Letter: [Athens, Georgia] to J[ospeh] H[enry] Lumpkin, Athens, Georgia, 1852 Oct. 1

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Many thanks to you, my Dear Brother, for the perusal of Sweet Callie's Sweet letter to her brother. It breathes the Spirit of Jesus -- loving, [unclear text: kindly] affectionate, Zealous, humble, prayerful, & truly Evangelical. Callie understands the plan of Salvation -- the [unclear text: imputed] righteousness of Jesus. I think She has passed from death into life, & that she will hold on her way till she arrives at home -- in that blessed world where the wicked cease from troubling & where the weary are at rest. Dear child, I do love her most ardently, & have long loved her more than she ever knew, or suspected. God bless her & her noble husband!

I will try to write her ere [before] long. I hope you are better.

Ever yours most Sincerely.
[Signed] N. Hoyt
Oct. 1st 1852.

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Hon. J. H. Lumpkin,
