Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at an annual session, in November and December, 1866 [volume 1]

Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia Georgia Law, Georgia Georgia. Acts and resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia MACON: J. W. BURKE Co. 18661100 English

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TABLE OF TITLES. Part I.PUBLIC LAWS. Title I.ALIENS. Title IIAPPROPRIATIONS. Title IIIBONDS OF THE STATE. Title IVCODE, CHANGES IN. Title VCONVICTS. Title VICOUNTY BONDS, TAXES, Etc. Title VIICOUNTY LINES. Title VIIICOUNTY REGULATIONS. Title IXCOURTS 1. Supreme. 2. Superior. 3. Inferior. 4. County. 5. Of Ordinary. 6. City. Title XEDUCATION. Title XIEXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, Etc. Title XIIFEES, Etc. Title XIIIINCORPORATION, Etc. Title XIVJOINT STOCK COMPANIES 1. Banks. 2. Building and Loan Associations. 3. Insurance Companies. 4. Manufacturing Companies. 5. Mining Companies. 6. Mining and Manufacturing Companies. 7. Railroad Companies. 8. Telegraph Companies. Title XVJUDICIARY. Title XVILUNATIC ASYLUM. Title XVIIMAIMED SOLDIERS.

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STATUTES OF GEORGIE, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1866. PART I.PUBLIC LAWS. TITLE I. ALIENS. Section 1. Aliens may hold lands. An Act to repeal all laws forbidding aliens to hold and own lands in Georgia. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That all laws and parts of laws forbidding aliens from owning lands in this State, be and the same are hereby repealed; and that all conveyances of lands, tenements and hereditaments hereafter made to or by an alien, shall be as valid and legal as if made to a citizen. Aliens may own lands. Approved 13th December, 1866. TITLE II. APPROPRIATIONS, Etc. Sec. 1 Salaries of Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller General and Treasurer, of Secretaries of Executive Department, Messenger and State Librarian, Attorney and Solicitors General and Reporter of Supreme Court Judges of Supreme Court and Judges of Superior Courts. 2 Contingent Fund, Printing Fund, keeping in order Senate Chamber and Representative Hall, Pay of State House Guard. 3 Pay and mileage of Members of the General Assembly. Sec. 4 Pay of Secretary of Senate and Clerk of the House; of other Clerks. 5 Pay and mileage of Doorkeepers and Messengers. 6 Annual Salaries fixed by law. 7 Advances by Treasurer. 8 Salaries of Superintendent of Lunatic Asylum, Trustees, Treasurer, Sub-Officers and Attendants, and servants' hire: support of pauper patients; building for persons of color. 9 For support of Academy for the Blind.

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10 Chaplains of Senate and House of Representatives; Pages. 11 Clerk in Treasurer's Office, in Comptroller General's; Secretary of State. 12 Pay of John G. Cushing. 13 Appropriation to Penitentiary. 14 Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 15 Salaries of Officers of Penitentiary. 16 17 Appropriation to Messrs. Cobb, Cooper and Fitten. 18 Messrs. Jackson, Poe and Nisbet; Messrs. Bleckley, Hammond and Hansell. 19 Balance to Comptroller's Clerk. 20 Salaries, c., of Secretary of Senate and Clerk of the House. 21 Additional compensation to Messrs. Sneed and Estes. 22 To Messrs. Merrell and Wright. 23 Pay of Directors of W. A. Railroad. 24 Rent of Governor's residence. 25 To purchase Code. 26 Interest on public debt. 27 Artificial limbs for maimed soldiers. Sec. 28 For freight on supplies donated. 29 For preparation of maps. 30 To S. P, Thurmond, Solicitor General. 31 Messrs. Jones, Lee, Divine Co. 32 To Clerk of Secretary of State. 33 To B. B. Quillian and Rev. E. W. Warren. 34 To D. B. Sanford. 35 To purchase corn for indigent. 36 To Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House for contingent expenses. 37 Pay for any service ordered. 38 Appropriation for Cemetery at Resaca. 39 Oakwood Cemetery. 40 Memorial Association of Fredericksburg. 41 Balance Salary of H. J. G. Williams. 42 To D. B. Sanford. 43 To J. J. Anderson. 44 For artificial arm and foot for same. 45 Proviso. 46 Advances to members and officers of General Assembly. 47 Advance to State Printer. (No. 2.) An Act for raising a revenue for the political year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and to appropriate money for the support of the government during said year, and to make certain special appropriations, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the following sums of money be, and the same are hereby appropriated to the respective persons and objects hereinafter mentioned, to-wit: The sum of four thousand dollars to his Excellency, the Governor, as his salary for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the further sum of two thousand dollars, each, to the Secretary of State, Comptroller General, and the State Treasurer, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the sum of eighteen hundred dollars, each, to the Secretaries of the Executive Department, not exceeding two, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the sum of nine hundred and fifty dollars to pay the Messenger of the Executive Department for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the sum of twelve hundred dollars to the State Librarian, as his salary for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the sum of three hundred dollars to each of the State's attorneys and Solicitors General, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the sum of one thousand dollars to the Reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, as his salary for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars to each Judge of the Supreme Court, as his salary for the year eighteen hundred and sixtyseven; and the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars to each Judge of the Superior Court, as his salary for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Salary of Governor. Secretary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer. Secretaries Executive Departm't. Messenger. State Librarian. Attorney and Solicitors Gen'l. Reporter of Supreme Court. Judges of. Of Superior Court. 2. Sec. II. That the sum of twenty thousand dollars, and the unexpended balance on hand the fifteenth of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, be, and the same is hereby appropriated as a

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contingent fund for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars be appropriated for a printing fund for the current year, and in case of a deficiency in this appropriation, the Governor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the same, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated; and the sum of fifty dollars to the person selected by the Governor to keep clean, scour and air the chambers of the Senate and Representative halls, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and the sum of sixteen hundred dollars to pay the State House guards, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Contingent fund. Printing fund. Keeping clean Representative Hall and Senate Ohamber, State H'use Guard. 3. Sec. III. That the sum of twelve dollars per day, each, be paid to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, during the present session of the General Assembly, and the sum of five dollars for every twenty miles traveled going to and returning from the seat of government, the distance to be computed by the nearest route usually traveled; and the sum of nine dollars, each, per day be paid to the members of the General Assembly during the present session, and five dollars for every twenty miles of travel, going to and returning from the capitol, under the same rules which apply to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives; provided , that no member of the General Assembly shall receive pay for the time he may be absent, unless his absence was caused by the sickness of himself or his family, or he had leave granted by the Senate or House, for satisfactory reason. Pay of President of Senate and Sp'ker of House. Mileage. Pay of members. Mileage. Proviso. 4. Sec. IV. That the sum of twelve dollars per day, each, be paid to the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, for the present session; provided , that no warrant shall issue in favor of either until his Excellency, the Governor, shall have satisfactory evidence that they have respectively filed in the office of Secretary of State the original bills and papers pertaining to their offices, and have carefully marked and filed away all reports of standing committees, and all other papers of importance connected with either house; the sum of twelve dollars per day, each, to the Journalizing Clerks, Assistant Clerk and Assistant Secretary of the Senate and House of Representatives; and the sum of nine dollars per day, each, to the Enrolling and Engrossing Clerks of the Senate and House of Representatives, for the time they have been actually employed, which shall only be allowed them upon the certificate of the Secretary or Clerk, stating that he required their services, and that they were actually performed; and the sum of nine dollars per day, each, to the clerk of the Joint Finance Committee and the clerks of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives, for the time they have been actually employed, which shall only be allowed them upon the certificate of the chairman of the committees, stating that the service was actually performed. Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House. Journaliz'g Clerks, Assistant Cl'k and Assistant Sec'ry of Senate and House. Enrolling and Engr'ss'g Cl'k. Clerk of Joint Finance Com. and Cl'k of Judiciary Com. of Senate and House. 5. Sec. V. That the sum of nine dollars per day be paid to each of the Door-Keepers and Messengers of the Senate and the House of Representatives, at the present session of the General Assembly, and

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the same mileage to each of said Door-Keepers and Messengers as is paid to the members of the General Assembly. Door Keeper and Messenger of Senate and House. 6. Sec. VI. That the various sums of the annual salaries of all the officers of this State whose salaries are fixed by law, be, and the same are hereby appropriated annually to pay said salaries until they are otherwise altered by law. All officers of State. 7. Sec. VII. That the Treasurer be authorized to pay from time to time to the officers of the government, whose salaries are appropriated by this act, seventy-five per cent. of the amount for which service has been actually rendered at the date of such payment, taking receipts from said officers for the same, which receipts shall be as vouchers, and are hereby declared offsets to the extent of such payments to Executive warrants drawn at the end of the quarter for such officers' salaries. Treasurer to make advances to officers. 8. Sec. VIII. That the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated as the salary of the Superin tendent and Resident Physician of the Lunatic Asylum, and the further sum of twelve thousand dollars for the salaries of the Trustees and Treasurer, sub-officers, attendants and servants' hire; and the further sum of fifty thousand dollars for the support of pauper patients; and the sum of ten thousand dollars for the purpose of preparing suitable buildings for persons of color. Physician of Lunatic Asylum. Trustees, sub-officers, etc. Support of pauper patients. For preparing buildings for persons of color. 9. Sec. IX. That the sum of eleven thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to the Academy for the Blind, in this State, for the maintenance of pupils, salaries of officers, etc., from November first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, to the thirtieth of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and for improvements which are necessary, the sum of five thousand dollars. Academy for the Blind. For improvements. 10. Sec. X. That the sum of one hundred dollars, each, be, and the same is hereby appropriated as compensation to the chaplains of the Senate and House of Representatives; and the sum of fifty dollars, each, to the Pages of the Senate and House of Representatives. Chaplains of Senate and House. Pages. 11. Sec. XI. That the sum of sixteen hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the clerk in the Treasurer's office, and the sum of sixteen hundred dollars to pay the clerk in the Comptroller's office; and that the sum of sixteen hundred dollars be appropriated to pay the clerk in the Secretary of State's office. Clerks of State Ho'se officers. 12. Sec. XII. That the sum of five dollars per day be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay John G. Cushing for making fires, bringing water, sweeping and keeping in order the Senate chamber and House of Representatives, during this session of the Legislature, out of which sum he is to pay for all assistance employed. Pay to John G. Cushing. 13. Sec. XIII. That the sum of thirty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated for the support and repairs of the Georgia Penitentiary, and to provide for the payment of past deficiencies. For support and repairs of Penitentiary. 14. Sec. XIV. That the Governor be authorized to draw his warrant for eight thousand dollars, for the support and education of the deaf and dumb: and the further sum of of twenty-five hundred

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dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for repairs of the asylum buildings and refurnishing the same. Support and educati'n of Deaf and Dumb. Repairs and furnishing Asylum Building. 15. Sec. XV. That the sum of two thousand dollars be appropriated to the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary, as his salary for the year 1867; the sum of twelve hundred dollars be appropriated to pay the salary of the Assistant Keeper; the sum of twelve hundred dollars to the Book-Keeper and salesman; the sum of twelve hundred dollars for the tanner; and the sum of one thousand dollars to the overseer, as the salary of these several officers for the year 1861, beginning January the first. Principal Keeper of Penit'nt'y. Assistant Keeper. Tanner. Overseer. 16. Sec. XVI. That the sum of one thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated. * * This Section is defective; so the bill was signed, and sent us by Compiler.Printers. 17. Sec. XVII. And the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, each, to Howell Cobb, Mark A. Cooper, and John H. Fitten, commissioners appointed by the Governor under a resolution of the General Assembly to examine and report upon a proper location for a penitentiary. $250 each, to Howell Cobb, Mark A. Cooper and John H. Fitten, Commis'rs. 18. Sec. XVIII. And the sum of fifty dollars, each, to James Jackson, Washington Poe, and James T. Nisbet, committee appointed by the Governor under a resolution of the General Assembly to examine and report upon a Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court, in preparation by A. O. Bacon; and that his Excellency, the Governor, be authorized to draw his warrant upon the Treasury in favor of L. E. Bleckley, N. J. Hammond, and A. J. Hansell, respectively, for such sum as he may deem fair, just and reasonable compensation, as committeemen, for their services in examining the Revised Code of Georgia, under a resolution of the General Assembly of the 19th February, 1866, so soon as said committee shall have made their final report. $50 each, to James Jackson, Washington Poe and James T. Nisbet, Committee to examine Digest. Compensation to L. E. Bleckley, N. J. Hammond and A. J. Hansell. 19. Sec. XIX. And the sum of four hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the Clerk in the Comptroller General's office for balance of salary due him for the past fiscal year. $400 to pay clerk in Comptroller's office, for pasty'r. 20. Sec. XX. That the sum of five hundred dollars, each, be appropriated to pay the salaries of John B. Weems, Secretary of the Senate, and James D. Waddell, Clerk of the House of Representatives, as prescribed by law, for the present session of the General Assembly; and the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, each, as additional compensation. Salaries of Secret'y of Senate and Clerk of House. Additional compensation. 21. Sec. XXI. That the sum of five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated as additional compensation to Fletcher T. Sneed, Assistant Secretary of the Senate, and the same drawn under the warrant of the President of the Senate; and the sum of five hundred dollars to John B. Estes, Assistant Clerk of the House of Representatives, to be drawn under warrant of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Additional compensation to F. T. Sneed and J. B. Estes. 22. Sec. XXII. That the sum of five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated as additional compensation, to H. F. Merrell, Journalizing Clerk of the House of Representatives; and the sum

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of five hundred dollars to Thomas D. Wright, Journalizing Clerk of the Senate, and that the Governor be authorized to draw his warrant for the same. Additional compensation to H. F. Merrell and T. D. Wright. 23. Sec. XXIII. And the further sum of one hundred dollars, each, be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay J. R. Parrott, R. M. Goodman and W. L. Whitman, Directors of the Western Atlantic Railroad, for services in making report of the condition of said road, under resolution of this General Assembly, adopted at its last session, and that the Governor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant upon the Treasury for the same. $100 each, to J. R. Parrott, R. M. Goodman and W. L. Whitman. 24. Sec. XXIV. And the sum of five hundred dollars to Mrs. Peter Williams, for rent of dwelling and furniture for eight months, for his Excellency, the Governor. $500 to Mrs. Williams for rent of dwelling. 25. Sec. XXV. And the further sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purchase of such number of copies of the Code of Georgia, prepared by Hon. David Irwin, as has been authorized to be purchased by this General Assembly. For purchasing Code, by Hon. David Irwin. 26. Sec. XXVI. And be it further enacted , That the sum of four hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated for the political year 1867, to pay the interest on the public debt. To pay interest on publicdebt. 27. Sec. XXVII. And the further sum of thirty thousand dollars, or so much as may be necessary to supply the requisite number of limbs be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay for furnishing maimed soldiers or officers with arms and legs, in accordance with the provisions of a resolution passed at this session of the General Assembly, respecting the leg patented by Dr. H. L. Byrd, and the arm patented by Kolbe. For furnishing artificial limbs. 28. Sec. XXVIII. That the sum of twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated for the purpose of paying the freight on corn and other supplies donated by the people of Kentucky and benevolent societies of other States, to the destitute of Georgia, and that the Governor be authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury, from time to time, for such sums as may be necessary to pay said freight and expense on said corn and other supplies, in favor of Rev. H. C. Hornady, or such other person as may be necessary to carry out the object of this appropriation; and all supplies on which the State shall pay the freight, shall be distributed under the same provisions as are contained in the resolution of last session for the distribution of corn to the indigent people of Georgia. Freight on corn and supplies donated. 29. Sec. XXIX. And the sum of three thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, or so much as may be necessary for the Surveyor General to have prepared and distributed the maps required to be made and authorized by an act passed by the General Assembly, entitled an act to regulate the mode and manner of giving in taxes, etc. For Surv'r General to have prepared and distributed the maps required to be made. 30. Sec. XXX. And the further sum of seventy-five dollars to pay Samuel P. Thurmond, for services rendered as Solicitor General of the Western Circuit, in the case of Dr. Johnson Mathews vs . the

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State of Georgia, in Gwinnett Superior Court, September Term, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. To pay S.P. Thurmond. 31. Sec. XXXI. And the further sum of nineteen hundred and eighty-two and forty-five one hundredths dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay balance due Jones, Lee, Divine Co., on award of P. M. Compton, respecting the card factory. To pay Jones, Lee, Divine Co. 32. Sec. XXXII. And be it further enacted , The sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the balance due the Clerk in the Secretary of State's office, for the year 1866, from January 1st to March 13th, 1866. To pay Clk Secrct'y of State. 33. Sec. XXXIII. And be it further enacted , That the sum of fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to B. B. Quillian, one of the committee appointed to examine and report upon the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, at Cave Springs, Georgia; and the further sum of fifty dollars is hereby appropriated to the Rev. E. W. Warren, who preached the Fast day sermon, 22d November last, upon the call of the General Assembly. $50 to B. B. Quillian. $50 to Rev. E. W. Warren. 34. Sec. XXXIV. Be it further enacted , That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be appropriated to Daniel B. Sanford, for his services and expenses incurred in binding and indexing the unfinished records of the late Clerk of the Supreme Court, R. E. Martin, deceased, and that the Governor be authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury for the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary to do the work. To D. B. Sanford. 35. Sec. XXXV. And be it further enacted , That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as in the opinion of the Governor shall be absolutely necessary, be appropriated to purchase corn to give bread to such indigent widows and orphans of deceased soldiers and disabled soldiers of this State, who by reason of their extreme poverty and inability to labor, need the same, to be distributed under such rules and restrictions as the Governor may prescribe. No persons to be or become a beneficiary of this fund who are able to labor for bread or purchase the same; provided , that no part of the same shall be expended until the Governor shall become satisfied that a sufficiency of corn will not be contributed from voluntary sources. To buy corn for widows, orphans disabled soldiers. Proviso. 36. Sec. XXXVI. Be it further enacted , That the sum of seventy-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be paid each to the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives to defray their contingent expenses of their respective offices. To Sec'y of Senate and Clerk of House for contingent expenses. 37. Sec. XXXVII. Be it further enacted , That in all cases where the General Assembly direct the performance of any service or labor for which no provision is made for compensation, the Governor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury for such sum or sums, as in his judgment may be a just compensation, and in all cases which, in the opinion of the Governor, the preservation of the public property require labor or service or expenditure, the Governor shall be authorized to draw his warrant upon the Treasury to pay for the same. Gov'r authorized to pay for services for whichthere is no compensation. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 3.) An act to appropriate a fund for the burial of the Confederate dead. 38. Sec. I. Be it enacted , That the Governor be required to draw his warrant for four thousand dollars in favor of Miss Mary A. Greene, Mrs. Ph[UNK]be Pember and Mrs. General Charles J. Williams, as Trustees of the Memorial Association of Georgia, to be expended by them in the completion of the Cemetery at Resaca, and the removal and interment of the Confederate dead of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and along the line of Sherman's march, upon the battle-fields or places most convenient thereto. Appropriation to Cem etery at Resaca. 39. Sec. II. And the further sum of one thousand dollars be appropriated to the Ladies' Memorial Association for the Confederate dead of Oak Wood Cemetery, of which Mrs. M. H. Smith, of the city of Richmond, is President. To Ladies' Memorial Associat'n Richmond. 40. Sec. III. That the sum of one thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to the Ladies' Memorial Association of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and that his Excellency, the Governor, be authorized and required to draw his warrant for the same in favor of Mrs. John H. Wallace, President of the same. To Ladies' Memorial Asso. Fredricksburg. Approved 12th December, 1866. (No. 4.) An Act for the relief of Henry J. G. Williams. Whereas, Henry J. G. Williams was a Secretary in the Executive Department at the commencement of the political year 1866, and so continued during the whole year. Preamble. And Whereas, the salary affixed by law to said office at the beginning of the year was twenty-five hundred dollars, but was reduced by an act, approved 15th February, 1866, to eighteen hundred dollars, and the latter sum was appropriated to each Secretary for the entire year, by reason whereof the said Henry J. G. Williams was paid for the interval between the 1st of November, 1865, and the 15th of February, 1866, at the rate of eighteen hundred dollars, instead of at the rate of twenty-five hundred dollars, the salary then allowed by law, leaving unpaid the sum of two hundred and four dollars and fifty cents, to which he was legally entitled. For remedy thereof, the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly met, do enact that the said sum of two hundred and four dollars and fifty cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated to the said Henry J. G. Williams, for which the Governor is authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury. Appropriation to H. J. G. Williams. Approved 7th December, 1866.

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(No. 5.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to appropriate money to pay D. B. Sanford to bring up the unfinished business of the late Clerk of the Supreme Court, R. E. Martin, deceased; approved 6th of March, 1866. Section 1. Be it enacted , That the following words be added to the first section of the above recited act, after the word Code, and that for such work as no fees were heretofore allowed, he shall receive such compensation as the Governor upon inspection of the work shall deem just and proper; and that the expense of binding the records of the said R. E. Martin, deceased, as they are completed, shall be paid for as provided in said first section of the above recited act out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated. Act of M'ch 1866, amended. Expense of binding Records. How paid for. Sec. 2. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st of December, 1866. (No. 6.) An act for the relief of J. J. Anderson, an employee upon the Western Atlantic Railroad, in the year 1859. Whereas, The said J. J. Anderson, whilst faithfully doing and performing his duty upon the said road as train hand, by and from a collision of trains, was so wounded and maimed as to lose one arm and one foot; and whereas, said J. J. Anderson, by reason of said accident is incapacitated from earning a livelihood; and whereas, said Anderson is of poor parentage, who are unable to support him. Therefore, Preamble. Sec. 1. Be it enacted , That the sum of two thousand dollars ($2000 00) be appropriated for the use and benefit of the said J. J. Anderson, and that the Governor be authorized to draw his warrant for the sum of two thousand dollars ($2000 00) aforesaid upon any fund in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in favor of J. J. Anderson. Appropriation to J. J. Anderson. Sec. 2. That the said J. J. Anderson be furnished an artificial arm and foot, or their equivalent in money, and his Excellency, the Governor, be authorized to draw his warrant on the treasury in favor of said Anderson for the sum of money necessary to purchase the same. J. J, Anderson to be furnished arm foot or equival't Sec. 3. That the said J. J. Anderson be, and he is hereby forever estopped from bringing any action against the Western Atlantic Railroad for any damage that he may have sustained by said road. Anderson estoped f'm bringing suit against W.A.R.R. Approved 11th of December, 1866.

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(No. 7.) An Act to authorize and require the Treasurer of this State to make certain advances, and for other purpose. Section 1. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact , That the Treasurer of this State be, and he is hereby authorized and required to make advances to any member of the General Assembly, to the Secretary of the Senate, Assistant Secretary, Engrossing and Enrolling Clerks, and Messenger and Door-Keeper, and Clerk of the House, Assistant Clerk, Engrossing and Enrolling Clerks, Messenger and Door-Keeper, and in no case to exceed the probable per diem pay and mileage of any member, and the probable per diem of the Secretary of the Senate, Assistant Secretary, Engrossing and Enrolling Clerks, Messenger and Door-Keeper, and Clerk of the House, Assistant Clerk, Engrossing and Enrolling Clerks, and Messenger and Door-Keeper. Advance to members and others. Limit. Sec. 2. That the Treasurer be authorized and required to advance the sum of five thousand dollars to J. W. Burke, State Printer, upon the warrant of his Excellency, the Governor. To State Printer. TITLE III. BONDS OF THE STATE. Sec. 1. Declares force and intent of a certain Bond. Sec. 2. Issue of Bonds authorized. (No. 8.) An Act to declare the force and effect of a certain Bond executed by the State of Georgia, through Campbell Wallace, Superintendent of the Western Atlantic Railroad, and John Jones, Treasurer of said State, on the first day of April, A. D. 1866, and to make said Bond valid for the purposes therein set forth, as now understood and agreed by the parties. Whereas, the late provisional Superintendent of the Western Atlantic Railroad purchased from the government of the United States a considerable quantity of railroad property, in the month of October, 1865, amounting to four hundred and seventy-two thousand nine hundred and forty-four dollars and sixty-six cents ($472,944.66), by the invoice, and to be thereafter delivered, for the amount of which purchase, with interest thereon at the rate of 7.30 per cent. per annum, bond was required to be given: Preamble.

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And Whereas, by an act of the General Assembly, approved 13th March, 1866, Campbell Wallace, Superintendent of said railroad, and John Jones, Treasurer of the State, were authorized to execute to the United States of America a bond, pledging the faith of the State of Georgia for the payment of the purchase money of the property aforesaid, stated in said act to be four hundred and sixtyfour thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars and twenty-five cents ($464,152.25), which sum proved to be less than the amount actually purchased by invoice: And Whereas, upon fuller information, a penal bond in the sum of nine hundred and eighty-two thousand three hundred and ten dollars and seventy-two cents ($982,310.72), was executed and delivered by said officers, binding the State of Georgia to the complete and punctual payment, in monthly installments, within two years from the purchase, of the amounts which may be due for the said materials received or to be received by it from the United States. And Whereas, the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War of the United States, did, on the 27th day of August, 1866, agree and consent with Charles J. Jenkins, Governor of Georgia, to release the said State from the payment of monthly installments on said debt, provided the General Assembly of said State would, by act, declare the said bond valid for the payment, at the expiration of two years from the time of purchase, of the principal and interest of said debt then remaining due, and provided that all interest due the first day of November, 1866, be then paid, and accruing interest quarterly thereafter Now, therefore, for the purpose of correcting all mistakes, and more clearly defining the liability of said State, 1. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That the true intent and meaning, the force and effect of said before mentioned bond, is, that at or before the expiration of two years from the time of purchase aforesaid, the amount of principal due on said purchase shall be paid in full, and the interest paid quarterly from and after the first of November, 1866; and for such payment of principal and interest, the faith of the State is solemnly pledged by said bond and by this act. Intent and meaning of bond. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 9.) An Act to authorize the redemption of a certain part of the Bonds of the State of Georgia. Whereas, bonds of the State of Georgia to the aggregate amount of six hundred and seventy-five thousand and five hundred dollars will fall due during the years 1868, 1869 and 1870, and it being desirable to protect the credit of the State by making some provision for their payment or redemption; and whereas , the sum of six hundred thousand dollars of the mortgage bonds of the State, bearing seven per cent. interest, was prepared under the act of the Legislature

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of March 12th, 1866, to pay the Federal land tax on Georgia, which bonds have not yet been executed. Preamble. 2. Section 1. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do therefore enact , That his Excellency, the Governor, be and he is hereby authorized to execute said bonds prepared as aforesaid, to the amount of six hundred thousand dollars, and to issue the same, upon such terms and in such manner as he may deem best for the interest of the State, in exchange for or in redemption of the said old bonds of the State falling due in the years 1868, 1869 and 1870. Governor authorized to issue bonds in exchange for bonds due in 1868, 1869 1870. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. TITLE IV. CODECHANGES IN. SUBJECTS AND SECTIONS. Acts. Subjects. Sec. of Code. No. 10. SUPREME COURT 204, 206 11. SHERIFFS' BONDS 324 12. ROAD COMMISSIONERS 638 13. STOLEN BONDS 877 14. PUBLIC PRINTER 940 15. DISTRIBUTION OF LAWS, Etc. 980 16. RETAILERS' OATH 1377 17. RETAILERS' LICENSE 1377 18. ESTRAYS 1391 19. COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTAGE 1453 20. CHAPLAIN OF PENITENTIARY 1574 21. FEES OF SOLICITORS GENERAL 1578, 1579 22. JURIES IN DIVORCE CASES 1669 23. INSANE PERSONS 1815 24. MECHANICS' LIENS 1971, 1972 25. INSOLVENT DEBTORS 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020 26. NOTICE TO SUE, BY SURETY 2133 27. OVERSEER AS AGENT 2194 28. COMPROMISE OF ESTATE DEBTS 2500 29. SHERIFFS' ENTRIES, 3253 30. JAIL FEES OF DEBTORS 3333, 3334 31. GARNISHMENT 3465 32. APPEALS FROM ORDINARY 3530 33. SHERIFFS' FEES 3621 34. FEES OF CONSTABLES 3624 35. INTERROGATORIES, COMMISSIONERS FOR 3807 36. MORTGAGE LIENS 3883 37. TENANTS HOLDING OVER 3984, 3985

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CODECHANGES IN. Section 1. Chief Justice of Supreme Court. 2. President of Court in absence of Chief Justice. 3. Chief Justice to be chosen. 4. Bond of Sheriffs reduced. 5. Proceedings against Road Commissioners. 6. Oath as to lost bonds amended. 7. Renewal of stolen bonds. 8. Election of Public Printer. 9. Residence of contractor for distributing laws, etc. 10. Oath of retailer. 11. Oath of retailer. 12. Estrayscompensation for taking up. 13. Commissioners of pilotage for St. Andrew's Bar. 14. Salary of Chaplain of Penitentiary. 15. Fees of Solicitors General. 16. On ignored bills. Section 17. Jurors in divorce cases. 18. Decrees declared valid. 19. Proceedings against insane persons. 20. Mechanics lien extended. 21. County Court for Inferior Court. 22. Proceedings under insolvent laws. 23. Notice by endorser to state principal's residence, 24. Section 2194 repealed. 25. Compromise of estate debts. 26. Officer's entry on process. 27. Jail fees of debtors. 28. Garnishment from time to time. 29. Appeals from Court of Ordinary. 30. Sheriffs' fees on process from other county. 31. Fees of Constables. 32. Commissioners' compensation. 33. Mortgage lien. 34. Amendatory act repealed. (No. 10.) An Act to alter and amend paragraphs two hundred and four (204) and two hundred and six (206) of the Revised Code. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact , That paragraph (204) two hundred and four be amended by inserting after the word Judges the words, one of whom shall be styled the Chief Justice. 2. Sec. II. That paragraph (206) two hundred and six be amended by inserting after the word commission the words, in the absence of the Chief Justice is, and strike out the words the Chief Justice or, and strike out the word associates and insert associate, so the whole [Illegible Text] will be as follows: They, or two of them, may hold [Illegible Text] court, and the oldest Judge in commission, in the absence of the [Illegible Text] Justice, is President thereof, but without any greater powers than his associate. Chief Justice. President of Court. 3. Sec. III. That when the office of the present oldest Judge in commission shall become vacant by death, resignation, or otherwise, a Chief Justice shall be appointed or elected to fill such vacancy. Election of Chief Justice. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 11.) An Act to alter and amend the 324 th section of the Revised Code of Georgia. 4. Section I. The General Assembly do enact , That from and after the passage of this act, the word ten shall be substituted for the word twenty in the 324th section of the Revised Code of Georgia. Section 324 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th December, 1866.

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(No. 12.) An Act to alter and amend the 638 th section of the Code of Georgia. 5. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That whenever the grand jury in any county in this State shall present any road commissioners for neglect of duty generally, or in any particular, it shall thereupon be the duty of the clerk of the court to issue a summons in writing, directed to such commissioners, commanding them to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court in which the presentment is made, to answer the accusation of the grand jury, which said summons shall be served by the sheriff upon the commissioners at least twenty days before the court to which the same is returnable; and if, upon the investigation of the case, it shall appear that the accusation is made out by the proof, the Judge shall thereupon impose upon such commissioners the penalty provided in the 637th section of the Code of Georgia. Section 638 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 13.) An Act to amend the 877 th section of the Code of Georgia, and to provide that, under certain circumstances therein mentioned, the provisions of the Code in reference to the issue of new State Bonds, in lieu of lost Bonds, shall apply to stolen Bonds. 6. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That from and after the passage of this act, the words following, to-wit, and that he does not believe they are possessed by any person, be and the same are hereby repealed. Words repealed. 7. Sec. II. Be it further enacted , That the Governor be authorized to issue a new bond or bonds in lieu of a bond or bonds of the State which may have been stolen, upon the holders making affidavit as provided for in the 877th section of the Code as altered and amended by the first section of this act, provided said holders may have given or shall give twelve months notice of the loss or theft of said bonds, fully describing the same, at the treasury of the State at least twelve months prior to the time when said new bonds may be or shall be issued: Provided , that no new bond shall be issued for or in lieu of any lost or stolen bond until the owner of such bond shall first give to the State a bond, with security, to be approved by the Governor, for the time being, fully indemnifying the State against the payment of the bond so lost or stolen. Governor authorized toissue new bonds for stolen. Proviso. Approved 15th December, 1866.

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(No. 14.) An Act to repeal section 940 of the Code of Georgia, and to substitute a section in lieu thereof. 8. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That section 940 of the Code of Georgia be repealed, and the following section be substituted in lieu thereof: That from and after the passage of this act, the General Assembly shall biennially elect a public State Printer at the same session, and in like manner, with the State House officers of the State, and said State Printer shall hold his office for and during the term of two years. State Printer to be elected biennially. Term of office. Approved November 24th, 1866. (No. 15.) An Act to amend section 980 of the Code of Georgia, by striking out the words of which he is a resident, after the words Congressional District, in said section. 9. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That section 980 of the Code of Georgia be amended by striking out the words of which he is a resident, after the words Congressional District in the second line of said section. Section 980 repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved [Illegible Text] December, 1866. (No. 16.) An Act to alter and amend section thirteen hundred and seventy-seven (1377) of the Code of this State. 10. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact , That section thirteen hundred and seventy-seven (1377) of the Code of Georgia be so altered and amended as to strike therefrom all that part of the oath of the retailer of spirituous liquors that refers to slaves or free persons of color. Section 1377 repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 17.) An Act to alter and amend the Oath of Retail Venders of Spirituous Liquors. 11. Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly met , That the oath now in force for retail dealers in spirituous liquors included in chapter (vi.) sixth, and section (1377) thirteen hundred and seventy-seventh of the Code of Georgia, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that the following be substituted therefor: I swear that I will not, during the next

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twelve months, sell, barter, give or furnish spirituous or intoxicating liquors, in any quantity, to any minor, either white or colored, without the consent of his or her parents or guardian, and that I will not allow others to do so for me, with my knowledge or consent, so help me God. Oath repealed. Substitute. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th of December, 1866. (No. 18.) An Act to repeal the 1391 st section of the Code of Georgia, and to provide compensation for taking up estrays. 12. Section I. Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the General Assembly , That from and immediately after the passage of this act the said recited section (1391) of the Code of Georgia be, and the same is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof, it is hereby enacted, that all takers up of any estray, shall be entitled to, and receive such compensation as shall be awarded and determined by the freeholders before whom said estray may be exhibited, as provided in section (1384) thirteen hundred and eighty-four of the Code of Georgia, and said freeholders are hereby required and empowered to award and determine such compensation as to them may seem reasonable and just from all the circumstances in each case. Freeh'ld'rs to award compensation. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 7th, 1866. (No. 19.) An Act to amend the 1453 d section of the Code of Georgia, so far as to authorize the corporate authorities of the city of Brunswick to appoint commissioners of pilotage for St. Andrews bar and the Great and Little Satilla Rivers. 13. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the appointment of commissioners of pilotage for St. Andrews bar, at the mouth of the Great and Little Satilla Rivers, and for said rivers, be and the same is hereby vested in the corporate authorities of the city of Brunswick. Sec. 1453 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st of December, 1866. (No. 20.) An Act to amend section fifteen hundred and seventy-four of the Code of Georgia. 14. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That from and after the passage of this act, section fifteen hundred and seventy-four of the Code shall be so amended

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as to make the salary of the chaplain of the [Illegible Text] [Illegible Text] two hundred and fifty dollars. Secti'n 1574 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 10th of December, 1866. (No. 21.) An act to alter and amend the 1578 th and 1579 th paragraphs of the Code of Georgia. 15. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That paragraph 1578 of the Code of Georgia is hereby amended by striking out the words to conviction where they occur after the word prosecuted in the 8th and 9th lines of said paragraph 1578, and that the words to trial, or plea of guilty, be inserted in said paragraph 1578, instead of said words to conviction, as aforesaid. Sec. 1574 amended. 16. Sec. II. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid , That paragraph 1579 of the Code of Georgia is hereby amended by striking out of the 3d and 4th lines of said paragraph the words nor shall they be entitled to fees on any bill ignored by the Grand Jury, and said fees on ignored bills shall not be paid out of fines and forfeitures as heretofore practiced, but shall receive five dollars, to be paid by the prosecutor, to be received as in cases of malicious prosecution. Fees of Solicitor. On ignored bills. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 22.) An Act to amend the sixteen hundred and sixty-ninth paragraph, part second, title second, chapter first, article first, section second of the Revised Code of Georgia, and to legalize certain judgments and decrees of the Superior Courts of this State in divorce cases. 17. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That from and immediately after the passage of this act, that the sixteen hundred and sixty-ninth paragraph, part second, title second, chapter first, article first, section second of the Revised Code of Georgia, be amended as follows, to-wit: After the words a total divorce, in the fourth line in said paragraph, the following, to-wit: And in case there be but one panel of grand jurors empannelled at the same time, it shall be lawful for the presiding judge to have a second jury empannelled from said grand jury composed of grand jurors summoned to the same term, and in the event of a deficiency, the same may be completed by tales-jurors, under the direction of said judge. 1669th paragraph amended. 18. Sec. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid , That all decrees heretofore rendered by the summons of extra jurors at the same time are hereby declared valid. Decrees rendered by summons of extra Jurors valid. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 18th December, 1866.

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(No. 23.) An Act to alter and amend Section 1815 of the Revised Code. 19. Section I. Be it enacted , That from and after the passage of this act the 1815th section of the Revised Code shall read as follows: When there is no guardian for an insane person, or the guardian on notice refuses or fails to confine his ward, and any person shall make oath that such insane person, for public safety, or other good and sufficient reason, should not longer be left at large, any one of the Justices of the Inferior Court before whom said oath is made shall issue a warrant, as in criminal cases, for the arrest of such insane person, to bring him before the Inferior Court on a day specified, and said court, on an investigation of the facts, may commit such insane person to the Lunatic Asylum, and, if necessary, cause him to be temporarily committed to jail until he can be removed to the Asylum, and the expenses of such confinement and the proceedings shall be paid out of the estate of such insane person, if any, and if not, out of the county funds. Sec. 1815 amended. Sec. II. Repeals all conflicting laws. Approved 12th December, 1866. (No. 24.) An Act to amend the 1971 st and the 1973 d sections of the Code of Georgia. 20. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That from and after the passage of this act, the 1971st section of the Code of Georgia be amended by inserting after the word house the words or other property; and that the 1973d section be amended by inserting after the word premises the words or other property, provided the provisions of this act shall not apply to any case now in suit. Sections 1971 1973 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th of December, 1866. (No. 25.) An Act to amend Sections 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2020 of the Code and for other purposes. 21. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That sections 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2020 of the Code of Georgia be amended by substituting the words County Courts for the words Inferior Courts, wherever they occur in said sections. Sections 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2020 amended. 22. Sec. II. That all proceedings to set apart property exempt under the insolvent laws of this State shall hereafter be had in the County Court instead of the Inferior Court, as heretofore practiced. Proceedi'gs to set apart property. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866.

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(No. 26.) An Act to amend the 2133 d section of the Code of Georgia. 23 Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That no notice which may hereafter be served under said section of the Code of Georgia shall be considered a sufficient compliance with the law which does not state the county of the principal's residence. Section 2133 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 12th December, 1866. (No. 27.) An Act to repeal section 2194 of the Code. 20. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That section 2194 of the Code of Georgia be, and the same is hereby repealed. Section2194 repealed. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 28.) An Act to change section two thousand five hundred of the Code of Georgia. 25. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and immediately after the passage of this act, section two thousand five hundred of the Code shall read as follows: Administrators, executors and guardians are authorized to compromise all contested or doubtful claims for or against the estates or wards which they represent, to submit such matters to arbitration to release a debtor, if to the interest of the estate or ward, and to appoint an attorney in fact, being responsible for the acts of said attorney. Section2500 changed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 4th December, 1866. (No. 29.) An Act to amend the 3253 d section of the Code of Georgia. 26. Section I. Be it enacted , That section three thousand two hundred and fifty-three of the Code be amended by adding after the word sheriff, in the first line, the words or any other officer of the court. Section3253 amended. Approved 12th December, 1866.

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(No. 30.) An Act to amend the 3333d and the 3334th sections of the Code of the State of Georgia. 27. Section I. The General Assembly do enact , That when any person is about to be imprisoned in the common jail of any county in this State, on mesne or final process, for debt, before such confinement, the plaintiff in suit, or execution, his agent or attorney, shall pay in advance the jail fees each week; and in case of failure to make such payment in advance, then the sheriff or jailor shall have the right and authority to decline to receive said person or persons. Sections 3333 3334 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 31.) An Act to amend the 3465th section of the Code of Georgia. 28. Section I. Be it enacted , That the 3465th section of the Code of Georgia be so amended as to authorize the issuing of summons of garnishment from time to time, before trial, without giving any additional bond. Sec. 3465 amended. Approved 12th December, 1866. (No. 32.) An Act to amend section 3530 of the Code of Georgia. 29. Section I. Be it enacted , That from and after the passage of this act, the following proviso shall be added to section 3530 of the Code: Provided , That whenever an appeal shall be taken from a decision of the Ordinary, made under section 2474, such appeal shall not operate as a supersedias , unless the executor or administrator shall first give a good and sufficient bond, payable to the Ordinary and his successors in office, in such sum as the Ordinary may require, (not exceeding the amount of the estate in the hands of the administrator) conditioned to pay all costs and damages that may accrue to the estate pending the appeal. Sec. 3530 amended. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 33.) An Act to amend the 3621st section of the Code of Georgia. 30. Section I. Be it enacted , That from and immediately after the passage of this act, the second line of the above recited act be so amended as to require the fees of the Sheriff serving process coming from another county, to be paid in advance. Sec. 3621 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866.

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(No. 34.) An act to amend section 3624 of the Code of Georgia. 31. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That section 3624 of the Code, be so amended as to strike out the following words viz.: for attending Superior Court, per mile, one dollar. Sec. 3624 amended. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 35.) An act to amend the three thousand eight hundred and seventh (3807) section of the Code of Georgia. 32. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the words following after the words between the parties, in the 6th line, be stricken out, and insert reasonable compensation may be paid to the commissioners, but not more than two dollars per day shall be taxed as costs against the party cast in the suit. Sec. 3807 amended. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 36.) An Act to amend section 3883 of the Code of Georgia. 33. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the provisions of section 3883 of the Code of Georgia, shall hereafter apply as well to mortgages upon real property as to mortgages on personal property. Sec. 3883 amended. Approved 12th December, 1866. (No. 37.) An Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act to amend the 3984th and 3985th sections of the Code of Georgia, and for other purposes. Whereas, At the last session of the General Assembly two acts upon the same subject matter purporting to amend sections 3984 and 3985 of the Code of Georgia, were passed, and which acts are conflicting and uncertain in their operations. Preamble. 34. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the one of said acts, entitled an act to amend the 3984th and 3985th sections of the Code of Georgia, approved on the 19th day of February, 1866, be, and the same is hereby repealed, and that the act on the same subject matter, approved on the 15th day of February, 1866, be declared of full force and effect. Act of 15th Feb'y 1866, amending sections 3984 3985 of full force Approved 13th December, 1866.

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TITLE V. CONVICTS. Section 1. Inferior Courts to provide for convicts; counties may combine; Governor may refuse to receive. Section 2. May confine convicts in jail at certain times; may determine jail fees. (No. 38.) An Act to amend an Act to regulate the manner of convicts laboring upon public works, and to define the powers and duties of the Inferior Court and Governor of the State touching the same, and for other purposes therein mentioned, approved 20th March , 1866. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Justices of the Inferior Courts of the several counties shall have power, and are required to provide suitable places for the safe keeping of all convicts, and to make provisions for their support by the county, and to employ such overseers or guards, or both, as may be necessary for their safe keeping, and for their constant and diligent employment upon the public works, and shall also have power to hire out, or bind out, such convicts to contractors on the public works, or to individuals, upon such bonds and restriction as shall subserve the ends of justice; and for the purposes aforesaid, any two or more counties, by said Justices, may combine, keep and work together such convicts, on such terms and upon such public works, any where in the State, as they may agree upon; and the Governor may, if he deems it advisable, refuse to receive such convicts from said Justices, as required of him by the second section of said act. Power of Justices of Inferior C't relative to convicts. Two or more counties may work together such convicts. 2d section of Act of M'ch, 1866. repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 11th December, 1866. (No. 39.) An Act to authorize the confinement of convicts in the jails, and prescribe the manner of determining the compensation of jailors therefor. 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That convicts in charge of the Justices of the Inferior Courts, or of others deriving their authority over such convicts from such Justices, may be confined and kept in the jails of the several counties, at night, on Sundays and other times, as such Justices may direct, and only such fees or compensation shall be paid the jailors for receiving or discharging such convicts or turning the key for such purposes, as may be determined by such Justices to be reasonable and just; provided , that when such convicts have been hired out, the party hiring shall be responsible for such costs. Oonvicts may be confined in Jails on Sundays at night. Compensation. Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 13th December, 1866.

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TITLE VI. COUNTY BONDS, TAXES, Etc. BIBB COUNTY, (No. 40.) Sec. 1. Bonds authorized for building Court House and Jail. 2. Sale and payment of bonds. CAMDEN, GLYNN AND EFFINGHAM COUNTIES, (No. 41.) 3. Tax on dogs and guns authorized. 4. Owners of plantations to make returns. DECATUR CO., (Nos. 42, 43. 5. Payment of Jurors. 6. By extra tax. 7. Issue of bonds for building bridge. 8. Tax for payment. 9. Right of way, damages. 10. Rates of toll. 11. Amount and sale of bonds. ECHOLS CO., (No. 44.) 12. Extra tax for building bridge legalized. LOWNDES CO., (No. 45, 46.) 13. Issue of bonds for building Court House and Jail. 14. Signing and registering. 15. Coupons receivable for county dues. 16. Tax for payment of bonds. 17. Issue of scrip legalized. RANDOLPH CO., (No. 47.) 18. Tax for 1866 legalized. RICHMOND CO., (No. 48.) 19. Extra tax for county purposes. THOMAS AND MITCHELL COS., (No. 49.) 20. Issue of bonds for taking railroad stock. 21. Legal voters to consent to subscription. (No. 40.) An Act to authorize the Inferior Court of Bibb county to issue their bonds for the purpose of raising funds to build a new Court House and Jail. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That the Inferior Court of Bibb county shall have power and authority to issue their bonds in such sums as they may deem proper, and having not longer than ten years to run, bearing seven per cent. interest; such bonds to amount, in the aggregate, to not more than fifty thousand dollars, for the purpose of raising funds to build a new Court House and Jail for the county of Bibb. Amount of bonds. 2. Sec. II. The bonds authorized by this act shall be approved and signed by all the Justices of the Inferior Court in their official capacity, and may be sold in the market or at public outcry, as the Inferior Court may direct; at any rate not less than ninety per cent. of their nominal value, and when so issued and sold shall be valid and binding on the county of Bibb, and for the payment of which and the interest thereon, the Inferior Court shall provide by taxation. How sold. Payment, how provided for. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th of December, 1866. (No. 41.) An Act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Courts of Camden, Glynn and Effingham counties to levy a special tax for county purposes, and to regulate the same. 3. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That the Justices of the Inferior Courts of Camden, Glynn and Effingham counties be and they are hereby authorized to levy and

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collect a tax of two dollars per head on each and every dog over the number of three, and one dollar a piece on every gun or pistol, musket or rifle over the number of three kept or owned on any plantation in the counties aforesaid; the said tax to be applied to such county purposes as the said courts shall direct. Justices of Inf'r Oourt authorized to levy tax. 4. Sec. II. That the owner of every plantation in said counties shall be required to render, upon oath, a full return of every dog, gun, pistol, musket, or rifle so held or kept as aforesaid, and shall be held responsible for the tax imposed upon them, which tax the said Inferior Courts are hereby authorized and empowered to enforce, as in other cases. Planters required to render full return upon oath. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th of December, 1866. (No. 42.) An Act to compensate Grand and Petit Jurors of the Superior, Inferior and County Courts in the county of Decatur, in this State, and to authorize the levy of an extra tax for said purpose. 5. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That from and immediately after the passage of this act Grand and Petit Jurors who may serve in the Superior or County Courts in the county of Decatur shall be entitled to receive for each and every day they may serve as such jurors, two dollars; provided he shall produce the certificate of the sheriff, countersigned by the presiding Judge or Justice, of the time he has served, which certificate shall be a warrant for the sum allowed, and a voucher to the treasurer of the county for paying the same. Compensation of Jurors. Proviso. 6. Sec. II. That the Inferior Court of Decatur county is authorized and required to levy and have collected an extra tax, to be styled the Jury Tax, of sufficient amount to pay all jurors in said county as provided for in the first section of this act. Inf'r Court may collect Jury tax. Sec. III. That this act shall be of force immediately after its passage, and all conflicting laws are repealed. Actshall be of force. Assented to 12th of December, 1866. (No. 43.) An Act to authorize the Justice of the Inferior Court of Decatur County to issue Bonds for the payment of erecting a Bridge over Flint River, within the limits of Bainbridge, or for the payment of stock in a corporate company for that purpose. 7. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That a majority of the Justices of the Inferior Court of Decatur county may issue bonds, payable in two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten years, and if in their judgment it would be better, up to twenty years, with a rate of interest not greater than that rate fixed by law; which bonds, so issued, shall be signed by

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each and every Justice of the Inferior Court of said county of Decatur officially; said bonds, so issued and signed, shall be used for the construction of a bridge over Flint river, within the corporate limits of the town of Bainbridge, at or near the road leading from Bainbridge to Thomasville, Blakely and Fort Gaines; or said bonds may be used in the payment of stock taken, in the name of the county, in any incorporate company now or hereafter to be formed for the purpose of erecting a bridge over Flint river, within the corporate limits of the town of Bainbridge. Bonds. How used. 8. Sec. II. That the said bonds, so to be issued, shall recite the purposes for which they are issued; and that with a view to maintain good faith and punctuality in the payment of said bonds, that the said court shall have the right, and that it shall be their duty, to levy from year to year, as a bridge tax, such a per cent., not exceeding fifty per cent. on the State tax, as will pay the accruing interest, and if it be necessary, the annual installments, until the whole debt is extinguished. 9. Sec. III. That if, in locating the bridge to be built by this act, it should become necessary to pass the same, or the road to the same pass over any private property, the damages shall be assessed and paid in the same manner as damages are now assessed and paid by law for the right of way for public highways. May pass over private property. 10. Sec. IV. That the bridge to be built under this act shall be a toll bridge, under the immediate supervision and control of the Justices of the Inferior Court, who shall fix, from time to time, reasonable rates of toll, which tolls, when collected, shall go to the county treasury, and become part and parcel of the county funds. Shall be a toll bridge. Tolls. 11. Sec. V. That the bonds to be issued under this act shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000); and, further, that the said court shall not issue bonds for any other purpose than for the erection of a bridge over Flint river as above specified; and, further, that said bonds shall not be negotiated or sold for less than ten (10) per cent. discount. Bonds not to exceed $50,000. Sec. VI. This act shall go into operation immediately on its passage. Act to go into operation. Sec. VII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 44.) An Act to legalize the acts of the Inferior Court of Echols County. Whereas, the bridge across the Alapaha river, near Statenville, in said county, is in a dilapidated and dangerous condition; and whereas , it is necessary for the public interest of said county, that the said bridge should be kept in good repair; and whereas , the Inferior Court of said county, by and through the recommendation of the grand jury, did levy an extra tax of two hundred per cent. upon the State tax, for the purpose of rebuilding the said bridge. Therefore, Preamble.

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12. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That the said action of the Inferior Court of said county be, and the same is hereby legalized and made valid. Action of Inf'r Court madevalid. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 45.) An Act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of the county of Lowndes to issue bonds of said county to raise money to build a court house and jail in said county, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 13. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That, to raise money to build a court house and jail in the county of Lowndes, the Justices of the Inferior Court, or a majority of them, of said county, are hereby authorized to issue and negotiate bonds of said county, in such sums and at such times as said Justices may deem proper, not to exceed the aggregate sum of thirty thousand dollars; said bonds to run for a period not longer than twenty years, and to bear interest not exceeding seven per centum per annum. Limit to amount. Interest. 14. Sec. II. Said bond, with or without coupons annexed, shall be signed by said Justices, or a majority of them, and countersigned by the Clerk of said Court, and shall be registered by said Clerk in a book to be kept for that purpose. Bonds, how signed. Shall be resistered. 15. Sec. III. Said bonds may have coupons annexed, which shall be receivable at said county treasury in payment of county dues. 16. Sec. IV. For payment of said bonds and interest thereon, said Justices, or a majority of them, may levy an annual tax not more than twenty-five per centum on the State tax. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 46.) An Act to make valid the issuing of scrip by the Inferior Court of the county of Lowndes, to build a jail. Whereas, In existing circumstances, it has been necessary that the Inferior Court of the county of Lowndes issue scrip, redeemable in the year A. D. 1869, to build a jail. Preamble. 17. Section I. Be it enacted , That the issuing of said scrip for the purpose aforesaid, to the sum of five thousand dollars, is hereby declared legal and valid. Amount to be issued. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 47.) An Act to make valid the tax levied by the Inferior Court of Randolph county, for county purposes, for the year 1866. Whereas, The Inferior Court of Randolph county incurred heavy liabilities in arresting the small pox in said county, in addition to the ordinary expenses of said county, besides a large indebtedness existing against said county, and for the payment of which they levied an extra tax; and whereas , some doubts exist as to the legality of said tax; to the end, therefore, Preamble. 18. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That all the tax levied and assessed by the Inferior Court for the year 1866, for the county of Randolph, whether with or without the recommendation of the grand jury, be, and the same is hereby declared as legal as if the same had been levied in strict conformity to law. All tax levied declared legal Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 48.) An Act to authorize the levy and collection of an extra tax in the county of Richmond by the Justices of the Inferior Court, upon the recommendation of the grand jury of said county. 19. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of the Inferior Court of Richmond county to levy and collect an extra tax in said county, for county purposes; provided , the same shall be recommended by the grand jury of said county, and do not exceed the sum of two hundred per cent. on the State tax levied for the year 1867; and also to levy a tax of two dollars on road hands. Amount of taxeswhich can be levied. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 49.) An Act to authorize the Inferior Courts of Thomas and Mitchell to issue bonds for the purpose of taking stock in the South Georgia Florida Railroad. 20. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Inferior Courts of the counties of Thomas and Mitchell be, and they are hereby authorized to issue bonds to the amounts, respectively, of one hundred thousand dollars, and twenty-five thousand dollars to be issued in such sums and payable at such times as said Inferior Courts may deem proper; interest of seven per cent. per annum, payable severally at their respective county sites; provided , the citizens of the aforesaid counties give their consent thereto before such stock is taken and such bonds issued. Amounts to which bonds may be issued. Proviso.

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21. Sec. II. The Inferior Courts of said counties shall designate a day when the legal voters of said counties shall assemble at their respective election precincts to give their consent to said subscription. Inf'r Court to designate day of election. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. TITLE VII. COUNTY LINES. Section 1. Lands changed from Appling to Coffee. 2. Lands changed to Baker from Early. 3. Lots changed to Catoosa from Walker. 4. Original line of Dougherty and Worth re-established. 5. Residence of Henry Neel changed from Johnson to Emanuel. Section 6. Fractional lots of Lee added to Terrell. 7. Lot No. 148 changed to Lowndes from Echols. 8. Lot No. 46 changed to Schley from Sumter. 9. Lot No. 71 changed to Wilcox from Pulaski. 10. Lot No 84 changed from Wilcox to Pulaski. (No. 50.) An Act to change the county line between the counties of Appling and Coffee. 1. Section I. Be it enacted , That the residence of Daniel J. Dyal, now in the county of Appling, to-wit: lot of land No. 410, of the second district of Appling, and the residence of Reuben Reeves, now in said Appling county, to-wit: lot No. 503, and the west half of lot No. 502, of the second district of Appling, be, and the same are hereby changed from the county of Appling, and added or annexed to the county of Coffee; and the line between said counties be so altered and changed as to embrace said land in the county of Coffee, this act to take effect from the date of its enactment. Lots of land changed. County line, how altered. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 51.) An Act to change the line between the counties of Baker and Early. 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the line between the counties of Baker and Early shall be so changed as to include lots of land Nos. 384, 377, 338, 353, which now lie in the county of Early, in the county of Baker. Line changed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866.

