain; community improvement districts authorized 4786 Stone Mountain; council; city preserves; votes 5025 Stone Mountain; council; oath 5187 Stone Mountain; council; ordinances 5023 Stone Mountain; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 3702 Suwanee; new charter 3729 Sylvania; municipal court; probated sentences 5046 Thomasville; Thomas County Emergency Services Board; creation 4807 Thunderbolt; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4219 Thunderbolt; town administrator; provisions repealed 4707 Tignall; mayor and council; terms 4633 Trion; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 3810 Tybee Island; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4194 Union Point; corporate limits 3806 Valdosta; Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority; creation 4072

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Varnell; mayor and council; elections; terms; community service department; ordinances; audits; purchases 3790 Vernonburg; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4207 Villa Rica; municipal court; penalties 3979 Warm Springs; conveyance 992 Warner Robins; state property; easement 919 Waycross; charter; repeal as part of unification; contingency 3884 Waycross; commission; parks and public squares; sale or conveyance 4064 Waycross; Unified Government of Waycross-Ware County; created; charter; referendums 3814 MUNICIPALITIES BY POPULATION 300,00 or more; city courts having traffic jurisdiction; venue 830 MUNICIPALITIES HOME RULE AMENDMENTS Ashburn; mayor and council; compensation; appointment of officers and employees 5111 Augusta, Georgia-Richmond County; 1945 Richmond County Employees' Pension Fund; benefits 4938 Cartersville; Cartersville Public Schools; budgets; taxation 5053 Cartersville; municipal court; jurisdiction; contempt; punishment 5056 Chamblee; council; quorum 5038 Chamblee; mayor and council; oath 5043 Dalton; Board of Water, Light and Sinking Fund Commissioners; members; terms; vacancies 5142 Dalton; City of Dalton Airport Authority; purposes; powers 5152 Dalton; employees' pension plan; benefits; participation; age; contributions 5114 Dalton; employees' pension plan; Dalton-Whitfield Regional Solid Waste Management Authority; membership 5147 Dalton; employees' pension plan; eligibility; city attorney 5131 Dalton; employees' pension plan; Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center Authority; membership 5134 Dalton; mayor and council/board of aldermen; compensation 5139 Dalton; public safety commission; city employees; qualifications; city attorney 5124 Dawsonville; council; meetings 5156 Doraville; mayor pro tempore; council; compensation 5030 Doraville; mayor; compensation 5028 East Point; city retirement plan; class v employees 5008 East Point; Human Resources Department; Economic Development Department 5018 East Point; mediation for employees and officials; legal disputes 5001 Gray; sewerage, drainage, and waterworks 5040 Jesup; cemetery lots; conveyance 5036 Kennesaw; charter; renumbering; corporate limits 5159 Kennesaw; municipal court; probation fee 5185 Macon; council; call of special meetings 5016 Macon; Macon Fire and Police Employees Retirement System; cost-of-living adjustments 5033 Macon; Macon Pensions and Retirement System; compensation 5005 Macon; municipal court; penalties 4993 Macon; municipal court; remission of sentences; provisions repealed 4999 Marietta; Board of Water and Lights; chairperson; vice-chairperson; board manager 5079

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Marietta; city manager; duties 5067 Marietta; city manager; residency 5072 Marietta; civil service board; hearings; continuances 5097 Marietta; civil service board; meetings 5103 Marietta; civil service board; membership 5060 Marietta; council; expense allowance; travel 5059 Marietta; Marietta Police and Fire Civil Service System 5086 Marietta; Marietta Police and Fire Civil Service System; membership; director of personnel 5108 Marietta; mayor and council; compensation 5083 Marietta; municipal court; clerk 5075 Marietta; municipal court; probation fees 5100 Marietta; training requirements 5105 Rochelle; mayor, mayor pro tempore, and council; compensation 5051 Sky Valley; council; residency; compensation; voting; agencies and departments; oaths; meetings 4995 Statesboro; city council; districts 5189 Stone Mountain; council; city preserves; votes 5025 Stone Mountain; council; oath 5187 Stone Mountain; council; ordinances 5023 Sylvania; municipal court; probated sentences 5046 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION Mr. A. K. Pearson 917 Mr. Frank Martin 962 Mr. Henry C. Batson 961 Mr. Hugh Kelley Rickenbaker, III 1008 Mr. Mohammed Ashraf 1005 Mr. Robert C. Stripling 915 Mr. Thomas King 1007 Mr. Tony Pilcher 964 Ms. Bernice D. Harris on behalf of Ms. Peggy Sue Harris 991 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING LAND CONVEYANCES Baldwin County; conveyance 992 Baldwin County; conveyance of property in county authorized 1015 Baldwin County; lease; amendment 969 Baroid Division of Dresser Industries, Inc.; conveyance 1015 BellSouth Telecommunications Inc.; easement 919 Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia; easement 969 Canoochee EMC; easement 919 Chatham County; conveyance 969 Cobb County; conveyance 957 Cobb County; easement 969 Cobb County; easement 919 Currahee Paging; assignment of leasehold interest to Pinnacle Towers, Inc. 992 DeKalb County Board of Education; conveyance 1015 Dougherty County; sale of state property in county 969 Douglas County; conveyance 969 Elberton; conveyance 1015 Floyd County; conveyance 1015


Georgia Power Company; easement 919 Georgia Transmission Corporation; easement 919 Glascock County; conveyance 1015 Hall County; conveyance 969 Hall County; conveyance 957 Laurens County; conveyance 957 Macon Water Authority; easement 919 Norfolk Southern Corporation; easement 969 Ossabaw Island; sale, lease, or exchange of state property 969 Plantation Pipeline; easement 919 Rabun County; lease of state property located in county 969 Rockmart; consent to annex property into corporate limits 1025 Rome; easement 919 Ron Bell; conveyance 969 Sumter County; conveyance 992 Tennessee Valley Authority; easement 919 Turner Properties; easement 919 Warm Springs; conveyance 992 Warner Robins; easement 919 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTIONS Andrew Jackson Ash memorial Bridge; designated 1031 Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 964 C. F. Coote Mason Highway; designated 916 Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003 Charles Durst Memorial Highway; designated 1012 Dewey Pendley Bridge; designated 1001 Dr. Pierce Gordon Blanchard Memorial Highway; designated 918 Fisher Barfoot Highway; designated 1012 Foster Family Bridge; designated 1012 Frank Earl Stancil, Sr., Interchange; designated 1007 Fred Lee Brady Bridge; designated 1027 Governor's Education Reform Study Commission; creation 1068 Hamilton McWhorter, Jr., Highway; designated 1027 Herbert Eugene Belcher Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 Herman H. Watson Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 House Lake Lanier Water Quality Study Committee; creation 1032 J. Irvin Hendricks Highway; designated 1027 James D. Mason Memorial Intersection; designated 361 Jean Anderson Intersection; designated 1004 Johnnie L. Caldwell, Sr., Highway; designated 1027 Joint Manufactured Housing Study Committee; creation 1032 Joint Study Committee on Art Policies for the Capitol and Governor's Mansion; creation 1032 Joint Study Committee on Partnership Between the Hospital and Clinics of the Medical College of Georgia and the University Hospital of Richmond County; creation 3 Joint Study Committee on Regional Development Centers and Metropolitan Area Planning and Development Commissions; creation 1032 Joint West Georgia River Protection Act Study Committee; creation 1032 Jondelle Johnson Drive; designated 1001


L. C. Shot Strange Highway; designated 1011 Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge; designated 1030 Major General Thomas Wayne Robison Memorial Highway; designated 963 Marshall Shirah Memorial Bridge; designated 1023 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Overview Committee; creation 965 Museum of Natural History at the University of Georgia designated as the Georgia Museum of Natural History 1010 Neil Jordan Holton Hazardous Materials Training Facility; designated 1006 R. P. Balkcom, Jr., Memorial Highway; designated 1026 Raymond Lester Bridge; designated 999 Romie Waters Highway; designated 1026 Rubert Hogan Bridge; designated 999 Southeastern Railway Museum designated the official state transportation history museum 1012 State Commission on Drug Addiction; creation 1032 Tara and Megan Bishop Interesection; designated 1023 Thunder Road USA-Georgia Racing Hall of Fame; proclaimed official Georgia Racing Hall of Fame 997 Veterans Memorial Way; designated 999 William and Andre Cooper Memorial Highway; designated 1027 William Lovel Lanier, Sr., Highway; designated 1001 William P. Ponder Memorial Bridge; designated 1009 William S. Robinson Bridge; designated 1014


INDEX A A. K. PEARSON Compensation 917 ADVERTISEMENTS Official organs of counties; judicial sales; advertisements; requirements for official organs 6 AGENCY Temporary Health Care Placement Decision Maker for an Adult Act 485 AGRICULTURE Ad valorem taxes; bona fide conservation use property; ownership; family farms 656 Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts; property; powers 765 Cotton; Georgia Cotton Producers Indemnity Fund of 1999; creation 1062 Cotton; warehousing, ginning, transfers, and sales; requirements 800 Crop insurance; tobacco crops; length of terms 647 Dealers in agricultural products; grain dealers; livestock market operators; livestock brokers; livestock dealers; warehousemen; bonds; sureties 800 Georgia Cotton Producers Indemnity Fund of 1999; creation 1062 Georgia Dairy Act; definitions; milk products; licenses; fees; testing 638 Georgia Food Act; repacking of flour, grits, hominy, and cornmeal 642 Georgia Tobacco Community Development Board; creation; trust funds; administrative procedure 721 Southern Dairy Compact; enactment 1249 Tobacco product manufacturers; escrow accounts; deposits; master settlement agreement 725 See also ANIMALS; COMMERCE AND TRADE; and FOOD, DRUGS, AND COSMETICS AL HOLLOWAY INTERCHANGE Designated 1012 ALBANY, CITY OF Joint County-Municipal Board of Registration and Elections for Dougherty County and the City of Albany; members; terms 4234 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Department of Community Affairs; regional economic assistance projects; criteria; alcoholic beverage sales 1206 Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances; penalties; clinical evaluation and treatment; fines 293 DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program; defensive driving courses; driver improvement clinics 731 Heidi's Law; driving under the influence 391 Sunday sales at bowling centers and private clubs; service at certain technical institutes 1225

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ALIENS Temporary assistance for needy families; assistance for qualified aliens 845 ALLATOONA, LAKE Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 ALMA, CITY OF Council; terms; elections 4124 ALPHARETTA, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4836 AMERICAN INDIAN HERITAGE Adoption; termination of parental rights; placement of child; election by child; costs of search for biological parent or sibling; forms 252 AMUSEMENT MACHINES Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; definitions; revenue of owner 1223 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines, games, or devices; rewards 1224 ANDERSON, JEAN Jean Anderson Intersection; designated 1004 ANDREW JACKSON ASH Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 1031 Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 964 ANIMALS Dealers in agricultural products; grain dealers; livestock market operators; livestock brokers; livestock dealers; warehousement; bonds; sureties 800 Georgia Dairy Act; definitions; milk products; licenses; fees; testing 638 ANNUITIES Annuity contracts; standard provisions; claims payment 536 APPROPRIATIONS S.F.Y. 1999-2000 1071 Supplemental for S.F.Y. 1998-1999 166 Supplemental for S.F.Y. 1998-98; year 2000 computer appropriation 1 Supplemental for the Department of Labor 758 ART Joint Study Committee on Art Policies for the Capitol and Governor's Mansion; creation 1032 Sales and use taxes; exemptions; urban transit system fares; art and artifacts 634 ASH. ANDREW JACKSON Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 1031


Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 964 ASHBURN, CITY OF Mayor and council; compensation; appointment of officers and employees 5111 ASHRAF, MOHAMMED Compensation 1005 ASTHMA Prescription inhalants for asthma or bronchial ailments; coverage 559 ATHENS-CLARKE COUNTY, UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF Coroner; compensation 3628 ATHLETIC TRAINERS Managed health care plans; athletic trainers as health care providers; reimbursement 327 ATKINSON COUNTY Board of education; compensation 4384 ATLANTA, CITY OF Community improvement districts authorized 4786 Community improvement districts; boards; vacancies; terms 4439 Jondelle Johnson Drive; designated 1001 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Overview Committee; creation 965 Urban enterprise zones; commercial enterprise zones; effective dates 3706 Urban enterprise zones; local enterprise zones; effective dates 3709 Urban enterprise zones; residential enterprise zones; effective dates 4274 Urban enterprise zones; residential enterprise zones; effective dates 3711 AUCTIONEERS Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 AUDIOLOGISTS Newborn infants; hearing screening; special licensing of retired physicians for noncompensated practice; audiologists' licensing 266 Speech-language pathologists and audiologists; definitions; board meetings; licensure exemption; standards; temporary licenses 387 AUDREY MARIE FLYE Heidi's Law; enacted 391 AUGUSTA CANAL AUTHORITY Membership 3890 AUGUSTA PORT AUTHORITY Membership; appointment; terms; vacancies 4286


AUGUSTA, GEORGIA-RICHMOND COUNTY 1945 Richmond County Employees' Pension Fund; benefits 4938 Augusta Canal Authority; membership 3890 Augusta Port Authority; membership; appointment; terms; vacancies 4286 Board of education; compensation; meetings; fines; superintendent of schools; removal; contracts; qualifications 4322 Board of education; elections; vacancies 4327 Board of tax assessors; membership; districts; appointment 3599 Civil court; personnel; marshal; compensation; powers 3508 Joint Study Committee on Partnership Between the Hospital and Clinics of the Medical College of Georgia and the University Hospital of Richmond County 3 Mayor and commission; vacancies 4143 AUSTELL, CITY OF Mayor and council; elections; terms 4701 AUTHORITIES Open and public meetings 549 Public records; inspections; requests; time limits; penalties 552 See also specific authorities by their names. AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIPS Georgia Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act; definitions; petitions; actions; dealers' claims; transfers of dealerships; ownership of dealerships 1194 AVONDALE ESTATES, CITY OF Community improvement districts authorized 4786 New charter 4886 B BACON COUNTY Magistrate court; judge of the probate court to serve as chief magistrate 4631 BAD CHECKS Bad checks; damages; fees or charges of banks or financial institutions 775 BAIL RECOVERY AGENTS Bonds; sureties; bail recovery agents; regulation; notification of local law enforcement agencies; identification 546 BALDWIN COUNTY Board of education; districts; elections; terms 3751 Conveyance of state property 992 State property; lease; amendment 969


BALKCOM, R. P., JR. R. P. Balkcom, Jr., Memorial Highway; designated 1026 BANKING AND FINANCE Bad checks; damages; fees or charges of banks or financial institutions 775 Credit card banks 674 Deposit account fraud; restitution; fees of banks and financial institutions 720 Dies, molds, forms, and patterns; cancellation of debt instruments; ownership; liens 862 Financial institutions; emergency closings; names; leasing and lending; securities; fees; branching; conversions; agents; offices 674 Financial institutions; holding companies; interstate acquisitions, mergers, and consolidations; mortgage brokers and lenders; credit cards 674 Motor vehicle sales financing 1229 Structured settlement payment rights; regulation of transfer; disclosures; right of rescission; penalties 853 BARFOOT, FISHER Fisher Barfoot Highway; designated 1012 BAROID DIVISION OF DRESSER INDUSTRIES, INC. Conveyance of state property 1015 BARROW COUNTY Board of commissioners; districts; terms 3909 Board of education; districts; terms 3898 BARTOW COUNTY Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 BATSON, HENRY C. Compensation 691 BELCHER, HERBERT EUGENE Herbert Eugene Belcher Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 BELL, RON State property; conveyance 969 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC. State property; easement 919 BEN HILL COUNTY Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Charter Commission; creation; charter; referendum 4397


Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Development Authority; executive secretary 4394 BERKELEY LAKE, CITY OF New charter 3636 BERNICE D. HARRIS Ms. Bernice D. Harris on behalf of Ms. Peggy Sue Harris; compensation 991 BIBB COUNTY Joint Unification Study Commission; funding; membership; reports 3511 BIRTH CONTROL Contraceptives; health insurance coverage 317 BISHOP, CAPTAIN ROBBIE Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003 BISHOP, TARA AND MEGAN Tara and Megan Bishop Intersection; designated 1023 BLANCHARD, DR. PIERCE GORDON Dr. Pierce Gordon Blanchard Memorial Highway; designated 918 BLECKLEY COUNTY Superior court; terms; grand juries 158 BLINDNESS Blindness education, screening, and treatment programs; voluntary contributions concurrent with driver's license issuance or renewal 537 BLOOMINGDALE, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4203 BLUE RIDGE, CITY OF Corporate limits 4635 BLYTHE, CITY OF Mayor and council terms; election 4078 BOARD OF INDUSTRY, TRADE, AND TOURISM Membership; powers; contracts 1041

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BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY Membership; terms 1211 BOUNTY HUNTERS Bonds; sureties; bail recovery agents; regulation; notification of local law enforcement agencies; identification 546 BOWLING CENTERS Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages 1225 BOXING Georgia Boxing Commission; powers; permits 891 BRADY, FRED LEE Fred Lee Brady Bridge; designated 1027 BRANTLEY COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4319 Board of education; compensation 4645 BRASELTON, TOWN OF Municipal court; penalties; judge 4712 BREAST CANCER Breast Cancer Patient Care Act; health insurance coverage; notices 319 BUCKHEAD, TOWN OF New charter 4472 BUILDINGS AND HOUSING Enterprise Zone Employment Act of 1997; residential construction and rehabilitation; ad valorem tax exemptions 333 Housing authorities; resident commissioners 737 Joint Manufactured Housing Study Committee 1032 Local boards of education; public school construction contracts in excess of $100,000.00; bids 1236 Parks or recreational areas; acceptance or acquisition of property by counties, municipalities, boards of education, or authorities; assessments 556 See also PROPERTY BULLOCH COUNTY Board of education; compensation 4094 Tax commissioner; compensation 4281


BULLYING School safety; school violence; razor blades; weapons; bullying; alternative schools; school security personnel 362 BUTTS COUNTY Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Towaliga Judicial Circuit; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 C C. F. COOTE MASON C. F. Coote Mason Highway; designated 916 CABLE SERVICE Local Government Cable Fair Competition Act of 1999; enactment 1267 CALDWELL, JOHNNIE L., SR. Johnnie L. Caldwell, Sr., Highway; designated 1027 CANDLER COUNTY State court; judge and judge's secretary; compensation 3699 William Lovel Lanier, Sr., Highway; designated 1001 CANOOCHEE EMC State property; easement 919 CAPITOL Joint Study Committee on Art Policies for the Capitol and Governor's Mansion; creation 1032 CAPTAIN ROBBIE BISHOP Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003 CARROLL COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4464 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3970 McIntosh Reserve Historical Authority; abolished; Act repealed 4539 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3614 State court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3970 CARTERSVILLE, CITY OF Cartersville Public Schools; budgets; taxation 5053 City owned utilities; sale; franchises and contracts for public utilities 3727


Municipal court; jurisdiction; contempt; punishment 5056 CATHRYN NICOLE (CADY) FLYE Heidi's Law; enacted 391 CATOOSA COUNTY Board of utility commissioners 4416 Tax commissioner; clerical help 4236 CEDARTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Membership 3895 CEDARTOWN, CITY OF Cedartown Development Authority; membership 3895 CENTER FOR TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Advisory board; assignment to University System of Georgia 1219 CHAMBLEE, CITY OF Community improvement districts authorized 4786 Council; quorum 5038 Mayor and council; oath 5043 CHARLES DURST MEMORIAL HIGHWAY Designated 1012 CHATHAM COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4622 Homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4211 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4215 State property; conveyance 969 CHATTOOGA COUNTY State court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4710 CHEROKEE COUNTY Board of elections and registration; terms 3755 Cherokee County Parks and Recreation Authority; bonds; payment; termination of authority 4096 Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 CHEROKEE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION AUTHORITY Bonds; payment; termination of authority 4096


CHILDREN Adoption; termination of parental rights; placement of child; election by child; costs of search for biological parent or sibling; forms 252 Assault and battery; crimes against family members; cruelty to children; corporal punishment exceptions 381 Breast feeding; authorized locations; employer accommodations 464 Child care; income taxes; employer provided or sponsored child care; tax credits; depreciation 13 Child custody; acts of family violence; evidence 329 Child custody proceedings; custodial parent desired by 12 or 13 year old child Vetoed HB 407 Child support recovery; determination, review, and release; modification 906 Day-care centers, group day-care homes, family day-care homes, child-caring institutions; employee records checks; foster home licenses 539 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Newborn infants; hearing screening; special licensing of retired physicians for noncompensated practice; audiologists' licensing 266 Public school discipline; student codes of conduct; contents; filing; distribution 370 Rape; definition of offense; female less than ten years of age; penalty 666 Securities salespersons and investment adviser representatives; registration; child support orders; guaranteed educational loans; default 329 Sexual offenders; visitation by minors restricted in penal institutions 591 Temporary care and supervision of a child in an emergency; Department of Human Resources; powers 1232 CITY OF DALTON AIRPORT AUTHORITY Purposes; powers 5152 CITY OF JEFFERSON PUBLIC BUILDING AUTHORITY Creation 4330 CITY OF ROME RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY Creation 3552 CIVIL PRACTICE Accident reports; originals; filing with Department of Public Safety; copies; evidence 871 Court reporting; exception to disqualification of certain court reporters; registration of court reporting firms 848 Firearms and ammunition; civil actions against manufacturers, trade associations, and dealers 2 Georgia Electronic Records and Signatures Act; definitions; legal effect; validity; admissibility; fraud; burden of proof 323 Habeas corpus; clerks; court costs related to indigent persons 660 Official organs of counties; judicial sales; advertisements; requirements for official organs 6


Prisoner litigation reform; habeas corpus; actions in forma pauperis 847 Privileged medical information; raw data used in research; discovery and admissibility 516 Seat belts; failure to use not considered as evidence of negligence or causation or to calculate damages 276 Structured settlement payment rights; regulation of transfer; disclosures; right of rescission; penalties 853 Venue; codefendants residing in different counties 734 CLAIMS ADVISORY BOARD Small claims; claims of inmates in the custody of the Department of Corrections excluded 798 CLARKE COUNTY Coroner; compensation 3628 CLARKSTON, CITY OF Community improvement districts authorized 4786 CLAYTON COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4653 Board of education; compensation 4130 Civil service board; members; continuing education requirement 4931 Clayton County Water Authority; chairperson, secretary, and members; compensation 4673 Clayton County, Georgia Public Employee Retirement System; credited service; normal retirement age; twenty-four hour personnel; contributions 4979 Clayton County, Georgia Public Employee Retirement System; pension benefit formula 4941 Coroner; compensation 4656 District attorney; salary supplement 4127 Probate court; judge; compensation; deputy election superintendent 4661 Sheriff; compensation 4651 State court; chief judge; solicitor-general; compensation 4665 Superior court; clerk; compensation 4668 Superior court; judges; salary supplement 4670 Tax commissioner; compensation 4659 CLAYTON COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY Chairperson, secretary, and members; compensation 4673 CLAYTON JUDICIAL CIRCUIT District attorney; salary supplement 4127 Judges; salary supplement 4670 COBB COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3595


Board of education; districts; elections 4356 Community improvement districts; purpose 4138 Juvenile court; judges; compensation 4458 Juvenile court; judges; compensation; designation of judge 3919 Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge; designated 1030 Probate court; clerk; compensation 4342 Sheriff; chief deputy sheriff, chief investigator, and executive assistant; compensation 3915 State court; additional judge; division 1 3611 State court; clerk and chief deputy clerk; compensation Vetoed HB 547 State court; clerk and chief deputy clerk; compensation 3602 State court; judges; compensation 4058 State court; solicitor-general; compensation 4241 State court; solicitor-general; vacancies; duties; deputy assistant; assistant solicitors-general; compensation 3624 State property; conveyance 957 State property; easement 969 State property; easement 919 Superior court; deputy clerk; compensation 4618 Superior court; judges; chief judge; salary supplements 4239 Tax commissioner; chief clerk, executive secretary, and administrative specialist; compensation 3928 William and Andre Cooper Memorial Highway; designated 1027 COBB JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Judges; chief judge; salary supplements 4239 COFFEE COUNTY Herbert Eugene Belcher Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 COIN OPERATED AMUSEMENT MACHINES Bona fide coin operated amusement machines, games, or devices; rewards 1224 Revenue of owner; definitions 1223 Specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 COLQUITT, CITY OF New charter 4503 COLUMBIA COUNTY Dr. Pierce Gordon Blanchard Memorial Highway; designated 918 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Municipal court; jurisdiction 4649 Municipal court; marshal's office abolished; transfer of duties and employees to sheriff; referendum 4432


COMMERCE AND TRADE Bad checks; damages; fees or charges of banks or financial institutions 775 Boards of Industry, Trade, and Tourism; membership; powers; contracts 1041 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; definitions; revenue of owner 1223 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines, games, or devices; rewards 1224 Bowling centers; Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages 1225 Boxing; Georgia Boxing Commission; name; powers; permits 891 Breast feeding; authorized locations; employer accommodations 464 Cotton; requirements for sale or transfer 800 Dealers in agricultural products; grain dealers; livestock market operators; livestock brokers; livestock dealers; warehousemen; bonds; sureties 800 Deposit account fraud; restitution; fees of banks and financial institutions 720 Dies, molds, forms, and patterns; cancellation of debt instruments; ownership; lines 862 Drug-free commercial zones; existing zones 556 Durable power of attorney for health care 485 Electronic Commerce Study Committee; re-creation; repeal date 322 Enterprise Zone Employment Act of 1997; residential construction and rehabilitation; ad valorem tax exemptions 333 Forest products; motor vehicles or trailers transporting; strobe lights and flags 828 Geo. L. Smith II Georgia World Congress Center Authority; board of governors; membership 1040 Georgia Electronic Records and Signatures Act; definitions; legal effect; validity; admissibility; fraud; burden of proof 323 Georgia Food Act; repacking of flour, grits, hominy, and cornmeal 642 Georgia Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act; definitions; petitions; actions; dealers' claims; transfers of dealerships; ownership of dealerships 1194 Guardians ad litem; agency; guardians of property on written power of attorney; financial power of attorney; temporary health care placement decisions 485 Income taxes; tax credit for federal qualified transportation fringe benefits 651 Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 Local boards of education; public school construction contracts in excess of $100,000.00; bids 1236 Motor vehicle insurers; designation of repair facilities 834 Motor vehicle rental companies; licensing as insurance agents 878 Motor vehicle sales financing 1229 Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act; adequate market conditions; commodity sales service; time periods 153 Pharmacies in general merchandising establishments; signs 757 Professional employer organizations; coemployers and employees; rights; powers; responsibilities 519 Rock quarry operations; water supplies 748 Securities; banks; dealers 674 Securities salespersons and investment adviser representatives; registration; child support orders; guaranteed educational loans; default 329 Structured settlement payment rights; regulation of transfer; disclosures; right of rescission; penalties 853 Telecommunications; authorized charges for services of nonaffiliated third parties 877


Temporary Health Care Placement Decision Maker for an Adult Act 485 Tire disposal fees; repeal of provisions extended; reports to General Assembly 780 Tobacco product manufacturers; escrow accounts; deposits; master settlement agreement 725 Tobacco; cigar and cigarette sales 156 Underground storage tanks; funds for administration; repayment; environmental assurance fees 658 Unfair or deceptive trade practices; cigar and cigarette taxes; sales; restrictions; contraband 156 Uniform Transfer on Death Security Registration Act; enacted 805 Warehousemen; bonds; sureties 800 Water well contractors and drillers; bonds and letters of credit 760 See also BANKING AND FINANCE; CONTRACTS; DEBTOR AND CREDITOR; INSURANCE; LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS; and PROFESSIONS AND BUSINESSES COMPACTS National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact; adopted 574 Southern Dairy Compact; enactment 1249 COMPUTERS Contributing to the delinquency of minors; computer pornography and child exploitation 232 Electronic Commerce Study Committee; re-creation; repeal date 322 Year 2000 Readiness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161 CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Ad valorem taxes; bona fide conservation use property; ownership; family farms 656 Counties and municipalities; leases of waste-water treatment, stormwater, water, and sewage systems; private operation and maintenance 80 Crabs; traps; floats; notice; vessel markings; licensing 785 Forest products; motor vehicles or trailers transporting; strobe lights and flags 828 Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 House Lake Lanier Water Quality Study Committee; creation 1032 Joint West Georgia River Protection Act Study Committee; creation 1032 Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 Lake Lanier Islands Development Authority; expenditures; purposes 835 License plates; bobwhite quail special plates 791 Parks or recreational areas; acceptance or acquisition of property by counties, municipalities, boards of education, or authorities; assessments 556 Rock quarry operations; water supplies 748 State parks; Laura S. Walker Lake; motor-boating hours 159 Stone Mountain Memorial Association; purposes 160 Tire disposal fees; repeal of provisions extended; reports to General Assembly 780 Trails or walkways; use of excise tax on rooms, lodgings, and accommodations 663 Tugalo Lake; boat motors; horsepower restrictions 657 Underground storage tanks; funds for administration; repayment; environmental assurance fees 658


Water well contractors and drillers; bonds and letters of credit 760 Year 2000 Readiness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161 See also GAME AND FISH and WATERS OF THE STATE, PORTS, AND WATERCRAFT CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA Ad valorem taxes; homeowner's incentive adjustment; proposed amendment to the Constitution 1275 CONTRACEPTIVES Health insurance; coverage for contraceptives 317 CONTRACTS Bad checks; damages; fees or charges of banks or financial institutions 775 Cotton; requirements for sale or transfer 800 Counties and municipalities; leases of waste-water treatment, stormwater, water, and sewage systems; private operation and maintenance 80 Georgia Electronic Records and Signatures Act; definitions; legal effect; validity; admissibility; fraud; burden of proof 323 Local boards of education; public school construction contracts in excess of $100,000.00; bids 1236 Open records; exemptions for engineers' cost estimates and rejected or deferred bid proposals 1222 Professional employer organizations; coemployers and employees; rights; powers; responsibilities 519 Structured settlement payment rights; regulation of transfer; disclosures; right of rescission; penalties 853 CONYERS ATHLETICS AUTHORITY Name changed from Conyers-Rockdale Amateur Athletics Authority; membership; powers 4163 CONYERS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU AUTHORITY Creation 4151 CONYERS, CITY OF Conyers Convention and Visitors Bureau Authority; creation 4151 Conyers-Rockdale Amateur Athletics Authority; name changed to Conyers Athletics Authority; membership; powers 4163 CONYERS-ROCKDALE AMATEUR ATHLETICS AUTHORITY Name changed to Conyers Athletics Authority; membership; powers 4163


COOPER, WILLIAM AND ANDRE William and Andre Cooper Memorial Highway; designated 1027 CORNELIA, CITY OF Homestead exemptions; city taxes; referendums 3904 CORNMEAL Georgia Food Act; repacking of flour, grits, hominy, and cornmeal 642 CORONERS Qualifications; fees; reports; analysis; evidence 869 CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, AND ASSOCIATIONS Alien insurers; entry into the United States through Georgia 584 Electronic filing of documents with the Secretary of State; electronic signatures; evidence; proxies; merger of parent into subsidiary corporation 405 Foreign corporations 405 Income taxes; employer provided or sponsored child care; tax credits; depreciation 13 Income taxes; tax credits; assignment by corporation to an affiliated corporation 9 Limited liability companies; dissociation; dissolution 822 Limited partnerships; elections; certificates 827 COTTON Georgia Cotton Producers Indemnity Fund of 1999; creation 1062 Requirements for ginning, warehousing, transfer, and sale 800 COUNTIES See LOCAL GOVERNMENT COURT OF APPEALS OF GEORGIA Judges; compensation 1213 Judges; compensation 1242 Number of Judges; divisions; quorum; elections; terms; appointment 10 COURT REPORTERS Board of Court Reporting of the Judicial Council; membership 868 Court reporting firms; registration; disqualification of certain court reporters; exception 848 COURTS Bail recovery agents; regulation 546


Board of Court Reporting of the Judicial Council; membership 868 City courts in municipalities of 300,000 population or more having jurisdiction over traffic offenses; venue 830 Court of Appeals; judges; compensation 1213 Court of Appeals; judges; compensation 1242 Court of Appeals; number of Judges; divisions; quorum; elections; terms; appointment 10 Court reporting; Board of Court Reporting of the Judicial Council; membership 868 Court reporting; exception to disqualification of certain court reporters; registration of court reporting firms 848 District attorneys; compensation 1213 District attorneys; compensation 1242 District attorneys; district attorney emeritus; honorary office created; qualifications; powers; assistance; compensation 913 District attorneys; special drug prosecutors 365 Habeas corpus; clerks; court costs related to indigent persons 660 Juries; expense allowance 836 Jury lists; sources; drivers' licenses 890 Juvenile courts; contributing to the delinquency of a minor; computer pornography and child exploitation 232 Juvenile courts; jurisdiction; student behavior; school board proceedings against parents Vetoed SB 72 Juvenile courts; mental competency of children; proceedings; stays; reports; hearings; commitment; jurisdiction 507 Juvenile courts; public school discipline; student codes of conduct 370 Juvenile courts; temporary care and supervision of child in an emergency 1232 Magistrate courts; jurisdiction; civil claims 834 Magistrate courts; probate court judges serving as chief magistrates or magistrates 765 Magistrate courts; probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Municipal courts; jurisdiction; shoplifting cases 831 Official organs of counties; judicial sales; advertisements; requirements for official organs 6 Prisoner litigation reform; habeas corpus; actions in forma pauperis 847 Probate courts; judges serving as chief magistrates or magistrates; minimum salaries; increases 765 Superior courts; clerks; ad valorem taxes; agricultural use, bona fide conservation use, and bona fide residential transitional use property; recordingfees 589 Superior courts; clerks; index of military discharges; recording additional information concerning veterans 636 Superior courts; clerks; recording fees; ad valorem taxes on certain preferential assessments 589 Superior courts; district attorneys; compensation 1213 Superior courts; district attorneys; compensation 1242 Superior courts; district attorneys; special drug prosecutors 365 Superior courts; district attorneys emeritus; honorary office created; powers 913 Superior courts; Flint Judicial Circuit; composition 67 Superior courts; habeas corpus; clerks; court costs; indigent persons 660 Superior courts; Houston Judicial Circuit; terms 81 Superior courts; judges; compensation 1213


Superior courts; judges; compensation 1242 Superior courts; juries; expense allowance 836 Superior courts; law clerks; law assistants; court administrators 736 Superior courts; Northeastern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 40 Superior courts; Oconee Judicial Circuit; terms; grand juries 158 Superior courts; Southwestern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 49 Superior courts; Towaliga Judicial Circuit created 67 Supreme Court of Georgia; Justices; compensation 1213 Supreme Court of Georgia; Justices; compensation 1242 Venue; codefendants residing in different counties 734 COVINGTON, CITY OF Council; membership; mayor and council vacancies 4452 COWETA COUNTY State court; clerk and personnel 3505 CRABS Traps; floats; notice; vessel marking; licenses 785 CRANE GAMES Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; definitions; revenue of owner 1223 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines, games, or devices; rewards 1224 CRAWFORD COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4695 CREDIT CARD BANKS Organization; charges and fees 674 CRIMES AND OFFENSES Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons 562 Assault and battery; crimes against family members; cruelty to children; corporal punishment exceptions 381 Bad checks; damages; fees or charges of banks or financial institutions 775 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines, games, or devices; rewards 1224 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; definitions; revenue of owner 1223 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 Computer pornography and child exploitation 232 Contributing to the delinquency of minors; computer pornography and child exploitation 232 Controlled substances and dangerous drugs; lists; registered professional nurses employed or engaged by licensed home health agencies; powers 643


Criminal Justice Coordinating Council; Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Board; committees; powers 846 Day-care centers, group day-care homes, family day-care homes, child-caring institutions; employee records checks; foster home licenses 539 Deposit account fraud; restitution; fees of banks and financial institutions 720 District attorneys; special drug prosecutors 365 Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances; Heidi's Law 391 Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances; penalties; clinical evaluation and treatment; fines 293 Drug-free commercial zones; existing zones 556 Family violence; assault and battery 381 Family violence; evidence in child custody proceedings 329 Firearms and ammunition; civil actions against manufacturers, trade associations, and dealers 2 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Heidi's Law; homicide by vehicle; bail; driving under the influence; driving while license is suspended; serious injury by vehicle; ignition interlock devices 391 Jails; controlled substances, dangerous drugs, and weapons; guard lines; loitering; perimeter guard lines 648 Municipal courts; jurisdiction; shoplifting cases 831 Pandering; motor vehicles used in commission of offense; forfeiture; procedure 472 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Public nuisances; places used for unlawful sexual activity or substantial drug related activity; actions 467 Public school discipline; student codes of conduct; contents; filing; distribution 370 Rape; definition of offense; female less than ten years of age; penalty 666 School safety; school violence; razor blades; weapons; bullying; alternative schools; school security personnel 362 Shoplifting; municipal court jurisdiction 831 State Commission on Drug Addiction; creation 1032 State sexual offender registry; registrations; hearings; board 837 CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COMMITTEE Committees; powers 846 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Bonds; sureties; bail recovery agents; regulation; notification of local law enforcement agencies; identification 546 Coroners; qualifications; fees; reports; analysis; evidence 869 Criminal Justice Coordinating Council; Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Board; committees; powers 846 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Heidi's Law; homicide by vehicle; bail; driving under the influence; driving while license is suspended; serious injury by vehicle; ignition interlock devices 391


Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 State sexual offender registry; registrations; hearings; board 837 CUMMING, CITY OF Municipal court; creation; judges; jurisdiction; powers 3616 CURRAHEE PAGING State property; assignment of leasehold interest to Pinnacle Towers, Inc. 992 CUSSETA, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4555 CUTHBERT, CITY OF New charter 4243 D DAIRIES Georgia Dairy Act; definitions; milk products; licenses; fees; testing 638 Southern Dairy Compact; enactment 1249 DALLAS, CITY OF Foster Family Bridge; designated 1012 DALTON, CITY OF Board of Water, Light and Sinking Fund Commissioners; members; terms; vacancies 5142 City of Dalton Airport Authority; purposes; powers 5152 Employees' pension plan; benefits; participation; age; contributions 5114 Employees' pension plan; Dalton-Whitfield Regional Solid Waste Management Authority; membership 5147 Employees' pension plan; eligibility; city attorney 5131 Employees' pension plan; Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center Authority; membership 5134 Mayor and council/board of aldermen; compensation 5139 Public safety commission; city employees; qualifications; city attorney 5124 DALTON-WHITFIELD REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Dalton; employees' pension plan; membership 5147 DANIELSVILLE, CITY OF Mayor and council; organizational meetings; mayor's term; veto of ordinances 3714


DAWSON COUNTY Superior courts; Northeastern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 40 DAWSONVILLE, CITY OF Council; meetings 5156 DEBTOR AND CREDITOR Bad checks; damages; fees or charges of banks or financial institutions 775 Dies, molds, forms, and patterns; cancellation of debt instruments; ownership; liens 862 Garnishment; exemption of Roth individual retirement accounts Vetoed HB 6 Georgia Cotton Producers Indemnity Fund of 1999; creation 1062 DECATUR, CITY OF Board of education; powers; debt; property; ad valorem tax rate 4810 Community improvement districts authorized 4786 DEKALB COUNTY Board of education; conveyance of state property 1015 Board of zoning appeals; hearings; appeals; tree protection ordinance 4986 Chief executive; powers; personnel; department heads; DeKalb County Merit System; referendum 4704 Community improvement districts; creation authorized in county and municipalities in county 4786 Community improvement districts; short title of Act; Unincorporated DeKalb County Community Improvement District Act of 1998 4805 DeKalb County Civic Center Authority; members; appointment 4462 DEKALB COUNTY CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY Members; appointment 4462 DENTISTS Dentistry; definitions; board; census; service of process; contempt; students; examinations; licenses; practice; sanctions; investigations 234 Health insurance coverage for anesthesia and related surgical facility charges in conjunction with dental care 377 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Regional economic assistance projects; criteria; alcoholic beverage sales 1206 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Temporary care and supervision of a child in an emergency; Department of Human Resources; powers 1232


DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE Peace officers; certification 777 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE Department of Community Health; created 296 DEWEY PENDLEY Dewey Pendley Bridge; designated 1001 DIES Dies, molds, forms, and patterns; cancellation of debt instruments; ownership; liens 862 DODEG COUNTY Board of commissioners; meetings; parliamentary procedure; purchases 4132 Superior court; terms; grand juries 158 DOMESTIC RELATIONS Adoption; termination of parental rights; placement of child; election by child; costs of search for biological parent or sibling; forms 252 Alimony and child support; enforcement of orders; contempt; filing fee 633 Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons; petitions; practice and procedure 562 Assault and battery; crimes against family members; cruelty to children; corporal punishment exceptions 381 Breast feeding; authorized locations; employer accommodations 464 Child custody; acts of family violence; evidence 329 Child custody; custodial parent desired by 12 or 13 year old child Vetoed HB 407 Child support; enforcement of orders; contempt; filing fee 633 Child support; securities salespersons and investment adviser representatives; registration; child support orders; guaranteed educational loans; default 329 Child support recovery; determination, review, and release; modification 906 Family support registry; creation 1237 Family violence; evidence in child custody proceedings 329 Foster homes; licenses 539 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 State Children's Trust Fund; repeal date extended 520 DORAVILLE, CITY OF Community improvement districts authorized 4786 Mayor pro tempore; council; compensation 5030 Mayor; compensation 5028 DOUGHERTY COUNTY Al Holloway Interchange; designated 1012


Board of commissioners; compensation 4118 Joint County-Municipal Board of Registration and Elections for Dougherty County and the City of Albany; members; terms 4234 State property; sale 969 Superior court; judges; salary supplement 4446 DOUGLAS COUNTY Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003 Community improvement districts; boards; membership 4466 Conveyance of state property 969 Douglas County Airport Authority; site selection; referendum 4413 State court; creation 3606 DOUGLAS COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY Site selection; referendum 4413 DOUGLASVILLE, CITY OF New charter 4559 DRESSER INDUSTRIES, INC. Baroid Division of Dresser Industries, Inc.; conveyance of state property 1015 DUBLIN, CITY OF Dublin-Laurens County Recreation Authority; creation 3671 DUBLIN-LAURENS COUNTY RECREATION AUTHORITY Creation 3671 DURST, CHARLES Charles Durst Memorial Highway; designated 1012 E EAST ELLIJAY, CITY OF New charter 4289 EAST POINT, CITY OF City retirement plan; class v employees 5008 Human Resources Department; Economic Development Department 5018 Mediation for employees and officials; legal disputes 5001 EDUCATION Ad valorem taxes; homeowner tax relief grants to counties and local school districts; ad valorem tax credits 273 Alternative education programs 438


Attendance; instruction; student behavior; allotment and grant of state funds Vetoed SB 72 Blindness education, screening, and treatment programs; voluntary contributions concurrent with driver's license issuance or renewal 537 Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia; easement 969 Capital outlay funds; low-wealth capital outlay grants to local school systems 400 Discipline 438 Discipline Vetoed SB 72 Discipline 370 Discipline 362 Governor's Education Reform Study Commission; creation 1068 Improved student learning environment and discipline; character education; student codes of conduct; classroom management; alternative education 438 Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 Juvenile courts; jurisdiction; student behavior; school board proceedings against parents Vetoed SB 72 Liability insurance for local school officials and employees; inclusion of nonprofit organizations within coverage 326 Local boards of education; public school construction contracts in excess of $100,000.00; bids 1236 Medical loans and scholarships 402 Museum of Natural History at the University of Georgia designated as the Georgia Museum of Natural History 1010 Parks or recreational areas; acceptance or acquisition of property by counties, municipalities, boards of education, or authorities; assessments 556 Private Colleges and Universities Authority; definition; scope 402 Public school discipline; student codes of conduct; contents; filing; distribution 370 Scholastic Assessment Test preparatory courses 465 School safety; school violence; razor blades; weapons; bullying; alternative schools; school security personnel 362 School safety plans; law enforcement agencies; Georgia Emergency Management Agency; funding assistance; training 379 Securities salespersons and investment adviser representatives; registration; child support orders; guaranteed educational loans; default 329 State employees' health insurance plan; inclusion of local board of education members, county officials, and county employees 813 Technical and adult education; technical institutes; sales of alcoholic beverages 1225 University System of Georgia; Center for Trade and Technology Transfer; advisory board 1219 See also RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS EFFINGHAM COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3696 Effingham County Family Connection Commission; creation 3922 State court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 3621 EFFINGHAM COUNTY FAMILY CONNECTION COMMISSION Creation 3922


ELBERTON, CITY OF Conveyance of state property 1015 ELDERLY PERSONS Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons 562 ELECTIONS Code revision 21 Elections and primaries generally; various provisions amended 52 Nomination and recall petitions; petitions for paupers' affidavits; notary public; rejection 23 Optical scanning voting systems; absentee ballots; optical scanning ballots; ballot recap forms and delivery; voting materials delivery 29 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE STUDY COMMITTEE Re-creation; repeal date 322 ELECTRONIC RECORDS Georgia Electronic Records and Signatures Act; definitions; legal effect; validity; admissibility; fraud; burden of proof 323 See also RECORDS EMANUEL COUNTY L. C. Shot Strange Highway; designated 1011 Regional development center boundary changes 789 EVANS COUNTY State service delivery region boundary changes 789 EVIDENCE Accident reports; originals; filing with Department of Public Safety; copies; evidence 871 Child custody; acts of family violence; evidence 329 Coroners; qualifications; fees; reports; analysis; evidence 869 Court reporting; exception to disqualification of certain court reporters; registration of court reporting firms 848 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Georgia Electronic Records and Signatures Act; definitions; legal effect; validity; admissibility; fraud; burden of proof 323 Laser speed detection devices; recognition of reliability; admissibility; self-authentication 5 Privileged medical information; raw data used in research; discovery and admissibility 516


Seat belts; failure to use not considered as evidence of negligence or causation or to calculate damages 276 EYE BANKS Definitions; entities which may establish and operate eye banks 832 F FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY Creation 1237 FAMILY VIOLENCE Assault and battery 381 Evidence in child custody proceedings 329 FANNIN COUNTY C. F. Coote Mason Highway; designated 916 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4277 FIRE PROTECTION AND SAFETY Emergency telephone number 911 service; Emergency Telephone System Fund; authorized uses 466 Emergency telephone number 911 service; wireless service; enhanced charge; emergency management information 873 Fire extinguishers and suppression systems; definition 656 Firefighters' special motor vehicle license plates 791 Volunteer firefighers; eligibility to serve on county or municipal governing authorities 1248 FIREARMS Firearms and ammunition; civil actions against manufacturers, trade associations, and dealers 2 FISHER BARFOOT Fisher Barfoot Highway; designated 1012 FITZGERALD, CITY OF Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Charter Commission; creation; charter; referendum 4397 Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Development Authority; executive secretary 4394 FITZGERALD-BEN HILL COUNTY CHARTER COMMISSION Creation; charter; referendum 4397

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FITZGERALD-BEN HILL COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Executive secretary 4394 FLINT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Composition 67 Judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4169 FLOUR Georgia Food Act; repacking of flour, grits, hominy, and cornmeal 642 FLOYD COUNTY Conveyance of state property 1015 FLYE, HEIDI MARIE, CATHRYN NICOLE (CADY), AND AUDREY MARIE Heidi's Law; enacted 391 FOOD, DRUGS, AND COSMETICS Controlled substances and dangerous drugs; lists; registered professional nurses employed or engaged by licensed home health agencies; powers 643 District attorneys; special drug prosecutors 365 Drug-free commercial zones; existing zones 556 Georgia Dairy Act; definitions; milk products; licenses; fees; testing 638 Georgia Food Act; repacking of flour, grits, hominy, and cornmeal 642 Nuclear Pharmacy Law; enacted 277 Pharmacies in general merchandising establishments; signs 757 Pharmacists; definitions; State Board of Pharmacy; powers; foreign graduates; licenses; suspensions; Nuclear Pharmacy Law enacted 277 Southern Dairy Compact; enactment 1249 State Commission on Drug Addiction; creation 1032 FOREST PRODUCTS Strobe lights and flags on motor vehicles and trailers 828 FORMS Dies, molds, forms, and patterns; cancellation of debt instruments; ownership; liens 862 FORSYTH COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation and expense allowance 4551 Board of commissioners; purchases; bids 4934 Civil service system; sheriff's employees 4925

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Homestead exemptions; county taxes; referendum 4545 FORSYTH, CITY OF Neil Jordan Holton Hazardous Materials Training Facility; designated 1006 FORT GAINES, CITY OF Elections; plurality voting 4067 FOSTER FAMILY BRIDGE Designated 1012 FRANK EARL STANCIL, SR. Frank Earl Stancil, Sr., Interchange; designated 1007 FRANK MARTIN Compensation 962 FRED LEE BRADY Fred Lee Brady Bridge; designated 1027 FULTON COUNTY Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge; designated 1030 Magistrate court; number of magistrates 3783 State court; chief clerk; court administrator 3781 G GAINESVILLE, CITY OF Gainesville Redevelopment Authority; powers; definitions; projects; amendments 4697 GAINESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Powers; definitions; projects; amendments 4697 GAMBLING Bona fide coin operated amusement machines, games, or devices; rewards 1224 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; definitions; revenue of owner 1223 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 GAME AND FISH Crabs; traps; floats; notice; vessel markings; licensing 785 License plates; bobwhite quail special plates 791 Tugalo Lake; boat motors; horsepower restrictions 657


