Pandora volume LXXXV 1971


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UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA I Athens, Georgia I Volume 84

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"Now you notice we are beginning to use social security numbers and all new students next year will
not have an ID, but will have social security. Within a year or two there'll be a law that every baby when
born will have to have his social security number tatooed on his right buttocks and that man's social
security will also have to be put on his tombstone."
Dean William Tate
March 22,1971
During this Spring quarter of 1971, when we all are celebrating my retirement after fifty-one years in and around the
Athens campus, my academic biography has been fully presented.
First, my campus career was written for the Alumni Record by Dr. John Stegeman, son of my track coach. His father
was also dean of men, and I first worked under him as dean of freshmen. Second, for the University Self-study, I did a
long and involved comparison of undergraduate life then (1920-1924) and now (1966-1970). Third, the Alumni Society
at its May meeting presented "The Ballad of Wild Bill", with music and words and sound effects, a masterful skit that
rocked our sides.
However, none of these more than touch the legendary but powerful figure of Chancellor David C. Barrow ("Uncle
Dave" as we called him) who dominated in his quiet way the campus when I was an undergraduate in the early 1920's.
Heeding my mother's admonition, that I go to church and Sunday School regularly, 1 was in the Freshman Bible Class
at the First Methodist Church (then called "The Methodist Episcopal Church, South"), and "Uncle Dave" was my
teacher about 25 of us freshmen in the upper balcony of the sanctuary, with me as secretary-treasurer. Our heads all
glistened, for the sophomores had "cut our hair", but "Uncle Dave" was bald-headed, too, despite a flowing beard
like Santa Claus.
About a month later, say October 1920, I got a note, written I think in his own longhand, to see him in his office,
which was on the first floor of the Academic Building near the Arch. As a freshman, I was scared stiff, began to wonder
what sins had caught up with me, imagined myself "sent home" to Fairmount and the Salacoa Valley.
As summoned, I appeared, to find "Uncle Dave" sitting at his desk. He gestured me to a nearby chair, smiled in his
matchless way, a beautiful smile under twinkling eyes. He was not a big man, just average in height but sturdily built;
but his distinctive white beard, his kindly smile, his twinkling eyes, his easy, leisurely ways all students and all faculty
respected, even revered him.
I sat down, scared of course, and he began to doodle, as often he did, sketching a geometric pattern on a pad on his
"Where are you from, Mr. Tate? Are you from Tate?"
"No, I'm from Fairmount. My father's family established Tate, and Father was born there. They're all my folks, but I
live sixteen miles away at Fairmount, where my grandmother, Mary Byrd Tate, was born."
"What kin are you to Sam Tate?"
"He's my father's first cousin, sorter head of the family". And he doodled some more, filling out a figure, shading
it in.
"He's helped the University. He raised some money for an institute here, to study Georgia economics. And is Sam
Sibley kin to you?"
"Not exactly, but I claim it. He and my uncle married sisters, the Hart twins from Union Point. He's a federal judge,
and we all look up to him. But we call him Uncle Hale, not Sam."
"Maybe he has the best legal mind ever developed in Georgia he and Logan Bleckley."
And "Uncle Dave" smiled, doodled on, and I excused myself, he nodded, and I quietly slipped out not suspended!
Scion of a prominent Georgia family, which was honored in 1970 as the University family of the year, David Crenshaw
Barrow had graduated from the University in civil engineering and law, had returned to his alma mater to teach math,
later to be dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, had become president when Mr. Hill died in 1908, was the
symbolic figure of the University until his retirement in 1925, to be followed by Charles Mercer Snelling, who had been
my academic and administrative dean. When elected president (our president in Athens had the title of "Chancellor"
and signed the diplomas of all the four-year state schools), "Uncle Dave" had fewer than four hundred students; and
he handled loans, scholarships, excuses for absences, and all disciplinary cases, as shown by his papers filed in the Li-
Around him centers my best story of college life, a colorful proverbial expression that seems to me a perfect gem of
campus lore. It is especially useful to me when I've had one of those disorganized, hectic, nagging days when I've got-
ten up on the wrong side of the bed, when everything goes wrong, when it seems that the Deity created the entire Uni-
verse for my inconvenience.
In college Dave Barrow had had a fight with one of the Hurts from Atlanta, who became a firm friend and admirer of
Mr. Barrow and sent his son here. That Hurt family built the first skyscraper in Atlanta, and they have sent many of their
children here, some under my deanship.
But this boy was cutting classes after an earlier conference with his father and Mr. Barrow, and "Uncle Dave" was
standing in the hall talking to "Uncle Tom" Reed, our registrar, himself famous for his ability to remember names. To
Uncle Tom's remarks that often trying to get a boy to study was like beating one's head on a rock wall, Mr. Barrow an-
swered with a perfect description of a lazy boy, "Yes, working with a sorry boy who won't try is just like going bird-
hunting and having to tote the dogs". It's a perfect comment, a gem of an expression, often a consolation to me, for
despite my optimism about students, I know some are lazy and won't do their best. And again I say it is a perfect phrase
^Working with a sorry boy who won't try is just like going bird-hunting and having to tote the dogs". Note that his
Georgia background made "Uncle Dave" use two natural expressions for this state and this people "a sorry boy"
and "tote".
Over the years I have spoken hard and harsh to lazy students. One boy with a pleasing personality, a good mind, in
college by the scarifices of his widowed mother, was doing "C" work when he had an "A" brain; and in my discussion
with him he slyly implied that I was accusing him of laziness. "Yes, you're lazy, deep-dyed lazy. If you ever marry and
your wife has a child, it will be prima facie evidence of adultery."
When the Barrow family was honored a year ago on "G" Day, much stress was laid on the number of that family who
had attended the University, originally from Oglethorpe County, with branches both in Athens and Savannah, well
over a hundred.
However, I think the strongest, the unique feature is the chain of five generations, father to son, who have been con-
nected to the University all named David. The first David attended Philip Exeter and Harvard, and he was a trustee.
His oldest son resigned from West Point, entered the Confederate Army, died in the battle of Big Pond or Olustee in
Florida; and another son was a United States Senator. The youngest son, who was named David, became Chancellor of
the University; and his son David was Regents' Distinguished Professor of Mathematics; and his son David retired as a
colonel and teaches geography at the University; and his son David has graduated and works in the Computer Center.
Five generations of "David to David" to be connected with the University trustee, president, distinguished profes-
sor, teacher, technician. It's like the begets in the Bible!
And Barrow County, which isn't his home, was named for him and his brother Pope, and also Barrow Hall in the Ag
engineering group; and some alumni raised a large gift to establish the David Crenshaw Barrow Chair of Mathematics.
And five of his grandchildren made Phi Beta Kappa! I married one of them.
"Uncle Dave" was a little boy when news reached Athens that his brother Jim had died in battle; but plans to bury
him at the Old Home Place in Oglethorpe County were changed to put him in Oconee Hills, where the two brothers
lie side by side. One was written up by Dr. E. Merton Coulter in "James Barrow the Last Generation", a book dis-
cussing the generation of the South's best who died in the Last Cause. Uncle Tom Reed wrote a biography of "Uncle
Dave", and his writings have been collected in a memorial volume by his widow.
Once an alumnus, a good person and a gentleman who had been successful in a modest way but who had gradu-
ated from Georgia by the hardest way financially, with a loan directly from Chancellor Barrow, came to my office and
asked if I knew where "Uncle Dave" was buried. We went down to the Barrow lot in Oconee Hills, and we looked at
three graves there James Barrow, Colonel of Confederate Infantry when not thirty; Jewett Williams, Rhodes Scholar
and Professor of New Testament Greek at Swanee, dying as an infantry captain in World War I; and Chancellor Barrow's
grave. The alumnus looked at "Uncle Dave's" grave, started crying, then finally said,
"I never would have made it in college except for him. If I have ever known a great man, it's him, right there."
As a freshman and a sophomore I attended Chapel twice a week, as a junior and a senior once a week. And "Uncle
Dave" had charge, and we had a song, a prayer, a scripture reading with comments, and announcements. I didn't have
a high regard for this chore then, not considering it relevant I guess in the terminology of this generation; but looking
back over the years, it meant more than I realized. And at every Chapel I carefully looked around each time to see if
I knew every classmate!
Once "Uncle Dave" read from a psalm about good husbandry, saving your resources. Then looking over the tops of
his glasses, as he regularly did since he didn't wear bifocals, he gave us three rules for endorsing a note for a friend.
He enumerated them by holding up three fingers as he talked in his simple, lucid style with pauses for emphasis.
"First, your friend's credit isn't good, and he must use yours. And sometimes you must help a friend or a kinsman.
Second, don't endorse for a friend more than you can pay, don't ruin yourself and your family this way. Third, when
you endorse, begin to think about planning to pay."
Then he carefully repeated these simple rules. Next he looked carefully and thoughtfully over his glasses at us quiet
students, smiled and chuckled, and said,
"I paid one about an hour ago."
The year before, with a Freshman cap on, he had rung the Chapel bell because "a thousand students had registered";
but only my year, September 1920, did we have a thousand regular students. He told us in Chapel that the Class of 1924
was starting when the University had 1024 regular students, stressing in his mathematic approach the number 24 the
designation of our class and also the excess over a thousand 24! There were also 138 rehabs, fewer than the year
before; but he counted them as students both times for the final figure, for they were.
Cotton was king then, our major money crop, and Athens was the largest inland market in Georgia, maybe in the
South. And in Chapel "Uncle Dave" asked us not to smoke on the street. The warehouses were filled and overflowing,
and cotton was piled on the streets. One bale was placed next to the curb on the street, another on the curb toward
' the sidewalk, and a third on top of these. Although only one side of the street was used (Lumpkin, Broad, Oconee,
Clayton, Washington, Pulaski) still the streets were narrowed by the bales, and cotton seemed to be everywhere.
After his retirement "Uncle Dave" moved from the Chancellor's House on the Campus back to the family house at
436 Dearing Street, where I appeared regularly to court his granddaughter. Like every youngster in his twenties, I
thought of "Uncle Dave" as old, ancient in his sixties but he was about my own age now. He always came by about
9:00 to speak to me and to wish me and Sue Fan "good night," for he retired early.
"Uncle Dave" loved this state, this school, and this campus, and he loved people, just as I do. Like me, he was pro-
vincial, and he ran the University on shoe-string finances because the State of Georgia was poor. He had been a boy
during Reconstruction, as shown in his own writings for instance, his often published paper on Sill's Fork Plantation
before and after the War. And yet in his human depth and sincerity and judgment he would have adjusted to
i "Changes" just as others have done.
"Uncle Dave" was a farmer, managing with his friends Dave and Pope Spratlin (both named for Barrows) two large
plantations, a story which I won't tell here, except to say "the boll weevil" wiped them out.
As I grow older, I remember what he said about his home-place on the plantation, near the family graveyard, "To
us Barrows there is nothing prettier than the sunrise across the valley at the Flome Place, and to me as I grow older they
become more beautiful than ever, even though I know I shall see fewer of them."
Wm. Tate, April 11,1971
Your Instructor
for this course will be
Associate Professor of English
Dean of Men
Dean Tate is one of the Universitys ablest and most popular staff members. He is
firmly convinced that there is nothing quite so fine as a Georgia boy with a Geor-
gia education. He came to the University from Fairmount, Georgia, received both
his A.B. and M.A. degrees here. He has done some work at the University of Chicago
and at Harvard toward a doctorate. As an undergraduate he was a member of the
cross country team, Y.M.C.A., Sphinx, Gridiron, Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa.
Dean Tate devotes most of his waking hours to personal conferences with students,
individually and in groups. He has made personal tours over the state from time to
time in behalf of educational privileges for Georgia boys and girls. In residence Dean
Tate teaches courses in literature and history.
Mrs. Tate is a grandaughter of Chancellor David Barrow. There are two Tate boys.
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Dad can't convince him he doesn't have an ID card.
Dean William Tate:
On attitudes of youth in a supermarket age:
"Bread to them means something their mother buys every
Saturday, wrapped in cellophane, that despisable Yankee con-
traption designed to keep Southerners from their food."
On accepting current information as if it will hold true in the
"When I look at the students on our Georgia campus, I do
not wonder whether this boy or that might be president of the
United States, I wonder whether we are teaching them any-
thing as foolish as I was taught about population and people
just 30 years ago in a formal treatise on economics."
(As a student, Dean Tate says, he had learned in a course
that population of Western nations would decline in 1950 and
become stationary. Instead it has boomed more than three-
On changing positions:
"I'd rather be dean of men at Georgia than president of
On eating:
"Only an expert knows about ham gravy. It's how you dip
the spoon into it."
On Sherman's March to the Sea:
"Even today when I see a Yankee light a match, I flinch."
The Atlanta Journal, Jan. 31,1962.
To Dean William Tate (always called Bill by his close friends and associates) there goes up on his retirement a uni-
versal acclaim that is well deserved. He is unique in many respects, and as a whole it may well be said that there is and
has been none other like him in the annals of the University. He is even tempered, always the same, never frustrated,
never excited, always sociable. And always talkative, and generally with something to say well worth listening to.
He was an excellent student in the University. In a class in Georgia History taught by this writer, Bill made the highest
mark ever given in that class. He absorbed like a sponge Georgia history, and especially the history of the University.
But Bill was not a grind or bookworm. History came easy to him as indeed did whatever the other courses had to offer.
Thus, he had time to enter athletic activities and become a hard-to-beat cross-country runner. But in addition to being
a staid historian, Bill is a folklorist of sorts. He knows many good stories, all respectable, and most of them were taken
from factual backgrounds. He always liked his native haunts of Fairmount, in the northern part of the state, and on the
slightest provocation he will talk for hours on what happened there, including a great deal about his Mama, who was a
banker as well as a leader in other activities.
Apart from Bill's love and affection for his family, the students of the University come first. His time is always at their
disposal, in fair weather and foul. When any of them are in trouble, sick or in need of hospital care or in jail, Bill is at
their side. At any time of the day or night, whether 9 p.m. or 3 a.m. he is as much to them as any father could be. And
all of this is simply a part of the even tenor of his way. And in time past Bill's services have not stopped with his family
or the University students. If the History or the English Department found itself overwhelmed with students and no-
body to teach a class or two and no money to hire someone, Bill would volunteer his services "free, gratis for nothing."
It is understood that Bill, until his retirement, is still a member of the English Department, and was formerly an active
teacher until he became Dean of Students.
Being a fluent speaker and never hesitating for a word, Bill has made hundreds of speeches over the state and na-
tion, and still has found time to administer to the students of the University and win their loyalty and respect as no
other University official has ever done. And so probably no one will dispute the fact that Dean William Tate has made
for himself a niche in the history of the University that none other has or will ever reach.
E. M. Coulter,
March 22,1971.
Miss Elsie Low


Miss Kathy Harney
Miss Carol Costa
Miss Alice Brown
Miss Jan Bankhead
There is the University of Georgia, and there is the community of Athens, Georgia.
Once the two met only for Administrative necessities. But some University students
could not ignore the pressing needs of the underprivileged sector of the Athens
community. Those were students who were not content simply to attend classes en-
veloped within an ordered, prosperous academic world. These students sought in-
volvement with the problems of the less advantaged community surrounding the
University. Thus...

"Yes. I've found within myself real peace. Only when
Jesus came into my dissatisfied heart did I find peace
not within myself by anything I did, but in Himself
and what He did. He paid the penalty of my sin and
made me right with God. He removed all guilt and
more than that, He made fellowship with God pos-
sible. That fellowship with my risen Savior, Jesus,
has produced an inexplicable peace and joy that
can only be known through personal faith in Jesus."
Hello, my name's Judy Friar. Mind if I talk with you?'bout what? Jesus Christ. Oh. Did you know that Cod has a wonder-
ful plan for your life? So does Unde Sam! Does Cod give out numbers too? No, see . . . that's the first of four laws that
govern the spiritual universe. You can find them all in the Bible. Well, I don't read a lot. I do have my Bible here. Keep
my contacts in it. It's the only thing on my side of the room that my roommate won't touch. Well, to continue ... why
do you think most people aren't experiencing the abundant life? The potato famine? Is this conversation upsetting
you? No, I apologize. Go ahead. It's because man is sinful, heh-heh. I know. And man is separated. From what? Christ.
Oh yeah, Christ. You see, Jesus Christ is man's redeemer of sins. Through him you can know and experience Cod's love
and plan for your life. Is that law number two? No, this is number three. Law number two was that man is sinful. Hey,
you've got those down pretty good. Hit me with the next one. Number four tells us we have to receive Jesus as Savior.
Then we can experience Cod's plan for our life. Look, what is this plan? I'll get to it. Let me finish this law, will you?
Oh ... Excuse me. We must receive Christ by personal invitation. See this diagram? You mean the circle full of dots
with the 'E' and the cross? No, the other one with Christ on the throne. Is that what this is? Yes, here Christ is in con-
trol. Who's on the throne in your life? I guess I am. Isn't your life full of discord and frustration like the circle with
the ego in the center and the uneven dots? I never thought about it like that. Listen, do you know something I don't?
I know that with Christ in control you can have an abundant life. Hey, do you have this abundant life? Since I found
Christ I have. You can find him too . . . through prayer. Do you pray? Sure, before every test and blind date. I've taken
Math 101 three times and the frat voted my last date the ugliest girl for this quarter. Here .. . read this prayer. Does it
express the desire of your heart? . . . well... If it does, pray it right now. Can I finish my chili dog first? / get the idea
you aren't being serious with me. Does witnessing bother you? Well it's kinda like selling religion the way my old
man sells insurance. But what we want to do is to bring Christ to you. To show you how easy it is to get with Cod. Why
don't you drop in on one of our meetings? They're really. . . Hey, there's Jeff. Hold it a minute. Jeff! Jeff, Jesus Christ,
it's good to see you!!

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"One of the biggest problems is trying to stagger classes so either my husband or
I can be at home with our baby."
"There is an utmost need for a day-care center for our children if both parents are
attending the university. It would be very helpful if the university could provide a
list of qualified babysitters for day and night needs. Sometimes it is impossible to at-
tend school activities unless a responsible babysitter is available and especially made
known to the married student."
"If sufficient health services are available to family dependents, it should be made
"We feel that the transportation offered to married students would be much more
efficient to meet the needs of married students if the married housing bus could
run on a ten minute basis instead of a twenty minute schedule."
Cive-A-Damn Survey

Cive-A-Damn Survey
We (i.e. married students) don't need any more poorly constructed, poorly planned,
uncomfortable, and expensive Bug-a-boos like our University Village Apartments!!!"
It's very hard to get into the University Village; and married couples have to have a place
to live when they decide to go to college, not a year or two years later, as the waiting list
calls for."
As for the residents of Athens, rather the store managers and sales clerks, I have not
found many of them friendly and willing to help the students married or not married.
Some are hesitant to take checks, and that is well understandable, but some give the im-
pression of 'you need us for your essentials but we don't need you, so therefore why
should we be nice and courteous.'"
People just don't realize that Va of this student body is married. One person out of every
four people you meet on the campus is married."

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Proper Dress (taken from the 1962-63 University of Georgia Student Handbook)
Correct attire (dresses, skirts and blouses, sweaters, neat hair-do's) must be worn in all dining rooms,
residence parlors, on all front porches and lawns, on thg streets, in public buildings, and on campus.
1. The wearing of bermuda shorts and other sports attire is permitted only as follows:
a. While students are actually engaged in physical education or other sports requiring such attire,
or while going to or coming from places where the wearer participates in these activities. Skirts
or a non-transparent coat must be worn while going to or coming from these places so that the
sports attire of the participants may not be seen.
b. In bedroom areas of womens residences, or in designated areas of University residences.
2. Jackets must be worn over backless dresses in classrooms.
3. Costumes for all costume parties must be approved by House Directors. Bermudas or other such
attire that are part of an approved costume must be covered by an appropriate wrap such as a
raincoat or an evening wrap, en route to or from the party.
4. When residences are closed to visitors shorts may be worn throughout the residence.





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Page 4 The Red and Black, Tuesday, Oct. 13,1970
Condemn Senior Parade
TO THE EDITOR: small Tfumber of our student
body. The reputation of our Uni-
As elected representatives of
our respective organizations we
join our voices in strong condem-
nation of the actions during the
Senior Parade on Saturday. The
actions of which we speak are de-
plorable and totally inexcusable.
The physical harassment of the
Mississippi cheerleaders, the dis-
play of offensive signs and be-
havior are evidence of total ir-
responsibility on the part of a
President, SGA
President, Student Senate
President, University Union
versity and our student body has
been greatly damaged by these
Any attempt to march at the
Homecoming Game is a violation
of Stadium rules and will be pros-
ecuted by the University advocate
in the Student Judiciary. We hope
that the tide of student sentiment
will rise against the repetition of
such childish and immature be-
President, Senior Class
President, IFC
President, Panhellenic


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Head Football Coach Vince Dooley
VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM. Bottom Row (L-R): Kim Braswell, Peter Rajecki, Rex Putnal, Paul Gilbert, James Ray, Mike Cavan, Jerone Jackson, Jack
Montgomery, Phil Sullivan, Dick Conn, Alan Chadwick, Lenny Ellspermann, Julian Smiley, Johnny Campbell, Gene Swinford, Jimmy Shirer, Gregg
Byrd. Second Row: Barry Outlar, Bill Darby, Buck Swindle, Donnie Allen, Mike Oates, Steve White, Buzy Rosenberg, Ray Dicharry, Head Coach
Vince Dooley, Bob McDavid, Ricky Lake, Dennis Leath, Steve Sleek, Robert Honeycutt, Rusty Hines, Chip Wisdom, Tommy Lyons, Steve Chamberlin.
Third Row: Tommy Couch, Steve Kitchens, Mike Lopatka, Raymond Jones, Kendall Keith, Dan Martin, Mac McWhorter, Mayo Tucker, Hugh
Gordon, Ronnie Rogers, Royce Smith, Jimmy Wood, John Jennings, Danny Dantzler, George Demos, David Saye. Fourth Row: Wade Brantley,
Dennis Watson, Paul Fersen, Larry Brasher, Ken Bumbleton, Milton Bruce, Ken Shaw, Mixon Robinson, Billy Brice, Mike Greene, Sammy Eskew,
Charles Whittemore, Chuck Heard, Paul McPipkin.
Miss State
Ole Miss
S. Carolina
Ga. Tech. 17
Georgia 14
Georgia 38
Georgia 6
Georgia 21
Georgia 37
Georgia 19
Georgia 52
Georgia 17
Georgia 31
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL TEAM. Bottom Row (L-R): Terry Rowe, Don Golden, Bob Voight, Joe Herb, Andy Johnson, Billy Griffith, Jim Harper, John
Pratt, George Pilcher, James Chastain, Wade Monk, Ralph Clark. Second Row: Tim Fallaw, Jesse Parks, Ed Milam, John Glorio, Jimmy Poulos, Jim
Beard, Rohan Backfisch, Don Griffith, Bob Burns, Dennis Whitt, Fred Hartnett, Gordon Broussard, Ric Reider. Third Row: Emory Chapman, James
Chandler, Joe McPipkin, Bill Smith, Tom Holt, Rusty Carter, Tommy Barnett, Alan Kuniansky, Alan Tomlin, David Benefield, Charles Osbolt, Jim
Cagle, Mike Hammond. Fourth Row: Ed Milo, Charles Crawley, Ty Milner, Dennis Hester, Craig Hertwig, Wendall Dixon, Phil King, Gene Bagwell,
Earl Hartsell, Alan Wood, Jim McPipkin, Paul Howard, Frank Brice, Randy Hudson.
The Georgia Football Coaching Staff.
Kneeling (L-R): Ernie Golin, Jim
Pyburn, Gary Wyant, Erskine Rus-
sell, Vince Dooley, Fred Pancoast,
Ken Cooper, Frank Inman, Warren
Morris. Standing: Leon Armbester,
Howard Beavers, Pat Hodgson, Byrd
Whigham, Sterling DuPree, Dr.
Marion Hubert, Mike Castronis,
Barry Wilson, Dick Copas, John
Kasay, Dr. William Mulherin.
S. Carolina
Ga. Tech.
34 Georgia
13 Georgia
14 Georgia
8 Georgia
20 Georgia
Head BasketbaII Coach Ken Rosmond
Freshman Coach John Guthrie
Ga. 60
Ga. 88
Ga. 87
Ga. 75
Ga. 76
Ga. 42
Ga. 55
Ga. 69
Ga. 58
Ga. 47
Ga. 66
Ga. 77
Ga. Tech.
N. C. State
L. S. U.
64 Ga. 88
97 Ga. 66
78 Ga. 79
77 Ga. 77
97 Ga. 60
50 Ga. 71
63 Ga. 61
76 Ga. 95
79 Ga. 72
51 Ga. 57
79 Ga. 62
76 Ga. 84
Ga. 66
Ole Miss
Miss. State
Ga. Tech.
Ole Miss
Miss. State
L. S. U.
VARSITY BASKETBALL. Sitting (L-R):Gino Gianfrancesco, Steve Zilko, Rod Jacobs,Tom Brennan, Barry
Cohen, Lanny Taylor, Ronnie Hogue. Standing: Cauthen Westbrook, Dick Toth, Kevin Las, Tom Abra-
hamson, Randy Mateling, Jim Neal.
FRESHMAN BASKETBALL. Sitting (L-R): Jeff Wiley, Danny Cullinane, David Ruben, Gary Adler, Tommy
Mosley, Joe Matthews, Bryan Macon, Drew Ferguson. Standing: Assistant Coach Nick Gimpel, Nelson
Swofford, James Head, Gary Nevinger, Jerry Karwoski, Charlie Anderson, Al Hutchins, Jeff McDonald,
Head Coach John Gutherie.
VARSITY SWIMMING TEAM. Front Row (L-R): Coach Pete Scholle, Assistant
Coach Jon Stafford, Diving Coach Gary Shelt. Second Row: Hank Weaver, Gary
Gerrard, Steve Longino, Rick Sims, Larry Scafuti, Andy Flatt. Third Row: Charlie
Tillman, Bruce Miller, Jeff Muir, Ross Bradford, Steve White, Jack Bauerle.
Fourth Row: David Timberlake, Clint Ashford, Don Watson, Mike Magarahan,
Jack Hazen.
VARSITY WRESTLING TEAM. Front Row (L-R): Steve Knipp, George
Martin, Leon Hall, Ronnie Reeser, Reid Goodman. Second Row: John
Zamoscinski, David Carter, Tom Wills, Dave Mulcahy, Kevin Cleveland
Captain, Eddie Ray. Third Row: Coach Frank Keller, Fred Goldman,
John Lowry, Gary Menefee, Val Webb, Marc Stead.
VARSITY RIFLE SQUAD. Kneeling (L-R): Andrew Haygood, Wil-
liam Woodrum, Boyt Parker, Terry Parkman. Standing: Carlton
Carver, Roy Peters, Steven Davis, Frederick Oelschig, Donald
Williamson, Shooting Coach Sergeant Minor.
VARSITY GYMNASTICS TEAM: Kneeling (L-R): Rick Boyer, Neil Sharter,
Boley Janowski, Craig Presley, Phil Adinaro, Mike Raines. Standing:
Mike Cunningham Captain, Doug Cooper, Reggie Holliday, Larry
Griffin, Steve Bradley, Doug Peters, Don Hooten. Coach Lee Cunning-
ham, not pictured.
VARSITY GOLF TEAM. Kneeling (L-R): Tommy Valentine, Jeff Jarrel, Eddie Roddenberry,
Danny Yates, Terry Deihl. Standing: Tap Harwell, Lynn Lott, Gary Oliver, Robert Mc-
Clearen, Toby Stroefer, Coach Dick Copas.
VARSITY TRACK TEAM. Sitting (L-R): Philip Tucker, Jimmy Sessions, John Wolf, Bob Hamilton, Allan Davis, Rick
Curlin, Dennis Battey, Robert Holliday. Kneeling: Glynn Griffin, Eddie Baxter, Chuck Carson, Benjie Durden, Maxie
Foster, Joe Shearouse, Bruce Conlon, Rovert Slater, Tony Williamson. Standing: Coach Forest Towns, John McCord,
Bob Voight, David Settle, Dennis Spencer, Bill Alewine, Scott Carson, Danny Williams, Pat McCabe, Jim Pinion,
Kenny Rosser, Assistant Coach Lewis Gainey.
BASEBALL VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM. Bottom Row (L-R): John Calhoun, Joe Keith,
Jim Turner, Alan Salmon, Stan Fillion, Bill Hatcher, Mike Harrelson, Larry
Wages. Second Row: Jerry Peele, Don Singeltary, Kirby Campanella, Gary
Hutcheson, Steve Carp, Charles Walraven, Jim Carter, Keith Ford. Stand-
ing: Ed Hill, Ed DeFore, Paul Gilbert, Mike Young, Head Coach Jim
Whatley, Paul Gordon, Benjie Folk, Billy Beale.
TPM M | ^ VARSITY TENNIS TEAM. Norman Holmes and Rocky Huffman Co-Captains, Jim Watrous,
Danny Birchmore, Bob Travis, Charlie Browder, Bill Kopecky, Karey Browder.
Colonel Jack T. Davis
Colonel Davis
Major Matthews
Major Schofield
Captain Corbett
Captain Johnson
Sergeant Bunch
Sergeant Burt
Sergeant Reese
Sergeant Sloan
C. O. Stevens
C. O. Beecraft
C. O. Barton
C. O. Barton
C. O. Winn
C. O. Williams
O'Donnell, C. O.
Stephen Williams, C. O.Joe Downs
Eddie Branch Richard Henry
Eddie Brooks Mark Higgins
Bruce Carter James Hollingsworth
Craig Daughtry Larry Jordan
Bruce Kennedy
Jim Langford
Mike Loomis
James Lusey
Jon Millwood
David Patterson
Robert Smalley
Dana Vinson
Chip Wallace
Dale Walseman
Mike Wolfe
Steve Bennett
Peggy Ahrenhold
Mary Applegate
Elizabeth Asbury
Karen Bedingfield
Karen Carr
Michelle DeLong
Cathy Donovan
Carol Etheridge
Marylyn Fountain
Betty Gaston
Fran Goleman
Ouida Good
Marcia Heard
Cathy Harrison
MaryAnne James
Ginny MacColl
Sheila Mandel
Louanne Ost
Marcia Phillips
Mary Perkins
Patti Ransom
Paula Reid
Rena Rider
Ann Sauser
Jackie Schulton
Ann Stiles
Marilou Wier
Pam Wooten
Squadron 11, C. O. Balkom
Squadron 12, C. O. DeLoach
Squadron 41, C. O. Cunningham
Squadron 42, C. O. House
Squadron 51, C. O. Martin
Squadron 52, C. O. Smith
Guy Asher, C. O.
Gary Armistead
Mike Camp
John Garth
Gary Grill
Steve Griswell
Fred Manget
Gary Webb
Colonel Carl L. Peterson
Colonel C. Peterson
Lieutenant J. Youngblood
Sergeant Major D. Patrick
Major S. Reeves
Major R. Oliver
Major A. Hatch
Captain H. Cantu
Specialist First Class M. Minor
Specialist/6 W. Martin
Master Sergeant R. Davis
Captain P. Feddo
Staff Sergeant S. Dean
Major D. Williamson
Captain J. Yancy
Major B. Cowling
Mack Cain
John Nash
Ronald Reese
Joel Smith
C. O. Tyler
Carl Arsenault
Nolan Barnett
Lemuel Brooks
Mack Cain
Sidney Carroll
Richard Cooper
Donald Epley
Robert Lindley
William McNeill
David Murphy
John Nash
Blanton Owens
William Parks
Boyd Parker
Ronald Reese
Robert Rice
David Roberts
Joseph Skipworth
Joel Smith
Kurt Unger

L. Lindley, C. O.
K. Ball
L. Ball
C. Bankhead
B. Bateman
S. Blakewood
A. Bockman
R. Bulter
L. Bush
T. Cochran
A. Felts
A. Green
B. Hartman
M. Huskey
D. Jones
F. Mullis
C. Odom
D. Peters
L. Phillips
S. Pilage
L. Posey
K. Quillian
D. Reynolds
T. Shoulty
P. Shel
P. Shealey
P. Shiver
M. Stafford
A. Thompson
M. Watson
S. Weinberger
B. Whitehead
J. Williams
S. Weir
Ohberg, C.
Carlton Carver
Stephen Davis
Crisp Flint
Andrew Haygood
Richard Hayes
Boyd Parker
Terry Parkman
Frederick Oelshig
David Roberts
Donald Williamson
B J. Attaway
D. H. Barrett
VV. G. Boyd
R. Carr
L. B. Colbert
D. Davenport
L. I. Driggers
G. L. Garrison
J. B. Gibbs
R. E. Hayes
A. B Haygood
G. R. Howard
R. K. Joe
D. L. Johnson
S. Mahon
C. E. Moore
N. Ohberg
J. C. Pendergrass
W. D. Short
S. Smith
J. B. Wall
J. S. Watrous
R. G. Butts
James Wall, C.O.
John Albright
William Boyd
David Cullison
Lee Driggers
Thomas Dykes
Joe Gibbs
Gene Haley
Robert Hurley
Charles Moore
Frederick Oelschig
Tony Smith
William Tinsley
James Watrous
C. O. Lanier
Company B
Company A
C. O. Colbert
C. O. Burhans
C. O. Haygood
Company C
C. O. Attaway
Company D
C. O. Pettit
C. O. Tolley
Company F
C. O. Pendergrass
Company E
C. O. Delashaw

Rita Poetter, President
Rita Poetter, President
Tricia McKibben, Vice-President for Programs
Tony Smith, Vice-President for Finance
Murial Brown, Vice-President for Research
James Altenbach, Vice-President for Personnel
Don Braddock, Public Relations Division Coordinator
Patti Bruce, Ideas and Issues Division Coordinator
Bill Condon, Entertainment Division Coordinator
Rick Cilberg, Fine Arts Division Coordinator
Tom Landrum, Cinematic Arts Division Coordinator
Ellen Luke, Cultural Affairs Division Coordinator
Ray Nelson, Recreation Division Coordinator
Tricia McKibben,
Vice-President for Programs
An honorary society for outstanding fraternity men
Andy Scherffius, President Mike Donovan TedOutz
Robert Fortson Jim Pannell
Dink Nesmith Andy Scherffius
A secret organization
g g v v 9 g!gTg MWgg WgV
Robby Williams, President
Sam Dickson, Secretary
Bill Bailey
Roy Barnes
Needham Bateman
Joe Belew
Kyle Brannon
Fred Brown
Price Corr
Luke Curtis
Sam Dickson
Mike Donovan
Guerry Doolittle
Robert Fortson
John Foster
Mitch Flinchum
Pete Glass
Tom Hamby
Earl Harris
Rullie Harris
Tom Landrum
Richard Lindemann
Tom Lovett
Tommy Lyons
Malcom McArthur
David Muschamp
Sonny Perdue
Frank Petroski
Martin Pinckney
Randall Seabolt
Terry Sullivan
Jim Swart
Jerry Walker
Robbie Williams
Henry C. Brown
George P. Butler
Samuel H. Sibley
Edward L Dougherty
Walter A. Harris
Hokombe Bacon
Mansfield P. Hall
Frank Kells Boland
Henry G. Colvin
Walter S. Cothran (Peter)
John W. Spain (Will)
John T. Dorsey
Frank R. Mitchell
Harry Dodd
Charles H. Black
Walter R. Tkhenor (Tic)
George T. Jackson
Walter B. Hill
Char.les M. Snelling
David C. Barrow
Robert E Park
Henry C. White
Andrew M. Soule
Willis H. Bocock
Steadman V. Sanford
Charles M. Strahan
Herman J. Stegeman
William S. Morris (Sylvanus)
George F. Peabody
Ernest A. Lowe (Rastus)
Thomas J. Woof ter
Thomas W. Reed
Harry J. Mehre
Harry N. Edmunds
Harold Hirsch
Edgar L Sec rest
Harmon W. Caldwell
Paul W. Chapman
Robert R. Gunn
John D. Wade
Hughes Spalding
Charles H. Herty
Ellis M. Coulter (Merton)
William O. Payne
James W. Butts, Jr. (Wallace)
Henry A. Shinn
William M. Crane
William O. Collins
Erie E.Cocke, Jr.
Omer C. Aderhold
John E Drewry
Herman E Talmadge
Robert O. Arnold
Charles J. Bloch
Frank D. Foley
Roy V. Harris
Joseph A. Williams
Thomas H. Lokey (Hamilton)
Richard B. Russell
Paul Brown
John O. Eidson
James A. Dunlap
Philip M. Landrum
Marion Tyus Butler
John L Cox, Jr.
Marion B. Folsom
Eugene R> Black, Jr.
Harold M. Heckman
Marvin B. Perry
Carl E. Sanders
Jack J. Spalding, III
Augustus O. B. Sparks
James W. Woodruff, Jr.
William A. Dodd (Lamar)
Francis M. Bird
Pope F. Brock
Robert C. Wilson
B. Sanders Walker
Inman. Brandon
Jesse Draper
Alex A. Lawrence, Jr.
Jasper N. Dorsey
Clarke W. Duncan (Sonny)
Philip ft. Alston, Jr.
J. Phil Campbell
Fred C. Davison
Vincent J. Dooley
Jack B. Ray
George S. Parthemos
Robert L. Dodd
Joel Eaves
Augustus H. Sterne
Marmaduke H. Blackshear (Hardeman)
Virlyn B. Moore
Thomas W. Connally
George W. Nunnally (Winship)
Theodore T. Turnbull
Walter W. Patterson
The highest honor a University male can attain
William P. Bailey
Cader B. Cox
Thomas L. Lyons
Andrew M. Scherffius
Arthur R. Sullivan
Charles H. Cox.
Roderick H. Hill (Rodney)
Harold W. Telford
Arthur L Hardy
John E D. Younge
Walter O. Marshburn
Hugh M. Scott
John A. Brown
George Hains, Jr.
Daniel Y. Sage
Issac C Levy
Lansing B. Lee
J. Loring Raoul
James J. Ragan
Robert S. Parker
George P. Whitman
William L Erwin
Harrison J. S. Jones
Carroll D. Cabaniss
William G. Brantley, Jr.
Philip R. Weltner
Ambrose H. Carmichael
Richard K. Smith (Kyle)
William W. Brown (Wed)
Frank H. Martin
Charles N. Feidelson
John K. McDonald, Jr.
Henry L J. Williams
Robert H. Jones, Jr.
Sidney O. Smith
Morton S. Hodgson
Herman P. De LaPerriere
Floyd C Newton
Claude L Derrick
Wylie C. Henson (Clayton)
John B. Harris
Andrew H. Patterson
William D. Hooper
Lawrence A. Cothran
Garrard Glen
Charles R. Andrews
Edgar E Pomeroy
Alexander P. Adams (Pratt)
William S. Blun
Charles W. Davis
Marion D. DuBose
Robert P. Jones
Andrew J. McBride
Robert J. Travis
Tinsley W. Rucker, Jr. (Tennie)
Merrit M. Thurman
John Banks
Remer L. Denmark
John E Hall
Richard M. Charlton
Harry H. Hull
Horace C. Johnson
James B. Ridley
William R. Ritchie
John B. L Erwin
Ferdinand P. Calhoun (Phinizy)
Frank K. McCutchen
Augustus L Hull (Longstreet)
Henry J. Lamar
Wilson M. Hardy
Noel P. Park
Walter J. Hammond
Lamar C. Rucker
Sterling H. Blackshear
Marvin M. Dickinson
Andrew M. Calhoun
Cam D. Dorsey
Marion S. Richardson
Billington S. Walker (Sanders)
Sanders A. Beaver (Sandy)
Francis M. Ridley
Glenn W. Legwen
Samuel R. Jaques (Randolph)
Ralph Meldrim
Marion H. Smith
Wallace M. Miller
Minor Boyd
William R. Turner
Julian F. Baxter .
Harold W. Ketron
John D. Bower (Jack)
Frampton E. Ellis
Frank B. Anderson
Robert P. Brooks (Preston)
Lucien P. Goodrich
Issac S. Hopkins (Stiles)
Joseph I. Killorin
Young B. Smith
Daniel H. Redfearn
Jerome C. Michael
Dwight L Rogers
Edgar V. Carter, Jr.
lames L Lucas
Harle C. Bailey
Edward M. Brown
Hosea A. Nix (Abh)
Omer W. Franklin
Eralbert T. Miller
Henderson L Lanham, Jr.
Hinton B. B. Blackshear
Washington Falk, Jr.
Alexander R. MacDonnell (Alec)
Herbert C. Hatcher (Cliff)
Paul L Bartlett
Edgar L Pennington
Edwin W. Moke (Warren)
George C. Woodruff
Evans V. Heath
Millard Rewk
Robert B. Troutman
Arthur K. Maddox
John A. Sibley
Lloyd D. Brown
Clifford Brannen
George T. Northen
William A. Mann
Harold D. Meyer
Benton H. Walton
David R. Peacock
Virgil E. Durden
Charles E. Martin
Edgar B. Dunlap
Robert L McWhorter
Robert H> Freeman
Zachary S. Cowan
Edward M. Morgenstern
James M. Lynch
Henry L Rogers (Levy)
Bentley H. Chappell
Casper I. Funkenstein (Ira)
Frank Carter
Tinsley R. Ginn (Rucker)
Aaron B. Bernd
Russell H. Patterson
Victor Victor
Hoyt H. Welchel
Lewis A. Pinkussohn
Clark Howell, Jr.
David K. McKamy
David F. Paddock
John G. Henderson
Edward J. Hardin
George S. Whitehead
James B. Conyers
Charles W. Jacobson
Hugh L Hodgson
Robert W. Wesley
George L Harrison
Charles M. Tanner, Jr.
William H. Quarterman, Jr.
Robert L. Callaway, Jr.
Joel B. Mallet
Thomas A. Thrash
Max L Segall
William H. Sorrells (Holman)
William O. White (Osmonde)
John P. Stewart
Neil L Gillk, Jr.
Roff Sims, Jr.
John H. Carmical
Howard H. McCall, Jr.
Irvine M. Levy
Hinton F. Longino
Richard W. Courts, Jr.
Lucius H. Tippett
Otto R. Ellars
Roger H. West
Robert L Foreman, Jr. (Trot)
James M. Hatcher (Madden)
Dewey Knight
Louk S. Davk (Whitey)
Wallace P. Zachry
Irvine Phinizy
Robert D. O'Callaghan (Dennk)
Charles M. Candler (Murphey)
William M. Dallas (McKenzie)
Claude H. Statterfield
Frank W. Harr old
William D. Miller
Arthur Pew, Jr.
Robert E. L Spence, Jr.
Chester W. Slack
John R. Slater
Everett W. Highsmith (Way)
Ashel M. Day (Bum)
Charles Strahan ,
Hillary H. Mangum
William H. Stephens (Hugh)
Preston B. Ford
Nathan Jolles
Owen G. Reynolds
John P. Carson (Pate)
Walter D. Durden (Dawson)
Welborn B. Cody
Malcomb A. McRainey
William F. Daniel (Frank)
Ellb H. Dixon
Freeman C. McClure
Lewk H. Hill, Jr.
George J. Clark
Charles A. Lewk
Joseph J. Bennett, Jr. (John)
John A. Hosch (Alton)
Charles G. Henry
James K. Harper (Doc)
Herbert H. Maddox
Josh L Watson
Charles R. Anderson
Edward M. Gurr
Hervey M. Cleckley, III
Walter C. Carter, Jr. (Colquitt)
William Tate
Charles F. Wiehrs
John H. Fletcher
James D. Thomason
John H. Hosch, Jr.
Thomas F. Green, IV
Walter E. Sewell
Lester Hargrett
Charles L Gowen
Martin E. Kilpatrick (Buster)
John D. Allen
Horace D. Shattuck
George D. Morton
Gwinn H. Nixon
Alexk A. Marshall
Carlton N. Mell
Ernest P. Rogers
Walter T. Forbes, Jr.
George S. Johnson
James R. Chambliss (Rollin)
Ernest Camp, Jr.
Allen W. Post
Alexander S. Clay, III (Steve)
Frank K. Boland, Jr. (Kelk)
Ivey M. Shiver, Jr. (chick)
William H. Young, Jr.
Issac K. Hay
George E. Florence, Jr.
Thomas A. Nash
Thomas J. Hamilton, Jr.
Benjamin H. Ha rdy,|r.
Hallman L Standi (Luke)
Daniel C. Tully
Robert L Patterson, Jr.
Hoke S. Wofford
John S. Candler, II
Glenn B. Lautzenhker
Rufus B. Jennings
Craig Barrow, Jr.
Robert G. Hooks
Joseph H. Boland
Guy C. Hamilton, Jr.
James J. Harrk
William A. Kline, Jr.
Kankakee Anderson
James E. Palmour, Jr.
Henry G. Palmer
Frank K. McCutchen
Dupont G. Harrk (Guerry)
Robert D. Feagin, Jr. (Doug)
Mattox L Purvis
Joseph M. Oliver
Marvin H. Cox
Ellh G. Arnall
Herbert S. Maffett
Sandford W. Sanford
John W. Maddox
Mark D. Hollis
William C. Latimer
Vernon S. Smith (Catfkh)
William M. Strkkland, Jr.
James W. Mdntire
Charles M. Gaston (Marion)
McCarthy Crenshaw
William M. Hazelhurst
Leroy S. Young
Frederk Solomon
Virlyn B. Moore, Jr.
William T. Maddox
James M. Richardson, Jr. (Milton)
Morton S. Hodgson, Jr.
Troy R. Thigpen, Jr. (Randolph)
Robert G. Stephens, Jr.
John W. Calhoun, III
DeNean Stafford, Jr.
John P. Bond
Harry S. Baxter
Winburn T. Rogers
John D. Bowden, Jr. (Dan)
Joseph C. Strong (Carl)
Augustus L Rogers (Lee)
James W. Wise (Walter)
William T. Bennett, Jr. (Tap)
William C. Hawkins (Colbert)
Robert T. Anderson
Wade C. Hoyt, Jr.
Charles C. Harrold, Jr.
Charles B. Anderson, Jr. (Ben)
Edward H. Baxter
Dyar E. Massey, Jr.
Seaborn A. Roddenberry, III (Andy)
Morrk B. Abram
Floyd C. Newton, Jr.
James Q. Lumpkin, Jr. (Quinton)
Robert B. Troutman, Jr.
Robert P. McCuen
Ambrose G. Cleveland, Jr. (Gus)
Rqbert C. Norman
Julian D. Halliburton
Isma L Prke, Jr. (Lee)
Howell Hollk, Jr.
Kenneth A. McCaskill (Alex)
William S. Smith, Jr. (Stanford)
Lee T. Newton
Jack B. Matthews
Ernest S. Vandiver, Jr.
Frank L Gunn
Alpha A. Fowler, Jr.
Clarence J. Smith, Jr. (Jay)
Bernard C. Gardner, Jr. (B.C.)
Verner F. Chaffin
John C. Meadows, Jr.
Clifford C. Kimsey
Thomas C. Penland
John B. Miller
Woodie A. Partee, Jr. (Gus)
Frank F. Sinkwkh
Irby S. Exley
Ellington M. Norman (Murray)
. Forest L. Champion, Jr.
George D. Lawrence
Jesse G. Bowles
James P. Miller
Aubrey R. Morrk
James C DeLay
Fluker G. Stewart
Charles L Trippi
John E. Sheffield, Jr.
William F. Scott, Jr.
Frank S. Cheatham, Jr.
Dan M. Edwards
Robert M. Joiner
Dempsey W. Leach
William H. Burson
Melburne D. McLendon
John Rauch
Albert M. Wilkinson, Jr. (Mims)
Kirk M. McAlpin
Bryan K. Whitehurst
John E. Griffin
Harry L Wingate, Jr.
James L Bentley, Jr.
Porter O. Payne
James A. Andrews
Samuel R. Burns (Ray)
Harold C. Walraven, Jr.
Robert J. Healey
Raleigh G. Bryans
Lawrence T. Crimmins
George R. Reinhardt (Bob)
William A. Elinburg, Jr.
William B. Phillips (Barry)
- Walter T. Evans (Ted)
Thomas A. Waddell
Robert S. McArthur
Edward L Dunn, Jr.
Mkhael E. Merola
William H. Justke
Nicholas P. Chilivis
Mkhael W. Edwards
Talmadge E. Arnette
Carl J. Turner
Claude M. Hipps
Burton S. Middlebrooks
Henry G. Woodard
Cecil R. Spooner
Howard K. Holladay
Phil C. Beverly
Roland C. Stubbs, Jr.
Hassel L Parker
Robert K.West
James D. Benefield, Jr. (Dewey)
Wesley L Harrk
Frank V. Salerno
William D. Moseley (Darrell)
Charles R. Adams, Jr.
Daniel W. Kitchens
Edmund R. Bratkowski (Zeke)
Donald L Branyon, Jr.
Randall T. Maret
John R. Carson
Robert L Blalock
Logan R. Patterson (Reid)
Quentin R. Gabriel
Jay D. Gardner
Frank W. Seiler
Rkhard P. Trotter
Joseph P. O'Malley
Kermit S. Perry
Jule W. Felton, Jr.
Jabez McCorkle, III (Jake)
John J. Wilkins, III
Norman S. Fletcher
Lindsay H. Bennett, Jr.
Robert S. Lowery, Jr.
Donald G. Joel
John R. O'Toole
Joel J. Knight
Edward W. Killorin
George M. Sc beer, Jr.
Joseph H. Marshall
Nathan G. Knight
Robert A. Rowan
David K. Hollk, Jr.
Monte W. Markham
Emmet J. Bondurant, II
Jay C Cox
Ben S. McElmurray, Jr. (Swain)
Harry E. Hendrix
Theron C. Sapp
Bryce W. Hokomb
Thomas E. Dennard, Jr.
James P. Walker, Jr.
William A. Davk, Jr.
Thomas H. Lewk, Jr.
Thomas R. Burnside, Jr.
James P. Yarbrough
Charlie B. Christian
Earl T. Leonard, Jr.
Franck A. Tarkenton
Thomas M. Blalock
Ronald L Case (Pete)
Linton R. Dunson, Jr.
Wyckliffe A. Knox, Jr. (Wyck)
Bryant F. Hodgson, Jr.
John H. Crawford III
Augustus B. Turnbull, III
William R. Montfort, Jr.
James H. Blanchard
Edward T. M. Garland
Wyatt T. Johnson, Jr.
Rkhard N. Lea
James L Aldridge (Larry)
Albert W. F. Blood worth (Franklin)
Jake L Saye, Jr.
Ben B. Tate
Charles B. Haygood, Jr.
Alexander W. Patterson
Larry C. Rakestraw
David C. Tribby
Charles L Bagby
John A. Rhodes, Jr.
McCarthy Crenshaw, Jr.
Neal H. Ray
Donald C. Dixon
James C. Pitts
George B. Watts
Bruce G. Bateman
George W. Darden
William Roy Grow
Turner Lynn Hughes
Robert Glenn Etter
William Morgan House
William Ralph Parker
Robert Foster Rhodes
Dennk Lee Fordham
Rutherford C. Harrk
Thomas W. Lawhorne, Jr.
John Mkhael Ley
William Porter Payne
Phark Randall Seabolt
Robert Lee Williams
George Albert Dasher
Robert E. Knox, Jr.
Henry E. Lane
Robert E. Chanin
James L Panned
Paul Cleveland Tedford
Thomas Lewk Lyons
James Robert Hurley
Andrew M. Scherff ius
William P. Bailey
Cader B. Cox, II
An honorary scholastic fraternity for Freshman men
Fred Manget, President
John Parker, Vice-president
Ed Sikes, Secretary
Samuel Richwine, Treasurer
John Agnew
Glenn Arbery
Clinton Ashford
Ben Beazley
Marshall Berry
William Bowden
John Carter
Ralph Chewning
Charles Christian
Frank Dempsey
Donald Epley
David Fairfield
Frederick Gleaton
Kenneth Goodrum
Ernest Graham
Robert Holmes
Fredric Irving
Henry Johnson
Bruce Kennedy
Robert Killian
Barry Lourie
William Maddox
Fred Manget
Thomas Mason
Dawson Mathews
Kirk Mayberry
Thomas Miller
Alan Mills
Barry Mitzner
James Mullins
David Muschell
Carroll McGuffey
Andy Norman
Rodney Norman
Ray Paris
Craig Parker
John Parker
William Phillippe
Lee Plunkett
Thomas Prior
Jonathan Rapaport
Samuel Richwine
Ralph Riddle
Mark Rivkin
James Roberts
William Rowe
Terry Rudder
Art Ryder
William Steele
Ellis Sikes
John Smith
Howard Sowers
Stephen Steinberg
Clyde Taylor
Winslow Verdery
Charles Wells
James Young
An honarary scholastic sorority for freshman women
Pam Wooten, President
Ann Hailey, Vice-president
Melinda Flatt, Secretary
Virginia Miller, Treasurer
Paula Adams
Mary Applegate
Meredith Artley
Pamela Avery
Carol Barfield
Linna Barnes
Susan Barnes
Jane Barton
Judy Bateman
Faye Becker
Marilyn Benbenisty
Katherine Blissit
Bonnie Bowers
Angie Brackett
Kathy Bradley
Mary Bretz
Mary Burnet
Lexie Bush
Julie Carnes
Linda Chafin
Ellen Christian
Carol Clark
Nancy Cline
Deborah Cobb
Erica Cochran
Cathy Coleman
Kathryn Collier
Marie Craig
Karen Davey
Lane Davis
Marguerite Davis
Sandra Davis
Angela Deaton
Mary Eiland
Elizabeth Flatt
Melynda Flatt
Frances Freeman
Andra Fregosi
Margaret Frowein
Patricia Gamble
Susan Gibson
Mary Giddens
Ann Hailey
Nancy Harbin
Nancy Harder
Cassandra Harris
Jennifer Hawkins
Barbara Hester
Beth Howard
Carolyn James
Mary James
Catherine Jarrell
Denise Jennings
Ann Jones
Sandra Keim
Kathy Kingston
Susan Kirkland
Paula Lane
Alice Lovejoy
Frances Manning
Pamela Martinson
Marsha Massey
Rachel McCallum
Doris McCowan
Carole McGee
Anna McLane
Linda McMath
Janet McNew
Nancy McNeil
Nancy Merritt
Virginia Miller
Linda Nelms
Melanie Newton
Deborah Noell
Patricia Oakes
Helen Palmer
Martha Phillips
Marian Queen
Margaret Ransbotham
Patricia Richwine
Carol Roberts
Maria Rodriquez
Renee Sackler
Ellen Safier
Judith Sanders
Susan Shaver
Harriet Shayne
Mary Shelbe
Elizabeth Shrum
Teresa Singletary
Jo Anne Smith
Terry Smith
Sharon Spratlin
Sharyn Stansell
Mary Stein
Patricia Stumhofer
Barbara Susmill
Sandra Taylor
Patricia Thompson
Sharon Tyson
Margaret Watson
Susan Welch
Annette Whitlow
Mary Whitton
Carolyn Williams
Deborah Williams
Pamela Wooten
The highest honor a freshman woman can attain
Mary Sullivan, President
Becky Partain, Vice-president
Mary Anne James, Secretary
Nancy Merritt, Treasurer
Peggy Ahrenhold
Dana Howard
Mary Anne James
Sandy Keim
Ginny McColl
Doris McCowen
Gail McMullan
Nancy Merritt
Becky Partain
Mary Sullivan
A national leadership fraternity for men
Tommy Lyons, President
Frank Petroski, Vice-president
Kyle Brannon, Secretary
John Albright
Joe Belew
Kyle Brannon
Price Corr
Cader Cox
Sam Dickson
Mike Donovan
Mitch Flitchum
Brooks Franklin
Tom Hamby
Earl Harris
Bob Hurley
Richard Lindemann
Tommy Lyons
Malcolm McArthur
Dink Nesmith
Frank Petroski
Randall Seabolt
Terry Smith
Terry Sullivan
Jerry Walker
Jim Watrous
Robbie Williams
Mike Wright
Robert Hunter, President
David Muschamp, Vice-president
Mike Thomas, Secretary
Ham Ansley
Kyle Brannan
Larry Carson
Cecil Cheves
Cader Cox
Tommy Craig
Bill Darby
Allan Eidson
Dick Gayle
Don Gilmore
Bill Griffin
Tom Hamby
Glenn Hobbs
Robert Hunter
Bob Hurley
Rich Jacobson
Jeff Muir
David Muschamp
Scott Owens
Al Pearson
Doug Peters
Steve Smith
Tony Smith
Steve Stewart
Terry Sullivan
Pat Swindall
Mike Thomas
Jim Watrous
Mike Webster
Joel Wooten
Mike Wright
The highest scholastic honor a junior woman can attain
Linda Ritter, President
Ruthie Curtis, Treasurer
Norma Blackstone
Lora Cartelli
Ruth Curtis
Irma James
Mary Judge
Gretchen Logan
Charlotte Moore
Marilyn Oppenheim
Teresa Riggs
Linda Ritter
Pamela Slaten
Sharon Whitley
An honorary organization to promote school spirit
An honorary pre-medical fraternity
Berry Fowler, President
Jack Gilley, Vice-president
Howard Royal, Secretary
Lucy Vidal, Treasurer
Bruce Allen
David Ballard
Phillip Beegle
Hugh Barrow
James Braselton
Harvey Brown
Edmund Byne
Kenneth Campbell
Larry Carson
Marsha Clark
Robert Conger
John Corr
William Darby
Ben Deal
William Decker
Richard Dittman
Stuart Dobbs
Calvin Dudley
David Fieseler
Donald Fortner
Berry Fowler
Janis Gatlin
Jack Gilley
Ronald Gladden
Linda Hall
Linda Hecht
Robert House
Gregory Hughes
Larry Isaacson
Stacey Johnston
Howard Kaplan
Nicholas Knight
David Kulbersh
Paul Kulbersh
Richard Limbird
William Loyd
Michael Mobley
Thomas Mundy
Charles Newberry
Robert Olliff
William Owens
Terry Parkman
William Pearson
Robert Pease
Bruce Perlman
Don Richerson
Phillip Rigdon
Scott Ross
Howard Royal
Irvin Seeman
Frances Segars
Douglas Sharpton
Charles Stafford
Stacey Story
Thomas Talton
James Tanner
William Tebeau
Lucy Vidal
Wesley Wadsworth
Michael Webster
Michael Whitlow
Wendal Williams
Steven Wing
Edward Winn
John Hotard, President
Stephen Kandul, Secretary
Jim Whatley, Treasurer
Larry Carson
Frank Carter
Bruce Edwards
Mike Hahn
Carter Hudson
Woody Hunt
Barry Ladd
Steven Patrick
Tommy Patterson
Bill Phillippee
Steve Scnuette
Ron Womack
Joel Wooten
Mike Wright
A service sorority for women
Judy Bateman, President
Barbara Coley, Vice-president
Linda Fleming, Secretary
Nan Freeman, Treasurer
Lea Ayers
Bobbie Bagwell
Jackie Botts
Diane Caldwell!
Terri Clark
Elaine Clay
Barbara Coley
Anne Combs
Becky Cronister
Anne Davis
Jan Deas
Carol Fleenor
Linda Fleming
Nan Fleming
Kathy Guy
Diane Harris
Janis Holt
Frances Hutcherson
Mallory Langan
Susan Lasseter
Lois Latham
Rene McMahan
Marilyn Miller
Kathy Miracle
Claire Moore
Cheryl Mumford
Dottie Sewell
Peggy Shiver
Terri Singletary
Veronica Smith
Kathy Walsh
Joanna Warenzak
Donna Williams
Linda Woo
A national honorary service fraternity for men
Earl Harris, President
Micheal Donovan, Vice-president
Andy Seary, Secretary
Stan Singleton, Treasurer
Bill Bailey
Tom Boydston
Kyle Branan
Glenn Butler
Lawrence Camp
Mike Casper
Mike Castronis
Price Corr
Cader Cox
Mike Donovan
Robert Fortson
Brooks Franklin
Nelson Garnett
Tom Hamby
Earl Harris
Bob Hurley
Tommy Lyons
Malcolm McArthur
Ted Ouzts
Sonny Perdue
Frank Petroski
Martin Pinckney
Zack Rice
Randall Seabolt
Andy Seery
Andy Scherff ius
Stan Singleton
Terry Smith
Jim Watrous
Mike Webster
Robert Williams
Mike Willoughby
Mike Wright
The highest honor a freshman or sophomore male cari receive
Pat Swindall, President
Joe Fowler, Secretary
Frank Butler, Treasurer
John Albright
Bill Bradbury
Kyle Branan
Bob Brussack
Frank Butler
Jim Butler
Jim Callison
Mike Castronis
Bill Condon
Price Corr
Cader Cox
Ed Dunbar
Don Epley
Joe Fowler
Ronnie Garber
Don Gilmore
Gene Haley
Robert Hunter
Bob Hurley
Tom Landrum
Bill Langley
Alan Levow
Fred Manget
Alan Manheim
Malcolm McArthur
Tim Mundy
David Muschamp
Ray Nelson
Charles Orck
Ray Paris
Steve Patrick
Al Pearson
Victor Pena
Sam Richwine
Tommy Rogers
Andy Scherffius
Randall Seabolt
Steve Smith
Tony Smith
Steve Stewart
Terry Sullivan
Pat Swindall
Bob Tritt
Jim Watrous
Mike Webster
Joel Wooten
Mike Wright
Jim Wyatt
A fraternity for social and philanthropic development
Alan Aaron
Tom Appelt
Mark Armstrong
Larry Bixler
Bruce Brown
Ken Burger
Danny Burgsteiner
Charles Craig
Tim Davis
Walt Fowler
Ed Gay
Bob Gibson
Steve Gibson
Gary Gill
Jack Hancock
Scott Hays
Tom Holcombe
Ben Hester
Phil Holcombe
Glenn Hobbs
Hugh Howard
Mark Hutts
Ken Hordan
Jim Keifer
Bill Lancaster
David Langston
Robert Lindley
Ray Maddox
Jim Maret
Randy Mateling
Bell McLean
Hoyt Morris
Bill Munn
Mike Nunn
Hugh Pitts
Gene Pope
Jim Rathman
Alvin Tillman
Rob Thompson
Randy Thornton
Nelson Tomblin
Chandler Ward
Roger Ward
H. T. Weaver
Jeff Wood
Jim Wyatt
Mike Wright
A national service fraternity
Robert Crout, President Mike Adams
H. T. Weaver, Vice-president Ridges
Phil Holcombe, Vice-president j^GoXn0"
Bill O'Donnell, Corresponding Secretary Mike Hahn
Rob Holmes, Recording Secretary Lee House
Tom McBrayer, Treasurer chuckPeach
Kevin Tuttle, Historian
Dan Pelletier
Pace Pruitt
Lee Reese
Dave Rice
Mike Scott
Sam Smith
John Dankel, advisor
Ted Hammock, advisor
Bob Hurley, President; Mike Willoughby, Vice-president; Dee Dee Baggs,
Price Corr, President
Joel Wooten, Vice-president
Tom Hamby, Treasurer
Betty Johnson, Recording Secretary
Holly Bellinger, Corresponding Secretary
Home Economics Pharmacy
Peggy Ahrenhold
Mary Ann James
Pam Avery
Myra Blackmon
Barbara Boulware
Charles Henderson
Betty Johnson
Kenneth Duckworth
Robert Dale Jones
Arts and Sciences
David Alonso
Price Corr
Wally Czura
Mary Alice Green
Steve Mahon
Pat Mattson
Salliann Messenger
Hugh Ruppersburg
Philip Thompson
Claudia Trammell
Margaret Ann Watson
Mick Anderson
Jane Barton
Holly Bellinger
Linda Chafin
Jim Callison
Matt Crews
Bubba Fowler
Nancy McNeil
Nancy Merritt
Tim Mundy
Wyn Nash
Becky Partain
Jim Purcell
Sam Richwine
Terry Sullivan
Pat Swindall
Janice Ward
Business Administration
Danny Amos
David Burch
Frank Butler
Steve Dye Aprile Matthews BobTritt
Charles Hunnicutt Stu McGarity Joel Wooten
John Hutto Scott Owens Mike Wright
Robert Hunter
Rich Jacobson
Bill Langley
Sallie Capers
Laura Goodyear
Nancy Harbin
Joy Ledbetter
Ellen Luke
Pam Wooten
Mary Boswell
John Curlee
Carol Ethridge
Betty Gaston
Harriet Hagan
Vesta Owens
Julie Short
Vicki Van Vleck
Environmental Design
Graduate School
Bill Andrew James Baldwin James Riordan
Raymond Goodwin Pat Gallagher Carlton Arnold
Jimmy Sheriff
r_____I r, Edward Bennis
Forest Resources
Robert Izlar
Bill Jones
Veterinary Medicine
Law School
Dave Richards
John Bell
Robert Davis
Kyle Brannan
Danny Castellaw
Tom Hamby
The voice for Russell Hall residents
Steven Patrick, President
Mike David, Vice-president
Mike Kestner, Secretary
Jim Langford, Treasurer
David Carpin
Douglas Eaves
Clarence Gooden
David Hart
Vic Hawk
John Harvey
Scott Hilley
Alex Johnson
Richard Kelly
Larry King
Bill McCalley
Thomas McLaughlin
Walt Munikisen
Al Obert
Russell Plunkett
Alan Reddish
Billy Sharpton
Roger Sinyard
Dasher Stewart
Lawson F. Thompson III
Edward Trice
John Varner
Ed Walker
Andrew Whalen
The voice for on-campus housing residents
Carol Clark, Co-chairman
Mike Hahn, Co-chairman
Carol Hawkins, Corresponding Secretary
Anne Murray, Recording Secretary
Linda Butson, Treasurer
Diane Beales
Pam Brunsvold
Charlie Duncan
Pam Faletti
Ken Hall
Riki Jowers
Tommy Kuhn
Nancy Lineback
John Longino
Gary Nelson
Steven Patrick
Diana Rineer
Sue Thompson
Janice Ward
An organization to find solutions to the problems of married students
Patrick Skees, President
Allan Sproles, Vice-president
Ginny Van Dussen, Secretary
Kenneth Buxton Irene Lopp
Dan Fowler Jerry Lopp
Nelson Garnett Kenneth Shore
Don Kaple Nelda Shore
Marion Kaple Jim Spooner
An organization linking the Georgia Campus and the Baptist Church
Hoyt Morris, President
Deborah Parker, Vice-president
Cathy Turner, Sec.-Treasurer
Becky Baggett
Emily Barnhill
Tony Cartledge
jerry Christenson
Carol Hawkins
Sarah Lanier
Tom Lowery
Faye McBurnett
Frank McDuffie
Sally McGee
Kathi Misenhamer
Hoyt Morris
Deborah Parker
Jerry Rigby
Linda Smith
Cathy Turner
An organization for university students and faculty of the Jewish faith
Bruce Rubin, President Faye Lamhut, Internal Vice-president
Linda Schandler, Asst, to the President Michael Blaise, Social Chairman
Stanley Gottlieb, Roving Vice-president Jon Rapaport, Accountant
Susan Fields, Accountant
An organization to serve Catholics of the University Community
Joseph Holohan O.F.M., Chaplain
Victor Pena, President
Peggy Bacon
Cindie Cook
David Crowe
Marjorie Danowski
Tom Dinnan
John Dugan
John Rives
The coordinating body for South Campus organizations
Sheena Harrington, President
Bill Jones, Vice-president
Sandra Dickerson, Secretary
Keith Barnett
Cathy Branch
Kyle Branan
Dennis Clark
Sandra Dickerson
Charlene Edwards
Charles Hall
Tom Hamby
Becky Hanvey
Sheena Harrington
Bob Izlar
Bill Jones
Jerry Johnson
Larry Persue
Jeff Peterson
Bobby Reich
Jerry Timmons
Donnie Wilburn
Betty Young
The highest honor a student can achieve in the schools of Ag, Forestry, or Vet Medicine
Mitch Flinchum, President
Sonny Perdue, Vice-president
Kyle Branan, Secretary
Tom Hamby, Treasurer
Tom Arndt Nelson Garrett Sonny Perdue
Kyle Branan Tom Hamby Frank Petroski
Mitch Flinchum Earl Harris Terry Smith
An honorary agricultural service fraternity
Larry White, President
Tom Hamby, Vice-president
Richard Robinson, Secretary
Stan Brown, Treasurer
James Beasley Kyle Branan
Ansley Bennett Glen Brewer
John Betts Stan Brown
Lawrence Camp
Dennis Cassidy
Douglas Garrison
Harold Gillespie
Gary Glover
Ronny Goodson
Roy Goodson
Errol Graham
Wayne Graham
Charley Hall
Tom Hamby
Steve Hickey
Joel Hudgins
Bob Izlar
Richard Johnson
Ed Jones
William Jones
James Kimsey
Leon Langley
Wally Majure
Henry McFarland
William McGlau
Ted McMillan
Franklin Pack
A. J. Redford
Rodney Reese
Bobby Rish
Richard Robinson
Randal Smith
Henry Way
Larry White
David Wise
John Worley
An organization open to students interested in agronomy
Jerry Timmons, President
Bobby Rish, Vice-president
James Kimsey, Secretary
Wayne Fordham, Treasurer
Joel Hudgins, Reporter
Bonnie Kelly, Sweetheart
Ralph Allen
Wayne Balkcom
Tito Beca
Cecil Campbell
Terry Coffelt
John Coyne
Larry Curry
Craig Daughtry
Ronald Deen
Douglas Ellis
Doug Garrison
Frank Gilliland
Ronny Goodson
Roy Goodson
Wendell Graham
Harold Haerle
Terrell Jenkins
Bobby Jones
Roger Lawrence
Louis Newsome
A. J. Radford
Jimmy Rich
Chris Smith
David Ulfib
David Weaver
An organization for students interested in animal science
John McCormick, President
Ben Martin, Vice-president
Forrest Griffeth, Secretary
Mike Banks, Treasurer
Mike Adams
Mike Banks
Ades Caldwell
Kathy Caldwell
Bob Chastain
David Davis
Gerald Floyd
Angus Fowler
Bruce Fowler
Farrest Griffeth
Larry Hadden
Jet Jackson
Delores Keuze
Jack Lindsey
Ben Martin
John McCormick
Joel Peters
David Pitts
Paul Porter
Walt Prickett
Susan Purdy
Don Richmond
Roger Sinyard
Jack Spriall
Wayne Tankerley
John Tiller
Laurence Vick
Randy Williams
Ray Williams
An organization for students interested in 4-H
Mickey Anderson, President
Donna Adkerson, Vice-president
Dee Harden, Vice-president
Becky Pennell, Secretary
David Weatherford, Treasurer
Donna Adkerson
Mickey Anderson
Steve Barnes
Gayle Bone
James Bramblett
Cathy Branch
Joe Brewer
Amy Burch
Donna Burton
Jane Caldwell
Pat Caldwell
Priscilla Childers
Tommy Davis
Charlene Edwards
Danny Ellis
Susan Everett
Kay Fuller
Carol Green
Don Griffeth
Charles Hall
Dee Harden
David Harrell
Sandi Ison
Teresa Ison
George Lee
Darrell Lowery
Carole McGee
Angela Nelms
Joan Norton
Becky Pennell
Jimmy Perry
Mike Poole
Walter Reeves
Mary Smith
Becky Spight
Kathy Stephens
Jim Stowe
Ronnie Snuggs
Charles Thomas
Ken Walker
David Weatherford
Johnny Wood
An agricultural periodical
Kyle Branan, Editor
Judy Bateman, Assistant Editor
Charlene Edwards, Managing Editor
Sam Smith, Business Manager
Shirley Dubose, Organizations
Carol Green, Women's Editor
David LeVie, Photography
Danny Ellis, Circulation
James Bramblett
Jane Caldwell
Charles Hall
Debbie Knight
Jimmy Rich
David Weatherford
An organization to extend interest in ag engineering studies
Ben Williams, President
Henry McFarland, Vice-president
Don Mott, Secretary
Anita Jackson, Treasurer
Richard Acree
Tommy Allen
John Andrews
David Aspinwall
Mac Balkom
Jack Barnes
Barney Beasley
John Betts
Hugh Blankenship
Daniel Campbell
Adhir Datta
Thomas Deal
Thomas Dickerson
Sidney Durham
Jackie Fussell
Harold Gillespie
Carneth Goff
Tom Hamby
Richard Hanley
David Hatcher
Jimmy Hill
Joseph Humphrey
Stanley Hutchinson
Ronald Ingram
Elizabeth Jackson
Gary Jackson
Najmudin Jesani
Ed Jones
Clayton Mabry
James McElroy
Larry McEver
James McMillan
Garland Moon
Kenneth Obennauf
James Pearman
William Poole
Ricky Peterson
Clyde Phillips
Rodney Reese
Gustavo Restrepo
Richard Rodgers
Lewis Rossman
James Smith
James Sowell
Jerry Stephens
James Thomason
Larry Wheeler
James Williams
Walter Wills
John Wolf
John Worley
An organization for students interested in the dairy sciences
Kenneth Howard, President
Alan Place, Vice-president
Jeanette Jackson, Secretary
John Thornton, Treasurer
Jim Byrns
Earl Connolly
Bill Dell
Alfred Dening
Sandy Ellsworth
Steve Floyd
James Forrest
Herb Gibson
Stanley Gottlieb
Rich Hohenhausen
Ken Howard
Jeanette Jackson
Bill Johnson
Robert Linnertz
Richard Maniscalco
John McCahon
Gary Mulson
Peggy Perkins
Alan Place
Angel Quintero
Miguel Ruiz
Jim Smith
John Thornton
Gail Tilton
Clay Washburn
An organization for students interested in the food sciences
Jeffery Peterson, President
Gregory Halloran, Vice-president
Dolores Kunze, Secretary
Richard Johnson, Treasurer
William Ayres
Richard Burman
George Bloodworth
Peter Brooks
Stephen Collins
Terry Conklin
Timothy Czupryna
Frederick Hail
Sheena Harrington
Paul Keide
David Maynard
Doris Miller
Robert Phillips
Eric Richman
Raymond Rogers
John Trembly
Michael Voigt
An organization for students interested in horticulture
Stuart Spencer, President
Rick Oelschig, Vice-president
Herb Plankton, Sec.-treasurer
Gary Couvillon, Advisor
Margaret Akery Clark Brisby
Olivia Broome Dennis Cassidy
James Davis
Donna Denman
Randall Drickard
Robert Dyer
Fred Fladd
Steve Flagg
Neal Gillis
Gary Glover
Charles Hall
David Holmes
Warren Holton
Jimmy Howell
Dale Johnson
Mike Kennedy
A. M. Keshavakz
Richard Kimmich
Donald Lloyd
Philip McCabe
Julia McClure
Manuel Mello
Bill Messina
Priscilla Mierek
Lane Mongold
Tom Niel
Fred Oelschig
Al Pearson
Darlene Pensado
Herb Plankinton
Robert Rice
William Robbins
Arthur Rounsaville
Marty Sirkin
Bill Sitts
Stu Spencer
Nancy Trapnell
Richard Winus
An organization to boost interest in poultry science
Kyle Branan, President
Donnie Wilburn, Vice-president
Debbie Staiger, Secretary
Sam Smith, Treasurer
Magdi Abkel-Malek
Mamdoul Armanious
Kyle Branan
Joe Brice
Danid Cantrell
Donald Carnes
Larry Chaney
Albert Devitto
Gail Eular
Gary Gilpatrick
Frank Haley
Frank Hardy
Carl Janney
Ki Ho Kang
Jeff Kass
Doris Miller
Doug Nix
Jimmy Perry
John Rice
Bill Sexton
Bill Smith
Terry Smith
Debby Staiger
Joe Stubblefield
Donnie Wilburn
A professional organization for home economics majors
Sandra Dickerson, President
Ann Simpson, First Vice-president
Joan Turrentine, Second Vice-president
Debbie Williams, Secretary
Linda Harvell, Treasurer
Donna Adkerson
Peggi Alford
Cathy Anderson
Sally Arnold
Linda Bankson
Ann Benkoski
Patty Bisbort
Laura Black
Gayle Bone
Julie Boyd
Cathy Branch
Beth Bridgers
Linda Brogdon
Bonnie Brown
Amy Burch
Dorothy Byrd
Jane Caldwell
Vivian Cartwright
Priscilla Childers
Shirley Christian
Lawana Clark
Myra Cloer
Sally Cox
Gail Darby
Shirley Dubose
Charlotte Dufford
Beverly Dyer
Mary Ellis
Mary Freeman
Nancy Frierson
Kay Fuller
Mary Fulp
Lynn Gamble
Carol Green
Marilyn Green
Margo Greenberg
Teresa Hancock
Becky Hanvey
Delinda Harden
Donna Harde
Luck Hendrix
Judy Herrin
Janet Holliday
Barbara Hoover
Kay Hubert
Mary Huff
Martha James
Mary Ann James
Kay Jobson
Pat Jones
Cassie Kelly
Mallery Knee
Rebecca Knighton
Margaret Lawless
Sue LeMay
Miriam Lunsford
Angela McDonald
LaDelle McGee
Particia McGee
Sally McGee
Marian McKaig
Jane McKinney
Jane Maffett
Mary Jo Markham
Shirley Martin
Marria Mattox
Peni Miller
Faye Mitcham
Betty Sue Moon
Betty Moore
Georgia Ann O'Steen
Cindy Parsell
Donna Pass
Barbara Ann Peele
Becky Pennell
Sarah Jane Phillips
Linda Poole
Nancy Purcell
Alicia Ray
Jane Reynolds
Glenda Richardson
Linda Sale
Wanda Sanders
Eleanor Schaltenbrand
Cathy Schmidt
Sandy Sexton
Sandra Shelton
Paula Shurl ing
Mary Smith
Kaye Stanley
Sue Stephens
Joyce Stephens
Ann Stowe
Betsy Stroefer
Barbara Sutherland
Paula Taylor
Patricia Thornton
Martha Thornton
Alice Ticwell
Cathy Turner
Carolyn Ward
Johnnie Kay Webb
Wanda Weeks
Freida Westbrook
Kristine Wheeler
Nancy Whitehead
Sally Williams
Carolyn Willis
A professional home economics fraternity
Linda Bankson, President
Cathie Combs, Vice-president
Sue Stephens, Secretary
Sally McGee, Treasurer
Linda Bankson
Julia Boyd
Cathie Combs
Charlene Edwards
Jeanne Gobel
Carol Green
Dee Harden
Donna Hatcher
Judy Herrin
Sally McGee
Rebecca Motz
Alicia Ray
Glenda Richardson
Eleanor Schaltenbrand
Freda Shines
Ann Simpson
Sue Stephens
Pat Taylor
Louise Turner
Nancy Whitehead
An honorary organization for students in Political Science
Ray Tilley, President
Gary Yates, Vice-president
Linda Woodward, Secretary
John Scoville, Treasurer
Edward Anderson
Antonio Angel
Thomas Archibald
Michael C. Ashley
Howard Benson
Ed Bradley
Mary Braxton
Terry Bryant
Hardin Byars
Clayton Chandler
Julie Childs
William Cody
Edward Conner
Candida Coulon
Wally Czura
Donna Dupree
Galal Fakhr El Din
Jack Ethredge
Phil Evans
Pat Finley
Loretta Flanders
Thomas Gallant
Charles Gatlin
Edward Grandis
Warren Grice
Carroll Griffin
Linda Holder
John Holt
Polly Hoover
John Hullender
Deborah Hunt
James Jones
Connie King
Bob Lavender
Kenneth Lowery
Jeff McDougal
Lesley Mansur
Wyn Nash
Robert Neilson
Terry Patterson
Larry Prince
Russell Quaterman
Tyrone Ragsdale
Margaret Redd
Mike Reeves
Ann Robertson
Steve Rose
John Scoville
Stephen Segrest
Kay Sessions
Victor Shernoff
Robert Stancil
Dyke Tatum
James Temples
Ray Tilley
George Weinberger
Judson Whatley
Linda Woodward
Gary Yates
An honorary sorority for students majoring in Education
Nancy Yarbrough, President
Peggy Bloodworth, First Vice-president
Linda Wilkes, Second Vice-president
Freida Schonthal, First Secretary
Lora Paschal, Second Secretary
Donna King, Treasurer
Janice Bateman
Peggy Bloodworth
Sandra Bramblet
Dee Butler
Miriam Carver
Betty Chambers
Erica Cochran
Karen Cochran
Jan Cox
Faye Daube
Elaine Ellison
Patricia Finley
Cecilia Galiani
Fran Goloman
Ouida Good
Barbara Hale
Carol Hoelzer
Irma James
Lynn Kantsiper
Donna King
Lynda Maxwell
Nancy Nutt
Melba O'Neal
Lora Paschal
Freida Schonthal
Laine Siegel
Patricia Thompson
Sheryl Watson
Linda Wilkes
Judith Williams
Deborah Williams
Nancy Yarbrough
A professional advertising fraternity for men
Phillip Turner, President
Paul Thompson, Vice-president
Steve Altman, Secretary
Ken Baldowski, Treasurer
Bob Addleton
Steve Bassett
Heyward Baxter
Bill Blankinship
James Bradley
Mike Carbonell
Pete Carnes
Carlton Curtis
Steve Elkins
Steve Ellis
Claude Felton
Danny Galpin
Jay Gerba
Julian Gill
Joe Harbson
David Harrell
Jerry Hayes
Tommy Jackson
Randy Lacienski
Dan McClure
Frazer Moore
Bruce Park
Eddy Staton
Hal Vaughn
Bruce Whitaker
An honorary fraternity for accounting majors
Bill McLendon, President
Terry Chapel, Vice-president
Gail Coutcher, Secretary
Tim Bailey, Treasurer
Khalid Abdullah
John Adams
William Boyd
Linda Caldwell
Glenn Carew
Michael Cassell
James Chambers
Jerry Clements
Julian Cloud
Curtis Collins
Michael Collins
Kenneth Couch
John Crosby
J. E. Davis
Dale Davidson
David Deariso
Lee Driggers
Jasper Elmore
Charles Evans
Paul Freeman
Winston Freeman
Bill Ghegan
Robert Hamilton
Horace Harrell
Joe Harrington
Richard Hayes
David Jeffords
Elston Johnson
Bill Lankford
Robert Largen
Gladys Lyon
May Lytle
Delores Martin
John McCray
Patrick McFall
James McLaughlin
Robert Morgan
Robert Nicholson
Victor Pena
Aileen Ponder
Jack Powell
James Price
Tim Sasser
Arnold Scharnitzky
Jimmy Sheriff
Robert Smalley
Henry Surum
Henry Swann
Chris Underwood
Andrew Varreck
James Wall
Larry Whitaker
Aria Young
An honorary society for business students
r. James Gates, President
r. Ray Grimes, Vice-president
r. Edward Selby, Secretary-Treasurer
The purpose of this society shall be to encourage and reward
scholarship and accomplishment among students of business
administration, to promote the advancement of education in the
art and science of business, and to foster integrity in the conduct
of business operations.
An organization to promote communication within the college of Business Administration
Mike Wright, President
Bob Tritt, Vice-president
Stu McGarity, Vice-president
Frank Butler, Secretary
Scott Owens, Member-at-Large
Danny Amos
Phil Benefield
Lawrence Benson
David Burch
Frank Butler
Steve Dye
Walt Hall
Robert Hunter
Mike Hogue
John Hutto
Betty Isakson
David Joesbury
Bill Lamb
Bill Langley
Chuck Lanier
April Mathews
Bill McClendon
Stu McGarity
Larry Mosteller
Wilbur Mull
Scott Offen
Scott Owens
Victor Pena
Andy Seery
Cliff Soule
Bob Tritt
Mary Turner
Jim Watrous
Joel Wooten
Mike Wright
An organization encompassing all phases of electronic media
A professional society for students in Journalism
Bob Brussack, President
Camilla Howe, Vice-president
Nancy Hall, Secretary
Glen Wisenbaker, Treasurer
Robbi Blanton
Fred Burger
Ronnie Campbell
Chuck Cooper
Claudia Coplon
Tom Crawford
Steve Ellis
Robert Friedman
Blake Giles
Bob Giles
Alan Griggs
Randy Harber
Douglas Hatch
Charles Hayslett
Sam Heyes
John Holliman
Jon Hunt
Chris Jones
Sharyn Kane
Rebecca Leet
Jack Leigh
Penny Mickelbury
Mitch Mitchell
Doug Monroe
David Patterson
Chuck Perry
George Prikle
Ted Rowland
Lucinda Short
Steve Stewart
W. F. Taft
Patrice Walters
Chuck Warren
Ken Willis
Gwen Yawn
An honorary society for women in journalism
Becky Holcombe, President Cynthia Van Alystyne
Cynthia VanAlystyne, Vice-president {{SKSkin
Gwen Yawn, Secretary Nancy Bunker
Maxine Clark, Treasurer Maxine Clark
Terry Fetner
Nancy Hall
Becky Holcombe
Cyndi Hawk
Julianne Kaiser
Sharyn Kane
Teresa Moen
Amy Mosley
Lynne Pressley
Jo Ann Rock
Diane Sekeres
Cindy Short
Mary Stein
Patrice Walters
Marilou Wier
Gwen Yawn
An honorary professional advertising fraternity for women