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(No. 52.) An Act to change the line between the counties of Catoosa and Walker. 3. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the line between the counties of Catoosa and Walker shall be so altered as to include lots of land No. 210 and 211 in the 28th district and 3d section, in the county of Catoosa. Lots added to Catoosa. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 53.) An Act to repeal an Act assented to December the 11 th , 1858, to change the lines between the counties of Dougherty and Worth, and thereby re-establish the original line. 4. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That an act passed and assented to December the 11th, 1858, to change the lines between the counties of Dougherty and Worth, be, and the same is hereby repealed, and the original line between said counties, be, and the same is hereby re-established. County line between Dougherty and Worth. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 54.) An Act to change the line between the counties of Johnson and Emanuel so as to include the residence and farm of Henry Neel, of Johnson county, within the county of Emanuel. 5. Section I. Be it enacted , That from and after the passage of this act, the county line between the counties of Johnson and Emanuel be so changed as to include the residence and farm of Henry Neel, of the county of Johnson, within the county of Emanuel. Residence added to county of Emanuel. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 55.) An Act to add fractional lots of land Nos. 224, 225 and 256, in the 13th district of originally Lee, to the county of Terrell. 6. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That fractional lots of land Nos. 224, 225 and 256, in the 13th district of originally Lee, be added to the county of Terrell. Fractional lots added to Terrell. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 11th December, 1866.

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(No. 56.) An Act to change the [Illegible Text] between Lowndes and Echols, and for other purposes. 7. Section I. Be it enacted , That the line between Lowndes and Echols counties be so changed as to include in said Lowndes county the lot of land on which Thomas McCall now resides, and said lot of land, to-wit: No. 148, [Illegible Text] 16th district, is hereby declared a part of said Lowndes county. Line changed. Sec. II. Repeals [Illegible Text] laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 57.) An Act to repeal an Act to add lot of land No. 46, in 30 th District, originally Lee, now [Illegible Text], to the county of Sumter, assented to April 13 th , 1863. 8. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That an act entitled an act to add lot of land No. 46, in 30th district of originally Lee, now Schley, to the county of Sumter, assented to April 13th, 1863, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Act of April, 1863. repealed. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 58.) An Act to change the line between the counties of Wilcox and Pulaski. 9. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That lot of land No. 71, in the 5th district of Pulaski county, the residence of Jane Nobles, be, and the same is hereby added to the county of Wilcox. Lot added to Wilcox. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 59.) An Act to add lot of land No. 84, in the 5 th District of the county of Wilcox to the county of Pulaski. 10. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, lot of land No. 84, in the 5th district of the county of Wilcox, be, and the same is hereby added to the county of Pulaski. Lot added to Pulaski. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866.

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TITLE VIII. COUNTY REGULATIONS. BALDWIN COUNTY. Sec. 1. Fees of county officers increased. BARTOW COUNTY. 2. Election to be held. 3. Voters. 4. Place for county site. 5. Returns consolidated. 6. Land for public buildings. 7. Illegal voting. 8. Commissioners in certain events. CATOOSA COUNTY. 9. Confession and jury fees. CHATHAM COUNTY. 10. Justices of Peace to preside at elections. 11. Penalty for refusal, etc. CLINCH COUNTY. 12. Jury fees, payment of. DECATUR COUNTY. 13. Compensation of superintendents, etc., at elections. DeKALB COUNTY. 14. Increase of jailor's fees. ECHOLS COUNTY. 15. Inferior Court to regulate rates of ferriage. ELBERT AND WEBSTER COUNTIES. 16. Offices of clerks consolidated. EMANUEL COUNTY. 17. Seining, etc., at certain season prohibited. HENRY, DOUGHERTY, CLAYTON AND TWIGGS COUNTIES. 18. Offices of clerks consolidated. IRWIN COUNTY. 19. Camp-hunting by non-residents. LINCOLN COUNTY. 20. Confession and jury fees used for county purposes. LINCOLN AND WILKES COUNTIES. Sec. 21. Road act repealed. MARION COUNTY. 22. Justices of Peace ex officio road commissioners. 23. If no Justice of Peace. McINTOSH COUNTY. 24. Election to be held. 25. Voters. 26. Place of county site. 27. Returns to be consolidated. 28. Erection of public buildings. 29. Road law repealed. 30. Work in any district. MERIWETHER COUNTY. 31. Compensation of election clerks. 32. Pay of jurors. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. 33. Place of holding legal sales. 34. Fees of magistrates and constables. PICKENS COUNTY. 35. Action of Inferior Court made valid. STEWART COUNTY. 36. Act regulating the sale of spirituous liquors repealed. TATTNALL COUNTY. 37. Act for compensation of jurors repealed. TWIGGS COUNTY. 38. Election to be held. 39. Voters, on removal. 40. Returns to be consolidated. 41. If majority for removal. 42. Court-house and jail. WORTH COUNTY. 43. Work of road hands. 44. Payment of jury fees. 45. Tax for payment of jurors. 46. Rate of compensation. (No. 60.) An Act to increase the fees of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Ordinary and Sheriff of the county of Baldwin. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That from and after the passage of this act, the fees of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Ordinary and Sheriff of Baldwin county shall be increased thirty-three and one-third per centum upon the rates now fixed by law; and the fees of the Ordinary for any instrument of writing not mentioned in the fee bill, and for certificate and seal, shall be the same as those given to the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county for similar services. Fees increas'd 33[UNK] per cent. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 20th December, 1866.

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(No. 61.) An Act to provide for an election by the citizens of Bartow county, to settle the question of the location of their county site. Whereas, the county site of Bartow county was entirely destroyed by the Federal army; and whereas , the former citizens of said town have declined an attempt to rebuild it; and whereas , the people of said county are desirous of locating the site at some point on the Western Atlantic Railroad Preamble. 2. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That an election shall be held at the several precincts in said county, on the first Monday in January next, (1867), in the same manner as elections are held for members of the General Assembly. Time of election. 3. Sec. II. That all legal voters, resident in said county, shall be entitled to vote at said election. Voters. 4. Sec. III. That each voter shall endorse on his ticket the place where he desires the county site. Tickets. 5. Sec. IV. That the day after the said election is held, the managers of said election in the several precincts of the county shall meet at Cartersville, the present place of holding the courts of said county, and consolidate the returns of said election, and file the same with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county. Managers of election. 6. Sec. V. After said consolidation, it shall be the duty of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county to procure the necessary land, either by purchase or otherwise, and proceed to erect their public buildings at the point receiving the highest number of votes in said election; and said point shall become the county site of said county as soon as a court-house and jail are made ready for use. County site 7. Sec. VI. That if the Governor of this State shall be informed, within thirty days after said election, of any fraud or misconduct by illegal voters, or otherwise, that produced a result different from what it would have been but for said fraud, illegal votes or misconduct, he shall issue an order setting aside said election and appointing a new election under this act, publishing said order for a new election at least sixty days before the day of election, and said new election shall be held as provided in this act. Illegal votes, new election. 8. Sec. VII. That should the county site be located at Cass station, on the Western Atlantic Railroad, then, and in that event, J. J. Howard, Abda Johnson, W. T. Wofford, Nathan Land, Elisha King, Christopher Dodd and G. W. Hill be, and they are hereby appointed, commissioners; and they, or a majority of them, are authorized to act in conjunction with the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county of Bartow, in laying off the town and erecting public buildings for said county. Commissioners. Sec. VIII. That this act shall go into effect from and immediately after its passage. When to go into effect. Sec. IX. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved November 12th, 1866.

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(No. 62.) An act to regulate Confession Fees and Jury Fees in the county of Catoosa. 9. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That confession fees and jury fees, in Catoosa county, shall be the same as are specified in the Code, but shall be paid and disposed of as is now prescribed by local law for that county. Feeshow paid and collected. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved November 12th, 1866. (No. 63.) An Act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county to require the attendance of Justices of the Peace at elections, and for other purposes. 10. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That from and after the passage of this act, the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county shall be authorized, in their discretion, to require the Justices of the Peace of said county, resident in the city of Savannah, to preside at and superintend all elections which shall be held in said county. Justices of Peace to preside at elections. 11. Sec. II. That should any Justice of the Peace refuse or neglect to attend at said election, as provided for in the foregoing section, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, at the discretion of the Court. Neglect to do so a misdemeanor. Penalty. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 64.) An Act to regulate the payment and collection of Jury Fees in the county of Clinch. 12. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That from and after the passage of this act, the jury fees in the county of Clinch shall be paid by the successful party litigant, and the same shall be taxed in the bill of costs. Jury feesby whom paid. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 65.) An Act to authorize and require the Justices of the Inferior Court of Decatur county to order the payment of the Superintendents, Clerks, and those who consolidate the returns of elections of said county for their services. 13. Sec. 1. Be it enacted , That from and after the passage of this

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act the Justices of the Inferior Court of Decatur county be, and they are hereby authorized and required to pass an order for compensating the superintendents and clerks of elections held hereafter in said county, as well as those who consolidate the returns from the different precincts in said county, and it shall be the duty of the treasurer of said county upon the presentation of such order to pay said persons the sum of one dollar and fifty cents each for their services at each election in which they act in such capacity. Sup'ts, etc., of electionshow compensated. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 4th of December, 1866. (No. 66.) An Act to authorize the Inferior Court of DeKalb county to increase the fees of Jailor for said county. 14. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That from and after the passage of this act the Justices of the Inferior Court of DeKalb county shall have power and authority to increase the fees of the Jailor of said county, not exceeding one hundred per cent. upon the jail fees now allowed by the Code of Georgia. Increase, to what extent. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th of December, 1866. (No. 67.) An Act to authorize the Inferior Court of Echols county to regulate and prescribe the rates of ferriage in said county, and for other purposes. 15. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That from and after the passage of this act the Inferior Court of the county of Echols be, and is hereby authorized to regulate and prescribe the rates of ferriage over the water courses in said [Illegible Text]. Inf'r Court to regulate rates of ferriage. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 28th of December, 1866. (No. 68.) An Act to consolidate the offices of Clerk of the Superior, and of the Inferior Courts of the counties of Elbert and Webster. 16. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That said tw offices be consolidated, and that the clerk of the former court shall be ex-officio clerk of the latter court, and shall, as soon as the present incumbent shall cease to be clerk of said Inferior Court, enter upon and discharge all the duties of that office. Consolidate offices of Clerk of Superior Inf'rCo'rts. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 11th of December, 1866.

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(No. 69.) An Act to prevent the destruction of fish in times of low water in the county of Emanuel, and to punish the same. 17. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to draw a seine or net for fish in any of the lakes, branches, or creeks in the county of Emanuel from and after the fifteenth day of May, in any year, until the first day of November thereafter; and for any violation of this law by any person or persons in said county, within said times, said person or persons, on conviction therefor, before any court having jurisdiction of the same, shall be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court before whom the conviction takes place, not to exceed one hundred dollars fine, or sixty days imprisonment in the common jail. Time of prohibition. Penalty. Approved 4th of December, 1866. (No. 70.) An Act to consolidate the offices of the Clerk of the Superior Court and Inferior Court in and for the counties of Henry, Dougherty, Clayton and Twiggs. Whereas, in consequence of the small fees that the clerk of the Inferior Court for the counties of Henry, Dougherty, Clayton and Twiggs receives, it is impossible to get a competent man to attend to the duties of said office. Therefore, Preamble. 18. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the offices of the clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts for the counties of Henry, Dougherty, Clayton and Twiggs are hereby consolidated, and from and after the passage of this act the clerk of the Superior Court is hereby authorized to transact all the duties pertaining to the office of the Inferior Court, and the same is hereby declared to be legal and valid to all intents and purposes. Clerk Superior C'rt to transact duties of Clerk Inferior Court. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 8th of December, 1866. (No. 71.) An Act to extend the provisions of an Act approved March 4 th , 1856, entitled An Act to protect the citizens of the counties of Worth, Richmond and Clinch, Berrien and Bryan from the injurious consequences of camp hunting by non-residents, to the county of Irwin. 19. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the provisions of the above recited act be, and the same are hereby extended to the county of Irwin. Provisions of Act of March 1856 extend'd to Irwin Co. Approved 10th of December, 1866.

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(No. 72.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to make uniform the laws of this State for the collection of costs, and for other purposes, assented to 17 th of April , 1863, so far as it relates to the county of Lincoln. 20. Section 1. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That the above recited act be so amended so far as it relates to the county of Lincoln, as to permit and allow said confession and jury fees, when paid into the county treasury, to be used for county purposes in such manner as the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county of Lincoln may order and direct, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided this act shall apply to the county of Lincoln only. Act of Ap'l 1863, amended. Proviso. Approved December 12th, 1866. (No. 73.) An Act to repeal an Act entitled. an Act to provide for the election of a Superintendent of Public Roads and Bridges in the counties of Wilkes, Muscogee and Lincoln, and such other counties as may adopt the provisions of this act, and to define his rights and duties, and to repeal all laws inconsistent with this act, so far as it is applicable to the counties of Lincoln and Wilkes. 21. Section 1. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That the above recited act be, and the same is hereby repealed, so far as it is applicable to the counties of Lincoln and Wilkes. Act repealed. Assented to 12th of December, 1866. (No. 74.) An Act to make the Justices of the Peace in Marion county ex officio Road Commissioners for their respective Districts in said county. 22. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the Justices of the Peace in Marion county be, and they are hereby made ex officio Road Commissioners in and for their respective districts, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties and penalties now by law in such cases made and provided. Justices of Pe'ce Road Commis'rs. 23. Sec. II. If it should so happen that any Militia District in said county of Marion should be without a Justice of the Peace, then the Inferior Court of said county shall appoint Road Commissioners in the same, as if this act had not been passed. If vacancy, how filled. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved November 16th, 1866.

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(No. 75.) An Act to provide for an election by the citizens of McIntosh county to settle the question of the location of their county site. Whereas, The court house in the town of Darien, in McIntosh county, was destroyed by the Federal army; and whereas , there exist conflicting opinions in said county in regard to the propriety of rebuilding said court house in the town of Darien, or at some more central point. Preamble. 24. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That an election be ordered by the Justices of the Inferior Court of McIntosh county, to be held at the several precincts in said county, on the first Wednesday in January hext (1867), in the same manner as elections are held for members of the General Assembly. Electionwhen and where. 25. Sec. II. That all legal voters resident in said county shall be entitled to vote at said election. Voters. 26. Sec. III. That each voter shall endorse on his ticket the place where he desires the county site. Voters to endorse. 27. Sec. IV. That, the day after said election is held, the managers of said election, in the several precincts of the county, shall meet at Darien, the present place of holding the courts of said county, and consolidate the returns of said election, and file the same with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county. Returns to be consolidated. 28. Sec. V. That, after said consolidation, it shall be the duty of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county to proceed to erect their public buildings at the point receiving the highest number of votes in said election; and said point shall become the county site of said county, as soon as a court house and jail are made ready for use. Justices of Inf'r Court shall erect public buildings. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 8th December, 1866. (No. 76) An Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act to amend the several Acts regulating roads in this State, so far as respects the operation of said Acts in the counties of Bryan, Liberty, McIntosh, Glynn, Camden, and Wayne, assented to December 8, 1806, and an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to exempt certain persons of McIntosh county from road duty, and for other purposes therein named, approved January 19, 1852, so as to make the same general in its operation, so far as the county of McIntosh is concerned, assented to February 18, 1854, and for other purposes. 29. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact , That so much of the above recited acts as relate to the county of McIntosh, and all the provisions of the same so far as they embrace or relate to the said county of McIntosh, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Acts repealed.

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30. Sec. II. That the Inferior Court of McIntosh county, when sitting for county purposes, may, in their discretion, compel any and all persons subject to road duty, living in any district in said county, to work the roads in any district therein, when the change from one district to another may be necessary for the purpose of equalizing the labor of working the roads aforesaid. Inf'r Court may enf'rce road duty. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 77.) An Act to compensate election clerks in Meriwether county. 31. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, at all general and county elections held in Meriwether county, the managers shall employ three competent clerks, and that each clerk, at the court house, shall, on presenting the managers' certificate to the county Treasurer, receive two dollars, and each clerk at the precincts shall receive one dollar. Compensation. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 78.) An Act to regulate the pay of grand and petit jurors in the county of Meriwether, and to repeal conflicting laws. 32. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, grand and petit jurors of the county of Meriwether shall receive as compensation the fees arising from confessions and decrees, or verdicts rendered during their term of service. Compensation. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 79.) An Act to change the place of holding legal sales in the county of Muscogee. 33. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That, in the county of Muscogee, all sales by sheriffs, constables, executors, administrators, guardians and trustees may be held at any of the street corners on Broad street, between Bryan and Crawford streets, in the city of Columbus, upon giving the legal notice designating the time and place of sale. Where sales may be held. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 80.) An Act to extend the provisions of an Act entitled an Act to amend several Acts now in force regulating the fees of magistrates and constables in the State of Georgia, so far as relates to the counties of Bibb, Richmond, Monroe and Lee, and to provide the mode of collecting the same, approved January 22 d , 1852, so as to include the magistrates and constables of the county of Muscogee, and to provide for the collection of the same. 34. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That all the provisions of the above recited act be, and the same are hereby extended so as to include the fees of magistrates and constables of the county of Muscogee, as fully as if said county had been incorporated in said act. Act of Jan 1852, extended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 81.) An Act to legalize the acts of the Justices of the Inferior Court of Pickens county and State of Georgia, in a certain case. Whereas, The Justices of the Inferior Court of the county of Pickens and State of Georgia, did, agreeable to their understanding, that it was the law enacted by the last General Assembly of the State to pay out to the indigent community of said county certain moneys belonging to said county, arising from the sale of cotton belonging to said county of Pickens, and it appearing, that, from some reason, the President of the Senate and the Executive of the State did not approve said act of the General Assembly. Preamble. 35. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the acts of the Justices of the Inferior Court of the county of Pickens are hereby made as legal and valid as if said act of the last General Assembly had been signed by the President of the Senate and approved by the Governor. Acts of Justices of Inf'r Court made valid Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 82.) An Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors in the county of Stewart, and for other purposes, assented to December 19 th , 1859. 36. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the above recited act be, and the same is hereby repealed. Acts of Dec 1859, repealed. Assented to 12th December, 1866.

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(No. 83.) An Act to repeal an Act, approved on the 4 th day of March , 1856, to compensate the grand and petit jurors in the county of Tattnall; also, to repeal an Act, approved on the 4 th day of March , 1856, to authorize the Inferior Court of Tattnall county to assess an additional tax for the purpose of paying the grand and petit jurors of said county. 37. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the act approved on the 4th day of March, 1856, to compensate the grand and petit jurors in the county of Tattnall; also, an act, approved on the 4th day of March, 1856, authorizing the Inferior Court of said county to assess an extra tax for the purpose of paying the grand and petit jurors of Tattnall county, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Repeals [Illegible Text] to compensate Jurors. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 24th November, 1866. (No. 84.) An Act to provide for the citizens of Twiggs county to settle the question of the removal of the county site from Marion, its present location, to Jeffersonville, in said county. Whereas, A large portion of the citizens of Twiggs county are anxious to have the county site of said county removed from Marion, the present county site, to Jeffersonville, in said county, and that, in order that the citizens may be enabled to settle the same as to removal, Preamble. 38. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That an election be ordered by the Justices of the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, to be held at the several precincts in said county on the first Wednesday in January next (1867), in the same manner as elections are held for members of the General Assembly. [Illegible Text] shall be ordered by Justices of [Illegible Text] Court. 39. Sec. II. That all legal voters resident in said county shall be entitled to vote at said election; and those that are in favor of removal, will endorse on their ticket removal, and those that are opposed to removal, will endorse on their ticket no removal. Voters. Tickets to be endors'd 40. Sec. III. That, the day after the said election is held, the managers of said election at the several precincts in said county, shall meet at Marion, the present county site, and consolidate all the returns of said election, and file the same with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county. Managers of election shall consolidate returns. 41. Sec. IV. That if it should appear, after consolidating all the returns of said election, that there be a majority of votes for removal, in that event the county site of Twiggs county shall be permanently located at Jeffersonville, in said county; provided , the citizens of Jeffersonville, and those adjacent thereto, shall build a court house and jail, without taxing the citizens of said county for that purpose. If majority vote for removal Jeffersonville to be county site. Proviso.

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42. Sec. V. That the Justices of the Inferior Court are hereby authorized, if the vote of the county is for removal, to turn over to the committee which may be appointed to build the court house and jail, the old court house in the town of Marion, and said buildings are to be under the supervision of said Justices. Justices of Inf'r Court authorized to turn over old C' H. and Jail to com. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 10th December, 1866. (No. 85.) An Act to exempt the county of Worth from the operation of Section 586, exampting road hands from being compelled to work on roads more than three miles from their residence. 43. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act so much of section 586 of the Code as discharges road hands living over three miles, from working on said road, be, and the same is hereby repealed, so far as it effects Worth county; and that road hands in said Worth county, may be compelled to work on roads notwithstanding they may reside more than three miles from said road, under the laws now in force. Part of Sec. 586 repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 86.) An Act to pay the Jury fees, in the county of Worth, to the Jury by the Plaintiff or Appellant, and to authorize the Inferior Court of said county to assess and collect an extra tax in said county to pay Juries, Petit seventy-five cents and Grand one dollar per day. 44. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act the plaintiff in suits at common law, in the county of Worth, shall pay to the jury three dollars for each verdict, and appellant shall pay to the special juries three dollars for each verdict rendered in any cause, and the sum of one dollar for each confession. Plaintiff to pay jury. 45. Sec. II. That in addition to the above fees, the Inferior Court shall have the power to levy an extra tax for the purpose of raising a fund to pay juries, which fund shall be used for no other purpose, and shall be known as a jury tax. Power of Inf'r Court to levy tax. 46. Sec. III. That each grand juryman of said Worth county, shall receive out of said funds, in addition to the fees above given, the sum of one dollar per day, and each petit juryman in addition, also, the sum of seventy-five cents per day for each day they serve. Additional compensation to each juryman. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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TITLE IX. COURTS. I. SUPREME COURT, No. 87 II. SUPERIOR COURT, 88-97 III. INFERIOR COURT, 98-99 IV. COUNTY COURT 100-105 V. OF ORDINARY COURT, 106 VI. CITY COURT, 107 I.SUPREME COURT. Section 1. Time of sessions. 2. Bills of exception, filing of. 3. Order of Judicial Circuits. Section 4. Clerk to publish number of cases. 5. Decisions to be written synopsis 6. To be revised. (No. 87.) An Act to fix the times of holding the Supreme Court, and to regulate proceedings therein. 1. Section I. Be it enacted , That the sessions of the Supreme Court of Georgia shall be held at Milledgeville, on the first Monday in June and December in each and every year, and shall continue until the business is disposed of. Sessions. 2. Sec. II. That from and after the present term, that all bills of exceptions taking up cases for review before said court, shall be filed in the clerk's office at least twenty days before the commencement of the term at which the same is to be heard, to-wit: the first Monday in June and December, otherwise the case shall be docketed for the term held next after filing the same. Bills of exception. Order in which the cases will be heard. 3. Sec. III. That it shall be the duty of the Judges of the Supreme Court to fix and cause to be published on the first of January next, for twenty days, in one newspaper in Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta, Macon and Columbus, and in the Southern Recorder and Federal Union at Milledgeville, the order in which the cases from the respective judicial circuits will be heard; which shall not be changed, except by an order of the Court, published in the same manner, at least sixty days before the term of the court at which said alteration is to take effect. Clerk to publish number of cases. 4. Sec. IV. That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Supreme Court to cause to be published, in the same manner, for fifteen days immediately preceding each session of the Supreme Court, the number of cases docketed from each court in each circuit, for the information of all persons having business in said court. Cases docketed. 5. Sec. V. That no decision shall be delivered ore tenus , but the

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same shall be announced by a written synopsis of the points decided, which shall be delivered during the term at which said decision is made. Decisions, delivery of. 6. Sec. VI. That no decision shall be published in the reports until the said decision shall have been revised by each of the Judges presiding in the case. Reports. Sec. VII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. II.SUPERIOR COURTS. Section 7. Times of holding courts of Blue Ridge Circuit. 8. Time of holding Superior Court in Clay county. 9. Time of Superior Courts in Colquitt, Lowndes, Brooks, and Thomas. 10. Times of Superior Courts in Floyd, Polk, Paulding, snd Campbell. 11. Superior Court in Lee county. 12. Return of writs, processes, etc. 13. Superior Court in Macon county. Section 14. Drawing of jurors. 15. Jurors for next term of court. 16. Superior Court of Marion county. 17. Parties, jurors and witnesses. 18. Superior Court of McIntosh county 19. Superior Court of Richmond Co. 20. Suits and processes, Jurors. 21. Superior Court of Emanuel county. Writs and processes. 22. Superior Court of Spalding county. 23. Suitors, witnesses and jurors. 24. Court may be held two weeks. (No. 88.) An Act to alter and change the time of holding the Superior Courts in in the counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit of this State. 7. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the first day of January next, the Superior Courts in the counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit of this State shall be held as follows: In the county of Cherokee, on the first Mondays in March and August; in the county of Cobb, on the third Monday in March and the first Monday in October; in the county of Milton, on the fourth Monday in March and the third Monday in August; in the county of Forsyth, on the first Monday in April and the fourth Monday in August; in the county of Lumpkin, on the second Monday in April and the first Monday in September; in the county of Dawson, on the third Monday in April and the third Monday in September; in the county of Pickens, on the fourth Monday in April and the fourth Monday in September; in the county of Gilmer, on the second Monday in May and the second Monday in October; in the county of Fannin, on the third Monday in May and the third Monday in October; in the county of Union, on the fourth Monday in May and the fourth Monday in October; and in the county of Towns, on Thursday after the fourth Mondays in May and October; but should the business of Union Court require it, Towns Court may, by order of the presiding Judge, be adjourned to Monday thereafter. Time of holding Courts. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866.

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(No. 89.) An Act to change the time of holding the Superior Courts in Clay county. 8. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That after the next term of the Superior Court, in Clay county, the time of holding said court in said county, shall be the 4th Monday in February and August, instead of the second Monday in June and December. 4th Mond'y in Febru'y. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved November 16th, 1866. (No. 90.) An Act to alter and fix the times for holding the Superior Courts in the counties of Colquitt, Lowndes, Brooks and Thomas. 9. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the first day of January next, the regular terms of the Superior Courts of the county of Colquitt, shall be on Wednesday after the third Monday in May and November, and of Lowndes county on the Monday thereafter, and of Brooks county on the Monday after Lowndes, and of Thomas county on the Monday after Brooks, any laws to the contrary notwithstanding. Time of holding Courts. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 91.) An Act to change the time of holding the Superior Courts in the counties of Floyd, Polk, Paulding and Campbell, of the Tallapoosa Circuit. 10. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act the Superior Courts shall be held in, and for the county of Floyd on the second Mondays in January and July, and in the county of Polk on the fourth Mondays in January and July, and in the county of Paulding on the first Mondays in February and August, and in the county of Campbell on the second Mondays in February and August, in each and every year. Time of holding Courts. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 92.) An Act to change the time of holding the Superior Court in the county of Lee. 11. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do [Illegible Text] , That from and after the passage of this act, the Superior Court

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of Lee county, in this State, shall be held on the fourth Monday in March and the fourth Monday in September, instead of the fourth Monday in January and the fourth Monday in June, as now required by law. Time of holding Court. 12. Sec. II. That all writs, precepts, processes, summonses, subp[UNK]neas and recognizances, returnable to said court, as heretofore prescribed by law, shall be returnable to the terms of said court as altered and changed by this act. Suitshow returned. Sec III. That this act shall go into effect immediately upon its approval by the Governor, and all conflicting laws are hereby repealed. Act to go into effect, when. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 93.) An Act to change the time of holding the Superior Courts in the county of Macon, and to provide for the drawing of two panels of Grand and Petit Jurors in said county. 13. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact , That the time of holding the Superior Courts in the county of Macon, shall be on the second Mondays in March and September, instead of the third Monday, as now provided by law. Change time of holding Courts. 14. Sec. II. That it shall and may be lawful for the Judge of the Superior Court of Macon county, at each term thereof, to draw two panels of grand jurors to serve at the succeeding term; the first so drawn to be known as panel number one, and the second as panel number two; also, two panels of petit jurors, to be numbered and designated in like manner, and that panel number one be summoned to attend and serve for the first week of said term; and panel number two to serve, commencing on Monday of the second week, the balance of the term. Judge empowered to draw two panels of jurors. 15. Sec. III. That the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, or a majority of them, be authorized and required by this act to meet at their court-house, on the first Tuesday in January next, and draw an additional panel of grand and petit jurors for the next term of said Superior Courts, said panels to be known as panels number one, and to be summoned to serve as such at said term, according to the provisions of this act; and the panel drawn at the last term of said court shall be known and serve as panel number two at said term. Justices to draw additionalpanel of jurors. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 7th, 1866. (No. 94.) An Act to change the time of holding the Superior Court for the county of Marion. 16. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the time of holding the Superior Court for the county of Marion, shall be the third Monday

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of April and October of each year, instead of the first Monday in March and September, as now required by law. 3d Monday in April. 17. Sec. II. All parties, jurors and witnesses who have been served with process, summons or subp[UNK]na, shall be bound to attend said court as the same now stands changed. All parties to attend. Sec. III. This act shall take effect immediately upon its passage. When act takes effect Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 12th November, 1866. (No. 95.) An Act to change the time of holding the Superior Court of the county of McIntosh, and to legalize the proceedings of said Court. 18. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the 3163d section of the Code of Georgia be so amended that the time of holding the Superior Court of the county of McIntosh be and the same is hereby changed from Tuesday after the second Monday in April, to Thursday after the second Monday in April, and that all the proceedings of the said court held on Thursday after the second Monday in April, 1866, be and the same are hereby rendered legal. Time changed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved November 14th, 1866. (No. 96.) An Act to change the time for holding the Superior Courts of the counties of Richmond and Emanuel, and for other purposes. 19. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the time of holding the Superior Courts of the county of Richmond shall be on the second Mondays in January and June of each year, instead of the second Mondays in April and October, as now required by law. Times of holding Courts of Richmond. 20. Sec. II. That all suits and processes returnable to the April term, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, of said court, shall be taken and considered as returnable to the January term of the same year; and the Justices of the Inferior Court for said county are authorized and required to draw two panels of grand and petit jurors, one of each to serve the second week, and the other the third week, of the next January term of said court. Suits returnable. Justices to draw jurors 21. Sec. III. That the times of holding the Superior Courts in Emanuel county be changed from the first Mondays in April and October, to the second Mondays in April and October; and that all suits, writs and processes returned to said court, at said times, be considered as returned to said times, to-wit: the second Mondays in April and October, and legally tried and acted on as though returned to said times to which the same is changed. Time of holding Court. Suits returnedhow considered. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866.

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(No. 97.) An Act to change the times of holding the Superior Courts of the county of Spalding, and for other purposes therein named. 22. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the Superior Courts of the county of Spalding shall be held on the first Mondays in February and August of each and every year. 1st Monday in Febru'y August. 23. Sec. II. That all persons subp[UNK]n[UNK]d or bound as suitors, witnesses, jurors, or in any capacity, under the laws of this State, to attend said Superior Courts at the times which, by the law now in force, it is holden, shall be bound under such subp[UNK]na, or other process known to the law, to attend said courts at the times prescribed in this act. Suitors, etc., bound to attend. 24. Sec. III. That the presiding Judge may hold said courts two weeks at each and every term, unless the business of the Courts shall be sooner disposed of, and jurors for two weeks shall be drawn and summoned in terms of the law. Judge may hold two weeks. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 10th December, 1866. III.INFERIOR COURTS. Sec. 25. May issue bonds for rebuilding courthouses and jails. 26. Advertisement and sale of bonds. Sec. 27. Amount of bonds. 28. Extra tax for payment of. 29. Inferior Court may fix jailor's fees. (No. 98.) An Act to enable the Justices of the Inferior Court of the several counties in the State of Georgia to raise a fund sufficient to build their court-houses and jails, where they have been destroyed by the Federal army, or from other causes, and for levying an extra tax to meet the payment of the same. Whereas, by reason of the destruction, by the Federal army, of several court-houses and jails in this State, and from other causes, they are now without court-houses or jails, which are greatly needed; and whereas , the several counties of this State are without means to rebuild the same; for means whereof to build the same Preamble. 25. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the Justices of the Inferior Court of any county in this State, where their court-house and jail, or either of them, have been destroyed by the Federal army, or from other means, may authorize the county treasurer to issue bonds of said county in such sums as may be deemed necessary, payable at a period from one to three years from the date thereof, bearing seven per cent. interest, payable annually. Justices may authorize Treasurer to issue bonds. When payable. 26. Sec. II. That said bonds may be sold at such rate as may be

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offered by the highest bidder, after advertising the same for thirty days in some newspaper published in said county; and where there is no newspaper so published, then such advertisement shall be made in the newspaper nearest thereto. Bonds how sold. 27. Sec. III. That the amount of bonds so issued shall not be more than sufficient to realize the amount which may be required to build the court-house and jail in said county. Amount of bonds to be issued. 28. Sec. IV. That the Justices of the Inferior Court of any of the counties in this State, where their court-house and jail, or either have been destroyed, as recited in the first section of this act, are authorized to levy an extra tax on the State tax each year a sufficient amount, in their judgment, as will meet the payment of the bonds, with interest thereon, which may be issued under the first section of this act. Justices may levy extra tax. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 29th November, 1866. (No. 99.) An Act to confer on the Justices of the Inferior Court of the several counties of this State the power to fix the fees of jailors for dieting prisoners. 29. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Justices of the Inferior Court of the several counties of this State shall have, and are hereby invested with power to fix the fees of jailors for dieting prisoners confined in jail, on any ground whatever. Jailor's fees. Approved 12th December, 1866. IV.COUNTY COURT. Section 30. Semi-annual and quarterly sessions. Jurisdiction at each. Extra sessions. 31. Juries. Transfer of cases. 32. Right of challenge. 33. Fines and forfeitures. Insolvent costs. Index of court contracts. Seal of court. Jail fees. 34. Bond of special bailiff. Powers and liabilities. 35. County Solicitor. Collecting officer. 36. Solicitor's oath of office. 37. Jury may be dispensed with. Appeals. Section 38. Monthly or special sessions. Rapeal. 39. County Judge of Chatham. Jury list by. 40. Compensation. 41. Time of County Court of Clay county. 42. Semi-annual sessions in Columbia county. 43. Semi-annual sessions in Spalding county. 44. Semi-annual sessions in Stewart county. 45. Semi-annual sessions in Schley county. (No. 100.) An Act to alter and amend an Act, approved March 17th , 1866, entitled an Act to organize a County Court, define its jurisdiction, and for other purposes. 30. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, there shall be two terms of the County Court, which shall

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be known as semi-annual sessions, which shall be held as now prescribed by law; and two additional terms, which shall be known as quarter sessions, which shall be held at times as near equidistant between the semi-annual sessions as practicable, said time to be fixed by the County Judge and advertised in one of the public gazettes, or at the most public place in the county, as soon as possible after the passage of this act. The said Court, at its semi-annual sessions, shall have the same jurisdiction as now prescribed in criminal cases, and in civil cases where the amount involved is over fifty dollars. The jurisdiction of the Court at the quarter sessions shall be confined to criminal cases, and to civil cases, without limit as to amount, arising out of the relation of master and servant, whether suits for wages, applications to enforce performance, or for other purposes; also, applications for the eviction of trespassers, intruders and tenants holding over, for the partition of personal property, for the trials of possessory warrants, or proceedings under distress warrants, and habeas corpus cases; the proceedings in such cases to be in conformity to existing laws and section twenty-four of the act of which this is amendatory. The Judge of said Court shall have power, whenever he shall deem it necessary for the delivery of the jail, or for the trial of the cases last specified, to call extra sessions; but, at such extra sessions, there shall be no jury trial in civil cases, unless demanded by one of the parties thereto, in which case the Judge shall cause a jury of five to be immediately summoned to try the same. In all other cases, the proceedings shall be the same in both semi-annual and quarter sessions, as now provided by law for the semi-annual sessions. Sessions. Jurisdiction. Power of Judge. 31. Sec. II. That the Judge of said Court shall draw juries for both semi-annual and quarter sessions, in the same manner as they are now drawn for the semi-annual sessions. The juries so drawn shall serve for the term next after being drawn, and at any called sessions which may be held previous to the next term; but the juries now drawn shall continue to serve as now required by law, until this law shall be carried into effect; and all civil cases now undisposed of in the monthly sessions, not embraced in the special cases referred to in the first section of this act, shall be transferred to the semi-annual sessions. Juries. Cases undisposed of. 32. Sec. III. That the defendant in criminal cases shall have the same right of challenge to the jury as practiced in the Superior Court in like cases. Right of challenge. 33. Sec. IV. That the following shall be substituted in lieu of section six of the act of which this is amendatory: That the County Judge, or his clerk, shall keep a strict account of all fines and forfeitures; out of which he shall pay himself and the officers of said Court, pro rata , all costs which have accrued in said Court, known as insolvent costs; the remainder, if any, after such payments, and all other moneys, except his costs, which come to his hands as County Judge, or to his clerk, in his official character, he shall pay over to the County Treasurer, and report receipts and disbursements

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to the grand jury of the Superior Court; and provided , that if the fines and forfeitures are not sufficient to pay said insolvent costs, the same shall be paid out of the county treasury, or such part thereof as may be inspected and approved by the grand jury of the county; and provided further , that no insolvent costs shall be allowed for more than two witnesses to the same material point. He shall also keep an index of all court contracts, and a list of all certificates and discharges granted by him, which shall be subject to the inspection of any one interested therein; and he shall likewise provide a seal for the said County Court, and shall inspect, revise and pass upon all jail fees arising under his jurisdiction, before the same are paid by the Inferior Court. The County Judge shall receive one dollar for each court contract which he may approve. Substitute. Proviso. 34. Sec. V. That the special bailiff of said Court shall give bond as now provided by law, for the faithful discharge of his duties, in the same manner as the sheriff of the county. He shall have all the power, in the execution of the duties of his office, as the sheriff, and be subject to the same pains and penalties. All orders and processes shall be directed to him, as well as the sheriff, and he shall have the same power to sell property under executions or orders issuing from said Court as the sheriff now has. Bailiff to give bond. 35. Sec. VI. That the County Solicitor shall be the collecting officer for said County Court. He shall collect all fines, forfeitures and bonds, and pay over the same to the County Judge, who shall disburse them according to the provisions of this act. Solicitor to be collecting officer. 36. Sec. VII. That the County Solicitor shall take his oath of office before the County Judge, or the Justices of the Inferior Court. Oath of office. 37. Sec. VIII. That the County Judge, at any time, may hear and determine the cases of all persons charged with crimes, upon accusations drawn up by the County Solicitor, without a jury; provided , the person or persons so accused shall, in open court, declare that he, or she, or they, waive an indictment or presentment by a grand jury, and arraignment and trial by a petit jury, which declaration shall be entered on the accusation, and also on the minutes of said County Court. Either party, in a civil case, may appeal from the judgment rendered at the quarter sessions, in like manner as appeals are now allowed from the semi-annual sessions. Judge may determine cases without juries. Proviso. Appeal. 38. Sec. IX. That all parts of said act of which this is amendatory, having relation to monthly or special sessions of said Court, except as herein provided, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Part of act repealed. Approved 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 101.) An Act to authorize the County Judge of Chatham county to take the list of persons subject to jury duty from the Receiver's Digest of taxes made in the year 1866; the City Registry, and to put such persons in the jury box who are subject to jury duty, and who are not on the Digest or City Registry, to throw out the present jury tickets, and to make new ones and place them in the box, and for other purposes. 39. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the County Judge in and for the county of Chatham do, on the first Monday in January, 1867, and every two years thereafter, make out a list of persons from the Receiver's Digest, the City Registry, and such persons who are not on the Digest or City Registry, and who are subject to jury duty, and place their names in the jury box. Judge to make out list to be placed in Jury box. 40. Sec. II. That the Judge shall receive the same compensation for his services as is allowed to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham county, and paid in the same manner for like services. Compensation. How paid. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 102.) An Act to change the time of holding the County Court of Clay county. 41. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the County Court of Clay county shall be held on the third Monday in each month, in lieu of the second, as it now stands. Time of holding Co. Court. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 103.) An Act to alter and change the time of holding the semi-annual sessions of the County Court of Columbia county. 42. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the semi-annual sessions of the County Court of Columbia shall be held on the fourth Mondays of January and June. Time of holding in Columbia county. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. (No. 104.) An Act to change the times of holding the semi-annual terms of the County Court of Spalding county, and for other purposes. 43. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the semi-annual terms of the County Court of Spalding county be held on the third Mondays in April and October. Times of holding semi-annual terms.

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Sec. II. That all jurors, witnesses, suitors, and others, summoned to attend the spring term of said County Court, shall, upon the passage of this act, attend the next April term of said court. Jurors, etc., to attendwhen. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 105.) An Act to alter the time of holding the County Courts in the counties of Stewart and Schley. 44. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the semi-annual session of the County Court of Stewart county shall commence its session on the second Monday in January instead of the third, and on the second Monday in July instead of the third Monday, as now required by law. Time of holding Court. 45. Sec. II. That the semi-annual session of the County Court of Schley county be changed from the fourth Monday in August to the fourth Monday in July. Time of holding Court in Schley. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 10th December, 1866. V.COURTS OF ORDINARY. Section 46. Time of holding Court of Ordinary in Terrell county. (No. 106.) An Act to change the time of holding the Court of Ordinary in the county of Terrell. 46. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the time of holding the Court of Ordinary in the county of Terrell shall be on the third Monday in each month, instead of the second Monday, as now required by law. Time of holding in Terrell. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 20th December, 1866.

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VI.CITY COURTS. Sec. 47. City Court of Savannahjurisdiction in civil cases. 48. Cases of tenants holding over. 49. Monthly sessions for criminal cases. Sec. 50. Salary of Judge. 51. Bailiffsappointment of. 52. City Sheriff and deputies. 53. Pay of Sheriff, Deputies and Bailiffs. (No. 107.) An Act to amend the several acts in relation to the City Court of Savannah. 47. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the City Court of Savannah shall have cognizance of civil cases, not involving title to real estate, where the damages or cause of action shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars, exclusive of interest, and shall be above the jurisdiction of a Justice Court, and cases of tort, where the damages claimed shall not exceed one thousand dollars. Jurisdiction. 48. Sec. II. That the said City Court of Savannah shall have cognizance of all cases for the possession of lands and tenements within the corporate limits of the city of Savannah, arising under the laws now of force for the dispossession of tenants, without regard to the amount of rent that may be due; and the officer executing such dispossessory warrant, when affidavit is filed and bond given, as now allowed by law, shall return the proceedings to the next City Court of Savannah, unless the same shall be held within ten days: in that case they shall return the proceedings to the next term thereafter. City Court of Savan'h. When officer to return proceedings. 49. Sec. III. That the Judge of said court be, and he is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to hold monthly sessions, for the trial of criminal cases, and to draw grand and petit jurors for said monthly sessions, either in term time or vacation. Monthly sessions. 50. Sec. IV. That the salary of said Judge shall be two thousand dollars, which shall be paid out of the city treasury. Salary. 51. Sec. V. That the Judge of said court be, and he is hereby authorized, to appoint three bailiffs as officers of his court, and in cases of necessity, to appoint additional bailiffs, in his discretion. Bailiffs. 52. Sec. VI. That the sheriff of said court be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint one or more deputies, at his discretion, and that he shall have the same authority to execute criminal warrants as is now vested in the sheriff of the county of Chatham. Deputy sheriffs. 53. Sec. VII. That the sheriff of said court shall receive the sum of three dollars per day for his attendance during each session of said court, and that the deputy sheriff and the bailiffs appointed under the provisions of this act, shall receive two dollars per day for their attendance during each session of said court. Compensation. 54. Sec. VIII. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. Act to take effect. Sec. IX. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 20th December, 1866.

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TITLE X. EDUCATION. Sec. 1. Governor to appoint a Superintendent of Public Education. 2. His duties as to Reports and Accounts; Estimates; Plans, etc.; Visit the several counties; Require Returns, etc.; Deliver Public Lectures; Issue Circular Letter annually, and recommend School Books, etc. 3. Scholars entitled to instruction. 4. Commissioner for each county; School districts. 5. Election of Trustees. 6. Certified copy transmitted to Commissioner. 7. Location of Schools; employment of teachers, etc. 8. Trustees to make semi-annual reports. 9. School may be kept alternately at different places. 10. Term of office of trustees. 11. Commissioner to consolidate and transmit trustees' returns. 12. Compensation and oath of Commissioner. 13. Trustees to contract with teacher; teacher to make report. 14. Payments by treasurer. 15. Trustees to report in thirty days to Commissioner; penalty for failure. 16. Trustees may be incorporated. 17. Trustees to procure site for school and school house. Sec. 18. Trustees not to receive or disburse school funds. 19. Trustees and Commissioner to visit schools; may unite with others. 20. May make necessary regulations. 21. County treasurer to be treasurer of school fund; accounts of; reports; compensation. 22. Defaulting treasurer. 23. Commissioner or treasurer failing to perform duties. 24. Committee of Examination; appointment of; duties. 25. Teacher must have certificate from. 26. Vacancies of Superintendent, Commissioners or Trustees. 27. Comptroller General to determine fund for each county; how drawn. 28. County treasurer to distribute fund. 29. Inferior Court to levy extra tax for district schools. 30. Book Board; how constituted; to select school books. 31. What may be taught in the Georgia schools. 32. Governor to apply for and sell public lands; invest proceeds; disburse interest for support of college of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts; provide rules and regulations for college. 33. Two thousand dollars appropriated. (No. 108.) An Act to provide for Education, and to establish a general system of Georgia Schools. 1. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That from and after the passage of this act there shall be appointed by the Governor a Superintendent of Public Education and Georgia Schools, who shall have a salary of fifteen hundred dollars and his traveling, printing and postage expenses paid, and hold his office for two years. Superintendent of Public Schools. Salary. HIS DUTY. 2. Sec. II. That it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Education and Georgia Schools to consolidate the returns of the commissioners of the several counties or school districts, as hereinafter provided, and report the same to each regular session of the General Assembly; and also to submit therewith the accounts of the expenditure of the school fund, and of the fund for education of teachers, and estimates for the two succeeding years, and plans for management and improvement and better organization of the Georgia

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schools; and all such matters pertaining to his office as he shall deem expedient, or such as shall be required by either branch of the General Assembly, which reports shall be filed in the Comptroller's office; that said Superintendent shall, from time to time, visit the several counties, as far as possible disseminate information generally as to the objects of this act, and the importance of general education; and generally superintend the operations of this system of Georgia schools, and see that the laws in relation thereto are enforced. He shall call on the County Commissioners who fail to make returns to him according to the provisions of this act; shall see, as far as possible, that the moneys to be used for the purposes of education are not misapplied, and that the proper actions provided by law are brought against all the officers and agents of the system who are liable to the same. And the Superintendent, at such places as he may deem proper, and as often as possible, shall deliver public lectures on the subject of education and this system, and the school books, and endeavor to enlist the minds and hearts of our people in this cause. He shall annually issue to each commissioner a circular letter of instruction and suggestions as to the qualifications of teachers, and, until a system or series of books are obtained, a recommendation of such as are proper to be used, and such printed forms with blanks upon which the commissioner and the trustees shall make their returns. Reports to be filed. Shall deliver lectures. WHO MAY BE THE SCHOLARS. 3. Sec. III. That any free white inhabitant, being a citizen of the United States and of this State, and residing within the limits of any county or school district organized under this act, between the ages of six and twenty-one years, and any disabled and indigent soldier of this State, under thirty years of age, shall be entitled to instruction in the Georgia school of said county or district without charge for tuition or incidental expenses. Age of scholars. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 4. Sec. IV. That there shall be in each county of this State a Commissioner of Georgia Schools appointed by the grand jury at the first term of the Superior Court after the passage of this act, who shall at once proceed to lay off such county into school districts, having twenty-five beneficiaries of this act and due regard to the convenience of the citizens thereof. And it shall be lawful for said commissioner to alter the boundary of the several school districts from time to time at the request and to suit the convenience of the citizens, and to accommodate the school districts to the fluctuation of the population, due regard being always had to keeping in each district, as near as may be, twenty-five white inhabitants between the ages of six and twenty-one years. Duty of. Power of.

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COMMISSIONER. 5. Sec. V. That when said districts are laid off, the commissioner shall give public notice of the same, with their several metes and bounds, at the court-house of the county, and at one or more of the most public places in the several school districts. That it shall be the duty of the commissioner to cause elections to be held in each school district for three trustees of the Georgia school in that district, who shall hold their office for two years, or until their successors are elected, and such election shall be held at the most public place at or near the centre of the several districts designated by the commissioner. That the commissioner shall give at least ten days notice of said election at one or more public places in the district, and the qualified voters for members of the General Assembly residing within the district shall be entitled to vote in said election. Election of trustees. 6. Sec. VI. That said election shall be held under the same regulations as are now provided by law for the election of members of the General Assembly; and the managers of said elections shall transmit a certified copy of the same to the commissioner of Georgia Schools, who shall file it in his office. Electionhow held. 7. Sec. VII. That the trustees of each district shall have power and authority to select the places where the Georgia school or schools of said districts shall be located, having due regard to its central position and the convenience of a majority of the inhabitants of scholastic age. They shall have power and authority to employ and dismiss teachers, to expel pupils for immoral or disorderly conduct, to prescribe the course of study and the books to be used, in the absence of instructions from the Superintendent of Public Education, and to visit the schools as often as they may deem necessary, to observe their condition and progress. Power of trustees. 8. Sec. VIII. That it shall be the duty of the said trustees to make a semi-annual report, showing the name, age and sex of every pupil, for what length of time each has received instruction, and in what branch of learning, together with a detailed account, verified by the oath of one of them, of their receipts and expenditures, to the commissioner of Georgia schools; who, thereupon, shall be authorized to draw his order upon the treasurer in favor of said trustees, for their distributive share of the Georgia school fund. Duty of trustees. 9. Sec. IX. That in thinly settled school districts the trustees shall have power and authority to cause the school to be kept alternately in two or more places in such districts, and for such a length of time as they may deem just and equitable to the citizens, and so as to extend the benefits of education to all the inhabitants of scholastic age. School kept in two or more places. 10. Sec. X. That the trustees shall hold their offices until the first Monday in October of the year succeeding their election, at which time, and in each and every second year thereafter, an election for three trustees to succeed them shall be held at the district school house, under the same rules and regulations as is established in the foregoing section. Terms of office. Number of trustees.

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11. Sec. XI. That it shall be the duty of the commissioner to consolidate the semi-annual returns of the trustees, and to transmit the same, together with a true account of the receipts and disbursements of the school fund in his county, by the first day of October in every year, to the Superintendent of Public Education and Georgia Schools. Commiss'r to consolidate and transmit returns. 12. Sec. XII. That the salary of the commissioner shall be one dollar per day for every day of service actually performed, for which he shall draw an order on the treasurer, and to which order he shall attach a verified account of the number of days' service; and when presented, the treasurer shall pay the same, taking a receipt therefor. And before entering upon the duties of his office, the commissioner shall take and subscribe an oath before the county judge or ordinary, faithfully and without partiality, to discharge the duties of his office, and said oath shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court. Salary of Commiss'r. Oath. 13. Sec. XIII. That the trustees shall contract with a suitable teacher for their district for such time as the funds of the district will allow, and at the end of the term of his or her employment, he or she shall render to the trustees the number and names of the scholars who have gone to his or her school, specifying the number of days each scholar attended, and the studies taught; and on his rendering such statement, the trustees shall pay him or her by giving an order on the treasurer; and no trustee shall be a teacher. Trustees to contract with teachers. No trustee can be a teacher. 14. Sec. XIV. That the Treasurer shall in no case pay a draft in favor of any teacher, unless it be accompanied by a report of the trustees, stating the name of the teacher in the district, the length of time for which the school may have been kept, during the current year, and the several branches taught. Draft upon Tresurer. 15. Sec. XV. That the said trustees shall, in thirty days after their term of office commences, report in writing to the commissioner of their county, the number and names of the scholars in their district; and on failure so to do, without good cause shown to the commissioner, they shall forfeit each the sum of five dollars, to be recovered by warrant before any Justice of the Peace, in the name of said commissioner, to be appropriated to the use of the school district in which such failure may occur. Trustees to make report. Penalty for failure to do so. 16. Sec. XVI. That the three trustees in each school district may be incorporated by the Superior Court in each county, under the name of Georgia School Trustees of..... District, in the county of.....; and in that name shall be capable of purchasing and holding real and personal estate, and of selling and transferring the same for school purposes; and prosecuting and defending all suits for and against the corporation. Sup'r Court may incorporate trustees. Powers. 17. Sec. XVII. That the trustees shall designate and purchase, lease, or receive by donation, a suitable site for a school house, as near the central part of the district as may be convenient, and shall rent, purchase, build, or receive by donation, a school house of such form and dimensions as they may deem suitable. Site for school house.

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18. Sec. XVIII. That the trustees shall receive into their hands none of the funds set apart for Georgia schools. When they incur any expense in the purchase of land for the erection of a school house, or other necessary purpose, they shall state an account of the expense, and draw on the treasurer for the same; which account shall accompany the draft, and shall be paid by the treasurer; provided , that the school district shall have in his hands a sum sufficient to pay the same. Trustees' expensehow paid. Proviso. 19. Sec. XIX. That the commissioner and trustees, together or separately, shall visit the schools from time to time, and generally perform all such duties as they may deem necessary to the successful operation of the schools. And they may unite with individuals, or the trustees of other districts, for the purpose of raising a sum sufficient to carry on their schools for the longest time. Commiss'r trustees to visit school. 20. Sec. XX. That the county commissioner, with the trustees of any district in his county, may make such other regulations relating to their schools, not inconsistent with this act and the laws of the State, as they may deem necessary to their usefulness. Power ofto make regulations 21. Sec. XXI. That the county treasurer of his county shall be the treasurer of the Georgia school fund, and shall keep a just and true account of all moneys received and expended by him during the term of his service, showing when and of whom received, and for what and to whom paid, and the balance remaining on hand; and shall lay the same before the grand jury of the Superior Court of his county once in each year, together with all his vouchers, which account the grand jury shall carefully examine, and if found correct, the foreman shall so certify; and he shall annually, on or before the first Monday of October, report in writing to the Superintendent of Georgia Schools for the State of Georgia, a copy of the above account, together with the number of scholars in his county; the number who have been taught in the schools of his county the preceding year; for what time the schools have been kept up in the several districts; the names of the committee of examination; the number of certificates issued by the committee of examination during the year, designating in separate columns the number of female teachers, and male teachers, and whether maimed soldiers, with such other facts as he may deem useful; a copy of which he shall spread at large upon his book of records, and for his services shall receive fifty dollars; and he shall not, while holding this office, be commissioner, trustee or teacher. Treasurer. Shall report annually. 22. Sec. XXII. That when the treasurer shall make settlements of these accounts, any balances over shall be carried to the credit of the district or fund to which they may belong; and if any moneys in his hands, whether reported or not, be improperly detained or used, his successor, or the trustees of the district, or representative of such balances, may at any time, and in any court having jurisdiction, recover the same with twenty per cent. interest, at the first term of the court having such jurisdiction, in a summary manner, against the defaulter and his sureties. Balanceswhat to be done, with. Defaulters.