See also CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES and WATERS OF THE STATE, PORTS, AND WATERCRAFT GARDEN CITY, CITY OF Homestead exemption: city taxes; referendum 4185 GARNISHMENT Exemption of Roth individual retirement accounts Vetoed HB 6 GAS Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act; adequate market conditions; commodity sales service; time periods 153 Underground storage tanks 658 GENERAL ASSEMBLY Ad valorem taxes; homeowner tax relief grants to counties and local school districts; ad valorem tax credits 273 Ad valorem taxes; homeowner's incentive adjustment; proposed amendment to the Constitution 1275 Claims Advisory Board; small claims; claims of inmates in the custody of the Department of Corrections excluded 798 Electronic Commerce Study Committee; re-creation; repeal date 322 Fiscal notes; bills significantly affecting state government revenues or expenditures 761 Georgia Building Authority; inventory of state buildings; reports to General Assembly 661 Hospital authorities; Rural Hospital Authorities Assistance Act; grants 469 House Lake Lanier Water Quality Study Committee; creation 1032 Joint Manufactured Housing Study Committee 1032 Joint Study Committee on Art Policies for the Capitol and Governor's Mansion; creation 1032 Joint Study Committee on Partnership Between the Hospital and Clinics of the Medical College of Georgia and the University Hospital of Richmond County 3 Joint Study Committee on Regional Development Centers and Metropolitan Area Planning and Development Commissions: creation 1032 Joint West Georgia River Protection Act Study Committee; creation 1032 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Overview Committee; creation 965 Senate; districts 42 State Commission on Drug Addiction; creation 1032 State officials; members of the General Assembly; members of board and commissions; salary and allowances 1213 State officials; members of the General Assembly; members of board and commissions; salary and allowances 1242 Tire disposal fees; repeal of provisions extended; reports to General Assembly 780 GEO. L. SMITH II GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER AUTHORITY Board of governors; membership 1040


GEORGIA ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT Georgia Tobacco Community Development Board; creation; trust funds; administrative procedure 721 GEORGIA BUILDING AUTHORITY Inventory of state buildings; reports to General Assembly 661 GEORGIA CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION BOARD Committees; powers 846 GEORGIA ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 GEORGIA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Museum of Natural History at the University of Georgia designated 1010 GEORGIA PORTS AUTHORITY Port vehicles; registration and licensing; dimensions and weight; exemptions 784 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY State property; easement 919 GEORGIA PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING CENTER Neil Jordan Holton Hazardous Materials Training Facility; designated 1006 GEORGIA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Creation 112 GEORGIA STATE PATROL Department of Public Safety; use of department motor vehicle by member of Uniform Division while off duty 560 See also LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND AGENCIES GEORGIA STATE WAR VETERANS' HOME Eligibility for admission; residency 796 GEORGIA TRANSMISSION CORPORATION State property; easement 919 GEORGIA WAR VETERANS NURSING HOME Eligibility for admission; residency 796


GILMER COUNTY Gilmer County Family Connection Commission; creation 3683 GILMER COUNTY FAMILY CONNECTION COMMISSION Creation 3683 GLASCOCK COUNTY Conveyance of state property 1015 GORDON COUNTY Board of elections; creation 4106 GOVERNOR Executive counsel; number 797 Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 Governor's Education Reform Study Commission; creation 1068 Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs; consumers' insurance advocate 335 Joint Study Committee on Art Policies for the Capitol and Governor's Mansion; creation 1032 GOVERNOR'S DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 GOVERNOR'S EDUCATION REFORM STUDY COMMISSION Creation 1068 GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS Consumers' insurance advocate; position created 335 GRAY, CITY OF Sewerage, drainage, and waterworks 5040 GREENE COUNTY Greene County Family Connection Commission; membership 3804 GREENE COUNTY FAMILY CONNECTION COMMISSION Membership 3804 GRIFFIN, CITY OF Griffin-Spalding County School System; board of education; compensation 4543

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GRITS Georgia Food Act; repacking of flour, grits, hominy, and cornmeal 642 GROVETOWN, CITY OF Mayor; powers and duties 4145 GUARDIAN AND WARD Durable power of attorney for health care 485 Guardians ad litem; agency; guardians of property on written power of attorney; financial power of attorney; temporary health care placement decisions 485 Temporary Health Care Placement Decision Maker for an Adult Act 485 Workers' compensation; cross appeals; self-insured employer status; guardians; overpayments; benefits 817 GUNS Firearms and ammunition; civil actions against manufacturers, trade associations, and dealers 2 GWINNETT COUNTY James D. Mason Memorial Intersection; designated 361 Springbrook Golf Course Commission; creation 4677 H HABEAS CORPUS Clerks; court costs related to indigent persons 660 Prisoner litigation reform; habeas corpus; actions in forma pauperis 847 HALL COUNTY Conveyance of state property 969 Hall County Commission for Children and Families; creation 4874 State property; conveyance 957 Superior courts; Northeastern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 40 HALL COUNTY COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Creation 4874 HAMILTON MCWHORTER, JR. Hamilton McWhorter, Jr., Highway; designated 1027 HANCOCK COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation and expense allowance 4055


HANDICAPPED PERSONS Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons 562 Blindness education, screening, and treatment programs; voluntary contributions concurrent with driver's license issuance or renewal 537 HARALSON COUNTY Haralson County Family Connection Authority; creation 4083 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4087 Superior court; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 HARALSON COUNTY FAMILY CONNECTION AUTHORITY Creation 4083 HAROLD F. HOLTZ MUNICIPAL TRAINING INSTITUTE Board; terms 637 HARRIS, BERNICE D. Ms. Bernice D. Harris on behalf of Ms. Peggy Sue Harris; compensation 991 HARRIS, PEGGY SUE Ms. Bernice D. Harris on behalf of Ms. Peggy Sue Harris; compensation 991 HAWKINSVILLE, CITY OF Charter repealed; contingent on consolidation 4232 Consolidated government of Hawkinsville-Pulaski County; referendums 3518 HAZLEHURST, CITY OF Corporate limits 4693 HEALTH Anesthesia; dental care; health insurance coverage 377 Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons; petitions; practice and procedure 562 Blindness education, screening, and treatment programs; voluntary contributions concurrent with driver's license issuance or renewal 537 Boxing; Georgia Boxing Commission; name; powers; permits 891 Breast Cancer Patient Care Act; health insurance coverage; notices 319 Breast feeding; authorized locations; employer accommodations 464 Community service boards; employees making complaints; fraud, waste, and abuse; planning lists for disability services 860 Contraceptives; health insurance coverage 317 Controlled substances and dangerous drugs; lists; registered professional nurses employed or engaged by licensed home health agencies; powers 643 Coroners; qualifications; fees; reports; analysis; evidence 869 Counties; employee benefits; ACCG Group Health Benefits Program, Inc. 1190


Department of Community Health; created 296 Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances; penalties; clinical evaluation and treatment; fines 293 DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program; defensive driving courses; driver improvement clinics 731 Durable power of attorney for health care 485 Emergency telephone number 911 service; Emergency Telephone System Fund; authorized uses 466 Emergency telephone number 911 service; wireless service; enhanced charge; emergency management information 873 Eye banks; definitions; entities which may establish and operate 832 Georgia War Veterans' Nursing Home; Georgia State War Veterans' Home; eligibility for admission; residency 796 Guardians ad litem; agency; guardians of property on written power of attorney; financial power of attorney; temporary health care placement decisions 485 Health insurance coverage for anesthesia and related surgical facility charges in conjunction with dental care 377 Health insurance; confidentiality of patients' medical information obtained from pharmacies; time limit for payment of claims; premium increase notice 289 Health Strategies Council; powers; duties 296 Hospital authorities; Rural Hospital Authorities Assistance Act; grants 469 Hospitals; acquisition and disposition; definitions; location of hospital authority projects; leases; fines 850 Managed care plans; health maintenance organizations; out of network provider access, choice, and reimbursement; disclosures; incentives 342 Managed care plans; patients' rights to independent review of plan determinations; standard of care; tort actions 350 Managed health care plans; athletic trainers as health care providers; reimbursement 327 Morbid Obesity Anti-discrimination Act 368 Newborn infants; hearing screening; special licensing of retired physicians for noncompensated practice; audiologists' licensing 266 Prescription inhalants for asthma or bronchial ailments; coverage 559 Rural Hospital Authorities Assistance Act; grants 469 Speech-language pathologists and audiologists; definitions; board meetings; licensure exemption; standards; temporary licenses 387 State Commission on Drug Addiction; creation 1032 Temporary care and supervision of a child in an emergency; Department of Human Resources; powers 1232 Temporary Health Care Placement Decision Maker for an Adult Act 485 Tobacco product manufacturers; escrow accounts; deposits; master settlement agreement 725 Year 2000 Readiness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161 See also HANDICAPPED PERSONS; MENTAL HEALTH; and SOCIAL SERVICES HEALTH PLANNING AGENCY Department of Community Health; created 296 HEALTH STRATEGIES COUNCIL Powers; duties 296


HEAVY-DUTY EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES Motor vehicles; staggered registration periods; ad valorem taxes; payment; liens; heavy-duty equipment motor vehicles; tax digests; mobile homes; permits and decals 667 HEIDI MARIE FLYE Heidi's Law; enacted 391 HEIDI'S LAW Homicide by vehicle; bail; driving under the influence; driving while license is suspended; serious injury by vehicle; ignition interlock devices 391 HENDRICKS, J. IRVIN J. Irvin Hendricks Highway; designated 1027 HENRY C. BATSON Compensation 961 HENRY COUNTY Flint Judicial Circuit; composition 67 Henry County Water and Sewerage Authority; members; compensation 4647 State court; jurors 4176 Superior court; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4169 HENRY COUNTY WATER AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY Members; compensation 4647 HERBERT EUGENE BELCHER Herbert Eugene Belcher Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 HERMAN H. WATSON Herman H. Watson Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, AND FERRIES Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 1031 Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 964 C. F. Coote Mason Highway; designated 916 Charles Durst Memorial Highway; designated 1012 Dewey Pendley Bridge; designated 1001 Dr. Pierce Gordon Blanchard Memorial Highway; designated 918 Drivers' licenses; suspension or revocation; points; child safety restraints 515 Fisher Barfoot Highway; designated 1012 Forest products; motor vehicles or trailers transporting; strobe lights and flags 828


Foster Family Bridge; designated 1012 Frank Earl Stancil, Sr., Interchange; designated 1007 Fred Lee Brady Bridge; designated 1027 Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 Hamilton McWhorter, Jr., Highway; designated 1027 Herbert Eugene Belcher Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 Herman H. Watson Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 Income taxes; tax credit for federal qualified transportation fringe benefits 651 J. Irvin Hendricks Highway; designated 1027 James D. Mason Memorial Intersection; designated 361 Jean Anderson Intersection; designated 1004 Johnnie L. Caldwell, Sr., Highway; designated 1027 Jondelle Johnson Drive; designated 1001 L. C. Shot Strange Highway; designated 1011 Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge; designated 1030 Major General Thomas Wayne Robison Memorial Highway; designated 963 Marshall Shirah Memorial Bridge; designated 1023 Motor vehicle registration periods; International Registration Plan; apportionable vehicles; fees 741 Port vehicles; registration and licensing; dimensions and weight; exemptions 784 R. P. Balkcom, Jr., Memorial Highway; designated 1026 Raymond Lester Bridge; designated 999 Romie Waters Highway; designated 1026 Rubert Hogan Bridge; designated 999 Sales and use taxes; exemptions; urban transit system fares 634 Tara and Megan Bishop Intersection; designated 1023 Trails or walkways; use of excise tax on rooms, lodgings, and accommodations 663 Vehicles and loads; dimensions; permits for excess weights and dimensions 567 Vehicles and loads; dimensions; weight; port vehicles 784 Veterans Memorial Way; designated 999 William and Andre Cooper Memorial Highway; designated 1027 William Lovel Lanier, Sr., Highway; designated 1001 William P. Ponder Memorial Bridge; designated 1009 William S. Robinson Bridge; designated 1014 Yielding right of way where traffic light is inoperative; removal of accident vehicle from multilane highway 904 See also MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC and PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION HINESVILLE, CITY OF Joint Liberty County and City of Hinesville Vocational-Technical School Authority; creation 4626 HIRAM, CITY OF Dewey Pendley Bridge; designated 1001 HOGAN, RUBERT Rubert Hogan Bridge; designated 999

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HOLTON, NEIL JORDAN Neil Jordan Holton Hazardous Materials Training Facility; designated 1006 HOME HEALTH AGENCIES Controlled substances and dangerous drugs; lists; registered professional nurses employed or engaged by licensed home health agencies; powers 643 HOMINY Georgia Food Act; repacking of flour, grits, hominy, and cornmeal 642 HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES Hospitals; acquisition and disposition; definitions; location of hospital authority projects; leases; fines 850 Rural Hospital Authorities Assistance Act; grants 469 HOUSE LAKE LANIER WATER QUALITY STUDY COMMITTEE Creation 1032 HOUSING AUTHORITIES Resident commissioners 737 HOUSTON COUNTY Board of education; compensation 4640 State court; temporary presiding judge; compensation 3633 Superior court; terms 81 HOUSTON JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Terms 81 HUGH KELLEY RICKENBAKER, III Compensation 1008 I INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS Garnishment; exemption of Roth individual retirement accounts Vetoed HB 6 INSURANCE Alien insurers; entry into the United States through Georgia 584 Annuity contracts; standard provisions; claims payment 536 Athletic trainers; managed health care plans; athletic trainers as health care providers; reimbursement 327 Breast Cancer Patient Care Act; health insurance coverage; notices 319

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Countersignatures; licensing of individuals as agents; limited licenses; motor vehicle rental companies; licensing as agents 878 Counties; employee benefits; ACCG Group Health Benefits Program, Inc. 1190 Crop insurance; tobacco crops; length of terms 647 Dealers in agricultural products; grain dealers; livestock market operators; livestock brokers; livestock dealers; warehousemen; bonds; sureties 800 Department of Community Health; created; powers 296 Health insurance; confidentiality of patients' medical information obtained from pharmacies; time limit for payment of claims; premium increase notice 289 Health insurance; coverage for anesthesia and related surgical facility charges in conjunction with dental care 377 Health insurance; coverage for contraceptives 317 Health insurance; coverage for morbidly obese patients 368 Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 Liability insurance for local school officials and employees; inclusion of nonprofit organizations within coverage 326 Managed care plans; health maintenance organizations; out of network provider access, choice, and reimbursement; disclosures; incentives 342 Managed care plans; patients' rights to independent review of plan determinations; standard of care; tort actions 350 Managed health care plans; athletic trainers as health care providers; reimbursement 327 Morbid Obesity Anti-discrimination Act 368 Motor vehicle self-insurers; taxicab self-insurers in counties of 400,000 or less 560 Notice of cancellation; exceptions; motor vehicle insurers' designation of repair facilities 834 Open records; drivers' licenses and information; law enforcement records; Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Accident Reports; inspection; restrictions 809 Prescription inhalants for asthma or bronchial ailments; coverage 559 Rate regulation; consumers' insurance advocate; position created in the Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs 335 Risk-based capital levels for insurers; exemptions; jurisdiction; reports 1234 Seat belts; failure to use not considered as evidence of negligence or causation or to calculate damages 276 State employees' health insurance plan; Department of Community Health; creation; duties 296 State employees' health insurance plan; inclusion of local board of education members, county officials, and county employees 813 INTERSTATE COMPACTS National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact; adopted 574 Southern Dairy Compact; enactment 1249 J J. IRVIN HENDRICKS J. Irvin Hendricks Highway; designated 1027

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JACKSON COUNTY Board of commissioners; membership; elections; districts; compensation; county manager; referendum 3570 Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority; powers 3549 JACKSON COUNTY WATER AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY Powers 3549 JAMES D. MASON James D. Mason Memorial Intersection; designated 361 JASPER COUNTY Jasper County Water and Sewer Authority; creation 4595 JASPER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY Creation 4595 JEAN ANDERSON Jean Anderson Intersection; designated 1004 JEFF DAVIS COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation; chairperson 4135 JEFFERSON COUNTY Board of commissioners; expense allowance 3893 Board of education; compensation 4167 JEFFERSON, CITY OF City of Jefferson Public Building Authority; creation 4330 JESUP, CITY OF Cemetery lots; conveyance 5036 JOHNNIE L. CALDWELL, SR. Johnnie L. Caldwell, Sr., Highway; designated 1027 JOHNSON COUNTY Board of elections and registration; creation 4046 Regional development center boundary changes 789



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JURIES Expense allowance 836 Jury lists; sources; drivers' licenses 890 JUVENILE COURTS Cobb County; judges; compensation 4458 Cobb County; judges; compensation; designation of judge 3919 Contributing to the delinquency of minors; computer pornography and child exploitation 232 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Jurisdiction; proceedings by local school boards against parents concerning student behavior Vetoed SB 72 Mental competency of children; proceedings; stays; reports; hearings; commitment; jurisdiction 507 Public school discipline; student codes of conduct; contents; filing; distribution 370 Temporary care and supervision of a child in an emergency; Department of Human Resources; powers 1232 K KENNESAW, CITY OF Charter; renumbering; corporate limits 5159 Corporate limits 4366 Municipal court; probation fee 5185 KING, THOMAS Compensation 1007 L L. C. SHOT STRANGE L. C. Shot Strange Highway; designated 1011 LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Appropriations; supplemental for the Department of Labor 758 Breast feeding; authorized locations; employer accommodations 464 Employment security; Workforce Reinvestment Act of 1999; employer contributions; rates; variances; state-wide reserve ratio; assessments; benefits 449 Employment security; Workforce Reinvestment Act of 1999; employer contributions; rates; variations; state-wide reserve ratio; assessments; benefits 521 Enterprise Zone Employment Act of 1997; residential construction and rehabilitation; ad valorem tax exemptions 333 Income taxes; employer provided or sponsored child care; tax credits; depreciation 13 Income taxes; tax credit for federal qualified transportation fringe benefits 651

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Professional employer organizations; coemployers and employees; rights; powers; responsibilities 519 Workers' compensation; cross appeals; self-insured employer status; guardians; overpayments; benefits 817 LAKE ALLATOONA PRESERVATION AUTHORITY Creation 4815 LAKE LANIER House Lake Lanier Water Quality Study Committee; creation 1032 LAKE LANIER ISLANDS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Expenditures; purposes 835 LAMAR COUNTY Homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4051 Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Towaliga Judicial Circuit; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 LANIER, WILLIAM LOVEL, SR. William Lovel Lanier, Sr., Highway; designated 1001 LASER SPEED DETECTION DEVICES Recognition of reliability; admissibility; self-authentication 5 LAURA S. WALKER LAKE Motor-boating hours 159 LAURENS COUNTY Dublin-Laurens County Recreation Authority; creation 3671 Rubert Hogan Bridge; designated 999 State property; conveyance 957 LAVONIA, CITY OF Corporate limits 4553 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND AGENCIES Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons 562 Bail recovery agents; regulation 546 Board of Public Safety; membership; terms 1211 Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003 Chiefs and agency heads; certification; Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Act; Department of Juvenile Justice; county probation systems 777

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Coroners; qualifications; fees; reports; analysis; evidence 869 Criminal Justice Coordinating Council; Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Board; committees; powers 846 Day-care centers, group day-care homes, family day-care homes, child-caring institutions; employee records checks; foster home licenses 539 Department of Public Safety; use of department motor vehicle by member of Uniform Division while off duty 560 Emergency telephone number 911 service; Emergency Telephone System Fund; authorized uses 466 Emergency telephone number 911 service; wireless service; enhanced charge; emergency management information 873 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Laser speed detection devices; recognition of reliability; admissibility; self-authentication 5 Open records; drivers' licenses and information; law enforcement records; Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Accident Reports; inspection; restrictions 809 Police volunteers; training; emergencies; direction of traffic 654 School safety plans; law enforcement agencies; Georgia Emergency Management Agency; funding assistance; training 379 Speed detection devices 1227 Speed detection devices; laser speed detection devices 5 LEE COUNTY Board of elections and registration; creation 3938 Superior court; additional judge 49 LEGAL ORGANS Official organs of counties; judicial sales; advertisements; requirements for official organs 6 LESTER, RAYMOND Raymond Lester Bridge; designated 999 LESTER AND VIRGINIA MADDOX Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge; designated 1030 LIBERTY COUNTY Board of elections; additional member 4122 Joint Liberty County and City of Hinesville Vocational-Technical School Authority; creation 4626 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES Dissociation; dissolution 822 LITHIA SPRINGS, CITY OF Dissolution; court order 5197


New charter; contingent repeal 4842 LITHONIA, CITY OF Community improvement districts authorized 4786 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Ad valorem taxes; homeowner tax relief grants to counties and local school districts; ad valorem tax credits 273 Ad valorem taxes; municipal contracts for assessment, collection, and digest preparation 557 Ad valorem taxes; new assessment descriptions; local government ordinances 1212 Bail recovery agents; regulation 546 City courts in municipalities of 300,000 population or more having jurisdiction over traffic offenses; venue 830 Convention center authorities; excise tax on rooms, lodgings, or accommodations 769 Counties; employee benefits; ACCG Group Health Benefits Program, Inc. 1190 Counties; governing authorities; volunteer firefighters; eligibility for membership 1248 Counties and municipalities; leases of waste-water treatment, stormwater, water, and sewage systems; private operation and maintenance 80 Department of Community Affairs; regional economic assistance projects; criteria; alcoholic beverage sales 1206 Drug-free commercial zones; existing zones 556 Emergency management; director; personnel; training; certification; 911 Advisory Committee 372 Emergency telephone number 911 service; Emergency Telephone System Fund; authorized uses 466 Emergency telephone number 911 service; wireless service; enhanced charge; emergency management information 873 Enterprise Zone Employment Act of 1997; residential construction and rehabilitation; ad valorem tax exemptions 333 Firearms and ammunition; civil actions against manufacturers, trade associations, and dealers 2 Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute; board; terms 637 Hospitals; acquisition and disposition; definitions; location of hospital authority projects; leases; fines 850 Housing authorities; resident commissioners 737 Legal organs of counties; judicial sales; advertisements; requirements for official organs 6 Local Government Cable Fair Competition Act of 1999; enactment 1267 Municipal courts; jurisdiction; shoplifting cases 831 Municipalities; governing authorities; volunteer firefighters; eligibility for membership 1248 Official organs of counties; judicial sales; advertisements; requirements for official organs 6 Open and public meetings 549 Open records; exemptions for engineers' cost estimates and rejected or deferred bid proposals 1222


Open records; inspections; requests; time limits; penalties 552 Parks or recreational areas; acceptance or acquisition of property by counties, municipalities, boards of education, or authorities; assessments 556 Police; chiefs and agency heads; certification; Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Act; Department of Juvenile Justice; county probation systems 777 Police volunteers; training; emergencies; direction of traffic 654 Public nuisances; places used for unlawful sexual activity or substantial drug related activity; actions 467 Rock quarry operations; water supplies 748 Service delivery strategy; land use classification dispute resolution; state service delivery regions; regional development center boundary changes 789 Special county 1 percent sales and use tax; use of proceeds; major capital equipment 781 Speed detection devices 1227 Speed detection devices; laser speed detection devices 5 State employees' health insurance plan; inclusion of local board of education members, county officials, and county employees 813 Tax collectors and tax commissioners; minimum salaries; increases 782 Trails or walkways; use of excise tax on rooms, lodgings, and accommodations 663 LOWNDES COUNTY Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority; creation 4072 LUMPKIN COUNTY Advisory referendum on land use and zoning regulations for unincorporated area 3694 Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 1031 Andrew Jackson Ash Memorial Bridge; designated 964 Jean Anderson Intersection; designated 1004 LUTHERSVILLE, CITY OF New charter 3982 M MACON COUNTY Board of education; compensation 4081 Superior court; additional judge 49 William S. Robinson Bridge; designated 1014 MACON WATER AUTHORITY Purposes; powers; industrial development; contracts 4832 State property; easement 919 MACON, CITY OF Council; call of special meetings 5016 Joint Unification Study Commission; funding; membership; reports 3511

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Macon Fire and Police Employees Retirement System; cost-of-living adjustments 5033 Macon Pensions and Retirement System; compensation 5005 Macon Water Authority; purposes; powers; industrial development; contracts 4832 Macon Water Authority; state property; easement 919 Municipal court; penalties 4993 Municipal court; remission of sentences; provisions repealed 4999 MADDOX, LESTER AND VIRGINIA Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge; designated 1030 MADISON, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4469 MAGISTRATE COURTS Bacon County; judge of the probate court to serve as chief magistrate 4631 Carroll County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3970 Fulton County; magistrate court; number of magistrates 3783 Jurisdiction; civil claims 834 Murray County; chief magistrate; compensation 3972 Probate courts; judges serving as chief magistrates or magistrates; minimum salaries; increases 765 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Rockdale County; chief magistrate; compensation 4725 Union County; chief magistrate; election; terms; vacancies 3799 MAJOR GENERAL THOMAS WAYNE ROBISON Major General Thomas Wayne Robison Memorial Highway; designated 963 MANCHESTER, CITY OF Mayor and council; elections; terms 3668 MANUFACTURED HOUSING Joint Manufactured Housing Study Committee 1032 MARIETTA, CITY OF Board of Water and Lights; chairperson; vice-chairperson; board manager 5079 City manager; duties 5067 City manager; residency 5072 Civil service board; hearings; continuances 5097 Civil service board; meetings 5103 Civil service board; membership 5060 Council; expense allowance; travel 5059 Marietta Police and Fire Civil Service System 5086 Marietta Police and Fire Civil Service System; membership; director of personnel 5108

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Mayor and council; compensation 5083 Municipal court; clerk 5075 Municipal court; probation fees 5100 Training requirements 5105 MARTIN, FRANK Compensation 962 MASON, C. F. COOTE C. F. Coote Mason Highway; designated 916 MASON, JAMES D. James D. Mason Memorial Intersection; designated 361 MCDONOUGH, CITY OF Corporate limits; referendum 4147 MCINTOSH COUNTY Marshall Shirah Memorial Bridge; designated 1023 MCINTOSH RESERVE HISTORICAL AUTHORITY Abolished; Act repealed 4539 MCWHORTER, HAMILTON, JR. Hamilton McWhorter, Jr., Highway; designated 1027 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA Joint Study Committee on Partnership Between the Hospital and Clinics of the Medical College of Georgia and the University Hospital of Richmond County; created 3 MEDICINE Composite State Board of Medical Examiners; established as a separate agency; executive director 296 Medical loans and scholarships 402 Physicians; special licensing of retired physicians for noncompensated practice 266 Privileged medical information; raw data used in research; discovery and admissibility 516 MEETINGS Agendas; affidavits of presiding officers; public corporations 549 MEGAN BISHOP Tara and Megan Bishop Intersection; designated 1023

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MENTAL HEALTH Community service boards; employees making complaints; fraud, waste, and abuse; planning lists for disability services 860 Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances; penalties; clinical evaluation and treatment; fines 293 DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program; defensive driving courses; driver improvement clinics 731 Durable power of attorney for health care 485 Guardians ad litem; agency; guardians of property on written power of attorney; financial power of attorney; temporary health care placement decisions 485 Mental competency of children; proceedings; stays; reports; hearings; commitment; jurisdiction 507 State Commission on Drug Addiction; creation 1032 Temporary Health Care Placement Decision Maker for an Adult Act 485 Year 2000 Readiness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161 MERIWETHER COUNTY Board of education; members; per diem allowance 3753 Meriwether County Public Facilities Authority; definition; powers 4624 MERIWETHER COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY Definition; powers 4624 METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Overview Committee; creation 965 MILITARY, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, AND VETERANS AFFAIRS Ad valorem taxes; exemption for motor vehicles owned by former prisoner of war or surviving spouse thereof 557 Adoption; termination of parental rights; placement of child; election by child; costs of search for biological parent or sibling; forms; military service 252 Clerks of superior courts; index of military discharges; recording additional information regarding veterans 636 Emergency management; director; personnel; training; certification; 911 Advisory Committee 372 Emergency telephone number 911 service; Emergency Telephone System Fund; authorized uses 466 Emergency telephone number 911 service; wireless service; enhanced charge; emergency management information 873 Georgia War Veterans' Nursing Home; Georgia State War Veterans' Home; eligibility for admission; residency 796 Neil Jordan Holton Hazardous Materials Training Facility; designated 1006 Police volunteers; training; emergencies; direction of traffic 654 School safety plans; law enforcement agencies; Georgia Emergency Management Agency; funding assistance; training 379


MILK Georgia Dairy Act; definitions; milk products; licenses; fees; testing 638 Southern Dairy Compact; enactment 1249 MILLER COUNTY Board of commissioners; districts 4442 MINORS Adoption; termination of parental rights; placement of child; election by child; costs of search for biological parent or sibling; forms 252 Breast feeding; authorized locations; employer accommodations 464 Child custody; acts of family violence; evidence 329 Child custody; custodial parent desired by 12 or 13 year old child Vetoed HB 407 Child safety restraints; drivers' licenses; points 515 Child support; enforcement of orders; contempt; filing fee 633 Child support; recovery; determination, review, and release; modification 906 Child support; securities salespersons and investment adviser representatives 329 Contributing to the delinquency of minors; computer pornography and child exploitation 232 Income taxes; employer provided or sponsored child care; tax credits; depreciation 13 Mental competency of children; proceedings; stays; reports; hearings; commitment; jurisdiction 507 Public school discipline Vetoed SB 72 Public school discipline 362 Public school discipline; student codes of conduct; contents; filing; distribution 370 Rape; definition of offense; female less than ten years of age; penalty 666 Sexual offenders; visitation by minors restricted in penal institutions 591 Temporary care and supervision of a child in an emergency; Department of Human Resources; powers 1232 MOBILE HOMES Motor vehicles; staggered registration periods; ad valorem taxes; payment; liens; heavy-duty equipment motor vehicles; tax digests; mobile homes; permits and decals 667 MOHAMMED ASHRAF Compensation 1005 MOLDS Dies, molds, forms, and patterns; cancellation of debt instruments; ownership; lines 862 MONROE COUNTY Coroner; compensation 4611 Homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4613


Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Towaliga Judicial Circuit; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 MONROE, CITY OF Franchises; gross revenue 3935 MONTGOMERY COUNTY Fisher Barfoot Highway; designated 1012 Superior court; terms; grand juries 158 MORBID OBESITY ANTI-DISCRIMINATION ACT Health insurance coverage 368 MORGAN COUNTY William P. Ponder Memorial Bridge; designated 1009 MORTGAGE BROKERS Banks 674 MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Accident reports; inspection; restrictions 809 Accident reports; originals; filing with Department of Public Safety; copies; evidence 871 Ad valorem taxes; exemption for motor vehicles owned by former prisoner of war or surviving spouse thereof 557 Blindness education, screening, and treatment programs; voluntary contributions concurrent with driver's license issuance or renewal 537 Definitions; records relating to motor vehicles; access by regulated persons; titles for older vehicles; failure to appear in a traffic case; penalty 334 Department of Public Safety; use of department motor vehicle by member of Uniform Division while off duty 560 Drivers' licenses; suspension or revocation; points; child safety restraints 515 Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances; Heidi's Law 391 Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances; penalties; clinical evaluation and treatment; fines 293 DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program; defensive driving courses; driver improvement clinics 731 Forest products; motor vehicles or trailers transporting; strobe lights and flags 828 Georgia Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act; definitions; petitions; actions; dealers' claims; transfers of dealerships; ownership of dealerships 1194 Heidi's Law; homicide by vehicle; bail; driving under the influence; driving while license is suspended; serious injury by vehicle; ignition interlock devices 391 Jury lists; sources; drivers' licenses 890 Laser speed detection devices; recognition of reliability; admissibility; self-authentication 5


License plates; bobwhite quail special plates; authentic historical Georgia license plates; firefighters' special license plates 791 Motor vehicle insurers; designation of repair facilities 834 Motor vehicle registration periods; International Registration Plan; apportionable vehicles; fees 741 Motor vehicle rental companies; licensing as insurance agents 878 Motor vehicle sales financing 1229 Motor vehicle self-insurers; taxicab self-insurers in counties of 400,000 or less 560 Motor vehicles; staggered registration periods; ad valorem taxes; payment; liens; heavy-duty equipment motor vehicles; tax digests; mobile homes; permits and decals 667 Pandering; motor vehicles used in commission of offense; forfeiture; procedure 472 Police volunteers; training; emergencies; direction of traffic 654 Port vehicles; registration and licensing; dimensions and weight; exemptions 784 Public records; drivers' licenses and information; law enforcement records; Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Accident Reports; inspection; restrictions 809 Seat belts; child safety restraints 515 Seat belts; failure to use not considered as evidence of negligence or causation or to calculate damages 276 Speed detection devices 1227 Speed detection devices 5 Tire disposal fees; repeal of provisions extended; reports to General Assembly 780 Trails or walkways; use of excise tax on rooms, lodgings, and accommodations 663 Vehicles and loads; dimensions; permits for excess weights and dimensions 567 Vehicles and loads; port vehicles 784 Yielding right of way where traffic light is inoperative; removal of accident vehicle from multilane highway 904 See also HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, AND FERRIES and PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MUNICIPAL COURTS Braselton; penalties; judge 4712 Cartersville; jurisdiction; contempt; punishment 5056 Columbus, Georgia; marshal's office abolished; transfer of duties and employees to sheriff; referendum 4432 Columbus, Georgia; municipal court; jurisdiction 4649 Cumming; municipal court; creation; judges; jurisdiction; powers 3616 Jurisdiction; shoplifting 831 Kennesaw; probation fee 5185 Macon; penalties 4993 Macon; remission of sentences; provisions repealed 4999 Marietta; clerk 5075 Marietta; probation fees 5100 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Sylvania; probated sentences 5046 Villa Rica; penalties 3979

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MUNICIPALITIES See LOCAL GOVERNMENT MURRAY COUNTY Board of commissioners; county manager; sole commissioner form of government; referendum 4345 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 3501 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; compensation 3972 Superior court; clerk; compensation 3974 Tax commissioner; compensation 3974 MUSCOGEE COUNTY Board of education; compensation and expenses 3977 Municipal Court of Columbus, Georgia; jurisdiction 4649 Municipal Court of Columbus, Georgia; marshal's office abolished; duties and employees transferred to sheriff; referendum 4432 State court; solicitor-general; chief assistant and senior assistant solicitors-general; compensation; appointment 3802 MUSEUMS Museum of Natural History at the University of Georgia designated as the Georgia Museum of Natural History 1010 Sales and use taxes; exemptions; urban transit system fares; art and artifacts 634 Southeastern Railway Museum designated the official state transportation history museum 1012 N NATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION AND PRIVACY COMPACT Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 NATURAL GAS Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act; adequate market conditions; commodity sales service; time periods 153 NEIL JORDAN HOLTON Neil Jordan Holton Hazardous Materials Training Facility; designated 1006 NEWNAN CONVENTION CENTER AUTHORITY Creation 3717 NEWNAN CITY OF Newnan Convention Center Authority; creation 3717


NEWSPAPERS Official organs of counties; judicial sales; advertisements; requirements for official organs 6 NEWTON, CITY OF New charter 4016 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORPORATION State property; easement 969 NORTHWEST GEORGIA TRADE AND CONVENTION CENTER AUTHORITY Dalton; employees' pension plan; membership 5134 NOTARIES PUBLIC Nomination and recall petitions; petitions for paupers' affidavits; notary public; rejection 23 NUCLEAR PHARMACY LAW Enacted 277 NUISANCES Public nuisances; places used for unlawful sexual activity or substantial drug related activity; actions 467 NURSES Controlled substances and dangerous drugs; lists; registered professional nurses employed or engaged by licensed home health agencies; powers 643 O OCONEE COUNTY Board of education; compensation 4675 Board of education; compensation 3926 Frank Earl Stancil, Sr., Interchange; designated 1007 OCONEE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Terms; grand juries 158 OFFICIAL CODE OF GEORGIA ANNOTATED Code revision; elections 21 Code revision; reenactment; corrections; terms of the Superior Court of the Houston Judicial Circuit 81 Code revision; retirement 20


OFFICIAL ORGANS Official organs of counties; judicial sales; advertisements; requirements for official organs 6 OFFICIAL STATE TRANSPORTATION HISTORY MUSEUM Designated 1012 OGLETHORPE COUNTY Hamilton McWhorter, Jr., Highway; designated 1027 OPEN MEETINGS Agendas; affidavits of presiding officers; public corporations 549 OPEN RECORDS Day-care centers, group day-care homes, family day-care homes, child-caring institutions; employee records checks; foster home licenses 539 Definitions; records relating to motor vehicles; access by regulated persons; titles for older vehicles; failure to appear in a traffic case; penalty 334 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Health insurance; confidentiality of patients' medical information obtained from pharmacies; time limit for payment of claims; premium increase notice 289 Public records; drivers' licenses and information; law enforcement records; Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Accident Reports; inspection; restrictions 809 Public records; inspections; requests; time limits; penalties 552 OPHTHALMOLOGY Definitions; entities which may establish and operate eye banks 832 P PANDERING Motor vehicles used in commission of offense; forfeiture; procedure 472 PATTERNS Dies, molds, forms, and patterns; cancellation of debt instruments; ownership; liens 862 PAULDING COUNTY Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003 Herman H. Watson Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 Superior court; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180


PEACH COUNTY Board of commissioners; chairperson; compensation 4098 PEANUTS Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts; property; powers 765 PEARSON, MR. A. K. Compensation 917 PEGGY SUE HARRIS Ms. Bernice D. Harris on behalf of Ms. Peggy Sue Harris; compensation 991 PELHAM, CITY OF Council; board of education; districts 3513 PEMBROKE, CITY OF Council; districts; elections 4100 PENAL INSTITUTIONS Claims Advisory Board; small claims; claims of inmates in the custody of the Department of Corrections excluded 798 County probation systems; peace officers; certification 777 Heidi's Law; homicide by vehicle; bail; driving under the influence; driving while license is suspended; serious injury by vehicle; ignition interlock devices 391 Jails; controlled substances, dangerous drugs, and weapons; guard lines; loitering; perimeter guard lines 648 Prisoner litigation reform; habeas corpus; actions in forma pauperis 847 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Sexual offenders; visitation by minors restricted in penal institutions 591 State Board of Pardons and Paroles; severance from Department of Corrections 867 State sexual offender registry; registrations; hearings; board 837 PENDERGRASS, TOWN OF Corporate limits 4104 PENDLEY, DEWEY Dewey Pendley Bridge; designated 1001 PERRY, CITY OF Corporate limits 4112


PETROLEUM Underground storage tanks; funds for administration; repayment; environmental assurance fees 658 PHARMACISTS Health insurance; confidentiality of patients' medical information obtained from pharmacies; time limit for payment of claims; premium increase notice 289 Nuclear Pharmacy Law; enacted 277 Pharmacies in general merchandising establishments; signs 757 PHYSICIANS Composite State Board of Medical Examiners; established as a separate agency; executive director 296 Medical scholarships and loans 402 Newborn infants; hearing screening; special licensing of retired physicians for noncompensated practice; audiologists' licensing 266 Privileged medical information; raw data used in research 516 PICKENS COUNTY Tara and Megan Bishop Intersection; designated 1023 PIERCE COUNTY Board of commissioners; chairperson; compensation Vetoed HB 991 Board of education; compensation 4642 PIERCE GORDON BLANCHARD Dr. Pierce Gordon Blanchard Memorial Highway; designated 918 PILCHER, TONY Compensation 964 PINE LAKE, CITY OF Community improvement districts authorized 4786 PINNACLE TOWERS, INC. Currahee Paging; assignment of leasehold interest to Pinnacle Towers, Inc. 992 PLANTATION PIPELINE State property; easement 919 POLK COUNTY Superior court; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180

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PONDER, WILLIAM P. William P. Ponder Memorial Bridge; designated 1009 POOLER, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4190 PORT WENTWORTH. CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4198 POWDER SPRINGS, CITY OF Fred Lee Brady Bridge; designated 1027 PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AUTHORITY Definition; scope 402 PROBATE COURTS Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons; petitions; practice and procedure 562 Bacon County; magistrate court; judge of the probate court to serve as chief magistrate 4631 Carroll County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3614 Clayton County; judge; compensation; deputy election superintendent 4661 Cobb County; clerk; compensation 4342 Judges serving as chief magistrates or magistrates; minimum salaries; increases 765 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Rockdale County; judge; compensation 4770 Temporary Health Care Placement Decision Maker for an Adult Act 485 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS Coemployers and employees; rights; powers; responsibilities 519 PROFESSIONS AND BUSINESSES Athletic trainers; managed health care plans; athletic trainers as health care providers; reimbursement 327 Audiologists; licensing 266 Bail recovery agents; regulation 546 Boxing; Georgia Boxing Commission; name; powers; permits 891 Composite State Board of Medical Examiners; established as a separate agency; executive director 296 Cotton; requirements for sale or transfer 800 Court reporting; exception to disqualification of certain court reporters; registration of court reporting firms 848 Dentistry; definitions; board; census; service of process; contempt; students; examinations; licenses; practice; sanctions; investigations 234 Dentistry; health insurance coverage 377


Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 Nuclear Pharmacy Law; enacted 277 Nurses; controlled substances and dangerous drugs; powers 643 Pharmacies in general merchandising establishments; signs 757 Pharmacists; definitions; State Board of Pharmacy; powers; foreign graduates; license suspensions; Nuclear Pharmacy Law enacted 277 Physicians; medical scholarships and loans 402 Physicians; special licensing of retired physicians for noncompensated practice 266 Privileged medical information; raw data used in research; discovery and admissibility 516 Real estate appraisers; electronic filing of documents; signatures; citations for violations; penalties; records retention 715 Real estate brokers and salespersons; electronic filing of documents; signatures; citations for violations; penalties; records retention 715 Specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 Speech-language pathologists and audiologists; definitions; board meetings; licensure exemption; standards; temporary licenses 387 Water well contractors and drillers; bonds and letters of credit 760 PROPERTY Counties and municipalities; leases of waste-water treatment, stormwater, water, and sewage systems; private operation and maintenance 80 Dies, molds, forms, and patterns; cancellation of debt instruments; ownership; liens 862 Enterprise Zone Employment Act of 1997; residential construction and rehabilitation; ad valorem tax exemptions 333 Garnishment; exemption of Roth individual retirement accounts Vetoed HB 6 Guardians ad litem; agency; guardians of property on written power of attorney; financial power of attorney; temporary health care placement decisions 485 Income taxes; employer provided or sponsored child care; tax credits; depreciation 13 Local boards of education; public school construction contracts in excess of $100,000.00; bids 1236 Pandering; motor vehicles used in commission of offense; forfeiture; procedure 472 Parks or recreational areas; acceptance or acquisition of property by counties, municipalities, boards of education, or authorities; assessments 556 Public nuisances; places used for unlawful sexual activity or substantial drug related activity; actions 467 Real estate appraisers; electronic filing of documents; signatures; citations for violations; penalties; records retention 715 Real estate brokers and salespersons; electronic filing of documents; signatures; citations for violations; penalties; records retention 715 State Properties Commission; membership; Secretary of State 653 Underground storage tanks; funds for administration; repayment; environmental assurance fees 658 See also BUILDINGS AND HOUSING; INSURANCE; and STATE PROPERTY PROSTITUTION Pandering; motor vehicles used in commission of offense; forfeiture; procedure 472


PUBLIC CORPORATIONS Open and public meetings 549 PUBLIC MEETINGS Agendas; affidavits of presiding officers; public corporations 549 PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Administrative investigators; training; certification 777 Community service boards; employees making complaints; fraud, waste, and abuse; planning lists for disability services 860 Coroners; qualifications; fees; reports; analysis; evidence 869 Court reporting; exception to disqualification of certain court reporters; registration of court reporting firms 848 Department of Community Health; created 296 District attorneys; district attorney emeritus; honorary office created; qualifications; powers; assistance; compensation 913 District attorneys; special drug prosecutors 365 Emergency management; director; personnel; training; certification; 911 Advisory Committee 372 Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 Governor; executive counsel; number 797 Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 Liability insurance for local school officials and employees; inclusion of nonprofit organizations within coverage 326 Nomination and recall petitions; petitions for paupers' affidavits; notary public; rejection 23 State employees' health insurance plan; Department of Community Health; creation; duties 296 State employees' health insurance plan; inclusion of local board of education members, county officials, and county employees 813 State Merit System of Personnel Administration; employee grievances Vetoed HB 677 State officials; compensation 910 State officials; members of the General Assembly; members of boards and commissions; salary and allowances 1213 State officials; members of the General Assembly; members of boards and commissions; salary and allowances 1242 State Properties Commission; membership; Secretary of State 653 Tax collectors and tax commissioners; minimum salaries; increases 782 Volunteer firefighters; eligibility to serve on county or municipal governing authorities 1248 Year 2000 Readiness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161 PUBLIC RECORDS Day-care centers, group day-care homes, family day-care homes, child-caring institutions; employee records checks; foster home licenses 539 Definitions; records relating to motor vehicles; access by regulated persons; titles for older vehicles; failure to appear in a traffic case; penalty 334


Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Health insurance; confidentiality of patients' medical information obtained from pharmacies; time limit for payment of claims; premium increase notice 289 Inspections; requests; time limits; penalties 552 Open records; drivers' licenses and information; law enforcement records; Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Accident Reports; inspection; restrictions 809 Open records; exemptions for engineers' cost estimates and rejected or deferred bid proposals 1222 PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Emergency management; director; personnel; training; certification; 911 Advisory Committee 372 Emergency telephone number 911 service; Emergency Telephone System Fund; authorized uses 466 Emergency telephone number 911 service; wireless service; enhanced charge; emergency management information 73 Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 Income taxes; tax credit for federal qualified transportation fringe benefits 651 Local Government Cable Fair Competition Act of 1999; enactment 1267 Motor vehicle registration periods; International Registration Plan; apportionable vehicles; fees 741 Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act; adequate market conditions; commodity sales service; time periods 153 Sales and use taxes; exemptions; urban transit system fares 634 Southeastern Railway Museum designated the official state transportation history museum 1012 Telecommunications; authorized charges for services of nonaffiliated third parties 877 Trails or walkways; use of excise tax on rooms, lodgings, and accommodations 663 Vehicles and loads; dimensions; permits for excess weights and dimensions 567 Vehicles and loads; port vehicles 784 Year 2000 Readliness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161 See also HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, AND FERRIES and MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC PULASKI COUNTY Consolidated government of Hawkinsville-Pulaski County; referendums 3518 County commissioner; compensation Act amended; contingent on consolidation 4228 County commissioner; office abolished; contingent on consolidation 4230 Superior court; terms; grand juries 158 PULASKI, TOWN OF New charter 3946


Q QUARRIES Rock quarry operations; water supplies 748 R R. P. BALKCOM, JR. R. P. Balkcom, Jr., Memorial Highway; designated 1026 RABUN COUNTY State property; lease of state property located in county 969 RACING HALL OF FAME Thunder Road USA-Georgia Racing Hall of Fame; proclaimed official Georgia Racing Hall of Fame 997 RANDOLPH COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3630 RAPE Definition of offense; female under ten years of age; penalty 666 RAYLE, CITY OF Mayor and council; terms 4062 RAYMOND LESTER Raymond Lester Bridge; designated 999 REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AGENTS Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 Electronic filing of documents; signatures; citations for violations; penalties; records retention 715 RECALL Nomination and recall petitions; petitions for paupers' affidavits; notary public; rejection 23 RECORDS Day-care centers, group day-care homes, family day-care homes, child-caring institutions; employee records checks; foster home licenses 539 Definitions; records relating to motor vehicles; access by regulated persons; titles for older vehicles; failure to appear in a traffic case; penalty 334


Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Georgia Electronic Records and Signatures Act; definitions; legal effect; validity; admissibility; fraud; burden of proof 323 Health insurance; confidentiality of patients' medical information obtained from pharmacies; time limit for payment of claims; premium increase notice 289 Open records; exemptions for engineers' cost estimates and rejected or deferred bid proposals 1222 Privileged medical information; raw data used in research; discovery and admissibility 516 Public records; drivers' licenses and information; law enforcement records; Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Accident Reports; inspection; restrictions 809 Public records; inspections; requests; time limits; penalties 552 Year 2000 Readiness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTERS Joint Study Committee on Regional Development Centers and Metropolitan Area Planning and Development Commissions; creation 1032 Regional development center boundary changes; Johnson and Emanuel counties 789 RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS Code revision; technical corrections 20 District attorneys; district attorney emeritus; honorary office created; qualifications; powers; assistance; compensation 913 Garnishment; exemption of Roth individual retirement accounts Vetoed HB 6 Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 Teachers Retirement System of Georgia; reimbursement of benefits wrongfully paid 866 REVENUE AND TAXATION Ad valorem taxes; agricultural use, bona fide conservation use, and bona fide residential transitional use property; recording fees 589 Ad valorem taxes; bona fide conservation use property; ownership; family farms 656 Ad valorem taxes; exemption for motor vehicles owned by former prisoner of war or surviving spouse thereof 557 Ad valorem taxes; homeowner tax relief grants to counties and local school districts; ad valorem tax credits 273 Ad valorem taxes; homeowner's incentive adjustment; proposed amendment to the Constitution 1275 Ad valorem taxes; millage rate determinations; changes in returns; records; disclosures; appeals; procedures 1043 Ad valorem taxes; motor vehicles; mobile homes 667 Ad valorem taxes; municipal contracts for assessment, collection, and digest preparation 557