Barbara Boulware, President
Jo Ann Rock, Vice-president
Lynne Pressley, Secretary
Emily England, Treasurer
Pam Avery
Dee Benson
Barbara Boulware
Debbi Dimond
Inez Dozier
Emily England
Alice Garrard
Becky Holcombe
Brant Jackson
Laura Lee Keller
Kathy Liffew
Donna McLeod
Lynne Pressley
Gail Robertson
Jo Ann Rock
Phyllis Royster
Diane Sanders
Carroll Travis
Cynthia Van Alstyne
Delaine Wheeler
An organization for students in public relations
Bill Decker
Terry Fetner
Patsy Gunter
Jerry Hayes
Andrea Helms
Charles Henderson
Becky Holcomb
Tommy Jackson
Juliann Kaiser
Susan Lester
Alice Lovejoy
Mary Mize
Donna McLeod
Elaine McNeal
Chuck McPherson
Wanda Neville
Rick Gower, President
Steve Ellis, Vice-president
Emily England, Secretary
Marguerite Allgood, Treasurer
Bob Addleton
Pam Avery
Ken Baldowski
Judy Bateman
Joe Belew
Bill Blankenship
Harriet Brown
Sally Bunker
Nora Cook
Chuck Cooper
Carlton Curtis
Den Davis
Leslie Davis
Lynn Pressley
Karen Sammons
Eugene Scialdone
Donnell Smith
Mahla Swinford
Mike Swinford
Barry Walker
Noel Walker
A professional business fraternity for women
Mary Alice Turner, President
May Burton Lytle, Vice-president
Reeda Rubin, Secretary
Gail Robers, Treasurer
Marilyn Baker
Carolyn Baylor
Judy Daniel
Donna Everett
Maxine Kassel man
Debbie Knight
May Burton Lytle
Delores Jean Martin
Paula Nickerson
Susan Radford
Rose Marie Robinson
Dianne Rogers
Reeda Rubin
Julia Sams
Jenan Shriver
Linda Simon
Sheila Thomas
Mary Alice Turner
Kathy Weisbach

A professional organization for pharmacy majors
Ron Fackler, President
Glynn Tauton, Vice-president
John Fields, Secretary
Sue Spence, Corresponding Secretary
Barbara Goodwin, Treasurer
Barry Bilbo, Parliamentarian
Michael Akins
Clarence Allen
David Arrington
Jerry Beckler
Robert Beightol
Barry Bilbro
John Bland
Joan Boatright
Martin Bremer
Wayne Brown
Henry Bussey
Dianne Callaway
Susan Cameron
Emile Carr
Lisa Cecchini
Joseph Clay
Linda Clifton
Marc Cohen
Marguerite Coldren
James Cook
James Davidson
Jerry Davis
Robert Deal
Grant Dooley
Kenneth Buckworth
John Dukes
Arnold Ellis
Randy Ellison
Lee Evans
William Fackler
John Fields
Philip Fortner
Sue Foss
Theron Fox
James Gay
Tony Gay
Robert Gibson
William Giddens
Ronald Gillespie
Michael Godfrey
Barbara Goodwin
William Gragg
William Grant
Joseph Greene
Robert Grey
Mary Griffin
Bonnie Gurr
Dan Harris
Rita Harvey
William Henderson
James Higgins
Ronald Hogan
Woody Hogan
Larry Holt
Guy Howard
Bruce Huckaby
Michael Jackson
Robert Johnston
Tony Kelley
Ralph Kitchens
Herman Lambert
Doug Landrum
Wayne Lankford
Richard Larson
Charles Lolt
Helen Low
John McManus
Emma Martin
Richard Morris
Larry Moseley
Janet Neal
Larry Parkman
Fredrick Peterson
Allen Phillips
Charles Posey
Joseph Price
Woodrow Proveaux
Ronald Rains
Danny Redden
Vernon Reddish
Kenneth Rasier
Lee Rountree
Charles Rouse
Darrell Sammons
George Saunders
Robert Shiver
Andrew Smith
Lawrence Smith
Sue Spence
James Stansell
Willie Still
Glynn Taunton
John Thompson
Sandra Thompson
Jane Threadgill
Ronnie Thrift
Alvin Tillman
William Turner
Fred Underwood
Royce Veal
Jerry Walker
Michael Ward
Robert Ward
Charles Weart
Benjamin Wheeler
William Whitaker
Alan White
Victoria White
Mitzi Whitmire
Ronnie Williams
Guy Wilson
James Wilson
Charles Wood
A pharmaceutical fraternity
Ronnie Williams, President
John Fields, Vice-president
Francis Lankford, Rec. Secretary
Kenneth Rosier, Cor. Secretary
Walter White, Treasurer
Thomas Needham, Advisor
Sandra Thompson, Sweetheart
Ellis Arnold
David Barber
Barry Bilbro
William Bomar
Martin Bremer
Wayne Brown
Michael Brunson
Kenneth Duckworth
John Dukes
Roswell Evans
Theron Fox
William Ciddens
Ronald Gillespie
Perry Griffin
James Hinton
Larry Holt
Robert Johnson
Robert Jones
Herman Lambert
Franklin Landrum
Ray Maddox
Joseph McDaniel
John McManus
Donald Miller
Richard Morris
Larry Moseley
Lowe Parrish
Wallace Partridge
Nevel Phillips
Woodrow Proveaux
Vernon Reddish
Lee Roundtree
Charles Rouse
Edward Sammons
Gregory Shealy
Gene Smith
Lawrence Stockton
Perry Streat
Joseph Summer
Elwon Taunton
John Thompson
Ronnie Thrift
Candler Walls
Guy Wilson
James Wilson
A professional pharmaceutical fraternity
Randy Wheeler, President
Ron Fackler, Vice-president
John Bland, Secretary
Charles Posey, Treasurer
Charles Bennett
Robert Benson
Sims Benson
Earl Blackstock
Charles Brooker
John Bland
William Fackler
John Finlay
Michael Gigandet
Stanley Gilbert
Robert Giles
Alvin Graham
Calhoun Harris
David Hawkins
Carl Hill
Thomas Large
Jerry Lewis
Eddie Madden
Gilbert O'Brian
James Porter
Charles Posey
Walter Seegar
Robert Shiver
Riley Stowers
Gary Trest
Royce Veal
Randy Wheeler
John Zackry
A professional sorority for women in the School of Pharmacy
Sandra Thompson, President
Linda Clifton, Vice-president
Rita Harvey Reed, Corresponding Secretary
Marguerite Coldren, Recording Secretary
Sue Spence, Treasurer
Beth Arwood
Willene Brewer
Susan Cameron
Mary Clamp
Bonnie Clayton
Ann Courter
Jobie Edwards
Mary Evans
Mary Ann Griffin
Lilo Loo
Mildred Matthews
Kathleen Meier
Sara Royal
Roger Cox, President
Steve Bennett, Vice-president
Joan Williamson, Secretary
Andy Stancil, Treasurer
Mike Johnson, Campaign Coordinator
Robert Randall, Executive Steering Committee
Paul Pruett, Executive Steering Committee
Jim Linsey, Executive Steering Committee
Jose Lopez, Executive Steering Committee
Al Albert
Bobby Bland
Keith Barnett
Nancy Cline
Susan de Brito
Sharon Ferguson
Judy Herrin
Ricky Hutto
Kathy Jones
Tom Kornfield
Faye Maloney
Tom McBrayer
Sara McDonald
Mona McLendon
Jon Milliwood
Karen Mortinson
Nancy Paris
Steve Patrick
Pat Petrevilli
David Roberts
Joe Skipworth
Al Standish
Kathy Stephens
Debby Strain
Tim Tinley
Claudia Townsend
A society for those interested in oratory and debate

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Bill Copeland, President
Parks Redwine, Vice-president
Steve Barnes, Secretary
James Baldwin
Steve Barnes
Henry Bell
George Brown
Linda Butson
Bill Copeland
Roger Cox
Kathy Conrad
Sam Dickson
Cynthia Fannon
John Ford
Pat Geiger
George Griffith
Mike Johnson
Craig Kimbrough
Ed Landau
Mary Ann Lang
Everett Langford
Frank McVay
Richard Maddox
Tom Mahler
Jim Mitas
Andrew Moore
Bill Morehead
Nick Ordway
Martin O'Toole
Dave Purser
Parks Redwine
Robert Rivers
Bob Stansill
John White
A society to promote public speaking, oratory, and debate
"We, the members of Phi Kappa Society, dedicate ourselves to the abolition of oppression in all its forms."
Since its founding in 1931, the University Theatre of the
Department of Drama and Theatre has staged over one hun-
dred and fifty-five major productions of pre-modern and con-
temporary classics. The University Theatre also invites a
Visiting Director to stage one major production: Erik Vos of
the National Theatre, Amsterdam, directed his own version of
Hamlet-A Collage in Spring, 1970, and Anne Gullestad of the
National Theatre, Bergen, Norway directed Ibsen's epic Peer
Gynt in Fall, 1970.
The University Theatre's full repertory of major productions
is supplemented by the Laboratory Theatre's annual season,
including student-directed scenes and plays, Reader's Theatre
presentations, and experimental workshops. The University
Theatre also sponsors Summer Repertory, an annual summer
season of plays for the campus and community, as well as the
Annual High School Drama Workshop.
University Theatre productions from January 1970, to Jan-
uary, 1971, includes: Friedrich Duerrenmatt's The Physicists;
William Shakespeare Erik Vos, Hamlet-A Collage; Camilla
Wolak's Wizard of Oz; Max Frisch's Biedermann and the Fire-
bugs; and Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt.
Summer Repertory '70 productions were: My Sweet Charlie
by David Westheimer; Scuba Duba by Bruce Jay Friedman;
and Your Own Thing by Hester and Apolinar.
The Fifth Annual High School Drama Workshop presenta-
tions included: The Rimers of Eldritch by Lanford Wilson;
Comings and Goings by Megan Terry; and The Stolen Prince
by Dan Totheroh.
Director ...................................................Leighton M. Ballew
Associate Director ..............................................Gerald Kahan
Assistant Director ....................................................Faye Head
Assistant Director ....................................................Carla Waal
Assistant Director.......................................................William Wolak
Assistant Director .............................................Eugene Peyroux
Technical Director and Designer....................................Paul A. Camp
Assistant Technical Director and Designer...............................Lawrence Graham
Assistant Technical Director and Designer..................................Jonne Thornton
Costumer ..........................................................Jackson Kesler
Secretary.......................................................Jeanette Davis
Associate Secretaries....................Deborah Busch, Joy Elkins, Janice Lanier
Administrative Assistants ........George Black, Leslie Chambliss, Charles Hadley
James Hindman, Jane Holder, Deidre Pearce, Hilde Robinson
Fine Arts Auditorium Manager ...............................Richard Zimmermann
Fine Arts Auditorium Assistants.....................Wayne Klitsch, Mike Morris,
Terrence Turner
Shop Supervisor ...................................................Roland Myers
Lighting Supervisor .................................................Paul Camp
Sound Supervisor .................................................Jonne Thornton
Make-up Supervisor ....................................................Susan Arl
Property Supervisor.....................................................Lawrence Graham
Costume Assistants.......................Susan Arl, Sherry Atherton, Vicke Baskin
Deborah Compton, Carol Costabile, Christine Cotter
Robert Croghan, Charles Flaks
Technical Assistants .............Robert Bridges, Hugh Cobb, James Hammond
Richard Hyde, Frank Jackson, Terrence Jones,
Richanr LeVene, Alan Lyndrup, Clifton Marshall,
Leonard Minter, Evelyn Moricle, Roland Myers,
Frank New, William Peed, Marshall Rosenblum,
Raphael Semmes, Toni Smith, Barbara Thornton,
Robert Weir, Wayland Winstead
The oldest performing organization on campus
Stephen Reed, President
Dick Burrell, Vice-president
Abb Dickson, Vice-president
Van Haywood, Sec.-Treasurer
Dick Burrell, Business Manager
Frank Green, Business Manager
Tom Barnes
Pete Bentley
Randy Bradley
Ronald Branham
Herb Brooks
Bill Bryan
Ralph Bryant
Dick Burrell
John Cawthon
Ralph Chewning
Christopher Clark
Peter Clark
Joel Coffee
Martin Cowen
David Davenport
Herb DeLeGal
Abb Dickson
Robert Dinwiddie
Bruce Edwards
Eddy Floyd
Ray Fowler
Paul Golden
David Gordon
Ed Goswick
Benjamin Graves
Frank Green
Mark Greene
Ted Guerrant
Steve Hathcock
Van Haywood
John Hudson
Rick Hutto
Charlie Johnson
Michael Johnston
James Jones
James Jordan
Jeff King
Scott Leatherbery
Chris Lindstrom
Frank Locklear
Stacy McDaniel
Charles McPhail
Devon Mills
Ted Moore
Billy Munn
Larry Nichols
Ricky Owens
Bob Perrow
Skipper Poe
Greg Price
Jack Ray
David Reed
Steve Reed
Walter Reeves
Dick Roberts
John Shaw
Rob Shipley
Mike Shoemake
Lou Simmons
Joseph Skipworth
Lewis Sligh
Lewis Smith
Bill Sparks
John Stephens
Dale Strickland
Walter Turner
Randy Walker
Craig Watson
Michael West
Brock White
Philip Williams
Robert Woods
A choral group for women
Marsha Sayer, President
Mary Kesler, Vice-president
Kitty Blisset, Sec.-Treas.
Brenda Arrington
Cindy Beckham
Kitty Blisset
jill Boldway
Jan Brown
Debbie Bubler
Carolyn Cable
Joelene Cherry
Kathy Garrett
Karen Harr
Rose Hicks
Beth Howard
Patsy Hudson
Mary Kesler
Laura Lewis
Bonnie Locke
Mary Lyle
Deanie May
Debbie McCoy
Joyce Morelock
Melanie Newton
Florence Petroski
Martha Richbourg
Lynn Robinson
Cindy Russell
Marsha Sayer
Rollin Scurry
Susan Shaver
Susan Slye
Alison Stone
Nan Swanson
Len Trammel
Frances Ventress
Lallie Weatherly
Laura White
Kathy Williamson
Susie Wolter
Rhonda Wright
Karen Yearty
A student choral group
Ron Collins, President
Joy Davis, Vice-president
Joany Isaacs, Secretary
Ellen Williams, Treasurer
Cathy Agrin
Emily Barnhill
Nancy Barrow
Cindy Beckham
Janice Bollinger
Ginny Bryan
Charlene Carswell
Georganne Charham
Ron Collins
Elaine Cooper
Mildred Copeland
Becky Crawford
Craig Crawford
Matt Crews
David Crow
Joy Davis
Terry Douglas
June Dudley
Cecilia Dunlap
Bruce Edwards
Dennis Flahive
Joey Freeman
Deborah Gibbs
Deborah Gleeson
Walter Goodman
Deborah Granade
Margaret Gray
Jane Grinstead
Ted Guerrant
Nancy Hadsell
Millie Harding
Faye Harris
Laura Hickson
Mildred Hill
Joanie Isaacs
Debra Kidd
Sarah Lanier
Tyre Lanier
Chris Lindstrom
Pam Lee
Mary Longbine
Patty Mathes
Barbara McLaughlin
John Michels
Margie Morgan
Patsy Newberry
Christine Odum
Jimmy Perry
Jane Prather
Marie Preston
Bonnie Pritchett
Jack Ray
Sally Reeves
Becca Roddenbery
JoAnn Russell
Sarah Sangster
Rosemary Shade
Kaye Simons
Mary Singleton
Libby Snowdon
Harriett Sol ms
Carolyn Stewart
Helen Trebony
Don Tomlinson
Walter Turner
Debbie Walker
Jim Walters
Jan Watkins
Peggy Watkins
Marianne Watson
Perrianne Watson
Craig Watson
Donald White
Ellen Williams
Penny Williams
Robert Wooten
Linda Worsham
Guy Wyche
Beth York
John Young
Ann Ziegler
Roger Dancz, Director of Bands
Phyllis Dancz, Supervisor of Twirling Acitivities
Jim Harvey, President
Gary Klepak, Vice-president
Jane Allen, Social
Carol Pettit, Publicity-gHistorian
Anne Bandy, Librarian
Ralph Bryant, Operations
Les Blackstone, Operations
Jennifer Sherling, Personnel
Charles McPhail, Captain
John Beasley, Assistant Captain
Day Whitehead, Social Chairman
Rachael Benator, Social Chairman
Abb Dickson, Special Projects
Cindy Van Alstyne, Historian
Pat Karwisch, Alumni
Day Whitehead, Properties Managers
Terri Randall, Librarian
Pat Karwisch, Secretary-Treasurer
Cynthia Hicks, Majorette Captain
Susan Warren, Georgette Co-Captain
Ricki Shaw, Georgette Co-Captain
Clarence Gooden, Drum Major
Cookie French, Solo Twirler
Jane Allen
Linda Anderson
Robert Andrews
David Ayers
Lynn Ayers
Anne Bandy
Suzanne Barnett
Ed Barr
Barbara Barron
Barney Beard
Jack Beasley
John Beasley
Baxter Bedell
Rachel Benator
Barbara Bennett
Sally Bennett
Charles Berry
. Gifford Berry
Gail Bird
Les Blackstone
Nancy Bobbitt
Liz Bowers
Debbie Bragdon
Rob Brand
Blake Brantley
Jerry Brooks
Debbie Brown
Janet Brown
Ralph Bryant
Burke, Danny
Beverly Butler
Lee Butts
Diane Cladwell
Norman Carey
Nancy Carter
Pat Casey
Peggy Casey
Charles Cheney
Joelene Cherry
Barbara Chester
Mike Chester
Susan Chester
Chris Clarke
Mike Cobb
Debbie Coe
Bob Cohen
Nancy Collier
Greg Copeland
Cookie French, Solo Twirler
Clarence Gooden, Drum Major
Joan Norton
Eddie Norwood
Nan Oliver
Marianne Olsen
Allen Parham
Craig Parker
Karen Payne
Jim Peay
Kelli Perkins
Stan Pethel
Carol Pettit
Sandy Phelps
Sherry Pline
Tom Powers
Greg Price
John Probst
Charles Pruett
Linda Quackenbush
Jack Randall
Terri Randall
Marith Reheis
Patti Rich
David Rigby
Ricki Robbins
Charlotte Robinson
Mary Roland
Janice Royall
Cindy Russell
Nancy Russell
Randolyn Sandlin
Carey Scott
Ed Deay
Ricki Shaw
Ann Shelton
Janice Sheridan
Jennifer Sherling
Lew Sligh
Ann Sloan
Claudia Smith
Monica Sorrells
Margaret Spence
David Stewart
David Stone
Tom Stone
Karen Storey
George Stout
Jimmy Stowe
Richard Strauder
Janet Sweat
Glen Suggs
Hank Unger
Cindy Van Alstyne
Blair Vaighn
Frances Ventress
Susan Walker
Albert Ward
Susan Warren
Wendell Watterson
Pat Wei born
Drew Whalen
Brenda Wheeler
Brock White
Day Whitehead
Howard Winkler
Barbara Wood
Bobby Woods
David Wynne
Mike Youngblood
Roy Ziering
Tom Corbett
Pat Craft
Hubert Cross
Ken Cross
Robert Crow
David Davenport
Teresa Daves
Sam Davis
Russell Day
Edward Deavers
Abb Dickson
Emeral Duncan
Jim Dunning
Dave Edwards
Tim Embry
Susan Everett
Don Fain
Diane Farkas
John Fite
Eddy Floyd
Ellen Folk
John Fowler
Bud Freeman
Gary Freeman
David Fry
Sherri Fulmer
Larry Gattis
Annette George
Kathy Gerald
Dorinda Gilmore
Sandi Glass
Armand Goldstein
Clarence Gooden
Cheryl Gosa
Ed Goswick
Jerry Gray
Debbie Greenway
Martha Guffin
Sharon Hahne
Debbie Hamilton
Tom Hammond
Jay Harriman
Rick Harris
Mindy Harrison
Jimmy Harvey
James Haynes
Susanna Hays
Robin Hein
Kathy Helms
John Hemphill
George Henderson
Cynthia Hicks
Rosemary Hill
Vance Hooper
Curtis Hornsby
Ellen Horton
David Hudson
John Huff
Lynda Hutchins
Vic Jolly
Jinger Jones
Pat Karwish
Elaine Kelly
Bob Kemp
Bruce Kempe
Beth Kergosien
Jeff Kessler
Carla Kesterson
Richard Kiff
Tommy Kilgore
Jeff King
Ruth Kleinsteuber
Gary Klepak
Howard Kossock
Cathy Lance
Hank Lanier
Louise Law
David Levie
Laura Lewis
Marilynn Little
Donna Long
Janice Lord
Albert Lund
Pattie Maltz
Gail McDonald
Susan McDowell
Terry McGhee
Jim McKillip
Charles McPhail
Rick McTyre
Pam Meisner
Cindy Mercer
Mary Ann Miles
Devon Mills
Sharon Miller
Debbie Montgomery
Diane Moricle
Toni Morris
Stan Muse
Linda Neilson
John Baker
Mike Cunningham
Ginger Grimes
Reggie Holliday
Elsie Low
Jenny McCall
Doug Peters
Craig Presley
Elizabeth Presley
Janet Ross
Susan Sprayberry
Dan Thaxton
Gladys Ware
A professional music fraternity
Terry Kenney, President
Steve Reed, Vice-president
Frank Green, Secretary
Craig Watson, Treasurer
Jennifer Sherling, Sweetheart
Bob Andrews
Bob Bean
Herbert Brigham
Dick Burrell
John Cawthon
Chris Clark
Leon Collins
Hubert Cross
Ken Cross
Sam Davis
Abb Dickson
Bruce Edwards
Eddy Floyd
Frank Green
Armand Goldstein
Ted Guerrant
George Henderson
Curtis Hornsby
Rick Hutto
Charlie Johnson
Terry Kenney
Jeff King
Chris Lindstrom
Charles McPhail
Greg Price
Steve Reed
Mike Shoemake
Lewis Sligh
Lewis Smith
David Stone
Tom Stone
John Henry Stephei
Walter Turner
Craig Watson
Day Whitehead
Bobby Woods
A professional fraternity for women in the field of music
Sally Bennett, President
Susanna Hays, Vice-president
June Dudley, Corresponding Secretary
Pat Karwisch, Recording Secretary
Ann Sloan, Treasurer
Rachel Benator
Sally Bennett
Kitty Blissit
June Dudley
Cecelia Dunlap
Margaret Gray
Jane Grinstead
Nancy Hadsell
Susanna Hays
Pat Karwisch
Mary Ann Kessler
Sissy McCallum
Susan Mansell
Melanie Newton
Terri Rancfall
Marty Rannenberg
Joanne Russell
Marsha Sayer
Susan Shaver
Jennifer Sherling
Ann Sloan
Peggy Watkins
Penny Williams
Beth York
Honoring scholars in the Liberal Arts since 1776
University of Georgia chapter established 1914
A club to stimulate interest in the field of Landscape Architecture
Gary Morgan, President
Ray Terry, Vice-president
Betsy Couchman, Secretary
Ed Bennis, Treasurer
Charles Allen
Ed Bennis
Karl Bonawandt
Jerry Boyd
Paul Brickey
Don Canupp
Robert Chestnut
Robert Clark
Betsy Couchman
Paul Fogelberg
Charles Green
Frank Giuliano
Hilary Harris
Cliff Hayes
Henry Herb
Tom Holcombe
Forrest Hynds
Pat Joiner
Jerry Lewis
Cathy Luckett
Randy Marshall
Gary Michalic
Gary Morgan
David Mosher
Jerry Pinto
Bruce Rado
John Razzano
Donald Strait
Ralph Tamburrini
Raymond Terry
The quarterly campus-wide magazine
Hugh Ruppersburg, Editor
Thomas Oliver, Executive Editor
Sharon Kane, Managing Editor
Susan Roberts, Art Editor
W. F. Taft, Copy Editor
Cary Kerley, Literary Editor
Myra Blackmon, Promotions Manager
George Markert, Research
Clate Sanders, Photographer
Rob Novit, Photographer
Pam Avery
Linda Chafin
Roger Cox
Joey Cummings
Sam Davis
Steve Enterkin
Gale Graham
Dave Hall
Bebe Herring
Dana Howard
Penny Mickelbury
Patrick Mizelle
Doug Monroe
Frazier Moore
Margaret Redd
Margaret Ruppersburg
Eileen Sammons
Anita Simonton
Joe Watkins
Karen Wisehart
Semi-Weekly Campus Newspaper
Rebecca Leet, Editor
Steve Stewart, Managing Editor
JoAnn Rock, Business Manager
W. F. Taft, Copy Editor
Nancy Hall, News Editor
Cee Howe, Feature Editor
Bob Giles, Sports Editor
Marvin Katzen, Photographic Editor
Patrice Walters, Associate News Editor
Sharyn Kane, Associate News Editor
Steve Stewart, Editor
W. F. Taft, Managing Editor
JoAnn Rock, Business Manager
Nancy Hall, Copy Editor
Patrice Walters, News Editor
Mary Carr, Feature Editor
Mitch Mitchell, Sports Editor
Steve Jackson, Photographic Editor
Cee Howe, Associate News Editor
259 Sharyn Kane, Associate New Editor
Richard Lindemann, Editor
Susan Brown, Managing Editor
Tom Landrum, Business Manager
Photography by: Dan McClure
Assisted by: Clate Sanders
and Woolworths
John Methvin, Sports Editor
Bruce Edwards, Classes Editor
Linda Shreve', Index Editdr
Betsy Contrell, Assistant
Tina Jansak, Assistant
Jim Mercier, Assistant
Beverly Ralston, Assistant
Janet McNew, Organizations Editor
Rick Hutto, Assistant
Tommy Altman, Greek Editor
Ken Baldowski, Assistant
Pat Gaston, Assistant
M. F. Hawk, Military Editor
Lora Paschal, President
Margaret Gray, First Vice-president
Ellen Ebenhack, Second Vice-president
Lisa Lawson, Secretary
Kay Hodges, Treasurer
Caroline Combs, Rush Advisor Chairman
Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Gamma Delta
Caroline Combs Mimi Caldwell
Mary Lee Glover Ovida Good
Alpha Delta Pi
Pam Curth
Ruthie Curtis
Alpha Omicron Pi
Lynn Lavendar
Peggy Shealy
Alpha Xi Delta
Margaret Gray
Melissa Whittemore
Delta Delta Delta
Mary Boswell
Alice Garrard
Kappa Alpha Theta
Nancy Ballard
Julie Richards
Chi Omega
Anne Edmond
Carroll Iravis
Delta Gamma
Lisa Lawson'
Merry Tyler
Kappa Delta
Holly Bellinger
Kay Jobson
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Mary Anne Berg
Laurie Grotnes
Pi Beta Phi
Jan Bankhead
Jane Jackson
Sigma Kappa
Judy Andre
Judy Mills
Phi Mu
Kay Hodges
Suzanne Respess
Sigma Delta Tau
Debbie Libby
Jodie Stoner
Zeta Tau Alpha
Cathy Horst
Debbie Lynch
Andy Scherffius
Tommy Boydson
Chief Justice
Mike Thomas
Admin. Vice-president
Lewis Powell
Bill Griffin
Donald J. Nesmith
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Alan Cohen
Alan Manheim
Donald Stein
Paul Bradley
Tommy Ball
Cary Forenand
Rusty Carlilse
left Edmondson
Gordon Smith
Chuck Ashley
Mike Buncn

Alpha Tau Omega
Chuck Anderson
Bob Crews
Richard Scott
Glenn Austin
Walter Bush
Terry Pickren
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Kappa lau
I err y Beeson
Ralph Knight
Mark Nations
Kappa Alpha Ted Davis
Rex Fuqua
Dexter Williams
Phi Delta Theta
Richard Lewis Phi Kappa Theta
David Muschamp
Jim Allgood
John Bailey
Edward Smith
Jim Powers Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Robert Penland
Pat Swindall
Joe Williams
Sigma Nu *
Bill Forshee
Steve Green
J'on Smith
Tau Epsilon Phi
Scotty Bayne
Gene Benator
|im Mischner
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Steve Hay Sigma Phi Epsilon Mike Brady
Charles Barrow Robert Fincher
Louis Huff ____________________________________________ Steve Smith
Theta Chi : DonBraxley
Jerry Buchanan
Jimmy Jones
Sigma chi % William Lamb
f Scott Owens
Jim Watrous
Sigma Pi Phil Beegle
Richard Hayslett
Bob Killian
Mary Glover, President
Toni Morris, Vice-president
Brenda Powell, Vice-president
Ellen Luke, Vice-president
Cyndi Hawk, Secretary
Rita Poetter, Secretary
Jan Cox, Treasurer
Betsy Bateman
Judy Bateman
Karen Beavers
Jackie Birchail
Andrea Brown
Cindy Bunitsky
Emily Claxton
Martha Clower
Erica Cochran
Anne Combs
Caroline Combs
Sheila Cook
Jan Cox
Vicki Davis
Jan Deas
Michelle DeLong
Gina England
Lynn Ernest
Carol Etheridge
Lynn Fluhr
Mary Freeman
Carolyne Frowein
Sandy Gill
Mary Glover
Dunneah Gordon
Kathy Guy
Nancy Harris
Karen Hart
Cyndi Hawk
Marcia Heard
Debbie Hendley
Becky Holcombe
Susy Jones
Carla Kesterson
Lydia Kilgore
Mimi Leverette
Debbie Lufburrow
Barbara Luke
Elinor Mackler
Marilyn Manning
Mary Jo Markham
Lynn Martin
Marcia Mattox
Martha Miller
Marilyn Miller
Shelley Miller
Becky Mincey
Kathy Miracle
Toni Morris
Susan Moseley
Jan Outlar
Patti Peacock
Cathy Piper
Phyllis Pittman
Rita Poetter
Sarah Poindexter
Brenda Powell
Janice Redwine
Debbie Sandefur
Diane Sanders
Judy Sanders
Debbie Scott
Dottie Sewell
Peggy Shiver
Leigh Shivers
Sandy Skelton
Barbara Smith
Claudia Smith
Gail Thompson
Kemper Thompson
Mary Uecke
Debbie Waddell
Suzanne Walsh
Betty Warren
Bonnie Whitehead
Donna Williams
Martie Williams
Sally Wishard
wm jm
Pam Curth, President
Ruthie Curtis, Vice-president
Vesta Owens, Vice-president
Joey Cummings, Secretary
Susan Roberts, Secretary
Lynne Ford, Treasurer
Lynn Adams
Barbara Avrett
Kitty Ball
Anne Blanchard
Peggy Bloodworth
Peggy Braungart
Cindy Brown
Elisa Callaway
Kay Cannon
Mary Chapin
Chilton Cheves
Carolyn Clary
Susan Clayton
Carolyn Clement
Cathy Coble
Joey Cummings
Pam Curth
Beckie Curtis
Ruthie Curtis
Susan Davis
Anita Dobbs
Patti Davidson
Lynne Ford
Cecilia Foster
Lynda Fulford
Caroleta Garrett
Kathleen Gleason
Laura Goodyear
Bonnie Graves
Jacqueline Greiner
Lynn Griffin
Lisa Hallford
Beth Hally
Kathy Harrell
Martha Hendrix
Teresa Hight
Cathy Johnston
Karen Johnston
Dianne Keller
Helen Kelley
Sally Kellog
Marcia Kennedy
Andrea Kopp
Jane Kyser
Patty Little
Lynne Looney
Billie Mann
Susan Mastin
Doris McCowen
Cheryl McDavid
Martha McKenzie
Polly McKinney
Mary McLennan
Fran McLeod
Janet McNeill
Lora Millard
Lois Miner
Cindy Moseley
Mary Navarre
Kathleen Nielson
; fSjulie Osterhout
Vesta Owens
Pam Palmer
June Philips
Donna Pierson
Tallulah Pope
Linda Portman
Mimsie Roberts
Susan Roberts
Donna Robinson
Mary RolliiM
Sharon Samford
Stephanie Skinner
Becky Slade
Susan Smith
Jane Southwell
Paula Thibadeau
Donna Upshaw
Beth Vandiver
Mary Vandiver
Tatty Wallace
Mary Williams
Robin Wilson
Christy White
Susie White
Mitzi Whitmire
Karen Wright
Nancy Young
;> *
Ouida Good, President
Nan Freeman, Vice-president
Jan McLelland, Vice-president
Cheryl Mumford, Secretary
Terry Smith, Secretary
Paula Nic,kerson, Treasurer

Susan Ansley
Susan Awtrey
Bobbi Bagwell
Barbara Barron
Nancy Bobbitt
Margaret Bostick
Bonnie Bullock
Cheryl Burton
Mimi Caldwell
Ann Calhoun
Donna Collins
Chris Cook
Debby Cost
Susan Creasy
Nancy Crist
Catherine Deas
Sharon Field
Nan Freeman
Georgia Fussell
Ouida Good
Carol Grubbs
Gladys Hammond
Sheena Harrington
Christy Hawes
Susan Haynie
Janet Kirby
Christy Kirk
Betsey Kohler
Louise Law
Becky Lawrence
Julia Leverett
Anna Lowe
Anne Mahan
Cathy McCabe
Jane McKinney
Jan McLelland
Lynda McPhee
Betty Moon
Barbara Moss
Melanie Muggridge
Cheryl Mumford
Jane Nichols
Paula Nickerson
Sue O'Brien
Lynn Page
Lisa Palmer
Beverly Purswell
Kim Quillian
Mary Rayborn
Debbie Redding
Harriett Rohrbaugh
Debi Romano
Connie Schulze
Joan Sears
Debbi Slade
Anne Smith
Chris Sorchy
Twinkle Starr
Debbie Stewart
Terry Summerour
Patricia Taylor
Cathey Thorp
Deborah Williams
Linda Zoring

Lynn Lavender, President
Betty Long, Vice-president
Luci Wynne, Vice-president
Penny Harper, Secretary
Kathy Tuttle, Secretary
Brenda Womack, Treasurer
Sharon Adams
Cindy Allen
Debbie Bassett
Lee Battey
Ellen Blum
Nancy Boling
Elaine Bolynn
Lexie Bush
Sara Bushnell
Susan Byrd
Nanci Campbell
Gayle Chandler
Lisa Collins
Sue Daley
Devony DePew
Sue Dixon
Barbara Edenfield
Glo Ghegan
Ruth Graves
Babbie Greene
- v,Linda Guenther
Julie Hancock
Penny Harper
Miriam Harrison
Linda Harshman
Kathy Heissenbuttel
Debbie Hicks
Carol Hoffmeier
Nancy Hooker
Beth Howard
Anita Jacobson
Martha Johnson
Myra Jones
Lucy Karst
Sharon Key
Lee Kirklad
Lynn Lavender
Betty Long
Christy Major
Mary Martin
Opie Mayfield
Claire McAuliffe
Gail McMullan
Reverdy Miller
Noelle Mills
Beth Mitchell
Kay Ogletree
Denise Peters
Holly Purdy
Paula Reid
Millie Roach
Nancy Romeo
Sally Russell
Ann Sauser
Peggy Shealy
Betsy Shook
Ceci Shook
Susan Stephens
Diane Stewart
Liz Toy
Nancy Tucker
Kathy Tuttle
Gladys Ware
Bobbie West
Joan Woodard
Lucile Wynne
Jeannine Zibilich
Melissa Whittemore, President
Sara Culbreth, Vice-president
Sherry Connell, Secretary
Nancy Hadsell, Treasurer
Betty Young, Membership
Lynda Maxwell, Pledge Trainer

Helen Bird
Mary Bretz
Nancy Carter
Sherry Connell
Betty Cornwell
Sara Culbreth
Judy Durrance
Elaine Davis
Sandra Endrodi
Sara Goodsell
Margaret Gray
Nancy Hadsell
Sharon Harvey
Lynn Hyde
Susie Langrall
Lynda Maxwell
Pamela Meisner
Martha Pinholster
Joyce Raper
Maggie Redd
Marith Reheis
Elizabeth Rigsby
Mary Ripley
Nancy Royal
Charissa Schultz
Carolyn Sharp
Susan Shaver
Anita Simonton
Deborah Walker
Patrice Walters
Paula Weigand
Melissa Whittemore
Betty Young
Kaye Cooper, President
Palmer Gulley, Vice-president
Mona Smith, Secretary
Carroll Travis, Treasurer
Rebecca Young, Pledge Trainer