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23. Sec. XXIII. That if any person having accepted the appointment of commissioner or treasurer, shall refuse or neglect to perform the duties required of him by this act, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, to be applied as other school moneys; and in the case of commissioner or treasurer, the County Solicitor shall prosecute suits for the recovery thereof. Penalty for neglect of duties. 24. Sec. XXIV. That the commissioner shall appoint annually, a committee of examination, consisting of three persons, who shall examine into the qualifications, both mental and moral, of all such as may apply for employment as teachers; preference being given, when pualifications are equal, to our maimed soldiers, their wives, widows and daughters; and said committee shall meet whenever required, upon five days' notice from the trustees. Committee of examination. 25. Sec. XXV. That no person shall be employed as a teacher unless he or she obtain from a majority of said committee of examination, a certificate of his or her good moral character, and of sufficient mental qualifications; and no certificate shall be good for a longer term than one year from the date thereof. Requisite for employment as teacher. VACANCY IN TRUSTEES, c. 26. Sec. XXVI. That when a vacancy shall occur in the office of superintendent, from any cause, the Governor shall appoint one, who shall hold the office until the next regular time for appointment, and no longer. When a vacancy shall, from any cause, occur in the office of commissioner, it shall be the duty of the Inferior Court to appoint a successor, and notify him of his appointment, and the clerk of the Inferior Court shall notify the superintendent of the State and the State Treasurer thereof. That when a vacancy from any cause, shall occur in the board of trustees, the remaining one or two trustees, with the county commissioner, shall appoint from that district another, and they shall give notice thereof, posting the name of the appointee at one or more public places in the district. Vacancies-how filled. 27. Sec. XXVII. That the State Comptroller General shall, from the information contained in the annual report of the superintendent, determine the amount due each county out of the funds in the Treasury, appropriated to the Georgia schools, and he shall notify the commissioner in each county, and said commissioner shall thereupon draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of the county treasurer; and when the State Treasurer shall pay such warrant, the receipt upon it of the county treasurer, shall make it a sufficient voucher. Comp. Gen. to determine sum due each county. 28. Sec. XXVIII. That the county treasurer for Georgia schools shall keep an account of the number in each district of scholastic age, (to be obtained from the commissioner,) and divide and distribute pro rata all the school funds in his hands. He shall keep separate the account of each district; and it shall be his duty once in every year, after his annual exhibit to the grand jury, and the reception of funds from the State Treasury, county taxes, or other sources,

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to notify the trustees in each district of the county, the amount in his hands to their credit, for the ensuing year; and he shall post a copy of the same in one public place near the court house immediately after giving such notice. County Treasurer to distribute pro rata, school funds. 29. Sec. XXIX. That the Inferior Court, at the first annual session of each year, in each county of this State, shall levy such a rate per cent., not to exceed one hundred, on the State tax, as will, when added to the amount received from the State Treasury, be sufficient to pay all the expenses of the district schools in the county; and the tax collector shall collect that assessment and pay the same over to the county treasurer of the school fund and take his receipt for the same; and the tax collector shall deposit that receipt in the office of the Comptroller General. Inf'r Court to levy tax to pay expense. BOOK BOARD. 30. Sec. XXX. That the Governor shall select four persons, citizens of this State, who, with the superintendent, as chairman, shall constitute a book board; that board, under such rules and regulations as they may see fit to observe, shall, from the publications now in use, select a system or series of school books, beginning in the primary elements of learning and reaching to such as shall prepare scholars for the colleges and universities of this State; and when the said series shall be selected and published, they shall be the text books used and taught in all the district schools provided for by this act; and the said books shall bear an uniform price, and be, by the direction of the superintendent, annually furnished to the commissioners, as the demands of the schools may require. The person appointed by the Governor under this section shall hold the appointment for two years. Number of. Board to select series of school books. Series shall be text books. Term of office. 31. Sec. XXXI. That any branch of education may be taught in the Georgia schools; provided , this act shall have no force nor effect until after the 1st January, 1868. Anybranch may be taught. Proviso. Sec. XXXII. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 109.) An Act to provide a college for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts in the State of Georgia, under Acts of Congress, approved respectively 2d July , 1862, and 14th April , 1864. 32. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That his Excellency, the Governor of this State, be, and he is hereby authorized and requested, in such manner as he may deem best, to apply for, receive and sell the lands and land scrip to which the State of Georgia is entitled, under an act of Congress entitled An Act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, approved 2d July, 1862 by virtue of an acceptance thereof, as signified in an act of this State,

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approved 10th March, 1866, to invest in like manner as he may deem best, the proceeds of said sale or sales, in the bonds of this State, and disburse the interest of said investment for the support and maintenance of a college, such as contemplated by said act of Congress; to provide rules and regulations for the organization, governance and operation of said college, until the next ensuing session of the General Assembly of this State; and to do and perform all other such acts as may be necessary and proper to secure to the State of Georgia the full benefits contemplated by said act of Congress, so far as the same may be found practicable. Governor authorized to apply for lands for agricultural purposes. Invest proceeds. Disburse interest. Provide rules. 33. Sec. II. That, to carry into effect the provisions of this act, there be, and is hereby appropriated the sum of two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars, payable on the warrant of his Excellency, the Governor; and that this act be in force from and immediately after its passage. $2,000 appropriated to carry out provisions of this act. Approved 12th December, 1866. TITLE XI. EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, Etc. Sec. 1. Executers and administrators must advertise terms of sale. 2. Twelve months' support of widow and children to be allowed. 3. Non-resident heirs at law may act as executors or administrators. 4. Must give resident citizens as securities on bond. Sec. 5. Deceased vendee having paid purchase money for land. 6. Administrators, etc., may compromise claims against insolvent debtors. Proviso. 7. Administrators, etc., may compromise doubtful debts. 8. Oath to be made. Proviso. (No. 110.) An Act to require executors and administrators to advertise the terms of their sales. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That, hereafter, executors and administrators, in advertising their sales, shall state in such advertisement the terms of sale. Executors, etc., required to advertise terms of sale. Approved 10th December, 1866.

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(No. 111.) An Act to define and regulate the laws governing the twelve months allowance for the support of widows and children . Whereas, There are many cases where no administration has been had from the fact that the death of the husband was unknown. Preamble. 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That in all cases where administration has heretofore been had, and twelve months allowance not set apart, that the same shall be allowed; and in all cases where administration shall hereafter be had, the widow and children shall be allowed the twelve months' support from the date of administration upon said estate. Allowance from date of administration. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 112.) An Act allowing executors and administrators of other States and Territories of the United States to qualify and act as such executors and administrators in this State, in certain cases. 3. Section. I. Be it enacted , That whenever a citizen of any other State, or of any other Territory of the United States, shall be heir at law of equal, greater, or sole interest of any estate of a deceased citizen of the State of Georgia, it shall be lawful for such citizen first mentioned to be nominated and to act as the executor, or co-executor of wills of testators of such estate aforesaid, or as administrator of such estate aforesaid, upon complying with the terms now required by law of resident citizens. When citizen of other State is heir at law he may be executor. 4. Sec. II. That, before any person shall be allowed to qualify as executor or administrator under the provisions of the first section of the above recited act, he, she, or they shall be required to give bond and good security in a sum equal to double the amount of such estate, payable to the Ordinary of the county before whom he, she, or they may qualify in this State, and which securities shall be resident citizens of this State, and liable to be sued and proceeded against in the first instance, for any default, liability or mismanagement on the part of such non-resident executor or administrator, without joining such executor or administrator in said suit. Required to give bond and security. Securities to be resident citizens. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 12th, 1866. (No. 113.) An Act to authorize Administrators to perfect titles in certain cases. 5. Section I. Be it enacted , That section 2510 of the Code of Georgia shall be amended so as to read: If the vendee dies, having

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possession of a bond for titles, or having paid the purchase money for land, the ordinary of the county, said act to proceed and read to the end of said section as it now does. Sec. 2510 amended. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 114.) An Act to authorize Guardians and others to compromise claims under certain circumstances . 6. Section I. Be it enacted , That guardians, administrators, and others holding trust estates, are authorized to compromise claims in favor of their wards, or those whom they may represent, where their debtors deliver bona fide all their property for the use of creditors, except such as is or may be exempt from levy and sale in cases of insolvent debtors: Provided , the ordinary, after an examination of the facts, shall first make an order directing such compromise. Guardians, etc., to compromise claims. Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 4th December, 1866. (No. 115.) An Act to authorize Guardians, Administrators, Executors, and all other persons acting in a fiduciary capacity, to compromise all doubtful debts, where the best interest of the parties thus represented will thereby be promoted. 7. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That guardians, administrators, executors, and all other persons acting in a fiduciary capacity, be, and they are hereby authorized, to compromise all doubtful debts belonging to such estates, where such settlement will advance the interest of those represented. Authority to compromise. 8. Sec. II. That it shall be the duty of all persons acting under the provisions of this act, on making their returns, to make oath that the settlements thus made were in good faith and to the best interest of the parties thus represented: Provided , the ordinary first make an order directing such compromise. Oath required. Approved 15th December, 1866.

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TITLE XII. FEES. Sec. 1. Fees of Justices of Peace for criminal warrants on Courts of Inquiry. Sec. 2. Act repealed regulating fees for Chatham county of Solicitor General. (No. 116.) An Act to regulate the fees of Justices of the Peace in certain cases therein specified . 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the Justices of the Peace in this State shall be entitled to one dollar and twenty-five cents for each criminal warrant issued by them; and in all cases where they preside on a court of inquiry, one dollar and twenty-five cents for each case. Fees of Justics of the Peace. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 117.) An Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act to point out the mode of paying the fees of the Solicitor General of the Eastern Judicial District of Georgia, in Chatham county, in certain cases, and for other purposes therein enumerated . 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the act assented to December 17th, 1857, entitled an act to point out the mode of paying the fees of the Solicitor General of the Eastern Judicial District of Georgia, in Chatham county, in certain cases, and for other purposes therein enumerated, be and the same are hereby repealed. Act repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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TITLE XIII. INCORPORATIONS, Etc. Sec. 1. Memorial Association of Resaca incorporated. 2. Titles to grounds confirmed. 3. Grounds, use of. 4. Officers and by-laws. Sec. 5. To have perpetual succession. 6. Agricultural and Manufacturing Convention. 7. Agency for sale or lottery of real estate. 8. Compensation of agents, (No. 118.) An Act to incorporate the Memorial Association of Resaca, and to confirm the titles to land . Whereas, the ladies of Resaca, Georgia, have formed themselves into a Memorial Association for the purpose of receiving, by gift or purchase, a parcel of land for the purpose of a cemetery to bury our brave dead, who fell on the battle-field of Resaca; and whereas , said Association has procured a parcel of land in Gordon county, and has enclosed the same, and decently interred those hundred and seventy-six of our dead who fell in the battle of Resaca. To the end, therefore, that the cemetery aforesaid, and the titles thereto shall be permanent, and that said cemetery shall be used alone for the purposes for which it was intended, Preamble. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Miss Mary J. Green, Miss L. Green, Mrs. John Hill and Mrs. S. W. Bachman, their associates and successors, be, and they are hereby constituted a body corporate, to be known and styled the Memorial Association of Resaca, at Resaca, Gordon county. Corporators. Style. 2. Sec. II. That the titles heretofore made to said Association to the cemetery grounds, be confirmed to said corporation. Titles. 3. Sec. III. That said grounds shall never be used as a neighborhood burial ground, but alone for the burial ground of our dead soldiers. For soldiers alone. 4. Sec. IV. That said corporation may pass by-laws for their own government and succession, and may have such officers as may be necessary to carry out and perpetuate said corporation, solely for the purpose of keeping said cemetery grounds neatly enclosed, and the graves decorated and ornamented, as their good tastes and kind hearts may suggest. By-laws. Officers. 5. Sec. V. That said corporation shall have perpetual succession, and never be used for any other purpose than the one herein set forth. Perpetual succession. Approved 12th December, 1866.

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(No. 119.) An Act to amend the charter of the Planters' Convention of the State of Georgia, so far as to change the name thereof. 6. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the act incorporating the Planters' Convention of the State of Georgia, assented to December 11th, 1858, be amended by changing the name of said incorporation from the Planters' Convention of the State of Georgia to that of the Agricultural and Manufacturing Convention of the State of Georgia. Act of Dec. 1858 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 12th December, 1866. (No. 120.) An Act to facilitate the sale of real estate in Georgia, and to encourage immigration thereto. Whereas, under the devastation caused by our late conflict of arms, and the emancipation of our slaves, the majority of our people are left in destitute circumstances, and in most cases having only their real estate left them; and being desirous of disposing of all, or a portion thereof, on the most advantageous terms, and from the poverty of our people unable to find purchasers at home, and being desirous of having the privilege and benefit of legally seeking buyers abroad, at a fair valuation for said estate, therefore Preamble. 7. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That William Schley, Robert Schley, and James Gardner, of the county of Richmond, and State of Georgia, shall have the right and authority to establish, in the city of Augusta, and State aforesaid, a commission house or land agency, for the sale or disposal of real estate by lottery or otherwise, under the following regulations and restrictions, to-wit: Authority to sell real estate by lottery. 1ST. Any person desiring to sell or dispose of his, her or their real estate through the said land agency, by lottery or otherwise, shall, before doing so, fully describe the same, as to the number of acres, (and if a city lot, the number of feet,) its boundaries, character of the improvements, and county in which located, so it can be fully identified. To be fully described. 2D. Shall then place a fair valuation thereon, which valuation shall be certified to by two disinterested citizens of the county or neighborhood in which the land is located, and when these pre-requisites are complied with, and the property offered for sale or lottery by the said land agency, the party or parties having the control of said land and improvements shall bind themselves in a good and sufficient bond to said land agents, or their successors, to make a valid title thereto to whoever may be the drawer or purchaser thereof; but no obligations to make titles given to said parties shall be of any force or effect for a longer period than six months, unless the valuation

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affixed to the property shall be tendered within the said term of six months from the date of such bond, whenever the said land agents or their successors shall tender to the owner or controller thereof (in currency) the valuation agreed upon for said property. Owner's valuation, how certified to. Bond. 8. Sec. II. That said William Schley, Robert Schley, and James Gardner, or their successors, shall have the right to add to the certified valuation of said property a reasonable per centage to cover commissions, advertising and other incidental expenses necessary to the disposal of the same; but, in all events, the party owning the property to receive the net valuation thereof. Corporators' right. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 3d December, 1866. TITLE XIV. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. I. Banks. II. Building and Loan Associations. III. Insurance Companies. IV. Manufacturing Companies. V. Mining Companies. VI. Mining and Manufacturing Companies VII. Railroad Companies. VIII. Telegraph Companies. I.BANKS. Act No. 121Atlanta Depository. 122People's Savings Bank of Dalton. 123Planters' Loan and Banking Association. 124Savings Bank of Augusta. 125Savings Bank of Forsyth. 126Savings Bank of Lumpkin. (No. 121.) An Act to incorporate the Atlanta Depository. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Robert J. Gaines, V. M. Hodgsden and John Baxter, R. F. Meaddox and Campbell Wallace, their associates, successors and assigns shall be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the Atlanta Depository, and by that name shall have succession and continue in existence for the period of thirty years; and as such they may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a common seal, and alter and change it at pleasure, and have and possess all the power, rights, privileges and immunities incident to corporations, and necessary and proper to carry on the business and effect the

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objects contemplated by this act; that said corporation may carry on the business of banking in the city of Atlanta, deal in gold and silver coin, or bullion, public and private securities, in State, national or corporation bonds or stocks, buy, sell and negotiate other commercial paper, buy and sell exchange, current and uncurrent money, or currency, borrow and loan money, discount notes, and receive and keep deposits on such terms as may be agreed on by the parties, not exceeding the legal rate of interest, and purchase and hold such real estate as may be necessary or convenient to its business, and such as may be acquired in the collection of its debts; provided , said corporation shall not charge, by way of discount, a higher rate of interest than that allowed by law; and provided, also , that said corporation shall not pay out, for circulation, currency which may be forbidden by law to circulate within this State; and provided further , that said corporation shall in no event issue bills to circulate as money. Corporators. Name. Duration. Powers. Proviso. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said corporation shall not be less than one hundred thousand dollars, nor more than one million of dollars, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, and to be subscribed and paid as said corporation may, by its by-laws, or otherwise order and direct; and in all meetings of the stockholders, a majority of stock represented in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, each stockholder having one vote for each share of stock; and the capital stock so subscribed and paid is hereby declared to be personal property, and the same shall be transferable on the books of the corporation, in person or by attorney, as the by-laws may prescribe. Capital. Shares. Quorum. Votes. Sec. III. That for and in consideration of this franchise, said corporation shall pay an annual tax of one-half of one per cent. on the capital stock subscribed and paid in, in lieu of all other taxes, and for the violation of the provisions hereof, the same may be declared null and void by the judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, obtained in due course of law; provided , that no judgment of forfeiture shall operate so as to divest said corporation of its property, or prevent it from collecting its debts and closing up its unsettled business. Taxation. In case of violation. Proviso. Sec. IV. That all the private property, both real and personal, of each respective stockholder, shall be held liable to the amount of his, her, or their subscribed stock yet unpaid; provided , that notwithstanding the dissolution, extinction, expiration by lapse of time, or non-user of the charter, or the cessation of said corporation to transact business, that the corporate property of said corporation shall at all times be bound and liable for the payment of the corporate debts or contracts of said corporation. Liabilities. Sec. V. That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Assented to 28th December, 1866.

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(No. 122.) An Act to incorporate the People's Savings Bank of Dalton. Whereas, There is a large class of persons of small means and earnings, who, from their want of experience, are unable to invest and accumulate money; and whereas , it is advisable to encourage economical and prudent habits in all classes, but especially in the one above referred to. Preamble. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That William K. Moore, W. H. Tibbs, J. F. B. Jackson, J. E. Shumate and John H. King, and their associates and successors, be constituted a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of the People's Savings Bank of Dalton, to receive deposits on interest, and to loan the same, and by this name and style are hereby invested with the following powers, privileges, and made subject to the following restrictions: Corporators. Style. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said institution shall be thirty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to any sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, and the said capital stock shall be a fund pledged for the security of deposits, and for the payment of all other liabilities of the said institution. Capital. Sec. III. That there shall be not less than five stockholders, and no stockholder shall own more than one-third of the capital stock of the institution. Number of stockh'ld's. Sec. IV. That the stockholders of the institution shall have power to make all necessary rules and by-laws consistent with the laws of the State, for the management of its affairs, to do all things needful for its safe and successful management, and to issue and circulate certificates of deposit; said certificates to be issued either with or without interest, but, if bearing interest, at a rate not exceeding seven per cent. per annum, as may be agreed on. Powers. Sec. V. That this institution hereby incorporated, shall be organized by the corporators named herein, or a majority of them, and shall go into operation as soon as twenty thousand dollars of the capital stock is paid in, and not before; provided , no certificate of deposit shall be issued for a smaller denomination than one dollar, and the issue of said certificates shall not exceed three dollars for each dollar of capital stock paid in; provided further , that the property of the stockholders shall be liable for double the amount of stock owned by each, for the ultimate redemption of the certificates authorized to be issued by this act. Go into operationwhen. Proviso. Proviso. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 123.) An Act to amend an Act incorporating the Planters' Loan and Banking Association, approved the 27 th of March , 1866. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the above stated act be and is hereby amended as follows, to-wit: Amendment.

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That George T. Jackson, Wm. H. Goodrich, William S. Roberts, James A. Gray, Drewry W. Rogers, Cicero Gibson and Thomas H. Roberts be, and they are hereby added to the list of said incorporators, with all the powers and privileges conferred on said original incorporators, and that a majority of said incorporators be and they are hereby authorized to exercise all the powers and privileges conferred in said act. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 13th, 1866. (No. 124.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Savings Bank of Augusta, approved 21 st March , 1866. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That section second of the above recited act be so amended that it shall read: Section 2d amended. The capital shall be thirty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to any amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars. This capital shall be a fund pledged for the security of deposits. Capital to be pledged. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 125.) An Act to incorporate the Savings Bank of Forsyth. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Andrew Dunn, of Fulton county, George M. Rhodes, William L. Lumpkin, Daniel G. Proctor, James M. Thomas, James M. Ponder and Frederick Ellsworth, of Monroe county, Georgia, and their associates and successors be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic to receive deposits of money, and to loan and invest the same under the name of the Savings Bank of Forsyth, and by this name are invested with the following powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the following restrictions: Corporators. Name. Privileges. Sec. II. That the capital shall be thirty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to any amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. This capital shall be a fund pledged for the security of depositors. Capital. Sec. III. That each share of the stock shall be one hundred dollars. There shall not be less than twelve stockholders, and they shall vote at all their meetings in proportion to the number of their shares, each share being entitled to one vote. Shares. Number of stockh'ld's. Votes. Sec. IV. That the stockholders shall have power to make rules, regulations and by-laws for the management and direction of its affairs, in accordance with the laws of this State, through their properly constituted officers. They shall have power and authority to

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do everything necessary and proper for the safe and successful management of the bank. Powers. Sec. V. That this institution may go into operation as soon as the capital stock shall be paid in, and not before, and the corporate powers hereby conferred shall continue for the term of thirty years. May go into operation, when. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 126.) An Act to incorporate the Savings Bank of Lumpkin. Whereas, There is a certain class of persons of small means and earnings who, from want of experience, are incapable of making prudent investments. Preamble. And whereas , it is to the interest of both individuals and the community to encourage economical and prudent habits in all classes, especially in the one above referred to: Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That D. P. Hurley, John R. Rockwell, B. Miller, P. R. Barnum, James Wimberly, and their associates and successors, be constituted a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of the Savings Bank of Lumpkin, to receive deposits of money on interest, and to loan and invest the same, and by this name and style are hereby invested with the following rights, powers and privileges, and subjected to the following restrictions: Corporators. Style. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said institution shall be five thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to any sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, which capital stock shall be a fund pledged for the security of deposits and all other liabilities of said institution. Capital. Sec. III. That there shall be not less than five stockholders, and no stockholder shall own more than one-third of the capital stock of the institution. Each share of stock shall be twenty dollars, and stockholders shall vote at all meetings according to the number of shares owned by them. Stockholders. Shares. Votes. Sec. IV. That the stockholders shall have power to make all needful rules, regulations and by-laws for the management and direction of its affairs, in accordance with the laws of this State through their properly constituted officers; and they shall have power and authority to do everything necessary and proper for the safe and successful management of the bank. Powers. Sec. V. That this institution may go into operation as soon as five thousand dollars of the capital stock is paid in, or whenever the stockholders may determine. May go into operation, when. Sec. VI. That the stockholders shall be held and personally bound in their private capacities for the debts and liabilities of the said corporation in proportion to the stock held by them for the space of twelve months after the transfer of their stock, which transfer shall be notified by publication for thirty days in some public newspaper. Liabilities Sec. VII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 3d December, 1866.

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II.BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. Act No. 127Fulton Loan Building Association and Stonewall Association. (No. 127.) An Act to legalize certain acts of the Fulton Loan and Building Association, and the Stonewall Building and Loan Association. Whereas, A number of persons have associated themselves and have obtained charters from the Superior Court of Fulton county, Georgia, incorporating themselves, their sucessors and assigns under the name and style of the Fulton Loan and Building Association and the Stonewell Building and Loan Association, both situated in Atlanta, Georgia; and whereas , said associations commenced business before obtaining their charters from said Superior Court. Preamble. Section I. Be it therefore enacted , That all and every of the acts and doings of said associations done before they obtained their respective charters not inconsistent with the provisions of said charters, be, and the same are hereby legalized as fully as if said corporations had first obtained their charters. Acts legalized. Assented to 28th December, 1866. III.INSURANCE COMPANIES. Act No. 128Georgia Home Insurance Company. 129Great Southern Insurance Company. 130National Insurance Company. 131Southern Insurance Trust Company. 132Southern Western Fire, Marine and Accident Insurance Company. 133Southern Mutual Insurance Company. (No. 128.) An Act to amend the second section of an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Georgia Home Insurance Company of the city of Columbus, assented to December 12th, 1859. Section I. Be it enacted , That the second section of the act entitled an act to incorporate the Georgia Home Insurance Company, assented to December 12th, 1859, be and is hereby amended so that the capital stock of said Insurance Company may be increased at such times and in such manner as the President and Directors may determine, to one million of dollars. Part of Act amended. Assented to 12th December, 1866.

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(No. 129.) An Act to alter and amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate in the State of Georgia an Insurance Company to be called the Great Southern Insurance Company, assented to December 17th , 1861. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That sections ten and eleven of the above recited act be, and the same are hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof the following shall be inserted: Part of Act repealed. The stockholders in said company shall be individually liable to the creditors of the company for the amount of their stock subscribed: Provided , That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to impair the liability of the stockholders for any debts or obligations incurred prior to the passage of this act, if any such there should be. Substitute. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 130.) An Act to incorporate an Insurance Company in the city of Bainbridge to be called the National Insurance Company. Section I. Be it enacted , That there shall be established in the city of Bainbridge an Insurance Company, the capital stock of which shall be three hundred thousand dollars, but which may be increased to five hundred thousand dollars should the interest of the company require it, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, but said company may proceed to organize when fifty thousand dollars have been subscribed and paid in. Capital. Shares. When organized. Sec. II. That John M. Potter, H. M. Beach, W. O. Fleming, F. L. Babbit, J. E. Dickinson, W. W. Harrell, Luke Mann, W. C. Gubers, T. A. Swearingen, B. F. Burton, or any five of them, citizens of the city of Bainbridge, their associates and successors, are hereby created a body corporate under the name and style of the National Insurance Company, by which name they may have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain and sell property of all kinds, sue and be sued, have and use a common seal, which they may break, alter and renew at pleasure, elect its own officers, and make such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to carry into effect the objects of this corporation. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. III. That said corporation shall be managed by not less than seven Directors, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, each of which directors shall be a stockholder to the amount of twenty shares, who shall be elected at such time and place as the corporators and their successors may designate, and hold their office for one year, or until their successors are elected. The Directors aforesaid shall, out of their number, elect a President, who shall serve for twelve months, or until a successor be elected, and fill any vacancy by death or otherwise in the office of President, and, with the advice and consent of the President, elect a Secretary, Actuary,

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or any other officers or agents whose services may be needed in carrying out the objects of this corporation. A vacancy in the Board of Directors can only be filled by the stockholders at a meeting held after notice of the time and place of meeting. And further, that there shall be one vote for each share, and that absent stockholders may vote by proxy, provided that the party so voting as proxy is himself a stockholder. How managed. Quorum. Elections. Term of office. President. Secretary and other officers. Vacancies. Votes. Proviso. Sec. IV. That said President and Directors shall have power to appoint and remove at pleasure all officers or agents of said corporation. They shall have power to appoint agents and locate offices in such places and at such times as they shall deem best for the interest of said company; to prescribe the duties of agents and officers; to take from them bonds for the faithful performance thereof; to appoint a President pro tem . in the absence of the President; and, further, that said President and Directors shall have power and authority from time to time to call for the payment of the unpaid stock in such sums as they may deem proper, and said stock shall be considered and held as personal property. And upon the neglect or refusal of any stockholder to pay installments as called for by the President and Directors, thereupon, ten days notice being given in one or more of the city papers, said board may sell such stock at public outery, and said delinquent stockholders shall still remain liable for any balance due, or which may become due by him to said corporation, and may be sued therefor in any court having jurisdiction; and said President and Directors shall have further power to make dividends and fix the place and define the manner of paying the dividends, paying interest and transferring stock; and said President and Directors shall also have power to give the stockholders of the policies of said company the right to participate in the net profits of the company to such an extent, in such manner, and upon such terms as they shall deem proper. Power. Duties. Power to call for payment of unpaid. stock. Delinquent stockh'ld's. Dividends. Net profits. Sec. V. That said corporation shall have power to insure against losses by fire in all kinds of property, either real, or personal, or mixed; also against all the hazards of ocean or inland navigation and transportation of every kind; also to make insurance on lives and all and every insurance appertaining to the duration of life for such premiums as it may determine, and said company shall be liable to make good and pay to the several persons who may insure in said company for the losses they may sustain, or for life insurance, in accordance only with the terms of the contract or policy issued by said company; and no policy or other contract of said company shall be binding except it be signed by the President or Vice-President and Secretary or Actuary of said company; and said company shall have power to receive money on deposit, to loan and borrow money, to take and give such securities therefor as may be considered best, to invest its moneys upon such terms as may be best, and transfer its property at pleasure, to purchase and discount notes and bills of exchange, and do all other acts it may deem advisable for the safe-keeping and secure investment of its funds; and said company shall

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have power and authority to make re-insurance of any risks that may be taken by them. Power to insure. Life insurance. Liabilties. Policieshow signed Power. Sec. VI. That said corporation shall be responsible to its creditors to the extent of its property, and the stockholders shall be liable to its creditors to the extent of the amount of their respective stock; and that all private property, both real and personal, of each respective stockholder shall be held liable to the amount of his, her or their subscribed stock. Responsibilities. Sec. VII. That all claims for losses against said company shall be due and payable in sixty days after proof of the loss has been furnished at the office of said company, and in disputed cases in ten days after final decision of the proper tribunal, and in each case named the sum ascertained to be due shall bear interest from the time made due and payable. Claimswhen payable. Shall bear interest Sec. VIII. That all bills and bonds and promissory notes made payable at the office of said company shall have the same legal effect and may be subject to all legal remedies the same as if they were made payable at any bank in this State. Bills, bonds effect of, Sec. IX. That this charter shall continue and be in full force and effect for the term of thirty years. Duration. Sec. X. That the principal place of business of said company shall be Bainbridge, in Decatur county, Georgia. Place of business. Sec. XI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 131.) An Act to amend an Act incorporating the Southern Insurance and Trust Company, passed December 17th , 1861. Whereas, Nearly all of the capital stock of said company was paid in Confederate currency and securities, which was lost by the result of the war; and whereas , said company is desirous to have its capital stock and the value of the shares therein reduced, and to have the capital paid in represented at its true value; therefore, Preamble. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the capital stock of the Southern Insurance and Trust Company shall be five hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing to one million dollars, instead of one million dollars, as at present. Capital $500,000. Sec. II. That the value of each share in said capital stock shall be ten dollars, instead of twenty dollars, as now represented. Shares. Sec. III. That the said company, through its directors, shall have power to recall the scrips issued by said company to its stockholders on payments made in Confederate currency, and to re-issue certificates of stock and payments for amounts equal to the actual value of the capital stock paid in and now owned by the stockholders in said company. Power to recall scrip Sec. IV. That a quorum of the directors of said company shall

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consist of not less than (5) five, from the first day of May to the first day of November, and not less than (7) seven, from the first day of November to the first day of May, in each year. Quorum to consist of. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 132.) An Act to authorize the Southern and Western Fire, Marine and Accident Insurance Company of New Orleans to establish branches in the State of Georgia. Whereas, By an act of the Legislature of Louisiana, an act of incorporation has been granted to the Southern and Western Fire, Marine and Accident Insurance Company of New Orleans; and whereas , the said company is desirous of establishing branches in this State and appointing one or more directors to manage the same. Preamble. Section I. Be it enacted , That so long as Robert E. Lee and James Longstreet shall continue to be directors of said incorporation, the said incorporation shall have the right to establish branches in this State, appoint one or more directors, and take risks against fire and marine losses, accidents to persons, and for life insurance, in the same manner as though the said company had been incorporated by the State of Georgia. Right to establish branches in this State, how long. Sec. II. That when the said Robert E. Lee and James Longstreet shall cease to be directors of the Southern and Western Fire, Marine and Accident Insurance Company of New Orleans, the privileges granted by this act shall cease. Privileges shall cease, when. Sec. III. That process in any legal proceeding against said company, left with the officer managing any of its branches, shall bind said corporation as fully as though the same had been served on its chief officer at New Orleans. Process shall bind company. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 133.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Southern Mutual Insurance Company, as approved December 29th , 1847. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the first section of the above recited act be altered and amended so as to read as follows: That J. G. Hill, William Freeman, A. A. Robinson, H. K. McKay, J. U. Parsons and W. M. Morton, and their associates and successors, shall be a corporation under the name and style of the Southern Mutual Insurance Company, and shall keep their principal office at the town of Athens, in this State, unless otherwise determined by a majority of all the votes of the company, and shall elect their own officers and shall enjoy all the privileges and powers incident to such corporation. Corporators. Office. Privileges. Approved 23d November, 1866.

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IV.MANUFACTURING COMPANIES. Act No. 134Bartow Foundry and Manufacturing Company. 135Buena Vista Manufacturing Company. 136Chanubbee Manufacturing Company. 137Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company. 138Flat Shoals Manufacturing Company. 139Hawkinsville Manufacturing Company. 140Island Manufacturing Company. 141Lumpkin Manufacturing Company. 142Lumpkin Porcelain Manufacturing Company. 143Mechanics' Steam Power Manufacturing Company. 144Mossgill Manufacturing Company. 145Pogue Shoals Manufacturing Company. 146Sweetwater Manufacturing Company and Augusta Quoit Club. 147Wileoxon Manufacturing Company. (No. 134.) An Act to incorporate the Bartow Foundry and Manufacturing Company, in the county of Bartow, and to define the rights, privileges and liabilities of the same. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Mark A. Cooper, his associates and assignes are created a body corporate and politic, by the name of the Bartow Foundry and Manufacturing Company; and by that name shall be able and capable to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto in any court of law or equity in this State; to make and use a common seal, and change the same at pleasure; and to establish such ordinances, by-laws and regulations as shall be necessary and convenient for conducting the business of said company. Corporators. Name. Powers. Sec. II. That the object of said corporation is declared to be the making of castings of every description, and the different wares and machinery usually made in establishments of like character, out of iron, brass and other metals. Object of corporation. Sec. III. That said foundry shall be erected at or near the town of Cartersville, in said county; and said company is hereby empowered to purchase and hold real and personal property, make contracts, either with or without their corporate seal, appoint an agent, establish agencies, and do all other things they shall deem expedient for the purpose of carrying said foundry into successful operation, not inconsistent with the laws of this State. Location. Powers. Sec. IV. That the capital stock of said company shall be one hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of raising it to five hundred thousand, to be divided into such number of shares as shall be provided for by the by-laws of said company. Capital. Shares. Sec. V. That the property of the individual members of said company shall be liable for the debts thereof, pro rata , contracted while members of said company, according to the amount of stock subscribed by each individual. Liabilities. Sec. VI. That there shall be a President and such number of directors to said company as shall be determined by the stockholders of the samesaid President and directors to be chosen by the stockholders, each share entitling the holder to one vote. Officers. Votes.

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Sec. VII. That Mark A. Cooper, his associates and assigns shall be and continue the directors of said company, until the first meeting of the stockholders. The directors shall appoint the President and such other officers as may be necessary, and shall continue in office until new directors are elected. Corporators to be directors. Term of office. Sec. VIII. That said company shall be entitled to commence operations as soon as ten thousand dollars shall be paid in. Commence operations, when. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 135.) An Act to incorporate the Buena Vista Manufacturing Company, in the county of Baldwin. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Samuel M. Carter, Mary Carter, Farish C. Furman, John H. Furman, with all such persons as may become interested, be and are hereby incorporated and made a body politic, under the name and style of the Buena Vista Manufacturing Company, and by that name and style may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in any court of law or equity in this State having competent jurisdiction, and to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to alter at pleasure; the said company may also make such by-laws as they may deem necessary for their interest, provided they are not repugnant to the constitution or laws of this State, and to select and appoint all such agents, officers or servants as may be necessary for the discharge of the business of said company. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said company shall be two hundred thousand dollars, the same to be increased or diminished as the said company may deem necessary; and the said stock shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, but the company may commence business as soon as fifty thousand dollars shall have been paid. Capital. Shares. Commence businesswhen. Sec. III. That the said company, organized as aforesaid, shall be authorized to manufacture, bleach, dye, print and finish all yarns and goods of which cotton or other fibrous material forms a part; to manufacture leather and shoes, and to manufacture flour, and what-ever the said company may deem necessary to their interest, and vend their manufactures and other merchandize. Authorized to manufacture. Sec. IV. That the said company shall be authorized to purchase, receive, hold and possess any property, real or personal, for the use, benefit and advantage of said company, and to sell and dispose of the same: Provided , that said company shall hold no more real estate than is necessary for the convenient transaction of their business, unless the same be received in payment of their debts, or be purchased at public sale, under execution, in their favor. Authorized to hold property. Proviso. Sec. V. That all the private property, both real and personal, of each respective stockholder, shall be held liable to the amount of his,

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her or their subscribed stock, yet unpaid: Provided , that notwithstanding the dissolution or extinction, expiration by lapse of time, or non-user of the charter, or the cessation of said corporation to transact business, that the corporate property of said corporation shall at all times be bound and liable for the payment of the corporate debts or contracts of said corporation. Liabilities. Proviso. Sec. VI. That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the State from taxing the property of said corporation as other property of this State. Taxation. Assented to 20th December, 1866. (No. 136.) An Act to incorporate the Chanubbee Manufacturing Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That John W. Dunbar, J. W. Dunbar, and A. C. Dunbar, of the county of Terrell, and Enoch G. Brown, of the county of Randolph, together with such other persons as may hereafter be associated with them and their successors, be and they are hereby made and constituted a body corporate in fact and in name, under the name, style and title of the Chanubbee Manufacturing Company, and by that name shall be and are hereby made able and capable at law to have, hold, receive, purchase, and possess and enjoy, to them and their successors, all real and personal estate of whatever kind or amount said corporators may deem necessary to carry all the operations of said corporation into full force and effect, and may sell, grant, convey, or otherwise dispose of the same, and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all courts having competent jurisdiction; to make, use, and have a common seal, and do all other things and acts common to a body corporate and politic. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That the objects of said corporate shall be the manufacture of wool and cotton into thread and cloth; the manufacture of meal, flour, lumber, shingles, boards, and machinery of any description, or such branch or parts thereof as they may engage in. And to enable the said persons named in the first section of this act to carry out the objects of this charter, they and their successors and associates may control and use the water of the Chanubbee creek, so far as the riparian rights of this State are concerned, by dams, locks, canals, and otherwise, for said manufacturing purposes: Provided , that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to give said corporators the privilege to interfere with or disturb the vested rights of any person or persons whatever; and to secure their property against loss by fire or other injuries, said corporators may prevent persons from building fires or camping within two hundred yards of the factory buildings. Objects. May control waters of Chanubbee Creek. Proviso. May prevent persons from building fires near buildings. Sec. III. That the said body corporate shall have power to prescribe the number of shares into which the capital stock of said corporation shall be divided, the mode in which it shall be taken, paid,

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transferred or assigned, and also to provide the mode by which stockholders may vote, and the number of votes to which each share shall be entitled, that the rules adopted shall be uniform, equally securing the rights of each stockholder, and also to provide for the election of such officers as may be deemed necessary for the government and management of the affairs of the corporation; to ordain establish, and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances and resolutions as they shall deem necessary and expedient, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, or of the United States, and in general to do and execute all and singular the acts, matters and things which may be necessary for manufacturing. Shares. Votes. Rules. Election. By-laws. Sec. IV. That said corporation shall have power to ordain and pass such rules and regulations with respect to stockholders who refuse to pay up any balance due on their stock, as will compel them to pay or forfeit their stock in said corporation: Provided , that no stockholder shall be liable beyond the amount of his or her stock. Defaulters. Proviso. Sec. V. That the private property of the stockholders shall be liable for the debts of said corporation to the amount of their subscribed stock not paid in at the time any suit may be commenced. Liabilities. Sec. VI. That the capital stock of said corporation shall be fifty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to one hundred thousand dollars. Capital. Sec. VII. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the Legislature from taxing the property of said corporation as other property of this State. Taxation. Sec. VIII. That said corporation may commence business whenever ten per cent. on the amount of the capital stock shall have been paid in. Commence businesswhen. Sec. IX. That the place of business of said corporation shall be at the factory in Terrell county, Georgia. Place of business. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 137.) An Act to incorporate the Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company, of Columbus, Georgia. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That John J. Grant, and such persons as now are or may be hereafter associated with him, shall be and are hereby constituted and declared to be a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company, and by that name they, their successors and assigns shall be capable in law of sueing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended in all courts, tribunals and places whatsoever, and shall have power to adopt, make and use a common seal, and the same to change, alter and amend, and they and their successors and their assigns, by the same manner and style, shall be capable of purchasing, holding and conveying any property whatsoever, necessary or expedient to carry

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out and fulfil the object of said corporation. The principal place of business of said company shall be at Columbus, Georgia. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That the capital of said company shall be three hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to five hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, transferable in such manner and under such restrictions as the said corporation by their by-laws may require and direct. Capital. Shares. Sec. III. That the above named person and his associates, or a majority of them, as commissioners, may open books to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation at such time and place as a majority of them may think proper, and as soon as one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars upon the capital stock shall be subscribed and twenty-five per cent. paid in, to give notice for a meeting of the stockholders to choose five directors among said stockholders, and such election shall be made at the time and place appointed by such stockholders as shall attend for the purpose, either in person or by proxy, each share of the capital stock entitling the holder thereof to one vote; and the said John J. Grant and his associates, or a majority of them, shall be inspectors of the first election of directors of said corporation, and shall certify under their hands the names of those persons duly elected; and the commissioners shall deliver over the subscription book, with funds in hand, to said directors, who may keep the same open by a vote of the majority of stockholders for further subscriptions, if the same be deemed expedient, until the entire amount of capital stock shall be subscribed, and each stockholder so subscribing after the organization of said corporation as aforesaid shall be bound by said election and organization until the next annual election in course, as is hereinafter provided, when he shall be entitled to vote as original stockholders. May open bookswhen, where. Directorshow chosen Votes. Inspectors, duty of. Sec. IV. That there shall be an annual meeting of the stockholders of said corporation at such time and place as the corporation may provide by its by-laws, for the purpose of electing directors, and that the time of holding the first meeting of the directors under the said first election shall be fixed by the said directors, or a majority of them, and the said directors chosen at said election, or at the annual election, to be afterwards held, shall, as soon as may be after subsequent elections, choose out of their number a President; and in case of the death, resignation, or removal of the President or any director, such vacancy or vacancies may be filled for the remainder of the year wherein they may happen by the said remaining directors, or a majority of them, may appoint a President pro tem , who shall exercise such powers and functions as the by-laws of said corporation may provide. Annual meeting. First meetingwhen held. President. Vacancies. Sec. V. That the said directors, or a majority of them, shall elect simultaneously with the President and annually, a suitable person who shall discharge the duties of Secretary and Treasurer of said corporation, who shall be a stockholder in the same. Secretary and Treasurer. Sec. VI. That in case it should happen that an election of directors should not be made when pursuant to this act it should be had, the

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said corporation shall not, by reason thereof, be dissolved, but said election shall be held at any other time, and the directors previously elected shall continue as directors until a new election shall be had, a majority of said directors of said corporation to transact all business of said corporation; and they shall have power to call in the capital stock of said company by such installments as they may think advisable, giving thirty days notice thereof to the stockholders by advertisement in some newspaper or newspapers. In case of the non-payment of said installments, the stockholders so failing to pay their installments within thirty days after the same become due, shall forfeit their share or shares and the amount before paid to the corporation. Failure to elect, corporation not dissolved. Term of office. Installments. Shareswhen forfeited. Sec. VII. That the directors of said company, or a majority of them, shall settle and adjust the books and accounts of said corporation at least once every year, and submit a detailed statement of the affairs thereof to the stockholders at their annual meeting, and declare and pay such dividend of the actual profits thereof as the condition of said company may justify, and the stockholders shall have power to adopt such by-laws for the government and safe and successful management of the property and business. of said company as they may deem proper, not inconsistent with the charter or the laws of the State of Georgia and of the United States. Directors shall adjust books once a year Dividends. By-laws. Sec. VIII. That said directors, or a majority of them, shall have power to exact from the treasurer, or any other officer of said company, a bond in such sum as they may deem proper for the faithful performance of the duties of said office. Power to exact bond from officers. Sec. IX. That the said corporation shall be responsible to its creditors to the extent of its property, and the stockholders shall be liable to its creditors only to the extent of the amount of their stock not paid up. Liabilities. Sec. X. That the State reserves the right to tax the property of said corporation as other property of this State. Taxation. Approved 21st of November, 1866. (No. 138.) An Act to incorporate the Flat Shoals Manufacturing Company in the counties of Meriwether and Pike. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That James C. Freeman, Washington Head, Elmore Thrash, Cadesman Pope, John M. Williams and James Neal, and such other persons as are now or may hereafter be associated with them and their successors, be and they are hereby declared a body politic and corporate under the name and style of the Flat Shoals Manufacturing Company, to be located on Flint river at or near the Flat Shoals in Meriwether and Pike counties, and by that name said company shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges, and subject to all the pains and penalties, as are contained in an act incorporating the Empire State Manufacturing Company of

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Newton county, passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor 24th February, 1866. Corporators. Style. Location. Rights. Sec. 2. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 139.) An Act to incorporate the Hawkinsville Manufacturing Company of Pulaski county, Georgia. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Norman McDuffie, George Hazlehurst, Joseph Tooke, Simon Merritt, John R. Wimberly, Augustus Jeter, John M. Kibbee, John H. Pate, M. B. Wilcox, R. F. D. Lamar, S. D. Fuller, and such persons as now are and may hereafter be associated with them, shall be and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the Hawkinsville Manufacturing Company, and by that name they, their successors and assigns, shall be capable in law of sueing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended in all courts, tribunals and places whatsoever, and shall have power to adopt, make and use a common seal, and the same at pleasure to change, alter and amend. And they and their successors and assigns, by the same manner and style, shall be capable of purchasing, holding and conveying any property whatsoever necessary or expedient to carry out and fulfil the object of said corporation. The principal place of business of said corporation shall be at Hawkinsville. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That the said company shall be and they are hereby authorized to manufacture and finish all goods and yarns of which wool and cotton, or other fibrous material, form a part, and to vend their manufactures and other merchandise. Object of company. Sec. III. That the capital of said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, transferable in such manner and under such restrictions as the said corporation by their by-laws may require and direct. Capital. Shares. Sec. IV. That the above named persons, or a majority of them, as commissioners, may open books to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation at such time and place as a majority of them may think proper. And as soon as one-half of said capital stock of said corporation shall be subscribed for, and ten per centum of the same shall have been paid in to the company in specie or United States treasury notes or national currency, to give notice for a meeting of the stockholders, to choose five directors among said stockholders. And such election shall be made at the time and place appointed by such stockholders as shall attend for the purpose, either in person or by proxy, each share of the capital stock entitling the holder thereof to one vote, and the said above named persons, or a majority of them, shall be inspectors of the first election of directors of said corporation,

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and shall certify under their hands the names of those persons duly elected; and the commissioners shall deliver over the subscription book, with funds in hand, to said directors, who may keep the same open by a vote of a majority of the stockholders for further subscriptions, if the same be deemed expedient, until the entire amount of capital stock be subscribed; and each stockholder so subscribing after the organization of the said corporation as aforesaid, shall be bound by said election and organization until the next annual election in course, as is hereinafter provided, when he shall be entitled to vote as original stockholders. Subscription. Meeting of stockh'ld's. Electionwhen and where. Votes. Duty of commissioners. Sec. V. That there shall be an annual meeting of the stockholders of said corporation at such time and place as the corporation may provide by its by-laws for the purpose of electing directors; and that the time of holding the first meeting of the directors, under the first said election, shall be fixed by the said directors, or a majority of them; and the said directors chosen at said election or at the annual election to be afterwards held, shall, as soon as may be after subsequent elections, choose out of their number a President, and in case of the death, resignation or removal of the President or any Director, such vacancy or vacancies may be filled for the remainder of the year wherein they may happen by the said remaining directors, or a majority of them, may appoint a President pro tem. , who shall exercise such powers and functions as the by-laws of said corporation may provide. Annual meetingwhen, where, its purpose. Directors to choose President. Vacancies, how filled. Sec. VI. That the said directors, or a majority of them, shall elect simultaneously with the President and annually a suitable person, who shall discharge the duties of Secretary and Treasurer of said corporation, who shall be a stockholder in the same. Secretary and Treasurer. Sec. VII. That in case it should happen that an election of directors should not be made when pursuant to this act it should be had, the said corporation shall not, by reason thereof, be dissolved, but such election shall be held at any other time, and the directors previously elected shall continue as directors until a new election shall be had. A majority of said directors of said corporation may act to transact all business of said corporation; and they shall have power to call in the capital stock of said company by such installments as they may think advisable, giving thirty days notice thereof to the stockholders by advertisement in some newspaper or newspapers. In case of the non-payment of said installments, the stockholders so failing to pay their installments within thirty days after the same becomes due, shall forfeit their share or shares and the amount before paid to the corporation. In case no election company not dissolved. Sec. VIII. That the directors of said company, or a majority of them, shall settle and adjust the books and accounts of said corporation at least once every year, and submit a detailed statement of the affairs thereof to the stockholders at their annual meeting, and declare and pay such dividend of the actual profits thereof as the condition of said company may justify. And the stockholders shall have power to adopt such by-laws for the government, safe and successful management of the property and business of said company as they may

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deem proper, not inconsistent with this charter or the laws of the State of Georgia and of the United States. Sec. IX. That said directors, or a majority of them, shall have power to exact from the treasurer, or any other officer of said company, a bond in such sum as they may deem proper for the faithful performance of the duties of said office. Sec. X. That the said corporation shall be responsible to its creditors to the extent of its property, and the stockholders shall be liable to its creditors to the extent of the amount of their respective stock not paid up. Sec. XI. That the State reserves the right to tax the property of said corporation as other property in the State. Sec. XII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 8th of December, 1866. (No. 140.) To incorporate the Island Manufacturing Company, in the county of Bartow, on the Etowah River. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Ira R. Foster, John W. Clayton, Thomas C. Howard, John D. Gray, or the first three named, and such other persons as are now or may hereafter become associated with them and their successors, shall be and they are hereby constituted and declared to be a body corporate and politic under and by the name and style of the Island Manufacturing Company, and by that name shall be and are hereby made able and capable in law to have, purchase, possess, receive, enjoy and retain to them and their successors lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects of whatever kind, nature, quantity or quality the same may be, and the same to sell, grant, demise, alien or dispose of as they may see fit; to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, answer and be answered in any court of law or equity in this State having competent jurisdiction; and to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to alter or change at their pleasure, and to make, ordain and establish all such by-laws, rules and regulations as they may deem necessary and expedient to govern and carry out the objects of said company, and conduct the affairs of the same, with full power to alter, change or amend the same at their pleasure; provided such by-laws, rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of this State or of the United States. Corporators. Name. Powers. Proviso. Se. II. That the capital stock of said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, with authority and power to increase the same at will to two millions dollars; and said company may commence operation so soon as ten per cent. of the capital stock has been paid in, either in money or property. Capital. Commence businesswhen. Sec. III. That the said Island Manufacturing Company shall be, and they are hereby authorized to manufacture, bleach, dye, print, and finish off all yarns, goods, or cloths, which cotton, wool, or other

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fibrous materials, form all or a part; to manufacture wood, iron and all other metals; grain of all kinds of which flour and meal are made; to tan leather and manufacture shoes and paper, and all and such other goods and wares as they may see fit, the manufacture of which may not be prohibited by law, and to vend their manufactures and other goods and merchandise. Authorized to manufacture. Also to vend. Sec. IV. That the capital stock of said company shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and the said company is hereby authorized to open books for the subscription for the capital stock of said company, by themselves, or by such agents or commissioners as they may appoint, and in such manner, at such times, and at such places as the company may agree and direct, and require such an amount per share to be paid in from time to time as they may deem proper. And the company shall have power to ordain such by-laws, rules and regulations as will compel stockholders to pay up their stock; their refusing to do so may work a forfeiture to the company of all such stock, together with all installments such person may have paid in on such stock, or all delinquent subscribers to such stock may be sued upon such unpaid stock, and the same be collected by levy and sale; provided the by-laws, rules and regulations shall be uniform and equal among all the stockholders. Shares. Subscription. Power to require and enforce payments. Delinquent subscribershow sued. Proviso. Sec. V. That the said company may organize by the election of a President and such number of directors as may be agreed upon, who will hold their office for one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. The President and directors shall elect such other officers and servants as may be deemed necessary and proper, and shall direct and control the affairs of the company for their term of office, and shall fill all vacancies in their body occasioned by death or resignation, for the unexpired term. Should the President or directors at any time cease to be a stockholder, his seat shall be declared vacant, and the same filled by the remaining board from among the stockholders for the unexpired term. Companyhow organized. Term of office. Other officers. Vacancies. Sec. VI. That the said company shall have the right and power to control, utilize and use the waters of the Etowah river in such manner as will give them the greatest amount of power and facilities for all manufacturing purposes, by building and preserving all such dams, locks, abutments, canals, and other needful structures, upon either bank of said river, on their own lands, as may be considered necessary to carry out the objects and purposes of said company. They shall have the right and power to open up, grade out and macadamize a road by the most practicable route from their manufactory to Allatoona, a station on the Western Atlantic Railroad, and such other roads to and from their said manufactory as they may deem necessary, by paying fair compensation for the right of way; compensation for the right of way, in case of disagreement, shall be determined by a board of arbitrators consisting of three members, each party at interest selecting one of such board, and they to select the third, who shall try the case or cases and make their award, and shall have the right and power to navigate and use the aforementioned

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Etowah river from their said manufactory up to such point as may be obstructed by shoals by any and all such boats and crafts as may be practicable, and for floating timber. Power to control waters of Etowah river. Right to grade roads. Compensation. Right to navigate the Etowah river. Sec. VII. That the board of directors shall have power to issue to subscribers their certificate of stock, signed by the President and countersigned by the Treasurer, which shall be transferable on the books of the company only by personal entry of the stockholder, his legal representative, or an attorney duly authorized by special power under seal for that purpose. Power to issue certificates. Sec. VIII. That the private property of the stockholders, both real and personal, shall be held bound and liable for the debts of said company to the extent of their stock subscribed and yet unpaid, and the property of said company shall be liable for all its legal indebtedness at all times. Liabilities. Sec. IX. That said company shall have power to borrow money on mortgage or other security, and to loan out its surplus funds and earnings on like securities and mortgages. Power to borrow money. Sec. X. That said corporation shall exist until the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred, unless sooner dissolved by its own members. Duration. Sec. XI. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the Legislature from taxing the property of said company as other property of this State. Taxation. Sec. XII. That the principal office of said company shall be in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, unless removed by the President and board of directors to some other place. Such removal shall be made public by publication in one or more papers of Atlanta for at least thirty days. Principal place of business. Sec. XIII. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to interfere with individual rights of other parties without compensation. Individual rights. Sec. XIV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 20th of December, 1866. (No. 141.) An Act to incorporate the Lumpkin Manufacturing Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That D. P. Hurley and McGhee, together with such other persons as may hereafter be associated with them and their successors, be and they are hereby made and constituted a body politic and corporate under the name and style of the Lumpkin Manufacturing Company, and by that name shall be and are hereby made able and capable in law to have, hold, receive and purchase, possess and enjoy to them and their successors all real and personal estate said corporation may deem necessary to carry out the objects of said corporation into full force and effect, and may sell, grant or convey, or otherwise dispose of the same, for the purpose of manufacturing any of the articles hereinafter specified, and may sue

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and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all courts having competent jurisdiction: to make, use and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at pleasure, and to do all other acts incident to a body corporate and politic; provided , that the limitation of the time of said corporation shall be thirty years. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That the objects of said corporation shall be the manufacture of wool and cotton into thread, cloth, or other fabric, the manufacture of meal, flour, lumber, shingles, boards, wooden ware of all descriptions, machinery of all descriptions, all articles made of leather, metal, thread or textile fabrics, and all and every other kind of goods and wares and implements, or such branches or parts thereof as they may see proper to engage in. The business shall be located at such a point in the county of Stewart, and State of Georgia, as the stockholders may determine; and the corporators aforesaid and their successors may control and use the waters of such stream as they may select and secure by locks, canals, dams, or otherwise, for the manufacturing purposes aforesaid; provided the same be not a stream capable of navigation, and that no lock or dam shall be constructed which shall in any way interfere with or injure the drainage of any lands adjacent to or lying on said stream; and provided further , that no canal shall be cut through the land of any other person, without the consent of such person being first obtained, and to secure their property against loss by fire or other injuries, may prevent persons from camping or building fires within two hundred yards of the factory buildings. Objects of corporation. Businesswhere located. May control waters by locks, etc. Proviso. May prevent building of fires near buildings. Sec. III. That said body corporate shall have the power to prescribe the number of shares into which the capital stock of said corporation shall be divided, the mode in which it shall be taken, paid, transferred or assigned, and also to provide the mode by which stockholders may vote, and the number of votes to which each share shall be entitled; and the rules adopted shall be uniform, equally securing the rights of each stockholder; and also to provide for the election of such officers as may be deemed necessary for the government of the affairs of said corporation; to ordain, establish, and put into execution such by-laws, ordinances and resolutions as they shall deem necessary or expedient for the government of said corporation, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, or of the United States, and in general to do and to execute all and singular the acts, matters and things which may be necessary for manufacturing as aforesaid: Provided , that the capital stock of said corporation shall not be less than twenty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to five hundred thousand dollars. Shares. Mode of taking stock. Votes. Election. By-laws. Proviso. Sec. IV. That said corporation shall not have banking privileges, but may have power to borrow money on mortgage or other security, and loan out its surplus earnings on similar security or mortgage, and ordain such rules and regulations with respect to stockholders who refuse to pay up any balance on their stock as will compel them to pay, upon penalty of forfeiting such stock to said corporation:

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Provided , that no stockholder shall be liable beyond the amount of his, her or thier stock. Power. Proviso. Sec. V. That the individual property of each stockholder shall not be liable for the debts of the corporation, except to the amount of his, her or their unpaid stock. Liabilities. Sec. VI. That said corporation may commence business whenever such an amount of stock has been subscribed and paid in as the stockholders may deem and adjudge sufficient for profitable operation in any one or more branches of manufacturing designated in the third section of this act. When commence business. Sec. VII. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the State from taxing the corporate property of said corporation as other property of this State. Taxation. Sec. VIII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 8th December, 1866. (No. 142.) An Act to incorporate the Lumpkin Porcelain Manufacturing Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Dr. J. E. Blount, Dr. B. McGhee, and D. P. Ansley, and such other persons as may be associated with them for that purpose, and their successors, are hereby created a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the Lumpkin Porcelain Manufacturing Company, and by that name shall be capable of suing and being sued in all the courts of this State; of purchasing, leasing, holding and conveying property of all descriptions; to make, alter and use a common seal, and generally to do any and all acts necessary to effect the objects of the corporation, not inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of the State of Georgia, or of the United States. Corporators. Name. Powers. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said corporation shall be fifty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of twenty dollars each, which may be increased to two hundred thousand dollars. Capital. Shares. Sec. III. That the corporation shall be responsible to its creditors to the extent of its property, and the stockholders to the extent of their stock not paid in. Liabilities. Sec. IV. That a board of five directors shall be elected by the stockholders, who shall be authorized to elect a President from their number, and said President and Directors shall have full power to appoint and remove all officers of the corporation, to prescribe their duties and fix their compensation, to fill any vacancies in the Directors, and appoint a President pro tem. when the President is absent from their meeting. President and Directorstheir powers. Sec. V. That this charter does and shall confer upon the above named parties, their heirs and assigns, and those whom they elect to associate with them, the privilege for thirty years of manufacturing pottery, porcelain and kindred and similar wares on any lands which said company may now own, or may hereafter own, either by purchase or lease, in the county of Stewart, in the State of Georgia. Duration.