Ad valorem taxes; new assessment descriptions 1212 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; definitions; revenue of owner 1223 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; rewards 1224 Bona fide coin operated amusement machines; specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 Cigar and cigarette taxes; sales; restrictions; unfair or deceptive trade practices; contraband 156 Excise taxes on rooms, lodgings, and accommodations; counties and municipalities with convention center authorities 769 Excise taxes on rooms, lodgings, and accommodations; use; trails or walkways 663 Income taxes; employer provided or sponsored child care; tax credits; depreciation 13 Income taxes; Internal Revenue Code; adoption; joint returns; innocent spouses 483 Income taxes; tax credit for federal qualified transportation fringe benefits 651 Income taxes; tax credits; assignment by corporation to an affiliated corporation 9 Motor vehicles; staggered registration periods; ad valorem taxes; payment; liens; heavy-duty equipment motor vehicles; tax digests; mobile homes; permits and decals 667 Sales and use taxes; exemptions; urban transit system fares; art and artifacts 634 Special county 1 percent sales and use tax; use of proceeds; major capital equipment 781 Specific, business, and occupation taxes 749 Tax collectors and tax commissioners; minimum salaries; increases 782 RICHMOND COUNTY 1945 Richmond County Employees' Pension Fund; benefits 4938 Augusta Port Authority; membership; appointment; terms; vacancies 4286 Board of education; compensation; meetings; fines; superintendent of schools; removal; contracts; qualifications 4322 Board of education; elections; vacancies 4327 Board of tax assessors; membership; districts; appointment 3599 Civil court; personnel; marshal; compensation; powers 3508 Joint Study Committee on Partnership Between the Hospital and Clinics of the Medical College of Georgia and the University Hospital of Richmond County 3 Mayor and commission; vacancies 4143 RICKENBAKER, HUGH KELLEY, III Compensation 1008 RIVERDALE, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4013 ROBBIE BISHOP Captain Robbie Bishop Memorial Highway; designated 1003


ROBERT C. STRIPLING Compensation 915 ROBINSON, WILLIAM S. William S. Robinson Bridge; designated 1014 ROBISON, MAJOR GENERAL THOMAS WAYNE Major General Thomas Wayne Robison Memorial Highway; designated 963 ROCHELLE, CITY OF Mayor, mayor pro tempore, and council; compensation 5051 ROCK QUARRIES Rock quarry operations; water supplies 748 ROCKDALE COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4757 Board of commissioners; personnel policies 4947 Coroner; compensation 4751 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; compensation 4725 Probate court; judge; compensation 4770 Sheriff; compensation 4738 State court; judge; compensation 4764 Superior court; clerk; compensation 4744 Superior court; judges; salary supplement 4777 Tax commissioner; compensation 4731 ROCKDALE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Judges; salary supplement 4777 ROCKMART, CITY OF Consent to annex state property into corporate limits 1025 Raymond Lester Bridge; designated 999 ROME, CITY OF City of Rome Recreational Facilities Authority; creation 3552 State property; easement 919 ROMIE WATERS Romie Waters Highway; designated 1026 RON BELL State property; conveyance 969


ROTH INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS Garnishment; exemption of Roth individual retirement accounts Vetoed HB 6 RUBERT HOGAN Rubert Hogan Bridge; designated 999 RURAL HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES ASSISTANCE ACT Hospital authorities; grants 469 S SAVANNAH, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4223 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4215 SCHLEY COUNTY Superior court; additional judge 49 SCREVEN COUNTY State service delivery region boundary changes 789 SECRETARY OF STATE State Properties Commission; membership; Secretary of State 653 SECURITIES Banks; dealers 674 Securities salespersons and investment adviser representatives; registration; child support orders; guaranteed educational loans; default 329 Uniform Transfer on Death Security Registration Act; enacted 805 SENATE Districts 42 SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRY State sexual offender registry; registrations; hearings; board 837 SHIRAH, MARSHALL Marshall Shirah Memorial Bridge; designated 1023 SHOPLIFTING Municipal courts; jurisdiction; shoplifting cases 831


SIGNATURES Georgia Electronic Records and Signatures Act; definitions; legal effect; validity; admissibility; fraud; burden of proof 323 SILOAM, TOWN OF Mayor and council; terms 3808 SKY VALLEY, CITY OF Council; residency; compensation; voting; agencies and departments; oaths; meetings 4995 SNELLVILLE, CITY OF Corporate limits; qualifying for municipal office; mayor and council; terms 4376 Homestead exemptions; city taxes; local constitutional amendment repealed; referendum 3565 SOCIAL SERVICES Board of Medical Assistance; abolished; Department of Community Health; created 296 Child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes; criminal records checks 574 Day-care centers, group day-care homes, family day-care homes, child-caring institutions; employee records checks; foster home licenses 539 Department of Community Health; created 296 Georgia Crime Information Center; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact adopted; criminal records; child-placing agencies; day-care centers and homes 574 Parks or recreational areas; acceptance or acquisition of property by counties, municipalities, boards of education, or authorities; assessments 556 Temporary assistance for needy families; assistance for qualified aliens 845 SOUTHEASTERN RAILWAY MUSEUM Designated as the official state transportation history museum 1012 SOUTHERN DAIRY COMPACT Enactment 1249 SOUTHWESTERN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 49 SPALDING COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4839 Griffin-Spalding County School System; board of education; compensation 4543 SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS Speech-language pathologists and audiologists; definitions; board meetings; licensure exemption; standards; temporary licenses 387


SPRINGBROOK GOLF COURSE COMMISSION Creation 4677 STANCIL, FRANK EARL, SR. Frank Earl Stancil, Sr., Interchange; designated 1007 STATE BOARD OF PARDONS AND PAROLES Severance from Department of Corrections 867 STATE CAPITOL Joint Study Committee on Art Policies for the Capitol and Governor's Mansion; creation 1032 STATE CHILDREN'S TRUST FUND Repeal date extended 520 STATE COMMISSION ON DRUG ADDICTION Creation 1032 STATE COURTS Candler County; judge and judge's secretary; compensation 3699 Carroll County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3970 Chattooga County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4710 Clayton County; chief judge; solicitor-general; compensation 4665 Cobb County; additional judge; division 1 3611 Cobb County; clerk and chief deputy clerk; compensation Vetoed HB 547 Cobb County; clerk and chief deputy clerk; compensation 3602 Cobb County; judges; compensation 4058 Cobb County; solicitor-general; compensation 4241 Cobb County; solicitor-general; vacancies; duties; deputy assistant; assistant solicitors-general; compensation 3624 Coweta County; clerk and personnel 3505 Douglas County; creation of state court 3606 Effingham County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 3621 Fulton County; chief clerk; court administrator 3781 Henry County; jurors 4176 Houston County; temporary presiding judge; compensation 3633 Juries; expense allowance 836 Muscogee County; solicitor-general; chief assistant and senior assistant solicitors-general; compensation; appointment 3802 Probation; suspended sentences; additional fees 1271 Public nuisances; places used for unlawful sexual activity or substantial drug related activity; actions 467 Rockdale County; judge; compensation 4764 Stephens County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4541 Stephens County; terms; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4115


Venue; codefendants residing in different counties 734 Ware County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4373 Washington County; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4069 STATE GOVERNMENT Ad valorem taxes; homeowner tax relief grants to counties and local school districts; ad valorem tax credits 273 Administrative investigators; training; certification 777 Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts; property; powers 765 Appropriations for S.F.Y. 1999-2000 1071 Appropriations; supplemental for S.F.Y. 1998-1999 166 Appropriations; supplemental for S.F.Y. 1998-99; year 2000 computer appropriation 1 Appropriations; supplemental for the Department of Labor 758 Board of Court Reporting of the Judicial Council; membership 868 Board of Industry, Trade, and Tourism; membership; powers; contracts 1041 Board of Public Safety; membership; terms 1211 Capital outlay funds; low-wealth capital outlay grants to local school systems 400 Claims Advisory Board; small claims; claims of inmates in the custody of the Department of Corrections excluded 798 Criminal Justice Coordinating Council; Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Board; committees; powers 846 Department of Community Affairs; regional economic assistance projects; criteria; alcoholic beverage sales 1206 Department of Community Health; created 296 Electronic Commerce Study Committee; re-creation; repeal date 322 Emergency management; director; personnel; training; certification; 911 Advisory Committee 372 Firearms and ammunition; civil actions against manufacturers, trade associations, and dealers 2 Fiscal notes; bills significantly affecting state government revenues or expenditures 761 Geo. L. Smith II Georgia World Congress Center Authority; board of governors; membership 1040 Georgia Boxing Commission; powers; permits 891 Georgia Building Authority; inventory of state buildings; reports to General Assembly 661 Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; creation 112 Georgia Tobacco Community Development Board; creation; trust funds; administrative procedure 721 Governor; executive counsel; number 797 Investments of insurers; reserves; investment pools; public school teachers and employees; auctioneers; real estate; state employees' health insurance 592 Lake Lanier Islands Development Authority; expenditures; purposes 835 Museum of Natural History at the University of Georgia designated as the Georgia Museum of Natural History 1010 Open and public meetings 549 Public records; drivers' licenses and information; law enforcement records; Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Accident Reports; inspection; restrictions 809 Public records; inspection; exemptions for engineers' cost estimates and rejected or deferred bid proposals 1222


Public records; inspections; requests; time limits; penalties 552 Public records; records relating to motor vehicles; access by regulated persons 334 Regional economic assistance projects; criteria; alcoholic beverage sales 1206 Secretary of State; State Properties Commission; membership 653 State Board of Pardons and Paroles; severance from Department of Corrections 867 State buildings; inventory; reports to General Assembly 661 State Children's Trust Fund; repeal date extended 520 State employees' health insurance plan; Department of Community Health; creation; duties 296 State employees' health insurance plan; inclusion of local board of education members, county officials, and county employees 813 State Merit System of Personnel Administration; employee grievances Vetoed HB 677 State officials; compensation 910 State officials; members of the General Assembly; members of boards and commissions; salary and allowances 1213 State officials; members of the General Assembly; members of boards and commissions; salary and allowances 1242 State Properties Commission; membership; Secretary of State 653 State service delivery regions; regional development center boundary changes 789 Stone Mountain Memorial Association; purposes 160 Thunder Road USA-Georgia Racing Hall of Fame; proclaimed official Georgia Racing Hall of Fame 997 Tobacco product manufacturers; escrow accounts; deposits; master settlement agreement 725 Year 2000 Readiness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161 STATE MERIT SYSTEM OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Employee grievances Vetoed HB 677 STATE PARKS Laura S. Walker Lake; motor-boating hours 159 STATE PERSONNEL BOARD Department of Community Health; created; powers 296 Employee grievances Vetoed HB 677 STATE PROPERTY Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts; property; powers 765 Baldwin County; conveyance 992 Baldwin County; conveyance of property in county authorized 1015 Baldwin County; state property; lease; amendment 969 Baroid Division of Dresser Industries, Inc.; conveyance 1015 BellSouth Telecommunications; easement 919 Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia; easement 969 Canoochee EMC; easement 919 Chatham County; conveyance 969


Cobb County; conveyance 957 Cobb County; easement 969 Cobb County; easement 919 Currahee Paging; assignment of leasehold interest to Pinnacle Towers, Inc. 992 DeKalb County Board of Education; conveyance 1015 Dougherty County; sale of state property in county 969 Douglas County; conveyance 969 Elberton; conveyance 1015 Floyd County; conveyance 1015 Georgia Power Company; easements 919 Georgia Transmission Corporation; easement 919 Glascock County; conveyance 1015 Hall County; conveyance 969 Hall County; conveyance 957 Laurens County; conveyance 957 Macon Water Authority; easement 919 Norfolk Southern Corporation; easement 969 Ossabaw Island; sale, lease, or exchange of state property 969 Plantation Pipeline; easement 919 Rabun County; lease of state property located in county 969 Rockmart; consent to annex property into corporate limits 1025 Rome; easement 919 Ron Bell; conveyance 969 State buildings; inventory; reports to General Assembly 661 State Properties Commission; membership; Secretary of State 653 Sumter County; conveyance 992 Tennessee Valley Authority; easement 919 Turner Properties; easement 919 Warm Springs; conveyance 992 Warner Robins; easement 919 STATESBORO, CITY OF City council; districts 5189 Franchises 4091 Mayor and council; terms 4449 STEPHENS COUNTY Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes; referendums 4717 State court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4541 State court; terms; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4115 Veterans Memorial Way; designated 999 STEWART COUNTY Board of commissioners; chairperson; compensation 3932 Superior court; additional judge 49 STONE MOUNTAIN, CITY OF Community improvement districts authorized 4786


Council; city preserves; votes 5025 Council; oath 5187 Council; ordinances 5023 Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 3702 STONE MOUNTAIN MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION Purposes 160 STRANGE, L. C. SHOT L. C. Shot Strange Highway; designated 1011 STRIPLING, MR. ROBERT C. Compensation 915 STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS Structured settlement payment rights; regulation of transfer; disclosures; right of rescission; penalties 853 SUMTER COUNTY Conveyance of state property 992 Superior court; additional judge 49 SUPERIOR COURTS Ad valorem taxes; agricultural use, bona fide conservation use, and bona fide residential transitional use property; recording fees 589 Assault and battery; crimes against elderly or disabled persons; petitions; practice and procedure 562 Butts County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Clayton County; clerk; compensation 4668 Clayton County; district attorney; salary supplement 4127 Clayton County; judges; salary supplement 4670 Clayton County; sheriff; compensation 4651 Clayton Judicial Circuit; district attorney; salary supplement 4127 Clayton Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4670 Clerks; index of military discharges; recording additional information regarding veterans 636 Cobb County; deputy clerk; compensation 4618 Cobb County; judges; chief judge; salary supplements 4239 Cobb County; sheriff; chief deputy, chief investigator, and executive assistant; compensation 3915 Cobb Judicial Circuit; judges; chief judge; salary supplements 4239 Dawson County; additional judge 40 District attorneys; compensation 1213 District attorneys; compensation 1242 District attorneys; district attorney emeritus; honorary office created; qualifications; powers; assistance; compensation 913 District attorneys; special drug prosecutors 365


Dougherty County; judges; salary supplement 4446 Dougherty Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4446 Flint Judicial Circuit; composition 67 Flint Judicial Circuit; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4169 Forsyth County; civil service system; sheriff's employees 4925 Habeas corpus; clerks; court costs related to indigent persons 660 Habeas corpus; prisoner litigation reform; actions in forma pauperis 847 Hall County; additional judge 40 Haralson County; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 Henry County; Flint Judicial Circuit; composition 67 Henry County; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4169 Houston County; terms 81 Houston Judicial Circuit; terms 81 Judge; compensation 1213 Judge; compensation 1242 Juries; expense allowance 836 Juries; jury lists; sources; drivers' licenses 890 Lamar County; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 Lamar County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Law clerks; law assistants; court administrators 736 Lee County; additional judge 49 Macon County; additional judge 49 Monroe County; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 Monroe County; Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Murray County; clerk; compensation 3974 Muscogee County; sheriff; transfer of duties and employees from Municipal Court of Columbus, Georgia; referendum 4432 Northeastern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 40 Oconee Judicial Circuit; terms; grand juries 158 Paulding County; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 Polk County; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 Rockdale County; clerk; compensation 4744 Rockdale County; judges; salary supplement 4777 Rockdale County; sheriff; compensation 4738 Rockdale Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4777 Schley County; additional judge 49 Southwestern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 49 Stewart County; additional judge 49 Sumter County; additional judge 49 Tallapoosa Judicial Circuit; judges and district attorney; salary supplements 4180 Towaliga Judicial Circuit; creation 67 Towaliga Judicial Circuit; judges, district attorney, and chief assistant district attorney; salary supplements 4158 Venue; codefendants residing in different counties 734 Webster County; additional judge 49 SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA Justices; compensation 1213


Justices; compensation 1242 SUWANEE, CITY OF New charter 3729 SYLVANIA, CITY OF Municipal court; probated sentences 5046 T TARA BISHOP Tara and Megan Bishop Intersection; designated 1023 TATTNALL COUNTY R. P. Balkcom, Jr., Memorial Highway; designated 1026 Romie Waters Highway; designated 1026 State service delivery region boundary changes 789 TAXICABS Motor vehicle self-insurers; taxicab self-insurers in counties of 400,000 or less 560 TAYLOR COUNTY Taylor County Building Authority; powers 4723 TAYLOR COUNTY BUILDING AUTHORITY Powers 4723 TEACHERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF GEORGIA Reimbursement of benefits wrongfully paid 866 TELFAIR COUNTY Superior court; terms; grand juries 158 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY State property; easement 919 THOMAS COUNTY Board of commissioners; chairperson and members; compensation; officers; clerk 3786 Thomas County Emergency Services Board; creation 4807 THOMAS KING Compensation 1007


THOMAS WAYNE ROBISON Major General Thomas Wayne Robison Memorial Highway; designated 963 THOMASVILLE, CITY OF Thomas County Emergency Services Board; creation 4807 THUNDER ROAD USA-GEORGIA RACING HALL OF FAME Proclaimed official Georgia Racing Hall of Fame 997 THUNDERBOLT, TOWN OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4219 Town administrator; provisions repealed 4707 TIFT COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4783 TIGNALL, TOWN OF Mayor and council; terms 4633 TIRES Tire disposal fees; repeal of provisions extended; reports to General Assembly 780 TOBACCO Cigar and cigarette taxes; sales; restrictions; unfair or deceptive trade practices; contraband 156 Crop insurance; tobacco crops; length of terms 647 Georgia Tobacco Community Development Board; creation; trust funds; administrative procedure 721 Tobacco product manufacturers; escrow accounts; deposits; master settlement agreement 725 TONY PILCHER Compensation 964 TOOMBS COUNTY Charles Durst Memorial Highway; designated 1012 Fisher Barfoot Highway; designated 1012 TORTS Firearms and ammunition; civil actions against manufacturers, trade associations, and dealers 2 Managed care plans; patients' rights to independent review of plan determinations; standard of care; tort actions 350


Privileged medical information; raw data used in research; discovery and admissibility 516 Seat belts; failure to use not considered as evidence of negligence or causation or to calculate damages 276 Structured settlement payment rights; regulation of transfer; disclosures; right of rescission; penalties 853 Venue; codefendants residing in different counties 734 TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, CENTER FOR Advisory board; assignment to University System of Georgia 1219 TRION, CITY OF Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 3810 TROUP COUNTY Coroner and chief deputy coroner; compensation 3886 TUGALO LAKE Boat motors; horsepower restrictions 657 TURNER PROPERTIES State property; easement 919 TWIGGS COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation and expenses 4923 TYBEE ISLAND, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4194 U UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS Funds; repayment; environmental assurance fees 658 UNIFORM TRANSFER ON DEATH SECURITY REGISTRATION ACT Enacted 805 UNION COUNTY Board of education; compensation 4178 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; election; terms; vacancies 3799 Union County Family Connection Commission; creation 4139


UNION COUNTY FAMILY CONNECTION COMMISSION Creation 4139 UNION POINT, CITY OF Corporate limits 3806 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute; board; terms 637 Museum of Natural History at the University of Georgia designated as the Georgia Museum of Natural History 1010 UPSON COUNTY Board of commissioners; jurisdiction; county manager; clerk 4388 J. Irvin Hendricks Highway; designated 1027 Johnnie L. Caldwell, Sr., Highway; designated 1027 V VALDOSTA, CITY OF Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority; creation 4072 VALDOSTA-LOWNDES COUNTY CONFERENCE CENTER AND TOURISM AUTHORITY Creation 4072 VARNELL, CITY OF Mayor and council; elections; terms; community service department; ordinances; audits; purchases 3790 VERNONBURG, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4207 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Designated; Stephens County 999 VILLA RICA, CITY OF Municipal court; penalties 3979 VISION Eye banks; definitions; entities which may establish and operate 832 VITAL RECORDS Year 2000 Readiness Act; enacted; reports; plans; civil penalties 161

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See also RECORDS W WALTON COUNTY Board of commissioners; administrative assistant and personnel 4968 Board of commissioners; chairperson; duties 4971 Board of commissioners; office of county manager; creation 4975 Board of commissioners; personnel authority 4958 Board of commissioners; supervisory authority over employees 4964 Major General Thomas Wayne Robison Memorial Highway; designated 963 WARE COUNTY Board of commissioners; repeal as part of unification; contingency 3882 State court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4373 Unified Government of Waycross-Ware County; creation; charter; referendums 3814 Waycross; charter; repeal as part of unification; contingency 3884 WARM SPRINGS, CITY OF Conveyance of state property 992 WARNER ROBINS, CITY OF State property; easement 919 WASHINGTON COUNTY State court; judge and solicitor-general; compensation 4069 WATER WELL CONTRACTORS Water well contractors and drillers; bonds and letters of credit 760 WATERS OF THE STATE, PORTS, AND WATERCRAFT Crabs; floats; vessel markings; licenses; traps 785 House Lake Lanier Water Quality Study Committee; creation 1032 Joint West Georgia River Protection Act Study Committee; creation 1032 Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority; creation 4815 Lake Lanier Islands Development Authority; expenditures; purposes 835 Laura S. Walker Lake; motor-boating hours 159 Port vehicles; registration and licensing; dimensions and weight; exemptions 784 Tugalo Lake; boat motors; horsepower restrictions 657 Water well contractors and drillers; bonds and letters of credit 760 See also CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES and GAME AND FISH WATERS, ROMIE Romie Waters Highway; designated 1026


WATSON, HERMAN H. Herman H. Watson Memorial Bridge; designated 1027 WAYCROSS, CITY OF Charter; repeal as part of unification; contingency 3884 Commission: parks and public squares; sale or conveyance 4064 Unified Government of Waycross-Ware County; creation; charter; referendums 3814 Ware County; board of commissioners; repeal as part of unification; contingency 3882 WEAPONS Firearms and ammunition; civil actions against manufacturers, trade associations, and dealers 2 School safety; school violence; razor blades; weapons; bullying; alternative schools; school security personnel 362 WEBSTER COUNTY Board of commissioners; districts 4283 Superior court; additional judge 49 WHEELER COUNTY Superior court; terms; grand juries 158 WHITFIELD COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4386 Dalton-Whitfield Regional Solid Waste Management Authority; City of Dalton Employees' Pension Plan; membership 5147 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4455 WILLIAM AND ANDRE COOPER William and Andre Cooper Memorial Highway; designated 1027 WILLIAM LOVEL LANIER, SR. William Lovel Lanier, Sr., Highway; designated 1001 WILLIAM P. PONDER William P. Ponder Memorial Bridge; designated 1009 WILLIAM S. ROBINSON William S. Robinson Bridge; designated 1014 WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES Uniform Transfer on Death Security Registration Act; enacted 805


WORKERS' COMPENSATION Cross appeals; self-insured employer status; guardians; overpayments; benefits 817 WORKFORCE REINVESTMENT ACT OF 1999 Enactment 521 Enactment 449 WORLD CONGRESS CENTER Geo. L. Smith II Georgia World Congress Center Authority; board of governors; membership 1040


POPULATION POPULATION OF GEORGIA COUNTIES COUNTY 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 Appling 15,744 15,565 12,726 13,246 14,003 14,497 13,314 Atkinson 6,213 6,141 5,879 6,188 7,362 7,093 6,894 Bacon 9,566 9,379 8,233 8,359 8,940 8,096 7,055 Baker 3,615 3,808 3,875 4,543 5,952 7,344 7,818 Baldwin 39,530 34,686 34,240 34,064 29,706 24,190 22,878 Banks 10,308 8,702 6,833 6,497 6,935 8,733 9,703 Barrow 29,721 21,354 16,859 14,485 13,115 13,064 12,401 Bartow 55,915* 40,760 32,911 28,267 27,370 25,283 25,364 Ben Hill 16,245 16,000 13,171 13,633 14,879 14,523 13,047 Berrien 14,153 13,525 11,556 12,038 13,966 15,370 14,646 Bibb 150,137* 150,256 143,366 141,249 114,079 83,783 77,042 Bleckley 10,430 10,767 10,291 9,642 9,218 9,655 9,133 Brantley 11,077 8,701 5,940 5,891 6,387 6,871 6,895 Brooks 15,398 15,255 13,743 15,292 18,169 20,497 21,330 Bryan 15,438 10,175 6,539 6,226 5,965 6,288 5,952 Bulloch 43,125 35,785 31,585 24,263 24,740 26,010 26,509 Burke 20,579 19,349 18,255 20,596 23,458 26,520 29,224 Butts 15,326 13,665 10,560 8,976 9,079 9,182 9,345 Calhoun 5,013 5,717 6,606 7,341 8,578 10,438 10,576 Camden 30,167 13,371 11,334 9,975 7,322 5,910 6,338 Campbell *** *** *** *** *** *** 9,903 Candler 7,744 7,518 6,412 6,672 8,063 9,103 8,991 Carroll 71,422 56,346 45,404 36,451 34,112 34,156 34,272 Catoosa 42,464 36,991 28,271 21,101 15,146 12,199 9,421 Charlton 8,496 7,343 5,680 5,313 4,821 5,246 4,381 Chatham 216,774* 202,226 187,816 188,299 151,481 117,970 105,431 Chattahoochee 16,934 21,732 25,813 13,011 12,149 15,138 8,894


Chattooga 22,242 21,856 20,541 19,954 21,197 18,532 15,407 Cherokee 90,204 51,699 31,059 23,001 20,750 20,126 20,003 Clarke 87,594 74,498 65,177 45,363 36,550 28,398 25,613 Clay 3,364 3,553 3,636 4,551 5,844 7,064 6,943 Clayton 181,436* 150,357 98,126 46,365 22,872 11,655 10,260 Clinch 6,160 6,660 6,405 6,545 6,007 6,437 7,015 Cobb 447,745 297,718 196,793 114,174 61,830 38,272 35,408 Coffee 29,592 26,894 22,828 21,953 23,962 21,541 19,739 Colquitt 36,645 35,376 32,298 34,048 33,999 33,012 30,622 Columbia 66,031 40,118 22,327 13,423 9,525 9,433 8,793 Cook 13,456 13,490 12,129 11,822 12,201 11,919 11,311 Coweta 53,853 39,268 32,310 28,893 27,786 26,972 25,127 Crawford 8,991 7,684 5,748 5,816 6,080 7,128 7,020 Crisp 20,011 19,489 18,087 17,768 17,663 17,540 17,343 Dade 13,147 12,318 9,910 8,666 7,364 5,894 4,146 Dawson 9,429 4,774 3,639 3,590 3,712 4,479 3,502 Decatur 25,517* 25,495 22,310 25,203 23,620 22,234 23,622 DeKalb 546,171* 483,024 415,387 256,782 136,395 86,942 70,278 Dodge 17,607 16,955 15,658 16,483 17,865 21,022 21,599 Dooly 9,901 10,826 10,404 11,474 14,159 16,886 18,025 Dougherty 96,321* 100,710 89,639 75,680 43,617 28,565 22,306 Douglas 71,120 54,573 28,659 16,741 12,173 10,053 9,461 Early 11,854 13,158 12,682 13,151 17,413 18,679 18,273 Echols 2,334 2,297 1,924 1,876 2,494 2,964 2,744 Effingham 25,687 18,327 13,632 10,144 9,133 9,646 10,164 Elbert 18,949 18,758 17,262 17,835 18,585 19,618 18,485 Emanuel 20,546 20,795 18,357 17,815 19,789 23,517 24,101 Evans 8,724 8,428 7,290 6,952 6,653 7,401 7,102


Fannin 15,992 14,748 13,357 13,620 15,192 14,752 12,969 Fayette 62,415 29,043 11,364 8,199 7,978 8,170 8,665 Floyd 81,251 79,800 73,742 69,130 62,899 56,141 48,677 Forsyth 44,083 27,958 16,928 12,170 11,005 11,322 10,624 Franklin 16,650 15,185 12,784 13,274 14,446 15,612 15,902 Fulton 648,779* 589,904 605,210 556,326 473,572 392,886 318,587 Gilmer 13,368 11,110 8,956 8,922 9,963 9,001 7,344 Glascock 2,357 2,382 2,280 2,672 3,579 4,547 4,388 Glynn 62,496 54,981 50,528 41,954 29,046 21,920 19,400 Gordon 35,067* 30,070 23,570 19,228 18,922 18,445 16,846 Grady 20,279 19,845 17,826 18,015 18,928 19,654 19,200 Greene 11,793 11,391 10,212 11,193 12,843 13,709 12,616 Gwinnett 352,910 166,808 72,349 43,541 32,320 29,087 27,853 Habersham 27,622* 25,020 20,691 18,116 16,553 14,771 12,748 Hall 95,434* 75,649 59,405 49,739 40,113 34,822 30,313 Hancock 8,908 9,466 9,019 9,979 11,052 12,764 13,070 Haralson 21,966 18,422 15,927 14,543 14,663 14,377 13,263 Harris 17,788 15,464 11,520 11,167 11,265 11,428 11,140 Hart 19,712 18,585 15,814 15,229 14,495 15,512 15,174 Heard 8,628 6,520 5,354 5,333 6,975 8,610 9,102 Henry 58,741 36,309 23,724 17,619 15,857 15,119 15,924 Houston 89,208 77,605 62,924 39,154 20,964 11,303 11,280 Irwin 8,649 8,988 8,036 9,211 11,973 12,936 12,199 Jackson 30,005 25,343 21,093 18,499 18,997 20,089 21,609 Jasper 8,453 7,553 5,760 6,135 7,473 8,772 8,594 Jeff Davis 12,032 11,473 9,425 8,914 9,299 8,841 8,118 Jefferson 17,408 18,403 17,174 17,468 18,855 20,040 20,727 Jenkins 8,247 8,841 8,332 9,148 10,264 11,843 12,908


Johnson 8,329 8,660 7,727 8,048 9,893 12,953 12,681 Jones 20,739 16,579 12,270 8,468 7,538 8,331 8,992 Lamar 13,038 12,215 10,688 10,240 10,242 10,091 9,745 Lanier 5,531 5,654 5,031 5,097 5,151 5,632 5,190 Laurens 39,988 36,990 32,738 32,313 33,123 33,606 32,693 Lee 16,250 11,684 7,044 6,204 6,674 7,837 8,328 Liberty 52,745 37,583 17,569 14,487 8,444 8,595 8,153 Lincoln 7,442 6,716 5,895 5,906 6,462 7,042 7,847 Long 6,202 4,524 3,746 3,874 3,598 4,086 4,180 Lowndes 75,981 67,972 55,112 49,270 35,211 31,860 29,994 Lumpkin 14,573 10,762 8,728 7,241 6,574 6,223 4,927 McDuffie 20,119 18,546 15,276 12,627 11,443 10,878 9,014 McIntosh 8,634 8,046 7,371 6,364 6,008 5,292 5,763 Macon 13,114 14,003 12,933 13,170 14,213 15,947 16,643 Madison 21,050 17,747 13,517 11,246 12,238 13,431 14,921 Marion 5,590 5,297 5,099 5,477 6,521 6,954 6,968 Meriwether 22,411 21,229 19,461 19,756 21,055 22,055 22,437 Miller 6,280 7,038 6,424 6,908 9,023 9,998 9,076 Milton *** *** Denotes county which has been abolished or merged with another county. *** *** *** *** *** 6,730 Mitchell 20,275 21,114 18,956 19,652 22,528 23,261 23,620 Monroe 17,113 14,610 10,991 10,495 10,523 10,749 11,606 Montgomery 7,379* 7,011 6,099 6,284 7,901 9,668 10,020 Morgan 12,883 11,572 9,904 10,280 11,899 12,713 12,488 Murray 26,147 19,685 12,986 10,447 10,676 11,137 9,215 Muscogee 179,280* 170,108 167,377 158,623 118,028 75,494 57,558 Newton 41,808 34,666 26,282 20,999 20,185 18,576 17,290 Oconee 17,618 12,427 7,915 6,304 7,009 7,576 8,082 Oglethorpe 9,763 8,929 7,598 7,926 9,958 12,430 12,927


Paulding 41,611 26,110 17,520 13,101 11,752 12,832 12,327 Peach 21,189 19,151 15,990 13,846 11,705 10,378 10,268 Pickens 14,432 11,652 9,620 8,903 8,855 9,136 9,687 Pierce 13,328 11,897 9,281 9,678 11,112 11,800 12,522 Pike 10,224 8,937 7,316 7,138 8,459 10,375 10,853 Polk 33,815 32,382 29,656 28,015 30,976 28,467 25,141 Pulaski 8,108 8,950 8,066 8,204 8,808 9,829 9,005 Putnam 14,137 10,295 8,394 7,798 7,731 8,514 8,367 Quitman 2,210* 2,357 2,180 2,432 3,015 3,435 3,820 Rabun 11,648 10,466 8,327 7,456 7,424 7,821 6,331 Randolph 8,023 9,599 8,734 11,078 13,804 16,609 17,174 Richmond 189,719 181,629 162,437 135,601 108,876 81,863 72,990 Rockdale 54,091 36,570 18,152 10,572 8,464 7,724 7,247 Schley 3,590* 3,433 3,097 3,256 4,036 5,033 5,347 Screven 13,842 14,043 12,591 14,919 18,000 20,353 20,503 Seminole 9,010 9,057 7,059 6,802 7,904 8,492 7,389 Spalding 54,457 47,899 39,514 35,404 31,045 28,427 23,495 Stephens 23,436* 21,761 20,331 18,391 16,647 12,972 11,740 Stewart 5,654 5,896 6,511 7,371 9,194 10,603 11,114 Sumter 30,232* 29,360 26,931 24,652 24,208 24,502 26,800 Talbot 6,524 6,536 6,625 7,127 7,687 8,141 8,458 Taliaferro 1,915 2,032 2,423 3,370 4,515 6,278 6,172 Tattnall 17,722 18,134 16,557 15,837 15,939 16,243 15,411 Taylor 7,642 7,902 7,865 8,311 9,113 10,768 10,617 Telfair 11,000 11,445 11,394 11,715 13,221 15,145 14,997 Terrell 10,653 12,017 11,416 12,742 14,314 16,675 18,290 Thomas 38,943* 38,098 34,562 34,319 33,932 31,289 32,612 Tift 34,998 32,862 27,288 23,487 22,645 18,599 16,068


Toombs 24,072 22,592 19,151 16,837 17,382 16,952 17,165 Towns 6,754 5,638 4,565 4,538 4,803 4,925 4,346 Treutlen 5,994 6,087 5,647 5,874 6,522 7,632 7,488 Troup 55,532* 50,003 44,466 47,189 49,841 43,879 36,752 Turner 8,703 9,510 8,790 8,439 10,479 10,846 11,196 Twiggs 9,806 9,354 8,222 7,935 8,308 9,117 8,372 Union 11,993 9,390 6,811 6,510 7,318 7,680 6,340 Upson 26,300 25,998 23,505 23,800 25,078 25,064 19,509 Walker 58,340 56,470 50,691 45,264 38,198 31,024 26,206 Walton 38,586 31,211 23,404 20,481 20,230 20,777 21,118 Ware 35,471 37,180 33,525 34,219 30,289 27,929 26,558 Warren 6,078 6,583 6,669 7,360 8,779 10,236 11,181 Washington 19,112 18,842 17,480 18,903 21,012 24,230 25,030 Wayne 22,356 20,750 17,858 17,921 14,248 13,122 12,647 Webster 2,263 2,341 2,362 3,247 4,081 4,726 5,032 Wheeler 4,903 5,155 4,596 5,342 6,712 8,536 9,149 White 13,006 10,120 7,742 6,935 5,951 6,417 6,056 Whitfield 72,462 65,775 55,108 42,109 34,432 26,105 20,808 Wilcox 7,008 7,682 6,998 7,905 10,167 12,755 13,439 Wilkes 10,597 10,951 10,184 10,961 12,388 15,084 15,944 Wilkinson 10,228 10,368 9,393 9,250 9,781 11,025 10,844 Worth 19,744* 18,064 14,770 16,682 19,357 21,374 21,094 Total 6,478,149* 5,462,982 4,589,575 3,943,116 3,444,578 3,123,723 2,908,506 Note: The 1990 population counts set forth herein are subject to correction for undercount or overcount. An asterisk denotes census revision since publication of the 1992 Georgia Laws. Population counts for 1990 are current through February 19, 1999.


POPULATION NUMERICALLY LISTED ACCORDING TO 1990 CENSUS Asterisk Denotes Census Revision County Population Fulton 648,779* DeKalb 546,171* Cobb 447,745 Gwinnett 352,910 Chatham 216,774* Richmond 189,719 Clayton 181,436 Muscogee 179,280* Bibb 150,137* Dougherty 96,321* Hall 95,434* Cherokee 90,204 Houston 89,208 Clarke 87,594 Floyd 81,251 Lowndes 75,981 Whitfield 72,462 Carroll 71,422 Douglas 71,120 Columbia 66,031 Glynn 62,496 Fayette 62,415 Henry 58,741 Walker 58,340 Bartow 55,915* Troup 55,532* Spalding 54,457 Rockdale 54,091 Coweta 53,853 Liberty 52,745 Forsyth 44,083 Bulloch 43,125 Catoosa 42,464 Newton 41,808 Paulding 41,611 Laurens 39,988 Baldwin 39,530 Thomas 38,943* Walton 38,586 Colquitt 36,645 Ware 35,471 Gordon 35,067* Tift 34,998 Polk 33,815 Sumter 30,232 Camden 30,167 Jackson 30,005 Barrow 29,721 Coffee 29,592 Habersham 27,622* Upson 26,300 Murray 26,147 Efflugham 25,687 Decatur 25,517* Toombs 24,072 Stephens 23,436* Meriwether 22,411 Wayne 22,356 Chattooga 22,242 Haralson 21,966 Peach 21,189 Madison 21,050 Jones 20,739 Burke 20,579 Emanuel 20,546 Grady 20,279 Mitchell 20,275 McDuffie 20,119 Crisp 20,011 Worth 19,744* Hart 19,712 Washington 19,112 Elbert 18,949 Harris 17,788 Tattnall 17,722 Oconee 17,618 Dodge 17,607 Jefferson 17,408 Monroe 17,113 Chattahoochee 16,934 Franklin 16,650 Lee 16,250 Ben Hill 16,245 Fannin 15,992 Appling 15,744 Bryan 15,438 Brooks 15,398 Butts 15,326 Lumpkin 14,573 Pickens 14,432 Berrien 14,153 Putnam 14,137

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Screven 13,842 Cook 13,456 Gilmer 13,368 Pierce 13,328 Dade 13,147 Macon 13,114 Lamar 13,038 White 13,006 Morgan 12,883 Jeff Davis 12,032 Union 11,993 Early 11,854 Greene 11,793 Rabun 11,648 Brantley 11,077 Telfair 11,000 Terrell 10,653 Wilkes 10,597 Bleckley 10,430 Banks 10,308 Wilkinson 10,228 Pike 10,224 Dooly 9,901 Twiggs 9,806 Oglethorpe 9,763 Bacon 9,566 Dawson 9,429 Seminole 9,010 Crawford 8,991 Hancock 8,908 Evans 8,724 Turner 8,703 Irwin 8,649 McIntosh 8,634 Heard 8,628 Charlton 8,496 Jasper 8,453 Johnson 8,329 Jenkins 8,247 Pulaski 8,108 Randolph 8,023 Candler 7,744 Taylor 7,642 Lincoln 7,442 Montgomery 7,379* Wilcox 7,008 Towns 6,754 Talbot 6,524 Miller 6,280 Atkinson 6,213 Long 6,202 Clinch 6,160 Warren 6,078 Treutlen 5,994 Stewart 5,654 Marion 5,590 Lanier 5,531 Calhoun 5,013 Wheeler 4,903 Baker 3,615 Schley 3,590* Clay 3,364 Glascock 2,357 Echols 2,334 Webster 2,263 Quitman 2,210* Taliaferro 1,915 Total 6,478,149*

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POPULATION OF GEORGIA CITIES NUMERICALLY LISTED ACCORDING TO 1990 CENSUS Asterisk denotes census revision City Population, 1990 Atlanta 393,929* Columbus 178,683* Savannah 137,812* Macon 107,365* Albany 78,804* Roswell 47,986* Athens 45,734 Augusta 44,639 Marietta 44,129 Warner Robins 43,861* Valdosta 40,038* East Point 34,595* Smyma 32,453* Rome 30,326 La Grange 25,574* Dalton 22,218* Hinesville 21,596* Griffin 21,347 Statesboro 20,770* College Park 20,645* Peachtree City 19,027 Gainesville 17,885 Milledgeville 17,727 Thomasville 17,554* Decatur 17,304* Lawrencville 17,250* Forest Park 16,958* Americus 16,516 Brunswick 16,433 Waycross 16,410 Dublin 16,312 Carrollton 16,029 Moultrie 14,865 Tifton 14,215 Aipharetta 13,002 Newnan 12,497 Snellville 12,084 Cartersville 12,037* Douglasville 11,635 Vidalia 11,118* Cordele 10,836* Bainbridge 10,803* Douglas 10,464 Covington 9,860* Duluth 9,821* Monroe 9,759 Riverdale 9,455* Perry 9,452 Union City 9,347* Lilburn 9,301 Thomaston 9,127 Cairo 9,035 Jesup 8,958 Kennesaw 8,936 Fitzgerald 8,901* Buford 8,771 Toccoa 8,720* Fort Valley 8,198* St. Marys 8,187* Cedartown 7,978 Chamblee 7,668 Doraville 7,626 Garden City 7,410 Conyers 7,380 Winder 7,373 Swainsboro 7,361 Calhoun 7,135 Powder Springs 6,862* Thomson 6,862 La Fayette 6,655* Villa Rica 6,542 Stone Mountain 6,494 Eatonton 6,479* Sandersville 6,290 Sylvester 6,023* Norcross 5,947 Fort Oglethorpe 5,880 Fayetteville 5,827 Kingsland 5,711* Waynesboro 5,669* Blakely 5,595 Hapeville 5,483 Clarkston 5,385 Dawson 5,295 Quitman 5,292 Eastman 5,241* Morrow 5,168 Camilla 5,124* Adel 5,093 Sununerville 5,025 Elberton 4,973* Ashburn 4,827


Canton 4,817 Nashville 4,782 Barnesville 4,747 Pooler 4,649* Sugar Hill 4,557 Hartwell 4,555 Acworth 4,519 Montezuma 4,506 Cochran 4,483* Lyons 4,478* Woodstock 4,361 Bremen 4,356 Washington 4,279 Forsyth 4,220* Hazlehurst 4,202 Austell 4,173 Conunerce 4,108 Manchester 4,104 Jackson 4,076 Fairbum 4,015 Port Wentworth 4,012 Pelham 3,869 Baxley 3,810* Millen 3,808 Cuthbert 3,730 Metter 3,707 Glennville 3,676 Hawkinsville 3,671* Alma 3,663 Jonesboro 3,635 Rossville 3,601 Grovetown 3,596 West Point 3,571 Madison 3,483 Stockbridge 3,359 Rockmart 3,356 Blackshear 3,263 Centerville 3,251 Cornelia 3,219 Ocilla 3,182 Loganville 3,180 Auburn 3,139 Dahionega 3,086 McRae 3,007 Rincon 2,993* Hogansville 2,976 Richmond Hill 2,934 McDonough 2,929 Greensboro 2,878* Sylvania 2,871 Chatsworth 2,865 Tybee Island 2,842 Cummung 2,828 Thunderbolt 2,821* Dallas 2,810 Hephzibah 2,806* Tallapoosa 2,805 Soperton 2,797 Donalsonville 2,780* Jefferson 2,763 Social Circle 2,755 Lake City 2,733 Tyrone 2,724 Vienna 2,708 Hampton 2,694 Palmetto 2,612 Royston 2,563* Homerville 2,560 East Dublin 2,524 Louisville 2,486* Reidsville 2,469 Gordon 2,468 Lakeland 2,467 Claxton 2,464 Lithonia 2,448 Lithia Springs 2,437* Wadley 2,416* Wrens 2,414 Suwanee 2,412 Holly Springs 2,406 Wrightsville 2,331 Monticello 2,289 Folkston 2,285 Byron 2,276 Dacula 2,217 Avondale Estates 2,209 Harlem 2,199 Warrenton 2,195* Gray 2,189 Chickamauga 2,165* Adairsville 2,131 Bloomingdale 2,075* Walthourville 2,024 Trenton 1,994 Colquitt 1,991 Oxford 1,991* Bowdon 1,981 Mount Vernon 1,914 Ternple 1,870 Lavonia 1,840 Darien 1,783 Jasper 1,772


Union Point 1,753 Ellaville 1,726* Pearson 1,714 Sparta 1,710 Locust Grove 1,681 Ringgold 1,675 Richiand 1,675* Butler 1,673 Trion 1,661 Cleveland 1,653 Lookout Mountain 1,636 Unadilla 1,620 Clayton 1,613 Watkinsville 1,600 Tennille 1,552 Jeffersonville 1,545 Arlington 1,513 Rochelle 1,510 Pembroke 1,503 Lincolnton 1,476 Buena Vista 1,472 Twin City 1,466 Oakwood 1,464 Marshaliville 1,457 Leesburg 1,452 Baldwin 1,439 Lumber City 1,429 Woodbury 1,429 Springfield 1,415 Boston 1,395 Hiram 1,389 Statham 1,360 Hahira 1,353 Blue Ridge 1,336 Oglethorpe 1,302 Ludowici 1,291 Porterdale 1,278 Lumpkin 1,267* Helena 1,256 Flowery Branch 1,251 Fort Gaines 1,248 Willacoochee 1,230* Reynolds 1,229* Woodbine 1,214* Broxton 1,211 Sparks 1,205 Emerson 1,201 Ellijay 1,184* Edison 1,182 Grantville 1,180 Greenville 1,167 Shelhuan 1,162 Clarkesville 1,151 Meigs 1,120 Sardis 1,116 Cusseta 1,107 Demorest 1,088 Corner 1,079* Chester 1,072 McCaysville 1,065 Milan 1,056 Ivey 1,053 Nahunta 1,049 Talbotton 1,046 Zebulon 1,035 Bogart 1,018 Lula 1,018 Brooklet 1,013 Buchanan 1,009 Nicholls 1,003 Homeland 981 Tunnel Hill 970 Senoia 956 Cave Spring 950 Pine Mountain 949* Doerun 940* Roberta 939 Abbeville 919* Poulan 918* Georgetown 914* Omega 912 Ball Ground 905 Aragon 902 Glenwood 881 Franklin 876 Winterville 876 Russell 871 Midway 863 Alamo 855 Euharlee 850 Screven 819 Alapaha 812 Pine Lake 810 Smithville 804 Berkeley Lake 791 Bowman 791 Hagan 787 Mountain City 784 Lenox 783 Pavo 774 Waverly Hall 769 Lovejoy 754


Riceboro 745 Homer 742 Luthersville 741 Guyton 740 Mount Zion 738* Canon 737 Maysville 728 Plains 716 NonnanPark 711 Tignall 711 Newton 703 Leary 701 Franklin Springs 700* Waleska 700 Arcade 697 Crawford 694 Dasher 688 Gibson 679 Rutledge 659 Alto 651 Fairmount 643* Whitesburg 643 Hoschton 642 Irwinton 641 Patterson 626 Baconton 623 Midville 620 Toomsboro 617 Kingston 616 Adrian 615 Stillmore 615 Enigma 611 Coolidge 610 Whigham 605 Young Harris 604 Ray City 603 Flovilla 602 Bibb City 597 Allenhurst 594 Pineview 594 Ochlocknee 588 Alley 579 TyTy 579 Crawfordville 577 Blairsville 564 Uvalda 561 Ideal 554 Mountain Park 554 McIntyre 552 Woodland 552 Dearing 547 Hiawassee 547 Mount Airy 543 White 542 Menlo 538 Morven 536 Nicholson 535 Cohutta 529 Grayson 529 Collins 528 Portal 522 Carnesville 514 Bronwood 513 Iron City 503 Warwick 501 Lake Park 500 Lyerly 493 Nelson 486 Berlin 480 Danville 480 Dexter 475 Dawsonville 467 Rhine 466 Remerton 463 Waco 461 Cadwell 458 Walnut Grove 458 Hamilton 454 Byromville 452 Leslie 445 Colbert 443 Hoboken 440 Molena 439 Arabi 433 Dudley 430 Braselton 418 Sycamore 417 Woodville 415 Harrison 414 Fargo 414 Resaca 410 Yatesville 409 Davisboro 407 Warm Springs 407 Newborn 404 Clermont 402 Hilltonia 402 Odum 388 Pinehurst 388 Preston 388 Barwick 385 Attapulgus 380

Page CLV

Cecil 376 Moreland 366 Rentz 364 Varnell 358 Keysville 350* Bethlehem 348 East Ellijay 344* Linwood 342 Mansfield 341 Cobbtown 338 Denton 335 Sasser 335 Pitts 334* Stapleton 330 Shiloh 329 Siloam 329 Brooks 328 Ephesus 324 Sale City 324 Milner 321 Newington 319 Danielsville 318 Eton 315 Chauncey 312 Bowersville 311 Bostwick 307 Centralhatchee 301 Tiger 301 Blythe 300 Helen 300 Pendergrass 298 fla 297 Kite 297 Morganton 295 Williamson 295 Graham 295* Bartow 292 Gumbranch 291 Damascus 290 Climax 290* Ambrose 288 White Plains 286 Carlton 282 Flemington 279 Andersonville 277 Arnoldsville 275 Higgston 274 Allentown 273 Oak Park 269 Taylorsville 269 North High Shoals 268 Lexington 265* Pulaski 264 Carl 263 DeSoto 258 Garfield 255 Surrency 253 Morgan 252 Meansville 250 Funston 248 Roopville 248 Braswell 247 Scotland 244 Martin 243 Culloden 242 Oliver 242 Orchard Hill 239 Brinson 238 Norwood 238 Oconee 234 Plainville 231 Ellenton 227 Sharpsburg 224 Camak 220 Avera 215 Sunny Side 215 Jenkinsburg 213 Concord 211 Sumner 209 Argyle 206 Dillard 199 Rocky Ford 197 Girard 195 Register 195 Lilly 195* Bellville 192 Payne 192 Talino 189 Turin 189 Sky Valley 187 Parrott 183* Geneva 182 Junction City 182 Good Hope 181 Mitchell 181 Maxeys 180 Shady Dale 180 DuPont 177 Buckhead 176 Rest Haven 176 Lone Oak 161 Alston 160


