Acts and resolutions of the General Assembly of the state of Georgia 1995 [volume 3]

Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia Georgia Law, Georgia Georgia. Acts and resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia 19950000 English


TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME ONE Acts and Resolutions of General Application 1 VOLUME TWO Acts and Resolutions of Local Application 3501 County Home Rule Actions 4509 Municipal Home Rule Actions 4537 VOLUME THREE Acts by NumbersPage References I Bills and ResolutionsAct Number References VI Appellate CourtsPersonnel XIV Superior CourtsPersonnel and Calendars XV Index-Tabular XXVI Index General LXII Population of Georgia CountiesAlphabetically CXXVIII Population of Georgia CountiesNumerically CXXXIV Population of Municipalities CXXXVI Population of Judicial Circuits CXLVII Georgia Senate Districts, Alphabetically by County CL Georgia Senators, Alphabetically by Name CLII Georgia Senators, Numerically by District CLV Georgia House Districts, Alphabetically by County CLVIII Georgia Representatives, Alphabetically by Name CLX Georgia Representatives, Numerically by District CLXVII Status of Referendum Elections CLXXIV Governor's Proclamation of Ratification or Rejection of Constitutional Amendments at 1994 General Election CCCXVI Municipalities Continued or Abolished CCCXX Vetoes by the Governor CCCXXXII

Page I

COMPILER'S NOTE General Acts and Resolutions of the 1995 session of the General Assembly of Georgia will be found in Volume I beginning at page 1. No amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia were proposed in 1995. Local and Special Acts and Resolutions will be found in Volume II beginning at page 3501. Home rule actions by counties and municipalities filed in the Office of the Secretary of State during 1994 are printed in Volume II beginning at pages 4509 and 4537, respectively. There are no numbered pages between page 1374, the last page of Volume I, and page 3501, the first page of Volume II. This allows both volumes to be compiled and printed simultaneously. In order to eliminate the need for hand stitching of thick books and to reduce costs, type size has been reduced slightly, the index and other material is now in a separate volume, and future Volumes I or II, or both, may be divided into two or more books. Page numbers will run consecutively between books in the same volume. Indexes; lists of Acts, Bills, and Resolutions and their Georgia Laws page numbers; material related to courts; population charts; lists of members of the General Assembly; referendum results; the Governor's veto message; the Governor's proclamation concerning amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia ratified in 1994; and a list of municipalities continued or abolished pursuant to Code Section 36-30-7.1 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated are printed in Volume III. Indexes cover material in both Volumes I and II. The tabular indexes list matter by broad categories. The general index is a detailed alphabetical index by subject matter. Where possible, general Acts have been indexed by reference to the titles of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated which they amend and the tabular index also contains a list of Code sections which have been amended, enacted, or repealed. Each Act is preceded by the Act number assigned by the Governor and the House Bill or Senate Bill number which it was given when it was introduced in the General Assembly. Each Resolution is preceded by the Resolution Act number assigned by the Governor and the House Resolution or Senate Resolution number. Each Act or Resolution which was signed by the Governor is followed by the approval date on which it was signed by the Governor. ACTS BY NUMBERS, PAGE REFERENCES Act No. Page 1 1 2 3501 3 8 4 10 5 27 6 28 7 104 8 3502 9 3505 10 105 11 3518 12 137 13 139 14 150 15 3521 16 3523 17 3525 18 3527 19 3529 20 3530 21 3532 22 3534 23 3535 24 3541 25 3542 26 3545 27 3546 28 3548 29 3550 30 3552 31 3554 32 3556 33 3558 34 3559 35 3560 36 3562 37 3568 38 3580 39 3585 40 3586 41 3587 42 3589 43 3603 44 3606 45 3608 46 3609 47 3611 48 3612 49 3614 50 3616 51 3618 52 3619 53 3622 54 3624 55 3625 56 3627 57 3628 58 3630 59 3633 60 3635 61 3641 62 3642 63 3645 64 3648 65 3675 66 3677 67 3679 68 3681 69 3682 70 3684 71 3685 72 3687 73 3689 74 3712 75 3713 76 3719 77 3720 78 3722 79 3723 80 3726 81 3728 82 3730 83 3731 84 3735 85 3737 86 3739 87 3740 88 3747 89 3751 90 3752 91 3766 92 3767 93 3769 94 3770

Page II

95 3774 96 3776 97 3777 98 3778 99 3807 100 3809 101 3814 102 3816 103 3818 104 3819 105 3824 106 3832 107 3837 108 3839 109 3864 110 3867 111 3869 112 3874 113 3876 114 3877 115 3883 116 3889 117 3893 118 3895 119 3899 120 3901 121 3902 122 3904 123 3907 124 3909 125 3911 126 3913 127 3915 128 3923 129 3927 130 155 131 156 132 3929 133 3936 134 3938 135 3939 136 3941 137 3945 138 3947 139 3948 140 3950 141 3957 142 3959 143 3961 144 3962 145 3964 146 3971 147 3974 148 3976 149 3982 150 3987 151 3989 152 3992 153 3994 154 4008 155 4013 156 4014 157 161 158 167 159 172 160 4016 161 4018 162 4024 163 4052 164 4064 165 4072 166 4074 167 4076 168 4082 169 4084 170 4086 171 4094 172 4100 173 4103 174 4104 175 4106 176 4107 177 4109 178 4111 179 4112 180 4116 181 4117 182 4118 183 4121 184 4123 185 4126 186 4128 187 4129 188 4131 189 4136 190 4138 191 4140 192 4145

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193 4147 194 4149 195 4150 196 4151 197 4181 198 4185 199 4189 200 4193 201 4198 202 4204 203 4206 204 4208 205 4211 206 4213 207 4215 208 4219 209 4221 210 4223 211 4235 212 4240 213 4244 214 4248 215 4251 216 4281 217 4292 218 4296 219 4325 220 4331 221 4363 222 4392 223 4395 224 4397 225 4398 226 4400 227 4414 228 224 229 229 230 233 231 235 232 236 233 238 234 240 235 244 236 260 237 265 238 266 239 267 240 271 241 272 242 282 243 4421 244 285 245 286 246 288 247 291 248 292 249 304 250 4423 251 307 252 307 253 311 254 315 255 316 256 324 257 325 258 328 259 331 260 332 261 333 262 334 263 335 264 341 265 345 266 346 267 347 268 348 269 350 270 351 271 351 272 352 273 353 274 354 275 355 276 357 277 359 278 361 279 362 280 363 281 364 282 365 283 366 284 370 285 371 286 373 287 379 288 381 289 385 290 394

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291 396 292 406 293 408 294 413 295 416 296 417 297 419 298 437 299 437 300 440 301 441 302 459 303 462 304 465 305 467 306 467 307 470 308 481 309 482 310 4427 311 486 312 4429 313 543 314 560 315 562 316 567 317 568 318 569 319 570 320 570 321 573 322 574 323 577 324 578 325 585 326 603 327 612 328 619 329 625 330 627 331 629 332 633 333 635 334 637 335 638 336 642 337 651 338 655 339 663 340 667 341 671 342 672 343 673 344 697 345 699 346 701 347 704 348 706 349 710 350 712 351 4445 352 713 353 714 354 720 355 722 356 727 357 728 358 729 359 730 360 733 361 734 362 739 363 740 364 742 365 745 366 753 367 757 368 759 369 4448 370 761 371 768 372 772 373 774 374 776 375 781 376 783 377 786 378 787 379 789 380 790 381 791 382 791 383 792 384 795 385 809 386 827 387 831 388 832

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389 839 390 840 391 841 392 846 393 852 394 853 395 855 396 858 397 860 398 862 399 863 400 870 401 874 402 877 403 880 404 885 405 886 406 901 407 902 408 907 409 908 410 909 411 910 412 911 413 912 414 914 415 915 416 916 417 917 418 920 419 923 420 924 421 925 422 931 423 932 424 933 425 934 426 935 427 937 428 945 429 946 430 954 431 955 432 956 433 957 434 960 435 961 436 4462 437 975 438 978 439 982 440 983 441 987 442 989 443 990 444 991 445 992 446 993 447 1008 448 1009 449 1011 450 1017 451 1018 452 1021 453 1023 454 1025 455 1027 456 1041 457 1043 458 1044 459 1046 460 1047 461 1051 462 1059 463 1059 464 1060 465 1061 466 1063 467 1064 468 1065 469 1066 470 1069 471 1070 472 1072 473 1076 474 1077 475 1081 476 1082 477 1154 478 4496 479 1155 480 1160 481 4497 482 1165 483 1171 484 1186 485 1188 486 1189

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487 1195 488 1198 489 1201 490 1216 491 1231 492 1238 493 1239 494 1242 495 1250 496 1260 497 1292 498 4499 499 1302 500 1340 501 1348 502 1359 503 1360 504 1362 505 1365 506 1368 RESOLUTIONS BY NUMBERS, PAGE REFERENCES Res. Act No. Page 1 6 2 159 3 175 4 177 5 179 6 181 7 183 8 185 9 194 10 196 11 216 12 218 13 219 14 220 15 221 16 222 17 225 18 227 19 228 20 491 21 492 22 493 23 494 24 494 25 495 26 496 27 499 28 500 29 501 30 503 31 504 32 505 33 506 34 507 35 510 36 511 37 512 38 514 39 515 40 516 41 518 42 519 43 520 44 521 45 522 46 528 47 533 48 537 49 538 50 541 51 969 52 970 53 972 54 973 55 1370 56 1372

Page VII

BILLS AND RESOLUTIONSACT NUMBER REFERENCES House Bill Act No. Page HB 3 407 902 HB 34 256 324 HB 38 Vetoed HB 41 482 1165 HB 50 353 714 HB 53 354 720 HB 60 424 933 HB 62 451 1018 HB 70 229 229 HB 72 326 603 HB 76 322 574 HB 87 12 137 HB 90 1 1 HB 100 394 853 HB 102 116 3889 HB 108 338 655 HB 111 293 408 HB 116 257 325 HB 119 423 932 HB 120 10 105 HB 123 111 3869 HB 124 425 934 HB 125 294 413 HB 128 253 311 HB 129 346 701 HB 134 372 772 HB 136 259 331 HB 137 378 787 HB 138 260 332 HB 139 261 333 HB 145 500 1340 HB 147 295 416 HB 153 296 417 HB 154 249 304 HB 155 427 937 HB 161 159 172 HB 163 7 104 HB 164 285 371 HB 167 238 266 HB 170 289 385 HB 171 262 334 HB 174 254 315 HB 175 297 419 HB 176 373 774 HB 178 290 394 HB 182 422 931 HB 185 339 663 HB 194 488 1198 HB 197 3 8 HB 199 4 10 HB 200 428 945 HB 201 6 28 HB 202 476 1082 HB 208 349 710 HB 210 113 3876 HB 212 421 925 HB 214 475 1081 HB 217 420 924 HB 219 266 346 HB 220 235 244 HB 221 267 347 HB 222 Vetoed HB 228 237 265 HB 229 329 625 HB 233 419 923 HB 236 474 1077 HB 240 268 348 HB 246 389 839 HB 248 371 768 HB 250 314 560 HB 253 Vetoed HB 254 418 920 HB 255 417 917 HB 258 323 577 HB 260 286 373 HB 262 Vetoed HB 264 131 156 HB 266 379 789 HB 268 269 350 HB 269 284 370 HB 271 283 366 HB 272 219 4325 HB 274 298 437 HB 275 114 3877 HB 277 429 946 HB 278 5 27 HB 281 231 235 HB 283 504 1362 HB 285 386 827 HB 287 404 885 HB 290 503 1360 HB 294 112 3874 HB 297 439 982 HB 299 356 727


HB 301 350 712 HB 302 29 3550 HB 303 351 4445 HB 307 26 3545 HB 314 332 633 HB 317 24 3541 HB 318 320 570 HB 321 414 914 HB 322 20 3530 HB 326 Vetoed HB 327 271 351 HB 328 413 912 HB 330 299 437 HB 332 158 167 HB 335 301 441 HB 336 325 585 HB 340 461 1051 HB 344 490 1216 HB 345 248 292 HB 346 246 288 HB 347 247 291 HB 348 244 285 HB 349 245 286 HB 351 377 786 HB 354 311 486 HB 363 300 440 HB 365 Vetoed HB 369 302 459 HB 370 18 3527 HB 371 19 3529 HB 372 22 3534 HB 373 21 3532 HB 374 361 734 HB 375 460 1047 HB 377 433 957 HB 379 385 809 HB 382 321 573 HB 385 75 3713 HB 386 70 3684 HB 389 303 462 HB 395 274 354 HB 398 304 465 HB 399 230 233 HB 401 305 467 HB 405 471 1070 HB 406 470 1069 HB 409 395 855 HB 412 69 3682 HB 413 442 989 HB 415 412 911 HB 417 275 355 HB 419 324 578 HB 423 458 1044 HB 425 411 910 HB 427 110 3867 HB 431 334 637 HB 435 291 396 HB 436 276 357 HB 440 384 795 HB 441 Vetoed HB 442 174 4104 HB 444 403 880 HB 451 115 3883 HB 454 491 1231 HB 455 492 1238 HB 456 388 832 HB 462 477 1154 HB 466 362 739 HB 467 67 3679 HB 468 315 562 HB 471 397 860 HB 473 387 831 HB 474 381 791 HB 475 426 935 HB 477 239 267 HB 480 410 909 HB 482 172 4100 HB 483 409 908 HB 484 408 907 HB 489 392 846 HB 490 398 862 HB 492 316 567 HB 493 317 568 HB 495 502 1359 HB 497 2 3501 HB 498 399 863 HB 509 457 1043 HB 510 277 359 HB 511 443 990 HB 516 Vetoed HB 517 363 740 HB 520 318 569 HB 523 278 361 HB 524 434 960 HB 525 11 3518 HB 527 65 3675 HB 530 430 954 HB 535 71 3685

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HB 539 117 3893 HB 543 390 840 HB 552 240 271 HB 553 306 467 HB 556 118 3895 HB 557 493 1239 HB 558 391 841 HB 559 279 362 HB 563 307 470 HB 567 444 991 HB 570 479 1155 HB 571 364 742 HB 574 109 3864 HB 575 120 3901 HB 576 469 1066 HB 578 280 363 HB 579 335 638 HB 581 445 992 HB 592 468 1065 HB 593 467 1064 HB 594 282 365 HB 595 308 481 HB 596 336 642 HB 601 499 1302 HB 605 466 1063 HB 610 480 1160 HB 616 494 1242 HB 619 66 3677 HB 621 446 993 HB 622 496 1260 HB 624 221 4363 HB 627 495 1250 HB 629 119 3899 HB 636 319 570 HB 637 68 3681 HB 639 121 3902 HB 640 465 1061 HB 641 456 1041 HB 642 122 3904 HB 645 76 3719 HB 646 431 955 HB 662 337 651 HB 669 365 745 HB 670 309 482 HB 674 225 4398 HB 677 464 1060 HB 680 366 753 HB 684 281 364 HB 698 17 3525 HB 704 497 1292 HB 738 161 4018 HB 741 218 4296 HB 753 16 3523 HB 755 383 792 HB 757 463 1059 HB 761 173 4103 HB 762 23 3535 HB 763 44 3606 HB 764 31 3554 HB 765 406 901 HB 775 35 3560 HB 780 250 4423 HB 789 223 4395 HB 790 447 1008 HB 791 506 1368 HB 799 169 4084 HB 801 162 4024 HB 803 198 4185 HB 805 64 3648 HB 808 87 3740 HB 809 33 3558 HB 810 43 3603 HB 811 37 3568 HB 812 224 4397 HB 814 42 3589 HB 817 220 4331 HB 819 8 3502 HB 821 88 3747 HB 823 15 3521 HB 824 367 757 HB 826 217 4292 HB 827 50 3616 HB 829 34 3559 HB 830 216 4281 HB 846 39 3585 HB 848 36 3562 HB 853 25 3542 HB 854 27 3546 HB 855 28 3548 HB 856 168 4082 HB 857 30 3552 HB 858 32 3556 HB 865 41 3587 HB 867 215 4251 HB 869 199 4189 HB 872 40 3586 HB 874 82 3730 HB 877 81 3728

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HB 879 83 3731 HB 882 163 4052 HB 883 90 3752 HB 888 97 3777 HB 893 212 4240 HB 897 77 3720 HB 898 98 3778 HB 902 78 3722 HB 903 89 3751 HB 904 79 3723 HB 905 92 3767 HB 906 80 3726 HB 908 197 4181 HB 909 45 3608 HB 910 94 3770 HB 913 222 4392 HB 914 498 4499 HB 917 93 3769 HB 918 167 4076 HB 919 46 3609 HB 920 189 4136 HB 922 185 4126 HB 923 214 4248 HB 932 47 3611 HB 933 166 4074 HB 936 186 4128 HB 937 213 4244 HB 938 165 4072 HB 944 48 3612 HB 945 49 3614 HB 946 51 3618 HB 947 164 4064 HB 948 170 4086 HB 949 52 3619 HB 950 53 3622 HB 951 210 4223 HB 952 226 4400 HB 953 310 4427 HB 956 99 3807 HB 957 54 3624 HB 964 100 3809 HB 965 188 4131 HB 969 175 4106 HB 970 91 3766 HB 971 55 3625 HB 972 57 3628 HB 976 56 3627 HB 979 58 3630 HB 983 104 3819 HB 984 59 3633 HB 985 190 4138 HB 986 191 4140 HB 994 60 3635 HB 995 101 3814 HB 996 103 3818 HB 997 182 4118 HB 998 61 3641 HB 1001 102 3816 HB 1002 369 4448 HB 1007 196 4151 HB 1008 96 3776 HB 1010 134 3938 HB 1011 137 3945 HB 1013 160 4016 HB 1016 184 4123 HB 1017 187 4129 HB 1018 171 4094 HB 1019 227 4414 HB 1020 136 3941 HB 1021 211 4235 HB 1022 177 4109 HB 1023 209 4221 HB 1029 179 4112 HB 1031 139 3948 HB 1037 128 3923 HB 1038 180 4116 HB 1039 176 4107 HB 1040 145 3964 HB 1041 181 4117 HB 1043 146 3971 HB 1044 144 3962 HB 1050 63 3645 HB 1051 62 3642 HB 1052 178 4111 HB 1053 147 3974 House Resolution Resolution Act No. Page No. HR 21 20 491 HR 49 1 6 HR 55 21 492 HR 78 22 493 HR 79 23 494 HR 80 24 494 HR 81 56 1372

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HR 94 25 495 HR 95 26 496 HR 122 27 499 HR 155 50 541 HR 159 46 528 HR 160 48 537 HR 172 44 521 HR 174 49 538 HR 195 18 227 HR 231 47 533 HR 232 28 500 HR 233 29 501 HR 261 30 503 HR 277 31 504 HR 291 32 505 HR 293 53 972 HR 319 33 506 HR 324 34 507 HR 335 35 510 HR 358 45 522 HR 368 43 520 HR 382 42 519 HR 388 41 518 HR 419 40 516 HR 420 17 225 HR 437 36 511 HR 438 37 512 HR 448 38 514 HR 501 39 515 Senate Bill Act No. Page No. SB 17 393 852 SB 22 340 667 SB 23 448 1009 SB 24 157 161 SB 29 375 781 SB 31 234 240 SB 32 454 1025 SB 34 Vetoed SB 35 341 671 SB 39 85 3737 SB 40 84 3735 SB 47 251 307 SB 48 368 759 SB 49 Vetoed SB 50 342 672 SB 51 449 1011 SB 52 450 1017 SB 54 252 307 SB 55 355 722 SB 58 13 139 SB 81 287 379 SB 89 242 282 SB 93 327 612 SB 99 86 3739 SB 103 343 673 SB 105 483 1171 SB 111 232 236 SB 113 288 381 SB 114 236 260 SB 115 484 1186 SB 116 344 697 SB 125 258 328 SB 126 345 699 SB 129 501 1348 SB 131 453 1023 SB 132 485 1188 SB 133 Vetoed SB 134 486 1189 SB 137 405 886 SB 138 437 975 SB 148 Vetoed SB 156 328 619 SB 161 487 1195 SB 162 107 3837 SB 166 106 3832 SB 167 108 3839 SB 170 347 704 SB 176 73 3689 SB 177 38 3580 SB 187 263 335 SB 188 401 874 SB 193 455 1027 SB 197 72 3687 SB 199 264 341 SB 200 462 1059 SB 201 313 543 SB 202 348 706 SB 204 265 345 SB 205 452 1021 SB 206 Vetoed SB 223 396 858 SB 224 228 224 SB 229 376 783

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SB 230 330 627 SB 239 292 406 SB 241 438 978 SB 243 473 1076 SB 248 127 3915 SB 250 Vetoed SB 254 243 4421 SB 256 255 316 SB 257 380 790 SB 258 74 3712 SB 259 123 3907 SB 260 125 3911 SB 261 126 3913 SB 263 233 238 SB 271 270 351 SB 273 124 3909 SB 279 416 916 SB 281 472 1072 SB 284 358 729 SB 286 489 1201 SB 289 331 629 SB 293 370 761 SB 305 357 728 SB 307 382 791 SB 317 415 915 SB 318 130 155 SB 320 352 713 SB 326 505 1365 SB 328 183 4121 SB 331 272 352 SB 332 374 776 SB 336 481 4497 SB 338 241 272 SB 345 95 3774 SB 349 105 3824 SB 353 402 877 SB 354 359 730 SB 357 133 3936 SB 358 135 3939 SB 361 360 733 SB 363 435 961 SB 364 132 3929 SB 367 440 983 SB 371 129 3927 SB 374 273 353 SB 375 14 150 SB 377 459 1046 SB 385 441 987 SB 391 138 3947 SB 398 140 3950 SB 399 142 3959 SB 400 333 635 SB 401 143 3961 SB 402 201 4198 SB 404 400 870 SB 408 432 956 SB 414 192 4145 SB 419 312 4429 SB 430 200 4193 SB 433 9 3505 SB 437 141 3957 SB 450 193 4147 SB 455 194 4149 SB 456 204 4208 SB 457 195 4150 SB 458 436 4462 SB 461 150 3987 SB 462 149 3982 SB 463 148 3976 SB 464 202 4204 SB 466 208 4219 SB 467 151 3989 SB 468 203 4206 SB 469 206 4213 SB 470 205 4211 SB 471 152 3992 SB 472 153 3994 SB 473 207 4215 SB 474 154 4008 SB 475 155 4013 SB 477 478 4496 SB 478 156 4014 Senate Resolution Resolution Act No. Page No. SR 12 9 194 SR 15 14 220 SR 18 15 221 SR 19 16 222 SR 44 51 969 SR 67 13 219 SR 102 12 218 SR 113 8 185 SR 118 10 196 SR 119 11 216


SR 122 55 1370 SR 131 5 179 SR 132 19 228 SR 139 54 973 SR 159 6 181 SR 160 7 183 SR 226 4 177 SR 248 2 159 SR 253 52 970 SR 269 3 175

Page XIV


Page XV

SUPERIOR COURTS JUDGES, DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, AND CALENDAR As of April 3, 1995 ALAPAHA CIRCUIT HONS. W. D. KNIGHT, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 846, Nashville, GA 31639 BROOKS E. BLITCH III, Judge, P.O. Box 335, Homerville, GA 31634 ROBERT (BOB) ELLIS, JR., D.A., P.O. Box 125, Nashville, GA 31639 AtkinsonFirst Monday in April and October BerrienFirst Monday in February and August ClinchThird Monday in March and September CookSecond Monday in January and July LanierFourth Monday in April and October ALCOVY CIRCUIT HONS. MARVIN W. SORRELLS, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 805, Monroe, GA 30655 JOHN M. OTT, Judge, P.O. Box 1146, Covington, GA 30209 ALAN A. COOK, D.A., 1124 Clark Street, Covington, GA 30209 NewtonSecond and third Mondays in January, April, July, and October WaltonFirst and second Mondays in February, May, August, and November APPALACHIAN CIRCUIT HONS. BOBBY C. MILAM, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 2079, Blue Ridge, GA 30513 ELIZABETH GLAZEBROOK, Judge, P.O. Box 545, Jasper, GA 30143 ROGER G. QUEEN, D.A., Gilmer County Courthouse, Ellijay, GA 30540 FanninSecond Monday in May and November GilmerSecond Monday in April and October PickensSecond Monday in March and September ATLANTA CIRCUIT HONS. ISAAC JENRETTE, Chief Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8905, Atlanta, GA 30303 WILLIAM H. ALEXANDER, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4855, Atlanta, GA 30303 JOSEPHINE COOK, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4755, Atlanta, GA 30303 WILLIAM W. DANIEL, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8655, Atlanta, GA 30303 FRANK M. ELDRIDGE, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4955, Atlanta, GA 30303 PHILIP F. ETHERIDGE, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8705, Atlanta, GA 30303 JOEL L. FRYER, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8955, Atlanta, GA 30303 WILLIAM B. HILL, JR., Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8755, Atlanta, GA 30303 DON A. LANGHAM, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T8855, Atlanta, GA 30303 ELIZABETH LONG, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4655, Atlanta, GA 30303 THELMA WYATT-CUMMINGS-MOORE, Judge, 185 Central Avenue, Suite T4905, Atlanta, GA 30303 LEWIS R. SLATON, D.A., 136 Pryor Street, Room 301, Atlanta, GA 30303 FultonFirst Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November

Page XVI

ATLANTIC CIRCUIT HONS. JOHN R. HARVEY, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1018, Pembroke, GA 31321-1018 DAVID L. CAVENDER, Judge, P.O. Box 713, Hinesville, GA 31313-0713 JAMES EMORY FINDLEY, Judge, P.O. Box 910, Reidsville, GA 30453-0910 DUPONT KIRK CHENEY. D.A., P.O. Box 9, Hinesville, GA 31313-0009 BryanThird Monday in March; first Monday in November EvansFirst Monday in February and August LibertyThird Monday in February and September LongFirst Monday in March; third Monday in August McIntoshFourth Monday in May; first Monday in December TattnallThird Monday in April and October AUGUSTA CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM M. FLEMING, JR., Chief Judge, 305 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 BERNARD J. MULHERIN, SR., Judge, 305 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 J. CARLISLE OVERSTREET, Judge, 320 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 ALBERT McELVEEN PICKETT, Judge, 311 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 JOHN H. RUFFIN, JR., Judge, 320 City-County Building, Augusta, GA 30911 DANIEL J. CRAIG, D.A., 551 Greene Street, Augusta, GA 30901 BurkeFourth Monday in April and October ColumbiaFourth Monday in March and September RichmondThird Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT HONS. FRANK C. MILLS III, Chief Judge, 100 North Street, Suite 20, Canton, GA 30114-2707 RICHARD S. (STAN) GAULT, Judge, 160 Forsyth County Courthouse, Cumming, GA 30130-2430 C. MICHAEL ROACH, Judge, 130 E. Main Street, Suite 210, Canton, GA 30114 GARRY T. MOSS, D.A., Cherokee County Justice Center, 90 North Street, Suite 390, Canton, GA 30114 CherokeeSecond Monday in January, May, and September ForsythSecond Monday in March, July, and November BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT HONS. A. BLENN TAYLOR, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 879, Brunswick, GA 31521-0879 JAMES R. TUTEN, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 1473, Brunswick, GA 31521-1473 AMANDA F. WILLIAMS, Judge, P.O. Box 879, Brunswick, GA 31521-0879 E. M. WILKES, III, Judge, P.O. Box 1504, Hazelhurst, GA 31539 GLENN THOMAS, JR., D.A., P.O. Box 416, Jesup, GA 31545 ApplingSecond and third Mondays in February; third and fourth Mondays in October CamdenFirst Monday in April and November GlynnSecond Monday in March and September Jeff DavisFirst and second Mondays in March; fourth Monday in September; first Monday in October WayneThird and fourth Mondays in April and November


CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT HONS. E. MULLINS WHISNANT, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31902-1340 KENNETH B. FOLLOWILL, Judge, P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31993-1340 JOHN D. ALLEN, Judge, P.O. Box 1340, Columbus, GA 31993-1340 WILLIAM J. (BILL) SMITH, Judge, P.O. Box 1340. Columbus, GA 31902-1340 DOUGLAS C. PULLEN, D.A., P.O. Box 1340, Government Center, Columbus, GA 31993 ChattahoocheeFourth Monday in March and September HarrisSecond Monday in January, May, and Septembe MarionFourth Monday in April and October MuscogeeFirst Monday in February, April, June, August, October, and December TalbotSecond Monday in March and November; third Monday in August TaylorSecond Monday in February, June, and October CHEROKEE CIRCUIT HONS. TOM POPE, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1117, Calhoun, GA 30703-1117 SHEPERD LEE HOWELL, Judge, 135 W. Cherokee Avenue, Suite 322, Cartersville, GA 30120 JEFFERSON L. DAVIS, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 1986, Cartersville, GA 30120 T. JOSEPH CAMPBELL, D.A., 135 W. Cherokee Street, Frank Moore Judicial Building, Suite 368, Cartersville, GA 30120 BartowFirst Monday in February and August; fourth Monday in April; third Monday in October GordonFirst Monday in March, June, and December; second Monday in September CLAYTON CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM H. ISON, Chief Judge, 315 Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, Jonesboro, GA 30236 MATTHEW O. SIMMONS, Judge, 209 Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, Jonesboro, GA 30236 KENNETH KILPATRICK, Judge, 215 Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, Jonesboro, GA 30236 DEBORAH C. BENEFIELD, Judge, 309 Clayton County Courthouse, Annex 2, Jonesboro, GA 30236 ROBERT E. KELLER, D.A., Clayton County Courthouse, Annex #2, 121 S. McDonough Street, Jonesboro, GA 30236 ClaytonFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November COBB CIRCUIT HONS. WATSON L. WHITE, Chief Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 MARY E. STALEY, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 ROBERT E. FLOURNOY, JR., Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 P. HARRIS HINES, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 GEORGE H. KREEGER, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 DOROTHY A. ROBINSON, Judge, 30 Waddell St., Marietta, GA 30090-9643 MICHAEL STODDARD, Judge, 30 Waddell Street, Marietta, GA 30090-9643 THOMAS J. CHARRON, D.A., 10 East Park Square, Cobb County Admin. Bldg., Suite 330, Marietta, GA 30090-9619 CobbSecond Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November


CONASAUGA CIRCUIT HONS. COY H. TEMPLES, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 732, Dalton, GA 30722 WILLIAM T. BOYETT, Judge, P.O. Box 2582, Dalton, GA 30722 CHARLES A. PANNELL, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 596, Dalton, GA 30722 JACK PARTAIN III, D.A., P.O. Box 953, Dalton, GA 30722-0953 MurraySecond Monday in February and August WhitfieldSecond Monday in January and July CORDELE CIRCUIT HONS. WHITFIELD R. FORRESTER, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 701, Cordele, GA 31015 G. MALLON FAIRCLOTH, Judge, P.O. Box 873, Cordele, GA 31015 JOHN C. PRIDGEN, D.A., P.O. Box 5510, Cordele, GA 31015-5510 Ben HillSecond and third Mondays in January; first and second Mondays in April; third and fourth Mondays in June; and third and fourth Mondays in September and Monday following CrispThird and fourth Mondays in February and Monday following; second, third, and fourth Mondays in May and November; second and third Mondays in August DoolyFourth Monday in January and Monday following the third and fourth Mondays in April, July, and October WilcoxSecond and third Mondays in March; fourth Monday in August and Monday following; first and second Mondays in December COWETA CIRCUIT HONS. DEWEY SMITH, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 623, Carrollton, GA 30117 ALLEN B. KEEBLE, Judge, Troup County Courthouse, LaGrange, GA 30240 WILLIAM F. LEE, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 8, Newnan, GA 30264 PETER J. SKANDALAKIS, D.A., 118 Ridley Avenue, LaGrange, GA 30240 CarrollSecond Monday in January; first Monday in April and October; third Monday in June CowetaFirst Monday in March; first Tuesday in September HeardThird Monday in March and September MeriwetherThird Monday in February, May, August, and November TroupFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November DOUGHERTY CIRCUIT HONS. ASA D. KELLEY, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1827, Albany, GA 31702-1827 LORING ALBERT GRAY, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 1827, Albany, GA 31703-1827 BRITT R. PRIDDY, D.A., 225 Pine Street, P.O. Box 1827, Albany, GA 31703 DoughertySecond Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November DOUGLAS CIRCUIT HONS. ROBERT J. (BOB) JAMES, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 794, Douglasville, GA 30133 DAVID T. EMERSON, Judge, 6754 Broad Street, Douglasville, GA 30134 DAVID McDADE, D.A., Douglas County Courthouse, Room 205, Douglasville, GA 30134 DouglasSecond Monday in April and October

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DUBLIN CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM MALCOLM TOWSON, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 2069, Dublin, GA 31040 H. GIBBS FLANDERS, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 2100, Dublin, GA 31040 RALPH WALKE, D.A., P.O. Box 2029, Dublin, GA 31040 JohnsonThird Monday in March, June, September, and December LaurensFourth Monday in January, April, July, and October TreutlenThird Monday in February and August TwiggsSecond Monday in January, April, July, and October EASTERN CIRCUIT HONS. PERRY BRANNEN, JR., Chief Judge, 204 Chatham County Courthouse, 133 Montgomery Street, Savannah, GA 31401-3241 CHARLES B. MIKELL, JR., Judge, 203 Chatham County Courthouse, 133 Montgomery Street, Savannah, GA 31401 JAMES W. HEAD, Judge, 412 Chatham County Courthouse, 133 Montgomery Street, Savannah, GA 31401-3241 MICHAEL L. KARPF, Judge, 212 Chatham County Courthouse, 133 Montgomery Street, Savannah, GA 31401-3239 SPENCER LAWTON, JR., D.A., 133 Montgomery Street, P.O. Box 2309, Savannah, GA 31402 ChathamFirst Monday in March, June, September, and December ENOTAH CIRCUIT HONS. HUGH W. STONE, Chief Judge, 114 Courthouse Street, Box 2, Blairsville, GA 30512 DAVID E. BARRETT, Judge, 1650 S. Main Street, Suite K, Cleveland, GA 30528 ALBERT TAYLOR, D.A., Lumpkin County Courthouse, 287 Courthouse Hill, Dahlonega, GA 30533 LumpkinFourth Monday in February and August TownsJanuary 1 and July 1 UnionJanuary 1 and July 1 WhiteFirst Monday in April and October FLINT CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM H. CRAIG, Chief Judge, Henry County Courthouse, 2nd Floor, McDonough, GA 30253-3293 E. BYRON SMITH, Judge, Lamar County Courthouse, Box 5, Barnesville, GA 30204 TOMMY K. FLOYD, D.A., Henry County Courthouse, No. 1 Courthouse Square, McDonough, GA 30253-3220 ButtsFirst and second Mondays in February and November; first Monday in May; third and fourth Mondays in August HenrySecond, third, and fourth Mondays in January, April, July, and October LamarFirst and second Mondays in March, June, and December; second and third Mondays in September MonroeThird and fourth Mondays in February, May, and November; first and second Mondays in August

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GRIFFIN CIRCUIT HONS. ANDREW J. WHALEN, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 627, Griffin, GA 30224 PASCHAL A. ENGLISH, JR., Judge, 145 Johnson Avenue, Fayetteville, GA 30214 BEN J. MILLER, Judge, P.O. Box 307, Thomaston, GA 30286 JOHNNIE CALDWELL, D.A., P.O. Box 871, Thomaston, GA 30286 FayetteFirst Monday in March; second Monday in September PikeThird Monday in April and November SpaldingFirst Monday in February, June, and October UpsonThird Monday in March and August; first Monday in November GWINNETT CIRCUIT HONS. HOMER M. STARK, Chief Judge, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30245 FRED A. BISHOP, JR., Judge, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30245 MICHAEL C. CLARK, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30245 JAMES W. OXENDINE, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30245 K. DAWSON JACKSON, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30245 RICHARD T. WINEGARDEN, Judge, 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30245 DANIEL PORTER, D.A., 75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30245 GwinnettFirst Monday in January, March, May, July, and November; second Monday in September HOUSTON CIRCUIT HONS. L.A. McCONNELL, JR., Chief Judge, 300 Houston County Courthouse, Perry, GA 31069 GEORGE FRANCIS NUNN, JR., Judge, 300 Houston County Courthouse, Perry, GA 31069 EDWARD D. LUKEMIRE, D.A., 1009 Jernigan St., Perry, GA 31069 HoustonFirst Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT HONS. JOSEPH E. LOGGINS, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 464, Summerville, GA 30747 KRISTINA COOK CONNELLY, Judge, P.O. Box 179, Summerville, GA 30747 JOSEPH B. TUCKER, Judge, Catoosa County Courthouse, Ringgold, GA 30736 JON WOOD, Judge, P.O. Box 1185, LaFayette, GA 30728 RALPH VAN PELT, JR., D.A., P.O. Box 1025, LaFayette, GA 30728 CatoosaFirst Monday in March; second Monday in September ChattoogaFirst Monday in February and August DadeFirst Monday in April; second Monday in October WalkerFirst Monday in May and November MACON CIRCUIT HONS. WALKER P. JOHNSON, JR., Chief Judge, 310 Bibb County Courthouse, Macon, GA 31201 G. BRYANT CULPEPPER, Judge, 310 Bibb County Courthouse, Macon, GA 31201 THOMAS DAY WILCOX, JR., Judge, 310 Bibb County Courthouse, Macon, GA 31201 CHARLES H. WESTON, D.A., 661 Mulberry Street, 3rd Floor, Grand Building, Macon, GA 31201 BibbFirst Monday in February, April, June, August, October, and December CrawfordThird and fourth Mondays in March and October PeachFirst and second Mondays in March and August; third and fourth Mondays in November

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MIDDLE CIRCUIT HONS. WALTER C. McMILLAN, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1015, Sanderville, GA 31082-1015 MARVIN B. HARTLEY, JR., Judge, P.O. Box 869, Lyons, GA 30436-0869 RICHARD A. MALONE, D.A., P.O. Drawer J, Swainsboro, GA 30401 CandlerFirst and second Mondays in February and August EmanuelSecond Monday in January, April, July, and October JeffersonSecond Monday in May and November ToombsFourth Monday in February, May, August, and November WashingtonFirst Monday in March, June, September, and December MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT HONS. ROBERT B. STRUBLE, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 758, Toccoa, GA 30577 E. H. (BUCKY) WOODS III, Judge, P.O. Box 485, Clarkesville, GA 30523 MIKE CRAWFORD, D.A., P.O. Box 738, Clarkesville, GA 30523 HabershamJanuary 1 and July 1 RabunJanuary 1 and July 1 StephensJanuary 1 and July 1 NORTHEASTERN CIRCUIT HONS. RICHARD WAYNE STORY, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1778, Gainesville, GA 30503 JOHN GIRARDEAU, Judge, P.O. Box 49, Gainesville, GA 30503 C. ANDREW FULLER, Judge, P.O. Box 3362, Gainesville, GA 30503 LYDIA SARTAIN, D.A., P.O. Box 1690, Gainesville, GA 30503 DawsonFirst Monday in February and August HallFirst Monday in May and November; second Monday in January and July NORTHERN CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM F. GRANT, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1009, Elberton, GA 30635 GEORGE H. BRYANT, Judge, P.O. Box 950, Hartwell, GA 30643 LINDSAY A. TISE, JR., D.A., P.O. Box 515, Hartwell, GA 30643 ElbertThird Monday in January; fourth Monday in July FranklinThird Monday in March and September HartThird Monday in February and August MadisonThird Monday in April and October OglethorpeThird Monday in May and November


OCMULGEE CIRCUIT HONS. WILLIAM A. PRIOR, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 728, Madison, GA 30650 JOHN LEE PARROTT, Judge, P.O. Box 111, Monticello, GA 31064-0111 HULANE EVANS GEORGE, Judge, P.O. Box 1050, Millegeville, GA 31061-1050 FRED D. BRIGHT, D.A., Baldwin County Courthouse, Hancock Street, Millegeville, GA 31061-1050 BaldwinSecond Monday in January, April, July, and October GreeneFourth Monday in January, April, August, and November HancockFourth Monday in March and September JasperSecond Monday in February, May, August, and November JonesFirst Monday in February and August; third Monday in April and October MorganFirst Monday in March, June, September, and December PutnamThird Monday in March, June, September, and December WilkinsonFourth Monday in February; first Monday in April and October; third Monday in August OCONEE CIRCUIT HONS. HUGH LAWSON, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 269, Hawkinsville, GA 31036 PHILLIP R. WEST, Judge, P.O. Box 1058, Eastman, GA 31023-1058 TIMOTHY VAUGHN, Acting D.A., P.O. Box 1027, Eastman, GA 31023-1027 BleckleyFirst Monday in March; second Monday in July and November DodgeThird Monday in February, May, August, and November MontgomeryFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November PulaskiSecond and third Mondays in March and September; second Monday in June and December TelfairFourth Monday in February and June; third and fourth Mondays in October WheelerSecond Monday in February and October; third Monday in June OGEECHEE CIRCUIT HONS. FAYE SANDERS MARTIN, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 803, Statesboro, GA 30459-0803 WILLIAM J. NEVILLE, Judge, P.O. Box 1453, Statesboro, GA 30459-1453 R. JOSEPH MARTIN, III, D.A., P.O. Box 1640, Statesboro, GA 30458 BullochFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November EffinghamFirst Monday in June and December JenkinsFirst Monday in March and September ScrevenSecond Monday in January; first Monday in April, July, and October PATAULA CIRCUIT HONS. LOWREY S. STONE, Chief Judge, P.O. Drawer 687, Blakely, GA 31723 JOE C. BISHOP, Judge, P.O. Box 759, Dawson, GA 31742-0759 CHARLES M. FERGUSON, D.A., P.O. Drawer 30, Cuthbert, GA 31740 ClayThird Monday in March and November EarlyThird Tuesday in January and third Monday in July MillerFourth Monday in February and October QuitmanFourth Monday in March and September RandolphFirst Monday in May and November SeminoleSecond Monday in April and October TerrellFirst Monday in June and December


PIEDMONT CIRCUIT HONS. THADDEUS PENN McWHORTER, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 685, Winder, GA 30680 ROBERT W. ADAMSON, Judge, P.O. Box 8, Jefferson, GA 30549 TIMOTHY G. MADISON, D.A., P.O. Box 276, Jefferson, GA 30549 BanksFirst and second Mondays in April and October BarrowLast Monday in January; first and second Mondays in February; second and third Mondays in August; first and second Mondays in May and November JacksonFirst and second Mondays in March; second and third Mondays in September ROCKDALE CIRCUIT HONS. CLARENCE VAUGHN, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 978, Conyers, GA 30207 SIDNEY L. NATION, Judge, P.O. Box 289, Conyers, GA 30207 CHERYL FISHER CUSTER, D.A., 922 Court Street, Room 303, Conyers, GA 30207 RockdaleFirst Monday in January, April, July, and October ROME CIRCUIT HONS. ROBERT G. WALTHER, Chief Judge, 401 Tribune Street, Rome, GA 30161 WALTER J. MATTHEWS, Judge, Room 107, 12 E. 4th Ave., Rome, GA 30161 LARRY SALMON, Judge, Room G-7, 12 E. 4th Ave., Rome, GA 30161 STEPHEN F. LANIER, D.A., 3 Government Plaza, Suite 302, Rome, GA 30160 FloydSecond Monday in January, March, July, and September; first Monday in May and November SOUTH GEORGIA CIRCUIT HONS. A. WALLACE CATO, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 65, Bainbridge, GA 31717-0065 WILLARD H. CHASON, Judge, P.O. Box 729, Cairo, GA 31728 J. BROWN MOSELEY, D.A., P.O. Drawer 1843, Bainbridge, GA 31717 BakerThird Monday in January and July CalhounLast Monday in May and November DecaturFirst Monday in May and November GradyThird Monday in March and September MitchellThird Monday in April and October SOUTHERN CIRCUIT HONS. GEORGE A. HORKAN, JR., Chief Judge, P.O. Box 682, Moultrie, GA 31776-0682 ROY MILLER LILLY, Judge, P.O. Box 71, Thomasville, GA 31799 H. ARTHUR McLANE, Judge, P.O. Box 1349, Valdosta, GA 31603 H. LAMAR COLE, D.A., P.O. Box 99, Valdosta, GA 31603-0099 BrooksFirst Monday in April and November ColquittFirst Monday in February and August EcholsFirst Monday in February and August LowndesFirst Monday in March and the first Tuesday immediately following the first Monday in September ThomasFirst Monday in April and October


SOUTHWESTERN CIRCUIT HONS. THAD GIBSON, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 784, Americus, GA 31709 R. RUCKER SMITH, Judge, P.O. Box 784, Americus, GA 31709 JOHN R. PARKS, D.A., P.O. Box 1328, Americus, GA 31709 LeeFourth Monday in April and October MaconSecond Monday in May and November SchleySecond Monday in February and August StewartThird Monday in March and September SumterFourth Monday in February, May, and August: Monday following the fourth Thursday in November WebsterSecond Monday in January and July STONE MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT HONS. HILTON FULLER, Chief Judge, 306 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 ROBERT JOSEPH CASTELLANI, Judge, 402 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 DANIEL M. COURSEY, JR., Judge, 303 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 MICHAEL E. HANCOCK, Judge, 403 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 LINDA WARREN HUNTER, Judge, 505 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 ROBERT P. MALLIS, Judge, 905 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 CLARENCE F. (CHUCK) SEELIGER, Judge, 801 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 JAMES H. (JIM) WEEKS, Judge, 900 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 GAIL C. FLAKE, Judge, 504 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 J. TOM MORGAN, D.A., 700 DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur, GA 30030-3356 DeKalbFirst Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November TALLAPOOSA CIRCUIT HONS. ARTHUR W. FUDGER, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 186, Buchanan, GA 30113 F. MARION CUMMINGS, Judge, Polk County Courthouse, Room 203, Cedartown, GA 30125 W. A. (BILL) FOSTER III, Judge, 11 Courthouse Square, Room 201, Dallas, GA 30132 JAMES R. OSBORNE, D.A., 11 Courthouse Square, Room 101, Dallas, 30132 HaralsonThird Monday in January and August PauldingThird Monday in February and September PolkThird Monday in March and July TIFTON CIRCUIT HONS. W.J. FOREHAND, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1465, Tifton, GA 31793-1465 JOHN D. CROSBY, Judge, P.O. Box 891, Tifton, GA 31794-0891 C. PAUL BOWDEN, D.A., P.O. Box 1252, Tifton, GA 31793 IrwinThird and fourth Mondays in February; second and third Mondays in May and November TiftFirst Monday in March and September; first and second Mondays in June and December TurnerSecond and third Mondays in January and July; second Monday in April and October WorthFourth Monday in January, April, July, and October

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TOOMBS CIRCUIT HONS. ROBERT L. STEVENS, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 27, Thomson, GA 30824 E. PURNELL DAVIS II, Judge, P.O. Box 66, Warrenton, GA 30828 DENNIS CARL SANDERS, D.A., P.O. Drawer 966, Thomson, GA 30824 GlascockThird Monday in February, May, August, and November LincolnFourth Monday in January and July; third Monday in April and October McDuffieSecond Monday in March, June, September, and December TaliaferroFourth Monday in February, May, August, and November WarrenThird Monday in January; first Monday in April, July, and October WilkesFirst Monday in February, May, August, and November WAYCROSS CIRCUIT HONS. ELIE L. HOLTON, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 1205, Douglas, GA 31533-1205 CLARENCE D. BLOUNT, Judge, Ware County Courthouse, Waycross, GA 31501-3549 JOSEPH B. NEWTON, Judge, P.O. Box 1507, Waycross, GA 31502 RICHARD CURRIE, D.A., Ware County Courthouse, Waycross, GA 31501-3516 BaconThird Monday in April; second Monday in October BrantleyFourth Monday in January; second Monday in September CharltonFourth Monday in February and September CoffeeThird Monday in March and October PierceFirst Monday in May and December WareFirst Monday in April; second Monday in November WESTERN CIRCUIT HONS. JOSEPH J. GAINES, Chief Judge, P.O. Box 8045, Athens, GA 30603-8045 LAWTON E. STEPHENS, Judge, P.O. Box 8064, Athens, GA 30603-8064 HARRY N. GORDON, D.A., 325 E. Washington Street, Room 500, Athens, GA 30601 ClarkeSecond Monday in January, April, July, and October OconeeSecond Monday in March and September


TABULAR INDEX PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION No amendments were proposed to the Constitution in 1995. OFFICIAL CODE OF GEORGIA ANNOTATED Code Section 1-3-3; amended 244 Code Section 2-2-8; amended 10 Code Section 2-2-8.1; enacted 353 Code Section 2-3-5; amended 10 Code Section 2-4-3; amended 10 Code Section 2-4-4; amended 10 Code Section 2-4-7; amended 10 Code Section 2-6-23; amended 10 Code Section 2-8-22; amended 10 Code Section 2-8-62; amended 10 Code Section 2-10-86; amended 413 Code Section 2-10-87; amended 413 Code Section 2-10-87; amended 10 Code Section 2-10-103.1; enacted 413 Code Section 2-10-108; amended 413 Code Section 2-11-29; amended 10 Code Section 2-11-52; amended 10 Code Section 2-11-70; amended 10 Code Section 2-11-74; amended 10 Code Section 2-12-73; amended 10 Code Section 2-12-106; amended 10 Code Section 2-14-41.1; amended 10 Code Section 2-14-131; amended 710 Code Section 2-14-133; amended 710 Code Section 2-14-136; enacted 710 Code Section 2-14-137; enacted 710 Code Section 3-1-2; amended 734 Code Section 3-4-90; amended 740 Code Section 3-4-92; amended 753 Code Section 3-5-20; amended 734 Code Sections 3-5-35 thru 3-5-37; enacted 734 Code Section 3-5-35; enacted 486 Code Title 3, Chapter 12; enacted 486 Code Sections 3-12-1 thru 3-12-3; enacted 486 Code Section 4-1-2; amended 10 Code Section 4-2-1; amended 244 Code Section 4-3-2; amended 244 Code Section 4-4-1.1; amended 244 Code Section 4-4-69; amended 10 Code Section 4-4-80; amended 244 Code Section 4-5-2; amended 244 Code Section 4-6-1; amended 244 Code Section 4-11-31; amended 244 Code Section 4-12-1; amended 335 Code Section 4-12-2; amended 335 Code Section 4-12-3; amended 335


Code Section 4-12-5; enacted 335 Code Section 5-3-4; amended 10 Code Section 5-3-22; amended 10 Code Section 7-1-4; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-7; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-37; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-43; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-61; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-64; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-68; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-71; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-78; enacted 673 Code Section 7-1-260; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-261; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-288; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-289; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-311; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-372; amended 1368 Code Section 7-1-416; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-488; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-491; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-532; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-533; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-534; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-552; amended 673 Code Title 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, Part 17; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-590; amended 673 Code Sections 7-1-591 thru 7-1-594; enacted 673 Code Section 7-1-603; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-634; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-683; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-684; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-685; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-702; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-703; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-716; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-721; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-1002; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-1011; amended 673 Code Section 7-1-1018; amended 673 Code Section 7-4-17; amended 956 Code Section 8-2-3; amended 1302 Code Section 8-2-31; amended 1302 Code Section 8-2-107; amended 370 Code Section 8-2-109.1; amended 1046 Code Section 8-3-201; amended 1302 Code Section 8-3-202; amended 1302 Code Section 8-3-203; amended 1302 Code Section 8-3-223; amended 1302 Code Section 9-3-29; amended 727 Code Section 9-13-140; amended 931 Code Section 9-13-143; amended 992


Code Section 9-14-44; amended 381 Code Section 9-14-47; amended 381 Code Section 9-14-47.1; enacted 381 Code Section 9-14-48; amended 381 Code Section 10-1-7; amended 346 Code Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 12; amended Vetoed HB 516 Code Sections 10-1-310 thru 10-1-314; amended Vetoed HB 516 Code Section 10-1-393; amended 729 Code Section 10-1-393.1; amended 733 Code Section 10-1-393.4; enacted 1362 Code Section 10-1-397; amended 1362 Code Section 10-1-410; amended 757 Code Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 15, Part 6; enacted 697 Code Section 10-1-438; enacted 697 Code Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 17A; enacted 267 Code Sections 10-1-520 thru 10-1-529; enacted 267 Code Section 10-4-106; amended 104 Code Title 10, Chapter 6, Article 7; enacted 1171 Code Sections 10-6-140 thru 10-6-142; enacted 1171 Code Section 12-1-2; enacted 706 Code Section 12-2-1; amended 105 Code Title 12, Chapter 3, Article 1, Part 1; redesignated 105 Code Section 12-3-1 thru 12-3-11; reenacted 105 Code Section 12-3-3; amended 10 Code Section 12-3-10; amended 945 Code Title 12, Chapter 3, Article 1, Part 2; enacted 105 Code Sections 12-3-20 thru 12-3-25; enacted 105 Code Section 12-3-130; amended 1302 Code Section 12-3-191; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-193; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-194; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-194.2; enacted 105 Code Section 12-3-219; amended 935 Code Section 12-3-231; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-233; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-233.1; enacted 105 Code Section 12-3-234; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-235; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-243; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-243.1; enacted 105 Code Section 12-3-291; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-292; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-293; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-294; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-294.1; enacted 105 Code Section 12-3-310; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-312; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-313; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-314; amended 105 Code Section 12-3-314.1; enacted 105 Code Section 12-3-564; amended 10 Code Section 12-5-30; amended 150


Code Section 12-5-31; amended 706 Code Section 12-5-96; amended 706 Code Section 12-5-97; amended 706 Code Section 12-5-248; amended 1302 Code Section 12-5-287; amended 10 Code Section 12-5-287; amended 462 Code Section 12-5-295; amended 462 Code Section 12-5-372; amended 987 Code Section 12-7-6; amended 10 Code Section 12-7-6; amended 150 Code Section 12-7-8; amended 150 Code Section 12-7-17; amended 150 Code Section 12-7-17; amended 10 Code Section 12-8-24; amended 10 Code Section 12-8-25.3; amended 1025 Code Section 12-8-25.4; enacted 1025 Code Section 12-13-11; amended 10 Code Section 12-13-12; amended 10 Code Section 13-11-2; amended 10 Code Section 14-2-140; amended 482 Code Section 14-2-401; amended 482 Code Section 14-2-721; amended 482 Code Section 14-2-824; amended 482 Code Section 14-2-843; amended 482 Code Section 14-2-901; amended 482 Code Section 14-2-1422; amended 975 Code Section 14-2-1501; amended 482 Code Section 14-2-1520; amended 482 Code Section 14-3-401; amended 482 Code Section 14-3-1422; amended 975 Code Section 14-8-2; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-6; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-15; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-18; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-34; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-36; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-40; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-44; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-45; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-46; amended 10 Code Section 14-8-48; amended 470 Code Section 14-8-61; amended 10 Code Section 14-8-62; enacted 470 Code Section 14-8-63; enacted 470 Code Section 14-8-64; enacted 470 Code Section 14-9-108; amended 470 Code Section 14-9-206.1; amended 470 Code Section 14-9-902; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-201; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-212; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-305; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-405; amended 470

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Code Section 14-11-602; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-702; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-901; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-903; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-905; amended 470 Code Section 14-11-1012; amended 10 Code Section 15-1-9.1; amended 381 Code Section 15-1-9.2; amended 916 Code Section 15-3-1; amended 916 Code Section 15-6-2; amended 1077 Code Section 15-6-77; amended 863 Code Section 15-6-77; amended 260 Code Section 15-6-97; enacted 260 Code Section 15-6-98; enacted 260 Code Section 15-9-1.1; amended 768 Code Section 15-9-60; amended 139 Code Section 15-9-68; enacted 768 Code Section 15-9-81; amended 568 Code Title 15, Chapter 9, Article 5; amended 768 Code Sections 15-9-100 thru 15-9-102; amended 768 Code Section 15-9-103 and 15-9-104 formerly 15-9-104 and 15-9-105: redesignated 768 Code Section 15-10-23; amended 562 Code Section 15-11-4.1; amended 783 Code Section 15-11-5.1; amended 783 Code Section 15-11-15; amended 774 Code Section 15-11-16; amended 774 Code Section 15-11-17; amended 863 Code Section 15-11-19; amended 863 Code Section 15-11-20; amended 863 Code Section 15-11-28; amended 619 Code Section 15-11-33; amended Vetoed HB 222 Code Section 15-11-58; amended 619 Code Section 15-11-58.1; enacted 619 Code Section 15-11-59; amended 619 Code Section 15-11-60; amended 619 Code Section 15-11-61; amended 619 Code Section 15-11-65; amended 619 Code Section 15-11-93; enacted 1359 Code Section 15-12-7; amended 790 Code Section 15-12-10; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-11; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-24; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-40; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-67; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-71; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-122; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-123; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-125; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-141; amended 1292 Code Section 15-12-163; amended 1292 Code Section 15-18-6; amended 394


Code Section 15-18-14; amended 394 Code Section 15-21-95; amended 285 Code Title 15, Chapter 21. Article 8; enacted 260 Code Sections 15-21-130 thru 15-21-134; enacted 260 Code Section 16-5-70; amended 957 Code Section 16-5-91; amended 911 Code Section 16-6-3; amended 957 Code Section 16-6-4; amended 957 Code Section 16-6-5; amended 957 Code Section 16-7-43; amended 315 Code Section 16-8-13; amended 1051 Code Section 16-8-20; amended 244 Code Section 16-9-20; amended 910 Code Section 16-9-58; amended 244 Code Section 16-10-56; enacted 137 Code Section 16-11-37.1; enacted 574 Code Section 16-11-39; amended 574 Code Section 16-11-39.1; enacted 574 Code Section 16-11-60; amended 1051 Code Section 16-11-64.1; enacted 1051 Code Section 16-11-64.2; enacted 1051 Code Section 16-11-66.1; amended 1023 Code Section 16-11-101; amended 10 Code Section 16-11-127.1; amended 10 Code Section 16-11-133; enacted 139 Code Section 16-11-133; enacted 137 Code Section 16-11-151; amended 574 Code Title 16, Chapter 11, Article 4, Part 5; enacted 139 Code Sections 16-11-170 thru 16-11-184; enacted 139 Code Section 16-12-1; amended 10 Code Section 16-12-20; amended 832 Code Section 16-12-22.1; enacted 832 Code Section 16-12-100; amended 957 Code Section 16-13-32.3; amended 574 Code Section 16-15-2; amended 1302 Code Title 16, Chapter 16; enacted 1051 Code Sections 16-16-1 and 16-16-2; enacted 1051 Code Section 17-2-4; enacted 1250 Code Section 17-4-20.1; amended 1186 Code Section 17-4-26; amended 932 Code Section 17-5-54; amended 909 Code Section 17-6-1; amended 379 Code Section 17-6-1; amended 989 Code Section 17-7-1; amended 291 Code Section 17-7-130; amended 1250 Code Section 17-7-150; amended 1292 Code Section 17-10-1; amended 1043 Code Section 17-15-8; amended 385 Code Title 17, Chapter 16, Article 1; amended 1250 Code Sections 17-16-1 thru 17-16-9; amended 1250 Code Section 17-16-10; enacted 1250 Code Section 17-16-20; amended 1250


Code Title 17, Chapter 17; enacted 385 Code Section 17-17-1 thru 17-17-15: enacted 385 Code Section 19-3-31; amended 567 Code Section 19-5-1; amended 1292 Code Section 19-5-12; amended 603 Code Section 19-6-15; amended 603 Code Section 19-6-34; enacted 603 Code Section 19-8-18; amended 791 Code Section 19-9-1; amended 863 Code Section 19-9-3; amended 863 Code Section 19-9-7; enacted 863 Code Section 19-11-9.2; amended 603 Code Section 19-13-32; amended 1186 Code Section 20-1-8; enacted 701 Code Section 20-2-56; amended 1027 Code Section 20-2-142; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-151; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-152; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-153; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-161; amended 701 Code Section 20-2-161; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-161.1; amended Vetoed HB 365 Code Section 20-2-161.1; amended 307 Code Section 20-2-165; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-167; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-186; amended 701 Code Section 20-2-188; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-189; amended 10 Code Section 20-2-210; amended 1072 Code Section 20-2-211; amended 1072 Code Section 20-2-230; amended 304 Code Section 20-2-253; amended 1340 Code Section 20-2-255; amended 307 Code Section 20-2-256; enacted 240 Code Section 20-2-260; amended 10 Code Section 20-2-260; amended Vetoed HB 365 Code Section 20-2-261; amended 915 Code Title 20, Chapter 2, Article 6, Part 11; amended 1340 Code Sections 20-2-270 thru 20-2-274; amended 1340 Code Section 20-2-270; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-281; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-281; amended 311 Code Section 20-2-282; amended 1340 Code Section 20-2-301; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-302; amended 1069 Code Section 20-2-305; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-695; amended 240 Code Section 20-2-751; amended 1072 Code Section 20-2-751.1; enacted 1340 Code Section 20-2-751.1; enacted 1072 Code Title 20, Chapter 2, Article 16, Part 2, Subpart 3; enacted 240 Code Sections 20-2-764 thru 20-2-766; enacted 240


Code Section 20-2-797; amended 1072 Code Section 20-2-942; amended 304 Code Section 20-2-987; amended 1069 Code Title 20, Chapter 2, Article 18A; enacted 772 Code Section 20-2-1000; enacted 772 Code Section 20-2-1012; amended 1017 Code Section 20-2-1074; amended 1302 Code Section 20-2-1160; amended 1302 Code Section 20-3-73; amended 10 Code Section 20-3-231; amended 961 Code Section 20-3-250.2; amended 728 Code Section 20-3-250.5; amended 728 Code Section 20-3-250.5; amended 265 Code Section 20-3-250.10; amended 728 Code Section 20-3-250.27; amended 10 Code Section 20-3-261; amended 961 Code Section 20-3-262; amended 961 Code Section 20-3-266; amended 961 Code Section 20-3-288; amended 961 Code Section 20-3-311; amended 961 Code Section 20-3-312; amended 961 Code Section 20-3-316; amended 961 Code Section 20-3-411; amended 265 Code Section 20-3-432; amended 885 Code Title 20, Chapter 3, Article 7, Part 3, Subpart 10; enacted 961 Code Sections 20-3-480 thru 20-3-482; enacted 961 Code Section 20-4-15; amended 1302 Code Section 20-13-8; amended 1302 Code Section 21-2-98; amended 570 Code Section 21-2-131; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-132; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-132; amended Vetoed SB 148 Code Section 21-2-133; amended Vetoed SB 148 Code Section 21-2-134; amended 408 Code Section 21-2-140; amended Vetoed SB 148 Code Section 21-2-212; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-222; amended 8 Code Section 21-2-224; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-224; amended 8 Code Section 21-2-224; amended 1044 Code Section 21-2-225; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-225; amended 8 Code Section 21-2-230; amended 8 Code Section 21-2-234; amended 8 Code Section 21-2-235; amended 8 Code Section 21-2-261.1; amended 8 Code Section 21-2-265; amended 1302 Code Section 21-2-325; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-380; amended 417 Code Section 21-2-381; amended 8 Code Section 21-2-382; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-384; amended 1027