Lynn Adair
Mary Akers
Cissy Alexander
Suzanne Allen
Mary Applegate
Merri Artley
DeeDee Baggs
Marty Bell
Cindy Bickerstaff
Barbara Boulware
Tommye Bradley
Nancy Brooks
Paula Buckner
Sara Bussey
Susan Byars
Julie Byrd
Dana Caldwell
Betsy Camp
Jane Canipe
Andrea Carter
Holli Champion
Kay Champion
Faye Chitwood
Cat Cobb
Sarah Cobb
Coopie Collier
Kaye Cooper
Mary Crawford
Elaine Dardin
Dorothy Deakins
Cookie Dennison
Mimi DuBose
Laura Duke
Buff Dozier
Inez Dozier
Lynn Elkins
Lynne Fennel
Pat Fitzhugh
Debbie Giles
Deborah Greer
Terry Griffith
Palmer Gulley
Donna Haynes
Rene Herzog
Betsy Irby
Ann Jackson
Susan Jackson
Nancy Jamison
Voe Johnson
Jan Joiner
Barbie King
Kaye King
Anne Lane
Lucy Liipfert
Jan McClure
Nancy McNiel
Margaret McPherson
Sindy Miller
Lally Packman
Melaine Page
Betsy Painter
Susan Painter
Betsy Parrish
Paige Peterson
Leann Petit
Mary Pinson
Dolores Pisano
Linda Pope
Cindy Pryles
Nancy Richardson
Dinah Roberts
Mary Roe
Sue Russell
Anga Sargent
Diane Seeley
Barbara Simmons
Sue Smiley
Cindy Smith
Judy Smith
Judy Smith
Lida Smith
Mona Smith
Josephine Stafford
Marianna Swift
Grace Tate
Lynda Thompson
Melanie Thompson
Priscilla Thompson
Lynne Tolley
Ellen Tomskey
Carroll Travis
Betsy Treen
Jean Turpin
Beth Wade
Patty Watson
Donna Weber
Carol Wells
Carson Wiley
Lynn Williams
Margaret Williams
Sue Willingham
Marion Wolff
Rebecca Young
Alice Garrard, President
Kay Berry, Vice-president
Lynn McMinn, Secretary
Lucy Swart, Treasurer
Beth Harber, Pledge Trainer
Shay Paris, Chaplain
Lisa Abel
Linda Almand
Lynn Almand
Susan Askew
Beverly Baggs
Jane Barton
Kathy Bass
Kay Berry
Darby Blake
Shirley Blakewood
Mary Boswell
Mary Bredlow
Val Brokaw
Alice Brown
Cathy Brown
Pamela Brown
Patty Bruce
Claire Buffkin
Caren Carmichael
Cathy Carmichael
Pat Cheney
Julie Childs
Cathy Colquitt
Nancy Davis
Sue Eason
Donna Eubanks
Alice Garrard
JoAnne Gibson
Barbie Ginn
Charlotte Golden
Nita Golden
Jill Grant
Ginger Grimes
Marianna Gross
Nancy Hamer
Betn Harber
Rene Hawkins
Susan Hill
Sarah Ingram
Weezie Jackson
Mary James
Jennifer James
Marcia Johnson
Kathryn Lemon
Anne Livsey
Patti Mathes
Deborah Maxwell
Mary May
Ann McCormick
Mimi McKnight
Lynn McMmn
Gynn McMinn
Anne Mead
Nancy Merritt
Nancy Moynahan
Catny New
Shay Paris
Lee Parker
Patricia Pepin
Mary Perkins
Marcia Phillips
Sharon Plage
Tura Porter
Beth Rambo
Kathy Raville
Donna Reynolds
Robin Ritter
Lynn Robinson
Connie Roelofs
Mary Russell
Donna Sanders
Madeline Smith
Susan Smith
Trisha Smith
Anne Souder
Sherrie Souder
Vicki South
Mary Sullivan
Lucy Swart
Nebbie Terry
Denise Tervo
Janice Thornton
Teri Thornton
Claudia Trammell
Bonnie Tuttle
Ann Williams
Dale Williamson
Carole Winkenwerder
Pam Wooten
Carol Worley
Merry Tyler, President
Dianne Whitley, Vice-president
Carol O'Connell, Vice-president
Mary Bradford, Secretary
Janice Bateman, Treasurer
Amy Mosely, Rush Chairman
Carol Ackerman
Beverly Barnard
Janice Bateman
Emily Blackwood
Nancy Boyd
Mary Bradford
Margaret Breedlove
Carolyn Brinkley
Nancy Brooks
Judith Buckley
Nell Burcn
Connie Campbell
Constance Colhard
Becky Cronister
Deborah Darby
Donna Denman
Sunny Dodson
Diane Drake
Viki Elder
Laurianne Fellenz
Alice Felts
Carol Fender
Susan Fields
Carol Fleenor
Laura Garvey
Gigi Gibbins
Nancy Grace
Ann Green
Debbie Greenway
Gail Hall
Nancy Harder
Susan Harrington
Janet Hibbard
Katie Hicks
Joanne Hildebrand
Pamela Henderson
Hilari Hinnant
Mary Hodge
Frances Hutcheson
Tina Jansak
Barbara Jones
Marian Kergosien
Dindy Kilgore
Donna King
Jackie Knight
Elaine Krol
Linda Lanier
Susan Lasseter
Lois Latham
Lisa Lawson
Diane Lindsay
Caroline Livingston
Deborah Maxwell
Sander McAfee
Jane McCorkle
Salliann Messenger
Lane Mongold
Amy Mosely
Gale Nemec
Carol O'Connell
Jill Partain
Katie Pedrick
Carol Roberts
Virginia Roche
Samille Swinson
Laine Segal
Pamela Seyler
Kaye Simons
Terry Singletary
Mary Singleton
Shirley Singleton
Diane Smock
Suzzanne Snelling
Beth Souther
Mary Stein
Nancy Stender
Glynda Stripling
Barbara Sutherland
Norah Thompson
Beth Tucker
Joan Turrentine
Merry Tyler
Cynthia Van Alstyne
Dorella Van Dyke
Delia Watkins
Dianne Whitley
Linda Whitten
Peggy Woodhall
Nancy Yarbrough
Gwen Yawn
Elaine Ellison, President
Barbara Blum, Vice-president
Jackie Andrews, Secretary
Jan Myers, Treasurer
Marilyn Benbenisty, Rush Chairman
Susan Weinberger, Rush Chairman
Jackie Andrews
Faye Becker
Susan Berman
Barbara Blum
Brenda Bodziner
Laura Bogla
Judy Breiner
Irene Burson
Lynn Cranman
Diane de la Penha
Gale Edwards
Elaine Ellison
Iona Finegold
Suzanne Floersheim
Lillian Friedberger
Laura Gilbert
Fran Golcman
Ellen Goldberg
Bonnie Goldstein
Rochelle Greene
Robeita Hackel
Helene Halpern
Mindy Harris
Esther Hoffenbein
Candy Isaacson
Lynne Kantsiper
Sally Konter
Sheila Mandel
Shelley Meddin
Carol Moore
Jan Myers
Suzanne Oliner
Ruth Perzekon
Louise Rosenthal
Jan Roth
llene Rothberg
Gail Sachs
Renee Sackler
Marilyn Salus
Cindy Samuels
Myra Scheer
Sherry Shapiro
Harriet Shayne
Karen Shusterman
Leona Simon
Teri Siskind
Lisa Sloat
Ann Stein
Arra Steinberg
Ronna Waldman
Barbara Weinstock
Susan Weinberger
Julie Richards, President
Sally Moon, Vice-president
Faye Mullis, Vice-president
Melissa Pharr, Secretary
Joanne St. Clair, Secretary
Betty Isakson, Treasurer
Peggy Ahrenhold
Pam Avery
Elison Backus
Helen Bailey
Elvira Ballard
Barbara Beckham
Anne Benefield
Jan Blanchard
Beth Brandon
Patty Brittingham
Susan Brown
Dorothy Bush
Roberta Butler
Connie Carter
Jackie Clark
Judy Clark
Patty Clark
Constance Clifford
Patsy Cole
Ginger Coley
Kathy Collier
Fran Dashiell
Lee Davenport
Susan Davis
Susan Davis
Anne Dickinson
Debbi Dimond
Dede Dobbs
Martha DuPree
Sandy Evans
Ann Ford
Marian Freeman
Patricia Fugitt
Betty Gaston
Ellen Gay
Gloria Goelz
Nancy Greene
Kathy Harney
Elouise Hayes
Susan Head
Luck Hendrix
Rowena Henson
Jacqueline Herring
Ruthie Hose
Peggy Holloway
Liz Hopple
Chris Houck
Jane Houston
Peggy Inman
Betty Isakson
Brant Jackson
Annie James
Carol James
Kitty Jarrell
Judith Johnson
Claire Johnson
Judy Jones
Mary Jordan
Carole Kicklighter
Klickie Kea
Barbara Lake
Janice Lee
Katharine Leffew
Peggy Leston
Elizabeth Lindley
Lee Lovvorn
Adrianne Massey
Ginny McCall
Barbara McCutchen
Sherry McGowan
Bridget McKinley
Beth McWhorter
Gloria Middleton
Judy Moran
Sally Moran
Mary Mullins
Faye Mullins
Gwyn Newsom
Mary Norman
Linda Norvet
Gayle Oliver
Carol Osner
Elizabeth Pendergrast
Melissa Pnarr
Katie Phelps
Jane Reynolds
Julie Richards
Kathleen Rogers
Becky Roukoski
Katharine Scott
Julie Short
Jenny Slocumb
Christy Smith
Louise Smith
Dorothy Stacey
Joanne St. Clair
Anne Thompson
Diane Tribble
Kay Watt
Laura Whattey
Gayle Whitlow
Pat Wigton
Louise Williams
Celia Wittift
Nancy Wood
Jenifer Wren
Aria Young
Lynn Young
Holly Bellinger, President
Aprile Matthews, Vice-president
Linda Ball, Secretary
Sister Britton, Treasurer
Tootsie Schoultz, Treasurer
Diane Harris, Membership Chairman
Sally Arnold
Elizabeth Asbury
Linda Ball
Holly Bellinger
Mary Bercegeary
Teresa Berry
Julia Boyd
Mary Britton
Patsy Bruce
Alexa Bryans
Lanelle Bryar
Bonnie Burdett
Carolyn Caulkins
Jessica Campbell
Diane Carrington
Pam Ceceri
Debbie Coll ins
Linda Crafton
Connie Crawford
Kathy Davies
Kathy Davis
Beth Dekle
Mary Dorsey
Jan Dunlap
Starr Eberhart
Kathryn Foster
Sherri Fulmer
Martha Grider
Debbie Crosser
Karen Harr
Diane Harris
Patty Hess
Kay Hughes
Kay Jobson
Jan Jones
Sherry Keith
Hnudy King
Kathy Koontz
Mallory Langan
Jane Maffett
Aprile Matthews
Marcia Mayo
Lynda McClelland
Ruthie McMullen
Gayle Meyers
Sue Nort
Carol Nunnery
Peggy O'Neal
Cathy O'Neill
Becky Owen
Andrea Parks
Nancy Prince
Beverly Ralston
Becky Reaves
Roxie Roberson
Linda Rockett
Phyllis Royster
Juanita Schoultz
Betsy Sewell
Carole Simpson
Darlyene Sims
Daphne Smyke
Kathy Teague
Amela Thompson
Cathy Tillman
Ruthie Tucker
Cam Upchurch
Rachel Watt
Cheri Weir
Delaine Wheeler
Mary Whitlock
Evelyn Wickliffe
Sally Williams
Marcia Wolf
Missie Woodruff
Laurie Grotnes, President
Laura Killeen, Vice-president
Carolyn Ellis, Vice-president
Carol Blalock, Treasurer
Jan Newton, Pledge Trainer
Debbie Hollman, Membership Chairman
Lynn Anderson
Nancy Auriett
Carol Blalock
Kathy Blalock
Kirk Bond
Susan Boyd
Barbara Brown
Barbara Bush
Evelyn Bush
Cynthia Butterfield
Emily Clement
Cathy Clements
Pamela Colbert
Candy Gollira
Sally Darden
Debbie Dean
Debbie Duncan
Jan Ellington
Carolyn Ellis
Kathlyn Fadely
Gwen Franklin
Kathy Goodhue
Laurie Grotnes
Peggy Gude
Sally Hagey
Jackie Highsmith
Jane Hightower
Debbie Hollman
.Judy Johnson
Candy Jones
Judy Jones
Pam Kellw
Susan Kelly
Anne Kimble
Marta King
Linda Lee
Debbie Maddox
Lynne Maury
Marcia McCampbell
Jillian McFarland
Patricia McGee
Martha McLaughlin
Julia Milner
Kay Neisler
. Chris' Nelson
Elinor Newkirk
Deborah Noell
Jan Norton
Margaret Owen
Janet Riley
DeAnn Reddick
Mary Reid
Janet Ross
Mary Rowland
HnTary Schatz
Ann Schrepple
Ginger Sheals
Stephanie Sheats
Cynthia Smith
Suzanne Spratlin
Barbara Steele
Julie Textor
Martha Thwaite
Murray Watson
-/Cathy Webb
Dana Wertz
Jayne Wilder
Miriam Williamson
Becki Willingham
Nealy Woods
Sherrie Thomas, President
Betty New, Vice-president
Helen Jones, Secretary
Linda Hobgood, Treasurer
Sheryl Rogers, Pledge Trainer
Carol Copeland, Rush Chairman

Jacquelyn Almond
Bettye Amos
Kathy Arendall
Mary Askew
Karen Bedingfield
Barbara Black
Elaine Blanton
Kathy Boynton
Betsy Bracey
Mary Branch!
Carol Brown
Beverly Brandes
Gail Busbee
Sally Capers
Mary Carnes
Viki Carter
Caro Chisholm
Julie Cole
Laura Cole
Carol Copeland
Leslie Davis
Charlette Flynt
Patty Girardeau
Susie Grantham
Mary Green
Susan Griffin
Judy Hancock
Kathleen Harbin
Nancy Harbin
Susie Harris
Barbara Hartman
Jo Hatcher
Jane Helms
Linda Hobgood
Kay Hodges
Brenda Holloman
Patricia Jackson
Janis Johnson
Caroline Jones
Cissy Jones
Helen Jones
Cassie Kelly
Shannon Landing
Joy Ledbetter
Diane Lewis
^HJupe Lively
Ellen Love
Elsie Low
Ellen Mackey
Donna McLeod
Elaine McMichael
Joy Martin
Julie Martin
Denise Mansour
Debbie Mason
Martina Monick
Pamela Morris
Jane Morse
Bettie New
Sally Oldham
Amy Patterson
Brenda Pierce
Barbara Poulos
Lyn Powell
Gretcnen Rawe
Suzanne Respess
Catherine Rey
Sheryl Rogers
Mary Lou Saarinen
Kippy Scarborough
Cathy Secrest
Vicki Slocumb
Anne Sognier
Nell Solms
Margaret Sorrells
Susan Sprayberry
Gerri Stearns
Anne Stiles
. Lynn Stiles
Katrina Stone
Sherrie Thomas
Leisa Tomlinson
Stephanie Trelkeld
Beth Watson
Margaret Watson
Wanda Watson
Anne Wattles
Harriet Williams
Donna Yancey
Karen Ziegenfuss

Jan Bankhead, President
Emily Harper, Vice-president
Wana Shelton, Secretary
Kathy Weisbach, Treasurer
Beverly Dunn, Pledge Trainer
Yvonne Fitzgerald, Scholarship Chairman
Laura Allen
Hjan Bankhead
Kathy Bradley
Marilynn Brown
Ann Bruner
Lynn Burson
Dee Butler
Brenda Cowart
Flossie Cunningham
Ginger Davis
Rebecca Dillard
Darlene Driskell
Beverly Dunn
Martha Edwards
Yvonne Fitzgerald
Karen Ford
Tina Fox-
Cathy Gainey
Gwendolyn Gonia
Lane Goolsby
Emily Harper
Mary Hudson
Betty Hughes
Jane Jackson
Lisa Jordan
Sabina Kaucher
. Vicki Lassiter
Paula Lofton
Nancy Lonsack
Patricia Lyle
Shirley McDaniel
Karen McEver
Donna Mowery
Janet Radford
Susan Reed
Carol Rhoad
Gail Rogers
Joan Rosser
Wana Shelton
Deborah Tase
Salley Tyler
Linda VonWorssowetz
Kathy Weisbach
Renee Weldon
Susan Alexander
Barbara Blumenthal
Susan Back
Harriet Berlin
Robyn Bogart
Corinne Capelato
Linda Cohn
Sandie dayman
Jacki Dickman
Carole Eisenberg
Bonnie Feig
Fran Forman
Shelle Frankel
Patricia Gilman
Ellen Green
Rosalie Harrisl
Karen Hausman
Laurie Hoffman
Marcia Kaplan
Sheila Kaplan
Leslye Kauvar
Rhonda Koplin
Judy Landey
Linda Levene
Debbie Libby
Sharon Orlirf
Nancy Rainbow
Ellen Reiff
Elise Rubin
Mjteme Sacks
Karen Shapiro
Gerilyn Sims
Patty Slotin
Jodi Stoner
llene Weinberg
Sally Weiner
Leslee Weinstein
Diane Wisebram
Rhonda Wolfe

Judy Mills, President
Mary Hart, Vice-president
Mona McLendon, Vice-president
Linda Fleming, Secretary
Melinda Anglin, Treasurer
Jane Garver, Rush Chairman
Faye Alderson
Adrienne Anderson
Janet Andre
Judy Andre
Melinda Anglin
Lea Ayers
Sheila Baldwin
Gene Blackwell
Nancy Boyle
^Hi|l (Sollinson
Sally Eaton
Nancy Edwards
Linda Fleming
Mary Hart
Keron Humphrey
Mary Judge
Beth Garrett
Cindy Habersham
Peggy Huish
Christie Kelj)
Tina McKee
Mona McLendon
vjudy Mills
Nancy Paris
Laurene Pearson
Aileen Ponder
Linda Quackenbush
Martha Robinson
Mary Shipley
Jean Stephens
Dee Sweat
Jan Taylor
Cynthia Tedeschi
Debbie Thompson
Patti Ransom, President
Karen Carr, Vice-president
Jill Brownlow, Secretary
Karen Widner, Secretary
Susan Troy, Treasurer
Dale Adams
Cathy Anderson
Cynthia Bankhead
Bonnie Barnes
Beverly Barr
Beth Bedingfield
Bonnie Bowen
Sylvia Brooks
Jill Brownlow
Wynema Burdette
Judith Burnett
Carol Costa
Tressa Cowart
Mary Darby
Karen Daws
Kathy Donovan
Diane Flatt
Babs Fleming
Marylyn Fountain
Gail Garban
Linda Giles
Margaret Godbee
Jenny Hawkins,
Corrine Hilton
Harriet Hogan
Janet Holliday
^Uanis Hollomon
Marion Huskey
Wanda Irvin
Betty James
Mallery Knee
Betty Lankford
Margaret Lawless
Judy Leamon
Janice Lord
Susan Lynch
Cathy McCalO
Julie McDermott
Pam McNew
Patricia Miller
Claudia Mitchell
Jeannie Moore
Nan Oliver
Luanne Ost
Lora Paschal
Karen Payne
Patti Ransom
Alicia Ray
Kathy Reeves
Rena Rider
Ricki Robbins
Cathy Robinson
Beth Rollins
Jacqueline Schulten
Kay Sessions
Mary Stafford
Rosemary Strother
Alice Tidwell
Susan Troy
Cathy Turner
Judi Vicknair
Marilou Wier
Shearon Wiggins
Anne Williamson
Carolyn Willjy
Nancy Winn
Bonnie Younis
Patty Slotin, Sweetheart
Donnie Stein, President
Myron Shmukler, Vice-president
Allen Tennenbaum, Secretary
Edward Goldberg, Treasurer
Danny Tourial, Scribe
Larry Issacson, Member-at-large
Gary Eplan
Carl Erbesfield
Marty Friedman
Bruce Gadlin
Ronald Garber
Edward Goldberg
Steven Goldstein]
David Gordon
Larry Isaacson
Gary Klepak
Alan Levow
Alan Manheim
Ronnie Merlin
Larry Miller
William Monroe
Chip Ney
Clifford Oxman
Michael Perling
Morris Podber
Vic Prof is
Jeffrey Rittenbaum
Mark Rivkin
Buzy Rosenberg
Myron Shmukler
Brian Shoason
Richard Siegel
Myron Smith
Bert Stein
Steve Steinberg
Howard Struletz
Allen Tenenbaum
Danny Tourial
Robert Williams
Ches Alper
Alan Cohen
Roy Cohen
Steve Cohen
David Edelman
Morris Elstein
Travis Reed, President
Mallory McKinney, Vice-president
Wayne Fordham, Secretary
Charles Nash, Treasurer
Lawrence Bennett
Richard Bondy
Jerry Bowman
William Breedlove
Charles Bronson
Bobby Burton
Dave Callaway
Willie Casey
Danny Castellan
f- |'Jjim Chapman
Jim Chapman
Henry Cirel
Dennis Clark
Steve Coody
Joe Deal
Thomas DeLaney
Herbert Fordham
Thomas Gibbs
Larry Golden
Buddy Haskins
Billy Hogan
James Irvin
Johnny Irvin
Jerry Johnson
Mickey Johnson
Dan Lindsey
Charles Logan
Chappell Long
Wayne Lovett
Mark Maddox
Royce McCrany
Mac McGee
Malory McKinney
Gary Midkiff
Charles Nash
Lonnie Plot
Tommy Pollock
Travis Reed
Glen Rhodes
Dana Rogers
Martin Sirkin
Ed Smith
Dennis Still
|Hames Thomas
Harry Thompson
Dale Waisemann
Henry Walker
Norman Watsonj
Ralph Watson
Donald Wilder
Bill Wilkins
Charles Wilkins
Tom Williams
Nan Hall, Sweetheart
Glenn Austin, President
Walt Green, Vice-president
John Holt, Secretary
Rick Limbird, Treasurer
Bill Griffin, Rush Chairman
Philip Hauswirth, Rush Chairman
Charles Ogelsby, Pledge Trainer
Miley Adams
Robert Ainne
Brent Armstrong
Glenn Austin
Ben Benford
Howard Benford
R. D. Blackburn
Rick Bradshaw
Tommy Bradshaw
William Brandon
John Brown
Kin Braswell
Milton Bruce
Greg Burton
Walter Bush
Thomas Callaway
Charles Cannon
Paul Carter
Gene Coe
Kenneth Collins
iff^'John Cowden
Henry Crane
James Davis
Jim Dawson
Richard DeRose
Nick Dodys
Richard Downing
Lamar Dunn
Thomas Estes
Thomas Ezell
George Floyd
Schayfer Floyd
John Foster
Steven Gilliam
Stephen Goldsmith
John Gravely
William Green
Bill Griffin
Charles Griffin
Frederick Haas
Philip Hauswirth
Butch Hayes
Sam Hess
.iFj'T. Holt
John Holt
Stephen Howard
Upljonn Hudson
James Johnson
Jay Johnson
Marx Jojmson
Lewis Jones
Gary Jordan
Ricky Lake
Richard Limbird
David Loughridge
Richard Maddux
Rick Maley
David Martin.
Dick Martin]
Trip Martiifi
Greg McIntyre
Sane McKenzie
Roy Morris
Ricky Myers
Huxley Nixon
Charles Oglesby
Edward Parks
Douglas Peters
Terry Picken
Christopher Price
Edwin Pullen
Jimmy Reese
John Richardson
Jack Shmidt
Root Shelton
Micheal Scherer
Steve Segrest
Jim Simpson
Craig Smith
Gary Spooner
Luther Spooner
Donald Stewart
Jimmy Temple
Frank Thompson
Philip Thompson
Charles Werk
Spike Wigelius
W. M. Winn
Paul Woody
William Lam
Laura Duke, Sweetheart
Paul Bradley, President
Stephen Kent, Vice-president
Robert Evans, Secretary
Bradley Kibler, Treasurer
Kirk Malone, Rush Chairman
Lee Richardson, Rush Chairman
David Wells, Pledge Trainer
Harry Aiken
Theo Bean
James Black
John Boardman
Paul Bradley
John Brooks
Giles Broome
Bo Brown
D. W. Brown
M. T. Brown
Rickie Brown
G. T. Butts
H. M. Crow
Walter Cruza
D. L. Dutson
Stephen Dutson
H. C. Erwin
Joseph Evans
Robert Evans
W. Flanigan
. G. R. Forehand
^nhomas Gallant
R. W. Glover
J. E. Hanger
Sam Hale
James Hardesty
~ John Hickman
Walter Hill
Bill Hovis
C. Howell
B. Hutchison
P. Hutchens
Larry Jamison
Curtis Johnson
Mike Jones
Stephen Kent
Brad Kibler
G. J. Kunes
C. Malone
J. K. Malone
B. Mangum
D. M. McClelland
W. McClelland
Billy McWilliams
A. Murphy
James Nash
William Nix
S. W. Offen
Jamison Parker
S. G. Perry
W. Pohl
J. Raine
Lee Richardson
Carl Rogers
James Shepherd
C. Simons
James Snauely
J. Stokes
C. Suggs
K. Tennison
J. Tetrault
C. L. Thompson
M. N. Thompson
Mike Webster
R. P. White
W. J. Williams
d|jr. Wilson
R. W. Wilson
Darby Blake, Sweetheart
Richard Applebury, President
D. E. Whitfield, Vice-president
Alan Olansky, Secretary
Roger Pearce, Treasurer
Warren Hotton, Pledge Trainer
Ed Broyles, Rush Chairman
Michael Anderson
Richard Applebury
Gary Baldwin
David Bankston
' 'Viplenn Barber
Chip Barefield
Lamar Barnes
Bruce Bartholomew
;-^^John Binder
Robert Bowers
Charles Broyles
Johnny Bryant
Warren Burgess
Charles Callihan
Alan Campbell
John Campbell
David Chance
Bill Cooper
Price Corr
Robert Dailey
Ricky Donnelly
Robert Driskell
Wesley Dunn
Doug Farmer
Charles Flowe
Gary Fox
Jim Gunby
Harvey Hays
Clint Hege
Warren Holton
Van Jones
Karl Kaiser
Ronnie Kelly
Wayne Lester
Mike Mahany
Norman McKinney
Roderick McLeod
Dwain McPeake
John McRee
Otis Miller
LaFayette Nix
Thomas Nollner
Alan Ocawsky
Jeff Owens
William Parks
Buz Payne
Roger Pearce
Clyde Phillips
Robert Pierce
Steve Proctor
Ronald Roberts
Keith Rollins
Bubba Schlader
Kevin Schochat
Lewis Shrader
Charles Shunk
Mills Smith
Paul Smith
Wink Smith
Stuart Spencer
Jeffrey Starnes
Frank Story
Daniel Sugg
Mike Summers
Gary Taylor
Paul Tilson
Bill Watson
Dennis Whitfield
William Williams
Frank Worley
Rusty Carlyle, President
Harry Thompson, Vice-president
Michael Deal, Secretary
Kenneth Barbash, Treasurer

Hugh Ansley
Chris Ayres
Ken Barbeish
Bertram Boley
Vince Bond
Van Botsaris
Larry Bowers
Russell Carlisle
Sidney Carroll
David Chatham
Micnajel Deal
Michael Deangeris
Bill Decker
Jeff Edmondson
James Farris
Bud Freeman
David Furr
Dennis Gollien
Mike Goodloe
James Hess
Hmed Hicks
Everette Hinchdiffe
Pierre Hoppe
Dick Howerd
Smokey Izlar
John Jeffcoat
Tony Komac
Jim McClesky
Gene McGinty
Randy Mickler
Al Miniaci
Charles Moore
Charles Morgan
Warren Philips
Greg Phillips
T roy Poss
Pace Pruitt
Hank Richardson
Jerry Rustin
Frank Savini!
Tim Scholar
Bob Seagraves
Bill Smith
Gordon Smith
Richard Smith
Chris Stagg
Ronald Sutton
Harry Thompson
August Thornton
Ben Williams
David Williams
Nelson Willis
Jan Newton, Sweetheart
Rex Fuqua, President
Peter Hodgson, Vice-president
Mark Yarborough, Secretary
Edward Tolley, Treasurer
Bill Boswell, Rush Chairman
Dave Ballard
S. W. Barge
John Blakesmith
Bill Blanchard
William Boswell
Robert Bowden
Joseph Brannen
A. C. Burks
J. M. Cagle
Bryant Campbell
Stewart Champion
William Chisholm
Stan Collins
Robert Constantine
HIJep Craig
Ted Davis
Stephen Dearing
Henry Dodd
Lawrence Donovan
Pete Dortch
Dennis Drewyer
Dan Dunwoddy
A. W. Erwin
James Ewing
Robert Fortson
Rick Foster
P. J. Friow
Rex Fuqua
Jimmy Fuller
Dan Greene
Robert Grist
G. C. Harris
Bill Hart
John Higgins
Peter Hodgson
Hoppy Hopkins
R. C. Hughes
William Jackson
William Jenkins
Charlie Johnston
Robert Joiner
Andy Knox
Reed Konigsmark
B. R. Lake
Malcolm Liles
Felix Marbury
John Marbury
Pat McGee
Kenny McLendon
Bobby McRae
Michael McRae
Tim Miller
Henry Nelson
Gary Nix
Kenny Overby
T. O. Powell
Clark Price
A. M. Ramsey
/John Safford
John Savage
J. A. Schaeffer
David Shell
Daniel Slade
Steven Smith
Robert Stringer
Randolph Thrower
Edward Tolley
Christopher Whithers
Dexter Williams
Chris Withers
William Wylie
Mark Yarbrough
Tom Allegood
Peter Bain
Blair Bartlett
Victor Belote
iglpprroll Benson
Jesse Bowles
Raymond Brooks
David Byrd
Gilbert Campbell
; Harold Garter
Mike Cauley
Ronnie Cheeley
Jerry Connor
James Dorsett
Stephen Duncan
Robert Dwornik
Harrison Eubanks
Brain Foster
Christopher Gunter]
Jim Haslam
Phil Heard
Robert Hearn
John Heffernan
Micheal Hendley
James Hieia
Michael Hunsucker
Malcolm H^ra
Rusty Lawson
Robert McCoy
Steve Middlebrooks
Ken Minor
Larry Morrow
Steven Mullins
David Murphy
Peter Pappas
Mickael Powell
Ranny Rankin
Paul Riddle
John Risse
William Rivers
Andrew Scherffius
Bruce Shanks
Garry Sharp
Samuel Shoemaker
Happy Smith
John .Stone
William Talbert
Wayne Tamplin
James Trotter
Richard Tucker
Peter Waldrep
Ronnie Weeks
Carl Ellington, President
Frank Boggs, Vice-president
Charles Gatlin, Secretary
Bill Hilley, Treasurer
Bill Ansley, Pledge Trainer
Bo Flanders, Rush Chairman
Lora Millard, Sweetheart
W. S. Ansley
Bill Atchison
Carl Barrs
Sam Barrs
Heyward Baxter
John Behl
B. F. Boggs
Gerald Bowie
Cecil Brown
Michael Brown
Russel Bryant
David Burch
Joseph Cannon
Bill Carr
Michael Carr
Robert Cauthen
Marcy Chambless
Michael Clower
Charlie Coats
Mike Colquitt
John Dalis
Jeff Davies
Theodore Day
Frank Dempsey
Carmen Dibiase
Howard Dillard
Steven Dye
Douglas Early
Carl Ellington
George Faircloth
Michael Fitzgerald
Jeff Fitzpatrick
J. J. Fitzpatrick
Mike Foley
Skip Forsberg
Charles Gatlin
George Goddard
Jim GowdelP;
Michael Granade
Leslie Griner
Harold Hart
William Hilley
Jackson Hodges
Marvin Hopkins
John Hutto
Vernon Jennings
Cecil Kelly
Edward Kenimer
Charles Langford
Steven Ledbetter
Dennis Lee
Mike Leech
John Little
John Loveirv
Marshall Alton
Lamar Mealor
Thomas Mealor
Ronnie McCarity
Robert McCarthy
Philip McCormick
Bernard McMonigle
Harry Mills
George Mitchell
Tommy Norris
Dennis Parks
Michael Pohler
Bob Price
Mike Raines
Cliff Russelfl
Stephen Saunders
Thomas Sewelu
William Smitm
William Smith
W. J. Smith!
Darwin Soler
Joseph Stewart
James Taylor
David Thomas
William Thompson
Graham Thorpe
Carl Tomberlin
Harris Tomberlin
Clayton Tullos
Thomas Turner
Bruce Weathers
Chuck Wells
Jim Whatley
John Widden
Greg Williamson
Lou Wood
Tommye Bradley, Sweetheart
Ben Easterlin, President
David Muschamp, Vice-president
DuVall Brumby, Secretary
Bob Robbins, Treasurer
Gene Lewis, Pledge Trainer
Larry Fricks, Rush Chairman
Chauncey Battey
DuVall Brumby
Frank Carter
Michael Clements
Alex Copper
: Charles Dasher
Boyd Dethero
Ben Easterlin
' Bucky Elliott
Paul Elliott
Ralph Evans
Carleton Fry
gjohn Hamrick
Greg Haynes
Bobby Heath
Rick Hudson
Keith Jerkins
David Jones
Richard Lewis
David Littlefield
Sam McGinness
apohn McGoogan
David Muschamp
John O'Neal
Robert Price
Robert Robbins
Randy Sanders
Rip Sartain
Jack Short
Coot Wilson
Gary Cox, President
Steve Williams, Secretary
Matt Crews, Secretary
Ben Jones, Treasurer
Don Tomlinson, Historian
Gregory Ainsworth
James Allen
James Attenbach
Edward Baxter
Steve Bell
Rick Berta
James Black
Mark Bodenheim
. Vic Boti
Jim Bozman
Ralph Braswell
Jim Bumgartner
k'k Jim Callison
Ronald Camp
Bill Condon
Charles Cone
Brigadier Connah
Kris Cornwell
Butch Costa
Gary Cox
Matt Crews
George Donaldson
Bud Duncan
Tom Fitzgerald
Joe Fletcher
Bill Greenwald
Rob Greer
Eugene Haley
kk C. E. Harman
Alex Johnson
Michael Jones
Tall Jones
William Jones
Larry Jordan
David Little
Ted Lawrence
David McDonald
Stu McGarity
Jim McKenzie
%0Tommy Melo
Robert Meyer
Mike Nellis
Bob Necholson
Ray Paris
Kjames Percell
Gerald Pierce
Cecil Pool
James Powers
Chuck Rice
Sam Richwine
Jack Rivers
Tom Rogers
Billy Rowe
Felix Semeli
Randy Shindler
Walter Short
Jimmy Sims
Anthony Smith
Jeff Smith
Clay Stoddard
Albert Strickland
Mike Sullivan
Terry Sullivan
Dyke Tatum
William Thompson
Don Tomlinson
,k-Tom Tune
Tommy Watson
Glen Williams
Stephen Williams
Steve Williams
R. M. Wood
Mary McConnell, Sweetheart
Terry Beeson, President
Bob Perkerson, Vice-president
Stephen W. Elkins, Secretary
Michael Slover, Treasurer
Ken Howard, Member at Large
Terry Dollar, Secretary
Harry Avedisian
Larry Barker
Terry Beeson
Phillip Benefield
jafiEllames Benson
Randy Blanton
Tommy Boydston
Ronnie Brock
Harold Brown
Robert Carroll!
Harry Charbonneau
George Childs
Greg Clarkson
William Collins
Robbie Denny
Terry Dollar
Randy Drinkard
William Early
Sidney Eason
Steve Elkins
John Fain
Mike Florence
John Ford
Tommy Fuller
Jimmy Gay
'c/lJohn Gerba
Randolph Graves
Frank Haley
Phil Hall
Dicky Hancock
Joe Harbson
Walter Hartman
Bill Hester
Robert Hodges
Darrel Hopson
James Howard
Paul Huling
Freddie Hunt
Verlin Jones
Joe Kent
Peter Klein
Ralph Knight
John Lee
Pete Mamatey
Patrick McFall
Michael Mizell
Neil Morgan
Mark Nations
James Norris
Colquitt Odom
Robert Ogletree
Thomas Perkerson
William Perry
Richard Rogers
Stephen Rogers
John Seager
Michael Slover
James Woodruff
Richard Winn
Fritz Wanner
David Wallace
Fred Walker
Paul Vivian
Walter Vann
William Tyre
Tim Thompson
Ted Stewart
Gale Hunter, Sweetheart
Robert McDonnell, President
Ed Winn, Vice-president
Dick Kilpatrick, Secretary
Thomas Willson, Treasurer
Larry Jordan, Secretary
Daniel Raichlen, Pledge Trainer
Roger Allen
Jerry Anthony
Billy Ayers
Wendy Barnes
Michael Blackwell
Milton Bowen
Frankie Brown
John Burel
Randy Carroll
Robert Cochran
Mike Collier
Jerry Collins
David Connell
Bob Coon
Richard Crighton
James Daniel
Hoyt Davis
Thomas Duffy
Ester Fleming
Mike Floyd
Pat Gallacher
Jim Garner
Steve Ginn
Clinton Harkins
Dennis Harrell
Roger Harris
Charles Henderson
Dennis Henry
Kipp Hoffman
Franklin Holcomb
Stephen Horton
Johnny Jenkins
James Jordan
Richard Kilpatrick
Stephen Knipp
Frank Loose
John Martin
Robert McDonnell
Mike McGeehan
Jim Mercier
Bruce Meyer
Lanier Owen
Jesse Parks
John Pettry
Robert Platt
David Pollock
David Raichlen
William Raines
Joseph Ransom
J. R. Raymond
Ron Reeser
Bart Rice
Mickey Royston
Gerry Scott
David Shy
James Sommerville
Ken Stewart
James Strauss
Alan Sumner
Bobby Tweedell
Fred Walker
Rick Waller
Bob White
Smith Wilson
Tom Wilson
Edward Winn
Richard Yancey
Robert Brandes, President
James Allgood, Vice-president
Edward Smith, Secretary
John Davidson, Treasurer
f. jon Coleman
Milton Crosswy
John Davidson
Tim Estes
Daniel Fosher
William Gilmore
Glenn Michael
Michael Green
James Hall
William Hardman
James Hardy
David Herring
Bill Hewitt
Bobby Hilliard
Hal Hinesley
Lawrence Hodges
Michael Home
Edward Hughes
John Jackson
Thomas Johnson
Joseph Keith
Harry Lawter
Michael Lanard
Robert Luckie
Jack McGlaun
Ruben McMullan
Roland Mitchell
Tommy Myers
Sam Morris
Robert O'Connor
Joel Ostuw
John Parker
James Peeples
David Pittman
Leander Powers
David Reeves
Donald Revels
David Sammons
Gerald Sawyer
Bill Schultz
Kanneth Shaw
Joseph Shearouse
Ward Shearouse
Dee Smalley
Edward Smith
Tom Smoak
Mark Swindle
John Taylor
James Turner
Billy Varner
Randolph Vipperman
Ray Wallace
Jeff Weekley
Charles Whittemore
Charles Wilson
Jere Wood
Bruce Akins
James Allgood
Andy Anderson
William Barfield
Robert Brandes
John Bailey
Paul Bullard
Scott Carson

Claudia Trammel, Sweetheart
Pat Swindall, President
Bill Langley, Vice-president
Steve McCamy, Treasurer
Don Kelly, Historian
Butch Strickland, Warden
Tommy Davis, Secretary
Joe Barton
Alex Bealer
William Becraft
Eugene Brooks
John Childs
John Christie
Tommy Davis
Hoyt Fincher
Crisp Flynt
Skip Guilliams
Scott Hardin
Dee Hewitt
Terold Hogue
William Huggins
Greg Jernigan
Steve Jordon
Don Kelly
William Langley
John Lanigan
Ray Maddox
Hugh Maddux
Pete Martin
Steve McCamy
Charles Munhall
Mike Murphy
.Christopher Nielsen
\ Charlie Nunez
Craig Osborn
Christopher Owen
Gary Paris
John Pearce
Robert Penland
Steve Skowronski
Butch Strickland
Patrick Swindall
Michael Thomas
Gary Tolbert
Nick Vansant
Joseph Williams
Laurie Grotnes, Sweetheart
Louis Huff, President
Bill Cunningham, Vice-president
Bob Hardeman, Secretary
Al Pearson, Treasurer
Porter Adams
Larry Alberson
Ralph Allen
Mick Anderson
Hamilton Ansley
Bruce Avery
W. J. Badger
Emmett Barnes
Charles Barrow
Randy Bates
Mark Biser
Steve Brown
Ed Byne
Michael Castronis
Sam Chapman
Bucky Carithers
Thomas Carswell
Cecil Cheeves
Randy Chew
Bua Clarke
Clayton Cordele
Tommy Craig
Ken Crenshaw
Bill Cunningham
Bob Cunningham
Joey Daniel
Bill Darby
Bob David
Tommy David
Ben Deal
Greg Delong
Sam Dunlop
Peter Dunning
David Everett
Arthur Flowers
F. D. Foley
William Folaom
Charles Freeman
George Garrison
Jim Gatewood
Dickie Glover
Gene Glover
Steve Green
Otis Gunn
John Hall
Bob Hardeman
Tim Harris
David Harrison
Steve Hay
Brian Henry
Frank Hill
Harris Hines
Lewis Hook
Louis Huff
Billy Hulbert
Raymond Jones
John Knox
Billy Leebern
Lloyd Liebler
Frank Martin
Roy Massey
Mike McCullougn
Butes McCutcheon
Bob McDavid
Russell Meers
Chris Mellon
George Morgan
Tommy Myrick
; - Tom Nash
Arthur Noble
Trav Paine
George Peagler
Al Pearson
Larry Powell
Chip Ridley
Marvin Robinson
Ed Roddenberry
Ashley Royal
Mike Sanchez
Stuart Satterfield
Tommy Skipper
Croswell Smith
Charlie Stafford
Jack Swift
Hunter Tison
Tommy Turrentine
Thomas Valentine
Roland Vaughn
Richard Waddell
Michael Wilkins
Stephen Williams
Bryant Williamson
Cliff Woodson
Randy Wright
Danny Yates
Bill Woolfolk
Cathy Robinson, Sweetheart
Jim Watrows, President
Scott Owens, Vice-president
Larry Boling, Secretary
Robert Hunter, Treasurer
Randy Jackson, Pledge Trainer
Jeffrey Allen
Roddy Allmond
Lawrence Atkinson
John Baker
Norm Baldwin
Bill Bassett
Larry Boling
Bobby Boyd
Olin Boyd
Steve Brown
William Bruce
Davenport Bruker
Byron Camp
Kerry Campbell]
Tom Cloud
Phil Coley
Robert Conner
Danny Daniel
John Day
Ray Durham
Alan Edmonson
Al Epting
Paul Fersen
Stan Fillion
Doug Gaskins
Robert Gaskins
David Gentry
Rudy Glisson
Wayne Goodin
Colman Goodrich
Steve Goodroe
Edwin Hill
Richard Hunter
Robert Hunter
Bob Hurley
Randall Jackson
Richard Jacobson
Hal Johnston
Eli Karatossas
Jack Kent
Carlton Kitchens
Randall Lacienski
William Lamb
John Lane
Joel Lindeman
Richard Lindsay
Ray Livingston
Gregory Mautz
Bod McDonel
Ben McKinney
Jeff Morgan
Jeffrey Muir
Raymond Nelson
Loftan Odom
David Owens
Scott Owens
Randy Pace
Woodard Padgett
Bruce Park
Clark Perry
Randall Pettit
William Prescott
Wayne Prossor
Gregg Ray
Alan Saimon
Steve Seeger
Julian Smiley
Sandy SpurlocK
Dan Stephens
Hugn Stith
Gregory Thompson
Tattnall Thompson
Michael Tillitski
Paul VanNeese
Terry Walls
Allan waters
James Watrous
Ronald Watson
Glenn White
Paul Williams
Richard Woodruff
''Jonh Wynne
Tim York
John Young
Lynn Fennell, Sweetheart
Stephen Green, President
Dennis Crews, Vice-president
James Reynolds, Secretary
Joseph McEver, Treasurer
Robert Pittard, Pledge Trainer
Robert Ailein
Danny Amos
John Balfour
Rick Beacham
Carey Beavers
Harry Bennett
Robert Birchmore
William Borrouchs
Wade Brantley
Wade Bruntley
Bruce Bryant
Roger Budd
Gerald Busbee
Charles Causey
Robert Causey
John Coff
Dennis Crews
William Crocker
James Currington
Steve Denman
Charlie Evans
Ernest Fletcher
Darryl Forrester
William Forshee
Fred Ganas
Steve Green
Greg Greenway
Taylor Glover
Greg Griffin
Ezra Hagins
Jasper Harvey
F. Hayes
George Haves
Flint Hendrix
Billy Hodges
Charles Hogan
Strickland Holloway
Olin Howell
David Hulbert
Davis James
James Johnson
Gary Katter
Hugh Kea
Robert Knight
David Lee
Jerry Lee
David Leitch
Ron Lowry
Mac Mackey
John Martini
William McElreath
Joseph McEver
Michael McEver
E. Mclnteir
John McKinley
Thomas McLean
Denny McMahon
Jackie McNeese
Tom Moore
Cliff Morris
John Murphy
Julian Murpney
Larry O'Neal
Pick Parks
Robert Pittard
Lewis Powelfl
Charles Pugh
James Reynolds
William Sale
Dennis Smith
James Smith
Perry Smith
Alex Steed
Earl Stewart
Kenny Sutcliffe
George Thorne
Charles Tritschler
Gery Turner
Anthony Videtto
James Walker
Joseph Wall
V. P. Warren
Blanton Welch
Gerue Whitwortb;
Preston Williams
David Williamson
R. Wingate
Bruce Wood
John Woods
Thomas Youngblood
Dee Ann Butler, Sweetheart
Stephen Smith, President
Steve King, Vice-president
Mike Lassiter, Secretary
Gary Sweetin, Treasurer
James Draffin, Recorder
David Epps, Chaplain
Wiley Allen
Steve Anderson
Michael Brady
Steve Bramblett
Max Bumgardner
James Butler
Ralph Chambless
James Cox
Darryl Crim
Richard DeLoach
James Draffin
Richard Drexel
Joel Dudd
David Epps
Robert Fincher
William Flowers
Stephen Gregory
Charley Griffin
Ken Hansing
John Haynie
John Hoban
George Hogan
Charles Johnston
Buddy Keller
Donnie Kelly
Robert King
Danny Lamb
Mike Lassiter
Carey Leverett
John Marcinko
David McLauglin
Larry Miller
Thomas Ondrejcak
Daniel Quinn
Shelton Root
Edward Smith
Stephen Smith
Ray Stanford
Gary Sweetin
Robert Trebony
Wayne Watson
Larry Wiggins
Todd Williams
James Willis
Tim Wilson
Jim Winn
Mike Sleeth, President
Carlos Rodriegus-Feo, Vice-president
Tap Hartwell, Secretary
Bob Killian, Treasurer
Gary Paulson, Rush Chairman
Jeannie Moore, Sweetheart
John Anderson
John Ashley
Philip Beegle
Denny Burton
Chuck Byrd
Richard Calhoun
John Campbell
Bill Carmichael
Louie Cason
Mike Casper
Michael Cassidy
Jim Cox
Richard Cronic
Bill Denny
Marion Dunn
Michael Farrell
Mitch FarrelH
Gary Grant
Allen Green
Mark Hall
Richard Hayslett
Craig Hoffman
Mark Howell
Brad Hull
Richard Huie
Jeff Ingram
Joe Iseman
Keith Jones
Robert Killian
Tom Lamb
Bill Lee
William Lovett
Thomas Luke
Barry Lusk
Charlie Malaraz
John Michels
John Miles
Bill Miller
Pat Monroe
Sandy Ogden
Lee Osborn
Jim Page
Gary Paulson
Ronald Penland
Tom Roberts
Robert Robb
Gerald Robins
Feo Rodriguez
Danny Ross
Johnny Rowland
Charles Schwabe
Ed Shaw
James Shirer
Charles Siler
Miles Sligh
Donald Smith
David Sleeth
Charlie Strobel
Larry Tiller
Tom Waldrop
David Walker
Frosty Walker
Bill Williams
Steve Warrell
Harriett Berlin, Sweetheart
Gene Benator, President
David Garfinkel, Vice-president
Chuck Sussman, Secretary
David Popowski, Treasurer
Richard Adelman
Albert Low
Charles Allen
Tod Aronovitz
Scott Bayme
Gene Benator
Gregory Blumberg
Todd Blumenfeld
Stuart Dobbs
Gary Eichholz
David Garfinkel
Harry Housen
Gary Jeager
Arnold Kirschman
Norman Kraar
Wayne Laderberg
Michael Lefkove
Barry Lourie
Steve Miller
Michael Mischner
Jimmy Mischner
Barry Mitzner
Earl Pollock
David Popowski
Mark Popowski
William Pories
Chester Rosenberg
Robert Rosenfield
Irvin Seeman
Victor Shernoff
Ira Silver
Jerry Singerman
Philip Solomons
Charles Sussman
Gary Udinsky
Robert Weston
Mary Stein, Sweetheart
Don Braxley, President
Charles Orck, Vice-president
John McCord, Secretary
David Bentley, Treasurer
Jack Smith, Pledge Marshal
Pete Adams
Clyde Almy
Cal Andrews
David Bentley
Dale Bignell
Logan Boss
Don Braxley
Edward Brock
Jerry Buchanan
Ted Busch
George Bushmire
Joseph Chambers
Lucky Chandler
Woody Daniel
William Dickerson
Luther Drennan
Joel Driggers
Edward Dunbar
Jon Farr
Rick Flood
Mel Frazier
Russ Gambill
Edward Grandis
Tom Grantz
Joey Hagan
Tommy Hamon
Wesley Harbour
A. Hirst
Michael Hopkins
Richard Houck
Jimmy Jones
Ed Keen
Arnold Kellos
Larry King
Danny Kirkland
Henry Long
William Maddox
C. Martin
John Martin
William Martin
John McBride
^Hohn McCord
Arch McGarity
James McKnight
John McMillan
Jerod Meeks
Ed Moorehouse
Charles Orck
Michael Parrish
Mel Pearson
Roy Peters
David Profitt
Kran Riddle
Pete Robertson
Wayne Robertson
Steve SanFratello
John Smith
Johnny Smith
Jimmy Smith
James Stewart
Curtis Summerlin
David Summerlin
Mike Vaughn
Joe Vestal
Andy Walker
Larry Walker
Robbie Walter

Pat Finley, Sweetheart
Sam Heys, President
Eddie Hartness, Vice-president
Fred Tunmer, Secretary
Roy Tritt, Treasurer
Miles McDonald, Social Chairman
Bob Tritt, Rush Chairman
Dave Bass
John Dry
Don Eddins
Neal Florence
Peter Foss
Jan Gillespie
David Gravitt
Edward Hartness
Sam Heys
Mike Hooks
Dickie James
Dee Long
Harry McDonald
Miles McDonald
Parker Owen
Tom Smith
Lee Sommers
Robert Tritt
Roy Tritt
Fred Tunmer
Glenn Klausman, President
John Hoselton, Vice-president
Robert Agress, Treasurer
Martin Robinowich, Secretary
Rusty, Dog and Resident Freak
Robert Agress
Earl Baxter
Bill Becker
Richard Blitz
John Elliott
Fred Goldman
John Hoselton
James Jordan
Glenn Klausman
Peter Nadel
Rick Ricketson
Wayne Roberts
Martin Robinowich
Herschel Saparow
Bill Tolin
William White
Larry Mosteller, President
Charles Lanier, Vice-president
Stanley Darnell, Secretary
Joe Harrington, Treasurer
Mike Bloodworth
David Bowman
William Boyd
Glenn Champion
Dale Cummings
Stanley Darnell
Mark Davis
Allen Edenfield
Stephen Hammond
Glenn Harden
Joe Harrington
Danny Jones
Craig Kimbrough
John Krysalka
Eugene Lake
Charles Lanier
Robert Largen
Michael Lovelace
Bill McLendon
Larry Moor
Larry Mosteller
Clyde Poe
Steve Sark
Steve Sheriff
Randy Smith
Ed Trice
Odie Walker
James Wilson
Ron Womack
Jim Wright
Mike Wright
Walter Hall, President
Walter Carter, Vice-president
Thomas Bozeman, Secretary
Thomas Parker, Treasurer
Wilburn Blackstock
Al Bozeman
James Brewer
Walt Carter
Larry Davis
Larry Day
David Disney
James Fleischman
Grady Fleming
Walter Hall
John Hannum
Charles Higgingbotham
Oran Johnson
George Mansfield
William Mauldin
Roger Oubey
Thomas Parker
Leon Roby
William Rogers
Michael Tyler
Ronnie Willingham
Jim Wilson
Richard Adelman
Chaidir Adenil
Stephen Agyekum
Betsy Akers
James Allen
Bobbie Allred
Bill Andrew
Chris Ayres
Bennett Baxley
Clifton Baxter
David Beauchamp
Howard Benson
Jimmy Boatright
Pamela Bonnabel
Judy Bowen
Hugh Brown
Linda Brown
David Broxton
Ginny Bryant
Sally Bullard
J. M. Cagle
John Callaway
Melody Camp
Fred Campbell
Don Carter
Michael Casper
Mary Cebik
Clayton Chandler
Hsi-huang Chen
Richard Chesnutt
George Childs
Irene Christopher
Robert Constantine
Craig Crawford
Robert Crout
Polly Davis
Ginger Davis
Jennifer Dempsey
William Dempsey
George Dickerson
George Donaldson
Larwence Donovan
Luther Drennan
Ben Dunn
Dost Durrani
Jeff Edmondson
Christopher Egwin
Brenda Epperly
William Ezzard
Laurie Finley
Lois Fitzpatrick
James Flemming
Mike Florence
Robert Fortson
John Soster
Ann Galloway
Robert Gerhardt
Sarah Gibson
Samual Graiser
Gary Grant
Linda Green
Margaret Gregory
Carroll Griffin
Carolyn Griggs
Hugh Guffey
Mary Guffey
Barbara Hale
Frank Haley
Tommy Hamilton
Robert Harper
George Heyen
Hugh Hill
W. P. Holmes
Dennis Houff
Marysue Huffman
Terry Hunt
James Irvin
Danny Jones
Enayatollh Karami
Said Karkouti
Elaine Keadle
Kavous Keshavarz
Beth King
Charles King
Reed Konigsmark
Tsanjune Kuo
Hasan Langglung
George Lapa
Charles Lassiter
Genie Lester
Alan Liggett
Rick Mahan
Wei-Feng Mamie Ma
Yoshiaki Matsuda
Jane Maynard
Sandra McCranie
Royce McCrany
Patrick McFall
Brenda Moates
Marsha Mock
Charles Munhall
John Murphy
John Murphy
Doina Nedila
Ernest Nemes
Marsha Newton
Yasutaka Nishi
Huxley Nixon
Gerald Nobles
Marcus Nobles
Diane Nunnelly
Onofre Paguio
Eui Paik
Trav Paine
Koo-Byong Park
Larry Parkman
Arvind Patel
Bharat Patel
Ray Payne
Mae Peebles
Paul Penn
Janice Perdue
Larry Pierce
Tommy Pollock
Jane Powers
Thomas Powers
Sutar Rachmat
James Raine
Jack Randall
Chuck Rice
Mary Sartor
Raymond Schaltenbrand
Charissa Schultz
Felix Semeli
Ward Shearouse
Jimmy Sheriff
Victor Shernoff
Mack Sloan
Dave Smiley
Linda Smith
Leroy Sovine
Allan Sproles
Susan Steffey
Paul Stienke
Farid Stino
Ronny Stover
James Stowe
John Taylor
Harold Terry
Edwin Thayer
Robert Townsend
Ming-Chen Tung
Ken Unzicker
John Van Nostrund
Henry Wall
Emory Warrick
Dejan Webb
Grayson White
Larry White
W. J. Williams
R. W. Wilson
Andrew Wood
Cheryl Wood
Hyuck Yoon
Alvin Young
Gerry Young
Alan Ziglin
Phread Zubrown
Wayne Altman
Joseph Arp
Jerry Beckler
Robert Beightol
William Bell
James Benson
Randy Blanton
Paul Bleckley
Joan Boatright
Gail Bobbitt
Bill Bomar
Ronnie Brock
Hugh Burke
Paula Castro-Poveda
Craig Clark
Linda Clifton
Margurite Coldren
Hugh Cromer
James Daniel
Grant Dooley
Thomas Duffy
John Dukes
Robert Dwornik
W. Hanigan
Tom Gardner
Alice Garrard
James Gay
Robert Gibson
Michele Glankler
Alva Godfrey
Andrew Goins
Alvin Graham
Danny Greene
Donnie Griffin
Terry Griffith
Emory Griffin
Mary Griffin
Bonnie Gurr
Mark Hall
Larry Handal
Dan Harris
G. C. Harris
Jasper Harvey
James Hinton
Robert Hodges
Dick Howard
Thomas Jackson
Roger Jordan
Carlton Kitchens
G. J. Kunes
Doug Landrum
David Leitch
Lily Loo
Bud Lunceford
Eddie Madden
Ray Maddox
Dennis Malto
W. McClelland
Larry McMichael
Donald Miller
Richard Morgan
Richard Morris
Michael Nix
David Overton
David Patten
T. O. Powell
Charlotte Ray
William Rivers
Charles Rouse
Edward Sammons
Ed Shaw
Ed Smith
Kyle Smith
Lawrence Smith
James Stansell
Sue Spence
Phil Talley
David Tharp
John Thompson
Sandra Thompson
Alvin Tillman
Hampton Wade
Linnie Walls
Jeff Ward
Randy Ward
Ronald Ward
Gene Webb
Mike Wehuer
William Whitaker
Jerry White
Victoria White
Alonzo Wilson
James Wilson
Gary Wright
John Wynne
Carl Young
JlH P>\ ?&
V d:
Charles Adams
Mickey Anderson
Mac Balkcom
Dennis Barber
Rick Berta
Richard Bondy
Carolyn Brinkley
Olivia Broome
Bobby Burton
Willie Casey
Ronald Deen
Thomas DeLaney
Donna Denman
A. B. Dorminy
Dennis Drewyer
Douglas Ellis
Robert Dyer
Sandra Ellsworth
Herbert Fordham
Jesse Foshee
Gary Glover
Stanley Gottlieb
Frank Greenway
Sheena Harrington
David Harris
Buddy Haskins
Archie Hendley
Billy Hodges
Billy Hogan
George Hogan
Calvin Holmes
Warren Holton
James Howell
Joel Hudgins
Jet Jackson
Jerry Johnson
Jeffrey Kass
Jerry LeClar
Corey Leverett
Dan Lindsey
Jerry Loss
Mark Maddox
Ben Martin
Ronnie Massengale
George McGee
Mac McGee
Bill McGraw
Dennis Miles
Indra Moedjib
Hoyt Morris
Samuel Norman
George Patton
Jimmy Perry
Robert Peterson
Greg Phillips
Alan Place
Chris Smith
W. J. Smith
Stuart Spencer
Dennis Still
Jerry Thomas
Harry Thompson
Jerry Timmons
Clayton Tullos
Nancy Underwood
Henry Walker
Ralph Watson
Donald Wilburn
Donald Wilder
Charles Williams
Paul Williams
John Wilson
Katherine Achenbach
Merilyn Acree
Karen Adams
Roger Adams
Ezekiel Addison
Judy Ahl
Larry Alberson
Roger Anders
Susan Awtrey
George Bailey
Angee Baker
Dave Ballard
William Barfield
David Barrett
Hugh Barrow
Raymond Bartley
Kathy Bass
Randy Bates
Earl Baxter
Edward Baxter
Alex Bealer
Philip Beegle
John Behl
Pat Bellamy
Holly Bellinger
Harry Bennett
Joan Bennett
Sally Bennett
Charles Bentley
Kay Berry
Cindy Bickerstaff
Jackie Birchall
Helen Bird
Charlotte Blackman
John Blakesmith
Jan Blanchard
Brenda Bodziner
Bernard Bogrow
Janice Bollinger
Danny Boman
Lonnie Plott
Bobby Rish
Jane Robinson
Dana Rogers
Gene Rounsaville
John Shields
Martin Sirkin
Richard Skene
Adrienne Anderson
Charles Anderson
Melinda Anglin
Linda Ard
Tod Aronovitz
Judy Aspinwall
Bryan Attaway
Harry Avedisian
Stephen Botti
Gerald Bowie
Susan Boyd
Sarah Bradford
Mary Braxton
John Brock
Joanne Brown
Jill Brown low
Ronald Bruce
Steve Bruce
William Bruce
Ginny Bryan
Cathryn Bryant
Johnny Bryant
Sandra Burk
Lynn Burson
Roberta Butler
Ed Byne
Colenna Cain
Emily Camp
Mike Carbonell
Russell Carlisle
Bill Carr
Glenda Carter
Viki Carter
Michael Castronis
Marcy Chambless
Ralph Chambless
Sandra Chastain
Barbara Chewning
Julie Childs
William Chisholm
John Choate
Rod Clark
Buddy Clayton
Michael Clements
Sharon Coburn
Frank Cofer
Gloria Cohen
Pamela Colbert
Patsy Cole
Jon Coleman
Barbara Coley
Coopie Collier
Dennis Collier
James Connah
Edward Conner
Mildred Copeland
Cynthia Corley
Betty Cornwell
Price Corr
Carol Costabile
John Cowden
Mary Cox
Connie Crawford
Kathleen Crawley
Darryl Crim
Milton Crossway
Jake Crouch
David Crowe
Dale Cummings
Bill Cunningham
Walter Czura
Laura D'Ambrosio
Bill Darby
Bob David
Barry Davis
Ken Davis
Theodore Day
Carolyn Deich
Richard DeLoach
Greg Delong
Richard DeRose
Carmen Dibiase
David Disney
Anita Dobbs
Stuart Dobbs
Sunny Dodson
Mary Dorsey
Buff Dozier
James Draffin
Richard Drexel
Marilyn Duckworth
Cecilia Dunlap
Martha DuPree
Douglas Early
Sue Eason
Clair Eberenz
Gary Eichholz
Larry Elliott
Al Epting
Alex Erwin
Howell Erwin
Janice Esposito
Jack Ethredge
Charue Evans
Peter Foss
Charles Freeman
Nan Freeman
Phillip Friou
Trent Gaites
Thomas Gallant
Carole Garrett
George Garrison
Charles Gatlin
David Gentry
James Gentry
Gerald Gill ~
James Gipson
Bill Glass
Peggy Glass
Donald Glasser
R. W. Glover
Gwendolyn Gonia
Jeffry Goodrum
Shayne Goodrum
James Gottschalk
Marjorie Gould
Susie Grantham
Randolph Graves
Deborah Greer
Leslie Griner
Palmer Gulley
Michael Hahn
Ella Hale
Eric Hale
John Hall
Janet Hammet
William Harrison
Mary Hart
Sharon Harvey
Anita Hatcher
Donna Haynes
Helen Haynes
John Haynie
Susan Haynie
Van Haywood
Jeannie Heard
Clint Hege
Kathy HeissenbutteB
George Henderson
Karen Hennen
Dennis Henry
Bebe Herring
James Hicks
Laura Hickson
Chris Higgins
Glenn Hobbs
Jackson Hodges
Kay Hodges
Linda Holder
John Holt
Cindy Hooks
John Hotard
Robert House
Bob Hurley
Lynda Hutchins
Deborah Hyden
Joan Isaacs
Larry Isaacson
Thomas Ezell
Alice Felts
John Fetner
Michael Fitzgerald
Grady Fleming
Charles Flowe
William Folsom
Daniel Foshee
John Hamrick
Babs Hand
Fen Hansing
Kathleen Harbin
Sammy Hardegree
James Hardy
Susie Harris
Merrill Harrison
William Jackson
John Jahera
Annie James
Janis Johnson
Helen Jones
Jean Jones
Lewis Jones
Susy Jones
Riki Jowers
Mary Judge
Patricia Karwisch
Donn Kearns
Pam Kelly
Susan Kelly
John Kenney
Lydia Kilgore
Richard Kilpatrick
Barbie King
Ann Kirkland
Nicholas Knight
Arthur Kramer
Barry Ladd
Wayne Laderberg
Robert Lake
Danny Lamb
Mallory Langan
Mike Lassiter
Lynn Lavender
Lisa Lawson
Edward Lester
Francis Lewis
Richard Limbird
Elizabeth Lindley
Richard Lindsay
William Lindsey
William Lindsey
Patty Little
Ray Livingston
Mark Loftin
Lee Lovvorn
Mike Lubel
Jimmy Luckie
Ellen Mackey
Richard Maddux
Anne Mahan
Clarajean Major
C. C. Malone
Reid Manis
Lesley Mansur
Lauren Marchetti
John Martin
Marjorie Martin
Adrianne Massey
Lynne Maury
Pamela Mays
Michael McCarthy
Virginia McChesney
Robert McCoy
Mike McCullough
David McDonald
Robert McDonnell
Jeff McDougal
Janet McElmurray
Mama McElroy
Randy McElroy
Joseph McEver
Pat McGee
Tina McKee
Judith McLaren
David McLaughlin
Thomas McLean
Jan McLelland
Charles McQuaig
Roderick McLeod
Bobby McRae
Anne Mead
Randy Mickler
Sandra Miles
Larry Miller
Clyde Mitchell
Ronald Mitchell
John Mize
Charles Moore
Charlotte Moore
Nan Moore
Ted Moore
Tim Moore
Sally Moran
Toni Morris
Jeffrey Mule
Faye Mullis
A. E. Murphy
William Musarra
Robert Myers
Mary Navarre
Joseph Nawrocki
Walter Nix
Scott Offen
Thomas Ondrejcak
Larry O'Nealffv
Joel Ostuw
Alain Outlaw
Becky Owen
Parker Owen
Margaret Owens
Jim Page
Terry Patterson
Buz Payne
James Payne
Ronald Penland
Gail Penn
Douglas Peters
Randall Pettit
Terry Pickren
Martha Pinholster
Rita Poetter
Walter Pohl
Michael Pohler
Joseph Porter
Troy Poss
Brenda Powell
Michael Powell^
William Prescott
Christopher Price
April Probinsky
Robert Probst
Alana Quenzer
Daniel Quinn
Joyce Raper
Mary Rayborn
James Raymond
Maggie Redd
Michael Reeves
Donald Revels
Carol Rhoad
Chip Ridley
Elizabeth Rigsby
Diana Rineer
Susan Roberts
Ann Robertson
Pete Robertson
Gerald Robins
Martha Robinson
Stephen Rogers
Victoria Romaine
Jeff Rominger
Jan Roth
Ashley Royal
Sue Russell
Marie Saggese
Teresa Saggese
William Sale
Eileen Sammons
Mike Sanchez
Donna Sanders
Stephen Sanders
Sandy Scarbrough
James Schaeffer
Margo Scheveikert
Harriett Schultz
Debbie Scott
Katherine Scott
Irvin Seeman
Steve Segrest
Kay Sessions
Kenneth Shaw
Jennifer Sherling
Michael Sherling
Kay Neisler
Angela Nelms
Doug Nelms
Gary Nelson
Elinor Newkirk
Gary Nichols
Jane Nichols
Kathleen Nielson
Billie Sherrod
Mary Shipley
Samuel Shoemaker
Walter Short
Lewis Shrader
Andrea Sickles
Mary Singleton
Anne Sisson
Lisa Sioat
Donald Smith
James Smith
Madeline Smith
Marvin Smith
Stephen Smith
Thomas Smith
Daphne Smyke
Elizabeth Snowder
Darwin Soler
James Sommerville
Sherrie Souder
Carol Speno
Gayle Sprayberry
Robert Stancil
John Stanley
Jeffrey Starnes
Harriet Stein
Jean Stephens
Elizabeth Stephenson
Myron Stephenson
Diane Stewart
Richard Stinchcomb
Clay Stoddard
James Strauss
Albert Strickland
Robert Strickland
Alan Sumner
Lucy Swart
Gary Sweetin
Sandra Sylvester
Judy Szpak
Dyke Tatum
Toni Taylor
James Temples
Nebbie Terry
David Thomas
Anne Thompson
Charles Thompson
Donna Thompson
Harry Thompson
Michael Thompson
Norah Thompson
Priscilla Thompson
Tattnall Thompson
Phil Thomson
Michael Tillitski
Lindsay Tise
Gary Tolbert
Carl Tomberlin
Pat Torbush
Robert Trebony
Robert Tripp
Jane Truett
James Turner
Margaret Turner
Thomas Turner
Walter Turner
Alan Tyner
Susan Ulm
Roland Vaughn
Randolph Vipperman
Paul Vivian
Deborah Walker
James Walker
Joseph Wall
Patsy Walsh
Sheila Ward
Betty Warren
Craig Watson
Rachel Watt
Donna Weber
Mike Webster
Paula Weigand
Gail Weinmeister
Christy White
Dianne Whitley
Gerrie Whitworth
Jane Willey
Allen Williams
Claud Williams
John Williams
Preston Williams
Robert Williams
Stephen Williams
Stephen Williams
Wendell Williams
William Williams
James Willis
Gary Wilson
Guy Wilson
Smith Wilson
Richard Winn
Marian Wolff
Linda Woodward
Joseph Worthington