Avalon 159 Bishop 158 Hull 156 Santa Claus 154 Mineral Bluff 153 Ranger 153 Summertown 153 Jersey 149 Rebecca 148 Tallulah Falls 147 Vernonburg 143* Haralson 139 Bluffton 138 Daisy 138 Coleman 137 Jakin 137 Corinth 136 Nunez 135 Gay 133 Dooling 133* Tarrytown 130 Jacksonville 128 Aldora 127 Manassas 123 Woolsey 120 Montrose 117 Omaha 116 Gillsville 113 Deepstep 111 Naylor 111 Rayle 107 Vidette 98* Sharon 94 The Rock 88 Between 82 Riddleville 79 Riverside 74 Weston 74* Talking Rock 62 Edge Hill 22


POPULATION OF JUDICIAL CIRCUITS As of February 25, 1999 Atlanta Judicial Circuit 648,779 County of Fulton Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit 546,171 County of DeKalb Cobb Judicial Circuit 447,745 County of Cobb Gwinnett Judicial Circuit 352,910 County of Gwinnett Augusta Judicial Circuit 276,329 Counties of Burke, Columbia, and Richmond Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit 233,758 Counties of Chattahoochee, Harris, Marion, Muscogee, Talbot, and Taylor Eastern Judicial Circuit 216,774 County of Chatham Coweta Judicial Circuit 211,846 Counties of Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Meriwether, and Troup Clayton Judicial Circuit 182,052 County of Clayton Macon Judicial Circuit 180,317 Counties of Bibb, Crawford, and Peach Southern Judicial Circuit 169,301 Counties of Brooks, Colquitt, Echols, Lowndes, and Thomas Griffin Judicial Circuit 153,396 Counties of Spalding, Pike, Upson, and Fayette Brunswick Judicial Circuit 142,795 Counties of Appling, Camden, Glynn, Wayne, and Jeff Davis Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit 136,193 Counties of Catoosa, Dade, Chattooga, and Walker Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit 126,671 Counties of Baldwin, Greene, Jasper, Jones, Morgan, Putnam, Wilkinson, and Hancock Atlantic Judicial Circuit 109,483 Counties of Bryan, Liberty, McIntosh, Tattnall, Evans, and Long Waycross Judicial Circuit 107,530 Counties of Pierce, Coffee, Charlton, Ware, Bacon, and Brantley Western Judicial Circuit 105,212


Counties of Clarke and Oconee Northeastern Judicial Circuit 104,863 Counties of Dawson and Hall Flint Judicial Circuit 104,218 Counties of Butts, Henry, Monroe, and Lamar Conasauga Judicial Circuit 98,609 Counties of Murray and Whitfield Tallapoosa Judicial Circuit 97,392 Counties of Haralson, Polk, and Paulding Dougherty Judicial Circuit 96,321 County of Dougherty Cherokee Judicial Circuit 90,982 Counties of Bartow and Gordon Ogeechee Judicial Circuit 90,901 Counties of Bulloch, Effingham, Jenkins, and Screven Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit 90,204 County of Cherokee Houston Judicial Circuit 89,208 County of Houston Middle Judicial Circuit 88,882 Counties of Emanuel, Jefferson, Washington, Toombs, and Candler Northern Judicial Circuit 86,128 Counties of Elbert, Hart, Madison, Oglethorpe, and Franklin Rome Judicial Circuit 81,251 County of Floyd Alcovy Judicial Circuit 80,394 Counties of Newton and Walton South Georgia Judicial Circuit 74,699 Counties of Baker, Calhoun, Decatur, Grady, and Mitchell Tifton Judicial Circuit 72,094 Counties of Tift, Irwin, Worth, and Turner Douglas Judicial Circuit 71,120 County of Douglas Southwestern Judicial Circuit 71,099 Counties of Lee, Macon, Schley, Stewart, Sumter, and Webster Piedmont Judicial Circuit 70,034 Counties of Barrow. Jackson, and Banks Dublin Judicial Circuit 64,117 Counties of Laurens, Johnson, Twiggs, and Treutlen Mountain Judicial Circuit 62,521


Counties of Habersham, Rabun, and Stephens Oconee Judicial Circuit 59,427 Counties of Dodge, Montgomery, Pulaski, Telfair, Bleckley, and Wheeler Rockdale Judicial Circuit 54,091 County of Rockdale Cordele Judicial Circuit 53,165 Counties of Dooly, Wilcox, Crisp, and Ben Hill Pataula Judicial Circuit 51,394 Counties of Clay, Early, Miller, Quitman, Randolph, Terrell, and Seminole Toombs Judicial Circuit 48,508 Counties of Glascock, Lincoln, McDuffie, Taliaferro, Warren, and Wilkes Enotah Judicial Circuit 46,326 Counties of Lumpkin, Towns, Union, and White Alapaha Judicial Circuit 45,513 Counties of Atkinson, Berrien, Clinch, Cook, and Lanier Bell-Forsyth Judicial Circuit 44,083 County of Forsyth Appalachian Judicial Circuit 43,792 Counties of Fannin, Gilmer, and Pickens

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MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY GEORGIA STATE SENATE COUNTY DISTRICT Appling 6 Atkinson 19 Bacon 19 Baker 12 Baldwin 25 Banks 47 Barrow 45 46 Bartow 31 52 Ben Hill 19 Berrien 7 Bibb 18, 26, 27 Bleckley 18 Brantley 6 Brooks 8 Bryan 1 3 Bulloch 4 Burke 22 Butts 17 Calhoun 12 Camden 7 Candler 20 Carroll 30 Catoosa 54 Charlton 7 Chatham 1 2 Chattahoochee 15 Chattooga 53 Cherokee 37, 51, 56 Clarke 46 Clay 12 Clayton 34 44 Clinch 7 Cobb 21, 32, 33, 37, 38 Coffee 19 Colquitt 11 13 Columbia 23 24 Cook 7 Coweta 28 Crawford 27 Crisp 13 Dade 53 Dawson 50 Decatur 11 DeKalb 5, 10, 41, 42, 43, 55 Dodge 19 Dooly 13 Dougherty 12 14 Douglas 30 34 Early 11 Echols 7 Effingham 4 Elbert 47 Emanuel 20 Evans 4 Fannin 51 Fayette 28 34 Floyd 52 Forsyth 48 49 Franklin 47 Fulton 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 48, 56 Gilmer 51 Glascock 24 Glynn 3 6 Gordon 51 Grady 11 Greene 25 Gwinnett 5, 9, 41, 48, 56 Habersham 50 Hall 49 Hancock 25 Haralson 31 Harris 16 Hart 47 Heard 29 Henry 17 Houston 18 Irwin 19


Jackson 47 Jasper 25 Jeff Davis 19 Jefferson 20 23 Jenkins 4 Johnson 20 Jones 25 26 Lamar 27 Lanier 7 Laurens 20 Lee 14 Liberty 3 Lincoln 24 Long 3 Lowndes 8 Lumpkin 50 McDuffie 24 McIntosh 3 Macon 14 Madison 47 Marion 16 Meriwether 29 Miller 11 Mitchell 11 Monroe 27 Montgomery 6 Morgan 25 Murray 54 Muscogee 15 16 Newton 17 45 Oconee 46 Oglethorpe 24 Paulding 31 Peach 14 Pickens 51 Pierce 6 Pike 29 Polk 31 Pulaski 18 Putnam 25 Quitman 12 Rabun 50 Randolph 12 Richmond 22 23 Rockdale 17 45 Schley 14 Screven 4 Seminole 11 Spalding 28 29 Stephens 50 Stewart 12 Sumter 14 Talbot 16 Taliaferro 25 Tattnall 4 Taylor 14 Telfair 19 Terrell 12 Thomas 8 11 Tift 13 Toombs 6 Towns 50 Treutlen 20 Troup 29 Turner 13 Twiggs 26 Union 50 Upson 27 Walker 53 Walton 45 Ware 7 Warren 24 Washington 20 Wayne 6 Webster 12 Wheeler 20 White 50 Whitfield 53 54 Wilcox 13 Wilkes 24 Wilkinson 26 Worth 13


SENATORS OF GEORGIA ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO NAMES, WITH DISTRICTS AND ADDRESSES FOR THE 1999 REGULAR SESSION District Senator Address 9 Don Balfour 5855 Dovnick Drive, Lilburn, GA 30247 7 Peg Blitch Post Office Box 335, Homerville, GA 31634 13 Rooney L. Bowen Post Office Box 1238, Cordele, GA 31010 46 Paul C. Broun 154 S. Stratford Dr., Athens, GA 30605-3024 26 Robert Brown Post Office Box 5742, Macon, GA 31208 24 B. Joseph Brush, Jr. 6218 Columbia Road, Appling, GA 30802 5 Joe Burton 2598 Woodwardia Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345-3511 55 Gloria Butler 3813 Chalmers Court, Clarkston, GA 30021 27 Susan W. Cable 3375 Vista Circle, Macon, GA 31204 49 Casey Cagle 4615 Hunters Court, Gainesville, GA 30507 23 Don Cheeks 716 Westminster Court, Augusta, GA 30909 17 Mike D. Crotts 18 Capitol Square, Room 303A, Atlanta, 30334 31 Nathan Dean Post Office Box 606, Rockmart, GA 30153 40 Mike Egan 24th Flr, 999 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309-3996 39 Vincent D. Fort 981 Katherwood Drive, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30310 20 Hugh M. Gillis, Sr. Post Office Box 148, Soperton, GA 30457 37 John Phillip Gingrey 632 N. St. Mary's Lane, Marietta, GA 30064 8 Tim Golden 110 Beacon Hill, Valdosta, GA 31602 45 Arthur C. Guhl Post Office Box 424, Social Circle, GA 30025 15 Ed Harbison Post Office Box 1292, Columbus, GA 31902 34 Greg K. Hecht 9528 Fairdale Avenue, Jonesboro, GA 30236 4 Jack Hill Post Office Box 496, Reidsville, GA 30453


14 George Hooks Post Office Box 928, Americus, GA 31709 53 Waymond C. Huggins Post Office Box 284, LaFayette, GA 30728 50 Carol Jackson 1932 Town Creek Rd., Cleveland, GA 30528 35 Donzella J. James 3800 Pitman Road, College Park, GA 30349 2 Diana Harvey Johnson Post Office Box 5544, Savannah, GA 31414 1 Eric Johnson 22 Marsh Point Dr., Savannah, GA 31406 3 Rene D. Kemp Post Office Box 497, Hinesville, GA 31313 41 Bart Ladd 5218 Fontainebleau Ct., Doraville, GA 30360 21 Robert Lamutt 4667 Jefferson Township Place, Marietta, GA 30066 16 Clay Land Post Office Box 2848, Columbus, GA 31902 29 Daniel W. Lee 208 W. Haralson Street, LaGrange, GA 30240 47 Eddie M. Madden 62 Chestnut Street, Elberton, GA 30635 52 Richard O. Marable 76 River Lane, Rome, GA 30165 12 Michael Meyer von Bremen 2008 Devon Drive, Albany, GA 31707 18 Sonny Perdue Post Office Box 698, Bonaire, GA 31005 42 Mike Polak 446 Candler Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30307 28 Richard J. Price 165 Isleworth Way, Fayetteville, GA 30215 56 Thomas E. Price 295 Broadmeadow Cove, Roswell, GA 30075 11 Harold J. Ragan 1296 Crine Boulevard, N.W., Cairo, GA 31728 48 William M. Ray II 1120 Meadowsong Circle, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 30 Sam P. Roberts Post Office Box 1989, Douglasville, GA 30133 36 David Scott 190 Wendell Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315 25 Faye Smith 283 Stembridge Road, Milledgeville, GA 31061 44 Terrell Starr 541 Forest Parkway, Ste. 3, Forest Park, GA 30297 51 William V. Stephens 431 Morgan Falls Chase, Canton, GA 30114


43 Connie Stokes Post Office Box 360350, Decatur, GA 30036-0350 19 Van Streat, Jr. 927 Lucy Moore Road, Nicholls, GA 31554 32 Charles Tanksley 166 Anderson Street, Marietta, GA 30060 38 Horacena Tate 220 Florida Ave., SW, Atlanta, GA 30310 54 Don R. Thomas 184 Haig Mill Road, Dalton, GA 30721 10 Nadine Thomas 3679 Talonega Trail, Ellenwood, GA 30049 33 Steve Thompson 5264 Seamus Way, Powder Springs, GA 30127 22 Charles W. Walker Post Office Box 1282, Augusta, GA 30903-1282 6 Tommie Williams 185 Longleaf Lane, Lyons, GA 30456


MEMBERS OF THE SENATE OF GEORGIA BY DISTRICTS IN NUMERICAL ORDER AND ADDRESSES FOR THE 1999 REGULAR SESSION District Senator Address 1 Eric Johnson 22 Marsh Point Drive, Savannah, GA 31406 2 Diana Harvey Johnson P. O. Box 5544, Savannah, GA 31414 3 Rene D. Kemp Post Office Box 497, Hinesville, GA 31313 4 Jack Hill Post Office Box 496, Reidsville, GA 30453 5 Joe Burton 2598 Woodwardia Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345-3511 6 Tommie Williams 185 Longleaf Lane, Lyons, GA 30456 7 Peg Blitch Post Office Box 335, Homerville, GA 31634 8 Tim Golden 110 Beacon Hill, Valdosta, GA 31602. 9 Don Balfour 5855 Dovnick Drive, Lilburn, GA 30247 10 Nadine Thomas 3679 Talonega Trail, Ellenwood, GA 30049 11 Harold J. Ragan 1296 Crine Boulevard, N.W., Cairo, GA 31728 12 Michael Meyer von Bremen 2008 Devon Drive, Albany, GA 31707 13 Rooney L. Bowen Post Office Box 1238, Cordele, GA 31010 14 George Hooks Post Office Box 928, Americus, GA 31709 15 Ed Harbison Post Office Box 1292, Columbus, GA 31902 16 Clay Land P.O. Box 2848, Columbus, GA 31902 17 Mike D. Crotts 18 Capitol Square, Room 303A, Atlanta, GA 30334 18 Sonny Perdue Post Office Box 698, Bonaire, GA 31005 19 Van Streat, Jr. 927 Lucy Moore Road, Nicholls, GA 31554 20 Hugh M. Gillis, Sr. Post Office Box 148, Soperton, GA 30457 21 Robert Lamutt 4667 Jefferson Township Place, Marietta, GA 30066 22 Charles W. Walker Post Office Box 1282, Augusta, GA 30903-1282


23 Don Cheeks 716 Westminster Court, Augusta, GA 30909 24 B. Joseph Brush, Jr. 6218 Columbia Road, Appling, GA 30802 25 Faye Smith 283 Stembridge Road, Milledgeville, GA 31061 26 Robert Brown Post Office Box 5742, Macon, GA 31208 27 Susan W. Cable 3375 Vista Circle, Macon, GA 31204 28 Richard J. Price 165 Isleworth Way, Fayetteville, GA 30215 29 Daniel W. Lee 208 W. Haralson Street, LaGrange, GA 30240 30 Sam P. Roberts Post Office Box 1989, Douglasville, GA 30133 31 Nathan Dean Post Office Box 606, Rockmart, GA 30153 32 Charles B. Tanksley 166 Anderson Street, Marietta, GA 30060 33 Steve Thompson 5264 Seamus Way, Powder Springs, GA 30127 34 Greg K. Hecht 9528 Fairdale Avenue, Jonesboro, GA 30236 35 Donzella J. James 3800 Pitman Road, College Park, GA 30349 36 David Scott 190 Wendell Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315 37 John Phillip Gingrey 632 N. St. Mary's Lane, Marietta, GA 30064 38 Horacena Tate 220 Florida Avenue, SW, Atlanta GA 30310 39 Vincent D. Fort 981 Katherwood Dr., S.W., Atlanta, GA 30310 40 Mike Egan 24th Flr, 999 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309-3996 41 Bart Ladd 5218 Fontainebleau Ct., Doraville, GA 30360 42 Mike Polak 446 Candler Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30307 43 Connie Stokes Post Office Box 360350, Decatur, GA 30036-0350 44 Terrell Starr 541 Forest Parkway, Ste. 3, Forest Park, GA 30297 45 Arthur C. Guhl Post Office Box 424, Social Circle, GA 30025 46 Paul C. Broun 154 S. Stratford Dr., Athens, GA 30605-3024 47 Eddie M. Madden 62 Chestnut Street, Elberton, GA 30635 48 William M. Ray II 1120 Meadowsong Circle, Lawrenceville, GA


30043 49 Casey Cagle 4615 Hunters Court, Gainesville, GA 30507 50 Carol Jackson 1932 Town Creek Road, Cleveland, GA 30528 51 William V. Stephens 431 Morgan Falls Chase, Canton, GA 30114 52 Richard O. Marable 76 River Lane, Rome, GA 30165 53 Waymond C. Huggins Post Office Box 284, Lafayette, GA 30728 54 Don R. Thomas 184 Haig Mill Road, Dalton, GA 30721 55 Gloria Butler 3813 Chalmers Court, Clarkston, GA 30021 56 Thomas E. Price 295 Broadmeadow Cove, Roswell, GA 30075


GEORGIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COUNTY DISTRICT Appling 170 Atkinson 167 Bacon 169 Baker 158 161 Baldwin 120 122 Banks 22 Barrow 86 Bartow 13, 14, 27 Ben Hill 156 Berrien 166 Bibb 124 - 128 Bleckley 142 Brantley 169 Brooks 178 Bryan 147 154 Bulloch 145 146 Burke 116 119 Butts 109 Calhoun 158 Camden 175 Candler 145 Carroll 100 101 Catoosa 2 3 Charlton 169 175 Chatham 148 - 153 Chattahoochee 158 159 Chattooga 11 Cherokee 15 - 17 Clarke 24, 88, 89 Clay 158 Clayton 93 - 97 Clinch 176 Cobb 29 - 40, 51 Coffee 167 Colquitt 164 - 166 Columbia 112 113 Cook 166 176 Coweta 103, 104, 106, 130 Crawford 128 Crisp 138 Dade 1 Dawson 19 Decatur 160 179 DeKalb 59 - 73, 75 Dodge 142 Dooly 138 140 Dougherty 161 - 163 Douglas 98 99 Early 158 160 Echols 178 Effingham 147 Elbert 90 Emanuel 144 Evans 154 Fannin 6 7 Fayette 104 105 Floyd 11 - 13 Forsyth 28 85 Franklin 22 23 Fulton 41 - 58 Gilmer 7 Glascock 120 Glynn 173 174 Gordon 10 Grady 160 179 Greene 111 Gwinnett 21 76 - 86 Habersham 9 Hall 19 - 21 25 Hancock 120 Haralson 18 Harris 102 Hart 23 Heard 103 Henry 107 - 109 Houston 128, 138, 139, 141 Irwin 156 Jackson 25


Jasper 110 Jeff Davis 170 Jefferson 121 Jenkins 145 Johnson 144 Jones 110 123 Lamar 109 110 Lanier 176 Laurens 142 143 Lee 157 159 Liberty 154 171 - 173 Lincoln 90 Long 171 Lowndes 176 - 178 Lumpkin 7 McDuffie 140 McIntosh 24 Macon 137 159 Madison 112 120 Marion 173 Meriwether 102 131 Miller 160 Mitchell 164 Monroe 110 Montgomery 155 Morgan 91 Murray 6 Muscogee 102 132 - 136 Newton 91 92 Oconee 91 Oglethorpe 111 Paulding 18 26 Peach 128 140 Pickens 15 Pierce 169 Pike 129 Polk 18 27 Pulaski 138 Putnam 111 Quitman 158 Rabun 8 Randolph 158 Richmond 114 - 119 Rockdale 74 75 Schley 137 Screven 146 Seminole 160 Spalding 106 107 Stephens 22 Stewart 158 Sumter 137 Talbot 133 Taliaferro 120 Tattnall 154 Taylor 140 Telfair 142 170 Terrell 159 Thomas 179 180 Tift 156 165 Toombs 155 Towns 8 Treutlen 144 Troup 130 131 Turner 157 Twiggs 123 Union 8 Upson 129 Walker 1, 2, 11 Walton 84 87 Ware 168 Warren 120 Washington 121 Wayne 170 171 Webster 159 Wheeler 155 White 8 9 Whitfield 4 5 Wilcox 156 Wilkes 90 Wilkinson 123 Worth 157 163


MEMBERS OF GEORGIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO NAMES, WITH DISTRICTS AND ADDRESSES FOR THE 1999 REGULAR SESSION District Representative Address 117 Ben Allen 1124 Laney-Walker Blvd., Augusta, GA 30901-2837 116 Alberta J. Anderson 878 Waters Street, Waynesboro, GA 30830 46 Kathy Ashe 82 Westminster Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309-3329 93 Frank I. Bailey, Jr. P. O. Box 777, Riverdale, GA 30274-0777 77 Charles E. Bannister 312 Emily Drive, Lilburn, GA 30047 154 Terry Barnard Route 3, Box 5240, Glennville, GA 30427 97 Mike Barnes 11530 New Hope Road, Hampton, GA 30228 96 Jimmy Benefield 6656 Morning Dove Place, Jonesboro, GA 30236 123 Kenneth W. Birdsong Route One, Box 1360, Gordon, GA 31031 139 Pamela Wise Bohannon 102 Covey Rise, Warner Robins, GA 31088 151 Tom Bordeaux 126 East Liberty Street, Savannah, GA 31401-4411 177 Ron Borders 1714 Williams Street, Valdosta, GA 31602 9 Ben D. Bridges, Sr. 100 Sang Road, Cleveland, GA 30528 54 Tyrone Brooks Station A, P. O. Box 11185, Atlanta, GA 30310-0185 130 Jeff Brown 2010 Foxcroft Drive, LaGrange, GA 30240 135 Thomas B. Buck III P. O. Box 196, Columbus, GA 31902 95 Gail M. Buckner 7324 Cardif Place, Jonesboro, GA 30236-2543 180 John D. Bulloch, Jr. 3554 Bulloch Road, Ochlocknee, GA 31773 74 Barbara Jean Bunn 2635 Stanton Road, Conyers, GA 30208 41 Joseph M. Burkhalter 9650 Ventana Way, Ste. 201, Alpharetta, GA 30202


170 Roger Byrd P. O. Box 756, Hazlehurst, GA 31539 81 Gene Callaway 3535 Simpson Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 42 Thomas R. Campbell, Jr. 1088 Canton Street, Roswell, GA 30075 108 J. Steven Cash 2000 Flatrock Road, Stockbridge, GA 30281 111 R. M. Channell P. O. Box 839, Greensboro, GA 30642 13 E. M. Childers 28 Surrey Trail, Rome, GA 30161 3 William Clark P. O. Box 8, Ringgold, GA 30736 82 Michael Todd Coan 1602 Braselton Highway, Lawrenceville, GA 30243 80 Brooks P. Coleman, Jr. 3919 Hillside Drive, Duluth, GA 30136 142 Terry L. Coleman P. O. Box 157, Eastman, GA 31023 115 Jack Connell P. O. Box 308, Augusta, GA 30903 31 Sharon Meyer Cooper 4028 River Ridge Chase, Marietta, GA 30067 105 Kathy Cox 104 Jasmine Path, Peachtree City, GA 30269 129 Robert M. Crawford P. O. Box 1070, Zebulon, GA 30295 27 Bill Cummings 735 Morgan Valley Road, Rockmart, GA 30153 60 J. Max Davis 1177 West Nancy Creek Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30319 132 Tommy H. Davis 5675 Cascade Court, Columbus, GA 31904 153 Burke Day P. O. Box 2627, Tybee Island, GA 31328 48 Douglas C. Dean 346 Arthur Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30310 172 Buddy DeLoach P. O. Box 51, Hinesville, GA 31310 119 George L. DeLoach 2546 Georgia Highway 88, Hephzibah, GA 30815 76 Scott Dix P. O. Box 870082, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 168 Harry D. Dixon 1303 Coral Road, Waycross, GA 31501 94 Ron Dodson 1283 Trahlyta Terrace, Lake City, GA 30260 161 Winfred Dukes P. O. Box 4104, Albany, GA 31706


36 Earl Ehrhart 5500 Wright Road, Powder Springs, GA 30127 131 Carl Von Epps P. O. Box 1368, LaGrange, GA 30241 28 Mike A. Evans 209 Pine Lake Drive, Cumming, GA 30040 163 Herman Douglas Everett 603-B Pine Avenue, Albany GA 31701 43 Dorothy Felton 465 Tanacrest Drive, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30328 138 Johnny Floyd P. O. Box 5260, Cordele, GA 31015 39 Robert L. Franklin, Jr. 4552 Cedar Knoll Drive, Marietta, GA 30066 30 Rich Golick 2372 Simpson Farm Way, Smyrna, GA 30080 125 David Baugh Graves P. O. Box 6475, Macon, GA 31208 158 Gerald E. Greene Route Three, Box 316, Cuthbert, GA 31740 35 George H. Grindley, Jr. 1485 Dallas Circle, Marietta, GA 30064 4 James Allen Hammontree P. O. Box 399, Dalton, GA 30721 159 Robert Hanner 9610 Plains Highway, Parrott, GA 31777 113 Ben L. Harbin P. O. Box 211959, Martinez, GA 30917-1959 62 Sally Roettger Harrell 2792 Overlook Drive, Atlanta, GA 30345 89 Keith G. Heard 3100 Atlanta Highway, Athens, GA 30606 55 Joe Heckstall 2713 Briarwood Boulevard, East Point, GA 30344 66 June Hegstrom 3291 Church Street, Scottdale, GA 30079 98 Bill Hembree 8557 Cambellton Street, Douglasville, GA 30134 65 Michele Henson 4140 Creek Stone Court, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 157 Ray Holland P. O. Box 1988, Ashburn, GA 31714 53 Robert A. Holmes P. O. Box 110009, Atlanta, GA 30311-0009 166 Penny Houston 1115 Ray City Road, Nashville, GA 31639 118 Henry Howard 2514 Pate Avenue, Augusta, GA 30906 24 Ralph T. Hudgens 659 Highway 106 South, Hull, GA 30646 120 Helen G. Hudson P. O. Box 58, Sparta, GA 31087


156 Newt Hudson Route One, Box 29-A, Rochelle, GA 31079 133 Carolyn F. Hugley P. O. Box 6342, Columbus, GA 31917-6342 45 Robert Irvin 400 Northridge Road, Ste. 1000, Atlanta, GA 30350-3328 148 Lester Jackson 2612 Whatley Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404 112 William S. Jackson 1331 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA 30901 140 Lynmore James P.O. Box 601, Montezuma, GA 31063 22 Jeanette Jamieson P. O. Box 852, Toccoa, GA 30577 110 Curtis S. Jenkins P. O. Box 634, Forsyth, GA 31029 63 Paul Jennings 1843 Castelway Lane, Atlanta, GA 30345 71 Vernon Jones P. O. Box 361360, Decatur, GA 30036-1360 1 Brian Joyce 762 Paynes Chapel Road, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 37 Mitchell Kaye 2137 Spindrift Court, Marietta, GA 30062 146 Bob Lane P. O. Box 275, Statesboro, GA 30458 14 Jeff Lewis P. O. Box 480, White, GA 30184 121 Jimmy Lord P. O. Box 254, Sandersville, GA 31082 124 David E. Lucas 2594 Saratoga Drive, Macon, GA 31211 72 George Maddox P. O. Box 370272, Decatur, GA 30037 5 Harold Mann P. O. Box 1927, Dalton, GA 30722 32 Judith H. Manning P. O. Box 3393, Marretta, GA 30061 145 James L. Martin 6 Golf Club Circle, Statesboro, GA 30458 47 Jim Martin 44 Broad Street, Ste. 500, Atlanta, GA 30303 86 Warren Massey 16 Sims Road, Winder, GA 30680 88 Mary Louise McBee 145 Pine Valley Place, Athens, GA 30606 90 Tom McCall 2835 Washington Highway, Elberton, GA 30635 68 Jo Ann McClinton 132 East Lake Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30317


51 J. E. McKinney 765 Shorter Terrace, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318 59 Fran Millar 5249 Brooke Farm Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338 21 James W. Mills 3721 Tanners Mill Road, Gainesville, GA 30507 69 Barbara J. Mobley P. O. Box 371442, Decatur, GA 30037-1442 155 Greg Morris 2445 Aimwell Road, Vidalia, GA 30474 171 Hinson Mosley 1901 Old Screven Road, Jesup, GA 31545 152 Anne Mueller 13013 Hermitage Road, Savannah, GA 31419 18 Thomas B. Murphy P. O. Drawer 1140, Bremen, GA 30110 75 Earl L. O'Neal 1381 Northside Drive, Conyers, GA 30207 56 Nan Orrock 1070 Delaware Avenue, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30316 122 Bobby Eugene Parham P. O. Box 606, Milledgeville, GA 31061 144 Larry Parrish 224 West Main Street, Swainsboro, GA 30401 40 Don L. Parsons 3167 Sycamore Lane, Marietta, GA 30066 149 Dorothy B. Pelote P. O. Box 1802, Savannah, GA 31402-1802 15 Garland Pinholster 1335 Flatbottom Road, Ball Ground, GA 30107 6 Charles Poag P. O. Box 441, Eton, GA 30724 160 Dan Ponder, Jr. P. O. Box 160, Donalsonville, Ga 31745 143 DuBose Porter P. O. Drawer B, CSS, Dublin, GA 31040 23 Alan T. Powell P. O. Box 248, Hartwell, GA 30643 147 Ann R. Purcell P. O. Box 1295, Rincon, GA 31326-1295 64 Arnold Mays Ragas 677 Longbow Court, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 127 William C. Randall P. O. Box 121, Macon, GA 31202 128 Robert Ray Route Four, Box 1071, Fort Valley, GA 31030 178 Henry L. Reaves Route Two, Box 290, Quitman, GA 31643 11 Barbara Massey Reece Route 1, Box 184 B, Menlo, GA 30731 52 Kasim Reed 1755 Lock Lomond Trail, Atlanta, GA 30331


85 Bobby Reese 5380 Windswept Trace, Sugar Hill, GA 30518 126 Robert A. B. Reichert P. O. Box 6497, Macon, GA 31208-6497 79 Thomas Robert Rice 6100 Lackland Court, Norcross, GA 30092 26 James Glenn Richardson 1224 Powder Creek Drive, Dallas, GA 30132 162 Lawrence R. Roberts 1117 East Clark Avenue, Albany, GA 31705 20 Carl Rogers P.O. Box 1058, Gainesville, GA 30503 164 A. Richard Royal P. O. Box 607, Camilla, GA 31730 107 Bill Sanders 2735 S. Walkers Mill Road, Griffin, GA 30224 29 Randy Sauder 3734 Cline Drive, Smyrna, GA 30082 174 Steven G. Scarlett 201 Reynosa Avenue, St. Simons Island, GA 31522 17 Charles F. Scheid III 489 Neese Road, Woodstock, GA 30188 165 James Austin Scott P. O. Box 7608, Tifton, GA 31793 10 Tom E. Shanahan P. O. Box 1298, Calhoun, GA 30703 176 Jay Shaw P.O. Box 245, Lakeland, GA 31635 38 Kemmel W. Shipp P. O. Box 1508, Kennesaw, GA 30144 179 Wallace Sholar 1150 Sutton Mill road, Cairo, GA 31728 167 Chuck Sims 9699 W. Baker Hwy., Ambrose, GA 31512 57 Georganna Sinkfield 179 Tonawanda Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315 137 Jimmy Skipper P. O. Box 488, Americus, GA 31709 91 Bob Smith P. O. Box 108, Watkinsville, GA 30677 175 Charles C. Smith, Jr. P. O. Drawer 766, St. Marys, GA 31558 19 Clint Smith 1371 Bethel Church Road, Dawsonville, GA 30534 103 Evelyn Ratigan Smith 8 Evergreen Dr., Newnan, GA 30263 109 Larry Smith P. O. Box 1155, Jackson, GA 30233 12 Paul E. Smith P. O. Box 486, Rome, GA 30162-0486 169 Tommy Smith Route One, Alma, GA 31510


136 Calvin Smyre P. O. Box 181, Columbus, GA 31902 99 Bob Snelling 9733 Cobble Creek Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135-1670 2 Michael M. Snow 71 Snow Drive, Rock Spring, GA 30739 78 Mary Squires 6381 E. Windsor Lane, Norcross, GA 30093 100 Tracy Stallings 406 Bradley Street, Carrollton, GA 30117 16 Steve Stancil 330 Lori Lane, Canton GA 30114 50 LaNett Stanley-Turner 712 Gary Road, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318 49 Pamela A. Stanley 706 Foundry Street, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30314 150 Ron Stephens 103 Anford Drive, Garden City, GA 31401 92 James S. Stokes 1300 Victoria Lane, Oxford, GA 30054 67 Stephanie Stuckey 1817 Dyson Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 134 Maretta M. Taylor 1203 Bunker Hill Road, Columbus, GA 31907 58 Sharon Beasley Teague P. O. Box 488, Red Oak, GA 30272 61 Doug Teper 2517 Ellijay Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319 173 E. C. Tillman 1910 Kay Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520 25 Scott Tolbert 974 Glenn Gee Road, Pendergrass, GA 30567 44 Sharon Trense 135 Classic Cove, Atlanta, GA 30350 73 Henrietta E. Turnquest P. O. Box 372489, Decatur, GA 30037 8 Ralph Twiggs P. O. Box 432, Hiawassee, GA 30546 84 Renee S. Unterman P. O. Box 1685, Loganville, GA 30052 141 Larry Walker P. O. Box 1234, Perry, GA 31069 87 Len Walker 2972 Lake Edmond Road, Loganville, GA 30052 70 Stan Watson 2512 Charleston Terrace, Decatur, GA 30034 101 Jack West 500 Lake Clyde Road, Bowdon, GA 30108 104 Lynn A. Westmoreland 185 Taylor Ridge Court, Tyrone, GA 30290 7 Ben N. Whitaker P.O. Box 295, River Lane, East Ellijay, GA 30539


7 Ben N. Whitaker P.O. Box 295, River Lane, East Ellijay, GA 30539 34 John J. Wiles 2229 Covell Court, Kennesaw, GA 30152 83 Jeffrey L. Williams P. O. Box 454, Snellville, GA 30078 114 Robin L. Williams P. O. Box 15993, Augusta, GA 30919-1993 33 Don Edwin Wix 4630 Glore Road, Mableton, GA 30126 106 John P. Yates 961 Birdie Road, Griffin, GA 30223


MEMBERS OF GEORGIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BY DISTRICTS IN NUMERICAL ORDER WITH ADDRESSES FOR THE 1999 REGULAR SESSION District Representative Address 1 Brian Joyce 762 Paynes Chapel Road, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 2 Michael M. Snow 71 Snow Drive, Rock Spring, GA 30739 3 William H. Clark P. O. Box 8, Ringgold, GA 30736 4 James Allen Hammontree P. O. Box 399, Dalton, GA 30721 5 Harold Mann P. O. Box 1927, Dalton, GA 30722 6 Charles Poag P. O. Box 441, Eton, GA 30724 7 Ben N. Whitaker P.O. Box 295, River Lane, East Ellijay, GA 30539 8 Ralph Twiggs P. O. Box 432, Hiawassee, GA 30546 9 Ben D. Bridges, Sr. 100 Sang Road, Cleveland, GA 30528 10 Tom E. Shanahan P. O. Box 1298, Calhoun, GA 30703 11 Barbara Massey Reece Route 1, Box 184 B, Menlo, GA 30731 12 Paul E. Smith P. O. Box 486, Rome, GA 30162-0486 13 E. M. Childers 28 Surrey Trail, Rome, GA 30161 14 Jeff Lewis P. O. Box 480, White, GA 30184 15 Garland Pinholster 1335 Flatbottom Road, Ball Ground, GA 30107 16 Steve Stancil 330 Lori Lane, Canton, GA 30114 17 Charles F. Scheid III 496 Neese Road, Woodstock, GA 30188 18 Thomas B. Murphy P. O. Drawer 1140, Bremen, GA 30110 19 Clint Smith 1371 Bethel Church Road, Dawsonville, GA 30534 20 Carl Rogers P.O. Box 1058, Gainesville, GA 30503 21 James W. Mills 3721 Tanners Mill Road, Gainesville, GA 30507


22 Jeanette Jamieson P. O. Box 852, Toccoa, GA 30577 23 Alan T. Powell P. O. Box 248, Hartwell, GA 30643 24 Ralph T. Hudgens 659 Highway 106 South, Hull, GA 30646 25 Scott Tolbert 974 Glenn Gee Road, Pendergrass, GA 30567 26 James Glenn Richardson 1224 Powder Creek Drive, Dallas, GA 30132 27 Bill Cummings 735 Morgan Valley Road, Rockmart, GA 30153 28 Mike A. Evans 209 Pine Lake Drive, Cumming, GA 30040 29 Randy Sauder 3734 Cline Drive, Smyrna, GA 30082 30 Rich Golick 2372 Simpson Farm Way, Smyrna, GA 30080 31 Sharon M. Cooper 4028 River Ridge Chase, Marietta, GA 30067 32 Judith H. Manning P. O. Box 3393, Marietta, GA 30061 33 Don Edwin Wix 4630 Glore Road, Mableton, GA 30126 34 John J. Wiles 2229 Covell Court, Kennesaw, GA 30152 35 George H. Grindley, Jr 1485 Dallas Circle, Marietta, GA 30064 36 Earl Ehrhart 5500 Wright Road, Powder Springs, GA 30127 37 Mitchell Kaye 2137 Spindrift Court, Marietta, GA 30062 38 Kemmel W. Shipp P. O. Box 1508, Kennesaw, GA 30144 39 Robert L. Franklin, Jr 4552 Cedar Knoll Drive, Marietta, GA 30066 40 Don L. Parsons 3167 Sycamore Lane, Marietta, GA 30066 41 Joseph M. Burkhalter 9650 Ventana Way, Ste. 201, Alpharetta, GA 30202 42 Thomas R. Campbell, Jr. 1088 Canton Street, Roswell, GA 30075 43 Dorothy Felton 465 Tanacrest Drive, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30328 44 Sharon Trense 135 Classic Cove, Atlanta, GA 30350 45 Robert Irvin 400 Northridge Road, Ste. 1000, Atlanta, GA 30350-3328 46 Kathy Ashe 82 Westminster Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309-3329


47 Jim Martin 44 Broad Street, Ste. 500, Atlanta, GA 30303 48 Douglas C. Dean 346 Arthur Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30310 49 Pamela A. Stanley 706 Foundry Street, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30314 50 LaNett Stanley-Turner 712 Gary Road, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318 51 J. E. McKinney 765 Shorter Terrace, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318 52 Kasim Reed 1755 Loch Lomond Trail, Atlanta, GA 30331 53 Robert A. Holmes P. O. Box 110009, Atlanta, GA 30311-0009 54 Tyrone Brooks Station A, P. O. Box 11185, Atlanta, GA 30310-0185 55 Joe Heckstall 2713 Briarwood Boulevard, East Point, GA 30344 56 Nan Orrock 1070 Delaware Avenue, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30316 57 Georganna Sinkfield 179 Tonawanda Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315 58 Sharon Beasley Teague P. O. Box 488, Red Oak, GA 30272 59 Fran Millar 5249 Brooke Farm Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338 60 J. Max Davis 1177 West Nancy Creek Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30319 61 Doug Teper 2517 Ellijay Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319 62 Sally Roettger Harrell 2792 Overlook Drive, Atlanta, GA 30345 63 Paul Jennings 1843 Castelway Lane, Atlanta, GA 30345 64 Arnold M. Ragas 677 Longbow Court, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 65 Michele Henson 4140 Creek Stone Court, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 66 June Hegstrom 3291 Church Street, Scottdale, GA 30079 67 Stephanie Stuckey 1817 Dyson Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 68 Jo Ann McClinton 132 East Lake Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30317 69 Barbara J. Mobley P. O. Box 371442, Decatur, GA 30037-1442 70 Stan Watson 2512 Charleston Terrace, Decatur, GA 30034 71 Vernon Jones P. O. Box 361360, Decatur, GA 30036-1360


72 George Maddox P. O. Box 370272, Decatur, GA 30037 73 Henrietta E. Turnquest P.O. Box 372489, Decatur, GA 30037 74 Barbara Jean Bunn 2635 Stanton Road, Conyers, GA 30208 75 Earl L. O'Neal 1381 Northside Drive, Conyers, GA 30207 76 Scott Dix P. O. Box 870082, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 77 Charles E. Bannister 312 Emily Drive, Lilburn, GA 30047 78 Mary Squires 6381 E. Windsor Lane, Norcross, GA 30093 79 Thomas R. Rice 6100 Lackland Court, Norcross, GA 30092 80 Brooks P. Coleman, Jr. 3919 Hillside Drive, Duluth, GA 30136 81 Gene Callaway 3535 Simpson Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 82 Michael T. Coan 1602 Braselton Highway, Lawrenceville, GA 30243 83 Jeffrey L. Williams P. O. Box 454, Snellville, GA 30078 84 Renee S. Unterman P. O. Box 1685, Loganville, GA 30052 85 Bobby Reese 5380 Windswept Trace, Sugar Hill, GA 30518 86 Warren Massey 16 Sims Road, Winder, GA 30680 87 Len Walker 2972 Lake Edmond Road, Loganville, GA 30052 88 Mary Louise McBee 145 Pine Valley Place, Athens, GA 30606 89 Keith G. Heard 3100 Atlanta Highway, Athens, GA 30606 90 Tom McCall 2835 Washington Highway, Elberton, GA 30635 91 Bob Smith P. O. Box 108, Watkinsville, GA 30677 92 James S. Stokes 1300 Victoria Lane, Oxford, GA 30054 93 Frank I. Bailey, Jr. P. O. Box 777, Riverdale, GA 30274-0777 94 Ron Dodson 1283 Trahlyta Terrace, Lake City, GA 30260 95 Gail M. Buckner 7324 Cardif Place, Jonesboro, GA 30236-2543 96 Jimmy Benefield 6656 Morning Dove Place, Jonesboro, GA 30236 97 Mike Barnes 11530 New Hope Road, Hampton, GA 30228


98 Bill Hembree 8557 Cambellton Street, Douglasville, GA 30134 99 Bob Snelling 9733 Cobble Creek Dr., Douglasville, GA 30135-1670 100 Tracy Stallings 406 Bradley Street, Carrollton, GA 30117 101 Jack E. West 500 Lake Clyde Rd., Bowdon, GA 30108 102 Vance C. Smith, Jr. P. O. Box 171, Pine Mountain, GA 31822 103 Evelyn Ratigan Smith 8 Evergreen Drive, Newnan, GA 30263 104 Lynn A. Westmoreland 185 Taylor Ridge Court, Tyrone, GA 30290 105 Kathy Cox 104 Jasmine Path, Peachtree City, GA 30269 106 John P. Yates 961 Birdie Road, Griffin, GA 30223 107 Bill Sanders 2735 S. Walkers Mill Road, Griffin, GA 30224 108 J. Steven Cash 2000 Flatrock Road, Stockbridge, GA 30281 109 Larry Smith P. O. Box 1155, Jackson, GA 30233 110 Curtis S. Jenkins P. O. Box 634, Forsyth, GA 31029 111 R. M. Channell P. O. Box 839, Greensboro, GA 30642 112 William S. Jackson 1331 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA 30901 113 Ben L. Harbin P. O. Box 211959, Martinez, GA 30917-1959 114 Robin L. Williams P. O. Box 15993, Augusta, GA 30919-1993 115 Jack Connell P. O. Box 308, Augusta, GA 30903 116 Alberta J. Anderson 878 Waters Street, Waynesboro, GA 30830 117 Ben Allen 1124 Laney-Walker Blvd., Augusta, GA 30901-2837 118 Henry Howard 2514 Pate Avenue, Augusta, GA 30906 119 George L. DeLoach 2546 Georgia Highway 88, Hephzibah, GA 30815 120 Helen G. Hudson P. O. Box 58, Sparta, GA 31087 121 Jimmy Lord P. O. Box 254, Sandersville, GA 31082 122 Bobby Eugene Parham P. O. Box 606, Milledgeville, GA 31061


123 Kenneth W. Birdsong Route One, Box 1360, Gordon, GA 31031 124 David E. Lucas 2594 Saratoga Drive, Macon, GA 31211 125 David Baugh Graves P. O. Box 6475, Macon, GA 31208 126 Robert A. B. Reichert P. O. Box 6497, Macon, GA 31208-6497 127 William C. Randall P. O. Box 121, Macon, GA 31202 128 Robert Ray Route Four, Box 1071, Fort Valley, GA 31030 129 Robert M. Crawford P. O. Box 1070, Zebulon, GA 30295 130 Jeff Brown 2010 Foxcroft Drive, LaGrange, GA 30240 131 Carl Von Epps P. O. Box 1368, LaGrange, GA 30241 132 Tommy H. Davis 5675 Cascade Court, Columbus, GA 31904 133 Carolyn F. Hugley P. O. Box 6342, Columbus, GA 31917-6342 134 Maretta M. Taylor 1203 Bunker Hill Road, Columbus, GA 31907 135 Thomas B. Buck III P. O. Box 196, Columbus, GA 31902 136 Calvin Smyre P. O. Box 181, Columbus, GA 31902 137 Jimmy Skipper P. O. Box 488, Americus, GA 31709 138 Johnny Floyd P. O. Box 5260, Cordele, GA 31015 139 Pamela Wise Bohannon 102 Covey Rise, Warner Robins, GA 31088 140 Lynmore James P.O. Box 601, Montezuma, GA 31063 141 Larry Walker P. O. Box 1234, Perry, GA 31069 142 Terry L. Coleman P. O. Box 157, Eastman, GA 31023 143 DuBose Porter P. O. Drawer B, CSS, Dublin, GA 31040 144 Larry Parrish 224 West Main Street, Swainsboro, GA 30401 145 James L. Martin 6 Golf Club Circle, Statesboro, GA 30458 146 Bob Lane P. O. Box 275, Statesboro, GA 30458 147 Ann R. Purcell P. O. Box 1295, Rincon, GA 31326-1295 148 Lester Jackson 2612 Whatley Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404


149 Dorothy B. Pelote P.O. Box 1802, Savannah, GA 31402-1802 150 Ron Stephens 103 Anford Drive, Garden City, GA 31401 151 Tom Bordeaux 126 East Liberty Street, Savannah, GA 31401-4411 152 Anne Mueller 13013 Hermitage Road, Savannah, GA 31419 153 Burke Day P. O. Box 2627, Tybee Island, GA 31328 154 Terry Barnard Route 3, Box 5240, Glennville, GA 30427 155 Greg Morris 2445 Aimwell Road, Vidalia, GA 30474 156 Newt Hudson Route One, Box 29-A, Rochelle, GA 31079 157 Ray Holland P. O. Box 1988, Ashburn, GA 31714 158 Gerald E. Greene Route Three, Box 316, Cuthbert, GA 31740 159 Robert Hanner 9610 Plains Highway, Parrott, GA 31777 160 Dan Ponder, Jr. P. O. Box 160, Donalsonville, GA 31745 161 Winfred Dukes P. O. Box 4104, Albany, GA 31706 162 Lawrence R. Roberts 1117 East Clark Avenue, Albany, GA 31705 163 Herman D. Everett 603-B Pine Avenue, Albany, GA 31701 164 A. Richard Royal P. O. Box 607, Camila, GA 31730 165 James Austin Scott P. O. Box 7608, Tifton, GA 31793 166 Penny Houston 1115 Ray City Road, Nashville, GA 31639 167 Chuck Sims 9699 W. Baker Hwy., Ambrose, GA 31512 168 Harry D. Dixon 1303 Coral Road, Waycross, GA 31501 169 Tommy Smith Route One, Alma, GA 31510 170 Roger Byrd P. O. Box 756, Hazlehurst, GA 31539 171 Hinson Mosley 1901 Old Screven Road, Jesup, GA 31545 172 Buddy DeLoach P. O. Box 51, Hinesville, GA 31310 173 E. C. Tillman 1910 Kay Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520 174 Stephen Scarlett 201 Reynosa Avenue, St. Simons Island, GA 31522


175 Charles C. Smith, Jr. P. O. Drawer 766, St. Marys, GA 31558 176 Jay Shaw P.O. Box 245, Lakeland, GA 31635 177 Ron Borders 1714 Williams Street, Valdosta, GA 31602 178 Henry L. Reaves Route Two, Box 290, Quitman, GA 31643 179 Wallace Sholar 1150 Sutton Mill Road, Cairo, GA 31728 180 John D. Bulloch, Jr. 3554 Bulloch Road, Ochlocknee, GA 31773