Code Section 21-2-408; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-409.1; amended 1302 Code Section 21-2-452; amended 1302 Code Section 21-2-470; amended 1302 Code Section 21-2-495; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-497; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-498; repealed 1027 Code Section 21-2-499; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-502; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-522; amended 1027 Code Section 21-2-522.1; enacted 1027 Code Section 21-2-527; amended 1027 Code Section 21-3-10; amended 8 Code Section 21-3-90; amended 786 Code Section 21-3-91; amended 786 Code Section 21-3-123; amended 8 Code Section 21-3-123; amended 1044 Code Section 21-3-125; amended 8 Code Section 21-3-161.1; amended 8 Code Section 21-3-164; amended 1302 Code Section 21-3-280; amended 417 Code Section 21-3-284; amended 1027 Code Section 21-3-317; amended 1027 Code Section 21-3-318.1; amended 1302 Code Section 21-3-362; amended 1302 Code Section 21-3-380; amended 1302 Code Section 21-3-422; amended 1027 Code Section 21-3-422.1; enacted 1027 Code Section 21-3-427; amended 1027 Code Section 21-5-41; amended 8 Code Title 22, Chapter 3, Article 4, Part 1; repealed 161 Code Sections 22-3-70 thru 22-3-72; repealed 161 Code Title 22, Chapter 3, Article 4, Part 2; repealed 161 Code Sections 22-3-80 thru 22-3-82; repealed 161 Code Section 22-3-83; amended 161 Code Title 22, Chapter 3, Article 4; enacted 161 Code Sections 22-3-80 thru 22-3-88; enacted 161 Code Section 24-3-16; amended 937 Code Section 24-4-45; amended 10 Code Section 24-7-24; amended 10 Code Section 24-7-25; amended 10 Code Section 24-8-28; amended 10 Code Section 24-9-21; amended 858 Code Section 24-9-41; amended 10 Code Section 24-9-42; amended 10 Code Section 24-9-43; amended 10 Code Section 24-9-45; amended 10 Code Section 24-9-68; amended 10 Code Section 24-10-7; amended 10 Code Section 24-10-25; amended 10 Code Section 24-10-90; amended 10 Code Section 24-10-130; amended 10


Code Section 24-10-130; amended 1360 Code Section 25-3-21; amended 341 Code Section 25-3-22; amended 341 Code Section 25-3-23; amended 341 Code Section 25-3-24; amended 341 Code Section 25-3-25; amended 341 Code Section 25-3-26; amended 341 Code Section 25-4-8; amended 325 Code Section 25-4-31; amended 341 Code Section 26-2-62; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-84; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-85; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-100; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-100.1; enacted 244 Code Section 26-2-102; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-103; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-104; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-108; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-109; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-110; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-110.1; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-112; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-113; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-130; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-131; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-132; amended 244 Code Section 26-2-249; amended 244 Code Section 27-1-2; amended 244 Code Section 27-1-2; amended 946 Code Section 27-1-2; amended 543 Code Section 27-1-5; amended 543 Code Section 27-1-13; amended 10 Code Section 27-2-2; amended 946 Code Section 27-2-3.1; enacted 946 Code Section 27-2-5; amended 946 Code Section 27-2-20; amended 946 Code Section 27-2-23; amended 156 Code Section 27-2-23; amended 946 Code Section 27-3-4; amended 437 Code Section 27-3-45; amended 946 Code Section 27-3-46; amended 946 Code Section 27-3-62; amended 244 Code Title 27, Chapter 3, Article 7; enacted 467 Code Section 27-3-170; enacted 467 Code Section 27-4-10; amended 543 Code Section 27-4-36; amended 543 Code Section 27-4-50; amended 543 Code Section 27-4-51; amended 543 Code Section 27-4-52; amended 543 Code Section 27-4-53; amended 543 Code Section 27-4-110; amended 156 Code Section 27-4-150; amended 156


Code Section 27-4-151; amended 156 Code Section 27-4-171; amended 10 Code Section 27-4-253; amended 1059 Code Section 27-4-253; amended 10 Code Section 28-2-1; amended 795 Code Section 28-3-24.1; enacted 720 Code Section 28-4-1; amended 933 Code Section 28-5-5; amended 923 Code Title 28, Chapter 5, Article 3A; amended 1189 Code Section 28-5-47; amended 1189 Code Section 28-5-47.1; enacted 1189 Code Section 28-5-48; amended 1189 Code Section 28-5-48.1; enacted 1189 Code Section 28-5-49 thru 28-5-54; amended 1189 Code Section 28-5-55; repealed 1189 Code Section 28-5-56; amended 1189 Code Section 28-8-1; amended 10 Code Section 29-2-16; amended 1171 Code Section 29-4-2; amended 1171 Code Section 29-4-4; amended 1171 Code Section 29-4-4.1; amended 1171 Code Section 29-4-12; amended 1171 Code Section 29-5-1; amended 1171 Code Section 29-5-6; amended 1171 Code Section 30-1-2; amended 1302 Code Title 30, Chapter 3; amended 1302 Code Sections 30-3-1 thru 30-3-3; amended 1302 Code Sections 30-3-4 thru 30-3-9 formerly 30-3-3.1 thru 30-3-7; redesignated 1302 Code Section 30-4-1; amended 10 Code Section 30-4-1; amended 1302 Code Section 30-4-2; amended 1302 Code Title 30, Chapter 8; enacted 406 Code Sections 30-8-1; enacted 406 Code Section 31-1-3.1; amended 1302 Code Section 31-5-2; amended 10 Code Section 31-7-75; amended 901 Code Section 31-7-131; amended 612 Code Section 31-7-132; amended 612 Code Section 31-7-133; amended 612 Code Section 31-7-280; amended 745 Code Title 31, Chapter 7, Article 14; enacted 570 Code Sections 31-7-350 thru 31-7-352; enacted 570 Code Section 31-8-52; amended 1239 Code Section 31-8-55; amended 1239 Code Section 31-8-60; amended 1239 Code Section 31-8-62; amended 1239 Code Title 31, Chapter 8, Article 7; enacted 841 Code Sections 31-8-180 thru 31-8-184; enacted 841 Code Section 31-12-12; amended 328 Code Section 31-14-2; amended 1231 Code Section 31-14-3; amended 1231


Code Section 31-14-5; amended 1231 Code Section 31-14-6; amended 1231 Code Section 31-14-7; amended 1231 Code Section 31-14-8; amended 1231 Code Section 31-14-8.1; enacted 1231 Code Section 31-14-8.2; enacted 1231 Code Section 31-14-9; amended 1231 Code Section 31-14-14; enacted 1231 Code Section 31-21-44.1; enacted 569 Code Section 31-31-2; amended 671 Code Section 31-31-7; repealed 671 Code Section 31-39-2; amended 722 Code Section 31-39-4; amended 722 Code Section 31-39-4; amended 10 Code Section 31-39-5; amended 722 Code Section 31-39-6; amended 722 Code Section 31-39-6.1; enacted 722 Code Section 31-39-7; amended 722 Code Title 31, Chapter 42; enacted 841 Code Sections 31-42-1 thru 31-42-3; enacted 841 Code Section 32-2-20; amended 1041 Code Section 32-4-94; amended 1302 Code Section 32-6-24; amended 990 Code Section 32-6-26; amended 862 Code Section 32-6-28; amended 10 Code Section 32-6-28; amended 155 Code Section 32-7-4; amended 1195 Code Section 32-9-3; amended 1302 Code Section 33-1-17; enacted 1242 Code Section 33-3-6; amended 637 Code Section 33-3-7; amended 637 Code Section 33-5-21; amended 1165 Code Section 33-5-25; amended 1165 Code Section 33-5-27; amended 1165 Code Section 33-5-29; amended 1165 Code Section 33-5-31; amended 1165 Code Section 33-6-5; amended 1165 Code Section 33-7-3; amended 437 Code Section 33-7-14; amended 1165 Code Section 33-8-1; amended 745 Code Section 33-9-4; amended 1302 Code Section 33-9-21.1; enacted 437 Code Section 33-9-43; amended 1348 Code Section 33-10-1; amended 481 Code Section 33-14-19; amended 776 Code Section 33-20-3; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-4; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-5; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-8; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-13; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-20; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-21; amended 745


Code Section 33-20-25; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-31; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-32; amended 745 Code Section 33-20-33; enacted 745 Code Section 33-20-34; enacted 745 Code Section 33-21-1; amended 745 Code Section 33-21-25; amended 745 Code Section 33-22-8; amended 1047 Code Section 33-22-10; amended 1047 Code Section 33-22-12.1; enacted 1047 Code Section 33-22-13; amended 1047 Code Section 33-23-1; amended 1011 Code Section 33-23-11; amended 1348 Code Section 33-23-12; amended 437 Code Section 33-24-1; amended 1011 Code Section 33-24-3; amended 776 Code Section 33-24-6; amended 776 Code Section 33-24-20; amended 745 Code Section 33-24-21; amended 745 Code Section 33-24-26; amended 1009 Code Section 33-24-26.1; enacted 1009 Code Section 33-24-28; amended 1302 Code Section 33-24-44; amended 1011 Code Section 33-24-46; amended 1011 Code Section 33-24-56; enacted 235 Code Section 33-24-56; enacted 1242 Code Section 33-27-3; amended 776 Code Section 33-29-3; amended 745 Code Section 33-29-3.3; enacted 1011 Code Section 33-29-3.3; enacted 459 Code Section 33-29-3.3; enacted 1348 Code Section 33-30-4.4; enacted 459 Code Section 33-30-4.4; enacted 1011 Code Section 33-30-4.4; enacted 1348 Code Section 33-30-6; amended 745 Code Section 33-30-15; enacted 1242 Code Title 33, Chapter 33; amended 629 Code Sections 33-33-1 thru 33-33-4; amended 629 Code Sections 33-33-5 thru 33-33-7; repealed 629 Code Sections 33-33-5 thru 33-33-8 formerly 33-33-8 thru 33-33-10.1; redesignated 629 Code Section 33-33-11; repealed 629 Code Section 33-34-3; amended 1011 Code Section 33-38-2; amended 1348 Code Section 33-38-4; amended 1348 Code Section 33-39-3; amended 1070 Code Section 33-47-5; amended 10 Code Section 33-48-2; amended 1348 Code Title 33, Chapter 54; enacted 1242 Code Sections 33-54-1 thru 33-54-8; enacted 1242 Code Title 33, Chapter 54; enacted 1242 Code Sections 33-54-1 thru 33-54-8; enacted 1242


Code Section 34-1-4; amended 982 Code Section 34-4-4; amended 1302 Code Title 34, Chapter 6A; amended 1302 Code Sections 34-6A-1 thru 34-6A-6; amended 1302 Code Section 34-8-77; amended 373 Code Section 34-8-150; amended 781 Code Section 34-8-153; amended 373 Code Section 34-8-157; amended 373 Code Section 34-8-165; amended 781 Code Section 34-8-178; enacted 373 Code Section 34-8-185; amended 373 Code Section 34-8-195; amended 348 Code Section 34-8-195; amended 373 Code Section 34-9-2.1; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-2.4; enacted 852 Code Section 34-9-11; amended 352 Code Section 34-9-11.1; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-18; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-19; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-24; enacted 642 Code Title 34, Chapter 9, Article 1A; enacted 642 Code Sections 34-9-30 thru 34-9-32; enacted 642 Code Section 34-9-100; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-102; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-133; amended 1365 Code Section 34-9-151; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-151.1; enacted 1201 Code Section 34-9-151.2; enacted 1201 Code Section 34-9-152; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-153; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-155; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-156; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-158; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-159; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-160; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-161; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-162; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-163; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-164; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-165; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-172; amended 1201 Code Section 34-9-182; enacted 1201 Code Section 34-9-200.1; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-203; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-265; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-283; amended 1302 Code Section 34-9-350; amended 1302 Code Section 34-9-358; amended 642 Code Section 34-9-381; amended 638 Code Section 34-9-383; amended 638 Code Section 34-9-386; amended 638 Code Section 34-9-388; amended 638

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Code Section 34-11-7; amended 914 Code Section 34-12-2; amended 366 Code Section 34-12-9; amended 366 Code Section 34-12-10; amended 366 Code Section 34-12-18; amended 366 Code Section 34-12-21; enacted 366 Code Section 34-13-2; amended 366 Code Section 34-13-9; amended 366 Code Section 34-13-18; amended 366 Code Section 34-13-23; enacted 366 Code Section 35-2-3; amended Vetoed SB 206 Code Section 35-2-36.1; enacted Vetoed SB 206 Code Title 35, Chapter 2, Article 4; enacted 925 Code Sections 35-2-80 thru 35-2-88; enacted 925 Code Section 35-3-34; amended 633 Code Section 35-3-34; amended 139 Code Section 35-3-35; amended 633 Code Section 35-3-37; amended 139 Code Title 35, Chapter 3, Article 5; enacted 925 Code Sections 35-3-100 thru 35-3-108; enacted 925 Code Section 35-6A-7; amended 260 Code Section 35-8-2; amended 880 Code Section 35-8-2; amended 1238 Code Section 35-8-24; enacted 880 Code Section 36-1-11.1; amended 924 Code Section 36-20-9; amended 10 Code Section 36-32-2; amended 712 Code Section 36-34-2; amended 1189 Code Section 36-36-92; amended 840 Code Section 36-45-9; amended 10 Code Section 36-62-5; amended 1188 Code Section 36-62-5.1; amended 585 Code Section 36-62-6; amended 440 Code Title 36, Chapter 73; enacted 699 Code Sections 36-73-1 thru 36-73-4; enacted 699 Code Section 36-80-16; enacted 560 Code Section 36-81-7; amended 10 Code Section 36-81-8; amended 10 Code Section 36-82-1; amended 355 Code Section 36-82-61; amended 286 Code Section 36-86-3; amended 467 Code Section 36-86-4; amended 10 Code Section 36-86-4; amended 467 Code Section 36-87-2; amended 1302 Code Section 37-1-2; amended 10 Code Section 37-2-1; amended 1302 Code Section 37-2-2; amended 1302 Code Section 37-3-90; amended 612 Code Section 37-3-144; amended 10 Code Section 37-3-147; amended 10 Code Section 37-3-150; amended 10 Code Section 37-3-163; amended 1302

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Code Section 37-3-167; amended 612 Code Section 37-4-104; amended 10 Code Section 37-4-110; amended 10 Code Section 37-4-123; amended 1302 Code Section 37-7-144; amended 10 Code Section 37-7-150; amended 10 Code Section 37-7-163; amended 1302 Code Section 37-7-166; amended 10 Code Section 38-2-280; amended 730 Code Section 38-2-574; amended 10 Code Section 38-3-3; amended 10 Code Section 38-3-56; enacted 1362 Code Section 40-2-8; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-20; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-21; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-31; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-34; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-37; amended 1302 Code Section 40-2-40; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-44; amended 742 Code Section 40-2-47; amended 742 Code Section 40-2-48; enacted 1021 Code Section 40-2-48; enacted 238 Code Section 40-2-62; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-63; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-65; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-66; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-71; amended 1302 Code Section 40-2-74; amended 1302 Code Section 40-2-75; amended 809 Code Section 40-2-78; amended 809 Code Section 40-3-21; amended 809 Code Section 40-3-50; amended 809 Code Section 40-3-60; enacted 739 Code Section 40-5-1; amended 920 Code Section 40-5-2; amended 917 Code Section 40-5-21; amended Vetoed SB 250 Code Section 40-5-32; amended Vetoed SB 34 Code Section 40-5-33; amended 920 Code Section 40-5-35; amended 1302 Code Section 40-5-50; amended 920 Code Section 40-5-53; amended 917 Code Section 40-5-57; amended 917 Code Section 40-5-67.1; amended 1160 Code Section 40-5-83; amended Vetoed SB 250 Code Section 40-5-100; amended 920 Code Section 40-5-120; amended 920 Code Section 40-5-151; amended 229 Code Title 40, Chapter 5, Article 8; amended 1302 Code Sections 40-5-170 thru 40-5-179; amended 1302 Code Section 40-6-6; amended 855 Code Section 40-6-21; amended 229


Code Section 40-6-22; amended 229 Code Section 40-6-91; amended 229 Code Section 40-6-181; amended 759 Code Section 40-6-188; enacted 759 Code Title 40, Chapter 6, Article 10, Part 2; amended 1302 Code Section 40-6-220 thru 40-6-228; amended 1302 Code Section 40-6-250; amended 759 Code Section 40-6-294; amended 271 Code Section 40-6-392; amended 1160 Code Section 40-6-395; amended 855 Code Section 40-9-101; amended 1348 Code Section 40-9-101; amended 1060 Code Section 40-11-2; amended 663 Code Section 40-11-3; amended 663 Code Section 40-14-3; amended 713 Code Section 42-1-11; amended 385 Code Section 42-2-5.1; enacted 357 Code Section 42-4-50; amended 1059 Code Section 42-4-70; amended 1059 Code Title 42, Chapter 4, Article 5; enacted 292 Code Sections 42-4-90 thru 42-4-105; enacted 292 Code Section 42-5-20; enacted 625 Code Section 42-5-53; amended 10 Code Section 42-8-35.1; amended 1302 Code Section 42-8-35.4; enacted 627 Code Section 42-8-35.5; enacted 627 Code Section 42-8-72; amended 396 Code Title 42, Chapter 8, Article 6; amended 396 Code Sections 42-8-100 thru 42-8-102; amended 396 Code Sections 42-8-103 thru 42-8-107; enacted 396 Code Section 42-9-44; amended 625 Code Section 42-9-45; amended 625 Code Section 43-1-5; amended Vetoed HB 326 Code Section 43-1-19; amended Vetoed HB 326 Code Section 43-1-27; enacted Vetoed HB 326 Code Section 43-3-8; amended 1302 Code Section 43-3-15; amended 1302 Code Section 43-9-2; amended 983 Code Section 43-9-3; amended 983 Code Section 43-9-4; amended 983 Code Section 43-9-7; amended 983 Code Section 43-9-7.1; enacted 983 Code Section 43-9-7.2; enacted 983 Code Section 43-9-18; amended 983 Code Section 43-9-19; amended 983 Code Section 43-10A-3; amended 1302 Code Section 43-10A-13; amended 874 Code Section 43-12-2; amended 1302 Code Section 43-14-2; amended 860 Code Section 43-15-6; amended 860 Code Section 43-18-8; enacted 839 Code Section 43-18-55; enacted 853


Code Section 43-18-56; enacted 853 Code Section 43-26-38; amended 354 Code Section 43-28-3; amended 1302 Code Section 43-30-1; amended 351 Code Section 43-34-102; amended 827 Code Section 43-34-103; amended 827 Code Section 43-39A-11; amended 1216 Code Section 43-39A-14; amended 1216 Code Section 43-39A-18; amended 1302 Code Section 43-40-1; amended 1216 Code Section 43-40-10; amended 1216 Code Section 43-40-12; amended 1216 Code Section 43-40-15; amended 1216 Code Section 43-40-17; amended 1216 Code Section 43-40-18; amended 1216 Code Section 43-40-25; amended 1302 Code Section 43-40-29; amended 1216 Code Section 43-40-30; amended 1216 Code Title 43, Chapter 47; amended 441 Code Sections 43-47-1 thru 43-47-11; amended 441 Code Section 43-47-11.1 formerly 43-47-12; redesignated 441 Code Section 43-47-12; enacted 441 Code Section 43-47-13; repealed 441 Code Section 43-47-13 formerly 43-47-14; redesignated 441 Code Sections 43-47-14 thru 43-47-21; enacted 441 Code Section 43-47-22 formerly 43-47-15; redesignated 441 Code Title 43, Chapter 48; repealed 441 Code Sections 43-48-1 thru 43-48-20; repealed 441 Code Section 44-1-17; enacted 1198 Code Title 44, Chapter 3, Article 1; amended 993 Code Sections 44-3-1 thru 44-3-4; amended 993 Code Sections 44-3-4.1 thru 44-3-7; repealed 993 Code Section 44-3-5 formerly 44-3-8; redesignated 993 Code Section 44-3-6 thru 44-3-9 formerly 44-3-9 thru 44-3-12; redesignated 993 Code Section 44-3-8.1; repealed 993 Code Section 44-3-10 formerly 44-3-14; redesignated 993 Code Section 44-3-11 formerly 44-3-16; redesignated 993 Code Section 44-3-12 formerly 44-3-18; redesignated 993 Code Sections 44-3-13 thru 44-3-13.3; repealed 993 Code Section 44-3-13 formerly 44-3-19; redesignated 993 Code Sections 44-3-15 and 44-3-17; repealed 993 Code Title 44, Chapter 3, Article 5, Part 1; amended 1260 Code Sections 44-3-160 thru 44-3-164; amended 1260 Code Title 44, Chapter 3, Article 5, Part 2; amended 1260 Code Sections 44-3-165 thru 44-3-171; amended 1260 Code Title 44, Chapter 3, Article 5, Part 3; amended 1260 Code Sections 44-3-172 thru 44-3-184; amended 1260 Code Title 44, Chapter 3, Article 5, Part 4; amended 1260 Code Section 44-3-185; amended 1260 Code Sections 44-3-186 and 44-3-187 formerly 44-3-187 and 44-3-188; redesignated 1260


Code Title 44, Chapter 3, Article 5, Part 5; amended 1260 Code Sections 44-3-188 and 44-3-189 formerly 44-3-189 and 44-3-190; redesignated 1260 Code Title 44, Chapter 3, Article 5, Part 6; amended 1260 Code Section 44-3-190 formerly 44-3-192; redesignated 1260 Code Section 44-3-191; repealed 1260 Code Section 44-3-191 formerly 44-3-194; redesignated 1260 Code Section 44-3-192 formerly 44-3-197; redesignated 1260 Code Section 44-3-193; repealed 1260 Code Sections 44-3-195 and 44-3-196; repealed 1260 Code Title 44, Chapter 3, Article 5, Part 7; amended 1260 Code Sections 44-3-193 and 44-3-194 formerly 44-3-199 and 44-3-200; redesignated 1260 Code Section 44-3-195 formerly 44-3-202; redesignated 1260 Code Section 44-3-196 formerly 44-3-205; redesignated 1260 Code Section 44-3-198; repealed 1260 Code Section 44-3-201; repealed 1260 Code Section 44-3-203; repealed 1260 Code Section 44-3-204; repealed 1260 Code Section 44-3-226; amended 10 Code Section 44-3-230; amended 10 Code Section 44-3-232; amended 10 Code Section 44-7-20; enacted 266 Code Section 44-7-50; amended 577 Code Section 44-12-196; amended 1368 Code Section 44-13-100; amended 347 Code Section 44-14-33; amended 1076 Code Section 44-14-80; amended 1198 Code Section 44-14-361.5; amended 672 Code Section 44-14-601; amended 1216 Code Section 45-1-5; enacted 1081 Code Section 45-7-4; amended 1018 Code Section 45-7-4; amended 10 Code Section 45-7-21; amended 1041 Code Section 45-7-54; amended 831 Code Section 45-7-55; enacted 831 Code Section 45-9-21; amended 1063 Code Section 45-9-81; amended 877 Code Section 45-9-84.3; amended 877 Code Section 45-9-85; amended 877 Code Section 45-9-86; amended 877 Code Section 45-10-25; amended 167 Code Section 45-12-35; amended 244 Code Section 45-12-178; amended 10 Code Section 45-12-178; amended 923 Code Section 45-16-27; amended 350 Code Section 45-18-7.5; enacted 573 Code Section 45-19-21; amended 1302 Code Section 45-19-22; amended 1302 Code Section 45-19-27; amended 1302 Code Section 45-19-29; amended 1302 Code Section 45-19-30; amended 1302

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Code Section 45-19-31; amended 1302 Code Section 45-19-33; amended 1302 Code Section 45-19-35; amended 1302 Code Section 45-19-38; amended 1302 Code Section 45-20-1; amended 1302 Code Section 45-20-2; amended 1069 Code Section 45-20-2; amended 345 Code Section 45-20-3.1; amended 10 Code Section 45-20-4; amended 1302 Code Section 45-20-4; amended Vetoed SB 133 Code Section 45-20-18; enacted 1081 Code Section 45-20-18; enacted Vetoed SB 133 Code Section 45-20-51; amended 1302 Code Title 45, Chapter 20, Article 6; repealed 667 Code Sections 45-20-110 thru 45-20-112; repealed 667 Code Title 45, Chapter 20, Article 6; enacted 667 Code Sections 45-20-110 thru 45-20-111; enacted 667 Code Title 45, Chapter 25; enacted Vetoed SB 133 Code Sections 45-25-1 thru 45-25-4; enacted Vetoed SB 133 Code Section 46-1-1; amended 1302 Code Section 46-5-5; enacted 886 Code Title 46, Chapter 5, Article 4; enacted 886 Code Sections 46-5-160 thru 46-5-174; enacted 886 Code Section 46-9-274; amended 1041 Code Title 46, Chapter 10; amended 167 Code Sections 46-10-1 thru 46-10-3; amended 167 Code Section 46-10-3.1; repealed 167 Code Sections 46-10-4 thru 46-10-8; amended 167 Code Section 46-10-9; repealed 167 Code Section 47-1-13; enacted 351 Code Section 47-2-31; amended 651 Code Section 47-2-123; amended 333 Code Section 47-3-27; amended 651 Code Section 47-3-68; amended 334 Code Section 47-4-26; amended 651 Code Section 47-5-40; amended 1061 Code Section 47-5-41; amended 1061 Code Section 47-7-1; amended 27 Code Section 47-7-1; amended 1064 Code Section 47-7-20; amended 332 Code Section 47-8-4; amended 651 Code Section 47-8-6; enacted 787 Code Section 47-9-22; amended 27 Code Section 47-9-23; amended 651 Code Section 47-9-27; enacted 787 Code Section 47-9-73; amended 27 Code Section 47-10-23; amended 651 Code Section 47-11-70; amended 907 Code Section 47-11-71.1; amended 908 Code Section 47-12-23; amended 651 Code Section 47-12-25; enacted 787 Code Section 47-13-24; amended 651


Code Section 47-13-30; enacted 787 Code Section 47-13-70; amended 1065 Code Section 47-16-41; amended 27 Code Section 47-16-101; amended 789 Code Section 47-17-1; amended 27 Code Section 47-17-44; amended 27 Code Section 47-17-80; amended 27 Code Section 47-20-37; amended 331 Code Section 47-20-50; amended 331 Code Section 47-21-3; amended 334 Code Section 48-1-2; amended 324 Code Section 48-1-10; enacted 465 Code Section 48-2-6; amended 781 Code Title 48, Chapter 2, Article 4; enacted 902 Code Sections 48-2-100 thru 48-2-105; enacted 902 Code Title 48, Chapter 2, Article 4; enacted 1 Code Sections 48-2-100 thru 48-2-108; enacted 1 Code Section 48-3-19; amended 282 Code Section 48-4-64; amended 282 Code Title 48, Chapter 4, Article 5; enacted 272 Code Sections 48-4-75 thru 48-4-81; enacted 272 Code Section 48-5-7.5; amended 792 Code Section 48-5-15.1; enacted 1008 Code Section 48-5-16; amended 10 Code Section 48-5-41; amended 233 Code Section 48-5-41; amended 1302 Code Section 48-5-121; amended 10 Code Section 48-5-232; repealed 10 Code Section 48-5-242; enacted 361 Code Section 48-5-311; amended 10 Code Section 48-5-380; amended Vetoed HB 441 Code Section 48-5-442; amended 809 Code Section 48-5-444; amended 10 Code Section 48-5-451; amended 809 Code Section 48-5-470.1; amended 1302 Code Section 48-5-471; amended 809 Code Section 48-5-472; amended 809 Code Section 48-5-473; amended 809 Code Section 48-6-61; amended 224 Code Section 48-7-29; enacted Vetoed HB 38 Code Section 48-7-29; enacted 960 Code Section 48-7-31; amended 714 Code Section 48-7-40; amended 585 Code Section 48-7-40.2; amended 10 Code Section 48-7-40.2; amended 585 Code Section 48-7-40.3; amended 585 Code Section 48-7-40.4; amended 585 Code Section 48-7-40.5; amended 585 Code Section 48-7-40.6; amended 585 Code Section 48-7-40.6; amended 10 Code Section 48-7-40.7; enacted 585 Code Section 48-7-40.8; enacted 585


Code Section 48-7-40.9; enacted 585 Code Section 48-7-41; amended 10 Code Section 48-7-42; enacted 1155 Code Section 48-7-100.1; enacted 1154 Code Section 48-7-141; amended 714 Code Section 48-7A-3; amended 10 Code Section 48-8-2; amended 10 Code Section 48-8-3; amended 585 Code Section 48-8-3; amended 991 Code Section 48-8-3; amended 1302 Code Section 48-8-3; amended 364 Code Title 48, Chapter 8, Article 2A; enacted 655 Code Sections 48-8-100 thru 48-8-109; enacted 655 Code Section 48-8-111; amended 10 Code Section 48-8-111; amended 172 Code Section 48-8-111; amended 288 Code Section 48-8-111.1; amended 172 Code Section 48-8-112; amended 172 Code Section 48-8-121; amended 10 Code Section 48-8-121; amended 172 Code Section 48-9-2; amended 359 Code Section 48-9-3; amended 10 Code Section 48-9-3; amended 359 Code Section 48-9-5; amended 359 Code Section 48-9-8; amended 359 Code Section 48-9-16; amended 359 Code Section 48-10-2; amended 10 Code Section 48-10-2; amended 742 Code Section 48-10-6; amended 10 Code Section 48-10-7; amended 10 Code Section 48-10-8; amended 809 Code Section 48-10-14; amended 10 Code Title 48, Chapter 13, Article 1; amended 419 Code Sections 48-13-1 thru 48-13-26; amended 419 Code Sections 48-13-27 and 48-13-28; enacted 419 Code Section 48-13-51; amended 10 Code Section 48-13-51; amended 578 Code Section 48-16A-4; amended 10 Code Section 48-17-1; amended 10 Code Section 48-17-2; amended 10 Code Section 49-2-6; amended 1302 Code Section 49-2-12; amended 1302 Code Section 49-2-13; amended 1302 Code Section 49-2-13.1; amended 1302 Code Section 49-3-6; amended 1302 Code Section 49-4-118; enacted 1155 Code Section 49-4-119; enacted 1155 Code Section 49-4A-7; amended 955 Code Section 49-4A-8; amended 619 Code Section 49-4A-9; amended 619 Code Section 49-5-8; amended Vetoed HB 253 Code Section 49-5-8; amended 1302


Code Title 49, Chapter 5, Article 8; amended 937 Code Sections 49-5-180 thru 49-5-187; amended 937 Code Section 49-5-183.1; enacted 937 Code Title 49, Chapter 5, Article 12; enacted 316 Code Sections 49-5-250 thru 49-5-264; enacted 316 Code Section 49-9-1; amended 1302 Code Section 49-9-10; amended 1302 Code Section 49-9-15; amended 1302 Code Title 49, Chapter 11; enacted Vetoed HB 262 Code Sections 49-11-1 thru 49-11-6; enacted Vetoed HB 262 Code Section 50-3-70; enacted 934 Code Section 50-3-70; enacted 362 Code Section 50-3-70; enacted 365 Code Title 50, Chapter 3, Article 4; enacted Vetoed SB 49 Code Section 50-3-100; enacted Vetoed SB 49 Code Section 50-5-31; amended 1302 Code Section 50-5-136; amended 1302 Code Section 50-5-161; amended 1302 Code Section 50-6-25; amended 912 Code Section 50-6-27; amended 363 Code Section 50-7-12; amended 416 Code Section 50-8-36; amended 1302 Code Section 50-13-41; amended 1072 Code Section 50-16-32; amended 1066 Code Section 50-16-35; amended 1066 Code Section 50-17-29; amended 172 Code Section 50-18-72; amended 704 Code Section 50-19-7; amended 791 Code Section 50-25-14; enacted 720 Code Section 50-27-19; amended 635 Code Title 50, Chapter 29; enacted 761 Code Sections 50-29-1 thru 50-29-11; enacted 761 Code Title 50, Chapter 29; enacted 870 Code Sections 50-29-1 thru 50-29-6; enacted 870 Code Section 51-1-29.2; enacted 954 Code Section 52-2-10; amended 10 Code Section 52-5-8; amended 10 Code Section 52-6-11; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-30; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-31; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-32; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-33; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-38; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-42; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-45; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-46; repealed 846 Code Section 52-6-47; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-49; amended 846 Code Section 52-6-54; amended 846 Code Section 52-7-3; amended 236 Code Section 52-7-3; amended 10 Code Section 52-7-8.2; amended 10


Code Section 52-7-11; amended 10 Code Section 52-7-12.2; enacted 236 Code Section 52-7-12.3; enacted 236 Code Section 52-7-12.4; enacted 236 Code Section 52-7-16; amended 10 Code Section 52-7-19; amended 10 Code Section 52-7-26; amended 236 Code Section 53-3-61; amended 10 COURTS SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA Senior justices; assistance provided by 916 COURT OF APPEALS Senior judges; assistance provided by 916 SUPERIOR COURTS Alcovy Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Alcovy Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4219 Alcovy Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4221 Augusta Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Catoosa County; court reporters; compensation 3747 Chatham County; clerk; compensation 4118 Chattooga County; court reporters; compensation 3747 Clayton County; deputy clerk; compensation; benefits 3907 Clerks; fees; automated information system for property; collection and remittance of fees 260 Clerks' fees in family violence cases 863 Cobb County; chief deputy sheriff; chief investigator; executive assistant; compensation; qualifications 4427 Cobb County; chief judge; salary supplement 4013 Cobb County; deputy clerk; compensation 4126 Cobb County; district attorney; assistant district attorneys; investigators 4138 Cobb County; district attorney; investigators and assistant district attorneys; compensation 3619 Cobb Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Cobb Judicial Circuit; chief judge; salary supplement 4013 Cobb Judicial Circuit; district attorney; investigators; assistant district attorneys 4138 Cobb Judicial Circuit; district attorney; investigators and assistant district attorneys; compensation 3619 Conasauga Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Coweta Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Dade County; court reporters; compensation 3747 DeKalb County; judges; salary supplement 3521 DeKalb County; sheriff; clerk; district attorney; compensation 4016 Glascock County; judges; salary supplement 3982 Hart County; clerk; compensation 3971 Lincoln County; judges; salary supplement 3982 Local victim assistance programs 260 Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit; court reporters; compensation 3747 Macon Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077

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McDuffie County; judges; salary supplement 3982 Newton County; judges; salary supplement 4221 Newton County; judges; salary supplement 4219 Northern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Ogeechee Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Piedmont Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Revocation of parole or probation; bond pending hearing 1043 Senior judges; assistance provided by 916 Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit; judges; supplement 3521 Taliaferro County; judges; salary supplement 3982 Toombs Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 3982 Walker County; court reporters; compensation 3747 Walton County; judges; salary supplement 4221 Walton County; judges; salary supplement 4219 Warren County; judges; salary supplements 3982 Western Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Wilkes County; judges; salary supplement 3982 STATE COURTS Baldwin County; terms 4150 Bulloch County; judge; solicitor; compensation 3641 Burke County; judge; compensation 3777 Carroll County; judge; nonpartisan elections 3766 Chatham County; judge; compensation 4118 Clayton County; deputy clerk; compensation; benefits 3911 Cobb County; chief judge; clerk; chief deputy clerk; compensation 4248 Cobb County; judges; associate judges; compensation 3609 Cobb County; solicitor; compensation 3818 DeKalb County; judge; solicitor; compensation 4016 Effingham County; judge; compensation 3685 Local victim assistance programs 260 Lowndes County; solicitor; full-time; compensation 3681 JUVENILE COURTS Cobb County; judges; compensation; designations 4014 DeKalb County; judge; compensation 4016 Delinquents; notice to school officials and victims 619 Findings and directives related to delinquent or unruly children Vetoed HB 222 Judges; training seminars 783 Juvenile custody; rights and responsibilities of Department of Corrections 783 Juvenile custody and detention 863 Proceedings; venue; transfer for disposition following adjudication 774 Proceedings and records; access to and inspection of 619 Records; computer storage and retrieval 619 Termination of parental rights; timely disposition 1359 PROBATE COURTS Banks County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3737 Brantley County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3992 Butts County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3586 Chatham County; clerk; compensation provisions repealed 3525

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Chatham County; judge; compensation; clerk; compensation provisions repealed 4118 Clayton County; judge; compensation 3936 Cobb County; judge; clerk; compensation 3627 Decatur County; judge; nonpartisan elections 3529 DeKalb County; judge; compensation 4016 Gordon County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3523 Guardians and temporary guardians; appointment 1171 Harris County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3947 Hart County; judge; compensation 3971 Lamar County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3675 Lamar County; jurisdiction 3902 Marriage license at satellite courthouses in certain counties 567 Oconee County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3679 Office at satellite courthouses in certain counties 568 Oglethorpe County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4395 Pierce County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4206 Probate judges; training; limitation on fees retained for certain services 768 Upson County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3633 Wilkes County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3552 MAGISTRATE COURTS Banks County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3735 Butts County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3728 Carroll County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3628 Chatham County; chief magistrate and magistrates; compensation 4118 Chatham County; part-time magistrates; appointment 3751 DeKalb County; chief magistrate; compensation 4106 DeKalb County; chief magistrate and associate magistrate; compensation 4016 Harris County; law library fees 3682 Jefferson County; chief deputy magistrate; compensation 3624 Magistrates; compensation 562 Pierce County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4211 Rockdale County; law library fees 3774 Rockdale County; law library fees 3558 Wilkes County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3548 MUNICIPAL COURTS Cleveland; appeals 3618 Dawson; contempt; penalties 3608 Garden City; penalties 3677 Gordon; jurisdiction 3867 Judges; residency requirement repealed; applicability provisions eliminated 712 Local victim assistance programs 260 Thunderbolt; judge; jurisdiction; penalties 4193 Tignall; penalties 4082 OTHER COURTS Bibb County; civil court; jurisdiction 4072 NAMED COUNTIES Atkinson County; board of commissioners; tie votes 4523

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Bacon County; board of commissioners; compensation 4109 Baldwin County; easement across state property 185 Baldwin County; homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes; referendums 4094 Baldwin County; state court; terms 4150 Banks County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3735 Banks County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3737 Ben Hill County; board of commissioners; compensation 3901 Bibb County; civil court; jurisdiction 4072 Bibb County; Macon-Bibb County Transit Authority; board; membership 3611 Brantley County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and election 3992 Bulloch County; state court; judge; solicitor; compensation 3641 Burke County; state court; judge; compensation 3777 Butts County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3728 Butts County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3586 Butts County, City of Flovilla, City of Jackson, and City of Jenkinsburg Water and Sewer Authority; bond maturities 3550 Camden County; board of commissioners; clerk; chairman; chairman pro tempore; county administrator 4074 Carroll County; board of education; exchange of property with the state 533 Carroll County; board of education; nonpartisan elections 3625 Carroll County; Carroll County Water Authority; revenue bonds 3606 Carroll County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3628 Carroll County; state court; judge; nonpartisan elections 3766 Catoosa County; board of utilities commissioners; group health insurance 3616 Catoosa County; superior court; court reporters; compensation 3747 Catoosa County; tax commissioner; clerical help allowance 3614 Charlton County; board of education; membership; deputy sheriff 3501 Chatham County; Chatham County Recreation Authority; 1994 Act repealed 3559 Chatham County; Chatham County Recreation Authority; creation 4281 Chatham County; exchange of property with state 179 Chatham County; Georgia International and Maritime Trade Center Authority; 1994 Act repealed 3559 Chatham County; Georgia International and Maritime Trade Center Authority; creation 4499 Chatham County; magistrate court; part-time magistrates; appointment 3751 Chatham County; probate court; clerk; compensation provisions repealed 3525 Chatham County; superior court; clerk; probate court; judge; clerk; state court; judge; magistrate court; chief magistrate and magistrates; compensation 4118 Chattooga County; superior court; court reporters; compensation 3747 Cherokee County; Cherokee County Parks and Recreation Authority; creation 4223 Cherokee County; Cherokee County Water and Sewerage Authority; chairman and members; qualifications; compensation 3731 Cherokee County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4185 Clarke County; board of education; compensation; expenses 3530 Clayton County; ad valorem tax millage rate for county and school district taxes; Act repealed 4149 Clayton County; board of commissioners; compensation 3939 Clayton County; board of education; partisan primaries and elections 3687 Clayton County; Clayton County Hospital Authority; members; appointment 4526


Clayton County; Clayton County Public Employee Retirement System; benefits; membership; funds 4511 Clayton County; deputy tax commissioner; compensation; benefits 3712 Clayton County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 3913 Clayton County; probate court; judge; compensation 3936 Clayton County; state court; deputy clerk; compensation; benefits 3911 Clayton County; superior court; deputy clerk; compensation; benefits 3907 Cobb County; chief deputy sheriff; chief investigator; executive assistant; compensation; qualifications 4427 Cobb County; Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority; membership; terms 4121 Cobb County; easement across state property 185 Cobb County; juvenile court; judges; compensation; designations 4014 Cobb County; probate court; judge; clerk; compensation 3627 Cobb County; state court; chief judge; clerk; chief deputy clerk; compensation 4248 Cobb County; state court; judges; associate judges; compensation 3609 Cobb County; state court; solicitor; compensation 3818 Cobb County; superior court; chief judge; salary supplement 4013 Cobb County; superior court; deputy clerk; compensation 4126 Cobb County; superior court; district attorney; investigators; assistant district attorneys 4138 Cobb County; superior court; district attorney; investigators and assistant district attorneys; compensation 3619 Cobb County; tax commissioner; chief clerk and executive secretary; compensation 3987 Colquitt County; conveyance of state property to board of education 183 Columbia County; board of commissioners; contracts; financial interest 4515 Dade County; superior court; court reporters; compensation 3747 Dawson County; board of commissioners; creation; referendums 3689 Dawson County; board of education; districts; elections 3580 Decatur County; board of commissioners; compensation 3534 Decatur County; board of education; nonpartisan elections 3532 Decatur County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan elections 3529 DeKalb County; county officials and judges; compensation 4016 DeKalb County; DeKalb County Pension Board; benefits; contributions 4519 DeKalb County; DeKalb Memorial Stadium Authority; creation 3505 DeKalb County; funds; investments 4529 DeKalb County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; compensation 4106 DeKalb County; special services tax districts; tax millage rate 3527 DeKalb County; superior court; judges; supplement 3521 Dodge County; board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections; referendum 3816 Dodge County; Heart of Georgia Regional Airport Authority; creation 4448 Dooly County; board of commissioners; compensation 3769 Effingham County; state court; judge; compensation 3685 Evans County; board of commissioners; districts; elections; terms; vacancies; chairperson 4064 Evans County; board of education; districts; elections; chairperson; terms 4086 Forsyth County; board of commissioners; expense allowance 4117 Forsyth County; homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4215 Fulton County; homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4423 Fulton County; library system; applicability to the City of East Point 3739 Fulton County; library system; board of trustees 4084 Fulton County; motor vehicle racetracks 4497 Fulton County; personnel board; merit system 3889

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Gilmer County; board of commissioners; creation; referendum 3824 Gilmer County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 3895 Glascock County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 Glynn County; certified public accountants; employment 4533 Gordon County; board of commissioners; compensation 3560 Gordon County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3523 Greene County; board of commissioners; compensation and expenses 3957 Greene County; board of commissioners; districts 4325 Greene County; board of education; districts 3877 Habersham County; coroner; compensation 3719 Habersham County; Habersham County Water and Sewerage Authority; membership; quorum 3989 Haralson County; board of education; districts 3635 Harris County; Harris County Public Improvements Authority; creation 4052 Harris County; Harris County Streets and Roads Authority; creation; referendum 3752 Harris County; magistrate court; law library fees 3682 Harris County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3947 Hart County; easement across state property 196 Hart County; superior court; clerk; probate court; judge; compensation 3971 Hart County; tax commissioner; compensation 3962 Heard County; board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3874 Henry County; board of elections; creation 4198 Henry County; Henry County Development Authority; members; appointment; terms; posts; qualifications; compensation; expenses 4123 Henry County; homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 3723 Henry County; homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4445 Henry County; treasurer; office abolished 3545 Irwin County; board of commissioners; chairperson; compensation 3876 Jefferson County; magistrate court; chief deputy magistrate; compensation 3624 Jones County; board of commissioners; membership; districts; chairperson 4131 Jones County; board of education; districts; elections; terms 3809 Jones County; board of elections and registration; creation 3923 Lamar County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3675 Lamar County; probate court; jurisdiction 3902 Laurens County; board of education; districts 3976 Lee County; Lee County Utilities Authority; membership; powers 3518 Liberty County; conveyance of state property 216 Lincoln County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 Lowndes County; state court; solicitor; full-time; compensation 3681 Lumpkin County; board of commissioners; creation; referendums 3839 Lumpkin County; board of education; districts 3832 Lumpkin County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4292 Macon County; board of education; compensation; expenses 3807 McDuffie County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 Mitchell County; board of education; compensation 3730 Monroe County; board of commissioners; compensation 4111 Monroe County; board of commissioners; county landfill; waste 4116 Monroe County; board of commissioners; local custodian and local registrar of vital records; fees 3974 Morgan County; board of commissioners; chairman; compensation 3612 Muscogee County; board of elections and registration; membership; executive director; staff 3904

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Newton County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 4219 Newton County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 4221 Oconee County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3679 Oglethorpe County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4395 Peach County; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4181 Pierce County; board of commissioners; districts 4235 Pierce County; board of education; districts 3941 Pierce County; board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4213 Pierce County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4211 Pierce County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4206 Pike County; board of commissioners; compensation 3938 Pike County; board of commissioners; districts 3562 Pike County; board of education; compensation 3945 Pike County; board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3776 Pike County; Pike County Agribusiness Authority; creation 3770 Polk County; tax commissioner; compensation 3837 Putnam County; board of education; compensation 3722 Putnam County; homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes; referendums 4414 Richmond County; consolidation; Augusta charter repeal; referendum 3642 Richmond County; consolidation; Hephzibah charter repeal; referendum 3645 Richmond County; consolidation with City of Augusta and City of Hephzibah; referendums 3648 Richmond County; conveyance of state property 159 Richmond County; conveyance or lease by Georgia Building Authority 218 Rockdale County; board of commissioners; director of finance 3961 Rockdale County; board of commissioners; purchases; advertisements 3556 Rockdale County; board of commissioners; purchases; bids 3959 Rockdale County; board of elections and registration; creation 3929 Rockdale County; board of elections and registration; creation 3740 Rockdale County; magistrate court; law library fees 3774 Rockdale County; magistrate court; law library fees 3558 Rockdale County; Rockdale County Water and Sewerage Authority; creation 3994 Spalding County; Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission; creation 4429 Stephens County; conveyance of state property to board of education 533 Stewart County; board of education; elections; districts; terms 3713 Stewart County; Omaha; assets and liabilities 3684 Sumter County; board of commissioners; compensation 4104 Talbot County; board of education; compensation; expenses; benefits 3541 Taliaferro County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 Tattnall County; board of elections; creation 3869 Taylor County; Taylor County Building Authority; creation 3568 Taylor County; Taylor County Water and Sewerage Authority; creation 3589 Troup County; board of education; terms 4100 Twiggs County; board of education; districts; terms 3819 Upson County; board of commissioners; compensation 3585 Upson County; board of commissioners; county administrator 3726 Upson County; board of commissioners; districts 3883 Upson County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3633 Walker County; easement across state property 196

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Walker County; superior court; court reporters; compensation 3747 Walton County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 4219 Walton County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 4221 Walton County; Walton County Commission on Children and Youth 3899 Warren County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 Webster County; treasurer; office abolished; functions 3767 White County; board of commissioners; re-creation; referendum 3964 Whitfield County; board of commissioners; terms; referendum 3927 Wilkes County; magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3548 Wilkes County; probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3552 Wilkes County; superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 Wilkes County; Washington Wilkes Payroll Development Authority; projects 3546 COUNTIES AND COUNTY MATTERS BY POPULATION 65 persons per square mile or fewer, counties of; income tax credit for practicing physicians 960 12,800 12,900, counties of; issuance of licenses to sell alcoholic beverages by the drink; repealed 740 50,000 or more, urbanized areas of; speed limits on interstate highways outside of 759 200,000 or more, counties of; compensation of county poll officers 570 400,000, counties in excess of; issuance of marriage licenses at satellite courthouses 567 400,000, counties in excess of; probate judge offices at satellite courthouses 568 550,000, counties in excess of; issuance of marriage licenses at satellite courthouses; repealed 567 550,000, counties in excess of; probate judge offices at satellite courthouses; repealed 568 550,000 or more, counties of; award of contracts without competition; competitive sealed proposals; negotiated contracts; emergency procurement 978 550,000 or more, counties of; certain convictions forwarded to Department of Public Safety 917 500,000 575,000, counties of; advertisements of bond elections; repealed 355 600,000 or more, counties of; jury clerks 1292 COUNTY MATTERS HOME RULE AMENDMENTS Atkinson County; board of commissioners; tie votes 4523 Clayton County; Clayton County Hospital Authority; members; appointment 4526 Clayton County; Clayton County Public Employee Retirement System; benefits; membership; funds 4511 Columbia County; board of commissioners; contracts; financial interest 4515 DeKalb County; DeKalb County Pension Board; benefits; contributions 4519 DeKalb County; funds; investments 4529 Glynn County; certified public accountants; employment 4533 NAMED CITIES Acworth; consent to annexation of state property 541 Alamo; alcoholic beverages 4564 Albany; chief of police; marshal 4572 Arcade; new charter 4024 Atlanta; urban enterprise zones; MARTA station areas 4421 Augusta; consolidation with Richmond County and City of Hephzibah; charter repeal; referendum 3642


Augusta; consolidation with Richmond County and City of Hephzibah; referendums 3648 Austell; corporate limits 4145 Avondale Estates; Avondale Estates Development Authority; chairperson 4539 Avondale Estates; mayor and commissioners; elections; vacancies 3502 Blackshear; corporate limits 4244 Blairsville; corporate limits; deannexation 4112 Bowersville; new charter 4151 Buchanan; corporate limits 4107 Byron; corporate limits 3915 Cartersville; confirmation of nonownership of property by the state 222 Cartersville; homestead exemptions; school district taxes; referendum 3950 Cave Spring; consent to annexation by city of state property 528 Cave Spring; conveyance of state property to city 541 Clermont; mayor and council; qualifications 4397 Cleveland; city administrator; mayor; council; powers; duties 4076 Cleveland; municipal court; appeals 3618 Cobbtown; new charter 4363 Covington; mayor and council; officers; elections; health insurance 4574 Dallas; contracting procedures; city manager; powers 4577 Dawson; municipal court; contempt; penalty 3608 Decatur; homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4208 Duluth; capital reserve fund 4543 Duluth; city administrator; budget 4579 Duluth; corporate limits 4400 East Dublin; corporate limits 4204 East Point; city council; meetings 4547 East Point; library; applicability of Fulton County library system 3739 East Point; mayor; references in charter 4551 East Point; minutes of meetings 4555 East Point; proposed ordinances; attachments 4558 Eastman; Heart of Georgia Regional Airport Authority; creation 4448 Ephesus; mayor and council; compensation; posts; elections 3554 Flovilla; Butts County, City of Flovilla, City of Jackson, and City of Jenkinsburg Water and Sewer Authority; bond maturities 3550 Forest Park; redevelopment powers; referendum 4392 Forsyth; mayor and council; elections 3720 Gainesville; city manager; personnel merit system; director of human resources department 4615 Gainesville; retirement systems 4592 Gainesville; water service deposit fees 4542 Garden City; municipal court; penalties 3677 Gordon; municipal court; jurisdiction 3867 Griffin; Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission; creation 4429 Hagan; new charter 4296 Hapeville; merit system; appeals 4600 Hapeville; purchasing 4598 Hazlehurst; mayor; duties; hours; compensation 3948 Hephzibah; consolidation with Richmond County and City of Augusta; charter repeal; referendum 3645 Hephzibah; consolidation with Richmond County and City of Augusta; referendums 3648 Ila; mayor and council; terms 4398


Jackson; Butts County, City of Flovilla, City of Jackson, and City of Jenkinsburg Water and Sewer Authority; bond maturities 3550 Jackson; council; meetings 4562 Jenkinsburg; Butts County, City of Flovilla, City of Jackson, and City of Jenkinsburg Water and Sewer Authority; bond maturities 3550 Jesup; commissioners; election districts 4583 Kennesaw; corporate limits 4140 Lawrenceville; corporate limits; deannexation 4128 Leesburg; corporate limits 4129 Leesburg; mayor and council; compensation 4136 Lexington; mayor and council; terms; elections 3542 Lumpkin; corporate limits 4018 Macon; council; districts 4603 Macon; Macon-Bibb County Transit Authority; board; membership 3611 Marietta; Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority; membership; terms 4121 Marietta; corporate limits; deannexation 4147 Monroe; council; membership; districts; terms; qualifications; elections 3535 Monroe; telecommunications services; community antenna television services 4103 Morrow; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 3909 Moultrie; conveyance of state property 181 Newborn; chain gangs; liquor; itinerants; cable television 4590 Ocilla; mayor and council; districts; elections 4240 Omaha; disposition of assets and liabilities 3684 Orchard Hill; Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission; creation 4429 Pelham; city manager; mayor and council; vacancies 3864 Perry; department and agency directors; city manager 3893 Poulan; conveyance to city of state property 518 Reidsville; conveyance to city of state property 500 Roswell; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 3603 Savannah; Georgia International and Maritime Trade Center Authority; creation 4499 Savannah; industrial and domestic water supply system 4569 Savannah; Park and Tree Commission; powers; duties; jurisdiction 4567 Shady Dale; new charter 3778 Smyrna; unpaid ad valorem taxes; interest and penalties; waiver 3814 Social Circle; mayor and council; elections; districts; terms; qualifications 4008 Statesboro; committees; mayor; duties; officers and employees; oaths; bonds; city clerk 3630 Sumner; new charter; referendum 4331 Sunnyside; Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission; creation 4429 Thunderbolt; mayor and council; powers; town clerk; town administrator; municipal court 4193 Tignall; municipal court; penalties 4082 Tybee Island; corporate limits 4496 Tybee Island; easements and property rights 4601 Tybee Island; new charter; referendum 4462 Tyrone; franchise agreements 4596 Warner Robins; corporate limits 3622 Warner Robins; homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4189 Washington; Washington Wilkes Payroll Development Authority; projects 3546 Waycross; corporate limits 3587 Winder; lease of state property 522 Woolsey; new charter 4251

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MUNICIPALITIES BY POPULATION 50,000 or more, urbanized areas of; speed limits on interstate highways outside of 759 Cities located in counties of 12,800 12,900; issuance of licenses to sell alcoholic beverages by the drink; repealed 740 MUNICIPALITIES HOME RULE AMENDMENTS Alamo; alcoholic beverages 4564 Albany; chief of police; marshal 4572 Avondale Estates; Avondale Estates Development Authority; chairperson 4539 Covington; mayor and council; officers; elections; health insurance 4574 Dallas; contracting procedures; city manager; powers 4577 Duluth; capital reserve fund 4543 Duluth; city administrator; budget 4579 East Point; city council; meetings 4547 East Point; mayor; references in charter 4551 East Point; minutes of meetings 4555 East Point; proposed ordinances; attachments 4558 Gainesville; city manager; personnel merit system; director of human resources department 4615 Gainesville; retirement systems 4592 Gainesville; water service deposit fees 4542 Hapeville; merit system; appeals 4600 Hapeville; purchasing 4598 Jackson; council; meetings 4562 Jesup; commissioners; election districts 4583 Macon; council; districts 4603 Newborn; chain gangs; liquor; itinerants; cable television 4590 Savannah; industrial and domestic water supply system 4569 Savannah; Park and Tree Commission; powers; duties; jurisdiction 4567 Tybee Island; easements and property rights 4601 Tyrone; franchise agreements 4596 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION Ms. Charlotte Brandenburg 521 Mr. William H. Clark and Five Star Dodge, Inc. 506 Ms. Sue F. Condrey 493 Mr. Robert T. Cramer 504 Five Star Dodge, Inc., and Mr. William H. Clark 506 Ms. Carrie Fletcher 521 Mr. Alonzo Key 494 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING LAND CONVEYANCES Acworth; consent to annexation of state property 541 ALLTEL Georgia; easement across state property 185 Baldwin County; easement across state property 185 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.; easement across state property 196 Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 185 Carroll County Board of Education; exchange with 533 Cartersville; confirmation of nonownership of property by the state 222 Cave Spring; consent to annexation by city 528 Cave Spring; conveyance to city 541

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Chatham County; exchange of property with state 179 Cobb County; easement across state property 185 Colquitt County Board of Education; conveyance 183 Currahee Paging Company; lease to 522 Georgia Power Company; easement 196 Gwinnett/Rockdale/Newton Creative Enterprises, Inc.; lease 177 Habersham Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 196 Hart County; easement across state property 196 Liberty County; conveyance 216 Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 196 Mayme Jo Hood, Mary Elizabeth Miller, and Bennie L. and Vora Elaine Hudson; conveyances 175 Mayme Jo Hood, Mary Elizabeth Miller, and Bennie L. and Vora Elaine Hudson; conveyances 516 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority; state property; easements; conveyance 6 Moultrie; conveyance to city 181 Mrs. Jane B. McLane and her heirs; Bowens Mill Pond; easement 538 Pelham Development Corporation; lease 510 Poulan; conveyance to city 518 Reidsville; conveyance to city 500 Rhodes Memorial Hall; rental to The Georgia Trust For Historic Preservation, Inc. 1372 Richmond County; conveyance 159 Richmond County; conveyance or lease by Georgia Building Authority 218 Standard Telephone Company; easement 196 Stephens County Board of Education; sale to 533 Troup County; sublease of property located in 522 Walker County; easement across state property 196 Whitfield County; sale of property located in 533 Winder; lease to 522 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTIONS Aged and Disabled Transportation Task Force; re-creation 496 Arthur Langford, Jr., Memorial Parkway; designated 969 Bartow Gibson Highway; designated 505 Benson Ham Road; designated 512 Charles Hardy Parkway; designated 220 Charles Hardy Parkway; designated 495 Community Business Development Task Force; creation 970 Denmark Groover, Jr., Hospital; designated 491 Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Program of the National Rifle Association; adoption by school systems urged 972 Educators Technology Training Commission; creation 1370 Georgia Future Communities Commission; creation 507 Georgia State Museum and State Library Study Commission; re-creation 499 Georgia's World War II veterans; recognition; display at James H. Sloppy Floyd Veterans Memorial Building 492 Harold G. Clarke Parkway; designated 511 Henry Tumlin family; commemorative marker at Etowah Mounds State Historic Site 221 Hobert L. Brown Bridge; designated 219 J. L. Turner Bridge; designated 194 John R. McKinney Medal of Honor Highway; designated 515

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Joint Study Committee on DeKalb County's Form of Government 225 Lake Oconee Parkway; designated 494 M. L. King, Jr. Drive; designated in Brooks County 537 Old Milton Parkway and Old Milton County Bridge; designated 227 Pete Hackney Parking Facility; designated 520 Pine Mountain Trail; designation of portion in honor of D. Neal Wickham 503 Private Lucy Matilda Gauss Bridge; designated 501 State-wide trauma response system plan; creation directed 973 Wade R. Milam, Jr., Bridge; designated 228 Walter E. Cox Parkway; designated 514 William E. Bill Ireland Youth Development Campus; designated 194 Women's History Month; designation of March, 1995 519


INDEX A ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME Coroners and medical examiners; subpoenas for AIDS confidential information 350 ACWORTH, CITY OF Corporate limits; consent to annexation of state property by city 541 AD VALOREM TAXES See REVENUE AND TAXATION ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES Conservation and natural resources 706 Game and fish 543 ADOPTION Hard-to-place children; financial assistance to families adopting Vetoed HB 253 Time limits for judicial challenges 791 ADVERTISING Advertisement of judicial sales; address of real property included 931 Advertisement of judicial sales; rates 992 Deceptive or unfair trade practices; solicitation for inclusion in telephone classified advertising directory; notice required 733 Education; certificated positions 1072 AGED AND DISABLED TRANSPORTATION TASK FORCE Re-creation 496 AGENCY Financial power of attorney; statutory form 1171 AGRICULTURE Aquaculture Development Commission; membership; subcommittees 1059 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Conveyances of real property; information regarding agricultural activity 1198 Cooperative marketing associations; powers; directors; bylaws; member's interest 413 Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin; voluntary contributions in support of 353 Peanut; designated as official Georgia state crop 934 Vehicles hauling certain commodities; weight limitations 862 Vidalia Onion Act of 1986; amended 710 Warehousemen; leaf tobacco; charges; Georgia Tobacco Marketing Act of 1995 104 AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN ACT Amended; replacement of cash assistance with paid employment 1155


AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN Replacement of cash assistance with paid employment 1155 AIRPORTS Ad valorem taxes; property located on airport split by county line 1008 Airport firefighters 341 ALAMO, CITY OF Alcoholic beverages 4564 ALBANY, CITY OF Chief of police; marshal 4572 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Brewpubs 734 Distilled spirits; licenses for sales by the drink; repeal of provisions applicable to certain governing authorities 740 Distilled spirits; referenda on licensing sales by the drink in certain counties and municipalities 753 DUI risk reduction programs; satellite programs exempt from certain rules Vetoed SB 250 Malt beverages; free tasting during brewery tours 486 Referenda on licensing sales of distilled spirits by the drink 753 Risk reduction programs for immates 625 Sales in residential community development districts 486 ALCOVYJUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 Judges; salary supplement 4219 Judges; salary supplement 4221 ALLTEL GEORGIA Easement across state property 185 ALONZO KEY Compensation 494 ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Required disclosures regarding treatment 841 AMUSEMENT RIDE SAFETY ACT Amended; various provisions 366 ANIMALS Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Equine and llama activities; limitation on civil liability 335 Poultry; Georgia designated world poultry capital 365 Ratites as livestock 244 Special license plates to support nongame wildlife conservation 1021


APPEAL AND ERROR Adoption decrees; time limits for judicial challenges 791 Aggravated stalking; no appeal bond in certain cases 989 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Death penalty cases; habeas corpus; petitions; case assignment; time periods; discovery limited; affidavits; ineffective counsel claims 381 APPROPRIATIONS Department of Labor; supplemental appropriations 371 S.F.Y. 1995-1996 1082 Supplemental; S.F.Y. 1994-1995 28 AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Membership; subcommittees 1059 ARCADE, TOWN OF New charter 4024 ARREST See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ART Georgia Consignment of Art Act; enacted 267 ARTHUR LANGFORD, JR., MEMORIAL PARKWAY Designated 969 ATKINSON COUNTY Board of commissioners; tie votes 4523 ATLANTA, CITY OF Urban enterprise zones; MARTA station areas 4421 ATLANTA COMMITTEE FOR THE OLYMPIC GAMES Ticket sales; authorization for sales by others Vetoed HB 516 Workers' compensation coverage for unpaid volunteers 852 ATLANTA PARALYMPIC ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Special license plates to support 1996 Paralympic Games; licensing agreements with state 238 Ticket sales; authorization for sales by others Vetoed HB 516 Workers' compensation coverage for unpaid volunteers 852 AUGUSTA, CITY OF Consolidation with Richmond County and City of Hephzibah; charter repeal; referendum 3642 Consolidation with Richmond County and City of Hephzibah; charter repeal for Hephzibah; referendum 3645 Consolidation with Richmond County and City of Hephzibah; referendums 3648