Dana Adams
John Adams
Beth Adkins
Robert Ailein
Bruce Akins
Cherry Anderson
John Anderson
Linda Anderson
Hamilton Ansley
Glenn Austin
Richard Avildsen
Phillip Bailey
Andy Barnette
Joe Barton
Neal Barton
Jerry Baxter
William Becraft
Terry Beeson
Earl Bell
Steve Bell
Phillip Benefield
Ben Benford
Howard Benford
John Binder
Robert Bowden
Bonnie Bowen
Charles Bowen
Louis Bowen
Clifford Bowers
David Bowles
Jesse Bowles
Danny Bowman
David Bowman
William Boyd
David Brady
Robert Brannon
Harold Brown
Kathy Brown
Steve Brown
Charles Broyles
Gerald Busbee
Lee Butts
James Bwinis
David Byrd
Mimi Caldwell
Thomas Callaway
Ronald Camp
Eddie Campbell
Jessica Campbell
Kerry Campbell
Charles Cannon
Bobby Capel
James Carter
Louie Cason
William Chalker
Glenn Champion
R. D. Blackburn
Ernest Blackmore
John Boardman
Regina Bolden
Vince Bond
Frank Boom
William Borrouchs
Van Botsaris
David Chance
Cecil Cheves
Sam Clark
Jerry Clements
Alan Cohen
Steve Cohen
Felix Coker
Bruce Colbert
Mike Collier
Curtis Coll ins
Leon Coll ins
William Coll ins
Charles Cone
Douglas Conner
Jerry Connor
Henry Cook
Alex Cooper
Bob Coon
Dwight Copeland
Gail Coutcher
James Cox
Jep Craig
George Crawford
Dennis Crews
Richard Crighton
Daniel Currey
Danny Daniel
Stanley Darnell
Ted Davis
Steve Dearing
David Deariso
James Delashaw
David Dempsey
Mike Dills
Henry Dodd
Robert Dodson
Richard Downer
Lee Driggers
Mary Dunaway
Charles Duncan
Sam Dunlap
Kee Durden
Ray Durham
Sidney Eason
Ben Easterlin
Don Eddins
David Edelman
Allen Edenfield
Alan Edmonson
Carl Ellington
Bucky Elliott
Jim Ellis
Tony Esposito
Donna Everett
James Farris
David Field
Joe Fletcher
Don Flowers
George Floyd
Charlette Flynt
Crisp Flynt
Lynne Ford
Brian Foster
Rick Foster
Lee Fritze
Sherri Fulmer
Rex Fuqua
David Furr
Robert Gaskins
Jim Gatewood
Thomas Gattis
Jimmy Gay
Linda Giles
Jan Gillespie
Steven Gilliam
Don Gilmore
Bennett Gilreath
Patty Girardeau
Jerry Glass
Donald Goodroe
Steve Goodroe
Mike Gordon
John Cravely
Allen Green
Steve Green
William Green
Peggy Grier
Carol Grubbs
Jim Gunby
Christopher Gunter
Jack Hahn
Emmett Hall
James Hall
Sam Hall
Stephen Hammond
Ken Hammontree
Brian Hancock
Ben Haney
Glenn Harden
Clinton Harkins
C. E. Harman
Joe Harrington
Bill Hart
Walter Hartman
Edward Hartness
Andy Haygood
Ted Haynes
Phil Heard
James Hess
Dee Hewitt
Ted Hicks
Joanne Hildebrand
Bobby Hilliard
Peter Hodgson
Kipp Hiffman
Richard Holcomb
Bill Holloway
Mark Holmes
Lewis Hook
Tony Howell
Joseph Hoyle
Louis Huff
Pete Hulme
Michael Hunsucker
Jeff Ingram
Betty Isakson
Luis Isaza
Colquitt Jackson
Steve Jackson
Richard Jacobson
Sylvia Johnsa
Curtis Johnson
James Johnson
Robert Joiner
Candy Jones
Carl Jones
Tall Jones
Jimmy Jordan
Dick Joyner
Haygood Keadle
Craig Kimbrough
Robert King
Mary Kirtland
Ralph Knight
Tony KomaC'
John Krysalka
Eugene Lake
Jimmy Lane
Ennis Laney
Robert Laney
Charles Lanier
Randall Lanier
John Lanigan
Jerry Lankford
William Lankford
Patricia Laratta
Robert Largen
Robert Lawler
Marion Leavitt
Alan Levow
Janeice Long
William Lovett
Ron Lowry
Debbie Lufburrow
Thomas Luke
May Lytle
Charlie Malarz
George Mansfield
Joe Marlow
C. W. Martin
Aprile Matthews
Harold Mayfield
William McChesney
David McDaniel
William McElreath
Michael McEver
Kenneth McFarland
John McGoogan
Doyle McGowan
Martha McKenzie
Ben McKinney
Bill McLendon
Kenny McLendon
Bill McMath
Bernard McMonigle
Billy McWilliams
Jerod Meeks
Robert Meyer
Otis Mi lifer
Steve Miller
Al Miniaci
Michael Mizell
Larry Moor
Jere Moore
Charles Morgan
Jeff Morgan
Larry Mosteller
Mike Murphy
Robert Myers
James Nash
Andrew Nations
Robert Nichols
Bob Nicholson
Richard Nicholson
Christopher Nielsen
Dawson Nixon
Arthur Noble
Thomas Nollner
Pam Norman
Peter Oatman
Barbara Obenshain
Colquitt Odom
Charles Oglesby
John O'Neal
Lee Osborne
Christopher Owen
Jeff Owens
Padgett Woodard
Darwin Pankey
John Parker
Travis Parker
Leslie Parkman
William Parks
Dan Pate
Roger Pearce
Victor Pena
Robert Penland
Clark Perry
Robert Pierce
Clyde Poe
Earl Pollock
Aileen Ponder
Cecil Pool
Joseph Pope
Mark Popowski
Del Powell
Ronald Powell
Wendell Powell
James Price
Edwin Pullen
Stuart Rado
Daniel Raichlen
Gregg Ray
Robert Reynolds
James Rice
Jerry Rigby
Jeffrey Rittenbaum
David Rogers
Chester Rosenberg
Reeda Rubin
Vincent Russo
Tom Rymer
Johnny Tallant
Alan Talley
Thomas Tante
J. Tetrault
Michael Thomas
Sheila Thomas
Harold Thompson
William Tichalek
Michael Timmerman
Edward Tolley
Leisa Tomlinson
Arthur Trader
Roy Tritt
James Trotter
Richard Tucker
Phillip Turner
Michael Tyler
Randy Sanders
Marshall Sasser
Lawrence Saunders
Andrew Scherffius
Grace Scholfield
John Scholfield
Steve Sheriff
David Shiver
Jenan Shivers
Charles Siler
Daniel Slade
Robert Smalley
Sue Smiley
Anthony Smith
Earl Smith
Gary Smith
Mark Smith
Myron Smith
Shawn Smith
Sheila Smith
Wink Smith
Rodney Sollenberger
Philip Solomons
David Speight
Sandy Spurlock
Thomas Statham
Dan Stephens
Donald Stewart
Hugh Stith
John Stone
Frank Story
Stephen StovaUBH
Steward Stich
Curtis Summerlin
David Summerlin
Kenny Sutcliffe
Henry Swann
Christine Underwood
George Vestal
Odie Walker
Robert Ware
Stanley Waters
Ronnie Weeks
Kathy Weisbach
Robert Westmoreland
Reginald Wheeler
Larry Whitaker
Christopher Whithers
Beau Wilfegham
James Wilson
Chris Withers
Ron Womack
Paul Woody
Mike Wright
Lucile Wynne
Arta Young
i iMinn r t t "iYr-nimnBTfT ill 2
m ' Si
\ <= -'*4
Alan Aaron
Charles Achenbach
Gerald Achenbach
Doug Adams
Linda Adams
Teresa Adams
Diane Albea
Jane Allen
Jacquelyn Almond
Bettye Amos
Richard Applebury
Rebecca Arbery
Barbara Atkinson
Peggy Avery
Barbara Avrett
Kitty Ball
Kathryn Bankston
Carl Barrs
Barbara Beckham
Debbie Bell
Edna Bell
Evelyn Bell
Barbara Bishop
Darby Blake
Sandy Bledsoe
Peggy Bloodsworth
Martha Bowden
Beverly Brandes
Harriet Brickie
Diane Briscoe
Kathryn Broadrick
Georgia Brooks
Alice Brown
Pamela Brown
Paula Brown
Rickie Brown
Alexa Bryans
Lanelle Bryar
Nell Burch
Wynema Burdette
Thomas Burge
Jane Burgess
Dee Butler
Frances Bynum
Susan Byrd
Connie Campbell
John Campbell
Jane Canipe
Cathy Carmichael
Diane Carrington
Nancy Carter
Lucy Cash
Colleen Cassiday
Jodie Center
Sue Chambers
Jessie Chastain
Patricia Chitwood
Jim Clark
Carolyn Clement
Constance Clifford
Jane Clifton
Cathy Coble
Barbara Coe
Linda Cohn
Virginia Colbert
Julie Cole
Carole Coleman
Caroline Combs
Sheila Cook
Kaye Cooper
Melvin Cooper
Carol Copeland
Charles Corbett
Mary Covin
Kathleen Crabbe
Linda Crafton
Becky Crawford
Connie Crawford
Margaret Crenshaw
Sara Culbreth
Pam Curth
Barbara Curtis
Linda Dalton
Deborah Darby
Shirley Darity
Sharon Davidson
Richard Davis
Susan Davis
Vicki Davis
Cheryl Deaton
Sarah Dennard
Sherie Denson
Ricky Donnelly
James Draffin
Constance Duncan
Patricia Durham
Jean Earnest
Patricia Eason
Gale Edwards
Kathy Edwards
Martha Edwards
Thomas Edwards
Jane Ellington
Deborah Epperson
David Epps
Lynn Ernest
Myra Farrar
Julie Felker
Linda Fleming
Ann Ford
Kathryn Foster
Sherry Franks
Donna Freed
Lillian Friedberger
Maxine Friedman
Jimmy Fuller
Carrie Gantt
Susan Gaskins
JoAnne Gibson
Angela Giddens
Laura Gilbert
Debbie Giles
Kathleen Gleeson
Mary Glover
Margaret God bee
Ouida Good
Babbie Greene
Nancy Greene
Charley Griffin
Susan Griffin
Ginger Grimes
Carol Grinstead
Bob Groves
Mimi Hal|||i
Vicki Hall
Helene Halpern
Gladys Hammond
Janet Hancock
Judy Hancock
Judy Hancock
Michael Harrelson
Penny Harper
Nancy Harris
Marguerite Heacock
Claudia Henderson
Connie Henry
Patty Hess
Carol Hoelzer
Linda Hogg
Janis Hollomon
Elizabeth Holt
Martha Hughes
R. C. Hughes
Trini Hughes
William Huggins
Gale Hunter
Ronnie Hutcheson
Weezie Jackson
Boleslaw Janowski Ilf
Katherine Jessup
Claire Johnson
Voe Johnson
Karen Johnston
Jan Joiner
Kristine Jones
Patricia Jones
Teresa Jones
Beneta Jordan
Dorothy Kadala
Barbara Kaminsky
Lynne Kantsiper
Sheila Kaplan
Carol Kasprzkowski
Sabina Kaucher
Leslye Kauvar
Sherry Keith
Deborah Kennedy
Marcia Kennedy
Bonnie King
Krystine Kirton
Vickie Knight
Janet Kratzer
Leanne Kuehl
Mary Kupecky
Carolyn Lane
John Lane
Karla Lange
Regina Langford
Lynn Lawson
Joy Ledbetter
Kathryn Lemon
Julia Leverett
Marcia Lewis
Sarah Lewis
Mary Long
Jerry Lowe
Mary Lumpkin
Loretta Lunsford
Susan Lynch
Bobby Macris
Diane Maddox
Robert Mair
Lynn Martin
Debbie Mason
Richard Mason
Cecilia Mathis
Lynda MaxwelH
Kay McAllister
Patricia McBride
Cathy McCall
Celia McCall
Fran McCaskill
Lynda McClelland
David McEver
Jack McGlaun
Ellen McHenry
Bridget McKinley
Sue McMath
Lynn McMinn
Jane Meadows
Shelley Meddin
Gloria Middleton
Mary Miles
Lora Millard
Robbie Miller
Judy Mills
Kathie Mogish
Jeannie Moore
Karen Morris
Martha Morrow
Ellen Moskowitz
Donna Mowery
Betty Mozley
Constance Murdoch
Ellen Muskowitz
Gayle Myers
Ginger Myers
Margaret Myers
James Norris
Jan Norton
Philip Nowicki
Carol Nunnery
Sandra Nygaard
Sue O'Brien
Betty O'Hearn
Carol Oliva
James O'Neal
Jean O'Steen
Norma Owen
Rita Owens
Vesta Owens
Pete Pappas
Shay Paris
Gail Park
Susan Parker
Andrea Parks
Lora PaschaL
Sue Patterson
Patti Peacock
Laurene Pearson
Melissa Pharr
Dorothy Pierce
Mary Pinson
Phyllis Pittman
Barbara Powell
Charlotte Prejean
Cindy Pryles
Patti Ransom
Robert Ray
Janice Redwine
Douglas Reynolds
William Rhodes
Shirley Richter
Millie Roach
Cathy Robinson
Conrae Roelofs
Harriett Rohrbaugh
Mary Rollins
Shelton Root
llene Rothberg
Kathy Rudolph
Sharon Rudowske
Andy Sanders
Linda Schandler
Linda Schnack
Kevin Schochat
Freida Schonthal
Ann Schrepple
Andrea Schwartz
Diane Seeley
Kendall Sellers
Sherry Shapiro
Carolyn Sharp
Christy Shellhorse
Ann Shelton
James Shirer
Sandra Shuler
Karen Shusterman
Laine Siegel
Bonnie Simmons
Carole Simpson
Kathy Simpson
Darlyne Sims
Gay Sims
Sandy Skelton
Cara Smalley
Trisha Smith
Vivki South
Pam Spence
Suzanne Spratf|fp!||
Susan Sprayberry
Joanne St. Clair
Barbara Steele
. Becky Steila
Mona Stevens
Jodi Stoner
Patricia Stovall
Janet Strasburger
Marsha Strickland
Cheryl Struletz
David Swann
Dee Sweat
Cynthia Tedeschi
Ron Temples
Brenda Thomas
Sherrie Thomas
Gregory Thompson
Cathey Thorp
Stephanie Threlkeld
Cathy Tillman
Kay Tillman
Anne Toole
Marie Trapnel|j|||
Fred Tunmer
Jean Turpin
Bonnie Tuttle
Edward Tyler
Mary Uecke
Ronna Waldman
Kathleen Walker
Teresa Walker
Susan Warwick
Bill Watson
Wanda Watson
Wayne Watson
Felice Wershaw
Bobbie West
Lynne Westbrook
Tommy White
Willene White
Mary Whitlock
Marlene Whitten
Charles Whittemore
Evelyn Wickliffe
Pat Wigton
Jayne Wilder
Linda Wilkes
Donna Williams
Jacquelyn Williams
Martie Williams
Pam Williams
Peggy Williams
Terri Williams
Anne Williamson
Sheila Williamson
Sue Willingham
Judy Winn
Sally Wishard
Alice Witcher
Barbara Wood
Beverly Wood
Elaine Wood
Nancy Wood
Nancy Yarbrough
Janie Young
Joan Young
John Allen
Edward Bennis
Karl Bonawandt
Warren Burgess
Don Canupp
Hoyt Fincher
Charles Green
William Harrat
Philip Hauswirth
Cliff Hayes
Henry Herb
Hoppy Hopkins
Forrest Hynds
Patrick Joiner
Peter Klein
D. M. McClelland
Bill McLendon
Gary Morgan
Bruce Rado
David Rodgers
Kenneth Santos
Daniel Sugg
Raymond Terry
Randy Wright
a ' N
A i^ %
Subhi Al-Mutawa
Marvin Barnes
Jerry Bearden
Daniel Beck
William Brewer
Eafnie Carroll
Jim Collins
David Connell
Hugh Crowe
Jim Davis
Garrett Edmunds
David Edwards
Jeffrey Fender
Jack Fillingham
Alton Graham
Will Grant
Craig Henriksen
Smokey Izlar
Mickey Johnson
William Lancaster
Frank Lege
Edward Lott
Wallace Majure
George McKinney
Donald McSween
Tommy Norris
Joe Penn
Harry Rhodes
Don Seay
Larry Tanner
Mike West
Guy Wyche
Susan Ansley
Jan Bankhead
Linda Bankson
Gene Blackwell
Vickie Brock
Linda Brogdon
Bonnie Brown
Judith Burnett
Diane Burtz
Dorothy Byrd
Carden Oleane
Vivian Cartwright
Shirley Christian
Carol Costa
Rebecca Dillard
Wanda Elkins
Cecilia Foster
Mary Freeman
Nancy Frierson
Dunneah Gordon
Vivian Gordon
Emily Harper
Faye Harrington
Donna Hatcher
Susan Hill
Barbara Hoover
Althea Hudson
Dianne Hudson
Cassie Kelly
Carol Kennedy
Andrea Kent
Jane Maffett
Rebecca Knighton
Shirley Martin
Marcia Mayo
Jane McKinney
Joan Millsap
Pamela NeSmith
Nan Peterson
Tallulah Pope
Linda Pritchett
Linda Quackenbush
Debbi Rader
Janice Rawlins
Linda Sale
Wanda Sanders
Eleanor Schaltenbrand
Ann Simpson
Margaret Smith
Martha Stowe
Terry Sammerour
Patricia Taylor
Joan Turrentine
Cathy Webb
Carolyn Willis
Marcia Wolf
Harry Aiken
Marguerite Allgood
Faye Alderson
Darby Anderson
Michael Anderson
DeeDee Baggs
Kenneth Baldowski
Hannah Barber
Richard Barnes
Stephen Bassett
Joe Belew
Gene Benator
William Blankinship
Rosalind Bodkin
Barbara Boulware
Don Braxley
Harriet Brown
Louise Bruch
Nancy Bunker
Frederick Burger
Barry Coker
Debbie Collins
Claudia Coplon
Gary Cox
Joey Cummings
Beckie Curtis
Daniel Cecil
Leslie Davis
Bill Decker
Dick Donovan
Inez Dozier
Ron Dundore
Sandy Gill
Sandi Glass
Theodora Gordon
Jim Gowdell
Joe Harbson
Linda Harshman
Robert Hearn
Charles Henderson
Ellen Herring
Becky Holcombe
Stephen Horton
Hugh Howard
Brant Jackson
John Konesni
Michael Jones
Norman Kraar
Bill Lee
Katherine Leffew
Leslie Mags
Bill Martin
Brenda McCurley
Tricia McKibben
Donna McLeod
Chuck McPherson
Beth McWhorter
Bruce Meyer
Julia Milner
Jimmy Mischner
Mitch Mitchell
Sara Moorman
Susan Morris
Amy Mosely
Peter Nadel
Kathy Nobrega
Robert Nourt
Alan Ocawsky
David Patterson
Roy Reid
Wayne Roberts
Ted Rowland
Phyllis Royster
Barbara Russell
Karen Sammons
Diane Sanders
Jim Satterly
Bill Schultz
Jimmy Sims
Carlton Smith
Donnell Smith
Edward Smith
Thomas Staton
Pam Stephens
Paul Stone
Mark Swindle
Don Tomlinson
Merry Tyler
Carl Voegtlin
Daniel Waits
Charles Wallace
Garnett Wallace
Rick Waller
V. P. Warren
Joel Westbrook
Robert Weston
Dennis Whitfield
Judith Williams
John Williford
Charles Wilson
Nealy Woods
Mary Wright
Mark Yarbrough
Gwen Yawn
Emily England
Carl Erbesfield
Mike Foley
Stephen Fordham
Darryl Forrester
Sharon Fulford
Nora Geer
Jerome Gerson
Craig Adair;
Dale Adams
Elaine Adams
Lynn Adams
Miley Adams
Porter Adams
Carlyle Addison
Donna Adkerson
William Adkins
Mary Akers
Suzanne Akers
Cissy Alexander
Melinda Alexander
Shirley Alexander
Walter Alford
James Allgood
Charles Allen
Melody Allen
Ginger Allen
Suzanne Allen
Mark Alley
Bob Allyn
Linda Almand
Ches Alper
Charles Anderson
Floyce Anderson
John Anderson
Mary Anderson
Mike Anderson
Nita Anderson
Judy Andre
Terri Andrews
Bill Ansley
Jarrell Anthony
JoAnn ApenbrinK
Beverly Appelt
Jewel Armour
Brent Armstrong
Susie Ashton
Debi Ashworth
Mary Askew
Susan Askew
Allen Atkins
Lawrence Atkinson
Mitchell Avent
Andrew Avery
Betty Avery
Bruce Avery
Pam Avery
Bob Awtry
Bruce Aycocx
Lea Ayers
Giles Ayers
Ronald Baar
Steven Babbs
Ginger Babcock
Peggy Bacon
W. J. Badger
Ronald Baer
Beverly Baggs
Bobbi Bagwell
Deborah Bailey
Gail Bailey
Patricia Bailey
Jan Baker
Sarah Baker
Sheila Baldwin
John Balfour
Linda Ball
Josephine Bandy
Cynthia Bankhead
David Bankston
Ken Barbash
Glenn Barber
Bonnie Barnes
Lamar Barnes
Nancy Barnes
Wendell Barnes
Emily Barnhill
Michel Barnick
Beverly Barr
Diane Barron
Walter Barrow
Blair Bartlett
Glenn Barton
James Barwick
Bill Bassett
Betsy Bateman
Janice Bateman
Judy Bateman
L. A. Battle
Carolyn Baylor
Carey Beavers
James Beckworth
Victor Belote
Clydia Bennett
Lawrence Bennett
William Bennett
Mary Bercegeary
Susan Berman
Steve Berryman
Dale Bignell
Branson Bishop
Brenda Bishop
Gerald Black
Sharon Black
Michael Blackwell
Emily Blackwood
Carol Blalock
Anne Blanchard
Elaine Blanton
Mike Bloodworth
Gary Blount
Barbara Blum
Ellen Blum
Barbara Blumenthal
Mark Blumer
B F. Boggs
Chris Boren
Elaine Bolynn
Annette Boman
Kirk Bond
David Bonds
Gayle Bone
Leonard Bonner
Carolyn Borders
Margaret Bostick
Mary Boswell
William Boswell
Jacqueline Botts
Milton Bowen
Bonnie Bowers
Robert Bowers
Jerry Bowman
Bobby Boyd
Ijulia Boyd
Nancy Boyd
Tommy Boydston
Nancy Boyle
Kathy Boynton
Betsy Bracey
Angie Brackett
Mary Bradford
Paul Bradley
Michael Brady
Cathy Branch
Susan Branch
Trudy Brandau
Robert Brandes
William Brandon
John Brannol
Wade Brantley
Allen Braselton
Ralph Braswell
Peggy Braungart
Pamela Breed
William Breedlove
James Brewer
Mary Britton
Lebron Brock
Nancy Brooks
Nancy Brooks
Janet Brothers
Carol Brown
Cindy Brown
D. W. Brown
Dwight Brown
Gaylain Brown
M. T. Brown
Michael Brown
Nancy Brown
Susan Brown
Wayne Brown
Patty Bruce
Davenport Bruker
Wade Bruntley
Bruce Bryant
Russell Bryant
Seth Bryant
Paula Buckner
Roger Budd
Claire Buffkin
Paul Bullard
Bonnie Bullock
Delores Bullock
Max Bumgardner
Cindy Bunitsky
Amy Burcn
John Burel
Richard Burgess
Anthony Burks
David Burnett
Henry Burwell
Barbara Bush
Dorothy Bush
Frank Butler
James Butler
Susan Byars
Bobbie Byram
Chuck Byrd
Michelle Byrd
William Cable
Kathy Cadwell
Lynn Cain
Shirley Cain
Diane Caldwell
Jane Caldwell
Ann Calhoun
Dave Callaway
Elisa Callaway
Peggy Callaway
Richard Callaway
Susan Cameron
Alan Campbell
Bryant Campbell
James Campbell
John Campbell
Thomas Campbell
Joseph Cannon
Kay Cannon
Sally Capers
Kathy Capps
Gay Carbonell
Lewis Carlton
Mary Carnes
Emile Carr
Michael Carr
Larry Carson
Scott Carson
Charlene Carswell
Thomas Carswell
Angela Carter
Eugene Carter
Harold Carter
Linda Carter
Nancy Carter
Paul Carter
Michael Cassidy
Thomas Cathcart
Mike Cauley
Charles Causey
Kay Champion
Gayle Chandler
Susan Chandler
Jim Chapman
Sam Chapman
David Chatham
Ronnie Cheeley
Pat Cheney
Robert Chestnut
Chilton Cheves
Emily Claxton
Randy Chew
Priscilla Childers
John Childs
Judy Clark
Lawana Clark
Merrilyn Clark
Bud Clarke
Greg Clarkson
Carolyn Clary
Veryln Claxton
Susan Clayton
David Cleghorn
Emily Clement
Cathy Clements
Myra Cloer
Tom Cloud
Camille Coalson
Charlie Coats
Sarah Cobb
Erica Cochran
John Coff
Dana Coker
Laura Cole
Ginger Coley
Sharon Collier
Candy Collins
Carolyn Collins
Donna Collins
Kenneth Collins
Stan Collins
Connie Coleman
Mike Colquitt
Bill Condon
Patricia Conger
Billy Conley
Steve Coody
Chris Cook
Hugh Cook
Regina Cook
James Cool
Clarke Cooper
Doug Cooper
Patricia Cooper
Sheila Coplan
Clayton Cordele
Nancy Cornell
Ann Courtney
Brenda Cowart
Tressa Cowarth
Barry Cox
Jan Cox
Jim Cox
Gail Cranford
Lynn Cranman
Tom Crawford
Ken Crenshaw
Bob Crews
James Crews
Matt Crews
William Crocker
Canele Cromley
Richard Cronic
Becky Cronister
Matt Crowell
Marilyn Culbreth
Flossie Cunningham
Sue Daley
Gail Darby .
Mary Darby
Fran Dashiell
Craig Daughtry
Lee Davenport
Tommy David
John Davidson
Patti Davidson
Kathy Davies
Carl Davis ;
Dorothy Davis
Hoyt DavH|||t|
James Davis
'Janice Davis.
Joy Davis
Mark Davis
Mary Davis -
Kathi Davis
Nancy Davis
Sharon Davis
Susan Davis
Tommy Davis
Karen Dawr
Rita Dawson
Larry Day
Waylon Day
Ben Deal
Michael Deal
Debbie Dean
Michael Deangeris
Catherine Deas
.?Jan Deas
William Decker
Michelle DeLong
Steve Denman
Lee Dennis
Cookie Dennison
Becky Dickerson
William Dickerson
Howard Dillard
Lee Dillard
Robert Dillashaw
Debbi Dimond
Bonnie Dinnerman
Dede Dobbs
Terry Dollar
Anna Dombrowski
Jimmy Donaldson
David Dorsey
Pete Dortch
Richard Downing
Diane Drake
Michael Dugan
Diane Dunaway
Stephen Duncan
Jan Dunlap
Jim Dunlap
Alice Dunn
Beverly Dunn
Patricia Durden
Darrell Durham
Judy Durrance
D. L. Dutson
Ellen Dyer
Sally Eaton
Robin Eberhardt
J. B. Edwards
Diane Eifler
Brenda Elam
John Elder
Vicki Elder
Lynn E.lkins
Steve Elkins
Church Eller
Sallie Eller
Sandra Elliott
Carolyn Ellis
Elaine Ellison
Maxine Ensley
Debby England
Jan English
Steven Enterkin
Dorothy Eskew
Tim Estes
Carol Etheridge
Donna Eubanks
Harrison Eubanks
Joseph Evans
Marilyn Evans
Sandy Evans
David Everett
Joan Everett
Betty Ezzard
Greg Faaborg
Kathlyn Fadely
John Fain
Martha Farrell
Michael Farrell
Bonnie Feig
Sheila Feimster
James Fennell
Lynne Fennel
Ouida Ferguson
Robert Ferrelle
Valerie Fersch
Sharon Field
Susan Fields
Patricia Finley
Yvonne Fitzgerald
Pat Fitzhugh
Lane Fitzpatrick
Diane Flatt
Carol Fleenor
James Fleischman
Barbara Fleming
Ester Fleming
Rosemarie Fleming
Ernest Fletcher
Leonard Fletcher
Suzanne Floersheim
Arthur Flowers
William Flowers
Mary Floyd
Gregory Ford
Karen Ford
G. R.Forehand
Fran Forman
Jimmy Forrest
Skip Forsberg
Gloria Fortenberry
Marion Foster
Marylyn Fountain
Gary Fox
Tina Fox
Vonda Fox
Shelle Frankel
Beth Freeman
Bud Freeman
Sandra Freeman
Robert Friedman
Lynda Fulford
Tommy Fuller
Cynthia Fulp
Georgia Fussell
Nancy Futrelle
Irene Gahagan
Susan Gainous
John Gaissert
James Gamble
Fred Ganos
Ronald Garber
Jim Garner
Caroleta Garrett
Ronnie Garrison
Jane Garver
Janis Gatlin
Nancy George
John Gerba
Frank Gheesling
Thomas Gibbs
James Gibson
Elizabeth Gill
Julian Gill]
Barbie Ginn
Dickie Glover
Gene Glover
Beverly Godwin
Marena Godwin
Fran Golcman
Edward Goldberg
Ellen Goldberg
Larry Golden
Nita Golden
Fred Goldman
Colman Goodrich
James Goodwin
Laura Goodyear
Lane Goolsky
Margaret Gorley
Eddie Goss
Sharon Goss
Edward Grandis
Brenda Grannam
Jill Grant
Mary Grant
Tom Grantz
Toni Gravely
Charles Gray
Margaret Gray
Maray Greemore
Ann Green
Carol Green
Mary Green
Michael Green
Steve Greene
Debbie Greenway
Laura Greer
Jacqueline Greiner
Gary Grice
Larry Griffeth
Bill Griffin
Charles Griffin.
Greg Griffin
Lynn Griffin
Peggy Griffin
Alan Griggs
Robert Grist
Marianna Gross
Laurie Grotnes
Peggy Gude
Linda Guenther
Otis Gunn
Patsy Gunter
Kathy Guy
Frederick Haas III
Robeita Hackel
Helen Hadley
Nancy Hadsell
Sally Hagey
Dianne Hagins
Ezra Hagins
Eugene Haley
Carey Hall
Charles Hall
Lyman Hall
Richard Hall
Rosemary Hall
Walter Hall
Ronald Halstead
Shelly Hamilton
Robert Hammock
Dicky Hancock
J. E. Hanger
John Hannum
Beth Harber
Bob Hardeman
Nancy Harder
Mary Hargis
Kathy Harney
Laura Harpe
Walker Harper
Barbie Harris
Beverly Harrell
David Harrell
Gregory Harrell
Henry Harrell
Kathy Harrells
Robert Harrell
Diane Harris
Diane Harris
Edward Harris
Rosalie Harris
David Harrison
Miriam Harrison
Susan Harrison
Roger Harriss
Raymond Hart
Jim Haslam
Jill Haskins
James Hatch
Jo Hatcher
Christy Hawes
Cindy Hawk
Carol Hawkins
Jan Haydel
Shirley Hayes
Keys Hayes
Greg Haynes
Harvey Hays
Anne Hays '
Richard Hayslett
Susan Heaa
Jack Heidt
Glenn Hellenga
Janes Helms
Lynn Hembree
Victor Herderson
Michael Hendley
Bob Hendricks
Jane Hendrix
Martha Hendrix
Rowena Henson
Donald Herring
Jacquelyn Herring
Bill Hester
Bill Hewitt
Sam Heys
Debbie Hicks
Katie Hicks
Mona Hickson
John Higgins
Authur Hill
Edward Hill
Frank Hill*^1**
William Hilley
Harris Hines
Hal Hinesley
A. A. Hirst
Linda Hobgood
George Hodges
Lawrence Hodges
Laurie Hoffman
Charles Hogan
Franklin Holcomb
Anne Holcombe
Janet Holliday
Debbie Hollman
Brenda Holloman
James Hoobler
Nancy Hooker
Jimmy Hooper
Linda Hopkins
Marvin Hopkins
Pierre Hoppe
Darrel Hopson
Stephen Horan
Harold Hart
John Hoselton
James Houston
James Howard
Kathy Howard
Stephen Howard
Brian Howell
Clark Howell
Mark Howell
Verne Hoyt
John Hudson
Mary Hudson
Betty Huey
Eleanor Hughes
Julia Hughes
Libbie Hughes
Diana Huggins
Peggy Huish
Paul Huling
Robert Hulsey
Steven Hunt
Mary Hunter
Richard Hunter
Robert Hunter
Marion Huskey
Paul Hutchens
Frances Hutcheson
Bennett Hutchison
Edward Hutson
John Hutto
Rocelle Hyman
Beverly Ingram
Betsy Irby
Tony Ivie
Johnny Irvin
Joe Iseman
Teresa Ison
David Ivey
Ann Jackson
Carol Jackson
James Jackson
Jane Jackson
Joanne Jackson
John Jackson
Randall Jackson
Annette James
Bonnie James
Davis James
Susan Janowski
Johnny Jenkins
Susan Jenkins'
Wayne Jennings
Kimbrough jennison
Keith Jerkins
Judy Jett
Kay Jobson
Ann Johnson
Forrest Johnson
James Johnson
^^Budith Johnson
Judy Johnson
Mark Johnson
Oran Johnson
Cathy Johnston
Charles Johnston
Caroline Jones
Cissy Jones
David Jones
James Jones
Jan Jones
Jesse Jones
John Jones
Judy Jones
Pamela Jones
Patricia Jones
Raymond Jones
Robert Jones
Verlin Jones
William Jones
Elizabeth Jordan
Harry Jordan
James Jordan
Lawrie Jordan
Steve Jordan
Edwin Justice
Karl Kaiser
Marcia Kaplan
Eli Karatossas
Nancy Kay
Hugh Kea
Klickic Kea
Paul Keida
Karen Kellar
Jim Kellcher
Sally Kellogg
Cecil Kelly
Christine Kelly
Don Kelly
Ed Kelly
Ronnie Kelly
Marilyn Kempf
Jean Kennedy
Jack Kent
Nancy Kent
Stephen Kent
Charlene Kessler
Carole Kicklighter
Jery Kilgone
Dindy Kilgore
Donna King
Judy King
Kaye King
David Kirkpatrick
Mallery Knee
Deborah knight
Jackie Knight
Andy Knox

Betsey Kohler
Andrea Kopp
Dolores Kunze
Randall Lacienski
William Lam
Cynthia Lamas
Gail Lambert
Michael Lanard
Barbara Land
Shannon Landing
Charles Langford
Bruce Langhorne
Anne Langley
Harold Langston
Linda Lanier
Betty Lankford
Judith Lantzy
Nancy Lark
Susan Lasseter
Vicki Lassiter
Lois Latham
Margaret Lawless
Harry Lawter
Steven Ledbetter
Jerry Lee
Carey Lee
Judy Lee
Marilyn Lee.
David Lee ,
John Leffler
Carol LeMay
Joan Leonard
Elizabeth Leslie
Wayne Lester
Peggy Letson
Linda Levene
Mimi Leverette
Diane Lewis
Lon Lewis
Keith Lewis
Mary Lewis
Debbie Libby
Laurie Lichtenberger
Joseph Liebell
Lloyd Liebler
Joel Lindeman
Gregory Lindquist
Gary Lindsey
Jan Lindsey
Lewis Lindsey
David Littlefield
Betty Long
Chappell Long
Keith Long
Nancy Lonsack
Janice Lord
Phillip Lord
Alice Loudermilk
Barry Lourie
Bennie Lovejoy
Johnny Lovett
Kaye Lovinggood
Albert Low
Darrell Lowrey
Barbara Luke
Barry Lusk
Patricia Lyle
Jan Lynch
Susan Lynch
Robert Lytle
Roy Maddox
Donna Macuch
Sonja Maddox
Sandra Madray
Mike Mahany
Christy Major
Charles Maley
Charles Malone
James Malone
Pete Mamatey
Susie Maney
Alan Manheim
Billie Mann
Felix Marbury
John Marbury
John Marcinko
Elizabeth Marsala
Dale Martin
Emma Martin
Gloria Martin
Julie Martin
Mary Martin
Olivia Martin
Linda Mason
Joseph Massey
Roy Massey
Susan Mastin
Patti Mathes
Susan Matheson
Harriett Matthews
Jimmy Mauldin
J. P. Mauldin
William Mausling
Gregory Mautz
Debbie Maxwell
Eugene Maxwell
John Maxwell
Mary May
Opie Mayfield
Janet Maze
Sandy McAfee
James McCain
Steve McCamy
Yvonne McCollum
Ann McCormick
Barbara McCutchen
Butes McCutcheon
Karen McDaniel
Shirley McDaniel
Bob McDavid
Cheryl McDavid
Carol McDonald
Gail McDonald
Miles McDonald
Bob McDonel
Clayton McDuffie
Sally McGee
Joseph McGoldrick
Dave McGraw
Eddie Mclnteir
Berry McKellar
Sam McKenzie
Becca McKinney
Mickey McKinney
Mike McKinney
Barbara McLaughlin
Mona McLendon
Robbie McLeod
"Fran McLead
Elaine McMichael
Ruben McMullan
Janet McNeill
Pam McNew
Margaret McPherson
Jenny McQuaig
Michael McRae
Virginia McRae
John McRee
Betsy Meacham
Salliann Messenger
William Messina
John Michels
Marc Middleton
Gary Midkiff
John Miles
Bill Miller
Marie Miller
Patricia Miller
Shelley Miller
Sindy Miller
Fred Miles
Harry Mills
Noelle Mills
John Mimbs
Becky Mincey
Ken Minor;
Jim Mitas
Fran Mitchell
Henry Mitchell
Karen Mitchell
Mary Mize
Gale Mobley
Martina Monicx
Betty Moon
Judy Moon
Peggy Moon
Janet Moore
Mary Moore
Richard Moore
Elaine Morgan
Tim Morris
Deborah Morris
John Morris
Pamela Morris
Rod Morris
Sandra Morris
Teresa Morris
Judy Mosbey
Susan Moseley
Barbara Moss
_ Beverly Moss
Gary Mull
Steven Mullins
Cheryl Mumford
Tim Mundy
Julian Murphey
Larry Murphy
David Muschamp
Fresie Mutn
James Myers
Jan Myers
Carole Nash
Phyllis Nash
Tom Nash
Janet Neal
Ellen Nelson
Henry Nelson
Gale Nemec
Vicki Newton
Bettie New
Larry Nichols
Paula Nickerson
Sandra Nielsen
LaFayette Nix
Gary Nix
Joyce Nolan
Merrill Norton
Carol O'Connell
Fredrick Oelschig
Sandy Ogden
Robert Ogletree
Suzanne Oliner
Gayle Oliver
Nan Oliver
Peggy O'Neal
Sharon O'Neal
Cathy O'Neill
Charles Orck
Betty Osborne
Celia Otwell
Roger Oubey
Jack Owen
David Owens
Rickey Owens
Scott Owens
Stephen Ozburn
Jiiay Pace
Lally Packman
Dianne Padgeiek
Margaret Paige
Betsy Painter
Pam Palmer
Sonny Panther
Betty Parham
Nancy Paris
Benny Parish
Bruce Park
George Parker
Jamison Parker
Ronda Parker
Dennis Parks
Pick ParkslIHf
Jill Partain
Michael Parten
Elaine Pascoe
Amy Patterson
Tommy Patterson
Gary Paulson
George Peagler
John Pearce
Al Pearson
Nancy Pearson
Katie Pedrick
Barbara Peele
Fernando Perez
Thomas Perkerson
Janet Perrow
Melvin Perry
Leann Petit
Katie Phelps
June Philips
Becky Phillips
June Phillips
Martha Phillips
Richard Piazza
Brenda Pierce
Wayne Pierce
David Pimental
William Pinson
Cathy Piper
John Piper
Dolores Pisano
Robert Pittard
Carolyn Pittman
David Pitts
Lynn Pitts
Mark Plotkin
Sarah Poindexter
David Pollock
Linda Pope
David Popowski
Tura Porter
Linda Portman
Barbara Poulos
Lewis Powell
Lyn Powell
James Powers
Jan Prince
Susan Prisant
Bonnie Pritchett
James Proctor
Wayne Prossor
Charles Pugh
Nancy Purcell
Susan Purdy
Dave Purser
Beverly Purswell
Kim Quillian
Darrel Radcliffe
Susan Radford .
Nancy Rainbow
William Raines
Joy Rainey
Beverly Ralston
Terri Randall
Joseph Ransom
Kathy Raville
Gretchen Rawe
Alicia Ray
Becky Reaves
Steve Reed
Travis Reed
Debbi Reen
Kathy Reeves
Deborah Register
Marith Reheis
Betty Rehm
Paula Reid
Ellen Reiff
Janice Reisman
Suzanne Respess
Jane Reynolds
Bart Rice
fjLyie Richards
Hank Richardson
John Richardson
Nancy Richardson
Robert Richardson
Don Richerson
Steve Riddle
George Rilling
Mary Ripley
John Risse
Robin Ritter
Ricki Robbins
Robert Robbins
Bob Roberson
Roxie Roberson
Dinah Roberts
Gayle Roberts
Mimsie Roberts
Tom Roberts
June Robertson
Sharon Robertson
David Robeson
Catherine Robinson
Cathy Robinson
Donna Robinson
Rose Robinson
Sharon Robinson
Leon Roby
Alma Rogers
Carl Rogers
Claudia Rogers
Debra Rogers
Gail Rogers
Kathleen Rogers
Richard Rogers
Sheryl Rogers
William Rogers
Mary Roland
Debi Romano
Diane Rosenbaugh
Robert Rosenfeld
John Ross
Ann Rowton
Nancy Royal
Mickey Royston
Deborah Ruffin
JoAnn Russell
Mary Russell
Sally Russel]
Larry Rustin
Phyllis Rylee
Marilyn Salus
James Sammons
Emily Sams
Cindy Samuels
Debbie Sandefur
Betty Sanders
Marjie Sanders
Herschel Saparow
Anga Sargents
Steve Sark
Rip Sartairjl
Stuart Satterfield
Frank Savini
Myra Scheer
Michael Scherer
Catherine Schmidt
David Schoerner
Juanita Schoultz
Jacqueline Schulten
Connie Schulze
Charles Schwabe
Paul Schwartz
Richard Scott
James Scroggs
John Seager
Edie Seanor
Becky Sears
Cathy Secrest
Steve Seeger
John Sedoon
Betsy Sewell
Janice Shaffer
Karen Shapiro
Eddie Snaw
Peggy Shealy
David Shell
Janice Sheridan
Dudley Shew
Randy Sningler
Peggy Shiver
Myron Snmukler
Mike Shoemake
Ceci Shook
Sandra Showalter
Sherry Shuler
Charles Shunk
David Shy
Ellis Sikes
Charles Simons
Anita Simonton
Fannie Sims
Gerilyn Sims
William Sims
Jose Sinclair
Tommy Skipper
Steve Skowronski
Becky Slade
Mike Sleeth
Miles Sligh
Michael Slover
Vivian Smart
Julian Smiley
Angela Smitn
Anita Smith
Anne Smith
Barbara Smith
Becky Smith
Bill Smith
Craig Smith
Croswell Smith
Cynthia Smith
Edward Smith
Happy Smith
Harry Smith
John Smith
John Smith
Linda Smith
Louise Smith
. Mona Smith
Perry Smith
Randal Smith
Randy Smith
Sam Smith
Susan Smith
William Smith
Suzzanne Snelling
Ronald Snuggs
Nell Solms
Margaret Sorrells
Beth Souther
Libba Sparrow
Carolyn Spencer
Gary Spooner
Luther Spooner
Charlie Stafford
Josephine Stafford
Richard Stager
Chris Stagg
Ray Stanford
Ed Stansell
Larry Stansell
Bert Stein
Mary Stein
Alfred Steller
Joyce Stephens
Susan Stephens
Frances Stevenson
Debbie Stewart
James Stewart
Ken Stewart
Earl Stewart
Lynn Stiles .
Larry Stine
Bobby Stone
Susan Stowe
Butch Strickland
Bunny Strickland
Loren Strickland
Charlje Strobel
Rosemary Strother
Steve Stuart
Terry Sullivan
Linda Summerlot
Eileen Sumner
Barbara Susemihl
Barbara Sutherland
Ronald Sutton
Sheryl Sutton
Anthony Swanson
Marianna Swift
Patrick Swindall
Samille Swinson
Carter Swint
William Talbert
Jo Tamalis
Wayne Tamplin
Carol Tanner
Joan Tarumianz
Deborah Tase
Barbara Taylor
James Taylor
John Taylor
John Taylor
Stephen Taylor
Katny Teague
Jimmy Temple
Denise Tervo
Elizabeth TeSelle
Arthur Thomas
James Thomas
Pearl Thomas
Angela Thompson
DeWitte Thompson
Gail Thompson
Mary Thompson
Philip Thompson
Patricia Thompson
William Thompson
William Thompson
George Thome
Martha Thornton
Graham Thorpe
Dana Thorsen
Randolph Thrower
Martha Thwaite
Teresa Tidwell
Ann Tillery
Hunter Tison
Lynne Tolley
Toni Todd
Arlene Tomberlin
Ellen Tomskey
Liz Toy
Claudia Trammell
Carroll Travis
Sylvia Trawick
John Trembly
Diane Tribble
Ed Trice
Robert Tritt
Susan Troy
Janice Tucker
Tom Tune
Ruthie Tucker
Amy Turner
Catny Turner
Danny Turner
Gary Turner
Mary Turner
Nancy Turner
Tommy Turrentine
Kathy Tuttle
Bobby Tweedell
Guy Tyler
Roy Tyler
William Tyre
Cam Upcnurch
Donna Upshaw
Maxine Upson
Cynthia VanAlstyne
Beth Vandiver
Mary Vandiver
Kay VanKirk
Mike Vaughn
Joe Vestal
Harold Vickers
tLucy Vidal
Richard Waddell
Joan Wade
Susan Wakefield
Cheryl Walden
. David Waldrep
Pete Waldrep
Dennis Walker
Fred Walker
Fred Walker
David Wallace
Susan Wallace
Tatty Wallace
Terry Walls
Patrice Walters
David Walton
Meg Walton
Bob Ward
Gladys Ware
Joanna Warenzak
Charles Waters
Kara Waters
Peggy Watkins
Donald Watson
Mary Watson
Norman Watson
Sheryl Watson
Kay Watt
Anne Wattles
David Weatherford
Houston Weaver
Sally Weiner
Leslee Weinstein
Barbara Weinstock
- Renee Weldon
Robin Wellons
Lawrence Wells
Linda Von Werssowetz
Dana Wertz
Linda West
Charles Westbrook
Wayne Westmoreland
Jim Whatiey
Delaine Wheeler
Larry Wheeler
Claude White
Dixon White
Robert Whit^:
R. P. White
Sara White
Susie White
William White
Bonnie Whitehead
Bob Whiteside
David Whitfield
Jim Whitley
~,v Joe Whitley
Michael Whitlow
Mitzi Whitmire
Mellissa Whittemore
Linda Whitten
Ben Whittle
Melanie Whittle
Marilou Wier
Larry Wiggins
Shearon Wiggins
Rosemary Wilder
Sally Wiley
Mary Wilkinson
David Williams
Jennie Williams
John Williams
Joseph Williams
Judy Williams
Lynn Williams
Mary Williams
Robert Williams
Ruth Williams
Tom Williams
Walter Williams
Dale Williamson
David Williamson
Greg Williamson
Pat Williamson
Robyn Williamson
Becki Willingham
Glenda Willingham
James Willis
Walter Willis
Tom Willson
James Wilson
Judy Wilson
Michael Wilson
Robin Wilson
R. W. Wingate
Carole Winkenwerder
Edward Winn
Nancy Winn
Diane Wisebram
Susan Withington
Celia Wittlift
Rhonda Wolfe
Johnny Wood
Lou Wood
R. M. Wood
Ronald Wood
Richard Woodruff
John Woods
Cliff Woodson
Joel Wooten
Penny Wooten
Carol Worley
Floyd Wright
Karen Wright
Jan Wyckotf
Jean Wyckoff
William Wylie
Ed Wyrick
Donna Yancey
Richard Yancey
Danny Yates
Pam York
Betty Young p5* 9
Lynn Young ^
Nancy Young
Rebecca Young
Laura Allen
Ralph Allen
Wiley Allen
Roddy Allmond
David Alper
Andy Anderson
Cathy Anderson
Steve Anderson
Janet Andre
Cal Andrews
Jackie Andrews
Robert Anrews
Hugh Ansley
Mary Applegate
Kathy Arendall
John Arey
Mark Armstrong
Frank Arnold
Robert Arnold
Sally Arnold
Merri Artley
Elizabeth Asbury
Clinton Ashford
Kathy Atkins
Gary Baldwin
Norm Baldwin
Anne Bandy
Chip Barefield
S. W. Barge
Tom Barge
Evelyn Bargmann
Beverly Barnard
Herb Barns
John Barnes
Teresa Barnes
Keith Barnett
Charles Barrow
Jane Barton
Dave Bass
Debbie Bassett
Maria Bastides
Chauncey Battey
Rick Beachan
Billy Beale
Karen Ziegenfuss
Linda Zoring
Lisa Abel
Lynn Adair
Darlene Adams
Margaret Adams
Paula Adams
Pete Adams
Sheron Adams
Peggy Ahrenhold
Gregory Ainsworth
Peggi Alford
Tom Allegood
Cindy Allen
Jeffrey Allen
Susan Alexander
James Attenbach
Nancy Avriett
Susan Back
Elison Backus
John Bailey
Peter Bain
John Baker
Diane Beales
Karen Beasley
Karen Beavers
Ben Beazley
David Bentley
Harriet Berlin
Brenda Berry
Teresa Berry
Gail Bird
Helen Bird
Mark Biser
Linda Bishop
Larry Bixler
Barbara Black
James Black
James Black
Shirley Blakewood
Kathy Blalock
Bill Blanchard
Robbi Blanton
Virginia Blount
Gregory Blumberg
Nancy Bobbitt
Mark Bodenheim
Robyn Bogart
Gloria Boles
Bertram Boley
Larry Boling
Cecelia Booker
William Bowden
Rowe Bowen
Lara Bowers
Al Bozeman
Jim Boxman
Kathy Bradley
Shelie Bradley
Tommye Bradley
Mary Branch
Cerie Brannen
Joseph Brannen
Kim Braswell
Deborah Braziel
Mary Bredlow
Ken Breedlove
Mary Bretz
Henry Bridges
Patty Brittingham
Edward Brock
Val Brokaw
Charles Bronson
Eugene Brooks
Raymond Brooks
Sylvia Brooks
Barbara Brown
Bo Brown
Cecil Brown
Connie Brown
Marilynn Brown
Michael Brown
Ray Brown
Roa Brown
Steve Brown
Linda Broxton
Patsy Bruce
DuVall Brumby
Ann Bruner
Pamela Brunsvold
Ralph Bryant
Jerry Buchanan
Cordy Bullock
Jim Bumgartner
Sally Bunker
David Burch
Bonnie Burdett
Emily Burdette
Keith Burke
Diane BufirJs
Robert Burriss
Irene Burson
Cheryl Burton
Greg Burton
Gail Busbee
Evelyn Bush
Lexie Bush
Sara Bushnell
Sara Bussey
Lee Butler
Nancy Butler
Linda Butson
Cynthia Butterfield
Gary Butts
Sanford Byers
Pat Caldwell
Richard Calhoun
Jim Callison
Byron Camp
Michael Camp
Gilbert Campbell
Nanci Campbell
Corinne Capelouto
Caren Carmichael
Robert Carroll
Frank Carter
Jan Carter
Walt Carter
Tony Cartledge
Danny Castellan
Carolyn Caulkins
Robert Causey
Robert Cauthen
John Cawthon
Pam Ceceri
Linda Chafin
Joseph Chambers
Mary Chapin
Mary Chapman
Harry Charbonneau
Darrell Chatraw
Charles Cheney
Joelene Cherry
Ralph Chewning
Caro Chisholm
jack Christie.
Melinda Clack
Bruce Clark
Carol Clark
Jackie Clark
Terri Clark
Tommy Clay
Sandie dayman
Larry Clayton
Cat Cobb
Robert Cochran
Deborah Coe
Joan Cofer
Roy Cohen
Sim Coleman
Phil Coley
Kathy Collier
Janet Collins
Lisa Collins
Cathy Colquitt
Mac Colvin
Anne Combs
Sherry Connell
Christine Cook
Karen Cook
Katie Cook
Jeril Cooper
Norma Cooper
Rob Cooper
Debby Cost
James Cox
Leslie Cox
Nancy Cox
Tommy Craig
Henry Crane
Mary Crawford
Gary Crider
Gloria Cromer
Hubert Cross
Paula Crouch
Samuel Crowe
Robert Culpepper
James Currington
Robert Dailey
Margaret Damato
Joey Daniel
Judy Daniel
Sally Darden
Charles Dasher
Beth Davenport
Karen Davey
Jeff Davies
Elaine Davis
Gary Paris
Larry Davis
Micneal Davis
Dorothy Deakins
Joe Deal
Angela Deaton
Susan deBrito
Diane Dement
Lynn Dempsey
Boyd Dethero
Steve Dial
Sue Dixon
Penny Dollar
Kathy Donovan
James Dorsett
Allen Douglas
Randy Drinkard
Laura Duke
Jill Dukes
Edward Dunbar
Debbie Duncan
Keith Dunn
Peter Dunning
Dan Dunwooay
Bervjie Durden
Steve Dutson
Steven Dye
Starr Eberhart
Barbara Edenfield
Vernon Edenfield
Lawrence Edwards
Nancy Edwards
Carole Eisenberg
John Elliott
Leslie Ellis
Morris Elstein
Sandra Endrodi
Gina England
Donald Epley
Connie Eplin
Gail Euler
Jean Evans
Robert Evans
Linda Everett
James Ewing
Donald Fain
Corol Fender
Jana Ferguson
Robert Fincher
Manena Fisher
Tom Fitzgerald
Jeffery Fitzpatrick
Lisa Fletcher
Rick Flood
Neal Florence
Lynn Fluhr
Frank Foley
John Ford
William Forshee
Kenneth Fortson
Laurence Fortson
William Fortson
Mel Frazier
Marian Freeman
Andrea Fregosi
Randy French
Lynda Frieze
Carolyne Frowein
Carleton Fry
Kay Fuller
Bruce Gadlin
Cathy Gainey
Lynn Gamble
Gail Garban
^HfLinda Gardner
David Garfinkel
Diane Garrard
Beth Garrett
Doug Gaskins
Betty Gaston
Tim Gathany
Ellen Gay
Kathleen Gerald
Gigi Gibbins
Ann Giddens
Sanford Giles
Pam Gilland
Patricia Gilman
William Gilmore
Rudy Glisson
Carolyn Glover
Taylor Glover
Charlotte Goldens
Stephen Goldsmith
Bonnie Goldstein^
Steven Goldstein
Katie Goodhue
Wayne Goodin
Mike Goodloe
Sara Goodsell
David Gordon
Kathenne Gorman
Lynn Graham
Michael Granade
Nancy Granade
Benjamin Graves
Bonnie Graves
Kenny Gray
* Gloria Gray
Misty Gray
Ellen Green
Wendi Green
Dan Greene
Rochelle Greene
Bill Grennwald
Greg Greenway
Beth Greeson
Stephen Gregory
Debbie Grosser
Barbara Guay
Skip Guilliams
Jan Gurley
Lalia Gutierrez
Harriet Hagan
Ann Hailey
Laura Hale
Sam Hale
Gail Hall
Sandra Hall
Beth. Hally'S
Nancy Hamer
Deborah Hammett
Pam Hammett
Julie Hancock
Ann Hannah
Karen Hansen
Nancy Harbin
Weslev Harbour
Gayle Harden
Jimmy Hardesty
Scott Hardin
Timotheus Harkins
Karen Harr
Susan Harrington
Mindy Harris
Tim Harris
Don Harrison
James Harrison
Mindy Harrison
Karen Hart
Barbara Hartman
Frieda Harttine
Vic Hawk
Jenny Hawkins
Steve Hay
Elouise Hayes
George Hayes
Blythe Hazlehurst
Lindsey Heard
Marcia Heard
Bobby Heath
Peggy Heffernan
John Hemphill
Pamela Henderson
Debbie Hendley
Flint Hendrix
Sharon Henry
Patsy Henson
Chip Herndon
Sharon Hetherington
Rick Hezlep
Janet Hibbard
John Hickman
Jackie Highsmith
Teresa Hight
Jane Hightower
Walter Hill
Corrine Hilton
Everette Hinchdiffe
Amy Hix
John Hoban
Kathryn Hobby
Laura Hodge
Ruthie Hoge
Terold Hogue
Cynthia Hollingsworth
James Hollingsworth
Peggy Holloway
Strickland Holloway
Michael Hopkins
Steve Hopkins
Liz Hopple
Michael Horne
Vicki Horne
Linda Horvet
Harry Housen
Genie Houston
Jane Houston
Bill Hovis
Beth Howard
Rick Hudson
Kay Hudlow
Jewell Huff
Betty Hughes
Edward Hughes
Leon Hughes
Kay Hughes
Billy Hulbert
Brad HmjSBK
Keron Humphrey
Freddie Hunt
Malcolm Hunt
Nancy Hurt'\ -T
Lynn Hutcheson
Jeff Ingram
Sarah Ingram
Wanda Irvin
Candy Isaacson
Sandi Ison
Lynn Jabaley
Anita Jackson
Susan Jackson
Gary Jaeger
Carol James c
Martha James
Mary James
Larry Jamison
Nancy Jamison
Tina Jansak
Kitty Jarrell
Aubrey Jenkins
William Jenkins
Greg Jernigan
Edward Jewell
Curtis Johnson
Diane Johnson
Hal Johnson
Marcia Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Charlie Johnson
Deborah Johnston
Barbara Jones
Greg Jones
Katrina Jones
Mike Jones
Susan Jones
Van Jones
Larry Jordan
Lisa Jordan
Lynn Jordan
Mary Jordan
Kathy Justice
Lucy Karst
Gary Katter
Sandra Keim
Joseph Keith
Dianne Keller
Helen Kelley
Bruce Kempe
Edward Kenimer
Joe Kent
Kathy Kephart
Mary Kessler
Braa Kibler
Debra Kidd
Robert Killian
Anne Kimble
Marta King
Mary King
Christy Kirk
Rebecca Kirk
Lee Kirkland
Arnold Kirschman
Gary Klepak
Robert Knight
Stephen Knipp
John Knox
Sally Konter
Katny Koontz
Rhonda Koplin
Elaine Krol
Jane Kyser
Angela Lain
Susan Lamar
William Lamb
Faye Lamhut
Judy Landey
Rick Lang
Gloria Langford
William Langley
Patty Larkin
Emily Lassiter
Louise Law
Becky Lawrence
Ted Lawrence
Rusty Lawson
Judy Leamon
Wanda Leatherwood
Carol Ledbetter
Janice Lee
HH[jnda Lee
Margie Lee
Billy Leebern
Mike Leech
Michael Lefkove
John Lewis
Richard Lewis
Lucy Liipfert
Kathryn Lillethun
Bobby Lindley
Diane Lindsay
Linda Linne
David Little
June Lively
Caroline Livingston
Anne Livsey
Paula Lofton
Henry Long
Dee Long
John Longino
Lynne Looney
David Loughridge
Ellen Love
John Lovein
Elsie Low
Anna Lowe
Barbara Lowery
Martha Lucas
Robert Luckie
Spencer Mabry
Mac Mackey
Elinor Mackler
John Macomber
Ginny McCall
Debbie Maddox
William Maddox
Hugh Maddux
John Mahon
Sheila Mandel
B. Mangum
Beverly Mann
Jan Manning
Lee Manning
Marilyn Manning
Mary Markey
Mary Jo Markham
Rachel Marlow
William Marsh
Alton Marshall
David Martin
Frank Martin
John Martin
John Martin
Joy Martin
Pamela Martin
Pete Martin
William Martin
Marsha Massey
Marcia Mattox
Bill Mauldin
Deborah Maxwell
Kirk Mayberry
Randy Mazur
John McBride
Cathy McCabe
Rhonda McCallum
Marcia McCampbell
Andy McCanless
Ronnie McCarity
Robert McCarthy
Jan McClure
Stephen McClure
John McCord
Philip McCormick
Doris McCowen
Carol McCuiston
Charles McCullough
Jan McDaniel
Julie McDermott
Stu McGarity
Patricia McGee
Mike McGraw
Carroll McGuffey
Charles McKelvey
Jim McKenzie
John McKinley
Norman McKinney
Polly McKinney
James McKnight
Martha McLaughlin
Mary McLennam
Denny McMahan
Gynn McMinn
Gail McMullan
Ruthie McMullen
Kathy McNally
Eddie McNeill
Janet McNew
Nancy McNiel
Dwain McPeake
Lynda McPhee
Patrick McWhorter
Lamar Mealor
Russell Meers
Pamela Meisner
Ronnie Merlin
John Merriam
Nancy Merritt
John Methvin
Steve Middlebrooks
Steven Milberg
Doris Miller
Larry Miller
Larry Miller
Nancy Miller
Reverdy Miller
Tim Miller
Walter Miller
Devon Mills .
Jon Millwood
Marsha Mims
Lois Miner
Kathy Miracle
Michael Mischner
Beth Mitchell
Claudia Mitchel^^|
Barry Mitzner
Sandra Moncus
Lane Mongold
Carol Moore
Inez Moore
Tom Moore
Jody Moran
Joyce Morelock
George Morgan
Neil Morgan
Shan Morgan
Cliff Morris
Patsy Morris
Sam Morris
Larry Morrow
Jane Morse
Karen Mortensen
William Monroe
Melanie Muggridge
Mary Mullins
Billy Munn
Larry Murkerson
David Murphy
Anne Murray
Marilyn Murray
Tommy Myers
Tommy Myrick
Tommy Nail
Charles .Nash
Deena Nash
Mark Nations
M,ike Nellis
Linda Nelms
Raymond Nelson
Linda Newman
Melanie Newton
Chip Ney
Melissa Mix
Wiljiam Nix
Deborah Noell
Andy Norman
Debi Norman
Pam Nolen
Rodney Norman
Sue Nort
Linda Norvet
Charlie Nunez
Kenneth Obenant-
Robert O'Connor
Loftan Odom
Debbie Oeland
Cheryl Ogden
Sally Oldham
Ricl<i Oliver
Sharon Orlin
Luanne Ost
Julie Osterhout
Jan Outlar
Kenny Overby
Margaret Owen
Clifford Oxman
Randy Pace
Lynn Page
Lisa Palmer
Ray Parish
Lee Parker
Ronald Parker
Thomas Parker
Edward Parks
William Parks
Betsy Parrish
Michael Parrish
Jennifer Parrott
Becky Partairr
Ben Patrick
Karen Payne
James Pece
James Peeples
Elizabeth Pendergrast
Mitchell Perkins
Michael Perling
Glenn Perry
Ruth Perzekow
Becky Pennell
Patricia Pepin
Mary Perkins
Michael Perling
Robert Perrow
Rheta Perry
William Perry
Denise Peters
Roy Peters
Karen Peterson
John Pettry
Clyde Phillips
James Phillips
Marcia Phillips
Gerald Pierce
David Pittman
Sherry Plage
Robert Platt