RESULTS OF REFERENDUM ELECTIONS STATUS OF REFERENDUM ELECTIONS SINCE 1953 Georgia Laws Referendums Proposed Results Not Known Not Held Final Result 1953 (Jan./Feb.) 14 1 2 11 1953 (Nov./Dec.) 21 5 0 16 1955 17 1 1 15 1956 39 4 1 34 1957 24 0 1 23 1958 45 2 2 41 1959 34 0 1 33 1960 47 7 1 39 1961 27 0 1 26 1962 38 1 2 35 1963 39 1 5 33 1964 35 2 3 30 1964 Ex. Sess. 9 1 1 7 1965 23 3 0 20 1966 25 0 2 23 1967 39 0 2 37 1968 48 3 1 44 1969 48 3 3 42 1970 44 4 1 39 1971 43 0 5 38 1971 Ex. Sess. 3 0 0 3 1972 64 1 1 62 1973 21 1 2 18 1974 25 1 1 23 1975 33 1 1 31 1975 Ex. Sess. 1 0 0 1 1976 26 0 2 24 1977 13 0 0 13 1978 25 0 1 24 1979 5 0 0 5 1980 22 0 4 18 1981 10 0 2 8 1982 36 0 0 36 1983 18 0 2 16 1984 38 0 2 36 1985 25 0 4 21 1986 66 0 8 58 1987 43 0 1 42 1988 71 1 9 61 1989 20 0 5 15 1989 Ex. Sess. 1 0 0 1 1990 68 0 5 63 1991 33 0 7 26 1991 Ex. Sess. 5 0 1 4 1992 62 1 4 57 1993 20 0 2 18 1994 55 1 4 50 1995 33 0 4 29 1995 Ex. Sess. 2 0 0 2 1996 33 0 4 29 1997 31 0 5 26 1998 54 0 1 53 TOTALS 1621 45 117 1479


REFERENDUM ELECTION RESULTS Georgia Laws 1953, January-February Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Carroll 3012 Town of Mt. Zion charter 3/21/53 For: 55 Agn: 30 Chatham 2538 Homestead exemption; school taxes Not held DeKalb 3249 Board of commissioners; creation 5/13/53 For: 4445 Agn: 8483 Franklin 3030 County commissioner and board of finance 11/2/54 For: 1152 Agn: 565 Gilmer 3103 City of Ellijay; corporate limits 6/1/53 For: 69 Agn: 151 Gilmer 588 City of Ellijay 6/1/53 For: 69 Agn: 151 Gwinnett 3187 City of Lawrenceville; city manager 6/27/53 For: 55 Agn: 61 Irwin 2495 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/2/54 For: 568 Agn: 694 Mitchell 2577 City of Camilla; treasurer Not held Murray 2458 Town of Spring Place; alley closing 5/19/53 For: 36 Agn: 48 Murray 2340 City of Chatsworth Results not known Murray 2444 Tax commissioner; compensation 4/21/53 For: 553 Agn: 261 Troup 2276 City of West Point; corporate limits 4/1/53 For: 250 Agn: 112 Whitfield 2128 City Court of Dalton 3/26/53 For: 210 Agn: 2613


Burke 2049 Board of commissioners; county employees' pension fund 9/8/54 For: 1833 Agn: 648 Cherokee 2668 Certain county officers: compensation 11/2/54 For: 913 Agn: 674 Clayton 2855 City of Forest Park Results not known Clayton 2029 City of Jonesboro; corporate limits 12/9/53 For: 64 Agn: 229 Clayton 2064 City of Lake Tara: charter repeal Results not known Coweta 2040 City of Newnan; corporate limits 2/6/54 For: 1406 Agn: 603 Crisp 2407 City of Cordele; corporate limits 10/5/54 City vote: For: 202 Agn: 132 County vote: For: 23 Agn: 252 Decatur 2197 City of West Bainbridge; incorporation 1/11/54 For: 200 Agn: 527 DeKalb 2578 City of Decatur; tax rate 10/21/54 For: 466 Agn: 827 Early 2282 City of Blakely; corporate limits 4/19/54 For: 45 Agn: 82 Elbert 2987 City of Elberton 3/23/54 For: 958 Agn: 248 Forsyth 2674 County indebtedness Results not known Greene 2455 County commissioner 3/23/54 For: 1637 Agn: 1807


Habersham 2745 City of Clarkesville; new charter 2/16/54 For: 154 Agn: 164 McDuffie 2584 City of Thomson 3/12/54 For: 253 Agn: 290 Miller 2814 City Court of Miller County Results not known Richmond 2610 City of Augusta; corporate limits Results not known Richmond 2476 City of Augusta; corporate limits 11/17/54 For: 259 Agn: 189 Sumter 2972 City of Americus; tax rate 1/12/54 For: 382 Agn: 431 Troup 2858 City of West Point; corporate limits 1/27/54 City vote: For: 140 Agn: 6 Outside city vote: For: 65 Agn: 53 Twiggs 2570 County commissioner 11/2/54 For: 161 Agn: 626

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Georgia Laws 1955: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 2830 Board of commissioners 4/20/55 For: 1079 Agn: 716 Clarke 3057 City of Athens/Clarke County; school systems 5/4/55 For: 1124 Agn: 564 Clayton 2781 City of Morrow 4/16/55 For: 75 Agn: 30 Clayton and Fulton 2884 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/14/55 For: 46 Agn: 13 DeKalb 2806 Form of government 5/18/55 (1) Single Com. For: 750 Multiple Com. For: 5013 (2) Co. Exec. For: 2728 Co. Manager For: 2733 Elbert 2117 City Court of Elberton 3/7/56 For: 4471 Agn: 522 Fulton 2650 City of Hapeville Results not known Gwinnett 3163 City of Lawrenceville; corporate limits 3/19/55 For: 25 Agn: 89 Hall 3038 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/28/55 For: 2163 Agn: 775 Hall 2627 Certain county officers; compensation 11/28/55 For: 2144 Agn: 826 Houston 2093 City of Warner Robins 4/5/55 For: 234 Agn: 547 Jackson 2853 City of Commerce Not held Laurens 2620 City of Dublin; water, light, and gas commission 5/10/55 For: 582 Agn: 1327


Lumpkin 2892 County commissioner 4/13/55 For: 337 Agn: 109 Rockdale 2428 Certain county officers; compensation 4/16/55 For: 610 Agn: 877 Tift 2344 City of Tifton; commissioners 4/27/55 For: 764 Agn: 270 Wayne 2858 City of Jesup 4/27/55 For: 383 Agn: 206


Georgia Laws 1956: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 2725 Board of commissioners; districts; elections 4/3/56 For: 1394 Agn: 1385 Baldwin (1 of 2) 2865 City of Milledgeville; corporate limits 7/18/56 For: 107 Agn: 58 Baldwin (1 of 2) 2865 City of Milledgeville; corporate limits 10/15/56 For: 463 Agn: 243 Baldwin 3003 City of Milledgeville; corporate limits 7/18/56 For: 12 Agn: 51 Banks 2056 Sheriff; compensation 3/14/56 For: 1054 Agn: 1378 Barrow 3100 City of Winder: corporate limits 5/4/56 For: 13 Agn: 103 Carroll 2797 City Court of Carrollton 11/6/56 For: 1305 Agn: 2344 Carroll 2877 City of Whitesburg; police court Results not known Chattooga 2899 County commissioner 9/12/56 For: 2142 Agn: 1167 Clayton (1 of 2) 2040 City of Forest Park Results not known Clayton (1 of 2) 2040 City of Forest Park Results not known Clayton 2518 City of Mountain View; incorporation 3/24/56 For: 341 Agn: 44


Clayton and Fulton 2744 City of College Park; corporate limits 4/28/56 For: 28 Agn: 22 Colquitt 2399 Certain county officers; compensation 2/28/56 For: 3864 Agn: 2411 Colquitt 2403 Tax commissioner; creation of office 2/28/56 For: 3939 Agn: 2540 Colquitt 2830 City of Moultrie 10/1/56 * * DeKalb 2932 City Court of Decatur 5/16/56 For: 12520 Agn: 5846 DeKalb (1 of 2) 3237 Multiple member commission form of government 5/16/56 For: 18393 Agn: 2001 DeKalb (1 of 2) 3237 Chairman and board of commissioners 5/16/56 For: (a) 4743 For: (b) 15300 Fayette 2022 Tax commissioner; creation of office 2/25/56 For: 292 Agn: 37 Glascock 3507 Sheriff; compensation 3/14/56 For: 498 Agn: 227 City Vote: West Moultrie Area: For: 1986 Agn: 169 Colonial Heights Area: For: 2002 Agn: 159 Crestwood Gardens Area: For: 2005 Agn: 167 East Moultrie Area: For: 2004 Agn: 165 Tifton Highway Area: For: 1989 Agn: 173 Sylvester Drive Area: For: 1976 Agn: 175 Area Vote: Area 1-West Moultrie Area: For: 99 Agn: 57 Area 2-Colonial Heights Area: For: 145 Agn: 83 Area 3-Crestwood Gardens Area: For: 27 Agn: 87 Area 4-East Moultrie Area: For: 41 Agn: 147 Area 5-Tifton Highway Area: For: 29 Agn: 107 Area 6-Sylvester Drive Area: For: 78 Agn: 144


Gwinnett 2502 Tax commissioner; county treasurer 11/6/56 For: 3383 Agn: 1641 Hall 3166 City of Lula; charter 3/27/56 Belton vote: For: 64 Agn: 2 Lula vote: For: 35 Agn: 3 Houston 2510 City of Warner Robins 5/8/56 For: 215 Agn: 30 Jackson 2887 City Court of Jefferson 9/12/56 For: 972 Agn: 1556 Laurens 3267 City of Dublin; elections Not held Miller 2799 Voting machines 9/12/56 For: 231 Agn: 580 Murray 3476 City of Chatsworth; corporate limits 8/25/56 For: 77 Agn: 109 Muscogee 2386 City of Columbus; corporate limits 9/12/56 City vote: For: 6179 Agn: 2356 Outside city vote: For: 516 Agn: 2070 Newton 2507 City of Covington; corporate limits 5/1/56 For: 109 Agn: 90 Richmond 2406 City of Augusta; land conveyance 4/18/56 For: 7769 Agn: 3734


Spalding 2412 City of Griffin; corporate limits 4/17/56 City vote: For: 948 Agn: 595 Affected area: For: 365 Agn: 400 Thomas 3159 Certain county officers; compensation 4/24/56 For: 902 Agn: 939 Thomas 3510 Tax commissioner; creation of office 4/24/56 For: 876 Agn: 957 Troup 2827 City of Hogansville; corporate limits 7/18/56 City vote: For: 216 Agn: 117 Outside city vote: For: 41 Agn: 159 Troup 3078 City of Hogansville; corporate limits 7/18/56 For: 257 Agn: 276 Troup 3423 City of North West Point; incorporation 4/25/56 For: 34 Agn: 111 Walker 2995 Town of Linwood Results not known Whitfield 2093 City of Dalton 3/15/56 For: 985 Agn: 1831


Georgia Laws 1957: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 2048 City of Cartesville; school board 3/12/57 For: 1010 Agn: 314 Bulloch 2877 City of Statesboro; corporate limits 7/26/57 Area 1: For: 312 Agn: 14 Area 2: For: 312 Agn: 14 Area 3: For: 313 Agn: 13 Chatham 2003 City of Port Wentworth; charter 3/20/57 For: 422 Agn: 128 Clarke 2033 City of Athens 2/27/57 For: 617 Agn: 2112 Clarke 2036 City of Athens; recorder 2/27/57 For: 714 Agn: 2047 Cobb 3020 City of Acworth; new charter 5/4/57 For: 73 Agn: 181 Coffee 2833 City of Douglas 5/29/57 For: 485 Agn: 99 Colquitt 2205 City of Moultrie; corporate limits 3/11/57 For: 25 Agn: 53 Cook 3253 Board of commissioners; elections; districts 5/8/57 For: 227 Agn: 364 Dougherty 2595 City of Albany 5/20/57 For: 325 Agn: 720


Douglas 2358 City of Douglasville; corporate limits 5/3/57 City vote: For: 50 Agn: 53 Affected area: For: 2 Agn: 164 Emanuel 3317 City of Swainsboro; corporate limits 10/14/57 City vote: For: Area 1 and 2 Outside city vote: For: Area 2 Agn: Area 1 Gwinnett 2669 City of Lawrenceville; corporate limits 3/23/57 For: 27 Agn: 4 Hancock 2341 City of Sparta; tax rate Not held Henry 2121 Board of commissioners; elections 4/6/57 For: 784 Agn: 924 Miller 2194 Board of commissioners 4/2/57 Majority vote for $5.00 per meeting Pickens 2332 Town of Jasper; corporate limits 4/17/57 City vote: For: 78 Agn: 12 Outside city vote: For: 15 Agn: 213 Pickens 2400 Town of Jasper; council 4/17/57 For: 75 Agn: 10 Polk 2185 City of Cedartown 5/8/57 For: 656 Agn: 934


Pulaski 3353 City of Hawkinsville 4/30/57 For: 115 Agn: 266 Spalding 2809 City of Griffin 4/30/57 For: 552 Agn: 317 Twiggs 3002 Board of commissioners; elections 5/22/57 For: 156 Agn: 174 Walker 2419 Town of Linwood 4/27/57 For: 71 Agn: 29 Wilkinson 2383 Town of McIntyre 5/25/57 For: 49 Agn: 18


Georgia Laws 1958: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bacon 3378 City of Alma; corporate limits 7/2/58 For: 206 Agn: 197 Baldwin 3302 Board of commissioners; terms; chairman 11/4/58 For: 932 Agn: 717 Barrow 2338 City of Winder; city manager 6/4/58 For: 131 Agn: 229 Bartow 2683 Tax commissioner; creation of office 9/10/58 For: 35 Agn: 1254 Bartow 2866 Certain county officers; compensation 9/10/58 For: 62 Agn: 1356 Brooks 2859 City of Quitman; commissioners 5/27/58 For: 173 Agn: 74 Chatham 2617 Town of Thunderbolt; recorder's court 1/20/59 For: 291 Agn: 115 Chatham 3337 City of Savannah 5/27/58 For: 4024 Agn: 2283 Chattahoochee 2554 Sheriff; compensation 11/4/58 For: 55 Agn: 30 Cherokee 2437 City of Canton; corporate limits 5/7/58 For: 119 Agn: 483 Cherokee 2661 City of Canton; wards 5/7/58 For: 223 Agn: 37 Clayton 3022 City of Mountain View; charter repeal Results not known Clayton 3397 City of Forest Park Results not known Clayton and Fulton 2309 City of College Park 5/19/58 For: 2 Agn: 0

Page CC

Clayton and Fulton 2363 City of College Park 5/14/58 For: 10 Agn: 0 Clayton and Fulton 2721 City of College Park 6/3/58 For: 738 Agn: 340 Clayton and Fulton 2453 City of College Park 5/19/58 For: 2 Agn: 0 Clayton and Fulton 2854 City of College Park 5/14/58 For: 0 Agn: 0 Clayton and Fulton 3212 City of East Point 7/16/58 For: 63 Agn: 28 Colquitt 2441 City of Moultrie; corporate limits 7/14/58 For: 53 Agn: 1 (Area 6) 7/21/58 For: 110 Agn: 79 (Area 7) 7/28/58 For: 31 Agn: 27 (Area 8) DeKalb 3318 City of Chamblee; corporate limits 5/10/58 City area vote: For: 41 Agn: 1 Affected area: For: 91 Agn: 41

Page CCI

Dodge 2207 Board of commissioners; creation 3/18/58 For: 571 Agn: 2997 Early 2829 City of Blakely; corporate limits 8/12/58 For: 59 Agn: 96 Emanuel 3143 City of Swainsboro; corporate limits 10/13/58 Parcel #1-City vote: For: 227 Agn: 15 Outside city: For: 143 Agn: 54 Parcel #2-City vote: For: 229 Agn: 15 Outside city: For: 39 Agn: 40 Parcel #3-City vote: For: 230 Agn: 14 Outside city: For: 24 Agn: 28 Fannin 3353 City of Blue Ridge 5/17/58 For: 162 Agn: 282 Franklin 2644 City of Carnesville; corporate limits 4/22/58 For: 33 Agn: 21 Gordon 2131 City of Calhoun 3/26/58 City vote: For: 234 Agn: 75 County vote: For: 203 Agn: 256


Hall 2279 City of Gainesville; commissioners 4/1/58 For: 925 Agn: 169 Haralson 2820 City of Bremen; education tax Not held Henry 3127 Certain county officers; compensation 5/21/58 For: 346 Agn: 206 Henry 3132 City of Stockbridge; corporate limits 4/30/58 City vote: For: 61 Agn: 75 Outside city: For: 16 Agn: 116 Henry 3198 City of Hampton; corporate limits 4/30/58 City vote: For: 92 Agn: 3 Outside city: For: 37 Agn: 9 Henry 3367 City of McDonough; corporate limits Results not known Jasper 2921 City of Monticello; corporate limits 6/3/58 City vote: For: 147 Agn: 107 Outside city: For: 15 Agn: 50 Jeff Davis 3288 Board of commissioners; creation 4/19/58 For: 1025 Agn: 901 Lowndes 2624 City of Valdosta; city manager 4/14/58 For: 907 Agn: 243


Newton 2269 City of Covington 7/9/58 For: 151 Agn: 460 Polk 2468 Town of Van Wert; charter repeal 9/10/58 For: 7 Agn: 57 Pulaski 2826 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/4/58 For: 222 Agn: 235 Putnam 2980 City of Eatonton 6/11/58 For: 42 Agn: 257 Tift 2696 City of Tifton (two elections held) 4/30/58 City vote: For: 669 Agn: 43 Outside city: For: 333 Agn: 286 Tift 2930 City of Tifton 5/7/58 Results not known Ware 2763 City of Manor 5/17/58 For: 19 Agn: 100 Wilkes 2091 Board of commissioners; election 11/4/58 For: 749 Agn: 98 White 3224 Board of commissioners; creation Not held


Georgia Laws 1959: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 2782 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 4/29/59 For: 79 Agn: 154 Bartow 2793 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 4/29/59 For: 3 Agn: 21 Bartow 2797 City of Adairsville; corporate limits 5/12/59 For: 77 Agn: 120 Bartow 2907 City of White (Sec. 2) (two elections held) 5/16/59 County election, Sec. 2: For: 7 Agn: 36 City election: For: 27 Agn: 45 Bartow 2920 City of Kingston; new charter 5/16/59 For: 49 Agn: 2 Catoosa 2161 Board of commissioners; creation 3/28/59 For: 718 Agn: 2430 Chattooga 2809 City of Summerville; new charter 5/23/59 For: 160 Agn: 462 Cherokee 2494 Certain county officers; compensation 4/4/59 For: 1522 Agn: 509 Clayton and Fulton 2499 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/18/59 For: 14 Agn: 38 Clayton and Fulton 2508 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/18/59 For: 0 Agn: 0 Clayton and Fulton 2516 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/18/59 For: 5 Agn: 0

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Clayton and Fulton 2521 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/18/59 For: 3 Agn: 0 Cobb and Douglas 3142 City of Austell-Parcel #2 8/18/59 For: 7 Agn: 8 Cobb and Douglas 3142 City of Austell-Parcel #3 8/4/59 For: 2 Agn: 11 Cobb and Douglas 3142 City of Austell-Parcel #1 8/25/59 For: 5 Agn: 49 Cobb and Douglas 3142 City of Austell-Parcel #4 8/11/59 For: 14 Agn: 15 Colquitt 2396 City of Norman Park; tax rate 5/25/59 For: 50 Agn: 81 Dougherty 2091 Board of commissioners; membership 4/12/60 For: 755 Agn: 417 Dougherty 3064 City of Albany; corporate limits; wards 6/8/59 For: 1413 Agn: 710 Douglas 2871 City of Lithia Springs; incorporation 4/8/59 For: 241 Agn: 569 Elbert 2627 Board of commissioners 4/8/59 For: 804 Agn: 436 Elbert 2621 Tax commissioner; compensation 4/8/59 For: 1041 Agn: 203 Elbert 2624 Certain county officers; compensation 4/8/59 For: 1014 Agn: 228


Emanuel 2592 City of Twin City 5/4/59 For: 200 Agn: 162 Gwinnett 3161 City of Dacula; new charter 5/9/59 For: 82 Agn: 45 Habersham 2178 City of Cornelia 4/13/59 For: 102 Agn: 91 McDuffie 2568 Certain county officers; compensation 6/30/59 For: 502 Agn: 75 Meriwether and Talbot 2534 City of Manchester 4/1/59 For: 109 Agn: 30 Newton 2780 City of Oxford 5/1/59 For: 30 Agn: 36 Polk 2171 City of Cedartown 5/19/59 City vote: For: 387 Agn: 75 County vote: For: 86 Agn: 291 Polk 2732 Certain county officers; compensation 3/16/60 For: 4388 Agn: 1624 Toombs 2010 Board of commissioners; creation 4/8/59 For: 1510 Agn: 827 Turner 2574 Board of commissioners; membership Not held Union 2053 Board of commissioners; creation 3/17/59 For: 810 Agn: 1629


Georgia Laws 1960: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Banks 3035 Board of commissioners 9/14/60 For: 1197 Agn: 767 Berrien 3301 City of Nashville 11/8/60 For: 466 Agn: 418 Bibb 3223 Macon Bibb County; creation 6/1/60 City vote: For: 4598 Agn: 4288 Outside city vote: For: 1902 Agn: 7368 Payne City vote: For: 37 Agn: 55 Chatham 2273 Town of Thunderbolt; mayor and aldermen; terms 1/17/61 For: 151 Agn: 283 Chattooga 2715 Town of Trion; corporate limits 5/5/60 For: 53 Agn: 25 Clarke 2234 City of Athens; mayor and aldermen; terms 4/13/60 For: 276 Agn: 522 Cobb 2127 City of Smyrna; city manager; mayor Results not known Coweta 3020 City of Newnan; city manager; form of government 4/30/60 For: 320 Agn: 146 Douglas and Cobb 2118 City of Austell; corporate limits 3/26/60 For: 27 Agn: 38 Dodge 2608 Town of Rhine; mayor and council; terms 4/27/60 For: 146 Agn: 4


DeKalb 3158 City of Decatur; commissioners; terms Results not known Emanuel 2360 Board of commissioners; terms 11/8/60 For: 877 Agn: 2080 Evans 2251 City of Claxton; corporate limits 5/5/60 Proposed Area: For: 32 Agn: 62 Within City vote: For: 379 Agn: 107 Franklin 2143 County Commissioner Advisory Board 3/9/60 For: 2296 Agn: 1038 Fulton and Clayton 2849 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/14/60 For: 6 Agn: 0 Fulton and Clayton 2854 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/16/60 For: 21 Agn: 15 Greene 3089 Tax commissioner; compensation 4/28/60 For: 801 Agn: 823 Greene 3093 Certain county officers; compensation 4/28/60 For: 822 Agn: 835 Henry 3297 City of McDonough; corporate limits 5/18/60 Inside City vote: For: 61 Agn: 35 Outside City vote: For: 41 Agn: 83 Houston 2605 Tax commissioner; compensation 11/8/60 For: 4059 Agn: 959 Jefferson 2913 Town of Avera; mayor and council Results not known


Lamar 2294 Certain county officers; compensation 5/11/60 For: 131 Agn: 193 Liberty 2237 Board of commissioners 3/30/60 For: 1096 Agn: 573 Lowndes 3125 City of Valdosta; corporate limits 4/15/60 For: 87 Agn: 656 McIntosh 2888 Clerk of the superior court; compensation Results not known McIntosh 2893 Sheriff; compensation Results not known McIntosh 2899 Tax commissioner; compensation Results not known McIntosh 2904 Ordinary; compensation Results not known Mitchell 2301 City of Camilla; corporate limits 4/27/60 City of Camilla For: 45 Agn: 15 Mitchell County For: 8 Agn: 1 Morgan 2518 Certain county officers; compensation 3/15/60 For: 1894 Agn: 332 Murray 3180 City of Spring Place; ad valorem taxes Not held Polk 2111 City of Cedartown; corporate limits 3/22/60 For: 74 Agn: 50 Pulaski 2991 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 9/14/60 For: 798 Agn: 962 Pulaski 2995 Tax collector; compensation 9/14/60 For: 803 Agn: 952

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Pulaski 2998 Ordinary; compensation 9/14/60 For: 805 Agn: 949 Pulaski 3001 Sheriff; compensation 9/14/60 For: 810 Agn: 953 Pulaski 3009 Tax receiver; compensation 9/14/60 For: 777 Agn: 952 Rabun 2417 City of Clayton; new charter 5/25/60 For: 46 Agn: 160 Rockdale 2028 City of Conyers; commission form of government 3/2/60 For: 134 Agn: 283 Stewart 2051 County commissioner and advisory board 3/16/60 For: 418 Agn: 297 Walton 2056 Certain county officers; compensation 3/9/60 For: 3092 Agn: 918 Walton 2063 Board of commissioners; compensation 3/9/60 For: 2748 Agn: 1117 Walton 2067 Tax commissioner; compensation 3/9/60 For: 3181 Agn: 900 Wayne 2202 Board of commissioners; creation 3/4/60 For: 458 Agn: 1672 Whitfield 2003 County commissioner; compensation 3/2/60 For: 955 Agn: 1042 Whitfield 2007 Certain county officers; compensation 3/2/60 For: 1272 Agn: 746 Whitfield 2019 Tax commissioner; creation 3/2/50 For: 1227 Agn: 806


Georgia Laws 1961: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 2197 City of Baxley 4/18/61 For: 514 Agn: 292 Bartow 2782 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 6/10/61 For: 6 Agn: 44 Bartow 3382 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 6/10/61 For: 29 Agn: 20 Bartow 3469 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 6/10/61 For: 205 Agn: 159 Bibb 2441 City of Macon; corporate limits 5/24/61 City vote: For: 1560 Agn: 445 Outside city vote: For: 12269 Agn: 9037 Carroll 3118 City of Carrollton; mayor and council 5/20/61 For: 267 Agn: 764 Chatham 2969 City of Savannah; corporate limits 5/10/61 City of Savannah: For: 9176 Agn: 1679 Zone No. 1: For: 886 Agn: 759 Zone No. 2: For: 123 Agn: 277 Chatham 3072 Civil Service System of Chatham County 4/20/61 For: 137 Agn: 144 Chattooga 2658 City of Summerville; new charter 5/27/61 For: 338 Agn: 241 Colquitt 3041 City of Moultrie; tax rate Not held Early 2245 City of Blakely; corporate limits 6/13/61 For: 61 Agn: 56


Early 2260 City of Blakely; corporate limits 6/14/61 For: 35 Agn: 56 Forsyth 2252 City of Cumming; corporate limits 4/1/61 City vote: For: 108 Agn: 26 Outside city vote: For: 41 Agn: 142 Gwinnett 2583 City of Norcross; corporate limits 5/20/61 City vote: For: 45 Agn: 25 Outside city vote: For: 21 Agn: 43 Gwinnett 3156 City of Suwanee; new charter 4/29/61 For: 56 Agn: 15 Laurens 2598 City of Dublin; city manager 8/2/61 For: 1077 Agn: 463 Meriwether 2760 City of Manchester; corporate limits 5/3/61 For: 614 Agn: 322 Meriwether 3058 Board of commissioners; districts 5/31/61 For: 860 Agn: 320 Meriwether 3223 County treasurer; abolition of office 5/31/61 For: 680 Agn: 493 Meriwether 3416 Tax commissioner; compensation 5/31/61 For: 940 Agn: 243 Meriwether 3456 Certain county officers; compensation 5/31/61 For: 938 Agn: 254 Monroe 2994 City of Forsyth; mayor; water lines 10/4/61 For: 668 Agn: 245 Murray 3403 City of Spring Place; ad volerem taxes 6/24/61 For: 24 Agn: 19


Pike 2704 City of Zebulon; new charter 5/6/61 For: 52 Agn: 1 Polk 2931 City of Rockmart; corporate limits 12/2/61 See below * * Sumter 3251 City of Americus; new charter 5/9/61 For: 331 Agn: 954 Troup 2650 City of West Point; mayor and aldermen; elections 4/26/61 For: 143 Agn: 224 Result: City of Rockmart For: 669 Agn: 174 Ward 1 For: 22 Agn: 36 Ward 2 For: 0 Agn: 17 Ward 3 For: 0 Agn: 0 Ward 4 For: 6 Agn: 69 Ward 5 For: 0 Agn: 1


Georgia Laws 1962: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bryan 2505 City of Richmond Hill; incorporation 4/4/62 For: 153 Agn: 119 Chatham 2707 Town of Pooler; tax rate 4/26/62 For: 110 Agn: 114 Clarke 2677 City of Athens; corporate limits; wards 5/23/62 For: 643 Agn: 521 Clarke 2751 City of Athens; public transportation system 4/25/62 For: 1228 Agn: 1361 Clayton and Fulton 2592 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/5/62 For: 32 Agn: 37 Clayton and Fulton 2599 City of College Park; mayor and council; elections 6/1/62 For: 214 Agn: 1061 Clayton and Fulton 3084 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/26/62 For: 4 Agn: 160 Columbia 2713 City of Martinez; incorporation 9/12/62 For: 85 Agn: 573 Emanuel 2359 Board of commissioners; districts; elections; terms 11/6/62 For: 450 Agn: 484 Fulton 2473 City of East Point; corporate limits 5/9/62 For: 1 Agn: 3 Fulton 2854 City of East Point; corporate limits 5/9/62 For: 1 Agn: 6 Fulton 2861 City of East Point; corporate limits 5/9/62 For: 6 Agn: 31 Fulton 3130 City of East Point; corporate limits 5/9/62 For: 25 Agn: 22


Gwinnett 2364 Pinball machines 11/6/62 For: 1737 Agn: 638 Henry 2403 Town of Locust Grove; corporate limits 4/25/62 For: 20 Agn: 27 Jackson 2620 City of Jefferson; corporate limits Not held Jackson 2624 City of Commerce; corporate limits 12/5/62 Inside City: For: 385 Agn: 108 Outside City: For: 58 Agn: 237 Laurens 2528 Town of Dudley; name changed to City of Dudley; mayor 3/28/62 For: 29 Agn: 4 Laurens 3052 County treasurer; abolition of office Not held Meriwether 2244 City of Manchester; commissioners 3/28/62 For: 234 Agn: 66 Meriwether 2396 City of Manchester; insurance for employees 3/28/62 For: 251 Agn: 47 Meriwether 2422 City of Manchester; board of commissioners; chairman 3/28/62 For: 224 Agn: 67 Meriwether 2603 City of Manchester; corporate limits 3/28/62 For: 231 Agn: 76 Meriwether 2613 City of Manchester; mayor and council; meetings 3/28/62 For: 227 Agn: 57 Mitchell 2158 City of Camilla; corporate limits 4/24/62 For: 15 Agn: 0 Murray 2576 City of Chatsworth; corporate limits 6/23/62 For: 143 Agn: 183


Muscogee 2164 Columbus-Muscogee Board of Commissioners; creation 4/11/62 Muscogee County: For: 6612 Agn: 9103 City of Columbus: For: 5563 Agn: 6032 Newton 3072 City of Covington; city manager 4/25/62 For: 550 Agn: 167 Oglethorpe 3202 City Court of Lexington; abolition 11/6/62 For: 392 Agn: 180 Putnam 2440 Certain county officers; compensation 11/6/62 For: 626 Agn: 129 Putnam 3048 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/6/62 For: 548 Agn: 184 Terrell 2537 City of Dawson; corporate limits 7/11/62 #1-Defeated #2-Ratified Terrell 3186 City of Dawson Results not known Upson 2074 City of Thomaston 4/3/62 For: 577 Agn: 543 Warren 2981 Clerk of the superior court to attend the court of ordinary 11/6/62 For: 281 Agn: 313 Washington 3038 City of Tennille; corporate limits 5/2/62 In Proposed Area: For: 13 Agn: 44 In City of Tennille: For: 139 Agn: 58 Wayne 3110 Board of commissioners; creation 11/6/62 For: 664 Agn: 449 Wilkinson 2847 Town of McIntyre; corporate limits 4/7/62 For: 70 Agn: 21


Georgia Laws 1963: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baker 2928 Tax collector and tax receiver; compensation 4/25/63 For: 581 Agn: 343 Baldwin 3035 Civil and Criminal Court of Baldwin County 5/28/63 For: 142 Agn: 346 Bartow 2066 Sheriff's deputies and jailers; compensation 4/10/63 For: 721 Agn: 1170 Bartow 2070 Deputy clerk of the superior court; compensation 4/10/63 For: 545 Agn: 1330 Bartow 2074 Clerical help in the office of the ordinary; compensation 4/10/63 For: 666 Agn: 1230 Bartow 2078 County commissioner; clerical help; compensation 4/10/63 For: 532 Agn: 1343 Bartow 2082 Deputy tax commissioner; clerical help; compensation 4/10/63 For: 511 Agn: 1356 Bartow 2086 Sheriff; equipment 4/10/63 For: 714 Agn: 1172 Berrien 2627 City of Enigma; new charter 6/4/63 For: 15 Agn: 0 Bleckley 2382 Tax commissioner; creation of office 6/5/63 For: 209 Agn: 436 Cherokee 2016 City of Canton; corporate limits 5/1/63 For: 45 Agn: 29 Clayton 2723 City of Lovejoy; new charter Not held Clayton 2815 City of Riverdale; mayor and council; wards; city manager Not held Cobb 2781 Board of commissioners; creation 1/8/64 For: 2123 Agn: 4100 Colquitt 2203 City of Moultrie; tax rate Results not known


DeKalb 3457 City of North Atlanta; incorporation 7/11/63 For (1): 508 For (2): 55 For (3): 842 Dougherty 3630 City of Albany; abolition of wards 7/29/63 For: 1034 Agn: 1406 Emanuel 2583 City of Swainsboro; corporate limits 5/13/63 Inside city: For: 243 Agn: 44 Outside city: For: 81 Agn: 41 Fulton 2887 City of East Point; corporate limits Not held Glynn 3249 City of Brunswick; mayor; city manager 10/1/63 For: 798 Agn: 570 Hall 3552 Board of commissioners; membership 9/3/63 For: 1421 Agn: 1571 Henry 2609 Board of commissioners; elections; terms; compensation 5/15/63 For Section 1: 669 For Section 2: 624 Houston 3330 City of Warner Robins 5/7/63 For: 1127 Agn: 776 Irwin 2602 Tax commissioner; creation of office 5/28/63 For: 91 Agn: 279 Jackson 2575 City of Commerce Not held Meriwether 2332 City of Warm Springs; tax rate Not held Muscogee 2731 City of Columbus; form of government 6/5/63 For: 3254 Agn: 1615


Newton 3017 Board of commissioners 5/15/63 For: 333 Agn: 669 Pulaski 3436 Tax commissioner; creation of office 6/18/63 For: 354 Agn: 321 Screven 2835 City of Sylvania; city manager 6/4/63 For: 160 Agn: 79 Talbot 2185 Board of commissioners 5/22/63 For: 239 Agn: 295 Telfair 2482 City of McRae; new charter 5/1/63 For: 130 Agn: 3 Thomas 3402 City of Boston; clerk and treasurer 5/20/63 For: 45 Agn: 126 Thomas 3405 City of Boston; marshal 5/20/63 For: 52 Agn: 127 Turner 2471 County commissioner 4/24/63 For: 249 Agn: 603 Walton 2600 Tax equalization program 7/24/63 For: 1715 Agn: 1838 Ware 2237 Board of commissioners; creation 5/30/63 For: 1727 Agn: 1373 Wilkes 2803 Certain county officers; compensation 5/28/63 For: 1304 Agn: 119 Wilkes 3447 Tax commissioner; compensation 5/28/63 For: 1281 Agn: 130


Georgia Laws 1964: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 2681 Certain county officers; compensation 6/17/64 For: 2543 Agn: 848 Brooks 2776 City of Quitman; commissioners Results not known Chatham 2288 Town of Pooler; taxation; bonds 4/15/64 For: 124 Agn: 61 Cherokee 2351 City of Woodstock; corporate limits Not held Cherokee 2431 City of Canton; corporate limits 4/8/64 For: 174 Agn: 394 Colquitt 2305 City of Moultrie; tax rate for schools 10/20/64 For: 1174 Agn: 613 Cook 2093 Board of commissioners; elections 3/4/64 For: 2003 Agn: 1612 Dodge 2954 City of Empire; new charter 6/2/64 For: 55 Agn: 71 Fulton 2478 City of Union City; repeal of charter 5/8/64 For: 214 Agn: 279 Fulton 2988 City of Alpharetta; corporate limits * * (Repealed by Ga. L. 1964, Ex. Sess., p. 2342) Gwinnett 2733 City of Suwanee; new charter 5/11/64 For: 90 Age: 4 Hancock 2088 Certain county officers; compensation 4/22/64 For: 251 Agn: 64 Harris 2939 Town of Pine Mountain; corporate limits 4/29/64 Inside: For: 61 Agn: 43 Outside: For: 0 Agn: 7


Hart 2028 Board of finance 9/9/64 Question A: 1246 Question B: 873 McDuffie 2095 Board of commissioners 4/1/64 For: 971 Agn: 1720 McDuffie 2104 Tax commissioner; creation of office 4/1/64 For: 985 Agn: 1708 McDuffie 2107 Sheriff and deputies; compensation 4/1/64 For: 982 Agn: 1705 Meriwether 2154 Town of Greenville; ad valorem tax rate Results not known Meriwether 2412 City of Woodbury; ad valorem tax 4/22/64 For: 110 Agn: 30 Monroe 2542 Board of commissioners Not held Murray 2672 County commissioner; compensation 9/9/64 For: 1868 Agn: 1763 Peach 2627 Board of commissioners: 4/29/64 (Three questions) Creation of the board For: 509 Agn: 502 Election of the board by the people For: 692 Selection of the board by the grand jury For: 93 Pickens 2066 County commissioner 3/4/64 For: 1822 Agn: 144 Pickens 2078 City of Jasper 3/21/64 Inside city: For: 43 Agn: 3 Outside city: For: 9 Agn: 0


Thomas 2497 Sheriff; compensation 4/29/64 For: 1685 Agn: 639 Tift 2208 City of Tifton; water and sewer lines 4/22/64 For: 281 Agn: 216 Tift 2361 City of Tifton; commissioners; compensation 4/22/64 For: 136 Agn: 368 Tift 2900 Board of commissioners; membership 5/13/64 For: 1992 Agn: 1290 Tift 3069 Board of commissioners; purchases 5/13/64 For: 2592 Agn: 738 Walker 2014 Ordinary; compensation 2/18/64 For: 4695 Agn: 285 Walker 2018 Tax commissioner; creation of office 2/18/64 For: 4673 Agn: 251 Walker 2024 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 2/18/64 For: 4655 Agn: 298 Walker 2643 Fire prevention districts 2/15/65 For: 246 Agn: 41 Fire district commissioners 3/22/65 For 3 member board 81 votes for each candidate Ware 2455 Tax commissioner; creation of office Not held Whitfield 2175 Board of commissioners; creation 3/20/64 For: 3817 Agn: 2807 Wilkinson 2314 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/3/64 For: 933 Agn: 863


Georgia Laws 1964, Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baker 2096 Sheriff; compensation 7/15/64 For: 464 Agn: 529 Barrow 2347 City of Winder; mayor; terms 9/9/64 For: 507 Agn: 372 Cobb 2075 Board of commissioners 7/8/64 For: 7297 Agn: 2791 Cobb 2179 City of Elizabeth; new charter Results not known Dooly 2052 City of Byromville; corporate limits Not held Fulton 2342 City of Alpharetta; corporate limits 8/22/64 For: 57 Agn: 104 Troup 2256 City of Hogansville; tax for school purposes 9/2/64 For: 200 Agn: 410 Troup 2350 Small Claims and Committal Court of LaGrange; creation Results not known Worth 2116 City of Sylvester; new charter 12/2/64 For: 216 Agn: 32


Georgia Laws 1965: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 3142 Certain county officials and employees; compensation 11/8/66 For: 589 Agn: 556 Appling 3361 Board of commissioners; annual audit 11/8/66 For: 733 Agn: 326 Baldwin 2306 City of Milledgeville; mayor; terms 6/2/65 For: 544 Agn: 462 Baldwin 2316 Board of commissioners; elections 4/7/65 For: 801 Agn: 1878 Brooks 3226 City of Quitman; commissioners Results not known Chatham 3181 Isle of Hope Water, Fire, Sanitation, and Sewerage District Results not known Crisp 2167 City of Cordele; form of government 4/28/65 For: 828 Agn: 1198 Decatur 2819 City of Bainbridge; city manager 4/7/65 For: 1148 Agn: 688 Decatur 3245 Small Claims Court of Decatur County; creation 6/16/65 For: 447 Agn: 472 Dooly 2582 City of Unadilla; corporate limits 7/20/65 For: 56 Agn: 115 Echols 3160 City of Statenville; new charter 7/14/65 For: 72 Agn: 75 Fulton and Clayton 3391 City of College Park; corporate limits 4/30/66 * * Sec. 1 For: 3 Agn: 67 Sec. 5 For: 8 Agn: 43 Sec. 2 For: 0 Agn: 7 Sec. 6 For: 5 Agn: 12 Sec. 3 For: 0 Agn: 12 Sec. 7 For: 6 Agn: 31 Sec. 4 For: 0 Agn: 6


Habersham 2727 City of Cornelia 5/12/65 For: 92 Agn: 123 Houston 2650 City Court of Warner Robins; creation 6/22/65 For: 1847 Agn: 1657 Jackson 3408 City of Jefferson; corporate limits Results not known Liberty 3342 Town of Allenhurst; incorporation 5/10/65 For: 51 Agn: 0 Madison 3068 Certain county officers; compensation 6/16/65 Effective date: For 1/1/66: 1384 For 1/1/67: 422 McDuffie 2480 Coroner; compensation 5/12/65 For: 105 Agn: 58 Putnam 2862 Board of commissioners; compensation 6/16/65 For: 183 Agn: 199 Thomas 2680 Fire protection districts; creation 6/16/65 Fire Dist. No. 1 For: 226 Agn: 49 Fire Dist. No. 2 For: 116 Agn: 46 Fire Dist. No. 3 For: 364 Agn: 535 Tift 2541 Ordinary; compensation * * Each of these Acts has an effective date of January 1, 1966. 6/16/65 For: 953 Agn: 353 Tift 2608 Clerk of the superior court; compensation * 6/16/65 For: 952 Agn: 381 Tift 2705 Tax commissioner; compensation * 6/16/65 For: 943 Agn: 381


Georgia Laws 1966: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 2754 Board of commissioners; elections 11/8/66 For: 728 Agn: 479 Atkinson 2107 County Court of Atkinson County; abolition 11/8/66 For: 1004 Agn: 704 Bartow 2144 City of Adairsville; mayor and council; compensation 4/2/66 For: 167 Agn: 48 Bartow 2454 City of Adairsville; corporate limits 4/2/66 For: 210 Agn: 105 Bryan 2466 City Court of Pembroke; abolition 9/14/66 For: 368 Agn: 1148 Bulloch 2316 City of Statesboro; mayor and council; terms 11/8/66 For: 265 Agn: 183 Fulton and DeKalb 3337 City of Atlanta; corporate limits 5/11/66 Sandy Springs: For: 2504 Agn: 5173 Adamsville: For: 198 Agn: 151 Floyd 3129 Floyd School District: creation 4/12/66 For: 1459 Agn: 3759 Habersham 2404 City of Cornelia; city manager; compensation 4/27/66 For: 150 Agn: 115 Habersham 2625 City of Cornelia; commission: compensation 4/27/66 For: 149 Agn: 114 Habersham 3102 City of Cornelia; eminent domain outside corporate limits 4/27/66 For: 144 Agn: 118 Habersham 3144 City of Cornelia; mayor and commission; elections 4/27/66 For: 157 Agn: 105 Hall 3305 Board of commissioners; membership; districts; elections 11/8/66 For: 4842 Agn: 4335


Irwin 2472 Tax commissioners; creation of office 4/27/66 For: 184 Agn: 387 Jackson 3025 City of Jefferson; corporate limits Not held Jeff Davis 2352 City of Denton; incorporation 4/6/66 For: 162 Agn: 58 Meriwether 2266 Certain county officers; compensation 11/8/66 For: 1495 Agn: 2994 Meriwether 2521 Town of Luthersville; corporate limits 5/7/66 For: 40 Agn: 19 Meriwether 3318 City of Woodbury; mayor and council; elections; compensation 5/11/66 For: 27 Agn: 6 Meriwether 3403 City of Greenville; corporate limits 5/4/66 For: 24 Agn: 19 Miller 2867 City of Colquitt; corporate limits Not held Miller 3372 Small Claims Court of Miller County; creation 5/4/66 For: 180 Agn: 153 Pike 3170 City of Zebulon; corporate limits 4/30/66 For: 89 Agn: 14 Stephens 2628 Board of commissioners; terms 11/8/66 For: 1443 Agn: 1554 Wayne 3099 City of Jesup; corporate limits 5/25/66 For: 1083 Agn: 603


Georgia Laws 1967: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Banks 2538 County board of education 6/28/67 For: 333 Agn: 219 Banks and Habersham 2610 Town of Baldwin; mayor Not held Barrow 3326 City of Statham; new charter 5/19/67 For: 185 Agn: 93 Ben Hill 2987 City of Fitzgerald; board of education 6/13/67 For: 179 Agn: 507 Bulloch 3483 City of Statesboro; corporate limits 7/28/67 For: 490 Agn: 111 Bulloch 2997 Town of Brooklet; mayor and council; terms 9/1/67 For: 33 Agn: 3 Catoosa 2207 Board of commissioners; creation 4/15/67 For: 1139 Agn: 3373 Catoosa 2225 County board of education; membership; elections 4/15/67 For: 1426 Agn: 2993 Chattahoochee 2530 County board of education; terms Not held Clarke 2929 County board of education; membership 6/7/67 For: 663 Agn: 570 Clarke 3215 County school district taxes Not held Cook 2507 County board of education; members; elections 8/16/67 For: 584 Agn: 135 Crisp 2691 County board of education; members; elections 9/14/67 For: 266 Agn: 32 Dooly 2467 City of Vienna; corporate limits 6/20/67 For: 12 Agn: 9


Dooly 2922 County board of education 6/20/67 For: 807 Agn: 173 Echols 3491 City of Statenville; new charter 5/15/67 For: 62 Agn: 106 Floyd 2163 City of Rome; corporate limits 4/26/67 For: 333 Agn: 794 Gordon 2898 Fire protection services; districts 6/21/67 For: 286 Agn: 111 Henry 2595 City of Stockbridge; corporate limits 5/13/67 Inside city: For: 101 Agn: 87 Outside city: For: 43 Agn: 475 Houston 2606 City of Warner Robins; corporate limits 4/25/67 For: 2292 Agn: 680 Houston 3241 County school superintendent; appointment 11/7/67 For: 1001 Agn: 2317 Houston 3244 County board of education; election; membership 11/7/67 For: 2559 Agn: 757 Lowndes 2118 Town of Dasher; incorporation 4/11/67 For: 59 Agn: 5 McDuffie 2169 Sheriff; personnel; compensation; vehicles 4/26/67 For: 1069 Agn: 539 Meriwether 2011 City of Greenville; new charter 4/3/67 For: 41 Agn: 0 Murray 2458 City of Chatsworth; corporate limits 5/31/67 For: 154 Agn: 19 Newton 2405 County board of education 5/3/67 For: 1258 Agn: 598


Newton 2784 Board of commissioners 5/3/67 For: 1301 Agn: 540 Pike 2448 Tax commissioner; creation of office 9/6/67 For: 454 Agn: 52 Pike 3152 County board of education; membership; elections 9/6/67 For: 441 Agn: 65 Polk 2718 County board of education; members; terms 11/5/68 For: 3306 Agn: 1245 Pulaski 3463 Pulaski County/City of Hawkinsville; school systems; merger 11/7/67 Pulaski County: For: 249 Agn: 482 City of Hawkinsville: For: 466 Agn: 236 Randolph 2243 Tax commissioner; compensation 4/26/67 Proposition #1: For: 1109 Proposition #2: For: 782 Stephens 3005 County board of education 5/2/67 For: 709 Agn: 1016 Stewart 3227 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 11/5/68 For: 1097 Agn: 88 Thomas 2115 City of Thomasville; taxation for schools 3/28/67 For: 841 Agn: 398 Turner 2694 City of Sycamore; corporate limits 5/26/67 For: 162 Agn: 51 Union 3064 Sheriff; compensation 6/28/67 For: 235 Agn: 790 Whitfield 2277 City of Dalton; mayor and council; terms; elections 4/19/67 For: 516 Agn: 607


Georgia Laws 1968: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Atkinson 2882 Board of commissioners; membership; chairman 4/17/68 For: 591 Agn: 216 Bacon 3542 Tax commissioner; creation of office 6/11/68 For: 400 Agn: 321 Banks Habersham 2400 Town of Baldwin; mayor; term Results not known Berrien 2241 Board of commissioners Not held Bibb 2835 County board of education and orphanage 11/5/68 For: 14736 Agn: 7193 Bleckley 2278 City of Cochran; corporate limits 6/19/68 For: 351 Agn: 781 Candler 2446 County board of education; creation of new board 5/7/68 For: 296 Agn: 467 Carroll 2256 County school superintendent; appointment 4/24/68 For: 250 Agn: 1341 Carroll 2841 County board of education; election 4/24/68 For: 547 Agn: 1087 Charlton 2342 City of Folkston; corporate limits 9/11/68 For: 118 Agn: 145 Charlton 2984 City of Homeland; new charter Results not known Chatham 2636 Board of Education of the City of Savannah and Chatham County 11/5/68 For: 11874 Agn: 11276 Chattahoochee 2717 County board of education; terms 7/12/68 For: 4 Agn: 20 Cherokee 3751 County board of education; districts 11/5/68 For: 2042 Agn: 1755