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AUGUSTA JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 AUSTELL, CITY OF Corporate limits 4145 AVIATION Ad valorem taxes; property located on airport split by county line 1008 Airport firefighters 341 AVONDALE ESTATES, CITY OF Avondale Estates Development Authority; chairperson 4539 Mayor and commissioners; elections; vacancies 3502 AVONDALE ESTATES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Chairperson 4539 B BACON COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4109 BAIL Aggravated sexual battery 379 Aggravated stalking 989 BALDWIN COUNTY Easement across state property 185 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes; referendums 4094 State court; terms 4150 BANKING AND FINANCE Financial institutions; department and commissioner; powers and duties; banks, trust companies, and credit unions; money orders; mortgage loans 673 Loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding interest on claim in bankruptcy 956 Outstanding instruments; restriction on service charges 1368 Real property conveyed to secure debt; reversion of title 1198 BANKRUPTCY Exemption for payments from individual retirement accounts 347 Interest on loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding claims in bankruptcy 956 BANKS COUNTY Magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3735 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3737 BARTOW GIBSON Bartow Gibson Highway; designated 505


BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Easement 196 BEN HILL COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3901 BENNIE L. AND VORA ELAINE HUDSON Conveyance of state property 175 Conveyance of state property 516 BENSON HAM Benson Ham Road; designated 512 BIBB COUNTY Civil court; jurisdiction 4072 Macon-Bibb County Transit Authority; board; membership 3611 BLACKSHEAR, CITY OF Corporate limits 4244 BLAIRSVILLE, CITY OF Corporate limits; deannexation 4112 BLUE RIDGE ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION Easement across state property 185 BOATS Georgia Boat Safety Act; sailboards not vessels; homicide, feticide, and serious injury by vessel; penalties 236 BODIES Abuse prohibited; penalty 569 Tagging by funeral director prior to disposition 839 BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL SAFETY ACT Exemption for certain autoclaves 914 BOWERSVILLE, TOWN OF New charter 4151 BOXING State boxing commission; contracts for promoting amateur boxing; sunset repealed 671 BRANDENBURG, CHARLOTTE Compensation 521 BRANTLEY COUNTY Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3992


BREWERIES Brewpubs 734 Tours; free tasting of malt beverages 486 BROOKS COUNTY M. L. King, Jr. Drive; designated in Brooks County 537 BROWN, HOBERT L., BRIDGE Designated 219 BUCHANAN, CITY OF Corporate limits 4107 BUDGET Appropriations; S.F.Y. 1995-1996 1082 Budgetary responsibility and oversight committee; evaluation of state government programs 923 Department of Labor; supplemental appropriations 371 Supplemental; S.F.Y. 1994-1995 28 BUILDINGS AND HOUSING Elevators, escalators, and similar devices; exemption from regulation for single-passenger chairlift in building owned by nonprofit organization 1046 Elevators and similar machines; improper acts related to; penalties; effect of penalties 370 Local boards of education; exemption from county and municipal fees, assessments, and inspections for building permits; sunset repealed 915 Nonprofit owner and operator exempt from regulation of single-passenger chairlift 1046 See also PROPERTY BULLOCH COUNTY State court; judge; solicitor; compensation 3641 BURKE COUNTY State court; judge; compensation 3777 BUTTS COUNTY Butts County, City of Flovilla, City of Jackson, and City of Jenkinsburg Water and Sewer Authority; bond maturities 3550 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3728 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3586 BUTTS COUNTY, CITY OF FLOVILLA, CITY OF JACKSON, AND CITY OF JENKINSBURG WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY Bond maturities 3550 BYRON, CITY OF Corporate limits 3915


C CAMDEN COUNTY Board of commissioners; clerk; chairman; chairman pro tempore; county administrator 4074 CARNIVAL RIDE SAFETY ACT Amended; various provisions 366 CARRIE FLETCHER Compensation 521 CARROLL COUNTY Board of education; exchange of property with state 533 Board of education; nonpartisan elections 3625 Carroll County Water Authority; revenue bonds 3606 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3628 State court; judge; nonpartisan elections 3766 CARROLL COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY Revenue bonds 3606 CARTERSVILLE, CITY OF Confirmation of nonownership of property by the state 222 Homestead exemptions; school district taxes; referendum 3950 CATOOSA COUNTY Board of utilities commissioners; group health insurance 3616 Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit; court reporters; compensation 3747 Tax commissioner; clerical help allowance 3614 CAVE SPRING, CITY OF Conveyance of state property to city 541 Corporate limits; consent by state to annexation of state property 528 CELLULAR RADIO TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS Broadcasting, printing, or publishing contents of unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications unlawful 1023 CHAIRLIFT Single-passenger, exemption from regulation in building owned and operated by nonprofit organization 1046 CHARLES HARDY Charles Hardy Parkway; designated 220 Charles Hardy Parkway; designated 495 CHARLOTTE BRANDENBURG Compensation 521


CHARLTON COUNTY Board of education; membership; deputy sheriff 3501 CHATHAM COUNTY Chatham County Recreation Authority; 1994 Act repealed 3559 Chatham County Recreation Authority; creation 4281 Exchange of property with the state 179 Georgia International and Maritime Trade Center Authority; 1994 Act repealed 3559 Georgia International and Maritime Trade Center Authority; creation 4499 Magistrate court; part-time magistrates; appointment 3751 Probate court; clerk; compensation provisions repealed 3525 Superior court; clerk; probate court; judge; clerk; state court; judge; magistrate court; chief magistrate and magistrates; compensation 4118 CHATHAM COUNTY RECREATION AUTHORITY 1994 Act repealed 3559 Creation 4281 CHATTOOGA COUNTY Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit; court reporters; compensation 3747 CHECK CASHERS Financial institutions; department and commissioner; powers and duties; banks, trust companies, and credit unions; money orders; mortgage loans 673 CHEROKEE COUNTY Cherokee County Parks and Recreation Authority; creation 4223 Cherokee County Water and Sewerage Authority; chairman and members; qualifications; compensation 3731 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4185 CHEROKEE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION AUTHORITY Creation 4223 CHEROKEE COUNTY WATER AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY Chairman and members; qualifications; compensation 3731 CHILD ABUSE Evidence; statement by child describing sexual contact or physical abuse 937 Registry 937 CHILD PROTECTION ACT OF 1995 Enacted; cruelty to children; statutory rape; molestation; enticing for indecent purposes; sexual exploitation 957 CHILD SUPPORT Computation; life insurance for benefit of children; state support registry 603

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CHILDREN AND YOUTH Adoption decrees; time limits for judicial challenges 791 Donations and grants to department 955 William E. Bill Ireland Youth Development Campus; designated 194 CIVIL PRACTICE Adoption decrees; time limits for judicial challenges 791 Advertisement of judicial sales; address of real property included 931 Advertisement of judicial sales; rates 992 Breach of restrictive convenant; limitation period for actions 727 Death penalty cases; habeas corpus; petitions; case assignment; time periods; discovery limited; affidavits; ineffective counsel claims 381 Privileged communications; mental health care providers 858 CLARK, WILLIAM H. Compensation 506 CLARKE COUNTY Board of education; compensation; expenses 3530 CLARKE, HAROLD G. Harold G. Clarke Parkway; designated 511 CLAYTON COUNTY Ad valorem tax millage rate for county and school district taxes; Act repealed 4149 Board of commissioners; compensation 3939 Board of education; partisan primaries and elections 3687 Clayton County Hospital Authority; members; appointment 4526 Clayton County Public Employee Retirement System; benefits; membership; funds 4511 Deputy tax commissioner; compensation; benefits 3712 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 3913 Probate court; judge; compensation 3936 State court; deputy clerk; compensation; benefits 3911 Superior court; deputy clerk; compensation; benefits 3907 CLAYTON COUNTY HOSPITAL AUTHORITY Members; appointment 4526 CLERMONT, TOWN OF Mayor and council; qualifications 4397 CLEVELAND, CITY OF City administrator; mayor; council; powers; duties 4076 Municipal court; appeals 3618 COBB COUNTY Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority; membership; terms 4121 Easement across state property 185


Juvenile court; judges; compensation; designations 4014 Probate court; judge; clerk; compensation 3627 Sheriff; chief deputy sheriff; chief investigator; executive assistant; compensation; qualifications 4427 State court; chief judge; clerk; chief deputy clerk; compensation 4248 State court; judges; associate judges; compensation 3609 State court; solicitor; compensation 3818 Superior court; chief judge; salary supplement 4013 Superior court; deputy clerk; compensation 4126 Superior court; district attorney; investigators; assistant district attorneys 4138 Superior court; district attorney; investigators and assistant district attorneys; compensation 3619 Tax commissioner; chief clerk and executive secretary; compensation 3987 COBB COUNTY-MARIETTA WATER AUTHORITY Membership; terms 4121 COBB JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 Chief judge; salary supplement 4013 District attorney; investigators; assistant district attorneys 4138 District attorney; investigators and assistant district attorneys; compensation 3619 COBBTOWN, CITY OF New charter 4363 COLQUITT COUNTY Conveyance of state property to Colquitt County Board of Education 183 COLUMBIA COUNTY Board of commissioners; contracts; financial interest 4515 COMMERCE AND TRADE Accommodations; county and municipal excise taxes 578 Agency; financial power of attorney; statutory form 1171 Alzheimer's disease; required disclosures regarding treatment 841 Brewpubs; various related provisions 734 Community Business Development Task Force; creation 970 Deceptive or unfair trade practices; consumer transactions; odometers; federal law 729 Deceptive or unfair trade practices; disaster related violations; additional civil penalty; remedies 697 Deceptive or unfair trade practices; solicitation for inclusion in telephone classified advertising directory; notice required 733 Declared state of emergency; certain sales prohibited; local registration of businesses 1362 Delinquent payment on certain contracts or accounts; maximum charge for delinquency 346 Georgia Consignment of Art Act; enacted 267 Georgia Institute for Community Business Development; created 870


Multilevel distribution companies and sale of business opportunities; business opportunity defined 757 Specific, business, and occupation taxes; extensive revision of general provisions 419 Ticket scalping; ticket brokers Vetoed HB 516 Trade secrets; theft 1051 Warehousemen; leaf tobacco; charges; Georgia Tobacco Marketing Act of 1995 104 COMMUNITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE Creation 970 CONASAUGA JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 CONDREY, SUE F. Compensation 493 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Cooperative marketing associations; powers; directors; bylaws; member's interest 413 Insurance; prohibited transactions for directors and employees 776 CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Administrative law judges; surface and ground water permits; duration; development and conservation plans 706 Coastal marshlands; leasing of state-owned marshlands for marinas or docks 462 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act; amended; sludge application; landfills adjacent to bombing ranges; restrictions on landfill siting 1025 Georgia Safe Dams Act of 1978; exemption for dams constructed or financially assisted by agencies of federal government 987 Henry Tumlin family; commemorative marker at Etowah Mounds State Historic Site 221 Jekyll IslandState Park Authority 105 Lake Lanier Islands Development Authority 105 North Georgia Mountains Authority 105 Pine Mountain Trail; designation of portion in honor of D. Neal Wickham 503 Pollutant discharge permits; effluent limitations; best management practices 150 Recreational Authorities Overview Committee 105 Special license plates to support nongame wildlife conservation 1021 State parks; hunting, trapping, or pursuing wildlife in parks; permission; weapons 945 Stone Mountain Memorial Association; members; chairperson; authority; adherence to master plan 105 Stone Mountain Memorial Association; tax exemptions; exceptions; expenditures of certain proceeds; reports 935 Trout streams; streamside buffers for single-family home construction 150


CONSUMERS' UTILITY COUNSEL DIVISION Created 167 CONTRACTS Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Interest on loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding claims in bankruptcy 956 Loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding interest on claim in bankruptcy 956 COOPERATIVE MARKETING ASSOCIATIONS Powers; directors; bylaws; member's interest 413 CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, AND ASSOCIATIONS Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Cooperative marketing associations; powers; directors; bylaws; member's interest 413 Corporate income taxes; allocation and apportionment of corporate income; computation of income 714 Georgia Business Corporation Code; amended; various provisions 482 Health care corporations 745 Insurable interest; conveyance upon purchase or merger 776 Insurance; prohibited transactions for directors and employees 776 Limited liability partnerships; various provisions 470 Nonprofit corporations; names 482 Nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations; raffles operated by 832 Reinstatement after administrative dissolution; time for application; name 975 COUNTIES Accommodations; county and municipal excise taxes 578 Ad valorem taxes; property located on airport split by county line 1008 Ad valorem taxes; requests for refunds Vetoed HB 441 Ad valorem taxes; waiver of certain penalties 361 Alcoholic beverages; sales in residential community development districts 486 Board of health; tuberculosis hospitalization; commitment petitions and proceedings 1231 Community Business Development Task Force; creation 970 County and Municipal Probation Advisory Council; created 396 Defense of actions in lieu of insurance; employment of legal counsel 1063 Development authorities; member of local governing authority eligible for appointment as director; audited financial statement 1188 Distilled spirits; licenses for sales by the drink; repeal of provisions applicable to certain governing authorities 740 Elections for bonded indebtedness; advertisement of election 355 Employment benefits to officers and employees 924 Firearms regulation; local government authority restricted 139 Georgia Future Communities Commission; creation 507 Joint development authorities; job tax credits 585 Local boards of education; exemption from county and municipal impact fees and assessments and inspections for building permits; sunset repealed 915


Local Government Authorities Registration Act enacted 560 Local Government Efficiency Act amended; terms defined; grant program established; rules and regulations 467 Local taxes; certain exemptions regarding state debt not applicable to certain local taxes 172 Marriage licenses; issuance at satellite courthouses 567 Poll officers; chief managers in certain counties; minimum compensation 570 Probate courts; offices at satellite courthouses 568 Public roads; disposition of property no longer needed for 1195 Regional facilities contracts; conditions, limitations, and restrictions on exercise of powers to enter contracts 699 Special county 1 percent sales and use tax; procedure for imposition; capital outlay projects; certain regional facilities included 288 Special county 1 percent sales and use tax; uses of proceeds; ballot questions; reimposition 172 Speed detection devices; approval of speed limits by Department of Transportation 713 Tax executions; sale by counties and municipalities; notice; exclusions from transfer; charges for release; bids by land bank authorities 282 COUNTIES AND COUNTY MATTERS BY POPULATION 65 persons per square mile or fewer, counties of; income tax credit for practicing physicians 960 12,800 12,900, counties of; issuance of licenses to sell alcoholic beverages by the drink; repealed 740 50,000 or more, urbanized areas of; speed limits on interstate highways outside of 759 200,000 or more, counties of; compensation of county poll officers 570 400,000, counties in excess of; issuance of marriage licenses at satellite courthouses 567 400,000, counties in excess of; probate judge offices at satellite courthouses 568 550,000, counties in excess of; issuance of marriage licenses at satellite courthouses; repealed 567 550,000, counties in excess of; probate judge offices at satellite courthouses; repealed 568 550,000 or more, counties of; award of contracts without competition; competitive sealed proposals; negotiated contracts; emergency procurement 978 550,000 or more, counties of; certain convictions forwarded to Department of Public Safety 917 500,000 575,000, counties of; advertisements of bond elections; repealed 355 600,000 or more, counties of; jury clerks 1292 COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL PROBATION ADVISORY COUNCIL Created 396 COURT OF APPEALS Senior judges; assistance provided by 916 COURTS Alternative dispute resolution; divorce or alimony cases 1292 Bailiffs; maximum authorized compensation increased 790


Child custody proceedings; parental visitation 863 Crime Victims' Bill of Rights enacted; crime victim notification of change in custodial status of offender 385 Custody of mentally incompetent criminal defendants 1250 District attorneys and additional assistant district attorneys; duties 394 Family violence cases; superior court clerks' fees 863 Habeas corpus; assistance requests 381 Impartial jury; change of venue to obtain 1292 Jail construction and staffing; regional jail authorities 285 Judges; number of judges for judicial circuits; new judges 1077 Juries and jurors; various provisions 1292 Juvenile court; findings and directives related to delinquent or unruly children Vetoed HB 222 Juvenile custody and detention 863 Juvenile proceedings; delinquents; notice to school officials and victims 619 Juvenile proceedings; juveniles in custody; rights and responsibilities of Department of Corrections 783 Juvenile proceedings; records; computer storage and retrieval 619 Juvenile proceedings; termination of parental rights; timely disposition 1359 Juvenile proceedings; training seminars for judges 783 Juvenile proceedings; venue; transfer for disposition following adjudication 774 Juvenile proceedings and records; access to and inspection of 619 Juvenile records; computer storage and retrieval 619 Local victim assistance programs 260 Magistrates; compensation 562 Municipal court judges; residency requirement eliminated; applicability provision eliminated 712 Probate courts; appointment of guardians and temporary guardians 1171 Probate courts; offices at satellite courthouses 568 Probate courts; marriage licenses issued at satellite courthouses 567 Probate judges; training; limitation on fees retained for certain services 768 Records relating to treatment for mental illness; access 612 Revocation of parole or probation; bond pending hearing 1043 Senior appellate court justices or judges and senior judges of superior courts; assistance provided by; service; practices and procedures 916 Superior courts; clerks' fees; automated information system for property; collection and remittance of fees 260 Superior courts; number of judges for judicial circuits; new judges 1077 COVINGTON, CITY OF Mayor and council; officers; elections; health insurance 4574 COWETA JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 COX, WALTER E. Walter E. Cox Parkway; designated 514 CRAMER, ROBERT T. Compensation 504


CREDIT UNIONS Financial institutions; department and commissioner; powers and duties; banks, trust companies, and credit unions; money orders; mortgage loans 673 CRIMES AND OFFENSES Abuse of dead body; penalty 569 Aggravated sexual battery; bail 379 Aggravated stalking; bail; appeal bond 989 Aggravated stalking; violation of certain bond, order, injunction, or condition 911 Broadcasting, printing, or publishing contents of unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications unlawful 1023 Burglaries; felonies; fingerprinting of juveniles charged with commission of 619 Burglary or armed robbery; forfeiture of certain property used in commission of 1051 Cellular radio telephone communications; unlawful to print, broadcast, or publish contents of unlawfully intercepted communications 1023 Child Protection Act of 1995 enacted; cruelty to children; statutory rape; molestation; enticing for indecent purposes; sexual exploitation 957 Chiropractic; unlawful practice; penalties 983 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Commission of crime by convicted felon through use of firearm 137 Communications facility; use of to commit felony 574 Contact lenses; certain sale and dispensation prohibited; penalties 328 Deposit account fraud; restitution; costs; service charge 910 Disorderly conduct 574 Dissemination of information encouraging terroristic acts 574 Feeding wild alligators; penalties 467 Firearms; discharge while under influence of alcohol or drugs 139 Fleeing or attempting to elude officer; penalties 855 Handgun regulation; criminal background checks; local government regulatory authority restricted 139 Harassing phone calls 574 Homicide, feticide, and serious injury by vessel 236 Illegal firearms, dangerous weapons, explosives, incendiary devices; certain training prohibited 574 Littering private or public waters; penalties 315 Pen registers and trap and trace devices; use 1051 Raffles; operating without license 832 Riot in penal institution 137 School discipline of students who bring weapon to school 1072 Ticket scalping Vetoed HB 516 Trade secrets; theft 1051 Wiretapping and eavesdropping; unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications; unlawful to print, broadcast, or publish contents 1023 CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL Local victim assistance programs 260 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Aggravated sexual battery; bail 379


Aggravated stalking; bail; appeal bond 989 Arrest; commitment hearing notice 932 Crime Victims' Bill of Rights enacted; crime victim notification of change in custodial status of offender 385 Depositions to preserve testimony in criminal cases; depositions of physicians in child abuse and molestation cases 1360 Discovery in felony cases 1250 Disposition of personal property in custody; advertisement and sale of certain items in lots 909 Family violence investigation; report contents and review by victim 1186 Impartial jury; change of venue to obtain 1292 Jailing prisoners outside county where offense committed 291 Mental competency; custody of mentally incompetent defendants; rehearings on competency issue 1250 Parole or probation; bond pending hearing 1043 Privileged communications; mental health care providers 858 Revocation of parole or probation; bond pending hearing 1043 Venue; transfer for purposes of certain pleas 1250 CURRAHEE PAGING COMPANY Lease of state property to 522 D D. NEAL WICKHAM Pine Mountain Trail; designation of portion in honor of D. Neal Wickham 503 DADE COUNTY Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit; court reporters; compensation 3747 DALLAS, CITY OF Contracting procedures; city manager; powers 4577 DAMS Georgia Safe Dams Act of 1978; exemption for dams constructed or financially assisted by agencies of federal government 987 DAWSON, CITY OF Municipal court; contempt; penalty 3608 DAWSON COUNTY Board of commissioners; creation; referendums 3689 Board of education; districts; elections 3580 DEAD BODIES Abuse prohibited; penalty 569 Tagging by funeral director prior to disposition 839 DEATH PENALTY Habeas corpus writs; petitions; case assignment; time periods; discovery limited; affidavits; claims of ineffective counsel; judicial assistance 381


DEATH PENALTY HABEAS CORPUS REFORM ACT OF 1995 Enacted; petitions; case assignment; time periods; discovery limited; affidavits; claims of ineffective counsel; requests for judicial assistance 381 DEBTOR AND CREDITOR Exemption for payments from individual retirement accounts 347 Financial institutions; department and commissioner; powers and duties; banks, trust companies, and credit unions; money orders; mortgage loans 673 Interest on loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding claims in bankruptcy 956 Loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding interest on claim in bankruptcy 956 Outstanding instruments; restriction on service charges 1368 Real property conveyed to secure debt; reversion of title 1198 DECATUR, CITY OF Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4208 DECATUR COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3534 Board of education; nonpartisan elections 3532 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan elections 3529 DECEPTIVE OR FRAUDULENT PRACTICES Deceptive or unfair trade practices; disaster related violations; additional civil penalty; remedies 697 Odometers; consumer transactions; federal law 729 Solicitation for inclusion in telephone classified advertising directory; notice required 733 DEER Licenses; sale by telephone; migratory game birds; fees; deer carcasses 946 DEKALB COUNTY Chief executive officer; board of commissioners; compensation 4016 County officers, officials, and judges; compensation 4016 DeKalb County Pension Board; benefits; contributions 4519 DeKalb Memorial Stadium Authority; creation 3505 Funds; investments 4529 Joint Study Committee on DeKalb County's Form of Government 225 Juvenile court; judge; compensation 4016 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; compensation 4106 Magistrate court; chief magistrate and associate magistrate; compensation 4016 Probate court; judge; compensation 4016 Special services tax districts; tax millage rate 3527 State court; judge; solicitor; compensation 4016 Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit; judges; supplement 3521 Superior court; sheriff; clerk; district attorney; compensation 4016 Tax commissioner; compensation 4016


DEKALB MEMORIAL STADIUM AUTHORITY Creation 3505 DENMARK GROOVER, JR. Denmark Groover, Jr., Hospital; designated 491 DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITIES Disposition of real property to the state; powers and limitations 440 DISABLED PERSONS Aged and Disabled Transportation Task Force; re-creation 496 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Comprehensive editorial revision of code references to handicapped persons; terms defined; building and parking lot accessibility 1302 Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities created 406 Group disability income insurance; preexisting conditions 1009 Individual and Family Support Act of 1995 Vetoed HB 262 DISCOVERY Felony criminal cases 1250 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS Additional duties; appointment of additional assistant district attorneys 394 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS RETIREMENT FUND OF GEORGIA Administration of fund 787 Investment authority 651 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM Administration of fund 787 Amount of retirement benefits for certain members 1065 Authority to invest in corporations or obligations of corporations 651 DIVORCE Final judgment and decree; computation of child support; life insurance for benefit of children; state support registry 603 DODGE COUNTY Board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections; referendum 3816 Heart of Georgia Regional Airport Authority; creation 4448 DOMESTIC RELATIONS Adoption decrees; time limits for judicial challenges 791 Child abuse registry 937 Divorce; final judgment and decree; computation of child support; life insurance for benefit of children; state support registry 603 Evidence; statement by child describing sexual contact or physical abuse 937 Family violence; child custody proceedings; parental visitation 863 Family violence; report contents and review by victim; membership of state commission 1186


Georgia Policy Council for Children and Families Act; enacted 316 Hard-to-place children; financial assistance to families adopting Vetoed HB 253 Marriage licenses; issuance at satellite courthouses 567 DOOLY COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3769 DRUGS DUI risk reduction programs; satellite programs exempt from certain rules Vetoed SB 250 Inmates; risk reduction programs 625 Pharmaceutical agents permissible for use by optometrists for treatment purposes; nonnarcotic oral analgesics included 351 Testing for certain applicants for state employment 667 Write-in candidates for state office; certification of drug test results Vetoed SB 148 DULUTH, CITY OF Capital reserve fund 4543 City administrator; budget 4579 Corporate limits 4400 E EAST DUBLIN, CITY OF Corporate limits 4204 EAST POINT, CITY OF City council; meetings 4547 Fulton County; library system; applicability to the City of East Point 3739 Mayor; references in charter 4551 Minutes of meetings 4555 Proposed ordinances; attachments 4558 EASTMAN, CITY OF Heart of Georgia Regional Airport Authority; creation 4448 EDDIE EAGLE GUN SAFETY PROGRAM Adoption by school systems urged 972 EDUCATION Achievement-based grants to local systems 1340 Advanced placement examination fees; payment for certain students Vetoed HB 365 At-risk students; grants for after school programs for 240 Attendance officers; employment of 240 Boards of education; nonpartisan election of members without prior nonpartisan primary 1027 Boards of education; training workshops for members of local boards 304 Charter schools 307 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Colleges and universities; enrollment of high school students 307


Comprehensive evaluation requirement for certain schools; exemptions 1340 Department of Corrections as special school district for incarcerated youths 357 Disciplinary problem students; conferences with parents of 240 Discipline of students; civil immunity of educators; plaintiff to pay certain costs and fees; counsel provided for defendant educator 772 Discipline of students who bring weapon to school 1072 Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Program of the National Rifle Association; adoption by school systems urged 972 Educators Technology Training Commission: creation 1370 Executive secretary of Professional Standards Commission; employees of certain state schools; provisions related to employment 1069 Facilities which are registered historic landmarks; policies Vetoed HB 365 Funding; construction reserve trust fund; appropriation of lottery funds; program weights; salaries for superintendents and certain personnel 701 General Educational Development (GED) diploma requirements for parolees 625 Georgia Policy Council for Children and Families Act; enacted 316 Grants; children of certain Georgia National Guard members 961 Grants; powers and duties of Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission expanded; tuition equalization grants 265 High school students; enrollment in postsecondary courses; eligible institutions 307 Local boards; exemption from county and municipal impact fees and assessments, fees, and inspections for building permits; sunset repealed 915 Model evaluation instruments; advertising certificated positions; discipline of students who bring a weapon to school; hearings 1072 Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission: executive director 728 Nonrenewal of teacher contracts; certain rights of school administrators limited 304 North Georgia College ROTC grant program; tuition assistance amount 885 Parent-teacher organizations; sales and use tax exemptions 364 Public School Disciplinary Tribunal Act amended; certain disciplinary sanctions authorized 1340 Regional educational service agencies 1340 Scholarships, loans, and grants for higher education; findings and purposes; servicing of loans; proof of residency 961 Student assessments 311 Suspended or expelled students; conferences with parents of 240 Textbook selection; requests by superintendents and teachers 1017 Warranties for high school graduates; free schooling to correct deficiencies in warrantied graduates 311 Weapons; discipline of students bringing to school 1072 EDUCATORS TECHNOLOGY TRAINING COMMISSION Creation 1370 EFFINGHAM COUNTY State court; judge; compensation 3685 ELECTIONS Absentee elector defined 417 Advertisement of local bond election 355


Boards of education; nonpartisan election of members without prior nonpartisan primary 1027 Code revision 8 Compensation of county poll officers; minimum compensation of chief managers of certain counties 570 Elections and primaries generally; various provisions 1027 Georgia Municipal Election Code amended; qualification fees; notice of candidacy; qualifying times 786 Municipal elections and primaries; various provisions 1027 Notices of candidacy; nomination petitions; write-in candidacy advertisements; drug test certification Vetoed SB 148 Special primaries and elections; registration deadlines 1044 Withdrawal of nominee; filling vacancy; special election 408 ELEVATORS Elevators, escalators, and similar devices; exemption from regulation for single-passenger chairlift in building owned by nonprofit organization 1046 Improper acts related to; penalties; effect of penalties 370 EMINENT DOMAIN Petroleum pipelines 161 EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF GEORGIA Administration of certain other funds 787 Authority to invest in corporations or obligations of corporations 651 Disability; time for submission of evidence 333 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY LAW Amended; various provisions 373 ENGLISH Designated as official language Vetoed SB 49 EPHESUS, CITY OF Mayor and council; compensation; posts; elections 3554 ETOWAH MOUNDS STATE HISTORIC SITE Henry Tumlin family; commemorative marker at Etowah Mounds State Historic Site 221 EVANS COUNTY Board of commissioners; districts; elections; terms; vacancies; chairperson 4064 Board of education; districts; elections; chairperson; terms 4086 EVIDENCE Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Depositions to preserve testimony in criminal cases; depositions of physicians in child abuse and molestation cases 1360 DUI testing; breath sampling; admissibility 1160


Privileged communications; mental health care providers 858 Sexual contact or physical abuse; statement by child describing 937 F FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Georgia Safe Dams Act of 1978; exemption for dams constructed or financially assisted by agencies of federal government 987 Income taxes; Federal Retiree Refund Act of 1995 1 FEDERAL LAW Deceptive or unfair trade practices; consumer transactions; odometers 729 FEDERAL RETIREE REFUND ACT OF 1995 Enacted; state income taxes 1 FIRE PROTECTION AND SAFETY Executive director of Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training Council; duties; certificates of compliance; airport firefighters 341 Firefighter standards and training; general qualifications; criminal history check 325 Indemnification of law enforcement officers, firefighters, prison guards, and emergency medical technicians; amount and method of payments 877 FIREARMS See WEAPONS FISH See GAME AND FISH FIVE STAR DODGE, INC. Compensation 506 FLETCHER, CARRIE Compensation 521 FLOVILLA, CITY OF Butts County, City of Flovilla, City of Jackson, and City of Jenkinsburg Water and Sewer Authority; bond maturities 3550 FOOD, DRUGS, AND COSMETICS Ratites 244 FOREST PARK, CITY OF Redevelopment powers; referendum 4392 FORESTRY Conveyances of real property; information regarding silvicultural activity 1198 Lengths of certain vehicles and loads 990 Sales and use tax exemption for timber growing and harvesting equipment and attachments 991


Standing timber; assessment; millage rate; weighted average prices; owner harvests 792 Weight limitations on certain vehicles 862 FORSYTH COUNTY Board of commissioners; expense allowance 4117 Homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4215 FORSYTH, CITY OF Mayor and council; elections 3720 FULTON COUNTY Fulton County Personnel Board; merit system 3889 Homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4423 Library system; applicability to the City of East Point 3739 Library system; board of trustees 4084 Motor vehicle racetracks 4497 G GAINESVILLE, CITY OF City manager; personnel merit system; director of human resources department 4615 Retirement systems 4592 Water service deposit fees 4542 GAME AND FISH Administrative law judges 543 Alligators; prohibited feeding; penalties 467 Aquaculture Development Commission; membership; subcommittees 1059 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Commercial crabbing; licensing and regulation 156 Game fish; creel and possession limits; artificial-lure streams; use of live fish for bait; trout waters with and without seasons 543 Hunting; small game; federally approved nontoxic shot 437 Licenses; sale by telephone; migratory game birds; fees; deer carcasses 946 State parks; hunting, trapping, or pursuing wildlife in parks; permission; weapons 945 Trout streams; streamside buffers for single-family home construction 150 GARDEN CITY, CITY OF Municipal court; penalties 3677 GAUSS, PRIVATE LUCY MATILDA Private Lucy Matilda Gauss Bridge; designated 501 GENERAL ASSEMBLY Aged and Disabled Transportation Task Force; re-creation 496 Appropriations; S.F.Y. 1995-1996 1082 Appropriations; supplemental; S.F.Y. 1994-1995 28


Appropriations; supplemental for Department of Labor 371 Budgetary responsibility and oversight committee; members; appointment; evaluation of state government programs 923 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Educators Technology Training Commission; creation 1370 Expense reimbursement and allowances for members 1018 Georgia Future Communities Commission; creation 507 Georgia State Museum and State Library Study Commission; re-creation 499 House of Representatives; apportionment 795 Joint Study Committee on DeKalb County's Form of Government 225 Legislative information; public distribution in electronic format 720 Legislative services committee; membership; quorum 933 State and Local Government Partnership Act of 1995; enacted; local government impact fiscal notes 1189 GEORGIA BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS Membership, appointment, terms; regulation of chiropractic 983 GEORGIA BOAT SAFETY ACT Amended; sailboards not vessels; homicide, feticide, and serious injury by vessel; penalties 236 GEORGIA BUILDING AUTHORITY Georgia's World War II veterans; recognition; display at James H. Sloppy Floyd Veterans Memorial Building 492 Pete Hackney Parking Facility; designated 520 Richmond County; conveyance or lease by Georgia Building Authority 218 GEORGIA BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Handgun regulation; criminal background checks; reports 139 Nomenclature and symbols relating to; unauthorized use 925 GEORGIA COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT Amended; sludge application; landfills adjacent to bombing ranges; restrictions on landfill siting 1025 GEORGIA CONSIGNMENT OF ART ACT Enacted; regulation of consignments of art 267 GEORGIA CRIME INFORMATION CENTER Access to and dissemination of certain criminal history records 633 Handgun regulation; criminal background checks 139 GEORGIA FIRE ACADEMY Duties changed 341 GEORGIA FIREFIGHTER STANDARDS AND TRAINING COUNCIL Duties of executive director 341


GEORGIA FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Board of trustees; nomination of certain members 332 Fire department defined 1064 GEORGIA FUTURE COMMUNITIES COMMISSION Creation 507 GEORGIA HIGHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE CORPORATION Legislative findings and purposes 961 GEORGIA HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Employees participate in State Employees' Health Insurance Plan 573 GEORGIA INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Created; purposes and powers; board of directors; director; funding 870 GEORGIA INTERNATIONAL AND MARITIME TRADE CENTER AUTHORITY 1994 Act repealed 3559 Creation 4499 GEORGIA LAND SALES ACT Amended; comprehensive revision 993 GEORGIA LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE GUARANTY ASSOCIATION Scope of coverage 1348 GEORGIA LOTTERY FOR EDUCATION ACT Amended; fidelity fund; blanket bonds; reserve account; retailers' bonds; deposit of securities 635 GEORGIA MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES BENEFIT SYSTEM Limitation on employee contributions to retirement plan 1061 GEORGIA NATIONAL GUARD Indemnification 877 GEORGIA PEACE OFFICER STANDARDS AND TRAINING ACT Amended; jail officers training requirements; terms defined 880 Amended; peace officer defined 1238 GEORGIA POLICY COUNCIL FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ACT Enacted; council created 316 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Easement 196 GEORGIA RAIL PASSENGER AUTHORITY Members; expense allowance and travel costs 1041


GEORGIA SAFE DAMS ACT OF 1978 Amended; exemption for dams constructed or financially assisted by agencies of federal government 987 GEORGIA STATE MUSEUM AND STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION Re-creation 499 GEORGIA STUDENT FINANCE AUTHORITY Legislative findings and purposes 961 GEORGIA TIME-SHARE ACT Amended; comprehensive revision 1260 GEORGIA TOBACCO MARKETING ACT OF 1995 Warehousemen; charges 104 GEORGIA TRAUMA ADVISORY COUNCIL State-wide trauma response system plan; creation directed 973 GEORGIA TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION, INC. Rhodes Memorial Hall; rental to The Georgia Trust For Historic Preservation, Inc. 1372 GIBSON, BARTOW Bartow Gibson Highway; designated 505 GILMER COUNTY Board of commissioners; creation; referendum 3824 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 3895 GLASCOCK COUNTY Superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 GLYNN COUNTY Certified public accountants; employment 4533 GORDON, CITY OF Municipal court; jurisdiction 3867 GORDON COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3560 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3523 GOVERNOR'S COUNCIL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Created 406 GREENE COUNTY Board of commissioners; chairman; expenses; members; compensation and expenses 3957


Board of commissioners; districts 4325 Board of education; districts 3877 GRIFFIN, CITY OF Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission 4429 GRIFFIN-SPALDING COUNTY CHARTER AND UNIFICATION COMMISSION Creation 4429 GROOVER, DENMARK, JR. Denmark Groover, Jr., Hospital; designated 491 GUARDIAN AND WARD Appointment of guardians and temporary guardians 1171 Settlement of minor's claim 1171 GUNS See WEAPONS GWINNETT/ROCKDALE/NEWTON CREATIVE ENTERPRISES, INC. Lease of state property 177 H HABEAS CORPUS Death penalty cases; petitions; case assignment; time periods; discovery limited; affidavits; claims of ineffective counsel; judicial assistance 381 HABERSHAM COUNTY Coroner; compensation 3719 Habersham County Water and Sewerage Authority; membership; quorum 3989 HABERSHAM COUNTY WATER AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY Membership; quorum 3989 HABERSHAM ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION Easement across state property 196 HACKNEY, JOHN M. PETE Pete Hackney Parking Facility; designated 520 HAGAN, CITY OF New charter 4296 HAM, BENSON Benson Ham Road; designated 512


HANDGUNS See WEAPONS HANDICAPPED PERSONS Aged and Disabled Transportation Task Force; re-creation 496 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Comprehensive editorial revision of code references to handicapped persons; terms defined; building and parking lot accessibility 1302 Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities created 406 Group disability income insurance; preexisting conditions 1009 Individual and Family Support Act of 1995 Vetoed HB 262 HAPEVILLE, CITY OF Merit system; appeals 4600 Purchasing 4598 HARALSON COUNTY Board of education; districts 3635 HARDY, CHARLES Charles Hardy Parkway; designated 220 Charles Hardy Parkway; designated 495 HAROLD G. CLARKE Harold G. Clarke Parkway; designated 511 HARRIS COUNTY Harris County Public Improvements Authority; creation 4052 Harris County Streets and Roads Authority; creation; referendum 3752 Magistrate court; law library fees 3682 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3947 HARRIS COUNTY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORITY Creation 4052 HARRIS COUNTY STREETS AND ROADS AUTHORITY Creation; referendum 3752 HART COUNTY Easement across state property 196 Superior court; clerk; probate court; judge; compensation 3971 Tax commissioner; compensation 3962 HAZLEHURST, CITY OF Mayor; duties; hours; compensation 3948 HEALTH Abuse of dead body prohibited; penalty 569 Alzheimer's disease; required disclosures regarding treatment 841

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Boxing; state commission; contracts for promoting amateur boxing; sunset repealed 671 Child wellness services; coverage required for certain insurance policies 1348 Child wellness services; coverage required for certain insurance policies 1011 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Contact lenses; sale and dispensing; regulation 328 Genetic testing and information; use 1242 Georgia Policy Council for Children and Families Act; enacted 316 Group disability income insurance; preexisting conditions 1009 Health care plans; health care corporations 745 Hospital authorities; health care networks; managed health care; participating providers 901 Hospital authorities; self-insurers guaranty trust fund 638 Indemnification of law enforcement officers, firefighters, prison guards, and emergency medical technicians; amount and method of payments 877 Insurance; direct patient access to dermatological services without referral 235 Insurance; termination of coverage; conversion policies 1242 Long-term care ombudsman 1239 Mental illness; involuntary care; access to court records relating to treatment 612 Nursing homes; criminal record check for employment applicants 570 Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Education Act enacted 841 Peer review of health care providers; definitions; civil immunity; confidentiality 612 Privileged communications; mental health care providers 858 Resuscitation; orders not to resuscitate 722 State-wide trauma response system plan; creation directed 973 Tuberculosis; hospitalization; commitment petitions and proceedings 1231 HEARD COUNTY Board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3874 HEART OF GEORGIA REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Creation 4448 HENRY COUNTY Board of elections; creation 4198 Henry County Development Authority; members; appointment; terms; posts; qualifications; compensation; expenses 4123 Homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 3723 Homestead exemption; county taxes; referendum 4445 Treasurer; office abolished 3545 HENRY COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Members; appointment; terms; posts; qualifications; compensation; expenses 4123 HENRY TUMLIN Henry Tumlin family; commemorative marker at Etowah Mounds State Historic Site 221 HEPHZIBAH, CITY OF Augusta; consolidation with Richmond County and City of Hephzibah; charter repeal; referendum 3642

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Consolidation with Richmond County and City of Augusta; charter repeal; referendum 3645 Consolidation with Richmond County and City of Augusta; referendums 3648 HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, AND FERRIES Aged and Disabled Transportation Task Force; re-creation 496 Arthur Langford, Jr., Memorial Parkway; designated 969 Bartow Gibson Highway; designated 505 Benson Ham Road; designated 512 Bicycles; ride on right side of roadway 271 Charles Hardy Parkway; designated 220 Charles Hardy Parkway; designated 495 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Excess weight and size of vehicles; emergency permits for vehicles and loads over 16 feet wide 155 Harold G. Clarke Parkway; designated 511 Hobert L. Brown Bridge; designated 219 J. L. Turner Bridge; designated 194 John R. McKinney Medal of Honor Highway; designated 515 Lake Oconee Parkway; designated 494 Lengths of certain vehicles and loads 990 M. L. King, Jr. Drive; designated in Brooks County 537 Old Milton Parkway and Old Milton County Bridge; designated 227 Private Lucy Matilda Gauss Bridge; designated 501 Public roads; disposition of property no longer needed for 1195 Speed detection devices; approval of speed limits 713 Statistics regarding architectural and engineering firms; contracts with department 912 Wade R. Milam, Jr., Bridge designated 228 Walter E. Cox Parkway; designated 514 Weight limitations on vehicles hauling certain commodities 862 HOBERT L. BROWN BRIDGE Designated 219 HOLIDAYS AND OBSERVANCES Women's History Month; designation of March, 1995 519 HOMESTEAD OPTION SALES AND USE TAX ACT Enacted 655 HOOD, MAYME JO Conveyance of state property 175 Conveyance of state property 516 HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES Health care networks; contracts with Department of Medical Assistance; managed health care; participating providers 901 Self-insurers guaranty trust fund 638


HOTEL-MOTEL TAX County and municipal excise taxes 578 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Apportionment 795 HUDSON, BENNIE L. AND VORA ELAINE Conveyance of state property 175 Conveyance of state property 516 HUMAN BODIES Abuse prohibited; penalty 569 Tagging by funeral director prior to disposition 839 I ILA, CITY OF Mayor and council; terms 4398 IMPACT FEES Local boards of education; exemption from county and municipal impact fees; sunset repealed 915 INCOME TAXES See REVENUE AND TAXATION INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY SUPPORT ACT OF 1995 Enacted Vetoed HB 262 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT OF 1995 Enacted; Georgia Information Technology Council created; state strategic plan for information technology deployment and development 761 INMATES See PENAL INSTITUTIONS INSURABLE INTEREST Corporation or trustee 776 INSURANCE Accident and sickness policies; bone marrow transplant coverage 459 Adjuster defined; certain persons not considered as agents, subagents, counselors, or adjustors 1011 Child wellness services; coverage required for certain policies 1348 Child wellness services; coverage required for certain policies 1011 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Credit insurance; nonrecording insurance; nonlicensing insurance; vendors' single-interest insurance; filings and data; limited licenses 437 Domiciled insurers; acquisitions and dispositions; required reports 1348


Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) plan; extensive revision of related provisions 629 Financial condition of insurers; certain machines considered assets 481 Georgia Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association 1348 Group disability income insurance; preexisting conditions 1009 Health care coverage; direct patient access to dermatological services without referral 235 Health care plans; health care corporations 745 Health insurance; termination of coverage; conversion policies; use of genetic testing and information 1242 Information collected, used, and disclosed by institutions; adverse underwriting decision defined 1070 Licenses and display certificates for agents and others 1348 Motor vehicle insurance; dishonored instrument for payment 1011 Motor vehicle insurance; premium reduction for qualified students 1348 Motor vehicle insurance; self-insurers; cash deposits required 1348 Premium defined; penalties on refunds of certain unearned premiums 1011 Premium finance companies; premium finance agreements; additional premiums; cancellation of contracts 1047 Producer controlled property and casualty insurers 1348 Prohibited transactions; insurable interest of corporation or trustee; conveyance upon purchase or merger 776 Property insurance; nonrenewal 1011 Self-insurers guaranty trust fund 638 Self-insurers; cash deposit required; transition period 1060 Special insurance fraud fund 1242 Surplus line insurance and brokers 1165 Transaction of insurance; authorization and requirements; capital stock and surplus 637 INTANGIBLE RECORDING TAX Payment by borrower or mortgagor for long-term notes secured by realty 224 INTEREST Loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding interest on claim in bankruptcy 956 IRELAND, WILLIAM E. BILL William E. Bill Ireland Youth Development Campus; designated 194 IRWIN COUNTY Board of commissioners; chairperson; compensation 3876 J J. L. TURNER J. L. Turner Bridge; designated 194 JACKSON, CITY OF Butts County, City of Flovilla, City of Jackson, and City of Jenkinsburg Water and Sewer Authority; bond maturities 3550


Council; meetings 4562 JAILS See PENAL INSTITUTIONS JAMES H. SLOPPY FLOYD VETERANS MEMORIAL BUILDING Georgia's World War II veterans; recognition; display at James H. Sloppy Floyd Veterans Memorial Building 492 JANE B. MCLANE Mrs. Jane B. McLane and her heirs; Bowens Mill Pond; easement across state property 538 JEFFERSON COUNTY Magistrate court; chief deputy magistrate; compensation 3624 JEKYLL ISLAND STATE PARK AUTHORITY Members; chairperson; master plan for Jekyll Island 105 JENKINSBURG, CITY OF Butts County, City of Flovilla, City of Jackson, and City of Jenkinsburg Water and Sewer Authority; bond maturities 3550 JESUP, CITY OF Commissioners; election districts 4583 JOBS FIRST PROGRAM Replacement of cash assistance with paid employment 1155 JOHN R. MCKINNEY John R. McKinney Medal of Honor Highway; designated 515 JOINT STUDY COMMITTEE ON DEKALB COUNTY'S FORM OF GOVERNMENT Creation 225 JONES COUNTY Board of commissioners; membership; districts; chairperson 4131 Board of education; districts; elections; terms 3809 Board of elections and registration; creation 3923 JUDGES Juvenile court judges; training seminars 783 Magistrates; compensation 562 Municipal court judges; residency requirement eliminated; applicability provision eliminated 712 Parole or probation; bond pending hearing 1043 Probate judges; training; limitation on fees retained for certain services 768 Senior appellate court justices or judges and senior judges of superior courts; assistance provided by; service; practices and procedures 916

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Superior courts; number of judges for judicial circuits; new judges 1077 See also COURTS JUDGES OF THE PROBATE COURTS RETIREMENT FUND OF GEORGIA Eligibility for benefits; time for vesting 907 Surviving spouse defined 908 JUDICIAL SALES Address of real property included in advertisement 931 Advertisement; rates 992 Disposition of personal property in custody of law enforcement agencies; advertisement and sale of certain items in lots 909 JURORS Various provisions 1292 JUVENILE COURTS Cobb County; judges; compensation; designations 4014 DeKalb County; judge; compensation 4016 Delinquents; notice to school officials and victims 619 Findings and directives related to delinquent or unruly children Vetoed HB 222 Judges; training seminars 783 Juvenile custody; rights and responsibilities of Department of Corrections 783 Juvenile custody and detention 863 Proceedings; venue; transfer for disposition following adjudication 774 Proceedings and records; access to and inspection of 619 Records; computer storage and retrieval 619 Termination of parental rights; timely disposition 1359 JUVENILES William E. Bill Ireland Youth Development Campus; designated 194 K KENNESAW, CITY OF Corporate limits 4140 KEY, ALONZO Compensation 494 KING, M. L., JR. M. L. King, Jr. Drive; designated in Brooks County 537 L LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Amusement Ride Safety Act amended; Carnival Ride Safety Act amended; various provisions 366 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act; exemption for certain autoclaves 914 Department of Labor; supplemental appropriations 371


Employer disclosure of certain information regarding employee; immunity 982 Employment Security Law; employer contributions; tax and wage reports; powers and duties of Commissioner of Labor; delinquent payment collection 781 Employment Security Law; various provisions amended 373 Self-insurers guaranty trust fund 638 Temporary help contracting firm employees; failure to report for reassignment 348 Workers' compensation; coverage of unpaid volunteers for Atlanta Committee for Olympic Games or Atlanta Paralympic Organizing Committee 852 Workers' compensation; fraud and compliance unit established; Workers' Compensation Truth in Advertising Act of 1995 enacted 642 Workers' compensation; group self-insurance funds 1201 Workers' compensation; immunity for businesses using temporary help contracting firm or employee leasing company 352 Workers' compensation; liability insurance; apportionment and assignment of rejected policies 1365 LAKE LANIER ISLANDS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Chairperson; powers; master plan for authority's projects 105 LAKE OCONEE Lake Oconee Parkway; designated 494 LAMAR COUNTY Probate Court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3675 Probate court; jurisdiction 3902 LAND BANK AUTHORITIES Bids on tax execution transfers 282 LANDFILLS Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act amended; sludge application; landfills adjacent to bombing ranges; restrictions on landfill siting 1025 Monroe County; board of commissioners; county landfill; waste 4116 LANGFORD, ARTHUR, JR. Arthur Langford, Jr., Memorial Parkway; designated 969 LANGUAGE English designated official language Vetoed SB 49 LAURENS COUNTY Board of education; districts 3976 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND AGENCIES Crime Victims' Bill of Rights enacted; crime victim notification of change in custodial status of offender 385 Department of Public Safety; commissioner's rule-making authority; Auxiliary Service of Uniform Division created Vetoed SB 206


Disposition of personal property in custody; advertisement and sale of certain items in lots 909 DUI testing; breath sampling 1160 Family violence investigation; report contents and review by victim 1186 Georgia Crime Information Center; access to and dissemination of certain criminal history records 633 Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Act amended; jail officers training requirements; terms defined 880 Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Act amended; peace officer defined 1238 Handgun regulation; criminal background checks 139 Indemnification of law enforcement officers, firefighters, prison guards, and emergency medical technicians; amount and method of payments 877 Juvenile custody and detention 863 Juveniles; fingerprinting and photographing 619 Nomenclature and symbols relating to Department of Public Safety and Georgia Bureau of Investigation; unauthorized use 925 Pen registers and trap and trace devices; use 1051 Personal identification cards; cancellation 920 Pursuit of fleeing suspect by officer; causation and damages; penalties for fleeing or attempting to elude officer 855 LAWRENCEVILLE, CITY OF Corporate limits; deannexation 4128 LEE COUNTY Lee County Utilities Authority; membership; powers 3518 LEE COUNTY UTILITIES AUTHORITY Membership; powers 3518 LEESBURG, CITY OF Corporate limits 4129 Mayor and council; compensation 4136 LEXINGTON, CITY OF Mayor and council; terms; elections 3542 LIBERTY COUNTY State property; conveyance 216 LIBRARY, STATE Georgia State Museum and State Library Study Commission; re-creation 499 LINCOLN COUNTY Superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 LITTLE OCMULGEE ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION Easement across state property 196


LOCAL GOVERNMENT Accommodations; county and municipal excise taxes 578 Ad valorem taxes; property located on airport split by county line 1008 Ad valorem taxes; requests for refunds Vetoed HB 441 Alcoholic beverages; sales in residential community development districts 486 Annexation of unincorporated islands; time for submission to U.S. Justice Department for preclearance 840 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Community Business Development Task Force 970 Counties; defense of actions in lieu of insurance; employment of legal counsel 1063 Counties; employment benefits to officers and employees 924 County and Municipal Probation Advisory Council created 396 County taxation; ad valorem taxes; waiver of certain penalties 361 Development authorities; disposition of real property to the state; powers and limitations 440 Development authorities; member of local governing authority eligible for appointment as director; audited financial statement 1188 Distilled spirits; licenses for sales by the drink; repeal of provisions applicable to certain governing authorities 740 Elections for bonded indebtedness; advertisement of election 355 Firearms regulation; local government authority restricted 139 Georgia Crime Information Center; access to and dissemination of certain criminal history records 633 Georgia Future Communities Commission; creation 507 Georgia Municipal Election Code amended; qualification fees; notice of candidacy; qualifying times 786 Joint development authorities; job tax credits 585 Local boards of education; exemption from county and municipal impact fees and assessments and inspections for building permits; sunset repealed 915 Local Government Authorities Registration Act enacted 560 Local Government Efficiency Act amended; terms defined; grant program established; rules and regulations 467 Local taxes; certain exemptions regarding state debt not applicable to certain local taxes 172 Municipal court judges; residency requirement eliminated; applicability provision eliminated 712 Municipal governing authorities; powers; service and enforcement of processes, summonses, notices, or orders 1189 Public roads; disposition of property no longer needed for 1195 Regional facilities contracts; conditions, limitations, and restrictions on exercise of powers to enter contracts 699 Revenue Bond Law; undertaking defined to include jails 286 Special county 1 percent sales and use tax; procedure for imposition; capital outlay projects; certain regional facilities included 288 Speed detection devices; approval of speed limits by Department of Transportation 713 State and Local Government Partnership Act of 1995; enacted; local government impact fiscal notes 1189 Tax executions; sale by counties and municipalities; notice; exclusions from transfer; charges for release; bids by land bank authorities 282


Tax foreclosures; in rem foreclosures; petitions; notice; hearing; judgment; redemption; sale; tax deed 272 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES REGISTRATION ACT Enacted 560 LOCAL GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY ACT Amended; terms defined; grant program established; rules and regulations 467 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Court reporters; compensation 3747 LOTTERY Fidelity fund; blanket bonds; reserve account; retailers' bonds; deposit of securities 635 LOWNDES COUNTY State court; solicitor; full-time; compensation 3681 LUCY MATILDA GAUSS Private Lucy Matilda Gauss Bridge; designated 501 LUMPKIN, CITY OF Corporate limits 4018 LUMPKIN COUNTY Board of commissioners; creation; referendums 3839 Board of education; districts 3832 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4292 M M. L. KING, JR. M. L. King, Jr. Drive; designated in Brooks County 537 MACON, CITY OF Council; districts 4603 Macon-Bibb County Transit Authority; board; membership 3611 MACON COUNTY Board of education; compensation; expenses 3807 MACON-BIBB COUNTY TRANSIT AUTHORITY Board; membership 3611 MACON JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 MAGISTRATE COURTS Banks County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3735

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Butts County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3728 Carroll County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3628 Chatham County; chief magistrate and magistrates; compensation 4118 Chatham County; part-time magistrates; appointment 3751 DeKalb County; chief magistrate; compensation 4106 DeKalb County; chief magistrate and associate magistrate; compensation 4016 Harris County; law library fees 3682 Jefferson County; chief deputy magistrate; compensation 3624 Magistrates; compensation 562 Pierce County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4211 Rockdale County; law library fees 3558 Rockdale County; law library fees 3774 Wilkes County; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3548 MARIETTA, CITY OF Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority; membership; terms 4121 Corporate limits; deannexation 4147 MARKET BULLETIN Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin; voluntary contributions in support of 353 MARTA State property; easements and conveyance 6 Urban enterprise zones; MARTA station areas 4421 MARY ELIZABETH MILLER Conveyance of state property 175 Conveyance of state property 516 MAYME JO HOOD Conveyance of state property 175 Conveyance of state property 516 MCDUFFIE COUNTY Superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 MCKINNEY, JOHN R. John R. McKinney Medal of Honor Highway; designated 515 MCLANE, JANE B. Mrs. Jane B. McLane and her heirs; Bowens Mill Pond; easement across state property 538 MENTAL HEALTH Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Involuntary care for mental illness; access to court records 612 MERIT SYSTEM Grievances; uniform system established Vetoed SB 133

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Rules regarding political activity of state employees Vetoed SB 133 METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY State property; easements and conveyance 6 Urban enterprise zones; MARTA station areas 4421 MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS Licenses; sale by telephone; migratory game birds; fees; deer carcasses 946 MILAM, WADE R., JR. Wade R. Milam, Jr., Bridge designated 228 MILITARY, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, AND VETERANS AFFAIRS Children of certain National Guard members; education grants 961 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Georgia's World War II veterans; recognition; display at James H. Sloppy Floyd Veterans Memorial Building 492 Rights, privileges, and prohibitions applicable to state militia; applicability to Georgia National Guard members 730 MILLER, MARY ELIZABETH Conveyance of state property 175 Conveyance of state property 516 MILTON COUNTY Old Milton Parkway and Old Milton County Bridge; designated 227 MINORS Adoption decrees; time limits for judicial challenges 791 Drivers' licenses; valid until age 21; renewal before age 21 Vetoed SB 34 See also JUVENILE COURTS and CHILDREN AND YOUTH MITCHELL COUNTY Board of education; compensation 3730 MONROE COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4111 Board of commissioners; county landfill; waste 4116 Board of commissioners; local custodian and local registrar of vital records; fees 3974 MONROE, CITY OF Council; membership; districts; terms; qualifications; elections 3535 Telecommunications services; community antenna television services 4103 MORGAN COUNTY Board of commissioners; chairman; compensation 3612 MORROW, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 3909

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MORTGAGE LOANS Financial institutions; department and commissioner; powers and duties; banks, trust companies, and credit unions; money orders; mortgage loans 673 MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Abandoned motor vehicles; removal and storage of vehicles; determination of vehicle status and ownership 663 Bicycles; ride on right side of roadway 271 Commercial motor vehicles; disqualifications from driving 229 Deceptive or unfair trade practices; consumer transactions; odometers; federal law 729 Drivers' licenses; certain convictions forwarded to Department of Public Safety; certain convictions filed on driver's record; license reinstatement 917 Drivers' licenses; resident defined; notice of change of address required; sanctions for unlawful use of license 920 Drivers' licenses; valid until age 21; renewal before age 21 Vetoed SB 34 Driving students; exemption from license requirements; eyesight examinations Vetoed SB 250 DUI risk reduction programs; satellite programs exempt from certain program rules Vetoed SB 250 DUI testing; breath sampling; evidence 1160 Excess weight and size of vehicles; emergency permits for vehicles and loads over 16 feet wide 155 Forfeiture of certain property used in commission of burglary or armed robbery 1051 Fulton County; motor vehicle racetracks 4497 Government owned vehicles; registration and license plates 1302 Lengths of certain vehicles and loads 990 Motor vehicle insurance; dishonored instrument for payment 1011 Motor vehicle insurance; premium reduction for qualified students 1348 Motor vehicle insurance; self-insurers; cash deposits required 1348 Motor vehicle registration periods; deadlines; penalties; titles; security interests; ad valorem taxes; license plates; fees 809 Pedestrians; stopping for 229 Personal identification cards; cancellation 920 Pursuit of fleeing suspect by officer; causation and damages; penalties for fleeing or attempting to elude officer 855 Registration and licensing of motor vehicles; replacement license plates or revalidation decals; optional permanent plates for certain trailers; fees 742 Security interests in and liens on motor vehicles; effect of rental price adjustment 739 Self-insurers; cash deposit required; transition period 1060 Special license plates to support 1996 Paralympic Games 238 Special license plates to support nongame wildlife conservation 1021 Speed detection devices; approval of speed limits 713 Wearing headsets while operating motor vehicle; speed limits; signage; penalties 759 Weight limitations on vehicles hauling certain commodities 862 MOULTRIE, CITY OF Conveyance of state property to city 181


MUNICIPAL COURTS Cleveland; appeals 3618 Dawson; contempt; penalties 3608 Garden City; penalties 3677 Gordon; jurisdiction 3867 Judges; residency requirement eliminated; applicability provision eliminated 712 Local victim assistance programs 260 Thunderbolt; judge; jurisdiction; penalties 4193 Tignall; penalties 4082 MUNICIPALITIES Accommodations; county and municipal excise taxes 578 Ad valorem taxes; requests for refunds Vetoed HB 441 Annexation of unincorporated islands; time for submission to U.S. Justice Department for preclearance 840 Community Business Development Task Force 970 County and Municipal Probation Advisory Council created 396 Development authorities; member of local governing authority eligible for appointment as director; audited financial statement 1188 Distilled spirits; licenses for sales by the drink; repeal of provisions applicable to certain governing authorities 740 Elections for bonded indebtedness; advertisement of election 355 Firearms regulation; local government authority restricted 139 Georgia Future Communities Commission; creation 507 Georgia Municipal Election Code amended; qualification fees; notice of candidacy; qualifying times 786 Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System; limitation on employee contributions to retirement plan 1061 Local boards of education; exemption from county and municipal impact fees and assessments and inspections for building permits; sunset repealed 915 Local Government Authorities Registration Act enacted 560 Local Government Efficiency Act amended; terms defined; grant program established; rules and regulations 467 Local taxes; certain exemptions regarding state debt not applicable to certain local taxes 172 Municipal court judges; residency requirement eliminated; applicability provision eliminated 712 Municipal elections and primaries; various provisions 1027 Municipal governing authorities; powers; service and enforcement of processes, summonses, notices, or orders 1189 Public roads; disposition of property no longer needed for 1195 Regional facilities contracts; conditions, limitations, and restrictions on exercise of powers to enter contracts 699 Speed detection devices; approval of speed limits by Department of Transportation 713 Tax executions; sale by counties and municipalities; notice; exclusions from transfer; charges for release; bids by land bank authorities 282 MUNICIPALITIES BY POPULATION 50,000 or more, urbanized areas of; speed limits on interstate highways outside of 759

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Cities located in counties of 12,800 12,900; issuance of licenses to sell alcoholic beverages by the drink; repealed 740 MUSCOGEE COUNTY Board of elections and registration; membership; executive director; staff 3904 MUSEUMS Georgia State Museum and State Library Study Commission; re-creation 499 N NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION Standard 1201 341 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Program of the National Rifle Association; adoption by school systems urged 972 NATURAL DISASTERS Deceptive or unfair trade practices; disaster related violations; additional civil penalty; remedies 697 NEWBORN, TOWN OF Chain gangs; liquor; itinerants; cable television 4590 NEWTON COUNTY Superior court; judges; salary supplement 4219 Superior court; judges; salary supplement 4221 NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS Nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations; raffles operated by 832 Reinstatement after administrative dissolution; time for application; name 975 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Exemption from regulation of single-passenger chairlift in building owned and operated by nonprofit organization 1046 Nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations; raffles operated by 832 NONPUBLIC POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION COMMISSION Powers and duties expanded; tuition equalization grants 265 NORTH GEORGIA COLLEGE ROTC grant program; tuition assistance amount 885 NORTH GEORGIA MOUNTAINS AUTHORITY Members; chairperson; powers; master plan for authority's projects 105 NORTHERN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 NURSING HOMES Employment applicants; criminal record check 570