Morris Podber
Deb Poliakoff
William Pories
Kennedy Powers
Greg Price
Clark Price
Michael Pridmore
Nancy Prince
Steve Proctor
Vic Prof is
Nancy Pryor
Jan Pugh
Jim Purcell
Marian Queen
Linda Rockett
Janet Radford
Barbara Rainbow
Melba Raley
Robert Ramey
A. M. Ramsey
Esther Randall
Stephen Randall
Betty Randolph
Ranny Rankin
Patricia Ray
Debby Redding
Debra Redwine
Ron Reece
Susan Reed
Ron Reeser
David Reeves
Mary Reid
Catherine Rey
Donna Reynolds
^Hames Reynolds
Samuel Rhodes
Lee Richardson
Susan Richardson
Sam Richwine
William Ricketson
Kran Riddle
Paul Riddle
Susan Riddle
Rena Rider
Janet Riley
Mark Rivkin
Carol Roberts
Lynn Robinson
Carlos Rodriguez-Feo
Tom Rogers
Beth Rollins
Keith Rollins
Nancy Romeo
Buzy Rosenberg
Louise Rosenthal
Janet Ross
Judith Ross
Linda Ross
Joan Rosser
Kathy Rounds
Mary Rowland
Elise Rubin
Cindy Russell
Cliff Russell
Mary Russell
Susan Russell
Marylou Saarinen
Renee Sackler
Robin Sackley
Lenie Sacks
Brenda Sadler
John Saffold
Alan Salmon
Sharon Samford
David Sammons
Brad Sanders
Judy Sanders
Ann Sauser
John Savage
Gerald Sawyer
Geri Saye
Kippy Scarborough
Tary Schatz
Dee Scheu
Bubba Schlader
Gerry Scott
Renee Segura
Ronald Seymour
Bruce Shanks
Garry Sharp
Susan Shaver
Harriet Shayne
Joseph Shearouse
Stephanie Sheats
Beth Shelley
Wana Shelton
James Shepherd
Steve Shepherd
Beth Shivers
Leigh Shivers
Brian Shoason
Tim Scholar
Betsy Shook
Jack Short
Julie Short
Chris Shorts
Susan Shuman
Richard Siegel
Robert Siegel
Sharon Sides
Diane Sigman
Ira Silver
Tennyson Simmons
James Simpson
Leona Simon
Kaye Simons
Jerry Singerman
Terry Singletary
Shirley Singleton
Barbara Singley
Teri Siskind
Neil Skene
Lynda Skinner
Stephanie Skinner
Lon Slack
Debbi Slade
Vicki Slocumb
Patty Slotin
Dee Smalley
Alan Smith
Anne Smith
Chuck Smith
Cindy Smith
Claudia Smith
Dennis Smith
Glenda Smith
Judy Smith
Lida Smith
Mary Smith
Mills Smith
Susie Smith
Terry Smith
Ed Smith
William Smith
Thomas Smoak
James Snauely
Anne Sognier
Lee Sommers
.Chris Sorchy
John Spinks
Sharon Spratlin
Deborah Stacey
Mary Stafford
Cathy Stallings
Gerri Stearns
Alex Steed
Milton Steinberg
Steve Steinberg
Nancy Stender
Carolyn Stewart
Joseph Stewart
Ann Stiles
Jimmy Stokes
David Stone
Katrina Stone
Patti Stonehouse
Robert Stringer
Grady Strom
Howard Struletz
Charles Suggs
Mary Sullivan
Mike Summers
Charles Sussman
Susan Swetnam
Clyde Taylor
Jan Taylor
John Teel
Allen Tenenbaum
Julie Textor
Paula Thibadeau
Dediere Thomas
Robert Thomas
Georgia Thomas
Judy Thomas
Glenda Thompson
Debbie Thompson
Kemper Thompson
Lawson Thompson
Lynda Thompson
Melanie Thompson
Sherry Thompson
Susan Thompson
Tommy Thompson
Myrna Thorne
Jan Thornton
Teri Thornton
Connie Tibbitts
Alice Tidwell
Donna Tipton
Anne Tomlinson
Danny Tourial
Betsy Treen
Charles Tritschler
Elaine Turner
James Turner
Beth Tucker
Susan Turner
Margaret Tyson
Gary Udinsky
Bonnie Ulmer
Carol Urda
Nick Vansant
Billy Varner
Terry Varner
Judi Vicknair
Anthony Videtto
Edward Vogel
Beth Wade
David Walker
Frosty Walker
Ray Wallace
Fritz Wanner
Dale Waisemann
Robbie Walter
Janice Wallace
Suzanne Walsh
Carolyn Ward
Lynne Ward
Allan Waters
Deborah Watkins
Bertha Watson
Beth Watson
Margaret Watson
Murray Watson
Ronald Watson
John Watters
Bruce Weathers
Jeff Weekley
Beverley Weeks
Susan Weinberger
Cheri weir
Blanton Welch
Susan Wells
Mary Wenck
Charles Werk
David Werner
Andrew Whalen
Andy White
Glenn White
Annette Whitlow
John Widden
Eddie Wiezorek
Spike Wigelius
Carson Wiley
Ann Williams
Ben Williams
Betty Williams
Deboran Williams
Dexter Williams
Harriet Williams
Joseph Williams
Joseph Williams
Louise Williams
Margaret Williams
Sally Williams
Steve Williams
Virginia Williams
Bryant Williamson
Jim Williamson
Joan Williamson
Miriam Williamson
Susan Williamson
Ronnie Willingham
Debbie Willis
Cheryle Wilson
Dave Wilson
Dwight Wilson
Jim Wilson
Coot Wilson
Jane Wimbish
Raymond Winfrey
W. M. Winn
Charles Withrow
Chuck Weltia
Susan Wolter
Jennifer Womack
Kaye Wood
James Woodruff
Missie Woodruff
Pam Woodruff
Peggy Woodhall
Eddie Wooten
Pam Wooten
Frank Worley
Sheila Worrell
Linda Worsham
Merlin Wyche
Robert Wynne
Fredrick Wysong
Mike Yeargin
Tim York
Dickie Youmans
Thomas Youngblood
Bonnie Younis
Jeannine Zibilich
David Abbott
Carol Ackerman
Bob Ackers
Molly Adair
Beverly Adams
Jane Adams
Joan Adams
William Adams
Wayne Akins
Nancy Alberson
Linda Allen
Roger Allen
Susan Amason
Cathy Amis
Debra Ammons
Danny Amos
Wayne Amos
Christy Anderson
Lynda Anderson
Yvonne Anderson
Bill Andrews
Rosalie Armstrong
Robin Arnold
Brenda Arrington
John Asley
Gordon Austin
Carolyn Avery
Lora Ayala
Billy Ayres
Henry Bailey
Stan Bailey
Barbara Baker
Tanya Baker
Eleanor Banister
Ronald Banks
Michael Bankston
Steve Baras
Betsy Barefield
Larry Barker
Emmett Barnes
Barbara Barron
Nancy Barrow
Noran Bastidas
William Bates
Robert Baxter
Mike Bean
Theo Bean
Steven Beard
Gay Beasley
Diane Becker
Leslie Becnel
Cleve Bell
Debbie Bell
Robbie Bellamy
John Bemby
Anne Benefield
Danny Bennett
Bradley Bird
Patricia Bisbort
Elizabeth Black
Gwen Black
Laura Black
Margaret Black
Wolburn Blackstock
Julie Blair^f;
Richard Blitz
Todd Blumefeld
Laura Bolgla
Nancy BoTing
Herbert Bond
Gary Bonds
Charles Bonner
Judith Bonnette
Christine Booth
Edna Boswell
Beverly Bowen
Mary Brabson
Cindy Brackett
John Brackett
Steven Braden
Richard Bradshaw
Bob Brady
Elizabeth Brandon
Mark Brannan
Margaret Breedlove
LiNia'n Breiton
Judith Breiner
Martin Brennan
Jay Brinson
Marcia Bristow
Marion Britt
June Brizendine
Giles Broome
Andrea Brown
Anne Brown
Cathy Brown
Janet Brown
Sharron Brown
Virginia Brown
William Brown
Willie Brown
Dottie Browning
Lynn Bruce
Linda Bryan
Robert Bryan
Kay Bryant
Sharon Bryson
Lauranne Buchanan
Judy Buckley
Merrianne Buice
Dean Bundrick
Sidi Bundy
DeLinda Bunnell
Dan Burgsteiner
Terry Burns
Janet Burson
Dennis Burton
Donna Burton
Liz Burton
Melissa Butchelor
Elyse Bynum
Carolyn Cable
Dana Caldwell
Julie Caldwell
Cindy Callaway
Charlie Callihan
Ricky Cameron
Betsy Camp
Jan Camp
Kay Campbell
Kula Campbell
Sylvia Campbell
Carlton Carier
Ann Carman
Pat Carmichael
John Carnes
Emily Carr
Michael Carr
Wendy Carr
Randolph Carroll
Barbara Carter
Connie Carter
Jacqueline Carter
Suzanne Carter
Robert Case
Peggy Casey
Sandra Cash
William Cassels
Ponda Caudelfl
Pendy Cavaleri
Linda Celentano
Holli Champion
Susan Champion
Pamela Chandler
Michael Chapman
Mike Chapman
Karen Cheek
Mike Chester
Beverly Chisholm
Sandra Chitwood
Deborah Clark
Elizabeth Clark
Margaret Clark
Michael Clark
Patti Clark
Sandra Clark
Patsy Clary
Margaret Clay
Larry Cleveland
Parker Cleveland
Jim Cline
Jeanie Clinkscales
Martha Clower
Gene Coe
Deborah Cohen
Anne Coleman]
Connie Colhard
Julian Colquitt
Cherrie Colvin
Bill Conn
Marcia Conner
James Cook
Bill Cooper
Claire Cooper
Robert Cooper
William Cope
Mike Cranford
Nancy Crawford
Susann Creasly
Nancy Crist
Paul Cronie
Kenneth Cross
Harold Crow
Robert Crowe
Robert Cunningham
Sam Cunningham
Frederick Curlin
Dennis Dale
John Dalis
Priscilla Danheiser
Thomas Daniel
Tom Darby
Elaine Dardinj
Bill Dartmouth
Dave Davenport
Carol Davis
Joann Davis
Joslin Davis
Julie Davis
Nancy Deadwyler
DeAnn Dean
Ed DeChristofaro
Evan Deen
Beth Dekle
Diane dela Penha
Denise Dennison
Devony DePew
Kathi Diamant
Anne Dickinson
Jacquelyn Dickman
Dean DiFiore
Jed Dillard
Patsy Dillard
Donna Dimond
Delaine Dobson
Nick Dodys
Elaine Dollar
Diane Donald
Paula Dorris
Joseph Downs
Jeri Dresner
James Driggers
Darlene Drislcell
Mimi DuBose
Tommy Ducey
Monica Dudley
Charlotte Duffora
Karen Duke
Susan Duke
David Dukes
Bob Duncan
Bud Duncan
Wesley Dunn
Angie Dunson
Jack Durham
Beverly Dyer
Jan Dyer
William Early
Elaine Earnest
Douglas Eaves
Anita Edwards
Jerry Edwards
Sarah Eggleston
Kew Eilew
Paul Elliott
Cathy Ellis
Tim Embry
Gary Eplan
George Erwin
Stuart Erwin
Thomas Estes
Linda Evans
Ralph Evans
Katnryn Everage
Susan Everett
Vickey Ezell
Cynthia Fannon
Tom Farnell
Harriet Feldman
Laurianne Fellenz
Ronald Ferrazzuolo
Dusty Fields
Cheryl Fincher
Ilona Finegold
Liz Fink
John Fite
Joe Fitzgerald
Patricia Flanagan
Andy Flatt
Cheryl Flocker
Peggy Flowers
Benjy Folk
Luann Fortenberry
Joseph Foss
Cecilia Foster
Carla Fowler
Andrea Frahler
Debbie Francavage
Pamela Frank
Carol Frankliq,
Gwen FranklmC'
Margaret Franklin
Debbie Freed
Gary Freeman
Margie Freeman
Marty Friedman
Richard Friedman
Paula Fry
Cynthia Fryer
Peggy Gangarosa
Frank Garrett
Laura Garvey
Greg Gay
Annette George
Dan George
Rose George
Cindy Gercken
Glo Ghegan
Debbie Gibbs
Debbie Giles
Sharon Giles
Gary Gill
David Gillon
John Glankler
Gale Glass
Michael Glenn
George Goddard
Lori Goelz
Beth Goethe
Deborah Goldstein
Susan Goodman
Mark Gordon
Barbara Goss
Ruth Graves
Diane Green
Elwyn Green
Debbie Greene
Susan Greer
Martha Grider
Charlton Griffin
Becca Grimes
Angeld Grisham
Ronald Grizzle
Sherry Grossman
Elyse Gulakowski
Richard Gutierrez
Barbara Hackney
Stanley Haddocfc
Joseph Hagan
Terri Hagan
Nancy Hale
Genevieve Hall
John Hall
Phil Hall
Wink Hall
Lisa Hallford
Kathy Hammond
Mona Hammond
Susan Hamrick
Darla Hancock
Sally Hand
Donna Hannon
Buddy Hanson
Deborah Harbour
Peggy Hardin
Joan Hare
Richard Hargrove
Ricky Harpe
Dennis Harrell
Howard Harrison
Teresa Hart
Kathy Hatch
Maie Hatcher
Gay Hattaway
Ricky Hatten
Karen Hausman
Sandra Hayes
Phyllis Heard
Mimi Hearn
Steve Heath
Jolene Heaton
Joe Hegidio
Ann Heisler
Sherrie Hembree
Beth Hemphill
Barbara Henderson
Luck Hendrix
Mary Hennessy
Robert Henning
Brian Henry
Thomas Hernandez
Sam Hess
Samuel Hewlett
Gary Hicks
Gerald Hickson
Suzanne Hickson
John Hightower
Charles Higley
Jack Hildebrand
Scott Hilley
Hilari Hinnant
Maribeth Hodge
Craig Hoffman
Carol Hoffmeier
Barbara Holl
Ray Holland
Debbie Holliday
Genni Holliday
Stephen Holliday
Peggy Hollingsworth
Darrell Holmes
Levert Hood
Bob Horne
Katherine Houlihan
Joe Howard
Vince Howe
Debra Howington
Martha Hoy
Darrell Huckaby
Kathleen Huegel
Nancy Hunt
Woody Hunt
Wilma Hutcheson
Mark Hutto
Rick Hutto
Lynn Hyde
James Her
Peggy Inman
Debra Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Patricia Jackson
Robert Jackson
Jane Jacobs
Carol Jacobson
Gail James
Jennifer James
Loraine James
Sandra Jarrell
Muff Jenkins
Charlie Johnson
Janie Johnson
Valerie Johnson
Walton Johnson
Debbie Johnston
Jane Johnston
Joy Johnston
Vickie Joiner
Barbara Jones
Chuck Jones
Gary Jones
James Jones
Kathy Jones
Mel Jones
Wilson Jones
Judy Justice
Wayne Kaminsky
Mark Keel
Ed Keen
Kathy Keesling
Ruth Keibler
Arnold Kellos
Diane Kelly
Bob Kemp
Bruce Kemp
Lanee Kennedy
Beth Kergosiew
Pat Kershner
Abolhassan Keshavarz
Hadi Keshavarz
Carla Kesterson
Herman Key
Sharon Key
Jan Kimbrough
Janet Kinard
Judy King
William King
Janet Kirby
J. D. Kirkland
Karen Kirkley
Danny Kirtland
Ruth Kleinsteuber
Rebecca Knighton
Mark Knipfer
Barbara Koenig
Kathleen Kohn
Fred Kramer
Marilyn Kratzer
Linda Krebs
Alexander Krot
Leonard Lampell
Anne Lane
Mary Lane
Patricia Lane
Mary Lang
Jim Langford
Susie Langrall
James Langstone
Ray Lanier
Jan Larisey
Bill Latimer
George Lawrence
Deborah Layton
John Lee
Steven Lee
Walter Leggett
Sanders Lewallen
David Lewis
Gary Lewis
Gloria Lewis
Julia Lewis
Laura Lewis
Laura Lewis
Mary Lines
James Lipscomb
Marilynn Little
Frank Locklear
Jan Lohman
Betty Loo
Stephen Looney
Jose Lopez
Thomas Lord
Carole Lovern
Emily Lowery
John Lowry
Miriam Lunsford
James Lyman
Dona MacArthur
Peter MacBeth
Bryan Macon
Stedham Maddox
Debby Mahan
David Majure
Marselle Maloof
Peggy Mankin
Ronnie ManmfflS
Denise Mansour
Jan Manus
Cyn Marble
Cnarles Marcaccio
Mary Martim-^'
Trip Martin
Patricia Mathis
Kathy May
Debbie McAfee
Claire McAuliffe
Penni McCall
William McCalley
Nancy McCallum
Mona McChesney
Kenneth McClain
Bud McCleskey
Cathy McCleskey
Robert McCloud
Jan McCorkle
Debbie McCoy
Jim McDonald
Vicki McDonald
Becky McDonell
John McElrath
Karen McEver
Jillian McFarland
Vance McGaughey
Gail McGee
Sam McGinness
Cindy McHan
Greg McIntyre
Lynda McKee
Mimi McKnight
Hugh McLendon
Arthur McMurray
Jackie McNeese
Jennifer McQueen
Sherry McQuown
Richard McTyre
Debbie McWhirter
Joseph McWhorter
Peggy Meharg
Thomas Melo
Mollie MeLott
Aubrey Melton
Cheryl Menges
Peter Menk
Cindy Mercer'
Jim Mercier
Charles Middlebrooks
Arlene Middleton
Charles Miller
Marcia Miller
Marilyn Miller
Mudge Miller
Sharon Miller
Richard Millians
Karen Mills
Linda Millwood
Craig Mitchell
George Mitchell
George Mize
Jane Mobley
John Mobley
Charles Moore
Margaret Moore
Sonya Moore
Susan Moore
Walter Moore
William Moorhead
Ellen Morgan
Gary Morgan
Roger Morrell
Linda Morris
Charles Morris
Connie Morriss
Melanie Morton
Cindy Moseley
Becky Mounttord
Nancy Moynahan
Randolph Mozley
Joyce Mulherin
Ann Murdock
Ken Murphy
Linda Musarra
Diane Nave
Thomas Neal
Sue Nease
Ann Neiner
Chris Nelson
Debbie Nelson
Cathy New
Karen Newberne
Fred Newman
Gwyn Newsom
Jackie Nicholson
Leonard Norris
Marsha Norris
Pam Norton
Terry Nutt
Patti O'Conner
Kay Ogletree
Stephen Old
^njjjzabeth Oliver
Eric Olsen
David Orr
Craig Osborn
Carol Osner
Lenard Pagano
Barry Page
Melanie Page
Ellen Painter
Susan Painter
Edith Parker
Susan Parker
Donna Pass
Mary Patterson
Charles Peach
David Pearson
Stephanie Pearson
Jonathan Pelletier
Ruth Pennepacker
Claudia Perkins
Peggy Perkins
Jimmy Perren
Paige Peterson
Pat Petrivelli
Earl Pettit
John Phelts
Warren Philips
Karen Phillips
Donna Pierson
Harriett Pinsker
Joe Pittman
Buddy Pittman
Susan Pitts
Linda Plott
Russell Plunkett
Lynn Poiteuint
Andrea Poletis
Jan Pooley
Steve Pope
Nancy Porter
Davia Powell
Steve Powers
Laura Preller
Judy Pressley
Marvin Price
Robert Price
Pace Pruitt
Lloyd Puckett
Nan Purdy
Thomas Pyles
Emily Pyron
Beverly Qualls
Mike Raines
Beth Rambo
Alice Ramsey
Robert Randall
Johnny Rape
Missy Read
DeAnn Reddick
Anne Reed
Cynthia Reese
Randolph Reeves
Lucy Reid
Kim Rentz
Jeffrey Reyner
Anne Rhode
Deborah Rhodes
Cathy Rice
Donna Rice
Robert Rice
Martha Richbourg
Morris Richman
Pope Richter
Beth Rickborn
Judith Ridgway
Becky Riley
Wayne Robertson
Sue Robinson
Marvin Robinson
Ginny Roche
Mary Rogers
Mark Roling
Pamela Rollins
Beverly Root
Edwin Rosa
Danny Ross
;|Charles Rothe
Lorie Rotz
Becky Roukoski
Mike Rucker
Margaret Ruppersburg
Nancy Russell
Sherry Rutkin
Gail Sacks
Susan Saggus
Barbara Sain
Garvis Sams
Milton Sams
Karen Sandell
Charles Sanders
Steve SanFratello
John Sargent
Louis Sawyer
Johnny Saye
Lawrence Scafuti
Phillip Scoggins
Hal Scott
Nancy Scott <
Tal Scott
Joan Sears
Marlene Seftell
Myron Sellers
Eva Selman
Shawn Senkbeil
James Sessions
Gary Settle
Christi Sewell
Dottie Sewell^'1'
Jenny SewelljHB
Pam Seyler
Gregory Shackleford
Rosemary Shade
Kathy Shamley
Becky Sharp
William Sharpton
Neal Shartar
King Shaw
Ginger Sheats
Susan Sheppard
Razz Shierling
Katie Shinbaum
Russell Shoemaker
Linda Shreve
Kay Shulman
Argy Sigalos
Julianne Sillay
Diane Simpson
Adriena Sims
Sam Singer
Roger Sinyard
Kaythe Slaughter
Jennifer Slocumb
Susan Slye
Robert Smiderski
Samuel Smiley
Becky Sharp
Caryn Smith
Christy Smith
Danny Smith
Dwain Smith
Jeff Smith
Joel Smith
Lewis Smith
Lynda Smith
Mike Smith
Stephen Smith
Wayne Smith
William Smith
Dianne Smock
Marty Snyder
Harriet Solms
Jenny Solomon
Richard Sorkness
Moni Sorrells
Jeannine Sosebee
Anne Souder
Faye Southwell' -
Laura Spalding
Liz Sparger
Betty Spingler
Sherry Spurlin
Joan Sprayberry
Raymond Stah^^fl
Jacqueline Staley
Kaye Stanley
Emily Stapler
Twinkle Starr
Ann Steadman
Margaret Steed
Ann Stein
Reggie Stein
Aura Steinberg
Barry Steinberg
Becky Steinmann
Kathy Stephens
Pat Stevens
David Stewart
Frank Stewart
Mary Stewart
; -fTed Stewart
Mary Stoffregen
Susan Stolz
Ralph Stone
Thomas Stone
Charlotte Storey
Karen Storey.
Kim Stowe
Linda Stringer
Glynda Stripling
Betsy Stroeter
Wilson Surratt
John Sutton
Shannon Swain
Nelson Swofford
Kelly Taff
John Talley
Nina Tally
Otis Tanner
Charlotte Tate
Janice Teal
Jan Terrell
Christopher Teasley
David Thomas
Lew Thomas
Rebecca Thomas
Tim Thompson
Janice Thornton
Patricia Thornton
Sandra Timnick
Benjamin Tingle
Thomas TmleM
Frances Tomaszewski
Thomas Towles
Claudia Townsend
Len Trammell
Nancy Trapnell
Dan Travis
Terri Trippe
Calvin Tuchscherer
Lucille Tudor
Hugh Tucker
Lynda Tucker
Sue Tuggle
Jimmy Turner
Marcy Turner
Salley Tyler
Kurt Unger
Jennifer Vallon
Philip Van Asdalan
Deedy VanDyke
Tom VanDyke
Carl Vann
Walter Vann
Roger Varnes
Blair Vaughan
Vicki Vernoy
Theresa Vinson
Vicki Vinson
Marilyn Vogt
Susan VonCannon
Debbie Waddell
James Wade
Charlene Wages
Nathaniel Wages
Lynn Waits
Tommy Waldrop
Elaine Walker
Linda Walker
Mary Walker
Pam Walker
Deborah Wallace
Andrea Walters
Claudia Ward
Ernie Ward
Nancy Washburn
Jan Watkins
Joe Watkins
Thomas Watson
Miles Watters
Lallie Weatherly
Steven Webb
Val Webb
Lawrence Webster
Mary Wester
Susan Weckerling
llene Weinberg
William Weise
Eddie Welborn
Carol Welfare
Carol Wells
Judy Wellsi
Vicki Wendel
Jim West
Carl Westmoreland
Debbie Whaley
Howard Whallen
Gail Watley
Laura Whatley
Nancy Whatley
Knstine Wheeler
Lynne White
Linda Whitehead
Wanda Whitlock
Gayle Whitlow
James Whitworth
Walter Weisboeck
Nancy Wilbanks
Patricia Wilkerson
Mike Wilkes
Bob Williams
Harold Williams
Marie Williams
Bob Williamson
Craig Williamson
Davis Williamson
Kathleen Williamson
Kathy Williamson
Ken Willis
Thomas Wills
Beth Wilson
Burton Wingfield
Janice Winkler
Shelley Wischhusen
Sneala Withers
Bill Witteman
Roslyn Wolffe
Rita Wonderley
Betsy Wood
Gail Wood
Joan Woodward
Deborah Wooddy
Margaret Woodruff
William Woodrum
Debra Wooten
Jennifer Wren
Mary Wyche
Kim Yancey
Cynthia Yates
Hal York
John Young
Ann Ziegler
Pete Zorbanos
Aaron, Alan 220,372
Abbott, David 403
Abdel-Malek, Magdi 235
Abdullah, Khalid 238
Abel, Lisa 287
Abrahamson, Thomas 183
Achenbach, Charles 372
Achenbach, Gerald 372
Achenbach, Katherine 361
Ackerman, Carol 403
Ackers, Bob 403
Acree, Merilyn 361
Acree, Richard 233
Adair, Craig 381
Adair, Lynn 285
Adair, Molly 403
Adams, Beverly 403
Adams, Charles 361
Adams, Dale 307,381
Adams, Dana 368
Adams, Doug 372
Adams, Elaine 381
Adams, Jane 403
Adams, Joan 403
Adams, John 238,368
Adams, Karen 361
Adams, Linda 372
Adams, Lynn 277,381
Adams, Mike 221,232
Adams, Miley 313,381
Adams, Paula 213
Adams, Peter 381
Adams, Porter 339,381
Adams, Roger 362
Adams, Sharon 281
Adams, Teresa 372
Adams, William 403
Addison, Carlyle 381
Addleton, Bob 238,242
Adelman, Richard 349,358
Adenil, Chaidir 358
Adinarg, Phillip 185
Adkerson, Donna 232,236,381
Adkins, Beth 368
Adkins, William 381
Adler, Gary 183
Agnew, John 212
Agress, Robert 353
Agrin, Cathy 251
Agyekum, Stephen 358
Ahrenhold, Peggy 214,223,293
Aiken, Harry 315,378
Ailein, Robert 343,368
Ainne, Robert 313
Ainsworth, Greg 329
Akers, Betsy 358
Akers, Mary 285,381
Akers, Suzanne 381
Akery, Margaret 235
Akins, Bruce 335,368
Akins, Michael 243
Akins, Wayne 403
Albea, Diane 372
Alberson, Larry 339
Alberson, Nancy 403
Albert, Al 246
Albright, John 200,215,219
Alderson, Faye 305,378
Alewine, Bill 186
Alexander, Cissy 285,381
Alexander, Melinda 371
Alexander, Shirley 381
Alexander, Susan 303
Alford, Peggi 236
Alford, Walter 381
Allen, Bruce 217
Allen, Charles 257,249,381
Allen, Cindy 281
Allen, Clarence 243
Allen, Donald 180
Allen, Ginger 381
Allen, James 329,358
Allen, Jane 252,372
Allen, Jeffrey 341
Allen, John 377
Allen, Laura 301
Allen, Linda 403
Allen, Melody 381
Allen, Ralph 231,339
Allen, Roger 333,403
Allen, Suzanne 285,381
Allen, Tommy 233
Alley, Mark 381
Allgood, Jim 272,334,335,381
Allgood, Marguerite 242,378
Allgood, Tom 323
Allmond, Roddy 341
Allred, Barbara 358
Allyn, Robert 381
Almand, Linda 287,381
Almond, Jacquelyn 299
Almond, Lynn 287,372
Almutawa, Subhi 3 77
Almy, Clyde 351
Alonso, David 224
Alper, Ches 309,381 "*
Alper, David 394
Altenbach, James 206,329
Altman, Steve 238
Altman, Tommy 262
Altman, Wayne 360
Amason, Susan 403
Amis, Cathy 403
Ammons, Debra 403
Amos, Bettye 299,372
Amos, Danny 224,239,343,403
Amos, Wayne 403
Anderson, Adrienne 305,362
Anderson, Andy 394
Anderson, Catherine 236,307,394
Anderson, Charles 183
Anderson, Charles 381
Anderson, Cherry 368
Anderson, Christy 403
Anderson, Chuck 271,335
Anderson, Darby 378
Anderson, Edward 237
Anderson, Floyce 381
Anderson, John 381
Anderson, John 347,368
Anderson, Linda 368
Anderson, Lynda 252,403
Anderson, Lynn 297
Anderson, Mary 381
Anderson, Michael 317,378
Anderson, Mick 224,232,339,261
Anderson, Mike 381
Anderson, Nita 381
Anderson, Steve 394
Anderson, Yvonne 403
Andre, Janet 305,394
Andre, Judy 269,381
Andrew, Bill 225,358
Andrews, Bill 403
Andrews, Call 351,394
Andrews, Jackie 290,291,394
Andrews, John 233
Andrews, Robert 252,256,394
Andrews, Terri 381
Angel, Antonio 237
Anglin, Melinda 304,305,362
Ansley, Ham 216,339,368
Ansley, Hubh 319,394
Ansley, Susan 279,377
Ansley, William 324,325,381
Anthony, Jarrell 333,381
Apenbrink, Jo Ann 381
Appelt, Beverly 381
Appelt, Tom 220
Applebury, Richard 271,316,317,372
Applegate, Mary 213,285,394
Arbery, Glenn 212
Arbery, Rebecca 372
Archibald, Thomas 237
Ard, Linda 362
Arendall, Kathryn 394,299
Arey, John 394
Arl, Susan 249
Armanious, Mamdouh 235
Armistead, Gary 1%
Armour, Jewel 381
Armstrong, Brent 381,313
Armstrong, Mark 394,220
Armstrong, Rosalie 403
Arndt, Tom 230
Arnold, Carlton 225
Arnold, Frank 394
Arnold, Robert 394
Arnold, Robin 403
Arnold, Sally 236,295,394
Aronovitz, Tod 349,361
Arp, Joseph 360
Arrington, Brenda 251,403
Arrington, David 243
Arseneault, Carl 198
Artley, Meredith 213
Artley, Merry 285,394
Asbury, Elizabeth 295,394
Asher, Guy 1%
Ashford, Clinton 184,212,394
Ashley, Chuck 271
Ashley, John 347,403
Ashley, Michael 237
Ashton, Susie 381
Ashworth, Debi 381
Askew, Mary 381,299
Askew, Susan 381,287
Aspinwall, David 233
Aspinwall, Judy 362
Atchison, Bill 325
Atherton, Sherry 249
Atkins, Allen 381
Atkins, Kathy 394
Atkinson, Barbara 372
Atkinson, Lawrence 381,341
Attaway, Bryan 362
Attenbach, James 394
Auriett, Nancy 297
Austin, Glenn 368,271,312,313
Austin, Gordon 403
Avedisian, Harry 331,362
Avent, Mitchell 381
Avery, Andrew 381
Avery, Betty 381
Avery, Bruce 339,381
Avery, Carolyn 403
Avery, Pam 213,223,241, 242,258, 293, 381
Avery, Peggy 372
Avildsen, Richard 368
Avrett, Barbara 277,372
Avriett, Nancy 394
Awtrey, Susan 279,362
Awtry, Bob 381
Ayala, Lora 404
Aycock, Bruce 381
Ayers, David 252
Ayers, Giles 381
Ayers, Lea 218,305,381
Ayers, Lynn 252
Ayres, Billy 333,404
Ayres, Chris 319,358
Ayres, WilMam 234
Babbs, Steven 382
Babcock, Ginger 382
Back, Susan 303,394
Backfish, Rohan 181
Backus, Elison 394,293
Bacon, Peggy 382,229
Badger, W. J. 382,339
Baer, Ronald 382
Baggett, Becky 228
Baggs; Beverly 382,287
Baggs, Deedee 378,285,222
Bagwell, Bobbi 382,279
Bagwell, Gene 181
Bagwell, Robbie 218
Bailey, Bill 209,219
Bailey, Deborah 382
Bailey, Gail 382
Bailey, George 362
Bailey, Helen 293
Bailey, Henry 382,279
Bailey, John 394,272,335
Bailey, Patricia 382
Bailey, Phillip 368
Bailey, Stan 404
Bailey, Tim 238
Bailey, William P. 210
Bain, Peter 394,323
Baker, Barbara 404
Bakery Jan 382
Baker, Angee 362
Baker,lohn 394,341,254
Baker, Marilyn 242
Baker, Sarah 382
Baker, Tanya 404
Balsowski, Ken 238, 242,262,378
Baldwin, Gary 317
Baldwin, James 225,247
Baldwin, Sheila 305,382
Balfour, John 343,382
Balkcom, Mac 233,361
Balkcom, Wayne 231
Ball, Catherine 199,277,372
Ball, Linda 199,294,295,382
Ball, Tommy 271
Ballard, David 217,321,362
Ballard, Elvira 293
Ballard, Nancy 268
Ballew, Leighton 249
Bandy, Anne 252,394
Bandy, Josephine 382
Banister, Eleanor 404
Bankhead, Cynthia 199,307, 382
Bankhead, Jan 269,300,301,377
Banks, Mike 232
Banks, Ronald 404
Bankson, Linda 236,377
Bankston, David 382,271,317
Bankston, Kathryn 372
Bankston, Michael 404
Baras, Steve 404
Barbash, Ken 382,318
Barbeish, Ken 319
Barber, Dennis 361
Barber, Glenn 382,271,317
Barber, Hannah 378
Barefield, Betsy 404
Barefield, Chip 394,317
Barfield, Carol 213
Barfield, William 362,335
Barge, S. W. 394,321
Barge, Tom 394
Bargmann, Evelyn 394
Barker, Larry 331
Barker, Larry 404
Barnard, Beberly 394
Barnes, Bonnie 307,382
Barnes, Emmett 339
Barnes, Emmett 404
Barnes, Herb 394
Barnes, Jack 233
Barnes, John 394
Barnes, Lamar 317,382
Barnes, Linna 213
Barnes, Marvin 377
Barnes, Nancy 382
Barnes, Richard 378
Barnes, Steve 232,247
Barnes, Susan 213
Barnes, Tom 249
Barnes, Wendell 333,382
Barnett, Keith 394
Barnett, Nolan 198,230,246
Barnett, Suzanne 252
Barnett, Thomas 180
Barnette, Andrew 368
Barnhill, Emily 382,228,251
Barnick, Michel 382
Barr, Beverly 382,307
Barr, Ed 252
Barrett, David 362
Barron, Barbara 404,279,252
Barron, Diane 382
Barrow, Charles 394, 273,339
Barrow, Hugh 362,217
Barrow, Nancy 404,251
Barrow, Walter 382
Barrs, Carl 372,325
Barrs, Sam 325
Bartholomew, Bruce 317
Bartlett, Blair 382,323
Bartley, Raymond 362
Barton, Glenn 382
Barton, Jane 213,224,287,394
Barton, Joe 368,337
Barton, Neal 368
Barwick, James 382
Baskin, Vicki 249
Bass, Dave 394,352
Bass, Kathy 362, 287
Bassett, Bill 382,341
Bassett, Debbie 394, 281
Bassett, Stephen 378,238
Bastidas, Maria 394
Bastidas, Norah 404
Bateman, Betsy 199, 275,382
Bateman, Janice 382,288,237
Bateman, Judy 3B2,275,213,218,233,241,242
Bateman, Needham 209
Bates, Randy 362,339
Bates, William 404
Battey, Chauncey 394,327
Battey, Dennis 186
Battey, Lee 394,281
Battle, L. A. 382
Bauerle, John 184
Baxley, Dale 394
Baxlley, Bennett 358
Baxter, Clifton 358
Baxter, Earl 353,362
Baxter, Edward 362,186,329
Baxter, Heyward 325,238
Baxter, Jerry 368
Baxter, Rick 394
Baxter, Robert 404
Baylor, Carolyn 382,242
Bayne, Scotty 273,349
Beacham, Rick 394,343
Beale, Billy 394,187
Bealer, Alex 362,337
Beales, Diane 227
Bean, Bob 256
Bean, Mike 404
Bean, Theo 404
Beard, Barney 252
Beard, James 180
Beard, Steven 404
Bearden, Jerry 377
Beasley, Barney 233
Beasley, Gay 404
Beasley, Jack 252
Beasley, James 231
Beasley, John 252
Beasley, Karen 394
Beauchamp, Dav 358
Beavers, Carey 382,343
Beavers, Karen 394,275
Beazley, Ben 394,212
Beca, Tito 231
Beck, Daniel 377
Becker, Bill 353
Becker, Diane 404
Becker, Faye 394,291,213
Beckham, Barbara 372,293
Beckham, Cindy 251
Beckler, Jerry 360,243
Beckworth, James 382
Becnel, Leslie 404
Becraft, William 368, 337
Bedell, Baxter 252
Bedingfield, Beth 394,307
Bedingfield, Karen 394,299
Beegle, Phil 362,273,347,217
Beeson, Terry 368, 272,330, 331
Behl, John 362,325
Beightol, Robert 360,243
Belch, Dianne 394
Belew, Joe 378,209, 215,242
Bell, Cleve 404
Bell, Debbie 404
Bell, Deborah 372
Bell, Earl 368
Bell, Edna 372
Bell, Evelyn 372
Bell, Henry 247
Bell, John 225
Bell, Lynne 394
Bell, Marty 394,285
Bell, Stephen 368,329
Bell, William 360
Bellamy, Pat 362
Bellamy, Robbie 404
Bellew, John 394
Bellinger, Holly 362, 268,294,295,223,224
Belote, Victor 382,323
Beltran, Frank 394
Bembry, John 404
Benator, Gene 378,273,348,349
Benator, Rachel 252,256
Benbenisty, Marilyn 290,213
Benefield, Anne 404,293
Benefield, David 181
Benefield, Phil 368,331,239
Benford, Ben 368,313
Benford, Howard 368,313
Benkdski, Ann 236
Bennett, Ansley 231
Bennett, Barbara 252
Bennett, Charles 245
Bennett, Clydia 382
Bennett, Danny 404
Bennett, Harry 362,343
Bennett, Joan 362
Bennett, Lawrence 382,311
Bennett, Sally 362,252,256
Bennett, Steve 246
Bennett, William 382
Bennis, Ed 377,225,257
Benson, Carroll 394,323
Benson, Dee 241
Benson, Howard 358,237
Benson, James 360
Benson, Lawrence 239
Benson, Robert 245
Benson, Sims 245
Bentley, Charles 362
Bentley, David 395,349,351
Bentley, Pete 249
Bercegeay, Mary 382,295
Berg, Mary Anne 269
Berlin, Harriet 395,303,348
Berman, Susan 382,291
Berry, Brenda 395
Berry, Charles 252
Berry, Gifford 252
Berry, Kay 362,286,287
Berry, Marshall 212
Berry, Teresa 395,295
Berryman, Steve 382
Berta, Rick 361,329
Betts, John 231,233
Bickerstaff, Cindy 362,285
Bignell, Dale 382,351
Bilbro, Barry 243
Binder, John 368,317
Birchall, Jackie 362,275
Birchmore, Danny 187
Birchmore, Robert 343
Bird, Bradley 404
Bird, Gail 252,395
Bird, Helen 362,283
Bisbort, Patricia 404,236
Biser, Mark 395,339
Bishop, Barbara 372
Bishop, Branson 382
Bishop, Brenda 382
Bishop, Linda 395
Bixler, Larry 395, 220
Black, Barbara 395,299
Black, Elizabeth 404
Black, George 249
Black, Gerald 382
Black, Gwen 404
Black, James 395,315,329
Black, Laura 404, 236
Black, Margaret 404
Black, Sharon 382
Blackburn, R. D. 313
Blackman, Charlotte 362
Blackmon, Myra 223,258
Blackmore, Ernest 368
Blackstock, Earl 245
Blackstock, Wilburn 404,355
Blackstone, Les 252
Blackstone, Norma 216
Blackwell, Gene 377,305
Blackwell, Michael 382,331
Blackwood, Emily 382
Blair, Julie 404
Blaiss, Michael 229
Blake, Darby 372,287, 316
Blakesmith, John 321,362
Blakewood, Shirley 199,287,395
Blalock, Carol 382,2%, 297
Blalock, Kathy 395,297
Blanchard, Anne 382,277
Blanchard, Bill 395,321
Blanchard, Jan 362,293
Bland, Bobby 246
Bland, John 243,245
Blankenship, Hugh 233
Blankinship, Bill 378,238,242
Blanton, Randy 360,331
Blanton, Robbi 395,240
Blanton, Elaine 382, 299
Bleckley, Paul 360
Bledsoe, Sandy 373
Blissit, Katherine 213,251,256
Blitz, Richard 404,353
Bloodworth, George 234
Bloodworth, Mike 382,354
Bloodsworth, Peggy 373,277,237
Blount, Gary 382
Blount, Virginia 395
Blum, Barbara 382,290,291
Blum, Ellen 382,281
Blumberg, Gregory 395,349
Blumenfeld, Todd 404,349
Blumenthal, Barbara 382,303
Blumer, Marcus 382
Boardman, John 368,315
Boatright, Jimmy 358
Boatright, Joan 360, 243
Bobbitt, Gail 360
Bobbitt, Nancy 395,279,252
Bockman, Anne 199
Bodenheim, Mark 395,329
Bodkin, Rosalind 378,241
Bodziner, Brenda 362,291
Bogart, Robyn 395,303
Boggs, B. F. 382,325
Boggs, Frank 324
Bogrow, Bernard 362
Bolden, Regina 368
Boldway, Jill 251
Bolen, Chris 382
Boles, Gloria 395
Boley, Bertram 395,319
Bolgla, Laura 404,291
Boling, Larry 395,340,341
Boling, Nancy 404,281
Bollinger, Janice 362,251
Bolynn, Elaine 382,281
Boman, Danny 362
Bomar, William 360
Bonawandt, Karl 377,257
Bond, Herbert 404
Bond, Kirk 382,297
Bond, Vince 368,319
Bonds, David 382
Bonds, Gary 404
Bondy, Richard 361,311
Bone, Gayle 382,232,236
Bonnabel, Pamela 358
Bonner, Charles 404
Bonner, Leonard 382
Bonnette, Judith 404
Booker, Cecelia 395
Boorn, Frank 368
Booth, Christine 404
Borders, Carol 382
Borrouchs, William 368,343
Boss, Logan 351
Bostick, Margaret 382,279
Boswell, Bill 382,321
Boswell, Edna 404
Boswell, Mary 382,268,287,224
Boswell, William 320
Boti, Vic 329
Botsaris, Van 368,319
Botti, Stephen 362
Botts, Jacqueline 382,218
Boulware, Barbara 378,285,223,241
Bowden, Martha 373
Bowden, Robert 368,321
Bowden, William 395,212
Bowen, Beverly 404
Bowen, Bonnie 368,307
Bowen, Charles 368
Bowen, Judy 358
Bowen, Louis 368
Bowen, Milton 382,333
Bowen, Rowe 395
Bowers, Bonnie 382,213
Bowers, Clifford 368
Bowers, Larry 319
Bowers, Liz 395,252
Bowers, Robert 382,317
Bowie, Gerald 362,325
Bowles, David 368
Bowles, Jesse 368,323
Bowman, Danny 368
Bowman, David 368,354
Bowman, Jerry 382,311
Boyd, Bobbie 382
Boyd, Bobby 341
Boyd, Jerry 257
Boyd, Julia 295,236
Boyd, Olin 341
Boyd, Susan 362,297
Boyd, William 200,368,354,238
Boydston, Tommy 382,270,331,219
Boyer, Richard 185
Boyle, Nancy 382,305
Boynton, Katherine 382,299
Bozeman, Al 395,355
Bozman, Jim 395,329
Brabson, Mary 404
Bracey, Betsy 382,299
Brackett, Angie 382,213
Brackett, Cindy 404
Brackett, John 404
Bradbury, Bill 219
Braddock, Don 206
Braden, Steven 404
Bradford, Mary 382,288
Bradford, Ross 184
Bradford, Sarah 362
Bradley, Ed 237
Bradley, James 238
Bradley, Kathy 395,301,213
Bradley, Paul 382,271,314,315
Bradley, Randy 250
Bradley, Shelia 395
Bradley, Stephen 185
Bradley, Tommye 395,285,326
Bradshaw, Richard 404,313
Bradshaw, Tommy 343
Brady, Bob 404
Brady, David 368
Brady, Mike 382,273
Bragdon, Debbie 252
Bramblett, James 232,233
Bramblett, Sandra 237
Branan, Kyle 209,215, 216, 219,225,230,231,
Branch, Cathy 382,230,232,236
Branch, Edward 192
Branch, Mary 395,299
Branch, Susan 382
Brand, Rob 252
Brandau, Gertrude 382
Brandes, Beverly 373
Brandes, Robert 382,334,335
Brandon, Beth 404,293
Brandon, William 382,313
Brandos, Beverly 299
Branham, Ronald 250
Brannan, Mark 404
Brannen, Cerie 395
Brannen, Joseph 395,321
Brannol, John 382
Brannon, Robert 368
Brantley, Blake 252
Brantley, Wade 382, .180,343
Braselton, Allen 382,217
Brasher, Larry 180
Braswell, Kim 395,180,313
Braswell, Ralph 382,329
Braungart, Peggy 382,277
Braxley, Don 378,273,350,351
Braxton, Mary 362,237
Braziel, Deborah 395
Bredlow, Mary 395,287
Breed, Pamela 382
Breedlove, Ken 395
Breedlove, Margaret 404
Breedlove, William 382,311
Breiner, Judith 404, 291
Breiton, Lillian 404
Bremer, Martin 243
Brennan, Martin 404
Brennan, Thomas 183
Bretz, Mary 395,283,213
Brewer, Glenn 231
Brewer, James 382
Brewer, Joe 232
Brewer, Willene 245
Brewer, William 377
Brice, Billy 180
Brice, Frank 181
Brice, Joe 235
Brickey, Paul 257
Brickie, Harriett 373
Bridgers, Beth 236
Bridges, Bob 221
Bridges, Henry 395
Bridges, Robert 249
Brigham, Herbert 256
Brinkley, Carolyn 361
Brinson, Jay 404
Brisby, Clark 235
Briscoe, Diane 373
Brisendine, June 404
Bristow, Marcia 404
Britt, Marion 404
Brittingham, Patty 395,293
Britton, Mary 382,295
Britton, Sister 294
Broadrick, Kathryn 373
Brock, Edward 395,351
Brock, John 362
Brock, Lebron 382
Brock, Ronald 360,331
Brock, Vickie 377
Brogdon, Linda 377,236
Brokaw, Val 395,287
Bronson, Charles 395,311
Brooker, Charles 245
Brooks, Edward 192
Brooks, Eugene 395,337
Brooks, Georgia 373
Brooks, Herb 250
Brooks, Jerry 252
Brooks, John 315
Brooks, Lemuel 198
Brooks, Nancy 382,285
Brooks, Nancy 382
Brooks, Peter 234
Brooks, Raymond 395,323
Brooks, Sylvia 395,307
Broome, Giles 404,315
Broome, Olivia 361,235
Brothers, Janet 382
Broussard Gordon 180
Browder, Carey 187
Browder, Charlie 187
Brown, Alice 373,287
Brown, Andrea 404,275
Brown, Anne 404
drown, Barbara 395,297
Brown, Bo 315,395
Brown, Bonnie 377, 236
Brown, Bruce 220
Brown, Carol 382,299
Brown, Cathy 404,287
Brown, Cecil 395,325
Brown, Cindy 382,277
Brown, Connie 395
Brown, Debbie 252
Brown, D. W. 382,315
Brown, Dwight 382
Brown, Gaylain 246
Brown, George 246
Brown, Harold 368, 331
Brown, Harriet 378,242
Brown, Harvey 217
Brown, Hugh 358
Brown, Jan 251
Brown, Janet 404,252
Brown, Joanne 362
Brown, John 313
Brown, Kathy 368
Brown, Linda 358
Brown, Marilynn 395,301
Brown, M. T. 382
Brown, Michael 382, 325
Brown, Mike 395,272
Brown, M.T. 315
Brown, Muriel 206
Brown, Nancy 382
Brown, Pamela 373, 287
Brown, Patty 287
Brown, Paula 373
Brown, Ray 395
Brown, Richard 373,315
Brown, Rod 395
Brown, Sherron 404
Brown, Stan 231
Brown, Steve 368,341
Brown, Steve 395,339
Brown, Susan 383,293
Brown, Virginia 404
Brown, Wayne 383, 243
Brown, William 404
Brown, Willie 404
Browning, Dottie 404
Brownlow, Jill 362,306, 307
Broxton, David 358
Broxton, Linda 395
Broyles, Charles 368,317
Broyles, Ed 316
Bruce, Lynn 404
Bruce, Milton 180,313
Bruce, Patsy 395,295
Bruce, Patti 383,206
Bruce, Ronald 363
Bruce, Steve 363
Bruce, William 363,341
Bruch, Louise 378
Bruker, Davenport 383,341
Brumby, Duval 395, 326,327
Bruner, Ann 395,301
Brunsvold, Pam 395,227
Bruntley, Wade 383,343
Brussack, Bob 219,240
Bryan, Bill 250
Bryan, Ginny 362,251
Bryan, Linda 404
Bryan, Robert 404
Bryans, Alexa 373,295
Bryant, Bruce 383,343
Bryant, Cathryn 363
Bryant, Ginny 358
Bryant, John 363
Bryant, Johnny 317
Bryant, Kay 404
Bryant, Ralph 395,250,252
Bryant, Russell 383,325
Bryant, Seth 383
Bryant, Terry 237
Bryar, Lanelle 373,295
Bryson, Sharon 404
Bubler, Debbie 251
Buchanan, Jerry 395,273,351
Buchanan, Lauranne 404
Buckley, Judy 404
Buckner, Paula 383, 285
Budd, Roger 383,343
Buffkin, Claire 383,287
Buice, Merrianne 404
Bullard, Paul 383,333
Bullard, Sally 358
Bullock, Bonnie 383, 279
Bullock, Cordy 395
Bullock, Delores 383
Bumbleton, Ken 180
Bumgardner, Max 383
Bumgartner, Jim 395,329
Bunch, Mike 271
Bundrick, Dean 404
Bundy, Sidi 404
Bunitsky, Cindy 383,275
Bunker, Nancy 378,241
Bunker, Sally 395,242
Bunnell, De Linda 404
Burch, Amy 383,232,236
Burch, David 395,325,224,239
Burch, Nell 373
Burdett, Bonnie 395,295
Burdette, Emily 395
Burdette, Wynema 373,307
Burel, John 383,333
Burge, Thomas 373
Burger, Fred 378,240
Burger, Ken 220
Burgess, Jane 373
Burgess, Richard 383
Burgess, Warren 377,317
Burgsteiner, Dan 404,220
Burk, Sandra 362
Burke, Anthony 383
Burke, Danny 252
Burke, Hugh 360
Burke, Keith 395
Burks, A. C. 321
Burman, Richard 234
Burnett, David 383
Burnett, Judith 377,307
Burnett, Mary 213
Burns, Robert 181
Burns, Terry 404
Burrell, Dick 250,256
Burris, Diane 395
Burriss, Robert 395
Burson, Irene 395,291
Burson, Janet 404
Burson, Lynn 301
Burton, Bobby 361,311
Burton, Cheryl 395, 279
Burton, Dennis 404,347
Burton, Donna 404,232
Burton, Greg 395,313
Burton, Liz 404
Burtz, Diane 378
Burwell, Henry 383
Busbee, Gail 395,299
Busbee, Gerald 368,343
Busch, Deborah 249
Busch, Ted 351
Bush, Barbara 383,297
Bush, Dorothy 383,293
Bush, Evelyn 395,297
Bush, Lexie 199,395,281,213
Bush, Walter 271,313
Bushmire, George 351
Bushnell, Sara 395,281
Bussey, Henry 243
Bussey, Sara 395,285
Butchelor, Melissa 404
Butler, Beverly 252
Butler, Dee Ann 373,301,344,237
Butler, Frank 383,219,224,239
Butler, Glenn 219
Butler, Jim 383,345, 219
Butler, Lee 395
Butler, Nancy 395
Butler, Robbie 199
Butler, Roberta 363,293
Butson, Linda 395,227,247
Butterfield, Cynthia 395,297
Butts, Gary 395,315
Butts, Lee 368,252
Buxton, Kenneth 227
Bwinis, James 368
Byars, Hardin 237
Byars, Susan 383,285
Byers, Sanford 395
Byne, Ed 363,339,217
Bynum, Frances 373
Bynum, Elyse 404
Byram, Bobbie 383
Byrd, Chuck 383,347
Byrd, David 368,323
Byrd, Dorothy 378,236
Byrd, Greg 180
Byrd, Michelle 383
Byrd, Julie 285
Byrd, Suzanne 373
Byrns, Jim 234
Cable, Carolyn 404,251
Cable, William 383
Cadwell, Kathy 383
Cagle, James 181
Cagle, J. M. 358,321
Cain, Colenne 363
Cain, Lynn 383
Cain, Mack 198
Cain, Shirley 383
Caldwell, Ades 232
Caldwell, Diane 383,218,252
Caldwell, Dana 404,285
Caldwell, Pat 395,232
Caldwell, Jane 383,232,233,236
Caldwell, Kathy 232
Caldwell, Julie 404
Caldwell, Linda 238
Caldwell, Mimi 368,267,279
Calhoun, Ann 383,279
Calhoun, John 187
Calhoun, Richard 395,347
Callaway, Cindy 404
Callaway, Dave 383,311
Callaway, Diane 243
Callaway, Elisa 383,277
Callaway, John 358
Callaway, Peggy 383
Callaway, Richard 383
Callaway, Thomas 368,313
Callihan, Charlie 404,317
Callison, Jim 395,329,219,224
Cameron, Ricky
Cameron, Susan 383,243, 245
Camp, Byron 395,341
Camp, Betsy 404,285
Camp, Jan 404
Camp, Lawrence 219,231
Camp, Emily 363
Camp, Melody 358
Camp, Michael 1%, 395
Camp, Paul 249
Camp, Ronald 368,329
Campanella, Kirby 187
Campbell, James 383
Campbell, Cecil 231
Campbell, Constance 373
Campbell, Daniel 233
Campbell, Eddie 368
Campbell, Fred 358
Campbell, Gilbert 395,323
Campbell, Jessica 368,295
Campbell,. Alan 383,317
Campbell, John 383,317,347
Campbelf, John 373,180
Campbell, Kay 404
Campbell, Kenneth 217
Campbell, Kerry 368,341
Campbell, Kula 404
Campbell, Bryant 383,321
Campbell, Nanci 395,281
Campbell, Ronnie 240
Campbell, Sylvia 404
Campbell, Thomas 383
Canipe, Jane 373,285
Cannon, Charles 368,313
Cannon, Kay 383,277
Cannon, Joseph 383,325
Cantrell, David 235
Canupp, Don 377,257
Capel, Bobby 368
Capelouto, Corinne 303,395
Capers, Sally 383,299,224
Capps, Kathy 383
Carbonell, Gay 383
Carbonell, Mike 363,238
Carew, Glenn 238
Carey, Norman 252
Carier, Carlton 404
Carithers, Bucky 339
Carlisle, Rusty 362,271,318,319
Carlton, Lewis 383
Carman, Ann 404
Carmichael, Bill 347
Carmichael, Caren 395,287
Carmichael, Cathy 373,287
Carmichael, Pat 404
Carnes, Donald 235
Carnes, John 404
Carnes, Julie 213
Carnes, Mary 383,299
Carnes, Pete 238
Carp, Steve 187
Carpin, David 226
Carr, Bill 363,325
Carr, Emile 383
Carr, Emily 404,243
Carr, Karen 306
Carr, Mary 259
Carr, Michael 404
Carr, Micheal 383,325
Carr, Wendy 404
Carrington, Diane 373,295
Carroll, Earnie 377
Carroll, Randolph 404,333
Carroll, Robert 395,331
Carroll, Sidney 198,319
Carson, Charles 186
Carson, Larry 383,216,217,218
Carson, Scott 383,186,335
Carswell, Charlene 383,251
Carswell, Thomas 383,339
Cartelli, Lora 216
Carter, Andrea 285
Carter, Angela 383
Carter, Barbara 404
Carter, Bruce 192
Carter, Connie 404,293
Carter, David 184
Carter, Don 358
Carter, Eugene 383
Carter, Frank
Carter, Frank 395,327,218
Carter, Glenda 363
Carter, Harold 323,383
Carter, Jacqueline 404
Carter, James 368
Carter, Jan 395
Carter, Jim 404
Carter, John 212
Carter, Linda 383
Carter, Nancy 383,252
Carter, Nancy 373,283
Carter, Paul 383,313
Carter, Rusty 181
Carter, Suzanne 404
Carter, Viki 363,299
Carter, Walt 395,355
Cartledge, Tony 395,228
Cartwright, Vivian 378,236
Carver, Carlton 199,185
Carver, Miriam 237
Case, Robert 405
Casey, Pat 252
Casey, Peggy 405,252
Casey, William 361,311
Cash, Lucy 373
Cash, Sandra 405
Cason, Louie 368,347
Casper, Mike 358,347,219
Cassell, Michael 238
Cassels, William 405
Cassiday, Colleen 373
Cassidy, Dennis 231,235
Cassidy, Michael 383,347
Castellaw, Danny 395,311,225
Castro-Poveda, Paula 360
Castronis, Michael 363,339,219
Cathcart, Thomas 383
Caudell, Ponda 405
Cauley, Mike 383,323
Caulkins, Carolyn 395,295
Causey, Charles 383,343
Causey, Robert 395,343
Cauthen, Robert 395,325
Cavaleri, Pendy 405
Cavan, Michael 180
Culey, Michael 322
Cawthon, John 395,250,256
Cebik, Mary 358
Ceceri, Pam 395,295
Cechini, Lisa 243
Cecil, Daniel 378
Celentano, Linda 405
Center, Jodie 373
Chadwick, Alan 180
Chafin, Linda 395,213,224,258
Chalker, William 368
Chamberlin, Steven 180
Chambers, Betty 237
Chambers, James 238
Chambers, Joseph 395,351
Chambers, Sue 373
Chambless, Marcy 363,325
Chambless, Ralph 363,345
Chambliss, Leslie 249
Champion, Glenn 368,354
Champion, Holli 405,285
Champion, Kay 383,285
Champion, Stewart 321
Champion, Susan 405
Chance, David 368,317
Chandler, Clayton 358,237
Chandler, Gayle 383,281
Chandler, James 181