Coffee 2177 County board of education; creation of new board 4/24/68 For: 546 Agn: 1101 Coffee 2181 Board of commissioners; creation 4/24/68 For: 508 Agn: 1100 Colquitt 2130 City of Moultrie 4/23/68 For: 540 Agn: 715 Columbia 2708 County board of education; election 9/11/68 For: 2048 Agn: 320 Decatur 2565 County board of education; election 5/1/68 For: 971 Agn: 1104 Decatur 2756 City of Bainbridge; aldermen 6/5/68 For: 292 Agn: 137 Douglas 2262 County school superintendent; appointment 5/21/68 For: 189 Agn: 1025 Douglas 3764 County board of education; election; membership 5/21/68 For: 498 Agn: 686 Echols 3514 County board of education; election; membership 11/5/68 For: 457 Agn: 38 Emanuel 2487 County board of education; election; membership 4/24/68 For: 405 Agn: 633 Evans 3722 City of Daisy; new charter Results not known Glynn 2914 Brunswick-Glynn County Charter Commission; creation 10/14/69 For: 2846 Agn: 6761 Gordon 2030 Board of commissioners; creation 5/15/68 For: 723 Agn: 1212 Grady 2120 County board of education; creation of new board 5/14/68 For: 2249 Agn: 717 Gwinnett 2003 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 4/10/68 Part I: 4315 Part II: 1413


Henry 3375 Board of commissioners; elections 5/28/68 For: 756 Agn: 1272 Irwin 2822 Tax commissioner; creation of office 5/28/68 For: 191 Agn: 547 Jefferson 3421 County board of education; membership 11/5/68 For: 3029 Agn: 1420 Jenkins 2960 Board of commissioners; membership 6/10/68 For: 559 Agn: 179 Jenkins 2965 County board of education; creation of new board 6/10/68 For: 448 Agn: 298 Macon 2663 Tax commissioner; creation of office 5/1/68 For: 189 Agn: 261 Miller 2529 County board of education; election 5/14/68 For: 667 Agn: 345 Paulding 2381 County board of education; election 7/3/68 For: 233 Agn: 19 Pierce 2761 County board of education; election 11/5/68 For: 812 Agn: 1377 Rabun 2272 Board of commissioners; creation of board 4/9/68 For: 1205 Agn: 1144 Sumter 2065 County board of education; election 5/21/68 For: 626 Agn: 483 Tift 2023 City of Tifton; commissioners 4/3/68 For: 408 Agn: 310 Toombs 3424 County board of education; election 5/29/68 For: 65 Agn: 772 Walker 2152 City of Lookout Mountain; incorporation 5/9/68 For: 299 Agn: 252 Walker 2235 County board of education; election 5/9/68 For: 1155 Agn: 887


Walton 2974 County board of education 6/18/68 For: 1709 Agn: 265 Wayne 3361 County board of education; elections 9/11/68 For: 1140 Agn: 614 Whitfield 3065 City of Varnell; incorporation 5/23/68 For: 41 Agn: 5 Wilkes 3462 Town of Rayle; incorporation 5/17/68 For: 43 Agn: 4 Georgia Laws 1969: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 2929 City of Cartersville; new charter 6/19/69 For: 180 Agn: 277 Bibb 3331 Board of elections; creation 9/17/69 Inside city limits: For: 5892 Agn: 2086 Outside city limits: For: 514 Agn: 295 Butts 2456 County board of education; creation of new board 5/22/69 For: 422 Agn: 566 Camden 3543 Tax commissioner; creation of office Not held Candler 2230 City of Metter; corporate limits 5/6/69 For: 326 Agn: 86 Charlton 2665 County board of education; election 7/15/69 For: 143 Agn: 287


Chatham 2584 City of Garden City; corporate limits Results not known Cherokee 2829 County board of education and school superintendent 6/17/69 Section 1: For: 1600 Agn: 718 Section 2: For: 624 Agn: 1657 Clarke 3028 County board of education; creation of new board 7/15/69 For: 1722 Agn: 1738 Cobb 2475 County board of education; districts 5/14/69 For: 773 Agn: 179 Colquitt 2559 County board of education; creation of new board 6/4/69 For: 1071 Agn: 1265 Coweta 2784 City of Newnan; corporate limits 7/2/69 For: 113 Agn: 584 Crisp 3806 City of Cordele; new charter 6/18/69 For: 299 Agn: 245 DeKalb 2501 City of Doraville; corporate limits 5/24/69 Tract No. 1: For: 15 Agn: 130 Tract No. 2: For: 40 Agn: 103 Effingham 3964 City of Guyton; corporate limits 6/4/69 For: 128 Agn: 179 Fannin 2637 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/3/70 For: 1399 Agn: 1396 Fannin 2641 Board of commissioners; creation 11/3/70 For: 1419 Agn: 1376


Fulton 4098 City of Fairburn; corporate limits 7/28/69 Sec. 1-Vickers Rd. For: 3 Agn: 2 Sec. 2-Bohannon Rd. For: 8 Agn: 1 Gwinnett 2223960 City of Lawrenceville; corporate limits 5/21/69 Inside city limits: For: 289 Agn: 127 Outside city limits: For: 22 Agn: 198 Gilmer 2606 City of Ellijay; corporate limits 6/25/69 For: 139 Agn: 288 Hall 2346 City of Murrayville; incorporation 6/11/69 For: 81 Agn: 104 Houston 3647 City of Warner Robins; form of government 6/17/69 For: 1512 Agn: 2064 Houston 3920 City of Warner Robins; corporate limits 10/14/69 City vote: For: 2134 Agn: 694 County vote: For: 38 Agn: 205 Houston 3927 City of Warner Robins; mayor and council; compensation Results not known Jackson 2987 City of Jefferson; corporate limits; wards 7/21/69 For: 88 Agn: 171 Laurens 2270 City of Dublin; corporate limits 5/28/69 For: 121 Agn: 106 Lincoln 3352 County treasurer; compensation; abolition of office 11/3/70 For: 601 Agn: 742


Muscogee 3356 City of Columbus; corporate limits 6/25/69 For: 15707 Agn: 7761 Muscogee 3571 Muscogee County Charter Commission; creation 5/27/70 City of Columbus: For: 12379 Agn: 2778 Muscogee County: For: 12508 Agn: 2989 Pickens 3066 County school superintendent; appointment 7/2/69 For: 52 Agn: 885 Putnam 2670 Sheriff; compensation 6/12/69 For: 282 Agn: 409 Putnam 3126 Tax commissioner; compensation Not held Putnam 3130 Ordinary; compensation 6/12/69 For: 372 Agn: 328 Putnam 3594 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 6/12/69 For: 283 Agn: 408 Putnam 3598 Board of commissioners; compensation 6/12/69 For: 218 Agn: 470 Putnam 3900 Coroner; compensation 6/12/69 For: 290 Agn: 403 Pulaski 3915 City of Hawkinsville; corporate limits 10/14/69 City of Hawkinsville: For: 271 Agn: 82 Pulaski County: For: 35 Agn: 162 Spalding 3687 Small Claims Court of Spalding County; creation 7/29/69 For: 795 Agn: 447


Seminole 2590 Small Claims Court of Seminole County; creation 6/4/69 For: 221 Agn: 175 Stewart 2264 County board of education; election 5/14/69 For: 91 Agn: 12 Telfair 3641 County board of education; membership 8/26/69 For: 277 Agn: 437 Thomas 3562 Town of Meigs; corporate limits Not held Tift 2674 City of Tifton; corporate limits 6/25/69 City area: For: 645 Agn: 578 Proposed area: For: 433 Agn: 499 Toombs 3241 City of Lyons; corporate limits 6/25/69 For: 3 Agn: 0 Toombs 3244 City of Lyons; corporate limits 6/25/69 For: 2 Agn: 34 Washington 2467 City of Sandersville Results not known Whitfield 2529 City of Cohutta; incorporation 5/28/69 For: 84 Agn: 11 Walker 4014 City of Rossville; new charter 7/5/69 For: 118 Agn: 293


Georgia Laws 1970: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 2951 County board of education; membership 11/3/70 For: 2525 Agn: 1630 Banks and Jackson 3000 Town of Maysville; mayor and aldermen; terms 6/10/70 For: 57 Agn: 51 Bryan 3191 City of Richmond Hill 5/26/70 For: 84 Agn: 154 Bulloch 2790 County board of education; creation of new board 6/10/70 For: 903 Agn: 698 Calhoun 2361 Sheriff and personnel; compensation 4/23/70 For: 121 Agn: 120 Camden 3278 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/3/70 For: 648 Agn: 476 Carroll 2856 City of Temple; corporate limits Results not known Carroll 3362 Town of Bowdon; corporate limits 5/20/70 For: 49 Agn: 114 Charlton 3270 County board of education; election 5/19/70 For: 293 Agn: 307 Charlton 3274 Board of commissioners; membership; elections 5/19/70 For: 272 Agn: 328 Chatham 2018 Town of Thunderbolt; vacancies 4/14/70 For: 306 Agn: 29 Chatham 2080 City of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island; new charter 4/6/70 For: 339 Agn: 205 Clarke 2985 County school district tax 11/3/70 For: 9185 Agn: 3707 Coffee 2441 County board of education; creation of new board 4/30/70 For: 1469 Agn: 1409


Colquitt 2579 Board of commissioners; districts 5/19/70 For: 1285 Agn: 773 Colquitt 2582 County board of education; districts 5/19/70 For: 1463 Agn: 595 Elbert 2321 County treasurer; office abolished 11/3/70 For: 1589 Agn: 1228 Emanuel 2150 County school superintendent; appointment 4/7/70 For: 383 Agn: 1701 Emanuel 2153 County board of education 4/7/70 Proposal #1: 1389 Proposal #2: 539 Proposal #3: 173 Gordon 2657 County board of education; creation of new board 9/9/70 For: 1798 Agn: 868 Habersham 3091 City of Cornelia; fire protection outside city 5/20/70 For: 166 Agn: 42 Habersham 3094 City of Cornelia; mayor and commissioners; terms 5/20/70 For: 121 Agn: 88 Houston 2965 County board of education; districts 5/12/70 For: 1682 Agn: 1073 Jackson 3407 City of Commerce; elections Results not known Jackson 3414 City of Commerce; board of education Results not known Lanier 2709 County board of education; creation of new board 11/3/70 For election: 289 For appointment: 240 Liberty 2053 City of Hinesville; corporate limits 3/26/70 For: 520 Agn: 402


Meriwether 3039 City of Woodbury; corporate limits 5/12/70 Inside city: For: 83 Agn: 60 Outside city: For: 3 Agn: 32 Mitchell 2239 County board of education; election 6/16/70 For: 482 Agn: 156 Mitchell 2632 County school superintendent; appointment 6/16/70 For: 287 Agn: 350 Monroe 3030 County board of education; membership 11/3/70 For: 815 Agn: 503 Murray 2365 City of Chatsworth; new charter 5/9/70 For: 133 Agn: 260 Peach 2647 County board of education; membership; districts 6/10/70 For: 544 Agn: 198 Pulaski 2880 Fire protection district 5/19/70 For: 142 Agn: 140 Spalding 2651 City of Griffin; board of commissioners 11/3/70 For: 2117 Agn: 1510 Stephens 2643 Board of commissioners; membership; terms; elections 5/5/70 For: 822 Agn: 1743 Stephens 2436 County board of education; election of members 5/5/70 For: 1136 Agn: 1466 Tattnall 2033 City of Glennville; corporate limits 3/24/70 For: 269 Agn: 123 Thomas 3369 Board of commissioners 5/26/70 For: 920 Agn: 2460


Troup and Harris 3476 City of West Point; corporate limits 5/27/70 Troup County: For: 11 Agn: 0 Harris County: For: 15 Agn: 0 City of West Point: For: 83 Agn: 3 Walton 2292 City of Social Circle; corporate limits Results not known Wayne 2067 City of Jesup; corporate limits Not held Wayne 3251 Wayne County Hospital Authority 11/3/70 For: 807 Agn: 1113 Washington 3104 County board of education; membership 6/3/70 For: 439 Agn: 537


Georgia Laws 1971: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Berrien 3044 County board of education; creation of new board 5/19/71 For: 395 Agn: 219 Bibb 3926 County board of education and orphanage; membership 11/2/71* *Ga.L. 1971, Ex. Sess., p. 2136 supersedes this Act Bleckley 3995 City of Cochran; tax levy for schools 7/21/71 For: 115 Agn: 289 Brooks 2892 County board of education; compensation 6/9/71 For: 215 Agn: 526 Brooks 3278 City of Quitman; commissioners 6/15/71 For: 82 Agn: 259 Burke 3328 City of Waynesboro; new charter 6/15/71 For: 74 Agn: 16 Butts 3762 County board of education; members' residency Not held Clarke 2042 Consolidation of city and county governments; Athens-Clarke County Charter Commission 5/24/72 County vote: For: 1707 Agn: 2369 City vote: For: 3263 Agn: 2961 Clarke 2691 County board of education; creation of new board Not held Coweta 2003 City of Newnan; Water, Sewerage, and Light Commission 5/12/71 For: 335 Agn: 1427 Decatur 2649 County board of education; membership 4/29/71 For: 766 Agn: 496 Decatur 2667 Small Claims Court of Decatur County; creation 4/29/71 For: 713 Agn: 547 Gilmer 3471 County board of education; elections 6/16/71 For: 107 Agn: 90


Glynn 3550 City of Brunswick; commissioners 6/15/71 For: 102 Agn: 266 Grady 2967 County school superintendent; appointment 7/20/71 For: 625 Agn: 1049 Gwinnett 3613 City of Duluth; corporate limits 6/7/71 For: 1 Agn: 35 Gwinnett 4042 City of Duluth; corporate limits 6/7/71 For: 1 Agn: 46 Gwinnett 4047 City of Duluth; corporate limits 6/7/71 For: 6 Agn: 73 Harris 2804 City of Shiloh Not held Heard 2029 County commissioner; creation of office 5/19/71 For: 675 Agn: 713 Houston 3580 City of Warner Robins; corporate limits 2/29/72 For: 694 Agn: 734 Jones 3396 County board of education; creation of new board 5/26/71 For: 656 Agn: 543 Lamar 2710 County board of education and school superintendent 5/14/71 For: 999 Agn: 540 Lee 3976 City of Leesburg; corporate limits 7/6/71 Present city limits: For: 14 Agn: 72 Proposed city limits: For: 1 Agn: 14 Mitchell 2017 City of Pelham; board of education 4/21/71 For: 408 Agn: 26 Monroe 3071 Board of commissioners; compensation 11/7/72 For: 540 Agn: 1319


Monroe 3381 Board of commissioners; terms 11/7/72 For: 572 Agn: 1324 Murray 2120 County board of education; elections Not held Newton 2881 County board of education; elections 6/16/71 For: 285 Agn: 137 Pierce 2492 Ordinary; salary 11/7/72 For: 768 Agn: 540 Pierce 2496 Sheriff; personnel; compensation 11/7/72 For: 813 Agn: 477 Pierce 2888 Board of commissioners; chairman; compensation 11/7/72 For: 683 Agn: 642 Pike 3686 City of Zebulon; councilmen; terms 6/19/71 For: 52 Agn: 23 Polk 3708 City of Rockmart; city taxes 10/2/71 For: 586 Agn: 254 Polk 3770 City of Aragon; new charter 6/2/71 For: 133 Agn: 85 Richmond 2123 Richmond County/City of Augusta; unified government 5/25/71 Richmond County: For: 5834 Agn: 10779 City of Augusta: For: 6415 Agn: 6481 Stephens 3118 County board of education and school superintendent 6/22/71 For: 1403 Agn: 1855 Telfair 3448 Board of commissioners; creation 7/20/71 For: 441 Agn: 700 Tift 2722 County board of education; terms 6/9/71 For: 1430 Agn: 404


Tift 2795 Board of commissioners; chairman 6/9/71 For: 1663 Agn: 273 Turner 2021 Sheriff; personnel 4/27/71 For: 427 Agn: 915 Wayne 2678 Sheriff and clerk of the superior court; compensation 11/7/72 Section 1: For: 1324 Agn: 931 Section 2: For: 1456 Agn: 898 Wayne 2715 County board of education; membership 8/8/72 For: 403 Agn: 1730


Georgia Laws 1971, Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bibb 2136 Board of public education and orphanage 11/2/71 For: 10399 Agn: 4022 DeKalb 2154 City of Doraville; new charter 12/1/71 For: 441 Agn: 127 Haralson 2200 County board of education; creation of new board 1/12/72 For: 284 Agn: 1043 Georgia Laws 1972: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 2615 Small Claims Court of Appling County; creation 8/8/72 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. For: 1309 Agn: 708 Baldwin 3325 County board of education; election 11/7/72 * For: 2708 Agn: 2010 Baldwin 3685 City of Milledgeville; corporate limits 6/28/72 Sec. 1, Area 1 For: 3 Agn: 10 Sec. 2, Area 2 For: 13 Agn: 65 Sec. 3, Area 3 For: 1 Agn: 50 Sec. 4, Area 4 For: 30 Agn: 78 Sec. 5, Area 6 For: 35 Agn: 155 Sec. 6, Area 7 For: 16 Agn: 20 Bibb 2211 City of Macon-Bibb County Government; consolidation 5/17/72 ** ** Brantley 3141 Board of commissioners 8/8/72 * For: 1387 Agn: 921 Brantley 3144 County officers; salaries 8/8/72 * For: 940 Agn: 1377 Inside Macon For: Agn: City of Macon-Bibb 9578 12101 City of Macon-Jones 3 3 9581 12104 Bibb County For: Agn: City of Macon-Bibb 9578 12101 Outside city limits 597 3395 Payne City 2 35 10177 15531


Brantley 3145 Deputy sheriff; compensation 8/8/72* For: 1262 Agn: 1059 Brantley 3147 Certain county officers; personnel; compensation 8/8/72* For: 1220 Agn: 983 Brantley 3148 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 8/8/72* For: 841 Agn: 1396 Brantley 3710 City of Nahunta 12/5/73 Results not known Camden 3138 Certain county officers; compensation 8/8/72* Demo. For: 701 Agn: 1109 Rep. For: 0 Agn: 1 Camden 3705 Board of commissioners; membership; districts 8/8/72* Demo. For: 679 Agn: 1070 Rep. For: 1 Agn: 0 Camden 3714 Tax commissioner; compensation 8/8/72* Demo. For: 654 Agn: 1114 Rep. For: 0 Agn: 1 Camden 3717 County board of education; membership 8/8/72* Demo. For: 683 Agn: 1050 Rep. For: 1 Agn: 0


Camden 3770 Small Claims Court of Camden County; creation 8/8/72* Demo. For: 926 Agn: 801 Rep. For: 1 Agn: 0 Chatham 3019 Savannah-Chatham County Government; unification 4/10/73 City of Savannah Not held *** *** Ga. L. 1973, p. 2268 changed the date of the election. Chatham County Chatham 3098 Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education; districts 5/9/72 For: 20074 Agn: 7595 Chatham 3116 Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education; districts 5/9/72 For: 8296 Agn: 19097 Chattooga 2043 State Court of Chattooga County; abolition 8/8/72* Demo. For: 2455 Agn: 2274 Rep. For: 2 Agn: 2 Decatur 3288 Board of commissioners; membership; elections 5/23/72 For: 668 Agn: 2687 Dodge 2329 City of Eastman; city manager; abolition of office 4/27/72 For: 474 Agn: 1117 Dodge 3339 County board of education; membership 8/8/72* For: 914 Agn: 858 Douglas 3997 County board of education; elections 5/16/72 For: 400 Agn: 620 Elbert 2479 Board of commissioners; chairman 8/8/72* For: 1583 Agn: 3036 Fayette 3438 Board of commissioners; terms 11/7/72* For: 668 Agn: 3138

Page CCL

Fayette 3435 County treasurer; abolition of office 11/7/72* For: 1499 Agn: 2210 Floyd 3300 State Court of Floyd County; abolition 11/7/72* For: 6911 Agn: 4674 Forsyth 2065 Board of commissioners 4/19/72 For: 551 Agn: 386 Gwinnett 4058 County board of education; districts; compensation 5/17/72 For: 989 Agn: 924 Habersham 2382 City of Demorest; mayor Results not known Harris 3468 Board of commissioners; membership 8/8/72* For: 1410 Agn: 616 Heard 2113 Board of commissioners; districts 5/3/72 For: 756 Agn: 732 Henry 2090 State Court of Henry County; creation 4/19/72 For: 570 Agn: 1943 Henry 2104 Board of commissioners 4/19/72 For: 407 Agn: 2070 Houston 2399 County board of education; compensation 8/8/72* For: 2853 Agn: 6462 Jeff Davis 2760 County board of education; election 8/8/72* For: 829 Agn: 511 Laurens 4099 County board of education; vacancies 8/8/72* For: 3185 Agn: 1103 Lowndes 2696 Ordinary; compensation 11/7/72* For: 3533 Agn: 1995 Lowndes 2701 Tax commissioner; compensation 11/7/72* For: 3622 Agn: 1885


Lowndes 2706 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 11/7/72* For: 3463 Agn: 2254 McDuffie 2538 County board of education; creation of new board 6/8/72 For: 305 Agn: 61 McIntosh 2849 City of Darien; corporate limits 6/16/72 City of Darien: For: 86 Agn: 62 Dist. No. 271: For: 7 Agn: 73 Total: For: 93 Agn: 135 McIntosh 2852 City of Darien; mayor and council; terms 11/7/72* Not held Macon 2322 Board of commissioners; membership 4/26/72 For: 608 Agn: 882 Madison 2547 County board of education; election 11/7/72* For: 1060 Agn: 1785 Madison 2972 County school superintendent; appointment 11/7/72* For: 921 Agn: 2145 Peach 3212 County school superintendent; appointment 5/17/72 For: 688 Agn: 2648 Peach 3910 City of Fort Valley; utilities commission 6/14/72 For: 440 Agn: 1351 Pike 3003 County board of education; election 5/16/72 For: 402 Agn: 142 Pulaski 3244 Board of commissioners; creation of board 5/23/72 For: 399 Agn: 939 Putnam 2678 County board of education; elections 8/8/72* For: 1262 Agn: 831


Putnam 3833 City of Eatonton; corporate limits 6/13/72 For: 118 Agn: 28 Spalding 2418 Griffin-Spalding County Board of Education; elections 5/30/72 For: 452 Agn: 121 Telfair 4102 County board of education; membership 6/20/72 For: 564 Agn: 365 Thomas 3343 Board of commissioners; creation 5/16/72 For: 1885 Agn: 3278 Tift 2908 City of Tifton; elections 5/3/72 For: 247 Agn: 498 Treutlen 2340 County board of education; terms 5/9/72 For: 688 Agn: 233 Treutlen 2345 Board of commissioners; elections 5/9/72 For: 715 Agn: 221 Walker 2647 County board of education; elections 11/7/72 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. For: 6373 Agn: 2129 Walton 3006 City of Social Circle; corporate limits 5/31/72 For: 51 Agn: 49 Whitfield 4017 City of Tunnel Hill; new charter 5/16/72 For: 114 Agn: 159 Wilcox 2495 County school superintendent; appointment 5/10/72 For: 177 Agn: 1042 Wilkinson 3312 County school superintendent; appointment 11/7/72 * For: 348 Agn: 901 Wilkinson 3333 County board of education; creation of new board 11/7/72 * For: 654 Agn: 608


Georgia Laws 1973: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 3569 County board of education; compensation 8/13/74 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. Yes: 791 No: 1033 Appling *** *** The results of this election were certified to the Office of the Secretary of State in error and have appeared incorrectly in Ga. L. 1974-1977. An amended return was certified to the Office of the Secretary of State on May 3, 1978, and the corrected results are listed above. 3677 City of Baxley; corporate limits 9/29/73 Yes: 45 No: 588 Brantley 3631 City of Nahunta Results not known Chatham 2268 Savannah-Chatham County Government 6/12/73 **** **** Ga. L. 1973, p. 2268 changed the date of the election as set out in Ga. L. 1972, p. 3019. Chatham County: For: 3157 Agn: 6666 City of Savannah: For: 12039 Agn: 4090 Chatham 3693 City of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island; corporate limits 6/2/73 Yes: 21 No: 29 Clarke 2356 City of Athens; merit system 5/31/73 For: 1818 Agn: 1591 Clarke 2367 City of Athens; public transportation system 5/31/73 For: 2430 Agn: 1057 Clarke 2387 City of Athens; corporate limits 5/31/73 For: 648 Agn: 682 Clarke 2467 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 8/14/73 Yes: 1809 No: 1125 Clarke 3374 County board of education; creation of new board 8/13/74 * Not held Cherokee 3207 County board of education; districts 7/17/73 Yes: 412 No: 52 Cook 2300 Board of commissioners; membership 5/22/73 For: 758 Agn: 735 Greene 3853 County board of education; terms 8/13/74 * Not held


Habersham 3809 County board of education 11/6/73 For: 1326 Agn: 1465 Lowndes 3837 City of Twin Lakes; new charter 6/20/73 Yes: 37 No: 191 Marion 3827 County school superintendent; appointment 11/5/74 ** ** Date of general election: November 5, 1974. Yes: 184 No: 331 Miller 2776 State Court of Miller County (This 1973 Act was repealed by Ga. L. 1974, p. 3171.) 11/5/74 ** See note on left Montgomery 2550 County board of education; membership 6/5/73 Yes: 225 No: 256 Pulaski 2573 County board of education; membership 5/15/73 Yes: 808 No: 191 Stewart 3152 City of Lumpkin; utilities 6/12/73 Yes: 97 No: 173 Sumter 2127 County board of education; membership 4/24/73 Yes: 322 No: 228


Georgia Laws 1974: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Banks 3798 Tax commissioner; creation of office 8/13/74 * * Date of general primary: 8/13/74. Yes: 1628 No: 671 Bibb 2028 City of Macon Board of Water Commissioners; abolition 11/5/74 ** ** Date of general election: 11/5/74. Not held Bibb 3074 Macon-Bibb County Water and Sewerage Authority 5/14/74 Yes: 2049 No: 198 Brooks 3088 Board of commissioners; districts 11/5/74 ** Yes: 741 No: 567 Carroll 2791 City of Carrollton 6/11/74 Yes: 215 No: 66 Chatham 2088 City of Savannah; corporate limits 4/16/74 Yes: 192 No: 883 Chatham 2305 City of Savannah Beach. Tybee Island; corporate limits 4/1/74 Results not known Cherokee 2534 Board of commissioners: creation 11/5/74 ** Yes: 2989 No: 1995 Cobb 3516 County board of education; districts 11/5/74 ** Yes: 18039 No: 14541 Fayette 2982 City of Fayetteville: corporate limits 11/5/74 ** Yes: 302 No: 507 Fayette 3848 County treasurer: abolition of office 11/5/74 ** Yes: 1928 No: 1616 Fayette 3030 Town of Tyrone: corporate limits 5/23/74 Yes: 77 No: 29 Fulton 2497 City of East Point: mayor: city manager 8/13/74 * Yes: 3378 No: 2852 Heard 2347 Town of Centralhatchee: new charter 6/8/74 Yes: 9 No: 2 Long 2878 County board of education; compensation 8/13/74 * Yes: 311 No: 303


Lowndes 2311 Town of Dasher; taxation 6/1/74 Yes: 31 No: 31 Newton 2978 City of Covington; elections 12/4/74 Yes: 368 No: 674 Richmond 2105 1. Consolidation of City of Augusta and Richmond County governments 5/14/74 (Three elections held on same date) City vote: Yes: 4833 No: 2928 County vote: Yes: 5801 No: 7106 2. Election of sheriff of Richmond County Yes: 11431 3. Election of Board of Public Safety of Richmond County Yes: 6575 Stephens 2037 Choice of five types of government for the county 4/9/74 Question 1: 122 Question 2: 396 *** *** Effective question is No. 2. Question 3: 108 Question 4: 98 Question 5: 248 Troup 2203 City of Hogansville; corporate limits 6/5/74 Inside city: Yes: 57 No: 33 Outside city: Yes: 13 No: 43 Upson 2023 County board of education; composition; election 4/9/74 Yes: 594 No: 111 Wilkes 3510 County school superintendent; appointment 11/5/74 ** ** Date of general election: 11/5/74. Yes: 739 No: 1274 All counties 186 The Common Day of Rest Act (See following pages) 11/5/74 ** Yes: 434559 No: 363947


THE COMMON DAY OF REST ACT OF 1974 Ga. L. 1974, p. 186 General Election 11/5/74 COUNTY YES NO Appling 590 692 Atkinson 274 245 Bacon 300 603 Baker 109 253 Baldwin 1901 1989 Banks 566 709 Barrow 1501 1830 Bartow 1704 2407 Ben Hill 578 1127 Berrien 442 1142 Bibb 8536 12667 Bleckley 439 888 Brantley 189 303 Brooks 341 916 Bryan 344 447 Bulloch 1604 2411 Burke 545 797 Butts 786 929 Calhoun 166 429 Camden 367 430 Candler 187 231 Carroll 3696 4391 Catoosa 1440 1424 Charlton 177 198 Chatham 14278 12039 Chattahoochee 153 116 Chattooga 1322 1281 Cherokee 2424 2830 Clarke 6525 4853 Clay 116 242 Clayton 9965 10231 Clinch 144 379 Cobb 25632 21237 Coffee 629 1493 Colquitt 1168 2701 Columbia 1113 1687 Cook 423 978 Coweta 2622 2470 Crawford 338 455 Crisp 537 1303 Dade 485 317 Dawson 515 199 Decatur 579 958 DeKalb 54127 40882 Dodge 470 1835 Dooly 314 684 Dougherty 3887 8146 Douglas 2958 2815 Early 297 1084 Echols 66 74 Effingham 627 1039 Elbert 998 1765 Emanuel 803 1353 Evans 231 676 Fannin 829 729 Fayette 1752 2153 Floyd 5764 7222 Forsyth 1415 1576 Franklin 513 1502 Fulton 56902 38497 Gilmer 674 825 Glascock 96 201 Glynn 2067 2658 Gordon 1477 1428 Grady 524 1273 Greene 962 1101 Gwinnett 8846 10024 Habersham 1215 1281 Hall 5111 3714 Hancock 363 503 Haralson 1289 1616 Harris 908 1322 Hart 420 1408 Heard 351 417 Henry 2125 2638 Houston 4338 5170 Irwin 285 676 Jackson 2166 2042 Jasper 352 493 Jeff Davis 250 522


Jefferson 405 1380 Jenkins 279 489 Johnson 373 990 Jones 826 1147 Lamar 748 855 Lanier 115 290 Laurens 1839 3649 Lee 410 837 Liberty 385 567 Lincoln 236 565 Long 149 254 Lowndes 2069 3382 Lumpkin 1043 504 Macon 541 765 Madison 731 883 Marion 167 368 McDuffie 707 1336 McIntosh 508 418 Meriwether 1501 1520 Miller 83 210 Mitchell 697 1688 Monroe 906 1058 Montgomery 206 611 Morgan 791 1186 Murray 414 492 Muscogee 10456 12112 Newton 1832 2364 Oconee 848 877 Oglethorpe 698 684 Paulding 1350 1643 Peach 874 1339 Pickens 536 443 Pierce 311 540 Pike 652 713 Polk 1973 2009 Pulaski 430 566 Putnam 565 545 Quitman 85 142 Rabun 618 701 Randolph 334 790 Richmond 7477 11596 Rockdale 1811 2032 Schley 117 171 Screven 514 740 Seminole 309 588 Spalding 2867 3258 Stephens 698 1673 Stewart 183 329 Sumter 1119 1925 Talbot 320 326 Taliaferro 70 192 Tattnall 484 960 Taylor 520 741 Telfair 359 977 Terrell 456 1062 Thomas 1315 2173 Tift 940 1716 Toombs 975 1640 Towns 535 247 Treutlen 333 630 Troup 2550 3831 Turner 334 870 Twiggs 427 696 Union 1330 548 Upson 2145 2115 Walker 2104 2264 Walton 1397 1786 Ware 1363 1910 Warren 173 364 Washington 1035 2037 Wayne 660 1118 Webster 99 127 Wheeler 257 698 White 941 562 Whitfield 2030 2274 Wilcox 239 759 Wilkes 439 1531 Wilkinson 395 765 Worth 423 1203 TOTAL 434559 363947 FOOTNOTE: The Common Day of Rest Act of 1974 was declared unconstitutional in part by the Supreme Court of Georgia in Rutledge v. Gaylord's, Inc., 233 Ga. 694, decided February 13, 1975.


Georgia Laws 1975: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 3678 City of Baxley; corporate limits 6/26/75 Yes: 549 No: 603 Baket 2659 County treasurer; abolition of office 6/17/75 Yes: 352 No: 395 Baker 2662 Tax commissioner; creation of office 6/17/75 Yes: 338 No: 392 Berrien 2525 County school superintendent; appointment 4/15/75 Yes: 124 No: 1295 Berrien 3388 County school superintendent; appointment Not held Duplicate of Act above Bibb 3349 Board of water commissioners 11/4/75 Yes: 10601 No: 4955 Brantley 3937 County board of education 8/12/75 Proposition No. 1: 402 Proposition No. 2: 713 Proposition No. 3: 240 Bryan 3024 Board of commissioners; election of chairman and vice-chairman 8/26/75 Yes: 385 No: 115 Charlton 4015 County board of education 6/24/75 Yes: 776 No: 206 Chatham 3962 County board of education 5/4/76* Yes: 3870 No: 10942 Clarke 2779 City of Athens; government functions 5/21/75 Yes: 858 No: 989 Decatur 4087 Hospital authority 8/10/76** Yes: 2155 No: 527 DeKalb 2752 County board of education; districts; terms 5/4/76* Yes: 29643 No: 41355


Dodge 3031 County board of education; election 11/4/75 Yes: 1206 No: 367 Douglas 2506 Board of commissioners; membership 5/14/75 Yes: 642 No: 739 Gordon 2719 Board of commissioners; creation 7/8/75 Yes: 1500 No: 972 Greene 4270 County board of education; terms 5/4/76 * * Date of Presidential Preference Primary: 5/4/76. Yes: 748 No: 926 Hall 3574 Board of commissioners; terms 8/10/76 ** ** Date of general primary: 8/10/76. Yes: 8951 No: 3890 Harris *** *** This Act was ruled invalid by the U.S. Department of Justice on August 18, 1975. 2960 County board of education and school superintendent 7/8/75 Yes: 511 No: 147 Harris 4369 City of Shiloh; mayor and council; terms; elections Results not known Heard 4433 County commissioner; office created 7/9/75 Yes: 520 No: 469 Henry 4133 City of Stockbridge; corporate limits; elections 7/26/75 Yes: 113 No: 128 Newton 3577 County board of education and school superintendent 9/10/75 Yes: 1353 No: 1582 Paulding 2916 Board of commissioners; creation 8/26/75 Yes: 1765 No: 949 Spalding 2771 Town of Orchard Hill; corporate limits 5/27/75 Inside town: Yes: 17 No: 5 Outside town: Yes: 20 No: 31 Spalding 4352 Board of commissioners 11/4/75 Yes: 1205 No: 4100


Stephens 4142 City of Toccoa; commissioners 6/12/75 Yes: 209 No: 191 Taylor 3486 County board of education; membership; elections; districts 6/17/75 Yes: 298 No: 127 Union 4490 County commissioners; office created 8/12/75 Yes: 189 No: 1037 Upson 3356 County school superintendent; appointment 6/24/75 Yes: 531 No: 700 Whitfield 4296 City of Tunnel Hill; new charter 6/25/75 Yes: 126 No: 288 Worth 4202 County board of education and school superintendent 7/15/75 Yes: 235 No: 460 Chatham 3128 Alcoholic beverages on sales on premises; time limit 9/17/75 **** **** This election is based on a population Act which affected only Chatham County. The results are as follows: Municipality: Yes: No: Savannah 9658 6595 Unincorporated 4979 3857 Bloomingdale 122 146 Garden City 362 466 Pooler 166 190 Port Wentworth 227 297 Savannah Beach 469 168 Thunderbolt 230 138 Vernonburg 24 20 Georgia Laws 1975, Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Coweta ***** ***** This Act is based on the population of the municipality and affects only the City of Newman. 1730 City of Newman; elections 9/9/75 Yes: 248 No: 57


Georgia Laws 1976: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bacon 2713 County board of education and school superintendent 5/4/76 * * Date of presidential preference primary election (May 4, 1976). Proposal No. 1: 389 Proposal No. 2: 131 Proposal No. 3: 568 Baldwin 3278 City of Milledgeville 5/4/76 * Yes: 772 No: 583 Baldwin 3282 City of Milledgeville-question #1 5/4/76 * Yes: 718 No: 609 City of Milledgeville-question #2 Yes: 289 No: 1045 Bartow 4090 City of Euharlee; new charter 5/15/76 Yes: 34 No: 8 Bibb 3818 Macon-Bibb County consolidated government 5/4/76 * City vote: Yes: 8149 No: 11522 County vote: Yes: 8825 No: 16209 Bryan 3288 City of Richmond Hill; corporate limits 6/29/76 Yes: 199 No: 8 Camden 2831 Tax commissioner; salary 11/2/76 ** ** Date of November 2, 1976, general election. Not held Carroll 4479 County board of education and school superintendent 11/2/76 ** Yes: 3105 No: 3868 Chattooga 2694 Board of commissioners; creation 5/4/76 * Yes: 970 No: 2297 Clayton 3974 City of Mountain View; abolition of charter Not held Cobb 3656 City of Powder Springs; abolition of charter 9/11/76 Yes: 331 No: 455 DeKalb 2809 Sunday sales of intoxicating beverages 5/4/76 * Yes: 52761 No: 30442


Fayette 3398 Board of commissioners; membership 5/4/76 * * Date of presidential preference primary election (May 4, 1976). Yes: 1984 No: 1512 Glynn 4027 County board of education; districts; election 5/4/76 * Yes: 3752 No: 4746 Grady 3162 County board of education; compensation 5/4/76 * Yes: 444 No: 1259 Habersham 2798 County board of education; election 5/4/76 * Yes: 2244 No: 876 Habersham 2803 County school superintendent; appointment 5/4/76 * Yes: 940 No: 1951 Long 3536 County board of education *** *** This Act was declared unconstitutional by decision of a federal court. 5/4/76 * Yes: 490 No: 172 Long 3321 Small claims court; creation 5/4/76 * Yes: 114 No: 527 Lumpkin 3945 County board of education and school superintendent 5/4/76 * Yes: 678 No: 917 Newton 3402 Board of commissioners; districts 5/4/76 * Yes: 2980 No: 1387 Newton 3505 County board of education; membership; districts 5/25/76 Yes: 3227 No: 1167 Oconee 3935 County school superintendent; appointment 11/2/76 ** ** Date of November 2, 1976, general election. Yes: 1259 No: 1863 Richmond 4297 Augusta-Richmond County unified government 5/4/76 * Yes: 11027 No: 13417 Proposition One Question 1: 15801 Question 2: 6005 Proposition Two Question 1: 9404 Question 2: 10302


Ware 2811 County manager 5/4/76 * * Date of presidential preference primary election (May 4, 1976). Yes: 2194 No: 2838 Warren 3660 Board of commissioners 11/2/76 ** ** Date of November 2, 1976, general election. Yes: 802 No: 352


Georgia Laws 1977: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baker 2603 County board of education; vacancies 11/7/78 * * Date of November 7, 1978, general election. Yes: 151 No: 95 Bryan 3215 County treasurer; abolition of office 5/24/77 Yes: 116 No: 126 Carroll 4519 City of Temple; corporate limits 6/15/77 Yes: 225 No: 149 Dawson 3529 County board of education; election 6/14/77 Yes: 369 No: 140 Hart 3482 Town of Bowersville; new charter 5/9/77 Yes: 30 No: 0 Pierce 2924 County board of education and school superintendent 11/7/78 * Yes: 307 No: 587 Rockdale 2817 Board of commissioners; creation 5/17/77 Yes: 1618 No: 744 Schley 2952 Board of commissioners; terms 11/7/78 * Yes: 160 No: 66 Schley 2955 County board of education; terms 11/7/78 * Yes: 167 No: 58 Stephens 3875 County board of education; election 6/28/77 Yes: 1375 No: 628 Stephens 3881 County school superintendent; appointment 6/28/77 Yes: 793 No: 1042 Tift 3894 City of Tifton; corporate limits 12/19/77 Yes: 690 No: 1158 Towns 3974 County board of education and school superintendent 2/2/78 Yes: 1014 No: 1384


Georgia Laws 1978: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bryan 3774 County board of education; election 5/2/78 Yes: 739 No: 259 Butts 3368 County board of education 11/7/78 * * Date of presidential preference primary election (May 4, 1976). Yes: 886 No: 539 Chatham 932 Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages 8/8/78 ** ** Date of November 2, 1976, general election. Chatham County (unincorporated area) Yes: 2022 No: 1863 Garden City Yes: 154 No: 318 Port Wentworth Yes: 89 No: 171 Bloomingdale Yes: 23 No: 50 Pooler Yes: 85 No: 152 Thunderbolt Yes: 142 No: 77 Tybee Island Yes: 307 No: 171 Vernonburg Yes: 25 No: 14 Savannah Yes: 6870 No: 4768 Chatham 4132 City of Garden City; corporate limits; water and sewer facilities 5/22/78 Yes: 663 No: 166 Chatham 4073 City of Bloomingdale; waterworks Not held Chatham 3998 City of Savannah; corporate limits 4/19/78 Yes: 14407 No: 8091 Chatham 4466 Municipal Court of Savannah; abolition 8/8/78 ** Yes: 6783 No: 9753 Chattooga 3848 County board of education; compensation and expenses 11/7/78 * Yes: 778 No: 1446 Cherokee 3029 Board of commissioners; abolition; commissioner; creation 4/4/78 Yes: 2449 No: 2308 Clarke 4573 Use of school tax in Clarke County 11/7/78 * Yes: 3710 No: 3268


Columbia 3359 County board of education; compensation 11/7/78 * * Date of presidential preference primary election (May 4, 1976). Yes: 887 No: 1569 DeKalb 3639 City of Clarkston; mayor and council; terms 10/18/78 Yes: 95 No: 96 DeKalb 4104 County board of education; districts 11/7/78 * Yes: 18829 No: 34766 Hart 3177 Board of commissioners; creation 11/7/78 * Yes: 643 No: 1018 Macon 4217 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/7/78 * Yes: 737 No: 232 McDuffie 3666 County board of education 5/16/78 Yes: 202 No: 131 Rabun 3427 County school superintendent; appointment 11/7/78 * Yes: 453 No: 692 Rabun 3430 County board of education; election 11/7/78 * Yes: 861 No: 300 Rockdale 3868 City of Conyers; new charter 7/8/78 Yes: 179 No: 167 Telfair 3445 County board of education and school superintendent 11/7/78 * Proposal No. 1: 386 Proposal No. 2: 231 Proposal No. 3: 323 Thomas 3746 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/7/78 * Yes: 2679 No: 820 Thomas 3741 Judge of the probate court; compensation 11/7/78 * Yes: 2683 No: 802 Thomas 3752 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 11/7/78 * Yes: 2674 No: 797


Twiggs 3405 Board of commissioners; recall 8/8/78 ** ** Date of general primary 1978. Yes: 1067 No: 805 Whitfield 3365 City of Varnell; corporate limits (Civil Action File No. 18,462) Not held Georgia Laws 1979: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Carroll 4245 City of Sand Hill; new charter 6/12/79 Yes: 102 No: 193 Glynn 3467 County board of education; districts 12/11/79 Yes: 2490 No: 977 Montgomery 3151 County board of education 6/5/79 Question #1: Proposal #1: 320 Proposal #2: 205 Proposal #3: 92 Question #2: Proposal #1: 881 Proposal #2: 860 Proposal #3: 1015 Stephens 3047 Board of commissioners; terms 4/24/79 Yes: 921 No: 329 Telfair 3539 County board of education; districts 7/31/79 Yes: 858 No: 615


Georgia Laws 1980: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 3043 Board of commissioners; elections 5/13/80 Yes: 714 No: 1194 Ben Hill 3954 Tax commissioner; creation of office 5/28/80 Yes: 614 No: 398 Catoosa 4250 County board of education; election 8/5/80 Yes: 3156 No: 4464 Chatham City of Thunderbolt 3653 Corporate limits of the City of Thunderbolt 5/27/80 Thunderbolt: Proposition #1 Yes: 152 No: 140 Proposition #2 Yes: 109 No: 177 Macceo Island: Proposition #1 Yes: 58 No: 5 Proposition #2 ----- ----- Bonna Bella: Proposition #1 ----- ----- Proposition #2 Yes: 62 No: 21 Cherokee 3275 County board of education; election 8/12/80 Yes: 814 No: 435 Coffee 1795 County school superintendent; election Not held Columbia 3707 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 5/7/80 Yes: 1920 No: 1103 Decatur 3272 County board of education; residency requirements 11/4/80 Yes: 2267 No: 899 DeKalb 3996 Type of government for DeKalb County; advisory referendum 8/5/80 Type 1: 38094 Type 2: 23553 Douglas 4120 County board of education; compensation 11/4/80 Yes: 3424 No: 7389 Effingham 3542 County board of education; election; terms 8/12/80 Yes: 430 No: 92


Gordon 3720 County board of education; vacancies Not held Henry 3009 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 3/11/80 Yes: 2252 No: 1500 Irwin 3030 Tax commissioner; creation of office 4/8/80 Yes: 834 No: 119 Laurens 3016 Board of commissioners; membership; districts 3/11/80 Yes: 1797 No: 1413 Laurens City of Dublin 3189 Mayor and council; terms 3/11/80 Yes: 324 No: 653 McIntosh 3112 County board of education; election; districts; compensation 4/29/80 Yes: 642 No: 143 Mitchell City of Pelham 3914 Council; elections 6/3/80 Yes: 254 No: 392 Oconee 3757 Board of commissioners 5/21/80 Yes: 585 No: 1155 Richmond 3841 County board of education; elections Not held Upson 3027 County school superintendent; appointment 3/11/80 Yes: 604 No: 1468 Upson 4127 Fire protection districts; taxation Not held Whitfield City of Cohutta 4122 Corporate limits 5/17/80 Yes: 10 No: 0


Georgia Laws 1981: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 4072 Disposal sites for hazardous wastes; advisory referendum 8/10/82 Yes: 1652 No: 1465 Chatham City of Tybee Island 4914 Corporate limits 6/25/81 Corporate limits: Yes: 222 No: 60 Unincorporated area: Yes: 18 No: 102 Clarke 3065 Athens-Clarke County Charter Commission; creation 2/16/82 County: Yes: 2388 No: 2883 City: Yes: 2611 No: 2120 Coffee 3626 County school superintendent; election 6/2/81 Yes: 1329 No: 1424 DeKalb 4304 Form of government 8/10/82 Yes: 36070 No: 26939 Dooly 4463 County board of education: districts: elections: terms 5/19/81 Yes: 1393 No: 185 Gordon 3269 Board of commissioners; abolition; county commissioner; office created 8/4/81 Yes: 1319 No: 1664 Gordon 3586 County school superintendent; election; term 8/4/81 Yes: 1527 No: 778 Miller 4713 County board of education; elections 8/4/81 Yes: 710 No: 182 Richmond 3677 County board of education; elections 11/3/81 Yes: 7352 No: 1526


Georgia Laws 1982: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 4642 Board of commissioners; composition 11/2/82 Five member: 1191 Six member: 1000 Bacon 4606 Board of county commissioners in certain counties (9,365-9,385) 8/2/82 Yes: 1299 No: 351 Bartow 4589 County board of education; terms 8/10/82 Yes: 1652 No: 1465 Bartow 4584 County board of education; compensation 8/10/82 Yes: 1615 No: 1450 Bartow 4586 County school superintendent; appointment 8/10/82 Yes: 843 No: 2205 Bibb 4625 County board of education and orphanage; districts 11/2/82 Yes: 15184 No: 5458 Bibb 4406 County board of education and orphanage; terms 11/2/82 Yes: 9455 No: 12176 Bryan 4270 Board of commissioners; elections; districts; terms; vacancies 11/2/82 Yes: 883 No: 429 Bryan 4285 County treasurer; abolition of office 8/10/82 Yes: 832 No: 709 Chatham Town of Thunderbolt 4295 Corporate limits 6/22/82 Corporate limits: Yes: 126 No: 133 Unincorporated area: Yes: 21 No: 0 Cherokee 3602 County board of education; districts 5/11/82 Yes: 302 No: 200


Clarke City of Athens 1855 Georgia Alcoholic Beverage Code amended as to certain counties (69,000-75,000) 8/10/82 Clarke County: Yes: 2257 No: 2338 City of Athens: Yes: 2393 No: 2354 Clayton 4431 County board of education; composition; elections; compensation 8/10/82 Yes: 8665 No: 7584 Cobb 1768 Sale of alcoholic beverages in certain counties (200,000-550,000) (295,000-300,000) (350,000-500,000) 11/2/82 Yes: 35622 No: 34777 Cook 3749 County school superintendent; election 11/2/82 Yes: 1623 No: 1020 DeKalb 4239 DeKalb Community College 8/10/82 Transfer: 43375 Retain: 23587 Douglas 4786 County board of education; districts 11/2/82 Yes: 6032 No: 1700 Emanuel 4049 County board of education; elections; districts 6/1/82 Yes: 1853 No: 411 Franklin 3753 County board of education and school superintendent 8/10/82 #1 Proposal: 458 #2 Proposal: 1308 #3 Proposal: 573 Gwinnett 3510 County board of education; districts 4/6/82 Yes: 1825 No: 1972


Haralson 4523 County board of education; composition; districts; election 8/10/82 Yes: 2133 No: 230 Jackson 4012 Jackson County School District, Jefferson City School District, and Commerce City School District; merger 11/2/82 Jackson County: Yes: 1991 No: 2438 Inside City of Commerce: Yes: 796 No: 243 Inside City of Jefferson: Yes: 390 No: 78 Lowndes 3582 Board of commissioners; composition; selection 11/2/82 Yes: 3652 No: 4513 Lumpkin 4274 County school superintendent; appointment 6/8/82 Yes: 312 No: 595 Lumpkin 4277 County board of education; elections; districts 6/8/82 Yes: 720 No: 191 Oconee City of Bogart 4869 New charter 12-7-82 Yes: 66 No: 147 Pierce 4649 County board of education and school superintendent 11/2/82 Proposal No. 1: Question No. 1: 526 Question No. 2: 1124 Proposal No. 2: Question No. 1: 613 Question No. 2: 947 Pulaski 4638 County school superintendent; appointment 11/2/82 Yes: 698 No: 787


