Letter: Albany, Georgia, to John Randolph Lewis, Albany, Georgia, 1868 Oct. 1

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Albany, Ga. [Georgia] Octbr [October] 1. 1868.
Col. [Colonel] John R. Lewis U.S.A. [United States of America]
Atlanta Ga [Georgia]
Dear Sir.
I learn from Brvt. [Brevet] Major Howard that an express package, sent by me to his adress [address], National Hotel, Atlanta had not reached him on the evening he left there. You will much oblige me to look up said package and inform me if it arrived untampered with.

It contains all affidavits in relation to the Camilla affair and a private letter from me containing a statement of the conclusions I have been led to form from the testimony as far as such has been obtained. This letter was written by the request of the Major, who seemed to labor under the impression that he perhaps was biased and wanted my views in this matter as the one who next to him was [added text: perhaps] better [added text: [illegible text]] acquainted with the testimony than anybody else.

The Major has not seen the letter, but told me that perhaps it might be published. While I do not apprehend much probability of that as you certainly can not consider it worthy of publication I thought it best to pursue the surest way and to inform you that I earnestly desire that this letter should not be published and respectfully request you [deleted text: to] not to allow it published from the following reasons: 1) Nobody would be able to judge of the [deleted text: [illegible text]] degree of correct ness and justice of my statements unless all the affidavits

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were printed with it. and
2) It was only written for Maj. [Major] Howard in a hurried way, with no anticipation of a possibility of its being published and hence besides minor deficiencies in it, the time of demarkation [demarcation] between facts positively proven and facts only morally demonstrated to my own mind as such from the general tenor and spirit of the testimony is not as clearly defined in this letter as I would desire it to be done, for the sake of justice to all parties, in a publication of mine on a subject [deleted text: on], which has created so much excitement and involves the honesty of purpose of so many.
3) I do not consider the testimony complete and conclusive but rather inviting to further investigation and while I was willing to give Col [Colonel] Howard my conclusions in the matter from what testimony there was on hand I would not be willing to have them published as a final resum of the nature of the case, when I know that some of the most important testimony, which would raise to a certainty what I have frequently called a probability, has never been taken because the persons who had [deleted text: [illegible text]] to be the witnesses did not feel safe in giving it.
4)I far prefer [added text: not] having my name attached to any publication on this subject as the passions and prejudices of a large number of persons are so predominantly [predominately] [added text: & recklessly] engaged

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on one side of this case, that nobody, who publishes his own opinion different to theirs -- no matter how just and impartial it might be -- will not escape their vengeance in some form, whenever the opportunity presents itself and that opportunity might come here most any day.
I have a large family to provide for and may not be able to leave the State, when the Bureau ceases or when political or social troubles should require it and consider it my duty not to [deleted text: [unclear text: forsake]] enmity and ill will unnecessarily as enough of it is encountered in the [deleted text: [illegible text]] pursuit of a direct line of official duty.

I hope, [deleted text: g] Colonel, you will not think me unnecissarily [unnecessarily] timid in making this request. If you think that I should write [deleted text: a] an [added text: official] report on the case for publication please to inform me and I will write one and do full justice to all parties and support every thing [everything] I say in such a manner that it will be a hard matter to controvert it and to abuse me for what I have said.

I learn confidentially that a company [added text: of troops] will be stationed here. I respectfully suggest to you that it will not be necessary to send a Surgeon with them as I still have a supply of Army Med. [Medical] Stores and will be fully able to attend to them medically & surgically.

Very respectfully
Your obd't Servt [obedient Servant],

[Signed] Ch. Raushenberg .
The "advices" to which
I referred in my telegram

[Signed] O. H. H.

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Albany Ga
Oct [October] 1'. [first] 1868
Raushenberg C
Personal Communication
in regard toCamilla
G34 RF. & A L Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands] Oct [October] 13. 1868