Chandler, Lucky 351
Chandler, Pamela 405
Chandler, Susan 383
Chaney, Larry 235
Chapel, Terry 238
Chapin, Mary 395,277
Chapman, Emory 181
Chapman, James 311
Chapman, Mary 395
Chapman, Michael 404
Chapman, Mike 404
Chapman, Sam 383,339
Charbonneau, Harry 395,331
Charham, Georganne 251
Chastain, Bob 232
Chastain, James 181
Chastain, Jessie 373
Chastain, Sandra 363
Chatham, David 383,319
Chatraw, Darrell 395
Cheek, Karen 405
Cheeley, Ronnie 383,323
Cheeves, Cecil 339
Chen Hsien-Shih 358
Cheney, Charles 395,252
Cheney, Pat 383,287
Cherry, Joelene 395,251,252
Chesler, Mike 405
Chesnut, Robert 383,257
Chesnutt, Richard 358
Chester, Barbara 252
Chester, Mike 252
Chester, Susan 252
Cheves, Cecil 368,216
Cheves, Chilton 383, 277
Chew, Randall 383,339
Chewning, Barbara 363
Chewning, Ralph 395,212, 250
Childers, Priscilla 383,232,236
Childs, George 358,331
Childs, John 383,337
Childs, Julie 363,287,237
Chisholm, Beverly 405
Chisholm, Card 396,299
Chisholm, William 363,321
Chitwood, Faye 285
Chitwood, Patricia 373
Chitwood, Sandra 405
Choate, John 363
Christenson, Jerry 228
Christian, Charles 212
Christian, Ellen 213
Christian, Shirley 378,236
Christie, Jack 3%
Christie, John 337
Christopher, Irene 358
Cirel, Henry 311
Clack, Melinda 3%
Clamp, Mary 245
Clark, Bruce 3%
Clark, Carol 3%, 213,227
Clark, Christopher 250,256
Clark, Craig 360
Clark, Deborah 405
Clark, Dennis 230,311
Clark, Elizabeth 405
Clark, Jackie 3%, 293
Clark, James 373
Clark, Judy 383,293
Clark, Lawana 383,236
Clark, Margaret 405
Clark, Marsha 217
Clark, Maxine 241
Clark, Merrilyn 383
Clark, Michael 405
Clark, Patti 405
Clark, Peter 250
Clark, Ralph 181
Clark, Robert 257
Clark, Rod 363
Clark, Sam 368
Clark, Sandra 405
Clark, Terri 396,218
Clarke, Bud 383,339
Clarke, Chris 252
Clarkson, Greg 383,331
Clary, Carolyn 383,277
Clary, Patsy 405
Claxton, Emily 383,275
Claxton, Veryln 383
Clay, Elaine 218
Clay, Joseph 243
Clay, Margaret 405
Clay, Tommy 3%
Clayman, Sandie 3%, 303
Clayton, Bonnie 245
Clayton, Buddy 363
Clayton, Susan 383,277
Cleane, Carden 378
Cleghorn, David 383
Clement, Emily 383,297
Clement, Carolyn 373,277
Clements, Cathy 383,297
Clements, Jerry 368,238
Clements, Michael 363,327
Cleveland, Kevin 184
Cleveland, Larry 405
Cleveland, Parker 405
Clifford, Constance 373,293
Clifton, Jane 373
Clifton, Linda 360, 243,245
Cline, Jim 405
Cline, Nancy 213,246
Clinkscales, Jeanie 405
Cloer, Myra 383,236
Cloud, Julian 238
Cloud, Tom 383,341
Clower, Martha 405,275
Clower, Michael 325
Coalson, Camilla 383
Coats, Charlie 383,325
Cobb, Cat 285
Cobb, Deborah 213
Cobb, Hugh 249
Cobb, Mike 252
Cobb, Sarah 383,285
Coble, Cathy 373,277
Coburn, Sharon 363
Cochran, Erica 383,275,213,237
Cochran, Karen 237
Cochran, Robert 396,333
Cochran, Tricia 199
Cody, William 237
Coe, Barbara 373
Coe, Deborah 3%, 252
Coe, Gene 405,313
Cofer, Joan 3%
Cofer, Frank 363
Coff, John 383,343
Coffee, Joel 250
Coffelt, Terry 231
Cohen, Alan 368,271,309
Cohen, Barry 183
Cohen, Deborah 405
Cohen, Gloria 363
Cohen, Marc 243
Cohen, Bob 252
Cohen, Roy 3%, 309
Cohen, Steven 368, 309
Cohn, Linda 373,302,303
Coker, Barry 378
Coker, Dana 383
Coker, Felix 368
Colbert, Bruce 368
Colbert, Pamela 363,297
Colbert, Virginia 373
Coldren, Margurite 360,243,245
Cole, Julie 373,299
Cole, Laura 383,299
Cole, Patsy 363,293
Coleman, Carole 373
Coleman, Cathy 213
Coleman, Connie 383
Coleman, Anne 405
Coleman, John 363
Coleman, Jon 335
Coleman, Sim 3%
Coley, Barbara 218,363
Coley, Ginger 383,293
Coley, Phil 3%, 341
Colhard, Connie 405
Collier, Coopie 363,285
Collier, Dennis 363
Collier, Kathy 3%, 293,213
Collier, Mike 369,333
Collier, Nancy 252
Collier, Sharon 383
Collins, Candy 383, 297
Collins, Carolyn 383
Collins, Curtis 369, 238
Collins, Debbie 295, 378
Collins, Donna 383, 279
Collins, James 377
Collins, Jerry 333
Collins, Kenneth 383,313
Collins, Leon 369, 256
Collins, Lisa 281,396
Collins, Michael 238
Collins, Ron 251
Collins, Stan 321,383
Collins, Stephen 234
Collins, William 369,331
Collinson, Jill 383,305
Colquitt, Cathy 3%, 287
Colquitt, Julian 405
Colquitt, Michael 383,325
Colvin, Cherrie 405
Colvin, Mac 3%
Combs, Anne 3%, 275,218
Combs, Caroline 373,266,267
Combs, Cathy 236
Compton, Deborah 249
Condon, Bill 383, 329,206, 219
Cone, Charles 369,329
Conger, Patricia 383
Conger, Robert 217
Conklin, Terry 234
Conley, William 383
Conlon, Bruce 286
Conn, Richard 180
Conn, Bill 405
Connah, John 363,329
Connell, David 377,333
Connell, Sherry 396, 282, 283
Conner, Douglas 369
Conner, Edward 363,237
Conner, Marcia 405
Conner, Robert 341
Connolly, Earl 234
Connor, Jerry 369,323
Conrad, Kathy 247
Constantine, Robert 358,321
Coody, Steve 384,311
Cook, Chris 279,384
Cook, Christine 3%
Cook, Cindie 229
Cook, Henry 369
Cook, Hugh 384
Cook, James 405
Cook, Karen 3%
Cook, Katie 3%
Cook, Nora 242
Cook, Regina 384
Cook, Sheila 373,275
Cool, James 384
Coon, Robert 369,333
Cooper, Alex 369,327
Cooper, Bill 317,405
Cooper, Chuck 240,242
Cooper, Claire 405
Cooper, Clarke 384
Cooper, Doug 384,185
Cooper, Elaine 251
Cooper, Jeril 3%
Cooper, Kaye 284,285,373
Cooper, Melvin 373
Cooper, Norma 3%
Cooper, Patricia 384
Cooper, Richard 198
Cooper, Robert 3%
Cooper, Robert 405
Cope, William 405
Copeland, Bill 247
Copeland, Carol 373,298,299
Copeland, Dwight 369
Copeland, Greg 252
Copeland, Mildred 363,251
Coplan, Sheila 384
Coplon, Claudia 378,240
Corbett, Charles 373
Corbett, Tom 253
Cordele, Clayton 384
Cordell, Clayton 339
Corley, Cynthia 363
Cornell, Nancy 384
Cornwell, Betty 363,283
Cornwell, Kris 329
Corr, Price 363,317, 209,215,217, 219, 223,224
Cost, Debby 3%, 279
Costa, Butch 329
Costa, Carol 378,307
Costabile, Carol 363,249
Cotter, Christine 249
Cottrell, Betsy 262
Couch, Kenneth 238
Couch, Thomas 180
Couchman, Betsy 257
Coulon, Candida 237
Courter, Ann 245
Courtney, Ann 384
Coutcher, Gail 369,238
Couvillon, Gary 235
Covin, Mary 384
Cowart, Brenda 384,301
Cowart, Tressa 307
Cowarth, Tressa 384
Cowden, John 363,313
Cowen, Martin 250
Cox, Barry 384
Cox, Cader 210,215, 216,219
Cox, Gary 378,328,329
Cox, James 369
Cox, James 384,345,347
Cox, James 3%
Cox, Jan 384,274,275,237
Cox, Leslie 3%
Cox, Mary 363
Cox, Nancy 3%
Cox, Roger 246,247,258
Cox, Sally 236
Coyne, John 231
Crabbe, Kathleen 373
Craft, Pat 253
Crafton, Linda 373,295
Craig, Charles 220
Craig, Jep 369,321
Craig, Marie 213
Craig, Thomas 3%, 339,216
Crane, Henry 396,313
Cranford, Gail 384
Cranford, Mike 404
Cranman, Lynn 384,291
Crawford, Connie 363,373,295
Crawford, Craig 358, 251
Crawford, George 369
Crawford, Mary 3%, 285
Crawford, Nancy 405
Crawford, Rebecca 373,251
Crawford, Thomas 384,240
Crawley, Charles 181
Crawley, Kathleen 363
Creasy, Susan 405,279
Crenshaw, Ken 384,339
Crenshaw, Margaret 373
Crenshaw, McCarthy Jr. 210
Crews, Bob 384,271
Crews, Dennis 369,342,343
Crews, James 384
Crews, Matt 384,328,329,224,251
Crider, Gary 396
Crighton, Richard 369,333
Crim, Darryl 363,345
Crist, Nancy 405,279
Crocker, William 384,343
Croghan, Robert 249
Cromer, Gloria 3%
Cromer, Hugh 360
Cromley, Canele 384
Cronic, Paul 405
Cronic, Richard 384,347
Cronister, Becky 384,218
Crosby, John 238
Cross, Hubert 3%, 253,256
Cross, Ken 405,253,256
Crosswy, Milton 363,335
Crouch, Jike 363
Crouch, Paula 3%
Crout, Robert 358,221
Crow, Harold 405,315
Crow, Robert 253
Crowe, David 251
Crowe, David 363,229
Crowe, Hugh 377
Crowe, Robert 405
Crowe, Samuel 3%
Crowell, Matt 384
Crusa, Walter 315
Culbreth, Marilyn 384
Culbreth, Sara 373,282,283
Cullinane, Daniel 183
Cullison, David 200
Culpepper, Robert 3%
Cummings, Dale 363,354
Cummings, Joey 258,276,277,378
Cunningham, Flossie 384,301
Cunningham, Mike 185,254
Cunningham, Robert 405,339
Cunningham, Sam 405
Cunningham, Bill 363,338,339
Curington, James 396
Curlee, Jon 224
Curlin, Rick 405,186
Currey, Daniel 369
Currington, James 343
Curry, Larry 231
Curth, Pam 373,267, 276,277
Curtis, Barbara 373
Curtis, Beckie 378,277
Curtis, Carlton 238,242
Curtis, Luke 209
Curtis, Ruthie 267, 276,277, 216
Czupryna, Timothy 234
Czura, Wally 363,224,237
Dailey, Robert 3%, 317
Dale, Dennis 405
Daley, Sue 384,281
Dalis, John 405,325
Dalton, Linda 373
Damato, Margaret 3%
D'Ambrosio, Laura 363
Dancz, Phyllis 252
Dancz, Roger 252
Danheiser, Priscilla 405
Daniel, Danny 341,369
Daniel, Joey 3%, 339
Daniel, James 360
Daniel, James 335~
Daniel, Judy 396,242
Daniel, Thomas 405
Daniel, Woody 351
Dankel, John 221
Danowski, Marjorie 229
Oantzler, Danny 180
Darby, Bill 363,180, 339,216, 217
Darby, Deborah 373
Darby, Gail 384,236
Darby, Mary 384,307
Darby, Tom 405
Darden, Sally 3%, 297
Dardin, Elaine 405,285
Darity, Shirley 373
Darnell, Stanley 369,354
Dartmouth, Bill 405
Dasher, Charles 396,327
Dashiell, Fran 384,293
Datta, Adhir 233
Daube, Faye 237
Daughtry, Craig 192,384,231
Davenport, Beth 396
Davenport, Dave 405,250, 253
Davenport, Lee 384,293
Daves, Teresa 253
Davey, Karen 3%, 213
David, Bob 363,339
David, Mike 226
David, Thomas 384,339
Davidson, Dale 238
Davidson, James 243
Davidson, John 384,334,335
Davidson, Patti 384,277
Davidson, Sharon 373
Davies, Jeff 3%, 325
Davies, Kathy 384,295
Davis, Allan 186
Davis, Anne 218
Davis, Barry 363
Davis, Carl 384
Davis, Carol 405
Davis, David 232
Davis, Den 242
Davis, Dorothy 384
Davis, Elaine 3%, 283
Davis, Gary 3%
Davis, Ginger 301
Davis, Hoyt 384,333
Davis, James 3 77
Davis, James 384,313,235
Davis, Janice 384
Davis, J. E. 238
Davis, Jeanette 249
Davis, Jerry 243
Davis, Jo Ann 405
Davis, Joslin 405
Davis, Joy 384,251
Davis, Julie 405
Davis, Kathy 384,295
Davis, Ken 363
Davis, Lane 213
Davis, Larry 3%, 355
Davis, Leslie 378,299,242
Davis, Mark 384,354
Davis, Marguerite 213
Davis, Mary 384
Davis, Micheal 3%
Davis, Nancy 384,287
Davis, Suzanne 384
Davis, Polly 358
Davis, Richard 373
Davis, Robert 225
Davis, Sam 253,256, 258
Davis, Sandra 213
Davis, Sharon 384
Davis, Stephen 199,185
Davis, Susan 293
Davis, Susan 373,277,293
Davis, Ted 369,272,321
Davis, Thomas 384
Davis, Tim 220
Davis, Tommy 336,337,232
Davis, Vicki 373,275
Davis, Virginia 358
Daws, Karen 384,307
Dawson, James 313
Dawson, Rita 384
Day, John 341
Day, Larry 355,384
Day, Russell 253
Day, Theodore 363,325
Day, Waylon 384
De Christofaro, Ed 405
De La Penha, Diane 291,405
Deadwyler, Nancy 405
Deakins, Dorothy 3%, 285
Deal, Ben 384,339,217
Deal, Joe 3%, 311
Deal, Michael 384,318,319
Deal, Robert 243
Deal, Thomas 233
Dean, Deanne 405
Dean, Debbie 384,297
Deangeris, Michael 384,319
Dearing, Stephen 369,321
Deariso, David 369,238
Deas, Catherine 384,279
Deas, Catherine 384,275,218
Deaton, Angela 3%, 213
Deaton, Cheryl 373
Deavers, Edward 253
Debritto, Susan 3%, 246
Decker, William 384
Decker, William 378,319,217,242
Deen, Evan 405
Deen, Ronald 361,231
DeFore, Ed 187
Deich, Carolyn 363
Deihl, Benjie 186
Dekle, Beth 405,295
Delaney, Thomas 361,311
Delashaw, James 369
Delegal, Herb 250
Dell, Bill 234
Deloach, Richard 363,345
Delong, Michelle 384,275
Delong, Greg 363,339
Dement, Diane 3%
Demos, George 180
Dempsey, David 369
Dempsey, Frank 325,212
Dempsey, Lynn 3%
Dempsey, William 358
Dening, Alfred 234
Denman, Donna 361,235
Denman, Steve 384,343
Dennard, Sarah 373
Dennis, Lee 384
Dennison, Cookie 384,285
Dennison, Denise 405
Denny, Bill 347
Denson, Sherie 373
Depew, Devony 405, 281
Derose, Richard 363,313
Dethero, Boyd 3%, 327
Devito, Albert 235
Dial, Steve 3%
Diamant, Kathi 405
Dibiase, Carmen 363,325
Dicharry, Ray 183
Dickerson, George 358
Dickerson, Rebecca 384
Dickerson, Sandra 230,236
Dickerson, Thomas 233
Dickerson, William 384,351
Dickinson, Anne 405,293
Dickman, Jackie 405,303
Dickson, Abb 250,252,253,256
Dickson, Sam 209,215,247
Difiore, Dean 405
Dillard, Howard 384,325
Dillard, Jed 405
Dillard, Lee 384
Dillard, Patsy 405
Dillard, Rebecca 378,301
Dillashaw, Robert 384
Dills, Michael 369
Dimond, Debbi 384,293,241
Dimond, Donna 405
Dinnan, Tom 229
Dinnerman, Bonnie 384
Dinwiddie, Robert 250
Disney, David 363,355
Dittman, Richard 217
Dixon, Sue 396,281
Dixon, Wendell 181
Dobbs, Anita 277
Dobbs, Dede 384,293
Dobbs, Stuart 363, 349,217
Dobson, Delaine 405
Dodd, Henry 369,321
Dodd, Joel Barrett 345
Dodson, Robert 369
Dodson, Sunny 363
Dodys, Nick 405,313
Dollar, Elaine 405
Dollar, Penny 396
Dollar, Terry 384,330,331
Dombrowski, Anna 384
Donald, Diane 405
Donaldson, George 358,329
Donaldson, Jimmy 384
Donnelly, Ricky 373
Donnelly, Ricky 317
Donovan, Kathy 3%, 307
Donovan, Lawrence 358,321
Donovan, Mike 208,209,215,219
Donovan, Richard 378
Dooley, Grant 360,243
Doolittle, Guerry 209
Dorminy, Arthur 361
Dorris, Paula 405
Dorsett, Jim 3%, 272,323
Dorsey, David 384
Dorsey, Mary 363,295
Dortch, Pete 384,321
Douglas, Allen 3%
Douglas, Terry 251
Downer, Richard 369
Downing, Richard 384,313
Downs, Joseph 192,405
Dozier, Buffy 363,285
Dozier, Inez 378,285,241
Draffin, James 363,373,344,345
Drake, Diane 384
Drennan, Luther 358,351
Dresner, Jeri 405
Drewyer, Dennis 361,321
Drexel, Richard 363
Drickard, Randall 235
Driggers, James 405
Driggers, Joel 351
Driggers, Lee 200,369,238
Drinkard, Randy 396,331
Driskell, Darlene 405,301
Driskell, Robert 317
Dry, John 352
Dubose, Mimi 405,285
Dubose, Shirley 233,236
Ducey, Tommy 405
Duckworth, Kenneth 223,243
Duckworth, Marilyn 363
Dudley, Calvin 217
Dudley, June 251,256
Dudley, Monica 405
Dufford, Charlotte 405,236
Duffy, Thomas 360,331
Dugan, John 229
Dugan, Michael 384
Duke, Karen 405
Duke, Laura 396,285,314
Duke, Susan 405
Dukes, David 405
Dukes, Jill 396
Dukes, John 360,243
Dunaway, Diane 384
Dunaway, Mary 369
Dunbar, Ed 396,351,219
Duncan Bob 405
Duncan, Budd 329
Duncan, Charles 369
Duncan, Charlie 227
Duncan, Constance 373
Duncan, Deborah 3%, 297
Duncan, Emeral 253
Duncan, Stephen 384,323
Dundore, Ron 378
Dunlap, Cecilia 363,251,256
Dunlap, James 384
Dunlap, Jan 384,295
Dunlap, Sam 369,339
Dunn, Alice 384
Dunn, Ben 358
Dunn, Beverly 384,300,301
Dunn, Bud 405
Dunn, Keith 396
Dunn, Lamar 396,313
Dunn, Marion 347
Dunn, Wesley 405,317
Dunning, Jim 253
Dunning, Peter 3%, 339
Dunson, Angie 405
Dunwody, Dan 396,321
Dupree, Donna 237
Dupree, Martha 363,293
Durden, Benjie 3%, 186
Durden, Lee 369
Durden, Patricia 384
Durham, Darrell 384
Durham, Jack 405
Durham, Patricia 373
Durham, Ray 369,341
Durham, Sidney 233
Durrance, Judy 384, 283
Durrani, 358
Dutson, D. L. 384,315
Dutson, Stephen M. 3%, 315
Dwornik, Robert 360,323
Dye, Steve 3%, 325,224,239
Dyer, Beverly 405,236
Dyer, Ellen 384
Dyer, Jan 405
Dyer, Robert 361,235
Dykes, Thomas 200
Earley, Douglas 363,325
Early, William 405,331
Earnest, Elaine 405
Earnest, Jean 373
Eason, Patricia 373
Eason, Sidney 369,331
Eason, Sue 363,287
Easterlin, Ben 369,326,327
Eaton, Sally 384,305
Eaves, Douglas 405,226
Ebenhack, Ellen 266
Eberenz, Clair 363
Eberhardt, Robin 384
Eberhart, Starr 3%, 295
Eddins, Don 369,352
Edelman, David 369,309
Edenfield, Allen 369,354
Edenfield, Barbara 396,281
Edenfield, Vernon 390
Edmond, Anne 268
Edmondson, Jeff 271,358,319
Edmonson, Alan 369,341
Edmunds, Garrett 377
Edmunds, James 405
Edwards, Anita 405
Edwards, Bruce 218,250,256,262,384
Edwards, Charlene 230,232,233,236
Edwards, Dave 253
Edwards, David 3 77
Edwards, Gale 373,291
Edwards, Jerry 405
Edwards, Josie 245
Edwards, Kathleen 373
Edwards, Lawrence 396
Edwards, Martha 373,301
Edwards, Nancy 396,305
Edwards, Thomas 373
Eggleston, Sarah 405
Egwim, Christopher 358
Eichholtz, Gary 363
Eicholtz, Gary 349
Eidson, Allan 216
Eifler, Diane 384
Eiland, Mary 213
Eilew, Kew 405
Eisenberg, Carole 3%, 303
Elam, Brenda 384
Elder, John 384
Elder, Victoria 384
Elkins, Joy 249
Elkins, Lynn 384,285
Elkins, Stephen 384,330,331,238
Elkins, Wanda 378
Eller, Church 384
Eller, Sallie 384
Ellington, Carl 369,324,325
Ellington, Jan 373,297
Elliott, Bucky 369,327
Elliott, John 3%, 353
Elliott, Larry 363
Elliott, Paul 405,327
Elliott, Sandra 384
Ellis, Arnold 243
Ellis, Carolyn 384,296,297
Ellis, Cathy Grac 405
Ellis, Danny 232,233
Ellis, Douglas 361,231
Ellis, James 369
Ellis, Leslie 396
Ellis, Mary 236
Ellis, Steve 238,240,242
Ellison, Elaine 384,290,291,237
Ellison, Randy 243
Ellspermann, Leonard 180
Ellsworth, Sandra 361,234
Elmore, Jasper 238
Elstein, Morris 396,309
Embry, Tim 405, 253
Emerson, Dave 221
Endrodi, Sandra 396, 283
England, Deborah 384
England, Emily 379, 241, 242
England, Gina 3%, 275
English, Jan 384
Ensley, Maxine 384
Enterkin, Steve 384,258
Enwin, Howell 363
Eplan, Cary 405,309
Epley, Don 198,396,212,219
Eplin, Constance 3%
Epperly, Brenda 358
Epperson, Deborah 373
Epps, David 373,344,345
Epting, Al 363, 341
Erbesfield, Carl 379,309
Ernest, Lynn 373,275
Erwin, Alex 363
Erwin, A.W. 321
Erwin, George 405
Erwin, H. C. 315
Erwin, Stuart 405
Eskew, Dorothy 384
Eskew, Samuel 180
Esposito, Janice 363
Esposito, Tony 369
Estes, Thomas 406,313
Estes, Tim 384,335
Etheridge, Carol 384,275,224
Ethridge, Jack 363,237
Eubanks, Harrison 385,322,323
Eubanks, Donna 385,287
Euler, Gail 3%, 235
Evans, Charles 238
Evans, Charlie 343
Evans, Charue 363
Evans, Jean 346
Evans, Joseph 385,315
Evans, Lee 243
Evans, Linda 406
Evans, Marilyn 385
Evans, Mary 245
Evans, Phil 237
Evans, Ralph 406,327
Evans, Robert 3%, 314,315
Evans, Sandy 385,293
Everage, Kathryn 406
Everett, David 383,339
Everett, Donna 369,242
Everett, Joan 385
Everett, Linda 396
Everett, Susan 406,232,253
Ewing, James 3%, 321
Ezell, Thomas 364,313
Ezell, Vickey 406
Ezzard, Elizabeth 385
Ezzard, William 358
Faaborg, Greg 385
Fackler, William 243, 245
Fadely, Kathlynn 385,297
Fain, Don 396,253
Fain, John 385,331
Fairdoth, George 369,325
Fairfield, David 212
Faletti, Pam 227
Fallaw, Timothy 181
Fannon, Cynthia 406,247
Farkas, Diane 253
Farman, Doug 317
Farneil, Tom 406
Farr, Jon 351
Farrar, Myra 373
Farrell, Martha 385
Farrell, Michael 385
Farrell, Mitch 347
Farris, James 369,319
Feig, Bonnie 385,302,303
Feimster, Sheila 385
Feldman, Harriet 406
Felker, Julie 373
Fellenz, Laurianne 406
Felton, Claude 238
Felts, Alice 199,364
Fender, Carol 3%
Fender, Jeffrey 377
Fennel, Lynne 385,285,342
Fennell, James 385
Ferguson, Drew 183
Ferguson, Duida 385,246
Ferguson, Jana 3%
Ferrazzuolo, Ronald 406
Ferrelle, Robert 385
Fersch, Valerie 385
Fersen, Paul 385,180,341
Fetner, John 364
Fetner, Terry 241,242
Field, David 369
Field, Sharon 385,279
Fields, Dusty 406
Fields, John 243
Fields, Susan 385,229
Fieseler, David 217
Fillingham, Jack 377
Fillion, Stan 341,187
Fincher, Cheryl 406
Fincher, Hoyt 377,337
Fincher, Robert 3%, 273,345
Finegold, Ilona 406,291
Fink, Liz 406
Finlay, John 245
Finley, Laurie 358
Finley, Pat 385,352,237
Fisher, Marena 3%
Fite, John 406,253
Fitzgerald, Joe 406
Fitzgerald, Michael 364,325
Fitzgerald, Thomas 3%, 329
Fitzgerald, Yvonne 385,300,301
Fitzhugh, Pat 385,285
Fitzpatrick, Jeff 3%, 325
Fitzpatrick, J. J. 325
Fitzpatrick, Lane 385
Fitzpatrick, Lois 358
Fladd, Fred 235
Flagg, Steve 235
Flahive, Dennis 251
Flaks, Charles 249
Flanagan, Patricia 406
Flanders, Bo 234
Flanders, Loretta 237
Flanigan, W. 315
Flatt, Andy 406,184
Flatt, Diane 385,307
Flatt, Elizabeth 213
Flatt, Melinda 213
Fleenor, Carol 385,218
Fleischman, James 385,355
Fleming, Babs 385,307
Fleming, Ester 385,331
Fleming, Grady 364,355
Fleming, James 358
Fleming, Linda 373,304,305, 218
Fleming, Nan 218
Fleming, Rosemarie 385
Fletcher, Ernest 385,343
Fletcher, Joe 369,329
Fletcher, Leonard 385
Fletcher, Lisa 3%
Flinchum, Mitch 230
Flint, Crisp 199
Flitchum, Mitch 215
Flocker, Cheryl 406
Floersheim, Suzanne 385,291
Flood, Richard 3%, 349
Florence, Mike 358,331
Florence, Neal 396,352
Flowe, Charlie 364,317
Flowers, Arthur 385,339
Flowers, Don 369
Flowers, Peggy 406
Flowers, William 385,345
Floyd, Eddy 250,253,256
Floyd, George 369,313
Floyd, Gerald 232
Floyd, Mary 385
Floyd, Michael 333
Floyd, Schuyler 313
Floyd, Steve 234
Fluhr, Lynn 3%, 275
Flynt, Charlette 369,299
Flynt, Crisp 369,337
Fogelberg, Paul 257
Folaom, William 339
Foley, F. D. 339
Foley, Frank 3%
Foley, Michael 379,325
Folk, Benjy 406,187
Folk, Ellen 253
Folsom, William 364
Ford, Ann 373,293
Ford, Gregory 385
Ford, John 396,331,247
Ford, Karen 385,301
Ford, Keith 187
Ford, Lynne 369,276,277
Fordham, Herbert 361,310,311
Fordham, Stephen 379
Forehand, Gary 385,271,315
Fordham, Wayne 231
Forman, Fran 385,303
Forrest, James 234
Forrest, Jimmy 385
Forrester, Darryl 379,343
Forsberg, Skip 385,325
Forshee, Bill 3%, 273,343
Fortenberry, Gloria 385
Fortenberry, Luann 406
Fortner, Donald 217
Fortner, Philip 243
Fortson, Kenneth 3%
Fortson, Laurence 3%
Fortson, Robert 358,321,208,209,219
Fortson, William 3%
Foshee, Daniel 364,335
Foshee, Jesse 361
Foss, Joseph 406
Foss, Peter 364,352
Foss, Sue 243
Foster, Brian 369,323
Foster, Cecilia 378,277
Foster, Cecilia 406
Foster, John 358,313,209
Foster, Kathryn 373,295
Foster, Marion 385
Foster, Maxie 186
Foster, Rick 369,321
Fountain, Marylyn 385,307
Fowler, Angus 232
Fowler, Berry 217
Fowler, Bruce 232
Fowler, Carla 406
Fowler, Dan 227
Fowler, Joe 219,224
Fowler, John 253
Fowler, Ray 250
Fowler, Walt 220
Fox, Gary 385,317
Fox, Theron 243
Fox, Tina 385,301
Fox, Vonda 385
Frahler, Andrea 406
Francavage, Debbie 406
Frank, Pamela 406
Frankel, Shelly 385,303
Franklin, Brooks 215,219
Franklin, Carol 406
Franklin, Gwen 406,297
Franklin, Margaret 406
Franks, Sherry 373
Frazier, Mel 3%, 351
Freed, Debbie 406
Freed, Donna 374
Freeman, Beth 385
Freeman, Bud 385,319,253
Freeman, Charles 364,339
Freeman, Frances 213
Freeman, Gary 406,253
Freeman, Joey 251
Freeman, Marian 397,293
Freeman, Margie 406
Freeman, Mary 378,275,236
Freeman, Nan 364,278,279,218
Freeman, Paul 238
Freeman, Sandra 385
Freeman, Winston 238
Fregosi, Andrea 397,213
French, Cookie 252,253
French. Randall 397
Fricks, Larry 326
Friedberger, Lillian 374,291
Friedman, Marty 406,309
Friedman, Maxine 374
Friedman, Richard 406
Friedman, Robert 385,240
Frierson, Nancy 378,236
Frieze, Lynden 3%
Friou, Phillip 364
Friow, P. J. 321
Fritze, Lee 369
Frowein, Carolyn 397,275,213
Fry, Carleton 397,327
Fry, David 253
Fry, Paula 406
Fryer, Cynthia 406
Fugitt, Patricia 293
Fulford, Lynda 385,277
Fulford, Sharon 379
Fuller, James 374
Fuller, Jimmy 321
Fuller, Kay 397,232,236
Fuller, Thomas 385,331
Fulmer, Sherri 369,295,253
Fulp, Cynthia 385,236
Funchum, Mitch 209
Fuqua, Rex 369,272, 320,321
Furr, David 369,319
Fussell, Georgia 385,279
Fussed, Jackie 233
Futrelle, Nancy 385
Gadlin, Bruce 397,309
Gahagan, Irene 385
Gainey, Cathy 397,301
Gaindus, Susan 385
Gaissert, John 385
Gaites, Trent 364
Galiani, Cecilia 237
Gallagher, Pat 333,225
Gallant, Thomas 364,315,237
Galloway, Ann 358
Galpin, Danny 238
Gambill, Russell 351
Gamble, James 385
Gamble, Lynn 397,213,236
Ganas, Fred 343
Gangarosa, Peggy 406
Ganos, Fred 385
Gantt, Carrie 374
Garban, Gail 397,307
Garber, Ronald 385,309,219
Gardner, Linda 397
Gardner, Thomas 360
Garfinkel, David 397,348
Garner, James 385,333
Garnett, Nelson 219,227,230
Garrard, Alice 360,268,286,287,241
Garrard, Diane 397
Garrett, Beth 397,305
Garrett, Caroleta 364,385,277
Garrett, Frank 406
Garrett, Kathy 251
Garrison, Doug 231
Garrison, George 364,339
Garrison, Ronnie 385
Garth, John 1%
Garver, Jane 385,304,305
Garvey, Laura 406
Gaskins, Doug 397,341
Gaskins, Robert 369,341
Gaskins, Susan 374
Gaston, Betty 397,293,224
Gaston, Pat 262
Gates, Dr. James 239
Gatewood, Jim 369,339
Gathany, Tim 397
Gatlin, Charles 364,324,325,237
Gatlin, Janis 385,217
Gattis, Larry 253
Gattis, Thomas 369
Gay, Ed 331,220
Gay, Ellen 397,293
Gay, Greg 406
Gay, James 369
Gay, Jimmy 369
Gay, Tony 243
Gayle, Dick 216
Geer, Nora 379
Geiger, Pat 247
Gentry, David 341
Gentry, James 364
George, Annette 406,253
George, Dan 406
George, Nancy 385
George, Rose 406
Gerald, Kathy 397,253
Gerba, John 385,331,238
Gercken, Cindy 406
Gerhardt, Robert 358
Gerrard, Gary 184
Gerson, Jerome 379
Gheesling, Frank 385
Ghegan, Bid 238
Ghegan, Glo 406,281
Gianfrancesco, Gino 183
Gibbins, Georgia 397
Gibbs, Debbie 406
Gibbs, Deborah 251
Gibbs, Joe 200
Gibbs, Thomas 385,311
Gibson, Bob 360,220,243
Gibson, Herb 234
Gibson, James 385
Gibson, JoAnne 374,287
Gibson, Sarah 358
Gibson, Steve 220
Gibson, Susan 213
Giddens, Angela 374
Giddens, Ann 397
Giddens, Mary 213
Giddens, William 243
Gigandet, Michael 245
Gilberg, Rick 206
Gilbert, Laura 374,291
Gilbert, Paul 180,187
Gilbert, Stanley 245
Giles, Bob 240,259
Giles, Deborah 374
Giles, Debbie 285,406
Giles, Blake 240
Giles, Linda 369,307
Giles, Mary-Muriel
Giles, Robert 245
Giles, Sanford 397
Giles, Sharon 406
Gill, Elizabeth 385
Gill, Gary 406,220
Gill, Gerald 364
Gill, Julian 385,238
Gill, Sandy 379,275
Gilland, Pamela 397
Gillespie, Harold 231,233
Gillespie, Jan 369,352
Gillespie, Ronald 243
Gilley, Jack 217
Gilliam, Steven 369,313
Gilliland, Frank 231
Gillis, Neal 235
Gillon, David 406
Gilman, Patricia 397,303
Gilmore, Don 369,216,219
Gilmore, Dorinda 253
Gilmore, William 397,335
Gilpatrick, Gary 235
Gilreath, Bennett 369
Ginn, Barbara 385,287
Ginn, Stephen 333
Gipson, James 364
Girardeau, Patty 369,299
Giuliano, Frank 257
Gladden, Ronald 217
Glankler, John 406
Glankler, Michele 360
Glass, Bid 364
Glass, Gale 406
Glass, Jerry 369
Glass, Peggy 369
Glass, Pete 209
Glass, Sandi 379,253
Glasser, Donald 364
Gleason, Kathleen 277
Gleaton, Frederick 212
Gleeson, Deborah 251
Gleeson, Kathleen 374
Glenn, Michael 406
Glisson, Rudy 397,341
Glono, John 181
Glover, Carolyn 397
Glover, Dickie 385,339
Glover, Gary 361,231,235
Glover, Gene 385,339
Glover, Mary 374,267,274,275
Glover, R. W. 364,315
Glover, Taylor 397,343
Gobei, Jeanne 236
Godbee, Margaret 374,307
Goddard, George 406,325
Godfrey, Alva 360,243
Godwin, Beverly 385
Godwin, Marena 385
Goelz, Gloria 293
Goelz, Lori 406
Goethe, Beth 406
Goff, Carneth 233
Goins, Andrew 360
Goldberg, Edward 385,308,309
Goldberg, Ellen 385,291
Golden, Charlotte 397,287
Golden, Donald 181
Golden, Larry 385,311
Golden, Nita 385,287
Golden, Paul 250
Goldman, Fred 385,184,353
Goldsmith, Stephen 397,313
Goldstein, Armand 253,256
Goldstein, Bonnie 397,291
Goldstein, Deborah 406
Goldstein, Steven 397,309
Goleman, Fran 385,291,237
Gollien, Dennis 319
Gonia, Gwendolyn 364,301
Good, Quida 374,267, 278, 279, 237
Gooden, Clarence 226,252,253
Goodhue, Kathy 397,297
Goodin, Wayne 397,341
Goodloe, Michael 397,319
Goodman, Reid 184
Goodman, Susan 406
Goodman, Walter 251
Goodrich, Colman 385,341
Goodroe, Donald 369
Goodroe, Stephen 369,341
Goodrum, Jeffry 364
Goodrum, Kenneth 212
Goodrum, Shayne 364
Goodsell, Sara 397,283
Goodson, Ronny 231
Goodson, Roy 231
Goodwin, Barbra 243
Goodwin, James 385
Goodwin, Raymond 225
Goodyear, Laura 385,277,224
Goolsby, Lane 385,301
Gordon, David 397,309,25*
Gordon, Dunneah 378,275
Gordon, Hugh 180
Gordon, Joe 221
Gordon, Mark 406
Gordon, Michael 369
Gordon, Paul 187
Gordon, Theodora 379
Gordon, Vivian 378
Corley, Margaret 385
Gorman, Kathenne 397
Gosa, Cheryl 253
Goss, Barbara 406
Goss, Edward 385
Goss, Sharon 385
Goswick, Ed 250,253
Gottlieb, Stanley 361,229,234
Gottschalk, James 364
Gould, Marjorie 364
Gowdell, Jim 379,325
Gower, Rick 242
Gragg, William 243
Graham, Alton 3 77
Graham, Alvin 360,245
Graham, Ernest 212
Graham, Errol 231
Graham, Gale 258
Graham, Lawrence 249
Graham, Lynn 397
Graham, Wayne 231
Graham, Wendell 231
Graiser, Samuel 358
Granade, Deborrah 251
Granade, Michael 397,325
Granade, Nancy 397
Grandis, Edward 385,351,237
Grannam, Brenda 385
Grant, Gary 358,347
Grant, Jill 385,287
Grant, Mary 385
Grant, Will 377
Grant, William 243
Grantham, Susie 364,299
Grantz, Tom 385,351
Gravely, John 369,313
Graves, Benjamin 397,250
Graves, Randolph 364,331
Graves, Ruth 406,281
Gravitt, David 352
Gravely, Toni 385
Graves, Bonnie 397,277
Gray, Charles 385
Gray, Kenneth 397
Gray, Gloria 397
Gray, Jerry 253
Gray, Margaret 385,266,268,283,251,256
Gray, Myskal 397
Greemore, Maray 385
Green, Allen 369,347
Green, Carol 232,233,236
Green, Charles 377,257
Green, Carol 385
Green, Ellen 397,303
Green, Elwyn 406
Green, Frank 250,256
Green, Michael 385,335
Green, Linda 358
Green, Marilyn 236
Green, Ann 199,385
Green, Mary 385,299,224
Green, Steve 369,273,339
Green, William 369,313
Greenberg, Margo 236
Greene, Barbara 374,281
Greene, Dan 360,397,321
Greene, Debbie 406
Greene, Joseph 243
Greene, Mark 250
Green, Diane 406
Green, Stephen 342,343
Green, Walt 312
Green, Wendi 397
Greene, Michael 180
Greene, Nancy 374,293
Greene, Steve 385
Greene, Rochelle 397,291
Greenwald, Bill 397, 329
Greenway, Deborah 385,253
Greenway, Gregory 397,343
Greenway, Frank 361
Greer, Deborah 364,285
Greer, Laura 385
Greer, Rob 329
Greer, Susan 406
Greeson, Elizabeth 397
Gregory, Margaret 358
Gregory, Stephen 397,345
Greiner, Jacqueline 385,277
Grey, Robert 243
Grice, Gary 385
Grice, Warren 237
Grider, Martha 406,295
Grier, Peggy 369
Griffeth, Don 232
Griffeth, Forrest 232
Griffeth, Larry 385,185
Griffin, Carroll 358,237
Griffin, Charles 386, 313
Griffin, Charley 374,345
Griffin, Charlton 406
Griffin, Emory 360
Griffin, Glynn 186
Griffin, Greg 386,343
Griffin, Bill 385,270, 313,216
Griffin, Lynn 386,277
Griffin, Mary 360,243,245
Griffin, Susan 374,299
Griffin, Peggy 386
Griffin, Donald 360
Griffith, Donald 181
Griffith, George 247
Griffith, Terry 360,285
Griffith, William 181,312
Griggs, Alan 386,240
Griggs, Carolyn 358
Grill, Gary 196
Grimes, Ginger 374, 287,255
Grimes, Becca 406
Griner, Leslie 364,325
Grinstead, Carol 374,251,256
Grisham, Angela 406
Grist, Robert 386,321
Griswell, Steve 1%
Grizzle, Ronald 406
Gross, Marianna 386,287
Grosser, Debbie 297,295
Grossman, Sherry 406
Grotnes, Laurie 386,269,296,297,338
Groves, Robert 374
Grubbs, Carol 369,279
Guay, Barbara 397
Gude, Peggy 386,297
Guenther, Linda 386,281
Guerrant, Ted 250,251,256
Guffey, Hugh 358
Guffey, Mary 358
Guffin, Martha 253
Guilliams, Skip 397,337
Gulakowski, Elyse 406
Gulley, Palmer 364,284,285
Gunby, James 369,317
Gunn, Otis 386,339
Gunter, Christopher 369,323
Gunter, Patsy 386,242
Gurley, Janice 397
Gurr, Bonnie 360,243
Gutierrez, Lalia 397
Gutierrez, Richard 406
Guy, Kathy 386,275,218
Haas, Frederick 386,313
Habersham, Cindy 305
Hackel, Roberta 386,291
Hackney, Barbara 406
Hadden, Larry 232
Haddock, Stanley 406
Hadley, Charles 249
Hadley, Helen 386
Hadsell, Nancy 386,282,283,251, 256
Haerle, Harold 231
Hagan, Harriet 397,224
Hagan, Joseph 406,351
Hagan, Terri 406
Hagey, Sally 386,297
Hagins, Dianne 386
Hagins, Ezra 386,343
Hahn, Jack 369
Hahn, Michael 364,218,221,226
Hahne, Sharon 253
Hailey, Ann 397,213
Hale, Barbara 358,237
Hale, Ella 364
Hale, Eric 364
Hale, Laura 397
Hale, Nancy 406
Hale, Samuel 397,315
Haley, Gene 200,386,329,219
Haley, Frank 358,331,235
Hall, Richard 386
Hall, Gail 397
Hall, Charles 386,230,232,233,235
Hall, Charley 231
Hall, Dale 258
Hall, Phillip 331
Hall, Emmett 369
Hall, Frederick 234
Hall, Genevieve 406
Hall, James 369,335
Hall, John 364,339
Hall, John 406
Hall, Leon 184
Hall, Lyman 386
Hall, Mark 360,347
Hall, Mimi 374
Hall, Nancy 240,241,259
Hall, Rosemary 386
Hall, Sam 369
Hall, Sandra 397
Hall, Victoria 374
Hall, Walt 386,355,239
Hall, Carey 386
Hall, Phil 406
Hall, Wink 406
Hall, Nan 312
Hall, Linda 217
Hall, Ken 227
Hallford, Lisa 406,277
Halloran, Gregory 234
Hally, Beth 397,277
Halpern, Helene 374,291
Halstead, Ronald 386
Hamby, Tom 209,215,216,217,223,225,230,
Hamer, Nancy 397,287
Hamilton, Debbie 253
Hamilton, Robert 238
Hamilton, Robert 186
Hamilton, Thom 358
Hamilton, Shelley 386
Hammett, Deborah 397
Hammett, Janet 364
Hammett, Pam 397
Hammock, Robert 386
Hammock, Ted 221
Hammond, Gladys 374,279
Hammond, James 249
Hammond, Kathy 406
Hammond, Mike 181
Hammond, Mona 406
Hammond Stephen 369,354
Hammond, Tom 253
Hammontree, Ken 370
Hamrick, John 364,327
Hamrick, Susan 406
Hancock, Brian 370
Hancock, Darla 406
Hancock, Jack 220
Hancock, Janet 374
Hancock, Judy 374
Hancock, Judy 374,299
Hancock, Julie 397,281
Hancock, Richard 386,331
Hancock, Teresa 236
Hand, Barbara 364
Hand, Sally 406
Handal, Larry 360
Haney, Ben 370
Hanger', J. E. 386,315
Hanley, Richard 233
Hannah, Ann 397
Hannon, Donna 406
Hannum, John 386,355
Hansen, Karen 397
Hansing, Ken 364,345
Hanson, Buddy 406
Hanvey, Becky 230,236
Harber, Beth 386,286,287
Harber, Randall 240
Harbin, Kathleen 364,299
Harbin, Nancy 397,299,213,224
Harbour, Deborah 406
Harbour, Wesley 397,351
Harbson, Joe 379,331,238
Harde, Donna 236
Hardegree, Sammy 364
Hardeman, Bob 386, 338,339
Harden, Dee 232,236
Harden, Glenn 370,354
Harden, Gayle 397
Harder, Nancy 386,213
Hardesty, James 397,315
Hardin, Peggy 406
Hardin, Scott 397,337
Harding, Millie 251
Hardman, William 335
Hardy, Frank 235
Hardy, James 364,335
Hare, Joan 406
Hargis, Mary 386
Hargrove, Richard 406
Harkins, Clinton 370,333
Harkins, Timothy 397
Harman, C. E. 329
Harney, Kathy 293,386
Harpe, Laura 386
Harpe, Ricky 406
Harper, Walker 386
Harper, Emily 378,300,301
Harper, James 181
Harper, Penny 374,280,281
Harper, Robert 358
Harr, Karen 397,295,251
Harrat, William 377
Harrell, Beverely 386
Harrell, David 386,232,238
Harrell, Dennis 406,333
Harrell, Gregory 386
Harrell, Henry 386
Harrell, Horace 238
Harrell, Kathy 386,277
Harrell, Robert 386
Harrelson, Michael 374,187
Harriman, Jay 253
Harrington, Faye 378
Harrington, Sheena 361,279, 230,234
Harrington, Susan 397
Harrington, Joe 370, 354,238
Harris, Barbara 386
Harris, Calhoun 245
Harris, Cassandra 213
Harris, Dan 360,243
Harris, Diane 386
Harris, Diane 386,294,295,218
Harris, Earl 209,215,219,230
Harris, Edward 386
Harris, G. C. 360,321
Harris, Hilary 257
Harris, Fay 251
Harris, Mindy 397,291
Harris, Rick 253
Harris, Timothy 397
Harris, Roger 386,333
Harris, Rosalie 386,302,303
Harris, David 361
Harris, Nancy 374,275
Harris, Rullie 209
Harris, Susie 364,299
Harris, Tim 339
Harrison, David 386,339
Harrison, Don 397
Harrison, Howard 406
Harrison, James 397
Harrison, Merrill 364
Harrison, Mindy 397,253
Harrison, Miriam 386,281
Harrison, Susan 386
Harrison, William 364
Harshman, Linda 379,281
Hart, David 226
Hart, Harold 386,325
Hart, Karen 397,275
Hart, Mary 364,304, 305
Hart, Bill 370,321
Hart, Teresa 406
Hart, Raymond 386
Hartman, Barbara 199,397,299
Hartman, Walter 370,331
Hartness, Edward 370,352
Hartnett, Fred 181
Hartsell, Earl 181
Harttine, Frieda 397
Hartwell, Tap 346
Harvell, Linda 236
Harvey, Jim 252,253
Harvey, Jasper 360,343
Harvey, John 226
Harvey, Rita 243
Harvey, Sharon 364,283
Harwell, Tap 186
Haskins, Buddy 361,311
Haskins, Jill 386,303
Haslam, Jim 386,323
Hatch, Douglas 240
Hatch, James 386
Hatch, Kathy 406
Hatcher, Bill 187
Hatcher, David 233
Hatcher, Donna 378
Hatcher, Jo 386,299
Hatcher, Anita 364
Hatcher, Maie 406
Hathcock, Steve 250
Hattaway, Gay 406
Hatten, Ricky 406
Hausman, Karen 406,303
Hauswirth, Philip 377,312,313
Hawes, Christy 386,279
Hawk, Cyndi 386,274,275, 241
Hawk, M. F. 262
Hawk, Vic 397, 226
Hawkins, Carol 386,227,228
Hawkins, David 245
Hawkins, Jennifer 397,307,213
Hawkins, Rene 287
Hay, Steve 397,273,339
Haydel, Jan 386
Hayes, Butch 313
Hayes, Eloise 397,293
Hayes, F. 343
Hayes, Keys 386
Hayes, George 397,343
Hayes, Jerry 238,242
Hayes, Richard 199,238
Hayes, Sandra 406
Hayes, Scott 220
Hayes, Shirley 386
Hayes, Cliff 377,257
Haygood, Andrew 199,370,185
Haynes, Donna 364, 285
Haynes, Helen 364
Haynes, James 253
Haynes, Ted 370
Haynes, Greg 386,327
Haynie, John 364,345
Haynie, Susan 364,279
Hays, Harvey 386,317
Hays, Margaret 386
Hays, Susanna 253,256
Hayslett, Charles 240
Hayslett, Richard 386,273,347
Haywood, Van 364,250
Hazen, John 184
Hazlehurst, Blythe 397
Heacock, Marguerite 374
Head, Faye 249
Head, James 183
Head, Susan 386,293
Heard, Charles 180
Heard Jennie 364
Heard, Lindsey 397
Heard, Marcia 397,275
Heard, Phil 370,323
Heard, Phyllis 406
Hearn, Mimi 406
Hearn, Robert 379,272,322,323
Heath, Steve 406
Heath, Robert 397,327
Heaton, Jolene 406
Hecht, Linda 217
Heffernan, John 323
Heffernan, Peggy 397
Hege, Clint 364,317
Hegidio, Joe 406
Heidt, Jack 386
Hein, Robin 253
Heissenbuttel, Kathy 364,281
Hisler, Ann 406
Hellenga, Glenn 386
Helms, Andrea 242
Helms, Jane 386,299
Helms, Kathy 253
Hembree, Lynn 386
Hembree, Sherrie 406
Hemphill, John 397,253
Hemphill, Beth 406
Henderson, Barbara 406
Henderson, Charles 379,333,223,
Henderson, Claudia 374
Henderson, George 364,253,256
Henderson, Pamela 397
Henderson, Victor 386
Henderson, William 243
Hendley, Archie 361
Hendley, Deborah 397,275
Hendley, Mike 386,272,322,323
Hendricks, Robert 386
Hendrix, Flint 397,343
Hendrix, Luck 406,293,236
Hendrix, Martha 386,277
Hendrix, Jane 386
Hennen, Karen 364
Hennessy, Mary 407
Henning, Robert 407
Henriksen, Craig 377
Henry, Brian 407,339
Henry, Connie 374
Henry, Dennis 364,333
Henry, Richard 192
Henry, Sharon 397
Henson, Patsy 397
Henson, Rowena 386,293
Herb, Henry 377,257
Herb, Joseph 181
Hernandez, Thomas 407
Herndon, Chip 397
Herrin, Judy 236,246
Herring, Donald 386
Herring, Bebe 364,258
Herring, David 335
Herring, Jacquelyn 386,293
Herring, Ellen 379
Hertwig, John 181
Herzog, Rene 285
Hess, James 370,319
Hess, Patricia 374,295
Hess, Sam 407,313
Hester, Barbara 213
Hester, Bill 386,331
Hester, Dennis 181
Hester, Ben 220
Hetherington, Sharon 397
Hewitt, Dee 370,337
Hewitt, William 386,335
Hewlett, Samuel 407
Heyen, George 358
Heys, Sam 386,352, 240
Hezlep, Richard 397
Hibbard, Janet 397
Hickey, Steve 231
Hickman, John 397,315
Hicks, Cynthia 252,253
Hicks, Debbie 386,281
Hicks, Rose 251
Hicks, Gary 407
Hicks, James 364,323
Hicks, Ted 370,319
Hicks, Katie 386
Hickson, Gerald 407
Hickson, Laura 364,251
Hickson, Mona 386
Hickson, Suzanne 407
Hiffman, Kipp 370
Higgins, Chris 364
Higgins, James 243
Higgins, John 386,321
Higgins, Mark 192
Highsmith, Jackie 397,297
Hight, Teresa 397,277
Hightower, Jane 397,297
Hightower, John 407
Higingbotham, Charles 354
Higley, Charles 407
Hildebrand, Joanne 370
Hildebrand, Jack 407
Hill, Carl 245
Hill, Edward 386
Hill, Ed 341,187
Hill, Frank 386,339
Hill, Hugh 358
Hill, Jimmy 233
Hill, Mildred 251
Hill, Rosemary 253
Hill, Susan 378,287
Hill, Walter 397,315
Hill, Arthur 386
Hilley, Scott 407,226
Hilley, William 386, 324,325
Hilliard, Robert 370,335
Hilton, Corrine 397,307
Hinchliffe, Everette 397,319
Hindman, James 249
Hines, Harris 386,339
Hines, Rusty 180
Hinesley, Hal 386,335
Hinnant, Hilari 407
Hinton, James 360
Hirst, A. A. 386,351
242 Hix, Amy 398
Hoban, John 398,345
Hobbs, Glenn 364,216,220
Hobby, Kathryn 398
Hobgood, Linda 387,298,299
Hodge, Laura 398
Hodge, Maribeth 407
Hodges, George 386
Hodges, Lawrence 386,335
Hodges, Kay 364, 266, 269, 299
Hodges, Robert 360
Hodges, William 361
Hodges, Billy 343
Hodges, Jackson 364,325
Hodgson, Peter 370,320,321
Hoelzer, Carol 374, 237
Hoffenbein, Esther 291
, Hoffman, Craig 407, 347
Hoffman, Laurie 386,303
Hoffman, Kipp 333
Hoffmeier, Carol 407, 281
Hogan, Charles 386,343
Hogan, George 361, 345
Hogan, Harriet 307
Hogan, Ronald 243
Hogan, Woody 243
Hogan, Billy 361,311
Hoge, Ruth 398
Hogg, Linda 374
Hogue, Mike 239
Hogue, Ronnie 183
Hogue, Terold 398,337
Hohenhausen, Rich 234
Holcomb, Franklin 386,333
Holcomb, Richard 370
Holcombe, Anne 386
Holcombe, Becky 379,275,241, 242
Holcombe, Phil 220,221
Holcombe, Tom 220,257
Holder, Jane 249
Holder, Linda 364,237
Holl, Barbara 407
Holland, Ray 407
Holliday, Debbie 407
Holliday, Genni 407
Holliday, Janet 386,307,236
Holliday, Reggie 185,255
Holliday, Robert 186
Holliday, Stephen 407
Holliman, John 240
Hollingsworth, Cynthia 398
Hollingsworth, James 192,398
Hollingsworth, Peggy 407
Hollman, Debbie 386,2%, 297
Holloman, Brenda 386,299
Hollomon, Janis 374,307
Holloway, Peggy 398,293
Holloway, Strickland 398,343
Holloway, William 370
Holmes, Calvin 361
Holmes, Darrell 407
Holmes, David 235
Holmes, Mary 370
Holmes, Norman 187
Holmes, Robert 212
Holmes, Rob 221
Holmes, W. P. 358
Holohan, Joseph 229
Holt, Elizabeth 374
Holt, F. T. 313
Holt, Janis 218
Holt, John 364,312,313,237
Holt, Larry 243
Holt, Thomas 181
Holton, Warren 361, 235
Home, Michael 335
Honeycutt, Robert 180
Hoobler, James 386
Hood, Levert 407
Hook, Lewis 370,339
Hooker, Nancy 386,281
Hooks, Cynthia 364
Hooks, Mike 352
Hooper, Jimmy 386
Hooper, Vance 253
Hooten, Don 185
Hoover, Barbara 378,236
Hoover, Polly 237
Hopkins, Hoppy 377,321
Hopkins, Linda 386
Hopkins, Marvin 386,325
Hopkins, Michael 398,351
Hopkins, Steve 399
Hoppe, Pierre 386,319
Hopple, Liz 398,293
Hopson, Darrel 386,331
Horah, Kay 82
Horan, Stephen 386
Horne, Michael 398
Horne, Bob 407
Horne, Vicki 398
Hornsby, Curtis 253, 256
Horst, Cathy 269
Horton, Ellen 253
Horton, Stephen 379,333
Horvet, Linda 398
Hose, Ruthie 293
Hoselton, John 386,353
Hotard, John 364,218
Hotton, Warren 316
Houck, Chris 293
Houck, Richard 351
Houff, Dennis 358
Houlihan, Katherine 407
House, Lee 221
House, Robert 364,217
Housen, Harry 398,349
Houston, Genie 398
Houston, James 387
Houston, Jane 398,293
Hovis, William J. 398,315
Howard, Dana 214,258
Howard, Beth 398, 281, 213, 251
Howard, Guy 360,319,243
Howard, Hugh 379,220
Howard, James 387,331
Howard, Joe 407
Howard, Kathleen 387
Howard, Kenneth 234
Howard, Paul 181
Howard, Stephen 387,313
Howe, Camilla 240
Howe, Cee 259
Howe, Vince 407
Howell, Brian 387
Howell, Clark 387,315
Howell, Jimmy 235
Howell, James 361
Howell, Mark 387,347
Howell, Olin 343
Howell, Tony 370
Howington, Debra 407
Hoy, Martha 407
Hoyle, Joseph 370
Hoyt, Verne 387
Hubert, Kay 236
Huckaby, Bruce 243
Huckaby, Darrell 407
Hudgins, Joel 361,231
Hudlow, Kay 398
Hudson, Althea 378
Hudson, Carter 218
Hudson, David 253
Hudson, Dianne 378
Hudson, John 313
Hudson, John 387,250
Hudson, Rick 398
Hudson, Mary 387,301
Hudson, Patsy 251
Hudson, Randall 181
Hudson, Rick 327
Huegel, Kathleen 407
Huey, Betty 387
Huff, Jewell 398
Huff, John 253
Huff, Louis 370,273,338,339
Huff, Mary 236
Huffman, Marysue 358
Huffman, Rocky 187
Huggins, Diana 387
Huggins, William 374,337
Hughes, Betty 398,301
Hughes, Leon 398
Hughes, Kay 398,295
Hughes, Edward 398,335