Twiggs 3627 County board of education; election 8/10/82 Yes: 1327 No: 533 Ware City of Waycross 4611 Land conveyance authorized 11/2/82 Yes: 1869 No: 878 Wayne 3789 and 4717 Board of commissioners; elections 11/2/82 Yes: 1320 No: 684 Wheeler 4126 County board of education; composition; election Not held Worth 3715 Board of commissioners; districts; elections; qualifications 11/2/82 Yes: 1643 No: 733 Georgia Laws 1983: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Atkinson 4115 Board of commissioners; compensation; chairman 3/13/84 Yes: 123 No: 1114 Bartow and Polk Town of Taylorsville 4161 Corporate limits; elections 5/11/83 Bartow: Yes: 47 No: 7 Polk: Yes: 15 No: 4


Bibb 4251 County board of education and orphanage; districts 11/8/83 Yes: 5361 No: 1841 Chatham and City of Savannah 4039 Board of education; districts 5/3/83 Yes: 1367 No: 2815 Chatham City of Tybee Island 3586 Mayor and council; terms; elections 5/3/83 Yes: 307 No: 60 Chattooga 4570 State Court of Chattooga County; creation 5/3/83 Yes: 307 No: 60 Columbia 4411 County board of education; districts; elections; terms 3/13/84 Yes: 2110 No: 843 DeKalb 4547 Governing authority; powers and duties; executive assistant 3/13/84 Yes: 45505 No: 12832 DeKalb City of Doraville 3581 Mayor and council; terms 4/2/83 Yes: 266 No: 89 Forsyth 3521 County school superintendent; appointment 5/3/83 Yes: 379 No: 966 Fulton and Coweta City of Palmetto 4134 Corporate limits 5/21/83 Yes: 319 No: 35


Madison City of Colbert 4181 Municipal court; penalties; homestead exemption; city taxes 5/4/83 Yes: 58 No: 3 Murray 3611 County board of education; creation of new board Not held Newton 3814 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes Not held Seminole 3994 County board of education; election 8/2/83 Yes: 1181 No: 1198 Tift County and City of Tifton 3590 Tifton-Tift County Charter Commission; creation 6/26/84 Yes: 2060 No: 3860 Union 4514 County board of education; election 5/3/83 Yes: 147 No: 10 Wilkinson 3911 County board of education; creation of new board 5/3/83 Yes: 582 No: 198 Georgia Laws 1984: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Statewide 520 Ad valorem taxation of property; additional exemption 11/6/84 Yes: 718467 No: 464620 Statewide 788 Ad valorem taxation of property; exemption of motor vehicles 11/6/84 Yes: 900688 No: 345204 Statewide 1253 Ad valorem taxation of property; exemption of nonprofit homes for mentally handicapped 11/6/84 Yes: 933343 No: 295707


Berrien 4823 Board of commissioners; composition; districts; elections; compensation; qualifications 5/15/84 Yes: 211 No: 1008 Butts 3588 County treasurer; abolition of office 3/13/84 Yes: 921 No: 791 Camden 3848 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/6/84 Yes: 2577 No: 481 Catoosa 4321 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 4833 No: 811 Cherokee 3580 County school superintendent; appointment 3/13/84 Yes: 1734 No: 4060 Columbia 4609 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/6/84 Not held Coweta and Fulton City of Palmetto 4390 Mayor and council; terms 8/14/84 Not held Coweta 3704 County board of education; composition; election; terms 11/6/84 Yes: 7190 No: 2328 Crisp 4352 Board of commissioners; composition; districts; elections 11/6/84 Yes: 1253 No: 760 Dade 3575 County board of education; election; districts 3/13/84 Yes: 987 No: 367 Dade 3564 Board of commissioners; creation 3/13/84 Yes: 629 No: 777 Dodge 3531 County school superintendent; appointment 3/13/84 Yes: 585 No: 2235 Forsyth 4144 Business and occupational license taxes 11/6/84 Yes: 4290 No: 3484


Fulton 3591 County board of education and school superintendent 3/13/84 Yes: 24258 No: 9628 Habersham 3671 Board of commissioners; elections; terms; purchases 8/14/84 Yes: 2222 No: 1392 Harris 3608 County board of education; districts; terms; qualifications 3/13/84 Yes: 1347 No: 707 Harris 3766 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 1750 No: 375 Jones 3926 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 2476 No: 453 Jones 4459 County board of education; reconstitution 8/14/84 Yes: 2206 No: 583 McIntosh 4103 County board of education; terms 5/15/84 Yes: 629 No: 239 McIntosh 4106 County school superintendent; appointment 5/15/84 Yes: 221 No: 577 Polk City of Cedartown 4261 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/6/84 Yes: 1170 No: 45 Putnam 4657 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 1249 No: 164 Richmond 5119 County board of education; composition; election; districts 11/6/84 Yes: 26594 No: 9857 Rockdale City of Conyers 4884 Homestead exemption; city taxes 5/26/84 Yes: 91 No: 2


Stewart 3513 Board of commissioners; creation 3/13/84 Yes: 625 No: 820 Turner 4862 County board of education; election 5/15/84 Yes: 316 No: 171 Turner 4563 Board of commissioners; composition; election; officers; meetings 5/15/84 Yes: 311 No: 175 Upson 4576 County board of education; districts; elections 8/14/84 Yes: 2496 No: 838 Upson 3729 Board of commissioners; districts; elections 4/17/84 Yes: 708 No: 344 Upson 4367 County school superintendent; appointment 11/6/84 Yes: 1903 No: 2650 Wayne 3971 County board of education; composition; districts; elections No election held pursuant to court order Wheeler 3601 County board of education; composition; elections; terms 3/13/84 Yes: 425 No: 270 Wilkes 3838 County board of education; creation; districts; elections 8/14/84 Yes: 689 No: 909 Wilkinson City of Gordon 3923 Homestead exemption; city taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 458 No: 47 Wilkinson 3772 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 643 No: 125


Georgia Laws 1985: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bacon 4823 County board of education; elections 6/25/85 Yes: 206 No: 51 Baldwin 3835 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 1999 No: 493 Bleckley 4406 Board of commissioners; created 11/4/86 Yes: 887 No: 1156 Brooks City of Quitman 4635 Board of commissioners; composition; elections Not held Has not been approved by Justice Department Burke 4481 County board of education; elections 9/3/85 Yes: 754 No: 673 Candler 4975 Board of commissioners; membership; elections; chairman 6/11/85 Yes: 279 No: 116 Carroll 3945 County board of education and school superintendent 9/10/85 Question 1: Yes: 4076 No: 929 Question 2: Yes: 2977 No: 2019 Clinch 4918 County board of education; elections; districts 11/4/86 Yes: 302 No: 128


Cobb City of Smyrna 4072 Mayor and councilmen; terms 11/5/85 Yes: 789 No: 511 Dawson 4179 Business and occupational license taxes Not held DeKalb City of Decatur 4140 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/4/85 Yes: 1123 No: 154 Fayette 3992 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 6/11/85 Yes: 2256 No: 255 Fayette 4198 County school superintendent; appointment 11/4/86 Yes: 4725 No: 6759 Fulton City of Atlanta 4371 Redevelopment powers City failed to publish as required by law. City attorney ruled not to put on ballot. Fulton City of College Park 4513 Homestead exemption; city taxes 5/13/85 Yes: 1721 No: 143


Gwinnett 5106 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/4/86 Yes: 39645 No: 12055 Heard 5078 County board of education; election 9/24/85 Yes: 580 No: 90 Jeff Davis 4493 County board of education; elections; districts 4/8/86 Yes: 208 No: 45 Lanier 3966 County board of education; elections; districts; terms 6/25/85 Yes: 252 No: 12 Marion 4573 County board of education; districts; elections Not precleared by U.S. Justice Department. Morgan 4643 County board of education and school superintendent 8/12/86 Yes: 1058 No: 398 Pierce 4836 Board of commissioners; composition; elections; districts 11/5/85 Yes: 386 No: 169 Pierce 4841 County board of education; elections 11/5/85 Yes: 365 No: 181 Polk 4985 County board of education; re-creation 6/11/85 Yes: 365 No: 299 Taylor 5087 County board of education; elections; districts 5/21/85 Yes: 362 No: 180 Wilkes 4580 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes Not held


Georgia Laws 1986: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 5361 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes Not held Bibb 4736 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 3236 No: 2725 Bibb City of Macon 5038 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 8120 No: 5815 Bibb 5620 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 2592 No: 5119 Bulloch 5627 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods Not held Camden 5647 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 451 No: 258 Chatham City of Islands 4872 Incorporation 8/12/86 Islands area: Yes: 506 No: 744 County area: Yes: 336 No: 1426 Chatham City of Pooler 5592 Corporate limits 6/17/86 Pooler: Yes: 115 No: 19 Proposed Area: Yes: 36 No: 24 Chattooga 5138 Board of commissioners; creation 11/4/86 Yes: 1991 No: 2220 Cherokee 3635 Board of commissioners; creation 5/6/86 Yes: 1644 No: 2221 Clayton 5019 Homestead exemptions; county taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 11478 No: 2066


Cobb City of Acworth 3752 Mayor and alderman; elections; qualifications; terms 5/3/86 Yes: 47 No: 139 Cobb 4370 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/4/86 Yes: 64538 No: 9311 Cobb City of Marietta 5043 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/4/86 Yes: 5309 No: 1002 Colquitt 3724 County board of education; composition; elections; districts 5/13/86 Yes: 897 No: 180 Columbia 5636 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 2740 No: 1695 Dawson 4061 Homestead exemptions; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 724 No: 183 Decatur 4096 County board of education and school superintendent 8/12/86 Yes: 1387 No: 1012 DeKalb 4107 Governing authority; powers and duties; applicability of laws 8/12/86 Yes: 31123 No: 11156 DeKalb City of Decatur 4475 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/3/86 Yes: 1233 No: 127 Douglas 5618 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/4/86 Yes: 6701 No: 3144 Elbert 3578 Board of education; re-creation 5/13/86 Yes: 444 No: 208


Floyd City of Rome 4530 Homestead exemption; independent school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 2651 No: 336 Floyd 5057 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 4971 No: 770 Floyd 5511 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 8218 No: 845 Forsyth 4347 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/4/86 Yes: 5191 No: 1005 Fulton 4148 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 57705 No: 41691 Fulton 4434 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes; local constitutional amendment continued Not held Fulton City of Atlanta 4834 Redevelopment powers 8/12/86 Yes: 12987 No: 9356 Gwinnett 5625 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 17645 No: 4777 Hall 3811 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 5447 No: 2112 Hall City of Gainesville 3815 Homestead exemption; independent school district taxes Not held Hall 5616 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 7553 No: 2305 Henry 5053 Homestead exemptions; county school district taxes Not held


Henry 5607 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 2211 No: 1964 Houston 3901 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 6517 No: 4758 Houston City of Centerville 5157 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 70 No: 88 Houston City of Perry 4196 Redevelopment powers Not held Houston City of Warner Robins 3923 Redevelopment powers 10/7/86 Yes: 2675 No: 1754 Lanier 3609 Lakeland-Lanier County Charter Commission; creation 9/2/86 Yes: 448 No: 928 Laurens 3821 County board of education; elections; districts 11/4/86 Yes: 929 No: 715 Liberty 3554 County school superintendent; appointment 11/4/86 Yes: 1332 No: 1045 Liberty 3542 Board of education; composition; elections 8/12/86 Yes: 1369 No: 277 Lincoln 3661 County board of education; elections; districts; vacancies 8/12/86 Yes: 651 No: 335 Marion 5558 Board of commissioners; elections; districts; terms 9/16/86 Yes: 429 No: 673 Marion 5023 County board of education; elections 9/16/86 Yes: 416 No: 666


Mitchell City of Pelham 3648 City board of education; elections; terms; districts; composition Not held Mitchell 3892 County school superintendent; appointment Not precleared by U.S. Justice Department. Muscogee 3927 County board of education; advisory referendum on elections 11/4/86 Yes: 18451 No: 8420 Oglethorpe 3568 County board of education; elections; districts 5/13/86 Yes: 307 No: 90 Paulding 4335 County school superintendent; appointment 11/4/86 Yes: 1199 No: 4301 Polk 5633 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 1355 No: 1013 Rabun City of Clayton 4778 Homestead exemptions; city taxes 12/20/86 Yes: 453 No: 16 Screven 5642 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 326 No: 404 Spalding 4855 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 1946 No: 428 Spalding 5623 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/4/86 Yes: 3757 No: 3693 Sumter City of Americus 3501 Sumter County Public School System; creation; merger of school systems of Sumter County and the City of Americus Not held


Tattnall City of Collins 4472 Mayor; terms 8/12/86 Yes: 31 No: 39 Telfair 4527 County officers; ineligibility to hold office; local constitutional amendment continued 11/4/86 Yes: 1800 No: 577 Toombs City of Vidalia 4862 City school district; powers of board of education 9/2/86 Yes: 824 No: 599 Troup 3515 County board of education and school superintendent; Act continuing local constitutional amendment repealed 5/6/86 Yes: 193 No: 44 Twiggs 5542 County school superintendent; appointment 11/4/86 Yes: 412 No: 1127 Upson 4497 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes Not held Washington 4485 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 1434 No: 373 Washington 4489 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 1896 No: 402 Whitfield 5597 Board of commissioners 11/4/86 Yes: 4315 No: 3573 Wilkes 4091 County board of education; elections; districts; composition 11/4/86 Yes: 1219 No: 377 Worth 3716 County board of education; membership; elections; districts 11/4/86 Yes: 1499 No: 523 Statewide 878 Ad valorem tax exemption of tangible personal property 11/4/86 Yes: 592671 No: 249708


Georgia Laws 1987: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling City of Baxley 5015 Corporate limits 7/21/87 Yes: 438 No: 822 Bartow 5325 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/87 Yes: 2483 No: 265 Bartow 4912 County school superintendent; appointment 11/3/87 Yes: 1086 No: 1617 Bartow 4915 County board of education; elections; terms 11/3/87 Yes: 2135 No: 569 Bleckley 4111 County board of education; nonpartisan elections 11/8/88 Yes: 1025 No: 606 Brooks 5267 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 709 No: 1542 Brooks City of Quitman 5230 Board of commissioners; composition; elections; districts; terms 8/11/87 Yes: 248 No: 71 Butts 4919 County board of education and school superintendent 11/10/87 Yes: 1682 No: 561 Camden 4929 Board of commissioners; elections; districts; terms 3/8/88 Yes: 1365 No: 858 Camden 4943 County board of education; elections; districts; terms; Act continuing local constitutional amendment repealed 3/8/88 Yes: 1337 No: 932 Camden 5032 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 739 No: 1579 Chatham 4801 Redevelopment powers 6/16/87 Yes: 3341 No: 5356


Chatham City of Savannah 4083 Redevelopment powers 6/16/87 Yes: 2369 No: 3235 Clarke 4279 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/3/87 Yes: 7245 No: 1622 Columbia 4270 County board of education; nonpartisan elections 3/8/88 Yes: 7344 No: 1925 Columbia 4267 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 3/8/88 Yes: 8266 No: 1196 Dougherty 3843 County board of education; elections 11/3/87 Yes: 6448 No: 4855 Effingham 4596 County board of education; reconstitution 3/8/88 Yes: 1768 No: 471 Evans 4782 County board of education; composition; elections; compensation 8/9/88 Yes: 1277 No: 553 Fannin 5494 County board of education and school superintendent; nonpartisan elections 3/8/88 Yes: 1449 No: 1819 Floyd 4994 Unified Rome-Floyd County School System; creation; merger of Floyd County School System and City of Rome Independent School System 3/8/88 City: Yes: 1679 No: 3601 County: Yes: 2410 No: 6380 Fulton 4132 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 131209 No: 35740 Greene 4973 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 787 No: 1544


Hall City of Gainesville 4209 Homestead exemption; city school district taxes 12/1/87 Yes: 194 No: 28 Houston City of Perry 4115 Redevelopment powers 12/1/87 Yes: 128 No: 124 Lamar 3740 County board of education; elections; districts; terms; vacancies 11/3/87 Yes: 412 No: 203 Lowndes 4124 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 932 No: 2505 Lumpkin 3586 County school superintendent; appointment 6/2/87 Yes: 617 No: 1067 Madison City of Colbert 4475 Mayor; term 12/2/87 Yes: 19 No: 3 Mitchell 3508 County school superintendent; appointment 7/28/87 Yes: 710 No: 921 Muscogee 4753 County board of education; composition; elections; districts; terms; compensation; taxes 3/8/88 Yes: 9784 No: 18277 Oconee 4441 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 1272 No: 1863 Peach City of Byron 5394 Redevelopment powers Not held


Peach City of Fort Valley 5409 Redevelopment powers 4/6/88 Yes: 847 No: 358 Peach 5397 Redevelopment powers Not held Pulaski 4263 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 679 No: 1081 Pulaski 4241 County board of education; elections 11/8/88 Yes: 960 No: 479 Rabun City of Sky Valley 5113 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/1/87 Yes: 84 No: 11 Stephens 4224 County school superintendent; appointment; vacancies 9/1/87 Yes: 775 No: 2249 Tift City of Tifton 4103 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 1847 No: 411 Ware City of Waycross 5135 Board of education; elections; districts; terms 9/22/87 Yes: 255 No: 136 Ware City of Waycross 5105 Mayor; office created; election; terms; powers 11/24/87 Yes: 1029 No: 345


White 5441 Board of commissioners; re-creation; elections; powers; duties 3/8/88 Yes: 1278 No: 715 Whitfield City of Tunnel Hill 4366 New charter 12/7/87 Yes: 85 No: 33 Georgia Laws 1988: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Barrow 3501 County board of education; compensation; elections; districts 4/12/88 Yes: 637 No: 62 Barrow 3674 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 4226 No: 549 Bartow 4101 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/9/88 Yes: 1858 No: 1060 Ben Hill and City of Fitzgerald 3573 Ben Hill County Public School System; creation; merger of county school system with City of Fitzgerald School System 6/21/88 Yes: 517 No: 801 6/21/88 Yes: 822 No: 284 Berrien 3832 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes Not held Butts 4729 Board of commissioners; powers; county manager created 8/9/88 Yes: 1563 No: 955 Catoosa 4182 Board of commissioners; creation; districts; elections; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 4896 No: 2913


Chatham City of Savannah 3706 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 20190 No: 3006 Cherokee 3677 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 13575 No: 2501 Clarke City of Athens 3794 Redevelopment powers 11/8/88 Not precleared by U. S. Justice Department Clayton 4307 County school superintendent; appointment 11/8/88 Yes: 12314 No: 26995 Clayton 4001 County board of education; number of members 11/8/88 Yes: 20610 No: 17155 Clayton 3527 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 3/8/88 Yes: 14472 No: 8627 Clayton 3523 Homestead exemptions; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 32925 No: 7153 Clayton City of Riverdale 3951 Homestead exemption; city taxes 10/8/88 Yes: 597 No: 35 Cobb 4479 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/8/88 Yes: 102080 No: 21916 Cobb 4070 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 93785 No: 29194 Cobb 4286 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 76495 No: 32915


Coffee City of Douglas 4282 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/6/89 Yes: 734 No: 106 Columbia 4622 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 15372 No: 3111 Coweta 4714 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 10497 No: 2412 Crawford 4063 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 1092 No: 2412 DeKalb 4114 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 122174 No: 27547 DeKalb 4160 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 107585 No: 29336 DeKalb 4740 Governing authority; vote of chief executive; department heads under merit system; ordinances 11/8/88 Yes: 76350 No: 59347 Dougherty City of Albany 4748 Homestead exemption; city taxes Not held Effingham City of Springfield 4091 Corporate limits Not held Floyd 4856 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 7014 No: 1390 Floyd City of Rome 4484 Homestead exemption; city independent school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 4607 No: 698


Fulton 4034 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 131209 No: 35740 Fulton City of Hapeville 4866 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 1429 No: 146 Gilmer 4886 Board of commissioners; creation; county manager 5/17/88 Yes: 1863 No: 1299 Gilmer 4894 County board of education; nonpartisan elections 8/9/88 Yes: 1381 No: 369 Gilmer 4903 County school superintendent; nonpartisan election 8/9/88 Yes: 1336 No: 380 Gwinnett City of Dacula 3667 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/19/88 Yes: 168 No: 34 Gwinnett 4199 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 61404 No: 22771 Gwinnett 4023 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 65941 No: 19844 Gwinnett 4627 Coroner's office abolished; medical examiner's office established 8/9/88 Yes: 17325 No: 5088 Gwinnett 4039 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 60907 No: 25291 Habersham 4112 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods Not held Hart 3604 Board of commissioners; creation 4/12/88 (1) 984 (2) 628 (3) 943 Runoff 4/26/88 (1) 1439 (2) 1698


Henry 4633 Board of commissioners; chairman as chief executive officer; county administrator abolished Not held Henry 4310 Homestead exemptions; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 11413 No: 2823 Houston 4007 County school superintendent; appointment 8/9/88 Yes: 2681 No: 6432 Jeff Davis City of Hazlehurst 4861 Advisory referendum regarding sales of beer and wine Not held Lumpkin 4880 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 3009 No: 527 Monroe 3540 Board of commissioners; terms 3/8/88 Yes: 1198 No: 778 Newton 4045 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes Not held Peach City of Byron 3656 Redevelopment powers 4/6/88 Yes: 64 No: 59 Peach 4598 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 2532 No: 815 Pierce 3543 County school superintendent; appointment Not held (See Ga. L. 1988, p. 4898) Pierce 4898 County school superintendent; appointment 5/10/88 Yes: 394 No: 1072


Pike 3824 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 2037 No: 518 Richmond 4147 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 33005 No: 7709 Richmond 4043 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/8/88 Yes: 27047 No: 11602 Richmond 3971 Board of commissioners as Augusta-Richmond County Commission-Council for both county and city 11/8/88 Yes: 25129 No: 19153 Richmond City of Augusta 3987 Reorganized government of city and Richmond County; repeal of city charter 11/8/88 Yes: 7180 No: 4789 Rockdale and City of Conyers 3899 Conyers-Rockdale County Charter Commission; creation 11/14/89 County: Yes: 3760 No: 2768 City: Yes: 338 No: 668 Rockdale 3990 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/8/88 Yes: 11589 No: 4547 Rockdale 3659 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 5507 No: 1330 Sumter 3702 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/9/88 Yes: 1596 No: 1134 Sumter City of Americus 3550 Sumter County Public School System; creation; merger of Sumter County and City of Americus school systems 6/21/88 Sumter County: Yes: 1033 No: 1412 City of Americus: Yes: 1530 No: 592

Page CCC

Upson 3821 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 2598 No: 480 Upson 3685 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 3702 No: 900 Upson 3828 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes Not held Walton 4710 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 3876 No: 739 Walton 4720 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 3448 No: 1025 Walton 4723 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/9/88 Yes: 3248 No: 1157 White 4493 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 2634 No: 628 White 4472 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 2541 No: 661 White 3515 Board of commissioners; re-creation 3/8/88 Yes: 1278 No: 715


Georgia Laws 1989: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow City of Cartersville 4746 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/7/89 Yes: 1208 No: 143 Chatham City of Port Wentworth 5105 Corporate limits 9/12/89 Corporate limits: Yes: 292 No: 58 [Illegible Text] area: Yes: 50 No: 24 Cherokee 4295 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 11/7/89 Yes: 4697 No: 1676 Clarke City of Athens 4021 Redevelopment powers 11/7/89 Yes: 919 No: 725 Clayton 4905 County board of education; elections; composition; districts; county school superintendent; election 8/15/89 Yes: 1673 No: 2007 Clayton 4818 Redevelopment powers 8/15/89 Yes: 1879 No: 1755 Cobb 4266 Redevelopment powers 7/17/90 Yes: 27511 No: 27847 Cobb City of Smyrna 3878 Homestead exemption; city taxes 4/4/89 Yes: 1714 No: 107


Cobb City of Smyrna 4896 Homestead exemption; city taxes 4/4/89 Yes: 1641 No: 156 Dougherty City of Albany 4802 Mayor and commissioners; elections; terms 8/8/89 Yes: 11373 No: 2489 Dougherty City of Albany 4062 Homestead exemption; city taxes 8/8/89 Yes: 12173 No: 1553 Effingham Town of Rincon 4024 Homestead exemption; town taxes 11/7/89 Yes: 427 No: 27 Fannin City of Blue Ridge 3823 New charter 5/27/89 Fannin County: Yes: 4 No: 57 City of Blue Ridge: Yes: 123 No: 96 Fulton City of Atlanta 4229 Homestead exemption; city and city school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 44047 No: 7769 Harris City of Shiloh 4084 Homestead exemption; city taxes Not held Henry 4829 Board of commissioners; chairman; election Superseded by Ga. L. 1990, p. 5232


Liberty City of Hinesville 4782 Mayor and council; elections; terms; districts Superseded by Ga. L. 1990, p. 4047 Lowndes 3578 County board of education; membership; districts; elections Repealed by Ga. L. 1990, p. 3529 Spalding 3802 Griffin-Spalding County Charter Commission; creation 4/9/91 Yes: 2957 No: 5549 Whitfield 4901 County board of education; terms; elections Not held Georgia Laws 1989 Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Gwinnett City of Berkeley Lake 72 Mayor and councilmembers; elections; terms; mayor's veto powers 12/2/89 Yes: 201 No: 43


Georgia Laws 1990: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 4142 Board of commissioners; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 1759 No: 908 Appling 4720 County board of education; members; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 1767 No: 900 Ben Hill 4435 County board of education; elections; terms; districts; vacancies 8/28/90 Yes: 238 No: 22 Ben Hill City of Fitzgerald 4146 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/20/90 Yes: 722 No: 100 Berrien 4703 Board of commissioners; compensation; composition Not held Catoosa 4481 Comprehensive land use plan; advisory referendum 7/17/90 Yes: 2276 No: 1651 Catoosa 4984 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 6069 No: 1495 Charlton City of Folkston 4217 Corporate limits Not held Chatham 3992 Board of commissioners; chairman; term 11/6/90 Yes: 23981 No: 7149 Chatham City of Pooler 4202 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 645 No: 64 Chatham 5146 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 25777 No: 5162


Chatham City of Savannah 3995 Mayor; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 12513 No: 4729 Clarke 4711 County board of education; membership; elections 11/6/90 Yes: 13458 No: 3288 Clarke and City of Athens 3560 Unified government; officers; employees; powers; duties 8/7/90 Yes: 11572 No: 8110 Clayton 4632 County school superintendent; election 11/6/90 Yes: 21629 No: 11275 Clayton 4378 Governing authority and board of education; tax millage rates 11/6/90 Yes: 19433 No: 12594 Clayton 4635 County board of education; election; terms; districts 11/6/90 Yes: 16902 No: 15137 Clayton City of Riverdale 5267 Homestead exemption; city taxes 10/13/90 Yes: 797 No: 100 Cobb City of Marietta 4390 Ad valorem tax; public schools Not held Crawford 4331 Board of commissioners; compensation 11/6/90 Yes: 294 No: 1184 DeKalb 3978 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 47225 No: 56619 DeKalb 5272 DeKalb County School District; millage rates 11/6/90 Yes: 63540 No: 34207


DeKalb 3900 Code of ethics; board of ethics; members; powers; duties 11/6/90 Yes: 104297 No: 12387 Douglas 3643 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 7185 No: 1936 Douglas 3650 Board of commissioners; membership; elections 7/17/90 Yes: 6428 No: 3293 Douglas 3662 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 6836 No: 2309 Douglas 3658 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 7422 No: 1813 Effingham 4035 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 3444 No: 423 Feyette 4317 County school superintendent; appointment; term 11/6/90 Yes: 5949 No: 11075 Forsyth 4680 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 7969 No: 1992 Fulton City of Hapeville 3665 Redevelopment powers 11/6/90 Yes: 825 No: 396 Fulton City of College Park 4238 Homestead exemption; city taxes 5/7/90 Yes: 540 No: 27 Fulton City of College Park 4242 Redevelopment powers 5/7/90 Yes: 481 No: 82 Gordon 3745 Board of commissioners; creation; election 11/6/90 Yes: 1758 No: 3426


Gwinnett City of Buford 4291 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/3/90 Yes: 755 No: 117 Gwinnett 3774 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 67424 No: 21536 Gwinnett City of Norcross 3941 Homestead exemption; city taxes 6/5/90 Yes: 135 No: 7 Gwinnett City of Lilburn 4469 Homestead exemption; city taxes 5/22/90 Yes:401 No:26 Haralson 3868 Board of commissioners; creation; elections; powers; duties 7/17/90 Yes: 1907 No: 2008 Harris City of Shiloh 3840 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 73 No: 21 Henry 5232 Board of commissioners; chairman; election 11/6/90 Yes: 8376 No: 4952 Henry 4474 County school superintendent; appointment 11/6/90 Yes: 4085 No: 9950 Henry 4476 County board of education; members; elections 11/6/90 Yes: 9217 No: 4270 Jefferson 4224 County board of education and school superintendent 7/17/90 Yes: 1927 No: 909 Jones 3790 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 1854 No: 390 Lamar 4022 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; selection 11/6/90 Yes: 1424 No: 544


Liberty 4045 Enhanced 911 emergency telephone service 11/6/90 Yes: 1754 No: 579 Liberty City of Hinesville 4047 Mayor and council; election; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 815 No: 367 McIntosh 4781 County school superintendent; appointment 11/6/90 Yes: 832 No: 1046 Monroe City of Forsyth 4764 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 806 No: 149 Monroe 4547 Board of commissioners; compensation 11/6/90 Yes: 901 No: 2856 Murray 3845 Board of commissioners; creation; members; elections; districts 11/6/90 Yes: 2065 No: 1509 Murray 3668 County board of education; powers; duties; elections; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 2240 No: 974 Peach 4589 Board of commissioners; redevelopment powers 7/17/90 Yes: 837 No: 615 Peach 4155 County board of education; election; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 2686 No: 971 Pulaski 4415 County board of education; members; non-partisan elections Not held Rockdale 4654 County board of education; election 11/6/90 Yes: 9713 No: 4088 Spalding City of Griffin 4596 Board of commissioners; chairman; powers; duties Not held


Spalding City of Griffin 3734 Board of commissioners; taxation and finance powers; homestead exemption; city taxes Not held Tattnall City of Reidsville 4918 Mayor; terms of office 11/6/90 Yes: 219 No: 334 Toombs 4603 County school superintendent; appointment 11/6/90 Yes: 545 No: 1121 Twiggs 3935 Homestead exemptions; county and county school district taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 1171 No: 319 Upson City of Thomaston 3794 Merger of Upson County School System and City of Thomaston Independent School System; board of education; membership 7/17/90 Upson County: Yes: 2269 No: 1227 City of Thomaston: Yes: 1673 No: 1055 Walton City of Social Circle 4159 Homestead exemption; city school district taxes; disabled residents 7/17/90 Yes: 246 No: 60 Walton City of Social Circle 4171 Homestead exemption; city school district taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 248 No: 39 Walton 4351 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 2639 No: 369


Wilkes 4592 County board of education; election; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 1801 No: 442 Wilkinson City of Ivey 3787 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/6/90 Yes: 175 No: 14 Wilkinson 4925 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 798 No: 98


Georgia Laws 1991: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 4478 County school superintendent; appointment 9/17/91 Yes: 909 No: 1621 Ben Hill 3772 County school superintendent; appointment 9/17/91 Yes: 449 No: 490 Ben Hill 3753 Board of commissioners; members; posts; elections; terms 3/3/92 Yes: 1268 No: 580 Chatham City of Savannah 3776 City of Savannah and Chatham County Board of Public Education; members; election; vacancies 11/3/92 Yes: 35958 No: 10709 Chattooga 4274 Board of commissioners; creation 3/3/92 Yes: 779 No: 3795 Cherokee 3627 County board of education; members; vacancies; residency Not held Cherokee 3855 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 18240 No: 3269 Cobb City of Acworth 3576 Special election for approval of expenditure of proceeds from sale of water and sewer system Not held Cobb City of Austell 4508 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/5/91 Yes: 347 No: 26 Cobb City of Smyrna 4693 Homestead exemption; city taxes Not held (See Ga. L. 1992, p. 5725) Columbia 3986 County board of education and school superintendent 11/5/91 Yes: 4750 No: 8360 Dade 3893 Board of commissioners; creation 3/3/92 Yes: 1567 No: 1262 Douglas City of Douglasville 4297 Douglasville-Douglas County Charter Commission; creation Not held Franklin 4681 Board of commissioners; creation 3/3/92 Yes: 1883 No: 1671 Fulton 3747 Fulton County School District; homestead exemption 11/3/92 Yes: 85563 No: 25354 Fulton City of Fairburn 3581 Homestead exemption; city taxes 6/27/91 Yes: 252 No: 15


Fulton City of College Park 4422 Wards; election date 9/17/91 Yes: 301 No: 49 Gwinnett City of Sugar Hill 4675 Homestead exemption; city taxes 10/26/91 Yes: 527 No: 37 Harris City of Hamilton 3973 Municipal court; penalties Not held (Repealed by Ga. L. 1991, Ex. Sess., p. 423) Muscogee 4255 City-County government and school taxes; homestead valuation; local constitutional amendments repealed 11/5/91 Yes: 5731 No: 24247 Muscogee 4259 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes; disabled veterans 11/5/91 Yes: 25203 No: 4579 Muscogee 4265 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/5/91 Yes: 27198 No: 2640 Newton 4328 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 10026 No: 2314 Oconee 3822 County school superintendent; appointment 11/5/91 Yes: 795 No: 1286 Pickens 3851 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3827 No: 634 Pickens 4212 Board of commissioners; creation 3/3/92 Yes: 1377 No: 2081


Pike 3695 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 2665 No: 697 Pulaski 4175 County board of education; restatement of law 7/21/92 Yes: 1173 No: 504 Rabun 4555 County school superintendent; appointment Not held Spalding City of Griffin 4604 Board of commissioners; taxation and finance powers; homestead exemption 11/5/91 Yes: 1695 No: 235 Troup City of Hogansville 4427 City school taxes; maximum millage rate Not held Washington 3759 County board of education; reconstitution; school superintendent 3/3/92 Yes: 1463 No: 709 Whitfield 3638 County board of education; terms 3/3/92 Yes: 3164 No: 750


Georgia Laws 1991, Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Butts 473 Solid waste landfill; advisory referendum 11/5/91 Public: 1748 Private: 878 Camden City of St. Marys 460 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/3/91 Yes: 659 No: 87 Elbert 370 Board of commissioners; chairman; county administrator 3/3/92 Yes: 2068 No: 1056 Troup City of Hogansville 476 Ad valorem school taxes Not held Ware 445 County board of education and school superintendent 3/3/92 Yes: 2673 No: 573


Georgia Laws 1992: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 6709 Magistrate court; chief magistrate and magistrates 11/3/92 Yes: 8494 No: 1080 Bartow 6484 Chairperson and board of commissioners; creation 7/21/92 Yes: 1993 No: 2802 Berrien 5221 County board of education; districts; elections 7/21/92 Yes: 2534 No: 1453 Berrien 6329 Board of commissioners; composition; district; elections Not held Not precleared by U.S. Justice Department Bryan 4551 County board of education; districts; terms 7/21/92 Yes: 1853 No: 553 Bryan 4592 Board of commissioners; districts; terms; vacancies 7/2192 Yes: 1514 No: 939 Camden City of Kingsland 5686 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 211 No: 19 Carroll 6514 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 13278 No: 2669 Carroll City of Carrollton 5906 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3270 No: 746 Catoosa 5981 Catoosa Utility District and Board of Utilities Commissioners; abolition 11/3/92 Yes: 3354 No: 9649 Chatham City of Pooler 7019 Corporate limits 11/3/92 Yes: 1205 No: 255


Chattooga City of Summerville 6308 City manager; mayor Not held Clarke 6241 Homestead exemption: county and school district taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 7898 No: 1112 Clayton 6146 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 18324 No: 4429 Cobb City of Powder Springs 6237 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 2433 No: 536 Cobb City of Smyrna 5725 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 3222 No: 513 Columbia 6175 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 21586 No: 4446 DeKalb 6845 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 112095 No: 48244 DeKalb 6624 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 82790 No: 73413 DeKalb 6137 Governing authority; definition; code of ethics; sanctions 11/3/92 Yes: 125095 No: 51405 DeKalb 6323 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 129830 No: 53377 DeKalb 5720 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 131414 No: 43365


DeKalb 6566 Commission; districts; elections 7/21/92 Yes: 46257 No: 22459 Floyd 5383 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 14905 No: 9240 Floyd 5466 Board of commissioners: terms 11/3/92 Yes: 15052 No: 10621 Floyd 5902 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 6032 No: 2580 Forsyth 5052 County board of education; laws restated 7/21/92 Yes: 6402 No: 1183 Forsyth City of Cumming 6601 Cumming-Forsyth County Charter Commission; creation 11/3/92 Yes: 7566 No: 8408 Forsyth 6300 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 12682 No: 3513 Franklin 4770 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3731 No: 867 Fulton 6563 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 124659 No: 68198 Fulton City of Alpharetta 6449 Mayor and council; districts; elections; terms 7/21/92 Yes: 640 No: 1656 Fulton City of Atlanta 7007 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 58142 No: 35594 Fulton City of Atlanta 7003 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 66039 No: 32340


Fulton 6583 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 121003 No: 77010 Gwinnett City of Suwannee 6524 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 413 No: 71 Hart 5574 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 4094 No: 1518 Heard 6107 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 2362 No: 480 Jackson 5452 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes Not held Jackson City of Jefferson 5888 Homestead exemption; city and city school district taxes Not held Jasper 6508 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 1267 No: 848 Jones 5389 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 2749 No: 969 Lowndes 5827 County board of education; membership; elections; districts 11/3/92 Yes: 5301 No: 3430 Madison 4726 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3734 No: 932 McIntosh 6500 McIntosh County Industrial Development Authority; retention 11/3/92 Yes: 1342 No: 1016 Murray 6246 County school superintendent; appointment 11/3/92 Yes: 1771 No: 3962 Muscogee 6629 County board of education; composition; districts; taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 30455 No: 10920


Muscogee 5365 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes; bonded indebtedness 11/3/92 Yes: 24510 No: 12796 Newton 6587 Motor vehicle registration periods 7/21/92 Yes: 2556 No: 2241 Paulding 5788 Board of commissioners; composition; elections; districts 11/3/92 Yes: 1785 No: 2944 Polk 6361 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 5292 No: 1442 Rabun City of Sky Valley 6111 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 85 No: 11 Rabun 5472 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3356 No: 503 Rockdale 5351 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 16414 No: 4668 Sumter 5171 County board of education; reconstitution; districts; terms 7/21/92 Yes: 738 No: 299 Telfair 6358 County board of education; vacancies 7/21/92 Yes: 2897 No: 312 Towns 6853 County board of education; appointment 7/21/92 Yes: 1067 No: 135 Troup 5459 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes Not held Troup City of Hogansville 6218 Ad valorem city school taxes; maximum millage rate 7/21/92 Yes: 184 No: 421


Twiggs 6502 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 1547 No: 289 Upson 5823 Thomaston-Upson County School District; homestead exemption 11/3/92 Yes: 7743 No: 1245 Walton 5892 County board of education; districts; terms; elections; compensation 7/21/92 Yes: 1979 No: 3149 Wilkinson 6312 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 775 No: 127 Georgia Laws 1993: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bibb 4866 Board of education; school taxes; budgets; compensation 11/2/93 Yes: 6321 No: 8815 Bulloch City of Statesboro 4418 Corporate limits 6/15/93 Yes: 1237 No: 371 Butts 4470 Advisory referendum on type of government 3/15/94 Yes: 743 No: 1019


Candler City of Metter 4386 Metter-Candler County Charter Commission; creation; consolidation of governments 9/20/94 County: Yes: 224 No: 981 City: Yes: 339 No: 558 Clayton 4452 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 11260 No: 2369 Clayton City of Morrow 4446 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 268 No: 19 Cobb 4441 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 86411 No: 29500 Gordon 4827 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 9/21/93 Yes: 3004 No: 582 Gordon City of Calhoun 4823 Homestead exemption; city school district taxes 9/21/93 Yes: 1057 No: 191 Gwinnett City of Duluth 4730 Homestead exemptions; city taxes 11/2/93 Each Resident: Yes: 1064 No: 89 Residents 65 or older or disabled: Yes: 1107 No: 60 Lamar 5117 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/8/94 County taxes: Yes: 2195 No: 592 School district taxes: Referendum not held


Schley City of Ellaville 5316 Ellaville-Schley County Charter Commission; consolidation of governments (amended by Ga. L. 1994, p. 4042) 11/8/94 Yes: 358 No: 624 Tift City of Tifton 4278 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 972 No: 54 Troup 5112 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 5122 No: 496 Troup City of LaGrange 3909 Mayor and council; composition; districts 6/15/93 Option 1: 522 Option 2: 350 Troup City of LaGrange 3941 Mayor and council; elections 6/15/93 Yes: 537 No: 328 Whitfield City of Dalton 4187 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 2341 No: 246 Whitfield City of Dalton 4191 Homestead exemption; Dalton Independent School District taxes Not held


Georgia Laws 1994: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Statewide 400 Ad valorem taxes; homestead exemption for senior citizens 11/8/94 Yes: 1023809 No: 271307 Statewide 927 Ad valorem taxes; exemption for blueberry plants 11/8/94 Yes: 592738 No: 683392 Statewide 965 Ad valorem taxes; exemption of headquarters and post homes of veterans organizations 7/19/94 Yes: 330826 No: 191595 Appling 4144 Chief magistrate; nonpartisan nomination and election 11/8/94 Yes: 1933 No: 900 Appling 4148 Board of education; nonpartisan nomination and election 11/8/94 Yes: 1823 No: 1021 Appling 4150 Judge of the probate court; nonpartisan nomination and election 11/8/94 Yes: 2002 No: 894 Baldwin 4459 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 7/19/94 County Taxes, Part 1: Yes: 2714 No: 750 School Taxes, Part 2: Yes: 2607 No: 830 Bartow 4058 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 5913 No: 2695 Bartow 4556 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 4421 No: 2031 Bartow 4900 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; disabled residents 11/8/94 Yes: 4772 No: 1620 Bartow 4904 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; senior citizens 11/8/94 Yes: 4791 No: 1742 Carroll 3835 Motor vehicle registration periods 7/19/94 Yes: 4709 No: 2124 Cherokee 4701 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 16177 No: 4581


Clayton City of Morrow 4470 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 209 No: 13 Colquitt 3614 Board of education; membership; elections Not held Colquitt 3859 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 2542 No: 863 Columbia 4080 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 13621 No: 3408 Coweta 3738 Homestead exemption; county taxes; disabled and senior citizens 11/8/94 Yes: 11934 No: 1707 Coweta 3742 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 10550 No: 2646 Crawford 4515 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 1214 No: 274 Dawson 4526 Advisory referendum on county governing authority 11/8/94 Sole commissioner: 699 Bd. of commissioners: 2201 Decatur 4522 Board of commissioners; membership; chairperson; term 11/8/94 Yes: 2487 No: 713 DeKalb 3817 Garbage; sanitation districts; local constitutional amendments repealed 11/8/94 Yes: 68161 No: 32188 DeKalb City of Decatur 4411 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 4017 No: 649


Forsyth 4277 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 4815 No: 1018 Fulton City of Alpharetta 4669 Homestead exemptions; city taxes 7/19/94 Section 2: Yes: 1350 No: 244 Section 3: Yes: 1347 No: 202 Section 4: Yes: 1351 No: 200 Fulton City of East Point 5048 Homestead exemption; city taxes; local constitutional amendment repealed 11/8/94 Yes: 3726 No: 823 Glynn 3920 Homestead exemptions; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 9696 No: 3650 Gwinnett 3924 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 68260 No: 19808 Gwinnett City of Lawrenceville 3783 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 335 No: 23 Gwinnett City of Sugar Hill 4194 Homestead exemption; city taxes 9/20/94 Yes: 617 No: 117 Hall 4696 Homestead exemption; school district taxes [Illegible Text]


Harris 4551 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 2624 No: 832 Houston City of Centerville 3849 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 365 No: 33 Houston City of Warner Robins 3707 Homestead exemption; city taxes; senior citizens 9/20/94 Yes: 3540 No: 197 Houston City of Warner Robins 3892 Corporate limits; powers; duties; mayor; mayor pro tempore; city manager 11/7/95 Yes: 1116 No: 3277 Jackson 3758 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 1356 No: 250 Jackson 4381 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 2684 No: 330 Liberty 3718 Motor vehicle registration periods 7/19/94 Yes: 686 No: 237 Newton 3745 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 3923 No: 4385 Peach 3824 Homestead exemption; school district taxes Not held See Ga. L. 1995, p. 4181 Pierce 4294 Homestead exemption; county taxes Not held


Pulaski 3882 Magistrate court; chief [Illegible Text] nonpartisan elections 11/8/94 Yes: 1381 No: 243 Putnam 4974 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 7/19/94 Part 1: Yes: 960 No: 581 Part 2: Yes: 901 No: 623 Rockdale City of Conyers 3969 Council; membership; districts; elections; vacancies; election superintendent 7/19/94 Yes: 539 No: 158 Spalding 4205 Homestead exemption; Griffin-Spalding County School District taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 6074 No: 1557 Spalding 4428 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 5795 No: 1645 Troup 3844 Homestead exemptions; school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 10162 No: 1677 Walton 4924 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 5757 No: 1816 Whitfield City of Dalton 4251 Homestead exemption; City of Dalton Independent School District taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 1240 No: 323 Whitfield City of Dalton 4465 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 2341 No: 246


Georgia Laws 1995: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Statewide 233 Historical fraternal benefit association; ad valorem tax exemption 11/5/96 Yes: 991391 No: 97016 Baldwin 4094 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes Not held County taxes, Part 1: Yes: No: School district taxes, Part 2: Yes: No: Bartow City of Cartersville 3950 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/7/95 Yes: 660 No: 83 Chatham City of Tybee Island 4462 New charter 11/7/95 Yes: 435 No: 387 Cherokee 4185 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 23666 No: 11528 Clayton 3913 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 7/9/96 Yes: 16606 No: 2844 Clayton City of Forest Park 4392 Redevelopment powers Not held Clayton City of Morrow 3909 Homestead exemption; city taxes 6/20/95 Yes: 237 No: 2


Dawson 3689 Board of commissioners; creation 11/7/95 Question No. 1: Yes: 1317 No: 787 Question No. 2: Option 1: 857 Option 2: 973 DeKalb City of Decatur 4208 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/7/95 Yes: 1972 No: 471 Dodge 3816 Board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3/5/96 Yes: 752 No: 186 Forsyth 4215 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 18108 No: 3473 Fulton 4423 Homestead exemption; county taxes 3/5/96 Yes: 39716 No: 9423 Fulton City of Roswell 3603 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/7/95 Yes: 2384 No: 338 Gilmer 3824 Board of commissioners; creation 9/19/95 Yes: 1507 No: 1149 Gilmer 3895 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 9/19/95 Yes: 2193 No: 403 Harris 3752 Harris County Streets and Roads Authority; creation Not held Henry 3723 Homestead exemption; county taxes; citizens 65 or older Not held


Henry 4445 Homestead exemption; county taxes Not held Houston City of Warner Robins 4189 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/7/95 Yes: 4122 No: 366 Lumpkin 3839 Board of commissioners; creation 11/7/95 Question No. 1: Yes: 1014 No: 1085 Question No. 2: Option 1: 937 Option 2: 822 Lumpkin 4292 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/7/95 Yes: 1766 No: 291 Peach 4181 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 6/20/95 Yes: 739 No: 130 Putnam 4414 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/5/96 County taxes, Part 1: Yes: 1835 No: 2275 School district taxes, Part 2: Yes: 1802 No: 2268 Richmond 3648 Consolidation with City of Augusta and City of Hephzibah 6/20/95 Yes: 18027 No: 9006 Richmond City of Augusta 3642 Consolidation with Richmond County and City of Hephzibah; repeal of city charter 6/20/95 Yes: 5683 No: 1651


Richmond City of Hephzibah 3645 Consolidation with Richmond County and City of Augusta; repeal of city charter 6/20/95 Yes: 146 No: 584 Spalding 4429 Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission; creation; consolidation of county and municipalities 3/18/97 Yes: 3614 No: 5695 White 3964 Board of commissioners; re-creation 3/5/96 Yes: 879 No: 1096 Whitfield 3927 Board of commissioners; terms 3/5/96 Yes: 4009 No: 975 Worth Town of Sumner 4331 New charter 11/7/95 Yes: 19 No: 2 Georgia Laws 1995 Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Carroll 252 Board of commissioners; organization of county government 3/5/96 Yes: 3798 No: 5261 Forsyth 237 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 18108 No: 3473


Georgia Laws 1996: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Statewide 1260 Ad valorem tax exemption for vans and buses used by religious groups 11/5/96 Yes: 1,073,394 No: 879,627 Bartow 3851 Board of education; advisory referendum on manner of election of members 11/5/96 Option 1: 5,798 Option 2: 5,348 Catoosa and Walker City of Fort Oglethorpe 3892 New charter 7/9/96 Yes: 378 No: 185 Chatham City of Tybee Island 3537 Homestead exemption: city taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 974 No: 170 Chattooga 3751 Homestead exemption: school district taxes Not held Cherokee City of Woodstock 4407 Advisory referendum on corporate limits of the City of Woodstock 11/5/96 Yes: 15,360 No: 20,596 Colquitt 3737 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/5/96 Part 1, county taxes: Yes: 5,214 No: 1,981 Part 2, school district taxes: Yes: 4,934 No: 2,133