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Sec. VI. That the President and Directors shall ordain and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations as they may deem necessary for the interests of the company. By-laws. Sec. VII. That the principal place of business of said company shall be at Lumpkin, Georgia. Place of business. Sec. VIII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 29th November, 1866. (No. 143.) An Act to incorporate the Mechanics' Steam Power Manufacturing Company. Section I. Be it enacted , That M. Hodges, Thomas H. Newell, Wesley C. Hodges, Charles Steinway, and George Leroy Robertson, and their associates, be, and they are hereby incorporated by the name of the Mechanics' Steam Power Manufacturing Company. Corporators. Name. Sec. II. That the capital of said company shall consist of one thousand shares, of one hundred dollars each, and the corporation may be organized when twenty-five thousand dollars shall be paid in, the remaining installments to be called in from time to time as the President may find increased capital necessary for the business of said company. Capital. Organized, when. Sec. III. That there shall be an annual meeting of the stockholders, at which meeting a President shall be elected, who shall manage the business of said company, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed in a code of by-laws to be adopted at the first annual meeting, and altered if necessary from time to time by a majority of the stockholders, each share voting one vote. President. By-laws. Sec. IV. That a special meeting of the stockholders shall be called at any time, on the application of one-fourth of the stockholders, of which meetings ten days notice shall be given by publication. Special meetings. Sec. V. That said corporation shall have the power to manufacture, by machinery, doors, blinds, sashes, and other materials for building purposes, and to connect with the same a grist and saw mill. Power to manufacture, etc. Sec. VI. The place of business of said corporation shall be the city of Columbus; and this charter shall continue and be of force for thirty years. Place of business. Duration. Sec. VII. The stockholders shall be bound in their individual and private character for the debts due by said corporation to the extent of capital stock owned by each stockholder, until one hundred dollars per share shall have been paid thereon. Liabilities. Assented to 12th December, 1866.

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(No. 144.) An Act to incorporate the Mossgill Manufacturing Company, of Baldwin county. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That B. B. DeGraffenreid, Wm. G. Lanterman, A. G. Lane, George G. Smith, Thurston R. Bloom, and E. L. Strohecker, and such others as they may associate with them, and their successors, be and they are hereby made and constituted a body corporate, in fact and in name, under the style and title of the Mossgill Manufacturing Company, of Baldwin county; and by that name shall be and are hereby made able and capable, in law, to have, hold, receive, purchase, possess and enjoy, to them and their successors, all real and personal estate, of whatever kind or amount said corporation may deem necessary to carry all the objects of said corporation into full force and effect; and may sell, grant or convey, or otherwise dispose of the same; and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all courts having competent jurisdiction; to make, use, and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at pleasure, and to do all other acts incident to a body corporate and politic. The principal place of business of said company shall be Milledgeville, or such other place in said county as the company shall designate. Corporators. Style. Powers. Principal place of business. Sec. II. That the objects of said corporation shall be for the manufacture of wool and cotton into thread and cloth, the manufacture of meal, flour, lumber, shingles, boards, paper, and machinery of any description, or such branches or parts thereof as they may see proper to engage in; and should said corporators locate their place of business on the Oconee river, in Baldwin county, they are hereby granted, for the objects of said corporation, the privilege of controlling by locks, dams, canals, or otherwise, the water of said stream, so far as the riparian rights of this State are concerned, and of connecting said dams, by abutments, to the banks of said stream or islands in the same, opposite the lands of said company: Provided , such locks, dams or canals shall in no way interfere with the navigation or obstruct the main channel of said river. Objects of corporation. Privileges. Proviso. Sec. III. That the said body corporate shall have the power to prescribe the number of shares into which the capital stock of said corporation shall be divided, the mode in which it shall be taken, paid, transferred and assigned; and also to provide the mode by which stockholders shall vote, and the number of votes to which each shareholder shall be entitled; and the rules adopted shall be uniform, equally securing the rights of each stockholder; and also to provide for the election of such officers as may be deemed necessary for the government and management of the affairs of said corporation, and not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, or of the United States; and in general to do and to execute all and singular the acts, matters and things which may be necessary for manufacturing. Shares.

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Sec. IV. That said corporation shall have power to borrow money on mortgage or other security, and to loan out its surplus earnings on similar security or mortgage, and to ordain such rules and regulations with respect to stockholders who refuse to pay up any balance on their stock, as will compel them to pay, upon penalty of forfeiting such stock to said corporation: Provided , that no stockholder shall be liable beyond the amount of his, her or their stock, and they shall be so liable in their individual property for the debts of said corporation to the amount of their unpaid stock. Power to borrow money, loan out surplus earnings, etc. Proviso. Sec. V. That the capital stock of said corporation shall be seventyfive thousand dollars, with privilege of increasing it to three hundred thousand dollars. Capital. Sec. VI. That said corporation shall not commence business until the whole capital stock shall have been subscribed, and ten per cent. of the same paid in; and nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the State from taxing said capital stock as other property of this State. When commence business. Taxation. Sec. VII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 8th December, 1866. (No. 145.) An Act to incorporate the Pogue Shoals Manufacturing Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That John Eberhart, William W. Davenport, and Jacob B. Eberhart, and such others as may hereafter be associated with them, and their successors, be, and they are hereby made and constituted a body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, under the style and title of Pogue Shoals Manufacturing Company, and by that name shall be and are hereby made able and capable, in law, to have, hold, receive, purchase, possess and enjoy, to them and their successors, all real and personal estate of whatever kind or amount that said corporation may deem necessary, to carry all the objects of said corporation into full force and effect; and may sell, grant or convey, or otherwise dispose of the same, and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all the courts of this State having competent jurisdiction; to make, use and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at pleasure, and to do all other acts incident to a body corporate and politic. Corporators. Title. Powers. Sec. II. That the objects of said corporation shall be the manufacture of wool and cotton into thread and cloth, the manufacture of meal, flour, lumber, shingles, boards, leather and shoes, and machinery of any description, or such branches or parts thereof as they may see proper to engage in; said corporation may locate their place of business at or near Eberhart Davenport's mills, in the county of Madison, on the south prong of Broad river, and for the objects of the corporation aforesaid, shall have, and they are hereby granted the right and privilege of controlling the waters of said river by dams,

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canals, races, or otherwise; and to secure their property against loss by fire and other injuries, they may prevent persons from camping or building fires within two hundred yards of the factory or mills. Objects of corporation. Place of business. Sec. III. That the said body corporate shall have the power to prescribe the number of shares into which the capital stock of said corporation shall be divided, the mode in which it shall be taken, paid, transferred and assigned, and also to provide the mode by which stockholders may vote, and the number of votes to which each share be entitled; and the rules adopted shall be uniform, equally securing the rights of each stockholder, and also to provide for the election of such officers as may be deemed necessary for the government and management of the affairs of said corporation; to ordain, establish, and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances and resolutions as they may deem necessary or expedient for the government of said corporation, and not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, or of the United States, and generally to do and to execute all and singular the acts, matters and things which may be necessary for manufacturing. Shares. Votes. Election of officers. By-laws. Sec. IV. That said corporation shall have power to borrow money on mortgage or other security, and to loan out its surplus earnings on similar security or mortgage, and to ordain such rules and regulations with respect to stockholders who fail or refuse to pay up any balance on their stock, as will compel them to pay, upon penalty of forfeiture of such stock to said corporation: Provided , that no stockholder shall be liable beyond the amount of his, her or their stock. May borrow money, loan out surplus earnings, etc. Defaulters. Proviso. Sec. V. That the capital stock of said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to two hundred thousand dollars, and it shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Sec. VI. That the whole of said capital stock shall be subscribed, and ten per cent. paid in, before said incorporation shall commence business. Capital. When commence business. Sec. VII. That the principal office of said incorporation shall be located at Eberhart Davenport's mills, in the county of Madison, State of Georgia. Principal office. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 146.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Sweet Water Manufacturing Company, of the county of Campbell, and to incorporate the Augusta Quoit Club, approved December 21st , 1849. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the above recited act be so amended, that from and after the passage of this act, the name of the Augusta Quoit Club shall be altered and changed to the name of the Augusta Club. Act of Dec'mb'r, 1849 amended. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 147.) An Act to incorporate the Wilcoxon Manufacturing Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That John B. Wilcoxon, of the county of Coweta and State of Georgia, George H. Sargent, of the city, county and State of New York, and Harrison J. Sargent, and their associate stockholders, and their successors in office, shall be and they are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of the Wilcoxon Manufacturing Company, and by that name and style they may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any court of law or equity in this State having competent jurisdiction; may have and use a common seal; may make, ordain and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations as they may deem necessary and expedient to carry into effect the object of the company; provided , such by-laws, rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the laws of this State or of the United States. The principal place of business of said corporation shall be at Newnan. Corporators. Style. May sue be sued. Seal. By-laws. Proviso. Principal place of business. Sec. II. That the corporate stock of said company shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars, which shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, but the company may commence business as soon as five thousand dollars shall have been paid in. Stock. Shares. When commence business. Sec. III. That the said company, organized as aforesaid, shall be authorized to manufacture cotton thread and cotton cloth, and everything else necessary for and in the manufacture of cotton cloths and threads, or for the manufacture of machinery of any description, and furthermore, for transportation of materials to and for manufactured articles from said manufactory; to use and vend the manufactured products, and to do whatever is legitimately connected with such operations or business. Authorized to manufacture and vend. Sec. IV. That the said company shall have power to purchase, receive, hold and possess any property, real or personal, for the use, benefit and advantage of said company, and to sell and dispose of the same. May hold property. Sec. V. That the stockholders in said company shall be liable to the number of shares held by them, respectively, for the debts of said company, which shall not exceed the amount of capital stock paid in and existing at the time, in property, and solvent demands due the company. The shares shall be considered personal property, and shall be transferred only on the books of the company in person or by attorney. Liabilities. Shares. Sec. VI. That the corporators named in the first section of this act shall constitute a Board of Directors for the first year, and they shall continue to act as such until others are elected in their stead. The annual meeting of the stockholders shall be held at the office of said company, at such time as may be stated in the by-laws, from year to year, but the failure to meet of the stockholders shall not forfeit their charter. At such annual meeting the stockholders may

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elect from among themselves such number of directors as the by-laws shall fix. The voting shall be by ballot and according to the number of shares taken, but a failure of such election shall not work a forfeiture of the charter. The directors may appoint one of their number president. Board of Directors. Annual meeting. Number of directors. Voting. President. Sec. VII. That all the private property, both real and personal, of each respective stockholder shall be held liable to the amount of his, her or their subscribed stock yet unpaid. Liabilities. Assented to 13th December, 1866. V.MINING COMPANIES. Act No, 148Atlanta Mining and Land Company. 149Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company. 150Empire State Iron and Coal Mining Company. 151Georgia Company for Mining, etc. 152Hall Chestatee Mining Company. 153Kenesaw Mining Company, 154Lumpkin Chestatee Mining Company. 155Madison Petroleum Company. 156Middle River Mining Company. 157Raccoon Coal Mining Company. 158Rutherford Mining Company. 159Van Wert Quarrying and Mining Company. 160Villa Rica Mining Company. (No. 148.) An Act to incorporate the Atlanta Mining and Land Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That John Rice, S. R. McCamy, R. P. Zimmerman, J. A. Verdery, James McPherson, D. C. O'Keefe, V. A. Gaskill, J. R. Barrick, John C. Whitner and Jackson T. Taylor, and such other persons as they may hereafter associate with them, and their successors and assigns, shall be, and they are hereby declared a body corporate and politic under the name and style of the Atlanta Mining and Land Company, and by that name shall be capable in law of buying, selling, leasing and making advancements upon land, and doing a general land business, and of searching and working for all kinds of minerals and metals, preparing the same for market, and vending the same wherever the company above named may desire, and of doing all things lawful and needful for the development of the mineral wealth of our country under the Constitution and laws of this State. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That said company by its corporate name shall have power to purchase, lease, own, sell, release and convey any property, real and personal, that may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this charter. Power to purchase, etc., property. Sec. III. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of one thousand shares, with the privilege of increasing the same to five thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars per share; that the same is and shall be represented by actual property, by leases upon mineral lands in the State of Georgia and elsewhere, and by interests in improved and unimproved lands in Georgia and elsewhere,

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situate and being known and designated as per lease and interest held and to be obtained by said company. Capital. Shares. Sec. IV. That the amount of capital actually paid in and to be employed by them, subject to future increase in proportion to the increase of the capital stock, is ten thousand dollars; the same being ten per cent. on the amount of the original capital stock herein provided; and the stockholders of said company shall be liable pro rata for all the debts of said company to the amount of stock owned by them respectively, but for no greater amount. Amount of capital paid in. Liabilities. Sec. V. That said company shall have full power and authority to sell and assign to any third party or parties shares of stock in said corporation, and to issue certificates for the same. Power to sell stock issue certificates. Sec. VI. That the said corporation shall have power at any time to meet and elect a President, Vice-President, General Superintendent, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers and agents as they may deem necessary to the organization and successful working of said company, and that any vacancy occurring thereafter in any such offices or agencies shall be filled according to the by-laws and rules which may be adopted by said company. Power to elect officers. Vacancies. Sec. VII. That said company shall keep an office in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, which shall be considered, for all business purposes, its location. Location. Sec. VIII. That the period for which this corporation shall exist for the purposes herein specified, shall be twenty years from the passage of this act. Duration. Sec. IX. Said company shall have power to adopt such by-laws as may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes herein specified. By-laws. Sec. X. This act shall take effect from its passage. Act to take effect. Sec. XI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 149.) An Act to incorporate the Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Henry D. Cooke, Peter Hannay, John H. Rice, Daniel E. Somes, James P. Herron, William Windom, Edward L. Norfolk, John French, Alfred B. Ely, and their associates and successors or assigns, be, and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate by the name, style and title of the Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company, for the purpose of fluming or diverting or turning of the waters of the Chestatee river and its tributary streams as the same flow through the counties of Lumpkin, Habersham, Hall, Dawson and Forsyth, either by dam or dams and flume or flumes, ditch or ditches, canal or canals, and tunnel or tunnels, or any other kind of aqueduct, or other apparatus, so as to dry their beds, that they may be worked and mined for gold and silver, and other valuable minerals; also, to work and mine for gold and

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silver, or other valuable minerals, on any lands they may now own, or may hereafter own, or that they may become possessed of, either by purchase or lease, and by that name shall have succession, and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto in any court of law or equity having competent jurisdiction; may have and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; may make, ordain and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations, and appoint such officers as they may deem expedient and necessary to carry into effect the objects of the company; provided such are not inconsistent with the laws of the State or the United States. And the said company shall use, exercise and enjoy all the rights, privileges and franchises which are incident to corporations. And that said corporation may be organized by any two or more of said corporators upon giving five days notice to their associates of the time and place of meeting. Corporators. Style. Purpose. May sue be sued. Seal. By-laws. How organized. Sec. II. That the corporation above named and hereby created shall in its corporate name, be capable in law of purchasing, leasing, holding, selling and conveying property, personal and mixed, which may be necessary to carry on the operations of the company named in the first section of this act. Corporation capable of purchasing property, etc. Sec. III. That the said company shall have power and authority to enter upon the Chestatee river, at the lower end of the canal cut across lot numbered (123) one hundred and twenty-three, in the first district of originally Habersham, now Lumpkin county, and at such other point or points below on said river or its tributaries, as may be necessary to dry the bed or beds of said river and said tributary streams; from said canal down to the confluence of the Chestatee with the Chattahoochee, and shall have the exclusive power, right and authority for the term of ten years from the passage of this act, to work and mine for the use of said company, in the bed or beds of the said river and its tributary streams, so far as they shall flume the same for gold and silver and other valuable minerals; which franchises shall not be withdrawn for the term aforesaid; after deducting and paying to the owners of the river, etc., such rents and damages as may have been agreed upon between the parties, or as are hereinafter provided for. For which purposes said company shall have the power and authority to build in the Chestatee river and its tributary streams, at such place or places as they may deem necessary, such dam or dams, to erect on the bed or beds of the said streams, or on the adjoining lots of land, such flume or flumes, and to cut such canal or canals and tunnel or tunnels through the said lots as may be required to drain, or carry off, or divert the waters from the beds of the said streams; and shall have, for this purpose, the right of way through such lots as border on or adjoin the Chestatee river, or through which its tributary streams flow; and shall have, for this purpose, the right of way and of water, and shall have from each lot bordering on the Chestatee, and through which its tributaries flow, sufficient wood or timber to construct its portion or parts of the dams, flumes, canals and tunnels; and any owner or owners of such

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lands as have been thus entered upon, and the said river and its tributaries thus mined and worked, who shall have no agreement or understanding with the said company as to the amount of rents and damages to be paid to them for the working and mining of the said streams, shall be entitled to such damages from said company, and to such share of the gold and other valuable minerals taken from the said streams, as may be adjudged reasonable and just between the parties, the damages aforesaid to be determined and ascertained by three disinterested freeholders, residents of the county or counties wherein the land lies, or where the issue or issues originate, one of whom shall be chosen by the owner, another by the company, and the third by the Inferior Court of the county wherein the property is situated, and their finding and judgment shall be final between said parties; and said judgment of said arbitrators shall be returned in writing, certified under the hands and seals, to the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, and entered by him of record on the minutes of the court; upon which said clerk may issue execution against the party cost for the damages assessed; in the event of such claimant or claimants refusing to nominate an arbitrator on his part, then the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county are hereby authorized, empowered and required to select such person for him; and such person so selected, together with the other two arbitrators, shall proceed in the same manner as prescribed in the preceding section; always provided , that nothing herein contained is to be so construed as to prevent the parties themselves, or their legally authorized agents, from amicably settling the damages, etc., between them, without the intervention of arbitrators. Power to enter Chestatee river, where. Duration of right to work bed of river, etc. Power to build dams, erect flumes, etc. Right of way. Timber. Damageshow ascertained. How chosen. Judgment-how returned. Claimants. Proviso. Sec. IV. That if any person or persons shall wilfully and maliciously destroy or in any manner hurt, damage, injure or obstruct, or shall council and assist or advise any person or persons, in any manner, to hurt, damage, injure, or obstruct said company's ditch or ditches, flume or flumes, canal or canals, dam or dams, tunnel or tunnels, or any of the appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, such person or persons so offending shall be liable to be indicted for a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be fined or imprisoned, or both at the discretion of the court. Injury to company a misdemeanor. Sec. V. That the capital stock of said company shall be one million dollars, divided into such number of shares as shall be provided for and fixed by the by-laws of said company; and the stockholders of said company shall be liable, pro rata , for the debts of said company, to the amount of the stock by them respectively held, until the whole amount subscribed for shall be paid, but for no greater amount, which said capital stock of said company may be increased two million dollars. Capital. Shares. Liabilities. Sec. VI. The said corporation shall have the power to subdivide itself, and to establish such agencies as they may think proper for the transaction of their business in any of the counties in which said mining operations are conducted, and shall be liable to be sued for any claims which may arise against it, as fully at the points where

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such agencies are established as it would be at its principal place of business. Agencies. Sec. VII. That this charter shall continue and be in full force and effect for the term of thirty years. Duration. Sec. VIII. That said corporation shall keep an office at Dahlonega, in the county of Lumpkin. which, for all judicial purposes, shall be considered its location. Location. Sec. IX. That the State reserves the right to tax the corporate property of the company, the same as other property in this State is taxed. Taxation. Sec. X. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 3d, 1866. (No. 150.) An Act to authorize the Empire State Iron and Coal Mining Company to establish an office at Chattanooga, or some other place out of the State. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Empire State Iron and Coal Mining Company be, and is hereby authorized to establish an office at Chattanooga, or at such other place out of the State as said company may find most convenient for its business; and that all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be, and are hereby repealed. Authorized to establish office. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 151.) An Act to incorporate the Georgia Company, for mining and other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That George G. Pride, S. L. M. Barlow, and such persons as now are, or may become hereafter associated with them, their successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of the Georgia Company, by which name they are hereby made capable in law to have, hold, purchase, receive, work, sell, mortgage, lease, enjoy and retain to them, their successors and assigns, lands, tenements, mines of all characters and chattels of whatsoever kind, as may be deemed by them most conducive to the objects and interests of said corporation, which are mining and working for gold, minerals and precious stones in Lumpkin and other counties in Georgia. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That said corporation, by its title aforesaid, may and shall sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of this State; make and use a common seal, altering the same at their pleasure; establish, alter and amend such by-laws and regulations as shall be deemed proper by them, not in conflict with the constitution or laws of this State or the United States. May sue be sued. Seal. By-laws.

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Sec. III. The capital stock of said company shall be one million of dollars, with the right to increase the same, by a vote of a majority of the stock, to any sum not exceeding five million of dollars, which stock may be paid either in money or real estate, the same to be divided into such number of shares as said corporation may determine; said shares to be assignable and negotiable under such rules as said corporation may prescribe. Capital. Shares. Sec. IV. That there shall be annual meetings of the stockholders at such time and place as they may designate, for the purpose of choosing a board of directors, to consist of not less than three nor more than nine, each of whom shall be a stockholder, and a President and other officers of said corporation, to manage its affairs. Annual meetings. Directors and other officers. Sec. V. The said corporation shall have the right, in the prosecution of their mining operations, to divert from their sources and channels, the waters of the streams of Clear Camp and Clay creeks, in Lumpkin county, and Little Amicalola, in the county of Dawson, to be used in their said operations; provided , that said company shall not have the right to divert the stream of Clay creek from its channel at any point above the grist and saw mill of Mrs. Susan Davis, without the free consent of the owner of said mills; and to use the same by constructing canals, ditches, flumes, or acqueducts of any character whatever, at any point or points as may be deemed necessary, over any land now owned or hereafter owned or leased by them, or any other lands, subject to such damages or compensation to the owners of such other lands, as are reasonable and just, in view of the advantages and disadvantages to such owners of such operations, to be ascertained, and payment thereof enforced as follows: The owner or owners of said lands to appoint one arbitrator, the Georgia Company to appoint one, the Justices of the Inferior Court to select a third, all being freeholders of said county; and the three, upon an examination of such property and consideration of such evidence as may be adduced before them, shall, in view of all the facts and of the advantages and disadvantages resulting to the owners of such land, assess just and reasonable damages arising from such act of said company. In the event of the neglect or refusal of either party to appoint an arbitrator, or in case, from any cause, they fail to make an award, a majority of the Justices of the Inferior Court of the county where said land lies shall, upon the application of said company, appoint arbitrators who shall assess the damages as above provided, and the arbitrators selected in either of these ways, all being freeholders of said county, shall return their award into the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of said county, upon which award said clerk shall issue an execution against said company for the damages and costs, which may be collected without any reference to any stay or relief law, said award to be final and conclusive between the parties; upon payment of which, with the costs, either to such owner or into said clerk's office by said company, they may enter upon such property and proceed with said work. All water courses so ditched, flumed, or turned, may

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flow over any adjacent property, damages for the same to be assessed in same manner as hereinbefore provided. Right to divert waters. Proviso. Right of controlling waters. Arbitration. Clerk Sup. Court shall issue execution upon award. Sec. VI. Said company are authorized to construct and use such wagon road or railroad as may be deemed by them necessary for the successful mining of their lands, over and along public roads, the same not obstructing the said roads, and on private property, the damage to be assessed as provided for in the foregoing section; and, for the enjoyment of the privileges by this act granted, said company are authorized to use stone and timber upon the lands entered upon by them under the provisions of this act, in such quantities as may be necessary, and the damages to be assessed and collected as hereinbefore provided. May construct wagon road or railroad. Damagehow assessed. Sec. VII. That said company shall keep an office at their principal mine in Lumpkin county, which, for all judicial purposes, shall be deemed its location; and also one in the city of New York, if they choose. Location. Sec. VIII. That all the property, real and personal, of said company shall be liable for its debts, and the private property of the stockholders shall be liable for the debts of the company, to the amount of stock subscribed and not actually paid in at the time of the commencement of any suit against them. Liabilities. Sec. IX. That this act shall continue in force for thirty years from and after its passage, and the privileges and franchises granted by this charter shall not be withdrawn for ten years after the passage of this act; provided , that nothing in this act shall prevent either party from appealing to a jury. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 152.) An Act to incorporate the Hall Chestatee Mining Company, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Peter Hannay, William Wendom, James P. Herron, Edward L. Norfolk and John R. French, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby incorporated by the name of the Hall Chestatee Mining Company, with all the powers, privileges and franchises of the Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company, with a capital of one million of dollars; provided , that the said incorporators shall not exercise the powers, privileges and franchises granted under this charter, in whole or in part, in and upon the lands and mining privileges of the said Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company, without the consent of said Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company, nor exercise any powers, privileges and franchises granted under this charter, which may conflict with the privileges granted to the said Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company, under their charter of incorporation, without the consent of the said Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company. Corporators. Name. Powers. Capital. Proviso. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 153.) An Act to amend the charter of the Kenesaw Mining Company of Georgia, and to change the name of the same. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the said company are hereby authorized and empowered to work and make up all kinds of cotton and woolen goods and fabrics; to manufacture any of said materials in such manner as the said company may see fit; to build mills for the purpose of manufacturing flour and meal from any and all kinds of grain, and for sawing and manufacturing all kinds of lumber, and to change the name to that of the Kenesaw Mining and Manufacturing Company of Georgia. Authorized to manufacture. Name changed. Approved 10th of December, 1866. (No. 154.) An Act to incorporate the Lumpkin Chestatee Mining Company, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Henry D. Cooke, John H. Rice, Daniel E. Somes, and Alfred B. Ely, and their associates, successors and assigns are hereby incorporated by the name of the Lumpkin Chestatee Mining Company, with all the powers, privileges and franchises of the Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company, with a capital of one million of dollars; provided , that the said incorporators shall not exercise the powers, privileges and franchises granted under this charter, in whole or in part, in and upon the lands and mining privileges of the said Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company without the consent of the said Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company; nor exercise any powers, privileges and franchises granted under this charter, which may conflict with the privileges granted to the said Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company under their charter of incorporation, without the consent of the said Chestatee Fluming and Mining Company. Corporators. Name. Capital. Proviso. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 155.) An Act to alter and amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Madison Petroleum Company of Georgia. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the second section of the act incorporating the Madison Petroleum Company of Georgia, approved March 21st, 1866, be so altered and amended as to insert the words five hundred thousand instead of two hundred and fifty thousand. Section 2d amended. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 156.) An Act to incorporate the Middle River Mining Company; to confer upon said Company all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities, and to impose all the restrictions and liabilities which are granted to and imposed upon the Little River Mining Company by act of incorporation, approved March 21, 1866, so far as they are consistent with the provisions of this act, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Thomas Morris, Samuel Knox, John M. Freeman, Benj. F. Willis, John B. Estes, Jesse F. Langston, Henry D. Aderhold, Jere W. Ayers and Madison C. W. Alston, their associates, assigns and successors, be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic under the name and style of the Middle River Mining Company, and they, their associates, successors and assigns are hereby invested with all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities granted to, and are subjected to all the restrictions and liabilities imposed upon the Little River Mining Company by act of incorporation, approved March 21, 1866, so far as the same are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. Corporators. Style. Rights. Liabilities. Sec. II. That the capital stock of the company shall be fifty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to any sum not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. Capital. Sec. III. That the number of directors shall be not less than three nor more than seven, and each director shall be a stockholder to the amount of at least five shares. Directorsnumber of. Sec. IV. That the principal office of said company shall be located at Carnesville, Franklin county, Georgia, until otherwise changed by the directors of the company. Principal office. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 157.) An Act to incorporate the Raccoon Coal Mining Company, and to extend the provisions of an act to incorporate the Wahatchee Mining Company, approved March 6th , 1866, to the same. Section I. Be it enacted , That Jno. D. Watkins, C. D. Findlay, Jack Hardman, H. L. W. Allison, their associates, successors and assigns be, and they are hereby created a body corporate and politic by the name and style of the Raccoon Coal Mining Company, for the purpose of mining for coal and other minerals. Corporators. Style. Purpose. Sec. II. That said company shall have the same capital stock, with the like power of increasing the same, and all the rights, privileges and powers, and be subject to the same liabilities and restrictions, not inconsistent with this act, as are granted to and imposed upon the Wahatchee Mining Company by an act approved March 6th, 1866, and generally have, exercise and enjoy all the rights and privileges incident to corporations of like character. Capital. Powers. Liabilities.

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Sec. III. That said company shall hold their office for all judicial purposes at Trenton, Dade county, with power to establish a branch office for the transaction of business at Macon, Georgia, or such other place as the company may desire. Office. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 4th of December, 1866. (No. 158.) An Act to incorporate the Rutherford Mining Company of Georgia. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That John Rutherford, Williams Rutherford, sr., and Williams Rutherford, jr., of Georgia, and such persons as may be associated with them, and their successors and assigns shall be, and they are hereby created and constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of the Rutherford Mining Company, of Georgia, and by that name shall be, and they are hereby made able and capable, in law, to have, hold, purchase, receive, work, sell, lease, enjoy, and retain, to them and their successors or assigns, lands, rents, tenements, mines of all character, goods, chattels and effects of whatever kind they may be, and the same to work, sell, lease, grant or dispose of as may be deemed by the said corporators, their associates, their successors or assigns, most conducive to the objects and interests of said corporation. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That the said corporation, by the foregoing corporate name, shall be able and capable to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto in any court of law or equity in this State; and to make and use a common seal, and to alter and to change the same at pleasure, and to establish such by-laws ordinances and regulations as shall be deemed necessary and convenient for the purposes of said corporation. May sue be sued. Seal. By-laws. Sec. III. That the object of said corporation is declared to be the mining, smelting, refining and working for gold, silver, copper, iron, and other minerals or metals, in any of the counties of the State of Georgia containing mineral, in which their land, at present owned by them, or which said corporation may purchase, lease or rent, may be situated, with a view to the effectual and speedy development of the same, and for this purpose the capital stock of said company shall consist of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), subject to be increased at the will of the stockholders of said corporation to the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), the same to be divided into such number of shares as said corporation, by its by-laws, may determine. Object of. Capital. Sec. IV. That there shall be an annual meeting of the stockholders of said corporation, at its principal office, at such time as may be fixed by the by-laws of the same, for the purpose of choosing three Directors and a President to manage all the concerns thereof, who shall be stockholders, and elected by the stockholders in person or by proxy, each share entitling the holder thereof to one vote. Annual meetingpurpose of.

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Sec. V. That the said John Rutherford, Williams Rutherford, sr., and Williams Rutherford, jr., and their associates or assigns, shall constitute the directors of said corporation until the first annual meeting of the stockholders, and that the said corporators, until said meeting, shall act as President of said corporation. Directors. President. Sec. VI. That whenever any vacancy may occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, in the office of President or Director or Directors, the remaining Directors and President, or the Directors, if the vacancy shall be in the office of President, shall have power to appoint another, or others, to fill said vacancy or vacancies until the regular annual meeting next ensuing. Vacancies. Sec. VII. That the said corporators and their associates, successors or assigns, for the purposes contemplated by this act, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to divert, if deemed necessary, from their natural or present channels, the streams running through the lands they now own, or may acquire, as aforesaid: Provided , the same may be done with the consent of other parties interested. Power to divert waters of streams. Proviso. Sec. VIII. That the principal place of business of said corporation shall be at Dahlonega, but the same may be changed by giving thirty days notice of the proposed change in some public gazette at Dahlonega. Principal place of business. Sec. IX. That the individual property of each stockholder shall be liable for the debts and contracts of said corporation to the amount of each stockholder's subscription, or stock, till his or their stock shall be paid in. Liabilities. Sec. X. That the right to tax the stock and corporate property of said corporation, is hereby reserved to the State. Taxation. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 159.) An Act to incorporate the Van Wert Quarrying and Mining Company . Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That S. B. Pearce, J. A. Blance, J. F. Devers, John L. Dodd, and J. D. Waddell, and their associates and successors, or assigns, be, and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of the Van Wert Quarrying and Mining Company, for the purpose of quarrying stone, for the manufacture of grind-stones and other useful articles, as also slate for roofing and other purposes; and by that name shall sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any court of law or equity having competent jurisdiction; may have and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; may make, ordain and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations, and appoint and elect such officers as they may deem expedient and necessary for the objects of the company: Provided , such are not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Georgia, and of the United States; and the said company shall use, exercise and enjoy all the rights, privileges and franchises incident to corporations. Corporators. Style. Purpose. Powers. Proviso.

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Sec. II. That the company above named and hereby created, shall, in its corporate name, be capable in law of purchasing, leasing, holding, selling and conveying property, real, personal and mixed, which may be necessary to carry on the operations of the company. Capable of purchasing etc., property of all kinds. Sec. III. That the capital stock of said company shall be one hundred thousand dollars, divided into such number of shares as shall be provided for and fixed by the by-laws of said company; and the stockholders of said company shall be liable, pro rata , for the debts of said company, to the amount of the stock by them respectively held, until the whole amount subscribed for shall be paid, but for no greater amount. Capital. Shares. Liabilities. Sec. IV. That said corporation shall keep an office at Van Wert, in the county of Polk, which shall be considered for all judicial purposes its location. Location. Sec. V. That this charter shall continue in full force and effect for the term of thirty years. Duration. Sec. VI. That the said corporation shall not commence business until the capital stock shall have been subscribed, and ten per cent. thereof paid in, either in money or property. Commence businesswhen. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 160.) An Act to incorporate the Villa Rica Mining Company . Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Robert J. Gaines, V. M. Hodgeson and John Baxter, their associates, successors and assigns, be and they are hereby incorporated into a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the Villa Rica Mining Company, and by that name shall have succession and continue in existence for the period of thirty years, for the purpose of mining for copper and other ores and minerals, and for working, smelting, manufacturing and vending the same. Said corporation may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, make and use a common seal, and alter and change the same at pleasure; enact such by-laws for the government thereof not inconsistent with the laws of this State as the stockholders may deem necessary and proper; and have and enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities incident to corporations and necessary to effectuate the objects of this charter. Said corporation may also purchase, hold and dispose of such real and personal estate as may be necessary or convenient to its business, or such as may be acquired in the collection of debts; and the business thereof shall be conducted and controlled by such officers and agents as may from time to time be appointed for that purpose. Corporators. Name. Duration. Purpose. May sue be sued, Seal. By-laws. Rights. Real and personal property. Officers. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said corporation shall not be less than one hundred thousand dollars, nor more than one million of dollars, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, and to be subscribed and paid as said corporation may, by its by-laws or otherwise, order and direct, and in all meetings of the stockholders a majority of

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the stock represented in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, each stockholder having one vote for each share of stock; and the capital stock so subscribed and paid, is hereby declared to be personal property, and the same shall be transferable on the books of the corporation in person or by attorney, as the by-laws may prescribe. Capital. Shares. Quorum. Votes. Sec. III. That the said corporation shall not commence business until the capital stock is subscribed and ten per cent. thereof is paid in, either in money or property. When commence business. Sec. IV. That all the private property of each stockholder shall be held liable for the debts and liabilities of the corporation to the amount of his, her or their subscriptions remaining unpaid. Liabilities. Sec. V. That the privileges and franchises granted by this charter shall not be withdrawn during the term of this charter unless the same be judicially forfeited. Privileges. Sec. VI. That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Act to take effect. Sec. VII. Repeals all conflicting laws. Assented to 31st December, 1866. VI.MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANIES. Act No. 161Allatoona Mining and Manufacturing Company. 162Atlanta Manufacturing and Mining Company. 163Hancock Iron Company. 164Iron and Mining Company of Dade county. 165Kellogg Gold Mining and Manufacturing Company. 166Lewis Manufacturing and Mining Company. (No. 161.) An Act to incorporate the Allatoona Mining and Manufacturing Company . Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Wm. T. Wofford, with his associates and assigns, be constituted a body corporate and politic, to be known as the Allatoona Mining and Manufacturing Company. Body corporate. Name. Sec. II. That all of the rights and privileges, together with the liabilities granted and imposed by the Legislature of Georgia to and upon the Etowah Manufacturing and Mining Company, approved 5th day of March, 1856, are hereby granted and imposed to and upon said Allatoona Mining and Manufacturing Company. Privileges and liabilities. Sec. III. That said company shall locate their place of business at Allatoona, or at some other point in Bartow county in this State. Place of business. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 162.) An Act to incorporate the Atlanta Mining Company . Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That James G. Miner, Perino Brown and Henry L. Wilson, together with such person or persons

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as may hereafter associate with them for the purposes hereinafter expressed, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate with the name and style of the Atlanta Manufacturing and Mining Company, with power to sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, to buy, hold, alien and convey and real or personal estate, goods or chattels, or any mines or mining property, or minerals, metals or fossils, or any patent right, or the right to use any discovery which may in their judgment be necessary or advantageous in carrying on their business in any of its branches or departments, and to pay for the same, or for any property of any description purchased by them in money, or by the exchange of one species of property for another, or of different properties of the same kind, or in full paid up stock of the company, as may be agreed upon by the parties to the contract. They shall have power to secure or take leases or other interest in any mineral property by agreement of the parties at interest, and sell or convey such leases; to have and use a common seal, and the same to change or alter at their pleasure; to make or execute contracts, bonds, promissory notes, or other obligations, under seal or not under seal, and with or without their corporate seal; and to create all officers necessary to the management of the corporate business; the officers to be appointed or elected as the corporators or board of directors may deem best, and at such times, and for such periods as they direct; and to make all by-laws, rules and regulations which they may ordain or establish for the government of the company, or the management of its business, not inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, or the Constitution and laws of this State; and that the principal place of business of said company shall be at Atlanta. Corporators. Name. Powers. Officers. Sec. II. That said company shall have power to conduct the business of mining in all or any of its branches, at such place or places as they may select for that purpose; and to manufacture cotton, wool, flax, hemp, iron or steel in any of its branches, or to make oil, paints, or other useful articles, and to acquire and use any property, patent or material which they may think necessary to facilitate their business. Business. Sec. III. The capital stock of the company may be two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, with power to increase the same, at their discretion, to one million of dollars. Capital. Shares. Sec. IV. That said company shall not commence business until the whole of the capital stock shall have been paid in, either in money or property. Commence businesswhen. Sec. V. Said company shall have the power to compel the payment by any owner or holder of any stock of any sum or sums due for or on account of the same, to said company, or of any assessment made upon said stock for the purpose of carrying on the business of the company, by selling and disposing of said stock to pay any balance due, or by declaring such stock forfeited to the company; provided , that nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the company

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to make any assessment upon or declare the forfeiture of any stock sold by the company as full paid up stock. Power to compel payment. Proviso. Sec. VI. That all the private property of each stockholder shall be held liable for the debts and liabilities of the corporation to the amount of his, her or their subscription remaining unpaid. Liabilities. Sec. VII. That said corporation shall not exercise banking privileges, but is authorized to carry the foregoing granted powers into execution, according to the true intent and meaning thereof. Shall not exercise banking privileges. Assented to 20th December, 1866. (No. 163.) An Act to incorporate the Hancock Iron Company, and to confer certain powers and privileges thereon. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That for the purpose of developing the mineral resources of the State, William B. Johnson, Ed. L. Strohecker, Wm. W. Simpson, A.J. Lane, Thos. M. Turner, B. F. Harris and Joseph A. Shewmake, and their associates, be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name of the Hancock Iron Company, and by that name shall be able and capable to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded in any court whatever, and have and use a common seal, and may alter and renew the same at pleasure. And the said body corporate shall have all the powers, facilities and franchises and rights necessary and proper for the carrying on the mining of iron and preparing the same for use, in the county of Burke; for erecting and carrying on furnaces, mills and other buildings, machinery and fixtures, necessary for the successful operation of the legitimate business of said company, and the beneficial management of its property; and for the transportation of its iron and other proceeds, issues and profits of its mines, mills and property to market; and shall have power and authority to purchase, lease and hold any property, real, personal and mixed, which may be deemed by said company necessary for its purposes. The principal place of business shall be at Alexander, in Burke county, or at such other place as the directors shall designate. Corporators. Name. Powers. Principal place of business. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said company shall be one hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of the par value of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars each, as said company may desire; and said company shall have the right, at any time, as they may think proper, to increase said capital stock to not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars. Capital. Shares. Right to increase capital. Sec. III. That books of subscription to the capital stock of said company shall be opened under the superintendence of said commissioners named in the first section, in such places, and on such days as the said company direct and deem expedient, which subscription shall be paid in cash in installments as called for by the board of directors. Subscription. How paid. Sec. IV. That in all meetings of the stockholders of said company each share of stock shall entitle the holder to one vote, to be given in

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person or by proxy, and said shares shall be considered as personal property, and shall be transferable in such manner as shall be provided by the by-laws of said company. Votes. Shares. Sec. V. That the affairs of said company shall be managed by the persons named in the first section of this act, and who are hereby constituted directors of said company until directors shall be elected, as hereinafter provided, and in case of the decease of any one or more of said persons, or in case of the refusal of any one or more of said persons to act as director or directors, the remaining person or persons shall have power to select other persons as directors for the time being in their stead. Directors. Vacancies. Sec. VI. That the affairs of said company shall be managed by a board of directors, to consist of not less than five nor more than seven persons, as deemed best by a vote of said company, a majority of whichever number selected by said company shall constitute a quorum, and they shall be elected annually by the stockholders on such day and time as may be fixed by the by-laws, each stockholder being entitled to one vote for every share of the capital stock owned or held by him, and one of the directors so elected by them, as President, a majority of votes being necessary to a choice, and the election to be held at the first regular meeting after the organization of said board, and annually thereafter, on such day and time as may be fixed by the by-laws of said company; and the said directors shall continue in office until their successors are installed, and shall have power to appoint all subordinate officers, agents and servants of said company necessary to the management of its affairs, and remove all officers, agents and servants of said company, the President included; and to fill all vacancies that may occur in the board of directors, or in the offices of said company by death, resignation, or otherwise; to call in, from time to time, as they may deem proper, such installments on the capital stock of said company as may remain unpaid, or to levy such a per cent. on the capital stock as they may be ordered to do by the company, or as they may deem proper for the benefit of said company, and on failure to pay in to said board of directors any portion of said stock, by the owner of any share or shares of said capital stock, or on failure by any stockholder to pay in any assessment made by said company or board of directors, said board of directors shall have power to declare all the stock and interest of said stockholder in said company forfeited by giving said defaulter thirty days notice. To manage and conduct all its business of every kind; to borrow money at any time, and from time to time, as in their judgment the exigencies of the company require; and to execute, if deemed expedient by them, any deed or deeds of mortgage as security of the fulfilment by said company for its contracts or other liabilities. Directorsnumber of. Votes. Election. Term of office. Directorspower of. Vacancies, how filled. May call in installments, etc. Defaulters. Power to manage business, borrow money, etc. Sec. VII. That the provisional board of directors, authorized to act by the first clause of the fifth section of this act, shall, so soon after the passage of this act as may be deemed expedient by them, call a meeting of the stockholders in said company, to be held at some convenient place, which meeting, when assembled, shall proceed to

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elect a permanent board of directors, a majority of the stockholders voting being necessary to a choice. Meeting of stockh'ld's. Sec. VIII. That the said Hancock Iron Company shall be entitled to commence operations and exercise the functions herein granted as soon as the sum of ten thousand dollars has been bona fide subscribed on the books of said company, or been paid in in money before the passage of this act. Commence operations, when. Sec. IX. That all stockholders who have subscribed for stock and paid in cash for the same prior to the passage of this act, shall be entitled to all the benefits, and subject to all the obligations as stockholders the same as those subscribing for stock after the passage of this act. All stockholders to have equal rights. Sec. X. That all the private property, both real and personal, of each respective stockholder shall be held liable to the amount of his, her or their subscribed stock yet unpaid: Provided , that notwithstanding the dissolution, extinction, expiration by lapse of time, or non user of the charter, or the cessation of said corporation to transact business, that the corporate property of said corporation shall at all times be bound and liable for the payment of the corporate debts or contracts of said corporation. Liabilities. Proviso. Sec. XI. That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the State of Georgia from taxing their corporate property as other property of the State. Taxation. Sec. XII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th of December, 1866. (No. 164.) An Act to incorporate the Iron and Mining Company of Dade county, Georgia. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Mark A. Cooper, Lemuel L. Thomerson, James Spencer, and John Frater, be, and they are hereby created and declared a body corporate, with all privileges and immunities incident and appropriate to bodies corporate. Corporators. Sec. II. That said corporation shall have power to manufacture iron, to work in mining for iron ore and stone coal, or other minerals or ores of metal of any sort, and to modify, flux or refine the same in such way as they may wish to suit their purposes or the interests of trade. Powers. Sec. III. That said corporation may have a common seal, may hold real estate by deed, in fee simple, or lease or other title, may own personal property, and may buy or sell real or personal estate, may sue and be sued, plead or be impleaded, they may contract or be contracted with by writing, under seal, signed by such officers or agents as by their by-laws they may authorize. Seal. May sue be sued. Sec. IV. That the stock of said corporation shall be one hundred thousand dollars, which may be increased to two hundred thousand dollars, at the pleasure of the stockholders or their directors. The

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shares shall be one hundred dollars each; and in all questions to be decided by stockholders, each share shall vote as one, and the majority may govern, except when otherwise provided by the stockholders or by-laws. Stock. Shares. Votes. Sec. V. That said corporation shall make its own by-laws for the conduct of its affairs. Their business may be conducted by a President and Board of Directors, or such person or persons as they may appoint. The said corporation may begin to carry on their business whensoever, in their opinion, sufficient capital shall have been paid in; and the principal place of business of said corporation shall be at Cartersville. Commence businesswhen. Principal place of business. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 165.) An Act to incorporate the Kellogg Gold Mining and Manufacturing Company. Section I. Be it enacted , That J. B. O'Neal, Ira R. Foster, John J. Thrasher, John T. Bowman, and Miles G. Dobbins, and their associates, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the Kellogg Gold Mining and Manufacturing Company, for the purpose of exploring and mining for gold and all other ores and minerals whatsoever, and for working, smelting, manufacturing and vending the same, and to continue to them and their successors, for the period of thirty years, with power to make and use a common seal, and to alter or change the same at pleasure, and to make such by-laws, not inconsistent with the laws of this State and of the United States, as they may deem proper and necessary for its government; in its corporate name to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to hold by purchase or otherwise, and to dispose of the same, in any way, any real estate or personal property which may be useful or necessary for carrying on its operations, or which it may become possessed of in payment of debts to it: Provided, always , that the first cost of such real estate shall not exceed the maximum of capital stock hereinafter provided for. Corporators. Name. Purpose. Duration. Powers. Proviso. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said company shall not be less than two hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to five hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of not less than ten dollars each. The amount of capital stock, the number and price of shares shall be fixed and agreed upon by the corporators at their first meeting, under this act; nothing but money or mineral property shall be regarded as a basis for capital stock, to be subscribed and paid for as the Board of Directors may prescribe. The shares shall be considered personal property, and shall be transferable only on the books of the company, or by attorney. Capital. Shares. Basis. Sec. III. That the corporators named in the first section of this act shall be the directors for the first year, and until others are elected in their stead. The annual meetings of the company shall be

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held at such times and places as the Board of Directors may determine from year to year, thirty days previous notice being given in some newspaper published near the place of business of the time and place of such meetings. At each annual meeting a Board of Directors shall be chosen for the ensuing year; but, in case of failure to elect a Board of Directors, the charter of this company shall not be forfeited thereby, but the Directors of the previous year shall continue in office until others are elected in their stead. The Directors shall appoint one of their number President, and shall appoint such other officers and agents as they may deem proper, and fix their salaries. Directors. Annual meetings. Failure to elect. no foifeiture. Term of office. President and other officers. Sec. IV. That any of the stockholders not having paid their stock according to the terms of subscription, shall be individually liable to the creditors of the company to the amount remaining unpaid; and in like manner shall the Directors be liable individually for any amount they may declare, and authorize to be paid to the stockholders, as dividends, when the company shall be unable to pay all the debts due by it. To avoid such liability on his part, the dissenting Director shall enter, or cause to be entered on the minutes of the board, his dissent thereto; or, if not present when the act is done, he shall so record, or cause to be recorded, his dissent thereto within thirty days after such dividend shall have been authorized. Liabilities. Sec. V. That the said company shall not contract any debts over and above the amount of capital stock paid in; no part of which shall be withdrawn or in any way or manner diverted from the business of the company, without the consent of three-fourths in interest of the stockholders. Shall not contract debt above amount paid in. Sec. VI. That said corporation shall not commence business until all the capital stock shall have been subscribed, and ten per cent. thereof paid in, either in money or property. When commence business. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 166.) An Act to incorporate the Lewis Manufacturing and Mining Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That M. C. Fulton, Joseph E. Brown, James R. Brown, William L. High, E. Waitzfelder, M. Waitzfelder, L. Waitzfelder, Thomas Lewis, James R. Brown, administrator of John W. Lewis, deceased, and their associates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby made a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the Lewis Manufacturing and Mining Company, and by that name shall have succession, and shall be capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common seal, to purchase, lease, hold, sell and convey all kinds of property, real, personal and mixed; to make all by-laws, rules and regulations which they may deem necessary and proper for the organization, government and management of the affairs of said corporation; to elect a board of five directors, who shall elect a President and such other officers as may be necessary, and to do,

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transact and perform any and all acts which a corporate body may do and perform consistently with the laws and Constitution of this State and of the United States. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That said corporation is hereby authorized to engage in the business of mining for gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, coal, and other minerals, metals and mineral substances, and in the business of manufacturing iron by smelting, rolling, or by any other process, and of making any and all articles made of iron, steel, or other metal, or in any other branch of manufacturing which they may select, and of transporting, selling and disposing of the proceeds of their operations, and to do all other acts and make all contracts which may properly be done or made by a manufacturing or mining company. Objects of corporation. Sec. III. That said corporators and other person or persons owning an interest in said corporation, shall have a right to convey to said corporation the property conveyed to them by the late Dr. John W. Lewis, of Bartow county, by deed, known as the Lewis Iron property, lying on Stamp's creek, in said county, being a tract of about forty-two hundred acres of land, upon which the Lewis and Jones furnace was situated, which conveyance was made to them as the Fulton Company; and when any of said corporators are described in said deed by a firm name, that fact may be recited in the deed made by them to the corporation; which conveyances, when made, are hereby-declared legal and valid, and shall vest the title in said corporation to said property, and when the title is conveyed to the corporation such corporators, or persons owning an interest, shall be permitted to receive certificates of stock in said company in proportion to the interest such person or firm had and owned in the land so conveyed to said company. Said stock shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and shall be subject to be sold and transferred upon the books of the company as is usual in other corporate companies. Right to convey to corporation property conveyed by Dr. J. W. Lewis. Certificates of stock. Shares. Sec. IV. That the capital stock of said company shall be two hundred thousand dollars, which may be increased to five hundred thousand dollars, including the value of the real estate, which shall be considered as capital; and said capital stock shall be subject to taxation as other corporate property in the State. Capital. Taxation. Sec. V. That the directors of said corporation shall have the power from time to time, to make such assessments, from time to time, upon the capital stock or shares of the stockholders as they may deem necessary; to repair the furnaces on said property, and to erect all necessary houses, machinery, and other structures, and to purchase all wagons, teams, tools, and other property necessary to put said Iron Works, or other manufacturing establishment, into successful operation; and, in case any stockholder fails to pay said assessment, the board of directors may, as soon as said assessment is due and unpaid, order the sale of the stock upon which the assessment is made, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of assessment due and unpaid, and after thirty days advertisement in any public gazette, may, by any member or members of said board of directors,

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sell said stock at such place as may be designated in said advertisement, or enough of said stock to raise the amount due and unpaid, or may resort to any other legal means at their option to collect said assessment. Power to make assessments. Defaulting stockh'ld's. Sec. VI. That the company shall have power to locate such office or offices as they may think proper at such places as they may select; and, until otherwise ordered by the board of directors and notice thereof given in a public gazette of the city of Atlanta, the principal office of said company is hereby located in said city of Atlanta, where the meetings of the stockholders and the board of direetors shall be held, in such manner and at such times as may be prescribed by the by-laws of said company. At all elections by the stockholders each share shall have one vote, and each stockholder may vote either in person or by proxy. A majority of all the shares, when represented, shall constitute a quorum of the stockholders, and three members of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Principal office. Votes. Quorum. Sec. VII. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. VII.RAILROAD COMPANIES. Act No. 167Albany Atlantic Railroad Company. 168Atlanta LaGrange Railroad Company. 169Augusta Summerville Railroad Company. 170Cartersville Van Wert Railroad Company. 171Central Railroad Canal Company. 172Central Railroad Banking Company. 173Columbia Augusta Railroad Company. 174Dalton Jacksonville, Georgia Alabama, Alabama Tennessee River Railroad Companies. 175Gainesville Dahlonega Railroad Company. 176Georgia Air-Line Railroad Company. 177Georgia Western Railroad Company. 178Macon Brunswick Railroad Company. 179Memphis Branch Railroad Steamboat Company. 180Savannah, [Illegible Text] North Alabama Railroad Company. 181Savannah, Skidaway Seaboard Railroad Company. 182Savannah Carriage Railways. 183Southern Railroad Company. (No. 167.) An Act to incorporate the Albany Atlantic Railroad Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Nelson Tift, P. J. Strozier, of the county of Dougherty, T. L. Wilcox, of Irwin, Henry C. Wayne, of Glynn, Pierce Wellborn, of the county of Terrell, Aaron Wilbur, of Chatham, R. M. Gunby, of Muscogee, W. W. Ship, of Chattahoochee, William Watt, of Stewart, O. P. Beall, of Randolph, and A. E. Marshall, of the county of Monroe, Georgia, and such others as shall associate with them under said name, shall be, and [Illegible Text] hereby incorporated and made a body politic, with all the rights and privileges common and necessary to such a corporation, under the name of the Albany Atlantic Railroad Company. Corporators. Rights.

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Sec. H. That said company be authorized to build a railroad from Albany, in Dougherty county, in as nearly a straight line as practicable, to the point where the Macon Brunswick Road crosses the Atlantic Gulf Road, known as No. 7, on the Atlantic Gulf Road, or as the Initial Point, or at other point on said Gulf Road so as not to run within twenty miles of the Brunswick Albany Railroad, with the privilege of extending the same to the city of Columbus, in Muscogee county, through the town of Dawson, in Terrell county, or other place on the South-western Railroad, and connecting therewith, charging upon every mile, when completed, such amount for freight and passengers as may be deemed expedient and just: provided , that the charge for transportation or conveyance shall not exceed fifty cents per hundred pounds on heavy articles and ten cents per cubic foot on articles of measurement for every one hundred miles, and five cents per mile for every passenger; and for procuring stock in the same to open books and procure subscriptions of stock at the rate of twenty-five dollars per share, at such time and places as may be thought proper, to elect President, agents and servants, to borrow money, make contracts, and hold real and personal estate to and for the use of said road. Authority to build a railroad. Compensation. Proviso. Powers. Sec. III. That in all cases where a question of right of way may arise, and the parties shall be unable to agree, the sheriff of the county in which said land is situated shall summon a jury of twelve men, freeholders of said county, who shall assess the damage to be paid by said railroad company for running said road through the land of any citizen, saving to either party the right to appeal to the Superior Court under the laws in force regulating appeals to that court; and in all such cases said jury shall, in addition to the usual oath, be sworn to, in assessing damages, take into consideration the enhanced value of the lands from the building of said railroad passing through said land: provided , that in no case shall the right of way embrace more than one hundred feet in width on each side of the track of said railroad. Right of way. Right to appeal. Oath. Proviso. Sec. IV. That the corporators herein named shall be ex officio directors of said road for the year 1867, and until new directors are elected. Directors for 1867. Sec. V. That said corporation shall have full power to pass such by-laws and regulations necessary to carry out the objects of their incorporation not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States. By-laws. Sec. VI. That the capital stock of said company shall be two millions of dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to three millions of dollars if found necessary. Capital. Sec. VII. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866.