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O OCILLA, CITY OF Mayor and council; districts; elections 4240 OCONEE COUNTY Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3679 OCONEE, LAKE Lake Oconee Parkway; designated 494 ODOMETERS Deceptive or unfair trade practices; consumer transactions; odometers; federal law 729 OFFICIAL CODE OF GEORGIA ANNOTATED Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Title 21; elections; Code revision 8 Title 47; retirement and pensions; corrections 27 OFFICIAL DESIGNATIONS English designated official language Vetoed SB 49 Georgia designated poultry capital of the world 365 Peach designated official state fruit 362 Peanut; designated as official Georgia state crop 934 Women's History Month; designation of March, 1995 519 OGEECHEE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 OGLETHORPE COUNTY Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4395 OLD MILTON COUNTY Old Milton Parkway and Old Milton County Bridge; designated 227 OLYMPIAD AND PARALYMPIC GAMES Special license plates to support 1996 Paralympic Games 238 Temporary suspension of state and local taxes on certain imports 465 Tickets; authorized sale; scalping Vetoed HB 516 OMAHA, CITY OF Disposition of assets and liabilities 3684 OPEN RECORDS Exemptions from public disclosure 704 Georgia Crime Information Center; access to and dissemination of certain criminal history records 633 Juvenile records; inspection of 619

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Records and disclosures regarding certain terminated employees 1081 ORCHARD HILL, CITY OF Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission; creation 4429 OSTEOPOROSIS PREVENTION AND TREATMENT EDUCATION ACT Enacted 841 P PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATIONS Sales and use tax; exemption 364 PAROLE Crime Victims' Bill of Rights enacted; crime victim notification of change in custodial status of offender 385 General Educational Development (GED) diploma requirements for parolees 625 Revocation; bond pending hearing 1043 PEACE OFFICERS' ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND State examining board investigators; eligible for membership Vetoed HB 326 PEACH Designated official state fruit 362 PEACH COUNTY Homestead exemption; school district taxes; referendum 4181 PEANUTS Designated as official Georgia state crop 934 PELHAM, CITY OF City manager; mayor and council; vacancies 3864 PELHAM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Lease of state property 510 PENAL INSTITUTIONS Alcohol or drug use risk reduction programs 625 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Construction and staffing; regional jail authorities 285 Crime Victims' Bill of Rights enacted; crime victim notification of change in custodial status of offender 385 Denmark Groover, Jr., Hospital; designated 491 Department of Corrections as special school district for incarcerated youths 357 Detention facility defined for purposes of repayment of expenses for medical services and treatment 1059 General Educational Development (GED) diploma requirements for parolees 625 Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Act amended; jail officer training requirements; terms defined 880


Indemnification of law enforcement officers, firefighters, prison guards, and emergency medical technicians; amount and method of payments 877 Jailing prisoners outside county where offense committed 291 Juvenile proceedings; juveniles in custody; rights and responsibilities of Department of Corrections 783 Probation; community service pilot project; probation services; private probation officers and contracts; intergovernmental contracts 396 Probation detention centers and probation diversion centers; uses; confinement therein; powers and responsibilities of Department of Corrections 627 Regional Jail Authorities Act 292 Revenue Bond Law; undertaking defined to include jails 286 Riot in penal institution; penalties 137 Special school district for incarcerated youths 357 William E. Bill Ireland Youth Development Campus; designated 194 PERRY, CITY OF Department and agency directors; city manager 3893 PETE HACKNEY Pete Hackney Parking Facility; designated 520 PETROLEUM PIPELINES Eminent domain 161 PIEDMONT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 PIERCE COUNTY Board of commissioners; districts 4235 Board of education; districts 3941 Board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4213 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4211 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4206 PIKE COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3938 Board of commissioners; districts 3562 Board of education; compensation 3945 Board of education; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3776 Pike County Agribusiness Authority; creation 3770 PIKE COUNTY AGRIBUSINESS AUTHORITY Creation 3770 PINE MOUNTAIN TRAIL Designation of portion in honor of D. Neal Wickham 503 PIPELINES Petroleum pipelines; eminent domain 161


POLITICAL ACTIVITY State employees Vetoed SB 133 POLK COUNTY Tax commissioner; compensation 3837 POULAN, CITY OF Conveyance of state property 518 POULTRY Georgia designated poultry capital of the world 365 POWER OF ATTORNEY Financial power of attorney; statutory form 1171 PRIVACY Broadcasting, printing, or publishing contents of unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications unlawful 1023 PRIVATE LUCY MATILDA GAUSS Private Lucy Matilda Gauss Bridge; designated 501 PROBATE COURTS Banks County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3737 Brantley County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3992 Butts County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3586 Chatham County; clerk; compensation provisions repealed 3525 Chatham County; judge; clerk; compensation 4118 Clayton County; judge; compensation 3936 Cobb County; judge; clerk; compensation 3627 Decatur County; judge; nonpartisan elections 3529 DeKalb County; judge; compensation 4016 Gordon County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3523 Guardians and temporary guardians; appointment 1171 Harris County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3947 Hart County; judge; compensation 3971 Lamar County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3675 Lamar County; jurisdiction 3902 Oconee County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3679 Oglethorpe County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4395 Pierce County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 4206 Probate judges; training; limitation on fees retained for certain services 768 Upson County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3633 Wilkes County; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3552 PROBATE JUDGES TRAINING COUNCIL Initial training and continuing education for probate judges 768 PROBATION Community service pilot project; probation services; County and Municipal Probation Advisory Council; private officers and contracts 396

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Revocation; bond pending hearing 1043 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Hearings 1072 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS COMMISSION Executive secretary; employment 1069 PROFESSIONS AND BUSINESSES Appraisers, real estate brokers, associate brokers, and salespersons; regulatory provisions 1216 Chiropractors; Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners; regulation of chiropractic 983 Felony conviction of licensee; notice Vetoed HB 326 Funeral directors; tagging dead body or remains prior to disposition 839 Funeral directors and embalmers; continuing education 853 Grounds for refusing or revoking licenses; letters of concern; costs of investigations and litigation Vetoed HB 326 Licensed practical nurses; licensure by endorsement; exception to active practice requirement 354 Marriage and family therapists; licensure; requirements 874 Optometrists; permissible pharmaceutical agents for treatment purposes; nonnarcotic oral analgesics included 351 Physicians; income tax credit for physicians practicing in rural counties at rural hospitals 960 Physician's assistants; terms defined; additional duties and authorities 827 Plumbing defined 860 Professional development activities; deductions from wages and salaries of certain public employees 831 Professional engineers and land surveyors; powers of state board 860 Specific, business, and occupation taxes; extensive revision of general provisions 419 State Board of Registration for Used Motor Vehicle Dismantlers, Rebuilders, and Salvage Dealers; certain related act repealed 441 State Board of Registration of Used Car Dealers; certain related act repealed 441 Used Motor Vehicle Dealers' and Used Motor Vehicle Parts Dealers' Registration Act enacted 441 Used motor vehicle parts dealers, dismantlers, rebuilders, and salvage dealers; certain related provisions repealed 441 PROPERTY Actions for breaches of restrictive covenants; limitation periods 727 Bankruptcy and intestate insolvent estates; exemption for certain payments 347 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Financial institutions; department and commissioner; powers and duties; banks, trust companies, and credit unions; money orders; mortgage loans 673 Forfeiture of certain property used in commission of burglary or armed robbery 1051 Georgia Land Sales Act amended; comprehensive revision 993 Georgia Time-Share Act amended; comprehensive revision 1260 Landlord and tenant; notice of previous flooding of property; civil liability of owner 266

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Liens of persons without privity of contract; notice of commencement of work; contractor to provide copy of notice upon request 672 Mortgages; filing, recording, and indexing deemed constructive notice to subsequent bona fide purchasers 1076 Petroleum pipelines; eminent domain 161 Property Tax Credit Act of 1995; income tax credit for portion of ad valorem taxes paid Vetoed HB 38 Public housing authorities; demand for possession and lease termination 577 Public roads; disposition of property no longer needed for 1195 Real property; conveyances; information regarding agricultural or silvicultural activity 1198 Real property; reversion of title conveyed to secure debt 1198 Unclaimed property; disposition; restrictions on service charges imposed by banks on certain outstanding instruments 1368 PROPERTY TAX CREDIT ACT OF 1995 Enacted; income tax credit for portion of ad valorem taxes paid Vetoed HB 38 PUBLIC HOUSING Public housing authorities; demand for possession and lease termination 577 PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Coroners and medical examiners; subpoenas for AIDS confidential information 350 Counties; defense of actions in lieu of insurance; employment of legal counsel 1063 Deductions from wages and salaries; not-for-profit organizations; transit passes 831 Drug testing for certain applicants 667 General Assembly; expense reimbursement and allowances for members 1018 Georgia Rail Passenger Authority; expense allowance and travel costs for members 1041 Income taxes; Federal Retiree Refund Act of 1995 1 Indemnification of law enforcement officers, firefighters, prison guards, emergency medical technicians, and members of Georgia National Guard 877 Motor vehicle expenses reimbursement; change in mileage rate 791 Records and disclosures regarding certain terminated employees 1081 State employees; political activity; uniform grievance system established Vetoed SB 133 State Employees' Health Insurance Plan; Georgia Housing and Finance Authority employees participate 573 State examining board investigators; membership in Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund Vetoed HB 326 State Merit System; length of working test 345 State Transportation Board; per diem and transportation costs for members 1041 Wage incentive payments to certain employees prohibited 1081 PUBLIC SCHOOL DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL ACT Amended; certain disciplinary sanctions authorized 1340

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PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Authority to invest in corporations or obligations of corporations 651 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Jurisdiction regarding telephone service 886 PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Broadcasting, printing, or publishing contents of unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications unlawful 1023 Cellular radio telephone communications; unlawful to print, broadcast, or publish contents of unlawfully intercepted communications 1023 Commercial motor vehicles; disqualifications from driving 229 Consumers' Utility Counsel Division of Governor's Office of Consumer affairs; created 167 Deceptive or unfair trade practices; solicitation for inclusion in telephone classified advertising directory; notice required 733 Exchanges in 404 area code 886 Harassing phone calls 574 Pen registers and trap and trace devices; use 1051 Prohibited conduct; portability; charges; penalties; hearings; expanded calling areas 886 Public Service Commission; jurisdiction regarding telephone service 886 Regulation; certificates of authority; interconnection among companies; resale of services; alternative regulation; universal access fund 886 Transit passes; wage and salary deductions for certain public employees 831 Universal access fund 886 Wiretapping and eavesdropping; unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications; unlawful to print, broadcast, or publish contents 1023 PUTNAM COUNTY Board of education; compensation 3722 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes; referendums 4414 Q R RAFFLES Operation by licensed nonprofit, tax-exempt organization; operation without license 832 REAL PROPERTY Actions for breaches of restrictive covenants; limitation periods 727 Appraisers, brokers, associate brokers, and salespersons; regulatory provisions 1216 Conveyances; information regarding agricultural and silvicultural activity 1198 Intangible recording tax; long-term notes secured by realty; payment by borrower or mortgagor 224 Landlord and tenant; notice of previous flooding of property; civil liability of owner 266 Loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding interest on claim in bankruptcy 956


Reversion of title conveyed to secure debt 1198 Tax executions; sale by counties and municipalities; notice; exclusions from transfer; charges for release; bids by land bank authorities 282 Tax foreclosures; in rem foreclosures; petitions; notice; hearing; judgment; redemption; sale; tax deed 272 RECREATIONAL AUTHORITIES OVERVIEW COMMITTEE Creation; members; duties; reports 105 REGIONAL JAIL AUTHORITIES ACT Enacted 292 REIDSVILLE, CITY OF Conveyance of state property 500 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION Ms. Charlotte Brandenburg 521 Mr. William H. Clark and Five Star Dodge, Inc. 506 Ms. Sue F. Condrey 493 Mr. Robert T. Cramer 504 Five Star Dodge, Inc., and Mr. William H. Clark 506 Ms. Carrie Fletcher 521 Mr. Alonzo Key 494 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING LAND CONVEYANCES Acworth; consent to annexation of state property 541 ALLTEL Georgia; easement across state property 185 Baldwin County; easement across state property 185 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.; easement across state property 196 Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 185 Carroll County Board of Education; exchange with 533 Cartersville; confirmation of nonownership of property by the state 222 Cave Spring; consent to annexation by city 528 Cave Spring; conveyance to city 541 Chatham County; exchange of property with state 179 Cobb County; easement across state property 185 Colquitt County Board of Education; conveyance 183 Currahee Paging Company; lease to 522 Georgia Power Company; easement 196 Gwinnett/Rockdale/Newton Creative Enterprises, Inc.; lease 177 Habersham Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 196 Hart County; easement across state property 196 Liberty County; conveyance 216 Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 196 Mayme Jo Hood, Mary Elizabeth Miller, and Bennie L. and Vora Elaine Hudson; conveyances 175 Mayme Jo Hood, Mary Elizabeth Miller, and Bennie L. and Vora Elaine Hudson; conveyances 516 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority; state property; easements; conveyance 6 Moultrie; conveyance to city 181


Mrs. Jane B. McLane and her heirs; Bowens Mill Pond; easement 538 Pelham Development Corporation; lease 510 Poulan; conveyance to city 518 Reidsville; conveyance to city 500 Rhodes Memorial Hall; rental to The Georgia Trust For Historic Preservation, Inc. 1372 Richmond County; conveyance 159 Richmond County; conveyance or lease by Georgia Building Authority 218 Standard Telephone Company; easement 196 Stephens County Board of Education; sale to 533 Troup County; sublease of property located in 522 Walker County; easement across state property 196 Whitfield County; sale of property located in 533 Winder; lease to 522 RESUSCITATION Orders not to resuscitate 722 RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS Code revision; corrections 27 Counties; employment benefits to officers and employees 924 Disability; time for submission of evidence under Employees' Retirement System of Georgia 333 District Attorneys Retirement Fund of Georgia; administration of fund 787 District Attorneys' Retirement System; administration of fund 787 District Attorneys' Retirement System; amount of retirement benefits for certain members 1065 Employees' Retirement System of Georgia; administration of certain other funds 787 Georgia Firemen's Pension Fund; board of trustees; nomination of certain members 332 Georgia Firemen's Pension Fund; fire department defined 1064 Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System; limitation on employee contributions to retirement plan 1061 Judges of the Probate Courts Retirement Fund of Georgia; eligibility for benefits; time for vesting 907 Judges of the Probate Courts Retirement Fund of Georgia; surviving spouse defined 908 Public retirement or pensions systems; computation of employee contributions and benefits 351 Public retirement systems; investment authority of certain systems 651 Retirement bills; actuarial investigations for certain amendments; funding of bills with fiscal impact 331 Regent's retirement plan; membership decision; mutual fund shares for optional plan 334 Sheriffs' Retirement Fund of Georgia; retirement benefit options; cost-of-living increase 789 State examining board investigators; membership in Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund Vetoed HB 326 Superior Court Judges Retirement Fund of Georgia; administration of fund 787


Superior Court Judges Retirement System; administration of fund 787 REVENUE AND TAXATION Accommodations; county and municipal excise taxes 578 Ad valorem taxes; executions; sale by counties and municipalities; notice; exclusions from transfer; charges; bids by land bank authorities 282 Ad valorem taxes; property located on airport split by county line 1008 Ad valorem taxes; requests for refunds Vetoed HB 441 Ad valorem taxes; standing timber; assessment; millage rate; weighted average prices; owner harvests 792 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 County taxation; ad valorem taxes; waiver of certain penalties 361 Georgia Public Revenue Code; Internal Revenue Code defined; effectiveness of certain provisions 324 Historical fraternal benefit association; ad valorem tax exemption for certain property; referendum 233 Homestead Option Sales and Use Tax Act enacted 655 Income taxes; agreement on withholding state taxes from retirement benefits of certain federal annuitants 1154 Income taxes; allocation and apportionment of corporate net income; computation of income 714 Income taxes; credit for physicians practicing in rural counties at rural hospitals 960 Income taxes; Federal Retiree Refund Act of 1995 1 Intangible recording tax; long-term notes secured by realty; payment by borrower or mortgagor 224 Job tax credits; joint development authorities 585 Local taxes; certain exemptions regarding state debt not applicable to certain local taxes 172 Motor fuel taxes; dyed fuel oils; tax and licensing exemptions; notices; penalties 359 Olympiad and paralympic games; temporary suspension of state and local taxes on certain imports 465 Property Tax Credit Act of 1995; income tax credit for portion of ad valorem taxes paid Vetoed HB 38 Retired federal employees; refund of certain income taxes 902 Retired federal employees; withholding of state income taxes 1154 Sales and use tax; exemptions for certain machinery 585 Sales and use tax; exemptions for parent-teacher organizations 364 Sales and use tax; exemptions for timber growing and harvesting equipment and attachments 991 Special county 1 percent sales and use tax; certain uses of proceeds; ballot questions; reimposition 172 Special county 1 percent sales and use tax; procedure for imposition; capital outlay projects; certain regional facilities included 288 Specific, business, and occupation taxes; extensive revision of general provisions 419 Standing timber; assessment; millage rate; weighted average prices; owner harvests 792 Stone Mountain Memorial Association; tax exemptions; exceptions; expenditures of certain proceeds; reports 935

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Tax credits; counties under severe economic stress 585 Tax credits; employers; retraining programs; child care 585 Tax credits; employers of AFDC recipients 1155 Tax credits; manufacturing and manufacturing support facilities in certain counties; qualified investment property 585 Tax executions; sale by counties and municipalities; notice; exclusions from transfer; charges for release; bids by land bank authorities 282 Tax-exempt nonprofit organizations; raffles operated by 832 Tax foreclosures; in rem foreclosures; petitions; notice; hearing; judgment; redemption; sale; tax deed 272 REVENUE BOND LAW Undertaking defined to include jails 286 RHODES MEMORIAL HALL Rental to The Georgia Trust For Historic Preservation, Inc. 1372 RICHMOND COUNTY Augusta; consolidation with Richmond County and City of Hephzibah; charter repeal; referendum 3642 Consolidation with City of Augusta and City of Hephzibah; referendums 3648 Conveyance of state property to county 159 Conveyance or lease of state property by Georgia Building Authority 218 Hephzibah; consolidation with Richmond County and City of Augusta; charter repeal; referendum 3645 ROBERT T. CRAMER Compensation 504 ROCKDALE COUNTY Board of commissioners; director of finance 3961 Board of commissioners; purchases; advertisements 3556 Board of commissioners; purchases; bids 3959 Board of elections and registration; creation 3929 Board of elections and registration; creation 3740 Magistrate court; law library fees 3774 Magistrate court; law library fees 3558 Rockdale County Water and Sewerage Authority; creation 3994 ROCKDALE COUNTY WATER AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY Creation 3994 ROSWELL, CITY OF Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 3603 S SAFETY Georgia Safe Dams Act of 1978; exemption for dams constructed or financially assisted by agencies of federal government 987


Indemnification of law enforcement officers, firefighters, prison guards, and emergency medical technicians; amount and method of payments 877 SAVANNAH, CITY OF Georgia International and Maritime Trade Center Authority; creation 4499 Industrial and domestic water supply system 4569 Park and Tree Commission; powers; duties; jurisdiction 4567 SCHOOLS See EDUCATION SECURITY INSTRUMENTS Intangible recording tax; long-term notes secured by realty; payment by borrower or mortgagor 224 Real property conveyed to secure debt; reversion of title 1198 SHADY DALE, CITY OF New charter 3778 SHERIFFS' RETIREMENT FUND OF GEORGIA Retirement benefit options; cost-of-living increase 789 SMYRNA, CITY OF Unpaid ad valorem taxes; interest and penalties; waiver 3814 SOCIAL CIRCLE, CITY OF Mayor and council; elections; districts; terms; qualifications 4008 SOCIAL SERVICES Aid to Families With Dependent Children; replacement of cash assistance with paid employment; tax credit for employers of aid recipients 1155 Child abuse registry 937 Department of Children and Youth Services; donations and grants to department 955 Department of Human Resources; financial assistance to families adopting hard-to-place children Vetoed HB 253 Georgia Policy Council for Children and Families Act; enacted 316 Individual and Family Support Act of 1995 Vetoed HB 262 SOLID WASTE Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act amended; sludge application; landfills adjacent to bombing ranges; restrictions on landfill siting 1025 Monroe County; board of commissioners; county landfill; waste 4116 SPALDING COUNTY Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission 4429 SPEED DETECTION DEVICES Approval of speed limits 713


STANDARD TELEPHONE COMPANY Easement across state property 196 STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP ACT OF 1995 Enacted; local government impact fiscal notes 1189 STATE AUDITOR Annual report of salaries and expenses of state government personnel 363 Statistics regarding architectural and engineering firms; contracts with Department of Transportation 912 STATE BOXING COMMISSION Contracts for promoting amateur boxing; sunset repealed 671 STATE COMMISSION ON FAMILY VIOLENCE Membership 1186 STATE COURTS Baldwin County; terms 4150 Bulloch County; judge; solicitor; compensation 3641 Burke County; judge; compensation 3777 Carroll County; judge; nonpartisan elections 3766 Chatham County; judge; compensation 4118 Clayton County; deputy clerk; compensation; benefits 3911 Cobb County; chief judge; clerk; chief deputy clerk; compensation 4248 Cobb County; judges; associate judges; compensation 3609 Cobb County; solicitor; compensation 3818 DeKalb County; judge; solicitor; compensation 4016 Effingham County; judge; compensation 3685 Local victim assistance programs 260 Lowndes County; solicitor; full-time; compensation 3681 STATE EMPLOYEES Grievances; uniform system established Vetoed SB 133 Length of working test 345 Motor vehicle expenses reimbursement; change in mileage rate 791 Political activity Vetoed SB 133 State Employees' Health Insurance Plan; Georgia Housing and Finance Authority employees' participation 573 See also RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS STATE EMPLOYEES' HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN Georgia Housing and Finance Authority employees participation 573 STATE GOVERNMENT Appropriations; supplemental; S.F.Y. 1994-1995 28 Appropriations; supplemental for Department of Labor 371 Appropriations; S.F.Y. 1995-1996 1082 Aquaculture Development Commission; membership; subcommittees 1059


Budgetary responsibility and oversight committee; evaluation of state government programs 923 English designated official language Vetoed SB 49 Evaluation of state programs by budgetary responsibility and oversight committee 923 Georgia designated poultry capital of the world 365 Georgia Institute for Community Business Development; created 870 Georgia's World War II veterans; recognition; display at James H. Sloppy Floyd Veterans Memorial Building 492 Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities created 406 Information Technology Policy Act of 1995 enacted 761 Lottery; fidelity fund; blanket bonds; reserve account; retailers' bonds; deposit of securities 635 Motor vehicle expenses reimbursement; change in mileage rate 791 Open records; exemptions from public disclosure 704 Peach designated official state fruit 362 Peanut; designated as official Georgia state crop 934 S.F.Y. 1995-1996 1082 State auditor's annual report of salaries and expenses of state government personnel 363 State Boxing Commission; contracts for promoting amateur boxing; sunset repealed 671 State Properties Code amended; State Properties Commission; membership, organization, and executive director 1066 Statistics regarding architectural and engineering firms; contracts with Department of Transportation 912 Welcome centers; automated tellers and cash dispensing machines 416 Women's History Month; designation of March, 1995 519 STATE LIBRARY Georgia State Museum and State Library Study Commission; re-creation 499 STATE MERIT SYSTEM OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Length of working test 345 Rules regarding employee grievances Vetoed SB 133 Rules regarding political activity of state employees Vetoed SB 133 State Employees' Health Insurance Plan; Georgia Housing and Finance Authority employees' participation 573 STATE MUSEUM Georgia State Museum and State Library Study Commission; re-creation 499 STATE PERSONNEL BOARD Length of working test 345 Rules regarding employee grievances Vetoed SB 133 Rules regarding political activity of state employees Vetoed SB 133 STATE PROPERTIES COMMISSION Membership; organization; executive director 1066


STATE PROPERTY Acworth; consent to annexation of state property by the city 541 ALLTEL Georgia; easement across state property 185 Baldwin County; easement across state property 185 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.; easement across state property 196 Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 185 Carroll County Board of Education; exchange with 533 Cartersville; confirmation of nonownership of property by the state 222 Cave Spring; consent to annexation by city 528 Cave Spring; conveyance to city 541 Chatham County; exchange of property with state 179 Cobb County; easement across state property 185 Colquitt County Board of Education; conveyance 183 Currahee Paging Company; lease to 522 Denmark Groover, Jr., Hospital; designated 491 Georgia Power Company; easement 196 Georgia's World War II veterans; recognition; display at James H. Sloppy Floyd Veterans Memorial Building 492 Gwinnett/Rockdale/Newton Creative Enterprises, Inc.; lease 177 Habersham Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 196 Hart County; easement across state property 196 Henry Tumlin family; commemorative marker at Etowah Mounds State Historic Site 221 Liberty County; conveyance 216 Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation; easement across state property 196 Mayme Jo Hood, Mary Elizabeth Miller, and Bennie L. and Vora Elaine Hudson; conveyances 175 Mayme Jo Hood, Mary Elizabeth Miller, and Bennie L. and Vora Elaine Hudson; conveyances 516 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority;; easements; conveyance 6 Moultrie; conveyance to city 181 Mrs. Jane B. McLane and her heirs; Bowens Mill Pond; easement 538 Pelham Development Corporation; lease of state property 510 Pete Hackney Parking Facility; designated 520 Poulan; conveyance 518 Reidsville; conveyance to city 500 Rhodes Memorial Hall; rental to The Georgia Trust For Historic Preservation, Inc. 1372 Richmond County; conveyance 159 Richmond County; conveyance or lease by Georgia Building Authority 218 Standard Telephone Company; easement 196 Stephens County Board of Education; sale to 533 Troup County; sublease of property located in 522 Walker County; easement across state property 196 Whitfield County; sale of property located in 533 William E. Bill Ireland Youth Development Campus; designated 194 Winder; lease to 522 STATE SYMBOLS Peach; designated as official state fruit 362

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Peanut; designated as official Georgia state crop 934 Poultry; Georgia designated poultry capital of the world 365 STATE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Members; per diem and transportation costs 1041 See also HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, AND FERRIES STATESBORO, CITY OF Committees; mayor; duties; officers and employees; oaths; bonds; city clerk 3630 STEPHENS COUNTY Board of education; sale of state property to 533 STEWART COUNTY Board of education; elections; districts; terms 3713 Omaha; disposition of assets and liabilities 3684 STONE MOUNTAIN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Judges; supplement 3521 STONE MOUNTAIN MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION Members; chairperson; authority; adherence to master plan for Stone Mountain 105 Stone Mountain Memorial Association; tax exemptions; exceptions; expenditures of certain proceeds; reports 935 STUDENTS See EDUCATION SUE F. CONDREY Compensation 493 SUMNER, TOWN OF New charter; referendum 4331 SUMTER COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 4104 SUNNYSIDE, CITY OF Griffin-Spalding County Charter and Unification Commission 4429 SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES RETIREMENT FUND OF GEORGIA Administration of fund 787 Investment authority 651 SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Administration of fund 787 Authority to invest in corporation or obligations of corporations 651


SUPERIOR COURTS Alcovy Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Alcovy Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4219 Alcovy Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 4221 Augusta Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Catoosa County; court reporters; compensation 3747 Chatham County; clerk; compensation 4118 Chattooga County; court reporters; compensation 3747 Clayton County; deputy clerk; compensation; benefits 3907 Clerks; fees; automated information system for property; collection and remittance of fees 260 Clerk's fees in family violence cases 863 Cobb County; chief deputy sheriff; chief investigator; executive assistant; compensation; qualifications 4427 Cobb County; chief judge; salary supplement 4013 Cobb County; deputy clerk; compensation 4126 Cobb County; district attorney; assistant district attorneys; investigators 4138 Cobb County; district attorney; investigators and assistant district attorneys; compensation 3619 Cobb Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Cobb Judicial Circuit; chief judge; salary supplement 4013 Cobb Judicial Circuit; district attorney; investigators; assistant district attorneys 4138 Cobb Judicial Circuit; district attorney; investigators and assistant district attorneys; compensation 3619 Conasauga Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Coweta Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Dade County; court reporters; compensation 3747 DeKalb County; judges; salary supplement 3521 DeKalb County; sheriff; clerk; district attorney; compensation 4016 Glascock County; judges; salary supplement 3982 Hart County; clerk; compensation 3971 Lincoln County; judges; salary supplement 3982 Local victim assistance programs 260 Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit; court reporters; compensation 3747 Macon Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 McDuffie County; judges; salary supplement 3982 Newton County; judges; salary supplement 4221 Newton County; judges; salary supplement 4219 Northern Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Ogeechee Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Piedmont Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077 Revocation of parole or probation; bond pending hearing 1043 Senior judges; assistance provided by 916 Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit; judges; supplement 3521 Taliaferro County; judges; salary supplement 3982 Toombs Judicial Circuit; judges; salary supplement 3982 Walker County; court reporters; compensation 3747 Walton County; judges; salary supplement 4221 Walton County; judges; salary supplement 4219 Warren County; judges; salary supplements 3982 Western Judicial Circuit; additional judge 1077


Wilkes County; judges; salary supplement 3982 SUPREME COURT Senior justices; assistance provided by 916 T TALBOT COUNTY Board of education; compensation; expenses; benefits 3541 TALIAFERRO COUNTY Superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 TATTNALL COUNTY Board of elections; creation 3869 TAXATION See REVENUE AND TAXATION TAYLOR COUNTY Taylor County Building Authority; creation 3568 Taylor County Water and Sewerage Authority; creation 3589 TAYLOR COUNTY BUILDING AUTHORITY Creation 3568 TAYLOR COUNTY WATER AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY Creation 3589 TEACHERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF GEORGIA Authority to invest in corporations or obligations of corporations 651 TELEPHONE SERVICE Broadcasting, printing, or publishing contents of unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications unlawful 1023 Cellular radio telephone communications; unlawful to print, broadcast, or publish contents of unlawfully intercepted communications 1023 Deceptive or unfair trade practices; solicitation for inclusion in telephone classified advertising directory; notice required 733 Exchanges in 404 area code 886 Harassing phone calls 574 Pen registers and trap and trace devices; use 1051 Prohibited conduct; portability; charges; penalties; hearings; expanded calling areas 886 Regulation; certificates of authority; interconnection among companies; resale of services; alternative regulation; universal access fund 886 Universal access fund 886 Wiretapping and eavesdropping; unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications; unlawful to print, broadcast, or publish contents 1023 TEXTBOOKS Public schools; selection; requests by superintendents and teachers 1017


THUNDERBOLT, TOWN OF Mayor and council; powers; town clerk; town administrator; municipal court; judge; jurisdiction; penalties 4193 TIGNALL, TOWN OF Municipal court; penalties 4082 TOBACCO Warehousemen; leaf tobacco; charges; Georgia Tobacco Marketing Act of 1995 104 TOOMBS JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Judges; salary supplement 3982 TORTS Catastrophic acts of nature; limitation on liability for certain acts performed in connection with 954 Suspect fleeing officer in pursuit; officer's pursuit not proximate cause of certain damages 855 TRANSPORTATION See AVIATION; HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, AND FERRIES; and PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION TRAUMA State-wide trauma response system plan; creation directed 973 TRIAL JUDGES AND SOLICITORS RETIREMENT FUND Authority to invest in corporations or obligations of corporations 651 TROUP COUNTY Board of education; terms 4100 TRUSTEE Insurable interest 776 TUMLIN, HENRY Henry Tumlin family; commemorative marker at Etowah Mounds State Historic Site 221 TURNER, J. L. J. L. Turner Bridge; designated 194 TWIGGS COUNTY Board of education; districts; terms 3819 TYBEE ISLAND, CITY OF Corporate limits 4496 Easements and property rights 4601


New charter; referendum 4462 TYRONE, TOWN OF Franchise agreements; terms 4596 U UNIFORM COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSE ACT Amended; disqualifications from driving 229 UNIFORM RULES OF THE ROAD See MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC UNITED STATES Federal Retiree Refund Act of 1995 1 UNIVERSAL ACCESS FUND Telephone service 886 UPSON COUNTY Board of commissioners; compensation 3585 Board of commissioners; county administrator 3726 Board of commissioners; districts 3883 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3633 USED MOTOR VEHICLE CAR DEALERS' AND USED MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS DEALERS REGISTRATION ACT Enacted 441 USURY Loans secured by real estate; contracts regarding interest on claim in bankruptcy 956 V VETERANS See MILITARY, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, AND VETERANS AFFAIRS VIDALIA ONION ACT OF 1986 Amended; various provisions 710 W WADE R. MILAM, JR. Wade R. Milam, Jr., Bridge; designated 228 WALKER COUNTY Easement across state property 196 Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit; court reporters; compensation 3747


WALTER E. COX Walter E. Cox Parkway; designated 514 WALTON COUNTY Superior court; judges; salary supplement 4219 Superior court; judges; salary supplement 4221 Walton County Commission on Children and Youth 3899 WAREHOUSEMEN Leaf tobacco; charges; Georgia Tobacco Marketing Act of 1995 104 WARNER ROBINS, CITY OF Corporate limits 3622 Homestead exemption; city taxes; referendum 4189 WARREN COUNTY Superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 WASHINGTON, CITY OF Washington Wilkes Payroll Development Authority; projects; utility systems; transportation; eminent domain 3546 WASHINGTON WILKES PAYROLL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Projects; utility systems; transportation; eminent domain 3546 WATERS OF THE STATE, PORTS, AND WATERCRAFT Artificial-lure streams; trout waters with and without seasons 543 Coastal marshlands; leasing of state-owned marshland for marinas or docks 462 Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Georgia Boat Safety Act; sailboards not vessels; homicide, feticide, and serious injury by vessel 236 Lake Oconee Parkway; designated 494 Permits for surface and ground water; duration; development and conservation plans 706 Pilots and pilotage 846 WAYCROSS, CITY OF Corporate limits 3587 WEAPONS Certain training prohibited 574 Commission of crime by convicted felon through use of firearm; penalties 137 Discharge while under influence of alcohol or drugs 139 Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Program of the National Rifle Association; adoption by school systems urged 972 Forfeiture of certain property used in commission of burglary or armed robbery 1051 Handgun regulation; criminal background checks 139


Local government regulatory authority restricted 139 School discipline of students who bring weapon to school 1072 WEBSTER COUNTY Treasurer; office abolished; functions 3767 WELCOME CENTERS Automated tellers and cash dispensing machines; installation and operation 416 WESTERN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Additional judge 1077 WHITE COUNTY Board of commissioners; re-creation; referendum 3964 WHITFIELD COUNTY Board of commissioners; terms; referendum 3927 WICKHAM, D. NEAL Pine Mountain Trail; designation of portion in honor of D. Neal Wickham 503 WILKES COUNTY Magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3548 Probate court; judge; nonpartisan primaries and elections 3552 Superior court; judges; salary supplement 3982 Washington Wilkes Payroll Development Authority; projects; utility systems; transportation; eminent domain 3546 WILLIAM E. BILL IRELAND William E. Bill Ireland Youth Development Campus; designated 194 WILLIAM H. CLARK Compensation 506 WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES Code revision; reenactment; corrections 10 Intestate insolvent estates; bankruptcy exemption for payments from individual retirement accounts 347 WINDER, CITY OF Lease of state property to 522 WIRETAPPING Broadcasting, printing, or publishing contents of unlawfully intercepted cellular radio telephone communications unlawful 1023 WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH March, 1995; designation 519


WOOLSEY, TOWN OF New charter 4251 WORKERS' COMPENSATION Atlanta Committee for Olympic Games or Atlanta Paralympic Organizing Committee; coverage for unpaid volunteers 852 Fraud and compliance unit established 642 Group self-insurance funds 1201 Immunity for business using temporary help contracting firm or employee leasing company 352 Rejected policies; apportionment and assignment 1365 Workers' Compensation Truth in Advertising Act of 1995; enacted 642 WORKERS' COMPENSATION TRUTH IN ADVERTISING ACT OF 1995 Enacted 642 WORLD WAR II Georgia's World War II veterans; recognition; display at James H. Sloppy Floyd Veterans Memorial Building 492


POPULATION OF GEORGIA COUNTIES COUNTY 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 Appling 15,744 15,565 12,726 13,246 14,003 14,497 13,314 Atkinson 6,213 6,141 5,879 6,188 7,362 7,093 6,894 Bacon 9,566 9,379 8,233 8,359 8,940 8,096 7,055 Baker 3,615 3,808 3,875 4,543 5,952 7,344 7,818 Baldwin 39,530 34,686 34,240 34,064 29,706 24,190 22,878 Banks 10,308 8,702 6,833 6,497 6,935 8,733 9,703 Barrow 29,721 21,354 16,859 14,485 13,115 13,064 12,401 Bartow 55,911 40,760 32,911 28,267 27,370 25,283 25,364 Ben Hill 16,245 16,000 13,171 13,633 14,879 14,523 13,047 Berrien 14,153 13,525 11,556 12,038 13,966 15,370 14,646 Bibb 150,137* 150,256 143,366 141,249 114,079 83,783 77,042 Bleckley 10,430 10,767 10,291 9,642 9,218 9,655 9,133 Brantley 11,077 8,701 5,940 5,891 6,387 6,871 6,895 Brooks 15,398 15,255 13,743 15,292 18,169 20,497 21,330 Bryan 15,438 10,175 6,539 6,226 5,965 6,288 5,952 Bulloch 43,125 35,785 31,585 24,263 24,740 26,010 26,509 Burke 20,579 19,349 18,255 20,596 23,458 26,520 29,224 Butts 15,326 13,665 10,560 8,976 9,079 9,182 9,345 Calhoun 5,013 5,717 6,606 7,341 8,578 10,438 10,576 Camden 30,167 13,371 11,334 9,975 7,322 5,910 6,338 Campbell *** *** Denotes county which has been abolished or merged with another county. *** *** *** *** *** 9,903 Candler 7,744 7,518 6,412 6,672 8,063 9,103 8,991 Carroll 71,422 56,346 45,404 36,451 34,112 34,156 34,272 Catoosa 42,464 36,991 28,271 21,101 15,146 12,199 9,421 Charlton 8,496 7,343 5,680 5,313 4,821 5,246 4,381 Chatham 216,774* 202,226 187,816 188,299 151,481 117,970 105,431 Chattahoochee 16,934 21,732 25,813 13,011 12,149 15,138 8,894


Chattooga 22,242 21,856 20,541 19,954 21,197 18,532 15,407 Cherokee 90,204 51,699 31,059 23,001 20,750 20,126 20,003 Clarke 87,594 74,498 65,177 45,363 36,550 28,398 25,613 Clay 3,364 3,553 3,636 4,551 5,844 7,064 6,943 Clayton 181,436* 150,357 98,126 46,365 22,872 11,655 10,260 Clinch 6,160 6,660 6,405 6,545 6,007 6,437 7,015 Cobb 447,745 297,718 196,793 114,174 61,830 38,272 35,408 Coffee 29,592 26,894 22,828 21,953 23,962 21,541 19,739 Colquitt 36,645 35,376 32,298 34,048 33,999 33,012 30,622 Columbia 66,031 40,118 22,327 13,423 9,525 9,433 8,793 Cook 13,456 13,490 12,129 11,822 12,201 11,919 11,311 Coweta 53,853 39,268 32,310 28,893 27,786 26,972 25,127 Crawford 8,991 7,684 5,748 5,816 6,080 7,128 7,020 Crisp 20,011 19,489 18,087 17,768 17,663 17,540 17,343 Dade 13,147 12,318 9,910 8,666 7,364 5,894 4,146 Dawson 9,429 4,774 3,639 3,590 3,712 4,479 3,502 Decatur 25,517* 25,495 22,310 25,203 23,620 22,234 23,622 DeKalb 546,171* 483,024 415,387 256,782 136,395 86,942 70,278 Dodge 17,607 16,955 15,658 16,483 17,865 21,022 21,599 Dooly 9,901 10,826 10,404 11,474 14,159 16,886 18,025 Dougherty 96,321* 100,710 89,639 75,680 43,617 28,565 22,306 Douglas 71,120 54,573 28,659 16,741 12,173 10,053 9,461 Early 11,854 13,158 12,682 13,151 17,413 18,679 18,273 Echols 2,334 2,297 1,924 1,876 2,494 2,964 2,744 Effingham 25,687 18,327 13,632 10,144 9,133 9,646 10,164 Elbert 18,949 18,758 17,262 17,835 18,585 19,618 18,485 Emanuel 20,546 20,795 18,357 17,815 19,789 23,517 24,101 Evans 8,724 8,428 7,290 6,952 6,653 7,401 7,102


Fannin 15,992 14,748 13,357 13,620 15,192 14,752 12,969 Fayette 62,415 29,043 11,364 8,199 7,978 8,170 8,665 Floyd 81,251 79,800 73,742 69,130 62,899 56,141 48,677 Forsyth 44,083 27,958 16,928 12,170 11,005 11,322 10,624 Franklin 16,650 15,185 12,784 13,274 14,446 15,612 15,902 Fulton 648,779* 589,904 605,210 556,326 473,572 392,886 318,587 Gilmer 13,368 11,110 8,956 8,922 9,963 9,001 7,344 Glascock 2,357 2,382 2,280 2,672 3,579 4,547 4,388 Glynn 62,496 54,981 50,528 41,954 29,046 21,920 19,400 Gordon 35,067* 30,070 23,570 19,228 18,922 18,445 16,846 Grady 20,279 19,845 17,826 18,015 18,928 19,654 19,200 Greene 11,793 11,391 10,212 11,193 12,843 13,709 12,616 Gwinnett 352,910 166,808 72,349 43,541 32,320 29,087 27,853 Habersham 27,622* 25,020 20,691 18,116 16,553 14,771 12,748 Hall 95,434* 75,649 59,405 49,739 40,113 34,822 30,313 Hancock 8,908 9,466 9,019 9,979 11,052 12,764 13,070 Haralson 21,966 18,422 15,927 14,543 14,663 14,377 13,263 Harris 17,788 15,464 11,520 11,167 11,265 11,428 11,140 Hart 19,712 18,585 15,814 15,229 14,495 15,512 15,174 Heard 8,628 6,520 5,354 5,333 6,975 8,610 9,102 Henry 58,741 36,309 23,724 17,619 15,857 15,119 15,924 Houston 89,208 77,605 62,924 39,154 20,964 11,303 11,280 Irwin 8,649 8,988 8,036 9,211 11,973 12,936 12,199 Jackson 30,005 25,343 21,093 18,499 18,997 20,089 21,609 Jasper 8,453 7,553 5,760 6,135 7,473 8,772 8,594 Jeff Davis 12,032 11,473 9,425 8,914 9,299 8,841 8,118 Jefferson 17,408 18,403 17,174 17,468 18,855 20,040 20,727 Jenkins 8,247 8,841 8,332 9,148 10,264 11,843 12,908


Johnson 8,329 8,660 7,727 8,048 9,893 12,953 12,681 Jones 20,739 16,579 12,270 8,468 7,538 8,331 8,992 Lamar 13,038 12,215 10,688 10,240 10,242 10,091 9,745 Lanier 5,531 5,654 5,031 5,097 5,151 5,632 5,190 Laurens 39,988 36,990 32,738 32,313 33,123 33,606 32,693 Lee 16,250 11,684 7,044 6,204 6,674 7,837 8,328 Liberty 52,745 37,583 17,569 14,487 8,444 8,595 8,153 Lincoln 7,442 6,716 5,895 5,906 6,462 7,042 7,847 Long 6,202 4,524 3,746 3,874 3,598 4,086 4,180 Lowndes 75,981 67,972 55,112 49,270 35,211 31,860 29,994 Lumpkin 14,573 10,762 8,728 7,241 6,574 6,223 4,927 McDuffie 20,119 18,546 15,276 12,627 11,443 10,878 9,014 McIntosh 8,634 8,046 7,371 6,364 6,008 5,292 5,763 Macon 13,114 14,003 12,933 13,170 14,213 15,947 16,643 Madison 21,050 17,747 13,517 11,246 12,238 13,431 14,921 Marion 5,590 5,297 5,099 5,477 6,521 6,954 6,968 Meriwether 22,411 21,229 19,461 19,756 21,055 22,055 22,437 Miller 6,280 7,038 6,424 6,908 9,023 9,998 9,076 Milton *** *** Denotes county which has been abolished or merged with another county. *** *** *** *** *** 6,730 Mitchell 20,275 21,114 18,956 19,652 22,528 23,261 23,620 Monroe 17,113 14,610 10,991 10,495 10,523 10,749 11,606 Montgomery 7,379* 7,011 6,099 6,284 7,901 9,668 10,020 Morgan 12,883 11,572 9,904 10,280 11,899 12,713 12,488 Murray 26,147 19,685 12,986 10,447 10,676 11,137 9,215 Muscogee 179,280* 170,108 167,377 158,623 118,028 75,494 57,558 Newton 41,808 34,666 26,282 20,999 20,185 18,576 17,290 Oconee 17,618 12,427 7,915 6,304 7,009 7,576 8,082 Oglethorpe 9,763 8,929 7,598 7,926 9,958 12,430 12,927


Paulding 41,611 26,110 17,520 13,101 11,752 12,832 12,327 Peach 21,189 19,151 15,990 13,846 11,705 10,378 10,268 Pickens 14,432 11,652 9,620 8,903 8,855 9,136 9,687 Pierce 13,328 11,897 9,281 9,678 11,112 11,800 12,522 Pike 10,224 8,937 7,316 7,138 8,459 10,375 10,853 Polk 33,815 32,382 29,656 28,015 30,976 28,467 25,141 Pulaski 8,108 8,950 8,066 8,204 8,808 9,829 9,005 Putnam 14,137 10,295 8,394 7,798 7,731 8,514 8,367 Quitman 2,210* 2,357 2,180 2,432 3,015 3,435 3,820 Rabun 11,648 10,466 8,327 7,456 7,424 7,821 6,331 Randolph 8,023 9,599 8,734 11,078 13,804 16,609 17,174 Richmond 189,719 181,629 162,437 135,601 108,876 81,863 72,990 Rockdale 54,091 36,570 18,152 10,572 8,464 7,724 7,247 Schley 3,590* 3,433 3,097 3,256 4,036 5,033 5,347 Screven 13,842 14,043 12,591 14,919 18,000 20,353 20,503 Seminole 9,010 9,057 7,059 6,802 7,904 8,492 7,389 Spalding 54,457 47,899 39,514 35,404 31,045 28,427 23,495 Stephens 23,436* 21,761 20,331 18,391 16,647 12,972 11,740 Stewart 5,654 5,896 6,511 7,371 9,194 10,603 11,114 Sumter 30,232* 29,360 26,931 24,652 24,208 24,502 26,800 Talbot 6,524 6,536 6,625 7,127 7,687 8,141 8,458 Taliaferro 1,915 2,032 2,423 3,370 4,515 6,278 6,172 Tattnall 17,722 18,134 16,557 15,837 15,939 16,243 15,411 Taylor 7,642 7,902 7,865 8,311 9,113 10,768 10,617 Telfair 11,000 11,445 11,394 11,715 13,221 15,145 14,997 Terrell 10,653 12,017 11,416 12,742 14,314 16,675 18,290 Thomas 38,943* 38,098 34,562 34,319 33,932 31,289 32,612 Tift 34,998 32,862 27,288 23,487 22,645 18,599 16,068


Toombs 24,072 22,592 19,151 16,837 17,382 16,952 17,165 Towns 6,754 5,638 4,565 4,538 4,803 4,925 4,346 Treutlen 5,994 6,087 5,647 5,874 6,522 7,632 7,488 Troup 55,532* 50,003 44,466 47,189 49,841 43,879 36,752 Turner 8,703 9,510 8,790 8,439 10,479 10,846 11,196 Twiggs 9,806 9,354 8,222 7,935 8,308 9,117 8,372 Union 11,993 9,390 6,811 6,510 7,318 7,680 6,340 Upson 26,300 25,998 23,505 23,800 25,078 25,064 19,509 Walker 58,340 56,470 50,691 45,264 38,198 31,024 26,206 Walton 38,586 31,211 23,404 20,481 20,230 20,777 21,118 Ware 35,471 37,180 33,525 34,219 30,289 27,929 26,558 Warren 6,078 6,583 6,669 7,360 8,779 10,236 11,181 Washington 19,112 18,842 17,480 18,903 21,012 24,230 25,030 Wayne 22,356 20,750 17,858 17,921 14,248 13,122 12,647 Webster 2,263 2,341 2,362 3,247 4,081 4,726 5,032 Wheeler 4,903 5,155 4,596 5,342 6,712 8,536 9,149 White 13,006 10,120 7,742 6,935 5,951 6,417 6,056 Whitfield 72,462 65,775 55,108 42,109 34,432 26,105 20,808 Wilcox 7,008 7,682 6,998 7,905 10,167 12,755 13,439 Wilkes 10,597 10,951 10,184 10,961 12,388 15,084 15,944 Wilkinson 10,228 10,368 9,393 9,250 9,781 11,025 10,844 Worth 19,744* 18,064 14,770 16,682 19,357 21,374 21,094 Total 6,478,570 5,462,982 4,589,575 3,943,116 3,444,578 3,123,723 2,908,506 Note: The 1990 population counts set forth herein are subject to correction for undercount or overcount. An asterisk denotes census revision since publication of the 1992 Georgia Laws. Population counts for 1990 are current through April 1, 1995.


POPULATION NUMERICALLY LISTED ACCORDING TO 1990 CENSUS Asterisk Denotes Census Revision County Population Fulton 648,779* DeKalb 546,171* Cobb 447,745 Gwinnett 352,910 Chatham 216,774* Richmond 189,719 Clayton 181,436 Muscogee 179,280* Bibb 150,137* Dougherty 96,321* Hall 95,434* Cherokee 90,204 Houston 89,208 Clarke 87,594 Floyd 81,251 Lowndes 75,981 Whitfield 72,462 Carroll 71,422 Douglas 71,120 Columbia 66,031 Glynn 62,496 Fayette 62,415 Henry 58,741 Walker 58,340 Bartow 55,911 Troup 55,532* Spalding 54,457 Rockdale 54,091 Coweta 53,853 Liberty 52,745 Forsyth 44,083 Bullock 43,125 Catoosa 42,464 Newton 41,808 Paulding 41,611 Laurens 39,988 Baldwin 39,530 Thomas 38,943* Walton 38,586 Colquitt 36,645 Ware 35,471 Gordon 35,067* Tift 34,998 Polk 33,815 Sumter 30,232 Camden 30,167 Jackson 30,005 Barrow 29,721 Coffee 29,592 Habersham 27,622* Upson 26,300 Murray 26,147 Effingham 25,687 Decatur 25,517* Toombs 24,072 Stephens 23,436* Meriwether 22,411 Wayne 22,356 Chattooga 22,242 Haralson 21,966 Peach 21,189 Madison 21,050 Jones 20,739 Burke 20,579 Emanuel 20,546 Grady 20,279 Mitchell 20,275 McDuffie 20,119 Crisp 20,011 Worth 19,744* Hart 19,712 Washington 19,112 Elbert 18,949 Harris 17,788 Tattnall 17,722 Oconee 17,618 Dodge 17,607 Jefferson 17,408 Monroe 17,113 Chattahoochee 16,934 Franklin 16,650 Lee 16,250 Ben Hill 16,245 Fannin 15,992 Appling 15,744 Bryan 15,438 Brooks 15,398 Butts 15,326 Lumpkin 14,573 Pickens 14,432 Berrien 14,153 Putnam 14,137 Screven 13,842 Cook 13,456


Gilmer 13,368 Pierce 13,328 Dade 13,147 Macon 13,114 Lamar 13,038 White 13,006 Morgan 12,883 Jeff Davis 12,032 Union 11,993 Early 11,854 Greene 11,793 Rabun 11,648 Brantley 11,077 Telfair 11,000 Terrell 10,653 Wilkes 10,597 Bleckley 10,430 Banks 10,308 Wilkinson 10,228 Pike 10,224 Dooly 9,901 Twiggs 9,806 Oglethorpe 9,763 Bacon 9,566 Dawson 9,429 Seminole 9,010 Crawford 8,991 Hancock 8,908 Evans 8,724 Turner 8,703 Irwin 8,649 McIntosh 8,634 Heard 8,628 Charlton 8,496 Jasper 8,453 Johnson 8,329 Jenkins 8,247 Pulaski 8,108 Randolph 8,023 Candler 7,744 Taylor 7,642 Lincoln 7,442 Montgomery 7,379* Wilcox 7,008 Towns 6,754 Talbot 6,524 Miller 6,280 Atkinson 6,213 Long 6,202 Clinch 6,160 Warren 6,078 Treutlen 5,994 Stewart 5,654 Marion 5,590 Lanier 5,531 Calhoun 5,013 Wheeler 4,903 Baker 3,615 Schley 3,590* Clay 3,364 Glascock 2,357 Echols 2,334 Webster 2,263 Quitman 2,210* Taliaferro 1,915 Total 6,478,570


POPULATION OF GEORGIA CITIES NUMERICALLY LISTED ACCORDING TO 1990 CENSUS Asterisk denotes census revision City Population, 1990 Atlanta 393,929* Columbus 179,280* Savannah 137,812* Macon 107,365* Albany 78,804* Roswell 47,986* Athens 45,734 Augusta 44,639 Marietta 44,129 Warner Robins 43,861* Valdosta 40,038* East Point 34,595* Smyrna 32,453* Rome 30,326 La Grange 25,574* Dalton 22,218* Hinesville 21,596* Griffin 21,347 Statesboro 20,770* College Park 20,645* Peachtree 19,027 Gainesville 17,885 Milledgeville 17,727 Thomasville 17,554* Decatur 17,304* Lawrenceville 17,250* Forest Park 16,958* Americus 16,516 Brunswick 16,433 Waycross 16,410 Dublin 16,312 Carrollton 16,029 Moultrie 14,865 Tifton 14,215 Alpharetta 13,002 Newnan 12,497 Snellville 12,084 Cartersville 12,037* Douglasville 11,635 Vidalia 11,118* Cordele 10,836* Bainbridge 10,803* Douglas 10,464 Covington 9,860* Monroe 9,759 Riverdale 9,455* Perry 9,452


Union City 9,347* Lilburn 9,301 Thomaston 9,127 Cairo 9,035 Duluth 9,029 Jesup 8,958 Kennesaw 8,936 Fitzgerald 8,901* Buford 8,771 Toccoa 8,720* Fort Valley 8,198* St. Marys 8,187* Cedar 7,978 Chamblee 7,668 Doraville 7,626 Garden 7,410 Conyers 7,380 Winder 7,373 Swainsboro 7,361 Calhoun 7,135 Powder Springs 6,862* Thomson 6,862 La Fayette 6,655* Villa Rica 6,542 Stone Mountain 6,494 Eatonton 6,479* Sandersville 6,290 Sylvester 6,023* Norcross 5,947 Fort Oglethorpe 5,880 Fayetteville 5,827 Kingsland 5,711* Waynesboro 5,669* Blakely 5,595 Hapeville 5,483 Clarkston 5,385 Dawson 5,295 Quitman 5,292 Eastman 5,241* Morrow 5,168 Camilla 5,124* Adel 5,093 Summerville 5,025 Elberton 4,973* Ashburn 4,827 Canton 4,817 Nashville 4,782 Barnesville 4,747 Pooler 4,649* Sugar Hill 4,557 Hartwell 4,555 Acworth 4,519


Montezuma 4,506 Cochran 4,483* Lyons 4,478* Woodstock 4,361 Bremen 4,356 Washington 4,279 Forsyth 4,220* Hazlehurst 4,202 Austell 4,173 Commerce 4,108 Manchester 4,104 Jackson 4,076 Fairburn 4,015 Port Wentworth 4,012 Pelham 3,869 Baxley 3,810* Millen 3,808 Cuthbert 3,730 Metter 3,707 Glennville 3,676 Hawkinsville 3,671* Alma 3,663 Jonesboro 3,635 Rossville 3,601 Grove 3,596 West Point 3,571 Madison 3,483 Stockbridge 3,359 Rockmart 3,356 Blackshear 3,263 Centerville 3,251 Cornelia 3,219 Ocilla 3,182 Loganville 3,180 Auburn 3,139 Dahlonega 3,086 McRae 3,007 Rincon 2,993* Hogansville 2,976 Richmond Hill 2,934 McDonough 2,929 Greensboro 2,878* Sylvania 2,871 Chatsworth 2,865 Tybee Island 2,842 Cumming 2,828 Thunderbolt 2,821* Dallas 2,810 Hephzibah 2,806* Tallapoosa 2,805 Soperton 2,797 Donalsonville 2,780*


Jefferson 2,763 Social Circle 2,755 Lake 2,733 Tyrone 2,724 Vienna 2,708 Hampton 2,694 Palmetto 2,612 Royston 2,563* Homerville 2,560 East Dublin 2,524 Louisville 2,486* Reidsville 2,469 Gordon 2,468 Lakeland 2,467 Claxton 2,464 Lithonia 2,448 Wadley 2,416* Wrens 2,414 Suwanee 2,412 Holly Springs 2,406 Wrightsville 2,331 Monticello 2,289 Folkston 2,285 Byron 2,276 Dacula 2,217 Avondale Estates 2,209 Harlem 2,199 Warrenton 2,195* Gray 2,189 Chickamauga 2,165* Adairsville 2,131 Bloomingdale 2,075* Walthourville 2,024 Trenton 1,994 Colquitt 1,991 Oxford 1,991* Bowdon 1,981 Mount Vernon 1,914 Temple 1,870 Lavonia 1,840 Darien 1,783 Jasper 1,772 Union Point 1,753 Ellaville 1,726* Pearson 1,714 Sparta 1,710 Locust Grove 1,681 Ringgold 1,675 Richland 1,675* Butler 1,673 Trion 1,661 Cleveland 1,653

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Lookout Mountain 1,636 Unadilla 1,620 Clayton 1,613 Watkinsville 1,600 Tennille 1,552 Jeffersonville 1,545 Arlington 1,513 Rochelle 1,510 Pembroke 1,503 Lincolnton 1,476 Buena Vista 1,472 Twin 1,466 Oakwood 1,464 Marshallville 1,457 Leesburg 1,452 Baldwin 1,439 Lumber 1,429 Woodbury 1,429 Springfield 1,415 Boston 1,395 Hiram 1,389 Statham 1,360 Hahira 1,353 Blue Ridge 1,336 Oglethorpe 1,302 Ludowici 1,291 Porterdale 1,278 Lumpkin 1,267* Helena 1,256 Flowery Branch 1,251 Fort Gaines 1,248 Willacoochee 1,230* Reynolds 1,229* Woodbine 1,214* Broxton 1,211 Sparks 1,205 Emerson 1,201 Ellijay 1,184* Edison 1,182 Grantville 1,180 Greenville 1,167 Shellman 1,162 Clarkesville 1,151 Meigs 1,120 Sardis 1,116 Cusseta 1,107 Demorest 1,088 Comer 1,079* Chester 1,072 McCaysville 1,065 Milan 1,056 Ivey 1,053


Nahunta [Illegible Text] Talbotton 1,046 Zebulon 1,035 Bogart 1,018 Lula 1,018 Brooklet 1,013 Buchanan 1,009 Nicholls 1,003 Homeland 981 Tunnel Hill 970 Senoia 956 Cave Spring 950 Pine Mountain 949* Doerun 940* Roberta 939 Abbeville 919* Poulan 918* George 914* Omega 912 Ball Ground 905 Aragon 902 Glenwood 881 Franklin 876 Winterville 876 Russell 871 Midway 863 Alamo 855 Euharlee 850 Screven 819 Alapaha 812 Pine Lake 810 Smithville 804 Berkeley Lake 791 Bowman 791 Hagan 787 Mountain 784 Lenox 783 Pavo 774 Waverly Hall 769 Lovejoy 754 Riceboro 745 Homer 742 Luthersville 741 Guyton 740 Mount Zion 738* Canon 737 Maysville 728 Plains 716 Norman Park 711 Tignall 711 Newton 703 Leary 701


Franklin Springs 700* Waleska 700 Arcade 697 Crawford 694 Gibson 679 Rutledge 659 Alto 651 Fairmount 643* Whitesburg 643 Hoschton 642 Irwinton 641 Patterson 626 Baconton 623 Midville 620 Toomsboro 617 Kingston 616 Adrian 615 Stillmore 615 Enigma 611 Coolidge 610 Whigham 605 Young Harris 604 Ray 603 Flovilla 602 Bibb 597 Allenhurst 594 Pineview 594 Ochlocknee 588 Ailey 579 Ty Ty 579 Crawfordville 577 Blairsville 564 Uvalda 561 Ideal 554 Mountain Park 554 McIntyre 552 Woodland 552 Dearing 547 Hiawassee 547 Mount Airy 543 White 542 Menlo 538 Morven 536 Nicholson 535 Cohutta 529 Grayson 529 Collins 528 Portal 522 Carnesville 514 Bronwood 513 Iron 503 Warwick 501


Lake Park 500 Lyerly 493 Nelson 486 Berlin 480 Danville 480 Dexter 475 Dawsonville 467 Rhine 466 Remerton 463 Waco 461 Cadwell 458 Walnut Grove 458 Hamilton 454 Byromville 452 Leslie village 445 Colbert 443 Hoboken 440 Molena 439 Arabi 433 Dudley 430 Braselton 418 Sycamore 417 Woodville 415 Harrison 414 Fargo village 414 Resaca 410 Yatesville 409 Davisboro 407 Warm Springs 407 Newborn 404 Clermont 402 Hilltonia 402 Odum 388 Pinehurst 388 Preston 388 Barwick 385 Attapulgus 380 Cecil 376 Moreland 366 Rentz 364 Varnell 358 Keysville 350* Bethlehem 348 East Ellijay 344* Linwood 342 Mansfield 341 Cobb 338 Denton 335 Sasser 335 Pitts 334* Stapleton 330 Shiloh 329


Siloam 329 Brooks 328 Ephesus 324 Sale 324 Milner 321 Newington 319 Danielsville 318 Eton 315 Chauncey 312 Bowersville 311 Bostwick 307 Centralhatchee 301 Tiger 301 Blythe 300 Helen 300 Pendergrass 298 Ila 297 Kite 297 Morganton 295 Williamson 295 Graham 295 Bartow 292 Gumbranch 291 Damascus 290 Climax 290* Ambrose 288 White Plains 286 Carlton 282 Flemington 279 Andersonville village 277 Arnoldsville 275 Higgston 274 Allen 273 Oak Park 269 Taylorsville 269 North High Shoals 268 Lexington 265* Pulaski 264 Carl 263 De Soto village 258 Garfield 255 Surrency 253 Morgan 252 Meansville 250 Funston 248 Roopville 248 Braswell 247 Scotland 244 Martin 243 Culloden 242 Oliver 242 Orchard Hill 239