Fayette 4453 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/5/96 County and school taxes; senior citizens: Yes: 23,680 No: 6,031 County taxes: Yes: 22,848 No: 6,110 Floyd 3820 Homestead exemption: school district taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 11,354 No: 3,412 Floyd City of Rome 3811 Homestead exemption: school district taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 5,685 No: 1,850 Fulton City of Alpharetta 3501 Homestead exemption: city taxes 7/9/96 Yes: 1,710 No: 333 Fulton City of Roswell 3583 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/9/96 Yes: 5,027 No: 949 Habersham 3554 Advisory referendum on animal control regulations 7/9/96 Yes: 1,876 No: 1,161 Hall 3977 Homestead exemption: school district taxes Not held Irwin 3611 Board of commissioners: elections: terms Not held


Lamar 3564 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 3,125 No: 793 Lamar City of Barnesville 3546 Homestead exemption; city taxes Not held Lowndes 3841 Board of tax assessors; election; local Constitutional amendment repealed 11/5/96 Yes: 7,265 No: 10,990 Lumpkin 4044 Advisory referendums on comprehensive land use regulations and animal control 7/9/96 Land use regulations: Yes: 2,088 No: 2,260 Animal control regulations: Yes: 2,838 No: 1,647 Newton 3823 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/9/96 Yes: 3,760 No: 2,718 Richmond 4422 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 33,611 No: 14,278


Stewart 4028 Board of commissioners; creation 7/9/96 Yes: 694 No: 517 Ware 4458 State court; solicitor; term; election 11/5/96 Yes: 4,482 No: 2,739 Ware 4113 State court; solicitor; term 11/5/96 Yes: 4,482 No: 2,739 White 3642 Advisory referendums on comprehensive land use regulations, sale of wine, and animal control regulations 7/9/96 Land use regulations: Yes: 1,908 No: 1,957 Sale of wine: Yes: 1,985 No: 1,941 Animal control regulations: Yes: 2,490 No: 1,453 Whitfield 4010 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 10,764 No: 5,932 Whitfield 3734 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/5/96 Yes: 11,029 No: 1,587 Wilkes 3754 Board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections 7/9/96 Yes: 1,066 No: 507


Georgia Laws 1997: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 3808 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/3/98 County taxes: Yes: 3363 No: 3905 School district taxes: Yes: 3438 No: 3817 Banks 4091 Homestead exemption; county taxes; residents 65 or older 6/17/97 Yes: 548 No: 15 Bibb 3764 Macon-Bibb Board of Health; membership; local Constitutional amendment repealed Not held Chatham 3664 Homestead exemption; school district taxes Not held Chattooga 4617 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; residents 70 or older Not held Cherokee 3788 Homestead exemption; county taxes 9/16/97 Yes: 7007 No: 6275 Crisp 4123 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/4/97 Yes: 1412 No: 86 DeKalb 3501 Homestead exemption; county taxes 3/18/97 Yes: 49208 No: 20516 DeKalb City of Chamblee 3591 Homestead exemption; city taxes; local Constitutional amendment repealed 11/3/98 Yes: 523 No: 261 Dodge 4417 Board of commissioners; creation 7/21/98 Yes: 1628 No: 822 Dooly 4063 Homestead exemption; county taxes; residents 62 or older 11/3/98 Yes: 1450 No: 255


Effingham 3883 Homestead exemption; county taxes 9/16/97 Yes: 2753 No: 256 Elbert 3731 Homestead exemption; county taxes 9/16/97 Yes: 1311 No: 196 Floyd 3678 Board of commissioners; terms 7/21/98 Yes: 7520 No: 1849 Gwinnett 3728 Homestead exemption; school district taxes Not held Henry 3911 Homestead exemption; county taxes 9/16/97 Yes: 6161 No: 1277 Henry 3915 Homestead exemption; county taxes; residents 65 or older 9/16/97 Yes: 6652 No: 946 Lowndes 4127 Board of commissioners; membership; districts; elections; terms; qualifications 9/16/97 Yes: 2246 No: 4296 Mitchell City of Pelham 3684 Ad valorem taxes; maximum millage rate for educational purposes Not held Murray 3943 Homestead exemption; county taxes; residents 65 or older 7/21/98 Yes: 1838 No: 221 Murray 3947 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/21/98 Yes: 1516 No: 489 Paulding City of Dallas 4205 City of Dallas Parking Authority; abolished; local Constitutional amendment repealed 11/3/98 Yes: 337 No: 240


Pickens 4283 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; residents 62 or older or disabled 9/16/97 Yes: 737 No: 93 Pickens 4288 Homestead exemption; county taxes 9/16/97 Yes: 716 No: 97 Pickens 4291 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 9/16/97 Yes: 710 No: 103 Richmond 4198 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/3/98 County taxes: Yes: 30309 No: 8173 11/24/98 School district taxes: Yes: 31500 No: 6542 Stephens 3510 Homestead exemption; county taxes 3/18/97 Yes: 2302 No: 735 Stephens 3513 Homestead exemption; county taxes; senior citizens 3/18/97 Yes: 2619 No: 465 Tift City of Tifton 3962 Corporate limits (Amended by Ga. L. 1998, p. 3511) 3/17/98 Yes: 373 No: 938


Georgia Laws 1998: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Statewide 259 Ad valorem tax exemption of motor vehicles of disabled veterans 11/3/98 Yes: 1081810 No: 490735 Statewide 547 Ad valorem tax exemption of motor vehicles owned by former prisoners of war 11/3/98 Yes: 1027331 No: 544129 Statewide 550 Ad valorem taxation; homestead exemptions; absence due to health reasons 11/3/98 Yes: 1312521 No: 275070 Statewide 1015 Ad valorem tax exemption of property owned by certain religious organizations 11/3/98 Yes: 1036767 No: 544453 Statewide 1150 Ad valorem tax exemption for certain agricultural products, crops, trees, plants, and livestock 11/3/98 Yes: 984728 No: 567891 Barrow 3549 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 5732 No: 1448 Barrow 4085 Homestead exemptions; county taxes 11/3/98 Part I: Yes: 4976 No: 2075 Part II: Yes: 5828 No: 1328 Barrow City of Auburn 3808 Dissolution of city charter; advisory referendum 11/3/98 Yes: 372 No: 781 Bibb 3822 Joint Board of Health for the City of Macon and Bibb County; local constitutional amendment; repeal 11/3/98 Yes: 24894 No: 7934 Bryan 3933 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 2830 No: 835 Carroll 3884 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 7/21/98 Yes: 5919 No: 820


Carroll City of Carrollton 3881 Homestead exemption; city school district taxes 7/21/98 Yes: 1410 No: 290 Catoosa 4054 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 7892 No: 1279 Catoosa 4051 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 7385 No: 1649 Chatham 3757 Homestead exemption; Chatham County and City of Savannah School District taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 37341 No: 9886 Chatham City of Bloomingdale 3888 Corporate limits 7/21/98 Yes: 74 No: 37 Chatham City of Garden City 3865 Corporate limits 7/21/98 Yes: 811 No: 170 Chatham City of Garden City 3891 Zoning; restaurants serving alcoholic beverages 11/3/98 Yes: 1098 No: 592 Chatham City of Pooler 3988 Mayor and aldermen; terms 11/3/98 Yes: 492 No: 599 Chattooga 4660 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 7/21/98 Yes: 2191 No: 387 Cherokee 3874 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/24/98 Yes: 5258 No: 198


Coweta 4061 Homestead exemption: school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 14567 No: 2966 Crisp 3857 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 1747 No: 314 Dade 4537 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/21/98 Yes: 453 No: 59 Dougherty City of Albany 3835 Mayor and commissioners; terms 7/21/98 Yes: 6671 No: 5382 Fannin 4124 Homestead exemption; school district taxes Not held Fayette Town of Tyrone 4534 Type of government; advisory referendum 11/3/98 Mayor-council: 565 Council-manager: 505 Floyd 3905 Homestead exemptions; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 9761 No: 3005 Floyd 4082 Unification of Floyd County and City of Rome governments; advisory referendum 11/3/98 Unification: 8690 Separate governments: 8824 Glynn 4247 Homestead exemptions; county taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 10914 No: 3320 Gwinnett 3951 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 82837 No: 29020 Habersham 4652 Board of commissioners; membership; districts; elections; county manager 7/21/98 Three-member board: 1693 Five-member board and county manager: 1735


Hall 4281 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 15743 No: 4363 Henry City of Stockbridge 3993 Corporate limits 7/21/98 Yes: 29 No: 59 Jasper 3829 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 7/21/98 Yes: 740 No: 155 Liberty 4113 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 3626 No: 1069 Liberty 4117 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 3360 No: 1331 Liberty 4120 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 3322 No: 1279 Lincoln 3983 Board of education; members; nonpartisan primaries and elections 11/3/98 Yes: 1584 No: 468


Madison 4097 Form of government; advisory referendum 7/21/98 Sole commissioner: 627 Five-member board county manager: 451 Five-member board county administrator: 344 Five-member traditional board; chairperson allowed to vote: 343 Five-member traditional board; chairperson allowed to vote to break a tie: 484 Form of government; advisory referendum runoff 11/3/98 Sole commissioner: 2135 Five-member traditional board; chairperson allowed to vote to break a tie: 2475


Oconee 3568 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 5288 No: 1473 Oconee 3576 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 5524 No: 1337 Tift City of Tifton 3511 Corporate limits (Amends Ga. L. 1997, p. 3962) 3/17/98 Yes: 373 No: 938 Walker 4557 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/21/98 Yes: 2975 No: 481 Walker 4565 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 7/21/98 Yes: 2571 No: 608 Walker City of Chickamauga 4561 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 510 No: 55 Ware 4543 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 3920 No: 2113 Ware 4546 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 3892 No: 2162 Ware City of Waycross 4550 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/3/98 Yes: 1665 No: 780 White 4521 Land use regulations for unincorporated areas; advisory referendum 11/3/98 Yes: 2375 No: 2549 Whitfield City of Dalton 4104 Homestead exemptions; city taxes; school district taxes * 11/3/98 City taxes: Yes: 3533 No: 465 City school taxes: Yes: 3423 No: 563


GEORGIA LAWS 1999 SESSION BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR: WHEREAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Article X, Section I, Paragraph II of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983, five Constitutional Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 were submitted to the electors of the State of Georgia for ratification or rejection at the General Election held on November 3, 1998; and WHEREAS: The number of votes cast for and against the ratification of five Constitutional Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 voted on in the General Election held on November 3, 1998 have been counted, tabulated, computed, and canvassed by the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, and the results thereof certified to me as Governor of the State of Georgia; and WHEREAS: Said certifications are attached hereto and by reference are made a part hereof; and WHEREAS: Code Section 21-2-502 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated provides that the Governor shall issue his proclamation declaring the results of the vote of each proposed Constitutional Amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME AS GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED: That proposed Constitutional Amendment numbers 2, 3, and 4 which appeared upon the 1998 General Election ballot, all of which are Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983, having been ratified according to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 according to the results of the November 1998 General Election held on Tuesday, November 3, 1998, are a part of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983. Unless the amendment itself shall provide otherwise, each amendment to the Constitution shall become effective on January 1, 1999. FURTHER: I do proclaim that proposed Constitutional Amendments numbers 1 and 5 which appeared upon the 1998 General Election ballot, which were proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983, not having been ratified according to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 according to the results of the November 1998 General Election held on Tuesday, November 3, 1998, are not a part of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983. Thisday of December 1998. /s/Zell Miller GOVERNOR [SEAL] ATTEST /s/Mark H. Cohen EXECUTIVE SECRETARY


1998 General Election November 3, 1998 Votes on Constitutional Amendment Amendment No. 1 Ga. L. 1998, p. 1684 Votes Received Shall the Constitution be amended so as to require the General Assembly to provide by law for the creation of a Land, Water, Wildlife, and Recreation Heritage Fund, with moneys derived from an increase in the real estate transfer tax from $1.00 to $2.00 per $1,000.00, from which funds shall be disbursed for the purposes of local government recreation grants and for acquiring, conserving, managing, or preserving Georgia's natural and historic areas, water resources, and wildlife habitats? The tax increase will take effect only if this constitutional amendment is approved by the voters. YES: 770,192 NO: 875,003 Amendment No. 2 Ga. L. 1998, p. 1686 Votes Received Shall the Constitution be amended so as to limit the educational purposes and programs for which lottery proceeds may be appropriated and expended and to specify that scholarships, pre-kindergarten programs, and shortfall reserves shall receive priority over teacher technology training and capital outlay projects for educational facilities? YES: 814,815 NO: 796,065 Amendment No. 3 Ga. L. 1998, p. 1683 Votes Received Shall the Constitution be amended so as to provide for additional penalties for offenses involving driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and provide for their allocation to the Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund for care and rehabilitiation purposes? YES: 1,183,185 NO: 437,689 Amendment No. 4 Ga. L. 1998, p. 1688 Votes Received Shall the Constitution be amended so as to authorize the General Assembly to provide by general law for a road-side enhancement and beautification fund from which funds shall be disbursed for enhancement and beautification of public rights of way; for allocation and dedication of revenue from tree and other vegetation trimming or removal permit fees, other related assessments, and special and distinctive wildflower motor vehicle license plate fees to such fund; that moneys paid into the fund shall not lapse; and that an Act creating the fund and making such provisions may originate in the Senate or the House of Representatives? YES: 805,714 NO: 774,626


Amendment No. 5 Ga. L. 1997, p. 1713 Votes Received Shall the Constitution be amended so as to provide for a Georgia Citizens Commission on Compensation of Public Officials and to remove from the General Assembly the authority to fix the compensation of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the members and officers of the General Assembly, the members of the Public Service Commission, the members of the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, the constitutional officers elected state wide, the superior court judges, and the district attorneys and to place such authority in the commission, with the action of the commission subject to rejection by both houses of the General Assembly? YES: 744,328 NO: 770,957


I, Lewis A. Massey, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do hereby certify that the attached page of typewritten matter constitutes a true and correct copy of the official election returns for the Constitutional Amendments submitted to the voters for ratification at the 1998 General Election held on November 3, 1998; all as the same appear of file and record in this office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the Capitol, in the City of Atlanta, this 13th day of November, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-eight and of the Independence of the United States of America the Two Hundred and Twenty-third. SECRETARY OF STATE


STATE OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ATLANTA 30334-0900 May 3, 1999 Roy E. Barnes GOVERNOR Honorable Mark Taylor Lieutenant Governor 240 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Lieutenant Governor Taylor: I have vetoed Senate Bill 72 which was passed by the General Assembly of Georgia at the 1999 Regular Session. Article III, Section V, Paragraph XIII of the Georgia Constitution requires that I transmit such bills to you, together with a list of reasons for such vetoes. The bill and corresponding reason for its veto is attached. Sincerely, Roy E. Barnes REB/rsk Attachments cc: Honorable Thomas B. Murphy, Speaker of the House of Representatives Honorable Robert E. Rivers, Jr., Clerk, House of Representatives Honorable Frank Eldridge, Secretary of the Senate Honorable Sewell R. Brumby, Legislative Counsel Honorable Thurbert E. Baker, Attorney General Honorable Cathy Cox, Secretary of State


STATE OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ATLANTA 30334-0900 May 3, 1999 Roy E. Barnes GOVERNOR Honorable Thomas B. Murphy Speaker of the House of Representatives 332 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Mr. Speaker: I have vetoed House Bills 6, 407, 547, 677 and 991 which were passed by the General Assembly of Georgia at the 1999 Regular Session. Article III, Section V, Paragraph XIII of the Georgia Constitution requires that I transmit such bills to you, together with a list of reasons for such vetoes. The bills and corresponding reasons for their vetoes are attached. Sincerely, Roy E. Barnes REB/rsk Attachments cc: Honorable Mark Taylor, Lieutant Governor Honorable Robert E. Rivers, Jr., Clerk, House of Representatives Honorable Frank Eldridge, Secretary of the Senate Honorable Sewell R. Brumby, Legislative Counsel Honorable Thurbert E. Baker, Attorney General Honorable Cathy Cox, Secretary of State


Veto Number 1 This bill changes the compensation for the Clerk and Chief Deputy Clerk of the State Court of Cobb County. After the bill was introduced, a mistake was found in the effective date. At the request of the author, I hereby veto House Bill 547. Veto Number 2 This bill changes the compensation of the chairperson of the Board of Commissioners of Pierce County. After the bill was introduced, an error was discovered. At the request of the author, I hereby veto House Bill 991. Veto Number 3 This bill is a compilation of nine separate education bills that were put together in the last hours of the legislative session. While there are strong points to the bill, there are also some portions with good potential that require further consideration as to how they would impact education and the schools. Additionally, there are budgetary costs and priority-setting budgetary issues that need further attention before a commitment is implied through passage and signing of this bill. It is my intention to have the principal issues addressed in SB72 included as part of the work of the Governor's Education Reform Study Commission, which has been created by the General Assembly at my request for the express purpose of considering some of these very same issues. To assist in this endeavor, it is also my intention to ask several key education leaders of the House and Senate, who are also authors of portions of SB72, to serve on this Commission. For these reasons, I hereby veto Senate Bill 72. Veto Number 4 This bill provides for grievance procedures for state employees, including the institution of procedure for the grievance of annual salary increases which are the subject of Georgia Gain. Many of our state departments object to this legislation on the basis that the grievance procedures, particularly with respect to pay increases, will negate the positive effects which the state is experiencing from the institution of Georgia Gain. While I feel that it is important to establish grievance procedures, those procedures should not include the opportunity to engage in lengthy contests, at considerable cost in agency and personnel time, to dispute pay raise decisions which are based upon the Georgia Gain principle of rewarding productivity and achievement rather than simple longevity in a position. Accordingly, while I am vetoing this measure, I have issued an executive order requiring state departments to prepare and submit to me internal grievance procedures with respect to employees covered by Georgia Gain. For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill Number 677.


Veto Number 5 This bill would require judges making custody determinations to consider the desires of children ages 12 and 13 as to the custodial parent. Present law permits the judge discretion to do so, but does not require the court to interview the child where the court feels that the best interests of a particular child would be better served by not requiring the child to face such a potentially traumatic choice. I believe that the decision as to which children of these tender years are appropriately exposed to such potentially disturbing dilemmas is best left in the discretion of the judge overseeing the proceedings. For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill Number 407. Veto Number 6 This bill exempts the so-called Roth IRA from garnishment under Georgia law until such time as the monies therein are paid or otherwise transferred to the beneficiary. This bill attempts to address potential concerns that such accounts are preempted by federal law from garnishment under the law of this state, but the courts of this state have not ruled on that issue. Accordingly, as attempts to restrict assets reachable in garnishment threaten the legitimate and well-recognized public policy of causing debtors to be responsible to their creditors, a policy reflected in our extensive garnishment statutes, its is preferable that this issue await definitive resolution in the courts. For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill Number 6.


THE STATE OF GEORGIA EXECUTIVE ORDER BY THE GOVERNOR: WHEREAS: 1996 Ga. Laws, page 684, Act 816, is intended to promote the overall effectiveness and efficiency of state government, by allowing state agencies greater flexibility in personnel management through the decentralization of responsibility and authority for personnel management to those agencies; simplification of personnel management processes, including classification, hiring and termination of employees; and the reduction of paperwork; and WHEREAS: It is the policy of the State of Georgia to maintain a standard of personnel administration which assures fair and equitable treatment of employees in all aspects of personnel administration; and WHEREAS: It is the public interest to ensure consistent treatment of state employees across all executive branch agencies with respect to employee opportunity to address non-disciplinary employment concerns; and WHEREAS: The Georgia General Assembly has expressed its desire that executive branch agencies provide a grievance procedure to employees in the unclassified service of the State Merit System; NOW, THEREFORE, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME AS GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: That the State Merit System shall convene a group of all executive branch agencies for the purpose of developing a consistent process for resolution of non-disciplinary employment concerns for employees in the unclassified service. Such process shall be developed by September 30, 1999 and shall be made available by each agency to all employees in the unclassified service. This 3rd day of May, 1999. Roy E. Barnes GOVERNOR ATTEST: Robert S. Kahn EXECUTIVE SECRETARY


STATE OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ATLANTA 30334-0900 Roy E. Barnes GOVERNOR Penny Brown Reynolds EXECUTIVE COUNSEL MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mark Taylor Honorable Thomas B. Murphy FROM: Penny Brown Reynolds Executive Consel DATE: April 12, 1999 RE: Line Item Vetoes in House Bill 143 Please be advised that Governor Barnes has line item vetoed the following Sections in House Bill 143: Section 7, Page 6, Pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs Section 7, Page 7, Pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs Section 39, Page 35, Pertaining to the Department of Administrative Services Section 44, Page 38, Pertaining to the Department of Medical Assistance Section 49, Page 39, Pertaining to the Department of Technical and Adult Education Section 50, Page 39, Pertaining to the Department of Transportation Section 59, Page 42, Pertaining to federal funds Section 60, Pertaining to the State of Georgia General Obligation Debt Fund for projects for the Department of Technical and Adult Education see special veto message attached The veto messages are attached for each item referenced above. PBR:pr Attachments cc: Honorable Frank Eldridge, Secretary of the Senate Honorable Robert E. Rivers, Jr., Clerk, House of Representatives Honorable Sewell R. Brumby, Legislative Counsel Honorable Thurbert E. Baker, Attorney General Honorable Cathy Cox, Secretary of State


Governor's Vetoes In House Bill 143 Section 7, pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs, page 6, line 266: The increase of $600,000 in Contracts for Regional Planning and Development was requested by Regional Development Centers (RDCs) for operations in the area of economic development. The RDCs wanted these funds to increase their economic development presence in the regions. The $600,000 is to be allocated equally among RDCs that conform to the new state regional boundaries. Eleven regions are expected to each receive $54,500. An additional $55,000 is included in the Per Diem, Fees and Contracts line item for one RDC with a satellite office that does not conform. The purpose of these funds is not clear and the funds will not be distributed on a performance basis. Funds might be used to hire new staff for economic development, to work on specific economic development projects, or to increase current economic development efforts. By providing these funds to RDCs in this manner, the state would be paying for an unidentified program with no implementation plan or measures of success or performance. The state may also be providing funds to RDCs that duplicate the work of the state funded regional development offices staffed by the Department of Community Affairs and the Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism. Finally, Senate Resolution 184 was approved by the General Assembly and would establish a joint study committee on RDCs and Metropolitan Area Planning and Development Commissions. Six members of the Senate and six members of the House would study the conditions, needs, issues, and problems related to RDCs and would make recommendations. Accountability and performance are also among the topics to be discussed. It would seem appropriate to wait for the findings of this committee before increasing the funding for the state's RDCs. Section 7, pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs, page 7, line 275: In the F.Y. 1999 Budget, $1,000,000 was appropriated to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) to assist counties and Regional Development Centers in conforming to the 12 new state service delivery regions. RDC and local government activity to conform to the regions has been slow and $247,250 would lapse if it were not shifted to another purpose. In the F.Y. 1999 Amended Budget, the Legislature transferred $247,250 that remained from the $1,000,000 into a line item in DCA called Downtown Redevelopment Loan Program. However, DCA has funds for the program in F.Y. 2000 and there is limited need to initiate the program in F.Y. 1999. The full appropriation of $247,250 was scheduled by DCA to be loaned to the City of Waynesboro for a project in its downtown. This exceeds the


DCA maximum loan amount of $200,000, which can be waived at the discretion of the DCA Commissioner. It is inappropriate to begin this loan program with the first appropriation going to one city and exceeding the funding limits just established. This program is authorized and will begin next fiscal year. In the F.Y. 2000 Budget, the Governor recommended and the Legislature approved the expanded use of $2,000,000 located in the Export Assistance Loan Program for a new Downtown Redevelopment Loan Program. The purpose of the fund to provide low interest loans to non-entitlement communities for revitalization projects in downtown commercial districts is a good one for small towns, but it should be competitive. An application period should be established and then the best loan projects selected. Section 39, pertaining to the Department of Administrative Services, page 35, lines 1608 through 1610: This language was approved in the 1996 session of the General Assembly to control the purchase of communications equipment that was not compatible with an 800 mega hertz system. We now believe that a limited number of communication equipment purchases need to be made for security and safety reasons that may not be compatible with an 800 mega hertz system. The Office of Planning and Budget has issued policy guidelines relative to communications equipment purchases that will address budgetary approval and technical review requirements. This language has been vetoed previously. Section 44, pertaining to the Department of Medical Assistance, page 38, lines 1701 through 1702: This language states that Medicaid formulary restrictions, including prior authorization, shall be based on the individual patient's clinical and medical criteria and on cost-effectiveness. The inclusion of the proposed language would compromise the department's ability to effectively and efficiently manage the use of pharmaceuticals by Medicaid recipients. The department already utilizes a prior authorization system that is based on the individual patient's clinical and medical criteria. In addition, the language establishes an unnecessary intrusion into the day to day operation of an executive branch agency by the legislature. Specific benefits and service limitations are determined by agency Board review and amendments to the state plan. This language has been vetoed previously. Section 44, pertaining to the Department of Medical Assistance, page 38, lines 1705 through 1706: This language states that it is the intent of the General Assembly that the Department of Medical Assistance develop an acuity based payment system for nursing homes. This language is unnecessary since the department


currently has existing authority to develop an acuity based payment system. In addition, the department has been analyzing the feasibility of developing such a system, contingent upon available resources. This language has been vetoed previously. Section 49, pertaining to the Department of Technical and Adult Education, page 39, lines 1746 through 1747: This language provides authorization for the conversion of Atlanta and Savannah Area Technical Institutes to State operated institutions. The language is no longer needed since the official conversion of Atlanta Tech and Savannah Tech to state management has already occurred. This language has been vetoed previously. Section 50, pertaining to the Department of Transportation, page 39, lines 1772 through 1776: This language authorizes the Department to transfer position counts between budget functions provided that the Department's total position count shall not exceed the maximum number of annual positions assigned by law. All executive branch agencies are legally authorized to amend their budgets and transfer positions between budget functions when a properly drawn amendment to the annual operating budget has been approved by the Office of Planning and Budget. In addition, the number of positions in each budget function is not specified in the Governor's budget recommendations to the General Assembly or in the annual Appropriations Act. Therefore, this language is unnecessary. This language has been vetoed previously. Section 59, pertaining to federal funds, page 42, lines 1871 through 1875: This language essentially provides a pool of federal money to be available only to supplant state funds. It prohibits an amendment of federal funds above the amount appropriated in the Appropriations Act for purposes other than to supplant state appropriations for the pertinent programs. This language limits the state's ability to accept additional federal funds as they become available throughout the fiscal year. This language has been vetoed previously. Section 60, pertaining to the State of Georgia General Obligation Debt Sinking Fund for projects for the Department of Technical and Adult Educationsee special veto message attached. DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL AND ADULT EDUCATION: The Department of Technical and Adult Education (DTAE) is one of the most important in state government. It will be an emphasis of this administration to improve and expand the reach of technical schools in providing a trained work force to meet the modern demand of industry for the technology based workers necessary for a growing and prosperous


Georgia. However, this growth must be planned growth, and its management must adhere to good business practices. DTAE establishes a capital outlay list in which it recommends to the Governor and General Assembly, in priority order, new construction. Additionally, DTAE creates a renovation priority list in which major renovations and retrofitting of existing facilities also are placed in priority order. Each of these lists is attached to this message so as to better understand the action which is taken in regard to the capital outlay and renovation appropriations. During my review of the budget, I became convinced that a more thorough and orderly capital planning process was needed by DTAE. In a desire to improve and strengthen the capital planning process, I included in my budget recommendation $175,000 for this purpose. I believe as little as possible of a capital nature should be done before there is a completed review and revision of this process. In preparing for this new process I included $405,000 in my proposed budget to pre-design top priority capital budgets, but the General Assembly deleted this funding. The Appropriation Committee's own study committee report on Capital Outlay and Construction strongly suggests that agencies perform significant work in pre-planning for projects in order that the General Assembly can be confident that a proposed construction project fits into the state strategic plan and is otherwise well thought out. (p. 7 emphasis supplied) With the foregoing thoughts in mind, the General Assembly in the Amended Appropriations Act funded the following amounts. 1. $6,615,000 for critical repairs on technical institutions. 2. $3,970,000 in renovation projects at Dekalb Tech, Pickens Tech and Columbus Tech. 3. $3,084,000 for planning and design for facilities at Atlanta Tech, Griffin Tech, Macon Tech, Moultrie Tech, Flint River Tech, the Tift Area Satellite, Albany Tech, Athens Tech, Augusta Tech and Savannah Tech. $6,000 was also included for a master plan at Dekalb Tech even though it was estimated that the services would cost $75,000. In the funding which is described in this paragraph, Priority Nos. 1-5; 7-8; 18; 23; and 24 were funded for design. Priority No. 6 was funded for construction as the design had been completed. Priority no. 10, Carroll Tech was funded through construction. No reason was given by the General Assembly to overlook Priority No. 9; 11-17 and 19-22. The Tift Area Satellite is not on any priority list. 4. $3,570,000 was funded for the construction of a new building at Altamaha Tech, which as stated above is Priority No. 6. 5. $23,780,000 was funded for construction of a new campus at Carroll Tech, which is No. 10 on the Priority List.


6. $2,465,000 was funded for renovation at Coosa Valley Tech. 7. $2,200,000 was funded for an economic development building at the Polk County Satellite of Coosa Valley Tech. The Polk County Satellite is not yet open and the Economic Development Building described in this paragraph is not on any priority list. 8. $1,500,000 was funded for adult learning centers in Randolph, Liberty and Telfair Counties. These adult learning centers are not on any priority list. It can be seen that there was a total of $47,184,000 in design, construction and repairs funded in the Amended Budget. If buildings were constructed as a result of the design funds as described above, new construction of over $93,000,000 would be required in the next budget cycle. Apparently, no estimate of the recurring cost to operate these facilities has been considered. Since I will recommend that the Education Reform Study Commission consider a move toward formula funding of technical schools, it is important that the demand for new facilities be critically assessed not only with regard to up front capital expenditures, but also with regard to life time operating expenses. For several years, the General Assembly has prepared for the use of its members and the public what is commonly referred to as a Comparative Summary or tracking document. The tracking document is one illustration of the intent of the General Assembly as to the expenditure of such funds, but the actual appropriations act accompanying that document does not contain any language earmarking such funds for specific purposes or projects. For example, Item No. 13, page 52, of the tracking document, states that certain funds were appropriated to authorize $3,970,000 in 20-year bonds to fund major renovation projects at Dekalb Tech, Pickens Tech and Columbus Tech. On page 43 of HB 143, the Amended Appropriations Act, the actual appropriating language states as follows: From the appropriation designated State General Funds (new), $341,420 is specifically appropriated for the purpose of financing projects and facilities for the Department of Technical and Adult and Education, by means of the acquisition, construction, development, extension, enlargement, or improvement of land, waters, property, highways, buildings, structures, equipment or facilities, both real and personal, necessary or useful in connection therewith, through the issuance of not more than $3,970,000 in principal amount of General Obligation Debt, the instruments of which shall mature in not in excess of two hundred and forty months. Funds for each of the appropriations listed above are identified by similar language in the Amended Appropriations Act, and none of the language in the actual appropriation in the Amended Appropriations Act directs expenditure of such funds for the specific projects or purposes set forth in the tracking document.


In seeking to bring order and predictability to this situation and create a procedure for the capital expenditures for technical schools, the Governor has two tools at his disposal: the line item veto of appropriations and his authority as director of the budget. The line item veto of the Governor as it applies to the appropriations act is found at Article III, Section V, Paragraph XIII(e) of the 1983 Constitution of Georgia which reads as follows: The Governor may approve any appropriation and veto any other appropriation in the same bill, and any appropriation vetoed shall not become law unless such veto is overridden in the manner herein provided. This provision has been in the Constitution of the State of Georgia since 1861. It is firmly established and the use of it by previous Governors is without dispute. The line item veto serves two purposes. First, it prevents log-rolling, i.e., the loading of good appropriations with dubious projects so as to force the Governor to sign the entire appropriations bill or to bring the operations of the State to a halt. The second purpose is to place strict control of public funds in the hands of the executive. See 1973 Opinions of the Attorney General, U 73-94. I therefore conclude that I clearly have the power to exercise a line item veto in regard to appropriations that I deem to be inadvisable. Additionally, the Governor has the duty as Director of the Budget to see that public funds are expended in a prudent and business-like fashion. O.C.G.A. 45-12-72(b) states in relevant part as follows: The Governor, through the Office of Planning and Budget, shall have such supervision of every public department, agency and institution as shall be necessary... [for the] efficient conduct of its fiscal affairs. Additionally, through the control of what is termed in the Budget Act as a budget allotment, the Governor must determine the prudent expenditure of the funds generally appropriated to each state department. Budget allotment is defined as a process of authorizing the withdrawal of the state funds from the treasury based on a determination that the budget allotment request is consistent with an approved work program. O.C.G.A. 45-12-71(5). O.C.G.A 45-12-83 states in relevant part as follows: No funds may be made available for expenditure for any budget unit, other than the units of the legislative branch and the judicial branch until such budget unit has filed a request for allotment of appropriations with the Office of Planning and Budget and the request for allotment has been approved by the Governor... (emphasis supplied)


Finally, O.C.G.A. 45-12-85(b) states in relevant part as follows: The Governor, through the Office of Planning and Budget shall seek to effect economy, efficiency, decentralization of state government, and sound fiscal management in reviewing budget allotment requests and may make such changes to budget allotment requests to meet these goals and objectives and which are consistent with and subject to the method and provisions contained in the General Appropriations Act... (emphasis supplied) Therefore, where funds are not specifically appropriated for a particular and identified purpose in the Appropriations Act, the Governor through the control of the budget allotment process has the duty to direct the expenditure of such funds for the general purposes stated in the Appropriations Act. This brings us to the question as to what effect, if any, the intent language of the General Assembly as contained in the tracking document has on the Governor's authority and duty to control the fiscal affairs of the State. The tracking document illustrates the intent of the General Assembly in appropriating the funds, but it is not a binding expression of legislative intent. The Governor should undertake the due consideration of the intent of the General Assembly, but because the language in the tracking document is not contained in a specific appropriation line item of the Appropriations Act, he is not bound thereby and indeed, O.C.G.A. 45-12-85(b) requires that the Governor exercise such consideration not with reference to the tracking document, but specifically with reference to the General Appropriation Act. The General Assembly always has the power to appropriate for a specific purpose in a line item appropriation. Under such circumstances, the Governor can exercise his authority to line item veto or approve such appropriation. See 1973 Opinions of the Attorney General, 73-132. What the General Assembly cannot do is to control the purpose of an appropriation without placing a line item stating that purpose in the appropriation act. As stated by the Attorney General in 1974 Opinions of the Attorney General, U 74-36, p. 386-387, the overriding theory underlying the constitutional grant of the appropriations veto power is inconsistent with the theory that by the tactical device of a particular form, an amendment to an existing appropriation, whether increasing or decreasing it, is shielded by the constitutionally expected determination by the Governor of whether the amendment is sound. In fact, this exact issue has been opined upon in an official opinion of the Attorney General found at 1993 Opinions of the Attorney General, 93-19. In that opinion the Attorney General stated as follows: The Comparative Summary is prepared by employees of the legislative branch as a means of tracking appropriations during the session of the General Assembly. The summary does not have the force


of law and is not a binding expression of legislative intent... To restrict grant program eligibility to recipients listed in a housekeeping document of the legislative branch, without any further and independent determination of basis by DCA, would violate the separation of powers doctrine of the Georgia Constitution... In exercising this duty, I will always be mindful of such expressions of the will of the General Assembly and seek to carry out their intent where it does not conflict with established state policy or good business practices. Based upon the foregoing discussion and seeking to enforce an orderly expenditure of capital expenditure funds within DTAE which expenditures follow an approved priority list as established by the department, I take the following actions: 1. In regard to the appropriation of $6,615,000 for critical repairs on technical institutions, I APPROVE such appropriation. 2. In regard to the appropriation of $3,970,000 for renovation projects at Dekalb Tech, Pickens Tech and Columbus Tech, I APPROVE such appropriation, but direct that the Office of Planning and Budget coordinate the preparation of a resolution by the Department of Technical and Adult Education that allocates these funds in accordance with the attached renovation priority list, regardless of the language in the tracking document or the Budget Report. Upon certification to me by the Office of Planning and Budget that this has been properly completed, I will recommend to the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission that the bonds be issued. Otherwise I will not so recommend. 3. In regard to the $3,084,000 appropriation for planning and design for facilities at Atlanta Tech, Griffin Tech, Macon Tech, Moultrie Tech, Flint River Tech, Tift Area Satellite, Albany Tech, Athens Tech, Augusta Tech, and Savannah Tech and the $6,000 for the master plan at Dekalb Tech, I APPROVE such appropriation. I direct the Office of Planning and Budget, however, to coordinate the preparation of a resolution by the Department of Technical and Adult Education allocating these funds in accordance with the attached priority list regardless of the language in the tracking document. Since the Tift Area Satellite is not on any priority list, I direct that no allocation be made for such capital expenditure. Upon certification to me by the Office of Planning and Budget that this has been properly completed, I will recommend to the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission that these bonds be issued, otherwise I will not so recommend.


4. In regard to the appropriation for the $3,570,000 for construction at Altamaha Tech, since this is contained in the current priority list and has been designed, I APPROVE such appropriation. 5. In regard to the $23,780,000 appropriation for construction of a new campus for Carroll Tech, since this facility is No. 10 on the priority list and since by the actions I take herein the other priorities will be funded in order either in construction or planning and design, I APPROVE such appropriation. 6. In regard to the $2,465,000 for renovation at Coosa Valley Tech, I APPROVE such appropriation as the same is No. 3 on the approved renovation priority list. I note, however, that the cost of this renovation is $63.00 per square foot. I direct that the Office of Planning and Budget determine whether it is more economically feasible for the construction of a new building rather than the renovation of an existing building. Upon completion of this review and consideration of its findings, I will determine whether or not it is appropriate for me, as chairman of the Georgia State Finance and Investment Commission, to recommend that these bonds be issued. 7. In regard to the $2,200,000 appropriation for an economic development building at the Polk County Satellite found on page 49, lines 2157-2163, since this project is not on any priority list, I VETO such appropriation. 8. In regard to the $1,500,000 appropriation for the adult learning centers in Randolph, Liberty and Telfair Counties found on page 47, line 2112-2118, since these projects are not on any priority list, I VETO such appropriation. In the future, I intend to follow the above described procedure as to the funding of capital expenditures within DTAE on a priority list basis and to require pre-design, planning and design. I am willing to discuss with the General Assembly a method in setting priorities for capital outlay, but until such process is complete, I will follow the priority list as set by DTAE. No department head should commit funds that are appropriated but whose purpose is listed solely in the tracking document until they have discussed the matter with the Office of Planning and Budget and a determination has been made that the intent in the tracking document is consistent with established policy and good business practices as required by law. This 12th day of April, 1999. Roy E. Barnes Governor


DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL AND ADULT EDUCATION New Construction Technical Institute In DTAE priority order Project Description Request HB 143 Amount 1. Griffin Multipurpose Building 9,414,290 377,000 2. Atlanta Multipurpose Building 6,764,290 271,000 3. Moultrie Campus Expansion 15,291,818 612,000 4. Albany Building Hfor computer-related instruction 7,143,463 286,000 5. Savannah Occupational Technology Building 7,250,277 290,000 6. Altamaha Technology Center 3,572,962 3,570,000 7. Macon Human Resources/Information Technology/Child Care Building 8,967,150 360,000 8. Augusta Classroom Student Services Building 8,642,857 325,000 9. Southeastern Allied Health Building 4,344,540 0 10. Carroll Classroom/Student Services Building 8,677,040 23,780,350 11. Swainsboro Technology Center 3,419,500 0 12. Ogeechee Agribusiness General Education Classroom Building 615,790 0 13. Sandersville Jefferson County Technical Education Center 1,465,438 0 14. East Central Child Development Center 1,115,357 0 15. Pickens Collaborative Learning Center 4,645,426 0 16. Coosa Valley Health Occupations Building 4,702,200 0 17. Northwestern Center for Manufacturing Excellence 3,486,264 0


18. Athens Business/Technology Building 5,850,415 290,000 19. North Georgia Transportation Center 5,881,603 0 20. Thomas Classroom Building 7,938,362 0 21. Valdosta Multipurpose Building 5,044,230 0 22. Heart of Georgia Office Technology Building 4,349,540 0 23. Flint River Workforce Development Center, Crawford County 1,465,438 55,000 24. DeKalb Campus Master Plan 150,000 6,000 25. Macon Administration Building Addition 1,234,995 0 26. DeKalb South Parking Lot, Clarkston Campus 396,900 0 27. Macon Warehouse Central Supply Building 324,000 0 Not on priority list Coosa Valley Polk County Satellite: Economic Development Center 0 2,200,000 Moultrie Tift Area Satellite: Expansion Space 0 212,000 Telfair County Adult Learning Center 0 500,000 Randolph County Adult Learning Center 0 500,000 Liberty County Adult Learning Center 0 500,000 Total 138,054,145 34,134,350


Major Renovations Technical Institute In DTAE priority order Project Description Request HB 143 Amount 1. DeKalb Renovate 4 buildings 4,406,400 2,183,371 2. Columbus Re-roof and replace carpet in North Building 749,829 749,829 3. Coosa Valley Renovate 3 wings of Rome campus. 2,462,400 2,465,000 4. Middle Georgia Retrofit Warner Robins campus for Economic Development Adult Literacy Center. 453,600 0 5. North Metro Renovate Economic Development Center 610,800 0 6. Pickens Phase 2 of HVAC renovation. 1,036,800 1,036,800 7. Lanier Renovate Building 100 classrooms offices. 646,800 0 Total 10,366,629 6,435,000


STATE OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ATLANTA 30334-0900 Roy E. Barnes Penny Brown Reynolds GOVERNOR EXECUTIVE COUNSEL MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mark Taylor The Honorable Thomas B. Murphy FROM: Penny Brown Reynolds Executive Counsel DATE: May 3, 1999 RE: Line Item Vetoes in House Bill 144 Please be advised that Governor Barnes has line item vetoed the following Sections in House Bill 144: Section 39, Page 35, Pertaining to the Department of Administrative Services Section 40, Page 59, Pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs Section 49, Page 62, Pertaining to the Department of Transportation Section 58, Page 65, Pertaining to Federal Funds Page 7, Line 274, Pertaining to the Local Development Fund Page 7, Line 282, Pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs The veto messages are attached for each item referenced above. PBR:kc Attachments cc: Honorable Frank Eldridge, Secretary of the Senate Honorable Robert E. Rivers, Jr., Clerk, House of Representatives Honorable Sewell R. Brumby, Legislative Counsel Honorable Thurbert E. Baker, Attorney General Honorable Cathy Cox, Secretary of State


GOVERNOR'S VETOES IN HOUSE BILL 144 Section 39, Pertaining to the Department of Administrative Services, page 35, lines 1614 through 1616: This language was approved in the 1996 session of the General Assembly to control the purchase of communications equipment that was not compatible with an 800 mega hertz system. We now believe that a limited number of communication equipment purchases need to be made for security and safety reasons that may not be compatible with an 800 mega hertz system. The Office of Planning and Budget has issued policy guidelines relative to communications equipment purchases that will address budgetary approval and technical review requirements. This language has been vetoed previously. Section 40, pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs, page 59, lines 2684 through 2692: This language is designed to allow a change in Local Assistance Grants recipients and purposes if a grant identifies the wrong recipient or an ineligible purpose. The need for this language is necessitated by the fact that the General Assembly, most likely due to time constraints, is limited in screening these grants for accuracy and legality before listing them in the budget. The effect of vetoing this language will be that the intent and purpose for which these funds are appropriated will have to be corrected in the Amended Budget. I think this is a more appropriate way to handle this issue. Section 49, pertaining to the Department of Transportation, page 62, lines 2800 through 2804: This language authorizes the Department to transfer position counts between budget functions provided that the Department's total position count shall not exceed the maximum number of annual positions assigned by law. All executive branch agencies are legally authorized to amend their budgets and transfer positions between budget functions when a properly drawn amendment to the annual operating budget has been approved by the Office of Planning and Budget. In addition, the number of positions in each budget function is not specified in the Governor's budget recommendation to the General Assembly or in the annual Appropriations Act. Therefore, this language is unnecessary. This language has been vetoed previously. Section 58, pertaining to Federal Funds, page 65, lines 2899 through 2903: This language essentially provides a pool of federal money to be available only to supplant state funds. It prohibits an amendment of federal funds above the amount appropriated in the Appropriations Act for purposes other than to supplant state appropriations for the pertinent programs. This language limits the state's ability to accept additional federal funds as


they become available throughout the fiscal year. This language has been vetoed previously. There are two items contained in the budget of the Department of Community Affairs that require some adjustment although not an outright veto. Because the programs are beneficial to the state and because I do not wish to completely veto the item, I have decided to veto a portion of the appropriation and retain the balance. On page 7, line 274 of HB 144, there is an appropriation in the amount of $650,000 for Local Development Fund. In the department's redirection request and in my recommendations to the General Assembly, the amount of funding for the Local Development Fund was reduced by $32,500 from $650,000 to $617,500. That reduction was sustained through the House, Senate and Conference Committee versions of the appropriations bill. However, the as passed version of HB 144 shows the line item for the Local Development Fund at $650,000 reversing the reduction that was agreed to throughout the process. Thus, a change was made in the appropriations bill with no reference shown in the tracking document and no discussion by the conference committee. There was no opportunity for debate or discussion on reversing a reduction that I proposed and the House and Senate agreed to in their versions of the bill. Likewise, on page 7, line 282, of HB 144, pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs there is an amount appropriated for Regional Economic Development Grants in the amount of $1,187,500. In the department's redirection request and in my recommendations to the General Assembly, the amount of funding for the Regional Economic Development Grants was reduced by $59,375 from $1,187,500 to $1,128,125. That reduction was sustained through the House, Senate and Conference Committee versions of the appropriations bill. However, the as passed version of HB 144 shows the line item for the Regional Economic Development Grants at $1,187,500 reversing the reduction that was agreed to throughout the process. Thus, a change was made in the appropriations bill with no reference shown in the tracking document and no discussion by the conference committee. There was no opportunity for debate or discussion on reversing a reduction I proposed and the House and Senate agreed to in their versions of the bill. The question arises as to whether the Governor can veto a partial amount in an appropriation while allowing the balance of the funds to be spent. Since both of the programs described above are desirable ones for the State of Georgia, I have decided that under the constitutional provisions and discussion to be contained herein that I have the power to partially veto an amount in an appropriation. Ga. Const., Art. III, 5, 13(e), states as follows: The Governor may approve any appropriation and veto any other appropriation in the same bill, and any appropriation vetoed shall not


become law unless such a veto is overridden in the manner herein provided. This constitutional provision by its very nature allows a Governor to exercise a veto to a portion of an amount appropriated. This necessarily follows as the right to exercise the whole power must by its very nature include the parts that make up the whole. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in considering a very similar provision in the Pennsylvania Constitution found that the Governor did have the power to veto a portion of an amount appropriated. 1 1 The provision in the Pennsylvania Constitution granted to the Governor the power to disapprove of any item or items of any bill making appropriations of money, embracing distinct items, and the part or parts of the bill approved shall be the law and the item or items of the appropriation disapproved shall be void, unless repassed according to the rules and limitations prescribed for the passage of other bills over the executive veto. In the case of Commonwealth ex rel. Attorney Gen. v. Barnett, 48 A. 976 (Pa. 1901), the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania examined the exact issue regarding partial vetoes. In finding that the Governor possessed the power of partial veto, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania stated as follows: [E]very appropriation, though it be for a single purpose necessarily presents two considerations almost equally material, namely, the subject and the amount. The subject may be approved on its merits, and yet the amount disapproved, as out of the proportion to the requirements of the case, or as beyond the prudent use of the [S]tate's income. The legislature had full control of the appropriation in both its aspects and the plain intent of [section 16] was to give the governor the same control, as to disapproval, over each subject and each amount. A contrary construction would destroy the usefulness of the constitutional provision: If the legislature, by putting purpose, subject, and amount inseparable together, and calling them an item can coerce the governor to approve the whole or none, then the old evil is revived which [section 16] was intended to destroy... [The governor] was entitled to approve as to the object, and to disapprove as to a portion of the amount. That is what he has done in the present case, and his action was within his constitutional powers. 48 A. at 978 (emphasis added). This issue has never been directly decided by the courts in Georgia, but the Attorney General has opined that a governor may exercise his right to veto in an amended appropriations bill so as to reduce the amount to the General appropriation level, and that such action is clearly within his power as Governor. See Opinions of Attorney General, U73-94 and U74-36. Based upon the above and wishing to preserve the appropriation for the Local Development Fund and for Regional Economic Development


Grants, in regard to page 7, line 274 pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs, I hereby APPROVE the appropriation in the amount of $617,500 and VETO any amounts above the said $617,500. Specifically, I VETO the amount of $32,500 from the total amount appropriated. In regard to page 7, line 282, pertaining to the Department of Community Affairs in regard to Regional Economic Development Grants, I APPROVE the appropriation in the amount of $1,128,125 and VETO any amount above said sum, specifically, I VETO the amount of $59,375 from the total amount appropriated. This 3rd day of May, 1999 ROY E. BARNES GOVERNOR