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(No. 168.) An Act to continue in force an Act, approved December 27th, 1847, entitled an Act to incorporate the Atlanta LaGrange Railroad Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the above recited act and all acts amendatory thereof, shall continue in force thirty years from the passage of this act, but the rates of transportation of freight and passengers over said road may be the same and not greater than those granted to the Georgia Railroad by its charter. Duration. Rates. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 169.) An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the Augusta and Summerville Railroad Company, approved March 20th , 1866. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the above stated act be, and is hereby amended so as to allow the running of dummy cars or engines to and from the terminus of the road, without the limits of the city of Augusta, to the present boundary line of said city, and through and over such portions of the streets of said city as have been or may hereafter be allowed by the City Council of Augusta, and in conformity with the rules prescribed, and to be prescribed, in their contracts and ordinances. Act of March, 1866. amended. Sec. II. That the capital stock and earnings of said company shall be exempt from all taxation by this State, or the county of Richmond, during the continuance of their charter, and that the taxes imposed on their real and personal property shall never exceed that imposed on the property of individuals. Taxation. Assented to 28th of December, 1866. (No. 170.) An Act to incorporate the stockholders of the Cartersville Van Wert Railroad Company. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That J. J. Howard, Lewis Tumlin, S. F. Stephens, John L. Rowland, J. R. Parrott, J. W. Curry, Wm. T. Wofford and Wm. T. Burge, of Bartow, J. F. Dever, Seaborn Jones, of Polk, and A. E. Marshal, of Monroe county, Georgia, and such others as shall associate under said name, shall be, and are hereby incorporated and made a body politic, with all the rights and privileges common and necessary to such a corporation, under the name of the Cartersville Van Wert Railroad Company. Corporators. Sec. II. That said company be authorized to build a railway from Van Wert, in Polk county, or its vicinity, to connect with the Western Atlantic Railroad, at Cartersville, Bartow county, with

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the privilege of extending said road in an easterly or westerly direction, charging upon every mile, when completed, such amounts for freights and passengers as may be deemed expedient and just; provided , that the freight so allowed shall not exceed one cent per hundred pounds per mile, and the fare of passengers shall not exceed six cents per mile; and, for procuring stock in the same, to open books and procure subscriptions of stock, at the rate of twenty-five dollars per share, at such time and places as may be thought proper; to elect presidents, directors, agents and servants; to borrow money, make contracts and hold real and personal estate to and for the use of said road. Authorized to build a railway. Proviso. Subscription. Election. Power to borrow money, etc. Sec. III. That, in all cases where a question of right of way may arise, and the parties be unable to agree, the sheriff of the county in which said land is situated shall summon a jury of twelve jurors, freeholders of said county, who shall assess the damages to be paid by said company for running said road through the land of any citizen, saving to either party the right to appeal to the Superior Court, under the laws now in force regulating appeals to that court; and in all such cases such jury shall, in addition to the usual oath, be severally sworn, in assessing damages, to take into the account the enhanced value of the land from the building of said road, passing through said land; provided , that in no case shall the right of way embrace more than one hundred feet in width on each side of the track of said road. Right of way. Right to appeal. Oath. Proviso. Sec. IV. That the Superintendent of the Western Atlantic Railroad be authorized and required, whenever the interest of his road allows it, to permit the cars of said Western Atlantic Railroad to be run on said Cartersville Van Wert Railroad, for such reasonable compensation and under such regulations as may be agreed upon between the superintendents of the two roads. Cars of W. A. Railroad. Sec. V. That the corporators herein named shall be ex officio directors of said road, for the year 1867, and until new directors are elected. Corporators to be Directors for 1867. Sec. VI. That said corporation shall have full power to pass all by-laws and regulations necessary to carry out the objects of their incorporation, not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States. By-laws. Sec. VII. That the capital stock of said Cartersville Van Wert Railroad Company shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increase at the rate of twenty-five thousand dollars per mile for every mile of increase of length in said road. Capital. Sec. VIII. That whereas said Cartersville Van Wert Railroad is a feeder to the Western Atlantic Railroad, thereby developing vast mineral resources of the State, and leading to extensive forests of pine, which will be of great service to the whole country, the keeper of the Penitentiary be authorized and required to detail from the convicts and chain gangs such a number of laborers to work on the grading of said Cartersville Van Wert Railroad, without any expense to the State for their subsistence, clothing and custody;

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provided , that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to impair, abridge, or conflict with any of the privileges or rights granted to or contained in the charter of the Polk Slate Quarry Railroad Company of this State. Keeper of Penitentiary required to detail convicts to work on grading of road. Proviso. Sec. IX. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 171.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Central Railroad and Canal Company of Georgia, to alter and change the name of the said Company, and to give to said Company banking powers and privileges. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the act entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Central Railroad and Canal Company of Georgia, to alter and change the name of the said company, and to give to said company banking powers and privileges, assented to 14th December, 1835, is hereby so altered and amended, that the scale of voting in all elections of directors, and at all meetings of stockholders of said company, shall be one vote for each share of stock held by any stockholder, person, or body politic, without any limit as to the number of votes which any shareholder may cast at such election or such meeting of stockholders, except that fixed by the actual number of shares held by such shareholders; and that so much of rule one, section twelve of said act as limits the number of votes which any person or body politic may cast, is hereby repealed. Votes. Rule one, 12th sec., repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 26th November, 1866. (No. 172.) An Act to authorize the Central Railroad Banking Company of Georgia to change the line of its railroad track, on certain conditions. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Central Railroad Banking Company of Georgia is hereby authorized to change the line of its railroad track at such points as the Board of Directors of said company may decide to be proper, and such as will shorten the distance between the cities of Savannah and Macon: Provided , that no point on such new line of railroad so constructed shall be at a greater distance than five miles from some point on the present line of railway. Authorized to change line. Proviso. Sec. II. That where any dispute shall arise as to the right of way for said new line of road so to be constructed with any land-holder, the same shall be determined and the right of way acquired in the

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manner provided in the act incorporating the said, the Central Railroad Banking Company of Georgia, and the various acts amendatory thereof. Right of way. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 173.) An Act to repeal the twenty-ninth section of an Act to incorporate the Columbia Augusta Railroad Company. Whereas, the completion of the Columbia Augusta Railroad is exceedingly important to the interests of a considerable number of the people of this State, and whereas said road, after running about eighty miles in South Carolina, will run less than one mile in this State; and whereas , the State of South Carolina has not imposed such restrictions upon the said road as are contained in the charter granted by the State of Georgia, and it is desirable that every facility should be afforded the commercial and traveling public Preamble. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the twenty-ninth section of an act entitled an act to incorporate the Columbia Augusta Railroad Company, approved March 21st, 1864, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 29th repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 14th November, 1866. (No. 174.) An Act approving the consolidation of the Dalton Jacksonville Railroad Company, and the Georgia Alabama Railroad Company, of the State of Georgia, with the Alabama Tennessee River Railroad Company, of the State of Alabama, and to authorize the consolidated company to adopt a corporate name and charter, and act under the same. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the consolidation of the Dalton Jacksonville Railroad Company, and the Georgia Alabama Railroad Company, of the State of Georgia, with the Alabama Tennessee River Railroad Company, of the State of Alabama, so as to form one consolidated Railroad Company for the construction and use of a railroad to be constructed from Blue Mountain, in the State of Alabama, as a continuation of the Alabama Tennessee River Railroad, by way of Rome, to Dalton, in the State of Georgia, be, and the same is hereby ratified and approved, and the said consolidated company, acting by its Board of Directors, shall be, and it is hereby authorized and empowered, to adopt the corporate name and style of the Selma, Rome Dalton Railroad Company, and to adopt as its charter the charter of the said Alabama Tennessee River Railroad Company, as now existing, with the amendmenst

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thereto, and under and by the said name and style and charter so authorized, may and shall have, possess, enjoy and exercise all its lawful rights, functions, powers and privileges, and shall be subject to all lawful liabilities and responsibilities incurred or contracted, or to be incurred or contracted, by said consolidated company: provided, always , that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to release either of said companies from any obligation or liability incurred or contracted by them, or either of them, prior to their said consolidation. Consolidation of companies approved. Style. Charter. Powers. Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 175.) An Act to incorporate the Gainesville Dahlonega Railroad Company, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That M. W. Brown, A. Whelchel, E. N. Gower, O. B. Thompson, D. Whelchel, G. G. Thompson, S. Stephens, John Dorsey, E. M. Johnston, Jasper N. Dorsey, B. Hamilton, Wier Boyd, D. Neisler, A. Dexter, P. Hannay, A. G. Wimpy, G. G. Pride, A. Rudolph, R. H. Moore, J. H. Rice, Jeroyal Blackwell, M. H. Van Dyke, H. W. Riley, N. F. Howard, Silas B. Palmour, W. Green, Russell F. Logan, J. P. Herron, J. A. Moody, J. P. Harrison and John Hockenhull, and their associates, successors and assigns, shall be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic, with all the rights, privileges and franchises heretofore granted to railroad incorporations in this State, under the name of the Gainesville Dahlonega Railroad Company: provided , that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize said company to use banking privileges. Corporators. Rights. Name. Proviso. Sec. II. That said company shall be authorized to build a railroad from any point on the Air Line Railroad, at or near Gainesville, Georgia, through the counties of Hall and Lumpkin, to the town of Dahlonega, in the county of Lumpkin, charging such amount for freight and travel as may be deemed expedient; and to open books and procure subscriptions of stock at the rate of fifty dollars per share, at such times and places as may be though proper; to elect a President and Directors; to borrow money; make contracts; hold real and personal estate, to and for the use of said road; that they may have and use a common seal, and sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law and equity in this State; and by a Board of Directors make all such rules and regulations, or by-laws, as are or may be necessary for the good of the corporation and effecting the object for which it is created: provided , such rules and regulations be not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia and of the United States. Powers. Sec. III. That the capital stock of said company shall be one million of dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each; which said capital

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stock may be increased one million dollars should the exigency and wants of the company require it; and that they be authorized to unite and consolidate their stock with the stocks of the Air-Line Railroad, should such be deemed advisable by a majority of the stockholders of such companies, upon such terms and conditions as shall be satisfactory to both. Capital. Authorized to unite stock. Sec. IV. That the board of directors of the aforesaid company shall have power to select and take or receive as donation such strip or strips of land between the points selected for the beginning and terminus of said road, and of such width as they may deem necessary for the construction of said road, not to exceed one hundred feet on each side; and in all cases in which any difficulty may arise between individuals or corporations and said company or their directors as to the right of way or damages to the land on which the same may be located, it shall and may be lawful for either to apply to the sheriff of the county in which such lands may be located, who shall summon a jury of five freeholders, who shall enter upon the land sought to be appropriated to the use of said company, and award in writing the amount of damages, if any, to be paid by said company, either party having the right to appeal to the Superior Court of said county under the same laws and regulations which apply to appeals in said court. And in all cases in which freeholders and the jurors in said Superior Court, in addition to the usual oath, shall be severally sworn, in assessing damages, to take into account the prospective benefit of the road to the lands and premises through which it may run: provided , that no person owning stock in said road shall serve as jurors in said case, nor give evidence touching the same; and upon the payment of the damages so assessed as aforesaid, the fee simple title to such lands as may be necessary for the location of such road, buildings, depots, and other necessary purposes, shall vest in said company. Power to receive land. Right of way. Right of appeal. Oath. Proviso. Sec. V. That the company aforesaid shall have a perpetual succession of members, and shall be deemed a common carrier as respects all passengers, goods, wares and merchandise, and property entrusted to them for their transportation: and the said company shall have power and authority to do and perform all and every corporate act as are committed and allowed to any company incorporated for similar purposes in this State: provided , nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the Legislature from taxing the stock and other property of the road in the same manner and to the same extent that other property is taxed, so soon as the road is completed and in operation. Perpetual succession. Powers. Taxation. Sec. VI. That it shall be the duty of the directors of said railroad company to keep at their principal office or place of doing business a stock list containing the names of the stockholders in said company and the number of shares owned by each, which list of stockholders shall at any time and at all times be subject to the inspection of any person desiring to see the same. Duty of the Directors. Sec. VII. That in all controversies between said company and land owners, as provided for in this act, the commissioners and jurors

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shall take into consideration the benefit as well as injury arising to the land holder from the construction of said road. Controversieshow considered. Sec. VIII. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 20th December, 1866. (No. 176.) An Act to change the name of the Georgia Air-Line Railroad Company to the name of the New York and New Orleans Air-Line Railroad Company, and to authorize it to consolidate, in part or in whole, with other Railroads, so as to secure the transportation of passengers and freight through the State of Georgia . Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the name of the Georgia Air-Line Railroad Company be, and the same is hereby changed to the name of the New York New Orleans Air-Line Railroad Company. Name. Sec. II. That the President and directors of said railroad company be and they are hereby authorized to merge and consolidate with any other railroad company or companies in this State, or the adjoining States under one common name and seal, in part or in whole, for the purpose of building said road, and for the purpose of enabling said railroad company to transport passengers and freights in and through this State, if said President and directors shall deem it necessary for the welfare of said road. Authorized to consolidate. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 177.) An Act to amend on Act entitled an Act to amend the charter of the Georgia Western Railroad, passed December 20th, 1860 . Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act the proviso to the tenth section of the act, of which this is amendatory, shall be amended so as to read, in the second line of said proviso, between the words beyond and miles, four instead of one. Proviso amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 11th, 1866. (No. 178.) An Act to extend the aid of the State to the completion of the Macon Brunswick Railroad, and for other purposes . Whereas, The Macon Brunswick Railroad has been completed to the distance of fifty miles from the city of Macon, and is thoroughly equipped, and daily trains are running thereon, and seventy miles additional are graded and ready for the superstructure; and whereas ,

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its completion to Brunswick would greatly inure to the benefit of the State in developing its agricultural, commercial and manufacturing interests; and whereas , by reason of the financial embarrassments resulting from the late war, the stockholders of said railroad are unable to supply the capital necessary to the completion of this great work. Preamble. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That his Excellency, the Governor, be and he is hereby authorized to place the endorsement of the State on the bonds of the Macon Brunswick Railroad Company, which said company may issue, to the amount of ten thousand dollars per mile for as many miles of said road as are now completed, and the like amount per mile for every additional ten miles, as the same may be completed and placed in running order, on the following terms and conditions, to-wit: Before any such endorsement shall be made the Governor shall be satisfied that as much of the road as the said endorsement shall be applied for is really finished and in complete running order, and that said road is free from all liens, or mortgages, or other incumbrances, which may in any manner endanger the security of the State; and upon the further condition and express understanding that any endorsement of said bonds, when thus made, shall not only vest the title to all property of every kind which may be purchased with said bonds in the State, until all the bonds so endorsed shall be paid; but the said endorsement shall be, and is hereby understood to operate as a prior lien or mortgage on all of the property of the company, to be enforced as hereinafter provided for. Governor authorized to place endorsement of State upon bonds of Road. Terms. Endorsement of State a prior lien on property. Sec. II. In the event of any bond or bonds endorsed by the State, as provided in the first section of this act, or the interest due thereon, shall not be paid by said railroad company at maturity, or when due, it shall be the duty of the Governor, upon information of such default by any holder of said bond or bonds, to seize and take possession of all of the property of said railroad company, and apply the earnings of said road to the extinguishment of said bond or bonds or coupons, and shall sell the said road and its equipments, and other property belonging to said company in such manner and at such time as in his judgment may best subserve the interest of all concerned. In case of default in payment of bonds or interest thereon Governor to seize property of Road. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 3d of December, 1866. (No. 179.) An Act to amend the eighth section of an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Memphis Branch Railroad Steamboat Company of Georgia, approved December 21st , 1839. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the eighth section of an act entitled an act to incorporate the Memphis Branch Railroad Steamboat Company of the State of Georgia, assented to December 21st,

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1839, be so amended as to read after the words or as administrator, executor or guardian, as follows: Or as administrator, executor, guardian or trustee. 8th sec. of act of December. 1839, amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 180.) An Act to amend an Act incorporating the Savannah, Griffin North Alabama Railroad Company . Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the charter of the Savannah, Griffin North Alabama Railroad Company be so amended as to authorize the stockholders of said company to increase the Board of Directors of said company from seven to nine. Charter amended. Sec. II. That said company, acting by their Board of Directors, shall have power to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be required for the construction and equipment of said road, and to contract for all materials and labor required for the same, and to issue bonds of the company in such proper form, and with such lawful conditions as the said Board of Directors may prescribe, and may sell and dispose of said bonds in such amounts as the necessities of said company, in the construction and equipment of said road, may require; and to secure and provide for the payment of said bonds, or any other lawful contract or obligation of said company, the company, acting by their Board of Directors, shall have power to give a lien or lease by mortgage or deed, or deeds of trust, or by endorsement, in such proper form and with such lawful terms and conditions as the said Board of Directors may prescribe, binding the railroad of said company, as constructed and to be constructed, and on all the other property and rights possessed and to be possessed by said company, including their franchise, or on such portion thereof as the said Board of Directors may deem proper; and all acts of said company, by and through their said Board of Directors, done in conformity with the provisions of this act, or of the acts or parts of acts of which this act is amendatory, shall be valid and binding on said company. Power to borrow money, etc. Power to give a lien or lease by mortgage, etc. Acts of Directors binding. Sec. III. That the said company shall have power, acting by their Board of Directors, to declare forfeited, and thereby cause to be forfeited, the stock and subscription to stock of the company, of any stockholder or subscriber to stock who shall have failed to pay up the installments called for and due on his, or her, or their subscriptions, unless such stockholder or subscriber to stock shall, within a period to be specified in the notification hereinafter directednot less than sixty days from and after the publication of noticepay up the amounts due and in arrears on the installments on subscriptions to stock which shall have been called for: provided , that before declaring and causing any such forfeiture, the said Board of Directors shall cause public notice of their intention to do so to be given by publication,

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setting forth the names of the party or parties whose stock or subscription it may be proposed to declare forfeited, and specifying the time within which such defaulters may come and pay up arrearages; which publication shall be made for four consecutive weeks in the newspapers then being published in the city of Griffin, in this State. Power to forfeit stock. Proviso. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 181.) An Act to incorporate the Savannah, Skidaway Seaboard Railroad Company, for the purpose of opening a railroad communication from the city of Savannah to the adjacent sea islands. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Wm. R. Symons and James J. Waring, for Skidaway Island; George W. Wylly and Joseph S. Claghorn, for the Isle of Hope; George M. Willett and Lemuel Hover, for Montgomery; Alvin N. Miller and William Neyle Habersham, for White Bluff; and Edward J. Purse, Herbert A. Palmer, of the city of Savannah, and such other individuals as the above named persons shall associate with them, and their assigns, shall hereafter be a body corporate by the name and style of the Savannah, Skidaway Seaboard Railroad Company, and by said corporate name shall be capable, in law, to buy, hold and sell real and personal estate, make contracts, sue and be sued, to make by-laws, and to do all lawful acts properly incident to a corporation and necessary and proper for the transaction of the business for which it is incorporated, and to have and use a common seal, and the same to alter and destroy at pleasure. Corporators. Name. Powers. Sec. II. That the capital stock of said company shall be one hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, but may be increased to a sum not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), whenever it may be deemed expedient by a majority of the Board of Directors of said corporation for the time being. Capital. Shares. Sec. III. That said corporation be, and it is hereby authorized and empowered to make, construct and maintain a railroad for the transportation of produce, merchandise and passengers, of suitable width and dimensions, in the most convenient, proper and practical course from a point within the corporate limits of the city of Savannah to the Isle of Hope and Skidaway Island; and to make, construct and maintain branch railroads, beginning at such points on the main line as the directors of said company may select, running to Montgomery and White Bluff, paying to the owners of land through which the said main line of railroad and branches may pass, a just indemnity, to be ascertained as hereinafter provided for, for the value of the land covered by the railway, and for twelve feet on each side of the same for the procurement therefrom of timber, earth, and

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other materials. And whenever any person shall own land on both sides of the railroad or its branches, the company shall be bound to construct and maintain such crossings as may be required by said owners; but no person shall be at liberty to cross such railroad, except by such roads, without the express permission of the corporation. Authorized to construct a railroad from, to. Branch roads. Compensation to owners of land. Sec. IV. That when any person shall feel aggrieved or injured by the said railroad and branches being carried through his lands, or when the said company cannot agree with any person, through or on whose land the said railroad and branches shall be conducted, as to the damage sustained, the amount of such damage or injury shall be ascertained and determined by the written award of three sworn appraisers, to be chosen, one by the company, one by the owner, if he shall think proper, and one by any three Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county; but if such owner shall decline to appoint an appraiser, then by two appraisers, to be appointed by the Justices aforesaid and one by the company, the award of the appraisers appointed as aforesaid to operate as a judgment for the amount against the company, and shall be recorded in the Superior Court of the county of Chatham, as of the ensuing term of said court, and be enforced by execution from said court, with the right of appeal to either party, to be tried at the next term thereafter by a special jury; and the decision shall vest in the company the fee simple of the land in question, and in the other party a judgment for its value thus ascertained, to be enforced by the ordinary process of said county. Amount of damagehow ascertained. When award is to be recorded in Sup. Court. Right of appeal. Sec. V. Whenever the said railroad or its branches shall intersect any public road, the company shall be bound to construct a safe and substantial bridge or crossing over or across said public road, to be afterwards maintained by the said company. To construct crossing. Sec. VI. The said company shall be entitled to operate said railroad by steam or horse power, and shall have the exclusive use of the same for their cars or other conveyances; and if said company shall permit or suffer others to use the same, it shall be entitled and empowered to receive and collect such toll for the use of the same as may be fixed by said company. Emp'wered to hire road out. Sec. VII. Any person injuring the property of said company, or who shall throw earth, stones, trees, rubbish, logs, or any other matter or thing whatsoever upon the said railroad and branches, shall be punished by indictment as for a misdemeanor, and on conviction may be fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court, and shall also be liable for such damages as may be occasioned thereby, to be recovered by action at the suit of said company or any person aggrieved, in any court having jurisdiction. Injury to property a misdemeanor. Penalty. Sec. VIII. The said corporation, as soon as ten thousand dollars shall have been paid in, shall organize a board of directors, who shall elect, at their first meeting after such organization, one of their members as President, who shall receive such compensation as the said board of directors may be determined. The term of office of the President and directors as aforesaid, and the manner and form of all

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subsequent selection of directors, and the number of said directors, and the number of votes to which stockholders shall be entitled, shall be fixed and established by the by-laws, rules and regulations of said corporation, to be framed by them as provided in the first section of this act. Directors. President. Term of office. By-laws. Sec. IX. The board of directors may call for further installments on each share, whenever necessary for the interest of said company, not to exceed one hundred dollars in all on each share, giving at least sixty days' notice in the public gazettes of the city of Savannah, of such call; and any and all stockholders failing to pay any installment so called for, for thirty days after the time designated by such call, shall forever forfeit his stock in the said company, and all payments which he may have heretofore made, and the stock so forfeited, shall vest in and become the property of said company, to be disposed of as the board of directors thereof shall determine. Installments. Delinquent stockh'ld's. Sec. X. Certificates of stock shall be issued to the stockholders on the payment of the sum required at the time of subscription, which shall be transferred on the books of the company only, and by personal entry of the stockholder or his legal attorney or representative only, authorized for that purpose. Certificates of stock. Sec. XI. The said company shall have full power and authority to carry such railroad over and across all or any rivers, creeks, water courses that may be in the route thereof, or any branch thereof, by any suitable bridges or proper means; provided , that when such railroad or its branches shall cross any navigable stream or water course, the same shall not be so constructed as to impede the navigation thereof. Power to carry railroad over creeks, etc. Proviso. Sec. XII. That the said corporation shall have the exclusive privilege to construct, keep and build the railroad and branches as aforesaid during the term of twenty years, the time to be computed from the passage of this act, and after the expiration of said term of twenty years, the General Assembly may authorize the construction of other railroads between the point aforesaid; provided, nevertheless , the said Savannah, Skidaway Seaboard Railroad Company shall, after the lapse of said twenty years, be, and remain incorporate and vested as to their own works, with all the estate, rights, powers and privileges by this act granted and secured, except the exclusive right aforesaid, but the General Assembly may renew and extend that exclusive right upon such terms as may be subscribed by law and be accepted by said incorporated company. Exclusive privilege to build the railroad. Proviso. Assented to 20th December, 1866.

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(No. 182.) An Act to authorize the City Council of Savannah to lay down and construct carriage railways in the streets of Savannah, and to operate and work the same either directly for the corporation of Savannah or by contract or agreement with other persons, and for other purposes in this Act mentioned. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in council assembled, and as a corporation, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to lay down, build and construct in any of the streets of Savannah, except as hereafter excepted, and to run, operate and work the same carriage railways, for the convenience of persons traveling in and visiting said city; the cars and carriages on such railways to be moved and propelled by animal power, and not by steam, together with the necessary turnouts and switches; provided, always , that in any case where the grading for any such railway shall render a bridge or bridges necessary for the convenience of crossing a street by other vehicles, or by persons on foot or on horseback, such bridge or bridges shall be built and kept in proper repair; also, that no such railway shall, when it can possibly be avoided, interfere with the usual or natural grade of any street; and further, that the rate of speed on any such railway shall not be greater than that allowed by present or future ordinance of said city for other vehicles; and provided further , that such railways shall, in all respects, be so constructed, laid, built and used as that other vehicles and horsemen and footmen may pass freely in and across the street or streets used by said railway, except at the instant of the passing of a car, carriage, or train; and further, that no such railway shall ever be built or laid in or on any street which runs through a square or park in said city, or in or on any street less than forty-five (45) feet in width. Power of Council to build street railroads. To be propelledhow. Proviso. Rate of speed. Proviso. Sec. II. That the said corporation of Savannah may either build, construct and use such railways on its own account, or let or farm the privilege to individuals or companies, under the conditions and restrictions contained in this act, and at such rates of fare and other charges as the City Council of Savannah may by ordinance determine; provided, however , that the corporation of Savannah, in letting or farming such privileges as aforesaid, shall not sell the privilege for any money consideration, other than an agreed proportion of the net annual earnings of such railway or railways; and that the rates of fare and other charges must, beforehand, be fixed by ordinance and published for general information; and Council may also, by contract, fix the time at which the city proportion of earnings shall be made payable, and either by ordinance or contract require indemnity for the payment of its said proportion. Corporation may use railway on its own account, or let the privilege. Proviso. Sec. III. That it shall be the right of said City Council to determine what transportation, in addition to passengers and luggage, may be made on such railways; provided , that permission to carry freight

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on such railways by any company or contracting party, or by the city corporation, shall not be granted until the question of carrying freight shall have been submitted to the ballot of the legal voters of the city of Savannah and county of Chatham, and by a majority of such voters been approved. Transportation. Proviso. Sec. IV. That after the rates of fare shall have been fixed by the City Council of Savannah, for and upon such railway or railways, such rates shall never be increased, except by authority from said City Council; and in case the privilege of carrying freight be allowed by ballot of the people, as aforesaid, the City Council shall always have the right to fix, limit and change the rates of such freight; and said City Council shall never depute, delegate or assign the right to construct, operate and use such railways for a longer period than ten years, after which the City Council may, from time to time, renew the lease, grant, or permission to the same party or parties, or grant the permission to other and different persons, and the said City Council may, always in advance, fix the terms other than those prescribed in the act on which such railways may be built and used and managed. Increase of fare. Duration. Sec. V. Repeals all conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 183.) An Act to incorporate the Southern Railroad Company . Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, B. F. Bruton, J. M. Potter, R. H. Whitely, C. J. Munnerlepe, F. L. Babbitt, F. G. Arnett, J. C. DeGraffenreid, J. E. Bower, L. N. Hester, and their associates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby declared and constituted a body corporate and politic by the name and style of the Southern Railroad Company, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity in this State, may have and use a common seal, and the same alter or destroy at pleasure; and may purchase, accept, have, hold, enjoy and convey any property, real, personal or mixed, which may be necessary or proper for the purpose herein mentioned. Corporators. Style. Powers. Sec. II. That said company shall have power and authority to survey, lay out and construct, equip, use and enjoy a railroad from Bainbridge, in the county of Decatur, to Dawson, in the county of Terrell, or to Cuthbert, in the county of Randolph, and from Bainbridge, in the county of Decatur, to any point on the Florida line, and to connect with any other road at such points as they may deem best: Provided , that none of the privileges herein granted shall be so construed or used as to impair the rights of any other corporation heretofore created. Power to build R. R. between what points. Proviso. Sec. III. That the capital stock of said company shall not be less than fifty thousand dollars, nor more than one million of dollars; books of subscription for which shall be opened at such times and places as a majority of the parties named, their successors or assigns shall

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determine, and when the first named amount shall be taken by bona fide subscribers, in shares of one hundred dollars each, said company shall organize and proceed to construct said road: provided , that in all disputes and differences arising about the right of way over lands between said company and land owners, the same modes of settlement that are now usual in similar cases shall be allowed and are hereby guaranteed to said land or real estate owners. Capital. Books of subscription to be opened. Proviso. Sec. IV. That the road contemplated in this act shall be commenced within ten years from the passage of this act, or this charter is forfeited: provided , said charter shall continue for and during the term of thirty years from the commencement of said road, and that the rates of transportation of freight and passengers over said road may be the same and not greater than those granted to the Georgia Railroad by its charter. When road to commence. Proviso. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. VIII.TELEGRAPH. Act No. 184United States and West India Telegraph Company. (No. 184.) An Act to encourage telegraphic communication between the State of Georgia and the Bahamas and West India Islands. Whereas, A. H. Cole, R. H. Anderson, George W. Anderson, Jr., John W. Anderson, L. J. Walker, J. S. Coles, James Tucker, R. G. Cole, J. S. McGinness, T. S. Mays, and their associates, successors and assigns, persons composing the United States and West India Telegraph Company, an incorporated company under the laws of the State of Georgia, are desirous of establishing a line of submarine telegraphic communication between the State of Georgia and the Bahamas and other West India Islands. Now, therefore, in order to facilitate the said enterprise Preamble. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the persons composing said corporation, their associates, successors and assigns, shall have the sole and exclusive right and privilege for the period of thirty years from the date of this act of landing a submarine telegraphic cable or cables on the shore, sea coast, islands, reefs, or sand banks lying within the limits and jurisdiction of the State of Georgia, and of connecting by means of said submarine telegraphic cable or cables the shore and sea coast of the State aforesaid with the Bahamas and other West India Islands. Corporators' right. Duration. Sec. II. That the parties aforesaid composing said corporation, their associates, successors and assigns, be authorized and empowered to connect the terminus of the submarine cable or cables aforesaid, on the shore, by a land line with the most convenient land telegraphic line, with the assent of the owners of such line, and for that purpose they shall have the privilege and power to erect, construct, maintain

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and operate telegraphic lines throughout the State of Georgia, and across the islands, keys, sand banks and reefs belonging to said State, and over which said State has control and jurisdiction: provided , however, that the parties composing the said corporation, their associates, successors and assigns, shall, within the period of ten years from the passage of this act, cause the said submarine telegraphic cable or cables to be laid down, connecting the shore of the State of Georgia and the Bahamas and other West India Islands, and through the said State of Georgia, connecting with other telegraph lines; and provided, also , that the said line shall be in successful operation for the transmission of messages and dispatches over it within the said period of ten years, otherwise this grant shall be null and void. Empowered to connect terminus of cable with most convenient telegraphic line. Proviso. Assented to December 18th, 1866. TITLE XV. JUDICIARY. Sec. 1. Judges of Superior Court and Solicitors GeneralWhen no majority vote is cast. 2. Revision of jury lists declared valid. 3. Time for drawing jurors extended. 4. Bailiffs may summon jurors, when. 5. Fees for service. 6. Millers exempt from jury duty. 7. General competency of witnesses. Proviso. 8. Exceptions. 9. In cases of adultery or breach of promise. 10. Lunatics, etc., incompetent. Sec. 11. Party may be witness in cases under ordinance. 12. Establishment of lost papersparties. 13. In cases of non-resident defendants. 14. Acts of Notaries Public declared valid. 15. Marshaling assets of estatescopy bill. 16. Name of defendant may be inserted. 17. Contracts of apprenticeship declared valid. 18. May be recorded. 19. Lien of landlord upon crop. 20. Of factors and merchants. 21. Enforcement of liens. (No. 185.) An Act to provide for the filling the offices of Judges of the Superior Court and Solicitors General, in cases where, on the day fixed by the Constitution for said elections, there is no majority vote cast. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That in all cases when, on the day fixed by the Constitution for the election of Judges of the Superior Court and Solicitors General, there is no majority vote cast, and therefore no election, the office in such circuit shall be and is hereby declared vacant, and such vacancy shall be filled as is now provided by law. Office declared vacant. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th of December, 1866.

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(No. 186.) An Act to legalize the revisions of the lists of Grand and Petit Jurors of the several counties of this State, and to extend the time for the same, and to legalize the drawing of Jurors, and for other purposes. Whereas, The Justices of the Inferior Courts in many counties in this State have revised the lists for Grand and Petit Jurors, but did not do so within the time prescribed by the Code, and have made the boxes for Grand and Petit Jurors, and have drawn therefrom pannels of grand and petit jurors, and in other respects have failed to comply with the requisitions of the Code, section 3822, for remedy whereof, Preamble. 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the acts of the Justices of the Inferior Courts of this State heretofore done in the revising of the jury lists, in making up the boxes of grand and petit jurors, and in drawing grand and petit jurors therefrom, be and the same are hereby legalized and declared valid. Acts of Justices of I. C. legalized. 3. Sec. II. That the Justices of the Inferior Court of the several counties of this State shall have power, from time to time, to revise the lists of grand and petit jurors for their respective counties in accordance with the regulations of the Code on that subject, and whenever grand and petit jurors shall not have been drawn at the time of such revision for the succeeding term of the Superior Courts of their counties, that they shall have the power to draw grand and petit jurors from the lists so made by them for said courts at any time before the said next term: provided it be done in time to summon such jurors according to the terms of the Code. Justices of I. C. have power to revise lists of jurors. Power to draw jurors. Proviso. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 3d December, 1866. (No. 187.) An Act to authorize bailiffs to summons Grand and Petit Jurors in certain cases, and for other purposes. Whereas, in many counties of this State there is no qualified sheriff or deputy sheriff by whom grand and petit jurors can be summoned to Superior Courts, and in consequence of which some of the Superior Courts stand suspended. Therefore, Preamble. 4. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That it shall and may be lawful for bailiffs to summons grand and petit jurors to attend Superior Courts in any county of this State in which there may be no qualified sheriff. Lawful for bailiffs to summons jurors. 5. Sec. II. That for such service the said bailiff shall be entitled to the fees of a sheriff for like service. Fees. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866.

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(No. 188.) An Act to exempt persons actually engaged in attending to a Grist Mill from jury duty. 6. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That from and after the passage of this act, all persons actually engaged in attending to a grist mill be exempt from serving as jurors in the courts of justice in this State. Certain persons exempted from jury duty. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. (No. 189.) An Act to declare certain persons competent witnesses as in the Act set out, and for other purposes. Whereas, the inquiry after truth in courts of justice is often obstructed by incapacities created by the present law, and it is desirable that full information as to the facts in issue, both in civil and criminal cases, should be laid before the persons who are to decide upon them, and that such persons should exercise their judgment on the credit of the witnesses adduced for the truth of testimony Preamble. 7. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That in all cases hereafter tried, no person offered as a witness shall hereafter be excluded, by reason of incapacity from crime or interest, or from being a party, from giving evidence, either in person or by deposition, according to the practice of the court, on the trial of any issue joined, or of any matter or question, or on any inquiry arising in any suit, action, or proceeding, civil or criminal, in any court, or before any judge, jury, sheriff, coroner, magistrate, officer or party, having by law or consent of parties authority to hear, receive and examine evidence; but that every person so offered shall be competent and compellable to give evidence on behalf of either or any of the parties to the said suit, action or other proceeding, except as hereinafter excepted: provided , that when one of the original parties to the contract or cause of action in issue and on trial is dead, or is shown to the court to be insane, or when an executor or administrator is a party in any suit on a contract of his testator or intestate, the other party shall not be admitted to testify in his own favor. Competent witnesses. Proviso. 8. Sec. II. But nothing herein contained shall render any person, who, in any criminal proceeding, is charged with the commission of any indictable offence, or any offence punishable on summary conviction, competent or compellable, to give evidence for or against himself, or herself, or shall render any person compellable to answer any question tending to criminate himself or herself; or shall in any criminal proceeding render any husband competent or compellable to give evidence for or against his wife, or any wife competent or compellable to give evidence for or against her husband; nor shall any attorney be compellable to give evidence for or against his client. Incompetent witnesses. No attorney compelled to give evidence. 9. Sec. III. Nothing herein contained shall apply to any action,

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suit, or proceeding, or bill, in any court of law or equity instituted in consequence of adultery, or to any action for breach of promise of marriage. Exc'ptions. 10. Sec. IV. Persons who have not the use of reason, as idiots, lunatics during lunacy, and children who do not understand the nature of an oath, are incompetent. Lunatics incompetent. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 190.) An Act to declare the effect of the second section of an Ordinance passed by the Convention, November 8th, 1865, to make valid private contracts entered into and executed during the war against the United States, and to authorize the Courts of this State to adjust equities, etc. 11. Section I. Be it enacted , That in all cases arising under the said ordinance, either party shall be a competent witness to prove any of the facts authorized to be proved by said ordinance, leaving the credibility of the witness to the jury. Either party a competent witness. Approved 18th December, 1866. (No. 191.) An Act to authorize the making of parties in certain cases therein mentioned. 12. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That in all cases now pending, or hereafter to be commenced, for the purpose of establishing any lost or destroyed paper (other than an office paper), any person whose interest is to be affected by the establishing such lost paper, shall, upon motion, by order of the court, be made a party defendant to such proceeding, and be allowed all the rights of defence against the same, as fully as if he was the maker of said lost paper. Who can be made party defendant. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 192.) An Act to add an additional section to an Act amendatory of the law relating to the establishment of lost papers, approved 7th of March , 1866. 13. Section I. Be it enacted , That in all cases where suit may have been instituted on any bond, bill, note, draft, check, or other evidence of indebtedness, and said suit shall not have gone to the appeal, and the defendant is a non-resident, so that personal service cannot be made as required by this act, such evidence of indebtedness may be established, on motion, as an office paper, upon the plaintiff,

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his agent or attorney making oath that the same has been lost or destroyed since the commencement of suit, that it was in his possession when the suit was commenced, and is still unpaid. If defendant is a non-resident how paper may be established. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 193.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to legalize and make valid certain acts of Notaries Public in this State, and for other purposes, approved 17 th March , 1866. 14. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That all affidavits to hold to bail, or for the purpose of obtaining any other legal process, and all legal processes to hold to bail, or for any other purpose, taken before or issued by any Notary Public of this State, after the expiration of the time for which said Notary Public was appointed, and before the passage of this act, be, and the same are hereby declared legal and valid, as though they had been sworn to and issued as is now the custom and usage by law in this State. Certain acts of Notaries Public after expiration of term of office declared valid. Sec. II. This act shall go into effect immediately upon its approval by his Excellency, the Governor of this State; and all conflicting laws are hereby repealed. Act to take effect. Approved 16th November, 1866. (No. 194.) An Act to amend the law in regard to effecting service of bills in equity to marshal the assets of estates of deceased persons . 15. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That when bills in equity to marshal the assets of estates of deceased persons are brought, service of the same may be effected by serving the defendants, or either of them, with a copy of the subp[UNK]na of the injunction and of the fiat of the Judge sanctioning the bill, without a copy of the bill or any of the exhibits attached thereto, and service so effected shall be sufficient; but the defendants, or any of them, shall be entitled to a copy or copies of the bill and exhibits, or any part thereof, on applying to the Clerk of the Court for the same, the clerk charging to the plaintiff such fees as the existing laws now authorize the clerk to charge: provided , such defendants as may be designated by the Judge sanctioning the bill, shall be served as required by existing laws. Service how effected. Def'ts entitled to copy of bill. Clerk's fees Proviso. 16. Sec. II. That it shall be lawful, on application of any of the complainants, for the clerk at any time to insert in such bill, subp[UNK]na and injunction, the name of any defendant that may have been omitted, and service perfected in manner aforesaid, shall be of the same effect, and operate in the same manner, as though such defendant's name had been inserted in the original bill. Lawful for clerk to insert in bill name of any def't omitted. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866.

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(No. 195.) An Act to make valid contracts of apprenticeship made by citizens of Georgia with agents of the Freedmen's Bureau. Whereas, The commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau for this State has heretofore authorized the various agents of that bureau in all the counties of this State, to bind out to suitable persons minor colored persons of African descent, of both sexes, until they attain the age of twenty-one years; and whereas , many of the citizens of this State have entered into these contracts of indenture and apprenticeship in accordance with the regulations of said bureau; therefore, Preamble. 17. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That these contracts shall be good and valid as if made agreeably to the statutory provisions of this State, and that no citizen of this State shall be deprived of his apprentice by reason of the informality of the contract, when the provisions and regulations of the bureau have been substantially met. 18. Sec. II. That parties holding these contracts shall be allowed to have them recorded in the same manner, and enjoy thereby all the rights which would accrue to them, as in case they had been made and recorded as the statutes provide. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 8th December, 1866. (No. 196.) An Act to give landlords a lien upon the crops of tenants, for stock, farming utensils and provisions furnished such tenants, for the purpose of making their crops, and to give factors and merchants a lien upon the growing crops of farmers, for provisions and commercial manures furnished them for the purpose of making their crops. 19. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That from and after the passage of this act, that landlords may have, by special contract in writing, a lien upon the crops of their tenants, for such stock, farming utensils and provisions furnished such tenants for the purpose of making their crops. Landlords to have lien on stock, etc. 20. Sec. II. That factors and merchants shall have a lien upon the growing crops of farmers, for provisions furnished and commercial manures furnished, upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the parties. Merchants a lien upon crops. 21. Sec. III. That such liens shall be enforced in the same way and manner that liens are now enforced against steamboats in this State. Liens, how enforced. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866.

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TITLE XVI. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Sec. 1. Offices of Treasurer and Steward consolidated. Duties. 2. Receipts for pay patients. 3. To furnish supplies. Sec. 4. Duties of Assistant Steward. 5. Vouchers for expenditures. 6. Bond and security. 7. Salary. (No. 197.) An Act to consolidate the offices of Treasurer and Steward of the Lunatic Asylum, and to define the duties of said officer. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That from and after the passage of this act, the offices of Treasurer and Steward of the Lunatic Asylum be, and the same are hereby consolidated, and said Steward, with an assistant, shall discharge all the duties of both officers. The Steward shall draw upon the warrants of the Governor such sums of money, quarterly, or as frequently as may be necessary to meet the current expenses of the institution, out of the funds appropriated for the use of the Asylum, and shall be the purchasing or disbursing agent for the same, and shall purchase every species of supplies, of food, clothing, drugs, etc., as directed by the medical superintendent, necessary for the comfort and well being of the inmates of the institution. Offices consolidated. Steward to draw money, how, how much. 2. Sec. II. He shall also receive from the friends, guardians, or parents of the pay patients such sums of money as may be charged for their care and support, and disburse the same in accordance with the wishes of such parent, guardian, or friend, and shall account for, in his annual report to the trustees, the amount received from each one, and the manner of its disbursement. Shall receive and account for money from guardians. 3. Sec. III. He shall furnish such supplies monthly, or weekly, if necessary, to the assistant Steward, as the necessities of the inmates may demand, for which said assistant shall give a receipt, showing the kind and amount supplied. Supplies how purchased. 4. Sec. IV. The assistant Steward shall distribute, daily, such supplies as the Steward furnishes to him for the use of the pauper inmates, and shall render, quarterly, to the Steward, an itemized account of each day's distribution, to be returned by said Steward, in his annual report, to the trustees. Duties of assistant Steward. 5. Sec. V. That the Steward shall be required to furnish vouchers from the parties of whom he purchased, for all of his disbursements, and shall further be required to furnish or present vouchers from the assistant Steward, to whom such supplies are furnished. Steward required to furnish vouchers.

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6. Sec. VI. Said Steward shall be required, within twenty days after his appointment, to give a bond, with good surety, to be approved by the trustees, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of his duty, which bond shall be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, and filed in the executive office. Shall give bond. 7. Sec. VII. The salary of the Steward shall be fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and it shall be drawn from the sum appropriated to pay the salaries of the sub-officers of the Asylum. Salary. Sec. VIII. Repeals all conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. TITLE XVII. MAIMED SOLDIERS. Sec. 1. Indigent maimed soldiers to be educated. 2. To enter into obligation to teach. 3. If funds deficient, Governor to issue bonds. Proviso. 4. Word indigent stricken out of act of 12th March, 1866. 5. Affidavit of commanding officer. Sec. 6. Benefits of act extended. 7. Transportation to be furnished. 8. May receive price of artificial limb. 9. Ordinary to make out list. 10. Governor to draw warrant. 11. Neglect of Ordinary. Penalty for. 12. Disabled soldiers may peddle without license. Proviso. (No. 198.) An Act to educate the indigent maimed soldiers of Georgia, and to provide the necessary means for the same. Whereas, It is a matter of primary importance that Georgia should have native educated teachers for the instruction of the children of the State; and whereas , there are many indigent maimed soldiers in the State, under thirty years, who, by reason of the loss of limbs, are deprived of the ability to perform physical labor; and whereas , it is a holy and patriotic duty to provide in the best manner possible for those unfortunate patriots; for remedy whereof, Preamble. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc ., That all indigent maimed soldiers of the State of Georgia, under the age of thirty years old, be educated at the University of the State of Georgia, at the Mercer University, at Emory College, at Oglethorpe University, and at Bowdon College, free of charge for tuition, books, board and clothing, until the completion of their collegiate term. Indigent maimed soldiers to be educated, where. 2. Sec. II. That upon the application, accompanied with proper vouchers, of any indigent maimed soldier, that he is of the class above specified, to the trustees of said universities and colleges, they

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shall forthwith receive him into said institution, and give him all the benefits of the same, upon the applicant entering into a written obligation, upon his honor, to teach, when he shall have completed his collegiate course, the same number of years in Georgia he may have been in said universities or colleges. Obligation of applicant. 3. Sec. III. That, for the purpose of effectually carrying into efficient operation the provisions of this act, that his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby authorized, should there not be funds provided for the same in the Treasury, to issue to the trustees of said universities and colleges, the bonds of the State, payable at such times and in such manner as he may deem best, to an amount sufficient to accomplish and carry into effectual operation the provisions of this act; provided , the State will not pay more than three hundred dollars per annum for each beneficiary under this act. Governor authorized to issue bonds. Proviso. Approved December 18th, 1866. (No. 199.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act for the relief of maimed indigent soldiers and officers, citizens of this State, who belonged to military organizations of this State in the State or Confederate States armies, by striking out the word indigent wherever occurring in said Act, and for the other purposes. 4. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That an act entitled an act for the relief of maimed indigent soldiers and officers, citizens of this State, who belonged to military organizations of this State in the State or Confederate States armies, approved 12th March, 1866, be amended by striking out therefrom the word indigent wherever therein occurring; and further amended by striking out from the first section of said act the word who in the fifteenth line thereof as appearing in the printed copies of the laws. Words indigent who, where struck out. 5. Sec. II. That the second section of said act be amended by adding in the eighth line, after the word ordinary, the words or by the affidavit of the officer commanding the regiment, battalion or company to which the applicant belonged. 2d section, how amended. Approved November 16th, 1866. (No. 200.) An Act to amend an Act entitled An Act for the relief of maimed and indigent soldiers and officers, citizens of this State, who belonged to military organizations of this State, in the State or Confederate States armies, approved 12 th March, 1866. 6. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the before [Illegible Text] act be and the same is so amended as to include as beneficiaries of the bounty of the State all maimed soldiers of this State and of the Confederate States in the late war, and who are now citizens of this State. Act of Mar. 1866, amended.

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Sec. II. That this act shall take effect from and immediately after its passage. Act to take effect. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 201.) An Act to provide a mode to furnish transportation to soldiers in traveling to and from their homes to the place or places designated as places to supply maimed soldiers with a leg or an arm. 7. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That whenever any maimed soldier who may be entitled to an artificial arm or leg under any act passed by the General Assembly shall desire transportation by railroad to and from the place where such legs or arms are furnished, he shall procure from the ordinary of his county a certificate under seal of his office that he is so entitled, and such number of duplicates as there are different roads over which he may pass in going to and returning from said place, which certificate shall be taken up by the conductor of said road, and such duplicate shall be a sufficient voucher when presented to the treasurer of this State to entitle said road to receive the amount due. Maimed soldiers entitled to transportation. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 202.) An Act to pay, in money, to each wounded, disabled soldier the value of the artificial limb to which he may be entitled under an Act of the General Assembly, approved March 13 th, 1866, under such provisions as are contained in this Act. 8. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, whenever it shall appear that the artificial limb to which any soldier may be entitled under the provisions of an act approved March 13th, 1866, could not be of service by reason of the nature of the stump to which it is intended to be attached, or where it shall appear that such soldier does not desire to avail himself of the benefits of said recited act for the reason that he has manufactured for himself such artificial limb, suited to his wants, then and either case it shall be lawful for such beneficiary to receive in money the price of the limb to which he would have been entitled under the provisions of said before recited act. Soldiers authorized to receive money instead of artificial limbs. 9. Sec. II. That it shall be the duty of the several ordinaries of this State to make out a list of each beneficiary under said act of March 13th, 1866, in his county, setting forth the nature and condition of the stumps, which shall be certified under his hand and official seal and forwarded to the Comptroller General of this State, to be by him filed in his office. Ordinaries required to make out a list of each beneficiary under act of March, 1866. 10. Sec. III. That the Governor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the treasurer of the State for the amount that

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each beneficiary under this act may be entitled to, which amount, when so drawn, shall be forwarded to the ordinary of the county in which such beneficiary may reside, to be by him forthwith paid over to the respective beneficiaries. Beneficiarieshow paid. 11. Sec. IV. That if any ordinary shall fail, refuse, or neglect to comply with any of the requirements of this act, he is hereby declared guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof by any court having competent jurisdiction, shall be fined or imprisoned, at the discretion of the court. Penalty. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 4th December, 1866. (No. 203.) An Act to allow disabled soldiers in this State to peddle without license. 12. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That it shall be lawful for any disabled soldier of this State to peddle in any county or counties of this State without paying for license for the privilege of so doing and a certificate from the Justices of the Inferior Court of any county, stating the fact of his being such disabled soldier shall be sufficient evidence thereof: provided , that this act shall not authorize peddling ardent spirits, and the privileges conferred by this act shall not be transferred to or used by any other person. Disabled soldiers may peddle Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 13th December, 1866. TITLE XVIII. MARRIED WOMEN. Sec. 1. Separate property of the wife. (No. 204.) An Act to protect the rights of married women in this State. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act all the property of the wife at the time of her marriage, whether real, personal or choses in action, shall be and remain the separate property of the wife, and that all property given to, inherited

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or acquired by the wife during coverture shall vest in and belong to the wife, and shall not be liable for the payment of any debt, default, or contract of the husband. Property of the wife not liable for the husband's debts. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 13th December, 1866. TITLE XIX. MINES. Sec. 1. Owners of mines may conduct water through intervening lands. Sec. 2. Assessment of damages. (No. 205.) An Act to enable owners of mines to draw water from branches or other head-waters through intervening lands. Whereas, It is necessary to develop the mining interests of the State; and whereas , it sometimes occurs that it is necessary to draw the water by canals or ditches through the lands of persons not interested in said mines. Preamble. 1. Sec. I. Be it enacted , That the owner of any mine shall have the right to enter upon any land intervening between the mine and the water power upon which the same is dependant, and to cut thereon such ditch or canal as may be necessary to control said water power: provided , that the party desiring to cut such ditch or canal shall first have the damages assessed arising to the owner of such intervening land by reason of the cutting of such canal or ditch, and shall first pay to the owner of the land so intervening the damages which may be assessed, in manner hereinafter provided. Owner of mine may cut canal, etc., upon land between water power and mine. Proviso. 2. Sec. II. The owner of the mine shall select one freeholder, the owner of the land to be entered upon shall select another, and the Judges of the Inferior Court of the county shall appoint a third freeholder, who shall survey the premises, and make an award of the damages, which award shall be final, but no right of entry shall accrue until the damages assessed are first paid. Arbitratorshow selected. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 11th, 1866.

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TITLE XX. ORPHAN HOMES. Sec. 1. Okefenokee Swamp lands donated to Georgia State Orphan Home. 2. Sale of lands and investment of proceeds. 3. Masonic Orphans' Homelottery for authorized. Sec. 4. Report of receipts and expenditures. 5. Incorporation. 6. Failure to make returns. 7. Property exempt from taxation. (No. 206.) An Act to donate the Okefenokee Swamp lands belonging to the State of Georgia as a permanent endowment to the Georgia State Orphan Home. Whereas, there is a large body of land, surveyed and unsurveyed, belonging to the State of Georgia, known as the Okefenokee Swamp lands; and whereas , said lands are not yielding any revenue to the State; and whereas , Georgia, in looking to her future, is deeply interested in the education and welfare of her destitute orphan children; therefore, Preamble. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the entire body of said lands, surveyed and unsurveyed, be donated as a permanent endowment to the Georgia Orphan Home. Lands donated. 2. Sec. II. That the manner of selling said lands, and the proper mode of investing the proceeds thereof, shall be regulated and provided for by future legislation, it being the sense of this Legislature that said lands ought not to be put on the market the present year. Manner of selling lands and investing proceeds. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 207.) An Act to so far modify the laws against lotteries as to enable William W. Boyd, of the city of Atlanta, State of Georgia, and Mrs. William Wilson, widow of Col. W. T. Wilson, 7th Georgia, Mrs. Mary Ann Williams, Mrs. Ph[UNK]be Pember, Mrs. Charles D. Pearson, Mrs. Rosa E. Delony, Mrs. Sarah Doles, or so many of them as may accept the same, a majority of whom shall receive the powers herein granted, to adopt a scheme to raise money for the purpose of building a home for and supporting indigent widows and orphans, the home to be called the Masonic Orphans' Home. 3. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the persons aforesaid shall have the right and authority to establish, in said city, a lottery, or

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series of lotteries, and agencies, at such other places as they may deem expedient, under such scheme, rules and regulations as may be proper and expedient, to raise money for the purchase of real estate and erecting buildings thereon, in or near said city, suitable and proper for the purpose of building said Home, and for supporting and maintaining indigent widows and orphans, and providing the means of proper education for them. Also, they shall have the right and authority to buy, sell, lease and release real and personal estate, and receive such donations thereof as may be from time to time given for the purposes aforesaid, and generally do and perform such other and further proper acts as may be deemed necessary to carry out the intention and purposes of this act. Authority to establish lotteries. Purpose. Right to buy and sell real personal estate. 4. Sec. II. That the money received by said lottery, after defraying all necessary expenses, shall be applied to the purposes aforesaid; and said persons shall make annual returns, under oath, to the Governor of this State, of all moneys received, whether by proceeds of the lottery, gift, or otherwise, all expenses paid by them, and all investments made, and interest derived therefrom; as also the names and number of widows and orphans receiving the benefits aforesaid, with the name of the counties whence they came. Moneyhow applied. Returnshow made. 5. Sec. III. That the persons aforesaid, or any two of them by themselves, or together with such other or others in this act named as they may designate, may become, in the manner prescribed by law, a body corporate, under such name and style as they may select, and in that case the rights and powers given by this act may be exercised by such body corporate, but shall be exercised for the purposes and under the restrictions and liabilities expressed in this act. May become a body corporate. Style. 6. Sec. IV. That should said persons or said body corporate, when so created, fail to make returns as above required, unless good cause be shown for not so doing, to be determined by him, the Governor shall withdraw the rights and powers conferred by this act, and the property and assets acquired by virtue thereof shall be turned over to the Georgia State Orphan Home, to be used and disposed of as may be most advantageous to that institution. If body corporate fail to make returns Governor to withdraw powers, etc. 7. Sec. V. That neither the property acquired nor powers exercised by virtue of this act, shall be liable to taxation. Property not liable to taxation Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 12th December, 1866.