Brinson 238 Norwood 238 Oconee 234 Plainville 231 Ellenton 227 Sharpsburg 224 Camak 220 Avera 215 Sunny Side 215 Jenkinsburg 213 Concord 211 Summer 209 Argyle 206 Dillard 199 Rocky Ford 197 Girard 195 Register 195 Lilly 195* Bellville 192 Payne 192 Talmo 189 Turin 189 Sky Valley 187 Parrott 183* Geneva 182 Junction 182 Good Hope 181 Mitchell 181 Maxeys 180 Shady Dale 180 Du Pont 177 Buckhead 176 Rest Haven 176 Lone Oak 161 Alston 160 Avalon 159 Bishop 158 Hull 156 Santa Claus 154 Mineral Bluff 153 Ranger 153 Summer 153 Jersey 149 Rebecca 148 Tallulah Falls 147 Vernonburg 143* Haralson 139 Bluffton 138 Daisy 138 Dooling 138* Coleman 137 Jakin 137


Corinth 136 Nunez 135 Gay 133 Doolin 133* Tarry village 130 Jacksonville 128 Aldora 127 Manassas 123 Woolsey 120 Montrose 117 Omaha 116 Gillsville 113 Deepstep 111 Naylor 111 Rayle 107 Vidette 98* Sharon 94 The Rock 88 Between 82 Riddleville 79 Riverside 74 Weston 74* Talking Rock 62 Edge Hill 22


JUDICIAL CIRCUITS Atlanta Judicial Circuit 648,779 County of Fulton Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit 546,171 County of DeKalb Cobb Judicial Circuit 447,745 County of Cobb Gwinnett Judicial Circuit 352,910 County of Gwinnett Augusta Judicial Circuit 276,329 Counties of Burke, Columbia, and Richmond Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit 233,758 Counties of Chattahoochee, Harris, Marion, Muscogee, Talbot, and Taylor Eastern Judicial Circuit 216,774 County of Chatham Coweta Judicial Circuit 211,846 Counties of Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Meriwether, and Troup Clayton Judicial Circuit 182,052 County of Clayton Macon Judicial Circuit 180,317 Counties of Bibb, Crawford, and Peach Southern Judicial Circuit 169,301 Counties of Brooks, Colquitt, Echols, Lowndes, and Thomas Griffin Judicial Circuit 153,396 Counties of Spalding, Pike, Upson, and Fayette Brunswick Judicial Circuit 142,795 Counties of Appling, Camden, Glynn, Wayne, and Jeff Davis Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit 136,193 Counties of Catoosa, Dade, Chattooga, and Walker Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit 134,287 Counties of Cherokee and Forsyth Northeastern Judicial Circuit 104,863 Counties of Hall and Dawson Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit 126,671 Counties of Baldwin, Greene, Jasper, Jones, Morgan, Putnam, Wilkinson, and Hancock Atlantic Judicial Circuit 109,483 Counties of Bryan, Liberty, McIntosh, Tattnall, Evans, and Long Waycross Judicial Circuit 107,530 Counties of Pierce, Coffee, Charlton, Ware, Bacon, and Brantley


Western Judicial Circuit 105,212 Counties of Clarke and Oconee Flint Judicial Circuit 104,218 Counties of Butts, Henry, Monroe, and Lamar Conasauga Judicial Circuit 98,609 Counties of Murray and Whitfield Tallapoosa Judicial Circuit 97,392 Counties of Haralson, Polk, and Paulding Dougherty Judicial Circuit 96,321 County of Dougherty Cherokee Judicial Circuit 90,978 Counties of Bartow and Gordon Ogeechee Judicial Circuit 90,901 Counties of Bulloch, Effingham, Jenkins, and Screven Houston Judicial Circuit 89,208 County of Houston Middle Judicial Circuit 88,882 Counties of Emanuel, Jefferson, Washington, Toombs, and Candler Northern Judicial Circuit 86,128 Counties of Elbert, Hart, Madison, Oglethorpe, and Franklin Rome Judicial Circuit 81,251 County of Floyd Alcovy Judicial Circuit 80,394 Counties of Newton and Walton South Georgia Judicial Circuit 74,699 Counties of Baker, Calhoun, Decatur, Grady, and Mitchell Tifton Judicial Circuit 72,094 Counties of Tift, Irwin, Worth, and Turner Douglas Judicial Circuit 71,120 County of Douglas Southwestern Judicial Circuit 71,099 Counties of Lee, Macon, Schley, Stewart, Sumter, and Webster Piedmont Judicial Circuit 70,034 Counties of Barrow, Jackson, and Banks Dublin Judicial Circuit 64,117 Counties of Laurens, Johnson, Twiggs, and Treutlen Mountain Judicial Circuit 62,521 Counties of Habersham, Rabun, and Stephens Oconee Judicial Circuit 59,427


Counties of Dodge, Montgomery, Pulaski, Telfair, Bleckley, and Wheeler Rockdale Judicial Circuit 54,091 County of Rockdale Cordele Judicial Circuit 53,165 Counties of Dooly, Wilcox, Crisp, and Ben Hill Pataula Judicial Circuit 51,394 Counties of Clay, Early, Miller, Quitman, Randolph, Terrell, and Seminole Toombs Judicial Circuit 48,508 Counties of Glascock, Lincoln, McDuffie, Taliaferro, Warren, and Wilkes Enotah Judicial Circuit 46,326 Counties of Lumpkin, Towns, Union, and White Alapaha Judicial Circuit 45,513 Counties of Atkinson, Berrien, Clinch, Cook, and Lanier Appalachian Judicial Circuit 43,792 Counties of Fannin, Gilmer, and Pickens

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MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY GEORGIA STATE SENATE COUNTY District Senatorial Appling 6 Atkinson 19 Bacon 6 Baker 11 12 Baldwin 25 Banks 47 Barrow 45 46 Bartow 31 52 Ben Hill 13 19 Berrien 7 Bibb 18, 26 27 Bleckley 18 Brantley 6 Brooks 8 11 Bryan 2 3 Bulloch 4 Burke 22 Butts 17 Calhoun 12 Camden 7 Candler 20 Carroll 30 Catoosa 54 Charlton 7 Chatham 1 2 Chattahoochee 15 Chattooga 53 Cherokee 37, 51 56 Clarke 46 Clay 12 Clayton 10, 34 44 Clinch 7 Cobb 21,32,33,37,38 Coffee 19 Colquitt 11 13 Columbia 23 24 Cook 7 13 Coweta 28 Crawford 27 Crisp 13 Dade 53 Dawson 50 Decatur 8 11 DeKalb 5,10,41,42,43,55 Dodge 19 Dooly 13 Dougherty 12 14 Douglas 30 34 Early 11 Echols 7 Effingham 2 4 Elbert 47 Emanuel 20 Evans 4 Fannin 51 Fayette 28 34 Floyd 52 Forsyth 48 49 Franklin 47 Fulton 34,35,36,38,39, 40, 48 56 Gilmer 51 Glascock 24 Glynn 3 6 Gordon 51 Grady 8 11 Greene 25 Gwinnett 5,9,41,48 56 Habersham 50 Hall 49 Hancock 25 Haralson 31 Harris 16 29 Hart 47 Heard 29 Henry 17 Houston 18 Irwin 13 Jackson 47 Jasper 25 Jeff Davis 19 Jefferson 24 25 Jenkins 4 Johnson 20 Jones 25 26 Lamar 27 Lanier 7 Laurens 19 20 Lee 14 Liberty 2 3 Lincoln 24 Long 3 Lowndes 8 11 Lumpkin 50 McDuffie 24 McIntosh 3

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Macon 14 Madison 47 Marion 16 Meriwether 29 Miller 8 Mitchell 11 13 Monroe 27 Montgomery 20 Morgan 24 Murray 54 Muscogee 15 16 Newton 17 45 Oconee 24 46 Oglethorpe 24 Paulding 31 Peach 14 Pickens 51 Pierce 6 Pike 29 Polk 31 Pulaski 18 Putnam 25 Quitman 12 Rabun 50 Randolph 12 Richmond 22 23 Rockdale 17 45 Schley 14 Screven 4 Seminole 11 Spalding 28 29 Stephens 50 Stewart 12 Sumter 14 Talbot 16 Taliaferro 25 Tattnall 4 Taylor 14 Telfair 19 Terrell 12 Thomas 8 11 Tift 7 Toombs 20 Towns 50 Treutlen 20 Troup 29 Turner 13 Twiggs 26 Union 50 Upson 27 Walker 53 Walton 45 Ware 6 7 Warren 24 25 Washington 20 25 Wayne 3 6 Webster 12 Wheeler 20 White 50 Whitfield 53 54 Wilcox 19 Wilkes 24 Wilkinson 20 26 Worth 13


SENATORS OF GEORGIA ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO NAMES, WITH DISTRICTS AND ADDRESSES FOR THE TERM 1994-1995 District Senator Address 38 Ralph D. Abernathy, III Ste. 325, 18 Capitol Square, Atlanta, GA 30334 9 Don Balfour 2889 Carrousel Court, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 53 John Black Route 1, Box 359, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 7 Peg Blitch Post Office Box 335, Homerville, GA 31634 6 Edward E. Boshears Post Office Box 1395, Brunswick, GA 31521-1395 13 Rooney L. Bowen Post Office Box 1238, Cordele, GA 31015 46 Paul C. Broun 165 Pulaski Street, Athens, GA 30610 26 Robert Brown Post Office Box 5742, Macon, GA 31208 5 Joe Burton 2598 Woodwardia Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345 49 Casey Cagle 4615 Hunters Court, Gainesville, GA 30507 23 Don Cheeks 3047 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30909 37 Charles C. Clay 49 Atlanta Street, Marietta, GA 30060 17 Mike D. Crotts Suite 240, 1895 Highway 20 South, Conyers, GA 30208 48 Clint M. Day Ste 300, 4725 Peachtree Corners Cir., Norcross, GA 30092 31 Nathan Dean Post Office Box 606, Rockmart, GA 30153 28 Arthur B. Edge, IV Post Office Box 1608, Newnan, GA 30264 40 Mike Egan 24th Flr, 999 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309-3996 54 Stephen B. Farrow Post Office Box 2666, Dalton, GA 30722 20 Hugh M. Gillis, Sr. Post Office Box 148, Soperton, GA 30457 34 Pam Glanton 8374 Creekridge Circle, Riverdale, GA 30296 27 Edwin A. Gochenour 634 Fairmont Drive, Macon, GA 31210 25 Floyd L. Griffin, Jr. P.O. Box 1430, Milledgeville, GA 31061


45 Arthur C. Guhl Post Office Box 424, Social Circle, GA 30279 15 Ed Harbison Post Office Box 1292, Columbus, GA 31902 55 Steve Henson 5722 Wells Circle, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 4 Jack Hill Post Office Box 496, Reidsville, GA 30453 14 George Hooks Post Office Box 928, Americus, GA 31709 21 Johnny Isakson 5074 Hampton Farms Drive, Marietta, GA 30068 35 Donzella J. James 3800 Pitman Road, College Park, GA 30349 2 Diane Harvey Johnson P.O. Box 5544, Savannah, GA 31414 1 Eric Johnson 22 Noble Glen Drive, Savannah, GA 31406 3 Rene D. Kemp Post Office Box 497, Hinesville, GA 31313 16 Clay Land P.O. Box 2848, Columbus, GA 31902 29 Steven E. Langford Post Office Box 1287, LaGrange, GA 30241 47 Eddie M. Madden 62 Chestnut Street, Elberton, GA 30635 52 Richard O. Marable 76 River Lane, Rome, GA 30161 30 Perry J. McGuire 6063 Camelia Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135 50 S. Guy Middleton Route Five, Box 1235, Dahlonega, GA 30533 56 Sallie Newbill 7205 Riverside Drive, Atlanta, GA 30328 42 Mary M. Oliver Ste. 480, 150 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., Decatur, GA 30030 18 Sonny Perdue Post Office Box 698, Bonaire, GA 31005 24 G. B. Pollard, Jr. Post Office Box 6, Appling, GA 30802 11 Harold J. Ragan 1296 Crine Boulevard, N.W., Cairo, GA 31728 51 David Ralston Post Office Box 1196, Blue Ridge, GA 30513 19 Walter S. Ray Post Office Box 295, Douglas, GA 31533 36 David Scott 190 Wendell Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315 39 Ronald D. Slotin Post Office Box 14614, Atlanta, GA 30324 44 Terrell Starr Post Office Box 545, Forest Park, GA 30051


43 Connie Stokes Box 253, 2458C Wesley Chapel Road, Decatur, GA 30035 32 Charles Tanksley 166 Anderson Street, Marietta, GA 30060 12 Mark Taylor Post Office Box 1156, Albany, GA 31702 10 Nadine Thomas 1375 Town Country Drive, Atlanta, GA 30316 33 Steve Thompson 5264 Seamus Way, Powder Springs, GA 30073 8 Loyce W. Turner 608 Howellbrook Drive, Valdosta, GA 31602 41 James W. Tysinger 3781 Watkins Place, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30319 22 Charles W. Walker Post Office Box 1282, Augusta, GA 30903-1282

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MEMBERS OF THE SENATE OF GEORGIA BY DISTRICTS IN NUMERICAL ORDER AND ADDRESSES FOR THE TERM 1994-1995 District Senator Address 1 Eric Johnson 22 Noble Glen Drive, Savannah, GA 31406 2 Diane Harvey Johnson P.O. Box 5544, Savannah, GA 31414 3 Rene D. Kemp Post Office Box 497, Hinesville, GA 31313 4 Jack Hill Post Office Box 496, Reidsville, GA 30453 5 Joe Burton 2598 Woodwardia Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345 6 Edward E. Boshears Post Office Box 1395, Brunswick, GA 31521-1395 7 Peg Blitch Post Office Box 335, Homerville, GA 31634 8 Loyce W. Turner 608 Howellbrook Drive, Valdosta, GA 31602 9 Don Balfour 2889 [Illegible Text] Court, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 10 Nadine Thomas 1375 Town Country Drive, Atlanta, GA 30316 11 Harold J. Ragan 1296 Crine Boulevard, N.W., Cairo, GA 31728 12 Mark Taylor Post Office Box 1156, Albany, GA 31702 13 Rooney L. Bowen Post Office Box 1238, Cordele, GA 31015 14 George Hooks Post Office Box 928, Americus, GA 31709 15 Ed Harbison Post Office Box 1292, Columbus, GA 31902 16 Clay Land P.O. Box 2848, Columbus, GA 31902 17 Mike D. Crotts Suite 240, 1895 Highway 20 South, Conyers, GA 30208 18 Sonny Perdue Post Office Box 698, Bonaire, GA 31005 19 Walter S. Ray Post Office Box 295, Douglas, GA 31533 20 Hugh M. Gillis, Sr. Post Office Box 148, Soperton, GA 30457 21 Johnny Isakson 5074 Hampton Farms Drive, Marietta, GA 30068 22 Charles W. Walker Post Office Box 1282, Augusta, GA 30903-1282


23 Don Cheeks 3047 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30909 24 G. B. Pollard, Jr. Post Office Box 6, Appling, GA 30802 25 Floyd L. Griffin, Jr. P.O. Box 1430, Milledgeville, GA 31061 26 Robert Brown Post Office Box 5742, Macon, GA 31208 27 Edwin A. Gochenour 634 Fairmont Drive, Macon, GA 31210 28 Arthur B. Edge, IV Post Office Box 1608, Newnan, GA 30264 29 Steven E. Langford Post Office Box 1287, LaGrange, GA 30241 30 Perry J. McGuire 6063 Camelia Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135 31 Nathan Dean Post Office Box 606, Rockmart, GA 30153 32 Charles Tanksley 166 Anderson Street, Marietta, GA 30060 33 Steve Thompson 5264 Seamus Way, Powder Springs, GA 30073 34 Pam Glanton 8374 Creekridge Circle, Riverdale, GA 30296 35 Donzella J. James 3800 Pitman Road, College Park, GA 30349 36 David Scott 190 Wendell Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315 37 Charles C. Clay 49 Atlanta Street, Marietta, GA 30060 38 Ralph D. Abernathy, III Ste. 325, 18 Capitol Square, Atlanta, GA 30334 39 Ronald D. Slotin Post Office Box 14614, Atlanta, GA 30324 40 Mike Egan 24th Flr, 999 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309-3996 41 James W. Tysinger 3781 Watkins Place, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30319 42 Mary M. Oliver Ste. 480, 150 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., Decatur, GA 30030 43 Connie Stokes Box 253, 2458C Wesley Chapel Road, Decatur, GA 30035 44 Terrell Starr Post Office Box 545, Forest Park, GA 30051 45 Arthur C. Guhl Post Office Box 424, Social Circle, GA 30279 46 Paul C. Broun 165 Pulaski Street, Athens, GA 30610 47 Eddie M. Madden 62 Chestnut Street, Elberton, GA 30635 48 Clint M. Day Ste 300, 4725 Peachtree Corners Cir., Norcross, GA 30092


49 Casey Cagle 4615 Hunters Court, Gainesville, GA 30507 50 S. Guy Middleton Route Five, Box 1235, Dahlonega, GA 30533 51 David Ralston Post Office Box 1196, Blue Ridge, GA 30513 52 Richard O. Marable 76 River Lane, Rome, GA 30161 53 John Black Route 1, Box 359, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 54 Stephen B. Farrow Post Office Box 2666, Dalton, GA 30722 55 Steve Henson 5722 Wells Circle, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 56 Sallie Newbill 7205 Riverside Drive, Atlanta, GA 30328


GEORGIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COUNTY District House Appling 170 Atkinson 167 Bacon 169 Baker 158 161 Baldwin 121 122 Banks 22 Barrow 86 Bartow 13, 14 27 Ben Hill 156 Berrien 166 Bibb 124 - 128 Bleckley 142 Brantley 169 Brooks 177 178 Bryan 147 154 Bulloch 145 146 Burke 116 119 Butts 109 Calhoun 158 Camden 175 Candler 145 Carroll 100 101 Catoosa 2 3 Charlton 169 175 Chatham 148 - 153 Chattahoochee 134 137 Chattooga 11 Cherokee 15 - 17 Clarke 24, 88 89 Clay 158 Clayton 93 - 97 Clinch 176 Cobb 29-40 51 Coffee 167 Colquitt 164 - 166 Columbia 112-114 120 Cook 166 177 Coweta 103,104,106,131 Crawford 128 140 Crisp 138 141 Dade 1 Dawson 19 Decatur 160, 164 179 DeKalb 59 - 75 Dodge 142 Dooly 138, 140 141 Dougherty 161 - 163 Douglas 98 99 Early 158 160 Echols 176 Effingham 147 Elbert 90 Emanuel 144 Evans 154 Fannin 6 7 Fayette 104 105 Floyd 11 - 13 Forsyth 28 85 Franklin 22 23 Fulton 41 - 58 Gilmer 7 Glascock 120 Glynn 169, 173 174 Gordon 10 Grady 179 180 Greene 111 Gwinnett 25 76-86 Habersham 9 Hall 19-21 25 Hancock 121 Haralson 18 Harris 102 Hart 23 Heard 103 Henry 107 - 109 Houston 127,138,139,141 Irwin 107 - 109 Jackson 25 Jasper 110 Jeff Davis 170 Jefferson 120 Jenkins 145 Johnson 144 Jones 110 123 Lamar 109 110 Lanier 176 Laurens 142 143 Lee 157 159 Liberty 154 171-173 Lincoln 90 112 Long 171 Lowndes 176, 177 178 Lumpkin 7 8 McDuffie 140 McIntosh 24 Macon 137 158


Madison 112 120 Marion 173 Meriwether 131 137 Miller 160 Mitchell 158 164 Monroe 110 Montgomery 155 Morgan 91 Murray 6 Muscogee 102,132,133-136 Newton 91 92 Oconee 91 Oglethorpe 90 Paulding 18 26 Peach 128 140 Pickens 15 Pierce 169 171 Pike 129 Polk 18 27 Pulaski 138 Putnam 111 122 Quitman 158 Rabun 8 Randolph 158 Richmond 114 - 119 Rockdale 74 75 Schley 137 140 Screven 146 Seminole 160 Spalding 106 107 Stephens 22 Stewart 158 Sumter 159 Talbot 102 137 Taliaferro 111 Tattnall 154 Taylor 137 140 Telfair 142 170 Terrell 137 159 Thomas 178 - 180 Tift 156 165 Toombs 155 Towns 8 Treutlen 144 Troup 129 Turner 157 Twiggs 123 Union 7 Upson 129 Walker 1, 2 11 Walton 84 87 Ware 168 Warren 111 120 Washington 121 Wayne 170 171 Webster 159 Wheeler 155 White 8 9 Whitfield 4 - 6 Wilcox 156 Wilkes 90 111 Wilkinson 123 Worth 157 163

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MEMBERS OF GEORGIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO NAMES, WITH DISTRICTS AND ADDRESS FOR THE TERM 1994-1995 District Representative Address 46 Kathy Ashe 82 Westminster Drive, N.E., At- lanta, GA 30309 93 Frank I. Bailey, Jr. P. O. Box 777, Riverdale, GA 30274-0777 70 Thurbert E. Baker 4048 Rainbow Drive, Decatur, GA 30034 77 Charles E. Bannister 312 Emily Drive, Lilburn, GA 30247 155 Fisher Barfoot 1302 North Loop Road, Vidalia, GA 30474 120 Emory E. Bargeron P. O. Box 447, Louisville, GA 30434 154 Terry Barnard Route 3, Box 271, Glennville, GA 30427 33 Roy E. Barnes 4841 Brookwood Drive, Mableton, GA 30059 179 Kermit Francis Bates, Jr. P. O. Box 915, Bainbridge, GA 31717 96 Jimmy Benefield P. O. Box 5077, Atlanta, GA 30302 123 Kenneth W. Birdsong Route One, Box 1360, Gordon, GA 31031 151 Tom Bordeaux 126 East Liberty Street, Savannah, GA 31401-4411 165 Henry Bostick P. O. Box 94, Tifton, GA 31793 85 Keith Breedlove P. O. Box 165, Buford, GA 30518 103 Donna Staples Brooks P. O. Box 2037, Newnan, GA 30264 54 Tyrone Brooks Station A. P. O. Box 11185, At- lanta, GA 30310-0185 117 George M. Brown P. O. Box 1114, Augusta, GA 30903 130 Jeff Brown 2010 Foxcroft Drive, LaGrange, GA 30240 112 B. Joseph Brush 6218 Columbia Road, Appling, GA 30802 135 Thomas B. Buck III P. O. Box 196, Columbus, GA 31902 95 Gail M. Buckner P. O. Box 966, Morrow, GA 30260 74 Barbara Jean Bunn 2635 Stanton Road, Conyers, GA 30208 41 Joseph M. Burkhalter 345 Rolling Mist Court, Alpharetta, GA 30202 170 Roger Byrd P. O. Box 756, Hazlehurst, GA 31539 42 Thomas R. Campbell, Jr. 1088 Canton Street, Roswell, GA 30075


52 Henrietta M. Canty 487 Lynn Valley Road, S.W., At- lanta, GA 30311 166 Hanson Carter 808 River Road, P. O. Box 711, Nashville, GA 31639 163 Tommy Chambless P. O. Box 2008, Albany, GA 31703- 2001 111 R. M. Channell P. O. Box 839, Greensboro, GA 30642 13 E. M. Childers 28 Surrey Trail, Rome, GA 30161 31 Lynda Coker 4560 Ponte Vedra Drive, Marietta, GA 30067 80 Brooks P. Coleman, Jr. 3919 Hillside Drive, Duluth, GA 30136 142 Terry L. Coleman P. O. Box 157, Eastman, GA 31023 115 Jack Connell P. O. Box 308, Augusta, GA 30903 160 Cathy Cox P. O. Box 1932, Bainbridge, GA 31717 129 Robert M. Crawford P. O. Box 700, Zebulon, GA 30295 78 Ronald A. Crews 944 Millbrook Court, Tucker, GA 30084 132 Ronnie Culbreth 2625 Edgewood Road, Columbus, GA 31906 27 Bill Cummings 735 Morgan Valley Road, Rockmart, GA 30153 48 Grace W. Davis 1474 Stewart Avenue, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30310 60 J. Max Davis 1177 West Nancy Creek Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30319 153 Burke Day 10 Eleventh Terrace, Tybee Island, GA 31328 172 Buddy DeLoach 225 Magnolia Lane, Hinesville, GA 31313 119 George L. DeLoach 2546 Georgia Highway 88, Hephzibah, GA 30815 76 Scott Dix 4112 Cumberland Drive, Snellville, GA 30278 168 Harry D. Dixon 1303 Coral Road, Waycross, GA 31501 150 Sonny Dixon P. O. Box 18266, Garden City, GA 31408 92 Denny M. Dobbs P. O. Box 3020, Covington, GA 30209 36 Earl Ehrhart 4725 Bradford Lane, Powder Springs, GA 30073 131 Carl Von Epps P. O. Box 1368, LaGrange, GA 30240 28 Mike A. Evans 209 Pine Lake Drive, Cumming, GA 30130 125 Sharon Falls 148 Ashford Park Drive, Macon, GA 31210 43 Dorothy Felton 465 Tanacrest Drive, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30328


138 Johnny Floyd P. O. Box 5260, Cordele, GA 31015 145 John Godbee 417 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334 177 Tim Golden 2410 Spring Valley Drive, Valdosta, GA 31602 79 Bill Goodwin 6260 Indian River Drive, Norcross, GA 30092 158 Gerald E. Greene Route Three, Box 316, Cuthbert, GA 31740 35 George H. Grindley, Jr. 1485 Dallas Circle, Marietta, GA 30064 159 Robert Hanner P. O. Box 310, Dawson, GA 31742 113 Ben L. Harbin 512 Arlington Court, Evans, GA 30809 17 Melanie S. Harris 1490 Dupree Road, Woodstock, GA 30188 116 Bettieanne Childers Hart P. O. Box 774, Waynesboro, GA 30830 89 Keith G. Heard 3100 Atlanta Highway, Athens, GA 30606 55 Joe Heckstall 2713 Briarwood Boulevard, East Point, GA 30344 66 June Hegstrom 3291 Church Street, Scottdale, GA 30079 98 William A. Hembree 8557 Campbellton Street, Douglasville, GA 30134 65 Michele Henson 4140 Creek Stone Court, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 157 Ray Holland P. O. Box 1988, Ashburn, GA 31714 53 Robert A. Holmes P. O. Box 110009, Atlanta, GA 30311-0009 118 Henry Howard 2047 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Augusta, GA 30901 156 Newt Hudson Route One, Box 29-A, Rochelle, GA 31079 133 Carolyn F. Hugley P. O. Box 6342, Columbus, GA 31907 45 Robert Irvin Ste. 2300, 133 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30303 140 Lynmore James P.O. Box 601, Montezuma, GA 31063 22 Jeanette Jamieson P. O. Box 852, Toccoa, GA 30577 110 Curtis S. Jenkins P. O. Box 634, Forsyth, GA 31029 97 Dorothy Gail Johnson 9363 Forest Knoll Drive, Jonesboro, GA 30236 84 Jere W. Johnson P. O. Box 224, Grayson, GA 30221 81 Ralph L. Johnston 4574 Bogie Road, Duluth, GA 30136 71 Vernon Jones P. O. Box 361360, Decatur, GA 30036-1360


1 Brian Joyce 762 Paynes Chapel Road, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 37 Mitchell Kaye 2137 Spindrift Court, Marietta, GA 30062 4 Gregory H. Kinnamon P. O. Box 1444, Dalton, GA 30722 39 Kip Klein 288 Lawrence Street, Marietta, GA 30060 59 Charles B. Ladd 5218 Fontainebleau Court, Atlanta, GA 30360 105 Daniel J. Lakly 306 Raintree Bend, Peachtree City, GA 30269 146 Bob Lane P. O. Box 275, Statesboro, GA 30458 64 Thomas E. Lawrence 2283 Stratmor Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 94 William J. Lee 5325 Hillside Drive, Forest Park, GA 30050 14 Jeff Lewis P. O. Box 480, White, GA 30184 6 Jerry L. Lifsey 750 Wildwood Drive, Chatsworth, GA 30705 121 Jimmy Lord P. O. Box 254, Sandersville, GA 31082 124 David E. Lucas 2594 Saratoga Drive, Macon, GA 31211 108 Leland L. Maddox 15 Wynfield Drive, Stockbridge, GA 30281 5 Harold Mann P. O. Box 1927, Dalton, GA 30722 47 Jim Martin 44 Broad Street, Ste. 500, Atlanta, GA 30303 88 Mary Louise McBee 145 Pine Valley Place, Athens, GA 30606 90 Tom McCall 2835 Washington Highway, Elberton, GA 30635 68 Jo Ann McClinton 132 East Lake Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30317 51 J. E. McKinney 765 Shorter Terrace, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318 21 James W. Mills 3721 Tanners Mill, Gainesville, GA 30507 69 Barbara J. Mobley P. O. Box 371442, Decatur, GA 30037 86 John O. Mobley, Jr. 983 Brandywine Drive, Winder, GA 30680 171 Hinson Mosley 1901 Old Screven Road, Jesup, GA 31545 152 Anne Mueller 13013 Hermitage Road, Savannah, GA 31419 18 Thomas B. Murphy P. O. Drawer 1140, Bremen, GA 30110 75 Earl L. O'Neal 1381 Northside Drive, Conyers, GA 30207


56 Nan Orrock 1070 Delaware Avenue, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30316 122 Bobby Eugene Parham P. O. Box 606, Milledgeville, GA 31061 144 Larry Parrish 224 West Main Street, Swainsboro, GA 30401 40 Don L. Parsons 3167 Sycamore Lane, Marietta, GA 30066 149 Dorothy B. Pelote P. O. Box 1802, Savannah, GA 31402 11 Tim Perry Route 1, Box 424-A, Summerville, GA 30747 15 Garland Pinholster 1335 Flatbottom Road, Ball Ground, GA 30107 67 Mike Polak 446 Candler Street, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30307 143 DuBose Porter P. O. Drawer B, CSS, Dublin, GA 31040 3 McCracken Poston, Jr. P. O. Box 988, 106 Nance Ln., Ringgold, GA 30736 23 Alan T. Powell P. O. Box 248, Hartwell, GA 30643 147 Ann R. Purcell P.O. Box 1295, 410 Willowpeg Way, Rincon, GA 31326 9 Benjamin Purcell Route Three, Box 3049, Clarkesville, GA 30523 127 William C. Randall P. O. Box 121, Macon, GA 31202 72 Mamie M. Randolph 1625 Flintwood Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30316 128 Robert Ray Route Four, Box 1071, Fort Valley, GA 31030 178 Henry L. Reaves Route Two, Box 290, Quitman, GA 31643 126 Robert A. B. Reichert P. O. Box 6497, Macon, GA 31208 162 Lawrence R. Roberts 1117 East Clark Avenue, Albany, GA 31705 20 Carl Rogers P.O. Box 1085, Gainesville, GA 30503 164 A. Richard Royal P. O. Box 607, Camilla, GA 31730 107 Bill Sanders 2735 Walkers Mill Road, Griffin, GA 30223 29 Randy Sauder 3851 Highview Place, Smyrna, GA 30082 24 John Scoggins P. O. Box 1083, Veteran's Dr., Danielsville, GA 30633 10 Tom E. Shanahan P. O. Box 1298, Calhoun, GA 30703 176 Jay Shaw P.O. Box 245, Lakeland, GA 31635 62 Tom Sherrill 2404 Brookdale Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345 38 Kem W. Shipp 3887 Jim Owens Road, P. O. Box 1508, Kennesaw, GA 30144


101 John Simpson 302-A Newnan Street, Carrollton, GA 30117 57 Georganna Sinkfield 179 Tonawanda Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315 137 Jimmy Skipper 410 W. Lamar Street, P. O. Box 488, Americus, GA 31709 175 Charlie C. Smith, Jr. P. O. Drawer 766, St. Marys, GA 31558 19 Clint Smith Route 2, Box 2086, Dawsonville, GA 30534 109 Larry Smith P. O. Box 4155, Jackson, GA 30233 12 Paul E. Smith P. O. Box 486, Rome, GA 30162 169 Tommy Smith Route One, Alma, GA 31510 102 Vance C. Smith, Jr. P. O. Box 171, Pine Mountain, GA 31822 174 Willou Smith 127 F. Street, Ste. Two, Brunswick, GA 31520 136 Calvin Smyre P. O. Box 181, Columbus, GA 31902 99 Bob Snelling 6578 Oakwood Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135 2 Michael M. Snow 272 Snow Drive, Chickamauga, GA 30707 100 Tracy Stallings 406 Bradley Street, Carrollton, GA 30117 91 Frank E. Stancil P. O. Box 694, Watkinsville, GA 30677 16 Steve Stancil 6255 E. Alabama Road, Ste. A, Woodstock, GA 30188-3872 50 LaNett Stanley 712 Gary Road, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318 49 Pamela A. Stanley 706 Foundry Street, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30314 25 Tommy Stephenson 122 North Bowden Street, Commerce, GA 30529 167 Van Streat, Sr. P. O. Box 95, Nicholls, GA 31554 134 Maretta M. Taylor 1203 Bunker Hill Road, Columbus, GA 31907 58 Sharon Beasley Teague 1107 Pine Tree Trail, College Park, GA 30349 61 Doug Teper 2517 Ellijay Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319 148 Regina Thomas 1406 East 35th Street, Savannah, GA 31404 173 E. C. Tillman 1910 Kay Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520 180 Theo Titus III RFD 1, Box 441, Thomasville, GA 31792 30 Matt A. Towery 4540 Frederick Drive, Atlanta, GA 30336 44 Sharon Trense 135 Classic Cove, Atlanta, GA 30350


73 Henrietta E. Turnquest 3471 Cherry Ridge Place, Decatur, GA 30034 8 Ralph Twiggs P. O. Box 432, Hiawassee, GA 30546 141 Larry Walker P. O. Box 1234, Perry, GA 31069 87 Len Walker P. O. Box 1500, Loganville, GA 30249 82 Vinson Wall 164 East Oak Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30245 139 Roy H. Watson, Jr. P. O. Box 1905, Warner Robins, GA 31099 26 Charlie Watts 505 Hardee Street, Dallas, GA 30132 104 Lynn A. Westmoreland 635 North Glynn Street, Fayetteville, GA 30214 7 Ben N. Whitaker P.O. Box 295, East Ellijay, GA 30539 161 John White P. O. Box 3506, Albany, GA 31706 34 John J. Wiles 2229 Covell Court, Kennesaw, GA 30144 63 Betty Jo Williams 2024 Castleway Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345 83 Jeffrey L. Williams 2815 Hunters Pond Lane, Snellville, GA 30278 114 Robin L. Williams P. O. Box 15993, Augusta, GA 30919-1993 32 Jim Woods 2515 Cottonwood Drive, N.E., Marietta, GA 30066 106 John P. Yates 961 Birdie Road, Griffin, GA 30223


MEMBERS OF GEORGIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BY DISTRICTS IN NUMERICAL ORDER WITH ADDRESSES FOR THE TERM 1994-1995 District Representative Address 1 Brian Joyce 762 Paynes Chapel Road, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 2 Michael M. Snow 272 Snow Drive, Chickamauga, GA 30707 3 McCracken Poston, Jr. P. O. Box 988, 106 Nance Ln., Ringgold, GA 30736 4 Gregory H. Kinnamon P. O. Box 1444, Dalton, GA 30722 5 Harold Mann P. O. Box 1927, Dalton, GA 30722 6 Jerry L. Lifsey 750 Wildwood Drive, Chatsworth, GA 30705 7 Ben N. Whitaker P.O. Box 295, East Ellijay, GA 30539 8 Ralph Twiggs P. O. Box 432, Hiawassee, GA 30546 9 Benjamin Purcell Route Three, Box 3049, Clarkesville, GA 30523 10 Tom E. Shanahan P. O. Box 1298, Calhoun, GA 30703 11 Tim Perry Route 1, Box 424-A, Summerville, GA 30747 12 Paul E. Smith P. O. Box 486, Rome, GA 30162 13 E. M. Childers 28 Surrey Trail, Rome, GA 30161 14 Jeff Lewis P. O. Box 480, White, GA 30184 15 Garland Pinholster 1335 Flatbottom Road, Ball Ground, GA 30107 16 Steve Stancil 6255 E. Alabama Road, Ste. A, Woodstock, GA 30188-3872 17 Melanie S. Harris 1490 Dupree Road, Woodstock, GA 30188 18 Thomas B. Murphy P. O. Drawer 1140, Bremen, GA 30110 19 Clint Smith Route 2, Box 2086, Dawsonville, GA 30534 20 Carl Rogers P.O. Box 1085, Gainesville, GA 30503 21 James W. Mills 3721 Tanners Mill, Gainesville, GA 30507 22 Jeanette Jamieson P. O. Box 852, Toccoa, GA 30577 23 Alan T. Powell P. O. Box 248, Hartwell, GA 30643 24 John Scoggins P. O. Box 1083, Veteran's Dr., Danielsville, GA 30633 25 Tommy Stephenson 122 North Bowden Street, Com- merce, GA 30529 26 Charlie Watts 505 Hardee Street, Dallas, GA 30132


27 Bill Cummings 735 Morgan Valley Road, Rockmart, GA 30153 28 Mike A. Evans 209 Pine Lake Drive, Cumming, GA 30130 29 Randy Sauder 3851 Highview Place, Smyrna, GA 30082 30 Matt A. Towery 4540 Frederick Drive, Atlanta, GA 30336 31 Lynda Coker 4560 Ponte Vedra Drive, Marietta, GA 30067 32 Jim Woods 2515 Cottonwood Drive, N.E., Marietta, GA 30066 33 Roy E. Barnes 4841 Brookwood Drive, Mableton, GA 30059 34 John J. Wiles 2229 Covell Court, Kennesaw, GA 30144 35 George H. Grindley, Jr. 1485 Dallas Circle, Marietta, GA 30064 36 Earl Ehrhart 4725 Bradford Lane, Powder Springs, GA 30073 37 Mitchell Kaye 2137 Spindrift Court, Marietta, GA 30062 38 Kem W. Shipp 3887 Jim Owens Road, P. O. Box 1508, Kennesaw, GA 30144 39 Kip Klein 288 Lawrence Street, Marietta, GA 30060 40 Don L. Parsons 3167 Sycamore Lane, Marietta, GA 30066 41 Joseph M. Burkhalter 345 Rolling Mist Court, Alpharetta, GA 30202 42 Thomas R. Campbell, Jr. 1088 Canton Street, Roswell, GA 30075 43 Dorothy Felton 465 Tanacrest Drive, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30328 44 Sharon Trense 135 Classic Cove, Atlanta, GA 30350 45 Robert Irvin Ste. 2300, 133 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30303 46 Kathy Ashe 82 Westminster Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309 47 Jim Martin 44 Broad Street, Ste. 500, Atlanta, GA 30303 48 Grace W. Davis 1474 Stewart Avenue, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30310 49 Pamela A. Stanley 706 Foundry Street, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30314 50 LaNett Stanley 712 Gary Road, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318 51 J. E. McKinney 765 Shorter Terrace, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318 52 Henrietta M. Canty 487 Lynn Valley Road, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30311


53 Robert A. Holmes P. O. Box 110009, Atlanta, GA 30311-0009 54 Tyrone Brooks Station A, P. O. Box 11185, Atlanta, GA 30310-0185 55 Joe Heckstall 2713 Briarwood Boulevard, East Point, GA 30344 56 Nan Orrock 1070 Delaware Avenue, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30316 57 Georganna Sinkfield 179 Tonawanda Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315 58 Sharon Beasley Teague 1107 Pine Tree Trail, College Park, GA 30349 59 Charles B. Ladd 5218 Fontainebleau Court, Atlanta, GA 30360 60 J. Max Davis 1177 West Nancy Creek Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30319 61 Doug Teper 2517 Ellijay Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319 62 Tom Sherrill 2404 Brookdale Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345 63 Betty Jo Williams 2024 Castleway Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345 64 Thomas E. Lawrence 2283 Stratmor Drive, Stone Mountain GA 30087 65 Michele Henson 4140 Creek Stone Court, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 66 June Hegstrom 3291 Church Street, Scottdale, GA 30079 67 Mike Polak 446 Candler Street, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30307 68 Jo Ann McClinton 132 East Lake Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30317 69 Barbara J. Mobley P. O. Box 371442, Decatur, GA 30037 70 Thurbert E. Baker 4048 Rainbow Drive, Decatur, GA 30034 71 Vernon Jones P. O. Box 361360, Decatur, GA 30036-1360 72 Mamie M. Randolph 1625 Fintwood Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30316 73 Henrietta E. Turnquest 3471 Cherry Ridge Place, Decatur, GA 30034 74 Barbara Jean Bunn 2635 Stanton Road, Conyers, GA 30208 75 Earl L. O'Neal 1381 Northside Drive, Conyers, GA 30207 76 Scott Dix 4112 Cumberland Drive, Snellville, GA 30278 77 Charles E. Bannister 312 Emily Drive, Lilburn, GA 30247 78 Ronald A. Crews 944 Millbrook Court, Tucker, GA 30084


79 Bill Goodwin 6260 Indian River Drive, Norcross, GA 30092 80 Brooks P. Coleman, Jr. 3919 Hillside Drive, Duluth, GA 30136 81 Ralph L. Johnston 4574 Bogie Road, Duluth, GA 30136 82 Vinson Wall 164 East Oak Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30245 83 Jeffrey L. Williams 2815 Hunters Pond Lane, Snellville, GA 30278 84 Jere W. Johnson P. O. Box 224, Grayson, GA 30221 85 Keith Breedlove P. O. Box 165, Buford, GA 30518 86 John O. Mobley, Jr. 983 Brandywine Drive, Winder, GA 30680 87 Len Walker P. O. Box 1500, Loganville, GA 30249 88 Mary Louise McBee 145 Pine Valley Place, Athens, GA 30606 89 Keith G. Heard 3100 Atlanta Highway, Athens, GA 30606 90 Tom McCall 2835 Washington Highway, Elberton, GA 30635 91 Frank E. Stancil P. O. Box 694, Watkinsville, GA 30677 92 Denny M. Dobbs P. O. Box 3020, Covington, GA 30209 93 Frank I. Bailey, Jr. P. O. Box 777, Riverdale, GA 30274-0777 94 William J. Lee 5325 Hillside Drive, Forest Park, GA 30050 95 Gail M. Buckner P. O. Box 966, Morrow, GA 30260 96 Jimmy Benefield P. O. Box 5077, Atlanta, GA 30302 97 Dorothy Gail Johnson 9363 Forest Knoll Drive, Jonesboro, GA 30236 98 William A. Hembree 8557 Campbellton Street, Douglasville, GA 30134 99 Bob Snelling 6578 Oakwood Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135 100 Tracy Stallings 406 Bradley Street, Carrollton, GA 30117 101 John Simpson 302-A Newnan Street, Carrollton, GA 30117 102 Vance C. Smith, Jr. P. O. Box 171, Pine Mountain, GA 31822 103 Donna Staples Brooks P. O. Box 2037, Newnan, GA 30264 104 Lynn A. Westmoreland 635 North Glynn Street, Fayetteville, GA 30214 105 Daniel J. Lakly 306 Raintree Bend, Peachtree City, GA 30269 106 John P. Yates 961 Birdie Road, Griffin, GA 30223 107 Bill Sanders 2735 Walkers Mill Road, Griffin, GA 30223


108 Leland L. Maddox 15 Wynfield Drive, Stockbridge, GA 30281 109 Larry Smith P. O. Box 4155, Jackson, GA 30233 110 Curtis S. Jenkins P. O. Box 634, Forsyth, GA 31029 111 R. M. Channell P. O. Box 839, Greensboro, GA 30642 112 B. Joseph Brush 6218 Columbia Road, Appling, GA 30802 113 Ben L. Harbin 512 Arlington Court, Evans, GA 30809 114 Robin L. Williams P. O. Box 15993, Augusta, GA 30919-1993 115 Jack Connell P. O. Box 308, Augusta, GA 30903 116 Bettieanne Childers Hart P. O. Box 774, Waynesboro, GA 30830 117 George M. Brown P. O. Box 1114, Augusta, GA 30903 118 Henry Howard 2047 Martin Luther King Boule- vard, Augusta, GA 30901 119 George L. DeLoach 2546 Georgia Highway 88, Hephzibah, GA 30815 120 Emory E. Bargeron P. O. Box 447, Louisville, GA 30434 121 Jimmy Lord P. O. Box 254, Sandersville, GA 31082 122 Bobby Eugene Parham P. O. Box 606, Milledgeville, GA 31061 123 Kenneth W. Birdsong Route One, Box 1360, Gordon, GA 31031 124 David E. Lucas 2594 Saratoga Drive, Macon, GA 31211 125 Sharon Falls 148 Ashford Park Drive, Macon, GA 31210 126 Robert A. B. Reichert P. O. Box 6497, Macon, GA 31208 127 William C. Randall P. O. Box 121, Macon, GA 31202 128 Robert Ray Route Four, Box 1071, Fort Valley, GA 31030 129 Robert M. Crawford P. O. Box 700, Zebulon, GA 30295 130 Jeff Brown 2010 Foxcroft Drive, LaGrange, GA 30240 131 Carl Von Epps P. O. Box 1368, LaGrange, GA 30240 132 Ronnie Culbreth 2625 Edgewood Road, Columbus, GA 31906 133 Carolyn F. Hugley P. O. Box 6342, Columbus, GA 31907 134 Maretta M. Taylor 1203 Bunker Hill Road, Columbus, GA 31907 135 Thomas B. Buck III P. O. Box 196, Columbus, GA 31902 136 Calvin Smyre P. O. Box 181, Columbus, GA 31902


137 Jimmy Skipper 410 W. Lamar Street, P. O. Box 488, Americus, GA 31709 138 Johnny Floyd P. O. Box 5260, Cordele, GA 31015 139 Roy H. Watson, Jr. P. O. Box 1905, Warner Robins, GA 31099 140 Lynmore James P.O. Box 601, Montezuma, GA 31063 141 Larry Walker P. O. Box 1234, Perry, GA 31069 142 Terry L. Coleman P. O. Box 157, Eastman, GA 31023 143 DuBose Porter P. O. Drawer B, CSS, Dublin, GA 31040 144 Larry Parrish 224 West Main Street, Swainsboro, GA 30401 145 John Godbee 417 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334 146 Bob Lane P. O. Box 275, Statesboro, GA 30458 147 Ann R. Purcell P.O. Box 1295, 410 Willowpeg Way, Rincon, GA 31326 148 Regina Thomas 1406 East 35th Street, Savannah, GA 31404 149 Dorothy B. Pelote P. O. Box 1802, Savannah, GA 31402 150 Sonny Dixon P. O. Box 18266, Garden City, GA 31408 151 Tom Bordeaux 126 East Liberty Street, Savannah, GA 31401-4411 152 Anne Mueller 13013 Hermitage Road, Savannah, GA 31419 153 Burke Day 10 Eleventh Terrace, Tybee Island, GA 31328 154 Terry Barnard Route 3, Box 271, Glennville, GA 30427 155 Fisher Barfoot 1302 North Loop Road, Vidalia, GA 30474 156 Newt Hudson Route One, Box 29-A, Rochelle, GA 31079 157 Ray Holland P. O. Box 1988, Ashburn, GA 31714 158 Gerald E. Greene Route Three, Box 316, Cuthbert, GA 31740 159 Robert Hanner P. O. Box 310, Dawson, GA 31742 160 Cathy Cox P. O. Box 1932, Bainbridge, GA 31717 161 John White P. O. Box 3506, Albany, GA 31706 162 Lawrence R. Roberts 1117 East Clark Avenue, Albany, GA 31705 163 Tommy Chambless P. O. Box 2008, Albany, GA 31703- 2001 164 A. Richard Royal P. O. Box 607, Camilla, GA 31730 165 Henry Bostick P. O. Box 94, Tifton, GA 31793


166 Hanson Carter 808 River Road, P. O. Box 711, Nashville, GA 31639 167 Van Streat, Sr. P. O. Box 95, Nicholls, GA 31554 168 Harry D. Dixon 1303 Coral Road, Waycross, GA 31501 169 Tommy Smith Route One, Alma, GA 31510 170 Roger Byrd P. O. Box 756, Hazlehurst, GA 31539 171 Hinson Mosley 1901 Old Screven Road, Jesup, GA 31545 172 Buddy DeLoach 225 Magnolia Lane, Hinesville, GA 31313 173 E. C. Tillman 1910 Kay Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520 174 Willou Smith 127 F. Street, Ste. Two, Brunswick, GA 31520 175 Charlie C. Smith, Jr. P. O. Drawer 766, St. Marys, GA 31558 176 Jay Shaw P.O. Box 245, Lakeland, GA 31635 177 Tim Golden 2410 Spring Valley Drive, Valdosta, GA 31602 178 Henry L. Reaves Route Two, Box 290, Quitman, GA 31643 179 Kermit Francis Bates, Jr. P. O. Box 915, Bainbridge, GA 31717 180 Theo Titus III RFD 1, Box 441, Thomasville, GA 31792


STATUS OF REFERENDUM ELECTIONS SINCE 1953 Georgia Laws Referendums Proposed Results Not Known Not Held Final Result 1953 (Jan./Feb.) 14 1 2 11 1953 (Nov./Dec.) 21 5 0 16 1955 17 1 1 15 1956 39 4 1 34 1957 24 0 1 23 1958 45 2 2 41 1959 34 0 1 33 1960 47 7 1 39 1961 27 0 1 26 1962 38 1 2 35 1963 39 1 5 33 1964 35 2 3 30 1964 Ex. Sess. 9 1 1 7 1965 23 3 0 20 1966 25 0 2 23 1967 39 0 2 37 1968 48 3 1 44 1969 48 3 3 42 1970 44 4 1 39 1971 43 0 5 38 1971 Ex. Sess. 3 0 0 3 1972 64 1 1 62 1973 21 1 2 18 1974 25 1 1 23 1975 33 1 1 31 1975 Ex. Sess. 1 0 0 1 1976 26 0 2 24 1977 13 0 0 13 1978 25 0 1 24 1979 5 0 0 5 1980 22 0 4 18 1981 10 0 2 8 1982 36 0 0 36 1983 18 0 2 16 1984 38 0 2 36 1985 25 0 4 21 1986 66 0 8 58 1987 43 0 1 42 1988 71 1 9 61 1989 20 0 5 15 1989 Ex. Sess. 1 0 0 1 1990 68 0 5 63 1991 33 0 7 26 1991 Ex. Sess. 5 0 1 4 1992 62 1 4 57 1993 20 0 2 18 1994 55 1 4 50 TOTALS 1468 45 103 1320


REFERENDUM ELECTION RESULTS Georgia Laws 1953, January-February Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Carroll 3012 Town of Mt. Zion charter 3/21/53 For: 55 Agn: 30 Chatham 2538 Homestead exemption; school taxes Not held DeKalb 3249 Board of commissioners; creation 5/13/53 For: 4445 Agn: 8483 Franklin 3030 County commissioner and board of finance 11/2/54 For: 1152 Agn: 565 Gilmer 3103 City of Ellijay; corporate limits 6/1/53 For: 69 Agn: 151 Gilmer 588 City of Ellijay 6/1/53 For: 69 Agn: 151 Gwinnett 3187 City of Lawrenceville; city manager 6/27/53 For: 55 Agn: 61 Irwin 2495 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/2/54 For: 568 Agn: 694 Mitchell 2577 City of Camilla; treasurer Not held Murray 2458 Town of Spring Place; alley closing 5/19/53 For: 36 Agn: 48 Murray 2340 City of Chatsworth Results not known Murray 2444 Tax commissioner; compensation 4/21/53 For: 553 Agn: 261 Troup 2276 City of West Point; corporate limits 4/1/53 For: 250 Agn: 112 Whitfield 2128 City Court of Dalton 3/26/53 For: 210 Agn: 2613


Georgia Laws 1953, November-December Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Burke 2049 Board of commissioners; county employees' pension fund 9/8/54 For: 1833 Agn: 648 Cherokee 2668 Certain county officers; compensation 11/2/54 For: 913 Agn: 674 Clayton 2855 City of Forest Park Results not known Clayton 2029 City of Jonesboro; corporate limits 12/9/53 For: 64 Agn: 229 Clayton 2064 City of Lake Tara; charter repeal Results not known Coweta 2040 City of Newnan; corporate limits 2/6/54 For: 1406 Agn: 603 Crisp 2407 City of Cordele; corporate limits 10/5/54 City vote: For: 202 Agn: 132 County vote: For: 23 Agn: 252 Decatur 2197 City of West Bainbridge; incorporation 1/11/54 For: 200 Agn: 527 DeKalb 2578 City of Decatur; tax rate 10/21/54 For: 466 Agn: 827 Early 2282 City of Blakely; corporate limits 4/19/54 For: 45 Agn: 82 Elbert 2987 City of Elberton 3/23/54 For: 958 Agn: 248 Forsyth 2674 County indebtedness Results not known Greene 2455 County commissioner 3/23/54 For: 1637 Agn: 1807


Habersham 2745 City of Clarkesville; new charter 2/16/54 For: 154 Agn: 164 McDuffie 2584 City of Thomson 3/12/54 For: 253 Agn: 290 Miller 2814 City Court of Miller County Results not known Richmond 2610 City of Augusta; corporate limits Results not known Richmond 2476 City of Augusta; corporate limits 11/17/54 For: 259 Agn: 189 Sumter 2972 City of Americus; tax rate 1/12/54 For: 382 Agn: 431 Troup 2858 City of West Point; corporate limits 1/27/54 City vote: For: 140 Agn: 6 Outside city vote: For: 65 Agn: 53 Twiggs 2570 County commissioner 11/2/54 For: 161 Agn: 626


Georgia Laws 1955: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 2830 Board of commissioners 4/20/55 For: 1079 Agn: 716 Clarke 3057 City of Athens/Clarke County; school systems 5/4/55 For: 1124 Agn: 564 Clayton 2781 City of Morrow 4/16/55 For: 75 Agn: 30 Clayton and Fulton 2884 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/14/55 For: 46 Agn: 13 DeKalb 2806 Form of government 5/18/55 (1) Single Com. For: 750 Multiple Com. For: 5013 (2) Co. Exec. For: 2728 Co. Manager For: 2733 Elbert 2117 City Court of Elberton 3/7/56 For: 4471 Agn: 522 Fulton 2650 City of Hapeville Results not known Gwinnett 3163 City of Lawrenceville; corporate limits 3/19/55 For: 25 Agn: 89 Hall 3038 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/28/55 For: 2163 Agn: 775 Hall 2627 Certain county officers; compensation 11/28/55 For: 2144 Agn: 826 Houston 2093 City of Warner Robins 4/5/55 For: 234 Agn: 547 Jackson 2853 City of Commerce Not held Laurens 2620 City of Dublin; water, light, and gas commission 5/10/55 For: 582 Agn: 1327


Lumpkin 2892 County commissioner 4/13/55 For: 337 Agn: 109 Rockdale 2428 Certain county officers; compensation 4/16/55 For: 610 Agn: 877 Tift 2344 City of Tifton; commissioners 4/27/55 For: 764 Agn: 270 Wayne 2858 City of Jesup 4/27/55 For: 383 Agn: 206


Georgia Laws 1956: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 2725 Board of commissioners; districts; elections 4/3/56 For: 1394 Agn: 1385 Baldwin 2865 City of Milledgeville; corporate limits 7/18/56 For: 107 Agn: 58 (1 of 2) Baldwin 2865 City of Milledgeville; corporate limits 10/15/56 For: 463 Agn: 243 (1 of 2) Baldwin 3003 City of Milledgeville; corporate limits 7/18/56 For: 12 Agn: 51 Banks 2056 Sheriff; compensation 3/14/56 For: 1054 Agn: 1378 Barrow 3100 City of Winder; corporate limits 5/4/56 For: 13 Agn: 103 Carroll 2797 City Court of Carrollton 11/6/56 For: 1305 Agn: 2344 Carroll 2877 City of Whitesburg; police court Results not known Chattooga 2899 County commissioner 9/12/56 For: 2142 Agn: 1167 Clayton 2040 City of Forest Park Results not known (1 of 2) Clayton 2040 City of Forest Park Results not known (1 of 2) Clayton 2518 City of Mountain View; incorporation 3/24/56 For: 341 Agn: 44


Clayton and Fulton 2744 City of College Park; corporate limits 4/28/56 For: 28 Agn: 22 Colquitt 2399 Certain county officers; compensation 2/28/56 For: 3864 Agn: 2411 Colquitt 2403 Tax commissioner; creation of office 2/28/56 For: 3939 Agn: 2540 Colquitt 2830 City of Moultrie 10/1/56 * * City Vote: West Moultrie Area: For: 1986 Agn: 169 Colonial Heights Area: For: 2002 Agn: 159 Crestwood Gardens Area: For: 2005 Agn: 167 East Moultrie Area: For: 2004 Agn: 165 Tifton Highway Area: For: 1989 Agn: 173 Sylvester Drive Area: For: 1976 Agn: 175 Area Vote: Area 1-West Moultrie Area: For: 99 Agn: 57 Area 2-Colonial Heights Area: For: 145 Agn: 83 Area 3-Crestwood Gardens Area: For: 27 Agn: 87 Area 4-East Moultrie Area: For: 41 Agn: 147 Area 5-Tifton Highway Area: For: 29 Agn: 107 Area 6-Sylvester Drive Area: For: 78 Agn: 144 DeKalb 2932 City Court of Decatur 5/16/56 For: 12520 Agn: 5846 DeKalb 3237 Multiple member commission form of government 5/16/56 For: 18393 Agn: 2001 (1 of 2) DeKalb 3237 Chairman and board of commissioners 5/16/56 For: (a) 4743 (1 of 2) For: (b) 15300 Fayette 2022 Tax commissioner; creation of office 2/25/56 For: 292 Agn: 37 Glascock 3507 Sheriff; compensation 3/14/56 For: 498 Agn: 227


Gwinnett 2502 Tax commissioner; county treasurer 11/6/56 For: 3383 Agn: 1641 Hall 3166 City of Lula; charter 3/27/56 Belton vote: For: 64 Agn: 2 Lula vote: For: 35 Agn: 3 Houston 2510 City of Warner Robins 5/8/56 For: 215 Agn: 30 Jackson 2887 City Court of Jefferson 9/12/56 For: 972 Agn: 1556 Laurens 3267 City of Dublin; elections Not held Miller 2799 Voting machines 9/12/56 For: 231 Agn: 580 Murray 3476 City of Chatsworth; corporate limits 8/25/56 For: 77 Agn: 109 Muscogee 2386 City of Columbus; corporate limits 9/12/56 City vote: For: 6179 Agn: 2356 Outside city vote: For: 516 Agn: 2070 Newton 2507 City of Covington; corporate limits 5/1/56 For: 109 Agn: 90 Richmond 2406 City of Augusta; land conveyance 4/18/56 For: 7769 Agn: 3734


Spalding 2412 City of Griffin; corporate limits 4/17/56 City vote: For: 948 Agn: 595 Affected area: For: 365 Agn: 400 Thomas 3159 Certain county officers; compensation 4/24/56 For: 902 Agn: 939 Thomas 3510 Tax commissioner; creation of office 4/24/56 For: 876 Agn: 957 Troup 2827 City of Hogansville; corporate limits 7/18/56 City vote: For: 216 Agn: 117 Outside city vote: For: 41 Agn: 159 Troup 3078 City of Hogansville; corporate limits 7/18/56 For: 257 Agn: 276 Troup 3423 City of North West Point; incorporation 4/25/56 For: 34 Agn: 111 Walker 2995 Town of Linwood Results not known Whitfield 2093 City of Dalton 3/15/56 For: 985 Agn: 1831


Georgia Laws 1957: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 2048 City of Cartersville; school board 3/12/57 For: 1010 Agn:314 Bulloch 2877 City of Statesboro; corporate limits 7/26/57 Area 1: For: 312 Agn: 14 Area 2: For: 312 Agn: 14 Area 3: For: 313 Agn: 13 Chatham 2003 City of Port Wentworth; charter 3/20/57 For: 422 Agn: 128 Clarke 2033 City of Athens 2/27/57 For: 617 Agn: 2112 Clarke 2036 City of Athens; recorder 2/27/57 For: 714 Agn: 2047 Cobb 3020 City of Acworth; new charter 5/4/57 For: 73 Agn: 181 Coffee 2833 City of Douglas 5/29/57 For: 485 Agn: 99 Colquitt 2205 City of Moultrie; corporate limits 3/11/57 For: 25 Agn: 53 Cook 3253 Board of commissioners; elections; districts 5/8/57 For: 227 Agn: 364 Dougherty 2595 City of Albany 5/20/57 For: 325 Agn: 720


Douglas 2358 City of Douglasville; corporate limits 5/3/57 City vote: For: 50 Agn: 53 Affected area: For: 2 Agn: 164 Emanuel 3317 City of Swainsboro; corporate limits 10/14/57 City vote: For: Area 1 and 2 Outside city vote: For: Area 2 Agn: Area 1 Gwinnett 2669 City of Lawrenceville; corporate limits 3/23/57 For: 27 Agn: 4 Hancock 2341 City of Sparta; tax rate Not held Henry 2121 Board of commissioners; elections 4/6/57 For: 784 Agn: 924 Miller 2194 Board of commissioners 4/2/57 Majority vote for $5.00 per meeting Pickens 2332 Town of Jasper; corporate limits 4/17/57 City vote: For: 78 Agn: 12 Outside city vote: For: 15 Agn: 213 Pickens 2400 Town of Jasper; council 4/17/57 For: 75 Agn: 10 Polk 2185 City of Cedartown 5/8/57 For: 656 Agn: 934


Pulaski 3353 City of Hawkinsville 4/30/57 For: 115 Agn: 266 Spalding 2809 City of Griffin 4/30/57 For: 552 Agn: 317 Twiggs 3002 Board of commissioners; elections 5/22/57 For: 156 Agn: 174 Walker 2419 Town of Linwood 4/27/57 For: 71 Agn: 29 Wilkinson 2383 Town of McIntyre 5/25/57 For: 49 Agn: 18


Georgia Laws 1958: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bacon 3378 City of Alma; corporate limits 7/2/58 For: 206 Agn: 197 Baldwin 3302 Board of commissioners; terms; chairman 11/4/58 For: 932 Agn: 717 Barrow 2338 City of Winder; city manager 6/4/58 For: 131 Agn: 229 Bartow 2683 Tax commissioner; creation of office 9/10/58 For: 35 Agn: 1254 Bartow 2866 Certain county officers; compensation 9/10/58 For: 62 Agn: 1356 Brooks 2859 City of Quitman; commissioners 5/27/58 For: 173 Agn: 74 Chatham 2617 Town of Thunderbolt; recorder's court 1/20/59 For: 291 Agn: 115 Chatham 3337 City of Savannah 5/27/58 For: 4024 Agn: 2283 Chattahoochee 2554 Sheriff; compensation 11/4/58 For: 55 Agn: 30 Cherokee 2437 City of Canton; corporate limits 5/7/58 For: 119 Agn: 483 Cherokee 2661 City of Canton; wards 5/7/58 For: 223 Agn: 37 Clayton 3022 City of Mountain View; charter repeal Results not known Clayton 3397 City of Forest Park Results not known Clayton and Fulton 2309 City of College Park 5/19/58 For: 2 Agn: 0