Hughes, Eleanor 387
Hughes, Gregory 217
Hughes, Julia 387
Hughes, Martha 374
Hughes, R. C. 374, 321
Hughes, Trini 374
Huie, Richard 347
Huish, Peggy 387,305
Hulbert, Billy 398,339
Hulbert, David 387,343
Huling, Paul 387,331
Hull, Brad C. 398,347
Hullender, John 237
Hulme, Pete 370
Hulsey, Robert 387
Humphrey, Joseph 233
Humphrey, Keren 398,305
Hunnicutt, Charles 224
Hunsucker, Michael 370,323
Hunt, Fred 398,331
Hunt, Deborah 237
Hunt, Jon 240
Hunt, Malcolm 398,323
Hunt, Nancy 407
Hunt, Steven 387
Hunt, Terry 358
Hunt, Woody 407,218
Hunter, Gale 374
Hunter, Mary 387
Hunter, Richard 387,341
Hunter, Robert 387,340,341,216,219,224,239
Hurley, Bob 200,364,341,210,215,216,219,
Hurt, Nancy 398
Huskey, Marion 199,387,307
Hutchens, Paul 387,315
Hutcherson, Frances 218
Hutcheson, Frances 387
Hutcheson, Gary 187
Hutcheson, Lynn 398
Hutcheson, Ronnie 374
Hutcheson, Wilma 407
Hutchins, Al 183
Hutchins, Lynda 364,253
Hutchinson, Stanley 233
Hutchison, Bennet 387,315
Hutson, Edward 387
Hutto, John 387,325,224, 239
Hutto, Mark 407
Hutto, Rick 407, 246, 250,256, 262
Hutts, Mark 220
Hyde, Richard 249
Hyde, Lynn 407,283
Hyden, Deborah 364
Hyman, Rochelle 387
Hynds, Forrest 377,257
Her, James 407
Ingram, Beverly 387
Ingram, Jeff 370
Ingram, Jeff 398,347
Ingram, Ronald 233
Ingram, Sarah 398,287
Inman, Peggy 407,293
Irby, Betsy 387,285
Irvin, James 358,311
Irvin, Johnny 387,311
Irvin, Wanda 398,307
Irving, Fredric 212
Isaacs, Joan 364,251
Isaacson, Candy 398,291
Isaacson, Larry 364,308,309,217
Isakson, Betty 370,292,293,239
Isaza, Luis 370
Iseman, Joseph 387,347
Ison, Sandi 398,232
Ison, Teresa 387,232
Ivey, David 387
Ivie, Tony 387
Izlar, Bob 225, 230,231
Izlar, Smokey 377,319
Jabaley, Lynn 398
Jackson, Anita 398,233
Jackson, Ann 387,285
Jackson, Carol 387
Jackson, Debra 407
Jackson, Elizabeth 233
Jackson, Frank 249
Jackson, Colquitt 370
Jackson, Gary 233
Jackson, Steve 370
Jackson, Jerone 180
Jackson, James 387
Jackson, Jet 361,232
Jackson, Joanne 387
Jackson, John 387,335
Jackson, Jeanette 234
Jackson, Jane 387,269,301
Jackson, Brant 379, 293, 241
Jackson, Nancy 407
Jackson, Patricia 407,299
Jackson, Randall 387,340,341
Jackson, Robert 407
Jackson, Steve 259
Jackson, Susan 398,285
Jackson, Tommy 242
Jackson, Thomas 360, 238
Jackson, Michael 243
Jackson, Troyce 398
Jackson, Weezie 374,287
Jackson, William 364,321
Jacobs, Jane 407
Jacobs, Rod 183
Jacobson, Anita 281
Jacobson, Carol 407
Jacobson, Rich 370,341,216,224
Jaeger, Gary 398
Jahera, John 364
James, Annie 364,293
James, Annette 387
James, Gail 407
James, Betty 307
James, Bonnie ?37
James, Carol 398,293,213
James, David 387,343
James, Dickie 352
James, Irma 216,237
James, Jennifer 407, 287
James, Loraine 407
James, Marie Dupre
James, Martha 398,236
James, Mary 398,287,213, 214,223,236
Jamison, Larry 398,315
Jamison, Nancy 398, 285
Janney, Carl 235
Janowski, Boleshaw 374,185
Janowski, Susan 387
Jansak, Tina 398,262
Jarrell, Catherine 213
Jarrell, Jeff 186
Jarrell, Kitty 398,293
Jarrell, Sandra 407
Jeffcoat, John 398,319
Jeffords, David 238
Jenkins, Aubrey 398
Jenkins, Johnny 387,333
Jenkins, Muff 407
Jenkins, Susan 387
Jenkins, Terrell 231
Jenkins, William 398,321
Jennings, Denise 213
Jennings, John 180
Jennings, Wayn 387
Jennings, Vernon 325
Jennison, Kimbrough 387
Jerkins, Keith 387,327
Jernigan, Greg 398,337
Jesani, Najmudin 233
Jessup, Katherine 374
Jett, Judy 387
Jewell, Edward 398
Jobson, Kay 387,268, 295, 236
Joesbury, David 239
Johnsa, Sylvia 370
Johnson, Anderson 181
Johnson, Ann 387
Johnson, Betty 223
Johnson, Bill 234
Johnson, Charlie 407,250, 256
Johnson, Charles 345
Johnson, Curtis 398, 315
Johnson, Curtis 370
Johnson, Dale 235
Johnson, Diane 398
Johnson, Elston 238
Johnson, Forrest 387
Johnson, Hal 398
Johnson, Henry 212
Johnson, Mark 387
Johnson, James 313
Johnson, James 370,343
Johnson, James 387
Johnson, Janis 364,299
Johnson, Janie 407
Johnson, Jay 313
Johnson, Jerry 361,311, 230
Johnson, Alex 329,226
Johnson, Judy 387,297
Johnson, Marcia 398,287
Johnson, Martha 281
Johnson, Judith 387,293
Johnson, Mark 313
Johnson, Mike 246,247
Johnson, Mickey 377,311
Johnson, Oran 387,355
Johnson, Claire 374,293
Johnson, Richard 231,234
Johnson, Thomas 398,335
Johnson, Valerie 407
Johnson, Voe 374,285
Johnson, Walton 407
Johnston, Cathy 387,277
Johnston, Charles 398,321
Johnston, Charles 387
Johnston, Debbie 407
Johnston, Deborah 398
Johnston, Hal 341
Johnston, Joy 407
Johnston, Karen 374,277
Johnston, Michael 250
Johnston, Robert 243
Johnston, Jane 407,217
Joiner, Jan 374,285
Joiner, Pat 377,257
Joiner, Robert 370,321
Joiner, Vickie 407
Jolly, Vic 253
Jones, Ann 213
Jones, Barbara 398
Jones, Barbara 407
Jones, Bill 225,230
Jones, Ben 328
Jones, Bobby 231
Jones, Candy 370,297
Jones, Carl 370
Jones, Caroline 387,299
Jones, Cissy 387,299
Jones, Chuck 407
Jones, Danny 358,354
Jones, David 387,327
Jones, Debra 199
Jones, Ed 231,233
Jones, Gary 407
Jones, Greg 397
Jones, Helen 364
Jones, Helen 298,299
Jones, James 387
Jones, James 407,250
Jones, James 237
Jones, Raymond 387
Jones, Jan 387,295
Jones, Jean 364
Jones, Jesse 387
Jones, Jimmy 273,351
Jones, Jinger 253
Jones, John 387
Jones, Judy 297
Jones, Judy 387,293
Jones, Kathy 407,246
Jones, Katrina 398
Jones, Keith 347
Jones, Kristine 374
Jones, Lewis 364,313
Jones, Mel 407
Jones, Michael 379,315
Jones, Michael 397,329
Jones, Myra 281
Jones, Pamela 387
Jones, Pat 387,236
Jones, Patricia 374
Jones, Raymond 180,339
Jones, Robert 387
Jones, Robert 223
Jones, Susy 364,275
Jones, Susan 398
Jones, Tall 370,329
Jones, Teresa 374
Jones, Terrence 249
Jones, Van 398,317
Jones, Verlin 387,331
Jones, Chris 240
Jones, William 387,329,231
Jones, Wilson 407
Jordan, Beneta 374
Jordan, Elizabeth 387
Jordan, Gary 313
Jordan, Harry 387
Jordan, James 333
Jordan, James 387
Jordan, James 387,353
Jordan, James 250
Jordan, Jimmy 370
Jordan, Ken 220
Jordan, Larry 192,398,329
Jordan, Lawrie 387
Jordan, Lisa 398,301
Jordan, Lynn 398
Jordan, Mary 398
Jordan, Mary 293
Jordan, Roger 360
Jordan, Steve 387,337
Jowers, Riki 365,227
Joyner, Richard 370
Judge, Mary 365,305,216
Justice, Edwin 387
Justice, Judy 407
Justice, Kathryn 398
Kadala, Dorothy 374
Kahan, Gerald 249
Kaiser, Julianne 241,242
Kaiser, Karl 387,317
Kaminsky, Barbara 374
Kaminsky, Wayne 407
Kandul, Stephen 218
Kane, Sharyn 240,241,258,259
Kang, Ki Ho 235
Kantsiper, Lynne 374,291,237
Kaplan, Sheila 374,303
Kaplan, Howard 217
Kaplan, Marcia 387,303
Kaple, Don 227
Kaple, Marion 227
Karami, Enayatollh 358
Karatossas, Eli 387,341
Karkouti, Said 358
Karst, Lucy 398,281
Karwisch, Pat 365,252,253,256
Karwoski, Charles 183
Kasprzykowski, Carol 374
Kass, Jeffrey 361,235
Kasselman, Maxine 242
Katter, Gary 398,343
Katzen, Marvin 259
Kaucher, Sabina 374,301
Kauvar, Leslye 374,303
Kay, Nancy 387
Kea, Hugh 387,343
Kea, Klickie 387,293
Keadle, Elaine 359
Keadle, Haygood 370
Kearns, Donn 365,221
Keel, Mark 407
Keen, Ed 407,351
Keesling, Kathy 407
Keibler, Ruth 407
Keida, Paul 387,234
Keifer, Jim 220
Keim, Sandra 397,213,214
Kieth, Joseph 398,335,187
Keith, Sherry 374,295
Keith, Kendal 180
Kellcher, James 387
Keller, Dianne 398,277
Keller, Buddy 345
Keller, Karen 387
Keller, Laura 241
Kelley, Helen 398,277
Kelley, Tony 243
Kellogg, Sally 387,277
Kellos, Arnold 407,351
Kelly, Bonnie 231
Kelly, Cassie 378,299,236
Kelly, Cecil 387,225
Kelly, Christine 387,305
Kelly, Diane 407
Kelly, Don 387,336,337
Kelly, Donnie 345
Kelly, Elaine 253
Kelly, Pam 365,297
Kelly, Richard 226
Kelly, Ronnie 387,317
Kelly, Ed 387
Kelly, Susan 365,297
Kemp, Bruce 407
Kemp, Bob 407,253
Kempe, Bruce 398,253
Kempf, Marilyn 387
Kenimer, Edward 398,325
Kennedy, Bruce 212
Kennedy, Carol 378
Kennedy, Deborah 374
Kennedy, Jim 272
Kennedy, Jean 387
Kennedy, Kanee 407
Kennedy, Marcia 374,277
Kennedy, Mike 235
Kenney, John 365
Kenney, Terry 256
Kent, Andrea 378
Kent, Jack 387,341
Kent, Joseph 398,331
Kent, Nancy 387
Kent, Stephen 387,314,315
Kephart, Kathleen 398
Kergosien, Beth 407,253
Kerley, Gary 258
Kershner, Pat 407
Keshavarz, A.M. 235
Keshavarz, Hadi 407
Keshavarz, Kavous 359
Kessler, Charlene 387
Kesler, Jackson 249
Kessler, Jeff 253
Kessler, Mary 398,251,256
Kesterson, Carla 407,275,253
Kestner, Mike 226
Keuze, Delores 232
Key, Herman 407
Key, Sharon 407,281
Kibler, Brad 398,314,315
Kicklighter, Carole 387,293
Kidd, Debra 398,251
Kiff, Richard 253
Kilgore, Dindy 387
Kilgore, Jerry 387
Kilgore, Lydia 365,275
Kilgore, Tommy 253
Killeen, Laura 296
Killian, Bob 398,273,346,347,212
Kilpatrick, Richard 365,333
Kimble, Anne 398,297
Kimbrough, Craig 370,354,247
Kimbrough, Jan 407
Kimmich, Richard 235
Kimsey, James 231
Kinard, Janet 407
King, Barbara 365,285
King, Bonnie 374
King, Charles 359
King, Connie 237
King, Donna 387,237
King, Jeff 250,253,256
King, Judy 387,295
King, Judy 407
King, Larry 351,226
King, Marta 398,297
King, Mary 398
King, Phil 181
King, Robert 370,345
King, Kaye 387,285
King, William 407
Kingston, Kathy 213
Kirby, Janet 407,279
Kirk, Christy 398,279
Kirk, Rebecca 398
Kirkland, Ann 365
Kirkland, Danny 351
Kirkland, J. D. 407
Kirkland, Jud Anne
Kirkland, Lee 398,281
Kirkland, Susan 213
Kirkley, Karen 407
Kirkpatrick David 387
Kirschman, Arnold 398,349
Kirtland, Danny 407
Kirtland, Mary 370
Kirton, Krystine 374
Kitchens, Ralph 360,341,243
Kitchens, Steven 180
Klausman, Glenn 353
Klein, Peter 377,331
Kleinsteuber, Ruth 407,253
Klepak, Gary 398,309,252,253
Klitsch, Wayne 249
Knee, Mallery 387,307,236
Knight, Debbie 387, 233,242
Knight, Jackie 387
Knight, Nicholas 365,217
Knight, Ralph 370,272,331
Knight, Robert 398,343
Knight, Vickie 374
Knighton, Rebecca 378,236
Knipfer, Mark 407
Knipp, Steve 398,272,184,333
Knox, Andy 387,321
Knox, John 398,339
Koenig, Barbara 407
Kohler, Betsey 388,279
Kohn, Kathleen 407
Komac, Tony 370,319
Konesni, John 379
Konigsmark, Reed 359,321
Konter, Sally 398,291
Koontz, Katherine 398,295
Kopecky, Bill 187
Koplin, Rhonda 398,303
Kopp, Andrea 388,277
Kornfeld, Tom 246
Kossack, Howard 253
Kraar, Norman 379,349
Kramer, Arthur 365
Kramer, Fred 407
Kratzer, Janet 374
Kratzer, Marilyn 407
Krebs, Linda 407
Krol, Elaine 398
Krot, Alexander 407
Krysalka, John 370,354
Kuehl, Leanne 374
Kuhn, Tommy 227
Kulbersh, David 217
Kulbersh, Paul 217
Kunes, G. G. 315
Kuniansky, Alan 181
Kunze, Dolores 388,234
Kuo, Tsan-Jung 359
Kupecky, Mary 374
Kyser, Jane 398,277
Lacienski, Randall 388,341,238
Ladd, Barry 365,218
Laderberg, Wayne 365,349
Lain, Angela 398
Lake, Barbara 293
Lake, B. R. 321
Lake, Robert 365
Lake, Eugene 370,354
Lake, Richard 180,313
Lam, William 313,388
Lamar, Susan 398
Lamas, Cynthia 388
Lamb, Danny 365,345
Lamb, Tom 347
Lamb, William 398,273,341,239
Lambert, Gail 388
Lambert, Herman 243
Lamhut, Faye 398,229
Lanard, Michael 388,335
Lancaster, Bill 377,220
Lance, Cathy 253
Land, Barbara 388
Landau, Ed 247
Landey, Judy 398,303
Landing, Shannon 388,299
Landrum, Doug 360,243
Landrum, Tom 206,219,260
Lane, Anne 407,285
Lane, Carolyn 374
Lane, Jimmy 370
Lane, John 374,341
Lane, Mary 407
Lane, Patricia 407
Lane, Paula 213
Laney, Ennis 370,354
Laney, Robert 370
Lang, Rick 398
Lang, Mary 407,247
Langan, Mallory 365,295,218
Lange, Karla 374
Langford, Charles 388,325
Langford, Gloria 398
Langford, Jim 407,226
Langford, Regina 374
Langford, Everett 247
Langglung, Hasan 359
Langhorne, Bruce 388
Langley, Anne 388
Langley, Leon 231
Langley, Bill 398,336,337,219,224, 239
Langrall, Susie 407,283
Langston, Harold 388,220
Langston, James 407
Lanier, Charles 370,354,239
Lanier, Hank 253
Lanier, Janice 249
Lanier, Linda 388
Lanier, Randall 370
Lanier, Ray 407
Lanier, Sarah 228,251
Lanier, Tyre 251
Lanigan, John 370,337
Lankford, Betty 388
Lankford, Jerry 370
Lankford, Wayne 243
Lankford, Bill 370,238
Lantzy, Judith 388
Lapa, George 359
Laratta, Patricia 370
Large, Thomas 245
Largen, Robert 370,354,238
Larisey, Jan 407
Lark, Nancy 388
Larkin, Patricia 398
Larson, Richard 243
Las, Kevin 183
Lasseter, Susan 388,218
Lassiter, Charles 359
Lassiter, Emily 398
Lassiter, Michael 365,344,345
Lassiter, Vicki 388,301
Latham, Lois 388,218
Latimer, Bill 407
Lavender, Bob 237
Lavender, Lynn 365,267,280,281
Law, Louise 398,279,253
Lawler, Robert 370
Lawless, Margaret 388,307,236
Lawrence, George 40/
Lawrence, Becky 398,279
Lawrence, Roger 231
Lawrence, Ted 399,329
Lawson, Lynn 374
Lawson, Lisa 365,266,268
Lawson, Rusty 323
Lawter, Harry 388,335
Layton, Deborah 407
Leamon, Judy 399,307
Leath, Dennis 180
Leatherbery, Scott 250
Leatherwood, Wanda 399
Leavitt, Marion 370
Ledbetter, Carol 399
Ledbetter, Joy 374,299,224
Ledbetter, Steven 388,325
Lee, Carey 388
Lee, David 388,343
Lee, Dennis 325
Lee, George 232
Lee, Janice 399, 293
Lee, Jerry 388,343
Lee, John 331
Lee, Judy 388
Lee, Linda 399,297
Lee, Margie 399
Lee, Marilyn 388
Lee, Pam 251
Lee, Steven 407
Lee, Bill 347
Lee, John 407
Leebern, Billy 399,339
Leech, Mike 399,325
Leet, Rebecca 240,259
Leffew, Katherine 379,293
Leffler, John 388
Lefkove, Michael 399,349
Lege, Frank 377,271
Leggett, Walter 408
Leigh, Jack 240
Leitch, David 360,343
Lemay, Carol 388,236
Lemon, Kathryn 374,287
Leonard, Joan 388
Leslie, Elizabeth 388
Lester, Edward 365
Lester, Genie 359
Lester, Susan 242
Lester, Wayne 388,317
Letson, Peggy 388,293
Levene, Linda 388,302,303
Levene, Richard 249
Leverett, Carey 361,345
Leverett, Julia 374,279
Leverette, Mimi 388,275
Levie, David 233,253
Levow, Alan 370,219
Lewallen, Sanders 408
Lewis, David 408
Lewis, Diane 388,299
Lewis, Gene 326
Lewis, Francis 365
Lewis, Gary 408
Lewis, Gloria 408
Lewis, Jerry 245,257
Lewis, John 399
Lewis, Julia 408
Lewis, Laura 408
Lewis, Laura 408,251,253
Lewis, Lon 388
Lewis, Marcia 374
Lewis, Mary 388
Lewis, Keith 388
Lewis, Richard 399,272,327
Lewis, Sarah 374
Libby, Debbie 388,269,303
Lichtenberger, Laurie 388
Liebell, Joseph 388
Liebler, Lloyd 388,339
Liffew, Kathy 241
Liggett, Alan 359
Liipfert, Lucy 399,285
Liles, Malcolm 388,321
Lillethun, Kathryn 399
Limbird, Richard 365,312,313,217
Lindeman, Joel 388,341
Lindemann, Richard 215,260
Lindley, Elizabeth 199,365,293
Lindley, Robert 198
Lindley, Robert 399,220
Lindquist, Gregory 388
Lindsay, Diane 399
Lindsay, Richard 365,341
Lindsey, Gary 388,246
Lindsey, Jack 232
Lindsey, Jan 388,305
Lindsey, Lewis 388
Lindsey, Dan 361,311
Lindsey, William 365
Lindsey, William 365
Lindstrom, Chris 250,251,256
Lineback, Nancy 227
Lines, Mary 408
Linne, Linda 399
Linnertz, Robert 234
Lipscomb, James 408
Little, David 399,329
Little, John 325
Little, Marilynn 408,253
Little, Patty 365,277
Littlefield, David 388,327
Lively, June 399,299
Livingston, Caroline 399
Livingston, Ray 365,341
Livsey, Anne 399,287
Lloyd, Donald 235
Locke, Bonnie 251
Locklear, Frank 408, 250
Loftin, Mark 365
Lofton, Paula 399,301
Logan, Charles 311
Logan, Gretchen 216
Lohman, Jan 408
Lolt, Charles 243
Long, Chappell 388,311
Long, Betty 388,280, 281
Long, Donna 253
Long, Henry 399,351
Long, Janeice 370
Long, Keith 388
Long, Mary 374
Long, Dee 399,352
Longbine, Mary 251
Longino, John 399,227
Longino, Stephen 184
Lonsack, Nancy 388,301
Loo, Betty 408
Loo, Lily 360,245
Looney, Lynne 399,277
Looney, Stephen 408
Loose, Frank 333
Lopatka, Michael 180
Lopez, Jose 408,246
Lopp, Jerry 227
Lord, Janice 388,307,253
Lord, Philip 388
Lord, Thomas 408
Loss, Jerry 361
Lott, Lyn 186
Lott, Edward 3 77
Loudermilk, Alice 388
Loughridge, David 399,313
Lourie, Barry 388, 212
Love, Ellen 399,299
Lovein, John 399,325
Lovejoy, Alice 213,242
Lovejoy, Bennie 388
Lovelace, Michael 354
Lovern, Carole 408
Lovett, Tom 209
Lovett, Johnny 388
Lovett, Wayne 311
Lovett, William 370,347
Lovinggood, Kaye 388
1 ovvorn, Lee 365,293
Low, Albert 388, 349
Low, Elsie 399, 299,255
Low, Helen 243
Lowe, Anna 399,279
Lowe, Jerry 374
Lowery, Barbara 399
Lowery, Emily 408
Lowery, Kenneth 237
Lowrey, Darrell 388,232
Lowry, John 408,184
Lowry, Ron 370,343
Lowry, Tom 228
Loyd, William 217
Lubel, Michael 365
Lucas, Martha 399
Luckett, Cathy 257
Luckie, James 365
Luckie, Robert 399,335
Lufburrow, Debbie 370,275
Luke, Ellen 388,274,275,206,224
Luke, Thomas 370,347
Lumpkin, Mary 374
Lunceford, Bud 360
Lund, Albert 253
Lunsford, Loretta 374
Lunsford, Miriam 408,236
Lusk, Barry 388,347
Lyle, Mary 251
Lyle, Patricia 388,301
Lyman, James 408
Lynch, Debbie 269
Lynch, Jan 388
Lynch, Susan 388,307
Lynch,Susan 374
Lyndrup, Allen 249
Lyon, Gladys 238
Lyons, Tommy 180,209,210,215,219
Lytle, May 370,238,242
Lytle, Robert 388
Mabry, Clayton 233
Mabry, Spencer 399
MacArthur, Dona 408
MacBeth, Peter 408
Mackey, Ellen 365,299
Mackey, Mac 399,343
Mackler, Elinor 399,275
Macomber, John 399
Macon, Bryan 408,183
Macris, Bobby 374
Macuch, Donna 388
Madden, Eddie 360,245
Maddox, Deborah 399,297
Maddox, Diane 375
Maddox, Mark 361,311
Maddox, Ray 360,337,220
Maddox, Roy 388
Maddox, Sonja 388
Maddox, Stedham 408
Maddox, William 399,351,212
Maddux, Hugh 399,337
Maddux, Richard 365,313,247
Madray, Sandra 388
Maffett, Jane 378,295,236
Magarahan, Michael 184
Mags, Leslie 379
Mahan, Debby 408
Mahan, Anne 365,279
Mahan, Rick 359
Mahany, Michael 388,317
Mahler, Tom 247
Mahon, John 399
Mahon, Steve 224
Mair, Robert 375
Major, Christy 388,281
Major, Clarajean 365
Majure, David 408
Majure, Wally 377,231
Malarz, Charlie 370,347
Maley, Charles 388,313
Malone, C. 315
Malone, Charles 388
Malone, James 388,315
Malone, Kirk 314
Maloney, Faye 246
Maloof, Marselle 408
Malto, Dennis 360
Maltz, Patti 253
Mamatey, Peter 388,331
Mandel, Sheila 399,291
Maney, Susie, 388
Manget, Fred 1%, 210,212,219
Mangum, B. 399,315
Manheim, Alan 388,271,309,219
Manis, Reid 365
Maniscalco, Richard 234
Mankin, Peggy 408
Mann, Beverly 399
Mann, Billie 388,277
Mann, Ronnie 408
Manning, Jann 399,213
Manning, Lee 399
Manning, Marilyn 399,275
Mansell, Susan 256
Mansfield, George 370,355
Mansour, Denise 408, 299
Mansur, Lesley 365,237
Manus, Jan 408
Marble, Cyn 408
Marbury, Felix 388,321
Marbury, John 388,321
Marcaccio, Charles 408
Marchetti, Lauren 365
Marcinko, John 388,345
Maret, Jim 220
Markert, George 258
Markey, Mary 399
Markham, Mary Jo 399, 275, 236
Marlow, Joseph 370
Marlow, Rachel 399
Marniema, Wei-Feng 359
Marsala, Elizabeth 388
Marsh, William 399
Marshall, Alton 399
Marshall. Clifton 249
Marshall, Randy 257
Martin, Ben 361,232
Martin, C. 351
Martin, Lynn 375
Martin, David 399,313
Martin, Dale 388
Martin, Dan 180
Martin, Delores 238, 242
Martin, Emma 388,243
Martin, Frank 399,339
Martin, George 184
Martin, Gloria 388
Martin, John 351
Martin, John 333,343
Martin, John 365
Martin, John 399
Martin, John 399
Martin, Joy 399,299
Martin, Julie 388,299
Martin, Marjorie 365
Martin, Mary 388, 281
Martin, Mary 408
Martin, Lynn 275
Martin, Olivia 388
Martin, Pamela 399
Martin, Pete 399,337
Martin, Richard 313
Martin, Trip 408,313
Martin, Shirley 375,236
Martin, William 379
Martin, William 351
Martin, William 399
Martinson, Pamela 213
Mason, Deborah 375, 299
Mason, Linda 388
Mason, Richard 375
Mason, Thomas 212
Massengale, Ronnie 361
Massey, Adrianne 293,365
Massey, Joseph 388
Massey, Marsha 399,213
Massey, Roy 388,339
Mastin, Susan 388,277
Mateling, Randy 183,220
Mathes, Patti 388,287,251
Matheson, Susan 388
Mathews, Dawson 212
Mathis, Cecilia 375
Mathis, Patricia 408
Matsuda, Yoshiaki 359
Matthews, Aprile 370, 294, 295,224, 239
Matthews, Harriett 388
Matthews, Joe 183
Matthews, Mildred 245
Mattox, Marcia 399, 275,236
Mattson, Pat 224
Mauldin, Jimmy 388
Mauldin, J. P. 388
Mauldin, Bill 399,355
Maury, Lynne 365,297
Mausling, William 388
Mautz, Gregory 388, 341
Maxwell, Deborah 388,287
Maxwell, Deborah 399
Maxwell, Eugene 388
Maxwell, John 388
Maxwell, Lynda 375,282,283,237
May, Deanie 251
May, Kathy 408
May, Mary 388,287
Mayberry, Kirk 399,212
Mayfield, Harold 370
Mayfield, Opie 388,281
Maynard, David 234
Maynard, Jane 359
Mayo, Marcia 378,295
Mays, Pamela 365
Maze, Janet 388
Mazur, Randy 399
McAfee, Debbie 408
McAfee, Sandy 388
McAllister, Kay 375
McArthur, Malcolm 209,215,219
McAuliffe, Claire 408,281
McBrayer, Tom 221, 246
McBride, John 399,351
McBride, Patricia 375
McBurnette, Faye 228
McCabe, Cathy 399, 279
McCabe, Pat 186
McCabe, Philip 235
McCahon, John 234
McCain, James 388
McCall, Cathy 375,307
McCall, Celia 375
McCall, Ginny 399,293
McCall, Jenny 255
McCall, Penni 408
McCalley, Bill 408,226
McCallum, Nancy 408
McCallum, Rachel 213
McCallum, Rhonda 399
McCampbell, Marcia 399,297
McCamy, Steve 388,336,337
McCanless, Andrew 399
McCarity, Ronnie 399,325
McCarthy, Michael 365
McCarthy, Robert 399,325
McCaskill, Fran 375
McChesney, Mona 408
McChesney, Virginia 365
McChesney, William 370
McClain, Kenneth 408
McClearen, Robert 186
McClelland, D. M. 377,315
McClelland, Lynda 375,295
McClelland, Walter 360,315
McCleskey, Bud 408
McCleskey, Cathy 408
McCleskey, James 319
McCloud, Robert 408
McClung, Stephen 399
McClure, Dan 238
McClure, Jan 399,285
McClure, Julia 235
McColl, Ginny 214
McCollum, Yvonne 388
McConnefl, Mary 330
McCord, John 399,186,350,351
McCorkle, Jane 408
McCormick, John 232
McCormick, Philip 399,325
McCormick, Ann 388, 287
McCowen, Doris 399,277,213,214
McCoy, Debbie 408,251
McCoy, Robert 365,323
McCranie, Sandra 359
McCrary, Royce 359,311
McCray, John 238
McCuiston, Carol 399
McCullough, Charles 399
McCullough, Michael 365,339
McCurley, Brenda 379
McCutchen, Barbara 388,293
McCutcheon, Bates 389,339
McDaniel, David 370
McDaniel, Jan 399
McDaniel, Karen 389
McDaniel, Shirley 389,301
McDaniel, Stacy 250
McDavid, Cheryl 389,277
McDavid, Robert 389,180,339
McDermott, Julia 399,307
McDonald, Angela 236
McDonel, Bob 389,341
McDonald, David 365,329
McDonald, Jeff
McDonald, Jim 408
McDonald, Carol 389
McDonald, Miles 389,352
McDonald, Gail 389,253
McDonald, Sara 246
McDonald, Vicki 408
McDonnell, Becky 408
McDonnell, Robert 365,272,333
McDougal, Jeff 365,237
McDowall, Susan 253
McDuffie, Clayton 389
McDuffie, Frank 228
McElmurray, Janet 365
McElrath, John 408
McElreath, William 370,343
McElroy, Randy 365,233
McEver, David 375
McEver, Joseph 365,342,343
McEver, Karen 408,301
McEver, Larry 233
McEver, Michael 370,343
McFall, Patrick 359,331,238
McFarland, Henry 231,233
McFarland, Jillian 408, 297
McFarland, Kenneth 370
McGarity, Arch 351
McGarity, Stu 399
McGarity, Stu 329,224,239
McGaughey, Vance 408
McGee, Gail 408
McGee, Carole 213,232
McGee, George 361
McGee, Ladelle 236
McGee, Mac 361,311
McGee, Pat 365,399, 297,321
McGee, Patrick 236
McGee, Sally 389,228,236
McGeehan, Mike 333
McGhee, Terry 253
McGinness, Sam 408,327
McGinty, Herbert Gene 319
McGlau, William 231
McGlaun, Jack 375,335
McGoldrick J. P. 389
McGoogan, John 370,327
McGowan, Doyle 370
McGowan, Sherry 293
McGraw, Dave 389
McGraw, Mike 399
McGraw, William 361
McGuffey, Carroll 399,212
McHan, Cindy 408
McHenry, Ellen 375
Mdnteir, Eddie 389,343
McIntyre, Greg 408,313
McKaig, Marian 236
McKee, Tina 365,305
McKellar, Berry 389
McKelvey, Charles 399
McKenzie, Jim 399,329
McKenzie, Martha 370,277
McKenzie, Sam 389,313
McKibben, Tricia 379,206,207
McKillip, Jim 253
McKinley, Bridget 375,293
McKinley, John 399,343
McKinney, George 377
McKinney, Ben 370,341
McKinney, Jane 378, 279,236
McKinney, Michael 389
McKinney, Mickey 389
McKinney, Norman 399,310,317
McKinney, Polly 399,277
McKinney, Becca 389
McKnight, James 399,351
McKnight, Mimi 287
McLane, Anna 213
McLaren, Judith 365
McLaughlin, Barbara 389,251
McLaughlin, David 365,345
McLaughlin, James 238
McLaughlin, Martha 399,297
McLaughlin, Thomas 226
McLead, Fran 389
McLean, Bill 220
McLean, Thomas 365,343
McLelland, Jan 365, 278,279
McLendon, Bill 377
McLendon, Kenny 371,321
McLendon, Mona 389,304,305,246
McLendon, William 370,354,238
McLennan, Mary 399,277
McLeod, Donna 379,299,241,242
McLeod, Robbie 389
McLeod, Roderick 365,317
McMahan, Denny 399,343
McMahan, Mary 399
McManus, John 243
McMath, Sue 375
McMath, William 371
McMichael, Elaine 389,299
McMichael, Larry 360
McMillan, Ted 231,233
McMillan, John 351
McMinn, Lynn 286,287
McMinn, Gynn 399,387
McMonigle, Bernard 371,325
McMullan, Gail 399,381,214
McMullan, Ruben 389,335
McMullen, Ruthie 399,295
McNally, Kathleen 399
McNeal, Elaine 242
McNeese, Jackie 343
McNeill, Eddie 399
McNeill, Janet 389,277
McNeill, William 198
McNew, Janet 399,213,262
McNew, Pam 389,307
McNiel, Nancy 399,285
McNeil, Nancy 213, 224
McPeake, Dwain 399,317
McPhail, Charles 250,252,253,256
McPhee, Lynda 399,279
McPherson, Chuck 379,242
McPherson, Margaret 389,285
McPipkin, James 181
McPipkin, Joseph 181
McPipkin, Paul 180
McQuaig, Charles 365
McQuaig, Jenny 389
McRae, Bobby 321
McRae, Michael 389,321
McRae, Robert 365
McRae, Virginia 389
McRee, John 389,317
McSween, Donald 377
McTyre, Rick 253
McVay, Frank 247
McWhirter, Debbie 408
McWhorter, Beth 379,293
McWhorter, Mac 180
McWhorter, Joseph 408
McWhorter, Patrick 399
McWilliams, William 371,315
Meacham, Betsy 389
Mead, Anne 365,287
Meadows, Jane 375
Mealor, Lamar 399,325
Mealor, Thomas 325
Meddin, Shelley 375,291
Meeks, Jerod 351,371
Meers, Russell 399,339
Meharg, Peggy 408
Meier, Kathleene 245
Meisner, Pam 399,283,253
Mello, Manuel 235
Mellon, Chris 339
Melo, Thomas 408,329
Melott, Mollie 408
Melton, Aubrey 408
Menefee, Gary 184
Menges, Cheryl 408
Menk, Peter 408
Mercer, Cindy 408,253
Mercier, Jim 408,333,262
Merlin, Ronald 399,309
Merriam, John 399
Merritt, Nancy 399,287,213,214,224
Messenger, Salliann 389,224
Messina, Bill 389,235
Methvin, John 399, 262
Meyer, Bruce 379,333
Meyer, Robert 371,329
Meyers, Gayle 295
Michalic, Gary 257
Michels, John 389,347,251
Mkkelbury, Penny 240,258
Mickler, Randell 365,319
Middlebrooks, Charles 408
MRJdlebrooks, Steve 399,323
Middleton, Arlene 408
Middleton, Gloria 375,293
Middleton, Marc 389
Midkiff, Gray 389,311
Mierek, Priscilla 235
Milam, Edward 181
Milberg, Steven 399
Miles, Dennis 361
Miles, Fred 389
Miles, John 389,347
Miles, Mary 375,253
Miles, Sandra 365
Millard, Lora 375,277,324
Miller, Bruce 184
Miller, Charles 406
Miller, Donald 360
Miller, Doris 400,234,235
Miller, Larry 365
Miller, Larry 400
Miller, Larry 345
Miller, Larry 400,309
Miller, Marcia 408
Miller, Marie 389
Miller, Marilyn 408, 275,218
Miller, Mudge 408
Miller, Martha 275
Miller, Nancy 400
Miller, Otis 371,317
Miller, Patricia 389,307
Miller, Peni 236
Miller, Reverdy 400,281
Miller, Robbie 375
Miller, Sharon 408,253
Miller, Shelley 389,275
Miller, Sindy 389,285
Miller, Stephen 371,349
Miller, Tim 400,321
Miller, Thomas 212
Miller, Virginia 213
Miller, Walter 400
Miller, William 389,347
Millians, Richard 408
Mills, Alan 212
Mills, Harry 389,325
Mills, Devon 400,250,253
Mills, Judy 375,269,304,305
Mills, Karen 408
Mills, Noelle 389,281
Millsap, Joan 378
Millwood, Jon 400,246
Millwood, Linda 408
Milner, Julia 379,297
Milner, Ty 181
Milo, Edward 181
Mimbs, John 389
Mims, Marsha 400
Mincey, Becky 389,275
Miner, Lois 277
Miniaci, Al 371,319
Minor, Ken 389,323
Minor, Lois 400
Minter, Leonard 249
Miracle, Kathy 275,400,218
Mischner, Michael 400,349
Mischner, Jim 379,273
Misenhamer, Kathi 228
Mitas, Jim 389,247
Mitcham, Faye 236
Mitchell, Beth 400,281
Mitchell, Craig 408
Mitchell, Claudia 400,307
Mitchell, Clyde 365
Mitchell, Fran 389
Mitchell, George 408,325
Mitchell, Henry 389
Mitchell, Karen 389
Mitchell, Mitch 379, 240,259
Mitchell, Roland 335
Mitchell, Ronald 365
Mitzner, Barry 400,349,212
Mize, George 408
Mize, John 365
Mize, Mary 389,242
Mizell, Michael 371,331
Mizelle, Patrick 258
Moates, Brenda 359
Mobley, Jane 408
Mobley, John 408
Mobley, Michael 217
Mobley, Gale 389
Mock, Marsha 359
Moedjio, Indra 361
Moen, Teressa 241
Mogish, Katherine 375
Moncus, Sandra 400
Mongold, Lane 400,235
Monick, Martina 389,299
Monk, Wade 181
Monroe, Doug 240,258
Monroe, Pat 347
Monroe, William 400,309
Montgomery, Debbie 253
Montgomery, Jack 180
Moon, Betty 389,279,236
Moon, Garland 233
Moon, Judy 389
Moon, Peggy 389
Moon, Sally 292
Moor, Larry 371,354
Moore, Andrew 247
Moore, Betty 236
Moore, Carol 400,291
Moore, Charles 365,319
Moore, Charles 200
Moore, Charles 406
Moore, Charlotte 365,216
Moore, Claire 218
Moore, Frazier 238,258
Moore, Jere 371
Moore, Jeannie 375,307
Moore, Jeannie 346
Murphy, A. 315
Murphy, David 198
Murphy, David 400,323
Murphey, Julian 389,343
Murphy, Ken 408
Murphy, John 359,343
Murphy, John 359
Murphy, Lawrence 389
Murphy, Michael 371,337
Murray, Anne 400,227
Murray, Marilyn 400
Musarra, Linda 408
Musarra, William 365
Muschamp, David 389,272,326,327,209,216,
Muschell, David 212
Muse, Stan 253
Muth, Fresie 389
Myers, Gayle 375
Myers, James 389
Myers, Jan 389,290, 291
Myers, Margaret 375
Myers, Virginia 375
Myers, Ricky 313
Myers, Robert 365
Myers, Robert 371
Myers, Roland 249
Myers, Thomas 400,335
Myrick, Thomas 400,339
Moore, Margaret 408
Moore, Inez 400
Moore, Mary 389
Moore, Janet 389
Moore, Nan 365
Moore, Richard 389
Moore, Sonya 408
Moore, Susan 408
Moore, Ted 365,250
Moore, Tom 343
Moore, Tim 365
Moore, Tommy 400
Moore, Walter 408
Moorehead, William 408
Moorman, Sara 379
Moran, Judy 293
Moran, Sally 365,293
Moran, Judy 400
Morehead, Bill 247
Morelock, Joyce 400,251
Morgan, Charles 371,319
Morgan, Ellen 408
Morgan, Gary 377,257
Morgan, Gary 408
Morgan, George 400,339
Morgan, Jeff 371,341
Moigan, Elaine 389
Morgan, Margie 251
Morgan, Neil 400,331
Morgan, Richard 360
Morgan, Robert 238
Morgan, Shan 400
Moricle, Evelyn 249
Moricle, Diane 253
Morrell, Roger 408
Morris, Charles 408
Morris, Tim 389
Morris, Cl if 400, 343
Morris, Deborah 389
Morris, Susan 379
Morris, Hoyt 361,220,228
Morris, Richard 360,243
Morris, John 389
Morris, Karen 375
Morris, Linda 408
Morris, Mike 249
Morris, Pamela 389,299
Morris, Patricia 400
Morris, Rod 389
Morris, Roy 313
Morris, Sammy 400
Morris, Sam 335
Morris, Sandra 389
Morris, Teresa 389
Morris, Toni 365,274,275,253
Morriss, Connie 408
Morrow, Larry 400,323
Morrow, Martha 375
Morse, Jane 400,299
Mortensen, Karen 400,246
Morton, Melanie 408
Mosbey, Judy 389
Moseley, Cindy 408,277
Moseley, Larry 243
Moseley, Susan 389, 275
Mosely, Amy 379,288,241
Mosher, David 257
Moskowitz, Ellen 375
Mosley, Thomas 183
Moss, Barbara 389,279
Moss, Beverly 389
Mosteller, Larry 371,354,239
Mott, Don 233
Motz, Rebecca 236
Mountford, Becky 408
Mowery, Donna 375,301
Moynahan, Nancy 408,287
Mozley, Betty 375
Mozley, Randolph 408
Muggridge, Melanie 400,279
Muir, Jeff 184,341,216
Mulcahy, David 184
Mule, Jeffrey 365
Mulherin, Joyce 408
Mull, Gary 389
Mull, Wilbur 239
Mullins, James 212
Mullins, Mary 400,293
Mullins, Steven 389,323
Mullis, Faye 199,365,292,293
Mulson, Gary 234
Mumford, Cheryl 389,278,279,218
Mundy, Tim 389,219,224
Mundy, Thomas 217
Munhall, Charles 359,337
Munn, Bill 400,220,250
Munnikhaysen, Walt 226
Murdoch, Constance 375
Murdock, Ann 408
Murkerson, Larry 400
Nadel, Peter 379,353
Nash, Carole 389
Nash, Charles 310,311,400
Nash, Wyn 224,237
Nash, Deena 400
Nash, James 371,315
Nash, John 198
Nash, Phyllis 389
Nash, Thomas 389,339
Nations, Andrew 371
Nations, Mark 400,272,331
Navarre, Mary 365,277
Nave, Diane 408
Nawrocki, Joseph 365
Neal, James 183
Neal, Janet 389,243
Neal, Thomas 409
Nease, Sue 409
Nedila, Doina 359
Neilson, Linda 253
Neilson, Robert Edward 237
Neiner, Ann 409
Neisler, Kay 366,297
Nellis, Michael 400,329
Nelms, Angela 366, 232
Nelms, Linda 400,213
Nelms, Doug 366
Nelson, Chris 409,297
Nelson, Debbie 409
Nelson, Ellen 389
Nelson, Gary 365,227
Nelson, Henry 389,321
Nelson, Ray 400,341,206,219
Nemec, Gale 389
Nemes, Ernest 359
Nesmith, Dink 208,215
Nesmith, Donald 270
Nesmith, Pamela 378
Neville, Wanda 242
Nevinger, Gary Louis 183
New, Bettie 389,298, 299
New, Frank 249
New, Cathy 409,287
Newberne, Karen 409
Newberry, Charles 217
Newberry, Patsy 251
Newkirk, Elinor 366, 297
Newman, Fred 409
Newman, Linda 400
Newsom, Gwyn 408,293
Newsome, Louis 231
Newton, Jan 2%, 320
Newton, Marsha 359
Newton, Melanie 400, 213,251, 256
Newton, Vicki 389
Ney, Chip 400,309
Nichols, Gary 366
Nichols, Larry 389,250
Nichols, Jane 366,279
Nichols, Robert 371
Nicholson, Jackie 409
Nicholson, Richard 371
Nicholson, Bob 371,329,238
Nickerson, Paula 389,278,279, 242
Niel, Tom 235
Nielsen, Christopher 371,337
Nielsen, Kathleen 366,277
Nielsen, Sandra 389
Nishi, Yasutaka 359
Nix, Doug 235
Nix, Lafayette 389,317
Nix, Gary 389, 321
Nix, Melissa 400
Nix, Michael 360
Nix, Walter 366
Nix, William 400,315
Nixon, Huxley 359,313
Nixon, Dawson 371
Noble, Arthur 371,339
Nobles, Gerald 359
Nobles, Marcus 359
Nobrega, Kathryn 379
Noell, Deborah 400,297,213
Nolan, Joyce 389
Nolen, Pam 400
Nollner, Thomas 371,317
Norman, Andy 400, 212
Norman, Debra 400
Norman, Mary 293
Norman, Pam 371
Norman, Rodney 400,212
Norman, Samuel 361
Norris, James 375
Norris, James 331
Norris, Leonard 409
Norris, Marsha 409
Norris, Thomas 377,325
Nort, Sue 400, 295
Norton, Jan 375,297
Norton, Joan 232,253
Norton, Merrill 389
Norton, Pam 409
Norvet, Linda 400,293
Norwood, Eddie 253
Novit, Rob 258
Nourt, Robert 379
Nowicki, Philip 375
Nunez, Charles 400,337
Nunn, Mike 220
Nunnelly, Diane 359
Nunnery, Carol 375,295
Nutt, Nancy 237
Nutt, Terry 409
Nygaard, Sandra 375
Oakes, Patricia 213
Oatman, Peter 371
Oates, Mike 180
Obenauf, Kenneth 400,233
Obenshain, Barbara 371
Obert, Al 226
O'Brien, Gilbert 245
O'Brien, Sue 375,279
Ocawsky, Alan 379,317
O'Connell, Carol 389,288
O'Connor, Patti 409
O'Connor, Robert 400,335
Odom, Chris 199,251
Odom, Colquitt 371,331
Odom, Lofton 400,341
O'Donnell, Bill 221
Oeland, Debra 400
Oelschig, Rick 199,200,389,185,235
Offen, Scott 365,315,239
Ogden, Cheryl 400
Ogden, Sandy 389,347
Oglesby, Charles 371,312,313
Ogletree, Kay 409,281
Ogletree, Robert 389,331
Ohberg, Nils 251
O'Hearn, Betty 375
Olansky, Alan 316
Old, Stephen 409
Oldham, Sally 400,299
Oliner, Suzanne 389,291
Oliva, Carol 375
Oliver, Elizabeth 409
Oliver, Gary 186
Oliver, Nan J89,307, 253
Oliver, Gayle 389,293
Oliver, Ricki 400
Oliver, Thomas 258
Olliff, Robert 217
Olsen, Eric 409
Olson, Marianne 253
Ondrejcak, Thomas 366,345
O'Neal, John 371,327
O'Neal, Larry 366,343
O'Neal, Melba June 237
O'Neal, Peggy 389,295
O'Neal, Sharon 389
O'Neill, Cathy 389, 295
Oppenheim, Marilyn 216
Orck, Charles 389,350,351,219
Ordway, Nick 247
Orlin, Sharon 400,303
Orr, David 409
Osbolt, Charles 181
Osborn, Craig 409,337
Osborne, Betty 389
Osborne, Lee 371,347
Osner, Carol 409,293
Ost, Luanne 400,307
Osteen, Georgia Ann 236
Osterhout, Julie 400,277
Ostuw, Joel 366,335
O'Toole, Martin 247
Otwell, Celia 389
Outlar, Barry 180
Outlar, Jan 400,275
Outlaw, Alain 366
Outz, Ted 208,219
Ovbey, Roger 389,355
Overby, Ken 400,321
Overton, David 360
Owen, Christopher 371,337
Owen, Parker 366,352
Owen, Jack 389
Owen, Becky 366,295
Owen, Lanier 333
Owen, Margaret 400,297
Owen, Norma 375
Owens, Blanton 198
Owens, David 389,341
Owens, Jeff 371,317
Owens, Rickey 390, 250
Owens, Margaret 366
Owens, Rita 375
Owens, Scott 390,273,340,341, 216,224,239
Owens, Vesta 375,276,277, 224
Owens, William 217
Oxman, Cliffor 400,309
Ozburn, Stephen 390
Pace, Judy 390
Pace, Randy 400,341
Pack, Franklin 231
Packman, Lally 390,285
Padgelek, Diane 390
Padgett, Woodard 341
Pagano, Leonard 409
Page, Barry 409
Page, James 366,347
Page, Lynn 279
Page, Melanie 409,285
Paguio, Onofre 359
Paige, Margaret 390
Paik, Eui 359
Paine, Trav 359,339
Painter, Betsy 390,285
Painter, Ellen 409
Painter, Susan 409,285
Palmer, Pam 390,277
Palmer, Lisa 400,279
Palmer, Helen 213
Pankey, Darwin 371
Pannell, Jim 208
Panther, Sonny 390
Pappas, Peter 375,323
Parham, Betty 390
Parham, Allan 253
Paris, Gary 337
Paris, Nancy 390,305,246
Paris, Ray 400,329,212,219
Paris, Shay 375,286, 287
Parish, Benny 390
Park, Gail 375
Park, Bruce 390,341,238
Park, Koo-B Yong 359
Parker, Boyd 198,199,185
Parker, Craig 212,253
Parker, Deborah 228
Parker, Edith 409
Parker, George 390
Parker, Jamison 315
Parker, John 371,335,212
Parker, Lee 400,287
Parker, Jamison 390
Parker, Ronald 400
Parker, Ronda 390
Parker, Susan 375,409
Parker, Thomas 400,355
Parker, Travis 371
Parkman, Larry 359,243
Parkman, Leslie 371
Parkman, Terry 199,185,217
Parks, Andrea 375,295
Parks, Dennis 390,325
Parks, Edward 400,313
Parks, Pick 390,343
Parks, Jesse 181,333
Parks, William 198,371
Parks, William 400, 317
Parrish, Betsy 400,285
Parrish, Michael 400, 351
Parrott, Jennifer 400
Parsell, Cindy 236
Partain, Jill 390
Partain, Becky 400,214,224
Parten, Michael 390
Paschal, Lora 375,266,307,237
Pascoe, Elaine 390
Pass, Donna 409,236
Pate, Dan 371
Patel, Arvind 359
Patel, Bharat 359
Patrick, Ben 400
Patrick, Steve 218,219,226,227, 246
Patten, David 360
Patterson, Amy 390,299
Patterson, David 379,240
Patterson, Mary 409
Patterson, Sue 375
Patterson, Terry 366,237
Patterson, Tommy 390,218
Patton, George 361
Paulson, Gary 390,346, 347
Payne, Buz 366,317
Payne, James 366
Payne, Karen 400,307,253
Payne, Ray 359
Peach, Charles 409,221
Peacock, Patti 375,275
Peagler, George 390,339
Pearce, Deidre 249
Pearce, John 390,337
Pearce, Roger 371,316,317
Pearman, James 233
Pearson, AI390,338,339,216,219,235
Pearson, David 409
Pearson, Mel 351
Pearson, Nancy 390
Pearson, Laurene 375,305
Pearson, Stephanie 409
Pearson, William 217
Pease, Robert 217
Peay, Jim 253
Pece, James 400
Peele, Jerry 187
Pedrick, Katie 390
Peebles, Mae 359
Peed, William 249
Peele, Barbara 390,236
Peeples, James 400,335
Pelletier, Jonathan 409,221
Pena, Victor 371,219,229,238,239
Pendergrast, Elizabeth 400,293
Penland, Andria 400
Penland, Robert 371,273,337
Penland, Ronald 366,347
Penn, Gail 366
Penn, Joseph 377
Penn,Paul 359
Pennell, Becky 400,232,236
Pennepacker, Ruth 409
Pensado, Darlene 235
Pepin, Patricia 400,287
Percell, James 329
Perdue, Janice 359
Perdue, Sonny 209,219,230
Perez, Fernando 390
Perkerson, Thomas 390,330,331
Perkins, Claudia 409
Perkins, Kelli 253
Perkins, Mary 400,287
Perkins, Mitchell 400
Perkins, Peggy 409,234
Perling, Michael 400
Perlman, Bruce 217
Perren, Jimmy 409
Perrow, Janet 390
Perrow, Bob 400,250
Perry, Chuck 240
Perry, James 361
Perry, Jimmy 232,235,251
Perry, Melvin 390
Perry, Rheta 400
Perry, Clark 371,341
Perry, Glenn 400,315
Perry, William 400,331
Persue, Larry 230
Perzekow, Ruth 400, 291
Peters, Douglas 366,185,313,216
Peters, Joel 232
Peters, Denise 199,400,281
Peters, Doug 255
Peters, Roy 400,185,351
Petersohn, Karen 400
Peterson, Frederick 243
Peterson, Jeff 230,234
Peterson, Nan 378
Peterson, Ricky 233
Peterson, Robert 361
Peterson, Paige 409,285
Pethel, Stan 253
Petit, Leann 390,285
Petrivelli, Pat 409,246
Petroski, Florence 251
Petroski, Frank 209,215,219,230
Pettet, Carol 252
Pettit, Carol 253
Pettit, Randall 366,341
Pettry, John 400
Peyroux, Eugene 249
Pharr, Melissa 375,292,293
Phelps, Katie 390,293
Phelts, John 409
Philips, June 390,277
Philips, Warren 409,319
Phillippe, Bill 212,218
Phillips, Clyde 400,317,233
Phillips, Allen 243
Phillips, Becky 390
Phillips, Greg 361,319
Phillips, James 400
Phillips, June 390
Phillips, Karen 409
Phillips, Laura 199
Phillips, Marcia 400,287
Phillips, Martha 390,213
Phillips, Robert 234
Phillips, Sarah Jane 236
Piazza, Richard 390
Pickren, Terry 366,27T, 313
Pierce, Brenda 390,299
Pierce, Wayne 390
Pierce, Dorothy 375
Pierce, Gerald 400,329
Pierce, Larry 359
Pierce, Robert 317,371
Pierson, Donna 409,277
Pilage, Sherry 199
Pilcher, George 181
Pimental, David 390
Pinckney, Martin 209,219
Pinholster, Martha 366,283
Pinion, James 186
Pinsker, Harriett 409
Pinson, Mary 375,285
Pinson, William 390
Pinto, Jerry 257
Piper, Cathy 390,275
Piper, John 390
Pisano, Dolores 390,285
Pittard, Robert 390,342,343
Pittman, Buddy 409
Pittman, Carolyn 390
Pittman, David 400,335
Pittman, Joe 409
Pittman, Phyllis 375,275
Pitts, David 390,232
Pitts, Hugh 220
Pitts, Lynn 390
Pitts, Susan 409
Place, Alan 361,234
Plage, Sharon 400,287
Plankinton, Herb 235
Platt, Robert 400,333
Pline, Sherry 253
Plotkin, Mark 390
Plott, Linda 409
Plott, Lonnie 362,271,311
Plunkett, Lee 212
Plunkett, Russell 409,226
Podber, Morris 401
Poe, Clyde 371,354
Poe, Skipper 250
Poetter, Rita 366,274,275,206
Pohl, Walter 366,315
Pohler, Michael 366,325
Poindexter, Sarah 390,275
Poitevint, Lynn 409
Poletis, Andrea 409
Poliakoff, Deb 401
Pollock, David 390,333
Pollock, Earl 371,349
Pollock, Thomas 359,311
Ponder, Aileen 371,305,238
Pool, Cecil 371,329
Poole, Mike 232
Poole, Linda 236
Poole, William 233
Pooley, Jan 409
Pope, Gene 220
Pope, Joseph 371
Pope, Tallulah 378,277
Pope, Linda 390,285
Pope, Steve 409
Popowski, David 390,348,349
Popowski, Mark 371
Pories, William 401,349
Porter, James 245
Porter, Joseph 366
Porter, Nancy 409
Porter, Paul 232
Porter, Tura 390,287
Portman, Linda 390,277
Posey, Charles 243,245
Posey, Lynn 199
Poss, Troy 366,319
Poulds, Barbara 390,299
Poulds, James 181
Powell, Barbara 375
Powell, Brenda 366, 274,275
Powell, David 409
Powell, Del 371
Powell, Jack 238
Powell, Larry 339
Powell, Lewis 390,270,343
Powell, Michael 366,323
Powell, Ronald 371
Powell, T. D. 321
Powell, Wendell 371
Powell, Lyn 390,299
Powers, Jim 390,272,329
Powers, Jane 359
Powers, Kennedy 401
Powers, Leander 335
Powers, Steve 409
Powers, Tom 359,253
Prather, Jane 251
Pratt, John 181
Prejean, Charlotte 375
Preller, Laura 409
Prescott, William 366,341
Presley, Craig 185,255
Presley, Elizabeth 255
Pressley, Judy 409
Pressley, Lynne 241,242
Preston, Marie 251
Price, Greg 401,250, 253,256
Price, Christopher 366,313
Price, Clark 401,321
Price, James 371,238
Price, Joseph 243
Price, Marvin 409
Price, Bob 409,325
Price, Robert 327
Prickett, Walt 232
Pridmore, Michael 401
Prikle, George 240
Prince, Larry 237
Prince, Nancy 401,295
Prince, Jan 390
Prior, Thomas 212
Prisant, Susan 390
Pritchett, Bonnie 390,251
Pritchett, Linda 378
Probinsky, April 366
Probst, John 253
Probst, Robert 366
Proctor, James 390
Proctor, Stephen 401,317
Profis, Victor 401
Profitt, David 351
Prosser, Wayne 390,341
Proveaux, Woodrow 243
Pruett, Charles 253