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TITLE XXI. PENAL CODE. SUBJECTS AND SECTIONS. Acts. Section of Code. No. 208. COMMUTATION OF DEATH PENALTY, 4220 209. RAPE, 4248 210. PAPER, Etc.,PENALTY, 42494250 211. ADDITIONAL SECTIONABANDONMENT OF CHILDREN, 212. BURGLARY DEFINED, 4283 213. BASTARDYEXCULPATORY AFFIDAVIT, Etc., 4641 214. INSURRECTION, 215. INSURRECTION BY CONVICTS, 216. CRIMES REDUCED BELOW FELONIESSOLICITORS' FEES, 217. ILLEGAL EMPLOYMENT OF SERVANTS, 218. BATHING IN PUBLIC PLACES ON SABBATHMISDEMEANOR, 219. MISDEMEANOR TO HUNT ON SABBATH IN CERTAIN COUNTIES, 220. MISDEMEANOR TO HUNT IN SHEEP ENCLOSURES, PENAL CODECHANGES IN, Etc. Sec. 1. Sentence of death may be commuted. 2. Section 4228 of Code of force. 3. Rape punishable with death. Assault with intent. 4. Abandonment of children a misdemeanor. 5. Burglary defined. 6. Bastardyexculpatory affidavit or testimony. 7. Insurrection defined. 8. Inciting insurrection. 9. Penalty. 10. Papers, etc., to excite insurrection. Sec. 11. Insurrection by convicts, a capital offence. 12. Crimes reduced below felonyfees in. 13. Employment of another's servant, a misdemeanor. 14. Bathing on Sabbathwhen a misdemeanor. 15. Penalty. 16. Hunting on Sabbath in certain counties, a misdemeanor. 17. Hunting in sheep enclosures a misdemeanor. 18. Penalty. (No. 208.) An Act to extend the provisions of Section 4220 of the Code to all cases in which the penalty of death is prescribed. 1. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That in all cases in which the penalty prescribed by law for any offence is death, the sentence may be commuted in conformity with the provisions of section 4220 of the Code. Provisions of sec. 4220 extended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 209.) An Act to repeal so much of the first section of an Act entitled an Act to alter and amend the Penal Code of Georgia, passed March 12th , 1866, as relates to the 4248 th section of the Code of Georgia. 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, so much of the first section of an act entitled an act to alter and amend the Penal Code of Georgia, passed March 12th, 1866, as relates to section 4248 of the Code of Georgia, be, and the same is hereby repealed, and that said section 4248 be of force as before the passage of said act. Sec. 4248 of Penal Code re-enacted. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 11th December, 1866. (No. 210.) An Act to alter and change the 4249 th and the 4250 th paragraphs of the Code of Georgia. 3. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and immediately after the passage of this act, the crime of rape, in this State, shall be punished with death, unless the defendant is recommended to mercy by the jury, in which case the punishment shall be the same as for an assault with intent to commit a rape. An assault with intent to commit a rape, in this State, shall be punished by an imprisonment, at hard labor in the Penitentiary of this State, for a term not less than one nor longer than twenty years. Paragraphs 4249 and 4250 changed Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 211.) An Act to add an additional section to the 4 th division, part 4 th, title 1 st, of the Penal Code. 4. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That if any father shall wilfully and voluntarily abandon his child or children, leaving them in a dependent and destitute condition, such father shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished as for other misdemeanors. Father abandoning child guilty of misdemeanor. Approved 13th December, 1866. (No. 212.) An Act to alter and amend section four thousand two hundred and eighty-three (4283) of the Code of Georgia. 5. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the above mentioned section of the Code of Georgia shall

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read as follows: Burglary is the breaking and entering into the dwelling, mansion, or store-house, or other place of business of another, where valuable goods, wares, produce, or any other article of value are contained or stored, with intent to commit a felony or larceny. All outhouses contiguous to or within the curtilage or protection of the mansion or dwelling house, shall be considered as parts of the same. A hired room or apartment in a public tavern, inn, or boarding house, shall be considered as the dwelling house of the person or persons occupying or hiring the same. Burglary may be committed in the day or night. Sec. 4283 amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 12th December, 1866. (No. 213.) An Act to alter and amend section 4641 of the Code of Georgia. 6. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That section 4641 of the Code of Georgia be, and it is hereby so altered and amended, as to make the sixteenth line of said section read: Offering an exculpatory affidavit or testimony, either or both , to the magistrate in the first instance, adding the words italicised to said line. Exculpatory affidavit, etc. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 214.) An Act to amend the Penal Code. 7. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That insurrection shall consist in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the State, with intent to the denial thereof, when the same is manifested, or intended to be manifested by acts of violence. Insurrectiondefinition of. 8. Sec. II. Any attempt, by persuasion or otherwise, to induce others to join in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the State, shall constitute an attempt to incite insurrection. Attempt to incite. 9. Sec. III. Any person convicted of the offense of insurrection, or an attempt at insurrection, shall be punished with death, or, if the jury recommend to mercy, confinement in the Penitentiary for a term not less than five, nor more than twenty years. Penalty for. 10. Sec. IV. If any person shall bring, introduce, permit, or circulate, or cause to be introduced, circulated or permitted, or aid to assist, or be in any manner instrumental in bringing, introducing, circulating or printing within this State, any paper, pamphlet, circular or any writing for the purpose of exciting insurrection, riot, conspiracy or resistance against the lawful authority of the State, or against the lives of the inhabitants thereof, or any part of them, such person or persons so offending shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and

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on conviction shall be punished by confinement in the Penitentiary for a term not less than five nor longer than twenty years. Penalty for attempting to incite. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 215.) An Act to punish insurrection, or attempt at insurrection by the convicts of the Penitentiary and chain gang. 11. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, whenever any convict or convicts, now confined, or hereafter to be confined in the Penitentiary of this State, or member or members of the chain gang, now confined, or hereafter to be confined in the Penitentiary of this State, or wherever else employed as such, shall be guilty of insurrection, or attempt at insurrection, such convict or convicts, or member or members of the chain gang, shall, upon trial and conviction in the Superior Court of the county in which said crime is committed, be deemed guilty of a capital offense, and punished with death, or such other punishment as the Judge in his discretion may inflict. Insurrection or attempt at, a capital offense. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 216.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to alter and amend the Penal Code of Georgia, approved 20 th March , 1866. 12. Section I. Be it enacted , That the second section of said act be, and is hereby amended by adding thereto: Provided , that the fees allowed to Solicitors for the prosecution of said crimes in the Superior Courts shall remain the same as they were before said crimes were reduced below felonies, and the fees in the County Courts the same as those herein provided for. 2d sec. of act March, 1866, amended. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 217.) An Act to make the employment of any servant whatever during his term of service, illegal, and declare the same a misdemeanor. 13. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person to employ any servant in the employment of another, for and during his term of service; and if any person, by himself or agent, shall be guilty of employing the servant of another during the term for which he, she or they may be employed, knowing that such servant was so employed, and that his term of service was not expired, or if any person or

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persons shall entice, persuade or decoy, or attempt to entice, persuade or decoy, any servant to leave his employer, either by offering higher wages, or in any other way whatever, during the term of service, knowing that said servant was so employed, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined any sum not more than two hundred dollars, or confinement in the common jail of the county, in the discretion of the court, and not to exceed three months. Employing another's servant declared a misdemeanor. Penalty. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 13th December, 1866. (No. 218.) An Act to prevent persons from bathing in streams or other waters on the Sabbath day, on roads leading to and from places of religious worship. 14. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person to bathe in any stream or pond of water on the Sabbath day, in view of any road or passway leading to or from any house of religious worship. Bathing on the Sabbath day. 15. Sec. II. That any person violating the first section of this act, shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the common jail of the county, at the discretion of the court, not exceeding six months. Penalty for violation of 1st sec. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 13th December, 1866. (No. 219.) An Act to make it a misdemeanor to hunt with fire arms or a dog or dogs, on the Sabbath day, in certain counties in this State therein named. 16. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be a misdemeanor for any person to hunt with fire arms, or a dog or dogs, on the Sabbath day, in the counties of Lee, Houston, Wilcox, Cobb, Randolph, Johnson, Ware, Gordon, McIntosh, Tattnall, Laurens, Newton, Glynn, Baldwin, Macon, Floyd, Walker, Talbot, Hancock, Warren, Elbert, Liberty, Greene, Burke, Terrell, Wilkes, Polk, Oglethorpe, Banks, Muscogee, Troup, Baker, Taliaferro, Columbia, Jones, Washington, Wayne, Whitfield, Coweta, Hall, Pickens, Butts, Pike, Irwin, Gilmer, Jefferson, Stewart, Early, Pierce, Madison, Camden, Chatham, Dooly, Bryan, Emanuel, Union, Wilkinson, Twiggs, Thomas, Carroll, Heard, Quitman and Webster. The punishment for said offense shall be a fine not less than fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not longer than ten days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Misdemeanor to hunt with fire-arms, etc., on the Sabbath day in the counties of.

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Sec. II. That this act shall go into effect immediately, and all conflicting laws are repealed. Act shall take effect. Assented to 20th of December, 1866. (No. 220.) An Act to encourage sheep raising in this State. Whereas, It is important to encourage sheep raising in this State; whereas , great complaints are made on account of the loss of sheep through persons entering sheep walks or pastures under the pretext of hunting; therefore, Preamble. 17. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to hunt with dogs, fire arms or other implements in or through any enclosed lands, fields, walks, or pastures, wherein, or whereon, sheep are kept or confined, without the consent of the owner thereof. Unlawful for any person to hunt in enclosed lands without permission. 18. Sec. II. That, for every violation of this act, the person or persons so offending shall be deemed and held guilty of trespass and misdemeanor, and subject to indictment in any court having jurisdiction thereof, and, upon conviction, shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the courtthe fine not to exceed fifty dollarsthe imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, for each offense. For violation of this act person shall be subject to indictment Penalty. Approved 4th December, 1866. TITLE XXII. PENITENTIARY. Section I. Penitentiary to be leased. Proviso. (No. 221.) An Act to regulate the manner in which the Penitentiary shall be managed, and to provide for farming out the same. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Governor shall cause to be advertised, for sixty days, in two or more newspapers in the State of Georgia, for proposals to farm out the Penitentiary; and the same shall be farmed out to such persons as shall take it on the best terms, and give such bond as the Governor may require, to secure the comfort and security of the prisoners: provided , that the same shall not be leased unless a lease can be made relieving the State from all

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further expense, during the term of the lease, in keeping up the same: and provided, also , that said lease shall not be for a longer term than five years. Governor to cause to be advertised for proposals to farm out Penitenti'y Bond. Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 28th December, 1866. TITLE XXIII. PERSONS OF COLOR. Sec. 1. Marriages declared valid. 2. Colored ministers, authorized to celebrate. Sec. 3. Children born in state of wedlock. 4. Remaining with mother. (No. 222.) An Act to legalize marriages by colored ordained ministers of the gospel, and also to authorize such colored ordained minister, or ministers of African descent, to solemnize future marriages between freedmen and freedwomen of African descent only. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That all marriages heretofore celebrated by ordained colored ministers of the gospel, or ministers of African descent, between freedmen and freedwomen and persons of African descent, shall, and the same are hereby declared to be legal and valid to all intents and purposes. Marriage celebrated by ordained colored ministers valid. 2. Sec. II. That it shall and is hereby made lawful for ordained colored ministers of the gospel, or ministers of the gospel, of African descent, to celebrate marriages between freedmen and freedwomen, or persons of African descent only, under the same terms and regulations as are now required by the laws of this State for marriages between free white citizens of this State. Marriages which ordained colored ministers can celebrate. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 13th December, 1866. (No. 223.) An Act to explain the third section of an Act entitled an Act to prescribe and regulate the relation of parent and child among persons of color in this State, and for other purposes, approved 9th March, 1866, and to add an additional section thereto. 3. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That section third of the above recited act shall be so construed as to apply only to such children as

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were born within what was regarded as a state of wedlock, or when the parents were living together as husband and wife. Act of Mar. 1866, to apply only to those born in wedlock. 4. Sec. II. That in all cases where the parents have separated, and the children remain with the mother, she shall have the control of such child or children during their minority. Children to be under control of mother. Approved 12th December, 1866. TITLE XXIV. RELIEF. Sec. 1. Levy and sale under execution suspended, except for one-third. Waiver by defendant. 2. Act not applicable to certain cases. Proviso as to removal of property and change of domicil. 3. Statutes of limitation suspended. Sec. 4. Officers violating act liable. 5. Right of securities. 6. Stay of execution. Bond. Proviso. 7. Traverse of affidavit. Execution. 8. Claim of property subject to execution. 9. Arbitration. (No. 224.) An Act for the relief of the people of Georgia, and to prevent the levy and sale of property under certain circumstances. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That there shall be no levy or sale of property of defendants in this State, under any execution founded on any judgment, order or decree of any Court, heretofore or hereafter to be rendered, upon any contract or liability made or incurred prior to the first of June, 1865; or, in renewal thereof, though bearing a subsequent date, except in the following manner: For one-third of the principal and interest due on said execution, and no more, which may be levied on or after the first of January, 1868; one-third of the whole on or after the first of January, 1869; and the remaining one-third on or after the first of January, 1870, unless the defendant shall endorse on the execution a waiver of the benefits of this act: provided , when a voluntary payment shall be made on any debt, judgment or execution, the amount so paid shall be deducted from the one-third authorized to be levied by this act. Levy and sale suspended. For one-third after Jan. 1st, 1869. And for one-third after Jan. 1st. 1870, Proviso. 2. Sec. II. That this act shall not apply to executions for costs, nor to rules against officers for money, nor to any process against persons holding money or effects, as bailees; nor to executors, administrators or guardians, or other fiduciaries, to the extent which they may have converted the estate into cash, and failed to pay out the proceeds in due course of administration; nor to cases where plaintiff, his or her agent or attorney shall make oath that defendant resides beyond

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the limits of the State, or is about to remove from the State, has or absconded, is absconding, has removed, or is removing his property, or fraudulently conveying, secreting or concealing the same, to avoid the payment of his just debts; nor to orders for alimony and fines, for neglect of road duty, or process issued by the ordinary for the support of widows and orphans, nor to express companies, nor to railroad companies, in cases where they are responsible, by existing laws, for goods lost or stock destroyed by said corporate companies: provided , that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prohibit persons from carrying property or produce from one county to another, for the purpose of sale: and provided further , that citizens changing their domicil from one county to another, in this State, shall not be prohibited from carrying their property with them, when the same is not done to evade the payment of their just debts. Cases excepted. Proviso. 3. Sec. III. That all statues of limitation relating to liens affected by this act, shall be suspended during the continuance of the act. Statutes of limitation suspended. 4. Sec. IV. That any officer or other person violating this act, shall be guilty of trespass, and liable to the defendant or person injured in damages not less than the amount of the judgment, order or decree upon which he is proceeding, as in other cases of trespass. Violating of this act. 5. Sec. V. That any security upon any debt, or demand, for which execution may have been or may be issued during the continuance of this act, shall have the right, with or without the consent of the plaintiff, to cause a levy and sale to be made whenever the security shall make oath that the principal defendant has brought himself within the provisions of the second section of this act. When security may cause levy and sale. 6. Sec. VI. That whenever any plaintiff or security shall attempt to have an execution levied for any of the causes stated in the second section, the defendant, or other person claiming the property about to be levied on, may stay the said execution, by filing with the levying officer his affidavit, denying the existence of the said cause, and giving bond and security, in double the amount of the execution, conditioned to pay the plaintiff such damages as may by a jury be assessed, in case the issue hereinafter provided for should be found against him; and where the defendant or other person claiming the property levied on is unable to give security, he may make his affidavit of inability, as in cases of appeals, in section 3543 of the Code of Georgia. Stay of execution. Proviso. 7. Sec. VII. That the plaintiff, or defendant, as the case may be, may traverse the allegations in the affidavit of the opposite party, which traverse shall be returned to the next Court from which the execution may have issued, and the truth of the same shall be tried as in cases of illegality; and where the issue is found in favor of the plaintiff, the execution shall proceed for the whole amount due thereon, in the same manner as though no affidavit had been filed, as well for the original execution as for the damages, which may be assessed in favor of the plaintiff. Traverse of allegation. Execution shall proceed for whole am't when. 8. Sec. VIII. That where property subject to an execution may be levied on, and the property levied on is claimed by any person

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other than the defendant in execution, such person may pay the one-third due on said execution, and it shall be the duty of the levying officer to endorse on said execution the name of the person paying the same, which endorsement shall operate as a transfer of the execution to the person whose name is so endorsed, to the extent of the sum paid by him. Person paying one-third on execution name to be endorsed on same. 9. Sec. IX. That whenever the debtor and creditor shall agree to submit to arbitration for equitable adjustment the matter between them, and to submit to an award and judgment as prescribed by the existing laws for arbitration in this State, and to submit to the arbitrators any and every matter which would render a compromise fair and equitable; the execution issued on the judgment founded on any award so made shall not be subject to the provisions of this act, but may be levied for the whole amount, as though this act did not exist. Arbitration and award. Sec. X. Repeals conflicting laws. In Senate, passed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority. Yeas 21; nays 8. John B. Weems, Secretary of Senate . Wm. Gibson, President of Senate . December 12th, 1866. In House, passed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority. Yeas 103; nays 7. J. D. Waddell, Clerk of House Representatives . Thos. Hardeman, Jr., Speaker House of Representatives . December 12, 1866. TITLE XXV. RIVER OBSTRUCTIONS. Sec. 1. Removal of obstructions in Middle River, to prevent overflow. 2. Refusal of land owners to assist. 3. Commissioners appointed; powers of; proviso. 4. Obstructions of Ocklocknee River by fish traps. 5. Misdemeanor, 6. Obstruction of Spring Creek. 7. Complaint and notice. 8. Failure to remove; proceedings. 9. Misdemeanor; penalty. 10. Obstruction of Withlacoochee River. 11. Misdemeanor; penalty. (No. 225.) An Act to authorize the owners of lands lying on Middle River in the county of Banks, to remove obstructions from the same, and for other purposes. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the owners of lands lying on Middle River, in the county of Banks, from a point known as Kesler's Bridge up to McCrackins'

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Shoals, be, and they are hereby authorized to remove from the bed of said stream all logs, rafts, brush, sand bars, or other obstructions, and to clear off and remove from the banks thereof all such timber, stumps, roots, brushes, or other obstruction, as the commissioners hereinafter named may deem necessary to prevent the overflow of the lands during high water. Points between which obstructions may be removed. 2. Sec. II. That if any person or persons owning lands on said stream, within the limits mentioned, shall neglect or refuse to aid in cleaning out said stream upon his or their own land, according to the true intent of the first section of this act, then and in that case the other owners of land within said limits shall have full power and authority to enter upon the lands of such person or persons so neglecting or refusing, whether they shall consent or not, and do and perform all that is authorized by the first section of this act in as full and ample a manner as they might or could do within the boundaries of their own lands. In case of refusal of any person to clean out stream on his land authority of others to do so. 3. Sec. III. That Richard L. Hooper, Clark M. Cash, Charles H. Lane, William T. Martin and John C. Moss be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, (a majority of land owners aforesaid consenting thereto,) with authority to inspect said stream within said limits, and to designate such points or places as they may deem necessary to be worked: notify the owners when and where to commence the work, and to exercise a general supervision and control over the operations contemplated by the first section of this act: provided , that this act shall not be so construed as to authorize such commissioners or land owners to interfere with any mill dam or other fixture for propelling machinery, or to prevent any land owner within said limits from erecting any mill dam or other fixture on said stream within the boundaries of his own land, so that the same does not infringe upon the rights of adjacent land owners as established by existing laws. Commissionerstheir power. Proviso, Restrictions. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 226.) An Act to prevent obstructions in the Ocklocknee River, so far as relates to the counties of Thomas and Colquitt, and for other purposes. 4. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, no person or persons whatsoever shall obstruct the main current of the Ocklocknee River, in Thomas and Colquitt counties, by erecting fish traps in and across the main current of said stream, so as to prevent the free passage of fish. No person shall obstruct the main current by fish traps. 5. Sec. II. That any or all persons violating the provisions of the first section of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on complaint being made and conviction thereon, according to the laws now of force in this State for other misdemeanors, such person shall be

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fined in a sum not less than fifty nor more than three hundred dollars, and the court before whom such conviction takes place shall cause such obstruction to be removed. Penalty for violating 1st sec. of this act. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 12th of December, 1866. (No. 227.) An Act to prevent the obstruction of Spring Creek, so far as relates to the counties of Miller, Decatur and Early, and for other purposes. 6. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and immediately after the passage of this act, no person or persons whatever shall obstruct the main current of Spring Creek, in the counties of Miller, Decatur and Early, by building and erecting fish traps of any kind, so as to prevent the free passage of fish. No person shall erect fish traps. 7. Sec. II. That when it shall be made to appear, and upon complaint being made to any Justice of the Peace, or any Justice of the Inferior Court in the county, that any person has or is about to build or erect any fish trap across the main current of Spring Creek in said counties, the officer before whom such complaint is made shall proceed to give such person notice in writing, requiring them at once to remove such obstruction. Notice in writing. 8. Sec. III. That after such notice being given, and such person shall fail or refuse to remove the same within ten days after such notice being given, and the same being made known to any one of the above named officers by the affidavit of any citizen of the county wherein the obstructions may be, it shall be the duty of such magistrate to issue a warrant directed to the sheriff or any constable of said county requiring such sheriff or constable to arrest the person or persons so obstructing said creek and bring such offender before him, or some other magistrate, who shall inquire into the facts; and if such magistrate is satisfied that the person charged has violated the provisions of this act, it shall be his duty to bind the offender over to answer the charges at the next succeeding term of the Superior Court of said county. Duty of magistrate in case of failure to remove obstruction. 9. Sec. IV. That any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by fine not less than fifty nor more than three hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court, to be paid into the treasury of the county in which the conviction takes place, for county purposes, and said court shall cause such obstruction to be removed. Penalty for violation of act. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 16th November, 1866.

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(No. 228.) An Act to regulate the building of Fish Traps in the Withlacoochee River. 10. Section I. Be it enacted , That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any one to build a fish trap or fish traps in the Withlacoochee river below its junction with Little River in such a manner as to obstruct more than half the running stream of said river; but at all places where traps are placed in the Withlacoochee at least one-half of the running water shall be left free for the passage of fish up and down said river. At least one-half the running water must be left free. 11. Sec. II. Any person violating the first section of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, to be tried as other misdemeanors, and upon conviction shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than two months, or work in a chain gang for a similar period, at the discretion of the court. Penalty for violation of 1st section. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. TITLE XXVI. ROAD LAWS. Sec. 1. Overseers of roads not to receive pay for services. Sec. 2. Exemption of ex-commissioners repealed. (No. 229.) An Act to amend the road laws of this State. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, that so much of the road laws of this State as gives to overseers of roads the sum of two dollars per day for their services, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Repeal of so much of road laws as gives overseers $2 per day. 2. Sec. II. That so much of said laws as exempts commissioners from road duty after the expiration of their term of office as commissioners, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Com. not exempted after expiration of their term of office. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 4th December, 1866.

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TITLE XXVII. SALESPUBLIC. Sec. 1. Time for advertising Sheriff's sales. Sec. 2. Sheriffs, etc., administrators, etc., not require license as auctioneers. (No. 230.) An Act concerning the advertisement of Sheriff's Sales. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That notices of Sheriff's sale under execution shall be published weekly for four weeks, instead of being published for thirty days; and, of sale under mortgage executions, weekly for eight weeks, instead of for sixty days, as now required. Notices of saleshow published. Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 231.) An Act to amend the first section of an Act authorizing the appointment of vendue masters in the several corporate towns and cities in this State, approved 21 st February , 1866. 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the first section of the above recited act be amended by adding: Provided , nothing in this act shall be so construed as to require sheriffs, bailiffs, or their deputies, or executors, administrators, guardians and trustees, (who are auctioneers by virtue of their office,) to give bond and pay for license, as required by this act. 1st section of act amended. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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TITLE XXVIII. TAXES, Etc. Sec. 1. Governor to assess per centage. 2. Specific taxes. Poll tax. Practitioners of law, etc. Daguerreans, etc. Auctioneers. Billiard tables, etc. Race tracks. Circus exhibitions. Gift lotteries. Spirituous liquors. 3. Banks, Railroad, Express and Insurance companies. 4. Foreign Insurance and Express companies. 5. Oath of tax payers. Questions. 6. Payable in currency. Basis of taxation. 7. Income tax repealed. 8. Exemptions in section 729 of Code. Proviso. 9. Deficiency in revenue from. 10. Land maps to be prepared. 11. Digest of lots not returned. Sec. 12. Lands to be returned by district, section and number. 13. Improved lands to be returned in county. 14. Unimproved landshow returned. 15. Comptroller to make list of lands not given in. 16. To advertise for sixty days. 17. To issue execution. 18. Lands sold for taxes may be redeemed. 19. Title of minors, etc. 20. Comptroller's clerk. 21. Time extended for Tax Collectors. 22. Defaulters may make returns to Collectors. 23. Final returns of Tax Collectors. 24. Tax on liquors remitted for first quarter of 1866. 25. Cotton tax repealed. 26. Municipal taxes not affected by stay law. (No. 232.) An Act to levy and collect a tax for the support of the government for the year 1867, and for other purposes. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That his Excellency, the Governor, with the assistance of the Comptroller General, so soon as the value of taxable property in this State is ascertained from the consolidated returns from all the counties thereof, shall proceed to assess and levy such a per centage on the taxable property as will produce, in the estimation of the Governor, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of specific taxes. Amount of tax to be levied and assessed. 2. Sec. II. In addition to the ad valorem tax on real and personal property, as specified in the Code and assessed in the preceding section, the following specific taxes shall be levied and collected: a tax of one dollar upon each and every male inhabitant of this State on the first day of April, between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years. When this tax is due and unpaid by any person who has no property and is in the employment of another as a laborer, it shall be the duty of the Tax Collector to serve a written notice on the employer, specifying the amount of tax due by the employee, and shall authorize and bind him to pay said tax from any wages, effects or money in his hands, due to the laborer or employee, and execution shall issue, as in other cases for taxes due, against the employer for the amount. Specific tax. Employer to pay, when. 2d. Upon every practitioner of law, physic and dentistry, ten dollars. Professional tax.

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3d. Upon every daguerrean, ambrotype, photographic and similar artist, ten dollars. 4th. Upon every person carrying on the business of auctioneer, twenty-five dollars. Tax of auctioneer. 5th. Upon every keeper of a pool or billiard table,....., kept for public play, twenty-five dollars for each table. Keeper of pool or billiard table. 6th. Upon every keeper of a bagatelle table, for public play, ten dollars for each table. Of bagatelle table. 7th. Upon every keeper of a ten pin alley, or alley of like kind, for public play, ten dollars. Ten-pin alley. 8th. Upon every keeper of any other table, stand or place for any other game or play, with or without a name, unless for exercise or amusement only, and not prohibited by law, ten dollars. Any table for game or play. 9th. Upon every keeper or owner of a public race track, fifty dollars. Race track. 10th. Upon every circus company, for each exhibition, fifty dollars. Circus company. 11th. Upon every agent of, or person engaged in any gift lottery, or enterprise of like character, in any county of this State, the sum of one thousand dollars. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector, immediately upon the opening of an office by any person for the purpose of selling tickets in any such lottery or enterprise, or of selling or offering such tickets for sale in any manner, to levy and collect the said tax from any property of said person to be found. Gift lottery Taxwhen collected. 12th. The sales of spirituous liquors in this State shall be subject only to an ad valorem tax, said sales to be returned to the collector, and the taxes on said sales payable quarterly, on the first day of April, July, October and January, in each year, upon the amount sold the preceding quarter; but nothing herein provided shall interfere with the license fee now imposed by law upon dealers in spirituous liquors. Tax on sales of spirituous liquors. When payable. 3. Sec. III. That all national banks, railroad companies in operation whose charters do not forbid so high a tax, all express companies and insurance companies incorporated by the laws of this State, shall pay an annual tax of one-half of one per cent. on their capital stock. The said companies shall make their returns and pay their tax as provided in the section 755 of the Code; provided , that the stock owned by the State of Georgia in any railroad within its limits shall not be taxed. National Banks, etc. Returnshow made. 4. Sec. IV. That all agents of insurance companies from other States, or of foreign insurance companies doing business in this State, shall pay a tax of two per cent. on the amount of premiums received by them; and all agents of express companies from other States doing business in this State shall pay a tax of one per cent. on the gross amount of their receipts at their offices in this State, to be given in and paid as in the preceding section. Agents of Insurance Companies. Of Express Companies 5. Sec. V. The oath to be administered to all persons making returns of their taxable property, shall be in the words following, to-wit: You do solemnly swear, that you will true answer give to all lawful questions which I may put to you, touching the return you

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are about to make, and that you will make a true return of all your taxable property; so help you God. And it shall be the duty of the officer taking such return, to require of each and every person taking said oath, touching all of his taxable property or his liability for specific taxes as named in this act; and the Comptroller General shall publish a list of all questions to be propounded to tax payers. Oath. Duty of officer taking return. 6. Sec. VI. The taxes assessed under this act shall be collected in United States currency, and the value of the property on the first day of April next shall be the basis of the taxes. Taxes to be collected in 7. Sec. VII. That all laws heretofore passed levying and collecting a tax upon income, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Laws repealed. 8. Sec. VIII. That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to repeal or affect section 729 of the Revised Code of Georgia, exempting certain property from taxation; provided, however , that all plantation tools over the value of three hundred dollars, and all mechanical tools over the value of three hundred dollars, shall be subject to taxation ad valorem . This act shall continue in force until repealed. Sec. 729 of force. Proviso. 9. Sec. IX. That, in case the sums contingently appropriated should be required, or if for any other reason, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars to be raised by a general tax, should be insufficient, together with the specific taxes, to meet the appropriation bill, that then and in such case, the Governor may anticipate such deficiency by increasing the amount to be raised by general tax. Gov. may increase am't to be raised by general tax Approved 15th December, 1866. (No. 233.) Au Act to regulate the manner of giving in land for taxation, and the sale and redemption thereof, and for other purposes. 10. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Surveyor General is hereby authorized and required to have published a sufficient number of maps of those lands which have been surveyed as will enable him to furnish each receiver with two, embracing all the lands in his county, and one to file in the clerk's office of the Superior Court. Suv'r Gen'l required to furnish maps. 11. Sec. II. Each receiver shall make a separate digest of all the lots or parts of lots in his county which have not been returned (except the same be in a town or city,) and shall designate by appropriate letters whether they be improved or unimproved lands. He shall forward a copy of said digest to the Comptroller General's office. The improved lands not returned shall be assessed and the tax collected as is now required by law. Receiver required to make and forward Digest. 12. Sec. III. It shall be the duty of the receiver to require all persons making returns of land in his county to return the same by district, number and section, if the lands have such designation, and where lands have no such designation, then by such description as will enable the receiver to identify them. Receivers are hereby prohibited from receiving any return of lands which does not so designate

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them, and the Comptroller General is hereby prohibited from allowing any receiver compensation or per centage for his services who receives returns in any other manner. Lands to be returned by district. 13. Sec. IV. All persons owning improved lands which have a tenant or tenants thereon, shall return the same in the county where the land lies. Returns to be made in county where land lies. 14. Sec. V. All persons owning unimproved or wild lands in counties without the county of their residence, shall be required to make returns of the same to the Comptroller General or to the receiver of the county where the land lies. Said returns may be made by forwarding by mail or other safe conveyance to either of said officers a statement under oath of the lands owned and the value thereof, and when the rate of the ad valorem tax has been fixed, and the collection of taxes ordered, the taxes due upon said wild lands shall be paid to that officer to whom the return was made. Return of wild land, how made. 15. Sec. VI. When the several digests of the receiver of tax returns of the several counties of the State have been received, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller General to compare said returns with each other, and to make out a complete list of all the unimproved or wild lands not given in. Comptrol'r to compare returns. 16. Sec. VII. When such list is completed, the Comptroller General shall, for sixty days, make advertisement of the same in one newspaper in each Congressional District, and require in said publication the owner of said lands to come forward and give in and pay taxes upon said lands, and in default thereof that said lands will be sold. A copy of said list shall be furnished the clerk of the Superior Court of each county in the State, who shall post the same in his office. Comp. Gen. to make advertisement of list 17. Sec. VIII. On the expiration of the time of advertisement, the Comptroller General shall issue execution against all unimproved lands not returned, assessing the value at the average value of such land in the county where it lies, which execution shall be directed to the sheriff of the county where the land lies, and the sheriff shall forthwith proceed to advertise and sell the same under the same rules and regulations as govern other sheriff sales, and make his returns to the Comptroller General. Shall issue execution against unimproved lands not returned. 18. Sec. IX. The owners of any land thus sold for taxes shall have the privilege of redeeming the same at any time within two years, by paying to the purchaser the amount of his purchase money and costs, together with interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum thereon; or on making satisfactory evidence of his title to the Comptroller General, he may receive the purchase money, less the amount of taxes due thereon and the cost expended in collecting said tax. Privilege of redeeming within two years. 19. Sec. X. No sale made under the eighth section of this act shall in any way operate to effect or defeat the title of any minor, idiot, or lunatic of this State to the land. Sale not to affect title of minor, etc., to land. 20. Sec. XI. If the duties which this act imposes upon the Comptroller General, in the opinion of the Governor, requires additional

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assistance, his Excellency, the Governor, is authorized to employ an additional clerk in the Comptroller's office for that purpose. Additional clerk in Compt'r's office. Sec. XII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 12th of December, 1866. (No. 234.) An Act to extend the time within which Tax Collectors of this State shall make their final returns to the Comptroller General for the present year. 21. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the time in which tax collectors in this State shall make their final returns to the Comptroller General be, and the same is hereby extended to the first day of March, 1867. Returnswhen made Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 16th November, 1866. (No. 235.) An Act to extend the time of settlement by Tax Collectors with the Comptroller and Treasurer, and for other purposes. Whereas, owing to the deranged condition of the mails and other resources of information, many persons have failed to make returns to the Tax Receivers, and many who have may fail to make payment promptly and in time. 22. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That all persons who failed to make return in terms of the law, may do so to the collector of taxes in each county, and pay thereon as other tax payers, without being double-taxed as defaulters. Persons who failed to make returns not to be double taxed. 23. Sec. II. That the tax collectors of the State taxes be allowed until the first day of February to make their final returns and settlements with the Comptroller and Treasurer for the several amounts due on their tax digests. Time for final returns to Comp. and Treasurer. Approved November 24th, 1866. (No. 236.) An Act to remit the tax upon Liquors for the first quarter of the year 1866, and for other purposes. Whereas, His Excellency, the Governor of this State did, for substantial and just reasons, suspend the collection of the first quarter's tax upon liquors, as was imposed by the act passed March 3d, 1866: Preamble. 24. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the tax on liquors for the first quarter of the year 1866 be and the same is hereby remitted. Tax remitted. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 237.) An Act to repeal An Act assented to 15th of December , 1862, in relation to an assessment of tax on cotton as merchandise. 25. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That so much of said act as assesses a tax on cotton held as merchandise be and the same is hereby repealed. Cotton tax repealed. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 8th December, 1866. (No. 238.) An Act declaratory of the force and effect of the Stay Laws of this State in reference to taxation by municipal corporations. 26. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That nothing continued in any stay law heretofore or hereafter to be passed by the General Assembly shall be so construed as to have any application to taxes due or to be due to any municipal corporation; and that all acts or parts of acts so far as they militate with this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. No stay law to have application to taxes due to any municipal corporation. Assented to 21st December, 1866.

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TITLE I. ACADEMIES, CHURCHES, Etc. Sec. 1. Conveyance of trustees of Bainbridge Academy declared legal. 2. Trustees appointed. 3. Mayor and Council of Columbus to control Academy building. Proviso. 4. School fund. 5. Poll tax set apart. Tax on real estate authorized. Proviso. 6. Limits of Cotton Hill village extended. 7. Trustees of Seminary may make and enforce by-laws, etc. 8. Mount Vernon Institute. Consent of trustees to sale of spirituous liquors. Sec. 9. Board of Education of Savannah and Chatham county. 10. Powers of Board extended over county. Educational fund. Proviso. 11. Substitute for County Board of Education. 12. General lawsexemption from. 13. Trustees of Washington Institute may be reduced in number. 14. Election of trustees of Christ Church, Augusta. 15. Election of trustees of Baptist Church of Christ, Macon. (No. 239.) An Act to make legal the sale of the Bainbridge Academy Lot, and for other purposes. Whereas, Orion Lodge, No. 8, F. A. M., finding it impracticable to observe the conditions and provisions of the deed made to them on the twenty-first day of July, 1857, by Joseph Lan, John M. Potter and Alexander A. Allen, trustees of the Bainbridge Academy, in the county of Decatur, of the Academy lot, have, by deed, of date of November 1st, 1866, reconveyed said lot to said trustees. And whereas , the said Joseph Lan and John M. Potter, the only two surviving trustees of said Academy, now residing in said county, have, by deeds of date of November 16th, 1866, for the purpose of having erected, and kept up permanently on said lot, a building suitable for a public school, and for the advancement of education, conveyed said lot, one part to William O. Fleming, and the remainder thereof to William H. Allen. And whereas , a question may arise as to the authority of said trustees to make said sales Preamble. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the deeds of conveyance from Joseph Lan and John M. Potter, the only two surviving trustees of Bainbridge Academy, residing in said county, to William H. Allen and William O. Fleming, respectively referred to in the preamble to this act, be and the same are hereby declared legal and binding, and that the said William H. Allen and Wm. O. Fleming

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be, and are hereby respectively confirmed in all the rights in said deeds set forth. Deeds confirmed. 2. Sec. II. That William O. Fleming, Thomas F. Hampton and H. M. Beach be, and they are hereby appointed, trustees of Bainbridge Academy, in the county of Decatur, in the place of A. A. Allen and R. J. Smallwood, removed from the county, and A. W. Cunningham, deceased, and they, with the said J. Lan and J. M. Potter, shall constitute the board of trustees for said Academy; and the said board, or a majority thereof, shall have authority to fill vacancies that may occur in the same. Trustees of Bainbridge Academy. Vacancies. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 240.) An Act to enable the city of Columbus to maintain a public school in said city, and use the lot known as the Female Academy lot, and building, for the same. 3. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That for the purpose of enabling the Mayor and Council of the city of Columbus to establish and maintain a public school in said city, the Mayor and Council are hereby invested with the exclusive control and management of the building known as the Female Academy, together with the lot on which it is situated, in the city of Columbus: provided , the said Mayor and Council shall not interfere with any contract or lease of said building, which has heretofore been entered into by the board of trustees of said Academy in reference to said building and lot: and provided, further , that this authority shall only continue whilst said Mayor and Council shall in good faith keep up said public school. Mayor and Council invested with exclusive control of Academy. Proviso. 4. Sec. II. That all funds set apart or appropriated by the State, or by the county of Muscogee, for school or educational purposes, the proportionate amount to which this school may be entitled to, shall be paid over to the Treasurer of said city, to be used by said Mayor and Council only in the establishment and maintenance of such public school. Funds to be paid over to City Treasurer. How used. 5. Sec. III. That the said Mayor and Council shall be, and they are hereby given full authority, to set apart and appropriate the poll tax which may be collected in said city, under any law authorizing said Mayor and Council to levy and collect tax for the establishment and maintenance of said public school; and said Mayor and Council are hereby authorized to levy and collect a tax upon the real estate in said city, which, added to all other revenues, may be sufficient for the proper maintenance of said public school: provided , that no tax shall be required of any person of color for the purposes aforesaid. Taxes to be set apart for maintenance of public school. Proviso. Assented to 28th December, 1866.

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(No. 241.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate Cotton Hill Male and Female Seminary, in the village of Cotton Hill, Clay county, and to appoint Trustees for the same, approved March 6th , 1856. 6. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the limits of said corporation shall extend one-half of a mile in every direction from the Seminary building in said village. Limits. 7. Sec. II. That said trustees shall have power and authority to make and enforce, by appropriate fines, such by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of said village and Seminary as they may think proper, not inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of the United States, and of the State of Georgia. Power to make and enforce by-laws. Sec. III. That this act shall take effect from and immediately after its passage, and that all laws and parts of laws militating against this act are hereby repealed. Act shall take effect, when. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 242.) An Act to amend the charter of Mount Vernon Institute, in Washington county. 8. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the act incorporating Mount Vernon Institute, in Washington county, be amended, and is hereby so amended, that in addition to the conditions now required to be complied with in order to obtain licenses to sell spirituous liquors within three miles of said Institute, the petitioner for such license shall also, before obtaining the same, procure the written consent on the same petition, signed officially, of the resident board or executive committee of the board of trustees of said Institute, all laws and parts of laws to the contrary notwithstanding. Conditions to be complied with in order to sell liquors within 3 miles of. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 243.) An Act to amend an Act entitled An Act to establish a permanent Board of Education for the city of Savannah, and to incorporate the same, and for other purposes, approved March 21st, 1866, and to change the name and extend the authority and powers of the said Board, and for other purposes. 9. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the name and style of the said Board of Education shall be The Board of Public Education for the City of Savannah and the county of Chatham. Name. 10. Sec. II. That all the powers, rights, privileges and authority

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conferred upon the said board by the act of which this act is amendatory, or which may hereafter be conferred upon it by any other act, shall be and the same are hereby extended over the whole county of Chatham; and that the said board shall be exclusively entitled to receive from every public officer or person who may be in possession of, or authorized to distribute the State and county educational funds, the whole proportion of the said funds to which the said county of Chatham may be entitled, and to appropriate and distribute the same at their discretion, for the education of all the white children in the said county between the ages of six and eighteen years, whether residing within or without the limits of the city of Savannah: provided , that all such sums of money as may be received by the said board from the City Council of Savannah, for educational purposes, shall be exclusively appropriated to the education of the white children between the ages aforesaid, residing in the said city. Powers. Proviso. 11. Sec. III. That the said board shall be, and it is hereby declared to be, a substitute for the Board of Public Education established for the said county by existing laws. Declared to be a substitute. 12. Sec. IV. That no general law upon the subject of public education, now in force, or hereafter to be enacted, shall be held, deemed or construed to interfere with, diminish or supercede the rights, powers and authority conferred upon the said Board of Public Education for the City of Savannah and the County of Chatham, by this act or the act of which it is amendatory, unless it shall be so expressly enacted. Rights conferred by billhow construed. Sec. V. That all laws and parts of laws, whether general or local, militating against the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 244.) An Act to alter and amend an Act to incorporate Washington Institute, a high school organized by an association of Baptist Churches, known as the Washington Association, and located in Hancock county, and incorporate trustees for the same; and to change the name of the village of Buffalo, in said county, and for other purposes, assented to December 13th , 1858. 13. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the above recited act be so altered and amended as to authorize the Association of Baptist churches known as the Washington Association, to reduce the number of trustees of the Washington Institute, located in Hancock county, from fifteen to nine. Act of Dec. 1858, altered. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866.

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(No. 245.) An Act to alter and amend the second section of an Act entitled An Act to alter and amend an Act incorporating the trustees of Christ Church in the city of Auyusta, and to change the name thereof to the First Presbyterian Church of the city of Augusta, assented to December 29th , 1836. 14. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the section second of said act, recited in the title of this act, be so far altered and amended as to authorize the election of nine trustees instead of seven, and that three of them shall be elected to serve for one year, three for two years, and the remaining three for three years, so that at each annual election thereafter only three shall be elected, whose term of service shall be three years, and that the three whose term of service shall expire each year shall not be again eligible for one year. Sec. 2d of act of Dec. 1836, amended. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 246.) An Act to amend an Act entitled An Act to incorporate the Baptist Church of Christ, at Macon, and to appoint trustees for the same, approved December 3d , 1851. 15. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the above recited act be so amended that the election for trustees shall hereafter be held on the Friday preceding the second Sabbath in October, instead of January. Act of Dec. 1851, amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866.

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TITLE II. CITIES AND TOWNS. Act No. 247Adairsville charter amended. 248Albany charter amended. 249Americus charter amended. 250Atlanta, Election of Mayor and Council. 251Attapulgus, incorporated. 252Bainbridge, issue of bonds authorized. 253Bainbridge, charter amended. 254Bascom, incorporated. 255Brunswick, charter amended. 256Cartersville, tax reduced, etc. 257Dahlonega, acts declared of force. 258Elberton, charter amended. 259Fairburn, charter amended. 260Hamilton, charter amended. 261Hawkinsville, charter amended. 262Macon, State's contingent interest in Reserve relinquished to. 263Marshallville, incorporated. 264McIntosh. incorporated. 265Sandersville, charter amended. 266Savannah, authority of Council over party walls and fences, etc. 267Savannah, Justices of Peace in. 268Senoia, incorporated. 269Sparta, powers of Marshal. 270Statesboro, incorporated, county site. 271Sylvania, incorporated. 272Tebeauville, incorporated. 273Thomasville, charter amended. 274Thomasville, authority to issue bonds. 275Valdosta, charter amended. 276Waynesboro, charter amended. 177White Plains, charter amended. (No. 247.) An Act to amend the sixteenth section of the act incorporating the town of Adairsville, in Bartow county. Whereas, Under the provisions of the sixteenth section of the act incorporating the town of Adairsville, it is impossible for the Town Council to levy and collect a tax sufficient to keep up the streets, and other necessary duties pertaining to said town. Therefore, Preamble. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the sixteenth section of the act incorporating the town of Adairsville, in the county of Bartow, in said State, be so altered and amended as to allow the Town Council for the town of Adairsville to assess and collect not more than fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars worth of property assessed within the corporate limits of said town, and not less than ten per cent. on the amount so assessed. Power of town council to tax. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 4th December, 1866.

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(No. 248.) An Act to amend the charter of the city of Albany. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the Mayor and Council of the city of Albany shall have power and authority to grant license for the retail of spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of said city, and to punish all offenders for the violation of any ordinance they may pass upon the subject: provided , the price of license shall in no case exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. Mayor and councilpowers of. Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 24th November, 1866. (No. 249.) An Act to amend the Act incorporating the city of Americus, in the county of Sumter, and the several Acts amendatory of said incorporating Act. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Mayor and Council of said city shall have power to levy and collect a tax, either specific or a per cent. upon receipts, upon all express companies which have an agency within said city, and upon all warehouses within said city. The authority hereby granted shall extend to assessing a tax upon express companies for the present year. Each agent of any express company shall be liable for the tax assessed against such company. May tax Express companies. Agent liable. Sec. II. That the Mayor of said city shall have power to sentence any persons violating any ordinance of said city, passed in accordance to the incorporating act and its amendments, to work on the public streets for twenty days or less, instead of to the guard house or jail for the same time. May compel to work on streets. Sec. III. That the said Mayor shall have power to sentence any defaulter, for the non-payment of taxes due said city, to work on the public streets for a number of days sufficient to pay all taxes assessed against him, at fifty cents per day, if the city provides rations, or at one dollar per day if the party provides his own rations. Penalty for non-payment of taxes. Sec. IV. That the Mayor and City Council of said city shall have power to open and lay out. within the limits of said city, such streets as they may deem proper for the good of the city, upon paying to the owner or owners of the land through which the proposed street is to be laid out, the value of the land to be used in laying out said street. In case the said Council and the owner of the land through which any street is to be opened, cannot agree upon the value of the land to be used, the Council shall choose one citizen, the party owning the land one, the two so chosen, a third, and the three, so chosen, shall decide the value of the land proposed to be taken, which decision shall be final. Power to open streets. Arbitrators Sec. V. That the Mayor and Council of said city shall have power to assess and collect from the citizens of said city a tax sufficient to

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pay all expenses for purchasing and putting up the town clock, for which said Mayor and Council have contracted. Sec. VI. That the election for Mayor and Aldermen shall take place on the third Saturday in December, annually, instead of the first Saturday in January, as heretofore enacted. Annual election. Sec. VII. That this act shall take effect from its passage, and that all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith, shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Act to take effect. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 250.) An Act to prescribe the mode of electing the Mayor and members of Council of the city of Atlanta. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That at all elections for Mayor and members of Council of the city of Atlanta, the polls shall be opened and an election held in each ward for Mayor of said city and two members of Council from each ward; said election to be held at such places in each ward as the Mayor and Council hereafter may by an ordinance designate, and shall be superintended in the same manner as now provided for by law. Electionwhere held Sec. II. That it shall be the duty of the managers at such elections, on the day after the same is held, to meet at the City Hall, in said city, and consolidate the returns of the elections of their respective wards, and the person receiving the highest number of legal votes for Mayor shall be declared duly elected, and the two persons in each ward receiving the highest number of legal votes in the ward of which they are residents at the time of said election, shall be declared duly elected members of Council for said ward. Duty of managers. Sec. III. That any person at said election who shall vote for members of Council in any ward (such person at the time of voting not being a resident of said ward,) shall be held and considered to be guilty of illegal voting, and upon conviction thereof, shall suffer all the pains and penalties now prescribed by law for illegal voting. Illegal voting. Penalty. Sec. IV. That this act shall not take effect and be of force unless the same is ratified by a majority of the legal voters of said city, and an election for that purpose shall be held at the City Hall, in said city on the first Tuesday of February next. When act takes effect Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 251.) An Act to incorporate the town of Attapulgus, in the county of Decatur, and to provide for the election of commissioners for the same. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Emery Lasseter, George W. Donalson, Thomas R. Smith, W. A. B. Lasseter and L. H. Peacock

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are hereby appointed commissioners of the town of Attapulgus, in the county of Decatur, with full power to make all by-laws and regulations for the government of said town. Commissioners. By-laws. Sec. II. That said commissioners, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall take the following oath or affirmation: You do solemnly swear, or affirm, that you will assist in passing such by-laws and regulations as shall, in your judgment, be calculated to promote the best interest of the town of Attapulgus. And said commissioners shall hold their office until the first Saturday in January next [Illegible Text] which time, and on the first Saturday in every January thereafter, the citizens of the town of Attapulgus, included within the limits of said town, as described in the fourth section of this act, and who are entitled to vote for members of the Legislature, shall elect five commissioners for said town, who shall take the oath above prescribed, hold their office until their successors are elected, and be re-elegible, and the commissioners at the time in office, shall give public notice at least five days before said election, at three different places in said town, which election shall be superintended by a Justice of the Peace and one freeholder, a resident of said town, or three freeholders therein residing, and the five persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be by said superintendents declared elected. Oath. Term office. Election. By whom superintended. Sec. III. That said commissioners named in the first section of this act, are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, under and by the style of commissioners of Attapulgus; and by said name they and their successors shall have perpetual succession, shall have power to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity in this State; may have a corporate seal, and change or alter the same at their pleasure; and shall have power to acquire, take and hold property, both real and personal, either by gift, grant, demise, purchase or otherwise, and may sell, convey or alien the same. Style. Powers. Sec. IV. That the corporate limits of said town shall extend one mile in each direction from the storehouse of Lasseter Avriett. Limits. Sec. V. That said commissioners shall have power to pass and enact such rules, laws, ordinances and regulations as they, or a majority of them, may deem most conducive to the best interest of the citizens of said town, and the said commissioners are hereby invested with full power and authority to enforce the observance thereof; provided , said rules, laws, ordinances and regulations are not violative of the Constitution of this State, or of the United States, or the laws thereof. Said commissioners shall also have power to appoint a town marshal, or town bailiff, a clerk and treasurer. Power to enact rules, etc. Proviso. Marshal. Sec. VI. That the said board of commissioners shall have the right to assess and collect an annual tax upon all property, real and personal, within the limits of said town, of not exceeding fifty per cent. upon the State tax; shall have the power to tax all peddlers, vendue masters and itinerent traders, who vend or sell any goods, wares or merchandize within said town; may tax all circus companies, exhibitors of animals, or other shows; also, all billiard tables, nine or ten pin alleys, that may be established in said town; provided ,

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nothing in this act shall be so construed as to authorize said commissioners to levy and assess any tax upon any property in said town owned and held by any religious society, or any property situated or owned in said town devoted to educational purposes, or any property or lands used alone for agricultural purposes, and not laid out in town lots. Right to tax property, etc. Exceptions to right to tax. Sec. VII. That all persons residing within the limits of said town shall be exempt from road duty without the limits of said town. Road duty. Sec. VIII. That the commissioners of said town of Attapulgus shall have full and entire control and jurisdiction over the retailing of spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of the same; shall have power to grant or withhold license at their discretion, and when licenses are granted, may charge for any such license any sum of not more than one hundred dollars; and that any person or persons who shall sell or cause to be sold within said town any quantity of spirituous liquors less than one gallon, (unless it be for medical or mechanical purposes,) without having a license so to do, shall be subject to all the pains and penalties prescribed for the violation of the retail laws now in force in this State. Retailing of spirituous liquors. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 252.) An Act to authorize the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Bainbridge to issue city bonds and invest the same, and to levy an extra tax for their redemption. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Bainbridge, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized to issue bonds of the city to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, bearing legal interest, and redeemable within ten years from the date of issue: said bonds to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer of the corporation, and based upon the faith and credit of the city, which is hereby pledged for their redemption; provided , that the Mayor and Aldermen aforesaid shall not issue more than twenty thousand dollars in bonds until they shall have received the assent of the qualified voters of the city, or a majority of them, to such issue; said assent to be determined by an election to be held for the purpose, at the city hall in said city, of which ten days' notice shall be given in the city papers, setting forth the amount to be issued, and the manner in which it is proposed to invest it, the votes in favor being for the issue and investment, and those against being against the issue and investment. If the majority of votes cast be in favor of the issue and investment, then the Mayor and Aldermen aforesaid, or a majority of them, may issue and invest the sum determined as aforesaid, in accordance with the expressed will of the voters at the election above authorized; provided , that not more than fifty thousand dollars in the aggregate be issued under the provisions of this act. Bondsamount of. How signed. Proviso. Proviso.

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Sec. II. That the Mayor and Aldermen aforesaid, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized to invest the bonds issued under the provisions of this act, or any part thereof, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, in the stock of the Atlantic Gulf Railroad Company, or in such other manner as the qualified voters of the city, or a majority of them, may assent to in the manner hereinbefore set forth. Mayor and Aldermen authorized to invest bonds in stock of A. G. R. R. Sec. III. That the Mayor and Aldermen aforesaid, or a majority of them, are hereby anthorized and required, in the event the said bonds, ory an portion of them, are issued, to levy an extra tax to secure their redemption, sufficient in amount to meet the several installments as they become due, including interest. Authorized to levy extra tax. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 253.) An Act to amend an Act incorporating the city of Bainbridge, in the county of Decatur, and the acts amendatory thereof. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the corporate limits of said city shall be, and the same are so restricted as not to embrace any portion of the plantation and lands of Felix G. Arnet, used for farming purposes, in or near said city, except so much thereof as is laid off into town lots. Limits. Sec. II. That this act shall take effect from and immediately after its passage. Take effect. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 4th December, 1866. (No. 254.) An Act to incorporate the town of Bascom, in the county of Screven; to appoint commissioners for the same, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That James B. Dell, D. B. C. Nunnally, Nathan M. Johnson, Benjamin Prescott and Franklin Lowell, and their successors in office, be, and they are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the Town Council of Bascom, and shall hold their office until the first Monday in January, 1868, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Corporators. Name. Sec. II. That on the first Monday in January, 1868, and on the first Monday in January of each subsequent year an election shall be held in said town for five commissioners to serve for one year, at which election all persons shall be entitled to vote who reside within the corporate limits of said town who are entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly, at which election three freeholders of said town shall preside. Term of office. Elections. Voters. Who shall preside. Sec. III. The corporate limits of said town shall extend one mile in every direction from the academy in said town. Limits.