Clayton and Fulton 2363 City of College Park 5/14/58 For: 10 Agn: 0 Clayton and Fulton 2721 City of College Park 6/3/58 For: 738 Agn: 340 Clayton and Fulton 2453 City of College Park 5/19/58 For: 2 Agn: 0 Clayton and Fulton 2854 City of College Park 5/14/58 For: 0 Agn: 0 Clayton and Fulton 3212 City of East Point 7/16/58 For: 63 Agn: 28 Colquitt 2441 City of Moultrie; corporate limits 7/14/58 For: 53 Agn: 1 (Area 6) 7/21/58 For: 110 Agn: 79 (Area 7) 7/28/58 For: 31 Agn: 27 (Area 8) DeKalb 3318 City of Chamblee; corporate limits 5/10/58 City area vote: For: 41 Agn: 1 Affected area: For: 91 Agn: 41


Dodge 2207 Board of commissioners; creation 3/18/58 For: 571 Agn: 2997 Early 2829 City of Blakely; corporate limits 8/12/58 For: 59 Agn: 96 Emanuel 3143 City of Swainsboro; corporate limits 10/13/58 Parcel #1-City vote: For: 227 Agn: 15 Outside city: For: 143 Agn: 54 Parcel #2-City vote: For: 229 Agn: 15 Outside city: For: 39 Agn: 40 Parcel #3-City vote: For: 230 Agn: 14 Outside city: For: 24 Agn: 28 Fannin 3353 City of Blue Ridge 5/17/58 For: 162 Agn: 282 Franklin 2644 City of Carnesville; corporate limits 4/22/58 For: 33 Agn: 21 Gordon 2131 City of Calhoun 3/26/58 City vote: For: 234 Agn: 75 County vote: For: 203 Agn: 256

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Hall 2279 City of Gainesville; commissioners 4/1/58 For: 925 Agn: 169 Haralson 2820 City of Bremen; education tax Not held Henry 3127 Certain county officers; compensation 5/21/58 For: 346 Agn: 206 Henry 3132 City of Stockbridge; corporate limits 4/30/58 City vote: For: 61 Agn: 75 Outside city: For: 16 Agn: 116 Henry 3198 City of Hampton; corporate limits 4/30/58 City vote: For: 92 Agn: 3 Outside city: For: 37 Agn: 9 Henry 3367 City of McDonough; corporate limits Results not known Jasper 2921 City of Monticello; corporate limits 6/3/58 City vote: For: 147 Agn: 107 Outside city: For: 15 Agn: 50 Jeff Davis 3288 Board of commissioners; creation 4/19/58 For: 1025 Agn: 901 Lowndes 2624 City of Valdosta; city manager 4/14/58 For: 907 Agn: 243


Newton 2269 City of Covington 7/9/58 For: 151 Agn: 460 Polk 2468 Town of Van Wert; charter repeal 9/10/58 For: 7 Agn: 57 Pulaski 2826 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/4/58 For: 222 Agn: 235 Putnam 2980 City of Eatonton 6/11/58 For: 42 Agn: 257 Tift 2696 City of Tifton (two elections held) 4/30/58 City vote: For: 669 Agn: 43 Outside city: For: 333 Agn: 286 Tift 2930 City of Tifton 5/7/58 Results not known Ware 2763 City of Manor 5/17/58 For: 19 Agn: 100 Wilkes 2091 Board of commissioners; election 11/4/58 For: 749 Agn: 98 White 3224 Board of commissioners; creation Not held


Georgia Laws 1959: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 2782 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 4/29/59 For: 79 Agn: 154 Bartow 2793 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 4/29/59 For: 3 Agn: 21 Bartow 2797 City of Adairsville; corporate limits 5/12/59 For: 77 Agn: 120 Bartow 2907 City of White (Sec. 2) (two elections held) 5/16/59 County election, Sec. 2: For: 7 Agn: 36 City election: For: 27 Agn: 45 Bartow 2920 City of Kingston; new charter 5/16/59 For: 49 Agn: 2 Catoosa 2161 Board of commissioners; creation 3/28/59 For: 718 Agn: 2430 Chattooga 2809 City of Summerville; new charter 5/23/59 For: 160 Agn: 462 Cherokee 2494 Certain county officers; compensation 4/4/59 For: 1522 Agn: 509 Clayton and Fulton 2499 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/18/59 For: 14 Agn: 38 Clayton and Fulton 2508 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/18/59 For: 0 Agn: 0 Clayton and Fulton 2516 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/18/59 For: 5 Agn: 0


Clayton and Fulton 2521 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/18/59 For: 3 Agn: 0 Cobb and Douglas 3142 City of Austell-Parcel #2 8/18/59 For: 7 Agn: 8 Cobb and Douglas 3142 City of Austell-Parcel #3 8/4/59 For: 2 Agn: 11 Cobb and Douglas 3142 City of Austell-Parcel #1 8/25/59 For: 5 Agn: 49 Cobb and Douglas 3142 City of Austell-Parcel #4 8/11/59 For: 14 Agn: 15 Colquitt 2396 City of Norman Park; tax rate 5/25/59 For: 50 Agn: 81 Dougherty 2091 Board of commissioners; membership 4/12/60 For: 755 Agn: 417 Dougherty 3064 City of Albany; corporate limits; wards 6/8/59 For: 1413 Agn: 710 Douglas 2871 City of Lithia Springs; incorporation 4/8/59 For: 241 Agn: 569 Elbert 2627 Board of commissioners 4/8/59 For: 804 Agn: 436 Elbert 2621 Tax commissioner; compensation 4/8/59 For: 1041 Agn: 203 Elbert 2624 Certain county officers; compensation 4/8/59 For: 1014 Agn: 228


Emanuel 2592 City of Twin City 5/4/59 For: 200 Agn: 162 Gwinnett 3161 City of Dacula; new charter 5/9/59 For: 82 Agn: 45 Habersham 2178 City of Cornelia 4/13/59 For: 102 Agn: 91 McDuffie 2568 Certain county officers; compensation 6/30/59 For: 502 Agn: 75 Meriwether and Talbot 2534 City of Manchester 4/1/59 For: 109 Agn: 30 Newton 2780 City of Oxford 5/1/59 For: 30 Agn: 36 Polk 2171 City of Cedartown 5/19/59 City vote: For: 387 Agn: 75 County vote: For: 86 Agn: 291 Polk 2732 Certain county officers; compensation 3/16/60 For: 4388 Agn: 1624 Toombs 2010 Board of commissioners; creation 4/8/59 For: 1510 Agn: 827 Turner 2574 Board of commissioners; membership Not held Union 2053 Board of commissioners; creation 3/17/59 For: 810 Agn: 1629


Georgia Laws 1960: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Banks 3035 Board of commissioners 9/14/60 For: 1197 Agn: 767 Berrien 3301 City of Nashville 11/8/60 For: 466 Agn: 418 Bibb 3223 Macon Bibb County; creation 6/1/60 City vote: For: 4598 Agn: 4288 Outside city vote: For: 1902 Agn: 7368 Payne City vote: For: 37 Agn: 55 Chatham 2273 Town of Thunderbolt; mayor and aldermen; terms 1/17/61 For: 151 Agn: 283 Chattooga 2715 Town of Trion; corporate limits 5/5/60 For: 53 Agn: 25 Clarke 2234 City of Athens; mayor and aldermen; terms 4/13/60 For: 276 Agn: 522 Cobb 2127 City of Smyrna; city manager; mayor Results not known Coweta 3020 City of Newnan; city manager; form of government 4/30/60 For: 320 Agn: 146 Douglas and Cobb 2118 City of Austell; corporate limits 3/26/60 For: 27 Agn: 38 Dodge 2608 Town of Rhine; mayor and council; terms 4/27/60 For: 146 Agn: 4


DeKalb 3158 City of Decatur; commissioners; terms Results not known Emanuel 2360 Board of commissioners; terms 11/8/60 For: 877 Agn: 2080 Evans 2251 City of Claxton; corporate limits 5/5/60 Proposed Area: For: 32 Agn: 62 Within City vote: For: 379 Agn: 107 Franklin 2143 County Commissioner Advisory Board 3/9/60 For: 2296 Agn: 1038 Fulton and Clayton 2849 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/14/60 For: 6 Agn: 0 Fulton and Clayton 2854 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/16/60 For: 21 Agn: 15 Greene 3089 Tax commissioner; compensation 4/28/60 For: 801 Agn: 823 Greene 3093 Certain county officers; compensation 4/28/60 For: 822 Agn: 835 Henry 3297 City of McDonough; corporate limits 5/18/60 Inside City vote: For: 61 Agn: 35 Outside City vote: For: 41 Agn: 83 Houston 2605 Tax commissioner; compensation 11/8/60 For: 4059 Agn: 959 Jefferson 2913 Town of Avera; mayor and council Results not known


Lamar 2294 Certain county officers; compensation 5/11/60 For: 131 Agn: 193 Liberty 2237 Board of commissioners 3/30/60 For: 1096 Agn: 573 Lowndes 3125 City of Valdosta; corporate limits 4/15/60 For: 87 Agn: 656 McIntosh 2888 Clerk of the superior court; compensation Results not known McIntosh 2893 Sheriff; compensation Results not known McIntosh 2899 Tax commissioner; compensation Results not known McIntosh 2904 Ordinary; compensation Results not known Mitchell 2301 City of Camilla; corporate limits 4/27/60 City of Camilla For: 45 Agn: 15 Mitchell County For: 8 Agn: 1 Morgan 2518 Certain county officers; compensation 3/15/60 For: 1894 Agn: 332 Murray 3180 City of Spring Place; ad valorem taxes Not held Polk 2111 City of Cedartown; corporate limits 3/22/60 For: 74 Agn: 50 Pulaski 2991 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 9/14/60 For: 798 Agn: 962 Pulaski 2995 Tax collector; compensation 9/14/60 For: 803 Agn: 952


Pulaski 2998 Ordinary; compensation 9/14/60 For: 805 Agn: 949 Pulaski 3001 Sheriff; compensation 9/14/60 For: 810 Agn: 953 Pulaski 3009 Tax receiver; compensation 9/14/60 For: 777 Agn: 952 Rabun 2417 City of Clayton; new charter 5/25/60 For: 46 Agn: 160 Rockdale 2028 City of Conyers; commission form of government 3/2/60 For: 134 Agn: 283 Stewart 2051 County commissioner and advisory board 3/16/60 For: 418 Agn: 297 Walton 2056 Certain county officers; compensation 3/9/60 For: 3092 Agn: 918 Walton 2063 Board of commissioners; compensation 3/9/60 For: 2748 Agn: 1117 Walton 2067 Tax commissioner; compensation 3/9/60 For: 3181 Agn: 900 Wayne 2202 Board of commissioners; creation 3/4/60 For: 458 Agn: 1672 Whitfield 2003 County commissioner; compensation 3/2/60 For: 955 Agn: 1042 Whitfield 2007 Certain county officers; compensation 3/2/60 For: 1272 Agn: 746 Whitfield 2019 Tax commissioner; creation 3/2/50 For: 1227 Agn: 806


Georgia Laws 1961: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 2197 City of Baxley 4/18/61 For: 514 Agn: 292 Bartow 2782 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 6/10/61 For: 6 Agn: 44 Bartow 3382 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 6/10/61 For: 29 Agn: 20 Bartow 3469 City of Cartersville; corporate limits 6/10/61 For: 205 Agn: 159 Bibb 2441 City of Macon; corporate limits 5/24/61 City vote: For: 1560 Agn: 445 Outside city vote: For: 12269 Agn: 9037 Carroll 3118 City of Carrollton; mayor and council 5/20/61 For: 267 Agn: 764 Chatham 2969 City of Savannah; corporate limits 5/10/61 City of Savannah: For: 9176 Agn: 1679 Zone No. 1: For: 886 Agn: 759 Zone No. 2: For: 123 Agn: 277 Chatham 3072 Civil Service System of Chatham County 4/20/61 For: 137 Agn: 144 Chattooga 2658 City of Summerville; new charter 5/27/61 For: 338 Agn: 241 Colquitt 3041 City of Moultrie; tax rate Not held Early 2245 City of Blakely; corporate limits 6/13/61 For: 61 Agn: 56

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Early 2260 City of Blakely; corporate limits 6/14/61 For: 35 Agn: 56 Forsyth 2252 City of Cumming; corporate limits 4/1/61 City vote: For: 108 Agn: 26 Outside city vote: For: 41 Agn: 142 Gwinnett 2583 City of Norcross; corporate limits 5/20/61 City vote: For: 45 Agn: 25 Outside city vote: For: 21 Agn: 43 Gwinnett 3156 City of Suwanee; new charter 4/29/61 For: 56 Agn: 15 Laurens 2598 City of Dublin; city manager 8/2/61 For: 1077 Agn: 463 Meriwether 2760 City of Manchester; corporate limits 5/3/61 For: 614 Agn: 322 Meriwether 3058 Board of commissioners; districts 5/31/61 For: 860 Agn: 320 Meriwether 3223 County treasurer; abolition of office 5/31/61 For: 680 Agn: 493 Meriwether 3416 Tax commissioner; compensation 5/31/61 For: 940 Agn: 243 Meriwether 3456 Certain county officers; compensation 5/31/61 For: 938 Agn: 254 Monroe 2994 City of Forsyth; mayor; water lines 10/4/61 For: 668 Agn: 245 Murray 3403 City of Spring Place; ad valorem taxes 6/24/61 For: 24 Agn: 19

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Pike 2704 City of Zebulon; new charter 5/6/61 For: 52 Agn: 1 Polk 2931 City of Rockmart; corporate limits 12/2/61 See below * * Result: City of Rockmart For: 669 Agn: 174 Ward 1 For: 22 Agn: 36 Ward 2 For: 0 Agn: 17 Ward 3 For: 0 Agn: 0 Ward 4 For: 6 Agn: 69 Ward 5 For: 0 Agn: 1 Sumter 3251 City of Americus; new charter 5/9/61 For: 331 Agn: 954 Troup 2650 City of West Point; mayor and aldermen; elections 4/26/61 For: 143 Agn: 224


Georgia Laws 1962: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bryan 2505 City of Richmond Hill; incorporation 4/4/62 For: 153 Agn: 119 Chatham 2707 Town of Pooler; tax rate 4/26/62 For: 110 Agn: 114 Clarke 2677 City of Athens; corporate limits; wards 5/23/62 For: 643 Agn: 521 Clarke 2751 City of Athens; public transportation system 4/25/62 For: 1228 Agn: 1361 Clayton and Fulton 2592 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/5/62 For: 32 Agn: 37 Clayton and Fulton 2599 City of College Park; mayor and council; elections 6/1/62 For: 214 Agn: 1061 Clayton and Fulton 3084 City of College Park; corporate limits 5/26/62 For: 4 Agn: 160 Columbia 2713 City of Martinez; incorporation 9/12/62 For: 85 Agn: 573 Emanuel 2359 Board of commissioners; districts; elections; terms 11/6/62 For: 450 Agn: 484 Fulton 2473 City of East Point; corporate limits 5/9/62 For: 1 Agn: 3 Fulton 2854 City of East Point; corporate limits 5/9/62 For: 1 Agn: 6 Fulton 2861 City of East Point; corporate limits 5/9/62 For: 6 Agn: 31 Fulton 3130 City of East Point; corporate limits 5/9/62 For: 25 Agn: 22


Gwinnett 2364 Pinball machines 11/6/62 For: 1737 Agn: 638 Henry 2403 Town of Locust Grove; corporate limits 4/25/62 For: 20 Agn: 27 Jackson 2620 City of Jefferson; corporate limits Not held Jackson 2624 City of Commerce; corporate limits 12/5/62 Inside City: For: 385 Agn: 108 Outside City: For: 58 Agn: 237 Laurens 2528 Town of Dudley; name changed to City of Dudley; mayor 3/28/62 For: 29 Agn: 4 Laurens 3052 County treasurer; abolition of office Not held Meriwether 2244 City of Manchester; commissioners 3/28/62 For: 234 Agn: 66 Meriwether 2396 City of Manchester; insurance for employees 3/28/62 For: 251 Agn: 47 Meriwether 2422 City of Manchester; board of commissioners; chairman 3/28/62 For: 224 Agn: 67 Meriwether 2603 City of Manchester; corporate limits 3/28/62 For: 231 Agn: 76 Meriwether 2613 City of Manchester; mayor and council; meetings 3/28/62 For: 227 Agn: 57 Mitchell 2158 City of Camilla; corporate limits 4/24/62 For: 15 Agn: 0 Murray 2576 City of Chatsworth; corporate limits 6/23/62 For: 143 Agn: 183


Muscogee 2164 Columbus-Muscogee Board of Commissioners; creation 4/11/62 Muscogee County: For: 6612 Agn: 9103 City of Columbus: For: 5563 Agn: 6032 Newton 3072 City of Covington; city manager 4/25/62 For: 550 Agn: 167 Oglethorpe 3202 City Court of Lexington; abolition 11/6/62 For: 392 Agn: 180 Putnam 2440 Certain county officers; compensation 11/6/62 For: 626 Agn: 129 Putnam 3048 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/6/62 For: 548 Agn: 184 Terrell 2537 City of Dawson; corporate limits 7/11/62 #1-Defeated #2-Ratified Terrell 3186 City of Dawson Results not known Upson 2074 City of Thomaston 4/3/62 For: 577 Agn: 543 Warren 2981 Clerk of the superior court to attend the court of ordinary 11/6/62 For: 281 Agn: 313 Washington 3038 City of Tennille; corporate limits 5/2/62 In Proposed Area: For: 13 Agn: 44 In City of Tennille: For: 139 Agn: 58 Wayne 3110 Board of commissioners; creation 11/6/62 For: 664 Agn: 449 Wilkinson 2847 Town of McIntyre; corporate limits 4/7/62 For: 70 Agn: 21

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Georgia Laws 1963: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baker 2928 Tax collector and tax receiver; compensation 4/25/63 For: 581 Agn: 343 Baldwin 3035 Civil and Criminal Court of Baldwin County 5/28/63 For: 142 Agn: 346 Bartow 2066 Sheriff's deputies and jailers; compensation 4/10/63 For: 721 Agn: 1170 Bartow 2070 Deputy clerk of the superior court; compensation 4/10/63 For: 545 Agn: 1330 Bartow 2074 Clerical help in the office of the ordinary; compensation 4/10/63 For: 666 Agn: 1230 Bartow 2078 County commissioner; clerical help; compensation 4/10/63 For: 532 Agn: 1343 Bartow 2082 Deputy tax commissioner; clerical help; compensation 4/10/63 For: 511 Agn: 1356 Bartow 2086 Sheriff; equipment 4/10/63 For: 714 Agn: 1172 Berrien 2627 City of Enigma; new charter 6/4/63 For: 15 Agn: 0 Bleckley 2382 Tax commissioner; creation of office 6/5/63 For: 209 Agn: 436 Cherokee 2016 City of Canton; corporate limits 5/1/63 For: 45 Agn: 29 Clayton 2723 City of Lovejoy; new charter Not held Clayton 2815 City of Riverdale; mayor and council; wards; city manager Not held Cobb 2781 Board of commissioners; creation 1/8/64 For: 2123 Agn: 4100 Colquitt 2203 City of Moultrie; tax rate Results not known


DeKalb 3457 City of North Atlanta; incorporation 7/11/63 For (1): 508 For (2): 55 For (3): 842 Dougherty 3630 City of Albany; abolition of wards 7/29/63 For: 1034 Agn: 1406 Emanuel 2583 City of Swainsboro; corporate limits 5/13/63 Inside city: For: 243 Agn: 44 Outside city: For: 81 Agn: 41 Fulton 2887 City of East Point; corporate limits Not held Glynn 3249 City of Brunswick; mayor; city manager 10/1/63 For: 798 Agn: 570 Hall 3552 Board of commissioners; membership 9/3/63 For: 1421 Agn: 1571 Henry 2609 Board of commissioners; elections; terms; compensation 5/15/63 For Section 1: 669 For Section 2: 624 Houston 3330 City of Warner Robins 5/7/63 For: 1127 Agn: 776 Irwin 2602 Tax commissioner; creation of office 5/28/63 For: 91 Agn: 279 Jackson 2575 City of Commerce Not held Meriwether 2332 City of Warm Springs; tax rate Not held Muscogee 2731 City of Columbus; form of government 6/5/63 For: 3254 Agn: 1615


Newton 3017 Board of commissioners 5/15/63 For: 333 Agn: 669 Pulaski 3436 Tax commissioner; creation of office 6/18/63 For: 354 Agn: 321 Screven 2835 City of Sylvania; city manager 6/4/63 For: 160 Agn: 79 Talbot 2185 Board of commissioners 5/22/63 For: 239 Agn: 295 Telfair 2482 City of McRae; new charter 5/1/63 For: 130 Agn: 3 Thomas 3402 City of Boston; clerk and treasurer 5/20/63 For: 45 Agn: 126 Thomas 3405 City of Boston; marshal 5/20/63 For: 52 Agn: 127 Turner 2471 County commissioner 4/24/63 For: 249 Agn: 603 Walton 2600 Tax equalization program 7/24/63 For: 1715 Agn: 1838 Ware 2237 Board of commissioners; creation 5/30/63 For: 1727 Agn: 1373 Wilkes 2803 Certain county officers; compensation 5/28/63 For: 1304 Agn: 119 Wilkes 3447 Tax commissioner; compensation 5/28/63 For: 1281 Agn: 130


Georgia Laws 1964: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 2681 Certain county officers; compensation 6/17/64 For: 2543 Agn: 848 Brooks 2776 City of Quitman; commissioners Results not known Chatham 2288 Town of Pooler; taxation; bonds 4/15/64 For: 124 Agn: 61 Cherokee 2351 City of Woodstock; corporate limits Not held Cherokee 2431 City of Canton; corporate limits 4/8/64 For: 174 Agn: 394 Colquitt 2305 City of Moultrie; tax rate for schools 10/20/64 For: 1174 Agn: 613 Cook 2093 Board of commissioners; elections 3/4/64 For: 2003 Agn: 1612 Dodge 2954 City of Empire; new charter 6/2/64 For: 55 Agn: 71 Fulton 2478 City of Union City; repeal of charter 5/8/64 For: 214 Agn: 279 Fulton 2988 City of Alpharetta; corporate limits * * (Repealed by Ga. L. 1964, Ex. Sess., p. 2342) Gwinnett 2733 City of Suwanee; new charter 5/11/64 For: 90 Agn: 4 Hancock 2088 Certain county officers; compensation 4/22/64 For: 251 Agn: 64 Harris 2939 Town of Pine Mountain; corporate limits 4/29/64 Inside: For: 61 Agn: 43 Outside: For: 0 Agn: 7


Hart 2028 Board of finance 9/9/64 Question A: 1246 Question B: 873 McDuffie 2095 Board of commissioners 4/1/64 For: 971 Agn: 1720 McDuffie 2104 Tax commissioner; creation of office 4/1/64 For: 985 Agn: 1708 McDuffie 2107 Sheriff and deputies; compensation 4/1/64 For: 982 Agn: 1705 Meriwether 2154 Town of Greenville; ad valorem tax rate Results not known Meriwether 2412 City of Woodbury; ad valorem tax 4/22/64 For: 110 Agn: 30 Monroe 2542 Board of commissioners Not held Murray 2672 County commissioner; compensation 9/9/64 For: 1868 Agn: 1763 Peach 2627 Board of commissioners: 4/29/64 (Three questions) Creation of the board For: 509 Agn: 502 Election of the board by the people For: 692 Selection of the board by the grand jury For: 93 Pickens 2066 County commissioner 3/4/64 For: 1822 Agn: 144 Pickens 2078 City of Jasper 3/21/64 Inside city: For: 43 Agn: 3 Outside city: For: 9 Agn: 0

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Thomas 2497 Sheriff; compensation 4/29/64 For: 1685 Agn: 639 Tift 2208 City of Tifton; water and sewer lines 4/22/64 For: 281 Agn: 216 Tift 2361 City of Tifton; commissioners; compensation 4/22/64 For: 136 Agn: 368 Tift 2900 Board of commissioners; membership 5/13/64 For: 1992 Agn: 1290 Tift 3069 Board of commissioners; purchases 5/13/64 For: 2592 Agn: 738 Walker 2014 Ordinary; compensation 2/18/64 For: 4695 Agn: 285 Walker 2018 Tax commissioner; creation of office 2/18/64 For: 4673 Agn: 251 Walker 2024 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 2/18/64 For: 4655 Agn: 298 Walker 2643 Fire prevention districts 2/15/65 For: 246 Agn: 41 Fire district commissioners 3/22/65 For 3 member board 81 votes for each candidate Ware 2455 Tax commissioner; creation of office Not held Whitfield 2175 Board of commissioners; creation 3/20/64 For: 3817 Agn: 2807 Wilkinson 2314 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/3/64 For: 933 Agn: 863


Georgia Laws 1964, Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baker 2096 Sheriff; compensation 7/15/64 For: 464 Agn: 529 Barrow 2347 City of Winder; mayor; terms 9/9/64 For: 507 Agn: 372 Cobb 2075 Board of commissioners 7/8/64 For: 7297 Agn: 2791 Cobb 2179 City of Elizabeth; new charter Results not known Dooly 2052 City of Byromville; corporate limits Not held Fulton 2342 City of Alpharetta; corporate limits 8/22/64 For: 57 Agn: 104 Troup 2256 City of Hogansville; tax for school purposes 9/2/64 For: 200 Agn: 410 Troup 2350 Small Claims and Committal Court of LaGrange; creation Results not known Worth 2116 City of Sylvester; new charter 12/2/64 For: 216 Agn: 32


Georgia Laws 1965: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 3142 Certain county officials and employees; compensation 11/8/66 For: 589 Agn: 556 Appling 3361 Board of commissioners; annual audit 11/8/66 For: 733 Agn: 326 Baldwin 2306 City of Milledgeville; mayor; terms 6/2/65 For: 544 Agn: 462 Baldwin 2316 Board of commissioners; elections 4/7/65 For: 801 Agn: 1878 Brooks 3226 City of Quitman; commissioners Results not known Chatham 3181 Isle of Hope Water, Fire, Sanitation, and Sewerage District Results not known Crisp 2167 City of Cordele; form of government 4/28/65 For: 828 Agn: 1198 Decatur 2819 City of Bainbridge; city manager 4/7/65 For: 1148 Agn: 688 Decatur 3245 Small Claims Court of Decatur County; creation 6/16/65 For: 447 Agn: 472 Dooly 2582 City of Unadilla; corporate limits 7/20/65 For: 56 Agn: 115 Echols 3160 City of Statenville; new charter 7/14/65 For: 72 Agn: 75 Fulton and Clayton 3391 City of College Park; corporate limits 4/30/66 * * Sec. 1 For: 3 Agn: 67 Sec. 2 For: 0 Agn: 7 Sec. 3 For: 0 Agn: 12 Sec. 4 For: 0 Agn: 6 Sec. 5 For: 8 Agn: 43 Sec. 6 For: 5 Agn: 12 Sec. 7 For: 6 Agn: 31


Habersham 2727 City of Cornelia 5/12/65 For: 92 Agn: 123 Houston 2650 City Court of Warner Robins; creation 6/22/65 For: 1847 Agn: 1657 Jackson 3408 City of Jefferson; corporate limits Results not known Liberty 3342 Town of Allenhurst; incorporation 5/10/65 For: 51 Agn: 0 Madison 3068 Certain county officers; compensation 6/16/65 Effective date: For 1/1/66: 1384 For 1/1/67: 422 McDuffie 2480 Coroner; compensation 5/12/65 For: 105 Agn: 58 Putnam 2862 Board of commissioners; compensation 6/16/65 For: 183 Agn: 199 Thomas 2680 Fire protection districts; creation 6/16/65 Fire Dist. No. 1 For: 226 Agn: 49 Fire Dist. No. 2 For: 116 Agn: 46 Fire Dist. No. 3 For: 364 Agn: 535 Tift 2541 Ordinary; compensation * * Each of these Acts has an effective date of January 1, 1966. 6/16/65 For: 953 Agn: 353 Tift 2608 Clerk of the superior court; compensation * 6/16/65 For: 952 Agn: 381 Tift 2705 Tax commissioner; compensation * 6/16/65 For: 943 Agn: 361


Georgia Laws 1966: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 2754 Board of commissioners; elections 11/8/66 For: 728 Agn: 479 Atkinson 2107 County Court of Atkinson County; abolition 11/8/66 For: 1004 Agn: 704 Bartow 2144 City of Adairsville; mayor and council; compensation 4/2/66 For: 167 Agn: 48 Bartow 2454 City of Adairsville; corporate limits 4/2/66 For: 210 Agn: 105 Bryan 2466 City Court of Pembroke; abolition 9/14/66 For: 368 Agn: 1148 Bulloch 2316 City of Statesboro; mayor and council; terms 11/8/66 For: 265 Agn: 183 Fulton and DeKalb 3337 City of Atlanta; corporate limits 5/11/66 Sandy Springs: For: 2504 Agn: 5173 Adamsville: For: 198 Agn: 151 Floyd 3129 Floyd School District; creation 4/12/66 For: 1459 Agn: 3759 Habersham 2404 City of Cornelia; city manager; compensation 4/27/66 For: 150 Agn: 115 Habersham 2625 City of Cornelia; commission; compensation 4/27/66 For: 149 Agn: 114 Habersham 3102 City of Cornelia; eminent domain outside corporate limits 4/27/66 For: 144 Agn: 118 Habersham 3144 City of Cornelia; mayor and commission; elections 4/27/66 For: 157 Agn: 105 Hall 3305 Board of commissioners; membership; districts; elections 11/8/66 For: 4842 Agn: 4335


Irwin 2472 Tax commissioner; creation of office 4/27/66 For: 184 Agn: 387 Jackson 3025 City of Jefferson; corporate limits Not held Jeff Davis 2352 City of Denton; incorporation 4/6/66 For: 162 Agn: 58 Meriwether 2266 Certain county officers; compensation 11/8/66 For: 1495 Agn: 2994 Meriwether 2521 Town of Luthersville; corporate limits 5/7/66 For: 40 Agn: 19 Meriwether 3318 City of Woodbury; mayor and council; elections; compensation 5/11/66 For: 27 Agn: 6 Meriwether 3403 City of Greenville; corporate limits 5/4/66 For: 24 Agn: 19 Miller 2867 City of Colquitt; corporate limits Not held Miller 3372 Small Claims Court of Miller County; creation 5/4/66 For: 180 Agn: 153 Pike 3170 City of Zebulon; corporate limits 4/30/66 For: 89 Agn: 14 Stephens 2628 Board of commissioners; terms 11/8/66 For: 1443 Agn: 1554 Wayne 3099 City of Jesup; corporate limits 5/25/66 For: 1083 Agn: 603


Georgia Laws 1967: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Banks 2538 County board of education 6/28/67 For: 333 Agn: 219 Banks and Habersham 2610 Town of Baldwin; mayor Not held Barrow 3326 City of Statham; new charter 5/19/67 For: 185 Agn: 93 Ben Hill 2987 City of Fitzgerald; board of education 6/13/67 For: 179 Agn: 507 Bulloch 3483 City of Statesboro; corporate limits 7/28/67 For: 490 Agn: 111 Bulloch 2997 Town of Brooklet; mayor and council; terms 9/1/67 For: 33 Agn: 3 Catoosa 2207 Board of commissioners; creation 4/15/67 For: 1139 Agn: 3373 Catoosa 2225 County board of education; membership; elections 4/15/67 For: 1426 Agn: 2993 Chattahoochee 2530 County board of education; terms Not held Clarke 2929 County board of education; membership 6/7/67 For: 663 Agn: 570 Clarke 3215 County school district taxes Not held Cook 2507 County board of education; members; elections 8/16/67 For: 584 Agn: 135 Crisp 2691 County board of education; members; elections 9/14/67 For: 266 Agn: 32 Dooly 2467 City of Vienna; corporate limits 6/20/67 For: 12 Agn: 9


Dooly 2922 County board of education 6/20/67 For: 807 Agn: 173 Echols 3491 City of Statenville; new charter 5/15/67 For: 62 Agn: 106 Floyd 2163 City of Rome; corporate limits 4/26/67 For: 333 Agn: 794 Gordon 2898 Fire protection services; districts 6/21/67 For: 286 Agn: 111 Henry 2595 City of Stockbridge; corporate limits 5/13/67 Inside city: For: 101 Agn: 87 Outside city: For: 43 Agn: 475 Houston 2606 City of Warner Robins; corporate limits 4/25/67 For: 2292 Agn: 680 Houston 3241 County school superintendent; appointment 11/7/67 For: 1001 Agn: 2317 Houston 3244 County board of education; election; membership 11/7/67 For: 2559 Agn: 757 Lowndes 2118 Town of Dasher; incorporation 4/11/67 For: 59 Agn: 5 McDuffie 2169 Sheriff; personnel; compensation; vehicles 4/26/67 For: 1069 Agn: 539 Meriwether 2011 City of Greenville; new charter 4/3/67 For: 41 Agn: 0 Murray 2458 City of Chatsworth; corporate limits 5/31/67 For: 154 Agn: 19 Newton 2405 County board of education 5/3/67 For: 1258 Agn: 598


Newton 2784 Board of commissioners 5/3/67 For: 1301 Agn: 540 Pike 2448 Tax commissioner; creation of office 9/6/67 For: 454 Agn: 52 Pike 3152 County board of education; membership; elections 9/6/67 For: 441 Agn: 65 Polk 2718 County board of education; members; terms 11/5/68 For: 3306 Agn: 1245 Pulaski 3463 Pulaski County/City of Hawkinsville; school systems; merger 11/7/67 Pulaski County: For: 249 Agn: 482 City of Hawkinsville: For: 466 Agn: 236 Randolph 2243 Tax commissioner; compensation 4/26/67 Proposition #1: For: 1109 Proposition #2: For: 782 Stephens 3005 County board of education 5/2/67 For: 709 Agn: 1016 Stewart 3227 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 11/5/68 For: 1097 Agn: 88 Thomas 2115 City of Thomasville; taxation for schools 3/28/67 For: 841 Agn: 398 Turner 2694 City of Sycamore; corporate limits 5/26/67 For: 162 Agn: 51 Union 3064 Sheriff; compensation 6/28/67 For: 235 Agn: 790 Whitfield 2277 City of Dalton; mayor and council; terms; elections 4/19/67 For: 516 Agn: 607


Georgia Laws 1968: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Atkinson 2882 Board of commissioners; membership; chairman 4/17/68 For: 591 Agn: 216 Bacon 3542 Tax commissioner; creation of office 6/11/68 For: 400 Agn: 321 Banks Habersham 2400 Town of Baldwin; mayor; term Results not known Berrien 2241 Board of commissioners Not held Bibb 2835 County board of education and orphanage 11/5/68 For: 14736 Agn: 7193 Bleckley 2278 City of Cochran; corporate limits 6/19/68 For: 351 Agn: 781 Candler 2446 County board of education; creation of new board 5/7/68 For: 296 Agn: 467 Carroll 2256 County school superintendent; appointment 4/24/68 For: 250 Agn: 1341 Carroll 2841 County board of education; election 4/24/68 For: 547 Agn: 1087 Charlton 2342 City of Folkston; corporate limits 9/11/68 For: 118 Agn: 145 Charlton 2984 City of Homeland; new charter Results not known Chatham 2636 Board of Education of the City of Savannah and Chatham County 11/5/68 For: 11874 Agn: 11276 Chattahoochee 2717 County board of education; terms 7/12/68 For: 4 Agn: 20 Cherokee 3751 County board of education; districts 11/5/68 For: 2042 Agn: 1755


Coffee 2177 County board of education; creation of new board 4/24/68 For: 546 Agn: 1101 Coffee 2181 Board of commissioners; creation 4/24/68 For: 508 Agn: 1100 Colquitt 2130 City of Moultrie 4/23/68 For: 540 Agn: 715 Columbia 2708 County board of education; election 9/11/68 For: 2048 Agn: 320 Decatur 2565 County board of education; election 5/1/68 For: 971 Agn: 1104 Decatur 2756 City of Bainbridge; aldermen 6/5/68 For: 292 Agn: 137 Douglas 2262 County school superintendent; appointment 5/21/68 For: 189 Agn: 1025 Douglas 3764 County board of education; election; membership 5/21/68 For: 498 Agn: 686 Echols 3514 County board of education; election; membership 11/5/68 For: 457 Agn: 38 Emanuel 2487 County board of education; election; membership 4/24/68 For: 405 Agn: 633 Evans 3722 City of Daisy; new charter Results not known Glynn 2914 Brunswick-Glynn County Charter Commission; creation 10/14/69 For: 2846 Agn: 6761 Gordon 2030 Board of commissioners; creation 5/15/68 For: 723 Agn: 1212 Grady 2120 County board of education; creation of new board 5/14/68 For: 2249 Agn: 717 Gwinnett 2003 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 4/10/68 Part I: 4315 Part II: 1413


Henry 3375 Board of commissioners; elections 5/28/68 For: 756 Agn: 1272 Irwin 2822 Tax commissioner; creation of office 5/28/68 For: 191 Agn: 547 Jefferson 3421 County board of education; membership 11/5/68 For: 3029 Agn: 1420 Jenkins 2960 Board of commissioners; membership 6/10/68 For: 559 Agn: 179 Jenkins 2965 County board of education; creation of new board 6/10/68 For: 448 Agn: 298 Macon 2663 Tax commissioner; creation of office 5/1/68 For: 189 Agn: 261 Miller 2529 County board of education; election 5/14/68 For: 667 Agn: 345 Paulding 2381 County board of education; election 7/3/68 For: 233 Agn: 19 Pierce 2761 County board of education; election 11/5/68 For: 812 Agn: 1377 Rabun 2272 Board of commissioners; creation of board 4/9/68 For: 1205 Agn: 1144 Sumter 2065 County board of education; election 5/21/68 For: 626 Agn: 483 Tift 2023 City of Tifton; commissioners 4/3/68 For: 408 Agn: 310 Toombs 3424 County board of education; election 5/29/68 For: 65 Agn: 772 Walker 2152 City of Lookout Mountain; incorporation 5/9/68 For: 299 Agn: 252 Walker 2235 County board of education; election 5/9/68 For: 1155 Agn: 887


Walton 2974 County board of education 6/18/68 For: 1709 Agn: 265 Wayne 3361 County board of education; elections 9/11/68 For: 1140 Agn: 614 Whitfield 3065 City of Varnell; incorporation 5/23/68 For: 41 Agn: 5 Wilkes 3462 Town of Rayle; incorporation 5/17/68 For: 43 Agn: 4 Georgia Laws 1969: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 2929 City of Cartersville; new charter 6/19/69 For: 180 Agn: 277 Bibb 3331 Board of elections; creation 9/17/69 Inside city limits: For: 5892 Agn: 2086 Outside city limits: For: 514 Agn: 295 Butts 2456 County board of education; creation of new board 5/22/69 For: 422 Agn: 566 Camden 3543 Tax commissioner; creation of office Not held Candler 2230 City of Metter; corporate limits 5/6/69 For: 326 Agn: 86 Charlton 2665 County board of education; election 7/15/69 For: 143 Agn: 287


Chatham 2584 City of Garden City; corporate limits Results not known Cherokee 2829 County board of education and school superintendent 6/17/69 Section 1: For: 1600 Agn: 718 Section 2: For: 624 Agn: 1657 Clarke 3028 County board of education; creation of new board 7/15/69 For: 1722 Agn: 1738 Cobb 2475 County board of education; districts 5/14/69 For: 773 Agn: 179 Colquitt 2559 County board of education: creation of new board 6/4/69 For: 1071 Agn: 1265 Coweta 2784 City of Newnan; corporate limits 7/2/69 For: 113 Agn: 584 Crisp 3806 City of Cordele; new charter 6/18/69 For: 299 Agn: 245 DeKalb 2501 City of Doraville; corporate limits 5/24/69 Tract No. 1: For: 15 Agn: 130 Tract No. 2: For: 40 Agn: 103 Effingham 3964 City of Guyton; corporate limits 6/4/69 For: 128 Agn: 179 Fannin 2637 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/3/70 For: 1399 Agn: 1396 Fannin 2641 Board of commissioners; creation 11/3/70 For: 1419 Agn: 1376


Fulton 4098 City of Fairburn; corporate limits 7/28/69 Sec. 1-Vickers Rd. For: 3 Agn: 2 Sec. 2-Bohannon Rd. For: 8 Agn: 1 Gwinnett 3960 City of Lawrenceville; corporate limits 5/21/69 Inside city limits: For: 289 Agn: 127 Outside city limits: For: 22 Agn: 198 Gilmer 2606 City of Ellijay; corporate limits 6/25/69 For: 139 Agn: 288 Hall 2346 City of Murrayville; incorporation 6/11/69 For: 81 Agn: 104 Houston 3647 City of Warner Robins; form of government 6/17/69 For: 1512 Agn: 2064 Houston 3920 City of Warner Robins; corporate limits 10/14/69 City vote: For: 2134 Agn: 694 County vote: For: 38 Agn: 205 Houston 3927 City of Warner Robins; mayor and council; compensation Results not known Jackson 2987 City of Jefferson; corporate limits; wards 7/21/69 For: 88 Agn: 171 Laurens 2270 City of Dublin; corporate limits 5/28/69 For: 121 Agn: 106 Lincoln 3352 County treasurer; compensation; abolition of office 11/3/70 For: 601 Agn: 742


Muscogee 3356 City of Columbus; corporate limits 6/25/69 For: 15707 Agn: 7761 Muscogee 3571 Muscogee County Charter Commission; creation 5/27/70 City of Columbus: For: 12379 Agn: 2778 Muscogee County: For: 12508 Agn: 2989 Pickens 3066 County school superintendent; appointment 7/2/69 For: 52 Agn: 885 Putnam 2670 Sheriff; compensation 6/12/69 For: 282 Agn: 409 Putnam 3126 Tax commissioner; compensation Not held Putnam 3130 Ordinary; compensation 6/12/69 For: 372 Agn: 328 Putnam 3594 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 6/12/69 For: 283 Agn: 408 Putnam 3598 Board of commissioners; compensation 6/12/69 For: 218 Agn: 470 Putnam 3900 Coroner; compensation 6/12/69 For: 290 Agn: 403 Pulaski 3915 City of Hawkinsville; corporate limits 10/14/69 City of Hawkinsville: For: 271 Agn: 82 Pulaski County: For: 35 Agn: 162 Spalding 3687 Small Claims Court of Spalding County; creation 7/29/69 For: 795 Agn: 447


Seminole 2590 Small Claims Court of Seminole County; creation 6/4/69 For: 221 Agn: 175 Stewart 2264 County board of education; election 5/14/69 For: 91 Agn: 12 Telfair 3641 County board of education; membership 8/26/69 For: 277 Agn: 437 Thomas 3562 Town of Meigs; corporate limits Not held Tift 2674 City of Tifton; corporate limits 6/25/69 City area: For: 645 Agn: 578 Proposed area: For: 433 Agn: 499 Toombs 3241 City of Lyons; corporate limits 6/25/69 For: 3 Agn: 0 Toombs 3244 City of Lyons; corporate limits 6/25/69 For: 2 Agn: 34 Washington 2467 City of Sandersville Results not known Whitfield 2529 City of Cohutta; incorporation 5/28/69 For: 84 Agn: 11 Walker 4014 City of Rossville; new charter 7/5/69 For: 118 Agn: 293


Georgia Laws 1970: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 2951 County board of education; membership 11/3/70 For: 2525 Agn: 1630 Banks and Jackson 3000 Town of Maysville; mayor and aldermen; terms 6/10/70 For: 57 Agn: 51 Bryan 3191 City of Richmond Hill 5/26/70 For: 84 Agn: 154 Bulloch 2790 County board of education; creation of new board 6/10/70 For: 903 Agn: 698 Calhoun 2361 Sheriff and personnel; compensation 4/23/70 For: 121 Agn: 120 Camden 3278 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/3/70 For: 648 Agn: 476 Carroll 2856 City of Temple; corporate limits Re rb=2sults not known Carroll 3362 Town of Bowdon; corporate limits 5/20/70 For: 49 Agn: 114 Charlton 3270 County board of education; election 5/19/70 For: 293 Agn: 307 Charlton 3274 Board of commissioners; membership; elections 5/19/70 For: 272 Agn: 328 Chatham 2018 Town of Thunderbolt; vacancies 4/14/70 For: 306 Agn: 29 Chatham 2080 City of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island; new charter 4/6/70 For: 339 Agn: 205 Clarke 2985 County school district tax 11/3/70 For: 9185 Agn: 3707 Coffee 2441 County board of education; creation of new board 4/30/70 For: 1469 Agn: 1409


Colquitt 2579 Board of commissioners; districts 5/19/70 For: 1285 Agn: 773 Colquitt 2582 County board of education; districts 5/19/70 For: 1463 Agn: 595 Elbert 2321 County treasurer; office abolished 11/3/70 For: 1589 Agn: 1228 Emanuel 2150 County school superintendent; appointment 4/7/70 For: 383 Agn: 1701 Emanuel 2153 County board of education 4/7/70 Proposal #1: 1389 Proposal #2: 539 Proposal #3: 173 Gordon 2657 County board of education; creation of new board 9/9/70 For: 1798 Agn: 868 Habersham 3091 City of Cornelia; fire protection outside city 5/20/70 For: 166 Agn: 42 Habersham 3094 City of Cornelia; mayor and commissioners; terms 5/20/70 For: 121 Agn: 88 Houston 2965 County board of education; districts 5/12/70 For: 1682 Agn: 1073 Jackson 3407 City of Commerce; elections Re rb=2sults not known Jackson 3414 City of Commerce; board of education Results not known Lanier 2709 County board of education; creation of new board 11/3/70 For election: 289 For appointment: 240 Liberty 2053 City of Hinesville; corporate limits 3/26/70 For: 520 Agn: 402


Meriwether 3039 City of Woodbury; corporate limits 5/12/70 Inside city: For: 83 Agn: 60 Outside city: For: 3 Agn: 32 Mitchell 2239 County board of education; election 6/16/70 For: 482 Agn: 156 Mitchell 2632 County school superintendent; appointment 6/16/70 For: 287 Agn: 350 Monroe 3030 County board of education; membership 11/3/70 For: 815 Agn: 503 Murray 2365 City of Chatsworth; new charter 5/9/70 For: 133 Agn: 260 Peach 2647 County board of education; membership; districts 6/10/70 For: 544 Agn: 198 Pulaski 2880 Fire protection district 5/19/70 For: 142 Agn: 140 Spalding 2651 City of Griffin; board of commissioners 11/3/70 For: 2117 Agn: 1510 Stephens 2643 Board of commissioners; membership; terms; elections 5/5/70 For: 822 Agn: 1743 Stephens 2436 County board of education; election of members 5/5/70 For: 1136 Agn: 1466 Tattnall 2033 City of Glennville; corporate limits 3/24/70 For: 269 Agn: 123 Thomas 3369 Board of commissioners 5/26/70 For: 920 Agn: 2460


Troup and Harris 3476 City of West Point; corporate limits 5/27/70 Troup County: For: 11 Agn: 0 Harris County: For: 15 Agn: 0 City of West Point: For: 83 Agn: 3 Walton 2292 City of Social Circle; corporate limits Results not known Wayne 2067 City of Jesup; corporate limits Not held Wayne 3251 Wayne County Hospital Authority 11/3/70 For: 807 Agn: 1113 Washington 3104 County board of education; membership 6/3/70 For: 439 Agn: 537


Georgia Laws 1971: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Berrien 3044 County board of education; creation of new board 5/19/71 For: 395 Agn: 219 Bibb 3926 County board of education and orphanage; membership 11/2/71* *Ga.L. 1971, Ex. Sess., p. 2136 supersedes this Act Bleckley 3995 City of Cochran; tax levy for schools 7/21/71 For: 115 Agn: 289 Brooks 2892 County board of education; compensation 6/9/71 For: 215 Agn: 526 Brooks 3278 City of Quitman; commissioners 6/15/71 For: 82 Agn: 259 Burke 3328 City of Waynesboro; new charter 6/15/71 For: 74 Agn: 16 Butts 3762 County board of education; members' residency Not held Clarke 2042 Consolidation of city and county governments; Athens-Clarke County Charter Commission 5/24/72 County vote: For: 1707 Agn: 2369 City vote: For: 3263 Agn: 2961 Clarke 2691 County board of education; creation of new board Not held Coweta 2003 City of Newnan; Water, Sewerage, and Light Commission 5/12/71 For: 335 Agn: 1427 Decatur 2649 County board of education; membership 4/29/71 For: 766 Agn: 496 Decatur 2667 Small Claims Court of Decatur County; creation 4/29/71 For: 713 Agn: 547 Gilmer 3471 County board of education; elections 6/16/71 For: 107 Agn: 90


Glynn 3550 City of Brunswick; commissioners 6/15/71 For: 102 Agn: 266 Grady 2967 County school superintendent; appointment 7/20/71 For: 625 Agn: 1049 Gwinnett 3613 City of Duluth; corporate limits 6/7/71 For: 1 Agn: 35 Gwinnett 4042 City of Duluth; corporate limits 6/7/71 For: 1 Agn: 46 Gwinnett 4047 City of Duluth; corporate limits 6/7/71 For: 6 Agn: 73 Harris 2804 City of Shiloh Not held Heard 2029 County commissioner; creation of office 5/19/71 For: 675 Agn: 713 Houston 3580 City of Warner Robins; corporate limits 2/29/72 For: 694 Agn: 734 Jones 3396 County board of education; creation of new board 5/26/71 For: 656 Agn: 543 Lamar 2710 County board of education and school superintendent 5/14/71 For: 999 Agn: 540 Lee 3976 City of Leesburg; corporate limits 7/6/71 Present city limits: For: 14 Agn: 72 Proposed city limits: For: 1 Agn: 14 Mitchell 2017 City of Pelham; board of education 4/21/71 For: 408 Agn: 26 Monroe 3071 Board of commissioners; compensation 11/7/72 For: 540 Agn: 1319


Monroe 3381 Board of commissioners; terms 11/7/72 For: 572 Agn: 1324 Murray 2120 County board of education; elections Not held Newton 2881 County board of education; elections 6/16/71 For: 285 Agn: 137 Pierce 2492 Ordinary; salary 11/7/72 For: 768 Agn: 540 Pierce 2496 Sheriff; personnel; compensation 11/7/72 For: 813 Agn: 477 Pierce 2888 Board of commissioners; chairman; compensation 11/7/72 For: 683 Agn: 642 Pike 3686 City of Zebulon; councilmen; terms 6/19/71 For: 52 Agn: 23 Polk 3708 City of Rockmart; city taxes 10/2/71 For: 586 Agn: 254 Polk 3770 City of Aragon; new charter 6/2/71 For: 133 Agn: 85 Richmond 2123 Richmond County/City of Augusta; unified government 5/25/71 Richmond County: For: 5834 Agn: 10779 City of Augusta: For: 6415 Agn: 6481 Stephens 3118 County board of education and school superintendent 6/22/71 For: 1403 Agn: 1855 Telfair 3448 Board of commissioners; creation 7/20/71 For: 441 Agn: 700 Tift 2722 County board of education; terms 6/9/71 For: 1430 Agn: 404


Tift 2795 Board of commissioners; chairman 6/9/71 For: 1663 Agn: 273 Turner 2021 Sheriff; personnel 4/27/71 For: 427 Agn: 915 Wayne 2678 Sheriff and clerk of the superior court; compensation 11/7/72 Section 1: For: 1324 Agn: 931 Section 2: For: 1456 Agn: 898 Wayne 2715 County board of education; membership 8/8/72 For: 403 Agn: 1730 Georgia Laws 1971, Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bibb 2136 Board of public education and orphanage 11/2/71 For: 10399 Agn: 4022 DeKalb 2154 City of Doraville; new charter 12/1/71 For: 441 Agn: 127 Haralson 2200 County board of education; creation of new board 1/12/72 For: 284 Agn: 1043


Georgia Laws 1972: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 2615 Small Claims Court of Appling County; creation 8/8/72 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. For: 1309 Agn: 708 Baldwin 3325 County board of education: election 11/7/72 * For: 2708 Agn: 2010 Baldwin 3685 City of Milledgeville; corporate limits 6/28/72 Sec. 1, Area 1 For: 3 Agn: 10 Sec. 2, Area 2 For: 13 Agn: 65 Sec. 3, Area 3 For: 1 Agn: 50 Sec. 4, Area 4 For: 30 Agn: 78 Sec. 5, Area 6 For: 35 Agn: 155 Sec. 6, Area 7 For: 16 Agn: 20 Bibb 2211 City of Macon-Bibb County Government; consolidation 5/17/72 ** ** Inside Macon For: Agn: City of Macon-Bibb 9578 12101 City of Macon-Jones 3 3 9581 12104 Bibb County For: Agn: City of Macon-Bibb 9578 12101 Outside city limits 597 3395 Payne City 2 35 10177 15531 Brantley 3141 Board of commissioners 8/8/72 * For: 1387 Agn: 921 Brantley 3144 County officers; salaries 8/8/72 * For: 940 Agn: 1377


Brantley 3145 Deputy sheriff; compensation 8/8/72 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. For: 1262 Agn: 1059 Brantley 3147 Certain county officers; personnel; compensation 8/8/72 * For: 1220 Agn: 983 Brantley 3148 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 8/8/72 * For: 841 Agn: 1396 Brantley 3710 City of Nahunta 12/5/73 Results not known Camden 3138 Certain county officers; compensation 8/8/72 * Demo. For: 701 Agn: 1109 Rep. For: 0 Agn: 1 Camden 3705 Board of commissioners; membership; districts 8/8/72 * Demo. For: 679 Agn: 1070 Rep. For: 1 Agn: 0 Camden 3714 Tax commissioner; compensation 8/8/72 * Demo. For: 654 Agn: 1114 Rep. For: 0 Agn: 1 Camden 3717 County board of education; membership 8/8/72 * Demo. For: 683 Agn: 1050 Rep. For: 1 Agn: 0


Camden 3770 Small Claims Court of Camden County; creation 8/8/72 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. Demo. For: 926 Agn: 801 Rep. For: 1 Agn: 0 Chatham 3019 Savannah-Chatham County Government; unification 4/10/73 City of Savannah Not held *** *** Ga.L. 1973, p. 2268 changed the date of the election. Chatham County Chatham 3098 Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education; districts 5/9/72 For: 20074 Agn: 7595 Chatham 3116 Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education; districts 5/9/72 For: 8296 Agn: 19097 Chattooga 2043 State Court of Chattooga County; abolition 8/8/72 * Demo. For: 2455 Agn: 2274 Rep. For: 2 Agn: 2 Decatur 3288 Board of commissioners; membership; elections 5/23/72 For: 668 Agn: 2687 Dodge 2329 City of Eastman; city manager; abolition of office 4/27/72 For: 474 Agn: 1117 Dodge 3339 County board of education; membership 8/8/72 * For: 914 Agn: 858 Douglas 3997 County board of education; elections 5/16/72 For: 400 Agn: 620 Elbert 2479 Board of commissioners; chairman 8/8/72 * For: 1583 Agn: 3036 Fayette 3438 Board of commissioners; terms 11/7/72 * For: 668 Agn: 3138


Fayette 3435 County treasurer; abolition of office 11/7/72 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. For: 1499 Agn: 2210 Floyd 3300 State Court of Floyd County; abolition 11/7/72 * For: 6911 Agn: 4674 Forsyth 2065 Board of commissioners 4/19/72 For: 551 Agn: 386 Gwinnett 4058 County board of education; districts; compensation 5/17/72 For: 989 Agn: 924 Habersham 2382 City of Demorest; mayor Results not known Harris 3468 Board of commissioners; membership 8/8/72 * For: 1410 Agn: 616 Heard 2113 Board of commissioners; districts 5/3/72 For: 756 Agn: 732 Henry 2090 State Court of Henry County; creation 4/19/72 For: 570 Agn: 1943 Henry 2104 Board of commissioners 4/19/72 For: 407 Agn: 2070 Houston 2399 County board of education; compensation 8/8/72 * For: 2853 Agn: 6462 Jeff Davis 2760 County board of education; election 8/8/72 * For: 829 Agn: 511 Laurens 4099 County board of education; vacancies 8/8/72 * For: 3185 Agn: 1103 Lowndes 2696 Ordinary; compensation 11/7/72 * For: 3533 Agn: 1995 Lowndes 2701 Tax commissioner; compensation 11/7/72 * For: 3622 Agn: 1885


Lowndes 2706 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 11/7/72 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. For: 3463 Agn: 2254 McDuffie 2538 County board of education; creation of new board 6/8/72 For: 305 Agn: 61 McIntosh 2849 City of Darien; corporate limits 6/16/72 City of Darien: For: 86 Agn: 62 Dist. No. 271: For: 7 Agn: 73 Total: For: 93 Agn:135 McIntosh 2852 City of Darien; mayor and council; terms 11/7/72 * Not held Macon 2322 Board of commissioners; membership 4/26/72 For: 608 Agn: 882 Madison 2547 County board of education; election 11/7/72 * For: 1060 Agn: 1785 Madison 2972 County school superintendent; appointment 11/7/72 * For: 921 Agn: 2145 Peach 3212 County school superintendent; appointment 5/17/72 For: 688 Agn: 2648 Peach 3910 City of Fort Valley; utilities commission 6/14/72 For: 440 Agn: 1351 Pike 3003 County board of education; election 5/16/72 For: 402 Agn: 142 Pulaski 3244 Board of commissioners; creation of board 5/23/72 For: 399 Agn: 939 Putnam 2678 County board of education; elections 8/8/72 * For: 1262 Agn: 831


Putnam 3833 City of Eatonton; corporate limits 6/13/72 For: 118 Agn: 28 Spalding 2418 Griffin-Spalding County Board of Education; elections 5/30/72 For: 452 Agn: 121 Telfair 4102 County board of education; membership 6/20/72 For: 564 Agn: 365 Thomas 3343 Board of commissioners; creation 5/16/72 For: 1885 Agn: 3278 Tift 2908 City of Tifton; elections 5/3/72 For: 247 Agn: 498 Treutlen 2340 County board of education; terms 5/9/72 For: 688 Agn: 233 Treutlen 2345 Board of commissioners; elections 5/9/72 For: 715 Agn: 221 Walker 2647 County board of education; elections 11/7/72 * * Date of state-wide primary election: 8/8/72. Date of general election: 11/7/72. For: 6373 Agn: 2129 Walton 3006 City of Social Circle; corporate limits 5/31/72 For: 51 Agn: 49 Whitfield 4017 City of Tunnel Hill; new charter 5/16/72 For: 114 Agn: 159 Wilcox 2495 County school superintendent; appointment 5/10/72 For: 177 Agn: 1042 Wilkinson 3312 County school superintendent; appointment 11/7/72 * For: 348 Agn: 901 Wilkinson 3333 County board of education; creation of new board 11/7/72 * For: 654 Agn: 608


Georgia Laws 1973: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 3569 County board of education; compensation 8/13/74 * * Date of state-wide primary election: August 13, 1974. Yes: 791 No: 1033 Appling *** *** The results of this election were certified to the Office of the Secretary of State in error and have appeared incorrectly in Ga. L. 1974-1977. An amended return was certified to the Office of the Secretary of State on May 3, 1978, and the corrected results are listed above. 3677 City of Baxley; corporate limits 9/29/73 Yes: 45 No: 588 Brantley 3631 City of Nahunta Results not known Chatham 2268 Savannah-Chatham County Government 6/12/73 **** **** Ga. L. 1973, p. 2268 changed the date of the election as set out in Ga. L. 1972, p. 3019. Chatham County: For: 3157 Agn: 6666 City of Savannah: For: 12039 Agn: 4090 Chatham 3693 City of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island; corporate limits 6/2/73 Yes: 21 No: 29 Clarke 2356 City of Athens; merit system 5/31/73 For: 1818 Agn: 1591 Clarke 2367 City of Athens; public transportation system 5/31/73 For: 2430 Agn: 1057 Clarke 2387 City of Athens; corporate limits 5/31/73 For: 648 Agn: 682 Clarke 2467 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 8/14/73 Yes: 1809 No: 1125 Clarke 3374 County board of education; creation of new board 8/13/74 * Not held Cherokee 3207 County board of education; districts 7/17/73 Yes: 412 No: 52 Cook 2300 Board of commissioners; membership 5/22/73 For: 758 Agn: 735 Greene 3853 County board of education; terms 8/13/74 * Not held


Habersham 3809 County board of education 11/6/73 For: 1326 Agn: 1465 Lowndes 3837 City of Twin Lakes; new charter 6/20/73 Yes: 37 No: 191 Marion 3827 County school superintendent; appointment 11/5/74 ** ** Date of general election: November 5, 1974. Yes: 184 No: 331 Miller 2776 State Court of Miller County (This 1973 Act was repealed by Ga. L. 1974, p. 3171.) 11/5/74 ** See note on left Montgomery 2550 County board of education; membership 6/5/73 Yes: 225 No: 256 Pulaski 2573 County board of education; membership 5/15/73 Yes: 808 No: 191 Stewart 3152 City of Lumpkin; utilities 6/12/73 Yes: 97 No: 173 Sumter 2127 County board of education; membership 4/24/73 Yes: 322 No: 228


Georgia Laws 1974: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Banks 3798 Tax commissioner; creation of office 8/13/74 * * Date of general primary: 8/13/74. Yes: 1628 No: 671 Bibb 2028 City of Macon Board of Water Commissioners; abolition 11/5/74 ** ** Date of general election: 11/5/74. Not held Bibb 3074 Macon-Bibb County Water and Sewerage Authority 5/14/74 Yes: 2049 No: 198 Brooks 3088 Board of commissioners; districts 11/5/74 ** Yes: 741 No: 567 Carroll 2791 City of Carrollton 6/11/74 Yes: 215 No: 66 Chatham 2088 City of Savannah; corporate limits 4/16/74 Yes: 192 No: 883 Chatham 2305 City of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island; corporate limits 4/1/74 Results not known Cherokee 2534 Board of commissioners; creation 11/5/74 ** Yes: 2989 No: 1995 Cobb 3516 County board of education; districts 11/5/74 ** Yes: 18039 No: 14541 Fayette 2982 City of Fayetteville; corporate limits 11/5/74 ** Yes: 302 No: 507 Fayette 3848 County treasurer; abolition of office 11/5/74 ** Yes: 1928 No: 1616 Fayette 3030 Town of Tyrone; corporate limits 5/23/74 Yes: 77 No: 29 Fulton 2497 City of East Point; mayor; city manager 8/13/74 * Yes: 3378 No: 2852 Heard 2347 Town of Centralhatchee; new charter 6/8/74 Yes: 9 No: 2 Long 2878 County board of education; compensation 8/13/74 * Yes: 311 No: 303


Lowndes 2311 Town of Dasher; taxation 6/1/74 Yes: 31 No: 31 Newton 2978 City of Covington; elections 12/4/74 Yes: 368 No: 674 Richmond 2105 1. Consolidation of City of Augusta and Richmond County governments 5/14/74 City vote: (Three elections held on same date) Yes: 4833 No: 2928 County vote: Yes: 5801 No: 7106 2. Election of sheriff of Richmond County Yes: 11431 3. Election of Board of Public Safety of Richmond County Yes: 6575 Stephens 2037 Choice of five types of government for the county 4/9/74 Question 1: 122 Question 2: 396 *** *** Effective question is No. 2. Question 3: 108 Question 4: 98 Question 5: 248 Troup 2203 City of Hogansville; corporate limits 6/5/74 Inside city: Yes: 57 No: 33 Outside city: Yes: 13 No: 43 Upson 2023 County board of education; composition; election 4/9/74 Yes: 594 No: 111 Wilkes 3510 County school superintendent; appointment 11/5/74 ** ** Date of general election: 11/5/74. Yes: 739 No: 1274 All counties 186 The Common Day of Rest Act (See following pages) 11/5/74 ** Yes: 434559 No: 363947


THE COMMON DAY OF REST ACT OF 1974 Ga. L. 1974, p. 186 General Election 11/5/74 COUNTY YES NO Appling 590 692 Atkinson 274 245 Bacon 300 603 Baker 109 253 Baldwin 1901 1989 Banks 566 709 Barrow 1501 1830 Bartow 1704 2407 Ben Hill 578 1127 Berrien 442 1142 Bibb 8536 12667 Bleckley 439 888 Brantley 189 303 Brooks 341 916 Bryan 344 447 Bulloch 1604 2441 Burke 545 797 Butts 786 929 Calhoun 166 429 Camden 367 430 Candler 187 231 Carroll 3696 4391 Catoosa 1440 1424 Charlton 177 198 Chatham 14278 12039 Chattahoochee 153 116 Chattooga 1322 1281 Cherokee 2424 2830 Clarke 6525 4853 Clay 116 242 Clayton 9965 10231 Clinch 144 379 Cobb 25632 21237 Coffee 629 1493 Colquitt 1168 2701 Columbia 1113 1687 Cook 423 978 Coweta 2622 2470 Crawford 338 455 Crisp 537 1303 Dade 485 317 Dawson 515 199 Decatur 579 958 DeKalb 54127 40882 Dodge 470 1835 Dooly 314 684 Dougherty 3887 8146 Douglas 2958 2815 Early 297 1084 Echols 66 74 Effingham 627 1039 Elbert 998 1765 Emanuel 803 1353 Evans 231 676 Fannin 829 729 Fayette 1752 2153 Floyd 5764 7222 Forsyth 1415 1576 Franklin 513 1502 Fulton 56902 38497 Gilmer 674 825 Glascock 96 201 Glynn 2067 2658 Gordon 1477 1428 Grady 524 1273 Greene 962 1101 Gwinnett 8846 10024 Habersham 1215 1281 Hall 5111 3714 Hancock 363 503 Haralson 1289 1616 Harris 908 1322 Hart 420 1408 Heard 351 417 Henry 2125 2638 Houston 4338 5170 Irwin 285 676 Jackson 2166 2042 Jasper 352 493 Jeff Davis 250 522


Jefferson 405 1380 Jenkins 279 489 Johnson 373 990 Jones 826 1147 Lamar 748 855 Lanier 115 290 Laurens 1839 3649 Lee 410 837 Liberty 385 567 Lincoln 236 565 Long 149 254 Lowndes 2069 3382 Lumpkin 1043 504 Macon 541 765 Madison 731 883 Marion 167 368 McDuffie 707 1336 McIntosh 508 418 Meriwether 1501 1520 Miller 83 210 Mitchell 697 1688 Monroe 906 1058 Montgomery 206 611 Morgan 791 1186 Murray 414 492 Muscogee 10456 12112 Newton 1832 2364 Oconee 848 877 Oglethorpe 698 684 Paulding 1350 1643 Peach 874 1339 Pickens 536 443 Pierce 311 540 Pike 652 713 Polk 1973 2009 Pulaski 430 566 Putnam 565 545 Quitman 85 142 Rabun 618 701 Randolph 334 790 Richmond 7477 11596 Rockdale 1811 2032 Schley 117 171 Screven 514 740 Seminole 309 588 Spalding 2867 3258 Stephens 698 1673 Stewart 183 329 Sumter 1119 1925 Talbot 320 326 Taliaferro 70 192 Tattnall 484 960 Taylor 520 741 Telfair 359 977 Terrell 456 1062 Thomas 1315 2173 Tift 940 1716 Toombs 975 1640 Towns 535 247 Treutlen 333 630 Troup 2550 3831 Turner 334 870 Twiggs 427 696 Union 1330 548 Upson 2145 2115 Walker 2104 2264 Walton 1397 1786 Ware 1363 1910 Warren 173 364 Washington 1035 2037 Wayne 660 1118 Webster 99 127 Wheeler 257 698 White 941 562 Whitfield 2030 2274 Wilcox 239 759 Wilkes 439 1531 Wilkinson 395 765 Worth 423 1203 TOTAL 434559 363947 FOOTNOTE: The Common Day of Rest Act of 1974 was declared unconstitutional in part by the Supreme Court of Georgia in Rutledge v. Gaylord's, Inc., 233 Ga. 694, decided February 13, 1975.


