Letter: [Marion, Alabama] to Callie [King, Athens, Georgia], 1853 Feb. 22

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Tuesday night Feby [February] 22nd
My dear Callie,
Though I am much fatigued, still I must honor this day by saying to my darling I love you -- Many thanks dearest for your sweet letter by Will, he did not envelope it in a note from himself as Joe did the one you sent by him, in fact I don't know where Will is or what he purposes doing -- I have not received a line from any one [anyone] at father's since I left there -- I presume they are all like myself, too busy to write -- I have not left home, except to visit W's [Walthall's] since I came home, nor do I expect to, till [until] I leave for the presence of the dearest and sweetest wife, my darling Callie -- precious how I do wish you were here this lonely night to cheer up and make glad the heart of your adoring husband -- my heart knows no want but your sweet presence, and wanting that all is wanting -- Sweet Callie, my dearest love, how I pine for the hour to arrive for my departure, would it were in the morning, this very moment were ever husband and wife so devotedly attached as we? My adored wife, don't become melancholy or desponding, cheer up for my sake, we shall soon be reunited and how happy, how blissful, the very anticipation throws me into a state of feverish excitement -- You my darling are the custodian of the future of a certain young gentleman, whom we both love -- Bless his soul, how is my boy?

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Col [Colonel] C. W. Lee spent the night with me last night, he was full of fun and anecdote -- how I did wish Callie were here to enjoy his humour [humor] -- he was "en route" for Marion Speaking of Lee, I fear the report of Henry C's returning to the bottle is too true -- Judge Graham told me 'twas [it was] a fact. Probably t'would [it would] be best not to mention it, however exercise your discretion about all things I write you -- Your husband has every confidence in your judgment -- Dennis ( Col Lee's partner) has at last accomplished the end of his highest [deleted text: ab] ambition, married a fortune -- isn't the old maxim verified? "A fool for luck" --
It rained very heavily last night, ground entirely too wet to plow -- I have spent most of the day on the big ditch with my ditchers -- I did'nt [didn't] get into the water -- see how I regard your advice -- Dear wife you are so thoughtful of your husband, don't you love the old fellow? Yestarday [Yesterday] ( Monday) I laid off about two miles of hill side ditches and should have laid off as many more to day [today] but for the rain last night -- I shall commence again in the morning, unless it rains -- I have an instrument of Mr Jno [?] Walthall's, which is the best I ever saw infinitely superior to my softer level -- a hundred times more expeditious, accurate and less fatiguing to the operator (myself) If I were not too poor I would certainly buy me a similar one -- but we live in hope of being rich some of these winter days -- But what is wealth? To night [Tonight], did I posess [possess] it

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[unclear text: freely would I give the gold of Australia for just one] kiss from my darling Callie -- When I commenced this I did not expect to write ten lines -- but in writing to sweet Callie, my pen like my thoughts knows, no limits -- Dear Callie good night write often to him who loves you better than life
Your devoted

[Signed] Porter
Wednes. [Wednesday] morn
All well wind in the north & pretty cold -- fair day -- Remember me kindly to all who care for me --