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Sec. IV. That the Town Council of Bascom shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the restrictions contained in sections four, five and six of an act incorporating the town of Springfield, approved 12th March, 1866. Powers and restrictions Assented to 21st of December, 1866. (No. 255.) An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Brunswick. Section I. Be it enacted , That the Mayor and Council of the city of Brunswick shall have full power to lease all or any portion of the common or any other public property appertaining to said city for such term of years as may seem to them advantageous to said city; but no lease shall exceed a term of ninety-nine years, except by the assent of a majority of all the legal voters of said city, which assent shall be ascertained by holding an election for that purpose, after giving at least twenty days notice of the time and place of holding said election, in which notice shall also be described the particular location, boundaries, and length of time it is proposed to lease such property; and should a majority of said voters give their assent to lease such property for a longer term than ninety-nine years, then and in that case the City Council shall be invested with power to do so, but not otherwise. Power of mayor and city council to lease common or other property. Term of lease. Sec. II. That the Mayor and Council of said city shall have power to impose and levy and collect a tax of one dollar and fifty cents on every one hundred dollars value thereof of all the property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of said city, instead of one dollar, as now provided by law. City tax. Sec. III. That all fines and penalties inflicted, or taxes imposed by the Mayor or Mayor and Council of said city against any person under and by virtue of the laws and ordinances of the City Council, shall be collected by execution against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the defendant in execution; and in case the marshal, constable, or other levying officer, shall make a return on said execution that there is no property of the defendants to be found whereon to levy said execution, then and in that case the defendant may be arrested, and, at the discretion of the Mayor, committed to jail or guard house of said city for a term not exceeding sixty days, or be sentenced to work on the streets, drains, public squares, or other public works of said city for a term not exceeding thirty days: which imprisonment, when inflicted, or labor, when performed, shall be taken in full satisfaction of said execution, and be so entered upon the same. Fines, etc., how collected. In case there is no property. Sec. IV. That the survey of the town and commons of Brunswick as heretofore made by William Hughes, Esq., of Liberty county, in accordance with the requirements of an act additional to an act to incorporate the town of Brunswick, in the county of Glynn, etc., etc., approved December 22d, 1857, be and the same is hereby confirmed,

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and a certified copy thereof may be used as evidence in any case involving the locality of the town and commons of Brunswick: provided , nevertheless, that nothing in this section shall be construed to affect private rights, already existing, to any lot or lots of land within the corporate limits of said city. Survey of William Hughes confirmed. Proviso. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 256.) An Act to reduce the tax and to define the powers of the Town Council in the town of Curtersville, in Burtow county. Whereas, The Town Council for the town of Cartersville, in Bartow county, has levied a tax on the citizens residing within the corporate limits of said town that is unjust, unnecessary, oppressive, and burthensome and discriminating in its operations: therefore, Preamble. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, that the Town Council of the town of Cartersville shall not levy and collect out of the citizens residing within the corporate limits of said town more than one-eighth of one per cent. on all real estate within said limits, and not more than one-eighth of one per cent. on all stock and trade within said limits, and not more than fifty dollars of and from each retail dealer in spirituous liquors within said limits, and not over two dollars of and from each citizen as a street tax, to be collected of and from each male inhabitant residing within said limits between the ages of sixteen and fifty years of age. Amount of tax. Sec. II. That each male inhabitant or citizen residing within said incorporation is liable to pay said street tax of two dollars. Street tax. Sec. III. Repeals all conflicting laws. Approved 16th November, 1866. (No. 257.) An Act to declare in full force an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the town of Dahlonega, in the county of Lumpkin, assented to December 11th, 1858, and an Act amendatory thereof, assented to December 10th, 1859, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That an act entitled an act to incorporate the town of Dahlonega, in the county of Lumpkin, assented to December 11th, 1858, and an act amendatory thereof, assented to December 10th, 1859, be, and the same are hereby declared to be in full force. Actsof Dec 1858 1859 in full force Sec. II. That the legal voters in the corporate limits of said town shall assemble at the Court-House in the town of Dahlonega, on the first Saturday in January next, and on the first Saturday in January of each year thereafter, and elect five commissioners, in the same manner and under the same regulations as provided for in the aforesaid

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acts, and if from any cause there shall be no commissioners elected as provided for, then the clerk of the Inferior Court may order an election for commissioners at any time, by posting a notice thereof on the Court-House door, or by giving one insertion in the Mountain Signal ten days before said election. Five commissioners to be elected annually. If no election Clerk inf'r Court to order one. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 258.) An Act to amend an Act incorporating the town of Elberton, approved 19th February, 1866, by giving additional powers to the town council of said town. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That, in addition to the powers conferred by the above mentioned act, said council shall have power to punish all offenses of a criminal nature against its ordinances, by whipping, not to exceed thirty-nine lashes, and by work in a chain gang on the public works, not to exceed twelve months; and one or both of these punishments may be ordered, in the discretion of said council. Power to punish certain offenses by whipping. Approved 24th November, 1866. (No. 259.) An Act to continue in force and amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the town of Fairburn, in the counties of Fayette and Campbell, approved 17th February , 1854. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the above recited act shall continue in as full force as though there had been no failure at any time to elect commissioners at the time of annual elections. Act of Feb. 1854, in full force. Sec. II. That the commissioners, or a majority of them, of said town shall have power to levy and collect a tax on all property subject to taxation in said town, to the amount of not more than one hundred per cent. on the State tax; said tax to be collected as prescribed by the commissioners. Commissioners may levy and collect tax. Sec. III. The commissioners of said town shall have full power to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors, and levy such tax upon it as they may deem fit, within the limits of said town. Sale of spirituous liquors. Sec. IV. Said commissioners shall have power to levy a tax on all billiard tables, and upon all ten pin alleys, or tables used for playing or kept for renting in the limits of said town; and shall further have power to levy and collect a tax of not exceeding twenty-five dollars on all itinerent shows, sleight of hand, legerdemain tricks, or any other kind of exhibition; and also to levy a tax upon all artists taking pictures, and itinerant peddlers vending their merchandise within the limits of said town. Power to tax billiard tables, etc.

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Sec. V. Said commissioners shall have power to pass such regulations as they may deem fit for the working of the streets of said town. The citizens of said town shall not be required to work roads without the limits of said town. Working the streets. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 260.) An Act to amend an Act to extend the corporate limits of the town of Hamilton, Harris county, and to create and give additional powers to the corporate authority of said town, assented to December 19 th , 1859. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the first section of the above recited act be so amended as to include the premises of D. P. Hill in said incorporate limits, and the residence and premises of Branch Ligon be, and the same are hereby excluded and not embraced in said limits. 1st sec. of act of Dec. 1859, amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 13th, 1866. (No. 261.) An Act to alter and amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the town of Hawkinsville, in the county of Pulaski; to appoint commissioners for the same, and to confer certain powers upon said commissioners; also, to incorporate the town of Grooversville, in Brooks county, and for other purposes, approved December 8 th , 1859. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, section fifth of said recited act be so amended as to read: That the authority and jurisdiction of said commissioners and their successors in office shall extend over and embrace all that portion of land comprised in fractional lots numbers two hundred and twenty-five (225), two hundred and twenty-six (226), whole lot two hundred and twenty-four (224), and that portion of whole lot number two hundred and twenty-three (223), lying north of Mile Branch, all in the fourth district of originally Dooly now Pulaski county; also, fractional lots numbers two hundred and eighty-two (282), two hundred and eighty-three (283), and that portion of whole lots numbers two hundred and eighty-one (281) and two hundred and eighty-four (284), on the south side of Town Creek, in the twelfth district of originally Houston now Pulaski county. Sec. 5th of act of Dec. 1859, amended. Sec. II. That section ninth of said above recited act be so amended as to read as follows: That the said board of commissioners shall have power to impose fines for the violation of any ordinance of the town, passed in accordance with its charter, to the amount of one hundred dollars, and to imprison offenders in the common jail of

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Pulaski county for the space of one month. The said fine, after being regularly assessed, shall be collected by execution to be issued by the town treasurer against the estate of the said offender, if any to be found; if none, the offender may be imprisoned, as before provided. Section 9th amended. Sec. III. That the board of commissioners of said town shall be bound to keep the peace, and that the President of said board shall be ex officio Justice of the Peace, so far as to enable him to issue warrants for offenses committed in the town of Hawkinsville, and shall have power, on examination, to commit the offender or offenders to jail, or bail them, if the offense be bailable, to appear before the Superior or County Court of Pulaski county. President of Board ex officio Justice of the Peace. Sec. IV. That it shall be the duty of the marshal of said town, upon notice in writing from the President or any member of the board of commissioners, to prosecute all offenders against the laws of this State, for crimes committed within the limits of said town, and in case any offense shall be committed in the presence of said marshal, or within his knowledge, it shall be his duty to prosecute without such notice. Duty of Marshal. Sec. V. That in all cases of encroachment upon street, lanes or alleys in said town, said board of commissioners shall have power to remove the same upon reasonable notice, or to permit and sanction the same for a fair and reasonable compensation in money, to be paid into the town treasury; said board of town commissioners having due regard to the interest of the property holders who may be affected thereby. Power of commissioners. Sec. VI. That when an execution shall be issued by the clerk, bearing test in the name of the President of the board of commissioners, directed to the marshal of said town, against the estate, real and personal, of any person, the marshal shall proceed to levy the same, and, after advertising the same thirty days, shall sell the property levied on before the court house door of the county of Pulaski, on a regular sheriff's sale day, and between the legal hours of sheriff's sales. The said marshal shall put up said property and sell the same to the highest bidder; and in case of the sale of real estate under executions issued as aforesaid, a deed made by the marshal of said town shall be as effectual to pass the title as the deed of the person against whom said execution was issued. Marshal to levy execution. Deed effectual to pass title. Sec. VII. That the Board of Commissioners of said town shall have power and authority to levy, in addition to the other taxes, a tax not exceeding five dollars upon each and every male person between the ages of sixteen and forty-five years in said town, as an annual street tax: provided , that the person so taxed may relieve himself of said tax by working on the streets for ten days under the direction and control of the marshal of said town. Street tax. Proviso. Sec. VIII. That the Board of Commissioners of said town shall have power to take up and impound any horses, mules, cattle or hogs running at large within the limits of said town, and to pass such ordinances

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as may be deemed by them necessary for the proper regulation of stock within the town. Power to impound. Sec. IX. That the Board of Commissioners shall have power to abate all nuisances within the corporate limits of the town in a summary manner, at the expense of the party whose act or negligence caused such nuisance, or of the owner of the premises, as the Board may elect: provided , that reasonable notice be first given the party so offending, or to the owner of the premises upon which the nuisance exists, to abate the same. May abate nuisances. Proviso. Sec. X. That said Board of Commissioners shall have power to license, regulate and control all hotels and public houses within said town; to license and regulate all hacks, carriages, wagons, carts, drays, or other vehicles used by common carriers within the corporate limits of said town; to license all auctioneers and vendue masters within said town, and to receive from each one an annual sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars; to license, regulate and control all ten pin alleys, billiard tables, pistol galleries, and bagatelle tables, and to remove the same when they become nuisances to the neighborhood. Power to license hotels, etc. Sec. XI. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 262.) An Act to relinquish the contingent interest of the State of Georgia in that portion of land below the city of Macon known as the State's Reserve, and to repeal the proviso to the first section and the second section of Act to vest that portion of land below the city of Macon known as the State's Reserve in the corporate authorities of the city of Macon, approved March 6 th , 1856. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That in consideration of and upon the payment of the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be dedicated and appropriated to the Georgia State Orphan's Home, by the City Council of the city of Macon, the State hereby relinquishes all her contingent interest in that portion of land below the city of Macon known as the State's Reserve, and hereby vests the entire title to the same in the Mayor and Council of the city of Macon, and that the proviso to the first section of the act to vest that portion of land below the city of Macon, known as the State's Reserve, in the corporate authorities, approved March 6th, 1856, and the second section of said act, be, and the same are hereby repealed: provided , the said ten thousand dollars be paid into the State treasury within twelve months after the passage of this act. Relinquishment of interest in land known as reserve. Titlewhere vested. Proviso to 1st sec. of act of Mar. 1856, repealed. Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 8th of December, 1866.

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(No. 263.) An Act to incorporate the town of Marshallville, and to confer certain powers on the Commissioners thereof, and for other purposes therein named. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the town of Marshallville, in the county of Macon, shall be a town corporate, vested with such powers and privileges as are herein designated. Incorporated. Sec. II. That the corporate limits of said town extend one mile in every direction from where the main street in said town crosses the South-western Railroad, and that Daniel Frederick, Murdock McCaskill, Seaborn C. Bryan, J. H. McClung, Alfred T. Acree, and their successors in office, be, and they are hereby created a body corporate, with full power and authority to enact and enforce all rules, regulations and ordinances they may deem necessary for the good government and order of said town, and for regulating the common affairs of the same. Limits. Commissioners. Sec. III. That the above named commissioners, and their successors in office, shall be styled the Board of Aldermen for the town of Marshallville, and shall remain in office until the third Saturday in December, 1866, and until their successors are appointed. When the citizens of said town, entitled to vote for members of the Legislature, may assemble at some convenient place in said town and proceed, under the direction and superintendence of two or more of said Board of Aldermen, then in office, to elect by ballot four aldermen, whose term of service shall be for one year; and the election of said aldermen shall take place annually in every subsequent year on the third Saturday in December. Term of office. Voters. Time of election. Sec. IV. That the citizens of said town, qualified as above mentioned, shall be entitled to vote for a Mayor at the same place and on the same day of each year on which said Board of Aldermen are elected, who shall hold his office for one year. Mayor. Sec. V. That said Mayor, together with said Board of Aldermen, and their successors in office, or any three of them, may, and are hereby authorized to fill any vacancy that may occur by resignation or otherwise in the body corporate, except that of Mayor, and said vacancy shall be filled by an election, after ten days notice given thereof; and a majority of them may be competent to do any business appertaining to said incorporation, and shall have power to appoint a clerk, also a marshal and assistant marshal, whose duties shall be to execute every order and precept given to them by said corporate body, to carry into effect the ordinances of said incorporation. Vacancies, how filled. Clerk, etc. Duties. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved November 16th, 1866.

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(No. 264.) An Act to incorporate the town of McIntosh, at Indian Springs, in Butts county, and appoint Commissioners for said town; also, to amend an Act to incorporate the Indian Springs, in said county, assented to on the 25 th day of December, 1837. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Bryan W. Collier, William A. Elder, John L. Woodward, Josiah Freeman and Simon H. Saunders, Jr., be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of said town and spring; and that they and their successors in office, or a majority of them, shall have power to appoint an Intendant or President, (being one of their board,) of said town, and a clerk and marshal, and such other officers as they may deem necessary, and to pass all by-laws, rules and regulations they, or a majority of them, may think proper for the improvement, opening or repairing the streets, public highways and grounds, and for the internal police of said town, not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this State. Commissioners. Power to appoint Intendant. By-laws. Sec. II. That said commissioners and their successors in office shall have corporate jurisdiction and authority over the whole territory and bounds of the town lots, and other surveys of lands within the original lines and survey of the McIntosh Reserve, at and around said Spring, and also of all fractions, lots and residences situate and being within the distance of three-quarters of a mile from said Indian Spring, in any and each direction; and that said Intendant or President and Board of Commissioners, or a majority thereof, and their successors, shall have power to inflict such pains and penalties, fines and forfeitures, and assess, levy and collect such taxes, and require such license and fees, and do all other incorporate acts as in their judgment may seem most conducive to the good order and government, and necessary for the improvement of said town or the support of the corporate authority thereof; and by their clerk and marshal, or other officers, may, by execution or other process, recover and collect any such fines, taxes, or other dues or claims as may be assessed or imposed by said board: provided , no poll tax shall exceed the sum of two dollars in any one year, and no penalty exceed moderate correction by whipping, or fine for a violation of their laws shall exceed the sum of twenty dollars and fees, nor imprisonment for offences shall extend to a longer time than five days: provided further , that said Intendant shall be, and he is hereby made a Justice of the Peace, ex officio , for the purpose of carrying out more perfectly the authority herein granted. Jurisdiction. Limits. Pains, penalties, etc. Fines, Proviso. Sec. III. That said Commissioners, herein named, shall hold their offices until the first Saturday in January, 1868, when an election shall be held by said Board of Commissioners, or a majority of them, for commissioners of said town; and on every subsequent year thereafter, at which election the citizens of said town shall be entitled to vote who are entitled to vote for members of the Legislature, and have resided therein one month preceding said day of election,

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and shall elect by ballot five commissioners to succeed the commissioners named, and then in office: provided , either or all of said commissioners in office may be chosen for a succeeding year, and they may continue to act until their successors are elected and a new board is organized, that in case of resignation, or other vacancy occurring in said Board of Commissioners, the remaining members may fill such vacancy by appointment, to continue until the regular day of election, and if said election shall fail to be held at said time, said commissioners, or a majority of them in office, may, after ten days notice, at any time hold said election, and in case of their offices being vacated, leaving no Board of Commissioners for said town in existence, the magistrates of said town or the district may, after ten days notice given, hold said election, and the five citizens having like qualifications with those entitled to vote thereat, who may receive a majority of the votes polled shall be held and considered elected and entitled to organize as a Board of Commissioners for said town, and to do and perform the offices herein authorized; and said commissioners herein named, or their successors, may at any time fill, by appointment, any vacancies by resignation, or otherwise, of any of their officers hereby authorized to be appointed. Term of office. Election. Voters. Proviso. Vacancies. Sec. IV. That said act to incorporate the Indian Springs, assented to as aforesaid, be, and the same is hereby amended in this: that the corporate jurisdiction of said commissioners, who are herein appointed, and who are the same as are now acting under said act, be extended, as herein provided and established, and that all by-laws and regulations by them thereunder adopted and passed by them shall be recognized and enforced, hereby as provided and defined herein, with all the powers confided to the commissioners in said act named, and their successors, with their acts and doings, be continued and held in force, except as herein altered and amended. Act of Dec. 1837, amended. Sec. V. That said Intendant and Commissioners shall have full power and the exclusive right to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors, to grant license for the same, under such rules and regulations as the said Intendant and Commissioners may prescribe. Sale of spirituous liquors. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 20th December, 1866. (No. 265.) An Act to alter and amend an Act passed December 18 th, 1817, to amend an Act passed November 27 th, 1812, and to amend an Act passed 18 th December, 1820, to incorporate the town of Sandersville, in the county of Washington, and to vest certain powers in the Commissioners thereof. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That William G. Brown, Mark Newman, C. R. Pringle, John W. Renfroe and Beverly D. Evans, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners of said town, and any three of said commissioners shall constitute a board, who shall

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have full power to proceed to the business of said incorporation, and they and their successors in office shall have full power and authority to pass all by-laws and regulations which may be necessary for the improvement and repairing of the streets, springs, wells, market houses and work houses, care of the poor, suppression of disorderly houses and internal police of said town: provided , nevertheless, such by-laws and regulations shall not be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of this State, and that no penalty thereby imposed shall extend to corporeal punishment, nor shall any tax upon the people of said town be imposed which shall exceed fifty per cent, upon the State tax for the same year. Commissioners. Powers. Proviso. Sec. II. That the commissioners, or a majority of them, shall have full power to appoint a clerk, marshal, and such other officers as they may deem necessary to carry into effect all proceedings which they may adopt under the authority of this act; and the said commissioners shall be ex officio Justices of the Peace so far as respects the carrying into effect the said act of incorporation; and they shall be hereby authorized to impose fines for a violation of their corporation rules, issue executions for fines, penalties and taxes; shall likewise have power to exact a tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars per day from all itinerant traders and peddlers who may offer any goods, wares and merchandise for sale within the corporation which shall be collected by the marshal in the same manner as by execution from the Justices Court; all fines and forfeitures collected to be applied to the improvement of said corporation, and the balance to county purposes. Clerk, marshal, etc. Fines. May tax. How collected. Sec. III. That said commissioners shall have power to license persons to retail, and sell by retail, spirituous liquors within the said town, according to the ordinances thereof, and no person or persons shall sell by retail any spirituous liquors within the same without first obtaining such license. Power to grant licenses. Sec. IV. That the said commissioners shall have power and authority to levy a tax on all billiard tables kept or used for the purpose of playing on or renting, and on all pin alleys which are kept or used for the purpose of playing on with pins and balls, or either, or for the purpose of renting the same within the corporate limits of said town. And they shall have power and authority to levy and collect a tax on all itinerant show masters who may exhibit in said town any shows, circus ridings, sleight of hand, legerdemain, or tricks, or any other kind whatever coming under this description, of not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each days exhibition. Power to tax billiard tables, etc. Sec. V. That the said commissioners shall continue in office until the first Monday in January, 1867, at which time all persons residing within the incorporation eligible to vote by the election laws of this State, shall be privileged to vote for commissioners of said incorporation, and on the first Monday in January in each and every year thereafter. And the said elections shall be held by one Justice and one freeholder of said county, they not being candidates, and in case of failure to hold said elections, as prescribed by this act, it shall be the duty of any Justice of the Peace of said county, on notice given

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him by one or more of said commissioners, to give ten days notice by advertising at the court-house said election, which shall be sufficient authority to proceed to elect said commissioners: provided , such election is conducted agreeably to the manner before prescribed in this act. Term of office. Voters. Failure to hold election. Proviso. Sec. VI. That the said commissioners shall be capable of sueing and being sued in their corporate capacity, in the same manner as all other corporate bodies. May sue be sued. Sec. VII. That the jurisdiction of said incorporation shall extend to and comprehend all the land one mile in each and every direction from the court-house, in said town, which shall be considered the center of said corporation, and no further. Extension of jurisdiction. Sec. VIII. That so much of the before recited acts as is repugnant to the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved 12th November, 1866. (No. 266.) An Act to regulate the building and repairing of party and other walls and fences in the city of Savannah, to declare the rights of lot owners in respect thereto, and to give to the City Council of Savannah authority to make rules and regulations in the premises. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and immediately after the passing of this act, whenever owners of adjoining lots or part lots of land in the city of Savannah, shall, in writing, agree to build a party wall or fence on the line of the respective owners, and to keep the same in repair, said owners may record such agreement in the clerk's office of the Superior Court of Chatham county within the time and on the terms for recording conveyances of real estate; and such agreement, so recorded, shall operate as a covenant running with the land, and shall be binding on the said respective owners, and their heirs and assigns, and the same effect shall be given to a similar agreement for the repairing only of a party wall or fence, such agreement being properly recorded, as aforesaid. Agreement to be recordedshall operate as covenant. Same effect shall be given to agreement for repairing, Sec. II. That whenever the owner of a lot or part lot of land in said city shall desire to put up a wall or fence on the line of such lot or part lot, dividing it from an adjoining lot or part lot, on the contiguous line of which there may be no wall or fence, such owner so desiring to build may give twenty days notice to the adjoining owner, or his agent, of such desire to build; and if such adjoining owner shall neglect or refuse to join in the expenses of building and keeping in repair such wall or fence, then the party giving said notice shall be entitled and is hereby authorized to put up and build such wall or fence of the usual thickness, and with the proper foundation, partly upon his own ground and partly upon the adjoining ground, on application to and permission granted by the City Council of Savannah; and, in this case, when the other owner is desirous of building or using such wall or fence, he may use so much thereof as may be necessary

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by paying to the builder, or his heirs or assigns, one-half of its value, and then the two owners shall become joint owners of said party wall or fence, and be equally bound for all necessary repairs. Such half value may be recovered by the builder, his heirs or assigns, from the party so as aforesaid using the said wall or fence after it shall have been built as aforesaid, by action in any court of competent jurisdiction; and such cause of action shall be a lien on such adjoining lot or part lot until payment of said half value: provided, always , that nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to authorize any person to put up, build, or erect any wall, fence, or other structure, in said city contrary to a fire or other lawful ordinance of Savannah. Whenever owner of lot desires to build wall may give 20 days notice to adjoining owner. Party giving notice entitled to build by permission of City Council. Adjoining owner may use wall by paying half its value. Proviso. Sec. III. That in any case where there shall be a dividing fence between two lots or part lots, in said city, which may require repair, the party refusing to pay his just proportion of expenditure for any necessary repair made by the other party for the benefit of both, may be compelled to pay such proportion at the suit and on the recovery of such other party before any court of competent jurisdiction; provided it be shown on the trial that the said refusing party was duly notified of the necessity of such repair, and by himself or his agent declined to pay said proportion. Party refusing to pay his proportion may be compelled to do so. Proviso. Sec. IV. That the City Council of Savannah be authorized by ordinance to make such further rules and regulations concerning dividing walls and fences as are not in conflict with this act or with the Constitution or laws of this State; and that all laws or parts of laws, so far as they militate with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Council to make rules, etc. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 267.) An Act to repeal the fifth section of an Act entitled an Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act to extend the civil jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace in the city of Savannah, and to compel Justices of the Peace and Constables of Country Districts in the county of Chatham to be residents of the Districts of which they are elected, assented to the 21 st day of December, 1835, so far as the civil jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace for the first, second, third and fourth Districts Georgia Militia, in the city of Savannah, are concerned; and to establish rates of fees of Magistrates and Constables in the city of Savannah, approved February 17 th, 1854. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the fifth (5th) section of an act approved February 17th, 1854, entitled an act to repeal an act entitled an act to extend the civil jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace in the city of Savannah, and to compel Justices of the Peace and Constables of Country Districts in the county of Chatham to be residents of the districts of which they are elected, assented to the 21st day of December, 1835, so far as the civil jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace for the first, second, third and fourth Districts Georgia

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Militia, in the city of Savannah, are concerned, and to establish rates of fees of magistrates and constables in the city of Savannah, be, and the same is hereby repealed: provided , that nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to prevent the Justices of the Inferior Court from paying, in their discretion, any bills for insolvent costs in cases of felony. Sec. 5th of act of Feb. 1854, repealed. Proviso. Approved 10th December, 1866. (No. 268.) An Act to incorporate the town of Senoia, in the county of Coweta, and to appoint Commissioners of the same, and to point out the mode of electing Commissioners and other officers of said town, and to confer certain powers on the Commissioners thereof, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the corporate limits of the town of Senoia, in the county of Coweta, extend over in every direction and embrace an area of one-half mile from where the public road crosses the Savannah, Griffin North Alabama Railroad, near F. W. Baggarly's store. Limits. Sec. II. That William C. Barnes, F. W. Baggarly, Richmond B. Bridges, A. C. North and James B. Hunnicutt are hereby appointed commissioners of said town, who shall, at their first meeting, elect from their body a President, Treasurer and Clerk, and appoint a Marshal, and other officers they may think proper, to carry this act into full execution; and the said President and Commissioners, and their successors in office, are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, under the name and title of the Commissioners of the town of Senoia, and by that name be empowered to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded in any of the courts of the State; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, and their successors in office, shall have full power and authority to make all by-laws, rules and regulations necessary and proper for the government of said town whieh are not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State and of the United States. Commissioners, etc. Name. May sue be sued. Sec. III. That the said commissioners, appointed as aforesaid, shall hold their offices until the second Saturday in January, 1868, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Said election shall be held on the first Saturday in January, 1868, and annually thereafter, and all persons within said corporate limits who are by law entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly, and have resided thirty days within said corporate limits, and who have paid all county and State taxes imposed, as well as town taxes imposed by said commissioners and their successors in office, which they have had an opportunity of paying. Said election shall be conducted by two freeholders who reside within said corporate limits, and if from any cause said election should not be held at the time specified, then it shall be lawful to hold it on any other day the commissioners, or a

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majority of them, may direct; and in case of a vacancy by death, resignation, or otherwise, said commissioners shall have power to order an election to fill said vacancy; said election shall be conducted as hereinbefore specified, ten days notice being first given. Term of office. Voters. How conducted. Vacancies. Sec. IV. That so much of the provisions of an act incorporating the town of Wrightsville, in the county of Johnson, approved February 23d, 1866, as are not inconsistent with the provisions of said act, be, and the same are hereby made of full force and effect in the town of Senoia, county of Coweta. Parts of act of Feb. 1866, of full force. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 269.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act authorizing the arrest by the marshal of the village of Sparta, without warrant, and the confinement in the common jail of the county of Hancock, all persons violating the laws passed by the commissioners of said village against drunkenness and other gross and immoral conduct. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, so much of the act entitled an act authorizing the arrest by the marshal of the village of Sparta, without warrant, and the confinement in the common jail of the county of Hancock, of all persons violating the laws passed by the commissioners of said village against drunkenness and other gross and immoral conduct in said village, be so amended as to authorize the marshal of the village of Sparta to confine persons arrested for drunkenness and other immoral conduct, in the guard house of said village, whenever a guard house shall hereafter be constructed by the commissioners of the village of Sparta, or in the common jail of the county. Prisonerswhere confined. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 20th December, 1866. (No. 270.) An Act to make permanent the county site of Bulloch county, and to incorporate the same, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the town of Statesboro', in the county of Bulloch, shall be, and the same is hereby made the permanent seat of the public buildings of said county. Statesboro' the permanent county site. Sec. II. That W. H. Myley, W. H. Coleman, C. Pretoridus, J. Zetomer and C. E. Fletcher be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners of said town, with power and authority to make such by-laws for the government and good order of said town as may be necessary; provided , that such by-laws are not repugnant to the Constitution of this State and the United States. Commissioners. Proviso. Sec. III. That the said town of Statesboro' be, and the same is

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hereby incorporated, and that the limits of said incorporation extend one mile in every direction from the court house square. Limits. Sec. IV. That said commissioners and their successors in office, so appointed by this act, be a body politic for the purposes set forth in this act, and that they, or a majority of them, have power to fill all such vacancies as may occur between the periods of their appointment and the regular terms of the election for commissioners, as pointed out in this act. Commissioners and successors a body politic. Vacancies. Sec. V. That the commissioners herein named and appointed hold their office until the first Monday in January, 1868, when an election shall be held in said town, and at such place as may, by said commissioners be appointed, and regulated by such by-laws as they may think advisable, and be from year to year, as long as said corporation be in existence. Term of office. Sec. VI. That all persons entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly, residing within the corporate limits of said town, shall be entitled to vote for commissioners and other officers necessary for the government of said town. Voters. Sec. VII. That said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall have power to enforce obedience to the by-laws and regulations of said corporation, and to punish, for a violation of the laws, by fine and imprisonment, or either, as in their discretion may seem meet; said fine or fines in no case to exceed twenty dollars, and such imprisonment in no instance to exceed ten days. Power to enforce obedience. Penalty for violation. Assented to 20th December, 1866. (No. 271.) An Act to incorporate the town of Sylvania, in the county of Screven, to appoint commissioners for the same, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted , That Robert D. Sharp, Winsley Hobbey, George C. Dixon, Benjamin F. Scott and Daniel E. Roberts be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners of the town of Sylvania, in the county of Screven, with power to make such by-laws for the government of said town as may be necessary for the preservation of good order; provided , such by-laws are not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State or of the United States. Corporators. By-laws. Proviso. Sec. II. That the said town of Sylvania is hereby incorporated, and the limits of the incorporation shall extend one mile from the court house in every direction. Limits. Sec. III. That the commissioners herein named shall hold their appointments until the first Saturday in January, 1868, and that their places shall be supplied in the manner provided in section third of the act incorporating the town of Wrightsville, in the county of Johnson, approved February 23d, 1866. Term of office. Sec. IV. That the commissioners hereinbefore named, and their successors, shall have all the authority and be subject to all the restrictions contained in sections four, five, six and seven of the

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aforesaid act incorporating the town of Wrightsville, in the county of Johnson, approved 23d February, 1866. Authority of Commissioners. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 272.) An Act to incorporate the town of Tabeauville, in the county of Ware, and to provide for the election of commissioners of the same. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, C. P. Jones, John Bachlott, J. W. Remsheart, E. J. Acosta and M. B. Grant are hereby appointed commissioners of the town of Tebeauville, in the county of Ware, with full power to make all by-laws and regulations necessary for the government of said town. Commissioners. By-laws. Sec. II. That said commissioners shall continue in office until the first Saturday in January, 1868, on which day, and on the first Saturday in January in each succeeding year thereafter, all persons entitled to vote for members of the Legislature shall assemble at some suitable place within the corporate limits of said town, and shall, by ballot, elect five commissioners, who shall continue in office one year; said election shall be held by two freeholders and one Justice of the Peace or other judicial officer; provided , that in the event of there being no election of commissioners at the time herein pointed out, the commissioners then in office shall so continue until their successors are elected, which may be done at any time thereafter, by the commissioners giving five days' notice of the time of holding said election. Term of office. Voters. Electionhow held. Proviso. Sec. III. That the jurisdiction of said commissioners shall extend one thousand and five hundred yards in every direction from the depot building in said town of Tebeauville, and said commissioners are hereby authorized to act as commissioners of all roads and streets in said town to the distance aforesaid, railroads excepted. Jurisdiction. Sec. IV. That said commissioners shall have power to levy and collect a tax to the amount of not more than one-half of the State tax, for the use of said incorporation, upon all objects taxed by the laws of this State, and that said tax, when collected in the manner that may be prescribed by said commissioners, shall by them be used for the benefit of said town. Power to tax. Sec. V. That said commissioners shall have power to appoint patrols, and regulate their duty; to appoint overseers of the streets, and regulate the manner of working the same. Power to appoint. Sec. VI. That said commissioners shall have power to tax all shows performing in said town for the purpose of gain, all itinerant traders, and they shall have power to force the collecting of taxes, fines and penalties in such manner as they may see proper. To tax shows, etc. Sec. VII. That said commissioners and their successors, or a majority of them, for the time being, may make all such ordinances as they may deem proper for the good government and well being of

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said village; shall elect an intendant from their body, appoint a marshal and such other officers as they may deem necessary to carry the ordinances into effect; provided , such ordinances are not repugnant to the Constitution of this State or of the United States. May make ordinances. Proviso. Sec. VIII. That all persons within the said corporate limits, are subject to road duty, except as the commissioners of said town so incorporated shall direct. Persons subject to road duty. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 273.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to amend the Act incorporating the city of Thomasville, and to grant certain privileges to the same approved March the 6 th , 1856, so far as regards the first section of said Act. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the Mayor and Council of the city of Thomasville shall have full power and authority to pass all by-laws and ordinances respecting the streets of said city, to open, lay out, straighten and improve new streets, and to remove, or cause to be removed, any obstacles or obstructions which may be placed in any streets of said city now made or hereafter to be made in said city; and that the said Mayor and Council shall make proper compensation to the owner or owners of any property taken for public use, and upon any disagreement between said Mayor and Council, and the owner or owners of said property, taken for public use, as to the proper amount of compensation to be paid therefor, it shall be lawful for said Mayor and Council to appoint one disinterested freeholder of Thomas county, and the owner or owners of said property to appoint another, which two shall appoint a third, or in the event of a failure or refusal of such owner or owners to appoint one after ten days notice from said Mayor and Council to do so, then the said Mayor and Council shall appoint three such freeholders to make and return to the said Mayor and Council a just and impartial valuation of the damages done to such property, or the advantages derived by the owner or owners of the lots or lands fronting on said streets or lanes so widened, extended, straightened, opened, laid out or established, with power and authority to the Mayor and Council to levy, collect and enforce the same. The award of such freeholders shall be in writing and signed by a majority of such appraisers, and shall be binding upon the parties: provided , that if either party be dissatisfied with such award, he, she or they may enter an appeal from such award within ten days after the same is made to the Superior Court of Thomas county, where the damages or advantages shall be ascertained by the verdict of a special jury, and such verdict shall be final and conclusive. Power of Mayor and Council over streets Compensation to owners of property taken for public use, and in case of disagreement how settled. Award. Proviso. Sec. II. That said Mayor and Council shall have power to use such pavements or sidewalks as they may deem proper upon the failure of any person to comply with the same within the time prescribed,

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the said Mayor and Council may have the same done, and levy and collect the expenses thereof by executi o n against the lands, and goods and chattels of the owner or owners of said lots. Pavements Sec. III. That the said Mayor and Aldermen of said city, during their continuance in office, be, and they are hereby exempt from the performance of any and all jury duty. Mayor and aldermen exempt from jury duty. Sec. IV. That if any person shall sell by retail, in quantities less than three gallons, any kind of spirituous or intoxicating liquors whatever, within the limits of said city of Thomasville, without a license from the Mayor and Council of said city for such purpose, such person or persons so offending shall each be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars and costs of trial on conviction before the Mayor and any Alderman of said city, for each and every such offence, and every such, and all such shall constitute a distinct offence: provided , that nothing in this section shall be construed to take away or lessen the control and discretion already by law invested in said Mayor and Council, in reference to licenses to retail liquors. Sale of spirituous liquors without license. Penalty. Proviso. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 274.) An Act to authorize the City Council of Thomasville to issue bonds to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of taking stock in the South Georgia Florida Railroad, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the City Council of Thomasville shall and may be authorized to subscribe for one hundred thousand dollars of stock in the South Georgia Florida Railroad, and to issue bonds for not more than that sum in bonds in such sums as said City Council may deem proper, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually in the city of Thomasville: provided , that said subscriptions shall not be made or said bonds issued until the same shall be ordered by a vote of a majority of those entitled to vote for Mayor and Councilmen within the corporate limits of said city. May issue bonds bearing interest of 7 per ct. Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 7th December, 1866. (No. 275.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the town of Valdosta, in the county of Lowndes, for the election of Mayor, Councilmen and Marshal for the same, passed the 7th of December , 1860. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, the Mayor of the town of Valdosta, in the county of Lowndes, shall be, and he is hereby authorized to hold courts at such

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time and place in said town as he may designate, for the trial and punishment of all offenders against the ordinances, health, peace, good order, morals, welfare of said town; and for contempt of said court and its authority, and resistance to the marshal thereof in the execution of his duty, by fine and imprisonment or working on the streets of said town, one or all of them: provided said fine shall not exceed two hundred dollars, nor imprisonment or working on streets be more than thirty days at one time. Mayor authorized to hold courts Proviso. Sec. II. That the Mayor and Council of the town aforesaid shall have the entire control of the sale of spirituous and malt liquors in the corporate limits of the said town in any quantity, and shall require of all persons who propose to sell the same therein to take a license for such purpose, and to pay therefor a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars per annum, and require each applicant for license aforesaid to give bond and security to keep an orderly house, and impose such other obligations and restrictions as they may deem fit, not contrary to the laws of the State. Sale of spirituous liquors. Sec. III. That the said Mayor and Council shall, at their first meeting after their election and qualification, elect some suitable person, not a member of their body, as Secretary and Treasurer thereof, requiring him to give such bond and security, and allow him such compensation as they may think proper. Election of Secreta'y Treasurer. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 276.) An Act to revive and declare of force an Act to incorporate the town of Waynesboro', in the county of Burke, assented to December 10 th , 1812, and the several Acts amendatory thereof; to amend said Acts; to enlarge the powers of the commissioners of said town; to extend the corporate limits thereof; to declare valid the election of the present board of commissioners; to make legal all ordinances and by-laws adopted by them, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the several acts before referred to be, and the same are hereby revived and declared of force, except as hereinafter enacted. Acts revived. Sec. II. That the last proviso in the first section of said act of December 10th, 1812, be so amended as to read as follows: Provided, nevertheless , that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize said commissioners to inflict corporeal punishment on any person, or to deprive him or her of life, limb or member. Proviso of 1st sec. of act of Dec. 1812, amended. Sec. III. That section third of said act of December 10th, 1812, be, and the same is hereby repealed, and the following substituted in lieu thereof: That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall have power to appoint a clerk, marshal and such other officers as they may deem necessary to carry into effect all ordinances, rules, by-laws and regulations which they may adopt under the authority

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of this act. They shall be ex officio Justices of the Peace; may impose fines and imprison either with or without labor on the streets or public works of the town, and issue executions as well against the person as the property of the offender, but in no case shall any term of imprisonment exceed thirty days, or any fine the sum of fifty dollars. Sec. 3d of act repe'l'd Substitute. Sec. IV. That there shall be established a police court, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all cases arising from a violation of the ordinances of said town. Said court shall sit at such times and under such regulations as the board of commissioners may prescribe. The chairman of said board shall preside therein, and in case of his absence, any member thereof may exercise his functions. Should it appear, upon the examination of any case, that there has been an infraction of the State law, it shall be the duty of said court to bind the offender over to the proper tribunal, if the case be bailable, but if not, then to commit him or her until discharged by due process of law. Poliec Court. Sec. V. That the said commissioners and their successors in office are hereby authorized to levy a tax on the inhabitants of said town to any amount not exceeding fifty per centum of their general tax in each year, and to collect the same by execution or otherwise. They shall also have power to levy a tax of not exceeding five dollars per capita upon all inhabitants of said town who pay none other than a poll tax to the State, to be collected as aforesaid. Commission'rs may levy taxes. Sec. VI. That from and after the passage of this act, said board of commissioners shall have exclusive power to regulate the subjects of retailing spirituous liquors and peddling within the limits of said town, and to grant license for the same, instead of the Inferior Court of the county, as now provided by law. Retailing spirituous liquors. Sec. VII. That, in case of any vacancy in said board of commissioners, a majority of the original number shall have power to fill the same by appointment, until the next regular election; but if there should not be such a majority acting, then the Inferior Court of the county shall order an election to fill said vacancy, giving ten days notice at the court house door in said town. Vacancies. Sec. VIII. That, in addition to the salary which the board of commissioners may prescribe for the town marshal, he shall receive for all executions or other process placed in his hands by said board or the police court, the same or similar fees to those now allowed by law to the sheriffs of this State. Marshal's fees. Sec. IX. That the election of the present board of commissioners, and all ordinances and by-laws by them adopted, be, and the same are hereby declared valid, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Election, by-laws, etc., valid. Sec. X. That the jurisdiction of the corporation shall extend to and comprehend said town, and such portion thereof as was originally laid out into town lots. Jurisdiction, Sec. XI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 277.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the town of White Plains, in Green county, approved March 3d , 1856. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the first section of the above recited act be so amended as to read as follows: That the town of White Plains be, and the same is hereby incorporated, and that the limits of said incorporation extend from the Baptist Church one and one-quarter mile in every direction. 1st see. of act of Mar. 1856, amended. Sec. II. That the fifth section of the above recited act be so amended as to read as follows: That the power to sell spirituous or fermented liquors in any quantity within the corporate limits of said town be invested exclusively in said commissioners, under such regulations and restrictions as they may from time to time enact. 5th sec. of above recited act amended. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. TITLE III. FIRE COMPANIES. Sec. 1. Athens Fire Company No. No. 1number of members. Src. 2. Young America Fire Companyname changed. (No. 278.) An Act to amend the charter of Athens Fire Company, No. 1. 1. Section I. Be it enacted , That section sixth (6th) of an act to incorporate Athens Fire Company, No. 1, shall be amended so that the members of said company shall not exceed at any time ninety (90) men. Section 6th amended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 279.) An Act to change the name of the Young America Fire Company of the city of Savannah, and for other purposes . 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the name of the Young America Fire Company of the city of Savannah be, and the same is

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changed to that of the Mechanics' Fire Company, and that the corporate powers and privileges heretofore granted by an act, approved February 16th, 1854, and the franchise therein granted be, and the same are re-enacted, and that said franchise is extended for twelve years. Name changed. Powers. Franchise extended. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. TITLE IV. RELIEF. Sec. 1. Nancy A. E. Baldwin authorized to contract marriage. 2. Robert T. Bridges and others relieved from penalties. 3. Martha A. Britt authorized to contract marriage. 4. A. Carnes and S. W. Peck relieved from payment of bond. 5. Benjamin L. Cook relieved from penalties of bigamy. 6. Estate of John C. Dumas relieved from payment of bond. 7. Case of State vs. Jesse A. Glenn to be entered settled. Proviso. Sec. 8. Defendant exonerated. 9. Helen Lapham and Mary Ann Drakeford authorized to contract marriage. 10. E. B. Loyless relieved from penalties for issuing change bills. Proviso. 11. G. W. Puckett relieved from penalties of bigamy. 12. Claim of Seago, Palmer Co. to be arbitrated. 13. Creed T. Wise pardoned. 14. James C. Adams and James M. Hall released from liability on bond. 15. Miley E. Tuck authorized to contract marriage. (No. 280.) An Act for the relief of Nancy A. E. Baldwin, of Stewart county, Georgia . Whereas, Nancy A. E. McLeroy was married to George W. Baldwin, in 1853; and whereas , afterwards, the said George W. Baldwin sued for and obtained a divorce from said Nancy A. E. Baldwin, in 1860; and whereas , the said George W. Baldwin has, since, in 1862, intermarried with a Miss Francis J. Jones. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, Nancy A. E. Baldwin, of said county of Stewart, be, and she is hereby relieved, released and fully exonerated from all liabilities, disabilities, pains or penalties by her incurred by reason of the divorce granted between her and her former husband, George W. Baldwin, and that she be to all intents and purposes fully authorized to contract and enter into marriage as fully and as legally as if she had never been married to the said George W. Baldwin. N. A. E. Baldwin relieved from pains incurred by divorce. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 29th November, 1866.

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(No. 281.) An Act for the relief of Robert T. Bridges, John Sansom and Joseph Glenn, of the county of Whitfield . Whereas, In the year 1863 one Mr. Rhodes was killed at Graysville, Georgia, by soldiers of the Confederate army; and whereas , said Robert T. Bridges has been indicted in the Superior Court of Catoosa county as a principal in the first degree, and John Sansom and Joseph Glenn as principals in the second degree, charged with the killing of said Rhodes; and whereas , said Robert T. Bridges was captured in some of the battles around Dalton, in 1864, by the Federal authorities, and afterwards tried by a Military Commission, at Chattanooga, and by said commission condemned to death, and upon the reviewal and revision of the testimony and finding of said Military Commission by President Lincoln, the sentence of said commission was set aside and said Robert T. Bridges pardoned and released by the President; and whereas , said Robert T. Bridges, and John Sansom, and Joseph Glenn were soldiers in the Confederate army, and faithfully discharged their duty to their country as such. Preamble. 2. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That said Robert T. Bridges, John Sansom and Joseph Glenn shall be relieved from all pains and penalties in consequence of said killing, and shall be discharged from further attendance upon said case on obtaining the written consent of Wesley Rhodes, the prosecutor, and the recommendation of the Grand Jury of Catoosa county; and on presenting such consent and recommendation, the Judge of the Superior Court of said county of Catoosa is required to enter on the minutes of said court an order discharging them as aforesaid. Robert T. Bridges, John Lansom and Joseph Glenn relieved. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 28th December, 1866. (No. 282.) An Act for the relief of Martha A. Britt, of the county of Crawford . Whereas, Martha A. Britt, of the county of Crawford, was, on the 23d day of August, 1866, married to Franklin F. Griffin; and whereas , the said Franklin F. Griffin, at the time of such marriage, did have another living wife, which was at the time unknown to the said Martha A. Britt. Therefore, Preamble. 3. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the said Martha A. Britt, of the county of Crawford, be, and she is hereby relieved from all pains and penalties of the laws of this State incurred by reason of her intermarriage as aforesaid with the said Franklin F. Griffin, and that she be, to all intents and purposes, fully authorized to contract and enter into marriage as fully and as legally as if she had never been married to the said Franklin F. Griffin. Martha A. Britt relieved. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866.

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(No. 283.) An Act for the relief of A. Carnes and S. W. Peck, of the county of Cherokee. Whereas, A. Carnes of the county of Cherokee, was indicted, at the September term of the Superior Court of said county, for the offence of a misdemeanor; and whereas , the said A. Carnes went into the service of the Confederate States for the war; and whereas , during the time the said A. Carnes was in the service, his said bond was forfeited by the Solicitor General of said District; and whereas , the said S. W. Peck is a very poor man and unable to pay said bond. Therefore, Preamble. 4. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the said A. Carnes and S. W. Peck be, and they are hereby relieved from the payment of said bond by their paying all costs that have accrued in said case: provided , that the facts set forth be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court having jurisdiction. A. Carnes and S. W. Peck relieved. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 284.) An Act for the relief of Benjamin L. Cook, of the county of Quitman, and to save him from the pains and penalties of bigamy. Whereas, Mrs. Mary E. Cook abandoned her husband, Benjamin L. Cook, on the 11th day of May, 1864, and, after being separated for twelve months, the mother of the said Mary E. Cook having reported to the said Benjamin L. Cook, that the said Mary E. Cook was dead: and whereas , the said Benjamin L. Cook, acting upon the information of the said Mary E. Cook's mother, did, on the 7th day of June, 1866, intermarry with one Mrs. Carraway, and it being subsequently ascertained that the said Mary E. Cook was not dead, but was yet living. Therefore, Preamble. 5. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the said Benjamin L. Cook is saved from the pains and penalties of bigamy in consequence of his intermarriage with the said Mrs. Carraway. B. S. Cook saved from the pains of bigamy. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 29th November, 1866. (No. 285.) An Act to relieve the estate of John C. Dumas, late of Jones county, deceased. 6. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and immediately after the passage of this act, the estate of John C. Dumas be, and the same is hereby relieved upon payment of all costs, from the payment of a

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criminal bond given for the appearance of Henery C. Cary. Said bond, amounting to two thousand dollars, was forfeited, and judgment entered up at the last term of the Superior Court of said county of Jones. Estate of John C. Dumas relievedwhen. Amount of bond. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 28th December, 1866. (No. 286.) An Act to authorize and require the Judge of the Superior Court to enter a certain case therein named, settled upon certain conditions. 7. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the Judge of the Superior Court is hereby authorized and required to enter settled the case of the State vs. Jesse A. Glenn, charged with homicide in Whitfield Superior Court: provided , that the written consent of the prosecutors be first had: and provided further , that the Grand Jury of said county give their consent thereto. Judge of Sup'r Co'rt required to enter settled the case of the State vs. Jesse A. Glenn. 8. Sec. II. That when said case is thus entered settled, the said defendant shall be fully exonerated and relieved from any further attendance on said charge. Def't fully exonerated Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 29th November, 1866. (No. 287.) An Act to relieve Helen Lapham, formerly Helen Chaffin, and Mary Ann Drakeford, formerly Mary Ann Terry, from the legal disability to contract the marriage relation, and of all penalties for having contracted the same. 9. Sec. I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the disabilities incurred by Helen Lapham, formerly Helen Chaffin, and Mary Ann Drakeford, formerly Mary Ann Terry, of Muscogee county, by reason of a total divorce having been decreed against them, at the instance of George Lapham, late husband of said Helen, and Henry Drakeford, late husband of said Mary Ann, be, and the same are hereby removed, so far as to permit both or either of them to marry again during the life of their said former husbands, and relieve them of all penalties incurred by reason of marriage. Act relieving Helen Lapham and Mary Ann Drakeford. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 288.) An Act for the relief of E. B. Loyless, of Webster county. Whereas, E. B. Loyless, of the county of Webster, did, in the year 1861, and after, on account of the great scarcity of change, issue

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certain change bills as a matter of convenience, not knowing that, in so doing, he was violating the laws of this State. Preamble. 9. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the said Loyless is hereby relieved from all pains and penalties incurred by reason of his having issued said change bills; provided , he redeems said bills at their par value in currency, before conviction. Loyless relieved from pains, etc. Proviso. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 289.) An Act for the relief of G. W. Puckett, of the county of Cherokee. Whereas, G. W. Puckett, of the county of Cherokee, went into the service of the Confederate States as a soldier, and while in the service as aforesaid, his wife left her home with the Federal army; it being represented to the said G. W. Puckett that his wife was dead, and he having, in good faith believing his wife dead, intermarried with one Victoria Owen. Therefore, Preamble. 11. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the said G. W. Puckett, from and after the passage of this act, be, and he is hereby relieved from all the pains and penalties of bigamy. G. W. Puckett relieved. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 290.) An Act for the relief of Messrs. Seago, Palmer Co. Whereas, Messrs. Seago, Palmer Co., prompted by a spirit of liberality and benevolence, and relying upon the honor and good faith of the State for indemnity, delivered, on the 7th day of May, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, to Ira R. Foster, then Quartermaster General, six thousand and eighty bushels of corn, for the relief of the suffering and perishing poor of northern Georgia; and whereas , Messrs. Seago, Palmer Co. have not received compensation for the corn thus furnished. Preamble. 12. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the claim of Seago, Palmer Co. be referred to arbitration, one arbitrator selected by them and the other selected by the Governor, and the two select an umpire; that said award shall be forwarded to his Excellency, the Governor, who shall draw his warrant on the treasury for the same, in case any amount is awarded. Claims referred to arbitration Assented to 12th December, 1866.

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(No. 291.) An Act for the pardon of Creed T. Wise, a convict in the Penitentiary of Georgia, for murder. 13. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That Creed T. Wise, a convict in the Penitentiary for life, for the offence of the crime of murder, from the county of Butts, in this State, be, and he is hereby pardoned, set at liberty, and forever discharged from said penalty. Creed T. Wise pardoned. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 292.) An Act for the relief of James C. Adams and James M. Hall, of the county of Pike. Whereas, James C. Adams and James M. Hall, of the county of Pike, did become the securities of William R. M. Jones, for his appearance at the County Court of Pike county, on a charge of bastardy, and the said Jones having gone to parts unknown, and the said sureties having spent much time and a considerable sum of money in trying to apprehend him, and it appearing that the payment of said bond would ruin the said Adams and Hall, worthy citizens. Preamble. 14. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That James C. Adams and James M. Hall, securities on the bond of William R. M. Jones, be, and they are released and fully discharged from all liability on said bond, except for the costs due to the officers of court, or which may hereafter accrue in said case: this act to take effect from and after its passage. James C. Adams and James M. Hall relieved. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 29th December, 1866. (No. 293.) An Act for the relief of Miley E. Tuck, former wife of Seaborn G. Tuck, of Walton county, Georgia. Whereas, Miley E. Tuck was married to Seaborn G. Tuck, in 1857; and whereas , afterwards, said Seaborn G. sued for and obtained a divorce from said Miley E.; and whereas , the said Seaborn G. has since intermarried with a Miss Boss. Preamble. 15. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That from and after the passage of this act, Miley E. Tuck, of the county of Walton, be, and she is hereby relieved, released and fully exonerated from all liabilities, disabilities, pains or penalties by her incurred by reason of the inter-marriage between her and her former husband, Seaborn G. Tuck,

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and that she be to all intents and purposes fully authorized to contract and enter into marriage as fully and as legally as if she had never been married to said Seaborn G. Tuck. Miley E. Tuck relieved. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 29th December, 1866. TITLE V. WATER LOT COMPANY OF COLUMBUS. Sec. 1. Issue of shares authorized. 2. Annual meeting of stockholders. 3. President and directors. Sec. 4. Who may be President, etc. 5. Conveyances. 6. Deeds, etc., declared of force. (No. 294.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Water Lot Company of the city of Columbus, approved December 27th , 1845. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, etc. , That the present owners of the Water Lot Company property of the city of Columbus are hereby authorized to issue shares to the amount of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five thousand dollars each, which shares shall represent the water power lands and other property owned by said corporation, and shall be transferrable under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the board of directors, and shall always be received by said corporation at the face thereof, for any property sold by said corporation. Owners authorized to issue shares. Value of. Shall be received for property. 2. Sec. II. That there shall be an annual meeting of the stockholders on the first day of January, 1867, and every year thereafter, at which meetings a board of four directors shall be elected by a majority of the stockholders present in person or proxy, at which election each one hundred dollars of stock represented shall be entitled to one vote; and the directors so elected shall choose from their number a President. The President and directors so elected shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Annual meetingwhen held. Directors. Term of office. 3. Sec. III. That the President and directors shall manage the entire business of the corporation, in such manner as they shall deem most expedient to develop the water power owned by said company, and shall appoint such subordinate officers as they may find necessary to conduct the business of said corporation. Businesshow managed.

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4. Sec. IV. That no person except a stockholder shall be qualified to act as director or President. Who can be President or Director. 5. Sec. V. That all conveyances of real estate owned by said corporation shall be made by the President, under the seal of said corporation, and by order of the board of directors. Conveyances. 6. Sec. VI. That all deeds or contracts made by or with the Water Lot Company, as heretofore organized, shall be of like force and effect as though made under this amended charter. Contracts. Sec. VII. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 16th November, 1866.

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RESOLUTIONS. No. 1. Resolution for election of State Printer. 2. Setting apart day of fasting, humiliation and prayer. 3. For appointment of Agent of State Orphan Home. 4. In reference to proposed amendment of Constitution of United States. 5. Relative to the Penitentiary. 6. Requesting a mail route. 7. Relative to furnishing Committee rooms, etc. 8. In regard to religious services on fast day. 9. For relief of maimed soldiers. 10. Tendering thanks to Colonel Jared I. Whitaker, late Commissary General. 11. Of thanks to Rev. E. W. Warren. 12. Relative to District Maps in Surveyor General's office. 13. Requesting pardon of R. W. Chaffin. 14. In reference to the illustrious State prisoner, Jefferson Davis. 15. Supplemental to act extending State aid to Macon Brunswick Railroad. 16. In reference to adjournment. 17. Bringing on election of U. S. Senator. 18. For appointment of Commissioner to World's Fair of 1867. No. 19. In relation to the Florida Boundary line. 20. Commending Southern University Series of school books. 21. In relation to Wellborn's Pamphlet. 22. Relative to reserved lands. 23. In reference to issue of new bonds. 24. In reference to Irwin's Code. 25. Relative to Bacon's Digest, 26. Relative to Weems' work on Parliamentary Law. 27. Authorizing through freights to Rome. 28. Of thanks to the people of Kentucky. 29. Requesting Congress to appoint an Assayer. 30. In reference to the McIntosh and other Reserves. 31. Relating to repair of State House, etc. 32. Authorizing Secretary of State to employ Clerk. 33. Allowing Clerk of House and Secretary of Senate time for bringing up unfinished business. 34. To secure prompt distribution of Laws and Journals. 35. In relation to claim of H. D. Cothran, Adm'r., etc. (No. 1.) Resolved , That both branches of the General Assembly will meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives on Wednesday next at 12, M., for the purpose of electing a State Printer. Election of State Printer. Approved 7th November, 1866. (No. 2.) Whereas, It behooves all men to acknowledge their dependence upon the Supreme Ruler of the Universe; to be mindful of His providences; to return thanks for His mercies and blessings; to confess their sins, and to importune His favor. Therefore, Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That his Excellency, the Governor, issue his Proclamation setting apart Thursday, the 22d instant, as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, requesting the same to be so observed by the people of this State. 22d Nov. a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer. Approved November 9th, 1866.