Georgia Laws 1975: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 3678 City of Baxley; corporate limits 6/26/75 Yes: 549 No: 603 Baker 2659 County treasurer; abolition of office 6/17/75 Yes: 352 No: 395 Baker 2662 Tax commissioner; creation of office 6/17/75 Yes: 338 No: 392 Berrien 2525 County school superintendent; appointment 4/15/75 Yes: 124 No: 1295 Berrien 3388 County school superintendent; appointment Not held Duplicate of Act above Bibb 3349 Board of water commissioners 11/4/75 Yes: 10601 No: 4955 Brantley 3937 County board of education 8/12/75 Proposition No. 1: 402 Proposition No. 2: 713 Proposition No. 3: 240 Bryan 3024 Board of commissioners; election of chairman and vice-chairman 8/26/75 Yes: 385 No: 115 Charlton 4015 County board of education 6/24/75 Yes: 776 No: 206 Chatham 3962 County board of education 5/4/76 * * Date of Presidential Preference Primary: 5/4/76. Yes: 3870 No: 10942 Clarke 2779 City of Athens; government functions 5/21/75 Yes: 858 No: 989 Decatur 4087 Hospital authority 8/10/76 ** ** Date of general primary: 8/10/76. Yes: 2155 No: 527 DeKalb 2752 County board of education; districts; terms 5/4/76 * Yes: 29643 No: 41355


Dodge 3031 County board of education; election 11/4/75 Yes: 1206 No: 367 Douglas 2506 Board of commissioners; membership 5/14/75 Yes: 642 No: 739 Gordon 2719 Board of commissioners; creation 7/8/75 Yes: 1500 No: 972 Greene 4270 County board of education; terms 5/4/76 * * Date of Presidential Preference Primary: 5/4/76. Yes: 748 No: 926 Hall 3574 Board of commissioners; terms 8/10/76 ** ** Date of general primary: 8/10/76. Yes: 8951 No: 3890 Harris *** *** This Act was ruled invalid by the U.S. Department of Justice on August 18, 1975. 2960 County board of education and school superintendent 7/8/75 Yes: 511 No: 147 Harris 4369 City of Shiloh; mayor and council; terms; elections Results not known Heard 4433 County commissioner; office created 7/9/75 Yes: 520 No: 469 Henry 4133 City of Stockbridge; corporate limits; elections 7/26/75 Yes: 113 No: 128 Newton 3577 County board of education and school superintendent 9/10/75 Yes: 1353 No: 1582 Paulding 2916 Board of commissioners; creation 8/26/75 Yes: 1765 No: 949 Spalding 2771 Town of Orchard Hill; corporate limits 5/27/75 Inside town: Yes: 17 No: 5 Outside town: Yes: 20 No: 31 Spalding 4352 Board of commissioners 11/4/75 Yes: 1205 No: 4100


Stephens 4142 City of Toccoa; commissioners 6/12/75 Yes: 209 No: 191 Taylor 3486 County board of education; membership; elections; districts 6/17/75 Yes: 298 No: 127 Union 4490 County commissioner; office created 8/12/75 Yes: 189 No: 1037 Upson 3356 County school superintendent; appointment 6/24/75 Yes: 531 No: 700 Whitfield 4296 City of Tunnel Hill; new charter 6/25/75 Yes: 126 No: 288 Worth 4202 County board of education and school superintendent 7/15/75 Yes: 235 No: 460 Chatham 3128 Alcoholic beverages on sales on premises; time limit 9/17/75 **** **** This election is based on a population Act which affected only Chatham County. The results are as follows: Municipality: Yes: No: Savannah 9658 6595 Unincorporated 4979 3857 Bloomingdale 122 146 Garden City 362 466 Pooler 166 190 Port Wentworth 227 297 Savannah Beach 469 168 Thunderbolt 230 138 Vernonburg 24 20 Georgia Laws 1975, Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Coweta ***** ***** This Act is based on the population of the [Illegible Text] and affects only the City of Newnan. 1730 City of Newnan; elections 9/9/75 Yes: 248 No: 57

Page CCL

Georgia Laws 1976: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bacon 2713 County board of education and school superintendent 5/4/76 * * Date of presidential preference primary election (May 4, 1976). Proposal No. 1: 389 Proposal No. 2: 131 Proposal No. 3: 568 Baldwin 3278 City of Milledgeville 5/4/76 * Yes: 772 No: 583 Baldwin 3282 City of Milledgeville-question #1 5/4/76 * Yes: 718 No: 609 City of Milledgeville-question #2 Yes: 289 No: 1045 Bartow 4090 City of Euharlee; new charter 5/15/76 Yes: 34 No: 8 Bibb 3818 Macon-Bibb County consolidated government 5/4/76 * City vote: Yes: 8149 No: 11522 County vote: Yes: 8825 No: 16209 Bryan 3288 City of Richmond Hill; corporate limits 6/29/76 Yes: 199 No: 8 Camden 2831 Tax commissioner; salary 11/2/76 ** ** Date of November 2, 1976, general election. Not held Carroll 4479 County board of education and school superintendent 11/2/76 ** Yes: 3105 No: 3868 Chattooga 2694 Board of commissioners; creation 5/4/76 * Yes: 970 No: 2297 Clayton 3974 City of Mountain View; abolition of charter Not held Cobb 3656 City of Powder Springs; abolition of charter 9/11/76 Yes: 331 No: 455 DeKalb 2809 Sunday sales of intoxicating beverages 5/4/76 * Yes: 52761 No: 30442


Fayette 3398 Board of commissioners; membership 5/4/76 * * Date of presidential preference primary election (May 4, 1976). Yes: 1984 No: 1512 Glynn 4027 County board of education; districts; election 5/4/76 * Yes: 3752 No: 4746 Grady 3162 County board of education; compensation 5/4/76 * Yes: 444 No: 1259 Habersham 2798 County board of education; election 5/4/76 * Yes: 2244 No: 876 Habersham 2803 County school superintendent; appointment 5/4/76 * Yes: 940 No: 1951 Long 3536 County board of education *** *** This Act was declared unconstitutional by decision of a federal court. 5/4/76 * Yes: 490 No: 172 Long 3321 Small claims court; creation 5/4/76 * Yes: 114 No: 527 Lumpkin 3945 County board of education and school superintendent 5/4/76 * Yes: 678 No: 917 Newton 3402 Board of commissioners; districts 5/4/76 * Yes: 2980 No: 1387 Newton 3505 County board of education; membership; districts 5/25/76 Yes: 3227 No: 1167 Oconee 3935 County school superintendent; appointment 11/2/76 ** ** Date of November 2, 1976, general election. Yes: 1259 No: 1863 Richmond 4297 Augusta-Richmond County unified government 5/4/76 * Yes: 11027 No: 13417 Proposition One Question 1: 15801 Question 2: 6005 Proposition Two Question 1: 9404 Question 2: 10302


Ware 2811 County manager 5/4/76 * * Date of presidential preference primary election (May 4, 1976). Yes: 2194 No: 2838 Warren 3660 Board of commissioners 11/2/76 ** ** Date of November 2, 1976, general election. Yes: 802 No: 352


Georgia Laws 1977: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baker 2603 County board of education; vacancies 11/7/78* Yes: 151 No: 95 Bryan 3215 County treasurer; abolition of office 5/24/77 Yes: 116 No: 126 Carroll 4519 City of Temple; corporate limits 6/15/77 Yes: 225 No: 149 Dawson 3529 County board of education; election 6/14/77 Yes: 369 No: 140 Hart 3482 Town of Bowersville; new charter 5/9/77 Yes: 30 No: 0 Pierce 2924 County board of education and school superintendent 11/7/78 * * Date of November 7, 1978, general election. Yes: 307 No: 587 Rockdale 2817 Board of commissioners; creation 5/17/77 Yes: 1618 No: 744 Schley 2952 Board of commissioners; terms 11/7/78 * Yes: 160 No: 66 Schley 2955 County board of education; terms 11/7/78 * Yes: 167 No: 58 Stephens 3875 County board of education; election 6/28/77 Yes: 1375 No: 628 Stephens 3881 County school superintendent; appointment 6/28/77 Yes: 793 No: 1042 Tift 3894 City of Tifton; corporate limits 12/19/77 Yes: 690 No: 1158 Towns 3974 County board of education and school superintendent 2/2/78 Yes: 1014 No: 1384


Georgia Laws 1978: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bryan 3774 County board of education; election 5/2/78 Yes: 739 No: 259 Butts 3368 County board of education 11/7/78 * * Date of general election 1978. Yes: 886 No: 539 Chatham 932 Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages 8/8/78 ** ** Date of general primary 1978. Chatham County (unincorporated area) Yes: 2022 No: 1863 Garden City Yes: 154 No: 318 Port Wentworth Yes: 89 No: 171 Bloomingdale Yes: 23 No: 50 Pooler Yes: 85 No: 152 Thunderbolt Yes: 142 No: 77 Tybee Island Yes: 307 No: 171 Vernonburg Yes: 25 No: 14 Savannah Yes: 6870 No: 4768 Chatham 4132 City of Garden City; corporate limits; water and sewer facilities 5/22/78 Yes: 663 No: 166 Chatham 4073 City of Bloomingdale; waterworks Not held Chatham 3998 City of Savannah; corporate limits 4/19/78 Yes: 14407 No: 8091 Chatham 4466 Municipal Court of Savannah; abolition 8/8/78 ** Yes: 6783 No: 9753 Chattooga 3848 County board of education; compensation and expenses 11/7/78 * Yes: 778 No: 1446 Cherokee 3029 Board of commissioners; abolition; commissioner; creation 4/4/78 Yes: 2449 No: 2308 Clarke 4573 Use of school tax in Clarke County 11/7/78 * Yes: 3710 No: 3268


Columbia 3359 County board of education; compensation 11/7/78 * * Date of general election 1978. Yes: 887 No: 1569 DeKalb 3639 City of Clarkston; mayor and council; terms 10/18/78 Yes: 95 No: 96 DeKalb 4104 County board of education; districts 11/7/78 * Yes: 18829 No: 34766 Hart 3177 Board of commissioners; creation 11/7/78 * Yes: 643 No: 1018 Macon 4217 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/7/78 * Yes: 737 No: 232 McDuffie 3666 County board of education 5/16/78 Yes: 202 No: 131 Rabun 3427 County school superintendent; appointment 11/7/78 * Yes: 453 No: 692 Rabun 3430 County board of education; election 11/7/78 * Yes: 861 No: 300 Rockdale 3868 City of Conyers; new charter 7/8/78 Yes: 179 No: 167 Telfair 3445 County board of education and school superintendent 11/7/78 * Proposal No. 1: 386 Proposal No. 2: 231 Proposal No. 3: 323 Thomas 3746 Tax commissioner; creation of office 11/7/78 * Yes: 2679 No: 820 Thomas 3741 Judge of the probate court; compensation 11/7/78 * Yes: 2683 No: 802 Thomas 3752 Clerk of the superior court; compensation 11/7/78 * Yes: 2674 No: 797


Twiggs 3405 Board of commissioners; recall 8/8/78 ** ** Date of general primary 1978. Yes: 1067 No: 805 Whitfield 3365 City of [Illegible Text]; corporate limits (Civil Action File No. 18,462) Not held Georgia Laws 1979: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Carroll 4245 City of Sand Hill; new charter 6/12/79 Yes: 102 No: 193 Glynn 3467 County board of education; districts 12/11/79 Yes: 2490 No: 977 Montgomery 3151 County board of education 6/5/79 Question #1: Proposal #1: 320 Proposal #2: 205 Proposal #3: 92 Question #2: Proposal #1: 881 Proposal #2: 860 Proposal #3: 1015 Stephens 3047 Board of commissioners; terms 4/24/79 Yes: 921 No: 329 Telfair 3539 County board of education; districts 7/31/79 Yes: 858 No: 615


Georgia Laws 1980: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 3043 Board of commissioners; elections 5/13/80 Yes: 714 No: 1194 Ben Hill 3954 Tax commissioner; creation of office 5/28/80 Yes: 614 No: 398 Catoosa 4250 County board of education; election 8/5/80 Yes: 3156 No: 4464 Chatham City of Thunderbolt 3653 Corporate limits of the City of Thunderbolt 5/27/80 Thunderbolt: Proposition #1 Yes: 152 No: 140 Proposition #2 Yes: 109 No: 177 Macceo Island: Proposition #1 Yes: 58 No: 5 Proposition #2 Bonna Bella: Proposition #1 Proposition #2 Yes: 62 No: 21 Cherokee 3275 County board of education; election 8/12/80 Yes: 814 No: 435 Coffee 1795 County school superintendent; election Not held Columbia 3707 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 5/7/80 Yes: 1920 No: 1103 Decatur 3272 County board of education; residency requirements 11/4/80 Yes: 2267 No: 899 DeKalb 3996 Type of government for DeKalb County; advisory referendum 8/5/80 Type 1: 38094 Type 2: 23553 Douglas 4120 County board of education; compensation 11/4/80 Yes: 3424 No: 7389 Effingham 3542 County board of education; election; terms 8/12/80 Yes: 430 No: 92


Gordon 3720 County board of education; vacancies Not held Henry 3009 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 3/11/80 Yes: 2252 No: 1500 Irwin 3030 Tax commissioner; creation of office 4/8/80 Yes: 834 No: 119 Laurens 3016 Board of commissioners; membership; districts 3/11/80 Yes: 1797 No: 1413 Laurens City of Dublin 3189 Mayor and council; terms 3/11/80 Yes: 324 No: 653 McIntosh 3112 County board of education; election; districts; compensation 4/29/80 Yes: 642 No: 143 Mitchell City of Pelham 3914 Council; elections 6/3/80 Yes: 254 No: 392 Oconee 3757 Board of commissioners 5/21/80 Yes: 585 No: 1155 Richmond 3841 County board of education; elections Not held Upson 3027 County school superintendent; appointment 3/11/80 Yes: 604 No: 1468 Upson 4127 Fire protection districts; taxation Not held Whitfield City of Cohutta 4122 Corporate limits 5/17/80 Yes: 10 No: 0


Georgia Laws 1981: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 4072 Disposal sites for hazardous wastes; advisory referendum 8/10/82 Yes: 1652 No: 1465 Chatham City of Tybee Island 4914 Corporate limits 6/25/81 Corporate limits: Yes: 222 No: 60 Unincorporated area: Yes: 18 No: 102 Clarke 3065 Athens-Clarke County Charter Commission; creation 2/16/82 County: Yes: 2388 No: 2883 City: Yes: 2611 No: 2120 Coffee 3626 County school superintendent; election 6/2/81 Yes: 1329 No: 1424 DeKalb 4304 Form of government 8/10/82 Yes: 36070 No: 26939 Dooly 4463 County board of education: districts; elections; terms 5/19/81 Yes: 1393 No: 185 Gordon 3269 Board of commissioners; abolition; county commissioner; office created 8/4/81 Yes: 1319 No: 1664 Gordon 3586 County school superintendent; election; term 8/4/81 Yes: 1527 No: 778 Miller 4713 County board of education; elections 8/4/81 Yes: 710 No: 182 Richmond 3677 County board of education; elections 11/3/81 Yes: 7352 No: 1526


Georgia Laws 1982: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 4642 Board of commissioners; composition 11/2/82 Five member: 1191 Six member: 1000 Bacon 4606 Board of county commissioners in certain counties (9,365-9,385) 8/2/82 Yes: 1299 No: 351 Bartow 4589 County board of education; terms 8/10/82 Yes: 1652 No: 1465 Bartow 4584 County board of education; compensation 8/10/82 Yes: 1615 No: 1450 Bartow 4586 County school superintendent; appointment 8/10/82 Yes: 843 No: 2205 Bibb 4625 County board of education and orphanage; districts 11/2/82 Yes: 15184 No: 5458 Bibb 4406 County board of education and orphanage; terms 11/2/82 Yes: 9455 No: 12176 Bryan 4270 Board of commissioners; elections; districts; terms; vacancies 11/2/82 Yes: 883 No: 429 Bryan 4285 County treasurer; abolition of office 8/10/82 Yes: 832 No: 709 Chatham Town of Thunderbolt 4295 Corporate limits 6/22/82 Corporate limits: Yes: 126 No: 133 Unincorporated area: Yes: 21 No: 0 Cherokee 3602 County board of education; districts 5/11/82 Yes: 302 No: 200


Clarke City of Athens 1855 Georgia Alcoholic Beverage Code amended as to certain counties (69,000-75,000) 8/10/82 Clarke County: Yes: 2257 No: 2338 City of Athens: Yes: 2393 No: 2354 Clayton 4431 County board of education; composition; elections; compensation 8/10/82 Yes: 8665 No: 7584 Cobb 1768 Sale of alcoholic beverages in certain counties (200,000-550,000) (295,000-300,000) (350,000-500,000) 11/2/82 Yes: 35622 No: 34777 Cook 3749 County school superintendent; election 11/2/82 Yes: 1623 No: 1020 DeKalb 4239 DeKalb Community College 8/10/82 Transfer: 43375 Retain: 23587 Douglas 4786 County board of education; districts 11/2/82 Yes: 6032 No: 1700 Emanuel 4049 County board of education; elections; districts 6/1/82 Yes: 1853 No: 411 Franklin 3753 County board of education and school superintendent 8/10/82 #1 Proposal: 458 #2 Proposal: 1308 #3 Proposal: 573 Gwinnett 3510 County board of education; districts 4/6/82 Yes: 1825 No: 1972


Haralson 4523 County board of education; composition; districts; election 8/10/82 Yes: 2133 No: 230 Jackson 4012 Jackson County School District, Jefferson City School District, and Commerce City School District; merger 11/2/82 Jackson County: Yes: 1991 No: 2438 Inside City of Commerce: Yes: 796 No: 243 Inside City of Jefferson: Yes: 390 No: 78 Lowndes 3582 Board of commissioners; composition; selection 11/2/82 Yes: 3652 No: 4513 Lumpkin 4274 County school superintendent; appointment 6/8/82 Yes: 312 No: 595 Lumpkin 4277 County board of education; elections; districts 6/8/82 Yes: 720 No: 191 Oconee City of Bogart 4869 New charter 12-7-82 Yes: 66 No: 147 Pierce 4649 County board of education and school superintendent 11/2/82 Proposal No. 1: Question No. 1: 526 Question No. 2: 1124 Proposal No. 2: Question No. 1: 613 Question No. 2: 947 Pulaski 4638 County school superintendent; appointment 11/2/82 Yes: 698 No: 787


Twiggs 3627 County board of education; election 8/10/82 Yes: 1327 No: 533 Ware City of Waycross 4611 Land conveyance authorized 11/2/82 Yes: 1869 No: 878 Wayne 3789 and 4717 Board of commissioners; elections 11/2/82 Yes: 1320 No: 684 Wheeler 4126 County board of education; composition; election Not held Worth 3715 Board of commissioners; districts; elections; qualifications 11/2/82 Yes: 1643 No: 733 Georgia Laws 1983: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Atkinson 4115 Board of commissioners; compensation; chairman 3/13/84 Yes: 123 No: 1114 Bartow and Polk 4161 Corporate limits; elections 5/11/83 Bartow: Yes: 47 No: 7 Town of Taylorsville Polk: Yes: 15 No: 4


Bibb 4251 County board of education and orphanage; districts 11/8/83 Yes: 5361 No: 1841 Chatham and City of Savannah 4039 Board of education; districts 5/3/83 Yes: 1367 No: 2815 Chatham City of Tybee Island 3586 Mayor and council; terms; elections 5/3/83 Yes: 307 No: 60 Chattooga 4570 State Court of Chattooga County; creation 5/3/83 Yes: 307 No: 60 Columbia 4411 County board of education; districts; elections; terms 3/13/84 Yes: 2110 No: 843 DeKalb 4547 Governing authority; powers and duties; executive assistant 3/13/84 Yes: 45505 No: 12832 DeKalb City of Doraville 3581 Mayor and council; terms 4/2/83 Yes: 266 No: 89 Forsyth 3521 County school superintendent; appointment 5/3/83 Yes: 379 No: 966 Fulton and Coweta City of Palmetto 4134 Corporate limits 5/21/83 Yes: 319 No: 35


Madison City of Colbert 4181 Municipal court; penalties; homestead exemption; city taxes 5/4/83 Yes: 58 No: 3 Murray 3611 County board of education; creation of new board Not held Newton 3814 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes Not held Seminole 3994 County board of education; election 8/2/83 Yes: 1181 No: 1198 Tift County and City of Tifton 3590 Tifton-Tift County Charter Commission; creation 6/26/84 Yes: 2060 No: 3860 Union 4514 County board of education; election 5/3/83 Yes: 147 No: 10 Wilkinson 3911 County board of education; creation of new board 5/3/83 198 Georgia Laws 1984: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Statewide 520 Ad valorem taxation of property; additional exemption 11/6/84 Yes: 718467 No: 464620 Statewide 788 Ad valorem taxation of property; exemption of motor vehicles 11/6/84 Yes: 900688 No: 345204 Statewide 1253 Ad valorem taxation of property; exemption of nonprofit homes for mentally handicapped 11/6/84 Yes: 933343 No: 295707


Berrien 4823 Board of commissioners; composition; districts; elections; compensation; qualifications 5/15/84 Yes: 211 No: 1008 Butts 3588 County treasurer; abolition of office 3/13/84 Yes: 921 No: 791 Camden 3848 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/6/84 Yes: 2577 No: 481 Catoosa 4321 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 4833 No: 811 Cherokee 3580 County school superintendent; appointment 3/13/84 Yes: 1734 No: 4060 Columbia 4609 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/6/84 Not held Coweta and Fulton City of Palmetto 4390 Mayor and council; terms 8/14/84 Not held Coweta 3704 County board of education; composition; election; terms 11/6/84 Yes: 7190 No: 2328 Crisp 4352 Board of commissioners; composition; districts; elections 11/6/84 Yes: 1253 No: 760 Dade 3575 County board of education; election; districts 3/13/84 Yes: 987 No: 367 Dade 3564 Board of commissioners; creation 3/13/84 Yes: 629 No: 777 Dodge 3531 County school superintendent; appointment 3/13/84 Yes: 585 No: 2235 Forsyth 4144 Business and occupational license taxes 11/6/84 Yes: 4290 No: 3484


Fulton 3591 County board of education and school superintendent 3/13/84 Yes: 24258 No: 9628 Habersham 3671 Board of commissioners; elections; terms; purchases 8/14/84 Yes: 2222 No: 1392 Harris 3608 County board of education; districts; terms; qualifications 3/13/84 Yes: 1347 No: 707 Harris 3766 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 1750 No: 375 Jones 3926 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 2476 No: 453 Jones 4459 County board of education; reconstitution 8/14/84 Yes: 2206 No: 583 McIntosh 4103 County board of education; terms 5/15/84 Yes: 629 No: 239 McIntosh 4106 County school superintendent; appointment 5/15/84 Yes: 221 No: 577 Polk City of Cedartown 4261 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/6/84 Yes: 1170 No: 45 Putnam 4657 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 1249 No: 164 Richmond 5119 County board of education; composition; election; districts 11/6/84 Yes: 26594 No: 9857 Rockdale City of Conyers 4884 Homestead exemption; city taxes 5/26/84 Yes: 91 No: 2


Stewart 3513 Board of commissioners; creation 3/13/84 Yes: 625 No: 820 Turner 4862 County board of education; election 5/15/84 Yes: 316 No: 171 Turner 4563 Board of commissioners; composition; election; officers; meetings 5/15/84 Yes: 311 No: 175 Upson 4576 County board of education; districts; elections 8/14/84 Yes: 2496 No: 838 Upson 3729 Board of commissioners; districts; elections 4/17/84 Yes: 708 No: 344 Upson 4367 County school superintendent; appointment 11/6/84 Yes: 1903 No: 2650 Wayne 3971 County board of education; composition; districts; elections No election held pursuant to court order Wheeler 3601 County board of education; composition; elections; terms 3/13/84 Yes: 425 No: 270 Wilkes 3838 County board of education; creation; districts; elections 8/14/84 Yes: 689 No: 909 Wilkinson City of Gordon 3923 Homestead exemption; city taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 458 No: 47 Wilkinson 3772 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/14/84 Yes: 643 No: 125


Georgia Laws 1985: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bacon 4823 County board of education; elections 6/25/85 Yes: 206 No: 51 Baldwin 3835 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 1999 No: 493 Bleckley 4406 Board of commissioners; created 11/4/86 Yes: 887 No: 1156 Brooks City of Quitman 4635 Board of commissioners; composition; elections Not held Has not been approved by Justice Department Burke 4481 County board of education; elections 9/3/85 Yes: 754 No: 673 Candler 4975 Board of commissioners; membership; elections; chairman 6/11/85 Yes: 279 No: 116 Carroll 3945 County board of education and school superintendent 9/10/85 Question 1: Yes: 4076 No: 929 Question 2: Yes: 2977 No: 2019 Clinch 4918 County board of education; elections; districts 11/4/86 Yes: 302 No: 128


Cobb City of Smyma 4072 Mayor and councilmen; terms 11/5/85 Yes: 789 No: 511 Dawson 4179 Business and occupational license taxes Not held DeKalb City of Decatur 4140 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/4/85 Yes: 1123 No: 154 Fayette 3992 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 6/11/85 Yes: 2256 No. 255 Fayette 4198 County school superintendent; appointment 11/4/86 Yes: 4725 No: 6759 Fulton City of Atlanta 4371 Redevelopment powers City failed to publish as required by law. City attorney ruled not to put on ballot. Fulton City of College Park 4513 Homestead exemption; city taxes 5/13/85 Yes: 1721 No: 143


Gwinnett 5106 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/4/86 Yes: 39645 No: 12055 Heard 5078 County board of education; election 9/24/85 Yes: 580 No: 90 Jeff Davis 4493 County board of education; elections; districts 4/8/86 Yes: 208 No: 45 Lanier 3966 County board of education; elections; districts; terms 6/25/85 Yes: 252 No: 12 Marion 4573 County board of education; districts; elections Not precleared by U.S. Justice Department. Morgan 4643 County board of education and school superintendent 8/12/86 Yes: 1058 No: 398 Pierce 4836 Board of commissioners; composition; elections; districts 11/5/85 Yes: 386 No: 169 Pierce 4841 County board of education; elections 11/5/85 Yes: 365 No: 181 Polk 4985 County board of education; re-creation 6/11/85 Yes: 365 No: 299 Taylor 5087 County board of education; elections; districts 5/21/85 Yes: 362 No: 180 Wilkes 4580 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes Not held


Georgia Laws 1986: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 5361 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes Not held Bibb 4736 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 3236 No: 2725 Bibb City of Macon 5038 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 8120 No: 5815 Bibb 5620 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 2592 No: 5119 Bulloch 5627 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods Not held Camden 5647 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 451 No: 258 Chatham City of Islands 4872 Incorporation 8/12/86 Islands area: Yes: 506 No: 744 County area: Yes: 336 No: 1426 Chatham City of Pooler 5592 Corporate limits 6/17/86 Pooler: Yes: 115 No: 19 Proposed Area: Yes: 36 No: 24 Chattooga 5138 Board of commissioners; creation 11/4/86 Yes: 1991 No: 2220 Cherokee 3635 Board of commissioners; creation 5/6/86 Yes: 1644 No: 2221 Clayton 5019 Homestead exemptions; county taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 11478 No: 2066


Cobb City of Acworth 3752 Mayor and alderman; elections; qualifications; terms 5/3/86 Yes: 47 No: 139 Cobb 4370 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/4/86 Yes: 64538 No: 9311 Cobb City of Maroetta 5043 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/4/86 Yes: 5309 No: 1002 Colquitt 3724 County board of education; composition; elections; districts 5/13/86 Yes: 897 No: 180 Columbia 5636 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 2740 No: 1695 Dawson 4061 Homestead exemptions; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 724 No: 183 Decatur 4096 County board of education and school superintendent 8/12/86 Yes: 1387 No: 1012 DeKalb 4107 Governing authority; powers and duties; applicability of laws 8/12/86 Yes: 31123 No: 11156 DeKalb City of Decatur 4475 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/3/86 Yes: 1233 No: 127 Douglas 5618 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/4/86 Yes: 6701 No: 3144 Elbert 3578 Board of education; re-creation 5/13/86 Yes: 444 No: 208


Floyd City of Rome 4530 Homestead exemption; independent school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 2651 No: 336 Floyd 5057 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 4971 No: 770 Floyd 5511 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 8218 No: 845 Forsyth 4347 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/4/86 Yes: 5191 No: 1005 Fulton 4148 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 57705 No: 41691 Fulton 4434 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes; local constitutional amendment continued Not held Fulton City of Atlanta 4834 Redevelopment powers 8/12/86 Yes: 12987 No: 9356 Gwinnett 5625 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 17645 No: 4777 Hall 3811 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 5447 No: 2112 Hall City of Gainesville 3815 Homestead exemption; independent school district taxes Not held Hall 5616 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 7553 No: 2305 Henry 5053 Homestead exemptions; county school district taxes Not held


Henry 5607 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 2211 No: 1964 Houston 3901 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 6517 No: 4758 Houston City of Centerville 5157 Redevelopment powers 11/4/86 Yes: 70 No: 88 Houston City of Perry 4196 Redevelopment powers Not held Houston City of Warner Robins 3923 Redevelopment powers 10/7/86 Yes: 2675 No: 1754 Lanier 3609 Lakeland-Lanier County Charter Commission; creation 9/2/86 Yes: 448 No: 928 Laurens 3821 County board of education; elections; districts 11/4/86 Yes: 929 No: 715 Liberty 3554 County school superintendent; appointment 11/4/86 Yes: 1332 No: 1045 Liberty 3542 Board of education; composition; elections 8/12/86 Yes: 1369 No: 277 Lincoln 3661 County board of education; elections; districts; vacancies 8/12/86 Yes: 651 No: 335 Marion 5558 Board of commissioners; elections; districts; terms 9/16/86 Yes: 429 No: 673 Marion 5023 County board of education; elections 9/16/86 Yes: 416 No: 666


Mitchell City of Pelham 3648 City board of education; elections; terms; districts; composition Not held Mitchell 3892 County school superintendent; appointment Not precleared by U.S. Justice Department. Muscogee 3927 County board of education; advisory referendum on elections 11/4/86 Yes: 18451 No: 8420 Oglethorpe 3568 County board of education; elections; districts 5/13/86 Yes: 307 No: 90 Paulding 4335 County school superintendent; appointment 11/4/86 Yes: 1199 No: 4301 Polk 5633 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 1355 No: 1013 Rabun City of Clayton 4778 Homestead exemptions; city taxes 12/20/86 Yes: 453 No: 16 Clayton Screven 5642 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/12/86 Yes: 326 No: 404 Spalding 4855 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 1946 No: 428 Spalding 5623 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/4/86 Yes: 3757 No: 3693 Sumter City of Americus 3501 Sumter County Public School System; creation; merger of school systems of Sumter County and the City of Americus Not held


Tattnall City of Collins 4472 Mayor; terms 8/12/86 Yes: 31 No: 39 Telfair 4527 County officers; ineligiblity to hold office; local constitutional amendment continued 11/4/86 Yes: 1800 No: 577 Toombs City of Vidalia 4862 City school district; powers of board of education 9/2/86 Yes: 824 No: 599 Troup 3515 County board of education and school superintendent; Act continuing local constitutional amendment repealed 5/6/86 Yes: 193 No: 44 Twiggs 5542 County school superintendent; appointment 11/4/86 Yes: 412 No: 1127 Upson 4497 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes Not held Washington 4485 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 1434 No: 373 Washington 4489 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/12/86 Yes: 1896 No: 402 Whitfield 5597 Board of commissioners 11/4/86 Yes: 4315 No: 3573 Wilkes 4091 County board of education: elections; districts; composition 11/4/86 Yes: 1219 No: 377 Worth 3716 County board of education; membership; elections; districts 11/4/86 Yes: 1499 No: 523 Statewide 878 Ad valorem tax exemption of tangible personal property 11/4/86 Yes: 592671 No: 249708


Georgia Laws 1987: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling City of Baxley 5015 Corporate limits 7/21/87 Yes: 438 No: 822 Bartow 5325 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/87 Yes: 2483 No: 265 Bartow 4912 County school superintendent; appointment 11/3/87 Yes: 1086 No: 1617 Bartow 4915 County board of education; elections; terms 11/3/87 Yes: 2135 No: 569 Bleckley 4111 County board of education; nonpartisan elections 11/8/88 Yes: 1025 No: 606 Brooks 5267 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 709 No: 1542 Brooks City of Quitman 5230 Board of commissioners; composition; elections; districts; terms 8/11/87 Yes: 248 No: 71 Butts 4919 County board of education and school superintendent 11/10/87 Yes: 1682 No: 561 Camden 4929 Board of commissioners; elections; districts; terms 3/8/88 Yes: 1365 No: 858 Camden 4943 County board of education; elections; districts; terms; Act continuing local constitutional amendment repealed 3/8/88 Yes: 1337 No: 932 Camden 5032 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 739 No: 1579 Chatham 4801 Redevelopment powers 6/16/87 Yes: 3341 No: 5356


Chatham City of Savannah 4083 Redevelopment powers 6/16/87 Yes: 2369 No: 3235 Clarke 4279 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/3/87 Yes: 7245 No: 1622 Columbia 4270 County board of education; nonpartisan elections 3/8/88 Yes: 7344 No: 1925 Columbia 4267 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 3/8/88 Yes: 8266 No: 1196 Dougherty 3843 County board of education; elections 11/3/87 Yes: 6448 No: 4855 Effingham 4596 County board of education; reconstitution 3/8/88 Yes: 1768 No: 471 Evans 4782 County board of education; composition; elections; compensation 8/9/88 Yes: 1277 No: 553 Fannin 5494 County board of education and school superintendent; nonpartisan elections 3/8/88 Yes: 1449 No: 1819 Floyd 4994 Unified Rome-Floyd County School System; creation; merger of Floyd County School System and City of Rome Independent School System 3/8/88 City: Yes: 1679 No: 3601 County: Yes: 2410 No: 6380 Fulton 4132 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 131209 No: 35740 Greene 4973 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 787 No: 1544


Hall City of Gainesville 4209 Homestead exemption; city school district taxes 12/1/87 Yes: 194 No: 28 Houston City of Perry 4115 Redevelopment powers 12/1/87 Yes: 128 No: 124 Lamar 3740 County board of education; elections; districts; terms; vacancies 11/3/87 Yes: 412 No: 203 Lowndes 4124 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 932 No: 2505 Lumpkin 3586 County school superintendent; appointment 6/2/87 Yes: 617 No: 1067 Madison City of Colbert 4475 Mayor; term 12/2/87 Yes: 19 No: 3 Mitchell 3508 County school superintendent; appointment 7/28/87 Yes: 710 No: 921 Muscogee 4753 County board of education; composition; elections; districts; terms; compensation; taxes 3/8/88 Yes: 9784 No: 18277 Oconee 4441 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 1272 No: 1863 Peach City of Byron 5394 Redevelopment powers Not held


Peach City of Fort Valley 5409 Redevelopment powers 4/6/88 Yes: 847 No: 358 Peach 5397 Redevelopment powers Not held Pulaski 4263 County school superintendent; appointment 3/8/88 Yes: 679 No: 1081 Pulaski 4241 County board of education; elections 11/8/88 Yes: 960 No: 479 Rabun City of Sky Valley 5113 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/1/87 Yes: 84 No: 11 Stephens 4224 County school superintendent; appointment; vacancies 9/1/87 Yes: 775 No: 2249 Tift City of Tifton 4103 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 1847 No: 411 Ware City of Waycross 5135 Board of education; elections; districts; terms 9/22/87 Yes: 255 No: 136 Ware City of Waycross 5105 Mayor; office created; election; terms; powers 11/24/87 Yes: 1029 No: 345


White 5441 Board of commissioners; re-creation; elections; powers; duties 3/8/88 Yes: 1278 No: 715 Whitfield City of Tunnel Hill 4366 New charter 12/7/87 Yes: 85 No: 33 Georgia Laws 1988: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Barrow 3501 County board of education; compensation; elections; districts 4/12/88 Yes: 637 No: 62 Barrow 3674 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 4226 No: 549 Bartow 4101 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/9/88 Yes: 1858 No: 1060 Ben Hill and City of Fitzgerald 3573 Ben Hill County Public School System; creation; merger of county school system with City of Fitzgerald School System 6/21/88 Yes: 517 No: 801 6/21/88 Yes: 822 No: 284 Berrien 3832 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes Not held Butts 4729 Board of commissioners; powers; county manager created 8/9/88 Yes: 1563 No: 955 Catoosa 4182 Board of commissioners; creation; districts; electins; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 4896 No: 2913


Chatham Cit of Savannah 3706 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 20190 No: 3006 Cherokee 3677 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 13575 No: 2501 Clarke City of Athens 3794 Redevelopment powers 11/8/88 Not precleared by U. S. Justice Department Clayton 4307 County school superintendent; appointment 11/8/88 Yes: 12314 No: 26995 Clayton 4001 County board of education; number of members 11/8/88 Yes: 20610 No: 17155 Clayton 3527 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 3/8/88 Yes: 14472 No: 8627 Clayton 3523 Homestead exemptions; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 32925 No: 7153 Clayton City of Riverdale 3951 Homestead exemption; city taxes 10/8/88 Yes: 597 No: 35 Cobb 4479 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/8/88 Yes: 102080 No: 21916 Cobb 4070 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 93785 No: 29194 Cobb 4286 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 76495 No: 32915


Coffee City of Douglas 4282 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/6/89 Yes: 734 No: 106 Columbia 4622 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 15372 No: 3111 Coweta 4714 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 10497 No: 2412 Crawford 4063 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 1092 No: 2412 DeKalb 4114 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 122174 No: 27547 DeKalb 4160 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 107585 No: 29336 DeKalb 4740 Governing authority; vote of chief executive; department heads under merit system; ordinances 11/8/88 Yes: 76350 No: 59347 Dougherty City of Albany 4748 Homestead exemption; city taxes Not held Effingham City of Springfield 4091 Corporate limits Not held Floyd 4856 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 7014 No: 1390 Floyd City of Rome 4484 Homestead exemption; city independent school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 4607 No: 698


Fulton 4034 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 131209 No: 35740 Fulton City of Hapeville 4866 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 1429 No: 146 Gilmer 4886 Board of commissioners; creation; county manager 5/17/88 Yes: 1863 No: 1299 Gilmer 4894 County board of education; nonpartisan elections 8/9/88 Yes: 1381 No: 369 Gilmer 4903 County school superintendent; nonpartisan election 8/9/88 Yes: 1336 No: 380 Gwinnett City of Dacula 3667 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/19/88 Yes: 168 No: 34 Gwinnett 4199 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 61404 No: 22771 Gwinnett 4023 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 65941 No: 19844 Gwinnett 4627 Coroner's office abolished; medical examiner's office established 8/9/88 Yes: 17325 No: 5088 Gwinnett 4039 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 60907 No: 25291 Habersham 4112 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods Not held Hart 3604 Board of commissioners; creation 4/12/88 (1) 984 (2) 628 (3) 943 4/26/88 Runoff (1) 1439 (2) 1698


Henry 4633 Board of commissioners; chairman as chief executive officer; county administrator abolished Not held Henry 4310 Homestead exemptions; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 11413 No: 2823 Houston 4007 County school superintendent; appointment 8/9/88 Yes: 2681 No: 6432 Jeff Davis City of Hazlehurst 4861 Advisory referendum regarding sales of beer and wine Not held Lumpkin 4880 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 3009 No: 527 Monroe 3540 Board of commissioners; terms 3/8/88 Yes: 1198 No: 778 Newton 4045 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes Not held Peach City of Byron 3656 Redevelopment powers 4/6/88 Yes: 64 No: 59 Peach 4598 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 2532 No: 815 Pierce 3543 County school superintendent; appointment Not held ( See Ga. L. 1988, p. 4898 ) Pierce 4898 County school superintendent; appointment 5/10/88 Yes: 394 No: 1072


Pike 3824 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 2037 No: 518 Richmond 4147 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 33005 No: 7709 Richmond 4043 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/8/88 Yes: 27047 No: 11602 Richmond 3971 Board of commissioners as Augusta-Richmond County Commission-Council for both county and city 11/8/88 Yes: 25129 No: 19153 Richmond City of Augusta 3987 Reorganized government of city and Richmond County; repeal of city charter 11/8/88 Yes: 7180 No: 4789 Rockdale and City of Conyers 3899 Conyers-Rockdale County Charter Commission: creation 11/14/89 County: Yes: 3760 No: 2768 City: Yes: 338 No: 668 Rockdale 3990 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 11/8/88 Yes: 11589 No: 4547 Rockdale 3659 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 5507 No: 1330 Sumter 3702 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/9/88 Yes: 1596 No: 1134 Sumter City of Americus 3550 Sumter County Public School System; creation: merger of Sumter County and City of Americus school systems 6/21/88 Sumter County: Yes: 1033 No: 1412 City of Americus: Yes: 1530 No: 592


Upson 3821 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 2598 No: 480 Upson 3685 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/8/88 Yes: 3702 No: 900 Upson 3828 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes Not held Walton 4710 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 3876 No: 739 Walton 4720 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 3448 No: 1025 Walton 4723 Staggered motor vehicle registration periods 8/9/88 Yes: 3248 No: 1157 White 4493 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 2634 No: 628 White 4472 Homestead exemption; county taxes 8/9/88 Yes: 2541 No: 661 White 3515 Board of commissioners; re-creation 3/8/88 Yes: 1278 No: 715


Georgia Laws 1989: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow City of Cartersville 4746 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/7/89 Yes: 1208 No: 143 Chatham City of Port Wentworth 5105 Corporate limits 9/12/89 Corporate limits: Yes: 292 No: 58 Unincorporated area: Yes: 50 No: 24 Cherokee 4295 Board of commissioners; creation of new board 11/7/89 Yes: 4697 No: 1676 Clarke City of Athens 4021 Redevelopment powers 11/7/89 Yes: 919 No: 725 Clayton 4905 County board of education; elections; composition; districts; county school superintendent; election 8/15/89 Yes: 1673 No: 2007 Clayton 4818 Redevelopment powers 8/15/89 Yes: 1879 No: 1755 Cobb 4266 Redevelopment powers 7/17/90 Yes: 27511 No: 27847 Cobb City of Smyrna 3878 Homestead exemption; city taxes 4/4/89 Yes: 1714 No: 107


Cobb City of Smyrna 4896 Homestead exemption; city taxes 4/4/89 Yes: 1641 No: 156 Dougherty City of Albany 4802 Mayor and commissioners; elections; terms 8/8/89 Yes: 11373 No: 2489 Dougherty City of Albany 4062 Homestead exemption; city taxes 8/8/89 Yes: 12173 No: 1553 Effingham Town of Rincon 4024 Homestead exemption; town taxes 11/7/89 Yes: 427 No: 27 Fannin City of Blue Ridge 3823 New charter 5/27/89 Fannin County: Yes: 4 No: 57 City of Blue Ridge: Yes: 123 No: 96 Fulton City of Atlanta 4229 Homestead exemption; city and city school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 44047 No: 7769 Harris City of Shiloh 4084 Homestead exemption; city taxes Not held Henry 4829 Board of commissioners; chairman; election Superseded by Ga. L. 1990, p. 5232


Liberty City of Hinesville 4782 Mayor and council; elections; terms; districts Superseded by Ga. L. 1990, p. 4047 Lowndes 3578 County board of education; membership; districts; elections Repealed by Ga. L. 1990, p. 3529 Spalding 3802 Griffin-Spalding County Charter Commission; creation 4/9/91 Yes: 2957 No: 5549 Whitfield 4901 County board of education; terms; elections Not held Georgia Laws 1989 Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Gwinnett City of Berkeley Lake 72 Mayor and councilmembers; elections; terms; mayor's veto powers 12/2/89 Yes: 201 No: 43


Georgia Laws 1990: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Appling 4142 Board of commissioners; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 1759 No: 908 Appling 4720 County board of education; members; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 1767 No: 900 Ben Hill 4435 County board of education; elections; terms; districts; vacancies 8/28/90 Yes: 238 No: 22 Ben Hill City of Fitzgerald 4146 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/20/90 Yes: 722 No: 100 Berrien 4703 Board of commissioners; compensation; composition Not held Catoosa 4481 Comprehensive land use plan; advisory referendum 7/17/90 Yes: 2276 No: 1651 Catoosa 4984 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 6069 No: 1495 Charlton City of Folkston 4217 Corporate limits Not held Chatham 3992 Board of commissioners; chairman; term 11/6/90 Yes: 23981 No: 7149 Chatham City of Pooler 4202 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 645 No: 64 Chatham 5146 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 25777 No: 5162


Chatham City of Savannah 3995 Mayor; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 12513 No: 4729 Clarke 4711 County board of education; membership; elections 11/6/90 Yes: 13458 No: 3288 Clarke and City of Athens 3560 Unified government; officers; employees; powers; duties 8/7/90 Yes: 11572 No: 8110 Clayton 4632 County school superintendent; election 11/6/90 Yes: 21629 No: 11275 Clayton 4378 Governing authority and board of education; tax millage rates 11/6/90 Yes: 19433 No: 12594 Clayton 4635 County board of education; election; terms; districts 11/6/90 Yes: 16902 No: 15137 Clayton City of Riverdale 5267 Homestead exemption; city taxes 10/13/90 Yes: 797 No: 100 Cobb City of Marietta 4390 Ad valorem tax; public schools Not held Crawford 4331 Board of commissioners; compensation 11/6/90 Yes: 294 No: 1184 DeKalb 3978 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 47225 No: 56619 DeKalb 5272 DeKalb County School District; millage rates 11/6/90 Yes: 63540 No: 34207


DeKalb 3900 Code of ethics; board of ethics; members; powers; duties 11/6/90 Yes: 104297 No: 12387 Douglas 3643 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 7185 No: 1936 Douglas 3650 Board of commissioners; membership; elections 7/17/90 Yes: 6428 No: 3293 Douglas 3662 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 6836 No: 2309 Douglas 3658 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 7422 No: 1813 Effingham 4035 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 3444 No: 423 Fayette 4317 County school superintendent; appointment; term 11/6/90 Yes: 5949 No: 11075 Forsyth 4680 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 7969 No: 1992 Fulton City of Hapeville 3665 Redevelopment powers 11/6/90 Yes: 825 No: 396 Fulton City of College Park 4238 Homestead exemption; city taxes 5/7/90 Yes: 540 No: 27 Fulton City of College Park 4242 Redevelopment powers 5/7/90 Yes: 481 No: 82 Gordon 3745 Board of commissioners; creation; election 11/6/90 Yes: 1758 No: 3426


Gwinnett City of Buford 4291 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/3/90 Yes: 755 No: 117 Gwinnett 3774 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 67424 No: 21536 Gwinnett City of Norcross 3941 Homestead exemption; city taxes 6/5/90 Yes: 135 No: 7 Gwinnett City of Lilburn 4469 Homestead exemption; city taxes 5/22/90 Yes: 401 No: 26 Haralson 3868 Board of commissioners; creation; elections; powers; duties 7/17/90 Yes: 1907 No: 2008 Harris City of Shiloh 3840 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 73 No: 21 Henry 5232 Board of commissioners; chairman; election 11/6/90 Yes: 8376 No: 4952 Henry 4474 County school superintendent; appointment 11/6/90 Yes: 4085 No: 9950 Henry 4476 County board of education: members; elections 11/6/90 Yes: 9217 No: 4270 Jefferson 4224 County board of education and school superintendent 7/17/90 Yes: 1927 No: 909 Jones 3790 Homestead exemption: county taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 1854 No: 390 Lamar 4022 Magistrate court: chief magistrate; selection 11/6/90 Yes: 1424 No: 544


Liberty 4045 Enhanced 911 emergency telephone service 11/6/90 Yes: 1754 No: 579 Liberty City of Hinesville 4047 Mayor and council; election; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 815 No: 367 McIntosh 4781 County school superintendent; appointment 11/6/90 Yes: 832 No: 1046 Monroe City of Forsyth 4764 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/6/90 Yes: 806 No: 149 Monroe 4547 Board of commissioners; compensation 11/6/90 Yes: 901 No: 2856 Murray 3845 Board of commissioners; creation; members; elections; districts 11/6/90 Yes: 2065 No: 1509 Murray 3668 County board of education; powers; duties; elections; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 2240 No: 974 Peach 4589 Board of commissioners; redevelopment powers 7/17/90 Yes: 837 No: 615 Peach 4155 County board of education; election; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 2686 No: 971 Pulaski 4415 County board of education; members; non-partisan elections Not held Rockdale 4654 County board of education; election 11/6/90 Yes: 9713 No: 4088 Spalding City of Griffin 4596 Board of commissioners; chairman; powers; duties Not held


Spalding City of Griffin 3734 Board of commissioners; taxation and finance powers; homestead exemption; city taxes Not held Tattnall City of Reidsville 4918 Mayor; terms of office 11/6/90 Yes: 219 No: 334 Toombs 4603 County school superintendent; appointment 11/6/90 Yes: 545 No: 1121 Twiggs 3935 Homestead exemptions; county and county school district taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 1171 No: 319 Upson City of Thomaston 3794 Merger of Upson County School System and City of Thomaston Independent School System; board of education; membership 7/17/90 Upson County: Yes: 2269 No: 1227 City of Thomaston: Yes: 1673 No: 1055 Walton City of Social Circle 4159 Homestead exemption; city school district taxes; disabled residents 7/17/90 Yes: 246 No: 60 Walton City of Social Circle 4171 Homestead exemption; city school district taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 248 No: 39 Walton 4351 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 2639 No: 369


Wilkes 4592 County board of education; election; terms 11/6/90 Yes: 1801 No: 442 Wilkinson City of Ivey 3787 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/6/90 Yes: 175 No: 14 Wilkinson 4925 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/17/90 Yes: 798 No: 98 Georgia Laws 1991: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bartow 4478 County school superintendent; appointment 9/17/91 Yes: 909 No: 1621 Ben Hill 3772 County school superintendent; appointment 9/17/91 Yes: 449 No: 490 Ben Hill 3753 Board of commissioners; members; posts; elections; terms 3/3/92 Yes: 1268 No: 580 Chatham City of Savannah 3776 City of Savannah and Chatham County Board of Public Education; members; election; vacancies 11/3/92 Yes: 35958 No: 10709 Chattooga 4274 Board of commissioners; creation 3/3/92 Yes: 779 No: 3795 Cherokee 3627 County board of education; members; vacancies; residency Not held Cherokee 3855 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 18240 No: 3269


Cobb City of Acworth 3576 Special election for approval of expenditure of proceeds from sale of water and sewer system Not held Cobb City of Austell 4508 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/5/91 Yes: 347 No: 26 Cobb City of Smyrna 4693 Homestead exemption; city taxes Not held (See Ga. L. 1992, p. 5725) Columbia 3986 County board of education and school superintendent 11/5/91 Yes: 4750 No: 8360 Dade 3893 Board of commissioners; creation 3/3/92 Yes: 1567 No: 1262 Douglas City of Douglasville 4297 Douglasville-Douglas County Charter Commission; creation Not held Franklin 4681 Board of commissioners; creation 3/3/92 Yes: 1883 No: 1671 Fulton 3747 Fulton County School District; homestead exemption 11/3/92 Yes: 85563 No: 25354 Fulton City of Fairburn 3581 Homestead exemption; city taxes 6/27/91 Yes: 252 No: 15

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Fulton City of College Park 4422 Wards; election date 9/17/91 Yes: 301 No: 49 Gwinnett City of Sugar Hill 4675 Homestead exemption; city taxes 10/26/91 Yes: 527 No: 37 Harris City of Hamilton 3973 Municipal court; penalties Not held (Repealed by Ga. L. 1991, Ex. Sess., p. 423) Muscogee 4255 City-County government and school taxes; homestead valuation; local constitutional amendments repealed 11/5/91 Yes: 5731 No: 24247 Muscogee 4259 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes; disabled veterans 11/5/91 Yes: 25203 No: 4579 Muscogee 4265 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/5/91 Yes: 27198 No: 2640 Newton 4328 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 10026 No: 2314 Oconee 3822 County school superintendent; appointment 11/5/91 Yes: 795 No: 1286 Pickens 3851 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3827 No: 634 Pickens 4212 Board of commissioners; creation 3/3/92 Yes: 1377 No: 2081


Pike 3695 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 2665 No: 697 Pulaski 4175 County board of education; restatement of law 7/21/92 Yes: 1173 No: 504 Rabun 4555 County school superintendent; appointment Not held Spalding City of Griffin 4604 Board of commissioners; taxation and finance powers; homestead exemption 11/5/91 Yes: 1695 No: 235 Troup City of Hogansville 4427 City school taxes; maximum millage rate Not held Washington 3759 County board of education; reconstitution; school superintendent 3/3/92 Yes: 1463 No: 709 Whitfield 3638 County board of education; terms 3/3/92 Yes: 3164 No: 750


Georgia Laws 1991, Extraordinary Session: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Butts 473 Solid waste landfill; advisory referendum 11/5/91 Public: 1748 Private: 878 Camden City of St. Marys 460 Homestead exemption; city taxes 12/3/91 Yes: 659 No: 87 Elbert 370 Board of commissioners; chairman; county administrator 3/3/92 Yes: 2068 No: 1056 Troup City of Hogansville 476 Ad valorem school taxes Not held Ware 445 County board of education and school superintendent 3/3/92 Yes: 2673 No: 573


Georgia Laws 1992: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Baldwin 6709 Magistrate court; chief magistrate and magistrates 11/3/92 Yes: 8494 No: 1080 Bartow 6484 Chairperson and board of commissioners; creation 7/21/92 Yes: 1993 No: 2802 Berrien 5221 County board of education: districts: elections 7/21/92 Yes: 2534 No: 1453 Berrien 6329 Board of commissioners; composition; districts; elections Not held Not precleared by U.S. Justice Department Bryan 4551 County board of education; districts: terms 7/21/92 Yes: 1853 No: 553 Bryan 4592 Board of commissioners; districts: terms: vacancies 7/2192 Yes: 1514 No: 939 Camden City of Kingsland 5686 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 211 No: 19 Carroll 6514 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 13278 No: 2669 Carroll City of Carrolton 5906 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3270 No: 746 Catoosa 5981 Catoosa Utility District and Board of Utilities Commissioners; abolition 11/3/92 Yes: 3354 No: 9649 Chatham City of Pooler 7019 Corporate limits 11/3/92 Yes: 1205 No: 255


Chattooga City of Summerville 6308 City manager; mayor Not held Clarke 6241 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 7898 No: 1112 Clayton 6146 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 18324 No: 4429 Cobb City of Power Springs 6237 Homestead exemption: city taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 2433 No: 536 Cobb City of Smyrna 5725 Homestead exemption: city taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 3222 No: 513 Columbia 6175 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 21586 No: 4446 DeKalb 6845 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 112095 No: 48244 DeKalb 6624 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 82790 No: 73413 DeKalb 6137 Governing authority; definition; code of ethics; sanctions 11/3/92 Yes: 125095 No: 51405 DeKalb 6323 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 129830 No: 53377 DeKalb 5720 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 131414 No: 43365


DeKalb 6566 Commission; districts; elections 7/21/92 Yes: 46257 No: 22459 Floyd 5383 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 14905 No: 9240 Floyd 5466 Board of commissioners; terms 11/3/92 Yes: 15052 No: 10621 Floyd 5902 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 6032 No: 2580 Forsyth 5052 County board of education; laws restated 7/21/92 Yes: 6402 No: 1183 Forsyth City of Cumming 6601 Cumming-Forsyth County Charter Commission; creation 11/3/92 Yes: 7566 No: 8408 Forsyth 6300 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 12682 No: 3513 Franklin 4770 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3731 No: 867 Fulton 6563 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 124659 No: 68198 Fulton City of Alpharetta 6449 Mayor and council; districts; elections; terms 7/21/92 Yes: 640 No: 1656 Fulton City of Atlanta 7007 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 58142 No: 35594 Fulton City of Atlanta 7003 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 66039 No: 32340


Fulton 6583 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 121003 No: 77010 Gwinnett City of Suwannee 6524 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 413 No: 71 Hart 5574 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 4094 No: 1518 Heard 6107 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 2362 No: 480 Jackson 5452 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes Not held Jackson City of Jefferson 5888 Homestead exemption; city and city school district taxes Not held Jasper 6508 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 1267 No: 848 Jones 5389 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 2749 No: 969 Lowndes 5827 County board of education; membership; elections; districts 11/3/92 Yes: 5301 No: 3430 Madison 4726 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3734 No: 932 McIntosh 6500 McIntosh County Industrial Development Authority; retention 11/3/92 Yes: 1342 No: 1016 Murray 6246 County school superintendent; appointment 11/3/92 Yes: 1771 No: 3962 Muscogee 6629 County board of education; composition; districts; taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 30455 No: 10920


Muscogee 5365 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes; bonded 11/3/92 Yes: 24510 No: 12796 indebtedness Newton 6587 Motor vehicle registration periods 7/21/92 Yes: 2556 No: 2241 Paulding 5788 Board of commissioners; composition; elections; districts 11/3/92 Yes: 1785 No: 2944 Polk 6361 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 5292 No: 1442 Rabun City of Sky Valley 6111 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 85 No: 11 Rabun 5472 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 3356 No: 503 Rockdale 5351 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 11/3/92 Yes: 16414 No: 4668 Sumter 5171 County board of education; reconstitution; districts; terms 7/21/92 Yes: 738 No: 299 Telfair 6358 County board of education; vacancies 7/21/92 Yes: 2897 No: 312 Towns 6853 County board of education; appointment 7/21/92 Yes: 1067 No: 135 Troup 5459 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes Not held Troup City of Hogansville 6218 Ad valorem city school taxes; maximum millage rate 7/21/92 Yes: 184 No: 421