Pruett, Paul 246
Pruitt, Pace 409,319, 221
Pryles, Cindy 375,285
Pryor, Nancy 401
Puckett, Lloyd 409
Pugh, Charles 390,343
Pugh, Jan 401
Pullen, Edwin 371,313
Purcell, Jim 401, 224
Purcell, Nancy 390,236
Purdy, Holly 409,281
Purdy, Susan 390,232
Purser, Dave 390,247
Purswell, Beverly 390,279
Putnal, Rex 180
Pyles, Thomas 409
Pyron, Emily 409
Quackenbush, Linda 378,305,253
Qualls, Beverly 409
Quarterman, Russell 237
Queen, Marian 401, 213
Quenzer, Alana 366
Quillian, Kim 199,390,279
Quinn, Daniel 366,345
Quintero, Angel 234
Rachmat, Sutar 359
Raddiffe, Darrel 390
Rader, Deborah 378
Radford, A. J. 231
Radford, Janet 401,301
Radford, Susan 390,242
Rado, Bruce 377,257
Rado, Stuart 371
Ragsdale, Tyrone 237
Raichlen, Daniel 371
Raichlen, David 333
Rainbow, Barbara 401
Rainbow, Nancy 390, 303
RaineJ. 315
Raines, James 359
Raines, Mike 409,185,325
Raines, William 390, 333
Rainey, Joy 390
Rains, Ronald 243
Rajecki, Pete 180
Raley, Melba 401
Ralston, Beverly 390, 295,262
Rambo, Beth 409, 287
Ramey, Robert 401
Ramsey, A. M. 321
Ramsey, Alice 409
Ramsey, Arthur 401
Randall, Esther 401
Randall, Jack 359,253
Randall, Robert 409, 246
Randall, Stephen 401
Randall, Terri 390,252,253,256
Randolph, Elizabeth 401
Rankin, Randy 401, 323
Rannenberg, Marty 256
Ransbotham, Margaret 213
Ransom, Joseph 390,333
Ransom, Patti 375,306,307
Rapaport, Jon 212,229
Rape, Johnny 409
Raper, Joyce 366,283
Rasier, Kenneth 243
Rathman, Jim 220
Raville, Kathy 390,287
Rawe, Gretchen 390,299
Rawlins, Janice 378
Ray, Alicia 390, 307,236
Ray, Charlotte 360
Ray, Eddie 184
Ray, Gregg 371,341
Ray, Jack 250,251
Ray, James 180
Ray, Patricia 401
Ray, Robert 375
Rayborn, Mary 366,279
Raymond, James 366
Razzano, John 257
Read, Missy 409
Raymond, J. R. 333
Reaves, Becky 390,295
Redd, Margaret 366,283,237,258
Redden, Danny 243
Reddick, Deann 409,297
Redding, Debby 401,279
Reddish, Vernon 243
Reddish, Alan 226
Redford, A. J. 231
Redwine, Deborah 401
Redwine, Janice 375,275
Redwine, Parks 247
Reece, Ron 401
Reed, Amy 409
Reed, David 250
Reed, Rita 245
Reed, Steve 390,250,256
Reed, Susan 401,301
Reed, Travis 390,271,310,311
Reen, Debbi 390
Reese, Cynthia 409
Reese, James 313
Reese, Rodney 231,233
Reese, Ronald 198
Reese, Lee 221
Reeser, Ron 401,272,184,333
Reeves, David 401,335
Reeves, Kathy 390,307
Reeves, Michael 366,237
Reeves, Randolph 409
Reeves, Sally 251
Reeves, Walter 232,250
Register, Deborah, 390
Reheis, Marith 390,283,253
Rehm, Betty 390
Reich, Bobby 230
Reid, Lucy 409
Reid, Mary 401,297
Reid, Paula 390,281
Reid, Roy 379
Reider, Richard 181
Reiff, Ellen 390,303
Reisman, Janice 390
Rentz, Kim 409
Respess, Suzanne 390,269,299
Restrepo, Gustavo 233
Revels, Donald 366,335
Rey, Catherine 401,299
Reyner, Jeffrey 409
Reynolds, Donna 199,287,401
Reynolds, Douglas 375
Reynolds, Jane 390,293,236
Reynolds, James 401,342,343
Reynolds, Robert 371
Rhoad, Carol 366,301
Rhode, Anne 409
Rhodes, Deborah 409
Rhodes, Glen 311
Rhodes, Harry 377
Rhodes, Samuel 401
Rhodes, William 375
Rice, Bart 390,333
Rice, Cathy 409
Rice, Chuck 329
Rice, Dave 221
Rice, Charles 359
Rice, Donna 409
Rice, James 371
Rice, John 235
Rice, Robert 409
Rice, Robert 198,235
Rice, Zack 219
Rich, Jimmy 231,233
Rich, Patti 253
Richards, Dave 225
Richards, Julie 390,268,292,293
Richardson, Glenda 236
Richardson, Hank 390,319
Richardson, Lee 401,314,315
Richardson, John 390,313
Richardson, Nancy 390,285
Richardson, Robert 390
Richardson, Susan 401
Rickborn, Beth 409
Richbourg, Martha 409,251
Richerson, Don 390,217
Richman, Eric 234
Richman, Morris 409
Richmond, Don 232
Richter, Pope 409
Richter, Shirley 375
Richwine, Sam 401,329,212,219,224
Ricketson, Rick 353
Ricketson, William 401
Riddle, Paul 401,323
Riddle, Kran 401,351
Riddle, Steve 390,212
Riddle, Susan 401
Rider, Rena 401,307
Ridgway, Judith 409
Ridley, Chip 366,339
Rigby, David 253
Rigby, Jerry 371,228
Rigdon, Phillip 217
Riggs, Teresa 216
Rigsby, Elizabeth 366,283
Riley, Becky 409
Riley, Janet 401,297
Rilling, George 390
Rineer, Diana 366,227
Riordan, James 225
Ripley, Mary 390,283
Rish, Robert 362,231
Risse, John 390,323
Rittenbaum, Jeffery 371,309
Ritter, Linda 216
Ritter, Robin 390,287
Rivers, Robert 247
Rivers, William 360,323
Rives, Jack 329
Rives, John 229
Rivkin, Mark 401,212
Roach, Millieo 375,281
Robb, Robert 347
Robbins, Ricki 390,307,253
Robbins, Bob 390,326,327
Robbins, William 235
Roberson, Pete 351
Roberson, Robert 390
Roberson, Roxie390,295
Roberts, Carol 401,213
Roberts, David 198,199,246
Roberts, Dinah 390,385
Roberts, Gayle 390
Roberts, James 212
Roberts, Dick 250
Roberts, Mimsie 391,277
Roberts, Ronald 317
Roberts, Susan 366, 276,277,258
Roberts, Tom 391,347
Roberts, Wayne 379,353
Robertson, Ann 366, 237
Robertson, Gail 241
Robertson, June 391
Robertson, Pete 366
Robertson, Wayne 409
Robertson, Pete 351
Robertson, Sharon 391
Robeson, David 391
Robinowich, Martin 353
Robins, Gerald 366, 347
Robinson, Sharon 391
Robinson, Catherine 391
Robinson, Cathy 375,307, 340
Robinson, Charlotte 253
Robinson, Donna 391,277
Robinson, Hilde 249
Robinson, Jane 362
Robinson, Sue 409
Robinson, Lynn 401, 287,251
Robinson, Martha 366,305
Robinson, Marvin 409,339
Robinson, Mix 180
Robinson, Richard 231
Robinson, Rose 391,242
Robinson, Cathy 391
Roby, Leon 391,355
Roche, Ginny 409
Rock, Joann 241,259
Rockett, Linda 401,295
Roddenbery, Ed 186,339
Roddenbery, Becca 251
Rodgers, David 377
Rodgers, Richard 233
Rodriguez, Maria 213
Rodriquez-Feo, Carlos 401,346,347
Roe, Mary 285
Roelofs, Connie 375,287
Rogers, Alma 391
Rogers, Claudia 391
Rogers, Dana 362,311
Rogers, David 371
Rogers, Debra 391
Rogers, Dianne 242
Rogers, Gail 391,301
Rogers, Kathleen 391,293
Rogers, Mary 409
Rogers, Carl 391,315
Rogers, Raymond 234
Rogers, Richard 391,331
Rogers, Ronnie 180
Rogers, Sheryl 391,298,299
Rogers, Stephen 366,331
Rogers, Thomas 401,329
Rogers, Tommy 219
Rogers, William 391, 355
Rohrbaugh, Harriett 375, 279
Roland, Mary 391,253
Roling, Mark 409
Rolison, Elizabeth 401
Rollins, Beth 307
Rollins, Keith 401,317
Rollins, Mary 277
Rollins, Pamela 409
Romaine, Victoria 366
Romano, Debi 391,279
Romeo, Nancy 401, 281
Rominger, Jeff 366
Root, Beverly 409
Root, Shelton 375,345
Ruiz, Miguel 234
Rosa, Edwin 409
Rose, Steve 237
Rosenbaugh, Diane 391
Rosenberg, Chester 371,349
Rosenberg, Bruce 401
Rosenberg, Buzy 180,309
Rosenblum, Marshall 249
Rosenfeld, Robert 391,349
Rosenthal, Louise 401,291
Ross, Danny 409,347
Ross, Janet 401,297,255
Ross, John 391
Ross, Judith 401
Rosser, Joan 401,301
Rosser, Ken 186
Rossman, Lewis 233
Roth, Jan 366,291
Rothberg, llene 375,291
Rothe, Charles 409
Rotz, Lorie 409
Roukoski, Becky 409, 293
Rounds, Kathy 401
Rounsaville, Gene 362,235
Rountree, Lee 243
Rouse, Charles 360,243
Rowe, Terrence 181
Rowe, William 401,329,212
Rowland, Johnny 347
Rowland, Mary 401,297
Rowland, Ted 379,240
Rowton, Ann 391
Royal, Ashley 366,339
Royal, Howard 217
Royal, Nancy 391,283
Royal, Sara 245
Royall, Janice 253
Royster, Phyllis 379,295,241
Royston, Mickey 391,333
Ruben, David 183
Rubin, Bruce 229
Rubin, Elise 401,303
Rubin, Reeda 371,242
Rucker, Mike 409
Rudder, Terry 212
Rudolph, Kathryn 375
Rudowske, Sharon 375
Ruffin, Deborah 391
Ruppersburg, Hugh 224,258
Ruppersburg, Margaret 409,258
Russell, Barbara 379
Russell, Cindy 401,251,253
Russell, Jo Ann 391,251,256
Russell, Mary 391, 287
Russell, Cliff 401,325
Russell, Nancy 409,253
Russell, Sally 391,281
Russell, Sue 366,285
Russell, Mary 401
Russo, Vincent 371
Rustin, Jerry 319
Rustin, Larry 391
Rutkin, Sherry 409
Ryder, Art 212
Rylee, Phyllis 391
Rymer, Tom 371
Saarinen, Mary 401, 299
Sackler, Renee 401,291,213
Sackley, Robin 401
Sacks, Gail 409,291
Sacks, Lenie 401,303
Sadler, Brenda 401
Saffold, John 401,321
Safier, Ellen 213
Saggese, Marie 366
Saggese, Teresa 366
Saggus, Susan 409
Sale, Linda 378,236
Sale, William 366,343
Salmon, Alan 401,341,187
Salus, Marilyn 391,291
Samford, Sharon 401, 277
Sammerour, Terry 378
Sammons, David 401,335
Sammons, Darrell 360,243
Sammons, James 391
Sammons, Karen 379,242
Sammons, Eileen 366,258
Sams, Emily 391
Sams, Garvis 409
Sams, Julia 242
Sams, Milton 409
Samuels, Cindy 391,291
Sanchez, Michael 366,339
Sandefur, Debbie 391,275
Sandell, Karen 409
Sanders, Andy 375
Sanders, Betty 391
Sanders, Charles 409
Sanders, Diane 379,275,241
Sanders, Donna 366, 287
Sanders, Judy 401,275,213
Sanders, Marjie 391
Sanders, Brad 401
Sanders, Randy 372,327
Sanders, Stephen 366
Sanders, Wanda 378,236
Sandlin, Randolyn 253
Sanfratello, Steve 410
Sangster, Sarah 251
Santos, Kenneth 377
Saparow, Herschel 391,353
Sargent, Anga 391,285
Sargent, John 410
Sark, Steve 391,354
Sartain, Rip 391,327
Sartor, Mary 359
Sasser, Marshall 372
Sasser, Tim 238
Satterfield, Stuart 391,339
Satterly, Jim 379
Saunders, George 243
Saunders, Lawrence 372
Saunders, Stephen 325
Sauser, Ann 401,281
Savage, John 401,321
Savini, Frank 391,319
Sawyer, Gerald 401,335
Sawyer, Louis 410
Saye, David 180
Saye, Geri 401
Saye, Johnny 410
Saye, Judi391,301
Sayer, Marsha 251,256
Scafuti, Lawrence 410
Scarborough, Kippy 401,299
Scarbrough, Sandra 366
Schaeffer, James 366
Schaeffer, J. A. 321
Schaltenbrand, Eleanor 359,378, 236
Schandler, Linda 375,229
Schatz, Tary 401,297
Scharnitzky, Arnold 238
Scheer, Myra 391, 291
Scherer, Michael 391,313
Scherff ius, Andy 372,270,323,208,210,219
Scheu, Denise 401
Scheveikert, Margo 366
Scafuti, Larry 184
Schlader, Bubba 401,317
Schmidt, Cathy 391, 236
Schmidt, Jack 313
Schnack, Linda 375
Schochat, Kevin 375,317
Schofrner, David 391
Scholar, Tim 319
Scholfield, Grace 372
Scholfield, John 372
Schonthal, Freida 375, 237
Schoultz, Juanita 391, 295
Schoultz, Tootsie 294
Schrepple, Ann 375, 297, 322
Schuette, Steve 218
Shulten, Jacqueline 391,307
Schultz, Charissa283,359
Schultz, Harriett 366
Schultz, William 379,335
Schulze, Connie 391,279
Schwabe, Charles 391,347
Schwartz, Andrea 376
Schwartz, Paul 391
Scialdone, Gene 242
Scoggins, Phillip 410
Scott, Carey 253
Scott, Debbie 366,275
Scott, Gerry 401,333
Scott, Hal 410
Scott, Tal 410
Scott, Katherine 366, 293
Scott, Mike 221
Scott, Nancy 410
Scott, Richard 391,271
Scoville, John 237
Scroggs, James 391
Scurry, Rollin 251
Seabolt, Randall 209,215,219
Seager, John 391,331
Seagraves, Bob 319
Seanor, Edie 391
Sears, Joan 410,279
Sears, Becky 391
Seay, Don 377
Secrest, Cathy 391, 299
Seddon, John 391
Seeger, Steve 391,341
Seeger, Walter 245
Seeley, Diane 376,285
Seeman, Irvin 366,349,217
Seery, Andy 219,239
Seftell, Marlene 410
Segars, Frances 217
Segrest, Steve 366,313,237
Segura, Renee 401
Sekeres, Diane 241
Sellers, Kendall 376
Sellers, Myron 410
Selman, Eva 410
Semeli, Felix 359,329
Semmes, Raphael 249
Senkbeil, Shawn 410
Sessions, James 410,186
Sessions, Kathryn 366.307,237
Settle, David 186
Settle, Gary 410
Sewell, Dottie 410,275,218
Sewell, Betsy 391,295
Sewell, Christi 410
Sewell, Jenny 410
Sewell, Thomas 325
Sexton, Sandy 236
Sexton, Bill 235
Seyler, Pam 410
Seymour, Ronald 401
Shackleford, Gregory 410
Shade, Rosemary 410, 251
Shaffer, Janice 391
Shamley, Kathy 410
Shanks, Bruce 401,323
Shapiro, Karen 391,303
Shapiro, Sherry 376, 291
Sharp, Becky 410
Sharp, Carolyn 376, 283
Sharp, Garry 401,323
Sharpton, Douglas 217
Sharpton, William 410,226
Shartar, Neal 410,185
Shaver, Susan 401,283,213,251,256
Shaw, Ed 360,347
Shaw, Eddie 391
Shaw, John 250
Shaw, Kenneth 366,180,335
Shaw, King 410
Shaw, Ricki 252,253
Shayne, Harriet 401, 291,213
Sheats, Ginger 410,297
Shealy, Peggy 199,391,267,281
Shearouse, Joseph 401,186,335
Shearouse, Ward 359,335
Sheats, Stephanie 401,297
Shelbe, Mary 213
Shel, Peggy 199
Shell, David 391,321
Shelley, Beth 401
Shellhorse, Christy 376
Shelton, Ann 376,253
Shelton, Root 313
Shelton, Sandra 236
Shelton, Wana 401,300,301
Shepherd, James 401,315
Shepherd, Steve 401,315
Sheppard, Susan 410
Sheridan, Janice 391,253
Sheriff, Jimmy 359, 225,238
Sheriff, Stephen 372, 354
Sherling, Jennifer 366,252, 253, 256
Sherling, Michael 366
Shernoff, Victor 359,349,237
Sherrod, Billie 366
Shew, Dudley 391
Shields, John 362
Shierling, Razz 410
Shinbaum, Katie 410
Shines, Freda 236
Shingler, Randy 391,329
Shipley, Mary 366, 305
Shipley, Rob 250
Shirer, James 376,180,347
Shiver, David 372
Shiver, Robert 243,245
Shivers, Beth 401
Shivers, Jenan 372
Shivers, Leigh 401,275
Shiver, Peggy 199,391,275,218
Shmukler, Myron 391,308, 309
Shoason, Brian 401
Shoemake, Michael 391,250,256
Shoemaker, Russell 410
Shoemaker, Samuel 366,323
Sholar, Timothy 401
Shook, Ceci 391,281
Shook, Betsy 401,281
Shore, Kenneth 227
Shore, Nelda 227
Short, Cindy 241
Short, Jack 401,327
Short, Julie 401,293,224
Short, Lucinda 240
Short, Walter 366,329
Shorts, Chris401
Showalter, Sandra 391
Shoulty, Tootsie 199
Shrader, Lewis 366,317
Shreve, Linda 410,262
Shriver, Jenan 242
Shrum, Elizabeth 213
Shuler, Sandra 376
Shuler, Sherry 391
Shulman, Kay 410
Shuman, Susan 401
Shunk, Charles 391, 317
Shurling, Paula 236
Shusterman, Karen 376,291
Shy, David 391,333
Sickles, Andrea 366
Sides, Sharon 401
Siegal, Robert 401
Siegel, Laine 376,237
Siegel, Richard 401, 309
Sigalos, Argy 410
Sigman, Diane 401
Sikes, Ed 212
Sikes, Ellis 391,212
Siler, Charles 372
Sillay, Julianne 410
Silver, Ira 401,349
Simmons, Barbara 285
Simmons, Bonnie 376
Simmons, Lou 250
Simmons, Tennyson 401
Simon, Leona 401,291
Simon, Linda 242
Simons, Charles 391,315
Simons, Kaye 401,251
Simonton, Anita 391,283,258
Simpson, Ann 378, 235,236
Simpson, Carole 376,295
Simpson, Diane 410
Simpson, James 401,313
Simpson, Kathrine 376
Sims, Adriena 410
Sims, Darlyne 376,295
Sims, Fannie 391
Sims, Gerilyn 391,303
Sims, James 379,329
Sims, Patricia 376
Sims, Richard 184
Sims, William 391
Sinclair, Jose 391
Singer, Sam 410
Singerman, Jerry 402
Singletary, Don 187
Singletary, Terry 402,213,218
Singleton, Mary 366, 251
Singleton, Shirley 402
Singleton, Stan 219
Singley, Barbara 402
Sinyard, Roger 410,226,232
Sirkin, Marty 362,311,235
Siskind, Teri 402,291
Sisson, Anne 366
Sitts, Bill 235
Skees, Patrick 227
Skelton, Sandy 376,275
Skene, Neil 402
Skene, Richard 362
Skinner, Lynda 402
Skinner, Stephanie 402,277
Skipper, Tommy 391,339
Skipworth, Joseph 198, 246, 250
Skowronski, Steve 391,337
Slack, Lon 402
Slade, Daniel 372,321
Slade, Debbi 402,279
Slade, Pamela Becky 391,277
Slaten, Pamela 216
Slater, Robert 186
Slaughter, Kaythe 410
Sleek, Steven 180
Sleeth, Michael 391,346,347
Sligh, Michael 347
Sligh, Lewis 250,253,256
Sligh, Miles 391
Sloan, Ann 253,256
Sloan, Mack 359
Sloat, Lisa 367,291
Slocumb, Jenny 410,293
Slocumb, Vicki 402, 299
Slotin, Patty 402,303,308
Slover, Michael 391,330,331
Slye, Susan 410,251
Smalley, Cara 376
Smalley, Dee 402,335
Smalley, Robert 372,238
Smart, Vivian 391
Smiderski, Robert 410
Smiley, Dave 359
Smiley, Julian 391,180,341
Smiley, Sue 372,285
Smiley, Samuel 410
Smith, Anita 391
Smith, Alan 402
Smith, Anne 391,279,402
Smith, Tony 200,372,206, 216,219
Smith, Andrew 243
Smith, Angela 391
Smith, Barbara 391,275
Smith, Carlton 379
Smith, Caryn 410
Smith, Chuck 402
Smith, Chris 362,231
Smith, Christy 410,293
Smith, Claudia 402, 275,253
Smith, Craig 391,313
Smith, Cynthia 391,297
Smith, Cindy 402,285
Smith, Danny 410
Smith, Louise 293
Smith, Dennis 402,343
Smith, Donald 367,347
Smith, Donnell 379,242
Smith, Dwain 410
Smith, Earl 372
Smith, Edward 379,272,334,335, 345
Smith, Ed 360,311
Smith, Ed 402
Smith, Gary 372
Smith, Kyle 360
Smith, Glenda 402
Smith, Gordon 271,319
Smith, Happy 391,323
Smith, Harry 391
Smith, Jim 234
Smith, James 367,343,233
Smith, James 351
Smith, Jeff 410,329
Smith, Jo Anne 213
Smith, Joel 198,410
Smith, John 391
Smith, Jack 350,351,212
Smith, Johnny 351
Smith, Jon 273
Smith, Judy 402,285
Smith, Lawrence 360, 243
Smith, Lewis 410, 250, 256
Smith, Lida 402, 285
Smith, Linda 391,228
Smith, Linda 359
Smith, Lynda 410
Smith, Madeline 367, 287
Smith, Margaret 378
Smith, Mark 372
Smith, Marvin 367
Smith, Mary 402,232, 236
Smith, Mike 410
Smith, Mills 402,317
Smith, Mona 391,284,285
Smith, Myron 372,309
Smith, Paul 317
Smith, Perry 391,343
Smith, Randal 391,231
Smith, Randy 391,354
Smith, Becky 391
Smith, Richard 319
Smith, Anthony 329
Smith, Royce 180
Smith, Sam 392
Smith, Sam 221,233,235
Smith, Shawn 372
Smith, Louise 391
Smith, Sheila 372
Smith, Stephen 410,344
Smith, Stephen 367,321
Smith, Steve 273,345,216,219
Smith, Susie 402
Smith, Susan 392,277
Smith, Susan 287
Smith, Terry 402,278,213
Smith, Terry 215,219,230,235
Smith, Thomas 367,352
Smith, Toni 249
Smith, Trisha 376,287
Smith, Veronica 218
Smith, Edward 391
Smith, Wayne 410
Smith, William 410,181
Smith, W. J. 362,325
Smith, William 391
Smith, Bill 319,235
Smith, William 392
Smith, William 402,325
Smith, William 325
Smith, Wink 372,317
Smoak, Thomas 402,335
Smock, Diane 410
Smyke, Dapne 367,295
Snavely, James 402,315
Snelling, Suzanne 392
Snowden, Libby 251
Snowder, Elizabeth 367
Snuggs, Ronald 392,232
Snyder, Marty 410
Sognier, Anne 402,299
Soler, Darwin 367,325
Sollenberger, Rodney 372
Sol ms, Harriet 410,251
Solms, Nell 392,299
Solomon, Jenny 410
Solomons, Philip 372,349
Somers, Lee 402,352
Sommerville, James 367,333
Sorchy, Chris 402,279
Sorkness, Richard 410
Sorrells, Grady V.
Sorrells, Margaret 392,299
Sorrells, Moni 410,253
Sosebee, Jeannine 410
Souder, Anne 410,287
Souder, Sherrie 367,287
Soule, Cliff 239
South, Vicki 376,287
Souther, Beth 392
Southwell, Faye 410
Southwell, Jane 277
Sovine, Leroy 359
Sowell, James 233
Sowers, Howard 212
Spalding, Laura 410
Sparger, Liz 410
Sparks, Bill 250
Sparrow, Libba 392
Speight, David 372
Spence, Margaret 253
Spence, Pam 376
Spence, Sue 360,243,245
Spencer, Carolyn 392
Spencer, Dennis 186
Spencer, Stuart 362,317,235
Speno, Carol 367
Spight, Becky 232
Spingler, Betty 410
Spinks, John 402
Spooner, Gary 392,313
Spooner, Jim 227
Spooner, Luther 392,313
Spratlin, Sharon 402,213
Spratlin, Suzanne 376,297
Sprayberry, Susan 376,299,255
Sprayberry, Gayle 367
Sprayberry, Joan 410
Spriall, Jack 232
Sproles, Allan 359,227
Spurlin, Sherry 410
Spurlock, Sandy 372,341
Stacey, Dorothy 402,293
Stafford, Charlie 392,339,217
Stafford, Josephine 392,285
Stafford, Mary 199,402,307
Stager, Richard 392
Stagg, Chris 392,319
Stahl, Raymond 410
Staiger, Debbie 235
Staley, Jacqueline 410
Stallings, Cathy 402
Stancil, Robert 367,237,246
Standish, Al 246
Stanford, Ray 392,345
Stanley, Kaye 410,236
Stanley, John 367
Stansell, Ed 392
Stansell, James 360,243
Stansell, Larry 392
Stansell, Sharyn 213
Stansill, Bob 247
Stapler, Emily 410
Starnes, Jeffrey 367, 317
Starr, Twinkle 410,279
Statham, Thomas 372
Staton, Thomas 379
St. Clair, Joanne 376,292,293
Stead, Marc 184
Steadman, Ann 410
Stearns,Gerri 402,299
Steed, Margaret 410
Steed, Alex 402,343
Steel, Dennis 271
Steele, Barbara 297
Steele, William 212
Steffey, Susan 359
Steila, Becky 376
Stein, Ann 410,291
Stein, Bert 392,309
Stein, Donald 271
Stein, Donnie 308
Stein, Harriet 367
Stein, Mary 392,350,213,241
Stein, Reggie 410
Steinberg, Arra 410,291
Steinberg, Barry 410
Steinberg, Milton 402
Steinberg, Stephen 402,309,212
Steingruber, Janis 410
Steinmann, Becky 410
Stelle, Barbara 376
Steller, Alfred 392
Stender, Nancy 402
Stephens, Jean 367,305
Stephens, Jerry 233
Stephens, Dan 372,341
Stephens, John 250,256
Stephens, Joyce 392,236
Stephens, Kathy 410,232,246
Stephens, Susan 392,281,236
Stephens, Pam 379
Stephenson, Elizabeth 367
Stephenson, Myron 367
Stevens, Mona 376
Stevenson, Frances 392
Stewart, Carolyn 402,251
Stewart, Dasher 226
Stewart, David 410
Stewart, David 253
Stewart, Debbie 392,279
Stewart, Donald 372,313
Stewart, Frank 410
Stewart, James 392,351
Stewart, Joseph 325
Stewart, Ken 392,333
Stewart, Mary 410
Stewart, Diane 367, 281
Stewart, Earl 392,343
Stewart, Steve 216,219,240,259
Stewart, Ted 410,331
Stich, Steward 372
Stiles, Ann 402, 299
Stiles, Lynn 392,299
Still, Dennis 362,311
Still, Willie 243
Stinchcomb, Richard 367
Stine, Larry 392
Stind, Farid 359
Stith, Hugh 372,341
Stoddard, Clay 367,329
Stoffregen, Mary 410
Stokes, Jimmy 402,315
Stolz, Susan 410
Stone, Alison 251
Stone, Bobby 392
Stone, David 402,253,256
Stone, John 323
Stone, Katrina 402,299
Stone, Paul 379
Stone, Ralph 410
Stone, Tom 253,256,372
Stonehouse, Patti 402
Stoner, Jodie 376,269,303
Store, John 410
Storey, Charlotte 410
Storey, Karen 410,253
Story, Frank 372,317
Story, Stacy 217
Stout, George 253
Stovall, Patricia 376
Stovall, Stephen 372
Stover, Ronald 359
Stowe, Ann 236
Stowe, Jim 359,232,253
Stowe, Kim 410
Stowe, Martha 378
Stowe, Susan 392
Stowers, Riley 245
Strain, Debby 246
Strait, Donald 257
Strassburger, Janet 376
Strauss, James 367,333
Strawder, Richard 253
Strickland, Bunny 392
Strickland, Albert 367,329
Strickland, Butch 392,336,337
Strickland, Loren 392
Strickland, Marsha 376
Strickland, Robert 367
Strickland, Dale 250
Stringer, Linda 410
Stringer, Robert 402,321
Stripling, Glynda 410
Strobel, Charlie 392,347
Stroefer, Betsy 410,236
Stroefer, Toby 186
Strom, Grady 402
Strother, Rosemary 392,307
. Struletz, Cheryl 376
Struletz, Howard 402,309
Stubblefield, Joe 235
Stumhofer, Patricia 213
Sugg, Daniel 377,317
Suggs, Charles 402,315
Suggs, Glen 253
Sullivan, Mary 402,287,214
Sullivan, Mike 329
Sullivan, Philip 180
Sullivan, Terry 392,329,209,215,216,219,224
Summerlin, Curtis 372,351
Summerlin, David 372,351
Summerlot, Linda 392
Summerour, Terry 279
Summers, Mike 402,317
Sumner, Alan 367,333
Sumner, Eileen 392
Surratt, Wilson 410
Surum, Henry 238
Susemihl, Barbara 392,213
Sussman, Charles 402,348,349
Sutcliffe, Kenny 372,343
Sutherland, Barbara 392,236
Sutton, John 410
Sutton, Ronald 392,319
Sutton, Sheryl 392
Swain, Shannon 410
Swann, David 376
Swann, Henry 372,238
Swanson, Anthony 392
Swanson, Nan 251
Swart, Jim 209
Swart, Lucy 367,286,287
Sweat, Dee 376,305
Sweat, Janet 253
Sweetin, Gary 367,344,345
Swetnam, Susan 402
Swift, Jack 339
Swift, Marianna 392,285
Swindall, Pat 392,273,336,337,216,219,224
Swinford, Mahla 242
Swindle, Mark 379,180,335
Swinford, Mike 180,242
Swinson, Samille 392
Swint, Carter 392
Swofford, Nelson 410,183
Sylvester, Sandra 367
Szpak, Judy 367
Taff, Kelly 410
Taft, W. F. 240,258,259
Talbert, William 392,323
Tallant, Johnny 371
Talley, Alan 371
Talley, John 410
Talley, Phil 360
Tally, Nina 410
Talton, Thomas 217
Tamalis, Jo 392
Tamburrini, Ralph 257
Tamplin, Wayne 392,323
Tanis, Bob 187
Tankersley, Wayne 232
Tanner, Carol 392
Tanner, James 217
Tanner, Larry 377
Tanner, Otis 410
Tante, Eddie 371
Tarumianz, Joan 392
Tase, Deborah 392,301
Tate, Charlotte 410
Tate, Grace 285
Tatum, Dyke 367,329,237
Taunton, Glynn 243
Taylor, Barbara 392
Taylor, Clyde 402,212
Taylor, Gary 317
Taylor, James 392,325
Taylor, Jan 402,305
Taylor, John 392
Taylor, John 392,335
Taylor, John 359
Taylor, Lanny 183
Taylor, Patricia 378,279,236
Taylor, Paula 236
Taylor, Sandra 213
Taylor, Stephen 392
Taylor, Toni 367
Teague, Kathy 392,295
Teal, Janice 410
Teasley, Christopher 410
Tebeau, William 217
Tedeschi, Cynthia 376,305
Teel, John 402
Temple, Jimmy 392,313
Temples, James 367,237
Temples, Ron 376
Tenenbaum, Allen 402,308,309
Tennison, K. 315
Terrell, Jan 410
Terry, Harold 359
Terry, Nebbie 367,287
Terry, Raymond 377,257
Tervo, Denise 392,287
Teselle, Elizabeth 392
Tetrault 371,315
Textor, Julie 402,297
Tharp, David 360
Thaxton, Dan 255
Thibadeau, Paula 402,277
Thomas, Arthur 392
Thomas, Brenda 376
Thomas, Charles 232
Thomas, David 367
Thomas, David 410,325
Thomas, Dediere 402
Thomas, Georgia 402
Thomas, James 392,311
Thomas, Jerry 362
Thomas, Judy 402
Thomas, Lew 410
Thomas, Mike 371, 270,337, 216
Thomas, Pearl 392
Thomas, Rebecca 410
Thomas, Robert 402
Thomas, Sheila 371,242
Thomas, Sherrie 376,298,299
Thomason, James 233
Thome, George 392
Thompson, Angela 199,392
Thompson, Anne 367,293
Thompson, Charles 367,315
Thompson, Debbie 402,305
Thompson, Dewitte 392
Thompson, Donna 367
Thompson, Frank 313
Thompson, Glenda 402
Thompson, Greg 376,341
Thompson, Harold 371
Thompson, Harry 362,367,311,318,319
Thompson, John 360,243
Thompson, Kemper 402,275
Thompson, Lawson 402,226
Thompson, Amela 295
Thompson, Lynda 402,285
Thompson, Mary 392
Thompson, Melanie 402, 285
Thompson, Michael 367,315
Thompson, Norah 367
Thompson, Gail 392,275
Thompson, Patricia 392,213,237
Thompson, Paul 238
Thompson, Philip 392,313,224
Thompson, Priscilla 367,285
Thompson, Rob 220
Thompson, Sandra 360,243,245
Thompson, Sherry 402
Thompson, Sue 227
Thompson, Tim 410,331
Thompson, Tommy 402
Thompson, Tattnall 367,341
Thompson, William 392,329
Thompson, William 325
Thompson, William 392
Thomson, Phil 367
Thorne, George 343
Thorne, Myrna 402
Thornton, August 319
Thorton, Janice 411,287
Thornton, Barbara 249
Thornton, Jan 402
Thornton, John 234
Thornton, Jonne 249
Thornton, Martha 392,236
Thornton, Patricia 411,236
Thornton, Randy 220
Thornton, Teri 402, 287
Thorp, Cathey 376,279
Thorpe, Graham 392,325
Thorsen, Dana 392
Threadgill, Jane 243
Threlkeld, Stephanie 376
Thrift, Ronnie 243
Thrower, Randolph 392,321
Thwaite, Martha 392,297
Tibbitts, Connie 402
Tichacek, William 371
Tidwell, Alice 402,307,236
Tidwell, Teresa 392
Tiller, John 232
Tiller, Lawrence 347
Tillery, Ann 392
Tilley, Ray 237
Tillitski, Michael 367,341
Tillman, Alvin 361,220,243
Tillman, Kay 376
Tillman, Cathy 376,295
Tillman, Charles 184
Tilson, Paul 317
Tilton, Gail 234
Timberlake, David 184
Timmerman, Michael 371
Timmons, Jerry 362, 230,231
Timnick, Sandra 411
Tingle, Benjamin 411
Tinley, Tom 411,246
Tinsley, William 200
Tipton, Donna 402
Tise, Lindsay 367
Tison, Hunter 392,339
Todd, Toni 392
Tolbert, Gary 367,337
Tolin, Bill 353
Tolley, Edward 371,320,321
Tolley, Lynne 392,285
Tomaszewski, Frances 411
Tomberlin, Carl 367,325
Tomberlin, Arlene 392
Tomberlin, Harris 325
Tomblin, Nelson 220
Tomlin, Alan 181
Tomlinson, Anne 402
Tomlinson, Leisa 371, 299
Tomlinson, Don 379,328,329,251
Tomskey, Ellen 392, 285
Tondee, Paul 371
Toole, Anne 376
Torbush, Pat 367
Toth, Dick 183
Tourial, Danny 402,308,309
Towles, Thomas 411
Townsend, Claudia 411,246
Townsend, Robert 359
Toy, Liz 392,281
Trader, Arthur 371
Trammell, Claudia 392,287,336,224
Trammell, Len 411,251
Trapnell, Marie 376
Trapnell, Nancy 411,235
Travis, Carroll 392,268,284,285,241
Travis, Dan 411
Trawick, Sylvia 392
Trebony, Helen 251
Trebony, Robert 367,345
Treen, Betsy 402,285
Trelkeld, Stephanie 299
Trembley, John 392,234
Trest, Cary 245
Tribble, Diane 392,293
Trice, Ed 392,354,226
Tripp, Robert 367
Trippe, Terri 411
Tritschler, Charles 402,343
Tritt, Bob 392,352,219,224,239
Tritt, Roy 371,352
Trotter, James 371,323
Troy, Susan 392,306,307
Truett, June 367
Tuchscherer, Calvin 411
Tucker, Hugh 411
Tucker, Janice 392
Tucker, Lynda 411
Tucker, Beth 402
Tucker, Mayo 180
Tucker, Nancy 281
Tucker, Phillip 186
Tucker, Richard 372,323
Tucker, Ruthie 392,295
Tudor, Lucille 411
Tuggle, Sue 411
Tullos, Clayton 362, 325
Tune, Tom 392,329
Tung, Ming-Chen 359
Tunmer, Fred 376,352
Turner, Amy 392
Turner, Cathy 392,307,228,236
Turner, Danny 392
Turner, Elaine 402
Turner, Gary 392,343
Turner, Jimmy 411
Turner, James 402
Turner, James 376,335,187
Turner, Louise 236
Turner, Marcy 411
Turner, Mary 392,239,242
Turner, Nancy 392
Turner, Phillip 371,238
Turner, Susan 402
Turner, Margaret 367
Turner, Terrence 249
Turner, Thomas 367,325
Turner, Walter 367, 250,251,256
Turner, William 243
Turpin, Jean 376,285
Turrentine, Joan 378,236
Turrentine, Tommy 392,339
Tuttle, Bonnie 376,287
Tuttle, Kathy 392, 280,281
Tuttle, Kevin 221
Tweedell, Bobby 392,333
Tyler, Edward 376
Tyler, Merry 379, 268,288
Tyler, Michael 371,355
Tyler, Roy 392
Tyler, Guy 392
Tyler, Salley 411,301
Tyner, Alan 367
Tyre, William 392,331
Tyson, Margaret 402
Tyson, Sharon 213
Udinsky, Gary 402,349
Uecke, Mary 376,275
Ulfik, David 231
Ulm, Susan 367
Ulmer, Bonnie 402
Underwood, Chris 372,238
Underwood, Fred 243
Underwood, Nancy 362
Unger, Hank 253
Unger, Kurt 198,411
Unzicker, Ken 359
Upchurch, Cam 392,295
Upshaw, Donna 392,277
Upson, Maxine 392
Urda, Carol 402
Valentine, Thomas 186,339
Vallon, Jennifer 411
Van Alstyne, Cindy 393, 241,252, 253
Van Kirk, Kay 393
VanDussen, Ginny 227
Vanasdalan, Philip 411
Vandiver, Mary 393,277
Vandiver, Beth 393,277
Vandyke, Deedy 411
Vann, Carl 411
Vann, Walter 411,331
VanNeese, Paul 341
Vanndstrand, John 359
Vansant, Nick 402,337
Vanvleck, Vickie 224
Varner, Billy 402,335
Varner, John 226
Varner, Terry 402
Varnes, Roger 411
Varreck, Andrew 238
Vaughan, Blair 411,253
Vaughn, Roland 367,339
Vaughn, Hal 238
Vaughn, Michael 393,351
Veal, Royce 243,245
Ventress, Frances 251,253
Verdery, Winslow 212
Vernoy, Vicki 411
Vestal, George 372
Vestal, Joe 393,351
Vick, Lawrence 232
Vickers, Harold 393
Vicknair, Judi 402,307
Vidal, Lucy 393,217
Videtto, Anthony 402,343
Vinson, Theresa 411
Vinson, Vicki 411
Vipperman, Randolph 367,335
Vivian, Paul 367,331
Voegtlin, Carl 379
Vogel, Edward 402
Vogt, Marilyn 411
Voight, Robert 186,181
Voigt, Michael 234
Von Werssdwetz, Linda 301,393
Voncannon, Susan 411
Waal, Carla 249
Waddell, Debbie 411,275
Waddell, Richard 393,339
Wade, Joan 393
Wade, Beth 402,285
Wade, Hampton 361
Wade, James 411
Wadsworth, Wesley 217
Wages, Charlene 411
Wages, Larry 787
Wages, Nathaniel 411
Waisemann, Dale 402,311
Waits, Daniel 379
Waits, Lynn 411
Wakefield, Susan 393
Walden, Cheryl 393
Waldman, Ronna 376,291
Waldrep, David 393
Waldrep, Pete 393,322,323
Waldrop, Tommy 411,347
Walker, Andrew 351
Walker, Barry 242
Walker, Ed 226
Walker, David 402
Walker, Debbie 367,283,251
Walker, Dennis 393
Walker, Frosty 347
Walker, Fred 393,333,331
Walker, Frosty 402
Walker, Henry 362,311
Walker, James 367,343
Walker, Jerry 209,215,243
Walker, Elaine 411
Walker, Kathleen 376
Walker, Ken 232
Walker, Larry 351
Walker, Linda 411
Walker, Mary 411
Walker, Noel 242
Walker, Odie 372,354
Walker, Pam 411
Walker, Randy 250
Walker, Susan 253
Walker, Teresa 376
Wall, James 200,238
Wall, Joseph 367,343
Wall, Henry 357
Wallace, Charles 379
Wallace, David 393,331
Wallace, Deborah 411
Wallace, Garnett 379
Wallace, Janice 402
Wallace, Paula 411
Wallace, Ray 402,335
Wallace, Susan 393
Wallace, Tatty 393,277
Waller, Rick 379,333
Walls, Linnie 361
Walls, Terry 393,341
Walraven, Charles 187
Walsh, Kathy 28
Walsh, Patricia 367
Walsh, Suzanne 402,275
Walters, Andrea 411
Waters, Patricia 393,283,240,241,259
Walters, Jim 251
Walton, David 393
Walton, Meg 393
Wanner, Fritz 402,331
Ward, Albert 253
Ward, Candler 220
Ward, Carolyn 236
Ward, Claudia 411
Ward, Ernie 411
Ward, Lynne 402
Ward, Janice 224,227
Ward, Jeff 361
Ward, Michael 243
Ward, Randy 361
Ward, Robert 393,243
Ward, Roger 220
Ward, Ronald 361
Ward, Sheila 367
Ware, Gladys 393,281,255
Ware, Robert 372
Warenzak, Joanna 393,218
Warrell, Stephen 347
Warren, Betty 367,275
Warren, Susan 252,253
Warren, V. P. 379,343,240
Warrick, Emory 359
Warwick, Susan 376
Washburn, Clay 234
Washburn, Nancy 411
Waters, Charles 393
Waters, Allan 402,341
Waters, Kara 393
Waters, Stanley 372
Watkins, Deborah 402
Watkins, Jan 411,251
Watkins, Joe 411,258
Watkins, Peggy 393,251,256 .
Watrous, Jim 200,273, 340, 341,187, 215,^216,
219, 239
Watson, Bertha 402
Watson, Dennis 180
Watson, Donald 393,184
Watson, Beth 402,299
Watson, Margaret 199,402,299, 213,224
Watson, Mary 393,251
Watson, Murray 403,297
Watson, Norman 393,311
Watson, Patty 285
Watson, Perrianne 251
Watson, Ralph 362,311
Watson, Ronald 403,341
Watson, Sheryl 237
Watson, Thomas 411,329
Watson, Wanda 376,299
Watson, Wayne 376,345
Watson, Craig 367,250,251,256
Watson, William 376,317
Watt, Kay 393,293
Watt, Rachel 367,295
Watters, John 403
Watters, Miles 411
Watterson, Wendell 253
Wattles, Anne 393,299
Way, Henry 231
Weart, Charles 243
Weatherford, David 393,232,233
Weatherly, Lallie 411,251
Weathers, Bruce 403,325
Weaver, David 231
Weaver, Hank 184
Weaver, H. T. 393,220,221
Webb, Dejan 359
Webb, Gary Russell 196
Webb, Gene 361
Webb, Johnnie Kay 236
Webb, Cathy 378,297
Webb, Steven 411
Webb, Val 411,184
Weber, Donna 367,285
Webster, Lawrence 411
Webster, Michael 367,315,216,217,219
Weckerling, Susan 411
Weekley, Jeff 403,335
Weeks, Beverley 403
Weeks, Ronnie 372,323
Weeks, Wanda 236
Wehner, Michael 361
Weigand, Paula 367,283
Weinberg, llene 411,303
Weinberger, George 237
Weinberger, Susan 199,403,290, 291
Weiner, Sally 393,303
Weinmeister, Gail 367
Weinstein, Leslee 393,303
Weinstock, Barbara 393,291
Weir, Cherio 199,403,295
Weir, Robert 249
Weisboeck, Walter 411
Weisbach, Kathy 272,300,301,242
Weise, William 411
Welborn, Edward 411
Welborn, Pat 253
Welch, Blanton 403,343
Welch, Susan 213
Weldon, Renee 393,301
Welfare, Carol 411
Wellons, Robin 393
Wells, Charles 212
Wells, Chuck 403,272,325
Wells, David 314
Wells, Judy 411
Wells, Lawrence 393
Wells, Carol 411,285
Wells, Susan 403
Wenck, Mary 403
Wendel, Vicki 411
Werk, Charles 403,313
Werner, David 403
Wershaw, Felice 376
Wertz, Dana 393,297
West, Bobbie 376,281
West, Michael 377,250
West, Jim 411
West, Linda 393
Westbrook, Charles 393
Westbrook, Cauthen 183
Westbrook, Frieda 236
Westbrook, Joel 379
Westbrook, Lynn 376
Wester, Mary 411
Westmoreland, Carl 411
Westmoreland, Robert 372
Westmoreland, Wayne 393
Weston, Robert 379,349
Whalen, Drew 403,226,253
Whaley, Debbie 411
Whallen, Howard 411
Whatley, Gail 411
Whatley, James 393,325,218
Whatley, Judson 237
Whatley, Laura 411
Whatley, Nancy 411
Whattey, Laura 293
Wheeler, Benjamin 243
Wheeler, Brenda 253
Wheeler, Delaine 393,295,241
Wheeler, Larry 393,233
Wheeler, Kristine 411,236
Wheeler, Randy 245
Wheeler, Reginald 372
Whitaker, Larry 372,238
Whitaker, Bruce 238
Whitaker, William 361,243
White, Andy 403
White, Brock 250,253
White, Christy 367,277
White, Claude 393
White, Dixon 393
White, Donald 251
White, Lynne 411
White, Glenn 403,341
White, Grayson 359
White, Alan 243
White, Jerry 361
White, John 247
White, Larry 359,231
White, Laura 251
White, R. P. 393,315
White, Robert 393,333
White, Sara 393
White, Stephen 180
White, Steven L. 184
White, Susie 392,277
White, Tommy 376
White, Victoria 361,243
White, Willene 376
White, William 393,353
Whitehead, Bonnie 199,393,275
Whitehead, Linda 411
Whitehead, Nancy 236
Whitehead, Day 252, 253,256
Whiteside, Bob 393
Whitefield, D. E.316
Whtifield, David 393
Whitfield, Dennis 379,317
Whithers, Christopher 372,321
Whitley, Dianne 367,288
Whitley, James 393
Whitley, Joe 393
Whitley, Sharon 216
Whitlock, Mary 376,295
Whitlock, Wanda 411
Whitlow, Annette 403,213
Whitlpw, Gayle 411,293
Whitlow, Michael 393,217
Whitmire, Mitzi 393,277,243
Whitt, Dennis 181
Whittemore, Charles 376,180,335
Whittemore, Melissa 393,268,282,
Whitten, Marlene 376
Whitten, Linda 393
Whittle, Melanie 393
Whittle, Ben 393
Whitton, Mary 213
Whitworth, Gerrie 367,343
Whitworth, James 411
Wickliffe, Evelyn 376,295
Widden, John 403,325
Widener, Karen 306
Wier, Marilou 393,307,241
Wiezdrek, Eddie 403
Wigelius, Spike 403,313
Wiggins, Larry 393,345
Wiggins, Shearon 393,307
Wigton, Pat 376,293
Wilbanks, Nancy 411
Wilburn, Donnie 362,230,235
Wilder, Donald 362,311
Wilder, Jayne 376,297
Wilder, Rosemary 393
Wiley, Carson 403,285
Wiley, Jeff 183
Wiley, Sally 393
Wilkerson, Patricia 411
Wilkes, Linda 376,237
Wilkes, Mike 411
Wilkins, Charles 311
Wilkins, Mchael 339
Wilkins, Bill 311
Wilkinson, Mary 393
Willey, Jane 367
Williams, Ben 403,319,233
Williams, Betty 403
Williams, Carolyn 213
Williams, Charles 362
Williams, Ellen 251
Williams, Claud 367
Williams, Daniel 186
Williams, David 393,319
Williams, Deborah 403,279,237
Williams, Deborah 213,236
Williams, Dexter 403,272,321
Williams, Donna 376,275,218
Williams, Glenn 329
Williams, Harold 411
Williams, Harriet 403,299
Williams, Jacquelyn 376
Williams, James 233
Williams, Jenifer 199
Williams, Jennie 393
Williams, John 367
Williams, John 393
Williams, Joseph 403,337
Williams, Joe 403,273
Williams, Joe 393
Williams, Judy 393
Williams, Judith 379,237
Williams, Ann 403, 287
Williams, Louise 403,293
Williams, Lynn 393,285
Williams, Margaret 403,285
Williams, Marie 411
Williams, Martie 376,275
Williams, Mary 393,277
Williams, Pam 376
Williams, Paul 362,341
Williams, Peggy 376
Williams, Penny 251,256
Williams, Philip 250
Williams, Preston 367,343
Williams, Randy 232
Williams, Ray 232
Williams, Robbie 393,309
Williams, Robbie 209,215,219
Williams, Bob 411
Williams, Ronnie 243
Williams, Ruth 393
Williams, Sally 403,295,236
Williams, Steve 403, 328,329
Williams, Stephen 367,329
Williams, Stephen 192,367,339
Williams, Terri 376
Williams, Thomas 393
283 Williams, Todd 345
Williams, Tom 311
Williams, Virginia 403
Williams, Walter 393
Williams, Wendell 367,217
Williams, W. J. 315
Williams, William 367,317,347
Williamson, Bryant 403,339
Williamson, Craig 411
Williamson, Dale 393,287
Williamson, David 393,343
Williamson, Davis 411
Williamson, Donald 199,185
Williamson, Anne 367,307
Williamson, Greg 393,325
Wiilliamson, Jim 403
Williamson, Bob 411
Williamson, Jaon 403,246
Williamson, Pat 393
Williamson, Kathleen 411
Williamson, Kathy 411,251
Williamson, Miriam 403,297
Williamson, Robyn 393
Williamson, Susan 403
Williamson, W. 359
Williamson, W. J. 359
Williford, John 379
Willingham, Glenda 393
Willingham, Beau 372
Willingham, Becki 393,297
Willingham, Ronnie 403,355
Willis, Carolyn 378,307,236
Willis, Debbie 403
Willis, James 368,345
Willis, James 393
Willis, Ken 411,240
Willis, Nelson 319
Willis, Walter 393
Willoughby, Mike 219,222
Wills, Thomas 411,184
Wills, Walter 233
Willson, Thomas 393
Wilson, Alonzo 361
Wilson, Charles 335
Wilson, Charles 379
Wilson, Cheryl 403
Wilson, Dave 403
Wilson, Dwight 403
Wilson, Beth 411
Wilson, Coot 403,327
Wilson Gary 368,315
Wilson, Guy 368,243
Wilson, James 372,243
Wilson, James 393
Wilson, James 361
Wilson, Jim 403,355
Wilson, James 354
Wilson, John 362
Wilson, Judy 393
Wilson, Michael 393
Wilson, Tim 345
Wilson, R. W. 359,315
Wilson, Robin 393,277
Wilson, Smith 368,333
Wilson, Tom 333
Wimbish, Jane 403
Winfrey, Raymond 403
Wing, Steven 217
Wingate, R. W. 393
Wingate, R. 343
Wingfield, Burton 411
Winkenwerder, Carole 393,287
Winkler, Howard 253
Winkler, Janice 411
Winn, Edward 393,333,217
Winn, Jim 345
Winn, Judy 376
Winn, Nancy 393,307
Winn, Richard 368,331
Winn, W. M. 403,313
Winstead, Wayland 249
Wischhusen, Shelly 411
Wisdom, Chip 180
Wise, David 231
Wisebaker, Glen 240
Wisebram, Diane 393,302,303
Wisehart, Karen 258
Wishard, Sally 375,275
Witcher, Alice 376
Withers, Chris 372,321
Withers, Sheala 411
Withington, Susan 393
Withrow, Charles 403
Witteman, Bill 411
Wittliff, Celia 393,293
Wolak, William 249
Wolf, John 186,233
Wolf, Marcia 378
Wolff, Rhonda 393,303
Wolff, Marian 368,285
Wolff e, Roslyn 411
Wolter, Susan 403,251
Womack, Brenda 280
Womack, Jennifer 403
Womack, Ron 372,354,218
Wonderley, Rita 411
Wood, Linda 218
Wood, Alan 181
Wood, Andrew 359
Wood, Barbara 376,253
Wood, Betsy 411
Wood, Beverly 376
Wood, Bruce 343
Wood, Charles 243
Wood, Cheryl 359
Wood, Elaine 376
Wood, Gail 411
Wood, James 180
Wood, Jere 335
Wood, Johnny 393,232
Wood, Kaye 403
Wood, Nancy 376,293
Wood, Jeff 220
Wood, Ronnie 393
Wood, Lou 393,325
Wood, R. M. 393,329
Woodard, Joan 281
Woodard, Padgett 371
Wooddy, Deborah 411
Woodruff, James 403,331
Woodruff, Margaret 411
Woodruff, Missie 403,295
Woodruff, Pam 403
Woodruff, Richard 393,341
Woodrum, William 411,185
Woods, Bobby 253,256
Woods, John 393,343
Woods, Nealy 379,297
Woods, Robert 250
Woodson, Cliff, 393,339
Woodward, Joan 411
Woodward, Linda 368,237
Woody, Paul 372,313
Woolfolk, Bill 339
Wooten, Eddie 403
Wooten, Debra 411
Wooten, Joel 393,216,218,219, 223,224,239
Wooten, Pam 403,287,213,224
Wooten, Penny 394
Wootton, Robert 251
Worley, Carol 394,287
Worley, Frank 403,317
Worley, John 231,233
Worrell, Sheila 403
Worsham, Linda 403,251
Worthington, Joseph 368
Wotf, Marcia 295
Wren, Jennifer 411,293
Wright, Floyd 394
Wright, Gary 361
Wright, Jim 354
Wright, Karen 394,277
Wright, Mary 379
Wright, Mike 372,354, 215,216, 218, 219,220,
Wright, Randy 377,339
Wright, Rhonda 251
Wyatt, Jim 219, 220
Wyche, Guy 377,251
Wyche, Mary 411
Wyche, Merlin 403
Wyckoff, Jan 394
Wycoff, Jean 394
Wylie, William 394,321
Wynne, David 253
Wynne, John 361,341
Wynne, Luci 372,280,281
Wynne, Robert 403
Wyrick, Ed 394
Wysong, Fredrick 403
Yancey, Donna 394,299
Yancey, Kim 411
Yancy, Richard 394,333
Yarbrough, Mark 379,320,321
Yarbrough, Nancy 376,237
Yates, Cynthia 411
Yates, Danny 186,339
Yates, Danny 394
Yates, Gary 237
Yawn, Gwen 379,240,241
Yeargin, Mike 403
Yearty, Karen 251
Yoon, Hyuck 359
York, Beth 251,256
York, Hal 411
York, Pam 394
York, Tim 403,341
Youmans, Dickie 403
Young, Aria 372,293,238
Young, Carl 361
Young, Betty 394, 282,283,230
Young, Lynn 394
Young, Gerry 359
Young, James 212
Young, Joan 376
Young, John 411,341,251
Young, Rebecca 394,284,285
Young, Alvin 359
Young, Janie 376
Young, Nancy 394,277
Youngblood, Mike 253
Youngblood, Thomas 403,343
Younis, Bonnie 403,307
Zachry, John 245
Zamoscinski, John 184
Zibilich, Jeannine 403,281
Ziegenfuss, Karen 394,299
Ziegler, Ann 411,251
Ziering, Rdy 253
Ziglin, Alan 359
Zilko, Stephen 183
Zimmermann, Richard 249
Zorbands, Pete 411
Zubrown, Phread 359,209
Pam Avery
Needham Bateman
Joe Belew
Holly Bellinger
Barbara Bowen
Kyle Branan
Eddie Cheeks
Price Corr
Cader Cox
Debbie Diamond
Kenneth Duckworth
Nelson Garnett
Alice Garrard
Don Gilmore
Tom Hamby
Bob Hurley
Betty Johnson
Judy Langford
Becky Leet
Lee Lovvorn
Adrianne Massey
James Morgan
Jeff Muir
Tim Mundy
George Perdue
Frank Petroski
Rita Poetter
Andy Scherffius
Tony Smith
Steve Stewart
Terry Sullivan
Merry Tyler
Henry Wall
James Watrous
Norah Whallen
Mike Willoughby
Joel Wooten
Mike Wright
Richard Lindemann, Editor
Dan McClure, Photography
Clate Sanders, Photography
Delmar Printing Company, Publisher
Harrell Brooks, Publishing Representative