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(No. 3.) Be it Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That Mrs. Helena Dorsey, of Atlanta, Georgia, be, and is hereby appointed an agent for the State Orphan Home, to collect funds or other material for said Orphan Home, and shall report her action to the Board of Trustees of said Orphan Home. Agent for State Orphan Home Approved 10th November, 1866. (No. 4.) Resolved , That the Legislature of Georgia declines to ratify the proposed amendment, adding a fourteenth article to the Constitution of the United States. Legislature declines to ratify Constitutional amendm'nt Approved 13th November, 1866. (No. 5.) Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That his Excellency, the Governor, be requested to furnish the Legislature as soon as may be practicable, information upon the following points: 1st. Is it practicable to use the inmates of the Penitentiary in building bridges, water tanks and freight cars for the State road; and if so, what saving of expense can be effected thereby? 2d. Can the same force be used in rolling the iron on said road, and other heavy manual labor connected therewith? Also a foundry for castings. 3d. Can water power be obtained near the present site and can it be used for driving the necessary machinery, together with estimates of the cost of the same? 4th. Is there an abundance of granite near the Penitentiary; and if so is it practical to employ the convicts in quarrying and dressing the same? Approved 13th November, 1866. (No. 6.) Whereas, There is no direct mail route in operation from the town of Reidsville, the county site of Tattnall, to any point on the Railroad; and as Johnson's Station, (No. 4,) on the Albany Gulf Railroad, the distance of thirty-six miles, is the nearest point of railroad to said town. Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That the Postmaster General of the United States is requested to recommend a mail line for weekly service from the town of Reidsville, the county site of Tattnall county, to Johnson's Station, (No. 4,) on the Albany Gulf Railroad, the distance of thirty-six miles. Mail line from Reids ville to Johnson Station.

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Resolved, further , That his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby requested to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Postmaster General of the United States. Gov'r requested to transmit copy. Approved 13th November, 1866. (No. 7.) Whereas, the Committee Rooms in the State House are destitute of the necessary number of chairs and desk. Be it therefore Preamble. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives , That Col. B. F. Frobel be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to have the said rooms furnished, as soon as convenient, with a suitable number of chairs and desk, and to remove the books and all useless rubbish from the same; and that the same be paid for by him out of any money heretofore or hereafter appropriated for repairs upon the State House. Chairs to be furnished to Committee Rooms. Approved 14th November, 1866. (No. 8.) Resolved , That a committee of three be appointed on the part of the House of Representatives, to act in concert with a committee of the Senate, to make arrangements for service in the Hall of Representatives on Thursday, 22d instant, and invite some clergyman to deliver an appropriate sermon on the occasion. Committee to invite Clergyman to deliver sermon. Approved November 16th, 1866. (No. 9.) A Resolution for the relief of soldiers maimed in the State or Confederate States service, and now resident in this State . Whereas, By an act of this General Assembly, approved 12th of March, 1866, provision was made for furnishing the great bulk of soldiers maimed in the State or Confederate States service, and now resident in this State, with artificial limbs, and by acts subsequent to said act it is sought to extend that same measure of relief to such maimed soldiers as do not come under the terms thereof; now, therefore, to the better carrying into effect of such acts, Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That in addition to his present duties, as prescribed in the said act of 12th March, 1866, the Comptroller General be, and he is hereby instructed to issue his order, in manner and form as by that act prescribed, to such maimed soldiers as may come under the provisions of acts subsequent to said act of 12th March, 1866; provided , that in no case shall such order operate as a claim for higher amount than such as now by law in like case allowed; and provided further , that a committee of the faculty, to consist of Dr. H. F. Campbell, of Augusta, Dr. R. A. T. Ridley, of LaGrange, and Dr. T. S. Powell, of Atlanta,

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in this State, sake into consideration immediately from and after the approval of this resolution, the professional merits of the Eureka leg, invented by Dr. Harvey L. Byrd, of this State, and the arm known as the Byrd and Kolbe arm, and in case such limbs shall be found in all respects fit and suitable for the comfortable use and wear of the maimed; to report the same to his Excellency, the Governor, whereupon such limbs shall be considered as adopted by the State for the use of such maimed soldiers as hereinbefore described at a rate not to exceed that now allowed by law in any contract of like nature heretofore made; and if said committee shall deem said limbs not suitable from any cause to the purpose of their design, then, and in such case they shall report the same to his Excellency, the Governor, with such recommendation as in their judgment may best meet the end in view, upon which recommendation his Excellency shall take such action as may make operative to the best effect all legislation for the extension of this relief, subsequent to the act aforesaid of 12th March, 1866. And provided further , That nothing herein occurring shall be construed or taken to interfere with any contract formed under said act of 12th of March, 1866. Assented to 29th November, 1866. (No. 10.) Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , 1. That the thanks of the people of Georgia are due and are hereby tendered to Col. Jared I. Whitaker, late Commissary General of this State, for his eminent ability and faithfulness in the discharge of his official duties during the late war. Thank to Col. Whitaker. 2d. That the books of the late Commissary General, together with the vouchers and accompanying papers, be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State, and that the Confederate treasury notes returned by him as a balance due the State, be deposited with the State Treasurer, and be by him burned. Confed'r'te Notes to be burned. 3d. That the property of the State reported by Col. Jared I. Whitaker to be in his possession at Atlanta, be sold by direction of his Excellency, the Governor, and the net proceeds thereof be paid into the State Treasury. 4th. That the Comptroller General be required to examine the accounts of Col. Whitaker for office rent and other incidental expenses, which have accrued since the war by direction of the Provisional Governor and the late State Financial committee; and upon finding them correct, that he audit the same, and that the Governor be required to draw his warrant on the treasurer for the amount, charging the same to the contingent fund for the year 1867. Comp. Gen. to examine accounts, if correct to draw warrant to pay same. Approved 29th November, 1866.

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(No. 11.) Resolved , That the thanks of the General Assembly are hereby tendered to the Rev. E. W. Warren for the very appropriate and impressive discourse delivered by him on Thursday, 22d instant. Approved 29th of November, 1866. (No. 12.) Whereas, At the last session of this General Assembly, the Secretary of State was required to replace certain missing district maps in the Surveyor General's office; be it, therefore Resolved , That a committee of three, two from the House and one from the Senate, be appointed to examine if said maps have been replaced, and in what manner said work is done, and that said committee report to this General Assembly. Approved 29th November, 1866. (No. 13.) Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives , That his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby desired and requested to release R. W. Chaffin, who is now confined in the Penitentiary, and set the same at liberty. Gov'r desired to release Chaffin. I approve this resolution as a mark of respect to the General Assembly, without committing myself to the pardon. That being a power vested by the Constitution in the Governor, must be exercised on his own convictions. The case will be examined when I can devote time to it. December 3d, 1866. (No. 14.) The General Assembly would do injustice to the Great Heart of Georgia not to give some formal expression of their respect for the character, and sorrow for the condition of the illustrious prisoner of State, Jefferson Davis. All the generous pulsations of that heart are in full unison and sympathy with his sufferings and misfortunes. Its warm affections cluster around the fallen chief of a once dear, but now abandoned cause. There they will cluster and center while men admire all that is chivalric in nature; while they regard all that is constant in purpose; while they love all that is noble in virtue; while they revere all that is sublime in faith, and respect unfailing greatness of soul. Therefore, Preamble. The General Assembly of Georgia do Resolve , That their sincerest condolence and warmest sympathy are tendered to Mr. Jefferson Davis in his confinement, and they look forward with anxious solicitude to the day when a magnanimous and patriotic President shall

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put a term to his confinement, and by the interposition of Executive elemency restore him to a people for whom he so faithfully struggled, and on account of whom he endures with Christian fortitude the hardships of a long and rigorous imprisonment. Sympathy tendered to Mr. Davis. Approved 3d December, 1866. (No. 15.) Whereas, a bill has been passed at this session of the General Assembly entitled an act to extend the aid of the State to the completion of the Macon Brunswick Railroad, and for other purposes; and whereas , said bill authorizes his Excellency, the Governor, to place the endorsement of the State on the bonds of said company; and whereas , no limitations were fixed upon the terms of sale of said bonds. Therefore, be it Preamble. 1st. Resolved , That said company shall not sell or dispose of the bonds thus endorsed by his Excellency for more than ten per cent. discount, and the endorsement of the State upon the bonds of the said company shall not exceed one million of dollars, until an amount of capital equal to the additional endorsement shall be bona fide subscribed and paid into said company. Limit to endorsem't 2d. Be it further Resolved , That in order more fully to secure the payment of the bonds of said railroad company, it shall be the duty of said company to set apart annually two per cent. of the amount endorsed for, as a sinking fund, which shall be invested in State bonds and deposited with the Governor, to be held in trust for said company, and which shall be applied exclusively to the payment of the bonds of said company. Part to be invested in State bonds. 3d. Be it further Resolved , That his Excellency, the Governor, be authorized to withhold his endorsement upon the bonds of said company until the President and Directors of said company give him written acceptance of the terms of these resolutions, and that these resolutions are received as explanatory of the bill extending the aid of the State to said Macon Brunswick Railroad Company, and equally binding with said act. Gov'r to withhold his endorsement. Approved 4th December, 1866. (No. 16.) Resolved , That the present session of the General Assembly be extended beyond the time prescribed by the Constitution of the State, and that it do adjourn sine die at 12 o'clock, M., on Friday next, the 14th instant. Session extended. Assented to 10th December, 1866.

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(No. 17.) A resolution to bring on an election, on the 11 th December , 1866, for United States Senator . Resolved , That the Senate and House of Representatives will convene in the Hall of the House of Representatives on the 11th instant, at the hour of twelve o'clock, Meridian, and proceed to the election of a United States Senator. United States Senator. Assented to 11th December, 1866. (No. 18.) Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia , That his Excellency, the Governor, is hereby requested and authorized to appoint and commission Col. Charlton H. Way, of Savannah, and John H. Stoughton, of Augusta, and such others as the Governor may select, commissioners from the State of Georgia to the World's Fair, to be held in the city of Paris in the year 1867: provided the State incurs no expense for the same. Com'r's to World's Fair. Proviso. Assented to 12th December, 1866. (No. 19.) Whereas, By the provisions of an act, assented to the 16th of December, 1859, the line then being run by G. J. Orr and B. F. Whitner, joint Surveyors of Georgia and Florida, between the two States, was duly recognized and adopted and declared on the part of Georgia as the true and permanent line of boundary between Georgia and Florida: provided , on the eastern terminus it did not depart exceeding one-fourth of a mile from Ellicott's Mound. Preamble. And whereas , Said line, when run and marked by said surveyors, did not depart one-fourth of a mile from Ellicott's Mound on the eastern terminus; and whereas , the State of Florida, by a similar act, approved by her Governor on the 22d of December, 1859, enacted the same in substance relative to said boundary line; and whereas , Florida, in compliance with the provisions and agreements in said acts, did, by a resolution adopted by her Legislature and approved by her Governor on the 8th day of February, 1861, did fully recognize and adopt said boundary line and authorize her Governor to issue his proclamation accordingly. Therefore, be it Resolved, by the General Assembly of Georgia , That the line run and marked by G. J. Orr, on the part of Georgia, and B. F. Whitner, on the part of Florida, be, and the same is hereby declared to be the permanent boundary line between the States of Georgia and Florida; and that the Governor of this State be, and he is hereby requested to issue his proclamation that the said line so run and marked has been and is declared to be the permanent boundary line between the two States. Boundary line declared permanent.

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Be it further Resolved , That the Governor of this State forward a copy of these resolutions to the Governor of Florida. Gov'r requested to forward a copy. Assented to 13th December, 1866. (No. 20.) Resolution commendatory of the Southern University Series of School Text Books. Whereas, This General Assembly has noticed with satisfaction the issual, under the auspices of the University of Virginia, and from the pens of such men of learning as Captain M. F. Maury, Gilmore Simms, Hon. Charles Gayarre, Judge B. F. Porter, Professors LeComte, Holmes, Venable, Schele DeVere and others, of a series of school books, combining the great educational requisites of uniformity, sound scholarship and correct sentiment, which series has already received the formal approbation of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi; therefore, Preamble. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That said Southern University Series be, and is hereby recommended for use in the common schools of this State, and to all teachers of other schools and academies throughout the same. Southern University series recommended Assented to 17th December, 1866. (No. 21.) A resolution in relation to Wellborn's Pamphlet, Public Laws, etc. Resolved by the General Assembly , That his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby authorized and requested to purchase and cause to be sent by mail, as soon as published, one copy of Wellborn's Pamphlet, Public Laws, etc., of the present session, to each of the clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts, to each of the ordinaries and Judge of the County Court of each county in this State, and the Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts of this State, and that the Governor pay for the same at the same rate per copy as other purchasers, out of the printing fund or any monies not otherwise appropriated; provided , the same be published and delivered to him within ten days from the adjournment of the Legislature, and that the said pamphlet shall have a complete and intelligible index attached to the same. entitled to a copy. To have index. Assented to 15th December, 1866. (No. 22.) Resolved , That his Excellency, the Governor, be requested, if he deem it expedient, to employ some fit and proper person to examine the condition of the titles to the several tracts of reserve lands in this

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State, and, upon such report being made, the Governor is requested, in his next annual message, to recommend some plan for disposing of the same. Reserve lands. Assented to 18th December, 1866. (No. 23.) Whereas, Among the bonds of the State now outstanding are certain bonds dated in 1838 and due in 1868, and made payable in sterling in the city of London, on which the coupons now due have only been estimated at their par value in currency in the act authorizing the issue of new bonds for such coupons; and whereas , it is the intention of the General Assembly that the holders of said bonds should be paid the full value of the coupons in the issue of new bonds for the same; therefore be it Preamble. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That in issuing new bonds for the coupons now due on the sterling bonds issued in 1838, and due in 1868, his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby authorized to incorporate the value of said coupons in sterling, in the amount of said bonds so to be issued. Coupons to be incorporated. Assented to 20th of December, 1866. (No. 24.) A resolutian in reference to Irwin's Code. Whereas, At the last session of this General Assembly, a resolution was passed by which his Excellency, the Governor, was authorized and directed to appoint a committee of three competent gentlemen to examine and report upon a reversion of the Code of Georgia, prepared by Hon. David Irwin, from which Revised Code all such parts as have been repealed should be excluded, and in which should be included all general laws passed since the adoption of said Code, including the laws of the last session, so as to make the same conformable to the fifth clause of the first section of the fifth article of the Constitution of this State; and whereas , the said David Irwin has completed the said work, and his Excellency has appointed the committee provided for by said resolution, who will soon examine and report upon said Revised Code. Preamble. The General Assembly do therefore Resolve , That when said committee shall have examined said Revised Code, and shall have reported in favor of the correctness and fidelity of the work, his Excellency, the Governor, shall be and he is hereby authorized to contract for and purchase from said David Irwin a sufficient number of copies of said Revised Code to supply the wants of the State, as follows: One copy for each of the Judges of the Supreme Court, the clerk of the Supreme Court, the Judges of the Superior Court, the clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts, the Judges of the County Court, the ordinaries, the Justices of the Peace, and the State

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house officers of this State; also, one copy to be sent to each of the United States, and also two hundred and fifty copies to be placed in the State Library for the use of the General Assembly, when in session, and to meet future wants and exigencies; provided , the price of said Revised Code shall not exceed the sum of five dollars per copy; provided , the purchase shall not exceed the sum appropriated for that purpose. Gov'r authorized to purchase copies Revised Code. No. to be placed in Library. Proviso. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 25.) A resolution requesting the Governor to subscribe for a certain number of copies of the Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court. Resolved , That the Governor be requested to subscribe for two hundred and fifty copies of the Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Georgia, prepared by A. O. Bacon, Esq. Number of copies to be subscribed for. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 26.) A resolution appointing a committee to examine and report upon a work on Parliamentary Law, prepared by John B. Weems, Esq. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That a work on parliamentary law and rules of order, in course of preparation by John B. Weems, Esq., to be styled The Legislative Guide, be submitted for examination and inspection to a committee consisting of Hons. Howell Cobb, Thomas Hardeman, Jr., and Alexander H. Stephens, and in the event said committee shall report favorably upon the same to his Excellency, the Governor, that the Governor be authorized and required to subscribe for five hundred copies of the same, for the use of the State; provided , the cost per volume do not exceed the sum of two dollars per copy. Com. of examination. Proviso. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 27.) Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That the Superintendent of the Western Atlantic Railroad be authorized to establish such through rates of freight for all goods or freight in transitu over said road from other roads, to Rome, Georgia, as will give the citizens of Rome and surrounding country the benefit of a through rate of freight such as is now enjoyed by the citizens of Chattanooga and Atlanta; provided , the same be not inconsistent with the interests of the Western Atlantic Railroad; to be regulated by the Superintendent of said road. Supt. to establish through freights. Proviso. Assented to 21st December, 1866.

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(No. 28.) Whereas, The citizens of Kentucky have voluntarily contributed about one hundred thousand bushels of corn and other supplies for the use of the destitute poor of Georgia. In the name of the orphan and widow, the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, desiring to express its grateful acknowledgment of this exalted charity, and for the purpose of making the same available, therefore, Preamble. Resolved , That the General Assembly of this State will make such appropriation as shall be necessary to pay the freight upon the same from Kentucky to convenient points of distribution in this State. Appropriation. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 29.) Whereas, The mines of gold in northern and western Georgia are now being worked more extensively than at any time in many years past; and whereas , the mint at Dahlonega having been discontinued during the late war, there is no assayer's office nearer than Philadelphia; and whereas , the establishment of such an office at some convenient point in the mining district of Georgia would not only be a matter of convenience to those engaged in mining, but greatly to their pecuniary advantage, since they are obliged now to sell their gold, in most cases for less than it is worth, for the want of the means of ascertaining its value; therefore, Preamble. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of Georgia , That the Congress of the United States be earnestly requested to appoint an assayer, whose office shall be in Dahlonega, Georgia. Congress requested to appoint an assayer. Resolved further , That the Governor of this State be requested to forward a copy of these resolutions to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, with the request that they lay them before their respective houses. Gov'r requested to forward copy of. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 30.) A resolution in reference to the McIntosh Reserve and other reserves. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia , That his Excellency, the Governor, be required to lay before the next General Assembly the number of acres of land undisposed of contained in the McIntosh Reserve; what amount reserved in the city of Atlanta, in the city of Columbus, and in the city of Chattanooga, with all the information that he can procure upon that subject; and also, from such information, what is the probable value of the same,

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with a recommendation whether it would or would not be practicable or advisable to dispose of the same, with the best mode of disposing of the same. Gov'r requested to lay before next Gen'l Assembly certain information. Thos. Hardeman, Jr., Speaker House of Representatives. J. D. Waddell, Clerk of House Representatives. Assented to 21st December, 1866. (No. 31.) Whereas, The cupola on the State House and the floor of the Hall of Representatives are reported to be in an unsafe condition, and need immediate repairs: and whereas , the basement rooms of the building, on account of dampness, are unfit repositories of the public documents stored in them; and whereas , the mastic is rapidly falling from the exterior of the building, exposing the structure to serious damage; therefore, Preamble. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives , That his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby authorized and required to have the above named repairs made as soon as practicable, together with such other repairs as may be deemed necessary and indispensable for the preservation of the building, together with the valuable records deposited in it. Gov'r authorized to have repairs made. Assented to 24th December, 1866. (No. 32.) A resolution authorizing the Secretary of State to employ a clerk in his office, for the year 1867. Whereas, Since the consolidation of the offices of Secretary of State, Surveyor General and Adjutant and Inspector General, and also the records and papers of the Commissary General have been placed in the hands of the Secretary of State, thus making the duties of the present incumbent very onerous, therefore, Preamble. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State of Georgia , That the Secretary of State be allowed a clerk in his office for the year 1867. Secret'ry of State allowed a clerk. Assented to 24th December, 1866. (No. 33.) Resolved by the General Assembly , That the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate be allowed fifteen days in which to bring up the unfinished business of the present session of the General Assembly. Unfinished business. Assented to 28th December, 1866.

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(No. 34.) Joint resolution to secure a prompt distribution of the Laws and Journals of the General Assembly. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia , That the State Printer shall, immediately upon the completion of the work, forward by mail or express to each member of the General Assembly, the copies allowed them by law, and that such other persons or officers as are authorized to receive copies, may, on application to the State Printer, receive said documents by mail or otherwise; and that, after distributing the copies aforesaid, the State Printer shall deliver to the State Librarian the remaining copies on hand, to be distributed in the usual way; that the State Printer shall be allowed his expenses for postage and freight in delivering said documents, and reasonable compensation for forwarding and delivering the Laws and the Journals. State Printer allowed to distribute certain copies. Allowed expenses. Assented to 28th December, 1866. (No. 35.) A resolution authorizing the Superintendent of the Western Atlantic Railroad to investigate and adjust the claim of H. D. Cothran, administrator of James Sproulls, deceased, to a certain portable steam engine, now in possession of the said Road, at Graysville. Whereas, H. D. Cothran, administrator of James Sproulls, of Bartow county, deceased, claims as the property of said deceased a certain portable steam engine, taken from his plantation, and which Mr. Robert Baugh, the former Superintendent of the Road, alleges he purchased from the United States government, and which is now in the use of said Road at Graysville, Georgia. Preamble. Be it resolved , That Major Campbell Wallace, the Superintendent of the Western Atlantic Railroad, be authorized to investigate the value and justice of said claim, and if satisfied that the legal title to said engine is in the administrator of said deceased, then to deliver up the same to him, or to pay for it a fair and just compensation. Major Wallace authorized to investigate claim. Assented to 29th December, 1866.

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INDEX OF TITLES. PUBLIC LAWS. Title I. ALIENS, 5 Title II. APPROPRIATIONS, 6 Title III. BONDS OF THE STATE, 14 Title IV. CODE, CHANGES IN, 16 Title V. CONVICTS, 26 Title VI. COUNTY BONDS, TAXES, Etc., 27 Title VII. COUNTY LINES, 32 Title VIII. COUNTY REGULATIONS, 35 Title IX. COURTS 1. Supreme, 46 2. Superior, 47 3. Inferior, 51 4. County, 52 5. Of Ordinary, 56 6. City, 57 Title X. EDUCATION, 58 Title XI. EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, Etc., 65 Title XII. FEES, Etc., 68 Title XIII. INCORPORATION, Etc., 69 Title XIV. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES 1. Banks, 71 2. Building and Loan Associations, 76 3. Insurance Companies, 76 4. Manufacturing Companies, 81 5. Mining Companies, 99 6. Mining and Manufacturing Companies, 111 7. Railroad Companies, 119 8. Telegraph Companies, 135

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INDEX. A. ACADEMY FOR THE BLIND, Appropriation to, 8 ACADEMIES, Etc., Sale of Bainbridge Academy lot declared valid, 173 Trustees appointed, 174 Female Academy lot in Columbus, 174 Mayor and Council to control public school, 174 School fund for, 174 Taxes set apart, 174 Cotton Hill Seminary, 175 Mount Vernon Institute, 176 Board of Education for Savannah and county of Chatham, 176 Educational fund of, 176 Powers of, not affected by general laws, 176 Washington InstitueNo. of Trustees, 176 ADAIRSVILLE, Charter amended, 178 ADAMS, JAMES C., Relief of, 210 ADVANCES, By Treasurer authorized, 14 To State Printer, 14 ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, Etc., See Title Executors, Administrators, etc. AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Lands donated by Congress, ALATOONA MINING AND MANUF'G COMPANY, Incorporated, 111 ALBANY ATLANTIC RAILROAD, Incorporated, 119 ALBANY, Charter amended, 179 ALIENS, May hold and own lands, 5 AMERICUS, Charter amended, 179

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ANDERSON, J. J., Appropriated to, 13 Estopped from bringing suit, 13 APPLING COUNTY, Line changed, 32 APPRENTICESHIP, Contracts of, ratified, 141 APPROPRIATIONS, For salary of Governor, 6 For salary of State House officers, 6 For salary of Secretaries Executive Department, 6 For salary of Messenger, 6 For salary of State Librarian, 6 For salary of Attorney and Solicitors General, 6 For salary of Reporter of Supreme Court, 6 For salary of Judges of Supreme Court, 6 For salary of Judges of Superior Court, 6 For Contingent fund, 6 For Printing fund, 7 For Care of Halls, etc., 1867, 7 For Pay of State House Guard, 7 For Pay and mileage of members of General Assembly, 7 For Per diem of Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House, 7 For Per diem of other clerks, 7 For Pay and mileage of Door-Keepers and Messengers, 7 Annual salaries appropriated, 8 Advances to officers of Government, 8 For salary of Superintendent of Lunatic Asylum, 8 For salaries of Trustees of, 8 For salaries of Treasurer, sub-officers, etc., 8 For support of pauper patients, 8 To provide building for persons of color, 8 For support of Academy for Blind, 8 For improvements, 8 To Chaplains of Senate and House, 8 To pages of Senate and House, 8 For salary of clerk in Treasurer's office, 8 For salary of clerk in Comptroller's office, 8 For salary of clerk in Secretary of State's office, 8 Pay to John G. Cushing, 8 For support and repairs of Penitentiary, 8 For support and education of deaf and dumb, 8 For repairing and refurnishing building for, 8 For salary of principal Keeper of Penitentiary, 9 For salary of other officers of Penitentiary, 9 To Messrs. Cobb, Cooper Fitten, 9 To Messrs. Jackson, Poe Nisbet, 9 To Messrs. Bleckley, Hammond Hansell, 9 To clerk in Comptroller's office for 1866, 9 For salaries of Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House, 9

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To additional compensation to, 9 To additional compensation to, F. T. Sneed, 9 To additional compensation to, J. B. Estes, 9 To additional compensation to, H. F. Merrell, 9 To additional compensation to, T. D. Wright, 10 To Messrs. Parrott, Goodman Whitman, 10 For rent of dwelling, etc., for Governor, 10 For purchase of copies of Code of Georgia, 10 To pay interest on public debt, 10 For furnishing artificial limbs to maimed soldiers, 10 To pay freight on supplies, etc., donated, 10 For preparation of maps, 10 To pay S. P. Thurmond, 10 To pay Jones, Lee, Divine Co., 11 Balance to clerk of Secretary of State, 11 To B. B. Quillian, 11 To Rev. E. W. Warren, 11 To D. B. Sanford, 11 For purchase of corn for indigent widows and orphans 11 For contingent expenses of Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House, 11 For compensation for services ordered, 11 For preservation of public property, 11 To Cemetery at Resaca, 12 To Oakwood Cemetery, 12 To Memorial Association of Fredericksburg, 12 To pay balance of salary of H. J. G. Williams, 12 To D. B. Sanford, 13 To J. J. Anderson, 13 Advances to members of General Assembly, 14 Advance to State Printer, 14 ATLANTA DEPOSITORY. Incorporated, 71 ATLANTA. Election of Mayor and Council, 180 ATLANTA MINING AND LAND COMPANY. Incorporated, 99 ATLANTA MINING COMPANY. Incorporated, 111 ATLANTA LaGRANGE RAILROAD COMPANY. Charter extended, 121 ATTAPULGUS. Incorporated, 180 AUGUSTA SUMMERVILLE RAILROAD. Charter amended, 121 B. BAINBRIDGE. Charter amended, 183 Issue of bonds authorized, 182

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BALDWIN COUNTY. Fees of county officers increased, 35 BALDWIN, NANCY A. E. Relief of, 205 BANKS COUNTY. Obstructions in Middle river, 159 BARTOW COUNTY. Change of county site, 36 BARTOW FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 81 BASCOM. Incorporated, 183 BIBB COUNTY. Bonds authorized, 27 BILLS IN EQUITY. Service to marshal assets, 140 BONDS OF STATE. Renewal of, when stolen, 18 For purchase of railroad property, 14 Force and effect of, declared, 15 Redemption of certain bonds, 15 BRIDGES, ROBERT T. AND OTHERS. Relief of, 206 BRITT, MARTHA A. E. Relief of, 206 BRUNSWICK. Charter amended, 184 City authorities to appoint certain commissioners of pilotage, 20 BUENA VISTA MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Incorporated, 82 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS, 76 BURGLARY. Defined, 151 C. CAMDEN COUNTY. Tax on dogs and guns, 27 CATOOSA COUNTY. Confession and jury fees in, 37 Line changed, 33 CARTERSVILLE. Tax reduced, etc., 185 CARTERSVILLE VanWERT CO. Incorporated, 121 CARNES, A. AND S. W. PECK. Relief of, 207 CENTRAL R. R. AND BANKING CO. Change line of track, 123 CENTRAL R. R. AND CANAL CO. Charter amended, 123

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CHANUBBEE MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 83 CHATHAM COUNTY. Justices of Peace attend elections, 37 CHESTATEE FLUMING AND MINING CO. Incorporated, 100 CHIEF JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT. 17 CHILDREN. Abandonment of, 151 Of colored parents, 156 CHURCHES. First Presbyterian Church of Augusta Trustees of, 177 Baptist Church of Christ at Macon election of trustees, 177 CITIES AND TOWNS. Adairsville, charter amended, 178 Albany, charter amended, 179 Americus, charter amended, 179 Atlanta, election of Mayor and Council, 180 Attapulgus, incorporated, 180 Bainbridge, issue of city bonds, 182 Bainbridge, charter amended, 183 Bascom, incorporated, 183 Brunswick, charter amended, 184 Cartersville, tax reduced and powers of council defined, 185 Dahlonega, acts declared of force, 185 Elberton, charter amended, 186 Fairburn, charter amended, 186 Hamilton, charter amended, 187 Hawkinsville, charter amended, 187 Macon, State's contingent interest in reserve relinquished to, 189 Marshallville, incorporated, 190 McIntosh, incorporated, 191 Sandersville, charter amended, 192 Savannah, party and other walls and fences in, 194 Savannah, powers of City Council, 194 Savannah, Justices of Peace in, 195 Senoia, incorporated, 196 Sparta, charter amended, 197 Sylvania, incorporated, 198 Tebeauville, incorporated, 199 Thomasville, charter amended, 200 Thomasville, bonds authorized, 201 Valdosta, charter amended, 201 Waynesboro', charter amended, 202 White Plains, charter amended, 204 CITY COURTS. Of Savannah, jurisdiction of, 57 Dispossession of tenants, 57 Monthly sessions, 57 Judge's salary, 57 Judge may appoint bailiffs, 57

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Sheriff may appoint deputies, 57 Pay of sheriffs and bailiffs, 57 CLAYTON COUNTY. Offices of clerks consolidated, 39 CLERKS OF SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR COURTS. Offices consolidated in certain counties, 38 39 CLINCH COUNTY. Jury fees in, 37 CODECIVIL. Changes in, 17 Section 204 amended, 17 Section 324 amended, 17 Section 638 amended, 18 Section 877 amended, 18 Section 940 repealed and substitute adopted, 19 Section 980 amended, 19 Section 1377 amended, 19 Section 1391 repealed and section substituted, 20 Section 1453 amended, 20 Section 1574 amended, 20 Section 1578 and 1579 amended, 21 Section 1699 amended, 21 Section 1815 amended, 22 Section 1971 and 1973 amended, 22 Section 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2020 amended, 22 Section 2133 amended, 23 Section 2194 repealed, 23 Section 2500 amended, 23 Section 3253 amended, 23 Section 3333 and 3334 amended, 24 Section 3465 amended, 24 Section 3530 amended, 24 Section 3621 amended, 24 Section 3624 amended, 25 Section 3807 amended, 25 Section 3883 amended, 25 Act amending sections 3984 and 3985 repealed, CODEPENAL. See title Penal Code, in index. COFFEE COUNTY. Line changed, 32 COLUMBIA AUGUSTA R. R. CO. Charter amended, 124 COMMUTATION Of death penalty, 150 COMMISSIONERS. Compensation of, 25 COMPTROLLER GENERAL. Additional clerk for, 167

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CONFEDERATE DEAD. Fund for burial of, 12 CONTINGENT FUND. Appropriation for, 6 CONVICTS. Labor of, regulated, 26 Duties of Inferior Court, 26 Power of Governor, 26 Confinement of convicts at night, etc., 26 Compensation of jailor, 26 Insurrection by, 153 COOK, BENJ. L. Relief of, 207 COTTON. Tax on, repealed, 169 COUNTY BONDS, TAXES, Etc. Bibb county, 27 Camden, Glynn and Effingham counties, 27 Decatur county, 28 Decatur county, 28 Echols county, 29 Lowndes county, 30 Lowndes county, 30 Randolph county, 31 Richmond county, 31 Thomas and Mitchell, 31 COUNTY COURT. Substituted for Inferior, 22 Proceedings in under insolvent laws, 22 Sessions of, 52 Jurisdiction, 53 Extra sesssons, 53 Juries, drawing and service of, 53 Right of challenge, 53 Fines and forfeitures, 53 Insolvent costs, 54 Court contracts, 54 Bond of special bailiff, 54 County Solicitor, collecting officer, 54 Oath of Solicitor, 54 Cases without jury, 54 Appeals, 54 Jury lists in Chatham county, 55 Compensation for making, 55 Time of County Court in Clay county, 55 Columbia county, time of County Court, 55 Spalding county, time of semi-annual sessions, 55 Stewart and Schley counties, time of semi-annual sessions, 56 COUNTY LINES. Between Appling and Coffee changed, 32 Between Baker and Early changed, 32

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Between Catoosa and Walker changed, 33 Between Dougherty and Worth changed, 33 Between Johnson and Emanuel changed, 33 Between Lee and Terrell changed, 33 Between Lowndes and Echols changed, 34 Between Schley and Sumter changed, 34 Between Wilcox and Pulaski changed, 34 COUNTY REGULATIONS. Baldwin county, fees of officers increased, 35 Bartow county, choice of county site, 36 Catoosa county, jury and confession fees in, 37 Chatham county, Justices of Peace may be required to preside at elections, 37 Clinch county, jury fees in, 37 Decatur county, payment of superintendents, clerks, etc., at elections, 37 DeKalb county, jailors' fees in, 38 Echols county, Inferior Court may prescribe rates of ferriage, 38 Elbert and Webster counties, offices of Clerks consolidated, 38 Emanuel, destruction of fish in, 39 Henry, Dougherty, Clayton and Twiggs, offices of Clerks consolidated, 39 Irwin, act in relation to camp hunting extended to, 39 Lincoln county, confession and jury fees may be used for county purposes, 40 Lincoln and Wilkes counties, act relating to roads, etc., repealed as to, 40 Marion county, Justices of the Peace ex officio Road Commissioners, 40 McIntosh county, location of county site, 41 McIntosh county, road law as to, changed, 41 Meriwether county, compensation of election clerks, 42 Meriwether county, pay of jurors in, 42 Muscogee county, place of holding legal sales, 42 Muscogee county, fees of magistrates and constables, 43 Pickens county, action of Inferior Court ratified, 43 Stewart county, sale of spirituous liquors in, 43 Tattnall county, payment of jurorsacts repealed, 44 Twiggs county, removal of county site, 44 Worth county, road law amended as to, 45 Worth county, jury fees and payment of jurors, 45 COURTS. Supreme. (See title in index.) 46 Superior. (See title in index.) 47 Inferior. (See title in index.) 51 County. (See title in index.) 52 Of Ordinary. (See title in index.) 56 City. (See title in index.) 57

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COURT OF ORDINARY. In Terrell county, time of, 56 Appeals from, 24 COWETA FALLS MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 84 CROPS. Lien upon, 141 D. DAHLONEGA. Acts declared of force, 185 DALTON JACKSONVILLE R.R. AND OTHERS. Consolidated, 124 DECATUR COUNTY. Payment of jurors, 28 Bonds authorized, 28 Payment of superintendents, clerks, etc., at elections, 37 DeKALB COUNTY. Jailor's fees in, 38 DIVORCE. Law of, amended, 21 Decrees legalized, 21 DOUGHERTY COUNTY. Offices of Clerks consolidated, 39 Line changed, 33 DRAKEFORD, MARY ANN. Relief of, 208 DUMAS, JOHN C. Estate, relief of, 207 E. ECHOLS COUNTY. Acts of Inferior Court legalized, 29 Line changed, 34 Rates of ferriage in, 38 EDUCATION. Superintendent of Education, 58 Salary of, 58 Duties of, 59 Who may attend schools, 59 County Commissionerduties and powers of, 59 School Districts, 59 Election of trustees, 60 Powers and dutiesnumber, 60 Duties of Commissioners, 61 Salary of, 61 Duties of trusteespowers, 61 Treasurer of school fund, 62 Committee of examination, 63

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Employment of teachers, 63 Vacancy in trustees, 63 Distribution of funds, 63 Extra tax may be levied, 64 Book Boardappointment and duties, 64 Any branch may be taught, 64 Act to take effect in 1868, 64 Governor may apply for lands donated, 64 To invest proceeds in College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 65 Appropriation to carry act into effect, 65 Board of, for Savannah and Chatham county, 176 EFFINGHAM COUNTY. Tax on dogs and guns, 27 ELBERT COUNTY. Clerks consolidated, 38 ELBERTON. Charter amended, 186 EMANUEL COUNTY. Line changed, 33 Destruction of fish, 39 EMPIRE STATE IRON COAL CO. Charter amended, 103 ENDORSER. In notice must state principal's residence, 23 ESTES, J. B. Additional compensation to, 9 ESTRAYS. Compensation for taking up, 20 EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, Etc. Must advertise terms of sale, 65 Twelve month's support of widows, etc., 66 Non-residentswhen administrators, etc., 66 Bond and security, 66 Compromise of estate claims, 67 F. FAIRBURN. Charter amended, 186 FEES. Of sheriff on process from another county, 24 Of constables, change in, 25 Of Solicitor General, 21 Jail fees of insolvent debtors, 24 Of Justices of Peace, 68 Of Solicitor General in Chatham county, 68 FIRE COMPANIES. Athens Fire Company No. 1 charter amended, 204 Young America Fire Company of Savannah name changed, 204

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FLAT SHOALS MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 86 FULTON LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Acts legalized, 76 G. GAINESVILLE DAHLONEGA R. R. COMPANY. Incorporated, 125 GARNISHMENT. Summons of, 24 GEORGIA AIR LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. Charter amended, 127 GEORGIA MINING COMPANY. Incorporated, 103 GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. Charter amended, 76 GEORGIA ORPHAN HOME. Okefenokee Swamp lands donated to, 148 GEORGIA WESTERN RAILROAD. Charter amended, 127 GLENN, JESSE A. Case against, to be settled, 208 GLYNN COUNTY. Tax on dogs and guns, 27 GOVERNOR. Appropriation for salary of, 6 Governor may refuse to receive convicts sentenced to public works, 26 To apply for lands donated by Congress, 64 To invest proceeds in College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 65 GREAT SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANY. Charter amended, 77 H. HAWKINSVILLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Incorporated, 87 HAWKINSVILLE. Charter amended, 187 HENRY COUNTY. Offices of clerks consolidated, 39 HAMILTON. Charter amended, 187 HANCOCK IRON COMPANY. Incorporated, 113 HALL CHESTATEE MINING COMPANY. Incorporated, 105

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I. IMMIGRATION, Encouragement of, 70 INCORPORATIONS. Memorial Association of Resaca, 69 Charter of Planters' Convention amended, 70 Land Agency in Augusta, 70 INFERIOR COURTS Of Chatham county may require Justices of Peace to preside at elections, 37 Of Decatur county may pay superintendents, etc., at elections, 37 Of DeKalb, increase of jail fees, 38 Of Echols, rates of ferriage, 38 Of McIntosh, may compel work on roads, 42 Of Pickens, acts legalized, 43 Of Worth, levy tax to pay juries, 45 May issue bonds for rebuilding court-houses and jails, 51 Advertisement of bonds, 52 Amount to be issued, 52 Extra tax may be levied by, 52 May fix jailors' fees, 52 Revision of jury lists, etc., 137 INSANE PERSONS. Proceedings against, 22 Temporary confinement of, 22 INSURANCE COMPANIES, 76 INSURRECTION Defined, 152 By convicts, 153 IRON AND MINING COMPANY OF DADE COUNTY. Incorporated, 115 IRWIN COUNTY. Camp-hunting in, 39 ISLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Incorporated, 89 J. JOHNSON COUNTY. Line changed, 33 JONES, LEE, DIVINE CO. Appropriation to, 10 JURIES. In divorce cases, 21 JURORS. Revision of lists legalized, 137 Drawing legalized, 137 Bailiffs may summon, 137 JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. Banks, 71

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Building and Loan Associations, 76 Insurance Companies, 76 Manufacturing Companies, 81 Mining Companies, 99 Mining and Manufacturing Companies, 111 Railroad Companies, 119 Telegraph Companies, 135 JUDICIARY. Election of Judges and Solicitors, 136 Vacancies, 136 Drawing of jurors and revisions of lists legalized, 137 Bailiffs authorized to summon jurors, 137 Millers exempt from jury duty, 138 Competency of witnesses, 138 Ordinance of Conventionparties competent as witnesses, 139 Parties in establishment of lost papers, 139 Lost papers on which suit had been instituted, 139 Notaries Publicacts of made valid, 140 Bills in equity to marshal assetsservice of, 141 Contracts of apprenticeship declared valid, 141 Lien upon growing crops, 141 K. KELLOGG GOLD MINING AND MANUF'G CO. Incorporated, 116 KENESAW MINING COMPANY. Charter amended, 106 L. LANDS. Manner of giving in, 166 When sold for taxesredemption of, 167 LAPHAM, HELEN. Relief of, 208 LAWS AND JOURNALS. Residence of contractor for distributing, 19 LEE COUNTY. Line changed, 33 LIEN Of mechanics extended, 22 LINCOLN COUNTY. Collection of costs in, 40 Road law repealed, 40 LEWIS MANUFACTURING AND MINING CO. Incorporated, 117 LOYLESS, E. B. Relief of, 208 LOST PAPERS. Parties may be made, 139

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Establishment of, 139 LOTTERY. For Masonic Orphans Home, 149 LOWNDES COUNTY. Bonds authorized, 30 Issue of scrip legalized, 30 Line changed, 34 LUMPKIN CHESTATEE MINING COMPANY. Incorporated, 106 LUMPKIN PORCELAIN MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 93 LUMPKIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Incorporated, 91 LUNATIC ASYLUM. Offices of Treasurer and Steward consolidated, 142 Duties of Steward, 142 Duties of Assistant Steward, 142 Bond of Steward, 143 Salary of Steward, 143 M. MACON BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. State aid, etc., 127 MACON. State's contingent interest in lands relinquished to, 189 MADISON PETROLEUM COMPANY. Charter amended, 106 MAIMED SOLDIERS. Appropriation for artificial limbs for, 10 Education of indigent maimed soldiers, 143 Colleges to receive them, 143 Payment to be made in bonds, 144 Limit of expenditure for each, 144 Act of 12th March, 1866, amended, 144 Benefits of act extended, 144 Transportation, how furnished to maimed soldiers, 145 May receive price of artificial limb, 145 Duty of Ordinaries, 145 Disabled soldiers may peddle without license, 146 MANUFACTURING COMPANIES, 81 MARRIAGES Of colored persons, 156 MARRIED WOMEN, Rights of property, 146 MARION COUNTY, Justices of Peace, Road Commissioners, 40 MARSHALLVILLE. Incorporated, 190

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MASONIC ORPHAN'S HOME. Lottery authorized, 149 McINTOSH COUNTY. Location of county site, 41 Road law amended, 41 McINTOSH. Incorporated, 191 MECHANICS' STEAM POWER MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 94 MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION OF RESACA. Incorporated, 69 MEMPHIS BRANCH R. R. AND STEAMBOAT COMPANY OF GEORGIA. Charter amended, 128 MERIWETHER COUNTY. Compensation of election clerks, 42 Pay of jurors, 42 MERRELL, H. F. Additional compensation to, 9 MIDDLE RIVER MINING CO. Incorporated, 107 MIDDLE RIVER. Obstructions in, 159 MILLERS. Exempt from jury duty, 138 MINES. Owner of mine may conduct water through lands of others, 147 Assessment of damages, 147 MITCHELL COUNTY. Bonds authorized, 31 MORTGAGE LIEN, 25 MOSSGILL MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 95 MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Place of public sales, 42 Fees of magistrates, etc., 43 N. NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Incorporated, 77 NOTARIES PUBLIC. Acts legalized, 140 O. OCKLOCKNEE RIVER. Obstructions in, 160 ORPHAN HOMES. Okefenokee Swamp lands donated, 148 Sale of lands, 148

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Lottery authorized for Masonic Orphan's Home, 148 Money, how applied, 149 May be incorporated, 149 Property exempt from taxation, 149 P. PARDON Of Creed T. Wise, 210 PARTIES. Making of, 139 PENAL CODE. Subjects and sections, 150 Section 4220 amendedcommutation of death penalty, 150 Section 4248 of force, 151 Sections 4249 and 4250 amendedpunishment of rape, 151 Additional sectionabandonment of children, 151 Section 4283 amendedburglary defined, 152 Section 4641 amendedexculpatory affidavit, 152 Insurrection defined, 152 Attempt to incite, 152 Penalty, 152 Insurrection by convicts, 153 Act reducing crimes below felony amendedSolicitor's fees, 153 Illegal employment of servants, 153 Bathing on Sabbath daywhen a misdemeanor, 154 Hunting on Sabbath in certain counties a misdemeanor, 154 Hunting in sheep enclosures a misdemeanor, 155 PENITENTIARY. Salary of officers appropriated, 9 Chaplain, 20 To be advertised for lease, 155 PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK OF DALTON. Incorporated, 73 PERSONS OF COLOR. Marriages by ordained colored ministers valid, 156 Children of colored parents, 156 When under control of mother, 157 PICKENS COUNTY. Acts of Inferior Court legalized, 43 PLANTERS' CONVENTION OF STATE OF GEORGIA. Name changed, 70 PLANTERS' LOAN AND BANKING ASSOCIATION. Incorporated, 73 POGUE SHOALS MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 96 PRINTING FUND. Appropriation for, 7 PUCKETT, G. W. Relief of, 209

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PULASKI COUNTY. Line changed, 34 Q. QUILLIAN, B. B. Appropriation to, 11 R. RACCOON COAL MINING COMPANY. Incorporated, 107 RANDOLPH COUNTY. Tax legalized, 31 RELIEF. Levy and sale under execution suspended, 157 One-third of amount collectable, 157 Cases excepted, 157 Statutes of limitation suspended, 158 Officer violating act, 158 Rights of securities, 158 Stay of execution, 158 Arbitration authorized, 159 RELIEF OF INDIVIDUALS. Nancy A. E. Baldwin authorized to contract marriage, 205 Robert T. Bridges and others relieved from penalties, 206 Martha A. Britt authorized to contract marriage, 206 A. Carnes and S. W. Peck rellieved from payment of bond, 207 Benjamin L. Cook relieved from penalties of bigamy, 207 Estate of John C. Dumas relieved, 207 Case of State vs. Jesse A. Glenn to be entered settled, 208 Helen Lapham and Mary Ann Drakeford authorized to contract marriage, 208 E. B. Loyless relieved from penalties for issuing change bills, 208 G. W. Puckett relieved from penalties of bigamy, 209 Claim of Seago, Palmer Co. to be arbitrated, 209 Creed T. Wise pardoned, 210 James C. Adams and James M. Hall, relieved from liability on bond, 210 Miley E. Tuck authorized to contract marriage, 210 RETAILERS OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS. Oath of, 19 RICHMOND COUNTY. Extra tax authorized, 31 RIVER OBSTRUCTIONS. Removal of obstructions in Middle River, 159 Appointment of commissioners, 160 Powers of, 160 Obstruction of Ocklockonee river by fish traps a misdemeanor, 160 Obstruction of Spring Creek, 161

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Duty of Magistrates, 161 Penalty for violation of act, 161 Half the running stream of the Withlacoochee to be left free, 162 Violation of act a misdemeanor, 162 ROAD LAWS. Pay of overseers of roads repealed, 162 Exemption of commissioners repealed, 162 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Proceedings against, 17 RUTHERFORD MINING COMPANY. Incorporated, 108 S. SABBATH. Bathing on, when misdemeanor, 154 Hunting on, when misdemeanor in certain counties, 154 SALARIES. Steward of Lunatic Asylum, 143 Of chaplain of Penitentiary, 21 SALARIES. Of Governor appropriated, 6 State House officers appropriated, 6 Judges of Supreme Court appropriated, 6 Judges of Superior Court appropriated, 6 Of other officers, 6 Annual salaries appropriated, 8 Of officers of Penitentiary, 9 Of Clerk of House and Secretary of Senate, 9 SALESPUBLIC. Advertisement of sheriffs' sales, 163 Sheriffs, etc., administrators, etc., not require license, 163 SANDERSVILLE. Charter amended, 192 SANFORD, D. B. Appropriation to, 13 SAVINGS BANK OF AUGUSTA. Charter amended, 74 SAVINGS BANK OF FORSYTH. Incorporated, 74 SAVINGS BANK OF LUMPKIN. Incorporated, 75 SAVANNAH. Authority of Council over party walls, etc., 194 Carriage railways, 133 Justices of Peace of, 195 SAVANNAH, GRIFFIN NORTH ALABAMA R. R. Charter amended, 129 SAVANNAH, SKIDAWAY SEABOARD R. R. CO. Incorporated, 130

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SEAGO, PALMER CO. Claim to be arbitrated, 209 SENOIA. Incorporated, 196 SERVANTS. Illegal employment of, 153 SCHLEY COUNTY. Line changed, 34 SHEEP RAISING. Encouragement of, 155 SHERIFFS. Bonds reduced, 17 Sales, advertisement of, 163 SNEED, F. T. Additional compensation to, 9 SOLICITORS. Fees of, 153 SOLICITOR GENERAL. Fees of, 21 On ignored bills, 21 SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Incorporated, 134 SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Charter amended, 81 SOUTHERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. Charter amended, 79 SOUTHERN AND WESTERN FIRE, MARINE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. OF NEW ORLEANS. Authorized to establish branches, 80 SPARTA. Charter amended, 197 SPRING CREEK. Obstructions in, 161 STATUTES OF LIMITATION Suspended, 158 STATE PRINTER. Election of, 19 STATESBORO'. Incorporated, 197 STAY LAW. Not applicable to taxes by municipal corporations, 169 Stay Law, 157 STEWART COUNTY. Sale of spirituous liquors in, 43 STONEWALL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Acts legalized, 76 SUMTER COUNTY. Line changed, 34 SUPERIOR COURTS. Time of, in Blue Ridge Circuit, 47 For Clay county, time changed, 48

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For Colquitt county, time changed, 48 For Floyd, Polk, Paulding and Campbell, times of holding, 48 For Lee county, time changed, 48 For Macon county, time changed, 49 Two panels of jurors to be drawn, 49 Additional panels for next term, 49 For [Illegible Text] county, time changed, 49 For McIntosh county, change of time, 50 Proceedings legalized, 50 For Richmond county, time changed, 50 Suits and processes, 50 Jurors, 50 For Emanuel county, time changed, 50 For Spalding county, time changed, 51 May be held for two weeks, 51 SUPREME COURT. Time of sessions, 46 Bills of exception, when filed, 46 Order of circuits to be published, 46 Number of cases to be published, 46 Decisions how delivered, 46 To be revised before publication, 47 SWEETWATER MANUFACTURING CO. Charter amended, 97 SYLVANIA. Incorporated, 198 T. TAXES. Amount to be raised, 164 Per centage, 164 Specific taxes, 164 Poll tax, 164 Professions, 164 Daguerreans and similar artists, 165 Auctioneers, 165 Billiard tables, etc., 165 Race tracks, 165 Circus exhibitions, 165 Gift lotteries, 165 On sales of liquors, 165 Banks, railroad, express and insurance companies, 165 Foreign express and insurance companies, 165 Oath of tax payer, 165 Tax on basis of U. S. currency, 166 Tax on income repealed, 166 Property exempt from taxation, 166 Amount to be raised may be increased, 166 Manner of giving in lands 166

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Maps by Surveyor General, 166 Digest of lots not given in, 166 Lands to be given in by numbers, 166 Improved lands to be returned in county, 167 Unimproved landshow returned, 167 Comptroller to make lists of lands not given in, 167 To advertise for sixty days, 167 To issue execution, 167 Lands sold for taxes may be redeemed, 167 Titles of minors, lunatics, etc., 167 Additional clerk in Comptroller's office, 168 Time extended for Collectors, 168 Defaulters, 168 Final returns of Collectors, 168 Tax on liquors remitted, 168 Tax on cotton repealed, 169 Taxes by municipal corporations not affected by [Illegible Text] law, 169 TAX COLLECTORS. Time of settlement extended, 168 TEBEAUVILLE. Incorporated, 199 TATTNALL COUNTY. Acts for compensation of jurors repealed 44 THOMAS COUNTY. Bonds authorized, 31 THOMASVILLE. Authority to issue bonds, 201 Charter amended, 200 THURMOND, S. P. Appropriation to, 10 TRANSPORTATION Of maimed soldiers, 145 TUCK, MILEY E. Relief of, 210 TWIGGS COUNTY. Location of county site, 44 Offices of clerks consolidated, 39 V. VALDOSTA. Charter amended, 201 VanWERT QUARRYING AND MINING CO. Incorporated, 109 VILLA RICA MINING CO. Incorporated, 110

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W. WALKER COUNTY. Line changed, 33 WATER LOT COMPANY OF COLUMBUS, 211 WAYNESBORO'. Charter amended, 202 WEBSTER COUNTY. Offices of clerks consolidated, 38 WESTERN ATLANTIC R. R. Bonds for purchase of property, 17 WHITE PLAINS. Charter amended, 204 WILCOX COUNTY. Line changed, 34 WILCOXON MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated, 98 WILKES COUNTY. Road law repealed, 40 WILLIAMS, H. J. G. Appropriation to, 12 WITHLACOOCHEE RIVER. Obstructions in, 162 WITNESSES. Competency of, 138 Under ordinance of Convention, 139 WORTH COUNTY. Line changed, 33 Road law repealed, 45 Payment of jurors, 45 WISE, CREED T. Pardoned, 210 WRIGHT, T. D. Additional compensation to, 10

Page 253

INDEX TO RESOLUTIONS. ADJOURNMENT, 220 AMENDMENT. To the Constitution of the United States, 216 ASSAYER. Appointment of, requested, 225 BACON'S DIGEST. Subscription for, authorized, 224 BONDS OF STATE. Coupons of, 223 CHAFFIN, R. W. Pardon of, requested, 219 CLERK OF HOUSE AND SECRETARY OF SENATE. Fifteen days allowed for unfinished business, 226 COMMITTEE ROOMS. Furniture for, 217 COTHRAN, H. D. Claim to steam engine to be investigated and adjusted, 227 COMMISSIONERS TO WORLD'S FAIR. Appointed, 221 DAVIS, JEFFERSON. Relative to, 219 DISTRICT MAPS. In Surveyor General's office, 219 ELECTIONS. Of U. S. Senator, 221 Of State Printer, 215 FASTING, Etc. Setting apart day of, 215 Religious services on, 217 FLORIDA BOUNDARY LINE, 221 IRWIN'S CODE. Purchase of, authorized, 223 KENTUCKY. Thanks to people of, 225 LAWS AND JOURNALS. Distribution of, 227 MACON BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. Supplemental to act relating to, 220 MAIL ROUTE. Relative to, 216

Page 254

McINTOSH AND OTHER RESERVES. Governor requested to communicate information, 225 MAIMED SOLDIERS. Artificial limbs for, 217 ORPHANS' HOME. Appointment of agent, 216 PENITENTIARY. Information in regard to, 216 RESERVED LANDS. Condition of titles to, 222 SECRETARY OF STATE. Authorized to employ clerk, 226 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY. Series of school books recommended, 122 STATE HOUSE. Repairs of, 226 THROUGH FREIGHTS To Rome authorized, 224 WARREN, Rev. E. W. Thanks to, 219 WEEMS' WORK ON PARLIAMENTARY LAW. Committee to examine, 224 WELLBORN'S PAMPHLET. Purchase of, authorized, 222 WHITAKER, Col. JARED I. (late Commissary General.) Commendatory of, 218