Twiggs 6502 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 1547 No: 289 Upson 5823 Thomaston-Upson County School District; homestead exemption 11/3/92 Yes: 7743 No: 1245 Walton 5892 County board of education; districts; terms; elections; compensation 7/21/92 Yes: 1979 No: 3149 Wilkinson 6312 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 7/21/92 Yes: 775 No: 127 Georgia Laws 1993: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Bibb 4866 Board of education; school taxes; budgets; compensation 11/2/93 Yes: 6321 No: 8815 Bulloch City of Stateboro 4418 Corporate limits 6/15/93 Yes: 1237 No: 371 Butts 4470 Advisory referendum on type of government 3/15/94 Yes: 743 No: 1019


Candler City of Metter 4386 Metter-Candler County Charter Commission; creation; consolidation of governments 9/20/94 County: Yes: 224 No: 981 City: Yes: 339 No: 558 Clayton 4452 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 11260 No: 2369 Clayton City of Morrow 4446 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 268 No: 19 Cobb 4441 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 86411 No: 29500 Gordon 4827 Homestead exemption; county school district taxes 9/21/93 Yes: 3004 No: 582 Gordon City of Calhoun 4823 Homestead exemption: city school district taxes 9/21/93 Yes: 1057 No: 191 Gwinnett City of Duluth 4730 Homestead exemptions; city taxes 11/2/93 Each Resident: Yes: 1064 No: 89 Residents 65 or older or disabled: Yes: 1107 No: 60 Lamar 5117 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 11/8/94 County taxes: Yes: 2195 No: 592 School district taxes: Referendum not held


Schley City of Ellaville 5316 Ellaville-Schley County Charter Commission; consolidation of governments (amended by Ga. L. 1994, p. 4042) 11/8/94 Yes: 358 No: 624 Tift City of Tifton 4278 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 972 No: 54 Troup 5112 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 5122 No: 496 Troup City of LaGrange 3909 Mayor and council; composition; districts 6/15/93 Option 1: 522 Option 2: 350 Troup City of LaGrange 3941 Mayor and council; elections 6/15/93 Yes: 537 No: 328 Whitfield City of Dalton 4187 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/2/93 Yes: 2341 No: 246 Whitfield City of Dalton 4191 Homestead exemption; Dalton Independent School District taxes Not held


Georgia Laws 1994: County Page No. SUBJECT Date of Election Result Statewide 400 Ad valorem taxes: homestead exemption for senior citizens 11/8/94 Yes: 1023809 No: 271307 Statewide 927 Ad valorem taxes; exemption for blueberry plants 11/8/94 Yes: 592738 No: 683392 Statewide 965 Ad valorem taxes; exemption of headquarters and post homes of veterans organizations 7/19/94 Yes: 330826 No: 191595 Appling 4144 Chief magistrate; nonpartisan nomination and election 11/8/94 Yes: 1933 No: 900 Appling 4148 Board of education; nonpartisan nomination and election 11/8/94 Yes: 1823 No: 1021 Appling 4150 Judge of the probate court: nonpartisan nomination and election 11/8/94 Yes: 2002 No: 894 Baldwin 4459 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 7/19/94 County Taxes, Part 1: Yes: 2714 No: 750 School Taxes, Part 2: Yes: 2607 No: 830 Bartow 4058 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 5913 No: 2695 Bartow 4556 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 4421 No: 2031 Bartow 4900 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; disabled residents 11/8/94 Yes: 4772 No: 1620 Bartow 4904 Homestead exemption; school district taxes; senior citizens 11/8/94 Yes: 4791 No: 1742 Carroll 3835 Motor vehicle registration periods 7/19/94 Yes: 4709 No: 2124 Cherokee 4701 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 16177 No: 4581


Clayton City of Morrow 4470 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 209 No: 13 Colquitt 3614 Board of education; membership; elections Not held Colquitt 3859 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 2542 No: 863 Columbia 4080 Homestead exemption; county and school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 13621 No: 3408 Coweta 3738 Homestead exemption; county taxes; disabled and senior citizens 11/8/94 Yes: 11934 No: 1707 Coweta 3742 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 10550 No: 2646 Crawford 4515 Homestead exemption; school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 1214 No: 274 Dawson 4526 Advisory referendum on county governing authority 11/8/94 Sole commissioner: 699 Bd. of commissioners: 2201 Decatur 4522 Board of commissioners; membership; chairperson: term 11/8/94 Yes: 2487 No: 713 DeKalb 3817 Garbage; sanitation districts; local constitutional amendments repealed 11/8/94 Yes: 68161 No: 32188 DeKalb City of Decatur 4411 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 4017 No: 649


Forsyth 4277 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 4815 No: 1018 Fulton City of Alpharetta 4669 Homestead exemptions; city taxes 7/19/94 Section 2: Yes: 1350 No: 244 Section 3: Yes: 1347 No: 202 Section 4: Yes: 1351 No: 200 Fulton City of East Point 5048 Homestead exemption; city taxes; local constitutional amendment repealed 11/8/94 Yes: 3726 No: 823 Glynn 3920 Homestead exemptions; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 9696 No: 3650 Gwinnett 3924 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 68260 No: 19808 Gwinnett City of Lawrenceville 3783 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 335 No: 23 Gwinnett City of Sugar Hill 4194 Homestead exemption; city taxes 9/20/94 Yes: 617 No: 117 Hall 4696 Homestead exemption; school district taxes Not held


Harris 4551 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 2624 No: 832 Houston City of Centerville 3849 Homestead exemption; city taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 365 No: 33 Houston City of Warner Robins 3707 Homestead exemption; city taxes; senior citizens 9/20/94 Yes: 3540 No: 197 Houston City of Warner Robins 3892 Corporate limits; powers; duties; mayor; mayor pro tempore; city manager Yes: No: Jackson 3758 Homestead exemption: school district taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 1356 No: 250 Jackson 4381 Homestead exemption; county taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 2684 No: 330 Liberty 3718 Motor vehicle registration periods 7/19/94 Yes: 686 No: 237 Newton 3745 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 3923 No: 4385 Peach 3824 Homestead exemption; school district taxes Not held Pierce 4294 Homestead exemption; county taxes Not held


Pulaski 3882 Magistrate court; chief magistrate; nonpartisan elections 11/8/94 Yes: 1381 No: 243 Putnam 4974 Homestead exemptions; county and school district taxes 7/19/94 Part 1: Yes: 960 No: 581 Part 2: Yes: 901 No: 623 Rockdale City of Conyers 3969 Council; membership; districts; elections; vacancies; election superintendent 7/19/94 Yes: 539 No: 158 Spalding 4205 Homestead exemption; Griffin-Spalding County School District taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 6074 No: 1557 Spalding 4428 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 5795 No: 1645 Troup 3844 Homestead exemptions; school district taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 10162 No: 1677 Walton 4924 Homestead exemption; county taxes 11/8/94 Yes: 5757 No: 1816 Whitfield City of Dalton 4251 Homestead exemption; City of Dalton Independent School District taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 1240 No: 323 Whitfield City of Dalton 4465 Homestead exemption; city taxes 7/19/94 Yes: 2341 No: 246


BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR: WHEREAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Article X, Section I, Paragraph II of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983, six Constitutional Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 were submitted to the electors of the State of Georgia for ratification or rejection at the General Election held on November 8, 1994; and WHEREAS: The number of votes cast for and against the ratification of six Constitutional Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 voted on in the General Election held on November 8, 1994, have been counted, tabulated, computed and canvassed by the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, and the results thereof certified to me as Governor of the State of Georgia; and WHEREAS: Said certifications are attached hereto and by reference are made a part hereof; and WHEREAS: Code Section 21-2-502 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated provides that the Governor shall issue his proclamation declaring the results of the vote of each proposed Constitutional Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME AS GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED: That proposed Constitutional Amendments numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 which appeared upon the 1994 General Election ballot, all of which are Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983, having been ratified according to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 according to the results of the November 1994 General Election held on Tuesday, November 8, 1994, are a part of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983. Unless the amendment itself shall provide otherwise, each amendment to the Constitution shall become effective on January 1, 1995. FURTHER: I do proclaim that proposed Constitutional Amendment number 3 which appeared upon the 1994 General Election ballot, which was a proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 not having been ratified according to the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983 according to the results of the November 1994 General Election held on Tuesday, November 8, 1994, is not a part of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1983. This 12th day of December 1994. /s/ Zell Miller GOVERNOR SEAL ATTEST /s/ Steve W. Wrigley EXECUTIVE SECRETARY


GENERAL CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS VOTED ON NOVEMBER 8, 1994 1. S.R. 203 Res. Act 119 (Ga. L. 1994, p. 2025) Shall the Constitution be amended so as to authorize counties and cities to contract with neighboring counties and cities concerning regional facilities and the sharing of support of and benefits from such regional facilities? YES: 932,619 69.51% NO: 408,924 30.48% 2. S.R. 395 Res. Act 114 (Ga. L. 1994, p. 2015) Shall the Constitution be amended so as to provide that the General Assembly may by general law approved by two-thirds of the members thereof provide for mandatory service of sentences for persons convicted of armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, or aggravated sexual battery and, when so provided by such Act, the State Board of Pardons and Paroles shall not have the authority to consider such persons for pardon, parole, or commutation during that portion of the sentence; to provide that the General Assembly in the same manner may provide for the imposition of sentences of life without parole for persons convicted of murder and for persons who have been previously convicted of murder, armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, or aggravated sexual battery and who subsequently commit and are convicted of one of such offenses and to prohibit such board from granting a pardon, parole, or commutation in such cases; to provide for the ratification and approval of previously enacted laws providing for limitations on suspension, probation, or parole in certain cases; and to provide exceptions with respect to a person convicted of a crime who is subsequently determined to be innocent of said crime or is determined to be medically incapacitated and to provide an exception with respect to certain elderly persons? YES: 1,088,682 81.30% NO: 250,358 18.69%


3. H.R. 943 Res. Act 117 (Ga. L. 1994, p. 2022) Shall the Constitution be amended so as to provide that the General Assembly shall have the power by general law to authorize contracts or agreements among health care providers and others for the provision of health care services which may have the effect of lessening competition if the benefits and advantages to the public of such contracts or agreements outweigh the disadvantages? YES: 533,104 40.20% NO: 792,812 59.79% 4. H.R. 712 Res. Act 116 (Ga. L. 1994, p. 2020) Shall the Constitution be amended so as to authorize the General Assembly, upon a two-thirds' majority vote of each house, to enact general legislation naming the political subdivision, judicial circuit, and existing courts affected and providing for, as pilot projects of limited duration, nonuniformity of jurisdiction, powers, rules of practice and procedure, and selection, qualifications, terms, and discipline of judges within classes of courts and granting certain equitable powers to such pilot program courts, as long as such legislation does not deny equal protection of the laws to any person? YES: 691,829 56.30% NO: 536,811 43.69% 5. S.R. 107 Res. Act 118 (Ga. L. 1994, p. 2024) Shall the Constitution be amended so as to provide that the holding of raffles by nonprofit organizations shall be lawful under the Constitution but may be restricted, regulated, or prohibited by law? YES: 850,785 64.02% NO: 478,023 35.97%


6. H.R. 709 Res. Act 115 (Ga. L. 1994, p. 2018) Shall the Constitution of the State of Georgia be amended so that alcoholic beverages and activities involving nudity and alcoholic beverages, such as in nude dance clubs, may be regulated, restricted, or prohibited by counties and municipalities and so that the state shall have full and complete authority to regulate alcoholic beverages under the powers granted by the Twenty-First Amendment to the United States Constitution? YES: 875,260 64.61% NO: 479,295 35.38%




Listing of Inactive Municipal Corporations Prepared by Georgia Department of Community Affairs Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 36-30-7.1, et seq. Municipality County 1 Aberdeen Fayette 2 Acree Dougherty 3 Alexander Burke 4 Alvaton Meriwether 5 Annestown Gwinnett 6 Antioch Troup 7 Apalachee Morgan 8 Appling Columbia 9 Armena Lee 10 Babcock Miller 11 Barnett Shoals Oconee 12 Barney Brooks 13 Barretts Lowndes 14 Bascom Screven 15 Beloit Lee 16 Benevolence Randolph 17 Bethel Dodge 18 Bold Springs Walton 19 Bolingbrook Monroe 20 Bonaire Houston 21 Bottsford Sumter 22 Bovkin Miller 23 Brewton Laurens 24 Bridgeboro Worth 25 Bristol Pierce 26 Brooksville Randolph 27 Campbellton Fulton 28 Campton Walton 29 Candler Hall 30 Canoochee Emanuel 31 Carnegie Randolph 32 Cassville Bartow 33 Cement Bartow 34 Center Jackson 35 Centreville Talbot 36 Chaleybeate Springs Meriwether 37 Charles Toombs 38 Chattahoochee Plantation Cobb 39 Chickasawhatchee Lee 40 Chookie Lee 41 Clinton Jones 42 Cobb Sumter 43 Cole City Dade 44 Coleman's Lake Emanuel 45 Coney Dooly 46 Cotton Mitchell 47 Covena Emanuel 48 Crandall Murray 49 Crosland Colquitt 50 Cubana Thomas 51 Danburg Wilkes 52 Deercourt Stephens 53 Dennard Houston 54 Dickey Calhoun 55 Dixie Brooks 56 Drayton Dooly 57 Ducktown Forsyth 58 Durand Meriwether 59 East Julliette Jones 60 Eastville Oconee 61 Eleanor Monroe 62 Elizabeth Cobb 63 Elko Houston 64 Empire Dodge 65 Etna Polk 66 Etowah City Floyd 67 Euharleyville Bartow 68 Farmington Oconee 69 Farrar Jasper 70 Finleyson Pulaski 71 Fletcherville Thomas 72 Florence Stewart 73 Frazier Bleckley 74 Fry Fannin 75 Godfrey Morgan 76 Gracewood Richmond 77 Graniteville Coweta 78 Gratis Walton 79 Graysville Catoosa 80 Grooverville Brooks 81 Grovania Houston 82 Hardwick Baldwin 83 Harrisonville Richmond 84 Hartford Pulaski 85 Hickox Wayne 86 High Shoals Clarke 87 Hillman Taliaferro 88 Hilton Early


89 Hiltonia Screven 90 Holmesville Appling 91 Holton Bibb 92 Houston Heard 93 Howell Echols 94 Industrial City Murray 95 Irwinville Irwin 96 Jacksonborough Screven 97 Jewell's Mills Warren 98 Kingwood Colquitt 99 Knoxville Crawford 100 Kramer Wilcox 101 Lamar Baker 102 Leeton Sumter 103 Lela Decatur 104 Linwood Walker 105 Lovett Laurens 106 Luella Henry 107 Lytle Walker 108 Magnolia Clinch 109 Mallorysville Wilkes 110 Manassas Bartow 111 Matthews Jefferson 112 McVille Telfair 113 Merrillsville Thomas 114 Metasville Wilkes 115 Metacalfe Thomas 116 Middleton Elbert 117 Mitchell's District Pulaski 118 Modoc Emanuel 119 Montour Hancock 120 Morris Quitman 121 Mountville Troup 122 Mullis Laurens 123 Mystic Irwin 124 New England City Dade 125 Norman Town Toombs 126 Norristown Emanuel 127 Oakfield Worth 128 Oakman Gordon 129 Odessadale Meriwether 130 Offerman Pierce 131 Ohoopee Toombs 132 Omaha Stewart 133 Osierfield Irwin 134 Palmyra Lee 135 Piedmont Lamar 136 Pineora Effingham 137 Plainfield Dodge 138 Pocataligo Madison 139 Pretoria Dougherty 140 Primrose Meriwether 141 Racoom Mills Chattooga 142 Raleigh Meriwether 143 Rehoboth Harris 144 Reno Grady 145 Roan Oak Forsyth 146 Rockledge Laurens 147 Rocky Mount Meriwether 148 Round Oak Jones 149 Ruckersville Elbert 150 Russell Barrow 151 Saint Marks Meriwether 152 Scarboro Screven 153 Scott Johnson 154 Seville Wilcox 155 Smithsonia Oglethorpe 156 Spring Place Murray 157 Springvale Randolph 158 Starkville Lee 159 Statesville Echols 160 Steadman Newton 161 Stellaville Jefferson 162 Stilesboro Bartow 163 Stockton Lanier 164 Stone Wall Fulton 165 Subligna Chattooga 166 Sugar Valley Gordon 167 Summerville Emanuel 168 Summerville Richmond 169 Tallulah Park Habersham 170 Tarver Echols 171 Tebeauville Ware 172 The Rock Upson 173 Tilton Whitfield 174 Troupville Lowndes 175 Van Wert Polk 176 Vanna Hart


177 Vernon Troup 178 Webbville Newton 179 Wesley Emanuel 180 West Green Coffee 181 Westminister Fulton 182 White Sulphur Springs Hall 183 White Sulphur Springs Meriwether 184 Whitesville Harris 185 Whitney Calhoun 186 Williamsburg Calhoun 187 Willie Liberty 188 Winston Douglas


Listing of Active Municipal Corporations Prepared by Georgia Department of Community Affairs Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 36-30-7.1, et seq. Municipality County 1 Abbeville Wilcox 2 Acworth Cobb 3 Adairsville Bartow 4 Adel Cook 5 Adrian Johnson 6 Ailey Montgomery 7 Alamo Wheeler 8 Alapaha Berrien 9 Albany Dougherty 10 Aldora Lamar 11 Allenhurst Liberty 12 Allentown Wilkinson 13 Alma Bacon 14 Alpharetta Fulton 15 Alston Montgomery 16 Alto Habersham 17 Ambrose Coffee 18 Americus Sumter 19 Andersonville Sumter 20 Arabi Crisp 21 Aragon Polk 22 Arcade Jackson 23 Argyle Clinch 24 Arlington Calhoun 25 Arnoldsville Oglethorpe 26 Ashburn Turner 27 Athens-Clarke Clarke 28 Atlanta Fulton 29 Attapulgus Decatur 30 Auburn Barrow 31 Augusta Richmond 32 Austell Cobb 33 Avalon Stephens 34 Avera Jefferson 35 Avondale Estates DeKalb 36 Baconton Mitchell 37 Bainbridge Decatur 38 Baldwin Habersham 39 Ball Ground Cherokee 40 Barnesville Lamar 41 Bartow Jefferson 42 Barwick Thomas 43 Baxley Appling 44 Bellville Evans 45 Berkeley Lake Gwinnett 46 Berlin Colquitt 47 Bethlehem Barrow 48 Between Walton 49 Bibb City Muscogee 50 Bishop Oconee 51 Blackshear Pierce 52 Blairsville Union 53 Blakely Early 54 Bloomingdale Chatham 55 Blue Ridge Fannin 56 Bluffton Clay 57 Blythe Richmond 58 Bogart Oconee 59 Boston Thomas 60 Bostwick Morgan 61 Bowdon Carroll 62 Bowersville Hart 63 Bowman Elbert 64 Braselton Jackson 65 Braswell Paulding 66 Bremen Haralson 67 Brinson Decatur 68 Bronwood Terrell 69 Brooklet Bulloch 70 Brooks Fayette 71 Broxton Coffee 72 Brunswick Glynn 73 Buchanan Haralson 74 Buckhead Morgan 75 Buena Vista Marion 76 Buford Gwinnett 77 Butler Taylor 78 Byromville Dooly 79 Byron Peach 80 Cadwell Laurens 81 Cairo Grady 82 Calhoun Gordon 83 Camak Warren 84 Camilla Mitchell 85 Canon Franklin 86 Canton Cherokee 87 Carl Barrow 88 Carlton Madison


89 Carnesville Franklin 90 Carrollton Carroll 91 Cartersville Bartow 92 Cave Spring Floyd 93 Cecil Cook 94 Cedartown Polk 95 Centerville Houston 96 Centralhatchee Heard 97 Chamblee DeKalb 98 Chatsworth Murray 99 Chauncey Dodge 100 Chester Dodge 101 Chickamauga Walker 102 Clarkesville Habersham 103 Clarkston DeKalb 104 Claxton Evans 105 Clayton Rabun 106 Clermont Hall 107 Cleveland White 108 Climax Decatur 109 Cobbtown Tattnall 110 Cochran Bleckley 111 Cohutta Whitfield 112 Colbert Madison 113 Coleman Randolph 114 College Park Fulton 115 Collins Tattnall 116 Colquitt Miller 117 Columbus/Muscogee Muscogee 118 Comer Madison 119 Commerce Jackson 120 Concord Pike 121 Conyers Rockdale 122 Coolidge Thomas 123 Cordele Crisp 124 Corinth Heard 125 Cornelia Habersham 126 Covington Newton 127 Crawford Oglethorpe 128 Crawfordville Taliaferro 129 Culloden Monroe 130 Cumming Forsyth 131 Cusseta Chattahoochee 132 Cuthbert Randolph 133 Dacula Gwinnett 134 Dahlonega Lumpkin 135 Daisy Evans 136 Dallas Paulding 137 Dalton Whitfield 138 Damascus Early 139 Danielsville Madison 140 Danville Wilkinson 141 Darien McIntosh 142 Dasher Lowndes 143 Davisboro Washington 144 Dawson Terrell 145 Dawsonville Dawson 146 DeSoto Sumter 147 Dearing McDuffie 148 Decatur DeKalb 149 Deepstep Washington 150 Demorest Habersham 151 Denton Jeff Davis 152 Dexter Laurens 153 Dillard Rabun 154 Doerun Colquitt 155 Donalsonville Seminole 156 Dooling Dooly 157 Doraville DeKalb 158 Douglas Coffee 159 Douglasville Douglas 160 DuPont Clinch 161 Dublin Laurens 162 Dudley Laurens 163 Duluth Gwinnett 164 East Dublin Laurens 165 East Ellijay Gilmer 166 East Point Fulton 167 Eastman Dodge 168 Eatonton Putnam 169 Edgehill Glascock 170 Edison Calhoun 171 Elberton Elbert 172 Ellaville Schley 173 Ellenton Colquitt 174 Ellijay Gilmer 175 Emerson Bartow 176 Enigma Berrien


177 Ephesus Heard 178 Eton Murray 179 Euharlee Bartow 180 Fairburn Fulton 181 Fairmount Gordon 182 Fargo Clinch 183 Fayetteville Fayette 184 Fitzgerald Ben Hill 185 Flemington Liberty 186 Flovilla Butts 187 Flowery Branch Hall 188 Folkston Charlton 189 Forest Park Clayton 190 Forsyth Monroe 191 Fort Gaines Clay 192 Fort Oglethorpe Catoosa 193 Fort Valley Peach 194 Franklin Heard 195 Franklin Springs Franklin 196 Funston Colquitt 197 Graham Appling 198 Gainesville Hall 199 Garden City Chatham 200 Garfield Emanuel 201 Gay Meriwether 202 Geneva Talbot 203 Georgetown Quitman 204 Gibson Glascock 205 Gillsville Hall 206 Girard Burke 207 Glennville Tattnall 208 Glenwood Wheeler 209 Good Hope Walton 210 Gordon Wilkinson 211 Graham Appling 212 Grantville Coweta 213 Gray Jones 214 Grayson Gwinnett 215 Greensboro Greene 216 Greenville Meriwether 217 Griffin Spalding 218 Grovetown Columbia 219 Gum Branch Liberty 220 Guyton Effingham 221 Hagan Evans 222 Hahira Lowndes 223 Hamilton Harris 224 Hampton Henry 225 Hapeville Fulton 226 Haralson Coweta 227 Harlem Columbia 228 Harrison Washington 229 Hartwell Hart 230 Hawkinsville Pulaski 231 Hazlehurst Jeff Davis 232 Helen White 233 Helena Telfair 234 Hephzibah Richmond 235 Hiawassee Towns 236 Higgston Montgomery 237 Hilltonia Screven 238 Hinesville Liberty 239 Hiram Paulding 240 Hoboken Brantley 241 Hogansville Troup 242 Holly Springs Cherokee 243 Homeland Charlton 244 Homer Banks 245 Homerville Clinch 246 Hoschton Jackson 247 Hull Madison 248 Ideal Macon 249 Ila Madison 250 Iron City Seminole 251 Irwinton Wilkinson 252 Ivey Wilkinson 253 Jackson Butts 254 Jacksonville Telfair 255 Jakin Early 256 Jasper Pickens 257 Jefferson Jackson 258 Jeffersonville Twiggs 259 Jenkinsburg Butts 260 Jersey Walton 261 Jesup Wayne 262 Jonesboro Clayton 263 Junction City Talbot 264 Kennesaw Cobb


265 Keysville Burke 266 Kingsland Camden 267 Kingston Bartow 268 Kite Johnson 269 LaFayette Walker 270 LaGrange Troup 271 Lake City Clayton 272 Lake Park Lowndes 273 Lakeland Lanier 274 Lavonia Franklin 275 Lawrenceville Gwinnett 276 Leary Calhoun 277 Leesburg Lee 278 Lenox Cook 279 Leslie Sumter 280 Lexington Oglethorpe 281 Lilburn Gwinnett 282 Lilly Dooly 283 Lincolnton Lincoln 284 Lithia Springs Douglas 285 Lithonia DeKalb 286 Locust Grove Henry 287 Loganville Walton 288 Lone Oak Meriwether 289 Lookout Mountain Walker 290 Louisville Jefferson 291 Lovejoy Clayton 292 Ludowici Long 293 Lula Hall 294 Lumber City Telfair 295 Lumpkin Stewart 296 Luthersville Meriwether 297 Lyerly Chattooga 298 Lyons Toombs 299 Macon Bibb 300 Madison Morgan 301 Manassas Tattnall 302 Manchester Meriwether 303 Mansfield Newton 304 Marietta Cobb 305 Marshallville Macon 306 Martin Stephens 307 Maxeys Oglethorpe 308 Maysville Banks 309 McCaysville Fannin 310 McDonough Henry 311 McIntyre Wilkinson 312 McRae Telfair 313 Meansville Pike 314 Meigs Thomas 315 Menlo Chattooga 316 Metter Candler 317 Midville Burke 318 Midway Liberty 319 Milan Telfair 320 Milledgeville Baldwin 321 Millen Jenkins 322 Milner Lamar 323 Mineral Bluff Fannin 324 Mitchell Glascock 325 Molena Pike 326 Monroe Walton 327 Montezuma Macon 328 Monticello Jasper 329 Montrose Laurens 330 Moreland Coweta 331 Morgan Calhoun 332 Morganton Fannin 333 Morrow Clayton 334 Morven Brooks 335 Moultrie Colquitt 336 Mount Airy Habersham 337 Mount Vernon Montgomery 338 Mountain City Rabun 339 Mountain Park Fulton 340 Mt. Zion Carroll 341 Nahunta Brantley 342 Nashville Berrien 343 Naylor Lowndes 344 Nelson Pickens 345 Newborn Newton 346 Newington Screven 347 Newnan Coweta 348 Newton Baker 349 Nicholls Coffee 350 Nicholson Jackson 351 Norcross Gwinnett 352 Norman Park Colquitt


353 North High Shoals Oconee 354 Norwood Warren 355 Nunez Emanuel 356 Oak Park Emanuel 357 Oakwood Hall 358 Ochlocknee Thomas 359 Ocilla Irwin 360 Oconee Washington 361 Odum Wayne 362 Oglethorpe Macon 363 Oliver Screven 364 Omega Tift 365 Orchard Hill Spalding 366 Oxford Newton 367 Palmetto Fulton 368 Parrott Terrell 369 Patterson Pierce 370 Pavo Thomas 371 Payne City Bibb 372 Peachtree City Fayette 373 Pearson Atkinson 374 Pelham Mitchell 375 Pembroke Bryan 376 Pendergrass Jackson 377 Perry Houston 378 Pine Lake DeKalb 379 Pine Mountain Harris 380 Pinehurst Dooly 381 Pineview Wilcox 382 Pitts Wilcox 383 Plains Sumter 384 Plainville Gordon 385 Pooler Chatham 386 Port Wentworth Chatham 387 Portal Bulloch 388 Porterdale Newton 389 Poulan Worth 390 Powder Springs Cobb 391 Preston Webster 392 Pulaski Candler 393 Quitman Brooks 394 Ranger Gordon 395 Ray City Berrien 396 Rayle Wilkes 397 Rebecca Turner 398 Register Bulloch 399 Reidsville Tattnall 400 Remerton Lowndes 401 Rentz Laurens 402 Resaca Gordon 403 Rest Haven Gwinnett 404 Reynolds Taylor 405 Rhine Dodge 406 Riceboro Liberty 407 Richland Stewart 408 Richmond Hill Bryan 409 Riddleville Washington 410 Rincon Effingham 411 Ringgold Catoosa 412 Riverdale Clayton 413 Riverside Colquitt 414 Roberta Crawford 415 Rochelle Wilcox 416 Rockmart Polk 417 Rocky Ford Screven 418 Rome Floyd 419 Roopville Carroll 420 Rossville Walker 421 Roswell Fulton 422 Royston Franklin 423 Rutledge Morgan 424 Sale City Mitchell 425 Sandersville Washington 426 Santa Claus Toombs 427 Sardis Burke 428 Sasser Terrell 429 Savannah Chatham 430 Scotland Telfair 431 Screven Wayne 432 Senoia Coweta 433 Shady Dale Jasper 434 Sharon Taliaferro 435 Sharpsburg Coweta 436 Shellman Randolph 437 Shiloh Harris 438 Siloam Greene 439 Sky Valley Rabun 440 Smithville Lee


441 Smyrna Cobb 442 Snellville Gwinnett 443 Social Circle Walton 444 Soperton Treutlen 445 Sparks Cook 446 Sparta Hancock 447 Springfield Effingham 448 St. Marys Camden 449 Stapleton Jefferson 450 Statesboro Bulloch 451 Statham Barrow 452 Stillmore Emanuel 453 Stockbridge Henry 454 Stone Mountain DeKalb 455 Sugar Hill Gwinnett 456 Summertown Emanuel 457 Summerville Chattooga 458 Sumner Worth 459 Sunny Side Spalding 460 Surrency Appling 461 Suwanee Gwinnett 462 Swainsboro Emanuel 463 Sycamore Turner 464 Sylvania Screven 465 Sylvester Worth 466 Talbotton Talbot 467 Talking Rock Pickens 468 Tallapoosa Haralson 469 Tallulah Falls Habersham 470 Talmo Jackson 471 Tarrytown Montgomery 472 Taylorsville Bartow 473 Temple Carroll 474 Tennille Washington 475 Thomaston Upson 476 Thomasville Thomas 477 Thomson McDuffie 478 Thunderbolt Chatham 479 Tifton Tift 480 Tiger Rabun 481 Tignall Wilkes 482 Toccoa Stephens 483 Toomsboro Wilkinson 484 Trenton Dade 485 Trion Chattooga 486 Tunnell Hill Whitfield 487 Turin Coweta 488 Twin City Emanuel 489 Ty Ty Tift 490 Tybee Island Chatham 491 Tyrone Fayette 492 Unadilla Dooly 493 Union City Fulton 494 Union Point Greene 495 Uvalda Montgomery 496 Valdosta Lowndes 497 Varnell Whitfield 498 Vernonburg Chatham 499 Vidalia Toombs 500 Vidette Jefferson 501 Vienna Dooly 502 Villa Rica Carroll 503 Waco Haralson 504 Wadley Jefferson 505 Waleska Cherokee 506 Walnut Grove Walton 507 Walthourville Liberty 508 Warm Springs Meriwether 509 Warner Robins Houston 510 Warrenton Warren 511 Warwick Worth 512 Washington Wilkes 513 Watkinsville Oconee 514 Waverly Hall Harris 515 Waycross Ware 516 Waynesboro Burke 517 West Point Troup 518 Weston Webster 519 Whigham Grady 520 White Bartow 521 White Plains Greene 522 Whitesburg Carroll 523 Willacoochee Atkinson 524 Williamson Pike 525 Winder Barrow 526 Winterville Clarke 527 Woodbine Camden 528 Woodbury Meriwether


529 Woodland Talbot 530 Woodstock Cherokee 531 Woodville Greene 532 Woolsey Fayette 533 Wrens Jefferson 534 Wrightsville Johnson 535 Yatesville Upson 536 Young Harris Towns 537 Zebulon Pike


STATE OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ATLANTA 30334-0900 ZELL MILLER GOVERNOR April 21, 1995 Honorable Thomas B. Murphy Speaker of the House of Representatives State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Mr. Speaker: I have vetoed House Bills 38, 222, 253, 262, 326, 365, 441 and 516 which were passed by the General Assembly of Georgia at the 1995 Regular Session. Article III, Section V, Paragraph XIII of the Constitution requires that I transmit such bills to you, together with a list of reasons for such vetoes. The bills and corresponding reasons for their veto are attached. With kindest regards, I remain Sincerely, /s/ Zell Miller Zell Miller ZM/vsc Attachments cc: Honorable Pierre Howard, Lieutenant Governor Honorable Robbie Rivers, Clerk, House of Representatives Honorable Frank Eldridge, Secretary of the Senate Honorable Sewell R. Brumby, Legislative Counsel Honorable Michael J. Bowers, Attorney General Honorable Max Cleland, Secretary of State STATE OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ATLANTA 30334-0900 ZELL MILLER GOVERNOR April 21, 1995 Honorable Pierre Howard Lieutenant Governor State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334


Dear Lieutenant Governor Howard: I have vetoed Senate Bills 34, 49, 133, 148, 206 and 250 which were passed by the General Assembly of Georgia at the 1995 Regular Session. Article III, Section V, Paragraph XIII of the Constitution requires that I transmit such bills to you, together with a list of reasons for such vetoes. The bills and corresponding reasons for their veto are attached. With kindest regards, I remain Sincerely, /s/ Zell Miller Zell Miller ZM/vsc Attachments cc: Honorable Thomas B. Murphy, Speaker of the House of Representatives Honorable Robbie Rivers, Clerk, House of Representatives Honorable Frank Eldridge, Secretary of the Senate Honorable Sewell R. Brumby, Legislative Counsel Honorable Michael J. Bowers, Attorney General Honorable Max Cleland, Secretary of State VETO NUMBER 1 House Bill 441 prohibits refund claims of ad valorem property taxes where claimant fails to equalize the claimant's property value with like property within the jurisdiction, assess the claimnants property uniformly with like property within the jurisdiction, or properly ascertain the taxability or value of claimant's property. After passage, the author of the bill discovered a defect in the bill and requested its veto. Therefore, at the request of the author, I hereby veto House Bill 441 on technical grounds. VETO NUMBER 2 House Bill 38, the Property Tax Credit Act of 1995 provides an income tax credit for a portion of property taxes paid. In the event the tax credit claimed exceeds the amount of the income tax payment due from the taxpayer, the excess would be refunded to the taxpayer. The effective date of this act is January 1, 1996. The Office of Attorney General Michael Bowers has advised me that House Bill 38 is an unconstitutional violation of the gratuities clause of the Georgia Constitution. Article III, Section VI, Paragraph VI of the 1983 Georgia Constitution provides the General Assembly shall not have the power to grant any donation or gratuity. According to Mr. Bowers' office the refundable credit resulting from an income tax liability less than a


property tax credit as provided in Code Section 48-7-29 cannot be justified under any of (the) exceptions to the gratuities prohibition. Therefore, I believe H.B. 38 is unconstitutional . The Attorney General's office also addressed the issue of severability of illegal provisions of bills, concluding: Though difficult to predict, courts generally try to sever unconstitutional provisions from legislation. I doubt that a court would do so in regard to H.B. 38. For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill 38. VETO NUMBER 3 House Bill 516 authorizes ticket brokering in Georgia. This bill makes it unlawful for any person other than a ticket broker to resell in excess of their face value admission tickets to athletic contests, concerts, theater performances or other entertainments, amusements, or exhibitions. Current state law prohibits ticket scalping by everyone. House Bill 516 legalizes ticket scalping and creates an unfair monopoly for ticket brokers. This bill fails to protect consumers and is unfair to performers and athletes. The attempts to regulate ticket brokers contained in House Bill 516 contain potential problems, including: A low bond amount of $50,000. Should a ticket broker fail or abscond, this amount is likely to pay out only pennies on the dollar to ticket purchasers; There is no requirement that a ticket broker make refunds if an event is cancelled; There is no penalty for a ticket broker who fails to deliver a paid-for ticket unless the ticket broker has guaranteed in writing the delivery of the ticket. But there is no requirement that ticket delivery be guaranteed in writing. For the protection of consumers and performers and athletes, I hereby veto House Bill 516. VETO FOUR Senate Bill 34 provides any driver's license issued for a driver under age 21 will remain valid until that person's 21st birthday. The Department of Public Safety plans to begin stamping renewal license with under 21 until (the 21st birthday) as part of the new Digital Image License Issuance program. Consequently, the expense of reprogramming computers to accommodate SB34 is unnecessary. For this reason, I hereby veto Senate Bill 34. VETO FIVE Senate Bill 133 codifies permitted and prohibited political activity and codifies grievance procedures for state employees.


This bill opens the door for state employees to unduly influence subordinate employees and potentially misuse staff and resources. State Personnel Board Rules and Regulations currently require, and provide strict standards for, each department and agency to establish grievance procedures. The new procedure proposed in SB133 will take considerable staff time away from service delivery and client centered activities and will result in an adversarial climate in the work unit. Departmental costs to implement SB133 could reach $1,000,000. For these reasons, I hereby veto Senate Bill 133. Veto Six House Bill 222 provides that after a juvenile court judge has found a youth delinquent or unruly, and if the youth is in a detention center, the court may include in its order directives relating to the youth's health, safety, hygiene and rehabilitation. Under current law, DCYS as legal custodian of committed children, has authority to determine appropriate services. Provision of custodial services is an executive branch responsibility and authority. House Bill 222 would violate the separation of powers clause of the Georgia Constitution by giving this authority to the judicial branch. Further, House Bill 222 potentially creates entitlement to services the Department of Children and Youth may or may not have the funds to provide. For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill 222. VETO SEVEN Senate Bill 250 provides persons at least 15 years old who are taking in-car training from a licensed instructor are exempt from the requirement for a drivers license. To allow a minor to operate a motor vehicle without requiring a test of traffic rules, even under the supervision of an instructor, is dangerous. Accordingly, I hereby veto Senate Bill 250. VETO EIGHT House Bill 326 changes eligibility for membership in the Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund. State Auditor Claude L. Vickers has advised me that this is a retirement bill as defined in O.C.G.A. 47-20-3. Consequently, according to Mr. Vickers, the state auditor's certification provided for in O.C.G.A. 47-20-32 is required to be attached to the bill before it may be introduced into the General Assembly. Consideration of this bill without certification from the state auditor violated Georgia law.


Had the state auditor been requested to certify whether this bill was a fiscal or nonfiscal retirement bill, the conclusion would most likely have been that this was a fiscal retirement bill as defined in O.C.G.A. 47-20-30. Accordingly, O.C.G.A. 47-20-34 provides that such a fiscal retirement bill may not be passed in the first year of the biennial session. For the reasons outlined by Mr. Vickers, I hereby veto House Bill 326. VETO NINE House Bill 365 requires the Department of Education to pay the cost of advanced placement tests taken by eligible private high school students and eligible home study program students. This bill sets a precedent for using limited public resources to help defray the costs of families that elect to send their children to private secondary schools. The Fiscal Year 1996 costs for House Bill 365 are projected to be at least $377,000. This cost was not included in House Bill 202, the Fiscal Year 1996 budget act. For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill 365. VETO NUMBER 10 House Bill 262 expands the eligibility of an existing pilot family support program to include individuals who are developmentally delayed but not mentally retarded. Expanding the eligibility criteria for family support services and requiring that this program be made available throughout the state could result in a tremendous financial impact upon the state. Estimates are that if only 1% of those eligible participate in this program, the cost would be at least $7,000,000. Legislation with huge financial costs should be addressed in the appropriations act. Bills which are contingent upon funds being appropriated in the future delay but do not disguise the ultimate impact upon the state's limited resources. For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill 262. VETO NUMBER 11 House Bill 253 removes the 75 percent limit on the amount of boarding financial assistance the Department of Human Resources provides to families adopting certain hard-to-place children. The cost of increasing the boarding rate would be approximately $3,447,384. As I have said in a previous veto message, legislation with huge financial costs should be addressed in the appropriations act. Bills which


are contingent upon funds being appropriated in the future delay but do not disguise the ultimate impact upon the state's limited resources. For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill 253. VETO NUMBER 12 Senate Bill 206 was originally drafted to authorize the commissioner of the Department of Public Safety to promulgate rules and regulations as necessary to fulfill the duties of the commissioner. The original version was intended to give the commissioner the same authority as other agency heads. The bill was amended to provide for the creation of an auxiliary service within the State Patrol, composed of former state troopers who voluntarily left in good standing through retirement or resignation. This special service would serve on a part-time basis when needed, be paid hourly, receive equipment, and have the same authority and powers as current full-time state troopers. The members of this service would also be required to receive training. Estimating the cost of this bill is speculative, dependant upon the number of members who would serve and the hours they would work. However, cost estimates are over $500,000. No need for such service at such large expense has been demonstrated. For this reason, I hereby veto Senate Bill 206. VETO 13 Senate Bill 49 designates the English language as the official language of the State of Georgia. The bill specifies the official language shall be used in public records, and for official Acts. Under a joint resolution passed by the Georgia General Assembly in 1986, English is already designated as the official language of the State of Georgia, recognizing the continuing, unifying role that the English language plays in the stability and cohesion of the lives of the people of this state and nation. Senate Bill 49 is plainly an effort to accomplish the identical goal made law by the 1986 General Assembly. Unfortunately, an amendment to SB49 added a provision detrimental to the current designation of English as the official language of Georgia. Senate Bill 49 provides a person who uses or speaks a language other than the official language shall have the right to file a civil action for damages and equitable relief, including injunction, for violation of this subsection. I believe this wording is an open invitation for litigation and creates a new right which could well result in a flurry of expensive lawsuits.


For these reasons, I hereby veto Senate Bill 49. VETO 14 Senate Bill 148 changes the deadlines for registration in certain special primaries and elections. An amendment to the original bill moves the qualifying dates for independent and political body candidates to begin on the fourth Monday in April. This would be the same time as political party candidate qualifying. Presently, the independent and political body candidates qualify beginning on the fourth Monday in June. The qualifying dates have been a subject of past litigation which was settled by changing the law to allow later qualifying for independent and political body candidates. The amendment creates a strong possibility of generating equal protection lawsuits. For this reason, I hereby veto Senate Bill 148.




Listing of Inactive Municipalities Municipality County 1. Aberdeen Fayette 2. Acree Dougherty 3. Alexander Burke 4. Alvaton Meriwether 5. Annestown Gwinnett 6. Antioch Troup 7. Apalachee Morgan 8. Appling Columbia 9. Armena Lee 10. Babcock Miller 11. Barnett Shoals Oconee 12. Barney Brooks 13. Barretts Lowndes 14. Bascom Screven 15. Beloit Lee 16. Benevolence Randolph 17. Bethel Dodge 18. Bold Springs Walton 19. Bolingbrook Monroe 20. Bonaire Houston 21. Bottsford Sumter 22. Boykin Miller 23. Brewton Laurens 24. Bridgeboro Worth 25. Bristol Pierce 26. Brooksville Randolph 27. Campbellton Fulton 28. Campton Walton 29. Candler Hall 30. Canoochee Emanuel 31. Carnegie Randolph 32. Cassville Bartow 33. Cement Bartow 34. Center Jackson 35. Centreville Talbot 36. Chaleybeate Springs Meriwether 37. Charles Toombs 38. Chattahoocbee Plantation Cobb 39. [Illegible Text] Lee 40. Chookie Lee 41. Clinton Jones 42. Cobb Sumter 43. Cole City Dade 44. Coleman's Lake Emanuel 45. Coney Dooly 46. Cotton Mitchell 47. Covens Emanuel 48. Crandall Murray 49. Crosland Colquitt 50. [Illegible Text] Thomas 51. Danburg Wilkes 52. Deercourt Stephens 53. Dennard Houston 54. Dickey Calhoun 55. Dixie Brooks 56. Drayton Dooly 57. Ducktown Forsyth 58. Durand Meriwether 59. East Julliette Jones 60. Eastville Oconee 61. Eleanor Monroe 62. Elizabeth Cobb 63. Elko Houston 64. Empire Dodge 65. [Illegible Text] Polk 66. Etowah City Floyd 67. Euharleyville Bartow 68. Farmington Oconee 69. Farrar Jasper 70. Finleyson Pulaski 71. Fletcherville Thomas 72. Florence Stewart 73. Frazier Bleckley 74. Fry Fannin 75. Godfrey Morgan 76. Gracewood Richmond 77. [Illegible Text] Coweta 78. Gratis Walton 79. Graysville Catoosa 80. Grooverville Brooks 81. Grovania Houston 82. Hardwick Baldwin 83. Harrisonville Richmond 84. Hartford Pulaski 85. Hickox Wayne 86. High [Illegible Text] Athens-Clarke 87. Hillman Taliaferro 88. Hilton Early 89. Holmesville Appling 90. Holton Bibb 91. [Illegible Text] Heard 92. Howell Echols 93. Industrial City [Illegible Text] 94. Irwinville Irwin 95. [Illegible Text] Screven 96. Jewell's Mills Warren 97. Kingwood Colquitt 98. Knoxville Crawford 99. Kramer Wilcox 100. Lamar Baker 101. Leeton Sumter 102. Lela Decatur 103. Linwood Walker 104. Lovett Laurens 105. Luella Henry 106. Lytle Walker 107. Magnolia Clinch 108. Mallorysville Wilkes 109. [Illegible Text] Bartow 110. Matthews Jefferson 111. McVille Telfair 112. Merrillsville Thomas 113. Metasville Wilkes 114. Metcalfe Thomas 115. Middleton Elbert 116. Mitchell's District Pulaski 117. Modoc Emanuel 118. Montour Hancock 119. Morris Quitman 120. Mountville Troup 121. Mullis Laurens 122. Mystic Irwin 123. New England City Dade 124. Norman Town Toombs 125. Norristown Emanuel 126. Oakfield Worth 127. Oakman Gordon 128. Odessadale Meriwether 129. Offerman Pierce 130. Ohoopee Toombs 131. Omaha Stewart 132. Osierfield Irwin 133. [Illegible Text] Lee 134. Piedmont Lamar 135. Pineora Effingham 136. Plainfield Dodge 137. Pocataligo Madison Prepared by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs [middot] Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 36-30-7.1, et seq. [middot] June 1995


138. Pretoria Dougherty 139. [Illegible Text] Meriwether 140. Racoon Mills Chattooga 141. Raleigh Meriwether 142. Rehoboth Harris 143. Reao Grady 144. Roan Oak Forsyth 145. Rockledge Laurens 146. Rocky Mount Meriwether 147. Round Oak Jones 148. [Illegible Text] Elbert 149. Russell Barrow 150. Saint Marks Meriwether 151. Scarboro Screven 152. Scott Johnson 153. Seville Wilcox 154. Smithsonia Oglethorpe 155. Spring Place Murray 156. Springvale Randolph 157. Starkville Lee 158. Statesville Echols 159. Steadman Newton 160. Stellaville Jefferson 161. Stilesboro Bartow 162. Stockton Lanier 163. Stone Wall Fulton 164. Subligna Chattooga 165. Sugar Valley Gordon 166. Summerville Emanuel 167. Summerville Richmond 168. Tallulah Park Habersham 169. Tarver Echols 170. Tebeauville Ware 171. The Rock Upson 172. Tilton Whitfield 173. Troupville Lowndes 174. Van Wert Polk 175. Vanna Hart 176. Vernon Troup 177. Webbville Newton 178. Wesley Emanuel 179. West Green Coffee 180. Westminister Fulton 181. White Sulphur Hall Springs 182. White Sulphur Meriwether Springs 183. Whitesville Harris 184. Whitney Calhoun 185. Williamsburg Calhoun 186. Willie Liberty 187. Winston Douglas


Listing of Active Municipalities Municipality County 1. Abbeville Wilcox 2. Acworth Cobb 3. Adairsville Bartow 4. Adel Cook 5. Adrian Johnson 6. Ailey Montgomery 7. Alamo Wheeler 8. Alapaha Berrien 9. Albany Dougherty 10. Aldora Lamar 11. Allenhurst Liberty 12. Allentown Wilkinson 13. Alma Bacon 14. Alpharetta Fulton 15. Alston Montgomery 16. Alto Habersham 17. Ambrose Coffee 18. Americus Sumter 19. Andersonville Sumter 20. Arabi Crisp 21. Aragon Polk 22. Arcade Jackson 23. Argyle Clinch 24. Arlington Calhoun 25. Arnoldsville Oglethrope 26. Ashburn Turner 27. Athens Athens-Clarke 28. Atlanta Fulton 29. Attapulgus Decatur 30. Auburn Barrow 31. Augusta Richmond 32. Austell Cobb 33. Avalon Stephens 34. Avera Jefferson 35. Avondale Estates DeKalb 36. Baconton Mitchell 37. Bainbridge Decatur 38. Baldwin Habersham 39. Ball Ground Cherokee 40. Barnesville Lamar 41. Bartow Jefferson 42. Barwick Thomas 43. Baxley Appling 44. Bellville Evans 45. Berkeley Lake Gwinnett 46. Berlin Colquitt 47. Bethlehem Barrow 48. Between Walton 49. Bibb City Columbus/ Muscogee 50. Bishop Oconee 51. Blackshear Pierce 52. Blairsville Union 53. Blakely Early 54. Bloomingdale Chatham 55. Blue Ridge Fannin 56. Bluffton Clay 57. Blythe Richmond 58. Bogart Oconee 59. Boston Thomas 60. Bostwick Morgan 61. Bowdon Carroll 62. Bowersville Hart 63. Bowman Elbert 64. Braselton Jackson 65. Braswell Paulding 66. Bremen Haralson 67. Brinson Decatur 68. Bronwood Terrell 69. Brooklet Bulloch 70. Brooks Fayette 71. Broxton Coffee 72. Brunswick Glynn 73. Buchanan Haralson 74. Buckhead Morgan 75. Buena Vista Marion 76. Buford Gwinnett 77. Butler Taylor 78. Byromville Dooly 79. Byron Peach 80. Cadwell Laurens 81. Cairo Grady 82. Calhoun Gordon 83. Camak Warren 84. Camilla Mitchell 85. Canon Franklin 86. Canton Cherokee 87. Carl Barrow 88. Carlton Madison 89. Carnesville Franklin 90. Carrollton Carroll 91. Cartersville Bartow 92. Cave Spring Floyd 93. Cecil Cook 94. Cedartown Polk 95. Centerville Houston 96. Centralhatchee Heard 97. Chamblee DeKalb 98. Chatsworth Murray 99. Chauncey Dodge 100. Chester Dodge 101. Chickamauga Walker 102. Clarkesville Habersham 103. Clarkston DeKalb 104. Claxton Evans 105. Clayton Rabun 106. Clermont Hall 107. Cleveland White 108. Climax Decatur 109. Cobbtown Tattnall 110. Cochran Bleckley 111. Cohutta Whitfield 112. Colbert Madison 113. Coleman Randolph 114. College Park Fulton 115. Collins Tattnall 116. Colquitt Miller 117. Columbus Columbus/ Muscogee 118. Comer Madison 119. Commerce Jackson 120. Concord Pike 121. Conyers Rockdale 122. Coolidge Thomas 123. Cordele Crisp 124. Corinth Heard 125. Cornelia Habersham 126. Covington Newton 127. Crawford Oglethorpe 128. Crawfordville Taliaferro 129. Culloden Monroe 130. Cumming Forsyth 131. Cusseta Chattahoochee 132. Cuthbert Randolph 133. Dacula Gwinnett Prepared by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs [middot] Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 36-30-7.1, et. seq. [middot] June 1995


134. Dahlonega Lumpkin 135. Daisy Evans 136. Dallas Paulding 137. Dalton Whitfield 138. Damascus Early 139. Danielsville Madison 140. Danville Wilkinson 141. Darien McIntosh 142. Dasher Lowndes 143. Davisboro Washington 144. Dawson Terrell 145. Dawsonville Dawson 146. Dearing McDuffie 147. Decatur DeKalb 148. Deepstep Washington 149. Demorest Habersham 150. Denton Jeff Davis 151. DeSoto Sumter 152. Dexter Laurens 153. Dillard Rabun 154. Doerun Colquitt 155. Donalsonville Seminole 156. Dooling Dooly 157. Doraville DeKalb 158. Douglas Coffee 159. Douglasville Douglas 160. Dublin Laurens 161. Dudley Laurens 162. Duluth Gwinnett 163. DuPont Clinch 164. East Dublin Laurens 165. East Ellijay Gilmer 166. East Point Fulton 167. Eastman Dodge 168. Eatonton Putnam 169. Edge Hill Glascock 170. Edison Calhoun 171. Elberton Elbert 172. Ellaville Schley 173. Ellenton Colquitt 174. Ellijay Gilmer 175. Emerson Bartow 176. Enigma Berrien 177. Ephesus Heard 178. Eton Murray 179. Euharlee Bartow 180. Fairburn Fulton 181. Fairmount Gordon 182. Fargo Clinch 183. Fayetteville Fayette 184. Fitzgerald Ben Hill 185. Flemington Liberty 186. Flovilla Butts 187. Flowery Branch Hall 188. Folkston Charlton 189. Forest Park Clayton 190. Forsyth Monroe 191. Fort Gaines Clay 192. Fort Oglethorpe Catoosa 193. Fort Valley Peach 194. Franklin Heard 195. Franklin Springs Franklin 196. Funston Colquitt 197. Gainesville Hall 198. Garden City Chatham 199. Garfield Emanuel 200. Gay Meriwether 201. Geneva Talbot 202. Georgetown Quitman 203. Gibson Glascock 204. Gillsville Hall 205. Girard Burke 206. Glennville Tattnall 207. Glenwood Wheeler 208. Good Hope Walton 209. Gordon Wilkinson 210. Graham Appling 211. Grantville Coweta 212. Gray Jones 213. Grayson Gwinnett 214. Greensboro Greene 215. Greenville Meriwether 216. Griffin Spalding 217. Grovetown Columbia 218. Gum Branch Liberty 219. Guyton Effingham 220. Hagan Evans 221. Hahira Lowndes 222. Hamilton Harris 223. Hampton Henry 224. Hapeville Fulton 225. Haralson Coweta 226. Harlem Columbia 227. Harrison Washington 228. Hartwell Hart 229. Hawkinsville Pulaski 230. Hazlehurst Jeff Davis 231. Helen White 232. Helena Telfair 233. Hephzibah Richmond 234. Hiawassee Towns 235. Higgston Montgomery 236. Hiltonia Screven 237. Hinesville Liberty 238. Hiram Paulding 239. Hoboken Brantley 240. Hogansville Troup 241. Holly Springs Cherokee 242. Homeland Charlton 243. Homer Banks 244. Homerville Clinch 245. Hoschton Jackson 246. Hull Madison 247. Ideal Macon 248. Ila Madison 249. Iron City Seminole 250. Irwinton Wilkinson 251. Ivey Wilkinson 252. Jackson Butts 253. Jacksonville Telfair 254. Jakin Early 255. Jasper Pickens 256. Jefferson Jackson 257. Jeffersonville Twiggs 258. Jenkinsburg Butts 259. Jersey Walton 260. Jesup Wayne 261. Jonesboro Clayton 262. Junction City Talbot 263. Kennesaw Cobb 264. Keysville Burke 265. Kingsland Carnden 266. Kingston Bartow 267. Kite Johnson 268. LaFayette Walker 269. LaGrange Troup 270. Lake City Clayton 271. Lake Park Lowndes 272. Lakeland Lanier 273. Lavonia Franklin 274. Lawrenceville Gwinnett 275. Leary Calhoun 276. Leesburg Lee 277. Lenox Cook 278. Leslie Sumter 279. Lexington Oglethorpe 280. Lilburn Gwinnett 281. Lilly Dooly 282. Lincolnton Lincoln 283. Lithia Springs Douglas 284. Lithonia DeKalb 285. Locust Grove Henry 286. Loganville Walton 287. Lone Oak Menwether 288. Lookout Mountain Walker 289. Louisville Jefferson


290. Lovejoy Clayton 291. Ludowici Long 292. Lula Hall 293. Lumber City Telfair 294. Lumpkin Stewart 295. Luthersville Meriwether 296. Lyerly Chattooga 297. Lyons Toombs 298. Macon Bibb 299. Madison Morgan 300. Manassas Tattnall 301. Manchester Meriwether 302. Mansfield Newton 303. Marietta Cobb 304. Marshallville Macon 305. Martin Stephens 306. Maxeys Oglethorpe 307. Maysville Banks 308. McCaysville Fannin 309. McDonough Henry 310. McIntyre Wilkinson 311. McRae Telfair 312. Meansville Pike 313. Meigs Thomas 314. Menlo Chattooga 315. Metter Candler 316. Midville Burke 317. Midway Liberty 318. Milan Telfair 319. Milledgeville Baldwin 320. Millen Jenkins 321. Milner Lamar 322. Mineral Bluff Fannin 323. Mitchell Glascock 324. Molena Pike 325. Monroe Walton 326. Montezuma Macon 327. Monticello Jasper 328. Montrose Laurens 329. Moreland Coweta 330. Morgan Calhoun 331. Morganton Fannin 332. Morrow Clayton 333. Morven Brooks 334. Moultrie Colquitt 335. Mount Airy Habersham 336. Mount Vernon Montgomery 337. Mountain City Rabun 338. Mountain Park Fulton 339. Mount Zion Carroll 340. Nahunta Brantley 341. Nashville Berrien 342. Naylor Lowndes 343. Nelson Pickens 344. Newborn Newton 345. Newington Screven 346. Newnan Coweta 347. Newton Baker 348. Nicholls Coffee 349. Nicholson Jackson 350. Norcross Gwinnett 351. Norman Park Colquitt 352. North High Shoals Oconee 353. Norwood Warren 354. Nunez Emanuel 355. Oak Park Emanuel 356. Oakwood Hall 357. Ochlocknee Thomas 358. Ocilla Irwin 359. Oconee Washington 360. Odum Wayne 361. Oglethorpe Macon 362. Oliver Screven 363. Omega Tift 364. Orchard Hill Spalding 365. Oxford Newton 366. Palmetto Fulton 367. Parrott Terrell 368. Patterson Pierce 369. Pavo Thomas 370. Payne City Bibb 371. Peachtree City Fayette 372. Pearson Atkinson 373. Pelham Mitchell 374. Pembroke Bryan 375. Pendergrass Jackson 376. Perry Houston 377. Pine Lake De Kalb 378. Pine Mountain Harris 379. Pinehurst Dooly 380. Pineview Wilcox 381. Pitts Wilcox 382. Plains Sumter 383. Plainville Gordon 384. Pooler Chatham 385. Port Wentworth Chatham 386. Portal Bulluch 387. Porterdale Newton 388. Poulan Worth 389. Powder Springs Cobb 390. Preston Webster 391. Pulaski Candler 392. Quitman Brooks 393. Ranger Gordon 394. Ray City Berrien 395. Rayle Wilkes 396. Rebecca Turner 397. Register Bulloch 398. Reidsville Tattnall 399. Remerton Lowndes 400. Rentz Laurens 401. Resaca Gordon 402. Rest Haven Gwinnett 403. Reynolds Taylor 404. Rhine Dodge 405. Riceboro Liberty 406. Richland Stewart 407. Richmond Hill Bryan 408. Riddleville Washington 409. Rincon Effingham 410. Ringgold Catoosa 411. Riverdale Clayton 412. Riverside Colquitt 413. Roberta Crawford 414. Rochelle Wilcox 415. Rockmart Polk 416. Rocky Ford Screven 417. Rome Floyd 418. Roopville Carroll 419. Rossville Walker 420. Roswell Fulton 421. Royston Franklin 422. Rutledge Morgan 423. Sale City Mitchell 424. Sandersville Washington 425. Santa Claus Toombs 426. Sardis Burke 427. Sasser Terrell 428. Savannah Chatham 429. Scotland Telfair 430. Screven Wayne 431. Senoia Coweta 432. Shady Dale Jasper 433. Sharon Taliaferro 434. Sharpsburg Coweta 435. Shellman Randolph 436. Shiloh Harris 437. Siloam Greene 438. Sky Valley Rabun 439. Smithville Lee 440. Smyrna Cobb 441. Snellville Gwinnett 442. Social Circle Walton 443. Soperton Treutlen 444. Sparks Cook 445. Sparta Hancock


446. Springfield Effingham 447. St. Marys Camden 448. Stapleton Jefferson 449. Statesboro Bulloch 450. Statham Barrow 451. Stillmore Emanuel 452. Stockbridge Henry 453. Stone Mountain DeKalb 454. Sugar Hill Gwinnett 455. Summertown Emanuel 456. Summerville Chattooga 457. Summer Worth 458. Sunny Side Spalding 459. Surrency Appling 460. Suwanee Gwinnett 461. Swainsboro Emanuel 462. Sycamore Turner 463. Sylvania Screven 464. Sylvester Worth 465. Talbotton Talbot 466. Talking Rock Pickens 467. Tallapoosa Haralson 468. Tallulah Falls Habersham 469. Talmo Jackson 470. Tarrytown Montgomery 471. Taylorsville Bartow 472. Temple Carroll 473. Tennille Washington 474. Thomaston Upson 475. Thomasville Thomas 476. Thomson McDuffie 477. Thunderbolt Chatham 478. Tifton Tift 479. Tiger Rabun 480. Tignall Wilkes 481. Toccoa Stephens 482. Toomsboro Wilkinson 483. Trenton Dade 484. Trion Chattooga 485. Tunnell Hill Whitfield 486. Turin Cowets 487. Twin City Emanuel 488. Ty Ty Tift 489. Tybee Island Chatham 490. Tyrone Fayette 491. Unadilla Dooly 492. Union City Fulton 493. Union Point Greene 494. Uvalda Montgomery 495. Valdosta Lowndes 496. Varnell Whitfield 497. Vernonburg Chatham 498. Vidalia Toombs 499. Vidette Jefferson 500. Vienna Dooly 501. Villa Rica Carroll 502. Waco Haralson 503. Wadley Jefferson 504. Waleska Cherokee 505. Walnut Grove Walton 506. Walthourville Liberty 507. Warm Springs Menwether 508. Warner Robins Houston 509. Warrenton Warren 510. Warwick Worth 511. Washington Wilkes 512. Watkinsville Oconee 513. Waverly Hall Harris 514. Waycross Ware 515. Waynesboro Burke 516. West Point [Illegible Text] 517. Weston Webster 518. Whigham Grady 519. White Bartow 520. White Plains Greene 521. Whitesburg Carroll 522. Willacoochee Atkinson 523. Williamson Pike 524. Winder Barrow 525. Winterville Athens-Clarke 526. Woodbine Camden 527. Woodbury Menwether 528. Woodland Talbot 529. Woodstock Cherokee 530. Woodville Greene 531. Woolsey [Illegible Text] 532. Wrens Jefferson 533. Wnghtsville Johnson 534. Yatesville Upson 535. Young [Illegible Text] Towns 536. Zebulon Pike
